Sample records for ideas sobre los

  1. Desarrollo de fotonovelas para concienciar sobre trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en latinos en los Estados Unidos

    PubMed Central

    Reyes-Rodríguez, Mae Lynn; García, Marissa; Silva, Yormeri; Sala, Margarita; Quaranta, Michela; Bulik, Cynthia M.


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar fotonovelas, un tipo de novela gráfica popular en la población latina, para crear conciencia y educar sobre los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Cuatro caricaturas ilustradas y guiones adaptados para adultos y adolescentes de ambos sexos fueron presentados en discusiones focales y en una entrevista de profundidad. Diecisiete latinos adultos (14 mujeres; 3 hombres) y 10 adolescentes (9 féminas; 1 varón) participaron en el estudio. Los participantes encontraron las fotonovelas interesantes y que captaban más la atención que los folletos tradicionales. El uso del espanglish y la clarificación de las diferencias entre los TCA fueron sugeridos por las adolescentes femeninas. Los adultos varones sugirieron cambiar el título, que se enfocara en las consecuencias en la salud de los TCA para que llame la atención en los hombres a leer la historia. Basado en la aceptación encontrada en este estudio, la fotonovela pudiera ser una avenida prometedora para crear conciencia y educar a la comunidad latina sobre los TCA en los Estados Unidos. PMID:27313838

  2. Los Protectores del Planeta: actividades para niños y recursos educativos sobre reciclaje

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información sobre el Club Protectores del Planeta que enseña cómo reducir la basura desde el punto de origen, cómo reciclar y conservar los recursos naturales. La información incluye recursos educativos para el salón de clases.

  3. Sobre la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina.


    Fischer, M Dominik


    Las mutaciones en un gran número de genes provocan degeneración de la retina y ceguera sin que exista actualmente cura alguna. En las últimas décadas, la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina ha evolucionado y se ha convertido en un nuevo y prometedor paradigma terapéutico para estas enfermedades poco comunes. Este artículo refleja las ideas y los conceptos que parten de la ciencia básica hacia la aplicabilidad de la terapia génica en el ámbito clínico. Se describen los avances y las reflexiones actuales sobre la eficacia de los ensayos clínicos en la actualidad y se discuten los posibles obstáculos y soluciones de cara al futuro de la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. La utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales en la ensenanza de biologia y su efecto sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en los estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Rivera, Maria M.

    Se investigo el efecto de los mapas conceptuales sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en estudiantes universitarios. La investigacion utilizo dos estrategias: mapas conceptuales individuales y mapas conceptuales colaborativos, con el fin de investigar si existen diferencias significativas en el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis. El analisis de los datos incluyo aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se desprende del estudio que el 80% de los estudiantes describen la utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales como una experiencia beneficiosa. El 70% de los estudiantes expreso que los mapas conceptuales son utiles en el aprendizaje del proceso de fotosintesis y el 61% indico que facilitan la comprension de los conceptos. Los hallazgos mas importantes del analisis cuantitativo indican que los estudiantes que utilizaron los mapas conceptuales mejoraron significativamente su desempeno en la posprueba global. Se utilizo la prueba Mann-Whitney para investigar si existian diferencias significativas en la posprueba y preprueba global, el valor de W = 1945.0, para un valor p de 0.00, lo cual establece diferencias significativas. Para determinar si existian diferencias significativas entre la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual, se realizo la prueba nuevamente. El valor de W correspondio a 490.5, que es significativo, con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual. Los datos proveen suficiente evidencia para sostener que los estudiantes que utilizaron la estrategia de mapas conceptuales individuales mejoraron el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis significativamente. Se realizo nuevamente la prueba para los resultados de posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. El valor de W correspondio a 446 con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluyo que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. Finalmente, se efectuo una

  5. Avisos de salud sobre el PFOA y PFOS en el agua potable

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA estableció avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estatales, tribales y locales sobre los riesgos de

  6. Preparación de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos para hacer frente a los desastres naturales: encuesta a escala nacional*

    PubMed Central

    Al-rousan, Tala M.; Rubenstein, Linda M.; Wallace, Robert B.


    Objetivos. Nos propusimos determinar el grado de preparación frente a los desastres naturales de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos y evaluar los factores que pueden afectar negativamente la salud y la seguridad durante este tipo de incidentes. Métodos. Obtuvimos una muestra de adultos de 50 años en adelante (n = 1 304) de la encuesta del 2010 del Estudio de la Salud y la Jubilación (HRS por su sigla en inglés). La encuesta recogió datos sobre las características demográficas generales, el estado de discapacidad o las limitaciones funcionales, y también sobre factores y comportamientos relacionados con la preparación frente a los desastres. Calculamos una puntuación global de preparación mediante indicadores individuales a fin de evaluar el grado de preparación general. Resultados. La media de la edad de los participantes (n = 1 304) fue de 70 años (desviación estándar [DE] = 9,3). Solo 34,3% informaron que habían participado en un programa formativo o que habían leído materiales sobre la preparación para los desastres. Casi 15% indicaron que usaban dispositivos médicos eléctricos que podían correr riesgo de no funcionar si se interrumpiera el suministro eléctrico. La puntuación de preparación indicó que la edad más avanzada, la discapacidad física y el menor nivel de escolaridad y de ingresos se asociaban independiente y significativamente a un grado de preparación general inferior. Conclusiones. A pesar de la mayor vulnerabilidad ante los desastres y del número cada vez mayor de adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos, muchos de los problemas sustanciales que encontramos son remediables y requieren atención en los sectores de la sociedad dedicados a la atención clínica, a la salud pública y al manejo de situaciones de emergencia.

  7. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    El estudio que se presenta es de caracter cualitativo, un estudio multicasos donde se estudia la estructura logica utilizada por cuatro (4) profesores universitarios que ensenan el curso introductorio de quimica, en la planificacion, presentacion y evaluacion del tema sobre el comportamiento de los gases. Se utilizaron varias fuentes de informacion como: cuestionarios de profesores y estudiantes, entrevistas, grabaciones videomagnetofonicas, materiales didacticos y una prueba conceptual, entre otros. La informacion recopilada fue analizada de acuerdo al orden logico del contenido presentado, el estilo de ensenanza del profesor, las tecnicas y estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, el ambiente fisico en el salon de clase y los instrumentos de evaluacion y avaluo. El estudio demuestra que lo que los profesores piensan y planifican para hacer sus presentaciones no necesariamente es lo que ocurre en el salon de clases. El desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, que constituye una prioridad de los profesores, no se elaboran efectivamente. El uso de las estrategias de resolucion de problemas numericos predomino. La participacion del estudiante en el salon de clases fue limitada y no se logro demostrar el desarrollo de las destrezas de pensamiento deseadas. Aunque los profesores tienen su propio estilo de ensenanza, el orden logico del contenido presentado en clase fue el mismo o siguio muy de cerca el orden establecido por el libro de texto. Los profesores utilizaron preferentemente la tiza y la pizarra para sus presentaciones y la dinamica en el salon de clases fue esencialmente tradicional. Los profesores hicieron su presentacion y los estudiantes copiaron pasivamente la informacion. Las evaluaciones de los estudiantes fueron esencialmente, pruebas escritas de seleccion multiple de acuerdo con el estilo en que se les enseno. El avaluo fue casi inexistente. La prueba conceptual administrada revela un aprendizaje pobre en los conceptos mas

  8. Consejos para los Padres Sobre la Lectura: Informacion e Ideas para Ayudar a los Ninos Desde la Infancia Hasta Octavo Grado a Tener Exito en la Lectura (Tips for Parents about Reading: Information and Ideas for Helping Children through Grade Eight Succeed with Reading).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Davis, Deborah; Lewis, Jan Patricia

    Noting that all parents want the best school experience for their children, this booklet, in Spanish, gives parents some ideas about what to expect at different ages and stages of reading development, suggestions for what parents can do at home, and a list of favorite books parents can find in most libraries for parents and children to read.…

  9. Adopting Employees' Ideas: Moderators of the Idea Generation-Idea Implementation Link

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Da Silva, Nancy; Oldham, Greg R.


    This study examined the possibility that the relationship between the number of ideas an employee generated and the number of those ideas that were adopted by the organization was moderated by the general radicalness of the employee's ideas (i.e., the extent to which the ideas were breakthrough or groundbreaking), the employee's intention to stay,…

  10. Información básica sobre los arrecifes de coral

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los corales están en todos los océanos del mundo, tanto en las aguas superficiales como en las profundas. Tienen una relación simbiótica con las algas, necesitan aguas transparentes, superficiales, que

  11. El problema de estabilidad de los sistemas Hamiltonianos multidimensionales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cincotta, P. M.

    Se revisarán los aspectos básicos del problema de estabilidad de sistemans Hamiltonianos N-dimensionales, haciendo especial énfasis en los posibles mecanismos que dan lugar a la aparición de ``caos": overlap de resonancias, difusión de Arnol'd y otros procesos difusivos alternativos. Se mencionarán los aspectos aún no resueltos sobre la estabilidad de los sistemas con N > 2. Finalmente, se discutirá cuáles de estos mecanismos podrían tener alguna relevancia en la dinámica de sistemas estelares y planetarios.

  12. Concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as de biologia y futuros maestros/as de Ciencia de escuela secundaria sobre la teoria de evolucion biologica por seleccion natural

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morales Ramos, Egda M.

    La teoria de evolucion biologica (TEB) por seleccion natural es uno de los conceptos unificadores mas importantes del curriculo de Biologia. En Puerto Rico se han hecho pocas investigaciones que abunden sobre las concepciones y concepciones alternativas (CA) que tienen los estudiantes universitarios/as de Biologia y los maestros/as de Ciencia del nivel secundario sobre esta teoria. La politica publica educativa actual establece mediante documentos normativos como los Estandares de contenido y Expectativas de grado del Programa de Ciencias [Puerto Rico Core Standards] la ensenanza de esta teoria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron preguntas sobre la seleccion natural en los ejercicios de practica provistos por el Departamento de Educacion para las pruebas estandarizadas lo cual puede influir para que no se ensene adecuadamente. Las preguntas de investigacion fueron 1. ¿Cuales son las concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as y de los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB? 2. ¿Cuales conceptos que seleccionan los estudiantes universitarios/as y los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB coinciden con lo aceptado como valido por la comunidad cientifica? y 3. ¿Como comparan las respuestas de la prueba original. v. Entendiendo el cambio biologico que mide concepciones y CA sobre la TEB por seleccion natural, con las de la traducida al idioma espanol? Se utilizo el metodo cuantitativo con un diseno de investigacion transversal por encuesta. La tecnica principal para recopilar los datos fue una prueba con doce items, que formo parte de un instrumento para el cual se recopilaron diversas fuentes de evidencia acerca de su validez. Las muestras estuvieron formadas por 69 estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales y por 16 estudiantes futuros maestros y maestras del nivel secundario de la UPR-RP. Se utilizaron estadisticas descriptivas, analisis de Ji cuadrado y se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y de Spearman

  13. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    PubMed Central

    DeMaria, Lisa M.; Galárraga, Omar; Campero, Lourdes; Walker, Dilys M.


    RESUMEN Objetivo Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. El cuestionario autoaplicado solicitó información sustantiva de agentes de las diferentes partes interesadas, como ministerios de educación y de salud, sobre los programas de prevención contra el VIH/Sida que se están aplicando en las escuelas. Resultados Respondieron a la encuesta 27 países que representan 95,5% de la población objetivo (6 a 18 años de edad). La mayoría de los países informó tener al menos un libro de texto o un capítulo específico para enseñar los temas de educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH. En la escuela secundaria se cubren la mayor parte de los temas pertinentes relevantes para la educación sobre sexualidad, pero no todos. Por ejemplo, el problema de la discriminación por orientación o preferencia sexual no se incluye en los programas escolares. Conclusiones El material educativo sobre sexualidad debe ser revisado y actualizado periódicamente de modo que refleje los avances en los temas y en la forma de tratar los contenidos. En cada país el currículo debe abordar el tema del respeto a la diversidad sobre orientación, preferencia e identidad sexuales, y en particular el manejo apropiado de la educación para prevenir infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Los esfuerzos de evaluación de la efectividad de los programas deben contemplar desenlaces tales como marcadores biológicos (incidencia y prevalencia de ITS y embarazo) y no únicamente indicadores de conocimiento y

  14. Idea Evaluation: Error in Evaluating Highly Original Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Licuanan, Brian F.; Dailey, Lesley R.; Mumford, Michael D.


    Idea evaluation is a critical aspect of creative thought. However, a number of errors might occur in the evaluation of new ideas. One error commonly observed is the tendency to underestimate the originality of truly novel ideas. In the present study, an attempt was made to assess whether analysis of the process leading to the idea generation and…

  15. University Students' Conceptions about the Moon Phases. (Spanish Title: Concepciones de Estudiantes Universitários sobre Las Fases de la Luna.) Concepções de Estudantes Universitários sobre as Fases da Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva, Maria; da Silveira, Fernando Lang; Steffani, Maria Helena


    In this article we describe the development of a multiple choice test about lunar phases and analyze the results of its application to ten groups of Physics students at the UFRGS. During the improvement of the test, we noticed that the percentage of right answers about some concepts increased significantly when associated with the reformulation of the question, emphasizing the importance of being careful to avoid incorrect answers generated by unclear questions, and not by ignorance on the matter. We confirm the results of other studies that show that students have great difficulty to relate the Moon's phase with its position in the sky at given time. On the other hand, our results suggest that, in general, students of Physics understand the phenomenon of lunar phases better than the average of university students. En estese artículo se describe la elaboración de una prueba de opción múltiple sobre las fases de la Luna y se analizan los resultados de su aplicación en diez grupos de estudiantes de Física de UFRGS. Durante el mejoramiento de la prueba observamos que el porcentaje de aciertos creció considerablemente cuando considerada una nueva redacción de la pregunta, destacando el cuidado que se debe tomar a fin de evitar respuestas incorrectas generadas por preguntas poco claras y no a causa de la ignorancia de los estudiantes sobre el tema. Confirmamos los resultados de otros estudios que las mayores dificultades de los alumnos sobre el tema fases de la Luna están en relacionar la fase de la Luna con su posición en el cielo en determinado momento. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados sugieren que, en general, los estudiantes de la Física comprenden mejor el fenómeno de las fases lunares que el promedio de los estudiantes universitarios. Neste artigo descrevemos a elaboração de um teste de múltipla escolha sobre as fases da Lua e analisamos os resultados de sua aplicação em dez grupos de estudantes de Física da UFRGS. Durante o aprimoramento do

  16. Idea Bank.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Science Teacher, 1993


    Presents three teaching ideas entitled (1) Rearview Mirrors; (2) Chills and Fevers; and (3) Science Activities and the Learner. The second idea presents a poem to help students with the relationship between Centigrade and Fahrenheit. The third idea presents activities on evaporation. (PR)

  17. Hoja informativa sobre la Agenda de Acción EJ 2020

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Página principal de la hoja informativa sobre la Agenda de Acción EJ 2020 de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. que delinea el plan estratégico de justicia ambiental de la agencia para los próximos cuatro años.

  18. Whose idea was that? Source monitoring for idea ownership following elaboration.


    Stark, Louisa-Jayne; Perfect, Timothy J


    Unconscious plagiarism (UP) occurs when an individual claims a previously experienced idea as their own. Previous studies have explored the cognitive precursors of such errors by manipulating the ways that ideas are thought about between initial idea exposure and later test. While imagining other's ideas does not increase rates of UP relative to control on either a recall-own or generate-new task, improving others' ideas substantially increases such errors in the recall-own task. This study explored the effects of elaboration on rates of UP when a source-monitoring test replaced the recall-own test. Plagiarism was again observed following idea improvement but not idea imagery even though participants engaged explicit source evaluation. Thus the probability of plagiarising another's idea appears linked to the generative nature of the idea processing performed.

  19. Reflection enhances creativity: Beneficial effects of idea evaluation on idea generation.


    Hao, Ning; Ku, Yixuan; Liu, Meigui; Hu, Yi; Bodner, Mark; Grabner, Roland H; Fink, Andreas


    The present study aimed to explore the neural correlates underlying the effects of idea evaluation on idea generation in creative thinking. Participants were required to generate original uses of conventional objects (alternative uses task) during EEG recording. A reflection task (mentally evaluating the generated ideas) or a distraction task (object characteristics task) was inserted into the course of idea generation. Behavioral results revealed that participants generated ideas with higher originality after evaluating the generated ideas than after performing the distraction task. The EEG results revealed that idea evaluation was accompanied with upper alpha (10-13 Hz) synchronization, most prominent at frontal cortical sites. Moreover, upper alpha activity in frontal cortices during idea generation was enhanced after idea evaluation. These findings indicate that idea evaluation may elicit a state of heightened internal attention or top-down activity that facilitates efficient retrieval and integration of internal memory representations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam crowd sourcing good ideas ...

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    As part of the 2017 Saint Louis River Summit, we propose hosting an “Idea-Slam” using software originally developed by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Idea-box is an open source online app/website used to collect and surface ideas from members of an organization, or the public in general. Using the app, users login, view a request or challenge for new ideas, can submit their own ideas and/or view, comment and vote on other previously submitted ideas. Initially we will start with three idea request or “challenges” as listed below. The first will be run prior to the Summit to help generate additional challenges that might be added for the summit depending on the results. Initial Idea Challenges:1. (Prior to summit) If you could ask a large group of Saint Louis River focused scientist, stakeholders, managers, politicians and the public a question about the SLR, what would you ask?2. How might we better engage students and educators with the Saint Louis River?3. How might we employ citizen science for the Saint Louis River?The Idea-box app will be available for users two weeks before the Saint Louis Summit. We will e-mail previous summit participants and others an invitation to participate in “The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam” with clear instruction on how to proceed. During the morning of the first day at the Saint Louis Summit we will make a brief announcement about the Idea-Slam (< 2min.), and invite everyone to participate.

  1. Young Idea People Mix with Old Idea People to Make the World Better

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hall, M.


    Groups of young idea people come to eat, drink, and talk about new ideas that old idea people are working on to change the world for the better. The ideas may fix our body and mind, make our lives easier or harder, and more. The young idea people lead, learn, listen and act, so they can become old idea people. The young idea people scare the old idea people because their ideas are different. And, sometimes, the young idea people have new ideas that the old idea people have not thought about. When this happens it makes the old idea people happy and better at their work. The old idea people get to go places and share their ideas around the world. They make good money and have fun lives. They write about their work and can be well known, or not. The young idea people learn from the old idea people how they can be like them. Together the young and old idea people build things and talk about crazy ideas that may come to be. Sometimes the old idea people talk too much and don't listen. They use big words that can be hard to understand. But, the young idea people help them learn to use known words so everyone learns. We know the young idea people learn and grow from this act and they grow happier about their life. We also know that the old idea people get happy that the young idea people are so bright.

  2. Discussions about the Nature of Science in a Course on the History of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Discusiones sobre la Naturaleza de la Ciencia en un Curso sobre Historia de la Astronomía.) Discussões sobre a Natureza da Ciência em um Curso sobre a História da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pires de Andrade, Victória Flório; L'Astorina, Bruno


    There are an increasing number of researches in science education that affirm the importance of discussions on the "nature of science" in basic education level as well as in teacher training. The history of science applied to education is a way to contextualize epistemological discussions, allowing both the understanding of scientific content and learning about science concepts. We present some reasonably consensual definitions on the nature of science that have been widely discussed by the academic community. We show also some episodes in the history of astronomy which can lead to discussions involving some aspects of the nature of science, and how they can do it. Hay un número creciente de investigaciones en la enseñanza de las ciencias que afirman la importancia de debates sobre la "naturaleza de la ciencia" en la educación básica y formación del profesorado. La historia de la ciencia aplicada a la educación es una manera de contextualizar los debates de la epistemología, lo que permite tanto la comprensión de los contenidos científicos como el aprendizaje de conceptos científicos. En esto trabajo, presentamos algunas definiciones bastante consensuales sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia que han sido ampliamente discutidas por la comunidad académica y mostramos cómo algunos episodios en la historia de la astronomía pueden llevar a discusiones sobre algunos aspectos de la naturaleza de la ciencia. Há um número crescente de pesquisas na área de ensino de ciências que afirmam a importância de discussões sobre a "natureza da ciência" na educação básica e na formação de professores. A história da ciência aplicada ao ensino é uma maneira de contextualizar discussões epistemológicas, permitindo tanto a compreensão de conteúdos científicos quanto o aprendizado de noções sobre as ciências. Neste trabalho apresentamos algumas definições razoavelmente consensuais sobre a natureza da ciência que foram amplamente discutidas pela

  3. Ideas Identified and Distributed through Project IDEA.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, DC.

    This document contains ideas on a variety of subjects directed at the physical educator. The work was compiled by Project IDEA (Identify, Distribute, Exchange for Action). Topics include the following: (a) scheduling, (b) curriculum, (c) games, (d) specific courses, (e) life sports, (f) fitness, (g) adaptive Physical education, (h) course methods,…

  4. Los manuales de quimica en Espana (1788--1845): Protagonistas, terminologia, clasificaciones y orden pedagogico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Munoz Bello, Maria Rosa

    La presente tesis doctoral es una investigacion sobre los manuales de quimica utilizados en Espana de 1788 a 1845. Este trabajo proporciona una perspectiva general de un tema relevante en las ultimas decadas en Historia de la Ciencia, el estudio de los libros de texto. De acuerdo con las ultimas investigaciones realizadas en este terreno, el acto pedagogico es considerado como un proceso creativo, como espacio de encuentro de actores e intereses muy diversos, matizando las ideas defendidas por Thomas S. Kuhn. Recordemos que segun Kuhn, los libros de texto ofrecen una vision consensuada y normalizada del estado de la ciencia de su epoca, por lo que sus autores eliminan deliberadamente toda controversia y presentan asi una imagen distorsionada de la actividad cientifica. En cambio, se ha mostrado, por ejemplo, que en la ensenanza participan no solamente profesores y alumnos sino tambien otros muchos actores y todos ellos no unicamente con intereses puramente pedagogicos sino tambien con diversos intereses politicos y economicos que pueden conocerse a traves del estudio de los manuales. En esta tesis se pretende analizar los manuales de quimica en Espana desde 1788 hasta 1845. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigacion ha sido necesario precisar el objeto de estudio (libro de texto de quimica) durante el periodo estudiado (1788-1845) ya que no es adecuado adoptar la imagen actual de una disciplina que sufrio sustanciales cambios durante la epoca estudiada. Esta investigacion se centra en un momento especialmente importante para la quimica y que algunos historiadores han llegado a considerar "revolucionario". Durante estos anos se produjo un cambio importante en las teorias quimicas sobre la combustion y el concepto de elemento, asi como una reforma terminologica que originaron la aparicion de importantes controversias. Ademas, debido a la relacion de la quimica con otras disciplinas como la historia natural o la fisica ha sido necesario restringir el objeto de estudio

  5. IDEA Technical Report No. 4. Description of IDEA Standard Form Data Base.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cashin, William E.; Perrin, Bruce M.

    The data and computational procedures used by the IDEA System to generate IDEA Reports from information collected on the Standard Form of the IDEA Survey Form are described in this technical report. The computations for each of the seven parts of the IDEA Report are explained. The data base used for this 1978-79 Kansas State University study…

  6. Creative Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chapman, Patricia H., Comp.; And Others

    This book contains 172 creative teaching ideas pertaining to various subject areas and aspects of business education. Most of the ideas included are intended for use in secondary and postsecondary classrooms; however, a few are applicable at all grade levels. The teaching ideas are organized according to the following subject areas/topics:…

  7. Reflexión bioética sobre el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados

    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países. PMID:21927675

  8. Idea Bank.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Talesnick, Irwin, Ed.


    Provides innovative ideas in biology, chemistry, and physics on the following topics: enzyme decomposition; chemical waste; time measurement; acid-base color magic; ball bouncing properties; heat; cell theory; and specimen boxes. Materials and procedures are listed when appropriate along with hints for expanding these ideas and investigations. (JM)

  9. Developing the research idea.


    Toledo-Pereyra, Luis H


    After the interest in surgical research, developing the research idea is of fundamental importance because without it we can not have research. Where do the research ideas come from then? Is there any better way to improve our ability to generate research ideas? Where do they come from? What are the factors that stimulate the research idea? Anything we do in and out of medicine or surgery should be the force that will maintain our mind occupied on our future research ideas. From events in the clinical arena to discussions in formal rounds or informal meetings should be the origin of our thinking in research. So, the generation of research ideas come from any place and we should be aware of it. We could be successful in research if we could produce and accumulate the ideas as they frequently present to us in our professional or daily life. The research environment could help us in securing the presence and evolution of the idea. Be aware of changes and future developments and be ready to admit and grow the research idea that could be presented to you during the practice of medicine.

  10. Five Big Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morgan, Debbie


    Designing quality continuing professional development (CPD) for those teaching mathematics in primary schools is a challenge. If the CPD is to be built on the scaffold of five big ideas in mathematics, what might be these five big ideas? Might it just be a case of, if you tell me your five big ideas, then I'll tell you mine? Here, there is…

  11. The selection of creative ideas after individual idea generation: choosing between creativity and impact.


    Rietzschel, Eric F; Nijstad, Bernard A; Stroebe, Wolfgang


    It is commonly assumed that successful innovation depends on creative idea generation: the more ideas are generated, the higher the probability of selecting a very good idea should be. However, research has shown that people do not perform optimally at idea selection and that ideational output may not contribute much to creative idea selection. The present studies aim to explain this phenomenon. We identified the strong tendency of our participants to select feasible and desirable ideas, at the cost of originality, as the main reason for their poor selection performance. Two manipulations of participants' processing of the available ideas (exclusion instructions and quality ratings) had no effect on selection effectiveness. In contrast, explicitly instructing participants to select creative or original ideas did improve selection effectiveness with regard to idea originality, but at the same time decreased participants' satisfaction and the rated effectiveness of chosen ideas. Results are discussed in relation to an effectiveness-originality trade off.

  12. Seven durable ideas.


    Glaser, John P


    Partners Healthcare, and its affiliated hospitals, have a long track record of accomplishments in clinical information systems implementations and research. Seven ideas have shaped the information systems strategies and tactics at Partners; centrality of processes, organizational partnerships, progressive incrementalism, agility, architecture, embedded research, and engage the field. This article reviews the ideas and discusses the rationale and steps taken to put the ideas into practice.

  13. Seven Durable Ideas

    PubMed Central

    Glaser, John P.


    Partners Healthcare, and its affiliated hospitals, have a long track record of accomplishments in clinical information systems implementations and research. Seven ideas have shaped the information systems strategies and tactics at Partners; centrality of processes, organizational partnerships, progressive incrementalism, agility, architecture, embedded research, and engage the field. This article reviews the ideas and discusses the rationale and steps taken to put the ideas into practice. PMID:18308978

  14. The Boldest New Idea? An End to Bold Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rothstein, Richard


    The past two decades have proven that bold, single-factor reform ideas have little power to change the face of education. Pundits and policymakers would have schools and school systems make grand changes to accommodate the reform idea du jour--and then profess the incompetence of schools and teachers when those changes prove less than effective.…

  15. The Core Ideas of "Lessons from History: Essential Understandings and Historical Perspectives Students Should Acquire." ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Risinger, C. Frederick

    This digest discusses "Lessons From History," the report of the National Center for History in the Schools at the University of California, Los Angeles. The report provides a rationale for the study of history throughout the K-12 curriculum and specifies core ideas, themes, and topics that undergird both content and performance standards…

  16. Parenting Information for Parents: Books 1-3 (Informacion Para Los Padres Sobre La Crianza De Los Hijos: Libros 1-3).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moreno, Steve

    These 3 booklets provide ideas, guidelines, and activities for establishing effective parenting and are part of a series of 22 booklets specifically designed to help parents understand their children and help them to learn. The first booklet (booklet #20) discusses preparation for parenthood, infant and toddler developmental stages, the importance…

  17. Significant Ideas and Progressive Change

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morgan, Gwen; Mitchell, Anne


    Ideas are not one-time "Eureka" moments, but are parts of concepts progressing forward. Sometimes years pass before ideas are implemented. They then resurface, connect with other ideas, and move policies ahead. Meanwhile, the idea remains alive in the field, influencing decisions and goals. Ideas build on one another when implemented. The field of…

  18. Comprension de los conceptos de los enlaces ionico y covalente en estudiantes universitarios del primer curso de quimica general

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ballesteros Benavides, Maria Elvira

    participantes no lograron diferenciar los dos enlaces quimicos. Esto implica que reflexionemos sobre la necesidad de revisar tanto las competencias cognoscitivas como la forma de ensenar quimica en el salon de clase. Recomendamos indagar y dar importancia al conocimiento previo de los estudiantes, enfatizar la ensenanza de los conceptos y propiciar el aprendizaje con significado.

  19. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    En el escenario estándar de la formación planetaria, los planetesimales (cuerpos de tamaño kilométrico) crecen a partir de granos de polvo, similares a los interestelares, embebidos en un disco gaseoso denominado nebulosa protoplanetaria. Durante esta etapa, los movimientos del gas pueden tener gran influencia en la dinámica y el crecimiento de los granos de polvo, dado que el flujo kepleriano del gas frena el movimiento de los mismos haciendo que caigan hacia el Sol, y la turbulencia inhibe la inestabilidad gravitacional de la capa de polvo. Aunque se acepta que los planetesimales fueron los elementos constituyentes de los planetas, todavía se desconoce cómo se produjo la formación de los mismos. Por esta razón, en los estudios más recientes, existe un renovado interés por comprender mejor la evolución de la capa de polvo inmersa en el disco gaseoso de la Nebulosa. El gas que fluye en el disco puede engendrar estructuras carentes de simetría axial, como por ejemplo ondas espirales y vórtices, a partir de gran variedad de mecanismos de excitación e inestabilidad. En 1995, Barge y Sommeria pusieron de manifiesto que la existencia de vórtices gaseosos persistentes en la nebulosa solar tendría importantes consecuencias sobre la formación de los planetesimales y el posterior crecimiento de los planetas gigantes. La investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis analiza la relación entre el polvo y el gas debida al acoplamiento por fricción dinámica entre ambos; en concreto, se estudia el efecto del flujo medio del gas sobre la dinámica de las partículas de polvo. El primer objetivo es investigar en profundidad los procesos de captura y crecimiento de los granos de polvo dentro de un vórtice y su posible relevancia en cuanto a la formación de los planetesimales. El segundo objetivo es la exploración de los efectos de ondas espirales propagándose en el disco gaseoso sobre la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas. La presencia de líneas de

  20. An Alternative to Kirk's Idea of the Idea and a Future for Physical Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Wayne


    In his book "Physical Education Futures" (Routledge, London) David Kirk (2010) introduces the notion of the idea of the idea of physical education, which challenges all physical educators to think more deeply and broadly about physical education as a school subject. The notion of the idea of the idea enables a "big picture"…

  1. Ideas Plus: A Collection of Practical Teaching Ideas. Book 16.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kaufmann, Felice, Comp.; Kent, Jeannette, Ed.

    Culled from ideas contributed by people attending conferences of the National Council of Teachers of English and by readers of "NOTES Plus" and "IDEAS Plus," the activities contained in this booklet are intended to promote the effective teaching of writing and literature. Teaching strategies offered in the first section of the…

  2. Growing Ideas, 1990-1993.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pranis, Eve, Ed.


    This series of journals includes volumes 1-4 of "Growing Ideas," a journal of garden-based learning. Each issue provides instructional ideas, horticultural information and a forum for exchange among teachers using classroom gardening to stimulate learning. Ideas in each issue are separated into three sections. The "Green Tips"…

  3. Beyond Idea Generation: The Power of Groups in Developing Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McMahon, Kibby; Ruggeri, Azzurra; Kämmer, Juliane E.; Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V.


    Brainstorming research has claimed that individuals are more creative than groups. However, these conclusions are largely based on measuring creativity by the number of ideas generated, and researchers have tended to neglect other important components of creativity, such as the quality of developed ideas. These studies aim to address this gap in…

  4. Teaching Ideas Notebook

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Journal of Aerospace Education, 1977


    Presents teaching ideas for topics in aerospace education including: commemorating Robert Goddard Day on March 16th, commemorating Wright Brothers Day on December 17, utilizing newspaper clippings, and aerospace displays. Ideas are presented in notebook form for removal from the journal. (SL)

  5. The real wilderness idea


    Dave Foreman


    In recent years, some philosophers, historians and literary critics have condemned the “Received Wilderness Idea.” Close examination reveals that this Received Wilderness Idea is a literary/philosophical construct little related to the Real Wilderness Idea that conservationists have used to establish the National Wilderness Preservation System. Analysis of the origin...

  6. Sobre el estado evolutivo de β Pictoris

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Desde el descubrimiento de fuertes excesos infrarrojos en β Pictoris, esta estrella ha sido muy estudiada y es considerada candidata a poseer un sistema planetario propio. β Pic está rodeada de un disco asimétrico de polvo que se observa de canto y que esta vacío a distancias <= 40 AU. Esto se considera una fuerte evidencia en favor de la presencia de (al menos) un planeta gigante. Recientemente se han observado líneas de material circunestelar que se han interpretado como consecuencia de la caída de objetos cometarios sobre esta estrella. Recientemente se ha utilizado la existencia del disco de polvo para atribuir una edad corta (pre - secuencia principal) a βPic. Sin embargo, la evaporación de estos cometas provee suficiente polvo como para explicar la presencia del disco observado sin necesidad de edades cortas. En este trabajo mostramos que la comparación entre la tasa de impactos cometarios estimada en el Sistema Solar para diferentes etapas de su evolución y los datos observados en β Pic indica edades avanzadas para β Pic. Esta estimación debe tomarse con cautela ya que depende de la estructura de los sistemas planetarios. Además mostramos que, desde el punto de vista de la evolución estelar y con las incertezas presentes en la luminosidad y la temperatura efectiva, existe un continuo de edades posible para β Pic. Sin embargo, empleando los datos provenientes de los flujos cometarios encontramos que una edad prolongada es consistente con ambos tratamientos.

  7. Three Seductive Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kagan, Jerome

    Noting that a reluctance to question some assumptions of social and behavior sciences is one reason for the halting progress in these fields, this book examines three potentially misleading ideas and reasons for their continued popularity. Chapter 1 critiques the idea that all behavior is influenced by one's psychological construction of the…

  8. More mind wandering, fewer original ideas: be not distracted during creative idea generation.


    Hao, Ning; Wu, Mengxia; Runco, Mark A; Pina, Jeremy


    Several studies suggest that mind wandering (MW) benefits creativity when the MW occurs in the incubation period of creative problem solving. The aim of present study was to examine the effects of MW that occurs in the course of creative idea generation. Participants received an Alternative Uses Task (AUT) and were asked to generate ideas for 20min. Their MW frequencies as time passed were measured by means of probe-caught MW. Comparisons of the AUT performances of high and low MW groups revealed that greater MW was associated with lower fluency and originality scores on the AUT. Furthermore, the high MW group showed greater MW as time passed, while the low MW group's MW was steady during the course of idea generation. Accordingly, the originality of idea generation decreased with time passing for the high MW group but was steady for the low MW group. The findings suggest that the MW during the course of creative idea generation is negatively related to creativity, perhaps because the control processes involved in idea generation are impaired by the mind wandering. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. The IDEAS**2 computing environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Racheli, Ugo


    This document presents block diagrams of the IDEAS**2 computing environment. IDEAS**2 is the computing environment selected for system engineering (design and analysis) by the Center for Space Construction (CSC) at the University of Colorado (UCB). It is intended to support integration and analysis of any engineering system and at any level of development, from Pre-Phase A conceptual studies to fully mature Phase C/D projects. The University of Colorado (through the Center for Space Construction) has joined the Structural Dynamics Research Corporation (SDRC) University Consortium which makes available unlimited software licenses for instructional purposes. In addition to providing the backbone for the implementation of the IDEAS**2 computing environment, I-DEAS can be used as a stand-alone product for undergraduate CAD/CAE instruction. Presently, SDRC is in the process of releasing I-DEAS level 5.0 which represents a substantial improvement in both the user interface and graphic processing capabilities. IDEAS**2 will be immediately useful for a number of current programs within CSC (such as DYCAM and the 'interruptability problem'). In the future, the following expansions of the basic IDEAS**2 program will be pursued, consistent with the overall objectives of the Center and of the College: upgrade I-DEAS and IDEAS**2 to level 5.0; create new analytical programs for applications not limited to orbital platforms; research the semantic organization of engineering databases; and create an 'interoperability' testbed.

  10. Why do I always have the best ideas? The role of idea quality in unconscious plagiarism.


    Perfect, Timothy J; Stark, Louisa-Jayne


    Groups of individuals often work together to generate solutions to a problem. Subsequently, one member of the group can plagiarise another either by recalling that person's idea as their own (recall-own plagiarism), or by generating a novel solution that duplicates a previous idea (generate-new plagiarism). The current study examines the extent to which these forms of plagiarism are influenced by the quality of the ideas. Groups of participants initially generated ideas, prior to an elaboration phase in which idea quality was manipulated in two ways: participants received feedback on the quality of the ideas as rated by independent judges, and they generated improvements to a subset of the ideas. Unconscious plagiarism was measured in recall-own and generate-new tasks. For recall, idea improvement led to increased plagiarism, while for the generate-new task, the independent ratings influenced plagiarism. These data indicate that different source-judgement processes underlie the two forms of plagiarism, neither of which can be reduced simply to memory strength.

  11. The Simplest Idea Is the Best Idea.


    Wolber, Nicole; Paletz, Laurie; Robertson, Betty; Steiner, Nili; Nezhad, Mani; Guerra, Sonia


    A collaborative approach was used to ascertain an appropriate stimulus for the patients to remember their stroke-specific education. The stroke education had to stand out amidst the myriad of papers and folders patients are bombarded with in the hospital. The team came up with the simple idea of using a bright red folder. When the patients were called, the call center would prompt the patient by saying, "The stroke education was given to you in a bright red folder." Before the implementation of the red folders, only 81.5% of the patients remembered receiving stroke education. After the implementation of the red folders, 96.8% remembered receiving stroke education. The principle of Occam's razor proved to be correct in our study. A very simple idea such as changing the color of the folders to bright red proved to have very meaningful results.

  12. Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Immerzeel, George; Wiederanders, Don


    Four ideas are presented, each a variation of the tic-tac-toe game. Recognizing three addends is the goal of the primary level game; experiences with basic facts and fractions are objectives for upper levels. Each worksheet includes objectives, directions, and comments. (LS)

  13. The Meanings of Astronomical Observation: An Analysis on the Basis of Relationship with Knowledge. (Spanish Title: Los Sentidos de la Observación Astronómica: un Análisis sobre la Base de la Relación con el Saber.) Os Sentidos da Observação Astronômica: Uma Análise com Base na Relação com o Saber

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klein, Alberto Eduardo; de Mello Arruda, Sergio; Meneghello Passos, Marinez; Vinicius Domenes Zapparoli, Ferdinando


    This article presents results of a research which aimed to understand the meanings that people construct for astronomical observation. The subjects, students and school teachers, initially received some instruction on how to view astronomical objects through the telescope. After the observation was realized, they were interviewed. The data analysis allowed the creation of 12 categories, later interpreted on the basis of relationship with knowledge (relation to the world, with himself and with others), as presented by Bernard Charlot. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los sentidos que las personas construyen para la observación astronómica. Los sujetos, los estudiantes y maestros de escuela, recibieron inicialmente algunas instrucciones sobre cómo ver los objetos astronómicos a través del telescopio. Al término de la observación, fueron entrevistados. El análisis de datos permitió la creación de 12 categorías que más tarde fueron interpretadas sobre la base de la relación con el conocimiento (relación con el mundo, consigo mismo y con los demás), tal como presentado por Bernard Charlot. Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou entender quais os sentidos que as pessoas constroem para a observação astronômica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa, estudantes e professores do ensino médio, receberam inicialmente alguma instrução sobre como visualizar os objetos astronômicos através do telescópio. Após a realização da observação, eles foram entrevistados. A análise dos dados permitiu a elaboração de 12 categorias que foram posteriormente interpretadas com base nas relações com o saber (relação com o mundo, consigo mesmo e com o outro), conforme apresentadas por Bernard Charlot.

  14. The distinction between key ideas in teaching school physics and key ideas in the discipline of physics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deng, Zongyi


    The distinction between key ideas in teaching a high school science and key ideas in the corresponding discipline of science has been largely ignored in scholarly discourse about what science teachers should teach and about what they should know. This article clarifies this distinction through exploring how and why key ideas in teaching high school physics differ from key ideas in the discipline of physics. Its theoretical underpinnings include Dewey's (1902/1990) distinction between the psychological and the logical and Harré's (1986) epistemology of science. It analyzes how and why the key ideas in teaching color, the speed of light, and light interference at the high school level differ from the key ideas at the disciplinary level. The thesis is that key ideas in teaching high school physics can differ from key ideas in the discipline in some significant ways, and that the differences manifest Dewey's distinction. As a result, the article challenges the assumption of equating key ideas in teaching a high school science with key ideas in the corresponding discipline of science, and the assumption that having a college degree in science is sufficient to teach high school science. Furthermore, the article expands the concept of pedagogical content knowledge by arguing that key ideas in teaching high school physics constitute an essential component.

  15. Bioética y justicia ambiental en la salud de los pobladores andinos de Perú

    PubMed Central

    Alcantara Zapata, Diana E.; Mazzei Pimental, Marinella


    Este artículo intenta plasmar el panorama bioético-ambiental de la salud del poblador que habita en la sierra peruana, remarcando la inequidad en el acceso a los servicios de salud que existe en esta región y reflexionando sobre las posibles causas contextuales, históricas y actuales que han originado diferencias entre el poblador andino del incanato y el poblador andino actual, el cambio de cosmovisón sobre el ambiente y los recursos, el deterioro del enfoque de justicia, solidaridad, bienestar y respeto hacia el ser humano y la naturaleza. Además, se describe la salud desde el escenario histórico de esta región, donde la salud pública tiene y tendrá como desafío la aplicación de programas que respondan a las necesidades específicas de esta población, con un enfoque dirigido hacia lo ambiental. PMID:29708219

  16. The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam crowd sourcing good ideas for the Saint Louis River

    EPA Science Inventory

    As part of the 2017 Saint Louis River Summit, we propose hosting an “Idea-Slam” using software originally developed by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Idea-box is an open source online app/website used to collect and surface ideas from members of an or...

  17. Guiding New Product Idea Generation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Park, Y.


    The creation of innovative ideas is the initial step in entrepreneurial practice and venture management. As the management of technology is now on the priority agenda of higher education institutions, there is a need to develop pedagogic schemes for idea generation. Despite its importance, the idea generation process is hard to systematize or to…

  18. La Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Modelo Sol-Tierra Análisis de la Situación Actual y Propuesta de Mejora Para la Formación de los Futuros Profesores de Primaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez Sebastià, Bernat


    This work is an extened summary of the autor's PhD thesis. It deals with the teaching of astronomy (day/night, seasons) in primary school. At first, students teachers' undestanding of astronomical concepts related to Sun-Earth system have been analysed. Taking into account the results of the previous analysis and using a socio-constructivist approach a teaching sequence has been designed. This sequence has been tested with different groups of students teachers showing an improvement in their undestanding of elementary astronomical concepts. El trabajo que presentamos es un resumen extenso de la tesis doctoral del autor. El enfoque utilizado ha sido tratar de ligar la investigación sobre las ideas, razonamientos y obstáculos de los profesores de primaria con la planificación de la enseñanza del modelo Sol-Tierra que permite explicar el ciclo día/noche y las estaciones. En primer lugar, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis crítico de los resultados que se obtienen en el aprendizaje de los contenidos astronómicos en la enseñanza habitual. En segundo lugar se ha diseñado un curriculum potencialmente superador de esta situación desde una orientación que concibe la enseñanza y el aprendizaje como un proceso de construcción de conocimientos en una estructura problematizada. Finalmente, esta secuencia didáctica ha sido experimentada con diferentes grupos de estudiantes de magisterio, mostrando una mejora relevante en la comprensión de los conceptos astronómicos fundamentales.

  19. Teaching Main Idea Comprehension.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baumann, James F., Ed.

    Intended to help classroom teachers, curriculum developers, and researchers, this book provides current information on theoretical and instructional aspects of main idea comprehension. Titles and authors are as follows: "The Confused World of Main Idea" (James W. Cunningham and David W. Moore); "The Comprehension of Important…

  20. Putting Ideas on Paper

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Jared; Rogers, Meredith Park


    Many students find it easier to express their ideas about science through talking rather than writing. However, writing in science promotes new learning, helps students consolidate and review their scientific ideas, and aids in reformulating and extending their scientific knowledge. These practices lead to formulating and defending scientific…

  1. Revising the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction System 2002-2011 Data. IDEA Technical Report No. 18

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benton, Stephen L.; Li, Dan; Brown, Ron; Guo, Meixi; Sullivan, Patricia


    This report describes the processes undertaken to revise the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction (SRI) system. The previous revision occurred in 1999, as described in IDEA Technical Report No. 11, "Revising the IDEA System for Obtaining Student Ratings of Instructors and Courses" (Hoyt, Chen, Pallett, & Gross, 1999). The procedures…

  2. Counselor Ideas in Action.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arizona State Dept. of Education, Phoenix.

    This publication contains descriptions of various guidance and counseling programs that are currently in operation in Arizona schools. It is a direct outgrowth of numerous requests that counselors have made concerning "ideas." Hopefully counselors might adopt or adapt some of them wholly or in part to their own situation. Ideas from other states…

  3. That's a good idea, but let's keep thinking! Can we prevent our initial ideas from being forgotten as a consequence of thinking of new ideas?


    Ditta, Annie S; Storm, Benjamin C


    Four experiments examined participants' ability to remember their own ideas in a modified Alternative Uses Task. Participants were asked to generate uses for objects, and on half of the trials participants were then asked to think of more uses. Memory for the initial uses they generated was then tested via a cued-recall task. Results demonstrated that participants forgot their initial uses as a consequence of thinking of new uses (referred to as the thinking-induced forgetting effect), and this effect persisted even when participants chose the subset of uses they thought were the most creative and to be remembered. The only scenario in which uses were protected from forgetting was when they were required to use their uses as hints for generating more ideas. Together, these findings demonstrate that one's own ideas are susceptible to forgetting when additional ideas must be generated, indicating that thinking is a modifier of memory despite one's motivation to preserve their ideas.

  4. Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Berger, Jonah A.; Heath, Chip


    We investigate 1 factor that influences the success of ideas or cultural representations by proposing that they have a habitat, that is, a set of environmental cues that encourages people to recall and transmit them. We test 2 hypotheses: (a) fluctuation: the success of an idea will vary over time with fluctuations in its habitat, and (b)…

  5. What's the Big Idea?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Strout, Erin


    Coming up with ideas for major donations that are not only enticing to the most generous philanthropists but are also aligned with an institution's goals is a vexing problem for many colleges. With 28 colleges now in the midst of capital campaigns with goals of $1-billion or more, finding the right ideas has never been more important. To find…

  6. Towards Modifying Children's Ideas about Electric Current.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Osborne, Roger


    Investigated ideas used/favored by 40 California students (ages 8-12) who received little/no formal teaching about electric currents. Also investigated whether they were interested in or could discuss other childrens' ideas and whether they would change their ideas following exposure to experimental evidence that was at variance with these ideas.…

  7. Idea Bank.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herlocker, Helen; And Others


    Provides information on motivational activities, demonstrations, experiments, software, lessons, field trips, and a game as ideas for instructional use. Includes topics on digestion in paramecium, diffusion, cells, interactive displays, slime molds, and the construction of an underwater viewing device. (RT)

  8. Breakthrough Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American School & University, 1996


    Describes innovative strategies that schools and universities are using to save money and reshape operations. Focuses on ideas in energy efficiency and facilities improvement, direct purchasing, energy management, retrofitting buildings, ceiling insulation upgrades, automation systems, electric demand programs, facilities programs, warranty…

  9. Significado de psicólogas/os de atención primaria de salud sobre la intervención psicosocial de grupo en el tratamiento de la depresión en Chile.


    Andrade, Gonzalo; Espinoza, Adriana


    En Chile, el tratamiento de la depresión en salud pública promueve la realización de Intervenciones Psicosociales en Grupo (IPG) para todos los casos diagnosticados, no obstante, se observa una baja implementación de estas prestaciones. El presente artículo describe y caracteriza, desde el punto de vista de la disciplina psicológica, el significado de psicólogas/os que trabajan en consultorios de atención primaria de salud (APS) sobre las IPG en el tratamiento de la depresión. Se entrevistaron a ocho psicólogas/os de los distintos Servicios de Salud de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Este estudio se basó en las premisas de la Teoría Fundamentada, utilizando sus estrategias de análisis. La categoría "los grupos no nos resultan" expone las principales barreras que impiden la realización de estas intervenciones. La carga laboral centrada en atenciones individuales, el escaso presupuesto destinado a su implementación, y la falta de instalaciones adecuadas para realizar las IPG emergen como barreras institucionales. Asi mismo, la "poca fe" en la efectividad del trabajo en grupo, la figura de las/os psicólogas/os como únicas/os profesionales capacitadas/os para trabajar con las emociones, la idea de que la baja adherencia al tratamiento no depende de su ejercicio laboral, y el hecho de que la implementación de las IPG dependa del interés individual de algunas/os profesionales, emergen como las principales resistencias profesionales a su realización. Se discuten los alcances de estas barreras, y se proponen soluciones que favorezcan el cambio cultural necesario para que las/los profesionales e instituciones de salud puedan alinearse en plenitud con el modelo comunitario de salud propuesto por el Plan Nacional de Salud Mental y Psiquiatría (PNSMP).

  10. Design Ideas, Reflection, and Professional Identity: How Graduate Students Explore the Idea Generation Process

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hutchinson, Alisa; Tracey, Monica W.


    Within design thinking, designers are responsible for generating, testing, and refining design ideas as a means to refine the design problem and arrive at an effective solution. Thus, understanding one's individual idea generation experiences and processes can be seen as a component of professional identity for designers, which involves the…

  11. 10 Stimulating Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kennedy, Mike


    This fall, the Los Angeles Unified School District sold about $2 billion in bonds to finance more projects in its massive school construction program. But the cost of repaying that debt won't be as burdensome as it could have been. Los Angeles took advantage of two federal programs available to school systems through the American Reinvestment and…

  12. From ideas to studies: how to get ideas and sharpen them into research questions.


    Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Pearce, Neil


    Where do new research questions come from? This is at best only partially taught in courses or textbooks about clinical or epidemiological research. Methods are taught under the assumption that a researcher already knows the research question and knows which methods will fit that question. Similarly, the real complexity of the thought processes that lead to a scientific undertaking is almost never described in published papers. In this paper, we first discuss how to get an idea that is worth researching. We describe sources of new ideas and how to foster a creative attitude by "cultivating your thoughts". Only a few of these ideas will make it into a study. Next, we describe how to sharpen and focus a research question so that a study becomes feasible and a valid test of the underlying idea. To do this, the idea needs to be "pruned". Pruning a research question means cutting away anything that is unnecessary, so that only the essence remains. This includes determining both the latent and the stated objectives, specific pruning questions, and the use of specific schemes to structure reasoning. After this, the following steps include preparation of a brief protocol, conduct of a pilot study, and writing a draft of the paper including draft tables. Then you are ready to carry out your research.

  13. From ideas to studies: how to get ideas and sharpen them into research questions

    PubMed Central

    Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Pearce, Neil


    Where do new research questions come from? This is at best only partially taught in courses or textbooks about clinical or epidemiological research. Methods are taught under the assumption that a researcher already knows the research question and knows which methods will fit that question. Similarly, the real complexity of the thought processes that lead to a scientific undertaking is almost never described in published papers. In this paper, we first discuss how to get an idea that is worth researching. We describe sources of new ideas and how to foster a creative attitude by “cultivating your thoughts”. Only a few of these ideas will make it into a study. Next, we describe how to sharpen and focus a research question so that a study becomes feasible and a valid test of the underlying idea. To do this, the idea needs to be “pruned”. Pruning a research question means cutting away anything that is unnecessary, so that only the essence remains. This includes determining both the latent and the stated objectives, specific pruning questions, and the use of specific schemes to structure reasoning. After this, the following steps include preparation of a brief protocol, conduct of a pilot study, and writing a draft of the paper including draft tables. Then you are ready to carry out your research. PMID:29563838

  14. Ideas for Office Occupations Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alverson, Ruby; And Others

    Prepared by South Carolina office occupations teachers, this booklet contains ideas for effective and motivating teaching methods in office occupations courses on the secondary school level. Besides ideas generally applicable, suggestions are included for teaching the following specific subjects: (1) accounting, (2) recordkeeping, (3) cooperative…

  15. How to pitch a brilliant idea.


    Elsbach, Kimberly D


    Coming up with creative ideas is easy; selling them to strangers is hard. Entrepreneurs, sales executives, and marketing managers often go to great lengths to demonstrate how their new concepts are practical and profitable--only to be rejected by corporate decision makers who don't seem to understand the value of the ideas. Why does this happen? Having studied Hollywood executives who assess screenplay pitches, the author says the person on the receiving end--the "catcher"--tends to gauge the pitcher's creativity as well as the proposal itself. An impression of the pitcher's ability to come up with workable ideas can quickly and permanently overshadow the catcher's feelings about an idea's worth. To determine whether these observations apply to business settings beyond Hollywood, the author attended product design, marketing, and venture-capital pitch sessions and conducted interviews with executives responsible for judging new ideas. The results in those environments were similar to her observations in Hollywood, she says. Catchers subconsciously categorize successful pitchers as showrunners (smooth and professional), artists (quirky and unpolished), or neophytes (inexperienced and naive). The research also reveals that catchers tend to respond well when they believe they are participating in an idea's development. As Oscar-winning writer, director, and producer Oliver Stone puts it, screen-writers pitching an idea should "pull back and project what he needs onto your idea in order to make the story whole for him." To become a successful pitcher, portray yourself as one of the three creative types and engage your catchers in the creative process. By finding ways to give your catchers a chance to shine, you sell yourself as a likable collaborator.

  16. Bright ideas and their architects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mann, Tony


    Stephen Wolfram was a child prodigy, receiving his PhD in particle physics at the age of 20. But you don't need to know about his achievements to read Wolfram's latest book Idea Makers: Personal Perspectives on the Lives and Ideas of Some Notable People.

  17. Late-onset schizophrenia: do recent studies support categorizing LOS as a subtype of schizophrenia?


    Maglione, Jeanne E; Thomas, Scot E; Jeste, Dilip V


    To review recent literature about late-onset schizophrenia (LOS): schizophrenia with onset between ages 40 and 60 years. New findings are presented in the context of the previous literature. Newer studies continue to suggest that early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) and LOS share fundamental clinical features (i.e., positive symptoms, negative symptoms, functional deficits). One larger recent study confirmed earlier findings that LOS differs from EOS in several important ways, including predominance of women, lower severity of positive symptoms, and lower average antipsychotic dose requirement. However, this study did not find LOS patients were more likely to have the paranoid subtype or to have less severe negative symptoms compared with EOS patients. New neuroimaging and molecular studies are identifying possible differences in the underlying pathophysiology of EOS and schizophrenia developing in mid-life to late-life; however, more research is needed to confirm these findings and determine their significance. No studies evaluated treatment strategies specifically in LOS. LOS continues to be an understudied area. Recent studies add support to the idea that LOS may be a distinct subtype of schizophrenia. Studies designed to elucidate the pathophysiology of LOS in comparison with EOS and to assess treatment strategies in this population are needed.

  18. Bright Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Armstrong, Phil


    Discusses how to upgrade lighting technology in schools to reduce energy consumption and cut operating costs. Explores fixture efficiency using ballast and lamp upgrades and compact fluorescent lights. Other ideas include changing exit signs to ones that use less wattage, improving luminary efficiency through use of reflectors and shielding…

  19. Idea Bank.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Science Teacher, 1986


    Provides descriptions of activities and programs that have been successful with secondary science students. Includes ideas related to repairing radio-controlled cars, cooperative science-library center, observation exercises, recordkeeping skills and peer grading, DC power supply, chemistry of poison ivy, spore science, and a tic-tac-toe review…

  20. Best Ideas: Sources and Influences.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nix, Sarah Beach

    "Best ideas" are chosen because they correspond with and confirm existing beliefs, are perceived as advantageous, are relatively uncomplicated, and can be experimented with. "Best ideas" for reading instruction would be chosen both by reading professionals at the university and by teachers in the classroom on the basis of which…

  1. Neurobiología de la impulsividad y los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria*

    PubMed Central

    Orozco-Cabal, Luis Felipe; Herin, David


    Resumen Introducción La impulsividad es un rasgo de personalidad multidimensional relacionado con el control del comportamiento y las emociones. Está presente de manera diversa en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, particularmente, en la bulimia nerviosa (BN). Aunque la relación entre la impulsividad y BN ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, en la actualidad se desconocen los sustratos neurobiológicos de esta relación. Objetivos Discutir críticamente la evidencia que sugiere que las alteraciones en los sistemas neuronales relacio-nados con las funciones ejecutivas, con la formación de preferencias y con la regulación de los estados emocionales sirven como base para el rasgo de personalidad impulsiva, así como su estado en subgrupos de pacientes con BN. Métodos Búsqueda selectiva de la literatura relevante. Resultados y conclusiones Esta discusión ilustra la complejidad de la relación entre la impulsividad y BN, donde la impulsividad actúa como un factor de vulnerabilidad que puede sensibilizar al sujeto con BN a estados emocionales negativos, durante los cuales modifica el impacto de estímulos internos y externos sobre el comportamiento y su regulación, favoreciendo así patrones de comportamiento maladaptativos e inflexibles. PMID:19838321

  2. The Idea of Patents vs. the Idea of University.


    de Campos, Thana Cristina


    It is generally accepted that patents are a driving force for innovation through research and development. But the university's involvement in patenting is problematic as well. In particular, it is in tension with the idea of a university itself. If patents entail a restriction on the accessibility of the scientific knowledge that has been patented, and if the main purpose of universities is to produce and disseminate knowledge to the public, then, there is a tension: when universities patent their research innovations, they are making the scientific knowledge they produce less accessible to the public. The paper argues that university patenting contradicts the very idea of a university as an institution whose mission is fundamentally to disseminate the knowledge it produces to the public. The practice of university patenting involves an un-academic attitude thus: by inciting an attitude towards knowledge that is not consistent with the proper attitudes and goals of a university, university patenting hurts university's integrity.

  3. Actitudes Éticas de los estudiantes y egresados en carrera de medicina con metodologías activas

    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Stepke, Fernando Lolas; Silveira, Carla Cristina Costa; Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti; Trindade, Eliane Mendonça Vilar; Guiotti, Murilo Galvão


    El presente estudio tiene por objeto desarrollar un diagnostico de la inserción integrada de la ética en la carrera de medicina brasileña con una metodología de aprendizaje basada en problemas y describir las percepciones de actitudes éticas de los estudiantes y egresados. El diseño metodológico es un estudio de caso, descriptivo y documental, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra de esta investigación ha sido constituida por 120 estudiantes y 40 egresados de dos promociones del Curso de Medicina de la ESCS. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación - SES/DF. Los estudiantes y egresados de la ESCS demostraron un buen manejo en el abordaje de los conflictos éticos y respeto a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el análisis de sensibilidad ética mostró una fragilidad en las percepciones y aptitudes inapropiadas de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, identificada básicamente en los años iniciales, que necesitan más discusiones sistematizadas sobre los aspectos éticos y bioéticos integrados a las actividades prácticas para estimular y fortalecer la reflexión ética de los estudiantes. PMID:20981242

  4. IDEAS Pamphlet for CES

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miranda, David J.; Santora, Joshua D.; Hochstadt, Jake


    Pamphlet on the IDEAS project for the Game Changing Development programs NASA booth at the Consumer Electronics Show. Pamphlet covers a high level overview of the technology developed and its capabilities. The technology being developed for the Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System (IDEAS) project is a wearable computer system with an optical heads-up display (HUD) providing various means of communication and data manipulation to the user. The wearable computer, in the form of smart glasses, would allow personnel to view and modify critical information on a transparent, interactive display. This is presented in their unobstructed field of view, without taking their eyes or hands away from their critical work. The product is being designed in a modular manner so that the user can adjust the capabilities of the device depending on need. IDEAS is a full featured hardware and softwaresystem built to enhance the capabilities of theNASA work force on the ground and in space.

  5. What a great idea! Someone should evaluate that...


    Schmidt, David D


    How often, as clinicians, do we see a really clever idea implemented in the workplace? In rural health in particular, creative work-around solutions are relatively commonplace. However, the evaluation and promotion of these ideas is less so, and this leads to lost opportunities for perpetuating these clever ideas. This paper explores one rural clinician's experience of what can happen if, instead of appreciating and complementing a great idea, that step of evaluating the great idea is taken. A reflective narrative was created, beginning with a corridor conversation ('What a great idea! Someone should evaluate that...'), continuing through a formal research project and ending with the impact of that project and the way its findings were communicated and implemented. The narrative outlines the effect of evaluating one great idea at the individual, workplace, organisational, state and national levels. Clinicians are well placed to identify great ideas in practice. Making the decision to evaluate these ideas can lead to personal growth, professional discovery and organisational benefits. With motivation and organisational support, who knows where evaluation may lead?

  6. Idea Bank.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Science Teacher, 1993


    Presents a series of science teaching ideas with the following titles: When Demonstrations Are Misleading, Lasers and Refraction, An Improved Stair-Step Model, Correcting Your Compass, Seeing Is Not Believing, Food Coloring: From the Kitchen to the Lab, Punny Business, Portfolios in Science, Feathers or Gold: A Case for Using the Metric System,…

  7. IDEA, Amended or Not, the Past Is Prologue.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Laski, Frank


    This article comments on recommended changes to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) included in "Perspectives on the Future of the IDEA" (Hardman and others). It is argued that we have ignored and trivialized important legal requirements already in IDEA, and that the current IDEA has served us well. (CR)

  8. Thirty Simple Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adams, Caralee


    This article presents thirty simple ideas for interactive whiteboards and how IWB can make one's teaching life easier. These teaching ideas for the interactive whiteboard can be used by teachers every day. Tips for classroom management are also presented.

  9. Career Education: An Idea Book.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Portland Public Schools, OR.

    The career education idea book is aimed at the K-6 level and is designed to give useful ideas to teachers making career education a part of their program. The main thrust is developing an awareness of one's self and of the world of work. The book is color-coded for convenience; approximately half is comprised of activities in 11 areas: self-image;…

  10. The creative brain in the figural domain: Distinct patterns of EEG alpha power during idea generation and idea elaboration.


    Rominger, Christian; Papousek, Ilona; Perchtold, Corinna M; Weber, Bernhard; Weiss, Elisabeth M; Fink, Andreas


    This study investigated EEG activity in the upper alpha band during the well-known Picture Completion Task of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT), a widely used creative ideation task in the figural domain. The application of a sophisticated computerized version of the TTCT facilitating the online assessment and digitalizing of participant's drawings allowed to separate two central stages of the creative ideation process (i.e., idea generation and idea elaboration). During idea generation, the participants' task was to generate an initial draft of an original and creative completion of the presented abstract lines and figures of the TTCT. During idea elaboration, the participants were required to mentally improve the originality of the initially generated idea/draft. Creative ideation in this figural task was generally associated with comparatively strong desynchronization of upper alpha power over parietal and occipital sites, indicating high visual/figural processing demands. Interestingly, the stage of idea elaboration was accompanied by a relative increase of upper alpha power at parietal and occipital sites compared to the stage of idea generation, indicating heightened top-down processing demands. Furthermore, task performance was associated with relative increases of upper alpha power at frontal sites and relative decreases at centro-temporal sites from the stage of idea generation to idea elaboration. This association suggests the importance of increased inhibitory control over stimulus-based bottom-up information and motor imagery in order to achieve more creative outputs. Taken together these findings add to the relevant literature in that they a) extend research on the relationship between EEG alpha activity and creativity to the figural domain, and b) support a multistage view of creative ideation, involving cognitive control and mental imagery as important components of creativity. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Book of Ideas in Business Education. Activities and Ideas to Motivate Students toward Improved Business Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Education, Oklahoma City.

    Developed by Oklahoma Business Education Teachers under the auspices of the Oklahoma State Department of Education, this book of ideas contains short, one-to-three-paragraph descriptions of activities and ideas to motivate students toward improved business education. The business education content areas included in this document are divided into…

  12. Ecosystem stewardship: good idea, but how?

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ecosystem stewardship and resilience-based management are admirable concepts that remain largely conceptual. Beyond a suite of general ideas, including linkages among ecological models, monitoring, stakeholder engagement, and social learning, there is not a replicable method to use the ideas in the ...

  13. Give Us Your Ideas | NOAA Gulf Spill Restoration Websites

    , you can still make your voice heard by submitting a project idea. Restoration Project Ideas Suggest a Project If you have project ideas, you can submit them online. You can also view projects that have been submitted for consideration. When and How Will My Project Be Considered? Your project ideas are being

  14. Wars of Ideas and the War of Ideas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    product. A classic example is the “ Cola Wars” between Coca - Cola and Pepsi- Cola . Wars of Ideas: Some Conclusions. Inconclusive outcomes are not...classic example is the ongoing war of slogans and images between Coca - Cola and Pepsi- Cola . Each uses a combination of slogans, images, and celebrities the United States with an acquired taste for Coca - Cola , and in a global bottling and distribution network. Another notable marketing move was

  15. Living in the WOW of Your Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mabry, M. Parker


    Recently, the author got to thinking about some of the ideas that have crossed her mind in the last couple of weeks. The list made her smile. And as she went over it point by point in her head she tried to determine what, if any, reasonable or logical patterns were emerging in her myriad of ideas. The four divergent ideas presented in this article…

  16. Stata Hybrids: Updates and Ideas

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fieldler, James


    At last year's Stata conference I presented two projects for using Python with Stata: a plugin that embeds the Python programming language within Stata and code for using Stata data sets in Python. In this talk I will describe some small improvements being made to these projects, and I will present other ideas for combining tools with Stata. Some of these ideas use Python, some use JavaScript and a web browser.

  17. Upper Grades Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thornburg, David; Beane, Pam


    Presents programming ideas using LOGO, activity for converting flowchart into a computer program, and a Pascal program for generating music using paddles. Includes the article "Helping Computers Adapt to Kids" by Philip Nothnagle; a program for estimating length of lines is included. (JN)

  18. Turkish Students' Ideas about Global Warming

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kilinc, Ahmet; Stanisstreet, Martin; Boyes, Edward


    A questionnaire was used to explore the prevalence of ideas about global warming in Year 10 (age 15-16 years) school students in Turkey. The frequencies of individual scientific ideas and misconceptions about the causes, consequences and "cures" of global warming were identified. In addition, several general findings emerged from this…

  19. Teaching Controversial Ideas: Implications for Change.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eisenstein, Herbert S.


    Discusses three controversial ideas in education: Dewey's concept of education as continuous experience; Freire's concept of praxis as a pedagogy of freedom; and Maxine Greene's concern with autonomy and choice. Describes how teachers and education in general could benefit from the integration of these ideas into the teacher education curriculum.…

  20. Idea Swap: The Best Ideas Come from Teachers Like You!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instructor, 2006


    This article presents several activities and teaching ideas shared by teachers. One teacher shared how an Egyptian mummy-making activity can be a great hands-on learning through time. Another teacher shared how a bowl filled with popcorn kernels has made it easy for her to get the attention of her students.

  1. Time: Assessing Understanding of Core Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thomas, Margaret; McDonough, Andrea; Clarkson, Philip; Clarke, Doug


    Although an understanding of time is crucial in our society, curriculum documents have an undue emphasis on reading time and little emphasis on core underlying ideas. Given this context, a one-to-one assessment interview, based on a new framework, was developed and administered to investigate students' understanding of core ideas undergirding the…

  2. Transforming Ethnomathematical Ideas in Western Mathematics Curriculum Texts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dickenson-Jones, Amelia


    When ethnomathematical ideas, that is, the mathematical ideas of different cultural groups, are included in mathematics curriculum texts they can become part of the learning experience in various ways. Once included in western classroom mathematics texts, the ethnomathematical ideas become transformed. The transformations involve changes in form…

  3. Making Cultura Count inside and out of the Classroom: Public Art & Critical Pedagogy in South Central Los Angeles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garcia, Luis-Genaro


    In this article, artist, educator, and activist Luis-Genaro Garcia describes the development and impact of the "May Day service learning project" on his advanced painting class in a high school in South Los Angeles. The project emerged from students' interests: their ideas, concerns for their community, socio-political consciousness, and…

  4. Ideas for Directors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Child Care Information Exchange, 1987


    Presents child care center directors with a variety of relevant management ideas from business and the child care field. They include translating employee body language; leadership myths; on-the-job teacher training; undesirable bosses; wasting employee talent; voicing disagreement; employee anger; encouraging creativity; and coping with late…

  5. Ideas for Directors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Child Care Information Exchange, 1989


    Presents a variety of ideas and guidelines for day care directors on such topics as managing a procrastinator; improving annual reports; quality commandments; mini fiestas for children, parents, and teachers; selective reading for directors; morning exercise programs for the staff; and suggestions for successful fundraising. (BB)

  6. Using "Energy Ideas" in the Teaching of Biology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Needham, Richard


    "Energy ideas" run through much of secondary school biology teaching. These ideas are not always consistent with each other or with the ideas used by other science disciplines. Would a change in terminology help avoid confusion or do we need to review the use of "energy" in science teaching?

  7. Structuring the Curriculum around Big Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alleman, Janet; Knighton, Barbara; Brophy, Jere


    This article provides an inside look at Barbara Knighton's classroom teaching. She uses big ideas to guide her planning and instruction and gives other teachers suggestions for adopting the big idea approach and ways for making the approach easier. This article also represents a "small slice" of a dozen years of collaborative research,…

  8. 10 Best Ideas for Reading Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fry, Edward, Ed.

    This book contains 44 articles on the topic "10 Best Ideas for Reading Teachers." Each of the articles, however, is different, because each of the authors sees the assigned title from a different perspective and from a different background. Some of the articles in the book concentrate on seminal ideas, and others give actual teaching…

  9. Stochastic evolution in populations of ideas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicole, Robin; Sollich, Peter; Galla, Tobias


    It is known that learning of players who interact in a repeated game can be interpreted as an evolutionary process in a population of ideas. These analogies have so far mostly been established in deterministic models, and memory loss in learning has been seen to act similarly to mutation in evolution. We here propose a representation of reinforcement learning as a stochastic process in finite ‘populations of ideas’. The resulting birth-death dynamics has absorbing states and allows for the extinction or fixation of ideas, marking a key difference to mutation-selection processes in finite populations. We characterize the outcome of evolution in populations of ideas for several classes of symmetric and asymmetric games.

  10. Stochastic evolution in populations of ideas

    PubMed Central

    Nicole, Robin; Sollich, Peter; Galla, Tobias


    It is known that learning of players who interact in a repeated game can be interpreted as an evolutionary process in a population of ideas. These analogies have so far mostly been established in deterministic models, and memory loss in learning has been seen to act similarly to mutation in evolution. We here propose a representation of reinforcement learning as a stochastic process in finite ‘populations of ideas’. The resulting birth-death dynamics has absorbing states and allows for the extinction or fixation of ideas, marking a key difference to mutation-selection processes in finite populations. We characterize the outcome of evolution in populations of ideas for several classes of symmetric and asymmetric games. PMID:28098244

  11. Big Ideas in Primary Mathematics: Issues and Directions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Askew, Mike


    This article is located within the literature arguing for attention to Big Ideas in teaching and learning mathematics for understanding. The focus is on surveying the literature of Big Ideas and clarifying what might constitute Big Ideas in the primary Mathematics Curriculum based on both theoretical and pragmatic considerations. This is…

  12. Performance Funding: From Idea to Action

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NJ1), 2011


    Performance funding--the linking of allocation of resources to accomplishment of certain desired outcomes--is an idea that is once again finding favor with policymakers. It has intuitive appeal; what's not to like about paying for results? While it is a notion that makes common sense to most decisionmakers, it is an idea with a very checkered…

  13. Sharing Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tunis, Harry B., Ed.


    Two teaching ideas integrate mathematics and business. The first discusses consumer deception by such ploys as false bottoms on containers and simple rather than compound interest on investments. The second describes a business mathematics course in which students are motivated by contracting for certain jobs and potential bonuses. (MDH)

  14. Sharing Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mathematics Teacher, 1981


    The following ideas are presented: plans for constructing a calculator bin rack that provides a place for a school to store and charge calculators; a lesson in geometry based on a news article about salt containers; and a very simple approach to the concept of infinite geometric series. (MP)

  15. The Idea Notebook.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Journal of Experiential Education, 1981


    A new journal feature shares practical ideas in experiential education in less than 800 words. This issue presents an initiative problem, rules for rope push, exercise illustrating dependence on schedules, how to experience a handicap, maple sugaring project, assignment bridging the generation gap, simulating literary experiences, and local…

  16. Postsecondary Transition under IDEA 2004: A Legal Update

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Prince, Angela M. T.; Katsiyannis, Antonis; Farmer, Jennie


    Postsecondary transition planning for students with disabilities first entered the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. The required provisions for transition planning were updated with the amendments to IDEA in 1997 and its reauthorization in 2004. Since IDEA 2004 took effect in July 2005, 11 court cases have been decided…

  17. Pedagogia artistica: la conceptualizacion y la creatividad en estudiantes de ciencias de sexto grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz Colon, Edwin A.

    Se realizo un estudio fenomenologico sobre la conceptualizacion, la creatividad y el valor del dibujo en propiciar un contexto creativo para el aprendizaje de ciencias de sexto grado. La conceptualizacion se interpreto como un proceso que ocurre en las relaciones que los estudiantes establecen entre los temas de estudio y las ideas principales, las experiencias previas, las creencias personales, el tiempo y el valor de la conservacion ambiental. La esencia de la creatividad se definio en funcion de la imaginacion, las destrezas, la intencion, la libertad de pensamiento y expresion y el contexto. El dibujo propicio un ambiente creativo de aprendizaje en las ciencias al facilitar el uso del pensamiento cientifico profundo, el inquirir artistico y la expresion libre.

  18. View Early Restoration Project Ideas | NOAA Gulf Spill Restoration Websites

    Archive Home View Early Restoration Project Ideas View Early Restoration Project Ideas share Posted on , these natural resource trustees have been accepting restoration project ideas from members of the public online. Use the map to see projects by location or view projects in a list. If you have project ideas

  19. Drawing, Visualisation and Young Children's Exploration of "Big Ideas"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brooks, Margaret


    It is in the visualisation of ideas, and the expression or representation of our ideas, that we can bring something more clearly into consciousness. A drawing might be seen as an externalisation of a concept or idea. Drawing has the potential to play a mediating role in the visualisation of ideas and concepts in relation to young children…

  20. Effects of Process and Outcome Accountability on Idea Generation.


    Häusser, Jan Alexander; Frisch, Johanna Ute; Wanzel, Stella; Schulz-Hardt, Stefan


    Previous research on the effects of outcome and process accountability on decision making has neglected the preceding phase of idea generation. We conducted a 2 (outcome accountability: yes vs. no) × 2 (process accountability: yes vs. no) experiment (N = 147) to test the effects of accountability on quantity and quality of generated ideas in a product design task. Furthermore, we examined potential negative side effects of accountability (i.e., stress and lengthened decision making). We found that (a) outcome accountability had a negative effect on quantity of ideas and (b) process accountability extended the idea generation process. Furthermore, any type of accountability (c) had a negative effect on uniqueness of ideas, (d) did not affect the quality of the idea that was selected, and (e) increased stress. Moreover, the negative effect of accountability on uniqueness of ideas was mediated by stress.

  1. Classroom Idea-Sparkers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kieff, Judith


    This article presents four Idea-Sparkers that were submitted by Jason McKinney, a graduate student at Southern Mississippi University and a 1st-grade teacher at Pisgah Elementary in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. First is entitled, "Raceway in the Classroom." This activity can help increase children's fluency and ability to identify numerous…

  2. Sharing Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Crouse, Richard J.; And Others


    The first idea concerns a board game similar to tic-tac-toe in which the strategy involves the knowledge of the factorization of quadratic polynomials. The second game uses the calculation of the surface areas of solid figures applying the specific examples of cigar boxes and cylindrical tin cans. (JJK)

  3. A theoretical flaw in the advance market commitment idea.


    Sonderholm, Jorn


    Infectious and parasitic diseases cause massive health problems in the developing world. Research and development of drugs for diseases that mainly affect poor people in developing countries is limited. The advance market commitment (AMC) idea is an incentivising mechanism for research and development of drugs for neglected diseases. Discussion of the AMC idea is of renewed interest given the launch in June 2009 of the first AMC. This pilot AMC is designed to, among other things, test the idea for potential future applications. This paper is a critique of the AMC idea. It seeks to show that the idea has a hitherto unrecognised theoretical flaw that should make policy-makers and donors hesitant to embrace future applications of the idea.

  4. An Idea Whose Time Had Come

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tuckett, Alan


    Good ideas have many parents, bad ones are often orphans. And since it is now 20 years since the first Adult Learners' Week in England, and the idea has been adopted and adapted to local circumstances in 55 countries, there must be something going for it. As the twenty-first Adult Learners' Week gets underway, the author reflects on the origins of…

  5. You have an idea, now what?


    Gertner, Michael


    The innovation process is often more important than the original idea, particularly when the ultimate goal is to improve patient care through technologically advanced products. Many physicians have great ideas; unfortunately, many of these great ideas are never translated to patient care improvements because of a misunderstanding of "the next step." In many cases, the next step is a step backward to understand the real clinical problem: "the clinical need." With the clinical need in hand, the most efficient path to a product for improved patient care can then be derived. Often, the most efficient pathway involves an appreciation of many issues, including intellectual property, regulatory pathways, finance, and clinical trial strategies. The integration of these issues underlies innovation in biomedical technology.

  6. Kacang Cerdik: A Conceptual Design of an Idea Management System

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murah, Mohd Zamri; Abdullah, Zuraidah; Hassan, Rosilah; Bakar, Marini Abu; Mohamed, Ibrahim; Amin, Hazilah Mohd


    An idea management system is where ideas are stored and then can be evaluated and analyzed. It provides the structure and the platform for users to contribute ideas for innovation and creativity. Designing and developing an idea management system is a complex task because it involves many users and lot of ideas. Some of the critical features for…

  7. Innovative Teaching Ideas. A Sharing of Teaching Tips, Ideas and Methods.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tenney, Richard W., Ed.; And Others

    Compiled from materials collected from 150 teachers of agriculture across New York State who participated in a series of 11 regional agriculture inservice workshops, this resource guide contains innovative techniques for classroom operation as well as suggestions for using available resources. The ideas have been organized into the following eight…

  8. Where'd You Get That Idea?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Karolak, Eric


    When it comes to public policy, so often ideas seem to come out of the blue or to not reflect the reality educators know from their program or their community. That's why it's so important to develop a relationship with policymakers at the local, state, and national levels. If an idea comes up, they'll be more likely to seek input from educators.…

  9. Sharing Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mathematics Teacher, 1992


    Presents three teaching ideas involving (1) results of participation in the annual American Statistical Association's poster contest for students in grades K-12; (2) a variation on an annuity problem in which the contribution each year is increased by a given percentage; and (3) concrete activities to help students understand the meaning of radian…

  10. New ideas for affordable space missions


    Eller, E; Roussel-Dupre, D; Weiss, R; Bruegman, O


    In September 1995, NASA-Goddard held a workshop on low-cost access to space for science missions. The workshop provided briefings on balloons, sounding rockets, Shuttle payloads, and low-cost free-flyer concepts, to provide options of getting experiments into space. This report is the result of a panel session organized with the aim of generating new ideas beyond those presented in the workshop. In addition to the authors, Orlando Figueroa and Paul Ondrus of NASA-Goddard and Richard Zwirnbaum of Computer Sciences Corp. participated in the discussions. The ideas presented do not necessarily reflect the current thinking of NASA managers. Although the panel discussion was focused on the kinds of science missions usually funded by NASA, most of the ideas that were generated are relevant to military and commercial missions as well.

  11. Development and community-based validation of the IDEA study Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IDEA-IADL) questionnaire

    PubMed Central

    Collingwood, Cecilia; Paddick, Stella-Maria; Kisoli, Aloyce; Dotchin, Catherine L.; Gray, William K.; Mbowe, Godfrey; Mkenda, Sarah; Urasa, Sarah; Mushi, Declare; Chaote, Paul; Walker, Richard W.


    Background The dementia diagnosis gap in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is large, partly due to difficulties in assessing function, an essential step in diagnosis. Objectives As part of the Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) study, to develop, pilot, and validate an Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) questionnaire for use in a rural Tanzanian population to assist in the identification of people with dementia alongside cognitive screening. Design The questionnaire was developed at a workshop for rural primary healthcare workers, based on culturally appropriate roles and usual activities of elderly people in this community. It was piloted in 52 individuals under follow-up from a dementia prevalence study. Validation subsequently took place during a community dementia-screening programme. Construct validation against gold standard clinical dementia diagnosis using DSM-IV criteria was carried out on a stratified sample of the cohort and validity assessed using area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve analysis. Results An 11-item questionnaire (IDEA-IADL) was developed after pilot testing. During formal validation on 130 community-dwelling elderly people who presented for screening, the AUROC curve was 0.896 for DSM-IV dementia when used in isolation and 0.937 when used in conjunction with the IDEA cognitive screen, previously validated in Tanzania. The internal consistency was 0.959. Performance on the IDEA-IADL was not biased with regard to age, gender or education level. Conclusions The IDEA-IADL questionnaire appears to be a useful aid to dementia screening in this setting. Further validation in other healthcare settings in SSA is required. PMID:25537940

  12. Development and community-based validation of the IDEA study Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IDEA-IADL) questionnaire.


    Collingwood, Cecilia; Paddick, Stella-Maria; Kisoli, Aloyce; Dotchin, Catherine L; Gray, William K; Mbowe, Godfrey; Mkenda, Sarah; Urasa, Sarah; Mushi, Declare; Chaote, Paul; Walker, Richard W


    The dementia diagnosis gap in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is large, partly due to difficulties in assessing function, an essential step in diagnosis. As part of the Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) study, to develop, pilot, and validate an Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) questionnaire for use in a rural Tanzanian population to assist in the identification of people with dementia alongside cognitive screening. The questionnaire was developed at a workshop for rural primary healthcare workers, based on culturally appropriate roles and usual activities of elderly people in this community. It was piloted in 52 individuals under follow-up from a dementia prevalence study. Validation subsequently took place during a community dementia-screening programme. Construct validation against gold standard clinical dementia diagnosis using DSM-IV criteria was carried out on a stratified sample of the cohort and validity assessed using area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve analysis. An 11-item questionnaire (IDEA-IADL) was developed after pilot testing. During formal validation on 130 community-dwelling elderly people who presented for screening, the AUROC curve was 0.896 for DSM-IV dementia when used in isolation and 0.937 when used in conjunction with the IDEA cognitive screen, previously validated in Tanzania. The internal consistency was 0.959. Performance on the IDEA-IADL was not biased with regard to age, gender or education level. The IDEA-IADL questionnaire appears to be a useful aid to dementia screening in this setting. Further validation in other healthcare settings in SSA is required.

  13. Brainstorming for Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mogahed, Mogahed M.


    Learners occasionally complain that they lack ideas when sitting down to write a composition. Teachers complain that they do not want to spend half the class time telling students what to write. There is an answer. Teachers brainstorm words connected with the topic in class before setting the composition for homework. The question remains: how to…

  14. Seeing Children's Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Curtis, Deb


    A group of toddlers was offered long, colorful, translucent tubes to enjoy and explore. As always, they amazed adults with the many ideas they used to investigate and learn with them. The tubes are long and the children marveled at how they could easily lift these objects up taller than their bodies. At the center of the children's explorations…

  15. From Young Children's Ideas about Germs to Ideas Shaping a Learning Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ergazaki, Marida; Saltapida, Konstantina; Zogza, Vassiliki


    This paper is concerned with highlighting young children’s ideas about the nature, location and appearance of germs, as well as their reasoning strands about germs’ ontological category and biological functions. Moreover, it is concerned with exploring how all these could be taken into account for shaping a potentially fruitful learning environment. Conducting individual, semi-structured interviews with 35 preschoolers (age 4.5-5.5) of public kindergartens in the broader area of Patras, we attempted to trace their ideas about what germs are, where they may be found, whether they are good or bad and living or non-living and how they might look like in a drawing. Moreover, children were required to attribute a series of biological functions to dogs, chairs and germs, and finally to create a story with germs holding a key-role. The analysis of our qualitative data within the “NVivo” software showed that the informants make a strong association of germs with health and hygiene issues, locate germs mostly in our body and the external environment, are not familiar with the ‘good germs’-idea, and draw germs as ‘human-like’, ‘animal-like’ or ‘abstract’ entities. Moreover, they have significant difficulties not only in employing biological functions as criteria for classifying germs in the category of ‘living’, but also in just attributing such functions to germs using a warrant. Finally, the shift from our findings to a 3-part learning environment aiming at supporting preschoolers in refining their initial conceptualization of germs is thoroughly discussed in the paper.

  16. History of Great Ideas: An Honors Seminar.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Terrill, Marty; And Others

    The History of Great Ideas is an interdisciplinary seminar course for sophomore honor students at North Arkansas Community Technical College that teaches the intellectual history of western civilization. Each semester, students study 14 ideas from science, philosophy, history, religion, sociology, and economics to discover how philosophical…

  17. Entrepreneurial Idea Identification through Online Social Networks

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lang, Matthew C.


    The increasing use of social network websites may signal a change in the way the next generation of entrepreneurs identify entrepreneurial ideas. An important part of the entrepreneurship literature emphasizes how vital the use of social networks is to entrepreneurial idea identification, opportunity recognition, and ultimately new venture…

  18. 50 Practical Promotion Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Madeyski, Tom


    Includes 50 cost-effective ideas for promoting camp in the areas of recruiting new campers, encouraging returning campers, advertising strategies, printing brochures and other written materials, using photographs, targeting groups for camp facility rental, and effectively using the media. (LP)

  19. Ideas for Creating and Overcoming Student Silences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Woods, Donald R.; Sheardown, Heather


    The key idea is that 50 minutes of teacher talk with passive student listening is relatively ineffective in developing student learning. Teachers can create silences for productive active student learning. Students can also change from passive listeners to active talker-discussers of their learning. Ideas are given about how to overcome silences…

  20. Learning for Maximum Impact: Four Critical but Overlooked Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roberson, Sam


    Thinking and learning are corresponding and interdependent processes in every classroom. To improve learning, teachers must be open to new ideas, particularly ideas that locate conditions for maximum learning. This paper presents four overlooked but critical ideas that identify a common area, a GAP experience within which maximum learning is…

  1. Parade of Homes Display Features Energy-Saving Ideas Websites

    Parade of Homes Display Features Energy-Saving Ideas For more information contact: George Douglas Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory will showcase energy efficient and solar energy ideas

  2. Impact of Text on Idea Generation: An Electroencephalography Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sun, Lingyun; Xiang, Wei; Chai, Chunlei; Wang, Changlu; Liu, Zheng


    Sketching is widely used as a creative tool, playing a significant role in industrial design. Designers commonly use sketching to generate and evaluate ideas, leading to subsequent development of the most promising ideas. The current study examined the use of text in the idea generation sketching process among novices and experts. The…

  3. Core Ideas and Topics: Building Up or Drilling Down?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cooper, Melanie M.; Posey, Lynmarie A.; Underwood, Sonia M.


    In this paper we discuss how and why core ideas can serve as the framework upon which chemistry curricula and assessment items are developed. While there are a number of projects that have specified "big ideas" or "anchoring concepts", the ways that these ideas are subsequently developed may inadvertently lead to fragmentation…

  4. Student Ideas & Inquiries: Investigating Friction in the Physics Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Campbell, Todd; Neilson, Drew


    Encouraging students to share their ideas, design mechanisms for testing ideas, and make conclusions about the validity of their ideas on the basis of evidence collected can enhance teaching about friction. The authors focus on teaching science content and science processes in a holistic manner so that students develop enduring understandings of…

  5. Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ideas About Scientific Practices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ricketts, Amy


    With the goal of producing scientifically literate citizens who are able to make informed decisions and reason critically when science intersects with their everyday lives, the National Research Council (NRC) has produced two recent documents that call for a new approach to K-12 science education that is based on scientific practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. These documents will potentially influence future state standards and K-12 curricula. Teachers will need support in order to teach science using a practices based approach, particularly if they do not have strong science backgrounds, which is often the case with elementary teachers. This study investigates one cohort (n = 19) of preservice elementary teachers' ideas about scientific practices, as developed in a one-semester elementary science teaching methods course. The course focused on eight particular scientific practices, as defined by the National Research Council's A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012). Participants' written reflections, lesson plans and annotated teaching videos were analyzed in fine detail to better understand their ideas about what it means to engage in each of the practices. The findings suggest that preservice elementary teachers hold promising ideas about scientific practices (such as an emphasis on argumentation and communication between scientists, critical thinking, and answering and asking questions as the goal of science) as well as problematic ideas (including confusion over the purpose of modeling and the process of analysis, and conflating argumentation and explanation building). These results highlight the strengths and limitations of using the Framework (NRC 2012) as an instructional text and the difficulties of differentiating between preservice teachers' content knowledge about doing the practices and their pedagogical knowledge about teaching the practices.

  6. Categorizing Ideas about Trees: A Tree of Trees

    PubMed Central

    Fisler, Marie; Lecointre, Guillaume


    The aim of this study is to explore whether matrices and MP trees used to produce systematic categories of organisms could be useful to produce categories of ideas in history of science. We study the history of the use of trees in systematics to represent the diversity of life from 1766 to 1991. We apply to those ideas a method inspired from coding homologous parts of organisms. We discretize conceptual parts of ideas, writings and drawings about trees contained in 41 main writings; we detect shared parts among authors and code them into a 91-characters matrix and use a tree representation to show who shares what with whom. In other words, we propose a hierarchical representation of the shared ideas about trees among authors: this produces a “tree of trees.” Then, we categorize schools of tree-representations. Classical schools like “cladists” and “pheneticists” are recovered but others are not: “gradists” are separated into two blocks, one of them being called here “grade theoreticians.” We propose new interesting categories like the “buffonian school,” the “metaphoricians,” and those using “strictly genealogical classifications.” We consider that networks are not useful to represent shared ideas at the present step of the study. A cladogram is made for showing who is sharing what with whom, but also heterobathmy and homoplasy of characters. The present cladogram is not modelling processes of transmission of ideas about trees, and here it is mostly used to test for proximity of ideas of the same age and for categorization. PMID:23950877

  7. Transforming an idea into a scholarly project.


    Ng, Lillian; Cullum, Sarah; Cheung, Gary; Friedman, Susan Hatters


    This article describes components of a workshop designed to orientate psychiatric trainees to the task of conducting a scholarly project. The aims are: to promote an approach that incorporates principles of adult learning to guide trainees who are undertaking research; to allow trainees to transform their ideas into more tangible research questions; and to enable supervisors to reflect on delivering similar content in scholarly project workshops. The workshop comprised: creating a safe space to explore ideas; discussing the process of posing a question or hypothesis; using group interactions to generate concepts; and considering personal values that influence the choice of research methodology to answer a question. Examples are provided from the workshop. The process enabled trainees to generate and distil ideas into more concrete questions and methods in three phases: introductory, exploratory and tangible. Adult learning principles may assist trainees to develop their ideas for a scholarly project into research questions that are relevant to clinical practice. Harnessing the creative potential of a peer collective may encourage deeper inquiry, shifts to a tangible output and a sustained interest in research.

  8. [The Academy of Ideas - second edition 2014].



    The Academy of Ideas is an initiative of the Italian Society of Nephrology, dedicated to young people who work in nephrology. The 2014 edition wants to foster innovative ideas at different levels of maturity along the research and innovation process, through two distinct sections meant for people who present basic or applied research ideas and for people who submit proofs of concepts transferable to products or services in a relatively short time period. The proposal aims to enhance grant application skills, giving to young researchers the opportunity of collaborating with multi-disciplinary groups of professionals; help young researchers to exploit ideas arising from clinical research and showing a Technology Readiness Level that allows immediate or close in time applicability; foster the understanding of the business perspective in the nephrology sector: giving to young scientists the opportunity to have in-hand experience on challenges related to bringing to the market research results; create a network of knowledge and collaboration among young researchers to facilitate the establishment of collaborative relationships and promote the creation of new projects and publications of high scientific impact.

  9. From Young Children's Ideas about Germs to Ideas Shaping a Learning Environment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ergazaki, Marida; Saltapida, Konstantina; Zogza, Vassiliki


    This paper is concerned with highlighting young children's ideas about the nature, location and appearance of germs, as well as their reasoning strands about germs' ontological category and biological functions. Moreover, it is concerned with exploring how all these could be taken into account for shaping a potentially fruitful learning…

  10. Creativity: The Role of Unconscious Processes in Idea Generation and Idea Selection

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ritter, Simone M.; van Baaren, Rick B.; Dijksterhuis, Ap


    Today's world of continuous change thrives on creative individuals. Anecdotal reports suggest that creative performance benefits from unconscious processes. Empirical research on the role of the unconscious in creativity, though, is inconsistent and thus far has focused mainly on one aspect of the creative process--idea generation. This is the…


    PubMed Central

    Fernández, Ana Michelle; McFarlane, Melvin Negrón; González, Ricardo; Díaz, Leslie; Betancourt-Díaz, Elba; Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villarruel, Antonia


    RESUMEN La comunicación sobre sexualidad entre padres/madres y adolescentes enfrenta dificultades particulares producto de factores socioculturales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar las actitudes de padres/madres y adolescentes hacia la comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad. Los resultados emanan de la medición inicial del Proyecto Cuídalos. Los datos de este estudio forman parte de un estudio amplio que evaluó un módulo interactivo basado en la web para mejorar comunicación sobre temas de salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes entre 13–17 años. En este artículo, reportamos datos basales que contestaron los/as participantes sobre comodidad al hablar sobre temas de salud sexual. La muestra, de los datos aquí expuestos, estuvo compuesta por 458 diadas de madres/padres y sus hijos/as adolescentes (n=916). Se realizó análisis de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central con los datos obtenidos inicialmente. La edad promedio de los adolescentes fue de 15 años, de los que un 15% se encontraban activos sexualmente. Los/as adolescentes tienen mejor disposición que los/as padres/madres para hablar sobre sexualidad. Sin embargo, los/as padres/madres entienden que comparten suficiente información sobre temas relacionados a la sexualidad. Los/as padres/madres y adolescentes reportaron algún grado de dificultad e incomodidad al hablar sobre métodos específicos de prevención. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de incorporar a los/as padres/madres en intervenciones con adolescentes sobre temas de salud sexual. En Puerto Rico es necesario desarrollar programas dirigidos a minimizar las conductas sexuales de alto riesgo en jóvenes. PMID:28736599

  12. Translating Ovide Decroly's Ideas to Brazilian Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hai, Alessandra Arce; Simon, Frank; Depaepe, Marc


    This article seeks to analyse, comprehend and apprehend the appropriation processes of Ovide Decroly's ideas in Brazil through the translation of his books and that of Amélie Hamaïde into Portuguese. The article discusses the following questions. Why did Brazilian intellectuals and teachers need to import Decroly's ideas to be applied in Brazilian…

  13. IDEA Clean Energy Application Center

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Thornton, Robert P.

    The DOE Clean Energy Application Centers were launched with a goal of focusing on important aspects of our nation’s energy supply including Efficiency, Reliability and Resiliency. Clean Energy solutions based on Combined Heat & Power (CHP), District Energy and Waste Heat Recovery are at the core of ensuring a reliable and efficient energy infrastructure for campuses, communities, and industry and public enterprises across the country. IDEA members which include colleges and universities, hospitals, airports, downtown utilities as well as manufacturers, suppliers and service providers have long-standing expertise in the planning, design, construction and operations of Clean Energy systems. They representmore » an established base of successful projects and systems at scale and serve important and critical energy loads. They also offer experience, lessons learned and best practices which are of immense value to the sustained growth of the Clean Energy sector. IDEA has been able to leverage the funds from the project award to raise the visibility, improve the understanding and increase deployment CHP, District Energy and Waste Heat Recovery solutions across the regions of our nation, in collaboration with the regional CEAC’s. On August 30, 2012, President Obama signed an Executive Order to accelerate investments in industrial energy efficiency (EE), including CHP and set a national goal of 40 GW of new CHP installation over the next decade IDEA is pleased to have been able to support this Executive Order in a variety of ways including raising awareness of the goal through educational workshops and Conferences and recognizing the installation of large scale CHP and district energy systems. A supporting key area of collaboration has involved IDEA providing technical assistance on District Energy/CHP project screenings and feasibility to the CEAC’s for multi building, multi-use projects. The award was instrumental in the development of a first-order screening

  14. The Idea of Property

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Starr, Isidore


    Reviews case law, constitutional principles, and early American writings which deal with the idea of private property. Concludes that, in the future, the issues of laissez-fare capitalism, government regulation, and the welfare state will require further clarification of our conception of private property. (JDH)


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    3. LOS ANGELES RIVER AND FIGUEROA STREET VIADUCTS ACROSS LOS ANGELES RIVER. LOOKING 18° N. - Arroyo Seco Parkway, Figueroa Street Viaduct, Spanning Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  16. Research-Supported Ideas for Implementing Reauthorized IDEA with Intelligent Professional Psychological Services

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Berninger, Virginia W.


    The recent reauthorization of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA; 2004) is first discussed in its historical context. Then, a programmatic line of research (funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development since 1989) is described that is relevant to a proposed model for universal…

  17. The trouble with drink: why ideas matter.


    Edwards, Griffith


    This paper builds upon the work of previous authors who have explored the evolution of ideas in the alcohol arena. With revisions in the relevant sections of ICD and DSM forthcoming, such matters are of considerable contemporary importance. The focus here will be upon the history of the last 200 years. The main themes to be explored include the flux of ideas on what, over time, has counted as the trouble with drink, ideas on the cause of the problem and the impact of this thinking on public action. Medical authorities of the late Enlightenment period made the revolutionary suggestion that habitual drunkenness constituted a disease, rather than a vice. The thread of that idea can be traced to the present day, but with an alternative perception of drink itself or alcohol-related problems generally, as cause for concern, also having a lineage. There are several inferences to be drawn from this history: the need for vigilance lest disease formulations become stalking-horses for moralism and social control, the need to integrate awareness of alcohol dependence as a dimensional individual-level problem, with a public health understanding of the vastly amorphous and at least equally important universe of alcohol-related problems; the dangers lurking in scientific reductionism when the problems at issue truly require a multi-disciplinary analysis; and the need for global consensus rather than cultural imposition of ideas on what counts as the problem with drink.

  18. Memorias del tercer simposio internacional sobre economía, planificación, y políticas de los incendios forestales: problemas y enfoques comunes


    Armando González-Cabán


    Estas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la proteccion contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual que agencias en la comunidad internacional. Los temas discutidos en el simposio incluyen economía del fuego, teoría y modelos...

  19. Declaración SPIRIT 2013: definición de los elementos estándares del protocolo de un ensayo clínico*

    PubMed Central

    Chan, An-Wen; Tetzlaff, Jennifer M.; Altman, Douglas G.; Laupacis, Andreas; Gøtzsche, Peter C.; Krleža-Jerić, Karmela; Hrobjartsson, Asbjørn; Mann, Howard; Dickersin, Kay; Berlin, Jesse A.; Dore, Caroline J.; Parulekar, Wendy R.; Summerskill, William S.M.; Groves, Trish; Schulz, Kenneth F.; Sox, Harold C.; Rockhold, Frank W.; Rennie, Drummond; Moher, David


    Resumen El protocolo de un ensayo clínico es la base para planificar, ejecutar, publicar y evaluar el ensayo. Sin embargo, los protocolos y las guías que existen para su elaboración varían enormemente en cuanto a su calidad y contenido. En este artículo se describe la elaboración sistemática y el alcance de la Declaración SPIRIT 2013 (denominada así por la sigla en inglés de Standard Protocol items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials o Elementos estándares de un protocolo: recomendaciones para los ensayos de intervención), una guía en la que se establecen los contenidos mínimos que debe tener el protocolo de un ensayo clínico. La lista de comprobación de la declaración SPIRIT, que consta de 33 elementos, se aplica a los protocolos de todos los ensayos clínicos y se centra más en el contenido que en el formato. En esta lista se recomienda hacer una descripción completa de lo que se ha planificado, aunque no se establece cómo diseñar o ejecutar un ensayo. Al brindar orientación sobre los contenidos fundamentales, las recomendaciones SPIRIT procuran facilitar la redacción de protocolos de alta calidad. El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones SPIRIT debería mejorar la transparencia y la exhaustividad de los protocolos de los ensayos en beneficio de los investigadores, los participantes, los pacientes, los patrocinadores, los financiadores, los comités de ética de la investigación o las juntas de revisión institucionales, los revisores, las revistas biomédicas, los registros de ensayos, los formuladores de políticas, los organismos reguladores y otras partes interesadas clave. PMID:27440100

  20. Developing the nuclear idea: concept, technique, and process.


    Billow, Richard M


    I introduce an approach to group that has remained undeveloped in the literature, but represents an essence of relationally oriented group psychotherapy. Evolving from the verbalizations and enactments through which the group symbolizes and becomes known-a nuclear idea takes shape. It emerges from the nucleus of the group process: co-created from intersubjective forces and locations that cannot be fully specified, yet may be possible to observe, name, and utilize clinically. Groups organize themselves by developing nuclear ideas, with the therapist's active participation. They are vehicles through which a group comes to think about its thinking: not only what it thinks, but also how it thinks, or chooses not to think, and when and why. Developing the nuclear idea provides a framework for how the therapist-and the group itself-goes about the task of containing. With its emphasis on meaning and the development of meaning as transformational, the concept of the nuclear idea supplements the whole group, interpersonal, and intrapsychic lenses through which the therapist comes to understand group experience and base interventions. Clinical vignettes illustrate how the therapist may develop nuclear ideas thematically, conceptualize further, and negotiate meaning with the co-participation of other group members.

  1. Grants: Genesis of Some Funded Proposal Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pazdar, John


    While "thinking outside the box" can be an over-used phase at times, in the world of grants it can provide the genesis of ideas. The "box" is the world of academia accepted by most educators, while "thinking outside" is the process that leads to grant ideas. In the grant world, "thinking outside the box" is a process of doing something that has…

  2. Ideas for the Accounting Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kerby, Debra; Romine, Jeff


    Innovative ideas for accounting education include having students study accounting across historical periods, using businesses for student research, exploring nontraditional accounting careers, and collaborating with professional associations. (SK)

  3. Potential Cost Savings Ideas for FAA and Users

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The intent of this paper is to catalogue potential cost-savings ideas which : impact both the FAA and the aviation community. These ideas have come from : various sources including MITRE, Coopers & Lybrand (C&L), FAA studies, General : Accounting Off...

  4. Idea Project Final Report, Driver-Adaptive Warning System

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  5. Idea Project Final Report, Laser Vehicle Detector-Classifier

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  6. Ideas versus labor: what do children value in artistic creation?


    Li, Vivian; Shaw, Alex; Olson, Kristina R


    As scientists, we primarily award authorship, as well as legal patents, to those who generate ideas, often without formally crediting others who executed the actual experiments. However, little is known about how and when people come to value ideas. Here, we investigate whether young children also value ideas over labor. In Study 1, we found that 4 and 6 year olds preferred pictures containing their ideas to those containing their labor. In Study 2 we rule out an alternative explanation-that children simply favor pictures containing their idiosyncratic preferences-by discovering that 6 year olds, but not 4 year olds chose a picture they mistakenly believed contained their idea, over a picture that contained their idiosyncratic preferences. Consistent with these results, using a third-party design in Study 3, we found that 6 year olds, but not 4 year olds favored a person who only contributed an idea over another who only contributed labor in awarding ownership. Across three studies, these results suggest that by 6 years old, children value ideas over labor. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Developing Ideas through Forensics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Derryberry, Bob R.

    If forensic activity is to contribute to student growth and development, careful attention must be given to training and experience in developing ideas. Borrowing from the time-honored premise of invention, forensics educators should highlight argument construction as a foundation in speechwriting practices. Some of the essential premises or…

  8. The influence of Nietzsche on Freud's ideas.


    Chapman, A H; Chapman-Santana, M


    The striking analogies between the ideas of Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche, whose works were published from one to three decades before those of Freud, have been commented upon, but no previous systematic correlation of the ideas of Nietzsche and Freud has been made. The major works of Nietzsche were read, and each possible analogy to an idea later broached by Freud was correlated by a systematic review of his works. Any references to Nietzsche in Freud's writings and reported conversation were culled. Concepts of Nietzsche which are similar to those of Freud include (a) the concept of the unconscious mind; (b) the idea that repression pushes unacceptable feelings and thoughts into the unconscious and thus makes the individual emotionally more comfortable and effective; (c) the conception that repressed emotions and instinctual drives later are expressed in disguised ways (for example, hostile feelings and ideas may be expressed as altruistic sentiments and acts); (d) the concept of dreams as complex, symbolic "illusions of illusions" and dreaming itself as a cathartic process which has healthy properties; and (e) the suggestion that the projection of hostile, unconscious feelings onto others, who are then perceived as persecutors of the individual, is the basis of paranoid thinking. Some of Freud's basic terms are identical to those used by Nietzsche. Freud repeatedly stated that he had never read Nietzsche. Evidence contradicting this are his references to Nietzsche and his quotations and paraphrases of him, in causal conversation and his now published personal correspondence, as well as in his early and later writings.

  9. Investigaccion-accion en la sala de clases sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios y su relacion reciproca con el aprendizaje de las ciencias biologicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cordova-Santiago, Lizzette Astrid

    La investigacion---accion que se llevo a cabo en la sala de clases tenia como punto de partida las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios para luego examinar sus implicaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias Biologicas. ¿Que se supone que hagan las creencias en relacion con el aprendizaje? ¿En que consiste incorporar este aspecto a la practica educativa universitaria? Utilizando el modelo de Kemmis y McTaggart (1987) la investigacion-accion se planteo como un proceso dinamico en cuatro momentos en espiral constituidos por la planificacion, la accion, la observacion y la reflexion. Cada una de las fases tuvo una intencion retrospectiva y prospectiva formando una espiral de autorreflexion del conocimiento y la accion. Se llevaron a cabo audio grabaciones en clases y analisis de documentos. Ademas, la profesora-investigadora hizo un portafolio para reflexionar sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tienen los estudiantes y las creencias del aprendizaje que tiene la profesora y sobre como la comprension de estos elementos ayudo a mejorar su practica educativa a traves del tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tiene el grupo de estudiantes son diversas. Ellos si creen que la ciencia tiene una cultura la cual describieron como: complicada y desconocida que evoluciona constantemente, que es un conjunto de metodos, que es altamente tecnologica, que resuelve problemas de salud, ayuda a interpretar la realidad del mundo que los rodea y su origen y que existen unas intersecciones entre la ciencia y el poder. Sobre las creencias del proceso de aprendizaje de la profesora-investigadora, estas senalan que el modelaje de actores, la vision de la academia que tiene ella asi como la participacion y negociacion entre todos los involucrados en el proceso educativo, son factores que inciden en el proceso de aprendizaje.

  10. Ideas for Intercultural Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marginson, Simon; Sawir, Erlenawati


    Written by a cross-cultural pair of authors, "Ideas for Intercultural Education" takes a critical look at present approaches to international education, focusing on the intercultural potential that it offers but mostly fails to deliver. The underlying premise of this profound, engaging book is that international education can be a transforming…

  11. Fundraising Ideas That Work.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Neugebauer, Roger


    Successful fundraising ideas for childcare centers are presented and guidelines for developing fundraising plans are proposed. Suggestions include diverse sales of products or services to parents and community, events where pleasure and profit can be combined, games of chance, and written or verbal appeals such as phone appeals or newsletters. (AA)

  12. NASA's Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy (IDEA)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bennett, Jeffrey O.; Morrow, Cherilynn A.


    We describe a progressive program in science education called the Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy (IDEA). IDEA represents a commitrnent by the Astrophysics Division of NASA Headquarters to pre-collegiate and public learning. The program enlists the full participation of research astronomers in taking advantage of the natural appeal of astronomy and the unique features of space astrophysics missions to generate valuable learning experiences and scientifically accurate and educationally effective products for students, teachers and citizens. One of the premier projects is called Flight Opportunities for Science Teacher EnRichment (FOSTER) — a program to fly teachers aboard the Kuiper Airborne Observatory during actual research missions. IDEA is managed by a visiting scientist with extensive educational background (each of the authors have served in this role), and the program is unique within NASA science divisions for having a full time scientist devoted to education. IDEA recognizes that the rapidly shifting social and political landscape has caused a fundamental change in how science is expected to contribute to society. It is in the enlightened self-interest of all research scientists to respond to the challenge of connecting forefront research to basic educational needs. IDEA is exploring the avenues needed to facilitate these connections, including supplementing research grants for educational purposes.

  13. NASA's initiative to develop education through astronomy (IDEA)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bennett, Jeffrey O.; Morrow, Cherilynn A.


    We describe a progressive program in science education called the Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy (IDEA). IDEA represents a commitment by the Astrophysics Division of NASA Headquarters to pre-collegiate and public learning. The program enlists the full participation of research astronomers in taking advantage of the natural appeal of astronomy and the unique features of space astrophysics missions to generate valuable learning experiences and scientifically accurate and educationally effective products for students, teachers and citizens. One of the premier projects is called Flight Opportunities for Science Teacher EnRichment (FOSTER) - a program to fly teachers aboard the Kuiper Airborne Observatory during actual research missions. IDEA is managed by a visiting scientist with extensive educational background (each of the authors have served in this role), and the program is unique within NASA science divisions for having a full time scientist devoted to education. IDEA recognizes that the rapidly shifting social and political landscape has caused a fundamental change in how science is expected to contribute to society. It is in the enlightened self-interest of all research scientists to respond to the challenge of connecting forefront research to basic educational needs. IDEA is exploring the avenues needed to facilitate these connections, including supplementing research grants for educational purposes.

  14. Exploring Students' Ideas About Cosmological Concepts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bailey, Janelle M.


    As scientists seek to understand the nature of our Universe, we can also explore our students' understanding of cosmological concepts. What ideas about the origin, evolution, and fate of our Universe do students bring with them to the classroom? In this talk, I will describe an ongoing study in which students' preinstructional ideas are examined. Topics under investigation include the age of the universe; structure and composition, including dark matter and dark energy; the Big Bang; and how astronomers come to understand these topics. Approximately 1000 students have responded to open-ended questions at the start of their introductory astronomy courses. Analysis of the responses, through an iterative process of identifying self-emergent themes, suggests that students have a number of common ideas. For example, students frequently conflate structure terms such as solar system, galaxy, and universe or do not understand the relationship between the terms; believe the universe to be infinitely old; and may not be aware of dark matter or dark energy. Additional themes, as well as the frequencies of typical responses, will be discussed, and future research efforts.

  15. Unconventional Reservoirs: Ideas to Commercialization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tinker, S. W.


    There is no shortage of coal, oil, and natural gas in the world. What are sometimes in short supply are fresh ideas. Scientific innovation combined with continued advances in drilling and completion technology revitalized the natural gas industry in North America by making production from shale economic. Similar advances are now happening in shale oil. The convergence of ideas and technology has created a commercial environment in which unconventional reservoirs could supply natural gas to the North American consumer for 50 years or more. And, although not as far along in terms of resource development, oil from the Eagle Ford and Bakken Shales and the oil sands in Alberta could have a similar impact. Without advanced horizontal drilling, geosteering, staged hydraulic-fracture stimulation, synthetic and natural proppants, evolution of hydraulic fluid chemistry, and high-end monitoring and simulation, many of these plays would not exist. Yet drilling and completion technology cannot stand alone. Also required for success are creative thinking, favorable economics, and a tolerance for risk by operators. Current understanding and completion practices will leave upwards of 80% of oil and natural gas in the shale reservoirs. The opportunity to enhance recovery through advanced reservoir understanding and imaging, as well as through recompletions and infill drilling, is considerable. The path from ideas to commercialization will continue to provide economic results in unconventional reservoirs.

  16. IDEA: Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses.


    Egan, Amy; Mahurkar, Anup; Crabtree, Jonathan; Badger, Jonathan H; Carlton, Jane M; Silva, Joana C


    The availability of complete genomic sequences for hundreds of organisms promises to make obtaining genome-wide estimates of substitution rates, selective constraints and other molecular evolution variables of interest an increasingly important approach to addressing broad evolutionary questions. Two of the programs most widely used for this purpose are codeml and baseml, parts of the PAML (Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood) suite. A significant drawback of these programs is their lack of a graphical user interface, which can limit their user base and considerably reduce their efficiency. We have developed IDEA (Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses), an intuitive graphical input and output interface which interacts with PHYLIP for phylogeny reconstruction and with codeml and baseml for molecular evolution analyses. IDEA's graphical input and visualization interfaces eliminate the need to edit and parse text input and output files, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving processing time. Further, its interactive output display gives the user immediate access to results. Finally, IDEA can process data in parallel on a local machine or computing grid, allowing genome-wide analyses to be completed quickly. IDEA provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to follow a codeml or baseml analysis from parameter input through to the exploration of results. Novel options streamline the analysis process, and post-analysis visualization of phylogenies, evolutionary rates and selective constraint along protein sequences simplifies the interpretation of results. The integration of these functions into a single tool eliminates the need for lengthy data handling and parsing, significantly expediting access to global patterns in the data.

  17. IDEA: Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses

    PubMed Central

    Egan, Amy; Mahurkar, Anup; Crabtree, Jonathan; Badger, Jonathan H; Carlton, Jane M; Silva, Joana C


    Background The availability of complete genomic sequences for hundreds of organisms promises to make obtaining genome-wide estimates of substitution rates, selective constraints and other molecular evolution variables of interest an increasingly important approach to addressing broad evolutionary questions. Two of the programs most widely used for this purpose are codeml and baseml, parts of the PAML (Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood) suite. A significant drawback of these programs is their lack of a graphical user interface, which can limit their user base and considerably reduce their efficiency. Results We have developed IDEA (Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses), an intuitive graphical input and output interface which interacts with PHYLIP for phylogeny reconstruction and with codeml and baseml for molecular evolution analyses. IDEA's graphical input and visualization interfaces eliminate the need to edit and parse text input and output files, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving processing time. Further, its interactive output display gives the user immediate access to results. Finally, IDEA can process data in parallel on a local machine or computing grid, allowing genome-wide analyses to be completed quickly. Conclusion IDEA provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to follow a codeml or baseml analysis from parameter input through to the exploration of results. Novel options streamline the analysis process, and post-analysis visualization of phylogenies, evolutionary rates and selective constraint along protein sequences simplifies the interpretation of results. The integration of these functions into a single tool eliminates the need for lengthy data handling and parsing, significantly expediting access to global patterns in the data. PMID:19061522

  18. Discover IDEA: Supporting Achievement for Children with Disabilities. An IDEA Practices Resource Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Council for Exceptional Children, Arlington, VA.

    This package (with manual, CD-ROM, videotape, and lists of Web-based resources) was designed to assist administrators, service providers, family members, policymakers, and other stakeholders in locating information about Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1997 (IDEA) that will help in implementing both the legal requirements…

  19. Effects of Problem Scope and Creativity Instructions on Idea Generation and Selection

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rietzschel, Eric F.; Nijstad, Bernard A.; Stroebe, Wolfgang


    The basic assumption of brainstorming is that increased quantity of ideas results in increased generation as well as selection of creative ideas. Although previous research suggests that idea quantity correlates strongly with the number of good ideas generated, quantity has been found to be unrelated to the quality of selected ideas. This article…

  20. Idea Generation in Student Writing: Computational Assessments and Links to Successful Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Crossley, Scott A.; Muldner, Kasia; McNamara, Danielle S.


    Idea generation is an important component of most major theories of writing. However, few studies have linked idea generation in writing samples to assessments of writing quality or examined links between linguistic features in a text and idea generation. This study uses human ratings of idea generation, such as "idea fluency, idea…

  1. The Fuel Savers: A Kit of Solar Ideas for Existing Homes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Scully, Dan; And Others

    This publication is a collection of solar heating ideas for the do-it-yourselfer. The ideas are presented in a clear, simple and sometimes amusing way. Although written for homeowners, these ideas may be used in businesses and schools as well. Some ideas may make good student projects. The suggestions are illustrated and their costs and probable…

  2. Children's Anthropomorphic and Anthropocentric Ideas about Micro-Organisms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Byrne, Jenny; Grace, Marcus; Hanley, Pam


    Different views exist about whether anthropomorphic ideas assist or hinder learning in biology. This paper discusses the anthropomorphic and anthropocentric ideas children have about micro-organisms, and whether they affect their understanding. The research was carried out in primary and secondary schools in the South of England and involved 414…

  3. Implementación de un modelo de capacitación multimedial para brindar orientación alimentaria a los beneficiarios de un programa de ayuda social en México.


    Amaya-Castellanos, Maritza Alejandra; Morales-Ruan, María Del Carmen; Uribe-Carvajal, Rebeca; Jiménez-Aguilar, Alejandra; Salazar-Coronel, Araceli Apolonia; Martínez-Tapia, Brenda; Shamah-Levy, Teresa


    Introducción: Se implementó un modelo de capacitación en orientación alimentaria para la población beneficiaria y el personal operativo del Programa de Abasto Rural (PAR) de Diconsa, el cual es una iniciativa social de ayuda alimentaria que abastece productos básicos y complementarios, además de brindar capacitación en localidades de alta marginación en México. Objetivo: Documentar la utilización de la Metodología de Capacitación Multimedial (MCM) en el desarrollo de un esquema de capacitación sobre orientación alimentaria y su implementación en la población beneficiaria del PAR, a través de la propia estructura operativa del PAR. Metodología: El modelo se fundamenta en la MCM, integrada por cuatro elementos didácticos e indivisibles que conforman el paquete pedagógico multimedial (PPM), compuesto a su vez por tres videos y rotafolios, material impreso, prácticas y las relaciones interpersonales. Los ejes temáticos fueron: alimentación correcta para una vida saludable, alimentación materno-infantil, elecciones saludables y gasto familiar. El modelo fue replicado en cascada en los tres niveles operativos del PAR (responsables de capacitación, supervisores operativos y beneficiarios del PAR), con un componente de multiplicación horizontal, e implementado como piloto en cuatro estados de México. Resultados: Se observó un cambio positivo sobre los conocimientos en alimentación correcta en todos los niveles de capacitación, principalmente en los beneficiarios del PAR. La evaluación del proceso mostró conocimientos previos de los responsables de capacitación en los temas, buen desempeño como facilitadores, y habilidades de presentación y manejo del grupo de los supervisores operativos. A partir de las evaluaciones y del acompañamiento en la prueba piloto, fueron modificados las actividades, las estrategias y los materiales educativos del PPM. Conclusiones: La capacitación multimedial y la educación nutricional promueven procesos de


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Levy, R.


    The Iterative DEsign of Antenna Structures (IDEAS) program is a finite element analysis and design optimization program with special features for the analysis and design of microwave antennas and associated sub-structures. As the principal structure analysis and design tool for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Ground Antenna and Facilities Engineering section of NASA's Deep Space Network, IDEAS combines flexibility with easy use. The relatively small bending stiffness of the components of large, steerable reflector antennas allows IDEAS to use pinjointed (three translational degrees of freedom per joint) models for modeling the gross behavior of these antennas when subjected to static and dynamic loading. This facilitates the formulation of the redesign algorithm which has only one design variable per structural element. Input data deck preparation has been simplified by the use of NAMELIST inputs to promote clarity of data input for problem defining parameters, user selection of execution and design options and output requests, and by the use of many attractive and familiar features of the NASTRAN program (in many cases, NASTRAN and IDEAS formatted bulk data cards are interchangeable). Features such as simulation of a full symmetric structure based on analyses of only half the structure make IDEAS a handy and efficient analysis tool, with many features unavailable in any other finite element analysis program. IDEAS can choose design variables such as areas of rods and thicknesses of plates to minimize total structure weight, constrain the structure weight to a specified value while maximizing a natural frequency or minimizing compliance measures, and can use a stress ratio algorithm to size each structural member so that it is at maximum or minimum stress level for at least one of the applied loads. Calculations of total structure weight can be broken down according to material. Center of gravity weight balance, static first and second moments about the center of

  5. A Sobering Big Idea

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wineburg, Sam


    Since Susan Adler, Alberta Dougan, and Jesus Garcia like "big ideas," the author offers one to ponder: young people in this country can not read with comprehension. The saddest thing about this crisis is that it is no secret. The 2001 results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for reading, published in every major…

  6. Effects of Context on Students' Molecular-Level Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Teichert, Melonie A.; Tien, Lydia T.; Anthony, Seth; Rickey, Dawn


    In the studies reported here, we investigate the effects of context on students' molecular-level ideas regarding aqueous solutions. During one-on-one interviews, 19 general chemistry students recruited from a two-year community college and a research university in the United States were asked to describe their molecular-level ideas about various…

  7. Career Education--An Idea Book for Mathematics Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soper, Joan, Ed.

    The book contains a series of career-oriented ideas for mathematics teachers, contributed by teachers in the East Providence Career Education Project. The ideas are the basis of the interdisciplinary contracting system for grades 7-12 in three pilot schools. They are classified by occupational clusters, which the teachers can use to incorporate…

  8. Brainstorming Themes that Connect Art and Ideas across the Curriculum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walling, Donovan R.


    Ideas are starting points-for thought, discussion, reading, viewing, writing, and making. The two "brainstorms on paper" presented in this article illustrate how taking an idea and examining it from an artistic point of view can generate thematic starting points to help teachers and students connect the visual arts to ideas that ripple across the…

  9. The Energy Conservation Idea Handbook. A Compendium of Imaginative and Innovative Examples of Ideas and Practices at Colleges and Universities Today.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tickton, Sidney G.; And Others

    Summarized in this compendium are approximately 500 ideas being used by colleges and universities in the United States to deal with the problem of energy conservation. These ideas range from suggestions that cost pennies to implement to sophisticated computer controls or the construction of new buildings which incorporate alternative energy…

  10. Representaciones sociales sobre la problemática de Chagas en un servicio de salud comunitaria del Gran La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Sanmartino, Mariana; Amieva, Carolina; Medone, Y Paula


    Hablar de Chagas es hablar de una problemática compleja, definida por elementos de carácter biomédico, epidemiológico, sociocultural y político, que se conjugan dinámicamente. En este trabajo buscamos identificar y analizar las representaciones sobre Chagas de los integrantes del equipo de salud de un centro de atención periurbano de la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina. Mediante un abordaje cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y se analizaron las respuestas con la técnica del análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor parte de las personas entrevistadas no contempla al Chagas como una problemática en su contexto laboral cotidiano y manifiestan un fuerte sesgo biologicista en su formación profesional. Con este trabajo señalamos la urgente necesidad de reflexionar críticamente en torno a la formación de los profesionales de la salud en relación a problemáticas socioambientales complejas de importancia regional, como lo es el Chagas.

  11. The idea of philosophical sociology.


    Chernilo, Daniel


    This article introduces the idea of philosophical sociology as an enquiry into the relationships between implicit notions of human nature and explicit conceptualizations of social life within sociology. Philosophical sociology is also an invitation to reflect on the role of the normative in social life by looking at it sociologically and philosophically at the same: normative self-reflection is a fundamental aspect of sociology's scientific tasks because key sociological questions are, in the last instance, also philosophical ones. For the normative to emerge, we need to move away from the reductionism of hedonistic, essentialist or cynical conceptions of human nature and be able to grasp the conceptions of the good life, justice, democracy or freedom whose normative contents depend on more or less articulated conceptions of our shared humanity. The idea of philosophical sociology is then sustained on three main pillars and I use them to structure this article: (1) a revalorization of the relationships between sociology and philosophy; (2) a universalistic principle of humanity that works as a major regulative idea of sociological research, and; (3) an argument on the social (immanent) and pre-social (transcendental) sources of the normative in social life. As invitations to embrace posthuman cyborgs, non-human actants and material cultures proliferate, philosophical sociology offers the reminder that we still have to understand more fully who are the human beings that populate the social world. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2014.

  12. Career Education--An Idea Book for Science Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soper, Joan, Ed.

    The book contains a series of career-oriented ideas for science teachers, contributed by teachers in the East Providence Career Education Project. The ideas are the basis of the interdisciplinary contracting system for grades 7-12 in three pilot schools. They are classified by occupational clusters, which the teachers can use to incorporate their…

  13. Ideas versus Labor: What Do Children Value in Artistic Creation?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Li, Vivian; Shaw, Alex; Olson, Kristina R.


    As scientists, we primarily award authorship, as well as legal patents, to those who generate ideas, often without formally crediting others who executed the actual experiments. However, little is known about how and when people come to value ideas. Here, we investigate whether young children also value ideas over labor. In Study 1, we found that…

  14. Making ideas at scientific fabrication laboratories

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fonda, Carlo; Canessa, Enrique


    Creativity, together with the making of ideas into fruition, is essential for progress. Today the evolution from an idea to its application can be facilitated by the implementation of Fabrication Laboratories, or FabLabs, having affordable digital tools for prototyping. FabLabs aiming at scientific research and invention are now starting to be established inside Universities, Research Centers and Schools. We review the setting up of the ICTP Scientific FabLab in Trieste, Italy, give concrete examples on the use in physics, and propose to replicate world-wide this class of multi-purpose workplaces within academia as a support for physics and math education and for community development.

  15. A Creative Teacher's Innovative-Mind-Expanding Vertebrate Project Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Winters, Faye H.


    The article provides a collection of teaching ideas about vertebrate animals. Ideas include making a poem book about a group of animals, rhyming words with animal names, and finding animal names in a puzzle. (DB)

  16. Una Nueva IDEA: Una Guia para Padres acerca de los Cambios en la Ley de Educacion Especial para Ninos con Incapacidades (A New IDEA: A Parent's Guide to the Changes in Social Education Law for Children with Disabilities).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seltzer, Tammy

    This guide for parents, in Spanish, explains the changes in the federal special education law resulting from the 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Changes related to the parent's role in decisions about the child's education and in how schools can discipline special education students are highlighted. A…

  17. Bartleby the Example and Eros the Idea of the Work: Some Considerations on Giorgio Agamben's "The Idea of Study"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vanhoutte, Kristof K. P.


    The present article investigates the rhythm of study as described by Giorgio Agamben in "The idea of study", present in Idea of prose. In this short treatise, Agamben presents Melville's scrivener Bartleby as the exemplary embodiment of study. Bartleby's paradigmatic status, according to Agamben's interpretation, does,…

  18. Young Children's Ideas about the Earth in Space.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sharp, John G.


    Surveyed 7-year-olds' ideas about the Earth in space, focusing on their ideas about shape and their ability to represent and describe land masses or other surface features, Earth's size relative to the sun and moon, and its nature as a planet. Found that focusing on the Earth's shape and gravity alone has underestimated youngsters' learning…

  19. Enabling Anyone to Translate Clinically Relevant Ideas to Therapies.


    Ekins, Sean; Diaz, Natalie; Chung, Julia; Mathews, Paul; McMurtray, Aaron


    How do we inspire new ideas that could lead to potential treatments for rare or neglected diseases, and allow for serendipity that could help to catalyze them? How many potentially good ideas are lost because they are never tested? What if those ideas could have lead to new therapeutic approaches and major healthcare advances? If a clinician or anyone for that matter, has a new idea they want to test to develop a molecule or therapeutic that they could translate to the clinic, how would they do it without a laboratory or funding? These are not idle theoretical questions but addressing them could have potentially huge economic implications for nations. If we fail to capture the diversity of ideas and test them we may also lose out on the next blockbuster treatments. Many of those involved in the process of ideation may be discouraged and simply not know where to go. We try to address these questions and describe how there are options to raising funding, how even small scale investments can foster preclinical or clinical translation, and how there are several approaches to outsourcing the experiments, whether to collaborators or commercial enterprises. While these are not new or far from complete solutions, they are first steps that can be taken by virtually anyone while we work on other solutions to build a more concrete structure for the "idea-hypothesis testing-proof of concept-translation-breakthrough pathway".

  20. Idea Project Final Report, Passive Optical Lane Position Monitor

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  1. Understanding Students’ Ideas about the Geometry of the Universe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coble, Kimberly A.; Conlon, Mallory; Bailey, Janelle M.


    As astronomers further develop an understanding of the geometry of the Universe, it is essential to study students’ ideas so that instructors can communicate the field’s current status more effectively to their students. In this study, we examine undergraduate students’ pre- instruction ideas in general education astronomy courses (ASTRO 101) at three institutions through pre-course surveys given during the first week of instruction [N ~ 265]. We also examine students’ post-instruction ideas at a single institution through exam questions [N ~ 75] and interviews. Responses are analyzed through an iterative process of identifying self-emergent themes. We examine not only what students think the curvature of the universe is, but also "how we know." We find that many students think the Universe is “round” or that we cannot measure its curvature. Additionally, popular visualizations may enforce incorrect ideas.

  2. Digital Earth - Young generation's comprehension and ideas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.


    The authors are experienced in working with children and students in the field of early warning and crises management and cartography. All these topics are closely connected to Digital Earth (DE) ideas. On the basis of a questionnaire, the young generation's comprehension of DE concept is clarified. Students from different age groups (from 19 to 36) from different countries and with different social, cultural, economical and political backgrounds are asked to provide definition of DE and describe their basic ideas about meaning, methodology and applications of the concept. The questions aim to discover the young generation's comprehension of DE ideas. They partially cover the newest trends of DE development like social, cultural and environmental issues as well as the styles of new communications (Google Earth, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). In order to assure the future development of the DE science, it is important to take into account the young generation's expectations. Some aspects of DE development are considered in the Conclusions.

  3. Who's bringing you hot ideas and how are you responding?


    Davenport, Thomas H; Prusak, Laurence; Wilson, H James


    There's an unsung hero in your organization. It's the person who's bringing in new ideas from the outside about how to manage better. These aren't your product and service innovators--those people are celebrated loudly and often. This is the manager who, for instance, first uttered the phrase "balance scorecard" in your hallways, or "real options," or "intellectual capital." Managerial innovation is an increasingly important source of competitive advantage--especially given the speed with which product innovations are copied--but it doesn't happen automatically. It takes a certain kind of person to welcome new management ideas and usher them into an organization. The authors recently studied 100 such people to find out how they translate new ideas into action in their organizations. They discovered that they are a distinct type of practitioner; that is to say, they resemble their counterparts in other organizations more than they resemble their own colleagues, and they share a common way of working. "Idea practitioners," as the authors call them, begin by scouting for ideas. All of them are avid readers of management literature and enthusiastic participants in business conferences; many are friendly with business gurus. Once they've identified an idea that seems to hold promise, they tailor it to fit their organizations' specific needs. Next, they actively sell the idea--to senior executives, to the rank and file, to middle managers. And finally, they get the ball rolling by participating in small-scale experiments. But when those take off, they get out of the way and let others execute. In this article, the authors identify the characteristics of idea practitioners and offer strategies for managing them wisely.

  4. Kant on historiography and the use of regulative ideas.


    Kleingeld, Pauline


    In this paper, I examine Kant's methodological remarks in the 'Idea for a universal history' against the background of the Critique of pure reason. I argue that Kant's approach to the function of regulative ideas of human history as a whole may still be fruitful. This approach allows for regulative ideas that are grand in scope, but modest and fallibilistic in their epistemic status. Kant's methodological analysis should be distinguished from the specific teleological model of history he developed on its basis, however, because this model can no longer be appropriated for current purposes.

  5. What's the Big Idea? Seeking to Top Apollo

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sherwood, Brent


    Human space flight has struggled to find its soul since Apollo. The astounding achievements of human space programs over the 40 years since Apollo have failed to be as iconic or central to society as in the 1960s. The paper proffers a way human space flight could again be associated with a societal Big Idea. It describes eight societal factors that have irrevocably changed since Apollo; then analyzes eight other factors that a forward HSF Big Idea would have to fit. The paper closes by assessing the four principal options for HSF futures against those eight factors. Robotic and human industrialization of geosynchronous orbit to provide unlimited, sustainable electrical power to Earth is found to be the best candidate for the next Big Idea.

  6. The economics of ideas and intellectual property.


    Boldrin, Michele; Levine, David K


    Innovation and the adoption of new ideas is fundamental to economic progress. Here we examine the underlying economics of the market for ideas. From a positive perspective, we examine how such markets function with and without government intervention. From a normative perspective, we examine the pitfalls of existing institutions, and how they might be improved. We highlight recent research by us and others challenging the notion that government awards of monopoly through patents and copyright are "the way" to provide appropriate incentives for innovation.

  7. The economics of ideas and intellectual property

    PubMed Central

    Boldrin, Michele; Levine, David K.


    Innovation and the adoption of new ideas is fundamental to economic progress. Here we examine the underlying economics of the market for ideas. From a positive perspective, we examine how such markets function with and without government intervention. From a normative perspective, we examine the pitfalls of existing institutions, and how they might be improved. We highlight recent research by us and others challenging the notion that government awards of monopoly through patents and copyright are “the way” to provide appropriate incentives for innovation. PMID:15657138

  8. Ideas Para Fortalecer Las Destrezas en Matematicas. Ideas for Strengthening Mathematics Skills. Spanish Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Bilingual Education.

    Presented is an overview of some specific schemes that have been used successfully by teachers throughout New York State to strengthen basic mathematics skills. Components offer ideas that have been successful with primary, intermediate, and secondary students. The contents of this Spanish language edition are identical to the English language and…

  9. The Upward Progress of Unusually Good Ideas in a Four-Tier Hierarchy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dunning, Robert Scott; Sincoff, Michael Z.

    In long established research organizations, it is necessary to safeguard good research ideas originating at lower organizational levels. The upward progress of unusually good ideas in an organizational hierarchy may be compared with that of ordinary ideas by means of a mathematical model, with the assumption that ideas follow a Poisson…

  10. Virus-Like Ideas: The Role of Counselors in the Ecology of the Ideosphere.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carey, John C.; Lanning, Wayne L.


    Develops an analogy between viruses and ideas. Suggests that ideas, like viruses, can invade and infect us and that immune systems need to be developed to prevent future infection of destructive ideas. Discusses implications of the virus-idea analogy for the counseling profession, including counselors' susceptibility to infectious ideas which they…

  11. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  12. 78 FR 51750 - NASA Asteroid Initiative Idea Synthesis Workshop

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION [Notice: 13-096] NASA Asteroid Initiative Idea... Conference to examine ideas in response to the recent RFI for the agency's Asteroid Initiative. SUMMARY: The... Agency's Asteroid Initiative planning and to enable feedback and discussion from the global community and...

  13. Consistency of Students' Ideas across Evaporation, Condensation, and Boiling

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirbulut, Zubeyde Demet; Beeth, Michael Edward


    Existing research on students' conceptions contain competing philosophical positions concerning the nature of students' ideas--whether those ideas are coherent, systematic and theory-like, or fragmented and incoherent. Existing research has also focused primarily on studies of individual conceptions rather than investigating multiple, related…

  14. Idea Bank: Steps to Visibility.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Music Educators Journal, 1983


    Unique ideas about how to maintain interest in musicals, concerts, and other music performances are described. For example, Project Parent Awareness encouraged parent participation in children's music education and the Akron (Ohio) All-City Festivals of Music provided students with performing opportunities under well-known conductors. (CS)

  15. I Can; Ideas for Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clukey, Ronald

    Intended for Maine teachers working with disadvantaged high school students in programs emphasizing vocational education, the booklet suggests alternative classroom ideas in the areas of finding a job, filling out forms, choosing an occupation, gaining confidence, job skills, managing money, mathematics, consumer education, communication, science,…

  16. Clinical prediction and the idea of a population.


    Armstrong, David


    Using an analysis of the British Medical Journal over the past 170 years, this article describes how changes in the idea of a population have informed new technologies of medical prediction. These approaches have largely replaced older ideas of clinical prognosis based on understanding the natural histories of the underlying pathologies. The 19 th -century idea of a population, which provided a denominator for medical events such as births and deaths, was constrained in its predictive power by its method of enumerating individual bodies. During the 20 th century, populations were increasingly constructed through inferential techniques based on patient groups and samples seen to possess variable characteristics. The emergence of these new virtual populations created the conditions for the emergence of predictive algorithms that are used to foretell our medical futures.

  17. Collaborative Sketching in Crowdsourcing Design: A New Method for Idea Generation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sun, Lingyun; Xiang, Wei; Chen, Shi; Yang, Zhiyuan


    Design integrates concepts and solves problems. Crowdsourcing design imports vast knowledge and produces creative ideas. It publishes design tasks, collects dozens of contributors' ideas and reward the best. Contributors in crowdsourcing design work individually when generating ideas. However, those who collaborate could make better use of crowd's…

  18. Students' Ideas and Radical Constructivism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sánchez Gómez, Pedro J.


    In this article, I study, from the point of view of the analytic philosophy of mind, the compatibility of students' ideas studies (SIS) with radical constructivism (RC). I demonstrate that RC is based on a psychology of narrow mental states; that is, the idea that the mental content of an individual can be fully characterised without any reference external to her or him. I show that this fact imposes some severe restrictions to SIS to be incorporated into RC. In particular, I argue that only qualitative studies can comply with the requirement of narrowness. Nevertheless, I propose that quantitative works can be employed as sources of types in order to study token actual students. I use this type-token dichotomy to put forward an outline of a theory of the relation between school contents and mental contents. In this view, token mental contents regarding a given topic can be defined, and probed, only by resorting to typical school contents.

  19. The Influence of Primary Children's Ideas in Science on Teaching Practice.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Akerson, Valarie L.; Flick, Lawrence B.; Lederman, Norman G.


    Explores how children's ideas in science affect elementary science instruction by investigating whether and how three primary teachers recognize and react to student ideas. Finds that the experienced teacher with the highest level of content knowledge had the largest repertoire for eliciting and addressing student ideas, and the intern teacher's…

  20. 21 Ideas: A 42-Year Search to Understand the Nature of Giftedness

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sternberg, Robert J.


    In this article, I describe the 21 ideas underlying a 42-year search to understand giftedness. I present the ideas roughly chronologically, in the order in which they arose, and discuss how in a career as in science, progress means supplementing or even superseding one idea with the next. In terms of the 21 ideas, I start with a discussion of how…

  1. IDEA and Early Childhood Inclusion.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Barbara J.; Rapport, Mary Jane K.

    This paper discusses 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in general early childhood education settings. The evolution of inclusion policy is explored and changes in disability terminology are described. Amended provisions are then explained and include:…

  2. Exploring Classroom Hydroponics. Growing Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Gardening Association, Burlington, VT.

    Growing Ideas, the National Gardening Association's series for elementary, middle, and junior high school educators, helps teachers engage students in using plants and gardens as contexts for developing a deeper, richer understanding of the world around them. This volume's focus is on hydroponics. It presents basic hydroponics information along…

  3. New Ideas for School Construction.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Producers' Council, Inc., Washington, DC.

    Present educators, architects, engineers, and building product manufacturers with a medium of common interest for discussion of mutual school construction problems, objectives, needs, ideas, capabilities and limitations. Contents include--(1) modern wood construction, (2) school room in a steel mill, (3) masonry in new school design, (4) the…

  4. College Students' Preinstructional Ideas about Stars and Star Formation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bailey, Janelle M.; Prather, Edward E.; Johnson, Bruce; Slater, Timothy F.


    This study (Note 1) investigated the beliefs about stars that students hold when they enter an undergraduate introductory astronomy course for nonscience majors. Students' preinstructional ideas were investigated through the use of several student-supplied-response (SSR) surveys, which asked students to describe their ideas about topics such as…

  5. Non-Disabled Children's Ideas about Disability and Disabled People

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beckett, Angharad E.


    This article discusses findings from an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study exploring non-disabled children's ideas about disability. This represents the first in-depth sociological investigation of children's ideas about disabled people as members of wider society. Data are presented from focus group discussions with children aged…

  6. Mathematics Teachers' Ideas about Mathematical Models: A Diverse Landscape

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bautista, Alfredo; Wilkerson-Jerde, Michelle H.; Tobin, Roger G.; Brizuela, Bárbara M.


    This paper describes the ideas that mathematics teachers (grades 5-9) have regarding mathematical models of real-world phenomena, and explores how teachers' ideas differ depending on their educational background. Participants were 56 United States in-service mathematics teachers. We analyzed teachers' written responses to three open-ended…

  7. The idea of the library in the twenty-first century*

    PubMed Central

    Matheson, Nina W.


    The fundamental idea of the library must change. The nineteenth-century idea of the library as the embalming of dead genius and the twentieth-century idea of the library as the repository for secondhand knowledge must give way to the idea of the library as the owner and the librarian as the manager of first-hand knowledge. In the coming era of knowledge capitalism, those individuals and organizations will flourish who are able to apply knowledge to create knowledge and to organize it to produce knowledge. The roles of present-day librarians and libraries will begin to differentiate sharply over the next decade. Some must seize the opportunity to participate in the transformation of libraries into online knowledge servers. PMID:23509431

  8. [The prevalence of suicide ideas and their psychosocial backgrounds among physicians].


    Gyorffy, Zsuzsa; Adám, Szilvia; Csoboth, Csilla; Kopp, Mária


    A growing body of evidence in the literature suggests that the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity including suicide is high among physicians. Suicidal ideas are the most important predictors of suicides and suicide attempts. The prevalence of suicidal ideas is higher among physicians compared to the general population. Our goal was to search the factors of suicidal ideas among Hungarian physicians on basis of nationwide representative survey, helping to elaborate prevention programs. Data were collected from 298 female and 109 male physicians using questionnaires. 1,754 white-collar workers from a representative survey (Hungarostudy 2002) served as controls. Statistical analysis examined background factors of suicidal thoughts. We found that the prevalence of suicidal ideas among both female (20,3%) and male physicians (12,1%) was significantly higher than that in the respective control groups (12,3% - 7,6%). Female physicians also exhibited significantly higher prevalence of suicidal ideas (p=0.0058 és OR=1,901). Suicidal ideas were associated with work-related stress. Correlation analyses confirmed a significant relationship between high prevalence of suicidal ideas and long working hours (>8 hours), severe anxiety and work-related stress, and role conflict. Further examination of the background factors of suicidal thoughts may help to elaborate more effective health-prevention and conflict-dealing methods.

  9. Advancing Knowledge-Building Discourse through Judgments of Promising Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chen, Bodong; Scardamalia, Marlene; Bereiter, Carl


    Evaluating promisingness of ideas is an important but underdeveloped aspect of knowledge building. The goal of this research was to examine the extent to which Grade 3 students could make promisingness judgments to facilitate knowledge-building discourse. A Promising Ideas Tool was added to Knowledge Forum software to better support…

  10. Art Therapy: Profession or Idea? A Feminist Aesthetic Perspective.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moon, Catherine


    Examines whether art therapy is a profession or an idea by exploring the differences implied by the words "profession" and "idea" and comparing them with the author's experiences as a art therapist. Specifically examines this question in light of the prevalent and distinguishing characteristics of those in the profession. (Author/MKA)

  11. Infrequent social interaction can accelerate the spread of a persuasive idea.


    Burridge, James; Gnacik, Michał


    We study the spread of a persuasive new idea through a population of continuous-time random walkers in one dimension. The idea spreads via social gatherings involving groups of nearby walkers who act according to a biased "majority rule": After each gathering, the group takes on the new idea if more than a critical fraction 1-ɛ/2<1/2 of them already hold it; otherwise they all reject it. The boundary of a domain where the new idea has taken hold expands as a traveling wave in the density of new idea holders. Our walkers move by Lévy motion, and we compute the wave velocity analytically as a function of the frequency of social gatherings and the exponent of the jump distribution. When this distribution is sufficiently heavy tailed, then, counter to intuition, the idea can propagate faster if social gatherings are held less frequently. When jumps are truncated, a critical gathering frequency can emerge which maximizes propagation velocity. We explore our model by simulation, confirming our analytical results.

  12. 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Peterson, Art, Comp.


    The National Writing Project's (NWP) "30 Ideas for Teaching Writing" discusses making grammar lessons dynamic, using casual student conversation as a source for writing, home language as an assisting tool to attain standard English and other topics by presenting strategies contributed by experienced writing project teachers. NWP does not promote a…

  13. Pushing photonic ideas into innovation through crowdfunding

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sumriddetchkajorn, Sarun


    It is known today that crowdfunding is a very popular approach that simultaneously assists in rapidly disseminating creative ideas, performing worldwide market survey, getting the fund, and eventually starting the business. Hence, this article highlights some of the photonics-related ideas that are explored through the promising crowdfunding approach. These include microlenses for mobile devices, specially designed lenses for helmets and solar cells, three-dimensional optical scanners, optical spectrometers, and surface plasmon resonance-based optical sensors. Most of them looks simple and yet are very creative backing up with interesting stories behind them to persuade the target customers to participate.

  14. Estudio comparativo de cúmulos abiertos ricos en estrellas masivas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baume, G.; Feinstein, A.; Vázquez, R. A.

    Los cúmulos abiertos muy jóvenes proveen valiosa información sobre las teorías de evolución estelar. No obstante, no se conoce mucho sobre los miembros mas débiles de estos objetos. Se llevaron a cabo entonces, estudios detallados (fotometría CCD-UBVI y polarimetría) en los cúmulos abiertos: Tr 14, Cr 272, Stok 16, NGC 6231, NGC 3293 y HM 1. Se realizó entonces un análisis comparativo entre ellos y con los objetos Pismis 20 (Vázquez et al. 1995) y NGC 5606 (Vázquez et al. 1994). En particular, se analizó la secuencia principal inferior de los distintos cúmulos, se estudió la extinción interestelar y las propiedades del polvo, se determinaron las correspondientes IMF, y se estudió la forma en que se distribuyen las estrellas menos masivas en relación con las más masivas. Como conclusiones del trabajo se puede decir que se han redeterminado con mayor precisión las distancias y las edades de los objetos bajo estudio, se han hallado varias estrellas con alta probabilidad de estar en fase de contracción y se ha notado una dispersión de edad entre las estrellas más brillantes y las menos brillantes (confirmando la idea de que la formación estelar no es simultánea ni independiente de la masa). Además, se han encontrado que las pendientes de las IMFs de estos objetos son más planas que la de las estrellas de campo y las de cúmulos más evolucionados, siendo comparable con las halladas en objetos jóvenes de la Nube Mayor de Magallanes (Will et al. 1996).

  15. Student Activity Ideas for the Technology Sequence Systems and Foundation Courses.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany.

    This publication provides single-page outlines of brief ideas for high school student activities in each of the System and Foundation Courses of the New York State technology sequence. The idea outlines are provided as a resource to assist teachers in the development of student learning activities. The six courses for which ideas are presented are…

  16. The RIF Book of Ideas: Raising Funds. No. 2.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. National Reading is Fun-damental Program.

    Intended to help communities raise funds for Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) projects, this booklet lists ideas and examples, many volunteered and tested by RIF projects themselves. The first of the booklet's four sections offers suggestions for preparing for a fundraising effort. The next two sections contain ideas on the main avenues of…

  17. Categories of Disability under IDEA

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2012


    Every year, under the federal law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), millions of children with disabilities receive special services designed to meet their unique needs. Early intervention services are provided through the state to infants and toddlers with disabilities under three years of age and their families. For…

  18. Scientific Self-Defense: Transforming Dewey's Idea of Technological Transparency

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waddington, David I.


    In this essay, David Waddington provides a basic outline of John Dewey's often-overlooked views on technology education and explores how these ideas could be updated productively for use in contemporary contexts. Some of the shortcomings of Dewey's ideas are also examined--his faith in the scientific method may have been excessive, and some…

  19. Uncovering Students' Incorrect Ideas about Foundational Concepts for Biochemistry

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villafane, Sachel M.; Loertscher, Jennifer; Minderhout, Vicky; Lewis, Jennifer E.


    This paper presents preliminary data on how an assessment instrument with a unique structure can be used to identify common incorrect ideas from prior coursework at the beginning of a biochemistry course, and to determine whether these ideas have changed by the end of the course. The twenty-one multiple-choice items address seven different…

  20. Career Education--An Idea Book for Teachers of English.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soper, Joan, Ed.

    The book contains a series of career-oriented ideas for English teachers, contributed by teachers in the East Providence Career Education Project. The ideas are the basis of the interdisciplinary contracting system for grades 7-12 in three pilot schools. They are classified by occupational clusters, which the teachers can use to incorporate their…

  1. Career Education--An Idea Book for Social Studies Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soper, Joan, Ed.

    The book contains a series of career-oriented ideas for social studies teachers, contributed by teachers in the East Providence Career Education Project. The ideas are the basis of the interdisciplinary contracting system for grades 7-12 in three pilot schools. They are classified by occupational clusters, which the teachers can use to incorporate…

  2. Investigating Student Ideas about Cosmology I: Distances and Structure

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coble, Kim; Camarillo, Carmen T.; Nickerson, Melissa D.; Trouille, Laura E.; Bailey, Janelle M.; Cochran, Geraldine L.; Cominsky, Lynn R.


    Recently, powerful new observations and advances in computation and visualization have led to a revolution in our understanding of the structure of the Universe. As the field of cosmology advances, it is of interest to study how student ideas relate to scientific understanding. In this paper, we examine in-depth undergraduate students' ideas on…

  3. Three Big Ideas for Reforming Acquisition: Evidence-Based Propositions for Transformation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    specific ideas for improving key aspects of defense acquisition reforming the process for managing capabilities, addressing technology insertion, and...offers three specific ideas for improving key aspects of defense acquisition: reforming the process for managing capabilities, addressing technology...and process changes need to be made for any significant change to be seen. This paper offers reform ideas in three specific areas: achieving the

  4. In Search of the Bright Idea.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pfaff, Tim


    It is suggested that coming up with fresh and interesting ideas for college and university publications requires keeping an open mind to events, people, and surroundings, finding good writers, and planning interesting layouts with illustrations. (MSE)

  5. Bicentennial Booklet of Teaching Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kentucky State Dept. of Education, Frankfort.

    Ideas for celebrating the U.S. Constitution in the classroom, on a schoolwide basis, or in the community are presented in this guide. Classroom activities are categorized into art, research and writing, and miscellaneous. Designing a class mural and a class seal are examples of suggested art activities. In carrying out research activities,…

  6. Ideas and Evidence in Science.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Talbot, Chris


    Describes how some of the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) requirements, which is a central part of the International Baccalaurate (IB) Diploma program, for the natural sciences component can be addressed through case studies from the history of chemistry and related subjects. Provides examples for the 'Ideas and evidence in science' which can be useful…

  7. Transforming Ideas: The Design Process

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nicol, Candace


    In this article, the author discusses how to teach students to think creatively. In the author's search for a way to teach students that there are multiple approaches to visual problems, she found inspiration from advertising. The author asserts students first need permission to explore their latent ideas, and second, they need the tools to…

  8. Sparking Old and New Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams-Rossi, Dara; Campbell, Laurie O.


    In the past, teachers have used chalkboards for "chalk talks," a strategy where a teacher wrote words and drew images to demonstrate reflecting, document generating ideas, and explore knowledge. Out with the old-school version and in with the "Marker Sparker" method, which uses whiteboards or poster paper and colorful markers to achieve the same…

  9. Using "Big Ideas" to Enhance Teaching and Student Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mitchell, Ian; Keast, Stephen; Panizzon, Debra; Mitchell, Judie


    Organising teaching of a topic around a small number of "big ideas" has been argued by many to be important in teaching for deep understanding, with big ideas being able to link different activities and to be framed in ways that provide perceived relevance and routes into engagement. However it is our view that, at present, the…

  10. Children's Ideas about Animal Adaptations: An Action Research Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Endreny, Anna Henderson


    In this paper, I describe the action research I conducted in my third-grade science classrooms over the course of two years. In order to gain an understanding of my third-grade students' ideas about animal adaptations and how the teaching of a unit on crayfish influenced these ideas, I used clinical interviews, observations, and written…

  11. Cosmic Evolution: The History of an Idea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dick, S. J.


    Cosmic evolution has become the conceptual framework within which modern astronomy is undertaken, and is the guiding principle of major NASA programs such as Origins and Astrobiology. While there are 19th- and early 20th century antecedents, as in the work of Robert Chambers, Herbert Spencer and Lawrence Henderson, it was only at mid-20th century that full-blown cosmic evolution began to be articulated and accepted as a research paradigm extending from the Big Bang to life, intelligence and the evolution of culture. Harlow Shapley was particularly important in spreading the idea to the public in the 1950s, and NASA embraced the idea in the 1970s as part of its SETI program and later its exobiology and astrobiology programs. Eric Chaisson, Carl Sagan and others were early proponents of cosmic evolution, and it continues to be elaborated in ever more subtle form as a research program and a philosophy. It has even been termed "Genesis for the 21st century." This paper documents the origin and development of the idea and offers a glimpse of where it could lead if cultural evolution is taken seriously, possibly leading to the concept of a postbiological universe.

  12. Nursings' need for the idea of spirituality.


    Pesut, Barbara


    Spirituality is an idea that has sustained significant interest in nursing over the past quarter century. Extensive conceptual work has generated robust critique around clarity and professional jurisdictional claims. However, less attention has been paid to the challenges nursing has faced that have contributed to the spirituality quest. Reflecting on my own experiences as a scholar writing in this literature over the past decade, I suggest three challenges that spirituality has attempted to redress: to relate across difference in a globalized world, to be good in a world of uncertain morality and to find meaning in a disenchanted world. The idea of spirituality could be viewed as resistance against othering, against law based ethics, and against politics and power. But the impact of the idea of spirituality has yet to be determined and caution is in order. As important as this resistance is, nursing must refrain from creating a new world of insiders and outsiders and from minimizing the role of religious ethics in a globalized world. Spirituality, like its predecessor religion, will likely continue to play an enduring role in providing fundamental meaning for nursing work. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  13. Knowing a winning business idea when you see one.


    Kim, W C; Mauborgne, R


    Identifying which business ideas have real commercial potential is fraught with uncertainty, and even the most admired companies have stumbled. It's not as if they don't know what the challenges of innovation are. A new product has to offer customers exceptional utility at an attractive price, and the company must be able to deliver it at a tidy profit. But the uncertainties surrounding innovation are so great that even the most insightful managers have a hard time evaluating the commercial readiness of new business ideas. In this article, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne introduce three tools that managers can use to help strip away some of that uncertainty. The first tool, "the buyer utility map," indicates how likely it is that customers will be attracted to a new business idea. The second, "the price corridor of the mass," identifies what price will unlock the greatest number of customers. And the third tool, "the business model guide," offers a framework for figuring out whether and how a company can profitably deliver the new idea at the targeted price. Applying the tools, though, is not the end of the story. Many innovations have to overcome adoption hurdles--strong resistance from stakeholders inside and outside the company. Often overlooked in the planning process, adoption hurdles can make or break the commercial viability of even the most powerful new ideas. The authors conclude by discussing how managers can head off negative reactions from stakeholders.

  14. Government 101: how an idea becomes law.


    Griffith, James T


    The passing of a law is frequently accompanied by media attention and citizen apathy. In today's healthcare delivery situation, we should understand how a bill becomes law and what happens to the idea that engenders that process. Laws arise from the recommendations of ordinary citizens, but the recommendations follow a complicated process developed by the writers of our constitution to prevent abuses. Laws begin as ideas, they become bills considered by the legislature, they are expanded and enforced by the executive branch, and they are further interpreted by the judiciary branch. The laws governing healthcare issues are particularly complex, as most arise from the state legislatures.

  15. Projecting Event-Based Analysis Dates in Clinical Trials: An Illustration Based on the International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy (IDEA) Collaboration. Projecting analysis dates for the IDEA collaboration.


    Renfro, Lindsay A; Grothey, Axel M; Paul, James; Floriani, Irene; Bonnetain, Franck; Niedzwiecki, Donna; Yamanaka, Takeharu; Souglakos, Ioannis; Yothers, Greg; Sargent, Daniel J


    Clinical trials are expensive and lengthy, where success of a given trial depends on observing a prospectively defined number of patient events required to answer the clinical question. The point at which this analysis time occurs depends on both patient accrual and primary event rates, which typically vary throughout the trial's duration. We demonstrate real-time analysis date projections using data from a collection of six clinical trials that are part of the IDEA collaboration, an international preplanned pooling of data from six trials testing the duration of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III colon cancer, and we additionally consider the hypothetical impact of one trial's early termination of follow-up. In the absence of outcome data from IDEA, monthly accrual rates for each of the six IDEA trials were used to project subsequent trial-specific accrual, while historical data from similar Adjuvant Colon Cancer Endpoints (ACCENT) Group trials were used to construct a parametric model for IDEA's primary endpoint, disease-free survival, under the same treatment regimen. With this information and using the planned total accrual from each IDEA trial protocol, individual patient accrual and event dates were simulated and the overall IDEA interim and final analysis times projected. Projections were then compared with actual (previously undisclosed) trial-specific event totals at a recent census time for validation. The change in projected final analysis date assuming early termination of follow-up for one IDEA trial was also calculated. Trial-specific predicted event totals were close to the actual number of events per trial for the recent census date at which the number of events per trial was known, with the overall IDEA projected number of events only off by eight patients. Potential early termination of follow-up by one IDEA trial was estimated to postpone the overall IDEA final analysis date by 9 months. Real-time projection of the final analysis time during a

  16. Projecting Event-Based Analysis Dates in Clinical Trials: An Illustration Based on the International Duration Evaluation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy (IDEA) Collaboration. Projecting analysis dates for the IDEA collaboration

    PubMed Central

    Renfro, Lindsay A.; Grothey, Axel M.; Paul, James; Floriani, Irene; Bonnetain, Franck; Niedzwiecki, Donna; Yamanaka, Takeharu; Souglakos, Ioannis; Yothers, Greg; Sargent, Daniel J.


    Purpose Clinical trials are expensive and lengthy, where success of a given trial depends on observing a prospectively defined number of patient events required to answer the clinical question. The point at which this analysis time occurs depends on both patient accrual and primary event rates, which typically vary throughout the trial's duration. We demonstrate real-time analysis date projections using data from a collection of six clinical trials that are part of the IDEA collaboration, an international preplanned pooling of data from six trials testing the duration of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III colon cancer, and we additionally consider the hypothetical impact of one trial's early termination of follow-up. Patients and Methods In the absence of outcome data from IDEA, monthly accrual rates for each of the six IDEA trials were used to project subsequent trial-specific accrual, while historical data from similar Adjuvant Colon Cancer Endpoints (ACCENT) Group trials were used to construct a parametric model for IDEA's primary endpoint, disease-free survival, under the same treatment regimen. With this information and using the planned total accrual from each IDEA trial protocol, individual patient accrual and event dates were simulated and the overall IDEA interim and final analysis times projected. Projections were then compared with actual (previously undisclosed) trial-specific event totals at a recent census time for validation. The change in projected final analysis date assuming early termination of follow-up for one IDEA trial was also calculated. Results Trial-specific predicted event totals were close to the actual number of events per trial for the recent census date at which the number of events per trial was known, with the overall IDEA projected number of events only off by eight patients. Potential early termination of follow-up by one IDEA trial was estimated to postpone the overall IDEA final analysis date by 9 months. Conclusions Real

  17. Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bull, Glen


    Today it is commonplace that computers and technology permeate almost every aspect of education. In the late 1960s, though, the idea that computers could serve as a catalyst for thinking about the way children learn was a radical concept. In the early 1960s, Seymour Papert joined the faculty of MIT and founded the Artificial Intelligence Lab with…

  18. Children's Ideas on Solar Cells

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Palmer, W. P.; Wilks, Jamie


    The main author of this paper (J.W.) wrote the original as two separate essays for a Bachelor of Education unit at Northern Territory University (The Teaching of Science: EBE 483) for the second author (B.P.). This unit contains as a major component student/teacher research on children's ideas (misconceptions) in science. This paper seems very…

  19. Idea Project Final Report, Autoalert: Automated Acoustic Detection Of Incidents

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  20. Idea Project Final Report, Three-In-One Vehicle Operator Sensor

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  1. How minimal executive feedback influences creative idea generation

    PubMed Central

    Camarda, Anaëlle; Agogué, Marine; Houdé, Olivier; Weil, Benoît; Le Masson, Pascal


    The fixation effect is known as one of the most dominant of the cognitive biases against creativity and limits individuals’ creative capacities in contexts of idea generation. Numerous techniques and tools have been established to help overcome these cognitive biases in various disciplines ranging from neuroscience to design sciences. Several works in the developmental cognitive sciences have discussed the importance of inhibitory control and have argued that individuals must first inhibit the spontaneous ideas that come to their mind so that they can generate creative solutions to problems. In line with the above discussions, in the present study, we performed an experiment on one hundred undergraduates from the Faculty of Psychology at Paris Descartes University, in which we investigated a minimal executive feedback-based learning process that helps individuals inhibit intuitive paths to solutions and then gradually drive their ideation paths toward creativity. Our results provide new insights into novel forms of creative leadership for idea generation. PMID:28662154

  2. How minimal executive feedback influences creative idea generation.


    Ezzat, Hicham; Camarda, Anaëlle; Cassotti, Mathieu; Agogué, Marine; Houdé, Olivier; Weil, Benoît; Le Masson, Pascal


    The fixation effect is known as one of the most dominant of the cognitive biases against creativity and limits individuals' creative capacities in contexts of idea generation. Numerous techniques and tools have been established to help overcome these cognitive biases in various disciplines ranging from neuroscience to design sciences. Several works in the developmental cognitive sciences have discussed the importance of inhibitory control and have argued that individuals must first inhibit the spontaneous ideas that come to their mind so that they can generate creative solutions to problems. In line with the above discussions, in the present study, we performed an experiment on one hundred undergraduates from the Faculty of Psychology at Paris Descartes University, in which we investigated a minimal executive feedback-based learning process that helps individuals inhibit intuitive paths to solutions and then gradually drive their ideation paths toward creativity. Our results provide new insights into novel forms of creative leadership for idea generation.

  3. Secondary Students' Understanding of Basic Ideas of Special Relativity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dimitriadi, Kyriaki; Halkia, Krystallia


    A major topic that has marked "modern physics" is the theory of special relativity (TSR). The present work focuses on the possibility of teaching the basic ideas of the TSR to students at the upper secondary level in such a way that they are able to understand and learn the ideas. Its aim is to investigate students' learning processes towards the…

  4. Memories of Astronomy Education in Brazil: Clippings from the Discourses of Interviewed Researchers on the Subject. (Spanish Title: Memorias de la Educación en Astronomía en Brasil: Recortes de los Discursos de Investigadores Entrevistados Acerca del Tema ) Memórias da Educação em Astronomia no Brasil: Recortes a Partir das Falas de Pesquisadores Entrevistados sobre o Tema

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper presents a historical retrospective concerning data from a research in Astronomy Education in Brazil, after 1973. It was organized on the basis of the speech analysis of national researchers considered references in this field by their peers. Furthermore, it was elaborated on the basis of other studies from the areas of Science Education, Physics and Astronomy. This historical overview was developed in order to facilitate understanding of the contexts in which the interviewed researchers have developed professionally. Moreover, we attempted to recover the memory of the growing field of research in Astronomy Education in the country. We believe that the history presented can help those trying to understand the past in an attempt to resolve current and future demands. Se presenta en este artículo una retrospectiva histórica referente a datos provenientes de la investigación en enseñanza de la astronomía en el Brasil, después de 1973, organizada sobre la base del análisis de los discursos de los investigadores nacionales considerados referencias en este campo, y también en la lectura de las publicaciones en las áreas de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Física y Astronomía. Este repaso histórico se desarrolló con el fin de facilitar la comprensión de los contextos en los que los investigadores entrevistados se han desarrollado profesionalmente. Por otra parte, se intentó recuperar la memoria del creciente campo de la investigación en Educación en Astronomía en el país. Creemos que el relato presentado puede contribuir a quien trata de comprender el pasado, en un intento de resolver las demandas actuales y futuras. Relata-se neste artigo uma retrospectiva histórica referente a dados provenientes de pesquisa em Educação em Astronomia no país, pós 1973, organizada com base na análise das falas de pesquisadores considerados referências nacionais nesse campo, como também na leitura de publicações das áreas de ensino de Ciências, F

  5. Mapping students' ideas to understand learning in a collaborative programming environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harlow, Danielle Boyd; Leak, Anne Emerson


    Recent studies in learning programming have largely focused on high school and college students; less is known about how young children learn to program. From video data of 20 students using a graphical programming interface, we identified ideas that were shared and evolved through an elementary school classroom. In mapping these ideas and their resulting changes in programs and outputs, we were able to identify the contextual features which contributed to how ideas moved through the classroom as students learned. We suggest this process of idea mapping in visual programming environments as a viable method for understanding collaborative, constructivist learning as well as a context under which experiences can be developed to improve student learning.

  6. Classroom Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Teaching Ideas, 1999-2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Classroom Notes Plus, 2000


    "Classroom Notes Plus" publishes descriptions of original, unpublished teaching practices or adapted ideas. Each issue also contains sections on Teacher Talk, Classroom Solutions, and Web resources. The August 1999 issue contains the following materials: Ideas from the Classroom-"Parody: Getting the Joke with Style" (Bonnie…

  7. Cambios históricos en el aporte terrígeno de la cuenca del Río de la Plata sobre la plataforma interna Uruguaya

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marrero, Analía; Tudurí, Adriana; Pérez, Laura; Cuña, Caroline; Muniz, Pablo; Lopes Figueira, Rubens; Michaelovitch de Mahiques, Michel; Alves de Lima Ferreira, Paulo; Pittauerová, Daniela; Hanebuth, Till; García Rodríguez, Felipe


    El Río de la Plata (RdlP) presenta significativas variaciones naturales (hidrodinámicas y oceanográficas) asociadas a diferentes condiciones climáticas. El propósito de este trabajo es inferir los cambios de aportes continentales de sedimentos y su relación con las variaciones hidrológicas del Río de la Plata, a través del análisis de proxies sedimentológicos y geoquímicos en testigos de sedimentos de la plataforma interna uruguaya que registran los últimos 100 años, aproximadamente. A partir de la datación por 210Pb de dos testigos de sedimentos (GeoB 13813-4 y BAR1) se reconstruyó la geocronología del ambiente, y se relacionó con datos de las forzantes climáticas Pacific Decadal Oscillation, El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, y las anomalías hidrológicas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay. Los valores más positivos y estables del Southern Oscillation Index, los cuales corresponden a fases La Niña, se observan en el periodo correspondiente entre 1910-1970, respecto al resto de la serie, donde se aprecia una mayor variabilidad y una tendencia hacia valores más negativos (eventos El Niño). Se hicieron dendrogramas (clustering) jerárquicos para ambos testigos. Para el testigo GeoB 13813-4, se utilizó la relación Ca/Ti y la granulometría, mientras que para BAR1 se recurrió a variables granulométricas y la tasa de sedimentación. El mayor aporte continental hacia la región de la plataforma adyacente al Río de la Plata registrado a partir del año 1970, podría ser el factor principal de los agrupamientos observados en los clusters para ambos testigos. Las agrupaciones mostraron una diferenciación en la década de 1970, lo que estaría asociado al aumento de los caudales de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay, durante las últimas tres décadas del siglo XX. Por otra parte se observa que la granulometría del testigo BAR1 presentó un mayor tamaño de grano y más variabilidad que en el caso del testigo Geo

  8. Examples of finite element mesh generation using SDRC IDEAS

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Zapp, John; Volakis, John L.


    IDEAS (Integrated Design Engineering Analysis Software) offers a comprehensive package for mechanical design engineers. Due to its multifaceted capabilities, however, it can be manipulated to serve the needs of electrical engineers, also. IDEAS can be used to perform the following tasks: system modeling, system assembly, kinematics, finite element pre/post processing, finite element solution, system dynamics, drafting, test data analysis, and project relational database.

  9. Investigating Elementary Teachers' Thinking About and Learning to Notice Students' Science Ideas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luna, Melissa Jo

    Children naturally use observations and everyday thinking to construct explanations as to why phenomena happen in the world. Science instruction can benefit by starting with these ideas to help children build coherent scientific understandings of how the physical world works. To do so, science teaching must involve attending to students' ideas so that those ideas become the basis for learning. Yet while science education reform requires teachers to pay close attention to their students' ideas, we know little about what teachers think this means in practice. To examine this issue, my dissertation research is two-fold. First, I examine teacher thinking by investigating how teachers understand what it means to pay attention to students' science ideas. Specifically, using new digital technology, three participating teachers captured moments of student thinking in the midst of instruction. Analysis of these moments reveals that teachers capture many different kinds of moments containing students' ideas and think about students' science ideas in different ways at different times. In particular, these three teachers most often think about students' ideas as being (a) from authority, (b) from experience, and (c) under construction. Second, I examine teacher learning through the development of an innovative science teaching video club model. The model differs from previous research on video clubs in several key ways in an attempt to focus teachers on student thinking in a sustained way. I investigate the ways in which this model was effective for engaging teachers in noticing and making sense of their students' science ideas during one implementation. Results indicate that teachers talked about student thinking early, often, and in meaningful ways. Science education leaders have recognized the potential of science teaching video clubs as a form of professional development, and the model presented in this work promotes the conditions for successful teacher learning. This

  10. New product ideas: from the mind to the market.


    Toter, K M


    If you have an idea for a new product, consider the following steps. Carefully research your product idea before looking for a company or research office to market it. You will save yourself a considerable amount of time and effort if you find that the same or a similar device is already on the market. Check to see if you signed a patent policy when you were hired. Some employers claim rights to discoveries made on the job. Obtain legal advice. A lawyer can provide information about nondisclosure agreements, patents, and other forms of protection for the inventor. Most major cities have a lawyer referral service offered through the bar association. They will answer some questions and will provide names of lawyers who specialize in that area of law. Before submitting your product idea to a company for evaluation, evaluate the company. Make sure they are a reputable medical supply company. Find out such things as how they plan to research your idea, and what your share as the inventor will be. Take notes when surveying professionals from other hospitals about your idea. The information gathered can be used when writing your product proposal. Submitting a list of hospitals experiencing problems that your device could solve is a good selling point. Keep records of all phone conversations and copies of all written correspondence between the inventor and the company or research office. Always try to get commitments in writing, and keep the lines of communication open. Major cities offer different sources that the inventor can turn to for help. Check around. Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you have carefully researched your product idea and really believe it will improve patient care, go for it! It might be a long hard road, and despite all your efforts, the device may never make it to the market. But if it does, seeing your device used to enhance patient care makes it all worthwhile.

  11. Educating Global Citizens: A Good "Idea" or an Organisational Practice?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lilley, Kathleen; Barker, Michelle; Harris, Neil


    Higher education emphasises training and skills for employment, yet while the "idea" of educating global citizens appears in university discourse, there is limited evidence demonstrating how the "idea" of the global citizen translates into practice. Recent research emphasises a desire for graduates to be local and global…

  12. Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Practical Teaching Ideas, 1998-1999.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kent, Jeannette, Ed.


    This sixteenth volume of "Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Practical Teaching Ideas" contains numerous teaching ideas from English classrooms. Articles in number 1 are: "'Cricket' Contests as Class Exercises" (Rosemary Laughlin); "Body Biography Revisited" (Julie Medow); "Helping Students Keep in Touch" (Joyce Taaffe); "A Love Affair with Letter…

  13. Classroom Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Teaching Ideas, 2000-2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Classroom Notes Plus, 2001


    This 18th volume of "Classroom Notes Plus" contains descriptions of original, unpublished teaching practices, or adapted ideas. Under the Ideas from the Classroom section, the August 2000 issue contains the following materials: "The Thought Pot" (Andrew R. West); "Seeing Is Reading: 'The Hollow Men'" (James Penha);…

  14. Learner-Generated Digital Video: Using Ideas Videos in Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kearney, Matthew


    This qualitative study investigates the efficacy of "Ideas Videos" (or "iVideos") in pre-service teacher education. It explores the experiences of student teachers and their lecturer engaging with this succinct, advocacy-style video genre designed to evoke emotions about powerful ideas in Education (Wong, Mishra, Koehler, &…

  15. Students' Perception of Homework Assignments and What Influences Their Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Letterman, Denise


    Authors have researched the effects of homework, but few studies have delved into the idea of students' attitude towards homework. Consequently, students' perception of homework, the principal participants, remains largely unknown. Students' experience in homework that started as early as elementary school has influenced their ideas of homework.…

  16. Children's Ability to Comprehend Main Ideas After Reading Expository Prose.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baumann, James F.

    A study was conducted to evaluate children's ability to comprehend main ideas after reading connected discourse and to develop and validate a straightforward and intuitively simple system for identifying main ideas in prose. Three experimental passages were randomly selected from third and sixth grade social studies textbooks, and education…

  17. Fourth Graders Make Inventions Using SCAMPER and Animal Adaptation Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hussain, Mahjabeen; Carignan, Anastasia


    This study explores to what extent the SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange) technique combined with animal adaptation ideas learned through form and function analogy activities can help fourth graders generate creative ideas while augmenting their inventiveness. The sample consisted of 24…

  18. Los Alamos Science Facilities Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  19. Living in Los Alamos Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  20. Developing knowledge intensive ideas in engineering education: the application of camp methodology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heidemann Lassen, Astrid; Løwe Nielsen, Suna


    Background: Globalization, technological advancement, environmental problems, etc. challenge organizations not just to consider cost-effectiveness, but also to develop new ideas in order to build competitive advantages. Hence, methods to deliberately enhance creativity and facilitate its processes of development must also play a central role in engineering education. However, so far the engineering education literature provides little attention to the important discussion of how to develop knowledge intensive ideas based on creativity methods and concepts. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate how to design creative camps from which knowledge intensive ideas can unfold. Design/method/sample: A framework on integration of creativity and knowledge intensity is first developed, and then tested through the planning, execution and evaluation of a specialized creativity camp with focus on supply chain management. Detailed documentation of the learning processes of the participating 49 engineering and business students is developed through repeated interviews during the process as well as a survey. Results: The research illustrates the process of development of ideas, and how the participants through interdisciplinary collaboration, cognitive flexibility and joint ownership develop highly innovative and knowledge-intensive ideas, with direct relevance for the four companies whose problems they address. Conclusions: The article demonstrates how the creativity camp methodology holds the potential of combining advanced academic knowledge and creativity, to produce knowledge intensive ideas, when the design is based on ideas of experiential learning as well as creativity principles. This makes the method a highly relevant learning approach for engineering students in the search for skills to both develop and implement innovative ideas.

  1. Improving college students' evaluation of text learning using idea-unit standards.


    Dunlosky, John; Hartwig, Marissa K; Rawson, Katherine A; Lipko, Amanda R


    When recalling key definitions from class materials, college students are often overconfident in the quality of their responses. Even with commission errors, they often judge that their response is entirely or partially correct. To further understand this overconfidence, we investigated whether idea-unit judgements would reduce overconfidence (Experiments 1 and 2) and whether students inflated their scores because they believed that they knew answers but just responded incorrectly (Experiment 2). College students studied key-term definitions and later attempted to recall each definition when given the key term (e.g., What is the availability heuristic?). All students judged the quality of their recall, but some were given a full-definition standard to use, whereas other students first judged whether their response included each of the individual ideas within the corresponding correct answer. In Experiment 1, making these idea-unit judgements reduced overconfidence for commission errors. In Experiment 2, some students were given the correct definitions and graded other students' responses, and some students generated idea units themselves before judging their responses. Students were overconfident even when they graded other students' responses, and, as important, self-generated idea units for each definition also reduced overconfidence in commission errors. Thus, overconfidence appears to result from difficulties in evaluating the quality of recall responses, and such overconfidence can be reduced by using idea-unit judgements.

  2. Classroom Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Teaching Ideas, 2001-2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Classroom Notes Plus, 2002


    This 19th issue of "Notes Plus" contains descriptions of original, unpublished teaching practices, and of adapted ideas. Under the Ideas from the Classroom section, the August 2001 issue contains the following materials: "Imitation: The Sincerest Form of Flattery" (Anna M. Parks); "Stories That Make Us Who We Are"…

  3. Development of IDEA product for GOES-R aerosol data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Hai; Hoff, Raymond M.; Kondragunta, Shobha


    The NOAA GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) will have nearly the same capabilities as NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to generate multi-wavelength retrievals of aerosol optical depth (AOD) with high temporal and spatial resolution, which can be used as a surrogate of surface particulate measurements such as PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 μm). To prepare for the launch of GOES-R and its application in the air quality forecasting, we have transferred and enhanced the Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA) product from University of Wisconsin to NOAA NESDIS. IDEA was created through a NASA/EPA/NOAA cooperative effort. The enhanced IDEA product provides near-real-time imagery of AOD derived from multiple satellite sensors including MODIS Terra, MODIS Aqua, GOES EAST and GOES WEST imager. Air quality forecast guidance is produced through a trajectory model initiated at locations with high AOD retrievals and/or high aerosol index (AI) from OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument). The product is currently running at The IDEA system will be tested using the GOES-R ABI proxy dataset, and will be ready to operate with GOES-R aerosol data when GOES-R is launched.

  4. Trainee Teachers' Ideas about Endangered Birds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Torkar, Gregor; Bajd, Barbara


    This article explores trainee teachers' conceptions and ideas about endangered bird species and their protection. The study involved 191 students majoring in kindergarten education, primary school natural science or secondary school biology education at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Education, Slovenia. Data analyses showed that the…

  5. Wrestling with Equity: Reauthorization of IDEA.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mead, Julie Fisher


    Explores six proposed changes and the controversies that have stalled Congress's reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Although IDEA's fundamental characteristics will remain unchanged, there is likely to be an increased focus on outcomes, an augmented appeals process, and provisions addressing discipline problems.…

  6. Classroom Notes Plus: A Quarterly of Teaching Ideas, 2003-2004

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Council of Teachers of English, 2004


    This issue of "Classroom Notes Plus" contains descriptions of original, unpublished teaching practices, and of adapted ideas. Under the "Ideas from the Classroom" section, the August 2003 issue (v21 n1) contains the following materials: Reading Poetry with Wright's "Black Boy" (David Fuder); Finding Poetry Lost in Translation (James Penha); "Lord…

  7. The Essential Parent Workshop Resource. The Teacher's Idea Book 4.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Graves, Michelle

    Fourth in a series designed to provide early childhood educators with ideas and strategies for applying High/Scope principles, this idea book focuses on working with the parents of young children and presents 30 one-hour parent workshops in five areas. The book's introduction presents guiding principles for working with adult learners, discusses…

  8. Facilitating Creative Idea Selection: The Combined Effects of Self-Affirmation, Promotion Focus and Positive Affect

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Buisonjé, David R.; Ritter, Simone M.; de Bruin, Suze; ter Horst, J. Marie-Louise; Meeldijk, Arne


    Generating creative ideas in a brainstorm session `is a crucial part of innovation. However, for actual implementation, the most creative ideas must be selected from a pool of ideas. To date, idea selection has remained relatively unexplored and validated instruments to measure idea selection performance are not systematically employed. This study…

  9. Idea Generating among Secondary School Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tomic, Welko; Brouwers, Andre

    This study investigated where and how secondary school teachers generated ideas linked to their work environment. A group of 146 teachers from 20 secondary schools in the Netherlands completed an adapted version of Geschka's questionnaire, which focused on (1) teachers' preferred conditions, environments, media, people, and activities before the…

  10. Creative Writing: Activity Ideas for Grades 7, 8, and 9.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chase, Cheryl M.; Marler, Joyce

    This booklet is one of a series developed by the Northern Colorado Educational Board of Cooperative Services to make available to teachers ideas designed and tested by other teachers. Many of the ideas are from educational journals as well as from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). The booklet is divided into eight sections:…

  11. Elementary students' multiple representations of their ideas about air

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gravel, Brian Edward

    This dissertation explores how students generate multiple external representations of their ideas about air, an "invisible" substance. External representations can serve a powerful role in placing students' ideas into the external world for reflection and abstraction. When provided the opportunity to represent their understandings of science in different ways, students generate increasingly coherent explanations of what they observe, including developing ideas about mechanisms that describe cause and effect. In this qualitative study, extended clinical interviews were conducted with twelve fifth-grade students from an urban public charter school. In study was designed to investigate students' ideas about air in the context of a linked-syringe device with the support of multiple representations. Students were given the opportunity to produce representations and to offer verbal explanations of the behavior of the syringes in a sequence of three interviews. In the first session, students were introduced to the linked-syringes, and they generated drawings to explain their thinking about air. In the second session, students created stop-motion animations of their explanations for air in the syringes. And in the final session, students built physical devices to demonstrate their ideas about air. Careful analysis of each individual student's trajectory through the microgenetic design and a cross-student analysis reveal that the process of generating multiple representations facilitates how students think and reason about air. Drawings served to organize elements of the linked-syringe problem, providing students with focal points on which to direct their reasoning as they generated more precise explanations. Stop-motion animation supported students' efforts to make sense of processes that change over time, such as compressing the air inside the syringes. And, the construction of physical artifacts prompted students to think about air as a substance, as the activity allowed

  12. Mapping biological ideas: Concept maps as knowledge integration tools for evolution education

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schwendimann, Beat Adrian

    Many students leave school with a fragmented understanding of biology that does not allow them to connect their ideas to their everyday lives (Wandersee, 1989; Mintzes, Wandersee, & Novak, 1998; Mintzes, Wandersee, & Novak, 2000a). Understanding evolution ideas is seen as central to building an integrated knowledge of biology (Blackwell, Powell, & Dukes, 2003; Thagard & Findlay, 2010). However, the theory of evolution has been found difficult to understand as it incorporates a wide range of ideas from different areas (Bahar et al., 1999; Tsui & Treagust, 2003) and multiple interacting levels (Wilensky & Resnick, 1999; Duncan & Reiser, 2007; Hmelo-Silver et al., 2007). Research suggests that learners can hold a rich repertoire of co-existing alternative ideas of evolution (for example, Bishop & Anderson, 1990; Demastes, Good, & Peebles, 1996; Evans, 2008), especially of human evolution (for example, Nelson, 1986; Sinatra et al., 2003; Poling & Evans, 2004). Evolution ideas are difficult to understand because they often contradict existing alternative ideas (Mayr, 1982; Wolpert, 1994; Evans, 2008). Research suggests that understanding human evolution is a key to evolution education (for example, Blackwell et al., 2003; Besterman & Baggott la Velle, 2007). This dissertation research investigates how different concept mapping forms embedded in a collaborative technology-enhanced learning environment can support students' integration of evolution ideas using case studies of human evolution. Knowledge Integration (KI) (Linn et al., 2000; Linn et al., 2004) is used as the operational framework to explore concept maps as knowledge integration tools to elicit, add, critically distinguish, group, connect, and sort out alternative evolution ideas. Concept maps are a form of node-link diagram for organizing and representing connections between ideas as a semantic network (Novak & Gowin, 1984). This dissertation research describes the iterative development of a novel biology

  13. Ideas for Kids: A Multi-Arts Approach to Fostering Creativity.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rosenthal, Judy Sirota, Ed.

    The idea book presents over 50 activities to help handicapped children develop creative self-awareness through the arts. All the activities can be used with non-handicapped children as well. Music, movement, visual arts, and drama provide the basis for the activities, which can be done in small groups or individually. The ideas are geared to…

  14. School Choice: How an Abstract Idea Became a Political Reality

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Viteritti, Joseph P.


    This paper traces the evolution of the choice idea over three generations, from a market model concerned with economic liberty, to a demand for social justice based on equality, to a political movement that translates the idea into policy. Focusing on the last generation, it explains why the market concept has lacked political appeal and how…

  15. The Practice of Research of a Basic Education Teacher Involving Mental Models of the Phases of the Moon and Eclipses. (Spanish Title: La Práctica de Investigación de un Maestro de Educación BÁsica con El Uso de los Modelos Mentales de Las Fases de la Luna Y Eclipses.) A Prática de Pesquisa de um Professor do Ensino Fundamental Envolvendo Modelos Mentais de Fases da Lua e Eclipses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pessôa Queiroz, Glória; Jubitipan Borges de Sousa, Carlos; Auxiliadora Delgado Machado, Maria


    The inclusion of basic education teachers in the survey domain is a controversial issue and fully debated in the academy. The opportunity for a collective work that incorporated school teachers from a public school to a university's group of physics teaching at university allowed us to glimpse the redefinition of the function of a science teacher (a coauthor of this paper) by himself, such that now he includes research on the knowledge construction by students in his teacher practice. The formation of inter-institutional groups for action planning and research in these areas has proved productive for the task of knowledge construction to support educational processes in school, while the university enriches its collection of experiences critically validated, and can consider the results in teachers initial and continued education. The active participation of the teacher in a research group at the university led him to reflect on the possible didactical ways to be described, analyzed and communicated to other teachers. The construction of a pedagogy that took into account the mental models of students on the basic topics of astronomy, and the changes developed resulting from the lessons taught, led to far-reaching consequences on the pedagogy adopted by the teacher, who incorporates now a new vision of science and alternative forms to dialogue with students, essential components for a researcher in Science Education. La inclusión de los maestros de la escuela básica en el universo de la investigación es polémica y está en amplio debate en el mundo académico. La oportunidad de trabajo colectivo de los maestros de una escuela pública en Río de Janeiro con un grupo universitario de enseñanza de la física nos ha permitido vislumbrar la redefinición de la función de un maestro de ciencias (uno de los coautores de este documento) por él mismo, ahora para incluir la investigación sobre la construcción del conocimiento por los alumnos en su práctica como

  16. Students' Ideas on Cooperative Learning Method

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yoruk, Abdulkadir


    Aim of this study is to investigate students' ideas on cooperative learning method. For that purpose students who are studying at elementary science education program are distributed into two groups through an experimental design. Factors threaten the internal validity are either eliminated or reduced to minimum value. Data analysis is done…

  17. Image Improvement Ideas for Marketing Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wentland, Daniel M.

    Improving the inferior image that marketing education has developed can only be accomplished through the professionalism and dedication of each marketing education teacher and through efforts of marketing officials to upgrade program quality at every level. Eight suggestions are offered to stimulate ideas: (1) get students involved in fund-raising…

  18. Discover IDEA CD 2002. [CD-ROM].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Council for Exceptional Children, Arlington, VA.

    This Macintosh and PC compatible CD-ROM includes key resources about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) amendments of 1997. It is designed as a research and training tool for administrators, professors and students in higher education, families, advocates, policy makers, and service providers who strive for quality education…

  19. Ideas II. A Sharing of Teaching Practices by Secondary School Physical Education Practitioners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carlson, Ronald P., Ed.

    This book describes physical education activity teaching ideas for the secondary school level. The first section describes curriculum ideas in such areas as adapted physical education, quality control, elective physical education, and advanced physical education. Section II describes instructional ideas involving peer teaching, skill improvement,…

  20. Envisioning Equitable Classrooms That Enhance "All" Students' Wonderful Ideas: A Duckworth Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nesmith, Suzanne M.; Trumble, Jason F.; Haugh-Villareal, Sarah J.; Porter, Kelsie S.; Schaum, Megan A.; Spencer, Erin M.; Stephens, Jessica N.


    This synopsis centers on Eleanor Duckworth's ideas about the relationship between education and intellectual development. Specifically, Duckworth described the essence of intellectual development as the "having of wonderful ideas" and the essence of pedagogy as the creation of occasions to "have wonderful ideas." As…

  1. Idea Project Final Report, An Improved Metropolitan Area Transportation System (Imats)

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  2. Does leader-affective presence influence communication of creative ideas within work teams?


    Madrid, Hector P; Totterdell, Peter; Niven, Karen


    Affective presence is a novel, emotion-related personality trait, supported in experimental studies, concerning the extent to which a person makes his or her interaction partners feel the same way (Eisenkraft & Elfenbein, 2010). Applying this concept to an applied teamwork context, we proposed that team-leader-affective presence would influence team members' communication of creative ideas. Multilevel modeling analysis of data from a survey study conducted with teams from a consultancy firm confirmed that team-leader-affective presence interacted with team-member creative idea generation to predict inhibition of voicing their ideas. Specifically, withholding of ideas was less likely when team members generated creative ideas and their team leader had higher positive affective presence or lower negative affective presence. These findings contribute to emotion research by showing affective presence as a trait with interpersonal meaning, which can shape how cognition is translated into social behavior in applied performance contexts, such as teamwork in organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  3. ENVEJECIMIENTO, SALUD Y ECONOMÍA: La Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México*

    PubMed Central


    RESUMEN México vive una transición demográfica en la cual el porcentaje de la población mayor de 50 años de edad crece aceleradamente como resultado de un aumento considerable en la esperanza de vida. Dicha población tiene necesidades particulares que deben ser tomadas en cuenta en la formulación de políticas, sobre todo en materia de acceso a servicios de salud y seguridad social. En este artículo presentamos una descripción general de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento (Enasem), un estudio de panel que comenzó en 2001 y que ofrece una oportunidad única para abordar temas demográficos y económicos complejos por medio de la exploración de las características personales, transferencias socioeconómicas e indicadores de salud para una muestra de 15 186 adultos de edad media y avanzada. También presentamos los resultados más relevantes de diferentes estudios que han utilizado la Enasem hasta la fecha. Nuestra revisión indica que México enfrenta desafíos considerables para satisfacer la demanda de servicios médicos para una población que es amenazada por una creciente presencia de enfermedades crónicas, sobre todo para la población de edad avanzada que no cuenta con cobertura de seguro médico. PMID:29375164

  4. Explaining the universe: Herbert Spencer's attempt to synthesize political and evolutionary ideas.


    Gay, H


    Herbert Spencer's evolutionary ideas related not just to the biological world but to the universe and everything in it. Human societies were also viewed through his evolutionary lens so that Spencer's evolutionary and political ideas are inextricably entwined. This essay looks at some of Spencer's ideas and attempts to locate them in the social and intellectual context of his youth. It also speculates on the rise and fall of Spencer's reputation.

  5. New Ideas for Speech Recognition and Related Technologies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Holzrichter, J F

    The ideas relating to the use of organ motion sensors for the purposes of speech recognition were first described by.the author in spring 1994. During the past year, a series of productive collaborations between the author, Tom McEwan and Larry Ng ensued and have lead to demonstrations, new sensor ideas, and algorithmic descriptions of a large number of speech recognition concepts. This document summarizes the basic concepts of recognizing speech once organ motions have been obtained. Micro power radars and their uses for the measurement of body organ motions, such as those of the heart and lungs, have been demonstratedmore » by Tom McEwan over the past two years. McEwan and I conducted a series of experiments, using these instruments, on vocal organ motions beginning in late spring, during which we observed motions of vocal folds (i.e., cords), tongue, jaw, and related organs that are very useful for speech recognition and other purposes. These will be reviewed in a separate paper. Since late summer 1994, Lawrence Ng and I have worked to make many of the initial recognition ideas more rigorous and to investigate the applications of these new ideas to new speech recognition algorithms, to speech coding, and to speech synthesis. I introduce some of those ideas in section IV of this document, and we describe them more completely in the document following this one, UCRL-UR-120311. For the design and operation of micro-power radars and their application to body organ motions, the reader may contact Tom McEwan directly. The capability for using EM sensors (i.e., radar units) to measure body organ motions and positions has been available for decades. Impediments to their use appear to have been size, excessive power, lack of resolution, and lack of understanding of the value of organ motion measurements, especially as applied to speech related technologies. However, with the invention of very low power, portable systems as demonstrated by McEwan at LLNL researchers

  6. Five-year-old girls’ ideas about dieting are predicted by their mothers’ dieting

    PubMed Central



    Objective To explore 5-year-old girls’ ideas, concepts, and beliefs about dieting. Design Girls were asked to define dieting, to describe the behaviors dieting comprised, and were queried about links between dieting, weight control, and body shape. Parents completed questionnaires addressing family health history, demographics, and issues related to food, dieting, and weight control. Subjects/setting Participants were 197 girls aged 5 years and their parents. All girls lived with both biological parents, and were without food allergies or chronic medical problems. Statistical analyses performed For 5 open-ended questions related to dieting, girls were categorized as either having or not having ideas about dieting. These ideas, concepts, and beliefs were categorized, and logistic regression examined predictors of girls’ ideas about dieting. Results Depending on the question, from 34% to 65% of girls aged 5 years had ideas about dieting. Compared to girls whose mothers did not diet, girls whose mothers reported current or recent dieting were more than twice as likely to have ideas about dieting, suggesting that mothers’ dieting behavior is a source of young girls’ ideas, concepts, and beliefs about dieting. Among mothers, more than 90% reported recent dieting, and most reported use of both health-promoting and health-compromising dieting behaviors. Applications Women should be informed that weight control attempts may influence their young daughters’ emerging ideas, concepts, and beliefs about dieting. Mothers should be encouraged to use health-promoting rather than health-compromising weight control strategies, not only for their own well being, but to reduce the likelihood that daughters will incorporate health-compromising dieting behaviors into their concepts, ideas, and beliefs about dieting. PMID:11043700

  7. Blockbusters: Ideas for the Block Center.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adams, Polly K.; Nesmith, Jaynie


    Goals of block building in early childhood classrooms focus on physical, social, cognitive, and emotional development. Reports survey results of the value teachers place on block play. Offers illustrations of task cards to use with blocks in math, language arts, social studies, and science. Discusses guidelines and suggests idea cards and sentence…

  8. IDEA 1997--"Inclusion Is the Law."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sultana, Qaisar

    This paper stresses that the word "inclusion" is not used in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and that the law calls for students with disabilities to be provided with a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Ten 1997-1999 court cases that address the placement of students with…

  9. Investigating Students' Ideas about Plate Tectonics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ford, Brent; Taylor, Melanie


    Giant exploding volcanoes...asteroids crashing into Earth...continents floating across the oceans...massive pools of lava...violent earthquakes splitting continents--middle school students hold a variety of ideas about Earth, how it has changed over time, and what has caused these changes. Listening to students talk about how the world works is…

  10. Core Ideas of Engineering and Technology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sneider, Cary


    Last month, Rodger Bybee's article, "Scientific and Engineering Practices in K-12 Classrooms," provided an overview of Chapter 3 in "A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas" (NRC 2011). Chapter 3 describes the practices of science and engineering that students are expected to develop during 13 years…

  11. Unfolding Montessori's Ideas in Today's Society.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Loeffler, Margaret H.


    Asserts that as Montessorians enter the 21st century, they could benefit from developing an openness toward other educators' ideas and from undertaking a reexamination of their own understandings and practices as well as Montessori's underlying principles and methods, such as the role of materials, the terminology, and aspects of Montessori that…

  12. Tips from Teachers: Ideas that Work.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Henick, Louise; And Others


    Five articles describe effective ideas and techniques suggested by correctional educators. In "Warming Up: Mental Exercises for Successful Learning" (Louise Henick), warm-up exercises to help students get ready to learn are discussed, such as daily journals, word of the day, and quote of the day. "Keeping Students Posted" (Richard Johnson) shows…

  13. Age-related differences in idea generation and selection for propositional language.


    Madden, Daniel L; Sale, Martin V; Robinson, Gail A


    Conceptual preparation mechanisms such as novel idea generation and selection from amongst competing alternatives are critical for language production and may contribute to age-related language deficits. This study investigated whether older adults show diminished idea generation and selection abilities, compared to younger adults. Twenty younger (18-35 years) and 20 older (60-80 years) adults completed two novel experimental tasks, an idea generation task and a selection task. Older participants were slower than younger participants overall on both tasks. Importantly, this difference was more pronounced for task conditions with greater demands on generation and selection. Older adults were also significantly reduced on a semantic, but not phonemic, word fluency task. Overall, the older group showed evidence of age-related decline specific to idea generation and selection ability. This has implications for the message formulation stage of propositional language decline in normal aging.

  14. Why We Should Abandon the Idea of the Learning Organization

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grieves, Jim


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to propose that the idea of the learning organization should be abandoned on the grounds that it was an imaginative idea that has now run its course. The paper seeks to explore the roots of the definition and provoke debate about the wisdom of retaining the concept. The argument is a challenge to readers to…

  15. Narrative ideas for consulting with communities and organizations: ripples from the gatherings.


    Freedman, Jill; Combs, Gene


    This paper reviews Michael White's early work with communities and extends ideas and practices from that work into the realm of consulting with organizations. We draw on Michael's writing and the records of two specific projects, as well as the recollections of team members in those projects, to describe how ideas and practices that were originally developed in working with individuals and families came to be applied in community settings. Specifically, we show how the central intention of the work is to use narrative ideas and practices in ways that allow communities to articulate, appreciate, document, utilize, and share their own knowledges of life and skills of living. We discuss the basic narrative ideas of stories, double listening, telling and retelling, making documents, and linking lives through shared purposes. For these projects, the teams developed structures that made it possible to use the basic idea with whole communities. We show how this work with communities has offered inspiration and ideas for our work in consulting to organizations. Finally, we describe and illustrate a particular way of working with organizations that carries the spirit of Michael's community work into situations requiring shorter blocks of time and more limited commitments than the original community contexts.

  16. IDEA: Planning at the Core of Autonomous Reactive Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Muscettola, Nicola; Dorais, Gregory A.; Fry, Chuck; Levinson, Richard; Plaunt, Christian; Clancy, Daniel (Technical Monitor)


    Several successful autonomous systems are separated into technologically diverse functional layers operating at different levels of abstraction. This diversity makes them difficult to implement and validate. In this paper, we present IDEA (Intelligent Distributed Execution Architecture), a unified planning and execution framework. In IDEA a layered system can be implemented as separate agents, one per layer, each representing its interactions with the world in a model. At all levels, the model representation primitives and their semantics is the same. Moreover, each agent relies on a single model, plan database, plan runner and on a variety of planners, both reactive and deliberative. The framework allows the specification of agents that operate, within a guaranteed reaction time and supports flexible specification of reactive vs. deliberative agent behavior. Within the IDEA framework we are working to fully duplicate the functionalities of the DS1 Remote Agent and extend it to domains of higher complexity than autonomous spacecraft control.

  17. Navigating systems ideas for health practice: Towards a common learning device.


    Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad; Rusoja, Evan


    Systems thinking and reference to complexity science have gained currency in health sector practice and research. The extent to which such ideas might represent a mere passing fad or might more usefully be mobilized to tackle wicked problems in health systems is a concern underpinning this paper. Developing the usefulness of the systems idea requires appreciating how systems ideas are used essentially as constructs conceptually bounded by practitioners. Systems are used for purposes of understanding and engaging the reality of health issues, with the intent of transforming the reality into one that is more manageable, equitable, and sustainable. We examine some manifestations of the systems idea in health practice and the traditions of systems practice that variously make use of them. This provides a platform for proposing a systems thinking in (health) practice heuristic: a learning device supporting how different tools and methods can address "wicked problems" in health praxis. The device is built on the use of "conversation" as a metaphor to help practitioners use systems ideas in tandem with existing disciplinary and professional skills and methods. We consider how the application of the heuristic requires, and helps to develop, human characteristics of humility, empathy, and recognition of fallibility. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  18. How to Influence the IDEA Regulations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dale, Richard E.


    Teachers of children with disabilities know how greatly the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations influence their daily practices; and they no doubt have strong opinions about regulations that go too far or not far enough to allow them to help their students succeed. This article offers practical, nuts-and-bolts help for…

  19. Creative Media Ideas for the Gym

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Banks, Aaron; Reed, Julian


    This article offers readers ideas for using mass media to enhance their physical education program. Generally, media is the term used to define the way in communicating with a large number of people. Technically, media is divided into two categories: print and film (electronic). Print (journals, newspapers, books, etc.) is "put to paper" to create…

  20. Utopic ideas of cure and joint exploration in psychoanalytic supervision.


    Werbart, Andrzej


    The idea of the decisive and complete cure is deeply rooted in our unconscious and in the sacral roots of symbolic healing. Double sets of private theories of cure can frequently be found among patients in psychoanalysis and their analysts. The utopian cure involves a profound transformation of the personality by way of deep regression. The idea of an attainable and more limited cure includes new ways of managing old problems. The actual ongoing treatment is then seen as the 'next-best solution'. The utopian fantasy of creating 'the new person' by means of 'proper' psychoanalysis or analytic training has far-reaching consequences for psychoanalytic education and supervision. Our awareness of the inevitable temptation in the 'utopian state of mind' can help us to trace and focus on utopic elements in the supervisory process. Exploration of utopic ideas of all the three parties involved can itself be a fruitful and stimulating way of working in supervision. An important aim of psychoanalytic supervision is to promote a distinct state of mind that can counterbalance utopic ideas and counteract the phenomenon of a 'false analytic self'.

  1. Ideas for Future GPS Timing Improvements

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hutsell, Steven T.


    Having recently met stringent criteria for full operational capability (FOC) certification, the Global Positioning System (GPS) now has higher customer expectations than ever before. In order to maintain customer satisfaction, and the meet the even high customer demands of the future, the GPS Master Control Station (MCS) must play a critical role in the process of carefully refining the performance and integrity of the GPS constellation, particularly in the area of timing. This paper will present an operational perspective on several ideas for improving timing in GPS. These ideas include the desire for improving MCS - US Naval Observatory (USNO) data connectivity, an improved GPS-Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) prediction algorithm, a more robust Kalman Filter, and more features in the GPS reference time algorithm (the GPS composite clock), including frequency step resolution, a more explicit use of the basic time scale equation, and dynamic clock weighting. Current MCS software meets the exceptional challenge of managing an extremely complex constellation of 24 navigation satellites. The GPS community will, however, always seek to improve upon this performance and integrity.

  2. Modeling and predicting abstract concept or idea introduction and propagation through geopolitical groups

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jaenisch, Holger M.; Handley, James W.; Hicklen, Michael L.


    This paper describes a novel capability for modeling known idea propagation transformations and predicting responses to new ideas from geopolitical groups. Ideas are captured using semantic words that are text based and bear cognitive definitions. We demonstrate a unique algorithm for converting these into analytical predictive equations. Using the illustrative idea of "proposing a gasoline price increase of 1 per gallon from 2" and its changing perceived impact throughout 5 demographic groups, we identify 13 cost of living Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic (DIME) features common across all 5 demographic groups. This enables the modeling and monitoring of Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) effects of each group to this idea and how their "perception" of this proposal changes. Our algorithm and results are summarized in this paper.

  3. Exploring Korean young children's ideas about living things

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kwon, Young Re

    This qualitative study explored concepts of living things that five- and six-year-old Korean children held prior to formal instructional interventions and how their concepts were changed and developed over one semester in a kindergarten classroom. Six focal children in a class of 30 were interviewed in two phases and their hands-on classroom activities and teacher-children interactions were observed. The teacher's journal was also used to gather data. As the study was conducted, a number of alternative concepts related to the children's perceptions of living things were identified and described. The researcher interviewed the children to determine their initial ideas, using an informal interview guide; they responded whether certain objects were living or not, and how they told if the particular objects were living or not. The classroom activities were also observed in large/small groups and individually. An assisting observer viewed the classroom activities and simultaneously recorded science-related teacher-children interactions and the children's hands-on activities. Later the researcher made a transcription of the observer's notes. The data were also collected from the teacher's journal, in which she recorded everyday classroom activities and reflected on teaching and learning. Finally, after 8 weeks of the 16-week instructional intervention, the researcher interviewed the children, using a formal interview guide, as to how their concepts of living things had changed and developed. The researcher interviewed the children as to whether particular objects were plants or animals, neither or both, and the criteria they used to decide. The study showed that the kindergarten children had solid and unique ideas based on their everyday experience with living and non-living things prior to the formal instructional inventions. In the classroom activities, the children showed that they rejected or changed several of their own concepts of living things. The instructional

  4. [Idea and practice of ZHU Lian concerning acupuncture education].


    Zhang, Li-Jian; Liu, Bing; Xu, Qing-Yan; Ran, Sheng-Qi


    ZHU Lian is a deceased famous acupuncture and Moxibustion specialist, the first director and the founder of institute of Acupuncture-Moxibustion of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. This article discusses the thought and idea of education and teaching of acupuncture-moxibustion from the following three aspects: diversified education and training mode, teaching idea of new acupuncture-moxibustion with a lot of characteristics, and the founding of professional acupuncture-moxibustion college. All above have both distinct characteristics of the times and positively enlightening significance of reality.

  5. 'Swab racks are an old fashioned idea'.


    Mumford, M


    Mary Mumford, theatre sister at the Princes of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, was asked to speak in a short debate at an NATN branch meeting, supporting the motion that 'swab racks are an old fashioned idea'. Although she did not like swab racks she had not attempted thus far to do anything about them. In the event, she actually lost the debate--not in principle but because she could offer no effective alternative method of checking swabs. Having been given the incentive, a trial is now being conducted in her hospital similar to that described by Paul Wicker. This is the case presented by Mary Mumford supporting the following motion ... 'that swab racks are an old fashioned idea, which cause more potential problems due to exposure of blood than is proven to be safe in today's theatre environment'.

  6. Looking for ideas: Eye behavior during goal-directed internally focused cognition☆

    PubMed Central

    Walcher, Sonja; Körner, Christof; Benedek, Mathias


    Humans have a highly developed visual system, yet we spend a high proportion of our time awake ignoring the visual world and attending to our own thoughts. The present study examined eye movement characteristics of goal-directed internally focused cognition. Deliberate internally focused cognition was induced by an idea generation task. A letter-by-letter reading task served as external task. Idea generation (vs. reading) was associated with more and longer blinks and fewer microsaccades indicating an attenuation of visual input. Idea generation was further associated with more and shorter fixations, more saccades and saccades with higher amplitudes as well as heightened stimulus-independent variation of eye vergence. The latter results suggest a coupling of eye behavior to internally generated information and associated cognitive processes, i.e. searching for ideas. Our results support eye behavior patterns as indicators of goal-directed internally focused cognition through mechanisms of attenuation of visual input and coupling of eye behavior to internally generated information. PMID:28689088

  7. Guide to School Greenhouses: Growing Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beliveau, Victoria

    This booklet is part of the Growing Ideas series for educators which supports teachers by enabling them to expand their own skills as they help students use plants and gardens as contexts for developing a deeper, richer understanding of the world around them. This booklet, on school greenhouses, gives an overview of key issues relevant to…

  8. Trouble Funding Poets? Here's an Idea!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McGown, Sue


    In this article, the author gives some ideas on how to find funding for author and poet visits. Author and poet visits are very important for children of all ages. Young children learn much from meeting real people who write professionally. Good speakers inspire students to write and communicate in an articulate manner while in school and later in…

  9. A Rubric for Extracting Idea Density from Oral Language Samples

    PubMed Central

    Chand, Vineeta; Baynes, Kathleen; Bonnici, Lisa M.; Farias, Sarah Tomaszewski


    While past research has demonstrated that low idea density (ID) scores from natural language samples correlate with late life risk for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease pathology, there are no published rubrics for collecting and analyzing language samples for idea density to verify or extend these findings into new settings. This paper outlines the history of ID research and findings, discusses issues with past rubrics, and then presents an operationalized method for the systematic measurement of ID in language samples, with an extensive manual available as a supplement to this article (Analysis of Idea Density, AID). Finally, reliability statistics for this rubric in the context of dementia research on aging populations and verification that AID can replicate the significant association between ID and late life cognition are presented. PMID:23042498

  10. 1831: the map that launched the idea of global health.


    Koch, Tom


    Today we take for granted the idea of global health, of disease as an international event. Increasingly, we assume as well that the international spread of disease can be traced to human travel patterns as well as to recurring environmental conditions. Perversely, the idea of ‘global health’ and its inverse, global disease, owes little to the three-dimensional imaging of the planet and almost everything to the two-dimensional plane of the map. Here the idea of global disease is traced from its beginnings in the 18th century to its 19th-century introduction in maps of the first cholera pandemic. This global perspective, and the responsibilities it promoted among civil officials, can be seen in modern studies of cancer, influenza and other conditions with both environmental foundations and international presence.

  11. Los Angeles Beach Harbors, Los Angeles County, California.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    predicted at this time. The presently proposed project is not dependent upon nor contributory to further navigation development in the V" Los Long Beach and Compton. The Los Angeles Harbor probably exhibited similar intensities ranging from VII to IX depending on the soil conditions...the harbor. The water quality in these aquifers is dependent upon the rates of recharge and extraction (natural and otherwise). The Dominguez Gap

  12. Investigating Undergraduate Students' Ideas about the Curvature of the Universe

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coble, Kim; Conlon, Mallory; Bailey, Janelle M.


    [This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Astronomy Education Research.] As part of a larger project studying undergraduate students' understanding of cosmology, we explored students' ideas about the curvature of the Universe. We investigated preinstruction ideas held by introductory astronomy (ASTRO 101) students at three participating…

  13. [Parenting Information: Teenagers. Informacion Para los Padres: Sobre los Jovenes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moreno, Steve

    These four booklets are devoted specifically to the concerns of parents and their teenage children and are part of a series of 22 booklets designed specifically to help parents understand their children and help them to learn. "Parents--Learn about Your Teenager" (booklet #6) explains the changes which occur during the teen years and the…

  14. Nudging Students into Writing Creatively (Teaching Ideas).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Perreault, George; And Others


    Describes ideas for writing prompts and assignments proposed by three different teachers: (1) writing poems inspired by smells of herbs and spices; (2) writing about past perceptions and feelings after looking at a photograph; and (3) writing a "self-portrait." (TB)

  15. Correlating Glasser's Choice Theory to the Behavioral Requirements of IDEA 97.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mishler, James A.; Cherry, Scott

    This paper connects the philosophical basis of Glasser's Choice Theory/Reality Therapy to the Functional Assessments of Behavior (FAB) required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The 1997 reauthorization of IDEA states that before a school can place a student with emotional or behavioral difficulties into an alternative…

  16. Design by Analogy: Achieving More Patentable Ideas from One Creative Design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jia, Li-Zhen; Wu, Chun-Long; Zhu, Xue-Hong; Tan, Run-Hua


    A patent is a kind of technical document to protect intellectual property for individuals or enterprises. Patentable idea generation is a crucial step for patent application and analogy is confirmed to be an effective technique to inspire creative ideas. Analogy-based design usually starts from representation of an analogy source and is followed by the retrieval of appropriate analogs, mapping of design knowledge and adaptation of target solution. To diffuse one core idea into other new contexts and achieve more patentable ideas, this paper mainly centered on the first two stages of analogy-based design and proposed a patentable ideation framework. The analogical information of the source system, including source design problems and solution, was mined comprehensively through International Patent Classification analysis and represented in the form of function, behavior and structure. Three heuristics were suggested for searching the set of candidate target systems with a similar design problem, where the source design could be transferred. To systematize the process of source representation, analogs retrieval, idea transfer, and solution generation, an ideation model was put forward. Finally, the bladeless fan was selected as a source design to illustrate the application of this work. The design output shows that the representation and heuristics are beneficial, and this systematic ideation method can help the engineer or designer enhance creativity and discover more patentable opportunities.

  17. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.

  18. Una búsqueda de la identidad regional em Astrometria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abad, C.


    La idea sobre una reunión latino-americana que congregara a las personas que desarrollan su trabajo en el área de la astrometría, se gestó a partir de una de las reuniones que el proyecto QUEST realizaba anualmente en Mérida (Venezuela). El proyecto QUEST (Quasars Equatorial Survey Team) celebraba su IV Reunión Anual, en la cual se hacía una revisón de la marcha del proyecto durante el último año. Además, se exponían los logros científicos y técnicos alcanzados hasta el momento y se planificaba el futuro del mismo para el período anual siguiente.

  19. Understanding IDEA 1997 and the 1999 Regulations with Barbara Bateman. [Videotape].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, VA. Div. for Learning Disabilities.

    The United States Congress amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997 to reflect changes in the special education field over the previous twenty years. In this 2-hour videotape recording designed for teachers, administrators, parents, and others, Dr. Barbara Bateman presents her insights about changes in IDEA law and…

  20. L.I. Novikova's Research School: Main Ideas and Prospects for Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Selivanova, Natalia Leonidovna; Stepanov, Pavel Valentinovich; Shakurova, Marina Viktorovna


    This article presents the main ideas of L.I. Novikova's research school "Systems Approach to Character Education (Russian Vospitaniye-Editor) and Socialization in Children and Young Adults," which is the leading research school in the sphere of education. It also shows how these ideas were developed in the activities of five generations…

  1. Forming ideas about health: a qualitative study of Ontario adolescents.


    Michaelson, Valerie; McKerron, Margaret; Davison, Colleen


    Adolescence is a crucial period of child development during which one's ideas about health are formed. However, little is known about the different contexts, experiences, and potential other factors that contribute to shaping the health ideas of adolescent populations, particularly when they are not seeking out the information for a particular purpose. In this Ontario-based qualitative study, grounded theory methods were used to explore ways that health knowledge is obtained in adolescents (age 10-16). A purposeful, criterion-based sampling strategy was used, and data were collected through seven focus groups (n=40). Findings indicate that while young people get their ideas about health through both didactic and organic learning contexts, the significant impact of organic learning is often overlooked. Categories of organic learning that emerged include self-reflective experience, the experience of close contacts, casually observing others, and common discourse. This study suggests that one central way that young people get their ideas about health is from living life: from the people they watch, the conversations that they have, and the experiences they live. Findings support the development of effective health promotion messages and also contribute to considering the place of some aspects of organic learning in the development of health-related resources that target adolescent populations.

  2. Forming ideas about health: A qualitative study of Ontario adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Michaelson, Valerie; McKerron, Margaret; Davison, Colleen


    Adolescence is a crucial period of child development during which one's ideas about health are formed. However, little is known about the different contexts, experiences, and potential other factors that contribute to shaping the health ideas of adolescent populations, particularly when they are not seeking out the information for a particular purpose. In this Ontario-based qualitative study, grounded theory methods were used to explore ways that health knowledge is obtained in adolescents (age 10–16). A purposeful, criterion-based sampling strategy was used, and data were collected through seven focus groups (n=40). Findings indicate that while young people get their ideas about health through both didactic and organic learning contexts, the significant impact of organic learning is often overlooked. Categories of organic learning that emerged include self-reflective experience, the experience of close contacts, casually observing others, and common discourse. This study suggests that one central way that young people get their ideas about health is from living life: from the people they watch, the conversations that they have, and the experiences they live. Findings support the development of effective health promotion messages and also contribute to considering the place of some aspects of organic learning in the development of health-related resources that target adolescent populations. PMID:26015404

  3. Interaction effect of response medium and working memory capacity on creative idea generation.


    Hao, Ning; Yuan, Huan; Cheng, Rui; Wang, Qing; Runco, Mark A


    This study aimed to examine the interaction effect of response medium (i.e., write down ideas and orally report ideas) and working memory capacity (WMC) on creative idea generation. Participants (N = 90) with higher or lower WMC were asked to solve Alternative Uses Task (AUT) problems in the condition of writing down or speaking out ideas. The results showed that fluency of AUT performance was higher in the writing than in the speaking condition. Additionally, participants with higher WMC performed better on AUT fluency than those with lower WMC in the writing condition, while they showed no difference in the speaking condition. Moreover, level of cognitive demand fully mediated the effect of response medium on AUT fluency. Theoretically, these findings indicated the importance of WMC in creative idea generation, which supported the controlled-attention theory of creativity. Practical implications and future directions were discussed.

  4. Interaction effect of response medium and working memory capacity on creative idea generation

    PubMed Central

    Hao, Ning; Yuan, Huan; Cheng, Rui; Wang, Qing; Runco, Mark A.


    This study aimed to examine the interaction effect of response medium (i.e., write down ideas and orally report ideas) and working memory capacity (WMC) on creative idea generation. Participants (N = 90) with higher or lower WMC were asked to solve Alternative Uses Task (AUT) problems in the condition of writing down or speaking out ideas. The results showed that fluency of AUT performance was higher in the writing than in the speaking condition. Additionally, participants with higher WMC performed better on AUT fluency than those with lower WMC in the writing condition, while they showed no difference in the speaking condition. Moreover, level of cognitive demand fully mediated the effect of response medium on AUT fluency. Theoretically, these findings indicated the importance of WMC in creative idea generation, which supported the controlled-attention theory of creativity. Practical implications and future directions were discussed. PMID:26528227

  5. Exploring Persona-Scenarios - Using Storytelling to Create Design Ideas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Madsen, Sabine; Nielsen, Lene

    This paper explores the persona-scenario method by investigating how the method can support project participants in generating shared understandings and design ideas. As persona-scenarios are stories we draw on narrative theory to define what a persona-scenario is and which narrative elements it should consist of. Based on an empirical study a key finding is that despite our inherent human ability to construct, tell, and interpret stories it is not easy to write and present a good, coherent, and design-oriented story without methodical support. The paper therefore contributes with guidelines that delineate a) what a design-oriented persona-scenario should consist of (product) and b) how to write it (procedure) in order to generate and validate as many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas as possible (purpose). The purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate the construction of persona-scenarios as good, coherent stories, which make sense to the storytellers and to the audience - and which therefore generate many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas.

  6. Observaciones del CH interestelar y el continuo en 3,3 GHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Olano, C. A.; Combi, J. A.; Pöppel, W.; Benaglia, P.; Sanz, A. J.; Bava, J. A.

    Se informa sobre el proyecto que se lleva a cabo en el IAR con el propósito de observar las líneas hiperfinas del estado fundamental del CH y el continuo en la banda de 3,3 GHz. El nuevo receptor construído en nuestro laboratorio para tal fin se instaló sobre uno de los radiotelescopios, funcionando conjuntamente con los sistemas de procesamiento actuales del IAR. Los resultados de las primeras observaciones, realizadas tanto en las líneas espectrales como en el continuo sobre fuentes conocidas, fueron satisfactorios.

  7. Diagramming Scientific Papers - A New Idea for Understanding/Teaching/Sharing Science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saltus, R. W.; Fedi, M.


    How do we best communicate scientific results? As the number of scientists and scientific papers steadily increases, one of the greatest challenges is effective and efficient sharing of science. The official repository of scientific knowledge is the peer-reviewed journal archive. However, this primary knowledge can be difficult to access and understand by anyone but a relevant specialist. We propose some new ideas for diagramming the content and significance of scientific papers using a simple and intuitive graphical approach. We propose a visual mapping that highlights four fundamental aspects of most scientific papers: Data, Methods/Models, Results/Ideas, and Implications/Importance. Each of these aspects is illustrated within boxed fields which contain one or more labeled elements positioned to reflect novelty (aka originality) and impact relative to the vertical and horizontal axes. The relative position of the boxed fields themselves indicates the relative significance of data, methods, ideas, or implications to the paper. Optional lines between boxed elements indicate the flow and dependence of data/methods/ideas within the paper. As with any graphical depiction, you need to see it to best appreciate it -- this written abstract is only meant as an introduction to the idea.We anticipate that diagramming may prove useful in both communication of scientific ideas among scientists as well as in education and outreach. For example, professors could assign diagramming of papers as a way to help students organize their thoughts about the structure and impact of scientific articles. Students could compare and defend their diagrams as a way to facilitate discussion/debate. Authors could diagram their own work as a way to efficiently summarize the importance and significance of their work. We also imagine that (in the future) automatic diagramming might be used to help summarize or facilitate the discovery of archived work.

  8. Ten Ideas Worth Stealing from New Zealand.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jarchow, Elaine


    New Zealand educators have some ideas worth stealing, including morning tea-time, the lie-flat manifold duplicate book for recording classroom observation comments, school uniforms, collegial planning and grading of college assignments, good meeting etiquette, a whole-child orientation, portable primary architecture, group employment interviews…

  9. The Idea Factory: An Interactive Intergroup Exercise

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rosh, Lisa; Leach, Evan


    This article outlines the Idea Factory exercise, an interactive exercise designed to help participants examine group, individual, and organizational factors that affect intergroup conflict. Specific emphasis is placed on exploring the relationship between intra- and intergroup dynamics and identifying managerial practices that foster effective…

  10. Health Education Teaching Ideas: Elementary. Volume II.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hakala, Jane, Ed.; Buckner, W. P., Jr., Ed.; King, Karen, Ed.

    This guide contains innovative learning activities and teaching ideas to enhance classroom instruction. The 40 papers are divided into 12 areas: "Health Attitudes and Values" (e.g., understanding elementary students' perceptions of health through art, narrative and discussion); "Mental Health" (e.g., building community through…

  11. Investigating Undergraduate Students' Ideas about the Fate of the Universe

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Conlon, Mallory; Coble, Kim; Bailey, Janelle M.; Cominsky, Lynn R.


    As astronomers further develop an understanding of the fate of the Universe, it is essential to study students' ideas on the fate of the Universe so that instructors can communicate the field's current status more effectively. In this study, we examine undergraduate students' preinstruction ideas of the fate of the Universe in ten semester-long…

  12. An Exploratory Study of the Idea of an Auxiliary Universal Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Majidi, Mojdeh


    We live in an increasingly interconnected world where the growing movements of ideas, goods, information, money and people across national boundaries and technological advancements have led to the urgent need to have a common secondary language to partake in the global community. This study intends to extend the literature on the idea of an…

  13. Uncovering Hegelian Connections: A New Look at Dewey's Early Educational Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waddington, David I.


    This paper is dedicated to the investigation of an important, but not particularly well known, connection between the work of Hegel and Dewey's early educational ideas. A brief exposition of Hegel's position in the "Philosophy of Right" is offered, with a particular focus on Hegel's idea of absolute freedom. This exposition is followed by an…

  14. Mapping Students' Ideas to Understand Learning in a Collaborative Programming Environment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harlow, Danielle Boyd; Leak, Anne Emerson


    Recent studies in learning programming have largely focused on high school and college students; less is known about how young children learn to program. From video data of 20 students using a graphical programming interface, we identified ideas that were shared and evolved through an elementary school classroom. In mapping these ideas and their…

  15. A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Children's Everyday Ideas: Implications for Science Teaching and Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wee, Bryan


    Children's everyday ideas form critical foundations for science learning yet little research has been conducted to understand and legitimize these ideas, particularly from an international perspective. This paper explores children's everyday ideas about the environment across the US, Singapore and China to understand what they reveal about…

  16. US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017 : Community Report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Feng, J.; Fox, P.; Dawson, W. A.

    This white paper summarizes the workshop “U.S. Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter” held at University of Maryland from March 23-25. The flagships of the US Dark Matter search program are the G2 experiments ADMX, LZ, and SuperCDMS, which will cover well-motivated axion and WIMP dark matter over a range of masses. The workshop assumes that a complete exploration of this parameter space remains the highest priority of the dark matter community, and focuses instead on the science case for additional new small-scale projects in dark matter science that complement the G2 program (and other ongoing projects worldwide). Itmore » therefore concentrates on exploring distinct, well-motivated parameter space that will not be covered by the existing program; on surveying ideas for such projects (i.e. projects costing ~$10M or less); and on placing these ideas in a global context. The workshop included over 100 presentations of new ideas, proposals and recent science and R&D results from the US and international scientific community.« less

  17. The impact of parent advocacy groups, the Internet, and social networking on rare diseases: the IDEA League and IDEA League United Kingdom example.


    Black, Angela P; Baker, Marie


    The development of the Internet and subsequent evolution of social networking has significantly changed the effectiveness of patient advocacy groups for rare diseases. The greatest degree of change has occurred at the patient level, with an increased ability of affected individuals to share experiences and support, and to raise public awareness. Other changes have occurred, not only in the way rare diseases are diagnosed, studied, and treated, but also in how they are addressed at the level of legislation and public policy. The International Dravet syndrome Epilepsy Action League (IDEA League) is the leading patient advocacy organization for Dravet syndrome and related genetic ion-channel epilepsy disorders (hereafter referred to as Dravet syndrome or severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, SMEI). The IDEA League's mission encompasses international support and outreach for patients and families, as well as collaboration with physicians, medical education, health care coordination, and research. The IDEA League is an excellent example of the impact of patient advocacy groups, the Internet, and social networking on the landscape of rare diseases. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2011 International League Against Epilepsy.

  18. Assiduous String-Savers: The Idea-Generating Strategies of Professional Expository Writers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Root, Robert L., Jr.

    A study was conducted over a two-year period to investigate the idea-generating strategies of six professional writers and their implications for students. Because finding an idea that leads to a journal or newspaper column is so important to a writer, an attempt was made to learn ways professional writers establish working plans and develop a…

  19. Ideas about the Human Body among Secondary Students in South Africa

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Granklint Enochson, Pernilla; Redfors, Andreas; Dempster, Edith R.; Tibell, Lena A. E.


    In this paper we focus on how South African students' ideas about the human body are constituted in their descriptions of three different scenarios involving the pathway of a sandwich, a painkiller and a glass of water through the body. In particular, we have studied the way in which the students transferred ideas between the sandwich and the…

  20. Explaining the Expansion of Feminist Ideas: Cultural Diffusion or Political Struggle?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stromquist, Nelly P.


    This article explores the expansion of feminist ideas as both a conceptual and a political issue. It focuses on two major theories of social change, world culture theory (WCT) and world system analysis (WSA), comparing and contrasting how they frame gender as a factor shaping society, how they account for the diffusion of feminist ideas and how…

  1. Preservice elementary teachers' development of PCK-readiness about learners' science ideas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smithey, Julie Faye

    Preservice elementary teachers face many daunting challenges as they learn to teach science. Teacher educators try to design methods courses that help them meet these challenges and prepare them for the experiences they will have as student teachers and new teachers. Because they often do not spend much time with students, it is a general assumption that preservice teachers are unable to develop pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) with respect to their learners. Rather than focus on what they are unable to do, however, this dissertation explores how a methods course might foster consideration of learners' science ideas, an important component of PCK. Perhaps preservice teachers can learn to develop PCK-readiness, thus putting them in a good position to develop rich usable PCK once they have more experience in the classroom. This study follows a class of preservice teachers through an elementary science methods course. It describes the trajectories of eight focus preservice teachers' thinking about their learners. It also explores how the entire class made sense of a set of activities designed to foster consideration of learners' ideas. Results indicate that with scaffolds, preservice teachers are able to think in complex ways about their learners' ideas, including considering how to use those ideas in instruction. The trajectories of the preservice teachers varied but generally showed growth in thinking about learners' ideas, although some were focused on or influenced by particular aspects while others made more consistent growth in several areas. Generally, the course activities supported thinking about how to deal with learners' ideas but not the characteristics of those ideas. This study contributes to the field by providing a description of how a range of preservice teachers engaged with the activities in the methods course. In addition, it describes the kind of influence that a methods course might have on preservice teachers' development of a crucial aspect

  2. Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Areas Regional Cultural History, Los Angeles County, California,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    which they named islands, such as Mormon Island. The Los ’ Bahia de los Fumos’ on Angeles River, when discovered by the account of the many smokes...value because of its Fermin Francisco de Lasuen, "padre historically valuable fittings of museum quality. presidente" of the Franciscan missions. This...BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-k -4 L L LOS ANOELES BEC ABOR AREAS REIONAL GULTAL ISonY 2 Los Angels County, California AD-A144 450 "I~~~ -1lroe its ’ c*1 rpi

  3. Development of Euler's ideas at the Moscow State Regional University

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vysikaylo, P. I.; Belyaev, V. V.


    In honor of the 250th anniversary of Euler's discovery of three libration points in Russia in 1767 in the area of two rotating gravitational attractors in 2017 an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Euler Readings MRSU 2017” was held in Moscow Region State University (MRSU). The Conference demonstrated that the Euler's ideas continue to remain relevant at the present time. This paper summarizes the main achievements on the basis of Leonard Euler's ideas presented at the Conference.

  4. A few of our favorite unconfirmed ideas

    PubMed Central


    Medical practice is rooted in our dependence on the best available evidence from incremental scientific experimentation and rigorous clinical trials. Progress toward determining the true worth of ongoing practice or suggested innovations can be glacially slow when we insist on following the stepwise scientific pathway, and a prevailing but imperfect paradigm often proves difficult to challenge. Yet most experienced clinicians and clinical scientists harbor strong thoughts about how care could or should be improved, even if the existing evidence base is thin or lacking. One of our Future of Critical Care Medicine conference sessions encouraged sharing of novel ideas, each presented with what the speaker considers a defensible rationale. Our intent was to stimulate insightful thinking and free interchange, and perhaps to point in new directions toward lines of innovative theory and improved care of the critically ill. In what follows, a brief background outlines the rationale for each novel and deliberately provocative unconfirmed idea endorsed by the presenter. PMID:26728101

  5. Old and New Ideas about School Desegregation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Willie, Charles V.

    This paper presents a set of new ideas which support the value of school desegregation in the United States. First, school desegregation efforts have been almost universally effective, no matter what implementation strategy was employed. Even busing, although widely criticized, has been effective. Second, desegregation efforts have usually…

  6. People-Things and Data-Ideas: Bipolar Dimensions?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tay, Louis; Su, Rong; Rounds, James


    We examined a longstanding assumption in vocational psychology that people-things and data-ideas are bipolar dimensions. Two minimal criteria for bipolarity were proposed and examined across 3 studies: (a) The correlation between opposite interest types should be negative; (b) after correcting for systematic responding, the correlation should be…

  7. A Handbook of Bright Ideas: Facilitating Giftedness.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cherry, Betty S., Ed.

    Presented is a manual developed by the Manatee, Florida, program for gifted students which includes articles by leading thinkers, information on J. Guilford's structure of the intellect model, the importance of cognitive and affective balance, creative development, checklists, games, and other ideas for teachers of gifted students. Articles…

  8. Writing Down the Days: 365 Creative Journaling Ideas for Young People.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dahlstrom, Lorraine M.; Espeland, Pamela, Ed.

    This book offers an entire year of journaling ideas--some serious, some "silly," but all tied to the calendar year. In fact, the book's sections are the months of the year. Each idea in the book comes with a fact-filled introduction and aims to prove that writing does not have to be boring or dull. As a special feature, many entries in…

  9. The cosmological ideas of the peoples in the ancient Near East

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gropp, Harald

    The European astronomers Kepler and Brahe made a big step forwards to a new view of the world in the sixteenth century. Four or five thousands years earlier a lot of interesting cosmological ideas were developed in Mesopotamia, e.g. by Sumerians, Accadians, Babylonians or Assyrians. Many traditions in mathematics, astronomy, and astrology were started in these early cultures. The author discusses some of these ideas and, briefly, the cosmological ideas of those people who lived in many parts of Europe in the first millenium before Christ. These are the celts whose origin was in what is now called Bohemia, Germany and Austria, while after covered a wide area in Europe from British islands to Balcans. (Abstract and oral speech)

  10. PubMed

    Espuig Sebastián, Rosana; Noreña Peña, Ana Lucía; Cortés Castel, Ernesto; González-San, Juan de Diego


    Introducción: el estado nutricional previo de la embarazada, la adecuada ganancia de peso y la ingesta de ciertos nutrientes pueden tener una influencia importante tanto para la madre como para el recién nacido, a corto y largo plazo. Las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud son transmitidas durante el control del embarazo por la matrona.Objetivos: analizar los principales estudios sobre la percepción de las embarazadas acerca de los consejos nutricionales recibidos e identificar las estrategias utilizadas por las matronas para su implementación.Metodología: búsqueda bibliográfica sobre embarazadas de bajo riesgo controladas por matronas y que reciben consejos nutricionales realizada en WOS, CINHAL y PubMed. Se utilizaron los descriptores: pregnancy, pregnant, midwife, counselling, nutritiony sus diferentes combinaciones. Los criterios de inclusión fueron artículos originales y revisiones en inglés, español o portugués de los últimos diez años y disponibles en texto completo.Resultados: se encontraron 184 referencias. Solo 11 tratan el tema abordado. Existen múltiples artículos con consejos nutricionales en el embarazo, pero muy pocos que incluyan estrategias educativas implementadas por las matronas que aborden recomendaciones dietético-nutricionales y su utilidad.Conclusión: existen escasos estudios que investiguen los conocimientos que las matronas tienen sobre nutrición en el embarazo y los consejos que aportan sobre el tema. Igualmente sucede con los trabajos que estudian la percepción que tienen las gestantes sobre los consejos nutricionales recibidos.

  11. Similarities and Differences In Ideas Generated by Physics Learners: US College Students Vs. Tibetan Buddhist Monks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johnson, Andy


    We have used PER-based course materials to teach various physics topics to Tibetan Buddhist monks over the last four years. While listening to the monks' ideas through interpreters, we found some striking similarities with ideas that we hear in our own classrooms in the US. However, the degree of similarity of monks' ideas with those of US students varied with the topic. For example, ideas that emerged in the topic of magnetism were often consistent with western ideas while ideas about color addition were sometimes strikingly different from ideas that American students use. The monks' ways of talking lead us to believe that cultural background partially determines how they think initially about particular physics topics. This poster will give examples of similarities and of differences, and attempt to identify reasons for both.

  12. Grade 1 to 6 Thai students' existing ideas about light: Across-age study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horasirt, Yupaporn; Yuenyong, Chokchai


    This paper aimed to investigate Grade 1 to 6 Thai (6 - 12 years old) students' existing ideas about light, sight, vision, source of light. The participants included 36 Grade 1 to 6 students (6 students in each Grade) who studying at a primary school in Khon Kaen. The method of this study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The tools included the two-tiered test about light and open-ended question. Students' responses were categorized the students' existing ideas about light. Findings indicated that young students held various existing ideas about light that could be categorized into 6 different groups relating to sight, vision, and source of light. The paper discussed these students' existing ideas for developing constructivist learning about light in Thailand context.

  13. Ideas and Problems Contained in the Astronomical Manuscripts Kept in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hadzibegovic, Zalkida


    This paper is a summary of dissertation research regarding the ideas and problems contained in the astronomical manuscripts written in the Arabic alphabet and in Oriental languages, which are kept in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main aim of this paper is to show the role and development of the astronomical ideas contained in the manuscripts and the methods explaining the highlighted problems. According to the analyzed manuscripts, ideas in Bosnian science were mainly influenced by Arabic-Islamic countries, while European influence was less important. Even in the time of Copernican heliocentric ideas, the old Arabic astronomy was still current in Bosnia and Herzegovina, primarily for satisfying religious needs of Muslims, such as prayer timekeeping and sacred direction location, by scientific methods.

  14. Organisational change: a methodology to uncover the business idea.


    Barker, J; Anderson, P


    A study was undertaken to identify the "Business Idea", as defined by van der Heijden (1996), in The Family Planning Association of WA Inc (FPWA) which is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) in Perth, Western Australia. This organisation was chosen as, along with many other NGOs, it was undergoing major changes in its funding, role and required outcomes. A qualitative interpretivist single case study methodology employing grounded theory research principles and methods was used to study the Business Idea framework in this setting. Thirty-four members of FPWA's staff were interviewed and data was managed using NUD*IST4 and Decision Explorer data storage, data retrieval and graphical reproduction facilities. Results indicated that images of the Business Idea model within FPWA were largely consistent across all staff levels excepting members of the Board of Management. Changes within the organisation were impacting heavily on staff, who needed to be assisted over the transitional phase. Strong leadership and corporate direction were identified as essential if the FPWA was to balance the strongly held sense of social justice amongst its staff with a need for greater productivity efficiency and accountability across the organisation.

  15. IDEA: 1997 Amendments in Definitions and Funding.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kolbe, Sherry L.


    Summarizes the 1997 amendments to IDEA in hopes that a solid understanding of the law will clarify the current rights of children and help inform advocacy efforts toward future amendments. Some of the changes include clarification of these terms: child with a disability; developmental delay; related services; supplementary aids; transition…

  16. Students' Ideas about Plants and Plant Growth

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barman, Charles R.; Stein, Mary; McNair, Shannan; Barman, Natalie S.


    Because the National Science Education Standards (1996) outline specific things K-8 students should know about plants, and previous data indicated that elementary students had difficulty understanding some major ideas about plants and plant growth, the authors of this article thought it appropriate to initiate an investigation to determine the…

  17. Healthy School Meals: Promotion Ideas That Work.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Minnesota State Dept. of Children, Families, and Learning, Roseville. Food and Nutrition Service.

    "Healthy School Meals: Promotion Ideas That Work" is a Minnesota program based on the USDA's Team Nutrition program. The program's goal is to improve the health of children through school meals and nutrition education. This is accomplished by empowering schools to serve meals meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and motivating…

  18. Translating Governance Ideas in Danish Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Degn, Lise


    Many of the same ideas seem to crop up repeatedly in the higher education governance reform wave in recent decades, with accountability, flexibility, and strategic capacity being a few of the common concepts. Several studies have shown, however, that national higher education systems receive these inputs very differently, leading to dissimilar…

  19. The Idea Book for Educators, 2000-2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    O'Connell, Libby Haight, Ed.


    The Fall 2000 and Spring 2001 issues provide ideas for teaching based on Arts and Entertainment and History Channel programming. The Fall issue contains study guides such as: "Inside Story: Street Racing: The Need for Speed" (analyzes the legal and moral implications of street racing); "Longitude" (examines the difficulties of…

  20. Role of Ideas and Ideologies in Evidence-Based Health Policy

    PubMed Central

    Prinja, S


    Policy making in health is largely thought to be driven by three ‘I’s namely ideas, interests and institutions. Recent years have seen a shift in approach with increasing reliance being placed on role of evidence for policy making. The present article ascertains the role of ideas and ideologies in shaping evidence which is used to aid in policy decisions. The article discusses different theories of research-policy interface and the relative freedom of research-based evidence from the influence of ideas. Examples from developed and developed countries are cited to illustrate the contentions made. The article highlights the complexity of the process of evidence-based policy making, in a world driven by existing political, social and cultural ideologies. Consideration of this knowledge is paramount where more efforts are being made to bridge the gap between the ‘two worlds’ of researchers and policy makers to make evidence-based policy as also for policy analysts. PMID:23112991

  1. Role of ideas and ideologies in evidence-based health policy.


    Prinja, S


    Policy making in health is largely thought to be driven by three 'I's namely ideas, interests and institutions. Recent years have seen a shift in approach with increasing reliance being placed on role of evidence for policy making. The present article ascertains the role of ideas and ideologies in shaping evidence which is used to aid in policy decisions. The article discusses different theories of research-policy interface and the relative freedom of research-based evidence from the influence of ideas. Examples from developed and developed countries are cited to illustrate the contentions made. The article highlights the complexity of the process of evidence-based policy making, in a world driven by existing political, social and cultural ideologies. Consideration of this knowledge is paramount where more efforts are being made to bridge the gap between the 'two worlds' of researchers and policy makers to make evidence-based policy as also for policy analysts.

  2. OJPOT: online judge & practice oriented teaching idea in programming courses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Gui Ping; Chen, Shu Yu; Yang, Xin; Feng, Rui


    Practical abilities are important for students from majors including Computer Science and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Along with the popularity of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) and other programming contests, online judge (OJ) websites achieve rapid development, thus providing a new kind of programming practice, i.e. online practice. Due to fair and timely feedback results from OJ websites, online practice outperforms traditional programming practice. In order to promote students' practical abilities in programming and algorithm designing, this article presents a novel teaching idea, online judge & practice oriented teaching (OJPOT). OJPOT is applied to Programming Foundation course. OJPOT cultivates students' practical abilities through various kinds of programming practice, such as programming contests, online practice and course project. To verify the effectiveness of this novel teaching idea, this study conducts empirical research. The experimental results show that OJPOT works effectively in enhancing students' practical abilities compared with the traditional teaching idea.

  3. Seventy Plus Ideas for Viewing and Representing (And They're not Just for Language Arts!).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Begoray, Deborah L.


    Notes that "viewing" (acquiring and criticizing ideas visually conveyed) and "representing" (communicating ideas through various media) are being incorporated into language arts curriculum documents in Canada. Presents 72 teaching ideas (for language arts, science, and math) that encourage teachers to adopt, adapt, and…

  4. Know the Law: Reimbursement under the IDEA

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Osborne, Allan G., Jr.; Rehberg, Megan L.


    When school boards fail to provide the free appropriate public education (FAPE) guaranteed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities and their parents can be compensated in various ways. One of the more common remedies is to reimburse parents for tuition and other costs they may have incurred in…

  5. Joseph Tofte Bruns: Wrestling with Big Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cosier, Kimberly


    Joe Bruns is currently a student in the Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The series of work featured in this interview centers on the idea of relationships. Joe explores collective and implicated relationship to the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres through the reuse of paper taken from…

  6. "Humanistic Bildung": Regulative Idea or Empty Concept?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reichenbach, Roland


    The article focuses on the notion and humanistic ideal of self-cultivation and self-transformation, for which the term "Bildung" is/was traditionally used in German educational thought. It is argued that the idea of "Bildung", understood as human development and end-in-itself, is not a German exclusivity. However, to understand…

  7. Contemporary criticisms of the received wilderness idea


    J. Baird Callicott


    Names are important. The name “wilderness” is fraught with historical baggage obfuscating the most important role of wilderness areas for contemporary conservation. The received wilderness idea has been and remains a tool of androcentrism, racism, colonialism, and genocide. It privileges virile and primitive recreation, because the...

  8. The Idea of the University of Chicago.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murphy, William Michael, Ed.; Bruckner, D. J. R., Ed.

    Selected are the excerpts from the presidents' papers that best reflect each person's interpretation of the idea of the University of Chicago. The topical arrangement of the excerpts gives the impression of a discussion and, in the ancient sense, a dramatic argument. While the presidents discuss the strenuous intellectual endeavors of research,…

  9. The SAGE Handbook for Research in Education: Engaging Ideas and Enriching Inquiry

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Conrad, Clifton F., Ed.; Serlin, Ronald C., Ed.


    This guide is designed to encourage students, faculty, and policymakers to become more self-reflective in their inquiry. Placing the pursuit of ideas at the epicenter of research, K-12 and higher education scholars advance ideas for enhancing educational inquiry, relying extensively on narratives, vignettes, and examples of key episodes in…

  10. NoteCards: A Multimedia Idea Processing Environment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Halasz, Frank G.


    Notecards is a computer environment designed to help people work with ideas by providing a set of tools for a variety of specific activities, which can range from sketching on the back of an envelope to formally representing knowledge. The basic framework of this hypermedia system is a semantic network of electronic notecards connected by…

  11. Idea Bank: Ten Steps to Recruiting Singers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Luethi, Dean


    This issue of "Idea Bank" asks: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if word of mouth were sufficient to sell music education--if students lined up outside the rehearsal spaces to enroll in the ensembles?" The reality is that people don't show up in music classrooms without motivation. Music educators need to understand what motivates…

  12. Literary Ideas and Scripts for Young Playwrights

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kaniut Cobb, Lisa


    This collection presents techniques for tapping a broad range of literary sources to inspire young writers. Drawing upon poetry, folk tales, story jokes, and more, Literary Ideas walks students in grades 3-8 through the process of creating new stories and developing them as scripts for choral readings, readers theatre, and classroom plays. The…

  13. Recent New Ideas and Directions for Space-Based Nulling Interferometry

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Serabyn, Eugene (Gene)


    This document is composed of two viewgraph presentations. The first is entitled "Recent New Ideas and Directions for Space-Based Nulling Interferometry." It reviews our understanding of interferometry compared to a year or so ago: (1) Simpler options identified, (2) A degree of flexibility is possible, allowing switching (or degradation) between some options, (3) Not necessary to define every component to the exclusion of all other possibilities and (4) MIR fibers are becoming a reality. The second, entitled "The Fiber Nuller," reviews the idea of Combining beams in a fiber instead of at a beamsplitter.

  14. Children as scientists: Adding, connecting and elaborating ideas on the way to conceptual development

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Osmundson, Ellen

    In this study, I explored how children develop and construct their ideas and alternative frameworks in science. Prior work in this area suggested that changes from alternative conceptions to understandings that more closely resemble scientists' models do not occur in a sequential, linear fashion, nor are they easily accomplished. By employing a constructivist framework grounded in dynamic systems to look at learning, alternative conceptions were viewed not as ideas that need to be "confronted and replaced" but rather as pieces of an intricate puzzle of understanding that when combined create a more complete, functional, continuous understanding of science. Specifically, the study examined students' understandings and conceptualizations of light as they studied it formally for eight weeks. Understandings were measured through interviews, student-generated concept maps, classroom interactions and by examining student work samples. The central questions guiding the investigation were: What were children's (ages 9 and 10) conceptions of light? Did children's ideas about light develop during their eight week study of it? If so, what was the nature of these changes? Results from the study indicated that children had numerous ideas about light before their formal study of it based on their experiences with the world. As children studied light, they learned about it in the dynamic, synergistic and interactive processes of adding new ideas, connecting ideas to one another and elaborating understandings to arrive at progressively more complex and scientific understandings of light. Alternative conceptions, served as both productive and non-productive resources for learning. Further, alternative conceptions and prior understandings did not disappear as children developed their ideas about light. Rather "old" ideas were used and reused to provide support the gradual process of cognitive development of children's ideas about light. Findings from this study can be used to

  15. The Enlightenments of Educational Ideas of Ancient Academy on Modern Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Huang, Xia; Shen, Xi


    The ancient academy in China demonstrated some unique educational values, such as the school-running idea of independence and autonomy and the governance by famous experts, the instruction idea of being free and open and focusing on academy and morality cultivation, and the management concept of mind-oriented administration and student autonomy.…

  16. Making Heredity Matter: Samuel Butler's Idea of Unconscious Memory.


    Turbil, Cristiano


    Butler's idea of evolution was developed over the publication of four books, several articles and essays between 1863 and 1890. These publications, although never achieving the success expected by Butler, proposed a psychological elaboration of evolution (robustly enforced by Lamarck's philosophy), called 'unconscious memory'. This was strongly in contrast with the materialistic approach suggested by Darwin's natural selection. Starting with a historical introduction, this paper aspires to ascertain the logic, meaning and significance of Butler's idea of 'unconscious memory' in the post-Darwinian physiological and psychological Pan-European discussion. Particular attention is devoted to demonstrating that Butler was not only a populariser of science but also an active protagonist in the late Victorian psychological debate.

  17. Veritas filia temporis: The origins of the idea of scientific progress.


    Špelda, Daniel


    The article provides insight into the epistemological and anthropological aspect of the origination of the idea of scientific progress. It focuses on the relationship between individual's limited lifetime and the immensity of nature. The basic assumption is that the idea of scientific progress offers a solution of the epistemological problem stemming from the finding that there is no (teleological) coincidence between human cognitive abilities and the extent of nature. In order to facilitate the understanding of the origin of the idea of scientific progress, I propose distinction between the descriptive and prescriptive concepts of progress. While the descriptive notion of progress expresses the cumulative character of scientific knowledge and the superiority of the present over preceding generations, the prescriptive concept pertains to progressivist epistemology directing scientific research at the future development of knowledge. This article claims that the prevalent concept in Antiquity was the descriptive concept of scientific progress. The prescriptive notion had developed only in ancient astronomy. Early modern science was faced with similar issues as ancient astronomy - mainly the empirical finding related to the inexhaustible character of nature. Consequently to the introduction of the idea of progress, the progress of sciences became a purpose in itself - hence becoming infinite.

  18. Adoption Space and the Idea-to-Market Process of Health Technologies.


    Saranummi, Niilo; Beuscart, Regis; Black, Norman; Maglaveras, Nicos; Strano, Chiara; Karavidopoulou, Youla


    Although Europe 'produces' excellent science, it has not been equally successful in translating scientific results into commercially successful companies in spite of European and national efforts invested in supporting the translation process. The Idea-to-Market process is highly complex due to the large number of actors and stakeholders. ITECH was launched to propose recommendations which would accelerate the Idea-to-Market process of health technologies leading to improvements in the competitiveness of the European health technology industry in the global markets. The project went through the following steps: defining the Idea-to-Market process model; collection and analysis of funding opportunities; identification of 12 gaps and barriers in the Idea-to-Market process; a detailed analysis of these supported by interviews; a prioritization process to select the most important issues; construction of roadmaps for the prioritized issues; and finally generating recommendations and associated action plans. Seven issues were classified as in need of actions. Three of these are part of the ongoing Medical Device Directive Reform (MDR), namely health technology assessment, post-market surveillance and regulatory process, and therefore not within the scope of ITECH. Recommendations were made for eHealth taxonomy; Education and training; Clinical trials and Adoption space and Human Factors Engineering (HFE).

  19. Idea Bank: The Protein Résumé

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caraballo, Tami; Crowther, Gregory


    The Idea Bank column provides tips and techniques for creative teaching, in about 1,000 words. As students use increasingly diverse internet sources, it becomes hard to tell whether their answers are truly original. A general solution to this dilemma is to ask students to present information in a format that they are unlikely to encounter in books…

  20. Health Education Teaching Ideas: Secondary. Revised Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Loya, Richard, Ed.; Bensley, Loren B., Jr., Ed.

    Part I of this teaching guide contains teaching strategies which originally appeared in the "Journal of Health Education" (JHE) and were included in the first edition of this guide, published in 1983. Part II includes teaching strategies published in JHE since 1983. The guide is designed to be a reference for those seeking workable ideas in…

  1. Students' Ideas and Attitudes about Air Quality

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Skamp, Keith; Boyes, Eddie; Stanisstreet, Martin


    The results of a large scale (N=1001) cross-sectional (Years 6, 8 and 10) study of students' ideas about the composition of unpolluted air, the nature of air pollution, the biological consequences of air pollution, and about acid rain and the Greenhouse Effect are reported. A range of persistent alternative conceptions were identified, in some…

  2. Guia de ideas para la Planificacion y Aplicacion de Proyectos Intergeneracionales (Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Projects)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pinto, Teresa Almeida; Marreel, Iris; Hatton-Yeo, Alan


    This version of "Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Projects," written in Spanish, is for all professionals that are or wish to be enrolled in the development of intergenerational activities. This "Guide" is the main product of the Project MATES--Mainstreaming Intergenerational Solidarity,…

  3. Idea Project Final Report, A Prototype System For Real-Time Incident Likelihood Prediction

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  4. Science and Innovation at Los Alamos Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  5. The Idea Generator: Lori Bell--Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center, East Peoria

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Library Journal, 2004


    Anyone who hires Loft Bell is getting two librarians: one who enthusiastically does the job, and another who develops new ideas, secures grants to fund them, and swiftly puts the ideas into action. There's nothing that makes a job more attractive to Bell than the freedom to try out new things. Jenny Levine, Internet development specialist at…

  6. Visual Thinking Styles and Idea Generation Strategies Employed in Visual Brainstorming Sessions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Börekçi, Naz A. G. Z.


    This paper presents the findings of visual analyses conducted on 369 sketch ideas generated in three 6-3-5 visual brainstorming sessions by a total of 25 participants, following the same design brief. The motivation for the study was an interest in the thematic content of the ideas generated as groups, and the individual representation styles used…

  7. Public Health and Social Ideas in Modern Brazil

    PubMed Central

    Lima, Nísia Trindade


    Public health in Brazil achieved remarkable development at the turn of the 20th century thanks in part to physicians and social thinkers who made it central to their proposals for “modernizing” the country. Public health was more than a set of medical and technical measures; it was fundamental to the project of nation building. I trace the interplay between public health and social ideas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Physicians and social thinkers challenged the traditional belief that Brazil’s sociocultural and ethnic diversity was an obstacle to modernization, and they promoted public health as the best prescription for national unity. Public health ideas in developing countries such as Brazil may have a greater impact when they are intertwined with social thought and with the processes of nation building and construction of a modern society. PMID:17538074

  8. Los cambios en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los fenómenos geomagnéticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gianibelli, J. C.

    Uno de los aspectos importantes relativos a la geodinámica del interior terrestre es la correlación entre los eventos de cambio en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los determinados en los elementos del campo geomagnético por ejemplo, la Declinación Magnética, o los coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de representación global de dicho campo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las características espectrales de los cambios observados en la longitud del día (ldd), y su relación con la estructura espectral de las coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de campo denominados Campo Internacional Geomagnético de Referencia (CIGR). El intervalo estudiado comprende los últimos 100 años. Los resultados muestran una correlación en las bandas de 60 y 30 años, con posibles períodos mucho mayores que no son posibles determinar a partir de los modelos de CIRG. Se efectúa una simulación a partir de los resultados obtenidos por la aplicación del método de máxima entropía con longitudes del filtro predictor de error comprendida entre el 10% y el 95% de la longitud de la serie analizada. Se observan procesos sicrónicos y asincrónicos que, en muy largos intervalos de tiempos, podrían suponerse como caóticos.

  9. To Form a Favorable Idea of Chemistry

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Heikkinen, Henry W.


    "To confess the truth, Mrs. B., I am not disposed to form a very favorable idea of chemistry, nor do I expect to derive much entertainment from it." That 200-year-old statement by Caroline to Mrs. Bryan, her teacher, appeared on the first page of Jane Marcet's pioneering secondary school textbook, "Conversations on Chemistry". It was published 17…



    Bitar, A; Maghrabi, M


    Estimation of radiation intake and internal dose can be carried out through direct or indirect measurements during routine or special monitoring program. In case of Iodine-131 contamination, direct measurements, such as thyroid counting, are fast and efficient to give quick results. Generally, the calculation method implements suitable values for known parameters whereas default values are used if no information is available. However, in view to avoid significant discrepancies, IDEAS guidelines put in route a comprehensive method to evaluate the monitoring data for one and different types of monitoring. This article deals with a case of internal contamination of a worker who inhaled aerosols containing 131I during the production of radiopharmaceuticals. The interpretation of data obtained was done by following IDEAS guidelines.

  11. Systems study for an Integrated Digital-Electric Aircraft (IDEA)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tagge, G. E.; Irish, L. A.; Bailey, A. R.


    The results of the Integrated Digital/Electric Aircraft (IDEA) Study are presented. Airplanes with advanced systems were, defined and evaluated, as a means of identifying potential high payoff research tasks. A baseline airplane was defined for comparison, typical of a 1990's airplane with advanced active controls, propulsion, aerodynamics, and structures technology. Trade studies led to definition of an IDEA airplane, with extensive digital systems and electric secondary power distribution. This airplane showed an improvement of 3% in fuel use and 1.8% in DOC relative to the baseline configuration. An alternate configuration, an advanced technology turboprop, was also evaluated, with greater improvement supported by digital electric systems. Recommended research programs were defined for high risk, high payoff areas appropriate for implementation under NASA leadership.

  12. Ideas: NCTM Standards-Based Instruction, Grades K-4.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hynes, Michael C., Ed.

    This document is a collection of activity-based mathematics lessons for grades K-4 from the "Ideas" department in "Arithmetic Teacher: Mathematics Education through the Middle Grades." Each lesson includes background information, objectives, directions, extensions, and student worksheets. A matrix is included which correlates…

  13. Ideas: NCTM Standards-Based Instruction, Grades 5-8.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hynes, Michael C., Ed.

    This document is a collection of activity-based mathematics lessons for grades 5-8 from the "Ideas" department in "Arithmetic Teacher: Mathematics Education through the Middle Grades." Each lesson includes background information, objectives, directions, extensions, and student worksheets. A matrix is included which correlates…

  14. Hysteria: the history of an idea.


    Merskey, H


    Hysteria has long been recognized as a condition involving multiple somatic symptoms and resulting from a state of the emotions. By the time of Charcot, it became possible to attribute a hysterical symptom to an idea. It appears that the first detailed statement to this effect was made by Russell Reynolds (1) and it was adopted by Charcot (2), particularly because of his experience that hypnosis could be used to suggest hysterical symptoms. These concepts provided the starting point for Freud's theories.

  15. Stockpile Stewardship: Los Alamos


    McMillan, Charlie; Morgan, Nathanial; Goorley, Tom; Merrill, Frank; Funk, Dave; Korzekwa, Deniece; Laintz, Ken


    "Heritage of Science" is a short video that highlights the Stockpile Stewardship program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Stockpile Stewardship was conceived in the early 1990s as a national science-based program that could assure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear deterrent without the need for full-scale underground nuclear testing. This video was produced by Los Alamos National Laboratory for screening at the Lab's Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, NM and is narrated by science correspondent Miles O'Brien.

  16. More than Talking about Ideas: Expanding the Philosophical Use of Children's Literature

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kraft, Rory E.


    Wartenberg's "Big Ideas for Little Ideas" presents an apt argument for and explanation of one method for doing philosophy with young people. There is much about the text which is strong but some of the philosophical and children's literature pairing is not as strong as it should be, and the audience for the book does seem to shift as it progresses.

  17. New Mexico: Los Alamos

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    article title:  Los Alamos, New Mexico     View Larger JPEG image ... kb) Multi-angle views of the Fire in Los Alamos, New Mexico, May 9, 2000. These true-color images covering north-central New Mexico ...

  18. Schools Can be Made Better: The Ideas, Models, and Tools of Robert Fox.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lippitt, Ronald; Johnson, Patricia L.

    The humanistic ideas, models, and tools of educator Robert Fox are presented in eight chapters. Chapter I summarizes Fox's ideas toward clarifying values, projecting possible goals and plans toward humane education, the balance and linkage between intellectual, socio-emotional, and citizenship development, the individualization of curriculum, and…

  19. The Shaughnessy Scholars Program--Distilling Ideas from Practice.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gross, Ronald


    The Mina Shaughnessy Scholars Program provides funds for innovators in postsecondary education to develop and disseminate their ideas. Its goal is to improve practice, rather than to advance knowledge, and the search is for practitioners who can make the most difference in improving postsecondary education. (MLW)

  20. Efficacy and feasibility of IDEA therapy for refractory or relapsed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


    Nishimori, Hisakazu; Fujii, Nobuharu; Maeda, Yoshinobu; Matsuoka, Ken-Ichi; Takenaka, Katsuto; Shinagawa, Katsuji; Ikeda, Kazuma; Matsuo, Keitaro; Harada, Mine; Tanimoto, Mitsune


    The effects of a novel salvage regimen, IDEA (ifosfamide, cytosine arabinoside, etoposide and dexamethasone), which does not include anthracycline or platinum, in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) were examined. Thirty-four patients with refractory or relapsed NHL were treated with IDEA. The overall remission and complete remission rates were 67.6% and 35.3%, respectively. The toxicity of IDEA was tolerable. With a median follow-up of 14 months, one-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival rates were 75.1% and 43.7%, respectively. Adequate numbers of CD34(+) cells were obtained in 77.8% of the patients assigned to receive autologous peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous PBSC transplantation was carried out in 14 patients; their 3-year OS was 75.0%, with a median follow-up of 38 months. IDEA is an effective second-line chemotherapy regimen for NHL patients and has an excellent PBSC-mobilizing effect.

  1. The Folly of the Big Idea: How a Liberal Arts Education Puts Fads in Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Senechal, Diana


    America was made by and for big ideas. Insofar as big ideas have shaped it, it is ever on the verge of hyperbole and dream. Today's big ideas come with an air of celebrity and accessibility; they glitter with glamour but demand little of the Americans. While they have many manifestations, people see them epitomized in TEDTalks. TED (which stands…

  2. Incompressible Deformation Estimation Algorithm (IDEA) from Tagged MR Images

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Xiaofeng; Abd-Elmoniem, Khaled Z.; Stone, Maureen; Murano, Emi Z.; Zhuo, Jiachen; Gullapalli, Rao P.; Prince, Jerry L.


    Measuring the three-dimensional motion of muscular tissues, e.g., the heart or the tongue, using magnetic resonance (MR) tagging is typically carried out by interpolating the two-dimensional motion information measured on orthogonal stacks of images. The incompressibility of muscle tissue is an important constraint on the reconstructed motion field and can significantly help to counter the sparsity and incompleteness of the available motion information. Previous methods utilizing this fact produced incompressible motions with limited accuracy. In this paper, we present an incompressible deformation estimation algorithm (IDEA) that reconstructs a dense representation of the three-dimensional displacement field from tagged MR images and the estimated motion field is incompressible to high precision. At each imaged time frame, the tagged images are first processed to determine components of the displacement vector at each pixel relative to the reference time. IDEA then applies a smoothing, divergence-free, vector spline to interpolate velocity fields at intermediate discrete times such that the collection of velocity fields integrate over time to match the observed displacement components. Through this process, IDEA yields a dense estimate of a three-dimensional displacement field that matches our observations and also corresponds to an incompressible motion. The method was validated with both numerical simulation and in vivo human experiments on the heart and the tongue. PMID:21937342

  3. What are science teacher's ideas about the universe?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Novotný, Jan; Svobodová, Jindřiška


    The new cosmological discoveries over the past two decades have a great impact on physics. We have prepared a new university course The Introduction to Cosmology available for students without deeper math background. The results of research study and the cosmology lecturers' experiences in two years are presented. We have prepared a questionnaire and the case study to find out how students think about the Universe, how they can accept cosmology theoretical ideas. Then we use it for design follow-up activities that help students to improve their understanding. We have observed the students' views on the presented science concept and on the nature of scientific knowledge. We have prepared a questionnaire to find out how students can accept theoretical ideas. This survey was designed especially for future and contemporary science teachers. Then we use the obtained results for design follow-up activities that help students to improve their understanding. Finally the most frequented cosmology misconceptions are discussed.

  4. Analysis of College Students' Ideas about Geologic Time: Questionnaires and Interviews From Four Institutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, S. W.; Libarkin, J. C.; Beilfuss, M.; Dahl, J.; Boone, W. J.


    Approximately 300 questionnaires and 50 interviews were conducted with introductory and non-science major college students from four institutions: a small elite private school, two large state schools, and one small public liberal arts college. Students were probed on a variety of topics about the Earth system, including geologic time. A number of widely held preconceptions were uncovered on all four campuses, although scientific ideas appeared with greater frequency at the single private institution. Predominate non-scientific preconceptions included: 1) "Instantaneous" creation, wherein the Earth is formed with a modern-day surface appearance, although not necessarily including life. This idea is traced to religious ideas in about half of the cases. 2) Life existed when the Earth first formed. Approximately 40-70 percent of public students and 30 percent of private students believed life existed "when the Earth was formed". This life takes a variety of forms, including simple or single-celled life, water-born life, and life essentially identical to modern. 3) Experiential preconceptions. A variety of ideas possibly garnered from books, secondary school curriculum, film, and TV were prevalent. For instance, a number of ideas about the appearance of the Earth at formation are derivative of scientific ideas, such as the idea that a supercontinent (Pangea) existed, the Earth as covered with water or ice, and that algae were present at Earth's formation. Student interviews also revealed difficulty in extrapolating scientific concepts into a future context. For example, several students correctly showed the movement of continents from the past to present, but showed no change in position when queried about the appearance of the Earth's surface well into the future.

  5. Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.


    Taichman, Darren B; Sahni, Peush; Pinborg, Anja; Peiperl, Larry; Laine, Christine; James, Astrid; Hong, Sung-Tae; Haileamlak, Abraham; Gollogly, Laragh; Godlee, Fiona; Frizelle, Franka; Florenzano, Fernando; Drazen, Jeffrey M; Bauchner, Howard; Baethge, Christopher; Backus, Joyce


    El Comité Internacional de Editores de Revista Médicas (ICMJE) ha tomado la posición que el compartir los datos generados por los ensayos clínicos es una obligación ética, por cuanto los participantes en esos estudios se colocaron en riesgo al aceptar su inclusión. En esta editorial el ICMJE expresa que requerirá desde Julio 2018 que los manuscritos enviados a sus revistas deben incluir una declaración sobre compartir datos. A su vez, los ensayos clínicos que comiencen a enrolar pacientes a partir de Enero 2019, deben incluir un plan sobre compartir datos en el registro de tales ensayos. Se dan en esta declaración cuatro ejemplos de declaraciones sobre compartir datos, referidos a qué datos se compartirán, cuándo estarán disponibles y qué criterios de acceso se establecerán. El ICMJE visualiza un futuro cercano en el cual el compartir los datos será la norma, con el fin de maximizar el conocimiento ganado por los esfuerzos y sacrificios de los participantes.

  6. Building Good New Ideas; Mixing Metaphors and Media: A Digital and Analog Elixir.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McKenzie, Jamie


    Includes two articles. Topics include skills needed to teach young people how to build their own good ideas instead of cutting and pasting the ideas of others; and the trend toward false dichotomies and the dangers created when separating complex issues into two contrasting sides or choices. (LRW)

  7. "Brown Paper Packages"? A Sociocultural Perspective on Young Children's Ideas in Science

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Robbins, Jill


    How do we see young children's thinking in science? Is it, as much previous research has led us to believe, that their ideas can be neatly boxed like "brown paper packages tied up with strings"--as the song from "The Sound of Music" goes? Or are their ideas like "wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings" ("Sound of Music"): fluid, complex,…

  8. Ideas of home in palliative care research: A concept analysis.


    Tryselius, Kristina; Benzein, Eva; Persson, Carina


    To explore the concept of home and its' expressed spatialities in current palliative care research. Home is a central environment for living, caring, and dying. However, pure investigations of the sets of ideas linked to the concept seemed missing. Although identified as an important location, spatial perspectives expressed through the concept of home appeared unexplored. Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis. Scientific articles published between January 2009 and September 2015. Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis. Resulting attributes were explored from two geographically informed spatial perspectives. As main results, six attributes were identified and explored: Home as actor-capable of acting; emotional environment-something people have feelings for; place-a part of personal identity and a location; space-complex and relational spatial connections and a site for care; setting-passive background and absolute space; becoming-a fluid spatiality constantly folded. Examples of attributes and suggestions for further concept development were identified. The concept reflects various sets of ideas as well as expressing both relational and absolute perspectives of space. The most challenging for nursing research and practice seems to be investigation, operationalization, and testing the implementation of sets of ideas reflecting a relational thinking of space. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. The Entrepreneurial University: An Idea for Its Time

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shattock, Michael


    This article explores the context, contents and impact of Burton Clark's two books devoted to the concept of "the entrepreneurial university". It describes the widespread influence of the entrepreneurial idea particularly in Europe and discusses its relevance a decade or so after its first formulation. It argues that "Creating…

  10. Teachers Environmental Resource Unit: Consumer Resources Idea Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bemiss, Clair W.

    The Consumer Resources Environteam has developed this idea handbook as part of the Broad Spectrum Environmental Education Program in Brevard County, Florida. Interest had been displayed by local civic groups, fraternal clubs, and private organizations in identifying environmental improvement projects that could be undertaken by individual groups.…

  11. Manipulating Models and Grasping the Ideas They Represent

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bryce, T. G.; Blown, E. J.


    This article notes the convergence of recent thinking in neuroscience and grounded cognition regarding the way we understand mental representation and recollection: ideas are dynamic and multi-modal, actively created at the point of recall. Also, neurophysiologically, re-entrant signalling among cortical circuits allows non-conscious processing to…

  12. G. H. Mead in the history of sociological ideas.


    da Silva, Filipe Carreira


    My aim is to discuss the history of the reception of George Herbert Mead's ideas in sociology. After discussing the methodological debate between presentism and historicism, I address the interpretations of those responsible for Mead's inclusion in the sociological canon: Herbert Blumer, Jürgen Habermas, and Hans Joas. In the concluding section, I assess these reconstructions of Mead's thought and suggest an alternative more consistent with my initial methodological remarks. In particular, I advocate a reconstruction of Mead's ideas that apprehends simultaneously its evolution over time and its thematic breadth. Such a historically minded reconstruction can be not only a useful corrective to possible anachronisms incurred by contemporary social theorists, but also a fruitful resource for their theory-building endeavors. Only then can meaningful and enriching dialogue with Mead begin. Copyright 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Higher Education Development in Korea: Western University Ideas, Confucian Tradition, and Economic Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shin, Jung Cheol


    The features of Korean higher education development are related to sociocultural tradition (Confucian tradition), the model university ideas, and economic development in Korea. The modern university ideas adopted in Korean are based on the German model which was established by the Japanese colonial government and drawing on the US university model…

  14. Ideas for Advancing Code Sharing: A Different Kind of Hack Day

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teuben, P.; Allen, A.; Berriman, B.; DuPrie, K.; Hanisch, R. J.; Mink, J.; Nemiroff, R. J.; Shamir, L.; Shortridge, K.; Taylor, M. B.; Wallin, J. F.


    How do we as a community encourage the reuse of software for telescope operations, data processing, and ? How can we support making codes used in research available for others to examine? Continuing the discussion from last year Bring out your codes! BoF session, participants separated into groups to brainstorm ideas to mitigate factors which inhibit code sharing and nurture those which encourage code sharing. The BoF concluded with the sharing of ideas that arose from the brainstorming sessions and a brief summary by the moderator.

  15. Sustainability: Ideas for Training the next Generation of American Workers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ullman, Ellen


    In the 20th century, Los Angeles built its reputation as a city of golden excess, enshrouded in smog and traversed by freeways. In the 21st century, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) is helping the City of Angels fashion a new reputation--one of sustainable living. From 2001, when the district's board first passed a $1.2 billion…

  16. Turning Points: Ideas in Books Affecting American Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parker, Franklin

    Ideas in ten books which marked turning points in American educational directions are analyzed. William H. McGuffey's "Readers" (1836-44) set the moral and inspirational tone that still exists in American education, though now lessened and mainly in small-town America. "Medical Education in the United States and Canada"…

  17. Idea Bank: Individualized Assessment in the Choral Ensemble

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Furby, Victoria J.


    Choral directors will always be assessed by the quality of their choral performances. The concepts presented in this article are designed to strengthen and improve choral performance. If choral directors can design an individualized assessment plan and implement some of these ideas during each grading period, grades will be more equitably…

  18. A New "Idea of Nature" for Chemical Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Earley, Joseph E., Sr.


    "The idea of nature" (general model of how things work) that is accepted in a society strongly influences that group's social and technological progress. Currently, science education concentrates on "analysis" of stable pre-existing items to minimum constituents. This emphasis is consistent with an outlook that has been…

  19. Investigating a Learning Progression for Energy Ideas from upper Elementary through High School

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrmann-Abell, Cari F.; DeBoer, George E.


    This study tests a hypothesized learning progression for the concept of energy. It looks at 14 specific ideas under the categories of (i) Energy Forms and Transformations; (ii) Energy Transfer; (iii) Energy Dissipation and Degradation; and (iv) Energy Conservation. It then examines students' growth of understanding within each of these ideas at…

  20. Investigating a Learning Progression for Energy Ideas from Upper Elementary through High School

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrmann-Abell, Cari F.; DeBoer, George E.


    This study tests a hypothesized learning progression for the concept of energy. It looks at 14 specific ideas under the categories of (i) Energy Forms and Transformations; (ii) Energy Transfer; (iii) Energy Dissipation and Degradation; and (iv) Energy Conservation. It then examines students' growth of understanding within each of these ideas at…

  1. Big Ideas in Volcanology-a new way to teach and think about the subject?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rose, W. I.


    As intense work with identifying and presenting earth science to middle school science teachers in the MiTEP project advances, I have realized that tools used to connect with teachers and students of earth science in general and especially to promote higher levels of learning, should be advantageous in graduate teaching as well. In my last of 40 years of teaching graduate volcanology, I have finally organized the class around ideas based on Earth Science Literacy Principles and on common misconceptions. As such, I propose and fully explore the twelve "big ideas" of volcanology at the rate of one per week. This curricular organization highlights the ideas in volcanology that have major impact beyond volcanology itself and explores the roots and global ramifications of these ideas. Together they show how volcanology interfaces with the science world and the "real" world or how volcanologists interface with "real" people. In addition to big ideas we explore difficult and misunderstood concepts and the public misconceptions associated with each. The new organization and its focus on understanding relevant and far reaching concepts and hypotheses provides a refreshing context for advanced learning. It is planned to be the basis for an interactive website.

  2. Disruptive Ideas for IT/OT Security in Energy Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Martin, Maurice

    Presentation on disruptive ideas for IT and OT cybersecurity in energy systems, presented by Power Systems Engineering Center Researcher Maurice Martin. This presentation was prepared for the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research Conference on March 1, 2018.

  3. My Interventional Drug-Eluting Stent Educational App (MyIDEA): Patient-Centered Design Methodology

    PubMed Central

    Shroff, Adhir; Groo, Vicki; Dickens, Carolyn; Field, Jerry; Baumann, Matthew; Welland, Betty; Gutowski, Gerry; Flores Jr, Jose D; Zhao, Zhongsheng; Bahroos, Neil; Hynes, Denise M; Wilkie, Diana J


    Background Patient adherence to medication regimens is critical in most chronic disease treatment plans. This study uses a patient-centered tablet app, “My Interventional Drug-Eluting Stent Educational App (MyIDEA).” This is an educational program designed to improve patient medication adherence. Objective Our goal is to describe the design, methodology, limitations, and results of the MyIDEA tablet app. We created a mobile technology-based patient education app to improve dual antiplatelet therapy adherence in patients who underwent a percutaneous coronary intervention and received a drug-eluting stent. Methods Patient advisers were involved in the development process of MyIDEA from the initial wireframe to the final launch of the product. The program was restructured and redesigned based on the patient advisers’ suggestions as well as those from multidisciplinary team members. To accommodate those with low health literacy, we modified the language and employed attractive color schemes to improve ease of use. We assumed that the target patient population may have little to no experience with electronic tablets, and therefore, we designed the interface to be as intuitive as possible. Results The MyIDEA app has been successfully deployed to a low-health-literate elderly patient population in the hospital setting. A total of 6 patients have interacted with MyIDEA for an average of 17.6 minutes/session. Conclusions Including patient advisers in the early phases of a mobile patient education development process is critical. A number of changes in text order, language, and color schemes occurred to improve ease of use. The MyIDEA program has been successfully deployed to a low-health-literate elderly patient population. Leveraging patient advisers throughout the development process helps to ensure implementation success. PMID:26139587

  4. Perceived Incidence and Importance of Lay-Ideas on Ionizing Radiation: Results of a Delphi-Study among Radiation-Experts.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eijkelhof, H. M. C.; And Others


    Described are lay-ideas which may exist about ionizing radiation, the importance of these ideas for risk management, and the relationships between various lay-ideas. Lay-ideas were used to gain a better insight into the problems of learning about ionizing radiation and to construct appropriate teaching materials and strategies. (KR)

  5. [Not Available].


    Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Loureiro, Nuno; Fernández-Martínez, Antonio; Mota, Jorge


    Introducción y objetivos: examinar la asociación del apoyo de los padres y de los amigos con diferentes intensidades de actividad física durante el tiempo libre de adolescentes españoles de ambos sexos.Métodos: un total 352 adolescentes españoles (51.70% chicos; 12-16 años) cumplimentaron el International Physical Activity Questionnarie for Adolescents y un cuestionario validado sobre apoyo social. Se realizaron análisis de regresión linear ajustados por edad.Resultados: el apoyo social de padres y amigos influyó positivamente sobre los niveles de actividad física vigorosa que los adolescentes españoles realizan durante su tiempo libre (β=.226 y β=.285 en chicos y β=.167 y β=.181 en chicas, para el apoyo de padres y amigos respectivamente) y sobre los de intensidad moderada en el caso de las chicas (β=.195 y β=.200, respectivamente).Conclusiones: el apoyo de padres y amigos contribuye a los niveles de actividad física moderada o vigorosa en adolescentes españoles.

  6. Pupils' Understanding of Food Concept: The Assessment of Children's Preconceptions Ideas about Food

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oztas, Fulya; Oztas, Haydar


    This paper explains students' ideas about food as a scientific concept that a questionnaire was administered to 40 secondary level students. The findings have been shown that in students' mind food was essential for living, growth and supplying energy. Also students could accept the idea of food could be in liquid form. Students' understanding of…

  7. Idea Project Final Report, Efficient Use Of Narrowband Radio Channels For Mobile Digital Communications

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search



  8. Eliciting, Identifying, Interpreting, and Responding to Students' Ideas: Teacher Candidates' Growth in Formative Assessment Practices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gotwals, Amelia Wenk; Birmingham, Daniel


    With the goal of helping teacher candidates become well-started beginners, it is important that methods courses in teacher education programs focus on high-leverage practices. Using responsive teaching practices, specifically eliciting, identifying, interpreting, and responding to students' science ideas (i.e., formative assessment), can be used to support all students in learning science successfully. This study follows seven secondary science teacher candidates in a yearlong practice-based methods course. Course assignments (i.e., plans for and reflections on teaching) as well as teaching videos were analyzed using a recursive qualitative approach. In this paper, we present themes and patterns in teacher candidates' abilities to elicit, identify, interpret, and respond to students' ideas. Specifically, we found that those teacher candidates who grew in the ways in which they elicited students' ideas from fall to spring were also those who were able to adopt a more balanced reflection approach (considering both teacher and student moves). However, we found that even the teacher candidates who grew in these practices did not move toward seeing students' ideas as nuanced; rather, they saw students' ideas in a dichotomous fashion: right or wrong. We discuss implications for teacher preparation, specifically for how to promote productive reflection and tools for better understanding students' ideas.

  9. Submit Ideas « Coast Guard Maritime Commons Websites

    ' section). Blog administrators reserve the right to review post ideas/submissions to determine whether or appear at the beginning of the post ("Written by {name}"). Blog administrators may occasionally (s) will appear at the beginning of the post ("{name} contributed to this post"). All

  10. Curriculum and the Idea of a Cosmopolitan Inheritance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hansen, David T.


    The ancient idea of cosmopolitanism is a topic of renewed interest today. Scholars and practitioners in many fields are examining what it means to conceive all human beings as linked by their membership in a shared cosmos. Some people focus on political cosmopolitanism, others on moral, cultural, or economic cosmopolitanism. This paper examines…

  11. Let's Talk Math: Encouraging Children To Explore Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lilburn, Pat; Rawson, Pam

    This book presents mathematics activities to help children talk and write mathematically. Children are encouraged to talk about and share their ideas, to use everyday language to describe mathematical situations, and to restate problems in their own words. There are two sections in this book. Part 1 discusses the following issues and implications…

  12. Frequently Asked Questions: IDEA Early Childhood--Disclosure Avoidance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy), 2014


    This 2014 document is an adaptation of the 2012 release of "Frequently Asked Questions--Disclosure Avoidance" intended for K-12 audiences. Presented here in the form of responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) are suggestions intended to provide guidance to IDEA Part C early intervention and Part B 619 preschool special education…

  13. Scientific Productivity and Idea Acceptance in Nobel Laureates

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Charyton, Christine; DeDios, Samantha Lynn; Nygren, Thomas Eugene


    We investigated how new ideas become accepted for Nobel laureates in science. Archival data were collected for 204 Nobel laureates from 1980 to 2009 in physics, chemistry, and medicine or physiology. Acceptance was evaluated for Nobel laureates by Prize area and three key publications in the Nobel laureates' publishing careers: (a) first…

  14. Musical Example to Visualize Abstract Quantum Mechanical Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eagle, Forrest W.; Seaney, Kyser D.; Grubb, Michael P.


    Quantum mechanics is a notoriously difficult subject to learn, due to a lack of real-world analogies that might help provide an intuitive grasp of the underlying ideas. Discrete energy levels and absorption and emission wavelengths in atoms are sometimes described as uniquely quantum phenomena, but are actually general to spatially confined waves…

  15. National Assessment of IDEA Overview. NCEE 2011-4026

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2011


    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-446), enacted by the United States Congress on December 3, 2004, is the most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), federal legislation which is specifically focused on the education of children with disabilities. As of Fall…

  16. iDEAS: A web-based system for dry eye assessment.


    Remeseiro, Beatriz; Barreira, Noelia; García-Resúa, Carlos; Lira, Madalena; Giráldez, María J; Yebra-Pimentel, Eva; Penedo, Manuel G


    Dry eye disease is a public health problem, whose multifactorial etiology challenges clinicians and researchers making necessary the collaboration between different experts and centers. The evaluation of the interference patterns observed in the tear film lipid layer is a common clinical test used for dry eye diagnosis. However, it is a time-consuming task with a high degree of intra- as well as inter-observer variability, which makes the use of a computer-based analysis system highly desirable. This work introduces iDEAS (Dry Eye Assessment System), a web-based application to support dry eye diagnosis. iDEAS provides a framework for eye care experts to collaboratively work using image-based services in a distributed environment. It is composed of three main components: the web client for user interaction, the web application server for request processing, and the service module for image analysis. Specifically, this manuscript presents two automatic services: tear film classification, which classifies an image into one interference pattern; and tear film map, which illustrates the distribution of the patterns over the entire tear film. iDEAS has been evaluated by specialists from different institutions to test its performance. Both services have been evaluated in terms of a set of performance metrics using the annotations of different experts. Note that the processing time of both services has been also measured for efficiency purposes. iDEAS is a web-based application which provides a fast, reliable environment for dry eye assessment. The system allows practitioners to share images, clinical information and automatic assessments between remote computers. Additionally, it save time for experts, diminish the inter-expert variability and can be used in both clinical and research settings. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Ideas for Studying About the United States in Europe.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wright, David


    Suggests six activities for teaching United Kingdom students about the United States and vice versa. Ideas include word associations, map and globe work to discover climate and habitation patterns, exchange of student projects, and relevant textbook passages. (JDH)

  18. Información general sobre los mosquitos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Una consecuencia más importante de algunas picaduras de mosquitos es la trasmisión de ciertas enfermedades graves como el paludismo, la fiebre del dengue y varias formas de encefalitis, que incluyen el virus del Nilo occidental.

  19. From 'circumstances' to 'environment': Herbert Spencer and the origins of the idea of organism-environment interaction.


    Pearce, Trevor


    The word 'environment' has a history. Before the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of a singular, abstract entity--the organism--interacting with another singular, abstract entity--the environment--was virtually unknown. In this paper I trace how the idea of a plurality of external conditions or circumstances was replaced by the idea of a singular environment. The central figure behind this shift, at least in Anglo-American intellectual life, was the philosopher Herbert Spencer. I examine Spencer's work from 1840 to 1855, demonstrating that he was exposed to a variety of discussions of the 'force of circumstances' in this period, and was decisively influenced by the ideas of Auguste Comte in the years preceding the publication of Principles of psychology (1855). It is this latter work that popularized the word 'environment' and the corresponding idea of organism--environment interaction--an idea with important metaphysical and methodological implications. Spencer introduced into the English-speaking world one of our most enduring dichotomies: organism and environment. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Impact-oriented steering--the concept of NGO-IDEAs 'impact toolbox'.



    The NGO-IDEAs 'Impact Toolbox' has been developed with a group of NGOs all of which are active in the area of saving and credit in South India. This compilation of methods to apply in impact-oriented steering was devised by the executive staff of the Indian partner NGOs, also known as the Resource Persons, in 2006 and tested from late 2006 to early 2007. At first glance, the approach may appear to be highly specialised and difficult to transfer. However, in fact it follows principles that can be adapted for several NGOs in other countries and in other sectors. The following article presents the concept of the NGO-IDEAs 'Impact Toolbox'.

  1. Sistema Solar: de la observación de La Tierra a los planetas gigantes y sus lunas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodrigo, R.

    La fotoquímica tiene un papel principal en la composición de las atmósferas planetarias. Se examinan diferentes procesos fotoquímicos tanto para atmósferas oxidadas como reductoras, poniendo un especial énfasis en los ciclos químicos más importantes. En este sentido, se presentan diferentes ciclos químicos capaces de producir hidrocarbonos y nitrilos en atmósferas reductoras, así como aquellos capaces de mantener las proporciones de mezcla de las moléculas que contienen oxígeno, tales como CO2, O2 y H2O. También se analizan otros procesos importantes tales como la condensación y procesos de sputtering y de sublimación que han de tenerse en cuenta cuando se realizan modelos sobre la composición atmosférica.

  2. La importancia de los arrecifes de coral

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los arrecifes de coral son uno de los ecosistemas más diversos y biológicamente complejos del mundo. Un cuarto de toda la vida marina depende de los arrecifes de coral para obtener alimentos y refugio. Los arrecifes sanos benefician a las comunidades.

  3. Keith Muckelroy: Methods, Ideas and Maritime Archaeology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harpster, Matthew


    Between his graduation from the Department of Archaeology at Cambridge University in 1974 and his death in 1980, Keith Muckelroy’s work and ideology were crucial in promoting an alternative research methodology in maritime archaeology. Instead of a particularist or historiographic approach, methods prominent both then and now, Muckelroy’s methodology was grounded in the foundations of the prehistoric archaeology he learned under Grahame Clark and David Clarke at Cambridge, and the basic tenets of New Archaeology maturing in the United States during the 1970s. This paper, which elucidates Muckelroy’s methods and research, is neither a complete biography nor an exhaustive study of his ideas. Although unpublished letters, papers and notes were studied in archives at Cambridge University and the National Maritime Museum, there is still much more to be learned from many of his former colleagues and their memories—only a handful of those individuals were consulted during the creation of this work. Nevertheless, this paper was written in the hope that by understanding Muckelroy’s ideas, and placing them in the larger framework of the discipline of archaeology, maritime archaeologists who are attempting to pursue a variety of approaches may find inspirations, models and, perhaps, questions that still need to be answered.

  4. Teaching Abstract Concepts: Keys to the World of Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Flatley, Joannis K.; Gittinger, Dennis J.


    Specific teaching strategies to help hearing-impaired secondary students comprehend abstract concepts include (1) pinpointing facts and fallacies, (2) organizing information visually, (3) categorizing ideas, and (4) reinforcing new vocabulary and concepts. Figures provide examples of strategy applications. (DB)

  5. Theme: Innovative Curriculum Ideas and Practices in Agricultural Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Agricultural Education Magazine, 2002


    Fourteen theme articles discuss the following: curriculum ideas and innovations in agricultural education, agricultural literacy, Supervised Agricultural Experience, active learning, locating agricultural education resources, distance and web-based instruction, principles of forest management, professional development, and service learning. (JOW)

  6. Research Ideas for the Classroom: Early Childhood Mathematics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jensen, Robert J., Ed.

    Research Ideas for the Classroom is a three-volume series of research interpretations for early childhood, middle grades, and high school mathematics classrooms. Each volume looks at research from the perspective of the learner, the content, and the teacher, and chapters are co-authored by a researcher and a teacher. Chapter titles in the early…

  7. Research Ideas for the Classroom: High School Mathematics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wilson, Patricia S., Ed.

    Research Ideas for the Classroom is a three-volume series of research interpretations for early childhood, middle grades, and high school mathematics classrooms. Each volume looks at research from the perspective of the learner, the content, and the teacher, and chapters are co-authored by a researcher and a teacher. Chapter titles in the high…

  8. A Treasure Chest of Primary Learning Center Ideas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kessler, Margaret; Kessler, John

    Defining a learning center as a classroom area containing several learning stations where students may work independently with materials which teach, reinforce, or enrich their skills, this guide presents a number of ideas for use in the visual motivation display area of such a center. Suggestions for displays for the various teaching stations are…

  9. Bilingual Education: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shaw, Frederick


    Bilingual education is not entirely a new idea. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was practiced in church schools, particularly in German and Spanish. Most communities, however, assumed a strongly assimilationist stance for their public schools, especially after World War I. In recent years, however, this attitude has been partly reversed under…

  10. This idea worth anything? Mechanics of technology transfer.


    Goodson, J Max


    The path from a proven scientific idea to a commercially viable product is seldom easy. It often requires ten or more years and millions of dollars. The essential elements include a creative concept that has been proven sound, identification of the commercial applicability of the concept, and financing and management of the development process.

  11. Reconsiderations: After "The Idea of a Writing Center"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boquet, Elizabeth H.; Lerner, Neal


    Originally published in a 1984 issue of "College English," Stephen North's article "The Idea of a Writing Center" has over the years been much cited in writing center scholarship. Even so, this scholarship as a whole did not proceed to gain much presence in "CE" and other broadly-oriented composition journals. Reconsidering North's piece, the…

  12. Research Ideas for the Classroom: Middle Grades Mathematics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Owens, Douglas T., Ed.

    Research Ideas for the Classroom is a three-volume series of research interpretations for early childhood, middle grades, and high school mathematics classrooms. Each volume looks at research from the perspective of the learner, the content, and the teacher, and chapters are co-authored by a researcher and a teacher. Chapter titles in the middle…

  13. Is There an Australian Idea of a University?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Duke, Chris


    This paper considers the idea of a university as it exists and is discussed in Australia at the beginning of the 21st century. Australia's history and partly derivative culture provide the relatively unintellectual context for sceptical utilitarianism in relation to a system which has expanded rapidly and is frequently described as being in…

  14. When Did You Last Predict a Good Idea?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Penaluna, Kathryn; Penaluna, Andrew; Jones, Colin; Matlay, Harry


    It has been noted elsewhere that an idea is acknowledged to be creative if it is novel, or surprising and adaptive. So how does that fit with education's desire to measure student performance against fixed, consistent and predicted learning outcomes? This study explores practical measures and theoretical constructs that address the dearth of…

  15. Idea Bank: Using Apps That Support Scientific Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mills, Kelly; Seligman, Eileen; Ketelhut, Diane Jass


    The Idea Bank provides tips and techniques for creative teaching, in about 1,000 words. For this article, the authors analyzed 93 educational applications (apps) that have the potential to help students meaningfully engage in the science practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards. Some of the ways teachers can use these apps in…

  16. Implementing Health in All Policies – Time and Ideas Matter Too!

    PubMed Central

    Clavier, Carole


    Carey and Friel suggest that we turn to knowledge developed in the field of public administration, especially new public governance, to better understand the process of implementing health in all policies (HiAP). In this commentary, I claim that theories from the policy studies bring a broader view of the policy process, complementary to that of new public governance. Drawing on the policy studies, I argue that time and ideas matter to HiAP implementation, alongside with interests and institutions. Implementing HiAP is a complex process considering that it requires the involvement and coordination of several policy sectors, each with their own interests, institutions and ideas about the policy. Understanding who are the actors involved from the various policy sectors concerned, what context they evolve in, but also how they own and frame the policy problem (ideas), and how this has changed over time, is crucial for those involved in HiAP implementation so that they can relate to and work together with actors from other policy sectors. PMID:27694654

  17. 78 FR 64253 - NASA Asteroid Initiative Idea Synthesis Workshop

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION [Notice: 13-124] NASA Asteroid Initiative Idea.... SUMMARY: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration announces that the agency will resume the NASA... INFORMATION CONTACT: Michele Gates, Senior Technical Advisor, NASA Human Exploration and Operations Mission...

  18. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual.


    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar.

  19. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual

    PubMed Central

    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar. PMID:22754085

  20. A Cross-cultural Exploration of Children's Everyday Ideas: Implications for science teaching and learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wee, Bryan


    Children's everyday ideas form critical foundations for science learning yet little research has been conducted to understand and legitimize these ideas, particularly from an international perspective. This paper explores children's everyday ideas about the environment across the US, Singapore and China to understand what they reveal about children's relationship to the environment and discuss its implications for science teaching and learning. A social constructivist lens guides research, and a visual methodology is used to frame children's realities. Participants' ages range from elementary to middle school, and a total of 210 children comprized mainly of Asians and Asian Americans were sampled from urban settings. Drawings are used to elicit children's everyday ideas and analyzed inductively using open coding and categorizing of data. Several categories support existing literature about how children view the environment; however, novel categories such as affect also emerged and lend new insight into the role that language, socio-cultural norms and perhaps ethnicity play in shaping children's everyday ideas. The findings imply the need for (a) a change in the role of science teachers from knowledge providers to social developers, (b) a science curriculum that is specific to learners' experiences in different socio-cultural settings, and (c) a shift away from inter-country comparisons using international science test scores.

  1. Community validation of the IDEA study cognitive screen in rural Tanzania.


    Gray, William K; Paddick, Stella Maria; Collingwood, Cecilia; Kisoli, Aloyce; Mbowe, Godfrey; Mkenda, Sarah; Lissu, Carolyn; Rogathi, Jane; Kissima, John; Walker, Richard W; Mushi, Declare; Chaote, Paul; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Dotchin, Catherine L


    The dementia diagnosis gap in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is large, partly because of difficulties in screening for cognitive impairment in the community. As part of the Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) study, we aimed to validate the IDEA cognitive screen in a community-based sample in rural Tanzania METHODS: Study participants were recruited from people who attended screening days held in villages within the rural Hai district of Tanzania. Criterion validity was assessed against the gold standard clinical dementia diagnosis using DSM-IV criteria. Construct validity was assessed against, age, education, sex and grip strength and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Internal consistency and floor and ceiling effects were also examined. During community screening, the IDEA cognitive screen had high criterion validity, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.855 (95% CI 0.794 to 0.915). Higher scores on the screen were significantly correlated with lower age, male sex, having attended school, better grip strength and improved performance in activities of daily living. Factor analysis revealed a single factor with an eigenvalue greater than one, although internal consistency was only moderate (Cronbach's alpha = 0.534). The IDEA cognitive screen had high criterion and construct validity and is suitable for use as a cognitive screening instrument in a community setting in SSA. Only moderate internal consistency may partly reflect the multi-domain nature of dementia as diagnosed clinically. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. Performance of GUNGEN Idea Generation Support Groupware: Lessons from Over A Few Hundred Trial Sessions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yuizono, Takaya; Munemori, Jun

    GUNGEN-DXII, a new version of the GUNGEN groupware, allows the users to process hundreds of qualitative data segments (phrases and sentences) and compose a coherent piece of text containing a number of emergent ideas. The idea generation process is guided by the KJ method, a leading idea generation technique in Japan. This paper describes functions of GUNGEN supporting three major sub-activities of idea generation, namely, brainstorming, idea clustering, and text composition, and also summarizes the results obtained from a few hundred trial sessions with the old and new GUNGEN systems in terms of some qualitative and quantitative measures. The results show that the sessions with GUNGEN yield intermediate and final products at least as good as those from the original paper-and-pencil KJ method sessions, in addition to the advantages of the online system, such as distance collaboration and digital storage of the products. Moreover, results from the new GUNGEN-DXII raises hope for enabling the users to handle an extremely large number of qualitative data segments in the near future.

  3. Marx and Education. Routledge Key Ideas in Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anyon, Jean


    There was only one Karl Marx, but there have been a multitude of Marxisms. This concise, introductory book by internationally renowned scholar Jean Anyon centers on the ideas of Marx that have been used in education studies as a guide to theory, analysis, research, and practice. "Marx and Education" begins with a brief overview of basic Marxist…

  4. Thinking in Another Way: Ideas for Sustainable Inclusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ballard, Keith


    Inclusion implies that someone has been excluded and that some are able to prevent others from participation in significant community, economic and political activities. The processes of inclusion and exclusion reflect ideas about how the world is to be seen and understood, about who is to be attended to and who ignored, and about how institutions…

  5. The Idea of Cosmopolitanism in Korea's National Curriculum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    So, Kyunghee; Lee, Sangeun; Park, Jiae; Kang, Jiyoung


    The idea of cosmopolitanism is emerging as an explicit aim of the Korean educational system. Over the course of its 5,000-year history, Korea has been characterized by a largely homogeneous population. In recent years, however, it has begun to face the challenges of a multicultural society, and thus the notion of cosmopolitanism plays an important…

  6. Personal Spaces: Students Creating Meaning through Big Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sakatani, Ken; Pistolesi, Edie


    Every once in a while, stray fragments from art or popular culture spark one's imaginations and trigger an idea for developing an art curriculum project. In this article, the authors begin with the interior world of extraterrestrial aliens within the Grand Central Station locker from "Men in Black II," and led eventually to the authors' students…

  7. Gangs and Guerrillas: Ideas from Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism

    DTIC Science & Technology


    13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT In a discussion at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, it became apparent that there were...Lieutenant Commander, US Navy, Masters Student in the Defense Analysis Department, Naval Postgraduate School Hy Rothstein, Senior Lecturer, Defense...NPS-DA-11-001 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA GANGS AND GUERRILLAS: Ideas from Counterinsurgency And Counterterrorism Edited

  8. Curriculum, Knowledge, and the Idea of South Africa

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soudien, Crain


    South Africa is an important social space in world history and politics for understanding how the modern world comes to deal with the questions of social difference, and the encounter of people with different civilizational histories. In this essay I argue that a particular racial idea inflected this encounter. One of the ways in which this…

  9. The Ideas of Algebra, K-12. 1988 Yearbook.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coxford, Arthur F., Ed.; Shulte, Albert P., Ed.

    This volume is organized into six parts. Chapters 1-5, which make up Part 1, first discuss the forces impinging on algebra in the curriculum and suggest possible directions for change. Chapters 6-8, Part 2, concentrate on concepts and teaching possibilities available prior to the formal introduction of algebra. The notion that algebraic ideas are…

  10. The Best Ideas Come from Teachers like You!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instructor, 2007


    Several teachers share their ideas for classroom activities. These include: (1) combining science and art on Earth Day; (2) implementing an inexpensive incentive scheme to get students to bring their signed papers back to school on time; (3) involving students in a virtual zoo; (4) planting real grass in Easter Bunny baskets; and (5) creating own…

  11. Understanding Social Work in the History of Ideas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soydan, Haluk


    Objectives: The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical frame of reference for the study and assessment of social work from the perspective of a history of ideas. Method: The study employed an analysis of primary and secondary historical sources. Results: Social work as a practice and research field is embedded in the genesis of modern…

  12. My Journey with Peter: Moving Ideas that Matter

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blyth, Dale A.


    Youth development lost a pioneer and a champion, Peter Benson, in October. Benson was a pioneer whose ideas mattered and a champion of approaches to research and its use in the community that has made a difference around the world. Benson's work, life, and spirit have helped transform people's understanding of young people, what it takes to…

  13. Aerospace technology as a source of new ideas.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hamilton, J. T.


    It is shown that technological products and processes resulting from aeronautical and space research and development can be a significant source of new product or product improvement ideas. The problems associated with technology transfer are discussed. As an example, the commercialization of NASTRAN, NASA's structural analysis computer program, is discussed. Some other current application projects are also outlined.

  14. Neural basis of functional fixedness during creative idea generation: an EEG study.


    Camarda, Anaëlle; Salvia, Émilie; Vidal, Julie; Weil, Benoit; Poirel, Nicolas; Houdé, Olivier; Borst, Grégoire; Cassotti, Mathieu


    Decades of problem solving and creativity research have converged to show that the ability to generate new and useful ideas can be blocked or impeded by intuitive biases leading to mental fixations. The present study aimed at investigating the neural bases of the processes involved in overcoming fixation effects during creative idea generation. Using the AU task adapted for EEG recording, we examined whether participant's ability to provide original ideas was related to alpha power changes in both the frontal and temporo-parietal regions. Critically, for half of the presented objects, the classical use of the object was primed orally, and a picture of the classical use was presented visually to increase functional fixedness (Fixation Priming condition). For the other half, only the name of the object and a picture of the object was provided to the participants (control condition). As expected, priming the classical use of an object before the generation of creative alternative uses of the object impeded participants' performances in terms of remoteness. In the control condition, while the frontal alpha synchronization was maintained across all successive time windows in participants with high remoteness scores, the frontal alpha synchronization decreased in participants with low remoteness scores. In the Fixation Priming condition, in which functional fixedness was maximal, both participants with high and low remoteness scores maintained frontal alpha synchronization throughout the period preceding their answer. Whereas participants with high remoteness scores maintained alpha synchronization in the temporo-parietal regions throughout the creative idea generation period, participants with low remoteness scores displayed alpha desynchronization in the same regions during this period. We speculate that individuals with high remoteness scores might generate more creative ideas than individuals with low remoteness scores because they rely more on internal semantic

  15. Who Needs Contingency Approaches and Guidelines in Order to Adapt Vague Management Ideas?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ortenblad, Anders


    The purpose of this conceptual paper is to question the assumption that the general idea of the learning organisation needs to be adapted to the specific context before it can be put into practical use. It is suggested that there are lots of ways to use management ideas, other than implementing them in the practice of organisations. It is further…

  16. Communicating new ideas to traditional villagers (an Indonesian case).


    Muis, A


    Recent cases derived from a series of communication research projects conducted in remote villages on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia, are presented. These cases, which indicate the tremendously complex problem of communicating new ideas to traditional villages, also reflect the equally complex problem of social marketing. Indonesian, villagers remain very traditional, but their communication environment has been undergoing marked changes over the past decade or so. Overwhelming media exposure has pushed these people towards a modern environment filled with new knowledge and experiences. In view of the importance of changing attitudes and behavior of traditional villagers -- to realize modernization for the rural society -- the government of Indonesia has been using a host of communication means and channels. These include all the viable traditional or indigenous communication systems, but mainly face-to-face communication. Traditional dances, story-telling, and music are no longer interesting to the rural people themselves, and, apparently, no real developmental message can be transmitted by traditional "mass media." Among the 50 respondents randomly selected from the isolated village of Gelang (Case I), only 17% claimed to have listened to news in addition to music and songs. 67% of the respondents explained that information carrying novel ideas or methods usually attract them, but they are always reluctant to accept the new ideas for real application. Case II is about the effect of movie exposure on traditional villagers. As many as 73% of 50 respondents explained that the knowledge of the peasant-fisherman has increased considerably with regard to the urban way of life, as a result of movie attendance. The informants indicated that many villagers were disgusted by feature films or theatrical ones and that 62% of the villagers had yet to go to a movie. Case III involved the communication of new methods of medication to rural societies, including traditional

  17. The Origins and Evolution of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Idea

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nygren, David

    In February 1974, I conceived an idea for a tracking detector with only one spatial projection, thereby eliminating ambiguities that occur in conventional detector systems based on wires. I called it the “Time Projection Chamber”, or TPC, a name that has stuck even though the concept has evolved considerably over the following decades. I will recount the history leading to its conception and development in that now distant epoch, and will attempt to show why this is an interesting and instructive story and how the idea may continue to extend scientific reach in the coming era.

  18. Promising Ideas for Collective Advancement of Communal Knowledge Using Temporal Analytics and Cluster Analysis

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Alwyn Vwen Yen; Tan, Seng Chee


    Understanding ideas in a discourse is challenging, especially in textual discourse analysis. We propose using temporal analytics with unsupervised machine learning techniques to investigate promising ideas for the collective advancement of communal knowledge in an online knowledge building discourse. A discourse unit network was constructed and…

  19. 78 FR 31977 - NASA Asteroid Initiative Call for Ideas

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION [Notice: 13-060] NASA Asteroid Initiative Call for... agency's asteroid initiative planning and to encourage feedback and ideas from the global community and... Perspective--Tom Kalil 9:55-10:15 Asteroid Initiative--Associate Administrator Lightfoot [[Page 31978

  20. Comments on Thomas Wartenberg's "Big Ideas for Little Kids"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goering, Sara


    This short commentary offers praise for Tom Wartenberg's book "Big Ideas for Little Kids" and raises questions about who is best qualified to lead a philosophy discussion with children, and how we are to assess the benefits of doing philosophy with children.