Dynamic Virtual Credit Card Numbers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Molloy, Ian; Li, Jiangtao; Li, Ninghui
Theft of stored credit card information is an increasing threat to e-commerce. We propose a dynamic virtual credit card number scheme that reduces the damage caused by stolen credit card numbers. A user can use an existing credit card account to generate multiple virtual credit card numbers that are either usable for a single transaction or are tied with a particular merchant. We call the scheme dynamic because the virtual credit card numbers can be generated without online contact with the credit card issuers. These numbers can be processed without changing any of the infrastructure currently in place; the only changes will be at the end points, namely, the card users and the card issuers. We analyze the security requirements for dynamic virtual credit card numbers, discuss the design space, propose a scheme using HMAC, and prove its security under the assumption the underlying function is a PRF.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chahrazed, Yahiaoui; Jean-Louis, Lanet; Mohamed, Mezghiche; Karim, Tamine
Fault attack represents one of the serious threats against Java Card security. It consists of physical perturbation of chip components to introduce faults in the code execution. A fault may be induced using a laser beam to impact opcodes and operands of instructions. This could lead to a mutation of the application code in such a way that it becomes hostile. Any successful attack may reveal a secret information stored in the card or grant an undesired authorisation. We propose a methodology to recognise, during the development step, the sensitive patterns to the fault attack in the Java Card applications. It is based on the concepts from text categorisation and machine learning. In fact, in this method, we represented the patterns using opcodes n-grams as features, and we evaluated different machine learning classifiers. The results show that the classifiers performed poorly when classifying dangerous sensitive patterns, due to the imbalance of our data-set. The number of dangerous sensitive patterns is much lower than the number of not dangerous patterns. We used resampling techniques to balance the class distribution in our data-set. The experimental results indicated that the resampling techniques improved the accuracy of the classifiers. In addition, our proposed method reduces the execution time of sensitive patterns classification in comparison to the SmartCM tool. This tool is used in our study to evaluate the effect of faults on Java Card applications.
Prototyping Faithful Execution in a Java virtual machine.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tarman, Thomas David; Campbell, Philip LaRoche; Pierson, Lyndon George
This report presents the implementation of a stateless scheme for Faithful Execution, the design for which is presented in a companion report, ''Principles of Faithful Execution in the Implementation of Trusted Objects'' (SAND 2003-2328). We added a simple cryptographic capability to an already simplified class loader and its associated Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to provide a byte-level implementation of Faithful Execution. The extended class loader and JVM we refer to collectively as the Sandia Faithfully Executing Java architecture (or JavaFE for short). This prototype is intended to enable exploration of more sophisticated techniques which we intend to implement in hardware.
Korocsec, D; Holobar, A; Divjak, M; Zazula, D
Medicine is a difficult thing to learn. Experimenting with real patients should not be the only option; simulation deserves a special attention here. Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) as a tool for building virtual objects and scenes has a good record of educational applications in medicine, especially for static and animated visualisations of body parts and organs. However, to create computer simulations resembling situations in real environments the required level of interactivity and dynamics is difficult to achieve. In the present paper we describe some approaches and techniques which we used to push the limits of the current VRML technology further toward dynamic 3D representation of virtual environments (VEs). Our demonstration is based on the implementation of a virtual baby model, whose vital signs can be controlled from an external Java application. The main contributions of this work are: (a) outline and evaluation of the three-level VRML/Java implementation of the dynamic virtual environment, (b) proposal for a modified VRML Timesensor node, which greatly improves the overall control of system performance, and (c) architecture of the prototype distributed virtual environment for training in neonatal resuscitation comprising the interactive virtual newborn, active bedside monitor for vital signs and full 3D representation of the surgery room.
3D multiplayer virtual pets game using Google Card Board
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Herumurti, Darlis; Riskahadi, Dimas; Kuswardayan, Imam
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology which allows user to interact with the virtual environment. This virtual environment is generated and simulated by computer. This technology can make user feel the sensation when they are in the virtual environment. The VR technology provides real virtual environment view for user and it is not viewed from screen. But it needs another additional device to show the view of virtual environment. This device is known as Head Mounted Device (HMD). Oculust Rift and Microsoft Hololens are the most famous HMD devices used in VR. And in 2014, Google Card Board was introduced at Google I/O developers conference. Google Card Board is VR platform which allows user to enjoy the VR with simple and cheap way. In this research, we explore Google Card Board to develop simulation game of raising pet. The Google Card Board is used to create view for the VR environment. The view and control in VR environment is built using Unity game engine. And the simulation process is designed using Finite State Machine (FSM). This FSM can help to design the process clearly. So the simulation process can describe the simulation of raising pet well. Raising pet is fun activity. But sometimes, there are many conditions which cause raising pet become difficult to do, i.e. environment condition, disease, high cost, etc. this research aims to explore and implement Google Card Board in simulation of raising pet.
Overman, William H.; Pierce, Allison
Performance on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) in clinical populations can be interpreted only in relation to established baseline performance in normal populations. As in all comparisons of assessment tools, the normal baseline must reflect performance under conditions in which subjects can function at their best levels. In this review, we show that a number of variables enhance IGT performance in non-clinical participants. First, optimal performance is produced by having participants turn over real cards while viewing virtual cards on a computer screen. The use of only virtual cards results in significantly lower performance than the combination of real + virtual cards. Secondly, administration of more than 100 trials also enhances performance. When using the real/virtual card procedure, performance is shown to significantly increase from early adolescence through young adulthood. Under these conditions young (mean age 19 years) and older (mean age 59 years) adults perform equally. Females, as a group, score lower than males because females tend to choose cards from high-frequency-of-gain Deck B. Groups of females with high or low gonadal hormones perform equally. Concurrent tasks, e.g., presentation of aromas, decrease performance in males. Age and gender effects are discussed in terms of a dynamic between testosterone and orbital prefrontal cortex. PMID:24376431
Measuring the Effects of Virtual Pair Programming in an Introductory Programming Java Course
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zacharis, N. Z.
This study investigated the effectiveness of virtual pair programming (VPP) on student performance and satisfaction in an introductory Java course. Students used online tools that integrated desktop sharing and real-time communication, and the metrics examined showed that VPP is an acceptable alternative to individual programming experience.…
Utah Virtual Lab: JAVA interactivity for teaching science and statistics on line.
Malloy, T E; Jensen, G C
The Utah on-line Virtual Lab is a JAVA program run dynamically off a database. It is embedded in StatCenter (www.psych.utah.edu/learn/statsampler.html), an on-line collection of tools and text for teaching and learning statistics. Instructors author a statistical virtual reality that simulates theories and data in a specific research focus area by defining independent, predictor, and dependent variables and the relations among them. Students work in an on-line virtual environment to discover the principles of this simulated reality: They go to a library, read theoretical overviews and scientific puzzles, and then go to a lab, design a study, collect and analyze data, and write a report. Each student's design and data analysis decisions are computer-graded and recorded in a database; the written research report can be read by the instructor or by other students in peer groups simulating scientific conventions.
Huang, Yukun; Chen, Rong; Wei, Jingbo; Pei, Xilong; Cao, Jing; Prakash Jayaraman, Prem; Ranjan, Rajiv
JNI in the Android platform is often observed with low efficiency and high coding complexity. Although many researchers have investigated the JNI mechanism, few of them solve the efficiency and the complexity problems of JNI in the Android platform simultaneously. In this paper, a hybrid polylingual object (HPO) model is proposed to allow a CAR object being accessed as a Java object and as vice in the Dalvik virtual machine. It is an acceptable substitute for JNI to reuse the CAR-compliant components in Android applications in a seamless and efficient way. The metadata injection mechanism is designed to support the automatic mapping and reflection between CAR objects and Java objects. A prototype virtual machine, called HPO-Dalvik, is implemented by extending the Dalvik virtual machine to support the HPO model. Lifespan management, garbage collection, and data type transformation of HPO objects are also handled in the HPO-Dalvik virtual machine automatically. The experimental result shows that the HPO model outweighs the standard JNI in lower overhead on native side, better executing performance with no JNI bridging code being demanded.
Huang, Yukun; Chen, Rong; Wei, Jingbo; Pei, Xilong; Cao, Jing; Prakash Jayaraman, Prem; Ranjan, Rajiv
JNI in the Android platform is often observed with low efficiency and high coding complexity. Although many researchers have investigated the JNI mechanism, few of them solve the efficiency and the complexity problems of JNI in the Android platform simultaneously. In this paper, a hybrid polylingual object (HPO) model is proposed to allow a CAR object being accessed as a Java object and as vice in the Dalvik virtual machine. It is an acceptable substitute for JNI to reuse the CAR-compliant components in Android applications in a seamless and efficient way. The metadata injection mechanism is designed to support the automatic mapping and reflection between CAR objects and Java objects. A prototype virtual machine, called HPO-Dalvik, is implemented by extending the Dalvik virtual machine to support the HPO model. Lifespan management, garbage collection, and data type transformation of HPO objects are also handled in the HPO-Dalvik virtual machine automatically. The experimental result shows that the HPO model outweighs the standard JNI in lower overhead on native side, better executing performance with no JNI bridging code being demanded. PMID:25110745
Design and Development of Card-Sized Virtual Keyboard Using Permanent Magnets and Hall Sensors
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Demachi, Kazuyuki; Ohyama, Makoto; Kanemoto, Yoshiki; Masaie, Issei
This paper proposes a method to distinguish the key-type of human fingers attached with the small permanent magnets. The Hall sensors arrayed in the credit card size area feel the distribution of the magnetic field due to the key-typing movement of the human fingers as if the keyboard exists, and the signal is analyzed using the generic algorithm or the neural network algorism to distinguish the typed keys. By this method, the keyboard can be miniaturized to the credit card size (54mm×85mm). We called this system `The virtual keyboard system'.
New Web Server - the Java Version of Tempest - Produced
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
York, David W.; Ponyik, Joseph G.
A new software design and development effort has produced a Java (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) version of the award-winning Tempest software (refs. 1 and 2). In 1999, the Embedded Web Technology (EWT) team received a prestigious R&D 100 Award for Tempest, Java Version. In this article, "Tempest" will refer to the Java version of Tempest, a World Wide Web server for desktop or embedded systems. Tempest was designed at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field to run on any platform for which a Java Virtual Machine (JVM, Sun Microsystems, Inc.) exists. The JVM acts as a translator between the native code of the platform and the byte code of Tempest, which is compiled in Java. These byte code files are Java executables with a ".class" extension. Multiple byte code files can be zipped together as a "*.jar" file for more efficient transmission over the Internet. Today's popular browsers, such as Netscape (Netscape Communications Corporation) and Internet Explorer (Microsoft Corporation) have built-in Virtual Machines to display Java applets.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mehhtz, Peter
JPF is an explicit state software model checker for Java bytecode. Today, JPF is a swiss army knife for all sort of runtime based verification purposes. This basically means JPF is a Java virtual machine that executes your program not just once (like a normal VM), but theoretically in all possible ways, checking for property violations like deadlocks or unhandled exceptions along all potential execution paths. If it finds an error, JPF reports the whole execution that leads to it. Unlike a normal debugger, JPF keeps track of every step how it got to the defect.
Modeling intelligent agent beliefs in a card game scenario
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gołuński, Marcel; Tomanek, Roman; WÄ siewicz, Piotr
In this paper we explore the problem of intelligent agent beliefs. We model agent beliefs using multimodal logics of belief, KD45(m) system implemented as a directed graph depicting Kripke semantics, precisely. We present a card game engine application which allows multiple agents to connect to a given game session and play the card game. As an example simplified version of popular Saboteur card game is used. Implementation was done in Java language using following libraries and applications: Apache Mina, LWJGL.
A cost-effective add-on-value card-assisted firewall over Taiwan's NHI VPN framework.
Huang, Jyh-Win; Hou, Ting-Wei
Besides the overall budget for building the infrastructure of a healthcare-service-based virtual private network (VPN) in Taiwan, two issues were considered critical for its acceptance by the country's 17,000 plus medical institutions. One was who was to pay for the network (ADSL or modem) connection fee; the other was who was to pay for the firewall/anti-virus software. This paper addresses the second issue by proposing an efficient freeware firewall, named card-assisted firewall (CAF), for NHI VPN edge-hosts, which is also an add-on-value application of the National Healthcare IC card that every insurant and medical professional has. The innovative concept is that any NHI VPN site (edge-host) can establish diversified secure-authenticated connections with other sites only by an authentication mechanism, which requires a NHI Java card state machine and the Access Control List of the host. It is different from two-factor authentication cards in four ways: (1) a PIN code is not a must; (2) it requires authentication with the remote IC card Data Centre; (3) the NHI cards are already available, no modification is needed, and there is no further cost for the deployment of the cards; (4) although the cards are in the reader, the communication cannot start unless the cards are in the corresponding states; i.e. the states allow communication. An implementation, on a Microsoft Windows XP platform, demonstrated the system's feasibility over an emulation of the NHI VPN framework. It maintained a high line speed, the driver took up 39 KB of disk space, installation was simple, not requiring any extra hardware or software, and the average packet processing time of the CAF driver measured was 0.3084 ms. The average overhead in comparing the Access Control List predefined routing in card, in an FTP testing experiment, was 5.7 micros (receiving) and 8 micros (sending).
A kickball game for ankle rehabilitation by JAVA, JNI, and VRML
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Choi, Hyungjeen; Ryu, Jeha; Lee, Chansu
This paper presents development of a virtual environment that can be applied to the ankle rehabilitation procedure. We developed a virtual football stadium to intrigue a patient, where two degree of freedom (DOF) plate-shaped object is oriented to kick a ball falling from the sky in accordance with the data from the ankle's dorisflexion/plantarflexion and inversion/eversion motion on the moving platform of the K-Platform. This Kickball Game is implemented by Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). To control virtual objects, data from the K-Platform are transmitted through the communication module implemented in C++. Java, Java Native Interface (JNI) and VRML plug-in are combined together so as to interface the communication module with the virtual environment by VRML. This game may be applied to the Active Range of Motion (AROM) exercise procedure that is one of the ankle rehabilitation procedures.
Modelling and Implementation of Catalogue Cards Using FreeMarker
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Radjenovic, Jelen; Milosavljevic, Branko; Surla, Dusan
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report on a study involving the specification (using Unified Modelling Language (UML) 2.0) of information requirements and implementation of the software components for generating catalogue cards. The implementation in a Java environment is developed using the FreeMarker software.…
Model Checker for Java Programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Visser, Willem
Java Pathfinder (JPF) is a verification and testing environment for Java that integrates model checking, program analysis, and testing. JPF consists of a custom-made Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that interprets bytecode, combined with a search interface to allow the complete behavior of a Java program to be analyzed, including interleavings of concurrent programs. JPF is implemented in Java, and its architecture is highly modular to support rapid prototyping of new features. JPF is an explicit-state model checker, because it enumerates all visited states and, therefore, suffers from the state-explosion problem inherent in analyzing large programs. It is suited to analyzing programs less than 10kLOC, but has been successfully applied to finding errors in concurrent programs up to 100kLOC. When an error is found, a trace from the initial state to the error is produced to guide the debugging. JPF works at the bytecode level, meaning that all of Java can be model-checked. By default, the software checks for all runtime errors (uncaught exceptions), assertions violations (supports Java s assert), and deadlocks. JPF uses garbage collection and symmetry reductions of the heap during model checking to reduce state-explosion, as well as dynamic partial order reductions to lower the number of interleavings analyzed. JPF is capable of symbolic execution of Java programs, including symbolic execution of complex data such as linked lists and trees. JPF is extensible as it allows for the creation of listeners that can subscribe to events during searches. The creation of dedicated code to be executed in place of regular classes is supported and allows users to easily handle native calls and to improve the efficiency of the analysis.
Design and implementation of a smart card based healthcare information system.
Kardas, Geylani; Tunali, E Turhan
Smart cards are used in information technologies as portable integrated devices with data storage and data processing capabilities. As in other fields, smart card use in health systems became popular due to their increased capacity and performance. Their efficient use with easy and fast data access facilities leads to implementation particularly widespread in security systems. In this paper, a smart card based healthcare information system is developed. The system uses smart card for personal identification and transfer of health data and provides data communication via a distributed protocol which is particularly developed for this study. Two smart card software modules are implemented that run on patient and healthcare professional smart cards, respectively. In addition to personal information, general health information about the patient is also loaded to patient smart card. Health care providers use their own smart cards to be authenticated on the system and to access data on patient cards. Encryption keys and digital signature keys stored on smart cards of the system are used for secure and authenticated data communication between clients and database servers over distributed object protocol. System is developed on Java platform by using object oriented architecture and design patterns.
Distributed Object Technology with CORBA and Java: Key Concepts and Implications.
commercial use should be addressed to the SEI Licensing Agent. NO WARRANTY THIS CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING INSTITUTE MATERIAL...retrieval. This power is not derived from the language per se, but from the architecture-neutral approach used by Java. The Java Virtual Machine...pattern that is focused on performance considerations, the PCo archi- tecture also uses CORBA interface definition language (IDL) to model the
World Reaction to Virtual Space
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
DRaW Computing developed virtual reality software for the International Space Station. Open Worlds, as the software has been named, can be made to support Java scripting and virtual reality hardware devices. Open Worlds permits the use of VRML script nodes to add virtual reality capabilities to the user's applications.
Modular VO oriented Java EE service deployer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Molinaro, Marco; Cepparo, Francesco; De Marco, Marco; Knapic, Cristina; Apollo, Pietro; Smareglia, Riccardo
The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has produced many standards and recommendations whose aim is to generate an architecture that starts from astrophysical resources, in a general sense, and ends up in deployed consumable services (that are themselves astrophysical resources). Focusing on the Data Access Layer (DAL) system architecture, that these standards define, in the last years a web based application has been developed and maintained at INAF-OATs IA2 (Italian National institute for Astrophysics - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italian center of Astronomical Archives) to try to deploy and manage multiple VO (Virtual Observatory) services in a uniform way: VO-Dance. However a set of criticalities have arisen since when the VO-Dance idea has been produced, plus some major changes underwent and are undergoing at the IVOA DAL layer (and related standards): this urged IA2 to identify a new solution for its own service layer. Keeping on the basic ideas from VO-Dance (simple service configuration, service instantiation at call time and modularity) while switching to different software technologies (e.g. dismissing Java Reflection in favour of Enterprise Java Bean, EJB, based solution), the new solution has been sketched out and tested for feasibility. Here we present the results originating from this test study. The main constraints for this new project come from various fields. A better homogenized solution rising from IVOA DAL standards: for example the new DALI (Data Access Layer Interface) specification that acts as a common interface system for previous and oncoming access protocols. The need for a modular system where each component is based upon a single VO specification allowing services to rely on common capabilities instead of homogenizing them inside service components directly. The search for a scalable system that takes advantage from distributed systems. The constraints find answer in the adopted solutions hereafter sketched. The
The state of the Java universe
Gosling, James
Speaker Bio: James Gosling received a B.Sc. in computer science from the University of Calgary, Canada in 1977. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1983. The title of his thesis was The Algebraic Manipulation of Constraints. He has built satellite data acquisition systems, a multiprocessor version of UNIX®, several compilers, mail systems, and window managers. He has also built a WYSIWYG text editor, a constraint-based drawing editor, and a text editor called Emacs, for UNIX systems. At Sun his early activity was as lead engineer of the NeWS window system. He did the original design of the Java programming language and implemented its original compiler and virtual machine. He has recently been a contributor to the Real-Time Specification for Java.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Andreeva, J.; Dzhunov, I.; Karavakis, E.; Kokoszkiewicz, L.; Nowotka, M.; Saiz, P.; Tuckett, D.
Improvements in web browser performance and web standards compliance, as well as the availability of comprehensive JavaScript libraries, provides an opportunity to develop functionally rich yet intuitive web applications that allow users to access, render and analyse data in novel ways. However, the development of such large-scale JavaScript web applications presents new challenges, in particular with regard to code sustainability and team-based work. We present an approach that meets the challenges of large-scale JavaScript web application design and development, including client-side model-view-controller architecture, design patterns, and JavaScript libraries. Furthermore, we show how the approach leads naturally to the encapsulation of the data source as a web API, allowing applications to be easily ported to new data sources. The Experiment Dashboard framework is used for the development of applications for monitoring the distributed computing activities of virtual organisations on the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. We demonstrate the benefits of the approach for large-scale JavaScript web applications in this context by examining the design of several Experiment Dashboard applications for data processing, data transfer and site status monitoring, and by showing how they have been ported for different virtual organisations and technologies.
Introduction of Virtualization Technology to Multi-Process Model Checking
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Leungwattanakit, Watcharin; Artho, Cyrille; Hagiya, Masami; Tanabe, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Mitsuharu
Model checkers find failures in software by exploring every possible execution schedule. Java PathFinder (JPF), a Java model checker, has been extended recently to cover networked applications by caching data transferred in a communication channel. A target process is executed by JPF, whereas its peer process runs on a regular virtual machine outside. However, non-deterministic target programs may produce different output data in each schedule, causing the cache to restart the peer process to handle the different set of data. Virtualization tools could help us restore previous states of peers, eliminating peer restart. This paper proposes the application of virtualization technology to networked model checking, concentrating on JPF.
Biometrics and smart cards combine to offer high security
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Seidman, S.
This paper discusses the Smart Card a plastic credit card sized package with an embedded computer chip which encompasses a level of technical sophistication which makes it virtually impossible to counterfeit. The question of legitimacy of the person using the Card for physical, computer, or network access can be answered by storing a biometric template of the authorized user in the Smart Card's unalterable memory. The bimetric template can be based upon a retina print, a hand print, a finger print, a wrist-vein print, a voice print, or pseudo-biometrics, such as signature dynamics, gait dynamics or keyboard typing patterns. Thesemore » Cards will function only when they are being used by the authorized individuals to whom they are issued.« less
STS072-737-012 (11-20 Jan. 1996) --- The astronauts photographed this view of Java, an Indonesian island. Java lies between the Java Sea at top and the Indian Ocean at bottom (north is located at top center). A line of volcanoes on the southern edge of the island, trending from central to eastern areas, is highlighted by a ring of clouds. Off the southern coast of Java is the Java Trench where the Australian plate, to the south, is diving under the Eurasia plate to the north. According to anthropologists, Java has one of the highest populations in Indonesia because the soil is enriched by volcanic ash. Merapi volcano, at left edge, second volcano to the right, rises to 9,550 feet and erupts frequently. Madura Island, partially obscured by clouds, can be seen on the upper eastern end of Java.
Eng, J
Java is a programming language that runs on a "virtual machine" built into World Wide Web (WWW)-browsing programs on multiple hardware platforms. Web pages were developed with Java to enable Web-browsing programs to overlay transparent graphics and text on displayed images so that the user could control the display of labels and annotations on the images, a key feature not available with standard Web pages. This feature was extended to include the presentation of normal radiologic anatomy. Java programming was also used to make Web browsers compatible with the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) file format. By enhancing the functionality of Web pages, Java technology should provide greater incentive for using a Web-based approach in the development of radiology teaching material.
Construction of a Virtual Scanning Electron Microscope (VSEM)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fried, Glenn; Grosser, Benjamin
The Imaging Technology Group (ITG) proposed to develop a Virtual SEM (VSEM) application and supporting materials as the first installed instrument in NASA s Virtual Laboratory Project. The instrument was to be a simulator modeled after an existing SEM, and was to mimic that real instrument as closely as possible. Virtual samples would be developed and provided along with the instrument, which would be written in Java.
Attacking of SmartCard-Based Banking Applications with JavaScript-Based Rootkits
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bußmeyer, Daniel; Gröbert, Felix; Schwenk, Jörg; Wegener, Christoph
Due to recent attacks on online banking systems and consequent soaring losses through fraud, different methods have been developed to ensure a secure connection between a bank and its customers. One method is the inclusion of smart card readers into these schemes, which come along with different benefits, e.g., convenience and costs, and endangerments, especially on the security side.
Magic cards: a new augmented-reality approach.
Demuynck, Olivier; Menendez, José Manuel
Augmented reality (AR) commonly uses markers for detection and tracking. Such multimedia applications associate each marker with a virtual 3D model stored in the memory of the camera-equipped device running the application. Application users are limited in their interactions, which require knowing how to design and program 3D objects. This generally prevents them from developing their own entertainment AR applications. The Magic Cards application solves this problem by offering an easy way to create and manage an unlimited number of virtual objects that are encoded on special markers.
Oker, Ali; Prigent, Elise; Courgeon, Matthieu; Eyharabide, Victoria; Urbach, Mathieu; Bazin, Nadine; Amorim, Michel-Ange; Passerieux, Christine; Martin, Jean-Claude; Brunet-Gouet, Eric
In recent decades, many studies have shown that schizophrenia is associated with severe social cognitive impairments affecting key components, such as the recognition of emotions, theory of mind, attributional style, and metacognition. Most studies investigated each construct separately, precluding analysis of the interactive and immersive nature of real-life situation. Specialized batteries of tests are under investigation to assess social cognition, which is thought now as a link between neurocognitive disorders and impaired functioning. However, this link accounts for a limited part of the variance of real-life functioning. To fill this gap, advances in virtual reality and affective computing have made it possible to carry out experimental investigations of naturalistic social cognition, in controlled conditions, with good reproducibility. This approach is illustrated with the description of a new paradigm based on an original virtual card game in which subjects interpret emotional displays from a female virtual agent, and decipher her helping intentions. Independent variables concerning emotional expression in terms of valence and intensity were manipulated. We show how several useful dependant variables, ranging from classic experimental psychology data to metacognition or subjective experiences records, may be extracted from a single experiment. Methodological issues about the immersion into a simulated intersubjective situation are considered. The example of this new flexible experimental setting, with regards to the many constructs recognized in social neurosciences, constitutes a rationale for focusing on this potential intermediate link between standardized tests and real-life functioning, and also for using it as an innovative media for cognitive remediation. PMID:25870549
Oker, Ali; Prigent, Elise; Courgeon, Matthieu; Eyharabide, Victoria; Urbach, Mathieu; Bazin, Nadine; Amorim, Michel-Ange; Passerieux, Christine; Martin, Jean-Claude; Brunet-Gouet, Eric
In recent decades, many studies have shown that schizophrenia is associated with severe social cognitive impairments affecting key components, such as the recognition of emotions, theory of mind, attributional style, and metacognition. Most studies investigated each construct separately, precluding analysis of the interactive and immersive nature of real-life situation. Specialized batteries of tests are under investigation to assess social cognition, which is thought now as a link between neurocognitive disorders and impaired functioning. However, this link accounts for a limited part of the variance of real-life functioning. To fill this gap, advances in virtual reality and affective computing have made it possible to carry out experimental investigations of naturalistic social cognition, in controlled conditions, with good reproducibility. This approach is illustrated with the description of a new paradigm based on an original virtual card game in which subjects interpret emotional displays from a female virtual agent, and decipher her helping intentions. Independent variables concerning emotional expression in terms of valence and intensity were manipulated. We show how several useful dependant variables, ranging from classic experimental psychology data to metacognition or subjective experiences records, may be extracted from a single experiment. Methodological issues about the immersion into a simulated intersubjective situation are considered. The example of this new flexible experimental setting, with regards to the many constructs recognized in social neurosciences, constitutes a rationale for focusing on this potential intermediate link between standardized tests and real-life functioning, and also for using it as an innovative media for cognitive remediation.
Java Application Shell: A Framework for Piecing Together Java Applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Miller, Philip; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)
This session describes the architecture of Java Application Shell (JAS), a Swing-based framework for developing interactive Java applications. Java Application Shell is being developed by Commerce One, Inc. for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 588. The purpose of JAS is to provide a framework for the development of Java applications, providing features that enable the development process to be more efficient, consistent and flexible. Fundamentally, JAS is based upon an architecture where an application is considered a collection of 'plugins'. In turn, a plug-in is a collection of Swing actions defined using XML and packaged in a jar file. Plug-ins may be local to the host platform or remotely-accessible through HTTP. Local and remote plugins are automatically discovered by JAS upon application startup; plugins may also be loaded dynamically without having to re-start the application. Using Extensible Markup Language (XML) to define actions, as opposed to hardcoding them in application logic, allows easier customization of application-specific operations by separating application logic from presentation. Through XML, a developer defines an action that may appear on any number of menus, toolbars, and buttons. Actions maintain and propagate enable/disable states and specify icons, tool-tips, titles, etc. Furthermore, JAS allows actions to be implemented using various scripting languages through the use of IBM's Bean Scripting Framework. Scripted action implementation is seamless to the end-user. In addition to action implementation, scripts may be used for application and unit-level testing. In the case of application-level testing, JAS has hooks to assist a script in simulating end-user input. JAS also provides property and user preference management, JavaHelp, Undo/Redo, Multi-Document Interface, Single-Document Interface, printing, and logging. Finally, Jini technology has also been included into the framework by means of a Jini services browser and the
Model Checking Real Time Java Using Java PathFinder
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lindstrom, Gary; Mehlitz, Peter C.; Visser, Willem
The Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is an augmentation of Java for real time applications of various degrees of hardness. The central features of RTSJ are real time threads; user defined schedulers; asynchronous events, handlers, and control transfers; a priority inheritance based default scheduler; non-heap memory areas such as immortal and scoped, and non-heap real time threads whose execution is not impeded by garbage collection. The Robust Software Systems group at NASA Ames Research Center has JAVA PATHFINDER (JPF) under development, a Java model checker. JPF at its core is a state exploring JVM which can examine alternative paths in a Java program (e.g., via backtracking) by trying all nondeterministic choices, including thread scheduling order. This paper describes our implementation of an RTSJ profile (subset) in JPF, including requirements, design decisions, and current implementation status. Two examples are analyzed: jobs on a multiprogramming operating system, and a complex resource contention example involving autonomous vehicles crossing an intersection. The utility of JPF in finding logic and timing errors is illustrated, and the remaining challenges in supporting all of RTSJ are assessed.
Architecture, Design, and Development of an HTML/JavaScript Web-Based Group Support System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Romano, Nicholas C., Jr.; Nunamaker, Jay F., Jr.; Briggs, Robert O.; Vogel, Douglas R.
Examines the need for virtual workspaces and describes the architecture, design, and development of GroupSystems for the World Wide Web (GSWeb), an HTML/JavaScript Web-based Group Support System (GSS). GSWeb, an application interface similar to a Graphical User Interface (GUI), is currently used by teams around the world and relies on user…
An Online Virtual Laboratory of Electricity
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gómez Tejedor, J. A.; Moltó Martínez, G.; Barros Vidaurre, C.
In this article, we describe a Java-based virtual laboratory, accessible via the Internet by means of a Web browser. This remote laboratory enables the students to build both direct and alternating current circuits. The program includes a graphical user interface which resembles the connection board, and also the electrical components and tools…
Monitoring Java Programs with Java PathExplorer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Havelund, Klaus; Rosu, Grigore; Clancy, Daniel (Technical Monitor)
We present recent work on the development Java PathExplorer (JPAX), a tool for monitoring the execution of Java programs. JPAX can be used during program testing to gain increased information about program executions, and can potentially furthermore be applied during operation to survey safety critical systems. The tool facilitates automated instrumentation of a program's late code which will then omit events to an observer during its execution. The observer checks the events against user provided high level requirement specifications, for example temporal logic formulae, and against lower level error detection procedures, for example concurrency related such as deadlock and data race algorithms. High level requirement specifications together with their underlying logics are defined in the Maude rewriting logic, and then can either be directly checked using the Maude rewriting engine, or be first translated to efficient data structures and then checked in Java.
Model Checking JAVA Programs Using Java Pathfinder
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Havelund, Klaus; Pressburger, Thomas
This paper describes a translator called JAVA PATHFINDER from JAVA to PROMELA, the "programming language" of the SPIN model checker. The purpose is to establish a framework for verification and debugging of JAVA programs based on model checking. This work should be seen in a broader attempt to make formal methods applicable "in the loop" of programming within NASA's areas such as space, aviation, and robotics. Our main goal is to create automated formal methods such that programmers themselves can apply these in their daily work (in the loop) without the need for specialists to manually reformulate a program into a different notation in order to analyze the program. This work is a continuation of an effort to formally verify, using SPIN, a multi-threaded operating system programmed in Lisp for the Deep-Space 1 spacecraft, and of previous work in applying existing model checkers and theorem provers to real applications.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shaykhian, Gholam Ali
The Java seminar covers the fundamentals of Java programming language. No prior programming experience is required for participation in the seminar. The first part of the seminar covers introductory concepts in Java programming including data types (integer, character, ..), operators, functions and constants, casts, input, output, control flow, scope, conditional statements, and arrays. Furthermore, introduction to Object-Oriented programming in Java, relationships between classes, using packages, constructors, private data and methods, final instance fields, static fields and methods, and overloading are explained. The second part of the seminar covers extending classes, inheritance hierarchies, polymorphism, dynamic binding, abstract classes, protected access. The seminar conclude by introducing interfaces, properties of interfaces, interfaces and abstract classes, interfaces and cailbacks, basics of event handling, user interface components with swing, applet basics, converting applications to applets, the applet HTML tags and attributes, exceptions and debugging.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Samuel, Putra A.; Widyaningsih, Yekti; Lestari, Dian
The objective of this study is modeling the Unemployment Rate (UR) in West Java, Central Java, and East Java, with rate of disease, infant mortality rate, educational level, population size, proportion of married people, and GDRP as the explanatory variables. Spatial factors are also considered in the modeling since the closer the distance, the higher the correlation. This study uses the secondary data from BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik). The data will be analyzed using Moran I test, to obtain the information about spatial dependence, and using Spatial Autoregressive modeling to obtain the information, which variables are significant affecting UR and how great the influence of the spatial factors. The result is, variables proportion of married people, rate of disease, and population size are related significantly to UR. In all three regions, the Hotspot of unemployed will also be detected districts/cities using Spatial Scan Statistics Method. The results are 22 districts/cities as a regional group with the highest unemployed (Most likely cluster) in the study area; 2 districts/cities as a regional group with the highest unemployed in West Java; 1 district/city as a regional groups with the highest unemployed in Central Java; 15 districts/cities as a regional group with the highest unemployed in East Java.
Adding Automatic Evaluation to Interactive Virtual Labs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Farias, Gonzalo; Muñoz de la Peña, David; Gómez-Estern, Fabio; De la Torre, Luis; Sánchez, Carlos; Dormido, Sebastián
Automatic evaluation is a challenging field that has been addressed by the academic community in order to reduce the assessment workload. In this work we present a new element for the authoring tool Easy Java Simulations (EJS). This element, which is named automatic evaluation element (AEE), provides automatic evaluation to virtual and remote…
Access Control of Web- and Java-Based Applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tso, Kam S.; Pajevski, Michael J.
Cybersecurity has become a great concern as threats of service interruption, unauthorized access, stealing and altering of information, and spreading of viruses have become more prevalent and serious. Application layer access control of applications is a critical component in the overall security solution that also includes encryption, firewalls, virtual private networks, antivirus, and intrusion detection. An access control solution, based on an open-source access manager augmented with custom software components, was developed to provide protection to both Web-based and Javabased client and server applications. The DISA Security Service (DISA-SS) provides common access control capabilities for AMMOS software applications through a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) and network- accessible security services for authentication, single sign-on, authorization checking, and authorization policy management. The OpenAM access management technology designed for Web applications can be extended to meet the needs of Java thick clients and stand alone servers that are commonly used in the JPL AMMOS environment. The DISA-SS reusable components have greatly reduced the effort for each AMMOS subsystem to develop its own access control strategy. The novelty of this work is that it leverages an open-source access management product that was designed for Webbased applications to provide access control for Java thick clients and Java standalone servers. Thick clients and standalone servers are still commonly used in businesses and government, especially for applications that require rich graphical user interfaces and high-performance visualization that cannot be met by thin clients running on Web browsers
Implementation of NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Frumkin, Michael; Schultz, Matthew; Jin, Hao-Qiang; Yan, Jerry
A number of features make Java an attractive but a debatable choice for High Performance Computing (HPC). In order to gauge the applicability of Java to the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) we have implemented NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java. The performance and scalability of the benchmarks point out the areas where improvement in Java compiler technology and in Java thread implementation would move Java closer to Fortran in the competition for CFD applications.
Visualization of Vgi Data Through the New NASA Web World Wind Virtual Globe
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brovelli, M. A.; Kilsedar, C. E.; Zamboni, G.
GeoWeb 2.0, laying the foundations of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) systems, has led to platforms where users can contribute to the geographic knowledge that is open to access. Moreover, as a result of the advancements in 3D visualization, virtual globes able to visualize geographic data even on browsers emerged. However the integration of VGI systems and virtual globes has not been fully realized. The study presented aims to visualize volunteered data in 3D, considering also the ease of use aspects for general public, using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The new Application Programming Interface (API) of NASA, Web World Wind, written in JavaScript and based on Web Graphics Library (WebGL) is cross-platform and cross-browser, so that the virtual globe created using this API can be accessible through any WebGL supported browser on different operating systems and devices, as a result not requiring any installation or configuration on the client-side, making the collected data more usable to users, which is not the case with the World Wind for Java as installation and configuration of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required. Furthermore, the data collected through various VGI platforms might be in different formats, stored in a traditional relational database or in a NoSQL database. The project developed aims to visualize and query data collected through Open Data Kit (ODK) platform and a cross-platform application, where data is stored in a relational PostgreSQL and NoSQL CouchDB databases respectively.
LabVIEW Interface for PCI-SpaceWire Interface Card
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lux, James; Loya, Frank; Bachmann, Alex
This software provides a LabView interface to the NT drivers for the PCISpaceWire card, which is a peripheral component interface (PCI) bus interface that conforms to the IEEE-1355/ SpaceWire standard. As SpaceWire grows in popularity, the ability to use SpaceWire links within LabVIEW will be important to electronic ground support equipment vendors. In addition, there is a need for a high-level LabVIEW interface to the low-level device- driver software supplied with the card. The LabVIEW virtual instrument (VI) provides graphical interfaces to support all (1) SpaceWire link functions, including message handling and routing; (2) monitoring as a passive tap using specialized hardware; and (3) low-level access to satellite mission-control subsystem functions. The software is supplied in a zip file that contains LabVIEW VI files, which provide various functions of the PCI-SpaceWire card, as well as higher-link-level functions. The VIs are suitably named according to the matching function names in the driver manual. A number of test programs also are provided to exercise various functions.
Access Control of Web and Java Based Applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tso, Kam S.; Pajevski, Michael J.; Johnson, Bryan
Cyber security has gained national and international attention as a result of near continuous headlines from financial institutions, retail stores, government offices and universities reporting compromised systems and stolen data. Concerns continue to rise as threats of service interruption, and spreading of viruses become ever more prevalent and serious. Controlling access to application layer resources is a critical component in a layered security solution that includes encryption, firewalls, virtual private networks, antivirus, and intrusion detection. In this paper we discuss the development of an application-level access control solution, based on an open-source access manager augmented with custom software components, to provide protection to both Web-based and Java-based client and server applications.
Volcanoes, Central Java, Indonesia
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The island of Java (8.0S, 112.0E), perhaps better than any other, illustrates the volcanic origin of Pacific Island groups. Seen in this single view are at least a dozen once active volcano craters. Alignment of the craters even defines the linear fault line of Java as well as the other some 1500 islands of the Indonesian Archipelago. Deep blue water of the Indian Ocean to the south contrasts to the sediment laden waters of the Java Sea to the north.
Volcanoes, Central Java, Indonesia
The island of Java (8.0S, 112.0E), perhaps better than any other, illustrates the volcanic origin of Pacific Island groups. Seen in this single view are at least a dozen once active volcano craters. Alignment of the craters even defines the linear fault line of Java as well as the other some 1500 islands of the Indonesian Archipelago. Deep blue water of the Indian Ocean to the south contrasts to the sediment laden waters of the Java Sea to the north.
Design and Development of a Virtual Facility Tour Using iPIX(TM) Technology
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Farley, Douglas L.
The capabilities of the iPIX virtual tour software, in conjunction with a web-based interface create a unique and valuable system that provides users with an efficient virtual capability to tour facilities while being able to acquire the necessary technical content is demonstrated. A users guide to the Mechanics and Durability Branch's virtual tour is presented. The guide provides the user with instruction on operating both scripted and unscripted tours as well as a discussion of the tours for Buildings 1148, 1205 and 1256 and NASA Langley Research Center. Furthermore, an indepth discussion has been presented on how to develop a virtual tour using the iPIX software interface with conventional html and JavaScript. The main aspects for discussion are on network and computing issues associated with using this capability. A discussion of how to take the iPIX pictures, manipulate them and bond them together to form hemispherical images is also presented. Linking of images with additional multimedia content is discussed. Finally, a method to integrate the iPIX software with conventional HTML and JavaScript to facilitate linking with multi-media is presented.
Java PathFinder: A Translator From Java to Promela
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Havelund, Klaus
JAVA PATHFINDER, JPF, is a prototype translator from JAVA to PROMELA, the modeling language of the SPIN model checker. JPF is a product of a major effort by the Automated Software Engineering group at NASA Ames to make model checking technology part of the software process. Experience has shown that severe bugs can be found in final code using this technique, and that automated translation from a programming language to a modeling language like PROMELA can help reducing the effort required.
26 CFR 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 26 Internal Revenue 18 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Payment by credit card and debit card. 301.6311....6311-2 Payment by credit card and debit card. (a) Authority to receive—(1) Payments by credit card and debit card. Internal revenue taxes may be paid by credit card or debit card as authorized by this...
26 CFR 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 26 Internal Revenue 18 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Payment by credit card and debit card. 301.6311....6311-2 Payment by credit card and debit card. (a) Authority to receive—(1) Payments by credit card and debit card. Internal revenue taxes may be paid by credit card or debit card as authorized by this...
26 CFR 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 26 Internal Revenue 18 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Payment by credit card and debit card. 301.6311....6311-2 Payment by credit card and debit card. (a) Authority to receive—(1) Payments by credit card and debit card. Internal revenue taxes may be paid by credit card or debit card as authorized by this...
26 CFR 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 26 Internal Revenue 18 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Payment by credit card and debit card. 301.6311....6311-2 Payment by credit card and debit card. (a) Authority to receive—(1) Payments by credit card and debit card. Internal revenue taxes may be paid by credit card or debit card as authorized by this...
GSTARI model of BPR assets in West Java, Central Java, and East Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Susanti, Susi; Sulistijowati Handajani, Sri; Indriati, Diari
Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) is a financial institution in Indonesia dealing with Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Though limited to MSMEs, the development of the BPR industry continues to increase. West Java, Central Java, and East Java have high BPR asset development are suspected to be interconnected because of their economic activities as a neighboring provincies. BPR assets are nonstationary time series data that follow the uptrend pattern. Therefore, the suitable model with the data is generalized space time autoregressive integrated (GSTARI) which considers the spatial and time interrelationships. GSTARI model used spatial order 1 and the autoregressive order is obtained of optimal lag which has the smallest value of Akaike information criterion corrected. The correlation test results showed that the location used in this study had a close relationship. Based on the results of model identification, the best model obtained is GSTAR(31)-I(1). The parameter estimation used the ordinary least squares with the selection of significant variables used the stepwise method and the normalization cross correlation weighting. The residual model fulfilled the assumption of white noise and normal multivariate, so the model was appropriate. The average RMSE and MAPE values of the model were 498.75 and 2.48%.
Practical and Secure Recovery of Disk Encryption Key Using Smart Cards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Omote, Kazumasa; Kato, Kazuhiko
In key-recovery methods using smart cards, a user can recover the disk encryption key in cooperation with the system administrator, even if the user has lost the smart card including the disk encryption key. However, the disk encryption key is known to the system administrator in advance in most key-recovery methods. Hence user's disk data may be read by the system administrator. Furthermore, if the disk encryption key is not known to the system administrator in advance, it is difficult to achieve a key authentication. In this paper, we propose a scheme which enables to recover the disk encryption key when the user's smart card is lost. In our scheme, the disk encryption key is not preserved anywhere and then the system administrator cannot know the key before key-recovery phase. Only someone who has a user's smart card and knows the user's password can decrypt that user's disk data. Furthermore, we measured the processing time required for user authentication in an experimental environment using a virtual machine monitor. As a result, we found that this processing time is short enough to be practical.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zuzack, Christine A.
Enhanced magnetic strip cards and "smart cards" offer varied service options to college students. Enhanced magnetic strip cards serve as cash cards and provide access to services. Smart cards, which resemble credit cards but contain a microchip, can be used as phone cards, bus passes, library cards, admission tickets, point-of-sale debit…
Implementation of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Frumkin, Michael A.; Schultz, Matthew; Jin, Haoqiang; Yan, Jerry; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
Several features make Java an attractive choice for High Performance Computing (HPC). In order to gauge the applicability of Java to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), we have implemented the NAS (NASA Advanced Supercomputing) Parallel Benchmarks in Java. The performance and scalability of the benchmarks point out the areas where improvement in Java compiler technology and in Java thread implementation would position Java closer to Fortran in the competition for CFD applications.
APINetworks Java. A Java approach to the efficient treatment of large-scale complex networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Muñoz-Caro, Camelia; Niño, Alfonso; Reyes, Sebastián; Castillo, Miriam
We present a new version of the core structural package of our Application Programming Interface, APINetworks, for the treatment of complex networks in arbitrary computational environments. The new version is written in Java and presents several advantages over the previous C++ version: the portability of the Java code, the easiness of object-oriented design implementations, and the simplicity of memory management. In addition, some additional data structures are introduced for storing the sets of nodes and edges. Also, by resorting to the different garbage collectors currently available in the JVM the Java version is much more efficient than the C++ one with respect to memory management. In particular, the G1 collector is the most efficient one because of the parallel execution of G1 and the Java application. Using G1, APINetworks Java outperforms the C++ version and the well-known NetworkX and JGraphT packages in the building and BFS traversal of linear and complete networks. The better memory management of the present version allows for the modeling of much larger networks.
Java: An Explosion on the Internet.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Read, Tim; Hall, Hazel
Summer 1995 saw the release, with considerable media attention, of draft versions of Sun Microsystems' Java computer programming language and the HotJava browser. Java has been heralded as the latest "killer" technology in the Internet explosion. Sun Microsystems and numerous companies including Microsoft, IBM, and Netscape have agreed…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lawrence, J.D.
The Control Data 405 card reader, modified by the Control Data 3649 card read controller, is the primary mechanism for transferring information from a deck of punched cards into the CDC 6600 and CDC 7600 computers of the LLL Octopus system. The card reader operates at a maximum rate of 1200 cards per minute. A description of the card reader and its operation is given. A discussion of formates is included. (RWR)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martinez, Guadalupe; Naranjo, Francisco L.; Perez, Angel L.; Suero, Maria Isabel; Pardo, Pedro J.
This study compared the educational effects of computer simulations developed in a hyper-realistic virtual environment with the educational effects of either traditional schematic simulations or a traditional optics laboratory. The virtual environment was constructed on the basis of Java applets complemented with a photorealistic visual output.…
JavaGenes and Condor: Cycle-Scavenging Genetic Algorithms
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Globus, Al; Langhirt, Eric; Livny, Miron; Ramamurthy, Ravishankar; Soloman, Marvin; Traugott, Steve
A genetic algorithm code, JavaGenes, was written in Java and used to evolve pharmaceutical drug molecules and digital circuits. JavaGenes was run under the Condor cycle-scavenging batch system managing 100-170 desktop SGI workstations. Genetic algorithms mimic biological evolution by evolving solutions to problems using crossover and mutation. While most genetic algorithms evolve strings or trees, JavaGenes evolves graphs representing (currently) molecules and circuits. Java was chosen as the implementation language because the genetic algorithm requires random splitting and recombining of graphs, a complex data structure manipulation with ample opportunities for memory leaks, loose pointers, out-of-bound indices, and other hard to find bugs. Java garbage-collection memory management, lack of pointer arithmetic, and array-bounds index checking prevents these bugs from occurring, substantially reducing development time. While a run-time performance penalty must be paid, the only unacceptable performance we encountered was using standard Java serialization to checkpoint and restart the code. This was fixed by a two-day implementation of custom checkpointing. JavaGenes is minimally integrated with Condor; in other words, JavaGenes must do its own checkpointing and I/O redirection. A prototype Java-aware version of Condor was developed using standard Java serialization for checkpointing. For the prototype to be useful, standard Java serialization must be significantly optimized. JavaGenes is approximately 8700 lines of code and a few thousand JavaGenes jobs have been run. Most jobs ran for a few days. Results include proof that genetic algorithms can evolve directed and undirected graphs, development of a novel crossover operator for graphs, a paper in the journal Nanotechnology, and another paper in preparation.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Havelund, Klaus
The JAVA PATHFINDER, JPF, is a translator from a subset of JAVA 1.0 to PROMELA, the programming language of the SPIN model checker. The purpose of JPF is to establish a framework for verification and debugging of JAVA programming based on model checking. The main goal is to automate program verification such that a programmer can apply it in the daily work without the need for a specialist to manually reformulate a program into a different notation in order to analyze the program. The system is especially suited for analyzing multi-threaded JAVA applications, where normal testing usually falls short. The system can find deadlocks and violations of boolean assertions stated by the programmer in a special assertion language. This document explains how to Use JPF.
Java simulations of embedded control systems.
Farias, Gonzalo; Cervin, Anton; Arzén, Karl-Erik; Dormido, Sebastián; Esquembre, Francisco
This paper introduces a new Open Source Java library suited for the simulation of embedded control systems. The library is based on the ideas and architecture of TrueTime, a toolbox of Matlab devoted to this topic, and allows Java programmers to simulate the performance of control processes which run in a real time environment. Such simulations can improve considerably the learning and design of multitasking real-time systems. The choice of Java increases considerably the usability of our library, because many educators program already in this language. But also because the library can be easily used by Easy Java Simulations (EJS), a popular modeling and authoring tool that is increasingly used in the field of Control Education. EJS allows instructors, students, and researchers with less programming capabilities to create advanced interactive simulations in Java. The paper describes the ideas, implementation, and sample use of the new library both for pure Java programmers and for EJS users. The JTT library and some examples are online available on http://lab.dia.uned.es/jtt.
Java Simulations of Embedded Control Systems
Farias, Gonzalo; Cervin, Anton; Årzén, Karl-Erik; Dormido, Sebastián; Esquembre, Francisco
This paper introduces a new Open Source Java library suited for the simulation of embedded control systems. The library is based on the ideas and architecture of TrueTime, a toolbox of Matlab devoted to this topic, and allows Java programmers to simulate the performance of control processes which run in a real time environment. Such simulations can improve considerably the learning and design of multitasking real-time systems. The choice of Java increases considerably the usability of our library, because many educators program already in this language. But also because the library can be easily used by Easy Java Simulations (EJS), a popular modeling and authoring tool that is increasingly used in the field of Control Education. EJS allows instructors, students, and researchers with less programming capabilities to create advanced interactive simulations in Java. The paper describes the ideas, implementation, and sample use of the new library both for pure Java programmers and for EJS users. The JTT library and some examples are online available on http://lab.dia.uned.es/jtt. PMID:22163674
Internet, Multimedia and Virtual Laboratories in a 'Third World' Environment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Monge-Najera, Julian Antonio; Rivas Rossi, Marta; Mendez-Estrada, Victor Hugo
Describes the development of low-cost multimedia courses and materials for use on the Internet, as well as virtual laboratories, at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rica). Explains how simultaneous production of traditional printed materials and online courses, outsourcing, and the use of HTML and Java can reduce costs for developing…
ARSC: Augmented Reality Student Card--An Augmented Reality Solution for the Education Field
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
El Sayed, Neven A. M.; Zayed, Hala H.; Sharawy, Mohamed I.
Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology of adding virtual objects to real scenes through enabling the addition of missing information in real life. As the lack of resources is a problem that can be solved through AR, this paper presents and explains the usage of AR technology we introduce Augmented Reality Student Card (ARSC) as an application of…
Add Java extensions to your wiki: Java applets can bring dynamic functionality to your wiki pages
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Scarberry, Randall E.
Virtually everyone familiar with today’s world wide web has encountered the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia many times. What you may not know is that Wikipedia is driven by an excellent open-source product called MediaWiki which is available to anyone for free. This has led to a proliferation of wiki sites devoted to just about any topic one can imagine. Users of a wiki can add content -- all that is required of them is that they type in their additions into their web browsers using the simple markup language called wikitext. Even better, the developers of wikitext made it extensible.more » With a little server-side development of your own, you can add your own custom syntax. Users aware of your extensions can then utilize them on their wiki pages with a few simple keystrokes. These extensions can be custom decorations, formatting, web applications, and even instances of the venerable old Java applet. One example of a Java applet extension is the Jmol extension (REF), used to embed a 3-D molecular viewer. This article will walk you through the deployment of a fairly elaborate applet via a MediaWiki extension. By no means exhaustive -- an entire book would be required for that -- it will demonstrate how to give the applet resize handles using using a little Javascript and CSS coding and some popular Javascript libraries. It even describes how a user may customize the extension somewhat using a wiki template. Finally, it explains a rudimentary persistence mechanism which allows applets to save data directly to the wiki pages on which they reside.« less
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VOTable JAVA Streaming Writer and Applications.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kulkarni, P.; Kembhavi, A.; Kale, S.
Virtual Observatory related tools use a new standard for data transfer called the VOTable format. This is a variant of the xml format that enables easy transfer of data over the web. We describe a streaming interface that can bridge the VOTable format, through a user friendly graphical interface, with the FITS and ASCII formats, which are commonly used by astronomers. A streaming interface is important for efficient use of memory because of the large size of catalogues. The tools are developed in JAVA to provide a platform independent interface. We have also developed a stand-alone version that can be used to convert data stored in ASCII or FITS format on a local machine. The Streaming writer is successfully being used in VOPlot (See Kale et al 2004 for a description of VOPlot).We present the test results of converting huge FITS and ASCII data into the VOTable format on machines that have only limited memory.
Shared virtual environments for telerehabilitation.
Popescu, George V; Burdea, Grigore; Boian, Rares
Current VR telerehabilitation systems use offline remote monitoring from the clinic and patient-therapist videoconferencing. Such "store and forward" and video-based systems cannot implement medical services involving patient therapist direct interaction. Real-time telerehabilitation applications (including remote therapy) can be developed using a shared Virtual Environment (VE) architecture. We developed a two-user shared VE for hand telerehabilitation. Each site has a telerehabilitation workstation with a videocamera and a Rutgers Master II (RMII) force feedback glove. Each user can control a virtual hand and interact hapticly with virtual objects. Simulated physical interactions between therapist and patient are implemented using hand force feedback. The therapist's graphic interface contains several virtual panels, which allow control over the rehabilitation process. These controls start a videoconferencing session, collect patient data, or apply therapy. Several experimental telerehabilitation scenarios were successfully tested on a LAN. A Web-based approach to "real-time" patient telemonitoring--the monitoring portal for hand telerehabilitation--was also developed. The therapist interface is implemented as a Java3D applet that monitors patient hand movement. The monitoring portal gives real-time performance on off-the-shelf desktop workstations.
Print a Bed Bug Card - (Single Cards)
Two sets of business-card-sized lists of tips for recognizing bed bugs and the signs of an infestation, including a photo of bed bugs to assist identification. One card is for general use around home or office, the other for travelers.
Bringing Interactivity to the Web: The JAVA Solution.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Knee, Richard H.; Cafolla, Ralph
Java is an object-oriented programming language of the Internet. It's popularity lies in its ability to create interactive Web sites across platforms. The most common Java programs are applications and applets, which adhere to a set of conventions that lets them run within a Java-compatible browser. Java is becoming an essential subject matter and…
Turning a Private Label Bank Card into a Multi-function Campus ID Card.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
James, Thomas G.; Norwood, Bill R.
This article describes the development at Florida State University of the Seminole ACCESS card, which functions simultaneously as a bank automated teller machine card, a student identification card, and a debit card. Explained are the partnership between the university and the bank charge card center, funding system, technologies involved, and…
Real-Time Lunar Prospector Data Visualization Using Web-Based Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Deardorff, D. Glenn; Green, Bryan D.; Gerald-Yamasaki, Michael (Technical Monitor)
The Lunar Prospector was co-developed by NASA Ames Research Center and Lockheed Martin, and was launched on January 6th, 1998. Its mission is to search for water ice and various elements in the Moon's surface, map its magnetic and gravity fields, and detect volcanic activity. For the first time, the World Wide Web is being used to graphically display near-real-time data from a planetary exploration mission to the global public. Science data from the craft's instruments, as well as engineering data for the spacecraft subsystems, are continuously displayed in time-varying XY plots. The craft's current location is displayed relative to the whole Moon, and as an off-craft observer would see in the reference frame of the craft, with the lunar terrain scrolling underneath. These features are implemented as Java applets. Analyzed data (element and mass distribution) is presented as 3D lunar maps using VRML and Javascript. During the development phase, implementations of the Java Virtual Machine were just beginning to mature enough to adequately accommodate our target featureset; incomplete and varying implementations were the biggest bottleneck to our ideal of ubiquitous browser access. Bottlenecks notwithstanding, the reaction from the Internet community was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.
the performance of log-and- replay can degrade significantly for VMs configured with multiple virtual CPUs, since the shared memory communication...whether based on checkpoint replication or log-and- replay , existing HA ap- proaches use in- memory backups. The backup VM sits in the memory of a...efficiently. 15. SUBJECT TERMS High-availability virtual machines, live migration, memory and traffic overheads, application suspension, Java
A microprocessor card software server to support the Quebec health microprocessor card project.
Durant, P; Bérubé, J; Lavoie, G; Gamache, A; Ardouin, P; Papillon, M J; Fortin, J P
The Quebec Health Smart Card Project is advocating the use of a memory card software server[1] (SCAM) to implement a portable medical record (PMR) on a smart card. The PMR is viewed as an object that can be manipulated by SCAM's services. In fact, we can talk about a pseudo-object-oriented approach. This software architecture provides a flexible and evolutive way to manage and optimize the PMR. SCAM is a generic software server; it can manage smart cards as well as optical (laser) cards or other types of memory cards. But, in the specific case of the Quebec Health Card Project, SCAM is used to provide services between physicians' or pharmacists' software and IBM smart card technology. We propose to expose the concepts and techniques used to provide a generic environment to deal with smart cards (and more generally with memory cards), to obtain a dynamic an evolutive PMR, to raise the system global security level and the data integrity, to optimize significantly the management of the PMR, and to provide statistic information about the use of the PMR.
Geothermal and volcanism in west Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Setiawan, I.; Indarto, S.; Sudarsono; Fauzi I, A.; Yuliyanti, A.; Lintjewas, L.; Alkausar, A.; Jakah
Indonesian active volcanoes extend from Sumatra, Jawa, Bali, Lombok, Flores, North Sulawesi, and Halmahera. The volcanic arc hosts 276 volcanoes with 29 GWe of geothermal resources. Considering a wide distribution of geothermal potency, geothermal research is very important to be carried out especially to tackle high energy demand in Indonesia as an alternative energy sources aside from fossil fuel. Geothermal potency associated with volcanoes-hosted in West Java can be found in the West Java segment of Sunda Arc that is parallel with the subduction. The subduction of Indo-Australian oceanic plate beneath the Eurasian continental plate results in various volcanic products in a wide range of geochemical and mineralogical characteristics. The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of volcanic and magmatic rocks associated with geothermal systems are ill-defined. Comprehensive study of geochemical signatures, mineralogical properties, and isotopes analysis might lead to the understanding of how large geothermal fields are found in West Java compared to ones in Central and East Java. The result can also provoke some valuable impacts on Java tectonic evolution and can suggest the key information for geothermal exploration enhancement.
Accountable Information Flow for Java-Based Web Applications
runtime library Swift server runtime Java servlet framework HTTP Web server Web browser Figure 2: The Swift architecture introduced an open-ended...On the server, the Java application code links against Swift’s server-side run-time library, which in turn sits on top of the standard Java servlet ...AFRL-RI-RS-TR-2010-9 Final Technical Report January 2010 ACCOUNTABLE INFORMATION FLOW FOR JAVA -BASED WEB APPLICATIONS
High-Performance Java Codes for Computational Fluid Dynamics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Riley, Christopher; Chatterjee, Siddhartha; Biswas, Rupak; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
The computational science community is reluctant to write large-scale computationally -intensive applications in Java due to concerns over Java's poor performance, despite the claimed software engineering advantages of its object-oriented features. Naive Java implementations of numerical algorithms can perform poorly compared to corresponding Fortran or C implementations. To achieve high performance, Java applications must be designed with good performance as a primary goal. This paper presents the object-oriented design and implementation of two real-world applications from the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): a finite-volume fluid flow solver (LAURA, from NASA Langley Research Center), and an unstructured mesh adaptation algorithm (2D_TAG, from NASA Ames Research Center). This work builds on our previous experience with the design of high-performance numerical libraries in Java. We examine the performance of the applications using the currently available Java infrastructure and show that the Java version of the flow solver LAURA performs almost within a factor of 2 of the original procedural version. Our Java version of the mesh adaptation algorithm 2D_TAG performs within a factor of 1.5 of its original procedural version on certain platforms. Our results demonstrate that object-oriented software design principles are not necessarily inimical to high performance.
Performance and Scalability of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Frumkin, Michael A.; Schultz, Matthew; Jin, Haoqiang; Yan, Jerry; Biegel, Bryan A. (Technical Monitor)
Several features make Java an attractive choice for scientific applications. In order to gauge the applicability of Java to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), we have implemented the NAS (NASA Advanced Supercomputing) Parallel Benchmarks in Java. The performance and scalability of the benchmarks point out the areas where improvement in Java compiler technology and in Java thread implementation would position Java closer to Fortran in the competition for scientific applications.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sonzogni, A.A.
A package of computer codes has been developed to process and display nuclear structure and decay data stored in the ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) library. The codes were written in an object-oriented fashion using the java language. This allows for an easy implementation across multiple platforms as well as deployment on web pages. The structure of the different java classes that make up the package is discussed as well as several different implementations.
Pradhan, Sukanta Kumar; De, Sachinandan
The nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain (NOD)-containing protein 1 (NOD1) plays the pivotal role in host-pathogen interface of innate immunity and triggers immune signalling pathways for the maturation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Upon the recognition of iE-DAP, NOD1 self-oligomerizes in an ATP-dependent fashion and interacts with adaptor molecule receptor-interacting protein 2 (RIP2) for the propagation of innate immune signalling and initiation of pro-inflammatory immune responses. This interaction (mediated by NOD1 and RIP2) helps in transmitting the downstream signals for the activation of NF-κB signalling pathway, and has been arbitrated by respective caspase-recruitment domains (CARDs). The so-called CARD-CARD interaction still remained contradictory due to inconsistent results. Henceforth, to understand the mode and the nature of the interaction, structural bioinformatics approaches were employed. MD simulation of modelled 1:1 heterodimeric complexes revealed that the type-Ia interface of NOD1CARD and the type-Ib interface of RIP2CARD might be the suitable interfaces for the said interaction. Moreover, we perceived three dynamically stable heterotrimeric complexes with an NOD1:RIP2 ratio of 1:2 (two numbers) and 2:1. Out of which, in the first trimeric complex, a type-I NOD1-RIP2 heterodimer was found interacting with an RIP2CARD using their type-IIa and IIIa interfaces. However, in the second and third heterotrimer, we observed type-I homodimers of NOD1 and RIP2 CARDs were interacting individually with RIP2CARD and NOD1CARD (in type-II and type-III interface), respectively. Overall, this study provides structural and dynamic insights into the NOD1-RIP2 oligomer formation, which will be crucial in understanding the molecular basis of NOD1-mediated CARD-CARD interaction in higher and lower eukaryotes. PMID:28114344
Virtual reality applied to teletesting
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
van den Berg, Thomas J.; Smeenk, Roland J. M.; Mazy, Alain; Jacques, Patrick; Arguello, Luis; Mills, Simon
The activity "Virtual Reality applied to Teletesting" is related to a wider European Space Agency (ESA) initiative of cost reduction, in particular the reduction of test costs. Reduction of costs of space related projects have to be performed on test centre operating costs and customer company costs. This can accomplished by increasing the automation and remote testing ("teletesting") capabilities of the test centre. Main problems related to teletesting are a lack of situational awareness and the separation of control over the test environment. The objective of the activity is to evaluate the use of distributed computing and Virtual Reality technology to support the teletesting of a payload under vacuum conditions, and to provide a unified man-machine interface for the monitoring and control of payload, vacuum chamber and robotics equipment. The activity includes the development and testing of a "Virtual Reality Teletesting System" (VRTS). The VRTS is deployed at one of the ESA certified test centres to perform an evaluation and test campaign using a real payload. The VRTS is entirely written in the Java programming language, using the J2EE application model. The Graphical User Interface runs as an applet in a Web browser, enabling easy access from virtually any place.
Imaging standards for smart cards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ellson, Richard N.; Ray, Lawrence A.
"Smart cards" are plastic cards the size of credit cards which contain integrated circuits for the storage of digital information. The applications of these cards for image storage has been growing as card data capacities have moved from tens of bytes to thousands of bytes. This has prompted the recommendation of standards by the X3B10 committee of ANSI for inclusion in ISO standards for card image storage of a variety of image data types including digitized signatures and color portrait images. This paper will review imaging requirements of the smart card industry, challenges of image storage for small memory devices, card image communications, and the present status of standards. The paper will conclude with recommendations for the evolution of smart card image standards towards image formats customized to the image content and more optimized for smart card memory constraints.
Imaging standards for smart cards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ellson, Richard N.; Ray, Lawrence A.
'Smart cards' are plastic cards the size of credit cards which contain integrated circuits for the storage of digital information. The applications of these cards for image storage has been growing as card data capacities have moved from tens of bytes to thousands of bytes. This has prompted the recommendation of standards by the X3B10 committee of ANSI for inclusion in ISO standards for card image storage of a variety of image data types including digitized signatures and color portrait images. This paper reviews imaging requirements of the smart card industry, challenges of image storage for small memory devices, card image communications, and the present status of standards. The paper concludes with recommendations for the evolution of smart card image standards towards image formats customized to the image content and more optimized for smart card memory constraints.
Print a Bed Bug Card - (Page of Cards)
For mass distribution: two sets of business-card-sized lists of tips for recognizing bed bugs and signs of an infestation, including a photo of bed bugs to assist identification. One card is for general use around home or office, the other for travelers.
What about the Firewall? Creating Virtual Worlds in a Public Primary School Using Sim-on-a-Stick
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jacka, Lisa; Booth, Kate
Virtual worlds are highly immersive, engaging and popular computer mediated environments being explored by children and adults. Why then aren't more teachers using virtual worlds in the classroom with primary and secondary school students? Reasons often cited are the learning required to master the technology, low-end graphics cards, poor…
Context-sensitive trace inlining for Java.
Häubl, Christian; Wimmer, Christian; Mössenböck, Hanspeter
Method inlining is one of the most important optimizations in method-based just-in-time (JIT) compilers. It widens the compilation scope and therefore allows optimizing multiple methods as a whole, which increases the performance. However, if method inlining is used too frequently, the compilation time increases and too much machine code is generated. This has negative effects on the performance. Trace-based JIT compilers only compile frequently executed paths, so-called traces, instead of whole methods. This may result in faster compilation, less generated machine code, and better optimized machine code. In the previous work, we implemented a trace recording infrastructure and a trace-based compiler for [Formula: see text], by modifying the Java HotSpot VM. Based on this work, we evaluate the effect of trace inlining on the performance and the amount of generated machine code. Trace inlining has several major advantages when compared to method inlining. First, trace inlining is more selective than method inlining, because only frequently executed paths are inlined. Second, the recorded traces may capture information about virtual calls, which simplify inlining. A third advantage is that trace information is context sensitive so that different method parts can be inlined depending on the specific call site. These advantages allow more aggressive inlining while the amount of generated machine code is still reasonable. We evaluate several inlining heuristics on the benchmark suites DaCapo 9.12 Bach, SPECjbb2005, and SPECjvm2008 and show that our trace-based compiler achieves an up to 51% higher peak performance than the method-based Java HotSpot client compiler. Furthermore, we show that the large compilation scope of our trace-based compiler has a positive effect on other compiler optimizations such as constant folding or null check elimination.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lohn, Jason; Smith, David; Frank, Jeremy; Globus, Al; Crawford, James
JavaGenes is a general-purpose, evolutionary software system written in Java. It implements several versions of a genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, stochastic hill climbing, and other search techniques. This software has been used to evolve molecules, atomic force field parameters, digital circuits, Earth Observing Satellite schedules, and antennas. This version differs from version 0.7.28 in that it includes the molecule evolution code and other improvements. Except for the antenna code, JaveGenes is available for NASA Open Source distribution.
Design Virtual Reality Scene Roam for Tour Animations Base on VRML and Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cao, Zaihui; hu, Zhongyan
Virtual reality has been involved in a wide range of academic and commercial applications. It can give users a natural feeling of the environment by creating realistic virtual worlds. Implementing a virtual tour through a model of a tourist area on the web has become fashionable. In this paper, we present a web-based application that allows a user to, walk through, see, and interact with a fully three-dimensional model of the tourist area. Issues regarding navigation and disorientation areaddressed and we suggest a combination of the metro map and an intuitive navigation system. Finally we present a prototype which implements our ideas. The application of VR techniques integrates the visualization and animation of the three dimensional modelling to landscape analysis. The use of the VRML format produces the possibility to obtain some views of the 3D model and to explore it in real time. It is an important goal for the spatial information sciences.
East Java Maritime Connectivity and Its Regional Development Support
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Purboyo, H.; Ibad, M. Z.
The study presents an evolution of maritime connectivity index of East Java which is associated with accessibility and mobility index of regions in East Java. The findings show that East Java increased connectivity more than three times from 1996 to 2011. Initially, the East Java is importer but then become exporter to national territory. For accessibility, the inland regions of East Java in general is higher than the coastal areas. And for mobility, inland regions initially have a small index, but in subsequent years its index is greater than the coastal areas.
Mancardi, G L; Uccelli, M M; Sonnati, M; Comi, G; Milanese, C; De Vincentiis, A; Battaglia, M A
The SMile Card was developed as a means for computerising clinical information for the purpose of transferability, accessibility, standardisation and compilation of a national database of demographic and clinical information about multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In many European countries, centres for MS are organised independently from one another making collaboration, consultation and patient referral complicated. Only the more highly advanced clinical centres, generally located in large urban areas, have had the possibility to utilise technical possibilities for improving the organisation of patient clinical and research information, although independently from other centres. The information system, developed utilising the Visual Basic language for Microsoft Windows 95, stores information via a 'smart card' in a database which is initiated and updated utilising a microprocessor, located at each neurological clinic. The SMile Card, currently being tested in Italy, permits patients to carry with them all relevant medical information without limitations. Neurologists are able to access and update, via the microprocessor, the patient's entire medical history and MS-related information, including the complete neurological examination and laboratory test results. The SMile Card provides MS patients and neurologists with a complete computerised archive of clinical information which is accessible throughout the country. In addition, data from the SMile Card system can be exported to other database programs.
Towards a Certified Lightweight Array Bound Checker for Java Bytecode
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pichardie, David
Dynamic array bound checks are crucial elements for the security of a Java Virtual Machines. These dynamic checks are however expensive and several static analysis techniques have been proposed to eliminate explicit bounds checks. Such analyses require advanced numerical and symbolic manipulations that 1) penalize bytecode loading or dynamic compilation, 2) complexify the trusted computing base. Following the Foundational Proof Carrying Code methodology, our goal is to provide a lightweight bytecode verifier for eliminating array bound checks that is both efficient and trustable. In this work, we define a generic relational program analysis for an imperative, stackoriented byte code language with procedures, arrays and global variables and instantiate it with a relational abstract domain as polyhedra. The analysis has automatic inference of loop invariants and method pre-/post-conditions, and efficient checking of analysis results by a simple checker. Invariants, which can be large, can be specialized for proving a safety policy using an automatic pruning technique which reduces their size. The result of the analysis can be checked efficiently by annotating the program with parts of the invariant together with certificates of polyhedral inclusions. The resulting checker is sufficiently simple to be entirely certified within the Coq proof assistant for a simple fragment of the Java bytecode language. During the talk, we will also report on our ongoing effort to scale this approach for the full sequential JVM.
Visualization Software for VisIT Java Client
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Billings, Jay Jay; Smith, Robert W
The VisIT Java Client (JVC) library is a lightweight thin client that is designed and written purely in the native language of Java (the Python & JavaScript versions of the library use the same concept) and communicates with any new unmodified standalone version of VisIT, a high performance computing parallel visualization toolkit, over traditional or web sockets and dynamically determines capabilities of the running VisIT instance whether local or remote.
ChemScreener: A Distributed Computing Tool for Scaffold based Virtual Screening.
Karthikeyan, Muthukumarasamy; Pandit, Deepak; Vyas, Renu
In this work we present ChemScreener, a Java-based application to perform virtual library generation combined with virtual screening in a platform-independent distributed computing environment. ChemScreener comprises a scaffold identifier, a distinct scaffold extractor, an interactive virtual library generator as well as a virtual screening module for subsequently selecting putative bioactive molecules. The virtual libraries are annotated with chemophore-, pharmacophore- and toxicophore-based information for compound prioritization. The hits selected can then be further processed using QSAR, docking and other in silico approaches which can all be interfaced within the ChemScreener framework. As a sample application, in this work scaffold selectivity, diversity, connectivity and promiscuity towards six important therapeutic classes have been studied. In order to illustrate the computational power of the application, 55 scaffolds extracted from 161 anti-psychotic compounds were enumerated to produce a virtual library comprising 118 million compounds (17 GB) and annotated with chemophore, pharmacophore and toxicophore based features in a single step which would be non-trivial to perform with many standard software tools today on libraries of this size.
A Java Applet for Illustrating Internet Error Control
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Holliday, Mark A.
This paper discusses the author's experiences developing a Java applet that illustrates how error control is implemented in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). One section discusses the concepts which the TCP error control Java applet is intended to convey, while the nature of the Java applet is covered in another section. The author…
Thermal transfer structures coupling electronics card(s) to coolant-cooled structure(s)
David, Milnes P; Graybill, David P; Iyengar, Madhusudan K; Kamath, Vinod; Kochuparambil, Bejoy J; Parida, Pritish R; Schmidt, Roger R
Cooling apparatuses and coolant-cooled electronic systems are provided which include thermal transfer structures configured to engage with a spring force one or more electronics cards with docking of the electronics card(s) within a respective socket(s) of the electronic system. A thermal transfer structure of the cooling apparatus includes a thermal spreader having a first thermal conduction surface, and a thermally conductive spring assembly coupled to the conduction surface of the thermal spreader and positioned and configured to reside between and physically couple a first surface of an electronics card to the first surface of the thermal spreader with docking of the electronics card within a socket of the electronic system. The thermal transfer structure is, in one embodiment, metallurgically bonded to a coolant-cooled structure and facilitates transfer of heat from the electronics card to coolant flowing through the coolant-cooled structure.
The experiment editor: supporting inquiry-based learning with virtual labs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Galan, D.; Heradio, R.; de la Torre, L.; Dormido, S.; Esquembre, F.
Inquiry-based learning is a pedagogical approach where students are motivated to pose their own questions when facing problems or scenarios. In physics learning, students are turned into scientists who carry out experiments, collect and analyze data, formulate and evaluate hypotheses, and so on. Lab experimentation is essential for inquiry-based learning, yet there is a drawback with traditional hands-on labs in the high costs associated with equipment, space, and maintenance staff. Virtual laboratories are helpful to reduce these costs. This paper enriches the virtual lab ecosystem by providing an integrated environment to automate experimentation tasks. In particular, our environment supports: (i) scripting and running experiments on virtual labs, and (ii) collecting and analyzing data from the experiments. The current implementation of our environment supports virtual labs created with the authoring tool Easy Java/Javascript Simulations. Since there are public repositories with hundreds of freely available labs created with this tool, the potential applicability to our environment is considerable.
jFuzz: A Concolic Whitebox Fuzzer for Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jayaraman, Karthick; Harvison, David; Ganesh, Vijay; Kiezun, Adam
We present jFuzz, a automatic testing tool for Java programs. jFuzz is a concolic whitebox fuzzer, built on the NASA Java PathFinder, an explicit-state Java model checker, and a framework for developing reliability and analysis tools for Java. Starting from a seed input, jFuzz automatically and systematically generates inputs that exercise new program paths. jFuzz uses a combination of concrete and symbolic execution, and constraint solving. Time spent on solving constraints can be significant. We implemented several well-known optimizations and name-independent caching, which aggressively normalizes the constraints to reduce the number of calls to the constraint solver. We present preliminary results due to the optimizations, and demonstrate the effectiveness of jFuzz in creating good test inputs. The source code of jFuzz is available as part of the NASA Java PathFinder. jFuzz is intended to be a research testbed for investigating new testing and analysis techniques based on concrete and symbolic execution. The source code of jFuzz is available as part of the NASA Java PathFinder.
Virtualization for the LHCb Online system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bonaccorsi, Enrico; Brarda, Loic; Moine, Gary; Neufeld, Niko
Virtualization has long been advertised by the IT-industry as a way to cut down cost, optimise resource usage and manage the complexity in large data-centers. The great number and the huge heterogeneity of hardware, both industrial and custom-made, has up to now led to reluctance in the adoption of virtualization in the IT infrastructure of large experiment installations. Our experience in the LHCb experiment has shown that virtualization improves the availability and the manageability of the whole system. We have done an evaluation of available hypervisors / virtualization solutions and find that the Microsoft HV technology provides a high level of maturity and flexibility for our purpose. We present the results of these comparison tests, describing in detail, the architecture of our virtualization infrastructure with a special emphasis on the security for services visible to the outside world. Security is achieved by a sophisticated combination of VLANs, firewalls and virtual routing - the cost and benefits of this solution are analysed. We have adapted our cluster management tools, notably Quattor, for the needs of virtual machines and this allows us to migrate smoothly services on physical machines to the virtualized infrastructure. The procedures for migration will also be described. In the final part of the document we describe our recent R&D activities aiming to replacing the SAN-backend for the virtualization by a cheaper iSCSI solution - this will allow to move all servers and related services to the virtualized infrastructure, excepting the ones doing hardware control via non-commodity PCI plugin cards.
The openEHR Java reference implementation project.
Chen, Rong; Klein, Gunnar
The openEHR foundation has developed an innovative design for interoperable and future-proof Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems based on a dual model approach with a stable reference information model complemented by archetypes for specific clinical purposes.A team from Sweden has implemented all the stable specifications in the Java programming language and donated the source code to the openEHR foundation. It was adopted as the openEHR Java Reference Implementation in March 2005 and released under open source licenses. This encourages early EHR implementation projects around the world and a number of groups have already started to use this code. The early Java implementation experience has also led to the publication of the openEHR Java Implementation Technology Specification. A number of design changes to the specifications and important minor corrections have been directly initiated by the implementation project over the last two years. The Java Implementation has been important for the validation and improvement of the openEHR design specifications and provides building blocks for future EHR systems.
International images: business cards.
Gaston, S; Pucci, J
Nursing specialists engage in a variety of international professional activities. Business cards are an important aspect of establishing a professional image. This article presents recommended business card contents, international etiquette, card design and production, and cared innovations.
Interactive Analysis of General Beam Configurations using Finite Element Methods and JavaScript
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hernandez, Christopher
Advancements in computer technology have contributed to the widespread practice of modelling and solving engineering problems through the use of specialized software. The wide use of engineering software comes with the disadvantage to the user of costs from the required purchase of software licenses. The creation of accurate, trusted, and freely available applications capable of conducting meaningful analysis of engineering problems is a way to mitigate to the costs associated with every-day engineering computations. Writing applications in the JavaScript programming language allows the applications to run within any computer browser, without the need to install specialized software, since all internet browsers are equipped with virtual machines (VM) that allow the browsers to execute JavaScript code. The objective of this work is the development of an application that performs the analysis of a completely general beam through use of the finite element method. The app is written in JavaScript and embedded in a web page so it can be downloaded and executed by a user with an internet connection. This application allows the user to analyze any uniform or non-uniform beam, with any combination of applied forces, moments, distributed loads, and boundary conditions. Outputs for this application include lists the beam deformations and slopes, as well as lateral and slope deformation graphs, bending stress distributions, and shear and a moment diagrams. To validate the methodology of the GBeam finite element app, its results are verified using the results from obtained from two other established finite element solvers for fifteen separate test cases.
19. SECOND FLOOR, CARDING MACHINE, BY 'CARDING SPECIALISTS, CO., LTD., PELLON LAND WORKS, HALIFAX, ENGLAND, SN #M2983 14 (EST. DATE 1940'S+). - Bamberg Cotton Mill, Main Street, Bamberg, Bamberg County, SC
Research on the SIM card implementing functions of transport card
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Yi; Wang, Lin
This paper is based on the analysis for theory and key technologies of contact communication, contactless communication card and STK menu, and proposes complete software and hardware solution for achieving convenience and secure mobile payment system on SIM card.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sawyer, R. V.; Szuwalski, B. (Inventor)
The invention generally relates to hand tools, and more particularly to an improved device for facilitating removal of printed circuit cards from a card rack characterized by longitudinal side rails arranged in a mutually spaced parallelism and a plurality of printed circuit cards extended between the rails of the rack.
Muria Volcano, Island of Java, Indonesia
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This view of the north coast of central Java, Indonesia centers on the currently inactive Muria Volcano (6.5S, 111.0E). Muria is 5,330 ft. tall and lies just north of Java's main volcanic belt which runs east - west down the spine of the island attesting to the volcanic origin of the more than 1,500 Indonesian Islands.
Owgis 2.0: Open Source Java Application that Builds Web GIS Interfaces for Desktop Andmobile Devices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zavala Romero, O.; Chassignet, E.; Zavala-Hidalgo, J.; Pandav, H.; Velissariou, P.; Meyer-Baese, A.
OWGIS is an open source Java and JavaScript application that builds easily configurable Web GIS sites for desktop and mobile devices. The current version of OWGIS generates mobile interfaces based on HTML5 technology and can be used to create mobile applications. The style of the generated websites can be modified using COMPASS, a well known CSS Authoring Framework. In addition, OWGIS uses several Open Geospatial Consortium standards to request datafrom the most common map servers, such as GeoServer. It is also able to request data from ncWMS servers, allowing the websites to display 4D data from NetCDF files. This application is configured by XML files that define which layers, geographic datasets, are displayed on the Web GIS sites. Among other features, OWGIS allows for animations; streamlines from vector data; virtual globe display; vertical profiles and vertical transects; different color palettes; the ability to download data; and display text in multiple languages. OWGIS users are mainly scientists in the oceanography, meteorology and climate fields.
Vibration Damping Circuit Card Assembly
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hunt, Ronald Allen (Inventor)
A vibration damping circuit card assembly includes a populated circuit card having a mass M. A closed metal container is coupled to a surface of the populated circuit card at approximately a geometric center of the populated circuit card. Tungsten balls fill approximately 90% of the metal container with a collective mass of the tungsten balls being approximately (0.07) M.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
College Planning & Management, 2000
Provides tips for expanding a school's card access system and making it more productive for all concerned. Tips include the use of electronic locks for better security; the need for state-of-the-art card reader system to save money in the long run; selecting vendors to one that manufactures, installs, and supports the card system; and having…
Improved catalyzed reporter deposition, iCARD.
Lohse, Jesper; Petersen, Kenneth Heesche; Woller, Nina Claire; Pedersen, Hans Christian; Skladtchikova, Galina; Jørgensen, Rikke Malene
Novel reporters have been synthesized with extended hydrophilic linkers that in combination with polymerizing cross-linkers result in very efficient reporter deposition. By utilizing antibodies to stain HER2 proteins in a cell line model it is demonstrated that the method is highly specific and sensitive with virtually no background. The detection of HER2 proteins in tissue was used to visualize individual antigens as small dots visible in a microscope. Image analysis-assisted counting of fluorescent or colored dots allowed assessment of relative protein levels in tissue. Taken together, we have developed novel reporters that improve the CARD method allowing highly sensitive in situ detection of proteins in tissue. Our findings suggest that in situ protein quantification in biological samples can be performed by object recognition and enumeration of dots, rather than intensity-based fluorescent or colorimetric assays.
Authentication techniques for smart cards
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nelson, R.A.
Smart card systems are most cost efficient when implemented as a distributed system, which is a system without central host interaction or a local database of card numbers for verifying transaction approval. A distributed system, as such, presents special card and user authentication problems. Fortunately, smart cards offer processing capabilities that provide solutions to authentication problems, provided the system is designed with proper data integrity measures. Smart card systems maintain data integrity through a security design that controls data sources and limits data changes. A good security design is usually a result of a system analysis that provides a thoroughmore » understanding of the application needs. Once designers understand the application, they may specify authentication techniques that mitigate the risk of system compromise or failure. Current authentication techniques include cryptography, passwords, challenge/response protocols, and biometrics. The security design includes these techniques to help prevent counterfeit cards, unauthorized use, or information compromise. This paper discusses card authentication and user identity techniques that enhance security for microprocessor card systems. It also describes the analysis process used for determining proper authentication techniques for a system.« less
Rappaport, Noa; Fishilevich, Simon; Nudel, Ron; Twik, Michal; Belinky, Frida; Plaschkes, Inbar; Stein, Tsippi Iny; Cohen, Dana; Oz-Levi, Danit; Safran, Marilyn; Lancet, Doron
A key challenge in the realm of human disease research is next generation sequencing (NGS) interpretation, whereby identified filtered variant-harboring genes are associated with a patient's disease phenotypes. This necessitates bioinformatics tools linked to comprehensive knowledgebases. The GeneCards suite databases, which include GeneCards (human genes), MalaCards (human diseases) and PathCards (human pathways) together with additional tools, are presented with the focus on MalaCards utility for NGS interpretation as well as for large scale bioinformatic analyses. VarElect, our NGS interpretation tool, leverages the broad information in the GeneCards suite databases. MalaCards algorithms unify disease-related terms and annotations from 69 sources. Further, MalaCards defines hierarchical relatedness-aliases, disease families, a related diseases network, categories and ontological classifications. GeneCards and MalaCards delineate and share a multi-tiered, scored gene-disease network, with stringency levels, including the definition of elite status-high quality gene-disease pairs, coming from manually curated trustworthy sources, that includes 4500 genes for 8000 diseases. This unique resource is key to NGS interpretation by VarElect. VarElect, a comprehensive search tool that helps infer both direct and indirect links between genes and user-supplied disease/phenotype terms, is robustly strengthened by the information found in MalaCards. The indirect mode benefits from GeneCards' diverse gene-to-gene relationships, including SuperPaths-integrated biological pathways from 12 information sources. We are currently adding an important information layer in the form of "disease SuperPaths", generated from the gene-disease matrix by an algorithm similar to that previously employed for biological pathway unification. This allows the discovery of novel gene-disease and disease-disease relationships. The advent of whole genome sequencing necessitates capacities to go beyond
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hoare, Tony; Shankar, Natarajan
In one version of Gilbreath's card trick, a deck of cards is arranged as a series of quartets, where each quartet contains a card from each suit and all the quartets feature the same ordering of the suits. For example, the deck could be a repeating sequence of spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds, in that order, as in the deck below.
FPV: fast protein visualization using Java 3D.
Can, Tolga; Wang, Yujun; Wang, Yuan-Fang; Su, Jianwen
Many tools have been developed to visualize protein structures. Tools that have been based on Java 3D((TM)) are compatible among different systems and they can be run remotely through web browsers. However, using Java 3D for visualization has some performance issues with it. The primary concerns about molecular visualization tools based on Java 3D are in their being slow in terms of interaction speed and in their inability to load large molecules. This behavior is especially apparent when the number of atoms to be displayed is huge, or when several proteins are to be displayed simultaneously for comparison. In this paper we present techniques for organizing a Java 3D scene graph to tackle these problems. We have developed a protein visualization system based on Java 3D and these techniques. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing the visualization component of our system with two other Java 3D based molecular visualization tools. In particular, for van der Waals display mode, with the efficient organization of the scene graph, we could achieve up to eight times improvement in rendering speed and could load molecules three times as large as the previous systems could. EPV is freely available with source code at the following URL: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~tcan/fpv/
Two sets of business card-sized lists of tips for prevention of bed bug infestations, one for general use around home, the other for travelers. Print a single card or a page of cards for distribution.
Medication safety--reliability of preference cards.
Dawson, Anthony; Orsini, Michael J; Cooper, Mary R; Wollenburg, Karol
A CLINICAL ANALYSIS of surgeons' preference cards was initiated in one hospital as part of a comprehensive analysis to reduce medication-error risks by standardizing and simplifying the intraoperative medication-use process specific to the sterile field. THE PREFERENCE CARD ANALYSIS involved two subanalyses: a review of the information as it appeared on the cards and a failure mode and effects analysis of the process involved in using and maintaining the cards. THE ANALYSIS FOUND that the preference card system in use at this hospital is outdated. Variations and inconsistencies within the preference card system indicate that the use of preference cards as guides for medication selection for surgical procedures presents an opportunity for medication errors to occur.
Passive microfluidic array card and reader
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dugan, Lawrence Christopher; Coleman, Matthew A
A microfluidic array card and reader system for analyzing a sample. The microfluidic array card includes a sample loading section for loading the sample onto the microfluidic array card, a multiplicity of array windows, and a transport section or sections for transporting the sample from the sample loading section to the array windows. The microfluidic array card reader includes a housing, a receiving section for receiving the microfluidic array card, a viewing section, and a light source that directs light to the array window of the microfluidic array card and to the viewing section.
Java and its future in biomedical computing.
Rodgers, R P
Java, a new object-oriented computing language related to C++, is receiving considerable attention due to its use in creating network-sharable, platform-independent software modules (known as "applets") that can be used with the World Wide Web. The Web has rapidly become the most commonly used information-retrieval tool associated with the global computer network known as the Internet, and Java has the potential to further accelerate the Web's application to medical problems. Java's potentially wide acceptance due to its Web association and its own technical merits also suggests that it may become a popular language for non-Web-based, object-oriented computing. PMID:8880677
A Mechanism for Anonymous Credit Card Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tamura, Shinsuke; Yanase, Tatsuro
This paper proposes a mechanism for anonymous credit card systems, in which each credit card holder can conceal individual transactions from the credit card company, while enabling the credit card company to calculate the total expenditures of transactions of individual card holders during specified periods, and to identify card holders who executed dishonest transactions. Based on three existing mechanisms, i.e. anonymous authentication, blind signature and secure statistical data gathering, together with implicit transaction links proposed here, the proposed mechanism enables development of anonymous credit card systems without assuming any absolutely trustworthy entity like tamper resistant devices or organizations faithful both to the credit card company and card holders.
Smart Cards and remote entrusting
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aussel, Jean-Daniel; D'Annoville, Jerome; Castillo, Laurent; Durand, Stephane; Fabre, Thierry; Lu, Karen; Ali, Asad
Smart cards are widely used to provide security in end-to-end communication involving servers and a variety of terminals, including mobile handsets or payment terminals. Sometime, end-to-end server to smart card security is not applicable, and smart cards must communicate directly with an application executing on a terminal, like a personal computer, without communicating with a server. In this case, the smart card must somehow trust the terminal application before performing some secure operation it was designed for. This paper presents a novel method to remotely trust a terminal application from the smart card. For terminals such as personal computers, this method is based on an advanced secure device connected through the USB and consisting of a smart card bundled with flash memory. This device, or USB dongle, can be used in the context of remote untrusting to secure portable applications conveyed in the dongle flash memory. White-box cryptography is used to set the secure channel and a mechanism based on thumbprint is described to provide external authentication when session keys need to be renewed. Although not as secure as end-to-end server to smart card security, remote entrusting with smart cards is easy to deploy for mass-market applications and can provide a reasonable level of security.
Using Java for distributed computing in the Gaia satellite data processing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Mullane, William; Luri, Xavier; Parsons, Paul; Lammers, Uwe; Hoar, John; Hernandez, Jose
In recent years Java has matured to a stable easy-to-use language with the flexibility of an interpreter (for reflection etc.) but the performance and type checking of a compiled language. When we started using Java for astronomical applications around 1999 they were the first of their kind in astronomy. Now a great deal of astronomy software is written in Java as are many business applications. We discuss the current environment and trends concerning the language and present an actual example of scientific use of Java for high-performance distributed computing: ESA's mission Gaia. The Gaia scanning satellite will perform a galactic census of about 1,000 million objects in our galaxy. The Gaia community has chosen to write its processing software in Java. We explore the manifold reasons for choosing Java for this large science collaboration. Gaia processing is numerically complex but highly distributable, some parts being embarrassingly parallel. We describe the Gaia processing architecture and its realisation in Java. We delve into the astrometric solution which is the most advanced and most complex part of the processing. The Gaia simulator is also written in Java and is the most mature code in the system. This has been successfully running since about 2005 on the supercomputer "Marenostrum" in Barcelona. We relate experiences of using Java on a large shared machine. Finally we discuss Java, including some of its problems, for scientific computing.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Herbeck, Lucia; Kwiatkowski, Cornelia; Mohtadi, Mahyar; Jennerjahn, Tim
Beginning a few thousand years ago, global climate and environmental change have become more and more affected by human activities. Hence, quantifying the 'human component' becomes increasingly important in order to predict future developments. Indonesia and the surrounding oceans are key in this respect, because it is in the region (i) that receives the highest inputs of water, sediment and associated dissolved and particulate substances and (ii) that suffers from anthropogenically modified landscapes and coastal zones. As opposing the global trend, land-based human activities have increased the sediment input into the ocean from Indonesia since pre-human times. Nevertheless, there are strong gradients in land use/cover and resulting river fluxes within Indonesia as, for example, between Java and Kalimantan. Major goal of this study is to identify the contribution of human activities in river catchments (i.e. land use/cover change, hydrological alterations) to gradients in carbon and nitrogen deposition in sediments of the Java Sea between densely populated Java and sparsely populated Kalimantan during the Late Holocene. We hypothesized that the riverine input of C and N increased during the late Holocene and increased more off Java than off Kalimantan. Sediment cores (80 to 130 cm long) off major river mouths from Java (2 cores off Bengawan Solo) and Kalimantan (1 core off Pembuang, 1 core off Jelai) were dated and analysed for Corg, Ntot, carbonate and stable isotope composition (δ13Corg, δ15N) in 3 cm intervals. Sedimentation rates off the Kalimantan rivers with 0.05-0.11 cm yr-1 were higher than off the Bengawan Solo, the largest river catchment on Java (<0.04 cm yr-1). Ntot contents in all sediment cores were low with ~0.07% and varied little over time. A higher Corg content, molar C/N ratio and variability over the past 5000 years in all parameters in the core closer to the river mouth off the Bengawan Solo than the one further offshore indicates that
Implementation of BT, SP, LU, and FT of NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schultz, Matthew; Frumkin, Michael; Jin, Hao-Qiang; Yan, Jerry
A number of Java features make it an attractive but a debatable choice for High Performance Computing. We have implemented benchmarks working on single structured grid BT,SP,LU and FT in Java. The performance and scalability of the Java code shows that a significant improvement in Java compiler technology and in Java thread implementation are necessary for Java to compete with Fortran in HPC applications.
Distributed nuclear medicine applications using World Wide Web and Java technology.
Knoll, P; Höll, K; Mirzaei, S; Koriska, K; Köhn, H
At present, medical applications applying World Wide Web (WWW) technology are mainly used to view static images and to retrieve some information. The Java platform is a relative new way of computing, especially designed for network computing and distributed applications which enables interactive connection between user and information via the WWW. The Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) including Java2D API, Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) technology, Object Serialization and the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) extension was used to achieve a robust, platform independent and network centric solution. Medical image processing software based on this technology is presented and adequate performance capability of Java is demonstrated by an iterative reconstruction algorithm for single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pedro Sánchez, Juan; Sáenz, Jacobo; de la Torre, Luis; Carreras, Carmen; Yuste, Manuel; Heradio, Rubén; Dormido, Sebastián
This work describes two experiments: "study of the diffraction of light: Fraunhofer approximation" and "the photoelectric effect". Both of them count with a virtual, simulated, version of the experiment as well as with a real one which can be operated remotely. The two previous virtual and remote labs (built using Easy Java(script) Simulations) are integrated in UNILabs, a network of online interactive laboratories based on the free Learning Management System Moodle. In this web environment, students can find not only the virtual and remote labs but also manuals with related theory, the user interface description for each application, and so on.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bada, Adedayo; Alcaraz-Calero, Jose M.; Wang, Qi; Grecos, Christos
This paper describes a comprehensive empirical performance evaluation of 3D video processing employing the physical/virtual architecture implemented in a cloud environment. Different virtualization technologies, virtual video cards and various 3D benchmarks tools have been utilized in order to analyse the optimal performance in the context of 3D online gaming applications. This study highlights 3D video rendering performance under each type of hypervisors, and other factors including network I/O, disk I/O and memory usage. Comparisons of these factors under well-known virtual display technologies such as VNC, Spice and Virtual 3D adaptors reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the various hypervisors with respect to 3D video rendering and streaming.
75 FR 10414 - Researcher Identification Card
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... capturing administrative information on the characteristics of our users. Other forms of identification are... use bar-codes on researcher identification cards in the Washington, DC, area. The plastic cards we... plastic researcher identification cards as part of their security systems, we issue a plastic card to...
Three dimensional identification card and applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Changhe; Wang, Shaoqing; Li, Chao; Li, Hao; Liu, Zhao
Three dimensional Identification Card, with its three-dimensional personal image displayed and stored for personal identification, is supposed be the advanced version of the present two-dimensional identification card in the future [1]. Three dimensional Identification Card means that there are three-dimensional optical techniques are used, the personal image on ID card is displayed to be three-dimensional, so we can see three dimensional personal face. The ID card also stores the three-dimensional face information in its inside electronics chip, which might be recorded by using two-channel cameras, and it can be displayed in computer as three-dimensional images for personal identification. Three-dimensional ID card might be one interesting direction to update the present two-dimensional card in the future. Three-dimension ID card might be widely used in airport custom, entrance of hotel, school, university, as passport for on-line banking, registration of on-line game, etc...
The "Negative" Credit Card Effect: Credit Cards as Spending-Limiting Stimuli in New Zealand
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lie, Celia; Hunt, Maree; Peters, Heather L.; Veliu, Bahrie; Harper, David
The "credit card effect" describes a finding where greater value is given to consumer items if credit card logos are present. One explanation for the effect is that credit cards elicit spending behavior through associative learning. If this is true, social, economic and historical contexts should alter this effect. In Experiment 1, Year…
The July 17, 2006 Java Tsunami: Tsunami Modeling and the Probable Causes of the Extreme Run-up
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kongko, W.; Schlurmann, T.
On 17 July 2006, an Earthquake magnitude Mw 7.8 off the south coast of west Java, Indonesia generated tsunami that affected over 300 km of south Java coastline and killed more than 600 people. Observed tsunami heights and field measurement of run-up distributions were uniformly scattered approximately 5 to 7 m along a 200 km coastal stretch; remarkably, a locally focused tsunami run-up height exceeding 20 m at Nusakambangan Island has been observed. Within the framework of the German Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) Project, a high-resolution near-shore bathymetrical survey equipped by multi-beam echo-sounder has been recently conducted. Additional geodata have been collected using Intermap Technologies STAR-4 airborne interferometric SAR data acquisition system on a 5 m ground sample distance basis in order to establish a most-sophisticated Digital Terrain Model (DTM). This paper describes the outcome of tsunami modelling approaches using high resolution data of bathymetry and topography being part of a general case study in Cilacap, Indonesia, and medium resolution data for other area along coastline of south Java Island. By means of two different seismic deformation models to mimic the tsunami source generation, a numerical code based on the 2D nonlinear shallow water equations is used to simulate probable tsunami run-up scenarios. Several model tests are done and virtual points in offshore, near-shore, coastline, as well as tsunami run-up on the coast are collected. For the purpose of validation, the model results are compared with field observations and sea level data observed at several tide gauges stations. The performance of numerical simulations and correlations with observed field data are highlighted, and probable causes for the extreme wave heights and run-ups are outlined. References Ammon, C.J., Kanamori, K., Lay, T., and Velasco, A., 2006. The July 2006 Java Tsunami Earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(L24308). Fritz, H
JPARSS: A Java Parallel Network Package for Grid Computing
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, Jie; Akers, Walter; Chen, Ying
The emergence of high speed wide area networks makes grid computinga reality. However grid applications that need reliable data transfer still have difficulties to achieve optimal TCP performance due to network tuning of TCP window size to improve bandwidth and to reduce latency on a high speed wide area network. This paper presents a Java package called JPARSS (Java Parallel Secure Stream (Socket)) that divides data into partitions that are sent over several parallel Java streams simultaneously and allows Java or Web applications to achieve optimal TCP performance in a grid environment without the necessity of tuning TCP window size.more » This package enables single sign-on, certificate delegation and secure or plain-text data transfer using several security components based on X.509 certificate and SSL. Several experiments will be presented to show that using Java parallelstreams is more effective than tuning TCP window size. In addition a simple architecture using Web services« less
Instrumentation of Java Bytecode for Runtime Analysis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goldberg, Allen; Haveland, Klaus
This paper describes JSpy, a system for high-level instrumentation of Java bytecode and its use with JPaX, OUT system for runtime analysis of Java programs. JPaX monitors the execution of temporal logic formulas and performs predicative analysis of deadlocks and data races. JSpy s input is an instrumentation specification, which consists of a collection of rules, where a rule is a predicate/action pair The predicate is a conjunction of syntactic constraints on a Java statement, and the action is a description of logging information to be inserted in the bytecode corresponding to the statement. JSpy is built using JTrek an instrumentation package at a lower level of abstraction.
Credit Cards. Bulletin No. 721. (Revised.)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fox, Linda Kirk
This cooperative extension bulletin provides basic information about credit cards and their use. It covers the following topics: types of credit cards (revolving credit, travel and entertainment, and debit); factors to consider when evaluating a credit card (interest rates, grace period, and annual membership fee); other credit card costs (late…
[The virtual university in medicine. Context, concepts, specifications, users' manual].
Duvauferrier, R; Séka, L P; Rolland, Y; Rambeau, M; Le Beux, P; Morcet, N
The widespread use of Web servers, with the emergence of interactive functions and the possibility of credit card payment via Internet, together with the requirement for continuing education and the subsequent need for a computer to link into the health care network have incited the development of a virtual university scheme on Internet. The Virtual University of Radiology is not only a computer-assisted teaching tool with a set of attractive features, but also a powerful engine allowing the organization, distribution and control of medical knowledge available in the www.server. The scheme provides patient access to general information, a secretary's office for enrollment and the Virtual University itself, with its library, image database, a forum for subspecialties and clinical case reports, an evaluation module and various guides and help tools for diagnosis, prescription and indexing. Currently the Virtual University of Radiology offers diagnostic imaging, but can also be used by other specialties and for general practice.
[Application of patient card technology to health care].
Sayag, E; Danon, Y L
The potential benefits of patient card technology in improving management and delivery of health services have been explored. Patient cards can be used for numerous applications and functions: as a means of identification, as a key for an insurance payment system, and as a communication medium. Advanced card technologies allow for the storage of data on the card, creating the possibility of a comprehensive and portable patient record. There are many types of patient cards: paper or plastic cards, microfilm cards, bar-code cards, magnetic-strip cards and integrated circuit smart-cards. Choosing the right card depends on the amount of information to be stored, the degree of security required and the cost of the cards and their supporting infrastructure. Problems with patient cards are related to storage capacity, backup and data consistency, access authorization and ownership and compatibility. We think it is worth evaluating the place of patient card technology in the delivery of health services in Israel.
Follow Up: Credit Card Caution
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cahill, Timothy P.
In "Pushing Plastic," ("The New England Journal of Higher Education", Summer 2007), John Humphrey notes that many college administrators justify their credit card solicitations by suggesting that credit card access will help students learn to manage their own finances. Instead, credit card debt will teach thousands of students…
Real-time Java for flight applications: an update
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dvorak, D.
The RTSJ is a specification for supporting real-time execution in the Java programming language. The specification has been shaped by several guiding principles, particularly: predictable execution as the first priority in all tradeoffs, no syntactic extensions to Java, and backward compatibility.
Sawja: Static Analysis Workshop for Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hubert, Laurent; Barré, Nicolas; Besson, Frédéric; Demange, Delphine; Jensen, Thomas; Monfort, Vincent; Pichardie, David; Turpin, Tiphaine
Static analysis is a powerful technique for automatic verification of programs but raises major engineering challenges when developing a full-fledged analyzer for a realistic language such as Java. Efficiency and precision of such a tool rely partly on low level components which only depend on the syntactic structure of the language and therefore should not be redesigned for each implementation of a new static analysis. This paper describes the Sawja library: a static analysis workshop fully compliant with Java 6 which provides OCaml modules for efficiently manipulating Java bytecode programs. We present the main features of the library, including i) efficient functional data-structures for representing a program with implicit sharing and lazy parsing, ii) an intermediate stack-less representation, and iii) fast computation and manipulation of complete programs. We provide experimental evaluations of the different features with respect to time, memory and precision.
Digitizing Olin Eggen's Card Database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Crast, J.; Silvis, G.
The goal of the Eggen Card Database Project is to recover as many of the photometric observations from Olin Eggen's Card Database as possible and preserve these observations, in digital forms that are accessible by anyone. Any observations of interest to the AAVSO will be added to the AAVSO International Database (AID). Given to the AAVSO on long-term loan by the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, the database is a collection of over 78,000 index cards holding all Eggen's observations made between 1960 and 1990. The cards were electronically scanned and the resulting 108,000 card images have been published as a series of 2,216 PDF files, which are available from the AAVSO web site. The same images are also stored in an AAVSO online database where they are indexed by star name and card content. These images can be viewed using the eggen card portal online tool. Eggen made observations using filter bands from five different photometric systems. He documented these observations using 15 different data recording formats. Each format represents a combination of filter magnitudes and color indexes. These observations are being transcribed onto spreadsheets, from which observations of value to the AAVSO are added to the AID. A total of 506 U, B, V, R, and I observations were added to the AID for the variable stars S Car and l Car. We would like the reader to search through the card database using the eggen card portal for stars of particular interest. If such stars are found and retrieval of the observations is desired, e-mail the authors, and we will be happy to help retrieve those data for the reader.
Citizen empowerment using healthcare and welfare cards.
Cheshire, Paul
Cards are used in health and welfare to establish the identity of the person presenting the card; to prove their entitlement to a welfare or healthcare service; to store data needed within the care process; and to store data to use in the administration process. There is a desire to empower citizens - to give them greater control over their lives, their health and wellbeing. How can a healthcare and welfare card support this aim? Does having a card empower the citizen? What can a citizen do more easily, reliably, securely or cost-effectively because they have a card? A number of possibilities include: Choice of service provider; Mobility across regional and national boundaries; Privacy; and Anonymity. But in all of these possibilities a card is just one component of a total system and process, and there may be other solutions--technological and manual. There are risks and problems from relying on a card; and issues of Inclusion for people who are unable use a card. The article concludes that: cards need to be viewed in the context of the whole solution; cards are not the only technological mechanism; cards are not the best mechanism in all circumstances; but cards are very convenient method in very many situations.
Mammography screening credit card and compliance.
Schapira, D V; Kumar, N B; Clark, R A; Yag, C
Screening for breast cancer using mammography has been shown to be effective in reducing mortality from breast cancer. The authors attempted to determine if use of a wallet-size plastic screening "credit" card would increase participants' compliance for subsequent mammograms when compared with traditional methods of increasing compliance. Two hundred and twenty consecutive women, ages 40-70 years, undergoing their first screening mammography were recruited and assigned randomly to four groups receiving (1) a reminder plastic credit card (2) reminder credit card with written reminder; (3) appointment card; and (4) verbal recommendation. Return rates of the four groups were determined after 15 months. The return rate for subsequent mammograms was significantly higher for participants (72.4%) using the credit card than for participants (39.8%) exposed to traditional encouragement/reminders (P less than 0.0001). The credit card was designed to show the participant's screening anniversary, and the durability of the card may have been a factor in increasing the return rate. The use of reminder credit cards may increase compliance for periodic screening examinations for other cancers and other chronic diseases.
Holo-Chidi video concentrator card
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nwodoh, Thomas A.; Prabhakar, Aditya; Benton, Stephen A.
The Holo-Chidi Video Concentrator Card is a frame buffer for the Holo-Chidi holographic video processing system. Holo- Chidi is designed at the MIT Media Laboratory for real-time computation of computer generated holograms and the subsequent display of the holograms at video frame rates. The Holo-Chidi system is made of two sets of cards - the set of Processor cards and the set of Video Concentrator Cards (VCCs). The Processor cards are used for hologram computation, data archival/retrieval from a host system, and for higher-level control of the VCCs. The VCC formats computed holographic data from multiple hologram computing Processor cards, converting the digital data to analog form to feed the acousto-optic-modulators of the Media lab's Mark-II holographic display system. The Video Concentrator card is made of: a High-Speed I/O (HSIO) interface whence data is transferred from the hologram computing Processor cards, a set of FIFOs and video RAM used as buffer for data for the hololines being displayed, a one-chip integrated microprocessor and peripheral combination that handles communication with other VCCs and furnishes the card with a USB port, a co-processor which controls display data formatting, and D-to-A converters that convert digital fringes to analog form. The co-processor is implemented with an SRAM-based FPGA with over 500,000 gates and controls all the signals needed to format the data from the multiple Processor cards into the format required by Mark-II. A VCC has three HSIO ports through which up to 500 Megabytes of computed holographic data can flow from the Processor Cards to the VCC per second. A Holo-Chidi system with three VCCs has enough frame buffering capacity to hold up to thirty two 36Megabyte hologram frames at a time. Pre-computed holograms may also be loaded into the VCC from a host computer through the low- speed USB port. Both the microprocessor and the co- processor in the VCC can access the main system memory used to store control
The r-Java 2.0 code: nuclear physics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kostka, M.; Koning, N.; Shand, Z.; Ouyed, R.; Jaikumar, P.
Aims: We present r-Java 2.0, a nucleosynthesis code for open use that performs r-process calculations, along with a suite of other analysis tools. Methods: Equipped with a straightforward graphical user interface, r-Java 2.0 is capable of simulating nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE), calculating r-process abundances for a wide range of input parameters and astrophysical environments, computing the mass fragmentation from neutron-induced fission and studying individual nucleosynthesis processes. Results: In this paper we discuss enhancements to this version of r-Java, especially the ability to solve the full reaction network. The sophisticated fission methodology incorporated in r-Java 2.0 that includes three fission channels (beta-delayed, neutron-induced, and spontaneous fission), along with computation of the mass fragmentation, is compared to the upper limit on mass fission approximation. The effects of including beta-delayed neutron emission on r-process yield is studied. The role of Coulomb interactions in NSE abundances is shown to be significant, supporting previous findings. A comparative analysis was undertaken during the development of r-Java 2.0 whereby we reproduced the results found in the literature from three other r-process codes. This code is capable of simulating the physical environment of the high-entropy wind around a proto-neutron star, the ejecta from a neutron star merger, or the relativistic ejecta from a quark nova. Likewise the users of r-Java 2.0 are given the freedom to define a custom environment. This software provides a platform for comparing proposed r-process sites.
Early clinical experience with CardioCard - a credit card-sized electronic patient record.
Bernheim, Alain M; Schaer, Beat A; Kaufmann, Christoph; Brunner-La Rocca, Hanspeter; Moulay-Lakhdar, Nadir; Buser, Peter T; Pfisterer, Matthias E; Osswald, Stefan
CardioCard is a CDROM of credit card size containing medical information on cardiac patients. Patient data acquired during hospital stay are stored in PDF format and secured by a password known to patients only. In a consecutive series of patients, we assessed acceptance and utility of this new information medium. A questionnaire was sent to all patients who had received CardioCard over a one-year period. The questionnaire was returned by 392 patients (73%). 44% of patients had the card with them all the time. The majority of patients (73%) considered the CardioCard useful (8% not useful, 19% no statement) and most (78%) would even agree to bear additional costs. Only 5% worried about data security. In contrast, 44% would be concerned of data transmission via internet. During an observation period of 6 (SD 3) months, data were accessed by 27% of patients and 12% of their physicians. The proportion of card users was lower among older patients: < or = 50 years (y), 39%; 51.60 y, 38%; 61.70 y, 26%; >70 y, 16% and particularly among older women: 61.70 y, 9%; >70 y, 5%. Technical problems during data access occurred in 34%, mostly due to incorrect handling. A majority of patients considered CardioCard as useful and safe. Lack of hardware equipment or insufficient computer knowledge, but not safety issues were the most important limitations. As patients expressed concerns regarding protection of privacy if data were accessible via internet, this would remain a strong limiting factor for online use.
Reminder card helps patients remember OCs.
Organon has developed the Reminder Card to help women patients remember their regular intake of oral contraceptive (OC) pills. About 50% of women take birth control pills as prescribed, 25% miss a pill per month, and 25% miss two or more pills in the same time frame. The plastic card, about the size and shape of a credit card, contains a microchip timer. Reminder cards are available to providers who use the Starter Kits issued by the company for new-start patients on the Mircette OC. When patients begin their first pack of pills, they select the time of day they prefer to have the Reminder Card emit its tiny beep. The time is set into the microchip timer and the card is programmed to sound automatically at the pre-set time each day for the next three months. The direction for using the Reminder Card is outlined.
Creating Web-Based Scientific Applications Using Java Servlets
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Palmer, Grant; Arnold, James O. (Technical Monitor)
There are many advantages to developing web-based scientific applications. Any number of people can access the application concurrently. The application can be accessed from a remote location. The application becomes essentially platform-independent because it can be run from any machine that has internet access and can run a web browser. Maintenance and upgrades to the application are simplified since only one copy of the application exists in a centralized location. This paper details the creation of web-based applications using Java servlets. Java is a powerful, versatile programming language that is well suited to developing web-based programs. A Java servlet provides the interface between the central server and the remote client machines. The servlet accepts input data from the client, runs the application on the server, and sends the output back to the client machine. The type of servlet that supports the HTTP protocol will be discussed in depth. Among the topics the paper will discuss are how to write an http servlet, how the servlet can run applications written in Java and other languages, and how to set up a Java web server. The entire process will be demonstrated by building a web-based application to compute stagnation point heat transfer.
Aubertine, C. L.; Rivera, M.; Rohan, S. M.; Larone, D. H.
The new VITEK 2 colorimetric card was compared to the previous fluorometric card for identification of yeast. API 20C was considered the “gold standard.” The new card consistently performed better than the older card. Isolates from CHROMagar Candida plates were identified equally as well as those from Sabouraud dextrose agar. PMID:16390976
HotJava: Sun's Animated Interactive World Wide Web Browser for the Internet.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Machovec, George S., Ed.
Examines HotJava and Java, World Wide Web technology for use on the Internet. HotJava, an interactive, animated Web browser, based on the object-oriented Java programming language, is different from HTML-based browsers such as Netscape. Its client/server design does not understand Internet protocols but can dynamically find what it needs to know.…
Krishnamurthy, Vani; Satish, Suchitha; Doreswamy, Srinivasa Murthy; Vimalambike, Manjunath Gubbanna
Cytological evaluation of body fluids is an important diagnostic technique. Cytocentrifuge has contributed immensely to improve the diagnostic yield of the body fluids. Cytocentrifuge requires a filter card for absorbing the cell free fluid. This is the only consumable which needs to be purchased from the manufacturer at a significant cost. To compare the cell density in cytocentrifuge preparations made from commercially available filter cards with custom made filter cards. This was a prospective analytical study undertaken in department of pathology of a tertiary care centre. A 300 GSM handmade paper with the absorbability similar to the conventional card was obtained and fashioned to suit the filter card slot of the cytospin. Thirty seven body fluids were centrifuged using both conventional and custom made filter card. The cell density was measured as number of cells per 10 high power fields. The median cell density was compared using Mann-Whitney U test. The agreement between the values was analysed using Bland Altman analysis. The median cell count per 10 High power field (HPF) with conventional card was 386 and that with custom made card was 408. The difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.66). There was no significant difference in the cell density and alteration in the morphology between the cell preparations using both the cards. Custom made filter card can be used for cytospin cell preparations of body fluids without loss of cell density or alteration in the cell morphology and at a very low cost.
MzJava: An open source library for mass spectrometry data processing.
Horlacher, Oliver; Nikitin, Frederic; Alocci, Davide; Mariethoz, Julien; Müller, Markus; Lisacek, Frederique
Mass spectrometry (MS) is a widely used and evolving technique for the high-throughput identification of molecules in biological samples. The need for sharing and reuse of code among bioinformaticians working with MS data prompted the design and implementation of MzJava, an open-source Java Application Programming Interface (API) for MS related data processing. MzJava provides data structures and algorithms for representing and processing mass spectra and their associated biological molecules, such as metabolites, glycans and peptides. MzJava includes functionality to perform mass calculation, peak processing (e.g. centroiding, filtering, transforming), spectrum alignment and clustering, protein digestion, fragmentation of peptides and glycans as well as scoring functions for spectrum-spectrum and peptide/glycan-spectrum matches. For data import and export MzJava implements readers and writers for commonly used data formats. For many classes support for the Hadoop MapReduce (hadoop.apache.org) and Apache Spark (spark.apache.org) frameworks for cluster computing was implemented. The library has been developed applying best practices of software engineering. To ensure that MzJava contains code that is correct and easy to use the library's API was carefully designed and thoroughly tested. MzJava is an open-source project distributed under the AGPL v3.0 licence. MzJava requires Java 1.7 or higher. Binaries, source code and documentation can be downloaded from http://mzjava.expasy.org and https://bitbucket.org/sib-pig/mzjava. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Computational Proteomics. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Store Security. Credit Card Fraud.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brockway, Jerry
The manual, intended for use by adults and not in the high school classroom situation, presents material directed toward assisting in the reduction of credit card crime. This teaching guide is organized in three sections which deal with the nature of and major reasons for credit card fraud, the types of hot card runners, and methods of reducing…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Aufdenspring, Gary; Aufdenspring, Deborah
Describes how HyperCard software can be used to direct students to databases, applications, and explanations in an online environment. The use of HyperCard with other software is discussed; using HyperCard to set up tutorials is explained; and limitations are addressed, including the amount of memory needed and the speed of the hardware. (LRW)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Porter, Dennis
One recommendation of the 1989 California Strategic Plan for Adult Education is the use of EduCard. EduCard, the Adult Education Access Card, is a means of giving learners access to information about educational opportunities and providing administrators with machine-readable information on learners' prior education and traiing. Three models are:…
Tactical Applications (TACAPPS) JavaScript Framework Investigation
frameworks explored were Angular JavaScript (AngularJS), jQuery UI, Meteor, Ember, React JavaScript (ReactJS) and Web Components. The team evaluated the...10 Issues and Risks 11 Web Components 11 Benefits 13 Issues and Risks 13 Conclusions 14 Bibliography 15 Distribution List 19...3 Basic Flux flow 10 4 Shadow DOM tree hierarchy 12 5 Web Components browser support 13 UNCLASSIFIED Approved for
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Benowitz, E. G.; Niessner, A. F.
We have successfully demonstrated a portion of the spacecraft attitude control and fault protection, running on a standard Java platform, and are currently in the process of taking advantage of the features provided by the RTSJ.
JavaScript: Data Visualizations
D3 is a JavaScript library that, in a manner similar to jQuery library, allows direct inspection and manipulation of the Document Object Model, but is intended for the primary purpose of data visualization.
Discount medical cards: innovation or illusion?
Kofman, Mila; Libster, Jennifer; Bangit, Eliza
Discount medical cards have come under increasing scrutiny by regulators and law enforcement officials as a result of mounting consumer-reported problems. For their study, the authors tested five cards available in the Washington, D.C., metro area; interviewed card company representatives, state attorneys general insurance regulators, and insurance agents; and reviewed court and administrative actions. While some cards provide a measure of value, other cards were found to have serious drawbacks, including: high-pressure sales tactics; misleading or inaccurate promotion; exaggerated claims of savings; difficulty finding participating doctors; and providers who failed to give cardholders promised discounts. Some discount card companies are seeking to reform the market through a trade association and voluntary code of conduct. Still, legislative and regulatory interventions will be needed to protect consumers in an unregulated and growing market.
Petrographic and major elements results as indicator of the geothermal potential in Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Indarto, S.; Setiawan, I.; Kausar, A.; Permana, dan H.
Geothermal manifestations existed in West Java (Cilayu, Papandayan Mountain, Telagabodas, Karaha, Tampomas Mountain), Central Java (Slamet Mountain, Dieng) and East Java (Argopuro Mountain) show a difference in their mineral and geochemical compositions. The petrographic analysis of volcanic rocks from Garut (West Java) are basalt, andesite basaltic and andesite. However, based on SiO2 vs K2O value, those volcanic rocks have wide ranges of fractionated magma resulting basalt - basaltic andesite to dacitic in composition rather than those of Slamet Mountain, Dieng, and Argopuro Mountain areas which have a narrower range of fractionation magma resulting andesite basaltic and andesite in compositions. The volcanic rocks from Garut show tholeiitic affinity and calc-alkaline affinity. The geothermal potential of Java is assumed to be related to the magma fractionation level. Geothermal potential of West Java (Garut) is higher than that of Central Java (Slamet Mountain, Dieng) and East Java (Argopuro Mountain).
Almost stochastic dominance for poverty level in Central Java Province
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Slamet, Isnandar; Agus Wibowo, Aryanto; Roswitha, Mania
The criteria for the domination of the distribution function has been used in the investment issues, momentum, agricultural production, and so on. One criteria of domination is stochastic dominance (SD). When this criteria is applied to the dominating area that has smaller value than the dominated area, then almost stochastic dominance (ASD) can be used. It this research, we apply the ASD criteria on data of expenditure per capita based on districts/cities in Central Java. Furthermore, we determine which year the expenditure per capita in the period 2009-2013 is the most dominating to know the level of poverty in Central Java. From the discussion, it can be concluded that the expenditure per capita in Central Java in 2013 dominates expenditure per capita in Central Java in 2009-2012. In other words, the level of poverty in Central Java in 2013 is lower than in 2009-2012.
Patron ID Cards Made Easy and Cheap
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Peischl, Tom
Four major problems of academic library identification cards are expense, distribution, timeliness, and validation. By moving from a commercially produced plastic library card to a locally produced paper IBM-type card, this library solved these four library card problems. (Author)
Helping Students Design HyperCard Stacks.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dunham, Ken
Discusses how to teach students to design HyperCard stacks. Highlights include introducing HyperCard, developing storyboards, introducing design concepts and scripts, presenting stacks, evaluating storyboards, and continuing projects. A sidebar presents a HyperCard stack evaluation form. (AEF)
Java Performance for Scientific Applications on LLNL Computer Systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kapfer, C; Wissink, A
Languages in use for high performance computing at the laboratory--Fortran (f77 and f90), C, and C++--have many years of development behind them and are generally considered the fastest available. However, Fortran and C do not readily extend to object-oriented programming models, limiting their capability for very complex simulation software. C++ facilitates object-oriented programming but is a very complex and error-prone language. Java offers a number of capabilities that these other languages do not. For instance it implements cleaner (i.e., easier to use and less prone to errors) object-oriented models than C++. It also offers networking and security as part ofmore » the language standard, and cross-platform executables that make it architecture neutral, to name a few. These features have made Java very popular for industrial computing applications. The aim of this paper is to explain the trade-offs in using Java for large-scale scientific applications at LLNL. Despite its advantages, the computational science community has been reluctant to write large-scale computationally intensive applications in Java due to concerns over its poor performance. However, considerable progress has been made over the last several years. The Java Grande Forum [1] has been promoting the use of Java for large-scale computing. Members have introduced efficient array libraries, developed fast just-in-time (JIT) compilers, and built links to existing packages used in high performance parallel computing.« less
Personal medical information system using laser card
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cho, Seong H.; Kim, Keun Ho; Choi, Hyung-Sik; Park, Hyun Wook
The well-known hospital information system (HIS) and the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) are typical applications of multimedia to medical area. This paper proposes a personal medical information save-and-carry system using a laser card. This laser card is very useful, especially in emergency situations, because the medical information in the laser card can be read at anytime and anywhere if there exists a laser card reader/writer. The contents of the laser card include the clinical histories of a patient such as clinical chart, exam result, diagnostic reports, images, and so on. The purpose of this system is not a primary diagnosis, but emergency reference of clinical history of the patient. This personal medical information system consists of a personal computer integrated with laser card reader/writer, color frame grabber, color CCD camera and a high resolution image scanner optionally. Window-based graphical user interface was designed for easy use. The laser card has relatively sufficient capacity to store the personal medical information, and has fast access speed to restore and load the data with a portable size as compact as a credit card. Database items of laser card provide the doctors with medical data such as laser card information, patient information, clinical information, and diagnostic result information.
Zhou, P; Chou, J; Olea, R S; Yuan, J; Wagner, G
Direct recruitment and activation of caspase-9 by Apaf-1 through the homophilic CARD/CARD (Caspase Recruitment Domain) interaction is critical for the activation of caspases downstream of mitochondrial damage in apoptosis. Here we report the solution structure of the Apaf-1 CARD domain and its surface of interaction with caspase-9 CARD. Apaf-1 CARD consists of six tightly packed amphipathic alpha-helices and is topologically similar to the RAIDD CARD, with the exception of a kink observed in the middle of the N-terminal helix. By using chemical shift perturbation data, the homophilic interaction was mapped to the acidic surface of Apaf-1 CARD centered around helices 2 and 3. Interestingly, a significant portion of the chemically perturbed residues are hydrophobic, indicating that in addition to the electrostatic interactions predicted previously, hydrophobic interaction is also an important driving force underlying the CARD/CARD interaction. On the basis of the identified functional residues of Apaf-1 CARD and the surface charge complementarity, we propose a model of CARD/CARD interaction between Apaf-1 and caspase-9.
Engineering software development with HyperCard
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Darko, Robert J.
The successful and unsuccessful techniques used in the development of software using HyperCard are described. The viability of the HyperCard for engineering is evaluated and the future use of HyperCard by this particular group of developers is discussed.
Development of a Web-Based Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Environment Using JavaScript
scripting that let users change or interact with web content depending on user input, which is in contrast with server-side scripts such as PHP, Java and...transfer, DIS usually broadcasts or multicasts its PDUs based on UDP socket. 3. JavaScript JavaScript is the scripting language of the web, and all...IDE) for developing desktop, mobile and web applications with JAVA , C++, HTML5, JavaScript and more. b. Framework The DIS implementation of
An efficient framework for Java data processing systems in HPC environments
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fries, Aidan; Castañeda, Javier; Isasi, Yago; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Portell de Mora, Jordi; Sirvent, Raül
Java is a commonly used programming language, although its use in High Performance Computing (HPC) remains relatively low. One of the reasons is a lack of libraries offering specific HPC functions to Java applications. In this paper we present a Java-based framework, called DpcbTools, designed to provide a set of functions that fill this gap. It includes a set of efficient data communication functions based on message-passing, thus providing, when a low latency network such as Myrinet is available, higher throughputs and lower latencies than standard solutions used by Java. DpcbTools also includes routines for the launching, monitoring and management of Java applications on several computing nodes by making use of JMX to communicate with remote Java VMs. The Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) is a real case where scientific data from the ESA Gaia astrometric satellite will be entirely processed using Java. In this paper we describe the main elements of DPAC and its usage of the DpcbTools framework. We also assess the usefulness and performance of DpcbTools through its performance evaluation and the analysis of its impact on some DPAC systems deployed in the MareNostrum supercomputer (Barcelona Supercomputing Center).
JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript.
Bienfait, Bruno; Ertl, Peter
A molecule editor, i.e. a program facilitating graphical input and interactive editing of molecules, is an indispensable part of every cheminformatics or molecular processing system. Today, when a web browser has become the universal scientific user interface, a tool to edit molecules directly within the web browser is essential. One of the most popular tools for molecular structure input on the web is the JME applet. Since its release nearly 15 years ago, however the web environment has changed and Java applets are facing increasing implementation hurdles due to their maintenance and support requirements, as well as security issues. This prompted us to update the JME editor and port it to a modern Internet programming language - JavaScript. The actual molecule editing Java code of the JME editor was translated into JavaScript with help of the Google Web Toolkit compiler and a custom library that emulates a subset of the GUI features of the Java runtime environment. In this process, the editor was enhanced by additional functionalities including a substituent menu, copy/paste, drag and drop and undo/redo capabilities and an integrated help. In addition to desktop computers, the editor supports molecule editing on touch devices, including iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets. In analogy to JME the new editor is named JSME. This new molecule editor is compact, easy to use and easy to incorporate into web pages. A free molecule editor written in JavaScript was developed and is released under the terms of permissive BSD license. The editor is compatible with JME, has practically the same user interface as well as the web application programming interface. The JSME editor is available for download from the project web page http://peter-ertl.com/jsme/
Dynamic Learning Objects to Teach Java Programming Language
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Narasimhamurthy, Uma; Al Shawkani, Khuloud
This article describes a model for teaching Java Programming Language through Dynamic Learning Objects. The design of the learning objects was based on effective learning design principles to help students learn the complex topic of Java Programming. Visualization was also used to facilitate the learning of the concepts. (Contains 1 figure and 2…
Java: A New Brew for Educators, Administrators and Students.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gordon, Barbara
Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems; its benefits include platform independence, security, and interactivity. Within the college community, Java is being used in programming courses, collaborative technology research projects, computer graphics instruction, and distance education. (AEF)
FastScript3D - A Companion to Java 3D
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Koenig, Patti
FastScript3D is a computer program, written in the Java 3D(TM) programming language, that establishes an alternative language that helps users who lack expertise in Java 3D to use Java 3D for constructing three-dimensional (3D)-appearing graphics. The FastScript3D language provides a set of simple, intuitive, one-line text-string commands for creating, controlling, and animating 3D models. The first word in a string is the name of a command; the rest of the string contains the data arguments for the command. The commands can also be used as an aid to learning Java 3D. Developers can extend the language by adding custom text-string commands. The commands can define new 3D objects or load representations of 3D objects from files in formats compatible with such other software systems as X3D. The text strings can be easily integrated into other languages. FastScript3D facilitates communication between scripting languages [which enable programming of hyper-text markup language (HTML) documents to interact with users] and Java 3D. The FastScript3D language can be extended and customized on both the scripting side and the Java 3D side.
Enhancing Web applications in radiology with Java: estimating MR imaging relaxation times.
Dagher, A P; Fitzpatrick, M; Flanders, A E; Eng, J
Java is a relatively new programming language that has been used to develop a World Wide Web-based tool for estimating magnetic resonance (MR) imaging relaxation times, thereby demonstrating how Java may be used for Web-based radiology applications beyond improving the user interface of teaching files. A standard processing algorithm coded with Java is downloaded along with the hypertext markup language (HTML) document. The user (client) selects the desired pulse sequence and inputs data obtained from a region of interest on the MR images. The algorithm is used to modify selected MR imaging parameters in an equation that models the phenomenon being evaluated. MR imaging relaxation times are estimated, and confidence intervals and a P value expressing the accuracy of the final results are calculated. Design features such as simplicity, object-oriented programming, and security restrictions allow Java to expand the capabilities of HTML by offering a more versatile user interface that includes dynamic annotations and graphics. Java also allows the client to perform more sophisticated information processing and computation than is usually associated with Web applications. Java is likely to become a standard programming option, and the development of stand-alone Java applications may become more common as Java is integrated into future versions of computer operating systems.
Conversion of the agent-oriented domain-specific language ALAS into JavaScript
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sredojević, Dejan; Vidaković, Milan; Okanović, Dušan; Mitrović, Dejan; Ivanović, Mirjana
This paper shows generation of JavaScript code from code written in agent-oriented domain-specific language ALAS. ALAS is an agent-oriented domain-specific language for writing software agents that are executed within XJAF middleware. Since the agents can be executed on various platforms, they must be converted into a language of the target platform. We also try to utilize existing tools and technologies to make the whole conversion process as simple as possible, as well as faster and more efficient. We use the Xtext framework that is compatible with Java to implement ALAS infrastructure - editor and code generator. Since Xtext supports Java, generation of Java code from ALAS code is straightforward. To generate a JavaScript code that will be executed within the target JavaScript XJAF implementation, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used.
Stream processing health card application.
Polat, Seda; Gündem, Taflan Imre
In this paper, we propose a data stream management system embedded to a smart card for handling and storing user specific summaries of streaming data coming from medical sensor measurements and/or other medical measurements. The data stream management system that we propose for a health card can handle the stream data rates of commonly known medical devices and sensors. It incorporates a type of context awareness feature that acts according to user specific information. The proposed system is cheap and provides security for private data by enhancing the capabilities of smart health cards. The stream data management system is tested on a real smart card using both synthetic and real data.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Benowitz, E.; Niessner, A.
This work involves developing representative mission-critical spacecraft software using the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). This work currently leverages actual flight software used in the design of actual flight software in the NASA's Deep Space 1 (DSI), which flew in 1998.
Coding the Eggen Cards (Poster abstract)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Silvis, G.
(Abstract only) A look at the Eggen Portal for accessing the Eggen cards. And a call for volunteers to help code the cards: 100,000 cards must be looked at and their star references identified and coded into the database for this to be a valuable resource.
JavaGenes: Evolving Graphs with Crossover
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Globus, Al; Atsatt, Sean; Lawton, John; Wipke, Todd
Genetic algorithms usually use string or tree representations. We have developed a novel crossover operator for a directed and undirected graph representation, and used this operator to evolve molecules and circuits. Unlike strings or trees, a single point in the representation cannot divide every possible graph into two parts, because graphs may contain cycles. Thus, the crossover operator is non-trivial. A steady-state, tournament selection genetic algorithm code (JavaGenes) was written to implement and test the graph crossover operator. All runs were executed by cycle-scavagging on networked workstations using the Condor batch processing system. The JavaGenes code has evolved pharmaceutical drug molecules and simple digital circuits. Results to date suggest that JavaGenes can evolve moderate sized drug molecules and very small circuits in reasonable time. The algorithm has greater difficulty with somewhat larger circuits, suggesting that directed graphs (circuits) are more difficult to evolve than undirected graphs (molecules), although necessary differences in the crossover operator may also explain the results. In principle, JavaGenes should be able to evolve other graph-representable systems, such as transportation networks, metabolic pathways, and computer networks. However, large graphs evolve significantly slower than smaller graphs, presumably because the space-of-all-graphs explodes combinatorially with graph size. Since the representation strongly affects genetic algorithm performance, adding graphs to the evolutionary programmer's bag-of-tricks should be beneficial. Also, since graph evolution operates directly on the phenotype, the genotype-phenotype translation step, common in genetic algorithm work, is eliminated.
On Developing HyperCard Stacks for the Study of Chinese Characters: KanjiCard.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nakajima, Kazuko
Describes "KanjiCard," an interactive self-tutorial program for beginning students of Japanese to learn Kanji, Chinese characters used in the Japanese language. The Macintosh-developed approach uses "HyperCard" technology, computer-assisted animation, and voice digitizing to achieve enhanced graphic presentation. (Author/CB)
Health Card: a new reform plan.
Seidman, L S
Health Card is a new reform plan. Every household, regardless of employment of health status, would receive a government-issued health credit card to use at the doctor's office or hospital like MasterCard. Later, it would be billed a percentage of the provider's charge--a percentage scaled to its last income tax return; its annual burden would never exceed a designated percentage of its income. Health Card would simply and directly achieve universal coverage and equitable patient cost-sharing. Like MasterCard, government would pay bills, not regulate providers. Each household would choose its medical provider (fee-for-service or HMO), bearing a percentage of the charge. Provider competition for cost-sharing consumers would help contain health care costs.
The concept of geothermal exploration in west Java based on geophysical data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gaffar, Eddy Z.
Indonesia has the largest geothermal prospects in the world and most of them are concentrated in Java and Sumatera. The ones on Sumatra island are generally controlled by Sumatra Fault, either the main fault or the second and the third order fault. Geothermal in Java is still influenced by the subduction of oceanic plates from the south of Java island that forms the southern mountains extending from West Java to East Java. From a geophysical point of view, there is still no clue or concept that accelerates the process of geothermal exploration. The concept is that geothermal is located around the volcano (referred to the volcano as a host) and around the fault (fault as a host). There is another method from remote sensing analysis that often shows circular feature. In a study conducted by LIPI, we proposed a new concept for geothermal exploration which is from gravity analysis using Bouguer anomaly data from Java Island, which also show circular feature. The feature is supposed to be an "ancient crater" or a hidden caldera. Therefore, with this hypothesis, LIPI Geophysics team will try to prove whether this symptom can help accelerate the process of geothermal exploration on the island of West Java. Geophysical methods might simplify the exploration of geothermal prospect in West Java. Around the small circular feature, there are some large geothermal prospect areas such as Guntur, Kamojang, Drajat, Papandayan, Karaha Bodas, Patuha. The concept proposed by our team will try be applied to explore geothermal in Java Island for future work.
A Telemetry Browser Built with Java Components
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Poupart, E.
In the context of CNES balloon scientific campaigns and telemetry survey field, a generic telemetry processing product, called TelemetryBrowser in the following, was developed reusing COTS, Java Components for most of them. Connection between those components relies on a software architecture based on parameter producers and parameter consumers. The first one transmit parameter values to the second one which has registered to it. All of those producers and consumers can be spread over the network thanks to Corba, and over every kind of workstation thanks to Java. This gives a very powerful mean to adapt to constraints like network bandwidth, or workstations processing or memory. It's also very useful to display and correlate at the same time information coming from multiple and various sources. An important point of this architecture is that the coupling between parameter producers and parameter consumers is reduced to the minimum and that transmission of information on the network is made asynchronously. So, if a parameter consumer goes down or runs slowly, there is no consequence on the other consumers, because producers don't wait for their consumers to finish their data processing before sending it to other consumers. An other interesting point is that parameter producers, also called TelemetryServers in the following are generated nearly automatically starting from a telemetry description using Flavori component. Keywords Java components, Corba, distributed application, OpenORBii, software reuse, COTS, Internet, Flavor. i Flavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation) is an object-oriented media representation language being developed at Columbia University. It is designed as an extension of Java and C++ and simplifies the development of applications that involve a significant media processing component (encoding, decoding, editing, manipulation, etc.) by providing bitstream representation semantics. (flavor.sourceforge.net) ii Open
Liu, Kaijun; Fang, Binji; Wu, Yi; Li, Ying; Jin, Jun; Tan, Liwen; Zhang, Shaoxiang
Anatomical knowledge of the larynx region is critical for understanding laryngeal disease and performing required interventions. Virtual reality is a useful method for surgical education and simulation. Here, we assembled segmented cross-section slices of the larynx region from the Chinese Visible Human dataset. The laryngeal structures were precisely segmented manually as 2D images, then reconstructed and displayed as 3D images in the virtual reality Dextrobeam system. Using visualization and interaction with the virtual reality modeling language model, a digital laryngeal anatomy instruction was constructed using HTML and JavaScript languages. The volume larynx models can thus display an arbitrary section of the model and provide a virtual dissection function. This networked teaching system of the digital laryngeal anatomy can be read remotely, displayed locally, and manipulated interactively.
Scientific Programming Using Java: A Remote Sensing Example
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Prados, Don; Mohamed, Mohamed A.; Johnson, Michael; Cao, Changyong; Gasser, Jerry
This paper presents results of a project to port remote sensing code from the C programming language to Java. The advantages and disadvantages of using Java versus C as a scientific programming language in remote sensing applications are discussed. Remote sensing applications deal with voluminous data that require effective memory management, such as buffering operations, when processed. Some of these applications also implement complex computational algorithms, such as Fast Fourier Transformation analysis, that are very performance intensive. Factors considered include performance, precision, complexity, rapidity of development, ease of code reuse, ease of maintenance, memory management, and platform independence. Performance of radiometric calibration code written in Java for the graphical user interface and of using C for the domain model are also presented.
HyperCard--A Science Teaching Tool.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parker, Carol
Discussion of new technological resources available for science instruction focuses on the use of the HyperCard software for the Macintosh to design customized materials. Topics addressed include general features of HyperCard, designing HyperCard stacks, graphics, and designing buttons (i.e., links for moving through the stacks). Several sample…
Vital-Durand, F
Acuity cards are being more commonly used in clinical and screening practice. The author describes his experience from over 6000 infants tested with the method, using two commercially available sets of cards to provide users with comprehensive guidelines to allow them to get the most out of this useful test.
Experience in the application of Java Technologies in telemedicine
Fedyukin, IV; Reviakin, YG; Orlov, OI; Doarn, CR; Harnett, BM; Merrell, RC
Java language has been demonstrated to be an effective tool in supporting medical image viewing in Russia. This evaluation was completed by obtaining a maximum of 20 images, depending on the client's computer workstation from one patient using a commercially available computer tomography (CT) scanner. The images were compared against standard CT images that were viewed at the site of capture. There was no appreciable difference. The client side is a lightweight component that provides an intuitive interface for end users. Each image is loaded in its own thread and the user can begin work after the first image has been loaded. This feature is especially useful on slow connection speed, 9.6 Kbps for example. The server side, which is implemented by the Java Servlet Engine works more effective than common gateway interface (CGI) programs do. Advantages of the Java Technology place this program on the next level of application development. This paper presents a unique application of Java in telemedicine. PMID:12459045
Experience in the application of Java Technologies in telemedicine.
Fedyukin, IV; Reviakin, YG; Orlov, OI; Doarn, CR; Harnett, BM; Merrell, RC
Java language has been demonstrated to be an effective tool in supporting medical image viewing in Russia. This evaluation was completed by obtaining a maximum of 20 images, depending on the client's computer workstation from one patient using a commercially available computer tomography (CT) scanner. The images were compared against standard CT images that were viewed at the site of capture. There was no appreciable difference. The client side is a lightweight component that provides an intuitive interface for end users. Each image is loaded in its own thread and the user can begin work after the first image has been loaded. This feature is especially useful on slow connection speed, 9.6 Kbps for example. The server side, which is implemented by the Java Servlet Engine works more effective than common gateway interface (CGI) programs do. Advantages of the Java Technology place this program on the next level of application development. This paper presents a unique application of Java in telemedicine.
Petroleum systems of the Northwest Java Province, Java and offshore southeast Sumatra, Indonesia
Bishop, Michele G.
Mature, synrift lacustrine shales of Eocene to Oligocene age and mature, late-rift coals and coaly shales of Oligocene to Miocene age are source rocks for oil and gas in two important petroleum systems of the onshore and offshore areas of the Northwest Java Basin. Biogenic gas and carbonate-sourced gas have also been identified. These hydrocarbons are trapped primarily in anticlines and fault blocks involving sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. These source rocks and reservoir rocks were deposited in a complex of Tertiary rift basins formed from single or multiple half-grabens on the south edge of the Sunda Shelf plate. The overall transgressive succession was punctuated by clastic input from the exposed Sunda Shelf and marine transgressions from the south. The Northwest Java province may contain more than 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent in addition to the 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent already identified.
Real-time optimizations for integrated smart network camera
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Desurmont, Xavier; Lienard, Bruno; Meessen, Jerome; Delaigle, Jean-Francois
We present an integrated real-time smart network camera. This system is composed of an image sensor, an embedded PC based electronic card for image processing and some network capabilities. The application detects events of interest in visual scenes, highlights alarms and computes statistics. The system also produces meta-data information that could be shared between other cameras in a network. We describe the requirements of such a system and then show how the design of the system is optimized to process and compress video in real-time. Indeed, typical video-surveillance algorithms as background differencing, tracking and event detection should be highly optimized and simplified to be used in this hardware. To have a good adequation between hardware and software in this light embedded system, the software management is written on top of the java based middle-ware specification established by the OSGi alliance. We can integrate easily software and hardware in complex environments thanks to the Java Real-Time specification for the virtual machine and some network and service oriented java specifications (like RMI and Jini). Finally, we will report some outcomes and typical case studies of such a camera like counter-flow detection.
Infrastructure for Rapid Development of Java GUI Programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jones, Jeremy; Hostetter, Carl F.; Wheeler, Philip
The Java Application Shell (JAS) is a software framework that accelerates the development of Java graphical-user-interface (GUI) application programs by enabling the reuse of common, proven GUI elements, as distinguished from writing custom code for GUI elements. JAS is a software infrastructure upon which Java interactive application programs and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for those programs can be built as sets of plug-ins. JAS provides an application- programming interface that is extensible by application-specific plugins that describe and encapsulate both specifications of a GUI and application-specific functionality tied to the specified GUI elements. The desired GUI elements are specified in Extensible Markup Language (XML) descriptions instead of in compiled code. JAS reads and interprets these descriptions, then creates and configures a corresponding GUI from a standard set of generic, reusable GUI elements. These elements are then attached (again, according to the XML descriptions) to application-specific compiled code and scripts. An application program constructed by use of JAS as its core can be extended by writing new plug-ins and replacing existing plug-ins. Thus, JAS solves many problems that Java programmers generally solve anew for each project, thereby reducing development and testing time.
Using XML and Java for Astronomical Instrument Control
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koons, L.; Ames, T.; Evans, R.; Warsaw, C.; Sall, K.
Traditionally, instrument command and control systems have been highly specialized, consisting mostly of custom code that is difficult to develop, maintain, and extend. Such solutions are initially very costly and are inflexible to subsequent engineering change requests. Instrument description is too tightly coupled with details of implementation. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and AppNet, Inc. are developing a very general and highly extensible framework that applies to virtually any kind of instrument that can be controlled by a computer (e.g., telescopes, microscopes and printers). A key aspect of the object-oriented architecture, implemented in Java, involves software that is driven by an instrument description. The Astronomical Instrument Markup Language (AIML) is a domain-specific implementation of the more generalized Instrument Markup Language (IML). The software architecture combines the platform-independent processing capabilities of Java with the vendor-independent data description syntax of Extensible Markup Language (XML), a human-readable and machine-understandable way to describe structured data. IML is used to describe command sets (including parameters, datatypes, and constraints) and their associated formats, telemetry, and communication mechanisms. The software uses this description to present graphical user interfaces to control and monitor the instrument. Recent efforts have extended to command procedures (scripting) and representation of data pipeline inputs, outputs, and connections. Near future efforts are likely to include an XML description of data visualizations, as well as the potential use of XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) to permit astronomers to customize the user interface on several levels: per user, instrument, subsystem, or observatory-wide. Our initial prototyping effort was targeted for HAWC (High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera), a first-light instrument of SOFIA (the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
A Java-Enabled Interactive Graphical Gas Turbine Propulsion System Simulator
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Reed, John A.; Afjeh, Abdollah A.
This paper describes a gas turbine simulation system which utilizes the newly developed Java language environment software system. The system provides an interactive graphical environment which allows the quick and efficient construction and analysis of arbitrary gas turbine propulsion systems. The simulation system couples a graphical user interface, developed using the Java Abstract Window Toolkit, and a transient, space- averaged, aero-thermodynamic gas turbine analysis method, both entirely coded in the Java language. The combined package provides analytical, graphical and data management tools which allow the user to construct and control engine simulations by manipulating graphical objects on the computer display screen. Distributed simulations, including parallel processing and distributed database access across the Internet and World-Wide Web (WWW), are made possible through services provided by the Java environment.
HyperCard for Educators. An Introduction.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bull, Glen L.; Harris, Judi
This guide is designed to provide a quick introduction to the basic elements of HyperCard for teachers who are familiar with other computer applications but may not have worked with hypermedia applications; previous familiarity with HyperCard or with Macintosh computers is not necessary. It is noted that HyperCard is a software construction…
Sequence alignment visualization in HTML5 without Java.
Gille, Christoph; Birgit, Weyand; Gille, Andreas
Java has been extensively used for the visualization of biological data in the web. However, the Java runtime environment is an additional layer of software with an own set of technical problems and security risks. HTML in its new version 5 provides features that for some tasks may render Java unnecessary. Alignment-To-HTML is the first HTML-based interactive visualization for annotated multiple sequence alignments. The server side script interpreter can perform all tasks like (i) sequence retrieval, (ii) alignment computation, (iii) rendering, (iv) identification of a homologous structural models and (v) communication with BioDAS-servers. The rendered alignment can be included in web pages and is displayed in all browsers on all platforms including touch screen tablets. The functionality of the user interface is similar to legacy Java applets and includes color schemes, highlighting of conserved and variable alignment positions, row reordering by drag and drop, interlinked 3D visualization and sequence groups. Novel features are (i) support for multiple overlapping residue annotations, such as chemical modifications, single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations, (ii) mechanisms to quickly hide residue annotations, (iii) export to MS-Word and (iv) sequence icons. Alignment-To-HTML, the first interactive alignment visualization that runs in web browsers without additional software, confirms that to some extend HTML5 is already sufficient to display complex biological data. The low speed at which programs are executed in browsers is still the main obstacle. Nevertheless, we envision an increased use of HTML and JavaScript for interactive biological software. Under GPL at: http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/toHTML/.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jacobson, Rebecca; Saultz, Andrew; Snyder, Jeffrey W.
Recognizing the need for information in public education, Congress mandated in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that all states create and disseminate annual school performance report cards. A decade after NCLB passed, school report cards are widely available for nearly every school in the country. As the amount of school performance data…
British and American attitudes toward credit cards.
Yang, Bijou; James, Simon; Lester, David
American university students owned more than twice as many credit cards as British university students. However, scores on a credit card attitude scale predicted the number of cards owned by respondents in both countries.
Design of virtual display and testing system for moving mass electromechanical actuator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Zhigang; Geng, Keda; Zhou, Jun; Li, Peng
Aiming at the problem of control, measurement and movement virtual display of moving mass electromechanical actuator(MMEA), the virtual testing system of MMEA was developed based on the PC-DAQ architecture and the software platform of LabVIEW, and the comprehensive test task such as drive control of MMEA, tests of kinematic parameter, measurement of centroid position and virtual display of movement could be accomplished. The system could solve the alignment for acquisition time between multiple measurement channels in different DAQ cards, then on this basis, the researches were focused on the dynamic 3D virtual display by the LabVIEW, and the virtual display of MMEA were realized by the method of calling DLL and the method of 3D graph drawing controls. Considering the collaboration with the virtual testing system, including the hardware drive, the measurement software of data acquisition, and the 3D graph drawing controls method was selected, which could obtained the synchronization measurement, control and display. The system can measure dynamic centroid position and kinematic position of movable mass block while controlling the MMEA, and the interface of 3D virtual display has realistic effect and motion smooth, which can solve the problem of display and playback about MMEA in the closed shell.
WaveJava: Wavelet-based network computing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, Kun; Jiao, Licheng; Shi, Zhuoer
Wavelet is a powerful theory, but its successful application still needs suitable programming tools. Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral, portable, high-performance, multi- threaded, dynamic language. This paper addresses the design and development of a cross-platform software environment for experimenting and applying wavelet theory. WaveJava, a wavelet class library designed by the object-orient programming, is developed to take advantage of the wavelets features, such as multi-resolution analysis and parallel processing in the networking computing. A new application architecture is designed for the net-wide distributed client-server environment. The data are transmitted with multi-resolution packets. At the distributed sites around the net, these data packets are done the matching or recognition processing in parallel. The results are fed back to determine the next operation. So, the more robust results can be arrived quickly. The WaveJava is easy to use and expand for special application. This paper gives a solution for the distributed fingerprint information processing system. It also fits for some other net-base multimedia information processing, such as network library, remote teaching and filmless picture archiving and communications.
First geodetic measurement of convergence across the Java Trench
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tregoning, P.; Brunner, F. K.; Bock, Y.; Puntodewo, S. S. O.; Mccraffrey, R.; Genrich, J. F.; Calais, E.; Rais, J.; Subarya, C.
Convergence across the Java Trench has been estimated for the first time, from annual Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements commencing in 1989. The directions of motion of Christmas and Cocos Island are within 1 deg of that predicted by the No-Net Rotation (NNR) NUVEL-1 plate motion model for the Australian plate although their rates are 25% and 37% less than predcited, respectively. The motion of West Java differs significantly from the NNR NUVEL-1 prediction for the Eurasian plate with a 1 deg difference in direction and a 40% increase in rate. We infer that either West Java moves with a distinct Southeast Asian plate or this region experiences plate margin deformation. The convergence of Christmas Island with respect to West Java is 67 +/- mm/yr in a direction N11 deg E +/- 4 deg which is orthogonal to the trench. The magnitude of convergence agrees well with rescaled NUVEL-1 relative plate model which predicts a value of 71 mm/yr between Australia and Eurasia. The direction of motion matches the direction inferred from earthquake slip vectors at the trench but may be more northerly than the N20 deg E +/- 3 deg predicted by NUVEL-1. On June 2, 1994, almost a year after the last GPS survey, an M(sub W) = 7.5 earthquake with slip vector direction N5 deg occurred south of central Java.
Urbanization in Central Java and Yogyakarta.
The author examines urbanization in the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Changes in the number and definition of rural and urban areas and in the proportion of the population living in these areas between 1930 and 1971 are analyzed. Causes of urbanization are then discussed, with attention to income levels, push and pull factors, and trade and communication. The study reveals that the rate of urbanization is comparatively low because economic conditions in the cities and towns of Central Java and Yogyakarta are less favorable than in the urban areas of other provinces, with the result that migrants tend to choose destinations in these other provinces.
Research on vehicles and cargos matching model based on virtual logistics platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhuang, Yufeng; Lu, Jiang; Su, Zhiyuan
Highway less than truckload (LTL) transportation vehicles and cargos matching problem is a joint optimization problem of typical vehicle routing and loading, which is also a hot issue of operational research. This article based on the demand of virtual logistics platform, for the problem of the highway LTL transportation, the matching model of the idle vehicle and the transportation order is set up and the corresponding genetic algorithm is designed. Then the algorithm is implemented by Java. The simulation results show that the solution is satisfactory.
Developmental Process Model for the Java Intelligent Tutoring System
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sykes, Edward
The Java Intelligent Tutoring System (JITS) was designed and developed to support the growing trend of Java programming around the world. JITS is an advanced web-based personalized tutoring system that is unique in several ways. Most programming Intelligent Tutoring Systems require the teacher to author problems with corresponding solutions. JITS,…
48 CFR 2913.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... purchase card. 2913.301 Section 2913.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR... commercial purchase card. (a) The Government purchase card has far fewer requirements for documentation than other methods of purchasing. However, the same legal restrictions apply to credit card purchases that...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nicklin, Julie L.
Increasingly, colleges are offering affinity credit cards with attractive incentives as a marketing tool. Some in academe feel the trend may compromise educational objectives. Institutions may also face taxation on unrelated-business income generated through the cards. (MSE)
JavaScript: Convenient Interactivity for the Class Web Page.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gray, Patricia
This paper shows how JavaScript can be used within HTML pages to add interactive review sessions and quizzes incorporating graphics and sound files. JavaScript has the advantage of providing basic interactive functions without the use of separate software applications and players. Because it can be part of a standard HTML page, it is…
A Security-façade Library for Virtual-observatory Software
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rixon, G.
The security-façade library implements, for Java, IVOA's security standards. It supports the authentication mechanisms for SOAP and REST web-services, the sign-on mechanisms (with MyProxy, AstroGrid Accounts protocol or local credential-caches), the delegation protocol, and RFC3820-enabled HTTPS for Apache Tomcat. Using the façade, a developer who is not a security specialist can easily add access control to a virtual-observatory service and call secured services from an application. The library has been an internal part of AstroGrid software for some time and it is now offered for use by other developers.
75 FR 55392 - Employment Network Report Card
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [Docket No. SSA-2010-0046] Employment Network Report Card AGENCY... quality assurance, including a ticket consumer Employment Network Report Card. SUMMARY: We are soliciting... this goal by combining a user-friendly EN Report Card, which contains customer satisfaction feedback...
The 17 July 2006 Tsunami earthquake in West Java, Indonesia
Mori, J.; Mooney, W.D.; Afnimar,; Kurniawan, S.; Anaya, A.I.; Widiyantoro, S.
A tsunami earthquake (Mw = 7.7) occurred south of Java on 17 July 2006. The event produced relatively low levels of high-frequency radiation, and local felt reports indicated only weak shaking in Java. There was no ground motion damage from the earthquake, but there was extensive damage and loss of life from the tsunami along 250 km of the southern coasts of West Java and Central Java. An inspection of the area a few days after the earthquake showed extensive damage to wooden and unreinforced masonry buildings that were located within several hundred meters of the coast. Since there was no tsunami warning system in place, efforts to escape the large waves depended on how people reacted to the earthquake shaking, which was only weakly felt in the coastal areas. This experience emphasizes the need for adequate tsunami warning systems for the Indian Ocean region.
New Medicare-approved prescription drug discount card.
James, John S
Patients who are on Medicare and have income under 135% of Federal poverty level and are not on Medicaid probably should obtain one of the new Medicare discount cards that became available on June 1, 2004, because all these cards include $600 annual credit for prescription-drug purchases for persons within that income limit. Unfortunately this program is complex, no one yet knows how it will work in practice, and after choosing a card one is locked in and cannot change cards until November 15. The most difficult part of the choice of which card to get may involve how it interacts with other programs, including ADAP, and pharmaceutical company patient assistance programs.
Organocards--Chemical Card Game 2
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kristol, D.; Perlmutter, H. D.
Describes the use of the game cards designed to help students master a large number of seemingly diverse yet fundamental reactions of classical organic chemistry. Claims that cards have stimulated students to learn organic reactions more willingly and more independently. (Author/PR)
48 CFR 908.7117 - Tabulating machine cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Tabulating machine cards. 908.7117 Section 908.7117 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY COMPETITION... Tabulating machine cards. DOE offices shall acquire tabulating machine cards in accordance with FPMR 41 CFR...
48 CFR 908.7117 - Tabulating machine cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Tabulating machine cards. 908.7117 Section 908.7117 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY COMPETITION... Tabulating machine cards. DOE offices shall acquire tabulating machine cards in accordance with FPMR 41 CFR...
12 CFR 1026.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 8 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 1026.12 Section...-End Credit § 1026.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including business, commercial, or agricultural use, no...
12 CFR 1026.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 9 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 1026.12 Section...-End Credit § 1026.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including business, commercial, or agricultural use, no...
12 CFR 1026.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 8 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 1026.12 Section...-End Credit § 1026.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including business, commercial, or agricultural use, no...
12 CFR 226.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 226.12 Section... SYSTEM TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Open-End Credit § 226.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including...
12 CFR 226.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 226.12 Section... SYSTEM (CONTINUED) TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Open-End Credit § 226.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used...
12 CFR 226.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 226.12 Section... SYSTEM TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Open-End Credit § 226.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including...
12 CFR 226.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 226.12 Section... SYSTEM (CONTINUED) TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Open-End Credit § 226.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used...
12 CFR 226.12 - Special credit card provisions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Special credit card provisions. 226.12 Section... SYSTEM TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Open-End Credit § 226.12 Special credit card provisions. (a) Issuance of credit cards. Regardless of the purpose for which a credit card is to be used, including...
Jannovar: a java library for exome annotation.
Jäger, Marten; Wang, Kai; Bauer, Sebastian; Smedley, Damian; Krawitz, Peter; Robinson, Peter N
Transcript-based annotation and pedigree analysis are two basic steps in the computational analysis of whole-exome sequencing experiments in genetic diagnostics and disease-gene discovery projects. Here, we present Jannovar, a stand-alone Java application as well as a Java library designed to be used in larger software frameworks for exome and genome analysis. Jannovar uses an interval tree to identify all transcripts affected by a given variant, and provides Human Genome Variation Society-compliant annotations both for variants affecting coding sequences and splice junctions as well as untranslated regions and noncoding RNA transcripts. Jannovar can also perform family-based pedigree analysis with Variant Call Format (VCF) files with data from members of a family segregating a Mendelian disorder. Using a desktop computer, Jannovar requires a few seconds to annotate a typical VCF file with exome data. Jannovar is freely available under the BSD2 license. Source code as well as the Java application and library file can be downloaded from http://compbio.charite.de (with tutorial) and https://github.com/charite/jannovar. © 2014 WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.
Using Business Cards to Teach Document Design.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nelson, Ronald J.
Argues that business cards, as a key means of initiating business contacts, are worth studying in business writing courses. Shows instructors how to incorporate a unit on business card design into their business communications courses. Suggests the criteria by which business cards can be evaluated. (HB)
Re-Designing Business Card Advertisements.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schaub, Laura
Discusses ways to turn information from a business card into an advertisement to be placed in a student publication. Addresses visual interest, typography, and other design issues. Includes several sample advertisements and a classroom activity involving redesigning a business card into an advertisement. (RS)
Evaluating virtual hosted desktops for graphics-intensive astronomy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meade, B. F.; Fluke, C. J.
Visualisation of data is critical to understanding astronomical phenomena. Today, many instruments produce datasets that are too big to be downloaded to a local computer, yet many of the visualisation tools used by astronomers are deployed only on desktop computers. Cloud computing is increasingly used to provide a computation and simulation platform in astronomy, but it also offers great potential as a visualisation platform. Virtual hosted desktops, with graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration, allow interactive, graphics-intensive desktop applications to operate co-located with astronomy datasets stored in remote data centres. By combining benchmarking and user experience testing, with a cohort of 20 astronomers, we investigate the viability of replacing physical desktop computers with virtual hosted desktops. In our work, we compare two Apple MacBook computers (one old and one new, representing hardware and opposite ends of the useful lifetime) with two virtual hosted desktops: one commercial (Amazon Web Services) and one in a private research cloud (the Australian NeCTAR Research Cloud). For two-dimensional image-based tasks and graphics-intensive three-dimensional operations - typical of astronomy visualisation workflows - we found that benchmarks do not necessarily provide the best indication of performance. When compared to typical laptop computers, virtual hosted desktops can provide a better user experience, even with lower performing graphics cards. We also found that virtual hosted desktops are equally simple to use, provide greater flexibility in choice of configuration, and may actually be a more cost-effective option for typical usage profiles.
Determinants of debit cards acceptance: An empirical investigation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ismail, Shafinar; Bakri, Mohamed Hariri; Zulkepli, Jafri; Adnan, Azimah; Azizi, Amsyar
These days, most of the Malaysians realize that the consumption of debit card will help them to reduce the household debt. Thus, it is important to analyse the acceptance of debit cards for further enhancement and expanding its market share in Malaysia. In addition, there is lacked of research being conducted on the determinants affecting the acceptance of debit cards among Malaysians. Thus, the study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the acceptance of debit cards. This study focuses on payment methods, consumer attitude, and safety of debit card in acceptance of debit cards. Questionnaires were distributed to the 300 respondents. The sampling procedure adopted was stratified random sampling. The data obtained were analysed using SPSS 20.0 which involves scale reliability, descriptive and regression analysis. The result indicates that payment methods, consumer attitude and safety are the determinants of debit cards acceptance. Safety is the best predictor as most of the customers are confidents to use debit cards because of the security being developed around these debit card transactions. The analyses presented in this study can be used by policymakers and managers as a guide to promote banking products and services. The findings achieved in this study will be of interest for practitioners and academics concerned with developments of the Malaysian banking industry.
application ,1 while the simulated PLC software is the open source ModbusPal Java application . When queried using the Modbus TCP protocol, ModbusPal reports...and programmable logic controller ( PLC ) components. The HMI and PLC components were instantiated with software and installed in multiple virtual...creating and capturing HMI– PLC network traffic over a 24-h period in the virtualized network and inspect the packets for errors. Test the
PREL Pacific Region Language Cards.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pacific Region Educational Lab., Honolulu, HI.
This collection of 10 cue cards presents English translations of common English words and expressions into 10 Pacific Region languages: Palauan, Samoan, Chamorro, Hawaiian, Carolinian, Chuukese, Pohnpeian, Marshallese, Yapese, and Kosraean. The cards translate the following: hello, good morning, good afternoon, good night, thank you, you're…
Optical smart card using semipassive communication.
Glaser, I; Green, Shlomo; Dimkov, Ilan
An optical secure short-range communication system is presented. The mobile unit (optical smart card) of this system utilizes a retroreflector with an optical modulator, using light from the stationary unit; this mobile unit has very low power consumption and can be as small as a credit card. Such optical smart cards offer better security than RF-based solutions, yet do not require physical contact. Results from a feasibility study model are included.
Optical smart card using semipassive communication
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Glaser, I.; Green, Shlomo; Dimkov, Ilan
An optical secure short-range communication system is presented. The mobile unit (optical smart card) of this system utilizes a retroreflector with an optical modulator, using light from the stationary unit; this mobile unit has very low power consumption and can be as small as a credit card. Such optical smart cards offer better security than RF-based solutions, yet do not require physical contact. Results from a feasibility study model are included.
Health care report cards: what about consumers' perspectives?
McGee, J; Knutson, D
Though the report card style is seen by many as a way to create better-informed consumers, very little is actually known about how consumers will respond to health care report cards. Report cards are only one of many factors that influence health care decision making. Much consumer-oriented effort and fine-tuning will be required to make report cards effective. Using the approach called "social marketing" as a framework, specific examples are used to outline some ideas for more intensive pursuit of consumers' perspectives in the design and distribution of report cards.
Linking Management Actions to Interactive Ecosystem Report Cards via an Ontology
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alabri, A.; Newman, A.; Abal, E.; van Ingen, C.; Hunter, J.
database that contains the EHMP water quality and quantity monitoring data. The GUI enables users to specify and query: - Spatial regions of interest through a GoogleEarth or the Microsoft VirtualEarth interface. - Concepts or indicators of interest through the EHMPOntology. - Seasons or years of interest through a timeline. A Report Card Grade is generated for the specified catchment and period. Users can retrieve raw data by clicking on a grade this displays the corresponding EcoH plot, dynamically generated from the 5 indicators in the underlying SQL Server database. Clicking on an EcoH plot, displays the actual raw data (16 indices) used to generate the indicators and plots. CONCLUSIONS Numerous state, national and international agencies are advocating the need for standardized frameworks and procedures for environmental accounting. The Health-e-Waterways project provides an ideal model for delivering a standardized approach to the aggregation of ecosystem health monitoring data and the generation of dynamic, interactive Report Cards (that incorporate links back to the raw data sets). The system we have described here will not only save agencies significant time and money, but it can be used to guide regional, state and national environmental policy development, based on accurate and timely evidential data.
Paintbrush of Discovery: Using Java Applets to Enhance Mathematics Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Eason, Ray; Heath, Garrett
This article addresses the enhancement of the learning environment by using Java applets in the mathematics classroom. Currently, the first year mathematics program at the United States Military Academy involves one semester of modeling with discrete dynamical systems (DDS). Several faculty members from the Academy have integrated Java applets…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Henthorne, Eileen
Describes a project at the Princeton University libraries that converted the pre-1981 public card catalog, using digital imaging and optical character recognition technology, to fully tagged and indexed records of text in MARC format that are available on an online database and will be added to the online catalog. (LRW)
JSBML: a flexible Java library for working with SBML.
Dräger, Andreas; Rodriguez, Nicolas; Dumousseau, Marine; Dörr, Alexander; Wrzodek, Clemens; Le Novère, Nicolas; Zell, Andreas; Hucka, Michael
The specifications of the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) define standards for storing and exchanging computer models of biological processes in text files. In order to perform model simulations, graphical visualizations and other software manipulations, an in-memory representation of SBML is required. We developed JSBML for this purpose. In contrast to prior implementations of SBML APIs, JSBML has been designed from the ground up for the Java programming language, and can therefore be used on all platforms supported by a Java Runtime Environment. This offers important benefits for Java users, including the ability to distribute software as Java Web Start applications. JSBML supports all SBML Levels and Versions through Level 3 Version 1, and we have strived to maintain the highest possible degree of compatibility with the popular library libSBML. JSBML also supports modules that can facilitate the development of plugins for end user applications, as well as ease migration from a libSBML-based backend. Source code, binaries and documentation for JSBML can be freely obtained under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 from the website http://sbml.org/Software/JSBML.
Spectroscopic analysis in the virtual observatory environment with SPLAT-VO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Škoda, P.; Draper, P. W.; Neves, M. C.; Andrešič, D.; Jenness, T.
SPLAT-VO is a powerful graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analysing astronomical spectra, as well as searching and retrieving spectra from services around the world using Virtual Observatory (VO) protocols and services. The development of SPLAT-VO started in 1999, as part of the Starlink StarJava initiative, sometime before that of the VO, so initial support for the VO was necessarily added once VO standards and services became available. Further developments were supported by the Joint Astronomy Centre, Hawaii until 2009. Since end of 2011 development of SPLAT-VO has been continued by the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. From this time several new features have been added, including support for the latest VO protocols, along with new visualization and spectra storing capabilities. This paper presents the history of SPLAT-VO, its capabilities, recent additions and future plans, as well as a discussion on the motivations and lessons learned up to now.
The Fold Analysis Challenge: A virtual globe-based educational resource
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Paor, Declan G.; Dordevic, Mladen M.; Karabinos, Paul; Tewksbury, Barbara J.; Whitmeyer, Steven J.
We present an undergraduate structural geology laboratory exercise using the Google Earth virtual globe with COLLADA models, optionally including an interactive stereographic projection and JavaScript controls. The learning resource challenges students to identify bedding traces and estimate bedding orientation at several locations on a fold, to fit the fold axis and axial plane to stereographic projection data, and to fit a doubly-plunging fold model to the large-scale structure. The chosen fold is the Sheep Mountain Anticline, a Laramide uplift in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming. We take an education research-based approach, guiding students through three levels of difficulty. The exercise aims to counter common student misconceptions and stumbling blocks regarding penetrative structures. It can be used in preparation for an in-person field trip, for post-trip reinforcement, or as a virtual field experience in an online-only course. Our KML scripts can be easily transferred to other fold structures around the globe.
Cards in the Classroom: Mathematics and Methods.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baker, Robert N.
This report researches the use of a standard deck of playing cards in entry-level college mathematics classrooms. The study looks at published research on the use of cards, and reviews pedagogic concerns directly related to the implementation of playing cards in the classroom--including the appropriateness of manipulatives, the link to cooperative…
Java Mission Evaluation Workstation System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pettinger, Ross; Watlington, Tim; Ryley, Richard; Harbour, Jeff
The Java Mission Evaluation Workstation System (JMEWS) is a collection of applications designed to retrieve, display, and analyze both real-time and recorded telemetry data. This software is currently being used by both the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) and the International Space Station (ISS) program. JMEWS was written in the Java programming language to satisfy the requirement of platform independence. An object-oriented design was used to satisfy additional requirements and to make the software easily extendable. By virtue of its platform independence, JMEWS can be used on the UNIX workstations in the Mission Control Center (MCC) and on office computers. JMEWS includes an interactive editor that allows users to easily develop displays that meet their specific needs. The displays can be developed and modified while viewing data. By simply selecting a data source, the user can view real-time, recorded, or test data.
Determinants of debit cards acceptance: An empirical investigation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ismail, Shafinar; Adnan, Azimah; Azizi, Amsyar
These days, most of the Malaysians realize that the consumption of debit card will help them to reduce the household debt. Thus, it is important to analyse the acceptance of debit cards for further enhancement and expanding its market share in Malaysia. In addition, there is lacked of research being conducted on the determinants affecting the acceptance of debit cards among Malaysians. Thus, the study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the acceptance of debit cards. This study focuses on payment methods, consumer attitude, and safety of debit card in acceptance of debit cards. Questionnaires were distributed to the 300more » respondents. The sampling procedure adopted was stratified random sampling. The data obtained were analysed using SPSS 20.0 which involves scale reliability, descriptive and regression analysis. The result indicates that payment methods, consumer attitude and safety are the determinants of debit cards acceptance. Safety is the best predictor as most of the customers are confidents to use debit cards because of the security being developed around these debit card transactions. The analyses presented in this study can be used by policymakers and managers as a guide to promote banking products and services. The findings achieved in this study will be of interest for practitioners and academics concerned with developments of the Malaysian banking industry.« less
Implementing a High-Assurance Smart-Card OS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Karger, Paul A.; Toll, David C.; Palmer, Elaine R.; McIntosh, Suzanne K.; Weber, Samuel; Edwards, Jonathan W.
Building a high-assurance, secure operating system for memory constrained systems, such as smart cards, introduces many challenges. The increasing power of smart cards has made their use feasible in applications such as electronic passports, military and public sector identification cards, and cell-phone based financial and entertainment applications. Such applications require a secure environment, which can only be provided with sufficient hardware and a secure operating system. We argue that smart cards pose additional security challenges when compared to traditional computer platforms. We discuss our design for a secure smart card operating system, named Caernarvon, and show that it addresses these challenges, which include secure application download, protection of cryptographic functions from malicious applications, resolution of covert channels, and assurance of both security and data integrity in the face of arbitrary power losses.
Karnieli-Miller, Orit; Nissim, Geffen; Goldberg, Miriam
In this article, we present the use of illustrated metaphorical cards as a technique to enrich the qualitative narrative interview. We examine the advantages of incorporating a projective tool to assist in constructing and understanding personal narratives of people living with severe mental illness. We interviewed 25 participants-staff and members of a clubhouse in Israel (an international community model of rehabilitation in mental health)-and sought to understand their stories focused on personal and organizational values. The findings revealed that, in most cases, the cards contributed to data collection by enhancing the interviewees' ability for expression and by facilitating richer, more comprehensive stories and descriptions. This in turn enhanced the researcher's ability to understand the messages and stories presented. The research conclusions discuss the cards' potential contribution to improving data collection and analysis. The cards became an additional channel for expressing participants' experiences, emotions, and unique voice. © The Author(s) 2015.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Burke, Jim
Describes how the author learned by watching low-achieving students play intricate card games such as "Magic" that they can learn, can remember, and certainly can master information. Realizes that these cards were advanced learning tools, multifaceted texts using color, symbols, images, texts, and metaphor to help create a world of…
Applying a Metrics Report Card
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Klubeck, Martin; Langthorne, Michael
In this article, the authors suggest that providing a report card enables an IT department to check its progress and overall performance; communicate the department's effectiveness to university leadership, IT membership, and customers; and make any necessary adjustments. A report card will not show how efficiently the IT department functions, but…
In vitro reconstitution of interactions in the CARD9 signalosome
Park, Jin Hee; Choi, Jae Young; Mustafa, Mir Faisal; Park, Hyun Ho
The caspase-associated recruitment domain (CARD)-containing protein 9 (CARD9) signalosome is composed of CARD9, B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10 (BCL10) and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 (MALT1). The CARD9 signalosome has been reported to exert critical functions in the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-coupled receptor-mediated activation of myeloid cells, through nuclear factor-κB pathways during innate immunity processes. During CARD9 signalosome assembly, BCL10 has been revealed to function as an adaptor protein and to interact with CARD9 via CARD-CARD interactions; BCL10 also interacts with MALT1 via its C-terminal Ser/Thr-rich region and the first immunoglobulin domain of MALT1. The CARD9 signalosome is implicated in critical biological processes; however, its structural and biochemical characteristics have yet to be elucidated. In the present study, CARD9 and BCL10 CARDs were successfully purified and characterized, and their biochemical properties were investigated. In addition, CARD9-BCL10 complexes were reconstituted in vitro under low salt and pH conditions. Furthermore, based on structural modeling data, a scheme was proposed to describe the interactions between CARD9 and BCL10. This provides a further understanding of the mechanism of how the CARD9 signalosome may be assembled. PMID:28765954
Smart cards: a specific application in the hospital.
Güler, I; Zengin, R M; Sönmez, M
Computers have the ability to process and access tremendous amounts of information in our daily lives. But, now, individuals have this ability by carrying a smart card in their own wallets. These cards provide us the versatility, power, and security of computers. This study begins with a short description of smart cards and their advantages. Then, an electronic circuit that is designed for healthcare application in hospitals is introduced. This circuit functions as a smart card holder identifier, access controller for hospital doors and also can be used as a smart card reader/writer. Design steps of this electronic circuit, operation principles, serial communication with P.C., and the software are examined. Finally a complete access control network for hospital doors that functions with smart cards is discussed.
A Java application for tissue section image analysis.
Kamalov, R; Guillaud, M; Haskins, D; Harrison, A; Kemp, R; Chiu, D; Follen, M; MacAulay, C
The medical industry has taken advantage of Java and Java technologies over the past few years, in large part due to the language's platform-independence and object-oriented structure. As such, Java provides powerful and effective tools for developing tissue section analysis software. The background and execution of this development are discussed in this publication. Object-oriented structure allows for the creation of "Slide", "Unit", and "Cell" objects to simulate the corresponding real-world objects. Different functions may then be created to perform various tasks on these objects, thus facilitating the development of the software package as a whole. At the current time, substantial parts of the initially planned functionality have been implemented. Getafics 1.0 is fully operational and currently supports a variety of research projects; however, there are certain features of the software that currently introduce unnecessary complexity and inefficiency. In the future, we hope to include features that obviate these problems.
Sedimentary deposits study of the 2006 Java tsunami, in Pangandaran, West Java (preliminary result)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Maemunah, Imun, E-mail: imun-m2001@yahoo.com; Institute Technology of Bandung; Suparka, Emmy, E-mail: emmy@gc.itb.ac.id
The 2006 Java Earthquake (Mw 7.2) has generated a tsunami that reached Pangandaran coastal plain with 9.7 m above sea level height of wave. In 2014 we examined the tsunami deposit exposed in shallow trenches along a∼300 m at 5 transect from shoreline to inland on Karapyak and Madasari, Pangandaran. We documented stratigraphically and sedimentologically, the characteristics of Java Tsunami deposit on Karapyak and Madasari and compared both sediments. In local farmland a moderately-sorted, brown soil is buried by a poorly-sorted, grey, medium-grained sand-sheet. The tsunami deposit was distinguished from the underlying soil by a pronounced increase in grain size that becomesmore » finner upwards and landwards. Decreasing concentration of coarse size particles with distance toward inland are in agreement with grain size analysis. The thickest tsunami deposit is about 25 cm found at 84 m from shoreline in Madasari and about 15 cm found at 80 m from shoreline in Karapyak. The thickness of tsunami deposits in some transect become thinner landward but in some other transect lack a consistent suggested strongly affected by local topography. Tsunami deposits at Karapyak and Madasari show many similarities. Both deposits consist of coarse sand that sharply overlies a finer sandy soil. The presence mud drapes and other sedimentary structure like graded bedding, massive beds, mud clasts in many locations shows a dynamics process of tsunami waves. The imbrication coarse and shell fragments of the 2006 Java, tsunami deposits also provide information about the curent direction, allowing us to distinguish run up deposits from backwash deposits.« less
Correlates of credit card ownership in men and women.
Yang, Bijou; Lester, David
In a sample of 352 students, correlates of credit card ownership differed by sex. For both men and women, credit card ownership was predicted by their affective attitude toward credit cards. However, whereas for men concern with money as a tactic for gaining power predicted credit card ownership, for women feelings of insecurity about having sufficient money and having a conservative approach to money predicted credit card ownership.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Larour, Eric; Cheng, Daniel; Perez, Gilberto; Quinn, Justin; Morlighem, Mathieu; Duong, Bao; Nguyen, Lan; Petrie, Kit; Harounian, Silva; Halkides, Daria; Hayes, Wayne
Earth system models (ESMs) are becoming increasingly complex, requiring extensive knowledge and experience to deploy and use in an efficient manner. They run on high-performance architectures that are significantly different from the everyday environments that scientists use to pre- and post-process results (i.e., MATLAB, Python). This results in models that are hard to use for non-specialists and are increasingly specific in their application. It also makes them relatively inaccessible to the wider science community, not to mention to the general public. Here, we present a new software/model paradigm that attempts to bridge the gap between the science community and the complexity of ESMs by developing a new JavaScript application program interface (API) for the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM). The aforementioned API allows cryosphere scientists to run ISSM on the client side of a web page within the JavaScript environment. When combined with a web server running ISSM (using a Python API), it enables the serving of ISSM computations in an easy and straightforward way. The deep integration and similarities between all the APIs in ISSM (MATLAB, Python, and now JavaScript) significantly shortens and simplifies the turnaround of state-of-the-art science runs and their use by the larger community. We demonstrate our approach via a new Virtual Earth System Laboratory (VESL) website (http://vesl.jpl.nasa.gov, VESL(2017)).
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This project developed relevant information on existing and future, stored readable/writable data card technology for fare and toll payments. The project supports the FTA objective of developing a plan for a common standard card-based fare payment sy...
46 CFR 154.1814 - Cargo information cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cargo information cards. 154.1814 Section 154.1814... cards. (a) No person may operate a vessel unless a cargo information card for each cargo being... accessible to the person in charge of the watch. (b) When a vessel is moored at a terminal, the master shall...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zullo, Holly S.
Card tricks based on mathematical principles can be a great way to get students interested in exploring some important mathematical ideas. In this article, the author discusses a simple spreadsheet implementation that shows students why the card trick works and allows them to explore several variations. As an added bonus, students are introduced…
New approaches to virtual environment surgery
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ross, M. D.; Twombly, A.; Lee, A. W.; Cheng, R.; Senger, S.
This research focused on two main problems: 1) low cost, high fidelity stereoscopic imaging of complex tissues and organs; and 2) virtual cutting of tissue. A further objective was to develop these images and virtual tissue cutting methods for use in a telemedicine project that would connect remote sites using the Next Generation Internet. For goal one we used a CT scan of a human heart, a desktop PC with an OpenGL graphics accelerator card, and LCD stereoscopic glasses. Use of multiresolution meshes ranging from approximately 1,000,000 to 20,000 polygons speeded interactive rendering rates enormously while retaining general topography of the dataset. For goal two, we used a CT scan of an infant skull with premature closure of the right coronal suture, a Silicon Graphics Onyx workstation, a Fakespace Immersive WorkBench and CrystalEyes LCD glasses. The high fidelity mesh of the skull was reduced from one million to 50,000 polygons. The cut path was automatically calculated as the shortest distance along the mesh between a small number of hand selected vertices. The region outlined by the cut path was then separated from the skull and translated/rotated to assume a new position. The results indicate that widespread high fidelity imaging in virtual environment is possible using ordinary PC capabilities if appropriate mesh reduction methods are employed. The software cutting tool is applicable to heart and other organs for surgery planning, for training surgeons in a virtual environment, and for telemedicine purposes.
Absence of plague in certain mammals from Java and Kalimantan (Borneo).
Van Peenen, P F; Joseph, S W; Cavanaugh, D C; Williams, J E; Luyster, L F; Saroso, J S
Antibodies against plague were lacking in 237 wild mammal sera from Java and 103 from Kalimantan. Wild mammal spleens, 114 from Java and 18 from Kalimantan were negative for plague bacilli. A variety of mammalian species and areas was examined.
Symbolic PathFinder: Symbolic Execution of Java Bytecode
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pasareanu, Corina S.; Rungta, Neha
Symbolic Pathfinder (SPF) combines symbolic execution with model checking and constraint solving for automated test case generation and error detection in Java programs with unspecified inputs. In this tool, programs are executed on symbolic inputs representing multiple concrete inputs. Values of variables are represented as constraints generated from the analysis of Java bytecode. The constraints are solved using off-the shelf solvers to generate test inputs guaranteed to achieve complex coverage criteria. SPF has been used successfully at NASA, in academia, and in industry.
A Visual Editor in Java for View
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stansifer, Ryan
In this project we continued the development of a visual editor in the Java programming language to create screens on which to display real-time data. The data comes from the numerous systems monitoring the operation of the space shuttle while on the ground and in space, and from the many tests of subsystems. The data can be displayed on any computer platform running a Java-enabled World Wide Web (WWW) browser and connected to the Internet. Previously a special-purpose program bad been written to display data on emulations of character-based display screens used for many years at NASA. The goal now is to display bit-mapped screens created by a visual editor. We report here on the visual editor that creates the display screens. This project continues the work we bad done previously. Previously we had followed the design of the 'beanbox,' a prototype visual editor created by Sun Microsystems. We abandoned this approach and implemented a prototype using a more direct approach. In addition, our prototype is based on newly released Java 2 graphical user interface (GUI) libraries. The result has been a visually more appealing appearance and a more robust application.
48 CFR 413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... purchase card. 413.301 Section 413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE....301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. USDA policy and procedures on use of the Governmentwide commercial purchase card are established in Departmental Regulation Series 5000. ...
Iris: Constructing and Analyzing Spectral Energy Distributions with the Virtual Observatory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Laurino, O.; Budynkiewicz, J.; Busko, I.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; D'Abrusco, R.; Doe, S.; Evans, J.; Pevunova, O.
We present Iris 2.0, the latest release of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory application for building and analyzing Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). With Iris, users may read in and display SEDs inspect and edit any selection of SED data, fit models to SEDs in arbitrary spectral ranges, and calculate confidence limits on best-fit parameters. SED data may be loaded into the application from VOTable and FITS files compliant with the International Virtual Observatoy Alliance interoperable data models, or retrieved directly from NED or the Italian Space Agency Science Data Center; data in non-standard formats may also be converted within the application. Users may seamlessy exchange data between Iris and other Virtual Observatoy tools using the Simple Application Messaging Protocol. Iris 2.0 also provides a tool for redshifting, interpolating, and measuring integratd fluxes, and allows simple aperture corrections for individual points and SED segments. Custom Python functions, template models and template libraries may be imported into Iris for fitting SEDs. Iris may be extended through Java plugins; users can install third-party packages, or develop their own plugin using Iris' Software Development Kit. Iris 2.0 is available for Linux and Mac OS X systems.
Modelling of cayenne production in Central Java using ARIMA-GARCH
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tarno; Sudarno; Ispriyanti, Dwi; Suparti
Some regencies/cities in Central Java Province are known as producers of horticultural crops in Indonesia, for example, Brebes which is the largest area of shallot producer in Central Java, while the others, such as Cilacap and Wonosobo are the areas of cayenne commodities production. Currently, cayenne is a strategic commodity and it has broad impact to Indonesian economic development. Modelling the cayenne production is necessary to predict about the commodity to meet the need for society. The needs fulfillment of society will affect stability of the concerned commodity price. Based on the reality, the decreasing of cayenne production will cause the increasing of society’s basic needs price, and finally it will affect the inflation level at that area. This research focused on autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modelling by considering the effect of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) to study about cayenne production in Central Java. The result of empirical study of ARIMA-GARCH modelling for cayenne production in Central Java from January 2003 to November 2015 is ARIMA([1,3],0,0)-GARCH(1,0) as the best model.
Implications of the Java language on computer-based patient records.
Pollard, D; Kucharz, E; Hammond, W E
The growth of the utilization of the World Wide Web (WWW) as a medium for the delivery of computer-based patient records (CBPR) has created a new paradigm in which clinical information may be delivered. Until recently the authoring tools and environment for application development on the WWW have been limited to Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) utilizing common gateway interface scripts. While, at times, this provides an effective medium for the delivery of CBPR, it is a less than optimal solution. The server-centric dynamics and low levels of interactivity do not provide for a robust application which is required in a clinical environment. The emergence of Sun Microsystems' Java language is a solution to the problem. In this paper we examine the Java language and its implications to the CBPR. A quantitative and qualitative assessment was performed. The Java environment is compared to HTML and Telnet CBPR environments. Qualitative comparisons include level of interactivity, server load, client load, ease of use, and application capabilities. Quantitative comparisons include data transfer time delays. The Java language has demonstrated promise for delivering CBPRs.
Viewing multiple sequence alignments with the JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV)
Martin, Andrew C. R.
The JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV) is designed as a simple-to-use JavaScript component for displaying sequence alignments on web pages. The display of sequences is highly configurable with options to allow alternative coloring schemes, sorting of sequences and ’dotifying’ repeated amino acids. An option is also available to submit selected sequences to another web site, or to other JavaScript code. JSAV is implemented purely in JavaScript making use of the JQuery and JQuery-UI libraries. It does not use any HTML5-specific options to help with browser compatibility. The code is documented using JSDOC and is available from http://www.bioinf.org.uk/software/jsav/. PMID:25653836
Viewing multiple sequence alignments with the JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV).
Martin, Andrew C R
The JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV) is designed as a simple-to-use JavaScript component for displaying sequence alignments on web pages. The display of sequences is highly configurable with options to allow alternative coloring schemes, sorting of sequences and 'dotifying' repeated amino acids. An option is also available to submit selected sequences to another web site, or to other JavaScript code. JSAV is implemented purely in JavaScript making use of the JQuery and JQuery-UI libraries. It does not use any HTML5-specific options to help with browser compatibility. The code is documented using JSDOC and is available from http://www.bioinf.org.uk/software/jsav/.
48 CFR 1313.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... purchase card. 1313.301 Section 1313.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE....301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. The Department's procedures for the use and control of the Governmentwide commercial purchase card are set forth in CAM 1313.301. ...
A Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite Model Using Easy Java Simulation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wee, Loo Kang; Goh, Giam Hwee
We develop an Easy Java Simulation (EJS) model for students to visualize geostationary orbits near Earth, modelled using a Java 3D implementation of the EJS 3D library. The simplified physics model is described and simulated using a simple constant angular velocity equation. We discuss four computer model design ideas: (1) a simple and realistic…
48 CFR 2913.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... other methods of purchasing. However, the same legal restrictions apply to credit card purchases that.../Agency Purchase/Credit Card Program procedures. A number of the more common restrictions which... purchase card. 2913.301 Section 2913.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...
48 CFR 2913.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... other methods of purchasing. However, the same legal restrictions apply to credit card purchases that.../Agency Purchase/Credit Card Program procedures. A number of the more common restrictions which... purchase card. 2913.301 Section 2913.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...
48 CFR 2913.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... other methods of purchasing. However, the same legal restrictions apply to credit card purchases that.../Agency Purchase/Credit Card Program procedures. A number of the more common restrictions which... purchase card. 2913.301 Section 2913.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...
Multimedia consultation session recording and playback using Java-based browser in global PACS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Martinez, Ralph; Shah, Pinkesh J.; Yu, Yuan-Pin
The current version of the Global PACS software system uses a Java-based implementation of the Remote Consultation and Diagnosis (RCD) system. The Java RCD includes a multimedia consultation session between physicians that includes text, static image, image annotation, and audio data. The JAVA RCD allows 2-4 physicians to collaborate on a patient case. It allows physicians to join the session via WWW Java-enabled browsers or stand alone RCD application. The RCD system includes a distributed database archive system for archiving and retrieving patient and session data. The RCD system can be used for store and forward scenarios, case reviews, and interactive RCD multimedia sessions. The RCD system operates over the Internet, telephone lines, or in a private Intranet. A multimedia consultation session can be recorded, and then played back at a later time for review, comments, and education. A session can be played back using Java-enabled WWW browsers on any operating system platform. The JAVA RCD system shows that a case diagnosis can be captured digitally and played back with the original real-time temporal relationships between data streams. In this paper, we describe design and implementation of the RCD session playback.
Developing a java android application of KMV-Merton default rate model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yusof, Norliza Muhamad; Anuar, Aini Hayati; Isa, Norsyaheeda Natasha; Zulkafli, Sharifah Nursyuhada Syed; Sapini, Muhamad Luqman
This paper presents a developed java android application for KMV-Merton model in predicting the defaut rate of a firm. Predicting default rate is essential in the risk management area as default risk can be immediately transmitted from one entity to another entity. This is the reason default risk is known as a global risk. Although there are several efforts, instruments and methods used to manage the risk, it is said to be insufficient. To the best of our knowledge, there has been limited innovation in developing the default risk mathematical model into a mobile application. Therefore, through this study, default risk is predicted quantitatively using the KMV-Merton model. The KMV-Merton model has been integrated in the form of java program using the Android Studio Software. The developed java android application is tested by predicting the levels of default risk of the three different rated companies. It is found that the levels of default risk are equivalent to the ratings of the respective companies. This shows that the default rate predicted by the KMV-Merton model using the developed java android application can be a significant tool to the risk mangement field. The developed java android application grants users an alternative to predict level of default risk within less procedure.
Info card for surgery waiting room improves satisfaction.
A hospital is reporting improved patient satisfaction from providing an information card in the surgery department. The card includes expected wait times. The card is provided by the patient transport team. Telephone numbers are included for more information. Staff update family members hourly during surgery.
Development of a Long-Range Gliding Underwater Vehicle Utilizing Java Sun SPOT Technology
release; distribution is unlimited DEVELOPMENT OF A LONG-RANGE GLIDING UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE UTILIZING JAVA SUN SPOT TECHNOLOGY by...TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master’s Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: Development of a Long-Range Gliding Underwater Vehicle Utilizing Java Sun SPOT...vehicle. Further work is needed to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of this design. 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 117 14. SUBJECT TERMS Java
Virtual and remote robotic laboratory using EJS, MATLAB and LabVIEW.
Chaos, Dictino; Chacón, Jesús; Lopez-Orozco, Jose Antonio; Dormido, Sebastián
This paper describes the design and implementation of a virtual and remote laboratory based on Easy Java Simulations (EJS) and LabVIEW. The main application of this laboratory is to improve the study of sensors in Mobile Robotics, dealing with the problems that arise on the real world experiments. This laboratory allows the user to work from their homes, tele-operating a real robot that takes measurements from its sensors in order to obtain a map of its environment. In addition, the application allows interacting with a robot simulation (virtual laboratory) or with a real robot (remote laboratory), with the same simple and intuitive graphical user interface in EJS. Thus, students can develop signal processing and control algorithms for the robot in simulation and then deploy them on the real robot for testing purposes. Practical examples of application of the laboratory on the inter-University Master of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control are presented.
Virtual and Remote Robotic Laboratory Using EJS, MATLAB and Lab VIEW
Chaos, Dictino; Chacón, Jesús; Lopez-Orozco, Jose Antonio; Dormido, Sebastián
This paper describes the design and implementation of a virtual and remote laboratory based on Easy Java Simulations (EJS) and LabVIEW. The main application of this laboratory is to improve the study of sensors in Mobile Robotics, dealing with the problems that arise on the real world experiments. This laboratory allows the user to work from their homes, tele-operating a real robot that takes measurements from its sensors in order to obtain a map of its environment. In addition, the application allows interacting with a robot simulation (virtual laboratory) or with a real robot (remote laboratory), with the same simple and intuitive graphical user interface in EJS. Thus, students can develop signal processing and control algorithms for the robot in simulation and then deploy them on the real robot for testing purposes. Practical examples of application of the laboratory on the inter-University Master of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control are presented. PMID:23429578
Towards Crustal Structure of Java Island (Sunda Arc) from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Widiyantoro, Sri; Zulhan, Zulfakriza; Martha, Agustya; Saygin, Erdinc; Cummins, Phil
In our previous studies, P- and S-wave velocity structures beneath the Sunda Arc were successfully imaged using a global data set and a nested regional-global tomographic method was employed. To obtain more detailed P- and S-wave velocity structures beneath Java, in the central part of the Sunda Arc, we then used local data sets, i.e. newline from the MErapi AMphibious EXperiment (MERAMEX) and the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (MCGA), as well as employed a double-difference technique for tomographic imaging. The results of the imaging show e.g. that P- and S-wave velocities are significantly reduced in the uppermost mantle beneath central Java. In order to obtain detailed crustal structure information beneath Java, the Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) method was used. The application of this method to the MERAMEX data has produced a good crustal model beneath central Java. We continue our experiment to image crustal structure of eastern Java. We have used seismic waveform data recorded by 22 MCGA stationary seismographic stations and 25 portable seismographs installed for 2 to 8 weeks. The data were processed to obtain waveforms of cross-correlated noise between pairs of seismographic stations. Our preliminary results presented here indicate that the Kendeng zone, an area of low gravity anomaly, is associated with a low velocity zone. On the other hand, the southern mountain range, which has a high gravity anomaly, is related to a high velocity anomaly (as shown by our tomographic images). In future work we will install more seismographic stations in eastern Java as well as in western Java to conduct ANT imaging for the whole of Java Island. The expected result combined with the mantle velocity models resulting from our body wave tomography will allow for accurate location of earthquake hypocenters and determination of regional tectonic structures. Both of these are valuable for understanding seismic hazard in Java, the most densely populated
Application of an artificial neural network to pump card diagnosis
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ashenayi, K.; Lea, J.F.; Kemp, F.
Beam pumping is the most frequently used artificial-lift technique for oil production. Downhole pump cards are used to evaluate performance of the pumping unit. Pump cards can be generated from surface dynamometer cards using a 1D wave equation with viscous damping, as suggested by Gibbs and Neely. Pump cards contain significant information describing the behavior of the pump. However, interpretation of these cards is tedious and time-consuming; hence, an automated system capable of interpreting these cards could speed interpretation and warn of pump failures. This work presents the results of a DOS-based computer program capable of correctly classifying pump cards.more » The program uses a hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) to identify significant features of the pump card. The hybrid ANN uses classical and sinusoidal perceptrons. The network is trained using an error-back-propagation technique. The program correctly identified pump problems for more than 180 different training and test pump cards. The ANN takes a total of 80 data points as input. Sixty data points are collected from the pump card perimeter, and the remaining 20 data points represent the slope at selected points on the pump card perimeter. Pump problem conditions are grouped into 11 distinct classes. The network is capable of identifying one or more of these problem conditions for each pump card. Eight examples are presented and discussed.« less
Iridovirus CARD Protein Inhibits Apoptosis through Intrinsic and Extrinsic Pathways
Chen, Chien-Wen; Wu, Ming-Shan; Huang, Yi-Jen; Lin, Pei-Wen; Shih, Chueh-Ju; Lin, Fu-Pang; Chang, Chi-Yao
Grouper iridovirus (GIV) belongs to the genus Ranavirus of the family Iridoviridae; the genomes of such viruses contain an anti-apoptotic caspase recruitment domain (CARD) gene. The GIV-CARD gene encodes a protein of 91 amino acids with a molecular mass of 10,505 Daltons, and shows high similarity to other viral CARD genes and human ICEBERG. In this study, we used Northern blot to demonstrate that GIV-CARD transcription begins at 4 h post-infection; furthermore, we report that its transcription is completely inhibited by cycloheximide but not by aphidicolin, indicating that GIV-CARD is an early gene. GIV-CARD-EGFP and GIV-CARD-FLAG recombinant proteins were observed to translocate from the cytoplasm into the nucleus, but no obvious nuclear localization sequence was observed within GIV-CARD. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of GIV-CARD in GK cells infected with GIV inhibited expression of GIV-CARD and five other viral genes during the early stages of infection, and also reduced GIV infection ability. Immunostaining was performed to show that apoptosis was effectively inhibited in cells expressing GIV-CARD. HeLa cells irradiated with UV or treated with anti-Fas antibody will undergo apoptosis through the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, respectively. However, over-expression of recombinant GIV-CARD protein in HeLa cells inhibited apoptosis induced by mitochondrial and death receptor signaling. Finally, we report that expression of GIV-CARD in HeLa cells significantly reduced the activities of caspase-8 and -9 following apoptosis triggered by anti-Fas antibody. Taken together, these results demonstrate that GIV-CARD inhibits apoptosis through both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. PMID:26047333
NRMRL-ADA-00229 Faulkner*, B.P. Java Classes for Nonprocedural Variogram Monitoring. Journal of Computers and Geosciences ( Elsevier Science, Ltd.) 28:387-397 (2002). EPA/600/J-02/235. A set of Java classes was written for variogram modeling to support research for US EPA's Reg...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Arizona Department of Education, 2010
As part of compliance with with the federal No Child Left Behind Act, this document presents the State Report Card of Arizona for 2009-2010. The report card provides tables relating to percentage of students who passed AIMS in Arizona by subject and grade. The tables shown in this document include: (1) Mathematics Grade 3; (2) Reading Grade 3; (3)…
48 CFR 2413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Commercial Credit Card Program. [60 FR 46155, Sept. 5, 1995. Redesignated at 64 FR 46095, Aug. 23, 1999] ... purchase card. 2413.301 Section 2413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND... Acquisition Methods 2413.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (c) HUD's procedures concerning the use...
48 CFR 13.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... the current GSA credit card contract. Agency procedures should not limit the use of the Governmentwide... purchase card. 13.301 Section 13.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION... Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (a) Except as provided in 32.1108(b)(2), the Governmentwide commercial...
48 CFR 2413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Commercial Credit Card Program. [60 FR 46155, Sept. 5, 1995. Redesignated at 64 FR 46095, Aug. 23, 1999] ... purchase card. 2413.301 Section 2413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND... Acquisition Methods 2413.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (c) HUD's procedures concerning the use...
48 CFR 2413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Commercial Credit Card Program. [60 FR 46155, Sept. 5, 1995. Redesignated at 64 FR 46095, Aug. 23, 1999] ... purchase card. 2413.301 Section 2413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND... Acquisition Methods 2413.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (c) HUD's procedures concerning the use...
48 CFR 2413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Commercial Credit Card Program. [60 FR 46155, Sept. 5, 1995. Redesignated at 64 FR 46095, Aug. 23, 1999] ... purchase card. 2413.301 Section 2413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND... Acquisition Methods 2413.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (c) HUD's procedures concerning the use...
48 CFR 2413.301 - Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Commercial Credit Card Program. [60 FR 46155, Sept. 5, 1995. Redesignated at 64 FR 46095, Aug. 23, 1999] ... purchase card. 2413.301 Section 2413.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND... Acquisition Methods 2413.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. (c) HUD's procedures concerning the use...
76 FR 76475 - Employment Network (EN) Report Card
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [Docket No. SSA-2011-0096] Employment Network (EN) Report Card... Work Consumer Employment Network Report Card. SUMMARY: We are soliciting the input of beneficiaries... revised EN Report Card. An EN is a private or public entity that participates in the Ticket to Work (TTW...
Materialism and credit card use by college students.
Pinto, M B; Parente, D H; Palmer, T S
Much has been written in the popular press on credit card use and spending patterns of American college students. The proliferation of credit cards and their ease of acquisition ensure that students today have more opportunities for making more credit purchases than any other generation of college students. Little is known about the relationship between students' attitudes towards materialism and their use of credit cards. A study was conducted at three college campuses in the northeastern part of the United States where a total of 1,022 students were surveyed. Students' attitudes toward use of credit and their credit card balances were evaluated relative to their scores on Richins and Dawson's Materialism Scale (1992). Our findings suggest no significant difference between those individuals scoring high versus low on the Materialism Scale in terms of the number of credit cards owned and the average balance owed. Individuals high on materialism, however, significantly differed in terms of their uses for credit cards and their general attitude toward their use.
Juárez-Aguirre, Raúl; Domínguez-Nicolás, Saúl M; Manjarrez, Elías; Tapia, Jesús A; Figueras, Eduard; Vázquez-Leal, Héctor; Aguilera-Cortés, Luz A; Herrera-May, Agustín L
We present a signal processing system with virtual instrumentation of a MEMS sensor to detect magnetic flux density for biomedical applications. This system consists of a magnetic field sensor, electronic components implemented on a printed circuit board (PCB), a data acquisition (DAQ) card, and a virtual instrument. It allows the development of a semi-portable prototype with the capacity to filter small electromagnetic interference signals through digital signal processing. The virtual instrument includes an algorithm to implement different configurations of infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. The PCB contains a precision instrumentation amplifier, a demodulator, a low-pass filter (LPF) and a buffer with operational amplifier. The proposed prototype is used for real-time non-invasive monitoring of magnetic flux density in the thoracic cage of rats. The response of the rat respiratory magnetogram displays a similar behavior as the rat electromyogram (EMG).
PrismTech Data Distribution Service Java API Evaluation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Riggs, Cortney
My internship duties with Launch Control Systems required me to start performance testing of an Object Management Group's (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification implementation by PrismTech Limited through the Java programming language application programming interface (API). DDS is a networking middleware for Real-Time Data Distribution. The performance testing involves latency, redundant publishers, extended duration, redundant failover, and read performance. Time constraints allowed only for a data throughput test. I have designed the testing applications to perform all performance tests when time is allowed. Performance evaluation data such as megabits per second and central processing unit (CPU) time consumption were not easily attainable through the Java programming language; they required new methods and classes created in the test applications. Evaluation of this product showed the rate that data can be sent across the network. Performance rates are better on Linux platforms than AIX and Sun platforms. Compared to previous C++ programming language API, the performance evaluation also shows the language differences for the implementation. The Java API of the DDS has a lower throughput performance than the C++ API.
Prefrontal system dysfunction and credit card debt.
Spinella, Marcello; Yang, Bijou; Lester, David
Credit card use often involves a disadvantageous allocation of finances because they allow for spending beyond means and buying on impulse. Accordingly they are associated with increased bankruptcy, anxiety, stress, and health problems. Mounting evidence from functional neuroimaging and clinical studies implicates prefrontal-subcortical systems in processing financial information. This study examined the relationship of credit card debt and executive functions using the Frontal System Behavior Scale (FRSBE). After removing the influences of demographic variables (age, sex, education, and income), credit card debt was associated with the Executive Dysfunction scale, but not the Apathy or Disinhibition scales. This suggests that processes of conceptualizing and organizing finances are most relevant to credit card debt, and implicates dorsolateral prefrontal dysfunction.
Java PathExplorer: A Runtime Verification Tool
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Havelund, Klaus; Rosu, Grigore; Clancy, Daniel (Technical Monitor)
We describe recent work on designing an environment called Java PathExplorer for monitoring the execution of Java programs. This environment facilitates the testing of execution traces against high level specifications, including temporal logic formulae. In addition, it contains algorithms for detecting classical error patterns in concurrent programs, such as deadlocks and data races. An initial prototype of the tool has been applied to the executive module of the planetary Rover K9, developed at NASA Ames. In this paper we describe the background and motivation for the development of this tool, including comments on how it relates to formal methods tools as well as to traditional testing, and we then present the tool itself.
Review of subduction and its association with geothermal system in Sumatera-Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ladiba, A. F.; Putriyana, L.; Sibarani, B. br.; Soekarno, H.
Java and Sumatera have the largest geothermal resources in Indonesia, in which mostly are spatially associated with volcanoes of subduction zones. However, those volcanoes are not distributed in a regular pattern due to the difference of subduction position. Subduction position in java is relatively more perpendicular to the trench than in Sumatera. In addition, Java has a concentration of large productive geothermal field with vapour dominated system in the western part of Java, which may be caused by the various subduction dip along the island. In order to understand the relationship between the subduction process and geothermal system in the subduction zone volcanoes, we examined several kinematic parameters of subduction that potentially relevant to the formation of geothermal system in overriding plate such as slab dip, subduction rate, and direction of subduction. Data and information regarding tectonic setting of Sumatera and Java and productive geothermal field in Sumatera and Java have been collected and evaluated. In conclusion, there are three condition that caused the geothermal fluid to be more likely being in vapour phase, which are: the subduction is in an orthogonal position, the slab dip is high, and rate of subduction is high. Although there are plenty researches of subduction zone volcanoes, only a few of them present information about its formation and implication to the geothermal system. The result of this study may be used as reference in exploration of geothermal field in mutual geologic environment.
Exit Cards: Creating a Dialogue for Continuous Evaluation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Patka, Mazna; Wallin-Ruschman, Jennifer; Wallace, Tenille; Robbins, Candice
This study explored the use of Exit Cards, which are formative evaluations of student knowledge and instruction undertaken at every class meeting. Its results are based on Exit Card data from two undergraduate research methods courses. Thematic analysis indicated that students used Exit Cards to communicate (1) what they learned, (2) challenges…
41 CFR 101-26.509 - Tabulating machine cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2011-07-01 2007-07-01 true Tabulating machine cards... PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.509 Tabulating machine cards. Procurement by Federal agencies of tabulating machine cards shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this § 101-26.509...
[Radiology information system using HTML, JavaScript, and Web server].
Sone, M; Sasaki, M; Oikawa, H; Yoshioka, K; Ehara, S; Tamakawa, Y
We have developed a radiology information system using intranet techniques, including hypertext markup language, JavaScript, and Web server. JavaScript made it possible to develop an easy-to-use application, as well as to reduce network traffic and load on the server. The system we have developed is inexpensive and flexible, and its development and maintenance are much easier than with the previous system.
48 CFR 32.1108 - Payment by Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... commercial purchase card. 32.1108 Section 32.1108 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION... Governmentwide commercial purchase card. A Governmentwide commercial purchase card charge authorizes the third party (e.g., financial institution) that issued the purchase card to make immediate payment to the...
Vulnerabilities in First-Generation RFID-enabled Credit Cards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Heydt-Benjamin, Thomas S.; Bailey, Daniel V.; Fu, Kevin; Juels, Ari; O'Hare, Tom
RFID-enabled credit cards are widely deployed in the United States and other countries, but no public study has thoroughly analyzed the mechanisms that provide both security and privacy. Using samples from a variety of RFID-enabled credit cards, our study observes that (1) the cardholder's name and often credit card number and expiration are leaked in plaintext to unauthenticated readers, (2) our homemade device costing around 150 effectively clones one type of skimmed cards thus providing a proof-of-concept implementation for the RF replay attack, (3) information revealed by the RFID transmission cross contaminates the security of RFID and non-RFID payment contexts, and (4) RFID-enabled credit cards are susceptible in various degrees to a range of other traditional RFID attacks such as skimming and relaying.
Study on Design and Implementation of JAVA Programming Procedural Assessment Standard
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tingting, Xu; Hua, Ma; Xiujuan, Wang; Jing, Wang
The traditional JAVA course examination is just a list of questions from which we cannot know students' skills of programming. According to the eight abilities in curriculum objectives, we designed an assessment standard of JAVA programming course that is based on employment orientation and apply it to practical teaching to check the teaching…
48 CFR 552.232-77 - Payment By Government Charge Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Charge Card. 552.232-77 Section 552.232-77 Federal Acquisition Regulations System GENERAL SERVICES....232-77 Payment By Government Charge Card. As prescribed in 532.7003, insert the following clause: Payment By Government Charge Card (NOV 2009) (a) Definitions. “Governmentwide commercial purchase card...
Wang, Ke; Nirmalathas, Ampalavanapillai; Lim, Christina; Skafidas, Efstratios; Alameh, Kamal
In this Letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a free-space based reconfigurable card-to-card optical interconnect architecture with 16-carrierless-amplitude-phase modulation. Experimental results show that up to 120 Gb/s (3×40 Gb/s) flexible interconnection can be achieved for up to 30 cm distance with a worst-case receiver sensitivity of -9.70 dBm.
Credit Card Attitudes and Behaviors of College Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Joo, S.-H.; Grable, J. E.; Bagwell, D. C.
At a southwestern public university, 242 students responded to a questionnaire about their credit-card use and attitudes. The results revealed that about 70 percent of the students held one or more credit cards, and about 10 percent had five or more credit cards. Twenty-two percent never kept copies of their charge slips, and only 49 percent paid…
Wedge geometry, frictional properties and interseismic coupling of the Java megathrust
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koulali, Achraf; McClusky, Simon; Cummins, Phil; Tregoning, Paul
The mechanical interaction between rocks at fault zones is a key element for understanding how earthquakes nucleate and propagate. Therefore, estimating frictional properties along fault planes allows us to infer the degree of elastic strain accumulation throughout the seismic cycle. The Java subduction zone is an active plate boundary where high seismic activity has long been documented. However, very little is known about the seismogenic processes of the megathrust, especially its shallowest portion where onshore geodetic networks are insensitive to recover the pattern of elastic strain. Here, we use the geometry of the offshore accretionary prism to infer frictional properties along the Java subduction zone, using Coulomb critical taper theory. We show that large portions of the inner wedge in the eastern part of the Java subduction megathrust are in a critical state, where the wedge is on the verge of failure everywhere. We identify four clusters with an internal coefficient of friction μint of ∼ 0.8 and hydrostatic pore pressure within the wedge. The average effective coefficient of friction ranges between 0.3 and 0.4, reflecting a strong décollement. Our results also show that the aftershock sequence of the 1994 Mw 7.9 earthquake halted adjacent to a critical segment of the wedge, suggesting that critical taper wedge areas in the eastern Java subduction interface may behave as a permanent barrier to large earthquake rupture. In contrast, in western Java topographic slope and slab dip profiles suggest that the wedge is mechanically stable, i.e deformation is restricted to sliding along the décollement, and likely to coincide with a seismogenic portion of the megathrust. We discuss the seismic hazard implications and highlight the importance of considering the segmentation of the Java subduction zone when assessing the seismic hazard of this region.
Virtualizing access to scientific applications with the Application Hosting Environment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zasada, S. J.; Coveney, P. V.
The growing power and number of high performance computing resources made available through computational grids present major opportunities as well as a number of challenges to the user. At issue is how these resources can be accessed and how their power can be effectively exploited. In this paper we first present our views on the usability of contemporary high-performance computational resources. We introduce the concept of grid application virtualization as a solution to some of the problems with grid-based HPC usability. We then describe a middleware tool that we have developed to realize the virtualization of grid applications, the Application Hosting Environment (AHE), and describe the features of the new release, AHE 2.0, which provides access to a common platform of federated computational grid resources in standard and non-standard ways. Finally, we describe a case study showing how AHE supports clinical use of whole brain blood flow modelling in a routine and automated fashion. Program summaryProgram title: Application Hosting Environment 2.0 Catalogue identifier: AEEJ_v1_0 Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEEJ_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU Public Licence, Version 2 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: not applicable No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 685 603 766 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Perl (server), Java (Client) Computer: x86 Operating system: Linux (Server), Linux/Windows/MacOS (Client) RAM: 134 217 728 (server), 67 108 864 (client) bytes Classification: 6.5 External routines: VirtualBox (server), Java (client) Nature of problem: The middleware that makes grid computing possible has been found by many users to be too unwieldy, and presents an obstacle to use rather than providing assistance [1,2]. Such problems are compounded when one attempts to harness the
Collaborative Scheduling Using JMS in a Mixed Java and .NET Environment
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wang, Yeou-Fang; Wax, Allan; Lam, Ray; Baldwin, John; Borden, Chet
A viewgraph presentation to demonstrate collaborative scheduling using Java Message Service (JMS) in a mixed Java and .Net environment is given. The topics include: 1) NASA Deep Space Network scheduling; 2) Collaborative scheduling concept; 3) Distributed computing environment; 4) Platform concerns in a distributed environment; 5) Messaging and data synchronization; and 6) The prototype.
SPV: a JavaScript Signaling Pathway Visualizer.
Calderone, Alberto; Cesareni, Gianni
The visualization of molecular interactions annotated in web resources is useful to offer to users such information in a clear intuitive layout. These interactions are frequently represented as binary interactions that are laid out in free space where, different entities, cellular compartments and interaction types are hardly distinguishable. SPV (Signaling Pathway Visualizer) is a free open source JavaScript library which offers a series of pre-defined elements, compartments and interaction types meant to facilitate the representation of signaling pathways consisting of causal interactions without neglecting simple protein-protein interaction networks. freely available under Apache version 2 license; Source code: https://github.com/Sinnefa/SPV_Signaling_Pathway_Visualizer_v1.0. Language: JavaScript; Web technology: Scalable Vector Graphics; Libraries: D3.js. sinnefa@gmail.com.
A set of Java classes was written for variogram modeling to support research for US EPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment Program (ReVA). The modeling objectives of this research program are to use conceptual programming tools for numerical analysis for regional risk assessm...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Marcus, Stephen
Presents the second article in a two-part series on HyperCard materials (computer software used to build structures that create patterns and connections) designed for English and language arts classes. Suggests assignments for use with early HyperCard software that can be adapted to a variety of nonverbal "stackware." (MM)
Parallel programming with Easy Java Simulations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Esquembre, F.; Christian, W.; Belloni, M.
Nearly all of today's processors are multicore, and ideally programming and algorithm development utilizing the entire processor should be introduced early in the computational physics curriculum. Parallel programming is often not introduced because it requires a new programming environment and uses constructs that are unfamiliar to many teachers. We describe how we decrease the barrier to parallel programming by using a java-based programming environment to treat problems in the usual undergraduate curriculum. We use the easy java simulations programming and authoring tool to create the program's graphical user interface together with objects based on those developed by Kaminsky [Building Parallel Programs (Course Technology, Boston, 2010)] to handle common parallel programming tasks. Shared-memory parallel implementations of physics problems, such as time evolution of the Schrödinger equation, are available as source code and as ready-to-run programs from the AAPT-ComPADRE digital library.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koulali, A.; McClusky, S.; Susilo, S.; Leonard, Y.; Cummins, P.; Tregoning, P.; Meilano, I.; Efendi, J.; Wijanarto, A. B.
Our understanding of seismic risk in Java has been focused primarily on the subduction zone, where the seismic records during the last century have shown the occurrence of a number of tsunami earthquakes. However, the potential of the existence of active crustal structures within the island of Java itself is less well known. Historical archives show the occurrence of several devastating earthquake ruptures north of the volcanic arc in west Java during the 18th and the 19th centuries, suggesting the existence of active faults that need to be identified in order to guide seismic hazard assessment. Here we use geodetic constraints from the Global Positioning System (GPS) to quantify the present day crustal deformation in Java. The GPS velocities reveal a homogeneous counterclockwise rotation of the Java Block independent of Sunda Block, consistent with a NE-SW convergence between the Australian Plate and southeast Asia. Continuous GPS observations show a time-dependent change in the linear rate of surface motion in west Java, which we interpret as an ongoing long-term post-seismic deformation following the 2006 Mw 7.7 Java earthquake. We use an elastic block model in combination with a viscoelastic model to correct for this post-seismic transient and derive the long-term inter-seismic velocity, which we interpret as a combination of tectonic block motions and crustal faults strain related deformation. There is a north-south gradient in the resulting velocity field with a decrease in the magnitude towards the North across the Kendeng Thrust in the east and the Baribis Thrust in the west. We suggest that the Baribis Thrust is active and accommodating a slow relative motion between Java and the Sunda Block at about 5 ± 0.2 mm /yr. We propose a kinematic model of convergence of the Australian Plate and the Sunda Block, involving a slip partitioning between the Java Trench and a left-lateral structure extending E-W along Java with most of the convergence being
BioLayout(Java): versatile network visualisation of structural and functional relationships.
Goldovsky, Leon; Cases, Ildefonso; Enright, Anton J; Ouzounis, Christos A
Visualisation of biological networks is becoming a common task for the analysis of high-throughput data. These networks correspond to a wide variety of biological relationships, such as sequence similarity, metabolic pathways, gene regulatory cascades and protein interactions. We present a general approach for the representation and analysis of networks of variable type, size and complexity. The application is based on the original BioLayout program (C-language implementation of the Fruchterman-Rheingold layout algorithm), entirely re-written in Java to guarantee portability across platforms. BioLayout(Java) provides broader functionality, various analysis techniques, extensions for better visualisation and a new user interface. Examples of analysis of biological networks using BioLayout(Java) are presented.
Yamanaka, Atsushi; Mulyatno, Kris Cahyo; Susilowati, Helen; Hendrianto, Eryk; Utsumi, Takako; Amin, Mochamad; Lusida, Maria Inge; Soegijanto, Soegeng; Konishi, Eiji
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a fatal disease in Asia. Pigs are considered to be the effective amplifying host for JEV in the peridomestic environment. Bali Island and Java Island in Indonesia provide a model to assess the effect of pigs on JEV transmission, since the pig density is nearly 100-fold higher in Bali than Java, while the geographic and climatologic environments are equivalent in these areas. We surveyed antibodies to JEV among 123 pigs in Mengwi (Bali) and 96 pigs in Tulungagung (East Java) in 2008 by the hemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) test. Overall prevalences were 49% in Bali and 6% in Java, with a significant difference between them (P < 0.001). Monthly infection rates estimated from age-dependent antibody prevalences were 11% in Bali and 2% in Java. In addition, 2-mercaptoethanol-sensitive antibodies were found only from Bali samples. Further, the average HAI antibody titer obtained from positive samples was significantly higher in Bali (1:52) than Java (1:10; P < 0.001). These results indicated that JEV transmission in nature is more active in Bali than East Java.
Enhancing Students' Learning: Instant Feedback Cards
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mohrweis, Lawrence C.; Shinham, Kathe M.
This study illustrates an active learning approach using instant feedback cards in the first course in accounting. The objectives of this study are to (1) describe instant feedback cards and (2) show how this tool, when used in an active learning environment, can enhance learning. We examined whether students exposed to immediate feedback…
Juárez-Aguirre, Raúl; Domínguez-Nicolás, Saúl M.; Manjarrez, Elías; Tapia, Jesús A.; Figueras, Eduard; Vázquez-Leal, Héctor; Aguilera-Cortés, Luz A.; Herrera-May, Agustín L.
We present a signal processing system with virtual instrumentation of a MEMS sensor to detect magnetic flux density for biomedical applications. This system consists of a magnetic field sensor, electronic components implemented on a printed circuit board (PCB), a data acquisition (DAQ) card, and a virtual instrument. It allows the development of a semi-portable prototype with the capacity to filter small electromagnetic interference signals through digital signal processing. The virtual instrument includes an algorithm to implement different configurations of infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. The PCB contains a precision instrumentation amplifier, a demodulator, a low-pass filter (LPF) and a buffer with operational amplifier. The proposed prototype is used for real-time non-invasive monitoring of magnetic flux density in the thoracic cage of rats. The response of the rat respiratory magnetogram displays a similar behavior as the rat electromyogram (EMG). PMID:24196434
Tsunami Disaster Risk Assessment and Prevention in West Java, Indonesia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Deng, H.; Harris, R. A.; Horns, D. M.; Yulianto, E.; Bunds, M. P.; Prasetyadi, C.; Emmett, C.; Hall, S.
Java Island, Indonesia is the most populated area and one of the most tectonically active coastal nations on Earth. This island is the volcanic arc and accretionary wedge of the subduction zone of the Sunda and the Australia plate, where the Java Trench is located. However, the Java Trench hasn't had a mega or giant earthquake for at least 430 years according to historical records. Up to 30 m of slip may have accumulated on the subduction zone interface during this time, which is enough to produce a Mw 9.0 earthquake and large tsunami. One of the largest seismic gaps along the Sunda Arc is a 640 km section of the coast of west Java. The largest population center in this region is Pelabuhan Ratu, with is partially built on ridge and swale coastal plain topography. Candidate tsunami deposits were found in swales that may indicate inundation up to 1 km inland. Numerical modeling of various possible tsunami scenarios indicate that the configuration of the coastline may amplify a tsunami and cause high run-up in the most populated areas or the coast. Also, data from questionnaire surveys administered in Pelabuhan Ratu show a lack of awareness about how tsunamis threaten these communities and plans of action.
12 CFR Rules for Card Issuers That... - by-Transaction Basis
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Special Rules Applicable to Credit Card... Subpart B apply if credit cards are issued and the card issuer and the seller are the same or related... creditor have an agreement authorizing the seller to honor the creditor's credit card. 1. Section 226.6(a...
12 CFR Rules for Card Issuers That... - by-Transaction Basis
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z) Special Rules Applicable to Credit Card... Subpart B apply if credit cards are issued and the card issuer and the seller are the same or related... creditor have an agreement authorizing the seller to honor the creditor's credit card. 1. Section 226.6(a...
Family Registration Card as electronic medical carrier in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Novo, Ahmed; Masic, Izet; Toromanovic, Selim; Loncarevic, Nedim; Junuzovic, Dzelaludin; Dizdarevic, Jadranka
Medical documentation is a very important part of the medical documentalistics and is occupies a large part of daily work of medical staff working in Primary Health Care. Paper documentation is going to be replaced by electronic cards in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a new Health Care System is under development, based on an Electronic Family Registration Card. Developed countries proceeded from the manual and semiautomatic method of medical data processing to the new method of entering, storage, transferring, searching and protecting data, using electronic equipment. Currently, many European countries have developed a Medical Card Based Electronic Information System. Three types of electronic card are currently in use: a Hybrid Card, a Smart Card and a Laser Card. The dilemma is which card should be used as a data carrier. The Electronic Family Registration Cared is a question of strategic interest for B&H, but also a great investment. We should avoid the errors of other countries that have been developing card-based system. In this article we present all mentioned cards and compare advantages and disadvantages of different technologies.
Data mining for clustering naming of the village at Java Island
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Setiawan Abdullah, Atje; Nurani Ruchjana, Budi; Hidayat, Akik; Akmal; Setiana, Deni
Clustering of query based data mining to identify the meaning of the naming of the village in Java island, done by exploring the database village with three categories namely: prefix in the naming of the village, syllables contained in the naming of the village, and full word naming of the village which is actually used. While syllables contained in the naming of the village are classified by the behaviour of the culture and character of each province that describes the business, feelings, circumstances, places, nature, respect, plants, fruits, and animals. Sources of data used for the clustering of the naming of the village on the island of Java was obtained from Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) in the form of a complete village name data with the coordinates in six provinces in Java, which is arranged in a hierarchy of provinces, districts / cities, districts and villages. The research method using KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) through the process of preprocessing, data mining and postprocessing to obtain knowledge. In this study, data mining applications to facilitate the search query based on the name of the village, using Java software. While the contours of a map is processed using ArcGIS software. The results of the research can give recommendations to stakeholders such as the Department of Tourism to describe the meaning of the classification of naming the village according to the character in each province at Java island.
MalaCards: an integrated compendium for diseases and their annotation
Rappaport, Noa; Nativ, Noam; Stelzer, Gil; Twik, Michal; Guan-Golan, Yaron; Iny Stein, Tsippi; Bahir, Iris; Belinky, Frida; Morrey, C. Paul; Safran, Marilyn; Lancet, Doron
Comprehensive disease classification, integration and annotation are crucial for biomedical discovery. At present, disease compilation is incomplete, heterogeneous and often lacking systematic inquiry mechanisms. We introduce MalaCards, an integrated database of human maladies and their annotations, modeled on the architecture and strategy of the GeneCards database of human genes. MalaCards mines and merges 44 data sources to generate a computerized card for each of 16 919 human diseases. Each MalaCard contains disease-specific prioritized annotations, as well as inter-disease connections, empowered by the GeneCards relational database, its searches and GeneDecks set analyses. First, we generate a disease list from 15 ranked sources, using disease-name unification heuristics. Next, we use four schemes to populate MalaCards sections: (i) directly interrogating disease resources, to establish integrated disease names, synonyms, summaries, drugs/therapeutics, clinical features, genetic tests and anatomical context; (ii) searching GeneCards for related publications, and for associated genes with corresponding relevance scores; (iii) analyzing disease-associated gene sets in GeneDecks to yield affiliated pathways, phenotypes, compounds and GO terms, sorted by a composite relevance score and presented with GeneCards links; and (iv) searching within MalaCards itself, e.g. for additional related diseases and anatomical context. The latter forms the basis for the construction of a disease network, based on shared MalaCards annotations, embodying associations based on etiology, clinical features and clinical conditions. This broadly disposed network has a power-law degree distribution, suggesting that this might be an inherent property of such networks. Work in progress includes hierarchical malady classification, ontological mapping and disease set analyses, striving to make MalaCards an even more effective tool for biomedical research. Database URL: http
12 CFR Rules for Card Issuers That... - by-Transaction Basis
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Credit Card Accounts and Open-End Credit Offered to College Students Reevaluation of rate increases. Pt... provisions of Subpart B apply if credit cards are issued and the card issuer and the seller are the same or... creditor have an agreement authorizing the seller to honor the creditor's credit card. 1. Section 226.6(a...
Fabrication of Cantilever-Bump Type Si Probe Card
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Park, Jeong-Yong; Lee, Dong-Seok; Kim, Dong-Kwon; Lee, Jong-Hyun
Probe card is most important part in the test system which selects the good or bad chip of integrated circuit (IC) chips. Silicon vertical probe card is able to test multiple semiconductor chips simultaneously. We presented cantilever-bump type vertical probe card. It was fabricated by dry etching using RIE(reactive ion etching) technique and porous silicon micromachining using silicon direct bonded (SDB) wafer. Cantilevers and bumps were fabricated by isotropic etching using RIE@. 3-dimensional structures were formed by porous silicon micromachining technique using SDB wafer. Contact resistance of fabricated probe card was less than 2 Ω and its life time was more than 200,000 turns. The process used in this work is very simple and reproducible, which has good controllability in the tip dimension and spacing. It is expected that the fabricated probe card can reduce testing time, can promote productivity and enables burn-in test.
Introducing Teamwork Challenges in Simulation Using Game Cards.
Chang, Todd P; Kwan, Karen Y; Liberman, Danica; Song, Eric; Dao, Eugene H; Chung, Dayun; Morton, Inge; Festekjian, Ara
Poor teamwork and communication during resuscitations are linked to patient safety problems and poorer outcomes. We present a novel simulation-based educational intervention using game cards to introduce challenges in teamwork. This intervention uses sets of game cards that designate roles, limitations, or communication challenges designed to introduce common communication or teamwork problems. Game cards are designed to be applicable for any simulation-based scenario and are independent from patient physiology. In our example, participants were pediatric emergency medicine fellows undergoing simulation training for orientation. We describe the use of card sets in different scenarios with increasing teamwork challenge and difficulty. Both postscenario and summative debriefings were facilitated to allow participants to reflect on their performance and discover ways to apply their strategies to real resuscitations. In this article, we present our experience with the novel use of game cards to modify simulation scenarios to improve communication and teamwork skills.
Wiring harnesses documented by punched-card technique
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hicks, W. W.; Kloezeman, W. G.
Cards representing a connector are punched, sorted, and then used to printout wiring documentation for that connector. When wiring changes are made, new cards are punched and the wiring documentation is reprinted to reflect the latest configuration.
Patient health record on a smart card.
Naszlady, A; Naszlady, J
A validated health questionnaire has been used for the documentation of a patient's history (826 items) and of the findings from physical examination (591 items) in our clinical ward for 25 years. This computerized patient record has been completed in EUCLIDES code (CEN TC/251) for laboratory tests and an ATC and EAN code listing for the names of the drugs permanently required by the patient. In addition, emergency data were also included on an EEPROM chipcard with a 24 kb capacity. The program is written in FOX-PRO language. A group of 5000 chronically ill in-patients received these cards which contain their health data. For security reasons the contents of the smart card is only accessible by a doctor's PIN coded key card. The personalization of each card was carried out in our health center and the depersonalized alphanumeric data were collected for further statistical evaluation. This information served as a basis for a real need assessment of health care and for the calculation of its cost. Code-combined with an optical card, a completely paperless electronic patient record system has been developed containing all three information carriers in medicine: Texts, Curves and Pictures.
Designing More Effective Accountability Report Cards
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sabbah, Faris M.
The purpose of this study was to identify and design standards and procedures for creating easily interpreted accountability reports cards, consistent with the requirements spelled out in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). The use of public report cards was first raised during the debate that took place immediately prior to the passage…
Consensus and conflict cards for metabolic pathway databases.
Stobbe, Miranda D; Swertz, Morris A; Thiele, Ines; Rengaw, Trebor; van Kampen, Antoine H C; Moerland, Perry D
The metabolic network of H. sapiens and many other organisms is described in multiple pathway databases. The level of agreement between these descriptions, however, has proven to be low. We can use these different descriptions to our advantage by identifying conflicting information and combining their knowledge into a single, more accurate, and more complete description. This task is, however, far from trivial. We introduce the concept of Consensus and Conflict Cards (C₂Cards) to provide concise overviews of what the databases do or do not agree on. Each card is centered at a single gene, EC number or reaction. These three complementary perspectives make it possible to distinguish disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process from differences that can be explained by different decisions on how and in what detail to represent knowledge. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented C₂Cards(Human), as a web application http://www.molgenis.org/c2cards, covering five human pathway databases. C₂Cards can contribute to ongoing reconciliation efforts by simplifying the identification of consensus and conflicts between pathway databases and lowering the threshold for experts to contribute. Several case studies illustrate the potential of the C₂Cards in identifying disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process. The overviews may also point out controversial biological knowledge that should be subject of further research. Finally, the examples provided emphasize the importance of manual curation and the need for a broad community involvement.
48 CFR 313.301 - Government-wide commercial purchase card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
..., Appendix B, “Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs;” GSA's SmartPay Program guidance; and HHS Purchase Card program standards. (2) The OPDIVs, through their designated Agency/Organization... training requirements to ensure effective implementation of the HHS purchase card program. (3) OPDIVs shall...
Java 3D Interactive Visualization for Astrophysics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chae, K.; Edirisinghe, D.; Lingerfelt, E. J.; Guidry, M. W.
We are developing a series of interactive 3D visualization tools that employ the Java 3D API. We have applied this approach initially to a simple 3-dimensional galaxy collision model (restricted 3-body approximation), with quite satisfactory results. Running either as an applet under Web browser control, or as a Java standalone application, this program permits real-time zooming, panning, and 3-dimensional rotation of the galaxy collision simulation under user mouse and keyboard control. We shall also discuss applications of this technology to 3-dimensional visualization for other problems of astrophysical interest such as neutron star mergers and the time evolution of element/energy production networks in X-ray bursts. *Managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.
Developing Interactive Educational Engineering Software for the World Wide Web with Java.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Reed, John A.; Afjeh, Abdollah A.
Illustrates the design and implementation of a Java applet for use in educational propulsion engineering curricula. The Java Gas Turbine Simulator applet provides an interactive graphical environment which allows the rapid, efficient construction and analysis of arbitrary gas turbine systems. The simulator can be easily accessed from the World…
Annual risks of tuberculous infection in East Nusa Tenggara and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia.
Bachtiar, A; Miko, T Y; Machmud, R; Besral, B; Yudarini, P; Mehta, F; Chadha, V K; Basri, C; Loprang, F; Jitendra, R
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia. To estimate the average annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARTI) among school children aged 6-9 years in each province. Children attending Classes 1-4 in 65 schools in NTT and 79 in Central Java, selected by two-stage sampling, were intradermally administered 2 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative RT23 with Tween 80 on the mid-volar aspect of the left forearm. The maximum transverse diameter of induration was measured 72 h later. The analysis was carried out among 5479 satisfactorily test-read children in NTT and 6943 in Central Java. One hundred and fifty-five new sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) cases (78 in NTT and 77 in Central Java) were also tuberculin tested. Based on the frequency distribution of reaction sizes among the children and PTB cases, the prevalence of infection was estimated by the mirror-image method using the modes of tuberculous reactions at 15 and 17 mm. Using the 15 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 1% in NTT and 0.9% in Central Java. Using the 17 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 0.5% in NTT and 0.4% in Central Java. Transmission of tuberculous infection may be further reduced by intensification of tuberculosis control efforts.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Marks, Jeff
Describes an activity in which students design credit cards and discover for themselves the mathematical realities of buying on credit. Employs multiple-intelligence theory to increase the chance that all students will be reached. (YDS)
The Department of Veterans Affairs Optical Patient Card Workstation.
Gomez, E.; Demetriades, J. E.; Babcock, D.; Peterson, J.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed an optical patient card application which will undergo alpha testing in 1991. The optical cards are carried by patients and contain administrative, clinical, and image information. An optical patient card workstation (OPCW) will read/write these cards and pass this information to the VA Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP), the VA's health care information system. The intent of this work is to study the potential benefits of this technology to the VA's distributed health care network, with a large mobile patient population. It is hoped that the use of optical cards and the OPCW will enhance clinicians ability to work with a timely composite health record, and expedite the administrative workload of the medical center. PMID:1807626
The Department of Veterans Affairs Optical Patient Card Workstation.
Gomez, E; Demetriades, J E; Babcock, D; Peterson, J
The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed an optical patient card application which will undergo alpha testing in 1991. The optical cards are carried by patients and contain administrative, clinical, and image information. An optical patient card workstation (OPCW) will read/write these cards and pass this information to the VA Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP), the VA's health care information system. The intent of this work is to study the potential benefits of this technology to the VA's distributed health care network, with a large mobile patient population. It is hoped that the use of optical cards and the OPCW will enhance clinicians ability to work with a timely composite health record, and expedite the administrative workload of the medical center.
Investigating customer racial discrimination in the secondary baseball card market.
Primm, Eric; Piquero, Nicole Leeper; Piquero, Alex R; Regoli, Robert M
A growing body of literature in a variety of disciplines has appeared over the last 20 years examining customer racial bias in the secondary sports card market; however, consensus on the matter has yet to emerge. In this article, we explore the more subtle ways that a player's race/ethnicity may affect the value of his sports card including a player's skin tone (light- to dark-skinned). Data were obtained for 383 black, Latino, and white baseball players who had received at least one vote for induction into Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame including their career performance statistics, rookie card price, card availability, Hall of Fame status, and skin tone. Findings indicate that card availability is the primary determinant of card value while a player's skin tone has no direct effect. Subsequent analysis demonstrates that a player's race (white/non-white) rather than skin tone did have an effect as it interacts with Hall of Fame status to influence his rookie card price.
Lisp as an Alternative to Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gat, E.
In a recent study, Prechelt compared the relative performance of Java and C++ in terms of execution time and memory utilization. Unlike many benchmark studies, Prechelt compared mulitple implementations of the same task by multiple programmers in order to control for the effects of difference in programmer skill.
Characteristic and Behavior of Rainfall Induced Landslides in Java Island, Indonesia : an Overview
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Christanto, N.; Hadmoko, D. S.; Westen, C. J.; Lavigne, F.; Sartohadi, J.; Setiawan, M. A.
Landslides are important natural hazards occurring on mountainous area situated in the wet tropical climate like in Java, Indonesia. As a central of economic and government activity, Java become the most populated island in Indonesia and is increasing every year. This condition create population more vulnerable to hazard. Java is populated by 120 million inhabitants or equivalent with 60% of Indonesian population in only 6,9% of the total surface of Indonesia. Due to its geological setting, its topographical characteristics, and its climatic characteristics, Java is the most exposed regions to landslide hazard and closely related to several factors: (1) located on a subduction zone, 60% of Java is mountainous, with volcano-tectonic mountain chains and 36 active volcanoes out of the 129 in Indonesia, and these volcanic materials are intensively weathered (2) Java is under a humid tropical climate associated with heavy rainfall during the rainy season from October to April. On top of these "natural" conditions, the human activity is an additional factor of landslide occurrence, driven by a high demographic density The purpose of this paper was to collect and analyze spatial and temporal data concerning landslide hazard for the period 1981-2007 and to evaluate and analyze the characteristic and the behavior of landslide in Java. The results provides a new insight into our understanding of landslide hazard and characteristic in the humid tropics, and a basis for predicting future landslides and assessing related hazards at a regional scale. An overview of characteristic and behavior of landslides in Java is given. The result of this work would be valuable for decision makers and communities in the frame of future landslide risk reduction programs. Landslide inventory data was collected from internal database at the different institutions. The result is then georefenced. The temporal changes of landslide activities was done by examining the changes in number and
Graphics interfaces and numerical simulations: Mexican Virtual Solar Observatory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hernández, L.; González, A.; Salas, G.; Santillán, A.
Preliminary results associated to the computational development and creation of the Mexican Virtual Solar Observatory (MVSO) are presented. Basically, the MVSO prototype consists of two parts: the first, related to observations that have been made during the past ten years at the Solar Observation Station (EOS) and at the Carl Sagan Observatory (OCS) of the Universidad de Sonora in Mexico. The second part is associated to the creation and manipulation of a database produced by numerical simulations related to solar phenomena, we are using the MHD ZEUS-3D code. The development of this prototype was made using mysql, apache, java and VSO 1.2. based GNU and `open source philosophy'. A graphic user interface (GUI) was created in order to make web-based, remote numerical simulations. For this purpose, Mono was used, because it is provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux. Although this project is still under development, we hope to have access, by means of this portal, to other virtual solar observatories and to be able to count on a database created through numerical simulations or, given the case, perform simulations associated to solar phenomena.
Crib Card Use During Tests: Helpful or a Crutch?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Funk, Steven C.; Dickson, K. Laurie
The authors experimentally investigated the effect of crib cards on exam performance and student learning. Fifty-one students expected to use their prepared crib cards during an exam. However, they first completed an unexpected pretest without their crib card. Students performed significantly worse on the pretest than on identical questions when…
Instant Feedback for Learner Training: Using Individual Assessment Cards.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lovelock, Clive
Describes individual assessment cards devised by an English-as-a-Foreign-Language teacher in Japan. This system consists of giving each student her own individual assessment card at the beginning of each lesson. The focus of the information recorded on the card relates to the process of learning English. (Author/VWL)
Evolution of optically nondestructive and data-non-intrusive credit card verifiers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sumriddetchkajorn, Sarun; Intaravanne, Yuttana
Since the deployment of the credit card, the number of credit card fraud cases has grown rapidly with a huge amount of loss in millions of US dollars. Instead of asking more information from the credit card's holder or taking risk through payment approval, a nondestructive and data-non-intrusive credit card verifier is highly desirable before transaction begins. In this paper, we review optical techniques that have been proposed and invented in order to make the genuine credit card more distinguishable than the counterfeit credit card. Several optical approaches for the implementation of credit card verifiers are also included. In particular, we highlight our invention on a hyperspectral-imaging based portable credit card verifier structure that offers a very low false error rate of 0.79%. Other key features include low cost, simplicity in design and implementation, no moving part, no need of an additional decoding key, and adaptive learning.
HyperCLIPS: A HyperCard interface to CLIPS
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pickering, Brad; Hill, Randall W., Jr.
HyperCLIPS combines the intuitive, interactive user interface of the Apple Macintosh(TM) with the powerful symbolic computation of an expert system interpreter. HyperCard(TM) is an excellent environment for quickly developing the front end of an application with buttons, dialogs, and pictures, while the CLIPS interpreter provides a powerful inference engine for complex problem solving and analysis. By integrating HyperCard and CLIPS the advantages and uses of both packages are made available for a wide range of uses: rapid prototyping of knowledge-based expert systems, interactive simulations of physical systems, and intelligent control of hypertext processes, to name a few. Interfacing HyperCard and CLIPS is natural. HyperCard was designed to be extended through the use of external commands (XCMDs), and CLIPS was designed to be embedded through the use of the I/O router facilities and callable interface routines. With the exception of some technical difficulties which will be discussed later, HyperCLIPS implements this interface in a straight forward manner, using the facilities provided. An XCMD called 'ClipsX' was added to HyperCard to give access to the CLIPS routines: clear, load, reset, and run. And an I/O router was added to CLIPS to handle the communication of data between CLIPS and HyperCard.
Will hospital report cards make the grade?
Hospital report cards that document patients' medical outcomes are attracting increasing attention for their role in guiding health care decisions by employers, consumers and providers. Significant questions remain, however, regarding the validity and utility of this information. This Issue Brief is based on a seminar held by the Center for Studying Health System Change at which two expert panels discussed whether report cards make the grade. The first panel approached this subject through a Socratic dialogue that focused on the release of a hypothetical community hospital report card. The second panel weighed in on two research presentations related to report cards. The panelists agreed that efforts to collect and report clinical outcomes data are flawed. Even so, release of the data can help improve clinical quality and foster an environment in which health care quality information ultimately has an impact on health care decision making.
Human Factors Assessment of Respiratory Support Pack (RSP) Cue Card
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Whitmore, Mihriban; Hudy, Cynthia; Smith, Danielle; Byrne, Vicky
The Respiratory Support Pack (RSP) is a medical pack onboard the International Space Station (ISS) that contains much of the necessary equipment for providing aid to a conscious or unconscious crewmember in respiratory distress. Inside the RSP lid pocket is a 5.5 by 11 inch paper cue card, which is used by a Crew Medical Officer as the procedure to set up the equipment and deliver oxygen to a crewmember. In training, crewmembers expressed concerns about the readability and usability of the cue card; consequently, updating the cue card was prioritized as an activity to be completed prior to Space Shuttle return-to-flight. The Usability Testing and Analysis Facility at the Johnson Space Center evaluated the current layout of the cue card, and proposed several new cue card designs based on human factors principals. A series of three studies were performed in order to experimentally compare performance with each of the cue card designs. Nonmedically trained personnel used either a redesigned RSP cue card, or the original card to simulate resuscitation (using a mannequin along with the hardware). Time to completion, errors and subjective ratings were recorded. The addition of pictures, colors, borders, and simplification of the flow of information (making minimal changes to the actual procedure content) elicited great benefits during testing. Time to complete RSP procedures was reduced by as much as three minutes with the final cue card design. Detailed results from these studies, as well as general guidelines for cue card design will be discussed.
Airlift Operation Modeling Using Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
Java ......................................................................................................20 2. Simkit...JRE Java Runtime Environment JVM Java Virtual Machine lbs Pounds LAM Load Allocation Mode LRM Landing Spot Reassignment Mode LEGO Listener Event...SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT The following are the software tools and development environment used for constructing the models. 1. Java Java
Interface Generation and Compositional Verification in JavaPathfinder
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Giannakopoulou, Dimitra; Pasareanu, Corina
We present a novel algorithm for interface generation of software components. Given a component, our algorithm uses learning techniques to compute a permissive interface representing legal usage of the component. Unlike our previous work, this algorithm does not require knowledge about the component s environment. Furthermore, in contrast to other related approaches, our algorithm computes permissive interfaces even in the presence of non-determinism in the component. Our algorithm is implemented in the JavaPathfinder model checking framework for UML statechart components. We have also added support for automated assume-guarantee style compositional verification in JavaPathfinder, using component interfaces. We report on the application of the presented approach to the generation of interfaces for flight software components.
Deep dermatophytosis and inherited CARD9 deficiency.
Lanternier, Fanny; Pathan, Saad; Vincent, Quentin B; Liu, Luyan; Cypowyj, Sophie; Prando, Carolina; Migaud, Mélanie; Taibi, Lynda; Ammar-Khodja, Aomar; Stambouli, Omar Boudghene; Guellil, Boumediene; Jacobs, Frederique; Goffard, Jean-Christophe; Schepers, Kinda; Del Marmol, Véronique; Boussofara, Lobna; Denguezli, Mohamed; Larif, Molka; Bachelez, Hervé; Michel, Laurence; Lefranc, Gérard; Hay, Rod; Jouvion, Gregory; Chretien, Fabrice; Fraitag, Sylvie; Bougnoux, Marie-Elisabeth; Boudia, Merad; Abel, Laurent; Lortholary, Olivier; Casanova, Jean-Laurent; Picard, Capucine; Grimbacher, Bodo; Puel, Anne
Deep dermatophytosis is a severe and sometimes life-threatening fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. It is characterized by extensive dermal and subcutaneous tissue invasion and by frequent dissemination to the lymph nodes and, occasionally, the central nervous system. The condition is different from common superficial dermatophyte infection and has been reported in patients with no known immunodeficiency. Patients are mostly from North African, consanguineous, multiplex families, which strongly suggests a mendelian genetic cause. We studied the clinical features of deep dermatophytosis in 17 patients with no known immunodeficiency from eight unrelated Tunisian, Algerian, and Moroccan families. Because CARD9 (caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9) deficiency has been reported in an Iranian family with invasive fungal infections, we also sequenced CARD9 in the patients. Four patients died, at 28, 29, 37, and 39 years of age, with clinically active deep dermatophytosis. No other severe infections, fungal or otherwise, were reported in the surviving patients, who ranged in age from 37 to 75 years. The 15 Algerian and Tunisian patients, from seven unrelated families, had a homozygous Q289X CARD9 allele, due to a founder effect. The 2 Moroccan siblings were homozygous for the R101C CARD9 allele. Both alleles are rare deleterious variants. The familial segregation of these alleles was consistent with autosomal recessive inheritance and complete clinical penetrance. All the patients with deep dermatophytosis had autosomal recessive CARD9 deficiency. Deep dermatophytosis appears to be an important clinical manifestation of CARD9 deficiency. (Funded by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche and others.).
Patients' Awareness, Usage and Impact of Hospital Report Cards in the US.
Emmert, Martin; Schlesinger, Mark
Little knowledge is available about the importance of hospital report cards in the US from the patients' perspective. It also remains unknown whether specific report cards with a stronger emphasis on clinical measures have a greater impact on hospital choice than general report cards that focus on online-derived ratings. The aim of this study was to determine the awareness and usage of hospital report cards as well as their impact on hospital choice in the US. We conducted a cross-sectional study by surveying a stratified online sample (N = 1332) to ensure representativeness to the US online population (February 2015). Overall, 75% of all respondents (mean age 45.4 years; 54% female) were aware of hospital report cards. Among these, 56% had used a report card to search for a hospital, and 80% of report card users stated having been influenced by a report card. Both the awareness and usage of general report cards were shown to be higher than for specific report cards. No significant differences could be detected regarding the impact between general or specific report cards on hospital choice. Our results indicate that hospital report cards play a considerable role among patients when searching for a hospital in the US; however, patients do not seem to have a preference regarding the type of report cards they use when selecting a hospital.
Prevention of Information Leakage by Photo-Coupling in Smart Card
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shen, Sung-Shiou; Chiu, Jung-Hui
Advances in smart card technology encourages smart card use in more sensitive applications, such as storing important information and securing application. Smart cards are however vulnerable to side channel attacks. Power consumption and electromagnetic radiation of the smart card can leak information about the secret data protected by the smart card. Our paper describes two possible hardware countermeasures that protect against side channel information leakage. We show that power analysis can be prevented by adopting photo-coupling techniques. This method involves the use of LED with photovoltaic cells and photo-couplers on the power, reset, I/O and clock lines of the smart card. This method reduces the risk of internal data bus leakage on the external data lines. Moreover, we also discuss the effectiveness of reducing electromagnetic radiation by using embedded metal plates.
Consensus and conflict cards for metabolic pathway databases
Background The metabolic network of H. sapiens and many other organisms is described in multiple pathway databases. The level of agreement between these descriptions, however, has proven to be low. We can use these different descriptions to our advantage by identifying conflicting information and combining their knowledge into a single, more accurate, and more complete description. This task is, however, far from trivial. Results We introduce the concept of Consensus and Conflict Cards (C2Cards) to provide concise overviews of what the databases do or do not agree on. Each card is centered at a single gene, EC number or reaction. These three complementary perspectives make it possible to distinguish disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process from differences that can be explained by different decisions on how and in what detail to represent knowledge. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented C2CardsHuman, as a web application http://www.molgenis.org/c2cards, covering five human pathway databases. Conclusions C2Cards can contribute to ongoing reconciliation efforts by simplifying the identification of consensus and conflicts between pathway databases and lowering the threshold for experts to contribute. Several case studies illustrate the potential of the C2Cards in identifying disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process. The overviews may also point out controversial biological knowledge that should be subject of further research. Finally, the examples provided emphasize the importance of manual curation and the need for a broad community involvement. PMID:23803311
Real Communication through Interview and Conversation Cards
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bonin, Therese M.; Birckbichler, Diane W.
A method for use in foreign language teaching which involves the use of conversation cards and interview cards is described. The method is intended to improve the ability of the student to communicate in the language and allow for greater individualization of instruction. (RM)
Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs (Volumes 1-5)
National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Gateway
NIST Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs (Volumes 1-5) (Web, free access) The NIST database of mated fingerprint card pairs (Special Database 9) consists of multiple volumes. Currently five volumes have been released. Each volume will be a 3-disk set with each CD-ROM containing 90 mated card pairs of segmented 8-bit gray scale fingerprint images (900 fingerprint image pairs per CD-ROM). A newer version of the compression/decompression software on the CDROM can be found at the website http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/nigos.cfm as part of the NBIS package.
Self-control and credit-card use among college students.
Mansfield, Phylis M; Pinto, Mary Beth; Parente, Diane H
This study assessed the relationship between self-control and credit-card use with a convenience sample of 165 traditional-age college students of whom 69 (42%) were women. Students' self-control was measured on Grasmick, et al.'s Self-control Scale, which has six subscales, one of which is Impulsivity. Comparisons were made between those students who paid their cards off each month, called convenience users, and those who carried a monthly balance forward on scores on total self-control and impulsivity, and number of credit cards possessed. A significant difference in self-control scores was found between these two groups and also for mean impulsivity scores. Significantly fewer credit cards were possessed by students who paid their cards off each month than by those who carried a monthly balance.
Neogene subduction beneath Java, Indonesia: Slab tearing and changes in magmatism
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cottam, Michael; Hall, Robert; Cross, Lanu; Clements, Benjamin; Spakman, Wim
Java is a Neogene calc-alkaline volcanic island arc formed by the northwards subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate beneath Sundaland, the continental core of SE Asia. The island has a complex history of volcanism and displays unusual subduction characteristics. These characteristics are consistent with the subduction of a hole in the down going slab that was formed by the arrival of a buoyant oceanic plateau at the trench. Subduction beneath Java began in the Eocene. However, the position and character of the calc-alkaline arc has changed over time. An older Paleogene arc ceased activity in the Early Miocene. Volcanic activity resumed in the Late Miocene producing a younger arc to the north of the older arc, and continues to the present day. An episode of Late Miocene thrusting at about 7 Ma is observed throughout Java and appears to be linked to northward movement of the arc. Arc rocks display typical calc-alkaline characteristics and reflect melting of the mantle wedge and subducted sediments associated with high fluid fluxes. Between West Java and Bali the present arc-trench gap is unusually wide at about 300 km. Seismicity identifies subducted Indian Ocean lithosphere that dips north at about 20° between the trench and the arc and then dips more steeply at about 60-70° from 100 to 600 km depth. In East Java there is gap in seismicity between about 250 and 500 km. Seismic tomography shows that this gap is not an aseismic section of the subduction zone but a hole in the slab. East Java is also unusual in the presence of K-rich volcanoes, now inactive, to the north of the calc-alkaline volcanoes of the active arc. In contrast to the calc-alkaline volcanism of the main arc, these K-rich melts imply lower fluid fluxes and a different mantle source. We suggest that all these observations can be explained by the tearing of the subducting slab when a buoyant oceanic plateau arrived at the trench south of East Java at about 8 Ma. With the slab unable to subduct
Server-Side JavaScript Debugging: Viewing the Contents of an Object
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hampton, J.; Simons, R.
JavaScript allows the definition and use of large, complex objects. Unlike some other object-oriented languages, it also allows run-time modifications not only of the values of object components, but also of the very structure of the object itself. This feature is powerful and sometimes very convenient, but it can be difficult to keep track of the object's structure and values throughout program execution. What's needed is a simple way to view the current state of an object at any point during execution. There is a debug function that is included in the Netscape server-side JavaScript environment. The function outputs themore » value(s) of the expression given as the argument to the function in the JavaScript Application Manager's debug window [SSJS].« less
A health plan report card for dentistry.
Bader, J D; Shugars, D A; Hayden, W J; White, B A
Employers are demanding information about the performance of the health care plans they purchase for their employees. As a result, "report cards" are now beginning to appear that provide standardized, population-based comparison data for managed medical care plans' quality of care, access and member satisfaction, utilization, and financial status. Although report cards for dental care plans have not yet been developed, it is likely that purchasers will soon expect such performance information. A prototype report card for dental managed care plans is proposed in an effort to facilitate the development of a consensus standard for dentistry. The thirty-eight measures proposed for the report card are designed to be obtainable with a realistic level of additional effort in most dental practices. They were selected to provide data on questions of importance to purchasers and to assess processes and outcomes important because there is strong evidence for their effectiveness. The rationale for the measures is discussed, as are the steps required to develop more sophisticated measures. While the responsibility for the procurement of the information needed for dental report cards will die initially with administrators of dental care plans, it is likely in the near future that individual practitioners will be expected to supply this information to both individual patients and potential contractors.
JVM: Java Visual Mapping tool for next generation sequencing read.
Yang, Ye; Liu, Juan
We developed a program JVM (Java Visual Mapping) for mapping next generation sequencing read to reference sequence. The program is implemented in Java and is designed to deal with millions of short read generated by sequence alignment using the Illumina sequencing technology. It employs seed index strategy and octal encoding operations for sequence alignments. JVM is useful for DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq when dealing with single-end resequencing. JVM is a desktop application, which supports reads capacity from 1 MB to 10 GB.
Development Of The Drexler Optical-Card Reader/Writer System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pierce, Gerald A.
An optical-card reader/writer optical and electronic breadboard system, developed by SRI International under contract to Drexler Technology, is described. The optical card, which is the same size as a credit card, can contain more than 2 megabytes of digital user data, which may also include preformatted tracking information and preformatted data. The data layout on the card is similar to that on a floppy disk, with each track containing a header and clocking information. The design of this optical reader/writer system for optical cards is explained. Design of the optical card system entails a number of unique issues: To accommodate both laser-recorded and mass-duplicated information, the system must be compatible with preencoded information, which implies a larger-than-normal spot size (5 gm) and a detection system that can read both types of optical patterns. Cost-reduction considerations led to selection of a birefringent protection layer, which dictated a nonstandard optical system. The non-polarization-sensitive optics use an off-axis approach to detection. An LED illumination system makes it possible to read multiple tracks.
Smart cards--the key to trustworthy health information systems.
Neame, R.
Some 20 years after they were first developed, "smart cards" are set to play a crucial part in healthcare systems. Last year about a billion were supplied, mainly for use in the financial sector, but their special features make them of particular strategic importance for the health sector, where they offer a ready made solution to some key problems of security and confidentiality. This article outlines what smart cards are and why they are so important in managing health information. I discuss some of the unique features of smart cards that are of special importance in the development of secure and trustworthy health information systems. Smart cards would enable individuals' identities to be authenticated and communications to be secured and would provide the mechanisms for implementing strong security, differential access to data, and definitive audit trails. Patient cards can also with complete security carry personal details, data on current health problems and medications, emergency care data, and pointers to where medical records for the patient can be found. Provider cards can in addition carry authorisations and information on computer set up. PMID:9055719
JAtlasView: a Java atlas-viewer for browsing biomedical 3D images and atlases.
Feng, Guangjie; Burton, Nick; Hill, Bill; Davidson, Duncan; Kerwin, Janet; Scott, Mark; Lindsay, Susan; Baldock, Richard
Many three-dimensional (3D) images are routinely collected in biomedical research and a number of digital atlases with associated anatomical and other information have been published. A number of tools are available for viewing this data ranging from commercial visualization packages to freely available, typically system architecture dependent, solutions. Here we discuss an atlas viewer implemented to run on any workstation using the architecture neutral Java programming language. We report the development of a freely available Java based viewer for 3D image data, descibe the structure and functionality of the viewer and how automated tools can be developed to manage the Java Native Interface code. The viewer allows arbitrary re-sectioning of the data and interactive browsing through the volume. With appropriately formatted data, for example as provided for the Electronic Atlas of the Developing Human Brain, a 3D surface view and anatomical browsing is available. The interface is developed in Java with Java3D providing the 3D rendering. For efficiency the image data is manipulated using the Woolz image-processing library provided as a dynamically linked module for each machine architecture. We conclude that Java provides an appropriate environment for efficient development of these tools and techniques exist to allow computationally efficient image-processing libraries to be integrated relatively easily.
Imaging of upper crustal structure beneath East Java-Bali, Indonesia with ambient noise tomography
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Martha, Agustya Adi; Cummins, Phil; Saygin, Erdinc; Sri Widiyantoro; Masturyono
The complex geological structures in East Java and Bali provide important opportunities for natural resource exploitation, but also harbor perils associated with natural disasters. Such a condition makes the East Java region an important area for exploration of the subsurface seismic wave velocity structure, especially in its upper crust. We employed the ambient noise tomography method to image the upper crustal structure under this study area. We used seismic data recorded at 24 seismographs of BMKG spread over East Java and Bali. In addition, we installed 28 portable seismographs in East Java from April 2013 to January 2014 for 2-8 weeks, and we installed an additional 28 seismographs simultaneously throughout East Java from August 2015 to April 2016. We constructed inter-station Rayleigh wave Green's functions through cross-correlations of the vertical component of seismic noise recordings at 1500 pairs of stations. We used the Neighborhood Algorithm to construct depth profiles of shear wave velocity (Vs). The main result obtained from this study is the thickness of sediment cover. East Java's southern mountain zone is dominated by higher Vs, the Kendeng basin in the center is dominated by very low Vs, and the Rembang zone (to the North of Kendeng zone) is associated with medium Vs. The existence of structures with oil and gas potential in the Kendeng and Rembang zones can be identified by low Vs.
Medicare prescription drug discount cards.
Bryant, Natasha
With the passage of the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 came the creation of a Part D drug benefit through Medicare. Until that benefit is implemented, Medicare has established a drug discount card program to help your clients save money on their outpatient prescription drug expenses. In this brief, we discuss the Medicare-approved discount cards--who is eligible, how they work, how your clients can best make important decisions about them, and what help is out there for people with low incomes.
Classification of java tea (Orthosiphon aristatus) quality using FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Heryanto, R.; Pradono, D. I.; Marlina, E.; Darusman, L. K.
Java tea (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a plant that widely used as a medicinal herb in Indonesia. Its quality is varying depends on various factors, such as cultivating area, climate and harvesting time. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of FTIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics for discriminating the quality of java tea from different cultivating area. FTIR spectra of ethanolic extracts were collected from five different regions of origin of java tea. Prior to chemometrics evaluation, spectra were pre-processed by using baselining, normalization and derivatization. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the spectra to two PCs, which explained 73% of the total variance. Score plot of two PCs showed groupings of the samples according to their regions of origin. Furthermore, Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA) was applied to the pre-processed data. The approach produced an external validation success rate of 100%. This study shows that FTIR analysis and chemometrics has discriminatory power to classify java tea based on its quality related to the region of origin.
A Simple Homemade Polarised Sunglasses Test Card
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bamdad, Farzad
In this article construction of a simple and inexpensive test card which can be used to demonstrate the polarisation ability of sunglasses is described. The card was fabricated simply by using a piece of polariser sheet with one to three layers of cellophane tape fixed on it.
Star Catalogs on Punched Cards and Magnetic Tape
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Berbert, J. H.
In connection with the calibration of the Minitrack satellite tracking stations, the Goddard Space Flight Center has had the contents of a number of star catalogs put on punched cards and magnetic tape. This report discusses the plate data reduction procedures, briefly describes the information on the punched cards and magnetic tape, and calls attention to other applications of the card and tape star catalogs. The Goddard Space Flight Center has offered to prepare duplicate catalogs for qualified organizations.
Integrating Fingerprint Verification into the Smart Card-Based Healthcare Information System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Moon, Daesung; Chung, Yongwha; Pan, Sung Bum; Park, Jin-Won
As VLSI technology has been improved, a smart card employing 32-bit processors has been released, and more personal information such as medical, financial data can be stored in the card. Thus, it becomes important to protect personal information stored in the card. Verification of the card holder's identity using a fingerprint has advantages over the present practices of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and passwords. However, the computational workload of fingerprint verification is much heavier than that of the typical PIN-based solution. In this paper, we consider three strategies to implement fingerprint verification in a smart card environment and how to distribute the modules of fingerprint verification between the smart card and the card reader. We first evaluate the number of instructions of each step of a typical fingerprint verification algorithm, and estimate the execution time of several cryptographic algorithms to guarantee the security/privacy of the fingerprint data transmitted in the smart card with the client-server environment. Based on the evaluation results, we analyze each scenario with respect to the security level and the real-time execution requirements in order to implement fingerprint verification in the smart card with the client-server environment.
25 CFR 11.422 - Unauthorized use of credit cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Unauthorized use of credit cards. 11.422 Section 11.422... LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.422 Unauthorized use of credit cards. (a) A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she uses a credit card for the purpose of obtaining property or services with knowledge...
25 CFR 11.422 - Unauthorized use of credit cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Unauthorized use of credit cards. 11.422 Section 11.422... LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.422 Unauthorized use of credit cards. (a) A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she uses a credit card for the purpose of obtaining property or services with knowledge...
25 CFR 11.422 - Unauthorized use of credit cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Unauthorized use of credit cards. 11.422 Section 11.422... LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.422 Unauthorized use of credit cards. (a) A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she uses a credit card for the purpose of obtaining property or services with knowledge...
25 CFR 11.422 - Unauthorized use of credit cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true Unauthorized use of credit cards. 11.422 Section 11.422... LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.422 Unauthorized use of credit cards. (a) A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she uses a credit card for the purpose of obtaining property or services with knowledge...
25 CFR 11.422 - Unauthorized use of credit cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Unauthorized use of credit cards. 11.422 Section 11.422... LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.422 Unauthorized use of credit cards. (a) A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she uses a credit card for the purpose of obtaining property or services with knowledge...
Quantum key distribution using card, base station and trusted authority
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nordholt, Jane E.; Hughes, Richard John; Newell, Raymond Thorson
Techniques and tools for quantum key distribution ("QKD") between a quantum communication ("QC") card, base station and trusted authority are described herein. In example implementations, a QC card contains a miniaturized QC transmitter and couples with a base station. The base station provides a network connection with the trusted authority and can also provide electric power to the QC card. When coupled to the base station, after authentication by the trusted authority, the QC card acquires keys through QKD with a trust authority. The keys can be used to set up secure communication, for authentication, for access control, or formore » other purposes. The QC card can be implemented as part of a smart phone or other mobile computing device, or the QC card can be used as a fillgun for distribution of the keys.« less
Quantum key distribution using card, base station and trusted authority
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nordholt, Jane Elizabeth; Hughes, Richard John; Newell, Raymond Thorson
Techniques and tools for quantum key distribution ("QKD") between a quantum communication ("QC") card, base station and trusted authority are described herein. In example implementations, a QC card contains a miniaturized QC transmitter and couples with a base station. The base station provides a network connection with the trusted authority and can also provide electric power to the QC card. When coupled to the base station, after authentication by the trusted authority, the QC card acquires keys through QKD with a trusted authority. The keys can be used to set up secure communication, for authentication, for access control, or formore » other purposes. The QC card can be implemented as part of a smart phone or other mobile computing device, or the QC card can be used as a fillgun for distribution of the keys.« less
The mother's card: a simplified aid for primary health workers.
Shah, K P; Shah, P M
The Mother's Card and its use are described. The card is filled out by the health worker and provides data on the mother concerning family planning, menstrual cycles, pregnancy period (including whether at risk, state of nutrition, immunization against tetanus, and expected date of birth), and breastfeeding. The card is kept by the mother, and the health worker keeps a copy. Each card has space for 10 years and up to 4 pregnancies. The cards have been used successfully in India since 1976 and in Somalia since early 1980, and were useful in strengthening family planning programs as well as identifying pregnancies at risk for special attention.
JSXGraph--Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gerhauser, Michael; Valentin, Bianca; Wassermann, Alfred
Since Java applets seem to be on the retreat in web application, other approaches for displaying interactive mathematics in the web browser are needed. One such alternative could be our open-source project JSXGraph. It is a cross-browser library for displaying interactive geometry, function plotting, graphs, and data visualization in a web…
Signal processing for smart cards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Quisquater, Jean-Jacques; Samyde, David
In 1998, Paul Kocher showed that when a smart card computes cryptographic algorithms, for signatures or encryption, its consumption or its radiations leak information. The keys or the secrets hidden in the card can then be recovered using a differential measurement based on the intercorrelation function. A lot of silicon manufacturers use desynchronization countermeasures to defeat power analysis. In this article we detail a new resynchronization technic. This method can be used to facilitate the use of a neural network to do the code recognition. It becomes possible to reverse engineer a software code automatically. Using data and clock separation methods, we show how to optimize the synchronization using signal processing. Then we compare these methods with watermarking methods for 1D and 2D signal. The very last watermarking detection improvements can be applied to signal processing for smart cards with very few modifications. Bayesian processing is one of the best ways to do Differential Power Analysis, and it is possible to extract a PIN code from a smart card in very few samples. So this article shows the need to continue to set up effective countermeasures for cryptographic processors. Although the idea to use advanced signal processing operators has been commonly known for a long time, no publication explains that results can be obtained. The main idea of differential measurement is to use the cross-correlation of two random variables and to repeat consumption measurements on the processor to be analyzed. We use two processors clocked at the same external frequency and computing the same data. The applications of our design are numerous. Two measurements provide the inputs of a central operator. With the most accurate operator we can improve the signal noise ratio, re-synchronize the acquisition clock with the internal one, or remove jitter. The analysis based on consumption or electromagnetic measurements can be improved using our structure. At first sight
High density printed electrical circuit board card connection system
Baumbaugh, Alan E.
A zero insertion/extraction force printed circuit board card connection system comprises a cam-operated locking mechanism disposed along an edge portion of the printed circuit board. The extrusions along the circuit board mate with an extrusion fixed to the card cage having a plurality of electrical connectors. The card connection system allows the connectors to be held away from the circuit board during insertion/extraction and provides a constant mating force once the circuit board is positioned. The card connection system provides a simple solution to the need for a greater number of electrical signal connections.
West Java Snack Mapping based on Snack Types, Main Ingredients, and Processing Techniques
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nurani, A. S.; Subekti, S.; Ana
The research was motivated by lack of literature on archipelago snack especially from West Java. It aims to explore the snack types, the processing techniques, and the main ingredients by planning a learning material on archipelago cake especially from West Java. The research methods used are descriptive observations and interviews. The samples were randomly chosen from all regions in West Java. The findings show the identification of traditional snack from West java including: 1. snack types which are similar in all regions as research sample namely: opak, rangginang, nagasari, aliagrem, cuhcur, keripik, semprong, wajit, dodol, kecimpring, combro, tape ketan, and surabi. The typical snack types involve burayot (Garut), simping kaum (Purwakarta), surabi hejo (Karawang), papais cisaat (Subang), Papais moyong, opak bakar (Kuningan), opak oded, ranggesing (Sumedang), gapit, tapel (Cirebon), gulampo, kue aci (Tasikmalaya), wajit cililin, gurilem (West Bandung), and borondong (Bandung District); 2. various processing techniques namely: steaming, boiling, frying, caramelizing, baking, grilling, roaster, sugaring; 3. various main ingredients namely rice, local glutinous rice, rice flour, glutinous rice flour, starch, wheat flour, hunkue flour, cassava, sweet potato, banana, nuts, and corn; 4. snack classification in West Java namely (1) traditional snack, (2) creation-snack, (3) modification-snack, (4) outside influence-snack.
47 CFR 80.868 - Card of instructions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Card of instructions. 80.868 Section 80.868 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Technical Equipment Requirements for Cargo Vessels Not Subject to Subpart W § 80.868 Card...
Deep Dermatophytosis and Inherited CARD9 Deficiency
Vincent, Quentin B.; Liu, Luyan; Cypowyj, Sophie; Prando, Carolina; Migaud, Mélanie; Taibi, Lynda; Ammar-Khodja, Aomar; Stambouli, Omar Boudghene; Guellil, Boumediene; Jacobs, Frederique; Goffard, Jean-Christophe; Schepers, Kinda; del Marmol, Véronique; Boussofara, Lobna; Denguezli, Mohamed; Larif, Molka; Bachelez, Hervé; Michel, Laurence; Lefranc, Gérard; Hay, Rod; Jouvion, Gregory; Chretien, Fabrice; Fraitag, Sylvie; Bougnoux, Marie-Elisabeth; Boudia, Merad
BACKGROUND Deep dermatophytosis is a severe and sometimes life-threatening fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. It is characterized by extensive dermal and subcutaneous tissue invasion and by frequent dissemination to the lymph nodes and, occasionally, the central nervous system. The condition is different from common superficial dermatophyte infection and has been reported in patients with no known immunodeficiency. Patients are mostly from North African, consanguineous, multiplex families, which strongly suggests a mendelian genetic cause. METHODS We studied the clinical features of deep dermatophytosis in 17 patients with no known immunodeficiency from eight unrelated Tunisian, Algerian, and Moroccan families. Because CARD9 (caspase recruitment domain–containing protein 9) deficiency has been reported in an Iranian family with invasive fungal infections, we also sequenced CARD9 in the patients. RESULTS Four patients died, at 28, 29, 37, and 39 years of age, with clinically active deep dermatophytosis. No other severe infections, fungal or otherwise, were reported in the surviving patients, who ranged in age from 37 to 75 years. The 15 Algerian and Tunisian patients, from seven unrelated families, had a homozygous Q289X CARD9 allele, due to a founder effect. The 2 Moroccan siblings were homozygous for the R101C CARD9 allele. Both alleles are rare deleterious variants. The familial segregation of these alleles was consistent with autosomal recessive inheritance and complete clinical penetrance. CONCLUSIONS All the patients with deep dermatophytosis had autosomal recessive CARD9 deficiency. Deep dermatophytosis appears to be an important clinical manifestation of CARD9 deficiency. (Funded by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche and others.) PMID:24131138
PDDL4J: a planning domain description library for java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pellier, D.; Fiorino, H.
PDDL4J (Planning Domain Description Library for Java) is an open source toolkit for Java cross-platform developers meant (1) to provide state-of-the-art planners based on the Pddl language, and (2) to facilitate research works on new planners. In this article, we present an overview of the Automated Planning concepts and languages. We present some planning systems and their most significant applications. Then, we detail the Pddl4j toolkit with an emphasis on the available informative structures, heuristics and search algorithms.
Book Catalogs versus Card Catalogs *
Pizer, Irwin H.
The development of the library catalog in book form and its abandonment in favor of the card catalog are briefly traced. The advantages and disadvantages of both types of catalogs are enumerated, and several solutions which tried to combine the best features of both are discussed. The present trend back to the book catalog, made possible by recent advances in computer technology, is analyzed, advantages and disadvantages are compared, current examples are illustrated, and finally the computerized catalog is weighed against both the book and card catalog as to main features and practicality. PMID:14271116
Spatial modeling for estimation of earthquakes economic loss in West Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Retnowati, Dyah Ayu; Meilano, Irwan; Riqqi, Akhmad; Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma
Indonesia has a high vulnerability towards earthquakes. The low adaptive capacity could make the earthquake become disaster that should be concerned. That is why risk management should be applied to reduce the impacts, such as estimating the economic loss caused by hazard. The study area of this research is West Java. The main reason of West Java being vulnerable toward earthquake is the existence of active faults. These active faults are Lembang Fault, Cimandiri Fault, Baribis Fault, and also Megathrust subduction zone. This research tries to estimates the value of earthquakes economic loss from some sources in West Java. The economic loss is calculated by using HAZUS method. The components that should be known are hazard (earthquakes), exposure (building), and the vulnerability. Spatial modeling is aimed to build the exposure data and make user get the information easier by showing the distribution map, not only in tabular data. As the result, West Java could have economic loss up to 1,925,122,301,868,140 IDR ± 364,683,058,851,703.00 IDR, which is estimated from six earthquake sources with maximum possibly magnitude. However, the estimation of economic loss value in this research is the worst case earthquakes occurrence which is probably over-estimated.
Spatial durbin error model for human development index in Province of Central Java.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Septiawan, A. R.; Handajani, S. S.; Martini, T. S.
The Human Development Index (HDI) is an indicator used to measure success in building the quality of human life, explaining how people access development outcomes when earning income, health and education. Every year HDI in Central Java has improved to a better direction. In 2016, HDI in Central Java was 69.98 %, an increase of 0.49 % over the previous year. The objective of this study was to apply the spatial Durbin error model using angle weights queen contiguity to measure HDI in Central Java Province. Spatial Durbin error model is used because the model overcomes the spatial effect of errors and the effects of spatial depedency on the independent variable. Factors there use is life expectancy, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling, and purchasing power parity. Based on the result of research, we get spatial Durbin error model for HDI in Central Java with influencing factors are life expectancy, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling, and purchasing power parity.
Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2012 Java and vicinity
Jones, Eric S.; Hayes, Gavin P.; Bernardino, Melissa; Dannemann, Fransiska K.; Furlong, Kevin P.; Benz, Harley M.; Villaseñor, Antonio
The Sunda convergent margin extends for 5,600 km from the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, both located northwest of the map area, towards the island of Sumba in the southeast, and then continues eastward as the Banda arc system. This tectonically active margin is a result of the India and Australia plates converging with and subducting beneath the Sunda plate at a rate of approximately 50 to 70 mm/yr. The main physiographic feature associated with this convergent margin is the Sunda-Java Trench, which stretches for 3,000 km parallel to the Java and Sumatra land masses and terminates at 120° E. The convergence of the Indo-Australia and Sunda plates produces two active volcanic arcs: Sunda, which extends from 105 to 122° E and Banda, which extends from 122 to 128° E. The Sunda arc results solely from relatively simple oceanic plate subduction, while the Banda arc represents the transition from oceanic subduction to continental collision, where a complex, broad deforming zone is found. Based on modern activity, the Banda arc can be divided into three distinct zones: an inactive section, the Wetar Zone, bound by two active segments, the Flores Zone in the west and the Damar Zone in the east. The lack of volcanism in the Wetar Zone is attributed to the collision of Australia with the Sunda plate. The absence of gap in volcanic activity is underlain by a gap in intermediate depth seismicity, which is in contrast to nearly continuous, deep seismicity below all three sections of the arc. The Flores Zone is characterized by down-dip compression in the subducted slab at intermediate depths and late Quaternary uplift of the forearc. These unusual features, along with GPS data interpretations indicate that the Flores Zone marks the transition between subduction of oceanic crust in the west and the collision of continental crust in the east. The Java section of the Sunda arc is considered relatively aseismic historically when compared to the highly seismically active
Collaborative Scheduling Using JMS in a Mixed Java and .NET Environment
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wang, Yeou-Fang; Wax, Allan; Lam, Ray; Baldwin, John; Borden, Chet
A collaborative framework/environment was proto-typed to prove the feasibility of scheduling space flight missions on NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) in a distributed fashion. In this environment, effective collaboration relies on efficient communications among all flight mission and DSN scheduling users. There-fore, messaging becomes critical to timely event notification and data synchronization. In the prototype, a rapid messaging system using Java Message Service (JMS) in a mixed Java and .NET environment is established. This scheme allows both Java and .NET applications to communicate with each other for data synchronization and schedule negotiation. The JMS approach we used is based on a centralized messaging scheme. With proper use of a high speed messaging system, all users in this collaborative framework can communicate with each other to generate a schedule collaboratively to meet DSN and projects tracking needs.
College Student Performance and Credit Card Usage.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pinto, Mary Beth; Parente, Diane H.; Palmer, Todd Starr
Examines the relationship between credit card usage, employment, and academic performance among a group of college students with credit cards. Results reveal that the students differed significantly in the level of anxiety felt from carrying debt, perceived need to work, and perceived impact of employment on academic performance. (Contains 57…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Temple Day
Few students leave college with a plan for paying off their debt. Starting a career inundated with student loans and credit card debt burdens is a reality many college students face today. In the wake of graduation coming to terms with the consequences of credit card debt is stressful for many students. This dissertation observes the relationship…
An oceanic plateau subduction offshore Eastern Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shulgin, A.; Kopp, H.; Mueller, C.; Planert, L.; Lueschen, E.; Flueh, E. R.; Djajadihardja, Y.
The area offshore Java represents one of a few places globally where the early stage of subduction of an oceanic plateau is observed. We study the little investigated Roo Rise oceanic plateau on the Indian plate, subducting beneath Eurasia.Our study area is located south of eastern Java and covers the edge of the Roo Rise plateau, the Java trench and the entire forearc section. For the first time the detailed deep structure of the Roo Rise is studied, subduction of which has a significant effect on the forearc dynamics and evolution and the increase of the geohazards risks. The tsunamogenic earthquakes of 1994 and 2006 are associated with the oceanic plateau edge been subducted. We present integrated results of a refraction/wide-angle reflection tomography, gravity modeling, and multichannel reflection seismic imaging using data acquired in 2006 along a corridor centered around 113°E and composed of a 340 km long N-S profile and a 130 km long E-W oriented profile. The composite structural models reveal the previously unresolved deep geometry of the collision zone and the structure of the oceanic plateau. The crustal thickness of the Roo Rise plateau is ranging from 18 to 12 km. The structure of the upper crust of the incoming oceanic plate shows the extreme degree of fracturing in its top section, and is associated with a plate bending. The forearc Moho has a depth range from 16 to 20 km. The gravity modeling requires a sharp crustal thickness increase below Java. Within our profiles we do not recover any direct evidence for the presence of the bathymetric features on the oceanic plate currently present below the accretionary prism, responsible for the tsunamogenic earthquake triggering. However vertical variations of the forearc basement edge are observed on the trench-parallel profile, which opens a discussion on the origin of such basement undulations, together with a localized patchy uplift character of the forearc high.The complex geometry of the backstop
Victorian era esthetic and restorative dentistry: an advertising trade card gallery.
Croll, Theodore P; Swanson, Ben Z
A chief means of print advertising in the Victorian era was the "trade card." Innumerable products, companies, and services were highlighted on colorful chromolithographic trade cards, and these became desirable collectible objects which were pasted into scrapbooks and enjoyed by many families. Dentistry- and oral health-related subjects were often depicted on Victorian trade cards, and esthetic and restorative dentistry themes were featured. This review describes the history of advertising trade cards and offers a photographic gallery of dentistry-related cards of the era.
Potential Development Essential Oil Production of Central Java, Indonesia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alighiri, D.; Eden, W. T.; Supardi, K. I.; Masturi; Purwinarko, A.
Indonesia is the source of raw essential oil in the world. Essential oils are used in various types of industries such as food and beverage, flavour, fragrance, perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. However, the development of Indonesian essential oil industry has not been encouraging for the production of essential oils, further it is unable to meet global demand. Besides that, the quality of volatile oil resulted cannot meet the international market standards. Based on the facts, the potential of Indonesian essential oils needs to be developed to provide added value, through increased production, improved quality and product diversification. One part of Indonesia having abundant of raw essential oil source is Central Java. Central Java has the quite large potential production of essential oils. Some essential oils produced from refining industry owned by the government, private and community sectors include cananga oils (Boyolali district), clove oils (Semarang district), patchouli oils (Brebes district, Pemalang district, and Klaten district). The main problem in the development of plants industries that producing essential oil in Central Java is low crops production, farming properties, quality of essential oils are diverse, providing poor-quality products and volatile oil price fluctuations. Marketing constraints of Central Java essential oils are quite complex supply chain. In general, marketing constraints of essential oils due to three factors, namely the low quality due to type of essential oil business that generally shaped small businesses with different capital and technology, domestic marketing is still a buyer-market (price determined by the buyer) because of weak bargaining position processors businessman, and prices fluctuate (domestic and foreign) due to uncontrolled domestic production and inter-country competition among manufacturers.
Validation of a novel attentional bias modification task: the future may be in the cards.
Notebaert, Lies; Clarke, Patrick J F; Grafton, Ben; MacLeod, Colin
Attentional bias modification (ABM) is a promising therapeutic tool aimed at changing patterns of attentional selectivity associated with heightened anxiety. A number of studies have successfully implemented ABM using the modified dot-probe task. However others have not achieved the attentional change required to achieve emotional benefits, highlighting the need for new ABM methods. The current study compared the effectiveness of a newly developed ABM task against the traditional dot-probe ABM task. The new person-identity-matching (PIM) task presented participants with virtual cards, each depicting a happy and angry person. The task encourages selective attention toward or away from threat by requiring participants to make matching judgements between two cards, based either on the identities of the happy faces, or of the angry faces. Change in attentional bias achieved by both ABM tasks was measured by a dot-probe assessment task. Their impact on emotional vulnerability was assessed by measuring negative emotional reactions to a video stressor. The PIM task succeeded in modifying attentional bias, and exerting an impact on emotional reactivity, whereas this was not the case for the dot-probe task. These results are considered in relation to the potential clinical utility of the current task in comparison to traditional ABM methodologies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
"Procurement Cards" Help Colleges Reduce Paperwork and Delays in Purchasing.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mercer, Joye
Increasingly, colleges and universities are using procurement cards, which are credit cards with limited usage, for institutional faculty and staff to make small purchases without going through costly and inefficient purchasing channels. Some concerns include distribution of cards, increased liability, and monitoring of expenditures. (MSE)
GC-MS analysis of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) bud essential oil from Java and Manado
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Amelia, B.; Saepudin, E.; Cahyana, A. H.; Rahayu, D. U.; Sulistyoningrum, A. S.; Haib, J.
The largest clove production contributors in Indonesia are mostly coming from Java and Manado. Different flavor among clove origins is caused by chemical constituents in clove oil. Unfortunately, scientific research and publications about flavor in clove from Indonesia's origin are still limited. The objective of this research is to determine significant differences of constituents in terms of flavor in clove oil originated from Java and Manado. The essential oils were isolated from cut clove bud samples by steam distillation method. The chemical constituents of clove bud oil were analyzed by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Constituents were then identified by comparing the results of the chromatogram and reference retention time using Wiley mass spectra library (Wiley W9N11). Thirty-six and thirty-four chemical constituents were identified based on GC-MS from clove oil collected from Java and Manado, respectively. Major classes of compounds are sesquiterpenes, phenyl propanoid, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, and esters. Different compositions in major constituents were found between both origins. Clove Java contained eugenol (55.60 %), eugenyl acetate (20.54 %), caryophyllene (14.84 %), and α-humulene (2.75 %). While, in clove Manado, the composition were eugenol (74.64 %), caryophyllene (12.79 %), eugenyl acetate (8.70 %), and α-humulene (1.53 %). Moreover, minor constituents β-elemene (0.04 %), α-cadinene (0.05 %) and ledol (0.06 %) were existed only in clove Java, while clove Manado had some unique minor constituents which were not found in clove Java, i.e. β-gurjunene (0.04 %), γ-cadinene %), and humulene oxide (0.05 %). In conclusion, both clove oils from Java and Manado contained same major chemical constituents but different in their composition. In addition, some minor constituents existed only in specific origin.
Applications of Java and Vector Graphics to Astrophysical Visualization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Edirisinghe, D.; Budiardja, R.; Chae, K.; Edirisinghe, G.; Lingerfelt, E.; Guidry, M.
We describe a series of projects utilizing the portability of Java programming coupled with the compact nature of vector graphics (SVG and SWF formats) for setup and control of calculations, local and collaborative visualization, and interactive 2D and 3D animation presentations in astrophysics. Through a set of examples, we demonstrate how such an approach can allow efficient and user-friendly control of calculations in compiled languages such as Fortran 90 or C++ through portable graphical interfaces written in Java, and how the output of such calculations can be packaged in vector-based animation having interactive controls and extremely high visual quality, but very low bandwidth requirements.
A Standalone Vision Impairments Simulator for Java Swing Applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oikonomou, Theofanis; Votis, Konstantinos; Korn, Peter; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Likothanasis, Spriridon
A lot of work has been done lately in an attempt to assess accessibility. For the case of web rich-client applications several tools exist that simulate how a vision impaired or colour-blind person would perceive this content. In this work we propose a simulation tool for non-web JavaTM Swing applications. Developers and designers face a real challenge when creating software that has to cope with a lot of interaction situations, as well as specific directives for ensuring an accessible interaction. The proposed standalone tool will assist them to explore user-centered design and important accessibility issues for their JavaTM Swing implementations.
Impact of Report Cards On Employees: A Natural Experiment
Knutson, David J.; Kind, Elizabeth A.; Fowles, Jinnet B.; Adlis, Susan
To determine the effect of survey-based, health plan report cards on employees as they selected their 1995 health plan, the authors surveyed two groups of Minnesota State employees, one of which received the report card and one that did not. Both groups were surveyed before and after their enrollment. The authors looked for report card effects on relative changes in the employees' knowledge of health plan benefits and their ratings of quality and cost attributes, as well as their plan choice, rates of switching plans, and willingness to pay higher premiums. The only report card effect found was an increase in perceived knowledge for employees with single coverage. PMID:10387425
Identifying Intraplate Mechanism by B-Value Calculations in the South of Java Island
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bagus Suananda Y., Ida; Aufa, Irfan; Harlianti, Ulvienin
Java is the most populous island in Indonesia with 50 million people live there. This island geologically formed at the Eurasia plate margin by the subduction of the Australian oceanic crust. At the south part of Java, beside the occurrence of 2-plate convergence earthquake (interplate), there are also the activities of the intraplate earthquake. Research for distinguish this 2 different earthquake type is necessary for estimating the behavior of the earthquake that may occur. The aim of this research is to map the b-value in the south of Java using earthquake data from 1963 until 2008. The research area are divided into clusters based on the epicenter mapping results with magnitude more than 4 and three different depth (0-30 km, 30-60 km, 60-100 km). This location clustering indicate group of earthquakes occurred by the same structure or mechanism. On some cluster in the south of Java, b-value obtained are between 0.8 and 1.25. This range of b-value indicates the region was intraplate earthquake zone, with 0.72-1.2 b-value range is the indication of intraplate earthquake zone. The final validation is to determine the mechanism of a segment done by correlating the epicenter and b-value plot with the available structural geology data. Based on this research, we discover that the earthquakes occur in Java not only the interplate earthquake, the intraplate earthquake also occurred here. By identifying the mechanism of a segment in the south of Java, earthquake characterization that may occur can be done for developing the accurate earthquake disaster mitigation system.
SST cooling along coastal Java and Sumatra during positive Indian Ocean Dipole events
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Delman, A. S.; McClean, J.; Sprintall, J.; Talley, L. D.; Bryan, F.; Johnson, B. K.; Carton, J.
The evolution of positive Indian Ocean Dipole (pIOD) events is driven in part by anomalous SST cooling near the coasts of Java and Sumatra. However, the mechanisms and timeline of surface temperature changes near these two islands are distinct. Satellite data and mixed layer budgets in a forced ocean model simulation with 0.1° spatial resolution were used to characterize the dominant influences on SST in each region during pIOD events. Along the south coast of Java, where upwelling from southeasterly trade winds happens seasonally in June-September, strengthening/weakening of the trade winds has little effect on the interannual variability of SST. Instead, remotely-forced upwelling Kelvin waves are the primary mechanism for producing anomalous Java SST cooling in the early stages of a pIOD event. Other mechanisms that affect Java SST anomalies include inflows from the interior Indonesian Seas, mesoscale eddies, and air-sea heat fluxes; these influences can hasten the decay of cool Java SST anomalies and therefore may impact the strength and duration of pIOD events. Along the west coast of Sumatra, surface cooling is initially delayed by a deeper thermocline and a salinity-stratified barrier layer. Hence upwelling Kelvin waves do not substantially affect SST near Sumatra during the first 2-3 months of Java SST cooling; however, they do help drive surface cooling near Sumatra once the barrier layer has been sufficiently eroded by waters of decreasing temperature and increasing salinity. Upwelling Kelvin wave activity in the equatorial Indian Ocean starting in April is also shown to be a robust predictor of pIOD events later in the calendar year.
State Exemplars of School Accountability "Report Cards"
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Christie, Kathy
This report provides profiles of exemplars of school accountability "report cards" from nine states and the District of Columbia. The exemplars were selected by Education Commission of the States (ECS) researchers and a group of 14 parents selected by ECS staff. This report contains: (1) a main "report card" page with school…
Zika Virus, a Cause of Fever in Central Java, Indonesia
ZIKA VIRUS , A CAUSE OF FEVER IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA J.G. Olson, T.G. Ksiazek, Suhandiman and Triwibowo REPORT NO. TR-879 NAMRU- DT1 &, AUG 0 9...75, No. 3, 1981 Zika virus , a cause of fever in Central Java, Indonesia J. G. OLSON’, T. G. KSIAZEK’, SUHANDIMAN 2 AND TRIwIBOWO 2 ’U.S. Naval...more days on admission. A physician member of the team recorded the Introduction patient’s age, sex and date of onset of symptoms and Zika virus ( ZIKA
Implementing the Gaia Astrometric Global Iterative Solution (AGIS) in Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Mullane, William; Lammers, Uwe; Lindegren, Lennart; Hernandez, Jose; Hobbs, David
This paper provides a description of the Java software framework which has been constructed to run the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution for the Gaia mission. This is the mathematical framework to provide the rigid reference frame for Gaia observations from the Gaia data itself. This process makes Gaia a self calibrated, and input catalogue independent, mission. The framework is highly distributed typically running on a cluster of machines with a database back end. All code is written in the Java language. We describe the overall architecture and some of the details of the implementation.
77 FR 75410 - Request for Information Regarding Credit Card Market
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Regarding Credit Card Market AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. ACTION: Notice and request for information. SUMMARY: Section 502(a) of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of... review (Review) of the consumer credit card market, within the limits of its existing resources available...
Ridership impacts of South Florida's EASY smart card.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Smart card-based Automated Fare Collection Systems (AFCS) are being increasingly deployed in transit systems across the US. Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) has recently deployed such a system branded as the EASY Card. The South Florida Regional Transportati...
Wang, Wen-Bin; Li, Jang-Yuan; Wu, Qi-Jun
A LabVIEW-based self-constructed chemical virtual instrument (VI) has been developed for determining temperatures and pressures. It can be put together easily and quickly by selecting hardware modules, such as the PCI-DAQ card or serial port method, different kinds of sensors, signal-conditioning circuits or finished chemical instruments, and software modules such as data acquisition, saving, proceeding. The VI system provides individual and extremely flexible solutions for automatic measurements in physical chemistry research.
Wang, Wen-Bin; Li, Jang-Yuan; Wu, Qi-Jun
A LabVIEW-based self-constructed chemical virtual instrument (VI) has been developed for determining temperatures and pressures. It can be put together easily and quickly by selecting hardware modules, such as the PCI-DAQ card or serial port method, different kinds of sensors, signal-conditioning circuits or finished chemical instruments, and software modules such as data acquisition, saving, proceeding. The VI system provides individual and extremely flexible solutions for automatic measurements in physical chemistry research. PMID:17671611
Optical security features for plastic card documents
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hossick Schott, Joachim
Print-on-demand is currently a major trend in the production of paper based documents. This fully digital production philosophy will likely have ramifications also for the secure identification document market. Here, plastic cards increasingly replace traditionally paper based security sensitive documents such as drivers licenses and passports. The information content of plastic cards can be made highly secure by using chip cards. However, printed and other optical security features will continue to play an important role, both for machine readable and visual inspection. Therefore, on-demand high resolution print technologies, laser engraving, luminescent pigments and laminated features such as holograms, kinegrams or phase gratings will have to be considered for the production of secure identification documents. Very important are also basic optical, surface and material durability properties of the laminates as well as the strength and nature of the adhesion between the layers. This presentation will address some of the specific problems encountered when optical security features such as high resolution printing and laser engraving are to be integrated in the on-demand production of secure plastic card identification documents.
Credit Cards: What You Don't Know Can Cost You!
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Detweiler, Gerri
The role of credit cards in personal finance has increased dramatically over the past two decades. Complex interest computation methods and additional fees often boost the price of credit card loans and help make credit cards the most profitable type of consumer loan for many lenders. (Author/JOW)
Plain and Rolled Images from Paired Fingerprint Cards
National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Gateway
NIST Plain and Rolled Images from Paired Fingerprint Cards (Web, free access) NIST Special Database 29 is being distributed for use in development and testing fingerprint matching systems. The data consist of 216 ten-print fingerprint card pairs with both the rolled and plains (from a bottom of the fingerprint card) scanned at 19.7 pixels per mm. A newer version of the compression/decompression software on the CDROM can be found at the website http://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/ig/nigos.cfm as part of the NBIS package.
Biometrics and ID Cards — Enablers for Personal Security
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reisen, Andreas
The electronic ID card is a modernization and security project of the German Government. On the one hand, the multifunctional card is intended to boost security and the convenience of e-government and e-business applications. On the other hand, the new biometric ID card should allow citizens to use it as a travel document in the Schengen area and for specific destinations outside the European Union also in the future.
Predicting credit card behavior: a study in neuroeconomics.
Spinella, Marcello; Lester, David; Yang, Bijou
In a sample of 139 community residents, credit card ownership was associated with age, sex, income, attitudes toward credit cards and toward money, and scores on a verbal measure of prefrontal cortical dysfunction, supporting a neuroeconomic approach to economic decision-making.
A Simulation of Coevolution Using Playing Cards
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tatina, Robert
In this article, the author describes a simulation of a coevolutionary "arms race" and introduce a way of teaching it that lets students use the theory of natural selection to explain the outcomes of the simulation. The simulation uses the numerical cards from an UNO[R] playing card deck to represent the speeds of individuals in populations of…
Virtual probing system for medical volume data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiao, Yongfei; Fu, Yili; Wang, Shuguo
Because of the huge computation in 3D medical data visualization, looking into its inner data interactively is always a problem to be resolved. In this paper, we present a novel approach to explore 3D medical dataset in real time by utilizing a 3D widget to manipulate the scanning plane. With the help of the 3D texture property in modern graphics card, a virtual scanning probe is used to explore oblique clipping plane of medical volume data in real time. A 3D model of the medical dataset is also rendered to illustrate the relationship between the scanning-plane image and the other tissues in medical data. It will be a valuable tool in anatomy education and understanding of medical images in the medical research.
Wang, Ke; Nirmalathas, Ampalavanapillai; Lim, Christina; Skafidas, Efstratios; Alameh, Kamal
In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a free-space based high-speed reconfigurable card-to-card optical interconnect architecture with broadcast capability, which is required for control functionalities and efficient parallel computing applications. Experimental results show that 10 Gb/s data can be broadcast to all receiving channels for up to 30 cm with a worst-case receiver sensitivity better than -12.20 dBm. In addition, arbitrary multicasting with the same architecture is also investigated. 10 Gb/s reconfigurable point-to-point link and multicast channels are simultaneously demonstrated with a measured receiver sensitivity power penalty of ~1.3 dB due to crosstalk.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wittwer, A.; Flueh, E.; Rabbel, W.; Wagner, D.
In this study, offshore wide-angle data acquired by ocean bottom instruments of a combined onshore- offshore investigation of the tectonic framework of central Java will be presented. The joint interdisciplinary project MERAMEX (Merapi Amphibious Experiment) was carried out in order to characterize the subduction of the Indo-Australian plate beneath Eurasia. The interpretation of three wide-angle data profiles, modelled with forward raytracing, indicates that the subduction of the Roo Rise with its thickened oceanic crust strongly influences the subduction zone. The dip angle of the downgoing oceanic plate is 10° and its crustal thickness increases to the east from 8 km to 9 km between both dip profiles off central Java. Large scale forearc uplift is manifested in isolated forearc highs, reaching water depths of only 1000 m compared to 2000 m water depth off western Java, and results from oceanic basement relief subduction. A broad band of seamounts trends E-W at approximately 10°S. Its incipient subduction off central Java causes frontal erosion of the margin here and leads to mass wasting due to oversteepening of the upper trench wall. A suite of wide-angle profiles off southern Sumatra to central Java indicates a clear change in the tectonic environment between longitude 108°E and 109°E. The well-developed accretionary wedge off southern Sumatra and western Java changes into a small frontal prism with steep slope angles of the upper plate off central Java.
The adaptor molecule CARD9 is essential for tuberculosis control
Dorhoi, Anca; Desel, Christiane; Yeremeev, Vladimir; Pradl, Lydia; Brinkmann, Volker; Mollenkopf, Hans-Joachim; Hanke, Karin; Gross, Olaf; Ruland, Jürgen
The cross talk between host and pathogen starts with recognition of bacterial signatures through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which mobilize downstream signaling cascades. We investigated the role of the cytosolic adaptor caspase recruitment domain family, member 9 (CARD9) in tuberculosis. This adaptor was critical for full activation of innate immunity by converging signals downstream of multiple PRRs. Card9−/− mice succumbed early after aerosol infection, with higher mycobacterial burden, pyogranulomatous pneumonia, accelerated granulocyte recruitment, and higher abundance of proinflammatory cytokines and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in serum and lung. Neutralization of G-CSF and neutrophil depletion significantly prolonged survival, indicating that an exacerbated systemic inflammatory disease triggered lethality of Card9−/− mice. CARD9 deficiency had no apparent effect on T cell responses, but a marked impact on the hematopoietic compartment. Card9−/− granulocytes failed to produce IL-10 after Mycobaterium tuberculosis infection, suggesting that an absent antiinflammatory feedback loop accounted for granulocyte-dominated pathology, uncontrolled bacterial replication, and, ultimately, death of infected Card9−/− mice. Our data provide evidence that deregulated innate responses trigger excessive lung inflammation and demonstrate a pivotal role of CARD9 signaling in autonomous innate host defense against tuberculosis. PMID:20351059
Using a Card Trick to Illustrate Fixed Points and Stability
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Champanerkar, Jyoti; Jani, Mahendra
Mathematical ideas from number theory, group theory, dynamical systems, and computer science have often been used to explain card tricks. Conversely, playing cards have been often used to illustrate the mathematical concepts of probability distributions and group theory. In this paper, we describe how the 21-card trick may be used to illustrate…
Real-time Java simulations of multiple interference dielectric filters
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kireev, Alexandre N.; Martin, Olivier J. F.
An interactive Java applet for real-time simulation and visualization of the transmittance properties of multiple interference dielectric filters is presented. The most commonly used interference filters as well as the state-of-the-art ones are embedded in this platform-independent applet which can serve research and education purposes. The Transmittance applet can be freely downloaded from the site http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk. Program summaryProgram title: Transmittance Catalogue identifier: AEBQ_v1_0 Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEBQ_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.html No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 5778 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 90 474 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Java Computer: Developed on PC-Pentium platform Operating system: Any Java-enabled OS. Applet was tested on Windows ME, XP, Sun Solaris, Mac OS RAM: Variable Classification: 18 Nature of problem: Sophisticated wavelength selective multiple interference filters can include some tens or even hundreds of dielectric layers. The spectral response of such a stack is not obvious. On the other hand, there is a strong demand from application designers and students to get a quick insight into the properties of a given filter. Solution method: A Java applet was developed for the computation and the visualization of the transmittance of multilayer interference filters. It is simple to use and the embedded filter library can serve educational purposes. Also, its ability to handle complex structures will be appreciated as a useful research and development tool. Running time: Real-time simulations
Land subsidence threats and its management in the North Coast of Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sarah, D.; Soebowo, E.
Cities on the north coast of Java such as Jakarta, Semarang, Pekalongan, and Surabaya are vulnerable to environmental pressures such as sea level change and land subsidence. Land subsidence can be caused by natural and anthropogenic processes. Geologically, the north coastal plain of Java consists of unconsolidated Holocene alluvial deposit. The recent alluvial deposit is prone to compaction, and further aggravated by anthropogenic forces such as groundwater extraction and land development. Understanding the complex interaction of natural and manmade factors is essential to establish mitigation strategy. Although the impacts of land subsidence are widely felt, many do not realize that land subsidence is taking place. This paper presents a brief review of the land subsidence threats in the North coast of Java and proposes a recommendation for suitable management response.
JPLEX: Java Simplex Implementation with Branch-and-Bound Search for Automated Test Assembly
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Park, Ryoungsun; Kim, Jiseon; Dodd, Barbara G.; Chung, Hyewon
JPLEX, short for Java simPLEX, is an automated test assembly (ATA) program. It is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solver written in Java. It reads in a configuration file, solves the minimization problem, and produces an output file for postprocessing. It implements the simplex algorithm to create a fully relaxed solution and…
MSAViewer: interactive JavaScript visualization of multiple sequence alignments
Yachdav, Guy; Wilzbach, Sebastian; Rauscher, Benedikt; Sheridan, Robert; Sillitoe, Ian; Procter, James; Lewis, Suzanna E.; Rost, Burkhard; Goldberg, Tatyana
Summary: The MSAViewer is a quick and easy visualization and analysis JavaScript component for Multiple Sequence Alignment data of any size. Core features include interactive navigation through the alignment, application of popular color schemes, sorting, selecting and filtering. The MSAViewer is ‘web ready’: written entirely in JavaScript, compatible with modern web browsers and does not require any specialized software. The MSAViewer is part of the BioJS collection of components. Availability and Implementation: The MSAViewer is released as open source software under the Boost Software License 1.0. Documentation, source code and the viewer are available at http://msa.biojs.net/. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Contact: msa@bio.sh PMID:27412096
A High-Availability, Distributed Hardware Control System Using Java
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Niessner, Albert F.
Two independent coronagraph experiments that require 24/7 availability with different optical layouts and different motion control requirements are commanded and controlled with the same Java software system executing on many geographically scattered computer systems interconnected via TCP/IP. High availability of a distributed system requires that the computers have a robust communication messaging system making the mix of TCP/IP (a robust transport), and XML (a robust message) a natural choice. XML also adds the configuration flexibility. Java then adds object-oriented paradigms, exception handling, heavily tested libraries, and many third party tools for implementation robustness. The result is a software system that provides users 24/7 access to two diverse experiments with XML files defining the differences
An Analysis Platform for Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Scenario Execution Log Data
these technologies. 4.1 Backend Technologies • Java 1.8 • my-sql-connector- java -5.0.8.jar • Tomcat • VirtualBox • Kali MANET Virtual Machine 4.2...Frontend Technologies • LAMPP 4.3 Database • MySQL Server 5. Database The SEDAP database settings and structure are described in this section...contains all the backend java functionality including the web services, should be placed in the webapps directory inside the Tomcat installation
A credit card verifier structure using diffraction and spectroscopy concepts
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sumriddetchkajorn, Sarun; Intaravanne, Yuttana
We propose and experimentally demonstrate an angle-multiplexing based optical structure for verifying a credit card. Our key idea comes from the fact that the fine detail of the embossed hologram stamped on the credit card is hard to duplicate and therefore its key color features can be used for distinguishing between the real and counterfeit ones. As the embossed hologram is a diffractive optical element, we choose to shine one at a time a number of broadband lightsources, each at different incident angle, on the embossed hologram of the credit card in such a way that different color spectra per incident angle beam is diffracted and separated in space. In this way, the number of pixels of each color plane is investigated. Then we apply a feed forward back propagation neural network configuration to separate the counterfeit credit card from the real one. Our experimental demonstration using two off-the-shelf broadband white light emitting diodes, one digital camera, a 3-layer neural network, and a notebook computer can identify all 69 counterfeit credit cards from eight real credit cards.
The synopsis record card: a stepping stone to the computer
Preece, J.F.; Hearson, J.R.
A synopsis record card has been developed for use in general practice to provide ready reference to the important facts of the patient's record. When such a card is available in the record wallet it is used at 50% of all patient consultations and significantly reduces the time needed to retrieve past data essential to the consultation. The card contains clinical details, and data on medication, drug idiosyncrasies, immunizations, screening procedures, social, occupational and family history and practice research. As synopsis records are particularly important in teaching practices and when referral letters to hospital or personal medical attendant insurance reports are written, provision has been made for the inclusion of data relevant to those functions. So that the card may act as an intermediary for record computerization, all elements needed in the construction of a computer record have been taken into account. The prototype card was circulated to 3000 RCGP members for comment and the majority of replies were favourable. Suggested modifications have been incorporated in the final design of the card. PMID:3668909
Scientific Programming Using Java and C: A Remote Sensing Example
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Prados, Donald; Johnson, Michael; Mohamed, Mohamed A.; Cao, Chang-Yong; Gasser, Jerry; Powell, Don; McGregor, Lloyd
This paper presents results of a project to port code for processing remotely sensed data from the UNIX environment to Windows. Factors considered during this process include time schedule, cost, resource availability, reuse of existing code, rapid interface development, ease of integration, and platform independence. The approach selected for this project used both Java and C. By using Java for the graphical user interface and C for the domain model, the strengths of both languages were utilized and the resulting code can easily be ported to other platforms. The advantages of this approach are discussed in this paper.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Corder, Greg
Science teachers face challenges that affect the quality of instruction. Tight budgets, limited resources, school schedules, and other obstacles limit students' opportunities to experience science that is visual and interactive. Incorporating web-based Java applets into science instruction offers a practical solution to these challenges. The…
Predictors of Errors of Novice Java Programmers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bringula, Rex P.; Manabat, Geecee Maybelline A.; Tolentino, Miguel Angelo A.; Torres, Edmon L.
This descriptive study determined which of the sources of errors would predict the errors committed by novice Java programmers. Descriptive statistics revealed that the respondents perceived that they committed the identified eighteen errors infrequently. Thought error was perceived to be the main source of error during the laboratory programming…
Interactive Economics Instruction with Java and CGI.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gerdes, Geoffrey R.
States that this Web site is based on the conviction that Web-based materials must contain interactive modules to achieve value beyond that obtained by conventional media. Discusses three applets that can be reached at the homepage of the Web site by selecting the Java applets link. (CMK)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nababan, Bisman; Hakim, Muhammad R.; Panjaitan, James P.
Indonesian waters containing many small islands and shallow waters leads to a less accurate of sea surface height (SSH) estimation from satellite altimetry. Little efforts are also given for the validation of SSH estimation from the satellite in Indonesian waters. The purpose of this research was to identify and retrack waveforms of Jason-2 altimeter satellite data in southern Java island waters and Java Sea using several retrackers and performed improvement percentage analyses for new SSH estimation. The study used data of the Sensor Geophysical Data Record type D (SGDR-D) of Jason-2 satellite altimeter of the year 2010 in the southern Java island waters and 2012-2014 in Java Sea. Waveform retracking analyses were conducted using several retrackers (Offset Center of Gravity, Ice, Threshold, and Improved Threshold) and examined using a world reference undulation geoid of EGM08 and Oceanic retracker. Result showed that shape and pattern of waveforms were varied in all passes, seasons, and locations specifically along the coastal regions. In general, non-Brownish and complex waveforms were identified along coastal region specifically within the distance of 0-10 km from the shoreline. In contrary, generally Brownish waveforms were found in offshore. However, Brownish waveform can also be found within coastal region and non-Brownish waveforms within offshore region. The results were also showed that the four retrackers produced a better SSH estimation in coastal region. However, there was no dominant retracker to improve the accuracy of the SSH estimate.
Descriptive Statistics and Cluster Analysis for Extreme Rainfall in Java Island
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
E Komalasari, K.; Pawitan, H.; Faqih, A.
This study aims to describe regional pattern of extreme rainfall based on maximum daily rainfall for period 1983 to 2012 in Java Island. Descriptive statistics analysis was performed to obtain centralization, variation and distribution of maximum precipitation data. Mean and median are utilized to measure central tendency data while Inter Quartile Range (IQR) and standard deviation are utilized to measure variation of data. In addition, skewness and kurtosis used to obtain shape the distribution of rainfall data. Cluster analysis using squared euclidean distance and ward method is applied to perform regional grouping. Result of this study show that mean (average) of maximum daily rainfall in Java Region during period 1983-2012 is around 80-181mm with median between 75-160mm and standard deviation between 17 to 82. Cluster analysis produces four clusters and show that western area of Java tent to have a higher annual maxima of daily rainfall than northern area, and have more variety of annual maximum value.
WWWinda Orchestrator: a mechanism for coordinating distributed flocks of Java Applets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gutfreund, Yechezkal-Shimon; Nicol, John R.
The WWWinda Orchestrator is a simple but powerful tool for coordinating distributed Java applets. Loosely derived from the Linda programming language developed by David Gelernter and Nicholas Carriero of Yale, WWWinda implements a distributed shared object space called TupleSpace where applets can post, read, or permanently store arbitrary Java objects. In this manner, applets can easily share information without being aware of the underlying communication mechanisms. WWWinda is a very useful for orchestrating flocks of distributed Java applets. Coordination event scan be posted to WWWinda TupleSpace and used to orchestrate the actions of remote applets. Applets can easily share information via the TupleSpace. The technology combines several functions in one simple metaphor: distributed web objects, remote messaging between applets, distributed synchronization mechanisms, object- oriented database, and a distributed event signaling mechanisms. WWWinda can be used a s platform for implementing shared VRML environments, shared groupware environments, controlling remote devices such as cameras, distributed Karaoke, distributed gaming, and shared audio and video experiences.
Consumer responses to health plan report cards in two markets.
Fowles, J B; Kind, E A; Braun, B L; Knutson, D J
Health plans can compete on quality when consumers have helpful information. Report cards strive to meet this need, but consumer responses have not been measured. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare consumer responses to report cards in 2 markets, (2) to determine how personal characteristics relate to exposure, and (3) to assess the perceived helpfulness of the report cards. A postenrollment survey was used. The study included 784 employees of Monsanto (St Louis, 1996) and 670 employees of a health care purchasing cooperative (Denver, 1997). The dependent measures were (1) exposure, specifically remembering the report card, and intensity of reading it and (2) perceived helpfulness in learning about plan quality and in deciding to stay or switch. Except for remembering seeing the report card (Denver, 47%; St Louis, 55%), the 2 groups did not differ. Forty percent read most or all of the report card; 82% found the report helpful in learning about quality; and 66% found it helpful in deciding to stay or switch. Employees who used patient survey information in their plan decision were more likely to remember seeing the report card (odds ratio [OR], 4.85), to read it intensely (OR, 2.84), and to find it helpful in learning about plan quality (OR, 3.04) and deciding whether to stay or switch plans (OR, 2.64). Although the 2 samples differed markedly, their responses to report cards were similar. Exposure and helpfulness were related more to employee preferences for the type of information than to their health care decision needs.
Oregon School and District Report Card Policy and Technical Manual
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Oregon Department of Education, 2012
The school and district report cards were created by the 1999 Oregon Legislature. The legislation requires that the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) produce and issue a report card to all public schools and districts in the state. The report cards are designed to: (1) Communicate the many good things occurring in Oregon's public schools; (2)…
8. Photograph of post card, 'Cicotte Street Bridge, Logansport, Ind.' ...
8. Photograph of post card, 'Cicotte Street Bridge, Logansport, Ind.' Logansport News Agency, Logansport, Ind., Curteich-Chicago 'C.T. American Art' post card {Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.}, postmarked October 17, 1949. Card in the Cass County photograph file at the Indiana State Library, Indianapolis. - Cicott Street Bridge, Spanning Wabash River at State Road 25, Logansport, Cass County, IN
12 CFR 334.91 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... STATEMENTS OF GENERAL POLICY FAIR CREDIT REPORTING Identity Theft Red Flags § 334.91 Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address. (a) Scope. This section applies to an issuer of a debit or credit card (card... been issued a credit or debit card. (2) Clear and conspicuous means reasonably understandable and...
12 CFR 571.91 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... FAIR CREDIT REPORTING Identity Theft Red Flags § 571.91 Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address. (a) Scope. This section applies to an issuer of a debit or credit card (card issuer) that is a... consumer who has been issued a credit or debit card. (2) Clear and conspicuous means reasonably...
A Java-based tool for the design of classification microarrays.
Meng, Da; Broschat, Shira L; Call, Douglas R
Classification microarrays are used for purposes such as identifying strains of bacteria and determining genetic relationships to understand the epidemiology of an infectious disease. For these cases, mixed microarrays, which are composed of DNA from more than one organism, are more effective than conventional microarrays composed of DNA from a single organism. Selection of probes is a key factor in designing successful mixed microarrays because redundant sequences are inefficient and limited representation of diversity can restrict application of the microarray. We have developed a Java-based software tool, called PLASMID, for use in selecting the minimum set of probe sequences needed to classify different groups of plasmids or bacteria. The software program was successfully applied to several different sets of data. The utility of PLASMID was illustrated using existing mixed-plasmid microarray data as well as data from a virtual mixed-genome microarray constructed from different strains of Streptococcus. Moreover, use of data from expression microarray experiments demonstrated the generality of PLASMID. In this paper we describe a new software tool for selecting a set of probes for a classification microarray. While the tool was developed for the design of mixed microarrays-and mixed-plasmid microarrays in particular-it can also be used to design expression arrays. The user can choose from several clustering methods (including hierarchical, non-hierarchical, and a model-based genetic algorithm), several probe ranking methods, and several different display methods. A novel approach is used for probe redundancy reduction, and probe selection is accomplished via stepwise discriminant analysis. Data can be entered in different formats (including Excel and comma-delimited text), and dendrogram, heat map, and scatter plot images can be saved in several different formats (including jpeg and tiff). Weights generated using stepwise discriminant analysis can be stored for
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dunbar, Laura
Icons are frequently used in the music classroom to depict concepts in a developmentally appropriate way for students. SmartBoards provide music educators yet another way to share these manipulatives with students. This article provides a step-by-step tutorial to create Smart Icon Cards using the folk song "Lucy Locket."
CARD games between virus and host get a new player.
Johnson, Cynthia L; Gale, Michael
A growing family of cellular proteins encoding the caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) has a crucial role in immunity by sensing virus infection and signaling antiviral immune defenses. Four independent studies have identified a novel CARD-containing protein, variously called IPS-1, MAVS, VISA and Cardif, which is an essential signaling adaptor of the host defense mediating CARD-CARD interactions with retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDAS), sensors of virus infection. Disruption of this novel signaling pathway by hepatitis C virus (HCV) might provide a foundation for viral persistence.
12 CFR 41.91 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... FAIR CREDIT REPORTING Identity Theft Red Flags § 41.91 Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address. (a) Scope. This section applies to an issuer of a debit or credit card (card issuer) that is a... means a consumer who has been issued a credit or debit card. (2) Clear and conspicuous means reasonably...
12 CFR 717.91 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... AFFECTING CREDIT UNIONS FAIR CREDIT REPORTING Identity Theft Red Flags § 717.91 Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address. (a) Scope. This section applies to an issuer of a debit or credit card (card... means a member who has been issued a credit or debit card. (2) Clear and conspicuous means reasonably...
Java-based cryptosystem for PACS and tele-imaging
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tjandra, Donny; Wong, Stephen T. C.; Yu, Yuan-Pin
Traditional PACS systems are based on two-tier client server architectures, and require the use of costly, high-end client workstations for image viewing. Consequently, PACS systems using the two-tier architecture do not scale well as data increases in size and complexity. Furthermore, use of dedicated viewing workstations incurs costs in deployment and maintenance. To address these issues, the use of digital library technologies, such as the World Wide Web, Java, and CORBA, is being explored to distribute PACS data to serve a broader range of healthcare providers in an economic and efficient manner. Integration of PACS systems with digital library technologies allows access to medical information through open networks such as the Internet. However, use of open networks to transmit medical data introduces problems with maintaining privacy and integrity of patient information. Cryptography and digital timestamping is used to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or tampering. A major concern when using cryptography and digital timestamping is the performance degradation associated with the mathematical calculations needed to encrypt/decrypt an image dataset, or to calculate the hash value of an image. The performance issue is compounded by the extra layer associated with the CORBA middleware, and the use of programming languages interpreted at the client side, such as Java. This paper study the extent to which Java-based cryptography and digital timestamping affects performance in a PACS system integrated with digital library technologies.
Playing jigsaw with large igneous provinces - a plate-tectonic reconstruction of Ontong Java Nui
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hochmuth, Katharina; Gohl, Karsten; Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele; Werner, Reinhard
Ontong Java Nui is a Cretaceous large igneous province (LIP), which was rifted apart into various smaller plateaus shortly after its emplacement around 125 Ma in the central Pacific. It incorporated the Ontong Java Plateau, the Hikurangi Plateau and the Manihiki Plateau as well as multiple smaller fragments, which have been subducted. Its size has been estimated to be approximately 0.8% of the Earth's surface. A volcanic edifice of this size has potentially had a great impact on the environment such as its CO2 release. The break-up of the "Super"-LIP is poorly constrained, because the break-up and subsequent seafloor spreading occurred within the Cretaceous Quiet Period. The Manihiki Plateau is presumably the centerpiece of this "Super"-LIP and shows by its margins and internal fragmentation that its tectonic and volcanic activity is related to the break-up of Ontong Java Nui. By incorporating two new seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection lines across two of the main sub-plateaus of the Manihiki Plateau, we can classify the break-up modes of the individual margins of the Manihiki Plateau. The Western Plateaus experienced crustal stretching due to the westward motion of the Ontong Java Plateau. The High Plateau shows sharp strike-slip movements at its eastern boundary towards an earlier part of Ontong Java Nui, which is has been subducted, and a rifted margin with a strong volcanic overprint at its southern edges towards the Hikurangi Plateau. These observations allow us a re-examination of the conjugate margins of the Hikurangi Plateau and the Ontong Java Plateau. The repositioning of the different plateaus leads to the conclusion that Ontong Java Nui was larger (~1.2% of the Earth's surface at emplacement) than previously anticipated. We use these finding to improve the plate tectonic reconstruction of the Cretaceous Pacific and to illuminate the role of the LIPs within the plate tectonic circuit in the western and central Pacific.
Procurement Cards Pave the Way to Efficient Purchasing.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Enos, Eileen D.
As educators battle restricted budgets, inflation, and enrollment changes, strategic sourcing management is replacing traditional transaction-based procurement. Procurement-card programs, allowing organizations to use credit cards for small purchases or low-value items, save time and enhance controls over merchants, credit limits, issuance limits,…
FTA card utility for PCR detection of Mycobacterium leprae.
Aye, Khin Saw; Matsuoka, Masanori; Kai, Masanori; Kyaw, Kyaw; Win, Aye Aye; Shwe, Mu Mu; Thein, Min; Htoo, Maung Maung; Htoon, Myo Thet
The suitability of the FTA® elute card for the collection of slit skin smear (SSS) samples for PCR detection of Mycobacterium leprae was evaluated. A total of 192 SSS leprosy samples, of bacillary index (BI) 1 to 5, were collected from patients attending two skin clinics in Myanmar and preserved using both FTA® elute cards and 70% ethanol tubes. To compare the efficacy of PCR detection of DNA from each BI class, PCR was performed to amplify an M. leprae-specific repetitive element. Of the 192 samples, 116 FTA® elute card and 112 70% ethanol samples were PCR positive for M. leprae DNA. When correlated with BI, area under the curve (AUC) values of the respective receiver-operating characteristic curves were similar for the FTA® elute card and ethanol collection methods (AUC=0.6). Taken together, our results indicate that the FTA® elute card, which enables the collection, transport, and archiving of clinical samples, is an attractive alternative to ethanol preservation for the detection of M. leprae DNA.
Monitoring 2015 drought in West Java using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Febrina Amalo, Luisa; Ma’rufah, Ummu; Ayu Permatasari, Prita
Drought is a slow developing phenomenon that accumulates over period and affecting various sectors. It is one of natural hazards that occurs each year, particularly in Indonesia over Australian Monsoon period. During drought event, vegetation’s cover can be affected by water stress. Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is a method for water resource assessment and known to be strongly related to the plant water content. NDWI is produced from MODIS bands Near-infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR). This research aims to monitor drought using NDWI in West Java during El Niño 2015 and its impact on rainfall variability. The result showed rainfall was decreased significantly starting from May-June, then increased in November. According to NDWI, it also showed that mostly West Java Region affected by drought during May-November. Very strong drought occurred on September-November. On December, areal extent of drought was decreasing significantly because rainfall had increased during November. Generally, areal extent of drought in West Java was dominated by strong and moderate drought. It implied that El Niño 2015, give great impact on increasing drought and decreasing rainfall in West Java. NDWI can be detected drought occurrence as it have good correlation with rainfall spatially.
An Anonymous Credit Card System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Androulaki, Elli; Bellovin, Steven
Credit cards have many important benefits; however, these same benefits often carry with them many privacy concerns. In particular, the need for users to be able to monitor their own transactions, as well as bank’s need to justify its payment requests from cardholders, entitle the latter to maintain a detailed log of all transactions its credit card customers were involved in. A bank can thus build a profile of each cardholder even without the latter’s consent. In this paper, we present a practical and accountable anonymous credit system based on ecash, with a privacy preserving mechanism for error correction and expense-reporting.
Strategies for teaching object-oriented concepts with Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sicilia, Miguel-Ángel
A considerable amount of experiences in teaching object-oriented concepts using the Java language have been reported to date, some of which describe language pitfalls and concrete learning difficulties. In this paper, a number of additional issues that have been experienced as difficult for students to master, along with approaches intended to overcome them, are addressed. Concretely, practical issues regarding associations, interfaces, genericity and exceptions are described. These issues suggest that more emphasis is required on presenting Java programs as derivations of conceptual models, in order to guarantee that a thorough design of the object structure actually precedes implementation issues. In addition, common student misunderstandings about the uses of interfaces and exceptions point to the necessity of introducing both specific design philosophies and also a clear distinction between design-for-reuse and more specific implementation issues.
12 CFR 222.91 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... described in § 222.90(a) that issues a debit or credit card (card issuer). (b) Definitions. For purposes of this section: (1) Cardholder means a consumer who has been issued a credit or debit card. (2) Clear and... notification of a change of address for a consumer's debit or credit card account and, within a short period of...
16 CFR 681.2 - Duties of card issuers regarding changes of address.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... applies to a person described in § 681.1(a) that issues a debit or credit card (card issuer). (b... of address if it receives notification of a change of address for a consumer's debit or credit card... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Duties of card issuers regarding changes of...
The simulation of 3D structure of groundwater system based on Java/Java3D
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Xiaodong; Cui, Weihong; Wang, Peifa; Huang, Yongqi
With the singular development of Internet technique and 3DGIS as well as VR and the imminence demand of 3D visualization from Groundwater information management field, how to display, roam, anatomize and analyze of 3D structure of Groundwater system on Internet have become a research hotspot in hydrogeology field. We simulated the 3D Groundwater resource structure of Taiyuan basin and implemented displaying, roaming, anatomizing and analyzing functions on Internet by Java 3D.
Marchetti, Luca; Manca, Vincenzo
MpTheory Java library is an open-source project collecting a set of objects and algorithms for modeling observed dynamics by means of the Metabolic P (MP) theory, that is, a mathematical theory introduced in 2004 for modeling biological dynamics. By means of the library, it is possible to model biological systems both at continuous and at discrete time. Moreover, the library comprises a set of regression algorithms for inferring MP models starting from time series of observations. To enhance the modeling experience, beside a pure Java usage, the library can be directly used within the most popular computing environments, such as MATLAB, GNU Octave, Mathematica and R. The library is open-source and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 3.0. Source code, binaries and complete documentation are available at http://mptheory.scienze.univr.it. luca.marchetti@univr.it, marchetti@cosbi.eu Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
76 FR 3180 - Market Test of Gift Cards
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. MT2011-2; Order No. 647] Market Test of Gift Cards AGENCY... Service proposal to conduct a 2-year market test involving the sale of gift cards. This document describes the proposed test, addresses procedural aspects of the filing, and invites public comment. DATES...
76 FR 43393 - Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... have increased at a faster pace. \\20\\ Card-not-present transactions occur when the card is not...; \\32\\ faster availability of funds; faster check-out at the point-of-sale; increased sales value and...
Volcanoes in Central Java, Indonesia
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Indonesian island of Java (8.0S, 112.0) has over 35 active volcanoes, some of which are the most explosive in the world, and form an east/west line of peaks the length of the island. Five are in this image and at least one is thought to be currently active. The plume flowing north from Welirang (just east of the central cloud mass) is believed to be steam emissions. Also, the lack of vegetation at the peak indicates volcanic activity.
An Investigation of Factors Related to Self-Efficacy for Java Programming among Engineering Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Askar, Petek; Davenport, David
The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to self-efficacy for Java programming among first year engineering students. An instrument assessing Java programming self-efficacy was developed from the computer programming self-efficacy scale of Ramalingam & Wiedenbeck. The instrument was administered at the beginning of the…
MSAViewer: interactive JavaScript visualization of multiple sequence alignments.
Yachdav, Guy; Wilzbach, Sebastian; Rauscher, Benedikt; Sheridan, Robert; Sillitoe, Ian; Procter, James; Lewis, Suzanna E; Rost, Burkhard; Goldberg, Tatyana
The MSAViewer is a quick and easy visualization and analysis JavaScript component for Multiple Sequence Alignment data of any size. Core features include interactive navigation through the alignment, application of popular color schemes, sorting, selecting and filtering. The MSAViewer is 'web ready': written entirely in JavaScript, compatible with modern web browsers and does not require any specialized software. The MSAViewer is part of the BioJS collection of components. The MSAViewer is released as open source software under the Boost Software License 1.0. Documentation, source code and the viewer are available at http://msa.biojs.net/Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. msa@bio.sh. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.
Virtual Boutique: a 3D modeling and content-based management approach to e-commerce
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Paquet, Eric; El-Hakim, Sabry F.
The Virtual Boutique is made out of three modules: the decor, the market and the search engine. The decor is the physical space occupied by the Virtual Boutique. It can reproduce any existing boutique. For this purpose, photogrammetry is used. A set of pictures of a real boutique or space is taken and a virtual 3D representation of this space is calculated from them. Calculations are performed with software developed at NRC. This representation consists of meshes and texture maps. The camera used in the acquisition process determines the resolution of the texture maps. Decorative elements are added like painting, computer generated objects and scanned objects. The objects are scanned with laser scanner developed at NRC. This scanner allows simultaneous acquisition of range and color information based on white laser beam triangulation. The second module, the market, is made out of all the merchandises and the manipulators, which are used to manipulate and compare the objects. The third module, the search engine, can search the inventory based on an object shown by the customer in order to retrieve similar objects base don shape and color. The items of interest are displayed in the boutique by reconfiguring the market space, which mean that the boutique can be continuously customized according to the customer's needs. The Virtual Boutique is entirely written in Java 3D and can run in mono and stereo mode and has been optimized in order to allow high quality rendering.
Ambient Noise Tomography of central Java, with Transdimensional Bayesian Inversion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zulhan, Zulfakriza; Saygin, Erdinc; Cummins, Phil; Widiyantoro, Sri; Nugraha, Andri Dian; Luehr, Birger-G.; Bodin, Thomas
Delineating the crustal structure of central Java is crucial for understanding its complex tectonic setting. However, seismic imaging of the strong heterogeneity typical of such a tectonically active region can be challenging, particularly in the upper crust where velocity contrasts are strongest and steep body wave ray-paths provide poor resolution. We have applied ambient noise cross correlation of pair stations in central Java, Indonesia by using the MERapi Amphibious EXperiment (MERAMEX) dataset. The data were collected between May to October 2004. We used 120 of 134 temporary seismic stations for about 150 days of observation, which covered central Java. More than 5000 Rayleigh wave Green's function were extracted by cross-correlating the noise simultaneously recorded at available station pairs. We applied a fully nonlinear 2D Bayesian inversion technique to the retrieved travel times. Features in the derived tomographic images correlate well with previous studies, and some shallow structures that were not evident in previous studies are clearly imaged with Ambient Noise Tomography. The Kendeng Basin and several active volcanoes appear with very low group velocities, and anomalies with relatively high velocities can be interpreted in terms of crustal sutures and/or surface geological features.
IR Cards: Inquiry-Based Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bennett, Jacqueline; Forster, Tabetha
As infrared spectroscopy (IR) is frequently used in undergraduate organic chemistry courses, an inductive introduction to IR spectroscopy that uses index cards printed with spectra, structures, and chemical names is described. Groups of students are given an alphabetized deck of these "IR cards" to sort into functional groups. The students then…
29 CFR 1206.3 - Age of authorization cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 29 Labor 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Age of authorization cards. 1206.3 Section 1206.3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD HANDLING REPRESENTATION DISPUTES UNDER THE RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 1206.3 Age of authorization cards. Authorizations must be signed and dated in the...
29 CFR 1206.3 - Age of authorization cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 29 Labor 4 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Age of authorization cards. 1206.3 Section 1206.3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD HANDLING REPRESENTATION DISPUTES UNDER THE RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 1206.3 Age of authorization cards. Authorizations must be signed and dated in the...
29 CFR 1206.3 - Age of authorization cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 29 Labor 4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Age of authorization cards. 1206.3 Section 1206.3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD HANDLING REPRESENTATION DISPUTES UNDER THE RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 1206.3 Age of authorization cards. Authorizations must be signed and dated in the...
29 CFR 1206.3 - Age of authorization cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Age of authorization cards. 1206.3 Section 1206.3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD HANDLING REPRESENTATION DISPUTES UNDER THE RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 1206.3 Age of authorization cards. Authorizations must be signed and dated in the...
29 CFR 1206.3 - Age of authorization cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 29 Labor 4 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Age of authorization cards. 1206.3 Section 1206.3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD HANDLING REPRESENTATION DISPUTES UNDER THE RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 1206.3 Age of authorization cards. Authorizations must be signed and dated in the...
Rickettsia felis in Xenopsylla cheopis, Java, Indonesia
Jiang, Ju; Soeatmadji, Djoko W.; Henry, Katherine M.; Ratiwayanto, Sutanti; Bangs, Michael J.
Rickettsia typhi and R. felis, etiologic agents of murine typhus and fleaborne spotted fever, respectively, were detected in Oriental rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) collected from rodents and shrews in Java, Indonesia. We describe the first evidence of R. felis in Indonesia and naturally occurring R. felis in Oriental rat fleas. PMID:16965716
Masseroli, M; Bonacina, S; Pinciroli, F
The actual development of distributed information technologies and Java programming enables employing them also in the medical arena to support the retrieval, integration and evaluation of heterogeneous data and multimodal images in a web browser environment. With this aim, we used them to implement a client-server architecture based on software agents. The client side is a Java applet running in a web browser and providing a friendly medical user interface to browse and visualize different patient and medical test data, integrating them properly. The server side manages secure connections and queries to heterogeneous remote databases and file systems containing patient personal and clinical data. Based on the Java Advanced Imaging API, processing and analysis tools were developed to support the evaluation of remotely retrieved bioimages through the quantification of their features in different regions of interest. The Java platform-independence allows the centralized management of the implemented prototype and its deployment to each site where an intranet or internet connection is available. Giving healthcare providers effective support for comprehensively browsing, visualizing and evaluating medical images and records located in different remote repositories, the developed prototype can represent an important aid in providing more efficient diagnoses and medical treatments.
Verification of Java Programs using Symbolic Execution and Invariant Generation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pasareanu, Corina; Visser, Willem
Software verification is recognized as an important and difficult problem. We present a norel framework, based on symbolic execution, for the automated verification of software. The framework uses annotations in the form of method specifications an3 loop invariants. We present a novel iterative technique that uses invariant strengthening and approximation for discovering these loop invariants automatically. The technique handles different types of data (e.g. boolean and numeric constraints, dynamically allocated structures and arrays) and it allows for checking universally quantified formulas. Our framework is built on top of the Java PathFinder model checking toolset and it was used for the verification of several non-trivial Java programs.
Mohan, Kathleen M; Miller, Joseph M; Harvey, Erin M; Gerhart, Kimberly D; Apple, Howard P; Apple, Deborah; Smith, Jordana M; Davis, Amy L; Leonard-Green, Tina; Campus, Irene; Dennis, Leslie K
To determine if testing binocular visual acuity in infants and toddlers using the Acuity Card Procedure (ACP) with electronic grating stimuli yields clinically useful data. Participants were infants and toddlers ages 5 to 36.7 months referred by pediatricians due to failed automated vision screening. The ACP was used to test binocular grating acuity. Stimuli were presented on the Dobson Card. The Dobson Card consists of a handheld matte-black plexiglass frame with two flush-mounted tablet computers and is similar in size and form to commercially available printed grating acuity testing stimuli (Teller Acuity Cards II [TACII]; Stereo Optical, Inc., Chicago, IL). On each trial, one tablet displayed a square-wave grating and the other displayed a luminance-matched uniform gray patch. Stimuli were roughly equivalent to the stimuli available in the printed TACII stimuli. After acuity testing, each child received a cycloplegic eye examination. Based on cycloplegic retinoscopy, patients were categorized as having high or low refractive error per American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus vision screening referral criteria. Mean acuities for high and low refractive error groups were compared using analysis of covariance, controlling for age. Mean visual acuity was significantly poorer in children with high refractive error than in those with low refractive error (P = .015). Electronic stimuli presented using the ACP can yield clinically useful measurements of grating acuity in infants and toddlers. Further research is needed to determine the optimal conditions and procedures for obtaining accurate and clinically useful automated measurements of visual acuity in infants and toddlers. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.
Java across Different Curricula, Courses and Countries Using a Common Pool of Teaching Material
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ivanovic, Mirjana; Budimac, Zoran; Mishev, Anastas; Bothe, Klaus; Jurca, Ioan
Under the auspices of a DAAD funded educational project, a subproject devoted to different aspects of teaching the Java programming language started several years ago. The initial intention of the subproject was to attract members of the subproject to prepare some teaching materials for teaching essentials of the Java programming language. During…
Western North Carolina report card on forest sustainability
Susan Fox; Bill Jackson; Sarah Jackson; Gary Kauffmann; Mary Carol Koester; Robert Mera; Terry Seyden; Charles Van Sickle; Sealy Chipley; Jim Fox; Jeff Hicks; Matt Hutchins; Karin Lichtenstein; Kelsie Nolan; Todd Pierce; Beth Porter
Western North Carolina encompasses 4.8 million acres of highly valued temperate forests. To help address future management and conservation decisions surrounding these resources, the report card evaluates environmental, social, and economic conditions in recent decades across an 18 county area. The report card describes the status of indicators of forest sustainability...
26 CFR 49.4251-4 - Prepaid telephone cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
...; adding value. (i) After using the card described in Example 2, P arranges with A by telephone to have 30... EXCISE TAXES FACILITIES AND SERVICES EXCISE TAXES Communications § 49.4251-4 Prepaid telephone cards. (a... section provides rules for the application of the section 4251 tax to PTCs. (b) Definitions. The following...
26 CFR 49.4251-4 - Prepaid telephone cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
...; adding value. (i) After using the card described in Example 2, P arranges with A by telephone to have 30... EXCISE TAXES FACILITIES AND SERVICES EXCISE TAXES Communications § 49.4251-4 Prepaid telephone cards. (a... section provides rules for the application of the section 4251 tax to PTCs. (b) Definitions. The following...
26 CFR 49.4251-4 - Prepaid telephone cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
...; adding value. (i) After using the card described in Example 2, P arranges with A by telephone to have 30... EXCISE TAXES FACILITIES AND SERVICES EXCISE TAXES Communications § 49.4251-4 Prepaid telephone cards. (a... section provides rules for the application of the section 4251 tax to PTCs. (b) Definitions. The following...
jmzML, an open-source Java API for mzML, the PSI standard for MS data.
Côté, Richard G; Reisinger, Florian; Martens, Lennart
We here present jmzML, a Java API for the Proteomics Standards Initiative mzML data standard. Based on the Java Architecture for XML Binding and XPath-based XML indexer random-access XML parser, jmzML can handle arbitrarily large files in minimal memory, allowing easy and efficient processing of mzML files using the Java programming language. jmzML also automatically resolves internal XML references on-the-fly. The library (which includes a viewer) can be downloaded from http://jmzml.googlecode.com.
DIABCARD a smart card for patients with chronic diseases.
Engelbrecht, R; Hildebrand, C
Within the European Union-sponsored project DIABCARD, the core of a chip-card-based medical information system for patients with chronic diseases, exemplified on diabetes mellitus, has been developed. The long-term goal of the project is to improve the medical record and the quality of care for patients with chronic diseases. The basic idea is to have a portable electronic medical record on a smart card. This will improve the communication between the different healthcare personnel and between different institutions and, at the same time, promote shared care. The DIABCARD chip-card-based medical information system will offer controlled access to the necessary and up-to-date patient record to everyone involved in the patient's treatment, and it will help reduce the constantly rising healthcare expenditure. The system first was implemented in a small version. The system architecture contains hardware, software, and orgware. It considers especially the memory of the chip card, the processor, the data structure, security functions, the operating system on the chip card, the interface between the chip card and the application, and various application areas. The DIABCARD dataset was defined via an information model, which describes the different communication processes, via acknowledged diabetes datasets and medical scenarios. It includes, among others, emergency data, data for quality assurance, and data for blood glucose self-monitoring. The first prototype has been developed, and a pilot was run for 3 months.
Consumer response to a report card comparing healthcare systems.
Braun, Barbara L; Kind, Elizabeth A; Fowles, Jinnet B; Suarez, Walter G
Report cards to date have focused on quality of care in health plans rather than within healthcare delivery systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate consumer response to the first healthcare system-level report card. Qualitative assessment of consumer response. We conducted 5 focus groups of community members to evaluate consumer response to the report card; 2 included community club members, 3 included community-dwelling retired persons. Discussions were audiotaped and transcribed; comments were categorized by topic area from the script, and common themes identified. Focus group participants, in general, were unaware of the current emphasis on medical quality improvement initiatives. However, they believed that the opinion that the descriptive clinic information and patient survey data contained in the report card would be most useful mainly for choosing a healthcare system if they were dissatisfied with current medical care, if their healthcare options changed, or if they were in poor health. Personal experience was considered a more trustworthy measure of healthcare quality than were patient survey results. Trustworthiness was perceived to be higher if the report card sponsor was not affiliated with the healthcare systems being evaluated. Participants also believed care system administrators should use the data to enact positive clinic-level and physician-level changes. Healthcare consumers appreciated the attention to patient experiences and supported healthcare quality improvement initiatives. Report cards were considered important for choosing a healthcare system in certain circumstances and for guiding quality improvement efforts at all levels.
11 CFR 100.140 - Slate cards and sample ballots.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... incurred by such committee with respect to a printed slate card, sample ballot, palm card, or other printed... advertising such as billboards. But see 11 CFR 100.24, 104.17(a), and part 300, subpart B for exempt...
41 CFR 101-26.502 - U.S. Government National Credit Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Credit Card. 101-26.502 Section 101-26.502 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... SOURCES AND PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.502 U.S. Government National Credit Card. A... Standard Form 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card. [60 FR 19674, Apr. 20, 1995] ...
41 CFR 101-26.502 - U.S. Government National Credit Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Credit Card. 101-26.502 Section 101-26.502 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... SOURCES AND PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.502 U.S. Government National Credit Card. A... Standard Form 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card. [60 FR 19674, Apr. 20, 1995] ...
41 CFR 101-26.502 - U.S. Government National Credit Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Credit Card. 101-26.502 Section 101-26.502 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... SOURCES AND PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.502 U.S. Government National Credit Card. A... Standard Form 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card. [60 FR 19674, Apr. 20, 1995] ...
41 CFR 101-26.502 - U.S. Government National Credit Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Credit Card. 101-26.502 Section 101-26.502 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... SOURCES AND PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.502 U.S. Government National Credit Card. A... Standard Form 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card. [60 FR 19674, Apr. 20, 1995] ...
41 CFR 101-26.502 - U.S. Government National Credit Card.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Credit Card. 101-26.502 Section 101-26.502 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... SOURCES AND PROGRAM 26.5-GSA Procurement Programs § 101-26.502 U.S. Government National Credit Card. A... Standard Form 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card. [60 FR 19674, Apr. 20, 1995] ...
Java-based PACS and reporting system for nuclear medicine
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Slomka, Piotr J.; Elliott, Edward; Driedger, Albert A.
In medical imaging practice, images and reports often need be reviewed and edited from many locations. We have designed and implemented a Java-based Remote Viewing and Reporting System (JaRRViS) for a nuclear medicine department, which is deployed as a web service, at the fraction of the cost dedicated PACS systems. The system can be extended to other imaging modalities. JaRRViS interfaces to the clinical patient databases of imaging workstations. Specialized nuclear medicine applets support interactive displays of data such as 3-D gated SPECT with all the necessary options such as cine, filtering, dynamic lookup tables, and reorientation. The reporting module is implemented as a separate applet using Java Foundation Classes (JFC) Swing Editor Kit and allows composition of multimedia reports after selection and annotation of appropriate images. The reports are stored on the server in the HTML format. JaRRViS uses Java Servlets for the preparation and storage of final reports. The http links to the reports or to the patient's raw images with applets can be obtained from JaRRViS by any Hospital Information System (HIS) via standard queries. Such links can be sent via e-mail or included as text fields in any HIS database, providing direct access to the patient reports and images via standard web browsers.
Empowerment model of biomass in west java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mulyana, C.; Fitriani, N. I.; Saad, A.; Yuliah, Y.
Scarcity of fossil energy accelerates the search of renewable energy sources as the substitution. In West Java, biomass has potential to be developed into bio-briquette because the resources are abundant. The objectives of this research are mapping the potency of biomass as bio-briquette in West Java, and making the model of the empowerment biomass potential involving five fundamental step which are raw material, pre-processing process, conversion mechanism, products, and end user. The main object of this model focused on 3 forms which are solid, liquid, and gas which was made by involving the community component as the owner biomass, district government, academics and researcher communities, related industries as users of biomass, and the central government as the policy holders and investors as a funder. In the model was described their respective roles and mutual relationship one with another so that the bio-briquette as a substitute of fossil fuels can be realized. Application of this model will provide the benefits in renewability energy sources, environmental, socio economical and energy security.
HyperCard and Other Macintosh Applications in Astronomy Education
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meisel, D.
For the past six years, Macintosh computers have been used in introductory astronomy classes and laboratories with HyperCard and other commercial Macintosh software. I will review some of the available software that has been found particularly useful in undergraduate situations. The review will start with HyperCard (a programmable "index card" system) since it is a mature multimedia platform for the Macintosh. Experiences with the Voyager, the TS-24, MathCad, NIH Image, and other programs as used by the author and George Mumford (Tufts University) in courses and workshops will be described.
11 CFR 100.80 - Slate cards and sample ballots.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... incurred by such committee with respect to a printed slate card, sample ballot, palm card, or other printed... advertising such as billboards. But see 11 CFR 100.24, 104.17(a) and part 300, subpart B for exempt activities...
26 CFR 49.4251-4 - Prepaid telephone cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...), the face amount of the PTC is treated as an amount paid for communications services and that amount is... amount of communications services as the PTC to which it is being compared. Dollar card means a PTC the...) means a card or similar arrangement that permits its holder to obtain a fixed amount of communications...
8 CFR 212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... or pleasure without a visa and passport, must apply to the DOS on Form DS-156, Visitor Visa... border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport). (i) A Canadian citizen or other person sharing... crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport) issued by the DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not...
8 CFR 212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... or pleasure without a visa and passport, must apply to the DOS on Form DS-156, Visitor Visa... border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport). (i) A Canadian citizen or other person sharing... crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport) issued by the DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not...
8 CFR 212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... or pleasure without a visa and passport, must apply to the DOS on Form DS-156, Visitor Visa... border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport). (i) A Canadian citizen or other person sharing... crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport) issued by the DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not...
8 CFR 212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... or pleasure without a visa and passport, must apply to the DOS on Form DS-156, Visitor Visa... border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport). (i) A Canadian citizen or other person sharing... crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport) issued by the DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not...
8 CFR 212.6 - Border crossing identification cards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... or pleasure without a visa and passport, must apply to the DOS on Form DS-156, Visitor Visa... border crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport). (i) A Canadian citizen or other person sharing... crossing card (or similar stamp in a passport) issued by the DOS prior to April 1, 1998, that does not...
Idea Cards for Water Flow. Elementary Science Study.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Elementary Science Study, Newton, MA.
Presented are 29 activity cards designed for use with the Elementary Science Study (ESS) program. Each card describes an experiment on one aspect of water flow such as siphoning, methods of removing water from a container, aspirators, floats, and water behavior in various tubing linkups. Activities are intended for individual or small group study;…
Using Cue Cards throughout the K-12 Curriculum
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Conderman, Greg; Hedin, Laura R.
As a flexible instructional tool, cue cards offer support for students with and without disabilities. By providing different amounts of support, they also can be used to differentiate instruction in a variety of subject areas and grade levels. This article describes various strategies for using cue cards and includes examples from K-12 classrooms.
Neural fraud detection in credit card operations.
Dorronsoro, J R; Ginel, F; Sgnchez, C; Cruz, C S
This paper presents an online system for fraud detection of credit card operations based on a neural classifier. Since it is installed in a transactional hub for operation distribution, and not on a card-issuing institution, it acts solely on the information of the operation to be rated and of its immediate previous history, and not on historic databases of past cardholder activities. Among the main characteristics of credit card traffic are the great imbalance between proper and fraudulent operations, and a great degree of mixing between both. To ensure proper model construction, a nonlinear version of Fisher's discriminant analysis, which adequately separates a good proportion of fraudulent operations away from other closer to normal traffic, has been used. The system is fully operational and currently handles more than 12 million operations per year with very satisfactory results.