Knowledge transmission model with differing initial transmission and retransmission process
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Haiying; Wang, Jun; Small, Michael
Knowledge transmission is a cyclic dynamic diffusion process. The rate of acceptance of knowledge differs upon whether or not the recipient has previously held the knowledge. In this paper, the knowledge transmission process is divided into an initial and a retransmission procedure, each with its own transmission and self-learning parameters. Based on epidemic spreading model, we propose a naive-evangelical-agnostic (VEA) knowledge transmission model and derive mean-field equations to describe the dynamics of knowledge transmission in homogeneous networks. Theoretical analysis identifies a criterion for the persistence of knowledge, i.e., the reproduction number R0 depends on the minor effective parameters between the initial and retransmission process. Moreover, the final size of evangelical individuals is only related to retransmission process parameters. Numerical simulations validate the theoretical analysis. Furthermore, the simulations indicate that increasing the initial transmission parameters, including first transmission and self-learning rates of naive individuals, can accelerate the velocity of knowledge transmission efficiently but have no effect on the final size of evangelical individuals. In contrast, the retransmission parameters, including retransmission and self-learning rates of agnostic individuals, have a significant effect on the rate of knowledge transmission, i.e., the larger parameters the greater final density of evangelical individuals.
49 CFR 220.31 - Initiating a radio transmission.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Initiating a radio transmission. 220.31 Section... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.31 Initiating a radio transmission. Before transmitting by radio, an employee shall: (a) Listen to...
49 CFR 220.31 - Initiating a radio transmission.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.31 Initiating a radio transmission. Before transmitting by radio, an employee shall: (a) Listen to... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Initiating a radio transmission. 220.31 Section...
49 CFR 220.31 - Initiating a radio transmission.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.31 Initiating a radio transmission. Before transmitting by radio, an employee shall: (a) Listen to... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Initiating a radio transmission. 220.31 Section...
A Proposal for a High-Voltage Transmission Line Directional Coupler
Olsen, R. G.; Li, Zhi
Directional couplers are devices generally used in high frequency transmission lines and waveguides that respond to forward and reverse traveling waves separately. Hence they can be used to either measure standing wave ratio in the steady state or to determine the direction of a propagating transient wave. Here, a design is proposed for a directional coupler to be used on multimode high voltage transmission lines. Its performance is analyzed and several suggestions are made for improving its design.
New transmission planning methodology for requesting proposals for wind generation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Isaacs, Andrew L.
The increasing interest in renewable energy technologies during the last decade has caused conventional transmission and generation expansion planning methodologies to be strained and in some cases abandoned. This is due both to the quantity of generator interconnection requests and the constraints imposed by deregulated energy industry structures. One technique used to control the influx of renewable generation while maintaining competitive principles is a Request for Proposals (RFP). However, lack of transmission planning due to a disconnection between generation and transmission owners, difficulty in identifying viable projects, and high risk for proponents stand as obstacles to the goals of an RFP. This research proposes a procedure which minimizes the effect of these obstacles; meeting the purchaser requirements for low price and combining conventional planning concepts with feedback from competitive structures. The general features of the method include definition of generation limits and study area, expansion plan design, transmission cost evaluation, optimal selection of requested generation levels, and final selection of successful proponents. The method is shown to be effective in creating an RFP where proponents are well-informed and provided with cost certainty to reduce bid price, buyers are able to determine end costs of their energy, and good expansion planning principles are maintained. A case study using a real system in New Mexico demonstrates these concepts.
Donnell, Deborah; Baeten, Jared M; Kiarie, James; Thomas, Katherine K; Stevens, Wendy; Cohen, Craig R; McIntyre, James; Lingappa, Jairam R; Celum, Connie
High plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations are associated with increased risk of HIV-1 transmission. Initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces plasma HIV-1 concentrations. We aimed to assess the effect of ART use by patients infected with HIV-1 on risk of transmission to their uninfected partners. Participants in our prospective cohort analysis were from a randomised placebo-controlled trial that enrolled heterosexual African adults who were seropositive for both HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2, and their HIV-1 seronegative partners. At enrolment, HIV-1 infected participants had CD4 counts of 250 cells per microL or greater and did not meet national guidelines for ART initiation; during 24 months of follow-up, CD4 counts were measured every 6 months and ART was initiated in accordance with national guidelines. Uninfected partners were tested for HIV-1 every 3 months. The primary outcome was genetically-linked HIV-1 transmission within the study partnership. We assessed rates of HIV-1 transmission by ART status of infected participants. 3381 couples were eligible for analysis. 349 (10%) participants with HIV-1 initiated ART during the study, at a median CD4 cell count of 198 (IQR 161-265) cells per microL. Only one of 103 genetically-linked HIV-1 transmissions was from an infected participant who had started ART, corresponding to transmission rates of 0.37 (95% CI 0.09-2.04) per 100 person-years in those who had initiated treatment and 2.24 (1.84-2.72) per 100 person-years in those who had not-a 92% reduction (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.08, 95% CI 0.00-0.57, p=0.004). In participants not on ART, the highest HIV-1 transmission rate (8.79 per 100 person-years) was from those with CD4 cell counts lower than 200 cells per microL. In couples in whom the untreated HIV-1 infected partner had a CD4 cell count greater than 200 cells per microL, 66 (70%) of 94 transmissions occurred when plasma HIV-1 concentrations exceeded 50 000 copies per mL. Low CD4 cell
Proposed design procedure for transmission shafting under fatigue loading
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Loewenthal, S. H.
The B106 American National Standards Committee is currently preparing a new standard for the design of transmission shafting. A design procedure, proposed for use in the new standard, for computing the diameter of rotating solid steel shafts under combined cyclic bending and steady torsion is presented. The formula is based on an elliptical variation of endurance strength with torque exhibited by combined stress fatigue data. Fatigue factors are cited to correct specimen bending endurance strength data for use in the shaft formula. A design example illustrates how the method is to be applied.
Iterative Refinement of Transmission Map for Stereo Image Defogging Using a Dual Camera Sensor.
Kim, Heegwang; Park, Jinho; Park, Hasil; Paik, Joonki
Recently, the stereo imaging-based image enhancement approach has attracted increasing attention in the field of video analysis. This paper presents a dual camera-based stereo image defogging algorithm. Optical flow is first estimated from the stereo foggy image pair, and the initial disparity map is generated from the estimated optical flow. Next, an initial transmission map is generated using the initial disparity map. Atmospheric light is then estimated using the color line theory. The defogged result is finally reconstructed using the estimated transmission map and atmospheric light. The proposed method can refine the transmission map iteratively. Experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully remove fog without color distortion. The proposed method can be used as a pre-processing step for an outdoor video analysis system and a high-end smartphone with a dual camera system.
Iterative Refinement of Transmission Map for Stereo Image Defogging Using a Dual Camera Sensor
Park, Jinho; Park, Hasil
Recently, the stereo imaging-based image enhancement approach has attracted increasing attention in the field of video analysis. This paper presents a dual camera-based stereo image defogging algorithm. Optical flow is first estimated from the stereo foggy image pair, and the initial disparity map is generated from the estimated optical flow. Next, an initial transmission map is generated using the initial disparity map. Atmospheric light is then estimated using the color line theory. The defogged result is finally reconstructed using the estimated transmission map and atmospheric light. The proposed method can refine the transmission map iteratively. Experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully remove fog without color distortion. The proposed method can be used as a pre-processing step for an outdoor video analysis system and a high-end smartphone with a dual camera system. PMID:29232826
Nonlinear system guidance in the presence of transmission zero dynamics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Meyer, G.; Hunt, L. R.; Su, R.
An iterative procedure is proposed for computing the commanded state trajectories and controls that guide a possibly multiaxis, time-varying, nonlinear system with transmission zero dynamics through a given arbitrary sequence of control points. The procedure is initialized by the system inverse with the transmission zero effects nulled out. Then the 'steady state' solution of the perturbation model with the transmission zero dynamics intact is computed and used to correct the initial zero-free solution. Both time domain and frequency domain methods are presented for computing the steady state solutions of the possibly nonminimum phase transmission zero dynamics. The procedure is illustrated by means of linear and nonlinear examples.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Jing; Yang, Heming; Zhao, Difu; Qiu, Kun
We introduce digital coherent superposition (DCS) into optical access network and propose a DCS-OFDM-PON upstream transmission scheme using intensity modulator and collective self-coherent detection. The generated OFDM signal is real based on Hermitian symmetry, which can be used to estimate the common phase error (CPE) by complex conjugate subcarrier pairs without any pilots. In simulation, we transmit an aggregated 40 Gb/s optical OFDM signal from two ONUs. The transmission performance with DCS is slightly better after 25 km transmission without relative transmission time delay. The fiber distance for different ONUs to RN are not same in general and there is relative transmission time delay between ONUs, which causes inter-carrier-interference (ICI) power increasing and degrades the transmission performance. The DCS can mitigate the ICI power and the DCS-OFDM-PON upstream transmission outperforms the conventional OFDM-PON. The CPE estimation is by using two pairs of complex conjugate subcarriers without redundancy. The power variation can be 9 dB in DCS-OFDM-PON, which is enough to tolerate several kilometers fiber length difference between the ONUs.
40 CFR 154.23 - Proposed decision not to initiate a Special Review.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Proposed decision not to initiate a Special Review. 154.23 Section 154.23 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PESTICIDE PROGRAMS SPECIAL REVIEW PROCEDURES Procedures § 154.23 Proposed decision not to initiate a Special...
Fine, P E; Carneiro, I A
The global poliomyelitis eradication initiative has been a tremendous success, with current evidence suggesting that wild poliovirus will cease to circulate anywhere in the world soon after the year 2000. As the goal of wild poliovirus eradication is approached, concern has been raised about the potential for persistent transmission of oral polio vaccine (OPV) viruses, as these viruses are known to revert toward wild-type neurovirulence. This paper has been extracted from a document prepared for the World Health Organization on the implications of OPV transmissibility for the strategy of stopping OPV vaccination after global eradication of wild polioviruses. The authors review the empirical evidence on OPV transmissibility available from household and community transmission studies and from mass-vaccination experiences. They then consider theoretical measures of transmissibility and persistence for wild and OPV viruses (secondary attack rate, basic reproduction number, and critical populations' size), to assess whether transmissibility of OPV viruses is sufficient to allow persistence of these viruses after cessation of vaccination. The findings indicate that OPV viruses could persist under various plausible circumstances, and that this potential should be a major consideration when planning the cessation of OPV vaccination.
The global polio eradication initiative Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) program - 1999-2013.
In 1988, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) was established through a partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, CDC, and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). By 2012, the annual incidence of polio had decreased by >99%, compared with 1988, and the number of countries in which wild poliovirus (WPV) circulation has never been interrupted was reduced to three: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. However, because of the persistence of endemic WPV transmission and recurring outbreaks in polio-free countries after the original polio eradication target date of 2000, the World Health Assembly in 2012 declared the completion of polio eradication a programmatic emergency. A key component of GPEI is the Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) program, which was developed and initiated by CDC with WHO in 1999 to mobilize additional human resources and technical assistance for countries affected by WPV transmission. During 1999-2013, 1,563 volunteers were identified, trained, and deployed for 2,221 assignments in 69 countries. The number of volunteers increased from 90-120 per year during 1999-2011 to 287 in 2012 and 378 in 2013, and the number of volunteer person-months in the field per year increased from 273 in 1999 to 1,456 in 2012. The STOP program has aided GPEI by strengthening the capacity of country-level immunization programs and by allowing a large cohort of volunteers to gain valuable field experience that prepares them well for subsequent work as staff members of WHO, UNICEF, and other public health agencies.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Bonneville Power Administration [BPA File No.: BP-12] Fiscal Year (FY) 2012... Comment AGENCY: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Department of Energy (DOE). ACTION: Notice of FY 2012-2013 proposed transmission rate adjustments. SUMMARY: BPA is holding a consolidated rate...
Initial Results From The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Canizares, C. R.; Davis, D. S.; Dewey, D.; Flanagan, K. A.; Houck, J.; Huenemoerder, D. P.; Marshall, H. L.; Schattenburg, M. L.; Schulz, N. S.; Wise, M.
The High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) on the Chandra X-ray Observatory provides spectral resolving powers of 200-1000 over the range 0.4-8.0 keV (1.5-30 A) with effective area of 2-200 square centimeters. Initial observations during the activation and calibration phases of the mission show that the HETGS is performing as predicted prior to Chandra launch. The talk presented very preliminary results that illustrate the power of the HETGS for performing detailed studies of a wide range of celestial sources, including plasma diagnostics. This written version gives a brief summary of that talk with examples of preliminary spectra of Capella, the Crab pulsar, SS433 and the SNR E0102-72.
75 FR 3237 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Women's Health Initiative Observational Study SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirement of... Initiative (WHI) Observational Study. Type of Information Collection Request: Revision OMB 0925- 0414. Need...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Evans, K.; Woodside, D.; Bruegmann, M.
A survey of endangered waterbirds on Maui and Oahu was conducted during August and September 1993 to identify potential waterbird habitats within the general area of the proposed Hawaii Geothermal Project transmission corridor and to assess the potential impacts to endangered waterbird of installing and operating a high voltage transmission line from the Island of Hawaii to the islands of Oahu and Maui. Annual waterbird survey information and other literature containing information on specific wetland sites were summarized. Literature describing impacts of overhead transmission lines on birds was used to evaluate potential impacts of the proposed project on endangered waterbirds,more » resident wading birds, and migratory shorebirds and waterfowl. On Oahu, five wetland habitats supporting endangered Hawaiian waterbirds were identified within 2.5 miles of the proposed transmission line corridor. On Maui, three wetland habitats supporting endangered Hawaiian waterbirds were identified within the general area of the proposed transmission line corridor. Several of the wetlands identified on Oahu and Maui also supported resident wading birds and migratory shorebirds and waterfowl. Endangered waterbirds, resident wading birds, and migratory birds may collide with the proposed transmission lines wires. The frequency and numbers of bird collisions is expected to be greater on Oahu than on Maui because more wetland habitat exists and greater numbers of birds occur in the project area on Oahu. In addition, the endangered Hawaiian goose and the endangered Hawaiian petrel may be impacted by the proposed segment of the Hawaii Geothermal Project transmission line on Maui.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Information Collection: Brownfield Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) AGENCY: Office of the Assistant... Development Initiative (BEDI). OMB Control Number: 2506-0153. Description of the need for the Information and proposed use: The Brownfield Economic Development Initiative is authorized pursuant to Section 108(q...
Small passenger car transmission test: Dodge Omni A-404 transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bujold, M. P.
The small passenger car transmission test was initiated to supply electric vehicle manufacturers with technical information regarding the performance of commercially available transmissions. This transmission was tested in accordance with a passenger car automatic transmission test code (SAE J65lb) which required drive performance, coast performance, and no load test conditions. Under these test conditions, the transmission attained maximum efficiencies in the mid eighty percent range for both drive performance test and coast performance tests.
Hysteresis in simulations of malaria transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamana, Teresa K.; Qiu, Xin; Eltahir, Elfatih A. B.
Malaria transmission is a complex system and in many parts of the world is closely related to climate conditions. However, studies on environmental determinants of malaria generally consider only concurrent climate conditions and ignore the historical or initial conditions of the system. Here, we demonstrate the concept of hysteresis in malaria transmission, defined as non-uniqueness of the relationship between malaria prevalence and concurrent climate conditions. We show the dependence of simulated malaria transmission on initial prevalence and the initial level of human immunity in the population. Using realistic time series of environmental variables, we quantify the effect of hysteresis in a modeled population. In a set of numerical experiments using HYDREMATS, a field-tested mechanistic model of malaria transmission, the simulated maximum malaria prevalence depends on both the initial prevalence and the initial level of human immunity in the population. We found the effects of initial conditions to be of comparable magnitude to the effects of interannual variability in environmental conditions in determining malaria prevalence. The memory associated with this hysteresis effect is longer in high transmission settings than in low transmission settings. Our results show that efforts to simulate and forecast malaria transmission must consider the exposure history of a location as well as the concurrent environmental drivers.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Information Collection: Transformation Initiative Family Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Small Grants AGENCY... information: Title of Proposal: Notice of Funding Availability for the Transformation Initiative Family Self..., think tanks, consortia, Institutions of higher education accredited by a national or regional...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Information Collection: Transformation Initiative Rent Reform Demonstration Small Grants AGENCY: Office of... information: Title of Proposal: Notice of Funding Availability for the Transformation Initiative Rent Reform...-96011. Members of the affected public: Institutions of higher education accredited by a national or...
Transmissive Nanohole Arrays for Massively-Parallel Optical Biosensing
A high-throughput optical biosensing technique is proposed and demonstrated. This hybrid technique combines optical transmission of nanoholes with colorimetric silver staining. The size and spacing of the nanoholes are chosen so that individual nanoholes can be independently resolved in massive parallel using an ordinary transmission optical microscope, and, in place of determining a spectral shift, the brightness of each nanohole is recorded to greatly simplify the readout. Each nanohole then acts as an independent sensor, and the blocking of nanohole optical transmission by enzymatic silver staining defines the specific detection of a biological agent. Nearly 10000 nanoholes can be simultaneously monitored under the field of view of a typical microscope. As an initial proof of concept, biotinylated lysozyme (biotin-HEL) was used as a model analyte, giving a detection limit as low as 0.1 ng/mL. PMID:25530982
Meyers, Kathrine; Qian, Haoyu; Wu, Yingfeng; Lao, Yunfei; Chen, Qingling; Dong, Xingqi; Li, Huiqin; Yang, Yiqing; Jiang, Chengqin; Zhou, Zengquan
To identify factors associated with mother-to-child-transmission and late access to prevention of maternal to child transmission (PMTCT) services among HIV-infected women; and risk factors for infant mortality among HIV-exposed infants in order to assess the feasibility of virtual elimination of vertical transmission and pediatric HIV in this setting. Observational study evaluating the impact of a provincial PMTCT program. The intervention was implemented in 26 counties of Yunnan Province, China at municipal and tertiary health care settings. Log linear regression models with generalized estimating equations were used to identify unadjusted and adjusted correlates for late ARV intervention and MTCT. Cox proportional hazard models with robust sandwich estimation were applied to examine correlates of infant mortality. Mother-to-child- transmission rate of HIV was controlled to 2%, with late initiation of maternal ARV showing a strong association with vertical transmission and infant mortality. Risk factors for late initiation of maternal ARV were age, ethnicity, education, and having a husband not tested for HIV. Mortality rate among HIV-exposed infants was 2.9/100 person-years. In addition to late initiation of maternal ARV, ethnicity, low birth weight and preterm birth were associated with infant mortality. This PMTCT program in Yunnan achieved low rates of MTCT. However the infant mortality rate in this cohort of HIV-exposed children was almost three times the provincial rate. Virtual elimination of MTCT of HIV is an achievable goal in China, but more attention needs to be paid to HIV-free survival.
Initial growth of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cui, Hongtao; Yang, Xiaojing; Simpson, Michael L.; Lowndes, Douglas H.; Varela, Maria
Samples of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (VACNFs) were viewed transverse to the growth direction and studied using both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The VACNFs are composed of graphite layers nearly parallel to the substrate at their bottom end, gradually formed graphite "cups" in the main body, and a catalyst particle on the tip. The formation of such structure is due to the corresponding transformation of the shape of the catalyst particle during initial VACNF growth. A model for their initial growth is proposed.
Wind adaptive modeling of transmission lines using minimum description length
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jaw, Yoonseok; Sohn, Gunho
The transmission lines are moving objects, which positions are dynamically affected by wind-induced conductor motion while they are acquired by airborne laser scanners. This wind effect results in a noisy distribution of laser points, which often hinders accurate representation of transmission lines and thus, leads to various types of modeling errors. This paper presents a new method for complete 3D transmission line model reconstruction in the framework of inner and across span analysis. The highlighted fact is that the proposed method is capable of indirectly estimating noise scales, which corrupts the quality of laser observations affected by different wind speeds through a linear regression analysis. In the inner span analysis, individual transmission line models of each span are evaluated based on the Minimum Description Length theory and erroneous transmission line segments are subsequently replaced by precise transmission line models with wind-adaptive noise scale estimated. In the subsequent step of across span analysis, detecting the precise start and end positions of the transmission line models, known as the Point of Attachment, is the key issue for correcting partial modeling errors, as well as refining transmission line models. Finally, the geometric and topological completion of transmission line models are achieved over the entire network. A performance evaluation was conducted over 138.5 km long corridor data. In a modest wind condition, the results demonstrates that the proposed method can improve the accuracy of non-wind-adaptive initial models on an average of 48% success rate to produce complete transmission line models in the range between 85% and 99.5% with the positional accuracy of 9.55 cm transmission line models and 28 cm Point of Attachment in the root-mean-square error.
Maes, Hermine H; Morley, Kate; Neale, Michael C; Kendler, Kenneth S; Heath, Andrew C; Eaves, Lindon J; Martin, Nicholas G
Considerable evidence from twin and adoption studies indicates that genetic and shared environmental factors play a role in the initiation of smoking behavior. Although twin and adoption designs are powerful to detect genetic and environmental influences, they do not provide information on the processes of assortative mating and parent-offspring transmission and their contribution to the variability explained by genetic and/or environmental factors. We examined the role of genetic and environmental factors in individual differences for smoking initiation (SI) using an extended kinship design. This design allows the simultaneous testing of additive and non-additive genetic, shared and individual-specific environmental factors, as well as sex differences in the expression of genes and environment in the presence of assortative mating and combined genetic and cultural transmission, while also estimating the regression of the prevalence of SI on age. A dichotomous lifetime 'ever' smoking measure was obtained from twins and relatives in the 'Virginia 30,000' sample and the 'Australian 25,000'. Results demonstrate that both genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the liability to SI. Major influences on individual differences appeared to be additive genetic and unique environmental effects, with smaller contributions from assortative mating, shared sibling environment, twin environment, cultural transmission, and resulting genotype-environment covariance. Age regression of the prevalence of SI was significant. The finding of negative cultural transmission without dominance led us to investigate more closely two possible mechanisms for the lower parent-offspring correlations compared to the sibling and DZ twin correlations in subsets of the data: (1) age × gene interaction, and (2) social homogamy. Neither of the mechanism provided a significantly better explanation of the data. This study showed significant heritability, partly due to assortment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...] Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities September 29... (75 FR 37884) proposing to amend the transmission planning and cost allocation requirements... transmission needs driven by public policy requirements established by state or federal laws or regulations...
Exploring Proposals for Resolving the Initial Conditions and Multiverse Problems in Inflation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Panithanpaisal, Nondh; Steinhardt, Paul
The theory of cosmic inflation with the plateau-like potentials for the scalar field is very successful in predicting standard cosmological parameters. However, if the quantum effects are included, the theory inherently contains serious problems, namely, the multiverse problem and the initial conditions problem. It has been suggested in Mukhanov 2015 and Deen et al. 2016 to add a potential wall to the potential, so that the field never reaches the self-reproduction point. We examine these two proposals by varying the positions of the potential wall as well as varying the initial ratios of kinetic energy, potential energy and curvature. We demonstrate that both proposals are fine-tuned, at best, as they suffer from the drift in the predictions of the spectral tilt (ns) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r).
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR-5480-N-118] Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Transformation Initiative: Natural Experiment Grant Program AGENCY...: Transformation Initiative: Natural Experiment Grant Program. OMB Approval Number: 2528-New. Form Numbers: HUD...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities; Proposed Rule #0;#0...] Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities Issued June 17... Transmission Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting...
Force transmissibility versus displacement transmissibility
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lage, Y. E.; Neves, M. M.; Maia, N. M. M.; Tcherniak, D.
It is well-known that when a single-degree-of-freedom (sdof) system is excited by a continuous motion of the foundation, the force transmissibility, relating the force transmitted to the foundation to the applied force, equals the displacement transmissibility. Recent developments in the generalization of the transmissibility to multiple-degree-of-freedom (mdof) systems have shown that similar simple and direct relations between both types of transmissibility do not appear naturally from the definitions, as happens in the sdof case. In this paper, the authors present their studies on the conditions under which it is possible to establish a relation between force transmissibility and displacement transmissibility for mdof systems. As far as the authors are aware, such a relation is not currently found in the literature, which is justified by being based on recent developments in the transmissibility concept for mdof systems. Indeed, it does not appear naturally, but the authors observed that the needed link is present when the displacement transmissibility is obtained between the same coordinates where the applied and reaction forces are considered in the force transmissibility case; this implies that the boundary conditions are not exactly the same and instead follow some rules. This work presents a formal derivation of the explicit relation between the force and displacement transmissibilities for mdof systems, and discusses its potential and limitations. The authors show that it is possible to obtain the displacement transmissibility from measured forces, and the force transmissibility from measured displacements, opening new perspectives, for example, in the identification of applied or transmitted forces. With this novel relation, it becomes possible, for example, to estimate the force transmissibility matrix with the structure off its supports, in free boundary conditions, and without measuring the forces. As far as force identification is concerned, this
Identification and proposed control of helicopter transmission noise at the source
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Coy, John J.; Handschuh, Robert F.; Lewicki, David G.; Huff, Ronald G.; Krejsa, Eugene A.; Karchmer, Allan M.
Helicopter cabin interiors require noise treatment which is expensive and adds weight. The gears inside the main power transmission are major sources of cabin noise. Work conducted by the NASA Lewis Research Center in measuring cabin interior noise and in relating the noise spectrum to the gear vibration of the Army OH-58 helicopter is described. Flight test data indicate that the planetary gear train is a major source of cabin noise and that other low frequency sources are present that could dominate the cabin noise. Companion vibration measurements were made in a transmission test stand, revealing that the single largest contributor to the transmission vibration was the spiral bevel gear mesh. The current understanding of the nature and causes of gear and transmission noise is discussed. It is believed that the kinematical errors of the gear mesh have a strong influence on that noise. The completed NASA/Army sponsored research that applies to transmission noise reduction is summarized. The continuing research program is also reviewed.
Identification and proposed control of helicopter transmission noise at the source
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Coy, John J.; Handschuh, Robert F.; Lewicki, David G.; Huff, Ronald G.; Krejsa, Eugene A.; Karchmer, Allan M.; Coy, John J.
Helicopter cabin interiors require noise treatment which is expensive and adds weight. The gears inside the main power transmission are major sources of cabin noise. Work conducted by the NASA Lewis Research Center in measuring cabin interior noise and in relating the noise spectrum to the gear vibration of the Army OH-58 helicopter is described. Flight test data indicate that the planetary gear train is a major source of cabin noise and that other low frequency sources are present that could dominate the cabin noise. Companion vibration measurements were made in a transmission test stand, revealing that the single largest contributor to the transmission vibration was the spiral bevel gear mesh. The current understanding of the nature and causes of gear and transmission noise is discussed. It is believed that the kinematical errors of the gear mesh have a strong influence on that noise. The completed NASA/Army sponsored research that applies to transmission noise reduction is summarized. The continuing research program is also reviewed.
Independence: proposing an initial framework for occupational therapy.
Collins, Bethan
The concept of independence is common in occupational therapy theory and practice but has rarely been clearly defined or conceptualized within in occupational therapy literature and there seems to be no standard definition. This can result in ambiguity, which potentially jeopardizes client-centred practice. This paper proposes an occupational therapy independence framework (OTIF) that synthesizes the range of characterizations of independence in a practically useful and occupation-centred manner. A review of literature, clinical experience, doctoral research and conversations with occupational therapists and disabled people, in particular those involved in a disability activism group and people with physical disabilities, has led to the development of the OTIF. Independence and interdependence, as characterized in the OTIF, occur when an individual exerts choice over occupational performance and can engage in occupations in a manner acceptable to the individual. Interdependence results when occupations are performed with another person whereas independence involves solitary occupational performance. Dependence typically results from inability to choose occupations or a mismatch between performance capacity and environmental factors. The OTIF has the potential to clarify the conceptualization of independence within occupational therapy theory and practice. This initial proposal is presented to stimulate debate and discussion.
FERC examines transmission access pricing policies
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Burkhart, L.A.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved two orders dealing with transmission pricing issues that evolved from its March 1992 Pennsylvania Electric Co. (Penelec) decision dealing with cost recovery of transmission plant expansion. Commissioner Betsy Moler said the cases represented the first time the FERC has used incremental rates for wheeling transactions. In the first new order, Public Service Electric Gas Co. proposed charging for third-party transmission services to recover the sum of its standard embedded cost rate and the net incremental cost of making upgrades to its integrated transmission system. Public Service sought to provide service to EEAmore » I Limited, which proposed building and operating a cogeneration facility at a United States Gypsum Co. plant in New Jersey. Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc. had agreed to purchase the project's output. In rejecting Public Service's proposal, the FERC ruled the utility must charge a transmission rate that is the higher of either its embedded cost rate or its incremental cost rate of accelerated expansion. (In this instance, the incremental rate was higher). In the second new order, Public Service Co. of Colorado (PSCC) filed a proposed open access transmission service tariff related to its acquisition of facilities from Colorado-Ute Electric Association Inc. The FERC rejected PSCC's tariff request that would have required a new transmission customer (in the event PSCC modified its integrated transmission grid) to pay the sum of PSCC's standard transmission rate (reflecting the average cost of the grid facilities) plus the expansion cost (reflecting the incremental facility cost).« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Yunlei; Hou, Muzhou; Luo, Jianshu; Liu, Taohua
With the increasing demands for vast amounts of data and high-speed signal transmission, the use of multi-conductor transmission lines is becoming more common. The impact of transmission lines on signal transmission is thus a key issue affecting the performance of high-speed digital systems. To solve the problem of lossless two-conductor transmission line equations (LTTLEs), a neural network model and algorithm are explored in this paper. By selecting the product of two triangular basis functions as the activation function of hidden layer neurons, we can guarantee the separation of time, space, and phase orthogonality. By adding the initial condition to the neural network, an improved extreme learning machine (IELM) algorithm for solving the network weight is obtained. This is different to the traditional method for converting the initial condition into the iterative constraint condition. Calculation software for solving the LTTLEs based on the IELM algorithm is developed. Numerical experiments show that the results are consistent with those of the traditional method. The proposed neural network algorithm can find the terminal voltage of the transmission line and also the voltage of any observation point. It is possible to calculate the value at any given point by using the neural network model to solve the transmission line equation.
Zhuge, Qunbi; Morsy-Osman, Mohamed; Chagnon, Mathieu; Xu, Xian; Qiu, Meng; Plant, David V
In this paper, we propose a low-complexity format-transparent digital signal processing (DSP) scheme for next generation flexible and energy-efficient transceiver. It employs QPSK symbols as the training and pilot symbols for the initialization and tracking stage of the receiver-side DSP, respectively, for various modulation formats. The performance is numerically and experimentally evaluated in a dual polarization (DP) 11 Gbaud 64QAM system. Employing the proposed DSP scheme, we conduct a system-level study of Tb/s bandwidth-adaptive superchannel transmissions with flexible modulation formats including QPSK, 8QAM and 16QAM. The spectrum bandwidth allocation is realized in the digital domain instead of turning on/off sub-channels, which improves the performance of higher order QAM. Various transmission distances ranging from 240 km to 6240 km are demonstrated with a colorless detection for hardware complexity reduction.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... marketing plan principles. The comment period for the proposed 2021 PMI ended on May 4, 2011. Western... customers the opportunity to review current marketing plan principles and provide informal input to Western... Division--2021 Power Marketing Initiative Proposal AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, DOE. ACTION...
Continuously Variable Transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Grana, D. C.
Chain slides along two cones, in novel transmission concept. Transmission includes chain drive between two splined shafts. Chain sprockets follow surfaces of two cones. As one chain sprocket moves toward smaller diameter other chain sprocket moves toward larger diameter, thereby changing "gear" ratio. Movement initiated by tension applied to chain by planetary gear mechanism. Device positive, simple, and efficient over wide range of speed ratios.
Existing and Proposed Child Find Initiatives in One State's Part C Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Edwards, Nicole Megan; Gallagher, Peggy A.; Green, Katherine B.
Despite a Child Find mandate in IDEA, early detection and screening of infants and toddlers with special needs continues to remain an area in need of improvement. The authors sought to better understand existing and proposed outreach initiatives in one state's Part C Early Intervention (EI) program that ranks among the lowest nationally in the…
Eshrati, Babak; Asl, Rahim Taghizadeh; Dell, Colleen Anne; Afshar, Parviz; Millson, Peggy Margaret E; Kamali, Mohammad; Weekes, John
Background Harm reduction is a health-centred approach that seeks to reduce the health and social harms associated with high-risk behaviors, such as illicit drug use. The objective of this study is to determine the association between the beliefs of a group of adult, male prisoners in Iran about the transmission of HIV and their high-risk practices while in prison. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2004. The study population was a random selection of 100 men incarcerated at Rajaei-Shahr prison. The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. Focus group discussions were held at the prison to guide the design of the questionnaire. The relationship between components of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and prisoners' risky HIV-related behaviors was examined. Results Calculating Pearson's correlation coefficient, a significant, positive association was found between the benefit component of the HBM and prisoners not engaging in HIV high-risk behaviors. Conclusion Educational harm reduction initiatives that promote the effectiveness of strategies designed to reduce the risk of HIV transmission may decrease prisoners' high-risk behaviors. This finding provides initial support for the Iran prison system's current offering of HIV/AIDS harm reduction programming and suggests the need to offer increased education about the effectiveness of HIV prevention practices. PMID:18541032
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cakoni, Fioralba; Haddar, Houssem
eigenvalue problem. The need to answer these questions became important after a series of papers by Cakoni et al [5], and Cakoni et al [6] suggesting that these transmission eigenvalues could be used to obtain qualitative information about the material properties of the scattering object from far-field data. The first answer to the existence of transmission eigenvalues in the general case was given in 2008 when Päivärinta and Sylvester showed the existence of transmission eigenvalues for the index of refraction sufficiently large [7] followed in 2010 by the paper of Cakoni et al who removed the size restriction on the index of refraction [8]. More importantly, in the latter it was shown that transmission eigenvalues yielded qualitative information on the material properties of the scattering object and Cakoni et al established in [9] that transmission eigenvalues could be determined from the Tikhonov regularized solution of the far-field equation. Since the appearance of these papers there has been an explosion of interest in the transmission eigenvalue problem (we refer the reader to our recent survey paper [10] for a detailed account of the developments in this field up to 2012) and the papers in this special issue are representative of the myriad directions that this research has taken. Indeed, we are happy to see that many open theoretical and numerical questions raised in [10] have been answered (totally or partially) in the contributions of this special issue: the existence of transmission eigenvalues with minimal assumptions on the contrast, the numerical evaluation of transmission eigenvalues, the inverse spectral problem, applications to non-destructive testing, etc. In addition to these topics, many other new investigations and research directions have been proposed as we shall see in the brief content summary below. A number of papers in this special issue are concerned with the question of existence of transmission eigenvalues and the structure of the
Dynamics of Mechanical Signal Transmission through Prestressed Stress Fibers
Hwang, Yongyun; Barakat, Abdul I.
Transmission of mechanical stimuli through the actin cytoskeleton has been proposed as a mechanism for rapid long-distance mechanotransduction in cells; however, a quantitative understanding of the dynamics of this transmission and the physical factors governing it remains lacking. Two key features of the actin cytoskeleton are its viscoelastic nature and the presence of prestress due to actomyosin motor activity. We develop a model of mechanical signal transmission through prestressed viscoelastic actin stress fibers that directly connect the cell surface to the nucleus. The analysis considers both temporally stationary and oscillatory mechanical signals and accounts for cytosolic drag on the stress fibers. To elucidate the physical parameters that govern mechanical signal transmission, we initially focus on the highly simplified case of a single stress fiber. The results demonstrate that the dynamics of mechanical signal transmission depend on whether the applied force leads to transverse or axial motion of the stress fiber. For transverse motion, mechanical signal transmission is dominated by prestress while fiber elasticity has a negligible effect. Conversely, signal transmission for axial motion is mediated uniquely by elasticity due to the absence of a prestress restoring force. Mechanical signal transmission is significantly delayed by stress fiber material viscosity, while cytosolic damping becomes important only for longer stress fibers. Only transverse motion yields the rapid and long-distance mechanical signal transmission dynamics observed experimentally. For simple networks of stress fibers, mechanical signals are transmitted rapidly to the nucleus when the fibers are oriented largely orthogonal to the applied force, whereas the presence of fibers parallel to the applied force slows down mechanical signal transmission significantly. The present results suggest that cytoskeletal prestress mediates rapid mechanical signal transmission and allows
49 CFR 220.47 - Emergency radio transmissions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Emergency radio transmissions. 220.47 Section 220... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.47 Emergency radio transmissions. An initial emergency radio transmission shall be preceded by the...
49 CFR 220.47 - Emergency radio transmissions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.47 Emergency radio transmissions. An initial emergency radio transmission shall be preceded by the... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Emergency radio transmissions. 220.47 Section 220...
49 CFR 220.47 - Emergency radio transmissions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD COMMUNICATIONS Radio and Wireless Communication Procedures § 220.47 Emergency radio transmissions. An initial emergency radio transmission shall be preceded by the... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Emergency radio transmissions. 220.47 Section 220...
Enhanced Heterosexual Transmission Hypothesis for the Origin of Pandemic HIV-1
de Sousa, João Dinis; Alvarez, Carolina; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke; Müller, Viktor
HIV-1 M originated from SIVcpz endemic in chimpanzees from southeast Cameroon or neighboring areas, and it started to spread in the early 20th century. Here we examine the factors that may have contributed to simian-to-human transmission, local transmission between humans, and export to a city. The region had intense ape hunting, social disruption, commercial sex work, STDs, and traffic to/from Kinshasa in the period 1899–1923. Injection treatments increased sharply around 1930; however, their frequency among local patients was far lower than among modern groups experiencing parenteral HIV-1 outbreaks. Recent molecular datings of HIV-1 M fit better the period of maximal resource exploitation and trade links than the period of high injection intensity. We conclude that although local parenteral outbreaks might have occurred, these are unlikely to have caused massive transmission. World War I led to additional, and hitherto unrecognized, risks of HIV-1 emergence. We propose an Enhanced Heterosexual Transmission Hypothesis for the origin of HIV-1 M, featuring at the time and place of its origin a coincidence of favorable co-factors (ape hunting, social disruption, STDs, and mobility) for both cross-species transmission and heterosexual spread. Our hypothesis does not exclude a role for parenteral transmission in the initial viral adaptation. PMID:23202448
Understanding Ebola Virus Transmission
Judson, Seth; Prescott, Joseph; Munster, Vincent
An unprecedented number of Ebola virus infections among healthcare workers and patients have raised questions about our understanding of Ebola virus transmission. Here, we explore different routes of Ebola virus transmission between people, summarizing the known epidemiological and experimental data. From this data, we expose important gaps in Ebola virus research pertinent to outbreak situations. We further propose experiments and methods of data collection that will enable scientists to fill these voids in our knowledge about the transmission of Ebola virus. PMID:25654239
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mori, Kazuo; Naito, Katsuhiro; Kobayashi, Hideo
This paper proposes an asymmetric traffic accommodation scheme using a multihop transmission technique for CDMA/FDD cellular communication systems. The proposed scheme exploits the multihop transmission to downlink packet transmissions, which require the large transmission power at their single-hop transmissions, in order to increase the downlink capacity. In these multihop transmissions, vacant uplink band is used for the transmissions from relay stations to destination mobile stations, and this leads more capacity enhancement in the downlink communications. The relay route selection method and power control method for the multihop transmissions are also investigated in the proposed scheme. The proposed scheme is evaluated by computer simulation and the results show that the proposed scheme can achieve better system performance.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... programs that leverage private lending to help finance small businesses and manufacturers that are... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Proposed Collection; Comment Request; State Small Business Credit Initiative Allocation Agreement AGENCY: Departmental Offices, Small Business Lending Funds, Treasury. ACTION...
Transmissive Diffractive Optical Element Solar Concentrators
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Baron, Richard; Moynihan, Philip; Price, Douglas
Solar-thermal-radiation concentrators in the form of transmissive diffractive optical elements (DOEs) have been proposed as alternatives to mirror-type solar concentrators now in use. In comparison with functionally equivalent mirror-type solar concentrators, the transmissive, diffractive solar concentrators would weigh and cost less, and would be subject to relaxed mechanical tolerances. A DOE concentrator would be made from a thin, flat disk or membrane of a transmissive material having a suitable index of refraction. By virtue of its thinness, the DOE concentrator would have an areal mass density significantly less than that of a functionally equivalent conventional mirror. The DOE concentrator would have a relatively wide aperture--characterized by a focal-length/aperture-diameter ratio ('f number') on the order of 1. A kinoform (a surface-relief phase hologram) of high diffractive order would be microfabricated onto one face of the disk. The kinoform (see figure) would be designed to both diffract and refract incident solar radiation onto a desired focal region, without concern for forming an image of the Sun. The high diffractive order of this kinoform (in contradistinction to the low diffractive orders of some other kinoforms) would be necessary to obtain the desired f number of 1, which, in turn, would be necessary for obtaining a desired concentration ratio of 2,500 or greater. The design process of optimizing the concentration ratio of a proposed DOE solar concentrator includes computing convolutions of the optical bandwidth of the Sun with the optical transmission of the diffractive medium. Because, as in the cases of other non-imaging, light-concentrating optics, image quality is not a design requirement, the process also includes trading image quality against concentration ratio. A baseline design for one example calls for an aperture diameter of 1 m. This baseline design would be scalable to a diameter as large as 10 m, or to a smaller diameter for a
Professional Development Initiative. Proposal for Action
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University (NJ1), 2004
With the support of the Education Cabinet, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation launched the Professional Development Initiative in early 2004. The Initiative's Implementation Work Group focused on four key areas to enhance North Carolina's system of professional development for K-12 teachers. Those areas were: (1) Professional Development Online…
Emotional Well-Being and Public Health: Proposal for a Model National Initiative.
Feller, Sophie C; Castillo, Enrico G; Greenberg, Jared M; Abascal, Pilar; Van Horn, Richard; Wells, Kenneth B
In 2011, the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council named mental and emotional well-being as 1 of 7 priority areas for the National Prevention Strategy. In this article, we discuss emotional well-being as a scientific concept and its relevance to public health. We review evidence that supports the association between emotional well-being and health. We propose a national emotional well-being initiative and describe its 6 components: systematic measurement of emotional well-being, identification of the drivers of emotional well-being, formation of partnerships with diverse stakeholders, implementation and dissemination of evidence-based interventions to promote emotional well-being and its drivers, development of public health messaging, and identification of and strategies to address disparities in emotional well-being and its drivers. Finally, we discuss ways in which a national emotional well-being initiative would complement current public health efforts and the potential challenges to such an initiative.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR-5605-N-01] Notice of Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request: Fair Housing Initiatives Program Grant Application and Monitoring Reports AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO...
Pellicle transmission uniformity requirements
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brown, Thomas L.; Ito, Kunihiro
Controlling critical dimensions of devices is a constant battle for the photolithography engineer. Current DUV lithographic process exposure latitude is typically 12 to 15% of the total dose. A third of this exposure latitude budget may be used up by a variable related to masking that has not previously received much attention. The emphasis on pellicle transmission has been focused on increasing the average transmission. Much less, attention has been paid to transmission uniformity. This paper explores the total demand on the photospeed latitude budget, the causes of pellicle transmission nonuniformity and examines reasonable expectations for pellicle performance. Modeling is used to examine how the two primary errors in pellicle manufacturing contribute to nonuniformity in transmission. World-class pellicle transmission uniformity standards are discussed and a comparison made between specifications of other components in the photolithographic process. Specifications for other materials or parameters are used as benchmarks to develop a proposed industry standard for pellicle transmission uniformity.
Energy transmission using recyclable quantum entanglement
Ye, Ming-Yong; Lin, Xiu-Min
It is known that faster-than-light (FTL) transmission of energy could be achieved if the transmission were considered in the framework of non-relativistic classical mechanics. Here we show that FTL transmission of energy could also be achieved if the transmission were considered in the framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. In our transmission protocol a two-spin Heisenberg model is considered and the energy is transmitted by two successive local unitary operations on the initially entangled spins. Our protocol does not mean that FTL transmission can be achieved in reality when the theory of relativity is considered, but it shows that quantum entanglement can be used in a recyclable way in energy transmission. PMID:27465431
Fundamental-mode MMF transmission enabled by mode conversion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Zhongying; Li, Juhao; Tian, Yu; Ge, Dawei; Zhu, Jinglong; Ren, Fang; Mo, Qi; Yu, Jinyi; Li, Zhengbin; Chen, Zhangyuan; He, Yongqi
Modal dispersion in conventional multi-mode fiber (MMF) will cause serious signal degradation and an effective solution is to restrict the signal transmission in the fundamental mode of MMF. In this paper, unlike previous methods by filtering out higher-order modes, we propose to adopt low-modal-crosstalk mode converters to realize fundamental-mode MMF transmission. We design and fabricate all-fiber mode-selective couplers (MSC), which perform mode conversion between the fundamental mode in single-mode fiber (SMF) and fundamental mode in MMF. The proposed scheme is experimentally compared with center launching method under different MMF links and then its wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission performance is investigated. Experimental results indicate that the proposed mode conversion scheme could achieve better transmission performance and works well for the whole C-band.
78 FR 2391 - Nevada Power Company; Notice of Initiation of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Company; Notice of Initiation of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date On December 31, 2012, the Commission... proposed transmission and ancillary service rates by Nevada Power Company. Nevada Power Company, 141 FERC ] 61,267 (2012). The refund effective date in Docket No. EL13-28-000, established pursuant to section...
Interference-Robust Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
Han, Jin-Seok; Lee, Yong-Hwan
Low-power wireless sensor networks (WSNs) operating in unlicensed spectrum bands may seriously suffer from interference from other coexisting radio systems, such as IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks. In this paper, we consider the improvement of the transmission performance of low-power WSNs by adjusting the transmission rate and the payload size in response to the change of co-channel interference. We estimate the probability of transmission failure and the data throughput and then determine the payload size to maximize the throughput performance. We investigate that the transmission time maximizing the normalized throughput is not much affected by the transmission rate, but rather by the interference condition. We adjust the transmission rate and the transmission time in response to the change of the channel and interference condition, respectively. Finally, we verify the performance of the proposed scheme by computer simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly improves data throughput compared with conventional schemes while preserving energy efficiency even in the presence of interference. PMID:27854249
Interference-Robust Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Han, Jin-Seok; Lee, Yong-Hwan
Low-power wireless sensor networks (WSNs) operating in unlicensed spectrum bands may seriously suffer from interference from other coexisting radio systems, such as IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks. In this paper, we consider the improvement of the transmission performance of low-power WSNs by adjusting the transmission rate and the payload size in response to the change of co-channel interference. We estimate the probability of transmission failure and the data throughput and then determine the payload size to maximize the throughput performance. We investigate that the transmission time maximizing the normalized throughput is not much affected by the transmission rate, but rather by the interference condition. We adjust the transmission rate and the transmission time in response to the change of the channel and interference condition, respectively. Finally, we verify the performance of the proposed scheme by computer simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly improves data throughput compared with conventional schemes while preserving energy efficiency even in the presence of interference.
Preskorn, Sheldon H
Suicide is a staggering, tragic, and growing cause of death in the United States. Despite a government-led 20-year effort, the suicide rate increased by 25% between 1999 and 2014. To prevent suicide, it is essential to understand the biological factors-genetic and epigenetic-and environmental factors that underlie it. To gain this increased understanding, the equivalent of the "War on Cancer" initiative is needed. The War on Cancer initiative, which began in the 1970s, has transformed the treatments and outcomes of cancer, and the same could occur with a similar initiative on suicide. This article proposes a National Initiative to Prevent Suicide (NIPS), with the first step being the establishment of a National Suicide Database (NSD). The NSD would be established by a government-private partnership much as was done by the National Cancer Institute in the War on Cancer. The NSD would be established under the auspices of the National Institute of Mental Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Approximately $600 million are currently spent annually by taxpayers in the United States to support the medicolegal death investigation system, composed of 3137 county coroner or medical examiner offices across the country. In their investigation of deaths due to suicide, these offices collect extensive information, including biological samples, from the >40,000 deaths due to suicide that occur each year. The proposal presented in this column calls for this material to be stored in the NSD so that vetted government and public/private researchers can investigate the causes of suicide. This information will make possible the development of new methods, including laboratory evaluations, for assessing suicide risk as well as new treatments to prevent suicide. In support of this proposed new initiative, this article/proposal reviews the current medicolegal death investigation system and recent advances in our understanding of the biological basis of suicide. The
Proposal of a gigawatt-class L/Ku dual-band magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ju, J.-C., E-mail:; Fan, Y.-W.; Shu, T.
We present a gigawatt (GW)-class magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) which is capable of generating dual-band high power microwaves (HPMs). The proposed device, deriving from previously studied complex MILO and dual-frequency MILO, is designed to produce two HPMs in L-band and Ku-band, respectively. It is found in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation that when the diode voltage is 610 kV, HPMs with frequencies of 1.72 GHz and 14.6 GHz can be achieved with powers of 3.3 GW and 2.4 GW, respectively. The corresponding total power conversion efficiency is approximately 12.8%. Power difference of the two generated HPMs is approximately 1.4 dB, and frequency difference of themmore » reaches a level as high as ∼10 dB.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Zengwei; Zhu, Ping; Zhao, Jianxuan
In this paper, the prediction capabilities of the Global Transmissibility Direct Transmissibility (GTDT) method are further developed. Two path blocking techniques solely using the easily measured variables of the original system to predict the response of a path blocking system are generalized to finite element models of continuous systems. The proposed techniques are derived theoretically in a general form for the scenarios of setting the response of a subsystem to zero and of removing the link between two directly connected subsystems. The objective of this paper is to verify the reliability of the proposed techniques by finite element simulations. Two typical cases, the structural vibration transmission case and the structure-borne sound case, in two different configurations are employed to illustrate the validity of proposed techniques. The points of attention for each case have been discussed, and conclusions are given. It is shown that for the two cases of blocking a subsystem the proposed techniques are able to predict the new response using measured variables of the original system, even though operational forces are unknown. For the structural vibration transmission case of removing a connector between two components, the proposed techniques are available only when the rotational component responses of the connector are very small. The proposed techniques offer relative path measures and provide an alternative way to deal with NVH problems. The work in this paper provides guidance and reference for the engineering application of the GTDT prediction techniques.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2009-N-0247] Food and Drug Administration Transparency Initiative: Draft Proposals for Public Comment to Increase...: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. [[Page 61367
Electric Dipole Theory of Chemical Synaptic Transmission
Wei, Ling Y.
In this paper we propose that chemicals such as acetylcholine are electric dipoles which when oriented and arranged in a large array could produce an electric field strong enough to drive positive ions over the junction barrier of the post-synaptic membrane and thus initiate excitation or produce depolarization. This theory is able to explain a great number of facts such as cleft size, synaptic delay, nonregeneration, subthreshold integration, facilitation with repetition, and the calcium and magnesium effects. It also shows why and how acetylcholine could act as excitatory or inhibitory transmitters under different circumstances. Our conclusion is that the nature of synaptic transmission is essentially electrical, be it mediated by electrical or chemical transmitters. PMID:4296121
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Xiaoping; Dang, Fangchao; Li, Yangmei; Jin, Zhenxing
In this paper, we present a novel compact P-band magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) with specially inclined slow-wave-structure (SWS) vanes to decrease its total dimension and weight. The dispersion characteristics of the inclined SWS are investigated in detail and made comparisons with that of the traditional straight SWS. The results show that the inclined SWS is more advantageous in operating on a steady frequency in a wide voltage range and has a better asymmetric mode segregation and a relatively large band-gap between the TM00 and TM01 modes which are in favor of avoiding the asymmetric and transverse mode competition. Besides, the transverse dimension of the proposed novel inclined SWS with the same operation frequency is decreased by about 50%, and correspondingly the device volume shrinks remarkably to its 0.35 times. In particle-in-cell simulation, the electron bunching spokes are obviously formed in the inclined SWS, and a P-band high-power microwave with a power of 5.8 GW, frequency of 645 MHz, and efficiency of 17.2% is generated by the proposed device, which indicates the feasibility of the compact design with the inclined vanes at the P-band.
Research on atmospheric transmission distortion of Gauss laser using multiple phase screen method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Yizhuo; Wang, Qiushi; Gu, Haidong
The laser beam is attenuated, broadened, defocused and may even be deflected from its initial propagation direction as it propagates through the atmosphere. It leads to the decrease of the laser intensity of the receiving surface. Gauss beam is the fundamental components of all possible laser waveforms. Therefore, research on the transmission of the Gauss laser has far-reaching consequences in optical communication, weaponry, target designation, ranging, remote sensing and other applications that require transmission of laser beams through the atmosphere. In this paper, we propose a laboratory simulation method using multi-phase screen to calculate the effects of atmospheric turbulence. Theoretical analysis of Gauss laser transmission in the atmosphere is given. By calculating the propagation of the Gauss beam TEM00, the far field intensity and phase distribution is shown. By the given method, the optical setup is presented and used for optimizing the adaptive optics algorithm.
Underwater spark discharge with long transmission line for cleaning horizontal wells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Kern; Chung, Kyoung-Jae; Hwang, Y. S.; Kim, C. Y.
A transmission line is discussed for application in an underwater spark-discharge technique in the cleaning of a horizontal well by incorporating a power-transmission model into the simulation. The pulsed-spark-discharge technique has been proposed for clogged-well rehabilitation, because it removes incrustations that are attached to well screens by using strong pressure waves that are generated by the rapid expansion of a spark channel. To apply the pulsed-spark-discharge technique to the cleaning of horizontal wells, the coaxial cable between the pulsed power supply and the spark gap as a load needs to be extended to a few hundred meters. Prior to field application, pulsed-spark-discharge experiments were conducted and the role of the transmission line was examined using an improved simulation model. In the model, a non-linear interaction of the spark channel and the capacitor bank is described by the pulse-forming action of the coaxial cable. Based on the accurate physical properties of the water plasma, such as the equation of state and electrical conductivity within the region of interest, the amount of energy contributed to the development of a shock wave was evaluated. The simulation shows that if the initial conditions of the spark channel are the same, no further reduction in strength of the pressure wave occurs, even if the cable length is increased above 50 m. Hence, the degraded peak pressure that was observed in the experiments using the longer cable is attributed to a change in the initial condition of the spark channel. The parametric study suggests that the low initial charging voltage, the high ambient water pressure, and the long cable length yield the low initial spark-channel density, which results in a reduced peak pressure. The simulation of line charging is presented to discuss the principle of disturbing the pre-breakdown process by an extended cable.
Economic analysis for transmission operation and planning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Qun
Restructuring of the electric power industry has caused dramatic changes in the use of transmission system. The increasing congestion conditions as well as the necessity of integrating renewable energy introduce new challenges and uncertainties to transmission operation and planning. Accurate short-term congestion forecasting facilitates market traders in bidding and trading activities. Cost sharing and recovery issue is a major impediment for long-term transmission investment to integrate renewable energy. In this research, a new short-term forecasting algorithm is proposed for predicting congestion, LMPs, and other power system variables based on the concept of system patterns. The advantage of this algorithm relative to standard statistical forecasting methods is that structural aspects underlying power market operations are exploited to reduce the forecasting error. The advantage relative to previously proposed structural forecasting methods is that data requirements are substantially reduced. Forecasting results based on a NYISO case study demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, a negotiation methodology is developed to guide transmission investment for integrating renewable energy. Built on Nash Bargaining theory, the negotiation of investment plans and payment rate can proceed between renewable generation and transmission companies for cost sharing and recovery. The proposed approach is applied to Garver's six bus system. The numerical results demonstrate fairness and efficiency of the approach, and hence can be used as guidelines for renewable energy investors. The results also shed light on policy-making of renewable energy subsidies.
The optimization of wireless power transmission: design and realization.
Jia, Zhiwei; Yan, Guozheng; Liu, Hua; Wang, Zhiwu; Jiang, Pingping; Shi, Yu
A wireless power transmission system is regarded as a practical way of solving power-shortage problems in multifunctional active capsule endoscopes. The uniformity of magnetic flux density, frequency stability and orientation stability are used to evaluate power transmission stability, taking into consideration size and safety constraints. Magnetic field safety and temperature rise are also considered. Test benches are designed to measure the relevent parameters. Finally, a mathematical programming model in which these constraints are considered is proposed to improve transmission efficiency. To verify the feasibility of the proposed method, various systems for a wireless active capsule endoscope are designed and evaluated. The optimal power transmission system has the capability to supply continuously at least 500 mW of power with a transmission efficiency of 4.08%. The example validates the feasibility of the proposed method. Introduction of novel designs enables further improvement of this method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Power Company; Notice of Initiation of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date On December 31, 2012, the... reasonableness of the proposed transmission and ancillary service rates by Sierra Pacific Power Company. Sierra Pacific Power Company, 141 FERC ] 61,266 (2012). The refund effective date in Docket No. EL13-29-000...
Cross-species transmission of CWD prions.
Kurt, Timothy D; Sigurdson, Christina J
Prions cause fatal neurodegenerative diseases in humans and animals and can be transmitted zoonotically. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly transmissible prion disease of wild deer and elk that affects cervids over extensive regions of the United States and Canada. The risk of cross-species CWD transmission has been experimentally evaluated in a wide array of mammals, including non-human primates and mouse models expressing human cellular prion protein. Here we review the determinants of cross-species CWD transmission, and propose a model that may explain a structural barrier for CWD transmission to humans.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...The proposed information collection requirement described below has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. The U.S. Department of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) intends to make funding available from the FY 2012 Transformation Initiative for Research Grants related to the Choice Neighborhoods Demonstration. This information collection is for applications for funding, and reporting requirements for funded applications.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2009-N-0247] FDA Transparency Initiative: Draft Proposals for Public Comment Regarding Disclosure Policies of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Availability AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Administration for Children and Families Request for Public Comment on Proposed Funding Opportunity Announcement for Special Initiative Concerning the Assets... of the AFI program and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). SUMMARY: In FY 2011, the Office of...
The Intergenerational Transmission of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Smoking
Sherman, Steven J.; Chassin, Laurie; Presson, Clark; Seo, Dong-Chul; Macy, Jonathan T.
This study examined the intergenerational transmission of implicit and explicit attitudes toward smoking, as well as the role of these attitudes in adolescents’ smoking initiation. There was evidence of intergenerational transmission of implicit attitudes. Mothers who had more positive implicit attitudes had children with more positive implicit attitudes. In turn, these positive implicit attitudes of adolescents predicted their smoking initiation 18-months later. Moreover, these effects were obtained above and beyond the effects of explicit attitudes. These findings provide the first evidence that the intergenerational transmission of implicit cognition may play a role in the intergenerational transmission of an addictive behavior. PMID:20126293
Migration Related to Climate Change: Impact, Challenges and Proposed Policy Initiatives
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sarkar, A.
Migration of human population possesses a great threat to human development and nation building. A significant cause for migration is due to change in climatic conditions and vulnerabilities associated with it. Our case study focuses on the consequent reason and impact of such migration in the coastal areas of West Bengal, India. The changes in rainfall pattern and the variation of temperature have been considered as parameters which have resulted in migration. It is worthy to note that the agricultural pattern has subsequently changed over the last two decades due to change in rainfall and temperature. India being an agriculture oriented economy, the changes in the meteorological variables have not only altered the rate of agricultural pattern but also the rate of migration. A proposed framework depicting relationship between changes in meteorological variables and the migration pattern, and an estimate of how the migration pattern is expected to change over the next century by utilizing the downscaled values of future rainfall and temperature has been analyzed. Moreover, various public policy frameworks has also been proposed through the study for addressing the challenges of migration related to climate change. The proposed public policy framework has been streamlined along the lines of various international treaties and conventions in order to integrate the policy initiatives through universalization of law and policy research.
Proposed design procedure for transmission shafting under fatigue loading
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Loewenthal, S. H.
A new standard for the design of transmission shafting is reported. Computed was the diameter of rotating solid steel shafts under combined cyclic bending and steady torsion is presented. The formula is based on an elliptical variation of endurance strength with torque exhibited by combined stress fatigue data. Fatigue factors are cited to correct specimen bending endurance strength data for use in the shaft formula. A design example illustrates how the method is to be applied.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Woodford, D.
This report provides an independent review included an initial evaluation of the technical configuration and capital costs of establishing an undersea cable system and examining impacts to the existing electric transmission systems as a result of interconnecting the islands.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhang, Xiaoping, E-mail:; Dang, Fangchao; Li, Yangmei
In this paper, we present a novel compact P-band magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) with specially inclined slow-wave-structure (SWS) vanes to decrease its total dimension and weight. The dispersion characteristics of the inclined SWS are investigated in detail and made comparisons with that of the traditional straight SWS. The results show that the inclined SWS is more advantageous in operating on a steady frequency in a wide voltage range and has a better asymmetric mode segregation and a relatively large band-gap between the TM{sub 00} and TM{sub 01} modes which are in favor of avoiding the asymmetric and transversemore » mode competition. Besides, the transverse dimension of the proposed novel inclined SWS with the same operation frequency is decreased by about 50%, and correspondingly the device volume shrinks remarkably to its 0.35 times. In particle-in-cell simulation, the electron bunching spokes are obviously formed in the inclined SWS, and a P-band high-power microwave with a power of 5.8 GW, frequency of 645 MHz, and efficiency of 17.2% is generated by the proposed device, which indicates the feasibility of the compact design with the inclined vanes at the P-band.« less
Note: A unibody NIR transmission probe for in situ liquid detection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Huijie; Wang, Yang; Ma, Xiangyun; Zhao, Yang; Chen, Da; Chen, Wenliang; Xu, Kexin; Li, Qifeng
The transmission probe is widely used for in situ spectroscopic detection in various fields. Conventional transmission probes are always assembled from parts, which require accurate assembly and good sealing. In this paper, a universal and reliable near-infrared (NIR) transmission probe is proposed, which is simply made up of a unibody fused silica rod. The proposed NIR transmission probe has been successfully used to measure the alcohol by volume of the Chinese spirit for quality control. This unibody NIR transmission probe has great potential for the detection of corrosive substances, owing to the good chemical resistance.
An 802.11 n wireless local area network transmission scheme for wireless telemedicine applications.
Lin, C F; Hung, S I; Chiang, I H
In this paper, an 802.11 n transmission scheme is proposed for wireless telemedicine applications. IEEE 802.11n standards, a power assignment strategy, space-time block coding (STBC), and an object composition Petri net (OCPN) model are adopted. With the proposed wireless system, G.729 audio bit streams, Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (JPEG 2000) clinical images, and Moving Picture Experts Group 4 (MPEG-4) video bit streams achieve a transmission bit error rate (BER) of 10-7, 10-4, and 103 simultaneously. The proposed system meets the requirements prescribed for wireless telemedicine applications. An essential feature of this proposed transmission scheme is that clinical information that requires a high quality of service (QoS) is transmitted at a high power transmission rate with significant error protection. For maximizing resource utilization and minimizing the total transmission power, STBC and adaptive modulation techniques are used in the proposed 802.11 n wireless telemedicine system. Further, low power, direct mapping (DM), low-error protection scheme, and high-level modulation are adopted for messages that can tolerate a high BER. With the proposed transmission scheme, the required reliability of communication can be achieved. Our simulation results have shown that the proposed 802.11 n transmission scheme can be used for developing effective wireless telemedicine systems.
76 FR 30869 - Promoting Transmission Investment Through Pricing Reform
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...] Promoting Transmission Investment Through Pricing Reform May 19, 2011. AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory... investment in over $50 billion in proposed transmission infrastructure to ensure reliability or to reduce the... varied. \\1\\ Promoting Transmission Investment through Pricing Reform, Order No. 679, 71 FR 43294 (Jul. 31...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... OMB-approved quarterly and Common Measures reporting requirements for High Growth Job Training Grants... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Proposed Information Collection for the Evaluation of the Aging Worker Initiative; Comment Request AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration...
Cultural transmission of civic attitudes.
Miles-Touya, Daniel; Rossi, Máximo
In this empirical paper we attempt to measure the separate influence on civic engagement of educational attainment and cultural transmission of civic attitudes. Unlike most of the previous empirical works on this issue, we are able to approximate the cultural transmission of civic attitudes. We observe that civic returns to education are overstated when the transmission of civic attitudes is ignored. Moreover, the transmission of civic attitudes significantly enhances civic involvement and reinforces civic returns to education. Our findings are in line with the proposals of civic virtue theorists or grass movements who suggest that citizenship education should be included in the compulsory school curricula since, if not, families or local communities will only transmit their particular view of the world.
Transmission Index Research of Parallel Manipulators Based on Matrix Orthogonal Degree
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shao, Zhu-Feng; Mo, Jiao; Tang, Xiao-Qiang; Wang, Li-Ping
Performance index is the standard of performance evaluation, and is the foundation of both performance analysis and optimal design for the parallel manipulator. Seeking the suitable kinematic indices is always an important and challenging issue for the parallel manipulator. So far, there are extensive studies in this field, but few existing indices can meet all the requirements, such as simple, intuitive, and universal. To solve this problem, the matrix orthogonal degree is adopted, and generalized transmission indices that can evaluate motion/force transmissibility of fully parallel manipulators are proposed. Transmission performance analysis of typical branches, end effectors, and parallel manipulators is given to illustrate proposed indices and analysis methodology. Simulation and analysis results reveal that proposed transmission indices possess significant advantages, such as normalized finite (ranging from 0 to 1), dimensionally homogeneous, frame-free, intuitive and easy to calculate. Besides, proposed indices well indicate the good transmission region and relativity to the singularity with better resolution than the traditional local conditioning index, and provide a novel tool for kinematic analysis and optimal design of fully parallel manipulators.
An Evaluation of TCP with Larger Initial Windows
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Allman, Mark; Hayes, Christopher; Ostermann, Shawn
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP's) slow start algorithm gradually increases the amount of data a sender injects into the network, which prevents the sender from overwhelming the network with an inappropriately large burst of traffic. However, the slow start algorithm can make poor use of the available band-width for transfers which are small compared to the bandwidth-delay product of the link, such as file transfers up to few thousand characters over satellite links or even transfers of several hundred bytes over local area networks. This paper evaluates a proposed performance enhancement that raises the initial window used by TCP from 1 MSS-sized segment to roughly 4 KB. The paper evaluates the impact of using larger initial windows on TCP transfers over both the shared Internet and dialup modem links.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...The proposed information collection requirement described below has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Border Community Capital Initiative grant process. Information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. Semi-annual reporting is required to monitor grant management.
Zhu, Liqin; Jiang, Cuiling; Wang, Youheng; Peng, Yanmei; Zhang, Peng
Water salinization of coastal reservoirs seriously threatens the safety of their water supply. To elucidate the mechanism of salinization and to quantitatively analyze the risk in the initial period of the impoundment of a proposed reservoir in Tianjin Binhai New Area, laboratory and field simulation experiments were implemented and integrated with the actual operation of Beitang Reservoir, which is located in the same region and has been operational for many years. The results suggested that water salinization of the proposed reservoir was mainly governed by soil saline release, evaporation and leakage. Saline release was the prevailing factor in the earlier stage of the impoundment, then the evaporation and leakage effects gradually became notable over time. By referring to the actual case of Beitang Reservoir, it was predicted that the chloride ion (Cl(-)) concentration of the water during the initial impounding period of the proposed reservoir would exceed the standard for quality of drinking water from surface water sources (250 mg L(-1)), and that the proposed reservoir had a high risk of water salinization.
An ac initiation system is described which uses three ac transmission signals interlocked for safety by frequency, phase, and power discrimination...The ac initiation system is pre-armed by the application of two ac signals have the proper phases, and activates a load when an ac power signal of the proper frequency and power level is applied. (Author)
Des Jarlais, D C; Cooper, H L F; Arasteh, K; Feelemyer, J; McKnight, C; Ross, Z
We identified potential geographic "hotspots" for drug-injecting transmission of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in New York City. The HIV epidemic among PWID is currently in an "end of the epidemic" stage, while HCV is in a continuing, high prevalence (> 50%) stage. We recruited 910 PWID entering Mount Sinai Beth Israel substance use treatment programs from 2011-2015. Structured interviews and HIV/ HCV testing were conducted. Residential ZIP codes were used as geographic units of analysis. Potential "hotspots" for HIV and HCV transmission were defined as 1) having relatively large numbers of PWID 2) having 2 or more HIV (or HCV) seropositive PWID reporting transmission risk-passing on used syringes to others, and 3) having 2 or more HIV (or HCV) seronegative PWID reporting acquisition risk-injecting with previously used needles/syringes. Hotspots for injecting drug use initiation were defined as ZIP codes with 5 or more persons who began injecting within the previous 6 years. Among PWID, 96% injected heroin, 81% male, 34% White, 15% African-American, 47% Latinx, mean age 40 (SD = 10), 7% HIV seropositive, 62% HCV seropositive. Participants resided in 234 ZIP codes. No ZIP codes were identified as potential hotspots due to small numbers of HIV seropositive PWID reporting transmission risk. Four ZIP codes were identified as potential hotspots for HCV transmission. 12 ZIP codes identified as hotspots for injecting drug use initiation. For HIV, the lack of potential hotspots is further validation of widespread effectiveness of efforts to reduce injecting-related HIV transmission. Injecting-related HIV transmission is likely to be a rare, random event. HCV prevention efforts should include focus on potential hotspots for transmission and on hotspots for initiation into injecting drug use. We consider application of methods for the current opioid epidemic in the US.
Molecular Model of Prion Transmission to Humans
Wight, Darren; Barron, Rona; Jeffrey, Martin; Manson, Jean; Prowse, Christopher; Ironside, James W.; Head, Mark W.
To assess interspecies barriers to transmission of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, we investigated the ability of disease-associated prion proteins (PrPd) to initiate conversion of the human normal cellular form of prion protein of the 3 major PRNP polymorphic variants in vitro. Protein misfolding cyclic amplification showed that conformation of PrPd partly determines host susceptibility. PMID:19961689
Plant-mediated interspecific horizontal transmission of an intracellular symbiont in insects
Gonella, Elena; Pajoro, Massimo; Marzorati, Massimo; Crotti, Elena; Mandrioli, Mauro; Pontini, Marianna; Bulgari, Daniela; Negri, Ilaria; Sacchi, Luciano; Chouaia, Bessem; Daffonchio, Daniele; Alma, Alberto
Intracellular reproductive manipulators, such as Candidatus Cardinium and Wolbachia are vertically transmitted to progeny but rarely show co-speciation with the host. In sap-feeding insects, plant tissues have been proposed as alternative horizontal routes of interspecific transmission, but experimental evidence is limited. Here we report results from experiments that show that Cardinium is horizontally transmitted between different phloem sap-feeding insect species through plants. Quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization experiments indicated that the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus releases Cardinium from its salivary glands during feeding on both artificial media and grapevine leaves. Successional time-course feeding experiments with S. titanus initially fed sugar solutions or small areas of grapevine leaves followed by feeding by the phytoplasma vector Macrosteles quadripunctulatus or the grapevine feeder Empoasca vitis revealed that the symbionts were transmitted to both species. Explaining interspecific horizontal transmission through plants improves our understanding of how symbionts spread, their lifestyle and the symbiont-host intermixed evolutionary pattern. PMID:26563507
Plant-mediated interspecific horizontal transmission of an intracellular symbiont in insects.
Gonella, Elena; Pajoro, Massimo; Marzorati, Massimo; Crotti, Elena; Mandrioli, Mauro; Pontini, Marianna; Bulgari, Daniela; Negri, Ilaria; Sacchi, Luciano; Chouaia, Bessem; Daffonchio, Daniele; Alma, Alberto
Intracellular reproductive manipulators, such as Candidatus Cardinium and Wolbachia are vertically transmitted to progeny but rarely show co-speciation with the host. In sap-feeding insects, plant tissues have been proposed as alternative horizontal routes of interspecific transmission, but experimental evidence is limited. Here we report results from experiments that show that Cardinium is horizontally transmitted between different phloem sap-feeding insect species through plants. Quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization experiments indicated that the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus releases Cardinium from its salivary glands during feeding on both artificial media and grapevine leaves. Successional time-course feeding experiments with S. titanus initially fed sugar solutions or small areas of grapevine leaves followed by feeding by the phytoplasma vector Macrosteles quadripunctulatus or the grapevine feeder Empoasca vitis revealed that the symbionts were transmitted to both species. Explaining interspecific horizontal transmission through plants improves our understanding of how symbionts spread, their lifestyle and the symbiont-host intermixed evolutionary pattern.
Continuously-Variable Positive-Mesh Power Transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, J. L.
Proposed transmission with continuously-variable speed ratio couples two mechanical trigonometric-function generators. Transmission is expected to handle higher loads than conventional variable-pulley drives; and, unlike variable pulley, positive traction through entire drive train with no reliance on friction to transmit power. Able to vary speed continuously through zero and into reverse. Possible applications in instrumentation where drive-train slippage cannot be tolerated.
Miller, Donald L.; Kwon, Deukwoo; Bonavia, Grant H.
Purpose: To propose initial values for patient reference levels for fluoroscopically guided procedures in the United States. Materials and Methods: This secondary analysis of data from the Radiation Doses in Interventional Radiology Procedures (RAD-IR) study was conducted under a protocol approved by the institutional review board and was HIPAA compliant. Dose distributions (percentiles) were calculated for each type of procedure in the RAD-IR study where there were data from at least 30 cases. Confidence intervals for the dose distributions were determined by using bootstrap resampling. Weight banding and size correction methods for normalizing dose to patient body habitus were tested. Results: The different methods for normalizing patient radiation dose according to patient weight gave results that were not significantly different (P > .05). The 75th percentile patient radiation doses normalized with weight banding were not significantly different from those that were uncorrected for body habitus. Proposed initial reference levels for various interventional procedures are provided for reference air kerma, kerma-area product, fluoroscopy time, and number of images. Conclusion: Sufficient data exist to permit an initial proposal of values for reference levels for interventional radiologic procedures in the United States. For ease of use, reference levels without correction for body habitus are recommended. A national registry of radiation-dose data for interventional radiologic procedures is a necessary next step to refine these reference levels. © RSNA, 2009 Supplemental material: PMID:19789226
Deghosting based on the transmission matrix method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Benfeng; Wu, Ru-Shan; Chen, Xiaohong
As the developments of seismic exploration and subsequent seismic exploitation advance, marine acquisition systems with towed streamers become an important seismic data acquisition method. But the existing air-water reflective interface can generate surface related multiples, including ghosts, which can affect the accuracy and performance of the following seismic data processing algorithms. Thus, we derive a deghosting method from a new perspective, i.e. using the transmission matrix (T-matrix) method instead of inverse scattering series. The T-matrix-based deghosting algorithm includes all scattering effects and is convergent absolutely. Initially, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated using synthetic data obtained from a designed layered model, and its noise-resistant property is also illustrated using noisy synthetic data contaminated by random noise. Numerical examples on complicated data from the open SMAART Pluto model and field marine data further demonstrate the validity and flexibility of the proposed method. After deghosting, low frequency components are recovered reasonably and the fake high frequency components are attenuated, and the recovered low frequency components will be useful for the subsequent full waveform inversion. The proposed deghosting method is currently suitable for two-dimensional towed streamer cases with accurate constant depth information and its extension into variable-depth streamers in three-dimensional cases will be studied in the future.
Metasurface with interfering Fano resonance: manipulating transmission wave with high efficiency.
Su, Zhaoxian; Song, Kun; Yin, Jianbo; Zhao, Xiaopeng
We proposed a novel strategy to design a deep subwavelength metasurface with full 2π transmission phase modulation and high transmission efficiency by applying resonators with interfering Fano resonance. Theoretical investigation demonstrates that the transmission efficiency of the resonators depends on the direct transmission coefficient, direct reflection coefficient, and Q factor. When an impedance layer is added in the resonators, the direct transmission and direct reflection coefficients can be facilely manipulated so that the span of the transmission phase around the resonance frequency can be extended to 2π. As a result, we can continuously adjust the transmission phase from 0 to 2π through changing the geometric parameters of the resonators and construct a deep subwavelength metasurface with the resonators to manipulate the transmission wave with high efficiency. We also find that a layer of grating can be used as the impedance layer to change direct transmission and direct reflection in the actual design of the metasurface. The proposed strategy may provide effective guidance to design a deep subwavelength metasurface for controlling a transmitted wave with high efficiency.
Coherence Evolution and Transfer Supplemented by Sender's Initial-State Restoring
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fel'dman, E. B.; Zenchuk, A. I.
The evolution of quantum coherences comes with a set of conservation laws provided that the Hamiltonian governing this evolution conserves the spin-excitation number. At that, coherences do not intertwist during the evolution. Using the transmission line and the receiver in the initial ground state we can transfer the coherences to the receiver without interaction between them, although the matrix elements contributing to each particular coherence intertwist in the receiver's state. Therefore we propose a tool based on the unitary transformation at the receiver side to untwist these elements and thus restore (at least partially) the structure of the sender's initial density matrix. A communication line with two-qubit sender and receiver is considered as an example of implementation of this technique.
Optimal topologies for maximizing network transmission capacity
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Zhenhao; Wu, Jiajing; Rong, Zhihai; Tse, Chi K.
It has been widely demonstrated that the structure of a network is a major factor that affects its traffic dynamics. In this work, we try to identify the optimal topologies for maximizing the network transmission capacity, as well as to build a clear relationship between structural features of a network and the transmission performance in terms of traffic delivery. We propose an approach for designing optimal network topologies against traffic congestion by link rewiring and apply them on the Barabási-Albert scale-free, static scale-free and Internet Autonomous System-level networks. Furthermore, we analyze the optimized networks using complex network parameters that characterize the structure of networks, and our simulation results suggest that an optimal network for traffic transmission is more likely to have a core-periphery structure. However, assortative mixing and the rich-club phenomenon may have negative impacts on network performance. Based on the observations of the optimized networks, we propose an efficient method to improve the transmission capacity of large-scale networks.
Efficient quantum transmission in multiple-source networks.
Luo, Ming-Xing; Xu, Gang; Chen, Xiu-Bo; Yang, Yi-Xian; Wang, Xiaojun
A difficult problem in quantum network communications is how to efficiently transmit quantum information over large-scale networks with common channels. We propose a solution by developing a quantum encoding approach. Different quantum states are encoded into a coherent superposition state using quantum linear optics. The transmission congestion in the common channel may be avoided by transmitting the superposition state. For further decoding and continued transmission, special phase transformations are applied to incoming quantum states using phase shifters such that decoders can distinguish outgoing quantum states. These phase shifters may be precisely controlled using classical chaos synchronization via additional classical channels. Based on this design and the reduction of multiple-source network under the assumption of restricted maximum-flow, the optimal scheme is proposed for specially quantized multiple-source network. In comparison with previous schemes, our scheme can greatly increase the transmission efficiency.
Initial alignment method for free space optics laser beam
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shimada, Yuta; Tashiro, Yuki; Izumi, Kiyotaka; Yoshida, Koichi; Tsujimura, Takeshi
The authors have newly proposed and constructed an active free space optics transmission system. It is equipped with a motor driven laser emitting mechanism and positioning photodiodes, and it transmits a collimated thin laser beam and accurately steers the laser beam direction. It is necessary to introduce the laser beam within sensible range of the receiver in advance of laser beam tracking control. This paper studies an estimation method of laser reaching point for initial laser beam alignment. Distributed photodiodes detect laser luminescence at respective position, and the optical axis of laser beam is analytically presumed based on the Gaussian beam optics. Computer simulation evaluates the accuracy of the proposed estimation methods, and results disclose that the methods help us to guide the laser beam to a distant receiver.
77 FR 3958 - Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities AGENCY: Office of Electricity... coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities has been extended until February 27... authorizations for proposed interstate electric transmission facilities pursuant to section 216(h) of the Federal...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Woodford, D.
This report provides an independent review including an initial evaluation of the technical configuration and capital costs of establishing an undersea cable system and examining impacts to the existing electric transmission systems as a result of interconnecting the islands
Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) program summary
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Krantz, T. L.; Kish, J. G.
The Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) Program was initiated to advance the state of the art for rotorcraft transmissions. The goal of the ART Program was to develop and demonstrate the technologies needed to reduce transmission weight by 25 pct. and reduce noise by 10 dB while obtaining a 5000 hr 'mean time between failure'. The research done under the ART Program is summarized. A split path design was selected as best able to meet the program goals. Key part technologies needed for this design were identified, studied, and developed. Two of these technologies are discussed in detail: the load sharing of split path designs including the use of a compliant elastomeric torque splitter and the application of a high ratio, low pitch line velocity gear mesh. Development of an angular contact spherical roller bearing, transmission error analysis, and fretting fatigue testing are discussed. The technologies for a light weight, quiet, and reliable rotorcraft transmission were demonstrated.
Jena, Manas Kumar; Samantaray, Subhransu Ranjan
This paper presents a data-mining-based intelligent differential relaying scheme for transmission lines, including flexible ac transmission system device, such as unified power flow controller (UPFC) and wind farms. Initially, the current and voltage signals are processed through extended Kalman filter phasor measurement unit for phasor estimation, and 21 potential features are computed at both ends of the line. Once the features are extracted at both ends, the corresponding differential features are derived. These differential features are fed to a data-mining model known as decision tree (DT) to provide the final relaying decision. The proposed technique has been extensively tested for single-circuit transmission line, including UPFC and wind farms with in-feed, double-circuit line with UPFC on one line and wind farm as one of the substations with wide variations in operating parameters. The test results obtained from simulation as well as in real-time digital simulator testing indicate that the DT-based intelligent differential relaying scheme is highly reliable and accurate with a response time of 2.25 cycles from the fault inception.
A Vision of China-Arab Interconnection Transmission Network Planning with UHVDC Technology
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Dan; Liu, Yujun; Yin, Hongyuan; Xu, Qingshan; Xu, Xiaohui; Ding, Maosheng
Developments in ultra-high-voltage (UHV) power systems and clean energy technologies are paving the way towards unprecedented energy market globalization. In accordance with the international community’s enthusiasm for building up the Global Energy Internet, this paper focuses on the feasibility of transmitting large-size electricity from northwest China to Arab world through a long-distance transnational power interconnection. The complete investigations on the grids of both the sending-end and receiving-end is firstly presented. Then system configuration of the transmission scheme and corridor route planning is proposed with UHVDC technology. Based on transmission costs’ investigation about similar transmission projects worldwide, the costs of the proposed transmission scheme are estimated through adjustment factors which represent differences in latitude, topography and economy. The proposed China-Arab transmission line sheds light on the prospects of power cooperation and resource sharing between China and Arab states, and appeals for more emphasis on green energy concentrated power interconnections from a global perspective.
Goode, D.J.; Appel, C.A.
More accurate alternatives to the widely used harmonic mean interblock transmissivity are proposed for block-centered finite-difference models of ground-water flow in unconfined aquifers and in aquifers having smoothly varying transmissivity. The harmonic mean is the exact interblock transmissivity for steady-state one-dimensional flow with no recharge if the transmissivity is assumed to be spatially uniform over each finite-difference block, changing abruptly at the block interface. However, the harmonic mean may be inferior to other means if transmissivity varies in a continuous or smooth manner between nodes. Alternative interblock transmissivity functions are analytically derived for the case of steady-state one-dimensional flow with no recharge. The second author has previously derived the exact interblock transmissivity, the logarithmic mean, for one-dimensional flow when transmissivity is a linear function of distance in the direction of flow. We show that the logarithmic mean transmissivity is also exact for uniform flow parallel to the direction of changing transmissivity in a two- or three-dimensional model, regardless of grid orientation relative to the flow vector. For the case of horizontal flow in a homogeneous unconfined or water-table aquifer with a horizontal bottom and with areally distributed recharge, the exact interblock transmissivity is the unweighted arithmetic mean of transmissivity at the nodes. This mean also exhibits no grid-orientation effect for unidirectional flow in a two-dimensional model. For horizontal flow in an unconfined aquifer with no recharge where hydraulic conductivity is a linear function of distance in the direction of flow the exact interblock transmissivity is the product of the arithmetic mean saturated thickness and the logarithmic mean hydraulic conductivity. For several hypothetical two- and three-dimensional cases with smoothly varying transmissivity or hydraulic conductivity, the harmonic mean is shown to yield
Efficient Quantum Transmission in Multiple-Source Networks
Luo, Ming-Xing; Xu, Gang; Chen, Xiu-Bo; Yang, Yi-Xian; Wang, Xiaojun
A difficult problem in quantum network communications is how to efficiently transmit quantum information over large-scale networks with common channels. We propose a solution by developing a quantum encoding approach. Different quantum states are encoded into a coherent superposition state using quantum linear optics. The transmission congestion in the common channel may be avoided by transmitting the superposition state. For further decoding and continued transmission, special phase transformations are applied to incoming quantum states using phase shifters such that decoders can distinguish outgoing quantum states. These phase shifters may be precisely controlled using classical chaos synchronization via additional classical channels. Based on this design and the reduction of multiple-source network under the assumption of restricted maximum-flow, the optimal scheme is proposed for specially quantized multiple-source network. In comparison with previous schemes, our scheme can greatly increase the transmission efficiency. PMID:24691590
A transaction assessment method for allocation of transmission services
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Banunarayanan, Venkatasubramaniam
The purpose of this research is to develop transaction assessment methods for allocating transmission services that are provided by an area/utility to power transactions. Transmission services are the services needed to deliver, or provide the capacity to deliver, real and reactive power from one or more supply points to one or more delivery points. As the number of transactions increase rapidly in the emerging deregulated environment, accurate quantification of the transmission services an area/utility provides to accommodate a transaction is becoming important, because then appropriate pricing schemes can be developed to compensate for the parties that provide these services. The Allocation methods developed are based on the "Fair Resource Allocation Principle" and they determine for each transaction the following: the flowpath of the transaction (both real and reactive power components), generator reactive power support from each area/utility, real power loss support from each area/utility. Further, allocation methods for distributing the cost of relieving congestion on transmission lines caused by transactions are also developed. The main feature of the proposed methods is representation of actual usage of the transmission services by the transactions. The proposed method is tested extensively on a variety of systems. The allocation methods developed in this thesis for allocation of transmission services to transactions is not only useful in studying the impact of transactions on a transmission system in a multi-transaction case, but they are indeed necessary to meet the criteria set forth by FERC with regard to pricing based on actual usage. The "consistency" of the proposed allocation methods has also been investigated and tested.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Davies, J. R.; Bahr, R. E.; Barnak, D. H.; Betti, R.; Bonino, M. J.; Campbell, E. M.; Hansen, E. C.; Harding, D. R.; Peebles, J. L.; Sefkow, A. B.; Seka, W.; Chang, P.-Y.; Geissel, M.; Harvey-Thompson, A. J.
Laser-driven magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) is being developed on the OMEGA Laser System to study scaling. MagLIF targets require a preheat laser entrance window that can hold the gas in the target yet allow sufficient laser energy to enter the gas. For OMEGA MagLIF targets, 1.8-μm-thick polyimide foils were found to be sufficient to hold a fuel pressure of up to 14 atm. Transmission and reflection of an OMEGA beam incident on such foils were measured with a calorimeter and time-resolved spectrometers for 2.5-ns square-shaped pulses, with energies from 60 to 200 J, focused to intensities from 0.65 to 2.2 × 1014 W/cm2. The laser energy transmitted in every case exceeded that required to achieve the goal of preheating the gas to 100 eV. The time-resolved measurements showed an initial period with very low, decreasing transmission, the duration of which decreased with increasing intensity, followed by a rapid transition to full transmission, accompanied by brief sidescattering of the transmitted light with a significant red shift. Reflection was always negligible. Two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, using 3-D ray tracing with inverse bremsstrahlung energy deposition, did not capture the rapid transition to full transmission, showing instead a slow increase in transmission, without significant sidescatter or red shift. We propose that full transmission is achieved by self-focusing followed by ponderomotive blowout of the plasma.
Cooper, H. L. F.; Arasteh, K.; Feelemyer, J.; McKnight, C.; Ross, Z.
Objective We identified potential geographic “hotspots” for drug-injecting transmission of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in New York City. The HIV epidemic among PWID is currently in an “end of the epidemic” stage, while HCV is in a continuing, high prevalence (> 50%) stage. Methods We recruited 910 PWID entering Mount Sinai Beth Israel substance use treatment programs from 2011–2015. Structured interviews and HIV/ HCV testing were conducted. Residential ZIP codes were used as geographic units of analysis. Potential “hotspots” for HIV and HCV transmission were defined as 1) having relatively large numbers of PWID 2) having 2 or more HIV (or HCV) seropositive PWID reporting transmission risk—passing on used syringes to others, and 3) having 2 or more HIV (or HCV) seronegative PWID reporting acquisition risk—injecting with previously used needles/syringes. Hotspots for injecting drug use initiation were defined as ZIP codes with 5 or more persons who began injecting within the previous 6 years. Results Among PWID, 96% injected heroin, 81% male, 34% White, 15% African-American, 47% Latinx, mean age 40 (SD = 10), 7% HIV seropositive, 62% HCV seropositive. Participants resided in 234 ZIP codes. No ZIP codes were identified as potential hotspots due to small numbers of HIV seropositive PWID reporting transmission risk. Four ZIP codes were identified as potential hotspots for HCV transmission. 12 ZIP codes identified as hotspots for injecting drug use initiation. Discussion For HIV, the lack of potential hotspots is further validation of widespread effectiveness of efforts to reduce injecting-related HIV transmission. Injecting-related HIV transmission is likely to be a rare, random event. HCV prevention efforts should include focus on potential hotspots for transmission and on hotspots for initiation into injecting drug use. We consider application of methods for the current opioid epidemic in the US. PMID
Review Article: Influenza Transmission on Aircraft
Adlhoch, Cornelia
Background: Air travel is associated with the spread of influenza through infected passengers and potentially through in-flight transmission. Contact tracing after exposure to influenza is not performed systematically. We performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the evidence for influenza transmission aboard aircraft. Methods: Using PubMed and EMBASE databases, we identified and critically appraised identified records to assess the evidence of such transmission to passengers seated in close proximity to the index cases. We also developed a bias assessment tool to evaluate the quality of evidence provided in the retrieved studies. Results: We identified 14 peer-reviewed publications describing contact tracing of passengers after possible exposure to influenza virus aboard an aircraft. Contact tracing during the initial phase of the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic was described in 11 publications. The studies describe the follow-up of 2,165 (51%) of 4,252 traceable passengers. Altogether, 163 secondary cases were identified resulting in an overall secondary attack rate among traced passengers of 7.5%. Of these secondary cases, 68 (42%) were seated within two rows of the index case. Conclusion: We found an overall moderate quality of evidence for transmission of influenza virus aboard an aircraft. The major limiting factor was the comparability of the studies. A majority of secondary cases was identified at a greater distance than two rows from the index case. A standardized approach for initiating, conducting, and reporting contact tracing could help to increase the evidence base for better assessing influenza transmission aboard aircraft. PMID:27253070
Adaptive UEP and Packet Size Assignment for Scalable Video Transmission over Burst-Error Channels
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Chen-Wei; Yang, Chu-Sing; Su, Yih-Ching
This work proposes an adaptive unequal error protection (UEP) and packet size assignment scheme for scalable video transmission over a burst-error channel. An analytic model is developed to evaluate the impact of channel bit error rate on the quality of streaming scalable video. A video transmission scheme, which combines the adaptive assignment of packet size with unequal error protection to increase the end-to-end video quality, is proposed. Several distinct scalable video transmission schemes over burst-error channel have been compared, and the simulation results reveal that the proposed transmission schemes can react to varying channel conditions with less and smoother quality degradation.
Mbabazi, Phoebe; Hopkins, Heidi; Osilo, Emmanuel; Kalungu, Michael; Byakika-Kibwika, Pauline; Kamya, Moses R.
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) may improve fever management in areas without microscopy. We compared the accuracy of histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) and Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH)-based RDTs, using expert microscopy as a gold standard, for initial diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and diagnosis of recurrent malaria in a cohort of children followed longitudinally in a high-transmission area in Uganda. For 305 initial fever episodes, sensitivity was 98% for HRP2 and 87% for pLDH, whereas specificity was 55% and 96%, respectively. The HRP2 gave 51% false-positive results on Day 28, whereas pLDH gave no false positives after Day 7. For 59 recurrent fever episodes during follow-up, sensitivity was 100% for HRP2 and 91% for pLDH, whereas specificity was 33% and 100%, respectively. The HRP2-based RDTs are useful for initial diagnosis of malaria caused by superior sensitivity; however, as a result of superior specificity, pLDH-based RDTs are more appropriate to monitor treatment and diagnose recurrent malaria. PMID:25624399
Microwave power - An energy transmission alternative for the year 2000
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nalos, E.; Sperber, R.
Recent technological advances related to the feasibility of efficient RF-dc rectification make it likely that by the year 2000 the transmission of power through space will have become a practical reality. Proposals have been made to power helicopters, aircraft, balloons, and rockets remotely. Other proposals consider the transfer of power from point to point on earth via relay through space or a transmission of power from large power sources in space. Attention has also been given to possibilities regarding the transmission of power between various points in the solar system. An outline is provided of the microwave power transmission system envisaged for the solar power satellite, taking into account the transmitting antenna, the receiver on earth, aspects of beam formation and control, transmitter options, the receiving antenna design, and cost and efficiency considerations.
Caro-Vega, Yanink; del Rio, Carlos; Lima, Viviane Dias; Lopez-Cervantes, Malaquias; Crabtree-Ramirez, Brenda; Bautista-Arredondo, Sergio; Colchero, M Arantxa; Sierra-Madero, Juan
To estimate the impact of late ART initiation on HIV transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Mexico. An HIV transmission model was built to estimate the number of infections transmitted by HIV-infected men who have sex with men (MSM-HIV+) MSM-HIV+ in the short and long term. Sexual risk behavior data were estimated from a nationwide study of MSM. CD4+ counts at ART initiation from a representative national cohort were used to estimate time since infection. Number of MSM-HIV+ on treatment and suppressed were estimated from surveillance and government reports. Status quo scenario (SQ), and scenarios of early ART initiation and increased HIV testing were modeled. We estimated 14239 new HIV infections per year from MSM-HIV+ in Mexico. In SQ, MSM take an average 7.4 years since infection to initiate treatment with a median CD4+ count of 148 cells/mm3(25th-75th percentiles 52-266). In SQ, 68% of MSM-HIV+ are not aware of their HIV status and transmit 78% of new infections. Increasing the CD4+ count at ART initiation to 350 cells/mm3 shortened the time since infection to 2.8 years. Increasing HIV testing to cover 80% of undiagnosed MSM resulted in a reduction of 70% in new infections in 20 years. Initiating ART at 500 cells/mm3 and increasing HIV testing the reduction would be of 75% in 20 years. A substantial number of new HIV infections in Mexico are transmitted by undiagnosed and untreated MSM-HIV+. An aggressive increase in HIV testing coverage and initiating ART at a CD4 count of 500 cells/mm3 in this population would significantly benefit individuals and decrease the number of new HIV infections in Mexico.
Myer, L; Phillips, T K; McIntyre, J A; Hsiao, N-Y; Petro, G; Zerbe, A; Ramjith, J; Bekker, L-G; Abrams, E J
Maternal HIV viral load (VL) drives mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) risk but there are few data from sub-Saharan Africa, where most MTCT occurs. We investigated VL changes during pregnancy and MTCT following antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in Cape Town, South Africa. We conducted a prospective study of HIV-infected women initiating ART within routine antenatal services in a primary care setting. VL measurements were taken before ART initiation and up to three more times within 7 days postpartum. Analyses examined VL changes over time, viral suppression (VS) at delivery, and early MTCT based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing up to 8 weeks of age. A total of 620 ART-eligible HIV-infected pregnant women initiated ART, with 2425 VL measurements by delivery (median gestation at initiation, 20 weeks; median pre-ART VL, 4.0 log 10 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL; median time on ART before delivery, 118 days). At delivery, 91% and 73% of women had VL ≤ 1000 and ≤ 50 copies/mL, respectively. VS was strongly predicted by time on therapy and pre-ART VL. The risk of early MTCT was strongly associated with delivery VL, with risks of 0.25, 2.0 and 8.5% among women with VL < 50, 50-1000 and > 1000 copies/mL at delivery, respectively (P < 0.001). High rates of VS at delivery and low rates of MTCT can be achieved in a routine care setting in sub-Saharan Africa, indicating the effectiveness of currently recommended ART regimens. Women initiating ART late in pregnancy and with high VL appear substantially less likely to achieve VS and require targeted research and programmatic attention. © 2016 British HIV Association.
A Degree Distribution Optimization Algorithm for Image Transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiang, Wei; Yang, Junjie
Luby Transform (LT) code is the first practical implementation of digital fountain code. The coding behavior of LT code is mainly decided by the degree distribution which determines the relationship between source data and codewords. Two degree distributions are suggested by Luby. They work well in typical situations but not optimally in case of finite encoding symbols. In this work, the degree distribution optimization algorithm is proposed to explore the potential of LT code. Firstly selection scheme of sparse degrees for LT codes is introduced. Then probability distribution is optimized according to the selected degrees. In image transmission, bit stream is sensitive to the channel noise and even a single bit error may cause the loss of synchronization between the encoder and the decoder. Therefore the proposed algorithm is designed for image transmission situation. Moreover, optimal class partition is studied for image transmission with unequal error protection. The experimental results are quite promising. Compared with LT code with robust soliton distribution, the proposed algorithm improves the final quality of recovered images obviously with the same overhead.
Underwater unidirectional acoustic transmission through a plate with bilateral asymmetric gratings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Song, Ailing; Chen, Tianning; Wang, Xiaopeng; Xi, Yanhui; Liang, Qingxuan
In this paper, a novel underwater unidirectional acoustic transmission (UAT) device consisting of a plate with bilateral asymmetric gratings is proposed and numerically investigated. The transmission spectra, the acoustic intensity field distributions, and the displacement field distributions are numerically calculated based on the finite element method. The transmission spectra show that the proposed device exhibits different UAT effects in three bands. The acoustic intensity field distributions demonstrate that the proposed device can realize UAT, which agree well with the transmission spectra. The mechanism is discussed by analyzing the displacement field distributions, and the UAT is attributed to the symmetric mode excited in brass plate. Furthermore, the effects of the lattice constant, the upper slit width, and the lower slit width on bands are discussed. Our design provides a good reference for designing underwater UAT devices and has potential applications in some fields, such as medical ultrasonic devices, acoustic barrier, and noise insulation.
Music Evolution in the Laboratory: Cultural Transmission Meets Neurophysiology
Lumaca, Massimo; Ravignani, Andrea; Baggio, Giosuè
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the biological and cultural evolution of music, and specifically in the role played by perceptual and cognitive factors in shaping core features of musical systems, such as melody, harmony, and rhythm. One proposal originates in the language sciences. It holds that aspects of musical systems evolve by adapting gradually, in the course of successive generations, to the structural and functional characteristics of the sensory and memory systems of learners and “users” of music. This hypothesis has found initial support in laboratory experiments on music transmission. In this article, we first review some of the most important theoretical and empirical contributions to the field of music evolution. Next, we identify a major current limitation of these studies, i.e., the lack of direct neural support for the hypothesis of cognitive adaptation. Finally, we discuss a recent experiment in which this issue was addressed by using event-related potentials (ERPs). We suggest that the introduction of neurophysiology in cultural transmission research may provide novel insights on the micro-evolutionary origins of forms of variation observed in cultural systems. PMID:29713263
Music Evolution in the Laboratory: Cultural Transmission Meets Neurophysiology.
Lumaca, Massimo; Ravignani, Andrea; Baggio, Giosuè
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the biological and cultural evolution of music, and specifically in the role played by perceptual and cognitive factors in shaping core features of musical systems, such as melody, harmony, and rhythm. One proposal originates in the language sciences. It holds that aspects of musical systems evolve by adapting gradually, in the course of successive generations, to the structural and functional characteristics of the sensory and memory systems of learners and "users" of music. This hypothesis has found initial support in laboratory experiments on music transmission. In this article, we first review some of the most important theoretical and empirical contributions to the field of music evolution. Next, we identify a major current limitation of these studies, i.e., the lack of direct neural support for the hypothesis of cognitive adaptation. Finally, we discuss a recent experiment in which this issue was addressed by using event-related potentials (ERPs). We suggest that the introduction of neurophysiology in cultural transmission research may provide novel insights on the micro-evolutionary origins of forms of variation observed in cultural systems.
Inelastic cotunneling with energy-dependent contact transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Blok, S.; Agundez Mojarro, R. R.; Maduro, L. A.; Blaauboer, M.; Van Der Molen, S. J.
We investigate inelastic cotunneling in a model system where the charging island is connected to the leads through molecules with energy-dependent transmission functions. To study this problem, we propose two different approaches. The first is a pragmatic approach that assumes Lorentzian-like transmission functions that determine the transmission probability to the island. Using this model, we calculate current versus voltage (IV) curves for increasing resonance level positions of the molecule. We find that shifting the resonance energy of the molecule away from the Fermi energy of the contacts leads to a decreased current at low bias, but as bias increases, this difference decreases and eventually inverses. This is markedly different from IV behavior outside the cotunneling regime. The second approach involves multiple cotunneling where also the molecules are considered to be in the Coulomb blockade regime. We find here that when Ec≫eV ,kBT , the IV behavior approaches the original cotunneling behavior proposed by Averin and Nazarov [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2446-2449 (1990)].
Casper to Dave Johnston 230-kV Transmission Line Project: Environmental assessment
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
Western proposes to reconstruct the existing Casper-Glendo North 115-kV Transmission Line to 230-kV between a point 1.1 miles northeast of the Pacific Power and Light (Pacific) Casper Substation and the Dave Johnston (DJ) Powerplant near Glenrock, Wyoming. As part of the proposed action, Western proposes to remove the portion of the existing Casper-Glendo South 115-kV Transmission Line between Western's Casper Substation and the intersection with the Casper-Glendo North Transmission Line, about 15 miles east of Casper. The removed portion of the Casper-Glendo North Transmission Line would be rebuilt on steel, single-shaft, structures. The section between the point northeast of themore » Pacific Substation and the intersection with the Casper-Glendo South Transmission Line would be double circuit (230-kV/115-kV). At the intersection of the north and south lines, the new 115-kV section would be tied to the remaining portion of the Casper-Glendo South Line to complete the 115-kV Casper-Glendo circuit. 52 refs.,12 figs., 14 tabs.« less
Phase noise suppression for coherent optical block transmission systems: a unified framework.
Yang, Chuanchuan; Yang, Feng; Wang, Ziyu
A unified framework for phase noise suppression is proposed in this paper, which could be applied in any coherent optical block transmission systems, including coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM), coherent optical single-carrier frequency-domain equalization block transmission (CO-SCFDE), etc. Based on adaptive modeling of phase noise, unified observation equations for different coherent optical block transmission systems are constructed, which lead to unified phase noise estimation and suppression. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposal is powerful in mitigating laser phase noise.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Elizondo, Marcelo A.; Samaan, Nader A.; Makarov, Yuri V.
Voltage and reactive power system control is generally performed following usual patterns of loads, based on off-line studies for daily and seasonal operations. This practice is currently challenged by the inclusion of distributed renewable generation, such as solar. There has been focus on resolving this problem at the distribution level; however, the transmission and sub-transmission levels have received less attention. This paper provides a literature review of proposed methods and solution approaches to coordinate and optimize voltage control and reactive power management, with an emphasis on applications at transmission and sub-transmission level. The conclusion drawn from the survey is thatmore » additional research is needed in the areas of optimizing switch shunt actions and coordinating all available resources to deal with uncertain patterns from increasing distributed renewable generation in the operational time frame. These topics are not deeply explored in the literature.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Al-Hayani, Nazar; Al-Jawad, Naseer; Jassim, Sabah A.
Video compression and encryption became very essential in a secured real time video transmission. Applying both techniques simultaneously is one of the challenges where the size and the quality are important in multimedia transmission. In this paper we proposed a new technique for video compression and encryption. Both encryption and compression are based on edges extracted from the high frequency sub-bands of wavelet decomposition. The compression algorithm based on hybrid of: discrete wavelet transforms, discrete cosine transform, vector quantization, wavelet based edge detection, and phase sensing. The compression encoding algorithm treats the video reference and non-reference frames in two different ways. The encryption algorithm utilized A5 cipher combined with chaotic logistic map to encrypt the significant parameters and wavelet coefficients. Both algorithms can be applied simultaneously after applying the discrete wavelet transform on each individual frame. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms have the following features: high compression, acceptable quality, and resistance to the statistical and bruteforce attack with low computational processing.
Product code optimization for determinate state LDPC decoding in robust image transmission.
Thomos, Nikolaos; Boulgouris, Nikolaos V; Strintzis, Michael G
We propose a novel scheme for error-resilient image transmission. The proposed scheme employs a product coder consisting of low-density parity check (LDPC) codes and Reed-Solomon codes in order to deal effectively with bit errors. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is based on the exploitation of determinate symbols in Tanner graph decoding of LDPC codes and a novel product code optimization technique based on error estimation. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the superiority of the proposed system in comparison to recent state-of-the-art techniques for image transmission.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
da Silva, C. L.; Merrill, R. A.; Pasko, V. P.
A significant portion of the in-cloud lightning development is observed as a series of initial breakdown pulses (IBPs) that are characterized by an abrupt change in the electric field at a remote sensor. Recent experimental and theoretical studies have attributed this process to the stepwise elongation of an initial lightning leader inside the thunderstorm [da Silva and Pasko, JGR, 120, 4989-5009, 2015, and references therein]. Attempts to visually observe these events are hampered due to the fact that clouds are opaque to optical radiation. Due to this reason, throughout the last decade, a number of researchers have used the so-called transmission line models (also commonly referred to as engineering models), widely employed for return stroke simulations, to simulate the waveshapes of IBPs, and also of narrow bipolar events. The transmission line (TL) model approach is to prescribe the source current dynamics in a certain manner to match the measured E-field change waveform, with the purpose of retrieving key information about the source, such as its height, peak current, size, speed of charge motion, etc. Although the TL matching method is not necessarily physics-driven, the estimated source characteristics can give insights on the dominant length- and time-scales, as well as, on the energetics of the source. This contributes to better understanding of the environment where the onset and early stages of lightning development takes place.In the present work, we use numerical modeling to constrain the number of source parameters that can be confidently inferred from the observed far-field IBP waveforms. We compare different modified TL models (i.e., with different attenuation behaviors) to show that they tend to produce similar waveforms in conditions where the channel is short. We also demonstrate that it is impossible to simultaneously retrieve the speed of source current propagation and channel length from an observed IBP waveform, in contrast to what has been
Adjacent Vehicle Number-Triggered Adaptive Transmission for V2V Communications.
Wei, Yiqiao; Chen, Jingjun; Hwang, Seung-Hoon
For vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, such issues as continuity and reliability still have to be solved. Specifically, it is necessary to consider a more scalable physical layer due to the high-speed mobility of vehicles and the complex channel environment. Adaptive transmission has been adapted in channel-dependent scheduling. However, it has been neglected with regards to the physical topology changes in the vehicle network. In this paper, we propose a physical topology-triggered adaptive transmission scheme which adjusts the data rate between vehicles according to the number of connectable vehicles nearby. Also, we investigate the performance of the proposed method using computer simulations and compare it with the conventional methods. The numerical results show that the proposed method can provide more continuous and reliable data transmission for V2V communications.
The aim of this study was to identify areas of consensus in response to proposed Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 regulations on employer-sponsored health, safety, and well-being initiatives. The consensus process included review of existing and proposed regulations, identification of key areas where consensus is needed, and a methodical consensus-building process. Stakeholders representing employees, employers, consulting organizations, and wellness providers reached consensus around five areas, including adequate privacy notice on how medical data are collected, used, and protected; effective, equitable use of inducements that influence participation in programs; observance of reasonable alternative standards; what constitutes reasonably designed programs; and the need for greater congruence between federal agency regulations. Employee health and well-being initiatives that are in accord with federal regulations are comprehensive, evidence-based, and are construed as voluntary by employees and regulators alike.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
Central Power and Light Company (CPL) intends to upgrade its existing transmission line ties with the Commision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) system in Mexico. CPL currently has a single 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line in the Brownsville area which connects CPL`s system with the system of CFE. This existing line runs between the Brownsville Switching Station, located on Laredo Road in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, and an existing CFE 69-kV line at the Rusteberg Bend of the Rio Grande in Cameron County. Under current conditions of need, the existing 69-kV line does not possess sufficient capability to engage in appropriate powermore » exchanges. Therefore, CPL is proposing to build a new line to link up with CFE. This proposed line would be a double-circuit line, which would (1) continue (on a slightly relocated route) the existing 69-kV tie from CPL`s Brownsville Switching Station to CFE`s facilities, and (2) add a 138-kV tie from the Military Highway Substation, located on Military Highway (US Highway 281), to CFE`s facilities. The proposed 138/69-kV line, which will be constructed and operated by CPL, will be built primarily on steel single-pole structures within an average 60-foot (ft) wide right-of-way (ROW). It will be approximately 6900--9200 ft (1.3--1.7 miles) in length, depending on the alternative route constructed.« less
Multi-carrier transmission for hybrid radio frequency with optical wireless communications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Gang; Chen, Genshe; Shen, Dan; Pham, Khanh; Blasch, Erik; Nguyen, Tien M.
Radio frequency (RF) wireless communication is reaching its capacity to support large data rate transmissions due to hardware constraints (e.g., silicon processes), software strategies (e.g., information theory), and consumer desire for timely large file exchanges (e.g., big data and mobile cloud computing). A high transmission rate performance must keep pace with the generated huge volumes of data for real-time processing. Integrated RF and optical wireless communications (RF/OWC) could be the next generation transmission technology to satisfy both the increased data rate exchange and the communications constraints. However, with the promising benefits of RF/OWC, challenges remain to fully develop hybrid RF with wireless optical communications such as uniform waveform design for information transmission and detection. In this paper, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission scheme, which widely employed in RF communications, is developed for optical communications. The traditional high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) in OFDM is reduced to improve system performance. The proposed multi-carrier waveform is evaluated with a frequency-selective fading channel. The results demonstrate that bit error rate (BER) performance of our proposed optical OFDM transmission technique outperforms the traditional OWC on-off keying (OOK) transmission scheme.
E-Textile Embroidered Metamaterial Transmission Line for Signal Propagation Control.
Moradi, Bahareh; Fernández-García, Raul; Gil, Ignacio
In this paper, the utilization of common fabrics for the manufacturing of e-textile metamaterial transmission lines is investigated. In order to filter and control the signal propagation in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) range along the e-textile, a conventional metamaterial transmission line was compared with embroidered metamaterial particles. The proposed design was based on a transmission line loaded with one or several split-ring resonators (SRR) on a felt substrate. To explore the relations between physical parameters and filter performance characteristics, theoretical models based on transmission matrices' description of the filter constituent components were proposed. Excellent agreement between theoretical prediction, electromagnetic simulations, and measurement were found. Experimental results showed stop-band levels higher than -30 dB for compact embroidered metamaterial e-textiles. The validated results confirmed embroidery as a useful technique to obtain customized electromagnetic properties, such as filtering, on wearable applications.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hermeston, Mark W.
Vegetation Management along the Allston-Keeler 500 kV Transmission Line ROW exclusive to BLM lands between 8/4 through 27/4. The proposed work will be accomplished in the indicated sections of the transmission line corridor with an average corridor width of 150 feet. BPA proposes to clear unwanted vegetation in the rights-of-ways and around tower structures that may impede the operation and maintenance of the subject transmission lines and access roads, including Reclaim and Danger Trees. The lands in this SA are administered by BLM. BPA plans to conduct vegetation control with the goal of removing tall growing vegetation that is currentlymore » or will soon be a hazard to the transmission line. BPA’s overall goal is to have low-growing plant communities along the rights-of-way to control the development of potentially threatening vegetation. All work will be executed in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code and BPA standards. Work is to begin in March 2002. In accordance with a court injunction, no chemical treatment is planned on BLM lands.« less
System Design for Ocean Sensor Data Transmission Based on Inductive Coupling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xu, Ming; Liu, Fei; Zong, Yuan; Hong, Feng
Ocean observation is the precondition to explore and utilize ocean. How to acquire ocean data in a precise, efficient and real-time way is the key question of ocean surveillance. Traditionally, there are three types of methods for ocean data transmission: underwater acoustic, GPRS via mobile network and satellite communication. However, none of them can meet the requirements of efficiency, accuracy, real-time and low cost at the same time. In this paper, we propose a new wireless transmission system for underwater sensors, which established on FGR wireless modules, combined with inductive coupling lab and offshore experiments confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed wireless transmission system.
Normalized power transmission between ABP and ICP in TBI.
Shahsavari, S; Hallen, T; McKelvey, T; Ritzen, C; Rydenhag, B
A new approach to study the pulse transmission between the cerebrovascular bed and the intracranial space is presented. In the proposed approach, the normalized power transmission between ABP and ICP has got the main attention rather than the actual power transmission. Evaluating the gain of the proposed transfer function at any single frequency can reveal how the percentage of contribution of that specific frequency component has been changed through the cerebrospinal system. The gain of the new transfer function at the fundamental cardiac frequency was utilized to evaluate the state of the brain in three TBI patients. Results were assessed using the reference evaluations achieved by a novel CT scan-based scoring scheme. In all three study cases, the gain of the transfer function showed a good capability to follow the trend of the CT scores and describe the brain state. Comparing the new transfer function with the traditional one and also the index of compensatory reserve, the proposed transfer function was found more informative about the state of the brain in the patients under study.
Inferring Plasmodium vivax Transmission Networks from Tempo-Spatial Surveillance Data
Shi, Benyun; Liu, Jiming; Zhou, Xiao-Nong; Yang, Guo-Jing
Background The transmission networks of Plasmodium vivax characterize how the parasite transmits from one location to another, which are informative and insightful for public health policy makers to accurately predict the patterns of its geographical spread. However, such networks are not apparent from surveillance data because P. vivax transmission can be affected by many factors, such as the biological characteristics of mosquitoes and the mobility of human beings. Here, we pay special attention to the problem of how to infer the underlying transmission networks of P. vivax based on available tempo-spatial patterns of reported cases. Methodology We first define a spatial transmission model, which involves representing both the heterogeneous transmission potential of P. vivax at individual locations and the mobility of infected populations among different locations. Based on the proposed transmission model, we further introduce a recurrent neural network model to infer the transmission networks from surveillance data. Specifically, in this model, we take into account multiple real-world factors, including the length of P. vivax incubation period, the impact of malaria control at different locations, and the total number of imported cases. Principal Findings We implement our proposed models by focusing on the P. vivax transmission among 62 towns in Yunnan province, People's Republic China, which have been experiencing high malaria transmission in the past years. By conducting scenario analysis with respect to different numbers of imported cases, we can (i) infer the underlying P. vivax transmission networks, (ii) estimate the number of imported cases for each individual town, and (iii) quantify the roles of individual towns in the geographical spread of P. vivax. Conclusion The demonstrated models have presented a general means for inferring the underlying transmission networks from surveillance data. The inferred networks will offer new insights into how to
Adjacent Vehicle Number-Triggered Adaptive Transmission for V2V Communications
Wei, Yiqiao; Chen, Jingjun
For vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, such issues as continuity and reliability still have to be solved. Specifically, it is necessary to consider a more scalable physical layer due to the high-speed mobility of vehicles and the complex channel environment. Adaptive transmission has been adapted in channel-dependent scheduling. However, it has been neglected with regards to the physical topology changes in the vehicle network. In this paper, we propose a physical topology-triggered adaptive transmission scheme which adjusts the data rate between vehicles according to the number of connectable vehicles nearby. Also, we investigate the performance of the proposed method using computer simulations and compare it with the conventional methods. The numerical results show that the proposed method can provide more continuous and reliable data transmission for V2V communications. PMID:29498646
New compact neutron supermirror transmission polarizer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Syromyatnikov, V. G.; Pusenkov, V. M.
A new compact neutron supermirror transmission polarizer is suggested. The polarizer consists of a set of plates transparent to neutrons placed in the magnet gap. There are no air gaps between the plates. Polarizing supermirror coating without absorbing underlayer is deposited on the polished surfaces of the plates. Magnetic and nonmagnetic layers of the supermirror coating as well as the material of the plates have nearly equal neutron-optical potentials for spin-down neutrons. There is a considerable difference between neutron-optical potentials of layers in the supermirror structure for spin-up neutrons. As a result, spin-up neutrons reflect from the supermirror coating and deviate from their initial trajectories whereas spin-down neutrons do not practically reflect from the coating and, consequently, do not deviate from their initial trajectories. Thus, spin-down neutrons dominate near the axis of distribution of intensity on the angle for the beam transmitted through this polarizer, i.e., the beam is substantially polarized. Application is discussed of this polarizer in a research facility for small angle scattering of monochromatic neutrons with wavelengths λ = 4.5÷20 Å. The polarizing cross section of the beam of this facility is 30×30 mm2. Calculated parameters are presented of a polarizer on silicon plates with supermirror CoFe/TiZr (m = 2) coating. The suggested polarizer is compared with solid state bender, S-bender and widely known transmission neutron polarizer V- cavity in the same spectral range. Two polarizers are used to cover the wavelength range λ = 4.5 ÷20 Å: the first one whose length is 50 мм covers the range λ = 4.5 ÷10 Å and the second one whose length is 21.2 мм covers the range λ = 10 ÷20 Å. The length of each of these polarizers is more than 30 times smaller than that of V-cavity! On the other hand, basic parameters of the proposed polarizer, polarization of the beam falling on the sample P and transmission coefficient T
Topology-optimized broadband surface relief transmission grating
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Andkjær, Jacob; Ryder, Christian P.; Nielsen, Peter C.; Rasmussen, Thomas; Buchwald, Kristian; Sigmund, Ole
We propose a design methodology for systematic design of surface relief transmission gratings with optimized diffraction efficiency. The methodology is based on a gradient-based topology optimization formulation along with 2D frequency domain finite element simulations for TE and TM polarized plane waves. The goal of the optimization is to find a grating design that maximizes diffraction efficiency for the -1st transmission order when illuminated by unpolarized plane waves. Results indicate that a surface relief transmission grating can be designed with a diffraction efficiency of more than 40% in a broadband range going from the ultraviolet region, through the visible region and into the near-infrared region.
Effect of tornado loads on transmission lines
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ishac, M.F.; White, H.B.
Of all the populated areas in Canada, southwestern Ontario has experienced the highest tornado incidence and faces the greatest tornado damage. About 1 or 2 tornadoes per 10,000 km{sup 2} can be expected there annually. The probability of a tornado strike at a given point is very small but the probability of a transmission line being crossed by a tornado is significant. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature related to tornadoes in Ontario and to investigate the effect of tornado loads on transmission lines. Based on this investigation a design basis tornado loading for transmission towersmore » is proposed.« less
Effect of tornado loads on transmission lines
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ishac, M.F.; White, H.B.
Of all the populated areas in Canada, southwestern Ontario has experienced the highest tornado incidence and faces the greatest tornado damage. About 1 or 2 tornadoes per 10,000 km{sup 2} can be expected there annually. The probability of a tornado strike at a given point is very small but the probability of a transmission line being crossed by a tornado is significant. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature related to tornadoes in Ontario and to investigate the effect of tornado loads on transmission lines. Based on this investigation a design basis tornado loading for transmission towersmore » is proposed.« less
Operating a transmission company under open access: The basic requirements
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hunt, S.; Shuttleworth, G.
In both Europe and North America, technical and legal changes are increasing the opportunities for electricity traders to use transmission lines and grids that are owned by other companies. This article discusses the view that transmission maybe a service potentially separable from the production and retailing of electricity, and that transmission should be freely available at an appropriate price. Grid operators are wary of proposals to open access to transmission. European legislators want grid operators to become Transmission System Operators (TSO), moving energy around the network for others. Also discussed in this article are the powers that the TSO shouldmore » be allowed to exercise if access to transmission is made available.« less
An Adaptive Source-Channel Coding with Feedback for Progressive Transmission of Medical Images
Lo, Jen-Lung; Sanei, Saeid; Nazarpour, Kianoush
A novel adaptive source-channel coding with feedback for progressive transmission of medical images is proposed here. In the source coding part, the transmission starts from the region of interest (RoI). The parity length in the channel code varies with respect to both the proximity of the image subblock to the RoI and the channel noise, which is iteratively estimated in the receiver. The overall transmitted data can be controlled by the user (clinician). In the case of medical data transmission, it is vital to keep the distortion level under control as in most of the cases certain clinically important regions have to be transmitted without any visible error. The proposed system significantly reduces the transmission time and error. Moreover, the system is very user friendly since the selection of the RoI, its size, overall code rate, and a number of test features such as noise level can be set by the users in both ends. A MATLAB-based TCP/IP connection has been established to demonstrate the proposed interactive and adaptive progressive transmission system. The proposed system is simulated for both binary symmetric channel (BSC) and Rayleigh channel. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the design. PMID:19190770
The design and analysis of channel transmission communication system of XCTD profiler
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zheng, Yu; Wang, Xiao-Rui; Jin, Xiang-Yu; Song, Guo-Min; Shang, Ying-Sheng; Li, Hong-Zhi
In this paper, a channel transmission communication system of expendable conductivity-temperature-depth is established in accordance to the operation characteristics of the transmission line to more accurately assess the characteristics of deep-sea abandoned profiler channel. The wrapping inductance is eliminated to maximum extent through the wrapping pattern of the underwater spool and the overwater spool and the calculation of the wrapping diameter. The feasibility of the proposed channel transmission communication system is verified through theoretical analysis and practical measurement of the transmission signal error rate in the amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation. The proposed design provides a new research method for the channel assessment of complex abandoned measuring instrument and an important experiment evidence for the rapid development of the deep-sea abandoned measuring instrument.
The design and analysis of channel transmission communication system of XCTD profiler.
Zheng, Yu; Wang, Xiao-Rui; Jin, Xiang-Yu; Song, Guo-Min; Shang, Ying-Sheng; Li, Hong-Zhi
In this paper, a channel transmission communication system of expendable conductivity-temperature-depth is established in accordance to the operation characteristics of the transmission line to more accurately assess the characteristics of deep-sea abandoned profiler channel. The wrapping inductance is eliminated to maximum extent through the wrapping pattern of the underwater spool and the overwater spool and the calculation of the wrapping diameter. The feasibility of the proposed channel transmission communication system is verified through theoretical analysis and practical measurement of the transmission signal error rate in the amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation. The proposed design provides a new research method for the channel assessment of complex abandoned measuring instrument and an important experiment evidence for the rapid development of the deep-sea abandoned measuring instrument.
Shouting in the Jungle - The SETI Transmission Debate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schuch, H. P.; Almar, I.
The prudence of transmitting deliberate messages from Earth into interstellar space remains controversial. Reasoned risk- benefit analysis is needed, to inform policy recommendations by such bodies as the International Academy of Astronautics SETI Permanent Study Group. As a first step, at the 2005 International Astronautical Congress in Fukuoka, we discussed the San Marino Scale, a new analytical tool for assessing transmission risk. That Scale was updated, and a revised version presented at the 2006 IAC in Valencia. We are now in a position to recommend specific improvements to the scale we proposed for quantifying terrestrial transmissions. Our intent is to make this tool better reflect the detectability and potential impact of recent and proposed messages beamed from Earth. We believe the changes proposed herein strengthen the San Marino Scale as an analytical tool, and bring us closer to its eventual adoption.
Electron transmission through a class of anthracene aldehyde molecules
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Petreska, Irina, E-mail:; Ohanesjan, Vladimir, E-mail:; Pejov, Ljupco, E-mail:
Transmission of electrons via metal-molecule-metal junctions, involving rotor-stator anthracene aldehyde molecules is investigated. Two model barriers having input parameters evaluated from accurate ab initio calculations are proposed and the transmission coefficients are obtained by using the quasiclassical approximation. Transmission coefficients further enter in the integral for the net current, utilizing Simmons’ method. Conformational dependence of the tunneling processes is evident and the presence of the side groups enhances the functionality of the future single-molecule based electronic devices.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Howlader, Harun Or Rashid; Matayoshi, Hidehito; Noorzad, Ahmad Samim; Muarapaz, Cirio Celestino; Senjyu, Tomonobu
This paper presents a smart house-based power system for thermal unit commitment programme. The proposed power system consists of smart houses, renewable energy plants and conventional thermal units. The transmission constraints are considered for the proposed system. The generated power of the large capacity renewable energy plant leads to the violated transmission constraints in the thermal unit commitment programme, therefore, the transmission constraint should be considered. This paper focuses on the optimal operation of the thermal units incorporated with controllable loads such as Electrical Vehicle and Heat Pump water heater of the smart houses. The proposed method is compared with the power flow in thermal units operation without controllable loads and the optimal operation without the transmission constraints. Simulation results show the validation of the proposed method.
Impedance matching wireless power transmission system for biomedical devices.
Lum, Kin Yun; Lindén, Maria; Tan, Tian Swee
For medical application, the efficiency and transmission distance of the wireless power transfer (WPT) are always the main concern. Research has been showing that the impedance matching is one of the critical factors for dealing with the problem. However, there is not much work performed taking both the source and load sides into consideration. Both sides matching is crucial in achieving an optimum overall performance, and the present work proposes a circuit model analysis for design and implementation. The proposed technique was validated against experiment and software simulation. Result was showing an improvement in transmission distance up to 6 times, and efficiency at this transmission distance had been improved up to 7 times as compared to the impedance mismatch system. The system had demonstrated a near-constant transfer efficiency for an operating range of 2cm-12cm.
Evaluation of power system security and development of transmission pricing method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Hyungchul
The electric power utility industry is presently undergoing a change towards the deregulated environment. This has resulted in unbundling of generation, transmission and distribution services. The introduction of competition into unbundled electricity services may lead system operation closer to its security boundaries resulting in smaller operating safety margins. The competitive environment is expected to lead to lower price rates for customers and higher efficiency for power suppliers in the long run. Under this deregulated environment, security assessment and pricing of transmission services have become important issues in power systems. This dissertation provides new methods for power system security assessment and transmission pricing. In power system security assessment, the following issues are discussed (1) The description of probabilistic methods for power system security assessment; (2) The computation time of simulation methods; (3) on-line security assessment for operation. A probabilistic method using Monte-Carlo simulation is proposed for power system security assessment. This method takes into account dynamic and static effects corresponding to contingencies. Two different Kohonen networks, Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization, are employed to speed up the probabilistic method. The combination of Kohonen networks and Monte-Carlo simulation can reduce computation time in comparison with straight Monte-Carlo simulation. A technique for security assessment employing Bayes classifier is also proposed. This method can be useful for system operators to make security decisions during on-line power system operation. This dissertation also suggests an approach for allocating transmission transaction costs based on reliability benefits in transmission services. The proposed method shows the transmission transaction cost of reliability benefits when transmission line capacities are considered. The ratio between allocation by transmission line
Sainudiin, Raazesh; Welch, David
We derive a combinatorial stochastic process for the evolution of the transmission tree over the infected vertices of a host contact network in a susceptible-infected (SI) model of an epidemic. Models of transmission trees are crucial to understanding the evolution of pathogen populations. We provide an explicit description of the transmission process on the product state space of (rooted planar ranked labelled) binary transmission trees and labelled host contact networks with SI-tags as a discrete-state continuous-time Markov chain. We give the exact probability of any transmission tree when the host contact network is a complete, star or path network - three illustrative examples. We then develop a biparametric Beta-splitting model that directly generates transmission trees with exact probabilities as a function of the model parameters, but without explicitly modelling the underlying contact network, and show that for specific values of the parameters we can recover the exact probabilities for our three example networks through the Markov chain construction that explicitly models the underlying contact network. We use the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) to consistently infer the two parameters driving the transmission process based on observations of the transmission trees and use the exact MLE to characterize equivalence classes over the space of contact networks with a single initial infection. An exploratory simulation study of the MLEs from transmission trees sampled from three other deterministic and four random families of classical contact networks is conducted to shed light on the relation between the MLEs of these families with some implications for statistical inference along with pointers to further extensions of our models. The insights developed here are also applicable to the simplest models of "meme" evolution in online social media networks through transmission events that can be distilled from observable actions such as "likes", "mentions
Asymmetric wave transmission in a diatomic acoustic/elastic metamaterial
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Li, Bing; Tan, K. T., E-mail:
Asymmetric acoustic/elastic wave transmission has recently been realized using nonlinearity, wave diffraction, or bias effects, but always at the cost of frequency distortion, direction shift, large volumes, or external energy. Based on the self-coupling of dual resonators, we propose a linear diatomic metamaterial, consisting of several small-sized unit cells, to realize large asymmetric wave transmission in low frequency domain (below 1 kHz). The asymmetric transmission mechanism is theoretically investigated, and numerically verified by both mass-spring and continuum models. This passive system does not require any frequency conversion or external energy, and the asymmetric transmission band can be theoretically predicted andmore » mathematically controlled, which extends the design concept of unidirectional transmission devices.« less
Shrestha, Vivek Raj; Lee, Sang-Shin; Kim, Eun-Soo; Choi, Duk-Yong
Nanostructure based color filtering has been considered an attractive replacement for current colorant pigmentation in the display technologies, in view of its increased efficiencies, ease of fabrication and eco-friendliness. For such structural filtering, iridescence relevant to its angular dependency, which poses a detrimental barrier to the practical development of high performance display and sensing devices, should be mitigated. We report on a non-iridescent transmissive structural color filter, fabricated in a large area of 76.2 × 25.4 mm2, taking advantage of a stack of three etalon resonators in dielectric films based on a high-index cavity in amorphous silicon. The proposed filter features a high transmission above 80%, a high excitation purity of 0.93 and non-iridescence over a range of 160°, exhibiting no significant change in the center wavelength, dominant wavelength and excitation purity, which implies no change in hue and saturation of the output color. The proposed structure may find its potential applications to large-scale display and imaging sensor systems. PMID:24815530
What We Know About Tuberculosis Transmission: An Overview.
Churchyard, Gavin; Kim, Peter; Shah, N Sarita; Rustomjee, Roxana; Gandhi, Neel; Mathema, Barun; Dowdy, David; Kasmar, Anne; Cardenas, Vicky
Tuberculosis remains a global health problem with an enormous burden of disease, estimated at 10.4 million new cases in 2015. To stop the tuberculosis epidemic, it is critical that we interrupt tuberculosis transmission. Further, the interventions required to interrupt tuberculosis transmission must be targeted to high-risk groups and settings. A simple cascade for tuberculosis transmission has been proposed in which (1) a source case of tuberculosis (2) generates infectious particles (3) that survive in the air and (4) are inhaled by a susceptible individual (5) who may become infected and (6) then has the potential to develop tuberculosis. Interventions that target these events will interrupt tuberculosis transmission and accelerate the decline in tuberculosis incidence and mortality. The purpose of this article is to provide a high-level overview of what is known about tuberculosis transmission, using the tuberculosis transmission cascade as a framework, and to set the scene for the articles in this series, which address specific aspects of tuberculosis transmission. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Interleaved Training and Training-Based Transmission Design for Hybrid Massive Antenna Downlink
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Cheng; Jing, Yindi; Huang, Yongming; Yang, Luxi
In this paper, we study the beam-based training design jointly with the transmission design for hybrid massive antenna single-user (SU) and multiple-user (MU) systems where outage probability is adopted as the performance measure. For SU systems, we propose an interleaved training design to concatenate the feedback and training procedures, thus making the training length adaptive to the channel realization. Exact analytical expressions are derived for the average training length and the outage probability of the proposed interleaved training. For MU systems, we propose a joint design for the beam-based interleaved training, beam assignment, and MU data transmissions. Two solutions for the beam assignment are provided with different complexity-performance tradeoff. Analytical results and simulations show that for both SU and MU systems, the proposed joint training and transmission designs achieve the same outage performance as the traditional full-training scheme but with significant saving in the training overhead.
Sound transmission loss of composite sandwich panels
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Ran
Light composite sandwich panels are increasingly used in automobiles, ships and aircraft, because of the advantages they offer of high strength-to-weight ratios. However, the acoustical properties of these light and stiff structures can be less desirable than those of equivalent metal panels. These undesirable properties can lead to high interior noise levels. A number of researchers have studied the acoustical properties of honeycomb and foam sandwich panels. Not much work, however, has been carried out on foam-filled honeycomb sandwich panels. In this dissertation, governing equations for the forced vibration of asymmetric sandwich panels are developed. An analytical expression for modal densities of symmetric sandwich panels is derived from a sixth-order governing equation. A boundary element analysis model for the sound transmission loss of symmetric sandwich panels is proposed. Measurements of the modal density, total loss factor, radiation loss factor, and sound transmission loss of foam-filled honeycomb sandwich panels with different configurations and thicknesses are presented. Comparisons between the predicted sound transmission loss values obtained from wave impedance analysis, statistical energy analysis, boundary element analysis, and experimental values are presented. The wave impedance analysis model provides accurate predictions of sound transmission loss for the thin foam-filled honeycomb sandwich panels at frequencies above their first resonance frequencies. The predictions from the statistical energy analysis model are in better agreement with the experimental transmission loss values of the sandwich panels when the measured radiation loss factor values near coincidence are used instead of the theoretical values for single-layer panels. The proposed boundary element analysis model provides more accurate predictions of sound transmission loss for the thick foam-filled honeycomb sandwich panels than either the wave impedance analysis model or the
Systematic network coding for two-hop lossy transmissions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Ye; Blostein, Steven; Chan, Wai-Yip
In this paper, we consider network transmissions over a single or multiple parallel two-hop lossy paths. These scenarios occur in applications such as sensor networks or WiFi offloading. Random linear network coding (RLNC), where previously received packets are re-encoded at intermediate nodes and forwarded, is known to be a capacity-achieving approach for these networks. However, a major drawback of RLNC is its high encoding and decoding complexity. In this work, a systematic network coding method is proposed. We show through both analysis and simulation that the proposed method achieves higher end-to-end rate as well as lower computational cost than RLNC for finite field sizes and finite-sized packet transmissions.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Assessment (EA) to meet its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and RUS's... proposed Burlington-Wray 230-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project (Proposal) consists of the following: a proposed new single-circuit 230-kV electric transmission line between the existing Burlington Substation in...
Cho, Sunghyun; Choi, Ji-Woong; You, Cheolwoo
Mobile wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs), which consist of mobile sink or sensor nodes and use rich sensing information, require much faster and more reliable wireless links than static wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper proposes an adaptive multi-node (MN) multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) transmission to improve the transmission reliability and capacity of mobile sink nodes when they experience spatial correlation. Unlike conventional single-node (SN) MIMO transmission, the proposed scheme considers the use of transmission antennas from more than two sensor nodes. To find an optimal antenna set and a MIMO transmission scheme, a MN MIMO channel model is introduced first, followed by derivation of closed-form ergodic capacity expressions with different MIMO transmission schemes, such as space-time transmit diversity coding and spatial multiplexing. The capacity varies according to the antenna correlation and the path gain from multiple sensor nodes. Based on these statistical results, we propose an adaptive MIMO mode and antenna set switching algorithm that maximizes the ergodic capacity of mobile sink nodes. The ergodic capacity of the proposed scheme is compared with conventional SN MIMO schemes, where the gain increases as the antenna correlation and path gain ratio increase.
Cho, Sunghyun; Choi, Ji-Woong; You, Cheolwoo
Mobile wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs), which consist of mobile sink or sensor nodes and use rich sensing information, require much faster and more reliable wireless links than static wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper proposes an adaptive multi-node (MN) multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) transmission to improve the transmission reliability and capacity of mobile sink nodes when they experience spatial correlation. Unlike conventional single-node (SN) MIMO transmission, the proposed scheme considers the use of transmission antennas from more than two sensor nodes. To find an optimal antenna set and a MIMO transmission scheme, a MN MIMO channel model is introduced first, followed by derivation of closed-form ergodic capacity expressions with different MIMO transmission schemes, such as space-time transmit diversity coding and spatial multiplexing. The capacity varies according to the antenna correlation and the path gain from multiple sensor nodes. Based on these statistical results, we propose an adaptive MIMO mode and antenna set switching algorithm that maximizes the ergodic capacity of mobile sink nodes. The ergodic capacity of the proposed scheme is compared with conventional SN MIMO schemes, where the gain increases as the antenna correlation and path gain ratio increase. PMID:24152920
A novel nanoscaled Schottky barrier based transmission gate and its digital circuit applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kumar, Sunil; Loan, Sajad A.; Alamoud, Abdulrahman M.
In this work we propose and simulate a compact nanoscaled transmission gate (TG) employing a single Schottky barrier based transistor in the transmission path and a single transistor based Sajad-Sunil-Schottky (SSS) device as an inverter. Therefore, just two transistors are employed to realize a complete transmission gate which normally consumes four transistors in the conventional technology. The transistors used to realize the transmission path and the SSS inverter in the proposed TG are the double gate Schottky barrier devices, employing stacks of two metal silicides, platinum silicide (PtSi) and erbium silicide (ErSi). It has been observed that the realization of the TG gate by the proposed technology has resulted into a compact structure, with reduced component count, junctions, interconnections and regions in comparison to the conventional technology. The further focus of this work is on the application part of the proposed technology. So for the first time, the proposed technology has been used to realize various combinational circuits, like a two input AND gate, a 2:1 multiplexer and a two input XOR circuits. It has been observed that the transistor count has got reduced by half in a TG, two input AND gate, 2:1 multiplexer and in a two input XOR gate. Therefore, a significant reduction in transistor count and area requirement can be achieved by using the proposed technology. The proposed technology can be also used to perform the compact realization of other combinational and sequential circuitry in future.
Link-state-estimation-based transmission power control in wireless body area networks.
Kim, Seungku; Eom, Doo-Seop
This paper presents a novel transmission power control protocol to extend the lifetime of sensor nodes and to increase the link reliability in wireless body area networks (WBANs). We first experimentally investigate the properties of the link states using the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). We then propose a practical transmission power control protocol based on both short- and long-term link-state estimations. Both the short- and long-term link-state estimations enable the transceiver to adapt the transmission power level and target the RSSI threshold range, respectively, to simultaneously satisfy the requirements of energy efficiency and link reliability. Finally, the performance of the proposed protocol is experimentally evaluated in two experimental scenarios-body posture change and dynamic body motion-and compared with the typical WBAN transmission power control protocols, a real-time reactive scheme, and a dynamic postural position inference mechanism. From the experimental results, it is found that the proposed protocol increases the lifetime of the sensor nodes by a maximum of 9.86% and enhances the link reliability by reducing the packet loss by a maximum of 3.02%.
Cao, Hongyou; Liu, Quanmin; Wahab, Magd Abdel
Output-based structural damage detection is becoming increasingly appealing due to its potential in real engineering applications without any restriction regarding excitation measurements. A new transmissibility-based damage detection approach is presented in this study by combining transmissibility with correlation analysis in order to strengthen its performance in discriminating damaged from undamaged scenarios. From this perspective, damage detection strategies are hereafter established by constructing damage-sensitive indicators from a derived transmissibility. A cantilever beam is numerically analyzed to verify the feasibility of the proposed damage detection procedure, and an ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) benchmark is henceforth used in the validation for its application in engineering structures. The results of both studies reveal a good performance of the proposed methodology in identifying damaged states from intact states. The comparison between the proposed indicator and the existing indicator also affirms its applicability in damage detection, which might be adopted in further structural health monitoring systems as a discrimination criterion. This study contributed an alternative criterion for transmissibility-based damage detection in addition to the conventional ones. PMID:28773218
Gait-Cycle-Driven Transmission Power Control Scheme for a Wireless Body Area Network.
Zang, Weilin; Li, Ye
In a wireless body area network (WBAN), walking movements can result in rapid channel fluctuations, which severely degrade the performance of transmission power control (TPC) schemes. On the other hand, these channel fluctuations are often periodic and are time-synchronized with the user's gait cycle, since they are all driven from the walking movements. In this paper, we propose a novel gait-cycle-driven transmission power control (G-TPC) for a WBAN. The proposed G-TPC scheme reinforces the existing TPC scheme by exploiting the periodic channel fluctuation in the walking scenario. In the proposed scheme, the user's gait cycle information acquired by an accelerometer is used as beacons for arranging the transmissions at the time points with the ideal channel state. The specific transmission power is then determined by using received signal strength indication (RSSI). An experiment was conducted to evaluate the energy efficiency and reliability of the proposed G-TPC based on a CC2420 platform. The results reveal that compared to the original RSSI/link-quality-indication-based TPC, G-TPC reduces energy consumption by 25% on the sensor node and reduce the packet loss rate by 65%.
Birhanu, Zewdie; Yihdego, Yemane Ye-Ebiyo; Yewhalaw, Delenasaw
In the context of reduced transmission of malaria, it is essential to re-evaluate and determine the level of transmission as it guides re-orientation of control measures which is appropriate to local disease epidemiology. However, little is known about level of malaria transmission in Ethiopia. The present study aimed to investigate the level of malaria transmission through combined application of classical methods and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) in low transmission settings of Ethiopia. This study was conducted in June 2016 on 763 apparently healthy children 2-9 years of age. Children were recruited from ten sites representing different malaria transmission settings in Ethiopia. Splenomegaly rate, infection rate and EIA antibody test were used to determine endemicity. The data were analysed using SPSS 21.0 and Stata 12.0. The overall prevalence of malaria parasitaemia was 2.49% (95% CI 1.38-3.59) and 2.36% (95% CI 1.28-3.44) as detected using rapid diagnostic test and microscopy, respectively. Plasmodium falciparum accounted for 62.63% of the infections. The prevalence of parasitaemia significantly varied by altitude and localities; the highest (5.8%) in areas below 1500 m above sea level. Overall, splenomegaly rate was 1.70% (95% CI 0.78-0.2.66%), making the overall malaria transmission hypoendemic. Infection rate was higher among males (2.7%), but rate of splenomegaly was higher in females. Incongruent with spleen rate and parasitaemia, EIA showed a higher level of cumulative exposure to malaria with spatially localized and highly heterogeneous transmission. Overall, 126 (18.75%, 95% CI 15.79-21.71) of the children were positive for total malaria antibodies with significant variations with altitude, age and sex; the higher in areas of < 1500 m asl (25.8%), children ≥ 5 years (22.1%) and among males (20.9%). Splenomegaly and parasitaemia are not good measures to show variations in the levels of malaria transmission in reduced and/or low
Transmission media appropriate laser-microwave solar power satellite system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schäfer, C. A.; Gray, D.
As a solution to the most critical problems with Solar power Satellite (SPS) development, a system is proposed which uses laser power transmission in space to a receiver high in the atmosphere that relays the power to Earth by either cable or microwave power transmission. It has been shown in the past that such hybrid systems have the advantages of a reduction in the mass of equipment required in geostationary orbit and avoidance of radio frequency interference with other satellites and terrestrial communications systems. The advantage over a purely laser power beam SPS is that atmospheric absorption is avoided and outages due to clouds and precipitation will not occur, allowing for deployment in the equatorial zone and guaranteeing year round operation. This proposal is supported by brief literature surveys and theoretical calculations to estimate crucial parameters in this paper. In relation to this concept, we build on a recently proposed method to collect solar energy by a tethered balloon at high altitude because it enables a low-cost start for bringing the first Watt of power to Earth giving some quick return on investment, which is desperately missing in the traditional SPS concept. To tackle the significant problem of GW-class SPSs of high launch cost per kg mass brought to space, this paper introduces a concept which aims to achieve a superior power over mass ratio compared to traditional satellite designs by the use of thin-film solar cells combined with optical fibres for power delivery. To minimise the aperture sizes and cost of the transmitting and receiving components of the satellite and high altitude receiver, closed-loop laser beam pointing and target tracking is crucial for pointing a laser beam onto a target area that is of similar size to the beam's diameter. A recently developed technique based on optical phase conjugation is introduced and its applicability for maintaining power transmission between the satellite and high altitude receiver is
Summary of semi-initiative and initiative control automobile engine vibration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qu, Wei; Qu, Zhou
Engine vibration accounts for around 55% of automobile vibration, separating the engine vibration from transmitting to automobile to the utmost extent is significant for improving NVH performance. Semi-initiative and initiative control of engine vibration is one of the hot spots of technical research in domestic and foreign automobile industry, especially luxury automobiles which adopt this technology to improve amenity and competitiveness. This article refers to a large amount of domestic and foreign related materials, fully introduces the research status of semi-initiative and initiative control suspension of engine vibration suspension and many kinds of structural style, and provides control policy and method of semi-initiative and initiative control suspension system. Compare and analyze the structural style of semi-initiative and initiative control and merits and demerits of current structures of semi-initiative and initiative control of mechanic electrorheological, magnetorheological, electromagnetic actuator, piezoelectric ceramics, electrostriction material, pneumatic actuator etc. Models of power assembly mounting system was classified.Calculation example indicated that reasonable selection of engine mounting system parameters is useful to reduce engine vibration transmission and to increase ride comfort. Finally we brought forward semi-initiative and initiative suspension which might be applied for automobiles, and which has a promising future.
The potential for sexual transmission to compromise control of Ebola virus outbreaks.
Vinson, John E; Drake, John M; Rohani, Pejman; Park, Andrew W
Recent evidence suggests that sexual contact may give rise to transmission of Ebola virus long after infection has been cleared from blood. We develop a simple mathematical model that incorporates contact transmission and sexual transmission parametrized from data relating to the 2013-2015 West African Ebola epidemic. The model explores scenarios where contact transmission is reduced following infection events, capturing behaviour change, and quantifies how these actions reducing transmission may be compromised by sexual transmission in terms of increasing likelihood, size and duration of outbreaks. We characterize the extent to which sexual transmission operates in terms of the probability of initial infection resolving to sexual infectiousness and the sexual transmission rate, and relate these parameters to the overall case burden. We find that sexual transmission can have large effects on epidemic dynamics (increasing attack ratios from 25% in scenarios without sexual transmission but with contact-transmission-reducing behaviour, up to 80% in equivalent scenarios with sexual transmission). © 2016 The Author(s).
Enhanced protocol for real-time transmission of echocardiograms over wireless channels.
Cavero, Eva; Alesanco, Alvaro; García, Jose
This paper presents a methodology to transmit clinical video over wireless networks in real-time. A 3-D set partitioning in hierarchical trees compression prior to transmission is proposed. In order to guarantee the clinical quality of the compressed video, a clinical evaluation specific to each video modality has to be made. This evaluation indicates the minimal transmission rate necessary for an accurate diagnosis. However, the channel conditions produce errors and distort the video. A reliable application protocol is therefore proposed using a hybrid solution in which either retransmission or retransmission combined with forward error correction (FEC) techniques are used, depending on the channel conditions. In order to analyze the proposed methodology, the 2-D mode of an echocardiogram has been assessed. A bandwidth of 200 kbps is necessary to guarantee its clinical quality. The transmission using the proposed solution and retransmission and FEC techniques working separately have been simulated and compared in high-speed uplink packet access (HSUPA) and worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) networks. The proposed protocol achieves guaranteed clinical quality for bit error rates higher than with the other protocols, being for a mobile speed of 60 km/h up to 3.3 times higher for HSUPA and 10 times for WiMAX.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Influenza Transmission, Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) CK13-003, initial review. Correction The... Community Wide Influenza Transmission, FOA CK13-003, initial review. Contact Person for More Information...
Transmission and visualization of large geographical maps
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Liqiang; Zhang, Liang; Ren, Yingchao; Guo, Zhifeng
Transmission and visualization of large geographical maps have become a challenging research issue in GIS applications. This paper presents an efficient and robust way to simplify large geographical maps using frame buffers and Voronoi diagrams. The topological relationships are kept during the simplification by removing the Voronoi diagram's self-overlapped regions. With the simplified vector maps, we establish different levels of detail (LOD) models of these maps. Then we introduce a client/server architecture which integrates our out-of-core algorithm, progressive transmission and rendering scheme based on computer graphics hardware. The architecture allows the viewers to view different regions interactively at different LODs on the network. Experimental results show that our proposed scheme provides an effective way for powerful transmission and manipulation of large maps.
Full-duplex lightwave transport systems based on long-haul SMF and optical free-space transmissions.
Chen, Chia-Yi; Lu, Hai-Han; Lin, Ying-Pyng; Wu, Po-Yi; Wu, Kuan-Hung; Yaug, Wei-Yuan
A full-duplex lightwave transport system employing wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) and optical add-drop multiplexing techniques, as well as optical free-space transmission scheme is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Over an 80-km single-mode fiber (SMF) and 2.4 m optical free-space transmissions, impressive bit error rate (BER) performance is obtained for long-haul fiber link and finite free-space transmission distance. Such a full-duplex lightwave transport system based on long-haul SMF and optical free-space transmissions has been successfully demonstrated, which cannot only present its advancement in lightwave application, but also reveal its simplicity and convenience for the real implementation. Our proposed systems are suitable for the lightwave communication systems in wired and wireless transmissions.
Economic analysis of transmission line engineering based on industrial engineering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Yixuan
The modern industrial engineering is applied to the technical analysis and cost analysis of power transmission and transformation engineering. It can effectively reduce the cost of investment. First, the power transmission project is economically analyzed. Based on the feasibility study of power transmission and transformation project investment, the proposal on the company system cost management is put forward through the economic analysis of the effect of the system. The cost management system is optimized. Then, through the cost analysis of power transmission and transformation project, the new situation caused by the cost of construction is found. It is of guiding significance to further improve the cost management of power transmission and transformation project. Finally, according to the present situation of current power transmission project cost management, concrete measures to reduce the cost of power transmission project are given from the two aspects of system optimization and technology optimization.
Improved Scheduling Mechanisms for Synchronous Information and Energy Transmission.
Qin, Danyang; Yang, Songxiang; Zhang, Yan; Ma, Jingya; Ding, Qun
Wireless energy collecting technology can effectively reduce the network time overhead and prolong the wireless sensor network (WSN) lifetime. However, the traditional energy collecting technology cannot achieve the balance between ergodic channel capacity and average collected energy. In order to solve the problem of the network transmission efficiency and the limited energy of wireless devices, three improved scheduling mechanisms are proposed: improved signal noise ratio (SNR) scheduling mechanism (IS2M), improved N-SNR scheduling mechanism (INS2M) and an improved Equal Throughput scheduling mechanism (IETSM) for different channel conditions to improve the whole network performance. Meanwhile, the average collected energy of single users and the ergodic channel capacity of three scheduling mechanisms can be obtained through the order statistical theory in Rayleig, Ricean, Nakagami- m and Weibull fading channels. It is concluded that the proposed scheduling mechanisms can achieve better balance between energy collection and data transmission, so as to provide a new solution to realize synchronous information and energy transmission for WSNs.
Memory and Belief in the Transmission of Counterintuitive Content.
Willard, Aiyana K; Henrich, Joseph; Norenzayan, Ara
Cognitive scientists have increasingly turned to cultural transmission to explain the widespread nature of religion. One key hypothesis focuses on memory, proposing that that minimally counterintuitive (MCI) content facilitates the transmission of supernatural beliefs. We propose two caveats to this hypothesis. (1) Memory effects decrease as MCI concepts become commonly used, and (2) people do not believe counterintuitive content readily; therefore additional mechanisms are required to get from memory to belief. In experiments 1-3 (n = 283), we examined the relationship between MCI, belief, and memory. We found that increased tendencies to anthropomorphize predicted poorer memory for anthropomorphic-MCI content. MCI content was found less believable than intuitive content, suggesting different mechanisms are required to explain belief. In experiment 4 (n = 70), we examined the non-content-based cultural learning mechanism of credibility-enhancing displays (CREDs) and found that it increased participants' belief in MCI content, suggesting this type of learning can better explain the transmission of belief.
Improved Scheduling Mechanisms for Synchronous Information and Energy Transmission
Qin, Danyang; Yang, Songxiang; Zhang, Yan; Ma, Jingya; Ding, Qun
Wireless energy collecting technology can effectively reduce the network time overhead and prolong the wireless sensor network (WSN) lifetime. However, the traditional energy collecting technology cannot achieve the balance between ergodic channel capacity and average collected energy. In order to solve the problem of the network transmission efficiency and the limited energy of wireless devices, three improved scheduling mechanisms are proposed: improved signal noise ratio (SNR) scheduling mechanism (IS2M), improved N-SNR scheduling mechanism (INS2M) and an improved Equal Throughput scheduling mechanism (IETSM) for different channel conditions to improve the whole network performance. Meanwhile, the average collected energy of single users and the ergodic channel capacity of three scheduling mechanisms can be obtained through the order statistical theory in Rayleig, Ricean, Nakagami-m and Weibull fading channels. It is concluded that the proposed scheduling mechanisms can achieve better balance between energy collection and data transmission, so as to provide a new solution to realize synchronous information and energy transmission for WSNs. PMID:28598395
Shi, Juanfei; Calveras, Anna; Cheng, Ye; Liu, Kai
The extensive usage of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has led to the development of many power- and energy-efficient routing protocols. Cooperative routing in WSNs can improve performance in these types of networks. In this paper we discuss the existing proposals and we propose a routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks called Power Efficient Location-based Cooperative Routing with Transmission Power-upper-limit (PELCR-TP). The algorithm is based on the principle of minimum link power and aims to take advantage of nodes cooperation to make the link work well in WSNs with a low transmission power. In the proposed scheme, with a determined transmission power upper limit, nodes find the most appropriate next nodes and single-relay nodes with the proposed algorithm. Moreover, this proposal subtly avoids non-working nodes, because we add a Bad nodes Avoidance Strategy (BAS). Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm with BAS can significantly improve the performance in reducing the overall link power, enhancing the transmission success rate and decreasing the retransmission rate.
Shi, Juanfei; Calveras, Anna; Cheng, Ye; Liu, Kai
The extensive usage of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has led to the development of many power- and energy-efficient routing protocols. Cooperative routing in WSNs can improve performance in these types of networks. In this paper we discuss the existing proposals and we propose a routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks called Power Efficient Location-based Cooperative Routing with Transmission Power-upper-limit (PELCR-TP). The algorithm is based on the principle of minimum link power and aims to take advantage of nodes cooperation to make the link work well in WSNs with a low transmission power. In the proposed scheme, with a determined transmission power upper limit, nodes find the most appropriate next nodes and single-relay nodes with the proposed algorithm. Moreover, this proposal subtly avoids non-working nodes, because we add a Bad nodes Avoidance Strategy (BAS). Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm with BAS can significantly improve the performance in reducing the overall link power, enhancing the transmission success rate and decreasing the retransmission rate. PMID:23676625
Method and apparatus for executing a shift in a hybrid transmission
Gupta, Pinaki; Kaminsky, Lawrence A; Demirovic, Besim
A method for executing a transmission shift in a hybrid transmission including first and second electric machines includes executing a shift-through-neutral sequence from an initial transmission state to a target transmission state including executing an intermediate shift to neutral. Upon detecting a change in an output torque request while executing the shift-through-neutral sequence, possible recovery shift paths are identified. Available ones of the possible recovery shift paths are identified and a shift cost for each said available recovery shift path is evaluated. The available recovery shift path having a minimum shift cost is selected as a preferred recovery shift path and is executed to achieve a non-neutral transmission state.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Araújo, Iván Gómez; Sánchez, Jesús Antonio García; Andersen, Palle
Transmissibility-based operational modal analysis is a recent and alternative approach used to identify the modal parameters of structures under operational conditions. This approach is advantageous compared with traditional operational modal analysis because it does not make any assumptions about the excitation spectrum (i.e., white noise with a flat spectrum). However, common methodologies do not include a procedure to extract closely spaced modes with low signal-to-noise ratios. This issue is relevant when considering that engineering structures generally have closely spaced modes and that their measured responses present high levels of noise. Therefore, to overcome these problems, a new combined method for modal parameter identification is proposed in this work. The proposed method combines blind source separation (BSS) techniques and transmissibility-based methods. Here, BSS techniques were used to recover source signals, and transmissibility-based methods were applied to estimate modal information from the recovered source signals. To achieve this combination, a new method to define a transmissibility function was proposed. The suggested transmissibility function is based on the relationship between the power spectral density (PSD) of mixed signals and the PSD of signals from a single source. The numerical responses of a truss structure with high levels of added noise and very closely spaced modes were processed using the proposed combined method to evaluate its ability to identify modal parameters in these conditions. Colored and white noise excitations were used for the numerical example. The proposed combined method was also used to evaluate the modal parameters of an experimental test on a structure containing closely spaced modes. The results showed that the proposed combined method is capable of identifying very closely spaced modes in the presence of noise and, thus, may be potentially applied to improve the identification of damping ratios.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khan, Baseem; Agnihotri, Ganga; Mishra, Anuprita S.
In the present work authors proposed a novel method for transmission loss and cost allocation to users (generators and loads). In the developed methodology transmission losses are allocated to users based on their usage of the transmission line. After usage allocation, particular loss allocation indices (PLAI) are evaluated for loads and generators. Also Cooperative game theory approach is applied for comparison of results. The proposed method is simple and easy to implement on the practical power system. Sample 6 bus and IEEE 14 bus system is used for showing the effectiveness of proposed method.
Wang, Dawei; Ren, Pinyi; Du, Qinghe; Sun, Li; Wang, Yichen
The rapid proliferation of independently-designed and -deployed wireless sensor networks extremely crowds the wireless spectrum and promotes the emergence of cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSN). In CRSN, the sensor node (SN) can make full use of the unutilized licensed spectrum, and the spectrum efficiency is greatly improved. However, inevitable spectrum sensing errors will adversely interfere with the primary transmission, which may result in primary transmission outage. To compensate the adverse effect of spectrum sensing errors, we propose a reciprocally-benefited secure transmission strategy, in which SN’s interference to the eavesdropper is employed to protect the primary confidential messages while the CRSN is also rewarded with a loose spectrum sensing error probability constraint. Specifically, according to the spectrum sensing results and primary users’ activities, there are four system states in this strategy. For each state, we analyze the primary secrecy rate and the SN’s transmission rate by taking into account the spectrum sensing errors. Then, the SN’s transmit power is optimally allocated for each state so that the average transmission rate of CRSN is maximized under the constraint of the primary maximum permitted secrecy outage probability. In addition, the performance tradeoff between the transmission rate of CRSN and the primary secrecy outage probability is investigated. Moreover, we analyze the primary secrecy rate for the asymptotic scenarios and derive the closed-form expression of the SN’s transmission outage probability. Simulation results show that: (1) the performance of the SN’s average throughput in the proposed strategy outperforms the conventional overlay strategy; (2) both the primary network and CRSN benefit from the proposed strategy. PMID:27897988
Ogawa, K
This paper proposes a new evaluation and prediction method for computer usability. This method is based on our two previously proposed information transmission measures created from a human-to-computer information transmission model. The model has three information transmission levels: the device, software, and task content levels. Two measures, called the device independent information measure (DI) and the computer independent information measure (CI), defined on the software and task content levels respectively, are given as the amount of information transmitted. Two information transmission rates are defined as DI/T and CI/T, where T is the task completion time: the device independent information transmission rate (RDI), and the computer independent information transmission rate (RCI). The method utilizes the RDI and RCI rates to evaluate relatively the usability of software and device operations on different computer systems. Experiments using three different systems, in this case a graphical information input task, confirm that the method offers an efficient way of determining computer usability.
75 FR 56051 - Bemidji to Grand Rapids Minnesota 230 kV Transmission Line Project
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Service Bemidji to Grand Rapids Minnesota 230 kV Transmission Line Project AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service... Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Bemidji to Grand Rapids, Minnesota 230 kV Transmission... Cooperative, Inc. for RUS financing to construct a 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Wilton...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Litvin, Faydor L.; Lee, Hong-Tao
A new approach for determination of machine-tool settings for spiral bevel gears is proposed. The proposed settings provide a predesigned parabolic function of transmission errors and the desired location and orientation of the bearing contact. The predesigned parabolic function of transmission errors is able to absorb piece-wise linear functions of transmission errors that are caused by the gear misalignment and reduce gear noise. The gears are face-milled by head cutters with conical surfaces or surfaces of revolution. A computer program for simulation of meshing, bearing contact and determination of transmission errors for misaligned gear has been developed.
Concurrent Transmission Based on Channel Quality in Ad Hoc Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Chen; Gao, Xinbo; Li, Xiaoji; Pei, Qingqi
In this paper, a decentralized concurrent transmission strategy in shared channel in Ad Hoc networks is proposed based on game theory. Firstly, a static concurrent transmissions game is used to determine the candidates for transmitting by channel quality threshold and to maximize the overall throughput with consideration of channel quality variation. To achieve NES (Nash Equilibrium Solution), the selfish behaviors of node to attempt to improve the channel gain unilaterally are evaluated. Therefore, this game allows each node to be distributed and to decide whether to transmit concurrently with others or not depending on NES. Secondly, as there are always some nodes with lower channel gain than NES, which are defined as hunger nodes in this paper, a hunger suppression scheme is proposed by adjusting the price function with interferences reservation and forward relay, to fairly give hunger nodes transmission opportunities. Finally, inspired by stock trading, a dynamic concurrent transmission threshold determination scheme is implemented to make the static game practical. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme is feasible to increase concurrent transmission opportunities for active nodes, and at the same time, the number of hunger nodes is greatly reduced with the least increase of threshold by interferences reservation. Also, the good performance on network goodput of the proposed model can be seen from the results.
ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS DATA BASE Robert E. Roberts December 1976 Ott a IDA INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIVISION 400 Army-Navy...distribu- tions, including three haze models and three cloud models, are shown in Fig. 2 for 0.7 pim and 10 um radiation. As one proceeds from the various...7 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.9 1.0 TRANSMISSION (8. 1-12.0 MICRONS) F.3’IGURE A-i1. Transmission in the 3.4-4.1 pim and 0.8-1.1 umn Bands
Health monitoring system for transmission shafts based on adaptive parameter identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Souflas, I.; Pezouvanis, A.; Ebrahimi, K. M.
A health monitoring system for a transmission shaft is proposed. The solution is based on the real-time identification of the physical characteristics of the transmission shaft i.e. stiffness and damping coefficients, by using a physical oriented model and linear recursive identification. The efficacy of the suggested condition monitoring system is demonstrated on a prototype transient engine testing facility equipped with a transmission shaft capable of varying its physical properties. Simulation studies reveal that coupling shaft faults can be detected and isolated using the proposed condition monitoring system. Besides, the performance of various recursive identification algorithms is addressed. The results of this work recommend that the health status of engine dynamometer shafts can be monitored using a simple lumped-parameter shaft model and a linear recursive identification algorithm which makes the concept practically viable.
19 CFR 176.11 - Transmission of records to Court of International Trade.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transmission of Records § 176.11 Transmission of records to Court of International Trade. Upon receipt of service of a summons in an action initiated in the Court of International Trade the following items shall...
19 CFR 176.11 - Transmission of records to Court of International Trade.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transmission of Records § 176.11 Transmission of records to Court of International Trade. Upon receipt of service of a summons in an action initiated in the Court of International Trade the following items shall...
19 CFR 176.11 - Transmission of records to Court of International Trade.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transmission of Records § 176.11 Transmission of records to Court of International Trade. Upon receipt of service of a summons in an action initiated in the Court of International Trade the following items shall...
19 CFR 176.11 - Transmission of records to Court of International Trade.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transmission of Records § 176.11 Transmission of records to Court of International Trade. Upon receipt of service of a summons in an action initiated in the Court of International Trade the following items shall...
19 CFR 176.11 - Transmission of records to Court of International Trade.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Transmission of Records § 176.11 Transmission of records to Court of International Trade. Upon receipt of service of a summons in an action initiated in the Court of International Trade the following items shall...
Proposal for a United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Balogh, Werner
Putting space technology and its applications to work for sustainable economic and social development is the primary objective of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, launched in 1971. A specific goal for achieving this objective is to establish a sustainable national space capacity. The traditional line of thinking has supported a logical progression from building capacity in basic space science, to using space applications and finally - possibly - to establishing indigenous space technology capabilities. The experience in some countries suggests that such a strict line of progression does not necessarily hold true and that priority given to the establishment of early indigenous space technology capabilities may contribute to promoting the operational use of space applications in support of sustainable economic and social development. Based on these findings and on the experiences with the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative (UNBSSI) as well as on a series of United Nations/International Academy of Astronautics Workshops on Small Satellites in the Service of Developing Countries, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is considering the launch of a dedicated United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI). The initiative would aim to contribute to capacity building in basic space technology and could include, among other relevant fields, activities related to the space and ground segments of small satellites and their applications. It would also provide an international framework for enhancing cooperation between all interested actors, facilitate the exchange of information on best practices, and contribute to standardization efforts. It is expected that these activities would advance the operational use of space technology and its applications in an increasing number of space-using countries and emerging space nations. The paper reports on these initial considerations and on the potential value-adding role
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nagata, Takeshi; Tao, Yasuhiro; Utatani, Masahiro; Sasaki, Hiroshi; Fujita, Hideki
This paper proposes a multi-agent approach to maintenance scheduling in restructured power systems. The restructuring of electric power industry has resulted in market-based approaches for unbundling a multitude of service provided by self-interested entities such as power generating companies (GENCOs), transmission providers (TRANSCOs) and distribution companies (DISCOs). The Independent System Operator (ISO) is responsible for the security of the system operation. The schedule submitted to ISO by GENCOs and TRANSCOs should satisfy security and reliability constraints. The proposed method consists of several GENCO Agents (GAGs), TARNSCO Agents (TAGs) and a ISO Agent(IAG). The IAG’s role in maintenance scheduling is limited to ensuring that the submitted schedules do not cause transmission congestion or endanger the system reliability. From the simulation results, it can be seen the proposed multi-agent approach could coordinate between generation and transmission maintenance schedules.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dinh, Minh-Chau; Ju, Chang-Hyeon; Kim, Sung-Kyu; Kim, Jin-Geun; Park, Minwon; Yu, In-Keun
The combination of a high temperature superconducting DC power cable and a voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) creates a new option for transmitting power with multiple collection and distribution points for long distance and bulk power transmissions. It offers some greater advantages compared with HVAC or conventional HVDC transmission systems, and it is well suited for the grid integration of renewable energy sources in existing distribution or transmission systems. For this reason, a superconducting DC transmission system based HVDC transmission technologies is planned to be set up in the Jeju power system, Korea. Before applying this system to a real power system on Jeju Island, system analysis should be performed through a real time test. In this paper, a model-sized superconducting VSC-HVDC system, which consists of a small model-sized VSC-HVDC connected to a 2 m YBCO HTS DC model cable, is implemented. The authors have performed the real-time simulation method that incorporates the model-sized superconducting VSC-HVDC system into the simulated Jeju power system using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). The performance analysis of the superconducting VSC-HVDC systems has been verified by the proposed test platform and the results were discussed in detail.
Simultaneous inference of phylogenetic and transmission trees in infectious disease outbreaks
Whole-genome sequencing of pathogens from host samples becomes more and more routine during infectious disease outbreaks. These data provide information on possible transmission events which can be used for further epidemiologic analyses, such as identification of risk factors for infectivity and transmission. However, the relationship between transmission events and sequence data is obscured by uncertainty arising from four largely unobserved processes: transmission, case observation, within-host pathogen dynamics and mutation. To properly resolve transmission events, these processes need to be taken into account. Recent years have seen much progress in theory and method development, but existing applications make simplifying assumptions that often break up the dependency between the four processes, or are tailored to specific datasets with matching model assumptions and code. To obtain a method with wider applicability, we have developed a novel approach to reconstruct transmission trees with sequence data. Our approach combines elementary models for transmission, case observation, within-host pathogen dynamics, and mutation, under the assumption that the outbreak is over and all cases have been observed. We use Bayesian inference with MCMC for which we have designed novel proposal steps to efficiently traverse the posterior distribution, taking account of all unobserved processes at once. This allows for efficient sampling of transmission trees from the posterior distribution, and robust estimation of consensus transmission trees. We implemented the proposed method in a new R package phybreak. The method performs well in tests of both new and published simulated data. We apply the model to five datasets on densely sampled infectious disease outbreaks, covering a wide range of epidemiological settings. Using only sampling times and sequences as data, our analyses confirmed the original results or improved on them: the more realistic infection times place more
Simultaneous inference of phylogenetic and transmission trees in infectious disease outbreaks.
Klinkenberg, Don; Backer, Jantien A; Didelot, Xavier; Colijn, Caroline; Wallinga, Jacco
Whole-genome sequencing of pathogens from host samples becomes more and more routine during infectious disease outbreaks. These data provide information on possible transmission events which can be used for further epidemiologic analyses, such as identification of risk factors for infectivity and transmission. However, the relationship between transmission events and sequence data is obscured by uncertainty arising from four largely unobserved processes: transmission, case observation, within-host pathogen dynamics and mutation. To properly resolve transmission events, these processes need to be taken into account. Recent years have seen much progress in theory and method development, but existing applications make simplifying assumptions that often break up the dependency between the four processes, or are tailored to specific datasets with matching model assumptions and code. To obtain a method with wider applicability, we have developed a novel approach to reconstruct transmission trees with sequence data. Our approach combines elementary models for transmission, case observation, within-host pathogen dynamics, and mutation, under the assumption that the outbreak is over and all cases have been observed. We use Bayesian inference with MCMC for which we have designed novel proposal steps to efficiently traverse the posterior distribution, taking account of all unobserved processes at once. This allows for efficient sampling of transmission trees from the posterior distribution, and robust estimation of consensus transmission trees. We implemented the proposed method in a new R package phybreak. The method performs well in tests of both new and published simulated data. We apply the model to five datasets on densely sampled infectious disease outbreaks, covering a wide range of epidemiological settings. Using only sampling times and sequences as data, our analyses confirmed the original results or improved on them: the more realistic infection times place more
Multiturn split-conductor transmission-line resonator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haziza, Nathalie; Bittoun, Jacques; Kan, Siew
A split-conductor parallel-plate transmission line resonator is a simple structure made from bending a strip of double-face copper-clad printed-circuit board into a loop with alternate electrical discontinuities (gaps) on opposite sides. Its natural resonant frequency (Fn) is determined by the transmission line characteristic impedance, the loop diameter or strip length, and the number (Ng) of gaps. It is easy to design high frequency resonators simply by increasing Ng. We propose here a single-gap multiturn resonator for low frequency operation as well as a simplified expression for the determination of Fn. A design procedure of this type of resonator is outlined and illustrative examples with parallel-plate as well as ordinary 50 Ω coaxial transmission lines are given. Also, for a given cable length, numerical calculation shows that the minimum resonator frequency can be attained with a form factor of the order of 2.
Inferring HIV-1 Transmission Dynamics in Germany From Recently Transmitted Viruses.
Pouran Yousef, Kaveh; Meixenberger, Karolin; Smith, Maureen R; Somogyi, Sybille; Gromöller, Silvana; Schmidt, Daniel; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Hamouda, Osamah; Kücherer, Claudia; von Kleist, Max
Although HIV continues to spread globally, novel intervention strategies such as treatment as prevention (TasP) may bring the epidemic to a halt. However, their effective implementation requires a profound understanding of the underlying transmission dynamics. We analyzed parameters of the German HIV epidemic based on phylogenetic clustering of viral sequences from recently infected seroconverters with known infection dates. Viral baseline and follow-up pol sequences (n = 1943) from 1159 drug-naïve individuals were selected from a nationwide long-term observational study initiated in 1997. Putative transmission clusters were computed based on a maximum likelihood phylogeny. Using individual follow-up sequences, we optimized our clustering threshold to maximize the likelihood of co-clustering individuals connected by direct transmission. The sizes of putative transmission clusters scaled inversely with their abundance and their distribution exhibited a heavy tail. Clusters based on the optimal clustering threshold were significantly more likely to contain members of the same or bordering German federal states. Interinfection times between co-clustered individuals were significantly shorter (26 weeks; interquartile range: 13-83) than in a null model. Viral intraindividual evolution may be used to select criteria that maximize co-clustering of transmission pairs in the absence of strong adaptive selection pressure. Interinfection times of co-clustered individuals may then be an indicator of the typical time to onward transmission. Our analysis suggests that onward transmission may have occurred early after infection, when individuals are typically unaware of their serological status. The latter argues that TasP should be combined with HIV testing campaigns to reduce the possibility of transmission before TasP initiation.
Planetary Transmission Diagnostics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lewicki, David G. (Technical Monitor); Samuel, Paul D.; Conroy, Joseph K.; Pines, Darryll J.
This report presents a methodology for detecting and diagnosing gear faults in the planetary stage of a helicopter transmission. This diagnostic technique is based on the constrained adaptive lifting algorithm. The lifting scheme, developed by Wim Sweldens of Bell Labs, is a time domain, prediction-error realization of the wavelet transform that allows for greater flexibility in the construction of wavelet bases. Classic lifting analyzes a given signal using wavelets derived from a single fundamental basis function. A number of researchers have proposed techniques for adding adaptivity to the lifting scheme, allowing the transform to choose from a set of fundamental bases the basis that best fits the signal. This characteristic is desirable for gear diagnostics as it allows the technique to tailor itself to a specific transmission by selecting a set of wavelets that best represent vibration signals obtained while the gearbox is operating under healthy-state conditions. However, constraints on certain basis characteristics are necessary to enhance the detection of local wave-form changes caused by certain types of gear damage. The proposed methodology analyzes individual tooth-mesh waveforms from a healthy-state gearbox vibration signal that was generated using the vibration separation (synchronous signal-averaging) algorithm. Each waveform is separated into analysis domains using zeros of its slope and curvature. The bases selected in each analysis domain are chosen to minimize the prediction error, and constrained to have the same-sign local slope and curvature as the original signal. The resulting set of bases is used to analyze future-state vibration signals and the lifting prediction error is inspected. The constraints allow the transform to effectively adapt to global amplitude changes, yielding small prediction errors. However, local wave-form changes associated with certain types of gear damage are poorly adapted, causing a significant change in the
Chen, Xi; Xu, Yixuan; Liu, Anfeng
High transmission reliability, energy efficiency, and long lifetime are pivotal issues for wireless body area networks (WBANs. However, these performance metrics are not independent of each other, making it hard to obtain overall improvements through optimizing one single aspect. Therefore, a Cross Layer Design Optimal (CLDO) scheme is proposed to simultaneously optimize transmission reliability, energy efficiency, and lifetime of WBANs from several layers. Firstly, due to the fact that the transmission power of nodes directly influences the reliability of links, the optimized transmission power of different nodes is deduced, which is able to maximize energy efficiency in theory under the premise that requirements on delay and jitter are fulfilled. Secondly, a relay decision algorithm is proposed to choose optimized relay nodes. Using this algorithm, nodes will choose relay nodes that ensure a balance of network energy consumption, provided that all nodes transmit with optimized transmission power and the same packet size. Thirdly, the energy consumption of nodes is still unbalanced even with optimized transmission power because of their different locations in the topology of the network. In addition, packet size also has an impact on final performance metrics. Therefore, a synthesized cross layer method for optimization is proposed. With this method, the transmission power of nodes with more residual energy will be enhanced while suitable packet size is determined for different links in the network, leading to further improvements in the WBAN system. Both our comprehensive theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that the performance of our proposed scheme is better than reported in previous studies. Relative to the relay selection and power control game (RSPCG) scheme, the CLDO scheme can enhance transmission reliability by more than 44.6% and prolong the lifetime by as much as 33.2%.
Chen, Xi; Xu, Yixuan; Liu, Anfeng
High transmission reliability, energy efficiency, and long lifetime are pivotal issues for wireless body area networks (WBANs). However, these performance metrics are not independent of each other, making it hard to obtain overall improvements through optimizing one single aspect. Therefore, a Cross Layer Design Optimal (CLDO) scheme is proposed to simultaneously optimize transmission reliability, energy efficiency, and lifetime of WBANs from several layers. Firstly, due to the fact that the transmission power of nodes directly influences the reliability of links, the optimized transmission power of different nodes is deduced, which is able to maximize energy efficiency in theory under the premise that requirements on delay and jitter are fulfilled. Secondly, a relay decision algorithm is proposed to choose optimized relay nodes. Using this algorithm, nodes will choose relay nodes that ensure a balance of network energy consumption, provided that all nodes transmit with optimized transmission power and the same packet size. Thirdly, the energy consumption of nodes is still unbalanced even with optimized transmission power because of their different locations in the topology of the network. In addition, packet size also has an impact on final performance metrics. Therefore, a synthesized cross layer method for optimization is proposed. With this method, the transmission power of nodes with more residual energy will be enhanced while suitable packet size is determined for different links in the network, leading to further improvements in the WBAN system. Both our comprehensive theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that the performance of our proposed scheme is better than reported in previous studies. Relative to the relay selection and power control game (RSPCG) scheme, the CLDO scheme can enhance transmission reliability by more than 44.6% and prolong the lifetime by as much as 33.2%. PMID:28422062
Chen, Yi-Ting; Horng, Mong-Fong; Lo, Chih-Cheng; Chu, Shu-Chuan; Pan, Jeng-Shyang; Liao, Bin-Yih
Transmission power optimization is the most significant factor in prolonging the lifetime and maintaining the connection quality of wireless sensor networks. Un-optimized transmission power of nodes either interferes with or fails to link neighboring nodes. The optimization of transmission power depends on the expected node degree and node distribution. In this study, an optimization approach to an energy-efficient and full reachability wireless sensor network is proposed. In the proposed approach, an adjustment model of the transmission range with a minimum node degree is proposed that focuses on topology control and optimization of the transmission range according to node degree and node density. The model adjusts the tradeoff between energy efficiency and full reachability to obtain an ideal transmission range. In addition, connectivity and reachability are used as performance indices to evaluate the connection quality of a network. The two indices are compared to demonstrate the practicability of framework through simulation results. Furthermore, the relationship between the indices under the conditions of various node degrees is analyzed to generalize the characteristics of node densities. The research results on the reliability and feasibility of the proposed approach will benefit the future real deployments.
Chen, Yi-Ting; Horng, Mong-Fong; Lo, Chih-Cheng; Chu, Shu-Chuan; Pan, Jeng-Shyang; Liao, Bin-Yih
Transmission power optimization is the most significant factor in prolonging the lifetime and maintaining the connection quality of wireless sensor networks. Un-optimized transmission power of nodes either interferes with or fails to link neighboring nodes. The optimization of transmission power depends on the expected node degree and node distribution. In this study, an optimization approach to an energy-efficient and full reachability wireless sensor network is proposed. In the proposed approach, an adjustment model of the transmission range with a minimum node degree is proposed that focuses on topology control and optimization of the transmission range according to node degree and node density. The model adjusts the tradeoff between energy efficiency and full reachability to obtain an ideal transmission range. In addition, connectivity and reachability are used as performance indices to evaluate the connection quality of a network. The two indices are compared to demonstrate the practicability of framework through simulation results. Furthermore, the relationship between the indices under the conditions of various node degrees is analyzed to generalize the characteristics of node densities. The research results on the reliability and feasibility of the proposed approach will benefit the future real deployments. PMID:23519351
Song, Yong; Hao, Qun; Zhang, Kai; Wang, Jingwen; Jin, Xuefeng; Sun, He
The signal transmission technology based on the human body medium offers significant advantages in Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) used for healthcare and the other related fields. In previous works we have proposed a novel signal transmission method based on the human body medium using a Mach-Zehnder electro-optical (EO) sensor. In this paper, we present a signal transmission system based on the proposed method, which consists of a transmitter, a Mach-Zehnder EO sensor and a corresponding receiving circuit. Meanwhile, in order to verify the frequency response properties and determine the suitable parameters of the developed system, in-vivo measurements have been implemented under conditions of different carrier frequencies, baseband frequencies and signal transmission paths. Results indicate that the proposed system will help to achieve reliable and high speed signal transmission of BSN based on the human body medium.
Song, Yong; Hao, Qun; Zhang, Kai; Wang, Jingwen; Jin, Xuefeng; Sun, He
The signal transmission technology based on the human body medium offers significant advantages in Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) used for healthcare and the other related fields. In previous works we have proposed a novel signal transmission method based on the human body medium using a Mach-Zehnder electro-optical (EO) sensor. In this paper, we present a signal transmission system based on the proposed method, which consists of a transmitter, a Mach-Zehnder EO sensor and a corresponding receiving circuit. Meanwhile, in order to verify the frequency response properties and determine the suitable parameters of the developed system, in-vivo measurements have been implemented under conditions of different carrier frequencies, baseband frequencies and signal transmission paths. Results indicate that the proposed system will help to achieve reliable and high speed signal transmission of BSN based on the human body medium. PMID:23443393
L2-LBMT: A Layered Load Balance Routing Protocol for underwater multimedia data transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lv, Ze; Tang, Ruichun; Tao, Ye; Sun, Xin; Xu, Xiaowei
Providing highly efficient underwater transmission of mass multimedia data is challenging due to the particularities of the underwater environment. Although there are many schemes proposed to optimize the underwater acoustic network communication protocols, from physical layer, data link layer, network layer to transport layer, the existing routing protocols for underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) still cannot well deal with the problems in transmitting multimedia data because of the difficulties involved in high energy consumption, low transmission reliability or high transmission delay. It prevents us from applying underwater multimedia data to real-time monitoring of marine environment in practical application, especially in emergency search, rescue operation and military field. Therefore, the inefficient transmission of marine multimedia data has become a serious problem that needs to be solved urgently. In this paper, A Layered Load Balance Routing Protocol (L2-LBMT) is proposed for underwater multimedia data transmission. In L2-LBMT, we use layered and load-balance Ad Hoc Network to transmit data, and adopt segmented data reliable transfer (SDRT) protocol to improve the data transport reliability. And a 3-node variant of tornado (3-VT) code is also combined with the Ad Hoc Network to transmit little emergency data more quickly. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol can balance energy consumption of each node, effectively prolong the network lifetime and reduce transmission delay of marine multimedia data.
Peridomestic Infection as a Determining Factor of Dengue Transmission
Martínez-Vega, Ruth Aralí; Danis-Lozano, Rogelio; Díaz-Quijano, Fredi Alexander; Velasco-Hernández, Jorge; Santos-Luna, René; Román-Pérez, Susana; Kuri-Morales, Pablo; Ramos-Castañeda, José
Background The study of endemic dengue transmission is essential for proposing alternatives to impact its burden. The traditional paradigm establishes that transmission starts around cases, but there are few studies that determine the risk. Methods To assess the association between the peridomestic dengue infection and the exposure to a dengue index case (IC), a cohort was carried out in two Mexican endemic communities. People cohabitating with IC or living within a 50-meter radius (exposed cohort) and subjects of areas with no ICs in a 200-meter radius (unexposed cohort) were included. Results Exposure was associated with DENV infection in cohabitants (PRa 3.55; 95%CI 2.37–5.31) or neighbors (PRa 1.82; 95%CI 1.29–2.58). Age, location, toilets with no direct water discharge, families with children younger than 5 and the House Index, were associated with infection. Families with older than 13 were associated with a decreased frequency. After a month since the IC fever onset, the infection incidence was not influenced by exposure to an IC or vector density; it was influenced by the local seasonal behavior of dengue and the age. Additionally, we found asymptomatic infections accounted for 60% and a greater age was a protective factor for the presence of symptoms (RR 0.98; 95%CI 0.97–0.99). Conclusion The evidence suggests that dengue endemic transmission in these locations is initially peridomestic, around an infected subject who may be asymptomatic due to demographic structure and endemicity, and it is influenced by other characteristics of the individual, the neighborhood and the location. Once the transmission chain has been established, dengue spreads in the community probably by the adults who, despite being the group with lower infection frequency, mostly suffer asymptomatic infections and have higher mobility. This scenario complicates the opportunity and the effectiveness of control programs and highlights the need to apply multiple measures for dengue
Peridomestic Infection as a Determining Factor of Dengue Transmission.
Martínez-Vega, Ruth Aralí; Danis-Lozano, Rogelio; Díaz-Quijano, Fredi Alexander; Velasco-Hernández, Jorge; Santos-Luna, René; Román-Pérez, Susana; Kuri-Morales, Pablo; Ramos-Castañeda, José
The study of endemic dengue transmission is essential for proposing alternatives to impact its burden. The traditional paradigm establishes that transmission starts around cases, but there are few studies that determine the risk. To assess the association between the peridomestic dengue infection and the exposure to a dengue index case (IC), a cohort was carried out in two Mexican endemic communities. People cohabitating with IC or living within a 50-meter radius (exposed cohort) and subjects of areas with no ICs in a 200-meter radius (unexposed cohort) were included. Exposure was associated with DENV infection in cohabitants (PRa 3.55; 95%CI 2.37-5.31) or neighbors (PRa 1.82; 95%CI 1.29-2.58). Age, location, toilets with no direct water discharge, families with children younger than 5 and the House Index, were associated with infection. Families with older than 13 were associated with a decreased frequency. After a month since the IC fever onset, the infection incidence was not influenced by exposure to an IC or vector density; it was influenced by the local seasonal behavior of dengue and the age. Additionally, we found asymptomatic infections accounted for 60% and a greater age was a protective factor for the presence of symptoms (RR 0.98; 95%CI 0.97-0.99). The evidence suggests that dengue endemic transmission in these locations is initially peridomestic, around an infected subject who may be asymptomatic due to demographic structure and endemicity, and it is influenced by other characteristics of the individual, the neighborhood and the location. Once the transmission chain has been established, dengue spreads in the community probably by the adults who, despite being the group with lower infection frequency, mostly suffer asymptomatic infections and have higher mobility. This scenario complicates the opportunity and the effectiveness of control programs and highlights the need to apply multiple measures for dengue control.
Jung, Sang Min; Mun, Kyoung Hak; Kang, Soo Min; Han, Sang Kook
An optical signal suppression technique based on a cascaded SOA and RSOA is proposed for the reflective passive optical networks (PONs) with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). By suppressing the downstream signal of the optical carrier, the proposed reflective PON effectively reuses the downstream optical carrier for upstream signal transmission. As an experimental demonstration, we show that the proposed optical signal suppression technique is effective in terms of the signal bandwidth and bit-error-rate (BER) performance of the remodulated upstream transmission.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hu, X.; Zhan, L.; Xia, Y.
A novel optical filter based on enhanced transmission through metallic nano-slit is proposed for dual-wavelength fluorescence-spectrometry. A special structure, sampled-period slit array, is utilized to meet the requirement of dual-wavelength transmission in this system. Structure parameters on the transmission property are analyzed by means of Fourier transformation. With the features both to enhance the fluorescence generation and to enhance light transmission, in addition with the feasibility for miniaturization, integration on one chip, and mass production, the proposed filters are promising for the realization of dual-wavelength fluorescence-spectrometry in micro-total-analysis-system.
Huang, Grant D; Bull, Jonca; Johnston McKee, Kelly; Mahon, Elizabeth; Harper, Beth; Roberts, Jamie N
Patient recruitment is widely recognized as a key determinant of success for clinical trials. Yet a substantial number of trials fail to reach recruitment goals-a situation that has important scientific, financial, ethical, and policy implications. Further, there are important effects on stakeholders who directly contribute to the trial including investigators, sponsors, and study participants. Despite efforts over multiple decades to identify and address barriers, recruitment challenges persist. To advance a more comprehensive approach to trial recruitment, the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) convened a project team to examine the challenges and to issue actionable, evidence-based recommendations for improving recruitment planning that extend beyond common study-specific strategies. We describe our multi-stakeholder effort to develop a framework that delineates three areas essential to strategic recruitment planning efforts: (1) trial design and protocol development, (2) trial feasibility and site selection, and (3) communication. Our recommendations propose an upstream approach to recruitment planning that has the potential to produce greater impact and reduce downstream barriers. Additionally, we offer tools to help facilitate adoption of the recommendations. We hope that our framework and recommendations will serve as a guide for initial efforts in clinical trial recruitment planning irrespective of disease or intervention focus, provide a common basis for discussions in this area and generate targets for further analysis and continual improvement. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Burke, Crystal W.; Bridges, Olga; Brown, Sherri; Rahija, Richard; Russell, Charles J.
Little is known about how the mode of respiratory virus transmission determines the dynamics of primary infection and protection from reinfection. Using non-invasive imaging of murine parainfluenza virus 1 (Sendai virus) in living mice, we determined the frequency, timing, dynamics, and virulence of primary infection after contact and airborne transmission, as well as the tropism and magnitude of reinfection after subsequent challenge. Contact transmission of Sendai virus was 100% efficient, phenotypically uniform, initiated and grew to robust levels in the upper respiratory tract (URT), later spread to the lungs, grew to a lower level in the lungs than the URT, and protected from reinfection completely in the URT yet only partially in the lungs. Airborne transmission through 7.6-cm and 15.2-cm separations between donor and recipient mice was 86%–100% efficient. The dynamics of primary infection after airborne transmission varied between individual mice and included the following categories: (a) non-productive transmission, (b) tracheal dominant, (c) tracheal initiated yet respiratory disseminated, and (d) nasopharyngeal initiated yet respiratory disseminated. Any previous exposure to Sendai virus infection protected from mortality and severe morbidity after lethal challenge. Furthermore, a higher level of primary infection in a given respiratory tissue (nasopharynx, trachea, or lungs) was inversely correlated with the level of reinfection in that same tissue. Overall, the mode of transmission determined the dynamics and tropism of primary infection, which in turn governed the level of seroconversion and protection from reinfection. These data are the first description of the dynamics of respiratory virus infection and protection from reinfection throughout the respiratory tracts of living animals after airborne transmission. This work provides a basis for understanding parainfluenza virus transmission and protective immunity and for developing novel vaccines and
Consequences of transmission of solar energy from outer space
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cocca, A. A.
The possible physical effects of MW, laser, or mirror-type SPS transmissions and their legal implications are considered. The bioeffects of the transmitted radiation and the atmospheric effects of transmission and of launcher-effluent injection (heating and ionospheric depletion) are examined, and the political aspects of receiver siting (near the equator for GEO solar systems) are indicated. The occupation of large portions of the MW band for SPS transmission and more generalized detrimental effects of SPS on space and terrestrial communications systems are explored, and the provisions of the Space Treaty, the Liability Convention, and (proposed) WARC Radio Regulations are discussed. Since no specific regulations on the use of solar energy have been adopted, a set of twelve basic tenets is proposed. The definition of solar energy and the GEO as nonappropriable parts of the 'common heritage of mankind' and the establishment of international organs (including a compulsory tribunal) to enforce the liability of SPS operators for ensuing damages and the fair sharing of soar resources are urged.
Accurate Time/Frequency Transfer Method Using Bi-Directional WDM Transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Imaoka, Atsushi; Kihara, Masami
An accurate time transfer method is proposed using b-directional wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) signal transmission along a single optical fiber. This method will be used in digital telecommunication networks and yield a time synchronization accuracy of better than 1 ns for long transmission lines over several tens of kilometers. The method can accurately measure the difference in delay between two wavelength signals caused by the chromatic dispersion of the fiber in conventional simple bi-directional dual-wavelength frequency transfer methods. We describe the characteristics of this difference in delay and then show that the accuracy of the delay measurements can be obtained below 0.1 ns by transmitting 156 Mb/s times reference signals of 1.31 micrometer and 1.55 micrometers along a 50 km fiber using the proposed method. The sub-nanosecond delay measurement using the simple bi-directional dual-wavelength transmission along a 100 km fiber with a wavelength spacing of 1 nm in the 1.55 micrometer range is also shown.
Golay sequences coded coherent optical OFDM for long-haul transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Cui; Ma, Xiangrong; Hua, Tao; Zhao, Jing; Yu, Huilong; Zhang, Jian
We propose to use binary Golay sequences in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) to improve the long-haul transmission performance. The Golay sequences are generated by binary Reed-Muller codes, which have low peak-to-average power ratio and certain error correction capability. A low-complexity decoding algorithm for the Golay sequences is then proposed to recover the signal. Under same spectral efficiency, the QPSK modulated OFDM with binary Golay sequences coding with and without discrete Fourier transform (DFT) spreading (DFTS-QPSK-GOFDM and QPSK-GOFDM) are compared with the normal BPSK modulated OFDM with and without DFT spreading (DFTS-BPSK-OFDM and BPSK-OFDM) after long-haul transmission. At a 7% forward error correction code threshold (Q2 factor of 8.5 dB), it is shown that DFTS-QPSK-GOFDM outperforms DFTS-BPSK-OFDM by extending the transmission distance by 29% and 18%, in non-dispersion managed and dispersion managed links, respectively.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Smith, D.R.; Thaik, A.; Pingel, P.
This document constitutes a segment of a feasibility study investigating the ramification of constructing a nuclear energy center in an arid western region. In this phase of the study. The projected power demands and load center locations were reviewed and assessed. Alternative transmission systems were analysed and a conceptual transmission for bulk power transportation is proposed with potential line routes. Environmental impacts of the proposed transmission were also identified.
Reiman, Eric M; Langbaum, Jessica BS; Tariot, Pierre N
Now is the time to launch the era of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevention research, establish the methods and infrastructure to rapidly evaluate presymptomatic AD treatments and evaluate them rigorously and rapidly in randomized clinical trials. This article is a call to arms. It contends that the evaluation of presymptomatic AD treatments must become an urgent priority, it identifies what is holding us back and proposes new public policies and scientific strategies to overcome these roadblocks. It defines the term ‘presymptomatic AD treatment,’ notes the best established biomarkers of AD progression and pathology and suggests how they could be used to rapidly evaluate presymptomatic AD treatments in the people at risk. It introduces an approach to evaluate presymptomatic AD treatments in asymptomatic people at the highest risk of imminent clinical onset and determines the extent to which the treatment’s biomarker predicts a clinical outcome. We propose an Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative, which is now being reviewed and refined in partnership with leading academic and industry investigators. It is intended to evaluate the most promising presymptomatic AD treatments, help develop a regulatory pathway for their accelerated approval using reasonably likely surrogate end points and find demonstrably effective presymptomatic AD treatments as quickly as possible. PMID:20383319
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liang, Jiejunyi; Yang, Haitao; Wu, Jinglai; Zhang, Nong; Walker, Paul D.
To improve the overall efficiency of electric vehicles and guarantee the driving comfort and vehicle drivability under the concept of simplifying mechanism complexity and minimizing manufacturing cost, this paper proposes a novel clutchless power-shifting transmission system with shifting control strategy and power sharing control strategy. The proposed shifting strategy takes advantage of the transmission architecture to achieve power-on shifting, which greatly improves the driving comfort compared with conventional automated manual transmission, with a bump function based shifting control method. To maximize the overall efficiency, a real-time power sharing control strategy is designed to solve the power distribution problem between the two motors. Detailed mathematical model is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The results demonstrate the proposed strategies considerably improve the overall efficiency while achieve non-interrupted power-on shifting and maintain the vehicle jerk during shifting under an acceptable threshold.
Adaptive transmission based on multi-relay selection and rate-compatible LDPC codes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Su, Hualing; He, Yucheng; Zhou, Lin
In order to adapt to the dynamical changeable channel condition and improve the transmissive reliability of the system, a cooperation system of rate-compatible low density parity check (RC-LDPC) codes combining with multi-relay selection protocol is proposed. In traditional relay selection protocol, only the channel state information (CSI) of source-relay and the CSI of relay-destination has been considered. The multi-relay selection protocol proposed by this paper takes the CSI between relays into extra account in order to obtain more chances of collabration. Additionally, the idea of hybrid automatic request retransmission (HARQ) and rate-compatible are introduced. Simulation results show that the transmissive reliability of the system can be significantly improved by the proposed protocol.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Song, Ai-Ling; Chen, Tian-Ning; Wang, Xiao-Peng; Wan, Le-Le
The waveform distortion happens in most of the unidirectional acoustic transmission (UAT) devices proposed before. In this paper, a novel type of waveform-preserved UAT device composed of an impedance-matched acoustic metasurface (AMS) and a phononic crystal (PC) structure is proposed and numerically investigated. The acoustic pressure field distributions and transmittance are calculated by using the finite element method. The subwavelength AMS that can modulate the wavefront of the transmitted wave at will is designed and the band structure of the PC structure is calculated and analyzed. The sound pressure field distributions demonstrate that the unidirectional acoustic transmission can be realized by the proposed UAT device without changing the waveforms of the output waves, which is the distinctive feature compared with the previous UAT devices. The physical mechanism of the unidirectional acoustic transmission is discussed by analyzing the refraction angle changes and partial band gap map. The calculated transmission spectra show that the UAT device is valid within a relatively broad frequency range. The simulation results agree well with the theoretical predictions. The proposed UAT device provides a good reference for designing waveform-preserved UAT devices and has potential applications in many fields, such as medical ultrasound, acoustic rectifiers, and noise insulation.
Physical mechanism of initial breakdown pulses and narrow bipolar events in lightning discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
da Silva, Caitano L.; Pasko, Victor P.
To date the true nature of initial breakdown pulses (IBPs) and narrow bipolar events (NBEs) in lightning discharges remains a mystery. Recent experimental evidence has correlated IBPs to the initial development of lightning leaders inside the thundercloud. NBE wideband waveforms resemble classic IBPs in both amplitude and duration. Most NBEs are quite peculiar in the sense that very frequently they occur in isolation from other lightning processes. The remaining fraction, 16% of positive polarity NBEs, according to Wu et al. (2014), happens as the first event in an otherwise regular intracloud lightning discharge. These authors point out that the initiator type of NBEs has no difference with other NBEs that did not start lightning, except for the fact that they occur deeper inside the thunderstorm (i.e., at lower altitudes). In this paper, we propose a new physical mechanism to explain the source of both IBPs and NBEs. We propose that IBPs and NBEs are the electromagnetic transients associated with the sudden (i.e., stepwise) elongation of the initial negative leader extremity in the thunderstorm electric field. To demonstrate our hypothesis a novel computational/numerical model of the bidirectional lightning leader tree is developed, consisting of a generalization of electrostatic and transmission line approximations found in the literature. Finally, we show how the IBP and NBE waveform characteristics directly reflect the properties of the bidirectional lightning leader (such as step length, for example) and amplitude of the thunderstorm electric field.
Slow-wave metamaterial open panels for efficient reduction of low-frequency sound transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Jieun; Lee, Joong Seok; Lee, Hyeong Rae; Kang, Yeon June; Kim, Yoon Young
Sound transmission reduction is typically governed by the mass law, requiring thicker panels to handle lower frequencies. When open holes must be inserted in panels for heat transfer, ventilation, or other purposes, the efficient reduction of sound transmission through holey panels becomes difficult, especially in the low-frequency ranges. Here, we propose slow-wave metamaterial open panels that can dramatically lower the working frequencies of sound transmission loss. Global resonances originating from slow waves realized by multiply inserted, elaborately designed subwavelength rigid partitions between two thin holey plates contribute to sound transmission reductions at lower frequencies. Owing to the dispersive characteristics of the present metamaterial panels, local resonances that trap sound in the partitions also occur at higher frequencies, exhibiting negative effective bulk moduli and zero effective velocities. As a result, low-frequency broadened sound transmission reduction is realized efficiently in the present metamaterial panels. The theoretical model of the proposed metamaterial open panels is derived using an effective medium approach and verified by numerical and experimental investigations.
A complex journey: transmission of microbial symbionts
Bright, Monika; Bulgheresi, Silvia
The perpetuation of symbioses through host generations relies on symbiont transmission. Horizontally transmitted symbionts are taken up from the environment anew by each host generation, and vertically transmitted symbionts are most often transferred through the female germ line. Mixed modes also exist. In this Review we describe the journey of symbionts from the initial contact to their final residence. We provide an overview of the molecular mechanisms that mediate symbiont attraction and accumulation, interpartner recognition and selection, as well as symbiont confrontation with the host immune system. We also discuss how the two main transmission modes shape the evolution of the symbiotic partners. PMID:20157340
Reconstruction of disease transmission rates: Applications to measles, dengue, and influenza.
Lange, Alexander
Transmission rates are key in understanding the spread of infectious diseases. Using the framework of compartmental models, we introduce a simple method to reconstruct time series of transmission rates directly from incidence or disease-related mortality data. The reconstruction employs differential equations, which model the time evolution of infective stages and strains. Being sensitive to initial values, the method produces asymptotically correct solutions. The computations are fast, with time complexity being quadratic. We apply the reconstruction to data of measles (England and Wales, 1948-1967), dengue (Thailand, 1982-1999), and influenza (U.S., 1910-1927). The Measles example offers comparison with earlier work. Here we re-investigate reporting corrections, include and exclude demographic information. The dengue example deals with the failure of vector-control measures in reducing dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Thailand. Two competing mechanisms have been held responsible: strain interaction and demographic transitions. Our reconstruction reveals that both explanations are possible, showing that the increase in DHF cases is consistent with decreasing transmission rates resulting from reduced vector counts. The flu example focuses on the 1918/1919 pandemic, examining the transmission rate evolution for an invading strain. Our analysis indicates that the pandemic strain could have circulated in the population for many months before the pandemic was initiated by an event of highly increased transmission. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Adaptive Transmission and Channel Modeling for Frequency Hopping Communications
proposed adaptive transmission method has much greater system capacity than conventional non-adaptive MC direct- sequence ( DS )- CDMA system. • We...several mobile radio systems. First, a new improved allocation algorithm was proposed for multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC- CDMA ) system...Multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC- CDMA ) system with adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) has attracted attention of researchers due to its
Estimating household and community transmission of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis.
Blake, Isobel M; Burton, Matthew J; Bailey, Robin L; Solomon, Anthony W; West, Sheila; Muñoz, Beatriz; Holland, Martin J; Mabey, David C W; Gambhir, Manoj; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Grassly, Nicholas C
Community-wide administration of antibiotics is one arm of a four-pronged strategy in the global initiative to eliminate blindness due to trachoma. The potential impact of more efficient, targeted treatment of infected households depends on the relative contribution of community and household transmission of infection, which have not previously been estimated. A mathematical model of the household transmission of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis was fit to detailed demographic and prevalence data from four endemic populations in The Gambia and Tanzania. Maximum likelihood estimates of the household and community transmission coefficients were obtained. The estimated household transmission coefficient exceeded both the community transmission coefficient and the rate of clearance of infection by individuals in three of the four populations, allowing persistent transmission of infection within households. In all populations, individuals in larger households contributed more to the incidence of infection than those in smaller households. Transmission of ocular C. trachomatis infection within households is typically very efficient. Failure to treat all infected members of a household during mass administration of antibiotics is likely to result in rapid re-infection of that household, followed by more gradual spread across the community. The feasibility and effectiveness of household targeted strategies should be explored.
Wireless OAM transmission system based on elliptical microstrip patch antenna.
Chen, Jia Jia; Lu, Qian Nan; Dong, Fei Fei; Yang, Jing Jing; Huang, Ming
The multiplexing transmission has always been a focus of attention for communication technology. In this paper, the radiation characteristics of circular microstrip patch antenna was firstly analyzed based on cavity model theory, and then spiral beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) were generated, using elliptical microstrip patch antenna, with a single feed probe instead of a standard circular patch with two feedpoints. Moreover, by combining the proposed elliptic microstrip patch antenna with Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP), a wireless OAM transmission system was established and the real-time transmission of text, image and video in a real channel environment was realized. Since the wireless OAM transmission has the advantage of good safety and high spectrum utilization efficiency, this work has theoretical significance and potential application.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Zhongpeng; Chen, Fangni; Qiu, Weiwei; Chen, Shoufa; Ren, Dongxiao
In this paper, a two-layer image encryption scheme for a discrete cosine transform (DCT) precoded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) visible light communication (VLC) system is proposed. Firstly, in the proposed scheme the transmitted image is first encrypted by a chaos scrambling sequence,which is generated from the hybrid 4-D hyper- and Arnold map in the upper-layer. After that, the encrypted image is converted into digital QAM modulation signal, which is re-encrypted by chaos scrambling sequence based on Arnold map in physical layer to further enhance the security of the transmitted image. Moreover, DCT precoding is employed to improve BER performance of the proposed system and reduce the PAPR of OFDM signal. The BER and PAPR performances of the proposed system are evaluated by simulation experiments. The experiment results show that the proposed two-layer chaos scrambling schemes achieve image secure transmission for image-based OFDM VLC. Furthermore, DCT precoding can reduce the PAPR and improve the BER performance of OFDM-based VLC.
IQ imbalance tolerable parallel-channel DMT transmission for coherent optical OFDMA access network
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jung, Sang-Min; Mun, Kyoung-Hak; Jung, Sun-Young; Han, Sang-Kook
Phase diversity of coherent optical communication provides spectrally efficient higher-order modulation for optical communications. However, in-phase/quadrature (IQ) imbalance in coherent optical communication degrades transmission performance by introducing unwanted signal distortions. In a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) passive optical network (PON), IQ imbalance-induced signal distortions degrade transmission performance by interferences of mirror subcarriers, inter-symbol interference (ISI), and inter-channel interference (ICI). We propose parallel-channel discrete multitone (DMT) transmission to mitigate transceiver IQ imbalance-induced signal distortions in coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of parallel-channel DMT transmission compared with that of OFDM transmission in the presence of IQ imbalance.
Zoloto, Alex; Nagoshi, Craig T.; Presson, Clark; Chassin, Laurie
Background Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depression have been found to be comorbid with smoking behaviors, and all three behavioral syndromes have been shown to be familially transmitted. The present paper reports on the results of analyses testing whether child attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depression symptoms were mediators in the intergenerational transmission of cigarette smoking. Method Path analyses using bootstrapped mediation procedures were conducted on data from a community sample of 764 families (one or both parents and one adolescent offspring) from the Indiana University Smoking Survey. Parents reported on their smoking behaviors, ADHD, and depression and their child’s ADHD, while offspring reported on their smoking behaviors and depression. Results Although fathers’ and mothers’ smoking status, depression, and ADHD were not significantly correlated with boys’ smoking initiation, there was a significant mediated (indirect) pathway from mothers’ depression to boys’ smoking initiation through boys’ depression. Several parental variables were significantly correlated with smoking initiation in girls, and the pathways from mothers’ smoking status, mothers’ ADHD, and fathers’ smoking status to girls’ smoking initiation were significantly mediated by girls’ ADHD. Conclusions For adolescent girls, the intergenerational transmission of ADHD appears to be important in understanding the intergenerational transmission of cigarette smoking. Sex differences in the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology as it leads to smoking initiation were also discussed. PMID:22682659
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... transmissions, and video transmissions in the GSO Fixed-Satellite Service. 25.212 Section 25.212... Technical Standards § 25.212 Narrowband analog transmissions, digital transmissions, and video transmissions... narrowband and/or wideband digital services, including digital video services, if the maximum input spectral...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... transmissions, and video transmissions in the GSO Fixed-Satellite Service. 25.212 Section 25.212... Technical Standards § 25.212 Narrowband analog transmissions, digital transmissions, and video transmissions... narrowband and/or wideband digital services, including digital video services, if the maximum input spectral...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... transmissions, and video transmissions in the GSO Fixed-Satellite Service. 25.212 Section 25.212... Technical Standards § 25.212 Narrowband analog transmissions, digital transmissions, and video transmissions... narrowband and/or wideband digital services, including digital video services, if the maximum input spectral...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
N /A
The Department of Energy (DOE), Western Area Power Administration (Western) is proposing to reroute a section of the Curecanti-Lost Canyon 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission line, in Montrose County, Colorado. A portion of the transmission line, situated 11 miles southeast of Montrose, Colorado, crosses Waterdog Peak, an area of significant geologic surface activity, which is causing the transmission line's lattice steel towers to shift. This increases stress to structure hardware and conductors, and poses a threat to the integrity of the transmission system. Western proposes to relocate the lattice steel towers and line to a more geologically stable area. The existing sectionmore » of transmission line and the proposed relocation route cross Bureau of Land Management and private land holdings.« less
An angle-dependent estimation of CT x-ray spectrum from rotational transmission measurements
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lin, Yuan, E-mail:; Samei, Ehsan; Ramirez-Giraldo, Juan Carlos
Purpose: Computed tomography (CT) performance as well as dose and image quality is directly affected by the x-ray spectrum. However, the current assessment approaches of the CT x-ray spectrum require costly measurement equipment and complicated operational procedures, and are often limited to the spectrum corresponding to the center of rotation. In order to address these limitations, the authors propose an angle-dependent estimation technique, where the incident spectra across a wide range of angular trajectories can be estimated accurately with only a single phantom and a single axial scan in the absence of the knowledge of the bowtie filter. Methods: Themore » proposed technique uses a uniform cylindrical phantom, made of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene and positioned in an off-centered geometry. The projection data acquired with an axial scan have a twofold purpose. First, they serve as a reflection of the transmission measurements across different angular trajectories. Second, they are used to reconstruct the cross sectional image of the phantom, which is then utilized to compute the intersection length of each transmission measurement. With each CT detector element recording a range of transmission measurements for a single angular trajectory, the spectrum is estimated for that trajectory. A data conditioning procedure is used to combine information from hundreds of collected transmission measurements to accelerate the estimation speed, to reduce noise, and to improve estimation stability. The proposed spectral estimation technique was validated experimentally using a clinical scanner (Somatom Definition Flash, Siemens Healthcare, Germany) with spectra provided by the manufacturer serving as the comparison standard. Results obtained with the proposed technique were compared against those obtained from a second conventional transmission measurement technique with two materials (i.e., Cu and Al). After validation, the proposed technique was applied to
Designing and Evaluating Interventions to Halt the Transmission of Tuberculosis.
Dowdy, David W; Grant, Alison D; Dheda, Keertan; Nardell, Edward; Fielding, Katherine; Moore, David A J
To reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, it is insufficient to simply understand the dynamics of tuberculosis transmission. Rather, we must design and rigorously evaluate interventions to halt transmission, prioritizing those interventions most likely to achieve population-level impact. Synergy in reducing tuberculosis transmission may be attainable by combining interventions that shrink the reservoir of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (preventive therapy), shorten the time between disease onset and treatment initiation (case finding and diagnosis), and prevent transmission in key settings, such as the built environment (infection control). In evaluating efficacy and estimating population-level impact, cluster-randomized trials and mechanistic models play particularly prominent roles. Historical and contemporary evidence suggests that effective public health interventions can halt tuberculosis transmission, but an evidence-based approach based on knowledge of local epidemiology is necessary for success. We provide a roadmap for designing, evaluating, and modeling interventions to interrupt the process of transmission that fuels a diverse array of tuberculosis epidemics worldwide. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Hybrid wireless-over-fiber transmission system based on multiple injection-locked FP LDs.
Li, Chung-Yi; Lu, Hai-Han; Chu, Chien-An; Ying, Cheng-Ling; Lu, Ting-Chien; Peng, Peng-Chun
A hybrid wireless-over-fiber (WoF) transmission system based on multiple injection-locked Fabry-Perot laser diodes (FP LDs) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Unlike the traditional hybrid WoF transmission systems that require multiple distributed feedback (DFB) LDs to support different kinds of services, the proposed system employs multiple injection-locked FP LDs to provide different kinds of applications. Such a hybrid WoF transmission system delivers downstream intensity-modulated 20-GHz microwave (MW)/60-GHz millimeter-wave (MMW)/550-MHz cable television (CATV) signals and upstream phase-remodulated 20-GHz MW signal. Excellent bit error rate (BER), carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), composite second-order (CSO), and composite triple-beat (CTB) are observed over a 40-km single-mode fiber (SMF) and a 4-m radio frequency (RF) wireless transport. Such a hybrid WoF transmission system has practical applications for fiber-wireless convergence to provide broadband integrated services, including telecommunication, data communication, and CATV services.
Smaller-loss planar SPP transmission line than conventional microstrip in microwave frequencies.
Zhang, Hao Chi; Zhang, Qian; Liu, Jun Feng; Tang, Wenxuan; Fan, Yifeng; Cui, Tie Jun
Transmission line is a basic component in all passive devices, integrated circuits, and systems. Microstrip is the most popular transmission line in the microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies, and has been widely used in current electronic devices, circuits, and systems. One of the important issues to be solved in such applications is the relatively large transmission loss of microstrip. Here, we propose a method to reduce the loss of microwave transmission line based on the designable wavenumber of spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Using this characteristic, we analyze and experimentally demonstrate the low-loss feature of the SPP transmission line through the perturbation method and S-parameter measurements, respectively. Both simulation and experimental results show that the SPP transmission line has much smaller transmission loss than traditional microstrip with the same size in the microwave frequencies. Hence, the spoof SPP transmission line may make a big step forward in the low-loss circuits and systems.
Design of UAV high resolution image transmission system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Qiang; Ji, Ming; Pang, Lan; Jiang, Wen-tao; Fan, Pengcheng; Zhang, Xingcheng
In order to solve the problem of the bandwidth limitation of the image transmission system on UAV, a scheme with image compression technology for mini UAV is proposed, based on the requirements of High-definition image transmission system of UAV. The video codec standard H.264 coding module and key technology was analyzed and studied for UAV area video communication. Based on the research of high-resolution image encoding and decoding technique and wireless transmit method, The high-resolution image transmission system was designed on architecture of Android and video codec chip; the constructed system was confirmed by experimentation in laboratory, the bit-rate could be controlled easily, QoS is stable, the low latency could meets most applied requirement not only for military use but also for industrial applications.
Low Resolution Picture Transmission (LRPT) Demonstration System. Phase II; 1.0
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fong, Wai; Yeh, Pen-Shu; Duran, Steve; Sank, Victor; Nyugen, Xuan; Xia, Wei; Day, John H. (Technical Monitor)
Low-Resolution Picture Transmission (LRPT) is a proposed standard for direct broadcast transmission of satellite weather images. This standard is a joint effort by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and NOAA. As a digital transmission scheme, its purpose is to replace the current analog Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) system for use in the Meteorological Operational (METOP) satellites. GSFC has been tasked to build an LRPT Demonstration System (LDS). Its main objective is to develop or demonstrate the feasibility of a low-cost receiver utilizing a PC as the primary processing component and determine the performance of the protocol in the simulated Radio Frequency (RF) environment. The approach would consist of two phases.
Transmission expansion with smart switching under demand uncertainty and line failures
Schumacher, Kathryn M.; Chen, Richard Li-Yang; Cohn, Amy E. M.
One of the major challenges in deciding where to build new transmission lines is that there is uncertainty regarding future loads, renewal generation output and equipment failures. We propose a robust optimization model whose transmission expansion solutions ensure that demand can be met over a wide range of conditions. Specifically, we require feasible operation for all loads and renewable generation levels within given ranges, and for all single transmission line failures. Furthermore, we consider transmission switching as an allowable recovery action. This relatively inexpensive method of redirecting power flows improves resiliency, but introduces computational challenges. Lastly, we present a novelmore » algorithm to solve this model. Computational results are discussed.« less
Real-time echocardiogram transmission protocol based on regions and visualization modes.
Cavero, Eva; Alesanco, Álvaro; García, José
This paper proposes an Echocardiogram Transmission Protocol (ETP) for real-time end-to-end transmission of echocardiograms over IP networks. The ETP has been designed taking into account the echocardiogram characteristics of each visualized region, encoding each region according to its data type, visualization characteristics and diagnostic importance in order to improve the coding and thus the transmission efficiency. Furthermore, each region is sent separately and different error protection techniques can be used for each region. This leads to an efficient use of resources and provides greater protection for those regions with more clinical information. Synchronization is implemented for regions that change over time. The echocardiogram composition is different for each device. The protocol is valid for all echocardiogram devices thanks to the incorporation of configuration information which includes the composition of the echocardiogram. The efficiency of the ETP has been proved in terms of the number of bits sent with the proposed protocol. The codec and transmission rates used for the regions of interest have been set according to previous recommendations. Although the saving in the codified bits depends on the video composition, a coding gain higher than 7% with respect to without using ETP has been achieved.
Video transmission on ATM networks. Ph.D. Thesis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chen, Yun-Chung
The broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN) is expected to provide high-speed and flexible multimedia applications. Multimedia includes data, graphics, image, voice, and video. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is the adopted transport techniques for B-ISDN and has the potential for providing a more efficient and integrated environment for multimedia. It is believed that most broadband applications will make heavy use of visual information. The prospect of wide spread use of image and video communication has led to interest in coding algorithms for reducing bandwidth requirements and improving image quality. The major results of a study on the bridging of network transmission performance and video coding are: Using two representative video sequences, several video source models are developed. The fitness of these models are validated through the use of statistical tests and network queuing performance. A dual leaky bucket algorithm is proposed as an effective network policing function. The concept of the dual leaky bucket algorithm can be applied to a prioritized coding approach to achieve transmission efficiency. A mapping of the performance/control parameters at the network level into equivalent parameters at the video coding level is developed. Based on that, a complete set of principles for the design of video codecs for network transmission is proposed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stephen, Lincy; Yogesh, N.; Subramanian, V.
The giant optical activity of chiral metamaterials (CMMs) holds great potential for tailoring the polarization state of an electromagnetic (EM) wave. In controlling the polarization state, the aspect of asymmetric transmission (AT), where a medium allows the EM radiation to pass through in one direction while restricting it in the opposite direction, adds additional degrees of freedom such as one-way channelling functionality. In this work, a CMM formed by a pair of mutually twisted slanted complementary metal strips is realized for broadband AT accompanied with cross-polarization (CP) conversion for linearly polarized EM waves. Numerically, the proposed ultra-thin (˜λ/42) CMM shows broadband AT from 8.58 GHz to 9.73 GHz (bandwidth of 1.15 GHz) accompanied with CP transmission magnitude greater than 0.9. The transmission and reflection spectra reveal the origin of the asymmetric transmission as the direction sensitive cross polarization conversion and anisotropic electric coupling occurring in the structure which is then elaborated with the surface current analysis and electric field distribution within the structure. An experiment is carried out to verify the broadband AT based CP conversion of the proposed CMM at microwave frequencies, and a reliable agreement between numerical and experimental results is obtained. Being ultra-thin, the reported broadband AT based CP conversion of the proposed CMM is useful for controlling radiation patterns in non-reciprocal EM devices and communication networks.
Review Article: Influenza Transmission on Aircraft: A Systematic Literature Review.
Leitmeyer, Katrin; Adlhoch, Cornelia
Air travel is associated with the spread of influenza through infected passengers and potentially through in-flight transmission. Contact tracing after exposure to influenza is not performed systematically. We performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the evidence for influenza transmission aboard aircraft. Using PubMed and EMBASE databases, we identified and critically appraised identified records to assess the evidence of such transmission to passengers seated in close proximity to the index cases. We also developed a bias assessment tool to evaluate the quality of evidence provided in the retrieved studies. We identified 14 peer-reviewed publications describing contact tracing of passengers after possible exposure to influenza virus aboard an aircraft. Contact tracing during the initial phase of the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic was described in 11 publications. The studies describe the follow-up of 2,165 (51%) of 4,252 traceable passengers. Altogether, 163 secondary cases were identified resulting in an overall secondary attack rate among traced passengers of 7.5%. Of these secondary cases, 68 (42%) were seated within two rows of the index case. We found an overall moderate quality of evidence for transmission of influenza virus aboard an aircraft. The major limiting factor was the comparability of the studies. A majority of secondary cases was identified at a greater distance than two rows from the index case. A standardized approach for initiating, conducting, and reporting contact tracing could help to increase the evidence base for better assessing influenza transmission aboard aircraft.
Demonstration of transmission high energy electron microscopy
Merrill, F. E.; Goett, J.; Gibbs, J. W.; ...
High energy electrons have been used to investigate an extension of transmission electron microscopy. This technique, transmission high energy electron microscopy (THEEM), provides two additional capabilities to electron microscopy. First, high energy electrons are more penetrating than low energy electrons, and thus, they are able to image through thicker samples. Second, the accelerating mode of a radio-frequency linear accelerator provides fast exposures, down to 1 ps, which are ideal for flash radiography, making THEEM well suited to study the evolution of fast material processes under dynamic conditions. Lastly, initial investigations with static objects and during material processing have been performedmore » to investigate the capabilities of this technique.« less
Experimental Transmission of Mayaro Virus by Aedes aegypti
Long, Kanya C.; Ziegler, Sarah A.; Thangamani, Saravanan; Hausser, Nicole L.; Kochel, Tadeusz J.; Higgs, Stephen; Tesh, Robert B.
Outbreaks of Mayaro fever have been associated with a sylvatic cycle of Mayaro virus (MAYV) transmission in South America. To evaluate the potential for a common urban mosquito to transmit MAYV, laboratory vector competence studies were performed with Aedes aegypti from Iquitos, Peru. Oral infection in Ae. aegypti ranged from 0% (0/31) to 84% (31/37), with blood meal virus titers between 3.4 log10 and 7.3 log10 plaque-forming units (PFU)/mL. Transmission of MAYV by 70% (21/30) of infected mosquitoes was shown by saliva collection and exposure to suckling mice. Amount of viral RNA in febrile humans, determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction, ranged from 2.7 to 5.3 log10 PFU equivalents/mL. Oral susceptibility of Ae. aegypti to MAYV at titers encountered in viremic humans may limit opportunities to initiate an urban cycle; however, transmission of MAYV by Ae. aegypti shows the vector competence of this species and suggests potential for urban transmission. PMID:21976583
Chaos-based CAZAC scheme for secure transmission in OFDM-PON
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fu, Xiaosong; Bi, Meihua; Zhou, Xuefang; Yang, Guowei; Lu, Yang; Hu, Miao
To effectively resist malicious eavesdropping and performance deterioration, a novel chaos-based secure transmission scheme is proposed to enhance the physical layer security and reduce peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing passive optical network (OFDM-PON). By the randomly extracting operation of common CAZAC values, the specially-designed constant amplitude zero autocorrelation (CAZAC) is created for system encryption and PAPR reduction enhancing the transmission security. This method is verified in {10-Gb/s encrypted OFDM-PON with 20-km fiber transmission. Results show that, compared to common OFDM-PON, our scheme achieves {3-dB PAPR reduction and {1-dB receiver sensitivity improvement.
Eteng, Akaa Agbaeze; Abdul Rahim, Sharul Kamal; Leow, Chee Yen; Chew, Beng Wah; Vandenbosch, Guy A E
Q-factor constraints are usually imposed on conductor loops employed as proximity range High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (HF-RFID) reader antennas to ensure adequate data bandwidth. However, pairing such low Q-factor loops in inductive energy transmission links restricts the link transmission performance. The contribution of this paper is to assess the improvement that is reached with a two-stage design method, concerning the transmission performance of a planar square loop relative to an initial design, without compromise to a Q-factor constraint. The first stage of the synthesis flow is analytical in approach, and determines the number and spacing of turns by which coupling between similar paired square loops can be enhanced with low deviation from the Q-factor limit presented by an initial design. The second stage applies full-wave electromagnetic simulations to determine more appropriate turn spacing and widths to match the Q-factor constraint, and achieve improved coupling relative to the initial design. Evaluating the design method in a test scenario yielded a more than 5% increase in link transmission efficiency, as well as an improvement in the link fractional bandwidth by more than 3%, without violating the loop Q-factor limit. These transmission performance enhancements are indicative of a potential for modifying proximity HF-RFID reader antennas for efficient inductive energy transfer and data telemetry links.
Stereo sequence transmission via conventional transmission channel
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Ho-Keun; Kim, Chul-Hwan; Han, Kyu-Phil; Ha, Yeong-Ho
This paper proposes a new stereo sequence transmission technique using digital watermarking for compatibility with conventional 2D digital TV. We, generally, compress and transmit image sequence using temporal-spatial redundancy between stereo images. It is difficult for users with conventional digital TV to watch the transmitted 3D image sequence because many 3D image compression methods are different. To solve such a problem, in this paper, we perceive the concealment of new information of digital watermarking and conceal information of the other stereo image into three channels of the reference image. The main target of the technique presented is to let the people who have conventional DTV watch stereo movies at the same time. This goal is reached by considering the response of human eyes to color information and by using digital watermarking. To hide right images into left images effectively, bit-change in 3 color channels and disparity estimation according to the value of estimated disparity are performed. The proposed method assigns the displacement information of right image to each channel of YCbCr on DCT domain. Each LSB bit on YCbCr channels is changed according to the bits of disparity information. The performance of the presented methods is confirmed by several computer experiments.
Small passenger car transmission test-Chevrolet 200 transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bujold, M. P.
The small passenger car transmission was tested to supply electric vehicle manufacturers with technical information regarding the performance of commerically available transmissions which would enable them to design a more energy efficient vehicle. With this information the manufacturers could estimate vehicle driving range as well as speed and torque requirements for specific road load performance characteristics. A 1979 Chevrolet Model 200 automatic transmission was tested per a passenger car automatic transmission test code (SAE J651b) which required drive performance, coast performance, and no load test conditions. The transmission attained maximum efficiencies in the mid-eighty percent range for both drive performance tests and coast performance tests. Torque, speed and efficiency curves map the complete performance characteristics for Chevrolet Model 200 transmission.
Allocation and management issues in multiple-transaction open access transmission networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tao, Shu
This thesis focuses on some key issues related to allocation and management by the independent grid operator (IGO) of unbundled services in multiple-transaction open access transmission networks. The three unbundled services addressed in the thesis are transmission real power losses, reactive power support requirements from generation sources, and transmission congestion management. We develop the general framework that explicitly represents multiple transactions undertaken simultaneously in the transmission grid. This framework serves as the basis for formulating various problems treated in the thesis. We use this comprehensive framework to develop a physical-flow-based mechanism to allocate the total transmission losses to each transaction using the system. An important property of the allocation scheme is its capability to effectively deal with counter flows that result in the presence of specific transactions. Using the loss allocation results as the basis, we construct the equivalent loss compensation concept and apply it to develop flexible and effective procedures for compensating losses in multiple-transaction networks. We present a new physical-flow-based mechanism for allocating the reactive power support requirements provided by generators in multiple-transaction networks. The allocatable reactive support requirements are formulated as the sum of two specific components---the voltage magnitude variation component and the voltage angle variation component. The formulation utilizes the multiple-transaction framework and makes use of certain simplifying approximations. The formulation leads to a natural allocation as a function of the amount of each transaction. The physical interpretation of each allocation as a sensitivity of the reactive output of a generator is discussed. We propose a congestion management allocation scheme for multiple-transaction networks. The proposed scheme determines the allocation of congestion among the transactions on a physical
Bayesian reconstruction of transmission within outbreaks using genomic variants.
De Maio, Nicola; Worby, Colin J; Wilson, Daniel J; Stoesser, Nicole
Pathogen genome sequencing can reveal details of transmission histories and is a powerful tool in the fight against infectious disease. In particular, within-host pathogen genomic variants identified through heterozygous nucleotide base calls are a potential source of information to identify linked cases and infer direction and time of transmission. However, using such data effectively to model disease transmission presents a number of challenges, including differentiating genuine variants from those observed due to sequencing error, as well as the specification of a realistic model for within-host pathogen population dynamics. Here we propose a new Bayesian approach to transmission inference, BadTrIP (BAyesian epiDemiological TRansmission Inference from Polymorphisms), that explicitly models evolution of pathogen populations in an outbreak, transmission (including transmission bottlenecks), and sequencing error. BadTrIP enables the inference of host-to-host transmission from pathogen sequencing data and epidemiological data. By assuming that genomic variants are unlinked, our method does not require the computationally intensive and unreliable reconstruction of individual haplotypes. Using simulations we show that BadTrIP is robust in most scenarios and can accurately infer transmission events by efficiently combining information from genetic and epidemiological sources; thanks to its realistic model of pathogen evolution and the inclusion of epidemiological data, BadTrIP is also more accurate than existing approaches. BadTrIP is distributed as an open source package ( for the phylogenetic software BEAST2. We apply our method to reconstruct transmission history at the early stages of the 2014 Ebola outbreak, showcasing the power of within-host genomic variants to reconstruct transmission events.
Operational modal analysis using SVD of power spectral density transmissibility matrices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Araújo, Iván Gómez; Laier, Jose Elias
This paper proposes the singular value decomposition of power spectrum density transmissibility matrices with different references, (PSDTM-SVD), as an identification method of natural frequencies and mode shapes of a dynamic system subjected to excitations under operational conditions. At the system poles, the rows of the proposed transmissibility matrix converge to the same ratio of amplitudes of vibration modes. As a result, the matrices are linearly dependent on the columns, and their singular values converge to zero. Singular values are used to determine the natural frequencies, and the first left singular vectors are used to estimate mode shapes. A numerical example of the finite element model of a beam subjected to colored noise excitation is analyzed to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed method. Results of the PSDTM-SVD method in the numerical example are compared with obtained using frequency domain decomposition (FDD) and power spectrum density transmissibility (PSDT). It is demonstrated that the proposed method does not depend on the excitation characteristics contrary to the FDD method that assumes white noise excitation, and further reduces the risk to identify extra non-physical poles in comparison to the PSDT method. Furthermore, a case study is performed using data from an operational vibration test of a bridge with a simply supported beam system. The real application of a full-sized bridge has shown that the proposed PSDTM-SVD method is able to identify the operational modal parameter. Operational modal parameters identified by the PSDTM-SVD in the real application agree well those identified by the FDD and PSDT methods.
Blocking Effects of Human Tau on Squid Giant Synapse Transmission and Its Prevention by T-817 MA
Moreno, Herman; Choi, Soonwook; Yu, Eunah; Brusco, Janaina; Avila, Jesus; Moreira, Jorge E.; Sugimori, Mutsuyuki; Llinás, Rodolfo R.
Filamentous tau inclusions are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative tauopathies, but the molecular mechanisms involved in tau-mediated changes in neuronal function and their possible effects on synaptic transmission are unknown. We have evaluated the effects of human tau protein injected directly into the presynaptic terminal axon of the squid giant synapse, which affords functional, structural, and biochemical analysis of its action on the synaptic release process. Indeed, we have found that at physiological concentration recombinant human tau (h-tau42) becomes phosphorylated, produces a rapid synaptic transmission block, and induces the formation of clusters of aggregated synaptic vesicles in the vicinity of the active zone. Presynaptic voltage clamp recordings demonstrate that h-tau42 does not modify the presynaptic calcium current amplitude or kinetics. Analysis of synaptic noise at the post-synaptic axon following presynaptic h-tau42 microinjection revealed an initial phase of increase spontaneous transmitter release followed by a marked reduction in noise. Finally, systemic administration of T-817MA, a proposed neuro-protective agent, rescued tau-induced synaptic abnormalities. Our results show novel mechanisms of h-tau42 mediated synaptic transmission failure and identify a potential therapeutic agent to treat tau-related neurotoxicity. PMID:21629767
Airborne or Fomite Transmission for Norovirus? A Case Study Revisited.
Xiao, Shenglan; Tang, Julian W; Li, Yuguo
Norovirus infection, a highly prevalent condition associated with a high rate of morbidity, comprises a significant health issue. Although norovirus transmission mainly occurs via the fecal-oral and vomit-oral routes, airborne transmission has been proposed in recent decades. This paper re-examines a previously described norovirus outbreak in a hotel restaurant wherein airborne transmission was originally inferred. Specifically, the original evidence that suggested airborne transmission was re-analyzed by exploring an alternative hypothesis: could this outbreak instead have occurred via fomite transmission? This re-analysis was based on whether fomite transmission could have yielded similar attack rate distribution patterns. Seven representative serving pathways used by waiters were considered, and the infection risk distributions of the alternative fomite transmission routes were predicted using a multi-agent model. These distributions were compared to the reported attack rate distribution in the original study using a least square methods approach. The results show that with some reasonable assumptions of human behavior patterns and parameter values, the attack rate distribution corresponded well with that of the infection risk via the fomite route. This finding offers an alternative interpretation of the transmission routes that underlay this particular norovirus outbreak and an important consideration in the development of infection control guidelines and the investigation of similar norovirus outbreaks in future.
Transmission and storage of medical images with patient information.
Acharya U, Rajendra; Subbanna Bhat, P; Kumar, Sathish; Min, Lim Choo
Digital watermarking is a technique of hiding specific identification data for copyright authentication. This technique is adapted here for interleaving patient information with medical images, to reduce storage and transmission overheads. The text data is encrypted before interleaving with images to ensure greater security. The graphical signals are interleaved with the image. Two types of error control-coding techniques are proposed to enhance reliability of transmission and storage of medical images interleaved with patient information. Transmission and storage scenarios are simulated with and without error control coding and a qualitative as well as quantitative interpretation of the reliability enhancement resulting from the use of various commonly used error control codes such as repetitive, and (7,4) Hamming code is provided.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dinh, Minh-Chau; Ju, Chang-Hyeon; Kim, Sung-Kyu; Kim, Jin-Geun; Park, Minwon; Yu, In-Keun
The combination of a high temperature superconducting DC power cable and a voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) creates a new option for transmitting power with multiple collection and distribution points for long distance and bulk power transmissions. It offers some greater advantages compared with HVAC or conventional HVDC transmission systems, and it is well suited for the grid integration of renewable energy sources in existing distribution or transmission systems. For this reason, a superconducting DC transmission system based HVDC transmission technologies is planned to be set up in the Jeju power system, Korea. Before applying this system to a real power system on Jeju Island, system analysis should be performed through a real time test. In this paper, a model-sized superconducting VSC-HVDC system, which consists of a small model-sized VSC-HVDC connected to a 2 m YBCO HTS DC model cable, is implemented. The authors have performed the real-time simulation method that incorporates the model-sized superconducting VSC-HVDC system into the simulated Jeju power system using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). The performance analysis of the superconducting VSC-HVDC systems has been verified by the proposed test platform and the results were discussed in detail.
Dynamics of a split torque helicopter transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rashidi, Majid; Krantz, Timothy
A high reduction ratio split torque gear train has been proposed as an alternative to a planetary configuration for the final stage of a helicopter transmission. A split torque design allows a high ratio of power-to-weight for the transmission. The design studied in this work includes a pivoting beam that acts to balance thrust loads produced by the helical gear meshes in each of two parallel power paths. When the thrust loads are balanced, the torque is split evenly. A mathematical model was developed to study the dynamics of the system. The effects of time varying gear mesh stiffness, static transmission errors, and flexible bearing supports are included in the model. The model was demonstrated with a test case. Results show that although the gearbox has a symmetric configuration, the simulated dynamic behavior of the first and second compound gears are not the same. Also, results show that shaft location and mesh stiffness tuning are significant design parameters that influence the motions of the system.
Analogue Hawking radiation in a dc-SQUID array transmission line.
Nation, P D; Blencowe, M P; Rimberg, A J; Buks, E
We propose the use of a superconducting transmission line formed from an array of direct-current superconducting quantum interference devices for investigating analogue Hawking radiation. Biasing the array with a space-time varying flux modifies the propagation velocity of the transmission line, leading to an effective metric with a horizon. Being a fundamentally quantum mechanical device, this setup allows for investigations of quantum effects such as backreaction and analogue space-time fluctuations on the Hawking process.
Symbiont survival and host-symbiont disequilibria under differential vertical transmission.
Sánchez, M S; Arnold, J; Asmussen, M A
Interspecific genetic interactions in host-symbiont systems raise intriguing coevolutionary questions and may influence the effectiveness of public health and management policies. Here we present an analytical and numerical investigation of the effects of host genetic heterogeneity in the rate of vertical transmission of a symbiont. We consider the baseline case with a monomorphic symbiont and a single diallelic locus in its diploid host, where vertical transmission is the sole force. Our analysis introduces interspecific disequilibria to quantify nonrandom associations between host genotypes and alleles and symbiont presence/absence. The transient and equilibrium behavior is examined in simulations with randomly generated initial conditions and transmission parameters. Compared to the case where vertical transmission rates are uniform across host genotypes, differential transmission (i) increases average symbiont survival from 50% to almost 60%, (ii) dramatically reduces the minimum average transmission rate for symbiont survival from 0.5 to 0.008, and (iii) readily creates permanent host-symbiont disequilibria de novo, whereas uniform transmission can neither create nor maintain such associations. On average, heterozygotes are slightly more likely to carry and maintain the symbiont in the population and are more randomly associated with the symbiont. Results show that simple evolutionary forces can create substantial nonrandom associations between two species. PMID:10757775
Multi-Speed Transmission For Commercial Delivery Medium Duty PEDVs
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chavdar, Bulent
Successful completion of the proposed project will set a course for improving quality of life by overcoming key challenges in the gearbox for commercial-delivery, medium-duty, plug-in electric drive vehicles: It will reduce US dependency on foreign oil through the use of electric driven propulsion instead of fuel driven. It will reduce health risks by replacing tailpipe emissions in densely populated city centers. Finally, it will improve the performance-cost basis to meet or exceed the expectations of the targeted medium duty vehicle fleet owners and the independent customers. The proposed multi-speed transmission will narrow motor operation to the peak efficiency region,more » thereby increasing the electric powertrain efficiency to help close the range gap. Further, it will enhance customer satisfaction by improving vehicle acceleration, top speed and gradeability over the baseline. The project was conducted in three budget periods: In BP1: Technology Development, High-level vehicle powertrain models were used to optimize candidate transmission architectures and ratios along with a variety of traction motor characteristics for concept selection. The detailed driveline designs and component dynamics were investigated to meet medium-duty EV requirements; In BP2: Technology Development and Prototype Demonstration, The modeling and simulations with multi-speed transmissions were extended to other MD and HD EV platforms. Clean sheet design of a compact, lightweight, flexible, and modular, four-speed transmission was completed. Development of novel shifting and controls strategies were started and procurement of the prototype transmission and the controller hardware was begun; In BP3: Technology Integration, Testing, and Demonstration, Prototyping the four-speed automated mechanical transmission was completed. The transmission controls system and software development and preliminary gearbox dyno tests were done at Eaton. ORNL conducted integrated powertrain HIL
Mass-stiffness substructuring of an elastic metasurface for full transmission beam steering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Hyuk; Lee, Jun Kyu; Seung, Hong Min; Kim, Yoon Young
The metasurface concept has a significant potential due to its novel wavefront-shaping functionalities that can be critically useful for ultrasonic and solid wave-based applications. To achieve the desired functionalities, elastic metasurfaces should cover full 2π phase shift and also acquire full transmission within subwavelength scale. However, they have not been explored much with respect to the elastic regime, because the intrinsic proportionality of mass-stiffness within the continuum elastic media causes an inevitable trade-off between abrupt phase shift and sufficient transmission. Our goal is to engineer an elastic metasurface that can realize an inverse relation between (amplified) effective mass and (weakened) stiffness in order to satisfy full 2π phase shift as well as full transmission. To achieve this goal, we propose a continuum elastic metasurface unit cell that is decomposed into two substructures, namely a mass-tuning substructure with a local dipolar resonator and a stiffness-tuning substructure composed of non-resonant multiply-perforated slits. We demonstrate analytically, numerically, and experimentally that this unique substructured unit cell can satisfy the required phase shift with high transmission. The substructuring enables independent tuning of the elastic properties over a wide range of values. We use a mass-spring model of the proposed continuum unit cell to investigate the working mechanism of the proposed metasurface. With the designed metasurface consisting of substructured unit cells embedded in an aluminum plate, we demonstrate that our metasurface can successfully realize anomalous steering and focusing of in-plane longitudinal ultrasonic beams. The proposed substructuring concept is expected to provide a new principle for the design of general elastic metasurfaces that can be used to efficiently engineer arbitrary wave profiles.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Grand Rapids 230 kV Transmission Line Project AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of... proposed Bemidji to Grand Rapids 230 kV Transmission Line Project (Project) in Beltrami, Hubbard, Itasca... financing to construct the 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the Wilton Substation near Bemidji...
Method and apparatus for executing an asynchronous clutch-to-clutch shift in a hybrid transmission
Demirovic, Besim; Gupta, Pinaki; Kaminsky, Lawrence A.; Naqvi, Ali K.; Heap, Anthony H.; Sah, Jy-Jen F.
A hybrid transmission includes first and second electric machines. A method for operating the hybrid transmission in response to a command to execute a shift from an initial continuously variable mode to a target continuously variable mode includes increasing torque of an oncoming clutch associated with operating in the target continuously variable mode and correspondingly decreasing a torque of an off-going clutch associated with operating in the initial continuously variable mode. Upon deactivation of the off-going clutch, torque outputs of the first and second electric machines and the torque of the oncoming clutch are controlled to synchronize the oncoming clutch. Upon synchronization of the oncoming clutch, the torque for the oncoming clutch is increased and the transmission is operated in the target continuously variable mode.
Zhang, Shuoting; Liu, Bo; Zheng, Sheng; ...
A transmission line emulator has been developed to flexibly represent interconnected ac lines under normal operating conditions in a voltage source converter (VSC)-based power system emulation platform. As the most serious short-circuit fault condition, the three-phase short-circuit fault emulation is essential for power system studies. Here, this paper proposes a model to realize a three-phase short-circuit fault emulation at different locations along a single transmission line or one of several parallel-connected transmission lines. At the same time, a combination method is proposed to eliminate the undesired transients caused by the current reference step changes while switching between the fault statemore » and the normal state. Experiment results verify the developed transmission line three-phase short-circuit fault emulation capability.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhang, Shuoting; Liu, Bo; Zheng, Sheng
A transmission line emulator has been developed to flexibly represent interconnected ac lines under normal operating conditions in a voltage source converter (VSC)-based power system emulation platform. As the most serious short-circuit fault condition, the three-phase short-circuit fault emulation is essential for power system studies. Here, this paper proposes a model to realize a three-phase short-circuit fault emulation at different locations along a single transmission line or one of several parallel-connected transmission lines. At the same time, a combination method is proposed to eliminate the undesired transients caused by the current reference step changes while switching between the fault statemore » and the normal state. Experiment results verify the developed transmission line three-phase short-circuit fault emulation capability.« less
Adaptive low-power listening MAC protocol based on transmission rates.
Hwang, Kwang-il; Yi, Gangman
Even though existing low-power listening (LPL) protocols have enabled ultra-low-power operation in wireless sensor networks (WSN), they do not address trade-off between energy and delay, since they focused only on energy aspect. However, in recent years, a growing interest in various WSN applications is requiring new design factors, such as minimum delay and higher reliability, as well as energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper we propose a novel sensor multiple access control (MAC) protocol, transmission rate based adaptive low-power listening MAC protocol (TRA-MAC), which is a kind of preamble-based LPL but is capable of controlling preamble sensing cycle adaptively to transmission rates. Through experiments, it is demonstrated that TRA-MAC enables LPL cycle (LC) and preamble transmission length to adapt dynamically to varying transmission rates, compensating trade-off between energy and response time.
Kim, Byung Gon; Bae, Sung Hyun; Kim, Hoon; Chung, Yun C
We propose and demonstrate a simple composite second-order (CSO) cancellation technique based on the digital signal processing (DSP) for the radio-over-fiber (RoF) transmission system implemented by using directly modulated lasers (DMLs). When the RoF transmission system is implemented by using DMLs, its performance could be limited by the CSO distortions caused by the interplay between the DML's chirp and fiber's chromatic dispersion. We present the theoretical analysis of these nonlinear distortions and show that they can be suppressed at the receiver by using a simple DSP. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed technique, we demonstrate the transmission of twenty-four 100-MHz filtered orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (f-OFDM) signals in 64 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) format over 20 km of the standard single-mode fiber (SSMF). The results show that, by using the proposed technique, we can suppress the CSO distortion components by >10 dB and achieve the error-vector magnitude performance better than 6% even after the 20-km long SSMF transmission.
Zhu, Huatao; Wang, Rong; Pu, Tao; Fang, Tao; Xiang, Peng; Zheng, Jilin; Chen, Dalei
In this Letter, the optical stealth transmission carried by super-continuum spectrum optical pulses generated in highly nonlinear fiber is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In the proposed transmission scheme, super-continuum signals are reshaped in the spectral domain through a wavelength-selective switch and are temporally spread by a chromatic dispersion device to achieve the same noise-like characteristic as the noise in optical networks, so that in both the time domain and the spectral domain, the stealth signals are hidden in public channel. Our experimental results show that compared with existing schemes where stealth channels are carried by amplified spontaneous emission noise, super-continuum signal can increase the transmission performance and robustness.
Rate and power efficient image compressed sensing and transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Olanigan, Saheed; Cao, Lei; Viswanathan, Ramanarayanan
This paper presents a suboptimal quantization and transmission scheme for multiscale block-based compressed sensing images over wireless channels. The proposed method includes two stages: dealing with quantization distortion and transmission errors. First, given the total transmission bit rate, the optimal number of quantization bits is assigned to the sensed measurements in different wavelet sub-bands so that the total quantization distortion is minimized. Second, given the total transmission power, the energy is allocated to different quantization bit layers based on their different error sensitivities. The method of Lagrange multipliers with Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions is used to solve both optimization problems, for which the first problem can be solved with relaxation and the second problem can be solved completely. The effectiveness of the scheme is illustrated through simulation results, which have shown up to 10 dB improvement over the method without the rate and power optimization in medium and low signal-to-noise ratio cases.
A low delay transmission method of multi-channel video based on FPGA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fu, Weijian; Wei, Baozhi; Li, Xiaobin; Wang, Quan; Hu, Xiaofei
In order to guarantee the fluency of multi-channel video transmission in video monitoring scenarios, we designed a kind of video format conversion method based on FPGA and its DMA scheduling for video data, reduces the overall video transmission delay.In order to sace the time in the conversion process, the parallel ability of FPGA is used to video format conversion. In order to improve the direct memory access (DMA) writing transmission rate of PCIe bus, a DMA scheduling method based on asynchronous command buffer is proposed. The experimental results show that this paper designs a low delay transmission method based on FPGA, which increases the DMA writing transmission rate by 34% compared with the existing method, and then the video overall delay is reduced to 23.6ms.
Reduction of initial shock in decadal predictions using a new initialization strategy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
He, Yujun; Wang, Bin; Liu, Mimi; Liu, Li; Yu, Yongqiang; Liu, Juanjuan; Li, Ruizhe; Zhang, Cheng; Xu, Shiming; Huang, Wenyu; Liu, Qun; Wang, Yong; Li, Feifei
A novel full-field initialization strategy based on the dimension-reduced projection four-dimensional variational data assimilation (DRP-4DVar) is proposed to alleviate the well-known initial shock occurring in the early years of decadal predictions. It generates consistent initial conditions, which best fit the monthly mean oceanic analysis data along the coupled model trajectory in 1 month windows. Three indices to measure the initial shock intensity are also proposed. Results indicate that this method does reduce the initial shock in decadal predictions by Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point version 2 (FGOALS-g2) compared with the three-dimensional variational data assimilation-based nudging full-field initialization for the same model and is comparable to or even better than the different initialization strategies for other fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models. Better hindcasts of global mean surface air temperature anomalies can be obtained than in other FGOALS-g2 experiments. Due to the good model response to external forcing and the reduction of initial shock, higher decadal prediction skill is achieved than in other CMIP5 models.
Penetrating transmission zeros in the design of robust servomechanism systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wang, S. H.; Davison, E. J.
In the design of a robust servomechanism system, it is well known that the system cannot track a reference signal whose frequency coincides with the transmission zeros of the system. This paper proposes a new design method for overcoming this difficulty. The controller to be used employs a sampler and holding device with exponential decay. It is shown that the transmission zeros of the discretized system can be shifted by changing the rate of the exponential decay of the holding device. Thus, it is possible to design a robust controller for the discretized system to track any reference signal of given frequency, even if the given frequency coincides with the transmission zeros of the original continuous-time system.
Small passenger car transmission test: Mercury Lynx ATX transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bujold, M. P.
The testing of a Mercury Lynx automatic transmission is reported. The transmission was tested in accordance with a passenger car automatic transmission test code (SAE J65lb) which required drive performance, coast performance, and no load test conditions. Under these conditions, the transmission attained maximum efficiencies in the mid-ninety percent range both for drive performance test and coast performance tests. The torque, speed, and efficiency curves are presented, which provide the complete performance characteristics for the Mercury Lynx automatic transmission.
Law, Andrew J.; Sharma, Gaurav; Schieber, Marc H.
We present a methodology for detecting effective connections between simultaneously recorded neurons using an information transmission measure to identify the presence and direction of information flow from one neuron to another. Using simulated and experimentally-measured data, we evaluate the performance of our proposed method and compare it to the traditional transfer entropy approach. In simulations, our measure of information transmission outperforms transfer entropy in identifying the effective connectivity structure of a neuron ensemble. For experimentally recorded data, where ground truth is unavailable, the proposed method also yields a more plausible connectivity structure than transfer entropy. PMID:21096617
van't Wout, A B; Kootstra, N A; Mulder-Kampinga, G A; Albrecht-van Lent, N; Scherpbier, H J; Veenstra, J; Boer, K; Coutinho, R A; Miedema, F; Schuitemaker, H
Macrophage-tropic, non-syncytium-inducing, HIV-1 variants predominate in the asymptomatic phase of infection and may be responsible for establishing infection in an individual exposed to the mixture of HIV-1 variants. Here, genotypical and phenotypical characteristics of virus populations, present in sexual, parenteral, or vertical donor-recipient pairs, were studied. Sequence analysis of the V3 domain confirmed the presence of a homogeneous virus population in recently infected individuals. Biological HIV-1 clones were further characterized for syncytium inducing capacity on the MT2 cell line and for macrophage tropism as defined by the appearance of proviral DNA upon inoculation of monocyte-derived macrophages. Both sexual and parenteral transmission cases revealed a selective outgrowth in the recipient of the most macrophage-tropic variant(s) present in the donor. In three out of five vertical transmission cases, more than one highly macrophage-tropic virus variant was present in the child shortly after birth, suggestive of transmission of multiple variants. In three primary infection cases, homogeneous virus populations of macrophage-tropic, non-syncytium-inducing variants were present prior to seroconversion, thus excluding humoral immunity as the selective pressure in favour of macrophage-tropic variants. These observations may have important implications for vaccine development. PMID:7962552
Face Gear Technology for Aerospace Power Transmission Progresses
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The use of face gears in an advanced rotorcraft transmission design was first proposed by the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company during their contracted effort with the U.S. Army under the Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) program. Face gears would be used to turn the corner between the horizontal gas turbine engine and the vertical output rotor shaft--a function currently done by spiral bevel gears. This novel gearing arrangement would substantially lower the drive system weight partly because a face gear mesh would be used to split the input power between two output gears. However, the use of face gears and their ability to operate successfully at the speeds and loads required for an aerospace environment was unknown. Therefore a proof-of-concept phase with an existing test stand at the NASA Lewis Research Center was pursued. Hardware was designed that could be tested in Lewis' Spiral Bevel Gear Test Rig. The initial testing indicated that the face gear mesh was a feasible design that could be used at high speeds and load. Surface pitting fatigue was the typical failure mode, and that could lead to tooth fracture. An interim project was conducted to see if slight modifications to the gear tooth geometry or an alternative heat treating process could overcome the surface fatigue problems. From the initial and interim tests, it was apparent that for the surface fatigue problems to be overcome the manufacturing process used for this component would have to be developed to the level used for spiral bevel gears. The current state of the art for face gear manufacturing required using less than optimal gear materials and manufacturing techniques because the surface of the tooth form does not receive final finishing after heat treatment as it does for spiral bevel gears. This resulted in less than desirable surface hardness and manufacturing tolerances. An Advanced Research and Projects Agency (ARPA) Technology Reinvestment Project has been funded to investigate
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... with construction activities, material storage, and staging. The proposed transmission project is in... proposed project will support the delivery of 500 megawatts into the VEA transmission system through the... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management [LLNVS03000.L5101.ER0000. LVRWF1104400; NVN...
Secure Image Transmission over DFT-precoded OFDM-VLC systems based on Chebyshev Chaos scrambling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Zhongpeng; Qiu, Weiwei
This paper proposes a physical layer image secure transmission scheme for discrete Fourier transform (DFT) precoded OFDM-based visible light communication systems by using Chebyshev chaos maps. In the proposed scheme, 256 subcarriers and QPSK modulation are employed. The transmitted digital signal of the image is encrypted with a Chebyshev chaos sequence. The encrypted signal is then transformed by a DFT precoding matrix to reduce the PAPR of the OFDM signal. After that, the encrypted and DFT-precoded OFDM are transmitted over a VLC channel. The simulation results show that the proposed image security transmission scheme can not only protect the DFT-precoded OFDM-based VLC from eavesdroppers but also improve BER performance.
Small passenger car transmission test; Chevrolet LUV transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bujold, M. P.
A 1978 Chevrolet LUV manual transmission tested per the applicable portions of a passenger car automatic transmission test code (SAE J65lb) which required drive performance, coast performance, and no load test conditions. Under these test conditions, the transmission attained maximum efficiencies in the upper ninety percent range for both drive performance tests and coast performance tests. The major results of this test (torque, speed, and efficiency curves) are presented. Graphs map the complete performance characteristics for the Chevrolet LUV transmission.
A short-range optical wireless transmission method based on LED
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miao, Meiyuan; Chen, Ailin; Zhu, Mingxing; Li, Ping; Gao, Yingming; Zou, Nianyu
As to electromagnetic wave interfere and only one to one transmission problem of Bluetooth, a short-range LED optical wireless transmission method is proposed to be complementary technology in this paper. Furthermore achieved image transmission through this method. The system makes C52 to be the mater controller, transmitter got data from terminals by USB and sends modulated signals with LED. Optical signal is detected by PD, through amplified, filtered with shaping wave from, and demodulated on receiver. Then send to terminals like PC and reverted back to original image. Analysis the performance from peak power and average power, power consumption of transmitter, relationship of bit error rate and modulation mode, and influence of ambient light, respectively. The results shows that image can be received accurately which uses this method. The most distant transmission distance can get to 1m with transmitter LED source of 1w, and the transfer rate is 14.4Kbit/s with OOK modulation mode on stabilization system, the ambient light effect little to LED transmission system in normal light environment. The method is a convenient to carry LED wireless short range transmission for mobile transmission equipment as a supplement of Bluetooth short-range transmission for its ISM band interfere, and the analysis method in this paper can be a reference for other similar systems. It also proves the system is feasibility for next study.
Robust Transmission of H.264/AVC Streams Using Adaptive Group Slicing and Unequal Error Protection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Thomos, Nikolaos; Argyropoulos, Savvas; Boulgouris, Nikolaos V.; Strintzis, Michael G.
We present a novel scheme for the transmission of H.264/AVC video streams over lossy packet networks. The proposed scheme exploits the error-resilient features of H.264/AVC codec and employs Reed-Solomon codes to protect effectively the streams. A novel technique for adaptive classification of macroblocks into three slice groups is also proposed. The optimal classification of macroblocks and the optimal channel rate allocation are achieved by iterating two interdependent steps. Dynamic programming techniques are used for the channel rate allocation process in order to reduce complexity. Simulations clearly demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over other recent algorithms for transmission of H.264/AVC streams.
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
A planar transmission-line configuration for rapid, nondestructive, wideband permittivity measurements of liquid and semisolid materials at microwave frequencies is described. The transmission-line propagation constant of the proposed configuration is determined with the multiline technique from sca...
Two-dimensional angular transmission characterization of CPV modules.
Herrero, R; Domínguez, C; Askins, S; Antón, I; Sala, G
This paper proposes a fast method to characterize the two-dimensional angular transmission function of a concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) system. The so-called inverse method, which has been used in the past for the characterization of small optical components, has been adapted to large-area CPV modules. In the inverse method, the receiver cell is forward biased to produce a Lambertian light emission, which reveals the reverse optical path of the optics. Using a large-area collimator mirror, the light beam exiting the optics is projected on a Lambertian screen to create a spatially resolved image of the angular transmission function. An image is then obtained using a CCD camera. To validate this method, the angular transmission functions of a real CPV module have been measured by both direct illumination (flash CPV simulator and sunlight) and the inverse method, and the comparison shows good agreement.
Büchner, Ané; Du Plessis, Nicolette M; Reynders, David T; Omar, Fareed E; Mayaphi, Simnikiwe H; Haeri Mazanderani, Ahmad F; Avenant, Theunis
Hospital-acquired hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been well described and continues to occur worldwide. Recent nosocomial outbreaks have been linked to unsafe injection practices, use of multi-dose vials, and poor staff compliance with standard precautions. This report describes a nosocomial outbreak that occurred in a pediatric hematology and oncology unit of a large academic hospital, the epidemiological investigation of the outbreak, and preventive measures implemented to limit further in-hospital transmission. Outbreak investigation including contact tracing and HBV screening were initially carried out on all patients seen by the unit during the same period as the first three cases. Routine screening for the entire patient population of the unit was initiated in February 2013 when it was realized that numerous patients may have been exposed. Forty-nine cases of HBV infection were confirmed in 408 patients tested between July 2011 and October 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of the HBV preC/C gene nucleotide sequences revealed that all tested outbreak strains clustered together. Most (67%) patients were HBeAg positive. The cause of transmission could not be established. Preventive measures targeted three proposed routes. HBV screening and vaccination protocols were started in the unit. The high number of HBeAg positive patients, together with suspected lapses in infection prevention and control measures, are believed to have played a major role in the transmission. Measures implemented to prevent further in-hospital transmission were successful. On-going HBV screening and vaccination programs in pediatric hematology and oncology units should become standard of care. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Whittington, Richard J; Paul-Pont, Ika; Evans, Olivia; Hick, Paul; Dhand, Navneet K
Marine herpesviruses are responsible for epizootics in economically, ecologically and culturally significant taxa. The recent emergence of microvariants of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas has resulted in socioeconomic losses in Europe, New Zealand and Australia however, there is no information on their origin or mode of transmission. These factors need to be understood because they influence the way the disease may be prevented and controlled. Mortality data obtained from experimental populations of C. gigas during natural epizootics of OsHV-1 disease in Australia were analysed qualitatively. In addition we compared actual mortality data with those from a Reed-Frost model of direct transmission and analysed incubation periods using Sartwell's method to test for the type of epizootic, point source or propagating. We concluded that outbreaks were initiated from an unknown environmental source which is unlikely to be farmed oysters in the same estuary. While direct oyster-to-oyster transmission may occur in larger oysters if they are in close proximity (< 40 cm), it did not explain the observed epizootics, point source exposure and indirect transmission being more common and important. A conceptual model is proposed for OsHV-1 index case source and transmission, leading to endemicity with recurrent seasonal outbreaks. The findings suggest that prevention and control of OsHV-1 in C. gigas will require multiple interventions. OsHV-1 in C. gigas, which is a sedentary animal once beyond the larval stage, is an informative model when considering marine host-herpesvirus relationships.
Strategies to prevent HIV transmission to serodiscordant couples.
Hallal, Ronaldo Campos; Raxach, Juan Carlos; Barcellos, Nêmora Tregnago; Maksud, Ivia
The use antiretroviral reduces the sexual transmission of HIV, expanding interventions for serodiscordant couples. This article aims to review the use of antiretroviral and other prevention interventions among serodiscordant couples and to analyze its use in Brazil. A retrospective review was performed through the MEDLINE database and bases included in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. The articles recovered exhibit four main strategies: (1) condom; (2) reduction of risks in sexual practices; (3) use of antiretrovirals, particularly early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (TASP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP); (4) risk reduction in reproduction. TASP is highly effective in reducing sexual transmission, PrEP was tested in serodiscordant couples and both reduce the sexual transmission risk in different sexual practices, enabling individualized prevention strategies. When used in combination, antiretrovirals and sexual practices with condoms offer greater efficacy than any single strategy. The combined use of new and old strategies allows us to build a prevention policy for all.
The Culture-Transmission Motive in Immigrants: A World-Wide Internet Survey.
Mchitarjan, Irina; Reisenzein, Rainer
A world-wide internet survey was conducted to test central assumptions of a recent theory of cultural transmission in minorities proposed by the authors. 844 1st to 2nd generation immigrants from a wide variety of countries recruited on a microjob platform completed a questionnaire designed to test eight hypotheses derived from the theory. Support was obtained for all hypotheses. In particular, evidence was obtained for the continued presence, in the immigrants, of the culture-transmission motive postulated by the theory: the desire to maintain the culture of origin and transmit it to the next generation. Support was also obtained for the hypothesized anchoring of the culture-transmission motive in more basic motives fulfilled by cultural groups, the relative intra- and intergenerational stability of the culture-transmission motive, and its motivating effects for action tendencies and desires that support cultural transmission under the difficult conditions of migration. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the assumption that people have a culture-transmission motive belongs to the folk psychology of sociocultural groups, and that immigrants regard the fulfillment of this desire as a moral right.
Open-source framework for power system transmission and distribution dynamics co-simulation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Huang, Renke; Fan, Rui; Daily, Jeff
The promise of the smart grid entails more interactions between the transmission and distribution networks, and there is an immediate need for tools to provide the comprehensive modelling and simulation required to integrate operations at both transmission and distribution levels. Existing electromagnetic transient simulators can perform simulations with integration of transmission and distribution systems, but the computational burden is high for large-scale system analysis. For transient stability analysis, currently there are only separate tools for simulating transient dynamics of the transmission and distribution systems. In this paper, we introduce an open source co-simulation framework “Framework for Network Co-Simulation” (FNCS), togethermore » with the decoupled simulation approach that links existing transmission and distribution dynamic simulators through FNCS. FNCS is a middleware interface and framework that manages the interaction and synchronization of the transmission and distribution simulators. Preliminary testing results show the validity and capability of the proposed open-source co-simulation framework and the decoupled co-simulation methodology.« less
Desai, Sruti K; Hartman, Steven D; Jayarajan, Shilpa; Liu, Stephanie; Gallicano, G Ian
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been of major international public health concern following large outbreaks in the Americas occurring in 2015-2016. Most notably, ZIKV has been seen to pose dangers in pregnancy due to its association with congenital abnormalities such as microcephaly. Numerous experimental approaches have been taken to address how the virus can cross the placenta, alter normal fetal development, and disrupt specific cellular functions. Many areas concerning the mechanisms of transmission, especially from mother to fetus, are largely unknown but demand further research. Several promising new studies are presented that provide insight into possible mechanisms of transmission, different cell types affected, and immune responses towards the virus. By aiming to better understand the processes behind altered fetal neuronal development due to ZIKV infection, the hope is to find ways to increase protection of the fetus and prevent congenital abnormalities such as microcephaly. As ZIKV infection is spreading to increasingly more areas and bringing harmful outcomes and birth defects with it, it is imperative to identify the mechanisms of transmitting this infectious agent, consider different genetic backgrounds of hosts and strain types, and navigate methods to protect those affected from the detrimental effects of this newly emerging virus. PMID:28804687
Transmission Reinforcements in the Central American Regional Power System
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Elizondo, Marcelo A.; Vallem, Mallikarjuna R.; Samaan, Nader A.
The Central American regional interconnected power system (SER) connects the countries members of the Central American regional electricity market (MER): Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. The SER was a result of a long term regional effort, and was initially conceived to transfer 300 MW between countries. However, the current transfer limits between countries range from 70 MW to 300 MW. Regional entities, like CRIE (Regional Commission of Electrical Interconnection), EOR (Central American Regional System Operator), and CDMER (Board of Directors of the Central American Market) are working on coordinating the national transmission expansion plans with regionalmore » transmission planning efforts. This paper presents experience in Central America region to recommend transmission reinforcements to achieve 300 MW transfer capacity between any pair of member countries of the Central American regional electricity market (MER). This paper also provides a methodology for technical analysis and for coordination among the regional and national entities. This methodology is unique for transmission systems of these characteristics.« less
Shaw, George M.; Hunter, Eric
HIV-1 is transmitted by sexual contact across mucosal surfaces, by maternal-infant exposure, and by percutaneous inoculation. For reasons that are still incompletely understood, CCR5-tropic viruses (R5 viruses) are preferentially transmitted by all routes. Transmission is followed by an orderly appearance of viral and host markers of infection in the blood plasma. In the acute phase of infection, HIV-1 replicates exponentially and diversifies randomly, allowing for an unambiguous molecular identification of transmitted/founder virus genomes and a precise characterization of the population bottleneck to virus transmission. Sexual transmission of HIV-1 most often results in productive clinical infection arising from a single virus, highlighting the extreme bottleneck and inherent inefficiency in virus transmission. It remains to be determined if HIV-1 transmission is largely a stochastic process whereby any reasonably fit R5 virus can be transmitted or if there are features of transmitted/founder viruses that facilitate their transmission in a biologically meaningful way. Human tissue explant models of HIV-1 infection and animal models of SIV/SHIV/HIV-1 transmission, coupled with new challenge virus strains that more closely reflect transmitted/founder viruses, have the potential to elucidate fundamental mechanisms in HIV-1 transmission relevant to vaccine design and other prevention strategies. PMID:23043157
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fu, Qiang; Gao, Duorui; Liu, Zhi; Chen, Chunyi; Lou, Yan; Jiang, Huilin
Based on partially coherent polarized light transmission characteristics of the atmosphere, an intensity expression of completely coherent flashing light is derived from Andrews scale modulation method. According to the generalized Huygens-Fresnel principle and Rytov theory, the phase fluctuation structure function is obtained on condition that the refractive index profile in the atmosphere meet Von Karman spectrum, then get the arrival Angle fluctuation variance. Through the RMS beam width of gaussian beams in turbulent atmosphere, deviation angle formula of fully coherent gaussian beams in turbulence atmosphere is attained, then get the RMS beam width of partially coherent and derivation angle expression of GSM beam in turbulent atmosphere. Combined with transmission properties of radial polarized laser beam, cross spectral density matrix of partially coherent radially polarized light can be gained by using generalized huygens-fresnel principle. And light intensity and polarization after transmission can be known according to the unity of coherence and polarization theory. On the basis of the analysis model and numerical simulation, the simulation results show that: the light spot caused by atmospheric turbulence of partially coherent polarization will be superior to completely polarized light.Taking advantage of this feature, designed a new wireless suppression technology of atmospheric turbulence, that is the optimization criterion of initial degree of coherent light beam. The optimal initial degree of coherent light beam will change along with the change of atmospheric turbulence conditions,make control the beam's initial degree of coherence to realize the initial degree of coherence of light beam in real time and dynamic control. A spatial phase screen before emission aperture of fully coherent light is to generate the partially coherent light, liquid crystal spatial light modulator is is a preferable way to realize the dynamic random phase. Finally look
Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Using Combined Transmissions With Cross-Coherence-Based Reconstruction.
Zhang, Yang; Guo, Yuexin; Lee, Wei-Ning
Plane-wave-based ultrafast imaging has become the prevalent technique for non-conventional ultrasound imaging. The image quality, especially in terms of the suppression of artifacts, is generally compromised by reducing the number of transmissions for a higher frame rate. We hereby propose a new ultrafast imaging framework that reduces not only the side lobe artifacts but also the axial lobe artifacts using combined transmissions with a new coherence-based factor. The results from simulations, in vitro wire phantoms, the ex vivo porcine artery, and the in vivo porcine heart show that our proposed methodology greatly reduced the axial lobe artifact by 25±5 dB compared with coherent plane-wave compounding (CPWC), which was considered as the ultrafast imaging standard, and suppressed side lobe artifacts by 15 ± 5 dB compared with CPWC and coherent spherical-wave compounding. The reduction of artifacts in our proposed ultrafast imaging framework led to a better boundary delineation of soft tissues than CPWC.
Improvement of SPM nonlinear limit by chirped duobinary PolSK transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Lixiu; Fan, Jiayu; Wang, Lutang; Huang, Zhaoming
In today's terrestrial long-haul optical fiber communication systems, high channel powers are required to obtain a large transmission distance with reasonable optical amplifier spacing. In such systems, however, the presence of nonlinear effects such as the self-phase modulation (SPM) and the fiber dispersion as well as their combined effects, called SPM-induced nonlinear limitation or SPM limit, will seriously degrade the system performances in respect of the effective transmission distance and ultimately become a limiting factor in high-speed, long-haul optical fiber transmission.In this paper, a new transmission format: chirped duobinary PolSK transmission, has been proposed to generate a pre-chirped duobianry signal with fixed polarity (either positive or negative), which is modulated by a PolSK modulator. This format is based on a transmitter setup consisting of a duobinary PolSK Modulation transmitter followed by an additional phase modulator. The chirped duobinary PolSK transmission reduces the signal degradation and spectral broadening in the nonlinear regime significantly. Thus it shifts this SPM nonlinear limit to enable more relaxed dispersion compensation at high optical power compared to the conventional duobinary schemes.The simulation results show chirped duobinary PolSK transmission enlarges the dispersion limited transmission distance, increases the dispersion tolerance and overcome the SPM nonlinear limit.
Reduction of initial shock in decadal predictions using a new initialization strategy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
He, Yujun; Wang, Bin
Initial shock is a well-known problem occurring in the early years of a decadal prediction when assimilating full-field observations into a coupled model, which directly affects the prediction skill. For the purpose to alleviate this problem, we propose a novel full-field initialization method based on dimension-reduced projection four-dimensional variational data assimilation (DRP-4DVar). Different from the available solution strategies including anomaly assimilation and bias correction, it substantially reduces the initial shock through generating more consistent initial conditions for the coupled model, which, along with the model trajectory in one-month windows, best fit the monthly mean analysis data of oceanic temperature and salinity. We evaluate the performance of initialized hindcast experiments according to three proposed indices to measure the intensity of the initial shock. The results indicate that this strategy can obviously reduce the initial shock in decadal predictions by FGOALS-g2 (the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point Version 2) compared with the commonly-used nudging full-field initialization for the same model as well as the different full-field initialization strategies for other CMIP5 (the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) models whose decadal prediction results are available. It is also comparable to or even better than the anomaly initialization methods. Better hindcasts of global mean surface air temperature anomaly are obtained due to the reduction of initial shock by the new initialization scheme.
Subcarrier multiplexing tolerant dispersion transmission system employing optical broadband sources.
Grassi, Fulvio; Mora, José; Ortega, Beatriz; Capmany, José
This paper presents a novel SCM optical transmission system for next-generation WDM-PONs combining broadband optical sources and a Mach-Zehnder interferometric structure. The approach leeds to transport RF signals up to 50 GHz being compatible with RoF systems since a second configuration has been proposed in order to overcome dispersion carrier suppression effect using DSB modulation. The theoretical analysis validates the potentiality of the system also considering the effects of the dispersion slope over the transmission window. (c) 2009 Optical Society of America
Characteristics of the transmission of autoregressive sub-patterns in financial time series
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Xiangyun; An, Haizhong; Fang, Wei; Huang, Xuan; Li, Huajiao; Zhong, Weiqiong
There are many types of autoregressive patterns in financial time series, and they form a transmission process. Here, we define autoregressive patterns quantitatively through an econometrical regression model. We present a computational algorithm that sets the autoregressive patterns as nodes and transmissions between patterns as edges, and then converts the transmission process of autoregressive patterns in a time series into a network. We utilised daily Shanghai (securities) composite index time series to study the transmission characteristics of autoregressive patterns. We found statistically significant evidence that the financial market is not random and that there are similar characteristics between parts and whole time series. A few types of autoregressive sub-patterns and transmission patterns drive the oscillations of the financial market. A clustering effect on fluctuations appears in the transmission process, and certain non-major autoregressive sub-patterns have high media capabilities in the financial time series. Different stock indexes exhibit similar characteristics in the transmission of fluctuation information. This work not only proposes a distinctive perspective for analysing financial time series but also provides important information for investors.
Characteristics of the transmission of autoregressive sub-patterns in financial time series
Gao, Xiangyun; An, Haizhong; Fang, Wei; Huang, Xuan; Li, Huajiao; Zhong, Weiqiong
There are many types of autoregressive patterns in financial time series, and they form a transmission process. Here, we define autoregressive patterns quantitatively through an econometrical regression model. We present a computational algorithm that sets the autoregressive patterns as nodes and transmissions between patterns as edges, and then converts the transmission process of autoregressive patterns in a time series into a network. We utilised daily Shanghai (securities) composite index time series to study the transmission characteristics of autoregressive patterns. We found statistically significant evidence that the financial market is not random and that there are similar characteristics between parts and whole time series. A few types of autoregressive sub-patterns and transmission patterns drive the oscillations of the financial market. A clustering effect on fluctuations appears in the transmission process, and certain non-major autoregressive sub-patterns have high media capabilities in the financial time series. Different stock indexes exhibit similar characteristics in the transmission of fluctuation information. This work not only proposes a distinctive perspective for analysing financial time series but also provides important information for investors. PMID:25189200
Design and simulation of a cable-pulley-based transmission for artificial ankle joints
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Huaxin; Ceccarelli, Marco; Huang, Qiang
In this paper, a mechanical transmission based on cable pulley is proposed for human-like actuation in the artificial ankle joints of human-scale. The anatomy articular characteristics of the human ankle is discussed for proper biomimetic inspiration in designing an accurate, efficient, and robust motion control of artificial ankle joint devices. The design procedure is presented through the inclusion of conceptual considerations and design details for an interactive solution of the transmission system. A mechanical design is elaborated for the ankle joint angular with pitch motion. A multi-body dynamic simulation model is elaborated accordingly and evaluated numerically in the ADAMS environment. Results of the numerical simulations are discussed to evaluate the dynamic performance of the proposed design solution and to investigate the feasibility of the proposed design in future applications for humanoid robots.
A magnetorheological haptic cue accelerator for manual transmission vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Han, Young-Min; Noh, Kyung-Wook; Lee, Yang-Sub; Choi, Seung-Bok
This paper proposes a new haptic cue function for manual transmission vehicles to achieve optimal gear shifting. This function is implemented on the accelerator pedal by utilizing a magnetorheological (MR) brake mechanism. By combining the haptic cue function with the accelerator pedal, the proposed haptic cue device can transmit the optimal moment of gear shifting for manual transmission to a driver without requiring the driver's visual attention. As a first step to achieve this goal, a MR fluid-based haptic device is devised to enable rotary motion of the accelerator pedal. Taking into account spatial limitations, the design parameters are optimally determined using finite element analysis to maximize the relative control torque. The proposed haptic cue device is then manufactured and its field-dependent torque and time response are experimentally evaluated. Then the manufactured MR haptic cue device is integrated with the accelerator pedal. A simple virtual vehicle emulating the operation of the engine of a passenger vehicle is constructed and put into communication with the haptic cue device. A feed-forward torque control algorithm for the haptic cue is formulated and control performances are experimentally evaluated and presented in the time domain.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
White, Peter A.
Many kinds of common and easily observed causal relations exhibit property transmission, which is a tendency for the causal object to impose its own properties on the effect object. It is proposed that property transmission becomes a general and readily available hypothesis used to make interpretations and judgments about causal questions under…
A long distance voice transmission system based on the white light LED
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tian, Chunyu; Wei, Chang; Wang, Yulian; Wang, Dachi; Yu, Benli; Xu, Feng
A long distance voice transmission system based on a visible light communication technology (VLCT) is proposed in the paper. Our proposed system includes transmitter, receiver and the voice signal processing of single chip microcomputer. In the compact-sized LED transmitter, we use on-off-keying and not-return-to-zero (OOK-NRZ) to easily realize high speed modulation, and then systematic complexity is reduced. A voice transmission system, which possesses the properties of the low-noise and wide modulation band, is achieved by the design of high efficiency receiving optical path and using filters to reduce noise from the surrounding light. To improve the speed of the signal processing, we use single chip microcomputer to code and decode voice signal. Furthermore, serial peripheral interface (SPI) is adopted to accurately transmit voice signal data. The test results of our proposed system show that the transmission distance of this system is more than100 meters with the maximum data rate of 1.5 Mbit/s and a SNR of 30dB. This system has many advantages, such as simple construction, low cost and strong practicality. Therefore, it has extensive application prospect in the fields of the emergency communication and indoor wireless communication, etc.
On Maximizing the Throughput of Packet Transmission under Energy Constraints.
Wu, Weiwei; Dai, Guangli; Li, Yan; Shan, Feng
More and more Internet of Things (IoT) wireless devices have been providing ubiquitous services over the recent years. Since most of these devices are powered by batteries, a fundamental trade-off to be addressed is the depleted energy and the achieved data throughput in wireless data transmission. By exploiting the rate-adaptive capacities of wireless devices, most existing works on energy-efficient data transmission try to design rate-adaptive transmission policies to maximize the amount of transmitted data bits under the energy constraints of devices. Such solutions, however, cannot apply to scenarios where data packets have respective deadlines and only integrally transmitted data packets contribute. Thus, this paper introduces a notion of weighted throughput, which measures how much total value of data packets are successfully and integrally transmitted before their own deadlines. By designing efficient rate-adaptive transmission policies, this paper aims to make the best use of the energy and maximize the weighted throughput. What is more challenging but with practical significance, we consider the fading effect of wireless channels in both offline and online scenarios. In the offline scenario, we develop an optimal algorithm that computes the optimal solution in pseudo-polynomial time, which is the best possible solution as the problem undertaken is NP-hard. In the online scenario, we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm based on optimal properties derived for the optimal offline solution. Simulation results validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
Continuous adaptive beam pointing and tracking for laser power transmission.
Schäfer, Christian A
The adaptive beam pointing concept has been revisited for the purpose of controlled transmission of laser energy from an optical transmitter to a target. After illumination, a bidirectional link is established by a retro-reflector on the target and an amplifier-phase conjugate mirror (A-PCM) on the transmitter. By setting the retro-reflector's aperture smaller than the diffraction limited spot size but big enough to provide sufficient amount of optical feedback, a stable link can be maintained and light that hits the retro-reflector's surrounded area can simultaneously be reconverted into usable electric energy. The phase conjugate feedback ensures that amplifier's distortions are compensated and the target tracked accurately.After deriving basic arithmetic expressions for the proposed system, a section is devoted for the motivation of free-space laser power transmission which is supposed to find varied applicability in space. As an example, power transmission from a satellite to the earth is described where recently proposed solar power generating structures on high-altitudes receive the power above the clouds to provide constant energy supply.In the experimental part, an A-PCM setup with reflectivity of about R(A-PCM) = 100 was realized using a semiconductor optical amplifier and a photorefractive self-pumped PCM. Simulation results show that a reflectivity of R(A-PCM)>1000 could be obtained by improving the self-pumped PCM's efficiency. That would lead to a transmission efficiency of eta>90%.
Heterogeneity, Mixing, and the Spatial Scales of Mosquito-Borne Pathogen Transmission
Perkins, T. Alex; Scott, Thomas W.; Le Menach, Arnaud; Smith, David L.
The Ross-Macdonald model has dominated theory for mosquito-borne pathogen transmission dynamics and control for over a century. The model, like many other basic population models, makes the mathematically convenient assumption that populations are well mixed; i.e., that each mosquito is equally likely to bite any vertebrate host. This assumption raises questions about the validity and utility of current theory because it is in conflict with preponderant empirical evidence that transmission is heterogeneous. Here, we propose a new dynamic framework that is realistic enough to describe biological causes of heterogeneous transmission of mosquito-borne pathogens of humans, yet tractable enough to provide a basis for developing and improving general theory. The framework is based on the ecological context of mosquito blood meals and the fine-scale movements of individual mosquitoes and human hosts that give rise to heterogeneous transmission. Using this framework, we describe pathogen dispersion in terms of individual-level analogues of two classical quantities: vectorial capacity and the basic reproductive number, . Importantly, this framework explicitly accounts for three key components of overall heterogeneity in transmission: heterogeneous exposure, poor mixing, and finite host numbers. Using these tools, we propose two ways of characterizing the spatial scales of transmission—pathogen dispersion kernels and the evenness of mixing across scales of aggregation—and demonstrate the consequences of a model's choice of spatial scale for epidemic dynamics and for estimation of , both by a priori model formulas and by inference of the force of infection from time-series data. PMID:24348223
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Transmission Line Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement AGENCY: Department of Energy. ACTION: Extension... comment period for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0447). The Draft EIS evaluates the environmental impacts of DOE's proposed Federal action...
An energy-efficient transmission scheme for real-time data in wireless sensor networks.
Kim, Jin-Woo; Barrado, José Ramón Ramos; Jeon, Dong-Keun
The Internet of things (IoT) is a novel paradigm where all things or objects in daily life can communicate with other devices and provide services over the Internet. Things or objects need identifying, sensing, networking and processing capabilities to make the IoT paradigm a reality. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is one of the main communication protocols proposed for the IoT. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides the guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism that supports the quality of service (QoS) for the real-time data transmission. In spite of some QoS features in IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the problem of end-to-end delay still remains. In order to solve this problem, we propose a cooperative medium access scheme (MAC) protocol for real-time data transmission. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme through simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can improve the network performance.
An Energy-Efficient Transmission Scheme for Real-Time Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kim, Jin-Woo; Barrado, José Ramón Ramos; Jeon, Dong-Keun
The Internet of things (IoT) is a novel paradigm where all things or objects in daily life can communicate with other devices and provide services over the Internet. Things or objects need identifying, sensing, networking and processing capabilities to make the IoT paradigm a reality. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is one of the main communication protocols proposed for the IoT. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides the guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism that supports the quality of service (QoS) for the real-time data transmission. In spite of some QoS features in IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the problem of end-to-end delay still remains. In order to solve this problem, we propose a cooperative medium access scheme (MAC) protocol for real-time data transmission. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme through simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can improve the network performance. PMID:26007722
A broadband high-transmission gradient phase discontinuity metasurface
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Yahong; Liu, Congcong; Song, Kun; Li, Meize; Zhao, Xiaopeng
Metasurfaces have attracted significant attention due to the control of the electromagnetic waves that they enable. In this paper, we demonstrate a high-transmission gradient phase discontinuity metasurface composed of metallic rods and cylindrical dielectric resonators operating at a broadband microwave frequency from 8 GHz to 9.8 GHz, with a fractional bandwidth of 20.2%. The proposed gradient phase discontinuity metasurface can achieve complete 2π transmission phase coverage with π/4 phase intervals by varying the geometric parameters of the dielectric resonators and metallic rods. It is shown that the proposed metasurface can refract a normally incident plane wave to an angle of 30°. The broadband metasurface is flexible, and the refracted angle can be adjusted easily by varying the lattice constant. Besides the broadband anomalous refraction, we also demonstrate the metasurface can produce an interesting vortex and wave-focusing in the wide frequency range from 8 GHz to 9.8 GHz. Finally, we demonstrate that the present metasurface can tailor interference wavefronts to plane wavefronts.
Compression and Transmission of RF Signals for Telediagnosis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Seko, Toshihiro; Doi, Motonori; Oshiro, Osamu; Chihara, Kunihiro
Health care is a critical issue nowadays. Much emphasis is given to quality care for all people. Telediagnosis has attracted public attention. We propose a new method of ultrasound image transmission for telediagnosis. In conventional methods, video image signals are transmitted. In our method, the RF signals which are acquired by an ultrasound probe, are transmitted. The RF signals can be transformed to color Doppler images or high-resolution images by a receiver. Because a stored form is adopted, the proposed system can be realized with existent technology such as hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) and file transfer protocol (FTP). In this paper, we describe two lossless compression methods which specialize in the transmission of RF signals. One of the methods uses the characteristics of the RF signal. In the other method, the amount of the data is reduced. Measurements were performed in water targeting an iron block and triangular Styrofoam. Additionally, abdominal fat measurement was performed. Our method achieved a compression rate of 13% with 8 bit data.
Self-similar transmission properties of aperiodic Cantor potentials in gapped graphene
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rodríguez-González, Rogelio; Rodríguez-Vargas, Isaac; Díaz-Guerrero, Dan Sidney; Gaggero-Sager, Luis Manuel
We investigate the transmission properties of quasiperiodic or aperiodic structures based on graphene arranged according to the Cantor sequence. In particular, we have found self-similar behaviour in the transmission spectra, and most importantly, we have calculated the scalability of the spectra. To do this, we implement and propose scaling rules for each one of the fundamental parameters: generation number, height of the barriers and length of the system. With this in mind we have been able to reproduce the reference transmission spectrum, applying the appropriate scaling rule, by means of the scaled transmission spectrum. These scaling rules are valid for both normal and oblique incidence, and as far as we can see the basic ingredients to obtain self-similar characteristics are: relativistic Dirac electrons, a self-similar structure and the non-conservation of the pseudo-spin.
Challenges to Constraining Exoplanet Masses via Transmission Spectroscopy
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Batalha, Natasha E.; Kempton, Eliza M.-R.; Mbarek, Rostom, E-mail:
MassSpec , a method for determining the mass of a transiting exoplanet from its transmission spectrum alone, was proposed by de Wit and Seager. The premise of this method relies on the planet’s surface gravity being extracted from the transmission spectrum via its effect on the atmospheric scale height, which in turn determines the strength of absorption features. Here, we further explore the applicability of MassSpec to low-mass exoplanets—specifically those in the super-Earth size range for which radial velocity determinations of the planetary mass can be extremely challenging and resource intensive. Determining the masses of these planets is of themore » utmost importance because their nature is otherwise highly unconstrained. Without knowledge of the mass, these planets could be rocky, icy, or gas-dominated. To investigate the effects of planetary mass on transmission spectra, we present simulated observations of super-Earths with atmospheres made up of mixtures of H{sub 2}O and H{sub 2}, both with and without clouds. We model their transmission spectra and run simulations of each planet as it would be observed with James Webb Space Telescope using the NIRISS, NIRSpec, and MIRI instruments. We find that significant degeneracies exist between transmission spectra of planets with different masses and compositions, making it impossible to unambiguously determine the planet’s mass in many cases.« less
Controller evaluation of initial data link terminal air traffic control services : final report
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document details the results the first Federal Aviation Administration : Technical Center investigation of the initial terminal air traffic control : services developed for transmission using Data Link technology. Initial Data : Link services we...
Dynamics of tuberculosis transmission with exogenous reinfections and endogenous reactivation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khajanchi, Subhas; Das, Dhiraj Kumar; Kar, Tapan Kumar
We propose and analyze a mathematical model for tuberculosis (TB) transmission to study the role of exogenous reinfection and endogenous reactivation. The model exhibits two equilibria: a disease free and an endemic equilibria. We observe that the TB model exhibits transcritical bifurcation when basic reproduction number R0 = 1. Our results demonstrate that the disease transmission rate β and exogenous reinfection rate α plays an important role to change the qualitative dynamics of TB. The disease transmission rate β give rises to the possibility of backward bifurcation for R0 < 1, and hence the existence of multiple endemic equilibria one of which is stable and another one is unstable. Our analysis suggests that R0 < 1 may not be sufficient to completely eliminate the disease. We also investigate that our TB transmission model undergoes Hopf-bifurcation with respect to the contact rate β and the exogenous reinfection rate α. We conducted some numerical simulations to support our analytical findings.
Transmission of influenza reflects seasonality of wild birds across the annual cycle
Hill, Nichola J.; Ma, Eric J.; Meixell, Brandt W.; Lindberg, Mark S.; Boyce, Walter M.; Runstadler, Jonathan A.
Influenza A Viruses (IAV) in nature must overcome shifting transmission barriers caused by the mobility of their primary host, migratory wild birds, that change throughout the annual cycle. Using a phylogenetic network of viral sequences from North American wild birds (2008–2011) we demonstrate a shift from intraspecific to interspecific transmission that along with reassortment, allows IAV to achieve viral flow across successive seasons from summer to winter. Our study supports amplification of IAV during summer breeding seeded by overwintering virus persisting locally and virus introduced from a wide range of latitudes. As birds migrate from breeding sites to lower latitudes, they become involved in transmission networks with greater connectivity to other bird species, with interspecies transmission of reassortant viruses peaking during the winter. We propose that switching transmission dynamics may be a critical strategy for pathogens that infect mobile hosts inhabiting regions with strong seasonality.
Design of bifunctional metasurface based on independent control of transmission and reflection.
Zhuang, Yaqiang; Wang, Guangming; Cai, Tong; Zhang, Qingfeng
Multifunctional metasurface integrating different functions can significantly save the occupied space, although most of bifunctional metasurfaces reported to date only control the wave in either reflection or transmission regime. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows one to independently control the reflection and transmission wavefront under orthogonal polarizations. For demonstration, we design a bifunctional metasurface that simultaneously realizes a diffusion reflection and a focusing transmission. The diffusion reflection is realized using a random phase distribution, which was implemented by randomly arranging two basic coding unit cells with the aid of an ergodic algorithm. Meanwhile, the hyperbolic phase distribution was designed to realize the focusing functionality in the transmission regime. To further show the potential applications, a high-gain lens antenna was designed by assembling the proposed metasurface with a proper feed. Both simulation and measurement results have been carried out, and the agreement between the two results demonstrates the validity of the performance as expected. The backward scattering can be reduced more than 5 dB within 6.4-10 GHz compared with the metallic plate. Moreover, the lens antenna has a gain of 20 dB (with around 13 dB enhancement in comparison with the bare feeding antenna) and an efficiency of 32.5%.
17 CFR 201.700 - Initiation of proceedings for SRO proposed rule changes.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... proceedings to determine whether a self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change should be disapproved, it shall provide notice thereof to the self-regulatory organization that filed the proposed rule... publication by the Commission of the notice of the self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change in the...
17 CFR 201.700 - Initiation of proceedings for SRO proposed rule changes.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... proceedings to determine whether a self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change should be disapproved, it shall provide notice thereof to the self-regulatory organization that filed the proposed rule... publication by the Commission of the notice of the self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change in the...
17 CFR 201.700 - Initiation of proceedings for SRO proposed rule changes.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... proceedings to determine whether a self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change should be disapproved, it shall provide notice thereof to the self-regulatory organization that filed the proposed rule... publication by the Commission of the notice of the self-regulatory organization's proposed rule change in the...
Mountford, P J
The suitability of 75 sunglasses for use by patients receiving 8-methoxypsoralen photochemotherapy (PUVA) was assessed by measuring their ultraviolet radiation (UVR) transmission spectra and comparing the results with some published proposed spectral limits. The sunglasses were classified according to whether their lenses were polarised, photochromic, reflective, graduated tint or of a miscellaneous type. The UVR transmission of 39 of these sunglasses was also measured using a PUVA source and a UVA sensitive detector. There was a difference of a factor of x7 between the maximum PUVA source transmission of the sunglasses with satisfactory spectral transmission and the minimum PUVA source transmission of those with unsatisfactory spectral transmission. Values of PUVA source transmission values corresponding to hypothetical transmission spectra close to the spectral limits were derived by calculation. It was concluded that photochromic sunglasses could be rejected for patient use without recourse to measurement unless they were claimed to have low UVR transmission, and that the transmission of all other types had to be assessed individually. It was also concluded that the PUVA source method could be adopted for routine use with a maximum acceptable transmission of 0.2%.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... connection with the Susquehanna to Roseland 500kV Transmission Line. SUMMARY: Pursuant to National... Recreational River, and Appalachian National Scenic Trail, in connection with the proposed Susquehanna (Berwick... expand the width of the transmission line right-of-way beyond the Applicant's current holdings. The...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shurtliff, Aaron
Vegetation Management for portion of the Chehalis-Raymond #1 115 kV transmission line. BPA proposes to clear targeted vegetation within the Right-of-Ways along access roads and around towers that may impede the operation and maintenance of the subject transmission lines. See Section 1.4 of the attached checklists for a complete description of the proposed action.
25 CFR 900.8 - What must an initial contract proposal contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... of the Indian tribe or tribal organization proposing the contract. (b) If the tribal organization is not an Indian tribe, the proposal must also include: (1) A copy of the tribal organization's... Indian tribe(s) with which the tribal organization is affiliated. (c) The full name(s) of the Indian...
25 CFR 900.8 - What must an initial contract proposal contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... of the Indian tribe or tribal organization proposing the contract. (b) If the tribal organization is not an Indian tribe, the proposal must also include: (1) A copy of the tribal organization's... Indian tribe(s) with which the tribal organization is affiliated. (c) The full name(s) of the Indian...
Small passenger car transmission test; Ford C4 transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bujold, M. P.
A 1979 Ford C4 automatic transmission was tested per a passenger car automatic transmission test code (SAE J651b) which required drive performance, coast performance, and no load test conditions. Under these test conditions, the transmission attained maximum efficiencies in the mid-eighty percent range for both drive performance tests and coast performance tests. The major results of this test (torque, speed, and efficiency curves) are presented. Graphs map the complete performance characteristics for the Ford C4 transmission.
Woolhouse, Mark
Transmissibility is the defining characteristic of infectious diseases. Quantifying transmission matters for understanding infectious disease epidemiology and designing evidence-based disease control programs. Tracing individual transmission events can be achieved by epidemiological investigation coupled with pathogen typing or genome sequencing. Individual infectiousness can be estimated by measuring pathogen loads, but few studies have directly estimated the ability of infected hosts to transmit to uninfected hosts. Individuals' opportunities to transmit infection are dependent on behavioral and other risk factors relevant given the transmission route of the pathogen concerned. Transmission at the population level can be quantified through knowledge of risk factors in the population or phylogeographic analysis of pathogen sequence data. Mathematical model-based approaches require estimation of the per capita transmission rate and basic reproduction number, obtained by fitting models to case data and/or analysis of pathogen sequence data. Heterogeneities in infectiousness, contact behavior, and susceptibility can have substantial effects on the epidemiology of an infectious disease, so estimates of only mean values may be insufficient. For some pathogens, super-shedders (infected individuals who are highly infectious) and super-spreaders (individuals with more opportunities to transmit infection) may be important. Future work on quantifying transmission should involve integrated analyses of multiple data sources.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kuiper, James A; Krummel, John R; Hlava, Kevin J
locations that intersect national trails. Source data did not indicate any planned transmission lines or pipelines in Hawaii. A map atlas provides more detailed mapping of the topics investigated in this study, and the accompanying GIS database provides the baseline information for further investigating locations of interest. In many cases the locations of proposed transmission lines are not accurately mapped (or a specific route may not yet be determined), and accordingly the specific crossing locations are speculative. However since both national trails and electrical transmission lines are long linear systems, the characteristics of the crossings reported in this study are expected to be similar to both observed characteristics of the existing infrastructure provided in this report, and of the new infrastructure if these proposed projects are built. More focused study of these siting challenges is expected to mitigate some of potential impacts by choosing routes that minimize or eliminate them. The current study primarily addresses a set of screening-level characterizations that provide insights into how the National Trail System may influence the siting of energy transport facilities in the states identified under Section 368(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. As such, it initializes gathering and beginning analysis of the primary environmental and energy data, and maps the contextual relationships between an important national environmental asset and how this asset intersects with energy planning activities. Thus the current study sets the stage for more in-depth analyses and data development activities that begin to solve key transmission siting constraints. Our recommendations for future work incorporate two major areas: (1) database development and analytics and (2) modeling and scenario analysis for energy planning. These recommendations provide a path forward to address key issues originally developed under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that are now being
Simultaneous transmission of wired and wireless signals based on double sideband carrier suppression
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bitew, Mekuanint Agegnehu; Shiu, Run-Kai; Peng, Peng-Chun; Wang, Cheng-Hao; Chen, Yan-Ming
In this paper, we proposed and experimentally demonstrated simultaneous transmission of wired and wireless signals based on double sideband optical carrier suppression. By properly adjusting the bias point of the dual-output mach-zehnder modulator (MZM), a central carrier in one output port and a pair of first-order sidebands in another output port are generated. The pair of first-order sidebands are fed into a second MZM to generate second-order order sidebands. A wired signal is embedded on the central carrier while a wireless signal is embedded on the second-order sidebands. Unlike other schemes, we did not use optical filter to separate the carrier from the optical sidebands. The measured bit error rate (BER) and eye-diagrams after a 25 km single-mode-fiber (SMF) transmission proved that the proposed scheme is successful for both wired and wireless signals transmission. Moreover, the power penalty at the BER of 10-9 is 0.3 and 0.7 dB for wired and wireless signals, respectively.
Lee, Jungwook; Chung, Kwangsue
Wireless sensor networks collect data from several nodes dispersed at remote sites. Sensor nodes can be installed in harsh environments such as deserts, cities, and indoors, where the link quality changes considerably over time. Particularly, changes in transmission power may be caused by temperature, humidity, and other factors. In order to compensate for link quality changes, existing schemes detect the link quality changes between nodes and control transmission power through a series of feedback processes, but these approaches can cause heavy overhead with the additional control packets needed. In this paper, the change of the link quality according to temperature is examined through empirical experimentation. A new power control scheme combining both temperature-aware link quality compensation and a closed-loop feedback process to adapt to link quality changes is proposed. We prove that the proposed scheme effectively adapts the transmission power to the changing link quality with less control overhead and energy consumption.
Note: Hybrid active/passive force feedback actuator using hydrostatic transmission.
Park, Yea-Seok; Lee, Juwon; Kim, Kyung-Soo; Kim, Soohyun
A hybrid actuator for haptic devices is proposed in this paper. The actuator is composed of a DC motor and a magneto-rheological (MR) brake to realize transparency and stable force control. Two piston cylinders are connected with a flexible tube to lighten the weight of the structures on the endpoint that interacts with an operator. Also, the MR brake is designed to be suitable for hydraulic transmission. For the proposed hybrid actuator, a cooperative force control method using a pressure sensor instead of a force sensor is proposed. To verify the proposed control algorithm, a virtual wall collision experiment was conducted using a developed prototype of the hybrid actuator.
Note: Hybrid active/passive force feedback actuator using hydrostatic transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Park, Yea-Seok; Lee, Juwon; Kim, Kyung-Soo; Kim, Soohyun
A hybrid actuator for haptic devices is proposed in this paper. The actuator is composed of a DC motor and a magneto-rheological (MR) brake to realize transparency and stable force control. Two piston cylinders are connected with a flexible tube to lighten the weight of the structures on the endpoint that interacts with an operator. Also, the MR brake is designed to be suitable for hydraulic transmission. For the proposed hybrid actuator, a cooperative force control method using a pressure sensor instead of a force sensor is proposed. To verify the proposed control algorithm, a virtual wall collision experiment was conducted using a developed prototype of the hybrid actuator.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Transmission Company; Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Apex...) has prepared a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Apex Expansion Project proposed by... the proposed project would have some adverse environmental impact; however, these impacts would be...
Dynamics of Pertussis Transmission in the United States
Magpantay, F. M. G.; Rohani, P.
Past patterns of infectious disease transmission set the stage on which modern epidemiologic dynamics are played out. Here, we present a comprehensive account of pertussis (whooping cough) transmission in the United States during the early vaccine era. We analyzed recently digitized weekly incidence records from Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports from 1938 to 1955, when the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was rolled out, and related them to contemporary patterns of transmission and resurgence documented in monthly incidence data from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. We found that, during the early vaccine era, pertussis epidemics in US states could be categorized as 1) annual, 2) initially annual and later multiennial, or 3) multiennial. States with predominantly annual cycles tended to have higher per capita birth rates, more household crowding, more children per family, and lower rates of school attendance than the states with multiennial cycles. Additionally, states that exhibited annual epidemics during 1938–1955 have had the highest recent (2001–2010) incidence, while those states that transitioned from annual cycles to multiennial cycles have had relatively low recent incidence. Our study provides an extensive picture of pertussis epidemiology in the United States dating back to the onset of vaccination, a back-story that could aid epidemiologists in understanding contemporary transmission patterns. PMID:26022662
Yeon, Pyungwoo; Mirbozorgi, S Abdollah; Lim, Jaemyung; Ghovanloo, Maysam
This paper presents a feasibility study of wireless power and data transmission through an inductive link to a 1-mm 2 implant, to be used as a free-floating neural probe, distributed across a brain area of interest. The proposed structure utilizes a four-coil inductive link for back telemetry, shared with a three-coil link for wireless power transmission. We propose a design procedure for geometrical optimization of the inductive link in terms of power transmission efficiency (PTE) considering specific absorption rate and data rate. We have designed a low-power pulse-based active data transmission circuit and characterized performance of the proposed inductive link in terms of its data rate and bit error rate (BER). The 1-mm 2 data-Tx/power-Rx coil is implemented using insulated bonding wire with diameter, resulting in measured PTE in tissue media of 2.01% at 131 MHz and 1.8-cm coil separation distance when the resonator coil inner radius is 1 cm. The measured BER at 1-Mbps data rate was and in the air and tissue environments, respectively.
Design of the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive Waveguide Transmission Line
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bigelow, T. S.; Rasmussen, D. A.; Shapiro, M. A.; Sirigiri, J. R.; Temkin, R. J.; Grunloh, H.; Koliner, J.
The ITER ECH transmission line system is designed to deliver the power, from twenty-four 1 MW 170 GHz gyrotrons and three 1 MW 127.5 GHz gyrotrons, to the equatorial and upper launchers. The performance requirements, initial design of components and layout between the gyrotrons and the launchers is underway. Similar 63.5 mm ID corrugated waveguide systems have been built and installed on several fusion experiments; however, none have operated at the high frequency and long-pulse required for ITER. Prototype components are being tested at low power to estimate ohmic and mode conversion losses. In order to develop and qualify the ITER components prior to procurement of the full set of 24 transmission lines, a 170 GHz high power test of a complete prototype transmission line is planned. Testing of the transmission line at 1-2 MW can be performed with a modest power (˜0.5 MW) tube with a low loss (10-20%) resonant ring configuration. A 140 GHz long pulse, 400 kW gyrotron will be used in the initial tests and a 170 GHz gyrotron will be used when it becomes available. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Dept. of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.
U.S. Department of Education's Proposed FERPA Regulations: Overview and Initial Analysis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Data Quality Campaign, 2011
On April 8, 2011, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) published in the Federal Register new proposed amendments to regulations implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The notice invites public comments on the proposed regulations, which are due no later than May 23, 2011. The proposed regulations are designed to…
The Culture-Transmission Motive in Immigrants: A World-Wide Internet Survey
Mchitarjan, Irina; Reisenzein, Rainer
A world-wide internet survey was conducted to test central assumptions of a recent theory of cultural transmission in minorities proposed by the authors. 844 1st to 2nd generation immigrants from a wide variety of countries recruited on a microjob platform completed a questionnaire designed to test eight hypotheses derived from the theory. Support was obtained for all hypotheses. In particular, evidence was obtained for the continued presence, in the immigrants, of the culture-transmission motive postulated by the theory: the desire to maintain the culture of origin and transmit it to the next generation. Support was also obtained for the hypothesized anchoring of the culture-transmission motive in more basic motives fulfilled by cultural groups, the relative intra- and intergenerational stability of the culture-transmission motive, and its motivating effects for action tendencies and desires that support cultural transmission under the difficult conditions of migration. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the assumption that people have a culture-transmission motive belongs to the folk psychology of sociocultural groups, and that immigrants regard the fulfillment of this desire as a moral right. PMID:26529599
A method of transmissibility design for dual-chamber pneumatic vibration isolator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Jeung-Hoon; Kim, Kwang-Joon
Dual-chamber pneumatic vibration isolators have a wide range of applications for vibration isolation of vibration-sensitive equipment. Recent advances in precision machine tools and instruments such as medical devices and those related to nano-technology require better isolation performance, which can be efficiently achieved by precise modeling- and design- of the isolation system. This paper discusses an efficient transmissibility design method of a pneumatic vibration isolator wherein a complex stiffness model of a dual-chamber pneumatic spring developed in our previous study is employed. Three design parameters, the volume ratio between the two pneumatic chambers, the geometry of the capillary tube connecting the two pneumatic chambers, and, finally, the stiffness of the diaphragm employed for prevention of air leakage, were found to be important factors in transmissibility design. Based on a design technique that maximizes damping of the dual-chamber pneumatic spring, trade-offs among the resonance frequency of transmissibility, peak transmissibility, and transmissibility in high frequency range were found, which were not ever stated in previous researches. Furthermore, this paper discusses the negative role of the diaphragm in transmissibility design. The design method proposed in this paper is illustrated through experimental measurements.
Salkeld, Daniel J; Padgett, Kerry A; Jones, James Holland
Zoonotic pathogens are significant burdens on global public health. Because they are transmitted to humans from non-human animals, the transmission dynamics of zoonoses are necessarily influenced by the ecology of their animal hosts and vectors. The 'dilution effect' proposes that increased species diversity reduces disease risk, suggesting that conservation and public health initiatives can work synergistically to improve human health and wildlife biodiversity. However, the meta-analysis that we present here indicates a weak and highly heterogeneous relationship between host biodiversity and disease. Our results suggest that disease risk is more likely a local phenomenon that relies on the specific composition of reservoir hosts and vectors, and their ecology, rather than patterns of species biodiversity. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/CNRS.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Song, Kun; Ding, Changlin; Su, Zhaoxian; Liu, Yahong; Luo, Chunrong; Zhao, Xiaopeng; Bhattarai, Khagendra; Zhou, Jiangfeng
We propose a planar composite chiral metamaterial (CCMM) by symmetrically inserting a metallic mesh between two layers of conjugated gammadion resonators. As the elaborate CCMM operates at off-resonance frequencies, it therefore presents low-loss and low-dispersion polarization rotation features. The results show that the proposed CCMM can achieve pure and dispersionless polarization rotation with efficient transmission for a linearly polarized wave within a broad bandwidth. This off-resonance CCMM overcomes the drawbacks of high transmission losses and highly dispersive polarization rotation that exist in the previous resonance-type chiral metamaterials and also exhibits more simplicity of fabrication than the three-dimensional CMMs. The intriguing properties greatly improve the performance of chiral metamaterials in controlling the polarization state of electromagnetic waves.
Improving UDP/IP Transmission Without Increasing Congestion
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Burleigh, Scott
Datagram Retransmission (DGR) is a computer program that, within certain limits, ensures the reception of each datagram transmitted under the User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol. [User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is considered unreliable because it does not involve a reliability-ensuring connection-initiation dialogue between sender and receiver. UDP is well suited to issuing of many small messages to many different receivers.] Unlike prior software for ensuring reception of UDP datagrams, DGR does not contribute to network congestion by retransmitting data more frequently as an ever-increasing number of messages and acknowledgements is lost. Instead, DGR does just the opposite: DGR includes an adaptive timeout-interval- computing component that provides maximum opportunity for reception of acknowledgements, minimizing retransmission. By monitoring changes in the rate at which message-transmission transactions are completed, DGR detects changes in the level of congestion and responds by imposing varying degrees of delay on the transmission of new messages. In addition, DGR maximizes throughput by not waiting for acknowledgement of a message before sending the next message. All DGR communication is asynchronous, to maximize efficient utilization of network connections. DGR manages multiple concurrent datagram transmission and acknowledgement conversations.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ding, Tao; Li, Cheng; Huang, Can
Here, in order to solve the reactive power optimization with joint transmission and distribution networks, a hierarchical modeling method is proposed in this paper. It allows the reactive power optimization of transmission and distribution networks to be performed separately, leading to a master–slave structure and improves traditional centralized modeling methods by alleviating the big data problem in a control center. Specifically, the transmission-distribution-network coordination issue of the hierarchical modeling method is investigated. First, a curve-fitting approach is developed to provide a cost function of the slave model for the master model, which reflects the impacts of each slave model. Second,more » the transmission and distribution networks are decoupled at feeder buses, and all the distribution networks are coordinated by the master reactive power optimization model to achieve the global optimality. Finally, numerical results on two test systems verify the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical modeling and curve-fitting methods.« less
Ding, Tao; Li, Cheng; Huang, Can; ...
Here, in order to solve the reactive power optimization with joint transmission and distribution networks, a hierarchical modeling method is proposed in this paper. It allows the reactive power optimization of transmission and distribution networks to be performed separately, leading to a master–slave structure and improves traditional centralized modeling methods by alleviating the big data problem in a control center. Specifically, the transmission-distribution-network coordination issue of the hierarchical modeling method is investigated. First, a curve-fitting approach is developed to provide a cost function of the slave model for the master model, which reflects the impacts of each slave model. Second,more » the transmission and distribution networks are decoupled at feeder buses, and all the distribution networks are coordinated by the master reactive power optimization model to achieve the global optimality. Finally, numerical results on two test systems verify the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical modeling and curve-fitting methods.« less
Evaluation of damping loss factor of flat laminates by sound transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Parrinello, A.; Ghiringhelli, G. L.
A novel approach to investigate and evaluate the damping loss factor of a planar multilayered structure is presented. A statistical analysis reveals the connection between the damping properties of the structure and the transmission of sound through the thickness of its laterally infinite counterpart. The obtained expression for the panel loss factor involves all the derivatives of the transmission and reflection coefficients of the layered structure with respect each layer damping. The properties of the fluid for which the sound transmission is evaluated are chosen to fulfil the hypotheses on the basis of the statistical formulation. A transfer matrix approach is used to compute the required transmission and reflection coefficients, making it possible to deal with structures having arbitrary stratifications of different layers and also granting high efficiency in a wide frequency range. Comparison with alternative formulations and measurements demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Luo, Yanting; Yang, Yongmin; Chen, Zhongsheng
Sub-resonances often happen in wireless power transmission (WPT) systems using coupled magnetic resonances (CMR) due to environmental changes, coil movements or component degradations, which is a serious challenge for high efficiency power transmission. Thus self-tuning is very significant to keep WPT systems following strongly magnetic resonant conditions in practice. Traditional coupled-mode ways is difficult to solve this problem. In this paper a two-port power wave model is presented, where power matching and the overall systemic power transmission efficiency are firstly defined by scattering (S) parameters. Then we propose a novel self-tuning scheme based on on-line S parameters measurements and two-side power matching. Experimental results testify the feasibility of the proposed method. These findings suggest that the proposed method is much potential to develop strongly self-adaptive WPT systems with CMR.
Transmission dynamics of cholera: Mathematical modeling and control strategies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sun, Gui-Quan; Xie, Jun-Hui; Huang, Sheng-He; Jin, Zhen; Li, Ming-Tao; Liu, Liqun
Cholera, as an endemic disease around the world, has generated great threat to human society and caused enormous morbidity and mortality with weak surveillance system. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model to describe the transmission of Cholera. Moreover, basic reproduction number and the global dynamics of the dynamical model are obtained. Then we apply our model to characterize the transmission process of Cholera in China. It was found that, in order to avoid its outbreak in China, it may be better to increase immunization coverage rate and make effort to improve environmental management especially for drinking water. Our results may provide some new insights for elimination of Cholera.
Mikolajczyk, Rafael T; Kauermann, Göran; Sagel, Ulrich; Kretzschmar, Mirjam
Creation of a mixture model based on Poisson processes for assessment of the extent of cross-transmission of multidrug-resistant pathogens in the hospital. We propose a 2-component mixture of Poisson processes to describe the time series of detected cases of colonization. The first component describes the admission process of patients with colonization, and the second describes the cross-transmission. The data set used to illustrate the method consists of the routinely collected records for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii over a period of 3 years in a German tertiary care hospital. For MRSA and multidrug-resistant A. baumannii, cross-transmission was estimated to be responsible for more than 80% of cases; for imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa, cross-transmission was estimated to be responsible for 59% of cases. For new cases observed within a window of less than 28 days for MRSA and multidrug-resistant A. baumannii or 40 days for imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa, there was a 50% or greater probability that the cause was cross-transmission. The proposed method offers a solution to assessing of the extent of cross-transmission, which can be of clinical use. The method can be applied using freely available software (the package FlexMix in R) and it requires relatively little data.
Qin, Xinyan; Wu, Gongping; Fan, Fei; Ye, Xuhui; Mei, Quanjie
With the growth of the national economy, there is increasing demand for electricity, which forces transmission line corridors to become structurally complicated and extend to complex environments (e.g., mountains, forests). It is a great challenge to inspect transmission line in these regions. To address these difficulties, a novel method of autonomous inspection for transmission line is proposed based on cable inspection robot (CIR) LiDAR data, which mainly includes two steps: preliminary inspection and autonomous inspection. In preliminary inspection, the position and orientation system (POS) data is used for original point cloud dividing, ground point filtering, and structured partition. A hierarchical classification strategy is established to identify the classes and positions of the abnormal points. In autonomous inspection, CIR can autonomously reach the specified points through inspection planning. These inspection targets are imaged with PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) cameras by coordinate transformation. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by test site experiments and actual line experiments, respectively. The proposed method greatly reduces manpower and improves inspection accuracy, providing a theoretical basis for intelligent inspection of transmission lines in the future. PMID:29462865
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qi, Yunping; Zhang, Xuewei; Hu, Yue; Nan, Xianghong; Wang, Xiangxian
The non-resonantly enhanced optical transmission phenomenon of sub-wavelength metallic slits on a thin film is significant for broadband light integrated devices. In order to improve the EOT characteristics of sub-wavelength metallic slits further more, in this paper, wedge-shape metallic slits array embedded with rectangular cavities structure is proposed and its transmission properties are investigated using the finite element method. The results show that wedgeshape metallic slits array can achieve higher transmission compared with straight slits array embedded with rectangular cavities and the light is strongly localized and enhanced at the slit exits. We describe the phenomenon with a transmission line model. The width of entrance of the slit influences the transmission property: the transmittance can be 94%, after optimizing the structure parameters, with the widths 150nm and 30nm at the entrance and exit of the slit, respectively. The thickness of metal film influences the transmission peak position and transmission rate: when the increase of the thickness of the metal film, the transmittance increases and the transmission peak is red-shift, however, the law of long wavelength range is opposite. In addition, the effects of structural period of wedge-shaped slits embedded with rectangular cavities structure on the transmission property are also studied. These results would be helpful for optical signal transmission and the design of near field optical conductor devices with higher transmission capability.
Human-to-human transmission of Brucella - a systematic review.
Tuon, Felipe F; Gondolfo, Regina B; Cerchiari, Natacha
The most common form of transmitting human brucellosis is through contaminated food or direct contact with infected animals. Human-to-human transmission (HHT) has been described as isolated case reports. The aim of this systematic review was to describe all cases of HHT of human brucellosis reported in the medical literature. A literature search was conducted using PubMed, Scopus and Scielo databases using specific search terms published until March 2016. Two investigators independently determined study eligibility. All clinical data were evaluated to construct a table comprising the most important clinical aspects, age, gender, confirmed infection and detection method, transmission method and HHT confirmation and potential source of infection for human transmission. No statistical method was employed in this study. The initial search resulted in 615 publications, but only 35 were included. 45 brucellosis HHT cases were identified. 61% of patients who acquired brucellosis from another human were <1 year old (newborn and breastfeeding). Other cases include sexual transmission, blood transfusion, bone marrow transplantation and aerosol from an infected patient. Most patients (40/45) presented symptoms upon diagnosis. Diagnostic tests included culture, molecular methods and serum testing. Human brucellosis is a disease liable to transmission between humans by placental barrier, lactation, sexual and tissues such as blood and bone marrow. The indication for screening in tissue banks, transplants, blood and pregnancy is not yet established. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
A Provably-Secure Transmission Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks.
Omala, Anyembe Andrew; Robert, Niyifasha; Li, Fagen
Wireless body area network (WBANs) is composed of sensors that collect and transmit a person's physiological data to health-care providers in real-time. In order to guarantee security of this data over open networks, a secure data transmission mechanism between WBAN and application provider's servers is of necessity. Modified medical data does not provide a true reflection of an individuals state of health and its subsequent use for diagnosis could lead to an irreversible medical condition. In this paper, we propose a lightweight certificateless signcryption scheme for secure transmission of data between WBAN and servers. Our proposed scheme not only provides confidentiality of data and authentication in a single logical step, it is lightweight and resistant to key escrow attacks. We further provide security proof that our scheme provides indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack and unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack in random oracle model. Compared with two other Diffie-Hellman based signcryption schemes proposed by Barbosa and Farshim (BF) and another by Yin and Liang (YL), our scheme consumes 46 % and 8 % less energy during signcryption than BF and YL scheme respectively.
Ecological patterns of seed microbiome diversity, transmission, and assembly.
Shade, Ashley; Jacques, Marie-Agnès; Barret, Matthieu
Seeds are involved in the transmission of microorganisms from one plant generation to another and consequently act as the initial inoculum for the plant microbiota. The purpose of this mini-review is to provide an overview of current knowledge on the diversity, structure and role of the seed microbiota. The relative importance of the mode of transmission (vertical vs horizontal) of the microbial entities composing the seed microbiota as well as the potential connections existing between seed and other plant habitats such as the anthosphere and the spermosphere is discussed. Finally the governing processes (niche vs neutral) involved in the assembly and the dynamics of the seed microbiota are examined. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Stergachis, Andy; Bartlein, Rebecca J K; Dodoo, Alexander; Nwokike, Jude; Kachur, S Patrick
Pharmacovigilance programmes can monitor and help ensure the safe use of medicines that are critical to the success of global public health programmes. The widespread deployment of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) by national malaria control programmes as part of the overall Global Malaria Action Plan for malaria control to elimination and eradication makes ACT an excellent candidate for pharmacovigilance activities. In 2008, The Roll Back Malaria partnership issued guidelines for inclusion of pharmacovigilance in Global Fund and other related proposals. In light of this recommendation and the rapid scale-up of ACT worldwide, an analysis of Global Fund Round 8 proposals and the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) 2009 Malaria Operational Plans was conducted to assess if and how pharmacovigilance has been incorporated into countries' national malaria plans and donor budget requests. The Global Fund-Malaria Round 8 proposals for the 26 countries and the PMI Malaria Operational Plans (MOPs) for fiscal year 2009 for the 15 countries that were approved and received funding from either the Global Fund-Malaria Round 8 or PMI were accessed through the programme websites. The analysis consisted of conducting word counts and key word in context analyses of each proposal and plan. Twelve out of 26 (46%) of the Global Fund proposals mentioned that established pharmacovigilance systems were present in their countries. Four of the fifteen PMI MOPs (27%) mentioned that established pharmacovigilance systems were present in their countries. Only seven of the 26 (27%) Global Fund proposals included a request for funding for new or current pharmacovigilance activities. Seven of 15 (47%) MOPs included a request for funding for pharmacovigilance activities. There were relatively few requests for funding for pharmacovigilance activities, demonstrating a lack of emphasis placed on pharmacovigilance systems in recipient countries. The findings stress the need for more active
Mathematical modeling of climate change and malaria transmission dynamics: a historical review.
Eikenberry, Steffen E; Gumel, Abba B
Malaria, one of the greatest historical killers of mankind, continues to claim around half a million lives annually, with almost all deaths occurring in children under the age of five living in tropical Africa. The range of this disease is limited by climate to the warmer regions of the globe, and so anthropogenic global warming (and climate change more broadly) now threatens to alter the geographic area for potential malaria transmission, as both the Plasmodium malaria parasite and Anopheles mosquito vector have highly temperature-dependent lifecycles, while the aquatic immature Anopheles habitats are also strongly dependent upon rainfall and local hydrodynamics. A wide variety of process-based (or mechanistic) mathematical models have thus been proposed for the complex, highly nonlinear weather-driven Anopheles lifecycle and malaria transmission dynamics, but have reached somewhat disparate conclusions as to optimum temperatures for transmission, and the possible effect of increasing temperatures upon (potential) malaria distribution, with some projecting a large increase in the area at risk for malaria, but others predicting primarily a shift in the disease's geographic range. More generally, both global and local environmental changes drove the initial emergence of P. falciparum as a major human pathogen in tropical Africa some 10,000 years ago, and the disease has a long and deep history through the present. It is the goal of this paper to review major aspects of malaria biology, methods for formalizing these into mathematical forms, uncertainties and controversies in proper modeling methodology, and to provide a timeline of some major modeling efforts from the classical works of Sir Ronald Ross and George Macdonald through recent climate-focused modeling studies. Finally, we attempt to place such mathematical work within a broader historical context for the "million-murdering Death" of malaria.
43 CFR 2461.1 - Proposed classifications.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Proposed classifications. 2461.1 Section... MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2000) BUREAU INITIATED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Multiple-Use Classification Procedures § 2461.1 Proposed classifications. (a) Proposed classifications will...
43 CFR 2461.1 - Proposed classifications.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Proposed classifications. 2461.1 Section... MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2000) BUREAU INITIATED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Multiple-Use Classification Procedures § 2461.1 Proposed classifications. (a) Proposed classifications will...
43 CFR 2461.1 - Proposed classifications.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Proposed classifications. 2461.1 Section... MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2000) BUREAU INITIATED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Multiple-Use Classification Procedures § 2461.1 Proposed classifications. (a) Proposed classifications will...
43 CFR 2461.1 - Proposed classifications.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Proposed classifications. 2461.1 Section... MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2000) BUREAU INITIATED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Multiple-Use Classification Procedures § 2461.1 Proposed classifications. (a) Proposed classifications will...
Nkwabong, Elie; Meboulou Nguel, Romuald; Kamgaing, Nelly; Keddi Jippe, Anne Sylvie
High mother-to-child (MTC) transmission rate of HIV might contribute to the increased pandemic rate. The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge, attitude and practices of health personnel working in maternities in the prevention of MTC transmission of HIV. This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from 20th February to 30th April, 2017. All health personnel working in the maternity wards were included in this study. The variables recorded included their age, grade, experience (number of year of practice), gender, educational level, health structure and the training in prevention of MTC transmission of HIV. Analyses were done using SPSS 21.0. The Pearson Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test and logistic regression were used for comparison. The level of significance was P < 0.05. A total of 140 health personnel were recruited. Knowledge was insufficient amongst 73 of them (52.1%). The factors significantly associated with sufficient knowledge were midwifery qualification (aOR 9.01, 95% CI 1.82-48.60) and training in prevention of MTC transmission of HIV (aOR 2.23, 95% CI 1.02-4.81). Regarding attitudes, it was negative in 85 practitioners (60.7%). Only those aged ≥33 years were significantly associated with a positive attitude (aOR 2.34, 95% CI 1.14-4.23). As concerns practices, only 32 practitioners (22.9%) had good practices. Only midwives were associated with good practices (aOR 3.23, 95% CI 1.21-9.95). Insufficient knowledge, attitude and practices in the prevention of MTC transmission of HIV were observed among the majority of health personnel in the region. This lack of knowledge in prevention can therefore contribute to the rise of the mother-to-child transmission rate of HIV. To reduce this rate, more health personnel should be trained, especially midwives, in the prevention of MTC transmission of HIV. Moreover, deliveries of all women living with HIV should be conducted or at least supervised by trained midwives, especially
Transmission properties of one-dimensional ternary plasma photonic crystals
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shiveshwari, Laxmi; Awasthi, S. K.
Omnidirectional photonic band gaps (PBGs) are found in one-dimensional ternary plasma photonic crystals (PPC) composed of single negative metamaterials. The band characteristics and transmission properties are investigated through the transfer matrix method. We show that the proposed structure can trap light in three-dimensional space due to the elimination of Brewster's angle transmission resonance allowing the existence of complete PBG. The results are discussed in terms of incident angle, layer thickness, dielectric constant of the dielectric material, and number of unit cells (N) for TE and TM polarizations. It is seen that PBG characteristics is apparent even in an N ≥ 2 system,more » which is weakly sensitive to the incident angle and completely insensitive to the polarization. Finite PPC could be used for multichannel transmission filter without introducing any defect in the geometry. We show that the locations of the multichannel transmission peaks are in the allowed band of the infinite structure. The structure can work as a single or multichannel filter by varying the number of unit cells. Binary PPC can also work as a polarization sensitive tunable filter.« less
Bordetella pertussis transmission
Trainor, Elizabeth A.; Nicholson, Tracy L.; Merkel, Tod J.
Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica are Gram-negative bacterial respiratory pathogens. Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of whooping cough and is considered a human-adapted variant of B. bronchiseptica. Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica share mechanisms of pathogenesis and are genetically closely related. However, despite the close genetic relatedness, these Bordetella species differ in several classic fundamental aspects of bacterial pathogens such as host range, pathologies and persistence. The development of the baboon model for the study of B. pertussis transmission, along with the development of the swine and mouse model for the study of B. bronchiseptica, has enabled the investigation of different aspects of transmission including the route, attack rate, role of bacterial and host factors, and the impact of vaccination on transmission. This review will focus on B. pertussis transmission and how animal models of B. pertussis transmission and transmission models using the closely related B. bronchiseptica have increased our understanding of B. pertussis transmission. PMID:26374235
A feature selection approach towards progressive vector transmission over the Internet
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miao, Ru; Song, Jia; Feng, Min
WebGIS has been applied for visualizing and sharing geospatial information popularly over the Internet. In order to improve the efficiency of the client applications, the web-based progressive vector transmission approach is proposed. Important features should be selected and transferred firstly, and the methods for measuring the importance of features should be further considered in the progressive transmission. However, studies on progressive transmission for large-volume vector data have mostly focused on map generalization in the field of cartography, but rarely discussed on the selection of geographic features quantitatively. This paper applies information theory for measuring the feature importance of vector maps. A measurement model for the amount of information of vector features is defined based upon the amount of information for dealing with feature selection issues. The measurement model involves geometry factor, spatial distribution factor and thematic attribute factor. Moreover, a real-time transport protocol (RTP)-based progressive transmission method is then presented to improve the transmission of vector data. To clearly demonstrate the essential methodology and key techniques, a prototype for web-based progressive vector transmission is presented, and an experiment of progressive selection and transmission for vector features is conducted. The experimental results indicate that our approach clearly improves the performance and end-user experience of delivering and manipulating large vector data over the Internet.
Video Transmission for Third Generation Wireless Communication Systems
Gharavi, H.; Alamouti, S. M.
This paper presents a twin-class unequal protected video transmission system over wireless channels. Video partitioning based on a separation of the Variable Length Coded (VLC) Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients within each block is considered for constant bitrate transmission (CBR). In the splitting process the fraction of bits assigned to each of the two partitions is adjusted according to the requirements of the unequal error protection scheme employed. Subsequently, partitioning is applied to the ITU-T H.263 coding standard. As a transport vehicle, we have considered one of the leading third generation cellular radio standards known as WCDMA. A dual-priority transmission system is then invoked on the WCDMA system where the video data, after being broken into two streams, is unequally protected. We use a very simple error correction coding scheme for illustration and then propose more sophisticated forms of unequal protection of the digitized video signals. We show that this strategy results in a significantly higher quality of the reconstructed video data when it is transmitted over time-varying multipath fading channels. PMID:27500033
Multi-layer topological transmissions of spoof surface plasmon polaritons.
Pan, Bai Cao; Zhao, Jie; Liao, Zhen; Zhang, Hao Chi; Cui, Tie Jun
Spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in microwave frequency provide a high field confinement in subwavelength scale and low-loss and flexible transmissions, which have been widely used in novel transmission waveguides and functional devices. To play more important roles in modern integrated circuits and systems, it is necessary and helpful for the SPP modes to propagate among different layers of devices and chips. Owing to the highly confined property and organized near-field distribution, we show that the spoof SPPs could be easily transmitted from one layer into another layer via metallic holes and arc-shaped transitions. Such designs are suitable for both the ultrathin and flexible single-strip SPP waveguide and double-strip SPP waveguide for active SPP devices. Numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate the broadband and high-efficiency multi-layer topological transmissions with controllable absorption that is related to the superposition area of corrugated metallic strips. The transmission coefficient of single-strip SPP waveguide is no worse than -0.8 dB within frequency band from 2.67 GHz to 10.2 GHz while the transmission of double-strip SPP waveguide keeps above -1 dB within frequency band from 2.26 GHz to 11.8 GHz. The proposed method will enhance the realizations of highly complicated plasmonic integrated circuits.
Research on an infectious disease transmission by flocking birds.
Tang, Mingsheng; Mao, Xinjun; Guessoum, Zahia
The swarm intelligence is becoming a hot topic. The flocking of birds is a natural phenomenon, which is formed and organized without central or external controls for some benefits (e.g., reduction of energy consummation). However, the flocking also has some negative effects on the human, as the infectious disease H7N9 will easily be transmited from the denser flocking birds to the human. Zombie-city model has been proposed to help analyzing and modeling the flocking birds and the artificial society. This paper focuses on the H7N9 virus transmission in the flocking birds and from the flocking birds to the human. And some interesting results have been shown: (1) only some simple rules could result in an emergence such as the flocking; (2) the minimum distance between birds could affect H7N9 virus transmission in the flocking birds and even affect the virus transmissions from the flocking birds to the human.
Initialization by measurement of a superconducting quantum bit circuit.
Ristè, D; van Leeuwen, J G; Ku, H-S; Lehnert, K W; DiCarlo, L
We demonstrate initialization by joint measurement of two transmon qubits in 3D circuit quantum electrodynamics. Homodyne detection of cavity transmission is enhanced by Josephson parametric amplification to discriminate the two-qubit ground state from single-qubit excitations nondestructively and with 98.1% fidelity. Measurement and postselection of a steady-state mixture with 4.7% residual excitation per qubit achieve 98.8% fidelity to the ground state, thus outperforming passive initialization.
Kashiwagi, Ken; Mozawa, Kiyonobu; Tanaka, Yosuke; Kurokawa, Takashi
We precisely generate dark solitons using an optical pulse synthesizer (OPS) at a repetition rate of 25 GHz and experimentally investigate soliton transmission through a normal-dispersion fiber. Because of their particular waveform, there are not many experimental studies. The OPS provides frequency-domain line-by-line modulation and produces arbitrary pulse waveforms. The soliton waveform has an intensity contrast greater than 20 dB. At certain input peak power, the pulse exhibits soliton transmission and maintains its initial waveform. The power agrees with soliton transmission theory. We confirm that the π phase shift at the center of the dark soliton is maintained after transmission through the fiber. We also investigate the influence of stimulated Brillouin scattering for long-distance transmission.
NASA transmission research and its probable effects on helicopter transmission design
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaretsky, E. V.; Coy, J. J.; Townsend, D. P.
Transmissions studied for application to helicopters in addition to the more conventional geared transmissions include hybrid (traction/gear), bearingless planetary, and split torque transmissions. Research is being performed to establish the validity of analysis and computer codes developed to predict the performance, efficiency, life, and reliability of these transmissions. Results of this research should provide the transmission designer with analytical tools to design for minimum weight and noise with maximum life and efficiency. In addition, the advantages and limitations of drive systems as well as the more conventional systems will be defined.
NASA transmission research and its probable effects on helicopter transmission design
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaretsky, E. V.; Coy, J. J.; Townsend, D. P.
Transmissions studied for application to helicopters in addition to the more conventional geared transmissions include hybrid (traction/gear), bearingless planetary, and split torque transmissions. Research is being performed to establish the validity of analysis and computer codes developed to predict the performance, efficiency, life, and reliability of these transmissions. Results of this research should provide the transmission designer with analytical tools to design for minimum weight and noise with maximum life and efficiency. In addition, the advantages and limitations of drive systems as well as the more conventional systems will be defined.
Long-term infection and vertical transmission of a gammaretrovirus in a foreign host species.
Sakuma, Toshie; Tonne, Jason M; Malcolm, Jessica A; Thatava, Tayaramma; Ohmine, Seiga; Peng, Kah-Whye; Ikeda, Yasuhiro
Increasing evidence has indicated natural transspecies transmission of gammaretroviruses; however, viral-host interactions after initial xeno-exposure remain poorly understood. Potential association of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) in patients with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome has attracted broad interests in this topic. Although recent studies have indicated that XMRV is unlikely a human pathogen, further understanding of XMRV xenoinfection would allow in vivo modeling of the initial steps of gammaretroviral interspecies transmission, evolution and dissemination in a new host population. In this study, we monitored the long-term consequences of XMRV infection and its possible vertical transmission in a permissive foreign host, wild-derived Mus pahari mice. One year post-infection, XMRV-infected mice showed no notable pathological changes, while proviral DNA was detected in three out of eight mice. XMRV-infected mice remained seropositive throughout the study although the levels of gp70 Env- and p30 capsid-specific antibodies gradually decreased. When vertical XMRV transmission was assessed, no viremia, humoral immune responses nor endogenization were observed in nine offspring from infected mothers, yet one offspring was found PCR-positive for XMRV-specific sequences. Amplified viral sequences from the offspring showed several mutations, including one amino acid deletion in the receptor binding domain of Env SU. Our results therefore demonstrate long-term asymptomatic infection, low incidence of vertical transmission and limited evolution of XMRV upon transspecies infection of a permissive new host, Mus pahari.
Th17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques.
Stieh, Daniel J; Matias, Edgar; Xu, Huanbin; Fought, Angela J; Blanchard, James L; Marx, Preston A; Veazey, Ronald S; Hope, Thomas J
The difficulty in detecting rare infected cells immediately after mucosal HIV transmission has hindered our understanding of the initial cells targeted by the virus. Working with the macaque simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) vaginal challenge model, we developed methodology to identify discrete foci of SIV (mac239) infection 48 hr after vaginal inoculation. We find infectious foci throughout the reproductive tract, from labia to ovary. Phenotyping infected cells reveals that SIV has a significant bias for infection of CCR6+ CD4+ T cells. SIV-infected cells expressed the transcriptional regulator RORγt, confirming that the initial target cells are specifically of the Th17 lineage. Furthermore, we detect host responses to infection, as evidenced by apoptosis, cell lysis, and phagocytosis of infected cells. Thus, our analysis identifies Th17-lineage CCR6+ CD4+ T cells as primary targets of SIV during vaginal transmission. This opens new opportunities for interventions to protect these cells and prevent HIV transmission. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Confidential storage and transmission of medical image data.
Norcen, R; Podesser, M; Pommer, A; Schmidt, H-P; Uhl, A
We discuss computationally efficient techniques for confidential storage and transmission of medical image data. Two types of partial encryption techniques based on AES are proposed. The first encrypts a subset of bitplanes of plain image data whereas the second encrypts parts of the JPEG2000 bitstream. We find that encrypting between 20% and 50% of the visual data is sufficient to provide high confidentiality.
Planning Electric Transmission Lines: A Review of Recent Regional Transmission Plans
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Eto, Joseph H.
The first Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) recommends that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) conduct a national review of transmission plans and assess the barriers and incentives to their implementation. DOE tasked Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to prepare two reports to support the agency’s response to this recommendation. This report reviews regional transmission plans and regional transmission planning processes that have been directed by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order Nos. 890 and 1000. We focus on the most recent regional transmission plans (those issued in 2015 and through approximately mid-year 2016) and current regional transmission planning processes. Amore » companion report focuses on non-plan-related factors that affect transmission projects.« less
Broadband direction-dependent transmission of light with photonic crystal heterostructure grating
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yilmaz, D.; Giden, I. H.; Kurt, H.
Direction-dependent light transmission is a remarkable phenomenon owing to its great potential to be used in optical communication processing systems such as optical diodes, isolators and rectifiers. All these applications require optical reciprocity breaking mechanisms such as magneto-optical effect. Keeping the reciprocity intact, it is possible to manipulate the amount and spatial form of the two oppositely propagating lights exiting from a passive photonic medium. In this paper, a photonic crystal diffraction grating (PCDG) configuration is studied for the investigation of asymmetric light transport due to the spatial inversion symmetry breaking in the designed compact all-dielectric PC heterostructure. Thanks to the periodic corrugations at the back-surface of the designed structure, the backward transmission of the zero-order diffracted wave is notably suppressed while the efficient unidirectional forward transmission is achieved. Numerical calculations show that up to 73% of the incoming electromagnetic energy is transmitted in the forward illumination whereas it reduces down to a value of 6% (which corresponds to 10.85 dB beam suppression) in the case of backward illumination. That asymmetric light transmission leads to a contrast ratio (CR) of above 0.55 (CR = (T +x - T -x )/(T +x + T -x ), in which T -x and T +x are the transmission efficiencies in the -x and +x directions, respectively). The highest contrast ratio of CR = 0.99 is calculated at the incident frequency of a/λ = 0.5338 having the forward and backward transmissions of {T +x ,T -x } = {42%,0.1%}, which corresponds to the beam suppression of 26.23 dB. Furthermore, the proposed PCDG exhibits the diffraction grating effect at the considerable range of angle of incidence up to ±20° at certain frequencies indicating that the proposed grating system is durable to source misalignments.
Enabling lunar and space missions by laser power transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Deyoung, R. J.; Nealy, J. E.; Humes, D. H.; Meador, W. E.
Applications are proposed for laser power transmission on the Moon. A solar-pumped laser in lunar orbit would beam power to the lunar surface for conversion into either electricity or propulsion needs. For example, lunar rovers could be much more flexible and lighter than rovers using other primary power sources. Also, laser power could be absorbed by lunar soil to create a hard glassy surface for dust-free roadways and launch pads. Laser power could also be used to power small lunar rockets or orbital transfer vehicles, and finally, photovoltaic laser converters could power remote excavation vehicles and human habitats. Laser power transmission is shown to be a highly flexible, enabling primary power source for lunar missions.
Seven-core multicore fiber transmissions for passive optical network.
Zhu, B; Taunay, T F; Yan, M F; Fini, J M; Fishteyn, M; Monberg, E M; Dimarcello, F V
We design and fabricate a novel multicore fiber (MCF), with seven cores arranged in a hexagonal array. The fiber properties of MCF including low crosstalk, attenuation and splice loss are described. A new tapered MCF connector (TMC), showing ultra-low crosstalk and losses, is also designed and fabricated for coupling the individual signals in-and-out of the MCF. We further propose a novel network configuration using parallel transmissions with the MCF and TMC for passive optical network (PON). To the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate the first bi-directional parallel transmissions of 1310 nm and 1490 nm signals over 11.3-km of seven-core MCF with 64-way splitter for PON.
An overview of satellite transmission issues and the ISDN
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Knight, Ivor N.; Neibert, Mark T.
Satellite communications are examined in terms of services, flexibility, connectivity, and quality. Present business communications services and the need for a corporate communication network are discussed. The development of an integrated services digital network (ISDN) is proposed; the capabilities and advantages of ISDN are described. Consideration is given to the interconnectibility of ISDN and methods for improving transmission quality.
Mapping influenza transmission in the ferret model to transmission in humans
Buhnerkempe, Michael G; Gostic, Katelyn; Park, Miran; Ahsan, Prianna; Belser, Jessica A; Lloyd-Smith, James O
The controversy surrounding 'gain-of-function' experiments on high-consequence avian influenza viruses has highlighted the role of ferret transmission experiments in studying the transmission potential of novel influenza strains. However, the mapping between influenza transmission in ferrets and in humans is unsubstantiated. We address this gap by compiling and analyzing 240 estimates of influenza transmission in ferrets and humans. We demonstrate that estimates of ferret secondary attack rate (SAR) explain 66% of the variation in human SAR estimates at the subtype level. Further analysis shows that ferret transmission experiments have potential to identify influenza viruses of concern for epidemic spread in humans, though small sample sizes and biological uncertainties prevent definitive classification of human transmissibility. Thus, ferret transmission experiments provide valid predictions of pandemic potential of novel influenza strains, though results should continue to be corroborated by targeted virological and epidemiological research. DOI: PMID:26329460
A full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission system.
Li, Chung-Yi; Lu, Hai-Han; Ying, Cheng-Ling; Cheng, Chun-Jen; Lin, Che-Yu; Wan, Zhi-Wei; Chen, Jian-Hua
A full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission system consisting of one broadband light source (BLS), two optical interleavers (ILs), one intensity modulator, and one phase modulator is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The downstream light is optically promoted from 10Gbps/25GHz microwave (MW) data signal to 10Gbps/100GHz and 10Gbps/50GHz millimeter-wave (MMW) data signals in fiber-wireless convergence, and intensity-modulated with 50-550 MHz CATV signal. For up-link transmission, the downstream light is phase-remodulated with 10Gbps/25GHz MW data signal in fiber-wireless convergence. Over a 40-km single-mode fiber (SMF) and a 10-m radio frequency (RF) wireless transport, bit error rate (BER), carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), composite second-order (CSO), and composite triple-beat (CTB) are observed to perform well in such full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission systems. This full-duplex 100-GHz/50-GHz/25-GHz/550-MHz lightwave transmission system is an attractive alternative. This transmission system not only presents its advancement in the integration of fiber backbone and CATV/wireless feeder networks, but also it provides the advantages of a communication channel for higher data rates and bandwidth.
A locomotive-track coupled vertical dynamics model with gear transmissions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Zaigang; Zhai, Wanming; Wang, Kaiyun
A gear transmission system is a key element in a locomotive for the transmission of traction or braking forces between the motor and the wheel-rail interface. Its dynamic performance has a direct effect on the operational reliability of the locomotive and its components. This paper proposes a comprehensive locomotive-track coupled vertical dynamics model, in which the locomotive is driven by axle-hung motors. In this coupled dynamics model, the dynamic interactions between the gear transmission system and the other components, e.g. motor and wheelset, are considered based on the detailed analysis of its structural properties and working mechanism. Thus, the mechanical transmission system for power delivery from the motor to the wheelset via gear transmission is coupled with a traditional locomotive-track dynamics system via the wheel-rail contact interface and the gear mesh interface. This developed dynamics model enables investigations of the dynamic performance of the entire dynamics system under the excitations from the wheel-rail contact interface and/or the gear mesh interface. Dynamic interactions are demonstrated by numerical simulations using this dynamics model. The results indicate that both of the excitations from the wheel-rail contact interface and the gear mesh interface have a significant effect on the dynamic responses of the components in this coupled dynamics system.
Waveguide bandpass filter with easily adjustable transmission zeros and 3-dB bandwidth
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bage, Amit; Das, Sushrut; Murmu, Lakhindar; Pattapu, Udayabhaskar; Biswal, Sonika
This paper presents a compact waveguide bandpass filter with adjustable transmission zeros (TZs) and bandwidth. The design provides the flexibility to place the TZs at the desired locations for better interference rejection. To demonstrate, initially a three-pole bandpass filter has been designed by placing three single slot resonator structures inside a WR-90 waveguide. Next, two additional asymmetrical slot structures have been used with each of the above resonators to generate two TZs, one on each side of the passband. Since three resonators were used, this process results in six asymmetric slot structures those results in six TZs. The final filter operates at 9.98 GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth of 1.02 GHz and TZs at 8.23/8.70/9.16/10.9/11.6 and 13.115 GHz. Equivalent circuits and necessary design equations have been provided. To validate the simulation, the proposed filter has been fabricated and measured. The measured data show good agreement with simulated data.
Bordetella pertussis transmission.
Trainor, Elizabeth A; Nicholson, Tracy L; Merkel, Tod J
Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica are Gram-negative bacterial respiratory pathogens. Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of whooping cough and is considered a human-adapted variant of B. bronchiseptica. Bordetella pertussis and B. bronchiseptica share mechanisms of pathogenesis and are genetically closely related. However, despite the close genetic relatedness, these Bordetella species differ in several classic fundamental aspects of bacterial pathogens such as host range, pathologies and persistence. The development of the baboon model for the study of B. pertussis transmission, along with the development of the swine and mouse model for the study of B. bronchiseptica, has enabled the investigation of different aspects of transmission including the route, attack rate, role of bacterial and host factors, and the impact of vaccination on transmission. This review will focus on B. pertussis transmission and how animal models of B. pertussis transmission and transmission models using the closely related B. bronchiseptica have increased our understanding of B. pertussis transmission. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McLinko, Ryan M.; Sagar, Basant V.
Space-based solar power (SSP) generation is being touted as a solution to our ever-increasing energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels. Satellites in Earth's orbit can capture solar energy through photovoltaic cells and transmit that power to ground based stations. Solar cells in orbit are not hindered by weather, clouds, or night. The energy generated by this process is clean and pollution-free. Although the concept of space-based solar power was initially proposed nearly 40 years ago, the level of technology in photovoltaics, power transmission, materials, and efficient satellite design has finally reached a level of maturity that makes solar power from space a feasible prospect. Furthermore, new strategies in methods for solar energy acquisition and transmission can lead to simplifications in design, reductions in cost and reduced risk. This paper proposes using a distributed array of small satellites to collect power from the Sun, as compared to the more traditional SSP design that consists of one monolithic satellite. This concept mitigates some of SSP's most troublesome historic constraints, such as the requirement for heavy lift launch vehicles and the need for significant assembly in space. Instead, a larger number of smaller satellites designed to collect solar energy are launched independently. A high frequency beam will be used to aggregate collected power into a series of transmission antennas, which beam the energy to Earth's surface at a lower frequency. Due to the smaller power expectations of each satellite and the relatively short distance of travel from low earth orbit, such satellites can be designed with smaller arrays. The inter-satellite rectenna devices can also be smaller and lighter in weight. Our paper suggests how SSP satellites can be designed small enough to fit within ESPA standards and therefore use rideshare to achieve orbit. Alternatively, larger versions could be launched on Falcon 9s or on Falcon 1s with booster stages
Wei, Chia-Chien
This work theoretically studies the transmission performance of a DML-based OFDM system by small-signal approximation, and the model considers both the transient and adiabatic chirps. The dispersion-induced distortion is modeled as subcarrier-to-subcarrier intermixing interference (SSII), and the theoretical SSII agrees with the distortion obtained from large-signal simulation statistically and deterministically. The analysis shows that the presence of the adiabatic chirp will ease power fading or even provide gain, but will increase the SSII to deteriorate OFDM signals after dispersive transmission. Furthermore, this work also proposes a novel iterative equalization to eliminate the SSII. From the simulation, the distortion could be effectively mitigated by the proposed equalization such that the maximum transmission distance of the DML-based OFDM signal is significantly improved. For instance, the transmission distance of a 30-Gbps DML-based OFDM signal can be extended from 10 km to more than 100 km. Besides, since the dispersion-induced distortion could be effectively mitigated by the equalization, negative power penalties are observed at some distances due to chirp-induced power gain.
48 CFR 2415.305 - Proposal evaluation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... technical portion of each proposal to the TEP Chairperson or his or her designee. The cost/price portion of each proposal shall be retained by the Contracting Officer pending initial technical evaluation by the TEP. (3) Technical evaluation. The TEP shall rate each proposal based on the evaluation factors...
On the reduced-complexity of LDPC decoders for beyond 400 Gb/s serial optical transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Djordjevic, Ivan B.; Xu, Lei; Wang, Ting
Two reduced-complexity (RC) LDPC decoders are proposed, which can be used in combination with large-girth LDPC codes to enable beyond 400 Gb/s serial optical transmission. We show that optimally attenuated RC min-sum sum algorithm performs only 0.45 dB worse than conventional sum-product algorithm, while having lower storage memory requirements and much lower latency. We further evaluate the proposed algorithms for use in beyond 400 Gb/s serial optical transmission in combination with PolMUX 32-IPQ-based signal constellation and show that low BERs can be achieved for medium optical SNRs, while achieving the net coding gain above 11.4 dB.
Surface NMR imaging with simultaneously energized transmission loops
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Irons, T. P.; Kass, A.; Parsekian, A.
Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (sNMR) is a unique geophysical technique which allows for the direct detection of liquid-phase water. In saturated media the sNMR response also provides estimates of hydrologic properties including porosity and permeability. The most common survey deployment consists of a single coincident loop performing both transmission and receiving. Because the sNMR method is relatively slow, tomography using coincident loops is time-intensive. Surveys using multiple receiver loops (but a single transmitter) provide additional sensitivity; however, they still require iterating transmission over the loops, and do not decrease survey acquisition time. In medical rotating frame imaging, arrays of transmitters are employed in order to decrease acquisition time, whilst optimizing image resolving power-a concept which we extend to earth's field imaging. Using simultaneously energized transmission loops decreases survey time linearly with the number of channels. To demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of multiple transmission loops, we deployed simultaneous sNMR transmission arrays using minimally coupled loops and a specially modified instrument at the Red Buttes Hydrogeophysics Experiment Site-a well-characterized location near Laramie, Wyoming. The proposed survey proved capable of acquiring multiple-channel imaging data with comparable noise levels to figure-eight configurations. Finally, the channels can be combined after acquisition or inverted simultaneously to provide composite datasets and images. This capability leverages the improved near surface resolving power of small loops but retains sensitivity to deep media through the use of synthetic aperature receivers. As such, simultaneously acquired loop arrays provide a great deal of flexibility.
Design of transmissive lens with nearly 100% efficiency by using Huygens metasurface
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, B. C.; Wang, G. M.; Cai, T.; Hou, H. S.; Guo, W. L.; Xie, P.; Shuai, S. Y.; Liao, Z. H.; Li, K.; Zhu, L.; Gao, X. J.
We proposed a high-efficiency meta-surface with a parabolic phase distribution that can focus a plane wave to a point image in transmission geometry. For realizing the predicted effects, we use the meta-atoms with 100% transmission to make it. Then we operate the simulation in the CST Microwave Studio to perform the focusing characteristic. The results show that the maximum efficiency is up to 90.6% at 10GHz and the half-power bandwidth is 31.8%, which is better than other previous works.
Li, Yun Bo; Li, Lian Lin; Xu, Bai Bing; Wu, Wei; Wu, Rui Yuan; Wan, Xiang; Cheng, Qiang; Cui, Tie Jun
The programmable and digital metamaterials or metasurfaces presented recently have huge potentials in designing real-time-controlled electromagnetic devices. Here, we propose the first transmission-type 2-bit programmable coding metasurface for single-sensor and single- frequency imaging in the microwave frequency. Compared with the existing single-sensor imagers composed of active spatial modulators with their units controlled independently, we introduce randomly programmable metasurface to transform the masks of modulators, in which their rows and columns are controlled simultaneously so that the complexity and cost of the imaging system can be reduced drastically. Different from the single-sensor approach using the frequency agility, the proposed imaging system makes use of variable modulators under single frequency, which can avoid the object dispersion. In order to realize the transmission-type 2-bit programmable metasurface, we propose a two-layer binary coding unit, which is convenient for changing the voltages in rows and columns to switch the diodes in the top and bottom layers, respectively. In our imaging measurements, we generate the random codes by computer to achieve different transmission patterns, which can support enough multiple modes to solve the inverse-scattering problem in the single-sensor imaging. Simple experimental results are presented in the microwave frequency, validating our new single-sensor and single-frequency imaging system.
Castillo-Cara, Manuel; Lovón-Melgarejo, Jesús; Bravo-Rocca, Gusseppe; Orozco-Barbosa, Luis; García-Varea, Ismael
Nowadays, there is a great interest in developing accurate wireless indoor localization mechanisms enabling the implementation of many consumer-oriented services. Among the many proposals, wireless indoor localization mechanisms based on the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) are being widely explored. Most studies have focused on the evaluation of the capabilities of different mobile device brands and wireless network technologies. Furthermore, different parameters and algorithms have been proposed as a means of improving the accuracy of wireless-based localization mechanisms. In this paper, we focus on the tuning of the RSSI fingerprint to be used in the implementation of a Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 (BLE4.0) Bluetooth localization mechanism. Following a holistic approach, we start by assessing the capabilities of two Bluetooth sensor/receiver devices. We then evaluate the relevance of the RSSI fingerprint reported by each BLE4.0 beacon operating at various transmission power levels using feature selection techniques. Based on our findings, we use two classification algorithms in order to improve the setting of the transmission power levels of each of the BLE4.0 beacons. Our main findings show that our proposal can greatly improve the localization accuracy by setting a custom transmission power level for each BLE4.0 beacon. PMID:28590413
Castillo-Cara, Manuel; Lovón-Melgarejo, Jesús; Bravo-Rocca, Gusseppe; Orozco-Barbosa, Luis; García-Varea, Ismael
Nowadays, there is a great interest in developing accurate wireless indoor localization mechanisms enabling the implementation of many consumer-oriented services. Among the many proposals, wireless indoor localization mechanisms based on the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) are being widely explored. Most studies have focused on the evaluation of the capabilities of different mobile device brands and wireless network technologies. Furthermore, different parameters and algorithms have been proposed as a means of improving the accuracy of wireless-based localization mechanisms. In this paper, we focus on the tuning of the RSSI fingerprint to be used in the implementation of a Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 (BLE4.0) Bluetooth localization mechanism. Following a holistic approach, we start by assessing the capabilities of two Bluetooth sensor/receiver devices. We then evaluate the relevance of the RSSI fingerprint reported by each BLE4.0 beacon operating at various transmission power levels using feature selection techniques. Based on our findings, we use two classification algorithms in order to improve the setting of the transmission power levels of each of the BLE4.0 beacons. Our main findings show that our proposal can greatly improve the localization accuracy by setting a custom transmission power level for each BLE4.0 beacon.
Signal-domain optimization metrics for MPRAGE RF pulse design in parallel transmission at 7 tesla.
Gras, V; Vignaud, A; Mauconduit, F; Luong, M; Amadon, A; Le Bihan, D; Boulant, N
Standard radiofrequency pulse design strategies focus on minimizing the deviation of the flip angle from a target value, which is sufficient but not necessary for signal homogeneity. An alternative approach, based directly on the signal, here is proposed for the MPRAGE sequence, and is developed in the parallel transmission framework with the use of the k T -points parametrization. The flip angle-homogenizing and the proposed methods were investigated numerically under explicit power and specific absorption rate constraints and tested experimentally in vivo on a 7 T parallel transmission system enabling real time local specific absorption rate monitoring. Radiofrequency pulse performance was assessed by a careful analysis of the signal and contrast between white and gray matter. Despite a slight reduction of the flip angle uniformity, an improved signal and contrast homogeneity with a significant reduction of the specific absorption rate was achieved with the proposed metric in comparison with standard pulse designs. The proposed joint optimization of the inversion and excitation pulses enables significant reduction of the specific absorption rate in the MPRAGE sequence while preserving image quality. The work reported thus unveils a possible direction to increase the potential of ultra-high field MRI and parallel transmission. Magn Reson Med 76:1431-1442, 2016. © 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Wolbachia transmission dynamics in Formica wood ants
Background The role of Wolbachia endosymbionts in shaping the mitochondrial diversity of their arthropod host depends on the effects they have on host reproduction and on the mode of transmission of the bacteria. We have compared the sequence diversity of wsp (Wolbachia surface protein gene) and the host mtDNA in a group of Formica ant species that have diverged approximately 0.5 million years ago (MYA). The aim was to study the relationship of Wolbachia and its ant hosts in terms of vertical and horizontal transmission of the bacteria. Results All studied ant species were doubly infected with two Wolbachia strains (wFex1 and wFex4) all over their geographical distribution area in Eurasia. The most common haplotypes of these strains were identical with strains previously described from a more distantly related Formica ant, with an estimated divergence time of 3.5 – 4 MYA. Some strain haplotypes were associated to the same or closely related mtDNA haplotypes as expected under vertical transmission. However, in several cases the wsp haplotypes coexisted with distant mtDNA haplotypes, a pattern which is more compatible with horizontal transmission of the bacteria. Conclusion Two lines of evidence suggest that the sharing of Wolbachia strains by all F. rufa species is rather due to horizontal than vertical transmission. First, the fact that endosymbiont strains identical to those of F. rufa ants have been found in another species that diverged 3.5–4 MYA strongly suggests that horizontal transfer can and does occur between Formica ants. Second, the frequent sharing of identical Wolbachia strains by distant mitochondrial lineages within the F. rufa group further shows that horizontal transmission has occurred repeatedly. Nevertheless, our dataset also provides some evidence for longer-term persistence of infection, indicating that Wolbachia infection within this host clade has been shaped by both horizontal and vertical transmission of symbionts. The fact that all
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roskam, J.
The transmission loss characteristics of panels using the acoustic intensity technique is presented. The theoretical formulation, installation of hardware, modifications to the test facility, and development of computer programs and test procedures are described. A listing of all the programs is also provided. The initial test results indicate that the acoustic intensity technique is easily adapted to measure transmission loss characteristics of panels. Use of this method will give average transmission loss values. The fixtures developed to position the microphones along the grid points are very useful in plotting the intensity maps of vibrating panels.
Intrinsic transmission magnetic circular dichroism spectra of GaMnAs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Terada, Hiroshi; Ohya, Shinobu; Tanaka, Masaaki
Transmission magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy has been widely used to reveal the spin-dependent band structure of ferromagnetic semiconductors. In these previous studies, some band pictures have been proposed from the spectral shapes observed in transmission MCD; however, extrinsic signals originating from optical interference have not been appropriately considered. In this study, we calculate the MCD spectra taking into account the optical interference of the layered structure of samples and show that the spectral shape of MCD is strongly influenced by optical interference. To correctly understand the transmission MCD, we also calculate the intrinsic MCD spectra of GaMnAs that are not influenced by the optical interference. The spectral shape of the intrinsic MCD can be explained by the characteristic band structure of GaMnAs, that is, the spin-polarized valence band and the impurity band existing above the valence band top.
Automated manual transmission controller
Lawrie, Robert E.; Reed, Jr., Richard G.; Bernier, David R.
A powertrain system for a hybrid vehicle. The hybrid vehicle includes a heat engine, such as a diesel engine, and an electric machine, which operates as both an electric motor and an alternator, to power the vehicle. The hybrid vehicle also includes a manual-style transmission configured to operate as an automatic transmission from the perspective of the driver. The engine and the electric machine drive an input shaft which in turn drives an output shaft of the transmission. In addition to driving the transmission, the electric machine regulates the speed of the input shaft in order to synchronize the input shaft during either an upshift or downshift of the transmission by either decreasing or increasing the speed of the input shaft. When decreasing the speed of the input shaft, the electric motor functions as an alternator to produce electrical energy which may be stored by a storage device. Operation of the transmission is controlled by a transmission controller which receives input signals and generates output signals to control shift and clutch motors to effect smooth launch, upshift shifts, and downshifts of the transmission, so that the transmission functions substantially as an automatic transmission from the perspective of the driver, while internally substantially functioning as a manual transmission.
Tokuda, K; Yahata, Y; Sunagawa, T
Prevention of secondary household transmission of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is important in outbreak settings. We examined factors contributing to secondary household transmission during STEC outbreaks in daycare centres in Japan. Suspected STEC outbreaks in daycare centres were identified by the National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases. Questionnaires were sent to local health centres that responded to outbreaks. Secondary household transmission rates were calculated, and factors affecting secondary household transmission rate were analysed by multilevel analysis. The secondary household transmission rates in 16 outbreaks ranged from 0% to 34·4% (median 4·4%). The highest rate (23·0%) was observed in siblings aged 6-9 years, and the infection rate was significantly higher for mothers than for fathers and grandparents (P < 0·05). Using multilevel analysis, the following variables were selected in the best model: information provided face-to-face (vs. letter or telephone) to families of children in daycare centres (at initial response), STEC type and lag time (days) between onset and providing information. Early response and hygiene education by visiting local health centre staff may be effective measures to prevent secondary household transmission in STEC outbreaks. Hygiene education should be emphasized for children aged 6-9 years, as well as for younger children.
Ogunyinka, A; Palin, W M; Shortall, A C; Marquis, P M
The effect of photoinitiator and co-initiator chemistry on the setting reaction and degree of conversion of dental resin-based composites (RBCs) has rarely been determined explicitly. This work examines the effect of type and concentration of photoinitiator and co-initiator on the rate of change of light transmission throughout polymerisation and degree of conversion of model RBC formulations. Bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate (bis-GMA) and triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) (6:4 molar ratio) resins filled with silanized glass filler (74wt.%) and containing various photoinitiators (camphorquinone; CQ, 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione; PPD, benzil; BZ), co-initiator types (N,N-dimethyl-p-amino benzoic acid ethyl ester; DABE, N,N-cyanoethyl methylaniline; CEMA, N,N-diethanol-p-toluidine; DEPT) and concentration (0.0-0.3% DABE) were polymerised using a halogen or LED light curing-unit (LCU) for 10, 20 and 40s. The setting reaction was monitored in real-time by measuring the light transmittance through the curing specimen and bulk degree of conversion (DC) evaluated using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy. Specimens containing CQ and PPD cured with the halogen LCU did not have a significant effect on DC or changes in light transmission, although a significant increase in DC was observed for CQ compared with PPD specimens cured with the LED LCU. DABE and CEMA were more effective co-initiators than DEPT. Although DC was not limited by co-initiator concentration, the absence of a co-initiator resulted in marked differences in light transmission and decreased DC throughout 40s irradiation with each LCU type. The spectral range emitted from different types of LCU and absorption characteristics of the photoinitiator chemistry of light-activated resin-based composites play a critical role in the efficiency of polymerisation.
Aslan, Hamide; Dey, Ranadhir; Meneses, Claudio; Castrovinci, Philip; Jeronimo, Selma Maria Bezerra; Oliva, Gætano; Fischer, Laurent; Duncan, Robert C.; Nakhasi, Hira L.; Valenzuela, Jesus G.; Kamhawi, Shaden
Background. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is transmitted by sand flies. Protection of needle-challenged vaccinated mice was abrogated in vector-initiated cutaneous leishmaniasis, highlighting the importance of developing natural transmission models for VL. Methods. We used Lutzomyia longipalpis to transmit Leishmania infantum or Leishmania donovani to hamsters. Vector-initiated infections were monitored and compared with intracardiac infections. Body weights were recorded weekly. Organ parasite loads and parasite pick-up by flies were assessed in sick hamsters. Results. Vector-transmitted L. infantum and L. donovani caused ≥5-fold increase in spleen weight compared with uninfected organs and had geometric mean parasite loads (GMPL) comparable to intracardiac inoculation of 107–108 parasites, although vector-initiated disease progression was slower and weight loss was greater. Only vector-initiated L. infantum infections caused cutaneous lesions at transmission and distal sites. Importantly, 45.6%, 50.0%, and 33.3% of sand flies feeding on ear, mouth, and testicular lesions, respectively, were parasite-positive. Successful transmission was associated with a high mean percent of metacyclics (66%–82%) rather than total GMPL (2.0 × 104–8.0 × 104) per midgut. Conclusions. This model provides an improved platform to study initial immune events at the bite site, parasite tropism, and pathogenesis and to test drugs and vaccines against naturally acquired VL. PMID:23288926
Exploring Vertical Transmission of Bifidobacteria from Mother to Child
Milani, Christian; Mancabelli, Leonardo; Lugli, Gabriele Andrea; Duranti, Sabrina; Turroni, Francesca; Ferrario, Chiara; Mangifesta, Marta; Viappiani, Alice; Ferretti, Pamela; Gorfer, Valentina; Tett, Adrian; Segata, Nicola; van Sinderen, Douwe
Passage through the birth canal and consequent exposure to the mother's microbiota is considered to represent the initiating event for microbial colonization of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn. However, a precise evaluation of such suspected vertical microbiota transmission has yet to be performed. Here, we evaluated the microbiomes of four sample sets, each consisting of a mother's fecal and milk samples and the corresponding infant's fecal sample, by means of amplicon-based profiling supported by shotgun metagenomics data for two key samples. Notably, targeted genome reconstruction from microbiome data revealed vertical transmission of a Bifidobacterium breve strain and a Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum strain from mother to infant, a notion confirmed by strain isolation and genome sequencing. Furthermore, PCR analyses targeting unique genes from these two strains highlighted their persistence in the infant gut at 6 months. Thus, this study demonstrates the existence of specific bifidobacterial strains that are common to mother and child and thus indicative of vertical transmission and that are maintained in the infant for at least relatively short time spans. PMID:26231653
Cavarelli, M; Scarlatti, G
The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated that an additional 370 000 new human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infections occurred in children in 2009, mainly through mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). Intrapartum transmission contributes to approximately 20-25% of infections, in utero transmission to 5-10% and postnatal transmission to an additional 10-15% of cases. MTCT accounts for only a few hundred infected newborns in those countries in which services are established for voluntary counselling and testing of pregnant women, and a supply of antiretroviral drugs is available throughout pregnancy with recommendations for elective Caesarean section and avoidance of breastfeeding. The single-dose nevirapine regimen has provided the momentum to initiate MTCT programmes in many resource-limited countries; however, regimens using a combination of antiretroviral drugs are needed also to effectively reduce transmission via breastfeeding. 2011 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine.
A Beacon Transmission Power Control Algorithm Based on Wireless Channel Load Forecasting in VANETs.
Mo, Yuanfu; Yu, Dexin; Song, Jun; Zheng, Kun; Guo, Yajuan
In a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), the periodic exchange of single-hop status information broadcasts (beacon frames) produces channel loading, which causes channel congestion and induces information conflict problems. To guarantee fairness in beacon transmissions from each node and maximum network connectivity, adjustment of the beacon transmission power is an effective method for reducing and preventing channel congestion. In this study, the primary factors that influence wireless channel loading are selected to construct the KF-BCLF, which is a channel load forecasting algorithm based on a recursive Kalman filter and employs multiple regression equation. By pre-adjusting the transmission power based on the forecasted channel load, the channel load was kept within a predefined range; therefore, channel congestion was prevented. Based on this method, the CLF-BTPC, which is a transmission power control algorithm, is proposed. To verify KF-BCLF algorithm, a traffic survey method that involved the collection of floating car data along a major traffic road in Changchun City is employed. By comparing this forecast with the measured channel loads, the proposed KF-BCLF algorithm was proven to be effective. In addition, the CLF-BTPC algorithm is verified by simulating a section of eight-lane highway and a signal-controlled urban intersection. The results of the two verification process indicate that this distributed CLF-BTPC algorithm can effectively control channel load, prevent channel congestion, and enhance the stability and robustness of wireless beacon transmission in a vehicular network.
Seo, Jaewan; Kim, Moonseong; Hur, In; Choi, Wook; Choo, Hyunseung
Recent studies have shown that in realistic wireless sensor network environments links are extremely unreliable. To recover from corrupted packets, most routing schemes with an assumption of ideal radio environments use a retransmission mechanism, which may cause unnecessary retransmissions. Therefore, guaranteeing energy-efficient reliable data transmission is a fundamental routing issue in wireless sensor networks. However, it is not encouraged to propose a new reliable routing scheme in the sense that every existing routing scheme cannot be replaced with the new one. This paper proposes a Distributed and Reliable Data Transmission (DRDT) scheme with a goal to efficiently guarantee reliable data transmission. In particular, this is based on a pluggable modular approach so that it can be extended to existing routing schemes. DRDT offers reliable data transmission using neighbor nodes, i.e., helper nodes. A helper node is selected among the neighbor nodes of the receiver node which overhear the data packet in a distributed manner. DRDT effectively reduces the number of retransmissions by delegating the retransmission task from the sender node to the helper node that has higher link quality to the receiver node when the data packet reception fails due to the low link quality between the sender and the receiver nodes. Comprehensive simulation results show that DRDT improves end-to-end transmission cost by up to about 45% and reduces its delay by about 40% compared to existing schemes.
A Beacon Transmission Power Control Algorithm Based on Wireless Channel Load Forecasting in VANETs
Mo, Yuanfu; Yu, Dexin; Song, Jun; Zheng, Kun; Guo, Yajuan
In a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), the periodic exchange of single-hop status information broadcasts (beacon frames) produces channel loading, which causes channel congestion and induces information conflict problems. To guarantee fairness in beacon transmissions from each node and maximum network connectivity, adjustment of the beacon transmission power is an effective method for reducing and preventing channel congestion. In this study, the primary factors that influence wireless channel loading are selected to construct the KF-BCLF, which is a channel load forecasting algorithm based on a recursive Kalman filter and employs multiple regression equation. By pre-adjusting the transmission power based on the forecasted channel load, the channel load was kept within a predefined range; therefore, channel congestion was prevented. Based on this method, the CLF-BTPC, which is a transmission power control algorithm, is proposed. To verify KF-BCLF algorithm, a traffic survey method that involved the collection of floating car data along a major traffic road in Changchun City is employed. By comparing this forecast with the measured channel loads, the proposed KF-BCLF algorithm was proven to be effective. In addition, the CLF-BTPC algorithm is verified by simulating a section of eight-lane highway and a signal-controlled urban intersection. The results of the two verification process indicate that this distributed CLF-BTPC algorithm can effectively control channel load, prevent channel congestion, and enhance the stability and robustness of wireless beacon transmission in a vehicular network. PMID:26571042
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Yu; Lin, Xiaocheng; Fan, Nianfei; Zhang, Lin
Wireless video multicast has become one of the key technologies in wireless applications. But the main challenge of conventional wireless video multicast, i.e., the cliff effect, remains unsolved. To overcome the cliff effect, a hybrid digital-analog (HDA) video transmission framework based on SoftCast, which transmits the digital bitstream with the quantization residuals, is proposed. With an effective power allocation algorithm and appropriate parameter settings, the residual gains can be maximized; meanwhile, the digital bitstream can assure transmission of a basic video to the multicast receiver group. In the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, since nonuniform noise interference on different antennas can be regarded as the cliff effect problem, ParCast, which is a variation of SoftCast, is also applied to video transmission to solve it. The HDA scheme with corresponding power allocation algorithms is also applied to improve video performance. Simulations show that the proposed HDA scheme can overcome the cliff effect completely with the transmission of residuals. What is more, it outperforms the compared WSVC scheme by more than 2 dB when transmitting under the same bandwidth, and it can further improve performance by nearly 8 dB in MIMO when compared with the ParCast scheme.
Environmental transmission of SARS at Amoy Gardens.
McKinney, Kelly R; Gong, Yu Yang; Lewis, Thomas G
Recent investigations into the March 2003 outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong have concluded that environmental factors played an important role in the transmission of the disease. These studies have focused on a particular outbreak event, the rapid spread of SARS throughout Amoy Gardens, a large, private apartment complex. They have demonstrated that, unlike a typical viral outbreak that is spread through person-to-person contact, the SARS virus in this case was spread primarily through the air. High concentrations of viral aerosols in building plumbing were drawn into apartment bathrooms through floor drains. The initial exposures occurred in these bathrooms. The virus-laden air was then transported by prevailing winds to adjacent buildings at Amoy Gardens, where additional exposures occurred. This article reviews the results of the investigations and provides recommendations for maintenance and other measures that building owners can take to help prevent environmental transmission of SARS and other flulike viruses in their buildings.
Ammonia modifies enteric neuromuscular transmission through glial γ-aminobutyric acid signaling.
Fried, David E; Watson, Ralph E; Robson, Simon C; Gulbransen, Brian D
Impaired gut motility may contribute, at least in part, to the development of systemic hyperammonemia and systemic neurological disorders in inherited metabolic disorders, or in severe liver and renal disease. It is not known whether enteric neurotransmission regulates intestinal luminal and hence systemic ammonia levels by induced changes in motility. Here, we propose and test the hypothesis that ammonia acts through specific enteric circuits to influence gut motility. We tested our hypothesis by recording the effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission in tissue samples from mice, pigs, and humans and investigated specific mechanisms using novel mutant mice, selective drugs, cellular imaging, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Exogenous ammonia increased neurogenic contractions and decreased neurogenic relaxations in segments of mouse, pig, and human intestine. Enteric glial cells responded to ammonia with intracellular Ca 2+ responses. Inhibition of glutamine synthetase and the deletion of glial connexin-43 channels in hGFAP :: Cre ER T2+/- /connexin43 f/f mice potentiated the effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission. The effects of ammonia on neuromuscular transmission were blocked by GABA A receptor antagonists, and ammonia drove substantive GABA release as did the selective pharmacological activation of enteric glia in GFAP::hM3Dq transgenic mice. We propose a novel mechanism whereby local ammonia is operational through GABAergic glial signaling to influence enteric neuromuscular circuits that regulate intestinal motility. Therapeutic manipulation of these mechanisms may benefit a number of neurological, hepatic, and renal disorders manifesting hyperammonemia. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We propose that local circuits in the enteric nervous system sense and regulate intestinal ammonia. We show that ammonia modifies enteric neuromuscular transmission to increase motility in human, pig, and mouse intestine model systems. The mechanisms underlying the
Sanada, Akira; Tanaka, Nobuo
This study deals with the feedforward active control of sound transmission through a simply supported rectangular panel using vibration actuators. The control effect largely depends on the excitation method, including the number and locations of actuators. In order to obtain a large control effect at low frequencies over a wide frequency, an active transmission control method based on single structural mode actuation is proposed. Then, with the goal of examining the feasibility of the proposed method, the (1, 3) mode is selected as the target mode and a modal actuation method in combination with six point force actuators is considered. Assuming that a single input single output feedforward control is used, sound transmission in the case minimizing the transmitted sound power is calculated for some actuation methods. Simulation results showed that the (1, 3) modal actuation is globally effective at reducing the sound transmission by more than 10 dB in the low-frequency range for both normal and oblique incidences. Finally, experimental results also showed that a large reduction could be achieved in the low-frequency range, which proves the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.
Richgels, Katherine L D; Russell, Robin E; Bron, Gebbiena M; Rocke, Tonie E
Sylvatic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is periodically responsible for large die-offs in rodent populations that can spillover and cause human mortalities. In the western US, prairie dog populations experience nearly 100% mortality during plague outbreaks, suggesting that multiple transmission pathways combine to amplify plague dynamics. Several alternate pathways in addition to flea vectors have been proposed, such as transmission via direct contact with bodily fluids or inhalation of infectious droplets, consumption of carcasses, and environmental sources of plague bacteria, such as contaminated soil. However, evidence supporting the ability of these proposed alternate pathways to trigger large-scale epizootics remains elusive. Here we present a short review of potential plague transmission pathways and use an ordinary differential equation model to assess the contribution of each pathway to resulting plague dynamics in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and their fleas (Oropsylla hirsuta). Using our model, we found little evidence to suggest that soil contamination was capable of producing plague epizootics in prairie dogs. However, in the absence of flea transmission, direct transmission, i.e., contact with bodily fluids or inhalation of infectious droplets, could produce enzootic dynamics, and transmission via contact with or consumption of carcasses could produce epizootics. This suggests that these pathways warrant further investigation.
Richgels, Katherine L. D.; Russell, Robin E.; Bron, Gebbiena; Rocke, Tonie E.
Sylvatic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is periodically responsible for large die-offs in rodent populations that can spillover and cause human mortalities. In the western US, prairie dog populations experience nearly 100% mortality during plague outbreaks, suggesting that multiple transmission pathways combine to amplify plague dynamics. Several alternate pathways in addition to flea vectors have been proposed, such as transmission via direct contact with bodily fluids or inhalation of infectious droplets, consumption of carcasses, and environmental sources of plague bacteria, such as contaminated soil. However, evidence supporting the ability of these proposed alternate pathways to trigger large-scale epizootics remains elusive. Here we present a short review of potential plague transmission pathways and use an ordinary differential equation model to assess the contribution of each pathway to resulting plague dynamics in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and their fleas (Oropsylla hirsuta). Using our model, we found little evidence to suggest that soil contamination was capable of producing plague epizootics in prairie dogs. However, in the absence of flea transmission, direct transmission, i.e., contact with bodily fluids or inhalation of infectious droplets, could produce enzootic dynamics, and transmission via contact with or consumption of carcasses could produce epizootics. This suggests that these pathways warrant further investigation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bogaard, Thom; Greco, Roberto
Many shallow landslides and debris flows are precipitation initiated. Therefore, regional landslide hazard assessment is often based on empirically derived precipitation intensity-duration (ID) thresholds and landslide inventories. Generally, two features of precipitation events are plotted and labeled with (shallow) landslide occurrence or non-occurrence. Hereafter, a separation line or zone is drawn, mostly in logarithmic space. The practical background of ID is that often only meteorological information is available when analyzing (non-)occurrence of shallow landslides and, at the same time, it could be that precipitation information is a good proxy for both meteorological trigger and hydrological cause. Although applied in many case studies, this approach suffers from many false positives as well as limited physical process understanding. Some first steps towards a more hydrologically based approach have been proposed in the past, but these efforts received limited follow-up.Therefore, the objective of our paper is to (a) critically analyze the concept of precipitation ID thresholds for shallow landslides and debris flows from a hydro-meteorological point of view and (b) propose a trigger-cause conceptual framework for lumped regional hydro-meteorological hazard assessment based on published examples and associated discussion. We discuss the ID thresholds in relation to return periods of precipitation, soil physics, and slope and catchment water balance. With this paper, we aim to contribute to the development of a stronger conceptual model for regional landslide hazard assessment based on physical process understanding and empirical data.
Molecular Mechanisms of HTLV-1 Cell-to-Cell Transmission
Gross, Christine; Thoma-Kress, Andrea K.
The tumorvirus human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), a member of the delta-retrovirus family, is transmitted via cell-containing body fluids such as blood products, semen, and breast milk. In vivo, HTLV-1 preferentially infects CD4+ T-cells, and to a lesser extent, CD8+ T-cells, dendritic cells, and monocytes. Efficient infection of CD4+ T-cells requires cell-cell contacts while cell-free virus transmission is inefficient. Two types of cell-cell contacts have been described to be critical for HTLV-1 transmission, tight junctions and cellular conduits. Further, two non-exclusive mechanisms of virus transmission at cell-cell contacts have been proposed: (1) polarized budding of HTLV-1 into synaptic clefts; and (2) cell surface transfer of viral biofilms at virological synapses. In contrast to CD4+ T-cells, dendritic cells can be infected cell-free and, to a greater extent, via viral biofilms in vitro. Cell-to-cell transmission of HTLV-1 requires a coordinated action of steps in the virus infectious cycle with events in the cell-cell adhesion process; therefore, virus propagation from cell-to-cell depends on specific interactions between cellular and viral proteins. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms of HTLV-1 transmission with a focus on the HTLV-1-encoded proteins Tax and p8, their impact on host cell factors mediating cell-cell contacts, cytoskeletal remodeling, and thus, virus propagation. PMID:27005656
Laser initiation of explosives
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Singh, Manpreet; Sethi, V. S.
Through laser initiation of explosives offers many advantages like controlled threshold energy over wide range, replacement of complicated safety arming mechanisms to simple and better system, immunity to RF/EMI environment etc, but there is greater difficulty to build detonator for all purpose applications and regular field trials. The challenges are to understand the interaction of laser radiation or its induced plasma with explosives, launching and transmission of high power laser beam, coupling and focussing to desired target area. This paper looks into the details of those facts.
Lu, Hai-Han; Li, Chung-Yi; Chu, Chien-An; Lu, Ting-Chien; Chen, Bo-Rui; Wu, Chang-Jen; Lin, Dai-Hua
A 10 m/25 Gbps light-based WiFi (LiFi) transmission system based on a two-stage injection-locked 680 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) transmitter is proposed. A LiFi transmission system with a data rate of 25 Gbps is experimentally demonstrated over a 10 m free-space link. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time a two-stage injection-locked 680 nm VCSEL transmitter in a 10 m/25 Gbps LiFi transmission system has been employed. Impressive bit error rate performance and a clear eye diagram are achieved in the proposed systems. Such a 10 m/25 Gbps LiFi transmission system provides the advantage of a communication link for higher data rates that could accelerate the deployment of visible laser light communication.
Dynamics of climate-based malaria transmission model with age-structured human population
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Addawe, Joel; Pajimola, Aprimelle Kris
In this paper, we proposed to study the dynamics of malaria transmission with periodic birth rate of the vector and an age-structure for the human population. The human population is divided into two compartments: pre-school (0-5 years) and the rest of the human population. We showed the existence of a disease-free equilibrium point. Using published epidemiological parameters, we use numerical simulations to show potential effect of climate change in the dynamics of age-structured malaria transmission. Numerical simulations suggest that there exists an asymptotically attractive solution that is positive and periodic.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamana, T. K.; Eltahir, E. A.
Early warnings of malaria transmission allow health officials to better prepare for future epidemics. Monitoring rainfall is recognized as an important part of malaria early warning systems, as outlined by the Roll Back Malaria Initiative. The Hydrology, Entomology and Malaria Simulator (HYDREMATS) is a mechanistic model that relates rainfall to malaria transmission, and could be used to provide early warnings of malaria epidemics. HYDREMATS is used to make predictions of mosquito populations and vectorial capacity for 2005, 2006, and 2007 in Banizoumbou village in western Niger. HYDREMATS is forced by observed rainfall, followed by a rainfall prediction based on the seasonal mean rainfall for a period two or four weeks into the future. Predictions made using this method provided reasonable estimates of mosquito populations and vectorial capacity, two to four weeks in advance. The predictions were significantly improved compared to those made when HYDREMATS was forced with seasonal mean rainfall alone.
An asymmetric resonant coupling wireless power transmission link for Micro-Ball Endoscopy.
Sun, Tianjia; Xie, Xiang; Li, Guolin; Gu, Yingke; Deng, Yangdong; Wang, Ziqiang; Wang, Zhihua
This paper investigates the design and optimization of a wireless power transmission link targeting Micro-Ball Endoscopy applications. A novel asymmetric resonant coupling structure is proposed to deliver power to an endoscopic Micro-Ball system for image read-out after it is excreted. Such a technology enables many key medical applications with stringent requirements for small system volume and high power delivery efficiency. A prototyping power transmission sub-system of the Micro-Ball system was implemented. It consists of primary coil, middle resonant coil, and cube-like full-direction secondary receiving coils. Our experimental results proved that 200mW of power can be successfully delivered. Such a wireless power transmission capability could satisfy the requirements of the Micro-Ball based endoscopy application. The transmission efficiency is in the range of 41% (worst working condition) to 53% (best working condition). Comparing to conventional structures, Asymmetric Resonant Coupling Structure improves power efficiency by 13%.
Cross-layer Energy Optimization Under Image Quality Constraints for Wireless Image Transmissions.
Yang, Na; Demirkol, Ilker; Heinzelman, Wendi
Wireless image transmission is critical in many applications, such as surveillance and environment monitoring. In order to make the best use of the limited energy of the battery-operated cameras, while satisfying the application-level image quality constraints, cross-layer design is critical. In this paper, we develop an image transmission model that allows the application layer (e.g., the user) to specify an image quality constraint, and optimizes the lower layer parameters of transmit power and packet length, to minimize the energy dissipation in image transmission over a given distance. The effectiveness of this approach is evaluated by applying the proposed energy optimization to a reference ZigBee system and a WiFi system, and also by comparing to an energy optimization study that does not consider any image quality constraint. Evaluations show that our scheme outperforms the default settings of the investigated commercial devices and saves a significant amount of energy at middle-to-large transmission distances.
Research on UAV Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance Technology During Inspection of Transmission Line
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wei, Chuanhu; Zhang, Fei; Yin, Chaoyuan; Liu, Yue; Liu, Liang; Li, Zongyu; Wang, Wanguo
Autonomous obstacle avoidance of unmanned aerial vehicle (hereinafter referred to as UAV) in electric power line inspection process has important significance for operation safety and economy for UAV intelligent inspection system of transmission line as main content of UAV intelligent inspection system on transmission line. In the paper, principles of UAV inspection obstacle avoidance technology of transmission line are introduced. UAV inspection obstacle avoidance technology based on particle swarm global optimization algorithm is proposed after common obstacle avoidance technologies are studied. Stimulation comparison is implemented with traditional UAV inspection obstacle avoidance technology which adopts artificial potential field method. Results show that UAV inspection strategy of particle swarm optimization algorithm, adopted in the paper, is prominently better than UAV inspection strategy of artificial potential field method in the aspects of obstacle avoidance effect and the ability of returning to preset inspection track after passing through the obstacle. An effective method is provided for UAV inspection obstacle avoidance of transmission line.
Bravo, Teresa; Maury, Cédric; Pinhède, Cédric
Theoretical and experimental results are presented into the sound absorption and transmission properties of multi-layer structures made up of thin micro-perforated panels (ML-MPPs). The objective is to improve both the absorption and insulation performances of ML-MPPs through impedance boundary optimization. A fully coupled modal formulation is introduced that predicts the effect of the structural resonances onto the normal incidence absorption coefficient and transmission loss of ML-MPPs. This model is assessed against standing wave tube measurements and simulations based on impedance translation method for two double-layer MPP configurations of relevance in building acoustics and aeronautics. Optimal impedance relationships are proposed that ensure simultaneous maximization of both the absorption and the transmission loss under normal incidence. Exhaustive optimization of the double-layer MPPs is performed to assess the absorption and/or transmission performances with respect to the impedance criterion. It is investigated how the panel volumetric resonances modify the excess dissipation that can be achieved from non-modal optimization of ML-MPPs.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
The testimony concerns the support of NIOSH for the OSHA proposed rule on Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution. NIOSH in particular comments on control of hazardous energy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, line mechanics, and enclosed spaces. NIOSH estimates that 80 to 90% of the fatalities occurring in the industry occur among line mechanics. NIOSH strongly supports OSHA in applying the standard both electric utility companies and to power generation, transmission and distribution installations not under control of electric utilities. In addition to evaluating electrocutions to find effective ways for workers to avoid electrical injury or fatality, NIOSH has published recommendations formore » providing emergency medical care when workers do inadvertently contact electrical energy. NIOSH is not aware of any epidemiologic study which collected sufficient data to directly address the issue of successful resuscitation following contact with electrical energy. A review of pertinent epidemiologic studies and standard medical practice supports the NIOSH recommendation that workers who may contact energized electrical circuit work in pairs and that both members of the team be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.« less
Using digital watermarking to enhance security in wireless medical image transmission.
Giakoumaki, Aggeliki; Perakis, Konstantinos; Banitsas, Konstantinos; Giokas, Konstantinos; Tachakra, Sapal; Koutsouris, Dimitris
During the last few years, wireless networks have been increasingly used both inside hospitals and in patients' homes to transmit medical information. In general, wireless networks suffer from decreased security. However, digital watermarking can be used to secure medical information. In this study, we focused on combining wireless transmission and digital watermarking technologies to better secure the transmission of medical images within and outside the hospital. We utilized an integrated system comprising the wireless network and the digital watermarking module to conduct a series of tests. The test results were evaluated by medical consultants. They concluded that the images suffered no visible quality degradation and maintained their diagnostic integrity. The proposed integrated system presented reasonable stability, and its performance was comparable to that of a fixed network. This system can enhance security during the transmission of medical images through a wireless channel.
A reliable transmission protocol for ZigBee-based wireless patient monitoring.
Chen, Shyr-Kuen; Kao, Tsair; Chan, Chia-Tai; Huang, Chih-Ning; Chiang, Chih-Yen; Lai, Chin-Yu; Tung, Tse-Hua; Wang, Pi-Chung
Patient monitoring systems are gaining their importance as the fast-growing global elderly population increases demands for caretaking. These systems use wireless technologies to transmit vital signs for medical evaluation. In a multihop ZigBee network, the existing systems usually use broadcast or multicast schemes to increase the reliability of signals transmission; however, both the schemes lead to significantly higher network traffic and end-to-end transmission delay. In this paper, we present a reliable transmission protocol based on anycast routing for wireless patient monitoring. Our scheme automatically selects the closest data receiver in an anycast group as a destination to reduce the transmission latency as well as the control overhead. The new protocol also shortens the latency of path recovery by initiating route recovery from the intermediate routers of the original path. On the basis of a reliable transmission scheme, we implement a ZigBee device for fall monitoring, which integrates fall detection, indoor positioning, and ECG monitoring. When the triaxial accelerometer of the device detects a fall, the current position of the patient is transmitted to an emergency center through a ZigBee network. In order to clarify the situation of the fallen patient, 4-s ECG signals are also transmitted. Our transmission scheme ensures the successful transmission of these critical messages. The experimental results show that our scheme is fast and reliable. We also demonstrate that our devices can seamlessly integrate with the next generation technology of wireless wide area network, worldwide interoperability for microwave access, to achieve real-time patient monitoring.
Focal ratio degradation and transmission in VIRUS-P optical fibers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Murphy, Jeremy D.; MacQueen, Phillip J.; Hill, Gary J.; Grupp, Frank; Kelz, Andreas; Palunas, Povilas; Roth, Martin; Fry, Alexander
We have conducted extensive tests of both transmission and focal ratio degradation (FRD) on two integral field units currently in use on the VIRUS-P integral field spectrograph. VIRUS-P is a prototype for the VIRUS instrument proposed for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. All tests have been conducted at an input f-ratio of F/3.65 and with an 18% central obscuration in order to simulate optical conditions on the HET. Transmission measurements were conducted with narrow-band interference filters (FWHM: 10 nm) at 10 discrete wavelengths (337 to 600 nm), while FRD tests were made at 365 nm, 400 nm and 600 nm. The influence of wavelength, end immersion, fiber type and length on both FRD and transmission is explored. Most notably, we find no wavelength dependence on FRD down to 365 nm. All fibers tested are within the VIRUS instrument specifications for both FRD and transmission. We present the details of our differential FRD testing method and explain a simple and robust technique of aligning the test bench and optical fiber axes to within +/-0.1 degrees.
Blunted Dopamine Transmission in Addiction: Potential Mechanisms and Implications for Behavior.
Trifilieff, Pierre; Ducrocq, Fabien; van der Veldt, Suzanne; Martinez, Diana
Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging consistently shows blunted striatal dopamine release and decreased dopamine D2 receptor availability in addiction. Here, we review the preclinical and clinical studies indicating that this neurobiological phenotype is likely to be both a consequence of chronic drug consumption and a vulnerability factor in the development of addiction. We propose that, behaviorally, blunted striatal dopamine transmission could reflect the increased impulsivity and altered cost/benefit computations that are associated with addiction. The factors that influence blunted striatal dopamine transmission in addiction are unknown. Herein, we give an overview of various factors, genetic, environmental, and social, that are known to affect dopamine transmission and that have been associated with the vulnerability to develop addiction. Altogether, these data suggest that blunted dopamine transmission and decreased D2 receptor availability are biomarkers both for the development of addiction and resistance to treatment. These findings support the view that blunted dopamine reflects impulsive behavior and deficits in motivation, which lead to the escalation of drug use. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cell transmission model of dynamic assignment for urban rail transit networks.
Xu, Guangming; Zhao, Shuo; Shi, Feng; Zhang, Feilian
For urban rail transit network, the space-time flow distribution can play an important role in evaluating and optimizing the space-time resource allocation. For obtaining the space-time flow distribution without the restriction of schedules, a dynamic assignment problem is proposed based on the concept of continuous transmission. To solve the dynamic assignment problem, the cell transmission model is built for urban rail transit networks. The priority principle, queuing process, capacity constraints and congestion effects are considered in the cell transmission mechanism. Then an efficient method is designed to solve the shortest path for an urban rail network, which decreases the computing cost for solving the cell transmission model. The instantaneous dynamic user optimal state can be reached with the method of successive average. Many evaluation indexes of passenger flow can be generated, to provide effective support for the optimization of train schedules and the capacity evaluation for urban rail transit network. Finally, the model and its potential application are demonstrated via two numerical experiments using a small-scale network and the Beijing Metro network.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Connick, Robert J.
Accurate measurement of normal incident transmission loss is essential for the acoustic characterization of building materials. In this research, a method of measuring normal incidence sound transmission loss proposed by Salissou et al. as a complement to standard E2611-09 of the American Society for Testing and Materials [Standard Test Method for Measurement of Normal Incidence Sound Transmission of Acoustical Materials Based on the Transfer Matrix Method (American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, 2009)] is verified. Two sam- ples from the original literature are used to verify the method as well as a Filtros RTM sample. Following the verification, several nano-material Aerogel samples are measured.
Research on Condition Assessment Method of Transmission Tower Under the Action of Strong Wind
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Ren-mou; An, Li-qiang; Zhang, Rong-lun; Wu, Jiong; Liang, Ya-feng
Transmission towers are often subjected to the external damage of severe weather like strong wind and so on, which may cause the collapse due to the yield and fracture of the tower material. Aiming this issue, an assessment method was proposed in this paper to assess the operation condition of transmission towers under strong wind. With a reasonable assess index system established firstly, then the internal force of the tower material was solved and its stability was determined through the mechanical analysis of the transmission tower finite element model. Meanwhile, the condition risk level of the tower was finally determined by considering the difference among the influences of other factors like corrosion and loose of members, slope on the transmission tower through the analytic hierarchy process. The assessment method was applied to assess the wind-induced collapse of towers in 110kV Bao Yi II line in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, of which the result proves the method can assess the condition of transmission tower under strong wind and of guiding significance for improving the windproof capability of transmission towers.
Spin-Selective Transmission and Devisable Chirality in Two-Layer Metasurfaces.
Li, Zhancheng; Liu, Wenwei; Cheng, Hua; Chen, Shuqi; Tian, Jianguo
Chirality is a nearly ubiquitous natural phenomenon. Its minute presence in most naturally occurring materials makes it incredibly difficult to detect. Recent advances in metasurfaces indicate that they exhibit devisable chirality in novel forms; this finding offers an effective opening for studying chirality and its features in such nanostructures. These metasurfaces display vast possibilities for highly sensitive chirality discrimination in biological and chemical systems. Here, we show that two-layer metasurfaces based on twisted nanorods can generate giant spin-selective transmission and support engineered chirality in the near-infrared region. Two designed metasurfaces with opposite spin-selective transmission are proposed for treatment as enantiomers and can be used widely for spin selection and enhanced chiral sensing. Specifically, we demonstrate that the chirality in these proposed metasurfaces can be adjusted effectively by simply changing the orientation angle between the twisted nanorods. Our results offer simple and straightforward rules for chirality engineering in metasurfaces and suggest intriguing possibilities for the applications of such metasurfaces in spin optics and chiral sensing.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vijay Singh, Ran; Agilandeeswari, L.
To handle the large amount of client’s data in open cloud lots of security issues need to be address. Client’s privacy should not be known to other group members without data owner’s valid permission. Sometime clients are fended to have accessing with open cloud servers due to some restrictions. To overcome the security issues and these restrictions related to storing, data sharing in an inter domain network and privacy checking, we propose a model in this paper which is based on an identity based cryptography in data transmission and intermediate entity which have client’s reference with identity that will take control handling of data transmission in an open cloud environment and an extended remote privacy checking technique which will work at admin side. On behalf of data owner’s authority this proposed model will give best options to have secure cryptography in data transmission and remote privacy checking either as private or public or instructed. The hardness of Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption algorithm for key exchange makes this proposed model more secure than existing models which are being used for public cloud environment.
Essays on electricity transmission investment and financial transmission rights
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shang, Wenzhuo
The U.S. electric power industry has been going through fundamental restructuring and realignment since the 1990's. Many issues and problems have emerged during the transition, and both economists and engineers have been looking for the solutions fervently. In this dissertation, which consists primarily of three essays, we apply economics theory and techniques to the power industry and address two related issues, transmission investment and financial transmission rights (FTRs). The first essay takes the decentralized perspective and investigates the efficiency attribute of market-based transmission investment under perfect competition. We clarify, for the first time, the nature of the externality created by loop flows that causes transmission investment to be inefficient. Our findings have important implications for better understanding of transmission market design and creating incentives for efficient transmission investment. In the second essay, we define several rules for allocating transmission investment cost within the framework of cooperative game theory. These rules provide fair, stable or efficient cost allocations in theory and are good benchmarks against which the allocation mechanism in practice can be compared and improved upon. In the last essay, we make exploratory efforts in analyzing and assessing empirically the performance of the Midwest independent system operator (MISO) FTR auction market. We reveal some stylized facts about this young market and find that it is not efficient under the risk-neutrality assumption. We also point out and correct the drawbacks in previous related work and suggest about more complete empirical work in future. In all, this dissertation makes both theoretic and empirical analysis of the two hot issues related to the power industry and comes up with findings that have important implications for the development of this industry.
Self-Shielding Of Transmission Lines
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Christodoulou, Christos
The use of shielding to contend with noise or harmful EMI/EMR energy is not a new concept. An inevitable trade that must be made for shielding is physical space and weight. Space was often not as much of a painful design trade in older larger systems as they are in today’s smaller systems. Today we are packing in an exponentially growing number of functionality within the same or smaller volumes. As systems become smaller and space within systems become more restricted, the implementation of shielding becomes more problematic. Often, space that was used to design a more mechanically robust componentmore » must be used for shielding. As the system gets smaller and space is at more of a premium, the trades starts to result in defects, designs with inadequate margin in other performance areas, and designs that are sensitive to manufacturing variability. With these challenges in mind, it would be ideal to maximize attenuation of harmful fields as they inevitably couple onto transmission lines without the use of traditional shielding. Dr. Tom Van Doren proposed a design concept for transmission lines to a class of engineers while visiting New Mexico. This design concept works by maximizing Electric field (E) and Magnetic Field (H) field containment between operating transmission lines to achieve what he called “Self-Shielding”. By making the geometric centroid of the outgoing current coincident with the return current, maximum field containment is achieved. The reciprocal should be true as well, resulting in greater attenuation of incident fields. Figure’s 1(a)-1(b) are examples of designs where the current centroids are coincident. Coax cables are good examples of transmission lines with co-located centroids but they demonstrate excellent field attenuation for other reasons and can’t be used to test this design concept. Figure 1(b) is a flex circuit design that demonstrate the implementation of self-shielding vs a standard conductor layout.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhu, Xiaoyuan; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Bo; Zhang, Guichen
In order to improve oscillation damping control performance as well as gear shift quality of electric vehicle equipped with integrated motor-transmission system, a cloud-based shaft torque estimation scheme is proposed in this paper by using measurable motor and wheel speed signals transmitted by wireless network. It can help reduce computational burden of onboard controllers and also relief network bandwidth requirement of individual vehicle. Considering possible delays during signal wireless transmission, delay-dependent full-order observer design is proposed to estimate the shaft torque in cloud server. With these random delays modeled by using homogenous Markov chain, robust H∞ performance is adopted to minimize the effect of wireless network-induced delays, signal measurement noise as well as system modeling uncertainties on shaft torque estimation error. Observer parameters are derived by solving linear matrix inequalities, and simulation results using acceleration test and tip-in, tip-out test demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed shaft torque observer design.
Optimisation of sensing time and transmission time in cognitive radio-based smart grid networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Chao; Fu, Yuli; Yang, Junjie
Cognitive radio (CR)-based smart grid (SG) networks have been widely recognised as emerging communication paradigms in power grids. However, a sufficient spectrum resource and reliability are two major challenges for real-time applications in CR-based SG networks. In this article, we study the traffic data collection problem. Based on the two-stage power pricing model, the power price is associated with the efficient received traffic data in a metre data management system (MDMS). In order to minimise the system power price, a wideband hybrid access strategy is proposed and analysed, to share the spectrum between the SG nodes and CR networks. The sensing time and transmission time are jointly optimised, while both the interference to primary users and the spectrum opportunity loss of secondary users are considered. Two algorithms are proposed to solve the joint optimisation problem. Simulation results show that the proposed joint optimisation algorithms outperform the fixed parameters (sensing time and transmission time) algorithms, and the power cost is reduced efficiently.
Bufford, D. C.; Abdeljawad, F. F.; Foiles, S. M.; ...
Here, nanostructuring has been proposed as a method to enhance radiation tolerance, but many metallic systems are rejected due to significant concerns regarding long term grain boundary and interface stability. This work utilized recent advancements in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to quantitatively characterize the grain size, texture, and individual grain boundary character in a nanocrystalline gold model system before and after in situ TEM ion irradiation with 10 MeV Si. The initial experimental measurements were fed into a mesoscale phase field model, which incorporates the role of irradiation-induced thermal events on boundary properties, to directly compare the observed and simulatedmore » grain growth with varied parameters. The observed microstructure evolution deviated subtly from previously reported normal grain growth in which some boundaries remained essentially static. In broader terms, the combined experimental and modeling techniques presented herein provide future avenues to enhance quantification and prediction of the thermal, mechanical, or radiation stability of grain boundaries in nanostructured crystalline systems.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Transmission, LLC; Notice of Availability of the Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Line 1278-Line K...) has prepared this environmental assessment (EA) for the Line 1278-Line K Expansion Project proposed by... Line 1278-Line K Expansion Project in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... high-voltage transmission system carries electricity from 57 power plants encompassing 14 multi-purpose... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Southwestern Power Administration Western Area Power Administration Request... Act of 2005 AGENCY: Southwestern Power Administration and Western Area Power Administration...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Das, Anindya Sundar; Patra, Ardhendu Sekhar
A novel architecture of DWDM-PON is proposed and demonstrated for downlink transmission of different data-rates of 622 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 1.25 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps simultaneously over a long-haul single mode fiber (SMF). The data rates are directly modulated by Fabry-Pérot laser diodes (FPLD), which are externally injection locked by asynchronous spontaneous emission (ASE) source. The transmission performances are checked by the bit error rate (BER), Quality (Q) factor and clear eye-diagrams. Since this proposed system consists of one ASE source, FPLDs and depends on the direct modulation technique, it reveals a prominent alternative with advantages in simplicity and cost.
White, Peter A
Many kinds of common and easily observed causal relations exhibit property transmission, which is a tendency for the causal object to impose its own properties on the effect object. It is proposed that property transmission becomes a general and readily available hypothesis used to make interpretations and judgments about causal questions under conditions of uncertainty, in which property transmission functions as a heuristic. The property transmission hypothesis explains why and when similarity information is used in causal inference. It can account for magical contagion beliefs, some cases of illusory correlation, the correspondence bias, overestimation of cross-situational consistency in behavior, nonregressive tendencies in prediction, the belief that acts of will are causes of behavior, and a range of other phenomena. People learn that property transmission is often moderated by other factors, but under conditions of uncertainty in which the operation of relevant other factors is unknown, it tends to exhibit a pervasive influence on thinking about causality. (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Minnesota State Dept. of Education, St. Paul. Div. of Vocational and Technical Education.
Bayesian estimation of the transmissivity spatial structure from pumping test data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Demir, Mehmet Taner; Copty, Nadim K.; Trinchero, Paolo; Sanchez-Vila, Xavier
Estimating the statistical parameters (mean, variance, and integral scale) that define the spatial structure of the transmissivity or hydraulic conductivity fields is a fundamental step for the accurate prediction of subsurface flow and contaminant transport. In practice, the determination of the spatial structure is a challenge because of spatial heterogeneity and data scarcity. In this paper, we describe a novel approach that uses time drawdown data from multiple pumping tests to determine the transmissivity statistical spatial structure. The method builds on the pumping test interpretation procedure of Copty et al. (2011) (Continuous Derivation method, CD), which uses the time-drawdown data and its time derivative to estimate apparent transmissivity values as a function of radial distance from the pumping well. A Bayesian approach is then used to infer the statistical parameters of the transmissivity field by combining prior information about the parameters and the likelihood function expressed in terms of radially-dependent apparent transmissivities determined from pumping tests. A major advantage of the proposed Bayesian approach is that the likelihood function is readily determined from randomly generated multiple realizations of the transmissivity field, without the need to solve the groundwater flow equation. Applying the method to synthetically-generated pumping test data, we demonstrate that, through a relatively simple procedure, information on the spatial structure of the transmissivity may be inferred from pumping tests data. It is also shown that the prior parameter distribution has a significant influence on the estimation procedure, given the non-uniqueness of the estimation procedure. Results also indicate that the reliability of the estimated transmissivity statistical parameters increases with the number of available pumping tests.
Evaluation of groundwater resources requires the knowledge of the capacity of aquifers to store and transmit ground water. This requires estimates of key hydraulic parameters, such as the transmissivity, among others. The transmissivity T (m2/sec) is a hydrauli...
Pneumatic Valve Operated by Multiplex Pneumatic Transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nishioka, Yasutaka; Suzumori, Koichi; Kanda, Takefumi; Wakimoto, Shuichi
A pneumatic system has several advantages, which are cheapness, lightweight, and reliability to human and environment. These advantages are adapted to some research areas, such as industrial lines, medical and nursing cares, and rehabilitation tools. However, the pneumatic system needs several devices; compressor, air tube, and control valve. This research aim to downsize pneumatic system. In this paper, a new method of multiplex pneumatic transmission for multi-pneumatic servo system is proposed. The valve for this system consists of two vibrators supported by springs, which was designed with simple and cheap structure. The working principle of the valve is vibrators resonance from multiplex pneumatic transmission and it is possible to work as ON/OFF valves without electric wire. Dynamic simulation was used to confirm the working principle of the resonance driving system. A prototype device confirming the principle was designed and developed based on the simulation. The experiments show that this new control system works very well to control two separated valves through single pneumatic tube.
PLC-based mode multi/demultiplexer for MDM transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hanzawa, N.; Saitoh, K.; Sakamoto, T.; Matsui, T.; Tsujikawa, K.; Koshiba, M.; Yamamoto, F.
We propose a PLC-based multi/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) with a mode conversion function for mode division multiplexing (MDM) transmission applications. The PLC-based mode MUX/DEMUX can realize a low insertion loss and a wide working wavelength bandwidth. We designed and demonstrated a two-mode (LP01 and LP11 modes) and a three-mode (LP01, LP11, and LP21 modes) MUX/DEMUX for use in the C-band.
Studying localized corrosion using liquid cell transmission electron microscopy
Chee, See Wee; Pratt, Sarah H.; Hattar, Khalid; ...
Using liquid cell transmission electron microscopy (LCTEM), localized corrosion of Cu and Al thin films immersed in aqueous NaCl solutions was studied. We demonstrate that potentiostatic control can be used to initiate pitting and that local compositional changes, due to focused ion beam implantation of Au + ions, can modify the corrosion susceptibility of Al films. Likewise, a discussion on strategies to control the onset of pitting is also presented.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yi, Ji-Haeng
The optical transmission loss in a tapered fiber fabricated by using plasmonic Au nanoparticle deposition was investigated in the tapered region of the fiber. The amount of Au nanoparticle deposition was determined as a function of time, and the transmission loss was then compared with the losses of several spatial modes. The higher-order mode was found to affect the rate of increase in the transmission loss during the initial period of deposition, and a lower-order mode was found to contribute to the process during the latter period of deposition.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Das, Anindya Sundar; Kuiri, Probodh Kumar; Patra, Ardhendu Sekhar
In this paper a novel architecture has been proposed and developed for full-duplex transmission of 80 channel CATV signal over 80 km single mode fiber (SMF) using various techniques such as mutually injection locking, optical carrier suppression (OCS) and remodulation etc. The up/downlink transmission performances are observed by the low bit error rate (BER) values and impressive eye diagrams. The satisfactory values of CNR, CBT and CSO verify the successful transmission of CATV signals through our proposed configuration.
Quantum information generation, storage and transmission based on nuclear spins
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zaharov, V. V.; Makarov, V. I.
A new approach to quantum information generation, storage and transmission is proposed. It is shown that quantum information generation and storage using an ensemble of N electron spins encounter unresolvable implementation problems (at least at the present time). As an alternative implementation we discuss two promising radical systems, one with N equivalent nuclear spins and another with N nonequivalent nuclear spins. Detailed analysis shows that only the radical system containing N nonequivalent nuclei is perfectly matched for quantum information generation, storage and transmission. We develop a procedure based on pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and we apply it to the radical system with the set of nonequivalent nuclei. The resulting EPR spectrum contains 2N transition lines, where N is the number of the atoms with the nuclear spin 1/2, and each of these lines may be encoded with a determined qudit sequence. For encoding the EPR lines we propose to submit the radical system to two magnetic pulses in the direction perpendicular to the z axis of the reference frame. As a result, the radical system impulse response may be measured, stored and transmitted through the communications channel. Confirming our development, the ab initio analysis of the system with three anion radicals was done showing matching between the simulations and the theoretical predictions. The developed method may be easily adapted for quantum information generation, storage, processing and transmission in quantum computing and quantum communications applications.
A novel compact dual-wideband BPF with multiple transmission zeros and super wide upper stopband
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mirzaee, Milad; Nosrati, Mehdi
In this article, a novel miniaturised dual-wideband bandpass filter (DWB-BPF) based on two different resonators including a quasi-spiral loaded multiple-mode resonator (QSL-MMR) and L-shaped transmission line (LS-TL) is presented. At the first step, in order to design a single wideband BPF filter with controllable transmission zeros near the centre frequency, the open circuit impedance parameter of quasi-spiral loaded resonator Z21 is determined in terms of ABCD matrix. Then an equivalent circuit model of the proposed structure is derived and the impedance characteristic and electrical length of LS-TLs to achieve a DWB-BPF with excellent selectivity are calculated through even- and odd-mode analysis. The proposed filter possesses both compact and simple structure as well as two wide passbands with fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 70% and 22.8% for its first and second passbands, respectively. The proposed technique creates two transmission zeros at the lower and upper stopbands of each passband resulting in a very sharp roll-off accompanied by a wide stopband. Notably, the circuit size is reduced and the bandwidth is enhanced in comparison with its conventional counterparts. The theoretical performance of the filter is verified by the experimental one where a good agreement is reported between them.
Numerical simulation of transmission coefficient using c-number Langevin equation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barik, Debashis; Bag, Bidhan Chandra; Ray, Deb Shankar
We numerically implement the reactive flux formalism on the basis of a recently proposed c-number Langevin equation [Barik et al., J. Chem. Phys. 119, 680 (2003); Banerjee et al., Phys. Rev. E 65, 021109 (2002)] to calculate transmission coefficient. The Kramers' turnover, the T2 enhancement of the rate at low temperatures and other related features of temporal behavior of the transmission coefficient over a range of temperature down to absolute zero, noise correlation, and friction are examined for a double well potential and compared with other known results. This simple method is based on canonical quantization and Wigner quasiclassical phase space function and takes care of quantum effects due to the system order by order.
Effective seat-to-head transmissibility in whole-body vibration: Effects of posture and arm position
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rahmatalla, Salam; DeShaw, Jonathan
Seat-to-head transmissibility is a biomechanical measure that has been widely used for many decades to evaluate seat dynamics and human response to vibration. Traditionally, transmissibility has been used to correlate single-input or multiple-input with single-output motion; it has not been effectively used for multiple-input and multiple-output scenarios due to the complexity of dealing with the coupled motions caused by the cross-axis effect. This work presents a novel approach to use transmissibility effectively for single- and multiple-input and multiple-output whole-body vibrations. In this regard, the full transmissibility matrix is transformed into a single graph, such as those for single-input and single-output motions. Singular value decomposition and maximum distortion energy theory were used to achieve the latter goal. Seat-to-head transmissibility matrices for single-input/multiple-output in the fore-aft direction, single-input/multiple-output in the vertical direction, and multiple-input/multiple-output directions are investigated in this work. A total of ten subjects participated in this study. Discrete frequencies of 0.5-16 Hz were used for the fore-aft direction using supported and unsupported back postures. Random ride files from a dozer machine were used for the vertical and multiple-axis scenarios considering two arm postures: using the armrests or grasping the steering wheel. For single-input/multiple-output, the results showed that the proposed method was very effective in showing the frequencies where the transmissibility is mostly sensitive for the two sitting postures and two arm positions. For multiple-input/multiple-output, the results showed that the proposed effective transmissibility indicated higher values for the armrest-supported posture than for the steering-wheel-supported posture.
Vrancken, Bram; Suchard, Marc A; Lemey, Philippe
Analyses of virus evolution in known transmission chains have the potential to elucidate the impact of transmission dynamics on the viral evolutionary rate and its difference within and between hosts. Lin et al. (2015, Journal of Virology , 89/7: 3512-22) recently investigated the evolutionary history of hepatitis B virus in a transmission chain and postulated that the 'colonization-adaptation-transmission' model can explain the differential impact of transmission on synonymous and non-synonymous substitution rates. Here, we revisit this dataset using a full probabilistic Bayesian phylogenetic framework that adequately accounts for the non-independence of sequence data when estimating evolutionary parameters. Examination of the transmission chain data under a flexible coalescent prior reveals a general inconsistency between the estimated timings and clustering patterns and the known transmission history, highlighting the need to incorporate host transmission information in the analysis. Using an explicit genealogical transmission chain model, we find strong support for a transmission-associated decrease of the overall evolutionary rate. However, in contrast to the initially reported larger transmission effect on non-synonymous substitution rate, we find a similar decrease in both non-synonymous and synonymous substitution rates that cannot be adequately explained by the colonization-adaptation-transmission model. An alternative explanation may involve a transmission/establishment advantage of hepatitis B virus variants that have accumulated fewer within-host substitutions, perhaps by spending more time in the covalently closed circular DNA state between each round of viral replication. More generally, this study illustrates that ignoring phylogenetic relationships can lead to misleading evolutionary estimates.
Quantifying the transmission potential of pandemic influenza
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chowell, Gerardo; Nishiura, Hiroshi
This article reviews quantitative methods to estimate the basic reproduction number of pandemic influenza, a key threshold quantity to help determine the intensity of interventions required to control the disease. Although it is difficult to assess the transmission potential of a probable future pandemic, historical epidemiologic data is readily available from previous pandemics, and as a reference quantity for future pandemic planning, mathematical and statistical analyses of historical data are crucial. In particular, because many historical records tend to document only the temporal distribution of cases or deaths (i.e. epidemic curve), our review focuses on methods to maximize the utility of time-evolution data and to clarify the detailed mechanisms of the spread of influenza. First, we highlight structured epidemic models and their parameter estimation method which can quantify the detailed disease dynamics including those we cannot observe directly. Duration-structured epidemic systems are subsequently presented, offering firm understanding of the definition of the basic and effective reproduction numbers. When the initial growth phase of an epidemic is investigated, the distribution of the generation time is key statistical information to appropriately estimate the transmission potential using the intrinsic growth rate. Applications of stochastic processes are also highlighted to estimate the transmission potential using similar data. Critically important characteristics of influenza data are subsequently summarized, followed by our conclusions to suggest potential future methodological improvements.
Data compression for full motion video transmission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Whyte, Wayne A., Jr.; Sayood, Khalid
Clearly transmission of visual information will be a major, if not dominant, factor in determining the requirements for, and assessing the performance of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) communications systems. Projected image/video requirements which are currently anticipated for SEI mission scenarios are presented. Based on this information and projected link performance figures, the image/video data compression requirements which would allow link closure are identified. Finally several approaches which could satisfy some of the compression requirements are presented and possible future approaches which show promise for more substantial compression performance improvement are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guo, Lei; Liu, Yejun; Zhou, Yufang; Wei, Xuetao; Liu, Yuying
The exponential growth of the demand for broadband services has imposed great challenges on the design of spectrum-efficient optical transmission system in Passive Optical Network (PON). Recently, an innovative Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) scheme, called Polar-OFDM (P-OFDM), has emerged as a promising solution to boost the spectral efficiency of optical transmission in PON. However, the traditional P-OFDM does not yet perform best in spectral efficiency as it only uses half of the total subcarriers. In this paper, we verify a promising complementation between Polarization Multiplexing (POLMUX) and P-OFDM aiming at higher spectral efficiency. We then propose the full-subcarriers P-OFDM by loading data on the even-indexed subcarriers of X polarization and the odd-indexed subcarriers of Y polarization, respectively. Thus, all of the subcarriers will be utilized for effective data transmission, which can double the spectral efficiency. More importantly, because the subcarriers are interlaced on different polarizations, the cross-polarization interference can be significantly mitigated, which enables the independent channel estimation and equalization at the receiver to recover the data carried on each polarization. Our evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed system realizes the double spectral efficiency of the traditional P-OFDM with reasonable Bit Error Rate (BER) performance loss.
A new approach to modelling schistosomiasis transmission based on stratified worm burden.
Gurarie, D; King, C H; Wang, X
Multiple factors affect schistosomiasis transmission in distributed meta-population systems including age, behaviour, and environment. The traditional approach to modelling macroparasite transmission often exploits the 'mean worm burden' (MWB) formulation for human hosts. However, typical worm distribution in humans is overdispersed, and classic models either ignore this characteristic or make ad hoc assumptions about its pattern (e.g., by assuming a negative binomial distribution). Such oversimplifications can give wrong predictions for the impact of control interventions. We propose a new modelling approach to macro-parasite transmission by stratifying human populations according to worm burden, and replacing MWB dynamics with that of 'population strata'. We developed proper calibration procedures for such multi-component systems, based on typical epidemiological and demographic field data, and implemented them using Wolfram Mathematica. Model programming and calibration proved to be straightforward. Our calibrated system provided good agreement with the individual level field data from the Msambweni region of eastern Kenya. The Stratified Worm Burden (SWB) approach offers many advantages, in that it accounts naturally for overdispersion and accommodates other important factors and measures of human infection and demographics. Future work will apply this model and methodology to evaluate innovative control intervention strategies, including expanded drug treatment programmes proposed by the World Health Organization and its partners.
Secure and lightweight network admission and transmission protocol for body sensor networks.
He, Daojing; Chen, Chun; Chan, Sammy; Bu, Jiajun; Zhang, Pingxin
A body sensor network (BSN) is a wireless network of biosensors and a local processing unit, which is commonly referred to as the personal wireless hub (PWH). Personal health information (PHI) is collected by biosensors and delivered to the PWH before it is forwarded to the remote healthcare center for further processing. In a BSN, it is critical to only admit eligible biosensors and PWH into the network. Also, securing the transmission from each biosensor to PWH is essential not only for ensuring safety of PHI delivery, but also for preserving the privacy of PHI. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a secure network admission and transmission subsystem based on a polynomial-based authentication scheme. The procedures in this subsystem to establish keys for each biosensor are communication efficient and energy efficient. Moreover, based on the observation that an adversary eavesdropping in a BSN faces inevitable channel errors, we propose to exploit the adversary's uncertainty regarding the PHI transmission to update the individual key dynamically and improve key secrecy. In addition to the theoretical analysis that demonstrates the security properties of our system, this paper also reports the experimental results of the proposed protocol on resource-limited sensor platforms, which show the efficiency of our system in practice.
Grand Coulee - Bell 500-kV Transmission Line Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
N /A
BPA is proposing to construct a 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line that would extend approximately 84 miles between the Grand Coulee 500-kV Switchyard, near Grand Coulee Dam, and the Bell Substation, in Mead just north of Spokane. The new line would cross portions of Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, and Spokane counties. In addition to the transmission line, new equipment would be installed at the substations at each end of the new line and at other facilities. The proposed action would remove an existing 115-kV transmission line and replace it with the new 500-kV line on existing right-of-way for most of its length.more » Additional right-of-way would be needed in the first 3.5 miles out of the Grand Coulee Switchyard to connect to the existing 115-kV right-of-way. Since the mid-1990s, the transmission path west of Spokane, called the West of Hatwai transmission pathway, has grown increasingly constrained. To date, BPA has been able to manage operation of the path through available operating practices, and customer needed have been met while maintaining the reliability of the path. however, in early 2001, operations showed that the amount of electricity that needs to flow from east to west along this path creates severe transmission congestion. Under these conditions, the system is at risk of overloads and violation of industry safety and reliability standards. The problem is particularly acute in the spring and summer months because of the large amount of power generated by dams east of the path. Large amounts of water cannot be spilled during that time in order for BPA to fulfill its obligation to protect threatened and endangered fish. The amount of power that needs to move through this area during these months at times could exceed the carrying capacity of the existing transmission lines. In additional capacity is not added, BPA will run a significant risk that it will not be able to continue to meet its contractual obligations to deliver power and maintain
Li, Yun Bo; Li, Lian Lin; Xu, Bai Bing; Wu, Wei; Wu, Rui Yuan; Wan, Xiang; Cheng, Qiang; Cui, Tie Jun
The programmable and digital metamaterials or metasurfaces presented recently have huge potentials in designing real-time-controlled electromagnetic devices. Here, we propose the first transmission-type 2-bit programmable coding metasurface for single-sensor and single- frequency imaging in the microwave frequency. Compared with the existing single-sensor imagers composed of active spatial modulators with their units controlled independently, we introduce randomly programmable metasurface to transform the masks of modulators, in which their rows and columns are controlled simultaneously so that the complexity and cost of the imaging system can be reduced drastically. Different from the single-sensor approach using the frequency agility, the proposed imaging system makes use of variable modulators under single frequency, which can avoid the object dispersion. In order to realize the transmission-type 2-bit programmable metasurface, we propose a two-layer binary coding unit, which is convenient for changing the voltages in rows and columns to switch the diodes in the top and bottom layers, respectively. In our imaging measurements, we generate the random codes by computer to achieve different transmission patterns, which can support enough multiple modes to solve the inverse-scattering problem in the single-sensor imaging. Simple experimental results are presented in the microwave frequency, validating our new single-sensor and single-frequency imaging system. PMID:27025907
Performance Evaluation of the NASA/KSC Transmission System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Christensen, Kenneth J.
NASA-KSC currently uses three bridged 100-Mbps FDDI segments as its backbone for data traffic. The FDDI Transmission System (FTXS) connects the KSC industrial area, KSC launch complex 39 area, and the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The report presents a performance modeling study of the FTXS and the proposed ATM Transmission System (ATXS). The focus of the study is on performance of MPEG video transmission on these networks. Commercial modeling tools - the CACI Predictor and Comnet tools - were used. In addition, custom software tools were developed to characterize conversation pairs in Sniffer trace (capture) files to use as input to these tools. A baseline study of both non-launch and launch day data traffic on the FTXS is presented. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video traffic was characterized and the shaping of it evaluated. It is shown that the characteristics of a video stream has a direct effect on its performance in a network. It is also shown that shaping of video streams is necessary to prevent overflow losses and resulting poor video quality. The developed models can be used to predict when the existing FTXS will 'run out of room' and for optimizing the parameters of ATM links used for transmission of MPEG video. Future work with these models can provide useful input and validation to set-top box projects within the Advanced Networks Development group in NASA-KSC Development Engineering.
Content-based multiple bitstream image transmission over noisy channels.
Cao, Lei; Chen, Chang Wen
In this paper, we propose a novel combined source and channel coding scheme for image transmission over noisy channels. The main feature of the proposed scheme is a systematic decomposition of image sources so that unequal error protection can be applied according to not only bit error sensitivity but also visual content importance. The wavelet transform is adopted to hierarchically decompose the image. The association between the wavelet coefficients and what they represent spatially in the original image is fully exploited so that wavelet blocks are classified based on their corresponding image content. The classification produces wavelet blocks in each class with similar content and statistics, therefore enables high performance source compression using the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm. To combat the channel noise, an unequal error protection strategy with rate-compatible punctured convolutional/cyclic redundancy check (RCPC/CRC) codes is implemented based on the bit contribution to both peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and visual quality. At the receiving end, a postprocessing method making use of the SPIHT decoding structure and the classification map is developed to restore the degradation due to the residual error after channel decoding. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is indeed able to provide protection both for the bits that are more sensitive to errors and for the more important visual content under a noisy transmission environment. In particular, the reconstructed images illustrate consistently better visual quality than using the single-bitstream-based schemes.
Ebola Virus Epidemiology, Transmission, and Evolution during Seven Months in Sierra Leone
Park, Daniel J.; Dudas, Gytis; Wohl, Shirlee; Goba, Augustine; Whitmer, Shannon L.M.; Andersen, Kristian G.; Sealfon, Rachel S.; Ladner, Jason T.; Kugelman, Jeffrey R.; Matranga, Christian B.; Winnicki, Sarah M.; Qu, James; Gire, Stephen K.; Gladden-Young, Adrianne; Jalloh, Simbirie; Nosamiefan, Dolo; Yozwiak, Nathan L.; Moses, Lina M.; Jiang, Pan-Pan; Lin, Aaron E.; Schaffner, Stephen F.; Bird, Brian; Towner, Jonathan; Mamoh, Mambu; Gbakie, Michael; Kanneh, Lansana; Kargbo, David; Massally, James L.B.; Kamara, Fatima K.; Konuwa, Edwin; Sellu, Josephine; Jalloh, Abdul A.; Mustapha, Ibrahim; Foday, Momoh; Yillah, Mohamed; Erickson, Bobbie R.; Sealy, Tara; Blau, Dianna; Paddock, Christopher; Brault, Aaron; Amman, Brian; Basile, Jane; Bearden, Scott; Belser, Jessica; Bergeron, Eric; Campbell, Shelley; Chakrabarti, Ayan; Dodd, Kimberly; Flint, Mike; Gibbons, Aridth; Goodman, Christin; Klena, John; McMullan, Laura; Morgan, Laura; Russell, Brandy; Salzer, Johanna; Sanchez, Angela; Wang, David; Jungreis, Irwin; Tomkins-Tinch, Christopher; Kislyuk, Andrey; Lin, Michael F.; Chapman, Sinead; MacInnis, Bronwyn; Matthews, Ashley; Bochicchio, James; Hensley, Lisa E.; Kuhn, Jens H.; Nusbaum, Chad; Schieffelin, John S.; Birren, Bruce W.; Forget, Marc; Nichol, Stuart T.; Palacios, Gustavo F.; Ndiaye, Daouda; Happi, Christian; Gevao, Sahr M.; Vandi, Mohamed A.; Kargbo, Brima; Holmes, Edward C.; Bedford, Trevor; Gnirke, Andreas; Ströher, Ute; Rambaut, Andrew; Garry, Robert F.; Sabeti, Pardis C.
Summary The 2013–2015 Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic is caused by the Makona variant of Ebola virus (EBOV). Early in the epidemic, genome sequencing provided insights into virus evolution and transmission and offered important information for outbreak response. Here, we analyze sequences from 232 patients sampled over 7 months in Sierra Leone, along with 86 previously released genomes from earlier in the epidemic. We confirm sustained human-to-human transmission within Sierra Leone and find no evidence for import or export of EBOV across national borders after its initial introduction. Using high-depth replicate sequencing, we observe both host-to-host transmission and recurrent emergence of intrahost genetic variants. We trace the increasing impact of purifying selection in suppressing the accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations over time. Finally, we note changes in the mucin-like domain of EBOV glycoprotein that merit further investigation. These findings clarify the movement of EBOV within the region and describe viral evolution during prolonged human-to-human transmission. PMID:26091036
Shao, Quan; Jia, Meng
Since the outbreak of pandemics, influenza has caused extensive attention in the field of public health. It is actually hard to distinguish what is the most effective method to control the influenza transmission within airport terminal. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the influences of passenger source, immunity difference and social relation structure on the influenza transmission in terminal. A method combining hierarchical structure of personal contact network with agent-based SEIR model was proposed to analyze the characteristics of influenza diffusion within terminal. Based on the spatial distance between individuals, the hierarchical structure of personal contact network was defined to construct a complex relationship of passengers in the real world. Moreover, the agent-based SEIR model was improved by considering the individual level of influenza spread characteristics. To evaluate the method, this process was fused in simulation based on the constructed personal contact network. In the terminal we investigated, personal contact network was defined by following four layers: social relation structure, procedure partition, procedure area, and the whole terminal. With the growing of layer, the degree distribution curves move right. The value of degree distribution p(k) reached a peak at a specific value, and then back down. Besides, with the increase of layer α, the clustering coefficients presented a tendency to exponential decay. Based on the influenza transmission experiments, the main infected areas were concluded when considering different factors. Moreover, partition of passenger sources was found to impact a lot in departure, while social relation structure imposed a great influence in arrival. Besides, immunity difference exerted no obvious effect on the spread of influenza in the transmission process both in departure and arrival. The proposed method is efficient to reproduce the evolution process of influenza transmission
Lin, Huifa; Shin, Won-Yong
We study secondary random access in multi-input multi-output cognitive radio networks, where a slotted ALOHA-type protocol and successive interference cancellation are used. We first introduce three types of transmit beamforming performed by secondary users, where multiple antennas are used to suppress the interference at the primary base station and/or to increase the received signal power at the secondary base station. Then, we show a simple decentralized power allocation along with the equivalent single-antenna conversion. To exploit the multiuser diversity gain, an opportunistic transmission protocol is proposed, where the secondary users generating less interference are opportunistically selected, resulting in a further reduction of the interference temperature. The proposed methods are validated via computer simulations. Numerical results show that increasing the number of transmit antennas can greatly reduce the interference temperature, while increasing the number of receive antennas leads to a reduction of the total transmit power. Optimal parameter values of the opportunistic transmission protocol are examined according to three types of beamforming and different antenna configurations, in terms of maximizing the cognitive transmission capacity. All the beamforming, decentralized power allocation, and opportunistic transmission protocol are performed by the secondary users in a decentralized manner, thus resulting in an easy implementation in practice. PMID:28076402
Lin, Huifa; Shin, Won-Yong
We study secondary random access in multi-input multi-output cognitive radio networks, where a slotted ALOHA-type protocol and successive interference cancellation are used. We first introduce three types of transmit beamforming performed by secondary users, where multiple antennas are used to suppress the interference at the primary base station and/or to increase the received signal power at the secondary base station. Then, we show a simple decentralized power allocation along with the equivalent single-antenna conversion. To exploit the multiuser diversity gain, an opportunistic transmission protocol is proposed, where the secondary users generating less interference are opportunistically selected, resulting in a further reduction of the interference temperature. The proposed methods are validated via computer simulations. Numerical results show that increasing the number of transmit antennas can greatly reduce the interference temperature, while increasing the number of receive antennas leads to a reduction of the total transmit power. Optimal parameter values of the opportunistic transmission protocol are examined according to three types of beamforming and different antenna configurations, in terms of maximizing the cognitive transmission capacity. All the beamforming, decentralized power allocation, and opportunistic transmission protocol are performed by the secondary users in a decentralized manner, thus resulting in an easy implementation in practice.
Patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) during colonoscopy diagnosis
transmission remained unclear. Viral genetic variability is proposed as a useful tool for tracing HCV transmission, especially in recent transmissions. PMID:20825635
Social and behavioral barriers to pathogen transmission in wild animal populations
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Loehle, C.S.
Disease and pathogens have been studied as regulators of animal populations but not really as selective forces. The authors propose that pathogens can be major selective forces influencing social behaviors when these are successful at reducing disease transmission. The behaviors whose evolution could have been influenced by pathogen effects include group size, group isolation, mixed species flocking, migration, seasonal sociality, social avoidance, and dominance behaviors. Mate choice, mating system, and sexual selection are put in a new light when examined in terms of disease transmission. It is concluded that pathogen avoidance is a more powerful selective force than has heretoforemore » been recognized.« less
A novel multiple description scalable coding scheme for mobile wireless video transmission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zheng, Haifeng; Yu, Lun; Chen, Chang Wen
We proposed in this paper a novel multiple description scalable coding (MDSC) scheme based on in-band motion compensation temporal filtering (IBMCTF) technique in order to achieve high video coding performance and robust video transmission. The input video sequence is first split into equal-sized groups of frames (GOFs). Within a GOF, each frame is hierarchically decomposed by discrete wavelet transform. Since there is a direct relationship between wavelet coefficients and what they represent in the image content after wavelet decomposition, we are able to reorganize the spatial orientation trees to generate multiple bit-streams and employed SPIHT algorithm to achieve high coding efficiency. We have shown that multiple bit-stream transmission is very effective in combating error propagation in both Internet video streaming and mobile wireless video. Furthermore, we adopt the IBMCTF scheme to remove the redundancy for inter-frames along the temporal direction using motion compensated temporal filtering, thus high coding performance and flexible scalability can be provided in this scheme. In order to make compressed video resilient to channel error and to guarantee robust video transmission over mobile wireless channels, we add redundancy to each bit-stream and apply error concealment strategy for lost motion vectors. Unlike traditional multiple description schemes, the integration of these techniques enable us to generate more than two bit-streams that may be more appropriate for multiple antenna transmission of compressed video. Simulate results on standard video sequences have shown that the proposed scheme provides flexible tradeoff between coding efficiency and error resilience.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Naumov, N. V.; Petrovskii, V. N.; Protsenko, E. D.; Shananin, R. A.
Various information transmission systems, based on two-mode lasers with controlled emission frequencies, are proposed. It is suggested that these systems can be implemented by modulation of the intermode spacing of a two-mode laser. An experimental investigation is reported of frequency control methods. It is shown that these methods should make it possible to construct information transmission systems with high transmission rates subject to weak nonlinear distortions of the information-carrying signal.
An extraordinary transmission analogue for enhancing microwave antenna performance
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Pushpakaran, Sarin V., E-mail:; Purushothaman, Jayakrishnan M.; Chandroth, Aanandan
The theory of diffraction limit proposed by H.A Bethe limits the total power transfer through a subwavelength hole. Researchers all over the world have gone through different techniques for boosting the transmission through subwavelength holes resulting in the Extraordinary Transmission (EOT) behavior. We examine computationally and experimentally the concept of EOT nature in the microwave range for enhancing radiation performance of a stacked dipole antenna working in the S band. It is shown that the front to back ratio of the antenna is considerably enhanced without affecting the impedance matching performance of the design. The computational analysis based on Finitemore » Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method reveals that the excitation of Fabry-Perot resonant modes on the slots is responsible for performance enhancement.« less
Whole-genome sequencing to determine Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission: an observational study
Cole, Kevin; Cole, Michelle J; Cresswell, Fiona; Dean, Gillian; Dave, Jayshree; Thomas, Daniel Rh; Foster, Kirsty; Waldram, Alison; Wilson, Daniel J; Didelot, Xavier; Grad, Yonatan H; Crook, Derrick W; Peto, Tim EA; Walker, A Sarah
Background New approaches are urgently required to address increasing rates of gonorrhoea and the emergence and global spread of antibiotic-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) can be applied to study transmission and track resistance. Methods We performed WGS on 1659 isolates from Brighton, UK, and 217 additional isolates from other UK locations. We included WGS data (n=196) from the USA. Estimated mutation rates, plus diversity observed within patients across anatomical sites and probable transmission pairs, were used to fit a coalescent model to determine the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) expected between sequences related by direct/indirect transmission, depending on the time between samples. Findings We detected extensive local transmission. 281/1061(26%) Brighton cases were indistinguishable (0 SNPs) to ≥1 previous case(s), and 786(74%) had evidence of a sampled direct or indirect Brighton source. There was evidence of sustained transmission of some lineages. We observed multiple related samples across geographic locations. Of 1273 infections in Brighton, 225(18%) were linked to another case from elsewhere in the UK, and 115(9%) to a case from the USA. Four lineages initially identified in Brighton could be linked to 70 USA sequences, including 61 from a lineage carrying the mosaic penA XXXIV associated with reduced cefixime susceptibility. Interpretation We present a WGS-based tool for genomic contact tracing of N. gonorrhoeae and demonstrate local, national and international transmission. WGS can be applied across geographical boundaries to investigate gonorrhoea transmission and to track antimicrobial resistance. Funding Oxford NIHR Health Protection Research Unit and Biomedical Research Centre. PMID:27427203
Almeida, Rodrigo P. P.
Vector transmission of bacterial plant pathogens involves three steps: pathogen acquisition from an infected host, retention within the vector, and inoculation of cells into susceptible tissue of an uninfected plant. In this study, a combination of plant and artificial diet systems were used to determine the importance of several genes on the initial adhesion and retention of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa to an efficient insect vector. Mutant strains included fimbrial (fimA and pilB) and afimbrial (hxfA and hxfB) adhesins and three loci involved in regulatory systems (rpfF, rpfC, and cgsA). Transmission assays with variable retention time indicated that HxfA and HxfB were primarily important for early adhesion to vectors, while FimA was necessary for both adhesion and retention. The long pilus protein PilB was not deficient in initial adhesion but may be important for retention. Genes upregulated under the control of rpfF are important for both initial adhesion and retention, as transmission rates of this mutant strain were initially low and decreased over time, while disruption of rpfC and cgsA yielded trends similar to that shown by the wild-type control. Because induction of an X. fastidiosa transmissible state requires pectin, a series of experiments were used to test the roles of a polygalacturonase (pglA) and the pectin and galacturonic acid carbohydrates on the transmission of X. fastidiosa. Results show that galacturonic acid, or PglA activity breaking pectin into its major subunit (galacturonic acid), is required for X. fastidiosa vector transmission using an artificial diet system. This study shows that early adhesion and retention of X. fastidiosa are mediated by different factors. It also illustrates that the interpretation of results of vector transmission experiments, in the context of vector-pathogen interaction studies, is highly dependent on experimental design. PMID:24185853
Killiny, Nabil; Almeida, Rodrigo P P
Vector transmission of bacterial plant pathogens involves three steps: pathogen acquisition from an infected host, retention within the vector, and inoculation of cells into susceptible tissue of an uninfected plant. In this study, a combination of plant and artificial diet systems were used to determine the importance of several genes on the initial adhesion and retention of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa to an efficient insect vector. Mutant strains included fimbrial (fimA and pilB) and afimbrial (hxfA and hxfB) adhesins and three loci involved in regulatory systems (rpfF, rpfC, and cgsA). Transmission assays with variable retention time indicated that HxfA and HxfB were primarily important for early adhesion to vectors, while FimA was necessary for both adhesion and retention. The long pilus protein PilB was not deficient in initial adhesion but may be important for retention. Genes upregulated under the control of rpfF are important for both initial adhesion and retention, as transmission rates of this mutant strain were initially low and decreased over time, while disruption of rpfC and cgsA yielded trends similar to that shown by the wild-type control. Because induction of an X. fastidiosa transmissible state requires pectin, a series of experiments were used to test the roles of a polygalacturonase (pglA) and the pectin and galacturonic acid carbohydrates on the transmission of X. fastidiosa. Results show that galacturonic acid, or PglA activity breaking pectin into its major subunit (galacturonic acid), is required for X. fastidiosa vector transmission using an artificial diet system. This study shows that early adhesion and retention of X. fastidiosa are mediated by different factors. It also illustrates that the interpretation of results of vector transmission experiments, in the context of vector-pathogen interaction studies, is highly dependent on experimental design.
Sauleau, Paul; Despatin, Jane; Cheng, Xufei; Lemesle, Martine; Touzery-de Villepin, Anne; N'Guyen The Tich, Sylvie; Kubis, Nathalie
Assessment of current practice and the need for tele-transmission and remote interpretation of EEG in France. Transmission of EEG to a distant center could be a promising solution to the problem of decreasing availability of neurophysiologists for EEG interpretation, in order to provide equity within health care services in France. This practice should logically follow the legal framework of telemedicine and the recommendations that were recently edited by the Société de neurophysiologie clinique de langue française (SNCLF) and the Ligue française contre l'épilepsie (LCFE). A national survey was designed and performed under the auspices of the SNCLF. This survey reveals that there is an important gap between the official recommendations and the "reality on the ground". These local organizations were mainly established through the impulse of individual initiatives, rarely driven by health regulatory authorities and sometimes far from legal frameworks. For the majority, they result from a need to improve medical care, especially in pediatrics and neonatology, and to ensure continuity of care. When present, tele-transmission of EEG is often only partially satisfactory, since many technical procedures have to be improved. Conversely, the lack of tele-transmission of EEG would penalize medical care for some patients. The survey shows both the wealth of local initiatives and the fragility of most existing networks, emphasizing the need for better cooperation between regulatory authorities and health care professionals to establish or improve the transmission of EEG in France. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Hyperbola-parabola primary mirror in Cassegrain optical antenna to improve transmission efficiency.
Zhang, Li; Chen, Lu; Yang, HuaJun; Jiang, Ping; Mao, Shengqian; Caiyang, Weinan
An optical model with a hyperbola-parabola primary mirror added in the Cassegrain optical antenna, which can effectively improve the transmission efficiency, is proposed in this paper. The optimum parameters of a hyperbola-parabola primary mirror and a secondary mirror for the optical antenna system have been designed and analyzed in detail. The parabola-hyperbola primary structure optical antenna is obtained to improve the transmission efficiency of 10.60% in theory, and the simulation efficiency changed 9.359%. For different deflection angles to the receiving antenna with the emit antenna, the coupling efficiency curve of the optical antenna has been obtained.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haldar, Arabinda; Kumar, Dheeraj; Adeyeye, Adekunle Olusola
Spin-wave-based devices promise to usher in an era of low-power computing where information is carried by the precession of the electrons' spin instead of dissipative translation of their charge. This potential is, however, undermined by the need for a bias magnetic field, which must remain powered on to maintain an anisotropic device characteristic. Here, we propose a reconfigurable waveguide design that can transmit and locally manipulate spin waves without the need for any external bias field once initialized. We experimentally demonstrate the transmission of spin waves in straight as well as curved waveguides without a bias field, which has been elusive so far. Furthermore, we experimentally show a binary gating of the spin-wave signal by controlled switching of the magnetization, locally, in the waveguide. The results have potential implications in high-density integration and energy-efficient operation of nanomagnetic devices at room temperature.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ali, E. S. M.; McEwen, M. R.; Rogers, D. W. O.
Purpose: In a recent computational study, an improved physics-based approach was proposed for unfolding linac photon spectra and incident electron energies from transmission data. In this approach, energy differentiation is improved by simultaneously using transmission data for multiple attenuators and detectors, and the unfolding robustness is improved by using a four-parameter functional form to describe the photon spectrum. The purpose of the current study is to validate this approach experimentally, and to demonstrate its application on a typical clinical linac. Methods: The validation makes use of the recent transmission measurements performed on the Vickers research linac of National Research Councilmore » Canada. For this linac, the photon spectra were previously measured using a NaI detector, and the incident electron parameters are independently known. The transmission data are for eight beams in the range 10-30 MV using thick Be, Al and Pb bremsstrahlung targets. To demonstrate the approach on a typical clinical linac, new measurements are performed on an Elekta Precise linac for 6, 10 and 25 MV beams. The different experimental setups are modeled using EGSnrc, with the newly added photonuclear attenuation included. Results: For the validation on the research linac, the 95% confidence bounds of the unfolded spectra fall within the noise of the NaI data. The unfolded spectra agree with the EGSnrc spectra (calculated using independently known electron parameters) with RMS energy fluence deviations of 4.5%. The accuracy of unfolding the incident electron energy is shown to be {approx}3%. A transmission cutoff of only 10% is suitable for accurate unfolding, provided that the other components of the proposed approach are implemented. For the demonstration on a clinical linac, the unfolded incident electron energies and their 68% confidence bounds for the 6, 10 and 25 MV beams are 6.1 {+-} 0.1, 9.3 {+-} 0.1, and 19.3 {+-} 0.2 MeV, respectively. The unfolded
Flexible Macroblock Ordering for Context-Aware Ultrasound Video Transmission over Mobile WiMAX
Martini, Maria G.; Hewage, Chaminda T. E. R.
The most recent network technologies are enabling a variety of new applications, thanks to the provision of increased bandwidth and better management of Quality of Service. Nevertheless, telemedical services involving multimedia data are still lagging behind, due to the concern of the end users, that is, clinicians and also patients, about the low quality provided. Indeed, emerging network technologies should be appropriately exploited by designing the transmission strategy focusing on quality provision for end users. Stemming from this principle, we propose here a context-aware transmission strategy for medical video transmission over WiMAX systems. Context, in terms of regions of interest (ROI) in a specific session, is taken into account for the identification of multiple regions of interest, and compression/transmission strategies are tailored to such context information. We present a methodology based on H.264 medical video compression and Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) for ROI identification. Two different unequal error protection methodologies, providing higher protection to the most diagnostically relevant data, are presented. PMID:20827292
Rényi entropy measure of noise-aided information transmission in a binary channel.
Chapeau-Blondeau, François; Rousseau, David; Delahaies, Agnès
This paper analyzes a binary channel by means of information measures based on the Rényi entropy. The analysis extends, and contains as a special case, the classic reference model of binary information transmission based on the Shannon entropy measure. The extended model is used to investigate further possibilities and properties of stochastic resonance or noise-aided information transmission. The results demonstrate that stochastic resonance occurs in the information channel and is registered by the Rényi entropy measures at any finite order, including the Shannon order. Furthermore, in definite conditions, when seeking the Rényi information measures that best exploit stochastic resonance, then nontrivial orders differing from the Shannon case usually emerge. In this way, through binary information transmission, stochastic resonance identifies optimal Rényi measures of information differing from the classic Shannon measure. A confrontation of the quantitative information measures with visual perception is also proposed in an experiment of noise-aided binary image transmission.
Transmission loss measurement of acoustic material using time-domain pulse-separation method (L).
Sun, Liang; Hou, Hong
An alternative method for measuring the normal incidence sound transmission loss (nSTL) is presented in this paper based on the time-domain separation of so-called Butterworth pulse with a short-duration time about 1 ms in a standing wave tube. During the generation process of the pulse, inverse filter principle was adopted to compensate the loudspeaker response, besides this, the effect of the characteristics of tube termination can be eliminated through the generation process of the pulse so as to obtain a single plane pulse wave in the standing wave tube which makes the nSTL measurement very simple. A polyurethane foam material with low transmission loss and a kind of rubber material with relatively high transmission loss are used to verify the proposed method. When compared with the traditional two-load method, a relatively good agreement between these two methods can be observed. The main error of this method results from the measuring accuracy of the amplitude of transmission coefficient.
Full colorless transmission of millimeter-wave band gigabit data over WDM-PON using sideband routing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Won, Yong-Yuk; Kim, Hyun-Seung; Son, Yong-Hwan; Han, Sang-Kook
A new wavelength division multiplexed-radio over fiber (WDM-RoF) access network scheme supporting the simultaneous transmission of a 1.25-Gb/s wired data as well as a 1.25-Gb/s wireless data is proposed in this paper. An optical carrier suppression effect and sideband routing using the multiplexing of arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) with 50-GHz channel spacing are utilized to generate a millimeter wave band carrier. These techniques make the proposed architecture transmit both a wired data and a wireless one at the same time. A reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) is employed at both central office and base station so that this architecture is operated colorlessly. Error free transmissions (BER of 10-9) of both downlink and uplink are achieved simultaneously.
Lu, Hai-Han; Li, Chung-Yi; Lu, Ting-Chien; Wu, Chang-Jen; Chu, Chien-An; Shiva, Ajay; Mochii, Takao
A bidirectional fiber-wireless and fiber-visible-laser-light-communication (VLLC) transmission system based on an optoelectronic oscillator (OEO)-based broadband light source (BLS) and a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Through an in-depth observation of such bidirectional fiber-wireless and fiber-VLLC transmission systems, good bit error rate performances are obtained over a 40 km single-mode fiber and a 10 m RF/optical wireless transport. Such a bidirectional fiber-wireless and fiber-VLLC transmission system is an attractive option for providing broadband integrated services.
Hall, David R [Provo, UT; Fox, Joe [Spanish Fork, UT
A transmission system in a downhole component comprises a data transmission element in both ends of the downhole component. Each data transmission element houses an electrically conducting coil in a MCEI circular trough. An electrical conductor connects both the transmission elements. The electrical conductor comprises at least three electrically conductive elements insulated from each other. In the preferred embodiment the electrical conductor comprises an electrically conducting outer shield, an electrically conducting inner shield and an electrical conducting core. In some embodiments of the present invention, the electrical conductor comprises an electrically insulating jacket. In other embodiments, the electrical conductor comprises a pair of twisted wires. In some embodiments, the electrical conductor comprises semi-conductive material.
Multiple p-n junction subwavelength gratings for transmission-mode electro-optic modulators
Lee, Ki Young; Yoon, Jae Woong; Song, Seok Ho; Magnusson, Robert
We propose a free-space electro-optic transmission modulator based on multiple p-n-junction semiconductor subwavelength gratings. The proposed device operates with a high-Q guided-mode resonance undergoing electro-optic resonance shift due to direct electrical control. Using rigorous electrical and optical modeling methods, we theoretically demonstrate a modulation depth of 84%, on-state efficiency 85%, and on-off extinction ratio of 19 dB at 1,550 nm wavelength under electrical control signals within a favorably low bias voltage range from −4 V to +1 V. This functionality operates in the transmission mode and sustainable in the high-speed operation regime up to a 10-GHz-scale modulation bandwidth in principle. The theoretical performance prediction is remarkably advantageous over plasmonic tunable metasurfaces in the power-efficiency and absolute modulation-depth aspects. Therefore, further experimental study is of great interest for creating practical-level metasurface components in various application areas. PMID:28417962
Mead, Daniel G; Howerth, Elizabeth W; Murphy, Molly D; Gray, Elmer W; Noblet, Raymond; Stallknecht, David E
The transmission routes of Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus (VSNJV), a causative agent of vesicular stomatitis, an Office International des Epizooties List-A disease, are not completely understood. Epidemiological and entomological studies conducted during the sporadic epidemics in the western United States have identified potential virus transmission routes involving insect vectors and animal-to-animal contact. In the present study we experimentally tested the previously proposed transmission routes which were primarily based on field observations. Results obtained provide strong evidence for the following: (1) hematophagous insects acquire VSNJV by unconventional routes while blood feeding on livestock, (2) clinical course of VSNJV infection in livestock following transmission by an infected insect is related to insect bite site, (3) infection of livestock via insect bite can result in multiple transmission possibilities, including animal-to-animal contact. Taken together, these data significantly add to our understanding of the transmission routes of a causative agent of one of the oldest known infectious diseases of livestock, for which the details have remained largely unknown despite decades of research.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Joong Bae; Lee, Seungyoon; Lee, Kyungeun; Lee, Ikjin; Lee, Bong Jae
It has been shown that the absorption coefficient of a nanofluid can be actively tuned by changing material, size, shape, and concentration of the nanoparticle suspension. In applications of engineered nanofluids for the direct absorption of solar radiation, it is important to experimentally characterize the absorption coefficient of nanofluids in the solar spectrum. If the refractive index of the base fluid (i.e., the solution without nanoparticles) is known a priori, the absorption coefficient of nanofluids can be easily determined from the transmission spectrum. However, if the refractive index of the base fluid is not known, it is not straightforward to extract the absorption coefficient solely from the transmission spectrum. The present work aims to develop an analytical method of determining the absorption coefficient of nanofluids with unknown refractive index by measuring both reflection and transmission spectra. The proposed method will be validated with deionized water, and the effect of measurement uncertainty will be carefully examined. Finally, the general applicability of the proposed method will also be demonstrated for Therminol VP-1 as well as the Therminol VP-1 - graphite nanofluid.
Printed circuit dispersive transmission line
Ikezi, H.; Lin-Liu, Y.R.; DeGrassie, J.S.
A printed circuit dispersive transmission line structure is disclosed comprising an insulator, a ground plane formed on one surface of the insulator, a first transmission line formed on a second surface of the insulator, and a second transmission line also formed on the second surface of the insulator and of longer length than the first transmission line and periodically intersecting the first transmission line. In a preferred embodiment, the transmission line structure exhibits highly dispersive characteristics by designing the length of one of the transmission line between two adjacent periodic intersections to be longer than the other. 5 figures.
Printed circuit dispersive transmission line
Ikezi, Hiroyuki; Lin-Liu, Yuh-Ren; DeGrassie, John S.
A printed circuit dispersive transmission line structure is disclosed comprising an insulator, a ground plane formed on one surface of the insulator, a first transmission line formed on a second surface of the insulator, and a second transmission line also formed on the second surface of the insulator and of longer length than the first transmission line and periodically intersecting the first transmission line. In a preferred embodiment, the transmission line structure exhibits highly dispersive characteristics by designing the length of one of the transmission line between two adjacent periodic intersections to be longer than the other.
Implications of asymptomatic carriers for infectious disease transmission and control.
Chisholm, Rebecca H; Campbell, Patricia T; Wu, Yue; Tong, Steven Y C; McVernon, Jodie; Geard, Nicholas
For infectious pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae , some hosts may carry the pathogen and transmit it to others, yet display no symptoms themselves. These asymptomatic carriers contribute to the spread of disease but go largely undetected and can therefore undermine efforts to control transmission. Understanding the natural history of carriage and its relationship to disease is important for the design of effective interventions to control transmission. Mathematical models of infectious diseases are frequently used to inform decisions about control and should therefore accurately capture the role played by asymptomatic carriers. In practice, incorporating asymptomatic carriers into models is challenging due to the sparsity of direct evidence. This absence of data leads to uncertainty in estimates of model parameters and, more fundamentally, in the selection of an appropriate model structure. To assess the implications of this uncertainty, we systematically reviewed published models of carriage and propose a new model of disease transmission with asymptomatic carriage. Analysis of our model shows how different assumptions about the role of asymptomatic carriers can lead to different conclusions about the transmission and control of disease. Critically, selecting an inappropriate model structure, even when parameters are correctly estimated, may lead to over- or under-estimates of intervention effectiveness. Our results provide a more complete understanding of the role of asymptomatic carriers in transmission and highlight the importance of accurately incorporating carriers into models used to make decisions about disease control.
Modeling Post-death Transmission of Ebola: Challenges for Inference and Opportunities for Control
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weitz, Joshua S.; Dushoff, Jonathan
Multiple epidemiological models have been proposed to predict the spread of Ebola in West Africa. These models include consideration of counter-measures meant to slow and, eventually, stop the spread of the disease. Here, we examine one component of Ebola dynamics that is of ongoing concern - the transmission of Ebola from the dead to the living. We do so by applying the toolkit of mathematical epidemiology to analyze the consequences of post-death transmission. We show that underlying disease parameters cannot be inferred with confidence from early-stage incidence data (that is, they are not ``identifiable'') because different parameter combinations can produce virtually the same epidemic trajectory. Despite this identifiability problem, we find robustly that inferences that don't account for post-death transmission tend to underestimate the basic reproductive number - thus, given the observed rate of epidemic growth, larger amounts of post-death transmission imply larger reproductive numbers. From a control perspective, we explain how improvements in reducing post-death transmission of Ebola may reduce the overall epidemic spread and scope substantially. Increased attention to the proportion of post-death transmission has the potential to aid both in projecting the course of the epidemic and in evaluating a portfolio of control strategies.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Small, Michael; Tse, C. K.
We propose a new four state model for disease transmission and illustrate the model with data from the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong. The critical feature of this model is that the community is modelled as a small-world network of interconnected nodes. Each node is linked to a fixed number of immediate neighbors and a random number of geographically remote nodes. Transmission can only propagate between linked nodes. This model exhibits two features typical of SARS transmission: geographically localized outbreaks and “super-spreaders”. Neither of these features are evident in standard susceptible-infected-removed models of disease transmission. Our analysis indicates that “super-spreaders” may occur even if the infectiousness of all infected individuals is constant. Moreover, we find that nosocomial transmission in Hong Kong directly contributed to the severity of the outbreak and that by limiting individual exposure time to 3-5 days the extent of the SARS epidemic would have been minimal.