Sample records for jeune adulte revue

  1. Carcinome à cellule vitreuse du col de l'utérus: à propos d'un cas et revue de littérature

    PubMed Central

    Hakimi, Ihssane; Zazi, Abdelghani; Chahdi, Hafsa; Guelzim, Khalid; Kouach, Jaouad; Babahabib, Myabdellah; Elhassani, Myehdi; Rahali, Driss Moussaoui; Dehayni, Mohammed


    Le carcinome à cellule vitreuse du col de l'utérus est un type de histologique rare de cancer du col de l'utérus qui survient à un âge plus jeune, et s'associe au risque élevé d’échec thérapeutique et le pronostic est plus mauvais en comparaison au type cellulaire squameux. La radiothérapie est associée au risque diminué de récidive. Le but de cette étude est de récapituler à travers d'une observation et une revue de littérature les données sur l'incidence, le comportement clinique et la survie globale de patients avec le carcinome à cellule vitreuse du col de l'utérus. PMID:26664556

  2. U.S. plastic surgeons who contributed to the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1931-1938): "Giants" in our specialty.


    Rogers, B O


    The Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive, Brussels (1931-1938), edited by Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels, were the first, full-fledged medical publications specifically devoted to plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery. Publishing original articles by J.W. Maliniac, J. Eastman Sheehan, and brief summaries of papers read at plastic surgery societies by C.R. Straatsma, L.A. Peer, G. Aufricht, and other well-known American plastic surgeons, these Revues drew attention to surgeons, most of whom were responsible for organizing the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons in 1931, the same year in which the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique first appeared.

  3. [Thoughts on the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (1931-34) and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1935-38)].


    Vrebos, J


    The history of modern plastic surgery starts when a young, restless ENT man, Dr M. Coelst, started a training in Plastic Surgery with Sebileau in Paris and Joseph in Berlin. This man of vision and far-sighted imagination realized that the separated efforts and publications of so many pioneers, scaterred all over the world, would be lost if not gathered in a scientific journal only devoted to plastic surgery for the benefit of all. This brought him to the idea of establishing, in 1931, at his own initiative, the first international Journal of Plastic Surgery ever published, the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique, fifteen years before the USA Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and sixteen years before the British Journal of Plastic Surgery. The name of the journal was changed in 1935 to the Revue de Chirurgie Structive. Coelst' Revue was promptly accepted as the leading Journal of Plastic Surgery and all the internationally known plastic Surgeons contributed to it by scientific papers of great value, even today.

  4. British plastic surgeons who contributed to the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1931-1938): "the Big Four" in their Speciality.


    Rogers, B O


    The Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive, Brussels (1931-1938), edited by Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels, were the first, full-fledged medical publications devoted specifically to plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery. Publishing original articles by H.D. Gillies, P.T. Kilner, A.H. McIndoe, and R. Mowlem--the "Big Four" as they were known to both English and American plastic surgeons--the Revues drew attention to these four surgeons who were mainly responsible for developing the prestige of English plastic surgery in the early 1930s.

  5. Scientific contributions of U.S. plastic surgeons to the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive, Brussels (1931-1938).


    Vrebos, J


    The author emphasizes the close cooperation between U.S. plastic surgeons and the first international journal entirely devoted to plastic surgery, the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (1931-1934) later to become the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1935-1938) published under the editorship of Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels. By the accurate recording of original articles, book reviews, proceedings of their annual meetings and summaries in three different languages (English, French, German), the author stresses the intense scientific dynamism and the achievements made by the U.S. pioneers of this new speciality, which really started during World War I.

  6. Fetal thoracic measurements in prenatal diagnosis of Jeune syndrome.


    Das, Bibhuti B; Nagaraj, Anasuya; Fayemi, Ayodeji; Rajegowda, Benamanahalli K; Giampietro, Philip F


    We describe prenatal sonographic findings in a 34-week fetus with Jeune syndrome or asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD). The long bones measured were less than third percentile; the thoracic circumference (TC) measured 216 mm (< 2.5th percentile); the abdominal circumference (AC) measured 303.5 mm (50th-75th percentiles) and the rib cage perimeter (RCP) measured was 98 mm. The TC/AC was 0.70 (normal, 0.85) and the RCP/TC was 0.45 (normal, 0.68). Following birth diagnosis of Jeune syndrome was made based on radiographic analysis, which was subsequently confirmed by clinical and postmortem examination. This case highlights the utility of both TC/AC and RCP/TC in diagnosis of ATD and other skeletal dysplasias associated with a small thorax.

  7. The scientific contributions of British Plastic Surgeons to the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique and the Revue de Chirurgie Structive, Brussels (1931-1938).


    Vrebos, J


    In 1931, Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels started the publication of the first international journal of plastic surgery ever published: the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (1931-1934), which eventually became the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1935-1938). In 1936, he established the first European Society of Structive Surgery, which held its first congress in Brussels. Further congresses were held in London in 1937 and in Milan in 1938. It is the collaboration and the participation of British plastic surgeons in this Society, this journal, and these meetings that I want to stress, because I am firmly convinced that these documents fill a gap in the history of Plastic Surgery in Great Britain, since--as far as I know--no detailed information concerning this period was ever published in Plastic Surgery literature.

  8. Perceptions des jeunes victimes de violence sexuelle au sein de leurs relations amoureuses sur leur pire expérience

    PubMed Central

    Van Camp, Tinneke; Hébert, Martine; Fernet, Mylène; Blais, Martin; Lavoie, Francine


    Cette étude explore les pires expériences vécues dans les relations amoureuses de jeunes qui ont rapporté avoir vécu de la violence sexuelle dans une relation de couple récente. Quelles sont les situations perçues comme étant les plus difficiles par les jeunes et est-ce que celles-ci se limitent à des incidents violents? Le questionnaire sur les parcours amoureux des jeunes (PAJ) a été complété par des jeunes Québécois âgés de 14 à 18 ans. Au total, plus de 600 participants ont rapporté au moins un épisode de violence sexuelle (souvent en combinaison avec d’autres formes de violence). Nous présentons les résultats de l’analyse qualitative inductive fondée sur une question ouverte concernant la pire expérience vécue. Les observations suggèrent que, en plus des expériences de violence, les difficultés relationnelles, les ruptures amoureuses et les sentiments amoureux non réciproques sont des situations particulièrement difficiles selon les propos des jeunes. Ces différents enjeux vécus par les jeunes devraient être pris en considération dans l’offre de services d’intervention à leur intention. PMID:28191266

  9. Le premier examen gynécologique idéal imaginé par les jeunes filles

    PubMed Central

    Freyens, Anne; Dejeanne, Mélanie; Fabre, Elise; Rouge-Bugat, Marie-Eve; Oustric, Stéphane


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les représentations sur l’examen gynécologique (EG) et identifier les critères nécessaires à son bon déroulement chez des adolescentes n’ayant pas encore vécu cet examen. Type d’étude Enquête qualitative par entrevues semi-dirigées. Contexte Midi-Pyrénées (France) et Auvergne (France). Participants Jeunes filles de 15 à 19 ans qui n’ayant pas vécu l’EG. Méthodes Le mode de recrutement de l’échantillon a été double : sélection des jeunes filles par la technique boule-de-neige et sélection par la technique d’échantillonnage ciblé jusqu’à l’obtention de la saturation des données tout en cherchant la variation maximale dans les profils des sujets. Les questions ouvertes portaient sur les sources d’informations, les connaissances, les critères de bon déroulement et l’imaginaire autour de l’EG. Le verbatim a fait l’objet d’une analyse longitudinale immédiate rassemblant le contexte (notes des chercheurs) et les idées principales de l’entretien. Une analyse transversale thématique a été réalisée. Principales constatations Une méconnaissance générale des jeunes filles sur l’EG entretenait l’imaginaire autour de cet examen perçu comme obligatoire. L’EG idéal, selon les jeunes filles interrogées, aurait lieu chez une jeune fille qui se sentirait prête, informée préalablement, pouvant être accompagnée selon son souhait. Cet examen se déroulerait dans un environnement chaleureux et confortable afin de diminuer le sentiment de vulnérabilité. La qualité du lien avec le médecin conditionnerait l’acceptation de cet examen par les jeunes filles. Conclusion Une consultation dédiée à l’information, préalable à la consultation où a lieu l’EG, permettrait de diminuer les appréhensions, d’améliorer les connaissances des jeunes filles et de favoriser le bon déroulement du futur premier EG tant pour le médecin que pour la patiente. PMID:28807971

  10. Caractéristiques cliniques des jeunes déprimés en pédopsychiatrie

    PubMed Central

    Breton, Jean-Jacques; Labelle, Réal; Huynh, Christophe; Berthiaume, Claude; St-Georges, Marie; Guilé, Jean-Marc


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le profil clinique de jeunes déprimés selon le groupe d’âge et le sexe. Méthodologie L’étude a été réalisée à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse sur 75 dossiers de jeunes de 6–17 ans enregistrés en pédopsychiatrie en 2002–2003 et présentant un diagnostic de trouble dépressif. Des statistiques descriptives et des tests d’association pour comparer les garçons 6–11 ans, les garçons 12–17 ans et les filles 12–17 ans ont été complétés. Résultats Un jeune sur deux à l’adolescence a doublé une année scolaire. Près de 60% des garçons de 6–11 ans déprimés sont dirigés en pédopsychiatrie pour des difficultés comportementales et 71% des garçons de ce groupe d’âge présentent un trouble dépressif en comorbidité avec un trouble du comportement perturbateur. Les filles et garçons à l’adolescence présentent en plus grande proportion une symptomatologie intériorisée. Les idées suicidaires sont cependant aussi présentes chez les enfants (71%) que chez les adolescents (72%) et les adolescentes (85%). Les problèmes parent-enfant se retrouvent chez la majorité des jeunes, particulièrement chez les adolescentes. Conclusion Il est tout aussi important d’évaluer la dépression et l’idéation suicidaire chez les jeunes garçons avec troubles de comportement que chez les adolescents et les adolescentes et la dimension familiale est importante à considérer dans l’évaluation et le traitement. PMID:22299011

  11. Evaluation of the reach and impact of the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon: findings from three cross-sectional surveys.


    Plautz, Andrea; Meekers, Dominique


    The 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon aims to address the high STI/HIV prevalence rates and the high levels of unwanted pregnancy. This study evaluates the 100% Jeune program, analyzing its reach and impact on condom use, level of sexual activity, and predictors of condom use. This analysis uses data from three waves of the Cameroon Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey, implemented at 18-month intervals between 2000 and 2003. The sample is restricted to unmarried youth aged 15-24; sample sizes are 1,956 youth in 2000, 3,237 in 2002, and 3,370 in 2003. Logistic regression analyses determine trends in reproductive health behavior and their predictors, as well as estimate the effect of program exposure on these variables. All regression analyses control for differences in sample characteristics. A comparison of trends over the 36-month study period shows that substantial positive changes occurred among youth. Results of dose response analyses indicate that some of these positive changes in condom use and predictors of use can be attributed to the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program. The program contributed to substantial increases in condom use, including consistent use with regular partners among youth of both sexes. Among males, it also contributed to consistent use with casual partners. While condom use increased with both regular and casual partners, levels of use are higher with the latter. Observed secular trends indicate that factors besides the 100% Jeune program also contributed to the observed improvements. Despite efforts to promote abstinence, the 100% Jeune program had no effect on levels of sexual activity or number of sexual partners. Likewise, there is no evidence that reproductive health programs for youth lead to increased sexual activity. Results show that 100% Jeune successfully used a variety of mass media and interpersonal communication channels to reach a high proportion of youth throughout the intervention period. In

  12. Evaluation of the reach and impact of the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon: findings from three cross-sectional surveys

    PubMed Central

    Plautz, Andrea; Meekers, Dominique


    Background The 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon aims to address the high STI/HIV prevalence rates and the high levels of unwanted pregnancy. This study evaluates the 100% Jeune program, analyzing its reach and impact on condom use, level of sexual activity, and predictors of condom use. Methods This analysis uses data from three waves of the Cameroon Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey, implemented at 18-month intervals between 2000 and 2003. The sample is restricted to unmarried youth aged 15–24; sample sizes are 1,956 youth in 2000, 3,237 in 2002, and 3,370 in 2003. Logistic regression analyses determine trends in reproductive health behavior and their predictors, as well as estimate the effect of program exposure on these variables. All regression analyses control for differences in sample characteristics. Results A comparison of trends over the 36-month study period shows that substantial positive changes occurred among youth. Results of dose response analyses indicate that some of these positive changes in condom use and predictors of use can be attributed to the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program. The program contributed to substantial increases in condom use, including consistent use with regular partners among youth of both sexes. Among males, it also contributed to consistent use with casual partners. While condom use increased with both regular and casual partners, levels of use are higher with the latter. Observed secular trends indicate that factors besides the 100% Jeune program also contributed to the observed improvements. Despite efforts to promote abstinence, the 100% Jeune program had no effect on levels of sexual activity or number of sexual partners. Likewise, there is no evidence that reproductive health programs for youth lead to increased sexual activity. Conclusion Results show that 100% Jeune successfully used a variety of mass media and interpersonal communication channels to reach a high proportion of youth

  13. One-stage sequential bilateral thoracic expansion for asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (Jeune syndrome).


    Muthialu, Nagarajan; Mussa, Shafi; Owens, Catherine M; Bulstrode, Neil; Elliott, Martin J


    Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy) is a rare disorder characterized by skeletal dysplasia, reduced diameter of the thoracic cage and extrathoracic organ involvement. Fatal, early respiratory insufficiency may occur. Two-stage lateral thoracic expansion has been reported, addressing each side sequentially over 3-12 months. While staged repair theoretically provides less invasive surgery in a small child with respiratory distress, we utilized a single stage, bilateral procedure aiming to rapidly maximize lung development. Combined bilateral surgery also offered the chance of rapid recovery, and reduced hospital stay. We present our early experience of this modification of existing surgical treatment for an extremely rare condition, thought to be generally fatal in early childhood. Nine children (6 males, 3 females; median age 30 months [3.5-75]) underwent thoracic expansion for Jeune syndrome in our centre. All patients required preoperative respiratory support (5 with tracheostomy, 8 requiring positive pressure ventilation regularly within each day/night cycle). Two children underwent sequential unilateral (2-month interval between stages) and 7 children bilateral thoracic expansion by means of staggered osteotomies of third to eighth ribs and plate fixation of fourth to fifth rib and sixth to seventh rib, leaving the remaining ribs floating. There was no operative mortality. There were 2 deaths within 3 months of surgery, due to pulmonary hypertension (1 following two-stage and 1 following single-stage thoracic expansion). At the median follow-up of 11 months (1-15), 3 children have been discharged home from their referring unit and 2 have significantly reduced respiratory support. One child remains on non-invasive ventilation and another is still ventilated with a high oxygen requirement. Jeune syndrome is a difficult condition to manage, but bilateral thoracic expansion offers an effective reduction in ventilator requirements in these children

  14. Tuméfaction du muscle pectoral révélant une tuberculose musculaire isolée

    PubMed Central

    Hayoun, Sohaib; Ouazzani, Hanane El; Habibi, Bouchra; Belhabib, Salwa; Souhi, Hicham; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderahmane; Abid, Ahmed


    La tuberculose des parties molles représente l’une des formes rares de la tuberculose extra pulmonaire, la localisation musculaire isolée est par-ailleurs exceptionnelle. Nous rapportant une observation médicale originale, une tuberculose musculaire isolée intéressant le muscle grand pectoral chez un jeune patient immunocompétent. Le diagnostic a reposé essentiellement sur l’histologie. L’évolution été favorable sous traitement anti bacillaire seul. Ce cas rare est présenté avec revue de littérature. PMID:28761620

  15. Prises de risques chez les jeunes de Bobo Dioulasso: une analyse des facteurs associés à la précocité et au multipartenariat sexuel

    PubMed Central

    Adohinzin, Clétus Come; Meda, Nicolas; Belem, Adrien Marie Gaston; Ouédraogo, Georges Anicet; Sombie, Issiaka; Berthe, Abdramane; Fond-Harmant, Laurence


    Introduction Malgré les efforts d'éducation à la santé, les jeunes continuent d'adopter des comportements sexuels à risques, susceptibles d'avoir des répercussions importantes sur leur santé. Cette étude visait à analyser les facteurs associés à la précocité sexuelle et au multipartenariat chez les jeunes de 19-24 ans de Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude quantitative et transversale. Les données d'enquête ont été recueillies en décembre 2014 à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), auprès de 573 jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Ces enquêtés ont été sélectionnés par un sondage en grappes à deux degrés. Des facteurs à risques relatifs à la précocité sexuelle et au multipartenariat ont été analysés à l'aide du logiciel Stata IC 13. Le seuil de signification de P<0,05 a été utilisée. Résultats Plus de la moitié des enquêtés (54%) étaient sexuellement actifs dont 14% avant l'âge de 16 ans. Le multipartenariat sexuel avait été observé chez 24% des jeunes sexuellement actifs. Parmi les facteurs déterminants de la précocité sexuelle et du multipartenariat figuraient l'âge, le sexe, le niveau d'étude, et la situation économique des parents. Nos données avaient aussi montré que les rapports sexuels trop précoces étaient associés au multipartenariat sexuel (p<0,005). Conclusion Les actions visant à renforcer les capacités des jeunes à retarder les premiers rapports sexuels et à mieux évaluer les risques seront de toute importance. Les capacités des parents, des enseignants et des prestataires devraient être aussi renforcées pour l'amélioration de la qualité des relations entre eux et les jeunes. PMID:28292094

  16. Les expériences de victimisation, la santé mentale et le bien-être de jeunes trans au Québec

    PubMed Central

    Raymond, Guillaume; Blais, Martin; Bergeron, Félix-Antoine; Hébert, Martine


    Résumé Les normes traditionnelles de genre prescrivent l’adéquation de l’expression de la masculinité et de la féminité au sexe anatomique de naissance. Les personnes qui présentent des variations dans l’expression de genre sont sujettes à diverses formes de réactions sociales suggérant la réprobation (des regards désapprobateurs aux violences physiques) susceptibles d’influencer négativement leur santé mentale. Trente-sept (37) jeunes se décrivant comme trans ou en questionnement sur leur identité de genre ont été recrutés dans le cadre de l’enquête sur les Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes de minorités sexuelles du Québec. Leurs expériences de victimisation parentale et de victimisation basée sur la non-conformité de genre ainsi que des indicateurs de santé mentale (détresse psychologique, estime de soi) ont été mesurés. Afin de comparer les expériences de victimisation et l’état de santé mentale des jeunes trans, ils ont été appariés à 37 garçons et 37 filles cisgenres sur la base de leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques. Des analyses de prévalence et un modèle acheminatoire ont été réalisés. Les résultats mettent en évidence que les jeunes trans sont plus susceptibles de présenter des scores cliniques de détresse psychologique et de faible estime d’eux-mêmes que leurs pairs cisgenres. La violence verbale parentale et la victimisation basée sur la non-conformité de genre influencent négativement l’estime de soi, ce qui en retour augmente la probabilité de vivre de la détresse psychologique. Les résultats appuient l’importance des interventions de soutien à la diversité sexuelle et de genre. PMID:26966849

  17. Short-Rib Polydactyly and Jeune Syndromes Are Caused by Mutations in WDR60

    PubMed Central

    McInerney-Leo, Aideen M.; Schmidts, Miriam; Cortés, Claudio R.; Leo, Paul J.; Gener, Blanca; Courtney, Andrew D.; Gardiner, Brooke; Harris, Jessica A.; Lu, Yeping; Marshall, Mhairi; Scambler, Peter J.; Beales, Philip L.; Brown, Matthew A.; Zankl, Andreas; Mitchison, Hannah M.; Duncan, Emma L.; Wicking, Carol


    Short-rib polydactyly syndromes (SRPS I–V) are a group of lethal congenital disorders characterized by shortening of the ribs and long bones, polydactyly, and a range of extraskeletal phenotypes. A number of other disorders in this grouping, including Jeune and Ellis-van Creveld syndromes, have an overlapping but generally milder phenotype. Collectively, these short-rib dysplasias (with or without polydactyly) share a common underlying defect in primary cilium function and form a subset of the ciliopathy disease spectrum. By using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing of DNA from an affected Australian individual with SRPS type III, we detected two novel heterozygous mutations in WDR60, a relatively uncharacterized gene. These mutations segregated appropriately in the unaffected parents and another affected family member, confirming compound heterozygosity, and both were predicted to have a damaging effect on the protein. Analysis of an additional 54 skeletal ciliopathy exomes identified compound heterozygous mutations in WDR60 in a Spanish individual with Jeune syndrome of relatively mild presentation. Of note, these two families share one novel WDR60 missense mutation, although haplotype analysis suggested no shared ancestry. We further show that WDR60 localizes at the base of the primary cilium in wild-type human chondrocytes, and analysis of fibroblasts from affected individuals revealed a defect in ciliogenesis and aberrant accumulation of the GLI2 transcription factor at the centrosome or basal body in the absence of an obvious axoneme. These findings show that WDR60 mutations can cause skeletal ciliopathies and suggest a role for WDR60 in ciliogenesis. PMID:23910462

  18. Short-rib polydactyly and Jeune syndromes are caused by mutations in WDR60.


    McInerney-Leo, Aideen M; Schmidts, Miriam; Cortés, Claudio R; Leo, Paul J; Gener, Blanca; Courtney, Andrew D; Gardiner, Brooke; Harris, Jessica A; Lu, Yeping; Marshall, Mhairi; Scambler, Peter J; Beales, Philip L; Brown, Matthew A; Zankl, Andreas; Mitchison, Hannah M; Duncan, Emma L; Wicking, Carol


    Short-rib polydactyly syndromes (SRPS I-V) are a group of lethal congenital disorders characterized by shortening of the ribs and long bones, polydactyly, and a range of extraskeletal phenotypes. A number of other disorders in this grouping, including Jeune and Ellis-van Creveld syndromes, have an overlapping but generally milder phenotype. Collectively, these short-rib dysplasias (with or without polydactyly) share a common underlying defect in primary cilium function and form a subset of the ciliopathy disease spectrum. By using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing of DNA from an affected Australian individual with SRPS type III, we detected two novel heterozygous mutations in WDR60, a relatively uncharacterized gene. These mutations segregated appropriately in the unaffected parents and another affected family member, confirming compound heterozygosity, and both were predicted to have a damaging effect on the protein. Analysis of an additional 54 skeletal ciliopathy exomes identified compound heterozygous mutations in WDR60 in a Spanish individual with Jeune syndrome of relatively mild presentation. Of note, these two families share one novel WDR60 missense mutation, although haplotype analysis suggested no shared ancestry. We further show that WDR60 localizes at the base of the primary cilium in wild-type human chondrocytes, and analysis of fibroblasts from affected individuals revealed a defect in ciliogenesis and aberrant accumulation of the GLI2 transcription factor at the centrosome or basal body in the absence of an obvious axoneme. These findings show that WDR60 mutations can cause skeletal ciliopathies and suggest a role for WDR60 in ciliogenesis. Copyright © 2013 The American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Détention provisoire des jeunes femmes accusées d'avortement clandestin ou d'infanticide au Sénégal

    PubMed Central

    Soumah, Mohamed Maniboliot; Pemba, Liliane Flore


    Introduction L'activité sexuelle chez les jeunes les expose à un accroissement du risque de contracter des grossesses non désirées. Le recours à l'avortement clandestin avec son corollaire de complications peut entrainer le décès de la jeune femme. Avortement et infanticide sont interdits et sanctionnés par la loi sénégalaise. Comment ces jeunes femmes vivent-elles leur détention? Existe-il des alternatives à la détention pour éviter leur désocialisation? Méthodes Cette étude rétrospective portait sur la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar située à Liberté 6, un quartier de Dakar. Nous avons procédé à des entretiens avec des femmes détenues à la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar et suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement clandestin. Résultats Les femmes de notre échantillon ont une moyenne d’âge inférieure à 25 ans avec parmi elles une fille mineure de 16 ans. Nous avons trouvé 18,51% de femmes suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement. Dans notre étude 50% des femmes sont originaires de la périphérie et de la banlieue de Dakar et presque 44% proviennent des autres régions du pays. La durée moyenne de détention provisoire est de neuf mois. Conclusion Malgré leur qualification distincte dans le code pénal: l'infanticide est un crime et l'avortement un délit, les femmes suspectées d'avoir commis ces actes sont soumises à de longues détentions préventives. PMID:22937189

  20. Canadian Journal of Physics. Volume 69, Number 2 (Revue Canadienne de Physique. Volume 69, Numero 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    4KNational Research Conseil national Council Canada de recherches Canada SMC CtRC Canadian Journal Revue canadienne of Physics de physique Volume 69...Number 2, February 1991 Volume 69, num~ro 2, W~rier 1991 AD-A235 711 Aviliable for $36.00 from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont...Publid par THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA LE CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES DU CANADA Editor R. W. NICHOLLS Directeur scientifique Editorial

  1. The impact on condom use of the "100% Jeune" social marketing program in Cameroon.


    Meekers, Dominique; Agha, Sohail; Klein, Megan


    To measure the reach of the "100% Jeune" social marketing campaign and to assess its impact on condom use and on the predictors of condom use. The campaign aims to improve condom use through intensive youth-oriented mass media and interpersonal communications and widespread distribution of subsidized condoms. We analyzed data from the 2000 and 2002 waves of a reproductive health survey of youth aged 15-24 years, with sample sizes of 2097 and 3536, respectively. Exposure to campaign activities was high. During the course of the intervention, there were significant changes in perceived condom attributes and access, self-efficacy, and perceived social support. Consistent with these changes, the percentage of youth who used a condom in last sex with their regular partner increased from 32% to 45% for females (p < .05) and from 44% to 61% for males (p < .01). Additional analyses suggest that exposure to the "100% Jeune" campaign has contributed to these trends. The multi-faceted mass media and interpersonal communication campaign was effective for reaching youth. During the first 18 months of the campaign, significant changes occurred in perceived social support and condom use self-efficacy. Significant increases in levels of condom use also were achieved. However, the program was more effective among males than females. This indicates a need for more and possibly different campaign activities to focus specifically on risk perception and self-efficacy among females. The results also show that repeated program exposure is needed to achieve behavior change. Hence, future programs can enhance their effectiveness by using a mix of mass media and interpersonal communications to repeatedly expose youth to key campaign messages.

  2. TCTEX1D2 mutations underlie Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with impaired retrograde intraflagellar transport.


    Schmidts, Miriam; Hou, Yuqing; Cortés, Claudio R; Mans, Dorus A; Huber, Celine; Boldt, Karsten; Patel, Mitali; van Reeuwijk, Jeroen; Plaza, Jean-Marc; van Beersum, Sylvia E C; Yap, Zhi Min; Letteboer, Stef J F; Taylor, S Paige; Herridge, Warren; Johnson, Colin A; Scambler, Peter J; Ueffing, Marius; Kayserili, Hulya; Krakow, Deborah; King, Stephen M; Beales, Philip L; Al-Gazali, Lihadh; Wicking, Carol; Cormier-Daire, Valerie; Roepman, Ronald; Mitchison, Hannah M; Witman, George B


    The analysis of individuals with ciliary chondrodysplasias can shed light on sensitive mechanisms controlling ciliogenesis and cell signalling that are essential to embryonic development and survival. Here we identify TCTEX1D2 mutations causing Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with partially penetrant inheritance. Loss of TCTEX1D2 impairs retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) in humans and the protist Chlamydomonas, accompanied by destabilization of the retrograde IFT dynein motor. We thus define TCTEX1D2 as an integral component of the evolutionarily conserved retrograde IFT machinery. In complex with several IFT dynein light chains, it is required for correct vertebrate skeletal formation but may be functionally redundant under certain conditions.

  3. Lambeau Expanse du Cuir Chevelu dans la Couverture des Alopecies Cicatricielles sur Sequelles de Brulures. A Propos d'une Observation

    PubMed Central

    El Mazouz, S.; Hafidi, J.; Fejjal, N.; Mejjati, H.; Cherkab, L.; Gharib, N.; Abbassi, A.


    Summary Les séquelles esthétiques des alopécies cicatricielles sur séquelles de brûlures sont responsables de préjudices empêchant parfois la réinsertion sociale du patient, surtout chez les sujets de sexe féminin. Le cuir chevelu permet la réalisation de lambeaux permettant de couvrir ces alopécies. Les Auteurs décrivent le cas d'une jeune patiente victime d'une alopécie cicatricielle sur séquelles de brûlures chez qui ils ont réalisé un lambeau expansé du cuir chevelu et mettent le point sur la prise en charge de ces lésions à travers ce cas clinique et une revue de littérature. PMID:21991195

  4. [Expanded scalp flap in cicatricial areas affected by burns sequelae - an observation].


    El Mazouz, S; Hafidi, J; Fejjal, N; Mejjati, H; Cherkab, L; Gharib, N; Abbassi, A


    Les séquelles esthétiques des alopécies cicatricielles sur séquelles de brûlures sont responsables de préjudices empêchant parfois la réinsertion sociale du patient, surtout chez les sujets de sexe féminin. Le cuir chevelu permet la réalisation de lambeaux permettant de couvrir ces alopécies. Les Auteurs décrivent le cas d'une jeune patiente victime d'une alopécie cicatricielle sur séquelles de brûlures chez qui ils ont réalisé un lambeau expansé du cuir chevelu et mettent le point sur la prise en charge de ces lésions à travers ce cas clinique et une revue de littérature.

  5. Traitement chirurgical initial des brûlures de la main de l’enfant. Revue

    PubMed Central

    Goffinet, L.; Breton, A.; Gavillot, C.; Barbary, S.; Journeau, P.; Lascombes, P.; Dautel, G.


    Summary Trente cinq revues concernant la prise en charge chirurgicale de la main brûlée de l’enfant sont indexées dans Pub- Med. Elles portent sur l’indication de la cicatrisation dirigée versus chirurgie, les techniques et délais d’instauration des traitements par excision-greffe, le calendrier et la nature du traitement de réadaptation et la surveillance. L’enfant présente un risque accru de brides cicatricielles, nécessitant un suivi médico-chirurgical attentif et prolongé. L’objet de cet article est de rapporter les spécificités chirurgicales de la prise en charge de ces brûlures. Cette revue de la littérature, réalisée au moyen de la base PubMed (publication entre 2005 et 2011) à partir des mots-clés « hand AND/OR child AND/OR burn » retrouve 67 publications utiles au sein de 171 références. Les données rapportées ont été comparées aux ouvrages de références français et américains. Des données contradictoires sont rapportées concernant la délai de l’excision et de la greffe, avec seulement deux études comparatives comportant de nombreux biais. L’état de la science n’apporte pas d’éléments de preuve suffisant en raison d’un manque de puissance statistique des études, mais de nombreux avis d’expert explorant chaque type d’indication permet d’établir une stratégie claire, guidant les indications thérapeutiques. Il apparaît donc indispensable de réaliser des études prospectives incluant ces patients depuis le suivi initial jusqu’au suivi à long terme, pour augmenter le niveau de preuve de cette stratégie. PMID:27279807

  6. Effects of music and art education in early life and oral functions on the QOL of the Takarazuka Revue Company OG compared with general elderly females.


    Masutani, Takiko; Yamamoto, Yasuji; Konishi, Junya; Maeda, Kiyoshi


    Today, Japan is becoming a super-aged society, with senior citizens already constituting over 21% of the population. In this situation, the question of how elderly people can extend their lives and enjoy independent lifestyles is becoming more important. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between the Quality of Life (QOL) of elderly females and their current oral functions and experiences of music and art education in early life. We carried out a survey study focusing on elderly females (Takarazuka Revue Company OG group and general female group) by carrying out a questionnaire survey and comparing cognitive function, oral examinations, cerebral atrophy in magnetic resonance imaging, and other characteristics. It was shown that the Takarazuka Revue Company OG group had greater hippocampal volumes and significantly higher cognitive functions than the general female group. In addition, in the general female group, there was a significant correlation between a decrease in the number of remaining teeth and a decrease in activities in daily living, but in the Takarazuka Revue Company OG group, no such correlation was observed. The results showed that those who have received art education as part of their careers over an extensive period since early life have higher levels of cognitive function, QOL, physical activity, social activity and life satisfaction compared with the general female group; showing that they sense a purpose in life and live with a positive attitude. In contrast, in the general female group, those who have continued to enjoy hobbies have higher levels of cognitive function, QOL, physical activity, social activity and life satisfaction than those who have not, thus showing that they live with a positive attitude.

  7. The Comtesse De Genlis' "Théâtre À L'Usage Des Jeunes Personnes" (1779-1780): Educating for Order and Prejudice in Pre-Revolutionary France

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pinto, Isabel


    This essay explores the educational contribution of the Comtesse de Genlis' "Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes" ["Theatre of Education"] (1792/1779-1780), a four-volume collection of closet drama, in light of the social, political and cultural shifts occurring in France in the period prior to the French Revolution. In…

  8. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education = la Revue canadienne pour l'etude de l'education des adultes. 1987-1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 1994


    These 17 issues include feature articles and perspectives on the study of adult education, as well as book reviews/recensions of works related to adult education. Some articles are written in English, and some are written in French. Among the feature articles included are the following: "The Fifties: Pivotal Decade in Canadian Adult…


    PubMed Central

    Allen, L.; Black, R.E.; Brandes, N.; Brittenham, G.; Chazot, G.; Chunming, C.; Crawley, J.; de Benoist, B.; Dalmiya, N.; Darnton-Hill, I.; Dewey, K.; El-Arifeen, S.; Fontaine, O.; Geissler, C.; Haberle, H.; Harvey, P.; Hasler, J.; Hershko, C.; Hurrell, R.; Juma, M.A.; Lönnerdal, B.; Lozoff, B.; Lynch, S.; Salgado, H. Martines; McLean, E.; Metz, J.; Oppenheimer, S.; Premji, Z.; Prentice, A.; Ramsan, M.; Ratledge, C.; Stoltzfus, R.; Tielsch, J.; Winachagoon, P.


    Cet article présentent les résultats d'une Consultation d'Experts dont l'objectif était d'évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité des suppléments de fer administrés aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre, ainsi que les conséquences d’une telle mesure pour la santé publique. Les participants à cette Consultation, qui s’est déroulée à Lyon (France) les 12–14 juin 2006, se sont entendus sur plusieurs questions importantes concernant l’administration d’une supplémentation martiale aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre. Les conclusions du présent rapport s’appliquent plus particulièrement aux pays où le paludisme est endémique. PMID:18630054

  10. Cardiomyopathie du péripartum: à propos d’une observation et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Bouzerda, Abdelmajid


    La cardiomyopathie du péripartum ou cardiomyopathie gravidique primitive, est une entité rare et méconnue définie comme une insuffisance cardiaque systolique survenant le dernier mois de la grossesse ou les cinq premiers mois du postpartum en l'absence d'étiologie connue ou de cardiopathie préexistante. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers admise pour une poussée d'insuffisance cardiaque gauche 1mois après son accouchement. Le contexte de péripartum nous a fait penser au diagnostic et a motivé la réalisation d'une Echocardiographie qui a confirmé cette entité. PMID:28154713

  11. Récidive après dix ans de tumeur de granulosa de l’ovaire: à propos de deux cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Majdoul, Soufya; Tawfiq, Nezha; Bourhaleb, Zouhour; Naqos, Nora; Taleb, Amina; Bouchbika, Zineb; Benchakroun, Nadia; Jouhadi, Hassan; Sahraoui, Souha; Benider, Abdelatif


    Les tumeurs à cellules de la granulosa (TG) de l’ovaire sont des tumeurs rares appartenant au groupe des tumeurs des cordons sexuels et du stroma. Elles représentent 0,6 à 3 % de l’ensemble des tumeurs de l’ovaire et 5 % des tumeurs malignes On distingue deux types: le type juvénile (TGJ) qui se caractérise par son agressivité et le type adulte (TGA) qui est le type le moins agressif et le plus fréquent. Les rechutes de TG de l'ovaire surviennent généralement dans les cinq ans, elles sont rarement sous forme de métastases péritonéales ou locales. Bien que, des options de traitement y compris la chirurgie avec ou sans chimiothérapie et ou radiothérapie ont été rapportés pour le traitement des récidives des TG, il n'y a aucune prise en charge standardisée de récidive de cette maladie. Ici, nous rapportons notre stratégie thérapeutique dans la prise en charge des récidives tardives, après dix ans, de la TG sous forme de carcinose péritonéale pour deux patientes avec une revue de la littérature. PMID:28154722

  12. Dermatomyosite du sujet âgé: étude de 4 observations dans le sud tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Frikha, Faten; Snoussi, Mouna; Salah, Raida Ben; Saidi, Noura; Kaddour, Neila; Bahloul, Zouhir


    La dermatomyosite (DM) touche essentiellement l’adolescent et l’adulte jeune, elle est très rare chez le sujet âgé, le plus souvent associée à des complications iatrogènes et à une pathologie cancéreuse. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques de la DM du sujet âgé à travers une étude rétrospective dans laquelle nous avons comparé 4 patients âgés de plus de 65 ans au début de la myosite avec 40 sujets jeunes. PMID:23308331

  13. Cause rare d’insuffisance rénale aigue: géant calcul de vessie chez une jeune femme

    PubMed Central

    Mohammed, Bounoual; Mustapha, Ahsaini; Karim, Tazi; Hamid, Azelmad; Mohammed, Alila; Soufiane, Mellas; eddine, El Ammari Jalal; Fadl, Tazi Mohammed; Jamal, El Fassi Mohammed; Hassan, Farih Moulay


    Géant calcul de vessie se définit par un poids supérieur à 100 g, c'est une pathologie rare chez la femme, environ 2%. La localisation vésicale ne dépasse pas 5% de l'ensemble des voies urinaires. Chez la femme l'apparition de calcul de vessie est souvent secondaire à un facteur prédisposant notamment un corps étranger intra vésical, vessie neurogene, les infections urinaires à répétition, ATCDS de chirurgie de l'incontinence urinaire d'effort. Mais on retrouve des calculs de vessie sans causes évidentes dits calculs primaires idiopathiques. On rapporte un cas d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans avec un géant calcul de vessie qui a retenti sur le haut appareil urinaire entrainant une insuffisance rénale aigue. La patiente a bénéficié initialement d'un drainage de haut appareil urinaire par des néphrostomies bilatérales puis elle a bénéficié d'une cystolithotomie à ciel ouvert d'un gros calcul de vessie. Un bilan étiologique a été demandé pourtant n'a pas identifié de cause évidente. PMID:29632626

  14. Mutations in the Gene Encoding IFT Dynein Complex Component WDR34 Cause Jeune Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy

    PubMed Central

    Schmidts, Miriam; Vodopiutz, Julia; Christou-Savina, Sonia; Cortés, Claudio R.; McInerney-Leo, Aideen M.; Emes, Richard D.; Arts, Heleen H.; Tüysüz, Beyhan; D’Silva, Jason; Leo, Paul J.; Giles, Tom C.; Oud, Machteld M.; Harris, Jessica A.; Koopmans, Marije; Marshall, Mhairi; Elçioglu, Nursel; Kuechler, Alma; Bockenhauer, Detlef; Moore, Anthony T.; Wilson, Louise C.; Janecke, Andreas R.; Hurles, Matthew E.; Emmet, Warren; Gardiner, Brooke; Streubel, Berthold; Dopita, Belinda; Zankl, Andreas; Kayserili, Hülya; Scambler, Peter J.; Brown, Matthew A.; Beales, Philip L.; Wicking, Carol; Duncan, Emma L.; Mitchison, Hannah M.


    Bidirectional (anterograde and retrograde) motor-based intraflagellar transport (IFT) governs cargo transport and delivery processes that are essential for primary cilia growth and maintenance and for hedgehog signaling functions. The IFT dynein-2 motor complex that regulates ciliary retrograde protein transport contains a heavy chain dynein ATPase/motor subunit, DYNC2H1, along with other less well functionally defined subunits. Deficiency of IFT proteins, including DYNC2H1, underlies a spectrum of skeletal ciliopathies. Here, by using exome sequencing and a targeted next-generation sequencing panel, we identified a total of 11 mutations in WDR34 in 9 families with the clinical diagnosis of Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy). WDR34 encodes a WD40 repeat-containing protein orthologous to Chlamydomonas FAP133, a dynein intermediate chain associated with the retrograde intraflagellar transport motor. Three-dimensional protein modeling suggests that the identified mutations all affect residues critical for WDR34 protein-protein interactions. We find that WDR34 concentrates around the centrioles and basal bodies in mammalian cells, also showing axonemal staining. WDR34 coimmunoprecipitates with the dynein-1 light chain DYNLL1 in vitro, and mining of proteomics data suggests that WDR34 could represent a previously unrecognized link between the cytoplasmic dynein-1 and IFT dynein-2 motors. Together, these data show that WDR34 is critical for ciliary functions essential to normal development and survival, most probably as a previously unrecognized component of the mammalian dynein-IFT machinery. PMID:24183451

  15. Anesthésie d’un greffé cardiaque en chirurgie non cardiaque: à propos d’un cas clinique et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Nassirou, Oumarou Mahamane Mamane; Jaafari, Abdelhamid; Chlouchi, Abdellatif; Bensghir, Mustapha; Haimeur, Charki


    Le nombre et la durée de survie des patients transplantés cardiaque sont en augmentation. Une partie de ces patients se présentent régulièrement pour une chirurgie générale en dehors de la transplantation cardiaque. L’anesthésie chez ces patients peut être difficile en raison des particularités physiologiques du cœur dénervé et de la gestion du traitement immunosuppresseur avec le risque de rejet et d’infection. Nous discutons la prise en charge anesthésique à travers un cas d’un patient âgé de 60 ans transplanté cardiaque devant subir une chirurgie de cure d’éventration abdominale et une revue de la littérature. PMID:28154639

  16. [What specific socialisation, social, educational and professional for teenagers and young adults with cancer?


    Roesler, Caroline; Pautre, Isabelle; Thirry, Dominique; Flores, Soccoro; Chabbert, Catherine; Savre, Nikita; Pibarot, Michèle; Seveau, Marie-Aude; Dugas, Karyn; Rollin, Zoé; Dumont, Sarah; Gaspar, Nathalie


    Socialisation, education, first jobs and autonomy are key steps to teenagers and young adults (TYA) integration into the society. The occurrence of a cancer in this population increases the difficulties. Although, suffering of cancer do affect TYA life journey at social, scholar and professional levels, from diagnosis to the after-cancer live and sometime forever, few studies exist in France. A national study on TYA with cancer (TYAC) social, scholar and professional pathways is on-going (ESPOIR-AJA). A national survey of the existing TYAC insertion support in 2013 by the "Insertion group" of groupe onco-hématologie adolescents et jeunes adultes (GO-AJA) revealed structured and ancient support at scholar level based on national governmental or associative structures, but insufficient and non-specific scholar help in secondary school and professional help. Specific initiatives have emerged since 2012 with the "Plan cancer 2". All these helps remain unequal across the country. A referential on TYAC social, scholar and professional insertion has been prepared by GO-AJA in collaboration with the association francophone des soins oncologiques de support (AFSOS). The impact of the action 9 of the nation "plan cancer 3" is awaited. Copyright © 2016 Société Française du Cancer. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Socialisation interculturelle et dynamiques identitaires chez les jeunes adultes issus de l'immigration maghrébine en France

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qribi, Adelhak; Courtinat, Amélie; Prêteur, Yves


    Intercultural socialisation and identity dynamics among young adults of Maghrebi immigrant descent - This study analyses different identity orientations expressed by young people of North African immigrant descent in France in relation to their conditions of socialisation. Identity is considered in terms of cultural identification, self-esteem and the activeness or passiveness of the relationship with reality. Socialisation is studied from the perspective of the interrelationship between family education and school experience. A survey was conducted by questionnaire among 120 young people aged between 18 and 25, of both sexes, from a working-class background. A multivariate analysis (Descending Hierarchical Classification) determined a structure of four groups in terms of differentiation or assimilation and conformity or individuation. It was found that strategies balancing ontological and pragmatic concerns appear to play a role in the dynamics of a subject's self-affirmation and autonomy. The attachment to a certain religious tradition in these cases seems to be compatible with modernity and is a factor of psychological balance and social integration.

  18. Societe Pluraliste et Diversite des Experiences Spirituelles Chez les Jeunes Adultes: Ce Que Revele Une Enquete=Pluralistic Society and the Diversity of Spiritual Experiences among Young Adults: What One Study Revealed.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Michaud, Claude


    Describes a study conducted at the University of Ottawa to investigate the spiritual experiences of 168 young adults enrolled in the education department in 1992-93 and the impact of those experiences on their personality development. Describes four psycho-religious profiles, including integrated (inductive), conventional (deductive), fragmented…

  19. Tératome immature de l’ovaire: à propos d’un cas

    PubMed Central

    Bouzoubaa, Wail; Jayi, Sofia; Alaoui, Fatima Zohra Fdili; Chaara, Hikmat; Melhouf, Moulay Abdelilah


    Les tératomes ovariens sont des tumeurs issues des cellules germinales pluripotentes, on décrit 3 types de tératomes: tératome mature, immature et monodermique. Le tératome immature constitue moins de 1% des cancers ovariens, et touche préférentiellement les sujets jeunes. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 25 ans, admise pour prise en charge d'une masse abdomino-pelvienne pour laquelle elle a bénéficiée d'une échographie et d'un scanner pelvien suivie d'un traitement conservateur a base d'une annexectomie gauche, avec multiples biopsies, dont le résultat anatomo-pathologique était en faveur d'un tératome ovarien immature. Par la suite le traitement a été complété par une hystérectomie avec curage lombo-aortique et omentectomie. Nous insistons à travers cette observation et sous la lumière d'une revue de la littérature sur les terrains particuliers prédisposant à ce type de tumeur rare et grave et sur les différents critères radiologiques orientant vers ce type histologique rare des tumeurs ovariennes, afin d'améliorer le pronostic et la prise en charge de cette pathologie qui reste multidisciplinaires. PMID:29187932

  20. Le rôle du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS) : une approche de médiation modérée

    PubMed Central

    Bergeron, Félix-Antoine; Blais, Martin; Hébert, Martine


    Résumé Cet article explore le rôle modérateur du soutien parental dans les relations entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez des jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS), que l’on dit aussi lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels ou en questionnement. Il vise à 1) documenter la prévalence des différentes formes de victimisation homophobe vécue par les JMS, et ce, selon le genre et l’âge et 2) à explorer l’effet modérateur du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique. Un échantillon de 228 JMS âgés de 14 à 22 ans, non exclusivement hétérosexuels, recrutés en milieu communautaire dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes (PAJ) du Québec a été analysé. L’impact de la victimisation homophobe, du soutien parental, de l’homophobie intériorisée sur la détresse psychologique est exploré par un modèle de régression linéaire avec effets de médiation modérée. Le rôle modérateur du soutien parental est confirmé dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe et la détresse psychologique. Ces variables peuvent constituer des leviers pour prévenir les effets négatifs des préjudices homophobes sur la santé mentale des JMS. PMID:26966851

  1. Pseudarthrose de l'extrémité inférieure du fémur traitée par mégaprothèse: à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Elidrissi, Mohammed; Hammou, Nassereddine; Shimi, Mohammed; Elibrahimi, Abdelhalim; Elmrini, Abdelmajid


    Les pseudarthroses de l'extrémité distale du fémur sont relativement rares du fait de la qualité de la vascularisation de cette région. La prise en charge d'une telle complication pose un certain nombre de difficultés. Le traitement chirurgical fait appel à plusieurs techniques conservatrices, le traitement par prothèse peut s'avérer utile quand la perte de substance est importante chez le sujet âgé. L'objectif de ce travail est de discuter l'intérêt de la mégaprothèse du genou dans le traitement de la pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur, à travers l’étude de l'observation d'une patiente et revue de la littérature. Il s'agit d'une patiente âgée de 62 ans qui présente une pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur gauche. Sur le plan clinique la patiente présente des douleurs du genou gauche, avec gène fonctionnelle importante. Le score de l'IKS préopératoire était de 60. Elle a bénéficié d'un remplacement prothétique par une mégaprothèse du genou. En postopératoire la flexion du genou était à 90°, le score de l'IKS était de 130. A travers l’étude de cette observation, et la revue de la littérature, nous pensons que l'utilisation de mégaprothèse du genou, constitue une solution efficace et durable pour le traitement des pseudarthroses du fémur distal et particulièrement chez le sujet âgé. Cette technique permet de répondre aux impératifs d'un tel aléa de la consolidation: lutter contre la douleur et garantir une mobilité satisfaisante permettant de répondre aux besoins de la vie quotidienne du patient et ainsi améliorer sa qualité de vie. PMID:24396555

  2. La forme pseudo tumorale de la tuberculose primitive du nasopharynx: à propos de deux nouvelles observations et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Touati, Mohammed; Aljalil, Abdelfettah; Chihani, Mehdi; Bouchentouf, Rachid; Bouaity, Brahim; Ammar, Haddou


    La tuberculose primitive du nasopharynx est rare, nous présentons deux observations révélées par un aspect pseudo tumoral et à travers lesquelles nous soulevons le problème de diagnostic différentiel avec les lésions malignes du nasopharynx. La première observation concerne un jeune patient de 22 ans hospitalisé pour obstruction nasale bilatérale évoluant dans un contexte d'apyrexie et de conservation de l’état général. La nasofibrosopie et le scanner ont monté un processus tumoral évoquant une hypertrophie des végétations adénoïdes. Le deuxième cas est celui d'un homme de 45 ans tabagique chronique qui a présenté une adénopathie latérocervicale droite, une obstruction nasale et une otite séromuqueuse homolatérale. La nasophibroscopie et le scanner on montré un bourgeon tumoral postéro latéral droit du nasopharynx évoquant un carcinome nasopharyngé. Les biopsies du nasopharynx et les études histologiques, chez les deux patients, ont confirmé le diagnostic de tuberculose. La recherche d'autres localisations était négative. Le pronostic était favorable après 6 mois de traitement antibacillaire. La tuberculose primitive du cavum est rare, elle revêt le plus souvent des formes pseudotumorales et pose des problèmes de diagnostic différentiel avec les tumeurs nasopharyngées, son pronostic sous traitement antibacillaire est. PMID:23565310

  3. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Importance of Khomeini’s Mandate of the Jurist.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Kian-Thiebaut, "La Classe Moyenne Urabaine, Socle de la Modernite en Iran Post-Islamiste," in Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Mediterranee. Volume...Classe Moyenne Urbaine, Socle de la Modernite en Iran Post-Islamiste" in Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Mediterranee. vol 85 -86. May 1999

  4. Exome sequencing identifies DYNC2H1 mutations as a common cause of asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (Jeune syndrome) without major polydactyly, renal or retinal involvement

    PubMed Central

    Schmidts, Miriam; Arts, Heleen H; Bongers, Ernie M H F; Yap, Zhimin; Oud, Machteld M; Antony, Dinu; Duijkers, Lonneke; Emes, Richard D; Stalker, Jim; Yntema, Jan-Bart L; Plagnol, Vincent; Hoischen, Alexander; Gilissen, Christian; Forsythe, Elisabeth; Lausch, Ekkehart; Veltman, Joris A; Roeleveld, Nel; Superti-Furga, Andrea; Kutkowska-Kazmierczak, Anna; Kamsteeg, Erik-Jan; Elçioğlu, Nursel; van Maarle, Merel C; Graul-Neumann, Luitgard M; Devriendt, Koenraad; Smithson, Sarah F; Wellesley, Diana; Verbeek, Nienke E; Hennekam, Raoul C M; Kayserili, Hulya; Scambler, Peter J; Beales, Philip L; Knoers, Nine VAM; Roepman, Ronald; Mitchison, Hannah M


    Background Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. Aims and methods To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. Results and conclusions We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype–phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes. PMID:23456818

  5. Le dermatofibrosarcome de Darier et Ferrand, une tumeur cutanée particulière: à propos de 32 cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Elamrani, Driss; Droussi, Hatim; Boukind, Samira; Elatiqi, Keltoum; Dlimi, Meriem; Benchamkha, Yassine; Ettalbi, Saloua


    Le dermatofibrosarcome (DFS) est une tumeur fibreuse de la peau, de croissance lente, à très haut risque de récidive locale, mais à potentiel métastatique faible. A partir d'une étude rétrospective étalée sur une période de 5 ans (décembre 2008 - décembre 2013), nous avons analysé les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques, le délai de diagnostic, le type de thérapeutique et le devenir de 32 patients présentant des tumeurs de Darier et Ferrand histologiquement prouvées. Parmi les 32 patients, 10 se sont présentés initialement au service pour une récidive tumorale. Une discrète prédominance masculine a été notée. Les DFS touchent préférentiellement l'adulte jeune. Le délai diagnostique observé est en moyenne de 4 ans. Le tronc est la localisation préférentielle (60%), suivi par les extrémités proximales (30%). Les 32 patients ont été traités par exérèse chirurgicale avec une marge de 5cm en surface, emportant en profondeur une barrière anatomique saine. La couverture de la perte de substance (PDS) a été réalisée après confirmation anatomopathologique du caractère carcinologique de l'exérèse, et a fait appel à différents moyens allant de la greffe cutanée aux lambeaux musculo –cutanés libres. L’évolution a été marquée par la survenue d'une récidive tumorale chez 8 patients (3 cas parmi les tumeurs vues en première intention et 5 cas parmi les tumeurs vues en récidive) et les résultats ont été jugés satisfaisants sur le plan esthétique et fonctionnel. Le DFS de Darier et Ferrand est une tumeur dont le pronostic et le risque évolutif sont principalement liés au délai diagnostic et la qualité de la première exérèse. Le diagnostic tardif, rend difficile la chirurgie d'exérèse et de reconstruction Les possibilités de guérison en cas de chirurgie primaire bien conduite sont significativement supérieures à celles d'une chirurgie de rattrapage. L'amélioration du pronostic passe par

  6. The Myth of Air Control: Reassessing the History

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Française au Maroc (1911–1939),” Revue Historique des Armées, no. 4 (1978): 107–20, especially 113. 47. Millet, 54. 48. Laine, 112–18. 49. Capt...W. Breyton, “L’Aviation Sanitaire au Maroc en 1933,” Revue de L’Armée de L’Air, no. 56 (March 1934): 243–64. See the descriptions of aircraft on 246

  7. Incidence des infections du site opératoire en Afrique sub-saharienne: revue systématique et méta-analyse

    PubMed Central

    Ngaroua; Ngah, Joseph Eloundou; Bénet, Thomas; Djibrilla, Yaouba


    Introduction Les Infections du Sites Opératoire (ISO) sont à l’origine de morbi-mortalité et des dépenses supplémentaires en santé. Les pays en développement en sont les plus touchés. L’objectif était d’estimer l’incidence poolée des ISO en Afrique Sub-saharienne et décrire ses principaux facteurs de risque. Méthodes Une revue systématique et une méta-analyse ont été effectuées à partir des bases de données de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé pour la Région Afrique, de PubMed et par recherche standard afin de sélectionner des articles électroniquespubliés entre 2006 et 2015. Seuls les articlestraitants de l’incidence et desfacteurs de risque des ISOdans les pays del’Afrique subsaharienneétaient retenus. Résultats Sur 95 articles trouvés, 11 ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion. Seulement 9 pays sur les 45 y ont contribués avec une grandereprésentation du Nigéria (5 articles sur 11). L’incidence des ISO variaient de 6,8% à 26% avec une prédominance en chirurgie générale. L’incidence poolée des ISO était de 14.8% (IC à 95%: 15,5-16,2%), avec une importante hétérogénéité selon la spécialité et le mode de surveillance. Les facteurs de risque les plus citésétaient la longue durée d’intervention et la classe de contamination d’Altemeir 3 et 4. Les autres facteurs concernaient l’environnement hospitalier, les pratiques de soins inadéquats et les pathologies sous-jacentes. Conclusion L’incidence des ISO est élevée en Afrique subsaharienne, des études dans cette région pourrait améliorer la connaissance, laprévention et la maitrise deces multiples facteurs de risques. PMID:27795768

  8. L’ostéotomie de Chiari dans la prise en charge de la dysplasie de la hanche chez l’adulte: à propos de 9 cas

    PubMed Central

    Shimi, Mohammed; Mahdane, Hicham; Mechchat, Atif; El Ibrahimi, Abedelhalim; El Mrini, Abedelmajid


    La dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte jeune entraîne, dans plus de 50% des cas, une coxarthrose secondaire avant l’âge de 50 ans, l’ostéotomie de CHIARI a été décrite initialement dans le traitement de la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, elle a vu ses indications s’étendre à la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte. Nous avons réalisé 9 ostéotomies de CHIARI de 2009 à 2012. Les 9 hanches ont été évaluées cliniquement et radiologiquement en préopératoire et en postopératoire, avec un recul moyen de 18.4 mois. L’ostéotomie a été réalisée sur des hanches douloureuses dysplasiques, sans arthrose (45%) ou avec une arthrose peu évoluée (stade 2: 11%) ou évoluée (stade 3 et 4: 44%). Les résultats fonctionnels ont été très satisfaisants au dernier recul. En effet, le score PMA au dernier recul était de 17.4 en moyenne, avec en particulier, une action antalgique remarquable. Radiologiquement, l’ostéotomie a normalisé pratiquement dans tous les cas la coxométrie, grâce à une médialisation importante habituellement supérieure à 20 mm (87.5%). L’ostéotomie de CHIARI est une intervention sûre. Si l’indication est correctement posée, elle soulage remarquablement les patients et stoppe l’arthrose. Elle garde donc une place privilégiée dans le traitement de la coxarthrose même évoluée sur dysplasie acétabulaire pure ou mixte. PMID:23565312

  9. Surveillance urinaire des professionnels de la santé exposés aux antinéoplasiques dans le cadre de leur travail: revue de la littérature de 2010 à 2015

    PubMed Central

    Poupeau, Céline; Roland, Christel; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte Il existe de plus en plus de données sur la présence de traces de médicaments dangereux dans l’urine des professionnels de la santé exposés à ces médicaments. Objectif Présenter une revue de la littérature scientifique concernant la surveillance urinaire de professionnels de la santé exposés aux anti-néoplasiques dans le cadre de leur travail. Sources de données Recherche sur PubMed avec les Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) « occupational exposure » et « antineoplastic agents » ainsi que sur Google Scholar avec les termes « antineoplastic », « urine » et « occupational exposure ». Sélection des études et extraction des données L’examen a porté sur tous les articles en anglais et en français ayant trait aux professionnels de la santé exposés à des médicaments dangereux dans le cadre de leur travail, publiés entre le 1er janvier 2010 et le 31 décembre 2015. Les articles ne comportant pas de résultats urinaires et ceux concernant les vétérinaires ainsi que les revues de littérature, les éditoriaux, les lettres à la rédaction et les résumés de congrès ont été exclus. Synthèse des données Vingt-quatre articles ont été retenus. Les études ont été menées dans 52 établissements de santé provenant de sept pays. Elles regroupaient 826 travailleurs exposés à des médicaments dangereux et 175 témoins, notamment des infirmiers (n = 16 études), des pharmaciens (n = 10), des assistants techniques en pharmacie (n = 8), des médecins (n = 7), des aides-soignants (n = 2) et autres (n = 8). Différentes méthodes analytiques ont été utilisées pour quantifier la présence de 13 médicaments dangereux, principalement le cyclophosphamide (n = 16 études), les platines (n = 7) et l’alpha-fluoro-béta-alanine, un métabolite urinaire du 5-fluorouracile (n = 3). La proportion de travailleurs qui ont étés déclarés positifs s’étendait de 0 % (n = 10 études) à 100 % (n = 4). Si l’on ne retient que

  10. La victimisation homophobe et liée à la non-conformité de genre et l’adaptation scolaire et psychosociale chez les 14–22 ans : Résultats d’une enquête québécoise

    PubMed Central

    Boucher, Kathleen; Blais, Martin; Hébert, Martine; Gervais, Jesse; Banville-Côté, Christine; Bédard, Isabelle; Dragieva, Nataliya


    Résumés Cet article étudie la victimisation homophobe et liée à la non-conformité de genre et ses effets sur l’adaptation scolaire et psychosociale de jeunes Québécois. Un échantillon non probabiliste de 262 jeunes (173 filles, 89 garçons), âgés de 14 à 22 ans (M = 17,9 ans) a été constitué. Des comparaisons bivariées et un modèle d’équations structurales ont été réalisés. Les jeunes LGBTQ affichent un sentiment de sécurité à l’école et une réussite scolaire autoévaluée plus faibles et un niveau de détresse psychologique plus élevé. Les résultats montrent que la victimisation homophobe, le soutien social des amis, la détresse psychologique et le sentiment de sécurité à l’école jouent un rôle médiateur important dans la réussite scolaire autoévaluée des jeunes LGBTQ. Ces constats appuient l’importance de mettre en place des interventions pour réduire l’homophobie dans les écoles et soulignent le rôle central des pairs dans cet effort. PMID:28191287

  11. Leadership and Innovation-Listening to and Learning From Young People in Burundi.


    Nininahazwe, Cédric; Alesi, Jacquelyne; Caswell, Georgina; Lumumba, Musah; Mellin, Julie; Ndayizeye, Nicholas-Monalisa; Orza, Luisa; Rahimi, Michaela; Westerhof, Nienke


    This commentary describes young people's leadership from the perspective of a youth-led organization in the Link Up project in Burundi, Réseau National des Jeunes vivant avec le VIH. It describes processes that enable young people to guide, influence, deliver, and improve health service provision; the challenges faced by Réseau National des Jeunes vivant avec le VIH and how they are addressing these challenges. Copyright © 2016 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. N° 341-Diagnostic et prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes.


    Kives, Sari; Gascon, Suzy; Dubuc, Élise; Van Eyk, Nancy


    Passer en revue les connaissances scientifiques actuelles et formuler des recommandations relatives au diagnostic et à la prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes. L'étude porte sur les facteurs de risque, la précision diagnostique, les options de prise en charge et les issues de la torsion annexielle. RéSULTATS: Nous avons examiné les études publiées en faisant des recherches dans MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL et la Bibliothèque Cochrane à l'aide d'une terminologie contrôlée et de mots-clés appropriés (« adnexal torsion », « ovarian torsion »). Nous avons limité les résultats aux revues systématiques, aux essais contrôlés aléatoires, aux essais cliniques contrôlés et aux études d'observation. Nous avons refait les recherches de façon régulière et intégré de nouvelles données à la directive jusqu'en décembre 2014. Nous avons également étudié la littérature grise (non publiée) trouvée sur les sites Web d'organismes d'évaluation des technologies de la santé et d'autres organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques et dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et obtenue auprès d'associations nationales et internationales de médecins spécialistes. Les résultats ont été examinés et évalués par le comité CANPAGO de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), sous la direction des auteures principales. Les recommandations ont été classées selon les critères établis par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. AVANTAGES, DéSAVANTAGES ET COûTS: L'application de la directive devrait aider les praticiens à adopter une approche de diagnostic et de prise en charge optimale en matière de torsion annexielle, à réduire au minimum les effets néfastes et à améliorer l'issue qui attend les patientes. La présente directive a été évaluée et approuvée par le Comité de pratique - gynécologie de la SOGC

  13. AGARD/SMP Review Damage Tolerance for Engine Structures. 3. Component Behaviour and Life Management

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Life Management (Revue AGARD/SMP - ToIrance aux Dommages pour les Composants de Moteurs 3. Le Comportement des Composants et la Gestion %𔄀 de Leur Dur...Structures 3. Component Behaviour and Life Management . (Revue AGARD/SMP - ToI~rance aux Dommages pour les Compos ants de Moteurs 3. Le Comportement...engine parts. The present report includes the papers presented during Workshop Ill which was devoted to Component Behaviour and Life Management . It also

  14. Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology. Volume 42

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Mdcaniimea de l’interaction glace/ouvraaes en mer], Putot, C. Imiiwi Fnnstis du Pttrole. Revue, May-June 1987, 42(3), p.347-373. In French with...resistance and prediction. [La route en presence de verglas. Ph6nom6nes. adherence, provisions], Uvet, J., Revue gtottnle des routes et des »Prodromes...M£todo de predieeiön del drenaje aubglaciar, sus perspectivas en los glaciares subpolares de la AnUrtidai, Eraao, A., Actas del segundo Symposium

  15. Approche aux soins en milieu communautaire à des adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Osmun, W.E.; Chan, Nelson; Solomon, Robert


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les obligations d’ordre médical, éthique et juridique dans les soins aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) qui vivent dans la communauté. Sources des données Des recherches ont été faites dans Google et MEDLINE à l’aide des mots disabled, disability, vulnerable et community. Les lois pertinentes ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Message principal Le traitement d’un patient ayant une DD varie en fonction de facteurs comme la pathogenèse du problème actuel du patient, ses affections concomitantes, la gravité de ses déficiences et ses soutiens sociaux habituels. Bien que l’on s’entende sur les bienfaits du transfert des soins institutionnels vers des soins communautaires pour les patients ayant une DD, il s’est révélé difficile de leur dispenser des soins de grande qualité en milieu communautaire. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de travaux de recherche sur les façons d’offrir efficacement des soins aux adultes ayant une DD. En tant que professionnels des soins primaires, les médecins de famille sont souvent le premier point de contact pour les patients et sont à la fois responsables de la coordination et de la continuité des soins. Compte tenu de l’importance accrue accordée aux soins préventifs et à la détection précoce des maladies, la participation active du patient revêt aussi une grande importance. Les valeurs et les objectifs du patient sont des éléments essentiels à prendre en compte, même s’ils vont à l’encontre de la bonne santé du patient ou des propres valeurs du clinicien. Les lois s’appliquant aux personnes vulnérables varient d’une province à l’autre. Par conséquent, l’obligation de signaler des mauvais traitements suspectés pourrait différer selon que la personne vulnérable habite dans un centre de soins ou la communauté, que la personne qui soupçonne le comportement abusif est un fournisseur de services ou un professionnel de la santé ou

  16. [Online text-based psychosocial intervention for Youth in Quebec].


    Thoër, Christine; Noiseux, Kathia; Siche, Fabienne; Palardy, Caroline; Vanier, Claire; Vrignaud, Caroline

    In 2013, Tel-jeunes created a text messaging intervention program to reach youth aged 12 to 17 years on their cell phones. Tel-jeunes was the first in the country to offer a text-based brief psychosocial interventions performed by professional counselors. Researchers were contacted to document and evaluate the program. The research aimed to: 1) determine motives, contexts and issues that lead young people to use the SMS service; 2) document the characteristics of text-based brief intervention; and 3) assess the advantages and difficulties encountered by counselors who respounded to youth text-messages. We conducted a multimethod research from November 2013 to May 2014. We held four focus groups with 23 adolescents aged 15 to 17 who had or not used the SMS service, conducted a content analysis of a corpus of 13,236 text messages (or 601 conversations), and two focus groups with 11 Tel-jeunes counselors, just over a year after the implantation of the service. Our findings show that the SMS service meets youth needs. They identify text messaging to be their prefered mode of communication with Tel-jeunes when they need support or information. Moreover, the service reaches young people who would not have felt confortable to contact Tel-jeunes by phone. We identified three dominant issues in youths demands: romantic relationships, psychological health and sexuality. Perceived benefits of the service include anonimity and privacy (cell phone providing the ability to text anywhere). Youth participants also appreciated writing to counselors as they felt they had more time to think abouth their questions and answers to the counselor. Counselors were more ambivalent. They considered text-based intervention to be very effective and satisfactory to adress youth information requests, but reported difficulties when dealing with more complex problems or with mental health issues. They reported that text-based communication makes it more difficult to assess youth emotional states

  17. Pemphigoïde bulleuse révélant un carcinome bronchique

    PubMed Central

    Janah, Hicham; Mahhou, Meryem; Souhi, Hicham; Zegmout, Adil; Naji-Amrani, Hicham; Raoufi, Mohamed; Elouazzani, Hanane; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderrahmani; Abid, Ahmed


    La pemphigoïde bulleuse (PB) est la plus fréquente des dermatoses bulleuses auto-immunes, touchants préférentiellement le sujet âgé de plus de 70 ans. L'origine paranéoplasique de La PB est rarement rapportée. Cette lésion peut apparaitre de manière synchrone ou parfois être une manifestation révélatrice de la tumeur. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un jeune patient présentant un cancer bronchique métastatique révélé par une PB. Chez le sujet jeune fumeur, toute pemphigoïde bulleuse justifie la recherche d'une néoplasie. PMID:25667707

  18. 76 FR 63623 - Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Nutritional Biomarker Report: transfat analysis; update on ATSDR Science Symposium; update on Camp LeJeune; update on Environmental Health Tracking; presentation on hydraulic fracking; global health updates...

  19. Adult Learners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brodzinski, Frederick R., Ed.; Shriberg, Arthur, Ed.


    Presents nine articles which provide a broad overview of issues and concerns related to the delivery of student services to adult learners. Specific topics include needs and interests of adult learners, marketing, special technology, adult resource centers, adult support groups, and the role of the chief student affairs officer. (JAC)

  20. An Undergraduate Course in Adult Development: When the Virtual Adult Is an Adult

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Robert B.


    An aspect of an undergraduate psychology course on adult development was the preparation of case records on adults who consented to be studied. Participants (1) developed their abilities to observe and accurately record adult behavior across a variety of ages and contexts; (2) withheld judgments about behavior when evidence was lacking; (3)…

  1. Young adults as users of adult healthcare: experiences of young adults with complex or life-limiting conditions.


    Beresford, B; Stuttard, L


    Awareness is growing that young adults may have distinctive experiences of adult healthcare and that their needs may differ from those of other adult users. In addition, the role of adult health teams in supporting positive transitions from paediatrics is increasingly under discussion. This paper contributes to these debates. It reports a qualitative study of the experiences of young adults - all with complex chronic health conditions - as users of adult health services. Key findings from the study are reported, including an exploration of factors that help to explain interviewees' experiences. Study findings are discussed in the context of existing evidence from young adults in adult healthcare settings and theories of 'young adulthood'. Implications for training and practice are considered, and priorities for future research are identified. © 2014 Royal College of Physicians.

  2. Intraindividual variability in cognitive performance in older adults: comparison of adults with mild dementia, adults with arthritis, and healthy adults.


    Hultsch, D F; MacDonald, S W; Hunter, M A; Levy-Bencheton, J; Strauss, E


    Intraindividual variability in latency and accuracy of cognitive performance across both trials and occasions was examined in 3 groups of older adults: healthy adults, adults with arthritis, and adults diagnosed with mild dementia. Participants completed 2 reaction-time and 2 episodic-memory tasks on 4 occasions. Results indicated that intraindividual variability in latency was greater in individuals diagnosed with mild dementia than in adults who were neurologically intact, regardless of their health status. Individual differences in variability were stable over time and across cognitive domains. Intraindividual variability was also related to level of performance and was uniquely predictive of neurological status, independent of level of performance. Results suggest that intraindividual variability may be a behavioral indicator of compromised neurological mechanisms.

  3. National health surveillance of adults with disabilities, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and adults with no disabilities.


    Havercamp, Susan M; Scott, Haleigh M


    People with disabilities experience worse health and poorer access to health care compared to people without disability. Large-scale health surveillance efforts have largely excluded adults with intellectual and developmental disability. This study expands knowledge of health status, health risks and preventative health care in a representative US sample comparing the health of adults with no disability to adults with intellectual and developmental disability and to adults with other types of disability. The purposes of this study were (1) to identify disparities between adults with intellectual and developmental disability and adults with no disability and (2) compare this pattern of disparities to the pattern between adults with other types of disability and adults without disability. This study compares health status, health risks and preventative health care in a national sample across three groups of adults: No Disability, Disability, and Intellectual and Developmental Disability. Data sources were the 2010 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey and the National Core Indicators Consumer Survey. Adults with disability and with intellectual and developmental disability were more likely to report being in poor health compared to adults without disability. Disability and intellectual and developmental disability conferred unique health risks and health care utilization patterns. Significant disparities in health and health care utilization were found for adults with disability and developmental disability relative to adults without disability. Disability training for health care providers and health promotion research that identifies disability as a demographic group is needed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Older adults challenged financially when adult children move home.


    Wallace, Steven P; Padilla-Frausto, D Imelda


    This policy brief looks at the financial burdens imposed on older Californians when adult children return home, often due to a crisis not of their own making, to live with their parents. The findings show that on average in California, the amount of money that older adults need in order to maintain a minimally decent standard of living while supporting one adult child in their home increases their expenses by a minimum of 50 percent. Low-income older adults are usually on fixed incomes, so helping an adult child can provide the child with a critical safety net but at the cost of the parents' own financial well-being. Policy approaches to assisting this vulnerable population of older adults include implementing reforms to increase Supplemental Security Income (SSI), improving the availability of affordable housing, assuring that all eligible nonelderly adults obtain health insurance through health care reform's expansion of Medi-Cal and subsidies, and increasing food assistance through SNAP and senior meal programs.

  5. La prévention des blessures causées par les véhicules tout-terrains

    PubMed Central

    Yanchar, Natalie L


    RÉSUMÉ Les véhicules tout-terrains (VTT) sont largement utilisés au Canada dans le cadre des loisirs, du transport et du travail, tel que l’agriculture. En qualité de véhicules automobiles, ils peuvent être particulièrement dangereux lorsqu’ils sont utilisés par des enfants et des jeunes adolescents qui ne possèdent pas les connaissances, la taille physique, la force et les compétences cognitives et motrices nécessaires pour les conduire en toute sécurité. La magnitude du risque de blessures pour les jeunes conducteurs est exposée de manière explicite dans les avertissements figurant dans le manuel du conducteur et sur les étiquettes des modèles les plus récents. Elle est également et démontrée par le nombre important d’hospitalisations et de décès pédiatriques attribuables à des traumatismes liés aux VTT. Cependant, le port du casque est loin d’être universel chez les jeunes conducteurs, et les comportements de conduite non sécuritaires demeurent courants, tels que la conduite sans supervision ou avec des passagers. Malgré les avertissements de l’industrie et l’éducation publique qui font ressortir l’importance de comportements sécuritaires et les risques de graves blessures chez les enfants et les adolescents, on continue de recenser des blessures et des décès liés aux VTT. Tant que des mesures n’auront pas été prises pour réduire ces blessures de manière substantielle et efficace, il est essentiel de limiter la conduite par des jeunes, notamment ceux de moins de 16 ans, afin de réduire le fardeau des traumatismes liés aux VTT chez les enfants et les adolescents. Le présent document remplace le document de principes de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie publié en 2004.

  6. Health disparities among adults with developmental disabilities, adults with other disabilities, and adults not reporting disability in North Carolina.


    Havercamp, Susan M; Scandlin, Donna; Roth, Marcia


    The purposes of this study were (1) to identify disparities between adults with developmental disabilities and non-disabled adults in health and medical care, and (2) to compare this pattern of disparities to the pattern of disparities between adults with other disabilities and adults without disabilities. The authors compared data on health status, health risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and utilization of medical care across three groups of adults: No Disability, Disability, and Developmental Disability. Data sources were the 2001 North Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the North Carolina National Core Indicators survey. Adults with developmental disabilities were more likely to lead sedentary lifestyles and seven times as likely to report inadequate emotional support, compared with adults without disabilities. Adults with disabilities and developmental disabilities were significantly more likely to report being in fair or poor health than adults without disabilities. Similar rates of tobacco use and overweight/obesity were reported. Adults with developmental disabilities had a similar or greater risk of having four of five chronic health conditions compared with non-disabled adults. Significant medical care utilization disparities were found for breast and cervical cancer screening as well as for oral health care. Adults with developmental disabilities presented a unique risk for inadequate emotional support and low utilization of breast and cervical cancer screenings. Significant disparities in health and medical care utilization were found for adults with developmental disabilities relative to non-disabled adults. The National Core Indicators protocol offers a sound methodology to gather much-needed surveillance information on the health status, health risk behaviors, and medical care utilization of adults with developmental disabilities. Health promotion efforts must be specifically designed for this population.

  7. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale

    PubMed Central

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  8. Young Adults' Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards the Sexuality of Older Adults.


    Thompson, Ashley E; O'Sullivan, Lucia F; Byers, E Sandra; Shaughnessy, Krystelle


    Sexual interest and capacity can extend far into later life and result in many positive health outcomes. Yet there is little support for sexual expression in later life, particularly among young adults. This study assessed and compared young adults' explicit and implicit attitudes towards older adult sexuality. A sample of 120 participants (18-24 years; 58% female) completed a self-report (explicit) measure and a series of Implicit Association Tests capturing attitudes towards sexuality among older adults. Despite reporting positive explicit attitudes, young people revealed an implicit bias against the sexual lives of older adults. In particular, young adults demonstrated implicit biases favouring general, as compared to sexual, activities and young adults as compared to older adults. Moreover, the bias favouring general activities was amplified with regard to older adults as compared to younger adults. Our findings challenge the validity of research relying on self-reports of attitudes about older adult sexuality.

  9. Révision systématique des effets de la fréquence des repas en famille sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les jeunes

    PubMed Central

    Harrison, Megan E.; Norris, Mark L.; Obeid, Nicole; Fu, Maeghan; Weinstangel, Hannah; Sampson, Margaret


    Résumé Objectif Effectuer une révision systématique des effets de repas en famille fréquents sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les enfants et les adolescents et examiner s’il existe des différences dans les résultats selon le sexe. Sources des données Des études ont été cernées à la suite d’une recherche dans MEDLINE (de 1948 à la dernière semaine de juin 2011) et dans PsycINFO (de 1806 à la première semaine de juillet 2011) à l’aide de l’interface Ovide. Les expressions et mots clés MeSH utilisés seuls ou en combinaisons étaient les suivants : family, meal, food intake, nutrition, diets, body weight, adolescent attitudes, eating behaviour, feeding behaviour et eating disorders. Les bibliographies des articles jugés pertinents ont aussi été passées en revus. Sélection des études La recherche initiale a produit 1783 articles. Pour être incluses dans l’analyse, les études devaient répondre aux critères suivants : être publiées en anglais dans une revue révisée par des pairs; porter sur des enfants ou des adolescents; traiter de l’influence des repas en famille sur les paramètres psychosociaux (p. ex. consommation de drogues et autres substances, troubles de l’alimentation, dépression) chez les enfants ou les adolescents; avoir une conception d’étude appropriée, notamment des méthodes statistiques acceptables pour l’analyse des paramètres. Quatorze articles satisfaisaient aux critères d’inclusion. Deux examinateurs indépendants ont étudié et analysé les articles. Synthèse Dans l’ensemble, les résultats font valoir que la fréquence des repas en famille est inversement proportionnelle aux troubles de l’alimentation, à la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, aux comportements violents, aux sentiments de dépression ou aux pensées suicidaires chez les adolescents. Il existe une relation positive entre de fréquents repas en famille, une bonne estime de soi et la réussite scolaire. Les

  10. Adult Recruitment Practices.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kaufman, Juliet, Ed.; And Others

    Findings of an American College Testing Program 1981 survey on college recruitment of adult students are summarized, and 12 articles on adult recruitment are presented. Titles and authors are as follows: "Adult Recruitment Practices: A Report of a National Survey" (Patricia Spratt, Juliet Kaufmann, Lee Noel); "Three Programs for Adults in Shopping…

  11. Adult Education as Vocation: A Critical Role for the Adult Educator.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Collins, Michael

    Fixation on technique, erosion of autonomous and community interests, and efforts to increase professionalization of adult education (which tends to emphasize the differences between adult educators and adult learners rather than their common interests) have created a crisis in adult education. Contemporary practice and research on self-directed…

  12. Utah Adult Education Services. Adult Education Report 1968-69.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Utah State Board of Education, Salt Lake City.

    Major purposes for the preparation of this report on public school adult education in Utah were: to provide the public with a description of achievements, trends, and needs, and with meaningful cost accounting information; to make comparisons and analyses of adult education by program, school district, and year; and to provide the adult education…

  13. Acute Psychiatric Hospital Admissions of Adults and Elderly Adults with Mental Retardation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pary, Robert J.


    Examination of the records of 240 inpatients with mental retardation and 7 with autism discharged from a university hospital indicated that elderly adults had more medical problems than did adults, more elderly adults were transferred to a state hospital, and the most common diagnosis in both adults and elderly adults was chronic schizophrenia,…

  14. 13. Photocopy of Photograph (original print in the Coral Gables ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    13. Photocopy of Photograph (original print in the Coral Gables Public Library, Fishbaugh Collection, M 3327) Photographer unknown, 1923-25 LE JEUNE PLAZA, VIEW FROM CORAL WAY - Coral Gables (Entrances, Streets, Gates, & Squares), Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, FL

  15. Flavored e-cigarette use: Characterizing youth, young adult, and adult users.


    Harrell, M B; Weaver, S R; Loukas, A; Creamer, M; Marti, C N; Jackson, C D; Heath, J W; Nayak, P; Perry, C L; Pechacek, T F; Eriksen, M P


    The purpose of this study is to investigate how the use of flavored e-cigarettes varies between youth (12-17 years old), young adults (18-29 years old), and older adults (30 + years old). Cross-sectional surveys of school-going youth ( n  = 3907) and young adult college students ( n  = 5482) in Texas, and young adults and older adults ( n  = 6051) nationwide were administered in 2014-2015. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the percentage of e-cigarette use at initiation and in the past 30 days that was flavored, among current e-cigarette users. Chi-square tests were applied to examine differences by combustible tobacco product use and demographic factors. Most e-cigarette users said their first and "usual" e-cigarettes were flavored. At initiation, the majority of Texas school-going youth (98%), Texas young adult college students (95%), and young adults (71.2%) nationwide said their first e-cigarettes were flavored to taste like something other than tobacco, compared to 44.1% of older adults nationwide. Fruit and candy flavors predominated for all groups; and, for youth, flavors were an especially salient reason to use e-cigarettes. Among adults, the use of tobacco flavor at initiation was common among dual users (e-cigarettes + combustible tobacco), while other flavors were more common among former cigarette smokers (P = 0.03). Restricting the range of e-cigarette flavors (e.g., eliminating sweet flavors, like fruit and candy) may benefit youth and young adult prevention efforts. However, it is unclear what impact this change would have on adult smoking cessation.

  16. Older Adults Make Less Advantageous Decisions than Younger Adults: Cognitive and Psychological Correlates

    PubMed Central

    Fein, George; McGillivray, Shannon; Finn, Peter


    This study tested the hypotheses that older adults make less advantageous decisions than younger adults on the Iowa gambling task (IGT). Less advantageous decisions, as measured by the IGT, are characterized by choices that favor larger versus smaller immediate rewards, even though such choices may result in long-term negative consequences. The IGT, and measures of neuropsychological function, personality, and psychopathology were administered to 164 healthy adults 18–85 years of age. Older adults performed less advantageously on the IGT compared with younger adults. Additionally, a greater number of older adult’s IGT performances were classified as ‘impaired’ when compared to younger adults. Less advantageous decisions were associated with obsessive symptoms in older adults and with antisocial symptoms in younger adults. Performance on the IGT was positively associated with auditory working memory and psychomotor function in young adults, and in immediate memory in older adults. PMID:17445297

  17. Physical activity during hospitalization: Activities and preferences of adults versus older adults.


    Meesters, Jorit; Conijn, D; Vermeulen, H M; Vliet Vlieland, Tpm


    Inactivity during hospitalization leads to a functional decline and an increased risk of complications. To date, studies focused on older adults. This study aims to compare the physical activities performed by older adult and adult hospitalized patients. Patients hospitalized for >3 days at a university hospital completed a questionnaire regarding their physical activities (% of days on which an activity was performed divided by the length of stay) and physical activity needs during hospitalization. Crude and adjusted comparisons of older adult (>60 years) and adult (≤60 years) patients were performed using parametric testing and regression analyses. Of 524 patients, 336 (64%) completed the questionnaire, including 166 (49%) older adult patients. On average, the patients were physically active on 35% or less of the days during their hospitalization. Linear regression analysis showed no significant associations between being an older adult and performing physical activities after adjusting for gender, length of stay, surgical intervention, and meeting physical activity recommendations prior to hospitalization. Most patients were well informed regarding physical activity during hospitalization; however, the older adult patients reported a need for information regarding physical activities after hospitalization more frequently (odds ratios, 2.47) after adjusting for educational level, gender, and physical therapy during hospitalization. Both older adult and adult patients are physically inactive during hospitalization, and older adult patients express a greater need for additional information regarding physical activity after hospitalization than adult patients. Therefore, personalized strategies that inform and motivate patients to resume physical activities during hospitalization are needed regardless of age.

  18. Dietary intake and nutritional status in cancer patients; comparing adults and older adults.


    Gómez Valiente da Silva, Henyse; Fonseca de Andrade, Camila; Bello Moreira, Annie Seixas


    Evaluate the nutrient intake and nutritional status of food in cancer patients admitted to a university hospital, with comparison of adult and older adult age category. Cross-sectional study. This study involved cancer patients admitted to a hospital in 2010. Dietary habits were collected using a Brazilian food frequency questionnaire. Participants were divided in two groups: adults or older adults and in 4-cancer category: hematologic, lung, gastrointestinal and others. Body Mass Index evaluated nutritional status. A total of 86 patients with a mean age of 56.5 years, with 55% males and 42% older adults were evaluated. The older adult category had a higher frequency of being underweight (24.4% vs 16.3%, p < 0.01) and a lower frequency of being overweight (7% vs. 15.1%, p < 0.01) than adults. Both, adult and older adults had a high frequency of smoking, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity. The older adults had lower consumption of calories, intake of iron and folic acid. Inadequacy of vitamin intake was observed in both groups; respectively, 52%, 43%, 95%, 76% and 88% for Vitamin A, C, D, E and folic acid. The older adults had a higher folic acid and calcium inadequacy than the adults (97% vs 82%, p <0.01; 88% vs 72%, p < 0.01). There was no association of micronutrient intake with cancer, nor with nutritional status. The food intake, macro and micronutrients ingestion is insufficient among cancer individuals. Food intake of older adults was inferior, when compared to the adult category. There was a high prevalence of BMI excess in the adult group and a worst nutritional status in the older adult category. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  19. Adult Day Care


    ... Page Resize Text Printer Friendly Online Chat Adult Day Care Adult Day Care Centers are designed to provide care and ... adults who need assistance or supervision during the day. Programs offer relief to family members and caregivers, ...

  20. What Does It Take to Be an Adult in Austria? Views of Adulthood in Austrian Adolescents, Emerging Adults, and Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sirsch, Ulrike; Dreher, Eva; Mayr, Eva; Willinger, Ulrike


    The present study examined the defining features of emerging adulthood, subjects' conceptions of the transition to adulthood, and the perceived adult status in Austria. The sample consisted of 775 subjects (226 adolescents, 317 emerging adults, 232 adults). Results showed that most Austrian emerging adults feel themselves to be between adolescence…

  1. La projection par plasma : une revue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fauchais, P.; Grimaud, A.; Vardelle, A.; Vardelle, M.

    The quality of a plasma sprayed coating depends on numerous parameters that start to be understood due to the recent progresses in modelling and measurement techniques for plasma jets, momentum, heat and mass transfers between plasma and particles, the way the particules splat and cool down upon impact on the substrate or the previously deposited layers. In this paper, first are recalled the used measurement techniques and their limitations both for plasma jets and particles in flight. Then are underlined the importance of the different phenomena envolved in the transfers between plasma and particles such as steep temperature and chemical species density gradients around the particles, heat propagation phenomenon especially for ceramic particles and the connected evaporation effect, rarefaction effect which occurs even at atmospheric pressure. The problems related to the size and injection velocity distributions which determine the trajectory distributions and the heat treatments undergone by the particles are treated. The study of plasma generation shows on one hand for d.c. arc plasma torches the drastic influence on the plasma jets lengths and diameters of the gas injection chamber design, the gas nature, the design of the arc chamber and nozzle, the surrounding atmosphere (especially air pumping which cools down very fast the plasma) and on the other hand for RF plasmas the importance of the particle injection design to avoid the coupling between the RF discharge and the carrier gas with the particles. All these points are illustrated with examples of coatings of alumina, zirconia carbide and nickel particles. The way the particles splat is then studied with the chemical reactions in flight, the fast quenching of the particles and the resulting cristalline structures, the coating adhesion and also the residual stesses and their control through that of the temperature gradients into the coatings during spraying. At last a few actual and potential applications are presented in the fields of aeronautics and mechanics. La qualité d'un dépôt projete par plasma dépend de nombreux paramètres que l'on commence à mieux appréhender du fait des progrès de la modélisation et de la métrologie tant des écoulements plasmas que des transferts plasma-particules ou que des conditions d'écrasement et de refroidissement des particules lors de leur impact sur le substrat ou les couches déjà déposées. Les techniques de mesure utilisdes et leurs limitations sont d'abord rappelées tant pour les jets de plasma que pour les particules en vol et l'importance des différents phénomènes intervenant dans les transferts plasma-particules est soulignée : gradients de température et de concentration d'espèces chimiques très élevés autour des particules, effets de propagation de la chaleur, notamment pour les particules céramiques, effet d'évaporation, effet de raréfaction sensible dès la pression atmosphérique. Les problèmes de distribution de taille et de vitesse d'injection des particules sont également abordés car ils conditionnent les distributions de trajectoires et donc le traitement des particules dans le jet de plasma. La génération du plasma montre d'une part 1'influence considérable de l'injection du gaz, de sa nature, du dessin de la chambre d'arc et de la tuyère ainsi que du pompage de l'air ambiant sur la longueur des jets de plasma d'arc et d'autre part les problèmes d'injection pour éviter le couplage avec la décharge dans les jets de plasmas R.E Tout ceci est illustré avec des exemples de dépôt d'alumine, de zircone, de cermet carbure et de nickel. L'écrasement des particules est ensuite abordé avec les problèmes de réactions chimiques, de trempe ultra-rapide et donc de structure cristalline des dépôts, d'adhdsion mais aussi de containtes résiduelles et de leur contrôle via les gradients de température dans les dépôts pendant le tir. Enfin quelques applications actuelles sont présentées notamment pour l'aéronautique et la mécanique.

  2. Cancer in Older Adults


    ... Home > Navigating Cancer Care > For Older Adults For Older Adults A full-text transcript is available. More than ... Advanced Cancer For Children For Teens For Young Adults For Older Adults Aging and Cancer Cancer Care Decisions for ...

  3. Effective literacy instruction for adults with specific learning disabilities: implications for adult educators.


    Hock, Michael F


    Adults with learning disabilities (LD) attending adult basic education, GED programs, or community colleges are among the lowest performers on measures of literacy. For example, on multiple measures of reading comprehension, adults with LD had a mean reading score at the third grade level, whereas adults without LD read at the fifth grade level. In addition, large numbers of adults perform at the lowest skill levels on quantitative tasks. Clearly, significant instructional challenges exist for adults who struggle with literacy issues, and those challenges can be greater for adults with LD. In this article, the literature on adults with LD is reviewed, and evidenced-based instructional practices that significantly narrow the literacy achievement gap for this population are identified. Primary attention is given to instructional factors that have been shown to affect literacy outcomes for adults with LD. These factors include the use of explicit instruction, instructional technology, and intensive tutoring in skills and strategies embedded in authentic contexts.

  4. Adult Development. What do Teachers of Adults Need To Know?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Whiting, Susan; And Others

    The first part of this two-part paper provides a general review of adult development and is premised on an understanding of andragogy. Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn. It is based on the following four assumptions about adults: (1) as people mature they become less dependent and more self-directed; (2) experiences serve as…

  5. Assessing Autism in Adults: An Evaluation of the Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview-Adult Version (3Di-Adult)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mandy, William; Clarke, Kiri; McKenner, Michele; Strydom, Andre; Crabtree, Jason; Lai, Meng-Chuan; Allison, Carrie; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Skuse, David


    We developed a brief, informant-report interview for assessing autism spectrum conditions (ASC) in adults, called the Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview-Adult Version (3Di-Adult); and completed a preliminary evaluation. Informant reports were collected for participants with ASC (n = 39), a non-clinical comparison group (n = 29)…

  6. Delirium in older adults attending adult day care and family caregiver distress.


    Bull, Margaret J


    BACKGROUND; Delirium is a critical, costly, frequently reversible problem in older adults. Findings of previous studies indicate that delirium occurs in up to 65% of hospitalised older adults and up to 80% of terminally ill patients. Few studies address the frequency of delirium in community dwelling older adults and the extent to which delirium symptoms create distress for their family caregivers. To determine the frequency of delirium in older people attending two adult day centers (ADC) in the United States and identify the extent to which delirium symptoms were associated with family caregivers' mental health symptoms, and ways of coping with the older adults' care. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used. Thirty older adults and their family caregivers were randomly selected from the rosters of the ADC. Only 6.7% of the older adults had a positive screen for delirium. The majority of family caregivers (96.6%) stated that they had no knowledge of delirium prior to participating in this study. Both older adults and their family caregivers need education about delirium symptoms and risks. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  7. Adult care providers' perspectives on the transition to adult care for emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes: a cross-sectional survey.


    Michaud, S; Dasgupta, K; Bell, L; Yale, J-F; Anjachak, N; Wafa, S; Nakhla, M


    To assess adult diabetes care providers' current transition practices, knowledge about transition care, and perceived barriers to implementation of best practices in transition care for emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. We administered a 38-item web-based survey to adult diabetes care providers identified through the Québec Endocrinologist Medical Association and Diabetes Québec. Fifty-three physicians responded (35%). Fewer than half of all respondents (46%) were familiar with the American Diabetes Association's transition care position statement. Approximately one-third of respondents reported a gap of >6 months between paediatric and adult diabetes care. Most (83%) believed communication with the paediatric team was adequate; however, only 56% reported receiving a medical summary and 2% a psychosocial summary from the paediatric provider. Respondents believed that the paediatric team should improve emerging adults' preparation for transition care by developing their self-management skills and improve teaching about the differences between paediatric and adult-oriented care. Only 31% had a system for identifying emerging adults lost to follow-up in adult care. Perceived barriers included difficulty accessing psychosocial services, emerging adults' lack of motivation, and inadequate transition preparation. Most (87%) were interested in having additional resources, including a self-care management tool and a registry to track those lost to follow-up. Our findings highlight the need to better engage adult care providers into transition care practices. Despite adult physicians' interest in transition care, implementation of transition care recommendations and resources in clinical care remains limited. Enhanced efforts are needed to improve access to mental health services within the adult healthcare setting. © 2018 Diabetes UK.

  8. An Italian multicentre study on adult atopic dermatitis: persistent versus adult-onset disease.


    Megna, Matteo; Patruno, Cataldo; Balato, Anna; Rongioletti, Franco; Stingeni, Luca; Balato, Nicola


    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease which predominantly affects children. However, AD may persist until adulthood (persistent AD), or directly start in adults (adult-onset AD). AD often shows a non-flexural rash distribution, and atypical morphologic variants in adults and specific diagnostic criteria are lacking. Moreover, adult AD prevalence as well as detailed data which can characterize persistent vs adult-onset subtype are scant. The aim of this study was to investigate on the main features of adult AD particularly highlighting differences between persistent vs adult-onset form. An Italian multicentre observational study was conducted between April 2015-July 2016 through a study-specific digital database. 253 adult AD patients were enrolled. Familiar history of AD was negative in 81.0%. Erythemato-desquamative pattern was the most frequent clinical presentation (74.3%). Flexural surface of upper limbs was most commonly involved (47.8%), followed by eyelid/periocular area (37.9%), hands (37.2%), and neck (32%). Hypertension (7.1%) and thyroiditis (4.3%) were the most frequent comorbidities. A subgroup analysis between persistent (59.7%) vs adult-onset AD patients (40.3%) showed significant results only regarding AD severity (severe disease was more common in persistent group, p < 0.05), itch intensity (higher in adult-onset disease), and comorbidities (hypertension was more frequent in adult-onset group, p < 0.01). Adult AD showed uncommon features such as significant association with negative AD family history and lacking of association with systemic comorbidities respect to general population. No significant differences among persistent vs adult-onset subgroup were registered except for hypertension, itch intensity, and disease severity.

  9. The Adult Experience.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Belsky, Janet

    The 14 chapters of this textbook chronicle adult development from youth through old age, emphasizing both research and interviews with adults at various stages in their lives. Topics covered include the following: (1) the academic field of adult development; (2) theories and research methods; (3) aging and disease prevention; (4) sexuality and…

  10. Sepsis in Older Adults.


    Rowe, Theresa A; McKoy, June M


    Sepsis disproportionally affects older adults with more than 60% of sepsis diagnoses attributed to adults aged 65 years and older. Identifying, diagnosing, and treating sepsis in older individuals remain a challenge for clinicians, and few studies focus specifically on older adults with multiple medical comorbidities. Principles guiding management of sepsis for older adults are generally the same as in younger adults; however, unique considerations particularly pertinent to the care older adults include antimicrobial selection and dosing, delirium management, and goals of care discussions. Other factors, such as medical comorbidities, cognitive impairment, and functional status, impact outcomes more than age alone. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. [German National Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults and Older Adults: Methods, Database and Rationale].


    Füzéki, Eszter; Vogt, Lutz; Banzer, Winfried


    National physical activity recommendations are regarded as crucial elements of comprehensive physical activity promotion strategies. To date, Germany has no such national physical activity recommendations. The aim of this study was to provide physical activity recommendations based on a comprehensive summary of scientific evidence on the relationships between physical activity and a range of health outcomes in adults and older adults. The recommendations were developed in a 3-phase process (systematic literature review, development and use of quality criteria, synthesis of content) based on already existing high-quality guidelines. Based on the analysis of documents included in this study, the following recommendations were formulated. To gain wide-ranging health benefits, adults and older adults should be physically active regularly and avoid inactivity. Adults and older adults should carry out at least 150 min/week moderate intensity or 75 min/week high intensity aerobic activity. Adults and older adults can also reach the recommended amount of physical activity by performing activities in an appropriate combination in both intensity ranges. Optimally, physical activity should be distributed over the week and it can be accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min. Physical activity beyond 150 min/week yields further health benefits. At the same time, physical activity below 150 min/week is associated with meaningful health gains. Accordingly, all adults and older adults should be encouraged to be physically active whenever possible. Adults and older adults should also perform muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week. Regular balance exercises (3 times a week) can reduce the risk of falls in older adults. Adults and older adults should avoid long periods of sitting and should break up sitting time by physical activity. Physical activity can lead to adverse events, such as musculoskeletal injuries, which can be mitigated through appropriate

  12. Pilot Project in Computer Assisted Instruction for Adult Basic Education Students. Adult Learning Centers, the Adult Program, 1982-83.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Buckley, Elizabeth; Johnston, Peter

    In February 1977, computer assisted instruction (CAI) was introducted to the Great Neck Adult Learning Centers (GNALC) to promote greater cognitive and affective growth of educationally disadvantaged adults. The project expanded to include not only adult basic education (ABE) students studying in the learning laboratory, but also ABE students…

  13. Evaluation of Adult Education Programs. California Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento.

    To assist adult educators in finding meaningful ways to measure the effectiveness of instruction, this monograph provides selected illustrations of specific methods used by adult education instructors to verify student learning. Obtained from teachers in the field, the examples are from programs in (1) dental assisting, (2) instrument pilot ground…


    EPA Science Inventory

    A demonstration of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation was conducted during the spring of 1999 at Marine Corps Base, Camp LeJeune, NC. A PCE-DNAPL zone was identified and delineated by extensive soil sampling in 1997, and was further characteized by a partitioning interwell t...

  15. Alibis for Adult Play

    PubMed Central


    The social meanings of play sit at odds with norms of responsible and productive adult conduct. To be “caught” playing as an adult therefore risks embarrassment. Still, many designers want to create enjoyable, nonembarrassing play experiences for adults. To address this need, this article reads instances of spontaneous adult play through the lens of Erving Goffman’s theory of the interaction order to unpack conditions and strategies for nonembarrassing adult play. It identifies established frames, segregated audiences, scripts supporting smooth performance, managing audience awareness, role distancing, and, particularly, alibis for play: Adults routinely provide alternative, adult-appropriate motives to account for their play, such as child care, professional duties, creative expression, or health. Once legitimized, the norms and rules of play themselves then provide an alibi for behavior that would risk being embarrassing outside play. PMID:29706842

  16. Life in Tropical Rain Forests.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    NatureScope, 1989


    Discusses the diversity of rain forest life, the adaptations of rain forest plants and animals, and ways these organisms interact. Includes activities on canopy critters with a copyable sheet, rain forest revue, design a plant, and jungle sleuths. (RT)

  17. Adult Learning Assumptions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baskas, Richard S.


    The purpose of this study is to examine Knowles' theory of andragogy and his six assumptions of how adults learn while providing evidence to support two of his assumptions based on the theory of andragogy. As no single theory explains how adults learn, it can best be assumed that adults learn through the accumulation of formal and informal…

  18. Adults Studying Pure Mathematics in Adult Tertiary Preparation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bennison, Anne


    Investigated the experiences of a group of adults enrolled in the Pure Mathematics module of the Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation in 2000 at one of the Institutes of TAFE in Brisbane, Australia. Classroom learning experiences, exposure to technology, and the impact of returning to study on other facets of students' lives were…

  19. Effective Literacy Instruction for Adults with Specific Learning Disabilities: Implications for Adult Educators

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hock, Michael F.


    Adults with learning disabilities (LD) attending adult basic education, GED programs, or community colleges are among the lowest performers on measures of literacy. For example, on multiple measures of reading comprehension, adults with LD had a mean reading score at the third grade level, whereas adults without LD read at the fifth grade level.…

  20. Brain tumor - primary - adults


    ... Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma) - adults; Meningioma - adults; Cancer - brain tumor (adults) ... Primary brain tumors include any tumor that starts in the brain. Primary brain tumors can start from brain cells, ...

  1. How Japanese adults perceive memory change with age: middle-aged adults with memory performance as high as young adults evaluate their memory abilities as low as older adults.


    Kinjo, Hikari; Shimizu, Hiroyuki


    The characteristics of self-referent beliefs about memory change with age. The relationship between beliefs and memory performance of three age groups of Japanese adults was investigated. The beliefs measured by the Personal Beliefs about Memory Instrument (Lineweaver & Hertzog, 1998) differed among the age groups and between sexes. In most scales, the ratings by middle-aged adults were as low as those by older adults, which were lower than those by young adults. Women perceived their memory abilities as lower than men's, with no interaction between age and sex, suggesting the difference remains across the lifespan. For middle-aged adults, the better they performed in cued-recall, free recall, and recognition, the lower they evaluated their memory self-efficacy, while few relationships were found for other groups. Our results suggest that cognitive beliefs change with age and that investigating the beliefs of the middle-aged adults is indispensable to elucidate the transition of beliefs.

  2. Measuring child awareness for adult symptomatic HIV using a verbal assessment tool: concordance between adult-child dyads on adult HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses.


    Becker, Elisabeth; Kuo, Caroline; Operario, Don; Moshabela, Mosa; Cluver, Lucie


    This study assessed children's awareness for adult HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses using a verbal assessment tool by analysing inter-rater reliability between adult-child dyads. This study also evaluated sociodemographic and household characteristics associated with child awareness of adult symptomatic HIV. A cross-sectional survey using a representative community sample of adult-child dyads (N=2477 dyads) was conducted in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Analyses focused on a subsample (n=673 adult-child dyads) who completed verbal assessment interviews for symptomatic HIV. We used an existing validated verbal autopsy approach, originally designed to determine AIDS-related deaths by adult proxy reporters. We adapted this approach for use by child proxy reporters for reporting on HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses among living adults. Analyses assessed whether children could reliably report on adult HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses and adult provisional HIV status. Adult-child pairs concurred above the 65th percentile for 9 of the 10 HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses with sensitivities ranging from 10% to 100% and specificities ranging from 20% to 100%. Concordant reporting between adult-child dyads for the adult's provisional HIV status was 72% (sensitivity=68%, specificity=73%). Children were more likely to reliably match adult's reports of provisional HIV status when they lived in households with more household members, and households with more robust socioeconomic indicators including access to potable water, food security and television. Children demonstrate awareness of HIV-associated symptoms and illnesses experienced by adults in their household. Children in households with greater socioeconomic resources and more household members were more likely to reliably report on the adult's provisional HIV status. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  3. The History of Otolaryngology In New Orleans.


    Lyons, George D


    George D. Lyons, MD, now becoming "an elder statesman," he decided summarize the early history of otolaryngology as it developed in New Orleans. Francis LeJeune, MD, Sr., a much admired and loved otolaryngologist, has afforded a great insight through his memoirs in the early development of our specialty in his report of Otolaryngology in the South. Dr. LeJune, Sr. began his brief paper just before his death. Excerpts from this paper have been used by the American Laryngological Association. There will be no bibliography. Most of this information was obtained from Dr. LeJeune's memoirs, history departments of the Academy, Touro Infirmary, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat (EENT) archives and interviews with descendants of our early leaders. A special thanks to them for their time, research, and generosity of information. There has been some debate regarding the precision of some of the dates, but they are as chronologically accurate as possible.

  4. Adults Need Vaccines, Too!


    ... turn JavaScript on. Feature: Adult Vaccinations Adults Need Vaccines, Too! Past Issues / Summer 2015 Table of Contents ... of the millions of adults not receiving the vaccines you need? What vaccines do you need? All ...

  5. Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education: A collective story of Estonian adult educators

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jõgi, Larissa; Karu, Katrin


    Adult Education has many values, including experiences and co-operation among people, and the fact that adult education is full of stories from adult educators, which can help to understand trends in the past and developments in the present. Established in 1991 as part of a more general regional cooperation among five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8), Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education has been mutually enriching and has resulted in the growth of a professional network. The cooperation has led participants through a time of new sources of values, knowledge and contacts, socialisation and transformation, inspiration and challenges, which has influenced their experiences and professional identities. This paper is based on the results of a study entitled "Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education: Experience and stories" and focuses on the experiences and professional identities of two generations of Estonian adult educators. The empirical data for the study were collected using narrative-biographical interviews. The paper discusses two research questions: (1) What is the perception and influence of experiences for adult educators? and (2) How have their experiences influenced the professional identity of adult educators?

  6. Becoming adults: Challenges in the transition to adult roles.


    Furstenberg, Frank F


    This article summarizes the reasons for the slower passage to adult status (at least measured by demographic markers) and discusses some of the important implications of what today's pattern of becoming an adult means for young people, their families, and the larger society. By no means should this article be considered a review of the growing body of evidence on the changing pattern of adult transition. Indeed, there are many reviews of the literature on this topic, including books by Richard Settersten and Barbara Ray (2010) and Jeffrey Arnett (2015). The authors intention, rather, is to provide a short overview of the topic and to identify public policies needed to make social institutions capable of adapting successfully to this later regime for entering adulthood. Indeed, entering adulthood still involves school completion, home leaving, and entering a job that is full-time. For many young adults, it also includes forming a partnership and having children, though, as discussed later, these expectations are no longer universal in American society.

  7. Where Adults Go: A Multiple Case Study of Adult Serving Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dixon-Williams, Shelley B.


    This research is an exploratory multiple case study of adult serving undergraduate colleges and universities. Using the Council of Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Principles of Effective Practice for Serving Adult Learners, this study examines the differences of adult serving undergraduate colleges across the three sectors of higher…

  8. Service Patterns of Adult Survivors of Childhood versus Adult Sexual Assault/Abuse

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grossman, Susan F.; Lundy, Marta; Bertrand, Cathy; Ortiz, Cynthia; Tomas-Tolentino, Grace; Ritzema, Kim; Matson, Julia


    This analysis compared the characteristics and service patterns of adult survivors of childhood sexual assault/abuse and adult survivors of adult sexual assault/abuse. Utilizing data from sexual assault crisis centers serving survivors in a Midwestern state over a six year period and controlling for revictimization, we describe and compare the…

  9. The Varieties of Adult Civic Engagement in Adult Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Munoz, Linda; Wrigley, Heide Spruck


    Civic engagement, or the practice of democratic deliberation in adult education and learning, asks that adults use their experiences to cooperatively build solutions to the difficult social, economic, and political problems that affect their lives and communities now and into the future. The articles presented in this issue look at the…

  10. Assessing the Literacy Skills of Adult Immigrants and Adult English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wrigley, Heide Spruck; Chen, Jing; White, Sheida; Soroui, Jaleh


    This chapter examines the characteristics and performance of adult immigrants and adult English language learners on the National Assessment of Adult Literacy. These factors are related to key social outcomes such as involvement in the labor force, income, and welfare participation, and the data reported can be used in making decisions about…

  11. Remaking Adult Learning: Essays on Adult Education in Honour of Alan Tuckett

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Derrick, Jay, Ed.; Howard, Ursula, Ed.; Field, John, Ed.; Lavender, Peter, Ed.; Meyer, Sue, Ed.; von Rein, Ekkehard Nuissl, Ed.; Schuller, Tom, Ed.


    Remaking Adult Learning provides an exciting and innovative addition to the literature on adult learning. Charting challenges and successes in the sector, it illustrates how taking part in well-thought-out programmes can have a positive and sometimes life-saving impact on people's lives. While grounded in adult learning practice, the book draws…

  12. Gallery Educators as Adult Learners: The Active Application of Adult Learning Theory

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McCray, Kimberly H.


    In order to better understand the importance of adult learning theory to museum educators' work, and that of their profession at large, museum professionals must address the need for more adult learning research and practice in museums--particularly work informed by existing theory and work seeking to generate new theory. Adult learning theory…

  13. Suicide in older adults: a comparison with middle-aged adults using the Queensland Suicide Register.


    Koo, Yu Wen; Kõlves, Kairi; De Leo, Diego


    Globally, suicide rates increase with age, being highest in older adults. This study analyzed differences in suicides in older adults (65 years and over) compared to middle-aged adults (35-64 years) in Queensland, Australia, during the years 2000-2012. The Queensland Suicide Register was utilized for the analysis. Annual suicide rates were calculated by gender and age group, and odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were examined. In Queensland, the average annual rate of suicides for older adults was 15.27 per 100,000 persons compared to 18.77 in middle-aged adults in 2000-2012. There were no significant changes in time trends for older adults in 2002-2012. Suicide methods differed between gender and age groups. Older adults who died by suicide were more likely to be male, widowed, living alone or in a nursing home, and out of the work force. The prevalence of untreated psychiatric conditions, diagnosed psychiatric disorders, and consultations with a mental health professional three months prior to death was lower in older adults than middle-aged adults. Somatic illness, bereavement, and attention to suicide in the media were more common among older adults than middle-age adults. Older females were particularly more likely to pay attention to suicide in the media. Our findings show older adults who died by suicide were more likely to experience somatic illnesses, bereavement, and pay attention to suicide in the media compared to middle aged. Preventing suicide in older adults would therefore require holistic and comprehensive approaches.

  14. Interventions en groupe et interactions. Actes du 3eme colloque d'orthophonie/logopedie (Neuchatel, 29-30 septembre, 1994) (Group Interventions and Interactions. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Speech Therapy (3rd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 29-30, 1994).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Py, Bernard, Ed.


    Conference papers on group methods of speech therapy include: "Donnees nouvelles sur les competences du jeune enfant. Proposition de nouveaux concepts" (New Data on the Competences of the Young Child. Proposition of New Concepts) (Hubert Montagner); "Interactions sociales et apprentissages: quels savoirs en jeu" (Social Interactions and Teaching:…

  15. Differential Outcomes of Adult Education on Adult Learners' Increase in Social Inclusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Greef, Maurice; Verté, Dominique; Segers, Mien


    To date a significant share of the European population can be considered at risk of social exclusion. It has been argued that adult education programmes are a powerful tool to support vulnerable adults increasing their social inclusion. This study aims to answer the question if and which subgroups of vulnerable adults experience an increase in…

  16. Working with Young Adults. NIACE Lifelines in Adult Learning.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jackson, Carol

    This document explains how adult educators and others in the United Kingdom can increase levels of participation and achievement in learning for young adults by providing informal learning opportunities for those young people who are least inclined to participate in formal education and training programs. The guide outlines a step-by-step approach…

  17. From Politicized Adult Education to Market Oriented Adult Higher Education: How Adult Education Practice in One Region is Different from Another

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wang, Victor C. X.; Mott, Vivian W.


    This study investigated the general instructional modes of adult educators in Southeast China and Northeast China. The study utilized Conti's (1983, 2004) Principles of Adult Learning Scale (PALS) to measure instructional modes of adult educators. Data were collected from 112 randomly selected participants engaged in teaching Chinese adult…

  18. Adult Learning: A Reader.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sutherland, Peter, Ed.

    This book on adult learning is divided into six sections. Section 1, Cognitive Processes, includes the following chapters: "Cognitive Processes: Contemporary Paradigms of Learning" (Jack Mezirow); "Information Processing, Memory, Age and Adult Learning" (Gillian Boulton-Lewis); "Adult Learners' Metacognitive Behaviour in Higher Education" (Barry…

  19. Transitioning Adults to College: Adult Basic Education Program Models. NCSALL Occasional Paper

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zafft, Cynthia; Kallenbach, Silja; Spohn, Jessica


    While the majority of adults who take the General Educational Development (GED) test do so in order to continue their education, few go on to enter postsecondary education. Yet, these same adults stand to make substantial economic and personal gains when they use their adult secondary credential to move from the ranks of high school dropout to…

  20. Adult educators' core competences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wahlgren, Bjarne


    Which competences do professional adult educators need? This research note discusses the topic from a comparative perspective, finding that adult educators' required competences are wide-ranging, heterogeneous and complex. They are subject to context in terms of national and cultural environment as well as the kind of adult education concerned (e.g. basic education, work-related education etc.). However, it seems that it is possible to identify certain competence requirements which transcend national, cultural and functional boundaries. This research note summarises these common or "core" requirements, organising them into four thematic subcategories: (1) communicating subject knowledge; (2) taking students' prior learning into account; (3) supporting a learning environment; and (4) the adult educator's reflection on his or her own performance. At the end of his analysis of different competence profiles, the author notes that adult educators' ability to train adult learners in a way which then enables them to apply and use what they have learned in practice (thus performing knowledge transfer) still seems to be overlooked.

  1. Preparing childhood cancer survivors for transition to adult care: The young adult perspective.


    Frederick, Natasha N; Bober, Sharon L; Berwick, Lexie; Tower, Mary; Kenney, Lisa B


    Childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) remain at risk for developing treatment-associated health conditions as they age; however, many do not obtain recommended follow-up, putting them at unnecessary risk for morbidity. Educational interventions targeted at providing survivors with the knowledge and skills necessary for healthcare independence might improve adherence and outcomes as they transition care to the adult medical system. To identify informational needs, educational preferences, and support that young adult CCSs perceive as beneficial for transition from pediatric to adult medical care. Sixteen young adult CCSs (ages 22-39 years) who have transitioned to adult care participated in focus groups led by a trained moderator and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Four major themes emerged: (1) education preferences-pediatric oncology provider as the primary source of information and guidance, enhanced by other formats, and early and ongoing engagement in education; (2) family role in transition-desire for independence and acknowledgement of need for ongoing parental support; (3) expectations for adult providers, such as close relationships, open communication, and care coordination; and (4) knowledge deficits regarding disease/treatment history, risk for long-term complications, and navigation of the adult medical system. Transition education as described by young adult CCSs should be a developmentally appropriate process beginning in early adolescents, primarily administered by pediatric oncology providers, and delivered in multiple formats. While healthcare independence is a goal for young adult CCSs, all stakeholders must recognize that families and providers continue to have an important role supporting survivors with transition logistics and medical decision-making. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Cancer-Related Distress in Young Adults Compared to Middle-Aged and Senior Adults.


    Burgoyne, Mary Jo; Bingen, Kristin; Leuck, Julianne; Dasgupta, Mahua; Ryan, Polly; Hoffmann, Raymond G


    Little is known about cancer-related distress during young adulthood. Results from the few studies that have directly assessed this age group have indicated that young adults (YAs) may be at greater risk of developing psychosocial difficulties due to their unique challenges of coping with cancer. This study's objective was to investigate cancer-related distress in YAs compared to older adults. This retrospective cross-sectional study compared the distress level of YAs (18-39 years old) with that of middle-aged (40-64 years old) and senior adults (65-90 years old) using the Distress Thermometer (DT) and associated Problem List (PL). Factors that may be associated with distress by age group were examined, including demographics, cancer type, and PL items endorsed. YAs had higher cancer-related distress than senior adults but similar distress levels to middle-aged adults. Findings from distress comparisons across demographics, cancer types, and PL items endorsed suggest that YAs and middle-aged adults had similar distress patterns when compared to senior adults, who had the lowest DT scores. Multivariable analyses indicated age-related risk factors for high distress, including gynecologic cancers for YAs; divorced, single, or unemployed statuses for middle-aged adults; and being of Hispanic ethnicity for senior adults. Female gender and practical, emotional, and physical problems were associated with distress for all age groups. There is a differential impact of cancer by age. It is important to screen for cancer-related distress, paying attention to risk factors by age to determine age-appropriate supportive care needs.

  3. Adult Education in Israel V.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirmayer, Paul, Ed.; Michaelson, Serena T., Ed.

    This fifth journal edition focuses on the didactics of adult education in Israel. Following a "Preface" (Meir Peretz) discussing the didactics of adult education, three major fields are examined: Learning for Adults; Hebrew Language and Culture for Immigrants; and Special Populations (adults with learning disabilities, senior citizens,…

  4. Aspects of Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chandrasekhar, Rajkumari

    This book presents an overview of and prescription for adult education in India. Following an introduction to the problem of illiteracy in India, the book's 14 chapters cover a broad spectrum of adult education issues. Topics discussed include adult education and national development; roles of voluntary organizations, universities, colleges, and…

  5. Adult Educators' Core Competences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wahlgren, Bjarne


    Which competences do professional adult educators need? This research note discusses the topic from a comparative perspective, finding that adult educators' required competences are wide-ranging, heterogeneous and complex. They are subject to context in terms of national and cultural environment as well as the kind of adult education concerned…

  6. Dimensions of Adult Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Foley, Griff, Ed.


    This broad introduction to adult and postcompulsory education offers an overview of the field for students, adult educators and workplace trainers. The book establishes an analytical framework to emphasize the nature of learning and agency of learners; examines the core knowledge and skills that adult educators need; discusses policy, research and…

  7. European consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD: The European Network Adult ADHD

    PubMed Central


    Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood that persists into adulthood in the majority of cases. The evidence on persistence poses several difficulties for adult psychiatry considering the lack of expertise for diagnostic assessment, limited treatment options and patient facilities across Europe. Methods The European Network Adult ADHD, founded in 2003, aims to increase awareness of this disorder and improve knowledge and patient care for adults with ADHD across Europe. This Consensus Statement is one of the actions taken by the European Network Adult ADHD in order to support the clinician with research evidence and clinical experience from 18 European countries in which ADHD in adults is recognised and treated. Results Besides information on the genetics and neurobiology of ADHD, three major questions are addressed in this statement: (1) What is the clinical picture of ADHD in adults? (2) How can ADHD in adults be properly diagnosed? (3) How should ADHD in adults be effectively treated? Conclusions ADHD often presents as an impairing lifelong condition in adults, yet it is currently underdiagnosed and treated in many European countries, leading to ineffective treatment and higher costs of illness. Expertise in diagnostic assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults must increase in psychiatry. Instruments for screening and diagnosis of ADHD in adults are available and appropriate treatments exist, although more research is needed in this age group. PMID:20815868

  8. Adult Learners: Implications for Faculty.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kelly, Diana

    Drawing from a review of the literature, this paper explores the role of university and community college faculty in teaching the growing number of adult students and potential adult students. First, section I offers background on the growth in adult enrollments at Fullerton College (California). Next, section II profiles the adult college…

  9. Teaching Languages to Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sidwell, Duncan, Ed.

    A collection of six essays focuses on second language instruction for adult learners. In "Modern Languages and the Adult Student" (David Smith), the motivations of adults taking evening classes are examined and the ways in which language teachers need to adjust to this population are discussed. "Language Learning Theories and Their Implications…

  10. Museums and Older Adults .

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sharpe, Elizabeth M.; And Others


    This issue contains articles on characteristics of the older adult population and how one museum program addressed them; an analysis of sensory changes in older adulthood and their implications for museum facilities and programing; what older adults can contribute to the museum; older adults as museum volunteers; and case studies of museum…

  11. Purpose of Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moon, Paul J.


    The purpose of this conceptual paper was to propose an ultimate goal and purpose for the field and practice of adult education. A literature search was conducted to delineate historical philosophies of education that inform the current state of education, including adult education. Furthermore, building upon the rudiments of adult education extant…

  12. Gender, childhood and adult socioeconomic inequalities in functional disability among Chinese older adults.


    Zhong, Yaqin; Wang, Jian; Nicholas, Stephen


    Gender difference and life-course socioeconomic inequalities in functional disability may exist among older adults. However, the association is less well understood among Chinese older population. The objective is to provide empirical evidences on this issue by exploring the association between gender, childhood and adult socioeconomic inequalities in functional disability. Data from the 2013 wave of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) was utilized. Functional disability was assessed by the activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Childhood socioeconomic status (SES) was measured by birthplace, father's education and occupation. Adult SES was measured in terms of education and household income. Multivariate logistic regressions were conducted to assess the association between gender, childhood and adult SES and functional disability. Based on a sample of 18,448 older adults aged 45 years old and above, our results showed that the prevalence of ADL and IADL disability was higher among women than men, but gender difference disappeared after adult SES and adult health were controlled. Harsh conditions during childhood were associated with functional disability but in multivariate analyses only father's education was associated with IADL disability (OR for no education = 1.198; 95% CI = 1.062-1.353). Current SES such as higher education and good economic situation are protective factors of functional disability. Childhood and adult SES were both related to functional disability among older adults. Our findings highlight the need for policies and programs aimed at decreasing social inequalities during childhood and early adulthood, which could reduce socioeconomic inequalities in functional disability in later life.

  13. Rich Environments for Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bentham, Renee


    Unaware of the messages a bare adult learning environment sends and its effect on adult learners, a trainer attends an intensive Reggio Emilia course and learns that the physical environment is the "third teacher"--for adults as well as for children. Using principles of Reggio, she offers suggestions for enhancing adult learning spaces and…

  14. Policy Review on Adult Learning: The Adult Non-Formal Education Policy of Mali, West Africa

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gadio, Moussa


    This article focuses on the issue of policy development for adult learning in Mali, West Africa. On January 2007, the Malian government adopted the "Adult Non-formal Education Policy Document," which was intended to regulate the adult learning sector and federate the actions of policy makers, adult education providers, and adult…

  15. Older Adults Expend More Listening Effort than Young Adults Recognizing Speech in Noise

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gosselin, Penny Anderson; Gagne, Jean-Pierre


    Purpose: Listening in noisy situations is a challenging experience for many older adults. The authors hypothesized that older adults exert more listening effort compared with young adults. Listening effort involves the attention and cognitive resources required to understand speech. The purpose was (a) to quantify the amount of listening effort…

  16. Using Adult Learning Principles in Adult Basic and Literacy Education. Practice Application Brief.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Imel, Susan

    Adult basic and literacy education (ABLE) is a complex undertaking that serves diverse learners with a variety of needs. Although no definitive list of adult education principles exists in the literature, the following principles have been identified in multiple sources devoted to principles of effective adult education: involve learners in…

  17. Adults Role in Bullying

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Notar, Charles E.; Padgett, Sharon


    Do adults play a role in bullying? Do parents, teachers, school staff, and community adult leaders influence bullying behavior in children and teenagers? This article will focus on research regarding all adults who have almost daily contact with children and teens and their part in how bullying is identified, addressed, and prevented. This article…

  18. Adult Survival Skills Assessment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walsko, Gregory M.

    The purpose of this instrument is to supplement data from the Adult Basic Learning Examination in assessing the functional level of adults in daily situations. It may also be used as a teaching tool for adults requesting tutoring in specific concepts and skills presented in the instrument. This instrument is an informal assessment instrument and…

  19. Navajo Adult Basic Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Navajo Community Coll., Tsaile, AZ.

    The objectives of this Special Experimental Demonstration Project in Adult Basic Education for the Navajo were: (1) to raise the educational and social level of Navajo adult students who are unable to read, write, and speak English; (2) to assist the Navajo adult students to take advantage of occupational and vocational training programs; (3) to…

  20. Ageist attitudes block young adults' ability for compassion toward incapacitated older adults.


    Bergman, Yoav S; Bodner, Ehud


    Upon encountering older adults, individuals display varying degrees of prosocial attitudes and behaviors. While some display compassion and empathy, others draw away and wish to maintain their distance from them. The current study examined if and how ageist attitudes influence the association between the sight of physical incapacity in older age and compassionate reactions toward them. We predicted that ageist attitudes would interfere with the ability to respond to them with compassion. Young adults (N = 149, ages 19-29) were randomly distributed into two experimental conditions, each viewing a short video portraying different aspects of older adult physicality; one group viewed older adults displaying incapacitated behavior, and the other viewed fit behavior. Participants subsequently filled out scales assessing aging anxieties, and ageist and compassionate attitudes. Ageism was associated with reduced compassion toward the figures. Moreover, viewing incapacitated older adults led to increased concern toward them and perceived efficacy in helping them. However, significant interactions proved that higher scores of ageism in response to the videos led to increased need for distance and reduced efficacy toward incapacitated adults, an effect not observed among subjects with lower ageism scores. Ageism seems to be a factor which disengages individuals from older adults displaying fragility, leading them to disregard social norms which dictate compassion. The results are discussed from the framework of terror management theory, as increased mortality salience and death-related thoughts could have led to the activation of negative attitudes which, in turn, reduce compassion.

  1. Adult Learning Week Planning Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Office of Adult Learning Services.

    Each year one week is designated by the Governor of New York as Adult Learning Week because of the growing importance of adult education to society and the economy of New York State. The major purpose of Adult Learning Week is to promote greater public awareness of the availability and variety of learning opportunities for adults. In practical…

  2. The ABC's of Adult Ed

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roehrig, Lucy


    According to the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy, it is estimated that 93 million adults in the United States have basic or below basic literacy skills. Those individuals found most lacking in literacy skills were adults living in poverty, adults lacking a high school diploma, seniors and the elderly aged 65 and older, the more than one…

  3. Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Assessing Change. Adult Literacy Research Network.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cumming, J. Joy, Ed.; van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Ed.

    This document contains eight papers from an action research program to foster good practice in adult literacy provision and policy. "Introduction" (J. Joy Cumming, Christina E. van Kraayenoord) presents an overview of the action research project and individual reports. "Assessment: Making a Difference in Adult Literacy and Numeracy…

  4. A Comparison of Correctional Adult Educators and Formal Adult Educators in Terms of Their Expressed Beliefs in the Collaborative Teaching Mode. Theory and Methods of Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sua, Dangbe Wuo

    A study compared correctional adult educators and formal adult educators in terms of their expressed beliefs in the collaborative teaching mode as measured by the Principles of Adult Learning Scale. The sample consisted of 8 correctional adult educators from the Lake Correctional Institution and 10 adult education teachers from the Manatee Area…

  5. Adult Education in Portugal. Adult Education in Europe Studies and Documents No. 16.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Melo, Alberto

    This report on Portuguese adult education is focused on the principles and practices adopted by the Directorate-General, due to adult education's present embryonic state. Basic statistics and a brief introduction appear first. Part I, The System of Adult Education, is presented as a succession of initiatives and takes practically the entire length…

  6. Adult Education in Greece

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kokkos, Alexios


    The central aim of this article is to analyse the current situation of adult education in Greece. The article focuses on the following points: (a) the degree of participation in programmes of continuing professional training and general adult education courses, (b) the quality and the outcomes of the adult education provision in Greece, and (c)…

  7. An Adult ESL Curriculum.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    South Carolina Literacy Resource Center, Columbia.

    This curriculum framework for adult literacy was written by 21 South Carolina adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instructors, as submitted to the South Carolina Literacy Resource Center. It is based on current theories in the fields of adult education and second language acquisition and is designed to be flexible so that it may be adapted to…

  8. Adult Education in Sweden.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Harry; And Others

    Folk high schools, study circles, labor market training, union education, and municipal adult schools are the major providers of adult education in Sweden. For the most part, these programs are financed by the government and are tuition free. Folk high schools, which are the oldest type, were founded to provide young adults with a general civic…

  9. Adult neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis.


    Goebel, H H; Braak, H


    Among the different clinical forms of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL), the adult type is the least frequent, most sporadic and most difficult one to diagnose. Clinical symptomatology differs from the classical childhood NCL forms in that ocular symptoms are absent while changes of behavior, dementia and seizures dominate the clinical picture. Excessive accumulation of NCL-specific lipopigments has largely been explored in the nervous system, where pigmento-architectonic investigations disclose layer-specific cortical pathology similar to but less pronounced than that of juvenile and protracted juvenile NCL. Ultrastructural analysis of lipopigments in adult NCL reveals diversity of lipopigment fine structure, but less impressive than in the childhood forms of NCL. Abnormal accretion of lipopigments outside the nervous system has rarely been demonstrated and requires ampler documentation, making in vivo diagnosis of adult NCL often difficult and sometimes equivocal. Adult NCL is now frequently considered identical to "Kufs' disease". However, in the past, the latter term has comprised a heterogeneous spectrum of lipidoses the NCL-nature of which had not been unequivocally established. Thus, one may either speak of "Kufs' syndrome" or abandon this term altogether. Although patients afflicted with adult NCL may suffer from Kufs' disease, not all who have and had Kufs disease may have or have had adult NCL. The current debate on adult NCL centers around scepticism concerning many of the earlier reports, on incorporating diagnostic studies of non-CNS organs in presumptive patients and on distinguishing adult NCL from "atypical" patients or forms of NCL, as well as other disorders marked by non-specific abnormal accumulation of lipofuscin.

  10. Atomoxetine Treatment for ADHD: Younger Adults Compared with Older Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Durell, Todd; Adler, Lenard; Wilens, Timothy; Paczkowski, Martin; Schuh, Kory


    Objective: Atomoxetine is a nonstimulant medication for treating child, adolescent, and adult ADHD. This meta-analysis compared the effects in younger and older adults. Method: A post hoc analysis was conducted using data from two double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Data from patients aged 18-25 years were compared with data from…

  11. Survival in Adult Lung Transplant Recipients Receiving Pediatric Versus Adult Donor Allografts.


    Hayes, Don; Whitson, Bryan A; Ghadiali, Samir N; Lloyd, Eric A; Tobias, Joseph D; Mansour, Heidi M; Black, Sylvester M


    Recent evidence showed that pediatric donor lungs increased rates of allograft failure in adult lung transplant recipients; however, the influence on survival is unclear. The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) database was queried from 2005 to 2013 for adult lung transplant recipients (≥18 years) to assess survival differences among donor age categories (<18 years, 18 to 29 years, 30 to 59 years, ≥60 years). Of 12,297 adult lung transplants, 12,209 were used for univariate Cox models and Kaplan-Meier (KM) analysis and 11,602 for multivariate Cox models. A total of 1,187 adult recipients received pediatric donor lungs compared with 11,110 receiving adult donor organs. Univariate and multivariate Cox models found no difference in survival between donor ages 0 to 17 and donor ages 18 to 29, whereas donor ages 60 and older were significantly associated with increased mortality hazard, relative to the modal category of donor ages 30 to 59 (adjusted hazard ratio = 1.381; 95% confidence interval = 1.188% to 1.606%; p < 0.001). Interactions between recipient and donor age range found that the oldest donor age range was negatively associated with survival among middle-aged (30 to 59) and older (≥60) lung transplant recipients. Pediatric donor lung allografts were not negatively associated with survival in adult lung transplant recipients; however, the oldest donor age range was associated with increased mortality hazard for adult lung transplant recipients. Copyright © 2015 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma


    ... Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Adult T-cell A type of white ... immune responses by destroying harmful substances or cells. leukemia Disease generally characterized by the overproduction of abnormal ...

  13. Social Change and Adult Education Research. Adult Education Research in Nordic Countries 1992/93.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tampere Univ., Hameelinna (Finland). Dept. of Education.

    This yearbook contains 18 papers reflecting the major trends in adult education research in the Nordic countries in 1992-93. The following papers are included: "Popular Adult Education and Social Mobilization: Reflections in Connection with the Swedish Committee on Power" (Rubenson); "Direction of Finnish Adult Education Policies…

  14. CDC Vital Signs: Adults with Disabilities


    ... Problem More adults with disabilities need to get physical activity. Adults with disabilities who get no physical activity ... Adults with disabilities are more likely to get physical activity if doctors recommend it. Only 44% of adults ...

  15. No Clinically Significant Difference Between Adult and Pediatric IKDC Subjective Knee Evaluation Scores in Adults.


    Stegmeier, Nicole; Oak, Sameer R; O'Rourke, Colin; Strnad, Greg; Spindler, Kurt P; Jones, Morgan; Farrow, Lutul D; Andrish, Jack; Saluan, Paul

    Two versions of the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) Subjective Knee Evaluation form currently exist: the original version (1999) and a recently modified pediatric-specific version (2011). Comparison of the pediatric IKDC with the adult version in the adult population may reveal that either version could be used longitudinally. We hypothesize that the scores for the adult IKDC and pediatric IKDC will not be clinically different among adult patients aged 18 to 50 years. Randomized crossover study design. Level 2. The study consisted of 100 participants, aged 18 to 50 years, who presented to orthopaedic outpatient clinics with knee problems. All participants completed both adult and pediatric versions of the IKDC in random order with a 10-minute break in between. We used a paired t test to test for a difference between the scores and a Welch's 2-sample t test to test for equivalence. A least-squares regression model was used to model adult scores as a function of pediatric scores, and vice versa. A paired t test revealed a statistically significant 1.6-point difference between the mean adult and pediatric scores. However, the 95% confidence interval (0.54-2.66) for this difference did not exceed our a priori threshold of 5 points, indicating that this difference was not clinically important. Equivalence testing with an equivalence region of 5 points further supported this finding. The adult and pediatric scores had a linear relationship and were highly correlated with an R 2 of 92.6%. There is no clinically relevant difference between the scores of the adult and pediatric IKDC forms in adults, aged 18 to 50 years, with knee conditions. Either form, adult or pediatric, of the IKDC can be used in this population for longitudinal studies. If the pediatric version is administered in adolescence, it can be used for follow-up into adulthood.

  16. Why older adults make more immediate treatment decisions about cancer than younger adults.


    Meyer, Bonnie J F; Talbot, Andrew P; Ranalli, Carlee


    Literature relevant to medical decision making was reviewed, and a model was outlined for testing. Two studies examined whether older adults make more immediate decisions than younger adults about treatments for prostate or breast cancer in authentic scenarios. Findings clearly showed that older adults were more likely to make immediate decisions than younger adults. The research is important because it not only demonstrates the consistency of this age-related effect across disease domains, gender, ethnic groups, and prevalent education levels but begins to investigate a model to explain the effect. Major reasons for the effect focus on treatment knowledge, interest and engagement, and cognitive resources. Treatment knowledge, general cancer knowledge, interest, and cognitive resources relate to different ways of processing treatment information and preferences for immediate versus delayed decision making. Adults with high knowledge of treatments on a reliable test tended to make immediate treatment decisions, which supports the knowledge explanation. Adults with more cognitive resources and more interest tended to delay their treatment decisions. Little support was found for a cohort explanation for the relationship between age and preference for immediate medical decision making. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved).

  17. On Research Methodology in Applied Linguistics in 2002-2008

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martynychev, Andrey


    This dissertation examined the status of data-based research in applied linguistics through an analysis of published research studies in nine peer-reviewed applied linguistics journals ("Applied Language Learning, The Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, Current Issues in Language Planning, Dialog on Language…

  18. Investigating a Case of Hidden Misinterpretations of an Additive Word Problem: Structural Substitution

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Polotskaia, Elena; Savard, Annie; Freiman, Viktor


    According to numerous studies (Barrouillet & Camos 2002; Brousseau 1988; Chevallard 1988; Riley et al. 1984; Schubauer-Leoni & Ntamakiliro, "Revue Des Sciences de L'éducation," 20(1): 87-113, 1994; Vergnaud 1982; Xin, "The Journal of Educational Research," 100(6):347-360, 2007), a combination of many factors, including…

  19. Gender Dysphoria in Adults.


    Zucker, Kenneth J; Lawrence, Anne A; Kreukels, Baudewijntje P C


    Gender dysphoria (GD), a term that denotes persistent discomfort with one's biologic sex or assigned gender, replaced the diagnosis of gender identity disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 2013. Subtypes of GD in adults, defined by sexual orientation and age of onset, have been described; these display different developmental trajectories and prognoses. Prevalence studies conclude that fewer than 1 in 10,000 adult natal males and 1 in 30,000 adult natal females experience GD, but such estimates vary widely. GD in adults is associated with an elevated prevalence of comorbid psychopathology, especially mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and suicidality. Causal mechanisms in GD are incompletely understood, but genetic, neurodevelopmental, and psychosocial factors probably all contribute. Treatment of GD in adults, although largely standardized, is likely to evolve in response to the increasing diversity of persons seeking treatment, demands for greater client autonomy, and improved understanding of the benefits and limitations of current treatment modalities.

  20. Counseling the Adult Student. Adult Student Personnel Association Inc. Convention Proceedings. Sixth Annual Convention.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adult Student Personnel Association, Inc.

    The theme of this convention was counseling the adult student. Jerrold I. Hirsch, the convention chairman, introduced the theme, and presented briefly a report of a six-year study on higher adult education calling for further expansion of existing educational opportunities for adults. Robert Moseley summarized the extent of student personnel…

  1. An Autoethnographic Exchange: Exploring the Dynamics of Selves as Adult Learners and Adult Educators

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Plakhotnik, Maria S.; Delgado, Antonio; Seepersad, Rehana


    This article explores four former doctoral students' perceptions about their selves as adult learners and adult educators through the use of autoethnography and reflective dialogue. The dynamics between the two selves were explored to identify emerging themes and implications for practice in adult education. The duality of their roles as learners…

  2. Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Training.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Finger, Matthias; Asun, Jose Manuel

    This book assesses the current state of adult education, including the traditions out of which adult education comes, its current problems, and its possible futures. It begins with an overview of Ivan Illich's theory and explains its significance for adult education. Part 1 examines the main historical traditions in adult education, including the…

  3. Youth Supervision While Mothers Work: A Daily Diary Study of Maternal Worry.


    Blocklin, Michelle K; Crouter, Ann C; McHale, Susan M


    Using data from a daily diary study of hourly hotel employees in the U.S. and their children, this study examined links between youth supervision arrangements and maternal worry while at work, examining both differences between individuals and day-to-day variation within individuals. Multilevel model analyses revealed both between- and within-person effects linking youth supervision to maternal worry. Mothers' partner status functioned as moderator, and maternal knowledge also emerged as a protective factor when youth were in self-care, highlighting a potential target for future work-family interventions, particularly those for hourly employees with limited access to family-friendly workplace policies.En utilisant les données d'une étude de journal quotidien des employés horaires de l'hôtel aux États-Unis et leurs enfants, cette étude a examiné les liens entre les modalités de supervision des jeunes et l'inquiétude maternelle pendant le travail, en examinant à la fois les différences inter individus et la variation intra individus au jour le jour. Analyses multi-niveaux ont révélé à la fois des effets inter et intra reliant la supervision des jeunes à l'inquiétude maternelle. Statut de partenaire des mères a fonctionné en tant que modérateur, et la connaissance maternelle est également apparue comme un facteur de protection lorsque les jeunes ont pris soins d'eux-mêmes, soulignant une cible potentielle pour des interventions de conciliation travail-famille, en particulier ceux conçus pour des employés horaires avec un accès limité à des politiques favorables à la famille.

  4. National Adult Protective Services Association


    ... What’s New with NAPSA? REPORT ABUSE, NEGLECT AND FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF VULNERABLE ADULTS! Need to make a report to adult protective services? Learn more about APS or visit our report page for state reporting numbers. Discharge Planning: Guidance for Adult Protective Services ...

  5. Adult Education through World Collaboration.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cassara, Beverly Benner, Ed.

    This book contains the following papers about development/delivery of adult education through the efforts of multinational and bilateral government donors and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE): "Preface" (Beverly Benner Cassara); "Introduction: Adult Education and Democracy" (Francisco Vio Grossi);…

  6. Adult Education and Development, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adult Education and Development, 1994


    The publication is a half-yearly journal for adult education in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Issue 42 includes the following: "Adult Education for Self-Reliance in Community Health Education Programmes" (Kweka); "Promoting Good Nutrition" (Mangvwat); "Incorporating Health-Improvement Activities in Adult Education…

  7. Clinical Aspects of Adult Epiglottitis

    PubMed Central

    Chaisson, Richard E.; Gerberding, J. Louise; Sande, Merle A.; Ross, Joel


    Epiglottitis in adults has been considered a medical rarity. Recent evidence suggests that this disorder is seen in adults regularly, though uncommonly, in clinical practice. We present 14 cases of adult epiglottitis. Most cases were blood culture-negative; Hemophilus influenzae was isolated from blood cultures in two cases and Hemophilus parainfluenzae in one case. There were no deaths. Epiglottitis in adults differs from pediatric epiglottitis in the mode of presentation, bacterial cause and clinical course. PMID:3524004

  8. Dehydration in the Older Adult.


    Miller, Hayley J


    Dehydration affects 20% to 30% of older adults. It has a greater negative outcome in this population than in younger adults and increases mortality, morbidity, and disability. Dehydration is often caused by water deprivation in older adults, although excess water loss may also be a cause. Traditional markers for dehydration do not take into consideration many of the physiological differences present in older adults. Clinical assessment of dehydration in older adults poses different findings, yet is not always diagnostic. Treatment of dehydration should focus on prevention and early diagnosis before it negatively effects health and gives rise to comorbidities. The current article discusses what has most thoroughly been studied; the best strategies and assessment tools for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of dehydration in older adults; and what needs to be researched further. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 41(9), 8-13.]. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  9. Laryngeal Aerodynamics in Healthy Older Adults and Adults with Parkinson's Disease

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Matheron, Deborah; Stathopoulos, Elaine T.; Huber, Jessica E.; Sussman, Joan E.


    Purpose: The present study compared laryngeal aerodynamic function of healthy older adults (HOA) to adults with Parkinson's disease (PD) while speaking at a comfortable and increased vocal intensity. Method: Laryngeal aerodynamic measures (subglottal pressure, peak-to-peak flow, minimum flow, and open quotient [OQ]) were compared between HOAs and…

  10. Adult Development: Implications for Adult Education. Overview. ERIC Digest No. 41.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Naylor, Michele

    Various researchers, including Carl Jung, Charlotte Buhler, Erik Erikson, and Robert Havighurst, have formulated sequential models of adult development. More recent investigators, such as Daniel Levinson, Roger Gould, and Gail Sheehy have formulated age-related sequential models of adult development that view the various stages of adulthood in…

  11. Adult Education and Development, No. 47.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adult Education and Development, 1996


    This serial issue contains a total of 26 articles grouped under five headings: "Adult Learning: A Key for the Twenty-First Century (Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Confintea V))"; "Trends in Adult Education Policy" (Belanger); "Adult Education in Modern Times" (Geissler); "From Criticism to…

  12. The Benefits of Adult Piano Study as Self-Reported by Selected Adult Piano Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jutras, Peter J.


    Adult piano students (N = 711) from 24 states across the U.S. rated the existence and importance of 31 potential benefits of adult piano study. Benefits selected from existing adult music and leisure-benefit research were organized into three categories: Personal, Skill, and Social/Cultural. The category of Skill Benefits was the most-agreed-upon…

  13. Adult Learning Matters

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thomson, Rachel


    Adult Learners' Week--which is supported by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills and the European Social Fund, amongst a raft of other organisations--is all about raising demand for learning. At its core, the campaign is about encouraging under-represented groups--including low-skilled, unemployed and low-paid adults and those…

  14. No Clinically Significant Difference Between Adult and Pediatric IKDC Subjective Knee Evaluation Scores in Adults

    PubMed Central

    Stegmeier, Nicole; Oak, Sameer R.; O’Rourke, Colin; Strnad, Greg; Spindler, Kurt P.; Jones, Morgan; Farrow, Lutul D.; Andrish, Jack; Saluan, Paul


    Background: Two versions of the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) Subjective Knee Evaluation form currently exist: the original version (1999) and a recently modified pediatric-specific version (2011). Comparison of the pediatric IKDC with the adult version in the adult population may reveal that either version could be used longitudinally. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that the scores for the adult IKDC and pediatric IKDC will not be clinically different among adult patients aged 18 to 50 years. Study Design: Randomized crossover study design. Level of Evidence: Level 2. Methods: The study consisted of 100 participants, aged 18 to 50 years, who presented to orthopaedic outpatient clinics with knee problems. All participants completed both adult and pediatric versions of the IKDC in random order with a 10-minute break in between. We used a paired t test to test for a difference between the scores and a Welch’s 2-sample t test to test for equivalence. A least-squares regression model was used to model adult scores as a function of pediatric scores, and vice versa. Results: A paired t test revealed a statistically significant 1.6-point difference between the mean adult and pediatric scores. However, the 95% confidence interval (0.54-2.66) for this difference did not exceed our a priori threshold of 5 points, indicating that this difference was not clinically important. Equivalence testing with an equivalence region of 5 points further supported this finding. The adult and pediatric scores had a linear relationship and were highly correlated with an R2 of 92.6%. Conclusion: There is no clinically relevant difference between the scores of the adult and pediatric IKDC forms in adults, aged 18 to 50 years, with knee conditions. Clinical Relevance: Either form, adult or pediatric, of the IKDC can be used in this population for longitudinal studies. If the pediatric version is administered in adolescence, it can be used for follow-up into adulthood. PMID

  15. Philosophies of Adult Environmental Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walter, Pierre


    This article offers a typology of philosophical traditions in environmental education for adults, based on five philosophical perspectives of adult education described by Elias and Merriam. These five traditions are liberal, progressive, behaviorist, humanist, and radical adult environmental education, respectively. A summary of each philosophy's…

  16. Adult Tech Prep.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schaad, Donna

    For over 2 years, Blak Hawk College (Illinois) has provided high school equivalency (GED) candidates and recipients, older returning students, and underprepared high school graduates with a Tech Prep curriculum to give them the skills to make the transition from adult basic education to college or work. The Adult Tech Prep (ATP) core curriculum…

  17. 38 CFR 18.438 - Adult education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Adult education. 18.438 Section 18.438 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (CONTINUED... Adult Education § 18.438 Adult education. A recipient that provides adult education may not, on the...

  18. 38 CFR 18.438 - Adult education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Adult education. 18.438 Section 18.438 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (CONTINUED... Adult Education § 18.438 Adult education. A recipient that provides adult education may not, on the...

  19. 38 CFR 18.438 - Adult education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Adult education. 18.438 Section 18.438 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (CONTINUED... Adult Education § 18.438 Adult education. A recipient that provides adult education may not, on the...

  20. 38 CFR 18.438 - Adult education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Adult education. 18.438 Section 18.438 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (CONTINUED... Adult Education § 18.438 Adult education. A recipient that provides adult education may not, on the...

  1. 38 CFR 18.438 - Adult education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Adult education. 18.438 Section 18.438 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (CONTINUED... Adult Education § 18.438 Adult education. A recipient that provides adult education may not, on the...



    Jones, Marybeth R; Robbins, Brett W; Augustine, Marilyn; Doyle, Jackie; Mack-Fogg, Jean; Jones, Heather; White, Patience H


    Adult and pediatric endocrinologists share responsibility for the transition of youth with type 1 diabetes from pediatric to adult healthcare. This study aimed to increase successful transfers to adult care in subspecialty practices by establishing a systematic health care transition (HCT) process. Providers from the adult and pediatric endocrinology divisions at the University of Rochester Medical Center met monthly to customize and integrate the Six Core Elements (6CEs) of HCT into clinical workflows. Young adult patients with type 1 diabetes having an outpatient visit during a 34-month pre-post intervention period were eligible (N = 371). Retrospective chart review was performed on patients receiving referrals to adult endocrinology (n = 75) to obtain (1) the proportion of patients explicitly tracked during transfer from the pediatric to adult endocrinology practice, (2) the providers' documentation of the use of the 6CEs, and (3) the patients' diabetes control and healthcare utilization during the transition period. The percent of eligible patients with type 1 diabetes who were explicitly tracked in their transfer more than doubled compared to baseline (11% vs. 27% of eligible patients; P<.01). Pediatric providers started to use transition readiness assessments and create medical summaries, and adult providers increased closed-loop communication with pediatric providers after a patient's first adult visit. Glycemic control and healthcare utilization remained stable. Successful implementation of the 6CEs into pediatric and adult subspecialty practices can result in improvements of planned transfers of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes to adult subspecialty providers. 6CEs = six core elements; AYA = adolescent and young adult; DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis; ED = emergency department; HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; HCT = health care transition.

  3. The Pragmatics of Critiquing

    DTIC Science & Technology


    philosophie (logique et argumentation), de la linguistique, de la psychologie et de la sociologie , ce document propose une étude de la critique...linguistique, de la psychologie et de la sociologie . Elle présente une revue exhaustive de l’analyse de l’argument et de l’argumentation qui nous

  4. Adult Higher Education: Thinking the Unthinkable.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    David, Robert L.

    The threats to adult higher education are rapidly becoming significant educational and social problems. To date, the hope of adult educators to become equal participants with other university divisions in higher education has not been realized. Simultaneous expansion and dilution of adult higher education have caused adult student demands for…

  5. Expanding the Scope of Adult Education Curriculum in Nigeria: A Call for Emphasis on Adult Physical Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ojeme, E. O.


    The emphasis on adult education in Nigeria is designed to eliminate illiteracy and to ensure development of adult Nigerians by making education a lifelong process. This paper focuses on the concept of adult physical education to promote understanding, ramifications, and rationale for use in adult programs. (JOW)

  6. A Curriculum for Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pattanayak, D. P.


    The author discusses factors inhibiting adult literacy in India, stating that institutional schooling has provided education for only a small percentage of the population. As an adult literacy curriculum depends on community needs, he suggests a core or minimum curriculum for adult basic education in the community. (MF)

  7. Act To Promote Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center


    An act of the German Lower Saxony Parliament to promote adult education is presented. It has 24 general provisions relating to the following: purpose of adult education, principle for promotion, conditions for promotions of establishments, independence of adult education, prerequisites and form of acknowledgement of entitlement to promotion,…

  8. Obesity Prevention in Older Adults.


    Volpe, Stella Lucia; Sukumar, Deeptha; Milliron, Brandy-Joe


    The number of older adults living in the USA, 65 years of age and older, has been steadily increasing. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2007-2010, indicate that more than one-third of older adults, 65 years of age and older, were obese. With the increased rate of obesity in older adults, the purpose of this paper is to present research on different methods to prevent or manage obesity in older adults, namely dietary interventions, physical activity interventions, and a combination of dietary and physical activity interventions. In addition, research on community assistance programs in the prevention of obesity with aging will be discussed. Finally, data on federal programs for older adults will also be presented.

  9. Effective communication with older adults.


    Daly, Louise


    Communication is an essential aspect of life, yet it can be taken for granted. Its centrality to being in the world and in professional practice often becomes evident when nurses and older adults encounter communication difficulties. The factors that can affect nurses' communication with older adults relate to the older adult, the nurse, sociocultural considerations and the environment, and the interactions between these factors. In adopting a person-centred approach to communicating with older adults, it is necessary to get to know the person as an individual and ensure communication meets their needs and abilities. Effective communication is essential in nursing practice and requires professional competence and engagement. This article can be used by nurses to support effective communication with older adults across the continuum of care.

  10. Today's Adult Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reese, Susan


    Who are the adult students in career and technical education (CTE) today? There is not one simple answer to that question. Some are young with little life experience, while others are returning to the workforce and learning new skills to reinvent themselves. Whatever the case, educating adult students is an integral part of ACTE's mission, and the…

  11. Differences between paediatric and adult presentation of ESKD in attainment of adult social goals.


    Lewis, Helen; Marks, Stephen D


    Living with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) is complex for young adults who experience difficulties with adherence to medications and attainment of social markers of adulthood. We studied adult outcomes (education, employment and accommodation) and evaluated adherence in young adults (age 16-30 years) according to paediatric (<16 years) and adult presentation (16-30 years) of ESKD. Initial questionnaire surveys were undertaken with patients (n = 931) identified from the databases of 12 adult and two paediatric nephrology programmes in England. Young adults (n = 296, 52 % male, 79 % Caucasian and 73 % with functioning renal allograft) with a mean age at first presentation of ESKD and current age of 17 and 25 years, respectively, were surveyed, of whom 5 % still attended paediatric services. Outcomes of patients aged >23 years and in stable health (n = 146) were compared between paediatric and adult presentation, with 30 and 20 % of patients, respectively, registered as disabled (p = 0.02). Educational attainment, based on percentage of those not achieving the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) level for England, was lower in the paediatric presentation group than in the adult one (7 vs. 18 %, respectively; p = 0.04). Compared to adult presentation patients, paediatric presentation patients were less likely to have full or part time paid work (57 vs. 76 %; p = 0.2). They also tended to be less likely to be living independently, less likely to be living with a partner, and, if living with their parents, more likely to be living in rented accommodation. Only 10 % patients missed taking medication weekly or more often. A higher frequency of missing medication was related to dialysis patients (p = 0.05), who assigned lower importance to taking medication (p < 0.001). However, patients aged <23 years attached less importance to complying with advice about treatment and health (p = 0.02), especially those who presented with

  12. Adult Development and the Workplace.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Heffernan, James M.

    Little attention has been given to how adults develop through their lifetimes and what roles their workplace environments play in that development. Research and theory regarding adult psychosocial development have confirmed the developmental life-cycle phases of adulthood. These are: leaving the family (ages 16-22), getting into the adult world…

  13. AIDS and the Older Adult.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allers, Christopher T.


    Older adults are finding themselves the neighbors of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients as well as the primary caregivers of infected adult children. Focuses on roles, issues, and conflicts older adults face in dealing with relatives or neighbors with AIDS. Case management and educational intervention strategies are also offered.…

  14. Achieving Adult Literacy. Fastback 330.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Farris, Pamela J.

    Leaders in business and industry are demanding workers who not only can read and write but can think creatively and critically and solve problems. Federal- and state-funded programs and volunteer organizations are involved with adult literacy. Increasingly, corporations are funding adult literacy projects. Adults read for different reasons than…

  15. Pediatric to Adult Care Transition: Perspectives of Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease.


    Porter, Jerlym S; Wesley, Kimberly M; Zhao, Mimi S; Rupff, Rebecca J; Hankins, Jane S


    The aim of this study was to explore perspectives of transition and transition readiness of young adult patients (YAs) with sickle cell disease (SCD) who have transitioned to adult health care. In all, 19 YAs with SCD (ages 18-30 years) participated in one of three focus groups and completed a brief questionnaire about transition topics. Transcripts were coded and emergent themes were examined using the social-ecological model of adolescent and young adult readiness for transition (SMART). Themes were consistent with most SMART components. Adult provider relationships and negative medical experiences emerged as salient factors. YAs ranked choosing an adult provider, seeking emergency care, understanding medications/medication adherence, knowing SCD complications, and being aware of the impact of health behaviors as the most important topics to include in transition programming. The unique perspectives of YAs can inform the development and evaluation of SCD transition programming by incorporating the identified themes. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  16. The Structure of Adult ADHD

    PubMed Central

    Adler, Lenard A.; Faraone, Stephen V.; Spencer, Thomas J.; Berglund, Patricia; Alperin, Samuel; Kessler, Ronald C.


    Although DSM-5 stipulates that symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are the same for adults as children, clinical observations suggest that adults have more diverse deficits than children in higher-level executive functioning and emotional control. Previous psychometric analyses to evaluate these observations have been limited in ways addressed in the current study, which analyzes the structure of an expanded set of adult ADHD symptoms in 3 pooled U.S. samples: a national household sample, a sample of health plan members, and a sample of adults referred for evaluation at an adult ADHD clinic. Exploratory factor analysis found 4 factors representing executive dysfunction/inattention (including, but not limited to, all the DSM-5 inattentive symptoms, with non-DSM symptoms having factor loadings comparable to those of DSM symptoms), hyperactivity, impulsivity, and emotional dyscontrol. Empirically-derived multivariate symptom profiles were broadly consistent with the DSM-5 inattentive-only, hyperactive/impulsive-only, and combined presentations, but with inattention including executive dysfunction/inattention and hyperactivity-only limited to hyperactivity without high symptoms of impulsivity. These results show that executive dysfunction is as central as DSM-5 symptoms to adult ADHD, while emotional dyscontrol is more distinct but prominent resent in the combined presentation of adult ADHD. PMID:28211596

  17. Developmental communication impairments in adults: outcomes and life experiences of adults and their parents.


    Clegg, Judy; Ansorge, Lydia; Stackhouse, Joy; Donlan, Chris


    This study identifies the outcomes and documents the longitudinal life experiences of adults who attended a specialist residential school for children with pervasive and complex developmental communication impairments. Semistructured interviews were carried out with 26 adult ex-pupils who had attended the school and the parents of 15 of the ex-pupils. Seven key themes were identified from the data, including (a) lack of appropriate support and the impact of this in early childhood, (b) advantages and disadvantages of specialist educational provision compared to mainstream and other provision, (c) changing impact of developmental communication impairments over time, (d) challenging transition away from specialist educational provision, (e) absence of appropriate support for adults with developmental communication impairments, (f) persisting impact of developmental communication impairments on social and emotional functioning in adult life, and (g) differences in perspective between the adult ex-pupils and their parents. Across the adult ex-pupils and their parents, the perceived reported benefits of early intervention, parental support, specialist educational provision, and guidance at times of transitions should inform current service provision for this vulnerable group of individuals and their families.

  18. Assessment Tools for Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shefrin, Carol; Shafer, Dehra; Forlizzi, Lori

    The Assessment Tools for Adult Education project was designed to provide training and support to staff of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy Education (ABLE) funded programs to help them use assessment tools and procedures to document the learning gains of the adult students they serve. The following candidate assessment…

  19. Adult-Literacy Education in Jamaica.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Harry; And Others

    Some 42% of Jamaica's adult population was not functionally literate in 1962--figures that precipitated expansion in adult literacy and Basic Education programs as described in this survey report. Following a seven-page introductory historical profile, the authors note attempts made to assess adult illiteracy, such as the 1975 survey that found…

  20. Facilitating Creativity in Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tsai, Kuan Chen


    Creativity in education research has received increasing attention, although the major focus of this research has been on children. Despite pleas by several adult educators for promoting creativity, very few studies have focused on adult learners, leaving to it to be explored what approaches are useful for adult educators to facilitate creativity…

  1. Patient-specific FDG dosimetry for adult males, adult females, and very low birth weight infants

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Niven, Erin

    Fluorodeoxyglucose is the most commonly used radiopharmaceutical in Positron Emission Tomography, with applications in neurology, cardiology, and oncology. Despite its routine use worldwide, the radiation absorbed dose estimates from FDG have been based primarily on data obtained from two dogs studied in 1977 and 11 adults (most likely males) studied in 1982. In addition, the dose estimates calculated for FDG have been centered on the adult male, with little or no mention of variations in the dose estimates due to sex, age, height, weight, nationality, diet, or pathological condition. Through an extensive investigation into the Medical Internal Radiation Dose schema for calculating absorbed doses, I have developed a simple patient-specific equation; this equation incorporates the parameters necessary for alterations to the mathematical values of the human model to produce an estimate more representative of the individual under consideration. I have used this method to determine the range of absorbed doses to FDG from the collection of a large quantity of biological data obtained in adult males, adult females, and very low birth weight infants. Therefore, a more accurate quantification of the dose to humans from FDG has been completed. My results show that per unit administered activity, the absorbed dose from FDG is higher for infants compared to adults, and the dose for adult women is higher than for adult men. Given an injected activity of approximately 3.7 MBq kg-1, the doses for adult men, adult women, and full-term newborns would be on the order of 5.5, 7.1, and 2.8 mSv, respectively. These absorbed doses are comparable to the doses received from other nuclear medicine procedures.

  2. Intelligibility of Noise-Adapted and Clear Speech in Child, Young Adult, and Older Adult Talkers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smiljanic, Rajka; Gilbert, Rachael C.


    Purpose: This study examined intelligibility of conversational and clear speech sentences produced in quiet and in noise by children, young adults, and older adults. Relative talker intelligibility was assessed across speaking styles. Method: Sixty-one young adult participants listened to sentences mixed with speech-shaped noise at -5 dB…

  3. Adults Need D.E. Too.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moorman, Jerry Wayne

    This handbook for the distributive education coordinator was designed to provide information on adult distributive education (D.E.) and to outline the necessary steps in establishing and conducting an adult program. It begins with an introduction which lists the intrinsic values of adult D.E. and the advantages that these programs offer to the…

  4. Andragogy: Prerequisites for Adult Educators

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Giannoukos, Georgios; Hioctour, Vasilios; Stergiou, Ioannis; Kallianta, Sotiria


    This work is the result of a qualitative research that tries to highlight, through an interview with an adult educator, the qualities, skills and qualifications a trainer in adult education should have. His qualifications must be of high quality because the difficulties and obstacles in adult learning are different and perhaps more numerous than…

  5. Prenatal alcohol exposure, adaptive function, and entry into adult roles in a prospective study of young adults.


    Lynch, Mary Ellen; Kable, Julie A; Coles, Claire D


    Although many studies have demonstrated effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on physical, cognitive, and behavioral development in children, few have focused on the long term effects on adults. In this study, data are presented on adaptive function and entry into adult roles in a community sample of young adults with PAE. The expectation was that prenatally exposed adults would show lower adaptive functioning and more difficulty with entry into adult roles than the non-exposed control group and that these effects would be related to the severity of PAE effects. The predominantly African-American, low income sample included adults with a wide range of prenatal exposure (n = 123) as well as control groups for socioeconomic (SES) (n =5 9) and disability (n = 54) status. The mothers of the alcohol-exposed and SES-control group participants were recruited before birth and offspring have been followed up periodically. The disability control group was recruited in adolescence. The adults were interviewed about adaptive function in day-to-day life and adult role entry. Collateral adults who were well-acquainted with each participant were interviewed concerning adaptive function. Results showed that adults who were dysmorphic and/or cognitively affected by PAE had difficulty with adaptive function and entry into adult roles. Males showing cognitive effects with no physical effects were the most severely affected. Results for exposed adults not showing physical or cognitive effects were similar to or more positive than those of the control group for most outcomes. PAE has long-term effects on adaptive outcomes in early adulthood. Additional research should focus on possible interventions at this transition and on factors contributing to the adjustment of the exposed, but unaffected participants. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - adults - discharge


    ... Emphysema - adults - discharge; Bronchitis - chronic - adults - discharge; Chronic respiratory failure - adults - discharge ... up visit with: Your primary care doctor A respiratory therapist, who can teach you breathing exercises and ...

  7. Adult Education for Women.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nagappa, T. R.


    Apathy, indifference, and neglect has characterized adult education for women in India. The National Adult Education Programme must focus attention and funding on women if the extremely low percentage of female literacy is to be improved. (SK)


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  9. The Future of Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schmidt, Steven W.


    It is an interesting assignment to think about the future of adult education. In fact, it is an assignment the author has the graduate students in his "Introduction to Adult Education" class at East Carolina University consider during one of their course units. As a member of the Board of Directors for the American Association for Adult and…

  10. [Stem cells in adults].


    Borge, O J; Funderud, S


    We present a literature review of the plasticity observed by adult stem cells. We have reviewed the literature regarding stem cells from adults in order to summarise their ability to generate cells of other types than those of the tissue/organ from which they were isolated. Adult stem cells have recently been demonstrated to terminally differentiate into cells of other tissues than those from which they were originally isolated. For example, bone marrow cells have been shown to generate liver, nerve, heart and skeletal muscle cells in addition to their well-known ability to produce blood and mesenchymal cells. Most studies demonstrate a proof-of-principle in animal models; much more research is needed before adult stem cells can be utilised in human medicine. However, the published reports are encouraging and give reasons for a cautious optimism with regard to future clinical use.

  11. Natural Experience Modulates the Processing of Older Adult Faces in Young Adults and 3-Year-Old Children

    PubMed Central

    Proietti, Valentina; Pisacane, Antonella; Macchi Cassia, Viola


    Just like other face dimensions, age influences the way faces are processed by adults as well as by children. However, it remains unclear under what conditions exactly such influence occurs at both ages, in that there is some mixed evidence concerning the presence of a systematic processing advantage for peer faces (own-age bias) across the lifespan. Inconsistency in the results may stem from the fact that the individual’s face representation adapts to represent the most predominant age traits of the faces present in the environment, which is reflective of the individual’s specific living conditions and social experience. In the current study we investigated the processing of younger and older adult faces in two groups of adults (Experiment 1) and two groups of 3-year-old children (Experiment 2) who accumulated different amounts of experience with elderly people. Contact with elderly adults influenced the extent to which both adult and child participants showed greater discrimination abilities and stronger sensitivity to configural/featural cues in younger versus older adult faces, as measured by the size of the inversion effect. In children, the size of the inversion effect for older adult faces was also significantly correlated with the amount of contact with elderly people. These results show that, in both adults and children, visual experience with older adult faces can tune perceptual processing strategies to the point of abolishing the discrimination disadvantage that participants typically manifest for those faces in comparison to younger adult faces. PMID:23460867

  12. Differences of oral health conditions between adults and older adults: A census in a Southern Brazilian city.


    Boscato, Noeli; Schuch, Helena S; Grasel, Claudia E; Goettems, Marilia L


    To assess differences in the oral diseases/conditions between adults and older adults. A cross-sectional study was carried out with all adults and older adults in Luzerna, South Brazil (n = 569). Clinical data included use of and need for dental prostheses; number of decayed, missing and filled teeth; and temporomandibular disorder. Differences between adults and older adults were evaluated using χ(2) -tests. Associations between independent variables and the use of and need for dental prostheses were determined using Poisson regression analyses (P < 0.05). Increased number of decayed, missing and filled teeth, use of and need for dental prostheses, higher use of complete dentures, and fewer temporomandibular disorder signs and symptoms were observed in older adults. After adjustments, lower social class (P = 0.001) and unmarried status (P = 0.05) were associated with greater need for prosthetic rehabilitation. Women (P = 0.02), older individuals (P < 0.001) and those of lower socioeconomic status (P = 0.001) had a higher risk of using prostheses. A significant difference of oral conditions between adults and older adults was observed. The frequency of use of and need for dental prostheses was higher for older adults, although they had reported lower frequency of temporomandibular disorder. Women, married and individuals of higher socioeconomic status showed better oral health conditions. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2016; 16: 1014-1020. © 2015 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  13. Childhood intelligence and adult obesity.


    Kanazawa, Satoshi


    Recent studies conclude childhood intelligence has no direct effect on adult obesity net of education, but evolutionary psychological theories suggest otherwise. A population (n = 17,419) of British babies has been followed since birth in 1958 in a prospectively longitudinal study. Childhood general intelligence is measured at 7, 11, and 16, and adult BMI and obesity are measured at 51. Childhood general intelligence has a direct effect on adult BMI, obesity, and weight gain, net of education, earnings, mother's BMI, father's BMI, childhood social class, and sex. More intelligent children grow up to eat more healthy foods and exercise more frequently as adults. Childhood intelligence has a direct effect on adult obesity unmediated by education or earnings. General intelligence decreases BMI only in adulthood when individuals have complete control over what they eat. Copyright © 2012 The Obesity Society.

  14. The day of your surgery - adult


    Same-day surgery - adult; Ambulatory surgery - adult; Surgical procedure - adult; Preoperative care - day of surgery ... meet with them at an appointment before the day of surgery or on the same day of ...

  15. Injuries among US adults with disabilities.


    Brophy, Megan; Zhang, Xiaofei; Xiang, Huiyun


    Injury prevention among individuals with disabilities is understudied. We compared the patterns of medically treated injuries among US adults with and without disabilities for clues to prevention. We used nationally representative data from the 2004-2005 National Health Interview Survey to compare medically attended injuries within the past 3 months among noninstitutionalized adults in the United States with no disabilities, moderate disabilities, and severe disabilities. The association between disability and injuries was examined in logistic regression analysis, taking into account sociodemographic factors. The 3-month cumulative incidence of injuries was 2.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.2%-2.4%) among adults with no disabilities, 3.8% (3.4%-4.2%) among adults with moderate disabilities, and 5.6% (4.9%-6.3%) among adults with severe disabilities. Falls were the leading mechanism of injury regardless of disability status, and were even more common in the severely or moderately disabled adults (68% and 47% respectively, compared with 28% among those without disabilities). The setting of the injury also differed with disability status. For the severely disabled, 57% (CI = 52%-62%) of injury episodes occurred at home, compared with only 32% (28%-37%) for the moderately disabled and 23% (21%-25%) for adults with no disabilities. Adults with disabilities are at an increased risk for injury. Programs specifically directed toward injury prevention may benefit adults with disabilities.

  16. Retaining the Learning Disabled Adult. A Handbook for Adult Basic Education Instructors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hawkins, Diane, Comp.

    This handbook is designed to address teachers' most common concerns about learning disabilities (LDs) and teaching adults with LDs. Section 1 defines LDs by describing traits that adults with LDs share. Section 2 focuses on identification of students with LDs. LD characteristics are divided into eight categories: academics, speech/language, motor…

  17. Discourse in Adult Education: The Language Education of Adult Immigrants in Sweden.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hill, Hannah


    A shortcoming of adult education theories is lack of attention to social, historical, and institutional contexts. A case study of language education programs for adult immigrants in Sweden illustrates how assumptions about participant-centered, needs-based education justified and legitimated the use of these programs as a tool for employment…

  18. General Information about Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma


    ... Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version General Information About Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Go to Health Professional ... the PDQ Adult Treatment Editorial Board . Clinical Trial Information A clinical trial is a study to answer ...

  19. Adult Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


    Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Overview Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that ... combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Adult ADHD can lead ...

  20. Tuberculosis case burden and treatment outcomes in children, adults and older adults, Vanuatu, 2007-2011.


    Tagaro, M; Harries, A D; Kool, B; Ram, S; Viney, K; Marais, B; Tarivonda, L


    All five DOTS centres in Vanuatu. To determine across the age spectrum the tuberculosis (TB) case burden, disease pattern and treatment outcomes in patients registered between 2007 and 2011. Retrospective cohort study involving reviews of TB registers and treatment cards. Of 588 TB patients, 142 (24%) were children (aged 0-14 years), 327 (56%) adults (aged 15-54 years) and 119 (20%) were older adults (aged ⩾55 years; subdivided into 55-64 and ⩾65 years); 568 were new patients, 13 had been treated previously and 7 had unknown status. Compared with adults, children with new TB had a higher prevalence of extra-pulmonary TB (75% vs. 34%, OR 5.7, 95%CI 3.6-9.0) and a lower prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary TB (11% vs. 45%, OR 0.15, 95%CI 0.1-0.3), while older adults with new TB had a higher prevalence of smear-negative pulmonary TB (38% vs. 21%, OR 2.4, 95%CI 1.5-3.8). Overall TB treatment success was 83%, but in the second category of older adults (⩾65 years) treatment success was 67% and case fatality was 18%. Children and older adults constitute 45% of the TB burden in Vanuatu. Differences in disease patterns and poorer treatment outcomes in older adults have implications for policy and practice.

  1. Carnitine status in Thai adults.


    Tanphaichitr, V; Lerdvuthisopon, N; Dhanamitta, S; Broquist, H P


    Plasma carnitine and urinary carnitine levels were measured in Thai adults living in Bangkok city and Ubol villages. The mean plasma carnitine and urinary carnitine levels expressed in micromoles per liter in Bangkok adults were higher than those in Ubol adults. Their mean plasma carnitine levels were 56.6 +/- 1.8 and 50.3 +/- 1.7 whereas urinary carnitine levels were 161 +/- 19 and 127 +/- 18 micromole/liter, respectively. The nutritional status in Ubol adults was inadequate. This was evidenced by the significant decrease in urinary creatinine excretion, serum albumin, and hematocrit levels. The dietary assessment agreed with the biochemical findings. Since rice, limiting in carnitine, was the main protein and energy source consumed by Ubol adults their inadequate carnitine status could be due to the low carnitine intake. Sex affects plasma carnitine levels in Bangkok adults and urinary carnitine excretion in both groups. This could be related to the lean body mass in which most of the body carnitine resides. This is supported by the higher urinary creatinine excretion in males and the significant positive correlation between carnitine excretion and creatinine-height index.

  2. Developmental Differences in Parenting Behavior: Comparing Adolescent, Emerging Adult, and Adult Mothers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lewin, Amy; Mitchell, Stephanie J.; Ronzio, Cynthia R.


    The nationally representative Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth cohort data set was used to compare parenting behaviors of adolescent mothers (less than 19 years old), emerging adult mothers (19-25 years old), and adult mothers (greater than 25 years old) when their children were 2 years old. Regression models controlling for socioeconomic…

  3. We're All Adults Here: Clarifying and Maintaining Boundaries with Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Booth, Melanie; Schwartz, Harriet L.


    Working with adult learners presents a unique set of interpersonal boundary questions. In this chapter, the authors discuss the characteristics of working with adult learners that have led them to explore questions about boundaries between them and their students. They then identify how they might define, set, maintain, adjust, and work close to…

  4. Adult height, nutrition, and population health

    PubMed Central

    Perkins, Jessica M.; Subramanian, S.V.; Davey Smith, George


    In this review, the potential causes and consequences of adult height, a measure of cumulative net nutrition, in modern populations are summarized. The mechanisms linking adult height and health are examined, with a focus on the role of potential confounders. Evidence across studies indicates that short adult height (reflecting growth retardation) in low- and middle-income countries is driven by environmental conditions, especially net nutrition during early years. Some of the associations of height with health and social outcomes potentially reflect the association between these environmental factors and such outcomes. These conditions are manifested in the substantial differences in adult height that exist between and within countries and over time. This review suggests that adult height is a useful marker of variation in cumulative net nutrition, biological deprivation, and standard of living between and within populations and should be routinely measured. Linkages between adult height and health, within and across generations, suggest that adult height may be a potential tool for monitoring health conditions and that programs focused on offspring outcomes may consider maternal height as a potentially important influence. PMID:26928678

  5. Adults' Participation in Informal Learning Activities: Key Findings from the Adult Education Participation Survey in Taiwan

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lai, Horng-Ji; Wu, Ming-Lieh; Li, Ai-Tzu


    This study investigated the informal learning experiences expressed by Taiwanese adults (aged from 16 to 97) and examined their involvement related to selected socio-demographic characteristics. Data of the 2008 Adult Education Participation Survey in Taiwan and Fujian Area were used to look at different variables of adults' demographic…

  6. Grassroots Approaches to Combatting Poverty through Adult Education. Supplement to Adult Education and Development. No. 34.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Duke, Chris; And Others


    This supplement to "Adult Education and Development," a journal for adult education in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, refers to and is intended as a companion volume to "Combatting Poverty through Adult Education: National Development Strategies" (Croom Helm 1985). In addition to an introductory chapter and a conclusion, this…

  7. Swallowing Changes in Community-Dwelling Older Adults.


    Mulheren, Rachel W; Azola, Alba M; Kwiatkowski, Stephanie; Karagiorgos, Eleni; Humbert, Ianessa; Palmer, Jeffrey B; González-Fernández, Marlís


    Older adults may evidence changes in swallowing physiology. Our goals were to identify dysphagia risk in community-dwelling older adults with no history of dysphagia, and to compare swallowing physiology and safety between older and younger adults. Thirty-two older adults with no history of dysphagia were prospectively recruited and completed the Dysphagia Handicap Index (DHI), two trials of a 3 oz. swallow screen, and videofluoroscopy (VFSS). Self-ratings of swallowing function were compared to published norms by paired t tests, and multivariate logistic regression models were generated to determine whether these ratings and VFSS analysis of swallowing function were associated with failure of one or both swallow screen trials. Archived VFSS of 33 younger adults were compared to older adults with Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. The DHI scores of older adults were higher than published non-dysphagic adults but lower than dysphagic adults. Older participants with greater Oral Residue scores were more likely to fail both swallow screen trials. Older adults received higher median MBSImP™© scores for select pharyngeal components than younger adults. The two age groups did not differ on Penetration-Aspiration Scale scores, and no aspiration was observed. Measures of swallowing in older individuals may reflect age-related sensory and motor changes in the context of functional swallowing and adequate airway protection.

  8. Temporal Discounting of Hypothetical Monetary Rewards by Adolescents, Adults, and Older Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Whelan, Robert; McHugh, Louise A.


    The present experiment examined temporal discounting across 3 different age bands: adolescents, adults, and older adults (mean ages 14, 46, and 73 years, respectively). A computerized task was employed in which participants were asked to choose between larger rewards available at a specified time in the future--either 100 British Pounds or 1,000…


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  10. Adults in Higher Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France). Centre for Educational Research and Innovation.

    Issues concerning the enrollment of adults in degree programs in countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development are considered. Of concern are policies and institutional practices that affect adult participation in degree studies. The growing importance of continuing academic and professional education is…

  11. Adult Education and Development.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hinzen, Heribert, Ed.


    This document contains 19 papers on adult education and development worldwide. The following papers are included: "Editorial" (Heribert Hinzen); "Lifelong Learning in Europe: Moving towards EFA (Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All) Goals and the CONFINTEA V Agenda" (Sofia Conference on Adult Education);…

  12. Adult Seborrheic Dermatitis

    PubMed Central


    Seborrheic dermatitis is a common chronic-recurrent inflammatory disorder that most commonly affects adults; however, a more transient infantile form also occurs. The definitive cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown. However, proliferation of Malassezia species has been described as a contributing factor. The adult form of seborrheic dermatitis affects up to approximately five percent of the general population. The disorder commonly affects the scalp, face, and periauricular region, with the central chest, axillae, and genital region also involved in some cases. Pruritus is not always present and is relatively common, especially with scalp disease. A variety of treatments are available including topical corticosteroids, topical antifungal agents, topical calcineurin inhibitors, and more recently, a nonsteroidal “device ”cream. This article reviews the practical topical management of seborrheic dermatitis in the United States, focusing on the adult population. PMID:21607192

  13. Le surpoids, l’obésité et le contrôle glycémique chez les diabétiques du centre de référence provincial de diabète (CRD), Kénitra, Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Lotfi, Zeghari; Aboussaleh, Youssef; Sbaibi, Rachid; Achouri, Imane; Benguedour, Rachid


    Introduction Le diabète est définit comme un trouble de l'assimilation, de l'utilisation et du stockage des sucres apportés par l'alimentation, sa prise en charge est assurée par le suivi du surpoids et l'obésité et le contrôle glycémique régulier. L'objectif de ce travail était l'étude du surpoids, l'obésité et le contrôle glycémique chez 2227 diabétiques de différent type (type 1, 2 et gestationnel), consultants le centre de référence provincial de diabète (CRD), Kénitra-Maroc. Méthodes L'étude s'est déroulée sur une période d'une année du mois janvier au mois décembre 2015, L'évaluation du surpoids et l'obésité a été effectuée par le calcul de l'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC=Poids/Taille2 (Kg/m2)), elles sont définit respectivement par IMC > 25 Kg/m2, et IMC > 30 Kg/m2, le poids et la taille ont été mesurés selon les recommandations de l'organisation mondiale de santé (OMS), Le contrôle glycémique a été effectué par l'analyse sanguine de l'Hémoglobine glycosylée et de la Glycémie à jeun. Les normes sont 7% pour l'Hémoglobine glycosylée et 0,70g/l à 1,10g/l pour la Glycémie à jeun. Résultats L'intervalle d'âges des patients est compris entre 8 mois et 80 ans, avec une dominance des diabétiques provenant du milieu urbain (74%) par rapport à ceux provenant du milieu rural (26%). Le surpoids touche l'ensemble de cette population. L'IMC moyen des femmes tends vers l'obésité (IMC≈30): (29,21 Kg/m2 ± 3,1) pour le diabète gestationnel et (29,15 Kg/m2 ± 3,2) pour le diabète de type 2. Les valeurs du contrôle glycémique sont supérieures aux normes: avec 8,5% ± 2,6 > 7% pour l'hémoglobine glycosylée et 1,5 g/l ± 1,3 > 1,10g/l pour la Glycémie à jeun. La différence entre les valeurs de l'hémoglobine glycosylée entre les hommes (8,5 7% ± 2,6) et les femmes (8,1% ± 2,3) n'est pas significative (P > 0,05), même chose pour la Glycémie capillaire à jeun: pour les hommes (1,44 g/l ± 1,1) et les

  14. Is Childhood Socioeconomic Status Independently Associated with Adult BMI after Accounting for Adult and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status?

    PubMed Central


    Childhood socioeconomic status (SES) is inversely associated with adult weight in high income countries. Whether the influence of childhood SES on adult weight is best described using a critical period model or an accumulation of risk model is not yet settled. This research tests whether childhood SES is associated with adult BMI and likelihood of obesity independent of adult socioeconomic status and neighborhood characteristics. Data on individual childhood and adult characteristics come from the Health and Retirement Study (N = 13,545). Data on neighborhood characteristics come from the 2000 Decennial Census and American Community Survey (2005–2009). In the fully adjusted models, perceived financial hardship before the age of sixteen and having a father who was unemployed are associated with higher BMI among males and, among females, paternal education remains associated with adult BMI. However, childhood SES is not associated with likelihood of obesity after fully adjusting for adult SES and neighborhood characteristics, suggesting that the direct effects of early childhood SES on BMI are small relative to the other factors associated with obesity in adulthood. PMID:28095430

  15. Toward Transpersonal Adult Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boucouvalas, Marcie


    As a foundation for discussing transpersonal adult development, the author traces her trajectory, involvement in, and contribution to the modern transpersonal movement and her introduction of it to the adult learning literature, beginning during the early 1980s. Highlighted are the transpersonal domain and a differentiation between transpersonal…

  16. Healthy older adults have insufficient hip range of motion and plantar flexor strength to walk like healthy young adults.


    Anderson, Dennis E; Madigan, Michael L


    Limited plantar flexor strength and hip extension range of motion (ROM) in older adults are believed to underlie common age-related differences in gait. However, no studies of age-related differences in gait have quantified the percentage of strength and ROM used during gait. We examined peak hip angles, hip torques and plantar flexor torques, and corresponding estimates of functional capacity utilized (FCU), which we define as the percentage of available strength or joint ROM used, in 10 young and 10 older healthy adults walking under self-selected and controlled (slow and fast) conditions. Older adults walked with about 30% smaller hip extension angle, 28% larger hip flexion angle, 34% more hip extensor torque in the slow condition, and 12% less plantar flexor torque in the fast condition than young adults. Older adults had higher FCU than young adults for hip flexion angle (47% vs. 34%) and hip extensor torque (48% vs. 27%). FCUs for plantar flexor torque (both age groups) and hip extension angle (older adults in all conditions; young adults in self-selected gait) were not significantly <100%, and were higher than for other measures examined. Older adults lacked sufficient hip extension ROM to walk with a hip extension angle as large as that of young adults. Similarly, in the fast gait condition older adults lacked the strength to match the plantar flexor torque produced by young adults. This supports the hypothesis that hip extension ROM and plantar flexor strength are limiting factors in gait and contribute to age-related differences in gait. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The Future of Adult Education in the Military

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zacharakis, Jeffrey; Van Der Werff, Jay A.


    The future of adult education in the military is in many ways tied to the future of adult education. If adult educators limit their vision of what adult education is to adult learning principles, to facilitated learning, to adult basic education, and to training and education, they limit the potential of what they can do and how they do it. Adult…

  18. Adult Basic Education Curriculum Guide for ABE Programs Serving Psychiatrically Ill Adult Students.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Collier, Ezma V.

    This curriculum guide is designed for use in adult basic education (ABE) programs serving psychiatrically ill adult students. Covered in the individual units are the following topics: personal hygiene and grooming, nutrition and health, money and money management, transportation and safety, government and law, values clarification, and…

  19. Directory of Resources for Adults with Disabilities.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Washington, DC. Div. of Adult Education.

    This directory of resources for disabled adults was compiled to assist state directors of the federally funded, state-administered Adult Education Program as well as administrators and practitioners in providing services for adults with disabilities. The first two sections include 15 federal and nonfederal organizations serving adults with various…

  20. Overview of Training Practices Incorporating Adult Learning. Selected Federal Legislation and Programs Relating to Adult Learning.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Univ., Washington, DC. Adult Learning Potential Inst.

    This document--a survey identifying federal legislation and programs that in some way address the adult learner--is one in a series of four developed to provide a comprehensive overview of the scope of training practices relating to adult learning. It provides a panoramic view of adult learning in response to national priorities based upon…

  1. Protecting an adult identity: A grounded theory of supportive care for young adults recently diagnosed with cancer.


    Soanes, Louise; Gibson, Faith


    For adolescents and young adults living in high-income countries cancer remains the most common disease-related death. Increasing survival rates and projected longevity are positive outcomes, although long-term consequences of cancer and/or its treatment will likely increase the global burden of cancer. In low and middle-income countries the impact and needs of young adults with cancer are largely unknown and require further attention. However, universal studies have revealed that cancer-related needs for this group are multifactorial, complex and largely unmet. In response to these findings, the body of work on supportive care for young adults with cancer is growing. Yet, there is no published research in the context of the United Kingdom, regarding the role young adults play in managing their supportive cancer care needs. To explore the experience, purpose and meaning of supportive cancer care to young adults recently diagnosed with cancer. Using constructivist grounded theory, data were collected in one to one interviews with eleven young adults (seven women and four men aged 19-24 years) being treated for cancer in two English hospitals. Data were analyzed using open and focused coding, constant comparison, theoretical coding and memoing, and this enabled construction of a subjective theory. Young adults in this study interpreted cancer as an interruption to the events, experiences and tasks forming the biographical work of their adult identity. Data analysis led to the construction of the theory, 'protecting an adult identity: self in relation to a diagnosis of cancer in young adulthood'. This theory arose from three categories: fragility of self, maintaining self in an altered reality and mobilizing external resources. Young adults faced the loss of their early adult identity. Interpreting cancer as a temporary interruption, they sought to re-establish their identity by directly and indirectly managing their supportive care needs. These findings contribute to

  2. General Concepts in Adult Congenital Heart Disease.


    Mutluer, Ferit Onur; Çeliker, Alpay


    Congenital heart disease in adults (adult congenital heart disease) is a growing burden for healthcare systems. While infant mortality due to congenital heart disease in the last four decades decreased by almost 3-fold, adult congenital heart disease prevalence increased by more than 2-fold in United States. Adult congenital heart disease prevalence is expected to increase steadily until 2050 in projections. Adult congenital heart disease is a multifaceted problem with many dimensions. This manuscript aims to provide an overview of the common adult congenital heart diseases and summarize important points in management of these diseases with possible problems and complications that the patients and the physicians face.

  3. Libraries and Adult Learners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Josey, E. J., Ed.


    Of the 13 essays presented in this special issue on libraries and adult education, 8 focus on programs and services from the public library for adult learners. These essays provide information on: (1) an Education Information Centers Program (EIC) designed to complement employment skills training provided under the Comprehensive Employment and…

  4. Concerns About Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schroeder, Wayne L.

    A national survey (1961-62) revealed that only one adult out of five participates annually in educative activities; the graduate's negative attitude toward education needs to be replaced by an appreciation for life-long learning. Some weaknesses might be overcome through introduction of adult education programs in universities, as well as…

  5. Adult Education in Korea.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Harry G.; Lee, Hyon Chong

    Adult and continuing education in Korea is associated with a national emphasis on social education in nonformal settings outside traditional elementary and secondary systems. During the last decades, achievements have included growth in the variety of programs, national attention to the necessity of adult and continuing education, and expansion of…

  6. Adult Language Learners: Context and Innovation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Ann F. V., Ed.; Strong, Gregory, Ed.


    "Adult Language Learners: Context and Innovation" presents instructional practices that are particularly successful with adults. Adult language learners are goal oriented and direct their learning to fulfill particular needs or demands: to advance their studies, to progress up the career ladder, to follow business opportunities, to pass…

  7. Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    King, Kathy P.


    "Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning" introduces educators and students to the intersection of adult learning and the growing technological revolution. Written by an internationally recognized expert in the field, this book explores the theory, research, and practice driving innovation in both adult learning and learning…

  8. Life Skills Curriculum for Senior Adult Learners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Leon County Schools, Tallahassee, FL.

    This life skills curriculum helps adult basic educators meet the needs of senior adult learners. An introduction contains the following sections: purpose statement; description of the senior adult learner; tips to remember on teaching senior adults; physiology of aging; teaching the hearing impaired; and teaching the visually impaired. The life…

  9. Dealing with Disruptive Behavior of Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dobmeier, Robert; Moran, Joseph


    The adult education literature on disruptive behavior of adult learners was reviewed and a survey on disruptive behavior of adult learners was conducted with adult educators. The findings are synthesized in a conceptual framework for understanding the types and causes of disruptive behavior, which fall into the categories of inattention,…

  10. Transitioning from pediatric to adult health care with familial hypercholesterolemia: Listening to young adult and parent voices.


    Sliwinski, Samantha K; Gooding, Holly; de Ferranti, Sarah; Mackie, Thomas I; Shah, Supriya; Saunders, Tully; Leslie, Laurel K

    Young adults with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) are at a critical period for establishing behaviors to promote future cardiovascular health. To examine challenges transitioning to adult care for young adults with FH and parents of FH-affected young adults in the context of 2 developmental tasks, transitioning from childhood to early adulthood and assuming responsibility for self-management of a chronic disorder. Semistructured, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 young adults with FH and 12 parents of affected young adults from a pediatric subspecialty preventive cardiology program in a northeastern academic medical center. Analyses were conducted using a modified grounded theory framework. Respondents identified 5 challenges: (1) recognizing oneself as a decision maker, (2) navigating emerging independence, (3) prioritizing treatment for a chronic disorder with limited signs and symptoms, (4) managing social implications of FH, and (5) finding credible resources for guidance. Both young adults and parents proposed similar recommendations for addressing these challenges, including the need for family and peer involvement to establish and maintain diet and exercise routines and to provide medication reminders. Systems-level recommendations included early engagement of adolescents in shared decision-making with health care team; providing credible, educational resources regarding FH; and using blood tests to track treatment efficacy. Young adults with FH transitioning to adult care may benefit from explicit interventions to address challenges to establishing healthy lifestyle behaviors and medication adherence as they move toward being responsible for their medical care. Further research should explore the efficacy of recommended interventions. Copyright © 2016 National Lipid Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Comparison of access, outcomes and experiences of older adults and working age adults in psychological therapy.


    Chaplin, Robert; Farquharson, Lorna; Clapp, Melissa; Crawford, Mike


    This study aimed to evaluate the access, experiences and outcomes of older adults receiving psychological therapies in comparison with adults of working age Primary and secondary care providers of psychological therapy services participated in the National Audit of Psychological Therapies. The main standards of access, experience and outcomes were measured by retrospective case records audits of people who completed therapy and a service user questionnaire. Outcomes were measured pre-treatment and post-treatment on the PHQ-9 and GAD-7. A total of 220 services across 97 organisations took part, 137 (62%) in primary care. Service user questionnaires were received from 14 425 (20%) respondents. A total of 122 740 records were audited, of whom 7794 (6.4%) were older adults. They were under represented as 13% of the sample would have been expected to be over 65 years according to age adjusted psychiatric morbidity figures. People over 75 years had the third expected referral rate. Significantly, more older adults than working age adults completed therapy (59.6% vs 48.6%) and were assessed as having 'recovered' post-treatment (58.5% vs 45.5%). Older adults were more satisfied with waiting times and numbers of sessions, but there were no differences in self-reported experience of therapy. Although older adults are less likely to gain access to psychological therapies, they appear to have better outcomes than working age adults. Further work is needed to improve access for older people. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  12. Adult Leigh disease without failure to thrive.


    Sakushima, Ken; Tsuji-Akimoto, Sachiko; Niino, Masaaki; Saitoh, Shinji; Yabe, Ichiro; Sasaki, Hidenao


    Most Leigh disease (LD) patients die before reaching adulthood, but there are reports of "adult LD." The clinical features of adult LD were quite different from those in infant or childhood cases. Here, we describe a normally developed patient with adult LD, who presented with spastic paraplegia that was followed several years later by acute encephalopathy. We also conducted a systemic literature search on adult LD and integrated its various manifestations to arrive at a diagnostic procedure for adult LD. A 26-year-old woman presented with acute encephalopathy after spastic paraplegia. On her first admission, she exhibited bilateral basal ganglia lesion on magnetic resonance images and normal serum lactate levels. On second admission, she had acute encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and bilateral basal ganglia and brainstem lesions. A muscle biopsy revealed cytochrome c oxidase deficiency, and a diagnosis of adult LD was made. Despite treatment in the intensive care unit, she died 9 days after admission. A review of the literature describing adult LD revealed that developmental delay, COX deficiency, serum lactate elevation, and basal ganglia lesions occurred less frequently than they did in children with LD. Cranial nerve disturbance, pyramidal signs, and cerebellar dysfunction were the primary symptoms in adult LD. Thus, the many differences between childhood and adult LD may be helpful for diagnosing adult LD.

  13. Age-Related Gene Expression Differences in Monocytes from Human Neonates, Young Adults, and Older Adults

    PubMed Central

    Tong, Ann-Jay; Kollmann, Tobias R.; Smale, Stephen T.


    A variety of age-related differences in the innate and adaptive immune systems have been proposed to contribute to the increased susceptibility to infection of human neonates and older adults. The emergence of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) provides an opportunity to obtain an unbiased, comprehensive, and quantitative view of gene expression differences in defined cell types from different age groups. An examination of ex vivo human monocyte responses to lipopolysaccharide stimulation or Listeria monocytogenes infection by RNA-seq revealed extensive similarities between neonates, young adults, and older adults, with an unexpectedly small number of genes exhibiting statistically significant age-dependent differences. By examining the differentially induced genes in the context of transcription factor binding motifs and RNA-seq data sets from mutant mouse strains, a previously described deficiency in interferon response factor-3 activity could be implicated in most of the differences between newborns and young adults. Contrary to these observations, older adults exhibited elevated expression of inflammatory genes at baseline, yet the responses following stimulation correlated more closely with those observed in younger adults. Notably, major differences in the expression of constitutively expressed genes were not observed, suggesting that the age-related differences are driven by environmental influences rather than cell-autonomous differences in monocyte development. PMID:26147648

  14. Modern Orthodox Adults Self-Reporting on Their Adult Education Needs and Learning Preferences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cohn, Ellen Sue


    This study explored the educational preferences and motivational typology of Modern Orthodox adults, a community that according to previous research appeared to present a contrasting educational paradigm than that evidenced by other adult students. The research conducted in the liberal Jewish community and in the broader contemporary field of…

  15. Responding to Adult Learners in Higher Education. Professional Practices in Adult Education and Human Resource Development Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kasworm, Carol E.; Polson, Cheryl J.; Fishback, Sarah Jane

    Intended as a handbook for higher and adult education practitioners serving adult students, this book brings together a variety of information on the diverse characteristics of adult students, explaining how their maturity, complex life experiences, and heterogeneity shape institutional responses. Recruitment, admission, and retention strategies…

  16. Educational Needs and Learning Conditions of Adult Learners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Davie, Lynn; And Others

    A review of research in the past ten years documents adult learners' perceptions of their educational needs and their patterns of participation in adult educational activities. The populations studied include older adults, women, immigrants, native Canadians, undereducated adults, and handicapped adults. Each population is studied separately with…

  17. Larval and adult environmental temperatures influence the adult reproductive traits of Anopheles gambiae s.s.


    Christiansen-Jucht, Céline D; Parham, Paul E; Saddler, Adam; Koella, Jacob C; Basáñez, María-Gloria


    Anopheles mosquito life-history parameters and population dynamics strongly influence malaria transmission, and environmental factors, particularly temperature, strongly affect these parameters. There are currently some studies on how temperature affects Anopheles gambiae s.s. survival but very few exist examining other life-history traits. We investigate here the effect of temperature on population dynamics parameters. Anopheles gambiae s.s. immatures were reared individually at 23 ± 1 °C, 27 ± 1 °C, 31 ± 1 °C, and 35 ± 1 °C, and adults were held at their larval temperature or at one of the other temperatures. Larvae were checked every 24 h for development to the next stage and measured for size; wing length was measured as a proxy for adult size. Females were blood fed three times, and the number of females feeding and laying eggs was counted. The numbers of eggs and percentage of eggs hatched were recorded. Increasing temperatures during the larval stages resulted in significantly smaller larvae (p = 0.005) and smaller adults (p < 0.001). Adult temperature had no effect on the time to egg laying, and the larval temperature of adults only affected the incubation period of the first egg batch. Temperature influenced the time to hatching of eggs, as well as the time to development at every stage. The number of eggs laid was highest when adults were kept at 27 °C, and lowest at 31 °C, and higher adult temperatures decreased the proportion of eggs hatching after the second and third blood meal. Higher adult temperatures significantly decreased the probability of blood feeding, but the larval temperature of adults had no influence on the probability of taking a blood meal. Differences were observed between the first, second, and third blood meal in the times to egg laying and hatching, number of eggs laid, and probabilities of feeding and laying eggs. Our study shows that environmental temperature during the larval stages as

  18. Adult ESL Education in the US

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eyring, Janet L.


    This article discusses the state of the art in the field of "adult ESL" in the US. It identifies the size, characteristics, and settings of adult education and discusses relevant professional standards, assessment procedures, and teacher preparation. Three approaches to noncredit adult ESL education will be presented (Functional…

  19. A Source Book on Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shah, S. Y., Ed.

    Intended for policy planners, administrators, and scholars, this document contains summaries and excerpts of official government of India documents published since 1939 on adult education. The document is in three parts. The first part contains government documents that deal exclusively with adult education. Their subjects include adult education…

  20. Competency-Based Adult Education: Florida Model.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Singer, Elizabeth

    This compilation of program materials serves as an introduction to Florida's Brevard Community College's (BCC's) Competency-Based Adult High School Completion Project, a multi-year project designed to teach adult administrators, counselors, and teachers how to organize and implement a competency-based adult education (CBAE) program; to critique…

  1. Selected Films for Young Adults, 1984.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Top of the News, 1984


    This 22-item filmography of 16mm films recommended for use in programs planned for young adults was compiled by the Selected Films for Young Adults Committee, Young Adult Services Division, American Library Association. Producers, directors, distributors, length, price, and brief annotations are provided. Addresses for 12 distributors are…

  2. Globalisation, Transnational Policies and Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Milana, Marcella


    Globalisation, transnational policies and adult education--This paper examines policy documents produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the European Union (EU) in the field of adult education and learning. Both these entities address adult education as an explicit object of policy. This paper…

  3. Vocational and Adult Education in Europe.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    van Wieringen, Fons, Ed.; Attwell, Graham, Ed.

    This book contains 25 papers on vocational and adult education in Europe and the United States. The following papers are included: "Vocational and Adult Education in Europe: Introduction to the Volume" (Fons van Wieringen, Graham Attwell); "Introduction to Section 1: Markets and Institutions in Vocational and Adult Education"…

  4. Audiovocal Integration in Adults Who Stutter

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Loucks, Torrey; Chon, HeeCheong; Han, Woojae


    Background: Altered auditory feedback can facilitate speech fluency in adults who stutter. However, other findings suggest that adults who stutter show anomalies in "audiovocal integration", such as longer phonation reaction times to auditory stimuli and less effective pitch tracking. Aims: To study audiovocal integration in adults who stutter…

  5. Transitioning Adolescents and Young Adults With HIV Infection to Adult Care: Pilot Testing the "Movin' Out" Transitioning Protocol.


    Maturo, Donna; Powell, Alexis; Major-Wilson, Hannah; Sanchez, Kenia; De Santis, Joseph P; Friedman, Lawrence B


    Advances in care and treatment of adolescents/young adults with HIV infection have made survival into adulthood possible, requiring transition to adult care. Researchers have documented that the transition process is challenging for adolescents/young adults. To ensure successful transition, a formal transition protocol is needed. Despite existing research, little quantitative evaluation of the transition process has been conducted. The purpose of the study was to pilot test the "Movin' Out" Transitioning Protocol, a formalized protocol developed to assist transition to adult care. A retrospective medical/nursing record review was conducted with 38 clients enrolled in the "Movin' Out" Transitioning Protocol at a university-based adolescent medicine clinic providing care to adolescents/young adults with HIV infection. Almost half of the participants were able to successfully transition to adult care. Reasons for failure to transition included relocation, attrition, lost to follow-up, and transfer to another adult service. Failure to transition to adult care was not related to adherence issues, X(2) (1, N=38)=2.49, p=.288; substance use, X(2) (1, N=38)=1.71, p=.474; mental health issues, X(2) (1, N=38)=2.23, p=.322; or pregnancy/childrearing, X(2) (1, N=38)=0.00, p=.627). Despite the small sample size, the "Movin' Out" Transitioning Protocol appears to be useful in guiding the transition process of adolescents/young adults with HIV infection to adult care. More research is needed with a larger sample to fully evaluate the "Movin' Out" Transitioning Protocol. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Sociality and intergenerational transfer of older adults' nostalgia.


    Wildschut, Tim; Sedikides, Constantine; Robertson, Sara


    Interest in nostalgia has blossomed, yet its nature in older adulthood and potential for intergenerational transfer to younger adults has remained neglected. In Experiment 1, we focused on the content of older adults' nostalgic (vs. ordinary) recollections and asked whether older adults' nostalgia could be transferred to younger adults. We showed that nostalgia expressed in older adults' narratives was positively associated with nostalgia reported by young-adult readers. In Experiment 2, undergraduates read a nostalgic or ordinary narrative written by an older adult. Then they rated their own nostalgia as well as their perceived social connectedness, self-continuity, and meaning in life. Exposure to older adults' nostalgic (vs. ordinary) narratives promoted concurrent nostalgia among young adults, along with associated psychological benefits (social connectedness, self-continuity, meaning). The findings illustrate the potential for intergenerational transfer of nostalgia through written narratives, and attest to the universality of nostalgic themes across younger and older adults.

  7. Childhood Trauma, Adult Sexual Assault, and Adult Gender Expression among Lesbian and Bisexual Women.


    Lehavot, Keren; Molina, Yamile; Simoni, Jane M


    Several studies have demonstrated that lesbian and bisexual women are more likely than heterosexual women to report childhood abuse and adult sexual assault. It is unknown, however, which sexual minority women are most likely to experience such abuse. We recruited adult sexual minority women living in the US through electronic fliers sent to listservs and website groups inviting them to complete an online survey ( N =1,243). We examined differences in both childhood abuse and adult sexual assault by women's current gender identity (i.e., butch , femme , androgynous , or other ) and a continuous measure of gender expression (from butch/masculine to femme/feminine), adjusting for sexual orientation identity, age, education, and income. Results indicated that a more butch/masculine current self-assessment of gender expression, but not gender identity, was associated with more overall reported childhood trauma. Although one aspect of gender expression, a more butch/masculine gender role, was associated with adult sexual assault, feminine appearance and a femme gender identity also significantly predicted adult sexual assault. These findings highlight the significance of gender identity and expression in identifying women at greater risk for various abuse experiences.

  8. Childhood Trauma, Adult Sexual Assault, and Adult Gender Expression among Lesbian and Bisexual Women

    PubMed Central

    Molina, Yamile; Simoni, Jane M.


    Several studies have demonstrated that lesbian and bisexual women are more likely than heterosexual women to report childhood abuse and adult sexual assault. It is unknown, however, which sexual minority women are most likely to experience such abuse. We recruited adult sexual minority women living in the US through electronic fliers sent to listservs and website groups inviting them to complete an online survey (N=1,243). We examined differences in both childhood abuse and adult sexual assault by women’s current gender identity (i.e., butch, femme, androgynous, or other) and a continuous measure of gender expression (from butch/masculine to femme/feminine), adjusting for sexual orientation identity, age, education, and income. Results indicated that a more butch/masculine current self-assessment of gender expression, but not gender identity, was associated with more overall reported childhood trauma. Although one aspect of gender expression, a more butch/masculine gender role, was associated with adult sexual assault, feminine appearance and a femme gender identity also significantly predicted adult sexual assault. These findings highlight the significance of gender identity and expression in identifying women at greater risk for various abuse experiences. PMID:24003263

  9. Adult Education in Liberia.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Robert M.

    Adult education in Liberia is discussed as to the types of programs offered and the purposes and goals of each type. The programs are classified as Literacy Education, Continuing Education, Vocational Education, In-Service Education, and Fundamental Education. The needs of the adult Liberian in relation to the courses offered are discussed.…

  10. Handbook of Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Robert M., Ed.; And Others

    The 1970 edition of this handbook is an attempt to reflect the totality of adult education -- its background, function, objectives, and roles -- as a discipline and in American society. It is divided into three parts. Part I discusses forms, functions, and the future of adult education -- social setting and international dimension for adult…

  11. Caries experience and use of dental services in rural and urban adults and older adults from central Chile.


    Quinteros, Maria E; Cáceres, Dante D; Soto, Alex; Mariño, Rodrigo J; Giacaman, Rodrigo A


    To determine whether there is a relationship between the use of dental services and caries experience in adults and older adults from central Chile. A sample of 453 adults, 35-44 years of age, and 438 older adults, 65-74 years of age, was interviewed and examined using World Health Organisation (WHO) methods. Sociodemographic variables were also registered. Caries experience was assessed using the Decayed, Missing and Filled teeth (DMFT) index. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine whether there was an association between the independent variables and caries experience. Caries prevalence was 99.6% for adults [DMFT score = 14.89 (±6.16)] and 99.8% for older adults [DMFT score = 25.68 (±6.49)]. Less than half of the population - 41.7% of adults and 31.5% of older adults - received dental care. Regardless of the age group, there were no differences in the DMFT score between those who received and those who did not receive attention (P > 0.05). When the DMFT findings were analysed in greater detail, people who received dental care and urban participants had more fillings (P < 0.05) than did those who were not provided with attention or lived in rural areas, who, in turn, had more missing teeth (P < 0.05). A higher educational level was associated with a decrease of 1.15 DMFT points (P = 0.003) in the group of older adults. Adults and older adults from the Maule Region showed severe dental damage from caries. Although rurality and use of services do not seem to affect caries experience, they are associated with differences in fillings and missing teeth. © 2014 FDI World Dental Federation.

  12. Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Loneliness Among LGB Adults and Heterosexual Adults in China.


    Hu, Jingchu; Hu, Jize; Huang, Gang; Zheng, Xifu


    Low levels of life satisfaction have been linked to low self-esteem and loneliness, but this association has never been tested directly in LGB (lesbian/gay/bisexual) populations. We compared 275 Chinese LGB adults to 275 demographic-matched Chinese heterosexual controls on life satisfaction, self-esteem, and loneliness. LGB adults reported lower levels of self-esteem and higher levels of loneliness than heterosexuals, but similar levels of overall life satisfaction. Self-esteem partially mediated (but did not moderate) the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction in both groups. Hierarchical regressions indicated that demographic variables, loneliness, and self-esteem can predict life satisfaction in both LGB and heterosexual adults, but explained more variance of life satisfaction in the LGB group. Thus self-esteem and loneliness play a more important role in life satisfaction for LGB rather than heterosexual Chinese adults.

  13. Reactions to First Postpubertal Male Same-Sex Sexual Experience in the Kinsey Sample: A Comparison of Minors With Peers, Minors With Adults, and Adults With Adults.


    Rind, Bruce; Welter, Max


    Rind and Welter (2014) examined first postpubertal coitus using the Kinsey sample, finding that reactions were just as positive, and no more negative, among minors with adults compared to minors with peers and adults with adults. In the present study, we examined first postpubertal male same-sex sexual experiences in the Kinsey same-sex sample (i.e., participants mostly with extensive postpubertal same-sex behavior), comparing reactions across the same age categories. These data were collected between 1938 and 1961 (M year: 1946). Minors under age 18 years with adults (M ages: 14.0 and 30.5, respectively) reacted positively (i.e., enjoyed the experience "much") often (70 %) and emotionally negatively (e.g., fear, disgust, shame, regret) infrequently (16 %). These rates were the same as adults with adults (M ages: 21.2 and 25.9, respectively): 68 and 16 %, respectively. Minors with peers (M ages: 13.3 and 13.8, respectively) reacted positively significantly more often (82 %) and negatively nominally less often (9 %). Minors with adults reacted positively to intercourse (oral, anal) just as often (69 %) as to outercourse (body contact, masturbation, femoral) (72 %) and reacted emotionally negatively significantly less often (9 vs. 25 %, respectively). For younger minors (≤14) with adults aged 5-19 years older, reactions were just as positive (83 %) as for minors with peers within 1 year of age (84 %) and no more emotionally negative (11 vs. 7 %, respectively). Results are discussed in relation to findings regarding first coitus in the Kinsey sample and to the cultural context particular to Kinsey's time.

  14. Professionalism Prevails in Adult Education ESL Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Megan C.; Bywater, Kathleen


    The purpose of this report is to explore the issue of professionalism of adult education ESL educators and uncover any inequities. The arc of this exploration describes the history of adult education, the current state of adult education ESL professionals, and the direction in which ESL adult educators appear to be heading. The results illustrate…

  15. The Faith Development of Selected Adult Couples.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gorman, Margaret

    Theories and studies of adult development are largely confined to adult male career development and ignore a moral or faith dimension of adult development. To determine the faith and moral dimension of adult couples, three hypotheses were examined, i.e.,: (1) religion is a significant dimension in their consciousness; (2) the family is integrally…

  16. The Incorporation of Poverty into Adult Identity over Time: Implications for Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Byron A.


    For many years, poverty has dominated international headlines as a global condition. In some countries, poverty has become a chronic socioeconomic problem. This qualitative study explored the incorporation process of poverty into adult identity and assessed the nature of the learning that occurred. Destitute adults in Botswana were chosen and used…

  17. [Trust-promoting variables in child-adult interaction].


    Esser, M; Petermann, F


    As interpersonal trust is recognized as a central variable in child-psychotherapy, and as psychological research has not yet developed strategies to advance interpersonal trust, the question arose by which social behavior variables children's trust is determined in the interaction process between adults and children. After having developed a most concrete definition of trust in terms of social interaction behavior, everyday pedagogical interaction sequences involving adults and children were analyzed in order to identify behavioral elements or patterns of interaction conducive to trust. According to the hypotheses, the behavior classes "positive adult reaction", "adult trusting behavior" and the interaction pattern "positive adult response to child trusting behavior" were found as conducive to interpersonal trust in children. Furthermore the realisation of the pattern "alternation of trusting child behavior and positive adult behavior" for a longer period of interaction was identified as material to the foundation of interpersonal trust. The realisation of that pattern is encouraged by positive and permanent reinforcement of different child reactions by the adult and by the child's readiness to react trustfully to positive adult behavior.

  18. Continuing Education and the Adult Curriculum.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Griffin, Colin


    Discusses the gulf between adult education theory and practices and looks at other British papers and reports on adult and continuing education issues and policies. Argues that insufficient thought has been given to adult education content and to the difficulty of integrating institutions with traditionally different types of curriculum. (MF)

  19. Teaching Adult Students Mathematical Investigations-6.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Angiama, R. O.

    Teaching Adult Students Mathematical Investigation is based on the continuing research work carried out for the last ten years of teaching on the Foundation Course in Mathematics at Goldsmiths, University of London. Teaching Mathematical Investigation to adult students is a very challenging and often rewarding experience for adult educators as…

  20. Educational Opportunities for Adults in California

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Cos, Patricia L.


    Assembly member Carol Liu, Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on Adult Education, requested that the California Research Bureau prepare a report on adult education. The legislative request specified that the following topics be covered: (1) a definition of adult education; (2) recent information on student enrollment, funding sources and…

  1. Museums and the Education of Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chadwick, Alan, Ed.; Stannett, Annette, Ed.

    This book, which is intended for individuals involved in the education of adults and museum education, explores the potential role of museums in creation of a learning society, possibilities for collaboration between museums and adult education providers, access to museum resources by adult learners, and training and staff development. The…

  2. Helping Older Adults Adjust to Automation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sink, Clay V.; D'Abrosca, Louis A.


    Discusses some of the fears and anxieties of automation held by older adults. Teaching techniques that aid the older adult learning process are suggested. The article also contains an interview with Anna M. Tucker, director of the Rhode Island Department of Elderly Affairs, concerning the elder adult's fear of automation. (CT)

  3. The Retarded Adult in the Community.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Katz, Elias

    The discussion of a series of questions with case illustrations delineates the problems and possibilities of helping retarded adults become valuable, productive members of society. Among topics considered are the definition of retarded adults in the community, the need for concern, and community evaluation and needs of the retarded adult. Also…

  4. Financing of Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Archer, David


    The 2008 EFA Global Monitoring Report recognises adult literacy as the most neglected of the EFA goals. It is neglected most obviously in respect of the financial allocations made by governments and donors. This shortage of financing creates a dangerous situation in which adult educators seek to convince politicians to invest, based on false…

  5. Adult Education in Sweden.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stahre, Sven-Arne

    The chief components of Swedish formal adult education are (1) independent lectures, which stress popularization of public affairs and of selected aspects of culture, science, and technology; (2) the folk high schools, whose object is to impart to young adults a general and civic education; (3) special schools operated by the popular movements;…

  6. Pain management in older adults.


    Tracy, Bridget; Sean Morrison, R


    Chronic pain is prevalent among older adults but is underrecognized and undertreated. The approach to pain assessment and management in older adults requires an understanding of the physiology of aging, validated assessment tools, and common pain presentations among older adults. To identify the overall principles of pain management in older adults with a specific focus on common painful conditions and approaches to pharmacologic treatment. We searched PubMed for common pain presentations in older adults with heart failure, end-stage renal disease, dementia, frailty, and cancer. We also reviewed guidelines for pain management. Our review encompassed 2 guidelines, 10 original studies, and 22 review articles published from 2000 to the present. This review does not discuss nonpharmacologic treatments of pain. Clinical guidelines support the use of opioids in persistent nonmalignant pain. Opioids should be used in patients with moderate or severe pain or pain not otherwise controlled but with careful attention to potential toxic effects and half-life. In addition, clinical practice guidelines recommend use of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with extreme caution and for defined, limited periods. An understanding of the basics of pain pathophysiology, assessment, pharmacologic management, and a familiarity with common pain presentations will allow clinicians to effectively manage pain for older adults. © 2013 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Adult Education Information and Referral Hot-Line. Adult Education Special Project. Final Report, July 1980-June 1981.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morgan, Jim

    A toll-free adult education information and referral hotline provided information and referral services to approximately 1500 adults in Region IX in Texas from September 1980 to June 1981. Adult education co-ops and testing centers forwarded pertinent program information (class schedules, General Educational Development testing information) to the…

  8. The Integration Of Adult Education In Tanzania.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mhaiki, Paul J.; Hall, Budd L.

    Brief historical background of Tanzania; Links between adult education and development objectives, Links between Adult Education and Formal Education are outlined. Importance of adult education is emphasized. (NF)

  9. Some Adult Educational Elements in Ancient Eastern Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    MacGregor, Norman

    The existence of adult educational elements in acient India, China, Judea, and Arabia is demonstrated in this paper. Hindu and Buddhist adult education is discussed first, followed by Chinese adult education, Jewish adult education, and Islamic adult education. Conclusions of the study on which this paper reports are: (1) the existence of the…

  10. Older Adults and Gambling: A Review

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ariyabuddhiphongs, Vanchai


    This paper uses the social cognitive theory model to review the literature on older adult gambling, and related personal and environment characteristics. Results show that lottery is the kind of gambling most frequently played by older adults, followed by casino games. Older adults take trips to casinos to socialize, find excitement, and win…

  11. Counseling the Adult Basic Education Student.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Champagne, Delight E.

    This guide is designed for use by counselors and teachers working with adult basic education (ABE) students. Discussed first is the importance of viewing adult learners as clients. The unique characteristics of the ABE student are examined. Presented next is an adult counseling model that includes the following program participation phases:…

  12. A European Vision for Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waddington, Sue; Tuckett, Alan; Boucher, Fiona


    The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) is the UK national coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Learning, with the challenge of creating a coherent message across the four countries to inform European cooperation on adult learning. To start the debate, the journal staff asked Sue Waddington, Alan Tuckett, and Fiona…

  13. Shorter survival in adolescent and young adult patients, compared to adult patients, with stage IV colorectal cancer in Japan.


    Shida, Dai; Ahiko, Yuka; Tanabe, Taro; Yoshida, Takefumi; Tsukamoto, Shunsuke; Ochiai, Hiroki; Takashima, Atsuo; Boku, Narikazu; Kanemitsu, Yukihide


    The incidence of colorectal cancer in adolescent and young adult patients is increasing. However, survival and clinical features of young patients, especially those with stage IV disease, relative to adult patients remain unclear. This retrospective single-institution cohort study was conducted at a tertiary care cancer center. Subjects were 861 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer at the age of 15 to 74 years and who were referred to the division of surgery or gastrointestinal oncology at the National Cancer Center Hospital from 1999 to 2013. Overall survival (OS) was investigated and clinicopathological variables were analyzed for prognostic significance. Of these, 66 (8%) were adolescent and young adult patients and 795 (92%) were adult patients. Median survival time was 13.6 months in adolescent and young adult patients and 22.4 months in adult patients, and 5-year OS rates were 17.3% and 20.3%, respectively, indicating significant worse prognosis of adolescent and young adult patients (p = 0.042). However, age itself was not an independent factor associated with prognosis by multivariate analysis. When compared with adult patients, adolescent and young adult patients consisted of higher proportion of the patients who did not undergo resection of primary tumor, which was an independent factor associated with poor prognosis in multivariate analysis. In patients who did not undergo resection (n = 349), OS of adolescent and young adult patients were significantly worse (p = 0.033). Prognoses were worse in adolescent and young adult patients with stage IV colorectal cancer compared to adult patients in Japan, due to a higher proportion of patients who did not undergo resection with more advanced and severe disease, but not due to age itself.

  14. [Adult twins].


    Charlemaine, Christiane


    This paper explores the deep roots of closeness that twins share in their youngest age and their effect on their destiny at the adult age. Psychologists believe the bond between twins begins in utero and develops throughout the twins' lives. The four patterns of twinship described show that the twin bond is determined by the quality of parenting that twins receive in their infancy and early childhood. Common problems of adult twins bring about difficulties to adapt in a non-twin world. The nature versus nurture controversy has taken on new life focusing on inter-twin differences and the importance of parent-child interaction as fundamental to the growth and development of personality.

  15. Adults with Congenital Heart Defects


    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Web Booklet: Adults With Congenital Heart Defects Updated:Aug ... topic from the list below to learn more. Web Booklet: Adults With Congenital Heart Defects Introduction Introduction: ...

  16. Resting-state fMRI in sleeping infants more closely resembles adult sleep than adult wakefulness

    PubMed Central

    Snyder, Abraham Z.; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Laufs, Helmut; Elison, Jed; Emerson, Robert W.; Shen, Mark D.; Wolff, Jason J.; Botteron, Kelly N.; Dager, Stephen; Estes, Annette M.; Evans, Alan; Gerig, Guido; Hazlett, Heather C.; Paterson, Sarah J.; Schultz, Robert T.; Styner, Martin A.; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Schlaggar, Bradley L.


    Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) in infants enables important studies of functional brain organization early in human development. However, rs-fMRI in infants has universally been obtained during sleep to reduce participant motion artifact, raising the question of whether differences in functional organization between awake adults and sleeping infants that are commonly attributed to development may instead derive, at least in part, from sleep. This question is especially important as rs-fMRI differences in adult wake vs. sleep are well documented. To investigate this question, we compared functional connectivity and BOLD signal propagation patterns in 6, 12, and 24 month old sleeping infants with patterns in adult wakefulness and non-REM sleep. We find that important functional connectivity features seen during infant sleep closely resemble those seen during adult sleep, including reduced default mode network functional connectivity. However, we also find differences between infant and adult sleep, especially in thalamic BOLD signal propagation patterns. These findings highlight the importance of considering sleep state when drawing developmental inferences in infant rs-fMRI. PMID:29149191

  17. Resting-state fMRI in sleeping infants more closely resembles adult sleep than adult wakefulness.


    Mitra, Anish; Snyder, Abraham Z; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Laufs, Helmut; Elison, Jed; Emerson, Robert W; Shen, Mark D; Wolff, Jason J; Botteron, Kelly N; Dager, Stephen; Estes, Annette M; Evans, Alan; Gerig, Guido; Hazlett, Heather C; Paterson, Sarah J; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Piven, Joseph; Pruett, John R; Raichle, Marcus


    Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) in infants enables important studies of functional brain organization early in human development. However, rs-fMRI in infants has universally been obtained during sleep to reduce participant motion artifact, raising the question of whether differences in functional organization between awake adults and sleeping infants that are commonly attributed to development may instead derive, at least in part, from sleep. This question is especially important as rs-fMRI differences in adult wake vs. sleep are well documented. To investigate this question, we compared functional connectivity and BOLD signal propagation patterns in 6, 12, and 24 month old sleeping infants with patterns in adult wakefulness and non-REM sleep. We find that important functional connectivity features seen during infant sleep closely resemble those seen during adult sleep, including reduced default mode network functional connectivity. However, we also find differences between infant and adult sleep, especially in thalamic BOLD signal propagation patterns. These findings highlight the importance of considering sleep state when drawing developmental inferences in infant rs-fMRI.

  18. Adolescent to Adult HIV Health Care Transition From the Perspective of Adult Providers in the United States.


    Tanner, Amanda E; Philbin, Morgan M; Ma, Alice; Chambers, Brittany D; Nichols, Sharon; Lee, Sonia; Fortenberry, J Dennis


    The HIV Care Continuum highlights the need for HIV-infected youth to be tested, linked, and maintained in lifelong care. Care engagement is important for HIV-infected youth in order for them to stay healthy, maintain a low viral load, and reduce further transmission. One point of potential interruption in the care continuum is during health care transition from adolescent- to adult-centered HIV care. HIV-related health care transition research focuses mainly on youth and on adolescent clinic providers; missing is adult clinic providers' perspectives. We examined health care transition processes through semi-structured interviews with 28 adult clinic staff across Adolescent Trials Network sites. We also collected quantitative data related to clinical characteristics and transition-specific strategies. Overall, participants described health care transition as a "warm handoff" and a collaborative effort across adolescent and adult clinics. Emergent transition themes included adult clinical care culture (e.g., patient responsibility), strategies for connecting youth to adult care (e.g., adolescent clinic staff attending youth's first appointment at adult clinic), and approaches to evaluating transition outcomes (e.g., data sharing). Participants provided transition improvement recommendations (e.g., formalized protocols). Using evidence-based research and a quality improvement framework to inform comprehensive and streamlined transition protocols can help enhance the capacity of adult clinics to collaborate with adolescent clinics to provide coordinated and uninterrupted HIV-related care and to improve continuum of care outcomes. Copyright © 2017 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.

  19. Placing Advocacy at the Heart of Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Jackie


    Adult educators know that adults and families change their lives through adult education. Adult education also positively impacts a host of social and economic issues. Yet this fact is largely unknown or misunderstood by the general public. Resources have become increasingly scarce, while at the same time adult educators are asked to do more with…

  20. Teaching and Serving Adults through Vocational-Technical Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harmon, Hobart L.

    This paper presents an overview of the need for adult education, surveys the theory behind adult education, discusses the reasons why adults do not participate in adult education, and outlines marketing strategies that may induce adults to participate in greater numbers. The first part of the paper cites the need for educational reform, noting…

  1. Circulating CXCR5+PD-1+ response predicts influenza vaccine antibody responses in young adults but not elderly adults.


    Herati, Ramin Sedaghat; Reuter, Morgan A; Dolfi, Douglas V; Mansfield, Kathleen D; Aung, Htin; Badwan, Osama Z; Kurupati, Raj K; Kannan, Senthil; Ertl, Hildegund; Schmader, Kenneth E; Betts, Michael R; Canaday, David H; Wherry, E John


    Although influenza vaccination is recommended for all adults annually, the incidence of vaccine failure, defined as weak or absent increase in neutralizing Ab titers, is increased in the elderly compared with young adults. The T follicular helper cell (Tfh) subset of CD4 T cells provides B cell help in germinal centers and is necessary for class-switched Ab responses. Previous studies suggested a role for circulating Tfh cells (cTfh) following influenza vaccination in adults, but cTfh have not been studied in elderly adults in whom weak vaccine responses are often observed. In this study, we studied cTfh expressing CXCR5 and programmed death-1 (PD-1). cTfh from elderly adults were present at reduced frequency, had decreased in vitro B cell help ability, and had greater expression of ICOS compared with young adults. At 7 d after inactivated influenza vaccination, cTfh correlated with influenza vaccine-specific IgM and IgG responses in young adults but not in elderly adults. In sum, we have identified aging-related changes in cTfh that correlated with reduced influenza vaccine responses. Future rational vaccine design efforts should incorporate Tfh measurement as an immune correlate of protection, particularly in the setting of aging. Copyright © 2014 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  2. Education for Senior Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hendrickson, Andrew; Aker, George F.

    The major objectives of the Education for Senior Adults Leadership Development Institute were: (1) to give a deeper understanding of the characteristics of senior adults; (2) to give a sense of the richness and variety of activities that could be built into a program for the aging; (3) to provide help in problems of organizing and administering…

  3. Adult Education Regional Planning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California Community Colleges, Chancellor's Office, 2015


    For more than one hundred and fifty years, until 2008, California was an undisputed national leader in its commitment to adult education. The state's investment in adult learners topped $750 million, a sum greater than the combined total of every other state in the nation. However, for the past several years recession and fiscal crisis have left…

  4. The left perceptual bias for adult and infant faces in adults and 5-year-old children: face age matters.


    Proietti, Valentina; Pavone, Sarah; Ricciardelli, Paola; Macchi Cassia, Viola


    A large number of studies have shown that adults rely more heavily on information conveyed by the left side of the face in judging emotional state, gender and identity. This phenomenon, called left perceptual bias (LPB), suggests a right hemisphere lateralization of face processing mechanisms. Although specialization of neural mechanisms for processing over-experienced face categories begins during the first year of life, little is known about the developmental trajectory of the LPB and whether or when the bias becomes selective for specific face categories as a result of experience. To address these questions we tested adults (Experiment 1) and 5-year-old children (Experiment 2) with null or limited experience with infants in an identity matching-to-sample task with chimeric adult and infant faces, for which both adults and children have been shown to manifest differential processing abilities. Results showed that 5-year-olds manifest a leftward bias selective for adult faces, and the magnitude of the bias is larger for adult compared to infant faces in adults. This evidence is in line with earlier demonstrations of a perceptual processing advantage for adult faces in adults and children and points to the role of experience in shaping neurocognitive specialization for face processing.

  5. Evidence for a young adult-targeted tobacco control campaign stimulating cessation-related responses among adult smokers and recent quitters.


    Li, Judy; Guiney, Hayley; Walton, Darren


    Young adults are an important group for tobacco control interventions because of their high smoking prevalence. In 2014, New Zealand launched a young adult-targeted tobacco control campaign: 'Stop Before You Start'. The evaluation undertaken with young adults (aged 18 to 24 years) showed that the campaign exerted positive impacts on this age group. This study aimed to investigate the collateral effects of this campaign on older adults. Data were collected from a fortnightly survey of adult smokers and recent quitters, where respondents were maintained on a panel and interviewed every fortnight, up to six times. This paper reports on data collected over three consecutive fortnights (540 interviews). Ten measures were used to assess campaign effectiveness (eg, felt regret, tried to quit). After adjusting for recent quit attempt status and socio-demographic characteristics, age differences were not found in any of the outcome variables (aged 25-44 years and 45+ years were compared against 18-24 years). Internationally, little is known about the effectiveness of young adult-targeted tobacco control campaigns. Alongside data from the campaign evaluation with young adults, findings from the current study suggest that this young adult-targeted campaign also created a desirable impact on older adults.

  6. Measuring Literacy: Performance Levels for Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hauser, Robert M., Ed.; Edley, Christopher F., Jr., Ed.; Koenig, Judith Anderson, Ed.; Elliott, Stuart W., Ed.


    The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) is a household survey conducted periodically by the Department of Education that evaluates the literacy skills of a sample of adults in the United Stages ages 16 and older. NAAL results are used to characterize adults literacy skills and to inform policy and programmatic decisions. The Committee on…

  7. Geometry in the Adult Education Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Markus, Nancy


    For many adults, geometry is a mathematics topic that immediately makes sense to them and gives them confidence in their ability to learn, while other adult learners identify geometry with failure. Most adults, however, do recognize the need for measurement, and many have a basic understanding of measurement concepts, although they may need to…

  8. Traitement des séquelles de brûlures de la main dans les pays à ressources limitées ; notre expérience en république démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kibadi, K.; Moutet, F.


    Summary Les séquelles de brûlures de la main sont encore fréquentes dans les pays à ressources limitées. Trente-deux patients, représentant 38 mains, ont été admis et traités, entre le 1er décembre 2010 et le 1er mai 2014 aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). nous avons observé 22 patients (69 %) dans le groupe de jeunes (patients âgés de moins de 18 ans), et 10 patients (31 %) chez les adultes (18 à 59 ans). Aucun patient dans le groupe de seniors (60 ans et plus) n’a été observé. Dans le groupe de jeunes, la tranche d’âge de 1 à 5 ans a été la plus atteinte avec 13 malades (40 %). l’accident à la maison était le plus fréquent (72 %). le mécanisme de la brûlure était le plus souvent thermique par flammes (51 %) ou par liquide chaud (34 %). les rétractions et brides sont les lésions le plus observées (84 %). la rétraction dorsale globale « main en griffe» est observée chez 40 % de patients traités, associée à des cicatrices hypertrophiques et chéloïdiennes dans 84 % de cas. Chez les 32 mains traitées chirurgicalement, des excision-greffes ont été réalisées dans 43,7 %, des lambeaux locaux dans 43,7 % et des lambeaux à distance dans 12,5 % de cas. A la sortie de l’hôpital, 84 % de « bons » résultats ont été observés. le suivi a été de 18 mois. le traitement des séquelles de brûlures de la main est possible dans ces pays, exemple de la rDC. Mais les défis à surmonter dans ces pays sont nombreux : la faible accessibilité aux techniques actuelles de la chirurgie plastique, la prise en charge initiale inadéquate des brûlures, la pauvreté. PMID:26668560

  9. Coaching as a Strategy for Helping Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wax, Dorothy M.; Wertheim, Judith


    This chapter focuses on the use of coaching for adult learners, the specific characteristics adults bring to the learning environment, and strategies for dealing with the obstacles adult learners may face.

  10. The 'lost tribe' reconsidered: Teenagers and young adults treated for cancer in adult settings in the UK.


    Marshall, Steve; Grinyer, Anne; Limmer, Mark


    Although the UK has pioneered the development of specialist adolescent cancer units, the majority of teenagers and young adults (TYAs) continue to be treated at their local hospital or at a cancer centre alongside adults of all ages. This study aimed to elicit young people's views on this experience of having cancer treatment in an adult setting. Seventeen participants who had been treated for cancer in an adult hospital between the ages of 15 and 24 were recruited via cancer charities and social media. Telephone interviews were conducted with the participants and the resulting data were analysed using thematic analysis. Already feeling out of sync as a TYA with cancer, participants felt out of place in the adult setting. Four factors contributed to this negative experience: a lack of affinity with older patients; the challenging issues in the adult setting; the absence of empathy towards TYAs by staff; and the unsuitability of the environment for adolescents. Staff working with TYAs with cancer in the adult setting should be aware of the potentially detrimental impact of this environment on this cohort of patients, and consider ways of adapting and modifying their approach. Crown Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Challenges in adult vaccination.


    de Gomensoro, Eduardo; Del Giudice, Giuseppe; Doherty, T Mark


    Life-long primary prevention interventions beginning and continuing throughout an individual's lifetime are increasingly seen as key to meeting the global healthcare challenges that accompany demographic changes - a concept referred to as "Healthy aging". In this perspective, vaccination is seen as part of a triad, together with healthy diet and exercise. Current adult vaccine coverage is lower than target vaccination rates in most developed countries, and so vaccine preventable diseases continue to present a substantial burden on health and healthcare resources, especially in older individuals. In part, this is due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the benefits of vaccination, inconsistent recommendations by providers and uncertainties about cost benefits. However, lower vaccine effectiveness in older adults plays a part, and new vaccines with novel characteristics to improve effectiveness in older adults are required. A life-course immunization approach to ensure optimal vaccine uptake across adults of all ages can be expected to reduce morbidity and mortality in later life. To achieve this, greater emphasis on public and healthcare provider education is necessary, based on appropriate economic analyses that demonstrate the overall value of vaccination. This article introduces the technical, economic, political and demographic issues that make establishing effective adult vaccination programs such a difficult, but pressing issue, and outlines some of the steps that are now being taken to address them. Key messages Life-long preventive activities that start and continue throughout life are essential, especially as the world's population is "getting older". This "Healthy aging" approach includes not only healthy diet and physical exercise; vaccination is critical in reducing some infectious diseases and their complications. Many adults, especially older adults (who have lower immunity than younger people) develop infections such as influenza and shingles

  12. 20 CFR 663.110 - What are the eligibility criteria for core services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs? 663.110 Section 663.110 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker...

  13. 20 CFR 663.110 - What are the eligibility criteria for core services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs? 663.110 Section 663.110 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker Services Through...

  14. 20 CFR 663.110 - What are the eligibility criteria for core services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs? 663.110 Section 663.110 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker...

  15. 20 CFR 663.110 - What are the eligibility criteria for core services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs? 663.110 Section 663.110 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker...

  16. Tuberculosis case burden and treatment outcomes in children, adults and older adults, Vanuatu, 2007–2011

    PubMed Central

    Harries, A. D.; Kool, B.; Ram, S.; Viney, K.; Marais, B.; Tarivonda, L.


    Setting: All five DOTS centres in Vanuatu. Objectives: To determine across the age spectrum the tuberculosis (TB) case burden, disease pattern and treatment outcomes in patients registered between 2007 and 2011. Design: Retrospective cohort study involving reviews of TB registers and treatment cards. Results: Of 588 TB patients, 142 (24%) were children (aged 0–14 years), 327 (56%) adults (aged 15–54 years) and 119 (20%) were older adults (aged ⩾55 years; subdivided into 55–64 and ⩾65 years); 568 were new patients, 13 had been treated previously and 7 had unknown status. Compared with adults, children with new TB had a higher prevalence of extra-pulmonary TB (75% vs. 34%, OR 5.7, 95%CI 3.6–9.0) and a lower prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary TB (11% vs. 45%, OR 0.15, 95%CI 0.1–0.3), while older adults with new TB had a higher prevalence of smear-negative pulmonary TB (38% vs. 21%, OR 2.4, 95%CI 1.5–3.8). Overall TB treatment success was 83%, but in the second category of older adults (⩾65 years) treatment success was 67% and case fatality was 18%. Conclusion: Children and older adults constitute 45% of the TB burden in Vanuatu. Differences in disease patterns and poorer treatment outcomes in older adults have implications for policy and practice. PMID:26477280

  17. Learning Havens for Stressed Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seay, Sandra E.


    Having stressful workdays is not the sole prerogative of adult students enrolled in educational leadership programs. According to a report released by the American Institute of Stress in 2002, 80% of adult workers felt stress in the workplace. From this it can be assumed that a certain amount of stress accompanies every adult who enters an evening…

  18. Digest of Adult Education Statistics--1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Elliott, Barbara G.

    Information on literacy programs for adults in the United States was compiled from the annual statistical performance reports states submit to the U.S. Department of Education at the end of each program year (PY). Nearly 27 percent of adults had not completed a high school diploma or equivalent. In PY 1991, the nation's adult education (AE)…

  19. Adult Literacy. Cuyahoga County Data Brief

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (NJ1), 2010


    There are no direct measures of adult literacy in Cuyahoga County. Instead, this report uses estimates based on a statistical model derived from the National Survey of Adult Literacy. Adult literacy levels range from Level 1 (the most basic) to Level 5 (the most complex). People with Level 1 literacy are at a severe disadvantage in the sense that…

  20. G-Protein-Coupled Receptors in Adult Neurogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Doze, Van A.


    The importance of adult neurogenesis has only recently been accepted, resulting in a completely new field of investigation within stem cell biology. The regulation and functional significance of adult neurogenesis is currently an area of highly active research. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have emerged as potential modulators of adult neurogenesis. GPCRs represent a class of proteins with significant clinical importance, because approximately 30% of all modern therapeutic treatments target these receptors. GPCRs bind to a large class of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. Besides their typical role in cellular communication, GPCRs are expressed on adult neural stem cells and their progenitors that relay specific signals to regulate the neurogenic process. This review summarizes the field of adult neurogenesis and its methods and specifies the roles of various GPCRs and their signal transduction pathways that are involved in the regulation of adult neural stem cells and their progenitors. Current evidence supporting adult neurogenesis as a model for self-repair in neuropathologic conditions, adult neural stem cell therapeutic strategies, and potential avenues for GPCR-based therapeutics are also discussed. PMID:22611178

  1. Clueless: Adult Mysteries with Young Adult Appeal 2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Charles, John; Morrison, Joanna


    This annotated bibliography includes adult mysteries that appeal to teen readers under the categories of Sherlock Holmes; reference sources; private investigators; amateur sleuths; historical sleuths; suspense and thrillers; police procedurals; mystery blends; and anthologies. (LRW)

  2. Assessing disease disclosure in adults with cystic fibrosis: the Adult Data for Understanding Lifestyle and Transitions (ADULT) survey Disclosure of disease in adults with cystic fibrosis

    PubMed Central


    Background As more patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) reach adulthood and participate in age-appropriate activities (e.g. employment, dating), disclosure of medical status becomes more important. This study assessed rates of disclosure and its perceived impact on relationships using the Adult Data for Understanding Lifestyle and Transitions (ADULT) online survey. Methods Adults with CF participated in the survey via the United States national network of CF Centers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized. Results Participants (n = 865) were more likely to disclose to relatives (94%) and close friends (81%) than to dating partners (73%), bosses/supervisors/teachers (51%) or co-workers (39%). Respondents generally reported a neutral/positive effect on relationships following disclosure. Negative effects of disclosure were infrequent, but more likely with dating partners or bosses/supervisors/teachers. Results also indicated that disclosure may be influenced by severity of lung disease and gender, with those having normal/mild lung disease less likely to disclose their diagnosis to both co-workers (p < 0.01) and bosses/supervisors/teachers (p < 0.01), and women being more likely to disclose to close friends (p < 0.0001) and dating partners (p < 0.05) than men. Conclusions Most adults with CF disclosed their disease to relatives and close friends. Individuals with severe CF lung disease were more likely to disclose their diagnosis to coworkers and supervisors/teachers. It may be helpful to provide support for disclosure of disease in situations such as employment and dating. PMID:20831811

  3. Assessing disease disclosure in adults with cystic fibrosis: the Adult Data for Understanding Lifestyle and Transitions (ADULT) survey Disclosure of disease in adults with cystic fibrosis.


    Modi, Avani C; Quittner, Alexandra L; Boyle, Michael P


    As more patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) reach adulthood and participate in age-appropriate activities (e.g. employment, dating), disclosure of medical status becomes more important. This study assessed rates of disclosure and its perceived impact on relationships using the Adult Data for Understanding Lifestyle and Transitions (ADULT) online survey. Adults with CF participated in the survey via the United States national network of CF Centers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized. Participants (n = 865) were more likely to disclose to relatives (94%) and close friends (81%) than to dating partners (73%), bosses/supervisors/teachers (51%) or co-workers (39%). Respondents generally reported a neutral/positive effect on relationships following disclosure. Negative effects of disclosure were infrequent, but more likely with dating partners or bosses/supervisors/teachers. Results also indicated that disclosure may be influenced by severity of lung disease and gender, with those having normal/mild lung disease less likely to disclose their diagnosis to both co-workers (p < 0.01) and bosses/supervisors/teachers (p < 0.01), and women being more likely to disclose to close friends (p < 0.0001) and dating partners (p < 0.05) than men. Most adults with CF disclosed their disease to relatives and close friends. Individuals with severe CF lung disease were more likely to disclose their diagnosis to coworkers and supervisors/teachers. It may be helpful to provide support for disclosure of disease in situations such as employment and dating.

  4. Pulmonary issues in the older adult.


    Frederick, Delia E


    This article elicits why critical care nurses need to become aware of the pulmonary issues of older adults. The population of older adults is increasing. Older adults undergo anatomic and physiologic changes of the protective mechanisms of the pulmonary system. These changes alter the rate and effort of breathing. Speech is slowed because of expiratory strength effort. Cognition changes may be the only indication of impaired oxygenation. Bedside nursing care provides protection from pulmonary complications. Health behaviors of smoking cessation, oral hygiene, and exercise promote pulmonary health even in older adults. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. International Adult Literacy Survey. Benchmarking Adult Literacy in America: An International Comparative Study.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tuijnman, Albert

    This 22-country survey was conducted between 1994 and 1998. Representative samples of adults aged 16-65 were interviewed and tested at home using the same literacy tests. The main purpose of the survey was to find out how well adults use information to function in society. Another aim was to investigate the factors that influence literacy…

  6. Scoping review report: obesity in older adults.


    Decaria, J E; Sharp, C; Petrella, R J


    Obesity is associated with an increased risk for early death, heart disease and stroke, disability and several other comorbidities. Although there is concern about the potential burden on health-care services with the aging demographic and the increasing trend of obesity prevalence in older adults, evidence on which to base management strategies is conflicting for various reasons. The analytic framework for this review is based on a scoping review methodology, and was conducted to examine what is known about the diagnosis, treatment and management of obesity in older adults. A total of 492 relevant research articles were identified using PubMed, Scirus, EBSCO,, Cochrane Reviews and Google Scholar. The findings of this review indicate that the current WHO (World Health Organization)-recommended body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio obesity thresholds for the general adult population may not be appropriate for older adults. Alternatively, weight change or physical fitness may be more useful measures of mortality and health risk in obese older adults. Furthermore, although obesity in older adults is associated with several disorders that increase functional disability, epidemiological evidence suggests that obesity is protective against mortality in seniors. Consequently, the trend toward increasing prevalence of obesity in older adults will lead to an increase in unhealthy life years and health-care costs. The findings from this review also suggest that treatment strategies for obese older adults should focus on maintaining body weight and improving physical fitness and function rather than weight loss, and that a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise appears to be the most effective strategy. In conclusion, this review demonstrates the need for more research to clarify the definition of obesity in older adults, to establish criteria for evaluating when to treat older adults for obesity, and to develop effective

  7. Direct Marketing Promotion and Electronic Cigarette Use Among US Adults, National Adult Tobacco Survey, 2013-2014.


    Dai, Hongying; Hao, Jianqiang


    The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) among US adults has increased since 2007. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of direct marketing promotion of e-cigarettes and its association with e-cigarette use among US adults. We used using data from the 2013-2014 National Adult Tobacco Survey (NATS) to estimate prevalence of e-cigarette promotions received by mail or email. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the associations between e-cigarette promotions and the prevalence and frequency of e-cigarette use among US adults. In the 2013-2014 survey period, 7.1% of adults (about 16.0 million) reported receiving mail or email e-cigarette promotions in the previous 6 months; 3.2% received mail promotions, and 5.1% received email promotions. A higher prevalence of promotions was found among men versus women, adults aged under 65 years versus those older, current e-cigarette users, current smokers, and people with no smoking restriction rules in their homes or vehicles. In the multivariable analysis, receiving mail or email e-cigarette promotions was associated with higher odds of being current e-cigarette users (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.0; P < .001) than being noncurrent e-cigarette users. Receiving promotions was also associated with higher odds of using e-cigarettes some days (aOR = 1.6; P = .006) or every day (aOR = 1.7; P = .008) than using e-cigarettes rarely. Receipt of e-cigarette direct marketing promotions was prevalent among US adults. Receiving e-cigarette promotions was associated with increased odds of both prevalence and frequency of e-cigarette use. Future longitudinal studies are needed to measure causal effects of e-cigarette promotions on e-cigarette use among adults.

  8. Infections fongiques des brûlé : revue

    PubMed Central

    Arnould, JF.; Le Floch, R.


    Summary Les infections fongiques locales ou générales sont souvent d’une extrême gravité chez les brûlés. Les brûlés combinent de nombreux facteurs de risque à une immunodépression induite par la brûlure. Les infections de plaies sont le fait des genres Candida, Aspergillus et des agents de mucormycoses. Ces deux derniers cas sont à l’origine de lésions particulièrement sévères. Leur diagnostic repose sur la biopsie cutanée avec examens mycologique et anatomopathologique. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical, associé à une antibiothérapie adaptée. Les septicémies sont le fait de levures, essentiellement du genre Candida. Le diagnostic en est difficile dans le contexte des brûlés et repose souvent sur une forte suspicion clinique. Leur traitement repose sur les échinocandines et plus secondairement sur le fluconazole. PMID:26668558

  9. Framing Effects in Younger and Older Adults

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Sunghan; Goldstein, David; Hasher, Lynn; Zacks, Rose T.


    A growing literature on decision making in older adults suggests that they are more likely to use heuristic processing than are younger adults. We assessed this tendency in the context of a framing effect, a decision-making phenomenon whereby the language used to describe options greatly influences the decision maker’s choice. We compared decision making under a standard (“heuristic”) condition and also under a “justification” condition known to reduce reliance on heuristics. In the standard condition, older adults were more susceptible than younger adults to framing but the two groups did not differ when participants were asked to provide a justification. Thus, although older adults may spontaneously rely more on heuristic processing than younger adults, they can be induced to take a more systematic approach to decision making. PMID:15980289

  10. Advances in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia therapy.


    Aldoss, Ibrahim; Stein, Anthony S


    Progress in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treatment has been met with challenge until recently. A steady improvement in outcomes is being witnessed among adults with ALL, and it will be enhanced further with early referral of newly diagnosed ALL patients to specialized centers, enrolling more ALL adults in clinical trials, adopting pediatric-inspired ALL regimens in younger adults, tailoring treatments according to minimal residual disease response and disease genetics, incorporating novel therapies and tyrosine kinase inhibitors in frontline regimens, early referral to transplant when indicated, expanding the donor pool, and developing more effective salvage therapies for relapsed/refractory ALL. In this review, we will discuss the most significant advances in treating adult ALL observed in the last five years that have the potential to enhance adult ALL treatment and outcome.

  11. Framing effects in younger and older adults.


    Kim, Sunghan; Goldstein, David; Hasher, Lynn; Zacks, Rose T


    A growing literature on decision making in older adults suggests that they are more likely to use heuristic processing than are younger adults. We assessed this tendency in the context of a framing effect, a decision-making phenomenon whereby the language used to describe options greatly influences the decision maker's choice. We compared decision making under a standard ("heuristic") condition and also under a "justification" condition known to reduce reliance on heuristics. In the standard condition, older adults were more susceptible than younger adults to framing but the two groups did not differ when participants were asked to provide a justification. Thus, although older adults may spontaneously rely more on heuristic processing than younger adults, they can be induced to take a more systematic approach to decision making.

  12. Health Care Transition in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Perspectives of Adult Endocrinologists in the U.S.

    PubMed Central

    Telo, Gabriela H.; Needleman, Joseph S.; Forbes, Peter; Finkelstein, Jonathan A.; Laffel, Lori M.


    OBJECTIVE Young adults with type 1 diabetes transitioning from pediatric to adult care are at risk for adverse outcomes. Our objective was to describe experiences, resources, and barriers reported by a national sample of adult endocrinologists receiving and caring for young adults with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We fielded an electronic survey to adult endocrinologists with a valid e-mail address identified through the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile. RESULTS We received responses from 536 of 4,214 endocrinologists (response rate 13%); 418 surveys met the eligibility criteria. Respondents (57% male, 79% Caucasian) represented 47 states; 64% had been practicing >10 years and 42% worked at an academic center. Only 36% of respondents reported often/always reviewing pediatric records and 11% reported receiving summaries for transitioning young adults with type 1 diabetes, although >70% felt that these activities were important for patient care. While most respondents reported easy access to diabetes educators (94%) and dietitians (95%), fewer (42%) reported access to mental health professionals, especially in nonacademic settings. Controlling for practice setting and experience, endocrinologists without easy access to mental health professionals were more likely to report barriers to diabetes management for young adults with depression (odds ratio [OR] 5.3; 95% CI 3.4, 8.2), substance abuse (OR 3.5; 95% CI 2.2, 5.6), and eating disorders (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.6, 3.8). CONCLUSIONS Our findings underscore the need for enhanced information transfer between pediatric and adult providers and increased mental health referral access for young adults with diabetes post-transition. PMID:26681724

  13. Postsecondary Employment Experiences Among Young Adults With an Autism Spectrum Disorder RH: Employment in Young Adults With Autism

    PubMed Central

    Roux, Anne M.; Shattuck, Paul T.; Cooper, Benjamin P.; Anderson, Kristy A.; Wagner, Mary; Narendorf, Sarah C.


    Objective We examined postsecondary employment experiences of young adults with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and compared these outcomes with those of young adults with different disabilities. Method Data were from Wave 5 of the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2 (NLTS2), a nationally representative survey of young adults who had received special education services during high school. We examined the prevalence of ever having had—and currently having—a paid job at 21–25 years of age. We analyzed rates of full employment, wages earned, number of jobs held since high school, and job types. Results About half (53.4%) of young adults with an ASD had ever worked for pay outside the home since leaving high school, the lowest rate among disability groups. Young adults with an ASD earned an average of $8.10 per hour, significantly lower than average wages for young adults in the comparison groups, and held jobs that clustered within fewer occupational types. Odds of ever having had a paid job were higher for those who were older, from higher-income households, and with better conversational abilities or functional skills. Conclusions Findings of worse employment outcomes for young adults with an ASD suggest this population is experiencing particular difficulty in successfully transitioning into employment. Research is needed to determine strategies for improving outcomes as these young adults transition into adulthood. PMID:23972695

  14. Adult outcomes of preterm children.


    Hack, Maureen


    The survivors of the initial years of neonatal intensive care of preterm infants reached adulthood during the last decade. Reports of their adult outcomes examined have included neurodevelopmental, behavioral and health outcomes as well as social functioning and reproduction. Despite statistically significant differences between preterm young adults and controls in most outcomes studied, the majority of preterm survivors do well and live fairly normal lives. The two major predictors of adult outcomes are lower gestational age that reflect perinatal injury and family sociodemographic status which reflects both genetic and environmental effects.

  15. On the significance of adult play: what does social play tell us about adult horse welfare?


    Hausberger, Martine; Fureix, Carole; Bourjade, Marie; Wessel-Robert, Sabine; Richard-Yris, Marie-Annick


    Play remains a mystery and adult play even more so. More typical of young stages in healthy individuals, it occurs rarely at adult stages but then more often in captive/domestic animals, which can imply spatial, social and/or feeding deprivations or restrictions that are challenging to welfare, than in animals living in natural conditions. Here, we tested the hypothesis that adult play may reflect altered welfare states and chronic stress in horses, in which, as in several species, play rarely occurs at adult stages in natural conditions. We observed the behaviour (in particular, social play) of riding school horses during occasional outings in a paddock and measured several stress indicators when these horses were in their individual home boxes. Our results revealed that (1) the number of horses and rates of adult play appeared very high compared to field report data and (2) most stress indicators measured differed between 'players' and 'non-players', revealing that most 'playful' animals were suffering from more chronic stress than 'non-playful' horses. Frequency of play behaviour correlated with a score of chronic stress. This first discovery of a relationship between adult play and altered welfare opens new lines of research that certainly deserves comparative studies in a variety of species.

  16. On the significance of adult play: what does social play tell us about adult horse welfare?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hausberger, Martine; Fureix, Carole; Bourjade, Marie; Wessel-Robert, Sabine; Richard-Yris, Marie-Annick


    Play remains a mystery and adult play even more so. More typical of young stages in healthy individuals, it occurs rarely at adult stages but then more often in captive/domestic animals, which can imply spatial, social and/or feeding deprivations or restrictions that are challenging to welfare, than in animals living in natural conditions. Here, we tested the hypothesis that adult play may reflect altered welfare states and chronic stress in horses, in which, as in several species, play rarely occurs at adult stages in natural conditions. We observed the behaviour (in particular, social play) of riding school horses during occasional outings in a paddock and measured several stress indicators when these horses were in their individual home boxes. Our results revealed that (1) the number of horses and rates of adult play appeared very high compared to field report data and (2) most stress indicators measured differed between `players' and `non-players', revealing that most `playful' animals were suffering from more chronic stress than `non-playful' horses. Frequency of play behaviour correlated with a score of chronic stress. This first discovery of a relationship between adult play and altered welfare opens new lines of research that certainly deserves comparative studies in a variety of species.

  17. Transition from children's to adult services for young adults with life-limiting conditions: A realist review of the literature.


    Kerr, Helen; Price, Jayne; Nicholl, Honor; O'Halloran, Peter


    Improvements in care and treatment have led to more young adults with life-limiting conditions living beyond childhood, which means they must make the transition from children's to adult services. This has proved a challenging process for both young adults and service providers, with complex transition interventions interacting in unpredictable ways with local contexts. To explain how intervention processes interact with contextual factors to help transition from children's to adult services for young adults with life-limiting conditions. Systematic realist review of the literature. Literature was sourced from four electronic databases: Embase, MEDLINE, Science Direct and Cochrane Library from January 1995 to April 2016. This was supplemented with a search in Google Scholar and articles sourced from reference lists of included papers. Data were extracted using an adapted standardised data extraction tool which included identifying information related to interventions, mechanisms, contextual influences and outcomes. Two reviewers assessed the relevance of papers based on the inclusion criteria. Methodological rigor was assessed using the relevant Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tools. 78 articles were included in the review. Six interventions were identified related to an effective transition to adult services. Contextual factors include the need for children's service providers to collaborate with adult service providers to prepare an environment with knowledgeable staff and adequate resources. Mechanisms triggered by the interventions include a sense of empowerment and agency amongst all stakeholders. Early planning, collaboration between children's and adult service providers, and a focus on increasing the young adults' confidence in decision-making and engaging with adult services, are vital to a successful transition. Interventions should be tailored to their context and focused not only on organisational procedures but on equipping young adults, parents

  18. Adult attachment style and cortisol responses across the day in older adults

    PubMed Central

    Kidd, Tara; Hamer, Mark; Steptoe, Andrew


    The association between cortisol and adult attachment style, an important indicator of social relationships, has been relatively unexplored. Previous research has examined adult attachment and acute cortisol responses to stress in the laboratory, but less is known about cortisol levels in everyday life. The present study examined adult romantic attachment style and cortisol responses across the day. Salivary cortisol was collected at six time points during the course of the day in 1,807 healthy men and women from a subsample of the Whitehall II cohort. Significant associations were found between attachment on cortisol across the day and slope of cortisol decline. The lowest cortisol output was associated with fearful attachment, with preoccupied attachment having the highest levels and a flatter cortisol profile. The results tentatively support the proposition that attachment style may contribute to HPA dysregulation. PMID:23808770

  19. Do older adults with chronic low back pain differ from younger adults in regards to baseline characteristics and prognosis?


    Manogharan, S; Kongsted, A; Ferreira, M L; Hancock, M J


    Low back pain (LBP) in older adults is poorly understood because the vast majority of the LBP research has focused on the working aged population. The aim of this study was to compare older adults consulting with chronic LBP to middle aged and young adults consulting with chronic LBP, in terms of their baseline characteristics, and pain and disability outcomes over 1 year. Data were systematically collected as part of routine care in a secondary care spine clinic. At initial presentation patients answered a self-report questionnaire and underwent a physical examination. Patients older than 65 were classified as older adults and compared to middle aged (45-65 years old) and younger adults (17-44 years old) for 10 baseline characteristics. Pain intensity and disability were collected at 6 and 12 month follow-ups and compared between age groups. A total of 14,479 participants were included in the study. Of these 3087 (21%) patients were older adults, 6071 (42%) were middle aged and 5321 (37%) were young adults. At presentation older adults were statistically different to the middle aged and younger adults for most characteristics measured (e.g. less intense back pain, more leg pain and more depression); however, the differences were small. The change in pain and disability over 12 months did not differ between age groups. This study found small baseline differences in older people with chronic LBP compared to middle aged and younger adults. There were no associations between age groups and the clinical course. Small baseline differences exist in older people with chronic low back pain compared to middle aged and younger adults referred to secondary care for chronic low back pain. Older adults present with slightly less intense low back pain but slightly more intense leg pain. Changes in pain intensity and disability over a 12 month period were similar across all age groups. © 2017 European Pain Federation - EFIC®.

  20. Segmenting the Adult Education Market.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Aurand, Tim


    Describes market segmentation and how the principles of segmentation can be applied to the adult education market. Indicates that applying segmentation techniques to adult education programs results in programs that are educationally and financially satisfying and serve an appropriate population. (JOW)

  1. Psychogenic Stuttering of Adult Onset.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mahr, Greg; Leith, William


    The characteristic features of psychogenic stuttering of adult onset are reviewed, and four cases of this disorder are presented. Psychogenic stuttering of adult onset is classified as a conversion reaction, and tentative criteria for this diagnosis are proposed. (Author/JDD)

  2. Taking Limited English Proficient Adults into Account in the Federal Adult Education Funding Formula

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Capps, Randy; Fix, Michael; McHugh, Margie; Lin, Serena Yi-Ying


    This new report by Migration Policy Institute's (MPI's) National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy examines the funding formula used to distribute Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title II federal funds for adult education, literacy, and English as a Second Language instruction. Though all adults with limited English proficiency (LEP) are…

  3. Adult-Rated Oceanography Part 1: A Project Integrating Ocean Sciences into Adult Basic Education Programs.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cowles, S.; Collier, R.; Torres, M. K.


    Busy scientists seek opportunities to implement education and outreach efforts, but often don't know where to start. One easy and tested method is to form collaborations with federally-funded adult education and adult literacy programs. These programs exist in every U.S. state and territory and serve underrepresented populations through such major initiatives as adult basic education, adult secondary education (and GED preparation), and English language acquisition. These students are workers, consumers, voters, parents, grandparents, and members of every community. They have specific needs that are often overlooked in outreach activities. This presentation will describe the steps by which the Oregon Ocean Science and Math Collaborative program was developed. It is based on a partnership between the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development, Oregon State University College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon Sea Grant, and the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center. It includes professional development through instructor institutes; teachers at sea and informal education opportunities; curriculum and web site development. Through the partnership described here, instructors in adult basic education programs participate in a yearlong experience in which they develop, test, and adapt innovative instructional strategies to meet the specific needs of adult learners. This, in turn, leads to new prospects for study in the areas of ocean science and math and introduces non-academic careers in marine science to a new community. Working directly with instructors, we have identified expertise level, instructional environment, instructor background and current teaching strategies used to address science literacy and numeracy goals of the adult learners in the State of Oregon. Preliminary evaluation of our ongoing project in meeting these goals will be discussed. These efforts contribute to national goals of science literacy for all, by providing

  4. Cough: are children really different to adults?

    PubMed Central

    Chang, Anne B


    Worldwide paediatricians advocate that children should be managed differently from adults. In this article, similarities and differences between children and adults related to cough are presented. Physiologically, the cough pathway is closely linked to the control of breathing (the central respiratory pattern generator). As respiratory control and associated reflexes undergo a maturation process, it is expected that the cough would likewise undergo developmental stages as well. Clinically, the 'big three' causes of chronic cough in adults (asthma, post-nasal drip and gastroesophageal reflux) are far less common causes of chronic cough in children. This has been repeatedly shown by different groups in both clinical and epidemiological studies. Therapeutically, some medications used empirically for cough in adults have little role in paediatrics. For example, anti-histamines (in particular H1 antagonists) recommended as a front-line empirical treatment of chronic cough in adults have no effect in paediatric cough. Instead it is associated with adverse reactions and toxicity. Similarly, codeine and its derivatives used widely for cough in adults are not efficacious in children and are contraindicated in young children. Corticosteroids, the other front-line empirical therapy recommended for adults, are also minimally (if at all) efficacious for treating non-specific cough in children. In summary, current data support that management guidelines for paediatric cough should be different to those in adults as the aetiological factors and treatment in children significantly differ to those in adults. PMID:16270937

  5. Nitric oxide negatively regulates mammalian adult neurogenesis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Packer, Michael A.; Stasiv, Yuri; Benraiss, Abdellatif; Chmielnicki, Eva; Grinberg, Alexander; Westphal, Heiner; Goldman, Steven A.; Enikolopov, Grigori


    Neural progenitor cells are widespread throughout the adult central nervous system but only give rise to neurons in specific loci. Negative regulators of neurogenesis have therefore been postulated, but none have yet been identified as subserving a significant role in the adult brain. Here we report that nitric oxide (NO) acts as an important negative regulator of cell proliferation in the adult mammalian brain. We used two independent approaches to examine the function of NO in adult neurogenesis. In a pharmacological approach, we suppressed NO production in the rat brain by intraventricular infusion of an NO synthase inhibitor. In a genetic approach, we generated a null mutant neuronal NO synthase knockout mouse line by targeting the exon encoding active center of the enzyme. In both models, the number of new cells generated in neurogenic areas of the adult brain, the olfactory subependyma and the dentate gyrus, was strongly augmented, which indicates that division of neural stem cells in the adult brain is controlled by NO and suggests a strategy for enhancing neurogenesis in the adult central nervous system.

  6. Sexual dysfunction within an adult developmental perspective.


    Fagan, P J; Meyer, J K; Schmidt, C W


    The focus of this paper is on the adult who has adequately mastered the oedipal stage of psychosexual development and who presents with a sexual dysfunction. Drawing on the developmental sequence of Erik Erikson, the authors suggest that failure to address adequately an adult psychosocial crisis may result in sexual dysfunction. There may be both adult developmental deficits and regression to adolescent and adult stages previously negotiated. Both may be symptomatically represented by sexual dysfunction. The authors urge that the sexual and marital problems be evaluated within an adult developmental framework and that the therapy address the psychosocial issues which are appropriate to the developmental stage of the patient.

  7. The epidemiology of family meals among Ohio's adults.


    Tumin, Rachel; Anderson, Sarah E


    The epidemiology of family meals among adults at a population level is poorly characterized and whether living with children impacts this health behaviour is uncertain. We determined the prevalence of family meals among US adults in a mid-western state whose families did and did not include minor children and described how it varied by sociodemographic characteristics. The cross-sectional 2012 Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey is representative of Ohio adults and included questions on their sociodemographic characteristics and the frequency with which they eat family meals at home. Trained interviewers administered landline and cell phone surveys to adults sampled from Ohio's non-institutionalized population. We analysed data from 5766 adults living with minor children and 8291 adults not living alone or with children. The prevalence of family meals was similar for adults who did and did not live with minor children: 47 % (95 % CI 46, 49 %) of adults living with and 51 % (95 % CI 50, 53 %) of adults living without children reported eating family meals on most (six or seven) days of the week. Family meal frequency varied by race/ethnicity, marital and employment status in both groups. Non-Hispanic African-American adults, those who were not married and those who were employed ate family meals less often. Adults in Ohio frequently shared meals with their family and family meal frequency was not strongly related to living with children. Broadening the scope of future studies to include adults who are not parents could enhance our understanding of the potential health benefits of sharing meals.

  8. The Structure and Diagnosis of Adult ADHD: An Analysis of Expanded Symptom Criteria from the Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale (ACDS)

    PubMed Central

    Kessler, Ronald C.; Green, Jennifer Greif; Adler, Lenard A.; Barkley, Russell A.; Chatterji, Somnath; Faraone, Stephen V.; Finkelman, Matthew; Greenhill, Laurence L.; Gruber, Michael J.; Jewell, Mark; Russo, Leo J.; Sampson, Nancy A.; Van Brunt, David L.


    CONTEXT Controversy exists about the appropriate criteria for a diagnosis of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) OBJECTIVES To examine the structure and symptoms most predictive of DSM-IV adult ADHD. DESIGN Data come from clinical interviews in enriched sub-samples of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) (n = 131) and a survey of a large managed healthcare plan (n = 214). The clinician-administered Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale (ACDS) was used to assess childhood ADHD and expanded symptoms of current adult ADHD. Analyses examined stability of symptoms from childhood to adulthood, the structure of adult ADHD, and the adult symptoms most predictive of current clinical diagnoses. SETTING The ACDS was administered telephonically by clinical research interviewers with extensive experience in diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD. PARTICIPANTS An enriched sample of community respondents MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES DSM-IV/ACDS diagnoses of adult ADHD RESULTS Almost half (45.7%) of respondents who had childhood ADHD continued to meet full DSM-IV criteria for current adult ADHD, with 94.9% of these cases having current attention-deficit disorder and 34.6% current hyperactivity disorder. Adult persistence was much greater for inattention than hyperactivity-impulsivity. Additional respondents met full criteria for current adult ADHD despite not having met full childhood criteria. A three-factor structure of adult symptoms included executive functioning, inattention-hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Stepwise logistic regression found executive functioning problems to be the most consistent and discriminating predictors of adult DSM-IV/ACDS ADHD. CONCLUSIONS These findings document the greater persistence of inattentive than hyperactive/impulsive childhood symptoms of ADHD in adulthood, but also show that inattention in not specific to ADHD, as it is strongly associated with other adult mental disorders. Executive functioning problems, in

  9. Catastrophic events and older adults.


    Cloyd, Elizabeth; Dyer, Carmel B


    The plight of older adults during catastrophic events is a societal concern. Older persons have an increased prevalence of cognitive disorders, chronic illnesses, and mobility problems that limit their ability to cope. These disorders may result in a lack of mental capacity and the ability to discern when they should evacuate or resolve problems encountered during a catastrophe. Some older persons may have limited transportation options, and many of the elderly survivors are at increased risk for abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Recommendations for future catastrophic events include the development of a federal tracking system for elders and other vulnerable adults, the designation of separate shelter areas for elders and other vulnerable adults, and involvement of gerontological professionals in all aspects of emergency preparedness and care delivery, including training of frontline workers. Preparation through preevent planning that includes region-specific social services, medical and public health resources, volunteers, and facilities for elders and vulnerable adults is critical. Elders need to be protected from abuse and fraud during catastrophic events. A public health triage system for elders and other vulnerable populations in pre- and postdisaster situations is useful, and disaster preparedness is paramount. Communities and members of safety and rescue teams must address ethical issues before an event. When older adults are involved, consideration needs to be given to triage decision making, transporting those who are immobile, the care of older adults who receive palliative care, and the equitable distribution of resources. Nurses are perfectly equipped with the skills, knowledge, and training needed to plan and implement disaster preparedness programs. In keeping with the tradition of Florence Nightingale, nurses can assume several crucial roles in disaster preparedness for older adults. Nurses possess the ability to participate and lead community

  10. Transition from Pediatric to Adult OI Care


    Moving from Pediatric to Adult Care Introduction Teen and young adult years are a critical time for major life changes. An ... for youth who have OI is moving from pediatric care into the adult care system. Children’s hospitals ...

  11. Globalization, Adult Education & Training. Impacts & Issues. Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Training Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walters, Shirley, Ed.

    An introduction (Maurice Amutabi et al.) begins this 25-chapter book on adult education and training (AET) in a context of globalization. Chapter titles and authors are as follows: "The Impact of Globalization on Adult Education (AE)" (Ove Korsgaard); "In Defense of Civil Society: Canadian AE in Neo-Conservative Times" (Michael…

  12. Adult Education Association of the U.S.A.; Adult Basic Education Study 1965-66.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Firoza, Ahmed, Ed.

    The adult basic education (ABE) programs currently conducted by non-governmental organizations in the United States, are reviewed in this document. Attention is focused on the significance of voluntary efforts in adult basic education programs; and strengths and weaknesses, gaps between needs and resources, and limiting factors are identified.…

  13. Pre-adult versus adult onset major depressive disorder in a naturalistic patient sample: the Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study.


    van Noorden, M S; Minkenberg, S E; Giltay, E J; den Hollander-Gijsman, M E; van Rood, Y R; van der Wee, N J; Zitman, F G


    Pre-adult onset of major depressive disorder (MDD) may predict a more severe phenotype of depression. As data from naturalistic psychiatric specialty care settings are scarce, we examined phenotypic differences between pre-adult and adult onset MDD in a large sample of consecutive out-patients. Altogether, 1552 out-patients, mean age 39.2 ± 11.6 years, were diagnosed with current MDD on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus diagnostic interview as part of the usual diagnostic procedure. A total of 1105 patients (71.2%) had complete data on all variables of interest. Pre-adult onset of MDD was defined as having experienced the signs and symptoms of a first major depressive episode before the age of 18 years. Patients were stratified according to the age at interview (20-40/40-65 years). Correlates of pre-adult onset were analysed using logistic regression models adjusted for age, age squared and gender. Univariate analyses showed that pre-adult onset of MDD had a distinct set of demographic (e.g. less frequently living alone) and clinical correlates (more co-morbid DSM-IV - Text Revision diagnoses, more social phobia, more suicidality). In the multivariate model, we found an independent association only for a history of suicide attempts [odds ratio (OR) 3.15, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.97-5.05] and current suicidal thoughts (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.26-2.60) in patients with pre-adult versus adult onset MDD. Pre-adult onset of MDD is associated with more suicidality than adult onset MDD. Age of onset of depression is an easy to ascertain characteristic that may help clinicians in weighing suicide risk.

  14. Testing Solutions for Adult Film Performers.


    Bergman, Zachary R


    The majority of the nation's adult films are produced in California, and within California, most production occurs in Los Angeles. In order to regulate that content, the County of Los Angeles passed the Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act (Measure B) by way of referendum in November 2012. Measure B requires that adult film producers wishing to film in Los Angeles County obtain permits from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, and it also mandates that adult film performers use condoms while filming and "engaging in anal or vaginal sexual intercourse." Nevertheless, between August 2013 and January 2014, several adult film performers in California tested positive for HIV, and the threat of infection remains. Although Measure B is not the best way forward for Los Angeles County, elements of the ordinance should be incorporated into future legislative efforts. Given the economic ramifications of industry flight due to more localized regulations, this Note concludes that California should pass statewide comprehensive reform. Any such new legislation must treat "independent contractors," the classification generally used for adult film performs, as if they were regular employees. Legislation should also couple mandatory testing mechanisms with provisions granting performers the right to choose whether they use condoms. Finally, legislation must include mechanisms that ensure performers' preferences are not improperly tainted by outside forces and pressures. While there will always be risks associated with the production of adult content, if undertaken, these reforms could significantly mitigate those hazards.

  15. Young adults' support for adult-ratings for movies depicting smoking and for restrictions on tobacco magazine advertising.


    Choi, Kelvin; Fabian, Lindsey; Jansen, Jim; Lenk, Kathleen; Forster, Jean


    Smoking images in movies and tobacco advertisements in magazines are influential on adolescent smoking behaviors, and restrictions of these advertising strategies can reduce the prevalence of adolescent smoking. We assessed young adults' level of support for adult ratings for movies depicting smoking and for restrictions on tobacco magazine advertising. Young adults from the U.S. Midwest were surveyed between 2010-2011 (n=2622). We assessed their level of support for (a) adult-rating all movies depicting smoking, and (b) restrictions on tobacco magazine advertising. Multivariate regression models were used to investigate the characteristics associated with higher level of support for these policies. Overall, 34% of the participants favored adult ratings for movies with smoking images, and 68% favored restrictions on tobacco magazine advertising. Characteristics associated with higher level of support differed somewhat by policy. Further educating young adults about the influence of smoking images in movies on adolescent smoking may be necessary to gain more support for the policy. With the majority supporting restrictions on tobacco magazine advertising, it may be possible to tighten these restrictions to further protect adolescents. Future research is needed to identify how tobacco control advocates can frame these issues to gain further public support.

  16. The Experiences of Mothers of Young Adults with an Intellectual Disability Transitioning from Secondary School to Adult Life

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dyke, Paula; Bourke, Jenny; Llewellyn, Gwynnyth; Leonard, Helen


    Background: The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school environment to an emerging adult life that may be characterised by a wide variation in adoption of adult roles related to employment, independent living, friendships, and day…

  17. Gangsta Rap and Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Guy, Talmadge C.


    Adult education instructors and administrators, who typically are not members of the hip-hop generation, have little or no background, sensitivity, or understanding of the influence and significance of black popular culture and music for young African American and white adult learners. (Contains 1 note.)

  18. Adult Literacy in OECD Countries: Technical Report on the First International Adult Literacy Survey.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murray, T. Scott; Kirsch, Irwin S.; Jenkins, Lynn B.

    In December 1995, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and Statistics Canada jointly published the results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). For this survey, representative samples of adults aged 16 to 65 were interviewed and tested in their homes in Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands,…

  19. Achieving Adult Literacy in Florida. Florida Adult Literacy Plan Status Report. Fiscal Year 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Florida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Div. of Applied Tech. and Adult Education.

    This report summarizes for fiscal year 1995 the adult education activities implemented throughout the state of Florida in response to and in support of the Florida Model Literacy Program Act of 1978 (Florida Adult Literacy Act). In addition, the report presents a summary of the activities initiated under Blueprint 2000, legislation that…

  20. Clofarabine in Adult Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors


    Solid Tumors; Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Acute, Pediatric; Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Acute, Adult; Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute, Pediatric; Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute, Adult; Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Adult

  1. Adult College Students in American Films: An Untapped Resource for Research in Adult and Continuing Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Osborn, Rick


    Considers the value of extending adult education research into films about adult college students as a source of cultural information. Analyzes the 1949 film, "Mother Is a Freshman," as an example. (SK)

  2. Barriers to Education for the Marginalized Adult Learner

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Flynn, Sarah; Brown, Jason; Johnson, Andrew; Rodger, Susan


    This qualitative study examines barriers to adult education by the marginalized adult learner. We adopted an inclusive approach by interviewing potential adult learners who had not participated in adult education programs due to illiteracy. Five overlapping themes related to barriers emerged and were categorized as: family values and…

  3. Deaf Adult Literacy Tutor Handbook--Revision (Final Report).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bober, Gail, Comp.

    This handbook is designed for individuals who tutor hearing impaired adults in literacy skills. It provides general information about a number of topics: adult learners; deaf adult learners; deaf awareness; deaf culture; communication tips; language, communication, and literacy for deaf adults; and teaching strategies. A 13-page report describes…

  4. Developing the Adult Learning Sector: Lot 3: Opening Higher Education to Adults. Contract EAC 2012-0074. English Summary

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dollhausen, Karin; Lattke, Susanne; Scheliga, Felicia; Wolters, Andrä; Spexard, Anna; Geffers, Johannes; Banscherus, Ulf


    Widening adult participation in higher education as part of the development of lifelong learning strategies has been promoted by the European Union since the 1990s. Only recently, the 2011 Council resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning underlined the need to encourage higher education institutions to embrace adult learners. The…

  5. U.S. Immunization program adult immunization activities and resources.


    Woods, LaDora O; Bridges, Carolyn B; Graitcer, Samuel B; Lamont, Brock


    Adults are recommended to receive vaccines based on their age, medical conditions, prior vaccinations, occupation and lifestyle. However, adult immunization coverage is low in the United States and lags substantially below Healthy People 2020 goals. To assess activities and resources designated for adult immunization programs by state and local health department immunization programs in the United States, we analyzed 2012 and 2013 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Program Annual Reports and Progress Assessments (PAPA) survey of CDC-funded immunization programs. Fifty-six of 64 funded US immunization programs' responses were included in the analysis. Eighty-two percent of (n = 46) programs reported having a designated adult immunization coordinator in 2012 and 73% (n = 41) in 2013. Of the 46 coordinators reported in 2012, 30% (n = 14) spent more than 50% of their time on adult immunization activities, and only 24% (n = 10) of the 41 adult coordinators in 2013 spent more than 50% of their time on adult immunization activities. In 2012, 23% (n = 13) of the 56 programs had a separate immunization coalition for adults and 68% (n = 38) included adult issues in their overall immunization program coalition. In 2013, 25% (n = 14) had a separate adult immunization coalition while 57% (n = 32) incorporated adult immunizations into their overall immunization program coalition. The results indicate substantial variation across the US in public health infrastructure to support adult immunizations. Continued assessment of adult immunization resources and activities will be important in improving adult immunization coverage levels though program support. With many programs having limited resources dedicated to improving adult immunization rates in the in US, efforts by the health departments to collaborate with providers and other partners in their jurisdictions to increase awareness, increase the use of proven strategies to improve vaccination of

  6. U.S. Immunization program adult immunization activities and resources

    PubMed Central

    Woods, LaDora O.; Bridges, Carolyn B.; Graitcer, Samuel B.; Lamont, Brock


    ABSTRACT Adults are recommended to receive vaccines based on their age, medical conditions, prior vaccinations, occupation and lifestyle. However, adult immunization coverage is low in the United States and lags substantially below Healthy People 2020 goals. To assess activities and resources designated for adult immunization programs by state and local health department immunization programs in the United States, we analyzed 2012 and 2013 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Program Annual Reports and Progress Assessments (PAPA) survey of CDC-funded immunization programs. Fifty-six of 64 funded US immunization programs' responses were included in the analysis. Eighty-two percent of (n = 46) programs reported having a designated adult immunization coordinator in 2012 and 73% (n = 41) in 2013. Of the 46 coordinators reported in 2012, 30% (n = 14) spent more than 50% of their time on adult immunization activities, and only 24% (n = 10) of the 41 adult coordinators in 2013 spent more than 50% of their time on adult immunization activities. In 2012, 23% (n = 13) of the 56 programs had a separate immunization coalition for adults and 68% (n = 38) included adult issues in their overall immunization program coalition. In 2013, 25% (n = 14) had a separate adult immunization coalition while 57% (n = 32) incorporated adult immunizations into their overall immunization program coalition. The results indicate substantial variation across the US in public health infrastructure to support adult immunizations. Continued assessment of adult immunization resources and activities will be important in improving adult immunization coverage levels though program support. With many programs having limited resources dedicated to improving adult immunization rates in the in US, efforts by the health departments to collaborate with providers and other partners in their jurisdictions to increase awareness, increase the use of proven strategies to improve

  7. Neuronal Circuitry Mechanisms Regulating Adult Mammalian Neurogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Song, Juan; Olsen, Reid H.J.; Sun, Jiaqi; Ming, Guo-li; Song, Hongjun


    The adult mammalian brain is a dynamic structure, capable of remodeling in response to various physiological and pathological stimuli. One dramatic example of brain plasticity is the birth and subsequent integration of newborn neurons into the existing circuitry. This process, termed adult neurogenesis, recapitulates neural developmental events in two specialized adult brain regions: the lateral ventricles of the forebrain. Recent studies have begun to delineate how the existing neuronal circuits influence the dynamic process of adult neurogenesis, from activation of quiescent neural stem cells (NSCs) to the integration and survival of newborn neurons. Here, we review recent progress toward understanding the circuit-based regulation of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. PMID:27143698

  8. Analysis of near crashes among teen, young adult, and experienced adult drivers using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study.


    Seacrist, Thomas; Douglas, Ethan C; Huang, Elaine; Megariotis, James; Prabahar, Abhiti; Kashem, Abyaad; Elzarka, Ayya; Haber, Leora; MacKinney, Taryn; Loeb, Helen


    Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among young drivers. Though previous research has focused on crash events, near crashes offer additional data to help identify driver errors that could potentially lead to crashes as well as evasive maneuvers used to avoid them. The Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS) contains extensive data on real-world driving and offers a reliable methodology to quantify and study near crashes. This article presents findings on near crashes and how they compare to crash events among teen, young adult, and experienced adult drivers. A subset from the SHRP2 database consisting of 1,653 near crashes for teen (16-19 years, n = 550), young adult (20-24 years, n = 748), and experienced adult (35-54 years, n = 591) drivers was used. Onboard instrumentation including scene cameras, accelerometers, and Global Positioning System logged time series data at 10 Hz. Scene videos were reviewed for all events to classify near crashes based on 7 types: rear-end, road departure, intersection, head-on, side-swipe, pedestrian/cyclist, and animal. Near crash rates, incident type, secondary tasks, and evasive maneuvers were compared across age groups and between crashes and near crashes. For rear-end near crashes, vehicle dynamic variables including near crash severity, headway distance, time headway, and time to collision at the time of braking were compared across age groups. Crashes and near crashes were combined to compare the frequency of critical events across age. Teen drivers exhibited a significantly higher (P <.01) near crash rate than young adult and experienced adult drivers. The near crash rates were 81.6, 56.6, and 37.3 near crashes per million miles for teens, young adults, and experienced adults, respectively. Teens were also involved in significantly more rear-end (P <.01), road departure (P <.01), side-swipe (P <.01), and animal (P <.05) near crashes compared to young and experienced

  9. Making a Difference: Innovations in Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mauch, Werner, Ed.; Papen, Uta, Ed.

    This book highlights examples of innovative educational practices in the field of organized adult learning. Fifteen chapters present outcomes of collective research in the Innovations in Nonformal and Adult Education (INNAE) project. "Common Learning--Collective Research: Innovating Adult Education" (Werner Mauch, Uta Papen) describes the…

  10. Perceptions of exercise screening among older adults.


    Stathokostas, Liza; Petrella, Andrea F M; Blunt, Wendy; Petrella, Robert J


    Prephysical activity screening is important for older adults' participating in physical activity. Unfortunately, many older adults face barriers to exercise participation and thus, may not complete proper physical activity screening. The purpose of this project was to conduct a thematic analysis of perceptions and experiences of community-dwelling older adults regarding prephysical activity screening (i.e., Get Active Questionnaire (GAQ) and a standardized exercise stress test). A convenience sample of adults (male n = 58, female n = 54) aged 75 ± 7 years living in the City of London, Ontario, Canada, was used. Participants completed a treadmill stress test and the GAQ at a research laboratory for community-based referrals. One week later, participants completed the GAQ again and were asked questions by a research assistant about their perceptions of the screening process. Thematic analysis of the responses was conducted. The results indicated that older adults view physical activity screening as acceptable, but not always necessary. Also, the experiences expressed by this sample of older adults indicated that physical activity screening can contribute to continued confidence (through reassurance) and can contribute to increased motivation (through yearly fitness results) in exercise participation. In conclusion, older adults may perceive screening as supportive in exercise adoption, if screening is simple, convenient, and supports older adults' motivation and confidence to exercise.

  11. Habitual attention in older and young adults.


    Jiang, Yuhong V; Koutstaal, Wilma; Twedell, Emily L


    Age-related decline is pervasive in tasks that require explicit learning and memory, but such reduced function is not universally observed in tasks involving incidental learning. It is unknown if habitual attention, involving incidental probabilistic learning, is preserved in older adults. Previous research on habitual attention investigated contextual cuing in young and older adults, yet contextual cuing relies not only on spatial attention but also on context processing. Here we isolated habitual attention from context processing in young and older adults. Using a challenging visual search task in which the probability of finding targets was greater in 1 of 4 visual quadrants in all contexts, we examined the acquisition, persistence, and spatial-reference frame of habitual attention. Although older adults showed slower visual search times and steeper search slopes (more time per additional item in the search display), like young adults they rapidly acquired a strong, persistent search habit toward the high-probability quadrant. In addition, habitual attention was strongly viewer-centered in both young and older adults. The demonstration of preserved viewer-centered habitual attention in older adults suggests that it may be used to counter declines in controlled attention. This, in turn, suggests the importance, for older adults, of maintaining habit-related spatial arrangements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. Travel and Adult Transformative Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lindstrom, Steven K.


    This phenomenological research study examines the lived experience of individual adult transformation in the context of travel. Adults throughout history have experienced profound personal and perception changes as a result of significant travel events. Transformative learning occurs through experience, crisis, and reflection, all of which are…

  13. Social Change and Adult Education Research--Adult Education Research in Nordic Countries 1990/91.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Linkoping Univ. (Sweden). Dept. of Education and Psychology.

    This yearbook contains papers that provide the reader with a general idea of the aspects and issues that interest Nordic researchers today and how they approach these problems. To provide a more uniform picture of the status of adult education in the different Nordic countries, four brief general surveys begin the book: "Adult Education…

  14. Piloting the older adult financial exploitation measure in adult safeguarding services.


    Phelan, A; Fealy, G; Downes, C

    Financial abuse is arguably the most complex form of elder abuse as it may occur remote to the older person and it is impacted by issues such as cultural values, perpetrator intent and family expectations. Financial abuse may not be recognised by either the older person or the perpetrator, thus, its prevention, early identification and amelioration are important. The (Irish) National Centre for the Protection of Older People undertook a study to determine the appropriateness of the Older Adult Financial Exploitation Measure for use by the national safeguarding older person services. Findings from a small pilot study involving 16 safeguarding staff's use of the Older Adult Financial Exploitation Measure with 52 community dwelling older people referred to their service demonstrate a higher suspicion of financial abuse as well as identifying multiple instances of possible financial exploitation in a single individual. Thus, the Older Adult Financial Exploitation Measure is considered appropriate to assist safeguarding personnel's assessment of older people related to a suspicion of financial abuse. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Health Care Transition in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Perspectives of Adult Endocrinologists in the U.S.


    Garvey, Katharine C; Telo, Gabriela H; Needleman, Joseph S; Forbes, Peter; Finkelstein, Jonathan A; Laffel, Lori M


    Young adults with type 1 diabetes transitioning from pediatric to adult care are at risk for adverse outcomes. Our objective was to describe experiences, resources, and barriers reported by a national sample of adult endocrinologists receiving and caring for young adults with type 1 diabetes. We fielded an electronic survey to adult endocrinologists with a valid e-mail address identified through the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile. We received responses from 536 of 4,214 endocrinologists (response rate 13%); 418 surveys met the eligibility criteria. Respondents (57% male, 79% Caucasian) represented 47 states; 64% had been practicing >10 years and 42% worked at an academic center. Only 36% of respondents reported often/always reviewing pediatric records and 11% reported receiving summaries for transitioning young adults with type 1 diabetes, although >70% felt that these activities were important for patient care. While most respondents reported easy access to diabetes educators (94%) and dietitians (95%), fewer (42%) reported access to mental health professionals, especially in nonacademic settings. Controlling for practice setting and experience, endocrinologists without easy access to mental health professionals were more likely to report barriers to diabetes management for young adults with depression (odds ratio [OR] 5.3; 95% CI 3.4, 8.2), substance abuse (OR 3.5; 95% CI 2.2, 5.6), and eating disorders (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.6, 3.8). Our findings underscore the need for enhanced information transfer between pediatric and adult providers and increased mental health referral access for young adults with diabetes post-transition. © 2016 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.


    PubMed Central

    Garvey, Katharine C.; Wolpert, Howard A.; Laffel, Lori M.; Rhodes, Erinn T.; Wolfsdorf, Joseph I.; Finkelstein, Jonathan A.


    Objective To examine barriers to health care transition reported by young adults with type 1 diabetes and associations between barriers and prolonged gaps between pediatric and adult diabetes care. Methods We surveyed young adults aged 22 to 30 years with type 1 diabetes about their transition experiences, including barriers to timely establishment of adult diabetes care. We evaluated relationships between barriers and gaps in care using multivariate logistic regression. Results The response rate was 53% (258 of 484 eligible subjects). Respondents (62% female) were 26.7 ± 2.4 years old and transitioned to adult diabetes care at 19.5 ± 2.9 years. Reported barriers included lack of specific adult provider referral name (47%) or contact information (27%), competing life priorities (43%), difficulty getting an appointment (41%), feeling upset about leaving pediatrics (24%), and insurance problems (10%). In multivariate analysis, barriers most strongly associated with gaps in care >6 months were lack of adult provider name (odds ratio [OR], 6.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.0–12.7) or contact information (OR, 5.3; 95% CI, 2.0–13.9), competing life priorities (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 2.7–10.3), and insurance problems (OR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.2–10.3). Overall, respondents reporting ≥1 moderate/major barrier (48%) had 4.7-fold greater adjusted odds of a gap in care >6 months (95% CI, 2.8–8.7). Conclusion Significant barriers to transition, such as a lack of specific adult provider referrals, may be addressed with more robust preparation by pediatric providers and care coordination. Further study is needed to evaluate strategies to improve young adult self-care in the setting of competing life priorities. PMID:23807526

  17. Adult-onset offenders: Is a tailored theory warranted?

    PubMed Central

    Beckley, Amber L.; Caspi, Avshalom; Harrington, Honalee; Houts, Renate M.; Mcgee, Tara Renae; Morgan, Nick; Schroeder, Felix; Ramrakha, Sandhya; Poulton, Richie; Moffitt, Terrie E.


    Purpose To describe official adult-onset offenders, investigate their antisocial histories and test hypotheses about their origins. Methods We defined adult-onset offenders among 931 Dunedin Study members followed to age 38, using criminal-court conviction records. Results Official adult-onset offenders were 14% of men, and 32% of convicted men, but accounted for only 15% of convictions. As anticipated by developmental theories emphasizing early-life influences on crime, adult-onset offenders’ histories of antisocial behavior spanned back to childhood. Relative to juvenile-offenders, during adolescence they had fewer delinquent peers and were more socially inhibited, which may have protected them from conviction. As anticipated by theories emphasizing the importance of situational influences on offending, adult-onset offenders, relative to non-offenders, during adulthood more often had schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and alcohol-dependence, had weaker social bonds, anticipated fewer informal sanctions, and self-reported more offenses. Contrary to some expectations, adult-onset offenders did not have high IQ or high socioeconomic-status families protecting them from juvenile conviction. Conclusions A tailored theory for adult-onset offenders is unwarranted because few people begin crime de novo as adults. Official adult-onset offenders fall on a continuum of crime and its correlates, between official non-offenders and official juvenile-onset offenders. Existing theories can accommodate adult-onset offenders. PMID:27134318

  18. The Power of Technology to Transform Adult Learning: Expanding Access to Adult Education & Workforce Skills through Distance Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McCain, Mary L.


    There is a highly compelling case for using technology on a large scale to increase access to and improve America's adult education and workforce skills enterprise. By the reckoning of the National Commission on Adult Literacy and others, the nation must reach many more millions of adults with effective college- and job-readiness skills programs…

  19. Split liver transplantation in adults.


    Hashimoto, Koji; Fujiki, Masato; Quintini, Cristiano; Aucejo, Federico N; Uso, Teresa Diago; Kelly, Dympna M; Eghtesad, Bijan; Fung, John J; Miller, Charles M


    Split liver transplantation (SLT), while widely accepted in pediatrics, remains underutilized in adults. Advancements in surgical techniques and donor-recipient matching, however, have allowed expansion of SLT from utilization of the right trisegment graft to now include use of the hemiliver graft as well. Despite less favorable outcomes in the early experience, better outcomes have been reported by experienced centers and have further validated the feasibility of SLT. Importantly, more than two decades of experience have identified key requirements for successful SLT in adults. When these requirements are met, SLT can achieve outcomes equivalent to those achieved with other types of liver transplantation for adults. However, substantial challenges, such as surgical techniques, logistics, and ethics, persist as ongoing barriers to further expansion of this highly complex procedure. This review outlines the current state of SLT in adults, focusing on donor and recipient selection based on physiology, surgical techniques, surgical outcomes, and ethical issues.

  20. Legal and definitional issues affecting the identification and education of adults with specific learning disabilities in adult education programs.


    Taymans, Juliana M


    Although the exact prevalence is not determined, a noticeable subset of individuals who enroll in adult education and training programs have either diagnosed or undiagnosed specific learning disabilities (SLD). Understanding SLD is important basic information for adult educators to inform program policies as well as determine effective instructional practices. This article discusses the development of definitions of SLD and current agreement on the nature of SLD relevant to working with adults. It concludes with implications for adult education programs.

  1. Failure to differentiate between threat-related and positive emotion cues in healthy adults with childhood interpersonal or adult trauma.


    Chu, Denise A; Bryant, Richard A; Gatt, Justine M; Harris, Anthony W F


    Enhanced threat-related processing is associated with both elevated anxiety and childhood exposure to trauma. Given the paucity of evidence regarding the effects of childhood and adult trauma exposure on subsequent psychophysiological processes in the absence of psychopathology, we investigated the relative impacts of childhood interpersonal and non-interpersonal trauma, as well as adult trauma exposure on neural processing of threat in healthy adults. We measured peak amplitudes of the N170 face-sensitive visual ERP component response to non-conscious and conscious Angry (threat) versus Happy (non-threat, positive) and Neutral (non-threat baseline) faces at temporo-occipital sites (right-T6; left-T5) in 489 psychiatrically asymptomatic adults (aged 18-70 years, 54% women, 94% right-handed). N170 peak amplitude differences between Angry vs Happy or Neutral faces were calculated and subjected to hierarchical multiple regression analysis, with trauma types (childhood interpersonal, childhood non-interpersonal and adult trauma) entered as predictors of interest. After controlling for sociodemographic and health factors, N170 peak amplitudes for non-conscious Angry vs Happy faces were inversely associated with childhood interpersonal trauma at T6 and adult trauma exposure at T5. Post-hoc repeated measures ANOVA indicated that unlike adults without trauma exposure, trauma-exposed adults failed to show significantly reduced N170 responses to Happy relative to Angry faces during non-conscious processing. This suggests that childhood interpersonal and adult trauma exposure are associated with a failure to differentiate between non-threat or positive and threat-related emotion cues. This is consistent with generalised hypervigilance seen in PTSD, and suggests trauma exposure is associated with a generalized heightened responsivity to non-conscious non-threat or positive as well as threat-related emotion cues in psychiatrically healthy adults. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd

  2. Direct Marketing Promotion and Electronic Cigarette Use Among US Adults, National Adult Tobacco Survey, 2013–2014

    PubMed Central

    Hao, Jianqiang


    Introduction The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) among US adults has increased since 2007. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of direct marketing promotion of e-cigarettes and its association with e-cigarette use among US adults. Methods We used using data from the 2013–2014 National Adult Tobacco Survey (NATS) to estimate prevalence of e-cigarette promotions received by mail or email. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the associations between e-cigarette promotions and the prevalence and frequency of e-cigarette use among US adults. Results In the 2013–2014 survey period, 7.1% of adults (about 16.0 million) reported receiving mail or email e-cigarette promotions in the previous 6 months; 3.2% received mail promotions, and 5.1% received email promotions. A higher prevalence of promotions was found among men versus women, adults aged under 65 years versus those older, current e-cigarette users, current smokers, and people with no smoking restriction rules in their homes or vehicles. In the multivariable analysis, receiving mail or email e-cigarette promotions was associated with higher odds of being current e-cigarette users (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.0; P < .001) than being noncurrent e-cigarette users. Receiving promotions was also associated with higher odds of using e-cigarettes some days (aOR = 1.6; P = .006) or every day (aOR = 1.7; P = .008) than using e-cigarettes rarely. Conclusion Receipt of e-cigarette direct marketing promotions was prevalent among US adults. Receiving e-cigarette promotions was associated with increased odds of both prevalence and frequency of e-cigarette use. Future longitudinal studies are needed to measure causal effects of e-cigarette promotions on e-cigarette use among adults. PMID:28934079

  3. Youth-Adult Partnerships and Youth Identity Style.


    Ramey, Heather L; Rose-Krasnor, Linda; Lawford, Heather L


    Youth-adult partnerships (e.g., youth leading programs, participating as members of advisory boards) are a common and widely recommended practice in youth work and youth-serving program settings. Although researchers have suggested that these opportunities contribute to youth's identity development, empirical evidence is lacking. In the current study, we tested associations between identity style and degree of youth voice, collaborative youth-adult relationships, and youth's program engagement in 194 youth participating in youth-adult partnerships (M age  = 17.6, 62 % female). We found that these characteristics of youth-adult partnerships predicted higher informational identity style, although only program engagement emerged as a unique predictor. Furthermore, exploratory analysis indicated that these associations were moderated by the type of organization. The findings suggest the need for more research on the multiple dimensions of youth-adult partnerships and their association with youth functioning, as well as pointing to the importance of the broader organizational context of youth-adult partnerships.

  4. CPR: Adult

    MedlinePlus Videos and Cool Tools

    Refresher Center Home FIRST AID, CPR and AED LIFEGUARDING Refresher Putting It All Together: CPR—Adult (2:03) Refresher videos only utilize this player QUICK LINKS Home Purchase Course Materials Shop Our Store ...

  5. Open to Interpretation: Multiple Intelligences Theory in Adult Literacy Education. Findings from the Adult Multiple Intelligences Study. NCSALL Reports.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kallenbach, Silja; Viens, Julie

    The Adult Multiple Intelligences (AMI) Study investigated how multiple intelligences (MI) theory can support instruction and assessment in adult literacy education across different adult learning contexts. Two interwoven qualitative research projects focused on applying MI theory in practice. One involved 10 teacher-conducted and AMI…

  6. Adult Education at a Distance.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gaudet, Alphonse

    This document, which examines the use of educational technologies for distance education for adults in Canada, consists of five narrative sections and a bibliography. The first section introduces the topic and the document's objectives (to describe those technologies used in Canadian adult distance education, paying particular attention to those…

  7. Adult Transition Program without Walls

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moberg, Eric


    Best practices in adult transition special education for moderate to severe students suggest student-centered planning that maximizes independence in adult life. Based on the above sources, school districts and governing boards would best serve moderate to severe transition special education students with increasing integration into the community…

  8. Focus on Young Adult Programming.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Union, Bunni; Williams, Sheila


    Presents three library youth service programs which focus on "Pizza and Politicians," a public library pizza party which gave high school students and college-aged young adults a chance to meet and question politicians; a young adult "Reading to Seniors" program; "Making Books," a public library journal-making project…

  9. Adult Learning Disorders: Contemporary Issues

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wolf, Lorraine E., Ed.; Schreiber, Hope E., Ed.; Wasserstein, Jeanette, Ed.


    Recent advances in neuroimaging and genetics technologies have enhanced our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders in adults. The authors in this volume not only discuss such advances as they apply to adults with learning disorders, but also address their translation into clinical practice. One cluster of chapters addresses developmental…

  10. Perceived Stress among Deaf Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jones, Elaine G.; Ouellette, Sue E.; Kang, Youngmi


    The Present Article describes the effectiveness of stress management classes in decreasing perceived stress among Deaf adults. Deaf adults may experience unique stressors, in addition to circumstances associated with increased stress in the general population. The Perceived Stress Scale (S. Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983) was used as a…

  11. Adult Education in Israel IV.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirmayer, Paul, Ed.; Michaelson, Serena T., Ed.

    This fourth journal edition, oriented towards the topic of adult education and the community in Israel, focuses on these two major themes: the different approaches to analyzing and understanding the community, its populations, and its connection to adult education; and educational institutions and cultural entities within the community. Seventeen…

  12. Clinical grade adult stem cell banking

    PubMed Central

    Thirumala, Sreedhar; Goebel, W Scott


    There has been a great deal of scientific interest recently generated by the potential therapeutic applications of adult stem cells in human care but there are several challenges regarding quality and safety in clinical applications and a number of these challenges relate to the processing and banking of these cells ex-vivo. As the number of clinical trials and the variety of adult cells used in regenerative therapy increases, safety remains a primary concern. This has inspired many nations to formulate guidelines and standards for the quality of stem cell collection, processing, testing, banking, packaging and distribution. Clinically applicable cryopreservation and banking of adult stem cells offers unique opportunities to advance the potential uses and widespread implementation of these cells in clinical applications. Most current cryopreservation protocols include animal serum proteins and potentially toxic cryoprotectant additives (CPAs) that prevent direct use of these cells in human therapeutic applications. Long term cryopreservation of adult stem cells under good manufacturing conditions using animal product free solutions is critical to the widespread clinical implementation of ex-vivo adult stem cell therapies. Furthermore, to avoid any potential cryoprotectant related complications, reduced CPA concentrations and efficient post-thaw washing to remove CPA are also desirable. The present review focuses on the current strategies and important aspects of adult stem cell banking for clinical applications. These include current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs), animal protein free freezing solutions, cryoprotectants, freezing & thawing protocols, viability assays, packaging and distribution. The importance and benefits of banking clinical grade adult stem cells are also discussed. PMID:20046678

  13. Stages of Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia


    ... Childhood ALL Treatment Childhood AML Treatment Research Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version General Information About Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Go to Health Professional Version Key ...

  14. Changing Medical Students' Attitudes toward Older Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gonzales, Ernest; Morrow-Howell, Nancy; Gilbert, Pat


    Given the growth in the number of older adults and the ageist attitudes many in the health care profession hold, interventions aimed at improving health professionals' attitudes toward older adults are imperative. Vital Visionaries is an intergenerational art program designed to improve medical students' attitudes toward older adults. Participants…

  15. 38 CFR 21.142 - Adult basic education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Adult basic education. 21...) VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 Special Rehabilitation Services § 21.142 Adult basic education. (a) Definition. The term adult basic...

  16. Advising Adult Learners. NACADA Task Force Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Polson, Cheryl; And Others

    A study examined the scope of existing services for adult learners attending universities and colleges. Survey instruments designed to gather data on institutional support for adult learner services, special target groups identified by individual institutions, and institutional barriers confronted by adult learners on campus were mailed to a…

  17. Adult Learners: The University of Maryland Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wolvin, Andrew D.


    Discusses the need to approach adult education differently from the teaching of children. Reminds educators that adult learners possess a wealth of experiences and distinctive job-related skills and needs. Describes the University of Maryland's adult education program, which includes a separate campus, courses at military installations, and…

  18. 38 CFR 21.142 - Adult basic education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Adult basic education. 21...) VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 Special Rehabilitation Services § 21.142 Adult basic education. (a) Definition. The term adult basic...

  19. 38 CFR 21.142 - Adult basic education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Adult basic education. 21...) VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 Special Rehabilitation Services § 21.142 Adult basic education. (a) Definition. The term adult basic...

  20. 38 CFR 21.142 - Adult basic education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Adult basic education. 21...) VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 Special Rehabilitation Services § 21.142 Adult basic education. (a) Definition. The term adult basic...

  1. 38 CFR 21.142 - Adult basic education.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Adult basic education. 21...) VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 Special Rehabilitation Services § 21.142 Adult basic education. (a) Definition. The term adult basic...

  2. Adults in Programs for the "Academically Underprepared"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Isserlis, Janet


    Adult basic education represents a marginalized field that addresses the needs of a largely marginalized population: adults who are viewed through a deficit lens labeling them as being underprepared. This article examines particular challenges and strengths of adult learners in basic education programs (including literacy, English language, and…

  3. WIOA: Implications for Low-Scoring Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pickard, Amy


    A substantial proportion of participants in public adult education programs struggle with "basic" academic print literacy skills. According to the 2014-2015 National Reporting System (NRS) data, 48.7% of the national adult basic education/adult secondary education (ABE/ ASE) population tested as reading at or below the "Low…

  4. The Experience of Adolescents and Young Adults Treated for Cancer in an Adult Setting: A Review of the Literature.


    Marshall, Steve; Grinyer, Anne; Limmer, Mark


    The purpose of this review is to explore the literature on the experience of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) having cancer treatment in an adult setting, rather than on a specialist adolescent cancer unit. The integrative review method was used to explore the current literature. Primary research on the topic was located systematically and then synthesized into a thematic narrative. The experience of AYAs undergoing treatment in an adult setting was generally negative. This can be attributed to three themes: feeling isolated in the adult setting; the lack of empathy from staff working in the adult setting; and the inappropriateness of the adult environment for this age group. As many AYAs with cancer will continue to have treatment in adult settings, staff working in this environment should be aware of the negative experience of this cohort and the impact this can have on a vulnerable group of patients. Staff could consider simple ways of improving the AYA experience, such as connecting AYA patients with their peers to reduce isolation; adapting their approach to take account of the unique emotional needs of this age group; and considering ways of making the environment more welcoming and age-appropriate.

  5. Perceived Parental Styles and Adult Separation Anxiety.


    Başbuğ, Sezin; Cesur, Gizem; Durak Batıgün, Ayşegül


    The Mediating Role of Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions OBJECTIVE: This study primarily aimed to determine whether perceived parental styles and interpersonal cognitive distortions are predictors of adult separation anxiety. Further, this study aimed to examine the mediating role of interpersonal cognitive distortions in the relationship between perceived over-permissive/boundless parental styles and adult separation anxiety in university students. This study included 444 university students (281 female (63,3%) and 163 male (36,7%) with a mean age of sample 21,02 years (SS = 1,70). The Demographic Information Form, Young Parenting Inventory, Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale, and Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire were used. The regression analyses revealed that the age of the participants and their percieved controlling/shaping father parenting style negatively predicted adult separation anxiety, while percieved over-permissive/boundless mother parenting style, exploitative/abusive and overprotective/anxious father parenting styles and the subscales of the interpersonal cognitive distortions scale positively predicted adult separation anxiety. As hypothesized, data from this study reveal that subscales of the interpersonal cognitive distortions scale play a full mediating role in the relationship between over-permissive/boundless parenting styles and adult separation anxiety. Results indicate that the perceived over-permissive/boundless parenting style positively predicts adult separation anxiety symptoms by distorting interpersonal cognitions. Furthermore, the over-permissive parenting style and lack of boundaries and/or discipline lead to similar adverse effects as do authoritarian and normative parenting. To our knowledge, there are very few studies investigating adult separation anxiety symptoms in Turkey. Therefore, our current study provides practical information to mental health professionals regarding adult separation anxiety symptoms, which

  6. 25 CFR 20.331 - What is Adult Care Assistance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What is Adult Care Assistance? 20.331 Section 20.331... SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Direct Assistance Adult Care Assistance § 20.331 What is Adult Care Assistance? Adult care assistance provides non-medical care for eligible adult Indians who: (a) Have needs that...

  7. 25 CFR 20.331 - What is Adult Care Assistance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true What is Adult Care Assistance? 20.331 Section 20.331... SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Direct Assistance Adult Care Assistance § 20.331 What is Adult Care Assistance? Adult care assistance provides non-medical care for eligible adult Indians who: (a) Have needs that...

  8. 25 CFR 20.331 - What is Adult Care Assistance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false What is Adult Care Assistance? 20.331 Section 20.331... SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Direct Assistance Adult Care Assistance § 20.331 What is Adult Care Assistance? Adult care assistance provides non-medical care for eligible adult Indians who: (a) Have needs that...

  9. 25 CFR 20.331 - What is Adult Care Assistance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false What is Adult Care Assistance? 20.331 Section 20.331... SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Direct Assistance Adult Care Assistance § 20.331 What is Adult Care Assistance? Adult care assistance provides non-medical care for eligible adult Indians who: (a) Have needs that...

  10. 25 CFR 20.331 - What is Adult Care Assistance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false What is Adult Care Assistance? 20.331 Section 20.331... SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Direct Assistance Adult Care Assistance § 20.331 What is Adult Care Assistance? Adult care assistance provides non-medical care for eligible adult Indians who: (a) Have needs that...

  11. A 12-year prognosis of adult-onset asthma: Seinäjoki Adult Asthma Study.


    Tuomisto, Leena E; Ilmarinen, Pinja; Niemelä, Onni; Haanpää, Jussi; Kankaanranta, Terhi; Kankaanranta, Hannu


    Long-term prognosis of adult-onset asthma is poorly known. To evaluate 12-year prognosis of adult-onset asthma and the factors associated with disease prognosis. Seinäjoki Adult-onset Asthma Study (SAAS) is a 12-year real-life single-center follow-up study of new-onset asthma diagnosed at adult age and treated in primary and specialized care. Remission was defined by no symptoms and no asthma medication use for 6 months. Asthma control was evaluated according to Global Initiative for Asthma 2010. Factors associated with current asthma control were analyzed by multinomial multivariate logistic regression. A total of 203 patients (79% of the baseline population) were followed for 12 years. Remission occurred in 6 (3%) patients. In 34% asthma was controlled, in 36% it was partially controlled and in 30% uncontrolled. Uncontrolled asthma was predicted by elevated body-mass index at baseline, smoking (pack-years) and current allergic or persistent rhinitis. Elevated blood eosinophils and good lung function (FEV1) at baseline protected from uncontrolled asthma. In contrast, gender, age at the onset or baseline symptoms (Airways Questionnaire 20) were not significant predictors of uncontrolled disease. During a 12-year follow-up, remission of adult-onset asthma was rare occurring in only 3% of patients. The majority of patients (66%) presented either with uncontrolled or partially controlled asthma. This study is registered at with identifier number NCT02733016. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Adult Academy Tutor Training Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Isserlis, Janet; And Others

    This handbook is for volunteer tutors, student interns, and VISTA volunteers working with adult basic education (ABE) and English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) learners. The community-based handbook contains information about adult literacy and tutoring--what tutors do, who the learners are, and how the literacy learning process works. Introductory…

  13. Helping Adults Learn. Facilitator's Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ. and Colleges, Long Beach. Office of the Chancellor.

    This publication is a guide for those planning and facilitating a "Helping Adults Learn" Workshop designed to assist higher education faculty and staff in promoting greater access and success for adult learners in higher education. An overview of the workshop describes the purpose, goals (to increase understanding of theory and research…

  14. Clinical Interviewing with Older Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mohlman, Jan; Sirota, Karen Gainer; Papp, Laszlo A.; Staples, Alison M.; King, Arlene; Gorenstein, Ethan E.


    Over the next few decades the older adult population will increase dramatically, and prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders are also expected to increase in the elderly cohort. These demographic projections highlight the need for diagnostic instruments and methods that are specifically tailored to older adults. The current paper discusses the…

  15. Marketing Higher Education to Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kelly, Diana K.

    With fewer recent high school graduates available to attend college, colleges need to increase their efforts to attract adults. If colleges want to attract more adult students, they must develop a comprehensive marketing plan. The marketing process entails a thorough marketing study that includes a detailed institutional analysis, an analysis of…

  16. Secretary's Initiative on Adult Literacy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vines, Diane Welch

    The National Adult Literacy Initiative calls for a collaborative effort among the public, private, voluntary, and military sectors to address more effectively illiteracy through adult education. One of the first points in the initiative calls for continued educational services funded by the federal government and administered by the states. Other…

  17. Predictive Modeling in Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lindner, Charles L.


    The current economic crisis, a growing workforce, the increasing lifespan of workers, and demanding, complex jobs have made organizations highly selective in employee recruitment and retention. It is therefore important, to the adult educator, to develop models of learning that better prepare adult learners for the workplace. The purpose of…

  18. Helping Adults Learn. Participant Workbook.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ. and Colleges, Long Beach. Office of the Chancellor.

    This publication is a workbook for those attending a "Helping Adults Learn" Workshop designed to assist higher education faculty and staff in promoting greater access and success for adult learners in higher education. An overview of the workshop describes the purpose, goals (to increase understanding of theory and research on adult…

  19. Adult Education: Profiles in Diversity and Strength.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Weinstein-Shr, Gail

    Even Start is a family literacy and support program for families with young children. This paper identifies several characteristics of adult learners in order to suggest effective approaches for working with adults to improve literacy skills. The first section presents five case studies illustrating adults with different histories, circumstances,…

  20. Enrollment and Retention Barriers Adult Students Encounter

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Spellman, Natasha


    By estimate, more than 47% of enrollees in U.S. higher education institutions can be classified as adult learners (Creighton & Hudson, 2002). Adults pursue higher education for various reasons including personal enrichment, change of career, or a requirement for promotion. The majority of adult students enroll in community colleges to fulfill…

  1. Informal Adult Learning and Everyday Literacy Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Maurice C.


    This study investigated the types of informal learning activities that adults with low literacy skills engage in outside of formal literacy programs and how these activities relate to their literacy practices. Key informants for the study included 10 adults identified at International Adult Literacy Survey levels 1 and 2. Using ethnographic…

  2. Barriers to Adult Learning: Bridging the Gap

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Falasca, Marina


    A fundamental aspect of adult education is engaging adults in becoming lifelong learners. More often than not, this requires removing barriers to learning, especially those relating to the actual organisational or institutional learning process. This article explores some of the main barriers to adult learning discussed in the literature and…

  3. Nutrition Goals for Older Adults: A Review.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Horwath, Caroline C.


    Discusses specific goals of nutrition education for older adults and high-risk groups within the elderly population through review of three crucial areas: current knowledge of eating patterns, nutrient intake, and supplement use of older adults; existing information on multiple influences on eating habits of older adults; and potential benefits…

  4. Critical Discourse Analysis, Adult Education and "Fitba"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Player, John


    In this article I will use an example of current adult education practice, the Glory and Dismay Football Literacies Programme (GDFLP) to appraise the value of critical discourse analysis (CDA) for adult learners, both individually and collectively, and for adult education practitioners with an interest in developing critical literacy skills. The…

  5. Raising "Hot Topics" through Young Adult Literature

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Groenke, Susan; Maples, Joellen; Henderson, Jill


    While young adult literature increases adolescents' motivation to read, and adolescents choose to read young adult novels over more canonical works when given opportunities to choose, the authors present yet another reason for teaching young adult literature in the middle school classroom: it provides a medium through which adolescents and their…

  6. Suggestions for a Realistic Adult Education Policy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coombs, Philip H.


    Five sets of implementation problems of adult education are examined: (1) diffusion of organizational responsibility, (2) lack of an integrated approach, (3) aims and priorities of adult education and the lack of learner motivation, (4) resource requirements, and (5) the imposition by formal education of constraints upon adult education. (RM)

  7. Pharmacology and safety of glycerol phenylbutyrate in healthy adults and adults with cirrhosis.


    McGuire, Brendan M; Zupanets, Igor A; Lowe, Mark E; Xiao, Xunjun; Syplyviy, Vasyliy A; Monteleone, Jon; Gargosky, Sharron; Dickinson, Klara; Martinez, Antonia; Mokhtarani, Masoud; Scharschmidt, Bruce F


    Phenylbutyric acid (PBA), which is approved for treatment of urea cycle disorders (UCDs) as sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPBA), mediates waste nitrogen excretion via combination of PBA-derived phenylacetic acid with glutamine to form phenylactylglutamine (PAGN) that is excreted in urine. Glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB), a liquid triglyceride pro-drug of PBA, containing no sodium and having favorable palatability, is being studied for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). In vitro and clinical studies have been performed to assess GPB digestion, safety, and pharmacology in healthy adults and individuals with cirrhosis. GPB hydrolysis was measured in vitro by way of pH titration. Twenty-four healthy adults underwent single-dose administration of GPB and NaPBA and eight healthy adults and 24 cirrhotic subjects underwent single-day and multiple-day dosing of GPB, with metabolites measured in blood and urine. Simulations were performed to assess GPB dosing at higher levels. GPB was hydrolyzed by human pancreatic triglyceride lipase, pancreatic lipase-related protein 2, and carboxyl-ester lipase. Clinical safety was satisfactory. Compared with NaPBA, peak metabolite blood levels with GPB occurred later and were lower; urinary PAGN excretion was similar but took longer. Steady state was achieved within 4 days for both NaPBA and GPB; intact GPB was not detected in blood or urine. Cirrhotic subjects converted GPB to PAGN similarly to healthy adults. Simulations suggest that GPB can be administered safely to cirrhotic subjects at levels equivalent to the highest approved NaPBA dose for UCDs. GPB exhibits delayed release characteristics, presumably reflecting gradual PBA release by pancreatic lipases, and is well tolerated in adults with cirrhosis, suggesting that further clinical testing for HE is warranted.

  8. Pharmacology and Safety of Glycerol Phenylbutyrate in Healthy Adults and Adults with Cirrhosis

    PubMed Central

    MCGuire, Brendan M.; Zupanets, Igor A.; Lowe, Mark E.; Xiao, Xunjun; Syplyviy, Vasyliy A.; Monteleone, Jon; Gargosky, Sharron; Dickinson, Klara; Martinez, Antonia; Mokhtarani, Masoud; Scharschmidt, Bruce F.


    Phenylbutyric acid (PBA), which is approved for treatment of urea cycle disorders (UCDs) as sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPBA), mediates waste nitrogen excretion via combination of PBA-derived phenylacetic acid with glutamine to form phenylactylglutamine (PAGN) that is excreted in urine. Glycerol phenylbutyrate (GPB), a liquid triglyceride pro-drug of PBA, containing no sodium and having favorable palatability, is being studied for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). In vitro and clinical studies have been performed to assess GPB digestion, safety, and pharmacology in healthy adults and individuals with cirrhosis. GPB hydrolysis was measured in vitro by way of pH titration. Twenty-four healthy adults underwent single-dose administration of GPB and NaPBA and eight healthy adults and 24 cirrhotic subjects underwent single-day and multiple-day dosing of GPB, with metabolites measured in blood and urine. Simulations were performed to assess GPB dosing at higher levels. GPB was hydrolyzed by human pancreatic triglyceride lipase, pancreatic lipase-related protein 2, and carboxyl-ester lipase. Clinical safety was satisfactory. Compared with NaPBA, peak metabolite blood levels with GPB occurred later and were lower; urinary PAGN excretion was similar but took longer. Steady state was achieved within 4 days for both NaPBA and GPB; intact GPB was not detected in blood or urine. Cirrhotic subjects converted GPB to PAGN similarly to healthy adults. Simulations suggest that GPB can be administered safely to cirrhotic subjects at levels equivalent to the highest approved NaPBA dose for UCDs. Conclusion GPB exhibits delayed release characteristics, presumably reflecting gradual PBA release by pancreatic lipases, and is well tolerated in adults with cirrhosis, suggesting that further clinical testing for HE is warranted. PMID:20512995

  9. Do Online Privacy Concerns Predict Selfie Behavior among Adolescents, Young Adults and Adults?

    PubMed Central

    Dhir, Amandeep; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Pallesen, Ståle; Andreassen, Cecilie S.


    Selfies, or self-portraits, are often taken and shared on social media for online self-presentation reasons, which are considered essential for the psychosocial development and well-being of people in today’s culture. Despite the growing popularity and widespread sharing of selfies in the online space, little is known about how privacy concerns moderate selfie behavior. In addition to this, it is also not known whether privacy concerns across age and gender groups influence selfie behavior. To address this timely issue, a survey assessing common selfie behaviors, that is, frequency of taking (individual and group selfies), editing (cropping and filtering), and posting selfies online, and social media privacy concerns (over personal data being accessed and misused by third parties) was conducted. The web-survey was administered to 3,763 Norwegian social media users, ranging from 13 to 50 years, with a preponderance of women (n = 2,509, 66.7%). The present study investigated the impact of privacy concerns on selfie behaviors across gender and age groups (adolescent, young adult, and adult) by use of the structural equation modeling approach. The results suggest that young adults have greater privacy concerns compared to adolescents and adults. Females have greater privacy concerns than males. Greater privacy concerns among female social media users were linked to lower engagement in selfie behavior, but privacy concerns did not influence selfie behavior in the case of male adolescents and young adults. Overall, privacy concerns were more consistently and inversely related to selfie behavior (taking and posting) among females than males. The study results have theoretical as well as practical implications for both researchers and policy makers. PMID:28588530

  10. Do Online Privacy Concerns Predict Selfie Behavior among Adolescents, Young Adults and Adults?


    Dhir, Amandeep; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Pallesen, Ståle; Andreassen, Cecilie S


    Selfies, or self-portraits, are often taken and shared on social media for online self-presentation reasons, which are considered essential for the psychosocial development and well-being of people in today's culture. Despite the growing popularity and widespread sharing of selfies in the online space, little is known about how privacy concerns moderate selfie behavior. In addition to this, it is also not known whether privacy concerns across age and gender groups influence selfie behavior. To address this timely issue, a survey assessing common selfie behaviors, that is, frequency of taking (individual and group selfies), editing (cropping and filtering), and posting selfies online, and social media privacy concerns (over personal data being accessed and misused by third parties) was conducted. The web-survey was administered to 3,763 Norwegian social media users, ranging from 13 to 50 years, with a preponderance of women ( n = 2,509, 66.7%). The present study investigated the impact of privacy concerns on selfie behaviors across gender and age groups (adolescent, young adult, and adult) by use of the structural equation modeling approach. The results suggest that young adults have greater privacy concerns compared to adolescents and adults. Females have greater privacy concerns than males. Greater privacy concerns among female social media users were linked to lower engagement in selfie behavior, but privacy concerns did not influence selfie behavior in the case of male adolescents and young adults. Overall, privacy concerns were more consistently and inversely related to selfie behavior (taking and posting) among females than males. The study results have theoretical as well as practical implications for both researchers and policy makers.

  11. Worries and needs of adults and parents of adults with neurofibromatosis type 1.


    Rietman, Andre B; van Helden, Hanneke; Both, Pauline H; Taal, Walter; Legerstee, Jeroen S; van Staa, AnneLoes; Moll, Henriette A; Oostenbrink, Rianne; van Eeghen, Agnies M


    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a neurocutaneous disorder associated with lifelong tumor growth propensity and neurocognitive impairments. Although follow-up of adults with NF1 often focuses on tumor growth, follow-up of cognitive or social problems and other NF1-related comorbidity is often not a part of standardized care. In order to provide optimal care services for these patients, we explored the care needs of adults with NF1. A qualitative study was performed using semi-structured group interviews, exploring worries and care needs in medical, psychological, and socioeconomic domains, also focusing on the transition from pediatric to adult care. Four focus groups were conducted, including young adult patients, patients over age 30, and parents of young adult patients. In total, 30 patients and 12 parents participated. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by computerized thematic analysis. Themes were organized using the World Health Organization International classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF). Results indicated many and diverse worries and care needs both during the transitional period and in adulthood in medical, mental health, and socioeconomic domains. Worries could be categorized into 13 themes. Parents reported high stress levels and difficulties with their parental role. Participants expressed the need for more information, access to NF1 experts, daily living support, care for mental health and socioeconomic participation, and closer communication between health-care providers. In conclusion, worries and needs of patients and parents underline the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up and continuity of care during and after the transitional period. Additionally, parental stress requires more attention from care providers. © 2018 The Authors. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Adult recall of tobacco advertising on the Internet.


    Hrywna, Mary; Delnevo, Cristine D; Lewis, M Jane


    This study examined the prevalence and characteristics of New Jersey adults who reported seeing tobacco products advertised on the Internet and described the means by which these products were advertised. Data were analyzed from the New Jersey Adult Tobacco Survey (NJATS), a repeated, cross-sectional, random-digit-dial telephone survey conducted with a statewide representative sample. We used logistic regression to determine factors associated with recall of tobacco Internet advertising, adjusting for demographics, smoking behavior variables, and receipt of tobacco industry direct mail. Participants included 3,930 adults who completed the 2001 NJATS, 4,004 adults who completed the 2002 survey, and 3,062 adults who completed the 2005 survey. The proportion of adult Internet users reporting exposure to tobacco product advertising on the Internet has increased each year (6.9% in 2001, 15.6% in 2002, 17.8% in 2005). Based on 2005 data, recall of tobacco product advertising on the Internet was higher among males young adults aged 18-24 years, Asians, adults who reported receipt of direct mail advertising, and adults with a postcollege education. In addition, adult Internet users most often reported seeing tobacco products advertised on the Internet via pop-up or banner ads (60.7%), followed by E-mail messages (24.6%), and Web sites (14.9%). Recall of tobacco advertising by Internet users increased between 2001 and 2005 and was particularly high among certain subgroups. An urgent need exists for expanded surveillance of Internet tobacco sales and marketing practices.

  13. Family meals and body weight in US adults.


    Sobal, Jeffery; Hanson, Karla


    Family meals are an important ritual in contemporary societies and many studies have reported associations of family meals with several biopsychosocial outcomes among children and adolescents. However, few representative analyses of family meals have been conducted in samples of adults, and adults may differ from young people in predictors and outcomes of family meal consumption. We examined the prevalence and predictors of adult family meals and body weight outcomes. The cross-sectional 2009 Cornell National Social Survey (CNSS) included questions about the frequency of family meals, body weight as BMI and sociodemographic characteristics. The CNSS telephone survey used random digit dialling to sample individuals. We analysed data from 882 adults living with family members in a nationally representative US sample. Prevalence of family meals among these adults revealed that 53 % reported eating family meals seven or more times per week. Predictive results revealed that adults who more frequently ate family meals were more likely to be married and less likely to be employed full-time, year-round. Outcome results revealed that the overall frequency of family meals among adults was not significantly associated with any measure of body weight. However, interaction term analysis suggested an inverse association between frequency of family meals and BMI for adults with children in the household, and no association among adults without children. These findings suggest that family meals among adults are commonplace, associated with marital and work roles, and marginally associated with body weight only in households with children.

  14. Odontoid process inclination in normal adults and in an adult population with Chiari malformation Type I.


    Besachio, David A; Khaleel, Ziyad; Shah, Lubdha M


    Posterior odontoid process inclination has been demonstrated as a factor associated with Chiari malformation Type I (CM-I) in the pediatric population; however, no studies to date have examined this measurement in the adult CM-I population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate craniocervical junction (CCJ) measurements in adult CM-I versus a control group. The odontoid retroflexion, odontoid retroversion, odontoid height, posterior basion to C-2 line measured to the dural margin (pB-C2 line), posterior basion to C-2 line measured to the dorsal odontoid cortical margin (pB-C2* line), and clivus-canal angle measurements were retrospectively analyzed in adult patients with CM-I using MRI. These measurements were compared with normative values established from CT scans of the cervical spine in adults without CM-I. A statistically significant difference was found between 55 adults with CM-I and 150 sex-matched controls (125 used for analysis) in the mean clivus-canal angle and the mean pB-C2 line. These data suggest that there are sex-specific differences with respect to measurements at the CCJ between men and women, with women showing a more posteriorly inclined odontoid process. There were also differences between the CM-I and control groups: a more acute clivus-canal angle was associated with CM-I in the adult population. These CCJ findings could have an influence on presurgical planning.

  15. Child- or Adult-Directed Speech and Esteem: Effects on Performance and Arousal in Elderly Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bunce, Vicki L.; Harrison, David W.


    Explored effects of speech type and esteem level on performance, physiological arousal level, and subsequent esteem in older adults (n=40). Results indicated that older adults performed difficult tasks better with clarified instructions given in attention-getting manner. Findings were contradictory to more intuitive accounts of child-directed…

  16. Parents' and Young Adults' Perspectives on Transition Outcomes for Young Adults with Autism

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sosnowy, Collette; Silverman, Chloe; Shattuck, Paul


    Existing research shows that young adults with autism spectrum disorder have poorer outcomes than their peers with other developmental disabilities in the key areas of independent living, postsecondary education, and employment. However, we understand little about how young adults with autism and their families understand and value outcomes and…

  17. Childhood poverty and adult psychological well-being

    PubMed Central

    Evans, Gary W.


    Childhood disadvantage has repeatedly been linked to adult physical morbidity and mortality. We show in a prospective, longitudinal design that childhood poverty predicts multimethodological indices of adult (24 y of age) psychological well-being while holding constant similar childhood outcomes assessed at age 9. Adults from low-income families manifest more allostatic load, an index of chronic physiological stress, higher levels of externalizing symptoms (e.g., aggression) but not internalizing symptoms (e.g., depression), and more helplessness behaviors. In addition, childhood poverty predicts deficits in adult short-term spatial memory. PMID:27956615

  18. Transitioning young adults from paediatric to adult care and the HIV care continuum in Atlanta, Georgia, USA: a retrospective cohort study.


    Hussen, Sophia A; Chakraborty, Rana; Knezevic, Andrea; Camacho-Gonzalez, Andres; Huang, Eugene; Stephenson, Rob; Del Rio, Carlos


    The transition from paediatric to adult HIV care is a particularly high-risk time for disengagement among young adults; however, empirical data are lacking. We reviewed medical records of 72 youth seen in both the paediatric and the adult clinics of the Grady Infectious Disease Program in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, from 2004 to 2014. We abstracted clinical data on linkage, retention and virologic suppression from the last two years in the paediatric clinic through the first two years in the adult clinic. Of patients with at least one visit scheduled in adult clinic, 97% were eventually seen by an adult provider (median time between last paediatric and first adult clinic visit = 10 months, interquartile range 2-18 months). Half of the patients were enrolled in paediatric care immediately prior to transition, while the other half experienced a gap in paediatric care and re-enrolled in the clinic as adults. A total of 89% of patients were retained (at least two visits at least three months apart) in the first year and 56% in the second year after transition. Patients who were seen in adult clinic within three months of their last paediatric visit were more likely to be virologically suppressed after transition than those who took longer (Relative risk (RR): 1.76; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07-2.9; p  = 0.03). Patients with virologic suppression (HIV-1 RNA below the level of detection of the assay) at the last paediatric visit were also more likely to be suppressed at the most recent adult visit (RR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.34-3.9; p  = 0.002). Retention rates once in adult care, though high initially, declined significantly by the second year after transition. Pre-transition viral suppression and shorter linkage time between paediatric and adult clinic were associated with better outcomes post-transition. Optimizing transition will require intensive transition support for patients who are not virologically controlled, as well as support for youth beyond the first year

  19. OECD Thematic Review on Adult Learning: Norway. Background Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tangen, Fride

    Adult learning in Norway was examined in a thematic review that focused on the following areas: the contexts of adult learning; the participants in, providers of, and returns from adult learning; issues and problems facing adult learning; and good practices. The following are among the main findings of the review: (1) adult learning has a long…

  20. Near East/South Asia Report.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ASIA REPORT CONTENTS ARAB AFRICA ALGERIA Summary of 1987 Financial Law (EL MOUDJAHID, 4 Jan 87) 1 EGYPT Arrest of Communist Network Reported...Periodical Analyzes Nation’s Foreign Debt (Chedly Ayari; JEUNE AFRIQUE ECONOMIE, Nov 86) 17 -a - ARAB EAST/ISRAEL JORDAN Egg Consumption...48 YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Army’s Self-Sufficiency in Agriculture Reviewed (Tawfiq al-Shaybani; AL-THAWRAH, 15 Dec 86) 53 SOUTH ASIA

  1. [Adults with chickenpox in the tropics].


    Hanssen, Jaap L J; Schakel, G J Joris; Fontilus-Rohoman, Jeanette M; Eeftinck Schattenkerk, Jsn Karel M


    In our hospital in the Dutch Caribbean, it is not uncommon for adults to be admitted for chickenpox infection. In contrast to the situation in temperate climates, not all adults are infected during childhood. Therefore, hospital staff are tested when first employed; of those aged between 20-29 years, 40% do not have antibodies against the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). We describe three cases of adults, aged 37, 51 and 90 years respectively, who presented with chickenpox. Compared to children, the clinical course in adults is more severe with the potential risk of life-threatening complications. In pregnancy or concomitant T cell immune deficiency, risk of a fulminant course is even higher. Treatment with aciclovir or valaciclovir is effective and associated with few side-effects. Passive immunization with VZV-immunoglobulin is indicated within 96 hours of exposure, typically followed by acyclovir or valaciclovir. As migration occurs from low endemic tropical areas to high endemic temperate areas, we should be aware of the risk of adult chickenpox in these migrants.

  2. Hippo signaling impedes adult heart regeneration

    PubMed Central

    Heallen, Todd; Morikawa, Yuka; Leach, John; Tao, Ge; Willerson, James T.; Johnson, Randy L.; Martin, James F.


    Heart failure due to cardiomyocyte loss after ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States in large part because heart muscle regenerates poorly. The endogenous mechanisms preventing mammalian cardiomyocyte regeneration are poorly understood. Hippo signaling, an ancient organ size control pathway, is a kinase cascade that inhibits developing cardiomyocyte proliferation but it has not been studied postnatally or in fully mature adult cardiomyocytes. Here, we investigated Hippo signaling in adult cardiomyocyte renewal and regeneration. We found that unstressed Hippo-deficient adult mouse cardiomyocytes re-enter the cell cycle and undergo cytokinesis. Moreover, Hippo deficiency enhances cardiomyocyte regeneration with functional recovery after adult myocardial infarction as well as after postnatal day eight (P8) cardiac apex resection and P8 myocardial infarction. In damaged hearts, Hippo mutant cardiomyocytes also have elevated proliferation. Our findings reveal that Hippo signaling is an endogenous repressor of adult cardiomyocyte renewal and regeneration. Targeting the Hippo pathway in human disease might be beneficial for the treatment of heart disease. PMID:24255096

  3. Strengths and Satisfaction across the Adult Lifespan

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Isaacowitz, Derek M.; Vaillant, George E.; Seligman, Martin E. P.


    Positive psychology has recently developed a classification of human strengths (Peterson & Seligman, in press). We aimed to evaluate these strengths by investigating the strengths and life satisfaction in three adult samples recruited from the community (young adult, middle-aged, and older adult), as well as in the surviving men of the Grant study…

  4. Opinions of School Superintendents on Adult Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Education Association, Washington, DC. Research Div.

    A survey was made (1) to obtain the op"nions of school superintendents as to the responsibility for adult education, purposes of public school adult education, issues in administration, the importance of various fields of instruction, and suitable means of financing and (2) to learn which school systems have adult education programs. Responses…

  5. Health and adult productivity: the relation between adult nutrition, helminths, and agricultural, hunting, and fishing yields in the Bolivian Amazon.


    Tanner, S; Rosinger, A; Leonard, W R; Reyes-García, V


    Infectious disease and nutritional stress have both been associated with reductions in adult work productivity and work capacity in the context of wage labor, but less research has investigated their effects among groups relying on more traditional subsistence practices of horticulture and foraging. In this article, we examine the relations among measures of adult nutritional status (BMI, skinfold measurements, and fat-free mass) and infection (presence of soil transmitted helminth infections) and measures of adult work productivity. As part of a larger panel study among Tsimane', a foraging-horticulturalist group in the Bolivian Amazon, health surveys, anthropometric information, and the quantity of products (both crops and game) brought into the household were collected for 320 Tsimane' adults over a four-month period in 2003. In addition, a single fecal sample was collected for a sub-sample of 86 adults. Our analysis shows mixed associations between either BMI or the presence of parasitism and reported adult productivity. Muscularity was not clearly related to adult productivity. In contrast, body fatness (Skinfold z-score) was inversely associated with the average quantity of fish and game brought into the household, especially for men. These findings suggest that the effects of adult infection and nutritional stress may be less clearly identified outside of the context of wage labor. Further research linking adult physical activity levels and metabolic rates to productivity in diverse contexts is needed. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. A comparative study of negative life events and depressive symptoms among healthy older adults and older adults with chronic disease.


    Zhang, Han; Gao, Tingting; Gao, Jinglei; Kong, Yixi; Hu, Yueyang; Wang, Ruimei; Mei, Songli


    This study aims to study internal relations and functionary mechanism between social support, coping style, negative life events and depressive symptoms and compare these relations in healthy older adults and older adults with chronic disease. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2015. In total, 1,264 older adults with chronic disease and 749 healthy older adults participated in this investigation which consist of socio-demographic characters, negative life events, social support, coping style and depressive symptoms. The path and direction of variable function in healthy older adults were inconsistent with older adults with chronic disease. Older adults with chronic disease had more severe depressive symptoms and negative life events, and lower social support and positive coping style. Negative life events, subjective support, positive coping style and negative coping style were significantly predicted depressive symptoms. Objective support may weaken the influence of negative life events on depressive symptoms in chronic disease group. Utilization of support and positive coping style worsen the effect of negative life events on depressive symptoms in healthy older adults. This study implied that to improve their mental health, attention should be paid to the role of biological, psychological and social stress factors and its inherent law of interaction.


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  8. An Assertiveness Inventory for Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gay, Melvin L.; And Others


    The Adult Self-Expression Scale is a 48-item, self-report measure of assertiveness designed for use with adults in general. Scale was found to have high test-retest reliability and moderate-to-high construct validity, as established by correlations with Adjective Check List scales and by a discriminant analysis procedure. (Author)

  9. Sleeve fracture of the adult patella

    PubMed Central

    Xie, Linjun; Xu, Hong; Zhang, Lizhi; Xu, Rong; Guo, Yingkun


    Abstract Rationale: The patellar fractures are common in adults, but rare in children. As a particular type of patellar fracture, however, sleeve fractures are almost always limited to children in the under 16's group. Patient concerns: Herein, we report a rare case of a 19-year-old healthy adult female who presented sleeve fracture at the superior pole of the left patella. The clinical and radiological features are found including joint effusion, anterior tilt of the patella and a shell of bone lying proximally to the patella. Diagnoses: Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging examination have been performed to further confirm the diagnosis of sleeve fracture, rupture of the quadriceps tendon and the cartilaginous injury. Interventions: Under general anaesthesia, she underwent open surgical procedures for reconstituting anatomically the fracture and repairing the rupture of the quadriceps tendon. Outcomes: Six months after the operation, she could fully use her left knee without any pain and disability. Lessons: Sleeve fractures of the patellar in adults are extremely rare, and our case is of interest for the first time occurring in healthy female adults. Our case report and literature review was aim to describe the clinic and imaging characteristics of superior pole sleeve fractures in adults, and highlight that physicians must be aware of this entity in adults so as to reduce misdiagnosis due to unfamiliarity. PMID:28796028

  10. Globalisation, transnational policies and adult education

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Milana, Marcella


    Globalisation, transnational policies and adult education - This paper examines policy documents produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the European Union (EU) in the field of adult education and learning. Both these entities address adult education as an explicit object of policy. This paper investigates how globalisation processes are constructed as policy problems when these transnational political agents propose adult education as a response. The author's main argument is that while UNESCO presents the provision of adult education as a means for governments worldwide to overcome disadvantages experienced by their own citizenry, the EU institutionalises learning experiences as a means for governments to sustain regional economic growth and political expansion. After reviewing the literature on globalisation to elucidate the theories that inform current understanding of contemporary economic, political, cultural and ecological changes as political problems, she presents the conceptual and methodological framework of her analysis. The author then examines the active role played by UNESCO and the EU in promoting adult education as a policy objective at transnational level, and unpacks the specific problem "representations" that are substantiated by these organisations. She argues that UNESCO and EU processes assign specific values and meanings to globalisation, and that these reflect a limited understanding of the complexity of globalisation. Finally, she considers two of the effects produced by these problem representations.

  11. Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms.


    Fergusson, David M; Boden, Joseph M


    The present study examined the associations between cannabis use in adolescence and young adulthood and self-reported adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in adulthood. A 25-year prospective longitudinal study of the health, development, and adjustment of a birth cohort of 1265 New Zealand children. Measures included assessments of adolescent and young adult cannabis use and ADHD symptoms at age 25, measures of childhood socioeconomic disadvantage, family adversity, childhood and early adolescent behavioural adjustment and cognitive ability, and adolescent and young adult other drug use. Cannabis use by age 25 was significantly (p<.0001) associated with increasing self-reported adult ADHD symptoms at age 25. Adjustment of the association for potentially confounding factors from childhood and early adolescence reduced the magnitude of the association, but it remained statistically significant (p<.0001). However, control for the mediating effects of other drug use in adolescence and early adulthood reduced the association between cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms to statistical non-significance (p>.20). The current study suggested that the association between cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms was mediated by other substance use that was associated with cannabis use. The results suggest that cannabis use leads to other drug use, which in turn leads to increased ADHD symptoms. However, it should be noted that the potential influence of such factors as genetic predispositions may still be unaccounted for.

  12. Texas Adult Education: Soaring Into the 21st Century. An Adult Education Administrator's Guide for Continuous Improvement and Evaluation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gall, Dan; Payne, Emily Miller; Burger, Phil; Curtis, Evelyn; Douglas, James; Kean, Nona; Parker, Ursula; Perez, Juan; Rosenberg, Sheila; Saucedo-Schwarz, Myrna; Franklin, Effie; Reed, Joseph

    This guide is designed as an aid for the adult education administrator in the pursuit of continuous excellence and quality improvement in adult education programs in Texas. The Acknowledgments section provides an introduction, background, history, and overview of the adult education National Reporting System (NRS); overview of the NRS measures and…

  13. Treating older adults with cancer: geriatric perspectives.


    Klepin, Heidi D; Rodin, Miriam; Hurria, Arti


    The proportion of older adults (age 65 and older) in oncology practices continues to increase. Older adults present with unique issues that complicate management decisions and evidence from randomized clinical trials to inform management of these patients is lacking. Despite this, principles of geriatric medicine need to be incorporated into oncology practice to provide optimal individualized care to patients. There is increasing evidence from observational studies that geriatric assessment (GA) strategies can be applied in oncology, can help predict treatment outcomes, and can inform supportive care management for older adults. In this review, we discuss the principles of GA and their use in older adults with cancer. In addition, considerations on when to refer to a geriatrician and issues related to management of vulnerable older adults will be addressed.

  14. Determinants of exposure to secondhand smoke among Vietnamese adults: California Vietnamese Adult Tobacco Use Survey, 2007-2008.


    Webber, Whitney L; van Erp, Brianna; Stoddard, Pamela; Tsoh, Janice Y


    Because smoking rates are high among Vietnamese men, we used data from the 2007-2008 California Vietnamese Adult Tobacco Use Survey to estimate secondhand smoke exposure and associated risk factors among Vietnamese nonsmokers. Thirty percent of nonsmokers were exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) at home, 8% at work, 52% in bars, and 67% on a college campus. At home, odds of SHS exposure were greater for women than for men and for adults aged less than 40 years than for older adults. Odds of SHS exposure were higher for former smokers at work (among employed men) and among men when in bars. Future interventions should consider sex, age, and smoking history in efforts to prevent SHS exposure among Vietnamese adults.

  15. Psychosocial Functioning of Adult Epileptic and MS Patients and Adult Normal Controls on the WPSI.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tan, Siang-Yang


    Psychosocial functioning of adult epileptic outpatients as assessed by the Washington Psychosocial Seizure Inventory (WPSI) was compared to that of adult multiple sclerosis (MS) outpatients and normal subjects. When only valid WPSI profiles were considered, the only significant finding was that the epilepsy group and the MS group had more…

  16. Transition to Adult-Oriented Health Care: Perspectives of Youth and Adults with Complex Physical Disabilities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Young, Nancy L.; Barden, Wendy S.; Mills, Wendy A.; Burke, Tricia A.; Law, Mary; Boydell, Katherine


    Introduction: The transition to adulthood is extremely difficult for individuals with disabilities. We sought to explore the specific issue of transition to adult-oriented health care in a Canadian context. Methods: We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 15 youth and 15 adults with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and acquired brain…

  17. Treatment of Young Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.


    Kansagra, Ankit; Litzow, Mark


    Young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia are a distinctive category of patients, with substantial difference in disease biology and response to therapy; hence, they pose unique challenges and issues beyond those faced by children and older adults. Despite inferior survival compared to children, there is growing evidence to suggest that young adults have improved outcomes when treated with pediatric-based approaches. With better supportive care and toxicity management and multidisciplinary team and approach, we have made great improvement in outcomes of young adults with ALL. However, despite significant progress, patients with persistence of minimal residual disease have a poor prognosis. This review discusses current controversies in the management of young adults with ALL, outcomes following pediatric and adult protocols, and the role of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. We also explore recent advances in disease monitoring and highlight our approach to incorporation of novel therapies in the management of young adults with ALL.

  18. Geriatric-specific triage criteria are more sensitive than standard adult criteria in identifying need for trauma center care in injured older adults.


    Ichwan, Brian; Darbha, Subrahmanyam; Shah, Manish N; Thompson, Laura; Evans, David C; Boulger, Creagh T; Caterino, Jeffrey M


    We evaluate the sensitivity of Ohio's 2009 emergency medical services (EMS) geriatric trauma triage criteria compared with the previous adult triage criteria in identifying need for trauma center care among older adults. We studied a retrospective cohort of injured patients aged 16 years or older in the 2006 to 2011 Ohio Trauma Registry. Patients aged 70 years or older were considered geriatric. We identified whether each patient met the geriatric and the adult triage criteria. The outcome measure was need for trauma center care, defined by surrogate markers: Injury Severity Score greater than 15, operating room in fewer than 48 hours, any ICU stay, and inhospital mortality. We calculated sensitivity and specificity of both triage criteria for both age groups. We included 101,577 patients; 33,379 (33%) were geriatric. Overall, 57% of patients met adult criteria and 68% met geriatric criteria. Using Injury Severity Score, for older adults geriatric criteria were more sensitive for need for trauma center care (93%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 92% to 93%) than adult criteria (61%; 95% CI 60% to 62%). Geriatric criteria decreased specificity in older adults from 61% (95% CI 61% to 62%) to 49% (95% CI 48% to 49%). Geriatric criteria in older adults (93% sensitivity, 49% specificity) performed similarly to the adult criteria in younger adults (sensitivity 87% and specificity 44%). Similar patterns were observed for other outcomes. Standard adult EMS triage guidelines provide poor sensitivity in older adults. Ohio's geriatric trauma triage guidelines significantly improve sensitivity in identifying Injury Severity Score and other surrogate markers of the need for trauma center care, with modest decreases in specificity for older adults. Copyright © 2014 American College of Emergency Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Adults as Learners: Proceedings of a Conference.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bortner, Rayman W., Ed.; And Others

    The proceedings consist of 11 papers grouped in two major categories: the context of adult learning (social significance and fact and fiction about adult learning) and the utilization of learning models for adult instruction. Contributors are Floyd B. Fischer, George L. Maddox, Rolf H. Monge, Eric F. Gardner, Arthur W. Combs, William J. Hoyer,…

  20. The Craft of Teaching Adults. Third Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barer-Stein, Thelma, Ed.; Kompf, Michael, Ed.

    This book, which is intended as a text for future and experienced adult educators, examines current theories and best practices in adult education. The book consists of 20 chapters written by prominent practitioners in the field of adult education. The chapter titles and authors are as follows: "Teachers Sharing Experiences" (James A. Draper);…

  1. Resilience in Rural Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wells, Margaret


    Context: Identifying ways to meet the health care needs of older adults is important because their numbers are increasing and they often have more health care issues. High resilience level may be one factor that helps older adults adjust to the hardships associated with aging. Rural community-dwelling older adults often face unique challenges such…

  2. Vocational and Adult Education: Major Regulation Issues.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Worthington, Robert M.

    Federal regulations for the Adult Education Act and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act were revised in 1985. The following are the major changes to the Adult Education Act regulations: (1) the definition of "adult" was changed to permit services to persons under the age of 16 in some cases; (2) the definition of…

  3. Adult Resource Center--A Community/University Project.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vegso, Kathryn A.

    Cooperative planning, based upon a decade of reentry programs for adults, culminated in the establishment of a public service known as the Adult Resource Center at the University of Akron (Ohio). Located in a renovated building between the campus and the downtown community, the Adult Resource Center serves as a liaison with social service…

  4. Children Grow Up: Autism in Adolescents & Adults.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Meyers, Kathleen; Griesman, Brenda

    The booklet examines issues associated with autism in adolescents and adults. Teenagers with autism exhibit behaviors not unlike their nondisabled peers, and standard definitions of the syndrome may not be relevant at that age. Brief articles explore the range of emotions families may encounter with a young adult or adult who has autism, typical…

  5. Adult Education in Asia. Courier No. 38.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    ASPBAE Courier, 1986


    This journal issue contains a series of papers concerned with exploring the role that adult education can play in developing communities. The first paper, "Major Challenges and Prospect of Adult Education for the Year 2000" (T. M. Sakya), provides an overview of adult education in Asia and the Pacific, emphasizing the vastness of the…

  6. Improving associative memory in older adults with unitization.


    Ahmad, Fahad N; Fernandes, Myra; Hockley, William E


    We examined if unitization inherent preexperimentally could reduce the associative deficit in older adults. In Experiment 1, younger and older adults studied compound word (CW; e.g., store keeper) and noncompound word (NCW; e.g., needle birth) pairs. We found a reduction in the age-related associative deficit such that older but not younger adults showed a discrimination advantage for CW relative to NCW pairs on a yes-no associative recognition test. These results suggest that CW compared to NCW word pairs provide schematic support that older adults can use to improve their memory. In Experiment 2, reducing study time in younger adults decreased associative recognition performance, but did not produce a discrimination advantage for CW pairs. In Experiment 3, both older and younger adults showed a discrimination advantage for CW pairs on a two-alternative forced-choice recognition test, which encourages greater use of familiarity. These results suggest that test format influenced young adults' use of familiarity during associative recognition of unitized pairs, and that older adults rely more on familiarity than recollection for associative recognition. Unitization of preexperimental associations, as in CW pairs, can alleviate age-related associative deficits.

  7. Weakened Immune System and Adult Vaccination


    ... Adult Vaccination Resources for Healthcare Professionals Weakened Immune System and Adult Vaccination Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... with health conditions such as a weakened immune system. If you have cancer or other immunocompromising conditions, ...

  8. Adult Education in India & Abroad.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roy, Nikhil Ranjan

    A survey is made of various aspects of adult education in India since 1947, together with comparative accounts of the origin, development, and notable features of adult education in Denmark, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Needs and objectives in India, largely in the eradication of illiteracy, are set forth, and pertinent…


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.


  10. Neuropsychological Assessment of Adult Offenders

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marceau, Roger; Meghani, Rehana; Reddon, John R.


    This report is primarily concerned with reporting on the normative results obtained on a large sample of serious adult offenders. An expanded Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery was administered to 584 adult offenders (OF), 132 normal controls (NC), and 494 acute psychiatric patients (PP). Subjects were between 18 and 44 years of age.…

  11. Cancer treatment decision-making among young adults with lung and colorectal cancer: a comparison with adults in middle age.


    Mack, Jennifer W; Cronin, Angel; Fasciano, Karen; Block, Susan D; Keating, Nancy L


    Our aim is to understand experiences with treatment decision-making among young adults with cancer. We studied patients with lung cancer or colorectal cancer in the Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium, a prospective cohort study. We identified 148 young adult patients aged 21-40 years who completed baseline interview questions about cancer treatment decision-making; each was propensity score matched to three middle adult patients aged 41-60 years, for a cohort of 592 patients. Patients were asked about decision-making preferences, family involvement in decision-making, and worries about treatment. An ordinal logistic regression model evaluated factors associated with more treatment worries. Young and middle-aged adults reported similar decision-making preferences (p = 0.80) and roles relative to physicians (p = 0.36). Although family involvement was similar in the age groups (p = 0.21), young adults were more likely to have dependent children in the home (60% younger versus 28% middle-aged adults, p < 0.001). Young adults reported more worries about time away from family (p = 0.002), and, in unadjusted analyses, more cancer treatment-related worries (mean number of responses of 'somewhat' or 'very' worried 2.5 for younger versus 2.2 for middle-aged adults, p = 0.02.) However, in adjusted analyses, worries were associated with the presence of dependent children in the home (odds ratio [OR] 1.55, 95% CI = 1.07-2.24, p = 0.02), rather than age. Young adults involve doctors and family members in decisions at rates similar to middle-aged adults but experience more worries about time away from family. Patients with dependent children are especially likely to experience worries. Treatment decision-making strategies should be based on individual preferences and needs rather than age alone. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  12. Readers in Adult Basic Education.


    Barnes, Adrienne E; Kim, Young-Suk; Tighe, Elizabeth L; Vorstius, Christian

    The present study explored the reading skills of a sample of 48 adults enrolled in a basic education program in northern Florida, United States. Previous research has reported on reading component skills for students in adult education settings, but little is known about eye movement patterns or their relation to reading skills for this population. In this study, reading component skills including decoding, language comprehension, and reading fluency are reported, as are eye movement variables for connected-text oral reading. Eye movement comparisons between individuals with higher and lower oral reading fluency revealed within- and between-subject effects for word frequency and word length as well as group and word frequency interactions. Bivariate correlations indicated strong relations between component skills of reading, eye movement measures, and both the Test of Adult Basic Education ( Reading subtest) and the Woodcock-Johnson III Diagnostic Reading Battery Passage Comprehension assessments. Regression analyses revealed the utility of decoding, language comprehension, and lexical activation time for predicting achievement on both the Woodcock Johnson III Passage Comprehension and the Test of Adult Basic Education Reading Comprehension.

  13. A Program Inspection on Transition of Developmentally Disabled Young Adults from School to Adult Services.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Inspector General (DHHS), Washington, DC.

    Discussions were held with 252 respondents (state and local officials, service providers, educators, parents) in 28 states concerning the problems in transition from school to adult services for developmentally disabled young adults. Transition issues were seen to include questions of where to live, what to do, and how to obtain support. The…

  14. Recognition and Adult Education: An Incongruent Opportunity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sandberg, Fredrik


    Building on narratives of students in adult education in Sweden, where the majority of the students are young adults, this paper argues that adult education has both negative and positive aspects in helping individuals to be recognised as valuable. Students, often part of the precariat class, have not always been able to survive in the job market…

  15. Interview Schedule for Studying Why Adults Learn.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tough, Allen

    Designed for use in a 1968 study of why adults learn, this interview schedule contains situation-description and question sheets for use by the interviewer and subject for examining thirteen reasons why adults begin and why they continue a learning project. (The study, "Why Adults Learn: A Study of the Major Reasons for Beginning and Continuing a…

  16. The Adult Learner: Some Things We Know

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fogarty, Robin J.; Pete, Brian M.


    This book addresses the "warrior" who rises to the challenge of teaching the adult learner. The discussion is designed as a catalyst for dialogue about the adult learner and to uncover the complexities of teaching this rare and riveting species. This book is organized around three interlocking themes: some things we know about the adult learner;…

  17. Educational Counseling of Adults: Where It's At.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grabowski, Stanley M.

    "Counseling adults is the most impoverished, depressed, but developing area in the entire area of adult education." This is due to: (1) a lack of serious commitment by the educational community, (2) a lack of adequate literature, and (3) a lack of clear-cut role distinctions. The limited number of research studies on counseling adults conclude…

  18. Transitioning Adult Education Students into Community College

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Humpherys, Bryce Ralph


    At both a national and state level there is a growing need for skilled workers in the labor force. Educating low skilled adults is one way to address this need. Adult education programs teach low skilled adults basic academic skills to prepare them for work and life in U.S. society. Until recently little attention was paid to transitioning…

  19. The Effectiveness of Storytelling on Adult Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caminotti, Enzo; Gray, Jeremy


    Purpose: As two doctoral students and adult learners, the authors strongly believe that story telling can be a great tool for educators working with adult learners. The purpose of this paper is to increase awareness of how effective storytelling can be for adult learners. Design/methodology/approach: The approach of this paper is one of gathering…

  20. Art messaging to engage homeless young adults.


    Nyamathi, Adeline; Slagle, Alexandra; Thomas, Alexandra; Hudson, Angela; Kahilifard, Farinaz; Avila, Glenna; Orser, Julie; Cuchilla, Manuel


    Art has been shown to be an empowering and engaging entity with numerous benefits to vulnerable populations, including the homeless persons and young adults. However, little is known how homeless young adults perceive the use of art as messages that can communicate the danger of initiating or continuing drug and alcohol use. The purpose of this study was to solicit perspectives of homeless, drug-using young adults as to how art can be used to design messages for their peers about the danger of initiating or continuing drug and alcohol use. Qualitative methodology via focus group discussions was utilized to engage 24 homeless young adults enrolled from a drop-in site in Santa Monica, California. The findings revealed support for a myriad of delivery styles, including in-person communication, flyers, music, documentary film, and creative writing. The young adults also provided insight into the importance of the thematic framework of messages. Such themes ranged from empowering and hopeful messages to those designed to scare young homeless adults into not experimenting with drugs. The findings indicate that in addition to messages communicating the need to prevent or reduce drug and alcohol use, homeless young adults respond to messages that remind them of goals and dreams they once had for their future, and to content that is personal, real, and truthful. Our research indicates that messages that reinforce protective factors such as hope for the future and self-esteem may be as important to homeless young adults as information about the risks and consequences of drug use.

  1. Anabolic agent use in adults with cystic fibrosis.


    Green, Heather D; Barry, Peter J; Jones, Andrew M


    The use of non-prescribed anabolic agents amongst non-athletes is increasing with young, adult males with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the highest risk demographic. There is evidence that anabolic agents increase weight and muscle mass in adults with a variety of catabolic conditions but there is no evidence for their use in hormone sufficient adults with CF. We report a case of anabolic agent use in a male adult with CF and review the clinical features of anabolic agent use with a focus on adults with CF. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Implementing reverse mentoring to address social isolation among older adults.


    Breck, Bethany M; Dennis, Cory B; Leedahl, Skye N


    Reverse mentoring is a means to address the social work Grand Challenge of social isolation. Among older adults, reverse mentoring can improve social connection by increasing the digital competence of older adults so they can use technology for social benefit, and by facilitating intergenerational connections with young adult mentors. In this paper, reverse mentoring is examined within an intergenerational program that serves older adults and utilizes the native technological knowledge and skills of young adults who mentor older adult participants. Qualitative data were collected through young adult mentor logs of each session, and through open-ended questions on the post-surveys collected from older adults and young adult mentors. Qualitative analysis revealed three themes related to social connection: (1) an increased sense of self-efficacy for older adults as they build confidence in technological use, and for young adults as they develop leadership skills through mentoring, (2) the breaking down of age-related stereotypes, and (3) intergenerational engagement and connection. The findings demonstrate that reverse mentoring can be used in various settings to decrease the social isolation of older adults by developing intergenerational connections and increasing older adult usage of technology.

  3. Adoption of pediatric-inspired acute lymphoblastic leukemia regimens by adult oncologists treating adolescents and young adults: A population-based study.


    Muffly, Lori; Lichtensztajn, Daphne; Shiraz, Parveen; Abrahão, Renata; McNeer, Jennifer; Stock, Wendy; Keegan, Theresa; Gomez, Scarlett Lin


    Studies have demonstrated superior outcomes for adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who are treated using pediatric versus adult therapeutic regimens. To the best of our knowledge, whether adult oncologists in the United States have adopted this approach to ALL in AYA patients is currently unknown. The objective of the current study was to provide a population-based description of ALL treatment patterns in AYA individuals over the past decade. Data regarding AYA patients aged 15 to 39 years and diagnosed with ALL between 2004 and 2014 while living in the Greater Bay Area were obtained from the Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry (GBACR). Treating facilities were designated as pediatric or adult centers; induction treatment regimens were abstracted from registry text data fields. Of 304 patients diagnosed in the GBACR catchment region, complete treatment data were available for 229 (75%). The location of care was identified for 296 patients (97%) treated at 31 unique centers. Approximately 70% of AYA patients received induction therapy at an adult treatment center. All AYA patients who were treated at pediatric centers received pediatric ALL regimens. Among AYA patients treated by adult oncologists with complete treatment data, none received a pediatric regimen before 2008. Between 2008 and 2012, while the US Adult Intergroup C10403 pediatric-inspired ALL protocol was open to accrual, 31% of AYA patients treated by adult oncologists received pediatric regimens. This rate fell to 21% from 2013 through 2014. Adult facilities treating ≥ 2 AYA patients with ALL per year captured in the GBACR were more likely to administer pediatric regimens than lower volume centers (P = .03). As of 2014, only a minority of AYA patients with ALL received pediatric ALL regimens at adult cancer centers. Cancer 2017;122-130. © 2016 American Cancer Society. © 2016 American Cancer Society.

  4. Correlation Study of Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) Reading Tests. Final Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garreton, Rodrigo; Terdy, Dennis

    In a study prompted by the need to standardize the reporting of educational progress of adult language minority students in Illinois, a commonly used adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) reading test was compared with two frequently used Adult Basic Education (ABE) reading tests. The testing instruments used were the ELSA (English Language…

  5. Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults


    ... Task Force Recommendations Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ( ... final recommendation on Screening for and Management of Obesity in Adults . This recommendation is for adults ages ...


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    South Carolina State Dept. of Education, Columbia.


  7. The Politics of Adult Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ellison, Art


    Art Ellison is longtime advocate for adult education, having managed numerous advocacy campaigns over the past forty years on the state and national levels. Prior to his employment in 1980 as the NH State Director of Adult Education he worked for many years as a high school teacher and as a community organizer. In this article, Ellison offers some…

  8. Economic Essays on Adult Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shetty, Sandeep


    Adult students are an important component of the current U.S education landscape. They account for over 40% of the degree-seeking fresh enrollees in the U.S. colleges and according to the U.S. Department of Education, their growth will soon outpace that of traditional students. Adult students have also received considerable attention in higher…

  9. Sibling Status Effects: Adult Expectations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baskett, Linda Musun


    This study attempted to determine what expectations or beliefs adults might hold about a child based on his or her sibling status alone. Ratings on 50 adjective pairs for each of three sibling status types, only, oldest, and youngest child, were assessed in relation to adult expectations, birth order, and parental status of rater. (Author/DST)

  10. Cochlear Implantation in Older Adults

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Frank R.; Chien, Wade W.; Li, Lingsheng; Niparko, John K.; Francis, Howard W.


    Cochlear implants allow individuals with severe-to-profound hearing loss access to sound and spoken language. The number of older adults in the United States who are potential candidates for cochlear implantation is approximately 150,000 and will continue to increase with the aging of the population. Should cochlear implantation (CI) be routinely recommended for these older adults, and do these individuals benefit from CI? We reviewed our 12 year experience with cochlear implantation in adults ≥60 years (n = 445) at Johns Hopkins to investigate the impact of CI on speech understanding and to identify factors associated with speech performance. Complete data on speech outcomes at baseline and 1 year post-CI were available for 83 individuals. Our results demonstrate that cochlear implantation in adults ≥60 years consistently improved speech understanding scores with a mean increase of 60. 0% (S. D. 24. 1) on HINT sentences in quiet . The magnitude of the gain in speech scores was negatively associated with age at implantation such that for every increasing year of age at CI the gain in speech scores was 1. 3 percentage points less (95% CI: 0. 6 – 1. 9) after adjusting for age at hearing loss onset. Conversely, individuals with higher pre-CI speech scores (HINT scores between 40–60%) had significantly greater post-CI speech scores by a mean of 10. 0 percentage points (95% CI: 0. 4 – 19. 6) than those with lower pre-CI speech scores (HINT <40%) after adjusting for age at CI and age at hearing loss onset. These results suggest that older adult CI candidates who are younger at implantation and with higher preoperative speech scores obtain the highest speech understanding scores after cochlear implantation with possible implications for current Medicare policy. Finally, we provide an extended discussion of the epidemiology and impact of hearing loss in older adults. Future research of CI in older adults should expand beyond simple speech outcomes to take into

  11. Comorbidities in adults with asthma: Population-based cross-sectional analysis of 1.4 million adults in Scotland.


    Weatherburn, C J; Guthrie, B; Mercer, S W; Morales, D R


    Comorbidity in people with asthma can significantly increase asthma morbidity and lower adherence to asthma guidelines. The objective of this study was to comprehensively measure the prevalence of physical and mental health comorbidities in adults with asthma using a large nationally representative population. Cross-sectional analysis of routine primary care electronic medical records for 1 424 378 adults in the UK, examining the prevalence of 39 comorbidities in people with and without asthma, before and after adjustment for age, sex, social deprivation and smoking status using logistic regression. Of 39 comorbidities measured, 36 (92%) were significantly more common in adults with asthma; 62.6% of adults with asthma had ≥1 comorbidity vs 46.2% of those without, and 16.3% had ≥4 comorbidities vs 8.7% of those without. Comorbidities with the largest absolute increase in prevalence in adults with asthma were as follows: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (13.4% vs 3.1%), depression (17.3% vs 9.1%), painful conditions (15.4% vs 8.4%) and dyspepsia (10.9% vs 5.2%). Comorbidities with the largest relative difference in adults with asthma compared to those without were as follows: COPD (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 5.65, 95% CI 5.52-5.79), bronchiectasis (aOR 4.65, 95% CI 4.26-5.08), eczema/psoriasis (aOR 3.30, 95% CI 3.14-3.48), dyspepsia (aOR 2.20, 95% CI 2.15-2.25) and chronic sinusitis (aOR 2.12, 95% CI 1.99-2.26). Depression and anxiety were more common in adults with asthma (aOR 1.60, 95% CI 1.57-1.63, and aOR 1.53, 95% CI 1.48-1.57, respectively). Physical and mental health comorbidities are the norm in adults with asthma. Appropriate recognition and management should form part of routine asthma care. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Facts about Meningococcal Disease for Adults


    ... are recommended for routine use in adolescents and young adults through age 18 years. Serogroup B vaccines have ... 2014 and are recommended permissively for adolescents and young adults age 16-23 years. Individuals in this age ...

  13. Treatment of adult ADHD: a clinical perspective

    PubMed Central

    Geffen, Josh; Forster, Kieran


    Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has moved from the blurred edge of clinical focus to clear recognition as a prevalent and significant disorder in its own right. It is a relatively common comorbidity which if identified and treated may open the door to better outcomes for hard-to-treat patients. Conversely, failure to identify and treat adult ADHD is linked to negative outcomes. The recognition of the importance of adult ADHD in a subset of our patients challenges us to overcome our anxiety about this diagnosis and prevent the societal marginalization of vulnerable patients. Adult ADHD responds well to integrated pharmacological and psychotherapeutic intervention. Its treatment responsiveness reduces disability and allows the comorbidity which is typically present to be addressed. Mastering this challenge can make the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD a rewarding experience. PMID:29344341

  14. Viewing Our Aged Selves: Age Progression Simulations Increase Young Adults' Aging Anxiety and Negative Stereotypes of Older Adults.


    Rittenour, Christine E; Cohen, Elizabeth L


    This experiment tests the effect of an old-age progression simulation on young adults' (N = 139) reported aging anxiety and perceptions about older adults as a social group. College students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: self-aged simulation, stranger-aged simulation, or a control group. Compared with the control group, groups exposed to an age progression experienced more negative affect, and individuals in the self-aged condition reported greater aging anxiety. In accordance with stereotype activation theorizing, the self-age simulation group also perceived older adults as less competent and expressed more pity and less envy for older adults. Compared to the stranger-aged group, participants who observed their own age progression were also the more likely to deny the authenticity of their transformed image.These findings highlight potential negative social and psychological consequences of using age simulations to affect positive health outcomes, and they shed light on how virtual experiences can affect stereotyping of older adults. © The Author(s) 2016.

  15. Sleep Deprivation During Early-Adult Development Results in Long-Lasting Learning Deficits in Adult Drosophila

    PubMed Central

    Seugnet, Laurent; Suzuki, Yasuko; Donlea, Jeff M.; Gottschalk, Laura; Shaw, Paul J.


    Study Objectives: Multiple lines of evidence indicate that sleep is important for the developing brain, although little is known about which cellular and molecular pathways are affected. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine whether the early adult life of Drosophila, which is associated with high amounts of sleep and critical periods of brain plasticity, could be used as a model to identify developmental processes that require sleep. Subjects: Wild type Canton-S Drosophila melanogaster. Design; Intervention: Flies were sleep deprived on their first full day of adult life and allowed to recover undisturbed for at least 3 days. The animals were then tested for short-term memory and response-inhibition using aversive phototaxis suppression (APS). Components of dopamine signaling were further evaluated using mRNA profiling, immunohistochemistry, and pharmacological treatments. Measurements and Results: Flies exposed to acute sleep deprivation on their first day of life showed impairments in short-term memory and response inhibition that persisted for at least 6 days. These impairments in adult performance were reversed by dopamine agonists, suggesting that the deficits were a consequence of reduced dopamine signaling. However, sleep deprivation did not impact dopaminergic neurons as measured by their number or by the levels of dopamine, pale (tyrosine hydroxylase), dopadecarboxylase, and the Dopamine transporter. However, dopamine pathways were impacted as measured by increased transcript levels of the dopamine receptors D2R and dDA1. Importantly, blocking signaling through the dDA1 receptor in animals that were sleep deprived during their critical developmental window prevented subsequent adult learning impairments. Conclusions: These data indicate that sleep plays an important and phylogenetically conserved role in the developing brain. Citation: Seugnet L; Suzuki Y; Donlea JM; Gottschalk L; Shaw PJ. Sleep deprivation during early-adult development results in

  16. Impressions and Perspectives on the Education of Adults in India by Some American Adult Educators.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stambler, Moses, Ed.

    Based on a 65-day educational program in India designed to provide an Indian international perspective for 22 adult educators in the New England region and the addition of this dimension to their Adult Education programs at home, these papers written by the participants indicate their reactions to their Indian experience. They are intended for…

  17. The Reported Experiences of Adult to Adult Bullying in K-12 New Jersey Public Schools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mazzarella, Julia R.


    This is a qualitative study which investigated the reported experiences of adult to adult bullying by other certified school professionals in a K-12 New Jersey public school setting. The study focused on: 1.) How bullies bully; 2.) The behavioral, psychological, somatic, and career manifestations for the targets of bullying; 3.) The support or…

  18. Young adult smoking behavior: a national survey.


    Ling, Pamela M; Neilands, Torsten B; Glantz, Stanton A


    Young adults have the highest smoking rate of any age group in the U.S., and new strategies to decrease young adult smoking are needed. The objective of the current study was to identify psychographic and demographic factors associated with current smoking and quitting behaviors among young adults. Attitudes, social groups, and self-descriptors, including supporting action against the tobacco industry, advertising receptivity, depression, alcohol use, and other factors associated with smoking were tested for associations with smoking behaviors in a 2005 cross-sectional survey of 1528 young adults (aged 18-25 years) from a web-enabled panel. Analyses were conducted in 2007. Being older was associated with current smoking, whereas having some higher education and being African American or Hispanic were negatively associated with smoking. Supporting action against the tobacco industry was negatively associated with smoking (AOR=0.34 [95% CI=0.22, 0.52]). Perceived usefulness of smoking, exposure to smokers, increased perceived smoking prevalence, receptivity to tobacco advertising, binge drinking, and exposure to tobacco advertising in bars and clubs were associated with smoking. Supporting action against the tobacco industry was associated with intentions to quit smoking (AOR=4.43 [95% CI=2.18, 8.60]). Young adults are vulnerable to tobacco-industry advertising. Media campaigns that denormalize the tobacco industry and appeal to young adults appear to be a powerful intervention to decrease young adult smoking.

  19. Through the Looking Glass: Adult Education through the Lens of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning over Fifty Years

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harris, Roger; Morrison, Anne


    In this paper we review fifty years of articles published in Australian Journal of Adult Learning in its various iterations. We examine the different roles of the journal: to illuminate the history and trends of adult education authors; to be the flagship of the adult education profession in Australia; to reflect on significant national events;…

  20. Use of drugs for ADHD among adults-a multinational study among 15.8 million adults in the Nordic countries.


    Karlstad, Øystein; Zoëga, Helga; Furu, Kari; Bahmanyar, Shahram; Martikainen, Jaana E; Kieler, Helle; Pottegård, Anton


    The use of ADHD drugs among adults is controversial and has until recently not been approved for use in adults in most countries. The aim was to investigate use of ADHD drugs (stimulants and atomoxetine) among the entire adult population in the Nordic countries. We conducted a multinational population-based prescription register study based on the entire adult population in the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). All users of ADHD drugs aged 18-64 years during 2008-2012 were included, which for 2012 comprised 76,896 drug users among 15.8 million adult inhabitants. Annual prevalence of drug use increased during the study period for both genders and all age groups. The overall prevalence increased from 2.4 to 5.3 per 1000 men and 1.8 to 4.4 per 1000 women. Incidence also increased, but to a lesser extent in the last part of the study period. Methylphenidate was used by 88 % of drug users. Treatment was discontinued within the first year by 21 % of new drug users. Among all users of ADHD drugs, 53 % of men and 64 % of women concurrently used other psychotropic drugs, most frequently antidepressants and hypnotics. Psychotropic co-medication increased with age and was more pronounced among women than men. Use of ADHD drug among adults more than doubled over a 5-year period, and a majority were concurrently treated with other psychotropics. Adults constitute a substantial proportion of persons treated with ADHD drugs. Thus, evidence for long-term efficacy and safety in adults is urgently needed.