Sample records for handwritten signature verification

  1. Age and gender-invariant features of handwritten signatures for verification systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    AbdAli, Sura; Putz-Leszczynska, Joanna


    Handwritten signature is one of the most natural biometrics, the study of human physiological and behavioral patterns. Behavioral biometrics includes signatures that may be different due to its owner gender or age because of intrinsic or extrinsic factors. This paper presents the results of the author's research on age and gender influence on verification factors. The experiments in this research were conducted using a database that contains signatures and their associated metadata. The used algorithm is based on the universal forgery feature idea, where the global classifier is able to classify a signature as a genuine one or, as a forgery, without the actual knowledge of the signature template and its owner. Additionally, the reduction of the dimensionality with the MRMR method is discussed.

  2. Classification and Verification of Handwritten Signatures with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers

    PubMed Central

    Ospina, Raydonal; Frery, Alejandro C.


    We present a new approach for handwritten signature classification and verification based on descriptors stemming from time causal information theory. The proposal uses the Shannon entropy, the statistical complexity, and the Fisher information evaluated over the Bandt and Pompe symbolization of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of signatures. These six features are easy and fast to compute, and they are the input to an One-Class Support Vector Machine classifier. The results are better than state-of-the-art online techniques that employ higher-dimensional feature spaces which often require specialized software and hardware. We assess the consistency of our proposal with respect to the size of the training sample, and we also use it to classify the signatures into meaningful groups. PMID:27907014

  3. Classification and Verification of Handwritten Signatures with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers.


    Rosso, Osvaldo A; Ospina, Raydonal; Frery, Alejandro C


    We present a new approach for handwritten signature classification and verification based on descriptors stemming from time causal information theory. The proposal uses the Shannon entropy, the statistical complexity, and the Fisher information evaluated over the Bandt and Pompe symbolization of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of signatures. These six features are easy and fast to compute, and they are the input to an One-Class Support Vector Machine classifier. The results are better than state-of-the-art online techniques that employ higher-dimensional feature spaces which often require specialized software and hardware. We assess the consistency of our proposal with respect to the size of the training sample, and we also use it to classify the signatures into meaningful groups.

  4. Modeling the Lexical Morphology of Western Handwritten Signatures

    PubMed Central

    Diaz-Cabrera, Moises; Ferrer, Miguel A.; Morales, Aythami


    A handwritten signature is the final response to a complex cognitive and neuromuscular process which is the result of the learning process. Because of the many factors involved in signing, it is possible to study the signature from many points of view: graphologists, forensic experts, neurologists and computer vision experts have all examined them. Researchers study written signatures for psychiatric, penal, health and automatic verification purposes. As a potentially useful, multi-purpose study, this paper is focused on the lexical morphology of handwritten signatures. This we understand to mean the identification, analysis, and description of the signature structures of a given signer. In this work we analyze different public datasets involving 1533 signers from different Western geographical areas. Some relevant characteristics of signature lexical morphology have been selected, examined in terms of their probability distribution functions and modeled through a General Extreme Value distribution. This study suggests some useful models for multi-disciplinary sciences which depend on handwriting signatures. PMID:25860942

  5. Signature Verification Based on Handwritten Text Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Viriri, Serestina; Tapamo, Jules-R.

    Signatures continue to be an important biometric trait because it remains widely used primarily for authenticating the identity of human beings. This paper presents an efficient text-based directional signature recognition algorithm which verifies signatures, even when they are composed of special unconstrained cursive characters which are superimposed and embellished. This algorithm extends the character-based signature verification technique. The experiments carried out on the GPDS signature database and an additional database created from signatures captured using the ePadInk tablet, show that the approach is effective and efficient, with a positive verification rate of 94.95%.

  6. Signature Verification Using N-tuple Learning Machine.


    Maneechot, Thanin; Kitjaidure, Yuttana


    This research presents new algorithm for signature verification using N-tuple learning machine. The features are taken from handwritten signature on Digital Tablet (On-line). This research develops recognition algorithm using four features extraction, namely horizontal and vertical pen tip position(x-y position), pen tip pressure, and pen altitude angles. Verification uses N-tuple technique with Gaussian thresholding.

  7. Discriminative Features Mining for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neamah, Karrar; Mohamad, Dzulkifli; Saba, Tanzila; Rehman, Amjad


    Signature verification is an active research area in the field of pattern recognition. It is employed to identify the particular person with the help of his/her signature's characteristics such as pen pressure, loops shape, speed of writing and up down motion of pen, writing speed, pen pressure, shape of loops, etc. in order to identify that person. However, in the entire process, features extraction and selection stage is of prime importance. Since several signatures have similar strokes, characteristics and sizes. Accordingly, this paper presents combination of orientation of the skeleton and gravity centre point to extract accurate pattern features of signature data in offline signature verification system. Promising results have proved the success of the integration of the two methods.

  8. Examining Authenticity: An Initial Exploration of the Suitability of Handwritten Electronic Signatures.


    Heckeroth, J; Boywitt, C D


    Considering the increasing relevance of handwritten electronically captured signatures, we evaluated the ability of forensic handwriting examiners (FHEs) to distinguish between authentic and simulated electronic signatures. Sixty-six professional FHEs examined the authenticity of electronic signatures captured with software by signotec on a smartphone Galaxy Note 4 by Samsung and signatures made with a ballpoint pen on paper (conventional signatures). In addition, we experimentally varied the name ("J. König" vs. "A. Zaiser") and the status (authentic vs. simulated) of the signatures in question. FHEs' conclusions about the authenticity did not show a statistically significant general difference between electronic and conventional signatures. Furthermore, no significant discrepancies between electronic and conventional signatures were found with regard to other important aspects of the authenticity examination such as questioned signatures' graphic information content, the suitability of the provided sample signatures, the necessity of further examinations and the levels of difficulty of the cases under examination. Thus, this study did not reveal any indications that electronic signatures captured with software by signotec on a Galaxy Note 4 are less well suited than conventional signatures for the examination of authenticity, precluding potential technical problems concerning the integrity of electronic signatures. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Glove-based approach to online signature verification.


    Kamel, Nidal S; Sayeed, Shohel; Ellis, Grant A


    Utilizing the multiple degrees of freedom offered by the data glove for each finger and the hand, a novel on-line signature verification system using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) numerical tool for signature classification and verification is presented. The proposed technique is based on the Singular Value Decomposition in finding r singular vectors sensing the maximal energy of glove data matrix A, called principal subspace, so the effective dimensionality of A can be reduced. Having modeled the data glove signature through its r-principal subspace, signature authentication is performed by finding the angles between the different subspaces. A demonstration of the data glove is presented as an effective high-bandwidth data entry device for signature verification. This SVD-based signature verification technique is tested and its performance is shown to be able to recognize forgery signatures with a false acceptance rate of less than 1.2%.

  10. Applications of a hologram watermarking protocol: aging-aware biometric signature verification and time validity check with personal documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vielhauer, Claus; Croce Ferri, Lucilla


    Our paper addresses two issues of a biometric authentication algorithm for ID cardholders previously presented namely the security of the embedded reference data and the aging process of the biometric data. We describe a protocol that allows two levels of verification, combining a biometric hash technique based on handwritten signature and hologram watermarks with cryptographic signatures in a verification infrastructure. This infrastructure consists of a Trusted Central Public Authority (TCPA), which serves numerous Enrollment Stations (ES) in a secure environment. Each individual performs an enrollment at an ES, which provides the TCPA with the full biometric reference data and a document hash. The TCPA then calculates the authentication record (AR) with the biometric hash, a validity timestamp, and a document hash provided by the ES. The AR is then signed with a cryptographic signature function, initialized with the TCPA's private key and embedded in the ID card as a watermark. Authentication is performed at Verification Stations (VS), where the ID card will be scanned and the signed AR is retrieved from the watermark. Due to the timestamp mechanism and a two level biometric verification technique based on offline and online features, the AR can deal with the aging process of the biometric feature by forcing a re-enrollment of the user after expiry, making use of the ES infrastructure. We describe some attack scenarios and we illustrate the watermarking embedding, retrieval and dispute protocols, analyzing their requisites, advantages and disadvantages in relation to security requirements.

  11. Research on Signature Verification Method Based on Discrete Fréchet Distance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fang, J. L.; Wu, W.


    This paper proposes a multi-feature signature template based on discrete Fréchet distance, which breaks through the limitation of traditional signature authentication using a single signature feature. It solves the online handwritten signature authentication signature global feature template extraction calculation workload, signature feature selection unreasonable problem. In this experiment, the false recognition rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) of the statistical signature are calculated and the average equal error rate (AEER) is calculated. The feasibility of the combined template scheme is verified by comparing the average equal error rate of the combination template and the original template.

  12. Transcript mapping for handwritten English documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jose, Damien; Bharadwaj, Anurag; Govindaraju, Venu


    Transcript mapping or text alignment with handwritten documents is the automatic alignment of words in a text file with word images in a handwritten document. Such a mapping has several applications in fields ranging from machine learning where large quantities of truth data are required for evaluating handwriting recognition algorithms, to data mining where word image indexes are used in ranked retrieval of scanned documents in a digital library. The alignment also aids "writer identity" verification algorithms. Interfaces which display scanned handwritten documents may use this alignment to highlight manuscript tokens when a person examines the corresponding transcript word. We propose an adaptation of the True DTW dynamic programming algorithm for English handwritten documents. The integration of the dissimilarity scores from a word-model word recognizer and Levenshtein distance between the recognized word and lexicon word, as a cost metric in the DTW algorithm leading to a fast and accurate alignment, is our primary contribution. Results provided, confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

  13. Offline signature verification using convolution Siamese network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xing, Zi-Jian; Yin, Fei; Wu, Yi-Chao; Liu, Cheng-Lin


    This paper presents an offline signature verification approach using convolutional Siamese neural network. Unlike the existing methods which consider feature extraction and metric learning as two independent stages, we adopt a deepleaning based framework which combines the two stages together and can be trained end-to-end. The experimental results on two offline public databases (GPDSsynthetic and CEDAR) demonstrate the superiority of our method on the offline signature verification problem.

  14. Input apparatus for dynamic signature verification systems


    EerNisse, Errol P.; Land, Cecil E.; Snelling, Jay B.


    The disclosure relates to signature verification input apparatus comprising a writing instrument and platen containing piezoelectric transducers which generate signals in response to writing pressures.

  15. Offline Signature Verification Using the Discrete Radon Transform and a Hidden Markov Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coetzer, J.; Herbst, B. M.; du Preez, J. A.


    We developed a system that automatically authenticates offline handwritten signatures using the discrete Radon transform (DRT) and a hidden Markov model (HMM). Given the robustness of our algorithm and the fact that only global features are considered, satisfactory results are obtained. Using a database of 924 signatures from 22 writers, our system achieves an equal error rate (EER) of 18% when only high-quality forgeries (skilled forgeries) are considered and an EER of 4.5% in the case of only casual forgeries. These signatures were originally captured offline. Using another database of 4800 signatures from 51 writers, our system achieves an EER of 12.2% when only skilled forgeries are considered. These signatures were originally captured online and then digitally converted into static signature images. These results compare well with the results of other algorithms that consider only global features.

  16. FIR signature verification system characterizing dynamics of handwriting features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thumwarin, Pitak; Pernwong, Jitawat; Matsuura, Takenobu


    This paper proposes an online signature verification method based on the finite impulse response (FIR) system characterizing time-frequency characteristics of dynamic handwriting features. First, the barycenter determined from both the center point of signature and two adjacent pen-point positions in the signing process, instead of one pen-point position, is used to reduce the fluctuation of handwriting motion. In this paper, among the available dynamic handwriting features, motion pressure and area pressure are employed to investigate handwriting behavior. Thus, the stable dynamic handwriting features can be described by the relation of the time-frequency characteristics of the dynamic handwriting features. In this study, the aforesaid relation can be represented by the FIR system with the wavelet coefficients of the dynamic handwriting features as both input and output of the system. The impulse response of the FIR system is used as the individual feature for a particular signature. In short, the signature can be verified by evaluating the difference between the impulse responses of the FIR systems for a reference signature and the signature to be verified. The signature verification experiments in this paper were conducted using the SUBCORPUS MCYT-100 signature database consisting of 5,000 signatures from 100 signers. The proposed method yielded equal error rate (EER) of 3.21% on skilled forgeries.

  17. 37 CFR 1.4 - Nature of correspondence and signature requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ..., that is, have an original handwritten signature personally signed, in permanent dark ink or its... EFS-Web customization. (e) The following correspondence must be submitted with an original handwritten signature personally signed in permanent dark ink or its equivalent: (1) Correspondence requiring a person's...

  18. 21 CFR 11.70 - Signature/record linking.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signature/record linking. 11.70 Section 11.70 Food... RECORDS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Electronic Records § 11.70 Signature/record linking. Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records shall be linked to their respective...

  19. Group discriminatory power of handwritten characters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tomai, Catalin I.; Kshirsagar, Devika M.; Srihari, Sargur N.


    Using handwritten characters we address two questions (i) what is the group identification performance of different alphabets (upper and lower case) and (ii) what are the best characters for the verification task (same writer/different writer discrimination) knowing demographic information about the writer such as ethnicity, age or sex. The Bhattacharya distance is used to rank different characters by their group discriminatory power and the k-nn classifier to measure the individual performance of characters for group identification. Given the tasks of identifying the correct gender/age/ethnicity or handedness, the accumulated performance of characters varies between 65% and 85%.

  20. Automatic extraction of numeric strings in unconstrained handwritten document images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haji, M. Mehdi; Bui, Tien D.; Suen, Ching Y.


    Numeric strings such as identification numbers carry vital pieces of information in documents. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for automatic extraction of numeric strings in unconstrained handwritten document images. The algorithm has two main phases: pruning and verification. In the pruning phase, the algorithm first performs a new segment-merge procedure on each text line, and then using a new regularity measure, it prunes all sequences of characters that are unlikely to be numeric strings. The segment-merge procedure is composed of two modules: a new explicit character segmentation algorithm which is based on analysis of skeletal graphs and a merging algorithm which is based on graph partitioning. All the candidate sequences that pass the pruning phase are sent to a recognition-based verification phase for the final decision. The recognition is based on a coarse-to-fine approach using probabilistic RBF networks. We developed our algorithm for the processing of real-world documents where letters and digits may be connected or broken in a document. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown by extensive experiments done on a real-world database of 607 documents which contains handwritten, machine-printed and mixed documents with different types of layouts and levels of noise.

  1. 75 FR 42575 - Electronic Signature and Storage of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Electronic Signature and Storage of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification AGENCY: U.S. Immigration... published an interim final rule to permit electronic signature and storage of the Form I-9. 71 FR 34510..., or a combination of paper and electronic systems; Employers may change electronic storage systems as...

  2. Signature detection and matching for document image retrieval.


    Zhu, Guangyu; Zheng, Yefeng; Doermann, David; Jaeger, Stefan


    As one of the most pervasive methods of individual identification and document authentication, signatures present convincing evidence and provide an important form of indexing for effective document image processing and retrieval in a broad range of applications. However, detection and segmentation of free-form objects such as signatures from clustered background is currently an open document analysis problem. In this paper, we focus on two fundamental problems in signature-based document image retrieval. First, we propose a novel multiscale approach to jointly detecting and segmenting signatures from document images. Rather than focusing on local features that typically have large variations, our approach captures the structural saliency using a signature production model and computes the dynamic curvature of 2D contour fragments over multiple scales. This detection framework is general and computationally tractable. Second, we treat the problem of signature retrieval in the unconstrained setting of translation, scale, and rotation invariant nonrigid shape matching. We propose two novel measures of shape dissimilarity based on anisotropic scaling and registration residual error and present a supervised learning framework for combining complementary shape information from different dissimilarity metrics using LDA. We quantitatively study state-of-the-art shape representations, shape matching algorithms, measures of dissimilarity, and the use of multiple instances as query in document image retrieval. We further demonstrate our matching techniques in offline signature verification. Extensive experiments using large real-world collections of English and Arabic machine-printed and handwritten documents demonstrate the excellent performance of our approaches.

  3. Analysis of an Indirect Neutron Signature for Enhanced UF6 Cylinder Verification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kulisek, Jonathan A.; McDonald, Benjamin S.; Smith, Leon E.


    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) currently uses handheld gamma-ray spectrometers combined with ultrasonic wall-thickness gauges to verify the declared enrichment of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) cylinders. The current method provides relatively low accuracy for the assay of 235U enrichment, especially for natural and depleted UF6. Furthermore, the current method provides no capability to assay the absolute mass of 235U in the cylinder due to the localized instrument geometry and limited penetration of the 186-keV gamma-ray signature from 235U. Also, the current verification process is a time-consuming component of on-site inspections at uranium enrichment plants. Toward the goal of a more-capablemore » cylinder assay method, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed the hybrid enrichment verification array (HEVA). HEVA measures both the traditional 186-keV direct signature and a non-traditional, high-energy neutron-induced signature (HEVANT). HEVANT enables full-volume assay of UF6 cylinders by exploiting the relatively larger mean free paths of the neutrons emitted from the UF6. In this work, Monte Carlo modeling is used as the basis for characterizing HEVANT in terms of the individual contributions to HEVANT from nuclides and hardware components. Monte Carlo modeling is also used to quantify the intrinsic efficiency of HEVA for neutron detection in a cylinder-assay geometry. Modeling predictions are validated against neutron-induced gamma-ray spectra from laboratory measurements and a relatively large population of Type 30B cylinders spanning a range of enrichments. Implications of the analysis and findings on the viability of HEVA for cylinder verification are discussed, such as the resistance of the HEVANT signature to manipulation by the nearby placement of neutron-conversion materials.« less

  4. Eye movements when reading sentences with handwritten words.


    Perea, Manuel; Marcet, Ana; Uixera, Beatriz; Vergara-Martínez, Marta


    The examination of how we read handwritten words (i.e., the original form of writing) has typically been disregarded in the literature on reading. Previous research using word recognition tasks has shown that lexical effects (e.g., the word-frequency effect) are magnified when reading difficult handwritten words. To examine this issue in a more ecological scenario, we registered the participants' eye movements when reading handwritten sentences that varied in the degree of legibility (i.e., sentences composed of words in easy vs. difficult handwritten style). For comparison purposes, we included a condition with printed sentences. Results showed a larger reading cost for sentences with difficult handwritten words than for sentences with easy handwritten words, which in turn showed a reading cost relative to the sentences with printed words. Critically, the effect of word frequency was greater for difficult handwritten words than for easy handwritten words or printed words in the total times on a target word, but not on first-fixation durations or gaze durations. We examine the implications of these findings for models of eye movement control in reading.

  5. Handwritten text line segmentation by spectral clustering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, Xuecheng; Yao, Hui; Zhong, Guoqiang


    Since handwritten text lines are generally skewed and not obviously separated, text line segmentation of handwritten document images is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel text line segmentation algorithm based on the spectral clustering. Given a handwritten document image, we convert it to a binary image first, and then compute the adjacent matrix of the pixel points. We apply spectral clustering on this similarity metric and use the orthogonal kmeans clustering algorithm to group the text lines. Experiments on Chinese handwritten documents database (HIT-MW) demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  6. Handwritten digits recognition based on immune network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Yangyang; Wu, Yunhui; Jiao, Lc; Wu, Jianshe


    With the development of society, handwritten digits recognition technique has been widely applied to production and daily life. It is a very difficult task to solve these problems in the field of pattern recognition. In this paper, a new method is presented for handwritten digit recognition. The digit samples firstly are processed and features extraction. Based on these features, a novel immune network classification algorithm is designed and implemented to the handwritten digits recognition. The proposed algorithm is developed by Jerne's immune network model for feature selection and KNN method for classification. Its characteristic is the novel network with parallel commutating and learning. The performance of the proposed method is experimented to the handwritten number datasets MNIST and compared with some other recognition algorithms-KNN, ANN and SVM algorithm. The result shows that the novel classification algorithm based on immune network gives promising performance and stable behavior for handwritten digits recognition.

  7. Do handwritten words magnify lexical effects in visual word recognition?


    Perea, Manuel; Gil-López, Cristina; Beléndez, Victoria; Carreiras, Manuel


    An examination of how the word recognition system is able to process handwritten words is fundamental to formulate a comprehensive model of visual word recognition. Previous research has revealed that the magnitude of lexical effects (e.g., the word-frequency effect) is greater with handwritten words than with printed words. In the present lexical decision experiments, we examined whether the quality of handwritten words moderates the recruitment of top-down feedback, as reflected in word-frequency effects. Results showed a reading cost for difficult-to-read and easy-to-read handwritten words relative to printed words. But the critical finding was that difficult-to-read handwritten words, but not easy-to-read handwritten words, showed a greater word-frequency effect than printed words. Therefore, the inherent physical variability of handwritten words does not necessarily boost the magnitude of lexical effects.

  8. Velocity-image model for online signature verification.


    Khan, Mohammad A U; Niazi, Muhammad Khalid Khan; Khan, Muhammad Aurangzeb


    In general, online signature capturing devices provide outputs in the form of shape and velocity signals. In the past, strokes have been extracted while tracking velocity signal minimas. However, the resulting strokes are larger and complicated in shape and thus make the subsequent job of generating a discriminative template difficult. We propose a new stroke-based algorithm that splits velocity signal into various bands. Based on these bands, strokes are extracted which are smaller and more simpler in nature. Training of our proposed system revealed that low- and high-velocity bands of the signal are unstable, whereas the medium-velocity band can be used for discrimination purposes. Euclidean distances of strokes extracted on the basis of medium velocity band are used for verification purpose. The experiments conducted show improvement in discriminative capability of the proposed stroke-based system.

  9. Hemispheric Differences in Processing Handwritten Cursive

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hellige, Joseph B.; Adamson, Maheen M.


    Hemispheric asymmetry was examined for native English speakers identifying consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) non-words presented in standard printed form, in standard handwritten cursive form or in handwritten cursive with the letters separated by small gaps. For all three conditions, fewer errors occurred when stimuli were presented to the right…

  10. Assessment of legibility and completeness of handwritten and electronic prescriptions.


    Albarrak, Ahmed I; Al Rashidi, Eman Abdulrahman; Fatani, Rwaa Kamil; Al Ageel, Shoog Ibrahim; Mohammed, Rafiuddin


    To assess the legibility and completeness of handwritten prescriptions and compare with electronic prescription system for medication errors. Prospective study. King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Handwritten prescriptions were received from clinical units of Medicine Outpatient Department (MOPD), Primary Care Clinic (PCC) and Surgery Outpatient Department (SOPD) whereas electronic prescriptions were collected from the pediatric ward. The handwritten prescription was assessed for completeness by the checklist designed according to the hospital prescription and evaluated for legibility by two pharmacists. The comparison between handwritten and electronic prescription errors was evaluated based on the validated checklist adopted from previous studies. Legibility and completeness of prescriptions. 398 prescriptions (199 handwritten and 199 e-prescriptions) were assessed. About 71 (35.7%) of handwritten and 5 (2.5%) of electronic prescription errors were identified. A significant statistical difference (P < 0.001) was observed between handwritten and e-prescriptions in omitted dose and omitted route of administration category of error distribution. The rate of completeness in patient identification in handwritten prescriptions was 80.97% in MOPD, 76.36% in PCC and 85.93% in SOPD clinic units. Assessment of medication prescription completeness was 91.48% in MOPD, 88.48% in PCC, and 89.28% in SOPD. This study revealed a high incidence of prescribing errors in handwritten prescriptions. The use of e-prescription system showed a significant decline in the incidence of errors. The legibility of handwritten prescriptions was relatively good whereas the level of completeness was very low.

  11. Assessment of legibility and completeness of handwritten and electronic prescriptions

    PubMed Central

    Albarrak, Ahmed I; Al Rashidi, Eman Abdulrahman; Fatani, Rwaa Kamil; Al Ageel, Shoog Ibrahim; Mohammed, Rafiuddin


    Objectives To assess the legibility and completeness of handwritten prescriptions and compare with electronic prescription system for medication errors. Design Prospective study. Setting King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Subjects and methods Handwritten prescriptions were received from clinical units of Medicine Outpatient Department (MOPD), Primary Care Clinic (PCC) and Surgery Outpatient Department (SOPD) whereas electronic prescriptions were collected from the pediatric ward. The handwritten prescription was assessed for completeness by the checklist designed according to the hospital prescription and evaluated for legibility by two pharmacists. The comparison between handwritten and electronic prescription errors was evaluated based on the validated checklist adopted from previous studies. Main outcome measures Legibility and completeness of prescriptions. Results 398 prescriptions (199 handwritten and 199 e-prescriptions) were assessed. About 71 (35.7%) of handwritten and 5 (2.5%) of electronic prescription errors were identified. A significant statistical difference (P < 0.001) was observed between handwritten and e-prescriptions in omitted dose and omitted route of administration category of error distribution. The rate of completeness in patient identification in handwritten prescriptions was 80.97% in MOPD, 76.36% in PCC and 85.93% in SOPD clinic units. Assessment of medication prescription completeness was 91.48% in MOPD, 88.48% in PCC, and 89.28% in SOPD. Conclusions This study revealed a high incidence of prescribing errors in handwritten prescriptions. The use of e-prescription system showed a significant decline in the incidence of errors. The legibility of handwritten prescriptions was relatively good whereas the level of completeness was very low. PMID:25561864

  12. Text-image alignment for historical handwritten documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zinger, S.; Nerbonne, J.; Schomaker, L.


    We describe our work on text-image alignment in context of building a historical document retrieval system. We aim at aligning images of words in handwritten lines with their text transcriptions. The images of handwritten lines are automatically segmented from the scanned pages of historical documents and then manually transcribed. To train automatic routines to detect words in an image of handwritten text, we need a training set - images of words with their transcriptions. We present our results on aligning words from the images of handwritten lines and their corresponding text transcriptions. Alignment based on the longest spaces between portions of handwriting is a baseline. We then show that relative lengths, i.e. proportions of words in their lines, can be used to improve the alignment results considerably. To take into account the relative word length, we define the expressions for the cost function that has to be minimized for aligning text words with their images. We apply right to left alignment as well as alignment based on exhaustive search. The quality assessment of these alignments shows correct results for 69% of words from 100 lines, or 90% of partially correct and correct alignments combined.

  13. SecurePhone: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ricci, R.; Chollet, G.; Crispino, M. V.; Jassim, S.; Koreman, J.; Olivar-Dimas, M.; Garcia-Salicetti, S.; Soria-Rodriguez, P.


    This article presents an overview of the SecurePhone project, with an account of the first results obtained. SecurePhone's primary aim is to realise a mobile phone prototype - the 'SecurePhone' - in which biometrical authentication enables users to deal secure, dependable transactions over a mobile network. The SecurePhone is based on a commercial PDA-phone, supplemented with specific software modules and a customised SIM card. It integrates in a single environment a number of advanced features: access to cryptographic keys through strong multimodal biometric authentication; appending and verification of digital signatures; real-time exchange and interactive modification of (esigned) documents and voice recordings. SecurePhone's 'biometric recogniser' is based on original research. A fused combination of three different biometric methods - speaker, face and handwritten signature verification - is exploited, with no need for dedicated hardware components. The adoption of non-intrusive, psychologically neutral biometric techniques is expected to mitigate rejection problems that often inhibit the social use of biometrics, and speed up the spread of e-signature technology. Successful biometric authentication grants access to SecurePhone's built-in esignature services through a user-friendly interface. Special emphasis is accorded to the definition of a trustworthy security chain model covering all aspects of system operation. The SecurePhone is expected to boost m-commerce and open new scenarios for m-business and m-work, by changing the way people interact and by improving trust and confidence in information technologies, often considered intimidating and difficult to use. Exploitation plans will also explore other application domains (physical and logical access control, securised mobile communications).

  14. Towards a Bayesian evaluation of features in questioned handwritten signatures.


    Gaborini, Lorenzo; Biedermann, Alex; Taroni, Franco


    In this work, we propose the construction of a evaluative framework for supporting experts in questioned signature examinations. Through the use of Bayesian networks, we envision to quantify the probative value of well defined measurements performed on questioned signatures, in a way that is both formalised and part of a coherent approach to evaluation. At the current stage, our project is explorative, focusing on the broad range of aspects that relate to comparative signature examinations. The goal is to identify writing features which are both highly discriminant, and easy for forensic examiners to detect. We also seek for a balance between case-specific features and characteristics which can be measured in the vast majority of signatures. Care is also taken at preserving the interpretability at every step of the reasoning process. This paves the way for future work, which will aim at merging the different contributions to a single probabilistic measure of strength of evidence using Bayesian networks. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. On the usability and security of pseudo-signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Jin; Lopresti, Daniel


    Handwriting has been proposed as a possible biometric for a number of years. However, recent work has shown that handwritten passphrases are vulnerable to both human-based and machine-based forgeries. Pseudosignatures as an alternative are designed to thwart such attacks while still being easy for users to create, remember, and reproduce. In this paper, we briefly review the concept of pseudo-signatures, then describe an evaluation framework that considers aspects of both usability and security. We present results from preliminary experiments that examine user choice in creating pseudo-signatures and discuss the implications when sketching is used for generating cryptographic keys.

  16. Font generation of personal handwritten Chinese characters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Jeng-Wei; Wang, Chih-Yin; Ting, Chao-Lung; Chang, Ray-I.


    Today, digital multimedia messages have drawn more and more attention due to the great achievement of computer and network techniques. Nevertheless, text is still the most popular media for people to communicate with others. Many fonts have been developed so that product designers can choose unique fonts to demonstrate their idea gracefully. It is commonly believed that handwritings can reflect one's personality, emotion, feeling, education level, and so on. This is especially true in Chinese calligraphy. However, it is not easy for ordinary users to customize a font of their personal handwritings. In this study, we performed a process reengineering in font generation. We present a new method to create font in a batch mode. Rather than to create glyphs of characters one by one according to their codepoints, people create glyphs incrementally in an on-demand manner. A Java Implementation is developed to read a document image of user handwritten Chinese characters, and make a vector font of these handwritten Chinese characters. Preliminary experiment result shows that the proposed method can help ordinary users create their personal handwritten fonts easily and quickly.

  17. Handwritten recognition of Tamil vowels using deep learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ram Prashanth, N.; Siddarth, B.; Ganesh, Anirudh; Naveen Kumar, Vaegae


    We come across a large volume of handwritten texts in our daily lives and handwritten character recognition has long been an important area of research in pattern recognition. The complexity of the task varies among different languages and it so happens largely due to the similarity between characters, distinct shapes and number of characters which are all language-specific properties. There have been numerous works on character recognition of English alphabets and with laudable success, but regional languages have not been dealt with very frequently and with similar accuracies. In this paper, we explored the performance of Deep Belief Networks in the classification of Handwritten Tamil vowels, and conclusively compared the results obtained. The proposed method has shown satisfactory recognition accuracy in light of difficulties faced with regional languages such as similarity between characters and minute nuances that differentiate them. We can further extend this to all the Tamil characters.

  18. Interactive-predictive detection of handwritten text blocks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramos Terrades, O.; Serrano, N.; Gordó, A.; Valveny, E.; Juan, A.


    A method for text block detection is introduced for old handwritten documents. The proposed method takes advantage of sequential book structure, taking into account layout information from pages previously transcribed. This glance at the past is used to predict the position of text blocks in the current page with the help of conventional layout analysis methods. The method is integrated into the GIDOC prototype: a first attempt to provide integrated support for interactive-predictive page layout analysis, text line detection and handwritten text transcription. Results are given in a transcription task on a 764-page Spanish manuscript from 1891.

  19. Handwritten Word Recognition Using Multi-view Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Oliveira, J. J.; de A. Freitas, C. O.; de Carvalho, J. M.; Sabourin, R.

    This paper brings a contribution to the problem of efficiently recognizing handwritten words from a limited size lexicon. For that, a multiple classifier system has been developed that analyzes the words from three different approximation levels, in order to get a computational approach inspired on the human reading process. For each approximation level a three-module architecture composed of a zoning mechanism (pseudo-segmenter), a feature extractor and a classifier is defined. The proposed application is the recognition of the Portuguese handwritten names of the months, for which a best recognition rate of 97.7% was obtained, using classifier combination.

  20. What differs in visual recognition of handwritten vs. printed letters? An fMRI study.


    Longcamp, Marieke; Hlushchuk, Yevhen; Hari, Riitta


    In models of letter recognition, handwritten letters are considered as a particular font exemplar, not qualitatively different in their processing from printed letters. Yet, some data suggest that recognizing handwritten letters might rely on distinct processes, possibly related to motor knowledge. We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare the neural correlates of perceiving handwritten letters vs. standard printed letters. Statistical analysis circumscribed to frontal brain regions involved in hand-movement triggering and execution showed that processing of handwritten letters is supported by a stronger activation of the left primary motor cortex and the supplementary motor area. At the whole-brain level, additional differences between handwritten and printed letters were observed in the right superior frontal, middle occipital, and parahippocampal gyri, and in the left inferior precentral and the fusiform gyri. The results are suggested to indicate embodiment of the visual perception of handwritten letters. Copyright © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  1. Spotting words in handwritten Arabic documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Srihari, Sargur; Srinivasan, Harish; Babu, Pavithra; Bhole, Chetan


    The design and performance of a system for spotting handwritten Arabic words in scanned document images is presented. Three main components of the system are a word segmenter, a shape based matcher for words and a search interface. The user types in a query in English within a search window, the system finds the equivalent Arabic word, e.g., by dictionary look-up, locates word images in an indexed (segmented) set of documents. A two-step approach is employed in performing the search: (1) prototype selection: the query is used to obtain a set of handwritten samples of that word from a known set of writers (these are the prototypes), and (2) word matching: the prototypes are used to spot each occurrence of those words in the indexed document database. A ranking is performed on the entire set of test word images-- where the ranking criterion is a similarity score between each prototype word and the candidate words based on global word shape features. A database of 20,000 word images contained in 100 scanned handwritten Arabic documents written by 10 different writers was used to study retrieval performance. Using five writers for providing prototypes and the other five for testing, using manually segmented documents, 55% precision is obtained at 50% recall. Performance increases as more writers are used for training.

  2. New efficient algorithm for recognizing handwritten Hindi digits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El-Sonbaty, Yasser; Ismail, Mohammed A.; Karoui, Kamal


    In this paper a new algorithm for recognizing handwritten Hindi digits is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on using the topological characteristics combined with statistical properties of the given digits in order to extract a set of features that can be used in the process of digit classification. 10,000 handwritten digits are used in the experimental results. 1100 digits are used for training and another 5500 unseen digits are used for testing. The recognition rate has reached 97.56%, a substitution rate of 1.822%, and a rejection rate of 0.618%.

  3. Sunspot drawings handwritten character recognition method based on deep learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Sheng; Zeng, Xiangyun; Lin, Ganghua; Zhao, Cui; Feng, Yongli; Tao, Jinping; Zhu, Daoyuan; Xiong, Li


    High accuracy scanned sunspot drawings handwritten characters recognition is an issue of critical importance to analyze sunspots movement and store them in the database. This paper presents a robust deep learning method for scanned sunspot drawings handwritten characters recognition. The convolution neural network (CNN) is one algorithm of deep learning which is truly successful in training of multi-layer network structure. CNN is used to train recognition model of handwritten character images which are extracted from the original sunspot drawings. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method on sunspot drawings provided by Chinese Academy Yunnan Observatory and obtain the daily full-disc sunspot numbers and sunspot areas from the sunspot drawings. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a high recognition accurate rate.

  4. An adaptive deep Q-learning strategy for handwritten digit recognition.


    Qiao, Junfei; Wang, Gongming; Li, Wenjing; Chen, Min


    Handwritten digits recognition is a challenging problem in recent years. Although many deep learning-based classification algorithms are studied for handwritten digits recognition, the recognition accuracy and running time still need to be further improved. In this paper, an adaptive deep Q-learning strategy is proposed to improve accuracy and shorten running time for handwritten digit recognition. The adaptive deep Q-learning strategy combines the feature-extracting capability of deep learning and the decision-making of reinforcement learning to form an adaptive Q-learning deep belief network (Q-ADBN). First, Q-ADBN extracts the features of original images using an adaptive deep auto-encoder (ADAE), and the extracted features are considered as the current states of Q-learning algorithm. Second, Q-ADBN receives Q-function (reward signal) during recognition of the current states, and the final handwritten digits recognition is implemented by maximizing the Q-function using Q-learning algorithm. Finally, experimental results from the well-known MNIST dataset show that the proposed Q-ADBN has a superiority to other similar methods in terms of accuracy and running time. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. A paper form processing system with an error correcting function for reading handwritten Kanji strings

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Katsumi Marukawa; Kazuki Nakashima; Masashi Koga


    This paper presents a paper form processing system with an error correcting function for reading handwritten kanji strings. In the paper form processing system, names and addresses are important key data, and especially this paper takes up an error correcting method for name and address recognition. The method automatically corrects errors of the kanji OCR (Optical Character Reader) with the help of word dictionaries and other knowledge. Moreover, it allows names and addresses to be written in any style. The method consists of word matching {open_quotes}furigana{close_quotes} verification for name strings, and address approval for address strings. For word matching, kanjimore » name candidates are extracted by automaton-type word matching. In {open_quotes}furigana{close_quotes} verification, kana candidate characters recognized by the kana OCR are compared with kana`s searched from the name dictionary based on kanji name candidates, given by the word matching. The correct name is selected from the results of word matching and furigana verification. Also, the address approval efficiently searches for the right address based on a bottom-up procedure which follows hierarchical relations from a lower placename to a upper one by using the positional condition among the placenames. We ascertained that the error correcting method substantially improves the recognition rate and processing speed in experiments on 5,032 forms.« less

  6. Handwritten document age classification based on handwriting styles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramaiah, Chetan; Kumar, Gaurav; Govindaraju, Venu


    Handwriting styles are constantly changing over time. We approach the novel problem of estimating the approximate age of Historical Handwritten Documents using Handwriting styles. This system will have many applications in handwritten document processing engines where specialized processing techniques can be applied based on the estimated age of the document. We propose to learn a distribution over styles across centuries using Topic Models and to apply a classifier over weights learned in order to estimate the approximate age of the documents. We present a comparison of different distance metrics such as Euclidean Distance and Hellinger Distance within this application.

  7. Simulation Detection in Handwritten Documents by Forensic Document Examiners.


    Kam, Moshe; Abichandani, Pramod; Hewett, Tom


    This study documents the results of a controlled experiment designed to quantify the abilities of forensic document examiners (FDEs) and laypersons to detect simulations in handwritten documents. Nineteen professional FDEs and 26 laypersons (typical of a jury pool) were asked to inspect test packages that contained six (6) known handwritten documents written by the same person and two (2) questioned handwritten documents. Each questioned document was either written by the person who wrote the known documents, or written by a different person who tried to simulate the writing of the person who wrote the known document. The error rates of the FDEs were smaller than those of the laypersons when detecting simulations in the questioned documents. Among other findings, the FDEs never labeled a questioned document that was written by the same person who wrote the known documents as "simulation." There was a significant statistical difference between the responses of the FDEs and layperson for documents without simulations. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  8. Recognition of Similar Shaped Handwritten Marathi Characters Using Artificial Neural Network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jane, Archana P.; Pund, Mukesh A.


    The growing need have handwritten Marathi character recognition in Indian offices such as passport, railways etc has made it vital area of a research. Similar shape characters are more prone to misclassification. In this paper a novel method is provided to recognize handwritten Marathi characters based on their features extraction and adaptive smoothing technique. Feature selections methods avoid unnecessary patterns in an image whereas adaptive smoothing technique form smooth shape of charecters.Combination of both these approaches leads to the better results. Previous study shows that, no one technique achieves 100% accuracy in handwritten character recognition area. This approach of combining both adaptive smoothing & feature extraction gives better results (approximately 75-100) and expected outcomes.

  9. AdaBoost-based on-line signature verifier

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hongo, Yasunori; Muramatsu, Daigo; Matsumoto, Takashi


    Authentication of individuals is rapidly becoming an important issue. The authors previously proposed a Pen-input online signature verification algorithm. The algorithm considers a writer"s signature as a trajectory of pen position, pen pressure, pen azimuth, and pen altitude that evolve over time, so that it is dynamic and biometric. Many algorithms have been proposed and reported to achieve accuracy for on-line signature verification, but setting the threshold value for these algorithms is a problem. In this paper, we introduce a user-generic model generated by AdaBoost, which resolves this problem. When user- specific models (one model for each user) are used for signature verification problems, we need to generate the models using only genuine signatures. Forged signatures are not available because imposters do not give forged signatures for training in advance. However, we can make use of another's forged signature in addition to the genuine signatures for learning by introducing a user generic model. And Adaboost is a well-known classification algorithm, making final decisions depending on the sign of the output value. Therefore, it is not necessary to set the threshold value. A preliminary experiment is performed on a database consisting of data from 50 individuals. This set consists of western-alphabet-based signatures provide by a European research group. In this experiment, our algorithm gives an FRR of 1.88% and an FAR of 1.60%. Since no fine-tuning was done, this preliminary result looks very promising.

  10. Handwritten numeral databases of Indian scripts and multistage recognition of mixed numerals.


    Bhattacharya, Ujjwal; Chaudhuri, B B


    This article primarily concerns the problem of isolated handwritten numeral recognition of major Indian scripts. The principal contributions presented here are (a) pioneering development of two databases for handwritten numerals of two most popular Indian scripts, (b) a multistage cascaded recognition scheme using wavelet based multiresolution representations and multilayer perceptron classifiers and (c) application of (b) for the recognition of mixed handwritten numerals of three Indian scripts Devanagari, Bangla and English. The present databases include respectively 22,556 and 23,392 handwritten isolated numeral samples of Devanagari and Bangla collected from real-life situations and these can be made available free of cost to researchers of other academic Institutions. In the proposed scheme, a numeral is subjected to three multilayer perceptron classifiers corresponding to three coarse-to-fine resolution levels in a cascaded manner. If rejection occurred even at the highest resolution, another multilayer perceptron is used as the final attempt to recognize the input numeral by combining the outputs of three classifiers of the previous stages. This scheme has been extended to the situation when the script of a document is not known a priori or the numerals written on a document belong to different scripts. Handwritten numerals in mixed scripts are frequently found in Indian postal mails and table-form documents.

  11. Rotation Reveals the Importance of Configural Cues in Handwritten Word Perception

    PubMed Central

    Barnhart, Anthony S.; Goldinger, Stephen D.


    A dramatic perceptual asymmetry occurs when handwritten words are rotated 90° in either direction. Those rotated in a direction consistent with their natural tilt (typically clockwise) become much more difficult to recognize, relative to those rotated in the opposite direction. In Experiment 1, we compared computer-printed and handwritten words, all equated for degrees of leftward and rightward tilt, and verified the phenomenon: The effect of rotation was far larger for cursive words, especially when rotated in a tilt-consistent direction. In Experiment 2, we replicated this pattern with all items presented in visual noise. In both experiments, word frequency effects were larger for computer-printed words and did not interact with rotation. The results suggest that handwritten word perception requires greater configural processing, relative to computer print, because handwritten letters are variable and ambiguous. When words are rotated, configural processing suffers, particularly when rotation exaggerates natural tilt. Our account is similar to theories of the “Thatcher Illusion,” wherein face inversion disrupts holistic processing. Together, the findings suggest that configural, word-level processing automatically increases when people read handwriting, as letter-level processing becomes less reliable. PMID:23589201

  12. Quantum blind dual-signature scheme without arbitrator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Wei; Shi, Ronghua; Huang, Dazu; Shi, Jinjing; Guo, Ying


    Motivated by the elegant features of a bind signature, we suggest the design of a quantum blind dual-signature scheme with three phases, i.e., initial phase, signing phase and verification phase. Different from conventional schemes, legal messages are signed not only by the blind signatory but also by the sender in the signing phase. It does not rely much on an arbitrator in the verification phase as the previous quantum signature schemes usually do. The security is guaranteed by entanglement in quantum information processing. Security analysis demonstrates that the signature can be neither forged nor disavowed by illegal participants or attacker. It provides a potential application for e-commerce or e-payment systems with the current technology.

  13. Handwritten mathematical symbols dataset.


    Chajri, Yassine; Bouikhalene, Belaid


    Due to the technological advances in recent years, paper scientific documents are used less and less. Thus, the trend in the scientific community to use digital documents has increased considerably. Among these documents, there are scientific documents and more specifically mathematics documents. In this context, we present our own dataset of handwritten mathematical symbols composed of 10,379 images. This dataset gathers Arabic characters, Latin characters, Arabic numerals, Latin numerals, arithmetic operators, set-symbols, comparison symbols, delimiters, etc.

  14. Authentication Based on Pole-zero Models of Signature Velocity

    PubMed Central

    Rashidi, Saeid; Fallah, Ali; Towhidkhah, Farzad


    With the increase of communication and financial transaction through internet, on-line signature verification is an accepted biometric technology for access control and plays a significant role in authenticity and authorization in modernized society. Therefore, fast and precise algorithms for the signature verification are very attractive. The goal of this paper is modeling of velocity signal that pattern and properties is stable for persons. With using pole-zero models based on discrete cosine transform, precise method is proposed for modeling and then features is founded from strokes. With using linear, parzen window and support vector machine classifiers, the signature verification technique was tested with a large number of authentic and forgery signatures and has demonstrated the good potential of this technique. The signatures are collected from three different database include a proprietary database, the SVC2004 and the Sabanci University signature database benchmark databases. Experimental results based on Persian, SVC2004 and SUSIG databases show that our method achieves an equal error rate of 5.91%, 5.62% and 3.91% in the skilled forgeries, respectively. PMID:24696797

  15. Unsupervised Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Document Images using Document-oriented Local Features.


    Zagoris, Konstantinos; Pratikakis, Ioannis; Gatos, Basilis


    Word spotting strategies employed in historical handwritten documents face many challenges due to variation in the writing style and intense degradation. In this paper, a new method that permits effective word spotting in handwritten documents is presented that it relies upon document-oriented local features which take into account information around representative keypoints as well a matching process that incorporates spatial context in a local proximity search without using any training data. Experimental results on four historical handwritten datasets for two different scenarios (segmentation-based and segmentation-free) using standard evaluation measures show the improved performance achieved by the proposed methodology.

  16. Handwritten mathematical symbols dataset

    PubMed Central

    Chajri, Yassine; Bouikhalene, Belaid


    Due to the technological advances in recent years, paper scientific documents are used less and less. Thus, the trend in the scientific community to use digital documents has increased considerably. Among these documents, there are scientific documents and more specifically mathematics documents. In this context, we present our own dataset of handwritten mathematical symbols composed of 10,379 images. This dataset gathers Arabic characters, Latin characters, Arabic numerals, Latin numerals, arithmetic operators, set-symbols, comparison symbols, delimiters, etc. PMID:27006975

  17. Handwritten digits recognition using HMM and PSO based on storks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Liao; Jia, Zhenhong; Yang, Jie; Pang, Shaoning


    A new method for handwritten digits recognition based on hidden markov model (HMM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed. This method defined 24 strokes with the sense of directional, to make up for the shortage that is sensitive in choice of stating point in traditional methods, but also reduce the ambiguity caused by shakes. Make use of excellent global convergence of PSO; improving the probability of finding the optimum and avoiding local infinitesimal obviously. Experimental results demonstrate that compared with the traditional methods, the proposed method can make most of the recognition rate of handwritten digits improved.

  18. Comparison of crisp and fuzzy character networks in handwritten word recognition

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gader, Paul; Mohamed, Magdi; Chiang, Jung-Hsien


    Experiments involving handwritten word recognition on words taken from images of handwritten address blocks from the United States Postal Service mailstream are described. The word recognition algorithm relies on the use of neural networks at the character level. The neural networks are trained using crisp and fuzzy desired outputs. The fuzzy outputs were defined using a fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm. The crisp networks slightly outperformed the fuzzy networks at the character level but the fuzzy networks outperformed the crisp networks at the word level.

  19. Interpreting Chicken-Scratch: Lexical Access for Handwritten Words

    PubMed Central

    Barnhart, Anthony S.; Goldinger, Stephen D.


    Handwritten word recognition is a field of study that has largely been neglected in the psychological literature, despite its prevalence in society. Whereas studies of spoken word recognition almost exclusively employ natural, human voices as stimuli, studies of visual word recognition use synthetic typefaces, thus simplifying the process of word recognition. The current study examined the effects of handwriting on a series of lexical variables thought to influence bottom-up and top-down processing, including word frequency, regularity, bidirectional consistency, and imageability. The results suggest that the natural physical ambiguity of handwritten stimuli forces a greater reliance on top-down processes, because almost all effects were magnified, relative to conditions with computer print. These findings suggest that processes of word perception naturally adapt to handwriting, compensating for physical ambiguity by increasing top-down feedback. PMID:20695708

  20. Neural Networks for Handwritten English Alphabet Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perwej, Yusuf; Chaturvedi, Ashish


    This paper demonstrates the use of neural networks for developing a system that can recognize hand-written English alphabets. In this system, each English alphabet is represented by binary values that are used as input to a simple feature extraction system, whose output is fed to our neural network system.

  1. Recognition of degraded handwritten digits using dynamic Bayesian networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Sigelle, Marc


    We investigate in this paper the application of dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) to the recognition of handwritten digits. The main idea is to couple two separate HMMs into various architectures. First, a vertical HMM and a horizontal HMM are built observing the evolving streams of image columns and image rows respectively. Then, two coupled architectures are proposed to model interactions between these two streams and to capture the 2D nature of character images. Experiments performed on the MNIST handwritten digit database show that coupled architectures yield better recognition performances than non-coupled ones. Additional experiments conducted on artificially degraded (broken) characters demonstrate that coupled architectures better cope with such degradation than non coupled ones and than discriminative methods such as SVMs.

  2. Construction of language models for an handwritten mail reading system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morillot, Olivier; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence; Grosicki, Emmanuèle


    This paper presents a system for the recognition of unconstrained handwritten mails. The main part of this system is an HMM recognizer which uses trigraphs to model contextual information. This recognition system does not require any segmentation into words or characters and directly works at line level. To take into account linguistic information and enhance performance, a language model is introduced. This language model is based on bigrams and built from training document transcriptions only. Different experiments with various vocabulary sizes and language models have been conducted. Word Error Rate and Perplexity values are compared to show the interest of specific language models, fit to handwritten mail recognition task.

  3. Robust recognition of handwritten numerals based on dual cooperative network

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lee, Sukhan; Choi, Yeongwoo


    An approach to robust recognition of handwritten numerals using two operating parallel networks is presented. The first network uses inputs in Cartesian coordinates, and the second network uses the same inputs transformed into polar coordinates. How the proposed approach realizes the robustness to local and global variations of input numerals by handling inputs both in Cartesian coordinates and in its transformed Polar coordinates is described. The required network structures and its learning scheme are discussed. Experimental results show that by tracking only a small number of distinctive features for each teaching numeral in each coordinate, the proposed system can provide robust recognition of handwritten numerals.

  4. Maximum mutual information estimation of a simplified hidden MRF for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiong, Yan; Reichenbach, Stephen E.


    Understanding of hand-written Chinese characters is at such a primitive stage that models include some assumptions about hand-written Chinese characters that are simply false. So Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) may not be an optimal method for hand-written Chinese characters recognition. This concern motivates the research effort to consider alternative criteria. Maximum Mutual Information Estimation (MMIE) is an alternative method for parameter estimation that does not derive its rationale from presumed model correctness, but instead examines the pattern-modeling problem in automatic recognition system from an information- theoretic point of view. The objective of MMIE is to find a set of parameters in such that the resultant model allows the system to derive from the observed data as much information as possible about the class. We consider MMIE for recognition of hand-written Chinese characters using on a simplified hidden Markov Random Field. MMIE provides improved performance improvement over MLE in this application.

  5. Signature-based store checking buffer


    Sridharan, Vilas; Gurumurthi, Sudhanva


    A system and method for optimizing redundant output verification, are provided. A hardware-based store fingerprint buffer receives multiple instances of output from multiple instances of computation. The store fingerprint buffer generates a signature from the content included in the multiple instances of output. When a barrier is reached, the store fingerprint buffer uses the signature to verify the content is error-free.

  6. Slant correction for handwritten English documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shridhar, Malayappan; Kimura, Fumitaka; Ding, Yimei; Miller, John W. V.


    Optical character recognition of machine-printed documents is an effective means for extracting textural material. While the level of effectiveness for handwritten documents is much poorer, progress is being made in more constrained applications such as personal checks and postal addresses. In these applications a series of steps is performed for recognition beginning with removal of skew and slant. Slant is a characteristic unique to the writer and varies from writer to writer in which characters are tilted some amount from vertical. The second attribute is the skew that arises from the inability of the writer to write on a horizontal line. Several methods have been proposed and discussed for average slant estimation and correction in the earlier papers. However, analysis of many handwritten documents reveals that slant is a local property and slant varies even within a word. The use of an average slant for the entire word often results in overestimation or underestimation of the local slant. This paper describes three methods for local slant estimation, namely the simple iterative method, high-speed iterative method, and the 8-directional chain code method. The experimental results show that the proposed methods can estimate and correct local slant more effectively than the average slant correction.

  7. 21 CFR 11.1 - Scope.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... SIGNATURES General Provisions § 11.1 Scope. (a) The regulations in this part set forth the criteria under which the agency considers electronic records, electronic signatures, and handwritten signatures... handwritten signatures executed on paper. (b) This part applies to records in electronic form that are created...

  8. Post processing for offline Chinese handwritten character string recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, YanWei; Ding, XiaoQing; Liu, ChangSong


    Offline Chinese handwritten character string recognition is one of the most important research fields in pattern recognition. Due to the free writing style, large variability in character shapes and different geometric characteristics, Chinese handwritten character string recognition is a challenging problem to deal with. However, among the current methods over-segmentation and merging method which integrates geometric information, character recognition information and contextual information, shows a promising result. It is found experimentally that a large part of errors are segmentation error and mainly occur around non-Chinese characters. In a Chinese character string, there are not only wide characters namely Chinese characters, but also narrow characters like digits and letters of the alphabet. The segmentation error is mainly caused by uniform geometric model imposed on all segmented candidate characters. To solve this problem, post processing is employed to improve recognition accuracy of narrow characters. On one hand, multi-geometric models are established for wide characters and narrow characters respectively. Under multi-geometric models narrow characters are not prone to be merged. On the other hand, top rank recognition results of candidate paths are integrated to boost final recognition of narrow characters. The post processing method is investigated on two datasets, in total 1405 handwritten address strings. The wide character recognition accuracy has been improved lightly and narrow character recognition accuracy has been increased up by 10.41% and 10.03% respectively. It indicates that the post processing method is effective to improve recognition accuracy of narrow characters.

  9. Correlation of patient entry rates and physician documentation errors in dictated and handwritten emergency treatment records.


    Dawdy, M R; Munter, D W; Gilmore, R A


    This study was designed to examine the relationship between patient entry rates (a measure of physician work load) and documentation errors/omissions in both handwritten and dictated emergency treatment records. The study was carried out in two phases. Phase I examined handwritten records and Phase II examined dictated and transcribed records. A total of 838 charts for three common chief complaints (chest pain, abdominal pain, asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) were retrospectively reviewed and scored for the presence or absence of 11 predetermined criteria. Patient entry rates were determined by reviewing the emergency department patient registration logs. The data were analyzed using simple correlation and linear regression analysis. A positive correlation was found between patient entry rates and documentation errors in handwritten charts. No such correlation was found in the dictated charts. We conclude that work load may negatively affect documentation accuracy when charts are handwritten. However, the use of dictation services may minimize or eliminate this effect.

  10. Interpreting Chicken-Scratch: Lexical Access for Handwritten Words

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barnhart, Anthony S.; Goldinger, Stephen D.


    Handwritten word recognition is a field of study that has largely been neglected in the psychological literature, despite its prevalence in society. Whereas studies of spoken word recognition almost exclusively employ natural, human voices as stimuli, studies of visual word recognition use synthetic typefaces, thus simplifying the process of word…

  11. Dual function seal: visualized digital signature for electronic medical record systems.


    Yu, Yao-Chang; Hou, Ting-Wei; Chiang, Tzu-Chiang


    Digital signature is an important cryptography technology to be used to provide integrity and non-repudiation in electronic medical record systems (EMRS) and it is required by law. However, digital signatures normally appear in forms unrecognizable to medical staff, this may reduce the trust from medical staff that is used to the handwritten signatures or seals. Therefore, in this paper we propose a dual function seal to extend user trust from a traditional seal to a digital signature. The proposed dual function seal is a prototype that combines the traditional seal and digital seal. With this prototype, medical personnel are not just can put a seal on paper but also generate a visualized digital signature for electronic medical records. Medical Personnel can then look at the visualized digital signature and directly know which medical personnel generated it, just like with a traditional seal. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used as an image processing method to generate a visualized digital signature, and the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is calculated to verify that distortions of all converted images are beyond human recognition, and the results of our converted images are from 70 dB to 80 dB. The signature recoverability is also tested in this proposed paper to ensure that the visualized digital signature is verifiable. A simulated EMRS is implemented to show how the visualized digital signature can be integrity into EMRS.

  12. Arabic handwritten: pre-processing and segmentation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maliki, Makki; Jassim, Sabah; Al-Jawad, Naseer; Sellahewa, Harin


    This paper is concerned with pre-processing and segmentation tasks that influence the performance of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems and handwritten/printed text recognition. In Arabic, these tasks are adversely effected by the fact that many words are made up of sub-words, with many sub-words there associated one or more diacritics that are not connected to the sub-word's body; there could be multiple instances of sub-words overlap. To overcome these problems we investigate and develop segmentation techniques that first segment a document into sub-words, link the diacritics with their sub-words, and removes possible overlapping between words and sub-words. We shall also investigate two approaches for pre-processing tasks to estimate sub-words baseline, and to determine parameters that yield appropriate slope correction, slant removal. We shall investigate the use of linear regression on sub-words pixels to determine their central x and y coordinates, as well as their high density part. We also develop a new incremental rotation procedure to be performed on sub-words that determines the best rotation angle needed to realign baselines. We shall demonstrate the benefits of these proposals by conducting extensive experiments on publicly available databases and in-house created databases. These algorithms help improve character segmentation accuracy by transforming handwritten Arabic text into a form that could benefit from analysis of printed text.

  13. [About da tai - abortion in old Chinese folk medicine handwritten manuscripts].


    Zheng, Jinsheng


    Of 881 Chinese handwritten volumes with medical texts of the 17th through mid-20th century held by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and Ethnologisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, 48 volumes include prescriptions for induced abortion. A comparison shows that these records are significantly different from references to abortion in Chinese printed medical texts of pre-modern times. For example, the percentage of recipes recommended for artificial abortions in handwritten texts is significantly higher than those in printed medical books. Authors of handwritten texts used 25 terms to designate artificial abortion, with the term da tai [see text], lit.: "to strike the fetus", occurring most frequently. Its meaning is well defined, in contrast to other terms used, such as duo tai [see text], lit: "to make a fetus fall", xia tai [see text], lit. "to bring a fetus down", und duan chan [see text], lit., to interrupt birthing", which is mostly used to indicate a temporary or permanent sterilization. Pre-modern Chinese medicine has not generally abstained from inducing abortions; physicians showed a differentiating attitude. While abortions were descibed as "things a [physician with an attitude of] humaneness will not do", in case a pregnancy was seen as too risky for a woman she was offered medication to terminate this pregnancy. The commercial application of abortifacients has been recorded in China since ancient times. A request for such services has continued over time for various reasons, including so-called illegitimate pregnancies, and those by nuns, widows and prostitutes. In general, recipes to induce abortions documented in printed medical literature have mild effects and are to be ingested orally. In comparison, those recommended in handwritten texts are rather toxic. Possibly to minimize the negative side-effects of such medication, practitioners of folk medicine developed mechanical devices to perform "external", i.e., vaginal approaches.

  14. Handwritten Newspapers on the Iowa Frontier, 1844-54.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Atwood, Roy Alden

    Journalism on the agricultural frontier of the Old Northwest territory of the United States was shaped by a variety of cultural forces and environmental factors and took on diverse forms. Bridging the gap between the two cultural forms of written correspondence and printed news was a third form: the handwritten newspaper. Between 1844 and 1854…

  15. Script-independent text line segmentation in freestyle handwritten documents.


    Li, Yi; Zheng, Yefeng; Doermann, David; Jaeger, Stefan; Li, Yi


    Text line segmentation in freestyle handwritten documents remains an open document analysis problem. Curvilinear text lines and small gaps between neighboring text lines present a challenge to algorithms developed for machine printed or hand-printed documents. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on density estimation and a state-of-the-art image segmentation technique, the level set method. From an input document image, we estimate a probability map, where each element represents the probability that the underlying pixel belongs to a text line. The level set method is then exploited to determine the boundary of neighboring text lines by evolving an initial estimate. Unlike connected component based methods ( [1], [2] for example), the proposed algorithm does not use any script-specific knowledge. Extensive quantitative experiments on freestyle handwritten documents with diverse scripts, such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Hindi, demonstrate that our algorithm consistently outperforms previous methods [1]-[3]. Further experiments show the proposed algorithm is robust to scale change, rotation, and noise.

  16. Static Signature Synthesis: A Neuromotor Inspired Approach for Biometrics.


    Ferrer, Miguel A; Diaz-Cabrera, Moises; Morales, Aythami


    In this paper we propose a new method for generating synthetic handwritten signature images for biometric applications. The procedures we introduce imitate the mechanism of motor equivalence which divides human handwriting into two steps: the working out of an effector independent action plan and its execution via the corresponding neuromuscular path. The action plan is represented as a trajectory on a spatial grid. This contains both the signature text and its flourish, if there is one. The neuromuscular path is simulated by applying a kinematic Kaiser filter to the trajectory plan. The length of the filter depends on the pen speed which is generated using a scalar version of the sigma lognormal model. An ink deposition model, applied pixel by pixel to the pen trajectory, provides realistic static signature images. The lexical and morphological properties of the synthesized signatures as well as the range of the synthesis parameters have been estimated from real databases of real signatures such as the MCYT Off-line and the GPDS960GraySignature corpuses. The performance experiments show that by tuning only four parameters it is possible to generate synthetic identities with different stability and forgers with different skills. Therefore it is possible to create datasets of synthetic signatures with a performance similar to databases of real signatures. Moreover, we can customize the created dataset to produce skilled forgeries or simple forgeries which are easier to detect, depending on what the researcher needs. Perceptual evaluation gives an average confusion of 44.06 percent between real and synthetic signatures which shows the realism of the synthetic ones. The utility of the synthesized signatures is demonstrated by studying the influence of the pen type and number of users on an automatic signature verifier.

  17. Spatial Analysis of Handwritten Texts as a Marker of Cognitive Control.


    Crespo, Y; Soriano, M F; Iglesias-Parro, S; Aznarte, J I; Ibáñez-Molina, A J


    We explore the idea that cognitive demands of the handwriting would influence the degree of automaticity of the handwriting process, which in turn would affect the geometric parameters of texts. We compared the heterogeneity of handwritten texts in tasks with different cognitive demands; the heterogeneity of texts was analyzed with lacunarity, a measure of geometrical invariance. In Experiment 1, we asked participants to perform two tasks that varied in cognitive demands: transcription and exposition about an autobiographical episode. Lacunarity was significantly lower in transcription. In Experiment 2, we compared a veridical and a fictitious version of a personal event. Lacunarity was lower in veridical texts. We contend that differences in lacunarity of handwritten texts reveal the degree of automaticity in handwriting.

  18. Improving semi-text-independent method of writer verification using difference vector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Xin; Ding, Xiaoqing


    The semi-text-independent method of writer verification based on the linear framework is a method that can use all characters of two handwritings to discriminate the writers in the condition of knowing the text contents. The handwritings are allowed to just have small numbers of even totally different characters. This fills the vacancy of the classical text-dependent methods and the text-independent methods of writer verification. Moreover, the information, what every character is, is used for the semi-text-independent method in this paper. Two types of standard templates, generated from many writer-unknown handwritten samples and printed samples of each character, are introduced to represent the content information of each character. The difference vectors of the character samples are gotten by subtracting the standard templates from the original feature vectors and used to replace the original vectors in the process of writer verification. By removing a large amount of content information and remaining the style information, the verification accuracy of the semi-text-independent method is improved. On a handwriting database involving 30 writers, when the query handwriting and the reference handwriting are composed of 30 distinct characters respectively, the average equal error rate (EER) of writer verification reaches 9.96%. And when the handwritings contain 50 characters, the average EER falls to 6.34%, which is 23.9% lower than the EER of not using the difference vectors.

  19. Determining the Value of Handwritten Comments within Work Orders

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thombs, Daniel


    In the workplace many work orders are handwritten on paper rather than recorded in a digital format. Despite being archived, these documents are neither referenced nor analyzed after their creation. Tacit knowledge gathered though employee documentation is generally considered beneficial, but only if it can be easily gathered and processed. …

  20. Recognition of Handwritten Arabic words using a neuro-fuzzy network

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Boukharouba, Abdelhak; Bennia, Abdelhak

    We present a new method for the recognition of handwritten Arabic words based on neuro-fuzzy hybrid network. As a first step, connected components (CCs) of black pixels are detected. Then the system determines which CCs are sub-words and which are stress marks. The stress marks are then isolated and identified separately and the sub-words are segmented into graphemes. Each grapheme is described by topological and statistical features. Fuzzy rules are extracted from training examples by a hybrid learning scheme comprised of two phases: rule generation phase from data using a fuzzy c-means, and rule parameter tuning phase using gradient descentmore » learning. After learning, the network encodes in its topology the essential design parameters of a fuzzy inference system.The contribution of this technique is shown through the significant tests performed on a handwritten Arabic words database.« less

  1. Marker Registration Technique for Handwritten Text Marker in Augmented Reality Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thanaborvornwiwat, N.; Patanukhom, K.


    Marker registration is a fundamental process to estimate camera poses in marker-based Augmented Reality (AR) systems. We developed AR system that creates correspondence virtual objects on handwritten text markers. This paper presents a new method for registration that is robust for low-content text markers, variation of camera poses, and variation of handwritten styles. The proposed method uses Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) and polygon simplification for a feature point extraction. The experiment shows that we need to extract only five feature points per image which can provide the best registration results. An exhaustive search is used to find the best matching pattern of the feature points in two images. We also compared performance of the proposed method to some existing registration methods and found that the proposed method can provide better accuracy and time efficiency.

  2. Analysis of line structure in handwritten documents using the Hough transform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ball, Gregory R.; Kasiviswanathan, Harish; Srihari, Sargur N.; Narayanan, Aswin


    In the analysis of handwriting in documents a central task is that of determining line structure of the text, e.g., number of text lines, location of their starting and end-points, line-width, etc. While simple methods can handle ideal images, real world documents have complexities such as overlapping line structure, variable line spacing, line skew, document skew, noisy or degraded images etc. This paper explores the application of the Hough transform method to handwritten documents with the goal of automatically determining global document line structure in a top-down manner which can then be used in conjunction with a bottom-up method such as connected component analysis. The performance is significantly better than other top-down methods, such as the projection profile method. In addition, we evaluate the performance of skew analysis by the Hough transform on handwritten documents.

  3. Multiparty Quantum Blind Signature Scheme Based on Graph States

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jian-Wu, Liang; Xiao-Shu, Liu; Jin-Jing, Shi; Ying, Guo


    A multiparty quantum blind signature scheme is proposed based on the principle of graph state, in which the unitary operations of graph state particles can be applied to generate the quantum blind signature and achieve verification. Different from the classical blind signature based on the mathematical difficulty, the scheme could guarantee not only the anonymity but also the unconditionally security. The analysis shows that the length of the signature generated in our scheme does not become longer as the number of signers increases, and it is easy to increase or decrease the number of signers.

  4. Improvement of a Quantum Proxy Blind Signature Scheme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Jia-Lei; Zhang, Jian-Zhong; Xie, Shu-Cui


    Improvement of a quantum proxy blind signature scheme is proposed in this paper. Six-qubit entangled state functions as quantum channel. In our scheme, a trust party Trent is introduced so as to avoid David's dishonest behavior. The receiver David verifies the signature with the help of Trent in our scheme. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement message blinding, delegation, signature and verification. Security analysis proves that our scheme has the properties of undeniability, unforgeability, anonymity and can resist some common attacks.

  5. Improvement of a Quantum Proxy Blind Signature Scheme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Jia-Lei; Zhang, Jian-Zhong; Xie, Shu-Cui


    Improvement of a quantum proxy blind signature scheme is proposed in this paper. Six-qubit entangled state functions as quantum channel. In our scheme, a trust party Trent is introduced so as to avoid David's dishonest behavior. The receiver David verifies the signature with the help of Trent in our scheme. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement message blinding, delegation, signature and verification. Security analysis proves that our scheme has the properties of undeniability, unforgeability, anonymity and can resist some common attacks.

  6. eBiometrics: an enhanced multi-biometrics authentication technique for real-time remote applications on mobile devices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuseler, Torben; Lami, Ihsan; Jassim, Sabah; Sellahewa, Harin


    The use of mobile communication devices with advance sensors is growing rapidly. These sensors are enabling functions such as Image capture, Location applications, and Biometric authentication such as Fingerprint verification and Face & Handwritten signature recognition. Such ubiquitous devices are essential tools in today's global economic activities enabling anywhere-anytime financial and business transactions. Cryptographic functions and biometric-based authentication can enhance the security and confidentiality of mobile transactions. Using Biometric template security techniques in real-time biometric-based authentication are key factors for successful identity verification solutions, but are venerable to determined attacks by both fraudulent software and hardware. The EU-funded SecurePhone project has designed and implemented a multimodal biometric user authentication system on a prototype mobile communication device. However, various implementations of this project have resulted in long verification times or reduced accuracy and/or security. This paper proposes to use built-in-self-test techniques to ensure no tampering has taken place on the verification process prior to performing the actual biometric authentication. These techniques utilises the user personal identification number as a seed to generate a unique signature. This signature is then used to test the integrity of the verification process. Also, this study proposes the use of a combination of biometric modalities to provide application specific authentication in a secure environment, thus achieving optimum security level with effective processing time. I.e. to ensure that the necessary authentication steps and algorithms running on the mobile device application processor can not be undermined or modified by an imposter to get unauthorized access to the secure system.

  7. A distinguishing method of printed and handwritten legal amount on Chinese bank check

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Ningbo; Lou, Zhen; Yang, Jingyu


    While carrying out Optical Chinese Character Recognition, distinguishing the font between printed and handwritten characters at the early phase is necessary, because there is so much difference between the methods on recognizing these two types of characters. In this paper, we proposed a good method on how to banish seals and its relative standards that can judge whether they should be banished. Meanwhile, an approach on clearing up scattered noise shivers after image segmentation is presented. Four sets of classifying features that show discrimination between printed and handwritten characters are well adopted. The proposed approach was applied to an automatic check processing system and tested on about 9031 checks. The recognition rate is more than 99.5%.

  8. Completion of hand-written surgical consent forms is frequently suboptimal and could be improved by using electronically generated, procedure-specific forms.


    St John, E R; Scott, A J; Irvine, T E; Pakzad, F; Leff, D R; Layer, G T


    Completion of hand-written consent forms for surgical procedures may suffer from missing or inaccurate information, poor legibility and high variability. We audited the completion of hand-written consent forms and trialled a web-based application to generate modifiable, procedure-specific consent forms. The investigation comprised two phases at separate UK hospitals. In phase one, the completion of individual responses in hand-written consent forms for a variety of procedures were prospectively audited. Responses were categorised into three domains (patient details, procedure details and patient sign-off) that were considered "failed" if a contained element was not correct and legible. Phase two was confined to a breast surgical unit where hand-written consent forms were assessed as for phase one and interrogated for missing complications by two independent experts. An electronic consent platform was introduced and electronically-produced consent forms assessed. In phase one, 99 hand-written consent forms were assessed and the domain failure rates were: patient details 10%; procedure details 30%; and patient sign-off 27%. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was the most common procedure (7/99) but there was significant variability in the documentation of complications: 12 in total, a median of 6 and a range of 2-9. In phase two, 44% (27/61) of hand-written forms were missing essential complications. There were no domain failures amongst 29 electronically-produced consent forms and no variability in the documentation of potential complications. Completion of hand-written consent forms suffers from wide variation and is frequently suboptimal. Electronically-produced, procedure-specific consent forms can improve the quality and consistency of consent documentation. Copyright © 2015 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Multimodal person authentication on a smartphone under realistic conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morris, Andrew C.; Jassim, Sabah; Sellahewa, Harin; Allano, Lorene; Ehlers, Johan; Wu, Dalei; Koreman, Jacques; Garcia-Salicetti, Sonia; Ly-Van, Bao; Dorizzi, Bernadette


    Verification of a person's identity by the combination of more than one biometric trait strongly increases the robustness of person authentication in real applications. This is particularly the case in applications involving signals of degraded quality, as for person authentication on mobile platforms. The context of mobility generates degradations of input signals due to the variety of environments encountered (ambient noise, lighting variations, etc.), while the sensors' lower quality further contributes to decrease in system performance. Our aim in this work is to combine traits from the three biometric modalities of speech, face and handwritten signature in a concrete application, performing non intrusive biometric verification on a personal mobile device (smartphone/PDA). Most available biometric databases have been acquired in more or less controlled environments, which makes it difficult to predict performance in a real application. Our experiments are performed on a database acquired on a PDA as part of the SecurePhone project (IST-2002-506883 project "Secure Contracts Signed by Mobile Phone"). This database contains 60 virtual subjects balanced in gender and age. Virtual subjects are obtained by coupling audio-visual signals from real English speaking subjects with signatures from other subjects captured on the touch screen of the PDA. Video data for the PDA database was recorded in 2 recording sessions separated by at least one week. Each session comprises 4 acquisition conditions: 2 indoor and 2 outdoor recordings (with in each case, a good and a degraded quality recording). Handwritten signatures were captured in one session in realistic conditions. Different scenarios of matching between training and test conditions are tested to measure the resistance of various fusion systems to different types of variability and different amounts of enrolment data.

  10. 38 CFR 1.559 - Appeals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature, such as an attachment that shows the requester... confidentiality statute, the email transmission must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature... processing, e-mail FOIA appeals must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for the purpose of...

  11. 38 CFR 1.559 - Appeals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature, such as an attachment that shows the requester... confidentiality statute, the email transmission must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature... processing, e-mail FOIA appeals must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for the purpose of...

  12. 38 CFR 1.559 - Appeals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature, such as an attachment that shows the requester... confidentiality statute, the email transmission must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature... processing, e-mail FOIA appeals must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for the purpose of...

  13. BanglaLekha-Isolated: A multi-purpose comprehensive dataset of Handwritten Bangla Isolated characters.


    Biswas, Mithun; Islam, Rafiqul; Shom, Gautam Kumar; Shopon, Md; Mohammed, Nabeel; Momen, Sifat; Abedin, Anowarul


    BanglaLekha-Isolated, a Bangla handwritten isolated character dataset is presented in this article. This dataset contains 84 different characters comprising of 50 Bangla basic characters, 10 Bangla numerals and 24 selected compound characters. 2000 handwriting samples for each of the 84 characters were collected, digitized and pre-processed. After discarding mistakes and scribbles, 1,66,105 handwritten character images were included in the final dataset. The dataset also includes labels indicating the age and the gender of the subjects from whom the samples were collected. This dataset could be used not only for optical handwriting recognition research but also to explore the influence of gender and age on handwriting. The dataset is publicly available at

  14. Text-line extraction in handwritten Chinese documents based on an energy minimization framework.


    Koo, Hyung Il; Cho, Nam Ik


    Text-line extraction in unconstrained handwritten documents remains a challenging problem due to nonuniform character scale, spatially varying text orientation, and the interference between text lines. In order to address these problems, we propose a new cost function that considers the interactions between text lines and the curvilinearity of each text line. Precisely, we achieve this goal by introducing normalized measures for them, which are based on an estimated line spacing. We also present an optimization method that exploits the properties of our cost function. Experimental results on a database consisting of 853 handwritten Chinese document images have shown that our method achieves a detection rate of 99.52% and an error rate of 0.32%, which outperforms conventional methods.

  15. Certification and verification for Northrup Model NSC-01-0732 Fresnel lens concentrating solar collector

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    The certification and verification of the Northrup Model NSC-01-0732 Fresnel lens tracking solar collector are presented. A certification statement is included with signatures and a separate report on the structural analysis of the collector system. System verification against the Interim Performance Criteria are indicated by matrices with verification discussion, analysis, and enclosed test results.

  16. Evaluating structural pattern recognition for handwritten math via primitive label graphs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zanibbi, Richard; Mouchère, Harold; Viard-Gaudin, Christian


    Currently, structural pattern recognizer evaluations compare graphs of detected structure to target structures (i.e. ground truth) using recognition rates, recall and precision for object segmentation, classification and relationships. In document recognition, these target objects (e.g. symbols) are frequently comprised of multiple primitives (e.g. connected components, or strokes for online handwritten data), but current metrics do not characterize errors at the primitive level, from which object-level structure is obtained. Primitive label graphs are directed graphs defined over primitives and primitive pairs. We define new metrics obtained by Hamming distances over label graphs, which allow classification, segmentation and parsing errors to be characterized separately, or using a single measure. Recall and precision for detected objects may also be computed directly from label graphs. We illustrate the new metrics by comparing a new primitive-level evaluation to the symbol-level evaluation performed for the CROHME 2012 handwritten math recognition competition. A Python-based set of utilities for evaluating, visualizing and translating label graphs is publicly available.

  17. Spectral signature verification using statistical analysis and text mining

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    DeCoster, Mallory E.; Firpi, Alexe H.; Jacobs, Samantha K.; Cone, Shelli R.; Tzeng, Nigel H.; Rodriguez, Benjamin M.


    In the spectral science community, numerous spectral signatures are stored in databases representative of many sample materials collected from a variety of spectrometers and spectroscopists. Due to the variety and variability of the spectra that comprise many spectral databases, it is necessary to establish a metric for validating the quality of spectral signatures. This has been an area of great discussion and debate in the spectral science community. This paper discusses a method that independently validates two different aspects of a spectral signature to arrive at a final qualitative assessment; the textual meta-data and numerical spectral data. Results associated with the spectral data stored in the Signature Database1 (SigDB) are proposed. The numerical data comprising a sample material's spectrum is validated based on statistical properties derived from an ideal population set. The quality of the test spectrum is ranked based on a spectral angle mapper (SAM) comparison to the mean spectrum derived from the population set. Additionally, the contextual data of a test spectrum is qualitatively analyzed using lexical analysis text mining. This technique analyzes to understand the syntax of the meta-data to provide local learning patterns and trends within the spectral data, indicative of the test spectrum's quality. Text mining applications have successfully been implemented for security2 (text encryption/decryption), biomedical3 , and marketing4 applications. The text mining lexical analysis algorithm is trained on the meta-data patterns of a subset of high and low quality spectra, in order to have a model to apply to the entire SigDB data set. The statistical and textual methods combine to assess the quality of a test spectrum existing in a database without the need of an expert user. This method has been compared to other validation methods accepted by the spectral science community, and has provided promising results when a baseline spectral signature is

  18. A Prototype of Mathematical Treatment of Pen Pressure Data for Signature Verification.


    Li, Chi-Keung; Wong, Siu-Kay; Chim, Lai-Chu Joyce


    A prototype using simple mathematical treatment of the pen pressure data recorded by a digital pen movement recording device was derived. In this study, a total of 48 sets of signature and initial specimens were collected. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to compare the data of the pen pressure patterns. From the 820 pair comparisons of the 48 sets of genuine signatures, a high degree of matching was found in which 95.4% (782 pairs) and 80% (656 pairs) had rPA > 0.7 and rPA > 0.8, respectively. In the comparison of the 23 forged signatures with their corresponding control signatures, 20 of them (89.2% of pairs) had rPA values < 0.6, showing a lower degree of matching when compared with the results of the genuine signatures. The prototype could be used as a complementary technique to improve the objectivity of signature examination and also has a good potential to be developed as a tool for automated signature identification. © 2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  19. Piezoelectric sensor pen for dynamic signature verification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    EerNisse, E.P.; Land, C.E.; Snelling, J.B.

    The concept of using handwriting dynamics for electronic identification is discussed. A piezoelectric sensor pen for obtaining the pen point dynamics during writing is described. Design equations are derived and details of an operating device are presented. Typical output waveforms are shown to demonstrate the operation of the pen and to show the dissimilarities between dynamics of a genuine signature and an attempted forgery.

  20. A Quantum Multi-proxy Blind Signature Scheme Based on Genuine Four-Qubit Entangled State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tian, Juan-Hong; Zhang, Jian-Zhong; Li, Yan-Ping


    In this paper, we propose a multi-proxy blind signature scheme based on controlled teleportation. Genuine four-qubit entangled state functions as quantum channel. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. The security analysis shows the scheme satisfies the security features of multi-proxy signature, unforgeability, undeniability, blindness and unconditional security.

  1. Efficient cost-sensitive human-machine collaboration for offline signature verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coetzer, Johannes; Swanepoel, Jacques; Sabourin, Robert


    We propose a novel strategy for the optimal combination of human and machine decisions in a cost-sensitive environment. The proposed algorithm should be especially beneficial to financial institutions where off-line signatures, each associated with a specific transaction value, require authentication. When presented with a collection of genuine and fraudulent training signatures, produced by so-called guinea pig writers, the proficiency of a workforce of human employees and a score-generating machine can be estimated and represented in receiver operating characteristic (ROC) space. Using a set of Boolean fusion functions, the majority vote decision of the human workforce is combined with each threshold-specific machine-generated decision. The performance of the candidate ensembles is estimated and represented in ROC space, after which only the optimal ensembles and associated decision trees are retained. When presented with a questioned signature linked to an arbitrary writer, the system first uses the ROC-based cost gradient associated with the transaction value to select the ensemble that minimises the expected cost, and then uses the corresponding decision tree to authenticate the signature in question. We show that, when utilising the entire human workforce, the incorporation of a machine streamlines the authentication process and decreases the expected cost for all operating conditions.

  2. Continuous-variable quantum homomorphic signature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Ke; Shang, Tao; Liu, Jian-wei


    Quantum cryptography is believed to be unconditionally secure because its security is ensured by physical laws rather than computational complexity. According to spectrum characteristic, quantum information can be classified into two categories, namely discrete variables and continuous variables. Continuous-variable quantum protocols have gained much attention for their ability to transmit more information with lower cost. To verify the identities of different data sources in a quantum network, we propose a continuous-variable quantum homomorphic signature scheme. It is based on continuous-variable entanglement swapping and provides additive and subtractive homomorphism. Security analysis shows the proposed scheme is secure against replay, forgery and repudiation. Even under nonideal conditions, it supports effective verification within a certain verification threshold.

  3. Revocable identity-based proxy re-signature against signing key exposure.


    Yang, Xiaodong; Chen, Chunlin; Ma, Tingchun; Wang, Jinli; Wang, Caifen


    Identity-based proxy re-signature (IDPRS) is a novel cryptographic primitive that allows a semi-trusted proxy to convert a signature under one identity into another signature under another identity on the same message by using a re-signature key. Due to this transformation function, IDPRS is very useful in constructing privacy-preserving schemes for various information systems. Key revocation functionality is important in practical IDPRS for managing users dynamically; however, the existing IDPRS schemes do not provide revocation mechanisms that allow the removal of misbehaving or compromised users from the system. In this paper, we first introduce a notion called revocable identity-based proxy re-signature (RIDPRS) to achieve the revocation functionality. We provide a formal definition of RIDPRS as well as its security model. Then, we present a concrete RIDPRS scheme that can resist signing key exposure and prove that the proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen identity and message attacks in the standard model. To further improve the performance of signature verification in RIDPRS, we introduce a notion called server-aided revocable identity-based proxy re-signature (SA-RIDPRS). Moreover, we extend the proposed RIDPRS scheme to the SA-RIDPRS scheme and prove that this extended scheme is secure against adaptive chosen message and collusion attacks. The analysis results show that our two schemes remain efficient in terms of computational complexity when implementing user revocation procedures. In particular, in the SA-RIDPRS scheme, the verifier needs to perform only a bilinear pairing and four exponentiation operations to verify the validity of the signature. Compared with other IDPRS schemes in the standard model, our SA-RIDPRS scheme greatly reduces the computation overhead of verification.

  4. HMM-based lexicon-driven and lexicon-free word recognition for online handwritten Indic scripts.


    Bharath, A; Madhvanath, Sriganesh


    Research for recognizing online handwritten words in Indic scripts is at its early stages when compared to Latin and Oriental scripts. In this paper, we address this problem specifically for two major Indic scripts--Devanagari and Tamil. In contrast to previous approaches, the techniques we propose are largely data driven and script independent. We propose two different techniques for word recognition based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM): lexicon driven and lexicon free. The lexicon-driven technique models each word in the lexicon as a sequence of symbol HMMs according to a standard symbol writing order derived from the phonetic representation. The lexicon-free technique uses a novel Bag-of-Symbols representation of the handwritten word that is independent of symbol order and allows rapid pruning of the lexicon. On handwritten Devanagari word samples featuring both standard and nonstandard symbol writing orders, a combination of lexicon-driven and lexicon-free recognizers significantly outperforms either of them used in isolation. In contrast, most Tamil word samples feature the standard symbol order, and the lexicon-driven recognizer outperforms the lexicon free one as well as their combination. The best recognition accuracies obtained for 20,000 word lexicons are 87.13 percent for Devanagari when the two recognizers are combined, and 91.8 percent for Tamil using the lexicon-driven technique.

  5. Dust devil signatures in infrasound records of the International Monitoring System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lorenz, Ralph D.; Christie, Douglas


    We explore whether dust devils have a recognizable signature in infrasound array records, since several Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification stations conducting continuous measurements with microbarometers are in desert areas which see dust devils. The passage of dust devils (and other boundary layer vortices, whether dust laden or not) causes a local temporary drop in pressure: the high-pass time domain filtering in microbarometers results in a "heartbeat" signature, which we observe at the Warramunga station in Australia. We also observe a ~50 min pseudoperiodicity in the occurrence of these signatures and some higher-frequency infrasound. Dust devils do not significantly degrade the treaty verification capability. The pipe arrays for spatial averaging used in infrasound monitoring degrade the detection efficiency of small devils, but the long observation time may allow a useful census of large vortices, and thus, the high-sensitivity infrasonic array data from the monitoring network can be useful in studying columnar vortices in the lower atmosphere.

  6. Word spotting for handwritten documents using Chamfer Distance and Dynamic Time Warping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saabni, Raid M.; El-Sana, Jihad A.


    A large amount of handwritten historical documents are located in libraries around the world. The desire to access, search, and explore these documents paves the way for a new age of knowledge sharing and promotes collaboration and understanding between human societies. Currently, the indexes for these documents are generated manually, which is very tedious and time consuming. Results produced by state of the art techniques, for converting complete images of handwritten documents into textual representations, are not yet sufficient. Therefore, word-spotting methods have been developed to archive and index images of handwritten documents in order to enable efficient searching within documents. In this paper, we present a new matching algorithm to be used in word-spotting tasks for historical Arabic documents. We present a novel algorithm based on the Chamfer Distance to compute the similarity between shapes of word-parts. Matching results are used to cluster images of Arabic word-parts into different classes using the Nearest Neighbor rule. To compute the distance between two word-part images, the algorithm subdivides each image into equal-sized slices (windows). A modified version of the Chamfer Distance, incorporating geometric gradient features and distance transform data, is used as a similarity distance between the different slices. Finally, the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is used to measure the distance between two images of word-parts. By using the DTW we enabled our system to cluster similar word-parts, even though they are transformed non-linearly due to the nature of handwriting. We tested our implementation of the presented methods using various documents in different writing styles, taken from Juma'a Al Majid Center - Dubai, and obtained encouraging results.

  7. Unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition based on radial basis competitive and cooperative networks with spatio-temporal feature representation.


    Lee, S; Pan, J J


    This paper presents a new approach to representation and recognition of handwritten numerals. The approach first transforms a two-dimensional (2-D) spatial representation of a numeral into a three-dimensional (3-D) spatio-temporal representation by identifying the tracing sequence based on a set of heuristic rules acting as transformation operators. A multiresolution critical-point segmentation method is then proposed to extract local feature points, at varying degrees of scale and coarseness. A new neural network architecture, referred to as radial-basis competitive and cooperative network (RCCN), is presented especially for handwritten numeral recognition. RCCN is a globally competitive and locally cooperative network with the capability of self-organizing hidden units to progressively achieve desired network performance, and functions as a universal approximator of arbitrary input-output mappings. Three types of RCCNs are explored: input-space RCCN (IRCCN), output-space RCCN (ORCCN), and bidirectional RCCN (BRCCN). Experiments against handwritten zip code numerals acquired by the U.S. Postal Service indicated that the proposed method is robust in terms of variations, deformations, transformations, and corruption, achieving about 97% recognition rate.

  8. Development of an optical character recognition pipeline for handwritten form fields from an electronic health record.


    Rasmussen, Luke V; Peissig, Peggy L; McCarty, Catherine A; Starren, Justin


    Although the penetration of electronic health records is increasing rapidly, much of the historical medical record is only available in handwritten notes and forms, which require labor-intensive, human chart abstraction for some clinical research. The few previous studies on automated extraction of data from these handwritten notes have focused on monolithic, custom-developed recognition systems or third-party systems that require proprietary forms. We present an optical character recognition processing pipeline, which leverages the capabilities of existing third-party optical character recognition engines, and provides the flexibility offered by a modular custom-developed system. The system was configured and run on a selected set of form fields extracted from a corpus of handwritten ophthalmology forms. The processing pipeline allowed multiple configurations to be run, with the optimal configuration consisting of the Nuance and LEADTOOLS engines running in parallel with a positive predictive value of 94.6% and a sensitivity of 13.5%. While limitations exist, preliminary experience from this project yielded insights on the generalizability and applicability of integrating multiple, inexpensive general-purpose third-party optical character recognition engines in a modular pipeline.

  9. Development of an optical character recognition pipeline for handwritten form fields from an electronic health record

    PubMed Central

    Peissig, Peggy L; McCarty, Catherine A; Starren, Justin


    Background Although the penetration of electronic health records is increasing rapidly, much of the historical medical record is only available in handwritten notes and forms, which require labor-intensive, human chart abstraction for some clinical research. The few previous studies on automated extraction of data from these handwritten notes have focused on monolithic, custom-developed recognition systems or third-party systems that require proprietary forms. Methods We present an optical character recognition processing pipeline, which leverages the capabilities of existing third-party optical character recognition engines, and provides the flexibility offered by a modular custom-developed system. The system was configured and run on a selected set of form fields extracted from a corpus of handwritten ophthalmology forms. Observations The processing pipeline allowed multiple configurations to be run, with the optimal configuration consisting of the Nuance and LEADTOOLS engines running in parallel with a positive predictive value of 94.6% and a sensitivity of 13.5%. Discussion While limitations exist, preliminary experience from this project yielded insights on the generalizability and applicability of integrating multiple, inexpensive general-purpose third-party optical character recognition engines in a modular pipeline. PMID:21890871

  10. A Quantum Multi-Proxy Weak Blind Signature Scheme Based on Entanglement Swapping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, LiLi; Chang, Yan; Zhang, ShiBin; Han, GuiHua; Sheng, ZhiWei


    In this paper, we present a multi-proxy weak blind signature scheme based on quantum entanglement swapping of Bell states. In the scheme, proxy signers can finish the signature instead of original singer with his/her authority. It can be applied to the electronic voting system, electronic paying system, etc. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. It could guarantee not only the unconditionally security but also the anonymity of the message owner. The security analysis shows the scheme satisfies the security features of multi-proxy weak signature, singers cannot disavowal his/her signature while the signature cannot be forged by others, and the message owner can be traced.

  11. Online handwritten mathematical expression recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Büyükbayrak, Hakan; Yanikoglu, Berrin; Erçil, Aytül


    We describe a system for recognizing online, handwritten mathematical expressions. The system is designed with a user-interface for writing scientific articles, supporting the recognition of basic mathematical expressions as well as integrals, summations, matrices etc. A feed-forward neural network recognizes symbols which are assumed to be single-stroke and a recursive algorithm parses the expression by combining neural network output and the structure of the expression. Preliminary results show that writer-dependent recognition rates are very high (99.8%) while writer-independent symbol recognition rates are lower (75%). The interface associated with the proposed system integrates the built-in recognition capabilities of the Microsoft's Tablet PC API for recognizing textual input and supports conversion of hand-drawn figures into PNG format. This enables the user to enter text, mathematics and draw figures in a single interface. After recognition, all output is combined into one LATEX code and compiled into a PDF file.

  12. A Quantum Proxy Blind Signature Scheme Based on Genuine Five-Qubit Entangled State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zeng, Chuan; Zhang, Jian-Zhong; Xie, Shu-Cui


    In this paper, a quantum proxy blind signature scheme based on controlled quantum teleportation is proposed. This scheme uses a genuine five-qubit entangled state as quantum channel and adopts the classical Vernam algorithm to blind message. We use the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. Security analysis shows that our scheme is valid and satisfy the properties of a proxy blind signature, such as blindness, verifiability, unforgeability, undeniability.

  13. Comparing Postsecondary Marketing Student Performance on Computer-Based and Handwritten Essay Tests

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Truell, Allen D.; Alexander, Melody W.; Davis, Rodney E.


    The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences in postsecondary marketing student performance on essay tests based on test format (i.e., computer-based or handwritten). Specifically, the variables of performance, test completion time, and gender were explored for differences based on essay test format. Results of the study…

  14. Revocable identity-based proxy re-signature against signing key exposure

    PubMed Central

    Ma, Tingchun; Wang, Jinli; Wang, Caifen


    Identity-based proxy re-signature (IDPRS) is a novel cryptographic primitive that allows a semi-trusted proxy to convert a signature under one identity into another signature under another identity on the same message by using a re-signature key. Due to this transformation function, IDPRS is very useful in constructing privacy-preserving schemes for various information systems. Key revocation functionality is important in practical IDPRS for managing users dynamically; however, the existing IDPRS schemes do not provide revocation mechanisms that allow the removal of misbehaving or compromised users from the system. In this paper, we first introduce a notion called revocable identity-based proxy re-signature (RIDPRS) to achieve the revocation functionality. We provide a formal definition of RIDPRS as well as its security model. Then, we present a concrete RIDPRS scheme that can resist signing key exposure and prove that the proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen identity and message attacks in the standard model. To further improve the performance of signature verification in RIDPRS, we introduce a notion called server-aided revocable identity-based proxy re-signature (SA-RIDPRS). Moreover, we extend the proposed RIDPRS scheme to the SA-RIDPRS scheme and prove that this extended scheme is secure against adaptive chosen message and collusion attacks. The analysis results show that our two schemes remain efficient in terms of computational complexity when implementing user revocation procedures. In particular, in the SA-RIDPRS scheme, the verifier needs to perform only a bilinear pairing and four exponentiation operations to verify the validity of the signature. Compared with other IDPRS schemes in the standard model, our SA-RIDPRS scheme greatly reduces the computation overhead of verification. PMID:29579125

  15. Handwritten dynamics assessment through convolutional neural networks: An application to Parkinson's disease identification.


    Pereira, Clayton R; Pereira, Danilo R; Rosa, Gustavo H; Albuquerque, Victor H C; Weber, Silke A T; Hook, Christian; Papa, João P


    Parkinson's disease (PD) is considered a degenerative disorder that affects the motor system, which may cause tremors, micrography, and the freezing of gait. Although PD is related to the lack of dopamine, the triggering process of its development is not fully understood yet. In this work, we introduce convolutional neural networks to learn features from images produced by handwritten dynamics, which capture different information during the individual's assessment. Additionally, we make available a dataset composed of images and signal-based data to foster the research related to computer-aided PD diagnosis. The proposed approach was compared against raw data and texture-based descriptors, showing suitable results, mainly in the context of early stage detection, with results nearly to 95%. The analysis of handwritten dynamics using deep learning techniques showed to be useful for automatic Parkinson's disease identification, as well as it can outperform handcrafted features. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Quantum Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme Using Genuinely Entangled Six Qubits State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Hai-Jing; Wang, Huai-Sheng; Li, Peng-Fei


    A quantum proxy multi-signature scheme is presented based on controlled teleportation. Genuinely entangled six qubits quantum state functions as quantum channel. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. Quantum key distribution and one-time pad are adopted in our scheme, which could guarantee not only the unconditional security of the scheme but also the anonymity of the messages owner.

  17. A Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Structural Learning towards Automated Handwritten Digit Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pauplin, Olivier; Jiang, Jianmin

    Pattern recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) is currently a growing area of study. In this paper, we present DBN models trained for classification of handwritten digit characters. The structure of these models is partly inferred from the training data of each class of digit before performing parameter learning. Classification results are presented for the four described models.

  18. Mobile Pit verification system design based on passive special nuclear material verification in weapons storage facilities

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Paul, J. N.; Chin, M. R.; Sjoden, G. E.


    A mobile 'drive by' passive radiation detection system to be applied in special nuclear materials (SNM) storage facilities for validation and compliance purposes has been designed through the use of computational modeling and new radiation detection methods. This project was the result of work over a 1 year period to create optimal design specifications to include creation of 3D models using both Monte Carlo and deterministic codes to characterize the gamma and neutron leakage out each surface of SNM-bearing canisters. Results were compared and agreement was demonstrated between both models. Container leakages were then used to determine the expected reactionmore » rates using transport theory in the detectors when placed at varying distances from the can. A 'typical' background signature was incorporated to determine the minimum signatures versus the probability of detection to evaluate moving source protocols with collimation. This established the criteria for verification of source presence and time gating at a given vehicle speed. New methods for the passive detection of SNM were employed and shown to give reliable identification of age and material for highly enriched uranium (HEU) and weapons grade plutonium (WGPu). The finalized 'Mobile Pit Verification System' (MPVS) design demonstrated that a 'drive-by' detection system, collimated and operating at nominally 2 mph, is capable of rapidly verifying each and every weapon pit stored in regularly spaced, shelved storage containers, using completely passive gamma and neutron signatures for HEU and WGPu. This system is ready for real evaluation to demonstrate passive total material accountability in storage facilities. (authors)« less

  19. Generation of signature databases with fast codes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bradford, Robert A.; Woodling, Arthur E.; Brazzell, James S.


    Using the FASTSIG signature code to generate optical signature databases for the Ground-based Surveillance and Traking System (GSTS) Program has improved the efficiency of the database generation process. The goal of the current GSTS database is to provide standardized, threat representative target signatures that can easily be used for acquisition and trk studies, discrimination algorithm development, and system simulations. Large databases, with as many as eight interpolalion parameters, are required to maintain the fidelity demands of discrimination and to generalize their application to other strateg systems. As the need increases for quick availability of long wave infrared (LWIR) target signatures for an evolving design4o-threat, FASTSIG has become a database generation alternative to using the industry standard OptiCal Signatures Code (OSC). FASTSIG, developed in 1985 to meet the unique strategic systems demands imposed by the discrimination function, has the significant advantage of being a faster running signature code than the OSC, typically requiring two percent of the cpu time. It uses analytical approximations to model axisymmetric targets, with the fidelity required for discrimination analysis. Access of the signature database is accomplished through use of the waveband integration and interpolation software, INTEG and SIGNAT. This paper gives details of this procedure as well as sample interpolated signatures and also covers sample verification by comparison to the OSC, in order to establish the fidelity of the FASTSIG generated database.

  20. Arbitrated Quantum Signature with Hamiltonian Algorithm Based on Blind Quantum Computation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, Ronghua; Ding, Wanting; Shi, Jinjing


    A novel arbitrated quantum signature (AQS) scheme is proposed motivated by the Hamiltonian algorithm (HA) and blind quantum computation (BQC). The generation and verification of signature algorithm is designed based on HA, which enables the scheme to rely less on computational complexity. It is unnecessary to recover original messages when verifying signatures since the blind quantum computation is applied, which can improve the simplicity and operability of our scheme. It is proved that the scheme can be deployed securely, and the extended AQS has some extensive applications in E-payment system, E-government, E-business, etc.

  1. Arbitrated Quantum Signature with Hamiltonian Algorithm Based on Blind Quantum Computation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, Ronghua; Ding, Wanting; Shi, Jinjing


    A novel arbitrated quantum signature (AQS) scheme is proposed motivated by the Hamiltonian algorithm (HA) and blind quantum computation (BQC). The generation and verification of signature algorithm is designed based on HA, which enables the scheme to rely less on computational complexity. It is unnecessary to recover original messages when verifying signatures since the blind quantum computation is applied, which can improve the simplicity and operability of our scheme. It is proved that the scheme can be deployed securely, and the extended AQS has some extensive applications in E-payment system, E-government, E-business, etc.

  2. A quantum proxy group signature scheme based on an entangled five-qubit state

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Meiling; Ma, Wenping; Wang, Lili; Yin, Xunru


    A quantum proxy group signature (QPGS) scheme based on controlled teleportation is presented, by using the entangled five-qubit quantum state functions as quantum channel. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. The security of the scheme is guaranteed by the entanglement correlations of the entangled five-qubit state, the secret keys based on the quantum key distribution (QKD) and the one-time pad algorithm, all of which have been proven to be unconditionally secure and the signature anonymity.

  3. Structural analysis of online handwritten mathematical symbols based on support vector machines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simistira, Foteini; Papavassiliou, Vassilis; Katsouros, Vassilis; Carayannis, George


    Mathematical expression recognition is still a very challenging task for the research community mainly because of the two-dimensional (2d) structure of mathematical expressions (MEs). In this paper, we present a novel approach for the structural analysis between two on-line handwritten mathematical symbols of a ME, based on spatial features of the symbols. We introduce six features to represent the spatial affinity of the symbols and compare two multi-class classification methods that employ support vector machines (SVMs): one based on the "one-against-one" technique and one based on the "one-against-all", in identifying the relation between a pair of symbols (i.e. subscript, numerator, etc). A dataset containing 1906 spatial relations derived from the Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (CROHME) 2012 training dataset is constructed to evaluate the classifiers and compare them with the rule-based classifier of the ILSP-1 system participated in the contest. The experimental results give an overall mean error rate of 2.61% for the "one-against-one" SVM approach, 6.57% for the "one-against-all" SVM technique and 12.31% error rate for the ILSP-1 classifier.

  4. Iterative cross section sequence graph for handwritten character segmentation.


    Dawoud, Amer


    The iterative cross section sequence graph (ICSSG) is an algorithm for handwritten character segmentation. It expands the cross section sequence graph concept by applying it iteratively at equally spaced thresholds. The iterative thresholding reduces the effect of information loss associated with image binarization. ICSSG preserves the characters' skeletal structure by preventing the interference of pixels that causes flooding of adjacent characters' segments. Improving the structural quality of the characters' skeleton facilitates better feature extraction and classification, which improves the overall performance of optical character recognition (OCR). Experimental results showed significant improvements in OCR recognition rates compared to other well-established segmentation algorithms.

  5. Spotting handwritten words and REGEX using a two stage BLSTM-HMM architecture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bideault, Gautier; Mioulet, Luc; Chatelain, Clément; Paquet, Thierry


    In this article, we propose a hybrid model for spotting words and regular expressions (REGEX) in handwritten documents. The model is made of the state-of-the-art BLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short Time Memory) neural network for recognizing and segmenting characters, coupled with a HMM to build line models able to spot the desired sequences. Experiments on the Rimes database show very promising results.

  6. Boosting bonsai trees for handwritten/printed text discrimination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ricquebourg, Yann; Raymond, Christian; Poirriez, Baptiste; Lemaitre, Aurélie; Coüasnon, Bertrand


    Boosting over decision-stumps proved its efficiency in Natural Language Processing essentially with symbolic features, and its good properties (fast, few and not critical parameters, not sensitive to over-fitting) could be of great interest in the numeric world of pixel images. In this article we investigated the use of boosting over small decision trees, in image classification processing, for the discrimination of handwritten/printed text. Then, we conducted experiments to compare it to usual SVM-based classification revealing convincing results with very close performance, but with faster predictions and behaving far less as a black-box. Those promising results tend to make use of this classifier in more complex recognition tasks like multiclass problems.

  7. A Quantum Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Genuine Five-qubit Entangled State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Hai-Jing; Huang, Jun; Yu, Yao-Feng; Jiang, Xiu-Li


    In this paper a very efficient and secure proxy signature scheme is proposed. It is based on controlled quantum teleportation. Genuine five-qubit entangled state functions as quantum channel. The scheme uses the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. Quantum key distribution and one-time pad are adopted in our scheme, which could guarantee not only the unconditional security of the scheme but also the anonymity of the messages owner.

  8. Fuzzy Logic Module of Convolutional Neural Network for Handwritten Digits Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Popko, E. A.; Weinstein, I. A.


    Optical character recognition is one of the important issues in the field of pattern recognition. This paper presents a method for recognizing handwritten digits based on the modeling of convolutional neural network. The integrated fuzzy logic module based on a structural approach was developed. Used system architecture adjusted the output of the neural network to improve quality of symbol identification. It was shown that proposed algorithm was flexible and high recognition rate of 99.23% was achieved.

  9. A comparison of the surface contaminants of handwritten recycled and printed electronic parenteral nutrition prescriptions and their transfer to bag surfaces during delivery to hospital wards.


    Austin, Peter David; Hand, Kieran Sean; Elia, Marinos


    Handwritten recycled paper prescription for parenteral nutrition (PN) may become a concentrated source of viable contaminants, including pathogens. This study examined the effect of using fresh printouts of electronic prescriptions on these contaminants. Cellulose sponge stick swabs with neutralizing buffer were used to sample the surfaces of PN prescriptions (n = 32 handwritten recycled; n = 32 printed electronic) on arrival to the pharmacy or following printing and PN prescriptions and bags packaged together during delivery (n = 38 handwritten recycled; n = 34 printed electronic) on arrival to hospital wards. Different media plates and standard microbiological procedures identified the type and number of contaminants. Staphylococcus aureus, fungi, and mold were infrequent contaminants. nonspecific aerobes more frequently contaminated handwritten recycled than printed electronic prescriptions (into pharmacy, 94% vs 44%, fisher exact test P .001; onto wards, 76% vs 50%, p = .028), with greater numbers of colony-forming units (CFU) (into pharmacy, median 130 [interquartile range (IQR), 65260] VS 0 [075], Mann-Whitney U test, P .001; onto wards, median 120 [15320] vs 10 [040], P = .001). packaging with handwritten recycled prescriptions led to more frequent nonspecific aerobic bag surface contamination (63% vs 41%, fisher exact test P = .097), with greater numbers of CFU (median 40 [IQR, 080] VS 0 [040], Mann-Whitney U test, P = .036). The use of printed electronic PN prescriptions can reduce microbial loads for contamination of surfaces that compromises aseptic techniques.

  10. An Improved Quantum Proxy Blind Signature Scheme Based on Genuine Seven-Qubit Entangled State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Yuan-Yuan; Xie, Shu-Cui; Zhang, Jian-Zhong


    An improved quantum proxy blind signature scheme based on controlled teleportation is proposed in this paper. Genuine seven-qubit entangled state functions as quantum channel. We use the physical characteristics of quantum mechanics to implement delegation, signature and verification. Security analysis shows that our scheme is unforgeability, undeniability, blind and unconditionally secure. Meanwhile, we propose a trust party to provide higher security, the trust party is costless.

  11. Ancient administrative handwritten documents: X-ray analysis and imaging

    PubMed Central

    Albertin, F.; Astolfo, A.; Stampanoni, M.; Peccenini, Eva; Hwu, Y.; Kaplan, F.; Margaritondo, G.


    Handwritten characters in administrative antique documents from three centuries have been detected using different synchrotron X-ray imaging techniques. Heavy elements in ancient inks, present even for everyday administrative manuscripts as shown by X-ray fluorescence spectra, produce attenuation contrast. In most cases the image quality is good enough for tomography reconstruction in view of future applications to virtual page-by-page ‘reading’. When attenuation is too low, differential phase contrast imaging can reveal the characters from refractive index effects. The results are potentially important for new information harvesting strategies, for example from the huge Archivio di Stato collection, objective of the Venice Time Machine project. PMID:25723946

  12. Ancient administrative handwritten documents: X-ray analysis and imaging.


    Albertin, F; Astolfo, A; Stampanoni, M; Peccenini, Eva; Hwu, Y; Kaplan, F; Margaritondo, G


    Handwritten characters in administrative antique documents from three centuries have been detected using different synchrotron X-ray imaging techniques. Heavy elements in ancient inks, present even for everyday administrative manuscripts as shown by X-ray fluorescence spectra, produce attenuation contrast. In most cases the image quality is good enough for tomography reconstruction in view of future applications to virtual page-by-page `reading'. When attenuation is too low, differential phase contrast imaging can reveal the characters from refractive index effects. The results are potentially important for new information harvesting strategies, for example from the huge Archivio di Stato collection, objective of the Venice Time Machine project.

  13. Background feature descriptor for offline handwritten numeral recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ming, Delie; Wang, Hao; Tian, Tian; Jie, Feiran; Lei, Bo


    This paper puts forward an offline handwritten numeral recognition method based on background structural descriptor (sixteen-value numerical background expression). Through encoding the background pixels in the image according to a certain rule, 16 different eigenvalues were generated, which reflected the background condition of every digit, then reflected the structural features of the digits. Through pattern language description of images by these features, automatic segmentation of overlapping digits and numeral recognition can be realized. This method is characterized by great deformation resistant ability, high recognition speed and easy realization. Finally, the experimental results and conclusions are presented. The experimental results of recognizing datasets from various practical application fields reflect that with this method, a good recognition effect can be achieved.

  14. Optical ID Tags for Secure Verification of Multispectral Visible and NIR Signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pérez-Cabré, Elisabet; Millán, María S.; Javidi, Bahram


    We propose to combine information from visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) spectral bands to increase robustness on security systems and deter from unauthorized use of optical tags that permit the identification of a given person or object. The signature that identifies the element under surveillance will be only obtained by the appropriate combination of the visible content and the NIR data. The fully-phase encryption technique is applied to avoid an easy recognition of the resultant signature at the naked eye and an easy reproduction using conventional devices for imaging or scanning. The obtained complex-amplitude encrypted distribution is encoded on an identity (ID) tag. Spatial multiplexing of the encrypted signature allows us to build a distortion-invariant ID tag, so that remote authentication can be achieved even if the tag is captured under rotation or at different distances. We explore the possibility of using partial information of the encrypted distribution. Simulation results are provided and discussed.

  15. Toward Automatic Verification of Goal-Oriented Flow Simulations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nemec, Marian; Aftosmis, Michael J.


    We demonstrate the power of adaptive mesh refinement with adjoint-based error estimates in verification of simulations governed by the steady Euler equations. The flow equations are discretized using a finite volume scheme on a Cartesian mesh with cut cells at the wall boundaries. The discretization error in selected simulation outputs is estimated using the method of adjoint-weighted residuals. Practical aspects of the implementation are emphasized, particularly in the formulation of the refinement criterion and the mesh adaptation strategy. Following a thorough code verification example, we demonstrate simulation verification of two- and three-dimensional problems. These involve an airfoil performance database, a pressure signature of a body in supersonic flow and a launch abort with strong jet interactions. The results show reliable estimates and automatic control of discretization error in all simulations at an affordable computational cost. Moreover, the approach remains effective even when theoretical assumptions, e.g., steady-state and solution smoothness, are relaxed.

  16. The proximate unit in Chinese handwritten character production

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Jenn-Yeu; Cherng, Rong-Ju


    In spoken word production, a proximate unit is the first phonological unit at the sublexical level that is selectable for production (O'Seaghdha et al., 2010). The present study investigated whether the proximate unit in Chinese handwritten character production is the stroke, the radical, or something in between. A written version of the form preparation task was adopted. Chinese participants learned sets of two-character words, later were cued with the first character of each word, and had to write down the second character (the target). Response times were measured from the onset of a cue character to the onset of a written response. In Experiment 1, the target characters within a block shared (homogeneous) or did not share (heterogeneous) the first stroke. In Experiment 2, the first two strokes were shared in the homogeneous blocks. Response times in the homogeneous blocks and in the heterogeneous blocks were comparable in both experiments (Experiment 1: 687 vs. 684 ms, Experiment 2: 717 vs. 716). In Experiment 3 and 4, the target characters within a block shared or did not share the first radical. Response times in the homogeneous blocks were significantly faster than those in the heterogeneous blocks (Experiment 3: 685 vs. 704, Experiment 4: 594 vs. 650). In Experiment 5 and 6, the shared component was a Gestalt-like form that is more than a stroke, constitutes a portion of the target character, can be a stand-alone character itself, can be a radical of another character but is not a radical of the target character (e.g., ± in , , , ; called a logographeme). Response times in the homogeneous blocks were significantly faster than those in the heterogeneous blocks (Experiment 5: 576 vs. 625, Experiment 6: 586 vs. 620). These results suggest a model of Chinese handwritten character production in which the stroke is not a functional unit, the radical plays the role of a morpheme, and the logographeme is the proximate unit. PMID:23950752

  17. USign--a security enhanced electronic consent model.


    Li, Yanyan; Xie, Mengjun; Bian, Jiang


    Electronic consent becomes increasingly popular in the healthcare sector given the many benefits it provides. However, security concerns, e.g., how to verify the identity of a person who is remotely accessing the electronic consent system in a secure and user-friendly manner, also arise along with the popularity of electronic consent. Unfortunately, existing electronic consent systems do not pay sufficient attention to those issues. They mainly rely on conventional password based authentication to verify the identity of an electronic consent user, which is far from being sufficient given that identity theft threat is real and significant in reality. In this paper, we present a security enhanced electronic consent model called USign. USign enhances the identity protection and authentication for electronic consent systems by leveraging handwritten signatures everyone is familiar with and mobile computing technologies that are becoming ubiquitous. We developed a prototype of USign and conducted preliminary evaluation on accuracy and usability of signature verification. Our experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed model.

  18. Public-key quantum digital signature scheme with one-time pad private-key

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Feng-Lin; Liu, Wan-Fang; Chen, Su-Gen; Wang, Zhi-Hua


    A quantum digital signature scheme is firstly proposed based on public-key quantum cryptosystem. In the scheme, the verification public-key is derived from the signer's identity information (such as e-mail) on the foundation of identity-based encryption, and the signature private-key is generated by one-time pad (OTP) protocol. The public-key and private-key pair belongs to classical bits, but the signature cipher belongs to quantum qubits. After the signer announces the public-key and generates the final quantum signature, each verifier can verify publicly whether the signature is valid or not with the public-key and quantum digital digest. Analysis results show that the proposed scheme satisfies non-repudiation and unforgeability. Information-theoretic security of the scheme is ensured by quantum indistinguishability mechanics and OTP protocol. Based on the public-key cryptosystem, the proposed scheme is easier to be realized compared with other quantum signature schemes under current technical conditions.

  19. Structural model constructing for optical handwritten character recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khaustov, P. A.; Spitsyn, V. G.; Maksimova, E. I.


    The article is devoted to the development of the algorithms for optical handwritten character recognition based on the structural models constructing. The main advantage of these algorithms is the low requirement regarding the number of reference images. The one-pass approach to a thinning of the binary character representation has been proposed. This approach is based on the joint use of Zhang-Suen and Wu-Tsai algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by the results of the experiments. The article includes the detailed description of the structural model constructing algorithm’s steps. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in character processing application and has been approved on MNIST handwriting characters database. Algorithms that could be used in case of limited reference images number were used for the comparison.

  20. Network-based Arbitrated Quantum Signature Scheme with Graph State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Hongling; Li, Fei; Mao, Ningyi; Wang, Yijun; Guo, Ying


    Implementing an arbitrated quantum signature(QAS) through complex networks is an interesting cryptography technology in the literature. In this paper, we propose an arbitrated quantum signature for the multi-user-involved networks, whose topological structures are established by the encoded graph state. The determinative transmission of the shared keys, is enabled by the appropriate stabilizers performed on the graph state. The implementation of this scheme depends on the deterministic distribution of the multi-user-shared graph state on which the encoded message can be processed in signing and verifying phases. There are four parties involved, the signatory Alice, the verifier Bob, the arbitrator Trent and Dealer who assists the legal participants in the signature generation and verification. The security is guaranteed by the entanglement of the encoded graph state which is cooperatively prepared by legal participants in complex quantum networks.

  1. A bimodal biometric identification system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laghari, Mohammad S.; Khuwaja, Gulzar A.


    Biometrics consists of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. Physicals are related to the shape of the body. Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person. However, biometric authentication systems suffer from imprecision and difficulty in person recognition due to a number of reasons and no single biometrics is expected to effectively satisfy the requirements of all verification and/or identification applications. Bimodal biometric systems are expected to be more reliable due to the presence of two pieces of evidence and also be able to meet the severe performance requirements imposed by various applications. This paper presents a neural network based bimodal biometric identification system by using human face and handwritten signature features.

  2. A correlational study between signature, writing abilities and decision-making capacity among people with initial cognitive impairment.


    Renier, M; Gnoato, F; Tessari, A; Formilan, M; Busonera, F; Albanese, P; Sartori, G; Cester, A


    Some clinical conditions, including dementia, compromise cognitive functions involved in decision-making processes, with repercussions on the ability to subscribe a will. Because of the increasing number of aged people with cognitive impairment there is an acute and growing need for decision-making capacity evidence-based assessment. Our study investigates the relationship between writing abilities and cognitive integrity to see if it is possible to make inferences on decision-making capacity through handwriting analysis. We also investigated the relationship between signature ability and cognitive integrity. Thirty-six participants with diagnosis of MCI and 38 participants with diagnosis of initial dementia were recruited. For each subject we collected two samples of signature-an actual and a previous one-and an extract of spontaneous writing. Furthermore, we administered a neuropsychological battery to investigate cognitive functions involved in decision-making. We found significant correlations between spontaneous writing indexes and neuropsychological test results. Nonetheless, the index of signature deterioration does not correlate with the level of cognitive decline. Our results suggest that a careful analysis of spontaneous writing can be useful to make inferences on decision-making capacity, whereas great caution should be taken in attributing validity to handwritten signature of subjects with MCI or dementia. The analysis of spontaneous writing can be a reliable aid in cases of retrospective evaluation of cognitive integrity. On the other side, the ability to sign is not an index of cognitive integrity.

  3. Biometric verification in dynamic writing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    George, Susan E.


    Pen-tablet devices capable of capturing the dynamics of writing record temporal and pressure information as well as the spatial pattern. This paper explores biometric verification based upon the dynamics of writing where writers are distinguished not on the basis of what they write (ie the signature), but how they write. We have collected samples of dynamic writing from 38 Chinese writers. Each writer was asked to provide 10 copies of a paragraph of text and the same number of signature samples. From the data we have extracted stroke-based primitives from the sentence data utilizing pen-up/down information and heuristic rules about the shape of the character. The x, y and pressure values of each primitive were interpolated into an even temporal range based upon a 20 msec sampling rate. We applied the Daubechies 1 wavelet transform to the x signal, y signal and pressure signal using the coefficients as inputs to a multi-layer perceptron trained with back-propagation on the sentence data. We found a sensitivity of 0.977 and specificity of 0.990 recognizing writers based on test primitives extracted from sentence data and measures of 0.916 and 0.961 respectively, from test primitives extracted from signature data.

  4. Quantify spatial relations to discover handwritten graphical symbols

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Jinpeng; Mouchère, Harold; Viard-Gaudin, Christian


    To model a handwritten graphical language, spatial relations describe how the strokes are positioned in the 2-dimensional space. Most of existing handwriting recognition systems make use of some predefined spatial relations. However, considering a complex graphical language, it is hard to express manually all the spatial relations. Another possibility would be to use a clustering technique to discover the spatial relations. In this paper, we discuss how to create a relational graph between strokes (nodes) labeled with graphemes in a graphical language. Then we vectorize spatial relations (edges) for clustering and quantization. As the targeted application, we extract the repetitive sub-graphs (graphical symbols) composed of graphemes and learned spatial relations. On two handwriting databases, a simple mathematical expression database and a complex flowchart database, the unsupervised spatial relations outperform the predefined spatial relations. In addition, we visualize the frequent patterns on two text-lines containing Chinese characters.

  5. The use of discrete-event simulation modeling to compare handwritten and electronic prescribing systems.


    Ghany, Ahmad; Vassanji, Karim; Kuziemsky, Craig; Keshavjee, Karim


    Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) is expected to bring many benefits to Canadian healthcare, such as a reduction in errors and adverse drug reactions. As there currently is no functioning e-prescribing system in Canada that is completely electronic, we are unable to evaluate the performance of a live system. An alternative approach is to use simulation modeling for evaluation. We developed two discrete-event simulation models, one of the current handwritten prescribing system and one of a proposed e-prescribing system, to compare the performance of these two systems. We were able to compare the number of processes in each model, workflow efficiency, and the distribution of patients or prescriptions. Although we were able to compare these models to each other, using discrete-event simulation software was challenging. We were limited in the number of variables we could measure. We discovered non-linear processes and feedback loops in both models that could not be adequately represented using discrete-event simulation software. Finally, interactions between entities in both models could not be modeled using this type of software. We have come to the conclusion that a more appropriate approach to modeling both the handwritten and electronic prescribing systems would be to use a complex adaptive systems approach using agent-based modeling or systems-based modeling.

  6. Handwritten-word spotting using biologically inspired features.


    van der Zant, Tijn; Schomaker, Lambert; Haak, Koen


    For quick access to new handwritten collections, current handwriting recognition methods are too cumbersome. They cannot deal with the lack of labeled data and would require extensive laboratory training for each individual script, style, language and collection. We propose a biologically inspired whole-word recognition method which is used to incrementally elicit word labels in a live, web-based annotation system, named Monk. Since human labor should be minimized given the massive amount of image data, it becomes important to rely on robust perceptual mechanisms in the machine. Recent computational models of the neuro-physiology of vision are applied to isolated word classification. A primate cortex-like mechanism allows to classify text-images that have a low frequency of occurrence. Typically these images are the most difficult to retrieve and often contain named entities and are regarded as the most important to people. Usually standard pattern-recognition technology cannot deal with these text-images if there are not enough labeled instances. The results of this retrieval system are compared to normalized word-image matching and appear to be very promising.

  7. Offline handwritten word recognition using MQDF-HMMs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramachandrula, Sitaram; Hambarde, Mangesh; Patial, Ajay; Sahoo, Dushyant; Kochar, Shaivi


    We propose an improved HMM formulation for offline handwriting recognition (HWR). The main contribution of this work is using modified quadratic discriminant function (MQDF) [1] within HMM framework. In an MQDF-HMM the state observation likelihood is calculated by a weighted combination of MQDF likelihoods of individual Gaussians of GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model). The quadratic discriminant function (QDF) of a multivariate Gaussian can be rewritten by avoiding the inverse of covariance matrix by using the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of it. The MQDF is derived from QDF by substituting few of badly estimated lower-most Eigen values by an appropriate constant. The estimation errors of non-dominant Eigen vectors and Eigen values of covariance matrix for which the training data is insufficient can be controlled by this approach. MQDF has been successfully shown to improve the character recognition performance [1]. The usage of MQDF in HMM improves the computation, storage and modeling power of HMM when there is limited training data. We have got encouraging results on offline handwritten character (NIST database) and word recognition in English using MQDF HMMs.

  8. Verification Games: Crowd-Sourced Formal Verification

    DTIC Science & Technology



  9. Identification of forgeries in handwritten petitions for ballot propositions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Srihari, Sargur; Ramakrishnan, Veshnu; Malgireddy, Manavender; Ball, Gregory R.


    Many governments have some form of "direct democracy" legislation procedure whereby individual citizens can propose various measures creating or altering laws. Generally, such a process is started with the gathering of a large number of signatures. There is interest in whether or not there are fraudulent signatures present in such a petition, and if so what percentage of the signatures are indeed fraudulent. However, due to the large number of signatures (tens of thousands), it is not feasible to have a document examiner verify the signatures directly. Instead, there is interest in creating a subset of signatures where there is a high probability of fraud that can be verified. We present a method by which a pairwise comparison of signatures can be performed and subsequent sorting can generate such subsets.

  10. A Novel Handwritten Letter Recognizer Using Enhanced Evolutionary Neural Network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahmoudi, Fariborz; Mirzashaeri, Mohsen; Shahamatnia, Ehsan; Faridnia, Saed

    This paper introduces a novel design for handwritten letter recognition by employing a hybrid back-propagation neural network with an enhanced evolutionary algorithm. Feeding the neural network consists of a new approach which is invariant to translation, rotation, and scaling of input letters. Evolutionary algorithm is used for the global search of the search space and the back-propagation algorithm is used for the local search. The results have been computed by implementing this approach for recognizing 26 English capital letters in the handwritings of different people. The computational results show that the neural network reaches very satisfying results with relatively scarce input data and a promising performance improvement in convergence of the hybrid evolutionary back-propagation algorithms is exhibited.

  11. Characterization of palmprints by wavelet signatures via directional context modeling.


    Zhang, Lei; Zhang, David


    The palmprint is one of the most reliable physiological characteristics that can be used to distinguish between individuals. Current palmprint-based systems are more user friendly, more cost effective, and require fewer data signatures than traditional fingerprint-based identification systems. The principal lines and wrinkles captured in a low-resolution palmprint image provide more than enough information to uniquely identify an individual. This paper presents a palmprint identification scheme that characterizes a palmprint using a set of statistical signatures. The palmprint is first transformed into the wavelet domain, and the directional context of each wavelet subband is defined and computed in order to collect the predominant coefficients of its principal lines and wrinkles. A set of statistical signatures, which includes gravity center, density, spatial dispersivity and energy, is then defined to characterize the palmprint with the selected directional context values. A classification and identification scheme based on these signatures is subsequently developed. This scheme exploits the features of principal lines and prominent wrinkles sufficiently and achieves satisfactory results. Compared with the line-segments-matching or interesting-points-matching based palmprint verification schemes, the proposed scheme uses a much smaller amount of data signatures. It also provides a convenient classification strategy and more accurate identification.

  12. Method and computer product to increase accuracy of time-based software verification for sensor networks


    Foo Kune, Denis [Saint Paul, MN; Mahadevan, Karthikeyan [Mountain View, CA


    A recursive verification protocol to reduce the time variance due to delays in the network by putting the subject node at most one hop from the verifier node provides for an efficient manner to test wireless sensor nodes. Since the software signatures are time based, recursive testing will give a much cleaner signal for positive verification of the software running on any one node in the sensor network. In this protocol, the main verifier checks its neighbor, who in turn checks its neighbor, and continuing this process until all nodes have been verified. This ensures minimum time delays for the software verification. Should a node fail the test, the software verification downstream is halted until an alternative path (one not including the failed node) is found. Utilizing techniques well known in the art, having a node tested twice, or not at all, can be avoided.

  13. Handwritten character recognition using background analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tascini, Guido; Puliti, Paolo; Zingaretti, Primo


    The paper describes a low-cost handwritten character recognizer. It is constituted by three modules: the `acquisition' module, the `binarization' module, and the `core' module. The core module can be logically partitioned into six steps: character dilation, character circumscription, region and `profile' analysis, `cut' analysis, decision tree descent, and result validation. Firstly, it reduces the resolution of the binarized regions and detects the minimum rectangle (MR) which encloses the character; the MR partitions the background into regions that surround the character or are enclosed by it, and allows it to define features as `profiles' and `cuts;' a `profile' is the set of vertical or horizontal minimum distances between a side of the MR and the character itself; a `cut' is a vertical or horizontal image segment delimited by the MR. Then, the core module classifies the character by descending along the decision tree on the basis of the analysis of regions around the character, in particular of the `profiles' and `cuts,' and without using context information. Finally, it recognizes the character or reactivates the core module by analyzing validation test results. The recognizer is largely insensible to character discontinuity and is able to detect Arabic numerals and English alphabet capital letters. The recognition rate of a 32 X 32 pixel character is of about 97% after the first iteration, and of over 98% after the second iteration.

  14. Orthographic and phonological neighborhood effects in handwritten word perception

    PubMed Central

    Goldinger, Stephen D.


    In printed-word perception, the orthographic neighborhood effect (i.e., faster recognition of words with more neighbors) has considerable theoretical importance, because it implicates great interactivity in lexical access. Mulatti, Reynolds, and Besner Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 799–810 (2006) questioned the validity of orthographic neighborhood effects, suggesting that they reflect a confound with phonological neighborhood density. They reported that, when phonological density is controlled, orthographic neighborhood effects vanish. Conversely, phonological neighborhood effects were still evident even when controlling for orthographic neighborhood density. The present study was a replication and extension of Mulatti et al. (2006), with words presented in four different formats (computer-generated print and cursive, and handwritten print and cursive). The results from Mulatti et al. (2006) were replicated with computer-generated stimuli, but were reversed with natural stimuli. These results suggest that, when ambiguity is introduced at the level of individual letters, top-down influences from lexical neighbors are increased. PMID:26306881

  15. 5 CFR 850.103 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... graphical image of a handwritten signature, usually created using a special computer input device, such as a... comparison with the characteristics and biometric data of a known or exemplar signature image. Director means... folder across the Government. Electronic retirement and insurance processing system means the new...

  16. 5 CFR 850.103 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... graphical image of a handwritten signature, usually created using a special computer input device, such as a... comparison with the characteristics and biometric data of a known or exemplar signature image. Director means... folder across the Government. Electronic retirement and insurance processing system means the new...

  17. 5 CFR 850.103 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... graphical image of a handwritten signature, usually created using a special computer input device, such as a... comparison with the characteristics and biometric data of a known or exemplar signature image. Director means... folder across the Government. Electronic retirement and insurance processing system means the new...

  18. Generic Verification Protocol for Verification of Online Turbidimeters

    EPA Science Inventory

    This protocol provides generic procedures for implementing a verification test for the performance of online turbidimeters. The verification tests described in this document will be conducted under the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program. Verification tests will...


    PubMed Central

    Ellison, GTH; Richter, LM; de Wet, T; Harris, HE; Griesel, RD; McIntyre, JA


    This study examined the reliability of hand-written and computerised records of birth data collected during the Birth to Ten study at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto. The reliability of record-keeping in hand-written obstetric and neonatal files was assessed by comparing duplicate records of six different variables abstracted from six different sections in these files. The reliability of computerised record-keeping was assessed by comparing the original hand-written record of each variable with records contained in the hospital’s computerised database. These data sets displayed similar levels of reliability which suggests that similar errors occurred when data were transcribed from one section of the files to the next, and from these files to the computerised database. In both sets of records reliability was highest for the categorical variable infant sex, and for those continuous variables (such as maternal age and gravidity) recorded with unambiguous units. Reliability was lower for continuous variables that could be recorded with different levels of precision (such as birth weight), those that were occasionally measured more than once, and those that could be measured using more than one measurement technique (such as gestational age). Reducing the number of times records are transcribed, categorising continuous variables, and standardising the techniques used for measuring and recording variables would improve the reliability of both hand-written and computerised data sets. OPSOMMING In hierdie studie is die betroubaarheid van handgeskrewe en gerekenariseerde rekords van ge boortedata ondersoek, wat versamel is gedurende die ‘Birth to Ten’ -studie aan die Baragwanath hospitaal in Soweto. Die betroubaarheid van handgeskrewe verloskundige en pasgeboortelike rekords is beoordeel deur duplikaatrekords op ses verskillende verander likes te vergelyk, wat onttrek is uit ses verskillende dele van die betrokke lêers. Die gerekenariseerde rekords se betroubaarheid

  20. Identifying, Visualizing, and Fusing Social Media Data to Support Nonproliferation and Arms Control Treaty Verification: Preliminary Results

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gastelum, Zoe N.; Cramer, Nicholas O.; Benz, Jacob M.

    While international nonproliferation and arms control verification capabilities have their foundations in physical and chemical sensors, state declarations, and on-site inspections, verification experts are beginning to consider the importance of open source data to complement and support traditional means of verification. One of those new, and increasingly expanding, sources of open source information is social media, which can be ingested and understood through social media analytics (SMA). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is conducting research to further our ability to identify, visualize, and fuse social media data to support nonproliferation and arms control treaty verification efforts. This paper will describemore » our preliminary research to examine social media signatures of nonproliferation or arms control proxy events. We will describe the development of our preliminary nonproliferation and arms control proxy events, outline our initial findings, and propose ideas for future work.« less

  1. Supporting Learning with Weblogs in Science Education: A Comparison of Blogging and Hand-Written Reflective Writing with and without Prompts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Petko, Dominik; Egger, Nives; Graber, Marc


    The goal of this study was to compare how weblogs and traditional handwritten reflective learning protocols compare regarding the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for knowledge acquisition as well as learning gains in secondary school students. The study used a quasi-experimental control group design with repeated measurements…

  2. 5 CFR 850.103 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...) ELECTRONIC RETIREMENT PROCESSING General Provisions § 850.103 Definitions. In this part— Agency means an... graphical image of a handwritten signature usually created using a special computer input device (such as a... comparison with the characteristics and biometric data of a known or exemplar signature image. Director means...

  3. Quantitative comparison of microarray experiments with published leukemia related gene expression signatures.


    Klein, Hans-Ulrich; Ruckert, Christian; Kohlmann, Alexander; Bullinger, Lars; Thiede, Christian; Haferlach, Torsten; Dugas, Martin


    Multiple gene expression signatures derived from microarray experiments have been published in the field of leukemia research. A comparison of these signatures with results from new experiments is useful for verification as well as for interpretation of the results obtained. Currently, the percentage of overlapping genes is frequently used to compare published gene signatures against a signature derived from a new experiment. However, it has been shown that the percentage of overlapping genes is of limited use for comparing two experiments due to the variability of gene signatures caused by different array platforms or assay-specific influencing parameters. Here, we present a robust approach for a systematic and quantitative comparison of published gene expression signatures with an exemplary query dataset. A database storing 138 leukemia-related published gene signatures was designed. Each gene signature was manually annotated with terms according to a leukemia-specific taxonomy. Two analysis steps are implemented to compare a new microarray dataset with the results from previous experiments stored and curated in the database. First, the global test method is applied to assess gene signatures and to constitute a ranking among them. In a subsequent analysis step, the focus is shifted from single gene signatures to chromosomal aberrations or molecular mutations as modeled in the taxonomy. Potentially interesting disease characteristics are detected based on the ranking of gene signatures associated with these aberrations stored in the database. Two example analyses are presented. An implementation of the approach is freely available as web-based application. The presented approach helps researchers to systematically integrate the knowledge derived from numerous microarray experiments into the analysis of a new dataset. By means of example leukemia datasets we demonstrate that this approach detects related experiments as well as related molecular mutations and may

  4. Comparative implementation of Handwritten and Machine written Gurmukhi text utilizing appropriate parameters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaur, Jaswinder; Jagdev, Gagandeep, Dr.


    Optical character recognition is concerned with the recognition of optically processed characters. The recognition is done offline after the writing or printing has been completed, unlike online recognition where the computer has to recognize the characters instantly as they are drawn. The performance of character recognition depends upon the quality of scanned documents. The preprocessing steps are used for removing low-frequency background noise and normalizing the intensity of individual scanned documents. Several filters are used for reducing certain image details and enabling an easier or faster evaluation. The primary aim of the research work is to recognize handwritten and machine written characters and differentiate them. The language opted for the research work is Punjabi Gurmukhi and tool utilized is Matlab.

  5. A perceptive method for handwritten text segmentation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemaitre, Aurélie; Camillerapp, Jean; Coüasnon, Bertrand


    This paper presents a new method to address the problem of handwritten text segmentation into text lines and words. Thus, we propose a method based on the cooperation among points of view that enables the localization of the text lines in a low resolution image, and then to associate the pixels at a higher level of resolution. Thanks to the combination of levels of vision, we can detect overlapping characters and re-segment the connected components during the analysis. Then, we propose a segmentation of lines into words based on the cooperation among digital data and symbolic knowledge. The digital data are obtained from distances inside a Delaunay graph, which gives a precise distance between connected components, at the pixel level. We introduce structural rules in order to take into account some generic knowledge about the organization of a text page. This cooperation among information gives a bigger power of expression and ensures the global coherence of the recognition. We validate this work using the metrics and the database proposed for the segmentation contest of ICDAR 2009. Thus, we show that our method obtains very interesting results, compared to the other methods of the literature. More precisely, we are able to deal with slope and curvature, overlapping text lines and varied kinds of writings, which are the main difficulties met by the other methods.

  6. Data requirements for verification of ram glow chemistry

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Swenson, G. R.; Mende, S. B.


    A set of questions is posed regarding the surface chemistry producing the ram glow on the space shuttle. The questions surround verification of the chemical cycle involved in the physical processes leading to the glow. The questions, and a matrix of measurements required for most answers, are presented. The measurements include knowledge of the flux composition to and from a ram surface as well as spectroscopic signatures from the U to visible to IR. A pallet set of experiments proposed to accomplish the measurements is discussed. An interim experiment involving an available infrared instrument to be operated from the shuttle Orbiter cabin is also be discussed.

  7. ASM Based Synthesis of Handwritten Arabic Text Pages

    PubMed Central

    Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Elzobi, Moftah; El-etriby, Sherif; Ghoneim, Ahmed


    Document analysis tasks, as text recognition, word spotting, or segmentation, are highly dependent on comprehensive and suitable databases for training and validation. However their generation is expensive in sense of labor and time. As a matter of fact, there is a lack of such databases, which complicates research and development. This is especially true for the case of Arabic handwriting recognition, that involves different preprocessing, segmentation, and recognition methods, which have individual demands on samples and ground truth. To bypass this problem, we present an efficient system that automatically turns Arabic Unicode text into synthetic images of handwritten documents and detailed ground truth. Active Shape Models (ASMs) based on 28046 online samples were used for character synthesis and statistical properties were extracted from the IESK-arDB database to simulate baselines and word slant or skew. In the synthesis step ASM based representations are composed to words and text pages, smoothed by B-Spline interpolation and rendered considering writing speed and pen characteristics. Finally, we use the synthetic data to validate a segmentation method. An experimental comparison with the IESK-arDB database encourages to train and test document analysis related methods on synthetic samples, whenever no sufficient natural ground truthed data is available. PMID:26295059

  8. ASM Based Synthesis of Handwritten Arabic Text Pages.


    Dinges, Laslo; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Elzobi, Moftah; El-Etriby, Sherif; Ghoneim, Ahmed


    Document analysis tasks, as text recognition, word spotting, or segmentation, are highly dependent on comprehensive and suitable databases for training and validation. However their generation is expensive in sense of labor and time. As a matter of fact, there is a lack of such databases, which complicates research and development. This is especially true for the case of Arabic handwriting recognition, that involves different preprocessing, segmentation, and recognition methods, which have individual demands on samples and ground truth. To bypass this problem, we present an efficient system that automatically turns Arabic Unicode text into synthetic images of handwritten documents and detailed ground truth. Active Shape Models (ASMs) based on 28046 online samples were used for character synthesis and statistical properties were extracted from the IESK-arDB database to simulate baselines and word slant or skew. In the synthesis step ASM based representations are composed to words and text pages, smoothed by B-Spline interpolation and rendered considering writing speed and pen characteristics. Finally, we use the synthetic data to validate a segmentation method. An experimental comparison with the IESK-arDB database encourages to train and test document analysis related methods on synthetic samples, whenever no sufficient natural ground truthed data is available.

  9. Dynamic and Contextual Information in HMM Modeling for Handwritten Word Recognition.


    Bianne-Bernard, Anne-Laure; Menasri, Farès; Al-Hajj Mohamad, Rami; Mokbel, Chafic; Kermorvant, Christopher; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence


    This study aims at building an efficient word recognition system resulting from the combination of three handwriting recognizers. The main component of this combined system is an HMM-based recognizer which considers dynamic and contextual information for a better modeling of writing units. For modeling the contextual units, a state-tying process based on decision tree clustering is introduced. Decision trees are built according to a set of expert-based questions on how characters are written. Questions are divided into global questions, yielding larger clusters, and precise questions, yielding smaller ones. Such clustering enables us to reduce the total number of models and Gaussians densities by 10. We then apply this modeling to the recognition of handwritten words. Experiments are conducted on three publicly available databases based on Latin or Arabic languages: Rimes, IAM, and OpenHart. The results obtained show that contextual information embedded with dynamic modeling significantly improves recognition.

  10. 49 CFR 592.6 - Duties of a registered importer.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... pursuant to § 592.5(a)(5)(iv), with an original hand-written signature and not with a signature that is... paragraph (d) of this section (the 30-day period will be extended if the Administrator has made written... on which Code J is checked, and the EPA has granted the ICI written permission to operate the vehicle...

  11. A Record Book of Open Heart Surgical Cases between 1959 and 1982, Hand-Written by a Cardiac Surgeon.


    Kim, Won-Gon


    A book of brief records of open heart surgery underwent between 1959 and 1982 at Seoul National University Hospital was recently found. The book was hand-written by the late professor and cardiac surgeon Yung Kyoon Lee (1921-1994). This book contains valuable information about cardiac patients and surgery at the early stages of the establishment of open heart surgery in Korea, and at Seoul National University Hospital. This report is intended to analyze the content of the book.

  12. A feature based comparison of pen and swipe based signature characteristics.


    Robertson, Joshua; Guest, Richard


    Dynamic Signature Verification (DSV) is a biometric modality that identifies anatomical and behavioral characteristics when an individual signs their name. Conventionally signature data has been captured using pen/tablet apparatus. However, the use of other devices such as the touch-screen tablets has expanded in recent years affording the possibility of assessing biometric interaction on this new technology. To explore the potential of employing DSV techniques when a user signs or swipes with their finger, we report a study to correlate pen and finger generated features. Investigating the stability and correlation between a set of characteristic features recorded in participant's signatures and touch-based swipe gestures, a statistical analysis was conducted to assess consistency between capture scenarios. The results indicate that there is a range of static and dynamic features such as the rate of jerk, size, duration and the distance the pen traveled that can lead to interoperability between these two systems for input methods for use within a potential biometric context. It can be concluded that this data indicates that a general principle is that the same underlying constructional mechanisms are evident. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Variational dynamic background model for keyword spotting in handwritten documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Gaurav; Wshah, Safwan; Govindaraju, Venu


    We propose a bayesian framework for keyword spotting in handwritten documents. This work is an extension to our previous work where we proposed dynamic background model, DBM for keyword spotting that takes into account the local character level scores and global word level scores to learn a logistic regression classifier to separate keywords from non-keywords. In this work, we add a bayesian layer on top of the DBM called the variational dynamic background model, VDBM. The logistic regression classifier uses the sigmoid function to separate keywords from non-keywords. The sigmoid function being neither convex nor concave, exact inference of VDBM becomes intractable. An expectation maximization step is proposed to do approximate inference. The advantage of VDBM over the DBM is multi-fold. Firstly, being bayesian, it prevents over-fitting of data. Secondly, it provides better modeling of data and an improved prediction of unseen data. VDBM is evaluated on the IAM dataset and the results prove that it outperforms our prior work and other state of the art line based word spotting system.

  14. Radar signatures of road vehicles: airborne SAR experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Palubinskas, G.; Runge, H.; Reinartz, P.


    The German radar satellite TerraSAR-X is a high resolution, dual receive antenna SAR satellite, which will be launched in spring 2006. Since it will have the capability to measure the velocity of moving targets, the acquired interferometric data can be useful for traffic monitoring applications on a global scale. DLR has started already the development of an automatic and operational processing system which will detect cars, measure their speed and assign them to a road. Statistical approaches are used to derive the vehicle detection algorithm, which require the knowledge of the radar signatures of vehicles, especially under consideration of the geometry of the radar look direction and the vehicle orientation. Simulation of radar signatures is a very difficult task due to the lack of realistic models of vehicles. In this paper the radar signatures of the parking cars are presented. They are estimated experimentally from airborne E-SAR X-band data, which have been collected during flight campaigns in 2003-2005. Several test cars of the same type placed in carefully selected orientation angles and several over-flights with different heading angles made it possible to cover the whole range of aspect angles from 0° to 180°. The large synthetic aperture length or beam width angle of 7° can be divided into several looks. Thus processing of each look separately allows to increase the angle resolution. Such a radar signature profile of one type of vehicle over the whole range of aspect angles in fine resolution can be used further for the verification of simulation studies and for the performance prediction for traffic monitoring with TerraSAR-X.

  15. [Patient safety: a comparison between handwritten and computerized voluntary incident reporting].


    Capucho, Helaine Carneiro; Arnas, Emilly Rasquini; Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli


    This study's objective was to compare two types of voluntary incident reporting methods that affect patient safety, handwritten (HR) and computerized (CR), in relation to the number of reports, type of incident reported the individual submitting the report, and quality of reports. This was a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. CR were more frequent than HR (61.2% vs. 38.6%) among the 1,089 reports analyzed and were submitted every day of the month, while HR were submitted only on weekdays. The highest number of reports referred to medication, followed by problems related to medical-hospital material and the professional who most frequently submitted reports were nurses in both cases. Overall CR presented higher quality than HR (86.1% vs. 61.7%); 36.8% of HR were illegible, a problem that was eliminated in CR. Therefore, the use of computerized incident reporting in hospitals favors qualified voluntary reports, increasing patient safety.

  16. Artificial neural networks for document analysis and recognition.


    Marinai, Simone; Gori, Marco; Soda, Giovanni; Society, Computer


    Artificial neural networks have been extensively applied to document analysis and recognition. Most efforts have been devoted to the recognition of isolated handwritten and printed characters with widely recognized successful results. However, many other document processing tasks, like preprocessing, layout analysis, character segmentation, word recognition, and signature verification, have been effectively faced with very promising results. This paper surveys the most significant problems in the area of offline document image processing, where connectionist-based approaches have been applied. Similarities and differences between approaches belonging to different categories are discussed. A particular emphasis is given on the crucial role of prior knowledge for the conception of both appropriate architectures and learning algorithms. Finally, the paper provides a critical analysis on the reviewed approaches and depicts the most promising research guidelines in the field. In particular, a second generation of connectionist-based models are foreseen which are based on appropriate graphical representations of the learning environment.

  17. Keywords image retrieval in historical handwritten Arabic documents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saabni, Raid; El-Sana, Jihad


    A system is presented for spotting and searching keywords in handwritten Arabic documents. A slightly modified dynamic time warping algorithm is used to measure similarities between words. Two sets of features are generated from the outer contour of the words/word-parts. The first set is based on the angles between nodes on the contour and the second set is based on the shape context features taken from the outer contour. To recognize a given word, the segmentation-free approach is partially adopted, i.e., continuous word parts are used as the basic alphabet, instead of individual characters or complete words. Additional strokes, such as dots and detached short segments, are classified and used in a postprocessing step to determine the final comparison decision. The search for a keyword is performed by the search for its word parts given in the correct order. The performance of the presented system was very encouraging in terms of efficiency and match rates. To evaluate the presented system its performance is compared to three different systems. Unfortunately, there are no publicly available standard datasets with ground truth for testing Arabic key word searching systems. Therefore, a private set of images partially taken from Juma'a Al-Majid Center in Dubai for evaluation is used, while using a slightly modified version of the IFN/ENIT database for training.

  18. On the Privacy Protection of Biometric Traits: Palmprint, Face, and Signature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panigrahy, Saroj Kumar; Jena, Debasish; Korra, Sathya Babu; Jena, Sanjay Kumar

    Biometrics are expected to add a new level of security to applications, as a person attempting access must prove who he or she really is by presenting a biometric to the system. The recent developments in the biometrics area have lead to smaller, faster and cheaper systems, which in turn has increased the number of possible application areas for biometric identity verification. The biometric data, being derived from human bodies (and especially when used to identify or verify those bodies) is considered personally identifiable information (PII). The collection, use and disclosure of biometric data — image or template, invokes rights on the part of an individual and obligations on the part of an organization. As biometric uses and databases grow, so do concerns that the personal data collected will not be used in reasonable and accountable ways. Privacy concerns arise when biometric data are used for secondary purposes, invoking function creep, data matching, aggregation, surveillance and profiling. Biometric data transmitted across networks and stored in various databases by others can also be stolen, copied, or otherwise misused in ways that can materially affect the individual involved. As Biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analysed before they are massively deployed in security systems. Along with security, also the privacy of the users is an important factor as the constructions of lines in palmprints contain personal characteristics, from face images a person can be recognised, and fake signatures can be practised by carefully watching the signature images available in the database. We propose a cryptographic approach to encrypt the images of palmprints, faces, and signatures by an advanced Hill cipher technique for hiding the information in the images. It also provides security to these images from being attacked by above mentioned attacks. So, during the feature extraction, the

  19. Towards Trustable Digital Evidence with PKIDEV: PKI Based Digital Evidence Verification Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Uzunay, Yusuf; Incebacak, Davut; Bicakci, Kemal

    How to Capture and Preserve Digital Evidence Securely? For the investigation and prosecution of criminal activities that involve computers, digital evidence collected in the crime scene has a vital importance. On one side, it is a very challenging task for forensics professionals to collect them without any loss or damage. On the other, there is the second problem of providing the integrity and authenticity in order to achieve legal acceptance in a court of law. By conceiving digital evidence simply as one instance of digital data, it is evident that modern cryptography offers elegant solutions for this second problem. However, to our knowledge, there is not any previous work proposing a systematic model having a holistic view to address all the related security problems in this particular case of digital evidence verification. In this paper, we present PKIDEV (Public Key Infrastructure based Digital Evidence Verification model) as an integrated solution to provide security for the process of capturing and preserving digital evidence. PKIDEV employs, inter alia, cryptographic techniques like digital signatures and secure time-stamping as well as latest technologies such as GPS and EDGE. In our study, we also identify the problems public-key cryptography brings when it is applied to the verification of digital evidence.

  20. New approach for segmentation and recognition of handwritten numeral strings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sadri, Javad; Suen, Ching Y.; Bui, Tien D.


    In this paper, we propose a new system for segmentation and recognition of unconstrained handwritten numeral strings. The system uses a combination of foreground and background features for segmentation of touching digits. The method introduces new algorithms for traversing the top/bottom-foreground-skeletons of the touched digits, and for finding feature points on these skeletons, and matching them to build all the segmentation paths. For the first time a genetic representation is used to show all the segmentation hypotheses. Our genetic algorithm tries to search and evolve the population of candidate segmentations and finds the one with the highest confidence for its segmentation and recognition. We have also used a new method for feature extraction which lowers the variations in the shapes of the digits, and then a MLP neural network is utilized to produce the labels and confidence values for those digits. The NIST SD19 and CENPARMI databases are used for evaluating the system. Our system can get a correct segmentation-recognition rate of 96.07% with rejection rate of 2.61% which compares favorably with those that exist in the literature.

  1. New approach for segmentation and recognition of handwritten numeral strings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sadri, Javad; Suen, Ching Y.; Bui, Tien D.


    In this paper, we propose a new system for segmentation and recognition of unconstrained handwritten numeral strings. The system uses a combination of foreground and background features for segmentation of touching digits. The method introduces new algorithms for traversing the top/bottom-foreground-skeletons of the touched digits, and for finding feature points on these skeletons, and matching them to build all the segmentation paths. For the first time a genetic representation is used to show all the segmentation hypotheses. Our genetic algorithm tries to search and evolve the population of candidate segmentations and finds the one with the highest confidence for its segmentation and recognition. We have also used a new method for feature extraction which lowers the variations in the shapes of the digits, and then a MLP neural network is utilized to produce the labels and confidence values for those digits. The NIST SD19 and CENPARMI databases are used for evaluating the system. Our system can get a correct segmentation-recognition rate of 96.07% with rejection rate of 2.61% which compares favorably with those that exist in the literature.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Henry, Michael J.; Cramer, Nicholas O.; Benz, Jacob M.

    Traditional arms control treaty verification activities typically involve a combination of technical measurements via physical and chemical sensors, state declarations, political agreements, and on-site inspections involving international subject matter experts. However, the ubiquity of the internet, and the electronic sharing of data that it enables, has made available a wealth of open source information with the potential to benefit verification efforts. Open source information is already being used by organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency to support the verification of state-declared information, prepare inspectors for in-field activities, and to maintain situational awareness . The recent explosion in socialmore » media use has opened new doors to exploring the attitudes, moods, and activities around a given topic. Social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, offer an opportunity for individuals, as well as institutions, to participate in a global conversation at minimal cost. Social media data can also provide a more data-rich environment, with text data being augmented with images, videos, and location data. The research described in this paper investigates the utility of applying social media signatures as potential arms control and nonproliferation treaty verification tools and technologies, as determined through a series of case studies. The treaty relevant events that these case studies touch upon include detection of undeclared facilities or activities, determination of unknown events recorded by the International Monitoring System (IMS), and the global media response to the occurrence of an Indian missile launch. The case studies examine how social media can be used to fill an information gap and provide additional confidence to a verification activity. The case studies represent, either directly or through a proxy, instances where social media information may be available that could potentially augment the

  3. [New discovery of the handwritten draft of Eucharius Rösslin's midwifery textbook Pregnant Women and Midwives Rosengarten and Ps.-Ortlof's Small Book for Women].


    Kruse, B J


    The author of the famous midwifery text book Der schwangeren Frauen und Hebammen Rosengarten has until now thought to have been Eucharius Rösslin the Elder, in whose name the first printed edition of the work appeared in 1513. According to him, he compiled the text from various sources in the years 1508-1512 at the suggestion of the Duchess Catherine of Brunswick-Luneburg. In the SB und UB Hamburg there is a handwritten preliminary draft of Rosengarten (Cod. med. 801, p. 9-130), dated by the scribe in the year 1494 (this is borne out by watermark analysis). It reproduces the text of Rosengarten without the privilegium, the dedication and the rhyming 'admonition' of the pregnant women and the midwives, as well as the glossary and the illustrative woodcuts almost identically. The printed version of Rosengarten was also expanded by Eucharius Rösslin the Elder with passages among others from Ps.-Ortolfs Frauenbüchlein. The author of this paper was also able to trace a handwritten preliminary draft of Frauenbüchlein, until now unknown, in manuscript 2967 of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. The remark Hic liber pertinet ad Constantinum Roeslin written in the manuscript by a previous owner, and a treatise on syphilis in the hand Eucharius Rösslin the Younger, would indicate that Cod. med. 801 was once in the possession of the Rösslin family. Since Eucharius Rösslin the Elder was born around 1470, and since errors and omissions in Cod. med. 801 indicate that it is a copy of an older text, we are confronted with the question of whether or not the handwritten edition of Rosengarten originates from him or from some other author.

  4. Detection of hail signatures from single-polarization C-band radar reflectivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kunz, Michael; Kugel, Petra I. S.


    Five different criteria that estimate hail signatures from single-polarization radar data are statistically evaluated over a 15-year period by categorical verification against loss data provided by a building insurance company. The criteria consider different levels or thresholds of radar reflectivity, some of them complemented by estimates of the 0 °C level or cloud top temperature. Applied to reflectivity data from a single C-band radar in southwest Germany, it is found that all criteria are able to reproduce most of the past damage-causing hail events. However, the criteria substantially overestimate hail occurrence by up to 80%, mainly due to the verification process using damage data. Best results in terms of highest Heidke Skill Score HSS or Critical Success Index CSI are obtained for the Hail Detection Algorithm (HDA) and the Probability of Severe Hail (POSH). Radar-derived hail probability shows a high spatial variability with a maximum on the lee side of the Black Forest mountains and a minimum in the broad Rhine valley.

  5. Design for Verification: Enabling Verification of High Dependability Software-Intensive Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mehlitz, Peter C.; Penix, John; Markosian, Lawrence Z.; Koga, Dennis (Technical Monitor)


    Strategies to achieve confidence that high-dependability applications are correctly implemented include testing and automated verification. Testing deals mainly with a limited number of expected execution paths. Verification usually attempts to deal with a larger number of possible execution paths. While the impact of architecture design on testing is well known, its impact on most verification methods is not as well understood. The Design for Verification approach considers verification from the application development perspective, in which system architecture is designed explicitly according to the application's key properties. The D4V-hypothesis is that the same general architecture and design principles that lead to good modularity, extensibility and complexity/functionality ratio can be adapted to overcome some of the constraints on verification tools, such as the production of hand-crafted models and the limits on dynamic and static analysis caused by state space explosion.

  6. Fingerprint verification on medical image reporting system.


    Chen, Yen-Cheng; Chen, Liang-Kuang; Tsai, Ming-Dar; Chiu, Hou-Chang; Chiu, Jainn-Shiun; Chong, Chee-Fah


    The healthcare industry is recently going through extensive changes, through adoption of robust, interoperable healthcare information technology by means of electronic medical records (EMR). However, a major concern of EMR is adequate confidentiality of the individual records being managed electronically. Multiple access points over an open network like the Internet increases possible patient data interception. The obligation is on healthcare providers to procure information security solutions that do not hamper patient care while still providing the confidentiality of patient information. Medical images are also part of the EMR which need to be protected from unauthorized users. This study integrates the techniques of fingerprint verification, DICOM object, digital signature and digital envelope in order to ensure that access to the hospital Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) or radiology information system (RIS) is only by certified parties.

  7. 76 FR 54799 - Flowserve Corporation, Albuquerque, NM; Notice of Negative Determination on Reconsideration

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...'' and provided four support documents (``Separation Agreement and Release'' related to Louis Reynolds... Reynolds. The ``Separation Agreement and Release'' document established that Louis Reynolds was separated... handwritten note that Louis Reynolds is one of the individuals. The ``Signatures'' document shows that Louis...

  8. Irma 5.2 multi-sensor signature prediction model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Savage, James; Coker, Charles; Thai, Bea; Aboutalib, Omar; Chow, Anthony; Yamaoka, Neil; Kim, Charles


    The Irma synthetic signature prediction code is being developed by the Munitions Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/MN) to facilitate the research and development of multi-sensor systems. There are over 130 users within the Department of Defense, NASA, Department of Transportation, academia, and industry. Irma began as a high-resolution, physics-based Infrared (IR) target and background signature model for tactical weapon applications and has grown to include: a laser (or active) channel (1990), improved scene generator to support correlated frame-to-frame imagery (1992), and passive IR/millimeter wave (MMW) channel for a co-registered active/passive IR/MMW model (1994). Irma version 5.0 was released in 2000 and encompassed several upgrades to both the physical models and software; host support was expanded to Windows, Linux, Solaris, and SGI Irix platforms. In 2005, version 5.1 was released after an extensive verification and validation of an upgraded and reengineered active channel. Since 2005, the reengineering effort has focused on the Irma passive channel. Field measurements for the validation effort include the unpolarized data collection. Irma 5.2 is scheduled for release in the summer of 2007. This paper will report the validation test results of the Irma passive models and discuss the new features in Irma 5.2.

  9. A Hybrid Digital-Signature and Zero-Watermarking Approach for Authentication and Protection of Sensitive Electronic Documents

    PubMed Central

    Kabir, Muhammad N.; Alginahi, Yasser M.


    This paper addresses the problems and threats associated with verification of integrity, proof of authenticity, tamper detection, and copyright protection for digital-text content. Such issues were largely addressed in the literature for images, audio, and video, with only a few papers addressing the challenge of sensitive plain-text media under known constraints. Specifically, with text as the predominant online communication medium, it becomes crucial that techniques are deployed to protect such information. A number of digital-signature, hashing, and watermarking schemes have been proposed that essentially bind source data or embed invisible data in a cover media to achieve its goal. While many such complex schemes with resource redundancies are sufficient in offline and less-sensitive texts, this paper proposes a hybrid approach based on zero-watermarking and digital-signature-like manipulations for sensitive text documents in order to achieve content originality and integrity verification without physically modifying the cover text in anyway. The proposed algorithm was implemented and shown to be robust against undetected content modifications and is capable of confirming proof of originality whilst detecting and locating deliberate/nondeliberate tampering. Additionally, enhancements in resource utilisation and reduced redundancies were achieved in comparison to traditional encryption-based approaches. Finally, analysis and remarks are made about the current state of the art, and future research issues are discussed under the given constraints. PMID:25254247

  10. Simulation verification techniques study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schoonmaker, P. B.; Wenglinski, T. H.


    Results are summarized of the simulation verification techniques study which consisted of two tasks: to develop techniques for simulator hardware checkout and to develop techniques for simulation performance verification (validation). The hardware verification task involved definition of simulation hardware (hardware units and integrated simulator configurations), survey of current hardware self-test techniques, and definition of hardware and software techniques for checkout of simulator subsystems. The performance verification task included definition of simulation performance parameters (and critical performance parameters), definition of methods for establishing standards of performance (sources of reference data or validation), and definition of methods for validating performance. Both major tasks included definition of verification software and assessment of verification data base impact. An annotated bibliography of all documents generated during this study is provided.

  11. Verification of VLSI designs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Windley, P. J.


    In this paper we explore the specification and verification of VLSI designs. The paper focuses on abstract specification and verification of functionality using mathematical logic as opposed to low-level boolean equivalence verification such as that done using BDD's and Model Checking. Specification and verification, sometimes called formal methods, is one tool for increasing computer dependability in the face of an exponentially increasing testing effort.

  12. Identification of host response signatures of infection.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Branda, Steven S.; Sinha, Anupama; Bent, Zachary


    Biological weapons of mass destruction and emerging infectious diseases represent a serious and growing threat to our national security. Effective response to a bioattack or disease outbreak critically depends upon efficient and reliable distinguishing between infected vs healthy individuals, to enable rational use of scarce, invasive, and/or costly countermeasures (diagnostics, therapies, quarantine). Screening based on direct detection of the causative pathogen can be problematic, because culture- and probe-based assays are confounded by unanticipated pathogens (e.g., deeply diverged, engineered), and readily-accessible specimens (e.g., blood) often contain little or no pathogen, particularly at pre-symptomatic stages of disease. Thus, in addition to themore » pathogen itself, one would like to detect infection-specific host response signatures in the specimen, preferably ones comprised of nucleic acids (NA), which can be recovered and amplified from tiny specimens (e.g., fingerstick draws). Proof-of-concept studies have not been definitive, however, largely due to use of sub-optimal sample preparation and detection technologies. For purposes of pathogen detection, Sandia has developed novel molecular biology methods that enable selective isolation of NA unique to, or shared between, complex samples, followed by identification and quantitation via Second Generation Sequencing (SGS). The central hypothesis of the current study is that variations on this approach will support efficient identification and verification of NA-based host response signatures of infectious disease. To test this hypothesis, we re-engineered Sandia's sophisticated sample preparation pipelines, and developed new SGS data analysis tools and strategies, in order to pioneer use of SGS for identification of host NA correlating with infection. Proof-of-concept studies were carried out using specimens drawn from pathogen-infected non-human primates (NHP). This work provides a strong foundation

  13. The SeaHorn Verification Framework

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gurfinkel, Arie; Kahsai, Temesghen; Komuravelli, Anvesh; Navas, Jorge A.


    In this paper, we present SeaHorn, a software verification framework. The key distinguishing feature of SeaHorn is its modular design that separates the concerns of the syntax of the programming language, its operational semantics, and the verification semantics. SeaHorn encompasses several novelties: it (a) encodes verification conditions using an efficient yet precise inter-procedural technique, (b) provides flexibility in the verification semantics to allow different levels of precision, (c) leverages the state-of-the-art in software model checking and abstract interpretation for verification, and (d) uses Horn-clauses as an intermediate language to represent verification conditions which simplifies interfacing with multiple verification tools based on Horn-clauses. SeaHorn provides users with a powerful verification tool and researchers with an extensible and customizable framework for experimenting with new software verification techniques. The effectiveness and scalability of SeaHorn are demonstrated by an extensive experimental evaluation using benchmarks from SV-COMP 2015 and real avionics code.

  14. UTEX modeling of xenon signature sensitivity to geology and explosion cavity characteristics following an underground nuclear explosion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lowrey, J. D.; Haas, D.


    Underground nuclear explosions (UNEs) produce anthropogenic isotopes that can potentially be used in the verification component of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Several isotopes of radioactive xenon gas have been identified as radionuclides of interest within the International Monitoring System (IMS) and in an On-Site Inspection (OSI). Substantial research has been previously undertaken to characterize the geologic and atmospheric mechanisms that can drive the movement of radionuclide gas from a well-contained UNE, considering both sensitivities on gas arrival time and signature variability of xenon due to the nature of subsurface transport. This work further considers sensitivities of radioxenon gas arrival time and signatures to large variability in geologic stratification and generalized explosion cavity characteristics, as well as compares this influence to variability in the shallow surface.

  15. Deep Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine and Its Application in Handwritten Digit Classification

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Xinyi


    In recent years, some deep learning methods have been developed and applied to image classification applications, such as convolutional neuron network (CNN) and deep belief network (DBN). However they are suffering from some problems like local minima, slow convergence rate, and intensive human intervention. In this paper, we propose a rapid learning method, namely, deep convolutional extreme learning machine (DC-ELM), which combines the power of CNN and fast training of ELM. It uses multiple alternate convolution layers and pooling layers to effectively abstract high level features from input images. Then the abstracted features are fed to an ELM classifier, which leads to better generalization performance with faster learning speed. DC-ELM also introduces stochastic pooling in the last hidden layer to reduce dimensionality of features greatly, thus saving much training time and computation resources. We systematically evaluated the performance of DC-ELM on two handwritten digit data sets: MNIST and USPS. Experimental results show that our method achieved better testing accuracy with significantly shorter training time in comparison with deep learning methods and other ELM methods. PMID:27610128

  16. Deep Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine and Its Application in Handwritten Digit Classification.


    Pang, Shan; Yang, Xinyi


    In recent years, some deep learning methods have been developed and applied to image classification applications, such as convolutional neuron network (CNN) and deep belief network (DBN). However they are suffering from some problems like local minima, slow convergence rate, and intensive human intervention. In this paper, we propose a rapid learning method, namely, deep convolutional extreme learning machine (DC-ELM), which combines the power of CNN and fast training of ELM. It uses multiple alternate convolution layers and pooling layers to effectively abstract high level features from input images. Then the abstracted features are fed to an ELM classifier, which leads to better generalization performance with faster learning speed. DC-ELM also introduces stochastic pooling in the last hidden layer to reduce dimensionality of features greatly, thus saving much training time and computation resources. We systematically evaluated the performance of DC-ELM on two handwritten digit data sets: MNIST and USPS. Experimental results show that our method achieved better testing accuracy with significantly shorter training time in comparison with deep learning methods and other ELM methods.

  17. Physics Verification Overview

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Doebling, Scott William

    The purpose of the verification project is to establish, through rigorous convergence analysis, that each ASC computational physics code correctly implements a set of physics models and algorithms (code verification); Evaluate and analyze the uncertainties of code outputs associated with the choice of temporal and spatial discretization (solution or calculation verification); and Develop and maintain the capability to expand and update these analyses on demand. This presentation describes project milestones.

  18. EMC: Verification Websites

    , GFS, RAP, HRRR, HIRESW, SREF mean, International Global Models, HPC analysis Precipitation Skill Scores : 1995-Present NAM, GFS, NAM CONUS nest, International Models EMC Forecast Verfication Stats: NAM ) Real Time Verification of NCEP Operational Models against observations Real Time Verification of NCEP

  19. Requirement Assurance: A Verification Process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Alexander, Michael G.


    Requirement Assurance is an act of requirement verification which assures the stakeholder or customer that a product requirement has produced its "as realized product" and has been verified with conclusive evidence. Product requirement verification answers the question, "did the product meet the stated specification, performance, or design documentation?". In order to ensure the system was built correctly, the practicing system engineer must verify each product requirement using verification methods of inspection, analysis, demonstration, or test. The products of these methods are the "verification artifacts" or "closure artifacts" which are the objective evidence needed to prove the product requirements meet the verification success criteria. Institutional direction is given to the System Engineer in NPR 7123.1A NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements with regards to the requirement verification process. In response, the verification methodology offered in this report meets both the institutional process and requirement verification best practices.

  20. Voltage verification unit


    Martin, Edward J [Virginia Beach, VA


    A voltage verification unit and method for determining the absence of potentially dangerous potentials within a power supply enclosure without Mode 2 work is disclosed. With this device and method, a qualified worker, following a relatively simple protocol that involves a function test (hot, cold, hot) of the voltage verification unit before Lock Out/Tag Out and, and once the Lock Out/Tag Out is completed, testing or "trying" by simply reading a display on the voltage verification unit can be accomplished without exposure of the operator to the interior of the voltage supply enclosure. According to a preferred embodiment, the voltage verification unit includes test leads to allow diagnostics with other meters, without the necessity of accessing potentially dangerous bus bars or the like.

  1. Signatures support program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hawley, Chadwick T.


    The Signatures Support Program (SSP) leverages the full spectrum of signature-related activities (collections, processing, development, storage, maintenance, and dissemination) within the Department of Defense (DOD), the intelligence community (IC), other Federal agencies, and civil institutions. The Enterprise encompasses acoustic, seismic, radio frequency, infrared, radar, nuclear radiation, and electro-optical signatures. The SSP serves the war fighter, the IC, and civil institutions by supporting military operations, intelligence operations, homeland defense, disaster relief, acquisitions, and research and development. Data centers host and maintain signature holdings, collectively forming the national signatures pool. The geographically distributed organizations are the authoritative sources and repositories for signature data; the centers are responsible for data content and quality. The SSP proactively engages DOD, IC, other Federal entities, academia, and industry to locate signatures for inclusion in the distributed national signatures pool and provides world-wide 24/7 access via the SSP application.

  2. Real Traceable Signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chow, Sherman S. M.

    Traceable signature scheme extends a group signature scheme with an enhanced anonymity management mechanism. The group manager can compute a tracing trapdoor which enables anyone to test if a signature is signed by a given misbehaving user, while the only way to do so for group signatures requires revealing the signer of all signatures. Nevertheless, it is not tracing in a strict sense. For all existing schemes, T tracing agents need to recollect all N' signatures ever produced and perform RN' “checks” for R revoked users. This involves a high volume of transfer and computations. Increasing T increases the degree of parallelism for tracing but also the probability of “missing” some signatures in case some of the agents are dishonest.

  3. Optical character recognition of handwritten Arabic using hidden Markov models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aulama, Mohannad M.; Natsheh, Asem M.; Abandah, Gheith A.; Olama, Mohammed M.


    The problem of optical character recognition (OCR) of handwritten Arabic has not received a satisfactory solution yet. In this paper, an Arabic OCR algorithm is developed based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) combined with the Viterbi algorithm, which results in an improved and more robust recognition of characters at the sub-word level. Integrating the HMMs represents another step of the overall OCR trends being currently researched in the literature. The proposed approach exploits the structure of characters in the Arabic language in addition to their extracted features to achieve improved recognition rates. Useful statistical information of the Arabic language is initially extracted and then used to estimate the probabilistic parameters of the mathematical HMM. A new custom implementation of the HMM is developed in this study, where the transition matrix is built based on the collected large corpus, and the emission matrix is built based on the results obtained via the extracted character features. The recognition process is triggered using the Viterbi algorithm which employs the most probable sequence of sub-words. The model was implemented to recognize the sub-word unit of Arabic text raising the recognition rate from being linked to the worst recognition rate for any character to the overall structure of the Arabic language. Numerical results show that there is a potentially large recognition improvement by using the proposed algorithms.

  4. Optical character recognition of handwritten Arabic using hidden Markov models

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Aulama, Mohannad M.; Natsheh, Asem M.; Abandah, Gheith A.


    The problem of optical character recognition (OCR) of handwritten Arabic has not received a satisfactory solution yet. In this paper, an Arabic OCR algorithm is developed based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) combined with the Viterbi algorithm, which results in an improved and more robust recognition of characters at the sub-word level. Integrating the HMMs represents another step of the overall OCR trends being currently researched in the literature. The proposed approach exploits the structure of characters in the Arabic language in addition to their extracted features to achieve improved recognition rates. Useful statistical information of the Arabic language ismore » initially extracted and then used to estimate the probabilistic parameters of the mathematical HMM. A new custom implementation of the HMM is developed in this study, where the transition matrix is built based on the collected large corpus, and the emission matrix is built based on the results obtained via the extracted character features. The recognition process is triggered using the Viterbi algorithm which employs the most probable sequence of sub-words. The model was implemented to recognize the sub-word unit of Arabic text raising the recognition rate from being linked to the worst recognition rate for any character to the overall structure of the Arabic language. Numerical results show that there is a potentially large recognition improvement by using the proposed algorithms.« less

  5. 38 CFR 1.554 - Requirements for making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature. To make a request for VA records, write... by another confidentiality statute, the e-mail transmission must contain an image of the requester's... assure prompt processing, e-mail FOIA requests must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for...

  6. 38 CFR 1.554 - Requirements for making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature. To make a request for VA records, write... by another confidentiality statute, the e-mail transmission must contain an image of the requester's... assure prompt processing, e-mail FOIA requests must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for...

  7. 38 CFR 1.554 - Requirements for making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... must contain an image of the requester's handwritten signature. To make a request for VA records, write... by another confidentiality statute, the e-mail transmission must contain an image of the requester's... assure prompt processing, e-mail FOIA requests must be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes established for...

  8. 40 CFR 761.217 - Exception reporting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... PROHIBITIONS PCB Waste Disposal Records and Reports § 761.217 Exception reporting. (a)(1) A generator of PCB waste, who does not receive a copy of the manifest with the handwritten signature of the owner or... 761.217 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL...

  9. 40 CFR 761.217 - Exception reporting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... PROHIBITIONS PCB Waste Disposal Records and Reports § 761.217 Exception reporting. (a)(1) A generator of PCB waste, who does not receive a copy of the manifest with the handwritten signature of the owner or... 761.217 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL...

  10. HDL to verification logic translator

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gambles, J. W.; Windley, P. J.


    The increasingly higher number of transistors possible in VLSI circuits compounds the difficulty in insuring correct designs. As the number of possible test cases required to exhaustively simulate a circuit design explodes, a better method is required to confirm the absence of design faults. Formal verification methods provide a way to prove, using logic, that a circuit structure correctly implements its specification. Before verification is accepted by VLSI design engineers, the stand alone verification tools that are in use in the research community must be integrated with the CAD tools used by the designers. One problem facing the acceptance of formal verification into circuit design methodology is that the structural circuit descriptions used by the designers are not appropriate for verification work and those required for verification lack some of the features needed for design. We offer a solution to this dilemma: an automatic translation from the designers' HDL models into definitions for the higher-ordered logic (HOL) verification system. The translated definitions become the low level basis of circuit verification which in turn increases the designer's confidence in the correctness of higher level behavioral models.

  11. Verification of Functional Fault Models and the Use of Resource Efficient Verification Tools

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bis, Rachael; Maul, William A.


    Functional fault models (FFMs) are a directed graph representation of the failure effect propagation paths within a system's physical architecture and are used to support development and real-time diagnostics of complex systems. Verification of these models is required to confirm that the FFMs are correctly built and accurately represent the underlying physical system. However, a manual, comprehensive verification process applied to the FFMs was found to be error prone due to the intensive and customized process necessary to verify each individual component model and to require a burdensome level of resources. To address this problem, automated verification tools have been developed and utilized to mitigate these key pitfalls. This paper discusses the verification of the FFMs and presents the tools that were developed to make the verification process more efficient and effective.

  12. Performance evaluation of MLP and RBF feed forward neural network for the recognition of off-line handwritten characters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rishi, Rahul; Choudhary, Amit; Singh, Ravinder; Dhaka, Vijaypal Singh; Ahlawat, Savita; Rao, Mukta


    In this paper we propose a system for classification problem of handwritten text. The system is composed of preprocessing module, supervised learning module and recognition module on a very broad level. The preprocessing module digitizes the documents and extracts features (tangent values) for each character. The radial basis function network is used in the learning and recognition modules. The objective is to analyze and improve the performance of Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) using RBF transfer functions over Logarithmic Sigmoid Function. The results of 35 experiments indicate that the Feed Forward MLP performs accurately and exhaustively with RBF. With the change in weight update mechanism and feature-drawn preprocessing module, the proposed system is competent with good recognition show.

  13. Fuzzy Clustering of Multiple Instance Data

    DTIC Science & Technology


    depth is not. To illustrate this data, in figure 1 we display the GPR signatures of the same mine buried at 3 in deep in two geographically signature depends on the soil properties of the site. The same mine type is buried at 3in deep in both sites. Since its formal introduction...drug design [15], and the problem of handwritten digit recognition [16]. To the best of our knowledge, Diet - terich, et. al [1] were the first to

  14. Hydrologic data-verification management program plan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Alexander, C.W.


    Data verification refers to the performance of quality control on hydrologic data that have been retrieved from the field and are being prepared for dissemination to water-data users. Water-data users now have access to computerized data files containing unpublished, unverified hydrologic data. Therefore, it is necessary to develop techniques and systems whereby the computer can perform some data-verification functions before the data are stored in user-accessible files. Computerized data-verification routines can be developed for this purpose. A single, unified concept describing master data-verification program using multiple special-purpose subroutines, and a screen file containing verification criteria, can probably be adapted to any type and size of computer-processing system. Some traditional manual-verification procedures can be adapted for computerized verification, but new procedures can also be developed that would take advantage of the powerful statistical tools and data-handling procedures available to the computer. Prototype data-verification systems should be developed for all three data-processing environments as soon as possible. The WATSTORE system probably affords the greatest opportunity for long-range research and testing of new verification subroutines. (USGS)

  15. Influence of the Redundant Verification and the Non-Redundant Verification on the Hydraulic Tomography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wei, T. B.; Chen, Y. L.; Lin, H. R.; Huang, S. Y.; Yeh, T. C. J.; Wen, J. C.


    In the groundwater study, it estimated the heterogeneous spatial distribution of hydraulic Properties, there were many scholars use to hydraulic tomography (HT) from field site pumping tests to estimate inverse of heterogeneous spatial distribution of hydraulic Properties, to prove the most of most field site aquifer was heterogeneous hydrogeological parameters spatial distribution field. Many scholars had proposed a method of hydraulic tomography to estimate heterogeneous spatial distribution of hydraulic Properties of aquifer, the Huang et al. [2011] was used the non-redundant verification analysis of pumping wells changed, observation wells fixed on the inverse and the forward, to reflect the feasibility of the heterogeneous spatial distribution of hydraulic Properties of field site aquifer of the non-redundant verification analysis on steady-state model.From post literature, finding only in steady state, non-redundant verification analysis of pumping well changed location and observation wells fixed location for inverse and forward. But the studies had not yet pumping wells fixed or changed location, and observation wells fixed location for redundant verification or observation wells change location for non-redundant verification of the various combinations may to explore of influences of hydraulic tomography method. In this study, it carried out redundant verification method and non-redundant verification method for forward to influences of hydraulic tomography method in transient. And it discuss above mentioned in NYUST campus sites the actual case, to prove the effectiveness of hydraulic tomography methods, and confirmed the feasibility on inverse and forward analysis from analysis results.Keywords: Hydraulic Tomography, Redundant Verification, Heterogeneous, Inverse, Forward

  16. Verification of a Viscous Computational Aeroacoustics Code using External Verification Analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ingraham, Daniel; Hixon, Ray


    The External Verification Analysis approach to code verification is extended to solve the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with constant properties, and is used to verify a high-order computational aeroacoustics (CAA) code. After a brief review of the relevant literature, the details of the EVA approach are presented and compared to the similar Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS). Pseudocode representations of EVA's algorithms are included, along with the recurrence relations needed to construct the EVA solution. The code verification results show that EVA was able to convincingly verify a high-order, viscous CAA code without the addition of MMS-style source terms, or any other modifications to the code.

  17. Verification of a Viscous Computational Aeroacoustics Code Using External Verification Analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ingraham, Daniel; Hixon, Ray


    The External Verification Analysis approach to code verification is extended to solve the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with constant properties, and is used to verify a high-order computational aeroacoustics (CAA) code. After a brief review of the relevant literature, the details of the EVA approach are presented and compared to the similar Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS). Pseudocode representations of EVA's algorithms are included, along with the recurrence relations needed to construct the EVA solution. The code verification results show that EVA was able to convincingly verify a high-order, viscous CAA code without the addition of MMS-style source terms, or any other modifications to the code.

  18. Can self-verification strivings fully transcend the self-other barrier? Seeking verification of ingroup identities.


    Gómez, Angel; Seyle, D Conor; Huici, Carmen; Swann, William B


    Recent research has demonstrated self-verification strivings in groups, such that people strive to verify collective identities, which are personal self-views (e.g., "sensitive") associated with group membership (e.g., "women"). Such demonstrations stop short of showing that the desire for self-verification can fully transcend the self-other barrier, as in people working to verify ingroup identities (e.g., "Americans are loud") even when such identities are not self-descriptive ("I am quiet and unassuming"). Five studies focus on such ingroup verification strivings. Results indicate that people prefer to interact with individuals who verify their ingroup identities over those who enhance these identities (Experiments 1-5). Strivings for ingroup identity verification were independent of the extent to which the identities were self-descriptive but were stronger among participants who were highly invested in their ingroup identities, as reflected in high certainty of these identities (Experiments 1-4) and high identification with the group (Experiments 1-5). In addition, whereas past demonstrations of self-verification strivings have been limited to efforts to verify the content of identities (Experiments 1 to 3), the findings also show that they strive to verify the valence of their identities (i.e., the extent to which the identities are valued; Experiments 4 and 5). Self-verification strivings, rather than self-enhancement strivings, appeared to motivate participants' strivings for ingroup identity verification. Links to collective self-verification strivings and social identity theory are discussed.

  19. 40 CFR 1065.550 - Gas analyzer range verification and drift verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... with a CLD and the removed water is corrected based on measured CO2, CO, THC, and NOX concentrations... concentration subcomponents (e.g., THC and CH4 for NMHC) separately. For example, for NMHC measurements, perform drift verification on NMHC; do not verify THC and CH4 separately. (2) Drift verification requires two...

  20. Space Station automated systems testing/verification and the Galileo Orbiter fault protection design/verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Landano, M. R.; Easter, R. W.


    Aspects of Space Station automated systems testing and verification are discussed, taking into account several program requirements. It is found that these requirements lead to a number of issues of uncertainties which require study and resolution during the Space Station definition phase. Most, if not all, of the considered uncertainties have implications for the overall testing and verification strategy adopted by the Space Station Program. A description is given of the Galileo Orbiter fault protection design/verification approach. Attention is given to a mission description, an Orbiter description, the design approach and process, the fault protection design verification approach/process, and problems of 'stress' testing.

  1. Spiking neural networks for handwritten digit recognition-Supervised learning and network optimization.


    Kulkarni, Shruti R; Rajendran, Bipin


    We demonstrate supervised learning in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) for the problem of handwritten digit recognition using the spike triggered Normalized Approximate Descent (NormAD) algorithm. Our network that employs neurons operating at sparse biological spike rates below 300Hz achieves a classification accuracy of 98.17% on the MNIST test database with four times fewer parameters compared to the state-of-the-art. We present several insights from extensive numerical experiments regarding optimization of learning parameters and network configuration to improve its accuracy. We also describe a number of strategies to optimize the SNN for implementation in memory and energy constrained hardware, including approximations in computing the neuronal dynamics and reduced precision in storing the synaptic weights. Experiments reveal that even with 3-bit synaptic weights, the classification accuracy of the designed SNN does not degrade beyond 1% as compared to the floating-point baseline. Further, the proposed SNN, which is trained based on the precise spike timing information outperforms an equivalent non-spiking artificial neural network (ANN) trained using back propagation, especially at low bit precision. Thus, our study shows the potential for realizing efficient neuromorphic systems that use spike based information encoding and learning for real-world applications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created the Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) to further environmental protection by accelerating the commercialization of new and innovative technology through independent performance verification and dissemination of in...

  3. Assuring image authenticity within a data grid using lossless digital signature embedding and a HIPAA-compliant auditing system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Jasper C.; Ma, Kevin C.; Liu, Brent J.


    A Data Grid for medical images has been developed at the Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory, USC to provide distribution and fault-tolerant storage of medical imaging studies across Internet2 and public domain. Although back-up policies and grid certificates guarantee privacy and authenticity of grid-access-points, there still lacks a method to guarantee the sensitive DICOM images have not been altered or corrupted during transmission across a public domain. This paper takes steps toward achieving full image transfer security within the Data Grid by utilizing DICOM image authentication and a HIPAA-compliant auditing system. The 3-D lossless digital signature embedding procedure involves a private 64 byte signature that is embedded into each original DICOM image volume, whereby on the receiving end the signature can to be extracted and verified following the DICOM transmission. This digital signature method has also been developed at the IPILab. The HIPAA-Compliant Auditing System (H-CAS) is required to monitor embedding and verification events, and allows monitoring of other grid activity as well. The H-CAS system federates the logs of transmission and authentication events at each grid-access-point and stores it into a HIPAA-compliant database. The auditing toolkit is installed at the local grid-access-point and utilizes Syslog [1], a client-server standard for log messaging over an IP network, to send messages to the H-CAS centralized database. By integrating digital image signatures and centralized logging capabilities, DICOM image integrity within the Medical Imaging and Informatics Data Grid can be monitored and guaranteed without loss to any image quality.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program was created to facilitate the deployment of innovative or improved environmental technologies through performance verification and dissemination of information. The program�s goal is to further environmental protection by a...

  5. 18 CFR 281.213 - Data Verification Committee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... preparation. (e) The Data Verification Committee shall prepare a report concerning the proposed index of... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Data Verification....213 Data Verification Committee. (a) Each interstate pipeline shall establish a Data Verification...

  6. 18 CFR 281.213 - Data Verification Committee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... preparation. (e) The Data Verification Committee shall prepare a report concerning the proposed index of... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Data Verification....213 Data Verification Committee. (a) Each interstate pipeline shall establish a Data Verification...

  7. A Practitioners Perspective on Verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Steenburgh, R. A.


    NOAAs Space Weather Prediction Center offers a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of an equally wide range of customers. A robust verification program is essential to the informed use of model guidance and other tools by both forecasters and end users alike. In this talk, we present current SWPC practices and results, and examine emerging requirements and potential approaches to satisfy them. We explore the varying verification needs of forecasters and end users, as well as the role of subjective and objective verification. Finally, we describe a vehicle used in the meteorological community to unify approaches to model verification and facilitate intercomparison.

  8. Pose-oblivious shape signature.


    Gal, Ran; Shamir, Ariel; Cohen-Or, Daniel


    A 3D shape signature is a compact representation for some essence of a shape. Shape signatures are commonly utilized as a fast indexing mechanism for shape retrieval. Effective shape signatures capture some global geometric properties which are scale, translation, and rotation invariant. In this paper, we introduce an effective shape signature which is also pose-oblivious. This means that the signature is also insensitive to transformations which change the pose of a 3D shape such as skeletal articulations. Although some topology-based matching methods can be considered pose-oblivious as well, our new signature retains the simplicity and speed of signature indexing. Moreover, contrary to topology-based methods, the new signature is also insensitive to the topology change of the shape, allowing us to match similar shapes with different genus. Our shape signature is a 2D histogram which is a combination of the distribution of two scalar functions defined on the boundary surface of the 3D shape. The first is a definition of a novel function called the local-diameter function. This function measures the diameter of the 3D shape in the neighborhood of each vertex. The histogram of this function is an informative measure of the shape which is insensitive to pose changes. The second is the centricity function that measures the average geodesic distance from one vertex to all other vertices on the mesh. We evaluate and compare a number of methods for measuring the similarity between two signatures, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our pose-oblivious shape signature within a 3D search engine application for different databases containing hundreds of models.


    EPA Science Inventory

    This ETV program generic verification protocol was prepared and reviewed for the Verification of Pesticide Drift Reduction Technologies project. The protocol provides a detailed methodology for conducting and reporting results from a verification test of pesticide drift reductio...

  10. 42 CFR 457.380 - Eligibility verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Eligibility verification. 457.380 Section 457.380... Requirements: Eligibility, Screening, Applications, and Enrollment § 457.380 Eligibility verification. (a) The... State may establish reasonable eligibility verification mechanisms to promote enrollment of eligible...

  11. Verification Image of The Veins on The Back Palm with Modified Local Line Binary Pattern (MLLBP) and Histogram

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prijono, Agus; Darmawan Hangkawidjaja, Aan; Ratnadewi; Saleh Ahmar, Ansari


    The verification to person who is used today as a fingerprint, signature, personal identification number (PIN) in the bank system, identity cards, attendance, easily copied and forged. This causes the system not secure and is vulnerable to unauthorized persons to access the system. In this research will be implemented verification system using the image of the blood vessels in the back of the palms as recognition more difficult to imitate because it is located inside the human body so it is safer to use. The blood vessels located at the back of the human hand is unique, even humans twins have a different image of the blood vessels. Besides the image of the blood vessels do not depend on a person’s age, so it can be used for long term, except in the case of an accident, or disease. Because of the unique vein pattern recognition can be used in a person. In this paper, we used a modification method to perform the introduction of a person based on the image of the blood vessel that is using Modified Local Line Binary Pattern (MLLBP). The process of matching blood vessel image feature extraction using Hamming Distance. Test case of verification is done by calculating the percentage of acceptance of the same person. Rejection error occurs if a person was not matched by the system with the data itself. The 10 person with 15 image compared to 5 image vein for each person is resulted 80,67% successful Another test case of the verification is done by verified two image from different person that is forgery, and the verification will be true if the system can rejection the image forgery. The ten different person is not verified and the result is obtained 94%.

  12. Explaining Verification Conditions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Deney, Ewen; Fischer, Bernd


    The Hoare approach to program verification relies on the construction and discharge of verification conditions (VCs) but offers no support to trace, analyze, and understand the VCs themselves. We describe a systematic extension of the Hoare rules by labels so that the calculus itself can be used to build up explanations of the VCs. The labels are maintained through the different processing steps and rendered as natural language explanations. The explanations can easily be customized and can capture different aspects of the VCs; here, we focus on their structure and purpose. The approach is fully declarative and the generated explanations are based only on an analysis of the labels rather than directly on the logical meaning of the underlying VCs or their proofs. Keywords: program verification, Hoare calculus, traceability.

  13. Quantum money with classical verification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gavinsky, Dmitry

    We propose and construct a quantum money scheme that allows verification through classical communication with a bank. This is the first demonstration that a secure quantum money scheme exists that does not require quantum communication for coin verification. Our scheme is secure against adaptive adversaries - this property is not directly related to the possibility of classical verification, nevertheless none of the earlier quantum money constructions is known to possess it.

  14. Quantum money with classical verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gavinsky, Dmitry


    We propose and construct a quantum money scheme that allows verification through classical communication with a bank. This is the first demonstration that a secure quantum money scheme exists that does not require quantum communication for coin verification. Our scheme is secure against adaptive adversaries - this property is not directly related to the possibility of classical verification, nevertheless none of the earlier quantum money constructions is known to possess it.

  15. Kleene Algebra and Bytecode Verification

    DTIC Science & Technology


    computing the star (Kleene closure) of a matrix of transfer functions. In this paper we show how this general framework applies to the problem of Java ...bytecode verification. We show how to specify transfer functions arising in Java bytecode verification in such a way that the Kleene algebra operations...potentially improve the performance over the standard worklist algorithm when a small cutset can be found. Key words: Java , bytecode, verification, static

  16. Unconditionally Secure Blind Signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hara, Yuki; Seito, Takenobu; Shikata, Junji; Matsumoto, Tsutomu

    The blind signature scheme introduced by Chaum allows a user to obtain a valid signature for a message from a signer such that the message is kept secret for the signer. Blind signature schemes have mainly been studied from a viewpoint of computational security so far. In this paper, we study blind signatures in unconditional setting. Specifically, we newly introduce a model of unconditionally secure blind signature schemes (USBS, for short). Also, we propose security notions and their formalization in our model. Finally, we propose a construction method for USBS that is provably secure in our security notions.

  17. MARATHON Verification (MARV)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    comparable with MARATHON 1 in terms of output. Rather, the MARATHON 2 verification cases were designed to ensure correct implementation of the new algorithms...DISCLAIMER The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy, or decision unless so designated by...for employment against demands. This study is a comparative verification of the functionality of MARATHON 4 (our newest implementation of MARATHON

  18. DNA Methylation Signature of Childhood Chronic Physical Aggression in T Cells of Both Men and Women

    PubMed Central

    Guillemin, Claire; Provençal, Nadine; Suderman, Matthew; Côté, Sylvana M.; Vitaro, Frank; Hallett, Michael; Tremblay, Richard E.; Szyf, Moshe


    Background High frequency of physical aggression is the central feature of severe conduct disorder and is associated with a wide range of social, mental and physical health problems. We have previously tested the hypothesis that differential DNA methylation signatures in peripheral T cells are associated with a chronic aggression trajectory in males. Despite the fact that sex differences appear to play a pivotal role in determining the development, magnitude and frequency of aggression, most of previous studies focused on males, so little is known about female chronic physical aggression. We therefore tested here whether or not there is a signature of physical aggression in female DNA methylation and, if there is, how it relates to the signature observed in males. Methodology/Principal Findings Methylation profiles were created using the method of methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) followed by microarray hybridization and statistical and bioinformatic analyses on T cell DNA obtained from adult women who were found to be on a chronic physical aggression trajectory (CPA) between 6 and 12 years of age compared to women who followed a normal physical aggression trajectory. We confirmed the existence of a well-defined, genome-wide signature of DNA methylation associated with chronic physical aggression in the peripheral T cells of adult females that includes many of the genes similarly associated with physical aggression in the same cell types of adult males. Conclusions This study in a small number of women presents preliminary evidence for a genome-wide variation in promoter DNA methylation that associates with CPA in women that warrant larger studies for further verification. A significant proportion of these associations were previously observed in men with CPA supporting the hypothesis that the epigenetic signature of early life aggression in females is composed of a component specific to females and another common to both males and females. PMID:24475181

  19. A comparison of 1D and 2D LSTM architectures for the recognition of handwritten Arabic

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yousefi, Mohammad Reza; Soheili, Mohammad Reza; Breuel, Thomas M.; Stricker, Didier


    In this paper, we present an Arabic handwriting recognition method based on recurrent neural network. We use the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) architecture, that have proven successful in different printed and handwritten OCR tasks. Applications of LSTM for handwriting recognition employ the two-dimensional architecture to deal with the variations in both vertical and horizontal axis. However, we show that using a simple pre-processing step that normalizes the position and baseline of letters, we can make use of 1D LSTM, which is faster in learning and convergence, and yet achieve superior performance. In a series of experiments on IFN/ENIT database for Arabic handwriting recognition, we demonstrate that our proposed pipeline can outperform 2D LSTM networks. Furthermore, we provide comparisons with 1D LSTM networks trained with manually crafted features to show that the automatically learned features in a globally trained 1D LSTM network with our normalization step can even outperform such systems.

  20. Bidding Agents That Perpetrate Auction Fraud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trevathan, Jarrod; McCabe, Alan; Read, Wayne

    This paper presents a software bidding agent that inserts fake bids on the seller's behalf to inflate an auction's price. This behaviour is referred to as shill bidding. Shill bidding is strictly prohibited by online auctioneers, as it defrauds unsuspecting buyers by forcing them to pay more for the item. The malicious bidding agent was constructed to aid in developing shill detection techniques. We have previously documented a simple shill bidding agent that incrementally increases the auction price until it reaches the desired profit target, or it becomes too risky to continue bidding. This paper presents an adaptive shill bidding agent which when used over a series of auctions with substitutable items, can revise its strategy based on bidding behaviour in past auctions. The adaptive agent applies a novel prediction technique referred to as the Extremum Consistency (EC) algorithm, to determine the optimal price to aspire for. The EC algorithm has successfully been used in handwritten signature verification for determining the maximum and minimum values in an input stream. The agent's ability to inflate the price has been tested in a simulated marketplace and experimental results are presented.

  1. Exomars Mission Verification Approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cassi, Carlo; Gilardi, Franco; Bethge, Boris

    According to the long-term cooperation plan established by ESA and NASA in June 2009, the ExoMars project now consists of two missions: A first mission will be launched in 2016 under ESA lead, with the objectives to demonstrate the European capability to safely land a surface package on Mars, to perform Mars Atmosphere investigation, and to provide communi-cation capability for present and future ESA/NASA missions. For this mission ESA provides a spacecraft-composite, made up of an "Entry Descent & Landing Demonstrator Module (EDM)" and a Mars Orbiter Module (OM), NASA provides the Launch Vehicle and the scientific in-struments located on the Orbiter for Mars atmosphere characterisation. A second mission with it launch foreseen in 2018 is lead by NASA, who provides spacecraft and launcher, the EDL system, and a rover. ESA contributes the ExoMars Rover Module (RM) to provide surface mobility. It includes a drill system allowing drilling down to 2 meter, collecting samples and to investigate them for signs of past and present life with exobiological experiments, and to investigate the Mars water/geochemical environment, In this scenario Thales Alenia Space Italia as ESA Prime industrial contractor is in charge of the design, manufacturing, integration and verification of the ESA ExoMars modules, i.e.: the Spacecraft Composite (OM + EDM) for the 2016 mission, the RM for the 2018 mission and the Rover Operations Control Centre, which will be located at Altec-Turin (Italy). The verification process of the above products is quite complex and will include some pecu-liarities with limited or no heritage in Europe. Furthermore the verification approach has to be optimised to allow full verification despite significant schedule and budget constraints. The paper presents the verification philosophy tailored for the ExoMars mission in line with the above considerations, starting from the model philosophy, showing the verification activities flow and the sharing of tests

  2. Factor models for cancer signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kakushadze, Zura; Yu, Willie


    We present a novel method for extracting cancer signatures by applying statistical risk models ( from quantitative finance to cancer genome data. Using 1389 whole genome sequenced samples from 14 cancers, we identify an ;overall; mode of somatic mutational noise. We give a prescription for factoring out this noise and source code for fixing the number of signatures. We apply nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) to genome data aggregated by cancer subtype and filtered using our method. The resultant signatures have substantially lower variability than those from unfiltered data. Also, the computational cost of signature extraction is cut by about a factor of 10. We find 3 novel cancer signatures, including a liver cancer dominant signature (96% contribution) and a renal cell carcinoma signature (70% contribution). Our method accelerates finding new cancer signatures and improves their overall stability. Reciprocally, the methods for extracting cancer signatures could have interesting applications in quantitative finance.

  3. Microcode Verification Project.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    numerical constant. The internal syntax for these minimum and maximum values is REALMIN and REALMAX. ISPSSIMP ISPSSIMP is the file simplifying bitstring...To be fair , it is quito clear that much of the ILbor Il tile verification task can be reduced If verification and. code development are carried out...basi.a of and the language we have chosen for both encoding our descriptions of machines and reasoning about the course of computations. Internally , our

  4. Face verification with balanced thresholds.


    Yan, Shuicheng; Xu, Dong; Tang, Xiaoou


    The process of face verification is guided by a pre-learned global threshold, which, however, is often inconsistent with class-specific optimal thresholds. It is, hence, beneficial to pursue a balance of the class-specific thresholds in the model-learning stage. In this paper, we present a new dimensionality reduction algorithm tailored to the verification task that ensures threshold balance. This is achieved by the following aspects. First, feasibility is guaranteed by employing an affine transformation matrix, instead of the conventional projection matrix, for dimensionality reduction, and, hence, we call the proposed algorithm threshold balanced transformation (TBT). Then, the affine transformation matrix, constrained as the product of an orthogonal matrix and a diagonal matrix, is optimized to improve the threshold balance and classification capability in an iterative manner. Unlike most algorithms for face verification which are directly transplanted from face identification literature, TBT is specifically designed for face verification and clarifies the intrinsic distinction between these two tasks. Experiments on three benchmark face databases demonstrate that TBT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art subspace techniques for face verification.

  5. Space transportation system payload interface verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Everline, R. T.


    The paper considers STS payload-interface verification requirements and the capability provided by STS to support verification. The intent is to standardize as many interfaces as possible, not only through the design, development, test and evaluation (DDT and E) phase of the major payload carriers but also into the operational phase. The verification process is discussed in terms of its various elements, such as the Space Shuttle DDT and E (including the orbital flight test program) and the major payload carriers DDT and E (including the first flights). Five tools derived from the Space Shuttle DDT and E are available to support the verification process: mathematical (structural and thermal) models, the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory, the Shuttle Manipulator Development Facility, and interface-verification equipment (cargo-integration test equipment).

  6. Electronic Signature Policy

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Establishes the United States Environmental Protection Agency's approach to adopting electronic signature technology and best practices to ensure electronic signatures applied to official Agency documents are legally valid and enforceable

  7. Formulating face verification with semidefinite programming.


    Yan, Shuicheng; Liu, Jianzhuang; Tang, Xiaoou; Huang, Thomas S


    This paper presents a unified solution to three unsolved problems existing in face verification with subspace learning techniques: selection of verification threshold, automatic determination of subspace dimension, and deducing feature fusing weights. In contrast to previous algorithms which search for the projection matrix directly, our new algorithm investigates a similarity metric matrix (SMM). With a certain verification threshold, this matrix is learned by a semidefinite programming approach, along with the constraints of the kindred pairs with similarity larger than the threshold, and inhomogeneous pairs with similarity smaller than the threshold. Then, the subspace dimension and the feature fusing weights are simultaneously inferred from the singular value decomposition of the derived SMM. In addition, the weighted and tensor extensions are proposed to further improve the algorithmic effectiveness and efficiency, respectively. Essentially, the verification is conducted within an affine subspace in this new algorithm and is, hence, called the affine subspace for verification (ASV). Extensive experiments show that the ASV can achieve encouraging face verification accuracy in comparison to other subspace algorithms, even without the need to explore any parameters.

  8. An archaeal genomic signature

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Graham, D. E.; Overbeek, R.; Olsen, G. J.; Woese, C. R.


    Comparisons of complete genome sequences allow the most objective and comprehensive descriptions possible of a lineage's evolution. This communication uses the completed genomes from four major euryarchaeal taxa to define a genomic signature for the Euryarchaeota and, by extension, the Archaea as a whole. The signature is defined in terms of the set of protein-encoding genes found in at least two diverse members of the euryarchaeal taxa that function uniquely within the Archaea; most signature proteins have no recognizable bacterial or eukaryal homologs. By this definition, 351 clusters of signature proteins have been identified. Functions of most proteins in this signature set are currently unknown. At least 70% of the clusters that contain proteins from all the euryarchaeal genomes also have crenarchaeal homologs. This conservative set, which appears refractory to horizontal gene transfer to the Bacteria or the Eukarya, would seem to reflect the significant innovations that were unique and fundamental to the archaeal "design fabric." Genomic protein signature analysis methods may be extended to characterize the evolution of any phylogenetically defined lineage. The complete set of protein clusters for the archaeal genomic signature is presented as supplementary material (see the PNAS web site,

  9. 25 CFR 61.8 - Verification forms.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... using the last address of record. The verification form will be used to ascertain the previous enrollee... death. Name and/or address changes will only be made if the verification form is signed by an adult... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Verification forms. 61.8 Section 61.8 Indians BUREAU OF...

  10. Verification of Ceramic Structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Behar-Lafenetre, Stephanie; Cornillon, Laurence; Rancurel, Michael; De Graaf, Dennis; Hartmann, Peter; Coe, Graham; Laine, Benoit


    In the framework of the “Mechanical Design and Verification Methodologies for Ceramic Structures” contract [1] awarded by ESA, Thales Alenia Space has investigated literature and practices in affiliated industries to propose a methodological guideline for verification of ceramic spacecraft and instrument structures. It has been written in order to be applicable to most types of ceramic or glass-ceramic materials - typically Cesic®, HBCesic®, Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbide and ZERODUR®. The proposed guideline describes the activities to be performed at material level in order to cover all the specific aspects of ceramics (Weibull distribution, brittle behaviour, sub-critical crack growth). Elementary tests and their post-processing methods are described, and recommendations for optimization of the test plan are given in order to have a consistent database. The application of this method is shown on an example in a dedicated article [7]. Then the verification activities to be performed at system level are described. This includes classical verification activities based on relevant standard (ECSS Verification [4]), plus specific analytical, testing and inspection features. The analysis methodology takes into account the specific behaviour of ceramic materials, especially the statistical distribution of failures (Weibull) and the method to transfer it from elementary data to a full-scale structure. The demonstration of the efficiency of this method is described in a dedicated article [8]. The verification is completed by classical full-scale testing activities. Indications about proof testing, case of use and implementation are given and specific inspection and protection measures are described. These additional activities are necessary to ensure the required reliability. The aim of the guideline is to describe how to reach the same reliability level as for structures made of more classical materials (metals, composites).

  11. High stakes in INF verification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Krepon, M.


    The stakes involved in negotiating INF verification arrangements are high. While these proposals deal only with intermediate-range ground-launched cruise and mobile missiles, if properly devised they could help pave the way for comprehensive limits on other cruise missiles and strategic mobile missiles. In contrast, poorly drafted monitoring provisions could compromise national industrial security and generate numerous compliance controversies. Any verification regime will require new openness on both sides, but that means significant risks as well as opportunities. US and Soviet negotiators could spend weeks, months, and even years working out in painstaking detail verification provisions for medium-range missiles. Alternatively, ifmore » the two sides wished to conclude an INF agreement quickly, they could defer most of the difficult verification issues to the strategic arms negotiations.« less

  12. 1 CFR 18.7 - Signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 1 General Provisions 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Signature. 18.7 Section 18.7 General Provisions... PREPARATION AND TRANSMITTAL OF DOCUMENTS GENERALLY § 18.7 Signature. The original and each duplicate original... stamped beneath the signature. Initialed or impressed signatures will not be accepted. Documents submitted...

  13. CD volume design and verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Li, Y. P.; Hughes, J. S.


    In this paper, we describe a prototype for CD-ROM volume design and verification. This prototype allows users to create their own model of CD volumes by modifying a prototypical model. Rule-based verification of the test volumes can then be performed later on against the volume definition. This working prototype has proven the concept of model-driven rule-based design and verification for large quantity of data. The model defined for the CD-ROM volumes becomes a data model as well as an executable specification.

  14. Quantitative Evaluation of Serum Proteins Uncovers a Protein Signature Related to Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY).


    Tuerxunyiming, Muhadasi; Xian, Feng; Zi, Jin; Yimamu, Yilihamujiang; Abuduwayite, Reshalaiti; Ren, Yan; Li, Qidan; Abudula, Abulizi; Liu, SiQi; Mohemaiti, Patamu


    Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is an inherited monogenic type of diabetes. Genetic mutations in MODY often cause nonsynonymous changes that directly lead to the functional distortion of proteins and the pathological consequences. Herein, we proposed that the inherited mutations found in a MODY family could cause a disturbance of protein abundance, specifically in serum. The serum samples were collected from a Uyghur MODY family through three generations, and the serum proteins after depletion treatment were examined by quantitative proteomics to characterize the MODY-related serum proteins followed by verification using target quantification of proteomics. A total of 32 serum proteins were preliminarily identified as the MODY-related. Further verification test toward the individual samples demonstrated the 12 candidates with the significantly different abundance in the MODY patients. A comparison of the 12 proteins among the sera of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, MODY, and healthy subjects was conducted and revealed a protein signature related with MODY composed of the serum proteins such as SERPINA7, APOC4, LPA, C6, and F5.

  15. Monitoring and verification R&D

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pilat, Joseph F; Budlong - Sylvester, Kory W; Fearey, Bryan L


    The 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) report outlined the Administration's approach to promoting the agenda put forward by President Obama in Prague on April 5, 2009. The NPR calls for a national monitoring and verification R&D program to meet future challenges arising from the Administration's nonproliferation, arms control and disarmament agenda. Verification of a follow-on to New START could have to address warheads and possibly components along with delivery capabilities. Deeper cuts and disarmament would need to address all of these elements along with nuclear weapon testing, nuclear material and weapon production facilities, virtual capabilities from old weapon and existingmore » energy programs and undeclared capabilities. We only know how to address some elements of these challenges today, and the requirements may be more rigorous in the context of deeper cuts as well as disarmament. Moreover, there is a critical need for multiple options to sensitive problems and to address other challenges. There will be other verification challenges in a world of deeper cuts and disarmament, some of which we are already facing. At some point, if the reductions process is progressing, uncertainties about past nuclear materials and weapons production will have to be addressed. IAEA safeguards will need to continue to evolve to meet current and future challenges, and to take advantage of new technologies and approaches. Transparency/verification of nuclear and dual-use exports will also have to be addressed, and there will be a need to make nonproliferation measures more watertight and transparent. In this context, and recognizing we will face all of these challenges even if disarmament is not achieved, this paper will explore possible agreements and arrangements; verification challenges; gaps in monitoring and verification technologies and approaches; and the R&D required to address these gaps and other monitoring and verification challenges.« less

  16. 40 CFR 1065.920 - PEMS calibrations and verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ....920 PEMS calibrations and verifications. (a) Subsystem calibrations and verifications. Use all the... verifications and analysis. It may also be necessary to limit the range of conditions under which the PEMS can... additional information or analysis to support your conclusions. (b) Overall verification. This paragraph (b...

  17. Hard and Soft Safety Verifications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wetherholt, Jon; Anderson, Brenda


    The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between and the effects of hard and soft safety verifications. Initially, the terminology should be defined and clarified. A hard safety verification is datum which demonstrates how a safety control is enacted. An example of this is relief valve testing. A soft safety verification is something which is usually described as nice to have but it is not necessary to prove safe operation. An example of a soft verification is the loss of the Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) casings from Shuttle flight, STS-4. When the main parachutes failed, the casings impacted the water and sank. In the nose cap of the SRBs, video cameras recorded the release of the parachutes to determine safe operation and to provide information for potential anomaly resolution. Generally, examination of the casings and nozzles contributed to understanding of the newly developed boosters and their operation. Safety verification of SRB operation was demonstrated by examination for erosion or wear of the casings and nozzle. Loss of the SRBs and associated data did not delay the launch of the next Shuttle flight.

  18. Simulating realistic predator signatures in quantitative fatty acid signature analysis

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bromaghin, Jeffrey F.


    Diet estimation is an important field within quantitative ecology, providing critical insights into many aspects of ecology and community dynamics. Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) is a prominent method of diet estimation, particularly for marine mammal and bird species. Investigators using QFASA commonly use computer simulation to evaluate statistical characteristics of diet estimators for the populations they study. Similar computer simulations have been used to explore and compare the performance of different variations of the original QFASA diet estimator. In both cases, computer simulations involve bootstrap sampling prey signature data to construct pseudo-predator signatures with known properties. However, bootstrap sample sizes have been selected arbitrarily and pseudo-predator signatures therefore may not have realistic properties. I develop an algorithm to objectively establish bootstrap sample sizes that generates pseudo-predator signatures with realistic properties, thereby enhancing the utility of computer simulation for assessing QFASA estimator performance. The algorithm also appears to be computationally efficient, resulting in bootstrap sample sizes that are smaller than those commonly used. I illustrate the algorithm with an example using data from Chukchi Sea polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and their marine mammal prey. The concepts underlying the approach may have value in other areas of quantitative ecology in which bootstrap samples are post-processed prior to their use.

  19. Five Guidelines for Selecting Hydrological Signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McMillan, H. K.; Westerberg, I.; Branger, F.


    Hydrological signatures are index values derived from observed or modeled series of hydrological data such as rainfall, flow or soil moisture. They are designed to extract relevant information about hydrological behavior, such as to identify dominant processes, and to determine the strength, speed and spatiotemporal variability of the rainfall-runoff response. Hydrological signatures play an important role in model evaluation. They allow us to test whether particular model structures or parameter sets accurately reproduce the runoff generation processes within the watershed of interest. Most modeling studies use a selection of different signatures to capture different aspects of the catchment response, for example evaluating overall flow distribution as well as high and low flow extremes and flow timing. Such studies often choose their own set of signatures, or may borrow subsets of signatures used in multiple other works. The link between signature values and hydrological processes is not always straightforward, leading to uncertainty and variability in hydrologists' signature choices. In this presentation, we aim to encourage a more rigorous approach to hydrological signature selection, which considers the ability of signatures to represent hydrological behavior and underlying processes for the catchment and application in question. To this end, we propose a set of guidelines for selecting hydrological signatures. We describe five criteria that any hydrological signature should conform to: Identifiability, Robustness, Consistency, Representativeness, and Discriminatory Power. We describe an example of the design process for a signature, assessing possible signature designs against the guidelines above. Due to their ubiquity, we chose a signature related to the Flow Duration Curve, selecting the FDC mid-section slope as a proposed signature to quantify catchment overall behavior and flashiness. We demonstrate how assessment against each guideline could be used to

  20. 40 CFR 1066.240 - Torque transducer verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... POLLUTION CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Dynamometer Specifications § 1066.240 Torque transducer verification. Verify torque-measurement systems by performing the verifications described in §§ 1066.270 and... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Torque transducer verification. 1066...

  1. Multibody modeling and verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wiens, Gloria J.


    A summary of a ten week project on flexible multibody modeling, verification and control is presented. Emphasis was on the need for experimental verification. A literature survey was conducted for gathering information on the existence of experimental work related to flexible multibody systems. The first portion of the assigned task encompassed the modeling aspects of flexible multibodies that can undergo large angular displacements. Research in the area of modeling aspects were also surveyed, with special attention given to the component mode approach. Resulting from this is a research plan on various modeling aspects to be investigated over the next year. The relationship between the large angular displacements, boundary conditions, mode selection, and system modes is of particular interest. The other portion of the assigned task was the generation of a test plan for experimental verification of analytical and/or computer analysis techniques used for flexible multibody systems. Based on current and expected frequency ranges of flexible multibody systems to be used in space applications, an initial test article was selected and designed. A preliminary TREETOPS computer analysis was run to ensure frequency content in the low frequency range, 0.1 to 50 Hz. The initial specifications of experimental measurement and instrumentation components were also generated. Resulting from this effort is the initial multi-phase plan for a Ground Test Facility of Flexible Multibody Systems for Modeling Verification and Control. The plan focusses on the Multibody Modeling and Verification (MMV) Laboratory. General requirements of the Unobtrusive Sensor and Effector (USE) and the Robot Enhancement (RE) laboratories were considered during the laboratory development.

  2. Deductive Verification of Cryptographic Software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Almeida, Jose Barcelar; Barbosa, Manuel; Pinto, Jorge Sousa; Vieira, Barbara


    We report on the application of an off-the-shelf verification platform to the RC4 stream cipher cryptographic software implementation (as available in the openSSL library), and introduce a deductive verification technique based on self-composition for proving the absence of error propagation.

  3. 14 CFR 211.11 - Verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Verification. 211.11 Section 211.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS General Requirements § 211.11 Verification...

  4. Automated verification of flight software. User's manual

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Saib, S. H.


    (Automated Verification of Flight Software), a collection of tools for analyzing source programs written in FORTRAN and AED is documented. The quality and the reliability of flight software are improved by: (1) indented listings of source programs, (2) static analysis to detect inconsistencies in the use of variables and parameters, (3) automated documentation, (4) instrumentation of source code, (5) retesting guidance, (6) analysis of assertions, (7) symbolic execution, (8) generation of verification conditions, and (9) simplification of verification conditions. Use of AVFS in the verification of flight software is described.

  5. Digital Signature Management.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hassler, Vesna; Biely, Helmut


    Describes the Digital Signature Project that was developed in Austria to establish an infrastructure for applying smart card-based digital signatures in banking and electronic-commerce applications. Discusses the need to conform to international standards, an international certification infrastructure, and security features for a public directory…

  6. Working Memory Mechanism in Proportional Quantifier Verification

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zajenkowski, Marcin; Szymanik, Jakub; Garraffa, Maria


    The paper explores the cognitive mechanisms involved in the verification of sentences with proportional quantifiers (e.g. "More than half of the dots are blue"). The first study shows that the verification of proportional sentences is more demanding than the verification of sentences such as: "There are seven blue and eight yellow…

  7. Uncertainty in hydrological signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McMillan, Hilary; Westerberg, Ida


    Information that summarises the hydrological behaviour or flow regime of a catchment is essential for comparing responses of different catchments to understand catchment organisation and similarity, and for many other modelling and water-management applications. Such information types derived as an index value from observed data are known as hydrological signatures, and can include descriptors of high flows (e.g. mean annual flood), low flows (e.g. mean annual low flow, recession shape), the flow variability, flow duration curve, and runoff ratio. Because the hydrological signatures are calculated from observed data such as rainfall and flow records, they are affected by uncertainty in those data. Subjective choices in the method used to calculate the signatures create a further source of uncertainty. Uncertainties in the signatures may affect our ability to compare different locations, to detect changes, or to compare future water resource management scenarios. The aim of this study was to contribute to the hydrological community's awareness and knowledge of data uncertainty in hydrological signatures, including typical sources, magnitude and methods for its assessment. We proposed a generally applicable method to calculate these uncertainties based on Monte Carlo sampling and demonstrated it for a variety of commonly used signatures. The study was made for two data rich catchments, the 50 km2 Mahurangi catchment in New Zealand and the 135 km2 Brue catchment in the UK. For rainfall data the uncertainty sources included point measurement uncertainty, the number of gauges used in calculation of the catchment spatial average, and uncertainties relating to lack of quality control. For flow data the uncertainty sources included uncertainties in stage/discharge measurement and in the approximation of the true stage-discharge relation by a rating curve. The resulting uncertainties were compared across the different signatures and catchments, to quantify uncertainty


    EPA Science Inventory

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created the Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) to facilitate the deployment of innovative or improved environmental technologies through performance verification and dissemination of information. The goal of the...

  9. 18 CFR 158.5 - Verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Verification. 158.5 Section 158.5 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT....5 Verification. The facts stated in the memorandum must be sworn to by persons having knowledge...

  10. Line Segmentation in Handwritten Assamese and Meetei Mayek Script Using Seam Carving Based Algorithm

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Chandan Jyoti; Kalita, Sanjib Kr.

    Line segmentation is a key stage in an Optical Character Recognition system. This paper primarily concerns the problem of text line extraction on color and grayscale manuscript pages of two major North-east Indian regional Scripts, Assamese and Meetei Mayek. Line segmentation of handwritten text in Assamese and Meetei Mayek scripts is an uphill task primarily because of the structural features of both the scripts and varied writing styles. Line segmentation of a document image is been achieved by using the Seam carving technique, in this paper. Researchers from various regions used this approach for content aware resizing of an image. However currently many researchers are implementing Seam Carving for line segmentation phase of OCR. Although it is a language independent technique, mostly experiments are done over Arabic, Greek, German and Chinese scripts. Two types of seams are generated, medial seams approximate the orientation of each text line, and separating seams separated one line of text from another. Experiments are performed extensively over various types of documents and detailed analysis of the evaluations reflects that the algorithm performs well for even documents with multiple scripts. In this paper, we present a comparative study of accuracy of this method over different types of data.

  11. Industrial methodology for process verification in research (IMPROVER): toward systems biology verification

    PubMed Central

    Meyer, Pablo; Hoeng, Julia; Rice, J. Jeremy; Norel, Raquel; Sprengel, Jörg; Stolle, Katrin; Bonk, Thomas; Corthesy, Stephanie; Royyuru, Ajay; Peitsch, Manuel C.; Stolovitzky, Gustavo


    Motivation: Analyses and algorithmic predictions based on high-throughput data are essential for the success of systems biology in academic and industrial settings. Organizations, such as companies and academic consortia, conduct large multi-year scientific studies that entail the collection and analysis of thousands of individual experiments, often over many physical sites and with internal and outsourced components. To extract maximum value, the interested parties need to verify the accuracy and reproducibility of data and methods before the initiation of such large multi-year studies. However, systematic and well-established verification procedures do not exist for automated collection and analysis workflows in systems biology which could lead to inaccurate conclusions. Results: We present here, a review of the current state of systems biology verification and a detailed methodology to address its shortcomings. This methodology named ‘Industrial Methodology for Process Verification in Research’ or IMPROVER, consists on evaluating a research program by dividing a workflow into smaller building blocks that are individually verified. The verification of each building block can be done internally by members of the research program or externally by ‘crowd-sourcing’ to an interested community. Implementation: This methodology could become the preferred choice to verify systems biology research workflows that are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated in industrial and academic settings. Contact: PMID:22423044

  12. Signature extension studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Vincent, R. K.; Thomas, G. S.; Nalepka, R. F.


    The importance of specific spectral regions to signature extension is explored. In the recent past, the signature extension task was focused on the development of new techniques. Tested techniques are now used to investigate this spectral aspect of the large area survey. Sets of channels were sought which, for a given technique, were the least affected by several sources of variation over four data sets and yet provided good object class separation on each individual data set. Using sets of channels determined as part of this study, signature extension was accomplished between data sets collected over a six-day period and over a range of about 400 kilometers.

  13. Code Verification Results of an LLNL ASC Code on Some Tri-Lab Verification Test Suite Problems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Anderson, S R; Bihari, B L; Salari, K

    As scientific codes become more complex and involve larger numbers of developers and algorithms, chances for algorithmic implementation mistakes increase. In this environment, code verification becomes essential to building confidence in the code implementation. This paper will present first results of a new code verification effort within LLNL's B Division. In particular, we will show results of code verification of the LLNL ASC ARES code on the test problems: Su Olson non-equilibrium radiation diffusion, Sod shock tube, Sedov point blast modeled with shock hydrodynamics, and Noh implosion.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Wet-Weather Flow Technologies Pilot of the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program, which is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and facilitated by NSF International, has recently evaluated the performance of chemical induction mixers used for di...

  15. Requirements, Verification, and Compliance (RVC) Database Tool

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rainwater, Neil E., II; McDuffee, Patrick B.; Thomas, L. Dale


    This paper describes the development, design, and implementation of the Requirements, Verification, and Compliance (RVC) database used on the International Space Welding Experiment (ISWE) project managed at Marshall Space Flight Center. The RVC is a systems engineer's tool for automating and managing the following information: requirements; requirements traceability; verification requirements; verification planning; verification success criteria; and compliance status. This information normally contained within documents (e.g. specifications, plans) is contained in an electronic database that allows the project team members to access, query, and status the requirements, verification, and compliance information from their individual desktop computers. Using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) database software that contains networking capabilities, the RVC was developed not only with cost savings in mind but primarily for the purpose of providing a more efficient and effective automated method of maintaining and distributing the systems engineering information. In addition, the RVC approach provides the systems engineer the capability to develop and tailor various reports containing the requirements, verification, and compliance information that meets the needs of the project team members. The automated approach of the RVC for capturing and distributing the information improves the productivity of the systems engineer by allowing that person to concentrate more on the job of developing good requirements and verification programs and not on the effort of being a "document developer".

  16. 14 CFR 460.17 - Verification program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... software in an operational flight environment before allowing any space flight participant on board during a flight. Verification must include flight testing. ... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Launch and Reentry with Crew § 460.17 Verification...

  17. 14 CFR 460.17 - Verification program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... software in an operational flight environment before allowing any space flight participant on board during a flight. Verification must include flight testing. ... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Launch and Reentry with Crew § 460.17 Verification...

  18. 14 CFR 460.17 - Verification program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... software in an operational flight environment before allowing any space flight participant on board during a flight. Verification must include flight testing. ... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Launch and Reentry with Crew § 460.17 Verification...

  19. 14 CFR 460.17 - Verification program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... software in an operational flight environment before allowing any space flight participant on board during a flight. Verification must include flight testing. ... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Launch and Reentry with Crew § 460.17 Verification...

  20. 14 CFR 460.17 - Verification program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... software in an operational flight environment before allowing any space flight participant on board during a flight. Verification must include flight testing. ... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Launch and Reentry with Crew § 460.17 Verification...

  1. Lesson 6: Signature Validation

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Checklist items 13 through 17 are grouped under the Signature Validation Process, and represent CROMERR requirements that the system must satisfy as part of ensuring that electronic signatures it receives are valid.

  2. ADEN ALOS PALSAR Product Verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wright, P. A.; Meadows, P. J.; Mack, G.; Miranda, N.; Lavalle, M.


    Within the ALOS Data European Node (ADEN) the verification of PALSAR products is an important and continuing activity, to ensure data utility for the users. The paper will give a summary of the verification activities, the status of the ADEN PALSAR processor and the current quality issues that are important for users of ADEN PALSAR data.

  3. 21 CFR 11.50 - Signature manifestations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signature manifestations. 11.50 Section 11.50 Food... RECORDS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Electronic Records § 11.50 Signature manifestations. (a) Signed electronic...: (1) The printed name of the signer; (2) The date and time when the signature was executed; and (3...

  4. Quality of signatures. [spectral signatures of winter wheat grown in Texas

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kan, E. P. F.


    Three conclusions are drawn on the usability, inherent variations, and noise aspects of the spectral signatures processed from data collected by the Field Signature Acquisition System (FSAS). Conclusions are based on the spectral data collected from winter wheat of the 1972/73 season, grown at Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas.

  5. Fusion of Dependent and Independent Biometric Information Sources

    DTIC Science & Technology


    palmprint , DNA, ECG, signature, etc. The comparison of various biometric techniques is given in [13] and is presented in Table 1. Since, each...theory. Experimental studies on the M2VTS database [32] showed that a reduction in error rates is up to about 40%. Four combination strategies are...taken from the CEDAR benchmark database . The word recognition results were the highest (91%) among published results for handwritten words (before 2001

  6. 7 CFR 97.155 - Signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Signatures. 97.155 Section 97.155 Agriculture... PLANT VARIETY AND PROTECTION Attorneys and Agents § 97.155 Signatures. Every document filed by an attorney or agent representing an applicant or party to a proceeding in the Office shall bear the signature...

  7. 17 CFR 12.12 - Signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signature. 12.12 Section 12.12... General Information and Preliminary Consideration of Pleadings § 12.12 Signature. (a) By whom. All... document on behalf of another person. (b) Effect. The signature on any document of any person acting either...

  8. 40 CFR 1065.395 - Inertial PM balance verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inertial PM balance verifications... Inertial PM balance verifications. This section describes how to verify the performance of an inertial PM balance. (a) Independent verification. Have the balance manufacturer (or a representative approved by the...

  9. 40 CFR 1065.395 - Inertial PM balance verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Inertial PM balance verifications... Inertial PM balance verifications. This section describes how to verify the performance of an inertial PM balance. (a) Independent verification. Have the balance manufacturer (or a representative approved by the...

  10. 45 CFR 95.626 - Independent Verification and Validation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Independent Verification and Validation. 95.626... (FFP) Specific Conditions for Ffp § 95.626 Independent Verification and Validation. (a) An assessment for independent verification and validation (IV&V) analysis of a State's system development effort may...

  11. 45 CFR 95.626 - Independent Verification and Validation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Independent Verification and Validation. 95.626... (FFP) Specific Conditions for Ffp § 95.626 Independent Verification and Validation. (a) An assessment for independent verification and validation (IV&V) analysis of a State's system development effort may...

  12. 45 CFR 95.626 - Independent Verification and Validation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Independent Verification and Validation. 95.626... (FFP) Specific Conditions for Ffp § 95.626 Independent Verification and Validation. (a) An assessment for independent verification and validation (IV&V) analysis of a State's system development effort may...

  13. 45 CFR 95.626 - Independent Verification and Validation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Independent Verification and Validation. 95.626... (FFP) Specific Conditions for Ffp § 95.626 Independent Verification and Validation. (a) An assessment for independent verification and validation (IV&V) analysis of a State's system development effort may...

  14. Post-OPC verification using a full-chip pattern-based simulation verification method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hung, Chi-Yuan; Wang, Ching-Heng; Ma, Cliff; Zhang, Gary


    In this paper, we evaluated and investigated techniques for performing fast full-chip post-OPC verification using a commercial product platform. A number of databases from several technology nodes, i.e. 0.13um, 0.11um and 90nm are used in the investigation. Although it has proven that for most cases, our OPC technology is robust in general, due to the variety of tape-outs with complicated design styles and technologies, it is difficult to develop a "complete or bullet-proof" OPC algorithm that would cover every possible layout patterns. In the evaluation, among dozens of databases, some OPC databases were found errors by Model-based post-OPC checking, which could cost significantly in manufacturing - reticle, wafer process, and more importantly the production delay. From such a full-chip OPC database verification, we have learned that optimizing OPC models and recipes on a limited set of test chip designs may not provide sufficient coverage across the range of designs to be produced in the process. And, fatal errors (such as pinch or bridge) or poor CD distribution and process-sensitive patterns may still occur. As a result, more than one reticle tape-out cycle is not uncommon to prove models and recipes that approach the center of process for a range of designs. So, we will describe a full-chip pattern-based simulation verification flow serves both OPC model and recipe development as well as post OPC verification after production release of the OPC. Lastly, we will discuss the differentiation of the new pattern-based and conventional edge-based verification tools and summarize the advantages of our new tool and methodology: 1). Accuracy: Superior inspection algorithms, down to 1nm accuracy with the new "pattern based" approach 2). High speed performance: Pattern-centric algorithms to give best full-chip inspection efficiency 3). Powerful analysis capability: Flexible error distribution, grouping, interactive viewing and hierarchical pattern extraction to narrow

  15. Security Verification of Secure MANET Routing Protocols

    DTIC Science & Technology




    EPA Science Inventory

    The paper discusses environmental technology verification and indoor air. RTI has responsibility for a pilot program for indoor air products as part of the U.S. EPA's Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program. The program objective is to further the development of sel...

  17. Gender Verification of Female Olympic Athletes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dickinson, Barry D.; Genel, Myron; Robinowitz, Carolyn B.; Turner, Patricia L.; Woods, Gary L.


    Gender verification of female athletes has long been criticized by geneticists, endocrinologists, and others in the medical community. Recently, the International Olympic Committee's Athletic Commission called for discontinuation of mandatory laboratory-based gender verification of female athletes. This article discusses normal sexual…

  18. Regression Verification Using Impact Summaries

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Backes, John; Person, Suzette J.; Rungta, Neha; Thachuk, Oksana


    Regression verification techniques are used to prove equivalence of syntactically similar programs. Checking equivalence of large programs, however, can be computationally expensive. Existing regression verification techniques rely on abstraction and decomposition techniques to reduce the computational effort of checking equivalence of the entire program. These techniques are sound but not complete. In this work, we propose a novel approach to improve scalability of regression verification by classifying the program behaviors generated during symbolic execution as either impacted or unimpacted. Our technique uses a combination of static analysis and symbolic execution to generate summaries of impacted program behaviors. The impact summaries are then checked for equivalence using an o-the-shelf decision procedure. We prove that our approach is both sound and complete for sequential programs, with respect to the depth bound of symbolic execution. Our evaluation on a set of sequential C artifacts shows that reducing the size of the summaries can help reduce the cost of software equivalence checking. Various reduction, abstraction, and compositional techniques have been developed to help scale software verification techniques to industrial-sized systems. Although such techniques have greatly increased the size and complexity of systems that can be checked, analysis of large software systems remains costly. Regression analysis techniques, e.g., regression testing [16], regression model checking [22], and regression verification [19], restrict the scope of the analysis by leveraging the differences between program versions. These techniques are based on the idea that if code is checked early in development, then subsequent versions can be checked against a prior (checked) version, leveraging the results of the previous analysis to reduce analysis cost of the current version. Regression verification addresses the problem of proving equivalence of closely related program

  19. 46 CFR 61.40-3 - Design verification testing.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Design verification testing. 61.40-3 Section 61.40-3... INSPECTIONS Design Verification and Periodic Testing of Vital System Automation § 61.40-3 Design verification testing. (a) Tests must verify that automated vital systems are designed, constructed, and operate in...

  20. Magnetic cleanliness verification approach on tethered satellite

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Messidoro, Piero; Braghin, Massimo; Grande, Maurizio


    Magnetic cleanliness testing was performed on the Tethered Satellite as the last step of an articulated verification campaign aimed at demonstrating the capability of the satellite to support its TEMAG (TEthered MAgnetometer) experiment. Tests at unit level and analytical predictions/correlations using a dedicated mathematical model (GANEW program) are also part of the verification activities. Details of the tests are presented, and the results of the verification are described together with recommendations for later programs.

  1. The effects of extrinsic motivation on signature authorship opinions in forensic signature blind trials.


    Dewhurst, Tahnee N; Found, Bryan; Ballantyne, Kaye N; Rogers, Doug


    Expertise studies in forensic handwriting examination involve comparisons of Forensic Handwriting Examiners' (FHEs) opinions with lay-persons on blind tests. All published studies of this type have reported real and demonstrable skill differences between the specialist and lay groups. However, critics have proposed that any difference shown may be indicative of a lack of motivation on the part of lay participants, rather than a real difference in skill. It has been suggested that qualified FHEs would be inherently more motivated to succeed in blinded validation trials, as their professional reputations could be at risk, should they perform poorly on the task provided. Furthermore, critics suggest that lay-persons would be unlikely to be highly motivated to succeed, as they would have no fear of negative consequences should they perform badly. In an effort to investigate this concern, a blind signature trial was designed and administered to forty lay-persons. Participants were required to compare known (exemplar) signatures of an individual to questioned signatures and asked to express an opinion regarding whether the writer of the known signatures wrote each of the questioned signatures. The questioned signatures comprised a mixture of genuine, disguised and simulated signatures. The forty participants were divided into two separate groupings. Group 'A' were requested to complete the trial as directed and were advised that for each correct answer they would be financially rewarded, for each incorrect answer they would be financially penalized, and for each inconclusive opinion they would receive neither penalty nor reward. Group 'B' was requested to complete the trial as directed, with no mention of financial recompense or penalty. The results of this study do not support the proposition that motivation rather than skill difference is the source of the statistical difference in opinions between individuals' results in blinded signature proficiency trials. Crown

  2. 24 CFR 4001.112 - Income verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 5 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Income verification. 4001.112... Requirements and Underwriting Procedures § 4001.112 Income verification. The mortgagee shall use FHA's procedures to verify the mortgagor's income and shall comply with the following additional requirements: (a...

  3. Self-verification and contextualized self-views.


    Chen, Serena; English, Tammy; Peng, Kaiping


    Whereas most self-verification research has focused on people's desire to verify their global self-conceptions, the present studies examined self-verification with regard to contextualized selfviews-views of the self in particular situations and relationships. It was hypothesized that individuals whose core self-conceptions include contextualized self-views should seek to verify these self-views. In Study 1, the more individuals defined the self in dialectical terms, the more their judgments were biased in favor of verifying over nonverifying feedback about a negative, situation-specific self-view. In Study 2, consistent with research on gender differences in the importance of relationships to the self-concept, women but not men showed a similar bias toward feedback about a negative, relationship-specific self-view, a pattern not seen for global self-views. Together, the results support the notion that self-verification occurs for core self-conceptions, whatever form(s) they may take. Individual differences in self-verification and the nature of selfhood and authenticity are discussed.

  4. HDM/PASCAL Verification System User's Manual

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hare, D.


    The HDM/Pascal verification system is a tool for proving the correctness of programs written in PASCAL and specified in the Hierarchical Development Methodology (HDM). This document assumes an understanding of PASCAL, HDM, program verification, and the STP system. The steps toward verification which this tool provides are parsing programs and specifications, checking the static semantics, and generating verification conditions. Some support functions are provided such as maintaining a data base, status management, and editing. The system runs under the TOPS-20 and TENEX operating systems and is written in INTERLISP. However, no knowledge is assumed of these operating systems or of INTERLISP. The system requires three executable files, HDMVCG, PARSE, and STP. Optionally, the editor EMACS should be on the system in order for the editor to work. The file HDMVCG is invoked to run the system. The files PARSE and STP are used as lower forks to perform the functions of parsing and proving.

  5. 30 CFR 250.909 - What is the Platform Verification Program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false What is the Platform Verification Program? 250... Platforms and Structures Platform Verification Program § 250.909 What is the Platform Verification Program? The Platform Verification Program is the MMS approval process for ensuring that floating platforms...

  6. Secure Obfuscation for Encrypted Group Signatures

    PubMed Central

    Fan, Hongfei; Liu, Qin


    In recent years, group signature techniques are widely used in constructing privacy-preserving security schemes for various information systems. However, conventional techniques keep the schemes secure only in normal black-box attack contexts. In other words, these schemes suppose that (the implementation of) the group signature generation algorithm is running in a platform that is perfectly protected from various intrusions and attacks. As a complementary to existing studies, how to generate group signatures securely in a more austere security context, such as a white-box attack context, is studied in this paper. We use obfuscation as an approach to acquire a higher level of security. Concretely, we introduce a special group signature functionality-an encrypted group signature, and then provide an obfuscator for the proposed functionality. A series of new security notions for both the functionality and its obfuscator has been introduced. The most important one is the average-case secure virtual black-box property w.r.t. dependent oracles and restricted dependent oracles which captures the requirement of protecting the output of the proposed obfuscator against collision attacks from group members. The security notions fit for many other specialized obfuscators, such as obfuscators for identity-based signatures, threshold signatures and key-insulated signatures. Finally, the correctness and security of the proposed obfuscator have been proven. Thereby, the obfuscated encrypted group signature functionality can be applied to variants of privacy-preserving security schemes and enhance the security level of these schemes. PMID:26167686

  7. 30 CFR 250.913 - When must I resubmit Platform Verification Program plans?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Structures Platform Verification Program § 250.913 When must I resubmit Platform Verification Program plans? (a) You must resubmit any design verification, fabrication verification, or installation verification... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false When must I resubmit Platform Verification...

  8. Built-in-Test Verification Techniques

    DTIC Science & Technology


    report documents the results of the effort for the Rome Air Development Center Contract F30602-84-C-0021, BIT Verification Techniques. The work was...Richard Spillman of Sp.,llman Research Associates. The principal investigators were Mike Partridge and subsequently Jeffrey Albert. The contract was...two your effort to develop techniques for Built-In Test (BIT) verification. The objective of the contract was to develop specifications and technical

  9. Free-Space Quantum Signatures Using Heterodyne Measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Croal, Callum; Peuntinger, Christian; Heim, Bettina; Khan, Imran; Marquardt, Christoph; Leuchs, Gerd; Wallden, Petros; Andersson, Erika; Korolkova, Natalia


    Digital signatures guarantee the authorship of electronic communications. Currently used "classical" signature schemes rely on unproven computational assumptions for security, while quantum signatures rely only on the laws of quantum mechanics to sign a classical message. Previous quantum signature schemes have used unambiguous quantum measurements. Such measurements, however, sometimes give no result, reducing the efficiency of the protocol. Here, we instead use heterodyne detection, which always gives a result, although there is always some uncertainty. We experimentally demonstrate feasibility in a real environment by distributing signature states through a noisy 1.6 km free-space channel. Our results show that continuous-variable heterodyne detection improves the signature rate for this type of scheme and therefore represents an interesting direction in the search for practical quantum signature schemes. For transmission values ranging from 100% to 10%, but otherwise assuming an ideal implementation with no other imperfections, the signature length is shorter by a factor of 2 to 10. As compared with previous relevant experimental realizations, the signature length in this implementation is several orders of magnitude shorter.

  10. Free-Space Quantum Signatures Using Heterodyne Measurements.


    Croal, Callum; Peuntinger, Christian; Heim, Bettina; Khan, Imran; Marquardt, Christoph; Leuchs, Gerd; Wallden, Petros; Andersson, Erika; Korolkova, Natalia


    Digital signatures guarantee the authorship of electronic communications. Currently used "classical" signature schemes rely on unproven computational assumptions for security, while quantum signatures rely only on the laws of quantum mechanics to sign a classical message. Previous quantum signature schemes have used unambiguous quantum measurements. Such measurements, however, sometimes give no result, reducing the efficiency of the protocol. Here, we instead use heterodyne detection, which always gives a result, although there is always some uncertainty. We experimentally demonstrate feasibility in a real environment by distributing signature states through a noisy 1.6 km free-space channel. Our results show that continuous-variable heterodyne detection improves the signature rate for this type of scheme and therefore represents an interesting direction in the search for practical quantum signature schemes. For transmission values ranging from 100% to 10%, but otherwise assuming an ideal implementation with no other imperfections, the signature length is shorter by a factor of 2 to 10. As compared with previous relevant experimental realizations, the signature length in this implementation is several orders of magnitude shorter.

  11. 30 CFR 250.909 - What is the Platform Verification Program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What is the Platform Verification Program? 250... Verification Program § 250.909 What is the Platform Verification Program? The Platform Verification Program is the MMS approval process for ensuring that floating platforms; platforms of a new or unique design...

  12. Contingency-Focused Financial Management and Logistics for the U.S. Coast Guard

    DTIC Science & Technology


    being processed by the local contracting office. Hard copy PRs with hand-written signatures are not to be accepted unless a waiver has been granted...forms used for authorizing procurement are nearly the same but would merely require drafting the documents in a different hard -copy format to created, promulgated and distributed in hard copy for managers in the field and at support commands to enact when it is evident that service

  13. Verification Challenges at Low Numbers

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Benz, Jacob M.; Booker, Paul M.; McDonald, Benjamin S.


    This paper will explore the difficulties of deep reductions by examining the technical verification challenges. At each step on the road to low numbers, the verification required to ensure compliance of all parties will increase significantly. Looking post New START, the next step will likely include warhead limits in the neighborhood of 1000 (Pifer 2010). Further reductions will include stepping stones at 100’s of warheads, and then 10’s of warheads before final elimination could be considered of the last few remaining warheads and weapons. This paper will focus on these three threshold reduction levels, 1000, 100’s, 10’s. For each, themore » issues and challenges will be discussed, potential solutions will be identified, and the verification technologies and chain of custody measures that address these solutions will be surveyed. It is important to note that many of the issues that need to be addressed have no current solution. In these cases, the paper will explore new or novel technologies that could be applied. These technologies will draw from the research and development that is ongoing throughout the national lab complex, and will look at technologies utilized in other areas of industry for their application to arms control verification.« less

  14. Model Based Verification of Cyber Range Event Environments

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Model Based Verification of Cyber Range Event Environments Suresh K. Damodaran MIT Lincoln Laboratory 244 Wood St., Lexington, MA, USA...apply model based verification to cyber range event environment configurations, allowing for the early detection of errors in event environment...Environment Representation (CCER) ontology. We also provide an overview of a methodology to specify verification rules and the corresponding error

  15. Active alignment/contact verification system


    Greenbaum, William M.


    A system involving an active (i.e. electrical) technique for the verification of: 1) close tolerance mechanical alignment between two component, and 2) electrical contact between mating through an elastomeric interface. For example, the two components may be an alumina carrier and a printed circuit board, two mating parts that are extremely small, high density parts and require alignment within a fraction of a mil, as well as a specified interface point of engagement between the parts. The system comprises pairs of conductive structures defined in the surfaces layers of the alumina carrier and the printed circuit board, for example. The first pair of conductive structures relate to item (1) above and permit alignment verification between mating parts. The second pair of conductive structures relate to item (2) above and permit verification of electrical contact between mating parts.

  16. Students' Verification Strategies for Combinatorial Problems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mashiach Eizenberg, Michal; Zaslavsky, Orit


    We focus on a major difficulty in solving combinatorial problems, namely, on the verification of a solution. Our study aimed at identifying undergraduate students' tendencies to verify their solutions, and the verification strategies that they employ when solving these problems. In addition, an attempt was made to evaluate the level of efficiency…

  17. Development of Neutron Energy Spectral Signatures for Passive Monitoring of Spent Nuclear Fuels in Dry Cask Storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harkness, Ira; Zhu, Ting; Liang, Yinong; Rauch, Eric; Enqvist, Andreas; Jordan, Kelly A.


    Demand for spent nuclear fuel dry casks as an interim storage solution has increased globally and the IAEA has expressed a need for robust safeguards and verification technologies for ensuring the continuity of knowledge and the integrity of radioactive materials inside spent fuel casks. Existing research has been focusing on "fingerprinting" casks based on count rate statistics to represent radiation emission signatures. The current research aims to expand to include neutron energy spectral information as part of the fuel characteristics. First, spent fuel composition data are taken from the Next Generation Safeguards Initiative Spent Fuel Libraries, representative for Westinghouse 17ˣ17 PWR assemblies. The ORIGEN-S code then calculates the spontaneous fission and (α,n) emissions for individual fuel rods, followed by detailed MCNP simulations of neutrons transported through the fuel assemblies. A comprehensive database of neutron energy spectral profiles is to be constructed, with different enrichment, burn-up, and cooling time conditions. The end goal is to utilize the computational spent fuel library, predictive algorithm, and a pressurized 4He scintillator to verify the spent fuel assemblies inside a cask. This work identifies neutron spectral signatures that correlate with the cooling time of spent fuel. Both the total and relative contributions from spontaneous fission and (α,n) change noticeably with respect to cooling time, due to the relatively short half-life (18 years) of the major neutron source 244Cm. Identification of this and other neutron spectral signatures allows the characterization of spent nuclear fuels in dry cask storage.

  18. Real time gamma-ray signature identifier


    Rowland, Mark [Alamo, CA; Gosnell, Tom B [Moraga, CA; Ham, Cheryl [Livermore, CA; Perkins, Dwight [Livermore, CA; Wong, James [Dublin, CA


    A real time gamma-ray signature/source identification method and system using principal components analysis (PCA) for transforming and substantially reducing one or more comprehensive spectral libraries of nuclear materials types and configurations into a corresponding concise representation/signature(s) representing and indexing each individual predetermined spectrum in principal component (PC) space, wherein an unknown gamma-ray signature may be compared against the representative signature to find a match or at least characterize the unknown signature from among all the entries in the library with a single regression or simple projection into the PC space, so as to substantially reduce processing time and computing resources and enable real-time characterization and/or identification.

  19. Verification and Validation Studies for the LAVA CFD Solver

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moini-Yekta, Shayan; Barad, Michael F; Sozer, Emre; Brehm, Christoph; Housman, Jeffrey A.; Kiris, Cetin C.


    The verification and validation of the Launch Ascent and Vehicle Aerodynamics (LAVA) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver is presented. A modern strategy for verification and validation is described incorporating verification tests, validation benchmarks, continuous integration and version control methods for automated testing in a collaborative development environment. The purpose of the approach is to integrate the verification and validation process into the development of the solver and improve productivity. This paper uses the Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) for the verification of 2D Euler equations, 3D Navier-Stokes equations as well as turbulence models. A method for systematic refinement of unstructured grids is also presented. Verification using inviscid vortex propagation and flow over a flat plate is highlighted. Simulation results using laminar and turbulent flow past a NACA 0012 airfoil and ONERA M6 wing are validated against experimental and numerical data.

  20. Enhanced Verification Test Suite for Physics Simulation Codes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kamm, J R; Brock, J S; Brandon, S T


    This document discusses problems with which to augment, in quantity and in quality, the existing tri-laboratory suite of verification problems used by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). The purpose of verification analysis is demonstrate whether the numerical results of the discretization algorithms in physics and engineering simulation codes provide correct solutions of the corresponding continuum equations. The key points of this document are: (1) Verification deals with mathematical correctness of the numerical algorithms in a code, while validation deals with physical correctness of a simulation in a regime of interest.more » This document is about verification. (2) The current seven-problem Tri-Laboratory Verification Test Suite, which has been used for approximately five years at the DOE WP laboratories, is limited. (3) Both the methodology for and technology used in verification analysis have evolved and been improved since the original test suite was proposed. (4) The proposed test problems are in three basic areas: (a) Hydrodynamics; (b) Transport processes; and (c) Dynamic strength-of-materials. (5) For several of the proposed problems we provide a 'strong sense verification benchmark', consisting of (i) a clear mathematical statement of the problem with sufficient information to run a computer simulation, (ii) an explanation of how the code result and benchmark solution are to be evaluated, and (iii) a description of the acceptance criterion for simulation code results. (6) It is proposed that the set of verification test problems with which any particular code be evaluated include some of the problems described in this document. Analysis of the proposed verification test problems constitutes part of a necessary--but not sufficient--step that builds confidence in physics and engineering simulation codes. More complicated test cases, including physics models of

  1. 22 CFR 123.14 - Import certificate/delivery verification procedure.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... REGULATIONS LICENSES FOR THE EXPORT OF DEFENSE ARTICLES § 123.14 Import certificate/delivery verification procedure. (a) The Import Certificate/Delivery Verification Procedure is designed to assure that a commodity... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Import certificate/delivery verification...

  2. 22 CFR 123.14 - Import certificate/delivery verification procedure.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... REGULATIONS LICENSES FOR THE EXPORT OF DEFENSE ARTICLES § 123.14 Import certificate/delivery verification procedure. (a) The Import Certificate/Delivery Verification Procedure is designed to assure that a commodity... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Import certificate/delivery verification...

  3. General Environmental Verification Specification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Milne, J. Scott, Jr.; Kaufman, Daniel S.


    The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center s General Environmental Verification Specification (GEVS) for STS and ELV Payloads, Subsystems, and Components is currently being revised based on lessons learned from GSFC engineering and flight assurance. The GEVS has been used by Goddard flight projects for the past 17 years as a baseline from which to tailor their environmental test programs. A summary of the requirements and updates are presented along with the rationale behind the changes. The major test areas covered by the GEVS include mechanical, thermal, and EMC, as well as more general requirements for planning, tracking of the verification programs.

  4. Hierarchical Representation Learning for Kinship Verification.


    Kohli, Naman; Vatsa, Mayank; Singh, Richa; Noore, Afzel; Majumdar, Angshul


    Kinship verification has a number of applications such as organizing large collections of images and recognizing resemblances among humans. In this paper, first, a human study is conducted to understand the capabilities of human mind and to identify the discriminatory areas of a face that facilitate kinship-cues. The visual stimuli presented to the participants determine their ability to recognize kin relationship using the whole face as well as specific facial regions. The effect of participant gender and age and kin-relation pair of the stimulus is analyzed using quantitative measures such as accuracy, discriminability index d' , and perceptual information entropy. Utilizing the information obtained from the human study, a hierarchical kinship verification via representation learning (KVRL) framework is utilized to learn the representation of different face regions in an unsupervised manner. We propose a novel approach for feature representation termed as filtered contractive deep belief networks (fcDBN). The proposed feature representation encodes relational information present in images using filters and contractive regularization penalty. A compact representation of facial images of kin is extracted as an output from the learned model and a multi-layer neural network is utilized to verify the kin accurately. A new WVU kinship database is created, which consists of multiple images per subject to facilitate kinship verification. The results show that the proposed deep learning framework (KVRL-fcDBN) yields the state-of-the-art kinship verification accuracy on the WVU kinship database and on four existing benchmark data sets. Furthermore, kinship information is used as a soft biometric modality to boost the performance of face verification via product of likelihood ratio and support vector machine based approaches. Using the proposed KVRL-fcDBN framework, an improvement of over 20% is observed in the performance of face verification.

  5. Self-verification motives at the collective level of self-definition.


    Chen, Serena; Chen, Karen Y; Shaw, Lindsay


    Three studies examined self-verification motives in relation to collective aspects of the self. Several moderators of collective self-verification were also examined--namely, the certainty with which collective self-views are held, the nature of one's ties to a source of self-verification, the salience of the collective self, and the importance of group identification. Evidence for collective self-verification emerged across all studies, particularly when collective self-views were held with high certainty (Studies 1 and 2), perceivers were somehow tied to the source of self-verification (Study 1), the collective self was salient (Study 2), and group identification was important (Study 3). To the authors' knowledge, these studies are the first to examine self-verification at the collective level of self-definition. The parallel and distinct ways in which self-verification processes may operate at different levels of self-definition are discussed.

  6. Critical Surface Cleaning and Verification Alternatives

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Melton, Donald M.; McCool, A. (Technical Monitor)


    As a result of federal and state requirements, historical critical cleaning and verification solvents such as Freon 113, Freon TMC, and Trichloroethylene (TCE) are either highly regulated or no longer 0 C available. Interim replacements such as HCFC 225 have been qualified, however toxicity and future phase-out regulations necessitate long term solutions. The scope of this project was to qualify a safe and environmentally compliant LOX surface verification alternative to Freon 113, TCE and HCFC 225. The main effort was focused on initiating the evaluation and qualification of HCFC 225G as an alternate LOX verification solvent. The project was scoped in FY 99/00 to perform LOX compatibility, cleaning efficiency and qualification on flight hardware.

  7. 24 CFR 5.512 - Verification of eligible immigration status.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... immigration status. 5.512 Section 5.512 Housing and Urban Development Office of the Secretary, Department of... Noncitizens § 5.512 Verification of eligible immigration status. (a) General. Except as described in paragraph...) Primary verification—(1) Automated verification system. Primary verification of the immigration status of...

  8. The workshop on signatures of medical and industrial isotope production - WOSMIP; Strassoldo, Italy, 1-3 July 2009.


    Matthews, K M; Bowyer, T W; Saey, P R J; Payne, R F


    Radiopharmaceuticals make contributions of inestimable value to medical practice. With growing demand new technologies are being developed and applied worldwide. Most diagnostic procedures rely on (99m)Tc and the use of uranium targets in reactors is currently the favored method of production, with 95% of the necessary (99)Mo parent currently being produced by four major global suppliers. Coincidentally there are growing concerns for nuclear security and proliferation. New disarmament treaties such as the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) are coming into effect and treaty compliance-verification monitoring is gaining momentum. Radioxenon emissions (isotopes Xe-131, 133, 133m and 135) from radiopharmaceutical production facilities are of concern in this context because radioxenon is a highly sensitive tracer for detecting nuclear explosions. There exists, therefore, a potential for confusing source attribution, with emissions from radiopharmaceutical-production facilities regularly being detected in treaty compliance-verification networks. The CTBT radioxenon network currently under installation is highly sensitive with detection limits approaching 0.1 mBq/m³ and, depending on transport conditions and background, able to detect industrial release signatures from sites thousands of kilometers away. The method currently employed to distinguish between industrial and military radioxenon sources involves plots of isotope ratios (133m)Xe/(131m)Xe versus (135)Xe/(133)Xe, but source attribution can be ambiguous. Through the WOSMIP Workshop the environmental monitoring community is gaining a better understanding of the complexities of the processes at production facilities, and the production community is recognizing the impact their operations have on monitoring systems and their goal of nuclear non-proliferation. Further collaboration and discussion are needed, together with advances in Xe trapping technology and monitoring systems. Such initiatives will help

  9. Structural verification for GAS experiments

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Peden, Mark Daniel


    The purpose of this paper is to assist the Get Away Special (GAS) experimenter in conducting a thorough structural verification of its experiment structural configuration, thus expediting the structural review/approval process and the safety process in general. Material selection for structural subsystems will be covered with an emphasis on fasteners (GSFC fastener integrity requirements) and primary support structures (Stress Corrosion Cracking requirements and National Space Transportation System (NSTS) requirements). Different approaches to structural verifications (tests and analyses) will be outlined especially those stemming from lessons learned on load and fundamental frequency verification. In addition, fracture control will be covered for those payloads that utilize a door assembly or modify the containment provided by the standard GAS Experiment Mounting Plate (EMP). Structural hazard assessment and the preparation of structural hazard reports will be reviewed to form a summation of structural safety issues for inclusion in the safety data package.

  10. CASL Verification and Validation Plan

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mousseau, Vincent Andrew; Dinh, Nam


    This report documents the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of LWRs (CASL) verification and validation plan. The document builds upon input from CASL subject matter experts, most notably the CASL Challenge Problem Product Integrators, CASL Focus Area leaders, and CASL code development and assessment teams. This document will be a living document that will track progress on CASL to do verification and validation for both the CASL codes (including MPACT, CTF, BISON, MAMBA) and for the CASL challenge problems (CIPS, PCI, DNB). The CASL codes and the CASL challenge problems are at differing levels of maturity with respect to validation andmore » verification. The gap analysis will summarize additional work that needs to be done. Additional VVUQ work will be done as resources permit. This report is prepared for the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) CASL program in support of milestone CASL.P13.02.« less

  11. The monitoring and verification of nuclear weapons

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Garwin, Richard L., E-mail:


    This paper partially reviews and updates the potential for monitoring and verification of nuclear weapons, including verification of their destruction. Cooperative monitoring with templates of the gamma-ray spectrum are an important tool, dependent on the use of information barriers.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The paper discusses the environmental technology verification (ETV) of add-on nitrogen oxide (NOx) controls. Research Triangle Institute (RTI) is EPA's cooperating partner for the Air Pollution Control Technology (APCT) Program, one of a dozen ETV pilot programs. Verification of ...

  13. Verification and quality control of routine hematology analyzers.


    Vis, J Y; Huisman, A


    Verification of hematology analyzers (automated blood cell counters) is mandatory before new hematology analyzers may be used in routine clinical care. The verification process consists of several items which comprise among others: precision, accuracy, comparability, carryover, background and linearity throughout the expected range of results. Yet, which standard should be met or which verification limit be used is at the discretion of the laboratory specialist. This paper offers practical guidance on verification and quality control of automated hematology analyzers and provides an expert opinion on the performance standard that should be met by the contemporary generation of hematology analyzers. Therefore (i) the state-of-the-art performance of hematology analyzers for complete blood count parameters is summarized, (ii) considerations, challenges, and pitfalls concerning the development of a verification plan are discussed, (iii) guidance is given regarding the establishment of reference intervals, and (iv) different methods on quality control of hematology analyzers are reviewed. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. 27 CFR 17.6 - Signature authority.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signature authority. 17.6... PRODUCTS General Provisions § 17.6 Signature authority. No claim, bond, tax return, or other required... other proper notification of signature authority has been filed with the TTB office where the required...

  15. 7 CFR 718.9 - Signature requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Signature requirements. 718.9 Section 718.9... MULTIPLE PROGRAMS General Provisions § 718.9 Signature requirements. (a) When a program authorized by this chapter or Chapter XIV of this title requires the signature of a producer; landowner; landlord; or tenant...

  16. Multi-canister overpack project -- verification and validation, MCNP 4A

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Goldmann, L.H.

    This supporting document contains the software verification and validation (V and V) package used for Phase 2 design of the Spent Nuclear Fuel Multi-Canister Overpack. V and V packages for both ANSYS and MCNP are included. Description of Verification Run(s): This software requires that it be compiled specifically for the machine it is to be used on. Therefore to facilitate ease in the verification process the software automatically runs 25 sample problems to ensure proper installation and compilation. Once the runs are completed the software checks for verification by performing a file comparison on the new output file and themore » old output file. Any differences between any of the files will cause a verification error. Due to the manner in which the verification is completed a verification error does not necessarily indicate a problem. This indicates that a closer look at the output files is needed to determine the cause of the error.« less

  17. 48 CFR 804.101 - Contracting officer's signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... signature. 804.101 Section 804.101 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Contract Execution 804.101 Contracting officer's signature. (a) If a... signature. ...

  18. Stromal signatures in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas.


    Espinosa, Iñigo; Catasus, Lluis; D' Angelo, Emanuela; Mozos, Ana; Pedrola, Nuria; Bértolo, Cristina; Ferrer, Irene; Zannoni, Gian Franco; West, Robert B; van de Rijn, Matt; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Prat, Jaime


    The pattern of myometrial invasion in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas varies considerably; ie, from widely scattered glands and cell nests, often associated with a fibromyxoid stromal reaction (desmoplasia) and/or a lymphocytic infiltrate, to invasive glands with little or no stromal response. Recently, two distinct stromal signatures derived from a macrophage response (colony-stimulating factor 1, CSF1) and a fibroblastic response (desmoid-type fibromatosis, DTF) were identified in breast carcinomas and correlated with clinicopathologic features including outcome. In this study, we explored whether these stromal signatures also apply to endometrioid carcinomas and how their expression patterns correlated with morphologic changes. We studied the stromal signatures both by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in 98 primary endometrioid carcinomas with (87 cases) and without (11 cases) myometrial invasion as well as in the corresponding regional lymph nodes metatases of 9 myoinvasive tumors. Desmoplasia correlated positively with the DTF expression signature. Likewise, mononuclear infiltrates were found in the stroma of tumors expressing CSF1. Twenty-four out of eighty-seven (27%) myoinvasive endometrioid carcinomas were positive for the macrophage signature and thirteen out of eighty-seven (15%) expressed the fibroblast signature. Eleven additional cases were positive for both DTF and CSF1 signatures (11/87; 13%). However, over half of the cases (39/87; 45%) and the majority of the non-myoinvasive tumors (8/11; 73%) failed to express any of the two stromal signatures. The macrophage response (CSF1) was associated with higher tumor grade, lymphovascular invasion, and PIK3CA mutations (P<0.05). There was a concordance in the expression of the CSF1 signature in the primary tumors and their corresponding lymph node metastases. This study is the first characterization of stromal signatures in endometrioid carcinomas. Our findings shed new light on the


    EPA Science Inventory

    The paper discusses environmental technology verification (ETV) for indoor air products. RTI is developing the framework for a verification testing program for indoor air products, as part of EPA's ETV program. RTI is establishing test protocols for products that fit into three...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program in 1995 as a means of working with the private sector to establish a market-based verification process available to all environmental technologies. Under EPA's Office of R...

  1. Practical quantum digital signature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yin, Hua-Lei; Fu, Yao; Chen, Zeng-Bing


    Guaranteeing nonrepudiation, unforgeability as well as transferability of a signature is one of the most vital safeguards in today's e-commerce era. Based on fundamental laws of quantum physics, quantum digital signature (QDS) aims to provide information-theoretic security for this cryptographic task. However, up to date, the previously proposed QDS protocols are impractical due to various challenging problems and most importantly, the requirement of authenticated (secure) quantum channels between participants. Here, we present the first quantum digital signature protocol that removes the assumption of authenticated quantum channels while remaining secure against the collective attacks. Besides, our QDS protocol can be practically implemented over more than 100 km under current mature technology as used in quantum key distribution.

  2. Simulation environment based on the Universal Verification Methodology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fiergolski, A.


    Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is a standardized approach of verifying integrated circuit designs, targeting a Coverage-Driven Verification (CDV). It combines automatic test generation, self-checking testbenches, and coverage metrics to indicate progress in the design verification. The flow of the CDV differs from the traditional directed-testing approach. With the CDV, a testbench developer, by setting the verification goals, starts with an structured plan. Those goals are targeted further by a developed testbench, which generates legal stimuli and sends them to a device under test (DUT). The progress is measured by coverage monitors added to the simulation environment. In this way, the non-exercised functionality can be identified. Moreover, the additional scoreboards indicate undesired DUT behaviour. Such verification environments were developed for three recent ASIC and FPGA projects which have successfully implemented the new work-flow: (1) the CLICpix2 65 nm CMOS hybrid pixel readout ASIC design; (2) the C3PD 180 nm HV-CMOS active sensor ASIC design; (3) the FPGA-based DAQ system of the CLICpix chip. This paper, based on the experience from the above projects, introduces briefly UVM and presents a set of tips and advices applicable at different stages of the verification process-cycle.

  3. Verification of S&D Solutions for Network Communications and Devices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rudolph, Carsten; Compagna, Luca; Carbone, Roberto; Muñoz, Antonio; Repp, Jürgen

    This chapter describes the tool-supported verification of S&D Solutions on the level of network communications and devices. First, the general goals and challenges of verification in the context of AmI systems are highlighted and the role of verification and validation within the SERENITY processes is explained.Then, SERENITY extensions to the SH VErification tool are explained using small examples. Finally, the applicability of existing verification tools is discussed in the context of the AVISPA toolset. The two different tools show that for the security analysis of network and devices S&D Patterns relevant complementary approachesexist and can be used.

  4. Combinational Circuit Obfuscation Through Power Signature Manipulation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Algorithm produced by SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Appendix B . Power Signature Estimation Results 2 . . . . . . . . . . 85 B .1 Power...Signature for c264 Circuit Variant per Algorithm produced by SPICE Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 B .2 Power Signature for c5355 and c499...Smart SSR selecting rear level components and gates with 1000 iterations . . . . . . . . . 84 B .1. Power Signature for c264 By Random Sequence

  5. 25 CFR 213.10 - Lessor's signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Lessor's signature. 213.10 Section 213.10 Indians BUREAU... MEMBERS OF FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES, OKLAHOMA, FOR MINING How to Acquire Leases § 213.10 Lessor's signature... thumbprint which shall be designated as “right” or “left” thumbmark. Such signatures must be witnessed by two...

  6. Formal Multilevel Hierarchical Verification of Synchronous MOS VLSI Circuits.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    166 12.4 Capacitance Coupling............................. 166 12.5 Multiple Abstraction Fuctions ....................... 168...depend on whether it is performing flat verification or hierarchical verification. The primary operations of Silica Pithecus when performing flat...signals never arise. The primary operation of Silica Pithecus when performing hierarchical verification is processing constraints to show they hold

  7. Considerations in STS payload environmental verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Keegan, W. B.


    Considerations regarding the Space Transportation System (STS) payload environmental verification are reviewed. It is noted that emphasis is placed on testing at the subassembly level and that the basic objective of structural dynamic payload verification is to ensure reliability in a cost-effective manner. Structural analyses consist of: (1) stress analysis for critical loading conditions, (2) model analysis for launch and orbital configurations, (3) flight loads analysis, (4) test simulation analysis to verify models, (5) kinematic analysis of deployment/retraction sequences, and (6) structural-thermal-optical program analysis. In addition to these approaches, payload verification programs are being developed in the thermal-vacuum area. These include the exposure to extreme temperatures, temperature cycling, thermal-balance testing and thermal-vacuum testing.

  8. Genome signature analysis of thermal virus metagenomes reveals Archaea and thermophilic signatures.


    Pride, David T; Schoenfeld, Thomas


    Metagenomic analysis provides a rich source of biological information for otherwise intractable viral communities. However, study of viral metagenomes has been hampered by its nearly complete reliance on BLAST algorithms for identification of DNA sequences. We sought to develop algorithms for examination of viral metagenomes to identify the origin of sequences independent of BLAST algorithms. We chose viral metagenomes obtained from two hot springs, Bear Paw and Octopus, in Yellowstone National Park, as they represent simple microbial populations where comparatively large contigs were obtained. Thermal spring metagenomes have high proportions of sequences without significant Genbank homology, which has hampered identification of viruses and their linkage with hosts. To analyze each metagenome, we developed a method to classify DNA fragments using genome signature-based phylogenetic classification (GSPC), where metagenomic fragments are compared to a database of oligonucleotide signatures for all previously sequenced Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses. From both Bear Paw and Octopus hot springs, each assembled contig had more similarity to other metagenome contigs than to any sequenced microbial genome based on GSPC analysis, suggesting a genome signature common to each of these extreme environments. While viral metagenomes from Bear Paw and Octopus share some similarity, the genome signatures from each locale are largely unique. GSPC using a microbial database predicts most of the Octopus metagenome has archaeal signatures, while bacterial signatures predominate in Bear Paw; a finding consistent with those of Genbank BLAST. When using a viral database, the majority of the Octopus metagenome is predicted to belong to archaeal virus Families Globuloviridae and Fuselloviridae, while none of the Bear Paw metagenome is predicted to belong to archaeal viruses. As expected, when microbial and viral databases are combined, each of the Octopus and Bear Paw metagenomic contigs

  9. Irma 5.1 multisensor signature prediction model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Savage, James; Coker, Charles; Edwards, Dave; Thai, Bea; Aboutalib, Omar; Chow, Anthony; Yamaoka, Neil; Kim, Charles


    includes polarization effects, time jittering, speckle effect, and atmospheric turbulence. More importantly, the Munitions Directorate has funded three field tests to verify and validate the re-engineered ladar channel. Each of the field tests was comprehensive and included one month of sensor characterization and a week of data collection. After each field test, the analysis included comparisons of Irma predicted signatures with measured signatures, and if necessary, refining the model to produce realistic imagery. This paper will focus on two areas of the Irma 5.1 development effort: report on the analysis results of the validation and verification of the Irma 5.1 ladar channel, and the software development plan and validation efforts of the Irma passive channel. As scheduled, the Irma passive code is being re-engineered using object oriented language (C++), and field data collection is being conducted to validate the re-engineered passive code. This software upgrade will remove many constraints and limitations of the legacy code including limits on image size and facet counts. The field test to validate the passive channel is expected to be complete in the second quarter of 2006.

  10. Spectral signature selection for mapping unvegetated soils

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    May, G. A.; Petersen, G. W.


    Airborne multispectral scanner data covering the wavelength interval from 0.40-2.60 microns were collected at an altitude of 1000 m above the terrain in southeastern Pennsylvania. Uniform training areas were selected within three sites from this flightline. Soil samples were collected from each site and a procedure developed to allow assignment of scan line and element number from the multispectral scanner data to each sampling location. These soil samples were analyzed on a spectrophotometer and laboratory spectral signatures were derived. After correcting for solar radiation and atmospheric attenuation, the laboratory signatures were compared to the spectral signatures derived from these same soils using multispectral scanner data. Both signatures were used in supervised and unsupervised classification routines. Computer-generated maps using the laboratory and multispectral scanner derived signatures resulted in maps that were similar to maps resulting from field surveys. Approximately 90% agreement was obtained between classification maps produced using multispectral scanner derived signatures and laboratory derived signatures.

  11. Attack and improvements of fair quantum blind signature schemes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zou, Xiangfu; Qiu, Daowen


    Blind signature schemes allow users to obtain the signature of a message while the signer learns neither the message nor the resulting signature. Therefore, blind signatures have been used to realize cryptographic protocols providing the anonymity of some participants, such as: secure electronic payment systems and electronic voting systems. A fair blind signature is a form of blind signature which the anonymity could be removed with the help of a trusted entity, when this is required for legal reasons. Recently, a fair quantum blind signature scheme was proposed and thought to be safe. In this paper, we first point out that there exists a new attack on fair quantum blind signature schemes. The attack shows that, if any sender has intercepted any valid signature, he (she) can counterfeit a valid signature for any message and can not be traced by the counterfeited blind signature. Then, we construct a fair quantum blind signature scheme by improved the existed one. The proposed fair quantum blind signature scheme can resist the preceding attack. Furthermore, we demonstrate the security of the proposed fair quantum blind signature scheme and compare it with the other one.

  12. 40 CFR 1066.250 - Base inertia verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Base inertia verification. 1066.250... CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Dynamometer Specifications § 1066.250 Base inertia verification. (a) Overview. This section describes how to verify the dynamometer's base inertia. (b) Scope and frequency...

  13. 40 CFR 1066.250 - Base inertia verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Base inertia verification. 1066.250... CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Dynamometer Specifications § 1066.250 Base inertia verification. (a) Overview. This section describes how to verify the dynamometer's base inertia. (b) Scope and frequency...

  14. 40 CFR 1066.250 - Base inertia verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Base inertia verification. 1066.250... CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Dynamometer Specifications § 1066.250 Base inertia verification. (a) Overview. This section describes how to verify the dynamometer's base inertia. (b) Scope and frequency...

  15. An Efficient Location Verification Scheme for Static Wireless Sensor Networks.


    Kim, In-Hwan; Kim, Bo-Sung; Song, JooSeok


    In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the accuracy of location information is vital to support many interesting applications. Unfortunately, sensors have difficulty in estimating their location when malicious sensors attack the location estimation process. Even though secure localization schemes have been proposed to protect location estimation process from attacks, they are not enough to eliminate the wrong location estimations in some situations. The location verification can be the solution to the situations or be the second-line defense. The problem of most of the location verifications is the explicit involvement of many sensors in the verification process and requirements, such as special hardware, a dedicated verifier and the trusted third party, which causes more communication and computation overhead. In this paper, we propose an efficient location verification scheme for static WSN called mutually-shared region-based location verification (MSRLV), which reduces those overheads by utilizing the implicit involvement of sensors and eliminating several requirements. In order to achieve this, we use the mutually-shared region between location claimant and verifier for the location verification. The analysis shows that MSRLV reduces communication overhead by 77% and computation overhead by 92% on average, when compared with the other location verification schemes, in a single sensor verification. In addition, simulation results for the verification of the whole network show that MSRLV can detect the malicious sensors by over 90% when sensors in the network have five or more neighbors.

  16. An Efficient Location Verification Scheme for Static Wireless Sensor Networks

    PubMed Central

    Kim, In-hwan; Kim, Bo-sung; Song, JooSeok


    In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the accuracy of location information is vital to support many interesting applications. Unfortunately, sensors have difficulty in estimating their location when malicious sensors attack the location estimation process. Even though secure localization schemes have been proposed to protect location estimation process from attacks, they are not enough to eliminate the wrong location estimations in some situations. The location verification can be the solution to the situations or be the second-line defense. The problem of most of the location verifications is the explicit involvement of many sensors in the verification process and requirements, such as special hardware, a dedicated verifier and the trusted third party, which causes more communication and computation overhead. In this paper, we propose an efficient location verification scheme for static WSN called mutually-shared region-based location verification (MSRLV), which reduces those overheads by utilizing the implicit involvement of sensors and eliminating several requirements. In order to achieve this, we use the mutually-shared region between location claimant and verifier for the location verification. The analysis shows that MSRLV reduces communication overhead by 77% and computation overhead by 92% on average, when compared with the other location verification schemes, in a single sensor verification. In addition, simulation results for the verification of the whole network show that MSRLV can detect the malicious sensors by over 90% when sensors in the network have five or more neighbors. PMID:28125007

  17. 47 CFR 2.952 - Limitation on verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Limitation on verification. 2.952 Section 2.952 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION GENERAL FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS; GENERAL... person shall, in any advertising matter, brochure, etc., use or make reference to a verification in a...

  18. Three plasma metabolite signatures for diagnosing high altitude pulmonary edema

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, Li; Tan, Guangguo; Liu, Ping; Li, Huijie; Tang, Lulu; Huang, Lan; Ren, Qian


    High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a potentially fatal condition, occurring at altitudes greater than 3,000 m and affecting rapidly ascending, non-acclimatized healthy individuals. However, the lack of biomarkers for this disease still constitutes a bottleneck in the clinical diagnosis. Here, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with Q-TOF mass spectrometry was applied to study plasma metabolite profiling from 57 HAPE and 57 control subjects. 14 differential plasma metabolites responsible for the discrimination between the two groups from discovery set (35 HAPE subjects and 35 healthy controls) were identified. Furthermore, 3 of the 14 metabolites (C8-ceramide, sphingosine and glutamine) were selected as candidate diagnostic biomarkers for HAPE using metabolic pathway impact analysis. The feasibility of using the combination of these three biomarkers for HAPE was evaluated, where the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.981 and 0.942 in the discovery set and the validation set (22 HAPE subjects and 22 healthy controls), respectively. Taken together, these results suggested that this composite plasma metabolite signature may be used in HAPE diagnosis, especially after further investigation and verification with larger samples.

  19. Handbook: Design of automated redundancy verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ford, F. A.; Hasslinger, T. W.; Moreno, F. J.


    The use of the handbook is discussed and the design progress is reviewed. A description of the problem is presented, and examples are given to illustrate the necessity for redundancy verification, along with the types of situations to which it is typically applied. Reusable space vehicles, such as the space shuttle, are recognized as being significant in the development of the automated redundancy verification problem.

  20. A New Approach to Threshold Attribute Based Signatures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Inspired by developments in attribute based encryption and signatures, there has recently been a spurtof progress in the direction of threshold ...attribute based signatures (t-ABS). In this work we propose anovel approach to construct threshold attribute based signatures inspired by ring signatures...Thresholdattribute based signatures, dened by a (t; n) threshold predicate, ensure that the signer holds atleastt out of a specied set of n attributes

  1. Earth Science Enterprise Scientific Data Purchase Project: Verification and Validation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jenner, Jeff; Policelli, Fritz; Fletcher, Rosea; Holecamp, Kara; Owen, Carolyn; Nicholson, Lamar; Dartez, Deanna


    This paper presents viewgraphs on the Earth Science Enterprise Scientific Data Purchase Project's verification,and validation process. The topics include: 1) What is Verification and Validation? 2) Why Verification and Validation? 3) Background; 4) ESE Data Purchas Validation Process; 5) Data Validation System and Ingest Queue; 6) Shipment Verification; 7) Tracking and Metrics; 8) Validation of Contract Specifications; 9) Earth Watch Data Validation; 10) Validation of Vertical Accuracy; and 11) Results of Vertical Accuracy Assessment.

  2. General Conversion for Obtaining Strongly Existentially Unforgeable Signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teranishi, Isamu; Oyama, Takuro; Ogata, Wakaha

    We say that a signature scheme is strongly existentially unforgeable (SEU) if no adversary, given message/signature pairs adaptively, can generate a signature on a new message or a new signature on a previously signed message. We propose a general and efficient conversion in the standard model that transforms a secure signature scheme to SEU signature scheme. In order to construct that conversion, we use a chameleon commitment scheme. Here a chameleon commitment scheme is a variant of commitment scheme such that one can change the committed value after publishing the commitment if one knows the secret key. We define the chosen message security notion for the chameleon commitment scheme, and show that the signature scheme transformed by our proposed conversion satisfies the SEU property if the chameleon commitment scheme is chosen message secure. By modifying the proposed conversion, we also give a general and efficient conversion in the random oracle model, that transforms a secure signature scheme into a SEU signature scheme. This second conversion also uses a chameleon commitment scheme but only requires the key only attack security for it.

  3. Benchmarking desktop and mobile handwriting across COTS devices: The e-BioSign biometric database

    PubMed Central

    Tolosana, Ruben; Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben; Fierrez, Julian; Morales, Aythami; Ortega-Garcia, Javier


    This paper describes the design, acquisition process and baseline evaluation of the new e-BioSign database, which includes dynamic signature and handwriting information. Data is acquired from 5 different COTS devices: three Wacom devices (STU-500, STU-530 and DTU-1031) specifically designed to capture dynamic signatures and handwriting, and two general purpose tablets (Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and Samsung ATIV 7). For the two Samsung tablets, data is collected using both pen stylus and also the finger in order to study the performance of signature verification in a mobile scenario. Data was collected in two sessions for 65 subjects, and includes dynamic information of the signature, the full name and alpha numeric sequences. Skilled forgeries were also performed for signatures and full names. We also report a benchmark evaluation based on e-BioSign for person verification under three different real scenarios: 1) intra-device, 2) inter-device, and 3) mixed writing-tool. We have experimented the proposed benchmark using the main existing approaches for signature verification: feature- and time functions-based. As a result, new insights into the problem of signature biometrics in sensor-interoperable scenarios have been obtained, namely: the importance of specific methods for dealing with device interoperability, and the necessity of a deeper analysis on signatures acquired using the finger as the writing tool. This e-BioSign public database allows the research community to: 1) further analyse and develop signature verification systems in realistic scenarios, and 2) investigate towards a better understanding of the nature of the human handwriting when captured using electronic COTS devices in realistic conditions. PMID:28475590

  4. Benchmarking desktop and mobile handwriting across COTS devices: The e-BioSign biometric database.


    Tolosana, Ruben; Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben; Fierrez, Julian; Morales, Aythami; Ortega-Garcia, Javier


    This paper describes the design, acquisition process and baseline evaluation of the new e-BioSign database, which includes dynamic signature and handwriting information. Data is acquired from 5 different COTS devices: three Wacom devices (STU-500, STU-530 and DTU-1031) specifically designed to capture dynamic signatures and handwriting, and two general purpose tablets (Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and Samsung ATIV 7). For the two Samsung tablets, data is collected using both pen stylus and also the finger in order to study the performance of signature verification in a mobile scenario. Data was collected in two sessions for 65 subjects, and includes dynamic information of the signature, the full name and alpha numeric sequences. Skilled forgeries were also performed for signatures and full names. We also report a benchmark evaluation based on e-BioSign for person verification under three different real scenarios: 1) intra-device, 2) inter-device, and 3) mixed writing-tool. We have experimented the proposed benchmark using the main existing approaches for signature verification: feature- and time functions-based. As a result, new insights into the problem of signature biometrics in sensor-interoperable scenarios have been obtained, namely: the importance of specific methods for dealing with device interoperability, and the necessity of a deeper analysis on signatures acquired using the finger as the writing tool. This e-BioSign public database allows the research community to: 1) further analyse and develop signature verification systems in realistic scenarios, and 2) investigate towards a better understanding of the nature of the human handwriting when captured using electronic COTS devices in realistic conditions.

  5. The politics of verification and the control of nuclear tests, 1945-1980

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gallagher, N.W.


    This dissertation addresses two questions: (1) why has agreement been reached on verification regimes to support some arms control accords but not others; and (2) what determines the extent to which verification arrangements promote stable cooperation. This study develops an alternative framework for analysis by examining the politics of verification at two levels. The logical politics of verification are shaped by the structure of the problem of evaluating cooperation under semi-anarchical conditions. The practical politics of verification are driven by players' attempts to use verification arguments to promote their desired security outcome. The historical material shows that agreements on verificationmore » regimes are reached when key domestic and international players desire an arms control accord and believe that workable verification will not have intolerable costs. Clearer understanding of how verification is itself a political problem, and how players manipulate it to promote other goals is necessary if the politics of verification are to support rather than undermine the development of stable cooperation.« less

  6. A Secure and Efficient Threshold Group Signature Scheme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Yansheng; Wang, Xueming; Qiu, Gege

    The paper presents a secure and efficient threshold group signature scheme aiming at two problems of current threshold group signature schemes: conspiracy attack and inefficiency. Scheme proposed in this paper takes strategy of separating designed clerk who is responsible for collecting and authenticating each individual signature from group, the designed clerk don't participate in distribution of group secret key and has his own public key and private key, designed clerk needs to sign part information of threshold group signature after collecting signatures. Thus verifier has to verify signature of the group after validating signature of the designed clerk. This scheme is proved to be secure against conspiracy attack at last and is more efficient by comparing with other schemes.

  7. Formal specification and verification of Ada software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hird, Geoffrey R.


    The use of formal methods in software development achieves levels of quality assurance unobtainable by other means. The Larch approach to specification is described, and the specification of avionics software designed to implement the logic of a flight control system is given as an example. Penelope is described which is an Ada-verification environment. The Penelope user inputs mathematical definitions, Larch-style specifications and Ada code and performs machine-assisted proofs that the code obeys its specifications. As an example, the verification of a binary search function is considered. Emphasis is given to techniques assisting the reuse of a verification effort on modified code.

  8. Formal verification of mathematical software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sutherland, D.


    Methods are investigated for formally specifying and verifying the correctness of mathematical software (software which uses floating point numbers and arithmetic). Previous work in the field was reviewed. A new model of floating point arithmetic called the asymptotic paradigm was developed and formalized. Two different conceptual approaches to program verification, the classical Verification Condition approach and the more recently developed Programming Logic approach, were adapted to use the asymptotic paradigm. These approaches were then used to verify several programs; the programs chosen were simplified versions of actual mathematical software.

  9. Current status of verification practices in clinical biochemistry in Spain.


    Gómez-Rioja, Rubén; Alvarez, Virtudes; Ventura, Montserrat; Alsina, M Jesús; Barba, Núria; Cortés, Mariano; Llopis, María Antonia; Martínez, Cecilia; Ibarz, Mercè


    Verification uses logical algorithms to detect potential errors before laboratory results are released to the clinician. Even though verification is one of the main processes in all laboratories, there is a lack of standardization mainly in the algorithms used and the criteria and verification limits applied. A survey in clinical laboratories in Spain was conducted in order to assess the verification process, particularly the use of autoverification. Questionnaires were sent to the laboratories involved in the External Quality Assurance Program organized by the Spanish Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology. Seven common biochemical parameters were included (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, potassium, calcium, and alanine aminotransferase). Completed questionnaires were received from 85 laboratories. Nearly all the laboratories reported using the following seven verification criteria: internal quality control, instrument warnings, sample deterioration, reference limits, clinical data, concordance between parameters, and verification of results. The use of all verification criteria varied according to the type of verification (automatic, technical, or medical). Verification limits for these parameters are similar to biological reference ranges. Delta Check was used in 24% of laboratories. Most laboratories (64%) reported using autoverification systems. Autoverification use was related to laboratory size, ownership, and type of laboratory information system, but amount of use (percentage of test autoverified) was not related to laboratory size. A total of 36% of Spanish laboratories do not use autoverification, despite the general implementation of laboratory information systems, most of them, with autoverification ability. Criteria and rules for seven routine biochemical tests were obtained.

  10. Fingerprint changes and verification failure among patients with hand dermatitis.


    Lee, Chew Kek; Chang, Choong Chor; Johar, Asmah; Puwira, Othman; Roshidah, Baba


    To determine the prevalence of fingerprint verification failure and to define and quantify the fingerprint changes associated with fingerprint verification failure. Case-control study. Referral public dermatology center. The study included 100 consecutive patients with clinical hand dermatitis involving the palmar distal phalanx of either thumb and 100 age-, sex-, and ethnicity-matched controls. Patients with an altered thumb print due to other causes and palmar hyperhidrosis were excluded. Fingerprint verification(pass/fail) and hand eczema severity index score. Twenty-seven percent of patients failed fingerprint verification compared with 2% of controls. Fingerprint verification failure was associated with a higher hand eczema severity index score (P.001). The main fingerprint abnormalities were fingerprint dystrophy (42.0%) and abnormal white lines (79.5%). The number of abnormal white lines was significantly higher among the patients with hand dermatitis compared with controls(P=.001). Among the patients with hand dermatitis, theodds of failing fingerprint verification with fingerprint dystrophy was 4.01. The presence of broad lines and long lines was associated with a greater odds of fingerprint verification failure (odds ratio [OR], 8.04; 95% CI, 3.56-18.17 and OR, 2.37; 95% CI, 1.31-4.27, respectively),while the presence of thin lines was protective of verification failure (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.23-0.89). Fingerprint verification failure is a significant problem among patients with more severe hand dermatitis. It is mainly due to fingerprint dystrophy and abnormal white lines. Malaysian National Medical Research Register Identifier: NMRR-11-30-8226

  11. Identity Verification, Control, and Aggression in Marriage

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stets, Jan E.; Burke, Peter J.


    In this research we study the identity verification process and its effects in marriage. Drawing on identity control theory, we hypothesize that a lack of verification in the spouse identity (1) threatens stable self-meanings and interaction patterns between spouses, and (2) challenges a (nonverified) spouse's perception of control over the…

  12. Dynamic testing for shuttle design verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Green, C. E.; Leadbetter, S. A.; Rheinfurth, M. H.


    Space shuttle design verification requires dynamic data from full scale structural component and assembly tests. Wind tunnel and other scaled model tests are also required early in the development program to support the analytical models used in design verification. Presented is a design philosophy based on mathematical modeling of the structural system strongly supported by a comprehensive test program; some of the types of required tests are outlined.

  13. 47 CFR 54.680 - Validity of electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Validity of electronic signatures. 54.680... Validity of electronic signatures. (a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature (defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or...

  14. 47 CFR 54.419 - Validity of electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Validity of electronic signatures. 54.419... electronic signatures. (a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature, defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or process...

  15. 47 CFR 54.419 - Validity of electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Validity of electronic signatures. 54.419... electronic signatures. (a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature, defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or process...

  16. 47 CFR 54.680 - Validity of electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Validity of electronic signatures. 54.680... Validity of electronic signatures. (a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature (defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or...

  17. 47 CFR 54.419 - Validity of electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Validity of electronic signatures. 54.419... electronic signatures. (a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature, defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or process...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The paper outlines the verification approach and activities of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Technology Verification Center, one of 12 independent verification entities operating under the U.S. EPA-sponsored Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program. (NOTE: The ETV program...

  19. INF verification: a guide for the perplexed

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mendelsohn, J.


    The administration has dug itself some deep holes on the verification issue. It will have to conclude an arms control treaty without having resolved earlier (but highly questionable) compliance issues on which it has placed great emphasis. It will probably have to abandon its more sweeping (and unnecessary) on-site inspection (OSI) proposals because of adverse security and political implications for the United States and its allies. And, finally, it will probably have to present to the Congress an INF treaty that will provide for a considerably less-stringent (but nonetheless adequate) verification regime that it had originally demanded. It is difficultmore » to dispel the impression that, when the likelihood of concluding an INF treaty seemed remote, the administration indulged its penchant for intrusive and non-negotiable verification measures. As the possibility of, and eagerness for, a treaty increased, and as the Soviet Union shifted its policy from one of the resistance to OSI to one of indicating that on-site verification involved reciprocal obligations, the administration was forced to scale back its OSI rhetoric. This re-evaluation of OSI by the administration does not make the INF treaty any less verifiable; from the outset the Reagan administration was asking for a far more extensive verification package than was necessary, practicable, acceptable, or negotiable.« less

  20. 40 CFR 263.25 - Electronic manifest signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electronic manifest signatures. 263.25 Section 263.25 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) SOLID WASTES... Recordkeeping § 263.25 Electronic manifest signatures. (a) Electronic manifest signatures shall meet the...

  1. 21 CFR 11.200 - Electronic signature components and controls.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Electronic signature components and controls. 11... SERVICES GENERAL ELECTRONIC RECORDS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Electronic Signatures § 11.200 Electronic signature components and controls. (a) Electronic signatures that are not based upon biometrics shall: (1...

  2. Seismic signature analysis for discrimination of people from animals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damarla, Thyagaraju; Mehmood, Asif; Sabatier, James M.


    Cadence analysis has been the main focus for discriminating between the seismic signatures of people and animals. However, cadence analysis fails when multiple targets are generating the signatures. We analyze the mechanism of human walking and the signature generated by a human walker, and compare it with the signature generated by a quadruped. We develop Fourier-based analysis to differentiate the human signatures from the animal signatures. We extract a set of basis vectors to represent the human and animal signatures using non-negative matrix factorization, and use them to separate and classify both the targets. Grazing animals such as deer, cows, etc., often produce sporadic signals as they move around from patch to patch of grass and one must characterize them so as to differentiate their signatures from signatures generated by a horse steadily walking along a path. These differences in the signatures are used in developing a robust algorithm to distinguish the signatures of animals from humans. The algorithm is tested on real data collected in a remote area.

  3. 78 FR 58492 - Generator Verification Reliability Standards

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Control Functions), MOD-027-1 (Verification of Models and Data for Turbine/Governor and Load Control or...), MOD-027-1 (Verification of Models and Data for Turbine/Governor and Load Control or Active Power... Category B and C contingencies, as required by wind generators in Order No. 661, or that those generators...

  4. 24 CFR 985.3 - Indicators, HUD verification methods and ratings.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Indicators, HUD verification..., HUD verification methods and ratings. This section states the performance indicators that are used to assess PHA Section 8 management. HUD will use the verification method identified for each indicator in...

  5. Genome signature analysis of thermal virus metagenomes reveals Archaea and thermophilic signatures

    PubMed Central

    Pride, David T; Schoenfeld, Thomas


    Background Metagenomic analysis provides a rich source of biological information for otherwise intractable viral communities. However, study of viral metagenomes has been hampered by its nearly complete reliance on BLAST algorithms for identification of DNA sequences. We sought to develop algorithms for examination of viral metagenomes to identify the origin of sequences independent of BLAST algorithms. We chose viral metagenomes obtained from two hot springs, Bear Paw and Octopus, in Yellowstone National Park, as they represent simple microbial populations where comparatively large contigs were obtained. Thermal spring metagenomes have high proportions of sequences without significant Genbank homology, which has hampered identification of viruses and their linkage with hosts. To analyze each metagenome, we developed a method to classify DNA fragments using genome signature-based phylogenetic classification (GSPC), where metagenomic fragments are compared to a database of oligonucleotide signatures for all previously sequenced Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses. Results From both Bear Paw and Octopus hot springs, each assembled contig had more similarity to other metagenome contigs than to any sequenced microbial genome based on GSPC analysis, suggesting a genome signature common to each of these extreme environments. While viral metagenomes from Bear Paw and Octopus share some similarity, the genome signatures from each locale are largely unique. GSPC using a microbial database predicts most of the Octopus metagenome has archaeal signatures, while bacterial signatures predominate in Bear Paw; a finding consistent with those of Genbank BLAST. When using a viral database, the majority of the Octopus metagenome is predicted to belong to archaeal virus Families Globuloviridae and Fuselloviridae, while none of the Bear Paw metagenome is predicted to belong to archaeal viruses. As expected, when microbial and viral databases are combined, each of the Octopus and Bear Paw


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Environmental Technology Verification Program is a service of the Environmental Protection Agency designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of improved environmental technology through third party verification and reporting of performance. The goal of ETV i...

  7. Mutational Signatures in Cancer (MuSiCa): a web application to implement mutational signatures analysis in cancer samples.


    Díaz-Gay, Marcos; Vila-Casadesús, Maria; Franch-Expósito, Sebastià; Hernández-Illán, Eva; Lozano, Juan José; Castellví-Bel, Sergi


    Mutational signatures have been proved as a valuable pattern in somatic genomics, mainly regarding cancer, with a potential application as a biomarker in clinical practice. Up to now, several bioinformatic packages to address this topic have been developed in different languages/platforms. MutationalPatterns has arisen as the most efficient tool for the comparison with the signatures currently reported in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) database. However, the analysis of mutational signatures is nowadays restricted to a small community of bioinformatic experts. In this work we present Mutational Signatures in Cancer (MuSiCa), a new web tool based on MutationalPatterns and built using the Shiny framework in R language. By means of a simple interface suited to non-specialized researchers, it provides a comprehensive analysis of the somatic mutational status of the supplied cancer samples. It permits characterizing the profile and burden of mutations, as well as quantifying COSMIC-reported mutational signatures. It also allows classifying samples according to the above signature contributions. MuSiCa is a helpful web application to characterize mutational signatures in cancer samples. It is accessible online at and source code is freely available at .

  8. 48 CFR 204.101 - Contracting officer's signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Contracting officer's signature. 204.101 Section 204.101 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS... officer's signature. Follow the procedures at PGI 204.101 for signature of contract documents. [71 FR 9268...

  9. Land Ice Verification and Validation Kit

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    To address a pressing need to better understand the behavior and complex interaction of ice sheets within the global Earth system, significant development of continental-scale, dynamical ice-sheet models is underway. The associated verification and validation process of these models is being coordinated through a new, robust, python-based extensible software package, the Land Ice Verification and Validation toolkit (LIVV). This release provides robust and automated verification and a performance evaluation on LCF platforms. The performance V&V involves a comprehensive comparison of model performance relative to expected behavior on a given computing platform. LIVV operates on a set of benchmark and testmore » data, and provides comparisons for a suite of community prioritized tests, including configuration and parameter variations, bit-4-bit evaluation, and plots of tests where differences occur.« less

  10. Verification in Referral-Based Crowdsourcing

    PubMed Central

    Naroditskiy, Victor; Rahwan, Iyad; Cebrian, Manuel; Jennings, Nicholas R.


    Online social networks offer unprecedented potential for rallying a large number of people to accomplish a given task. Here we focus on information gathering tasks where rare information is sought through “referral-based crowdsourcing”: the information request is propagated recursively through invitations among members of a social network. Whereas previous work analyzed incentives for the referral process in a setting with only correct reports, misreporting is known to be both pervasive in crowdsourcing applications, and difficult/costly to filter out. A motivating example for our work is the DARPA Red Balloon Challenge where the level of misreporting was very high. In order to undertake a formal study of verification, we introduce a model where agents can exert costly effort to perform verification and false reports can be penalized. This is the first model of verification and it provides many directions for future research, which we point out. Our main theoretical result is the compensation scheme that minimizes the cost of retrieving the correct answer. Notably, this optimal compensation scheme coincides with the winning strategy of the Red Balloon Challenge. PMID:23071530

  11. 7 CFR 272.8 - State income and eligibility verification system.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false State income and eligibility verification system. 272... PARTICIPATING STATE AGENCIES § 272.8 State income and eligibility verification system. (a) General. (1) State agencies may maintain and use an income and eligibility verification system (IEVS), as specified in this...

  12. Study of techniques for redundancy verification without disrupting systems, phases 1-3

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The problem of verifying the operational integrity of redundant equipment and the impact of a requirement for verification on such equipment are considered. Redundant circuits are examined and the characteristics which determine adaptability to verification are identified. Mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories for verification approaches are established. The range of applicability of these techniques is defined in terms of signal characteristics and redundancy features. Verification approaches are discussed and a methodology for the design of redundancy verification is developed. A case study is presented which involves the design of a verification system for a hypothetical communications system. Design criteria for redundant equipment are presented. Recommendations for the development of technological areas pertinent to the goal of increased verification capabilities are given.

  13. Guidelines for qualifying cleaning and verification materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Webb, D.


    This document is intended to provide guidance in identifying technical issues which must be addressed in a comprehensive qualification plan for materials used in cleaning and cleanliness verification processes. Information presented herein is intended to facilitate development of a definitive checklist that should address all pertinent materials issues when down selecting a cleaning/verification media.

  14. 21 CFR 21.44 - Verification of identity.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Verification of identity. 21.44 Section 21.44 Food... Verification of identity. (a) An individual seeking access to records in a Privacy Act Record System may be... identity. The identification required shall be suitable considering the nature of the records sought. No...

  15. 21 CFR 21.44 - Verification of identity.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Verification of identity. 21.44 Section 21.44 Food... Verification of identity. (a) An individual seeking access to records in a Privacy Act Record System may be... identity. The identification required shall be suitable considering the nature of the records sought. No...

  16. 21 CFR 21.44 - Verification of identity.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Verification of identity. 21.44 Section 21.44 Food... Verification of identity. (a) An individual seeking access to records in a Privacy Act Record System may be... identity. The identification required shall be suitable considering the nature of the records sought. No...

  17. 21 CFR 21.44 - Verification of identity.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Verification of identity. 21.44 Section 21.44 Food... Verification of identity. (a) An individual seeking access to records in a Privacy Act Record System may be... identity. The identification required shall be suitable considering the nature of the records sought. No...

  18. 25 CFR 82.7 - Notarization of petition signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Notarization of petition signatures. 82.7 Section 82.7... signatures. (a) Signatures to a petition must be authenticated in one of the following ways: (1) Through having each signer subscribe or acknowledge his/her signature before a notary public; (2) Through having...

  19. Intrusion detection using secure signatures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nelson, Trent Darnel; Haile, Jedediah

    A method and device for intrusion detection using secure signatures comprising capturing network data. A search hash value, value employing at least one one-way function, is generated from the captured network data using a first hash function. The presence of a search hash value match in a secure signature table comprising search hash values and an encrypted rule is determined. After determining a search hash value match, a decryption key is generated from the captured network data using a second hash function, a hash function different form the first hash function. One or more of the encrypted rules of themore » secure signatures table having a hash value equal to the generated search hash value are then decrypted using the generated decryption key. The one or more decrypted secure signature rules are then processed for a match and one or more user notifications are deployed if a match is identified.« less

  20. Can specific transcriptional regulators assemble a universal cancer signature?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, Janine; Isik, Zerrin; Pilarsky, Christian; Schroeder, Michael


    Recently, there is a lot of interest in using biomarker signatures derived from gene expression data to predict cancer progression. We assembled signatures of 25 published datasets covering 13 types of cancers. How do these signatures compare with each other? On one hand signatures answering the same biological question should overlap, whereas signatures predicting different cancer types should differ. On the other hand, there could also be a Universal Cancer Signature that is predictive independently of the cancer type. Initially, we generate signatures for all datasets using classical approaches such as t-test and fold change and then, we explore signatures resulting from a network-based method, that applies the random surfer model of Google's PageRank algorithm. We show that the signatures as published by the authors and the signatures generated with classical methods do not overlap - not even for the same cancer type - whereas the network-based signatures strongly overlap. Selecting 10 out of 37 universal cancer genes gives the optimal prediction for all cancers thus taking a first step towards a Universal Cancer Signature. We furthermore analyze and discuss the involved genes in terms of the Hallmarks of cancer and in particular single out SP1, JUN/FOS and NFKB1 and examine their specific role in cancer progression.

  1. Current signature sensor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Perotti, Jose M. (Inventor); Lucena, Angel (Inventor); Ihlefeld, Curtis (Inventor); Burns, Bradley (Inventor); Bassignani, Karin E. (Inventor)


    A solenoid health monitoring system uses a signal conditioner and controller assembly in one embodiment that includes analog circuitry and a DSP controller. The analog circuitry provides signal conditioning to the low-level raw signal coming from a signal acquisition assembly. Software running in a DSP analyzes the incoming data (recorded current signature) and determines the state of the solenoid whether it is energized, de-energized, or in a transitioning state. In one embodiment, the software identifies key features in the current signature during the transition phase and is able to determine the health of the solenoid.

  2. Verification of Autonomous Systems for Space Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Brat, G.; Denney, E.; Giannakopoulou, D.; Frank, J.; Jonsson, A.


    Autonomous software, especially if it is based on model, can play an important role in future space applications. For example, it can help streamline ground operations, or, assist in autonomous rendezvous and docking operations, or even, help recover from problems (e.g., planners can be used to explore the space of recovery actions for a power subsystem and implement a solution without (or with minimal) human intervention). In general, the exploration capabilities of model-based systems give them great flexibility. Unfortunately, it also makes them unpredictable to our human eyes, both in terms of their execution and their verification. The traditional verification techniques are inadequate for these systems since they are mostly based on testing, which implies a very limited exploration of their behavioral space. In our work, we explore how advanced V&V techniques, such as static analysis, model checking, and compositional verification, can be used to gain trust in model-based systems. We also describe how synthesis can be used in the context of system reconfiguration and in the context of verification.

  3. 30 CFR 250.913 - When must I resubmit Platform Verification Program plans?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... CONTINENTAL SHELF Platforms and Structures Platform Verification Program § 250.913 When must I resubmit Platform Verification Program plans? (a) You must resubmit any design verification, fabrication... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false When must I resubmit Platform Verification...

  4. Built-in-test by signature inspection (bitsi)


    Bergeson, Gary C.; Morneau, Richard A.


    A system and method for fault detection for electronic circuits. A stimulus generator sends a signal to the input of the circuit under test. Signature inspection logic compares the resultant signal from test nodes on the circuit to an expected signal. If the signals do not match, the signature inspection logic sends a signal to the control logic for indication of fault detection in the circuit. A data input multiplexer between the test nodes of the circuit under test and the signature inspection logic can provide for identification of the specific node at fault by the signature inspection logic. Control logic responsive to the signature inspection logic conveys information about fault detection for use in determining the condition of the circuit. When used in conjunction with a system test controller, the built-in test by signature inspection system and method can be used to poll a plurality of circuits automatically and continuous for faults and record the results of such polling in the system test controller.

  5. Formal Verification for a Next-Generation Space Shuttle

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nelson, Stacy D.; Pecheur, Charles; Koga, Dennis (Technical Monitor)


    This paper discusses the verification and validation (V&2) of advanced software used for integrated vehicle health monitoring (IVHM), in the context of NASA's next-generation space shuttle. We survey the current VBCV practice and standards used in selected NASA projects, review applicable formal verification techniques, and discuss their integration info existing development practice and standards. We also describe two verification tools, JMPL2SMV and Livingstone PathFinder, that can be used to thoroughly verify diagnosis applications that use model-based reasoning, such as the Livingstone system.

  6. A digital flight control system verification laboratory

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    De Feo, P.; Saib, S.


    A NASA/FAA program has been established for the verification and validation of digital flight control systems (DFCS), with the primary objective being the development and analysis of automated verification tools. In order to enhance the capabilities, effectiveness, and ease of using the test environment, software verification tools can be applied. Tool design includes a static analyzer, an assertion generator, a symbolic executor, a dynamic analysis instrument, and an automated documentation generator. Static and dynamic tools are integrated with error detection capabilities, resulting in a facility which analyzes a representative testbed of DFCS software. Future investigations will ensue particularly in the areas of increase in the number of software test tools, and a cost effectiveness assessment.

  7. A methodology for the rigorous verification of plasma simulation codes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riva, Fabio


    The methodology used to assess the reliability of numerical simulation codes constitutes the Verification and Validation (V&V) procedure. V&V is composed by two separate tasks: the verification, which is a mathematical issue targeted to assess that the physical model is correctly solved, and the validation, which determines the consistency of the code results, and therefore of the physical model, with experimental data. In the present talk we focus our attention on the verification, which in turn is composed by the code verification, targeted to assess that a physical model is correctly implemented in a simulation code, and the solution verification, that quantifies the numerical error affecting a simulation. Bridging the gap between plasma physics and other scientific domains, we introduced for the first time in our domain a rigorous methodology for the code verification, based on the method of manufactured solutions, as well as a solution verification based on the Richardson extrapolation. This methodology was applied to GBS, a three-dimensional fluid code based on a finite difference scheme, used to investigate the plasma turbulence in basic plasma physics experiments and in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Overcoming the difficulty of dealing with a numerical method intrinsically affected by statistical noise, we have now generalized the rigorous verification methodology to simulation codes based on the particle-in-cell algorithm, which are employed to solve Vlasov equation in the investigation of a number of plasma physics phenomena.

  8. 15 CFR 908.16 - Signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Signature. 908.16 Section 908.16 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) NATIONAL OCEANIC... SUBMITTING REPORTS ON WEATHER MODIFICATION ACTIVITIES § 908.16 Signature. All reports filed with the National...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Environmental Technology Verification Test Protocol, General Ventilation Filters provides guidance for verification tests.

    Reference is made in the protocol to the ASHRAE 52.2P "Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by P...

  10. 17 CFR 230.471 - Signatures to amendments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signatures to amendments. 230... RULES AND REGULATIONS, SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 Amendments; Withdrawals § 230.471 Signatures to amendments... signed, such document shall be manually signed, or signed using either typed signatures or duplicated or...

  11. 31 CFR 321.19 - Certification of signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Certification of signatures. 321.19... From Erroneous Payments § 321.19 Certification of signatures. The regulations in this subpart shall, to... signatures by an officer or designated employee of any financial institution authorized to certify requests...

  12. 17 CFR 201.65 - Identity and signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Identity and signature. 201.65... of 1934 § 201.65 Identity and signature. Applications pursuant to this subpart may omit the identity, mailing address, and signature of the applicant; provided, that such identity, mailing address and...

  13. 40 CFR 262.25 - Electronic manifest signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electronic manifest signatures. 262.25... (CONTINUED) STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO GENERATORS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE The Manifest § 262.25 Electronic manifest signatures. Electronic signature methods for the e-Manifest system shall: (a) Be a legally valid and...

  14. Verification and implementation of microburst day potential index (MDPI) and wind INDEX (WINDEX) forecasting tools at Cape Canaveral Air Station

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wheeler, Mark


    This report details the research, development, utility, verification and transition on wet microburst forecasting and detection the Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) did in support of ground and launch operations at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Cape Canaveral Air Station (CCAS). The unforecasted wind event on 16 August 1994 of 33.5 ms-1 (65 knots) at the Shuttle Landing Facility raised the issue of wet microburst detection and forecasting. The AMU researched and analyzed the downburst wind event and determined it was a wet microburst event. A program was developed for operational use on the Meteorological Interactive Data Display System (MIDDS) weather system to analyze, compute and display Theta(epsilon) profiles, the microburst day potential index (MDPI), and wind index (WINDEX) maximum wind gust value. Key microburst nowcasting signatures using the WSR-88D data were highlighted. Verification of the data sets indicated that the MDPI has good potential in alerting the duty forecaster to the potential of wet microburst and the WINDEX values computed from the hourly surface data do have potential in showing a trend for the maximum gust potential. WINDEX should help in filling in the temporal hole between the MDPI on the last Cape Canaveral rawinsonde and the nowcasting radar data tools.

  15. 29 CFR 102.116 - Signature of orders.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Signature of orders. 102.116 Section 102.116 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD RULES AND REGULATIONS, SERIES 8 Certification and Signature of Documents § 102.116 Signature of orders. The executive secretary or the associate executive...

  16. 'Do not attempt resuscitation'--do standardised order forms make a clinical difference above hand-written note entries?


    Lewis, Keir Edward; Edwards, Victoria Middleton; Hall, Sian; Temblett, Paul; Hutchings, Hayley


    To quantify any effect of Standardised Order Forms (SOFs), versus hand-written note entries for 'Do Not Attempt Resuscitation'--on the selection and survival of remaining cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attempts. A prospective, observational study in two UK Hospitals, comparing numbers, demographics and survival rates from CPR attempts for 2 years prior to and 2 years after the introduction of SOFs (the only change in DNAR policy). There were 133 CPR attempts, representing 0.30% of the 44,792 admissions, pre SOFs and 147 CPR attempts representing 0.32% of the 45,340 admissions following the SOFs (p=0.46). The median duration of a CPR attempt was 11min prior to and 15min following the SOFs (p=0.02). Of the CPR attempts, there was no change in mean age (p=0.34), proportions occurring outside working hours (p=0.70) or proportions presenting with an initial shockable rhythm (p=0.30). Survival to discharge following CPR was unchanged (p=0.23). The introduction of SOFs for DNAR orders was associated with a significantly longer duration of CPR (on average by 3-4min) but no difference in overall number, demographics or type of arrest or survival in the remaining CPR attempts.

  17. Semi-automatic ground truth generation using unsupervised clustering and limited manual labeling: Application to handwritten character recognition

    PubMed Central

    Vajda, Szilárd; Rangoni, Yves; Cecotti, Hubert


    For training supervised classifiers to recognize different patterns, large data collections with accurate labels are necessary. In this paper, we propose a generic, semi-automatic labeling technique for large handwritten character collections. In order to speed up the creation of a large scale ground truth, the method combines unsupervised clustering and minimal expert knowledge. To exploit the potential discriminant complementarities across features, each character is projected into five different feature spaces. After clustering the images in each feature space, the human expert labels the cluster centers. Each data point inherits the label of its cluster’s center. A majority (or unanimity) vote decides the label of each character image. The amount of human involvement (labeling) is strictly controlled by the number of clusters – produced by the chosen clustering approach. To test the efficiency of the proposed approach, we have compared, and evaluated three state-of-the art clustering methods (k-means, self-organizing maps, and growing neural gas) on the MNIST digit data set, and a Lampung Indonesian character data set, respectively. Considering a k-nn classifier, we show that labeling manually only 1.3% (MNIST), and 3.2% (Lampung) of the training data, provides the same range of performance than a completely labeled data set would. PMID:25870463

  18. Flexibility of orthographic and graphomotor coordination during a handwritten copy task: effect of time pressure

    PubMed Central

    Sausset, Solen; Lambert, Eric; Olive, Thierry


    The coordination of the various processes involved in language production is a subject of keen debate in writing research. Some authors hold that writing processes can be flexibly coordinated according to task demands, whereas others claim that process coordination is entirely inflexible. For instance, orthographic planning has been shown to be resource-dependent during handwriting, but inflexible in typing, even under time pressure. The present study therefore went one step further in studying flexibility in the coordination of orthographic processing and graphomotor execution, by measuring the impact of time pressure during a handwritten copy task. Orthographic and graphomotor processes were observed via syllable processing. Writers copied out two- and three-syllable words three times in a row, with and without time pressure. Latencies and letter measures at syllable boundaries were analyzed. We hypothesized that if coordination is flexible and varies according to task demands, it should be modified by time pressure, affecting both latency before execution and duration of execution. We therefore predicted that the extent of syllable processing before execution would be reduced under time pressure and, as a consequence, syllable effects during execution would be more salient. Results showed, however, that time pressure interacted neither with syllable number nor with syllable structure. Accordingly, syllable processing appears to remain the same regardless of time pressure. The flexibility of process coordination during handwriting is discussed, as is the operationalization of time pressure constraints. PMID:24319435

  19. 24 CFR 5.659 - Family information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Family information and verification... Assisted Housing Serving Persons with Disabilities: Family Income and Family Payment; Occupancy... § 5.659 Family information and verification. (a) Applicability. This section states requirements for...

  20. 40 CFR 1065.920 - PEMS calibrations and verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Field Testing and Portable Emission Measurement Systems § 1065... that your new configuration meets this verification. The verification consists of operating an engine... with data simultaneously generated and recorded by laboratory equipment as follows: (1) Mount an engine...

  1. 40 CFR 1065.920 - PEMS calibrations and verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Field Testing and Portable Emission Measurement Systems § 1065... that your new configuration meets this verification. The verification consists of operating an engine... with data simultaneously generated and recorded by laboratory equipment as follows: (1) Mount an engine...

  2. 40 CFR 1065.920 - PEMS calibrations and verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Field Testing and Portable Emission Measurement Systems § 1065... that your new configuration meets this verification. The verification consists of operating an engine... with data simultaneously generated and recorded by laboratory equipment as follows: (1) Mount an engine...

  3. 24 CFR 5.659 - Family information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Family information and verification... Assisted Housing Serving Persons with Disabilities: Family Income and Family Payment; Occupancy... § 5.659 Family information and verification. (a) Applicability. This section states requirements for...

  4. 40 CFR 1066.275 - Daily dynamometer readiness verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Dynamometer Specifications § 1066.275 Daily... automated process for this verification procedure, perform this evaluation by setting the initial speed and... your dynamometer does not perform this verification with an automated process: (1) With the dynamometer...

  5. Software Verification of Orion Cockpit Displays

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Biswas, M. A. Rafe; Garcia, Samuel; Prado, Matthew; Hossain, Sadad; Souris, Matthew; Morin, Lee


    NASA's latest spacecraft Orion is in the development process of taking humans deeper into space. Orion is equipped with three main displays to monitor and control the spacecraft. To ensure the software behind the glass displays operates without faults, rigorous testing is needed. To conduct such testing, the Rapid Prototyping Lab at NASA's Johnson Space Center along with the University of Texas at Tyler employed a software verification tool, EggPlant Functional by TestPlant. It is an image based test automation tool that allows users to create scripts to verify the functionality within a program. A set of edge key framework and Common EggPlant Functions were developed to enable creation of scripts in an efficient fashion. This framework standardized the way to code and to simulate user inputs in the verification process. Moreover, the Common EggPlant Functions can be used repeatedly in verification of different displays.

  6. Numerical prediction of meteoric infrasound signatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nemec, Marian; Aftosmis, Michael J.; Brown, Peter G.


    We present a thorough validation of a computational approach to predict infrasonic signatures of centimeter-sized meteoroids. This is the first direct comparison of computational results with well-calibrated observations that include trajectories, optical masses and ground pressure signatures. We assume that the energy deposition along the meteor trail is dominated by atmospheric drag and simulate a steady, inviscid flow of air in thermochemical equilibrium to compute a near-body pressure signature of the meteoroid. This signature is then propagated through a stratified and windy atmosphere to the ground using a methodology from aircraft sonic-boom analysis. The results show that when the source of the signature is the cylindrical Mach-cone, the simulations closely match the observations. The prediction of the shock rise-time, the zero-peak amplitude of the waveform and the duration of the positive pressure phase are consistently within 10% of the measurements. Uncertainty in primarily the shape of the meteoroid results in a poorer prediction of the trailing part of the waveform. Overall, our results independently verify energy deposition estimates deduced from optical observations.

  7. 14 CFR 49.13 - Signatures and acknowledgements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Signatures and acknowledgements. 49.13... RECORDING OF AIRCRAFT TITLES AND SECURITY DOCUMENTS General § 49.13 Signatures and acknowledgements. (a) Each signature on a conveyance must be in ink. (b) Paragraphs (b) through (f) of § 47.13 of this...

  8. Signature molecular descriptor : advanced applications.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Visco, Donald Patrick, Jr.

    In this work we report on the development of the Signature Molecular Descriptor (or Signature) for use in the solution of inverse design problems as well as in highthroughput screening applications. The ultimate goal of using Signature is to identify novel and non-intuitive chemical structures with optimal predicted properties for a given application. We demonstrate this in three studies: green solvent design, glucocorticoid receptor ligand design and the design of inhibitors for Factor XIa. In many areas of engineering, compounds are designed and/or modified in incremental ways which rely upon heuristics or institutional knowledge. Often multiple experiments are performed andmore » the optimal compound is identified in this brute-force fashion. Perhaps a traditional chemical scaffold is identified and movement of a substituent group around a ring constitutes the whole of the design process. Also notably, a chemical being evaluated in one area might demonstrate properties very attractive in another area and serendipity was the mechanism for solution. In contrast to such approaches, computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) looks to encompass both experimental and heuristic-based knowledge into a strategy that will design a molecule on a computer to meet a given target. Depending on the algorithm employed, the molecule which is designed might be quite novel (re: no CAS registration number) and/or non-intuitive relative to what is known about the problem at hand. While CAMD is a fairly recent strategy (dating to the early 1980s), it contains a variety of bottlenecks and limitations which have prevented the technique from garnering more attention in the academic, governmental and industrial institutions. A main reason for this is how the molecules are described in the computer. This step can control how models are developed for the properties of interest on a given problem as well as how to go from an output of the algorithm to an actual chemical structure. This report

  9. 37 CFR 262.7 - Verification of royalty payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Designated Agent have agreed as to proper verification methods. (b) Frequency of verification. A Copyright Owner or a Performer may conduct a single audit of the Designated Agent upon reasonable notice and... COPYRIGHT ARBITRATION ROYALTY PANEL RULES AND PROCEDURES RATES AND TERMS FOR CERTAIN ELIGIBLE...

  10. 46 CFR 61.40-3 - Design verification testing.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING PERIODIC TESTS AND INSPECTIONS Design Verification and Periodic Testing of Vital System Automation § 61.40-3 Design verification testing. (a) Tests must verify that automated vital systems are designed, constructed, and operate in...

  11. 40 CFR 1065.920 - PEMS Calibrations and verifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Field Testing and Portable Emission Measurement Systems § 1065... verification. The verification consists of operating an engine over a duty cycle in the laboratory and... by laboratory equipment as follows: (1) Mount an engine on a dynamometer for laboratory testing...

  12. A framework of multitemplate ensemble for fingerprint verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yin, Yilong; Ning, Yanbin; Ren, Chunxiao; Liu, Li


    How to improve performance of an automatic fingerprint verification system (AFVS) is always a big challenge in biometric verification field. Recently, it becomes popular to improve the performance of AFVS using ensemble learning approach to fuse related information of fingerprints. In this article, we propose a novel framework of fingerprint verification which is based on the multitemplate ensemble method. This framework is consisted of three stages. In the first stage, enrollment stage, we adopt an effective template selection method to select those fingerprints which best represent a finger, and then, a polyhedron is created by the matching results of multiple template fingerprints and a virtual centroid of the polyhedron is given. In the second stage, verification stage, we measure the distance between the centroid of the polyhedron and a query image. In the final stage, a fusion rule is used to choose a proper distance from a distance set. The experimental results on the FVC2004 database prove the improvement on the effectiveness of the new framework in fingerprint verification. With a minutiae-based matching method, the average EER of four databases in FVC2004 drops from 10.85 to 0.88, and with a ridge-based matching method, the average EER of these four databases also decreases from 14.58 to 2.51.

  13. Cell short circuit, preshort signature

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lurie, C.


    Short-circuit events observed in ground test simulations of DSCS-3 battery in-orbit operations are analyzed. Voltage signatures appearing in the data preceding the short-circuit event are evaluated. The ground test simulation is briefly described along with performance during reconditioning discharges. Results suggest that a characteristic signature develops prior to a shorting event.

  14. Proton Therapy Verification with PET Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Zhu, Xuping; Fakhri, Georges El


    Proton therapy is very sensitive to uncertainties introduced during treatment planning and dose delivery. PET imaging of proton induced positron emitter distributions is the only practical approach for in vivo, in situ verification of proton therapy. This article reviews the current status of proton therapy verification with PET imaging. The different data detecting systems (in-beam, in-room and off-line PET), calculation methods for the prediction of proton induced PET activity distributions, and approaches for data evaluation are discussed. PMID:24312147

  15. Formal verification of an oral messages algorithm for interactive consistency

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rushby, John


    The formal specification and verification of an algorithm for Interactive Consistency based on the Oral Messages algorithm for Byzantine Agreement is described. We compare our treatment with that of Bevier and Young, who presented a formal specification and verification for a very similar algorithm. Unlike Bevier and Young, who observed that 'the invariant maintained in the recursive subcases of the algorithm is significantly more complicated than is suggested by the published proof' and who found its formal verification 'a fairly difficult exercise in mechanical theorem proving,' our treatment is very close to the previously published analysis of the algorithm, and our formal specification and verification are straightforward. This example illustrates how delicate choices in the formulation of the problem can have significant impact on the readability of its formal specification and on the tractability of its formal verification.

  16. 10 CFR 60.47 - Facility information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Facility information and verification. 60.47 Section 60.47 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) DISPOSAL OF HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTES IN GEOLOGIC REPOSITORIES Licenses Us/iaea Safeguards Agreement § 60.47 Facility information and verification. (a) In...

  17. Three Lectures on Theorem-proving and Program Verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moore, J. S.


    Topics concerning theorem proving and program verification are discussed with particlar emphasis on the Boyer/Moore theorem prover, and approaches to program verification such as the functional and interpreter methods and the inductive assertion approach. A history of the discipline and specific program examples are included.

  18. 10 CFR 61.32 - Facility information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Facility information and verification. 61.32 Section 61.32 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE Licenses Us/iaea Safeguards Agreement § 61.32 Facility information and verification. (a) In...

  19. 10 CFR 61.32 - Facility information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Facility information and verification. 61.32 Section 61.32 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE Licenses Us/iaea Safeguards Agreement § 61.32 Facility information and verification. (a) In...

  20. 10 CFR 61.32 - Facility information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Facility information and verification. 61.32 Section 61.32 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE Licenses Us/iaea Safeguards Agreement § 61.32 Facility information and verification. (a) In...

  1. Distilling the Verification Process for Prognostics Algorithms

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Roychoudhury, Indranil; Saxena, Abhinav; Celaya, Jose R.; Goebel, Kai


    The goal of prognostics and health management (PHM) systems is to ensure system safety, and reduce downtime and maintenance costs. It is important that a PHM system is verified and validated before it can be successfully deployed. Prognostics algorithms are integral parts of PHM systems. This paper investigates a systematic process of verification of such prognostics algorithms. To this end, first, this paper distinguishes between technology maturation and product development. Then, the paper describes the verification process for a prognostics algorithm as it moves up to higher maturity levels. This process is shown to be an iterative process where verification activities are interleaved with validation activities at each maturation level. In this work, we adopt the concept of technology readiness levels (TRLs) to represent the different maturity levels of a prognostics algorithm. It is shown that at each TRL, the verification of a prognostics algorithm depends on verifying the different components of the algorithm according to the requirements laid out by the PHM system that adopts this prognostics algorithm. Finally, using simplified examples, the systematic process for verifying a prognostics algorithm is demonstrated as the prognostics algorithm moves up TRLs.

  2. Use of Social Media to Target Information-Driven Arms Control and Nonproliferation Verification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kreyling, Sean J.; Williams, Laura S.; Gastelum, Zoe N.

    There has been considerable discussion within the national security community, including a recent workshop sponsored by the U.S. State Department, about the use of social media for extracting patterns of collective behavior and influencing public perception in areas relevant to arms control and nonproliferation. This paper seeks to explore if, and how, social media can be used to supplement nonproliferation and arms control inspection and monitoring activities on states and sites of greatest proliferation relevance. In this paper, we set the stage for how social media can be applied in this problem space and describe some of the foreseen challenges,more » including data validation, sources and attributes, verification, and security. Using information analytics and data visualization capabilities available at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), we provide graphical examples of some social media "signatures" of potential relevance for nonproliferation and arms control purposes. We conclude by describing a proposed case study and offering recommendations both for further research and next steps by the policy community.« less

  3. Verification of the FtCayuga fault-tolerant microprocessor system. Volume 1: A case study in theorem prover-based verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Srivas, Mandayam; Bickford, Mark


    The design and formal verification of a hardware system for a task that is an important component of a fault tolerant computer architecture for flight control systems is presented. The hardware system implements an algorithm for obtaining interactive consistancy (byzantine agreement) among four microprocessors as a special instruction on the processors. The property verified insures that an execution of the special instruction by the processors correctly accomplishes interactive consistency, provided certain preconditions hold. An assumption is made that the processors execute synchronously. For verification, the authors used a computer aided design hardware design verification tool, Spectool, and the theorem prover, Clio. A major contribution of the work is the demonstration of a significant fault tolerant hardware design that is mechanically verified by a theorem prover.

  4. Optical Verification Laboratory Demonstration System for High Security Identification Cards

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Javidi, Bahram


    Document fraud including unauthorized duplication of identification cards and credit cards is a serious problem facing the government, banks, businesses, and consumers. In addition, counterfeit products such as computer chips, and compact discs, are arriving on our shores in great numbers. With the rapid advances in computers, CCD technology, image processing hardware and software, printers, scanners, and copiers, it is becoming increasingly easy to reproduce pictures, logos, symbols, paper currency, or patterns. These problems have stimulated an interest in research, development and publications in security technology. Some ID cards, credit cards and passports currently use holograms as a security measure to thwart copying. The holograms are inspected by the human eye. In theory, the hologram cannot be reproduced by an unauthorized person using commercially-available optical components; in practice, however, technology has advanced to the point where the holographic image can be acquired from a credit card-photographed or captured with by a CCD camera-and a new hologram synthesized using commercially-available optical components or hologram-producing equipment. Therefore, a pattern that can be read by a conventional light source and a CCD camera can be reproduced. An optical security and anti-copying device that provides significant security improvements over existing security technology was demonstrated. The system can be applied for security verification of credit cards, passports, and other IDs so that they cannot easily be reproduced. We have used a new scheme of complex phase/amplitude patterns that cannot be seen and cannot be copied by an intensity-sensitive detector such as a CCD camera. A random phase mask is bonded to a primary identification pattern which could also be phase encoded. The pattern could be a fingerprint, a picture of a face, or a signature. The proposed optical processing device is designed to identify both the random phase mask and the

  5. A Roadmap for the Implementation of Continued Process Verification.


    Boyer, Marcus; Gampfer, Joerg; Zamamiri, Abdel; Payne, Robin


    In 2014, the members of the BioPhorum Operations Group (BPOG) produced a 100-page continued process verification case study, entitled "Continued Process Verification: An Industry Position Paper with Example Protocol". This case study captures the thought processes involved in creating a continued process verification plan for a new product in response to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's guidance on the subject introduced in 2011. In so doing, it provided the specific example of a plan developed for a new molecular antibody product based on the "A MAb Case Study" that preceded it in 2009.This document provides a roadmap that draws on the content of the continued process verification case study to provide a step-by-step guide in a more accessible form, with reference to a process map of the product life cycle. It could be used as a basis for continued process verification implementation in a number of different scenarios: For a single product and process;For a single site;To assist in the sharing of data monitoring responsibilities among sites;To assist in establishing data monitoring agreements between a customer company and a contract manufacturing organization. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued guidance on the management of manufacturing processes designed to improve quality and control of drug products. This involved increased focus on regular monitoring of manufacturing processes, reporting of the results, and the taking of opportunities to improve. The guidance and practice associated with it is known as continued process verification This paper summarizes good practice in responding to continued process verification guidance, gathered from subject matter experts in the biopharmaceutical industry. © PDA, Inc. 2016.

  6. Land surface Verification Toolkit (LVT)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kumar, Sujay V.


    LVT is a framework developed to provide an automated, consolidated environment for systematic land surface model evaluation Includes support for a range of in-situ, remote-sensing and other model and reanalysis products. Supports the analysis of outputs from various LIS subsystems, including LIS-DA, LIS-OPT, LIS-UE. Note: The Land Information System Verification Toolkit (LVT) is a NASA software tool designed to enable the evaluation, analysis and comparison of outputs generated by the Land Information System (LIS). The LVT software is released under the terms and conditions of the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.1 or later. Land Information System Verification Toolkit (LVT) NOSA.

  7. EOS-AM precision pointing verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Throckmorton, A.; Braknis, E.; Bolek, J.


    The Earth Observing System (EOS) AM mission requires tight pointing knowledge to meet scientific objectives, in a spacecraft with low frequency flexible appendage modes. As the spacecraft controller reacts to various disturbance sources and as the inherent appendage modes are excited by this control action, verification of precision pointing knowledge becomes particularly challenging for the EOS-AM mission. As presently conceived, this verification includes a complementary set of multi-disciplinary analyses, hardware tests and real-time computer in the loop simulations, followed by collection and analysis of hardware test and flight data and supported by a comprehensive data base repository for validated program values.

  8. 78 FR 27882 - VA Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) Verification Guidelines

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Verification Self-Assessment Tool that walks the veteran through the regulation and how it applies to the...) Verification Guidelines AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking... regulations governing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) Verification...

  9. 78 FR 32010 - Pipeline Safety: Public Workshop on Integrity Verification Process

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    .... PHMSA-2013-0119] Pipeline Safety: Public Workshop on Integrity Verification Process AGENCY: Pipeline and... announcing a public workshop to be held on the concept of ``Integrity Verification Process.'' The Integrity Verification Process shares similar characteristics with fitness for service processes. At this workshop, the...

  10. Crowd Sourced Formal Verification-Augmentation (CSFV-A)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Formal Verification (CSFV) program built games that recast FV problems into puzzles to make these problems more accessible, increasing the manpower to...construct FV proofs. This effort supported the CSFV program by hosting the games on a public website, and analyzed the gameplay for efficiency to...provide FV proofs. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Crowd Source, Software, Formal Verification, Games 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT

  11. 24 CFR 960.259 - Family information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Family information and verification... URBAN DEVELOPMENT ADMISSION TO, AND OCCUPANCY OF, PUBLIC HOUSING Rent and Reexamination § 960.259 Family information and verification. (a) Family obligation to supply information. (1) The family must supply any...

  12. 24 CFR 960.259 - Family information and verification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Family information and verification... URBAN DEVELOPMENT ADMISSION TO, AND OCCUPANCY OF, PUBLIC HOUSING Rent and Reexamination § 960.259 Family information and verification. (a) Family obligation to supply information. (1) The family must supply any...

  13. Student-Teacher Linkage Verification: Model Process and Recommendations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Watson, Jeffery; Graham, Matthew; Thorn, Christopher A.


    As momentum grows for tracking the role of individual educators in student performance, school districts across the country are implementing projects that involve linking teachers to their students. Programs that link teachers to student outcomes require a verification process for student-teacher linkages. Linkage verification improves accuracy by…

  14. Fission Signatures for Nuclear Material Detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gozani, Tsahi


    Detection and interdiction of nuclear materials in all forms of transport is one of the most critical security issues facing the United States and the rest of the civilized world. Naturally emitted gamma rays by these materials, while abundant and detectable when unshielded, are low in energy and readily shielded. X-ray radiography is useful in detecting the possible presence of shielding material. Positive detection of concealed nuclear materials requires methods which unequivocally detect specific attributes of the materials. These methods typically involve active interrogation by penetrating radiation of neutrons, photons or other particles. Fortunately, nuclear materials, probed by various types of radiation, yield very unique and often strong signatures. Paramount among them are the detectable fission signatures, namely prompt neutrons and gamma rays, and delayed neutrons gamma rays. Other useful signatures are the nuclear states excited by neutrons, via inelastic scattering, or photons, via nuclear resonance fluorescence and absorption. The signatures are very different in magnitude, level of specificity, ease of excitation and detection, signal to background ratios, etc. For example, delayed neutrons are very unique to the fission process, but are scarce, have low energy, and hence are easily absorbed. Delayed gamma rays are more abundant but "featureless", and have a higher background from natural sources and more importantly, from activation due to the interrogation sources. The prompt fission signatures need to be measured in the presence of the much higher levels of probing radiation. This requires taking special measures to look for the signatures, sometimes leading to a significant sensitivity loss or a complete inability to detect them. Characteristic gamma rays induced in nuclear materials reflecting their nuclear structure, while rather unique, require very high intensity of interrogation radiation and very high resolution in energy and/or time. The

  15. Property-driven functional verification technique for high-speed vision system-on-chip processor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nshunguyimfura, Victor; Yang, Jie; Liu, Liyuan; Wu, Nanjian


    The implementation of functional verification in a fast, reliable, and effective manner is a challenging task in a vision chip verification process. The main reason for this challenge is the stepwise nature of existing functional verification techniques. This vision chip verification complexity is also related to the fact that in most vision chip design cycles, extensive efforts are focused on how to optimize chip metrics such as performance, power, and area. Design functional verification is not explicitly considered at an earlier stage at which the most sound decisions are made. In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic property-driven verification technique. The implementation of all verification components is based on design properties. We introduce a low-dimension property space between the specification space and the implementation space. The aim of this technique is to speed up the verification process for high-performance parallel processing vision chips. Our experimentation results show that the proposed technique can effectively improve the verification effort up to 20% for the complex vision chip design while reducing the simulation and debugging overheads.

  16. Peripheral Blood Signatures of Lead Exposure

    PubMed Central

    LaBreche, Heather G.; Meadows, Sarah K.; Nevins, Joseph R.; Chute, John P.


    Background Current evidence indicates that even low-level lead (Pb) exposure can have detrimental effects, especially in children. We tested the hypothesis that Pb exposure alters gene expression patterns in peripheral blood cells and that these changes reflect dose-specific alterations in the activity of particular pathways. Methodology/Principal Finding Using Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays, we examined gene expression changes in the peripheral blood of female Balb/c mice following exposure to per os lead acetate trihydrate or plain drinking water for two weeks and after a two-week recovery period. Data sets were RMA-normalized and dose-specific signatures were generated using established methods of supervised classification and binary regression. Pathway activity was analyzed using the ScoreSignatures module from GenePattern. Conclusions/Significance The low-level Pb signature was 93% sensitive and 100% specific in classifying samples a leave-one-out crossvalidation. The high-level Pb signature demonstrated 100% sensitivity and specificity in the leave-one-out crossvalidation. These two signatures exhibited dose-specificity in their ability to predict Pb exposure and had little overlap in terms of constituent genes. The signatures also seemed to reflect current levels of Pb exposure rather than past exposure. Finally, the two doses showed differential activation of cellular pathways. Low-level Pb exposure increased activity of the interferon-gamma pathway, whereas high-level Pb exposure increased activity of the E2F1 pathway. PMID:21829687

  17. Overview of the TOPEX/Poseidon Platform Harvest Verification Experiment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Morris, Charles S.; DiNardo, Steven J.; Christensen, Edward J.


    An overview is given of the in situ measurement system installed on Texaco's Platform Harvest for verification of the sea level measurement from the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite. The prelaunch error budget suggested that the total root mean square (RMS) error due to measurements made at this verification site would be less than 4 cm. The actual error budget for the verification site is within these original specifications. However, evaluation of the sea level data from three measurement systems at the platform has resulted in unexpectedly large differences between the systems. Comparison of the sea level measurements from the different tide gauge systems has led to a better understanding of the problems of measuring sea level in relatively deep ocean. As of May 1994, the Platform Harvest verification site has successfully supported 60 TOPEX/Poseidon overflights.

  18. International Space Station Requirement Verification for Commercial Visiting Vehicles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Garguilo, Dan


    The COTS program demonstrated NASA could rely on commercial providers for safe, reliable, and cost-effective cargo delivery to ISS. The ISS Program has developed a streamlined process to safely integrate commercial visiting vehicles and ensure requirements are met Levy a minimum requirement set (down from 1000s to 100s) focusing on the ISS interface and safety, reducing the level of NASA oversight/insight and burden on the commercial Partner. Partners provide a detailed verification and validation plan documenting how they will show they've met NASA requirements. NASA conducts process sampling to ensure that the established verification processes is being followed. NASA participates in joint verification events and analysis for requirements that require both parties verify. Verification compliance is approved by NASA and launch readiness certified at mission readiness reviews.

  19. Challenges in High-Assurance Runtime Verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Goodloe, Alwyn E.


    Safety-critical systems are growing more complex and becoming increasingly autonomous. Runtime Verification (RV) has the potential to provide protections when a system cannot be assured by conventional means, but only if the RV itself can be trusted. In this paper, we proffer a number of challenges to realizing high-assurance RV and illustrate how we have addressed them in our research. We argue that high-assurance RV provides a rich target for automated verification tools in hope of fostering closer collaboration among the communities.

  20. Identity-Based Verifiably Encrypted Signatures without Random Oracles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Lei; Wu, Qianhong; Qin, Bo

    Fair exchange protocol plays an important role in electronic commerce in the case of exchanging digital contracts. Verifiably encrypted signatures provide an optimistic solution to these scenarios with an off-line trusted third party. In this paper, we propose an identity-based verifiably encrypted signature scheme. The scheme is non-interactive to generate verifiably encrypted signatures and the resulting encrypted signature consists of only four group elements. Based on the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption, our scheme is proven secure without using random oracles. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first identity-based verifiably encrypted signature scheme provably secure in the standard model.

  1. Verification test report on a solar heating and hot water system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Information is provided on the development, qualification and acceptance verification of commercial solar heating and hot water systems and components. The verification includes the performances, the efficiences and the various methods used, such as similarity, analysis, inspection, test, etc., that are applicable to satisfying the verification requirements.

  2. Formal Verification of the AAMP-FV Microcode

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, Steven P.; Greve, David A.; Wilding, Matthew M.; Srivas, Mandayam


    This report describes the experiences of Collins Avionics & Communications and SRI International in formally specifying and verifying the microcode in a Rockwell proprietary microprocessor, the AAMP-FV, using the PVS verification system. This project built extensively on earlier experiences using PVS to verify the microcode in the AAMP5, a complex, pipelined microprocessor designed for use in avionics displays and global positioning systems. While the AAMP5 experiment demonstrated the technical feasibility of formal verification of microcode, the steep learning curve encountered left unanswered the question of whether it could be performed at reasonable cost. The AAMP-FV project was conducted to determine whether the experience gained on the AAMP5 project could be used to make formal verification of microcode cost effective for safety-critical and high volume devices.

  3. Temporal Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of concrete real - time systems can be modeled adequately. Specification: We present two conservative extensions of temporal logic that allow for the...logic. We present both model-checking algorithms for the automatic verification of finite-state real - time systems and proof methods for the deductive verification of real - time systems .

  4. 20 CFR 212.5 - Verification of military service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Verification of military service. 212.5... MILITARY SERVICE § 212.5 Verification of military service. Military service may be verified by the... armed forces that shows the beginning and ending dates of the individual's active military service; or a...

  5. Lesson 5: Defining Valid Electronic Signatures

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    A valid electronic signature on an electronic document is one that is created with an electronic signature device that is uniquely entitled to a signatory, not compromised, and used by a signatory who is authorized to sign the electronic document.

  6. 10 CFR 9.54 - Verification of identity of individuals making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Verification of identity of individuals making requests. 9... About Them § 9.54 Verification of identity of individuals making requests. (a) Identification... respecting records about himself, except that no verification of identity shall be required if the records...

  7. 10 CFR 9.54 - Verification of identity of individuals making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Verification of identity of individuals making requests. 9... About Them § 9.54 Verification of identity of individuals making requests. (a) Identification... respecting records about himself, except that no verification of identity shall be required if the records...

  8. 10 CFR 9.54 - Verification of identity of individuals making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Verification of identity of individuals making requests. 9... About Them § 9.54 Verification of identity of individuals making requests. (a) Identification... respecting records about himself, except that no verification of identity shall be required if the records...

  9. 10 CFR 9.54 - Verification of identity of individuals making requests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Verification of identity of individuals making requests. 9... About Them § 9.54 Verification of identity of individuals making requests. (a) Identification... respecting records about himself, except that no verification of identity shall be required if the records...

  10. Recognition of handwritten similar Chinese characters by self-growing probabilistic decision-based neural network.


    Fu, H C; Xu, Y Y; Chang, H Y


    Recognition of similar (confusion) characters is a difficult problem in optical character recognition (OCR). In this paper, we introduce a neural network solution that is capable of modeling minor differences among similar characters, and is robust to various personal handwriting styles. The Self-growing Probabilistic Decision-based Neural Network (SPDNN) is a probabilistic type neural network, which adopts a hierarchical network structure with nonlinear basis functions and a competitive credit-assignment scheme. Based on the SPDNN model, we have constructed a three-stage recognition system. First, a coarse classifier determines a character to be input to one of the pre-defined subclasses partitioned from a large character set, such as Chinese mixed with alphanumerics. Then a character recognizer determines the input image which best matches the reference character in the subclass. Lastly, the third module is a similar character recognizer, which can further enhance the recognition accuracy among similar or confusing characters. The prototype system has demonstrated a successful application of SPDNN to similar handwritten Chinese recognition for the public database CCL/HCCR1 (5401 characters x200 samples). Regarding performance, experiments on the CCL/HCCR1 database produced 90.12% recognition accuracy with no rejection, and 94.11% accuracy with 6.7% rejection, respectively. This recognition accuracy represents about 4% improvement on the previously announced performance. As to processing speed, processing before recognition (including image preprocessing, segmentation, and feature extraction) requires about one second for an A4 size character image, and recognition consumes approximately 0.27 second per character on a Pentium-100 based personal computer, without use of any hardware accelerator or co-processor.

  11. Compressive sensing using optimized sensing matrix for face verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oey, Endra; Jeffry; Wongso, Kelvin; Tommy


    Biometric appears as one of the solutions which is capable in solving problems that occurred in the usage of password in terms of data access, for example there is possibility in forgetting password and hard to recall various different passwords. With biometrics, physical characteristics of a person can be captured and used in the identification process. In this research, facial biometric is used in the verification process to determine whether the user has the authority to access the data or not. Facial biometric is chosen as its low cost implementation and generate quite accurate result for user identification. Face verification system which is adopted in this research is Compressive Sensing (CS) technique, in which aims to reduce dimension size as well as encrypt data in form of facial test image where the image is represented in sparse signals. Encrypted data can be reconstructed using Sparse Coding algorithm. Two types of Sparse Coding namely Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares -ℓp (IRLS-ℓp) will be used for comparison face verification system research. Reconstruction results of sparse signals are then used to find Euclidean norm with the sparse signal of user that has been previously saved in system to determine the validity of the facial test image. Results of system accuracy obtained in this research are 99% in IRLS with time response of face verification for 4.917 seconds and 96.33% in OMP with time response of face verification for 0.4046 seconds with non-optimized sensing matrix, while 99% in IRLS with time response of face verification for 13.4791 seconds and 98.33% for OMP with time response of face verification for 3.1571 seconds with optimized sensing matrix.

  12. Comments for A Conference on Verification in the 21st Century

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Doyle, James E.


    The author offers 5 points for the discussion of Verification and Technology: (1) Experience with the implementation of arms limitation and arms reduction agreements confirms that technology alone has never been relied upon to provide effective verification. (2) The historical practice of verification of arms control treaties between Cold War rivals may constrain the cooperative and innovative use of technology for transparency, veification and confidence building in the future. (3) An area that has been identified by many, including the US State Department and NNSA as being rich for exploration for potential uses of technology for transparency and verification ismore » information and communications technology (ICT). This includes social media, crowd-sourcing, the internet of things, and the concept of societal verification, but there are issues. (4) On the issue of the extent to which verification technologies are keeping pace with the demands of future protocols and agrements I think the more direct question is ''are they effective in supporting the objectives of the treaty or agreement?'' In this regard it is important to acknowledge that there is a verification grand challenge at our doorstep. That is ''how does one verify limitations on nuclear warheads in national stockpiles?'' (5) Finally, while recognizing the daunting political and security challenges of such an approach, multilateral engagement and cooperation at the conceptual and technical levels provides benefits for addressing future verification challenges.« less

  13. The formal verification of generic interpreters

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Windley, P.; Levitt, K.; Cohen, G. C.


    The task assignment 3 of the design and validation of digital flight control systems suitable for fly-by-wire applications is studied. Task 3 is associated with formal verification of embedded systems. In particular, results are presented that provide a methodological approach to microprocessor verification. A hierarchical decomposition strategy for specifying microprocessors is also presented. A theory of generic interpreters is presented that can be used to model microprocessor behavior. The generic interpreter theory abstracts away the details of instruction functionality, leaving a general model of what an interpreter does.

  14. Considerations in STS payload environmental verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Keegan, W. B.


    The current philosophy of the GSFS regarding environmental verification of Shuttle payloads is reviewed. In the structures area, increased emphasis will be placed on the use of analysis for design verification, with selective testing performed as necessary. Furthermore, as a result of recent cost optimization analysis, the multitier test program will presumably give way to a comprehensive test program at the major payload subassembly level after adequate workmanship at the component level has been verified. In the thermal vacuum area, thought is being given to modifying the approaches used for conventional spacecraft.

  15. 48 CFR 4.102 - Contractor's signature.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Contractor's signature. 4.102 Section 4.102 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Contract Execution 4.102 Contractor's signature. (a) Individuals. A contract with an...

  16. Signature simulation of mixed materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carson, Tyler D.; Salvaggio, Carl


    Soil target signatures vary due to geometry, chemical composition, and scene radiometry. Although radiative transfer models and function-fit physical models may describe certain targets in limited depth, the ability to incorporate all three signature variables is difficult. This work describes a method to simulate the transient signatures of soil by first considering scene geometry synthetically created using 3D physics engines. Through the assignment of spectral data from the Nonconventional Exploitation Factors Data System (NEFDS), the synthetic scene is represented as a physical mixture of particles. Finally, first principles radiometry is modeled using the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model. With DIRSIG, radiometric and sensing conditions were systematically manipulated to produce and record goniometric signatures. The implementation of this virtual goniometer allows users to examine how a target bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) will change with geometry, composition, and illumination direction. By using 3D computer graphics models, this process does not require geometric assumptions that are native to many radiative transfer models. It delivers a discrete method to circumnavigate the significant cost of time and treasure associated with hardware-based goniometric data collections.

  17. Security Verification Techniques Applied to PatchLink COTS Software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gilliam, David P.; Powell, John D.; Bishop, Matt; Andrew, Chris; Jog, Sameer


    Verification of the security of software artifacts is a challenging task. An integrated approach that combines verification techniques can increase the confidence in the security of software artifacts. Such an approach has been developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). Two security verification instruments were developed and then piloted on PatchLink's UNIX Agent, a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software product, to assess the value of the instruments and the approach. The two instruments are the Flexible Modeling Framework (FMF) -- a model-based verification instrument (JPL), and a Property-Based Tester (UC Davis). Security properties were formally specified for the COTS artifact and then verified using these instruments. The results were then reviewed to determine the effectiveness of the approach and the security of the COTS product.

  18. Starry Messages - Searching for Signatures of Interstellar Archaeology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrigan, R. A., Jr.

    Searching for signatures of cosmic-scale archaeological artefacts such as Dyson spheres or Kardashev civilizations is an interesting alternative to conventional SETI. Uncovering such an artifact does not require the intentional transmission of a signal on the part of the originating civilization. This type of search is called interstellar archaeology or sometimes cosmic archaeology . The detection of intelligence elsewhere in the Universe with interstellar archaeology or SETI would have broad implications for science. For example, the constraints of the anthropic principle would have to be loosened if a different type of intelligence was discovered elsewhere. A variety of interstellar archaeology signatures are discussed including non-natural planetary atmospheric constituents, stellar doping with isotopes of nuclear wastes, Dyson spheres, as well as signatures of stellar and galactic-scale engineering. The concept of a Fermi bubble due to interstellar migration is introduced in the discussion of galactic signatures. These potential interstellar archaeological signatures are classified using the Kardashev scale. A modified Drake equation is used to evaluate the relative challenges of finding various sources. With few exceptions interstellar archaeological signatures are clouded and beyond current technological capabilities. However SETI for so-called cultural transmissions and planetary atmosphere signatures are within reach.

  19. Ontology Matching with Semantic Verification.


    Jean-Mary, Yves R; Shironoshita, E Patrick; Kabuka, Mansur R


    ASMOV (Automated Semantic Matching of Ontologies with Verification) is a novel algorithm that uses lexical and structural characteristics of two ontologies to iteratively calculate a similarity measure between them, derives an alignment, and then verifies it to ensure that it does not contain semantic inconsistencies. In this paper, we describe the ASMOV algorithm, and then present experimental results that measure its accuracy using the OAEI 2008 tests, and that evaluate its use with two different thesauri: WordNet, and the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). These results show the increased accuracy obtained by combining lexical, structural and extensional matchers with semantic verification, and demonstrate the advantage of using a domain-specific thesaurus for the alignment of specialized ontologies.

  20. Signature Pedagogies in Support of Teachers' Professional Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parker, Melissa; Patton, Kevin; O'Sullivan, Mary


    Signature pedagogies [Shulman, L. 2005. "Signature pedagogies in the professions." "Daedalus" 134 (3): 52--59.] are a focus of teacher educators seeking to improve teaching and teacher education. The purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary common language of signature pedagogies for teacher professional development…

  1. What is the Final Verification of Engineering Requirements?

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Poole, Eric


    This slide presentation reviews the process of development through the final verification of engineering requirements. The definition of the requirements is driven by basic needs, and should be reviewed by both the supplier and the customer. All involved need to agree upon a formal requirements including changes to the original requirements document. After the requirements have ben developed, the engineering team begins to design the system. The final design is reviewed by other organizations. The final operational system must satisfy the original requirements, though many verifications should be performed during the process. The verification methods that are used are test, inspection, analysis and demonstration. The plan for verification should be created once the system requirements are documented. The plan should include assurances that every requirement is formally verified, that the methods and the responsible organizations are specified, and that the plan is reviewed by all parties. The options of having the engineering team involved in all phases of the development as opposed to having some other organization continue the process once the design has been complete is discussed.


    EPA Science Inventory

    This presentation will be given at the EPA Science Forum 2005 in Washington, DC. The Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) was initiated in 1995 to speed implementation of new and innovative commercial-ready environemntal technologies by providing objective, 3rd pa...

  3. Design and Realization of Controllable Ultrasonic Fault Detector Automatic Verification System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Jing-Feng; Liu, Hui-Ying; Guo, Hui-Juan; Shu, Rong; Wei, Kai-Li

    The ultrasonic flaw detection equipment with remote control interface is researched and the automatic verification system is developed. According to use extensible markup language, the building of agreement instruction set and data analysis method database in the system software realizes the controllable designing and solves the diversification of unreleased device interfaces and agreements. By using the signal generator and a fixed attenuator cascading together, a dynamic error compensation method is proposed, completes what the fixed attenuator does in traditional verification and improves the accuracy of verification results. The automatic verification system operating results confirms that the feasibility of the system hardware and software architecture design and the correctness of the analysis method, while changes the status of traditional verification process cumbersome operations, and reduces labor intensity test personnel.

  4. Evaluation of HCFC AK 225 Alternatives for Precision Cleaning and Verification

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Melton, D. M.


    Maintaining qualified cleaning and verification processes are essential in an production environment. Environmental regulations have and are continuing to impact cleaning and verification processing in component and large structures, both at the Michoud Assembly Facility and component suppliers. The goal of the effort was to assure that the cleaning and verification proceeds unimpeded and that qualified, environmentally compliant material and process replacements are implemented and perform to specifications. The approach consisted of (1) selection of a Supersonic Gas-Liquid Cleaning System; (2) selection and evaluation of three cleaning and verification solvents as candidate alternatives to HCFC 225 (Vertrel 423 (HCFC), Vertrel MCA (HFC/1,2-Dichloroethylene), and HFE 7100DE (HFE/1,2 Dichloroethylene)); and evaluation of an analytical instrumental post cleaning verification technique. This document is presented in viewgraph format.

  5. A study of applications scribe frame data verifications using design rule check

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saito, Shoko; Miyazaki, Masaru; Sakurai, Mitsuo; Itoh, Takahisa; Doi, Kazumasa; Sakurai, Norioko; Okada, Tomoyuki


    In semiconductor manufacturing, scribe frame data generally is generated for each LSI product according to its specific process design. Scribe frame data is designed based on definition tables of scanner alignment, wafer inspection and customers specified marks. We check that scribe frame design is conforming to specification of alignment and inspection marks at the end. Recently, in COT (customer owned tooling) business or new technology development, there is no effective verification method for the scribe frame data, and we take a lot of time to work on verification. Therefore, we tried to establish new verification method of scribe frame data by applying pattern matching and DRC (Design Rule Check) which is used in device verification. We would like to show scheme of the scribe frame data verification using DRC which we tried to apply. First, verification rules are created based on specifications of scanner, inspection and others, and a mark library is also created for pattern matching. Next, DRC verification is performed to scribe frame data. Then the DRC verification includes pattern matching using mark library. As a result, our experiments demonstrated that by use of pattern matching and DRC verification our new method can yield speed improvements of more than 12 percent compared to the conventional mark checks by visual inspection and the inspection time can be reduced to less than 5 percent if multi-CPU processing is used. Our method delivers both short processing time and excellent accuracy when checking many marks. It is easy to maintain and provides an easy way for COT customers to use original marks. We believe that our new DRC verification method for scribe frame data is indispensable and mutually beneficial.

  6. Implementation and verification of global optimization benchmark problems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Posypkin, Mikhail; Usov, Alexander


    The paper considers the implementation and verification of a test suite containing 150 benchmarks for global deterministic box-constrained optimization. A C++ library for describing standard mathematical expressions was developed for this purpose. The library automate the process of generating the value of a function and its' gradient at a given point and the interval estimates of a function and its' gradient on a given box using a single description. Based on this functionality, we have developed a collection of tests for an automatic verification of the proposed benchmarks. The verification has shown that literary sources contain mistakes in the benchmarks description. The library and the test suite are available for download and can be used freely.

  7. Projected Impact of Compositional Verification on Current and Future Aviation Safety Risk

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Reveley, Mary S.; Withrow, Colleen A.; Leone, Karen M.; Jones, Sharon M.


    The projected impact of compositional verification research conducted by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration System-Wide Safety and Assurance Technologies on aviation safety risk was assessed. Software and compositional verification was described. Traditional verification techniques have two major problems: testing at the prototype stage where error discovery can be quite costly and the inability to test for all potential interactions leaving some errors undetected until used by the end user. Increasingly complex and nondeterministic aviation systems are becoming too large for these tools to check and verify. Compositional verification is a "divide and conquer" solution to addressing increasingly larger and more complex systems. A review of compositional verification research being conducted by academia, industry, and Government agencies is provided. Forty-four aviation safety risks in the Biennial NextGen Safety Issues Survey were identified that could be impacted by compositional verification and grouped into five categories: automation design; system complexity; software, flight control, or equipment failure or malfunction; new technology or operations; and verification and validation. One capability, 1 research action, 5 operational improvements, and 13 enablers within the Federal Aviation Administration Joint Planning and Development Office Integrated Work Plan that could be addressed by compositional verification were identified.

  8. Ada(R) Test and Verification System (ATVS)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Strelich, Tom


    The Ada Test and Verification System (ATVS) functional description and high level design are completed and summarized. The ATVS will provide a comprehensive set of test and verification capabilities specifically addressing the features of the Ada language, support for embedded system development, distributed environments, and advanced user interface capabilities. Its design emphasis was on effective software development environment integration and flexibility to ensure its long-term use in the Ada software development community.

  9. A verification library for multibody simulation software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kim, Sung-Soo; Haug, Edward J.; Frisch, Harold P.


    A multibody dynamics verification library, that maintains and manages test and validation data is proposed, based on RRC Robot arm and CASE backhoe validation and a comparitive study of DADS, DISCOS, and CONTOPS that are existing public domain and commercial multibody dynamic simulation programs. Using simple representative problems, simulation results from each program are cross checked, and the validation results are presented. Functionalities of the verification library are defined, in order to automate validation procedure.

  10. Formal verification of an avionics microprocessor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Srivas, Mandayam, K.; Miller, Steven P.


    Formal specification combined with mechanical verification is a promising approach for achieving the extremely high levels of assurance required of safety-critical digital systems. However, many questions remain regarding their use in practice: Can these techniques scale up to industrial systems, where are they likely to be useful, and how should industry go about incorporating them into practice? This report discusses a project undertaken to answer some of these questions, the formal verification of the AAMPS microprocessor. This project consisted of formally specifying in the PVS language a rockwell proprietary microprocessor at both the instruction-set and register-transfer levels and using the PVS theorem prover to show that the microcode correctly implemented the instruction-level specification for a representative subset of instructions. Notable aspects of this project include the use of a formal specification language by practicing hardware and software engineers, the integration of traditional inspections with formal specifications, and the use of a mechanical theorem prover to verify a portion of a commercial, pipelined microprocessor that was not explicitly designed for formal verification.

  11. 5 CFR 850.106 - Electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Electronic signatures. 850.106 Section... (CONTINUED) RETIREMENT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION General Provisions § 850.106 Electronic signatures. (a) Subject to any provisions prescribed by the Director under § 850.104— (1) An electronic communication may be...

  12. 5 CFR 850.106 - Electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Electronic signatures. 850.106 Section... (CONTINUED) RETIREMENT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION General Provisions § 850.106 Electronic signatures. (a) Subject to any provisions prescribed by the Director under § 850.104— (1) An electronic communication may be...

  13. 5 CFR 850.106 - Electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Electronic signatures. 850.106 Section... (CONTINUED) RETIREMENT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION General Provisions § 850.106 Electronic signatures. (a) Subject to any provisions prescribed by the Director under § 850.104— (1) An electronic communication may be...

  14. 5 CFR 850.106 - Electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Electronic signatures. 850.106 Section... (CONTINUED) RETIREMENT SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION General Provisions § 850.106 Electronic signatures. (a) Subject to any provisions prescribed by the Director under § 850.104— (1) An electronic communication may be...

  15. 5 CFR 850.106 - Electronic signatures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Electronic signatures. 850.106 Section... (CONTINUED) ELECTRONIC RETIREMENT PROCESSING General Provisions § 850.106 Electronic signatures. (a) Subject to any provisions prescribed by the Director under § 850.104— (1) An electronic communication may be...

  16. Joint ETV/NOWATECH verification protocol for the Sorbisense GSW40 passive sampler

    EPA Science Inventory

    Environmental technology verification (ETV) is an independent (third party) assessment of the performance of a technology or a product for a specified application, under defined conditions and quality assurance. This verification is a joint verification with the US EPA ETV schem...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Site Characterization and Monitoring Technology Pilot of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) has been engaged in verification activities since the fall of 1994 (U.S. EPA, 1997). The purpose of the ETV is to promote th...

  18. 48 CFR 552.204-9 - Personal Identity Verification requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Personal Identity....204-9 Personal Identity Verification requirements. As prescribed in 504.1303, insert the following clause: Personal Identity Verification Requirements (OCT 2012) (a) The contractor shall comply with GSA...

  19. 48 CFR 552.204-9 - Personal Identity Verification requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Personal Identity....204-9 Personal Identity Verification requirements. As prescribed in 504.1303, insert the following clause: Personal Identity Verification Requirements (OCT 2012) (a) The contractor shall comply with GSA...

  20. 48 CFR 552.204-9 - Personal Identity Verification requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Personal Identity....204-9 Personal Identity Verification requirements. As prescribed in 504.1303, insert the following clause: Personal Identity Verification Requirements (OCT 2012) (a) The contractor shall comply with GSA...