Sample records for jeune adulte synthese

  1. Fetal thoracic measurements in prenatal diagnosis of Jeune syndrome.


    Das, Bibhuti B; Nagaraj, Anasuya; Fayemi, Ayodeji; Rajegowda, Benamanahalli K; Giampietro, Philip F


    We describe prenatal sonographic findings in a 34-week fetus with Jeune syndrome or asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD). The long bones measured were less than third percentile; the thoracic circumference (TC) measured 216 mm (< 2.5th percentile); the abdominal circumference (AC) measured 303.5 mm (50th-75th percentiles) and the rib cage perimeter (RCP) measured was 98 mm. The TC/AC was 0.70 (normal, 0.85) and the RCP/TC was 0.45 (normal, 0.68). Following birth diagnosis of Jeune syndrome was made based on radiographic analysis, which was subsequently confirmed by clinical and postmortem examination. This case highlights the utility of both TC/AC and RCP/TC in diagnosis of ATD and other skeletal dysplasias associated with a small thorax.

  2. Perceptions des jeunes victimes de violence sexuelle au sein de leurs relations amoureuses sur leur pire expérience

    PubMed Central

    Van Camp, Tinneke; Hébert, Martine; Fernet, Mylène; Blais, Martin; Lavoie, Francine


    Cette étude explore les pires expériences vécues dans les relations amoureuses de jeunes qui ont rapporté avoir vécu de la violence sexuelle dans une relation de couple récente. Quelles sont les situations perçues comme étant les plus difficiles par les jeunes et est-ce que celles-ci se limitent à des incidents violents? Le questionnaire sur les parcours amoureux des jeunes (PAJ) a été complété par des jeunes Québécois âgés de 14 à 18 ans. Au total, plus de 600 participants ont rapporté au moins un épisode de violence sexuelle (souvent en combinaison avec d’autres formes de violence). Nous présentons les résultats de l’analyse qualitative inductive fondée sur une question ouverte concernant la pire expérience vécue. Les observations suggèrent que, en plus des expériences de violence, les difficultés relationnelles, les ruptures amoureuses et les sentiments amoureux non réciproques sont des situations particulièrement difficiles selon les propos des jeunes. Ces différents enjeux vécus par les jeunes devraient être pris en considération dans l’offre de services d’intervention à leur intention. PMID:28191266

  3. Le premier examen gynécologique idéal imaginé par les jeunes filles

    PubMed Central

    Freyens, Anne; Dejeanne, Mélanie; Fabre, Elise; Rouge-Bugat, Marie-Eve; Oustric, Stéphane


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les représentations sur l’examen gynécologique (EG) et identifier les critères nécessaires à son bon déroulement chez des adolescentes n’ayant pas encore vécu cet examen. Type d’étude Enquête qualitative par entrevues semi-dirigées. Contexte Midi-Pyrénées (France) et Auvergne (France). Participants Jeunes filles de 15 à 19 ans qui n’ayant pas vécu l’EG. Méthodes Le mode de recrutement de l’échantillon a été double : sélection des jeunes filles par la technique boule-de-neige et sélection par la technique d’échantillonnage ciblé jusqu’à l’obtention de la saturation des données tout en cherchant la variation maximale dans les profils des sujets. Les questions ouvertes portaient sur les sources d’informations, les connaissances, les critères de bon déroulement et l’imaginaire autour de l’EG. Le verbatim a fait l’objet d’une analyse longitudinale immédiate rassemblant le contexte (notes des chercheurs) et les idées principales de l’entretien. Une analyse transversale thématique a été réalisée. Principales constatations Une méconnaissance générale des jeunes filles sur l’EG entretenait l’imaginaire autour de cet examen perçu comme obligatoire. L’EG idéal, selon les jeunes filles interrogées, aurait lieu chez une jeune fille qui se sentirait prête, informée préalablement, pouvant être accompagnée selon son souhait. Cet examen se déroulerait dans un environnement chaleureux et confortable afin de diminuer le sentiment de vulnérabilité. La qualité du lien avec le médecin conditionnerait l’acceptation de cet examen par les jeunes filles. Conclusion Une consultation dédiée à l’information, préalable à la consultation où a lieu l’EG, permettrait de diminuer les appréhensions, d’améliorer les connaissances des jeunes filles et de favoriser le bon déroulement du futur premier EG tant pour le médecin que pour la patiente. PMID:28807971

  4. Caractéristiques cliniques des jeunes déprimés en pédopsychiatrie

    PubMed Central

    Breton, Jean-Jacques; Labelle, Réal; Huynh, Christophe; Berthiaume, Claude; St-Georges, Marie; Guilé, Jean-Marc


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le profil clinique de jeunes déprimés selon le groupe d’âge et le sexe. Méthodologie L’étude a été réalisée à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse sur 75 dossiers de jeunes de 6–17 ans enregistrés en pédopsychiatrie en 2002–2003 et présentant un diagnostic de trouble dépressif. Des statistiques descriptives et des tests d’association pour comparer les garçons 6–11 ans, les garçons 12–17 ans et les filles 12–17 ans ont été complétés. Résultats Un jeune sur deux à l’adolescence a doublé une année scolaire. Près de 60% des garçons de 6–11 ans déprimés sont dirigés en pédopsychiatrie pour des difficultés comportementales et 71% des garçons de ce groupe d’âge présentent un trouble dépressif en comorbidité avec un trouble du comportement perturbateur. Les filles et garçons à l’adolescence présentent en plus grande proportion une symptomatologie intériorisée. Les idées suicidaires sont cependant aussi présentes chez les enfants (71%) que chez les adolescents (72%) et les adolescentes (85%). Les problèmes parent-enfant se retrouvent chez la majorité des jeunes, particulièrement chez les adolescentes. Conclusion Il est tout aussi important d’évaluer la dépression et l’idéation suicidaire chez les jeunes garçons avec troubles de comportement que chez les adolescents et les adolescentes et la dimension familiale est importante à considérer dans l’évaluation et le traitement. PMID:22299011

  5. Evaluation of the reach and impact of the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon: findings from three cross-sectional surveys.


    Plautz, Andrea; Meekers, Dominique


    The 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon aims to address the high STI/HIV prevalence rates and the high levels of unwanted pregnancy. This study evaluates the 100% Jeune program, analyzing its reach and impact on condom use, level of sexual activity, and predictors of condom use. This analysis uses data from three waves of the Cameroon Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey, implemented at 18-month intervals between 2000 and 2003. The sample is restricted to unmarried youth aged 15-24; sample sizes are 1,956 youth in 2000, 3,237 in 2002, and 3,370 in 2003. Logistic regression analyses determine trends in reproductive health behavior and their predictors, as well as estimate the effect of program exposure on these variables. All regression analyses control for differences in sample characteristics. A comparison of trends over the 36-month study period shows that substantial positive changes occurred among youth. Results of dose response analyses indicate that some of these positive changes in condom use and predictors of use can be attributed to the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program. The program contributed to substantial increases in condom use, including consistent use with regular partners among youth of both sexes. Among males, it also contributed to consistent use with casual partners. While condom use increased with both regular and casual partners, levels of use are higher with the latter. Observed secular trends indicate that factors besides the 100% Jeune program also contributed to the observed improvements. Despite efforts to promote abstinence, the 100% Jeune program had no effect on levels of sexual activity or number of sexual partners. Likewise, there is no evidence that reproductive health programs for youth lead to increased sexual activity. Results show that 100% Jeune successfully used a variety of mass media and interpersonal communication channels to reach a high proportion of youth throughout the intervention period. In

  6. Evaluation of the reach and impact of the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon: findings from three cross-sectional surveys

    PubMed Central

    Plautz, Andrea; Meekers, Dominique


    Background The 100% Jeune youth social marketing program in Cameroon aims to address the high STI/HIV prevalence rates and the high levels of unwanted pregnancy. This study evaluates the 100% Jeune program, analyzing its reach and impact on condom use, level of sexual activity, and predictors of condom use. Methods This analysis uses data from three waves of the Cameroon Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey, implemented at 18-month intervals between 2000 and 2003. The sample is restricted to unmarried youth aged 15–24; sample sizes are 1,956 youth in 2000, 3,237 in 2002, and 3,370 in 2003. Logistic regression analyses determine trends in reproductive health behavior and their predictors, as well as estimate the effect of program exposure on these variables. All regression analyses control for differences in sample characteristics. Results A comparison of trends over the 36-month study period shows that substantial positive changes occurred among youth. Results of dose response analyses indicate that some of these positive changes in condom use and predictors of use can be attributed to the 100% Jeune youth social marketing program. The program contributed to substantial increases in condom use, including consistent use with regular partners among youth of both sexes. Among males, it also contributed to consistent use with casual partners. While condom use increased with both regular and casual partners, levels of use are higher with the latter. Observed secular trends indicate that factors besides the 100% Jeune program also contributed to the observed improvements. Despite efforts to promote abstinence, the 100% Jeune program had no effect on levels of sexual activity or number of sexual partners. Likewise, there is no evidence that reproductive health programs for youth lead to increased sexual activity. Conclusion Results show that 100% Jeune successfully used a variety of mass media and interpersonal communication channels to reach a high proportion of youth

  7. One-stage sequential bilateral thoracic expansion for asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (Jeune syndrome).


    Muthialu, Nagarajan; Mussa, Shafi; Owens, Catherine M; Bulstrode, Neil; Elliott, Martin J


    Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy) is a rare disorder characterized by skeletal dysplasia, reduced diameter of the thoracic cage and extrathoracic organ involvement. Fatal, early respiratory insufficiency may occur. Two-stage lateral thoracic expansion has been reported, addressing each side sequentially over 3-12 months. While staged repair theoretically provides less invasive surgery in a small child with respiratory distress, we utilized a single stage, bilateral procedure aiming to rapidly maximize lung development. Combined bilateral surgery also offered the chance of rapid recovery, and reduced hospital stay. We present our early experience of this modification of existing surgical treatment for an extremely rare condition, thought to be generally fatal in early childhood. Nine children (6 males, 3 females; median age 30 months [3.5-75]) underwent thoracic expansion for Jeune syndrome in our centre. All patients required preoperative respiratory support (5 with tracheostomy, 8 requiring positive pressure ventilation regularly within each day/night cycle). Two children underwent sequential unilateral (2-month interval between stages) and 7 children bilateral thoracic expansion by means of staggered osteotomies of third to eighth ribs and plate fixation of fourth to fifth rib and sixth to seventh rib, leaving the remaining ribs floating. There was no operative mortality. There were 2 deaths within 3 months of surgery, due to pulmonary hypertension (1 following two-stage and 1 following single-stage thoracic expansion). At the median follow-up of 11 months (1-15), 3 children have been discharged home from their referring unit and 2 have significantly reduced respiratory support. One child remains on non-invasive ventilation and another is still ventilated with a high oxygen requirement. Jeune syndrome is a difficult condition to manage, but bilateral thoracic expansion offers an effective reduction in ventilator requirements in these children

  8. Prises de risques chez les jeunes de Bobo Dioulasso: une analyse des facteurs associés à la précocité et au multipartenariat sexuel

    PubMed Central

    Adohinzin, Clétus Come; Meda, Nicolas; Belem, Adrien Marie Gaston; Ouédraogo, Georges Anicet; Sombie, Issiaka; Berthe, Abdramane; Fond-Harmant, Laurence


    Introduction Malgré les efforts d'éducation à la santé, les jeunes continuent d'adopter des comportements sexuels à risques, susceptibles d'avoir des répercussions importantes sur leur santé. Cette étude visait à analyser les facteurs associés à la précocité sexuelle et au multipartenariat chez les jeunes de 19-24 ans de Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude quantitative et transversale. Les données d'enquête ont été recueillies en décembre 2014 à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), auprès de 573 jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Ces enquêtés ont été sélectionnés par un sondage en grappes à deux degrés. Des facteurs à risques relatifs à la précocité sexuelle et au multipartenariat ont été analysés à l'aide du logiciel Stata IC 13. Le seuil de signification de P<0,05 a été utilisée. Résultats Plus de la moitié des enquêtés (54%) étaient sexuellement actifs dont 14% avant l'âge de 16 ans. Le multipartenariat sexuel avait été observé chez 24% des jeunes sexuellement actifs. Parmi les facteurs déterminants de la précocité sexuelle et du multipartenariat figuraient l'âge, le sexe, le niveau d'étude, et la situation économique des parents. Nos données avaient aussi montré que les rapports sexuels trop précoces étaient associés au multipartenariat sexuel (p<0,005). Conclusion Les actions visant à renforcer les capacités des jeunes à retarder les premiers rapports sexuels et à mieux évaluer les risques seront de toute importance. Les capacités des parents, des enseignants et des prestataires devraient être aussi renforcées pour l'amélioration de la qualité des relations entre eux et les jeunes. PMID:28292094

  9. Les expériences de victimisation, la santé mentale et le bien-être de jeunes trans au Québec

    PubMed Central

    Raymond, Guillaume; Blais, Martin; Bergeron, Félix-Antoine; Hébert, Martine


    Résumé Les normes traditionnelles de genre prescrivent l’adéquation de l’expression de la masculinité et de la féminité au sexe anatomique de naissance. Les personnes qui présentent des variations dans l’expression de genre sont sujettes à diverses formes de réactions sociales suggérant la réprobation (des regards désapprobateurs aux violences physiques) susceptibles d’influencer négativement leur santé mentale. Trente-sept (37) jeunes se décrivant comme trans ou en questionnement sur leur identité de genre ont été recrutés dans le cadre de l’enquête sur les Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes de minorités sexuelles du Québec. Leurs expériences de victimisation parentale et de victimisation basée sur la non-conformité de genre ainsi que des indicateurs de santé mentale (détresse psychologique, estime de soi) ont été mesurés. Afin de comparer les expériences de victimisation et l’état de santé mentale des jeunes trans, ils ont été appariés à 37 garçons et 37 filles cisgenres sur la base de leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques. Des analyses de prévalence et un modèle acheminatoire ont été réalisés. Les résultats mettent en évidence que les jeunes trans sont plus susceptibles de présenter des scores cliniques de détresse psychologique et de faible estime d’eux-mêmes que leurs pairs cisgenres. La violence verbale parentale et la victimisation basée sur la non-conformité de genre influencent négativement l’estime de soi, ce qui en retour augmente la probabilité de vivre de la détresse psychologique. Les résultats appuient l’importance des interventions de soutien à la diversité sexuelle et de genre. PMID:26966849

  10. Short-Rib Polydactyly and Jeune Syndromes Are Caused by Mutations in WDR60

    PubMed Central

    McInerney-Leo, Aideen M.; Schmidts, Miriam; Cortés, Claudio R.; Leo, Paul J.; Gener, Blanca; Courtney, Andrew D.; Gardiner, Brooke; Harris, Jessica A.; Lu, Yeping; Marshall, Mhairi; Scambler, Peter J.; Beales, Philip L.; Brown, Matthew A.; Zankl, Andreas; Mitchison, Hannah M.; Duncan, Emma L.; Wicking, Carol


    Short-rib polydactyly syndromes (SRPS I–V) are a group of lethal congenital disorders characterized by shortening of the ribs and long bones, polydactyly, and a range of extraskeletal phenotypes. A number of other disorders in this grouping, including Jeune and Ellis-van Creveld syndromes, have an overlapping but generally milder phenotype. Collectively, these short-rib dysplasias (with or without polydactyly) share a common underlying defect in primary cilium function and form a subset of the ciliopathy disease spectrum. By using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing of DNA from an affected Australian individual with SRPS type III, we detected two novel heterozygous mutations in WDR60, a relatively uncharacterized gene. These mutations segregated appropriately in the unaffected parents and another affected family member, confirming compound heterozygosity, and both were predicted to have a damaging effect on the protein. Analysis of an additional 54 skeletal ciliopathy exomes identified compound heterozygous mutations in WDR60 in a Spanish individual with Jeune syndrome of relatively mild presentation. Of note, these two families share one novel WDR60 missense mutation, although haplotype analysis suggested no shared ancestry. We further show that WDR60 localizes at the base of the primary cilium in wild-type human chondrocytes, and analysis of fibroblasts from affected individuals revealed a defect in ciliogenesis and aberrant accumulation of the GLI2 transcription factor at the centrosome or basal body in the absence of an obvious axoneme. These findings show that WDR60 mutations can cause skeletal ciliopathies and suggest a role for WDR60 in ciliogenesis. PMID:23910462

  11. Short-rib polydactyly and Jeune syndromes are caused by mutations in WDR60.


    McInerney-Leo, Aideen M; Schmidts, Miriam; Cortés, Claudio R; Leo, Paul J; Gener, Blanca; Courtney, Andrew D; Gardiner, Brooke; Harris, Jessica A; Lu, Yeping; Marshall, Mhairi; Scambler, Peter J; Beales, Philip L; Brown, Matthew A; Zankl, Andreas; Mitchison, Hannah M; Duncan, Emma L; Wicking, Carol


    Short-rib polydactyly syndromes (SRPS I-V) are a group of lethal congenital disorders characterized by shortening of the ribs and long bones, polydactyly, and a range of extraskeletal phenotypes. A number of other disorders in this grouping, including Jeune and Ellis-van Creveld syndromes, have an overlapping but generally milder phenotype. Collectively, these short-rib dysplasias (with or without polydactyly) share a common underlying defect in primary cilium function and form a subset of the ciliopathy disease spectrum. By using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing of DNA from an affected Australian individual with SRPS type III, we detected two novel heterozygous mutations in WDR60, a relatively uncharacterized gene. These mutations segregated appropriately in the unaffected parents and another affected family member, confirming compound heterozygosity, and both were predicted to have a damaging effect on the protein. Analysis of an additional 54 skeletal ciliopathy exomes identified compound heterozygous mutations in WDR60 in a Spanish individual with Jeune syndrome of relatively mild presentation. Of note, these two families share one novel WDR60 missense mutation, although haplotype analysis suggested no shared ancestry. We further show that WDR60 localizes at the base of the primary cilium in wild-type human chondrocytes, and analysis of fibroblasts from affected individuals revealed a defect in ciliogenesis and aberrant accumulation of the GLI2 transcription factor at the centrosome or basal body in the absence of an obvious axoneme. These findings show that WDR60 mutations can cause skeletal ciliopathies and suggest a role for WDR60 in ciliogenesis. Copyright © 2013 The American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Détention provisoire des jeunes femmes accusées d'avortement clandestin ou d'infanticide au Sénégal

    PubMed Central

    Soumah, Mohamed Maniboliot; Pemba, Liliane Flore


    Introduction L'activité sexuelle chez les jeunes les expose à un accroissement du risque de contracter des grossesses non désirées. Le recours à l'avortement clandestin avec son corollaire de complications peut entrainer le décès de la jeune femme. Avortement et infanticide sont interdits et sanctionnés par la loi sénégalaise. Comment ces jeunes femmes vivent-elles leur détention? Existe-il des alternatives à la détention pour éviter leur désocialisation? Méthodes Cette étude rétrospective portait sur la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar située à Liberté 6, un quartier de Dakar. Nous avons procédé à des entretiens avec des femmes détenues à la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar et suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement clandestin. Résultats Les femmes de notre échantillon ont une moyenne d’âge inférieure à 25 ans avec parmi elles une fille mineure de 16 ans. Nous avons trouvé 18,51% de femmes suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement. Dans notre étude 50% des femmes sont originaires de la périphérie et de la banlieue de Dakar et presque 44% proviennent des autres régions du pays. La durée moyenne de détention provisoire est de neuf mois. Conclusion Malgré leur qualification distincte dans le code pénal: l'infanticide est un crime et l'avortement un délit, les femmes suspectées d'avoir commis ces actes sont soumises à de longues détentions préventives. PMID:22937189

  13. The impact on condom use of the "100% Jeune" social marketing program in Cameroon.


    Meekers, Dominique; Agha, Sohail; Klein, Megan


    To measure the reach of the "100% Jeune" social marketing campaign and to assess its impact on condom use and on the predictors of condom use. The campaign aims to improve condom use through intensive youth-oriented mass media and interpersonal communications and widespread distribution of subsidized condoms. We analyzed data from the 2000 and 2002 waves of a reproductive health survey of youth aged 15-24 years, with sample sizes of 2097 and 3536, respectively. Exposure to campaign activities was high. During the course of the intervention, there were significant changes in perceived condom attributes and access, self-efficacy, and perceived social support. Consistent with these changes, the percentage of youth who used a condom in last sex with their regular partner increased from 32% to 45% for females (p < .05) and from 44% to 61% for males (p < .01). Additional analyses suggest that exposure to the "100% Jeune" campaign has contributed to these trends. The multi-faceted mass media and interpersonal communication campaign was effective for reaching youth. During the first 18 months of the campaign, significant changes occurred in perceived social support and condom use self-efficacy. Significant increases in levels of condom use also were achieved. However, the program was more effective among males than females. This indicates a need for more and possibly different campaign activities to focus specifically on risk perception and self-efficacy among females. The results also show that repeated program exposure is needed to achieve behavior change. Hence, future programs can enhance their effectiveness by using a mix of mass media and interpersonal communications to repeatedly expose youth to key campaign messages.

  14. TCTEX1D2 mutations underlie Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with impaired retrograde intraflagellar transport.


    Schmidts, Miriam; Hou, Yuqing; Cortés, Claudio R; Mans, Dorus A; Huber, Celine; Boldt, Karsten; Patel, Mitali; van Reeuwijk, Jeroen; Plaza, Jean-Marc; van Beersum, Sylvia E C; Yap, Zhi Min; Letteboer, Stef J F; Taylor, S Paige; Herridge, Warren; Johnson, Colin A; Scambler, Peter J; Ueffing, Marius; Kayserili, Hulya; Krakow, Deborah; King, Stephen M; Beales, Philip L; Al-Gazali, Lihadh; Wicking, Carol; Cormier-Daire, Valerie; Roepman, Ronald; Mitchison, Hannah M; Witman, George B


    The analysis of individuals with ciliary chondrodysplasias can shed light on sensitive mechanisms controlling ciliogenesis and cell signalling that are essential to embryonic development and survival. Here we identify TCTEX1D2 mutations causing Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with partially penetrant inheritance. Loss of TCTEX1D2 impairs retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) in humans and the protist Chlamydomonas, accompanied by destabilization of the retrograde IFT dynein motor. We thus define TCTEX1D2 as an integral component of the evolutionarily conserved retrograde IFT machinery. In complex with several IFT dynein light chains, it is required for correct vertebrate skeletal formation but may be functionally redundant under certain conditions.

  15. The Comtesse De Genlis' "Théâtre À L'Usage Des Jeunes Personnes" (1779-1780): Educating for Order and Prejudice in Pre-Revolutionary France

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pinto, Isabel


    This essay explores the educational contribution of the Comtesse de Genlis' "Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes" ["Theatre of Education"] (1792/1779-1780), a four-volume collection of closet drama, in light of the social, political and cultural shifts occurring in France in the period prior to the French Revolution. In…


    PubMed Central

    Allen, L.; Black, R.E.; Brandes, N.; Brittenham, G.; Chazot, G.; Chunming, C.; Crawley, J.; de Benoist, B.; Dalmiya, N.; Darnton-Hill, I.; Dewey, K.; El-Arifeen, S.; Fontaine, O.; Geissler, C.; Haberle, H.; Harvey, P.; Hasler, J.; Hershko, C.; Hurrell, R.; Juma, M.A.; Lönnerdal, B.; Lozoff, B.; Lynch, S.; Salgado, H. Martines; McLean, E.; Metz, J.; Oppenheimer, S.; Premji, Z.; Prentice, A.; Ramsan, M.; Ratledge, C.; Stoltzfus, R.; Tielsch, J.; Winachagoon, P.


    Cet article présentent les résultats d'une Consultation d'Experts dont l'objectif était d'évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité des suppléments de fer administrés aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre, ainsi que les conséquences d’une telle mesure pour la santé publique. Les participants à cette Consultation, qui s’est déroulée à Lyon (France) les 12–14 juin 2006, se sont entendus sur plusieurs questions importantes concernant l’administration d’une supplémentation martiale aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre. Les conclusions du présent rapport s’appliquent plus particulièrement aux pays où le paludisme est endémique. PMID:18630054

  17. Evaluation of plant-mediated synthesized silver nanoparticles against vector mosquitoes.


    Veerakumar, Kaliyan; Govindarajan, Marimuthu; Hoti, S L


    Diseases transmitted by blood-feeding mosquitoes, such as dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, and filariasis, are increasing in prevalence, particularly in tropical and subtropical zones. To control mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases, which have worldwide health and economic impacts, synthetic insecticide-based interventions are still necessary, particularly in situations of epidemic outbreak and sudden increases of adult mosquitoes. Green nanoparticle synthesis has been achieved using environmentally acceptable plant extract and eco-friendly reducing and capping agents. In view of the recently increased interest in developing plant origin insecticides as an alternative to chemical insecticide, in the present study, the adulticidal activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized using Heliotropium indicum plant leaf extract against adults of Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus was determined. Adult mosquitoes were exposed to varying concentrations of aqueous extract of H. indicum and synthesized AgNPs for 24 h. AgNPs were rapidly synthesized using the leaf extract of H. indicum, and the formation of nanoparticles was observed within 6 h. The results recorded from UV-vis spectrum, Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy support the biosynthesis and characterization of AgNPs. The maximum efficacy was observed in synthesized AgNPs against the adult of A. stephensi (lethal dose (LD)₅₀ = 26.712 μg/mL; LD₉₀ = 49.061 μg/mL), A. aegypti (LD₅₀ = 29.626 μg/mL; LD₉₀ = 54.269 μg/mL), and C. quinquefasciatus (LD₅₀ = 32.077 μg/mL; LD₉₀ = 58.426 μg/mL), respectively. No mortality was observed in the control. These results suggest that the leaf aqueous extracts of H.indicum and green synthesis of AgNPs have the potential to be used as an ideal eco-friendly approach for the control of

  18. Dealing with Disruptive Behavior of Adult Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dobmeier, Robert; Moran, Joseph


    The adult education literature on disruptive behavior of adult learners was reviewed and a survey on disruptive behavior of adult learners was conducted with adult educators. The findings are synthesized in a conceptual framework for understanding the types and causes of disruptive behavior, which fall into the categories of inattention,…

  19. Dermatomyosite du sujet âgé: étude de 4 observations dans le sud tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Frikha, Faten; Snoussi, Mouna; Salah, Raida Ben; Saidi, Noura; Kaddour, Neila; Bahloul, Zouhir


    La dermatomyosite (DM) touche essentiellement l’adolescent et l’adulte jeune, elle est très rare chez le sujet âgé, le plus souvent associée à des complications iatrogènes et à une pathologie cancéreuse. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques de la DM du sujet âgé à travers une étude rétrospective dans laquelle nous avons comparé 4 patients âgés de plus de 65 ans au début de la myosite avec 40 sujets jeunes. PMID:23308331

  20. Portable Speech Synthesizer

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leibfritz, Gilbert H.; Larson, Howard K.


    Compact speech synthesizer useful traveling companion to speech-handicapped. User simply enters statement on board, and synthesizer converts statement into spoken words. Battery-powered and housed in briefcase, easily carried on trips. Unit used on telephones and face-to-face communication. Synthesizer consists of micro-computer with memory-expansion module, speech-synthesizer circuit, batteries, recharger, dc-to-dc converter, and telephone amplifier. Components, commercially available, fit neatly in 17-by 13-by 5-in. briefcase. Weighs about 20 lb (9 kg) and operates and recharges from ac receptable.

  1. Is Ghrelin Synthesized in the Central Nervous System?

    PubMed Central

    Cabral, Agustina; López Soto, Eduardo J.; Epelbaum, Jacques; Perelló, Mario


    Ghrelin is an octanoylated peptide that acts via its specific receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR-1a), and regulates a vast variety of physiological functions. It is well established that ghrelin is predominantly synthesized by a distinct population of endocrine cells located within the gastric oxyntic mucosa. In addition, some studies have reported that ghrelin could also be synthesized in some brain regions, such as the hypothalamus. However, evidences of neuronal production of ghrelin have been inconsistent and, as a consequence, it is still as a matter of debate if ghrelin can be centrally produced. Here, we provide a comprehensive review and discussion of the data supporting, or not, the notion that the mammalian central nervous system can synthetize ghrelin. We conclude that no irrefutable and reproducible evidence exists supporting the notion that ghrelin is synthetized, at physiologically relevant levels, in the central nervous system of adult mammals. PMID:28294994

  2. Is Ghrelin Synthesized in the Central Nervous System?


    Cabral, Agustina; López Soto, Eduardo J; Epelbaum, Jacques; Perelló, Mario


    Ghrelin is an octanoylated peptide that acts via its specific receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR-1a), and regulates a vast variety of physiological functions. It is well established that ghrelin is predominantly synthesized by a distinct population of endocrine cells located within the gastric oxyntic mucosa. In addition, some studies have reported that ghrelin could also be synthesized in some brain regions, such as the hypothalamus. However, evidences of neuronal production of ghrelin have been inconsistent and, as a consequence, it is still as a matter of debate if ghrelin can be centrally produced. Here, we provide a comprehensive review and discussion of the data supporting, or not, the notion that the mammalian central nervous system can synthetize ghrelin. We conclude that no irrefutable and reproducible evidence exists supporting the notion that ghrelin is synthetized, at physiologically relevant levels, in the central nervous system of adult mammals.

  3. Cause rare d’insuffisance rénale aigue: géant calcul de vessie chez une jeune femme

    PubMed Central

    Mohammed, Bounoual; Mustapha, Ahsaini; Karim, Tazi; Hamid, Azelmad; Mohammed, Alila; Soufiane, Mellas; eddine, El Ammari Jalal; Fadl, Tazi Mohammed; Jamal, El Fassi Mohammed; Hassan, Farih Moulay


    Géant calcul de vessie se définit par un poids supérieur à 100 g, c'est une pathologie rare chez la femme, environ 2%. La localisation vésicale ne dépasse pas 5% de l'ensemble des voies urinaires. Chez la femme l'apparition de calcul de vessie est souvent secondaire à un facteur prédisposant notamment un corps étranger intra vésical, vessie neurogene, les infections urinaires à répétition, ATCDS de chirurgie de l'incontinence urinaire d'effort. Mais on retrouve des calculs de vessie sans causes évidentes dits calculs primaires idiopathiques. On rapporte un cas d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans avec un géant calcul de vessie qui a retenti sur le haut appareil urinaire entrainant une insuffisance rénale aigue. La patiente a bénéficié initialement d'un drainage de haut appareil urinaire par des néphrostomies bilatérales puis elle a bénéficié d'une cystolithotomie à ciel ouvert d'un gros calcul de vessie. Un bilan étiologique a été demandé pourtant n'a pas identifié de cause évidente. PMID:29632626

  4. Stereo matching image processing by synthesized color and the characteristic area by the synthesized color

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akiyama, Akira; Mutoh, Eiichiro; Kumagai, Hideo


    We have developed the stereo matching image processing by synthesized color and the corresponding area by the synthesized color for ranging the object and image recognition. The typical images from a pair of the stereo imagers may have some image disagreement each other due to the size change, missed place, appearance change and deformation of characteristic area. We constructed the synthesized color and corresponding color area with the same synthesized color to make the distinct stereo matching. We constructed the synthesized color and corresponding color area with the same synthesized color by the 3 steps. The first step is making binary edge image by differentiating the focused image from each imager and verifying that differentiated image has normal density of frequency distribution to find the threshold level of binary procedure. We used Daubechies wavelet transformation for the procedures of differentiating in this study. The second step is deriving the synthesized color by averaging color brightness between binary edge points with respect to horizontal direction and vertical direction alternatively. The averaging color procedure was done many times until the fluctuation of averaged color become negligible with respect to 256 levels in brightness. The third step is extracting area with same synthesized color by collecting the pixel of same synthesized color and grouping these pixel points by 4 directional connectivity relations. The matching areas for the stereo matching are determined by using synthesized color areas. The matching point is the center of gravity of each synthesized color area. The parallax between a pair of images is derived by the center of gravity of synthesized color area easily. The experiment of this stereo matching was done for the object of the soccer ball toy. From this experiment we showed that stereo matching by the synthesized color technique are simple and effective.

  5. An advanced communications synthesizer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scherer, Ernst F.


    With the proliferation of smaller and lower cost EHF terminals, the fast-hopping microwave synthesizer subsystem is rapidly becoming the limiting factor for further size and cost reduction. A new approach, based on a high-speed direct digital synthesizer (DDS) and a very fast voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) tracking loop, has yielded a highly integrable design with true low-cost potential. A frequency range of 1 to 20 GHz can be covered by a simple substitution of the VCO module. This advanced synthesizer realization promises a generic solution to a large class of synthesizer requirements, greatly facilitating standardization and promoting modular system concepts.

  6. Mutations in the Gene Encoding IFT Dynein Complex Component WDR34 Cause Jeune Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy

    PubMed Central

    Schmidts, Miriam; Vodopiutz, Julia; Christou-Savina, Sonia; Cortés, Claudio R.; McInerney-Leo, Aideen M.; Emes, Richard D.; Arts, Heleen H.; Tüysüz, Beyhan; D’Silva, Jason; Leo, Paul J.; Giles, Tom C.; Oud, Machteld M.; Harris, Jessica A.; Koopmans, Marije; Marshall, Mhairi; Elçioglu, Nursel; Kuechler, Alma; Bockenhauer, Detlef; Moore, Anthony T.; Wilson, Louise C.; Janecke, Andreas R.; Hurles, Matthew E.; Emmet, Warren; Gardiner, Brooke; Streubel, Berthold; Dopita, Belinda; Zankl, Andreas; Kayserili, Hülya; Scambler, Peter J.; Brown, Matthew A.; Beales, Philip L.; Wicking, Carol; Duncan, Emma L.; Mitchison, Hannah M.


    Bidirectional (anterograde and retrograde) motor-based intraflagellar transport (IFT) governs cargo transport and delivery processes that are essential for primary cilia growth and maintenance and for hedgehog signaling functions. The IFT dynein-2 motor complex that regulates ciliary retrograde protein transport contains a heavy chain dynein ATPase/motor subunit, DYNC2H1, along with other less well functionally defined subunits. Deficiency of IFT proteins, including DYNC2H1, underlies a spectrum of skeletal ciliopathies. Here, by using exome sequencing and a targeted next-generation sequencing panel, we identified a total of 11 mutations in WDR34 in 9 families with the clinical diagnosis of Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy). WDR34 encodes a WD40 repeat-containing protein orthologous to Chlamydomonas FAP133, a dynein intermediate chain associated with the retrograde intraflagellar transport motor. Three-dimensional protein modeling suggests that the identified mutations all affect residues critical for WDR34 protein-protein interactions. We find that WDR34 concentrates around the centrioles and basal bodies in mammalian cells, also showing axonemal staining. WDR34 coimmunoprecipitates with the dynein-1 light chain DYNLL1 in vitro, and mining of proteomics data suggests that WDR34 could represent a previously unrecognized link between the cytoplasmic dynein-1 and IFT dynein-2 motors. Together, these data show that WDR34 is critical for ciliary functions essential to normal development and survival, most probably as a previously unrecognized component of the mammalian dynein-IFT machinery. PMID:24183451

  7. Reading Disabilities in Adults: A Selective Meta-Analysis of the Literature

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swanson, H. Lee; Hsieh, Ching-Ju


    This article synthesizes the experimental literature that compares the academic, cognitive, and behavioral performance of adults with reading disabilities to those of average-achieving adult readers. The central question posed by this review is to what extent and in what manner do adults with reading disabilities differ from adults without reading…

  8. The effects of four variables on the intelligibility of synthesized sentences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Conroy, Carol; Raphael, Lawrence J.; Bell-Berti, Fredericka


    The experiments reported here examined the effects of four variables on the intelligibilty of synthetic speech: (1) listener age, (2) listener experience, (3) speech rate, and (4) the presence versus absence of interword pauses. The stimuli, eighty IEEE-Harvard Sentences, were generated by a DynaVox augmentative/alternative communication device equipped with a DECtalk synthesizer. The sentences were presented to four groups of 12 listeners each (children (9-11 years), teens (14-16 years), young adults (20-25 years), and adults (38-45 years). In the first experiment the sentences were heard at four rates: 105, 135, 165, and 195 wpm; in the second experiment half of the sentences (presented at two rates: 135 and 165 wpm), contained 250 ms interword pauses. Conditions in both experiments were counterbalanced and no sentence was presented twice. Results indicated a consistent decrease in error rates with increased exposure to the synthesized speech for all age groups. Error rates also varied inversely with listener age. Effects of rate variation were inconsistent across listener groups and between experiments. The presences versus absences of pauses affected listener groups differently: The youngest listeners had higher error rates, and the older listeners lower error rates when interword pauses were included in the stimuli. [Work supported by St. John's University and New York City Board of Education, Technology Solutions, District 75.

  9. [What specific socialisation, social, educational and professional for teenagers and young adults with cancer?


    Roesler, Caroline; Pautre, Isabelle; Thirry, Dominique; Flores, Soccoro; Chabbert, Catherine; Savre, Nikita; Pibarot, Michèle; Seveau, Marie-Aude; Dugas, Karyn; Rollin, Zoé; Dumont, Sarah; Gaspar, Nathalie


    Socialisation, education, first jobs and autonomy are key steps to teenagers and young adults (TYA) integration into the society. The occurrence of a cancer in this population increases the difficulties. Although, suffering of cancer do affect TYA life journey at social, scholar and professional levels, from diagnosis to the after-cancer live and sometime forever, few studies exist in France. A national study on TYA with cancer (TYAC) social, scholar and professional pathways is on-going (ESPOIR-AJA). A national survey of the existing TYAC insertion support in 2013 by the "Insertion group" of groupe onco-hématologie adolescents et jeunes adultes (GO-AJA) revealed structured and ancient support at scholar level based on national governmental or associative structures, but insufficient and non-specific scholar help in secondary school and professional help. Specific initiatives have emerged since 2012 with the "Plan cancer 2". All these helps remain unequal across the country. A referential on TYAC social, scholar and professional insertion has been prepared by GO-AJA in collaboration with the association francophone des soins oncologiques de support (AFSOS). The impact of the action 9 of the nation "plan cancer 3" is awaited. Copyright © 2016 Société Française du Cancer. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  10. A Theoretical Basis for Adult Learning Facilitation: Review of Selected Articles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Muneja, Mussa S.


    The aim of this paper is to synthesize a theoretical basis for adult learning facilitation in order to provide a valuable systematic resource in the field of adult education. The paper has reviewed 6 journal articles with topics ranging from theory of andragogy; the effect of globalization on adult learning; the contribution of Malcolm Knowles;…

  11. Synthesizing Results From Empirical Research on Computer-Based Scaffolding in STEM Education

    PubMed Central

    Belland, Brian R.; Walker, Andrew E.; Kim, Nam Ju; Lefler, Mason


    Computer-based scaffolding assists students as they generate solutions to complex problems, goals, or tasks, helping increase and integrate their higher order skills in the process. However, despite decades of research on scaffolding in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, no existing comprehensive meta-analysis has synthesized the results of these studies. This review addresses that need by synthesizing the results of 144 experimental studies (333 outcomes) on the effects of computer-based scaffolding designed to assist the full range of STEM learners (primary through adult education) as they navigated ill-structured, problem-centered curricula. Results of our random effect meta-analysis (a) indicate that computer-based scaffolding showed a consistently positive (ḡ = 0.46) effect on cognitive outcomes across various contexts of use, scaffolding characteristics, and levels of assessment and (b) shed light on many scaffolding debates, including the roles of customization (i.e., fading and adding) and context-specific support. Specifically, scaffolding’s influence on cognitive outcomes did not vary on the basis of context-specificity, presence or absence of scaffolding change, and logic by which scaffolding change is implemented. Scaffolding’s influence was greatest when measured at the principles level and among adult learners. Still scaffolding’s effect was substantial and significantly greater than zero across all age groups and assessment levels. These results suggest that scaffolding is a highly effective intervention across levels of different characteristics and can largely be designed in many different ways while still being highly effective. PMID:28344365

  12. Promoting Adult Literacy Education for Minorities in the US: Challenges and Suggestions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Li, Xiaofan


    Adult literacy is a long-lasting issue in modern US and adult literacy education often falls off the radar of the support system for education. This study examined and synthesized extensive literature relevant to adult literacy education with a focus on minorities in the US. It identified progresses and challenges in three major issues in adult…

  13. Glial GABA, synthesized by monoamine oxidase B, mediates tonic inhibition

    PubMed Central

    Yoon, Bo-Eun; Woo, Junsung; Chun, Ye-Eun; Chun, Heejung; Jo, Seonmi; Bae, Jin Young; An, Heeyoung; Min, Joo Ok; Oh, Soo-Jin; Han, Kyung-Seok; Kim, Hye Yun; Kim, Taekeun; Kim, Young Soo; Bae, Yong Chul; Lee, C Justin


    GABA is the major inhibitory transmitter in the brain and is released not only from a subset of neurons but also from glia. Although neuronal GABA is well known to be synthesized by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the source of glial GABA is unknown. After estimating the concentration of GABA in Bergmann glia to be around 5–10 mm by immunogold electron microscopy, we demonstrate that GABA production in glia requires MAOB, a key enzyme in the putrescine degradation pathway. In cultured cerebellar glia, both Ca2+-induced and tonic GABA release are significantly reduced by both gene silencing of MAOB and the MAOB inhibitor selegiline. In the cerebellum and striatum of adult mice, general gene silencing, knock out of MAOB or selegiline treatment resulted in elimination of tonic GABA currents recorded from granule neurons and medium spiny neurons. Glial-specific rescue of MAOB resulted in complete rescue of tonic GABA currents. Our results identify MAOB as a key synthesizing enzyme of glial GABA, which is released via bestrophin 1 (Best1) channel to mediate tonic inhibition in the brain. PMID:25239459



    Kerns, Q.A.


    >An electronlc circuit for synthesizing electrical current pulses having very fast rise times includes several sinewave generators tuned to progressively higher harmonic frequencies with signal amplitudes and phases selectable according to the Fourier series of the waveform that is to be synthesized. Phase control is provided by periodically triggering the generators at precisely controlled times. The outputs of the generators are combined in a coaxial transmission line. Any frequency-dependent delays that occur in the transmission line can be readily compensated for so that the desired signal wave shape is obtained at the output of the line. (AEC)

  15. Socialisation interculturelle et dynamiques identitaires chez les jeunes adultes issus de l'immigration maghrébine en France

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qribi, Adelhak; Courtinat, Amélie; Prêteur, Yves


    Intercultural socialisation and identity dynamics among young adults of Maghrebi immigrant descent - This study analyses different identity orientations expressed by young people of North African immigrant descent in France in relation to their conditions of socialisation. Identity is considered in terms of cultural identification, self-esteem and the activeness or passiveness of the relationship with reality. Socialisation is studied from the perspective of the interrelationship between family education and school experience. A survey was conducted by questionnaire among 120 young people aged between 18 and 25, of both sexes, from a working-class background. A multivariate analysis (Descending Hierarchical Classification) determined a structure of four groups in terms of differentiation or assimilation and conformity or individuation. It was found that strategies balancing ontological and pragmatic concerns appear to play a role in the dynamics of a subject's self-affirmation and autonomy. The attachment to a certain religious tradition in these cases seems to be compatible with modernity and is a factor of psychological balance and social integration.

  16. Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Synthesize Neuromodulatory Factors

    PubMed Central

    Sakry, Dominik; Yigit, Hatice; Dimou, Leda; Trotter, Jacqueline


    NG2 protein-expressing oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) are a persisting and major glial cell population in the adult mammalian brain. Direct synaptic innervation of OPC by neurons throughout the brain together with their ability to sense neuronal network activity raises the question of additional physiological roles of OPC, supplementary to generating myelinating oligodendrocytes. In this study we investigated whether OPC express neuromodulatory factors, typically synthesized by other CNS cell types. Our results show that OPC express two well-characterized neuromodulatory proteins: Prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS) and neuronal Pentraxin 2 (Nptx2/Narp). Expression levels of the enzyme PTGDS are influenced in cultured OPC by the NG2 intracellular region which can be released by cleavage and localizes to glial nuclei upon transfection. Furthermore PTGDS mRNA levels are reduced in OPC from NG2-KO mouse brain compared to WT cells after isolation by cell sorting and direct analysis. These results show that OPC can contribute to the expression of these proteins within the CNS and suggest PTGDS expression as a downstream target of NG2 signaling. PMID:25966014

  17. Multiplexed chirp waveform synthesizer


    Dudley, Peter A.; Tise, Bert L.


    A synthesizer for generating a desired chirp signal has M parallel channels, where M is an integer greater than 1, each channel including a chirp waveform synthesizer generating at an output a portion of a digital representation of the desired chirp signal; and a multiplexer for multiplexing the M outputs to create a digital representation of the desired chirp signal. Preferably, each channel receives input information that is a function of information representing the desired chirp signal.

  18. Composites comprising biologically-synthesized nanomaterials


    Curran, Seamus; Dias, Sampath; Blau, Werner; Wang, Jun; Oremland, Ronald S; Baesman, Shaun


    The present disclosure describes composite materials containing a polymer material and a nanoscale material dispersed in the polymer material. The nanoscale materials may be biologically synthesized, such as tellurium nanorods synthesized by Bacillus selenitireducens. Composite materials of the present disclosure may have optical limiting properties and find use in optical limiting devices.

  19. Psychoacoustic Analysis of Synthesized Jet Noise

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Okcu, Selen; Rathsam, Jonathan; Rizzi, Stephen A.


    An aircraft noise synthesis capability is being developed so the annoyance caused by proposed aircraft can be assessed during the design stage. To make synthesized signals as realistic as possible, high fidelity simulation is required for source (e.g., engine noise, airframe noise), propagation and receiver effects. This psychoacoustic study tests whether the jet noise component of synthesized aircraft engine noise can be made more realistic using a low frequency oscillator (LFO) technique to simulate fluctuations in level observed in recordings. Jet noise predictions are commonly made in the frequency domain based on models of time-averaged empirical data. The synthesis process involves conversion of the frequency domain prediction into an audible pressure time history. However, because the predictions are time-invariant, the synthesized sound lacks fluctuations observed in recordings. Such fluctuations are hypothesized to be perceptually important. To introduce time-varying characteristics into jet noise synthesis, a method has been developed that modulates measured or predicted 1/3-octave band levels with a (<20Hz) LFO. The LFO characteristics are determined through analysis of laboratory jet noise recordings. For the aft emission angle, results indicate that signals synthesized using a generic LFO are perceived as more similar to recordings than those using no LFO, and signals synthesized with an angle-specific LFO are more similar to recordings than those synthesized with a generic LFO.

  20. Good Biocompatibility and Sintering Properties of Zirconia Nanoparticles Synthesized via Vapor-phase Hydrolysis

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Jigang; Yin, Wenyan; He, Xiao; Wang, Qiang; Guo, Ming; Chen, Shaowei


    ZrO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by a vapor-phase hydrolysis process, and characterized in terms of crystalline structures, hardness and microstructures by X-ray diffraction, Vickers hardness test method, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. Moreover, in vitro cytotoxicity evaluation and hemolysis assay showed that the nanoparticles possessed good biocompatibility. Hardness investigations and AFM measurements indicated that both the sintering temperature and compression force played an important role in determining the physical behaviors (hardness, roughness and density) of flakes of the ZrO2 nanoparticles. When ZrO2 nanoparticles synthesized at 500 °C were pressed into flakes under 6 MPa and sintered at 1400 °C, the resulting flakes exhibited an optimal combination of hardness (534.58 gf·mm−2), roughness (0.07 μm) and density (4.41 g·cm−3). As the Vickers hardness value of human bones is of 315~535 gf·mm−2 and the density of adult femuris about 1.3~1.7 g·cm−3, the experimental results showed that the ZrO2 flakes were comparable to human bones with a higher density. As a result, the synthesized ZrO2 NPs may be useful for biomedical applications, especially for bone repair and replacement in future. PMID:27725744

  1. The Trajectory Synthesizer Generalized Profile Interface

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lee, Alan G.; Bouyssounouse, Xavier; Murphy, James R.


    The Trajectory Synthesizer is a software program that generates aircraft predictions for Air Traffic Management decision support tools. The Trajectory Synthesizer being used by researchers at NASA Ames Research Center was restricted in the number of trajectory types that could be generated. This limitation was not sufficient to support the rapidly changing Air Traffic Management research requirements. The Generalized Profile Interface was developed to address this issue. It provides a flexible approach to describe the constraints applied to trajectory generation and may provide a method for interoperability between trajectory generators. It also supports the request and generation of new types of trajectory profiles not possible with the previous interface to the Trajectory Synthesizer. Other enhancements allow the Trajectory Synthesizer to meet the current and future needs of Air Traffic Management research.

  2. Waveform synthesizer


    Franks, Larry A.; Nelson, Melvin A.


    A method of producing optical and electrical pulses of desired shape. An optical pulse of arbitrary but defined shape illuminates one end of an array of optical fiber waveguides of differing lengths to time differentiate the input pulse. The optical outputs at the other end of the array are combined to form a synthesized pulse of desired shape.

  3. Adolescents' and young adults' transition experiences when transferring from paediatric to adult care: a qualitative metasynthesis.


    Fegran, Liv; Hall, Elisabeth O C; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth; Aagaard, Hanne; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid


    The objective of this study was to synthesize qualitative studies of how adolescents and young adults with chronic diseases experience the transition from paediatric to adult hospital care. The review is designed as a qualitative metasynthesis and is following Sandelowski and Barroso's guidelines for synthesizing qualitative research. Literature searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, Ovid, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ISI Web of Science, and Nordic and German databases covering the period from 1999 to November 2010. In addition, forward citation snowball searching was conducted in the databases Ovid, CINAHL, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Of the 1143 records screened, 18 studies were included. Inclusion criteria were qualitative studies in English, German or Nordic languages on adolescents' and young adults' transition experiences when transferring from paediatric to adult care. There was no age limit, provided the focus was on the actual transfer process and participants had a chronic somatic disease. The studies were appraised as suitable for inclusion using a published appraisal tool. Data were analyzed into metasummaries and a metasynthesis according to established guidelines for synthesis of qualitative research. Four themes illustrating experiences of loss of familiar surroundings and relationships combined with insecurity and a feeling of being unprepared for what was ahead were identified: facing changes in significant relationships, moving from a familiar to an unknown ward culture, being prepared for transfer and achieving responsibility. Young adults' transition experiences seem to be comparable across diagnoses. Feelings of not belonging and of being redundant during the transfer process are striking. Health care professionals' appreciation of young adults' need to be acknowledged and valued as competent collaborators in their own transfer is crucial, and may protect them from

  4. Experiences of adults with cystic fibrosis in adhering to medication regimens: a qualitative systematic review.


    Macdonald, Marilyn; Martin-Misener, Ruth; Helwig, Melissa; Smith, Lisa Janette; Godfrey, Christina M; Curran, Janet; Murphy, Andrea


    Adherence of adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) to medication regimens has been documented as problematic. Research related to adherence from the perspectives of adults with CF has been recommended for a further understanding of adherence. This review synthesized the qualitative evidence on adherence of adults with CF to medication regimens and should be of interest to healthcare providers. The question addressed in this review is, what are the experiences and perceptions of adults with CF and their adherence to a medication regimen? Adults with CF who are maintaining a medication regimen. The phenomenon of interest of this review is the experiences and perceptions of CF-affected adults who are taking prescribed medications to treat their CF and related conditions. This review included qualitative studies with the following designs: naturalistic inquiry, grounded theory, phenomenology and interpretive description. The gray literature was searched; however, no items were retained for the review. The search strategy used a three-step approach and was aimed at locating both published and unpublished studies. Key databases included, but were not limited to, CINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO. The searches were not limited by date or language because we wanted to capture all existing qualitative studies related to the experiences and perceptions of adults following medication regimens. During the title and abstract screening, only English and French articles were included. Qualitative studies triaged for appraisal were assessed by two Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)-certified reviewers for methodological quality before inclusion. The reviewers used the JBI critical appraisal instruments, specifically the JBI Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument (JBI-QARI). Data were independently extracted from the studies included in the review by two reviewers using the standardized data extraction tool from JBI-QARI. Data were synthesized using the JBI process of meta

  5. Social Skill Interventions for Youth and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ke, Fengfeng; Whalon, Kelly; Yun, Joonmo


    This article is intended to synthesize the broader literature investigating the effectiveness and salient features of interventions designed to enhance the social competence of youth and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Outcomes for adults with autism spectrum disorder remain poor with only minimal improvement shown for decades. Among 796…

  6. Synthesizing Results From Empirical Research on Computer-Based Scaffolding in STEM Education: A Meta-Analysis.


    Belland, Brian R; Walker, Andrew E; Kim, Nam Ju; Lefler, Mason


    Computer-based scaffolding assists students as they generate solutions to complex problems, goals, or tasks, helping increase and integrate their higher order skills in the process. However, despite decades of research on scaffolding in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, no existing comprehensive meta-analysis has synthesized the results of these studies. This review addresses that need by synthesizing the results of 144 experimental studies (333 outcomes) on the effects of computer-based scaffolding designed to assist the full range of STEM learners (primary through adult education) as they navigated ill-structured, problem-centered curricula. Results of our random effect meta-analysis (a) indicate that computer-based scaffolding showed a consistently positive (ḡ = 0.46) effect on cognitive outcomes across various contexts of use, scaffolding characteristics, and levels of assessment and (b) shed light on many scaffolding debates, including the roles of customization (i.e., fading and adding) and context-specific support. Specifically, scaffolding's influence on cognitive outcomes did not vary on the basis of context-specificity, presence or absence of scaffolding change, and logic by which scaffolding change is implemented. Scaffolding's influence was greatest when measured at the principles level and among adult learners. Still scaffolding's effect was substantial and significantly greater than zero across all age groups and assessment levels. These results suggest that scaffolding is a highly effective intervention across levels of different characteristics and can largely be designed in many different ways while still being highly effective.

  7. Societe Pluraliste et Diversite des Experiences Spirituelles Chez les Jeunes Adultes: Ce Que Revele Une Enquete=Pluralistic Society and the Diversity of Spiritual Experiences among Young Adults: What One Study Revealed.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Michaud, Claude


    Describes a study conducted at the University of Ottawa to investigate the spiritual experiences of 168 young adults enrolled in the education department in 1992-93 and the impact of those experiences on their personality development. Describes four psycho-religious profiles, including integrated (inductive), conventional (deductive), fragmented…

  8. Sensory-Cognitive Interactions in Older Adults.


    Humes, Larry E; Young, Levi A


    The objective of this study was regarding sensory and cognitive interactions in older adults published since 2009, the approximate date of the most recent reviews on this topic. After an electronic database search of articles published in English since 2009 on measures of hearing and cognition or vision and cognition in older adults, a total of 437 articles were identified. Screening by title and abstract for appropriateness of topic and for articles presenting original research in peer-reviewed journals reduced the final number of articles reviewed to 34. These articles were qualitatively evaluated and synthesized with the existing knowledge base. Additional evidence has been obtained since 2009 associating declines in vision, hearing, or both with declines in cognition among older adults. The observed sensory-cognitive associations are generally stronger when more than one sensory domain is measured and when the sensory measures involve more than simple threshold sensitivity. Evidence continues to accumulate supporting a link between decline in sensory function and cognitive decline in older adults.

  9. Acaricidal, pediculicidal and larvicidal activity of synthesized ZnO nanoparticles using Momordica charantia leaf extract against blood feeding parasites.


    Gandhi, P Rajiv; Jayaseelan, C; Mary, R Regina; Mathivanan, D; Suseem, S R


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acaricidal, pediculicidal and larvicidal effect of synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using Momordica charantia leaf extract against the larvae of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, adult of Pediculus humanus capitis, and the larvae of Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus. The ZnO NPs were characterized by using UV, XRD, FTIR and SEM-EDX. The SEM image confirms that the synthesized nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a size of 21.32 nm. The results of GC-MS analysis indicates the presence of the major compound of Nonacosane (C 29 H 60 ) in the M. charantia leaf extract. Cattle tick, head lice and mosquito larvae were exposed to a varying concentrations of the synthesized ZnO NPs and M. charantia leaf extract for 24 h. Compared to the leaf aqueous extract, biosynthesized ZnO NPs showed higher toxicity against R. microplus, P. humanus capitis, An. stephensi, and Cx. Quinquefasciatus with the LC 50 values of 6.87, 14.38, 5.42, and 4.87 mg/L, respectively. The findings revealed that synthesized ZnO NPs possess excellent anti-parasitic activity. These results suggest that the green synthesized ZnO NPs has the potential to be used as an ideal ecofriendly approach for the control of R. microplus, P. humanus capitis and the mosquito larvae of An. Stephensi and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Adult Literacy Research in 2006: Where Did It Appear, What Methodologies Were Used, and What Did It Say?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mikulecky, Larry; Smith-Burke, Trika; Beatty, Jeanine


    From 1999 to 2005, the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) did an annual review and synthesis of adult literacy research. This did not continue due to reallocation of federal education funds. To fill a portion of the gap left by NCSALL's departure, this adult literacy literature review analyzes and synthesizes the…

  11. Reactanceless synthesized impedance bandpass amplifier

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kleinberg, L. L. (Inventor)


    An active R bandpass filter network is formed by four operational amplifier stages interconnected by discrete resistances. One pair of stages synthesize an equivalent input impedance of an inductance (L sub eq) in parallel with a discrete resistance (R sub o) while the second pair of stages synthesizes an equivalent input impedance of a capacitance (C sub eq) serially coupled to another discrete resistance (R sub i) coupled in parallel with the first two stages. The equivalent input impedances aggregately define a tuned resonant bandpass filter in the roll-off regions of the operational amplifiers.

  12. Adults' Learning about Science in Free-Choice Settings

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rennie, Leonie J.; Williams, Gina F.


    This paper synthesizes findings from three studies to answer a general question: What do casual, adult visitors learn about science from their science-related experiences in free-choice settings? Specifically we asked whether there are changes in how people think about science in their daily lives, the nature and use of scientific knowledge, and…

  13. The Experience of Adolescents and Young Adults Treated for Cancer in an Adult Setting: A Review of the Literature.


    Marshall, Steve; Grinyer, Anne; Limmer, Mark


    The purpose of this review is to explore the literature on the experience of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) having cancer treatment in an adult setting, rather than on a specialist adolescent cancer unit. The integrative review method was used to explore the current literature. Primary research on the topic was located systematically and then synthesized into a thematic narrative. The experience of AYAs undergoing treatment in an adult setting was generally negative. This can be attributed to three themes: feeling isolated in the adult setting; the lack of empathy from staff working in the adult setting; and the inappropriateness of the adult environment for this age group. As many AYAs with cancer will continue to have treatment in adult settings, staff working in this environment should be aware of the negative experience of this cohort and the impact this can have on a vulnerable group of patients. Staff could consider simple ways of improving the AYA experience, such as connecting AYA patients with their peers to reduce isolation; adapting their approach to take account of the unique emotional needs of this age group; and considering ways of making the environment more welcoming and age-appropriate.

  14. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult Anxiety Disorders in Clinical Practice: A Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness Studies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stewart, Rebecca E.; Chambless, Dianne L.


    The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety in adults is well established. In the present study, the authors examined whether CBT tested under well-controlled conditions generalizes to less-controlled, real-world circumstances. Fifty-six effectiveness studies of CBT for adult anxiety disorders were located and synthesized.…

  15. Le rôle du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS) : une approche de médiation modérée

    PubMed Central

    Bergeron, Félix-Antoine; Blais, Martin; Hébert, Martine


    Résumé Cet article explore le rôle modérateur du soutien parental dans les relations entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez des jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS), que l’on dit aussi lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels ou en questionnement. Il vise à 1) documenter la prévalence des différentes formes de victimisation homophobe vécue par les JMS, et ce, selon le genre et l’âge et 2) à explorer l’effet modérateur du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique. Un échantillon de 228 JMS âgés de 14 à 22 ans, non exclusivement hétérosexuels, recrutés en milieu communautaire dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes (PAJ) du Québec a été analysé. L’impact de la victimisation homophobe, du soutien parental, de l’homophobie intériorisée sur la détresse psychologique est exploré par un modèle de régression linéaire avec effets de médiation modérée. Le rôle modérateur du soutien parental est confirmé dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe et la détresse psychologique. Ces variables peuvent constituer des leviers pour prévenir les effets négatifs des préjudices homophobes sur la santé mentale des JMS. PMID:26966851

  16. Mayenite Synthesized Using the Citrate Sol-Gel Method

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ude, Sabina N; Rawn, Claudia J; Meisner, Roberta A


    A citrate sol-gel method has been used to synthesize mayenite (Ca12Al14O33). X-ray powder diffraction data show that the samples synthesized using the citrate sol-gel method contained CaAl2O4 and CaCO3 along with mayenite when fired ex-situ in air at 800 C but were single phase when fired at 900 C and above. Using high temperature x-ray diffraction, data collected in-situ in air at temperatures of 600 C and below showed only amorphous content; however, data collected at higher temperatures indicated the first phase to crystallize is CaCO3. High temperature x-ray diffraction data collected in 4% H2/96% N2 does not show themore » presence of CaCO3, and Ca12Al14O33 starts to form around 850 C. In comparison, x-ray powder diffraction data collected ex-situ on samples synthesized using traditional solid-state synthesis shows that single phase was not reached until samples were fired at 1350 C. DTA/TGA data collected either in a nitrogen environment or air on samples synthesized using the citrate gel method suggest the complete decomposition of metastable phases and the formation of mayenite at 900 C, although the phase evolution is very different depending on the environment. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) measurements showed a slightly higher surface area of 7.4 0.1 m2/g in the citrate gel synthesized samples compared to solid-state synthesized sample with a surface area of 1.61 0.02 m2/g. SEM images show a larger particle size for samples synthesized using the solid-state method compared to those synthesized using the citrate gel method.« less

  17. Synthesizing Regression Results: A Factored Likelihood Method

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wu, Meng-Jia; Becker, Betsy Jane


    Regression methods are widely used by researchers in many fields, yet methods for synthesizing regression results are scarce. This study proposes using a factored likelihood method, originally developed to handle missing data, to appropriately synthesize regression models involving different predictors. This method uses the correlations reported…

  18. Sensory-Cognitive Interactions in Older Adults

    PubMed Central

    Humes, Larry E.; Young, Levi A.


    Objectives To review evidence regarding sensory and cognitive interactions in older adults published since 2009, the approximate date of the most recent reviews on this topic. Design Following an electronic database search of articles published in English since 2009 on measures of hearing and cognition or vision and cognition in older adults, a total of 437 articles were identified. Screening by title and abstract for appropriateness of topic and for articles presenting original research in peer-reviewed journals reduced the final number of articles reviewed to 34. These articles were qualitatively evaluated and synthesized with the existing knowledge base. Results Additional evidence has been obtained since 2009 associating declines in vision, hearing, or both with declines in cognition among older adults. The observed sensory-cognitive associations are generally stronger when more than one sensory domain is measured and when the sensory measures involve more than simple threshold sensitivity. Conclusions Evidence continues to accumulate supporting a link between decline in sensory function and cognitive decline in older adults. PMID:27355770

  19. Neuropsychological Performance Patterns of Adult ADHD Subtypes.


    LeRoy, Amy; Jacova, Claudia; Young, Caedy


    Neuropsychological performance patterns associated with adult ADHD subtypes are unknown. The aim of the current systematic review was to identify and synthesize available literature regarding neuropsychological performance associated with adult ADHD subtypes. Searches were completed using the databases PsycINFO and PubMed for studies published before March 2017 addressing adult ADHD subtypes and neuropsychological performance. Data characterizing the neuropsychological tests utilized in each study were obtained and sorted into eight domains. To summarize the results of all comparisons (ADHD subtype compared with control, or to each other), we counted the proportion of tests within each domain with significant group differences. We deemed four domains informative in differentiating ADHD subtypes from controls. Of these, memory was the only domain that held promise in distinguishing ADHD-Inattentive and ADHD-Combined. Limitations of the available literature are highlighted and recommendations for future research are provided.

  20. Literature Review of Residents as Teachers from an Adult Learning Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blanchard, Rebecca D.; Hinchey, Kevin T.; Bennett, Elisabeth E.


    Academic medical centers represent the intersection of higher education and workforce development. However residents often utilize traditional pedagogical approaches learned from higher education settings that fail to translate with adult learners. The purpose of this study is to synthesize literature on resident teachers from the perspective of…

  1. VCO PLL Frequency Synthesizers for Spacecraft Transponders

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Smith, Scott; Mysoor, Narayan; Lux, James; Cook, Brian


    Two documents discuss a breadboard version of advanced transponders that, when fully developed, would be installed on future spacecraft to fly in deep space. These transponders will be required to be capable of operation on any deepspace- communications uplink frequency channel between 7,145 and 7,235 MHz, and any downlink frequency channel between 8,400 and 8,500 MHz. The document focuses on the design and operation of frequency synthesizers for the receiver and transmitter. Heretofore, frequency synthesizers in deep-space transponders have been based on dielectric resonator oscillators (DROs), which do not have the wide tuning bandwidth necessary to tune over all channels in the uplink or downlink frequency bands. To satisfy the requirement for tuning bandwidth, the present frequency synthesizers are based on voltage-controlled-oscillator (VCO) phase-locked loops (PLLs) implemented by use of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) implemented using inGaP heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology. MMIC VCO PLL frequency synthesizers similar to the present ones have been used in commercial and military applications but, until now, have exhibited too much phase noise for use in deep-space transponders. The present frequency synthesizers contain advanced MMIC VCOs, which use HBT technology and have lower levels of flicker (1/f) phase noise. When these MMIC VCOs are used with high-speed MMIC frequency dividers, it becomes possible to obtain the required combination of frequency agility and low phase noise.

  2. Goals, Principles, and Practices for Community-Based Adult Education through the Lens of a Hatcher-Assagioli Synthesis

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ayvazian, Andrea S.


    This study examines how adult education can facilitate learning towards the full realization of human potential. It synthesizes two theories of human development, and applies this to the practice of community-based adult education carried out by trained facilitators who do not have formal degrees in the field of mental health. The first part of…

  3. Adult Learners in Higher Education: Barriers to Success and Strategies to Improve Results. Employment and Training Administration. Occasional Paper 2007-03

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kazis, Richard; Callahan, Abigail; Davidson, Chris; McLeod, Annie; Bosworth, Brian; Choitz, Vickie; Hoops, John


    This reports synthesizes the research literature on the challenges facing adult learners in higher education today and emerging strategies for increasing the number of adults over 24 who earn college credentials and degrees. This synthesis is meant to provide perspectives on key issues facing adults as more and more of them see the need for higher…

  4. An Evaluation of a Visual Biofeedback Intervention in Dyslexic Adults

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Liddle, Elizabeth; Jackson, Georgina; Jackson, Stephen


    A prototype of a biofeedback system designed to treat dyslexia by improving heart-rate variability was evaluated in a single blind study of dyslexic adults. Treatment consisted of four 15 minute exposures to a visual display synchronized with either the participant's own cardiac cycle (intervention condition), or of a synthesized cardiac cycle…

  5. Method For Synthesizing Extremely High-Temperature Melting Materials


    Saboungi, Marie-Louise; Glorieux, Benoit


    The invention relates to a method of synthesizing high-temperature melting materials. More specifically the invention relates to a containerless method of synthesizing very high temperature melting materials such as borides, carbides and transition-metal, lanthanide and actinide oxides, using an Aerodynamic Levitator and a laser. The object of the invention is to provide a method for synthesizing extremely high-temperature melting materials that are otherwise difficult to produce, without the use of containers, allowing the manipulation of the phase (amorphous/crystalline/metastable) and permitting changes of the environment such as different gaseous compositions.

  6. Method for synthesizing extremely high-temperature melting materials


    Saboungi, Marie-Louise; Glorieux, Benoit


    The invention relates to a method of synthesizing high-temperature melting materials. More specifically the invention relates to a containerless method of synthesizing very high temperature melting materials such as carbides and transition-metal, lanthanide and actinide oxides, using an aerodynamic levitator and a laser. The object of the invention is to provide a method for synthesizing extremely high-temperature melting materials that are otherwise difficult to produce, without the use of containers, allowing the manipulation of the phase (amorphous/crystalline/metastable) and permitting changes of the environment such as different gaseous compositions.

  7. Method for Synthesizing Extremeley High Temperature Melting Materials


    Saboungi, Marie-Louise and Glorieux, Benoit


    The invention relates to a method of synthesizing high-temperature melting materials. More specifically the invention relates to a containerless method of synthesizing very high temperature melting materials such as borides, carbides and transition-metal, lanthanide and actinide oxides, using an Aerodynamic Levitator and a laser. The object of the invention is to provide a method for synthesizing extremely high-temperature melting materials that are otherwise difficult to produce, without the use of containers, allowing the manipulation of the phase (amorphous/crystalline/metastable) and permitting changes of the environment such as different gaseous compositions.

  8. Aeon: Synthesizing Scheduling Algorithms from High-Level Models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Monette, Jean-Noël; Deville, Yves; van Hentenryck, Pascal

    This paper describes the aeon system whose aim is to synthesize scheduling algorithms from high-level models. A eon, which is entirely written in comet, receives as input a high-level model for a scheduling application which is then analyzed to generate a dedicated scheduling algorithm exploiting the structure of the model. A eon provides a variety of synthesizers for generating complete or heuristic algorithms. Moreover, synthesizers are compositional, making it possible to generate complex hybrid algorithms naturally. Preliminary experimental results indicate that this approach may be competitive with state-of-the-art search algorithms.

  9. Integrative Review of the Relationship Between Sleep Disturbances and Episodic Memory in Older Adults.


    Yeh, An-Yun; Pressler, Susan J; Giordani, Bruno J; Pozehl, Bunny J; Berger, Ann M


    Impaired episodic memory in older adults has been linked to many factors. One of these factors is sleep disturbances, which are reported by more than 50% of older adults. The relationship between episodic memory and sleep disturbances remains unclear, however, because of the multiple types of measures of sleep and episodic memory used in previous studies. The purpose of this integrative literature review was to integrate and compare findings on this relationship in adults aged 65 years. An electronic search was conducted in PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsychINFO, and Medline for material published from the inception of the databases to December 2016. The literature search produced 13 data-based, peer-reviewed, and primary research articles that met eligibility criteria. The synthesized results from these articles provide evidence that older adults with 6-8 hr of self-reported total sleep time had better episodic memory than older adults with ≤5 hr or ≥9 hr of total sleep time. Shorter length and lower percentage of slow-wave sleep were associated with reduced episodic memory in older adults, but the results were controversial. Selection of different measurements and inconsistent variables across studies increased the difficulty of synthesizing and comparing the results. The diversity of covariates controlled in the included articles raise questions regarding which covariates should be controlled in such studies of sleep and episodic memory in older adults. The numerous study limitations were thus major barriers to understanding the relationship between sleep disturbances and episodic memory.

  10. Programmable electronic synthesized capacitance

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kleinberg, Leonard L. (Inventor)


    A predetermined and variable synthesized capacitance which may be incorporated into the resonant portion of an electronic oscillator for the purpose of tuning the oscillator comprises a programmable operational amplifier circuit. The operational amplifier circuit has its output connected to its inverting input, in a follower configuration, by a network which is low impedance at the operational frequency of the circuit. The output of the operational amplifier is also connected to the noninverting input by a capacitor. The noninverting input appears as a synthesized capacitance which may be varied with a variation in gain-bandwidth product of the operational amplifier circuit. The gain-bandwidth product may, in turn, be varied with a variation in input set current with a digital to analog converter whose output is varied with a command word. The output impedance of the circuit may also be varied by the output set current. This circuit may provide very small ranges in oscillator frequency with relatively large control voltages unaffected by noise.

  11. Evaluation of synthesized voice approach callouts /SYNCALL/

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simpson, C. A.


    The two basic approaches to the generation of 'synthesized' speech include a utilization of analog recorded human speech and a construction of speech entirely from algorithms applied to constants describing speech sounds. Given the availability of synthesized speech displays for man-machine systems, research is needed to study suggested applications for speech and design principles for speech displays. The present investigation is concerned with a study for which new performance measures were developed. A number of air carrier approach and landing accidents during low or impaired visibility have been associated with the absence of approach callouts. The study had the purpose to compare a pilot-not-flying (PNF) approach callout system to a system composed of PNF callouts augmented by an automatic synthesized voice callout system (SYNCALL). Pilots were found to favor the use of a SYNCALL system containing certain modifications.

  12. The personal active aging strategies of older adults in Europe: a systematic review of qualitative evidence.


    Klugar, Miloslav; Čáp, Juraj; Klugarová, Jitka; Marečková, Jana; Roberson, Donald N; Kelnarová, Zuzana


    There is a consensus that the aging population is beginning to impact on many facets of our life. They have more medical problems and the potential to "drain" the focus of the medical community, as well as national budgets with their accompanying medical bills. Personal strategies related to active aging will help us to better understand and identify how older adults in Europe prepare themselves for the natural process of aging and what are their personal approaches to active aging. The objective of this review was to synthesize the best available evidence regarding the older adult's perspective on the personal strategies related to active aging among older adults in Europe. This review considered studies that included older adults (age over 55 years) who live in Europe. This review considered studies that investigated older adults' perspectives on (any) personal strategies related to active aging. Europe (considering "some similarity" in health care systems and retirement policies). This review considered any qualitative designs. A three-step search strategy was used to identify published and unpublished studies. The extensive search process was conducted in October 2014 and considered published and unpublished studies from the inception of databases until October 2014. Studies published in any language which had an abstract in English, Czech and Slovak languages were considered for inclusion in this review. Studies were appraised for methodological quality by two independent reviewers using the Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument (JBI-QARI). Data were extracted from the papers included in the review by two independent reviewers using the standardized JBI-QARI data extraction tool. Data synthesis was performed using the meta-aggregation approach of meta-synthesis recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Fourteen studies were included in this systematic review. From these 14 studies, 42 findings were extracted; findings were

  13. The microprocessor-based synthesizer controller

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wick, M. R.


    Implementation and performance of the microprocessor-based controllers and Dana Digiphase Synthesizer (DCO) installed in the Deep Space Network exciter in the 64-meter and 34-meter subnets to support uplink tuning required for the Voyager-Saturn Encounter is discussed. Test data in tests conducted during the production of the controllers verified the design objective for phase control accuracy of 10 to the - 12 power cycles in eight hours during ramping. Tests conducted require a phase error between a theoretical calculated value and the actual phase of no greater than + or - 1 cycle. Tests included (1) a ramp over a period of eight hours using a ramp rate which covers the synthesizer tuning range (40-51 MHz) and (2) a ramp sequence using the maximum rate (+ or kHz/s) over the tuning range.

  14. Operational Design that Synthesizes Art and Science

    DTIC Science & Technology


    FINAL 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) Feb - May 2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE OPERATIONAL DESIGN THAT SYNTHESIZES ART AND SCIENCE 5a...TITLE AND SUBTITLE Operational Design That Synthesizes Art And Science 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR...proponents of EBO view warfare as only a science and not a combination of art and science . 9 Another main point of contention centered on the term

  15. Neurosteroids in Adult Hippocampus of Male and Female Rodents: Biosynthesis and Actions of Sex Steroids.


    Hojo, Yasushi; Kawato, Suguru


    The brain is not only the target of steroid hormones but also is able to locally synthesize steroids de novo . Evidence of the local production of steroids in the brain has been accumulating in various vertebrates, including teleost fish, amphibia, birds, rodents, non-human primates, and humans. In this review, we mainly focus on the local production of sex steroids in the hippocampal neurons of adult rodents (rats and mice), a center for learning and memory. From the data of the hippocampus of adult male rats, hippocampal principal neurons [pyramidal cells in CA1-CA3 and granule cells in dentate gyrus (DG)] have a complete system for biosynthesis of sex steroids. Liquid chromatography with tandem-mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) enabled us to accurately determine the levels of hippocampal sex steroids including 17β-estradiol (17β-E2), testosterone (T), and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which are much higher than those in blood. Next, we review the steroid synthesis in the hippocampus of female rats, since previous knowledge had been biased toward the data from males. Recently, we clarified that the levels of hippocampal steroids fluctuate in adult female rats across the estrous cycle. Accurate determination of hippocampal steroids at each stage of the estrous cycle is of importance for providing the account for the fluctuation of female hippocampal functions, including spine density, long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD), and learning and memory. These functional fluctuations in female had been attributed to the level of circulation-derived steroids. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed that the dendritic spine density in CA1 of adult female hippocampus correlates with the levels of hippocampal progesterone and 17β-E2. Finally, we introduce the direct evidence of the role of hippocampus-synthesized steroids in hippocampal function including neurogenesis, LTP, and memory consolidation. Mild exercise (2 week of treadmill running) elevated synthesis of DHT

  16. A Feasibility Study of Synthesizing Subsurfaces Modeled with Computational Neural Networks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wang, John T.; Housner, Jerrold M.; Szewczyk, Z. Peter


    This paper investigates the feasibility of synthesizing substructures modeled with computational neural networks. Substructures are modeled individually with computational neural networks and the response of the assembled structure is predicted by synthesizing the neural networks. A superposition approach is applied to synthesize models for statically determinate substructures while an interface displacement collocation approach is used to synthesize statically indeterminate substructure models. Beam and plate substructures along with components of a complicated Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) model are used in this feasibility study. In this paper, the limitations and difficulties of synthesizing substructures modeled with neural networks are also discussed.

  17. Method of synthesizing pyrite nanocrystals


    Wadia, Cyrus; Wu, Yue


    A method of synthesizing pyrite nanocrystals is disclosed which in one embodiment includes forming a solution of iron (III) diethyl dithiophosphate and tetra-alkyl-ammonium halide in water. The solution is heated under pressure. Pyrite nanocrystal particles are then recovered from the solution.

  18. Bottom-Up Syntheses and Characterization of One Dimensional Nanomaterials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yeh, Yao-Wen

    Nanomaterials, materials having at least one dimension below 100 nm, have been creating exciting opportunities for fundamental quantum confinement studies and applications in electronic devices and energy technologies. One obvious and important aspect of nanomaterials is their production. Although nanostructures can be obtained by top-down reductive e-beam lithography and focused ion beam processes, further development of these processes is needed before these techniques can become practical routes to large scale production. On the other hand, bottom-up syntheses, with advantages in material diversity, throughput, and the potential for large volume production, may provide an alternative strategy for creating nanostructures. In this work, we explore syntheses of one dimensional nanostructures based on hydrothermal and arc discharge methods. The first project presented in this thesis involves syntheses of technologically important nanomaterials and their potential application in energy harvesting. In particular, it was demonstrated that single crystal ferroelectric lead magnesium niobate lead titanate (PMN-PT) nanowires can be synthesized by a hydrothermal route. The chemical composition of the synthesized nanowires is near the rhombohedral-monoclinic boundary of PMN-PT, which leads to a high piezoelectric coefficient of 381 pm/V. Finally, the potential use of PMN-PT nanowires in energy harvesting applications was also demonstrated. The second part of this thesis involves the synthesis of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes by dc arc discharges. In particular, we investigated how local plasma related properties affected the synthesis of carbon nanostructures. Finally, we investigated the anodic nature of the arc and how a dc arc discharge can be applied to synthesize boron nitride nanotubes.

  19. The State-of-the-Science on Somatosensory Function and Its Impact on Daily Life in Adults and Older Adults, and Following Stroke: A Scoping Review.


    Carey, Leeanne M; Lamp, Gemma; Turville, Megan


    The aim was to identify and synthesize research evidence about how adults and older adults process somatosensory information in daily activities, and the interventions available to regain somatosensory function following stroke. We developed two interacting concept maps to address the research questions. The scoping review was conducted from 2005 to 2015 across Web of Science, AMED, CINAHL, Embase, Medline, and PsychInfo databases. Search terms included somatosensory, perception, performance, participation, older adult, stroke, intervention, discrimination, learning, and neuroplasticity. Contributions from 103 articles for Concept 1 and 14 articles for Concept 2 are reported. Measures of somatosensory processing, performance, and participation used are identified. Interventions available to treat somatosensory loss are summarized in relation to approach, outcome measures, and theory/mechanisms underlying. A gap exists in the current understanding of how somatosensory function affects the daily lives of adults. A multidisciplinary approach that includes performance and participation outcomes is recommended to advance the field. © The Author(s) 2016.

  20. Information Retrieval for Ecological Syntheses

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bayliss, Helen R.; Beyer, Fiona R.


    Research syntheses are increasingly being conducted within the fields of ecology and environmental management. Information retrieval is crucial in any synthesis in identifying data for inclusion whilst potentially reducing biases in the dataset gathered, yet the nature of ecological information provides several challenges when compared with…

  1. Older adult's experience of chronic low back pain and its implications on their daily life: Study protocol of a systematic review of qualitative research.


    Wong, Arnold Y L; Forss, Katarina Sjögren; Jakobsson, Jenny; Schoeb, Veronika; Kumlien, Christine; Borglin, Gunilla


    Of various chronic diseases, low back pain (LBP) is the most common and debilitating musculoskeletal condition among older adults aged 65 years or older. While more than 17 million older adults in the USA suffer from at least one episode of LBP annually, approximately six million of them experience chronic LBP that significantly affects their quality of life and physical function. Since many older adults with chronic LBP may also have comorbidities and are more sensitive to pain than younger counterparts, these older individuals may face unique age-related physical and psychosocial problems. While some qualitative research studies have investigated the life experiences of older adults with chronic LBP, no systematic review has integrated and synthesized the scientific knowledge regarding the influence of chronic LBP on the physical, psychological, and social aspects of lives in older adults. Without such information, it may result in unmet care needs and ineffective interventions for this vulnerable group. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to synthesize knowledge regarding older adults' experiences of living with chronic LBP and the implications on their daily lives. Candidate publications will be sought from databases: PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO. Qualitative research studies will be included if they are related to the experiences of older adults with chronic LBP. Two independent reviewers will screen the titles, abstracts, and full-text articles for eligibility. The reference lists of the included studies will be checked for additional relevant studies. Forward citation tracking will be conducted. Meta-ethnography will be chosen to synthesize the data from the included studies. Specifically, the second-order concepts that are deemed to be translatable by two independent reviewers will be included and synthesized to capture the core of the idiomatic translations (i.e., a translation focusing on salient categories of meaning rather than the

  2. Culturally competent interventions for Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review.


    Whittemore, Robin


    Culturally competent interventions have been developed to improve outcomes for Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this systematic review is to synthesize the research on culturally competent interventions for this vulnerable population. A systematic approach was used to locate empirical reports (n = 11). Interventions were multifaceted with the majority demonstrating significant improvements in clinical outcomes, behavioral outcomes, and diabetes-related knowledge. Culturally competent interventions have the potential to improve outcomes in Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes. However, improvements were modest and attrition was moderate to high in many studies. Addressing linguistic and cultural barriers to care are important beginnings to improving health outcomes for Hispanic adults with type 2 diabetes.

  3. Fast, High-Precision Optical Polarization Synthesizer for Ultracold-Atom Experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robens, Carsten; Brakhane, Stefan; Alt, Wolfgang; Meschede, Dieter; Zopes, Jonathan; Alberti, Andrea


    We present a technique for the precision synthesis of arbitrary polarization states of light with a high modulation bandwidth. Our approach consists of superimposing two laser light fields with the same wavelength, but with opposite circular polarizations, where the phase and the amplitude of each light field are individually controlled. We find that the polarization-synthesized beam reaches a degree of polarization of 99.99%, which is mainly limited by static spatial variations of the polarization state over the beam profile. We also find that the depolarization caused by temporal fluctuations of the polarization state is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller. In a recent work, Robens et al. [Low-Entropy States of Neutral Atoms in Polarization-Synthesized Optical Lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 065302 (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.065302] demonstrated an application of the polarization synthesizer to create two independently controllable optical lattices which trap atoms depending on their internal spin state. We use ultracold atoms in polarization-synthesized optical lattices to give an independent, in situ demonstration of the performance of the polarization synthesizer.

  4. Evaluating Text-to-Speech Synthesizers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cardoso, Walcir; Smith, George; Fuentes, Cesar Garcia


    Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesizers have piqued the interest of researchers for their potential to enhance the L2 acquisition of writing (Kirstein, 2006), vocabulary and reading (Proctor, Dalton, & Grisham, 2007) and pronunciation (Cardoso, Collins, & White, 2012; Soler-Urzua, 2011). Despite their proven effectiveness, there is a need for…

  5. Motivating and Assisting Adult, Online Chemistry Students: A Review of the Literature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bannier, Betsy J.


    While comprehensive texts, articles, and literature reviews presenting research in the singular arenas of motivation, help-seeking, and online science learning are relatively easy to find, syntheses and interactions between these constructs are lacking. Part I of this review addresses this knowledge gap by drawing together key research from the domains of educational psychology and adult education, addressing the constructs of motivation, self-efficacy, adult learning, and help-seeking. Part II of this review extends and applies the motivation and help-seeking discussion to the emerging and exciting field of online chemistry education. The result is a comprehensive synthesis of the strengths and limitations of the currently existing body of knowledge related to the motivation and help-seeking behaviors of adult, online chemistry students.

  6. Domestic violence and mental health in older adults.


    Knight, Lucy; Hester, Marianne


    Domestic violence affects every age group and is present throughout the life span, but, while the mental health impact of domestic violence is clearly established in working age adults, less is known about the nature and impact of domestic violence among older adults. This review, therefore, aimed to synthesize findings on the prevalence, nature, and impact of domestic violence among older adults, and its identification and management. Electronic searches were conducted of Medline, PsycINFO, Cinahl, and Embase to identify studies reporting on the mental health and domestic violence in older adults. Findings suggested that, although prevalence figures are variable, the likely lifetime prevalence for women over the age of 65 is between 20-30%. Physical abuse is suggested to decrease with age, but rates of emotional abuse appear to be stable over the lifespan. Among older adults, domestic violence is strongly associated with physical and mental health problems, and the scarce research comparing the impact of domestic violence across the age cohorts suggests that the physical health of older victims may be more severely affected than younger victims. In contrast, there is evidence that older victims may experience less psychological distress in response to domestic violence than younger victims. Internationally, evidence on the management of domestic violence in older adults is sparse. Findings suggest, however, that identification of domestic violence is poor among older adults, and there are very limited options for onwards referral and support.

  7. Comparison on Bactericidal and Cytotoxic Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Different Methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mala, R.; Celsia, A. S. Ruby; Malathi Devi, S.; Geerthika, S.


    Biologically synthesized silver nanoparticle are biocompatible for medical applications. The present work is aimed to synthesize silver nanoparticle using the fruit pulp of Tamarindusindica and to evaluate its antibacterial and anticancer activity against lung cancercell lines. Antibacterial activity was assessed by well diffusion method. Cytotoxicity was evaluated using MTT assay. GC-MS of fruit pulp extract showed the presence of levoglucosenone, n-hexadecanoic acid, 9,12-octadecadienoic acid etc. Antioxidant activity of the fruit pulp was determined by DPPH assay, hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay and lipid peroxidation. The size of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticle varied from 50 nm to 76 nm. It was 59 nm to 98 nm for chemically synthesized silver nanoparticle. Biologically synthesized silver nanoparticle showed 26 mm inhibition zone against E. coli and chemically synthesized silver nanoparticle showed 20 mm. Antioxidant activity of fruit extract by DPPH showed 84 % reduction. The IC 50 of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticle against lung cancer cell lines was 48 µg/ml. It was 95 µg/ml for chemically synthesized silver nanoparticle. The increased activity of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticle was due to its smaller size, stability and the bioactive compounds capping the silver nanoparticle extracted from the fruit extract.

  8. The use of synthesized aqueous solutions for determining strontium sorption isotherms

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Liszewski, M.J.; Bunde, R.L.; Hemming, C.; Rosentreter, J.; Welhan, J.


    The use of synthesized aqueous solutions for determining experimentally derived strontium sorption isotherms of sediment was investigated as part of a study accessing strontium chemical transport properties. Batch experimental techniques were used to determine strontium sorption isotherms using synthesized aqueous solutions designed to chemically represent water from a natural aquifer with respect to major ionic character and pH. A strontium sorption isotherm for a sediment derived using a synthesized aqueous solution was found to be most comparable to an isotherm derived using natural water when the synthesized aqueous solution contained similar concentrations of calcium and magnesium. However, it is difficult to match compositions exactly due to the effects of disequilibrium between the solution and the sediment. Strong linear relations between sorbed strontium and solution concentrations of calcium and magnesium confirm that these cations are important co-constituents in these synthesized aqueous solutions. Conversely, weak linear relations between sorbed strontium and solution concentrations of sodium and potassium indicate that these constituents do not affect sorption of strontium. The addition of silica to the synthesized aqueous solution does not appreciably affect the resulting strontium sorption isotherm.

  9. Ice Melting to Release Reactants in Solution Syntheses.


    Wei, Hehe; Huang, Kai; Zhang, Le; Ge, Binghui; Wang, Dong; Lang, Jialiang; Ma, Jingyuan; Wang, Da; Zhang, Shuai; Li, Qunyang; Zhang, Ruoyu; Hussain, Naveed; Lei, Ming; Liu, Li-Min; Wu, Hui


    Aqueous solution syntheses are mostly based on mixing two solutions with different reactants. It is shown that freezing one solution and melting it in another solution provides a new interesting strategy to mix chemicals and to significantly change the reaction kinetics and thermodynamics. For example, a precursor solution containing a certain concentration of AgNO 3 was frozen and dropped into a reductive NaBH 4 solution at about 0 °C. The ultra-slow release of reactants was successfully achieved. An ice-melting process can be used to synthesize atomically dispersed metals, including cobalt, nickel, copper, rhodium, ruthenium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold, which can be easily extended to other solution syntheses (such as precipitation, hydrolysis, and displacement reactions) and provide a generalized method to redesign the interphase reaction kinetics and ion diffusion in wet chemistry. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Biomedical applications of green synthesized Nobel metal nanoparticles.


    Khan, Zia Ul Haq; Khan, Amjad; Chen, Yongmei; Shah, Noor S; Muhammad, Nawshad; Khan, Arif Ullah; Tahir, Kamran; Khan, Faheem Ullah; Murtaza, Behzad; Hassan, Sadaf Ul; Qaisrani, Saeed Ahmad; Wan, Pingyu


    Synthesis of Nobel metal nanoparticles, play a key role in the field of medicine. Plants contain a substantial number of organic constituents, like phenolic compounds and various types of glycosides that help in synthesis of metal nanoparticles. Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by green method is one of the best and environment friendly methods. The major significance of the green synthesis is lack of toxic by-products produced during metal nanoparticle synthesis. The nanoparticles, synthesized by green method show various significant biological activities. Most of the research articles report the synthesized nanoparticles to be active against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Some of these bacteria include Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas fluorescens. The synthesized nanoparticles also show significant antifungal activity against Trichophyton simii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum as well as different types of cancer cells such as breast cancer cell line. They also exhibit significant antioxidant activity. The activities of these Nobel metal nano-particles mainly depend on the size and shape. The particles of small size with large surface area show good activity in the field of medicine. The synthesized nanoparticles are also active against leishmanial diseases. This research article explores in detail the green synthesis of the nanoparticles and their uses thereof. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Structural and Electrical Characteristics of Carbon Nanowalls Synthesized on the Polyimide Film.


    Kwon, Seok Hun; Kim, Hyung Jin; Choi, Won Seok; Kang, Hyunil


    In this study, the structural and electrical characteristics of carbon nanowalls (CNWs) synthesized on polyimide films were investigated. CNWs were synthesized on polyimide films as various growth times. The cross-section and surface of the CNWs synthesized were examined using FE-SEM. The growth and defects of CNWs were observed by raman spectrum. The hall measurement system was used to analyzed sheet resistance, resistivity and conductivity. The CNWs synthesized at 40 minutes showed outstanding structural and electrical characterizations than another growth times.

  12. Seaweed-synthesized silver nanoparticles: an eco-friendly tool in the fight against Plasmodium falciparum and its vector Anopheles stephensi?


    Murugan, Kadarkarai; Samidoss, Christina Mary; Panneerselvam, Chellasamy; Higuchi, Akon; Roni, Mathath; Suresh, Udaiyan; Chandramohan, Balamurugan; Subramaniam, Jayapal; Madhiyazhagan, Pari; Dinesh, Devakumar; Rajaganesh, Rajapandian; Alarfaj, Abdullah A; Nicoletti, Marcello; Kumar, Suresh; Wei, Hui; Canale, Angelo; Mehlhorn, Heinz; Benelli, Giovanni


    Malaria, the most widespread mosquito-borne disease, affects 350-500 million people each year. Eco-friendly control tools against malaria vectors are urgently needed. This research proposed a novel method of plant-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using a cheap seaweed extract of Ulva lactuca, acting as a reducing and capping agent. AgNP were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The U. lactuca extract and the green-synthesized AgNP were tested against larvae and pupae of the malaria vector Anopheles stephensi. In mosquitocidal assays, LC50 values of U. lactuca extract against A. stephensi larvae and pupae were 18.365 ppm (I instar), 23.948 ppm (II), 29.701 ppm (III), 37.517 ppm (IV), and 43.012 ppm (pupae). LC50 values of AgNP against A. stephensi were 2.111 ppm (I), 3.090 ppm (II), 4.629 ppm (III), 5.261 ppm (IV), and 6.860 ppm (pupae). Smoke toxicity experiments conducted against mosquito adults showed that U. lactuca coils evoked mortality rates comparable to the permethrin-based positive control (66, 51, and 41%, respectively). Furthermore, the antiplasmodial activity of U. lactuca extract and U. lactuca-synthesized AgNP was evaluated against CQ-resistant (CQ-r) and CQ-sensitive (CQ-s) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of U. lactuca were 57.26 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 66.36 μg/ml (CQ-r); U. lactuca-synthesized AgNP IC50 values were 76.33 μg/ml (CQ-s) and 79.13 μg/ml (CQ-r). Overall, our results highlighted out that U. lactuca-synthesized AgNP may be employed to develop newer and safer agents for malaria control.

  13. Effects of using Nintendo Wii™ exergames in older adults: a review of the literature.


    Chao, Ying-Yu; Scherer, Yvonne K; Montgomery, Carolyn A


    The purpose of this review is to summarize and synthesize the impact of using the Nintendo Wii™ exergames in older adults. A database search was conducted to identify relevant studies. The search was limited to empirical studies, with particular attention paid to the effects of Wii exergames intervention on cognition, physical function, and psychosocial outcomes in older adults. A total of 22 empirical studies met inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Positive effects included improving physical function, decreasing depression, and increasing cognition and quality of life in older adults. Improved socialization and motivation to exercise were also reported. Using Wii exergames does show promise as an intervention to improve physical function, cognition, and psychosocial outcomes in older adults. Evidence supports that Wii exergames is a safe and feasible tool to encourage older adults to engage in exercise. © The Author(s) 2014.

  14. The health status of young adults in the United States.


    Park, M Jane; Paul Mulye, Tina; Adams, Sally H; Brindis, Claire D; Irwin, Charles E


    The health issues of young adulthood have received relatively little attention compared with those of adolescence, although the critical issues in young adulthood parallel those of adolescence. Young adults often fare worse than adolescents on health indicators, with many measures of negative outcomes--including rates of injury, homicide, and substance use--peaking during the young adult years. The contextual factors shaping health status and access to care in young adulthood differ significantly from the context of adolescence. This article synthesizes national data to present a health profile of young adults, reviewing social indicators that describe the context of young adulthood and presenting measures of health status. We examine mortality, morbidity, risky behaviors, and health care access and utilization, identifying the most significant gender and racial/ethnic disparities. The article also identifies limitations of existing data and offers suggestions for future research and health monitoring in this area. We conclude with a discussion of current efforts to address the health and well-being of young adults and argue for creating a national health agenda for young adults that includes research, programs and policies to address health issues during this period of the lifespan.

  15. Review and Synthesize Completed Research Through Systematic Review.


    Hopp, Lisa; Rittenmeyer, Leslie


    The evidence-based health care movement has generated new opportunity for scholars to generate synthesized sources of evidence. Systematic reviews are rigorous forms of synthesized evidence that scholars can conduct if they have requisite skills, time, and access to excellent library resources. Systematic reviews play an important role in synthesizing what is known and unknown about a particular health issue. Thus, they have a synergistic relationship with primary research. They can both inform clinical decisions when the evidence is adequate and identify gaps in knowledge to inform research priorities. Systematic reviews can be conducted of quantitative and qualitative evidence to answer many types of questions. They all share characteristics of rigor that arise from a priori protocol development, transparency, exhaustive searching, dual independent reviewers who critically appraise studies using standardized tools, rigor in synthesis, and peer review at multiple stages in the conduct and reporting of the systematic review. © The Author(s) 2015.

  16. Controllable Syntheses of MOF-Derived Materials.


    Zou, Kang-Yu; Li, Zuo-Xi


    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), as an important kind of porous inorganic-organic hybrid materials with inherent outstanding physicochemistry characteristics, can be widely applied as versatile precursors for the facile preparation of functional MOF-derived materials. However, there are plenty of sophisticated factors during the synthetic process, which is far from reaching the goal of effectively controlling the nature of MOF-derived materials (such as the composition, morphology and surface area). Therefore, it is urgently necessary to develop regular protocols and concepts for controllable syntheses of MOF-derived materials. In this minireview, we mainly summarize and analyze complicated factors in the fabrication of MOF-derived materials according to recently reported literatures, and this provides a new insight into the rational design and syntheses of MOF-derived materials. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Primary care of adults with developmental disabilities

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Berg, Joseph M.; Bradley, Elspeth; Cheetham, Tom; Denton, Richard; Heng, John; Hennen, Brian; Joyce, David; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley


    Abstract Objective To update the 2006 Canadian guidelines for primary care of adults with developmental disabilities (DD) and to make practical recommendations based on current knowledge to address the particular health issues of adults with DD. Quality of evidence Knowledgeable health care providers participating in a colloquium and a subsequent working group discussed and agreed on revisions to the 2006 guidelines based on a comprehensive review of publications, feedback gained from users of the guidelines, and personal clinical experiences. Most of the available evidence in this area of care is from expert opinion or published consensus statements (level III). Main message Adults with DD have complex health issues, many of them differing from those of the general population. Good primary care identifies the particular health issues faced by adults with DD to improve their quality of life, to improve their access to health care, and to prevent suffering, morbidity, and premature death. These guidelines synthesize general, physical, behavioural, and mental health issues of adults with DD that primary care providers should be aware of, and they present recommendations for screening and management based on current knowledge that practitioners can apply. Because of interacting biologic, psychoaffective, and social factors that contribute to the health and well-being of adults with DD, these guidelines emphasize involving caregivers, adapting procedures when appropriate, and seeking input from a range of health professionals when available. Ethical care is also emphasized. The guidelines are formulated within an ethical framework that pays attention to issues such as informed consent and the assessment of health benefits in relation to risks of harm. Conclusion Implementation of the guidelines proposed here would improve the health of adults with DD and would minimize disparities in health and health care between adults with DD and those in the general population

  18. Hardness characteristic of dental porcelain synthesized from Indonesian natural sand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gunawan, J.; Taufik, D.; Takarini, V.; Hasratiningsih, Z.; Ramelan, A.


    Porcelain has been one of dental biomaterials which can be used to restore tooth structure. Veneer and jacket crown were the examples of dental porcelain restoration. Since wear resistance is related to the strength on its surface, then Vickers Hardness Test of the synthesized porcelain was applied subsequently. If the porcelain hardness number is too high, it should be considered that an abrasion of the opposing teeth could occur. On previous research, dental porcelain had been successfully synthesized from Indonesian natural sand. In this experiment, 5 samples were prepared from a mixture of 65w/o Pangaribuan feldspar, 25w/o Belitung silica, 5w/o Sukabumi kaolinite, and 5w/o potassium salt. This synthesized porcelain samples were invested on 5 cm diameter resin each. A kilogram of load was placed on top of each sample for 10 seconds on 7 different indented areas using ZwickRoell Indentec ZHVμ Micro Vickers. The average hardness number of synthesized dental porcelain made from Indonesian natural sand was 936.06 VHN which was higher than the average hardness number of porcelain restoration. In conclusion of the hardness test, synthesized dental porcelain made from Indonesian natural sand can potentially be used as a core, which shall support hardness and strength of the crown restoration.

  19. A synthesized mating pheromone component increases adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) trap capture in management scenarios

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Johnson, Nicholas S.; Siefkes, Michael J.; Wagner, C. Michael; Dawson, Heather; Wang, Huiyong; Steeves, Todd; Twohey, Michael; Li, Weiming


    Application of chemical cues to manipulate adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) behavior is among the options considered for new sea lamprey control techniques in the Laurentian Great Lakes. A male mating pheromone component, 7a,12a,24-trihydroxy-3-one-5a-cholan-24-sulfate (3kPZS), lures ovulated female sea lamprey upstream into baited traps in experimental contexts with no odorant competition. A critical knowledge gap is whether this single pheromone component influences adult sea lamprey behavior in management contexts containing free-ranging sea lampreys. A solution of 3kPZS to reach a final in-stream concentration of 10-12 mol·L-1 was applied to eight Michigan streams at existing sea lamprey traps over 3 years, and catch rates were compared between paired 3kPZS-baited and unbaited traps. 3kPZS-baited traps captured significantly more sexually immature and mature sea lampreys, and overall yearly trapping efficiency within a stream averaged 10% higher during years when 3kPZS was applied. Video analysis of a trap funnel showed that the likelihood of sea lamprey trap entry after trap encounter was higher when the trap was 3kPZS baited. Our approach serves as a model for the development of similar control tools for sea lamprey and other aquatic invaders.

  20. Synthesizing new, high-temperature superconductors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weaver, Claire; Aronson, Meigan


    Currently, there is no accepted theory behind type-II, high-temperature superconductors, but there is a distinct relationship between anti-ferromagnetism and superconductivity. Our research focuses on synthesizing new superconducting materials by observing the link between atomic structure and magnetic moments of anti-ferromagnetic compounds and attempting to reproduce the molecular physics of these known materials in new compounds. Consider the square-planar arrangement of the transition metal Fe in the Fe-pnictide superconductors of the ZrCuSiAs ``11 11'' and the ThCr2Si2 ``122'' structure types. We believe that the physics behind this superconductor, where Fe has d6 valence electrons, contributes to the superconducting state, not the presence of Fe itself. For this reason, we are synthesizing materials containing neighboring transition metals, like Mn and Co, combined with other elements in similar crystal lattice arrangements, having ionization properties that hopefully impose d6 valence electrons on the transition metals. This project was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) under the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Program (SULI).

  1. Genome mining for ribosomally synthesized natural products.


    Velásquez, Juan E; van der Donk, Wilfred A


    In recent years, the number of known peptide natural products that are synthesized via the ribosomal pathway has rapidly grown. Taking advantage of sequence homology among genes encoding precursor peptides or biosynthetic proteins, in silico mining of genomes combined with molecular biology approaches has guided the discovery of a large number of new ribosomal natural products, including lantipeptides, cyanobactins, linear thiazole/oxazole-containing peptides, microviridins, lasso peptides, amatoxins, cyclotides, and conopeptides. In this review, we describe the strategies used for the identification of these ribosomally synthesized and posttranslationally modified peptides (RiPPs) and the structures of newly identified compounds. The increasing number of chemical entities and their remarkable structural and functional diversity may lead to novel pharmaceutical applications. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Genome Mining for Ribosomally Synthesized Natural Products

    PubMed Central

    Velásquez, Juan E.; van der Donk, Wilfred


    In recent years, the number of known peptide natural products that are synthesized via the ribosomal pathway has rapidly grown. Taking advantage of sequence homology among genes encoding precursor peptides or biosynthetic proteins, in silico mining of genomes combined with molecular biology approaches has guided the discovery of a large number of new ribosomal natural products, including lantipeptides, cyanobactins, linear thiazole/oxazole-containing peptides, microviridins, lasso peptides, amatoxins, cyclotides, and conopeptides. In this review, we describe the strategies used for the identification of these ribosomally-synthesized and posttranslationally modified peptides (RiPPs) and the structures of newly identified compounds. The increasing number of chemical entities and their remarkable structural and functional diversity may lead to novel pharmaceutical applications. PMID:21095156

  3. Synthesizer: Expediting synthesis studies from context-free data with information retrieval techniques.


    Gandy, Lisa M; Gumm, Jordan; Fertig, Benjamin; Thessen, Anne; Kennish, Michael J; Chavan, Sameer; Marchionni, Luigi; Xia, Xiaoxin; Shankrit, Shambhavi; Fertig, Elana J


    Scientists have unprecedented access to a wide variety of high-quality datasets. These datasets, which are often independently curated, commonly use unstructured spreadsheets to store their data. Standardized annotations are essential to perform synthesis studies across investigators, but are often not used in practice. Therefore, accurately combining records in spreadsheets from differing studies requires tedious and error-prone human curation. These efforts result in a significant time and cost barrier to synthesis research. We propose an information retrieval inspired algorithm, Synthesize, that merges unstructured data automatically based on both column labels and values. Application of the Synthesize algorithm to cancer and ecological datasets had high accuracy (on the order of 85-100%). We further implement Synthesize in an open source web application, Synthesizer ( The software accepts input as spreadsheets in comma separated value (CSV) format, visualizes the merged data, and outputs the results as a new spreadsheet. Synthesizer includes an easy to use graphical user interface, which enables the user to finish combining data and obtain perfect accuracy. Future work will allow detection of units to automatically merge continuous data and application of the algorithm to other data formats, including databases.

  4. Synthesizer: Expediting synthesis studies from context-free data with information retrieval techniques

    PubMed Central

    Gumm, Jordan; Fertig, Benjamin; Thessen, Anne; Kennish, Michael J.; Chavan, Sameer; Marchionni, Luigi; Xia, Xiaoxin; Shankrit, Shambhavi; Fertig, Elana J.


    Scientists have unprecedented access to a wide variety of high-quality datasets. These datasets, which are often independently curated, commonly use unstructured spreadsheets to store their data. Standardized annotations are essential to perform synthesis studies across investigators, but are often not used in practice. Therefore, accurately combining records in spreadsheets from differing studies requires tedious and error-prone human curation. These efforts result in a significant time and cost barrier to synthesis research. We propose an information retrieval inspired algorithm, Synthesize, that merges unstructured data automatically based on both column labels and values. Application of the Synthesize algorithm to cancer and ecological datasets had high accuracy (on the order of 85–100%). We further implement Synthesize in an open source web application, Synthesizer ( The software accepts input as spreadsheets in comma separated value (CSV) format, visualizes the merged data, and outputs the results as a new spreadsheet. Synthesizer includes an easy to use graphical user interface, which enables the user to finish combining data and obtain perfect accuracy. Future work will allow detection of units to automatically merge continuous data and application of the algorithm to other data formats, including databases. PMID:28437440

  5. A low noise synthesizer for autotuning and performance testing of hydrogen masers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cloeren, J. M.; Ingold, J. S.


    A low noise synthesizer has been developed for use in hydrogen maser autotuning and performance evaluation. This synthesizer replaces the frequency offset maser normally used for this purpose and allows the user to maintain all masers in the ensemble at the same frequency. The synthesizer design utilizes a quartz oscillator with a BVA resonator. The oscillator has a frequency offset of 5 X 10 to the minus 8 power. The BVA oscillator is phase-locked to a hydrogen maser by means of a high gain, high stability phase-locked loop, employing low noise multipliers as phase error amplifiers. A functional block diagram of the synthesizer and performance data will be presented.

  6. Physical activity of adults with mental retardation: review and research needs.


    Temple, Viviene A; Frey, Georgia C; Stanish, Heidi I


    To characterize physical activity levels of adults with mental retardation and identify limitations in published research. Key word searches for "mental retardation," "intellectual disability," "learning disability," or "developmental disability" combined with "physical activity" or "habitual exercise" identified articles from MEDLINE, Academic Search Elite, Psych Articles, Health Source, and SPORT Discus. This produced a total of 801 citations. Published English-language literature that quantitatively measured physical activity levels of adults with mental retardation was included in this review. Fourteen articles met this criterion. Characteristics of participants, study design, outcome measures, methods of analyses, and findings in terms of percentages, step counts, and accelerometer output were extracted. Data were synthesized to identify the percentage of adults with mental retardation who met published health-related physical activity criteria and compare them with adults without mental retardation and to examine study limitations. The studies with the greatest rigor indicate that one-third of adults or fewer with mental retardation were sufficiently active to achieve health benefits. However, data are insufficient to determine whether adults with mental retardation are less active than the general community. Future research would be enhanced by including appropriately powered representative samples, by including comparison groups, by validating physical activity questionnaires, and by determining the accuracy of proxy respondents.

  7. Synthesizing folded band chaos.


    Corron, Ned J; Hayes, Scott T; Pethel, Shawn D; Blakely, Jonathan N


    A randomly driven linear filter that synthesizes Lorenz-like, reverse-time chaos is shown also to produce Rössler-like folded band wave forms when driven using a different encoding of the random source. The relationship between the topological entropy of the random source, dissipation in the linear filter, and the positive Lyapunov exponent for the reverse-time wave form is exposed. The two drive encodings are viewed as grammar restrictions on a more general encoding that produces a chaotic superset encompassing both the Lorenz butterfly and Rössler folded band paradigms of nonlinear dynamics.

  8. Method to synthesize metal chalcogenide monolayer nanomaterials


    Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Boyle, Timothy J.


    Metal chalcogenide monolayer nanomaterials can be synthesized from metal alkoxide precursors by solution precipitation or solvothermal processing. The synthesis routes are more scalable, less complex and easier to implement than other synthesis routes.

  9. VHDL Modeling and Simulation of a Digital Image Synthesizer for Countering ISAR

    DTIC Science & Technology


    This thesis discusses VHDL modeling and simulation of a full custom Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for a Digital Image Synthesizer...necessary for a given application . With such a digital method, it is possible for a small ship to appear as large as an aircraft carrier or any high...INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGE SYNTHESIZER (DIS) A. BACKGROUND The Digital Image Synthesizer (DIS) is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit

  10. Determinism in synthesized chaotic waveforms.


    Corron, Ned J; Blakely, Jonathan N; Hayes, Scott T; Pethel, Shawn D


    The output of a linear filter driven by a randomly polarized square wave, when viewed backward in time, is shown to exhibit determinism at all times when embedded in a three-dimensional state space. Combined with previous results establishing exponential divergence equivalent to a positive Lyapunov exponent, this result rigorously shows that such reverse-time synthesized waveforms appear equally to have been produced by a deterministic chaotic system.

  11. Aging barriers influencing mobile health usability for older adults: A literature based framework (MOLD-US).


    Wildenbos, G A; Peute, Linda; Jaspers, Monique


    With the growing population of older adults as a potential user group of mHealth, the need increases for mHealth interventions to address specific aging characteristics of older adults. The existence of aging barriers to computer use is widely acknowledged. Yet, usability studies show that mHealth still fails to be appropriately designed for older adults and their expectations. To enhance designs of mHealth aimed at older adult populations, it is essential to gain insight into aging barriers that impact the usability of mHealth as experienced by these adults. This study aims to synthesize literature on aging barriers to digital (health) computer use, and explain, map and visualize these barriers in relation to the usability of mHealth by means of a framework. We performed a scoping review to synthesize and summarize reported physical and functional age barriers in relation to digital (mobile) health applications use. Aging barriers reported in the literature were mapped onto usability aspects categorized by Nielsen to explain their influence on user experience of mHealth. A framework (MOLD-US) was developed summarizing the evidence on the influence of aging barriers on mHealth use experienced by older adults. Four key categories of aging barriers influencing usability of mHealth were identified: cognition, motivation, physical ability and perception. Effective and satisfactory use of mHealth by older adults is complicated by cognition and motivation barriers. Physical ability and perceptual barriers further increase the risk of user errors and fail to notice important interaction tasks. Complexities of medical conditions, such as diminished eye sight related to diabetes or deteriorated motor skills as a result of rheumatism, can cause errors in user interaction. This research provides a novel framework for the exploration of aging barriers and their causes influencing mHealth usability in older adults. This framework allows for further systematic empirical testing

  12. The Underlying Message in LD Intervention Research: Findings from Research Syntheses.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vaughn, Sharon; Gersten, Russell; Chard, David J.


    This article summarizes the critical findings of recent research syntheses concerning intervention with students who have learning disabilities. The syntheses examined research on higher-order processing and problem- solving, reading comprehension, written expression, and grouping practices associated with improved outcomes in reading. Principles…

  13. Primary care of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Diepstra, Heidi; Heng, John; Ally, Shara; Bradley, Elspeth; Casson, Ian; Hennen, Brian; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; McNeil, Karen; Abells, Dara; Amaria, Khush; Boyd, Kerry; Gemmill, Meg; Grier, Elizabeth; Kennie-Kaulbach, Natalie; Ketchell, Mackenzie; Ladouceur, Jessica; Lepp, Amanda; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley; Niel, Ullanda; Sacks, Samantha; Shea, Sarah; Stringer, Katherine; Sue, Kyle; Witherbee, Sandra


    Abstract Objective To update the 2011 Canadian guidelines for primary care of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Methods Family physicians and other health professionals experienced in the care of people with IDD reviewed and synthesized recent empirical, ecosystem, expert, and experiential knowledge. A system was developed to grade the strength of recommendations. Recommendations Adults with IDD are a heterogeneous group of patients and have health conditions and factors affecting their health that can vary in kind, manifestation, severity, or complexity from those of others in the community. They require approaches to care and interventions that are adapted to their needs. These guidelines provide advice regarding standards of care. References to clinical tools and other practical resources are incorporated. The approaches to care that are outlined here can be applied to other groups of patients that have impairments in cognitive, communicative, or other adaptive functioning. Conclusion As primary care providers, family physicians play a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of adults with IDD. These guidelines can aid their decision making with patients and caregivers. PMID:29650602


    EPA Science Inventory

    Microwave-accelerated chemical syntheses under solvent-free conditions have witnessed an explosive growth. The technique has found widespread application predominantly exploiting the inexpensive unmodified household microwave (MW) ovens although the use of dedicated MW equipment...

  15. [A method of synthesizing cicada sound for treatment of tinnitus].


    Wang, Yangjing; He, Peiyu; Pan, Fan; Cui, Tao; Wang, Haiyan


    Masking therapy can make patients accustom to tinnitus. This therapy is safe and easy to implement, so that it has become a widely used treatment of curing tinnitus. According to surveys of tinnitus sounds, cicada sound is one of the most usual tinnituses. Meanwhile, we have not hitherto found published papers concerning how to synthesize cicada sound and to use it to ameliorate tinnitus. Inspired by the human acoustics theory, we proposed a method to synthesize medical masking sound and to realize the diversity by illustrating the process of synthesizing various cicada sounds. In addition, energy attenuation problem in spectrum shifting process has been successfully solved. Simulation results indicated that the proposed method achieved decent results and would have practical value for the future applications.

  16. Supercritical fluid route for synthesizing crystalline Barium Strontium Titanate nanoparticles.


    Reverón, H; Elissalde, C; Aymonier, C; Bidault, O; Maglione, M; Cansell, F


    Pure and well-crystallized Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) nanoparticles with controlled Ba/Sr ratio have been successfully synthesized under supercritical conditions using a continuous-flow reactor in the temperature range of 150-380 degrees C at 26 MPa. To synthesize the Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 composition, alkoxides, ethanol and water were used. The resulting nanopowder consists of fine particles with an average particle size of 23 nm. The results show that the Ba/Sr ratio of this powder can be accurately controlled from the composition of precursor. The characterization of the as-synthesized Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 solid-solution and the dielectric properties of the sintered ceramics are here reported.

  17. Information retrieval for ecological syntheses.


    Bayliss, Helen R; Beyer, Fiona R


    Research syntheses are increasingly being conducted within the fields of ecology and environmental management. Information retrieval is crucial in any synthesis in identifying data for inclusion whilst potentially reducing biases in the dataset gathered, yet the nature of ecological information provides several challenges when compared with medicine that should be considered when planning and undertaking searches. We present ten recommendations for anyone considering undertaking information retrieval for ecological research syntheses that highlight the main differences with medicine and, if adopted, may help reduce biases in the dataset retrieved, increase search efficiency and improve reporting standards. They are as follows: (1) plan for information retrieval at an early stage, (2) identify and use sources of help, (3) clearly define the question to be addressed, (4) ensure that provisions for managing, recording and reporting the search are in place, (5) select an appropriate search type, (6) identify sources to be used, (7) identify limitations of the sources, (8) ensure that the search vocabulary is appropriate, (9) identify limits and filters that can help direct the search, and (10) test the strategy to ensure that it is realistic and manageable. These recommendations may be of value for other disciplines where search infrastructures are not yet sufficiently well developed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  18. Including the Group Quarters Population in the US Synthesized Population Database

    PubMed Central

    Chasteen, Bernadette M.; Wheaton, William D.; Cooley, Philip C.; Ganapathi, Laxminarayana; Wagener, Diane K.


    In 2005, RTI International researchers developed methods to generate synthesized population data on US households for the US Synthesized Population Database. These data are used in agent-based modeling, which simulates large-scale social networks to test how changes in the behaviors of individuals affect the overall network. Group quarters are residences where individuals live in close proximity and interact frequently. Although the Synthesized Population Database represents the population living in households, data for the nation’s group quarters residents are not easily quantified because of US Census Bureau reporting methods designed to protect individuals’ privacy. Including group quarters population data can be an important factor in agent-based modeling because the number of residents and the frequency of their interactions are variables that directly affect modeling results. Particularly with infectious disease modeling, the increased frequency of agent interaction may increase the probability of infectious disease transmission between individuals and the probability of disease outbreaks. This report reviews our methods to synthesize data on group quarters residents to match US Census Bureau data. Our goal in developing the Group Quarters Population Database was to enable its use with RTI’s US Synthesized Population Database in the Modeling of Infectious Diseases Agent Study. PMID:21841972

  19. Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence among Older Adults: Meta-Analysis of Adherence Outcomes among Randomized Controlled Trials

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Conn, Vicki S.; Hafdahl, Adam R.; Cooper, Pamela S.; Ruppar, Todd M.; Mehr, David R.; Russell, Cynthia L.


    Purpose: This study investigated the effectiveness of interventions to improve medication adherence (MA) in older adults. Design and Methods: Meta-analysis was used to synthesize results of 33 published and unpublished randomized controlled trials. Random-effects models were used to estimate overall mean effect sizes (ESs) for MA, knowledge,…

  20. Taenia solium tapeworms synthesize corticosteroids and sex steroids in vitro.


    Valdez, R A; Jiménez, P; Fernández Presas, A M; Aguilar, L; Willms, K; Romano, M C


    Cysticercosis is a disease caused by the larval stage of Taenia solium cestodes that belongs to the family Taeniidae that affects a number of hosts including humans. Taeniids tapeworms are hermaphroditic organisms that have reproductive units called proglottids that gradually mature to develop testis and ovaries. Cysticerci, the larval stage of these parasites synthesize steroids. To our knowledge there is no information about the capacity of T. solium tapeworms to metabolize progesterone or other precursors to steroid hormones. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to investigate if T. solium tapeworms were able to transform steroid precursors to corticosteroids and sex steroids. T. solium tapeworms were recovered from the intestine of golden hamsters that had been orally infected with cysticerci. The worms were cultured in the presence of tritiated progesterone or androstenedione. At the end of the experiments the culture media were analyzed by thin layer chromatography. The experiments described here showed that small amounts of testosterone were synthesized from (3)H-progesterone by complete or segmented tapeworms whereas the incubation of segmented tapeworms with (3)H-androstenedione, instead of (3)H-progesterone, improved their capacity to synthesize testosterone. In addition, the incubation of the parasites with (3)H-progesterone yielded corticosteroids, mainly deoxicorticosterone (DOC) and 11-deoxicortisol. In summary, the results described here, demonstrate that T. solium tapeworms synthesize corticosteroid and sex steroid like metabolites. The capacity of T. solium tapeworms to synthesize steroid hormones may contribute to the physiological functions of the parasite and also to their interaction with the host. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Multi-Tone Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for Atmospheric Propagation Studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    The design and test results of a multi-tone millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator is presented. The intended applications of the synthesizer is in a space-borne transmitter for radio wave atmospheric studies at Q-band (37 to 43 GHz). These studies would enable the design of robust high data rate space-to-ground satellite communication links.

  2. Multi-Tone Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for Atmospheric Propagation Studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-tone millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a space-borne transmitter for radio wave atmospheric studies at Q-band (37-43 GHz). These studies would enable the design of robust high data rate space-to-ground satellite communication links.

  3. Multi-Tone Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for Atmospheric Propagation Studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-tone millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a space-borne transmitter for radio wave atmospheric studies at Q-band (37 to 43 GHz). These studies would enable the design of robust high data rate space-to-ground satellite communication links.

  4. Exome sequencing identifies DYNC2H1 mutations as a common cause of asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (Jeune syndrome) without major polydactyly, renal or retinal involvement

    PubMed Central

    Schmidts, Miriam; Arts, Heleen H; Bongers, Ernie M H F; Yap, Zhimin; Oud, Machteld M; Antony, Dinu; Duijkers, Lonneke; Emes, Richard D; Stalker, Jim; Yntema, Jan-Bart L; Plagnol, Vincent; Hoischen, Alexander; Gilissen, Christian; Forsythe, Elisabeth; Lausch, Ekkehart; Veltman, Joris A; Roeleveld, Nel; Superti-Furga, Andrea; Kutkowska-Kazmierczak, Anna; Kamsteeg, Erik-Jan; Elçioğlu, Nursel; van Maarle, Merel C; Graul-Neumann, Luitgard M; Devriendt, Koenraad; Smithson, Sarah F; Wellesley, Diana; Verbeek, Nienke E; Hennekam, Raoul C M; Kayserili, Hulya; Scambler, Peter J; Beales, Philip L; Knoers, Nine VAM; Roepman, Ronald; Mitchison, Hannah M


    Background Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. Aims and methods To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. Results and conclusions We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype–phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes. PMID:23456818

  5. Use of Medication for the Management of Behavior Problems among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Clinicians' Consensus Survey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Unwin, Gemma Louise; Deb, Shoumitro


    Current prescribing preferences among relevant experts regarding the use of psychotropic medication for the management of behavior problems in adults with intellectual disabilities in the absence of a diagnosed psychiatric illness was defined. We used a questionnaire design to synthesize the preferences of a large group, namely, clinical…

  6. Improvement of carotenoid-synthesizing yeast Rhodotorula rubra by chemical mutagenesis.


    Frengova, Ginka I; Simova, Emilina D; Beshkova, Dora M


    A mutant Rhodotorula rubra with enhanced carotenoid-synthesizing activity for synthesizing total carotenoids and beta-carotene was obtained by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. When co-cultivated with yogurt starter bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus + Streptococcus thermophilus) in whey ultrafiltrate it produced 15.7 mg total carotenoids l(-1) culture fluid or 946 microg total carotenoids g(-1) dry cells of which 71% was beta-carotene. Grown as a monoculture in glucose substrate, the mutant shown 1.4 times lower carotenoid-synthesizing activity, and the relative share of beta-carotene in the total carotenoids was lower (63%). The individual pigments torulene and torularhodin were identified, whose mass fractions were (29% and 7%) and (24% and 4%), respectively, for the mutant grown as a monoculture and as a mixed culture with the yogurt bacteria.

  7. Mesoporous Akaganeite of Adjustable Pore Size Synthesized using Mixed Templates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Y.; Ge, D. L.; Ren, H. P.; Fan, Y. J.; Wu, L. M.; Sun, Z. X.


    Mesoporous akaganeite with large and adjustable pore size was synthesized through a co-template method, which was achieved by the combined interaction between PEG2000 and alkyl amines with different lengths of the straight carbon chain. The characterized results indicate that the synthesized samples show comparatively narrow BJH pore size distributions and centered at 14.3 nm when PEG and HEPA was used, and it could be enlarged to 16.8 and 19.4 nm respectively through changing the alkyl amines to DDA and HDA. Meanwhile, all the synthesized akaganeite possess relativity high specific surface area ranging from 183 to 281 m2/g and high total pore volume of 0.98 to 1.5 cm3/g. A possible mechanism leading to the pore size changing was also proposed.

  8. An Open-Source Automated Peptide Synthesizer Based on Arduino and Python.


    Gali, Hariprasad


    The development of the first open-source automated peptide synthesizer, PepSy, using Arduino UNO and readily available components is reported. PepSy was primarily designed to synthesize small peptides in a relatively small scale (<100 µmol). Scripts to operate PepSy in a fully automatic or manual mode were written in Python. Fully automatic script includes functions to carry out resin swelling, resin washing, single coupling, double coupling, Fmoc deprotection, ivDde deprotection, on-resin oxidation, end capping, and amino acid/reagent line cleaning. Several small peptides and peptide conjugates were successfully synthesized on PepSy with reasonably good yields and purity depending on the complexity of the peptide.

  9. 4-GHz counters bring synthesizers up to speed

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, F.; Miller, R.


    The availability of digital IC counters built on GaAs makes direct frequency division in microwave synthesizers possible. Four GHz is the highest clock rate achievable in production designs. These devices have the ability to drive TTL/CMOS logic, and the counter can be connected directly to single-chip frequency synthesizers controllers. A complete microwave sythesizer is formed by two chips and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The advantages of GaAs are discussed along with flip-flop basics, aspects of device fabrication, and the characteristics of GaAs MESAFETs. Attention is given to a GaAs prescaler usable for direct conversion, four kinds of flip-flops in a divide-by-two mode, and seven-stage binary ripple counters.

  10. Catalytic method for synthesizing hydrocarbons


    Sapienza, R.S.; Sansone, M.J.; Slegeir, W.A.R.

    A method for synthesizing hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen by contacting said gases with a slurry of a catalyst composed of palladium or platinum and cobalt supported on a solid phase is disclosed. The catalyst is prepared by heating a heterogeneous component of the palladium or platinum deposited on the solid support in a solution of cobalt carbonyl or precursors thereof. The catalyst exhibits excellent activity, stability in air, and produces highly desirable product fractions even with dilute gaseous reactants.

  11. Catalytic method for synthesizing hydrocarbons


    Sapienza, Richard S.; Sansone, Michael J.; Slegeir, William A. R.


    A method for synthesizing hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen by contacting said gases with a slurry of a catalyst composed of palladium or platinum and cobalt supported on a solid phase is disclosed. The catalyst is prepared by heating a heterogeneous component of the palladium or platinum deposited on the solid support in a solution of cobalt carbonyl or precursors thereof. The catalyst exhibits excellent activity, stability in air, and produces highly desirable product fractions even with dilute gaseous reactants.

  12. Treating adult survivors of childhood emotional abuse and neglect: A new framework.


    Grossman, Frances K; Spinazzola, Joseph; Zucker, Marla; Hopper, Elizabeth


    This article provides the outline of a new framework for treating adult survivors of childhood emotional abuse and neglect. Component-based psychotherapy (CBP) is an evidence-informed model that bridges, synthesizes, and expands upon several existing schools, or theories, of treatment for adult survivors of traumatic stress. These include approaches to therapy that stem from more classic traditions in psychology, such as psychoanalysis, to more modern approaches including those informed by feminist thought. Moreover, CBP places particular emphasis on integration of key concepts from evidence-based treatment models developed in the past few decades predicated upon thinking and research on the effects of traumatic stress and processes of recovery for survivors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  13. Synthesizing genetic sequential logic circuit with clock pulse generator

    PubMed Central


    Background Rhythmic clock widely occurs in biological systems which controls several aspects of cell physiology. For the different cell types, it is supplied with various rhythmic frequencies. How to synthesize a specific clock signal is a preliminary but a necessary step to further development of a biological computer in the future. Results This paper presents a genetic sequential logic circuit with a clock pulse generator based on a synthesized genetic oscillator, which generates a consecutive clock signal whose frequency is an inverse integer multiple to that of the genetic oscillator. An analogous electronic waveform-shaping circuit is constructed by a series of genetic buffers to shape logic high/low levels of an oscillation input in a basic sinusoidal cycle and generate a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) output with various duty cycles. By controlling the threshold level of the genetic buffer, a genetic clock pulse signal with its frequency consistent to the genetic oscillator is synthesized. A synchronous genetic counter circuit based on the topology of the digital sequential logic circuit is triggered by the clock pulse to synthesize the clock signal with an inverse multiple frequency to the genetic oscillator. The function acts like a frequency divider in electronic circuits which plays a key role in the sequential logic circuit with specific operational frequency. Conclusions A cascaded genetic logic circuit generating clock pulse signals is proposed. Based on analogous implement of digital sequential logic circuits, genetic sequential logic circuits can be constructed by the proposed approach to generate various clock signals from an oscillation signal. PMID:24884665

  14. Synthesizing genetic sequential logic circuit with clock pulse generator.


    Chuang, Chia-Hua; Lin, Chun-Liang


    Rhythmic clock widely occurs in biological systems which controls several aspects of cell physiology. For the different cell types, it is supplied with various rhythmic frequencies. How to synthesize a specific clock signal is a preliminary but a necessary step to further development of a biological computer in the future. This paper presents a genetic sequential logic circuit with a clock pulse generator based on a synthesized genetic oscillator, which generates a consecutive clock signal whose frequency is an inverse integer multiple to that of the genetic oscillator. An analogous electronic waveform-shaping circuit is constructed by a series of genetic buffers to shape logic high/low levels of an oscillation input in a basic sinusoidal cycle and generate a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) output with various duty cycles. By controlling the threshold level of the genetic buffer, a genetic clock pulse signal with its frequency consistent to the genetic oscillator is synthesized. A synchronous genetic counter circuit based on the topology of the digital sequential logic circuit is triggered by the clock pulse to synthesize the clock signal with an inverse multiple frequency to the genetic oscillator. The function acts like a frequency divider in electronic circuits which plays a key role in the sequential logic circuit with specific operational frequency. A cascaded genetic logic circuit generating clock pulse signals is proposed. Based on analogous implement of digital sequential logic circuits, genetic sequential logic circuits can be constructed by the proposed approach to generate various clock signals from an oscillation signal.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The flame-synthesized catalysts have higher surface areas than commercial-grade titania and are composed of nanometer-sized primary particles with low internal porosity. Preliminary studies suggest that flame-synthesized iron-doped titania may be photoactivated in the visible lig...

  16. Spectroscopic characterization of nanohydroxyapatite synthesized by molten salt method.


    Gopi, D; Indira, J; Kavitha, L; Kannan, S; Ferreira, J M F


    Hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanopowders were synthesized by molten salt method at 260 degrees C. The as-prepared powders were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). With the aid of the obtained results the effect of calcining time on the crystallinity, size and morphology of HAP nanopowders is presented. The HAP nanopowders synthesized by molten salt method consist of pure phase of HAP without any impurities and showed the rod-like morphology without detectable decomposition up to 1100 degrees C. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Biogenic synthesized nanoparticles and their applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Singh, Abhijeet, E-mail:; Sharma, Madan Mohan

    In the present scenario, there are growing concerns over the potential impacts of bioengineered nanoparticles in the health sector. However, our understanding of how bioengineered nanoparticles may affect organisms within natural ecosystems, lags far behind our rapidly increasing ability to engineer novel nanoparticles. To date, research on the biological impacts of bioengineered nanoparticles has primarily consisted of controlled lab studies of model organisms with single species in culture media. Here, we described a cost effective and environment friendly technique for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized from 1 mM AgNO{sub 3} via a green synthesis processmore » using leaf extract as reducing as well as capping agent. Nanoparticles were characterized with the help of UV–vis absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis which revealed the size of nanoparticles of 30-40 nm size. Further the nanoparticles synthesized by green route are found highly toxic against pathogenic bacteria and plant pathogenic fungi viz. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas syringae and Sclerotiniasclerotiorum. The most important outcome of this work will be the development of value-added products and protection of human health from pathogens viz., bacteria, virus, fungi etc.« less

  18. Synthesized airfoil data method for prediction of dynamic stall and unsteady airloads

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gangwani, S. T.


    A detailed analysis of dynamic stall experiments has led to a set of relatively compact analytical expressions, called synthesized unsteady airfoil data, which accurately describe in the time-domain the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of stalled airfoils. An analytical research program was conducted to expand and improve this synthesized unsteady airfoil data method using additional available sets of unsteady airfoil data. The primary objectives were to reduce these data to synthesized form for use in rotor airload prediction analyses and to generalize the results. Unsteady drag data were synthesized which provided the basis for successful expansion of the formulation to include computation of the unsteady pressure drag of airfoils and rotor blades. Also, an improved prediction model for airfoil flow reattachment was incorporated in the method. Application of this improved unsteady aerodynamics model has resulted in an improved correlation between analytic predictions and measured full scale helicopter blade loads and stress data.

  19. Method of synthesizing tungsten nanoparticles


    Thoma, Steven G; Anderson, Travis M


    A method to synthesize tungsten nanoparticles has been developed that enables synthesis of nanometer-scale, monodisperse particles that can be stabilized only by tetrahydrofuran. The method can be used at room temperature, is scalable, and the product concentrated by standard means. Since no additives or stabilizing surfactants are required, this method is particularly well suited for producing tungsten nanoparticles for dispersion in polymers. If complete dispersion is achieved due to the size of the nanoparticles, then the optical properties of the polymer can be largely maintained.

  20. Synthesizing SoTL Institutional Initiatives toward National Impact

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Simmons, Nicola


    This chapter draws on other authors' ideas in this issue, describing parallels and outlining distinctions toward a synthesized model for the development of SoTL initiatives at the institutional level and beyond.

  1. Bias Voltage-Dependent Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis of Hydrothermally Synthesized ZnS Nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dey, Arka; Dhar, Joydeep; Sil, Sayantan; Jana, Rajkumar; Ray, Partha Pratim


    In this report, bias voltage-dependent dielectric and electron transport properties of ZnS nanoparticles were discussed. ZnS nanoparticles were synthesized by introducing a modified hydrothermal process. The powder XRD pattern indicates the phase purity, and field emission scanning electron microscope image demonstrates the morphology of the synthesized sample. The optical band gap energy (E g = 4.2 eV) from UV measurement explores semiconductor behavior of the synthesized material. The electrical properties were performed at room temperature using complex impedance spectroscopy (CIS) technique as a function of frequency (40 Hz-10 MHz) under different forward dc bias voltages (0-1 V). The CIS analysis demonstrates the contribution of bulk resistance in conduction mechanism and its dependency on forward dc bias voltages. The imaginary part of the impedance versus frequency curve exhibits the existence of relaxation peak which shifts with increasing dc forward bias voltages. The dc bias voltage-dependent ac and dc conductivity of the synthesized ZnS was studied on thin film structure. A possible hopping mechanism for electrical transport processes in the system was investigated. Finally, it is worth to mention that this analysis of bias voltage-dependent dielectric and transport properties of as-synthesized ZnS showed excellent properties for emerging energy applications.

  2. Mental health implications for older adults after natural disasters--a systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Parker, Georgina; Lie, David; Siskind, Dan J; Martin-Khan, Melinda; Raphael, Beverly; Crompton, David; Kisely, Steve


    Natural disasters affect the health and well-being of adults throughout the world. There is some debate in the literature as to whether older persons have increased risk of mental health outcomes after exposure to natural disasters when compared with younger adults. To date, no systematic review has evaluated this. We aimed to synthesize the available evidence on the impact of natural disasters on the mental health and psychological distress experienced by older adults. A meta-analysis was conducted on papers identified through a systematic review. The primary outcomes measured were post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorder, and psychological distress. We identified six papers with sufficient data for a random effects meta-analysis. Older adults were 2.11 times more likely to experience PTSD symptoms and 1.73 more likely to develop adjustment disorder when exposed to natural disasters when compared with younger adults. Given the global rise in the number of older adults affected by natural disasters, mental health services need to be prepared to meet their needs following natural disasters, particularly around the early detection and management of PTSD.

  3. Method for synthesizing HMX


    McGuire, Raymond R.; Coon, Clifford L.; Harrar, Jackson E.; Pearson, Richard K.


    A method and apparatus for electrochemically synthesizing N.sub.2 O.sub.5 cludes oxidizing a solution of N.sub.2 O.sub.4 /HNO.sub.3 at an anode, while maintaining a controlled potential between the N.sub.2 O.sub.4 /HNO.sub.3 solution and the anode. A potential of about 1.35 to 2.0 V vs. SCE is preferred, while a potential of about 1.80 V vs. SCE is most preferred. Thereafter, the N.sub.2 O.sub.5 is reacted with either 1.5-diacetyl-3,7-dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooctane (DADN) or 1,3,5,7-tetraacetyl-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooctane (TAT) to form cyclotetramethylenetetraamine (HMX).

  4. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Synthesized Mantle Minerals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Asimow, P. D.; Luo, S.; Mosenfelder, J. L.; Liu, W.; Staneff, G. D.; Ahrens, T. J.; Chen, G.


    Direct thermal conductivity (k) measurement of mantle minerals is crucial to constrain the thermal profile of the Earth as well as geodynamic studies of the mantle (e.g., to determine the Rayleigh number). We have embarked on systematic multi-anvil syntheses of dense polycrystalline specimens of mantle phases of adequate size and zero porosity for precise thermal conductivity measurements by the 3ω method (\\textit{Cahill and Pohl, Phys. Rev. B, 1987}) under elevated temperatures (T). Coesite and stishovite (see \\textit{Luo et al., GRL, 2002}) as well as majorite and wadsleyite have been synthesized; ringwoodite and perovskite are scheduled. Preliminary thermal conductivity measurements at ambient pressure on coesite (120 - 300 K, 9.53 Wm-1K-1 at 300 K) are consistent with prior room temperature data (\\textit{Yukutake & Shimada, PEPI, 1978}), while our stishovite data at 300 K appear to be low (1.96 Wm-1K-1). Efforts are being made to extend the measurement to higher temperatures (e.g., above Debye temperature Θ D), thus allowing determination of k(T) relationship (say, k~ T-n); success will depend on the decomposition kinetics of these metastable phases. The pressure dependence of k of these synthesized samples can also be measured (\\textit{e.g., Osako et al., HPMPS-6, 2002; Xu et al., EOS, 2001}). Recent thermal conductivity measurement on LiF and Al2O_3 from shock wave loading (\\textit{Holland & Ahrens, 1998}) is consistent with the modeling on MgO and Al2O_3 (\\textit{Manga & Jeanloz, JGR, 1997}) with classical theories. Thus, k values at modest pressures and T (say, above Θ D) would allow extrapolation of k to appropriate mantle conditions.

  5. Characteristics of uranium carbonitride microparticles synthesized using different reaction conditions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Silva, Chinthaka M; Lindemer, Terrence; Voit, Stewart L


    Three sets of different experimental conditions by changing the cover gases during the sample preparation were tested to synthesize uranium carbonitride (UC1-xNx) microparticles. In the first two sets of experiments using (N2 to N2-4%H2 to Ar) and (Ar to N2 to Ar) environments, single phase UC1-xNx was synthesized. When reducing environments (Ar-4%H2 to N2-4%H2 to Ar-4%H2) were utilized, theoretical densities up to 97% of single phase UC1-xNx kernels were obtained. Physical and chemical characteristics such as density, phase purity, and chemical compositions of the synthesized UC1-xNx materials for the diferent experimental conditions used are provided. In-depth analysis of the microstruturesmore » of UC1-xNx has been carried out and is discussed with the objective of large batch fabrication of high density UC1-xNx kernels.« less

  6. Hydrothermally synthesized barium fluoride nanocubes for thermoluminescence dosimetry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bhadane, Mahesh S.; Dahiwale, S. S.; Bhoraskar, V. N.


    In this work, we report a hydrothermally synthesized Dy doped BaF{sub 2} (BaF{sub 2}:Dy) nanocubes and its Thermoluminescence studies. The synthesized BaF{sub 2}:Dy samples was found to posses FCC structure and having average size ~ 60-70 nm, as revealed through X-Ray Diffraction. Cubical morphology having size ~90 nm was observed from TEM analysis. The {sup 60}Co γ- ray irradiated BaF{sub 2}:Dy TL dosimetric experiments shows a pre-dominant single glow peak at 153 °C, indicating a single level trap present as a metastable state. Furthermore, BaF{sub 2}:Dy nanophosphor shows a sharp linear response from 10 Gy to 3 kGy, thus it can be applicablemore » as a gamma dosimeter.« less

  7. Possibility of synthesizing a doubly magic superheavy nucleus

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aritomo, Y.


    The possibility of synthesizing a doubly magic superheavy nucleus, 298114184, is investigated on the basis of fluctuation-dissipation dynamics. In order to synthesize this nucleus, we must generate more neutron-rich compound nuclei because of the neutron emissions from excited compound nuclei. The compound nucleus 304114 has two advantages to achieving a high survival probability. First, because of low neutron separation energy and rapid cooling, the shell correction energy recovers quickly. Secondly, owing to neutron emissions, the neutron number in the nucleus approaches that of the double closed shell and the nucleus attains a large fission barrier. Because of these two effects, the survival probability of 304114 does not decrease until the excitation energy E*=50 MeV. These properties lead to a rather high evaporation residue cross section.

  8. Health Professionals Working Effectively with Support Workers to Enhance the Quality of Support for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Meta-Ethnography

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Haines, David; Brown, Alexander


    Background: Paid support workers are often central to the quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities. Health and social care professionals increasingly carry out interventions indirectly through those support workers and therefore need to understand how best to collaborate. Methods: This article synthesizes findings from the…

  9. Adaptation of in vivo amino acid kinetics facilitates increased amino acid availability for fetal growth in adolescent and adult pregnancies alike

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    During pregnancy, adult women with a normal BMI synthesize extra amino acids after an overnight fast by increasing body protein breakdown and decreasing amino acid oxidation. It is not known whether adolescent girls can make these adaptations during pregnancy. The present study aimed to measure and ...

  10. Method and apparatus for synthesizing anhydrous HNO.sub.3


    Coon, Clifford L.; Harrar, Jackson E.; Pearson, Richard K.; McGuire, Raymond R.


    A method and apparatus for electrochemically synthesizing anhydrous HNO.sub.3 from an aqueous solution of HNO.sub.3 includes oxidizing a solution of N.sub.2 O.sub.4 /aqueous HNO.sub.3 at an anode, while maintaining a controlled potential between the N.sub.2 O.sub.4 /aqueous HNO.sub.3 solution and the anode. A potential of about 1.80V vs. SCE is preferred. Anhydrous or aqueous HNO.sub.3 may be disposed at the cathode within the electrochemical cell. Aqueous HNO.sub.3 having a water content of up to about 12% by weight is utilized to synthesize anhydrous HNO.sub.3.

  11. Effects of exercise on fitness and health of adults with spinal cord injury: A systematic review.


    van der Scheer, Jan W; Martin Ginis, Kathleen A; Ditor, David S; Goosey-Tolfrey, Victoria L; Hicks, Audrey L; West, Christopher R; Wolfe, Dalton L


    To synthesize and appraise research testing the effects of exercise interventions on fitness, cardiometabolic health, and bone health among adults with spinal cord injury (SCI). Electronic databases were searched (1980-2016). Included studies employed exercise interventions for a period ≥2 weeks, involved adults with acute or chronic SCI, and measured fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness, power output, or muscle strength), cardiometabolic health (body composition or cardiovascular risk factors), or bone health outcomes. Evidence was synthesized and appraised using Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). A total of 211 studies met the inclusion criteria (22 acute, 189 chronic). For chronic SCI, GRADE confidence ratings were moderate to high for evidence showing exercise can improve all of the reviewed outcomes except bone health. For acute SCI, GRADE ratings were very low for all outcomes. For chronic SCI, there was low to moderate confidence in the evidence showing that 2-3 sessions/week of upper body aerobic exercise at a moderate to vigorous intensity for 20-40 minutes, plus upper body strength exercise (3 sets of 10 repetitions at 50%-80% 1-repetition maximum for all large muscle groups), can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, power output, and muscle strength. For chronic SCI, there was low to moderate confidence in the evidence showing that 3-5 sessions per week of upper body aerobic exercise at a moderate to vigorous intensity for 20-44 minutes can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, body composition, and cardiovascular risk. Exercise improves fitness and cardiometabolic health of adults with chronic SCI. The evidence on effective exercise types, frequencies, intensities, and durations should be used to formulate exercise guidelines for adults with SCI. © 2017 American Academy of Neurology.

  12. Understanding How Overweight and Obese Emerging Adults Make Lifestyle Choices.


    Cha, EunSeok; Crowe, James M; Braxter, Betty J; Jennings, Bonnie Mowinski

    To better understand health-related decision making among overweight and obese emerging adults. A cross-sectional design was used in the parent study involving overweight and obese emerging adults, ages 18-29 years. The goal of the parent study was to screen participants' diabetes risk and identify characteristics of emerging adults with prediabetes (N=107). A sub-sample of respondents (n=34) from the parent study were invited to participate in focus group interviews depending on whether they had prediabetes (three groups) or they did not have prediabetes (four groups). Each focus group interview lasted 90-120 minutes following a semi-structured interview guide. Conventional content analysis was used in the data analysis. Because of the similarities between participants with and without prediabetes, the findings were synthesized and reported in the aggregate. Moreover, during the analysis, the authors decided that rational choice theory provided a useful organizing structure for presenting the data. Emerging adults' behavioral decisions were rational reactions to their personal competence, perception of health, environment, and availability of resources to handle problems. Calculation of trade-offs and estimations of resource availability were often used when making decisions. Emerging adults choose unhealthy behaviors due to inaccurate information and insufficient competence to practice healthy lifestyles rather than because of laziness or being irrational. Behavioral interventions for emerging adults need to help them develop skills to enhance health literacy and problem solving, thereby enhancing their awareness of available resources and decreasing the perceived cost of making healthy choices. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Concept mapping applied to the intersection between older adults' outdoor walking and the built and social environments.


    Hanson, Heather M; Schiller, Claire; Winters, Meghan; Sims-Gould, Joanie; Clarke, Philippa; Curran, Eileen; Donaldson, Meghan G; Pitman, Beverley; Scott, Vicky; McKay, Heather A; Ashe, Maureen C


    For older adults, the ability to navigate walking routes in the outdoor environment allows them to remain active and socially engaged, facilitating community participation and independence. In order to enhance outdoor walking, it is important to understand the interaction of older adults within their local environments and the influence of broader stakeholder priorities that impact these environments. Thus, we aimed to synthesize perspectives from stakeholders to identify elements of the built and social environments that influence older adults' ability to walk outdoors. We applied a concept mapping approach with the input of diverse stakeholders (N=75) from British Columbia, Canada in 2012. A seven-cluster map best represented areas that influence older adults' outdoor walking. Priority areas identified included sidewalks, crosswalks, and neighborhood features. Individual perceptions and elements of the built and social environments intersect to influence walking behaviors, although targeted studies that address this area are needed. © 2013.

  14. L’ostéotomie de Chiari dans la prise en charge de la dysplasie de la hanche chez l’adulte: à propos de 9 cas

    PubMed Central

    Shimi, Mohammed; Mahdane, Hicham; Mechchat, Atif; El Ibrahimi, Abedelhalim; El Mrini, Abedelmajid


    La dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte jeune entraîne, dans plus de 50% des cas, une coxarthrose secondaire avant l’âge de 50 ans, l’ostéotomie de CHIARI a été décrite initialement dans le traitement de la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, elle a vu ses indications s’étendre à la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte. Nous avons réalisé 9 ostéotomies de CHIARI de 2009 à 2012. Les 9 hanches ont été évaluées cliniquement et radiologiquement en préopératoire et en postopératoire, avec un recul moyen de 18.4 mois. L’ostéotomie a été réalisée sur des hanches douloureuses dysplasiques, sans arthrose (45%) ou avec une arthrose peu évoluée (stade 2: 11%) ou évoluée (stade 3 et 4: 44%). Les résultats fonctionnels ont été très satisfaisants au dernier recul. En effet, le score PMA au dernier recul était de 17.4 en moyenne, avec en particulier, une action antalgique remarquable. Radiologiquement, l’ostéotomie a normalisé pratiquement dans tous les cas la coxométrie, grâce à une médialisation importante habituellement supérieure à 20 mm (87.5%). L’ostéotomie de CHIARI est une intervention sûre. Si l’indication est correctement posée, elle soulage remarquablement les patients et stoppe l’arthrose. Elle garde donc une place privilégiée dans le traitement de la coxarthrose même évoluée sur dysplasie acétabulaire pure ou mixte. PMID:23565312


    EPA Science Inventory

    High-value organic compounds have been synthesized successfully from linear and cyclic hydrocarbons, by photocatalytic oxidation using a semiconductor material, titanium dioxide (TiO2). Various hydrocarbons were partially oxgenated in both liquid and gaseous phase reactors usi...

  16. Chemical phase analysis of seed mediated synthesized anisotropic silver nanoparticles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bharti, Amardeep, E-mail:; Goyal, Navdeep; Singh, Suman

    Noble-metal nanoparticles are of great interest because of its broad applications almost in every stream (i.e. biology, chemistry and engineering) due to their unique size/shape dependant properties. In this paper, chemical phase of seed mediated synthesized anisotropic silver nanoparticle (AgNPs) has been investigated via fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). These nanaoparticles were synthesized by seed-growth method controlled by urea and dextrose results to highly stable 12-20 nm particle size revealed by zeta potential and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

  17. Can microcarrier-expanded chondrocytes synthesize cartilaginous tissue in vitro?


    Surrao, Denver C; Khan, Aasma A; McGregor, Aaron J; Amsden, Brian G; Waldman, Stephen D


    Tissue engineering is a promising approach for articular cartilage repair; however, it is challenging to produce adequate amounts of tissue in vitro from the limited number of cells that can be extracted from an individual. Relatively few cell expansion methods exist without the problems of de-differentiation and/or loss of potency. Recently, however, several studies have noted the benefits of three-dimensional (3D) over monolayer expansion, but the ability of 3D expanded chondrocytes to synthesize cartilaginous tissue constructs has not been demonstrated. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare the properties of engineered cartilage constructs from expanded cells (monolayer and 3D microcarriers) to those developed from primary chondrocytes. Isolated bovine chondrocytes were grown for 3 weeks in either monolayer (T-Flasks) or 3D microcarrier (Cytodex 3) expansion culture. Expanded and isolated primary cells were then seeded in high density culture on Millicell™ filters for 4 weeks to evaluate the ability to synthesize cartilaginous tissue. While microcarrier expansion was twice as effective as monolayer expansion (microcarrier: 110-fold increase, monolayer: 52-fold increase), the expanded cells (monolayer and 3D microcarrier) were not effectively able to synthesize cartilaginous tissue in vitro. Tissues developed from primary cells were substantially thicker and accumulated significantly more extracellular matrix (proteoglycan content: 156%-292% increase; collagen content: 70%-191% increase). These results were attributed to phenotypic changes experienced during the expansion phase. Monolayer expanded chondrocytes lost their native morphology within 1 week, whereas microcarrier-expanded cells were spreading by 3 weeks of expansion. While the use of 3D microcarriers can lead to large cellular yields, preservation of chondrogenic phenotype during expansion is required in order to synthesize cartilaginous tissue.

  18. Syntheses of Octasubstituted Metal Phthalocyanines for Nonlinear Optics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Guo, Huaisong; Townsend, Cheryl; Sanghadasa, Mohan; Amai, Robert L. S.; Clark, Ronald D.; Penn, Benjamin


    Many organic materials can be used as nonlinear optical media. Phthalocyanines are of special interest because they show an unusually large third order nonlinear response, they are thermally and photochemically stable and they can be formed into oriented thin films (Langmuir-Blodgett films). They also can be easily complexed by a large variety of metals, which place them at the interface between organics and organometallics, and allows for fine tuning of the macro cycle electronic properties by the coordinated metal and substituent groups. A series of 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octaalkoxy metal-free and metal phthalocyanines and 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octaalkoxy metal phthalocyanines has been synthesized. Their nonlinear optical properties have been measured. The physical properties of all the phthalocyanines synthesized in this work are subject to both acid and solvent effects.

  19. Method of synthesizing silica nanofibers using sound waves

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sharma, Jaswinder K.; Datskos, Panos G.

    A method for synthesizing silica nanofibers using sound waves is provided. The method includes providing a solution of polyvinyl pyrrolidone, adding sodium citrate and ammonium hydroxide to form a first mixture, adding a silica-based compound to the solution to form a second mixture, and sonicating the second mixture to synthesize a plurality of silica nanofibers having an average cross-sectional diameter of less than 70 nm and having a length on the order of at least several hundred microns. The method can be performed without heating or electrospinning, and instead includes less energy intensive strategies that can be scaled up tomore » an industrial scale. The resulting nanofibers can achieve a decreased mean diameter over conventional fibers. The decreased diameter generally increases the tensile strength of the silica nanofibers, as defects and contaminations decrease with the decreasing diameter.« less

  20. Method of synthesizing silica nanofibers using sound waves


    Sharma, Jaswinder K.; Datskos, Panos G.


    A method for synthesizing silica nanofibers using sound waves is provided. The method includes providing a solution of polyvinyl pyrrolidone, adding sodium citrate and ammonium hydroxide to form a first mixture, adding a silica-based compound to the solution to form a second mixture, and sonicating the second mixture to synthesize a plurality of silica nanofibers having an average cross-sectional diameter of less than 70 nm and having a length on the order of at least several hundred microns. The method can be performed without heating or electrospinning, and instead includes less energy intensive strategies that can be scaled up to an industrial scale. The resulting nanofibers can achieve a decreased mean diameter over conventional fibers. The decreased diameter generally increases the tensile strength of the silica nanofibers, as defects and contaminations decrease with the decreasing diameter.

  1. Reading in the brain of children and adults: a meta-analysis of 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.


    Martin, Anna; Schurz, Matthias; Kronbichler, Martin; Richlan, Fabio


    We used quantitative, coordinate-based meta-analysis to objectively synthesize age-related commonalities and differences in brain activation patterns reported in 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of reading in children and adults. Twenty fMRI studies with adults (age means: 23-34 years) were matched to 20 studies with children (age means: 7-12 years). The separate meta-analyses of these two sets showed a pattern of reading-related brain activation common to children and adults in left ventral occipito-temporal (OT), inferior frontal, and posterior parietal regions. The direct statistical comparison between the two meta-analytic maps of children and adults revealed higher convergence in studies with children in left superior temporal and bilateral supplementary motor regions. In contrast, higher convergence in studies with adults was identified in bilateral posterior OT/cerebellar and left dorsal precentral regions. The results are discussed in relation to current neuroanatomical models of reading and tentative functional interpretations of reading-related activation clusters in children and adults are provided. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Teaching caring and competence: Student transformation during an older adult focused service-learning course.


    Brown, Karen M; Bright, Leslie M


    Innovative teaching strategies develop nurses' knowledge, skills, and attitudes while simultaneously integrating the art of caring and transforming attitudes toward adults over age 65. The study's purpose was to explore students' experiences and attitudes toward older adults with cognitive and/or physical limitations as well as the effects on students' knowledge and skills during a baccalaureate nursing, course which included a service-learning experience. Service-learning synthesizes meaningful community service, academic instruction, and reflection. Participants included baccalaureate students enrolled in a service-learning nursing course focused on older adults. This retrospective, qualitative, phenomenological study used reflective journals and an online survey to explore baccalaureate nursing students' experiences toward older adults with cognitive and/or physical limitations. Themes included initial attitudes of anticipation, apprehension, anxiety, and ageist stereotypes. Final attitudes included a "completely changed perspective" of caring, compassion, and respect indicative of a rewarding, "life-changing" experience. Participants cited enhanced learning, especially in the areas of patient-centered care, collaboration, communication, advocacy, empathy, assessment skills, and evidence-based practice. This innovative teaching strategy led to transformed attitudes toward older adults, reduced fear of older adult populations, an increased desire to work with older adults, and the ability to form a transpersonal, caring relationship while enhancing nursing knowledge and skills. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Method for synthesizing ultrafine powder materials


    Buss, Richard J.; Ho, Pauline


    A method for synthesizing ultrafine powder materials, for example, ceramic and metal powders, comprises admitting gaseous reactants from which the powder material is to be formed into a vacuum reaction chamber maintained at a pressure less than atmospheric and at a temperature less than about K. ( The gaseous reactants are directed through a glow discharge provided in the vacuum reaction chamber to form the ultrafine powder material.

  4. Method and apparatus for synthesizing filamentary structures


    Height, Murray J [Somerville, MA; Howard, Jack B [Winchester, MA; Vandersande, John B [Newbury, MA


    Method and apparatus for producing filamentary structures. The structures include single-walled nanotubes. The method includes combusting hydrocarbon fuel and oxygen to establish a non-sooting flame and providing an unsupported catalyst to synthesize the filamentary structure in a post-flame region of the flame. Residence time is selected to favor filamentary structure growth.

  5. Synthesis and Larvicidal and Adult Topical Activity of Some Hydrazide-Hydrazone Derivatives Against Aedes aegypti

    DTIC Science & Technology


    anticancer, antifungal, antiviral, antitumoral, antibacterial and antimalarial activities [11-13]. Recently, our group has been investigating the...ABSTRACT A series of novel hydrazide-hydrazone derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their larvicidal and adult topical activity against...4b) showed noteworthy larvacidal activity against Aedes aegypti. Dose-response data of compound 4b showed LC50 and LC90 values of 30.5 (15.4 – 22.7

  6. Strong nonlinear photonic responses from microbiologically synthesized tellurium nanocomposites

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Liao, K.-S.; Wang, Jingyuan; Dias, S.; Dewald, J.; Alley, N.J.; Baesman, S.M.; Oremland, R.S.; Blau, W.J.; Curran, S.A.


    A new class of nanomaterials, namely microbiologically-formed nanorods composed of elemental tellurium [Te(0)] that forms unusual nanocomposites when combined with poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctoxy-phenylenevinylene) (PmPV) is described. These bio-nanocomposites exhibit excellent broadband optical limiting at 532 and 1064 nm. Nonlinear scattering, originating from the laser induced solvent bubbles and microplasmas, is responsible for this nonlinear behavior. The use of bacterially-formed Te(0) when combined with an organic chemical host (e.g., PmPV) is a new green method of nanoparticle syntheses. This opens the possibilities of using unique, biologically synthesized materials to advance future nanoelectronic and nanophotonic applications. ?? 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Characterization of hydrothermally synthesized SnS nanoparticles for solar cell application

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rajwar, Birendra Kumar; Sharma, Shailendra Kumar


    In the present study, SnS nanoparticles were synthesized by simple hydrothermal method using stannous chloride and thiourea as tin (Sn) and sulfur (S) precursor respectively. Synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and UV-Vis Spectroscopy techniques. XRD pattern reveals that as-prepared nanoparticles exhibit orthorhombic structure. Average particles size was calculated using Scherrer's formula and found to be 23 nm. FESEM image shows that the as-prepared nanoparticles are in plate like structure. Direct optical band gap (Eg) of as-synthesized nanoparticles was calculated through UV-Vis Spectroscopy measurement and found to be 1.34 eV, which is near to optimum need for photovoltaic solar energy conversion (1.5 eV). Thus this SnS, narrowband gap semiconductor material can be applied as an alternative absorber material for solar cell application.

  8. Using Depletion Force to synthesize PBG crystals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanyal, Subrata; Zhang, Jian; Lin, Keng-Hui; Work, William J.; Yodh, A. G.


    Using the pathway of depletion-mediated crystallization, we have undertaken an exhaustive set of experiments in order to synthesize materials with novel optical and rheological properties, e.g., photonic bandgap (PBG) crystals. With the primary use of miceller depletion, we grow crystals of submicron-sized model colloidal (e.g., aqueous suspensions of polyballs or silica) particles from the walls of our sample microchambers, used for optical microscopy. Furthermore, the order of such crystals can be controlled by patterning one of the cell walls(K. H. Lin et al.), Manuscript under preparation (1999)., and after the formation of crystals the particles can be ``locked'' in their positions using chemical techniques(G. Pan et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, 3860 (1997); P. V. Braun (private communication).. The locked arrangements of particles serve as templates to fabricate(B. T. Holland et al.), Science, 281, 538 (1998); J. E. G. J. Wijnhoven et al., Science, 281, 802 (1998). microporous PBG materials. Experiments are underway to synthesize solid microspheres of high dielectric constant materials, and hollow microspheres, that can be arranged on patterned surfaces.

  9. The effect of green synthesized gold nanoparticles on rice germination and roots

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsi Ndeh, Nji; Maensiri, Santi; Maensiri, Duangkamol


    In this paper, gold nanoparticles were synthesized by means of a green approach with Tiliacora triandra leaf extracts under different conditions. No additional reducing or capping agents were employed. The gold nanoparticles were characterized using UV-visible spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscope, x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Gold nanoparticles synthesized at temperature of 80 °C were further used to treat rice (Oryza sativa) grains at different concentrations (0, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 mg l-1) for one week. While germination percentages were high (95-98.38%), a slight decrease in root and shoot lengths relative to the control was observed. Phytotoxicity results indicated that the plant synthesized gold nanoparticles were of minimal toxicity to rice seedlings. Increases in cell death, hydrogen peroxide formation and lipid peroxidation in roots and shoots were noted. However, these increases were not statistically significant. The overall results confirmed that Tiliacora triandra synthesized gold nanoparticles are biocompatible and can be potentially used as nanocarriers in agriculture. Contribution at 5th Thailand International Nanotechnology Conference (Nano Thailand-2016), 27-29 November 2016, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.

  10. Carbon dioxide capture utilizing zeolites synthesized with paper sludge and scrap-glass.


    Espejel-Ayala, F; Corella, R Chora; Pérez, A Morales; Pérez-Hernández, R; Ramírez-Zamora, R M


    The present work introduces the study of the CO2 capture process by zeolites synthesized from paper sludge and scrap glass. Zeolites ZSM-5, analcime and wairakite were produced by means of two types of Structure Directing Agents (SDA): tetrapropilamonium (TPA) and ethanol. On the one hand, zeolite ZSM-5 was synthesized using TPA; on the other hand, analcime and wairakite were produced with ethanol. The temperature programmed desorption (TPD) technique was performed for determining the CO2 sorption capacity of these zeolites at two sorption temperatures: 50 and 100 °C. CO2 sorption capacity of zeolite ZSM-5 synthesized at 50 °C was 0.683 mmol/g representing 38.2% of the value measured for a zeolite ZSM-5 commercial. Zeolite analcime showed a higher CO2 sorption capacity (1.698 mmol/g) at 50 °C and its regeneration temperature was relatively low. Zeolites synthesized in this study can be used in the purification of biogas and this will produce energy without increasing the atmospheric CO2 concentrations. © The Author(s) 2014.

  11. Wide-Range Filter-Based Sinusoidal Wave Synthesizer for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements.


    Chia-Ling Wei; Yi-Wen Wang; Bin-Da Liu


    A filter-based wide-range programmable sinusoidal wave synthesizer for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement is proposed. The adopted filter is implemented with switched-capacitor circuits, so its corner frequency is accurate and adjustable by changing its switching frequency. The proposed sine wave synthesizer is implemented by using a 0.35 μm 2P4M 3.3 V mixed-signal polycide process. According to the measured results, the output frequency of the proposed synthesizer is 40 mHz-40 kHz . The measured total harmonic distortion is 0.073% at 10 Hz and 0.075% at 10 kHz, both of which are better than that of a typical function generator.

  12. Bacteriocins synthesized by Bacillus thuringiensis: generalities and potential applications

    PubMed Central

    Salazar-Marroquín, Elma Laura; Galán-Wong, Luis J.; Moreno-Medina, Víctor Ricardo; Reyes-López, Miguel Ángel; Pereyra-Alférez, Benito


    The members of the Bacillus thuringiensis group, commonly known as Bt, produce a huge number of metabolites, which show biocidal and antagonistic activity. B. thuringiensis is widely known for synthesizing Cry, Vip and Cyt proteins, active against insects and other parasporins with biocidal activity against certain types of cancerous cells. Nevertheless, B. thuringiensis also synthesizes compounds with antimicrobial activity, especially bacteriocins. Some B. thuringiensis bacteriocins resemble lantibiotics and other small linear peptides (class IIa) from the lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins classification system. Although many bacteriocins produced by Bt have been reported, there is no proper classification for them. In this work, we have grouped these based on molecular weight and functionality. Bacteriocins are small peptides synthesized by bacteria, presenting inhibitory activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and to a lesser extent against fungi. These molecules represent a good study model in the search for microbial control alternatives. Lactic acid bacteria produces a huge number of these types of molecules with great potential. Nonetheless, members of the Bacillus, cereus group, especially B. thuringiensis, emerge as an attractive alternative for obtaining bacteriocins showing novel activities. This review describes the potential applications of B. thuringiensis bacteriocins in the control of foodborne pathogens, environment and medical area. PMID:27340340

  13. Bacteriocins synthesized by Bacillus thuringiensis: generalities and potential applications.


    Salazar-Marroquín, Elma Laura; Galán-Wong, Luis J; Moreno-Medina, Víctor Ricardo; Reyes-López, Miguel Ángel; Pereyra-Alférez, Benito


    The members of the Bacillus thuringiensis group, commonly known as Bt, produce a huge number of metabolites, which show biocidal and antagonistic activity. B. thuringiensis is widely known for synthesizing Cry, Vip and Cyt proteins, active against insects and other parasporins with biocidal activity against certain types of cancerous cells. Nevertheless, B. thuringiensis also synthesizes compounds with antimicrobial activity, especially bacteriocins. Some B. thuringiensis bacteriocins resemble lantibiotics and other small linear peptides (class IIa) from the lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins classification system. Although many bacteriocins produced by Bt have been reported, there is no proper classification for them. In this work, we have grouped these based on molecular weight and functionality. Bacteriocins are small peptides synthesized by bacteria, presenting inhibitory activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and to a lesser extent against fungi. These molecules represent a good study model in the search for microbial control alternatives. Lactic acid bacteria produces a huge number of these types of molecules with great potential. Nonetheless, members of the Bacillus, cereus group, especially B. thuringiensis, emerge as an attractive alternative for obtaining bacteriocins showing novel activities. This review describes the potential applications of B. thuringiensis bacteriocins in the control of foodborne pathogens, environment and medical area.

  14. The method of synthesizing of superhydrophobic surfaces by PECVD

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orazbayev, Sagi; Gabdullin, Maratbek; Ramazanov, Tlekkabul; Dosbolayev, Merlan; Zhunisbekov, Askar; Omirbekov, Dulat; Otarbay, Zhuldyz


    The aim of this work was to obtain superhydrophobic surfaces in a plasma medium. The experiment was carried out using the PECVD method in two different modes: constant and pulsing. The surface roughness was obtained by applying nanoparticles synthesized in plasma in a mixture of argon and methane. The resulting particles were deposited on the surface of silicon and glass materials. The contact angle increased linearly depending on the number of cycles, until it reached 160° at 150-160th cycles, after that the increase in cycles does not affect the contact angle, since the saturation process is in progress. Also the effect of the working gas composition on the hydrophobicity of the surface was studied. At low concentrations of methane (1%) only particles are synthesized in the working gas, and hydrophobicity is unstable, with an increase in methane concentration (7%) nanofilms are synthesized from nanoclusters, and surface hydrophobicity is relatively stable. In addition, a pulsing plasma mode was used to obtain superhydrophobic surfaces. The hydrophobicity of the sample showed that the strength of the nanofilm was stable in comparison with the sample obtained in the first mode, but the contact angle was lower. The obtained samples were examined using SEM, SPM, optical analysis, and their contact angles were determined.

  15. Characterization and biotoxicity of Hypnea musciformis-synthesized silver nanoparticles as potential eco-friendly control tool against Aedes aegypti and Plutella xylostella.


    Roni, Mathath; Murugan, Kadarkarai; Panneerselvam, Chellasamy; Subramaniam, Jayapal; Nicoletti, Marcello; Madhiyazhagan, Pari; Dinesh, Devakumar; Suresh, Udaiyan; Khater, Hanem F; Wei, Hui; Canale, Angelo; Alarfaj, Abdullah A; Munusamy, Murugan A; Higuchi, Akon; Benelli, Giovanni


    Two of the most important challenges facing humanity in the 21st century comprise food production and disease control. Eco-friendly control tools against mosquito vectors and agricultural pests are urgently needed. Insecticidal products of marine origin have a huge potential to control these pests. In this research, we reported a single-step method to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using the aqueous leaf extract of the seaweed Hypnea musciformis, a cheap, nontoxic and eco-friendly material, that worked as reducing and stabilizing agent during the biosynthesis. The formation of AgNP was confirmed by surface plasmon resonance band illustrated in UV-vis spectrophotometer. AgNP were characterized by FTIR, SEM, EDX and XRD analyses. AgNP were mostly spherical in shape, crystalline in nature, with face-centered cubic geometry, and their mean size was 40-65nm. Low doses of H. musciformis aqueous extract and seaweed-synthesized AgNP showed larvicidal and pupicidal toxicity against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti and the cabbage pest Plutella xylostella. The LC50 value of AgNP ranged from 18.14 to 38.23ppm for 1st instar larvae (L1) and pupae of A. aegypti, and from 24.5 to 38.23ppm for L1 and pupae of P. xylostella. Both H. musciformis extract and AgNP strongly reduced longevity and fecundity of A. aegypti and P. xylostella adults. This study adds knowledge on the toxicity of seaweed borne insecticides and green-synthesized AgNP against arthropods of medical and agricultural importance, allowing us to propose the tested products as effective candidates to develop newer and cheap pest control tools. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Optical fusions and proportional syntheses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albert-Vanel, Michel


    A tragic error is being made in the literature concerning matters of color when dealing with optical fusions. They are still considered to be of additive nature, whereas experience shows us somewhat different results. The goal of this presentation is to show that fusions are, in fact, of 'proportional' nature, tending to be additive or subtractive, depending on each individual case. Using the pointillist paintings done in the manner of Seurat, or the spinning discs experiment could highlight this intermediate sector of the proportional. So, let us try to examine more closely what occurs in fact, by reviewing additive, subtractive and proportional syntheses.

  17. Concise total syntheses of (+/-)-strychnine and (+/-)-akuammicine.


    Sirasani, Gopal; Paul, Tapas; Dougherty, William; Kassel, Scott; Andrade, Rodrigo B


    Concise total syntheses of Strychnos alkaloids strychnine (1) and akuammicine (2) have been realized in 13 and 6 operations, respectively. Key steps include (1) the vinylogous Mannich reaction; (2) a novel, sequential one-pot spirocyclization/intramolecular aza-Baylis-Hillman reaction; and (3) a Heck cyclization. The synthesis of 1 proceeds via the Wieland-Gumlich aldehyde (26).

  18. Real-Time Control of an Articulatory-Based Speech Synthesizer for Brain Computer Interfaces

    PubMed Central

    Bocquelet, Florent; Hueber, Thomas; Girin, Laurent; Savariaux, Christophe; Yvert, Blaise


    Restoring natural speech in paralyzed and aphasic people could be achieved using a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) controlling a speech synthesizer in real-time. To reach this goal, a prerequisite is to develop a speech synthesizer producing intelligible speech in real-time with a reasonable number of control parameters. We present here an articulatory-based speech synthesizer that can be controlled in real-time for future BCI applications. This synthesizer converts movements of the main speech articulators (tongue, jaw, velum, and lips) into intelligible speech. The articulatory-to-acoustic mapping is performed using a deep neural network (DNN) trained on electromagnetic articulography (EMA) data recorded on a reference speaker synchronously with the produced speech signal. This DNN is then used in both offline and online modes to map the position of sensors glued on different speech articulators into acoustic parameters that are further converted into an audio signal using a vocoder. In offline mode, highly intelligible speech could be obtained as assessed by perceptual evaluation performed by 12 listeners. Then, to anticipate future BCI applications, we further assessed the real-time control of the synthesizer by both the reference speaker and new speakers, in a closed-loop paradigm using EMA data recorded in real time. A short calibration period was used to compensate for differences in sensor positions and articulatory differences between new speakers and the reference speaker. We found that real-time synthesis of vowels and consonants was possible with good intelligibility. In conclusion, these results open to future speech BCI applications using such articulatory-based speech synthesizer. PMID:27880768

  19. La victimisation homophobe et liée à la non-conformité de genre et l’adaptation scolaire et psychosociale chez les 14–22 ans : Résultats d’une enquête québécoise

    PubMed Central

    Boucher, Kathleen; Blais, Martin; Hébert, Martine; Gervais, Jesse; Banville-Côté, Christine; Bédard, Isabelle; Dragieva, Nataliya


    Résumés Cet article étudie la victimisation homophobe et liée à la non-conformité de genre et ses effets sur l’adaptation scolaire et psychosociale de jeunes Québécois. Un échantillon non probabiliste de 262 jeunes (173 filles, 89 garçons), âgés de 14 à 22 ans (M = 17,9 ans) a été constitué. Des comparaisons bivariées et un modèle d’équations structurales ont été réalisés. Les jeunes LGBTQ affichent un sentiment de sécurité à l’école et une réussite scolaire autoévaluée plus faibles et un niveau de détresse psychologique plus élevé. Les résultats montrent que la victimisation homophobe, le soutien social des amis, la détresse psychologique et le sentiment de sécurité à l’école jouent un rôle médiateur important dans la réussite scolaire autoévaluée des jeunes LGBTQ. Ces constats appuient l’importance de mettre en place des interventions pour réduire l’homophobie dans les écoles et soulignent le rôle central des pairs dans cet effort. PMID:28191287

  20. Surface studies on scandate cathodes and synthesized scandates

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lesny, Gary; Forman, Ralph


    Auger, ESCA, electron emission, evaporation, and desorption measurements were made on three different types of scandate surfaces. They are: (1) an impregnated top layer scandate cathode, (2) an unimpregnated top layer scandate cathode with a deposited barium or barium oxide adsorbate surface layer, and (3) a synthesized scandate surface, which replicates a scandate cathode surface. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the role that Sc2O3 plays in making the scandate cathode a more copious electron emitter than the conventional impregnated-type cathode. The synthesized scandate surface experiments consisted of depositing multilayer scandium on a tungsten surface, oxidizing the scandium, and then depositing either Ba or BaO on the scandium oxide surface. The results of these measurements showed that the low work function portions of the thin-film scandate cathode are where the Sc2O3 is the substrate and BaO is the adsorbate.

  1. Understanding how Overweight and Obese Emerging Adults Make Lifestyle Choices

    PubMed Central

    Cha, EunSeok; Crowe, James M.; Braxter, Betty J.; Jennings, Bonnie Mowinski


    Purpose To better understand health-related decision making among overweight and obese emerging adults. Design and Methods A cross-sectional design was used in the parent study involving overweight and obese emerging adults, ages 18–29 years. The goal of the parent study was to screen participants’ diabetes risk and identify characteristics of emerging adults with prediabetes (N = 107). A sub-sample of respondents (n = 34) from the parent study were invited to participate in focus group interviews depending on whether they had prediabetes (three groups) or they did not have prediabetes (four groups). Each focus group interview lasted 90–120 minutes following a semi-structured interview guide. Conventional content analysis was used in the data analysis. Because of the similarities between participants with and without prediabetes, the findings were synthesized and reported in the aggregate. Moreover, during the analysis, the authors decided that Rational Choice Theory provided a useful organizing structure for presenting the data. Results Emerging adults’ behavioral decisions were rational reactions to their personal competence, perception of health, environment, and availability of resources to handle problems. Trade-offs calculation and estimations of resource availability were often used when making decisions. Conclusions Emerging adults choose unhealthy behaviors due to inaccurate information and insufficient competence to practice healthy lifestyles rather than because of laziness or being irrational. PMID:27496826

  2. How to synthesize macrocycles efficiently by using virtual combinatorial libraries.


    Storm, Ole; Lüning, Ulrich


    The selection of different diimines 4 a-c by alkaline earth ions from a virtual combinatorial library (VCL) is described. The products were stabilized by reduction to the diamines 6 a-c; this allowed easy analysis. The library can be directed toward different target molecules 6 a-c upon addition of alkaline earth ions with different radii. Competition experiments show the possibility of synthesizing the macrocycles 6 a, 6 b, and 6 c simultaneously when using Mg(2+), Ca(2+), and Ba(2+) as template ions. The scope of this thermodynamically controlled, reversible approach for macrocycle syntheses is illustrated.

  3. Brief Alcohol Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

    PubMed Central

    Tanner-Smith, Emily E.; Lipsey, Mark W.


    This study reports findings from a meta-analysis summarizing the effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions for adolescents (age 11-18) and young adults (age 19-30). We identified 185 eligible study samples using a comprehensive literature search and synthesized findings using random-effects meta-analyses with robust standard errors. Overall, brief alcohol interventions led to significant reductions in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems among adolescents (ḡ = 0.27 and ḡ = 0.19) and young adults (ḡ = 0.17 and ḡ = 0.11). These effects persisted for up to one year after intervention and did not vary across participant demographics, intervention length, or intervention format. However, certain intervention modalities (e.g., motivational interviewing) and components (e.g., decisional balance, goal-setting exercises) were associated with larger effects. We conclude that brief alcohol interventions yield beneficial effects on alcohol-related outcomes for adolescents and young adults that are modest but potentially worthwhile given their brevity and low cost. PMID:25300577

  4. Ultralight Weight Optical Systems Using Nano-Layered Synthesized Materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Clark, Natalie; Breckinridge, James


    Optical imaging is important for many NASA science missions. Even though complex optical systems have advanced, the optics, based on conventional glass and mirrors, require components that are thick, heavy and expensive. As the need for higher performance expands, glass and mirrors are fast approaching the point where they will be too large, heavy and costly for spacecraft, especially small satellite systems. NASA Langley Research Center is developing a wide range of novel nano-layered synthesized materials that enable the development and fabrication of ultralight weight optical device systems that enable many NASA missions to collect science data imagery using small satellites. In addition to significantly reducing weight, the nano-layered synthesized materials offer advantages in performance, size, and cost.

  5. Neuronal growth promoting sesquiterpene-neolignans; syntheses and biological studies.


    Cheng, Xu; Harzdorf, Nicole; Khaing, Zin; Kang, Danby; Camelio, Andrew M; Shaw, Travis; Schmidt, Christine E; Siegel, Dionicio


    The use of small molecules that can promote neuronal growth represents a promising approach to regenerative science. Along these lines we have developed separate short or modular syntheses of the natural products caryolanemagnolol and clovanemagnolol, small molecules previously shown to promote neuronal growth and induce choline acetyltransferase activity. The postulated biosynthetic pathways, potentially leading to the assembly of these molecules in nature, have guided the laboratory syntheses, allowing the preparation of both natural products in as few as two steps. With synthetic access to the compounds as single enantiomers we have examined clovanemagnolol's ability to promote the growth of embryonic hippocampal and cortical neurons. Clovanemagnolol has been shown to be a potent neurotrophic agent, promoting neuronal growth at concentrations of 10 nM.

  6. Leadership and Innovation-Listening to and Learning From Young People in Burundi.


    Nininahazwe, Cédric; Alesi, Jacquelyne; Caswell, Georgina; Lumumba, Musah; Mellin, Julie; Ndayizeye, Nicholas-Monalisa; Orza, Luisa; Rahimi, Michaela; Westerhof, Nienke


    This commentary describes young people's leadership from the perspective of a youth-led organization in the Link Up project in Burundi, Réseau National des Jeunes vivant avec le VIH. It describes processes that enable young people to guide, influence, deliver, and improve health service provision; the challenges faced by Réseau National des Jeunes vivant avec le VIH and how they are addressing these challenges. Copyright © 2016 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. [Treatment of Adult Schizophrenic Patients With Depot Antipsychotics].


    Jaramillo González, Luis Eduardo; Gómez Restrepo, Carlos; García Valencia, Jenny; de la Hoz Bradford, Ana María; Ávila-Guerra, Mauricio; Bohórquez Peñaranda, Adriana


    To determine the indications of long-acting antipsychotic injection and what its effectiveness and safety in adult patients with schizophrenia during the treatment maintenance phase. A clinical practice guideline was elaborated under the parameters of the Methodological Guide of the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social to identify, synthesize and evaluate the evidence and make recommendations about the treatment and follow-up of adult patients with schizophrenia. The evidence of NICE guide 82 was adopted and updated. The evidence was presented to the Guideline Developing Group and recommendations, employing the GRADE system, were produced. The literature review shows that the evidence has moderate to low quality. 8 articles were used. The risk of relapse was lower with depot risperidone and paliperidone palmitate when compared with placebo. For the risk of hospitalizations comparing depot antipsychotics (APD) versus oral AP, the result is inconclusive. Globally the second-generation APD had a lower risk of discontinuation when compared with placebo. The second generation AP had higher risk of extrapyramidal syndromes than placebo, as in the use of antiparkinsonian. The comparison of second-generation AP injections versus placebo showed an increased risk of early weight gain. The use of depot antipsychotics in the maintenance phase of adult patients diagnosed with schizophrenia is recommended if there is no adherence to oral antipsychotics as the patient's preference. It is not recommended depot antipsychotics in the acute phase of schizophrenia in adults. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. Molecular Syntheses of Extended Materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paley, Daniel W.

    Bottom-up molecular synthesis is a route to chemically and crystallographically uniform polymers and solid-state materials. Through the use of molecular precursors, we gain atomic-level control of functionality and fine-tuning of the collective properties of materials. This dissertation presents two studies that demonstrate this approach. Ring-opening alkyne metathesis polymerization is a possible approach to monodisperse conjugated polymers, but its applications have been limited by difficult syntheses and high air sensitivity of known organometallic ROAMP initiators. We designed a dimeric, air-stable molybdenum alkylidyne with a tris(phenolate) supporting ligand. The precatalyst is activated by addition of methanol and polymerizes cyclooctynes with excellent chemical selectivity and functional group tolerance. The Nuckolls and Roy groups have introduced a new family of solid-state compounds synthesized from cobalt chalcogenide clusters Co6Q 8(PR3)6 and fullerenes. The first examples of these materials crystallized in superatom lattices with the symmetry of simple inorganic solids CdI2 (P-3m1) and NaCl (Fm-3m). This dissertation reveals that further members of the family feature extraordinary diversity of structure, including a pseudo-trigonal array of fulleride dimers in [Co 6Te8(PEt3)6]2[C140 ][C70]2 and a heterolayered van der Waals cocrystal [Co6Se8(PEt2phen)6][C 60]5. In addition to these unusual crystal structures, this dissertation presents a method for assigning redox states from crystallographic data in Co6Q8 clusters. Finally, a detailed guide to the collection and solution of single-crystal X-ray data is presented. The guide is intended for independent study by new crystallographers.

  9. Impact of 50% Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP) on F-76 Fuel Coalescence

    DTIC Science & Technology


    petroleum JP-5 and Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP). SIP fuels are made from direct fermentation of sugar into olefinic hydrocarbons. The olefinic...manufactured scaled down filter/coalescer and separator to simulate the performance of a full-scale filter separator system. This test is designed to predict...5 and Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP). SIP fuels are made from direct fermentation of sugar into olefinic hydrocarbons. The olefinic hydrocarbons

  10. Synthesized Speech Output and Children: A Scoping Review

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Drager, Kathryn D. R.; Reichle, Joe; Pinkoski, Carrie


    Purpose: Many computer-based augmentative and alternative communication systems in use by children have speech output. This article (a) provides a scoping review of the literature addressing the intelligibility and listener comprehension of synthesized speech output with children and (b) discusses future research directions. Method: Studies…

  11. Adult-Perpetrated Animal Abuse: A Systematic Literature Review.


    Alleyne, Emma; Parfitt, Charlotte


    Adults perpetrate the majority of animal abuse incidents yet clinicians are left with very little evidence base to advance/enhance their practice. The purpose of this systematic review is to synthesize and evaluate the current literature on adult-perpetrated animal abuse and to identify the etiological factors related to this type of offending. Twenty-three studies met the specific inclusion criteria but most importantly, they examined the characteristics of adult perpetrators of animal abuse. The findings from this review were demarcated by sample type: (1) Participants were the perpetrators of the animal abuse or held offense-supportive attitudes and (2) participants were victims of intimate partner violence reporting incidents of animal abuse perpetrated by their partner. From the perpetrator perspective, there were key developmental (i.e., maladaptive parenting strategies), behavioral (such as varied offending behaviors), and psychological (e.g., callousness, empathy deficits) factors highlighted in the literature. Finally, in the context of intimate partner violence, findings indicated that perpetrators abuse animals to control, coerce, intimidate, and/or manipulate their victims (this effect is moderated by the victims' emotional attachment to their pet). This review inherently underlines treatment targets that could achieve greater clinical gains, but we also conclude that more empirical and theoretical work is needed in order to set an agenda that prioritizes future research and effective practice.

  12. Distinct Roles for Somatically and Dendritically Synthesized Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Morphogenesis of Dendritic Spines

    PubMed Central

    Orefice, Lauren L.; Waterhouse, Emily G.; Partridge, John G.; Lalchandani, Rupa R.; Vicini, Stefano


    Dendritic spines undergo the processes of formation, maturation, and pruning during development. Molecular mechanisms controlling spine maturation and pruning remain largely unknown. The gene for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) produces two pools of mRNA, with either a short or long 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR). Our previous results show that short 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA is restricted to cell bodies, whereas long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA is also trafficked to dendrites for local translation. Mutant mice lacking long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA display normal spines at 3 weeks of age, but thinner and denser spines in adults compared to wild-type littermates. These observations suggest that BDNF translated from long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA, likely in dendrites, is required for spine maturation and pruning. In this study, using rat hippocampal neuronal cultures, we found that knocking down long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA blocked spine head enlargement and spine elimination, whereas overexpressing long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA had the opposite effect. The effect of long 3′ UTR Bdnf mRNA on spine head enlargement and spine elimination was diminished by a human single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, rs712442) in its 3′ UTR that inhibited dendritic localization of Bdnf mRNA. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of either Bdnf mRNA increased spine density at earlier time points. Spine morphological alterations were associated with corresponding changes in density, size, and function of synapses. These results indicate that somatically synthesized BDNF promotes spine formation, whereas dendritically synthesized BDNF is a key regulator of spine head growth and spine pruning. PMID:23843530

  13. Design of a 2.4-GHz CMOS monolithic fractional-N frequency synthesizer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shu, Keliu

    The wireless communication technology and market have been growing rapidly since a decade ago. The high demand market is a driving need for higher integration in the wireless transceivers. The trend is to achieve low-cost, small form factor and low power consumption. With the ever-reducing feature size, it is becoming feasible to integrate the RF front-end together with the baseband in the low-cost CMOS technology. The frequency synthesizer is a key building block in the RF front-end of the transceivers. It is used as a local oscillator for frequency translation and channel selection. The design of a 2.4-GHz low-power frequency synthesizer in 0.35mum CMOS is a challenging task mainly due to the high-speed prescaler. In this dissertation, a brief review of conventional PLL and frequency synthesizers is provided. Design techniques of a 2.4-GHz monolithic SigmaDelta fractional-N frequency synthesizer are investigated. Novel techniques are proposed to tackle the speed and integration bottlenecks of high-frequency PLL. A low-power and inherently glitch-free phase-switching prescaler and an on-chip loop filter with capacitance multiplier are developed. Compared with the existing and popular dual-path topology, the proposed loop filter reduces circuit complexity and its power consumption and noise are negligible. Furthermore, a third-order three-level digital SigmaDelta modulator topology is employed to reduce the phase noise generated by the modulator. Suitable PFD and charge-pump designs are employed to reduce their nonlinearity effects and thus minimize the folding of the SigmaDelta modulator-shaped phase noise. A prototype of the fractional-N synthesizer together with some standalone building blocks is designed and fabricated in TSMC 0.35mum CMOS through MOSIS. The prototype frequency synthesizer and standalone prescaler and loop filter are characterized. The feasibility and practicality of the proposed prescaler and loop filter are experimentally verified.

  14. Surface characterizations of oxides synthesized by successive ionic layer deposition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gilbert, Thomas I.

    Successive ionic layer deposition (SILD) is an aqueous technique for depositing thin oxide films on a surface in a layer-by-layer fashion through a series of chemical reactions. This dissertation examines empirical aspects of the SILD technique by characterizing thin oxide films synthesized on model planar supports and then extends the SILD technique to synthesize supported oxide nanostructures on three dimensional supports of interest to catalysis. Atomic force microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy provided insight into the SILD of zirconia, alumina, and barium oxide thin films on silicon wafers. The SILD conditions that most affected the surface morphology of the thin oxide films were the selection of aqueous metal salt precursors comprising the SILD solutions and the total number of SILD cycles. Recent studies suggest that a highly dispersed phase of barium oxide supported on alumina interacts differently with NO2 than a bulk-like phase of barium oxide SILD was used to synthesize disperse nanoislands or rafts of barium oxide on larger rafts of alumina supported on a silicon wafer. The SILD method was then extended to deposit barium oxide on an alumina powder support comprised of dense 150 nm spherical crystallites fused together into 1-2 pm particles. Equally weight loaded samples of barium oxide on the fused alumina powder were prepared by SILD and wet impregnation. The NO2 storage behavior of the barium oxide, evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis during NO2 temperature programmed desorption (TPD) experiments, provided insight into the dispersion of barium oxide that resulted from each of the loading techniques. The highly dispersed barium oxide rafts synthesized by SILD on fused alumina released NO2 at temperatures below 500°C during TPD. By comparison, the barium oxide loaded by wet impregnation showed a higher temperature desorption feature above 500°C indicative of bulk-like barium oxide nanoparticles. The NO2

  15. Protein immobilization onto electrochemically synthesized CoFe nanowires

    PubMed Central

    Torati, Sri Ramulu; Reddy, Venu; Yoon, Seok Soo; Kim, CheolGi


    CoFe nanowires have been synthesized by the electrodeposition technique into the pores of a polycarbonate membrane with a nominal pore diameter of 50 nm, and the composition of CoFe nanowires varying by changing the source concentration of iron. The synthesized nanowire surfaces were functionalized with amine groups by treatment with aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) linker, and then conjugated with streptavidin-Cy3 protein via ethyl (dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide coupling chemistry. The oxide surface of CoFe nanowire is easily modified with aminopropyltriethoxysilane to form an amine terminating group, which is covalently bonded to streptavidin-Cy3 protein. The physicochemical properties of the nanowires were analyzed through different characterization techniques such as scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometer. Fluorescence microscopic studies and Fourier transform infrared studies confirmed the immobilization of protein on the nanowire surface. In addition, the transmission electron microscope analysis reveals the thin protein layer which is around 12–15 nm on the nanowire surfaces. PMID:25609966

  16. Synthesized view comparison method for no-reference 3D image quality assessment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luo, Fangzhou; Lin, Chaoyi; Gu, Xiaodong; Ma, Xiaojun


    We develop a no-reference image quality assessment metric to evaluate the quality of synthesized view rendered from the Multi-view Video plus Depth (MVD) format. Our metric is named Synthesized View Comparison (SVC), which is designed for real-time quality monitoring at the receiver side in a 3D-TV system. The metric utilizes the virtual views in the middle which are warped from left and right views by Depth-image-based rendering algorithm (DIBR), and compares the difference between the virtual views rendered from different cameras by Structural SIMilarity (SSIM), a popular 2D full-reference image quality assessment metric. The experimental results indicate that our no-reference quality assessment metric for the synthesized images has competitive prediction performance compared with some classic full-reference image quality assessment metrics.


    EPA Science Inventory

    16. Abstract Advances in Green Chemistry: Chemical Syntheses Using Microwave Irradiation
    Microwave-accelerated chemical syntheses in solvents as well as under solvent-free conditions have witnessed an explosive growth. The technique has found widespread application predomi...

  18. De Novo Synthesized Estradiol Protects against Methylmercury-Induced Neurotoxicity in Cultured Rat Hippocampal Slices

    PubMed Central

    Ishihara, Yasuhiro; Komatsu, Shota; Munetsuna, Eiji; Onizaki, Masahiro; Ishida, Atsuhiko; Kawato, Suguru; Mukuda, Takao


    Background Estrogen, a class of female sex steroids, is neuroprotective. Estrogen is synthesized in specific areas of the brain. There is a possibility that the de novo synthesized estrogen exerts protective effect in brain, although direct evidence for the neuroprotective function of brain-synthesized estrogen has not been clearly demonstrated. Methylmercury (MeHg) is a neurotoxin that induces neuronal degeneration in the central nervous system. The neurotoxicity of MeHg is region-specific, and the molecular mechanisms for the selective neurotoxicity are not well defined. In this study, the protective effect of de novo synthesized 17β-estradiol on MeHg-induced neurotoxicity in rat hippocampus was examined. Methodology/Principal Findings Neurotoxic effect of MeHg on hippocampal organotypic slice culture was quantified by propidium iodide fluorescence imaging. Twenty-four-hour treatment of the slices with MeHg caused cell death in a dose-dependent manner. The toxicity of MeHg was attenuated by pre-treatment with exogenously added estradiol. The slices de novo synthesized estradiol. The estradiol synthesis was not affected by treatment with 1 µM MeHg. The toxicity of MeHg was enhanced by inhibition of de novo estradiol synthesis, and the enhancement of toxicity was recovered by the addition of exogenous estradiol. The neuroprotective effect of estradiol was inhibited by an estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist, and mimicked by pre-treatment of the slices with agonists for ERα and ERβ, indicating the neuroprotective effect was mediated by ERs. Conclusions/Significance Hippocampus de novo synthesized estradiol protected hippocampal cells from MeHg-induced neurotoxicity via ERα- and ERβ-mediated pathways. The self-protective function of de novo synthesized estradiol might be one of the possible mechanisms for the selective sensitivity of the brain to MeHg toxicity. PMID:23405170

  19. Molecular Weight of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesized During Initiation of Chromosome Replication in Escherichia coli

    PubMed Central

    Kuempel, Peter L.


    Alkaline sucrose gradients were used to study the molecular weight of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesized during the initiation of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli 15 TAU-bar. The experiments were conducted to determine whether newly synthesized, replication origin DNA is attached to higher-molecular-weight parental DNA. Little of the DNA synthesized after readdition of required amino acids to cells previously deprived of the amino acids was present in DNA with a molecular weight comparable to that of the parental DNA. The newly synthesized, low-molecular-weight DNA rapidly appeared in higher-molecular-weight material, but there was an upper limit to the size of this intermediate-molecular-weight DNA. This limit was not observed when exponentially growing cells converted newly synthesized DNA to higher-molecular-weight material. The size of the intermediate-molecular-weight DNA was related to the age of the replication forks, and the size increased as the replication forks moved further from the replication origin. The results indicate that the newly synthesized replication origin DNA is not attached to parental DNA, but it is rapidly attached to the growing strands that extend from the replication fork to the replication origin, or to the other replication fork if replication is bidirectional. Experiments are reported which demonstrate that the DNA investigated was from the vicinity of the replication origin and was not plasmid DNA or DNA from random positions on the chromosome. PMID:4562387

  20. Method to suppress DDFS spurious signals in a frequency-hopping synthesizer with DDFS-driven PLL architecture.


    Kwon, Kun-Sup; Yoon, Won-Sang


    In this paper we propose a method of removing from synthesizer output spurious signals due to quasi-amplitude modulation and superposition effect in a frequency-hopping synthesizer with direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS)-driven phase-locked loop (PLL) architecture, which has the advantages of high frequency resolution, fast transition time, and small size. There are spurious signals that depend on normalized frequency of DDFS. They can be dominant if they occur within the PLL loop bandwidth. We suggest that such signals can be eliminated by purposefully creating frequency errors in the developed synthesizer.

  1. Analog synthesized fast-variable linear load

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Niedra, Janis M.


    A several kilowatt power level, fast-variable linear resistor was synthesized by using analog components to control the conductance of power MOSFETs. Risetimes observed have been as short as 500 ns with respect to the control signal and 1 to 2 microseconds with respect to the power source voltage. A variant configuration of this load that dissipates a constant power set by a control signal is indicated. Replacement of the MOSFETs by static induction transistors (SITs) to increase power handling, speed and radiation hardness is discussed.

  2. Reading in the brain of children and adults: A meta‐analysis of 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies

    PubMed Central

    Martin, Anna; Schurz, Matthias; Kronbichler, Martin


    Abstract We used quantitative, coordinate‐based meta‐analysis to objectively synthesize age‐related commonalities and differences in brain activation patterns reported in 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of reading in children and adults. Twenty fMRI studies with adults (age means: 23–34 years) were matched to 20 studies with children (age means: 7–12 years). The separate meta‐analyses of these two sets showed a pattern of reading‐related brain activation common to children and adults in left ventral occipito‐temporal (OT), inferior frontal, and posterior parietal regions. The direct statistical comparison between the two meta‐analytic maps of children and adults revealed higher convergence in studies with children in left superior temporal and bilateral supplementary motor regions. In contrast, higher convergence in studies with adults was identified in bilateral posterior OT/cerebellar and left dorsal precentral regions. The results are discussed in relation to current neuroanatomical models of reading and tentative functional interpretations of reading‐related activation clusters in children and adults are provided. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1963–1981, 2015. © 2015 The Authors Human Brain Mapping Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.. PMID:25628041

  3. Branched nanostructures and method of synthesizing the same

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fonseca, Luis F. (Inventor); Sola, Francisco (Inventor); Resto, Oscar (Inventor)


    A branched nanostructure is synthesized. A porous material, with pores having a diameter of approximately 1 .mu.m or less, is placed in a vacuum. It is irradiated with an electron beam. This causes a trunk to grow from the porous material and further causes branches to grow from the trunk.

  4. A power scalable PLL frequency synthesizer for high-speed Δ—Σ ADC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Siyang, Han; Baoyong, Chi; Xinwang, Zhang; Zhihua, Wang


    A 35-130 MHz/300-360 MHz phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer for Δ—Σ analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in 65 nm CMOS is presented. The frequency synthesizer can work in low phase-noise mode (300-360 MHz) or in low-power mode (35-130 MHz) to satisfy the ADC's requirements. To switch between these two modes, a high frequency GHz LC VCO followed by a divided-by-four frequency divider and a low frequency ring VCO followed by a divided-by-two frequency divider are integrated on-chip. The measured results show that the frequency synthesizer achieves a phase-noise of -132 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and an integrated RMS jitter of 1.12 ps with 1.74 mW power consumption from a 1.2 V power supply in low phase-noise mode. In low-power mode, the frequency synthesizer achieves a phase-noise of -112 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and an integrated RMS jitter of 7.23 ps with 0.92 mW power consumption from a 1.2 V power supply.

  5. Enhanced antibacterial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized using Petroselinum crispum extracts

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stan, Manuela, E-mail:; Popa, Adriana; Toloman, Dana

    The present contribution reports the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using aqueous leaf and root extracts of Petroselinum crispum (parsley) and characterization of as-prepared samples. ZnO NPs are subjected to X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies. The XRD studies reveal a hexagonal wurtzite structure without supplementary diffraction lines for all ZnO samples. TEM analysis shows that the particle size is influenced by the type of plant extract. The EPR spectra indicate the presence of Mn{sup 2+} ions in ZnO sample synthesized using P. crispum leaf extract, while zinc vacancy complexes andmore » oxygen vacancies are evidenced in all analyzed samples. ZnO NPs synthesized using P. crispum extracts exhibit increased (2-16 times) antibacterial activity as compared to chemically synthesized ZnO NPs.« less

  6. Enhanced antibacterial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized using Petroselinum crispum extracts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stan, Manuela; Popa, Adriana; Toloman, Dana; Silipas, Teofil-Danut; Vodnar, Dan Cristian; Katona, Gabriel


    The present contribution reports the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using aqueous leaf and root extracts of Petroselinum crispum (parsley) and characterization of as-prepared samples. ZnO NPs are subjected to X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies. The XRD studies reveal a hexagonal wurtzite structure without supplementary diffraction lines for all ZnO samples. TEM analysis shows that the particle size is influenced by the type of plant extract. The EPR spectra indicate the presence of Mn2+ ions in ZnO sample synthesized using P. crispum leaf extract, while zinc vacancy complexes and oxygen vacancies are evidenced in all analyzed samples. ZnO NPs synthesized using P. crispum extracts exhibit increased (2-16 times) antibacterial activity as compared to chemically synthesized ZnO NPs.

  7. HIMAC RF system with a digital synthesizer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kanazawa, M.; Sato, K.; Itano, A.; Sudou, M.; Noda, K.; Takada, E.; Kumada, M.; Yamazaki, C.; Yamagishi, T.; Morii, Y.; Toyoda, E.; Tsuzuki, N.; Yagi, T.


    An RF acceleration system, in which digital control with a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) is applied, has been developed for the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) synchrotron. This digital system allows us to obtain stable operation of the acceleration system over a wide frequency range from 1.04 to 7.9 MHz. In this paper the designed digital RF control system and its performance are described.

  8. Soft-Template-Synthesized Mesoporous Carbon for Oral Drug Delivery

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Saha, Dipendu; Warren, Kaitlyn E; Naskar, Amit K

    Template-synthesized mesoporous carbons were successfully used in in vitro investigations of controlled delivery of three model drugs, captopril, furosemide, and ranitidine hydrochloride. Captopril and furosemide exhibited desorption kinetics over 30 40 h, and ranitidine HCl had a complete release time of 5 10 h. As evident from the slow release kinetics, we contend that our mesoporous carbon is an improved drug-delivery medium compared to state-of-the-art porous silica-based substrates. The mesoporous carbons, synthesized from phloroglucinol and lignin, a synthetic and a sustainable precursor, respectively, exhibit BET surface area of 200 400 m2 g-1 and pore volume of 0.2 0.6 cm3 g-1.more » The phloroglucinol-based carbon has narrower pore widths and higher pore volume than the lignin-derived counterpart and maintains a longer release time. Numerical modeling of the release kinetics data reveals that the diffusivities of all the drugs from lignin-based carbon media are of equivalent magnitude (10-22 to 10-24 m2 s-1). However, a tailored reduction of pore width in the sorbent reduces the diffusivity of smaller drug molecules (captopril) by an order of magnitude. Thus, engineered pore morphology in our synthesized carbon sorbent, along with its potential to tailor the chemistry of its interaction with sorbet, can be exploited for optimal delivery system of a preferred drug within its therapeutic level and below the level of toxicity.« less

  9. Enhancement of photocatalytic activity of combustion-synthesized CeO2/C3N4 nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Dong-Feng; Yang, Ke; Wang, Xiao-qin; Ma, Ya-Li; Huang, Gui-Fang; Huang, Wei-Qing


    Nanocrystalline CeO2/C3N4 was synthesized via a one-step solution combustion method using urea as fuel for the first time. The effects of the molar ratio of urea to cerium chloride on the photocatalytic activity of the synthesized samples were investigated. The synthesized nanocrystalline CeO2/C3N4 shows small size and large surface exposure area. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue demonstrates that the synthesized nanocrystalline CeO2/C3N4 possesses enhanced photocatalytic activity. It is proposed that the enhanced photocatalytic activity might be related to the favorable morphology and structure, and the effective charge separation between C3N4 and CeO2 in the photocatalytic process.

  10. Antifouling activity of green-synthesized 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin.


    Pérez, Miriam; García, Mónica; Ruiz, Diego; Autino, Juan Carlos; Romanelli, Gustavo; Blustein, Guillermo


    In the search for new environmental-friendly antifoulants for replace metallic biocides, 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was synthesized according to green chemistry procedures. This compound was characterized by current organic analysis and its antifouling properties were firstly evaluated on the bivalve Mytilus edulis platensis in the laboratory. In the second stage, a soluble matrix antifouling coating formulated with this compound was assayed in marine environment. Laboratory experiments showed that 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin was effective in inhibiting both the settlement as well as the byssogenesis of mussels. In addition, after exposure time in the sea, painted panels containing this compound showed strong antifouling effect on conspicuous species of the fouling community of Mar el Plata harbor. In conclusion, green-synthesized coumarin could be a suitable antifoulant candidate for marine protective coatings. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Antibacterial and catalytic activities of green synthesized silver nanoparticles.


    Bindhu, M R; Umadevi, M


    The aqueous beetroot extract was used as reducing agent for silver nanoparticles synthesis. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The surface plasmon resonance peak of synthesized nanoparticles was observed at 438 nm. As the concentration of beetroot extract increases, absorption spectra shows blue shift with decreasing particle size. The prepared silver nanoparticles were well dispersed, spherical in shape with the average particle size of 15 nm. The prepared silver nanoparticles are effective in inhibiting the growth of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The prepared silver nanoparticles reveal faster catalytic activity. This natural method for synthesis of silver nanoparticles offers a valuable contribution in the area of green synthesis and nanotechnology avoiding the presence of hazardous and toxic solvents and waste. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Drude conductivity exhibited by chemically synthesized reduced graphene oxide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Younas, Daniyal; Javed, Qurat-ul-Ain; Fatima, Sabeen; Kalsoom, Riffat; Abbas, Hussain; Khan, Yaqoob


    Electrical conductance in graphene layers having Drude like response due to massless Dirac fermions have been well explained theoretically as well as experimentally. In this paper Drude like electrical conductivity response of reduced graphene oxide synthesized by chemical route is presented. A method slightly different from conventional methods is used to synthesize graphene oxide which is then converted to reduced graphene oxide. Various analytic techniques were employed to verify the successful oxidation and reductions in the process and were also used to measure various parameters like thickness of layers and conductivity. Obtained reduced graphene oxide has very thin layers of thickness around 13 nm on average and reduced graphene oxide has average thickness below 20 nm. Conductivity of the reduced graphene was observed to have Drude like response which is explained on basis of Drude model for conductors.

  13. Psychosocial Treatment Options for Major Depressive Disorder in Older Adults

    PubMed Central

    Renn, Brenna N.; Areán, Patricia A.


    Opinion Statement Late-life depression (LLD) is a public health concern with deleterious effects on overall health, cognition, quality of life, and mortality. Although LLD is relatively common, it is not a normal part of aging and is often under-recognized in older adults. However, psychotherapy is an effective treatment for LLD that aligns with many patients’ preferences and can improve health and functioning. This review synthesized the current literature on evidence-based psychotherapies for the treatment of depression in older adults. Findings suggest that active, skills-based psychotherapies (cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT] and problem-solving therapy [PST]) may be more effective for LLD than non-directive, supportive counseling. PST may be particularly relevant for offsetting skill deficit associated with LLD, such as in instances of cognitive impairment (especially executive dysfunction) and disability. Emerging treatments also consider contextual factors to improve treatment delivery, such as personalized care, access, and poverty. Tele-mental health represents one such exciting new way of improving access and uptake of treatment by older adults. Although these strategies hold promise, further investigation via randomized controlled trials and comparative effectiveness are necessary to advance our treatment of LLD. Priority should be given to recruiting and training the geriatric mental health workforce to deliver evidence-based psychosocial interventions for LLD. PMID:28932652

  14. Varied Reports of Adult Transgender Suicidality: Synthesizing and Describing the Peer-Reviewed and Gray Literature

    PubMed Central

    Adams, Noah; Hitomi, Maaya; Moody, Cherie


    Abstract Purpose: This article reports on the findings of a meta-synthesis undertaken on published gray transgender suicidality literature, to determine the average rate of suicidal ideation and attempts in this population. Methods: Studies included in this synthesis were restricted to the 42 that reported on 5 or more Canadian or U.S. adult participants, as published between 1997 and February 2016 in either gray or peer-reviewed health literature. Results: Across these 42 studies an average of 55% of respondents ideated about and 29% attempted suicide in their lifetimes. Within the past year, these averages were, respectively, 51% and 11%, or 14 and 22 times that of the general public. Overall, suicidal ideation was higher among individuals of a male-to-female (MTF) than female-to-male (FTM) alignment, and lowest among those who were gender non-conforming (GNC). Conversely, attempts occurred most often among FTM individuals, then decreased for MTF individuals, followed by GNC individuals. Conclusion: These findings may be useful in creating targeted interventions that take into account both the alarmingly high rate of suicidality in this population, and the relatively differential experience of FTM, MTF, and GNC individuals. Future research should examine minority stress theory and suicidality protection/resilience factors, particularly transition, on this population. PMID:28861548

  15. A high-power synthesized ultrawideband radiation source

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Efremov, A. M.; Koshelev, V. I.; Plisko, V. V.; Sevostyanov, E. A.


    A high-power ultrawideband radiation source has been developed which is capable of synthesizing electromagnetic pulses with different frequency bands in free space. To this end, a new circuit design comprising a four-channel former of bipolar pulses of durations 2 and 3 ns has been elaborated and conditions for the stable operation of gas gaps of independent channels without external control pulses have been determined. Each element of the 2 × 2 array of combined antennas is driven from an individual channel of the pulse former. Antennas excited by pulses of the same duration are arranged diagonally. Two radiation synthesis modes have been examined: one aimed to attain ultimate field strength and the other aimed to attain an ultimate width of the radiation spectrum. The modes were changed by changing the time delay between the 2-ns and 3-ns pulses. For the first mode, radiation pulses with a frequency band of 0.2-0.8 GHz and an effective potential of 500 kV have been obtained. The synthesized radiation pulses produced in the second mode had an extended frequency band (0.1-1 GHz) and an effective potential of 220 kV. The pulse repetition frequency was 100 Hz.

  16. Analyzing and synthesizing phylogenies using tree alignment graphs.


    Smith, Stephen A; Brown, Joseph W; Hinchliff, Cody E


    Phylogenetic trees are used to analyze and visualize evolution. However, trees can be imperfect datatypes when summarizing multiple trees. This is especially problematic when accommodating for biological phenomena such as horizontal gene transfer, incomplete lineage sorting, and hybridization, as well as topological conflict between datasets. Additionally, researchers may want to combine information from sets of trees that have partially overlapping taxon sets. To address the problem of analyzing sets of trees with conflicting relationships and partially overlapping taxon sets, we introduce methods for aligning, synthesizing and analyzing rooted phylogenetic trees within a graph, called a tree alignment graph (TAG). The TAG can be queried and analyzed to explore uncertainty and conflict. It can also be synthesized to construct trees, presenting an alternative to supertrees approaches. We demonstrate these methods with two empirical datasets. In order to explore uncertainty, we constructed a TAG of the bootstrap trees from the Angiosperm Tree of Life project. Analysis of the resulting graph demonstrates that areas of the dataset that are unresolved in majority-rule consensus tree analyses can be understood in more detail within the context of a graph structure, using measures incorporating node degree and adjacency support. As an exercise in synthesis (i.e., summarization of a TAG constructed from the alignment trees), we also construct a TAG consisting of the taxonomy and source trees from a recent comprehensive bird study. We synthesized this graph into a tree that can be reconstructed in a repeatable fashion and where the underlying source information can be updated. The methods presented here are tractable for large scale analyses and serve as a basis for an alternative to consensus tree and supertree methods. Furthermore, the exploration of these graphs can expose structures and patterns within the dataset that are otherwise difficult to observe.

  17. Analyzing and Synthesizing Phylogenies Using Tree Alignment Graphs

    PubMed Central

    Smith, Stephen A.; Brown, Joseph W.; Hinchliff, Cody E.


    Phylogenetic trees are used to analyze and visualize evolution. However, trees can be imperfect datatypes when summarizing multiple trees. This is especially problematic when accommodating for biological phenomena such as horizontal gene transfer, incomplete lineage sorting, and hybridization, as well as topological conflict between datasets. Additionally, researchers may want to combine information from sets of trees that have partially overlapping taxon sets. To address the problem of analyzing sets of trees with conflicting relationships and partially overlapping taxon sets, we introduce methods for aligning, synthesizing and analyzing rooted phylogenetic trees within a graph, called a tree alignment graph (TAG). The TAG can be queried and analyzed to explore uncertainty and conflict. It can also be synthesized to construct trees, presenting an alternative to supertrees approaches. We demonstrate these methods with two empirical datasets. In order to explore uncertainty, we constructed a TAG of the bootstrap trees from the Angiosperm Tree of Life project. Analysis of the resulting graph demonstrates that areas of the dataset that are unresolved in majority-rule consensus tree analyses can be understood in more detail within the context of a graph structure, using measures incorporating node degree and adjacency support. As an exercise in synthesis (i.e., summarization of a TAG constructed from the alignment trees), we also construct a TAG consisting of the taxonomy and source trees from a recent comprehensive bird study. We synthesized this graph into a tree that can be reconstructed in a repeatable fashion and where the underlying source information can be updated. The methods presented here are tractable for large scale analyses and serve as a basis for an alternative to consensus tree and supertree methods. Furthermore, the exploration of these graphs can expose structures and patterns within the dataset that are otherwise difficult to observe. PMID:24086118

  18. Synthesizing a Life: An Interview with Carl Djerassi

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cardellini, Liberato


    In this interview, Carl Djerassi recalls his first years, from his pleasant childhood, to how he escaped the Nazi persecutions, to his college education in America. He remembers how with his research group he won the race for synthesis of cortisone, and how they then synthesized norethindrone, the active ingredient in oral contraceptives. Djerassi…

  19. Seebeck coefficient of synthesized Titanium Dioxide thin film on FTO glass substrate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Usop, R.; Hamed, N. K. A.; Megat Hasnan, M. M. I.; Ikeda, H.; Sabri, M. F. M.; Ahmad, M. K.; Said, S. M.; Salleh, F.


    In order to fabricate a thermoelectric device on glass substrate for harvesting waste heat energy through house appliances, the Seebeck coefficient of translucent TiO2 thin film was investigated. The TiO2 thin film was synthesized by using hydrothermal method with F-SnO2 coated glass as substrate. From scanning electron microscopy analysis, the synthesized TiO2 thin film was found to be in nanometer-scale rod structure with a thickness of 4 µm. The Seebeck coefficient was measured in the temperature range of 300 – 400 K. The Seebeck coefficient is found to be in negative value which shows that synthesized film is an n-type semiconductor material, and is lower than the value of bulk-size material. This reduction in Seebeck coefficient of TiO2 thin film is likely due to the low dimensional effect and the difference of carrier concentration.

  20. Nanostructured tungsten trioxide thin films synthesized for photoelectrocatalytic water oxidation: a review.


    Zhu, Tao; Chong, Meng Nan; Chan, Eng Seng


    The recent developments of nanostructured WO3 thin films synthesized through the electrochemical route of electrochemical anodization and cathodic electrodeposition for the application in photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting are reviewed. The key fundamental reaction mechanisms of electrochemical anodization and cathodic electrodeposition methods for synthesizing nanostructured WO3 thin films are explained. In addition, the effects of metal oxide precursors, electrode substrates, applied potentials and current densities, and annealing temperatures on size, composition, and thickness of the electrochemically synthesized nanostructured WO3 thin films are elucidated in detail. Finally, a summary is given for the general evaluation practices used to calculate the energy conversion efficiency of nanostructured WO3 thin films and a recommendation is provided to standardize the presentation of research results in the field to allow for easy comparison of reported PEC efficiencies in the near future. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Multi-Band Multi-Tone Tunable Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer For Satellite Beacon Transmitter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-band multi-tone tunable millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a satellite beacon transmitter for radio wave propagation studies at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz), Q-band (37 to 42 GHz), and E-band (71 to 76 GHz). In addition, the architecture for a compact beacon transmitter, which includes the multi-tone synthesizer, polarizer, horn antenna, and power/control electronics, has been investigated for a notional space-to-ground radio wave propagation experiment payload on a small satellite. The above studies would enable the design of robust high throughput multi-Gbps data rate future space-to-ground satellite communication links.

  2. Potential Theranostics Application of Bio-Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles (4-in-1 System)

    PubMed Central

    Mukherjee, Sudip; Chowdhury, Debabrata; Kotcherlakota, Rajesh; Patra, Sujata; B, Vinothkumar; Bhadra, Manika Pal; Sreedhar, Bojja; Patra, Chitta Ranjan


    In this report, we have designed a simple and efficient green chemistry approach for the synthesis of colloidal silver nanoparticles (b-AgNPs) that is formed by the reduction of silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution using Olax scandens leaf extract. The colloidal b-AgNPs, characterized by various physico-chemical techniques exhibit multifunctional biological activities (4-in-1 system). Firstly, bio-synthesized silver nanoparticles (b-AgNPs) shows enhanced antibacterial activity compared to chemically synthesize silver nanoparticles (c-AgNPs). Secondly, b-AgNPs show anti-cancer activities to different cancer cells (A549: human lung cancer cell lines, B16: mouse melanoma cell line & MCF7: human breast cancer cells) (anti-cancer). Thirdly, these nanoparticles are biocompatible to rat cardiomyoblast normal cell line (H9C2), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) which indicates the future application of b-AgNPs as drug delivery vehicle. Finally, the bio-synthesized AgNPs show bright red fluorescence inside the cells that could be utilized to detect the localization of drug molecules inside the cancer cells (a diagnostic approach). All results together demonstrate the multifunctional biological activities of bio-synthesized AgNPs (4-in-1 system) that could be applied as (i) anti-bacterial & (ii) anti-cancer agent, (iii) drug delivery vehicle, and (iv) imaging facilitator. To the best of our knowledge, there is not a single report of biosynthesized AgNPs that demonstrates the versatile applications (4-in-1 system) towards various biomedical applications. Additionally, a plausible mechanistic approach has been explored for the synthesis of b-AgNPs and its anti-bacterial as well as anti-cancer activity. We strongly believe that bio-synthesized AgNPs will open a new direction towards various biomedical applications in near future. PMID:24505239

  3. Method of synthesizing a low density material


    Lorensen, L.E.; Monaco, S.B.


    A novel method of synthesizing a polymeric material of low density of the order of 50mg/cc or less. Such a low density material has applications in many areas including laser target fabrication. The method comprises preparing a polymer blend of two incompatible polymers as a major and a minor phase by mixing them and extruding the mixture, and then selectively extracting the major component, to yield a fine, low density structure.

  4. A fractional-N frequency synthesizer for WCDMA/Bluetooth/ZigBee applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chunyuan, Zhou; Guolin, Li; Chun, Zhang; Baoyong, Chi; Dongmei, Li; Zhihua, Wang


    A triple-mode fractional-N frequency synthesizer with a noise-filter voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) for WCDMA/Bluetooth/ZigBee applications has been implemented in 0.18-μm RF-CMOS technology. The proposed synthesizer achieves a good phase noise lower than -80 dBc/Hz in band and -115 dBc/Hz@1 MHz for the three modes, and only draws 21 mA from a 1.8 V supply. It has a high hardware sharing and a small size, only 1.5 × 1.4 mm2. The system architecture, circuit design, and measured results are also presented.

  5. Mycobacterium smegmatis synthesizes in vitro androgens and estrogens from different steroid precursors.


    Dlugovitzky, Diana G; Fontela, María Sol; Martinel Lamas, Diego J; Valdez, Ricardo A; Romano, Marta C


    Fast-growing mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium sp. and Mycobacterium smegmatis degrade natural sterols. They are a model to study tuberculosis. Interestingly, M. smegmatis has been found in river effluents derived from paper production, and therefore, it would be important to gain further insight into its capacity to synthesize steroids that are potential endocrine disruptors affecting the development and reproduction of fishes. To our knowledge, the capacity of M. smegmatis to synthesize estrogens and even testosterone has not been previously reported. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the capacity of M. smegmatis to synthesize in vitro testosterone and estrogens from tritiated precursors and to investigate the metabolic pathways involved. Results obtained by thin-layer chromatography showed that (3)H-progesterone was transformed to 17OH-progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone, estrone, and estradiol after 6, 12, or 24 h of incubation. (3)H-androstenedione was transformed into testosterone and estrogens, mainly estrone, and (3)H-testosterone was transformed to estrone and androstenedione. Incubation with (3)H-dehydroepiandrosterone rendered androstenediol, testosterone, and estrogens. This ability to transform less potent sex steroids like androstenedione and estrone into other more active steroids like testosterone and estradiol or vice versa suggests that M. smegmatis can influence the amount of self-synthesized strong androgens and estrogens and can transform those found in the environment.

  6. Evaluation of setting time and flow properties of self-synthesize alginate impressions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Halim, Calista; Cahyanto, Arief; Sriwidodo, Harsatiningsih, Zulia


    Alginate is an elastic hydrocolloid dental impression materials to obtain negative reproduction of oral mucosa such as to record soft-tissue and occlusal relationships. The aim of the present study was to synthesize alginate and to determine the setting time and flow properties. There were five groups of alginate consisted of fifty samples self-synthesize alginate and commercial alginate impression product. Fifty samples were divided according to two tests, each twenty-five samples for setting time and flow test. Setting time test was recorded in the s unit, meanwhile, flow test was recorded in the mm2 unit. The fastest setting time result was in the group three (148.8 s) and the latest was group fours). The highest flow test result was in the group three (69.70 mm2) and the lowest was group one (58.34 mm2). Results were analyzed statistically by one way ANOVA (α= 0.05), showed that there was a statistical significance of setting time while no statistical significance of flow properties between self-synthesize alginate and alginate impression product. In conclusion, the alginate impression was successfully self-synthesized and variation composition gives influence toward setting time and flow properties. The most resemble setting time of control group is group three. The most resemble flow of control group is group four.

  7. A wide-range programmable frequency synthesizer based on a finite state machine filter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alser, Mohammed H.; Assaad, Maher M.; Hussin, Fawnizu A.


    In this article, an FPGA-based design and implementation of a fully digital wide-range programmable frequency synthesizer based on a finite state machine filter is presented. The advantages of the proposed architecture are that, it simultaneously generates a high frequency signal from a low frequency reference signal (i.e. synthesising), and synchronising the two signals (signals have the same phase, or a constant difference) without jitter accumulation issue. The architecture is portable and can be easily implemented for various platforms, such as FPGAs and integrated circuits. The frequency synthesizer circuit can be used as a part of SERDES devices in intra/inter chip communication in system-on-chip (SoC). The proposed circuit is designed using Verilog language and synthesized for the Altera DE2-70 development board, with the Cyclone II (EP2C35F672C6) device on board. Simulation and experimental results are included; they prove the synthesizing and tracking features of the proposed architecture. The generated clock signal frequency of a range from 19.8 MHz to 440 MHz is synchronized to the input reference clock with a frequency step of 0.12 MHz.

  8. Meta-Analysis: A Systematic Method for Synthesizing Counseling Research

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Whiston, Susan C.; Li, Peiwei


    The authors provide a template for counseling researchers who are interested in quantitatively aggregating research findings. Meta-analytic studies can provide relevant information to the counseling field by systematically synthesizing studies performed by researchers from diverse fields. Methodologically sound meta-analyses require careful…

  9. Hope and Mental Health in Young Adult College Students: An Integrative Review.


    Griggs, Stephanie


    One in five young adults are diagnosed with a mental illness and many experience psychological distress during their first year of college due to new pressures in academia. The purpose of the current integrative review was to describe and synthesize hope and mental health in young adults in college. PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched for articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2011-2016. Twenty empirical works were selected for inclusion and five themes emerged: (a) Hope is Associated With Improved Coping, (b) Hope is Associated With Improved Well-Being, (c) Hope is a Moderator Between Depression and Negative Life Events, (d) Hope is a Protective Factor in Suicide, and (e) Hope is a Factor in Healthy Behavior Engagement. Hope may be a protective factor in suicide and negative, self-deprecatory thinking. Further research is needed to determine if increasing hope in young adult college students will decrease the risk of suicide and non-suicidal self-injury, increase healthy behavior engagement, and improve coping and well-being. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 55(2), 28-35.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  10. Bulk properties of solution-synthesized chevron-like graphene nanoribbons.


    Vo, Timothy H; Shekhirev, Mikhail; Lipatov, Alexey; Korlacki, Rafal A; Sinitskii, Alexander


    Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have received a great deal of attention due to their promise for electronic and optoelectronic applications. Several recent studies have focused on the synthesis of GNRs by the bottom-up approaches that could yield very narrow GNRs with atomically precise edges. One type of GNRs that has received a considerable attention is the chevron-like GNR with a very distinct periodic structure. Surface-assisted and solution-based synthetic approaches for the chevron-like GNRs have been developed, but their electronic properties have not been reported yet. In this work, we synthesized chevron-like GNRs in bulk by a solution-based method, characterized them by a number of spectroscopic techniques and measured their bulk conductivity. We demonstrate that solution-synthesized chevron-like GNRs are electrically conductive in bulk, which makes them a potentially promising material for applications in organic electronics and photovoltaics.

  11. Towards a Sign Language Synthesizer: a Bridge to Communication Gap of the Hearing/Speech Impaired Community

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maarif, H. A.; Akmeliawati, R.; Gunawan, T. S.; Shafie, A. A.


    Sign language synthesizer is a method to visualize the sign language movement from the spoken language. The sign language (SL) is one of means used by HSI people to communicate to normal people. But, unfortunately the number of people, including the HSI people, who are familiar with sign language is very limited. These cause difficulties in the communication between the normal people and the HSI people. The sign language is not only hand movement but also the face expression. Those two elements have complimentary aspect each other. The hand movement will show the meaning of each signing and the face expression will show the emotion of a person. Generally, Sign language synthesizer will recognize the spoken language by using speech recognition, the grammatical process will involve context free grammar, and 3D synthesizer will take part by involving recorded avatar. This paper will analyze and compare the existing techniques of developing a sign language synthesizer, which leads to IIUM Sign Language Synthesizer.

  12. Green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles as a therapeutic tool to combat candidiasis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rathod, Tejas; Padalia, Hemali; Chanda, Sumitra


    Advancement of modern medicine, the increasing ratio of immunocompromised and immunosuppressive individuals is increased in hospitalized with serious underlying disease. This has resulted in a rise in the incidence of fungal infections, especially those due to Candida species. For many years the conventional antibiotic therapy has been critical in the fight against Candidiasis. Candidiasis is a fungal infection due to various types of Candida (yeast) species. In this study, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) were synthesized using the Cinnamomum verum bark plus Cassia auriculata leaf powder extracts. The characterization of synthesized ZnONPs was done by UV-Vis spectrophotometer and SEM analysis. The average size of nanoparticles was 77 nm. Synergistic anticandidal activity of ZnONPs (ZnONPs plus antibiotics) was determined by disc diffusion method against 16 multidrug resistant clinical pathogens of Candida species. Antibiotic Ketoconazole plus ZnONPs showed best synergistic anticandidal activity against all the 16 isolates. Green synthesized ZnONPs appears to be a new promising approach to fight against Candidiasis.

  13. Biocatalytic and antibacterial visualization of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Hemidesmus indicus.


    Latha, M; Sumathi, M; Manikandan, R; Arumugam, A; Prabhu, N M


    In the present investigation, we described the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant leaf extract of Hemidesmus indicus. The synthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). TEM images proved that the synthesized silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape with an average particle size of 25.24 nm. To evaluate antibacterial efficacy, bacteria was isolated from poultry gut and subjected to 16S rRNA characterization and confirmed as Shigella sonnei. The in vitro antibacterial efficacy of synthesized silver nanoparticles was studied by agar bioassay, well diffusion and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) assay. The H. indicus mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles shows rapid synthesis and higher inhibitory activity (34 ± 0.2 mm) against isolated bacteria S. sonnei at 40 μg/ml. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Heteromultimetallic catalysis for sustainable organic syntheses.


    Lorion, Mélanie M; Maindan, Karan; Kapdi, Anant R; Ackermann, Lutz


    Fully complementary bimetallic catalysis has been identified as an increasingly powerful tool for molecular transformations, which was largely inspired by early examples of sequential catalytic transformations. Thus, energy-efficient one-pot reactions involving different metal catalysts orchestrated in concert constitute an attractive alternative to multi-step protocols, with major recent progress through the elegant ligand design in heterobimetallic catalysis as well as sustainable photo-induced C-H transformations, among others. This review provides a critical assessment of the state of the art in heterobimetallic catalysis for sustainable organic syntheses (SOS), highlighting key advances and representative examples until summer 2017.

  15. Recent progress in solution plasma-synthesized-carbon-supported catalysts for energy conversion systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lun Li, Oi; Lee, Hoonseung; Ishizaki, Takahiro


    Carbon-based materials have been widely utilized as the electrode materials in energy conversion and storage technologies, such as fuel cells and metal-air batteries. In these systems, the oxygen reduction reaction is an important step that determines the overall performance. A novel synthesis route, named the solution plasma process, has been recently utilized to synthesize various types of metal-based and heteroatom-doped carbon catalysts. In this review, we summarize cutting-edge technologies involving the synthesis and modeling of carbon-supported catalysts synthesized via solution plasma process, followed by current progress on the electrocatalytic performance of these catalysts. This review provides the fundamental and state-of-the-art performance of solution-plasma-synthesized electrode materials, as well as the remaining scientific and technological challenges for this process.

  16. Antibacterial potential of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Madhuca longifolia flower extract as a green resource.


    Patil, Maheshkumar Prakash; Singh, Rahul Dheerendra; Koli, Prashant Bhimrao; Patil, Kalpesh Tumadu; Jagdale, Bapu Sonu; Tipare, Anuja Rajesh; Kim, Gun-Do


    The green and one-step synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been proposed as simple and ecofriendly. In the present study, a flower extract of Madhuca longifolia was used for the reduction of silver nitrate into AgNPs, with phytochemicals from the flower extract as a reducing and stabilizing agents. The synthesized AgNPs were spherical and oval shaped and about 30-50 nm sizes. The appearance of a brown color in the reaction mixture is a primary indication of AgNPs formation, and it was confirmed by observing UV-visible spectroscopy peak at 436 nm. The Energy Dispersive X-ray spectra and X-ray diffraction analysis results together confirm that the synthesized nanoparticles contain silver and silver chloride nanoparticles. The Zeta potential analysis indicates presence of negative charges on synthesized AgNPs. The FT-IR study represents involvement of functional groups in AgNPs synthesis. Synthesized AgNPs shows potential antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. M. longifolia flower is a good source for AgNPs synthesis and synthesized AgNPs are applicable as antibacterial agent in therapeutics. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    EPA Science Inventory

    In this study, the effectiveness of TiO2 nanoparticles in arsenic adsorption was examined. TiO2 particles (LS) were synthesized via sol-gel techniques and characterized for their crystallinity, surface area and pore volume. Batch adsorption studies were perf...

  18. Silk fibroin scaffolds enhance cell commitment of adult rat cardiac progenitor cells.


    Di Felice, Valentina; Serradifalco, Claudia; Rizzuto, Luigi; De Luca, Angela; Rappa, Francesca; Barone, Rosario; Di Marco, Patrizia; Cassata, Giovanni; Puleio, Roberto; Verin, Lucia; Motta, Antonella; Migliaresi, Claudio; Guercio, Annalisa; Zummo, Giovanni


    The use of three-dimensional (3D) cultures may induce cardiac progenitor cells to synthesize their own extracellular matrix (ECM) and sarcomeric proteins to initiate cardiac differentiation. 3D cultures grown on synthetic scaffolds may favour the implantation and survival of stem cells for cell therapy when pharmacological therapies are not efficient in curing cardiovascular diseases and when organ transplantation remains the only treatment able to rescue the patient's life. Silk fibroin-based scaffolds may be used to increase cell affinity to biomaterials and may be chemically modified to improve cell adhesion. In the present study, porous, partially orientated and electrospun nanometric nets were used. Cardiac progenitor cells isolated from adult rats were seeded by capillarity in the 3D structures and cultured inside inserts for 21 days. Under this condition, the cells expressed a high level of sarcomeric and cardiac proteins and synthesized a great quantity of ECM. In particular, partially orientated scaffolds induced the synthesis of titin, which is a fundamental protein in sarcomere assembly. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Writing syntheses for managers: Lessons from the Rainbow Series and Fire Effects Information System


    Jane Kapler Smith; Kristin L. Zouhar; Janet Fryer


    Scientific knowledge is essential for sound wildland management, but this knowledge is a complex, ever-expanding resource. Managers often request syntheses or reviews of available knowledge, and scientists have responded with an increasing number of syntheses for managers. Unfortunately, little guidance is available for this kind of writing. While most scientists have...

  20. A Two-Stage Approach to Synthesizing Covariance Matrices in Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cheung, Mike W. L.; Chan, Wai


    Structural equation modeling (SEM) is widely used as a statistical framework to test complex models in behavioral and social sciences. When the number of publications increases, there is a need to systematically synthesize them. Methodology of synthesizing findings in the context of SEM is known as meta-analytic SEM (MASEM). Although correlation…

  1. Salmonella enterica synthesizes 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazolyl-(DMB)-α-riboside. Why some Firmicutes do not require the canonical DMB activation system to synthesize adenosylcobalamin.


    Mattes, Theodoric A; Escalante-Semerena, Jorge C


    5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolyl-(DMB)-α-ribotide [α-ribazole-5'-phosphate (α-RP)] is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl) in many prokaryotes. In such microbes, α-RP is synthesized by nicotinate mononucleotide (NaMN):DMB phosphoribosyltransferases (CobT in Salmonella enterica), in a reaction that is considered to be the canonical step for the activation of the base of the nucleotide present in adenosylcobamides. Some Firmicutes lack CobT-type enzymes but have a two-protein system comprised of a transporter (i.e., CblT) and a kinase (i.e., CblS) that can salvage exogenous α-ribazole (α-R) from the environment using CblT to take up α-R, followed by α-R phosphorylation by CblS. We report that Geobacillus kaustophilus CblT and CblS proteins restore α-RP synthesis in S. enterica lacking the CobT enzyme. We also show that a S. enterica cobT strain that synthesizes GkCblS ectopically makes only AdoCbl, even under growth conditions where the synthesis of pseudoCbl is favored. Our results indicate that S. enterica synthesizes α-R, a metabolite that had not been detected in this bacterium and that GkCblS has a strong preference for DMB-ribose over adenine-ribose as substrate. We propose that in some Firmicutes DMB is activated to α-RP via α-R using an as-yet-unknown route to convert DMB to α-R and CblS to convert α-R to α-RP. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by marine Ochrobactrum sp.


    Thomas, Roshmi; Janardhanan, Anju; Varghese, Rintu T; Soniya, E V; Mathew, Jyothis; Radhakrishnan, E K


    Metal nanoparticle synthesis is an interesting area in nanotechnology due to their remarkable optical, magnetic, electrical, catalytic and biomedical properties, but there needs to develop clean, non-toxic and environmental friendly methods for the synthesis and assembly of nanoparticles. Biological agents in the form of microbes have emerged up as efficient candidates for nanoparticle synthesis due to their extreme versatility to synthesize diverse nanoparticles with varying size and shape. In the present study, an eco favorable method for the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using marine bacterial isolate has been attempted. Very interestingly, molecular identification proved it as a strain of Ochrobactrum anhtropi. In addition, the isolate was found to have the potential to form silver nanoparticles intracellularly at room temperature within 24 h. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The UV-visible spectrum of the aqueous medium containing silver nanoparticles showed a peak at 450 nm corresponding to the plasmon absorbance of silver nanoparticles. The SEM and TEM micrographs revealed that the synthesized silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a size range from 38 nm - 85 nm. The silver nanoparticles synthesized by the isolate were also used to explore its antibacterial potential against pathogens like Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi, Vibrio cholerae and Staphylococcus aureus.

  3. Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by marine Ochrobactrum sp

    PubMed Central

    Thomas, Roshmi; Janardhanan, Anju; Varghese, Rintu T.; Soniya, E.V.; Mathew, Jyothis; Radhakrishnan, E.K.


    Metal nanoparticle synthesis is an interesting area in nanotechnology due to their remarkable optical, magnetic, electrical, catalytic and biomedical properties, but there needs to develop clean, non-toxic and environmental friendly methods for the synthesis and assembly of nanoparticles. Biological agents in the form of microbes have emerged up as efficient candidates for nanoparticle synthesis due to their extreme versatility to synthesize diverse nanoparticles with varying size and shape. In the present study, an eco favorable method for the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using marine bacterial isolate has been attempted. Very interestingly, molecular identification proved it as a strain of Ochrobactrum anhtropi. In addition, the isolate was found to have the potential to form silver nanoparticles intracellularly at room temperature within 24 h. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The UV-visible spectrum of the aqueous medium containing silver nanoparticles showed a peak at 450 nm corresponding to the plasmon absorbance of silver nanoparticles. The SEM and TEM micrographs revealed that the synthesized silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a size range from 38 nm – 85 nm. The silver nanoparticles synthesized by the isolate were also used to explore its antibacterial potential against pathogens like Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi, Vibrio cholerae and Staphylococcus aureus. PMID:25763025

  4. A new approach to synthesize supported ruthenium phosphides for hydrodesulfurization

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Qingfang; Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry; Wang, Zhiqiang


    Highlights: • We bring out a new method to synthesize noble metal phosphides at low temperature. • Both RuP and Ru{sub 2}P were synthesized using triphenylphosphine as phosphorus sources. • Ru{sub 2}P was the better active phase for HDS than RuP and metal Ru. • RuP/SiO{sub 2} prepared by new method had better HDS activity to that by TPR method. - Abstract: Supported noble metal ruthenium phosphides were synthesized by one-step H{sub 2}-thermal treatment method using triphenylphosphine (TPP) as phosphorus sources at low temperatures. Two phosphides RuP and Ru{sub 2}P can be prepared by this method via varying the molarmore » ratio of metal salt and TPP. The as-prepared phosphides were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), low-temperature N{sub 2} adsorption, CO chemisorption and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). The supported ruthenium phosphides prepared by new method and conventional method together with contradistinctive metallic ruthenium were evaluated in hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of dibenzothiophene (DBT). The catalytic results showed that metal-rich Ru{sub 2}P was the better active phase for HDS than RuP and metal Ru. Besides this, ruthenium phosphide catalyst prepared by new method exhibited superior HDS activity to that prepared by conventional method.« less

  5. The Effect of Microphone Type on Acoustical Measures of Synthesized Vowels.


    Kisenwether, Jessica Sofranko; Sataloff, Robert T


    The purpose of this study was to compare microphones of different directionality, transducer type, and cost, with attention to their effects on acoustical measurements of period perturbation, amplitude perturbation, and noise using synthesized sustained vowel samples. This was a repeated measures design. Synthesized sustained vowel stimuli (with known acoustic characteristics and systematic changes in jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonics ratio) were recorded by a variety of dynamic and condenser microphones. Files were then analyzed for mean fundamental frequency (fo), fo standard deviation, absolute jitter, shimmer in dB, peak-to-peak amplitude variation, and noise-to-harmonics ratio. Acoustical measures following recording were compared with the synthesized, known acoustical measures before recording. Although informal analyses showed some differences among microphones, and analyses of variance showed that type of microphone is a significant predictor, t-tests revealed that none of the microphones generated different means compared with the generated acoustical measures. In this sample, microphone type, directionality, and cost did not have a significant effect on the validity of acoustic measures. Copyright © 2015 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Older Adults with Hoarding Behaviour Aging in Place: Looking to a Collaborative Community-Based Planning Approach for Solutions

    PubMed Central

    Whitfield, Kyle Y.; Daniels, Jason S.; Flesaker, Keri; Simmons, Doneka


    This paper reports on and synthesizes new research that examines how a collaborative community response can promote successful aging in place for older adults with hoarding behaviour. Through interviews with older adults with hoarding behaviour, who used a particular community support and a focus group interview with members of the community collaborative that directed supports for this population, our findings suggest that there were valuable outcomes for both groups. These older adults with hoarding behaviour were able to remain in their own homes, their safety was enhanced, their sense of isolation was minimized, empowerment was fostered, and they gained valuable insight into their behaviour. The members of the community collaborative were able to access the expertise of other professionals, maximize their own expertise, and they generated an enhanced understanding of the experience of older adults living with hoarding behaviour in Edmonton. This study is a significant addition to the much too sparse literature about the community planning needs of older adults with hoarding behaviour. It offers knowledge that is integral to theories and principles of better aging in place but attempts to translate this into practice. PMID:22013529

  7. A perspective on the hemolytic activity of chemical and green-synthesized silver and silver oxide nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ashokraja, C.; Sakar, M.; Balakumar, S.


    We report the hemolysis properties of silver and silver oxide nanoparticles (NPs) prepared by chemical and green-synthesis methods. The prepared silver and silver oxide NPs were analyzed using UV-vis spectroscopy to confirm their formation by characterizing their surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and absorption band peaks respectively. The Fourier transmission infrared (FTIR) spectra of the materials showed the characteristic functional groups corresponding to the molecules present in leaf extracts, which is proposed to be acted as reducing and capping agents that are also found on the surface of silver and silver oxide nanoparticles that synthesized via green-synthesis method. Zeta potential analysis revealed the surface charge and stability of the prepared NPs. HRTEM images showed almost spherical shape nanoparticles with an average size of 15.2 and 31.5 nm for wet chemical synthesized silver and silver oxide nanoparticles respectively. In the case of green synthesized silver and silver oxide nanoparticles, it was observed to be 19.4 and 30.4 nm respectively. The order of hemolysis efficacy of the materials is found to be as follows: chemically synthesized Ag2O>  chemically synthesized Ag NPs followed by green-synthesized Ag2O and green-synthesized Ag NPs which showed almost similar hemolysis with respect to concentration. The relatively stable nature of the silver NPs could be attributed to their lower hemolysis efficacy, while the increased lysis properties of silver oxide could be attributed due to reductive/oxidative processes that give rise to the hemolysis through interfacial charge interactions with RBCs.

  8. Method and apparatus for synthesizing anhydrous HNO/sub 3/. [Patent application


    Coon, C.L.; Harrar, J.E.; Pearson, R.K.; McGuire, R.R.


    A method and apparatus for electrochemically synthesizing anhydrous HNO/sub 3/ from an aqueous solution of HNO/sub 3/- includes oxidizing a solution of N/sub 2/O/sub 4//aqueous HNO/sub 3/ at an anode, while maintaining a controlled potential between the N/sub 2/O/sub 4//aqueous HNO/sub 3/ solution and the anode. A potential of about 1.80V vs. SCE is preferred. Anhydrous or aqueous HNO/sub 3/ may be disposed at the cathode within the electrochemical cell. Aqueous HNO/sub 3/ having a water content of up to about 12% by weight is utilized to synthesize anhydrous HNO/sub 3/.

  9. Strengthening syntheses on fire: Increasing their usefulness for managers


    Jane Kapler Smith


    A synthesis for fire managers summarizes and interprets a body of information, presents its meaning in an objective, unbiased way, and describes its implications for decisionmakers. Following are suggestions for ways to strengthen syntheses on fire and on other natural resource issues:Include managers, scientists, and...

  10. Scaleable catalytic asymmetric Strecker syntheses of unnatural α-amino acids

    PubMed Central

    Zuend, Stephan J.; Coughlin, Matthew P.; Lalonde, Mathieu P.; Jacobsen, Eric N.


    α-Amino acids are essential building blocks for protein synthesis, and are also widely useful as components of medicinally active molecules and chiral catalysts.1,2,3,4,5 Efficient chemo-enzymatic methods for the synthesis of enantioenriched α-amino acids have been devised, but the scope of these methods for the synthesis of unnatural amino acids is limited.6,7 Alkene hydrogenation is broadly useful for enantioselective catalytic synthesis of many classes of amino acids,8,9 but this approach is not applicable to the synthesis of α-amino acids bearing aryl or quaternary alkyl α-substituents. The Strecker synthesis—the reaction of an imine or imine equivalent with hydrogen cyanide, followed by nitrile hydrolysis—is an especially versatile chemical method for the synthesis of racemic α-amino acids (Fig. 1).10,11 Asymmetric Strecker syntheses using stoichiometric chiral reagents have been applied successfully on gram-to-multi-kilogram scales to the preparation of enantiomerically enriched α-amino acids.12,13,14 In principle, Strecker syntheses employing sub-stoichiometric quantities of a chiral reagent provide a practical alternative to these approaches, but the reported catalytic asymmetric methods have seen only limited use on preparative scales (e.g., > 1 gram).15,16 The limited use of existing catalytic methodologies may be ascribed to several important practical drawbacks, including the relatively complex and precious nature of the catalysts, and the requisite use of hazardous cyanide sources. Herein we report a new catalytic asymmetric method for the syntheses of highly enantiomerically enriched non-proteinogenic amino acids using a simple chiral amido-thiourea catalyst to control the key hydrocyanation step. Because this catalyst is robust and lacks sensitive functional groups, it is compatible with safely handled aqueous cyanide salts, and is thus adaptable to large-scale synthesis. This new methodology can be applied to the efficient syntheses of

  11. Adsorption and redox reactions of heavy metals on synthesized Mn oxide minerals.


    Feng, Xiong Han; Zhai, Li Mei; Tan, Wen Feng; Liu, Fan; He, Ji Zheng


    Several Mn oxide minerals commonly occurring in soils were synthesized by modified or optimized methods. The morphologies, structures, compositions and surface properties of the synthesized Mn oxide minerals were characterized. Adsorption and redox reactions of heavy metals on these minerals in relation to the mineral structures and surface properties were also investigated. The synthesized birnessite, todorokite, cryptomelane, and hausmannite were single-phased minerals and had the typical morphologies from analyses of XRD and TEM/ED. The PZCs of the synthesized birnessite, todorokite and cryptomelane were 1.75, 3.50 and 2.10, respectively. The magnitude order of their surface variable negative charge was: birnessite> or =cryptomelane>todorokite. The hausmannite had a much higher PZC than others with the least surface variable negative charge. Birnessite exhibited the largest adsorption capacity on heavy metals Pb(2+), Cu(2+), Co(2+), Cd(2+) and Zn(2+), while hausmannite the smallest one. Birnessite, cryptomelane and todorokite showed the greatest adsorption capacity on Pb(2+) among the tested heavy metals. Hydration tendency (pK(1)) of the heavy metals and the surface variable charge of the Mn minerals had significant impacts on the adsorption. The ability in Cr(III) oxidation and concomitant release of Mn(2+) varied greatly depending on the structure, composition, surface properties and crystallinity of the minerals. The maximum amounts of Cr(III) oxidized by the Mn oxide minerals in order were (mmol/kg): birnessite (1330.0)>cryptomelane (422.6)>todorokite (59.7)>hausmannite (36.6).

  12. The syntheses, characterization and in vitro metabolism of nitracaine, methoxypiperamide and mephtetramine.


    Power, John D; Scott, Kenneth R; Gardner, Elizabeth A; Curran McAteer, Bronagh M; O'Brien, John E; Brehon, Margaret; Talbot, Brian; Kavanagh, Pierce V


    Three legal highs; nitracaine (3-(diethylamino)-2,2-dimethylpropyl 4-nitrobenzoate), methoxypiperamide (MEOP, (4-methoxyphenyl)(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methanone) and mephtetramine (MTTA, 2-((methylamino)methyl)-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-one) appeared in 2013 as new psychoactive substances (NPS) on Internet websites selling 'research chemicals'. These compounds were synthesized and analyzed via our synthesize, analyze, and metabolize (SAM) protocol. Nitracaine was synthesized by the transesterification of methyl 4-nitrobenzoate with 3-(diethylamino)-2,2-dimethylpropan-1-ol. Methoxypiperamide was synthesized by the reaction of 4-methoxybenzoyl chloride with 1-methylpiperazine, and mephtetramine through the Mannich reaction of 1-tetralone with paraformaldehyde and methylamine hydrochloride. Each compound was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-EIMS), liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS), and high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HR-ESI-MS). A sample of nitracaine was also test-purchased from an Internet vendor and its structure confirmed by GC-EIMS and LC-ESI-MS. Finally, the in vitro metabolism of the nitracaine, mephtetramine, and methoxypiperamide was investigated, using a human microsomal liver extract, in order to tentatively identify potential metabolites that may be encountered in the analysis of biological samples in clinical or toxicology labs. The use of our SAM protocol highlights the ability of academic research labs to quickly respond to and disseminate information about emerging NPS. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  13. Spectrum syntheses of high-resolution integrated light spectra of Galactic globular clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakari, Charli M.; Shetrone, Matthew; Venn, Kim; McWilliam, Andrew; Dotter, Aaron


    Spectrum syntheses for three elements (Mg, Na and Eu) in high-resolution integrated light spectra of the Galactic globular clusters 47 Tuc, M3, M13, NGC 7006 and M15 are presented, along with calibration syntheses of the solar and Arcturus spectra. Iron abundances in the target clusters are also derived from integrated light equivalent width analyses. Line profiles in the spectra of these five globular clusters are well fitted after careful consideration of the atomic and molecular spectral features, providing levels of precision that are better than equivalent width analyses of the same integrated light spectra, and that are comparable to the precision in individual stellar analyses. The integrated light abundances from the 5528 and 5711 Å Mg I lines, the 6154 and 6160 Å Na I lines, and the 6645 Å Eu II line fall within the observed ranges from individual stars; however, these integrated light abundances do not always agree with the average literature abundances. Tests with the second parameter clusters M3, M13 and NGC 7006 show that assuming an incorrect horizontal branch morphology is likely to have only a small ( ≲ 0.06 dex) effect on these Mg, Na and Eu abundances. These tests therefore show that integrated light spectrum syntheses can be applied to unresolved globular clusters over a wide range of metallicities and horizontal branch morphologies. Such high precision in integrated light spectrum syntheses is valuable for interpreting the chemical abundances of globular cluster systems around other galaxies.

  14. High quantum yield ZnO quantum dots synthesizing via an ultrasonication microreactor method.


    Yang, Weimin; Yang, Huafang; Ding, Wenhao; Zhang, Bing; Zhang, Le; Wang, Lixi; Yu, Mingxun; Zhang, Qitu


    Green emission ZnO quantum dots were synthesized by an ultrasonic microreactor. Ultrasonic radiation brought bubbles through ultrasonic cavitation. These bubbles built microreactor inside the microreactor. The photoluminescence properties of ZnO quantum dots synthesized with different flow rate, ultrasonic power and temperature were discussed. Flow rate, ultrasonic power and temperature would influence the type and quantity of defects in ZnO quantum dots. The sizes of ZnO quantum dots would be controlled by those conditions as well. Flow rate affected the reaction time. With the increasing of flow rate, the sizes of ZnO quantum dots decreased and the quantum yields first increased then decreased. Ultrasonic power changed the ultrasonic cavitation intensity, which affected the reaction energy and the separation of the solution. With the increasing of ultrasonic power, sizes of ZnO quantum dots first decreased then increased, while the quantum yields kept increasing. The effect of ultrasonic temperature on the photoluminescence properties of ZnO quantum dots was influenced by the flow rate. Different flow rate related to opposite changing trend. Moreover, the quantum yields of ZnO QDs synthesized by ultrasonic microreactor could reach 64.7%, which is higher than those synthesized only under ultrasonic radiation or only by microreactor. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Synthesized voice approach callouts for air transport operations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simpson, C. A.


    A flight simulation experiment was performed to determine the effectiveness of synthesized voice approach callouts for air transport operations. Flight deck data was first collected on scheduled air carrier operations to describe existing pilot-not-flying callout procedures in the flight context and to document the types and amounts of other auditory cockpit information during different types of air carrier operations. A flight simulation scenario for a wide-body jet transport airline training simulator was developed in collaboration with a major U.S. air carrier and flown by three-man crews of qualified line pilots as part of their normally scheduled recurrent training. Each crew flew half their approaches using the experimental synthesized voice approach callout system (SYNCALL) and the other half using the company pilot-not-flying approach callout procedures (PNF). Airspeed and sink rate performance was better with the SYNCALL system than with the PNF system for non-precision approaches. For the one-engine approach, for which SYNCALL made inappropriate deviation callouts, airspeed performance was worse with SYNCALL than with PNF. Reliability of normal altitude approach callouts was comparable for PNF on the line and in the simulator and for SYNCALL in the simulator.

  16. Comparison of characteristics of hydroxyapatite powders synthesized from cuttlefish bone via precipitation and ball milling techniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faksawat, K.; Kaewwiset, W.; Limsuwan, P.; Naemchanthara, K.


    The aim of this work was to compare characteristics of hydroxyapatite synthesized by precipitation and ball milling techniques. The cuttlefish bone powder was a precursor in calcium source and the di ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate powders was a precursor in phosphate source. The hydroxyapatite was synthesized by the both techniques such as precipitation and ball milling techniques. The phase formation, chemical structure and morphology of the both hydroxyapatite powders have been examined by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), respectively. The results show that the hydroxyapatite synthesized by precipitation technique formed hydroxyapatite phase slower than the hydroxyapatite synthesized by ball milling technique. The FTIR results show the chemical structures of sample in both techniques are similar. The morphology of the hydroxyapatite from the both techniques were sphere like shapes and particle size was about in nano scale. The average particle size of the hydroxyapatite by ball milling technique was less than those synthesized by precipitation technique. This experiment indicated that the ball milling technique take time less than the precipitation technique in hydroxyapatite synthesis.

  17. Evaluation of an Approximate Method for Synthesizing Covariance Matrices for Use in Meta-Analytic SEM

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beretvas, S. Natasha; Furlow, Carolyn F.


    Meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MA-SEM) is increasingly being used to assess model-fit for variables' interrelations synthesized across studies. MA-SEM researchers have analyzed synthesized correlation matrices using structural equation modeling (SEM) estimation that is designed for covariance matrices. This can produce incorrect…

  18. Engineering an Escherichia coli platform to synthesize designer biodiesels.


    Wierzbicki, Michael; Niraula, Narayan; Yarrabothula, Akshitha; Layton, Donovan S; Trinh, Cong T


    Biodiesels, fatty acid esters (FAEs), can be synthesized by condensation of fatty acid acyl CoAs and alcohols via a wax ester synthase in living cells. Biodiesels have advantageous characteristics over petrodiesels such as biodegradability, a higher flash point, and less emission. Controlling fatty acid and alcohol moieties are critical to produce designer biodiesels with desirable physiochemical properties (e.g., high cetane number, low kinematic viscosity, high oxidative stability, and low cloud point). Here, we developed a flexible framework to engineer Escherichia coli cell factories to synthesize designer biodiesels directly from fermentable sugars. In this framework, we designed each FAE pathway as a biodiesel exchangeable production module consisting of acyl CoA, alcohol, and wax ester synthase submodules. By inserting the FAE modules in an engineered E. coli modular chassis cell, we generated E. coli cell factories to produce targeted biodiesels (e.g., fatty acid ethyl (FAEE) and isobutyl (FAIbE) esters) with tunable and controllable short-chain alcohol moieties. The engineered E. coli chassis carrying the FAIbE production module produced 54mg/L FAIbEs with high specificity, accounting for>90% of the total synthesized FAEs and ∼4.7 fold increase in FAIbE production compared to the wildtype. Fed-batch cultures further improved FAIbE production up to 165mg/L. By mixing ethanol and isobutanol submodules, we demonstrated controllable production of mixed FAEEs and FAIbEs. We envision the developed framework offers a flexible, alternative route to engineer designer biodiesels with tunable and controllable properties using biomass-derived fermentable sugars. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. A systematic review of interventions to improve outcomes for young adults with Type 1 diabetes.


    O'Hara, M C; Hynes, L; O'Donnell, M; Nery, N; Byrne, M; Heller, S R; Dinneen, S F


    Many young adults with Type 1 diabetes experience poor outcomes. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize the evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving clinical, behavioural or psychosocial outcomes for young adults with Type 1 diabetes. Electronic databases were searched. Any intervention studies related to education, support, behaviour change or health service organizational change for young adults aged between 15-30 years with Type 1 diabetes were included. A narrative synthesis of all studies was undertaken due to the large degree of heterogeneity between studies. Eighteen studies (of a possible 1700) were selected and categorized: Health Services Delivery (n = 4), Group Education and Peer Support (n = 6), Digital Platforms (n = 4) and Diabetes Devices (n = 4). Study designs included one randomized controlled trial, three retrospective studies, seven feasibility/acceptability studies and eight studies with a pre/post design. Continuity, support, education and tailoring of interventions to young adults were the most common themes across studies. HbA 1c was the most frequently measured outcome, but only 5 of 12 studies that measured it showed a significant improvement. Based on the heterogeneity among the studies, the effectiveness of interventions on clinical, behavioural and psychosocial outcomes among young adults is inconclusive. This review has highlighted a lack of high-quality, well-designed interventions, aimed at improving health outcomes for young adults with Type 1 diabetes. © 2016 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Diabetes UK.



    Sánchez, Veralia Gabriela; Taylor, Ingrid; Bing-Jonsson, Pia Cecilie


    The University College of Southeast Norway has an on-going project to develop a smart house welfare system to allow older adults and people with disabilities to remain in their homes for as long as they wish in safe, dignified, living conditions. This article reviews reported ethical challenges to implementing smart houses for older adults. A systematic literature review identified twenty-four articles in English, French, Spanish, and Norwegian, which were analyzed and synthesized using Hofmann's question list to investigate the reported ethical challenges. Smart houses offer a promising way to improve access to home care for older adults and people with disabilities. However, important ethical challenges arise when implementing smart houses, including cost-effectiveness, privacy, autonomy, informed consent, dignity, safety, and trust. The identified ethical challenges are important to consider when developing smart house systems. Due to the limitations of smart house technology, designers and users should be mindful that smart houses can achieve a safer and more dignified life-style but cannot solve all the challenges related to ageing, disabilities, and disease. At some point, smart houses can no longer help persons as they develop needs that smart houses cannot meet.

  1. Method to synthesize bulk iron nitride

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Monson, Todd; Lavernia, Enrique J.; Zheng, Baolong

    Bulk iron nitride can be synthesized from iron nitride powder by spark plasma sintering. The iron nitride can be spark plasma sintered at a temperature of less than 600°C. and a pressure of less than 600 MPa, with 400 MPa or less most often being sufficient. High pressure SPS can consolidate dense iron nitrides at a lower temperature to avoid decomposition. The higher pressure and lower temperature of spark discharge sintering avoids decomposition and limits grain growth, enabling enhanced magnetic properties. The method can further comprise synthesis of nanocrystalline iron nitride powders using two-step reactive milling prior to high-pressure sparkmore » discharge sintering.« less

  2. Incomplete antibodies and immunoglobulin characterization in adult urodeles, Pleurodeles waltlii Michah. and Triturus alpestris Laur.

    PubMed Central

    Tournefier, A


    Humoral immunoglobulin synthesis has been studied in two adult urodeles, Pleurodeles waltlii Michah. and Triturus alpestris Laur. following SRBC immunization. The specific antibody response is detected after a long period of immunization and is due exclusively to 'incomplete' antibodies which are unable to induce agglutination. The antibody titre is essentially dependent on the number of stimulations rather than on the dose or nature of the antigen (papainized or normal erythrocytes). Antibodies are detected in only 50 per cent of the immunized animals, 50 per cent never respond. This suggests that the latter group does not possess the genetic equipment (Ir genes) to recognize the antigenic determinants and to synthesize the corresponding antibodies. The sedimentation coefficient of the synthesized immunoglobulins was investigated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and their characterization was carried out by starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. With this peculiar antigen even after a booster injection, only one class of immunoglobulin, an 18-2S IgM could be detected. PMID:49296

  3. The utility of multiple synthesized views in the recognition of unfamiliar faces.


    Jones, Scott P; Dwyer, Dominic M; Lewis, Michael B


    The ability to recognize an unfamiliar individual on the basis of prior exposure to a photograph is notoriously poor and prone to errors, but recognition accuracy is improved when multiple photographs are available. In applied situations, when only limited real images are available (e.g., from a mugshot or CCTV image), the generation of new images might provide a technological prosthesis for otherwise fallible human recognition. We report two experiments examining the effects of providing computer-generated additional views of a target face. In Experiment 1, provision of computer-generated views supported better target face recognition than exposure to the target image alone and equivalent performance to that for exposure of multiple photograph views. Experiment 2 replicated the advantage of providing generated views, but also indicated an advantage for multiple viewings of the single target photograph. These results strengthen the claim that identifying a target face can be improved by providing multiple synthesized views based on a single target image. In addition, our results suggest that the degree of advantage provided by synthesized views may be affected by the quality of synthesized material.

  4. Chemically synthesized boron carbon oxynitride as a new cold cathode material

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Banerjee, Diptonil; Maity, Supratim; Chattopadhyay, K. K.


    Synthesis of boron carbon oxynitride (BCNO) nanosheets at different temperature from amorphous to crystalline regime has been reported. The synthesis was done by a simple molten salt process using sodium borohydride and urea as precursors. Transmission electron microscopic study confirms the formation of sheet-like structure of the as-synthesized material. The performances of the as-synthesized BCNO nanosheets as cold cathode materials have been studied for the first time in the high vacuum electron field emission set up. It has been seen that the material gives considerable field emission current with turn on field as low as 2.95 V/μm with good stability and thus a new cold cathode material can be postulated.

  5. Tribology of carbide derived carbon films synthesized on tungsten carbide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tlustochowicz, Marcin

    Tribologically advantageous films of carbide derived carbon (CDC) have been successfully synthesized on binderless tungsten carbide manufactured using the plasma pressure compaction (P2CRTM) technology. In order to produce the CDC films, tungsten carbide samples were reacted with chlorine containing gas mixtures at temperatures ranging from 800°C to 1000°C in a sealed tube furnace. Some of the treated samples were later dechlorinated by an 800°C hydrogenation treatment. Detailed mechanical and structural characterizations of the CDC films and sliding contact surfaces were done using a series of analytical techniques and their results were correlated with the friction and wear behavior of the CDC films in various tribosystems, including CDC-steel, CDC-WC, CDC-Si3N4 and CDC-CDC. Optimum synthesis and treatment conditions were determined for use in two specific environments: moderately humid air and dry nitrogen. It was found that CDC films first synthesized at 1000°C and then hydrogen post-treated at 800°C performed best in air with friction coefficient values as low as 0.11. However, for dry nitrogen applications, no dechlorination was necessary and both hydrogenated and as-synthesized CDC films exhibited friction coefficients of approximately 0.03. A model of tribological behavior of CDC has been proposed that takes into consideration the tribo-oxidation of counterface material, the capillary forces from adsorbed water vapor, the carbon-based tribofilm formation, and the lubrication effect of both chlorine and hydrogen.

  6. Organic syntheses employing supercritical carbon dioxide as a reaction solvent

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barstow, Leon E. (Inventor); Ward, Glen D. (Inventor); Bier, Milan (Inventor)


    Chemical reactions are readily carried out using supercritical carbon dioxide as the reaction medium. Supercritical carbon dioxide is of special value as a reaction medium in reactions for synthesizing polypeptides, for sequencing polypeptides, or for amino acid analysis.

  7. Organic syntheses employing supercritical carbon dioxide as a reaction solvent

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barstow, Leon E. (Inventor); Ward, Glen D. (Inventor); Bier, Milan (Inventor)


    Chemical reactions are readily carried out using supercritical carbon dioxide as the reaction medium. Supercritical carbon dioxide is of special value as a reaction medium in reactions for synthesizing polypeptides, for sequencing polypeptides, or for amino acid analysis.

  8. Morphology and topography study of graphene synthesized from plant oil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robaiah, M.; Rusop, M.; Abdullah, S.; Khusaimi, Z.; Azhan, H.; Laila, M. O.; Salifairus, M. J.; Asli, N. A.


    The graphene is material consists of bonded atom carbon atoms in sheet form one atom thick. The different types of carbon sources which are refined corn oil, palm oil and waste cooking palm oil were used as carbon feedstock to supply carbon atom for synthesizing graphene on the nickel substrate by thermal chemical vapour deposition. The substrate and carbon sources were placed in double zone furnaces. The carbon sources and the substrate were heated at 300 °C and 900 °C respectively. The both furnaces were switched off after synthesis time for cooling process finish. The formation of the graphene on the Ni surface appears due to segregation and precipitation of a high amount of carbon from the source material during the cooling process. FESEM, AFM, UV-VIS Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy were used to characterize and synthesized graphene.

  9. Characteristics of uranium carbonitride microparticles synthesized using different reaction conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, Chinthaka M.; Lindemer, Terrence B.; Voit, Stewart R.; Hunt, Rodney D.; Besmann, Theodore M.; Terrani, Kurt A.; Snead, Lance L.


    Three sets of experimental conditions were tested to synthesize uranium carbonitride (UC1-xNx) kernels from gel-derived urania-carbon microspheres. Primarily, three sequences of gases were used, N2 to N2-4%H2 to Ar, Ar to N2 to Ar, and Ar-4%H2 to N2-4%H2 to Ar-4%H2. Physical and chemical characteristics such as geometrical density, phase purity, and chemical compositions of the synthesized UC1-xNx were measured. Single-phase kernels were commonly obtained with densities generally ranging from 85% to 93% TD and values of x as high as 0.99. In-depth analysis of the microstrutures of UC1-xNx has been carried out and is discussed with the objective of large batch fabrication of high density UC1-xNx kernels.

  10. Next generation 1536-well oligonucleotide synthesizer with on-the-fly dispense.


    Jensen, Michael; Roberts, Lester; Johnson, Andrew; Fukushima, Marilyn; Davis, Ronald


    Here we report the development of our Next Generation Automated Multiplexed Oligonucleotide Synthesizer (NG-1536-AMOS), capable of producing 1536 samples in a single run using a multi-well filtered titer plate. With the potential to synthesize up to 3456 samples per plate, we converted the BioRAPTR Flying Reagent Dispenser into an open-well system where spent reagents are drained to waste under vacuum. During synthesis, reagents are delivered on-the-fly to each micro-titer well at volumes ≤5 μl with plate speeds up to 150 mm/s. Using gas-phase cleavage and deprotection, a full plate of 1536 60 mers may be processed with same-day turnaround with an average yield per well at 3.5 nmol. Final product at only $0.00277/base is eluted into a low-volume collection plate for immediate use in downstream application (e.g. Biomek FX for versatile sample handling). Also, crude oligonucleotide quality is comparable to that of commercial synthesis instrumentation, with an error rate on the NG-1536-AMOS platform of 1.53/717 bases. Furthermore, mass spectral analysis on strands synthesized up to 80 bases showed high purity with an average coupling efficiency of 99.5%. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Comparison of linear measurements between CBCT orthogonally synthesized cephalograms and conventional cephalograms

    PubMed Central

    Yang, S; Liu, D G


    Objectives: The purposes of the study are to investigate the consistency of linear measurements between CBCT orthogonally synthesized cephalograms and conventional cephalograms and to evaluate the influence of different magnifications on these comparisons based on a simulation algorithm. Methods: Conventional cephalograms and CBCT scans were taken on 12 dry skulls with spherical metal markers. Orthogonally synthesized cephalograms were created from CBCT data. Linear parameters on both cephalograms were measured via Photoshop CS v. 5.0 (Adobe® Systems, San Jose, CA), named measurement group (MG). Bland–Altman analysis was utilized to assess the agreement of two imaging modalities. Reproducibility was investigated using paired t-test. By a specific mathematical programme “cepha”, corresponding linear parameters [mandibular corpus length (Go-Me), mandibular ramus length (Co-Go), posterior facial height (Go-S)] on these two types of cephalograms were calculated, named simulation group (SG). Bland–Altman analysis was used to assess the agreement between MG and SG. Simulated linear measurements with varying magnifications were generated based on “cepha” as well. Bland–Altman analysis was used to assess the agreement of simulated measurements between two modalities. Results: Bland–Altman analysis suggested the agreement between measurements on conventional cephalograms and orthogonally synthesized cephalograms, with a mean bias of 0.47 mm. Comparison between MG and SG showed that the difference did not reach clinical significance. The consistency between simulated measurements of both modalities with four different magnifications was demonstrated. Conclusions: Normative data of conventional cephalograms could be used for CBCT orthogonally synthesized cephalograms during this transitional period. PMID:25029593

  12. Structure and luminescence of nanocrystalline gallium nitride synthesized by a novel polymer pyrolysis route

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia, Rafael; Hirata, Gustavo A.; Thomas, Alan C.; Ponce, Fernando A.


    Thermal decomposition in a horizontal quartz tube reactor of a polymer [-(CH 6N 4O) 3Ga(NO 3) 3-] in a nitrogen atmosphere, yield directly nano-structured gallium nitride (GaN) powder. The polymer was obtained by the reaction between high purity gallium nitrate (Ga(NO 3) 3) dissolved in toluene and carbohydrazide as an azotic ligand. The powder synthesized by this method showed a yellow color and elemental analysis suggested that the color is due to some carbon and oxygen impurities in the as-synthesized powder. Electron microscopy showed that the as-synthesized powders consist of a mixture of various porous particles containing nanowires and nano-sized platelets. The size of the crystallites can be controlled by annealing processes under ammonia. Photoluminescence analysis at 10 K on as-synthesized powders showed a broad red luminescence around 668 nm under UV laser excitation (He-Cd laser, 325 nm). However after annealing process the red luminescence disappears and the typical band edge emission of GaN around 357 nm (3.47 eV) and the UV band were the dominant emissions in the PL spectra.

  13. Algorithm That Synthesizes Other Algorithms for Hashing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    James, Mark


    An algorithm that includes a collection of several subalgorithms has been devised as a means of synthesizing still other algorithms (which could include computer code) that utilize hashing to determine whether an element (typically, a number or other datum) is a member of a set (typically, a list of numbers). Each subalgorithm synthesizes an algorithm (e.g., a block of code) that maps a static set of key hashes to a somewhat linear monotonically increasing sequence of integers. The goal in formulating this mapping is to cause the length of the sequence thus generated to be as close as practicable to the original length of the set and thus to minimize gaps between the elements. The advantage of the approach embodied in this algorithm is that it completely avoids the traditional approach of hash-key look-ups that involve either secondary hash generation and look-up or further searching of a hash table for a desired key in the event of collisions. This algorithm guarantees that it will never be necessary to perform a search or to generate a secondary key in order to determine whether an element is a member of a set. This algorithm further guarantees that any algorithm that it synthesizes can be executed in constant time. To enforce these guarantees, the subalgorithms are formulated to employ a set of techniques, each of which works very effectively covering a certain class of hash-key values. These subalgorithms are of two types, summarized as follows: Given a list of numbers, try to find one or more solutions in which, if each number is shifted to the right by a constant number of bits and then masked with a rotating mask that isolates a set of bits, a unique number is thereby generated. In a variant of the foregoing procedure, omit the masking. Try various combinations of shifting, masking, and/or offsets until the solutions are found. From the set of solutions, select the one that provides the greatest compression for the representation and is executable in the

  14. Divergent Total Syntheses of Rhodomyrtosones A and B

    PubMed Central

    Gervais, Anais; Lazarski, Kiel E.; Porco, John A.


    Herein, we report total syntheses of the tetramethyldihydroxanthene natural product rhodomyrtosone B and the related bis-furan β-triketone natural product rhodomyrtosone A. Nickel-(II)-catalyzed 1,4-conjugate addition of an α-alkylidene-β-dicarbonyl substrate was developed to access the congener rhodomyrtosone B, and oxygenation of the same monoalkylidene derivative followed by cyclization was employed to obtain the bis-furan natural product rhodomyrtosone A. PMID:26351970

  15. Squid Giant Axon Contains Neurofilament Protein mRNA but does not Synthesize Neurofilament Proteins.


    Gainer, Harold; House, Shirley; Kim, Dong Sun; Chin, Hemin; Pant, Harish C


    When isolated squid giant axons are incubated in radioactive amino acids, abundant newly synthesized proteins are found in the axoplasm. These proteins are translated in the adaxonal Schwann cells and subsequently transferred into the giant axon. The question as to whether any de novo protein synthesis occurs in the giant axon itself is difficult to resolve because the small contribution of the proteins possibly synthesized intra-axonally is not easily distinguished from the large amounts of the proteins being supplied from the Schwann cells. In this paper, we reexamine this issue by studying the synthesis of endogenous neurofilament (NF) proteins in the axon. Our laboratory previously showed that NF mRNA and protein are present in the squid giant axon, but not in the surrounding adaxonal glia. Therefore, if the isolated squid axon could be shown to contain newly synthesized NF protein de novo, it could not arise from the adaxonal glia. The results of experiments in this paper show that abundant 3H-labeled NF protein is synthesized in the squid giant fiber lobe containing the giant axon's neuronal cell bodies, but despite the presence of NF mRNA in the giant axon no labeled NF protein is detected in the giant axon. This lends support to the glia-axon protein transfer hypothesis which posits that the squid giant axon obtains newly synthesized protein by Schwann cell transfer and not through intra-axonal protein synthesis, and further suggests that the NF mRNA in the axon is in a translationally repressed state.

  16. Evaluation of antioxidant and anticancer activity of copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized using medicinally important plant extracts.


    Rehana, Dilaveez; Mahendiran, D; Kumar, R Senthil; Rahiman, A Kalilur


    Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles were synthesized by green chemistry approach using different plant extracts obtained from the leaves of Azadirachta indica, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Murraya koenigii, Moringa oleifera and Tamarindus indica. In order to compare their efficiency, the same copper oxide nanoparticles was also synthesized by chemical method. Phytochemical screening of the leaf extracts showed the presence of carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, saponins, tannins, proteins and amino acids. FT IR spectra confirmed the possible biomolecules responsible for the formation of copper oxide nanoparticles. The surface plasmon resonance absorption band at 220-235nm in the UV-vis spectra also supports the formation of copper oxide nanoparticles. XRD patterns revealed the monoclinic phase of the synthesized copper oxide nanoparticles. The average size, shape and the crystalline nature of the nanoparticles were determined by SEM, TEM and SAED analysis. EDX analysis confirmed the presence of elements in the synthesized nanoparticles. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by three different free radical scavenging assays. The cytotoxicity of copper oxide nanoparticles was evaluated against four cancer cell lines such as human breast (MCF-7), cervical (HeLa), epithelioma (Hep-2) and lung (A549), and one normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) cell line. The morphological changes were evaluated using Hoechst 33258 staining assay. Copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized by green method exhibited high antioxidant and cytotoxicity than that synthesized by chemical method. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Aerosol Direct Fluorination. Syntheses of the Perfluoroalkyl Orthocarbonates, F-Tetramethyl and F-Ethylene Orthocarbonates.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ff AD-AFRU9 98? AEROSOL DIRECT FLUORINATION SYNTHESES OF THE / 1 PERFLUOROALKYL ORTHOCRBONAT.-(U) TENNESSEE UNIY KNOXVILLE DEPT OF CHEMISTRY J L...SYNTHESES OF THE PERFLUOROALKYL ORTHOCARBONATES, F-TETRAMETHYL AND F-ETHYLENE ORTHOCARBONATES by James L. Adcock* and Mark L. Robin Department of...number) Aerosol, Direct Fluorination, Elemental Fluorine, Perfluoroalkyl % orthocarbonates 211,A’!S RACY (Contiue en reverse aide it neessary and

  18. Peptide-templated noble metal catalysts: syntheses and applications

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Wei; Anderson, Caleb F.; Wang, Zongyuan; Wu, Wei


    Noble metal catalysts have been widely used in many applications because of their high activity and selectivity. However, a controllable preparation of noble metal catalysts still remains as a significant challenge. To overcome this challenge, peptide templates can play a critical role in the controllable syntheses of catalysts owing to their flexible binding with specific metallic surfaces and self-assembly characteristics. By employing peptide templates, the size, shape, facet, structure, and composition of obtained catalysts can all be specifically controlled under the mild synthesis conditions. In addition, catalysts with spherical, nanofiber, and nanofilm structures can all be produced by associating with the self-assembly characteristics of peptide templates. Furthermore, the peptide-templated noble metal catalysts also reveal significantly enhanced catalytic behaviours compared with conventional catalysts because the electron conductivity, metal dispersion, and reactive site exposure can all be improved. In this review, we summarize the research progresses in the syntheses of peptide-templated noble metal catalysts. The applications of the peptide-templated catalysts in organic reactions, photocatalysis, and electrocatalysis are discussed, and the relationship between structure and activity of these catalysts are addressed. Future opportunities, including new catalytic materials designed by using biological principles, are indicated to achieve selective, eco-friendly, and energy neutral synthesis approaches. PMID:28507701

  19. Characterizing, synthesizing, and/or canceling out acoustic signals from sound sources


    Holzrichter, John F [Berkeley, CA; Ng, Lawrence C [Danville, CA


    A system for characterizing, synthesizing, and/or canceling out acoustic signals from inanimate and animate sound sources. Electromagnetic sensors monitor excitation sources in sound producing systems, such as animate sound sources such as the human voice, or from machines, musical instruments, and various other structures. Acoustical output from these sound producing systems is also monitored. From such information, a transfer function characterizing the sound producing system is generated. From the transfer function, acoustical output from the sound producing system may be synthesized or canceled. The systems disclosed enable accurate calculation of transfer functions relating specific excitations to specific acoustical outputs. Knowledge of such signals and functions can be used to effect various sound replication, sound source identification, and sound cancellation applications.

  20. Method of synthesized phase objects for pattern recognition with rotation invariance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostroukh, Alexander P.; Butok, Alexander M.; Shvets, Rostislav A.; Yezhov, Pavel V.; Kim, Jin-Tae; Kuzmenko, Alexander V.


    We present a development of the method of synthesized phase objects (SPO-method) [1] for the rotation-invariant pattern recognition. For the standard method of recognition and the SPO-method, the comparison of the parameters of correlation signals for a number of amplitude objects is executed at the realization of a rotation in an optical-digital correlator with the joint Fourier transformation. It is shown that not only the invariance relative to a rotation at a realization of the joint correlation for synthesized phase objects (SP-objects) but also the main advantage of the method of SP-objects over the reference one such as the unified δ-like recognition signal with the largest possible signal-to-noise ratio independent of the type of an object are attained.

  1. Method and apparatus for synthesizing hydrocarbons


    Colmenares, C.A.; Somorjai, G.A.; Maj, J.J.


    A method and apparatus for synthesizing a mixture of hydrocarbons having five carbons or less is disclosed. An equal molar ratio of CO and H/sub 2/ gases is caused to pass through a ThO/sub 2/ catalyst having a surface area of about 80 to 125 m/sup 2//g. The catalyst further includes Na present as a substitutional cation in an amount of about 5 to 10 atom %. At a temperature of about 340 to 360/sup 0/C, and at pressures of about 20 to 50 atm, CH/sub 3/OH is produced in an amount of about 90 wt % of the total hydrocarbon mixture, and comprised 1 mole % of the effluent gas.

  2. Method and apparatus for synthesizing hydrocarbons


    Colmenares, C.A.; Somorjai, G.A.; Maj, J.J.


    A method and apparatus for synthesizing a mixture of aliphatic alcohols having five carbons or less is disclosed. An equal molar ratio of CO and H/sub 2/ gases is caused to pass through a ThO/sub 2/ catalyst having a surface area of about 80 to 125 m/sup 2//g. The catalyst further optionally includes Na ions present as substitutional cations in an amount of about 5 to 10 atom %. At a temperature of about 570 to 630/sup 0/K, and at pressures of about 20 to 50 atm, methanol and isobutanol are the predominant products and are produced in amounts of about 90 wt % of the total hydrocarbon mixture. 6 figs.

  3. Syntheses and degradations of fluorinated heterocyclics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Paciorek, K. L.; Kratzer, R. H.; Kaufman, J.; Rosser, R. W.


    The relative stability of two ring systems, the triazine rings and 1,2,4-oxadiazoles, which offer potential crosslinks useful for curing perfluoroalkyl ether elastomers, has been investigated. Tris (perfluoro-n-heptyl)-s-triazine, the perfluoroether substituted-s-triazine, 1,4-bis/(5-perfluoro-n-heptyl)-1,2,4-oxadiazolyl/benzene, its perfluoroalkyl ether substituted analog, and 3,5-bis-(perfluoro-n-heptyl)-1,2,4-oxadiazole were synthesized and subjected to thermal and oxidative degradation at 235 and 325 C and to hydrolytic degradation at 235 C. The perfluoroalkyl ether substituted triazine and 3,5-bis(perfluoro-n-heptyl)-1,2,4-oxadiazole were found to be stable under all conditions investigated.

  4. Method to synthesize lanthanide fluoride materials from lanthanide fluorinated alkoxides

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Boyle, Timothy J.

    Lanthanide fluorinated alkoxide derivatives can be synthesized from the alcoholysis reaction of the lanthanide bis-trimethylsilyl amide and an excess amount of hexafluoro iso-propanol. Nanoparticles can be formed from the lanthanide fluorinated alkoxide derivatives by a solvothermal or solution precipitation process.

  5. Multifrequency Aperture-Synthesizing Microwave Radiometer System (MFASMR). Volume 2: Appendix

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wiley, C. A.; Chang, M. U.


    A number of topics supporting the systems analysis of a multifrequency aperture-synthesizing microwave radiometer system are discussed. Fellgett's (multiple) advantage, interferometer mapping behavior, mapping geometry, image processing programs, and sampling errors are among the topics discussed. A FORTRAN program code is given.

  6. Comparative catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol by polyacrylamide-gold nanocomposite synthesized by hydrothermal autoclaving and conventional heating routes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Salaheldin, Hosam I.


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in polymeric polyacrylamide (PAAm) matrix were synthesized using conventional heating and autoclaving thermal techniques. The synthesized Au/PAAm nanocomposite was characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The size of the synthesized particles was approximately 6.37 nm and 8.19 nm with the conventional heating and autoclaving thermal techniques, respectively. Electron diffraction x-ray spectroscopy and the Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy were used for the composition and elemental studies, which confirmed that the Au metallic atoms were synthesized and embedded within a PAAm matrix via a coordination bond between the carbonyl (-CONH2) group and the metallic NPs. X-ray diffraction confirmed the crystalline nature of the fabricated AuNPs with face centered cubic of nanocrystals. The catalytic activity of the as-prepared Au/PAAm nanocomposite for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol was studied in the presence of sodium borohydrate. The synthesized AuNPs had an effective catalytic activity; the smaller NPs synthesized NPs with the conventional heating technique had a higher reaction kinetic rate in comparation with those synthesized with the autoclaving technique. Therefore, the Au/PAAm nanocomposite can be widely used as an eco-friendly, non-toxic, a fast and cost-effective product to remove versatile organic pollutants such as aromatic nitro compounds.

  7. Fern-synthesized nanoparticles in the fight against malaria: LC/MS analysis of Pteridium aquilinum leaf extract and biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles with high mosquitocidal and antiplasmodial activity.


    Panneerselvam, Chellasamy; Murugan, Kadarkarai; Roni, Mathath; Aziz, Al Thabiani; Suresh, Udaiyan; Rajaganesh, Rajapandian; Madhiyazhagan, Pari; Subramaniam, Jayapal; Dinesh, Devakumar; Nicoletti, Marcello; Higuchi, Akon; Alarfaj, Abdullah A; Munusamy, Murugan A; Kumar, Suresh; Desneux, Nicolas; Benelli, Giovanni


    Malaria remains a major public health problem due to the emergence and spread of Plasmodium falciparum strains resistant to chloroquine. There is an urgent need to investigate new and effective sources of antimalarial drugs. This research proposed a novel method of fern-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using a cheap plant extract of Pteridium aquilinum, acting as a reducing and capping agent. AgNP were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Phytochemical analysis of P. aquilinum leaf extract revealed the presence of phenols, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates, saponins, glycosides, steroids, and triterpenoids. LC/MS analysis identified at least 19 compounds, namely pterosin, hydroquinone, hydroxy-acetophenone, hydroxy-cinnamic acid, 5, 7-dihydroxy-4-methyl coumarin, trans-cinnamic acid, apiole, quercetin 3-glucoside, hydroxy-L-proline, hypaphorine, khellol glucoside, umbelliferose, violaxanthin, ergotamine tartrate, palmatine chloride, deacylgymnemic acid, methyl laurate, and palmitoyl acetate. In DPPH scavenging assays, the IC50 value of the P. aquilinum leaf extract was 10.04 μg/ml, while IC50 of BHT and rutin were 7.93 and 6.35 μg/ml. In mosquitocidal assays, LC50 of P. aquilinum leaf extract against Anopheles stephensi larvae and pupae were 220.44 ppm (larva I), 254.12 ppm (II), 302.32 ppm (III), 395.12 ppm (IV), and 502.20 ppm (pupa). LC50 of P. aquilinum-synthesized AgNP were 7.48 ppm (I), 10.68 ppm (II), 13.77 ppm (III), 18.45 ppm (IV), and 31.51 ppm (pupa). In the field, the application of P. aquilinum extract and AgNP (10 × LC50) led to 100 % larval reduction after 72 h. Both the P. aquilinum extract and AgNP reduced longevity and fecundity of An. stephensi adults. Smoke toxicity experiments conducted against An. stephensi adults showed that P. aquilinum leaf-, stem-, and root-based coils

  8. Syntheses and insulin-like activity of phosphorylated galactose derivatives.


    Caro, H N; Martín-Lomas, M; Bernabé, M


    The syntheses of the poly-phosphorylated galactosides 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, and 20, isolated as sodium salts, have been performed. The non-phosphorylated disaccharide 17 and trisaccharide 21 have been prepared via glycosylation of the 2-(trimethylsilyl)ethyl galactosides 3 and 2, respectively, and subsequent complete deprotection. Preliminary insulin-like activity of the phosphorylated derivatives is reported.

  9. Programmable, secondary frequency standard based infrared synthesizer using tunable lead-salt diode lasers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Freed, C.; Bielinski, J. W.; Lo, W.


    Quantum phase noise limited Lorentzian power spectral densities were achieved with tunable lead-salt diode lasers. Linewidths as narrow as 22 kHz were observed. A truly programmable infrared synthesizer was produced by frequency-offset-locking the tunable diode lasers to the combination of a stable CO2 (or CO) reference laser and a programmable microwave frequency synthesizer. Absolute frequency accuracy and reproducibility of about + or - 30 kHz (0.000001 kaysers) relative to the primary Cs frequency standard may now be obtained with this technique.

  10. Characterization of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Synthesized from Sea Shells Through Wet Chemical Method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santhosh, S.; Prabu, S. Balasivanandha


    Nano-hydroxyapatite (HA) was synthesized by a wet chemical reaction using powdered sea shells (CaO) as starting material which was converted to calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and subsequently reacted with phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Initially raw sea shells (CaCO3) were thermally converted to amorphous calcium oxide by heat treatment. Two sets of experiments were done; in the first experiment, HA powder was dried in an electric furnace and in the second experiment, the reactants were irradiated in a domestic microwave oven followed by microwave drying. In each set of experiments, the concentrations of the reactants were decreased gradually. HA was synthesized by slow addition of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in to calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) maintaining the pH of the solution at 10 to avoid the formation of calcium deficient apatites. In both the experiments, Ca:P ratio of 1.67 was maintained for the reagents. The synthesized samples showed X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns corresponding to hydroxyapatite. The wet chemical process with furnace drying resulted in HA particles of size 7-34 nm, whereas microwave irradiated process yielded HA particles of size 34-102 nm as evidenced from XRD analyses. The above experimental work done by wet chemical synthesis to produce HA powder from sea shells is a simple processing method at room temperature. Microwave irradiation leads to uniform crystallite sizes as evident from this study, at differing concentrations of the reactants and is a comparatively easy method to synthesize HA. The high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM)/transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analyses revealed the characteristic rod-shaped nanoparticles of HA for the present study.

  11. Smoker identity and its potential role in young adults' smoking behavior: A meta-ethnography.


    Tombor, Ildiko; Shahab, Lion; Herbec, Aleksandra; Neale, Joanne; Michie, Susan; West, Robert


    Identity is an important influence on behavior. To identify potential targets for smoking cessation interventions in young adults, we synthesized findings from qualitative studies on smoker identity and potential influences on smoking and smoking cessation. A systematic search of 4 electronic databases up to September 19, 2013, was conducted to identify qualitative studies on smoker identity in smokers and ex-smokers aged 16-34. Key concepts were extracted from individual studies and synthesized into higher-order interpretations by following the principles of meta-ethnography. Seventeen relevant papers were identified. At the highest level of interpretation, we identified 4 types of findings: (a) contributory factors to identity, (b) identity in relation to smoking, (c) contextual and temporal patterning, and (d) behavior in relation to smoking. Contributory factors included the desire to establish aspirational individual and social identities, enact a smoker identity appropriate to the momentary social context, and alter personal nonsmoking rules when consuming alcohol. Smoker identity was multifaceted and incorporated individuals' defensive rationalizations, and both positive and negative feelings attached to it. Smoker identities took time to develop, were subject to change, and were context dependent. Identity was found to play a role in quit attempts. Qualitative research into the identity of young adult smokers has established it as a multifaceted phenomenon serving important functions but also involving conflict and defensive rationalizations. It develops over time and contextual factors influence its expression. The nature of a smoker's identity can play an important role in smoking cessation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. Bio-inspired routes for synthesizing efficient nanoscale platinum electrocatalysts

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cha, Jennifer N.; Wang, Joseph


    The overall objective of the proposed research is to use fundamental advances in bionanotechnology to design powerful platinum nanocrystal electrocatalysts for fuel cell applications. The new economically-viable, environmentally-friendly, bottom-up biochemical synthetic strategy will produce platinum nanocrystals with tailored size, shape and crystal orientation, hence leading to a maximum electrochemical reactivity. There are five specific aims to the proposed bio-inspired strategy for synthesizing efficient electrocatalytic platinum nanocrystals: (1) isolate peptides that both selectively bind particular crystal faces of platinum and promote the nucleation and growth of particular nanocrystal morphologies, (2) pattern nanoscale 2-dimensional arrays of platinum nucleating peptides from DNA scaffolds,more » (3) investigate the combined use of substrate patterned peptides and soluble peptides on nanocrystal morphology and growth (4) synthesize platinum crystals on planar and large-area carbon electrode supports, and (5) perform detailed characterization of the electrocatalytic behavior as a function of catalyst size, shape and morphology. Project Description and Impact: This bio-inspired collaborative research effort will address key challenges in designing powerful electrocatalysts for fuel cell applications by employing nucleic acid scaffolds in combination with peptides to perform specific, environmentally-friendly, simultaneous bottom-up biochemical synthesis and patterned assembly of highly uniform and efficient platinum nanocrystal catalysts. Bulk synthesis of nanoparticles usually produces a range of sizes, accessible catalytic sites, crystal morphologies, and orientations, all of which lead to inconsistent catalytic activities. In contrast, biological systems routinely demonstrate exquisite control over inorganic syntheses at neutral pH and ambient temperature and pressures. Because the orientation and arrangement of the templating biomolecules can be

  13. Cardiovascular risk factor associations in adults with psychosis and adults in a national comparator sample.


    Foley, Debra L; Mackinnon, Andrew; Morgan, Vera A; Watts, Gerald F; Shaw, Jonathan E; Magliano, Dianna J; Castle, David J; McGrath, John J; Waterreus, Anna; Galletly, Cherrie A


    Antipsychotic drug treatment alters status on key risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to test whether cardiovascular risk factor associations differ in adults with psychosis and adults from the general community. Data were analysed for those aged 25-64 years from a nationally representative psychosis sample (n = 1,457) and a national comparator sample (n = 8,866). The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to estimate the association among tobacco use, body mass index, waist circumference, diastolic and systolic blood pressure and fasting total-, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and plasma glucose. The robust Levene test was used to test for sample differences in variance. Correlations among cardiovascular risk indicators and between cardiovascular risk indicators and age were often significantly weaker in those with psychosis than in those from the national comparator sample. This was not due to a reduction in variance within the psychosis sample. Risk prediction that synthesizes multivariate risk indicator data needs to be connected to verified cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in those with psychosis to determine if standard risk calculators adequately discriminate those at high, medium and low future risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Until then the clinical implications of low or absent correlations among cardiovascular risk indicators and their low or absent association with increasing age is unclear but may indicate that risk equations commonly used in the general population may not be applicable for those with treated psychosis. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2015.

  14. A study on the effect of chemically synthesized magnetite nanoparticles on earthworm: Eudrilus eugeniae

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samrot, Antony V.; Justin, C.; Padmanaban, S.; Burman, Ujjala


    Most look into the benefits of the nanoparticles, but keeping aside the benefits; this study focuses on the impacts of nanoparticles on living systems. Improper disposal of nanoparticles into the environment is a subject of pollution or nano-pollution which in turn affects the flora and fauna in the ecosystem, particularly soil ecosystem. Thus, this study was done to understand the impacts of chemically synthesized magnetite nanoparticles on earthworm— Eudrilus eugeniae, a soil-dependent organism which acquires food and nutrition from decaying matters. The chemically synthesized magnetite nanoparticles were characterized by UV-visible spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Earthworms were allowed to interact with different concentrations of synthesized nanoparticles and the effect of the nanoparticles was analysed by studying the phenotypic changes followed by histology and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry analyses.

  15. Muscimol increases acetylcholine release by directly stimulating adult striatal cholinergic interneurons.


    Login, I S; Pal, S N; Adams, D T; Gold, P E


    Because GabaA ligands increase acetylcholine (ACh) release from adult striatal slices, we hypothesized that activation of GabaA receptors on striatal cholinergic interneurons directly stimulates ACh secretion. Fractional [3H]ACh release was recorded during perifusion of acutely dissociated, [3H]choline-labeled, adult male rat striata. The GabaA agonist, muscimol, immediately stimulated release maximally approximately 300% with EC50 = approximately 1 microM. This action was enhanced by the allosteric GabaA receptor modulators, diazepam and secobarbital, and inhibited by the GabaA antagonist, bicuculline, by ligands for D2 or muscarinic cholinergic receptors or by low calcium buffer, tetrodotoxin or vesamicol. Membrane depolarization inversely regulated muscimol-stimulated secretion. Release of endogenous and newly synthesized ACh was stimulated in parallel by muscimol without changing choline release. Muscimol pretreatment inhibited release evoked by K+ depolarization or by receptor-mediated stimulation with glutamate. Thus, GabaA receptors on adult striatal cholinergic interneurons directly stimulate voltage- and calcium-dependent exocytosis of ACh stored in vesamicol-sensitive synaptic vesicles. The action depends on the state of membrane polarization and apparently depolarizes the membrane in turn. This functional assay demonstrates that excitatory GabaA actions are not limited to neonatal tissues. GabaA-stimulated ACh release may be prevented in situ by normal tonic dopaminergic and muscarinic input to cholinergic neurons.

  16. Optical synthesizer for a large quadrant-array CCD camera: Center director's discretionary fund

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hagyard, Mona J.


    The objective of this program was to design and develop an optical device, an optical synthesizer, that focuses four contiguous quadrants of a solar image on four spatially separated CCD arrays that are part of a unique CCD camera system. This camera and the optical synthesizer will be part of the new NASA-Marshall Experimental Vector Magnetograph, and instrument developed to measure the Sun's magnetic field as accurately as present technology allows. The tasks undertaken in the program are outlined and the final detailed optical design is presented.

  17. Nanoscale octahedral molecular sieves: Syntheses, characterization, and applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Jia

    The major part of this research consists of studies on novel synthesis methods, characterization, and catalytic applications of nanoscale manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieves. The second part involves studies of new applications of bulk porous molecular sieve and layered materials (MSLM), zeolites, and inorganic powder materials for diminishing wound bleeding. Manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieves (OMS) are very important microporous materials. They have been used widely as bulk materials in catalysis, separations, chemical sensors, and batteries, due to their unique tunnel structures and useful properties. Novel methods have been developed to synthesize novel nanoscale octahedral molecular sieve manganese oxides (OMS) and metal-substituted OMS materials in order to modify their physical and chemical properties and to improve their catalytic applications. Different synthetic routes were investigated to find better, faster, and cheaper pathways to produce nanoscale or metal-substituted OMS materials. In the synthetic study of nanosize OMS materials, a combination of sol-gel synthesis and hydrothermal reaction was used to prepare pure crystalline nanofibrous todorokite-type (OMS-1) and cryptomelane-typed (OMS-2) manganese oxides using four alkali cations (Li+, K+, Na +, Rb+) and NH4+ cations. In the synthesis study of nanoscale and metal-substituted OMS materials, a combination of sol-gel synthesis and solid-state reaction was used to prepare transition metal-substituted OMS-2 nanorods, nanoneedles, and nanowires. Preparative parameters of syntheses, such as cation templates, heating temperature and time, were investigated in these syntheses of OMS-1 and OMS-2 materials. The catalytic activities of the novel synthetic nanoscale OMS materials has been evaluated on green oxidation of alcohols and toluene and were found to be much higher than their correspondent bulk materials. New applications of bulk manganese oxide molecular sieve and layered materials

  18. A facile mechanochemical approach to synthesize Zn-Al layered double hydroxide

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Qu, Jun, E-mail:; He, Xiaoman; Chen, Min


    In this study, a mechanochemical route to synthesize Zn-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) was introduced, in which Zn basic carbonate and Al hydroxide were first dry milled into an activated state and then agitated in water to obtain the final products. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry (TG) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products possessed a high crystallinity of Zn–Al LDH phase without any other impurities, proving a facile and effective preparation of Zn–Al LDH by using non-heating mechanochemical approach. - Highlights: • A non-heating mechanochemical route to synthesize Zn-Almore » LDH. • The products possessed high crystalline Zn-Al LDH phase. • No emission of other impurities or wastewater.« less

  19. Thermal oxidation of synthesized graphenes and their optical property characterization.


    Lee, Byeong-Joo; Jeong, Goo-Hwan


    The results of the thermal oxidation of synthesized graphenes and their optical property characterization using Raman spectroscopy are reported. Graphene was synthesized via thermal-chemical vapor deposition on Ni catalytic thin films deposited by electron beam deposition, and was successfully transferred onto three-dimensional trench substrates to obtain a suspended structure, which is the most appropriate template for use in probing the changes of physical properties of graphene by ignoring the substrate effects. The thermal oxidation was performed in a tube furnace at an elevated temperature of 500 degrees C under air, and Raman analysis was repeatedly carried out to investigate the oxidation effects. A drastic structural change of graphene was anticipated from the based on the dramatic changes in the Raman spectra. It is expected that controlled oxidation will help systematically decrease in the number of graphene layers, which will contribute to the successful development of graphene-based devices that are capable of operating under oxidative environments.

  20. Synthesizing a Trefoil Knotted Block Copolymer via Ring-Expansion Strategy


    Cao, Pengfei; Rong, Li-Han; Mangadlao, Joey; ...


    We synthesized a synthetic trefoil knotted poly(e-caprolatone) block-poly(L-lactide) (TK-PLA-b-PCL) via a ring expansion strategy from a trefoil knotted tin (Sn) initiator. Ring closing reaction between the bis-copper(I) templated phenanthro line complex and dibutyldimethoxytin results in a templated trefoil knotted initiator. Furthermore, the bis-copper(I) templated trefoil knotted poly(L-lactide) (TK-PLA) can be synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide monomer, and decomplexation reaction of the templated TK-PLA will result in a geniune TK-PLA without constraint from the copper template. Subsequent insertion of e caprolactone in the bis-copper(I) templated TK-PLA forms the templated trefoil knotted block copolymer, i.e., TK-PLA-b-PCL, and the copper-free TK-PLA-b-PCL canmore » be obtained by decomplexation reaction. Finally, both TK-PLA and TK-PLA-b-PCL are analyzed by the 1 H NMR, FT-IR, UV-vis, DLS, and GPC.« less

  1. Two step continuous method to synthesize colloidal spheroid gold nanorods.


    Chandra, S; Doran, J; McCormack, S J


    This research investigated a two-step continuous process to synthesize colloidal suspension of spheroid gold nanorods. In the first step; gold precursor was reduced to seed-like particles in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone and ascorbic acid. In continuous second step; silver nitrate and alkaline sodium hydroxide produced various shape and size Au nanoparticles. The shape was manipulated through weight ratio of ascorbic acid to silver nitrate by varying silver nitrate concentration. The specific weight ratio of 1.35-1.75 grew spheroid gold nanorods of aspect ratio ∼1.85 to ∼2.2. Lower weight ratio of 0.5-1.1 formed spherical nanoparticle. The alkaline medium increased the yield of gold nanorods and reduced reaction time at room temperature. The synthesized gold nanorods retained their shape and size in ethanol. The surface plasmon resonance was red shifted by ∼5 nm due to higher refractive index of ethanol than water. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Discrimination of synthesized English vowels by American and Korean listeners

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Byunggon


    This study explored the discrimination of synthesized English vowel pairs by 27 American and Korean, male and female listeners. The average formant values of nine monophthongs produced by ten American English male speakers were employed to synthesize the vowels. Then, subjects were instructed explicitly to respond to AX discrimination tasks in which the standard vowel was followed by another one with the increment or decrement of the original formant values. The highest and lowest formant values of the same vowel quality were collected and compared to examine patterns of vowel discrimination. Results showed that the American and Korean groups discriminated the vowel pairs almost identically and their center formant frequency values of the high and low boundary fell almost exactly on those of the standards. In addition, the acceptable range of the same vowel quality was similar among the language and gender groups. The acceptable thresholds of each vowel formed an oval to maintain perceptual contrast from adjacent vowels. Pedagogical implications of those findings are discussed.

  3. Effect of recurrent severe hypoglycemia on cognitive performance in adult patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis.


    Chen, Yu-Xue; Liu, Zheng-Ren; Yu, Ying; Yao, En-Sheng; Liu, Xing-Hua; Liu, Lu


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence and extent of cognitive impairment in adult diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with episodes of recurrent severe hypoglycemia, by using meta-analysis to synthesize data across studies. PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane library search engines were used to identify studies on cognitive performance in DM patients with recurrent severe hypoglycemia. Random-effects meta-analysis was performed on seven eligible studies using an inverse-variance method. Effect sizes, which are the standardized differences between the experimental group and the control group, were calculated. Of the 853 studies, 7 studies met the inclusion criteria. Compared with control subjects, the adult DM patients with episodes of recurrent severe hypoglycemia demonstrated a significantly lowered performance on memory in both types of DM patients, and poor performance of processing speed in type 2 DM patients. There was no significant difference between adult DM patients with and those without severe hypoglycemia in other cognitive domains such as general intelligence, executive function, processing speed and psychomotor efficiency. Our results seem to confirm the hypothesis that cognitive dysfunction is characterized by worse memory and processing speed in adult DM patients with a history of recurrent severe hypoglycemia, whereas general intelligence, executive function, and psychomotor efficiency are spared.

  4. Digital frequency synthesizer for radar astronomy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sadr, R.; Satorius, E.; Robinett, L.; Olson, E.


    The digital frequency synthesizer (DFS) is an integral part of the programmable local oscillator (PLO) which is being developed for the NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) and radar astronomy. Here, the theory of operation and the design of the DFS are discussed, and the design parameters in application for the Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) are specified. The spectral purity of the DFS is evaluated by analytically evaluating the output spectrum of the DFS. A novel architecture is proposed for the design of the DFS with a frequency resolution of 1/2(exp 48) of the clock frequency (0.35 mu Hz at 100 MHz), a phase resolution of 0.0056 degrees (16 bits), and a frequency spur attenuation of -96 dBc.

  5. Clinical equivalence assessment of T2 synthesized pediatric brain magnetic resonance imaging.


    Kerleroux, Basile; Kober, Tobias; Hilbert, Tom; Serru, Maxence; Sirinelli, Dominique; Morel, Baptiste


    Automated synthetic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides qualitative, weighted image contrasts as well as quantitative information from one scan and is well-suited for various applications such as analysis of white matter disorders. However, the synthesized contrasts have been poorly evaluated in pediatric applications. The purpose of this study was to compare the image quality of synthetic T2 to conventional turbo spin echo (TSE) T2 in pediatric brain MRI. This was a mono-center prospective study. Synthetic and conventional MRI acquisitions at 1.5 Tesla were performed for each patient during the same session using a prototype accelerated T2 mapping sequence package (TA synthetic =3:07min, TA conventional =2:33min). Image sets were blindly and randomly analyzed by pediatric neuro-radiologists. Global image quality, morphologic legibility of standard structures and artifacts were assessed using a 4-point Likert scale. Inter-observer kappa agreements were calculated. The capability of the synthesized contrasts and conventional TSE T2 to discern normal and pathologic cases was evaluated. Sixty patients were included. The overall diagnostic quality of the synthesized contrasts was non-inferior to conventional imaging scale (p=0.06). There was no significant difference in the legibility of normal and pathological anatomic structures of synthetized and conventional TSE T2 (all p > 0.05) as well as for artifacts except for phase encoding (p=0.008). Interobserver agreement was good to almost perfect (kappa between 0.66 and 1). T2 synthesized contrasts, which also provides quantitative T2 information that could be useful, could be suggested as an equivalent technique in pediatric neuro-imaging, compared to conventional TSE T2. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  6. Crystalline and dynamic mechanical behaviors of synthesized poly(sebacic anhydride-co-ethylene glycol).


    Chan, Cheng-Kuang; Chu, I-Ming


    A novel biomaterial: poly(sebacic anhydride-co-ethylene glycol) was synthesized by introducing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) into a polyanhydride system. This copolymer was synthesized using sebacic acid and PEG via melt-condensation polymerization. The crystalline behavior of these synthesized products was studied, and compared to that of polymer blends of poly(sebacic anhydride) (PSA) and PEG. The crystallinity of PSA chain segments can be significantly enhanced by increasing chain mobility via the introduction of PEG. The crystallinity of the PSA component in copolymers was substantially greater than that of blends. However, the crystalline growth of the PEG segments was totally hindered by the presence of PSA chain segments, such that no crystal for PEG component was found in these copolymers. Besides, a dynamic mechanical analysis of these materials was also performed to provide additional information concerning visco-elastic behavior for other biomedical applications, where it was found that the viscous behavior in copolymers was more significant than in neat PSA and PEG. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.

  7. Synthesizing the Effect of Building Condition Quality on Academic Performance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gunter, Tracey; Shao, Jing


    Since the late 1970s, researchers have examined the relationship between school building condition and student performance. Though many literature reviews have claimed that a relationship exists, no meta-analysis has quantitatively examined this literature. The purpose of this review was to synthesize the existing literature on the relationship…

  8. Biogenic silver and gold nanoparticles synthesized using red ginseng root extract, and their applications.


    Singh, Priyanka; Kim, Yeon Ju; Wang, Chao; Mathiyalagan, Ramya; El-Agamy Farh, Mohamed; Yang, Deok Chun


    In the present study, we report a green methodology for the synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles, using the root extract of the herbal medicinal plant Korean red ginseng. The silver and gold nanoparticles were synthesized within 1 h and 10 min respectively. The nanoparticles generated were not aggregated, and remained stable for a long time, which suggests the nature of nanoparticles. The phytochemicals and ginsenosides present in the root extract assist in reducing and stabilizing the synthesized nanoparticles. The red ginseng root extract-generated silver nanoparticles exhibit antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms including Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Candida albicans. In addition, the silver nanoparticles exhibit biofilm degrading activity against S. aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Thus, the present study opens up a new possibility of synthesizing silver and gold nanoparticles in a green and rapid manner using Korean red ginseng root extract, and explores their biomedical applications.

  9. Fast synthesize ZnO quantum dots via ultrasonic method.


    Yang, Weimin; Zhang, Bing; Ding, Nan; Ding, Wenhao; Wang, Lixi; Yu, Mingxun; Zhang, Qitu


    Green emission ZnO quantum dots were synthesized by an ultrasonic sol-gel method. The ZnO quantum dots were synthesized in various ultrasonic temperature and time. Photoluminescence properties of these ZnO quantum dots were measured. Time-resolved photoluminescence decay spectra were also taken to discover the change of defects amount during the reaction. Both ultrasonic temperature and time could affect the type and amount of defects in ZnO quantum dots. Total defects of ZnO quantum dots decreased with the increasing of ultrasonic temperature and time. The dangling bonds defects disappeared faster than the optical defects. Types of optical defects first changed from oxygen interstitial defects to oxygen vacancy and zinc interstitial defects. Then transformed back to oxygen interstitial defects again. The sizes of ZnO quantum dots would be controlled by both ultrasonic temperature and time as well. That is, with the increasing of ultrasonic temperature and time, the sizes of ZnO quantum dots first decreased then increased. Moreover, concentrated raw materials solution brought larger sizes and more optical defects of ZnO quantum dots. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Synthesized of 2,7 dihydroxyxanthone from xanthone and antimalarial activities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amanatie; Jumina; Mustofa; Hanafi


    The purpose of the research is to synthesize 2,7-di-hydroxyxanthone compounds from xanthone and to evaluate antiplasmodial against activities. The synthesize of 2,7-di-hydroxyxanthone compounds worked with chromatogramphy methods including Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC). A compound structures were determined based on the spectroscopic evidences including, Infrared (IR), one dimension (1-D) and two dimension (2-D) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra and comparison the spectroscopy data with related data from references. The biological properties of compounds are evaluated towards antiplasmodial against activity. The result of the product was obtained as white solid in 63.49% yield. The IR spectrum showed the absorption at 3433 cm-1 Which was reinforced with a sharp attack at 1087cm-1 indicating the stretching of OH, while the stretching of aromatic C=C appeared at 1620 cm-1. The 1H-NMR (500MHz, and DMSO –d6) spectrum showed that the aryl protons appeared in the region of δ12.98 ppm. In this region, there were 2 singlet at δH 12.98 ppm (1H, 2-OH) and (1H,7-OH) and shows the presence of two OH groups. Based on spectroscopy analyses, it could be started that the reaction of 2.7 di-aminoxanthone with NaNO2/HCl and H3PO4 produced 2.7-di-hydroxyxanthone. In vitro antiplasmodial assay of the product synthesized 2,7 di-hydroxyxanthones against. Falciparum strain of 3D7 showed that the IC50 values of 2,7-di-hydroxy xanthone, were 0.31 μg/mL, respectively.

  11. Oxidation behaviour of Fe-Ni alloy nanoparticles synthesized by thermal plasma route

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghodke, Neha; Kamble, Shalaka; Raut, Suyog; Puranik, Shridhar; Bhoraskar, S. V.; Rayaprol, Sudhindra; Mathe, V. L.


    Here we report synthesis of Fe-Ni nanoparticles using thermal plasma route. In thermal plasma, gas phase nucleation and growth at sufficiently higher temperature is observed. The synthesized Fe-Ni nanoparticles are examined by X-ray Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer and Thermo gravimetric Analysis. Formation of 16-21 nm sized Fe-Ni nanoparticles having surface oxidation show maximum value of magnetization of ˜107 emu/g. The sample synthesized at relatively low power (4kW) show presence of carbonaceous species whereas the high power (6 kW) synthesis does not depicts carbonaceous species. The presence of carbonaceous species protects oxidation of the nanoparticles significantly as evidenced from TGA data.

  12. Analysis on nonlinear optical properties of Cd (Zn) Se quantum dots synthesized using three different stabilizing agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    J, Joy Sebastian Prakash; G, Vinitha; Ramachandran, Murugesan; Rajamanickam, Karunanithi


    Three different stabilizing agents, namely, L-cysteine, Thioglycolic acid and cysteamine hydrochloride were used to synthesize Cd(Zn)Se quantum dots (QDs). It was characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The non-linear optical properties (non-linear absorption and non-linear refraction) of synthesized Cd(Zn)Se quantum dots were studied with z-scan technique using diode pumped continuous wavelaser system at a wavelength of 532 nm. Our (organic) synthesized quantum dots showed optical properties similar to the inorganic materials reported elsewhere.

  13. Biological and catalytic applications of green synthesized fluorescent N-doped carbon dots using Hylocereus undatus.


    Arul, Velusamy; Edison, Thomas Nesakumar Jebakumar Immanuel; Lee, Yong Rok; Sethuraman, Mathur Gopalakrishnan


    In this work, a simple hydrothermal route for the synthesis of fluorescent nitrogen doped carbon dots (N-CDs) is reported. The Hylocereus undatus (H. undatus) extract and aqueous ammonia are used as carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. The optical properties of synthesized N-CDs are analyzed using UV-Visible (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The surface morphology, elemental composition, crystallinity and functional groups present in the N-CDs are examined using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, respectively. The synthesized N-CDs emit strong blue fluorescence at 400nm under the excitation of 320nm. Further, the excitation dependent emission properties are also observed from the fluorescence of synthesized N-CDs. The HR-TEM results reveal that synthesized N-CDs are in spherical shape with average diameter of 2.5nm. The XRD pattern exhibits, the graphitic nature of synthesized N-CDs. The doping of nitrogen is confirmed from the EDS and FT-IR studies. The cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of N-CDs are evaluated through MTT assay on L-929 (Lymphoblastoid-929) and MCF-7 (Michigan Cancer Foundation-7) cells. The results indicate that the fluorescent N-CDs show less cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility on both L-929 and MCF-7 cells. Moreover, the N-CDs show excellent catalytic activity towards the reduction of methylene blue by sodium borohydride. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Correlates of dietary behavior in adults: an umbrella review

    PubMed Central

    Kroeze, Willemieke; Kohl, Leonie F.M.; Bolten, Laura M.; Velema, Elizabeth; Kaspers, Pam; Kremers, Stef P.J.; Brug, Johannes


    Context: Multiple studies have been conducted on correlates of dietary behavior in adults, but a clear overview is currently lacking. Objective: An umbrella review, or review-of-reviews, was conducted to summarize and synthesize the scientific evidence on correlates and determinants of dietary behavior in adults. Data Sources: Eligible systematic reviews were identified in four databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, The Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Only reviews published between January 1990 and May 2014 were included. Study Selection: Systematic reviews of observable food and dietary behavior that describe potential behavioral determinants of dietary behavior in adults were included. After independent selection of potentially relevant reviews by two authors, a total of 14 reviews were considered eligible. Data Extraction: For data extraction, the importance of determinants, the strength of the evidence, and the methodological quality of the eligible reviews were evaluated. Multiple observers conducted the data extraction independently. Data Synthesis: Social-cognitive determinants and environmental determinants (mainly the social-cultural environment) were included most often in the available reviews. Sedentary behavior and habit strength were consistently identified as important correlates of dietary behavior. Other correlates and potential determinants of dietary behavior, such as motivational regulation, shift work, and the political environment, have been studied in relatively few studies, but results are promising. Conclusions: The multitude of studies conducted on correlates of dietary behavior provides mixed, but sometimes quite convincing, evidence. However, because of the generally weak research design of the studies covered in the available reviews, the evidence for true determinants is suggestive, at best. PMID:26106126

  15. Evaluation of antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic effects of green synthesized silver nanoparticles by Piper longum fruit.


    Reddy, N Jayachandra; Nagoor Vali, D; Rani, M; Rani, S Sudha


    Silver nanoparticles synthesized through bio-green method has been reported to have biomedical applications to control pathogenic microbes as it is cost effective compared to commonly used physical and chemical methods. In present study, silver nanoparticles were synthesized using aqueous Piper longum fruit extract (PLFE) and confirmed by UV-visible spectroscopy. The nanoparticles were spherical in shape with an average particle size of 46nm as determined by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) particle size analyzer respectively. FT-IR spectrum revealed the capping of the phytoconstituents, probably polyphenols from P. longum fruit extract and stabilizing the nanoparticles. Further the ferric ion reducing test, confirmed that the capping agents were condensed tannins. The aqueous P. longum fruit extract (PLFE) and the green synthesized silver nanoparticles (PLAgNPs) showed powerful antioxidant properties in in vitro antioxidant assays. The results from the antimicrobial assays suggested that green synthesized silver nanoparticles (PLAgNPs) were more potent against pathogenic bacteria than the P. longum fruit extract (PLFE) alone. The nanoparticles also showed potent cytotoxic effect against MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines with an IC 50 value of 67μg/ml/24h by the MTT assay. These results support the advantages of using bio-green method for synthesizing silver nanoparticles with antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities those are simple and cost effective as well. © 2013.

  16. Antibacterial and cytotoxic potential of silver nanoparticles synthesized using latex of Calotropis gigantea L.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rajkuberan, Chandrasekaran; Sudha, Kannaiah; Sathishkumar, Gnanasekar; Sivaramakrishnan, Sivaperumal


    The present study aimed to synthesis silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in a greener route using aqueous latex extract of Calotropis gigantea L. toward biomedical applications. Initially, synthesis of AgNPs was confirmed through UV-Vis spectroscopy which shows the surface plasmonic resonance peak (SPR) at 420 nm. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis provides clear evidence that protein fractions present in the latex extract act as reducing and stabilizing bio agents. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDAX) spectroscopy confirms the presence of silver as a major constituent element. X-ray diffractograms displays that the synthesized AgNPs were biphasic crystalline nature. Electron microscopic studies such as Field emission scanning electron microscopic (Fe-SEM) and Transmission electron microscope (TEM) reveals that synthesized AgNPs are spherical in shape with the size range between 5 and 30 nm. Further, crude latex aqueous extract and synthesized AgNPs were evaluated against different bacterial pathogens such as Bacillus cereus, Enterococci sp, Shigella sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Compared to the crude latex aqueous extract, biosynthesized AgNPs exhibits a remarkable antimicrobial activity. Likewise invitro anticancer study manifests the cytotoxicity value of synthesized AgNPs against tested HeLa cells. The output of this study clearly suggesting that biosynthesized AgNPs using latex of C. gigantea can be used as promising nanomaterial for therapeutic application in context with nanodrug formulation.

  17. Activation of catalysts for synthesizing methanol from synthesis gas


    Blum, David B.; Gelbein, Abraham P.


    A method for activating a methanol synthesis catalyst is disclosed. In this method, the catalyst is slurried in an inert liquid and is activated by a reducing gas stream. The activation step occurs in-situ. That is, it is conducted in the same reactor as is the subsequent step of synthesizing methanol from a methanol gas stream catalyzed by the activated catalyst still dispersed in a slurry.

  18. Studies on magnetic properties of chemically synthesized crystalline calcium ferrite nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Debnath, A.; Bera, A.; Chattopadhyay, K. K.; Saha, B.


    Spinel-type ferrites have taken a very important role for modern electronic industry. Most of these ferrites exhibit low-loss dielectric properties, high resistivity, low eddy current and also high temperature ferromagnetism. Calcium ferrite is one such important metal oxide which is environmentally safe, chemically stable, low cost and greatly abundant. This outstanding material of calcium ferrite is synthesized by a simple chemical precipitation method using NaOH as the precipitating agent. Ferric chloride anhydrous (FeCl3) and Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2.2H2O) were used as iron and calcium sources respectively. The samples were heated at 200°C for 8h to obtain homogeneous powder of Calcium ferrite. The powders were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Transmission electrical microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) measurements. The polycrystalline nature of the sample was confirmed by X-ray diffraction study. The magnetic properties of the sample were investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements. Magnetization curve of the prepared sample depicts that as synthesized calcium ferrite nanoparticles have saturation magnetic moment of 1.74 emu/g and the coercivity of 35.08 Oe with superparamagnetic behavior. The synthesized calcium ferrite nanoparticles with such magnetic properties will be a candidate material for different applications in electronics and exploring its functionality in the field of recently developing semiconductor device physics and spintronics.

  19. Studies on magnetic properties of chemically synthesized crystalline calcium ferrite nanoparticles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Debnath, A., E-mail:; Bera, A.; Saha, B.

    Spinel-type ferrites have taken a very important role for modern electronic industry. Most of these ferrites exhibit low-loss dielectric properties, high resistivity, low eddy current and also high temperature ferromagnetism. Calcium ferrite is one such important metal oxide which is environmentally safe, chemically stable, low cost and greatly abundant. This outstanding material of calcium ferrite is synthesized by a simple chemical precipitation method using NaOH as the precipitating agent. Ferric chloride anhydrous (FeCl{sub 3}) and Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl{sub 2}.2H{sub 2}O) were used as iron and calcium sources respectively. The samples were heated at 200°C for 8h to obtain homogeneousmore » powder of Calcium ferrite. The powders were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Transmission electrical microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) measurements. The polycrystalline nature of the sample was confirmed by X-ray diffraction study. The magnetic properties of the sample were investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements. Magnetization curve of the prepared sample depicts that as synthesized calcium ferrite nanoparticles have saturation magnetic moment of 1.74 emu/g and the coercivity of 35.08 Oe with superparamagnetic behavior. The synthesized calcium ferrite nanoparticles with such magnetic properties will be a candidate material for different applications in electronics and exploring its functionality in the field of recently developing semiconductor device physics and spintronics.« less

  20. Method for synthesizing peptides with saccharide linked enzyme polymer conjugates


    Callstrom, Matthew R.; Bednarski, Mark D.; Gruber, Patrick R.


    A method is disclosed for synthesizing peptides using water soluble enzyme polymer conjugates. The method comprises catalyzing the peptide synthesis with enzyme which has been covalently bonded to a polymer through at least three linkers which linkers have three or more hydroxyl groups. The enzyme is conjugated at lysines or arginines.

  1. A Critical Analysis of Global Competition in Higher Education: Synthesizing Themes

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Portnoi, Laura M.; Bagley, Sylvia S.


    In this final chapter of the volume, the editors synthesize key themes that emerge from the preceding chapters. They also highlight the contributions the authors make through emphasizing critical perspectives and the tension between global and local forces.

  2. Adult neurogenesis: optimizing hippocampal function to suit the environment.


    Glasper, Erica R; Schoenfeld, Timothy J; Gould, Elizabeth


    Numerous studies have attempted to determine the function of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus using methods to deplete new neurons and examine changes in behaviors associated with this brain region. This approach has produced a set of findings that, although not entirely consistent, suggest new neurons are associated with improved learning and reduced anxiety. This paper attempts to synthesize some of these findings into a model that proposes adaptive significance to experience-dependent alterations in new neuron formation. We suggest that the modulation of adult neurogenesis, as well as of the microcircuitry associated with new neurons, by experience prepares the hippocampus to meet the specific demands of an environment that is predictably similar to one that existed previously. Reduced neurogenesis that occurs with persistent exposure to a high threat environment produces a hippocampus that is more likely to respond with behavior that maximizes the chance of survival. Conversely, enhanced neurogenesis that occurs with continual exposure to a rewarding environment leads to behavior that optimizes the chances of successful reproduction. The persistence of this form of plasticity throughout adulthood may provide the neural substrate for adaptive responding to both stable and dynamic environmental conditions. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Syntheses and in Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of Aminoalkylated Chalcones and Analogues.


    Wilhelm, Anke; Kendrekar, Pravin; Noreljaleel, Anwar E M; Abay, Efrem T; Bonnet, Susan L; Wiesner, Lubbe; de Kock, Carmen; Swart, Kenneth J; van der Westhuizen, Jan Hendrik


    A series of readily synthesized and inexpensive aminoalkylated chalcones and diarylpropane analogues (1-55) were synthesized and tested against chloroquinone-sensitive (D10 and NF54) and -resistant (Dd2 and K1) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. Hydrogenation of the enone to a diarylpropane moiety increased antiplasmodial bioactivity significantly. The influence of the structure of the amine moiety, A-ring substituents, propyl vs ethyl linker, and chloride salt formation on further enhancing antiplasmodial activity was investigated. Several compounds have IC₅₀ values similar to or better than chloroquine (CQ). The most active compound (26) had an IC₅₀ value of 0.01 μM. No signs of resistance were detected, as can be expected from compounds with structures unrelated to CQ and other currently used antimalarial drugs. Toxicity tests (in vitro CHO cell assay) gave high SI indices.

  4. Electrical and optical characterization of green synthesized Gd2S3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paul, Somnath; Sarkar, A.


    Gadolinium sulphide (Gd2S3) is a magnetic semiconductor with large band gap. Gd2S3 was synthesized following chemical and green techniques. Later process provides good stability of the nano clusters (NC) due to in-situ capping of Gd2S3 NC. It has been found that the optical band gap in Gd2S3 developed by green synthesis is lowered considerably over that in chemically synthesized Gd2S3. The green agencies used in this work are Jatropha Latex and dilute Garlic extract; both are enriched in sulphur and other organic polymer molecules. Simple observation shows that Gd2S3 NC retains residual magnetization. In this work optical and electrical characterization of the developed Gd2S3 specimens are carried out. The overall results obtained are good.

  5. Synthesizing plant phenological indicators from multispecies datasets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rutishauser, This; Peñuelas, Josep; Filella, Iolanda; Gehrig, Regula; Scherrer, Simon C.; Röthlisberger, Christian


    Changes in the seasonality of life cycles of plants from phenological observations are traditionally analysed at the species level. Trends and correlations with main environmental driving variables show a coherent picture across the globe. The question arises whether there is an integrated phenological signal across species that describes common interannual variability. Is there a way to express synthetic phenological indicators from multispecies datasets that serve decision makers as usefull tools? Can these indicators be derived in such a robust way that systematic updates yield necessary information for adaptation measures? We address these questions by analysing multi-species phenological data sets with leaf-unfolding and flowering observations from 30 sites across Europe between 40° and 63°N including data from PEP725, the Swiss Plant Phenological Observation Network and one legacy data set. Starting in 1951 the data sets were synthesized by multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis). The representativeness of the site specific indicator was tested against subsets including only leaf-unfolding or flowering phases, and by a comparison with a 50% random sample of the available phenophases for 500 time steps. Results show that a synthetic indicators explains up to 79% of the variance at each site - usually 40-50% or more. Robust linear trends over the common period 1971-2000 indicate an overall change of the indicator of -0.32 days/year with lower uncertainty than previous studies. Advances were more pronounced in southern and northern Europe. The indicator-based analysis provides a promising tool for synthesizing site-based plant phenological records and is a companion to, and validating data for, an increasing number of phenological measurements derived from phenological models and satellite sensors.

  6. Design and syntheses of mono and multivalent mannosyl-lipoconjugates for targeted liposomal drug delivery.


    Štimac, Adela; Cvitaš, Jelena TrmĿiĿ; Frkanec, Leo; Vugrek, Oliver; Frkanec, Ruža


    Multivalent mannosyl-lipoconjugates may be of interest for glycosylation of liposomes and targeted drug delivery because the mannose specifically binds to C-type lectin receptors on the particular cells. In this paper syntheses of two types of novel O-mannosides are presented. Conjugates 1 and 2 with a COOH- and NH2-functionalized spacer and the connection to a lysine and FmocNH-PEG-COOH, are described. The coupling reactions of prepared intermediates 6 and 4 with a PEGylated-DSPE or palmitic acid, respectively, are presented. Compounds 5, mono-, 8, di- and 12, tetravalent mannosyl-lipoconjugates, were synthesized. The synthesized compounds were incorporated into liposomes and liposomal preparations featuring exposed mannose units were characterized. Carbohydrate liposomal quartz crystal microbalance based assay has been established for studying carbohydrate-lectin binding. It was demonstrated that liposomes with incorporated mannosyl-lipoconjugates were effectively recognized by Con A and have great potential to be used for targeted liposomal drug delivery systems. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Psychotherapy approaches for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: an integrative review of outcomes research.


    Martsolf, Donna S; Draucker, Claire B


    This review synthesized results of 26 outcomes research studies and two meta-analyses that evaluated abuse-focused psychotherapy techniques for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Different therapeutic approaches delivered in individual, group, or combination formats were evaluated with pre/post test, quasi-experimental, or randomized control designs. Accumulated research findings suggest that abuse-focused psychotherapy for adults sexually abused as children is generally beneficial in reducing psychiatric distress, depression, and trauma-specific symptoms. No one therapeutic approach was demonstrated to be superior. There was little evidence about the effectiveness of individual versus group therapy or the optimal treatment duration.

  8. [Online text-based psychosocial intervention for Youth in Quebec].


    Thoër, Christine; Noiseux, Kathia; Siche, Fabienne; Palardy, Caroline; Vanier, Claire; Vrignaud, Caroline

    In 2013, Tel-jeunes created a text messaging intervention program to reach youth aged 12 to 17 years on their cell phones. Tel-jeunes was the first in the country to offer a text-based brief psychosocial interventions performed by professional counselors. Researchers were contacted to document and evaluate the program. The research aimed to: 1) determine motives, contexts and issues that lead young people to use the SMS service; 2) document the characteristics of text-based brief intervention; and 3) assess the advantages and difficulties encountered by counselors who respounded to youth text-messages. We conducted a multimethod research from November 2013 to May 2014. We held four focus groups with 23 adolescents aged 15 to 17 who had or not used the SMS service, conducted a content analysis of a corpus of 13,236 text messages (or 601 conversations), and two focus groups with 11 Tel-jeunes counselors, just over a year after the implantation of the service. Our findings show that the SMS service meets youth needs. They identify text messaging to be their prefered mode of communication with Tel-jeunes when they need support or information. Moreover, the service reaches young people who would not have felt confortable to contact Tel-jeunes by phone. We identified three dominant issues in youths demands: romantic relationships, psychological health and sexuality. Perceived benefits of the service include anonimity and privacy (cell phone providing the ability to text anywhere). Youth participants also appreciated writing to counselors as they felt they had more time to think abouth their questions and answers to the counselor. Counselors were more ambivalent. They considered text-based intervention to be very effective and satisfactory to adress youth information requests, but reported difficulties when dealing with more complex problems or with mental health issues. They reported that text-based communication makes it more difficult to assess youth emotional states

  9. Influence of Sn on the magnetic ordering of Ni-Sn alloy synthesized using chemical reduction method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dhanapal, K.; Narayanan, V.; Stephen, A.


    The Ni-Sn alloy was synthesized using borohydride assisted chemical reduction method. The composition of the synthesized alloy was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy which revealed that the observed composition of Sn is high when compared to the initial composition. The ultrafine particles are clearly observed from field emission scanning electron microscope for all the sample. The X-ray diffraction measurement confirmed that the as-synthesized samples are of amorphous like nature while the samples annealed at 773 K showed crystalline nature. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed metallic bond stretching in the alloy samples. The crystallization and phase transition temperature was observed from differential scanning calorimetry. The shift in the crystallization temperature of Ni with increasing percentage of Sn was observed. The vibrating sample magnetometer was employed to understand the magnetic behavior of the Ni-Sn alloy. As-synthesized alloy samples showed paramagnetic nature while the annealed ones exhibit the soft ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic nature. The saturation magnetization value and magnetic ordering in the Ni-Sn alloys depend on the percentage of Sn present in the alloy.

  10. Method for synthesizing peptides with saccharide linked enzyme polymer conjugates


    Callstrom, M.R.; Bednarski, M.D.; Gruber, P.R.


    A method is disclosed for synthesizing peptides using water soluble enzyme polymer conjugates. The method comprises catalyzing the peptide synthesis with enzyme which has been covalently bonded to a polymer through at least three linkers which linkers have three or more hydroxyl groups. The enzyme is conjugated at lysines or arginines. 19 figs.

  11. Doped-carbon composites, synthesizing methods and applications of the same


    Viswanathan, Tito


    A method of synthesizing a doped carbon composite includes preparing a solution having a carbon source material and a heteroatom containing additive, evaporating the solution to yield a plurality of powders, and subjecting the plurality of powders to a heat treatment for a duration of time effective to produce the doped carbon composite.

  12. Biomimetic syntheses of racemic natural products.


    Zask, Arie; Ellestad, George


    Racemic natural products are rarely produced in plants and microorganisms and are thought to be the result of nonenzymatic, spontaneous reactions. These compounds are often highly complex with multiple contiguous chiral centers that present a challenge to organic synthesis. Formation of these racemates often occurs by cyclization reactions that can generate multiple stereocenters from achiral precursors. Biomimetic synthesis of these racemic natural products provides support for their proposed nonenzymatic spontaneous biosynthesis. These elegant syntheses also provide scalable and efficient routes to these complex natural products. Although the number of reported racemic natural products is relatively low, an isolated natural product that has a very small optical rotation has been shown to be a true racemate. Thus, the occurrence of racemic natural products could be more common than thought. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Doclet To Synthesize UML

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barry, Matthew R.; Osborne, Richard N.


    The RoseDoclet computer program extends the capability of Java doclet software to automatically synthesize Unified Modeling Language (UML) content from Java language source code. [Doclets are Java-language programs that use the doclet application programming interface (API) to specify the content and format of the output of Javadoc. Javadoc is a program, originally designed to generate API documentation from Java source code, now also useful as an extensible engine for processing Java source code.] RoseDoclet takes advantage of Javadoc comments and tags already in the source code to produce a UML model of that code. RoseDoclet applies the doclet API to create a doclet passed to Javadoc. The Javadoc engine applies the doclet to the source code, emitting the output format specified by the doclet. RoseDoclet emits a Rose model file and populates it with fully documented packages, classes, methods, variables, and class diagrams identified in the source code. The way in which UML models are generated can be controlled by use of new Javadoc comment tags that RoseDoclet provides. The advantage of using RoseDoclet is that Javadoc documentation becomes leveraged for two purposes: documenting the as-built API and keeping the design documentation up to date.

  14. Scaleable catalytic asymmetric Strecker syntheses of unnatural alpha-amino acids.


    Zuend, Stephan J; Coughlin, Matthew P; Lalonde, Mathieu P; Jacobsen, Eric N


    Alpha-amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are widely used as components of medicinally active molecules and chiral catalysts. Efficient chemo-enzymatic methods for the synthesis of enantioenriched alpha-amino acids have been developed, but it is still a challenge to obtain non-natural amino acids. Alkene hydrogenation is broadly useful for the enantioselective catalytic synthesis of many classes of amino acids, but it is not possible to obtain alpha-amino acids bearing aryl or quaternary alkyl alpha-substituents using this method. The Strecker synthesis-the reaction of an imine or imine equivalent with hydrogen cyanide, followed by nitrile hydrolysis-is an especially versatile chemical method for the synthesis of racemic alpha-amino acids. Asymmetric Strecker syntheses using stoichiometric amounts of a chiral reagent have been applied successfully on gram-to-kilogram scales, yielding enantiomerically enriched alpha-amino acids. In principle, Strecker syntheses employing sub-stoichiometric quantities of a chiral reagent could provide a practical alternative to these approaches, but the reported catalytic asymmetric methods have seen limited use on preparative scales (more than a gram). The limited utility of existing catalytic methods may be due to several important factors, including the relatively complex and precious nature of the catalysts and the requisite use of hazardous cyanide sources. Here we report a new catalytic asymmetric method for the syntheses of highly enantiomerically enriched non-natural amino acids using a simple chiral amido-thiourea catalyst to control the key hydrocyanation step. This catalyst is robust, without sensitive functional groups, so it is compatible with aqueous cyanide salts, which are safer and easier to handle than other cyanide sources; this makes the method adaptable to large-scale synthesis. We have used this new method to obtain enantiopure amino acids that are not readily prepared by enzymatic methods or by

  15. The Effectiveness of Social Robots for Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies.


    Pu, Lihui; Moyle, Wendy; Jones, Cindy; Todorovic, Michael


    Social robots may promote the health of older adults by increasing their perceived emotional support and social interaction. This review aims to summarize the effectiveness of social robots on outcomes (psychological, physiological, quality of life, or medications) of older adults from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). A mixed-method systematic review of RCTs meeting the study inclusion criteria was undertaken. Eight databases were electronically searched up to September 2017. Participants' characteristics, intervention features, and outcome data were retrieved. The mean difference and standardized mean difference with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were synthesized to pool the effect size. A total of 13 articles from 11 RCTs were identified from 2,204 articles, of which 9 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Risk of bias was relatively high in allocation concealment and blinding. Social robots appeared to have positive impacts on agitation, anxiety, and quality of life for older adults but no statistical significance was found in the meta-analysis. However, results from a narrative review indicated that social robot interactions could improve engagement, interaction, and stress indicators, as well as reduce loneliness and the use of medications for older adults. Social robots appear to have the potential to improve the well-being of older adults, but conclusions are limited due to the lack of high-quality studies. More RCTs are recommended with larger sample sizes and rigorous study designs.

  16. Selective dye-labeling of newly synthesized proteins in bacterial cells.


    Beatty, Kimberly E; Xie, Fang; Wang, Qian; Tirrell, David A


    We describe fluorescence labeling of newly synthesized proteins in Escherichia coli cells by means of Cu(I)-catalyzed cycloaddition between alkynyl amino acid side chains and the fluorogenic dye 3-azido-7-hydroxycoumarin. The method involves co-translational labeling of proteins by the non-natural amino acids homopropargylglycine (Hpg) or ethynylphenylalanine (Eth) followed by treatment with the dye. As a demonstration, the model protein barstar was expressed and treated overnight with Cu(I) and 3-azido-7-hydroxycoumarin. Examination of treated cells by confocal microscopy revealed that strong fluorescence enhancement was observed only for alkynyl-barstar treated with Cu(I) and the reactive dye. The cellular fluorescence was punctate, and gel electrophoresis confirmed that labeled barstar was localized in inclusion bodies. Other proteins showed little fluorescence. Examination of treated cells by fluorimetry demonstrated that cultures supplemented with Eth or Hpg showed an 8- to 14-fold enhancement in fluorescence intensity after labeling. Addition of a protein synthesis inhibitor reduced the emission intensity to levels slightly above background, confirming selective labeling of newly synthesized proteins in the bacterial cell.

  17. Photocatalytic studies of electrochemically synthesized polysaccharide-functionalized ZnO nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaur, Simranjeet; Kaur, Harpreet


    The present work reports the electrochemical synthesis of polysaccharide-functionalized ZnO nanoparticles using sodium hydroxide, starch, and zinc electrodes for the degradation of cationic dye (Rhodamine-B) under sunlight. Physiochemical properties of synthesized sample have been characterized by different techniques such as XRD, TEM, FESEM, EDS, IR, and UV-visible spectroscopic techniques. The influence of various factors such as effect of dye concentration, contact time, amount of photocatalyst, and pH has been studied. The results obtained from the photodegradation study showed that degradation rate of Rhodamine-B dye has been increased with increase of amount of photocatalyst and decreased with increase in initial dye concentration. Furthermore, the kinetics of the degradation has been investigated. It has been found that the photodegradation of Rhodamine-B dye follows pseudo-first-order kinetics and prepared photocatalyst can effectively degrade the cationic dye. Thus, this ecofriendly and efficient photocatalyst can be used for the treatment of dye-contaminated water. This catalyst also showed the antibacterial activity against Bacillus pumilus and Escherichia coli bacterial strains, so the synthesized nanoparticles also have the pharmaceutical properties.

  18. Solution-Synthesized Chevron Graphene Nanoribbons Exfoliated onto H:Si(100).


    Radocea, Adrian; Sun, Tao; Vo, Timothy H; Sinitskii, Alexander; Aluru, Narayana R; Lyding, Joseph W


    There has been tremendous progress in designing and synthesizing graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The ability to control the width, edge structure, and dopant level with atomic precision has created a large class of accessible electronic landscapes for use in logic applications. One of the major limitations preventing the realization of GNR devices is the difficulty of transferring GNRs onto nonmetallic substrates. In this work, we developed a new approach for clean deposition of solution-synthesized atomically precise chevron GNRs onto H:Si(100) under ultrahigh vacuum. A clean transfer allowed ultrahigh-vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to provide high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy and reveal details of the electronic structure of chevron nanoribbons that have not been previously reported. We also demonstrate STM nanomanipulation of GNRs, characterization of multilayer GNR cross-junctions, and STM nanolithography for local depassivation of H:Si(100), which allowed us to probe GNR-Si interactions and revealed a semiconducting-to-metallic transition. The results of STM measurements were shown to be in good agreement with first-principles computational modeling.

  19. General Syntheses of Nanotubes Induced by Block Copolymer Self-Assembly.


    Zhao, Jianming; Huang, Wei; Si, Pengchao; Ulstrup, Jens; Diao, Fangyuan; Zhang, Jingdong


    Amphiphilic block copolymer templating strategies are extensively used for syntheses of mesoporous materials. However, monodisperse tubular nanostructures are limited. Here, a general method is developed to synthesize monodisperse nanotubes with narrow diameter distribution induced by self-assembly of block copolymer. 3-Aminophenol (AP) and formaldehyde (F) polymerize and self-assemble with cylindrical PS-b-PEO micelles into worm-like PS-b-PEO@APF composites with uniform diameter (49 ± 3 nm). After template extraction, worm-like APF polymer nanotubes are formed. The structure and morphology of the polymer nanotubes can be tuned by regulating the synthesis conditions. Furthermore, PS-b-PEO@APF composites are uniformly converted to isomorphic carbon nanotubes with large surface area of 662 m 2 g -1 , abundant hierarchical porous frameworks and nitrogen doping. The synthesis can be extended to silica nanotubes. These findings open an avenue to the design of porous materials with controlled structural framework, composition, and properties for a wide range of applications. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. [Properties of synthesized CdS nanoparticles by reverse micelle method].


    Li, Heng-Da; Wang, Qing-Wei; Zhai, Hong-Ju; Li, Wen-Lian


    Micelle system with reverse phase (water/CTAB/n-hexyl alcohol/n-heptane) is a weenie liquid-globelet of surface active agent molecule which can be stably and uniformly dispersed in continuous oil medium. The micelle system with reverse phase can work as a "micro-reactor" to synthesize CdS nano-particle with excellent performance. In the present article considering the effects of W value (W= [water]/[surface agent]) of the micelle system with reverse phase, we observed that the ratio of [Cd2+] and [S2-] ions to the original concentrations of the Cd2+ and S2- ions can affect the luminescent properties of CdS nano-particle. Using regurgitant treatment process the surface of CdS nano-particle can be modified, and as a result the defect emission was reduced and even disappeared, but exciton emissions markedly increased. On the other hand, a red-shift of the exciton emission peak with the increase in the particle size was observed, indicating considerable quantum confinement effect. A maximum quantum efficiency of 11% for the synthesized CdS nano-material was achieved.

  1. Global Mental Health: sharing and synthesizing knowledge for sustainable development.


    O'Donnell, K; O'Donnell, M Lewis


    Global mental health (GMH) is a growing domain with an increasing capacity to positively impact the world community's efforts for sustainable development and wellbeing. Sharing and synthesizing GMH and multi-sectoral knowledge, the focus of this paper, is an important way to support these global efforts. This paper consolidates some of the most recent and relevant 'context resources' [global multi-sector (GMS) materials, emphasizing world reports on major issues] and 'core resources' (GMH materials, including newsletters, texts, conferences, training, etc.). In addition to offering a guided index of materials, it presents an orientation framework (global integration) to help make important information as accessible and useful as possible. Mental health colleagues are encouraged to stay current in GMH and global issues, to engage in the emerging agendas for sustainable development and wellbeing, and to intentionally connect and contribute across sectors. Colleagues in all sectors are encouraged to do likewise, and to take advantage of the wealth of shared and synthesized knowledge in the GMH domain, such as the materials featured in this paper.

  2. Enzymatically Synthesized Feruloyl Dioleoylglycerol: Antioxidant Behavior and Position in Phospholipid Vesicles

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ferulic acid and its ester derivatives are known to be effective antioxidants and as such have been investigated as a potential antioxidant agent for cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses. Using immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B we synthesized ferulic acid lipophilic derivatives from vegetable oil...

  3. Structural and optical properties of ZnO nanorods synthesized via template free approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kajal, Priyanka; D, Pooja; Jaggi, Neena


    In this paper, we report a novel method for synthesis of semiconducting ZnO nanorods using Zinc acetate dehydrate precursor in a methanol—de-ionized (1:5) mixture via template free approach. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of as synthesized nanorods revealed hexagonal symmetry of rods, whereas x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for structure and phase has shown high crystallinity with wurtzite crystal structure. The structural characterization by FT-IR analysis revealed presence of various groups on as synthesized ZnO nanorods, whereas the UV-Vis analysis has shown a blue shift in the absorption spectra as compared to bulk ZnO due to quantum confinement of charge carriers. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy study has also been performed revealing a good degree of phosphorescence in the ZnO nanorods. Further, thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that as synthesized nanorods by present method are highly stable at high temperature (1000 °C). This study provides an alternative, less expensive and a very simple method for the fabrication of ZnO nanorods in abundance, which can be further used for various sensing applications, in particular, gas sensing.

  4. Stereoselective syntheses of four diastereomers of 3,9,12-trihydroxycalamenene via a benzobicyclo[3.3.1] intermediate.


    Sun, Yongquan; Yu, Binxun; Wang, Xiaolei; Tang, Shibing; She, Xuegong; Pan, Xinfu


    The highly stereoselective syntheses of four diastereomers of natural 3,9,12-trihydroxycalamenene are described. The syntheses highlight the utility of an unusual framework of benzobicyclo[3.3.1] lactones, which were accomplished via an intramolecular Friedel-Crafts-type Michael addition of alpha,beta-unsaturated lactones.

  5. Sonochemically synthesized MnO2 nanoparticles as electrode material for supercapacitors.


    Gnana Sundara Raj, Balasubramaniam; Asiri, Abdullah M; Qusti, Abdullah H; Wu, Jerry J; Anandan, Sambandam


    In this study, manganese oxide (MnO2) nanoparticles were synthesized by sonochemical reduction of KMnO4 using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a reducing agent as well as structure directing agent under room temperature in short duration of time and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. A supercapacitor device constructed using the ultrasonically-synthesized MnO2 nanoparticles showed maximum specific capacitance (SC) of 282Fg(-1) in the presence of 1M Ca(NO3)2 as an electrolyte at a current density of 0.5mAcm(-2) in the potential range from 0.0 to 1.0V and about 78% of specific capacitance was retained even after 1000 cycles indicating its high electrochemical stability. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized zirconia powder synthesized by single emulsion-assisted direct precipitation.


    Chandra, Navin; Singh, Deepesh Kumar; Sharma, Meenakshi; Upadhyay, Ravi Kant; Amritphale, S S; Sanghi, S K


    For the first time, single reverse microemulsion-assisted direct precipitation route has been successfully used to synthesize tetragonal zirconia nanoparticles in narrow size range. The synthesized powder was characterized using FT-IR, XRD and HRTEM techniques. The zirconia nanoparticles obtained were spherical in shape and has narrow particle size distribution in the range of 13-31nm and crystallite size in the range of 13-23nm. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. High-Performance Ink-Synthesized Cu-Gate Thin-Film Transistor with Diffusion Barrier Formation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Woo, Whang Je; Nam, Taewook; Oh, Il-Kwon; Maeng, Wanjoo; Kim, Hyungjun


    The improved electrical properties of Cu-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs) using an ink-synthesizing process were studied; this technology enables a low-cost and large area process for the display industry. We investigated the film properties and the effects of the ink-synthesized Cu layer in detail with respect to device characteristics. The mobility and reliability of the devices were significantly improved by applying a diffusion barrier at the interface between the Cu gate and the gate insulator. By using a TaN diffusion barrier layer, considerably improved and stabilized ink-Cu gated TFTs could be realized, comparable to sputtered-Cu gated TFTs under positive bias temperature stress measurements.

  8. Unified Total Syntheses of Fawcettimine Class Alkaloids: Fawcettimine, Fawcettidine, Lycoflexine, and Lycoposerramine B

    PubMed Central

    Pan, Guojun; Williams, Robert M.


    The total syntheses of the lycopodium alkaloids: fawcettimine, fawcettidine, lycoflexine, and lycoposerramine B have been accomplished through an efficient, unified, and stereocontrolled strategy, which relies on a Diels-Alder reaction to construct the cis-fused 6,5-carbocycles with one all-carbon quaternary center. Access to the enantioselective syntheses of both antipodes of those alkaloids can be achieved by kinetic resolution of the earliest intermediate via a Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation (Sharpless AD). Compared to existing approaches to these alkaloids, our synthetic route possesses superior stereocontrol over the C-4 and C-15 stereogenic centers as well as allowing for more functional variation on the 6-membered ring. PMID:22519642

  9. An extracellular enzyme synthesizes narrow-sized silver nanoparticles in both water and methanol

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rai, Tripti; Panda, Debashis


    Cellulase reduces silver ions in both aqueous and methanolic media yielding stable narrow-sized silver nanoparticles (Ag-NP) at room temperature. The synthesized nanoparticles have been characterized by various spectroscopic, microscopic methods. The redox potentials of tyrosine residues and protein backbone play an instrumental role to reduce the metal ions. The average size of nanoparticles formed in aqueous medium is of 5.04 ± 3.50 nm. Post-synthesis of Ag-NP secondary structure of enzyme is completely lost whereas upon incubation with chemically synthesized Ag-NP a significant gain in secondary structure is observed. Cellulase as a capping ligand stabilizes the silver nanoparticles even in methanol.

  10. High-Performance Ink-Synthesized Cu-Gate Thin-Film Transistor with Diffusion Barrier Formation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Woo, Whang Je; Nam, Taewook; Oh, Il-Kwon; Maeng, Wanjoo; Kim, Hyungjun


    The improved electrical properties of Cu-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs) using an ink-synthesizing process were studied; this technology enables a low-cost and large area process for the display industry. We investigated the film properties and the effects of the ink-synthesized Cu layer in detail with respect to device characteristics. The mobility and reliability of the devices were significantly improved by applying a diffusion barrier at the interface between the Cu gate and the gate insulator. By using a TaN diffusion barrier layer, considerably improved and stabilized ink-Cu gated TFTs could be realized, comparable to sputtered-Cu gated TFTs under positive bias temperature stress measurements.

  11. Sonochemically synthesized iron-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles: Influence of precursor composition on characteristics

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Roy, Anirban; Maitra, Saikat; Ghosh, Sobhan

    Highlights: • Sonochemical synthesis of iron-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles. • Green synthesis without alkali at room temperature. • Characterization by UV–vis spectroscopy, FESEM, XRD and EDX. • Influence of precursor composition on characteristics. • Composition and characteristics are correlated. - Abstract: Iron-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized sonochemically from aqueous acetyl acetonate precursors of different proportions. Synthesized nanoparticles were characterized with UV–vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and microscopy. Influences of precursor mixture on the characteristics have been examined and modeled. Linear correlations have been proposed between dopant dosing, extent of doping and band gap energy. Experimental data corroborated with themore » proposed models.« less

  12. Efficient dechlorination of chlorinated solvent pollutants under UV irradiation by using the synthesized TiO2 nano-sheets in aqueous phase.


    Ndong, Landry Biyoghe Bi; Ibondou, Murielle Primaelle; Miao, Zhouwei; Gu, Xiaogang; Lu, Shuguang; Qiu, Zhaofu; Sui, Qian; Mbadinga, Serge Maurice


    Titanium dioxide (TiO2), which is the widely used photo-catalyst, has been synthesized by simple hydrothermal solution containing tetrabutyl titanate and hydrofluoric acid. The synthesized product has been applied to photo-degradation in aqueous phase of chlorinated solvents, namely tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA). The photo-degradation results revealed that the degradation of these harmful chemicals was better in UV/synthesized TiO2 system compared to UV/commercial P25 system and UV only system. The photo-catalytic efficiency of the synthesized TiO2 was 1.4, 1.8 and 3.0 folds higher compared to the commercial P25 for TCA, TCE and PCE degradation, respectively. Moreover, using nitrobenzene (NB) as a probe of hydroxyl radical (·OH), the degradation rate was better over UV/synthesized TiO2, suggesting the high concentration of ·OH generated in UV/synthesized TiO2 system. In addition, ·OH concentration was confirmed by the strong peak displayed in EPR analysis over UV/synthesized TiO2 system. The characterization result using XRD and TEM showed that the synthesized TiO2 was in anatase form and consisted of well-defined sheet-shaped structures having a rectangular outline with a thickness of 4 nm, side length of 50 nm and width of 33 nm and a surface 90.3 m(2)/g. XPS analysis revealed that ≡Ti-F bond was formed on the surface of the synthesized TiO2. The above results on both photocatalytic activity and the surface analysis demonstrated the good applicability of the synthesized TiO2 nano-sheets for the remediation of chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater. Copyright © 2014 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Graphene-Molybdenum Disulfide-Graphene Tunneling Junctions with Large-Area Synthesized Materials.


    Joiner, Corey A; Campbell, Philip M; Tarasov, Alexey A; Beatty, Brian R; Perini, Chris J; Tsai, Meng-Yen; Ready, William J; Vogel, Eric M


    Tunneling devices based on vertical heterostructures of graphene and other 2D materials can overcome the low on-off ratios typically observed in planar graphene field-effect transistors. This study addresses the impact of processing conditions on two-dimensional materials in a fully integrated heterostructure device fabrication process. In this paper, graphene-molybdenum disulfide-graphene tunneling heterostructures were fabricated using only large-area synthesized materials, unlike previous studies that used small exfoliated flakes. The MoS2 tunneling barrier is either synthesized on a sacrificial substrate and transferred to the bottom-layer graphene or synthesized directly on CVD graphene. The presence of graphene was shown to have no impact on the quality of the grown MoS2. The thickness uniformity of MoS2 grown on graphene and SiO2 was found to be 1.8 ± 0.22 nm. XPS and Raman spectroscopy are used to show how the MoS2 synthesis process introduces defects into the graphene structure by incorporating sulfur into the graphene. The incorporation of sulfur was shown to be greatly reduced in the absence of molybdenum suggesting molybdenum acts as a catalyst for sulfur incorporation. Tunneling simulations based on the Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian were performed and compared to the experimental tunneling results. The simulations show the use of MoS2 as a tunneling barrier suppresses contributions to the tunneling current from the conduction band. This is a result of the observed reduction of electron conduction within the graphene sheets.

  14. Extracellular polymer substance synthesized by a halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter canadensis 28.


    Radchenkova, Nadja; Boyadzhieva, Ivanka; Atanasova, Nikolina; Poli, Annarita; Finore, Ilaria; Di Donato, Paola; Nicolaus, Barbara; Panchev, Ivan; Kuncheva, Margarita; Kambourova, Margarita


    Halophilic microorganisms are producers of a lot of new compounds whose properties suggest promising perspectives for their biotechnological exploration. Moderate halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter canadensis 28 was isolated from Pomorie salterns as an extracellular polymer substance (EP) producer. The best carbon source for extracellular polymer production was found to be lactose, a sugar received as a by-product from the dairy industry. After optimization of the culture medium and physicochemical conditions for cultivation, polymer biosynthesis increased more than 2-fold. The highest level of extracellular polymer synthesis by C. canadensis 28 was observed in an unusually high NaCl concentration (15% w/v). Chemical analysis of the purified polymer revealed the presence of an exopolysaccharide (EPS) fraction (14.3% w/w) and protein fraction (72% w/w). HPLC analysis of the protein fraction showed the main presence of polyglutamic acid (PGA) (75.7% w/w). EPS fraction analysis revealed the following sugar composition (% w/w): glucosamine 36.7, glucose 32.3, rhamnose 25.4, xylose 1.7, and not identified sugar 3.9. The hydrogel formed by PGA and EPS fractions showed high swelling behavior, very good emulsifying and stabilizing properties, and good foaming ability. This is the first report for halophilic bacterium able to synthesize a polymer containing PGA fraction. The synthesized biopolymer shows an extremely high hydrophilicity, due to the simultaneous presence of PGA and EPS. The analysis of its functional properties and the presence of glucosamine in the highest proportion in EPS fraction clearly determine the potential of EP synthesized by C. canadensis 28 for application in the cosmetics industry.

  15. Polyvinylpyrrolidone adsorption effects on the morphologies of synthesized platinum particles and its catalytic activity

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ooi, Mahayatun Dayana Johan; Aziz, Azlan Abdul; Nanobiotechnology Research and Innovation

    Flower-like Platinum micro-structures were synthesized from different concentration of the PVP using solvothermal method. At 5.0×10{sup −3} mmol of PVP, well-defined flower-like pattern consists of triangular petals radiating from the centre were produced whereas larger flower network developed at higher PVP concentration. High degree of crystallinity was obtained upon each increment of PVP. The well defined flower like pattern synthesized using 5.0×10{sup −3} mmol PVP exhibit the highest catalytic activity and stability towards electro-oxidation of formic acid.

  16. Adsorptive removal of bisphenol A using synthesized magnetite nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orimolade, B. O.; Adekola, F. A.; Adebayo, G. B.


    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic compound which is often used as plasticizer and has been reported to be hazardous to man. In this research the efficiency of removal of BPA from water by magnetite through adsorption process was studied. The magnetite was synthesized using reverse co-precipitation method and fully characterized. Various physicochemical parameters affecting the adsorption of BPA using magnetite were studied as well. The optimum time for the adsorption process was found to be 60 min at pH of 6, adsorbent dose of 0.2 g and 50 ppm of BPA. The adsorption data were fitted by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm best with a regression value of 0.957. The R L value was 0.179 which revealed that the process is favorable. The Freundlich constant n which was 1.901 also revealed that the adsorption is normal and favorable. The data were in agreement with the pseudo-second-order kinetics with regression value of 0.98. From the thermodynamic studies, the process was found to be exothermic and the Gibb's free energy value which was negative showed that the adsorption was spontaneous. The synthesized magnetite therefore offers great potential for the remediation of bisphenol A-contaminated media.

  17. Boron Nitride Nanotubes Synthesized by Pressurized Reactive Milling Process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hurst, Janet B.


    Nanotubes, because of their very high strength, are attractive as reinforcement materials for ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). Recently there has been considerable interest in developing and applying carbon nanotubes for both electronic and structural applications. Although carbon nanotubes can be used to reinforce composites, they oxidize at high temperatures and, therefore, may not be suitable for ceramic composites. Boron nitride, because it has a higher oxidation resistance than carbon, could be a potential reinforcement material for ceramic composites. Although boron nitride nanotubes (BNnT) are known to be structurally similar to carbon nanotubes, they have not undergone the same extensive scrutiny that carbon nanotubes have experienced in recent years. This has been due to the difficulty in synthesizing this material rather than lack of interest in the material. We expect that BNnTs will maintain the high strength of carbon nanotubes while offering superior performance for the high-temperature and/or corrosive applications of interest to NASA. At the NASA Glenn Research of preparing BN-nTs were investigated and compared. These include the arc jet process, the reactive milling process, and chemical vapor deposition. The most successful was a pressurized reactive milling process that synthesizes BN-nTs of reasonable quantities.

  18. Rapid syntheses of a metal-organic framework material Cu3(BTC)2(H2O)3 under microwave: a quantitative analysis of accelerated syntheses.


    Khan, Nazmul Abedin; Haque, Enamul; Jhung, Sung Hwa


    A typical MOF material, Cu-BTC has been synthesized with microwave and conventional electric heating in various conditions to elucidate, for the first time, the quantitative acceleration in the synthesis of a MOF by microwaves. The acceleration by microwaves is mainly due to rapid nucleation rather than rapid crystal growth, even though both stages are accelerated. The acceleration in the nucleation stage by microwaves is due to the very large pre-exponential factor (about 1.4 x 10(10) times that of conventional synthesis) in the Arrhenius plot. However, the activation energy for the nucleation in the case of microwave synthesis is higher than the activation energy of conventional synthesis. The large acceleration in the nucleation, compared with that in the crystal growth, is observed once again by the syntheses in two-steps (changing heating methods from microwave into conventional heating or from conventional heating into microwave heating just after the nucleation is completed). The crystal size of Cu-BTC obtained by microwave-nucleation is generally smaller than the Cu-BTC made by conventional-nucleation, probably due to rapid nucleation and the small size of nuclei with microwave-nucleation.

  19. Method of synthesizing metal doped diamond-like carbon films

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ueno, Mayumi (Inventor); Sunkara, Mahendra Kumar (Inventor)


    A method of synthesizing metal doped carbon films by placing a substrate in a chamber with a selected amount of a metalorganic compound. An electron cyclotron resonance is applied to the chamber in order to vaporize the metalorganic compound. The resonance is applied to the chamber until a metal doped carbon film is formed. The metalorganic compound is preferably selected from the group consisting of an organic salt of ruthenium, palladium, gold or platinum.

  20. Multifrequency Aperture-Synthesizing Microwave Radiometer System (MFASMR). Volume 1

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wiley, C. A.; Chang, M. U.


    Background material and a systems analysis of a multifrequency aperture - synthesizing microwave radiometer system is presented. It was found that the system does not exhibit high performance because much of the available thermal power is not used in the construction of the image and because the image that can be formed has a resolution of only ten lines. An analysis of image reconstruction is given. The system is compared with conventional aperture synthesis systems.

  1. Distinct subgenome stabilities in synthesized Brassica allohexaploids.


    Zhou, Jiannan; Tan, Chen; Cui, Cheng; Ge, Xianhong; Li, Zaiyun


    Trigenomic Brassica allohexaploids synthesized from three crossing strategies showed diploidized and non-diploidized meiotic behaviors and produced both euploid and aneuploid progenies during successive generations, revealing the distinct subgenome stabilities (B > A> C). Three cultivated allotetraploid Brassica species (Brassica napus, B. juncea, B. carinata) represent the model system of speciation through interspecific hybridization and allopolyploidization, but no Brassica species at higher ploidy level exists in nature. In this study, Brassica allohexaploids (2n = 54, AABBCC) were artificially synthesized using three crossing strategies, and had combinations of the genomes from the extant allotetraploids and diploids (B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. nigra). The chromosome numbers and complements of these allohexaploids and the self-pollinated progenies of successive generations (S0-S7) were determined using multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization that distinguished the chromosomes of three constituent genomes from each other. Both euploid and aneuploid progenies were identified. The most aneuploids maintained all B- and A-genome chromosomes and variable number of C-genome chromosomes, suggesting that genome stability was B > A > C. In the extreme case, loss of whole set of C-genome chromosomes led to the production of B. juncea-type progeny. Some aneuploid progenies had the same number of chromosomes (2n = 54) as the euploid, but the simultaneous loss and gain of A- and C-genome chromosomes. The diploidized and non-diploidized meiotic behaviors co-occurred in all allohexaploid individuals of consecutive generations. The aberrant chromosome pairing and segregation mainly involved the chromosomes of A and C genomes, which resulted in aneuploidy in self-pollinated progenies. The mechanisms for the differential stability of three genomes and the stabilization of the new allohexaploids are discussed.

  2. Methods for synthesizing metal oxide nanowires


    Sunkara, Mahendra Kumar; Kumar, Vivekanand; Kim, Jeong H.; Clark, Ezra Lee


    A method of synthesizing a metal oxide nanowire includes the steps of: combining an amount of a transition metal or a transition metal oxide with an amount of an alkali metal compound to produce a mixture; activating a plasma discharge reactor to create a plasma discharge; exposing the mixture to the plasma discharge for a first predetermined time period such that transition metal oxide nanowires are formed; contacting the transition metal oxide nanowires with an acid solution such that an alkali metal ion is exchanged for a hydrogen ion on each of the transition metal oxide nanowires; and exposing the transition metal oxide nanowires to the plasma discharge for a second predetermined time period to thermally anneal the transition metal oxide nanowires. Transition metal oxide nanowires produced using the synthesis methods described herein are also provided.

  3. Influence of Capping Ligand and Synthesis Method on Structure and Morphology of Aqueous Phase Synthesized CuInSe2 Nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ram Kumar, J.; Ananthakumar, S.; Moorthy Babu, S.


    A facile route to synthesize copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2) nanoparticles in aqueous medium was developed using mercaptoacetic acid (MAA) as capping agent. Two different mole ratios (5 and 10) of MAA were used to synthesize CuInSe2 nanoparticles at room temperature, as well as hydrothermal (high temperature) method. Powder x-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the nanoparticles exhibit chalcopyrite phase and the crystallinity increases with increasing the capping ratio. Raman analysis shows a strong band at 233 cm-1 due to the combination of B2 (E) modes. Broad absorption spectra were observed for the synthesized CuInSe2 nanoparticles. The effective surface capping by MAA on the nanoparticles surface was confirmed through attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis. The thermal stability of the synthesized samples was analyzed through thermogravimetric analysis-differential scanning calorimetry. The change in morphology of the synthesized samples was analyzed through scanning electron microscope and it shows that the samples prepared at room temperature are spherical in shape, whereas hydrothermally synthesized samples were found to have nanorod- and nanoflake-like structures. Transmission electron microscope analysis further indicates larger grains for the hydrothermally prepared samples with 10 mol ratio of MAA. Comparative analyses were made for synthesizing CuInSe2 nanoparticles by two different methods to explore the role of ligand and influence of temperature.

  4. Bare laser-synthesized Au-based nanoparticles as nondisturbing surface-enhanced Raman scattering probes for bacteria identification.


    Kögler, Martin; Ryabchikov, Yury V; Uusitalo, Sanna; Popov, Alexey; Popov, Anton; Tselikov, Gleb; Välimaa, Anna-Liisa; Al-Kattan, Ahmed; Hiltunen, Jussi; Laitinen, Riitta; Neubauer, Peter; Meglinski, Igor; Kabashin, Andrei V


    The ability of noble metal-based nanoparticles (NPs) (Au, Ag) to drastically enhance Raman scattering from molecules placed near metal surface, termed as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), is widely used for identification of trace amounts of biological materials in biomedical, food safety and security applications. However, conventional NPs synthesized by colloidal chemistry are typically contaminated by nonbiocompatible by-products (surfactants, anions), which can have negative impacts on many live objects under examination (cells, bacteria) and thus decrease the precision of bioidentification. In this article, we explore novel ultrapure laser-synthesized Au-based nanomaterials, including Au NPs and AuSi hybrid nanostructures, as mobile SERS probes in tasks of bacteria detection. We show that these Au-based nanomaterials can efficiently enhance Raman signals from model R6G molecules, while the enhancement factor depends on the content of Au in NP composition. Profiting from the observed enhancement and purity of laser-synthesized nanomaterials, we demonstrate successful identification of 2 types of bacteria (Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli). The obtained results promise less disturbing studies of biological systems based on good biocompatibility of contamination-free laser-synthesized nanomaterials. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A Novel and Non-Cytotoxic Self-Healing Supramolecular Elastomer Synthesized with Small Molecular Biological Acids.


    Liu, Ling; Pan, Cheng; Zhang, Liqun; Guo, Baochun


    A novel and non-cytotoxic self-healing supramolecular elastomer (SE) is synthesized with small-molecular biological acids by hydrogen-bonding interactions. The synthesized SEs behave as rubber at room temperature without additional plasticizers or crosslinkers, which is attributed to the phase-separated structure. The SE material exhibits outstanding self-healing capability at room temperature and essential non-cytotoxicity, which makes it a potential candidate for biomedical applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Pemphigoïde bulleuse révélant un carcinome bronchique

    PubMed Central

    Janah, Hicham; Mahhou, Meryem; Souhi, Hicham; Zegmout, Adil; Naji-Amrani, Hicham; Raoufi, Mohamed; Elouazzani, Hanane; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderrahmani; Abid, Ahmed


    La pemphigoïde bulleuse (PB) est la plus fréquente des dermatoses bulleuses auto-immunes, touchants préférentiellement le sujet âgé de plus de 70 ans. L'origine paranéoplasique de La PB est rarement rapportée. Cette lésion peut apparaitre de manière synchrone ou parfois être une manifestation révélatrice de la tumeur. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un jeune patient présentant un cancer bronchique métastatique révélé par une PB. Chez le sujet jeune fumeur, toute pemphigoïde bulleuse justifie la recherche d'une néoplasie. PMID:25667707

  7. [Aerobic methylobacteria are capable of synthesizing auxins].


    Ivanova, E G; Doronina, N V; Trotsenko, Iu A


    Obligately and facultatively methylotrophic bacteria with different pathways of C1 metabolism were found to be able to produce auxins, particularly indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), in amounts of 3-100 micrograms/ml. Indole-3-pyruvic acid and indole-3-acetamide were detected only in methylobacteria with the serine pathway of C1 metabolism, Methylobacterium mesophilicum and Aminobacter aminovorans. The production of auxins by methylobacteria was stimulated by the addition of tryptophan to the growth medium and was inhibited by ammonium ions. The methylobacteria under study lacked tryptophan decarboxylase and tryptophan side-chain oxidase. At the same time, they were found to contain several aminotransferases. IAA is presumably synthesized by methylobacteria through indole-3-pyruvic acid.

  8. A combinatorial approach of inclusion complexation and dendrimer synthesization for effective targeting EGFR-TK.


    Shende, Pravin; Patil, Sampada; Gaud, R S


    The aim of the present study was to use a combinatorial approach of inclusion complexation and dendrimer synthesization of gefitinib using solvent-free technique for targeting EGFR-TK to treat Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). The inclusion complex of gefitinib with β-cyclodextrin was prepared by trituration method. This complex encapsulated G4 PAMAM dendrimers were synthesized by Michael addition and amidation reactions using green chemistry and then PEGylated by conjugation reaction. FTIR and DSC confirmed the formation of inclusion complex of gefitinib and β-cyclodextrin and PEGylation of G4 PAMAM dendrimers. Gefitinib showed higher solubility, encapsulation efficiency and controlled release profile from PEGylated dendrimers compared to inclusion complex. The PEGylated dendrimers of inclusion complex of gefitinib were found to reduce hemolytic toxicity and lesser GI 50 value on Human lung cancer cell line A-549 by effective targeting EGFR-TK. A combinatorial approach of inclusion complexation and dendrimer synthesization is one of the alternative advanced approaches to treat NSCLC. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. [Types of Care for Adult Patients Diagnosed With Acute and Maintenance Phase Schizophrenia].


    Bohórquez Peñaranda, Adriana; Gómez Restrepo, Carlos; Oviedo Lugo, Gabriel Fernando; de la Hoz Bradford, Ana María; Castro Díaz, Sergio Mario; García Valencia, Jenny; Jaramillo González, Luis Eduardo; Ávila-Guerra, Mauricio


    To assist the clinician in making decisions about the types of care available for adults with schizophrenia. To determine which are the modalities of treatment associated with better outcomes in adults with schizophrenia. A clinical practice guideline was elaborated under the parameters of the Methodological Guide of the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social to identify, synthesize and evaluate the evidence and make recommendations about the treatment and follow-up of adult patients with schizophrenia. The evidence of NICE guide 82 was adopted and updated. The evidence was presented to the Guideline Developing Group and recommendations, employing the GRADE system, were produced. Patients who were in Assertive community treatment had a lower risk of new hospitalizations. For the intensive case management, the results favored this intervention in the outcomes: medium term readmissions, social functioning and satisfaction with services. The crisis resolution teams was associated with better outcomes on outcomes of readmissions, social functioning and service satisfaction in comparison with standard care. The use of different modalities of care leads to the need of a comprehensive approach to patients to reduce the overall disability associated with the disease. Evidence shows overall benefit for most outcomes studied without encountering hazards for health of patients. This evaluation is recommended to use the professional ways of providing health services that are community-based and have a multidisciplinary group. It is not recommended the modality "day hospital" during the acute phase of schizophrenia in adults. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  10. Efficacy validation of synthesized retinol derivatives In vitro: stability, toxicity, and activity.


    Han, Hye-Sook; Kwon, Youn-Ja; Park, Myoung-Soon; Park, Si-Ho; Cho, So-Mi Kim; Rho, Young-Soy; Kim, Jin-Wou; Sin, Hong-Sig; Um, Soo-Jong


    Retinol (vitamin A) is used as an antiwrinkle agent in the cosmetics industry. However, its photo-instability makes it unsuitable for use in general cosmetic formulations. To improve the photo-stability of retinol, three derivatives (3, 4, and 5) were synthesized and their biological activities were analyzed. 1H NMR and HPLC analysis indicated that derivatives 3 and 5 were much more stable than retinol under our sunlight exposure conditions. When human adult fibroblasts were treated, the IC(50) of derivative 3 was 96 microM, which is similar to that of retinol, as determined by the MTT assay. Derivatives 4 and 5 were 2.5 and 8 times more toxic than retinol, respectively. At 1 microM treatment, like retinol, derivatives 3 and 4 were specifically active for RARalpha out of six retinoid receptors (RAR/RXRalpha, beta, gamma). Dose-dependent analysis confirmed that derivative 4 was as active as retinol and the other two derivatives were less active for RARalpha. The effect of our derivatives on the expression of collagenase, an indicator of wrinkle formation, was measured using the transient co-expression of c-Jun and RT-PCR in HaCaT cells. Collagenase promoter activity, which is increased by c-Jun expression, was reduced 42% by retinol treatment. The other derivatives inhibited collagenase promoter activity similarly. These results were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis of the collagenase gene. Taken together, our results suggest that retinol derivative 3 is a promising antiwrinkle agent based on its higher photo-stability, lower RARalpha activity (possibly indicating reduced side effects), and similar effect on collagenase expression.

  11. Hardware Implementation of 32-Bit High-Speed Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer

    PubMed Central

    Ibrahim, Salah Hasan; Ali, Sawal Hamid Md.; Islam, Md. Shabiul


    The design and implementation of a high-speed direct digital frequency synthesizer are presented. A modified Brent-Kung parallel adder is combined with pipelining technique to improve the speed of the system. A gated clock technique is proposed to reduce the number of registers in the phase accumulator design. The quarter wave symmetry technique is used to store only one quarter of the sine wave. The ROM lookup table (LUT) is partitioned into three 4-bit sub-ROMs based on angular decomposition technique and trigonometric identity. Exploiting the advantages of sine-cosine symmetrical attributes together with XOR logic gates, one sub-ROM block can be removed from the design. These techniques, compressed the ROM into 368 bits. The ROM compressed ratio is 534.2 : 1, with only two adders, two multipliers, and XOR-gates with high frequency resolution of 0.029 Hz. These techniques make the direct digital frequency synthesizer an attractive candidate for wireless communication applications. PMID:24991635

  12. Mechanistic study of shape-anisotropic nanomaterials synthesized via spontaneous galvanic displacement

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Strand, Matthew B.; Leong, G. Jeremy; Tassone, Christopher J.

    Among the broad portfolio of preparations for nanoscale materials, spontaneous galvanic displacement (SGD) is emerging as an important technology because it is capable of creating functional nanomaterials that cannot be obtained through other routes and may be used to thrift precious metals used in a broad range of applications including catalysis. With advances resulting from increased understanding of the SGD process, materials that significantly improve efficiency and potentially enable widespread adoption of next generation technologies can be synthesized. In this work, PtAg nanotubes synthesized via displacement of Ag nanowires by Pt were used as a model system to elucidate themore » fundamental mechanisms of SGD. Furthermore, characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and atom probe tomography (APT) indicates nanotubes are formed as Ag is oxidized first from the surface and then from the center of the nanowire, with Pt deposition forming a rough, heterogeneous surface on the PtAg nanotube.« less

  13. Mechanistic study of shape-anisotropic nanomaterials synthesized via spontaneous galvanic displacement


    Strand, Matthew B.; Leong, G. Jeremy; Tassone, Christopher J.; ...


    Among the broad portfolio of preparations for nanoscale materials, spontaneous galvanic displacement (SGD) is emerging as an important technology because it is capable of creating functional nanomaterials that cannot be obtained through other routes and may be used to thrift precious metals used in a broad range of applications including catalysis. With advances resulting from increased understanding of the SGD process, materials that significantly improve efficiency and potentially enable widespread adoption of next generation technologies can be synthesized. In this work, PtAg nanotubes synthesized via displacement of Ag nanowires by Pt were used as a model system to elucidate themore » fundamental mechanisms of SGD. Furthermore, characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and atom probe tomography (APT) indicates nanotubes are formed as Ag is oxidized first from the surface and then from the center of the nanowire, with Pt deposition forming a rough, heterogeneous surface on the PtAg nanotube.« less

  14. Alternatively activated macrophages do not synthesize catecholamines or contribute to adipose tissue adaptive thermogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Fischer, Katrin; Ruiz, Henry H.; Jhun, Kevin; Finan, Brian; Oberlin, Douglas J.; van der Heide, Verena; Kalinovich, Anastasia V.; Petrovic, Natasa; Wolf, Yochai; Clemmensen, Christoffer; Shin, Andrew C.; Divanovic, Senad; Brombacher, Frank; Glasmacher, Elke; Keipert, Susanne; Jastroch, Martin; Nagler, Joachim; Schramm, Karl-Werner; Medrikova, Dasa; Collden, Gustav; Woods, Stephen C.; Herzig, Stephan; Homann, Dirk; Jung, Steffen; Nedergaard, Jan; Cannon, Barbara; Tschöp, Matthias H.


    Adaptive thermogenesis is the process of heat generation in response to cold stimulation and is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system whose chief effector is the catecholamine norepinephrine (NE). NE enhances thermogenesis through beta3 adrenergic receptors to activate brown adipose tissue and by “browning” white adipose tissue. Recent studies reported that the alternative activation of macrophages in response to IL-4 stimulation induces the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a key enzyme in the catecholamine synthesis pathway, and to provide an alternative source of locally produced catecholamines during the thermogenic process. We here report that the deletion of Th in hematopoetic cells of adult mice neither alters energy expenditure upon cold exposure nor reduces browning in inguinal adipose tissue. Bone marrow-derived macrophages did not release NE in response to stimulation with Interleukin-4 (IL-4), and conditioned media from IL-4 stimulated macrophages failed to induce expression of thermogenic genes, such as the one for uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) in adipocytes cultured with the conditioned media. Further, chronic IL-4 treatment failed to increase energy expenditure in WT, Ucp1-/- and Il4ra-/- mice. Consistent with these findings, adipose tissue-resident macrophages did not express TH. Thus, we conclude that alternatively activated macrophages do not synthesize relevant amounts of catecholamines and hence are not likely to play a direct role in adipocyte metabolism or adaptive thermogenesis. PMID:28414329

  15. Alternatively activated macrophages do not synthesize catecholamines or contribute to adipose tissue adaptive thermogenesis.


    Fischer, Katrin; Ruiz, Henry H; Jhun, Kevin; Finan, Brian; Oberlin, Douglas J; van der Heide, Verena; Kalinovich, Anastasia V; Petrovic, Natasa; Wolf, Yochai; Clemmensen, Christoffer; Shin, Andrew C; Divanovic, Senad; Brombacher, Frank; Glasmacher, Elke; Keipert, Susanne; Jastroch, Martin; Nagler, Joachim; Schramm, Karl-Werner; Medrikova, Dasa; Collden, Gustav; Woods, Stephen C; Herzig, Stephan; Homann, Dirk; Jung, Steffen; Nedergaard, Jan; Cannon, Barbara; Tschöp, Matthias H; Müller, Timo D; Buettner, Christoph


    Adaptive thermogenesis is the process of heat generation in response to cold stimulation. It is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, whose chief effector is the catecholamine norepinephrine (NE). NE enhances thermogenesis through β3-adrenergic receptors to activate brown adipose tissue and by 'browning' white adipose tissue. Recent studies have reported that alternative activation of macrophages in response to interleukin (IL)-4 stimulation induces the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a key enzyme in the catecholamine synthesis pathway, and that this activation provides an alternative source of locally produced catecholamines during the thermogenic process. Here we report that the deletion of Th in hematopoietic cells of adult mice neither alters energy expenditure upon cold exposure nor reduces browning in inguinal adipose tissue. Bone marrow-derived macrophages did not release NE in response to stimulation with IL-4, and conditioned media from IL-4-stimulated macrophages failed to induce expression of thermogenic genes, such as uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1), in adipocytes cultured with the conditioned media. Furthermore, chronic treatment with IL-4 failed to increase energy expenditure in wild-type, Ucp1 -/- and interleukin-4 receptor-α double-negative (Il4ra -/- ) mice. In agreement with these findings, adipose-tissue-resident macrophages did not express TH. Thus, we conclude that alternatively activated macrophages do not synthesize relevant amounts of catecholamines, and hence, are not likely to have a direct role in adipocyte metabolism or adaptive thermogenesis.

  16. 76 FR 63623 - Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Nutritional Biomarker Report: transfat analysis; update on ATSDR Science Symposium; update on Camp LeJeune; update on Environmental Health Tracking; presentation on hydraulic fracking; global health updates...

  17. Androgen Receptor Antagonists and Anti-Prostate Cancer Activities of Some Newly Synthesized Substituted Fused Pyrazolo-, Triazolo- and Thiazolo-Pyrimidine Derivatives

    PubMed Central

    Bahashwan, Saleh A.; Fayed, Ahmed A.; Ramadan, Mohamed A.; Amr, Abd El-Galil E.; Al-Harbi, Naif O.


    A series of substituted pyrazole, triazole and thiazole derivatives (2–13) were synthesized from 1-(naphtho[1,2-d]thiazol-2-yl)hydrazine as starting material and evaluated as androgen receptor antagonists and anti-prostate cancer agents. The newly synthesized compounds showed potent androgen receptor antagonists and anti-prostate cancer activities with low toxicity (lethal dose 50 (LD50)) comparable to Bicalutamide as reference drug. The structures of newly synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and MS spectral data and elemental analysis. The detailed synthesis, spectroscopic data, LD50 values and pharmacological activities of the synthesized compounds are reported. PMID:25421248

  18. Study of the effects of heat-treatment of hydroxyapatite synthesized in gelatin matrix

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaits, A. V.; Golovanova, O. A.; Kuimova, M. V.


    In the study, the isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of hydroxyapatite synthesized in gelatin matrix (HAG) has been performed. 3 wt.% HAG samples were synthesized from the solution simulating the human extracellular fluid (SBF). X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy were used to determine the composition. During the experiment, increase in the calcination temperature up to 200°C-800°C was found to cause weight loss. The study of phase composition revealed that heat treatment does not affect the phase composition of the solid phase, which is composed of hydroxylapatite (HA). The prepared HAG (3 wt.% gelatin) samples are shown to have low thermal stability; the degradation of the samples occurs at 400° C.

  19. Study of the effects of heat-treatment of hydroxyapatite synthesized in gelatin matrix

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaits, A. V.; Golovanova, O. A.; Kuimova, M. V.


    In the study, the isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of hydroxyapatite synthesized in gelatin matrix (HAG) has been performed. 3 wt.% HAG samples were synthesized from the solution simulating the human extracellular fluid (SBF). X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy were used to determine the composition. During the experiment, increase in the calcination temperature up to 200°C-800°C was found to cause weight loss. The study of phase composition revealed that heat treatment does not affect the phase composition of the solid phase, which is composed of hydroxylapatite (HA). The prepared HAG (3 wt.% gelatin) samples are shown to have low thermal stability; the degradation of the samples occurs at 400°C.

  20. Enantioselective syntheses of cryptocarya triacetate, cryptocaryolone, and cryptocaryolone diacetate.


    Smith, Catherine M; O'Doherty, George A


    [reaction: see text] The enantioselective syntheses of three natural products from Cryptocarya latifolia have been achieved in 13-15 steps from ethyl sorbate. The route relies upon an enantio- and regioselective Sharpless dihydroxylation and a palladium-catalyzed reduction to establish the absolute stereochemistry. The route also relies upon a highly (E)-selective olefin cross-metathesis reaction to form trans-delta-hydroxy-1-enoates. The resulting delta-hydroxy-1-enoates were subsequently converted into cryptocarya triacetate, cryptocaryolone, and cryptocaryolone diacetate.

  1. Synthese de champs sonores adaptative

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gauthier, Philippe-Aubert

    La reproduction de champs acoustiques est une approche physique au probleme technologique de la spatialisation sonore. Cette these concerne l'aspect physique de la reproduction de champs acoustiques. L'objectif principal est l'amelioration de la reproduction de champs acoustiques par "synthese de champs acoustiques" ("Wave Field Synthesis", WFS), une approche connue, basee sur des hypotheses de champ libre, a l'aide du controle actif par l'ajout de capteurs de l'erreur de reproduction et d'une boucle fermee. Un premier chapitre technique (chapitre 4) expose les resultats d'appreciation objective de la WFS par simulations et mesures experimentales. L'effet indesirable de la salle de reproduction sur les qualites objectives de la WFS fut illustre. Une premiere question de recherche fut ensuite abordee (chapitre 5), a savoir s'il est possible de reproduire des champs progressifs en salle dans un paradigme physique de controle actif: cette possibilite fut prouvee. L'approche technique privilegiee, "synthese de champs adaptative" ("Adaptive Wave Field Synthesis" [AWFS]), fut definie, puis simulee (chapitre 6). Cette approche d'AWFS comporte une originalite en controle actif et en reproduction de champs acoustiques: la fonction cout quadratique representant la minimisation des erreurs de reproduction inclut une regularisation de Tikhonov avec solution a priori qui vient de la WFS. L'etude de l'AWFS a l'aide de la decomposition en valeurs singulieres (chapitre 7) a permis de comprendre les mecanismes propres a l'AWFS. C'est la deuxieme principale originalite de la these. L'algorithme FXLMS (LMS et reference filtree) est modifie pour l'AWFS (chapitre 8). Le decouplage du systeme par decomposition en valeurs singulieres est illustre dans le domaine du traitement de signal et l'AWFS basee sur le controle independant des modes de rayonnement est simulee (chapitre 8). Ce qui constitue la troisieme originalite principale de cette these. Ces simulations du traitement de signal

  2. Facile approach to synthesize magnesium oxide nanoparticles by using Clitoria ternatea—characterization and in vitro antioxidant studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    John Sushma, N.; Prathyusha, D.; Swathi, G.; Madhavi, T.; Deva Prasad Raju, B.; Mallikarjuna, K.; Kim, Hak-Sung


    Facile approach to synthesize the metal oxide nanoparticles is getting an increased attention in various biomedical applications such as, to treat antibiotic resistant diseases. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles (MgO·NPs) were synthesized by using Clitoria ternatea as the stabilizer in a green synthesis approach. The preliminary screening of MgO·NPs in the presence of C. ternatea extract was observed by UV-visible spectrophotometer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern have proved the crystalline nature of the MgO·NPs; Photoluminescence (PL) measurement studies are used to identify the quality and defects in the crystal structure. FE-SEM with EDS has showed the size of 50-400 nm with specific binding energies. FT-IR has revealed the functional groups present in the plant extract and the peak at 521 cm-1 indicated the characteristic absorption bands of MgO·NPs. The DPPH activity and reducing power assay of biologically synthesized MgO·NPs could reach 65 % at a concentration of 150 µg/ml, respectively. From the results it was concluded that the biologically synthesized MgO·NPs exhibit good antioxidant activity.

  3. Photonic Crystal Biosensor with In-Situ Synthesized DNA Probes for Enhanced Sensitivity

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hu, Shuren; Zhao, Y.; Retterer, Scott T


    We report on a nearly 8-fold increase in multi-hole defect photonic crystal biosensor response by incorporating in-situ synthesis of DNA probes, as compared to the conventional functionalization method employing pre-synthesized DNA probe immobilization.

  4. Adolescent and Young Adult Male Mental Health: Transforming System Failures Into Proactive Models of Engagement.


    Rice, Simon M; Purcell, Rosemary; McGorry, Patrick D


    Adolescent and young adult men do poorly on indicators of mental health evidenced by elevated rates of suicide, conduct disorder, substance use, and interpersonal violence relative to their female peers. Data on global health burden clearly demonstrate that young men have a markedly distinct health risk profile from young women, underscoring different prevention and intervention needs. Evidence indicates that boys disconnect from health-care services during adolescence, marking the beginning of a progression of health-care disengagement and associated barriers to care, including presenting to services differently, experiencing an inadequate or poorly attuned clinical response, and needing to overcome pervasive societal attitudes and self-stigma to access available services. This review synthesizes key themes related to mental ill health in adolescent boys and in young adult men. Key social determinants are discussed, including mental health literacy, self-stigma and shame, masculinity, nosology and diagnosis, and service acceptability. A call is made for focused development of policy, theory, and evaluation of targeted interventions for this population, including gender-synchronized service model reform and training of staff, including the e-health domain. Such progress is expected to yield significant social and economic benefits, including reduction to mental ill health and interpersonal violence displayed by adolescent boys and young adult men. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. An agile frequency synthesizer/RF generator for the SCAMP terminal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wolfson, Harry M.


    This report describes a combination agile synthesizer and reference frequency generator called the RF Generator, which was developed for use in the Advanced SCAMP (ASCAMP) program. The ASCAMP is a hand-carried, battery-powered, man-portable ground terminal that is being developed for EHF satellite communications. In order to successfully achieve a truly portable terminal, all of the subsystems and components in ASCAMP were designed with the following critical goals: low power, lightweight, and small size. The RF Generator is based on a hybrid design approach of direct digital and direct analog synthesis techniques that was optimized for small size, low power consumption, fast tuning, low spurious, and low phase noise. The RF Generator was conceived with the philosophy that simplicity of design would lead to a synthesizer that differentiates itself from those used in the past by its ease of fabrication and tuning. By avoiding more complex design approaches, namely, indirect analog (phase lock loops), a more easily produceable design could be achieved. An effort was made to minimize the amount of circuitry in the RF Generator, thereby making trade-offs in performance versus complexity and parts count when it was appropriate.

  6. The effect of processing on the properties of CuInS2 nanomaterials synthesized by simple hot injection route

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Qin-Miao; Zhou, Fang-Fang; Yuan, Hong-Chun; Chen, Jin; Ni, Yi; Zhu, Xi-Fang; Dou, Xiao-Ming


    Chalcopyrite and wurtzite CuInS2 (CIS) nanomaterials were synthesized from Cu2+, In3+, thiourea with or without triethanolamine (TEA) by simple hot injection method at low temperature. The effect of synthesis duration on the various properties of the synthesized CIS nanomaterials was studied. It shows that for chalcopyrite CIS, the optimal synthesis duration is 60 min and the synthesized nanomaterial is in spherical shape with diameter of about 90 nm. However, for the wurtzite CIS, the optimal synthesis duration should reach 150 min and the synthesized nanomaterial looks like nanoplate with thicknesses of ˜10 nm and diameters near 100 nm. The photovoltaic characteristics of two types of nanomaterials are quite different. This study may contribute to the synthesis of CIS nanomaterials at low temperatures.

  7. Synthesizing Biomolecule-based Boolean Logic Gates

    PubMed Central

    Miyamoto, Takafumi; Razavi, Shiva; DeRose, Robert; Inoue, Takanari


    One fascinating recent avenue of study in the field of synthetic biology is the creation of biomolecule-based computers. The main components of a computing device consist of an arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, memory, and the input and output devices. Boolean logic gates are at the core of the operational machinery of these parts, hence to make biocomputers a reality, biomolecular logic gates become a necessity. Indeed, with the advent of more sophisticated biological tools, both nucleic acid- and protein-based logic systems have been generated. These devices function in the context of either test tubes or living cells and yield highly specific outputs given a set of inputs. In this review, we discuss various types of biomolecular logic gates that have been synthesized, with particular emphasis on recent developments that promise increased complexity of logic gate circuitry, improved computational speed, and potential clinical applications. PMID:23526588

  8. Synthesizing biomolecule-based Boolean logic gates.


    Miyamoto, Takafumi; Razavi, Shiva; DeRose, Robert; Inoue, Takanari


    One fascinating recent avenue of study in the field of synthetic biology is the creation of biomolecule-based computers. The main components of a computing device consist of an arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, memory, and the input and output devices. Boolean logic gates are at the core of the operational machinery of these parts, and hence to make biocomputers a reality, biomolecular logic gates become a necessity. Indeed, with the advent of more sophisticated biological tools, both nucleic acid- and protein-based logic systems have been generated. These devices function in the context of either test tubes or living cells and yield highly specific outputs given a set of inputs. In this review, we discuss various types of biomolecular logic gates that have been synthesized, with particular emphasis on recent developments that promise increased complexity of logic gate circuitry, improved computational speed, and potential clinical applications.

  9. A ROM-Less Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on Hybrid Polynomial Approximation

    PubMed Central

    Omran, Qahtan Khalaf; Islam, Mohammad Tariqul; Misran, Norbahiah; Faruque, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal


    In this paper, a novel design approach for a phase to sinusoid amplitude converter (PSAC) has been investigated. Two segments have been used to approximate the first sine quadrant. A first linear segment is used to fit the region near the zero point, while a second fourth-order parabolic segment is used to approximate the rest of the sine curve. The phase sample, where the polynomial changed, was chosen in such a way as to achieve the maximum spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). The invented direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS) has been encoded in VHDL and post simulation was carried out. The synthesized architecture exhibits a promising result of 90 dBc SFDR. The targeted structure is expected to show advantages for perceptible reduction of hardware resources and power consumption as well as high clock speeds. PMID:24892092

  10. Gas-sensing enhancement methods for hydrothermal synthesized SnO2-based sensors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Yalei; Zhang, Wenlong; Yang, Bin; Liu, Jingquan; Chen, Xiang; Wang, Xiaolin; Yang, Chunsheng


    Gas sensing for hydrothermal synthesized SnO2-based gas sensors can be enhanced in three ways: structural improvement, composition optimization, and processing improvement. There have been zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and three-dimensional structures reported in the literature. Controllable synthesis of different structures has been deployed to increase specific surface area. Change of composition would intensively tailor the SnO2 structure, which affected the gas-sensing performance. Furthermore, doping and compounding methods have been adopted to promote gas-sensing performance by adjusting surface conditions of SnO2 crystals and constructing heterojunctions. As for processing area, it is very important to find the optimal reaction time and temperature. In this paper, a gas-solid reaction rate constant was proposed to evaluate gas-sensing properties and find an excellent hydrothermal synthesized SnO2-based gas sensor.

  11. Structural analysis of nanocrystalline ZnTe alloys synthesized by melt quenching technique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Singh, Harinder; Singh, Tejbir; Thakur, Anup; Sharma, Jeewan


    Nanocrystalline ZnxTe100-x (x=0, 5, 20, 30, 40, 50) alloys have been synthesized using melt quenching technique. Energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) has been used to verify the elemental composition of samples. Various absorption modes are recorded from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirming the formation of ZnTe. The structural study has been performed using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) method. All synthesized samples have been found to be nanocrystalline in nature with average crystallite size in the range from 49.3 nm to 77.1 nm. Results have shown that Zn0Te100 exhibits hexagonal phase that transforms into a cubic ZnTe phase as the amount of zinc is increased. Pure ZnTe phase has been obtained for x = 50. The texture coefficient (Tc) has been calculated to find the prominent orientations of different planes.

  12. Outcomes of interfacility critical care adult patient transport: a systematic review

    PubMed Central

    Fan, Eddy; MacDonald, Russell D; Adhikari, Neill KJ; Scales, Damon C; Wax, Randy S; Stewart, Thomas E; Ferguson, Niall D


    Introduction We aimed to determine the adverse events and important prognostic factors associated with interfacility transport of intubated and mechanically ventilated adult patients. Methods We performed a systematic review of MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE, CINAHL, HEALTHSTAR, and Web of Science (from inception until 10 January 2005) for all clinical studies describing the incidence and predictors of adverse events in intubated and mechanically ventilated adult patients undergoing interfacility transport. The bibliographies of selected articles were also examined. Results Five studies (245 patients) met the inclusion criteria. All were case-series and two were prospective in design. Due to the paucity of studies and significant heterogeneity in study population, outcome events, and results, we synthesized data in a qualitative manner. Pre-transport severity of illness was reported in only one study. The most common indication for transport was a need for investigations and/or specialist care (three studies, 220 patients). Transport modalities included air (fixed or rotor wing; 66% of patients) and ground (31%) ambulance, and commercial aircraft (3%). Transport teams included a physician in three studies (220 patients). Death during transfer was rare (n = 1). No other adverse events or significant therapeutic interventions during transport were reported. One study reported a 19% (28/145) incidence of respiratory alkalosis on arrival and another study documented a 30% overall intensive care unit mortality, while no adverse events or outcomes were reported after arrival in the three other studies. Conclusion Insufficient data exist to draw firm conclusions regarding the mortality, morbidity, or risk factors associated with the interfacility transport of intubated and mechanically ventilated adult patients. Further study is required to define the risks and benefits of interfacility transfer in this patient population. Such information is important for the planning and

  13. Anticerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Activity of Synthesized Puerarin Derivatives

    PubMed Central

    Ji, Yubin; Yan, Xinjia


    When cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury happened in patients, multiple pathological processes occur, such as leukocyte infiltration, platelet, and complement activation, which would result in cognitive dysfunction and inflammation. Puerarin has shown protective effect on injury of neural cell. In order to enhance this protective effect of puerarin, puerarin derivatives with different log⁡P values were designed and synthesized. The original phenolic hydroxyl in the puerarin molecules was substituted in order to change the blood-brain barrier permeability and thus enhance the efficacy for preventing cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. And the structure of the newly synthesized molecules was confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The mouse model of cerebral artery ischemia/reperfusion injury was established to test the anticerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury activity of the puerarin derivatives. The assays of the water maze, Y maze, brain cortex Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzyme, and iNOS enzyme activity were performed in this mouse model. The results showed that puerarin derivative P1-EA and P2-EA were resulting in an increased lipophilicity that enabled the derivatives to pass more efficiently through the blood-brain barrier, thus, improving the protective effects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, derivatives of puerarin may serve as promising approach to improve neuron function in ischemia-reperfusion brain injury-related disorders. PMID:27807543

  14. Characterization of hematite nanoparticles synthesized via two different pathways

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Das, Soumya; Hendry, M. Jim


    Hematite is one of the most common and thermodynamically stable iron oxides found in both natural and anthropogenic systems. Owing to its ubiquity, stability, moderate specific surface area, and ability to sequester metals and metalloids from aquatic systems, it has been the subject of a large number of adsorption studies published during the past few decades. Although preparation techniques are known to affect the surface morphology of hematite nanoparticles, the effects of aging under environmentally relevant conditions have yet to be tested with respect to surface morphology, surface area, and adsorptive capacity. We prepared hematite via two different pathways and aged it under highly alkaline conditions encountered in many mill tailings settings. Crystal habits and morphologies of the hematite nanoparticles were analyzed via scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analyses were also conducted on the hematite nanoparticles before and after aging. The hematite synthesized via an Fe(III) salt solution (average particle size 37 nm) was morphologically and structurally different from the hematite synthesized via ferrihydrite aging (average particle size 144 nm). Overall, our data demonstrate that the crystallinity of hematite produced via ferrihydrite transformation is susceptible to morphological alterations/modifications. In contrast, the hematite formed via hydrolysis of an Fe(III) salt solution remains very stable in terms of structure, size, and morphology even under extreme experimental conditions.

  15. Teacher Ethics as a Research Problem: Syntheses Achieved and New Issues

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Colnerud, Gunnel


    Research on teacher ethics and the moral dimensions of teaching has contributed to extensive and valuable knowledge, which has sometimes led to constructive syntheses of positions. Four research problems which have been elucidated are discussed in this article: the relationship between care and justice, the conflict between the ethics of virtue…

  16. A mega-ethnography of eleven qualitative evidence syntheses exploring the experience of living with chronic non-malignant pain.


    Toye, Fran; Seers, Kate; Hannink, Erin; Barker, Karen


    Each year over five million people develop chronic non-malignant pain and can experience healthcare as an adversarial struggle. The aims of this study were: (1) to bring together qualitative evidence syntheses that explore patients' experience of living with chronic non-malignant pain and develop conceptual understanding of what it is like to live with chronic non-malignant pain for improved healthcare; (2) to undertake the first mega-ethnography of qualitative evidence syntheses using the methods of meta-ethnography. We used the seven stages of meta-ethnography refined for large studies. The innovation of mega-ethnography is to use conceptual findings from qualitative evidence syntheses as primary data. We searched 7 bibliographic databases from inception until February 2016 to identify qualitative evidence syntheses that explored patients' experience of living with chronic non-malignant pain. We identified 82 potential studies from 556 titles, screened 34 full text articles and included 11 qualitative evidence syntheses synthesising a total of 187 qualitative studies reporting more than 5000 international participants living with chronic pain. We abstracted concepts into 7 conceptual categories: (1) my life is impoverished and confined; (2) struggling against my body to be me; (3) the quest for the diagnostic 'holy grail'; (4) lost personal credibility; (5) trying to keep up appearances; (6) need to be treated with dignity; and (7) deciding to end the quest for the grail is not easy. Each conceptual category was supported by at least 7 of the 11 qualitative evidence syntheses. This is the first mega-ethnography, or synthesis of qualitative evidence syntheses using the methods of meta-ethnography. Findings help us to understand that the decision to end the quest for a diagnosis can leave patients feeling vulnerable and this may contribute to the adversarial nature of the clinical encounter. This knowledge demonstrates that treating a patient with a sense that they

  17. Synthesized Mammography: Clinical Evidence, Appearance, and Implementation.


    Durand, Melissa A


    Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has improved conventional mammography by increasing cancer detection while reducing recall rates. However, these benefits come at the cost of increased radiation dose. Synthesized mammography (s2D) has been developed to provide the advantages of DBT with nearly half the radiation dose. Since its F.D.A. approval, multiple studies have evaluated the clinical performance of s2D. In clinical practice, s2D images are not identical to conventional 2D images and are designed for interpretation with DBT as a complement. This article reviews the present literature to assess whether s2D is a practical alternative to conventional 2D, addresses the differences in mammographic appearance of findings, and provides suggestions for implementation into clinical practice.

  18. Structure of the enzymatically synthesized fructan inulin.


    Heyer, A G; Schroeer, B; Radosta, S; Wolff, D; Czapla, S; Springer, J


    Construction, purification and characterization of a fusion protein of maltose-binding protein of Escherichia coli and the fructosyltransferase of Streptococcus mutans is described. With the purified protein, in vitro synthesis of inulin was performed. The obtained polysaccharide was characterized by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and static light scattering (SLS) in dilute aqueous and dimethyl sulfoxide solution. For all samples very high molecular weights between 60 x 10(6) and 90 x 10(6) g/mol and a remarkable small polydispersity index of 1.1 have been determined. Small root-mean-square radii of gyration point to a compact conformation in dilute solution. No difference between native and enzymatically synthesized inulin was observed by X-ray powder diffraction and thermoanalysis of solid samples.

  19. Effective strategies for prevention, control, and treatment of obesity in primary health care setting for adolescents, adults, and elderly people: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Marques, Emanuele Souza; Leite, Tatiana Henriques; Azeredo, Catarina Machado; Cunha, Diana Barbosa; Verly Júnior, Eliseu


    It is unquestionable that obesity is a global epidemic and one of the main public health problems in the world. The management of obesity in Primary Health Care has an important role if being considered the magnitude and serious consequence of this problem. Despite this, there is no effective standard protocol for the treatment of this disease. Studies that synthesize and assess the effectiveness of strategies for prevention, control, and treatment of obesity in Primary Health Care setting are still scarce. The objective of this study is review and synthesize study evidence for obesity management strategies among adolescents, adults and elderly developed at the Primary Health Care worldwide. Seven electronic databases (Medline, Lilacs, Embase, Psycinfo, Cochrane, WHOLIS and Open Gray) will be searched with no date limit for identification of clinical trials examining the effectiveness of prevention, control and treatment of obesity in Primary Health Care. As primary outcome will be changes in body weight. As secondary outcomes will be body mass index, body adiposity, waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio. Two independent authors will perform the selection of studies, data extraction, and the assessment of risk of bias. The results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. This systematic review will be first to synthesize scientific evidence for obesity management strategies at Primary Health Care among adolescents, adults, and elderly. The review will benefit healthcare professionals and policymakers. Ethical approval is not required in this study because the data used include peer-reviewed publications, which do not comprise any information that could identify subjects. PROSPERO (CRD42018092416).

  20. Assistant template and co-template agents in modeling mesoporous silicas and post-synthesizing organofunctionalizations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Oliveira, Vaeudo V.; Airoldi, Claudio, E-mail:


    Mesoporous SBA-16 silicas were synthesized through a direct methodology using the template (F127) combined with co-templates (ethanol and n-butanol), with tetraethylorthosilicate as the silica source. These ordered mesoporous silica were characterized by elemental analyses, infrared spectroscopy, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance for {sup 13}C (CP/MAS) and {sup 29}Si (HP/DEC) nuclei, nitrogen sorption/desorption processes, small angle X-ray analyses (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). SAXS and TEM results confirmed the space group Im3m and cubic 3D symmetry, typical for highly ordered SBA-16. The sorption/desorption data for SBA-16 and when functionalized gave type IV isotherms, with hysteresis loop H2. Surface areas of 836;more » 657 and 618 m{sup 2} g{sup -1} and average pore diameters of 7.99; 8.10 and 9.85 nm, for SBA-16A, SBA-16B and SBA-16C were obtained, respectively. When functionalized the silicas presented a reduction in surface area, pore volume and pore diameter due to the pendant chains that interfere with nitrogen sorption in these measurements. The co-template ethanol favors the ordered mesopores with highest wall thicknesses. - Graphical Abstract: The mesoporous SBA-16 can be synthesized from binary (F127/TEOS) or ternary (F127/alcohol/TEOs) systems to give well-ordered mesoporous silicas. The co-templates ethanol or butanol gave the final material with highest wall thickness, mainly with ethanol. After these syntheses the pores were successfully organofunctionalized to give a good incorporation of the silylating agents. The final silicas presented of well-arranged solid characteristics as expressing by three distinct peaks, as indexed by the corresponding planes. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Syntheses of mesoporous silicas by using ternary (F127/agent/TEOS) and binary (F127/TEOS) systems. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Use of co-templates to synthesize mesoporous silicas with larger wall thicknesses. Black

  1. Effects of ultrasonic treatment on zeolite NaA synthesized from by-product silica.


    Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Kantautas, Aras; Vaitkevičius, Vitoldas; Jakevičius, Leonas; Rudžionis, Žymantas; Paškevičius, Mantas


    The synthesis of zeolite NaA from silica by-product was carried out in the presence of 20 kHz ultrasound at room temperature. Zeolites obtained in this type of synthesis were compared to zeolites obtained by performing conventional static syntheses under similar conditions. The sonication effects on zeolite NaA synthesis were characterized by phase identification, crystallinity etc. The effects of different parameters such as crystallization time and initial materials preparation methods on the crystallinity and morphology of the synthesized zeolites were investigated. The final products were characterized by XRD and FT-IR. It was possible to obtain crystalline zeolite NaA from by-product silica in the presence of ultrasound. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Towards Methodologically Inclusive Research Syntheses: Expanding Possibilities. Routledge Research in Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Suri, Harsh


    Primary research in education and social sciences is marked by a diversity of methods and perspectives. How can we accommodate and reflect such diversity at the level of synthesizing research? What are the critical methodological decisions in the process of a research synthesis, and how do these decisions open up certain possibilities, while…

  3. Efficacy of plant-mediated synthesized silver nanoparticles against hematophagous parasites.


    Jayaseelan, Chidambaram; Rahuman, Abdul Abdul; Rajakumar, Govindasamy; Santhoshkumar, Thirunavukkarasu; Kirthi, Arivarasan Vishnu; Marimuthu, Sampath; Bagavan, Asokan; Kamaraj, Chinnaperumal; Zahir, Abdul Abduz; Elango, Gandhi; Velayutham, Kanayairam; Rao, Kokati Venkata Bhaskara; Karthik, Loganathan; Raveendran, Sankariah


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the acaricidal and larvicidal activity against the larvae of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neumann (Acarina: Ixodidae) and larvae of hematophagous fly Hippobosca maculata Leach (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) and against the fourth-instar larvae of malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi Liston, Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) of synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) utilizing aqueous leaf extract from Musa paradisiaca L. (Musaceae). The color of the extract changed to light brown within an hour, and later it changed to dark brown during the 30-min incubation period. AgNPs results were recorded from UV-vis spectrum at 426 nm; Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis confirmed that the bioreduction of Ag(+) ions to silver nanoparticles are due to the reduction by capping material of plant extract, X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns clearly illustrates that the nanoparticles formed in the present synthesis are crystalline in nature and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) support the biosynthesis and characterization of AgNPs with rod in shape and size of 60-150 nm. After reaction, the XRD pattern of AgNPs showed diffraction peaks at 2θ = 34.37°, 38.01°, 44.17°, 66.34° and 77.29° assigned to the (100), (111), (102), (110) and (120) planes, respectively, of a faced centre cubic (fcc) lattice of silver were obtained. For electron microscopic studies, a 25 μl sample was sputter-coated on copper stub, and the images of nanoparticles were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The spot EDX analysis showed the complete chemical composition of the synthesized AgNPs. The parasite larvae were exposed to varying concentrations of aqueous extract of M. paradisiaca and synthesized AgNPs for 24 h. In the present study, the percent mortality of aqueous extract of M. paradisiaca were 82, 71, 46, 29, 11 and 78, 66, 38, 31and 16 observed in the concentrations of 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 mg

  4. Effective removal of hydrogen sulfide using 4A molecular sieve zeolite synthesized from attapulgite.


    Liu, Xinpeng; Wang, Rui


    In this work, 4A molecular sieve zeolite was synthesized from attapulgite (ATP) in different conditions and was applied initially for H 2 S removal. The sorbent was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectra and N 2 adsorption/desorption. The effects of the synthesis condition and adsorption temperature were studied by dynamic adsorption experiment. The optimal adsorption temperature is 50°C. The H 2 S adsorption results have showed that the optimal synthesis conditions are as follows: the ratio of silicon to aluminum and ratio of sodium to silicon are both 1.5, the ratio of water to sodium is 30, crystallization temperature and crystallization time is 90°C, 4h, respectively. The breakthrough and saturation sulfur sorption capacities of zeolite synthesized under optimum conditions are up to nearly 10 and 15mg/g-sorbent, respectively, and the H 2 S removal rate is nearly 100%. The adsorption kinetics nonlinear fitting results show that the adsorption system follows Bingham model. These results indicate that 4A molecular sieve zeolite synthesized from attapulgite can be used for H 2 S removal promisingly. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Uncapped silver nanoparticles synthesized by DC arc thermal plasma technique for conductor paste formulation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shinde, Manish; Pawar, Amol; Karmakar, Soumen; Seth, Tanay; Raut, Varsha; Rane, Sunit; Bhoraskar, Sudha; Amalnerkar, Dinesh


    Uncapped silver nanoparticles were synthesized by DC arc thermal plasma technique. The synthesized nanoparticles were structurally cubic and showed wide particle size variation (between 20-150 nm). Thick film paste formulated from such uncapped silver nanoparticles was screen-printed on alumina substrates and the resultant `green' films were fired at different firing temperatures. The films fired at 600 °C revealed better microstructure properties and also yielded the lowest value of sheet resistance in comparison to those corresponding to conventional peak firing temperature of 850 °C. Our findings directly support the role of silver nanoparticles in substantially depressing the operative peak firing temperature involved in traditional conductor thick films technology.

  6. Two isomeric lead(II) carboxylate-phosphonates: syntheses, crystal structures and characterizations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lei, Chong; Mao, Jiang-Gao; Sun, Yan-Qiong


    Two isomeric layered lead(II) carboxylate-phosphonates of N-(phosphonomethyl)- N-methyl glycine ([MeN(CH 2CO 2H)(CH 2PO 3H 2)]=H 3L), namely, monoclinic Pb 3L 2·H 2O 1 and triclinic Pb 3L 2·H 2O 2, have been synthesized and structurally determined. Compound 1 synthesized by hydrothermal reaction at 150°C is monoclinic, space group C2/ c with a=19.9872(6), b=11.9333(1) and c=15.8399(4) Å, β=110.432(3)°, V=3540.3(1) Å 3, and Z=8. The structure of compound 1 features a <400> layer in which the lead(II) ions are bridged by both phosphonate and carboxylate groups. The lattice water molecules are located between the layers, forming hydrogen bonds with the non-coordinated carboxylate oxygen atoms. Compound 2 with a same empirical formula as compound 1 was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction at 170°C. It has a different layer structure from that of compound 1 due to the adoption of a different coordination mode for the ligand. It crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P 1¯ with cell parameters of a=7.1370(6), b=11.522(1), c=11.950(1) Å, α=110.280(2), β=91.625(2), γ=95.614(2)°, V=915.3(1) Å 3 and Z=2. The structure of compound 2 features a <020> metal carboxylate-phosphonate double layer built from 1D lead(II) carboxylate chains interconnected with 1D lead(II) phosphonate double chains. XRD powder patterns of compounds 1 and 2 indicate that each compound exists as a single phase.

  7. End user and implementer experiences of mHealth technologies for noncommunicable chronic disease management in young adults: a qualitative systematic review protocol.


    Slater, Helen; Briggs, Andrew; Stinson, Jennifer; Campbell, Jared M


    The objective of this review is to systematically identify, review and synthesize relevant qualitative research on end user and implementer experiences of mobile health (mHealth) technologies developed for noncommunicable chronic disease management in young adults. "End users" are defined as young people aged 15-24 years, and "implementers" are defined as health service providers, clinicians, policy makers and administrators.The two key questions we wish to systematically explore from identified relevant qualitative studies or studies with qualitative components are.

  8. Antibacterial and cytotoxic effect of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles using aqueous root extract of Erythrina indica lam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rathi Sre, P. R.; Reka, M.; Poovazhagi, R.; Arul Kumar, M.; Murugesan, K.


    Simple, yet an effective and rapid approach for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) using root extract of Erythrina indica and its in vitro antibacterial activity was tried against human pathogenic bacteria and its cytotoxic effect in breast and lung cancer cell lines has been demonstrated in this study. Various instrumental techniques were adopted to characterize the synthesized Ag NPs viz. UV-Vis (Ultra violet), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared), XRD (X-ray diffraction), DLS (Dynamic light scattering), HR TEM (High-resolution transmission electron microscopy), EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy). Surface plasmon spectra for Ag NPs are centered nearly at 438 nm with dark brown color. FTIR analysis revealed the presence of terpenes, phenol, flavonols and tannin act as effective reducing and capping agents for converting silver nitrate to Ag NPs. The synthesized Ag NPs were found to be spherical in shape with size in the range of 20-118 nm. Moreover, the synthesized Ag NPs showed potent antibacterial activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and these biologically synthesized nanoparticles were also proved to exhibit excellent cytotoxic effect on breast and lung cancer cell lines.

  9. Microalgae associated Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 as the nano particle synthesizing unit to produce antimicrobial silver nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rajamanickam, Karthic; Sudha, S. S.; Francis, Mebin; Sowmya, T.; Rengaramanujam, J.; Sivalingam, Periyasamy; Prabakar, Kandasamy


    The biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antimicrobial property was studied using bacteria isolated from Spirulina products. Isolated bacteria were identified as Bacillus sp. MSK 1 (JX495945), Staphylococcus sp. MSK 2 (JX495946), Bacillus sp. MSK 3 (JX495947) and Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 (JX495948). Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized using bacterial culture filtrate with AgNO3. The initial syntheses of Ag nanoparticles were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometer (by measuring the color change to intense brown). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) study showed evidence that proteins are possible reducing agents and Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) study showing the metal silver as major signal. The structure of AgNPs was determined by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Synthesized Ag nanoparticles with an average size of 40-65 nm have antimicrobial property against human pathogens like Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholera, Streptococcus sp., Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. Among the isolates Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 alone showed good activity in both synthesis of AgNPs and antimicrobial activity. This work demonstrates the possible use of biological synthesized silver nanoparticles to combat the drug resistant problem.

  10. Newly synthesized and recycling pools of the apical protein gp135 do not occupy the same compartments.


    Stoops, Emily H; Hull, Michael; Caplan, Michael J


    Polarized epithelial cells sort newly synthesized and recycling plasma membrane proteins into distinct trafficking pathways directed to either the apical or basolateral membrane domains. While the trans-Golgi network is a well-established site of protein sorting, increasing evidence indicates a key role for endosomes in the initial trafficking of newly synthesized proteins. Both basolateral and apical proteins have been shown to traverse endosomes en route to the plasma membrane. In particular, apical proteins traffic through either subapical early or recycling endosomes. Here we use the SNAP tag system to analyze the trafficking of the apical protein gp135, also known as podocalyxin. We show that newly synthesized gp135 traverses the apical recycling endosome, but not the apical early endosomes (AEEs). In contrast, post-endocytic gp135 is delivered to the AEE before recycling back to the apical membrane. The pathways pursued by the newly synthesized and recycling gp135 populations do not detectably intersect, demonstrating that the biosynthetic and post-endocytic pools of this protein are subjected to distinct sorting processes. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Exercise prescription after fragility fracture in older adults: a scoping review

    PubMed Central

    Feehan, Lynne M.; Beck, Charlotte A.; Harris, Susan R.; MacIntyre, Donna L.; Li, Linda C.


    Purpose To identify and chart research literature on safety, efficacy or effectiveness of exercise prescription following fracture in older adults. Methods We conducted a systematic, research-user-informed, scoping review. The population of interest was adults aged ≥ 45 years with any fracture. ‘Exercise prescription’ included post-fracture therapeutic exercise, physical activity or rehabilitation interventions. Eligible designs included knowledge synthesis studies, primary interventional studies and observational studies. Trained reviewers independently evaluated citations for inclusion. Results A total of 9415 citations were reviewed with 134 citations (119 unique studies) identified: 13 knowledge syntheses, 95 randomized or controlled clinical trials, and 11 ‘other’ designs, representing 74 articles on lower extremity fractures, 34 on upper extremity, eight on vertebral, and three on mixed body region fractures. Exercise prescription characteristics were often missing or poorly described. Six general categories emerged describing exercise prescription characteristics: timing post-fracture, person prescribing, program design, functional focus, exercise script parameters and co-interventions. Upper extremity and ankle fracture studies focused on fracture healing or structural impairment outcomes, whereas hip fracture studies focused more on activity limitation outcomes. The variety of different outcome measures used made pooling or comparison of outcomes difficult. Conclusions There was insufficient information to identify evidence-informed parameters for safe and effective exercise prescription for older adults following fracture. Key gaps in the literature include limited numbers of studies on exercise prescription following vertebral fracture, poor delineation of effectiveness of different strategies for early post-fracture mobilization following upper extremity fracture, and inconsistent details of exercise prescription characteristics after lower

  12. Sonocatalytic removal of naproxen by synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles on montmorillonite.


    Karaca, Melike; Kıranşan, Murat; Karaca, Semra; Khataee, Alireza; Karimi, Atefeh


    ZnO/MMT nanocomposite as sonocatalyst was prepared by immobilizing synthesized ZnO on the montmorillonite surface. The characteristics of as-prepared nanocomposite were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The synthesized samples were used as a catalyst for sonocatalytic degradation of naproxen. ZnO/MMT catalyst in the presence of ultrasound irradiation was more effective compared to pure ZnO nanoparticles and MMT particles in the sonocatalysis of naproxen. The effect of different operational parameters on the sonocatalytic degradation of naproxen including initial drug concentration, sonocatalyst dosage, solution pH, ultrasonic power and the presence of organic and inorganic scavengers were evaluated. It was found that the presence of the scavengers suppressed the sonocatalytic degradation efficiency. The reusability of the nanocomposite was examined in several consecutive runs, and the degradation efficiency decreased only 2% after 5 repeated runs. The main intermediates of naproxen degradation were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-Mass). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Improving thermostability of phosphatidylinositol-synthesizing Streptomyces phospholipase D.


    Damnjanović, Jasmina; Takahashi, Rie; Suzuki, Atsuo; Nakano, Hideo; Iwasaki, Yugo


    Aimed to produce thermostable phosphatidylinositol (PI)-synthesizing phospholipase D (PLD), we initiated site-directed combinatorial mutagenesis followed by high-throughput screening. Previous site-directed combinatorial mutagenesis of wild-type Streptomyces PLD produced a mutant, DYR (W187D/Y191Y/Y385R) with PI-synthesizing ability. Deriving PI as a product of transphosphatidylation between phosphatidylcholine and myo-inositol, with myo-inositol in excess at high-temperature reaction conditions can increase yield due to enhanced solubility of this substrate. Thus, we improved DYR's thermostability by introduction of random mutations into selected amino acid positions having high B-factor. Screening of the libraries under restricted conditions yielded single-point mutants, specifically D40H, T291Y and R329G. Combinations of these point mutations yielded double (D40H/T291Y, D40H/R329G and T291Y/R329G) and triple (D40H/T291Y/R329G) mutants. PI synthesis at elevated temperatures pointed at D40H/T291Y as the most efficient enzyme. Circular dichroism analysis revealed D40H/T291Y to have increased melting temperature and postponed onset of thermal unfolding compared with DYR. Thermal tolerance study at 65°C confirmed D40H/T291Y's thermostability as its half-inactivation time was 8.7 min longer compared with DYR. This mutant had significantly less root-mean-square deviation change compared with DYR and showed no change in root-mean-square fluctuation when temperature shifts from 40 to 60°C, as determined by molecular dynamics analysis. Acquired different degrees of thermostability were also observed for several other DYR mutants.

  14. A review on methods of synthesizing nanostructures TiO2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Munirah, S.; Nadzirah, Sh.; Khusaimi, Z.; Fazlena, H.; Rusop, M.


    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a well-known materials and being extensively investigated due to the stability of the chemical structure, optical, physical, and electrical properties, also its biocompatibility. There are a lot of efforts have been done to synthesis TiO2 since the previous years by using different kind of methods. In this review paper, we summarize the methods of synthesizing nanostructured TiO2.

  15. Structure of bicomponent particles synthesized from colliding metal clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kryzhevich, D. S.; Zolnikov, K. P.; Korchuganov, A. V.; Psakhie, S. G.


    Here, based on a molecular dynamics simulation with many-body interaction potentials, we consider several scenarios of the formation of bicomponent particles from colliding clusters in an electrical explosion of Cu and Ni wires. The data suggest that the structure of bicomponent particles depends largely on the explosion time of one wire with respect to the other and on the phase state of colliding clusters. Diagrams are presented demonstrating the dynamics of bicomponent particles with block structure synthesized from crystalline Ni and molten Cu clusters.

  16. Unraveling aminophosphine redox mechanisms for glovebox-free InP quantum dot syntheses.


    Laufersky, Geoffry; Bradley, Siobhan; Frécaut, Elian; Lein, Matthias; Nann, Thomas


    The synthesis of colloidal indium phosphide quantum dots (InP QDs) has always been plagued by difficulties arising from limited P3- sources. Being effectively restricted to the highly pyrophoric tris(trimethylsilyl) phosphine (TMS3P) creates complications for the average chemist and presents a significant risk for industrially scaled reactions. The adaptation of tris(dialkylamino) phosphines for these syntheses has garnered attention, as these new phosphines are much safer and can generate nanoparticles with competitive photoluminescence properties to those from (TMS)3P routes. Until now, the reaction mechanics of this precursor were elusive due to many experimental optimizations, such as the inclusion of a high concentration of zinc salts, being atypical of previous InP syntheses. Herein, we utilize density functional theory calculations to outline a logical reaction mechanism. The aminophosphine precursor is found to require activation by a zinc halide before undergoing a disproportionation reaction to self-reduce this P(iii) material to a P(-iii) source. We use this understanding to adapt this precursor for a two-pot nanoparticle synthesis in a noncoordinating solvent outside of glovebox conditions. This allowed us to generate spherical InP/ZnS nanoparticles possessing fluorescence quantum yields >55% and lifetimes as fast as 48 ns, with tunable emission according to varying zinc halide acidity. The development of high quality and efficient InP QDs with this safer aminophosphine in simple Schlenk environments will enable a broader range of researchers to synthesize these nontoxic materials for a variety of high-value applications.

  17. [Association between radiation from mobile phones and tumour risk in adults].


    Bielsa-Fernández, Patricia; Rodríguez-Martín, Beatriz

    To synthesize and analyse systematic reviews, case-control studies, cohort studies and meta-analysis that investigate the association between exposure to radiofrequency from mobile phones and the appearance of tumours in adults. A systematic search was conducted in Scopus, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, Medline and Cinahl of articles published in English and Spanish between January 2005 and February 2016 that analyse the risk of tumour associated with exposure to radiofrequency from mobile phones in adults. The recommendations of the PRISMA Declaration were followed, and the quality of the articles was analysed with the AMSTAR tool and the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. 1034 studies were found, fourteen of which were included. Most studies agree that it is not possible to determine a relationship in the short term, although long-term (over 10 years) radiofrequency emitted by mobile phones can cause tumour effects, with an increased risk by ipsilateral exposure and latency. Although radiofrequency from mobile phones has tumour effects on humans, the available scientific evidence is not robust. More rigorous follow-up studies with larger sample sizes and broader periods are necessary to learn more about the long-term effects. Copyright © 2017 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Effects of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on aortic blood pressure and aortic augmentation index in young and older adults.


    Hughes, William E; Ueda, Kenichi; Treichler, David P; Casey, Darren P


    Aging is associated with elevated blood pressure (peripheral and aortic; BP) and aortic augmentation index (AIx) which may contribute to aortic BP. Although inorganic nitrate consumption reduces peripheral BP in both young and older adults, the effects of nitrate consumption on aortic BP and wave reflection in young and older adults is unknown. Therefore, we sought to characterize the effects of nitrate consumption on aortic BP and AIx in young and older adults. Noninvasive aortic pressure waveforms were synthesized from high-fidelity radial pressure waveforms via applanation tonometry before and following (60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min) consumption of a nitrate-rich beetroot juice in 26 healthy adults (young: 25 ± 4 years, n = 14; older: 64 ± 5 years, n = 12). Aortic BP and indices of aortic wave reflection (AIx and AIx normalized for heart rate; AIx@75bpm) were calculated from the generated aortic pressure waveform. Nitrate consumption increased plasma nitrite in both groups 60-180 min following beetroot consumption (P < 0.001). Nitrate consumption reduced peripheral and aortic BP in both young and older adults (P < 0.05), with the change being similar between age groups. Conversely, indices of aortic wave reflection were reduced only in young adults following nitrate consumption (range of change from baseline over time: AIx@75bpm, -4.3 to -8.8%, P < 0.05), whereas aortic AIx remained unchanged in the older adults. Taken together, our results suggest that acute dietary nitrate supplementation reduces peripheral and aortic BP similarly in young and older adults despite differential effects on aortic AIx between age groups. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Method of synthesizing polymers from a solid electrolyte


    Skotheim, Terje A.


    A method of synthesizing electrically conductive polymers from a solvent-free solid polymer electrolyte wherein an assembly of a substrate having an electrode thereon, a thin coating of solid electrolyte including a solution of PEO complexed with an alkali salt, and a thin transparent noble metal electrode are disposed in an evacuated chamber into which a selected monomer vapor is introduced while an electric potential is applied across the solid electrolyte to hold the thin transparent electrode at a positive potential relative to the electrode on the substrate, whereby a highly conductive polymer film is grown on the transparent electrode between it and the solid electrolyte.

  20. Method of synthesizing polymers from a solid electrolyte


    Skotheim, T.A.


    A method of synthesizing electrically conductive polymers from a solvent-free solid polymer electrolyte is disclosed. An assembly of a substrate having an electrode thereon, a thin coating of solid electrolyte including a solution of PEO complexed with an alkali salt, and a thin transparent noble metal electrode are disposed in an evacuated chamber into which a selected monomer vapor is introduced while an electric potential is applied across the solid electrolyte to hold the thin transparent electrode at a positive potential relative to the electrode on the substrate, whereby a highly conductive polymer film is grown on the transparent electrode between it and the solid electrolyte.

  1. Social participation of teenagers and young adults with developmental co-ordination disorder and strategies that could help them: results from a scoping review.


    Gagnon-Roy, M; Jasmin, E; Camden, C


    The impact of developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) on teenagers' and young adults' participation is not well documented. This article aims to synthesize the current knowledge on social participation, which is the performance of an individual in realizing his or her daily activities and social roles within its life environment. Strategies and interventions to support youths (15-25 years old) with DCD were also synthesized. A scoping review interrogating three databases and using 'snowballing techniques' was performed to identify both scientific and grey literature published between 2004 and 2014. Over 1000 documents were screened and 57 were read in full; 28 met inclusion criteria. A charting form based on 12 life habits described in the disability creation process and developed by two reviewers was used to extract data and report the results. All life habits were reported to be affected for teenagers and young adults with DCD, with education and interpersonal relationships being the most frequently discussed. During adolescence and adulthood, new tasks and subsequent difficulties emerge, such as driving. Mental health difficulties emerged as a key theme. Few strategies and interventions were described to support social participation of youths with DCD. Many life habits are challenging for youths with DCD, but few evidence-based strategies and interventions have been designed to help them to increase their social participation. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Enantioselective modular synthesis of cyclohexenones: total syntheses of (+)-crypto- and (+)-infectocaryone.


    Franck, Géraldine; Brödner, Kerstin; Helmchen, Günter


    A modular synthesis of cyclohexenones is described and applied to the first enantioselective total syntheses of (+)-crypto- and (+)-infectocaryone. Key steps in the synthesis of cyclohexenones are an iridium-catalyzed allylic alkylation, nucleophilic allylation, and ring-closing metathesis. On the way to (+)-cryptocaryone, a catch and release strategy involving an iodolactonization/elimination and a regioselective C-acylation were used.

  3. A green chemistry approach for synthesizing biocompatible gold nanoparticles.


    Gurunathan, Sangiliyandi; Han, JaeWoong; Park, Jung Hyun; Kim, Jin-Hoi


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a fascinating class of nanomaterial that can be used for a wide range of biomedical applications, including bio-imaging, lateral flow assays, environmental detection and purification, data storage, drug delivery, biomarkers, catalysis, chemical sensors, and DNA detection. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles appears to be simple, cost-effective, non-toxic, and easy to use for controlling size, shape, and stability, which is unlike the chemically synthesized nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to synthesize homogeneous AuNPs using pharmaceutically important Ganoderma spp. We developed a simple, non-toxic, and green method for water-soluble AuNP synthesis by treating gold (III) chloride trihydrate (HAuCl4) with a hot aqueous extract of the Ganoderma spp. mycelia. The formation of biologically synthesized AuNPs (bio-AuNPs) was characterized by ultraviolet (UV)-visible absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the biocompatibility of as-prepared AuNPs was evaluated using a series of assays, such as cell viability, lactate dehydrogenase leakage, and reactive oxygen species generation (ROS) in human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). The color change of the solution from yellow to reddish pink and strong surface plasmon resonance were observed at 520 nm using UV-visible spectroscopy, and that indicated the formation of AuNPs. DLS analysis revealed the size distribution of AuNPs in liquid solution, and the average size of AuNPs was 20 nm. The size and morphology of AuNPs were investigated using TEM. The biocompatibility effect of as-prepared AuNPs was investigated in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells by using various concentrations of AuNPs (10 to 100 μM) for 24 h. Our findings suggest that AuNPs are non-cytotoxic and biocompatible. To the best of our knowledge

  4. A green chemistry approach for synthesizing biocompatible gold nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gurunathan, Sangiliyandi; Han, JaeWoong; Park, Jung Hyun; Kim, Jin-Hoi


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a fascinating class of nanomaterial that can be used for a wide range of biomedical applications, including bio-imaging, lateral flow assays, environmental detection and purification, data storage, drug delivery, biomarkers, catalysis, chemical sensors, and DNA detection. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles appears to be simple, cost-effective, non-toxic, and easy to use for controlling size, shape, and stability, which is unlike the chemically synthesized nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to synthesize homogeneous AuNPs using pharmaceutically important Ganoderma spp . We developed a simple, non-toxic, and green method for water-soluble AuNP synthesis by treating gold (III) chloride trihydrate (HAuCl4) with a hot aqueous extract of the Ganoderma spp . mycelia. The formation of biologically synthesized AuNPs (bio-AuNPs) was characterized by ultraviolet (UV)-visible absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the biocompatibility of as-prepared AuNPs was evaluated using a series of assays, such as cell viability, lactate dehydrogenase leakage, and reactive oxygen species generation (ROS) in human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). The color change of the solution from yellow to reddish pink and strong surface plasmon resonance were observed at 520 nm using UV-visible spectroscopy, and that indicated the formation of AuNPs. DLS analysis revealed the size distribution of AuNPs in liquid solution, and the average size of AuNPs was 20 nm. The size and morphology of AuNPs were investigated using TEM. The biocompatibility effect of as-prepared AuNPs was investigated in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells by using various concentrations of AuNPs (10 to 100 μM) for 24 h. Our findings suggest that AuNPs are non-cytotoxic and biocompatible. To the best of our knowledge

  5. Adult Learners.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brodzinski, Frederick R., Ed.; Shriberg, Arthur, Ed.


    Presents nine articles which provide a broad overview of issues and concerns related to the delivery of student services to adult learners. Specific topics include needs and interests of adult learners, marketing, special technology, adult resource centers, adult support groups, and the role of the chief student affairs officer. (JAC)

  6. Concrete Embedded Dye-Synthesized Photovoltaic Solar Cell

    PubMed Central

    Hosseini, T.; Flores-Vivian, I.; Sobolev, K.; Kouklin, N.


    This work presents the concept of a monolithic concrete-integrated dye-synthesized photovoltaic solar cell for optical-to-electrical energy conversion and on-site power generation. The transport measurements carried out in the dark revealed the presence of VOC of ~190 mV and ISC of ~9 μA, induced by the electrochemical conversion of concrete-supplied ionic impurities at the electrodes. The current-voltage measurements performed under illumination at incident optical powers of ~46 mW confirmed the generation of electrical power of ~0.64 μW with almost half generated via battery effect. This work presents a first step towards realizing the additional pathways to low-cost electrical power production in urban environments based on a combined use of organic dyes, nanotitania and concrete technology. PMID:24067664

  7. An Undergraduate Course in Adult Development: When the Virtual Adult Is an Adult

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Robert B.


    An aspect of an undergraduate psychology course on adult development was the preparation of case records on adults who consented to be studied. Participants (1) developed their abilities to observe and accurately record adult behavior across a variety of ages and contexts; (2) withheld judgments about behavior when evidence was lacking; (3)…

  8. Effect of chemically and biologically synthesized Ag nanoparticles on the algae growth inhibition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anna, Mražiková; Oksana, Velgosová; Jana, Kavuličová


    Over the past few years green methods for preparation of silver nanoparticles has become necessary due to its friendly influence on ecosystem. In the present work antimicrobial properties of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles (Bio-AgNPs) using green algae extract and chemically synthesized silver nanoparticles (Chem-AgNPs) using sodium citrate against algae Parachlorella kessleri is investigated. Both used Bio-AgNPs and Chem-AgNPs exhibit long-term stability as demonstrated by UV-vis spectroscopy measurements. The results revealed stronger toxic effects of Bio-AgNPs on agar plates what was confirmed clear inhibition zone around wells impregnated with Bio-AgNPs. On the other hand Bio-AgNPs were confirmed to be less toxic in aquatic environments for the growths of green algae P. kessleri comparing to Chem-AgNPs.

  9. Family Communication, Risk Perception and Cancer Knowledge of Young Adults from BRCA1/2 Families: a Systematic Review.


    Young, Alison L; Butow, Phyllis N; Vetsch, Janine; Quinn, Veronica F; Patenaude, Andrea F; Tucker, Katherine M; Wakefield, Claire E


    Understanding challenges in familial communication of cancer risk has informed genetic service delivery. Parent-child interactions have received considerable attention, but few studies focus on young adulthood experiences within BRCA1/2 families. Young adults are approaching, or at a life stage where awareness of hereditary cancer risk is vital for informed choice of risk management options. This review assesses family communication, risk perception and cancer knowledge held by 18-40 year old individuals who have a parent with a BRCA1/2 gene mutation or carry the gene mutation themselves. Thirteen papers met the inclusion criteria. One utilized a 'mixed methods' methodology and the remaining used a qualitative approach. Findings were synthesized into themes and reported narratively. In general, parents are communicating openly about genetic risk with young adult offspring, but there is evidence that some young adults are withholding information from their parents about their own test results. Risk perception is influenced by a family history of cancer, childbearing plans and health providers' advice. Misconceptions about genetic risk appear to be common and gaps in hereditary cancer knowledge are evident. It is unclear whether incorrect knowledge was passed from parents to offspring. Health providers need to provide developmentally appropriate services for emerging adults (18-25 years old), with particular support in navigating through risk management options.

  10. High-technology augmentative communication for adults with post-stroke aphasia: a systematic review.


    Russo, Maria Julieta; Prodan, Valeria; Meda, Natalia Nerina; Carcavallo, Lucila; Muracioli, Anibal; Sabe, Liliana; Bonamico, Lucas; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Olmos, Lisandro


    Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems were introduced into clinical practice by therapists to help compensate for persistent language deficits in people with aphasia. Although, there is currently a push towards an increased focus on compensatory approaches in an attempt to maximize communication function for social interaction, available studies including AAC systems, especially technologically advanced communication tools and systems, known as 'high-technology AAC', show key issues and obstacles for these tools to become utilized in mainstream clinical practice. Areas covered: The current review synthesizes communication intervention studies that involved the use of high-technology communication devices to enhance linguistic communication skills for adults with post-stroke aphasia. The review focuses on compensatory approaches that emphasized functional communication. It also summarizes recommendations for the report of studies evaluating high-technology devices that may be potentially relevant for other researchers working with adults with post-stroke aphasia. Expert commentary: Taken together with positive results in heterogeneous studies, high-technology devices represent a compensatory strategy to enhance communicative skills in individuals with post-stroke aphasia. Improvements in the design of studies and reporting of results may lead to better interpretation of the already existing scientific results from aphasia management.

  11. Stereocontrolled total syntheses of (±)-fawcettimine, (±)-lycoflexine, and (±)-lycoflexine N-oxide.


    Xu, Ke; Cheng, Bin; Li, Yun; Xu, Tingting; Yu, Cunming; Zhang, Jun; Ma, Zhiqiang; Zhai, Hongbin


    New stereocontrolled total syntheses of (±)-fawcettimine, (±)-lycoflexine, and (±)-lycoflexine N-oxide have been accomplished. The highlights include a one-pot annulation to construct the enedione and a microwave-promoted Diels-Alder reaction.

  12. Portable laser synthesizer for high-speed multi-dimensional spectroscopy


    Demos, Stavros G [Livermore, CA; Shverdin, Miroslav Y [Sunnyvale, CA; Shirk, Michael D [Brentwood, CA


    Portable, field-deployable laser synthesizer devices designed for multi-dimensional spectrometry and time-resolved and/or hyperspectral imaging include a coherent light source which simultaneously produces a very broad, energetic, discrete spectrum spanning through or within the ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared wavelengths. The light output is spectrally resolved and each wavelength is delayed with respect to each other. A probe enables light delivery to a target. For multidimensional spectroscopy applications, the probe can collect the resulting emission and deliver this radiation to a time gated spectrometer for temporal and spectral analysis.

  13. Carbon Nano-particle Synthesized by Pulsed Arc Discharge Method as a Light Emitting Device

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmadi, Ramin; Ahmadi, Mohamad Taghi; Ismail, Razali


    Owing to the specific properties such as high mobility, ballistic carrier transport and light emission, carbon nano-particles (CNPs) have been employed in nanotechnology applications. In the presented work, the CNPs are synthesized by using the pulsed arc discharge method between two copper electrodes. The rectifying behaviour of produced CNPs is explored by assuming an Ohmic contact between the CNPs and the electrodes. The synthesized sample is characterized by electrical investigation and modelling. The current-voltage ( I- V) relationship is investigated and bright visible light emission from the produced CNPs was measured. The electroluminescence (EL) intensity was explored by changing the distance between two electrodes. An incremental behaviour on EL by a resistance gradient and distance reduction is identified.

  14. Carbon Nano-particle Synthesized by Pulsed Arc Discharge Method as a Light Emitting Device

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmadi, Ramin; Ahmadi, Mohamad Taghi; Ismail, Razali


    Owing to the specific properties such as high mobility, ballistic carrier transport and light emission, carbon nano-particles (CNPs) have been employed in nanotechnology applications. In the presented work, the CNPs are synthesized by using the pulsed arc discharge method between two copper electrodes. The rectifying behaviour of produced CNPs is explored by assuming an Ohmic contact between the CNPs and the electrodes. The synthesized sample is characterized by electrical investigation and modelling. The current-voltage (I-V) relationship is investigated and bright visible light emission from the produced CNPs was measured. The electroluminescence (EL) intensity was explored by changing the distance between two electrodes. An incremental behaviour on EL by a resistance gradient and distance reduction is identified.

  15. In vitro toxicity test of nano-sized magnesium oxide synthesized via solid-phase transformation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Jun; Zhou, Wei


    Nano-sized magnesium oxide (MgO) has been a promising potential material for biomedical pharmaceuticals. In the present investigation, MgO nanoparticles synthesized through in-situ solid-phase transformation based on the previous work (nano-Mg(OH)2 prepared by precipitation technique) using magnesium nitrate and sodium hydroxide. The phase structure and morphology of the MgO nanoparticles are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), selected area electronic diffraction (SAED) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) respectively. In vitro hemolysis tests are adopted to evaluate the toxicity of the synthesized nano-MgO. The results evident that nano-MgO with lower concentration is slightly hemolytic, and with concentration increasing nano-MgO exhibit dose-responsive hemolysis.

  16. Reconfigurable firmware-defined radios synthesized from standard digital logic cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faisal, Muhammad; Park, Youngmin; Wentzloff, David D.


    This paper presents recent work on reconfigurable all-digital radio architectures. We leverage the flexibility and scalability of synthesized digital cells to construct reconfigurable radio architectures that consume significantly less power than a software defined radio implementing similar architectures. We present two prototypes of such architectures that can receive and demodulate FM and FRS band signals. Moreover, a radio architecture based on a reconfigurable alldigital phase-locked loop for coherent demodulation is presented.

  17. Electrochemically synthesized nanocrystalline spinel thin film for high performance supercapacitor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gupta, Vinay; Gupta, Shubhra; Miura, Norio

    Spinels are not known for their supercapacitive nature. Here, we have explored electrochemically synthesized nanostructured NiCo 2O 4 spinel thin-film electrode for electrochemical supercapacitors. The nanostructured NiCo 2O 4 spinel thin film exhibited a high specific capacitance value of 580 F g -1 and an energy density of 32 Wh kg -1 at the power density of 4 kW kg -1, accompanying with good cyclic stability.

  18. A theoretical approach for estimation of ultimate size of bimetallic nanocomposites synthesized in microemulsion systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Salabat, Alireza; Saydi, Hassan


    In this research a new idea for prediction of ultimate sizes of bimetallic nanocomposites synthesized in water-in-oil microemulsion system is proposed. In this method, by modifying Tabor Winterton approximation equation, an effective Hamaker constant was introduced. This effective Hamaker constant was applied in the van der Waals attractive interaction energy. The obtained effective van der Waals interaction energy was used as attractive contribution in the total interaction energy. The modified interaction energy was applied successfully to predict some bimetallic nanoparticles, at different mass fraction, synthesized in microemulsion system of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT)/isooctane.

  19. Methods for synthesizing alane without the formation of adducts and free of halides


    Zidan, Ragaiy; Knight, Douglas A; Dinh, Long V


    A process is provided to synthesize an alane without the formation of alane adducts as a precursor. The resulting product is a crystallized .alpha.-alane and is a highly stable product and is free of halides.

  20. Thermal and optical characterization of biologically synthesized ZnS nanoparticles synthesized from an endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavus: A colorimetric probe in metal detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Uddandarao, Priyanka; Balakrishnan, Raj Mohan


    Nanostructured semiconductor materials are of great importance for several technological applications due to their optical and thermal properties. The design and fabrication of metal sulfide nanoparticles with tunable properties for advanced applications have drawn a great deal of attention in the field of nanotechnology. ZnS is a potential II-IV group material which is used in hetero-junction solar cells, light emitting diodes, optoelectronic devices, electro luminescent devices and photovoltaic cells. Due to their multiple applications, there is a need to elucidate their thermal and optical properties. In the present study, thermal and optical properties of biologically synthesized ZnS nanoparticles are determined in detail with Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Derivative Thermogravimetric Analysis (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS), Photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopy. The results reveal that ZnS NPs exhibit a very strong quantum confinement with a significant increase in their optical band gap energy. These biologically synthesized ZnS NPs contain protein residues that can selectively bind with metal ions in aqueous solutions and can exhibit an aggregation-induced color change. This phenomenon is utilized to quantitatively measure the metal concentrations of Cu2 + and Mn2 + in this study. Further the stability of nanoparticles for the metal sensing process is accessed by UV-Vis spectrometer, zeta potential and cyclic voltammeter. The selectivity and sensitivity of ZnS NPs indicate its potential use as a sensor for metal detection in the ecosystem.

  1. Young adults as users of adult healthcare: experiences of young adults with complex or life-limiting conditions.


    Beresford, B; Stuttard, L


    Awareness is growing that young adults may have distinctive experiences of adult healthcare and that their needs may differ from those of other adult users. In addition, the role of adult health teams in supporting positive transitions from paediatrics is increasingly under discussion. This paper contributes to these debates. It reports a qualitative study of the experiences of young adults - all with complex chronic health conditions - as users of adult health services. Key findings from the study are reported, including an exploration of factors that help to explain interviewees' experiences. Study findings are discussed in the context of existing evidence from young adults in adult healthcare settings and theories of 'young adulthood'. Implications for training and practice are considered, and priorities for future research are identified. © 2014 Royal College of Physicians.

  2. Model-Based Referenceless Quality Metric of 3D Synthesized Images Using Local Image Description.


    Gu, Ke; Jakhetiya, Vinit; Qiao, Jun-Fei; Li, Xiaoli; Lin, Weisi; Thalmann, Daniel


    New challenges have been brought out along with the emerging of 3D-related technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). Free viewpoint video (FVV), due to its applications in remote surveillance, remote education, etc, based on the flexible selection of direction and viewpoint, has been perceived as the development direction of next-generation video technologies and has drawn a wide range of researchers' attention. Since FVV images are synthesized via a depth image-based rendering (DIBR) procedure in the "blind" environment (without reference images), a reliable real-time blind quality evaluation and monitoring system is urgently required. But existing assessment metrics do not render human judgments faithfully mainly because geometric distortions are generated by DIBR. To this end, this paper proposes a novel referenceless quality metric of DIBR-synthesized images using the autoregression (AR)-based local image description. It was found that, after the AR prediction, the reconstructed error between a DIBR-synthesized image and its AR-predicted image can accurately capture the geometry distortion. The visual saliency is then leveraged to modify the proposed blind quality metric to a sizable margin. Experiments validate the superiority of our no-reference quality method as compared with prevailing full-, reduced- and no-reference models.

  3. Intraindividual variability in cognitive performance in older adults: comparison of adults with mild dementia, adults with arthritis, and healthy adults.


    Hultsch, D F; MacDonald, S W; Hunter, M A; Levy-Bencheton, J; Strauss, E


    Intraindividual variability in latency and accuracy of cognitive performance across both trials and occasions was examined in 3 groups of older adults: healthy adults, adults with arthritis, and adults diagnosed with mild dementia. Participants completed 2 reaction-time and 2 episodic-memory tasks on 4 occasions. Results indicated that intraindividual variability in latency was greater in individuals diagnosed with mild dementia than in adults who were neurologically intact, regardless of their health status. Individual differences in variability were stable over time and across cognitive domains. Intraindividual variability was also related to level of performance and was uniquely predictive of neurological status, independent of level of performance. Results suggest that intraindividual variability may be a behavioral indicator of compromised neurological mechanisms.

  4. Microalgae associated Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 as the nano particle synthesizing unit to produce antimicrobial silver nanoparticles.


    Rajamanickam, Karthic; Sudha, S S; Francis, Mebin; Sowmya, T; Rengaramanujam, J; Sivalingam, Periyasamy; Prabakar, Kandasamy


    The biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antimicrobial property was studied using bacteria isolated from Spirulina products. Isolated bacteria were identified as Bacillus sp. MSK 1 (JX495945), Staphylococcus sp. MSK 2 (JX495946), Bacillus sp. MSK 3 (JX495947) and Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 (JX495948). Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized using bacterial culture filtrate with AgNO3. The initial syntheses of Ag nanoparticles were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometer (by measuring the color change to intense brown). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) study showed evidence that proteins are possible reducing agents and Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) study showing the metal silver as major signal. The structure of AgNPs was determined by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Synthesized Ag nanoparticles with an average size of 40-65 nm have antimicrobial property against human pathogens like Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholera, Streptococcus sp., Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. Among the isolates Brevundimonas sp. MSK 4 alone showed good activity in both synthesis of AgNPs and antimicrobial activity. This work demonstrates the possible use of biological synthesized silver nanoparticles to combat the drug resistant problem. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. β-Selective C-H arylation of pyrroles leading to concise syntheses of lamellarins C and I.


    Ueda, Kirika; Amaike, Kazuma; Maceiczyk, Richard M; Itami, Kenichiro; Yamaguchi, Junichiro


    The first general β-selective C-H arylation of pyrroles has been developed by using a rhodium catalyst. This C-H arylation reaction, which is retrosynthetically straightforward but results in unusual regioselectivity, could result in de novo syntheses of pyrrole-derived natural products and pharmaceuticals. As such, we have successfully synthesized polycyclic marine pyrrole alkaloids, lamellarins C and I, by using this β-selective arylation of pyrroles with aryl iodides (C-H/C-I coupling) and a new double C-H/C-H coupling as key steps.

  6. Lantibiotic engineering: molecular characterization and exploitation of lantibiotic-synthesizing enzymes for peptide engineering.


    Nagao, Jun-ichi; Aso, Yuji; Shioya, Kouki; Nakayama, Jiro; Sonomoto, Kenji


    Lanthionine-containing peptide antibiotics called lantibiotics are produced by a large number of Gram-positive bacteria. Nukacin ISK-1 produced by Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1 is type-A(II) lantibiotic. Ribosomally synthesized nukacin ISK-1 prepeptide (NukA) consists of an N-terminal leader peptide followed by a C-terminal propeptide moiety that undergoes several post-translational modification events including unusual amino acid formation by the modification enzyme NukM, cleavage of leader peptide and export by the dual functional ABC transporter NukT, finally yielding a biologically active peptide. Unusual amino acids in lantibiotics contribute to biological activity and also structural stability against proteases. Thus, lantibiotic-synthesizing enzymes have a high potentiality for peptide engineering by introduction of unusual amino acids into desired peptides with altering biological and physicochemical properties, e.g., activity and stability, termed lantibiotic engineering. We report the establishment of a heterologous expression of nukacin ISK-1 biosynthetic gene cluster by the nisin-controlled expression system and discuss our recent progress in understanding of the biosynthetic enzymes for nukacin ISK-1 such as localization, molecular interaction in biophysical and biochemical aspects. Substrate specificity of the lantibiotic-synthesizing enzymes was evaluated by complementation of the biosynthetic enzymes (LctM and LctT) of closely related lantibiotic lacticin 481 for nukacin ISK-1 biosynthesis. We further explored a rapid and powerful tool for introduction of unusual amino acids by co-expression of hexa-histidine-tagged NukA and NukM in Escherichia coli.

  7. Observation of magnetic anomalies in one-step solvothermally synthesized nickel-cobalt ferrite nanoparticles.


    Datt, Gopal; Sen Bishwas, Mousumi; Manivel Raja, M; Abhyankar, A C


    Magnetic anomalies corresponding to the Verwey transition and reorientation of anisotropic vacancies are observed at 151 K and 306 K, respectively, in NiCoFe2O4 nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by a modified-solvothermal method followed by annealing. Cationic disorder and spherical shape induced non-stoichiometry suppress the Verwey transition in the as-synthesized NPs. On the other hand, reorientation of anisotropic vacancies is quite robust. XRD and electron microscopy investigations confirm a single phase spinel structure and the surface morphology of the as-synthesized NPs changes from spherical to octahedral upon annealing. Rietveld analysis reveals that the Ni(2+) ions migrate from tetrahedral (A) to octahedral (B) sites upon annealing. The Mössbauer results show canted spins in both the NPs and the strength of superexchange is stronger in Co-O-Fe than Ni-O-Fe. Magnetic force images show that the as-synthesised NPs are single-domain whereas the annealed NPs are multi-domain octahedral particles. The FMR study reveals that both the NPs have a broad FMR line-width; and resonance properties are consistent with the random anisotropy model. The broad inhomogeneous FMR line-width, observation of the Verwey transition, tuning of the magnetic domain structure as well as the magnetic properties suggest that the NiCoFe2O4 ferrite NPs may be promising for future generation spintronics, magneto-electronics, and ultra-high-density recording media as well as for radar absorbing applications.

  8. Stabilization and Augmentation of Circulating AIM in Mice by Synthesized IgM-Fc

    PubMed Central

    Kai, Toshihiro; Yamazaki, Tomoko; Arai, Satoko; Miyazaki, Toru


    Owing to rapid and drastic changes in lifestyle and eating habits in modern society, obesity and obesity-associated diseases are among the most important public health problems. Hence, the development of therapeutic approaches to regulate obesity is strongly desired. In view of previous work showing that apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM) blocks lipid storage in adipocytes, thereby preventing obesity caused by a high-fat diet, we here explored a strategy to augment circulating AIM levels. We synthesized the Fc portion of the soluble human immunoglobulin (Ig)M heavy chain and found that it formed a pentamer containing IgJ as natural IgM does, and effectively associated with AIM in vitro. When we injected the synthesized Fc intravenously into mice lacking circulating IgM, it associated with endogenous mouse AIM, protecting AIM from renal excretion and preserving the circulating AIM levels. As the synthesized Fc lacked the antigen-recognizing variable region, it provoked no undesired immune response. In addition, a challenge with the Fc-human AIM complex in wild-type mice, which exhibited normal levels of circulating IgM and AIM, successfully maintained the levels of the human AIM in mouse blood. We also observed that the human AIM was effectively incorporated into adipocytes in visceral fat tissue, suggesting its functionality against obesity. Thus, our findings reveal potent strategies to safely increase AIM levels, which could form the basis for developing novel therapies for obesity. PMID:24804991

  9. Water linked 3D coordination polymers: Syntheses, structures and applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Singh, Suryabhan, E-mail:; Bhim, Anupam


    Three new coordination polymers (CPs) based on Cd and Pb, [Cd(OBA)(μ-H{sub 2}O)(H{sub 2}O)]{sub n}1, [Pb(OBA)(μ-H{sub 2}O)]{sub n}2 [where OBA=4,4’-Oxybis(benzoate)] and [Pb(SDBA)(H{sub 2}O)]{sub n}.1/4DMF 3 (SDBA=4,4’-Sulfonyldibenzoate), have been synthesized and characterized. The single crystal structural studies reveal that CPs 1 and 2 have three dimensional structure. A water molecule bridges two metal centres which appears to the responsible for the dimensionality increase from 2D to 3D. Compound 3 has a supramolecular 3D structure involving water molecule and hydrogen bonds. A structural transformation is observed when 3 was heated at 100 °C or kept in methanol, forming [Pb(SDBA)]{sub n}4. Compound 4 ismore » used as supporting matrix for palladium nanoparticles, PdNPs@4. The PdNPs@4 exhibits good catalytic activity toward the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP) in the presence of NaBH{sub 4} at room temperature. Luminescence studies revealed that all CPs could be an effective sensor for nitroaromatic explosives. - Graphical abstract: Three new CPs based on Cd and Pb, have been synthesized and characterized. A water molecule bridges two metal centres which appears to the responsible for the dimensionality increase from 2D to 3D. One of the CP is used as supporting matrix for palladium nanoparticles, PdNPs@4. The PdNPs@4 exhibits good catalytic activity toward the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Luminescence studies shown that all CPs could be an effective sensor for nitroaromatic explosives. - Highlights: • Three new CPs based on Cd and Pb, have been synthesized and characterized. • A water molecule bridges two metal centres which appears to the responsible for the dimensionality increase from 2D to 3D. • One of the CP is used as supporting matrix for palladium nanoparticles, PdNPs@4. • Luminescence studies shown that all CPs could be an effective sensor for nitroaromatic explosives.« less

  10. Multi-Band (K- Q- and E-Band) Multi-Tone Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesizer for Radio Wave Propagation Studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simons, Rainee N.; Wintucky, Edwin G.


    This paper presents the design and test results of a multi-band multi-tone millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer, based on a solid-state frequency comb generator. The intended application of the synthesizer is in a space-borne transmitter for radio wave atmospheric studies at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz), Q-band (37 to 42 GHz), and E-band (71 to 76 GHz). These studies would enable the design of robust multi-Gbps data rate space-to-ground satellite communication links. Lastly, the architecture for a compact multi-tone beacon transmitter, which includes a high frequency synthesizer, a polarizer, and a conical horn antenna, has been investigated for a notional CubeSat based space-to-ground radio wave propagation experiment.

  11. Influence of gamma ray irradiation on stoichiometry of hydrothermally synthesized bismuth telluride nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abishek, N. S.; Naik, K. Gopalakrishna


    Bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) nanoparticles were synthesized by the hydrothermal method at 200 °C for 24 h. The synthesized Bi2Te3 nanoparticles were irradiated with gamma rays at doses of 50 kGy and 100 kGy. The structural characterization of the pre-irradiated and post-irradiated samples was carried out by X-ray diffraction technique and was found to have rhombohedral phase having R3 ¯m (166) space group. The X-ray diffraction peaks were found to shift towards lower diffraction angle with gamma ray irradiation. The morphologies and compositions of the grown Bi2Te3 nanoparticles were studied using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray energy dispersive analysis, respectively. The possible cause for the shift in the X-ray diffraction peaks with gamma ray irradiation has been discussed in the present work.

  12. Design of Phoneme MIDI Codes Using the MIDI Encoding Tool “Auto-F” and Realizing Voice Synthesizing Functions Based on Musical Sounds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Modegi, Toshio

    Using our previously developed audio to MIDI code converter tool “Auto-F”, from given vocal acoustic signals we can create MIDI data, which enable to playback the voice-like signals with a standard MIDI synthesizer. Applying this tool, we are constructing a MIDI database, which consists of previously converted simple harmonic structured MIDI codes from a set of 71 Japanese male and female syllable recorded signals. And we are developing a novel voice synthesizing system based on harmonically synthesizing musical sounds, which can generate MIDI data and playback voice signals with a MIDI synthesizer by giving Japanese plain (kana) texts, referring to the syllable MIDI code database. In this paper, we propose an improved MIDI converter tool, which can produce temporally higher-resolution MIDI codes. Then we propose an algorithm separating a set of 20 consonant and vowel phoneme MIDI codes from 71 syllable MIDI converted codes in order to construct a voice synthesizing system. And, we present the evaluation results of voice synthesizing quality between these separated phoneme MIDI codes and their original syllable MIDI codes by our developed 4-syllable word listening tests.

  13. Structural and magnetic studies of half-metallic Heusler alloy Cr2CoSi nanoparticle synthesized by mechanical-alloying method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saravanan, G.; Asvini, V.; Kalaiezhily, R. K.; Ravichandran, K.


    Heusler Alloy based Cr2CoSi nanoparticles were synthesized by using ball milling. X-ray diffractions studies were used to characterize the crystal structure of Cr2CoSi nanoparticles and magnetic properties were studied using VSM. XRD data analysis confirms the Heusler alloy phase showing the L21 structure. Magnetic properties are measured for synthesized samples having coercivity Hc = 389 Oe, with high saturation magnetization value Ms = 8.64 emu/g and remenance value Mr = 2.93 emu/g. Synthesized Heusler alloy Cr2CoSi nanoparticles can be potential materials for use in Spin polarized based spin sensors, spin devices, magnetic sensors and transducer applications.

  14. A Method of Synthesizing Large Bodies of Knowledge in the Social Sciences.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thiemann, Francis C.

    Employing concepts of formal symbolic logic, the philosophy of science, computer technology, and the work of Hans Zetterberg, a format is suggested for synthesizing and increasing use of the rapidly expanding knowledge of the social sciences. Steps in the process include formulating basic propositions, utilizing computers to establish sets, and…

  15. National health surveillance of adults with disabilities, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and adults with no disabilities.


    Havercamp, Susan M; Scott, Haleigh M


    People with disabilities experience worse health and poorer access to health care compared to people without disability. Large-scale health surveillance efforts have largely excluded adults with intellectual and developmental disability. This study expands knowledge of health status, health risks and preventative health care in a representative US sample comparing the health of adults with no disability to adults with intellectual and developmental disability and to adults with other types of disability. The purposes of this study were (1) to identify disparities between adults with intellectual and developmental disability and adults with no disability and (2) compare this pattern of disparities to the pattern between adults with other types of disability and adults without disability. This study compares health status, health risks and preventative health care in a national sample across three groups of adults: No Disability, Disability, and Intellectual and Developmental Disability. Data sources were the 2010 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey and the National Core Indicators Consumer Survey. Adults with disability and with intellectual and developmental disability were more likely to report being in poor health compared to adults without disability. Disability and intellectual and developmental disability conferred unique health risks and health care utilization patterns. Significant disparities in health and health care utilization were found for adults with disability and developmental disability relative to adults without disability. Disability training for health care providers and health promotion research that identifies disability as a demographic group is needed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A novel and general synthetic pathway to strychnos indole alkaloids: total syntheses of (-)-tubifoline, (-)-dehydrotubifoline, and (-)-strychnine using palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution.


    Mori, Miwako; Nakanishi, Masato; Kajishima, Daisuke; Sato, Yoshihiro


    A method of palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution for synthesizing 2-substituted cyclohexenylamine derivatives was established. Treatment of a 2-silyloxymethylcyclohexenol derivative with ortho-bromo-N-tosylaniline in the presence of Pd(2)dba(3).CHCl(3) and (S)-BINAPO in THF afforded a cyclohexenylamine derivative with 84% ee in 80% yield. The Heck reaction was carried out to produce an indolenine derivative in good yield. Using this method, we synthesized indolenine derivative 7, which was recrystallized from EtOH to give an optically pure compound. From this compound, tetracyclic ketone 13, which should be a useful intermediate for the synthesis of indole alkaloids, could be synthesized. The total syntheses of (-)-dehydrotubifoline, (-)-tubifoline, and (-)-strychnine were achieved from 13. All ring constructions for the syntheses of these natural products were achieved using a palladium catalyst.

  17. Performances and working mechanism of a novel polycarboxylate superplasticizer synthesized through changing molecular topological structure.


    Liu, Xiao; Guan, Jianan; Lai, Guanghong; Wang, Ziming; Zhu, Jie; Cui, Suping; Lan, Mingzhang; Li, Huiqun


    A novel star-shaped polycarboxylate superplasticizer (SPCE) was synthesized through a simple two-step method. 1 H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( 1 H NMR) and Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) measurements were used for structural characterization. SPCE and comb-shaped polycarboxylate superplasticizer (CPCE) with same molecular weights were designed and synthesized. The cement paste containing SPCE exhibited better fluidity, fluidity retention, water reduction, 25% lower saturated dosage of PCE, 10% longer setting time, lower hydration heat, more delayed hydration heat evolution and lower amount of hydration products at early ages. Furthermore, the adsorption behavior of SPCE and CPCE in cement pastes and the zeta potential were investigated, and then the working mechanism of SPCE was theoretically explained. It is interesting that changing topological structure from comb-shape to star-shape can achieve the optimization of dispersion effect, and further improve the working effectiveness. The aims of this study are to provide a new avenue to synthesize superplasticizer with novel structure achieving the chemical diversity of superplasticizer structure, and to verify the contribution of optimizing molecular shape. This new type of superplasticizer can be used as a rheology modifying agent in fresh cement-based materials. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. A colloidal assembly approach to synthesize magnetic porous composite nanoclusters for efficient protein adsorption

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Qi; Lan, Fang; Yi, Qiangying; Wu, Yao; Gu, Zhongwei


    A combination strategy of the inverse emulsion crosslinking approach and the colloidal assembly technique is first proposed to synthesize Fe3O4/histidine composite nanoclusters as new-type magnetic porous nanomaterials. The nanoclusters possess uniform morphology, high magnetic content and excellent protein adsorption capacity, exhibiting their great potential for bio-separation.A combination strategy of the inverse emulsion crosslinking approach and the colloidal assembly technique is first proposed to synthesize Fe3O4/histidine composite nanoclusters as new-type magnetic porous nanomaterials. The nanoclusters possess uniform morphology, high magnetic content and excellent protein adsorption capacity, exhibiting their great potential for bio-separation. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr05800g

  19. Older adults challenged financially when adult children move home.


    Wallace, Steven P; Padilla-Frausto, D Imelda


    This policy brief looks at the financial burdens imposed on older Californians when adult children return home, often due to a crisis not of their own making, to live with their parents. The findings show that on average in California, the amount of money that older adults need in order to maintain a minimally decent standard of living while supporting one adult child in their home increases their expenses by a minimum of 50 percent. Low-income older adults are usually on fixed incomes, so helping an adult child can provide the child with a critical safety net but at the cost of the parents' own financial well-being. Policy approaches to assisting this vulnerable population of older adults include implementing reforms to increase Supplemental Security Income (SSI), improving the availability of affordable housing, assuring that all eligible nonelderly adults obtain health insurance through health care reform's expansion of Medi-Cal and subsidies, and increasing food assistance through SNAP and senior meal programs.

  20. La prévention des blessures causées par les véhicules tout-terrains

    PubMed Central

    Yanchar, Natalie L


    RÉSUMÉ Les véhicules tout-terrains (VTT) sont largement utilisés au Canada dans le cadre des loisirs, du transport et du travail, tel que l’agriculture. En qualité de véhicules automobiles, ils peuvent être particulièrement dangereux lorsqu’ils sont utilisés par des enfants et des jeunes adolescents qui ne possèdent pas les connaissances, la taille physique, la force et les compétences cognitives et motrices nécessaires pour les conduire en toute sécurité. La magnitude du risque de blessures pour les jeunes conducteurs est exposée de manière explicite dans les avertissements figurant dans le manuel du conducteur et sur les étiquettes des modèles les plus récents. Elle est également et démontrée par le nombre important d’hospitalisations et de décès pédiatriques attribuables à des traumatismes liés aux VTT. Cependant, le port du casque est loin d’être universel chez les jeunes conducteurs, et les comportements de conduite non sécuritaires demeurent courants, tels que la conduite sans supervision ou avec des passagers. Malgré les avertissements de l’industrie et l’éducation publique qui font ressortir l’importance de comportements sécuritaires et les risques de graves blessures chez les enfants et les adolescents, on continue de recenser des blessures et des décès liés aux VTT. Tant que des mesures n’auront pas été prises pour réduire ces blessures de manière substantielle et efficace, il est essentiel de limiter la conduite par des jeunes, notamment ceux de moins de 16 ans, afin de réduire le fardeau des traumatismes liés aux VTT chez les enfants et les adolescents. Le présent document remplace le document de principes de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie publié en 2004.

  1. Controlled aerobic exercise training reduces resting blood pressure in sedentary older adults.


    Huang, Guoyuan; Shi, Xiangrong; Gibson, Cheryl A; Huang, Sunny C; Coudret, Nadine A; Ehlman, Mary C


    The results of existing controlled clinical trials were synthesized to determine effects of aerobic exercise training on resting systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) among previously sedentary older adults, to quantify the magnitude of observed changes, and to examine the influence of the associated interventional variables on these changes. Studies were identified via a systematic computer database search, hand searching, and cross-referencing of previously located articles. All potentially eligible articles were carefully reviewed and examined with the established inclusion criteria. Twenty-three studies, representing a total of 1226 older subjects, were included in the final analysis. Robust statistically significant effects were found in terms of the pooled standardized effect size of - 0.33 ± 0.06 (p < 0.0001) in SBP and - 0.39 ± 0.09 (p < 0.0001) in DBP. When compared with the control group, net decreases in both SBP (- 5.39 ± 1.21 mmHg, p < 0.0001) and DBP (-3.68 ± 0.83 mmHg, p < 0.0001) were observed in older exercisers, representing a 3.9% and a 4.5% reduction, respectively. This meta-analytic study provides robust quantitative data to support the efficacy and effectiveness of controlled endurance exercise training in decreasing resting SBP and DBP among previously sedentary older adults.

  2. Type A-B carbonate chlorapatite synthesized at high pressure

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fleet, Michael E.; Liu, Xi


    Sodium-bearing type A-B carbonate chlorapatites {l_brace}CCLAP; Ca{sub 10-(y+z)}Na{sub y}{open_square}{sub z}[(PO{sub 4}){sub 6-(y+2z)}(CO{sub 3}){sub y+2z}][Cl{sub 2-=} 2{sub x}(CO{sub 3}){sub x}], with x{approx}y{approx}4z{approx}0.4{r_brace} have been synthesized from carbonate-rich melts at 1350-1000 deg. C and 1.0 GPa, and investigated by single-crystal X-ray structure and FTIR spectroscopy. Typical crystal and compositional data are: a=9.5321(4) A, c=6.8448(3) A, space group P6{sub 3}/m, R=0.027, R{sub w}=0.025, x=0.37(3), y=0.57(2). Crystal-chemical features and FTIR spectra are similar to Na-bearing type A-B carbonate hydroxyapatites (CHAP) and fluorapatites (CFAP) reported recently. The molar amounts of Na and channel (type A) carbonate maintain a near 1:1 ratio in all three compositionmore » series, confirming that the Na cation and A and B carbonate ion substituents exist as a defect cluster within the apatite matrix, to facilitate charge compensation and spatial accommodation. Uptake of carbonate is significantly lower in CCLAP than in CHAP for similar conditions of crystal synthesis. - Graphical abstract: Defect cluster (blue) of A carbonate ion in apatite channel, Na{sup +} cation, and B carbonate ion replacing phosphate group, in carbonate chlorapatite synthesized at high pressure.« less

  3. Copper nanocoils synthesized through solvothermal method

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Yanjuan; Liu, Xiaowei; Zhan, Yongjie; Fan, Haiming; Lu, Yang


    Recently helical nanostructures such as nanosprings and nanocoils have drawn great interests in nanotechnology, due to their unique morphologies and physical properties, and they may be potential building blocks in sorts of electromechanical, magnetic, photoelectronic and plasmonic devices at micro/nanoscales. In this report, multi-turns copper nanocoils were synthesized through a modified solvothermal method, in which the mixture of water and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) were selected as reaction medium and copolymer poly(1-vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVP/VA 64E) as reductant. In the liquid solution, nanosprings could be formed from relaxed nanocoils and demonstrated high elasticity. These nanocoils and nanosprings are of single crystalline structure, with the characteristics wire diameters ranging from tens to a few hundreds of nanometers and the ring/coil diameters mostly ~10–35 microns. Their growth and deformation mechanisms were then investigated and discussed along with that of previously reported single-turn copper nanorings. This work could be of importance for researchers working on synthesis and applications of novel 1-D helical nanomaterials and their functional devices. PMID:26607386

  4. Construction of a Quantum Matter Synthesizer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trisnadi, Jonathan; McDonald, Mickey; Chin, Cheng


    We report progress on the construction of a new platform to manipulate ultracold atoms. The ``Quantum Matter Synthesizer (QMS)'' will have the capability of deterministically preparing large 2D arrays of atoms with single site addressability. Cesium atoms are first transferred into a science cell (specially textured to reduce reflectance to 0.1% across a wide range of wavelengths and incident angles) via a moving 1D lattice, where they are loaded into a magic-wavelength, far-detuned 2D optical lattice. Two NA=0.8 microscope objectives surround the science cell from above and below. The lower objective will be used to project an array of optical tweezers created via a digital micromirror device (DMD) onto the atom-trapping plane, which will be used to rearrange atoms into a desired configuration after first taking a site-resolved fluorescence image of the initial atomic distribution with the upper objective. We provide updates on our magnetic-optical trap and Raman-sideband cooling performance, characterization of the resolution of our microscope objectives, and stability tests for the objective mounting structure.

  5. Emergent Themes from Recent Research Syntheses in Science Education and Their Implications for Research Design, Replication, and Reporting Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Joseph; Furtak, Erin; Kowalski, Susan; Martinez, Alina; Slavin, Robert; Stuhlsatz, Molly; Wilson, Christopher


    This article draws upon the experiences of four recent efforts to synthesize the findings of quantitative studies in science education research. After establishing the need for research syntheses in advancing generalizable knowledge and causal effects research in our field, we identify a set themes that emerged in the process of conducting these…

  6. Synthesizing Diamond from Liquid Feedstock

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tzeng, Yonhua


    A relatively economical method of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been developed for synthesizing diamond crystals and films. Unlike prior CVD methods for synthesizing diamond, this method does not require precisely proportioned flows of compressed gas feedstocks or the use of electrical discharges to decompose the feedstocks to obtain free radicals needed for deposition chemical reactions. Instead, the feedstocks used in this method are mixtures of common organic liquids that can be prepared in advance, and decomposition of feedstock vapors is effected simply by heating. The feedstock used in this method is a solution comprising between 90 and 99 weight percent of methanol and the balance of one or more other oxyhydrocarbons that could include ethanol, isopropanol, and/or acetone. This mixture of compounds is chosen so that dissociation of molecules results in the desired proportions of carbon-containing radicals (principally, CH3) and of OH, H, and O radicals. Undesirably, the CVD temperature and pressure conditions thermodynamically favor the growth of graphite over the growth of diamond. The H radicals are desirable because they help to stabilize the growing surface of diamond by shifting the thermodynamic balance toward favoring the growth of diamond. The OH and O radicals are desirable because they preferentially etch graphite and other non-diamond carbon, thereby helping to ensure the net deposition of pure diamond. The non-methanol compounds are included in the solution because (1) methanol contains equal numbers of C and O atoms; (2) an excess of C over O is needed to obtain net deposition of diamond; and (3) the non-methanol molecules contain multiple carbon atoms for each oxygen atom and thus supply the needed excess carbon A typical apparatus used in this method includes a reservoir containing the feedstock liquid and a partially evacuated stainless-steel reaction chamber. The reservoir is connected to the chamber via tubing and a needle valve or

  7. Antibacterial effect of silk treated with silver and copper nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in distilled water

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baruah, Prahlad K.; Raman, Moghe A.; Chakrabartty, Ishani; Rangan, Latha; Sharma, Ashwini K.; Khare, Alika


    The antibacterial activity of three kinds of silks viz. Eri, Pat and Muga treated with silver and copper nanoparticles is reported in this paper. The nanoparticles have been synthesized by pulsed laser ablation of the respective metal targets in distilled water. Treatment of the silk pellets with the synthesized nanoparticles exhibited definite antibacterial activity whereas no such activity is observed in the untreated silk pellets.

  8. Thin single-crystalline Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 ternary nanosheets synthesized by a solvothermal technique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, Jing; Jian, Jikang; Zhang, Zhihua; Wu, Rong; Li, Jin; Sun, Yanfei


    Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 ternary nanosheets have been successfully synthesized through a facile solvothermal technique using diethylenetriamine as solvent, where x can vary from 0 to 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicate that the as-synthesized Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 samples are nanosheets with rhombohedral structure, and the thickness of the nanosheets can be as thin as several nanometers. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) reveal that the nanosheets are single crystalline with a rhombohedral structure. Energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS) and XRD analysis by Vegard's law confirm that the ternary Bi2(Te1-xSex)3 nanosheets have been obtained here. The growth of the nanosheets is discussed based on an amine-based molecular template mechanism that has been employed to synthesize some other metal chalcogenides.

  9. Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 11: supporting the production and use of health systems research syntheses that draw on quasi-experimental study designs.


    Lavis, John N; Bärnighausen, Till; El-Jardali, Fadi


    To describe the infrastructure available to support the production of policy-relevant health systems research syntheses, particularly those incorporating quasi-experimental evidence, and the tools available to support the use of these syntheses. Literature review. The general challenges associated with the available infrastructure include their sporadic nature or limited coverage of issues and countries, whereas the specific ones related to policy-relevant syntheses of quasi-experimental evidence include the lack of mechanism to register synthesis titles and scoping review protocols, the limited number of groups preparing user-friendly summaries, and the difficulty of finding quasi-experimental studies for inclusion in rapid syntheses and research syntheses more generally. Although some new tools have emerged in recent years, such as guidance workbooks and citizen briefs and panels, challenges related to using available tools to support the use of policy-relevant syntheses of quasi-experimental evidence arise from such studies potentially being harder for policymakers and stakeholders to commission and understand. Policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers need to expand the coverage and institutionalize the use of the available infrastructure and tools to support the use of health system research syntheses containing quasi-experimental evidence. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Growth rate of plasma-synthesized vertically aligned carbon nanofibers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Merkulov, Vladimir I.; Melechko, A. V.; Guillorn, M. A.; Lowndes, D. H.; Simpson, M. L.


    Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (VACNFs) were synthesized by direct-current plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using acetylene and ammonia as the gas source. The mechanisms responsible for changing the nanofiber growth rate were studied and phenomenological models are proposed. The feedstock for VACNF growth is suggested to consist mainly of radicals formed in the plasma and not the unexcited acetylene gas molecules. The growth rate is shown to increase dramatically by changing the radical transport mechanism from diffusive to forced flow, which was accomplished by increasing the gas flow in the direction perpendicular to the substrate.

  11. Sensitive single-stage PCR using custom-synthesized internal controls.


    Zimmermann, K; Rieger, M; Gross, P; Turecek, P L; Schwarz, H P


    A new approach for an internally controlled PCR was developed using a custom-synthesized oligonucleotide as the internal control. Three different PCR setups demonstrated the usefulness of this approach: (i) the addition of the respective internal control to samples containing ssDNA virus Parvo B19; (ii) the co-extraction of plasma samples and the respective internal control for the detection of the ssDNA virus TTV; and (iii) the addition of the respective internal control to a crude lysate of tail pieces for the genotyping of FVIII knockout mice, demonstrating that this approach is also applicable for dsDNA.

  12. Self-management priority setting and decision-making in adults with multimorbidity: A narrative review of literature

    PubMed Central

    Bratzke, Lisa C.; Muehrer, Rebecca J.; Kehl, Karen A.; Lee, Kyoung Suk; Ward, Earlise C.; Kwekkeboom, Kristine L.


    Objectives The purpose of this narrative review was to synthesize current research findings related to self-management, in order to better understand the processes of priority setting and decision-making in among adults with multimorbidity. Design A narrative literature review was undertaken, synthesizing findings from published, peer-reviewed empirical studies that addressed priority setting and/or decision-making in self-management of multimorbidity. Data sources A search of PubMed, PsychINFO, CINAHL and SocIndex databases was conducted from database inception through December 2013. References lists from selected empirical studies and systematic reviews were evaluated to identify any additional relevant articles. Review methods Full text of potentially eligible articles were reviewed and selected for inclusion if they described empirical studies that addressed priority setting or decision-making in self-management of multimorbidity among adults. Two independent reviewers read each selected article and extracted relevant data to an evidence table. Processes and factors and processes of multimorbidity self-management were identified and sorted into categories of priority setting, decision-making, and facilitators/barriers. Results Thirteen articles were selected for inclusion; most were qualitative studies describing processes, facilitators, and barriers of multimorbidity self-management. The findings revealed that patients prioritize a dominant chronic illness and re-prioritize over time as conditions and treatments change; that multiple facilitators (e.g. support programs) and barriers (e.g. lack of financial resources) impact individuals’ self-management priority setting and decision-making ability; as do individual beliefs, preferences, and attitudes (e.g., perceived personal control, preferences regarding treatment). Conclusions Health care providers need to be cognizant that individuals with multimorbidity engage in day-to-day priority setting and decision

  13. Self-management priority setting and decision-making in adults with multimorbidity: a narrative review of literature.


    Bratzke, Lisa C; Muehrer, Rebecca J; Kehl, Karen A; Lee, Kyoung Suk; Ward, Earlise C; Kwekkeboom, Kristine L


    The purpose of this narrative review was to synthesize current research findings related to self-management, in order to better understand the processes of priority setting and decision-making among adults with multimorbidity. A narrative literature review was undertaken, synthesizing findings from published, peer-reviewed empirical studies that addressed priority setting and/or decision-making in self-management of multimorbidity. A search of PubMed, PsychINFO, CINAHL and SocIndex databases was conducted from database inception through December 2013. References lists from selected empirical studies and systematic reviews were evaluated to identify any additional relevant articles. Full text of potentially eligible articles were reviewed and selected for inclusion if they described empirical studies that addressed priority setting or decision-making in self-management of multimorbidity among adults. Two independent reviewers read each selected article and extracted relevant data to an evidence table. Processes and factors of multimorbidity self-management were identified and sorted into categories of priority setting, decision-making, and facilitators/barriers. Thirteen articles were selected for inclusion; most were qualitative studies describing processes, facilitators, and barriers of multimorbidity self-management. The findings revealed that patients prioritize a dominant chronic illness and re-prioritize over time as conditions and treatments change; that multiple facilitators (e.g. support programs) and barriers (e.g. lack of financial resources) impact individuals' self-management priority setting and decision-making ability; as do individual beliefs, preferences, and attitudes (e.g., perceived personal control, preferences regarding treatment). Health care providers need to be cognizant that individuals with multimorbidity engage in day-to-day priority setting and decision-making among their multiple chronic illnesses and respective treatments. Researchers

  14. Synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Nigella sativa leaf extract in comparison with chemical silver nanoparticles.


    Amooaghaie, Rayhaneh; Saeri, Mohammad Reza; Azizi, Morteza


    Despite the development potential in the field of nanotechnology, there is a concern about possible effects of nanoparticles on the environment and human health. In this study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized by 'green' and 'chemical' methods. In the wet-chemistry method, sodium borohydrate, sodium citrate and silver nitrate were used as raw materials. Leaf extract of Nigella sativa was used as reducing as well as capping agent to reduce silver nitrate in the green synthesis method. In addition, toxic responses of both synthesized AgNPs were monitored on bone-building stem cells of mice as well as seed germination and seedling growth of six different plants (Lolium, wheat, bean and common vetch, lettuce and canola). In both synthesis methods, the colorless reaction mixtures turned brown and UV-visible spectra confirmed the presence of silver nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations revealed the predominance of silver nanosized crystallites and fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated the role of different functional groups in the synthetic process. MTT assay showed cell viability of bone-building stem cells of mice was further in the green AgNPs synthesized using black cumin extract than chemical AgNPs. IC50 (inhibitory concentrations) values for seed germination, root and shoot length for 6 plants in green AgNPs exposures were higher than the chemical AgNPs. These results suggest that cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity of the green synthesized AgNPs were significantly less than wet-chemistry synthesized ones. This study indicated an economical, simple and efficient ecofriendly technique using leaves of N. sativa for synthesis of AgNPs and confirmed that green AgNPs are safer than chemically-synthesized AgNPs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Magnetic and photocatalytic studies on Zn1-xMgxFe2O4 nanocolloids synthesized by solvothermal reflux method.


    Manohar, A; Krishnamoorthi, C


    Biocompatible magnetic semiconductor Zn 1-x Mg x Fe 2 O 4 (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 & 0.7) nanoparticles of around 10nm diameter were synthesized by solvothermal reflux method. The method produces well separated and narrow size distributed nanoparticles. Crystal structure, morphology, particles surface properties, surfactant quantity, colloidal stability, magnetic properties and photocatalytic properties of the synthesized nanoparticles were studied. Different characterizations confirmed that all compounds were single crystals and superparamagnetic at room temperature. Saturation mass magnetization (M s =57.5emu/g) enhances with substituent Mg 2+ concentration due to promotion of mixed spinel (normal and inverse) structure. Photocatalytic activity of all synthesized magnetic semiconductor nanoparticles were studied through methylene blue degradation. The degradation of 98% methylene blue was observed on 60 min irradiation of light. It is observed that photocatalytic activity slightly enhances with substituent Mg 2+ concentration. The synthesized biocompatible magnetic semiconductor nanoparticles can be utilized as photocatalysts and could also be recycled and separated by applying an external magnetic field. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Fluorescent carbon quantum dots synthesized by chemical vapor deposition: An alternative candidate for electron acceptor in polymer solar cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cui, Bo; Yan, Lingpeng; Gu, Huimin; Yang, Yongzhen; Liu, Xuguang; Ma, Chang-Qi; Chen, Yongkang; Jia, Husheng


    Excitation-wavelength-dependent blue-greenish fluorescent carbon quantum dots (CQDs) with graphite structure were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. In comparison with those synthesized by hydrothermal method (named H-CQDs), C-CQDs have less hydrophilic terminal groups, showing good solubility in common organic solvents. Furthermore, these synthesized C-CQDs show a low LUMO energy level (LUMO = -3.84 eV), which is close to that of phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM, LUMO = -4.01 eV), the most widely used electron acceptor in polymer solar cells. Photoluminescence quenching of the poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl):C-CQDs blended film (P3HT:C-CQDs) indicated that a photo-induced charge transfer between P3HT and C-CQDs occurs in such a composite film. Bulk heterojunction solar cells using C-CQDs as electron acceptors or doping materials were fabricated and tested. High fill factors were achieved for these C-CQDs based polymer solar cells, demonstrating that CQDs synthesized by CVD could be alternative to the fullerene derivatives for applying in polymer solar cells.

  17. Syntheses of poly(phenoxy-imine)s anchored with carboxyl group: Characterization and photovoltaic studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaya, İsmet; Ayten, Bahar; Şenol, Dilek


    A serious of pyridine based Schiff bases (M1, M2, and M3) were synthesized via condensation reaction of 4-aminosalicyclic acid with 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde, 3-pyridine carboxyaldehyde and 4-pyridinecarboxaldehyde, respectively. The transformation of Schiff bases into their poly(phenoxy-imine) species (P1, P2, P3) was obtained using oxidative polycondensation (OP) by NaOCl as the oxidant in alkaline medium at 70 °C. The structures of the synthesized compounds were characterized by solubility test, FT-IR, UV-Vis and NMR techniques. Thermal data were obtained by TG-DTA and DSC techniques. Photoluminescence (PL) properties of the synthesized materials were examined in organic solvent. Fluorescence measurements were carried out in various concentrated solutions to determine the optimum concentrations and PL intensities. P3 could be used in light-emitting diodes due to its multicolor (white, blue, green and yellow) light-emitting property. The efficiency (η) of a solar cell of P1, P2 and P3 were determined by single channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The order of conductivities was found to be as P3>P2>P1 as a result of iodine doping. The best performing photovoltaic cell with Isc (mA cm-2), Voc (V), FF, and η (%) as -0.642, 0.399, 0.461 and -0.118 was obtained for P3.

  18. Synthesis of catalase in two cell-free protein-synthesizing systems and in rat liver

    PubMed Central

    Robbi, Mariette; Lazarow, Paul B.


    Rat liver polysomal RNA was translated in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate and in the wheat germ cell-free protein-synthesizing systems, using [35S]methionine as label. The catalase (hydrogen-peroxide:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, EC that was synthesized was isolated by immunoprecipitation and characterized by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels followed by fluorography. The catalase made in both systems migrated more slowly during electrophoresis than did purified peroxisomal catalase. By comparison with standards of known molecular mass, the cell-free products were estimated to be about 4000 daltons larger than the purified enzyme. We also investigated the biosynthesis of catalase in vivo by injecting [35S]methionine into rats. The precursor of catalase known to be synthesized in liver and found in the high-speed supernatant 8 min later [Lazarow, P. B. & de Duve, C. (1973) J. Cell Biol. 59, 491-506] was isolated immunochemically. For comparison, 1-day-old completed catalase was immunoprecipitated from peroxisomes. The migrations in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels of the 8-min-old precursor and the subunit of the day-old enzyme were indistinguishable and approximately the same as the migration of the cell-free products. These results indicate that catalase's apparent size does not change when it enters peroxisomes but rather decreases during the chemical purification procedure. Images PMID:279920

  19. In-silico identification of the binding mode of synthesized adamantyl derivatives inside cholinesterase enzymes

    PubMed Central

    Al-Aboudi, Amal; Al-Qawasmeh, Raed A; Shahwan, Alaa; Mahmood, Uzma; Khalid, Asaad; Ul-Haq, Zaheer


    Aim: To investigate the binding mode of synthesized adamantly derivatives inside of cholinesterase enzymes using molecular docking simulations. Methods: A series of hybrid compounds containing adamantane and hydrazide moieties was designed and synthesized. Their inhibitory activities against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and (butyrylcholinesterase) BChE were assessed in vitro. The binding mode of the compounds inside cholinesterase enzymes was investigated using Surflex-Dock package of Sybyl7.3 software. Results: A total of 26 adamantyl derivatives were synthesized. Among them, adamantane-1-carboxylic acid hydrazide had an almost equal inhibitory activity towards both enzymes, whereas 10 other compounds exhibited moderate inhibitory activity against BChE. The molecular docking studies demonstrated that hydrophobic interactions between the compounds and their surrounding residues in the active site played predominant roles, while hydrophilic interactions were also found. When the compounds were docked inside each enzyme, they exhibited stronger interactions with BChE over AChE, possibly due to the larger active site of BChE. The binding affinities of the compounds for BChE and AChE estimated were in agreement with the experimental data. Conclusion: The new adamantly derivatives selectively inhibit BChE with respect to AChE, thus making them good candidates for testing the hypothesis that BChE inhibitors would be more efficient and better tolerated than AChE inhibitors in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. PMID:25937631

  20. Cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Padina tetrastromatica on breast cancer cell line

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gnana Selvi, B. Clara; Madhavan, J.; Santhanam, Amutha


    In recent years researchers were attracted towards marine sources due to the presence of active components in it. Seaweeds were widely used in pharmaceutical research for their known biological activities. The biological synthesis method of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Padina tetrastromatica seaweed extract and their cytotoxicity against breast cancer MCF-7 cells was reported in this study. The synthesized AgNPs using seaweed extract were subjected to x-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscope, energy dispersive x-ray, zeta potential to elucidate the structural, morphology, size as well as surface potential parameters. An absorption peak at 430 nm in UV-visible spectrum reveals the excitation and surface plasmon resonance of AgNPs. FE-SEM micrographs exhibits the biosynthesized AgNPs, which are pre-dominantly round shaped and the size ranges between 40-50 nm. The zeta potential value of -27.6 mV confirms the stable nature of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, the biological synthesized Ag NPs exhibited a dose-dependent cytotoxicity against human breast cancer cell (MCF-7) and the inhibitory concentration (IC50) was found for AgNPs against MCF-7 at 24 h incubation. Biological method of synthesizing silver nanoparticles shows a environmental friendly property which helps in effective electrifying usage in many fields.

  1. Biomimetic three-dimensional nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and magnetically synthesized single-walled carbon nanotube chitosan nanocomposite for bone regeneration

    PubMed Central

    Im, Owen; Li, Jian; Wang, Mian; Zhang, Lijie Grace; Keidar, Michael


    Background Many shortcomings exist in the traditional methods of treating bone defects, such as donor tissue shortages for autografts and disease transmission for allografts. The objective of this study was to design a novel three-dimensional nanostructured bone substitute based on magnetically synthesized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), biomimetic hydrothermally treated nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite, and a biocompatible hydrogel (chitosan). Both nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and SWCNT have a biomimetic nanostructure, excellent osteoconductivity, and high potential to improve the load-bearing capacity of hydrogels. Methods Specifically, three-dimensional porous chitosan scaffolds with different concentrations of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and SWCNT were created to support the growth of human osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) using a lyophilization procedure. Two types of SWCNT were synthesized in an arc discharge with a magnetic field (B-SWCNT) and without a magnetic field (N-SWCNT) for improving bone regeneration. Results Nanocomposites containing magnetically synthesized B-SWCNT had superior cytocompatibility properties when compared with nonmagnetically synthesized N-SWCNT. B-SWCNT have much smaller diameters and are twice as long as their nonmagnetically prepared counterparts, indicating that the dimensions of carbon nanotubes can have a substantial effect on osteoblast attachment. Conclusion This study demonstrated that a chitosan nanocomposite with both B-SWCNT and 20% nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite could achieve a higher osteoblast density when compared with the other experimental groups, thus making this nanocomposite promising for further exploration for bone regeneration. PMID:22619545

  2. Coherent source interaction, third-order nonlinear response of synthesized PEG coated magnetite nanoparticles in polyethylene glycol and its application

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gopal, S. Veena; Chitrambalam, S.; Joe, I. Hubert


    Third-order nonlinear response of synthesized polyethylene glycol coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles dispersed in a suitable solvent, polyethylene glycol has been studied. The structural characterization of the synthesized magnetite nanoparticles were carried out. The linear optical property of the synthesized magnetite nanoparticles was investigated using UV-visible technique. Both closed and open aperture Z-scan techniques have been performed at 532 nm with pulse width 5 ns and repetition rate 10 Hz. It was found that polyethylene glycol coated magnetite exhibits reverse saturable absorption, with significant nonlinear absorption coefficient. Two-photon absorption intensity dependent positive nonlinear refraction coefficients indicate self focusing phenomena. Results show that higher concentration gives better nonlinear and optical limiting properties.

  3. Bimetallic NiFe2O4 synthesized via confined carburization in NiFe-MOFs for efficient oxygen evolution reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fang, Zhiqiang; Hao, Zhaomin; Dong, Qingsong; Cui, Yong


    Transition metal oxides that derived from metal-organic framework (MOF) precursor have intensively received attention because of their numerous electrochemical applications. Bimetallic Ni-Fe oxides have been rarely reported on the basis of MOF-related strategy. Herein, a bimetallic NiFe2O4 was successfully synthesized via confined carburization in NiFe-MOF precursors and characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, and TEM. After conducting an investigation of oxygen evolution reaction (OER), the as-synthesized NiFe2O4 material exhibited good catalytic efficiency and high stability and durability in alkaline media. The as-synthesized NiFe2O4 material would promote the development of MOFs in non-noble-metal OER catalyst.

  4. [Maintenance Treatment With Antipsychotics for Adult Patients Diagnosed With Schizophrenia].


    Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Bohórquez Peñaranda, Adriana Patricia; de la Hoz Bradford, Ana María; Tamayo Martínez, Nathalie; García Valencia, Jenny; Jaramillo González, Luis Eduardo


    To determine the effectiveness and security of the antipsychotics available for the management of adult patients with schizophrenia in the maintenance phase. To develop recommendations of treatment for the maintenance phase of the disease. A clinical practice guideline was elaborated under the parameters of the Methodological Guide of the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social to identify, synthesize and evaluate the evidence and make recommendations about the treatment and follow-up of adult patients with schizophrenia. The evidence of NICE guide 82 was adopted and updated. The evidence was presented to the Guideline Developing Group and recommendations, employing the GRADE system, were produced. 18 studies were included to evaluate the effectiveness and / or safety of different antipsychotic drugs first and second generation. Overall, antipsychotics (AP) showed superiority over placebo in relapse rate over 12 months (RR 0.59 95% CI 0.42, 0.82) and hospitalization rate over 24 months of follow-up (RR 0.38 95% 0.27, 0.55); its use is associated with increased risk of treatment dropout (RR 0.53 95% CI 0.46, 0.61) and adverse events such as weight gain, dystonia, extrapyramidal symptoms and sedation. There was no difference in the outcome of re hospitalizations, comparisons on quality of life, negative symptoms or weight gain between AP first and second generation. Continuous or standard dose regimens appear to be superior to intermittent or low doses in reducing the risk of abandonment of treatment regimes. Adult patients diagnosed with schizophrenia should receive maintenance treatment with antipsychotics. The medication of choice will depend on the management of the acute phase, the patient's tolerance to it and the presentation of adverse events. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. Health disparities among adults with developmental disabilities, adults with other disabilities, and adults not reporting disability in North Carolina.


    Havercamp, Susan M; Scandlin, Donna; Roth, Marcia


    The purposes of this study were (1) to identify disparities between adults with developmental disabilities and non-disabled adults in health and medical care, and (2) to compare this pattern of disparities to the pattern of disparities between adults with other disabilities and adults without disabilities. The authors compared data on health status, health risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and utilization of medical care across three groups of adults: No Disability, Disability, and Developmental Disability. Data sources were the 2001 North Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the North Carolina National Core Indicators survey. Adults with developmental disabilities were more likely to lead sedentary lifestyles and seven times as likely to report inadequate emotional support, compared with adults without disabilities. Adults with disabilities and developmental disabilities were significantly more likely to report being in fair or poor health than adults without disabilities. Similar rates of tobacco use and overweight/obesity were reported. Adults with developmental disabilities had a similar or greater risk of having four of five chronic health conditions compared with non-disabled adults. Significant medical care utilization disparities were found for breast and cervical cancer screening as well as for oral health care. Adults with developmental disabilities presented a unique risk for inadequate emotional support and low utilization of breast and cervical cancer screenings. Significant disparities in health and medical care utilization were found for adults with developmental disabilities relative to non-disabled adults. The National Core Indicators protocol offers a sound methodology to gather much-needed surveillance information on the health status, health risk behaviors, and medical care utilization of adults with developmental disabilities. Health promotion efforts must be specifically designed for this population.

  6. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale

    PubMed Central

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  7. A systematic review of evidence for older adults' sedentary behavior and physical activity after hip fracture.


    Zusman, Enav Z; Dawes, Martin G; Edwards, Nicola; Ashe, Maureen C


    To synthesize evidence on older adults' sedentary behavior and physical activity during rehabilitation and recovery for hip fracture (1) across the care continuum and (2) from clinical interventions. We conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed publications using CINAHL, Embase, Ovid MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and SportDiscus (last search: 17 October 2017). We included studies that measured sedentary behavior and physical activity of older adults with hip fracture using activity monitors (e.g. accelerometers). We identified literature at Level 1 (title and abstract) and Level 2 (full text), and conducted forward and backward searches. We assessed observational studies' adherence to reporting guidelines and intervention studies' risk of bias. We included 14 studies (882 participants). Four studies reported sedentary behavior data, while all studies reported information on physical activity. Settings included hospital, rehabilitation centers, and the community. Nine studies were observational; five were experimental design. Older adults had excessive sedentary time (>10 hours/day) and low physical activity. Participants' average upright time differed across settings. During hospital stay, it ranged 16-52 minutes/day, while in the community, it ranged 51-261 minutes/day. Data from five interventions reported on physical activity change: two studies increased between 14 and 27 minutes/day. Another study reported participants accumulated 6994 steps/day at the end of the intervention, but for two other interventions, activity was below 5000 steps/day. Based on available evidence, older adults with hip fracture engage in prolonged sedentary behavior and have low levels of physical activity during rehabilitation and recovery.

  8. [Facultative and obligate aerobic methylobacteria synthesize cytokinins].


    Ivanova, E G; Doronina, N V; Shepeliakovskaia, A O; Laman, A G; Brovko, F A; Trotsenko, Iu A


    The presence and expression of genes controlling the synthesis and secretion of cytokinins by the pink-pigmented facultative methylotroph Methylobacterium mesophilicum VKM B-2143 with the serine pathway and nonpigmented obligate methylotroph Methylovorus mays VKM B-2221 with the ribulose monophosphate pathway of C1 metabolism were shown using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR methods. The presence of the corresponding mRNA in M. mesophilicum cells grown on methanol or succinate suggests that the expression of these genes is constitutive. The cytokinin activity of culture liquid and its fractions was determined by a biotest with Amarantus caudatus L. seedlings. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis, we detected zeatin (riboside) in the culture liquid of both bacteria studied. The data obtained show that the aerobic methylobacteria are phytosymbionts that are able to utilize the single- and polycarbon compounds secreted by symbiotic plants and to synthesize cytokinins.

  9. Structural and optical studies of hydrothermally synthesized MoS{sub 2} nanostructures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chacko, Levna; Swetha, A. K.; Aneesh, P. M., E-mail:


    Transition-metal dichalcogenides like molybdenum disulphide have intrigued intensive interest as two-dimensional (2D) materials beyond extensively studied graphene due to their unique electronic and optical properties. Here we report the hydrothermal synthesis of MoS{sub 2} nanostructures without the addition of any surfactants. The structural and optical properties of the synthesized samples were characterized by various techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis absorption, photoluminescence (PL), and Raman analysis. XRD and Raman spectroscopic studies confirm the formation of hexagonal phase and well ordered stacking of S-Mo-S layers. The increased lattice parameters of MoS{sub 2} samples are due to the stress or strain inducedmore » bending and folding of the layers. The synthesized MoS{sub 2} nanostructures shows a large optical absorption in 300-700 nm region and strong luminescence at 640 nm. In addition, the optical results demonstrates the quantum confinement in layered d-electron material MoS{sub 2} that can lead to engineer its various properties for electronic and optoelectronic applications.« less

  10. Characterization of pore and crystal structure of synthesized LiBOB with varying quality of raw materials as electrolyte for lithium-ion battery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lestariningsih, Titik; Ratri, Christin Rina; Wigayati, Etty Marty; Sabrina, Qolby


    Characterization of pore structure and crystal structure of the LiB(C2O4)2H2O or LIBOB compound has been performed in this study. These recent years, research regarding LiBOB electrolyte salt have been performed using analytical-grade raw materials, therefore this research was aimed to synthesized LiBOB electrolyte salt using the cheaper and abundant technical-grade raw materials. Lithium hydroxide (LiOH), oxalic acid dihydrate (H2C2O4.2H2O), and boric acid (H3BO3) both in technical-grade and analytical-grade quality were used as raw materials for the synthesis of LiBOB. Crystal structure characterization results of synthesized LiBOB from both technical-grade and analytical-grade raw materials have shown the existence of LiBOB and LiBOB hydrate phase with orthorombic structure. These results were also confirmed by FT-IR analysis, which showed the functional groups of LiBOB compounds. SEM analysis results showed that synthesized LiBOB has spherical structure, while commercial LiBOB has cylindrical structure. Synthesized LiBOB has a similar pore size of commercial LiBOB, i.e. 19 nm (mesoporous material). Surface area of synthesized LiBOB from analytical-grade raw materials and technical-grade materials as well as commercial LIBOB were 88.556 m2/g, 41.524 m2/g, and 108.776 m2/g, respectively. EIS analysis results showed that synthesized LiBOB from technical-grade raw materials has lower conductivity than synthesized LiBOB from analytical-grade raw materials.

  11. Method for synthesizing metal bis(borano) hypophosphite complexes


    Cordaro, Joseph G.


    The present invention describes the synthesis of a family of metal bis(borano) hypophosphite complexes. One procedure described in detail is the syntheses of complexes beginning from phosphorus trichloride and sodium borohydride. Temperature, solvent, concentration, and atmosphere are all critical to ensure product formation. In the case of sodium bis(borano) hypophosphite, hydrogen gas was evolved upon heating at temperatures above C. Included in this family of materials are the salts of the alkali metals Li, Na and K, and those of the alkaline earth metals Mg and Ca. Hydrogen storage materials are possible. In particular the lithium salt, Li[PH.sub.2(BH.sub.3).sub.2], theoretically would contain nearly 12 wt % hydrogen. Analytical data for product characterization and thermal properties are given.

  12. Falls in older adults with major depressive disorder (MDD): a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of prospective studies.


    Stubbs, Brendon; Stubbs, Jean; Gnanaraj, Solomon Donald; Soundy, Andrew


    Depressive symptomology is now widely recognized as a key risk factor for falls. The evidence regarding the impact of major depressive disorder (MDD) on falls is unclear. A systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis was undertaken to explore the relationship between MDD and falls. Major electronic database were searched from inception till April 2015. Studies that defined MDD and measured falls prospectively in older adults (≥60 years) were included. Studies relying on depressive symptomology alone were excluded. The methodological quality of included articles was assessed and study findings were synthesized using an exploratory meta-analysis. From a potential of 415 articles, only three studies met the inclusion criteria. This included 976 unique older adults with a range of mean age from ≥65 to 83 years. The methodological quality of included studies was satisfactory. None of the included studies' primary aim was to investigate the relationship between MDD and falls. The exploratory meta-analysis demonstrated older adults with MDD are at increased risk of falling compared to non-depressed older adults (odds ratio (OR) 4.0, 95% CI 2.0-8.1, I(2) = 60%, n = 976). There is a paucity of research considering falls in older adults with MDD. Our results demonstrate that the odds of falling appear to be greater among people with MDD (OR 4.0) than in previous meta-analyses that have only considered subthreshold depressive symptoms. Given the distinct nature and challenges with MDD, more research is required to better understand the falls risk in this group.

  13. Plant Extract Synthesized PLA Nanoparticles for Controlled and Sustained Release of Quercetin: A Green Approach

    PubMed Central

    Yadav, Sudesh Kumar


    Background Green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) has been extensively carried out by using plant extracts (PEs) which have property of stabilizers/ emulsifiers. To our knowledge, there is no comprehensive study on applying a green approach using PEs for fabrication of biodegradable PLA NPs. Conventional methods rely on molecules like polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, D-alpha-tocopheryl poly(ethylene glycol 1000) succinate as stabilizers/emulsifiers for the synthesis of such biodegradable NPs which are known to be toxic. So, there is urgent need to look for stabilizers which are biogenic and non-toxic. The present study investigated use of PEs as stabilizers/emulsifiers for the fabrication of stable PLA NPs. Synthesized PLA NPs through this green process were explored for controlled release of the well known antioxidant molecule quercetin. Methodology/Principal Findings Stable PLA NPs were synthesized using leaf extracts of medicinally important plants like Syzygium cumini (1), Bauhinia variegata (2), Cedrus deodara (3), Lonicera japonica (4) and Eleaocarpus sphaericus (5). Small and uniformly distributed NPs in the size range 70±30 nm to 143±36 nm were formed with these PEs. To explore such NPs for drugs/ small molecules delivery, we have successfully encapsulated quercetin a lipophilic molecule on a most uniformly distributed PLA-4 NPs synthesized using Lonicera japonica leaf extract. Quercetin loaded PLA-4 NPs were observed for slow and sustained release of quercetin molecule. Conclusions This green approach based on PEs mediated synthesis of stable PLA NPs pave the way for encapsulating drug/small molecules, nutraceuticals and other bioactive ingredients for safer cellular uptake, biodistribution and targeted delivery. Hence, such PEs synthesized PLA NPs would be useful to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of encapsulated small molecules/drugs. Furthermore, different types of plants can be explored for the synthesis of PLA as well as other

  14. Effects of dispersion solvent on the formation of silicon nanoparticles synthesized via microemulsion route

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liong, W. L.; Sreekantan, S.; Hutagalung, S. D.


    Silicon nanoparticles are synthesized by microemulsion route. Silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) is used as a silicon source. Meanwhile, hydrazine (N2H5OH), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are used as reduction agent, stabilizer, and capping agent, respectively. In this study, the effects of different solvents (methanol, 1-butanol, 2-propanol, ethanol, acetone, and toluene) on the dispersion and the stabilization of silicon nanoparticles are studied intensively. The results in this study show that ethanol solvent has given smaller particle size, better size distribution, stable suspension and well dispersion of silicon nanoparticles. The diameter of synthesized silicon nanoparticles is in the range of 30-100 nm. Moreover, the absorption edge of silicon nanoparticles in ethanol is observed at a shorter wavelength compared to the others solvent.

  15. Pancreatic Beta Cells Synthesize Neuropeptide Y and Can Rapidly Release Peptide Co-Transmitters

    PubMed Central

    Whim, Matthew D.


    Background In addition to polypeptide hormones, pancreatic endocrine cells synthesize a variety of bioactive molecules including classical transmitters and neuropeptides. While these co-transmitters are thought to play a role in regulating hormone release little is known about how their secretion is regulated. Here I investigate the synthesis and release of neuropeptide Y from pancreatic beta cells. Methodology/Principal Findings NPY appears to be an authentic co-transmitter in neonatal, but not adult, beta cells because (1) early in mouse post-natal development, many beta cells are NPY-immunoreactive whereas no staining is observed in beta cells from NPY knockout mice; (2) GFP-expressing islet cells from an NPY(GFP) transgenic mouse are insulin-ir; (3) single cell RT-PCR experiments confirm that the NPY(GFP) cells contain insulin mRNA, a marker of beta cells. The NPY-immunoreactivity previously reported in alpha and delta cells is therefore likely to be due to the presence of NPY-related peptides. INS-1 cells, a beta cell line, are also NPY-ir and contain NPY mRNA. Using the FMRFamide tagging technique, NPY secretion was monitored from INS-1 beta cells with high temporal resolution. Peptide release was evoked by brief depolarizations and was potentiated by activators of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A. Following a transient depolarization, NPY-containing dense core granules fused with the cell membrane and discharged their contents within a few milliseconds. Conclusions These results indicate that after birth, NPY expression in pancreatic islets is restricted to neonatal beta cells. The presence of NPY suggests that peptide co-transmitters could mediate rapid paracrine or autocrine signaling within the endocrine pancreas. The FMRFamide tagging technique may be useful in studying the release of other putative islet co-transmitters in real time. PMID:21559341

  16. Three-chain B{sub 6n+14} cages as possible precursors for the syntheses of boron fullerenes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lu, Haigang, E-mail:; Li, Si-Dian

    Using the first principle methods, we proposed a series of three-chain boron cages B{sub 6n+14} (n = 1–12) which are mainly built by fusing three boron semi-double-rings. Their simple geometric structures (approximate D{sub 3} or C{sub 3} symmetry) facilitate their bottom-up syntheses from the hexagonal B{sub 7} and the double-chain boron clusters, such as B{sub 2}, B{sub 4}, B{sub 6}, B{sub 8}H{sub 2}, B{sub 10}H{sub 2}, B{sub 12}H{sub 2}, and the double ring B{sub 20}. The spherical shapes of these three-chain boron cages show that they could be taken as the possible precursors to further synthesize the boron fullerenes, suchmore » as B{sub 80}. Therefore, these three-chain boron cages provide a possible synthesis pathway of the boron fullerenes from the experimentally synthesized small planar boron clusters.« less

  17. Activation of PAF-synthesizing enzymes in rat brain stem slices after LTP induction in the medial vestibular nuclei.


    Francescangeli, Ermelinda; Grassi, Silvarosa; Pettorossi, Vito E; Goracci, Gianfrancesco


    LysoPAF acetyltransferase (lysoPAF-AT) and PAF-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase (PAF-PCT) are the two enzymes which catalyze the final reactions for the synthesis of PAF. Their activities, assayed in the homogenate of rat brain stem slices and under their optimal conditions, increased 5 min after high frequency stimulation of vestibular afferents, inducing LTP in the medial vestibular nuclei. The activity of phosphatidylcholine-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase, was not affected. Sixty minutes from the induction of LTP, PAF-PCT activity, but not that of lysoPAF-AT, was still significantly higher with respect to 5 min test stimulated control. We used AP-5 to verify whether this increase was strictly dependent upon LTP induction, which requires NMDA receptor activation. In AP-5 treated slices, lysoPAF-acetyltransferase and PAF-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase activities increased, but they were reduced after high frequency stimulation under AP-5. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the activities of PAF-synthesizing enzymes are activated soon after the induction of LTP and that this effect is linked to the activation of NMDA-receptors. We suggest that the enzyme activation by AP-5, preventing LTP, might be due to glutamate enhancement but, in neurons showing LTP and under normal conditions, the activation of potentiation mechanisms is critical for the enhancement of enzyme activities.

  18. A simple method to synthesize polyhedral hexagonal boron nitride nanofibers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Liang-xu; Zheng, Ying; Li, Zhao-hui; shen, Xiao-nv; Wei, Ke-mei


    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) fibers with polyhedral morphology were synthesized with a simple-operational, large-scale and low-cost method. The sample obtained was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS), electron energy lose spectroscopy (EELS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), etc., which matched with h-BN. Environment scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) indicated that the BN fibers possess polyhedral morphology. The diameter of the BN fibers is mainly in the range of 100-500 nm.

  19. Young Adults' Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards the Sexuality of Older Adults.


    Thompson, Ashley E; O'Sullivan, Lucia F; Byers, E Sandra; Shaughnessy, Krystelle


    Sexual interest and capacity can extend far into later life and result in many positive health outcomes. Yet there is little support for sexual expression in later life, particularly among young adults. This study assessed and compared young adults' explicit and implicit attitudes towards older adult sexuality. A sample of 120 participants (18-24 years; 58% female) completed a self-report (explicit) measure and a series of Implicit Association Tests capturing attitudes towards sexuality among older adults. Despite reporting positive explicit attitudes, young people revealed an implicit bias against the sexual lives of older adults. In particular, young adults demonstrated implicit biases favouring general, as compared to sexual, activities and young adults as compared to older adults. Moreover, the bias favouring general activities was amplified with regard to older adults as compared to younger adults. Our findings challenge the validity of research relying on self-reports of attitudes about older adult sexuality.

  20. Study on antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized by gamma irradiation method using different stabilizers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Van Phu, Dang; Quoc, Le Anh; Duy, Nguyen Ngoc; Lan, Nguyen Thi Kim; Du, Bui Duy; Luan, Le Quang; Hien, Nguyen Quoc


    Colloidal solutions of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized by gamma Co-60 irradiation using different stabilizers, namely polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), alginate, and sericin. The particle size measured from TEM images was 4.3, 6.1, 7.6, and 10.2 nm for AgNPs/PVP, AgNPs/PVA, AgNPs/alginate, and AgNPs/sericin, respectively. The influence of different stabilizers on the antibacterial activity of AgNPs was investigated. Results showed that AgNPs/alginate exhibited the highest antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli ( E. coli) among the as-synthesized AgNPs. Handwash solution has been prepared using Na lauryl sulfate as surfactant, hydroxyethyl cellulose as binder, and 15 mg/L of AgNPs/alginate as antimicrobial agent. The obtained results on the antibacterial test of handwash for the dilution to 3 mg AgNPs/L showed that the antibacterial efficiency against E. coli was of 74.6%, 89.8%, and 99.0% for the contacted time of 1, 3, and 5 min, respectively. Thus, due to the biocompatibility of alginate extracted from seaweed and highly antimicrobial activity of AgNPs synthesized by gamma Co-60 irradiation, AgNPs/alginate is promising to use as an antimicrobial agent in biomedicine, cosmetic, and in other fields.