Sketch of J. R. Kantor's Psychological Interbehavioral Field Theory
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Delprato, Dennis J.; Smith, Noel W.
We provide a sketch of J. R. Kantor's (1959, 1971) psychological interbehavioral field (IBF) theory by identifying 9 essential points and briefly discussing each. The main emphasis of this sketch is on the foundation of Kantor's thinking, the IBF. Suggestions for further study are provided.
Maximum Mass-Particle Velocities in Kantor's Information Mechanics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sverdlik, Daniel I.
Kantor's information mechanics links phenomena previously regarded as not treatable by a single theory. It is used here to calculate the maximum velocities ν m of single particles. For the electron, ν m/c≈1-1.253 814×10-77. The maximum ν m corresponds to ν m/c≈1-1.097864×10-122 for a single mass particle with a rest mass of 3.078 496×10-5g. This is the fastest that matter can move. Either information mechanics or classical mechanics can be used to show that ν m is less for heavier particles. That ν m is less for lighter particles can be deduced from an information mechanics argument alone.
On the stability and collisions in triple stellar systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
He, Matthias Y.; Petrovich, Cristobal
A significant fraction of main-sequence (MS) stars are part of a triple system. We study the long-term stability and dynamical outcomes of triple stellar systems using a large number of long-term direct N-body integrations with relativistic precession. We find that the previously proposed stability criteria by Eggleton & Kiseleva and Mardling & Aarseth predict the stability against ejections reasonably well for a wide range of parameters. Assuming that the triple stellar systems follow orbital and mass distributions from FGK binary stars in the field, we find that ˜ 1 per cent and ˜ 0.5 per cent of the triple systems lead to a direct head-on collision (impact velocity ˜ escape velocity) between MS stars and between a MS star and a stellar-mass compact object, respectively. We conclude that triple interactions are the dominant channel for direct collisions involving a MS star in the field with a rate of one event every ˜100 years in the Milky Way. We estimate that the fraction of triple systems that form short-period binaries is up to ˜ 23 per cent with only up to ˜ 13 per cent being the result of three-body interactions with tidal dissipation, which is consistent with previous work using a secular code.
Triple loop heat exchanger for an absorption refrigeration system
Reimann, Robert C.
A triple loop heat exchanger for an absorption refrigeration system is disclosed. The triple loop heat exchanger comprises portions of a strong solution line for conducting relatively hot, strong solution from a generator to a solution heat exchanger of the absorption refrigeration system, conduit means for conducting relatively cool, weak solution from the solution heat exchanger to the generator, and a bypass system for conducting strong solution from the generator around the strong solution line and around the solution heat exchanger to an absorber of the refrigeration system when strong solution builds up in the generator to an undesirable level. The strong solution line and the conduit means are in heat exchange relationship with each other in the triple loop heat exchanger so that, during normal operation of the refrigeration system, heat is exchanged between the relatively hot, strong solution flowing through the strong solution line and the relatively cool, weak solution flowing through the conduit means. Also, the strong solution line and the bypass system are in heat exchange relationship in the triple loop heat exchanger so that if the normal flow path of relatively hot, strong solution flowing from the generator to an absorber is blocked, then this relatively, hot strong solution which will then be flowing through the bypass system in the triple loop heat exchanger, is brought into heat exchange relationship with any strong solution which may have solidified in the strong solution line in the triple loop heat exchanger to thereby aid in desolidifying any such solidified strong solution.
A triple point in 3-level systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nahmad-Achar, E.; Cordero, S.; López-Peña, R.; Castaños, O.
The energy spectrum of a 3-level atomic system in the Ξ-configuration is studied. This configuration presents a triple point independently of the number of atoms, which remains in the thermodynamic limit. This means that in a vicinity of this point any quantum fluctuation will drastically change the composition of the ground state of the system. We study the expectation values of the atomic population of each level, the number of photons, and the probability distribution of photons at the triple point.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Martynova, A. I.; Orlov, V. V.
Numerical simulations have been carried out in the general three-body problem with equal masses with zero initial velocities, to investigate the distribution of the decay times T based on a representative sample of initial conditions. The distribution has a power-law character on long time scales, f( T) ∝ T - α , with α = 1.74. Over small times T < 30 T cr ( T cr is the mean crossing time for a component of the triple system), a series of local maxima separated by about 1.0 T cr is observed in the decay-time distribution. These local peaks correspond to zones of decay after one or a few triple encounters. Figures showing the arrangement of these zones in the domain of the initial conditions are presented.
Triple-effect absorption refrigeration system with double-condenser coupling
DeVault, R.C.; Biermann, W.J.
A triple effect absorption refrigeration system is provided with a double-condenser coupling and a parallel or series circuit for feeding the refrigerant-containing absorbent solution through the high, medium, and low temperature generators utilized in the triple-effect system. The high temperature condenser receiving vaporous refrigerant from the high temperature generator is double coupled to both the medium temperature generator and the low temperature generator to enhance the internal recovery of heat within the system and thereby increase the thermal efficiency thereof.
Triple-effect absorption refrigeration system with double-condenser coupling
DeVault, Robert C.; Biermann, Wendell J.
A triple effect absorption refrigeration system is provided with a double-condenser coupling and a parallel or series circuit for feeding the refrigerant-containing absorbent solution through the high, medium, and low temperature generators utilized in the triple-effect system. The high temperature condenser receiving vaporous refrigerant from the high temperature generator is double coupled to both the medium temperature generator and the low temperature generator to enhance the internal recovery of heat within the system and thereby increase the thermal efficiency thereof.
Stability of planetary orbits in triple star systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Busetti, Franco; Beust, Hervé; Harley, Charis
Triple stellar systems comprising a central binary orbited by a third star at a larger distance are fairly common. However, there have been very few studies on the stability of planetary orbits in such systems. There has been almost no work on generalised systems, little on retrograde planetary orbits and none on retrograde stellar orbits, with nearly all being for coplanar orbits and for a limited number of orbital parameters. We provide a generalised numerical mapping of the regions of planetary stability in triples, using the symplectic N-body code HJS (Beust 2003) designed for the dynamics of multiple hierarchical systems. We investigate all these orbit types and extend the parameters used to all relevant orbital elements of the triple’s stars, also expanding these elements and mass ratios to wider ranges.This establishes the regions of secular stability and results in empirical models describing the stability bounds for planets in each type of triple configuration, as functions of the various system parameters. These results are compared to the corresponding results for binaries in the limit of a vanishing mass of the third star. A general feature is that retrograde planetary orbits appear more stable than prograde ones, and that stable regions also tend to be wider when the third star's motion is retrograde. Conversely, we point out the destabilizing role of Kozai-Lidov resonance in non-coplanar systems, which shrinks the stability regions as a result of large induced eccentricity variations. Nonetheless, large enough stability regions for planets do exist in triples, and this should motivate future observational campaigns.Refs : Beust, 2003, A&A 400, 1129 Busetti, Beust, Harley, 2018, to be submitted to A&A
Shaping planetary nebulae with jets in inclined triple stellar systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Akashi, Muhammad; Soker, Noam
We conduct three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of two opposite jets launched obliquely to the orbital plane around an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star and within its dense wind, and demonstrate the formation of a 'messy' planetary nebula (PN), namely a PN lacking any type of symmetry (I.e. highly irregular). In building the initial conditions, we assume that a tight binary system orbits the AGB star and that the orbital plane of the tight binary system is inclined to the orbital plane of the binary system and the AGB star (the triple system plane). We further assume that the accreted mass on to the tight binary system forms an accretion disc around one of the stars and that the plane of the disc is tilted to the orbital plane of the triple system. The highly asymmetrical and filamentary structures that we obtain support the notion that messy PNe might be shaped by triple stellar systems.
A Policy Framework for Health Systems to Promote Triple Aim Innovation.
Verma, Amol; Bhatia, Sacha
With the expiry of the Health Accords, provincial governments must face the challenge of improving performance in the context of ageing demographics, increasing multi-morbidity, and real concerns about financial stability. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement Triple Aim articulates fundamental goals that can guide health system transformation: improved population health, enhanced patient experience and reduced or stable per capita costs. Advancing fragmented and costly health systems in pursuit of these goals requires transformative, as opposed to iterative, change. Provincial governments are ideally suited to lead this change by acting as "integrators" who link healthcare organizations and align incentives across the spectrum of delivery. Although there is very limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of system-level reforms, we draw on initiatives from around the world to suggest policies that can promote system-level Triple Aim innovation. We categorize these policies within the classic functions ascribed to health systems: financing, stewardship and resource generation. As healthcare financers, governments should orient procurement policy towards the Triple Aim innovation and reform payment to reward value not volume. As health system stewards, governments should define a Triple Aim vision; measure and report outcomes, patient experience, and costs; integrate across sectors; and facilitate learning from failure and spread of successful innovation. As resource generators, governments should invest in health information technology to exploit "big data" and ensure that professional education equips front-line clinicians with skills necessary to improve systems. There are a number of barriers to system-level Triple Aim innovation. There is a lack of evidence for macro-level policy changes, innovation is costly and complicated, and system reform may not be politically appealing. Triple Aim innovation may also be conflated with organization-level quality
Direct imaging discovery of a Jovian exoplanet within a triple-star system.
Wagner, Kevin; Apai, Dániel; Kasper, Markus; Kratter, Kaitlin; McClure, Melissa; Robberto, Massimo; Beuzit, Jean-Luc
Direct imaging allows for the detection and characterization of exoplanets via their thermal emission. We report the discovery via imaging of a young Jovian planet in a triple-star system and characterize its atmospheric properties through near-infrared spectroscopy. The semimajor axis of the planet is closer relative to that of its hierarchical triple-star system than for any known exoplanet within a stellar binary or triple, making HD 131399 dynamically unlike any other known system. The location of HD 131399Ab on a wide orbit in a triple system demonstrates that massive planets may be found on long and possibly unstable orbits in multistar systems. HD 131399Ab is one of the lowest mass (4 ± 1 Jupiter masses) and coldest (850 ± 50 kelvin) exoplanets to have been directly imaged. Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Revealing Secrets of Triple Asteroid Systems with SPHERE
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Bin; Wahhaj, Zahed; Beauvalet, Laurene; Marchis, Franck; Dumas, Christophe; Marsset, Michaël
A multiple-asteroid system provides otherwise unattainable information about the intrinsic properties of the system itself as well as its formation and evolution. Comparative spectroscopy and imaging of two large multiple main-belt asteroids: (93) Minerva and (130) Elektra were performed using the newly commissioned Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research instrument (SPHERE) on ESO's 8.2-m VLT. A new moon (S/2014 (130) 1), of the known binary asteroid (130) Elektra, was discovered based on the SPHERE observations, making (130) Elektra the sixth triple system detected in the asteroid belt. We will present the component-resolved near infrared spectra, from 0.9 to 1.6 micron, of the Minerva and the Elektra triple systems. We will also present the orbital solution and the dynamical simulations on the two moons of (130) Elektra.
Brown Dwarf Binaries from Disintegrating Triple Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reipurth, Bo; Mikkola, Seppo
Binaries in which both components are brown dwarfs (BDs) are being discovered at an increasing rate, and their properties may hold clues to their origin. We have carried out 200,000 N-body simulations of three identical stellar embryos with masses drawn from a Chabrier IMF and embedded in a molecular core. The bodies are initially non-hierarchical and undergo chaotic motions within the cloud core, while accreting using Bondi-Hoyle accretion. The coupling of dynamics and accretion often leads to one or two dominant bodies controlling the center of the cloud core, while banishing the other(s) to the lower-density outskirts, leading to stunted growth. Eventually each system transforms either to a bound hierarchical configuration or breaks apart into separate single and binary components. The orbital motion is followed for 100 Myr. In order to illustrate 200,000 end-states of such dynamical evolution with accretion, we introduce the “triple diagnostic diagram,” which plots two dimensionless numbers against each other, representing the binary mass ratio and the mass ratio of the third body to the total system mass. Numerous freefloating BD binaries are formed in these simulations, and statistical properties are derived. The separation distribution function is in good correspondence with observations, showing a steep rise at close separations, peaking around 13 AU and declining more gently, reaching zero at separations greater than 200 AU. Unresolved BD triple systems may appear as wider BD binaries. Mass ratios are strongly peaked toward unity, as observed, but this is partially due to the initial assumptions. Eccentricities gradually increase toward higher values, due to the lack of viscous interactions in the simulations, which would both shrink the orbits and decrease their eccentricities. Most newborn triple systems are unstable and while there are 9209 ejected BD binaries at 1 Myr, corresponding to about 4% of the 200,000 simulations, this number has grown to
Triple Asteroid System Triples Asteroid Observers Interest
NASA Deep Space Network, Goldstone radar images show triple asteroid 1994 CC, which consists of a central object approximately 700 meters 2,300 feet in diameter and two smaller moons that orbit the central body. Animation available at the Photojournal
Discovering Steiner Triple Systems through Problem Solving
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sriraman, Bharath
An attempt to implement problem solving as a teacher of ninth grade algebra is described. The problems selected were not general ones, they involved combinations and represented various situations and were more complex which lead to the discovery of Steiner triple systems.
Discovery of the triple asteroidal system 87 Sylvia.
Marchis, Franck; Descamps, Pascal; Hestroffer, Daniel; Berthier, Jérome
After decades of speculation, the existence of binary asteroids has been observationally confirmed, with examples in all minor planet populations. However, no triple systems have hitherto been discovered. Here we report the unambiguous detection of a triple asteroidal system in the main belt, composed of a 280-km primary (87 Sylvia) and two small moonlets orbiting at 710 and 1,360 km. We estimate their orbital elements and use them to refine the shape of the primary body. Both orbits are equatorial, circular and prograde, suggesting a common origin. Using the orbital information to estimate its mass and density, 87 Sylvia appears to have a rubble-pile structure with a porosity of 25-60 per cent. The system was most probably formed through the disruptive collision of a parent asteroid, with the new primary resulting from accretion of fragments, while the moonlets are formed from the debris, as has been predicted previously.
A new triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine for cancer therapy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Grebinyk, Anna; Yashchuk, Valeriy; Bashmakova, Nataliya; Gryn, Dmytro; Hagemann, Tobias; Naumenko, Antonina; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Dandekar, Thomas; Frohme, Marcus
The isoquinoline quaternary alkaloid Berberine possesses a variety of pharmacological properties that suggests its promising application for an anticancer delivery system design utilizing its ability to intercalate DNA. In the current work, we have investigated the effects of Berberine on the human T cell leukemia cell line in vitro. Fluorescent microscopy of leukemic cells revealed Berberine nuclear localization. The results showed that Berberine inhibited leukemic cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner, that was associated with reactive oxygen species production intensification and caspase 3/7 activity increase with followed apoptosis induction. Berberine was used as a toxic and phototoxic agent for triple system synthesis along with DNA as a carrier and nanosilver as a plasmonic accelerator of Berberine electronic transitions and high energy emission absorbent centers. The proposed method allows to obtain the complex of DNA with Berberine molecules and silver nanoparticles. The optical properties of free components as well as their various combinations, including the final triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine, were investigated. Obtained results support the possibility to use the triple system DNA-Nanosilver-Berberine as an alternative therapeutic agent for cancer treatment.
Characteristics of Known Triple Asteroid Systems in the Main Belt
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marchis, Franck; Berthier, J.; Burns, K. J.; Descamps, P.; Durech, J.; Emery, J. P.; Enriquez, J. E.; Lainey, V.; Reiss, A. E.; Vachier, F.
Since the discovery of "Sylvia Remus II” [1], around the binary asteroid (87) Sylvia [2] using the VLT/NACO instrument, the number of known triple systems increased significantly. Using the same instrument, a second moonlet was discovered around the binary (45) Eugenia [3] in 2007 [4]. Using an improved W.M. Keck II AO system, [5] announced the discovery of two 3 & 5-km moons orbiting the M-type asteroid (216) Kleopatra and more recently, [6] revealed the presence of two tiny 4-km moons around the C-type (93) Minerva. 3749 Balam is a different triple asteroid system whose existence was suggested by combining lightcurves and AO observations [7]. The properties of these triple systems have been derived individually and published recently [1, 8,9,10]. We will review and contrast their characteristics, including the orbital parameters of the satellite orbits, the size and shape of the primary and the satellites, their taxonomic classes, their bulk densities, and their ages. The goal of this study is to uncover clues concerning the formation and evolution of these mini-planetary systems. The National Science Foundation supported this research under award number AAG-0807468. 1. Marchis et al. Nature 2005 2. Brown et al., IAU 7588, 2001 3. Merline et al. Nature 401, 1999 4. Marchis et al. IAU 1073, 2007 5. Marchis et al. IAU 8980, 2008 6. Marchis et al., IAU 9069, 2009 7. Marchis et al., IAU 8928, 2008 8. Marchis et al., A Dynamical Solution of the Triple Asteroid System (45) Eugenia , Icarus in press, 2010 9. Descamps et al, Triplicity and Physical Characteristics of Asteroid 216 Kleopatra Icarus, in revision, 2010 10. Marchis et al., Triplicity and Physical Characteristics of the main-belt Asteroid (93) Minerva, Icarus submitted 2010
Extreme AO Observations of Two Triple Asteroid Systems with SPHERE
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, B.; Wahhaj, Z.; Beauvalet, L.; Marchis, F.; Dumas, C.; Marsset, M.; Nielsen, E. L.; Vachier, F.
We present the discovery of a new satellite of asteroid (130) Elektra—S/2014 (130) 1—in differential imaging and in integral field spectroscopy data over multiple epochs obtained with Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research/Very Large Telescope. This new (second) moonlet of Elektra is about 2 km across, on an eccentric orbit, and about 500 km away from the primary. For a comparative study, we also observed another triple asteroid system, (93) Minerva. For both systems, component-resolved reflectance spectra of the satellites and primary were obtained simultaneously. No significant spectral difference was observed between the satellites and the primary for either triple system. We find that the moonlets in both systems are more likely to have been created by sub-disruptive impacts as opposed to having been captured.
Orbital Analysis of Two Triple Systems in the Open Cluster NGC 2516
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Veramendi, M. E.; González, J. F.
We report the discovery of two hierarchical triple systems in the open cluster NGC 2516. Both systems are double-lined spectroscopic binaries whose center-of-mass velocity varies in a time scale of a few years. The system BDA 19 consists of an eccentric spectroscopic binary with a period of 8.7 days and a third body orbiting with a period of about 3300 days. The close pair in the triple BDA 2 has an orbital period of 11.2 days and contains a HgMn star.
Pathways Triple P and the Child Welfare System: A Promising Fit.
Petra, Megan; Kohl, Patricia
Parents referred to the child welfare system following maltreatment allegations are often ill-prepared to constructively address child disruptive behaviors, despite the high prevalence of these behaviors among this population. Evidence-based parent-mediated interventions are effective in improving parenting skills; however, they are rarely offered within the child welfare system. The purpose of this pilot project was to evaluate the fit and acceptability of one parent-mediated training program (Pathways Triple P) to case managers and parents within this system of care. We implemented Pathways Triple P and subsequently interviewed referring case managers and parents who had participated in the program. Case managers felt the program would work well within the existing child welfare system and would help them to better serve parents. They felt the program had potential to improve parenting skills and prevent future maltreatment. Parents appreciated the program's use of diverse methods, and the variety of parenting techniques taught. In keeping with case manager expectations, participants reported that their enhanced parenting skills and new ability to use non-physical discipline resulted in a better home life. We conclude that Pathways Triple P fits well within the child welfare system and is acceptable to both case managers and parents within this system.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Yang, B.; Wahhaj, Z.; Dumas, C.
We present the discovery of a new satellite of asteroid (130) Elektra—S/2014 (130) 1—in differential imaging and in integral field spectroscopy data over multiple epochs obtained with Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research/Very Large Telescope. This new (second) moonlet of Elektra is about 2 km across, on an eccentric orbit, and about 500 km away from the primary. For a comparative study, we also observed another triple asteroid system, (93) Minerva. For both systems, component-resolved reflectance spectra of the satellites and primary were obtained simultaneously. No significant spectral difference was observed between the satellites and the primary for either triple system. Wemore » find that the moonlets in both systems are more likely to have been created by sub-disruptive impacts as opposed to having been captured.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ranga, Marina; Etzkowitz, Henry
This paper introduces the concept of Triple Helix systems as an analytical construct that synthesizes the key features of university--industry--government (Triple Helix) interactions into an "innovation system" format, defined according to systems theory as a set of components, relationships and functions. Among the components of Triple…
Theoretical Implications of the PSR B1620-26 Triple System and Its Planet
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ford, Eric B.; Joshi, Kriten J.; Rasio, Frederic A.; Zbarsky, Boris
We present a new theoretical analysis of the PSR B1620-26 triple system in the globular cluster M4, based on the latest radio pulsar timing data, which now include measurements of five time derivatives of the pulse frequency. These data allow us to determine the mass and orbital parameters of the second companion completely (up to the usual unknown orbital inclination angle i2). The current best-fit parameters correspond to a second companion of planetary mass, m2sini2~=7×10-3 Msolar , in an orbit of eccentricity e2~=0.45 and semimajor axis a2~=60 AU. Using numerical scattering experiments, we study a possible formation scenario for the triple system, which involves a dynamical exchange interaction between the binary pulsar and a primordial star-planet system. The current orbital parameters of the triple are consistent with such a dynamical origin and suggest that the separation of the parent star-planet system was very large, >~50 AU. We also examine the possible origin of the anomalously high eccentricity of the inner binary pulsar. While this eccentricity could have been induced during the same dynamical interaction that created the triple, we find that it could equally well arise from long-term secular perturbation effects in the triple, combining the general relativistic precession of the inner orbit with the Newtonian gravitational perturbation of the planet. The detection of a planet in this system may be taken as evidence that large numbers of extrasolar planetary systems, not unlike those discovered recently in the solar neighborhood, also exist in old star clusters.
Searching for orbits around the triple system 45 Eugenia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mescolotti, B. Y. P. M.; Prado, A. F. B. A.; Chiaradia, A. P. M.; Gomes, V. M.
Asteroids are small bodies that raises high interest, because they have unknown characteristics. The present research aims to study orbits for a spacecraft around the triple asteroid 45 Eugenia. The quality of the observations made by the spacecraft depends on the distance the spacecraft remains from the bodies of the system. It is used a semi-analytical model that is simple but able to represent the main characteristics of that system. This model is called “Precessing Inclined Bi-Elliptical Problem” (PIBEP). A reference system centered on the main body (Eugenia) and with the reference plane assumed to be in the orbital plane of the second more massive body, here called Petit-Prince, is used. The secondary bodies are assumed to be in elliptical orbits. In addition, it is assumed that the orbits of the smaller bodies are precessing due to the presence of the flattening of the main body (J2). This work analyzes orbits for the spacecraft with passages near Petit-Prince and Princesses, which are the two smaller bodies of the triple system.
Triple Value System Dynamics Modeling to Help Stakeholders Engage with Food-Energy-Water Problems
Triple Value (3V) Community scoping projects and Triple Value Simulation (3VS) models help decision makers and stakeholders apply systems-analysis methodology to complex problems related to food production, water quality, and energy use. 3VS models are decision support tools that...
Closed and Open Systems: The Tavistock Group from a General System Perspective.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rugel, Robert P.
Describes phases in the life of a Tavistock group composed of college students using concepts from Von Bertalanffy's general systems theory, MacKenzie's role theory, and Kantor's family theory. Discusses early, middle, and late phases of typical 16-session group as it moves from a closed to an open system. (Author/NB)
Orbit Alignment in Triple Stars
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tokovinin, Andrei
The statistics of the angle Φ between orbital angular momenta in hierarchical triple systems with known inner visual or astrometric orbits are studied. A correlation between apparent revolution directions proves the partial orbit alignment known from earlier works. The alignment is strong in triples with outer projected separation less than ˜50 au, where the average Φ is about 20^\\circ . In contrast, outer orbits wider than 1000 au are not aligned with the inner orbits. It is established that the orbit alignment decreases with the increasing mass of the primary component. The average eccentricity of inner orbits in well-aligned triples is smaller than in randomly aligned ones. These findings highlight the role of dissipative interactions with gas in defining the orbital architecture of low-mass triple systems. On the other hand, chaotic dynamics apparently played a role in shaping more massive hierarchies. The analysis of projected configurations and triples with known inner and outer orbits indicates that the distribution of Φ is likely bimodal, where 80% of triples have {{Φ }}< 70^\\circ and the remaining ones are randomly aligned.
Triple redundant computer system/display and keyboard subsystem interface
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gulde, F. J.
Interfacing of the redundant display and keyboard subsystem with the triple redundant computer system is defined according to space shuttle design. The study is performed in three phases: (1) TRCS configuration and characteristics identification; (2) display and keyboard subsystem configuration and characteristics identification, and (3) interface approach definition.
Dark and bright-state polaritons in triple- Λ EIT system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Selvan, Karthick
Properties of polaritons in triple-Λ EIT system are investigated using Sawada-Brout-Chong method. The role of dark and bright-state polaritons in the dynamics of the system is studied in detail by including the decay of excited atomic levels. Time evolution of entanglement of single and three-photon EIT modes within the system is investigated to explain this study.
A millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system.
Ransom, S M; Stairs, I H; Archibald, A M; Hessels, J W T; Kaplan, D L; van Kerkwijk, M H; Boyles, J; Deller, A T; Chatterjee, S; Schechtman-Rook, A; Berndsen, A; Lynch, R S; Lorimer, D R; Karako-Argaman, C; Kaspi, V M; Kondratiev, V I; McLaughlin, M A; van Leeuwen, J; Rosen, R; Roberts, M S E; Stovall, K
Gravitationally bound three-body systems have been studied for hundreds of years and are common in our Galaxy. They show complex orbital interactions, which can constrain the compositions, masses and interior structures of the bodies and test theories of gravity, if sufficiently precise measurements are available. A triple system containing a radio pulsar could provide such measurements, but the only previously known such system, PSR B1620-26 (refs 7, 8; with a millisecond pulsar, a white dwarf, and a planetary-mass object in an orbit of several decades), shows only weak interactions. Here we report precision timing and multiwavelength observations of PSR J0337+1715, a millisecond pulsar in a hierarchical triple system with two other stars. Strong gravitational interactions are apparent and provide the masses of the pulsar M[Symbol: see text](1.4378(13), where M[Symbol: see text]is the solar mass and the parentheses contain the uncertainty in the final decimal places) and the two white dwarf companions (0.19751(15)M[Symbol: see text] and 0.4101(3))M[Symbol: see text], as well as the inclinations of the orbits (both about 39.2°). The unexpectedly coplanar and nearly circular orbits indicate a complex and exotic evolutionary past that differs from those of known stellar systems. The gravitational field of the outer white dwarf strongly accelerates the inner binary containing the neutron star, and the system will thus provide an ideal laboratory in which to test the strong equivalence principle of general relativity.
Zhou, Xiao Yi; Lu, Xinyan; Raparia, Kirtee; Chen, Yi-Hua
Triple-hit lymphoma is a highly aggressive B-cell lymphoma. We report a case of triple-hit lymphoma transformed from systemic follicular lymphoma (FL) after 9-year remission and presented primarily as an isolated orbital mass without systemic symptoms or lymphadenopathy. A 58-year-old female presented with intermittent vertical binocular diplopia, left upper eyelid swelling and pain and was found to have a 2.9 cm orbital mass. Histological section revealed a CD10-positive large B-cell lymphoma, consistent with transformation of FL. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis demonstrated rearrangements involving C-MYC, BCL-2 and BCL-6 genes, indicating a high grade, triple-hit lymphoma. Triple-hit lymphoma transformed from a low-grade lymphoma may initially present as an isolated orbital mass without systemic evidence of transformation. Early recognition of double or triple-hit lymphomas is important since these patients require aggressive chemotherapy.
Experimental Validation of the Piezoelectric Triple Hybrid Actuation System (TriHYBAS)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Xu, Tian-Bing; Jiang, Xiaoning; Su, Ji
A piezoelectric triple hybrid actuation system (TriHYBAS) has been developed. In this brief presentation of the validation process the displacement profile of TriHYBAS and findings regarding displacement versus applied voltage are highlighted.
Asteroid Systems: Binaries, Triples, and Pairs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Margot, J.-L.; Pravec, P.; Taylor, P.; Carry, B.; Jacobson, S.
In the past decade, the number of known binary near-Earth asteroids has more than quadrupled and the number of known large main-belt asteroids with satellites has doubled. Half a dozen triple asteroids have been discovered, and the previously unrecognized populations of asteroid pairs and small main-belt binaries have been identified. The current observational evidence confirms that small (≲20 km) binaries form by rotational fission and establishes that the Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect powers the spin-up process. A unifying paradigm based on rotational fission and post-fission dynamics can explain the formation of small binaries, triples, and pairs. Large (>~20 km) binaries with small satellites are most likely created during large collisions.
A VLT/NACO survey for triple and quadruple systems among visual pre-main sequence binaries
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Correia, S.; Zinnecker, H.; Ratzka, Th.; Sterzik, M. F.
Aims.This paper describes a systematic search for high-order multiplicity among wide visual Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) binaries. Methods: .We conducted an Adaptive Optics survey of a sample of 58 PMS wide binaries from various star-forming regions, which include 52 T Tauri systems with mostly K- and M-type primaries, with the NIR instrument NACO at the VLT. Results: .Of these 52 systems, 7 are found to be triple (2 new) and 7 quadruple (1 new). The new close companions are most likely physically bound based on their probability of chance projection and, for some of them, on their position on a color-color diagram. The corresponding degree of multiplicity among wide binaries (number of triples and quadruples divided by the number of systems) is 26.9 ± 7.2% in the projected separation range ~0.07 arcsec -12'', with the largest contribution from the Taurus-Auriga cloud. We also found that this degree of multiplicity is twice in Taurus compared to Ophiuchus and Chamaeleon for which the same number of sources are present in our sample. Considering a restricted sample composed of systems at distance 140-190 pc, the degree of multiplicity is 26.8 ± 8.1%, in the separation range 10/14 AU-1700/2300 AU (30 binaries, 5 triples, 6 quadruples). The observed frequency agrees with results from previous multiplicity surveys within the uncertainties, although a significant overabundance of quadruple systems compared to triple systems is apparent. Tentatively including the spectroscopic pairs in our restricted sample and comparing the multiplicity fractions to those measured for solar-type main-sequence stars in the solar neighborhood leads to the conclusion that both the ratio of triples to binaries and the ratio of quadruples to triples seems to be in excess among young stars. Most of the current numerical simulations of multiple star formation, and especially smoothed particles hydrodynamics simulations, over-predict the fraction of high-order multiplicity when compared to our
Lewis, Geraint; Kirkham, Heather; Duncan, Ian; Vaithianathan, Rhema
Health care systems in many countries are using the "Triple Aim"--to improve patients' experience of care, to advance population health, and to lower per capita costs--as a focus for improving quality. Population strategies for addressing the Triple Aim are becoming increasingly prevalent in developed countries, but ultimately success will also require targeting specific subgroups and individuals. Certain events, which we call "Triple Fail" events, constitute a simultaneous failure to meet all three Triple Aim goals. The risk of experiencing different Triple Fail events varies widely across people. We argue that by stratifying populations according to each person's risk and anticipated response to an intervention, health systems could more effectively target different preventive interventions at particular risk strata. In this article we describe how such an approach could be planned and operationalized. Policy makers should consider using this stratified approach to reduce the incidence of Triple Fail events, thereby improving outcomes, enhancing patient experience, and lowering costs.
Verification of Triple Modular Redundancy Insertion for Reliable and Trusted Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Berg, Melanie; LaBel, Kenneth
If a system is required to be protected using triple modular redundancy (TMR), improper insertion can jeopardize the reliability and security of the system. Due to the complexity of the verification process and the complexity of digital designs, there are currently no available techniques that can provide complete and reliable confirmation of TMR insertion. We propose a method for TMR insertion verification that satisfies the process for reliable and trusted systems.
Chaotic dynamics in the (47171) Lempo triple system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Correia, Alexandre C. M.
We investigate the dynamics of the (47171) Lempo triple system, also known by 1999 TC36. We derive a full 3D N-body model that takes into account the orbital and spin evolution of all bodies, which are assumed triaxial ellipsoids. We show that, for reasonable values of the shapes and rotational periods, the present best fitted orbital solution for the Lempo system is chaotic and unstable in short time-scales. The formation mechanism of this system is unknown, but the orbits can be stabilised when tidal dissipation is taken into account. The dynamics of the Lempo system is very rich, but depends on many parameters that are presently unknown. A better understanding of this systems thus requires more observations, which also need to be fitted with a complete model like the one presented here.
Recovery and normalization of triple coincidences in PET
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lage, Eduardo, E-mail:; Parot, Vicente; Dave, Shivang R.
Purpose: Triple coincidences in positron emission tomography (PET) are events in which three γ-rays are detected simultaneously. These events, though potentially useful for enhancing the sensitivity of PET scanners, are discarded or processed without special consideration in current systems, because there is not a clear criterion for assigning them to a unique line-of-response (LOR). Methods proposed for recovering such events usually rely on the use of highly specialized detection systems, hampering general adoption, and/or are based on Compton-scatter kinematics and, consequently, are limited in accuracy by the energy resolution of standard PET detectors. In this work, the authors propose amore » simple and general solution for recovering triple coincidences, which does not require specialized detectors or additional energy resolution requirements. Methods: To recover triple coincidences, the authors’ method distributes such events among their possible LORs using the relative proportions of double coincidences in these LORs. The authors show analytically that this assignment scheme represents the maximum-likelihood solution for the triple-coincidence distribution problem. The PET component of a preclinical PET/CT scanner was adapted to enable the acquisition and processing of triple coincidences. Since the efficiencies for detecting double and triple events were found to be different throughout the scanner field-of-view, a normalization procedure specific for triple coincidences was also developed. The effect of including triple coincidences using their method was compared against the cases of equally weighting the triples among their possible LORs and discarding all the triple events. The authors used as figures of merit for this comparison sensitivity, noise-equivalent count (NEC) rates and image quality calculated as described in the NEMA NU-4 protocol for the assessment of preclinical PET scanners. Results: The addition of triple-coincidence events with
Recovery and normalization of triple coincidences in PET.
Lage, Eduardo; Parot, Vicente; Moore, Stephen C; Sitek, Arkadiusz; Udías, Jose M; Dave, Shivang R; Park, Mi-Ae; Vaquero, Juan J; Herraiz, Joaquin L
Triple coincidences in positron emission tomography (PET) are events in which three γ-rays are detected simultaneously. These events, though potentially useful for enhancing the sensitivity of PET scanners, are discarded or processed without special consideration in current systems, because there is not a clear criterion for assigning them to a unique line-of-response (LOR). Methods proposed for recovering such events usually rely on the use of highly specialized detection systems, hampering general adoption, and/or are based on Compton-scatter kinematics and, consequently, are limited in accuracy by the energy resolution of standard PET detectors. In this work, the authors propose a simple and general solution for recovering triple coincidences, which does not require specialized detectors or additional energy resolution requirements. To recover triple coincidences, the authors' method distributes such events among their possible LORs using the relative proportions of double coincidences in these LORs. The authors show analytically that this assignment scheme represents the maximum-likelihood solution for the triple-coincidence distribution problem. The PET component of a preclinical PET/CT scanner was adapted to enable the acquisition and processing of triple coincidences. Since the efficiencies for detecting double and triple events were found to be different throughout the scanner field-of-view, a normalization procedure specific for triple coincidences was also developed. The effect of including triple coincidences using their method was compared against the cases of equally weighting the triples among their possible LORs and discarding all the triple events. The authors used as figures of merit for this comparison sensitivity, noise-equivalent count (NEC) rates and image quality calculated as described in the NEMA NU-4 protocol for the assessment of preclinical PET scanners. The addition of triple-coincidence events with the authors' method increased peak
Amor: Investigating The Triple Asteroid System 2001 SN263
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jones, T.; Bellerose, Julie; Lee, P.; Prettyman, T.; Lawrence, D.; Smith, P.; Gaffey, M.; Nolan, M.; Goldsten, J.; Thomas, P.; Veverka, J.; Farquhar, R.; Heldmann, J.; Reddy, V.; Williams, B.; Chartres, J.; DeRosee, R.; Dunham, D.
The Amor mission will rendezvous and land at the triple Near-Earth Asteroid system (153591) 2001 SN263 and execute detailed, in-situ science investigations. The spacecraft reaches 2001 SN263 by using a two-year ΔVEGA (ΔV-Earth Gravity Assist) trajectory with a relatively low launch C3 of 33.5 km2/s2. Rendezvous will enable reconnaissance activities including global and regional imaging, shape modeling, system dynamics, and compositional mapping. After landing, Amor will conduct in-situ imaging (panoramic to microscopic scale) and compositional measurements to include elemental abundance. The main objectives are to 1) establish in-situ the long-hypothesized link between C-type asteroids and the primitive carbonaceous chondrite (CC) meteorites, 2) investigate the nature, origin and evolution of C-type asteroids, and 3) investigate the origin and evolution of a multiple asteroid system. The mission also addresses the distribution of volatiles and organic materials, impact hazards, and resources for future exploration. Amor is managed by NASA Ames Research Center in partnership with Orbital Sciences, KinetX, MDA, and Draper with heritage instruments provided by Ball Aerospace, JHU/APL, and Firestar Engineering. The science team brings experience from NEAR, Hayabusa, Deep Impact, Dawn, LCROSS, Kepler, and Mars missions. In this paper, we describe the science, mission design, and main operational challenges of performing in-situ science at this triple asteroid system. Challenges include landing on the asteroid components, thermal environment, short day-night cycles, and the operation of deployed instruments in a low gravity (10^-5 g) environment.
A trust region-based approach to optimize triple response systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fan, Shu-Kai S.; Fan, Chihhao; Huang, Chia-Fen
This article presents a new computing procedure for the global optimization of the triple response system (TRS) where the response functions are non-convex quadratics and the input factors satisfy a radial constrained region of interest. The TRS arising from response surface modelling can be approximated using a nonlinear mathematical program that considers one primary objective function and two secondary constraint functions. An optimization algorithm named the triple response surface algorithm (TRSALG) is proposed to determine the global optimum for the non-degenerate TRS. In TRSALG, the Lagrange multipliers of the secondary functions are determined using the Hooke-Jeeves search method and the Lagrange multiplier of the radial constraint is located using the trust region method within the global optimality space. The proposed algorithm is illustrated in terms of three examples appearing in the quality-control literature. The results of TRSALG compared to a gradient-based method are also presented.
A giant planet in the triple system HD 132563
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Desidera, S.; Carolo, E.; Gratton, R.; Martinez Fiorenzano, A. F.; Endl, M.; Mesa, D.; Barbieri, M.; Bonavita, M.; Cecconi, M.; Claudi, R. U.; Cosentino, R.; Marzari, F.; Scuderi, S.
As part of our radial velocity planet-search survey performed with SARG at TNG, we monitored the components of HD 132563 for ten years. It is a binary system formed by two rather similar solar type stars with a projected separation of 4.1 arcsec, which corresponds to 400 AU at the distance of 96 pc. The two components are moderately metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -0.19), and the age of the system is about 5 Gyr. We detected RV variations of HD 132563B with period of 1544 days and semi-amplitude of 26 m/s. From the star characteristics and line profile measurements, we infer their Keplerian origin. Therefore HD 132563B turns out to host a planet with a projected mass msini = 1.49 MJ at 2.6 AU with a moderately eccentric orbit (e = 0.22). The planet around HD 132563B is one of the few that are known in triple stellar systems, as we found that the primary HD 132563A is itself a spectroscopic binary with a period longer than 15 years and an eccentricity higher than 0.65. The spectroscopic component was not detected in adaptive-optics images taken with the instrument AdOpt mounted at the TNG, since it expected at a projected separation that was smaller than 0.2 arcsec at the time of our observations. A small excess in K band difference between the components with respect to the difference in V band is compatible with a companion of about 0.55 M⊙. A preliminary statistical analysis of when planets occur in triple systems indicate a similar frequency of planets around the isolated component in a triple system, components of wide binaries and single stars. There is no significant iron abundance difference between the components. The lack of stars in binary systems and open clusters showing strong enhancements of iron abundance, which are comparable to the typical metallicity difference between stars with and without giant planets, agrees with the idea that accretion of planetary material producing iron abundance anomalies over 0.1 dex is rare. Based on observations made with the
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sarrafzadeh-Khoee, Adel K. (Inventor)
The invention provides a method of triple-beam and triple-sensor in a laser speckle strain/deformation measurement system. The triple-beam/triple-camera configuration combined with sequential timing of laser beam shutters is capable of providing indications of surface strain and structure deformations. The strain and deformation quantities, the four variables of surface strain, in-plane displacement, out-of-plane displacement and tilt, are determined in closed form solutions.
Multishell encapsulation using a triple coaxial electrospray system.
Kim, Woojin; Kim, Sang Soo
To overcome the limitations of the conventional encapsulation methods and improve the potential use of the electrospray method as a drug delivery system, an electrospray system using a triple coaxial nozzle was developed to generate multishell capsules. Two conducting fluids, ethylene glycol and 4-hydroxybutyl acrylate, and one nonconducting fluid, olive oil, were chosen to manufacture the multishell capsules. The capsules were solidified by a photopolymerization device. We investigated the size distributions and visualized the capsules changing fluid flow rates. Dispersive Raman spectra were also monitored to determine the chemical composition of the capsules. The multishell capsules were generated in the overlapped cone-jet mode regime of the conducting fluids, and the sizes and shell thicknesses were controlled by the flow rates and applied voltages.
Tu, Rui; Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun
This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration.
Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun
This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration. PMID:29596330
Modeling the Blood-Brain Barrier in a 3D triple co-culture microfluidic system.
Adriani, G; Ma, D; Pavesi, A; Goh, E L K; Kamm, R D
The need for a blood-brain barrier (BBB) model that accurately mimics the physiological characteristics of the in-vivo situation is well-recognized by researchers in academia and industry. However, there is currently no in-vitro model allowing studies of neuronal growth and/or function influenced by factors from the blood that cross through the BBB. Therefore, we established a 3D triple co-culture microfluidic system using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) together with primary rat astrocytes and neurons. Immunostaining confirmed the successful triple co-culture system consisting of an intact BBB with tight intercellular junctions in the endothelial monolayer. The BBB selective permeability was determined by a fluorescent-based assay using dextrans of different molecular weights. Finally, neuron functionality was demonstrated by calcium imaging.
A close-pair binary in a distant triple supermassive black hole system.
Deane, R P; Paragi, Z; Jarvis, M J; Coriat, M; Bernardi, G; Fender, R P; Frey, S; Heywood, I; Klöckner, H-R; Grainge, K; Rumsey, C
Galaxies are believed to evolve through merging, which should lead to some hosting multiple supermassive black holes. There are four known triple black hole systems, with the closest black hole pair being 2.4 kiloparsecs apart (the third component in this system is at 3 kiloparsecs), which is far from the gravitational sphere of influence (about 100 parsecs for a black hole with mass one billion times that of the Sun). Previous searches for compact black hole systems concluded that they were rare, with the tightest binary system having a separation of 7 parsecs (ref. 10). Here we report observations of a triple black hole system at redshift z = 0.39, with the closest pair separated by about 140 parsecs and significantly more distant from Earth than any other known binary of comparable orbital separation. The effect of the tight pair is to introduce a rotationally symmetric helical modulation on the structure of the large-scale radio jets, which provides a useful way to search for other tight pairs without needing extremely high resolution observations. As we found this tight pair after searching only six galaxies, we conclude that tight pairs are more common than hitherto believed, which is an important observational constraint for low-frequency gravitational wave experiments.
Analysis of a Triple Star System Occulted By Saturn’s Rings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bratcher, Allison; Colwell, J. E.; Bolin, B.
On January 4, 2012, the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Cassini Spacecraft observed Saturn’s rings as they occulted the triple star system, Iota Orionis. Remarkably, the brightest star was occulted by the moon Prometheus, and we provide the timing information of first and last contact for navigation purposes and a chord across the moon. The large separation of the individual stars projected in the ring plane makes it possible to measure the profiles of narrow features in the rings as they were occulted by each of the three stars. This occultation thus provides a unique opportunity to measure short-scale longitudinal variations in narrow ringlets with stellar occultation data that usually provide only a single longitudinal sample. Iota Orionis has a low elevation angle (B=1.4 degrees) above the plane of the rings, enhancing the sensitivity of the occultation (by a factor of 1/sin(B)=41) to the optically thin regions of the rings such as the C Ring and the Cassini Division as well as faint ringlets in the Encke gap. We distinguished the three signals by creating a model triple star signal using data from another occultation. We were able to identify several faint, narrow ringlets, including two in the Encke gap, occulted by two of the three stars and more prominent ringlets, such as the Huygens ringlet, in all three stellar light curves. We present the equivalent widths of these ringlets in the data from this triple star system and limits on ring variability over the azimuthal separation of the stars that ranges from 6000 km at the inner C ring to 200 km at the outer A ring.
A Triple-Loop Inductive Power Transmission System for Biomedical Applications.
Lee, Byunghun; Kiani, Mehdi; Ghovanloo, Maysam
A triple-loop wireless power transmission (WPT) system equipped with closed-loop global power control, adaptive transmitter (Tx) resonance compensation (TRC), and automatic receiver (Rx) resonance tuning (ART) is presented. This system not only opposes coupling and load variations but also compensates for changes in the environment surrounding the inductive link to enhance power transfer efficiency (PTE) in applications such as implantable medical devices (IMDs). The Tx was built around a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader, operating at 13.56 MHz. A local Tx loop finds the optimal capacitance in parallel with the Tx coil by adjusting a varactor. A global power control loop maintains the received power at a desired level in the presence of changes in coupling distance, coil misalignments, and loading. Moreover, a local Rx loop is implemented inside a power management integrated circuit (PMIC) to avoid PTE degradation due to the Rx coil surrounding environment and process variations. The PMIC was fabricated in a 0.35- μm 4M2P standard CMOS process with 2.54 mm(2) active area. Measurement results show that the proposed triple-loop system improves the overall PTE by up to 10.5% and 4.7% compared to a similar open- and single closed-loop system, respectively, at nominal coil distance of 2 cm. The added TRC and ART loops contribute 2.3% and 1.4% to the overall PTE of 13.5%, respectively. This is the first WPT system to include three loops to dynamically compensate for environment and circuit variations and improve the overall power efficiency all the way from the driver output in Tx to the load in Rx.
Triple effect absorption cycles
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Erickson, D.C.; Potnis, S.V.; Tang, J.
Triple effect absorption chillers can achieve 50% COP improvement over double-effect systems. However, to translate this potential into cost-effective hardware, the most promising embodiments must be identified. In this study, 12 generic triple effect cycles and 76 possible hermetic loop arrangements of those 12 generic cycles were identified. The generic triple effect cycles were screened based on their pressure and solubility field requirements, generic COPs, risk involved in the component design, and number of components in a high corrosive environment. This screening identified four promising arrangements: Alkitrate Topping cycle, Pressure Staged Envelope cycle, High Pressure Overlap cycle, and Dual Loopmore » cycle. All of these arrangements have a very high COP ({approximately} 1.8), however the development risk and cost involved is different for each arrangement. Therefore, the selection of a particular arrangement will depend upon the specific situation under consideration.« less
High quality lamella preparation of gallium nitride compound semiconductor using Triple Beam™ system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, T.; Nakano, K.; Matsumoto, H.; Torikawa, S.; Nakatani, I.; Kiyohara, M.; Isshiki, T.
Gallium nitride (GaN) compound semiconductors have been known to be very sensitive to Ga focused ion beam (FIB) processing. Due to the nature of GaN based materials it is often difficult to produce damage-free lamellae, therefore applying the Triple Beam™ system which incorporates an enhanced method for amorphous removal is presented to make a high quality lamella. The damage or distortion layer thickness of GaN single crystal prepared with 30 kV Ga FIB and 1 kV Ga FIB were about 17 nm and 1.5 nm respectively. The crystallinity at the uppermost surface remained unaffected when the condition of 1 kV Ar ion milling with the Triple Beam™ system was used. The technique of combining traditional Ga FIB processing with an enhanced method for amorphous layer removal by low energy Ar ion milling allows us to analyse the InGaN/GaN interface using aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy at atomic resolution levels.
Shaping planetary nebulae with jets in inclined triple stellar systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Akashi, Muhammad; Soker, Noam
We conduct three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of two opposite jets launched obliquely to the orbital plane around an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star and within its dense wind, and demonstrate the formation of a `messy' planetary nebula (PN), namely, a PN lacking any type of symmetry (highly irregular). In building the initial conditions we assume that a tight binary system orbits the AGB star, and that the orbital plane of the tight binary system is inclined to the orbital plane of binary system and the AGB star. We further assume that the accreted mass onto the tight binary system forms an accretion disk around one of the stars, and that the plane of the disk is in between the two orbital planes. The highly asymmetrical lobes that we obtain support the notion that messy PNe might be shaped by triple stellar systems.
Pursuing the Triple Aim: The First 7 Years.
Whittington, John W; Nolan, Kevin; Lewis, Ninon; Torres, Trissa
POLICY POINTS: In 2008, researchers at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) proposed the Triple Aim, strategic organizing principles for health care organizations and geographic communities that seek, simultaneously, to improve the individual experience of care and the health of populations and to reduce the per capita costs of care for populations. In 2010, the Triple Aim became part of the US national strategy for tackling health care issues, especially in the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. Since that time, IHI and others have worked together to determine how the implementation of the Triple Aim has progressed. Drawing on our 7 years of experience, we describe 3 major principles that guided the organizations and communities working on this endeavor: creating the right foundation for population management, managing services at scale for the population, and establishing a learning system to drive and sustain the work over time. In 2008, researchers at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) described the Triple Aim as simultaneously "improving the individual experience of care; improving the health of populations; and reducing the per capita costs of care for populations." IHI and its close colleagues had determined that both individual and societal changes were needed. In 2007, IHI began recruiting organizations from around the world to participate in a collaborative to implement what became known as the Triple Aim. The 141 participating organizations included health care systems, hospitals, health care insurance companies, and others closely tied to health care. In addition, key groups outside the health care system were represented, such as public health agencies, social services groups, and community coalitions. This collaborative provided a structure for observational research. By noting the contrasts between the contexts and structures of those sites in the collaborative that progressed and
On the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem and Conformally Twisted Spectral Triples for C*-Dynamical Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fathizadeh, Farzad; Gabriel, Olivier
The analog of the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem is studied for a C^*-dynamical system consisting of a C^*-algebra A equipped with an ergodic action of a compact Lie group G. The structure of the Lie algebra g of G is used to interpret the Chevalley-Eilenberg complex with coefficients in the smooth subalgebra A subset A as noncommutative differential forms on the dynamical system. We conformally perturb the standard metric, which is associated with the unique G-invariant state on A, by means of a Weyl conformal factor given by a positive invertible element of the algebra, and consider the Hermitian structure that it induces on the complex. A Hodge decomposition theorem is proved, which allows us to relate the Euler characteristic of the complex to the index properties of a Hodge-de Rham operator for the perturbed metric. This operator, which is shown to be selfadjoint, is a key ingredient in our construction of a spectral triple on A and a twisted spectral triple on its opposite algebra. The conformal invariance of the Euler characteristic is interpreted as an indication of the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem in this setting. The spectral triples encoding the conformally perturbed metrics are shown to enjoy the same spectral summability properties as the unperturbed case.
Pursuing the Triple Aim: The First 7 Years
Whittington, John W; Nolan, Kevin; Lewis, Ninon; Torres, Trissa
Context In 2008, researchers at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) described the Triple Aim as simultaneously “improving the individual experience of care; improving the health of populations; and reducing the per capita costs of care for populations.” IHI and its close colleagues had determined that both individual and societal changes were needed. Methods In 2007, IHI began recruiting organizations from around the world to participate in a collaborative to implement what became known as the Triple Aim. The 141 participating organizations included health care systems, hospitals, health care insurance companies, and others closely tied to health care. In addition, key groups outside the health care system were represented, such as public health agencies, social services groups, and community coalitions. This collaborative provided a structure for observational research. By noting the contrasts between the contexts and structures of those sites in the collaborative that progressed and those that did not, we were able to develop an ex post theory of what is needed for an organization or community to successfully pursue the Triple Aim. Findings Drawing on our 7 years of experience, we describe the 3 major principles that guided the organizations and communities working on the Triple Aim: creating the right foundation for population management, managing services at scale for the population, and establishing a learning system to drive and sustain the work over time. Conclusions The concept of the Triple Aim is now widely used, because of IHI's work with many organizations and also because of the adoption of the Triple Aim as part of the national strategy for US health care, developed during the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Even those organizations working on the Triple Aim before IHI coined the term found our concept to be useful because it helped them think about all 3 dimensions at once and organize their
Characterization of triple layers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Otero, Toribio F.; Cortes, M. Teresa
We reported the characterization of a macroscopic electrochemomechanical actuator like triple layer (3x1 cm) formed by polypyrrole)/double- sided, non-conducting and flexible tape/ polypyrrole that works in liquid electrolytes under electrochemical control. This triple layer has characteristics of artificial muscle. The influence of variables that control the volume change in the polymer as electrolyte concentration, or temperature has been studied. Variations of time, energy and charge under different conditions are described. We have found that the triple layer acts, at the same time, as sensor and actuator. Therefore, physical magnitudes like the electrolyte concentration or the temperature in the cell can be obtained from electrical energy consumed by a muscle. We have evaluated the influence of variables as area of the triple layer or the trailing weight, which don't participate in the electrochemical reaction. We propose an explication to the results, which show a correlation between the trailed mass and the consumed charge required to move a constant angle those masses by the triple layer. When different surface areas of the triple layer has been evaluated we found that the consumed electrical charge is proportional to area (the mass) of the triple layer. The triple layer can make macroscopical movements in short times, their position is absolutely controlled with the electrical charge, and it has capacity to lift masses. These characteristics allow their use in the design of tools. So, we present a macroscopic tool constituted by two triple layers, which allows catch and translate objects in liquid medium (nipper).
Sound transmission through triple-panel structures lined with poroelastic materials
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Yu
In this paper, previous theories on the prediction of sound transmission loss for a double-panel structure lined with poroelastic materials are extended to address the problem of a triple-panel structure. Six typical configurations are considered for a triple-panel structure based on the method of coupling the porous layers to the facing panels which determines critically the sound insulation performance of the system. The transfer matrix method is employed to solve the system by applying appropriate types of boundary conditions for these configurations. The transmission loss of the triple-panel structures in a diffuse sound field is calculated as a function of frequency and compared with that of corresponding double-panel structures. Generally, the triple-panel structure with poroelastic linings has superior acoustic performance to the double-panel counterpart, remarkably in the mid-high frequency range and possibly at low frequencies, by selecting appropriate configurations in which those with two air gaps in the structure exhibit the best overall performance over the entire frequency range. The poroelastic lining significantly lowers the cut-on frequency above which the triple-panel structure exhibits noticeably higher transmission loss. Compared with a double-panel structure, the wider range of system parameters for a triple-panel structure due to the additional partition provides more design space for tuning the sound insulation performance. Despite the increased structural complexity, the triple-panel structure lined with poroelastic materials has the obvious advantages in sound transmission loss while without the penalties in weight and volume, and is hence a promising replacement for the widely used double-panel sandwich structure.
Open Innovation, Triple Helix and Regional Innovation Systems: Exploring CATAPULT Centres in the UK
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kerry, Christopher; Danson, Michael
Through the lens of UK CATAPULT Centres this conceptual paper presents an examination of the links between open innovation, the Triple Helix model and regional innovation systems. Highlighting the importance of boundary-spanning intermediaries, the combined role of these concepts is explored in detail. A conceptual model is then proposed which…
New Circuit QED system based on Triple-leg Stripline Resonator.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Dongmin; Moon, Kyungsun
Conventional circuit QED system consists of a qubit located inside a linear stripline resonator, which has successfully demonstrated a strong coupling between a single photon and a qubit. Here we present a new circuit QED system, where the qubit is coupled to triple-leg stripline resonator (TSR). We have shown that TSR supports two-fold degenerate photon modes among others. By coupling them to a single qubit, we have obtained the dressed states of a coupled system of a single qubit and two-fold degenerate photon modes. By locating two qubits at two legs of TSR, we have studied a potential two-bit gate operation (e.g., CNOT gate) of the system. We will discuss the main advantage of utilizing two-fold degenerate photon modes This work is partially supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2016R1D1A1B01013756).
Verification of Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) Insertion for Reliable and Trusted Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Berg, Melanie; LaBel, Kenneth A.
We propose a method for TMR insertion verification that satisfies the process for reliable and trusted systems. If a system is expected to be protected using TMR, improper insertion can jeopardize the reliability and security of the system. Due to the complexity of the verification process, there are currently no available techniques that can provide complete and reliable confirmation of TMR insertion. This manuscript addresses the challenge of confirming that TMR has been inserted without corruption of functionality and with correct application of the expected TMR topology. The proposed verification method combines the usage of existing formal analysis tools with a novel search-detect-and-verify tool. Field programmable gate array (FPGA),Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR),Verification, Trust, Reliability,
TM triple-mode microwave filter
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lai, S.-L.; Lin, W.-G.
A novel realization of triple-mode six-pole microwave filters that use only TM modes is presented. The application involves TM triple degeneracies in cylindrical cavities using triple-mode elliptic function filter synthesis. Experimental results are reported.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Millman, Daniel R.
Air Data Systems (FADS) are becoming more prevalent on re-entry vehicles, as evi- denced by the Mars Science Laboratory and the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle. A FADS consists of flush-mounted pressure transducers located at various locations on the fore-body of a flight vehicle or the heat shield of a re-entry capsule. A pressure model converts the pressure readings into useful air data quantities. Two algorithms for converting pressure readings to air data have become predominant- the iterative Least Squares State Estimator (LSSE) and the Triples Algorithm. What follows herein is a new algorithm that takes advantage of the best features of both the Triples Algorithm and the LSSE. This approach employs the potential flow model and strategic differencing of the Triples Algorithm to obtain the defective flight angles; however, the requirements on port placement are far less restrictive, allowing for configurations that are considered optimal for a FADS.
Dark energy in the three-body problem: Wide triple galaxies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Emel'yanov, N. V.; Kovalev, M. Yu.; Chernin, A. D.
The structure and evolution of triple galaxy systems in the presence of the cosmic dark-energy background is studied in the framework of the three-body problem. The dynamics of wide triple systems are determinedmainly by the competition between the mutual gravitational forces between the three bodies and the anti-gravity created by the dark-energy background. This problem can be solved via numerical integration of the equations of motion with initial conditions that admit various types of evolutionary behavior of the system. Such dynamical models show that the anti-gravity created by dark energy makes a triple system less tightly bound, thereby facilitating its decay, with a subsequent transition to motion of the bodies away from each other in an accelerating regime with a linear Hubble-law dependence of the velocity on distance. The coefficient of proportionality between the velocity and distance in this asymptotic relation corresponds to the universal value H Λ = 61 km s-1 Mpc-1, which depends only on the dark-energy density. The similarity of this relation to the large-scale recession of galaxies indicates that double and triple galaxies represent elementary dynamical cells realizing the overall behavior of a system dominated by dark energy on their own scale, independent of their masses and dimensions.
Triple helix purification and sequencing
Wang, Renfeng; Smith, Lloyd M.; Tong, Xinchun E.
Disclosed herein are methods, kits, and equipment for purifying single stranded circular DNA and then using the DNA for DNA sequencing purposes. Templates are provided with an insert having a hybridization region. An elongated oligonucleotide has two regions that are complementary to the insert and the oligo is bound to a magnetic anchor. The oligo hybridizes to the insert on two sides to form a stable triple helix complex. The anchor can then be used to drag the template out of solution using a magnet. The system can purify sequencing templates, and if desired the triple helix complex can be opened up to a double helix so that the oligonucleotide will act as a primer for further DNA synthesis.
Binaries and triples among asteroid pairs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pravec, Petr; Scheirich, Peter; Kušnirák, Peter; Hornoch, Kamil; Galád, Adrián
Despite major achievements obtained during the past two decades, our knowledge of the population and properties of small binary and multiple asteroid systems is still far from advanced. There is a numerous indirect evidence for that most small asteroid systems were formed by rotational fission of cohesionless parent asteroids that were spun up to the critical frequency presumably by YORP, but details of the process are lacking. Furthermore, as we proceed with observations of more and more binary and paired asteroids, we reveal new facts that substantially refine and sometimes change our understanding of the asteroid systems. One significant new finding we have recently obtained is that primaries of many asteroid pairs are actually binary or triple systems. The first such case found is (3749) Balam (Vokrouhlický, ApJL 706, L37, 2009). We have found 9 more binary systems among asteroid pairs within our ongoing NEOSource photometric project since October 2012. They are (6369) 1983 UC, (8306) Shoko, (9783) Tensho-kan, (10123) Fideoja, (21436) Chaoyichi, (43008) 1999 UD31, (44620) 1999 RS43, (46829) 1998 OS14 and (80218) 1999 VO123. We will review their characteristics. These paired binaries as we call them are mostly similar to binaries in the general ("background") population (of unpaired asteroids), but there are a few trends. The paired binaries tend to have larger secondaries with D_2/D_1 = 0.3 to 0.5 and they also tend to be wider systems with 8 of the 10 having orbital periods between 30 and 81 hours, than average among binaries in the general population. There may be also a larger fraction of triples; (3749) Balam is a confirmed triple, having a larger close and a smaller distant satellite, and (8306) Shoko and (10123) Fideoja are suspect triples as they show additional rotational lightcurve components with periods of 61 and 38.8 h that differ from the orbital period of 36.2 and 56.5 h, respectively. The unbound secondaries tend to be of the same size or
Robust Modeling of Stellar Triples in PHOEBE
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Conroy, Kyle E.; Prsa, Andrej; Horvat, Martin; Stassun, Keivan G.
The number of known mutually-eclipsing stellar triple and multiple systems has increased greatly during the Kepler era. These systems provide significant opportunities to both determine fundamental stellar parameters of benchmark systems to unprecedented precision as well as to study the dynamical interaction and formation mechanisms of stellar and planetary systems. Modeling these systems to their full potential, however, has not been feasible until recently. Most existing available codes are restricted to the two-body binary case and those that do provide N-body support for more components make sacrifices in precision by assuming no stellar surface distortion. We have completely redesigned and rewritten the PHOEBE binary modeling code to incorporate support for triple and higher-order systems while also robustly modeling data with Kepler precision. Here we present our approach, demonstrate several test cases based on real data, and discuss the current status of PHOEBE's support for modeling these types of systems. PHOEBE is funded in part by NSF grant #1517474.
Mapping stable direct and retrograde orbits around the triple system of asteroids (45) Eugenia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Araujo, R. A. N.; Moraes, R. V.; Prado, A. F. B. A.; Winter, O. C.
It is widely accepted that knowing the composition and the orbital evolution of asteroids might help us to understand the process of formation of the Solar system. It is also known that asteroids can represent a threat to our planet. Such an important role has made space missions to asteroids a very popular topic in current astrodynamics and astronomy studies. Taking into account the increasing interest in space missions to asteroids, especially to multiple systems, we present a study that aims to characterize the stable and unstable regions around the triple system of asteroids (45) Eugenia. The goal is to characterize the unstable and stable regions of this system and to make a comparison with the system 2001 SN263, which is the target of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) mission. A new concept was used for mapping orbits, by considering the disturbance received by the spacecraft from all perturbing forces individually. This method has also been applied to (45) Eugenia. We present the stable and unstable regions for particles with relative inclination between 0° and 180°. We found that (45) Eugenia presents larger stable regions for both prograde and retrograde cases. This is mainly because the satellites of this system are small when compared to the primary body, and because they are not close to each other. We also present a comparison between these two triple systems, and we discuss how these results can guide us in the planning of future missions.
The TWA 3 Young Triple System: Orbits, Disks, Evolution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kellogg, Kendra; Prato, L.; Torres, Guillermo; Schaefer, G. H.; Avilez, I.; Ruíz-Rodríguez, D.; Wasserman, L. H.; Bonanos, Alceste Z.; Guenther, E. W.; Neuhäuser, R.; Levine, S. E.; Bosh, A. S.; Morzinski, Katie M.; Close, Laird; Bailey, Vanessa; Hinz, Phil; Males, Jared R.
We have characterized the spectroscopic orbit of the TWA 3A binary and provide preliminary families of probable solutions for the TWA 3A visual orbit, as well as for the wide TWA 3A-B orbit. TWA 3 is a hierarchical triple located at 34 pc in the ˜10 Myr old TW Hya association. The wide component separation is 1.″55 the close pair was first identified as a possible binary almost 20 years ago. We initially identified the 35-day period orbital solution using high-resolution infrared spectroscopy that angularly resolved the A and B components. We then refined the preliminary orbit by combining the infrared data with a reanalysis of our high-resolution optical spectroscopy. The orbital period from the combined spectroscopic solution is ˜35 days, the eccentricity is ˜0.63, and the mass ratio is ˜0.84 although this high mass ratio would suggest that optical spectroscopy alone should be sufficient to identify the orbital solution, the presence of the tertiary B component likely introduced confusion in the blended optical spectra. Using millimeter imaging from the literature, we also estimate the inclinations of the stellar orbital planes with respect to the TWA 3A circumbinary disk inclination and find that all three planes are likely misaligned by at least ˜30°. The TWA 3A spectroscopic binary components have spectral types of M4.0 and M4.5; TWA 3B is an M3. We speculate that the system formed as a triple, is bound, and that its properties were shaped by dynamical interactions between the inclined orbits and disk.
The TWA 3 Young Triple System: Orbits, Disks, Evolution
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kellogg, Kendra; Prato, L.; Avilez, I.
We have characterized the spectroscopic orbit of the TWA 3A binary and provide preliminary families of probable solutions for the TWA 3A visual orbit, as well as for the wide TWA 3A–B orbit. TWA 3 is a hierarchical triple located at 34 pc in the ∼10 Myr old TW Hya association. The wide component separation is 1.″55; the close pair was first identified as a possible binary almost 20 years ago. We initially identified the 35-day period orbital solution using high-resolution infrared spectroscopy that angularly resolved the A and B components. We then refined the preliminary orbit by combining themore » infrared data with a reanalysis of our high-resolution optical spectroscopy. The orbital period from the combined spectroscopic solution is ∼35 days, the eccentricity is ∼0.63, and the mass ratio is ∼0.84; although this high mass ratio would suggest that optical spectroscopy alone should be sufficient to identify the orbital solution, the presence of the tertiary B component likely introduced confusion in the blended optical spectra. Using millimeter imaging from the literature, we also estimate the inclinations of the stellar orbital planes with respect to the TWA 3A circumbinary disk inclination and find that all three planes are likely misaligned by at least ∼30°. The TWA 3A spectroscopic binary components have spectral types of M4.0 and M4.5; TWA 3B is an M3. We speculate that the system formed as a triple, is bound, and that its properties were shaped by dynamical interactions between the inclined orbits and disk.« less
Triple helix purification and sequencing
Wang, R.; Smith, L.M.; Tong, X.E.
Disclosed herein are methods, kits, and equipment for purifying single stranded circular DNA and then using the DNA for DNA sequencing purposes. Templates are provided with an insert having a hybridization region. An elongated oligonucleotide has two regions that are complementary to the insert and the oligo is bound to a magnetic anchor. The oligo hybridizes to the insert on two sides to form a stable triple helix complex. The anchor can then be used to drag the template out of solution using a magnet. The system can purify sequencing templates, and if desired the triple helix complex can be opened up to a double helix so that the oligonucleotide will act as a primer for further DNA synthesis. 4 figures.
Triple flames and flame stabilization
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Broadwell, James E.
It is now well established that when turbulent jet flames are lifted, combustion begins, i.e., the flame is stabilized, at an axial station where the fuel and air are partially premixed. One might expect, therefore, that the beginning of the combustion zone would be a triple flame. Such flames have been described; however, other experiments provide data that are difficult to reconcile with the presence of triple flames. In particular, laser images of CH and OH, marking combustion zones, do not exhibit shapes typical of triple flames, and, more significantly, the lifted flame appears to have a propagation speed that is an order of magnitude higher than the laminar flame speed. The speed of triple flames studied thus far exceeds the laminar value by a factor less than two. The objective of the present task is the resolution of the apparent conflict between the experiments and the triple flame characteristics, and the clarification of the mechanisms controlling flame stability. Being investigated are the resolution achieved in the experiments, the flow field in the neighborhood of the stabilization point, propagation speeds of triple flames, laboratory flame unsteadiness, and the importance of flame ignition limits in the calculation of triple flames that resemble lifted flames.
Triple Value Simulation Model Fact Sheet
The Triple Value Simulation (3VS) is a high-level model that accounts for the complex relationships among economic, social and environmental systems in order to explore scenarios and solutions to improve the health of the Bay.
Geographic Health Information Systems: A Platform To Support The ‘Triple Aim’
Miranda, Marie Lynn; Ferranti, Jeffrey; Strauss, Benjamin; Neelon, Brian; Califf, Robert M.
Despite the rapid growth of electronic health data, most data systems do not connect individual patient records to data sets from outside the health care delivery system. These isolated data systems cannot support efforts to recognize or address how the physical and environmental context of each patient influences health choices and health outcomes. In this article we describe how a geographic health information system in Durham, North Carolina, links health system and social and environmental data via shared geography to provide a multidimensional understanding of individual and community health status and vulnerabilities. Geographic health information systems can be useful in supporting the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim Initiative to improve the experience of care, improve the health of populations, and reduce per capita costs of health care. A geographic health information system can also provide a comprehensive information base for community health assessment and intervention for accountable care that includes the entire population of a geographic area. PMID:24019366
Genetics Home Reference: triple X syndrome
... Twitter Home Health Conditions Triple X syndrome Triple X syndrome Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable ... to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Triple X syndrome , also called trisomy X or 47,XXX, ...
Extreme close approaches in hierarchical triple systems with comparable masses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haim, Niv; Katz, Boaz
We study close approaches in hierarchical triple systems with comparable masses using full N-body simulations, motivated by a recent model for type Ia supernovae involving direct collisions of white dwarfs (WDs). For stable hierarchical systems where the inner binary components have equal masses, we show that the ability of the inner binary to achieve very close approaches, where the separation between the components of the inner binary reaches values which are orders of magnitude smaller than the semi-major axis, can be analytically predicted from initial conditions. The rate of close approaches is found to be roughly linear with the mass of the tertiary. The rate increases in systems with unequal inner binaries by a marginal factor of ≲ 2 for mass ratios 0.5 ≤ m1/m2 ≤ 1 relevant for the inner white-dwarf binaries. For an average tertiary mass of ˜0.3M⊙ which is representative of typical M-dwarfs, the chance for clean collisions is ˜1% setting challenging constraints on the collisional model for type Ia's.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tokovinin, Andrei, E-mail:
Each of the nearby triple systems HIP 7601, 13498, 23824, and 113597 (HD 10800, 18198, 35877, 217379) consist of solar-type dwarfs with comparable masses, where all three components are resolved spectrally, while the outer pairs are resolved both visually and spectrally. These stars are relatively young (between 100 and 600 Myr) and chromospherically active (X-ray sources), although they rotate slowly. I determine the spectroscopic orbits of the inner subsystems (periods 19.4, 14.1, 5.6, 20.3 days) and the orbits of the outer systems (periods 1.75, 51, 27, 500 years, respectively). For HIP 7601 and 13498, the combined spectro-interferometric outer orbits producemore » direct measurement of the masses of all of the components, allowing for a comparison with stellar models. The 6708 Å lithium line is present and its strength is measured in each component individually by subtracting the contributions of the other components. The inner and outer orbits of HIP 7601 are nearly circular, likely co-planar, and have a modest period ratio of 1:33. This study contributes to the characterization of hierarchical multiplicity in the solar neighborhood and provides data for testing stellar evolutionary models and chronology.« less
Fractal spectral triples on Kellendonk's C∗-algebra of a substitution tiling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mampusti, Michael; Whittaker, Michael F.
We introduce a new class of noncommutative spectral triples on Kellendonk's C∗-algebra associated with a nonperiodic substitution tiling. These spectral triples are constructed from fractal trees on tilings, which define a geodesic distance between any two tiles in the tiling. Since fractals typically have infinite Euclidean length, the geodesic distance is defined using Perron-Frobenius theory, and is self-similar with scaling factor given by the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue. We show that each spectral triple is θ-summable, and respects the hierarchy of the substitution system. To elucidate our results, we construct a fractal tree on the Penrose tiling, and explicitly show how it gives rise to a collection of spectral triples.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Simón-Díaz, S.; Caballero, J. A.; Apellániz, J. Maíz
We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital parameters for the highly eccentric σ Ori Aa, Ab spectroscopic binary. We compiled a spectroscopic data set comprising 90 high-resolution spectra covering a total time span of 1963 days. We applied the Lehman-Filhés method for a detailed orbital analysis of the radial velocity curves and performed a combined quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B system by means of the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND. We used our own plus other available information onmore » photometry and distance to the system for measuring the radii, luminosities, and spectroscopic masses of the three components. We also inferred evolutionary masses and stellar ages using the Bayesian code BONNSAI. The orbital analysis of the new radial velocity curves led to a very accurate orbital solution of the σ Ori Aa, Ab pair. We provided indirect arguments indicating that σ Ori B is a fast-rotating early B dwarf. The FASTWIND+BONNSAI analysis showed that the Aa, Ab pair contains the hottest and most massive components of the triple system while σ Ori B is a bit cooler and less massive. The derived stellar ages of the inner pair are intriguingly younger than the one widely accepted for the σ Orionis cluster, at 3 ± 1 Ma. The outcome of this study will be of key importance for a precise determination of the distance to the σ Orionis cluster, the interpretation of the strong X-ray emission detected for σ Ori Aa, Ab, B, and the investigation of the formation and evolution of multiple massive stellar systems and substellar objects.« less
A directional nucleation-zipping mechanism for triple helix formation
Alberti, Patrizia; Arimondo, Paola B.; Mergny, Jean-Louis; Garestier, Thérèse; Hélène, Claude; Sun, Jian-Sheng
A detailed kinetic study of triple helix formation was performed by surface plasmon resonance. Three systems were investigated involving 15mer pyrimidine oligonucleotides as third strands. Rate constants and activation energies were validated by comparison with thermodynamic values calculated from UV-melting analysis. Replacement of a T·A base pair by a C·G pair at either the 5′ or the 3′ end of the target sequence allowed us to assess mismatch effects and to delineate the mechanism of triple helix formation. Our data show that the association rate constant is governed by the sequence of base triplets on the 5′ side of the triplex (referred to as the 5′ side of the target oligopurine strand) and provides evidence that the reaction pathway for triple helix formation in the pyrimidine motif proceeds from the 5′ end to the 3′ end of the triplex according to the nucleation-zipping model. It seems that this is a general feature for all triple helices formation, probably due to the right-handedness of the DNA double helix that provides a stronger base stacking at the 5′ than at the 3′ duplex–triplex junction. Understanding the mechanism of triple helix formation is not only of fundamental interest, but may also help in designing better triple helix-forming oligonucleotides for gene targeting and control of gene expression. PMID:12490709
A linear triple quantum dot system in isolated configuration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Flentje, Hanno; Bertrand, Benoit; Mortemousque, Pierre-André; Thiney, Vivien; Ludwig, Arne; Wieck, Andreas D.; Bäuerle, Christopher; Meunier, Tristan
The scaling up of electron spin qubit based nanocircuits has remained challenging up till date and involves the development of efficient charge control strategies. Here, we report on the experimental realization of a linear triple quantum dot in a regime isolated from the reservoir. We show how this regime can be reached with a fixed number of electrons. Charge stability diagrams of the one, two, and three electron configurations where only electron exchange between the dots is allowed are observed. They are modeled with the established theory based on a capacitive model of the dot systems. The advantages of the isolated regime with respect to experimental realizations of quantum simulators and qubits are discussed. We envision that the results presented here will make more manipulation schemes for existing qubit implementations possible and will ultimately allow to increase the number of tunnel coupled quantum dots which can be simultaneously controlled.
Triple grouping and period-three oscillations in minority-game dynamics.
Dong, Jia-Qi; Huang, Zi-Gang; Huang, Liang; Lai, Ying-Cheng
Dynamical systems based on the minority game (MG) have been a paradigm for gaining significant insights into a variety of social and biological behaviors. Recently, a grouping phenomenon has been unveiled in MG systems of multiple resources (strategies) in which the strategies spontaneously break into an even number of groups, each exhibiting an identical oscillation pattern in the attendance of game players. Here we report our finding of spontaneous breakup of resources into three groups, each exhibiting period-three oscillations. An analysis is developed to understand the emergence of the striking phenomenon of triple grouping and period-three oscillations. In the presence of random disturbances, the triple-group/period-three state becomes transient, and we obtain explicit formula for the average transient lifetime using two methods of approximation. Our finding indicates that, period-three oscillation, regarded as one of the most fundamental behaviors in smooth nonlinear dynamical systems, can also occur in much more complex, evolutionary-game dynamical systems. Our result also provides a plausible insight for the occurrence of triple grouping observed, for example, in the U.S. housing market.
Detection of solid C(triple bond)N bearing materials on solar system bodies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cruikshank, Dale P.; Hartmann, W. K.; Tholen, David J.; Allamandola, L. J.; Brown, R. H.; Matthews, C. N.; Bell, J. F.
We found observational evidence for the presence of C(triple bond)N-bearing solid materials on four classes of Solar System bodies: comets, asteroids, the rings of Uranus, and Saturn's satellite Iapetus. Gaseous CN was known in comet spectra, and the IR spectra of Comet P/Halley show emission of the CN fundamental at 4.5 microns interpreted as solids containing CN- group in the grains of the inner coma. The presented data offer the first evidence for chemically related material on the other objects.
SDSS J1056+5516: A Triple AGN or an SMBH Recoil Candidate?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kalfountzou, E.; Santos Lleo, M.; Trichas, M.
We report the discovery of a kiloparsec-scale triple supermassive black hole system at z = 0.256: SDSS J1056+5516, discovered by our systematic search for binary quasars. The system contains three strong emission-line nuclei, which are offset by < 250 {km} {{{s}}}-1 and by 15-18 kpc in projected separation, suggesting that the nuclei belong to the same physical structure. The system includes a tidal arm feature spanning ˜100 kpc in projected distance at the systems’ redshift, inhabiting an ongoing or recent galaxy merger. Based on our results, such a structure can only satisfy one of the three scenarios; a triple supermasive black hole (SMBH) interacting system, a triple AGN, or a recoiling SMBH. Each of these scenarios is unique for our understanding of the hierarchical growth of galaxies, AGN triggering, and gravitational waves.
Geodynamical simulation of the RRF triple junction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Z.; Wei, D.; Liu, M.; Shi, Y.; Wang, S.
Triple junction is the point at which three plate boundaries meet. Three plates at the triple junction form a complex geological tectonics, which is a natural laboratory to study the interactions of plates. This work studies a special triple junction, the oceanic transform fault intersects the collinear ridges with different-spreading rates, which is free of influence of ridge-transform faults and nearby hotspots. First, we build 3-D numerical model of this triple junction used to calculate the stead-state velocity and temperature fields resulting from advective and conductive heat transfer. We discuss in detail the influence of the velocity and temperature fields of the triple junction from viscosity, spreading rate of the ridge. The two sides of the oceanic transform fault are different sensitivities to the two factors. And, the influence of the velocity mainly occurs within 200km of the triple junction. Then, we modify the model by adding a ridge-transform fault to above model and directly use the velocity structure of the Macquarie triple junction. The simulation results show that the temperature at both sides of the oceanic transform fault decreases gradually from the triple junction, but the temperature difference between the two sides is a constant about 200°. And, there is little effect of upwelling velocity away from the triple junction 100km. The model results are compared with observational data. The heat flux and thermal topography along the oceanic transform fault of this model are consistent with the observed data of the Macquarie triple junction. The earthquakes are strike slip distributed along the oceanic transform fault. Their depths are also consistent with the zone of maximum shear stress. This work can help us to understand the interactions of plates of triple junctions and help us with the foundation for the future study of triple junctions.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Daněk, Kamil; Heyrovský, David, E-mail:, E-mail:
Among the 25 planetary systems detected up to now by gravitational microlensing, there are two cases of a star with two planets, and two cases of a binary star with a planet. Other, yet undetected types of triple lenses include triple stars or stars with a planet with a moon. The analysis and interpretation of such events is hindered by the lack of understanding of essential characteristics of triple lenses, such as their critical curves and caustics. We present here analytical and numerical methods for mapping the critical-curve topology and caustic cusp number in the parameter space of n-point-mass lenses.more » We apply the methods to the analysis of four symmetric triple-lens models, and obtain altogether 9 different critical-curve topologies and 32 caustic structures. While these results include various generic types, they represent just a subset of all possible triple-lens critical curves and caustics. Using the analyzed models, we demonstrate interesting features of triple lenses that do not occur in two-point-mass lenses. We show an example of a lens that cannot be described by the Chang–Refsdal model in the wide limit. In the close limit we demonstrate unusual structures of primary and secondary caustic loops, and explain the conditions for their occurrence. In the planetary limit we find that the presence of a planet may lead to a whole sequence of additional caustic metamorphoses. We show that a pair of planets may change the structure of the primary caustic even when placed far from their resonant position at the Einstein radius.« less
Triple-Crater in Elysium Planitia
This image from NASA Mars Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows a triple impact crater in Elysium Planitia near Tartarus Montes, which probably formed when a binary-or even triple-asteroid struck the surface.
On universality of scaling law describing roughness of triple line.
Bormashenko, Edward; Musin, Albina; Whyman, Gene; Barkay, Zahava; Zinigrad, Michael
The fine structure of the three-phase (triple) line was studied for different liquids, various topographies of micro-rough substrates and various wetting regimes. Wetting of porous and pillar-based micro-scaled polymer surfaces was investigated. The triple line was visualized with the environmental scanning electron microscope and scanning electron microscope for the "frozen" triple lines. The value of the roughness exponent ζ for water (ice)/rough polymer systems was located within 0.55-0.63. For epoxy glue/rough polymer systems somewhat lower values of the exponent, 0.42 < ζ < 0.54, were established. The obtained values of ζ were close for the Cassie and Wenzel wetting regimes, different liquids, and different substrates' topographies. Thus, the above values of the exponent are to a great extent universal. The switch of the exponent, when the roughness size approaches to the correlation length of the defects, is also universal.
NIM Realization of the Gallium Triple Point
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiaoke, Yan; Ping, Qiu; Yuning, Duan; Yongmei, Qu
In the last three years (1999 to 2001), the gallium triple-point cell has been successfully developed, and much corresponding research has been carried out at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), Beijing, China. This paper presents the cell design, apparatus and procedure for realizing the gallium triple point, and presents studies on the different freezing methods. The reproducibility is 0.03 mK, and the expanded uncertainty of realization of the gallium triple point is evaluated to be 0.17 mK (p=0.99, k=2.9). Also, the reproducibility of the gallium triple point was compared with that of the triple point of water.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ridgeway, William K.; Millar, David P.; Williamson, James R.
library support. Operating system: Linux and OS X (data acq. for Linux only due to library availability), not tested on Windows. RAM: ≥512 MB. Classification: 16.4. External routines: NIDAQmx (National Instruments), Gnu Scientific Library, GTK+, PLplot (optional) Nature of problem: Fluorescence Triple Correlation Spectroscopy required three things: data acquisition at faster speeds than were possible without expensive custom hardware, triple-correlation routines that could process 1/2 TB data sets rapidly, and fitting routines capable of handling several to a hundred fit parameters and 14,000 + data points, each with error estimates. Solution method: A novel data acquisition concept mixed signal processing with off-the-shelf hardware and data-parallel processing using 128-bit registers found in desktop CPUs. Correlation algorithms used fractal data structures and multithreading to reduce data analysis times. Global fitting was implemented with robust minimization routines and provides feedback that allows the user to critically inspect initial guesses and fits. Restrictions: Data acquisition only requires a National Instruments data acquisition card (it was tested on Linux using card PCIe-6251) and a simple home-built circuit. Unusual features: Hand-coded ×86-64 assembly for data acquisition loops (platform-independent C code also provided). Additional comments: A complete collection of tools to perform Fluorescence Triple Correlation Spectroscopy-from data acquisition to two-tau correlation of large data sets, to model fitting. Running time: 1-5 h of data analysis per hour of data collected. Varies depending on data-acquisition length, time resolution, data density and number of cores used for correlation integrals.
Counting Primitive Pythagorean Triples
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ayoub, Ayoub B.
A triple (x,y,z) of natural numbers is called a Primitive Pythagorean Triple (PPT) if it satisfies two conditions: (1) x[squared] + y[squared] = z[squared]; and (2) x, y, and z have no common factor other than one. All the PPT's are given by the parametric equations: (1) x = m[squared] - n[squared]; (2) y = 2mn; and (3) z = m[squared] +…
A search for tight hierarchical triple systems amongst the eclipsing binaries in the CoRoT fields
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hajdu, T.; Borkovits, T.; Forgács-Dajka, E.; Sztakovics, J.; Marschalkó, G.; Benkő, J. M.; Klagyivik, P.; Sallai, M. J.
We report a comprehensive search for hierarchical triple stellar system candidates amongst eclipsing binaries (EBs) observed by the CoRoT spacecraft. We calculate and check eclipse timing variation (ETV) diagrams for almost 1500 EBs in an automated manner. We identify five relatively short period Algol systems for which our combined light-curve and complex ETV analyses (including both the light-travel time effect and short-term dynamical third-body perturbations) resulted in consistent third-body solutions. The computed periods of the outer bodies are between 82 and 272 d (with an alternative solution of 831 d for one of the targets). We find that the inner and outer orbits are near coplanar in all but one case. The dynamical masses of the outer subsystems determined from the ETV analyses are consistent with both the results of our light-curve analyses and the spectroscopic information available in the literature. One of our candidate systems exhibits outer eclipsing events as well, the locations of which are in good agreement with the ETV solution. We also report another certain triply eclipsing triple system that, however, is lacking a reliable ETV solution due to the very short time range of the data, and four new blended systems (composite light curves of two EBs each), where we cannot decide whether the components are gravitationally bounded or not. Amongst these blended systems, we identify the longest period and highest eccentricity EB in the entire CoRoT sample.
Bacterial collagen-like proteins that form triple-helical structures
Yu, Zhuoxin; An, Bo; Ramshaw, John A.M.; Brodsky, Barbara
A large number of collagen-like proteins have been identified in bacteria during the past ten years, principally from analysis of genome databases. These bacterial collagens share the distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating amino acid sequence of animal collagens which underlies their unique triple-helical structure. A number of the bacterial collagens have been expressed in E. coli, and they all adopt a triple-helix conformation. Unlike animal collagens, these bacterial proteins do not contain the post-translationally modified amino acid, hydroxyproline, which is known to stabilize the triple-helix structure and may promote self-assembly. Despite the absence of collagen hydroxylation, the triple-helix structures of the bacterial collagens studied exhibit a high thermal stability of 35–39 °C, close to that seen for mammalian collagens. These bacterial collagens are readily produced in large quantities by recombinant methods, either in the original amino acid sequence or in genetically manipulated sequences. This new family of recombinant, easy to modify collagens could provide a novel system for investigating structural and functional motifs in animal collagens and could also form the basis of new biomedical materials with designed structural properties and functions. PMID:24434612
Dephasing effects on ac-driven triple quantum dot systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maldonado, I.; Villavicencio, J.; Contreras-Pulido, L. D.; Cota, E.; Maytorena, J. A.
We analyze the effect of environmental dephasing on the electrical current in an ac-driven triple quantum dot system in a symmetric Λ configuration. The current is explored by solving the time evolution equation of the density matrix as a function of the frequency and amplitude of the driving field. Two characteristic spectra are observed depending on the field amplitude. At the resonance condition, when the frequency matches the interdot energy difference, one spectrum shows a distinctive Fano-type peak, while the other, occurring at larger values of the field amplitude, exhibits a strong current suppression due to dynamic localization. In the former case we observe that the current maximum is reduced due to dephasing, while in the latter it is shown that dephasing partially alleviates the localization. In both cases, away from resonance, we observe current oscillations which are dephasing-enhanced for a wide range of frequencies. These effects are also discussed using Floquet theory, and analytical expressions for the electrical current are obtained within the rotating wave approximation.
A Biatrial Myxoma with Triple Ripples.
Barik, Ramachandra
Cardiac myxoma is a benign tumor, but it is known for its space-occupying effect at the site of origin and frequent systemic embolization. This case report highlights a biatrial myxoma of interatrial septum who presented with significant tricuspid valve regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, and cardioembolic stroke of the left parietal lobe, i.e., a biatrial myxoma with triple ripples.
Triple dye plus rubbing alcohol versus triple dye alone for umbilical cord care.
Suliman, Alawia K; Watts, Heidi; Beiler, Jessica; King, Tonya S; Khan, Sana; Carnuccio, Marybeth; Paul, Ian M
Current practices for umbilical cord care vary across centers, but the evidence regarding these practices and their impact on cord separation, complications, and health care use are limited. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of triple dye alone (brilliant green, crystal violet, and proflavine hemisulfate) versus triple dye plus rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) twice daily on time to umbilical cord separation, complications, and health care use. For the 90 newborns who completed the study, there were no significant differences between treatment groups for time to cord separation, cord-related morbidities, or cord-related urgent care. Based on these study results, there does not appear to be significant benefit to the addition of twice daily applications of rubbing alcohol to neonatal umbilical cords following triple dye treatment after birth.
Teaching Triple Science: GCSE Chemistry
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Learning and Skills Network (NJ3), 2007
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has contracted with the Learning and Skills Network to support awareness and take-up of Triple Science GCSEs through the Triple Science Support Programme. This publication provides an introduction to teaching and learning approaches for the extension topics within GCSE Chemistry. It…
Teaching Triple Science: GCSE Biology
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Learning and Skills Network (NJ3), 2007
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has contracted with the Learning and Skills Network to support awareness and take-up of Triple Science GCSEs through the Triple Science Support Programme. This publication provides an introduction to teaching and learning approaches for the extension topics within GCSE Biology. It highlights…
Evolution of the northern Main Ethiopian rift: birth of a triple junction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wolfenden, Ellen; Ebinger, Cynthia; Yirgu, Gezahegn; Deino, Alan; Ayalew, Dereje
Models for the formation of the archetypal rift-rift-rift triple junction in the Afar depression have assumed the synchronous development of the Red Sea-Aden-East African rift systems soon after flood basaltic magmatism at 31 Ma, but the timing of intial rifting in the northern sector of the East African rift system had been poorly constrained. The aims of our field, geochronology, and remote sensing studies were to determine the timing and kinematics of rifting in the 3rd arm, the Main Ethiopian rift (MER), near its intersection with the southern Red Sea rift. New structural data and 10 new SCLF 40Ar/39Ar dates show that extension in the northern Main Ethiopian rift commenced after 11 Ma, more than 17 My after initial rifting in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The triple junction, therefore, could have developed only during the past 11 My, or 20 My after the flood basaltic magmatism. Thus, the flood basaltic magmatism and separation of Arabia from Africa are widely separated in time from the opening of the Main Ethiopian rift, which marks the incipient Nubia-Somalia plate boundary; triple junction formation is not a primary feature of breakup above the Afar mantle plume. The East African rift system appears to have propagated northward from the Mesozoic Anza rift system into the Afar depression to cut across Oligo-Miocene rift structures of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in response to global plate reorganisations. Structural patterns reveal a change from 130°E-directed extension to 105°E-directed extension sometime in the interval 6.6 to 3 Ma, consistent with predictions from global plate kinematic studies. The along-axis propagation of rifting in each of the three arms of the triple junction has led to a NE-migration of the triple junction since 11 Ma.
A Biatrial Myxoma with Triple Ripples
Barik, Ramachandra
Cardiac myxoma is a benign tumor, but it is known for its space-occupying effect at the site of origin and frequent systemic embolization. This case report highlights a biatrial myxoma of interatrial septum who presented with significant tricuspid valve regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, and cardioembolic stroke of the left parietal lobe, i.e., a biatrial myxoma with triple ripples. PMID:29629263
SIKA—the multiplexing cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer at ANSTO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, C.-M.; Deng, G.; Gardner, J. S.; Vorderwisch, P.; Li, W.-H.; Yano, S.; Peng, J.-C.; Imamovic, E.
SIKA is a new cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer receiving neutrons from the cold source CG4 of the 20MW Open Pool Australian Light-water reactor. As a state-of-the-art triple-axis spectrometer, SIKA is equipped with a large double-focusing pyrolytic graphite monochromator, a multiblade pyrolytic graphite analyser and a multi-detector system. In this paper, we present the design, functions, and capabilities of SIKA, and discuss commissioning experimental results from powder and single-crystal samples to demonstrate its performance.
Strongly Misaligned Triple System in SR 24 Revealed by ALMA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fernández-López, M.; Zapata, L. A.; Gabbasov, R.
We report the detection of the 1.3 mm continuum and the molecular emission of the disks of the young triple system SR24 by analyzing ALMA (The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimter Array) subarcsecond archival observations. We estimate the mass of the disks (0.025 M ⊙ and 4 × 10-5 M ⊕ for SR24S and SR24N, respectively) and the dynamical mass of the protostars (1.5 M ⊙ and 1.1 M ⊙). A kinematic model of the SR24S disk to fit its C18O (2-1) emission allows us to develop an observational method to determine the tilt of a rotating and accreting disk. We derive the size, inclination, position angle, and sense of rotation of each disk, finding that they are strongly misaligned (108^\\circ ) and possibly rotate in opposite directions as seen from Earth, in projection. We compare the ALMA observations with 12CO SMA archival observations, which are more sensitive to extended structures. We find three extended structures and estimate their masses: a molecular bridge joining the disks of the system, a molecular gas reservoir associated with SR24N, and a gas streamer associated with SR24S. Finally, we discuss the possible origin of the misaligned SR24 system, concluding that a closer inspection of the northern gas reservoir is needed to better understand it.
Examining Primary Healthcare Performance through a Triple Aim Lens.
Ryan, Bridget L; Brown, Judith Belle; Glazier, Richard H; Hutchison, Brian
This study sought to apply a Triple Aim framework to the measurement and evaluation of primary healthcare (PHC) team performance. Triple Aim components were populated with 10 dimensions derived from survey and health administrative data for 17 Family Health Teams (FHTs) in Ontario, Canada. Bivariate analyses and rankings of sites examined the relationships among dimensions and among Triple Aim components. Readily available measures to fully populate the Triple Aim framework were lacking in FHTs. Within sites, there was little consistency in performance across the Triple Aim components (health, patient experience and cost). More and better measures are needed that can be readily used to examine the Triple Aim performance in PHC teams. FHTs, in this study, are partially achieving Triple Aim goals; however, there was a lack of consistency in performance. It is essential to collect appropriate measures and attend to performance across all components of the Triple Aim. Copyright © 2016 Longwoods Publishing.
Examining Primary Healthcare Performance through a Triple Aim Lens
Ryan, Bridget L.; Brown, Judith Belle; Glazier, Richard H.; Hutchison, Brian
Purpose: This study sought to apply a Triple Aim framework to the measurement and evaluation of primary healthcare (PHC) team performance. Methods: Triple Aim components were populated with 10 dimensions derived from survey and health administrative data for 17 Family Health Teams (FHTs) in Ontario, Canada. Bivariate analyses and rankings of sites examined the relationships among dimensions and among Triple Aim components. Results: Readily available measures to fully populate the Triple Aim framework were lacking in FHTs. Within sites, there was little consistency in performance across the Triple Aim components (health, patient experience and cost). Conclusions: More and better measures are needed that can be readily used to examine the Triple Aim performance in PHC teams. FHTs, in this study, are partially achieving Triple Aim goals; however, there was a lack of consistency in performance. It is essential to collect appropriate measures and attend to performance across all components of the Triple Aim. PMID:27027790
Density of Primitive Pythagorean Triples
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Killen, Duncan A.
Based on the properties of a Primitive Pythagorean Triple (PPT), a computer program was written to generate, print, and count all PPTs greater than or equal to I[subscript x], where I[subscript x] is an arbitrarily chosen integer. The Density of Primitive Pythagorean Triples may be defined as the ratio of the number of PPTs whose hypotenuse is…
Bergevin, Yves; Habib, Bettina; Elicksen-Jensen, Keesa; Samis, Stephen; Rochon, Jean; Denis, Jean-Louis; Roy, Denis
A study on the impact of regionalization on the Triple Aim of Better Health, Better Care and Better Value across Canada in 2015 identified major findings including: (a) with regard to the Triple Aim, the Canadian situation is better than before but variable and partial, and Canada continues to underperform compared with other industrialized countries, especially in primary healthcare where it matters most; (b) provinces are converging toward a two-level health system (provincial/regional); (c) optimal size of regions is probably around 350,000-500,000 population; d) citizen and physician engagement remains weak. A realistic and attainable vision for high-performing regional health systems is presented together with a way forward, including seven areas for improvement: 1. Manage the integrated regionalized health systems as results-driven health programs; 2. Strengthen wellness promotion, public health and intersectoral action for health; 3. Ensure timely access to personalized primary healthcare/family health and to proximity services; 4. Involve physicians in clinical governance and leadership, and partner with them in accountability for results including the required changes in physician remuneration; 5. Engage citizens in shaping their own health destiny and their health system; 6. Strengthen health information systems, accelerate the deployment of electronic health records and ensure their interoperability with health information systems; 7. Foster a culture of excellence and continuous quality improvement. We propose a turning point for Canada, from Paradigm Freeze to Paradigm Shift: from hospital-centric episodic care toward evidence-informed population-based primary and community care with modern family health teams, ensuring integrated and coordinated care along the continuum, especially for high users. We suggest goals and targets for 2020 and time-bound federal/provincial/regional working groups toward reaching the identified goals and targets and placing
Dancing with the stars: formation of the Fomalhaut triple system and its effect on the debris discs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shannon, Andrew; Clarke, Cathie; Wyatt, Mark
Fomalhaut is a triple system, with all components widely separated (˜105 au). Such widely separated binaries are thought to form during cluster dissolution, but that process is unlikely to form such a triple system. We explore an alternative scenario, where A and C form as a tighter binary from a single molecular cloud core (with semimajor axis ˜104 au), and B is captured during cluster dispersal. We use N-body simulations augmented with the Galactic tidal forces to show that such a system naturally evolves into a Fomalhaut-like system in about half of cases, on a time-scale compatible with the age of Fomalhaut. From initial non-interacting orbits, Galactic tides drive cycles in B's eccentricity that lead to a close encounter with C. After several close encounters, typically lasting tens of millions of years, one of the stars is ejected. The Fomalhaut-like case with both components at large separations is almost invariably a precursor to the ejection of one component, most commonly Fomalhaut C. By including circumstellar debris in a subset of the simulations, we also show that such an evolution usually does not disrupt the coherently eccentric debris disc around Fomalhaut A, and in some cases can even produce such a disc. We also find that the final eccentricity of the disc around A and the disc around C are correlated, which may indicate that the dynamics of the three stars stirred C's disc, explaining its unusual brightness.
Ridgeway, William K; Millar, David P; Williamson, James R
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is widely used to quantitate reaction rates and concentrations of molecules in vitro and in vivo. We recently reported Fluorescence Triple Correlation Spectroscopy (F3CS), which correlates three signals together instead of two. F3CS can analyze the stoichiometries of complex mixtures and detect irreversible processes by identifying time-reversal asymmetries. Here we report the computational developments that were required for the realization of F3CS and present the results as the Triple Correlation Toolbox suite of programs. Triple Correlation Toolbox is a complete data analysis pipeline capable of acquiring, correlating and fitting large data sets. Each segment of the pipeline handles error estimates for accurate error-weighted global fitting. Data acquisition was accelerated with a combination of off-the-shelf counter-timer chips and vectorized operations on 128-bit registers. This allows desktop computers with inexpensive data acquisition cards to acquire hours of multiple-channel data with sub-microsecond time resolution. Off-line correlation integrals were implemented as a two delay time multiple-tau scheme that scales efficiently with multiple processors and provides an unprecedented view of linked dynamics. Global fitting routines are provided to fit FCS and F3CS data to models containing up to ten species. Triple Correlation Toolbox is a complete package that enables F3CS to be performed on existing microscopes. PMID:23525193
The structure of non-hierarchical triple system stability regions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Martynova, A. I.; Orlov, V. V.; Rubinov, A. V.
A detailed study of the two-dimensional initial conditions region section in the planar three-body problem is performed. The initial conditions for the three well-known stable periodic orbits (the Schubart’s orbit, the Broucke’s orbit and the eight-like orbit) belong to this section. Continuous stability regions (for the fixed integration interval) generated by these periodic orbits are found. Zones of the quick stability violation are outlined. The analysis of some concrete trajectories coming from various stability regions is performed. In particular, trajectories possessing varying number of “eights” formed by moving triple system components are discovered. Orbits with librations are also found. The new periodic orbit originated from the zone siding with the Schubart’s orbit region is discovered. This orbit has reversibility points (each of the outer bodies possess a reversibility point) and two points of close double approach of the central body to each of the outer bodies. The influence of the numerical integration accuracy on the results is studied. The stability regions structure is preserved during calculations with different values of the precision parameter, numerical integration methods and regularization algorithms of the equations of motion.
The Phases Differential Astrometry Data Archive. 4. The Triple Star Systems 63 Gem A and HR 2896
3450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20392-5420, USA; wih 5 Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, 105-24, California...presented to aid in constraining the orbit and measuring the stellar masses. In fact, 63 Gem itself is a sextuple system: the hierarchical triple...that mutual inclination measurements have been rare is because of the observational challenges these sys- tems present. RV signals are largest for
Thermodynamics of a pure substance at the triple point
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Velasco, S.; Fernández-Pineda, C.
A thermodynamic study of a pure substance at the triple point is presented. In particular, we show that the mass fractions of the phases coexisting at the triple point obey lever rules in the specific entropy-specific volume diagram, and the relative changes in the mass fractions present in each phase along reversible isochoric and adiabatic processes of a pure substance at the triple point are governed by the relative sizes of the segments of the triple-point line in the pressure-specific volume diagram and in the temperature-specific entropy diagram. Applications to the ordinary triple point of water and to the triple point of Al2SiO5 polymorphs are presented.
Generalized conformal realizations of Kac-Moody algebras
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Palmkvist, Jakob
We present a construction which associates an infinite sequence of Kac-Moody algebras, labeled by a positive integer n, to one single Jordan algebra. For n=1, this reduces to the well known Kantor-Koecher-Tits construction. Our generalization utilizes a new relation between different generalized Jordan triple systems, together with their known connections to Jordan and Lie algebras. Applied to the Jordan algebra of Hermitian 3x3 matrices over the division algebras R, C, H, O, the construction gives the exceptional Lie algebras f{sub 4}, e{sub 6}, e{sub 7}, e{sub 8} for n=2. Moreover, we obtain their infinite-dimensional extensions for n{>=}3. In the casemore » of 2x2 matrices, the resulting Lie algebras are of the form so(p+n,q+n) and the concomitant nonlinear realization generalizes the conformal transformations in a spacetime of signature (p,q)« less
From Triple to Quadruple Aim: Care of the Patient Requires Care of the Provider
Bodenheimer, Thomas; Sinsky, Christine
The Triple Aim—enhancing patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs—is widely accepted as a compass to optimize health system performance. Yet physicians and other members of the health care workforce report widespread burnout and dissatisfaction. Burnout is associated with lower patient satisfaction, reduced health outcomes, and it may increase costs. Burnout thus imperils the Triple Aim. This article recommends that the Triple Aim be expanded to a Quadruple Aim, adding the goal of improving the work life of health care providers, including clinicians and staff. PMID:25384822
Prediction of triple-charm molecular pentaquarks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Rui; Hosaka, Atsushi; Liu, Xiang
In a one-boson-exchange model, we study molecular states of double-charm baryon [Ξc c(3621 )] and a charmed meson (D and D*). Our model indicates that there exist two possible triple-charm molecular pentaquarks, a Ξc cD state with I (JP)=0 (1 /2-), and a Ξc cD* state with I (JP)=0 (3 /2-), and we do not find bound solutions for isotriplet states. In addition, we also extend our formula to explore Ξc cB¯(*), Ξc cD¯(*), and Ξc cB(*) systems and find more possible heavy flavor molecular pentaquarks, a Ξc cB ¯ state with I (JP)=0 (1 /2-), a Ξc cB¯* state with I (JP)=0 (3 /2-), and Ξc cD¯*/Ξc cB* states with I (JP)=0 (1 /2-). Experimental research for these predicted triple-charm molecular pentaquarks is encouraged.
Triple products of Eisenstein series
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Venkatesh, Anil
In this thesis, we construct a Massey triple product on the Deligne cohomology of the modular curve with coefficients in symmetric powers of the standard representation of the modular group. This result is obtained by constructing a Massey triple product on the extension groups in the category of admissible variations of mixed Hodge structure over the modular curve, which induces the desired construction on Deligne cohomology. The result extends Brown's construction of the cup product on Deligne cohomology to a higher cohomological product. Massey triple products on Deligne cohomology have been previously investigated by Deninger, who considered Deligne cohomology with trivial real coefficients. By working over the reals, Deninger was able to compute cohomology exclusively with differential forms. In this work, Deligne cohomology is studied over the rationals, which introduces an obstruction to applying Deninger's results. The obstruction arises from the fact that the integration map from the de Rham complex to the Eilenberg-MacLane complex of the modular group is not an algebra homomorphism. We compute the correction terms of the integration map as regularized iterated integrals of Eisenstein series, and show that these integrals arise in the cup product and Massey triple product on Deligne cohomology.
Fejős, Márta; Molnár, Kolos; Karger-Kocsis, József
Triple-shape memory epoxy (EP)/polycaprolactone (PCL) systems (PCL content: 23 wt %) with different structures (PCL nanoweb embedded in EP matrix and EP/PCL with co-continuous phase structure) were produced. To set the two temporary shapes, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the EP and the melting temperature (Tm) of PCL served during the shape memory cycle. An attempt was made to reinforce the PCL nanoweb by graphene nanoplatelets prior to infiltrating the nanoweb with EP through vacuum assisted resin transfer molding. Morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectrometry. Triple-shape memory characteristics were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis in tension mode. Graphene was supposed to act also as spacer between the nanofibers, improving the quality of impregnation with EP. The EP phase related shape memory properties were similar for all systems, while those belonging to PCL phase depended on the structure. Shape fixity of PCL was better without than with graphene reinforcement. The best shape memory performance was shown by the EP/PCL with co-continuous structure. Based on Raman spectrometry results, the characteristic dimension of the related co-continuous network was below 900 nm. PMID:28788342
Liu, Xiaodong; Baoyin, Hexi; Marchis, Franck
In this study, the hierarchical stability of the seven known large size ratio triple asteroids is investigated. The effect of the solar gravity and primary's J 2 are considered. The force function is expanded in terms of mass ratios based on the Hill's approximation and the large size ratio property. The empirical stability parameters are used to examine the hierarchical stability of the triple asteroids. It is found that the all the known large size ratio triple asteroid systems are hierarchically stable. This study provides useful information for future evolutions of the triple asteroids.
[Period-tripling in Multiscale Physical and Biological Events].
Bondar, A T; Fedorov, M V; Kolombet, V A
A recent paper by S.J. Puetz et al. (Chaos, Solitons -& Fractals, v. 62-63, p. 55, 2014) described a fundamental period-tripled model. It involves periods of different astronomical (quasars, Sun), geophysical (geomagnetic, climatic, volcanic) and some biological processes. This work contains statistics for sixteen pairs of a period-tripled sequence. These periods range from -50 years to 1.5 billion years and no signs of the timescale limitations are found. We believe that the universal scope of the fundamental period-tripled model can be used for the development of new methodology of research data analysis: the main idea is that the spectrum of the periods of the studied event should be tested for the similarity with the spectrum of fundamental period-tripling pattern (because of the fundamental nature of the period-tripled model). Using this method, in this study we complement an already described period-tripled model with periods of human memory performance ranging from one minute to one month also adding seven relevant periods/frequencies of the period-tripled model in the range of human hearing. We make a conclusion that these characteristic frequencies may form the basis for music and singing phenomena. The new methodology is particularly appropriate for being applied in medicine and engineering.
Was the nineteenth century giant eruption of Eta Carinae a merger event in a triple system?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Portegies Zwart, S. F.; van den Heuvel, E. P. J.
We discuss the events that led to the giant eruption of Eta Carinae, and find that the mid-nineteenth century (in 1838-1843) giant mass-loss outburst has the characteristics of being produced by the merger event of a massive close binary, triggered by the gravitational interaction with a massive third companion star, which is the current binary companion in the Eta Carinae system. We come to this conclusion by a combination of theoretical arguments supported by computer simulations using the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment. According to this model the ˜90 M⊙ present primary star of the highly eccentric Eta Carinae binary system is the product of this merger, and its ˜30 M⊙ companion originally was the third star in the system. In our model, the Homunculus nebula was produced by an extremely enhanced stellar wind, energized by tidal energy dissipation prior to the merger, which enormously boosted the radiation-driven wind mass-loss. The current orbital plane is then aligned with the equatorial plane of the Homunculus, and the symmetric lobes are roughly aligned with the argument of periastron of the current Eta Carina binary. The merger itself then occurred in 1838, which resulted in a massive asymmetric outflow in the equatorial plane of the Homunculus. The 1843 outburst can in our model be attributed to the subsequent encounter when the companion star (once the outermost star in the triple system) plunges through the bloated envelope of the merger product, once when it passed periastron again. We predict that the system has an excess space velocity of order 50 km s-1 in the equatorial plane of the Homunculus. Our triple model gives a viable explanation for the high runaway velocities typically observed in LBVs.
Warps, grids and curvature in triple vector bundles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Flari, Magdalini K.; Mackenzie, Kirill
A triple vector bundle is a cube of vector bundle structures which commute in the (strict) categorical sense. A grid in a triple vector bundle is a collection of sections of each bundle structure with certain linearity properties. A grid provides two routes around each face of the triple vector bundle, and six routes from the base manifold to the total manifold; the warps measure the lack of commutativity of these routes. In this paper we first prove that the sum of the warps in a triple vector bundle is zero. The proof we give is intrinsic and, we believe, clearer than the proof using decompositions given earlier by one of us. We apply this result to the triple tangent bundle T^3M of a manifold and deduce (as earlier) the Jacobi identity. We further apply the result to the triple vector bundle T^2A for a vector bundle A using a connection in A to define a grid in T^2A . In this case the curvature emerges from the warp theorem.
Gao, Wang; Gao, Chengfa; Pan, Shuguo; Wang, Denghui; Deng, Jiadong
The regional constellation of the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) has been providing continuous positioning, navigation and timing services since 27 December 2012, covering China and the surrounding area. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning with combined BDS and GPS observations is feasible. Besides, all satellites of BDS can transmit triple-frequency signals. Using the advantages of multi-pseudorange and carrier observations from multi-systems and multi-frequencies is expected to be of much benefit for ambiguity resolution (AR). We propose an integrated AR strategy for medium baselines by using the combined GPS and BDS dual/triple-frequency observations. In the method, firstly the extra-wide-lane (EWL) ambiguities of triple-frequency system, i.e., BDS, are determined first. Then the dual-frequency WL ambiguities of BDS and GPS were resolved with the geometry-based model by using the BDS ambiguity-fixed EWL observations. After that, basic (i.e., L1/L2 or B1/B2) ambiguities of BDS and GPS are estimated together with the so-called ionosphere-constrained model, where the ambiguity-fixed WL observations are added to enhance the model strength. During both of the WL and basic AR, a partial ambiguity fixing (PAF) strategy is adopted to weaken the negative influence of new-rising or low-elevation satellites. Experiments were conducted and presented, in which the GPS/BDS dual/triple-frequency data were collected in Nanjing and Zhengzhou of China, with the baseline distance varying from about 28.6 to 51.9 km. The results indicate that, compared to the single triple-frequency BDS system, the combined system can significantly enhance the AR model strength, and thus improve AR performance for medium baselines with a 75.7% reduction of initialization time on average. Besides, more accurate and stable positioning results can also be derived by using the combined GPS/BDS system.
Gao, Wang; Gao, Chengfa; Pan, Shuguo; Wang, Denghui; Deng, Jiadong
The regional constellation of the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) has been providing continuous positioning, navigation and timing services since 27 December 2012, covering China and the surrounding area. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning with combined BDS and GPS observations is feasible. Besides, all satellites of BDS can transmit triple-frequency signals. Using the advantages of multi-pseudorange and carrier observations from multi-systems and multi-frequencies is expected to be of much benefit for ambiguity resolution (AR). We propose an integrated AR strategy for medium baselines by using the combined GPS and BDS dual/triple-frequency observations. In the method, firstly the extra-wide-lane (EWL) ambiguities of triple-frequency system, i.e., BDS, are determined first. Then the dual-frequency WL ambiguities of BDS and GPS were resolved with the geometry-based model by using the BDS ambiguity-fixed EWL observations. After that, basic (i.e., L1/L2 or B1/B2) ambiguities of BDS and GPS are estimated together with the so-called ionosphere-constrained model, where the ambiguity-fixed WL observations are added to enhance the model strength. During both of the WL and basic AR, a partial ambiguity fixing (PAF) strategy is adopted to weaken the negative influence of new-rising or low-elevation satellites. Experiments were conducted and presented, in which the GPS/BDS dual/triple-frequency data were collected in Nanjing and Zhengzhou of China, with the baseline distance varying from about 28.6 to 51.9 km. The results indicate that, compared to the single triple-frequency BDS system, the combined system can significantly enhance the AR model strength, and thus improve AR performance for medium baselines with a 75.7% reduction of initialization time on average. Besides, more accurate and stable positioning results can also be derived by using the combined GPS/BDS system. PMID:26528977
The effects of complex chemistry on triple flames
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Echekki, T.; Chen, J. H.
The structure, ignition, and stabilization mechanisms for a methanol (CH3OH)-air triple flame are studied using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). The methanol (CH3OH)-air triple flame is found to burn with an asymmetric shape due to the different chemical and transport processes characterizing the mixture. The excess fuel, methanol (CH3OH), on the rich premixed flame branch is replaced by more stable fuels CO and H2, which burn at the diffusion flame. On the lean premixed flame side, a higher concentration of O2 leaks through to the diffusion flame. The general structure of the triple point features the contribution of both differential diffusion of radicals and heat. A mixture fraction-temperature phase plane description of the triple flame structure is proposed to highlight some interesting features in partially premixed combustion. The effects of differential diffusion at the triple point add to the contribution of hydrodynamic effects in the stabilization of the triple flame. Differential diffusion effects are measured using two methods: a direct computation using diffusion velocities and an indirect computation based on the difference between the normalized mixture fractions of C and H. The mixture fraction approach does not clearly identify the effects of differential diffusion, in particular at the curved triple point, because of ambiguities in the contribution of carbon and hydrogen atoms' carrying species.
Speckle and spectroscopic orbits of the early A-type triple system Eta Virginis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hartkopf, William I.; Mcalister, Harold A.; Yang, Xinxing; Fekel, Francis C.
Eta Virginis is a bright (V = 3.89) triple system of composite spectral type A2 IV that has been observed for over a dozen years with both spectroscopy and speckle interferometry. Analysis of the speckle observations results in a long period of 13.1 yr. This period is also detected in residuals from the spectroscopic observations of the 71.7919 day short-period orbit. Elements of the long-period orbit were determined separately using the observations of both techniques. The more accurate elements from the speckle solution have been assumed in a simultaneous spectroscopic determination of the short- and long-period orbital elements. The magnitude difference of the speckle components suggests that lines of the third star should be visible in the spectrum.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Allen, Gregory; Edmonds, Larry D.; Swift, Gary; Carmichael, Carl; Tseng, Chen Wei; Heldt, Kevin; Anderson, Scott Arlo; Coe, Michael
We present a test methodology for estimating system error rates of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) mitigated with Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR). The test methodology is founded in a mathematical model, which is also presented. Accelerator data from 90 nm Xilins Military/Aerospace grade FPGA are shown to fit the model. Fault injection (FI) results are discussed and related to the test data. Design implementation and the corresponding impact of multiple bit upset (MBU) are also discussed.
Triple aim program: assessing its effectiveness as a hospital management tool.
Coyne, Joseph S; Hilsenrath, Peter E; Arbuckle, Barry S; Kureshy, Fareed; Vaughan, David; Grayson, David; Saygin, Tuba
According to a recent national survey of Hospital chief executive officers, financial challenges are their top concern, especially government reimbursement. Moreover, the patient faces greater deductibles forcing hospitals to prioritize price transparency. The Triple Aim program is a tool available to hospital management to help address these challenges. This study indicates that the Triple Aim is valuable to healthcare providers and patients by reducing medical errors, improving healthcare quality, and reducing costs on a per capita basis. Managerial implications are discussed for hospitals and health systems considering this approach to addressing financial challenges.
Developing a dashboard to help measure and achieve the triple aim: a population-based cohort study.
Seow, Hsien-Yeang; Sibley, Lyn M
Health system planners aim to pursue the three goals of Triple Aim: 1) reduce health care costs; 2) improve population health; and 3) improve the care experience. Moreover, they also need measures that can reliably predict future health care needs in order to manage effectively the health system performance. Yet few measures exist to assess Triple Aim and predict future needs at a health system level. The purpose of this study is to explore the novel application of a case-mix adjustment method in order to measure and help improve the Triple Aim of health system performance. We applied a case-mix adjustment method to a population-based analysis to assess its usefulness as a measure of health system performance and Triple Aim. The study design was a retrospective, cohort study of adults from Ontario, Canada using administrative databases: individuals were assigned a predicted illness burden score using a case-mix adjustment system from diagnoses and health utilization data in 2008, and then followed forward to assess the actual health care utilization and costs in the following year (2009). We applied the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Group (ACG) Case-Mix System to categorize individuals into 60 levels of healthcare need, called ACGs. The outcomes were: 1) Number of individuals per ACG; 2) Total system costs per ACG; and 3) Mean cost per person per ACG, which together formed a health system "dashboard". We identified 11.4 million adults. 16.1% were aged 65 or older, 3.2 million (28%) did not use health care services that year, and 45,000 (0.4%) were in the highest acuity ACG category using 12 times more than an average adult. The sickest 1%, 5% and 15% of the population use about 10%, 30% and 50% of total health system costs respectively. The dashboard measures 2 dimensions of Triple Aim: 1) reduced costs: when total system costs per ACG or when average costs per person is reduced; and 2) improved population health: when more people move into healthier rather than
Bassan, Renato; Masciulli, Arianna; Intermesoli, Tamara; Audisio, Ernesta; Rossi, Giuseppe; Pogliani, Enrico Maria; Cassibba, Vincenzo; Mattei, Daniele; Romani, Claudio; Cortelezzi, Agostino; Corti, Consuelo; Scattolin, Anna Maria; Spinelli, Orietta; Tosi, Manuela; Parolini, Margherita; Marmont, Filippo; Borlenghi, Erika; Fumagalli, Monica; Cortelazzo, Sergio; Gallamini, Andrea; Marfisi, Rosa Maria; Oldani, Elena; Rambaldi, Alessandro
Developing optimal radiation-free central nervous system prophylaxis is a desirable goal in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, to avoid the long-term toxicity associated with cranial irradiation. In a randomized, phase II trial enrolling 145 adult patients, we compared intrathecal liposomal cytarabine (50 mg: 6/8 injections in B-/T-cell subsets, respectively) with intrathecal triple therapy (methotrexate/cytarabine/prednisone: 12 injections). Systemic therapy included methotrexate plus cytarabine or L-asparaginase courses, with methotrexate augmented to 2.5 and 5 g/m(2) in Philadelphia-negative B- and T-cell disease, respectively. The primary study objective was the comparative assessment of the risk/benefit ratio, combining the analysis of feasibility, toxicity and efficacy. In the liposomal cytarabine arm 17/71 patients (24%) developed grade 3-4 neurotoxicity compared to 2/74 (3%) in the triple therapy arm (P=0.0002), the median number of episodes of neurotoxicity of any grade was one per patient compared to zero, respectively (P=0.0001), and even though no permanent disabilities or deaths were registered, four patients (6%) discontinued intrathecal prophylaxis on account of these toxic side effects (P=0.06). Neurotoxicity worsened with liposomal cytarabine every 14 days (T-cell disease), and was improved by the adjunct of intrathecal dexamethasone. Two patients in the liposomal cytarabine arm suffered from a meningeal relapse (none with T-cell disease, only one after high-dose chemotherapy) compared to four in the triple therapy arm (1 with T-cell disease). While intrathecal liposomal cytarabine could contribute to improved, radiation-free central nervous system prophylaxis, the toxicity reported in this trial does not support its use at 50 mg and prompts the investigation of a lower dosage. ( identifier: NCT-00795756). Copyright© Ferrata Storti Foundation.
Cristoforetti packing TripleLux-A experiment
ISS043E181043 (05/08/2015) --- ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti prepares the TripleLux-A experiment for return on SpaceX’s Dragon cargo craft. TripleLux-A is investigating immune suppression in space as understanding such risks is essential in maintaining the health and performance of crew members during long-duration missions.
Continuous-Variable Triple-Photon States Quantum Entanglement
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
González, E. A. Rojas; Borne, A.; Boulanger, B.; Levenson, J. A.; Bencheikh, K.
We investigate the quantum entanglement of the three modes associated with the three-photon states obtained by triple-photon generation in a phase-matched third-order nonlinear optical interaction. Although the second-order processes have been extensively dealt with, there is no direct analogy between the second and third-order mechanisms. We show, for example, the absence of quantum entanglement between the quadratures of the three modes in the case of spontaneous parametric triple-photon generation. However, we show robust, seeding-dependent, genuine triple-photon entanglement in the fully seeded case.
Continuous-Variable Triple-Photon States Quantum Entanglement.
González, E A Rojas; Borne, A; Boulanger, B; Levenson, J A; Bencheikh, K
We investigate the quantum entanglement of the three modes associated with the three-photon states obtained by triple-photon generation in a phase-matched third-order nonlinear optical interaction. Although the second-order processes have been extensively dealt with, there is no direct analogy between the second and third-order mechanisms. We show, for example, the absence of quantum entanglement between the quadratures of the three modes in the case of spontaneous parametric triple-photon generation. However, we show robust, seeding-dependent, genuine triple-photon entanglement in the fully seeded case.
Camin, Rosa Maria Garcia; Cols, Montse; Chevarria, Julio Leonel; Osuna, Rosa García; Carreras, Marc; Lisbona, Josep Maria; Coderch, Jordi
Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (ACEI/ARB-II), diuretics and NSAIDs, a combination known as "Triple Whammy", can result in decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and acute kidney injury (AKI). Objectives: To describe the incidence of AKI for each drug type and their combinations. To define the profile of patients admitted for drug-related AKI secondary to Triple Whammy drugs (AKITW), with an assessment of costs and mortality. A retrospective observational 15-month study developed in three stages: - First: a cross-sectional stage to identify and describe hospitalizations due to AKITW. - Second: a follow-up stage of an outpatient cohort consuming these drugs (15,307 subjects). - Third: a cohort stage to assess costs and mortality, which compared 62 hospitalized patients with AKITW and 62 without AKI, paired by medical specialty, sex, age and comorbidity according to their Clinical Risk Groups. There were 85 hospitalization episodes due to AKITW, and 78% of patients were over the age of 70. The incidence of AKITW in the population was 3.40 cases/1000 users/year (95% CI: 2.59-4.45). By categories, these were: NSAIDs + diuretics 8.99 (95% CI: 3.16-25.3); Triple Whammy 8.82 (95% CI: 4.4-17.3); ACEI/ARB-II + diuretics 6.87 (95% CI: 4.81-9.82); and monotherapy with diuretics 3.31 (95% CI: 1.39-7.85). Mean hospital stay was 7.6 days (SD 6.4), and mean avoidable costs were estimated at €214,604/100,000 inhabitants/year. Mortality during hospitalization and at 12 months was 11.3% and 38.7% respectively, and there were no significant differences when compared with the control group. Treatment with ACEI, ARB-II, diuretics and/or NSAIDs shows a high incidence of hospitalization episodes due to AKI; diuretics as monotherapy or dual and triple combination therapy cause the highest incidence. AKITW involves high health care costs and avoidable mortality. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.
Dynamics of the Triple-Star System Alpha Centauri and its Impact on Habitable Planets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jayla Jones, Ayanna; Fabrycky, Daniel
The Alpha Centauri system, our solar system's closest neighbor, has become a target in the search for habitable planets. The system is composed of three stars: Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, stars forming an inner binary, and Proxima Centauri, an outer star that orbits around the inner binary. We computed 3-body models to follow the dynamics for the main-sequence lifetimes of the stars that are based on 100 realizations of the observed orbits. In the majority of cases, Proxima only modestly torques the A-B binary orbit, and so previous studies of planet formation and dynamics, which find the habitable zones to be stable, are somewhat justified in ignoring this effect. On the other hand, in ~16% of the observationally allowed orbits, fluctuations in the orbital eccentricity of the A-B orbit destabilize the middle of the habitable zone of both stars. This result calls for further theoretical work to quantify the effect of galactic tides, passing stars, and massive planets in the triple-system dynamics.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiang, Tao; Wang, Yanyan; Li, Yingsong
In this paper, a triple stop-band filter with a ratioed periodical defected microstrip structure is proposed for wireless communication applications. The proposed ratioed periodical defected microstrip structures are spiral slots, which are embedded into a 50 Ω microstrip line to obtain multiple stop-bands. The performance of the proposed triple stop-band filter is investigated numerically and experimentally. Moreover, the equivalent circuit model of the proposed filter is also established and discussed. The results are given to verify that the proposed triple stop-band filter has three stop bands at 3.3 GHz, 5.2 GHz, 6.8 GHz to reject the unwanted signals, which is promising for integrating into UWB communication systems to efficiently prevent the potential interferences from unexpected narrowband signals such as WiMAX, WLAN and RFID communication systems.
Horvath, Gyongyi; Kekesi, Gabriella; Tuboly, Gabor; Benedek, Gyorgy
A very interesting and rapidly developing field of pain research is related to the roles of different endogenous ligands. This study determined the antinociceptive interactions of triple and quadruple combinations of different endogenous ligands (endomorphin-1, adenosine, agmatine and kynurenic acid) on carrageenan-induced inflammatory pain model at the spinal level. Intrathecal infusion (60 min) of these drugs alone, in double, triple or quadruple combinations, was followed by a 60-min observation period. During the infusion, antihyperalgesic effect of 0.3 microg/min endomorphin-1 was higher in the triple combinations than those in the double combinations. After cessation of drug administration, only the combination of 0.3 microg/min endomorphin-1, 1 microg/min agmatine, and 0.3 microg/min adenosine was more effective than the double combinations. In quadruple combinations, the antinociceptive effects of both 0.1 and 0.3 microg/min endomorphin-1 were significantly potentiated by the otherwise ineffective triple combination of adenosine, agmatine, and kynurenic acid. No side effects could be observed at these doses. These results demonstrate that triple and quadruple combinations of these endogenous ligands caused more effective antihyperalgesia compared with double combinations. Accordingly, the doses of these substances could be further reduced, thus, reinforcing the view that complex activation and/or inhibition of different systems can be sufficiently effective in blocking nociception without adverse effects. Because all of these drugs had effects on various receptors and systems, the possible types of these interactions were discussed.
Testing Einstein's theory of gravity in a millisecond pulsar triple system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Archibald, Anne
Einstein's theory of gravity depends on a key postulate, the strong equivalence principle. This principle says, among other things, that all objects fall the same way, even objects with strong self-gravity. Almost every metric theory of gravity other than Einstein's general relativity violates the strong equivalence principle at some level. While the weak equivalence principle--for objects with negligible self-gravity--has been tested in the laboratory, the strong equivalence principle requires astrophysical tests. Lunar laser ranging provides the best current tests by measuring whether the Earth and the Moon fall the same way in the gravitational field of the Sun. These tests are limited by the weak self-gravity of the Earth: the gravitational binding energy (over c2) over the mass is only 4 . 6 ×10-10 . By contrast, for neutron stars this same ratio is expected to be roughly 0 . 1 . Thus the recently-discovered system PSR J0337+17, a hierarchical triple consisting of a millisecond pulsar and two white dwarfs, offers the possibility of a test of the strong equivalence principle that is more sensitive by a factor of 20 to 100 than the best existing test. I will describe our observations of this system and our progress towards such a test.
Nonparametric triple collocation
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Triple collocation derives variance-covariance relationships between three or more independent measurement sources and an indirectly observed truth variable in the case where the measurement operators are linear-Gaussian. We generalize that theory to arbitrary observation operators by deriving nonpa...
A Triple Protostar System in L1448 IRS3B Formed via Fragmentation of a Gravitationally Unstable Disk
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tobin, John J.; Kratter, Kaitlin M.; Persson, Magnus; Looney, Leslie; Dunham, Michael; Segura-Cox, Dominique; Li, Zhi-Yun; Chandler, Claire J.; Sadavoy, Sarah; Harris, Robert J.; Melis, Carl; Perez, Laura M.
Binary and multiple star systems are a frequent outcome of the star formation process; most stars form as part of a binary/multiple protostar system. A possible pathway to the formation of close (< 500 AU) binary/multiple star systems is fragmentation of a massive protostellar disk due to gravitational instability. We observed the triple protostar system L1448 IRS3B with ALMA at 1.3 mm in dust continuum and molecular lines to determine if this triple protostar system, where all companions are separated by < 200 AU, is likely to have formed via disk fragmentation. From the dust continuum emission, we find a massive, 0.39 solar mass disk surrounding the three protostars with spiral structure. The disk is centered on two protostars that are separated by 61 AU and the third protostar is located in the outer disk at 183 AU. The tertiary companion is coincident with a spiral arm, and it is the brightest source of emission in the disk, surrounded by ~0.09 solar masses of disk material. Molecular line observations from 13CO and C18O confirm that the kinematic center of mass is coincident with the two central protostars and that the disk is consistent with being in Keplerian rotation; the combined mass of the two close protostars is ~1 solar mass. We demonstrate that the disk around L1448 IRS3B remains marginally unstable at radii between 150~AU and 320~AU, overlapping with the location of the tertiary protostar. This is consistent with models for a protostellar disk that has recently undergone gravitational instability, spawning the companion stars.
Ginter, Paula S; Varma, Sonal; Liu, Yi-Fang; Shin, Sandra J
The Minimal Carcinoma (MC) Triple Stain is a tri-chromogen multiplex immunostain (CK7, p63, and E-cadherin) helpful in classifying morphologically ambiguous and/or small carcinomas as either ductal or lobular and/or in situ or invasive. We compared the utility of this stain with two commercially available duplex/multiplex immunostains: Breast Triple Stain (BTS) (Clarient, Aliso Viejo, CA; CK5, p63, and CK8/18) and LC/DC Breast Cocktail (LCDC) (Biocare, Concord, CA; E-cadherin and p120). Ninety-seven mammary carcinomas stained with the MC Triple Stain, BTS, and LCDC were compared. The MC Triple Stain, LCDC, and BTS were diagnostic in 90 (93%) of 97, 82 (85%) of 97, and 85 (88%) of 97 of cases, respectively. All stains showed decreased diagnostic utility due to variability in tissue integrity, quality of the staining, and/or ease of interpretation. In cases where all immunostains were interpretable, the MC Triple Stain yielded the most information. When technically sufficient, all three immunostains demonstrated relative strengths and weaknesses in their ability to provide diagnostic information with the highest consistency and ease of use. Many cases stained with LCDC were technically insufficient due to a suboptimal staining protocol provided by the company. Overall, the MC Triple Stain outperformed BTS and LCDC by more consistently providing more diagnostic information. The MC Triple Stain is a viable alternative to other multiplex immunostains in evaluating small foci of carcinoma, particularly when both the histologic type and extent of disease (in situ vs invasive) require clarification. Copyright© by the American Society for Clinical Pathology.
Orbits and masses in the young triple system TWA 5
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Köhler, R.; Ratzka, T.; Petr-Gotzens, M. G.; Correia, S.
Aims: We aim to improve the orbital elements and determine the individual masses of the components in the triple system TWA 5. Methods: Five new relative astrometric positions in the H band were recorded with the adaptive optics system at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). We combine them with data from the literature and a measurement in the Ks band. We derive an improved fit for the orbit of TWA 5Aa-b around each other. Furthermore, we use the third component, TWA 5B, as an astrometric reference to determine the motion of Aa and Ab around their center of mass and compute their mass ratio. Results: We find an orbital period of 6.03 ± 0.01 years and a semi-major axis of 63.7 ± 0.2 mas (3.2 ± 0.1 AU). With the trigonometric distance of 50.1 ± 1.8 pc, this yields a system mass of 0.9 ± 0.1 M⊙, where the error is dominated by the error of the distance. The dynamical mass agrees with the system mass predicted by a number of theoretical models if we assume that TWA5 is at the young end of the age range of the TW Hydrae association. We find a mass ratio of MAb/MAa = 1.3-0.4+0.6 , where the less luminous component Ab is more massive. This result is likely to be a consequence of the large uncertainties due to the limited orbital coverage of the observations. Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory under programme ID 079.C-0103, 081.C-0393, 386.C-0205, 087.C-0209, 088.C-0046, 089.C-0167, and 090.C-0184.
MOST discovers a multimode δ Scuti star in a triple system: HD 61199
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hareter, M.; Kochukhov, O.; Lehmann, H.; Tsymbal, V.; Huber, D.; Lenz, P.; Weiss, W. W.; Matthews, J. M.; Rucinski, S.; Rowe, J. F.; Kuschnig, R.; Guenther, D. B.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Sasselov, D.; Walker, G. A. H.; Scholtz, A.
Context: A field star, HD 61199 (V ≈ 8), simultaneously observed with Procyon by the MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite in continuous runs of 34, 17, and 34 days in 2004, 2005, and 2007, was found to pulsate in 11 frequencies in the δ Scuti range with amplitudes from 1.7 down to 0.09 mmag. The photometry also showed variations with a period of about four days. To investigate the nature of the longer period, 45 days of time-resolved spectroscopy was obtained at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg in 2004. The radial velocity measurements indicate that HD 61199 is a triple system. Aims: A δ Scuti pulsator with a rich eigenspectrum in a multiple system is promising for asteroseismology. Our objectives were to identify which of the stars in the system is the δ Scuti variable and to obtain the orbital elements of the system and the fundamental parameters of the individual components, which are constrained by the pulsation frequencies of the δ Scuti star. Methods: Classical Fourier techniques and least-squares multi-sinusoidal fits were applied to the MOST photometry to identify the pulsation frequencies. The groundbased spectroscopy was analysed with least-squares-deconvolution (LSD) techniques, and the orbital elements derived with the KOREL and ORBITX routines. Asteroseismic models were also generated. Results: The photometric and spectroscopic data are compatible with a triple system consisting of a close binary with an orbital period of 3.57 days and a δ Scuti companion (HD 61199 A) as the most luminous component. The δ Scuti star is a rapid rotator with about v\\cdot sin{i} = 130 {km s-1} and an upper mass limit of about 2.1 M⊙. For the close binary components, we find they are of nearly equal mass, with lower mass limits of about 0.7 M⊙. Comparisons to synthetic spectra indicate these stars have a late-F spectral type. The observed oscillation frequencies are compared to pulsation models to further constrain the
Ferrazzo, Kívia Linhares; Payeras, Marcia Rodrigues; Ferrazzo, Vilmar Antonio; Mezomo, Maurício Barbieri
Triple X syndrome (47,XXX) is a numerical chromosomal alteration that affects 1/1,000 women, in which the woman is born with an extra X chromosome. Some oral changes have been reported in the literature, as hypodontia, influence on deposition of crown enamel and discrepancies in cephalometric measurements. Other systemic complications may lead to oral abnormalities similar to those seen in triple X patients, such as congenital hypothyroidism (CH). This paper reports a triple X syndrome case associated with CH later treated. Besides delay in cognitive and intellectual development, the patient had changes in teeth development and in cephalometric measurements with deficiencies in the maxilla and mandible. This is the first report of a triple X syndrome associated with CH. Both conditions may result in changes in dentofacial development. © 2013 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Triple-negative breast cancer: current state of the art.
Rastelli, Francesca; Biancanelli, Sandra; Falzetta, Amalia; Martignetti, Angelo; Casi, Camilla; Bascioni, Romeo; Giustini, Lucio; Crispino, Sergio
anthracyclines and taxanes) to more than 60% with platinum-based triplets. However, based on retrospective data, major response to chemotherapy does not carry better survival ("triple-negative paradox"). There is no specific targeted therapy in the armamentarium: ongoing trials include anti-angiogenic agents, anti-EGFR and EGFR-TK inhibitors, epothilones and PARP inhibitors. A specific systemic regimen cannot yet be recommended. Moreover, only a few data are available on which treatment selection can be based. Use of the existing cytotoxic agents can be optimized for this patient subgroup by investigating the proliferative signals and the suitability of these signals as therapeutic targets, besides assessing the BRCA1-pathway in this subgroup as regards treatment. A greater understanding of the pathologic and molecular characteristics of this phenotype may lead to customized treatment for these patients.
[Triple-negative breast carcinoma--rewiev of current literature].
Rubovszky, Gábor; Udvarhelyi, Nóra; Horváth, Zsolt; Láng, István; Kásler, Miklós
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women. Approximately 15% of cases belong to the triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) group, in which no estrogen/progesterone receptors, or HER2 expression is detected. The unfavorable prognosis of this group of patients, as well as the lack of effective targeted therapy makes TNBC the subject of intensive research. In the present study, we searched PubMed for publications from January 2007 to June 2009 with the following key-words in addition to "breast cancer" and "triple negative": "epidemiology" or "gene-profile" or "predictive" or "prognostic" or "therapy" or "review". A total of 513 publications were identified. Relevant references were also reviewed. Beyond the well-known facts that TNBC affects younger patients, and is more common among Afro- or Hispano-Americans with lower socioeconomic status, hormonal environment and obesity emerged as potential etiologic factors. TNBC is not a homogenous disease. It can be further sub-classified based on histomorphologic features and immunohistochemistry. Hereditary BRCA1 mutations as well as acquired BRCA1 disfunction are described to be common in TNBC. Previously, many investigators considered TNBC to be identical to a subgroup called basal-like breast cancer defined by gene expression micro-array technology, but in the light of more recent findings, this view is no longer accepted by most investigators. Several large studies provide evidence that triple negativity, per se, is an independent adverse prognostic factor, in spite of the fact that approximately 10% of TNBC patients have a good prognosis. The therapy of choice for TNBC is systemic chemotherapy. Promising novel targeted chemotherapeutic agents include PARP1 inhibitors, a new group of compounds exploiting the defective DNA repair machinery. Rubovszky G, Udvarhelyi N, Horváth Z, Láng I, Kásler M. Triple negative breast carcinoma - rewiev of current literature.
Fixed Point Problems for Linear Transformations on Pythagorean Triples
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zhan, M.-Q.; Tong, J.-C.; Braza, P.
In this article, an attempt is made to find all linear transformations that map a standard Pythagorean triple (a Pythagorean triple [x y z][superscript T] with y being even) into a standard Pythagorean triple, which have [3 4 5][superscript T] as their fixed point. All such transformations form a monoid S* under matrix product. It is found that S*…
Coherent electron-spin-resonance manipulation of three individual spins in a triple quantum dot
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Noiri, A.; Yoneda, J.; Nakajima, T.
Quantum dot arrays provide a promising platform for quantum information processing. For universal quantum simulation and computation, one central issue is to demonstrate the exhaustive controllability of quantum states. Here, we report the addressable manipulation of three single electron spins in a triple quantum dot using a technique combining electron-spin-resonance and a micro-magnet. The micro-magnet makes the local Zeeman field difference between neighboring spins much larger than the nuclear field fluctuation, which ensures the addressable driving of electron-spin-resonance by shifting the resonance condition for each spin. We observe distinct coherent Rabi oscillations for three spins in a semiconductor triple quantummore » dot with up to 25 MHz spin rotation frequencies. This individual manipulation over three spins enables us to arbitrarily change the magnetic spin quantum number of the three spin system, and thus to operate a triple-dot device as a three-qubit system in combination with the existing technique of exchange operations among three spins.« less
Evaluation of a novel triple-channel radiochromic film analysis procedure using EBT2.
van Hoof, Stefan J; Granton, Patrick V; Landry, Guillaume; Podesta, Mark; Verhaegen, Frank
A novel approach to read out radiochromic film was introduced recently by the manufacturer of GafChromic film. In this study, the performance of this triple-channel film dosimetry method was compared against the conventional single-red-channel film dosimetry procedure, with and without inclusion of a pre-irradiation (pre-IR) film scan, using EBT2 film and kilo- and megavoltage photon beams up to 10 Gy. When considering regions of interest averaged doses, the triple-channel method and both single-channel methods produced equivalent results. Absolute dose discrepancies between the triple-channel method, both single-channel methods and the treatment planning system calculated dose values, were no larger than 5 cGy for dose levels up to 2.2 Gy. Signal to noise in triple-channel dose images was found to be similar to signal to noise in single-channel dose images. The accuracy of resulting dose images from the triple- and single-channel methods with inclusion of pre-IR film scan was found to be similar. Results of a comparison of EBT2 data from a kilovoltage depth dose experiment to corresponding Monte Carlo depth dose data produced dose discrepancies of 9.5 ± 12 cGy and 7.6 ± 6 cGy for the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan and the triple-channel method, respectively. EBT2 showed to be energy sensitive at low kilovoltage energies with response differences of 11.9% and 15.6% in the red channel at 2 Gy between 50-225 kVp and 80-225 kVp photon spectra, respectively. We observed that the triple-channel method resulted in non-uniformity corrections of ±1% and consistency values of 0-3 cGy for the batches and dose levels studied. Results of this study indicate that the triple-channel radiochromic film read-out method performs at least as well as the single-channel method with inclusion of a pre-IR film scan, reduces film non-uniformity and saves time with elimination of a pre-IR film scan.
Recovering the triple coincidence of non-pure positron emitters in preclinical PET
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, Hsin-Hon; Chuang, Keh-Shih; Chen, Szu-Yu; Jan, Meei-Ling
Non-pure positron emitters, with their long half-lives, allow for the tracing of slow biochemical processes which cannot be adequately examined by the commonly used short-lived positron emitters. Most of these isotopes emit high-energy cascade gamma rays in addition to positron decay that can be detected and create a triple coincidence with annihilation photons. Triple coincidence is discarded in most scanners, however, the majority of the triple coincidence contains true photon pairs that can be recovered. In this study, we propose a strategy for recovering triple coincidence events to raise the sensitivity of PET imaging for non-pure positron emitters. To identify the true line of response (LOR) from a triple coincidence, a framework utilizing geometrical, energy and temporal information is proposed. The geometrical criterion is based on the assumption that the LOR with the largest radial offset among the three sub pairs of triple coincidences is least likely to be a true LOR. Then, a confidence time window is used to test the valid LOR among those within triple coincidence. Finally, a likelihood ratio discriminant rule based on the energy probability density distribution of cascade and annihilation gammas is established to identify the true LOR. An Inveon preclinical PET scanner was modeled with GATE (GEANT4 application for tomographic emission) Monte Carlo software. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method in terms of identification fraction, noise equivalent count rates (NECR), and image quality on various phantoms. With the inclusion of triple coincidence events using the proposed method, the NECR was found to increase from 11% to 26% and 19% to 29% for I-124 and Br-76, respectively, when 7.4-185 MBq of activity was used. Compared to the reconstructed images using double coincidence, this technique increased the SNR by 5.1-7.3% for I-124 and 9.3-10.3% for Br-76 within the activity range of 9.25-74 MBq, without compromising the spatial resolution or
Homomorphisms in C*-ternary algebras and JB*-triples
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Park, Choonkil; Rassias, Themistocles M.
In this paper, we investigate homomorphisms between C*-ternary algebras and derivations on C*-ternary algebras, and homomorphisms between JB*-triples and derivations on JB*-triples, associated with the following Apollonius type additive functional equation
Simulation of Triple Oxidation Ditch Wastewater Treatment Process
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Yue; Zhang, Jinsong; Liu, Lixiang; Hu, Yongfeng; Xu, Ziming
This paper presented the modeling mechanism and method of a sewage treatment system. A triple oxidation ditch process of a WWTP was simulated based on activated sludge model ASM2D with GPS-X software. In order to identify the adequate model structure to be implemented into the GPS-X environment, the oxidation ditch was divided into several completely stirred tank reactors depended on the distribution of aeration devices and dissolved oxygen concentration. The removal efficiency of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and SS were simulated by GPS-X software with influent quality data of this WWTP from June to August 2009, to investigate the differences between the simulated results and the actual results. The results showed that, the simulated values could well reflect the actual condition of the triple oxidation ditch process. Mathematical modeling method was appropriate in effluent quality predicting and process optimizing.
Project Triple E Update: A Multi-Institution Implementation of a Faculty Support System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Robinson Group, Ltd., Tempe, AZ.
Project "Triple E" is cooperative endeavor initiated by The Robinson Group and International Business Machines, involving six community colleges in efforts to "empower" faculty by increasing access to information about, and communication with, students; to increase faculty "efficiency" by automating record keeping; and to enhance faculty…
Triple valve surgery: a 25-year experience.
Yilmaz, Mustafa; Ozkan, Murat; Böke, Erkmen
Surgical treatment of rheumatic valvular disease still constitutes a significant number of cardiac operations in developing countries. Despite improvements in myocardial protection and cardiopulmonary bypass techniques, triple valve operations (aortic, mitral and tricuspid valves) are still challenging because of longer duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and higher degree of myocardial decompensation. This study was instituted in order to assess results of triple valve surgery. Between 1977 and 2002, 34 patients underwent triple valve surgery in our clinic by the same surgeon (EB). Eleven patients underwent triple valve replacement (32.4%) and 23 underwent tricuspid valve annuloplasty with aortic and mitral valve replacements (67.6%). There was no significant difference between the two groups of patients who underwent triple valve replacement and aortic and mitral valve replacement with tricuspid valve annuloplasty. There were 4 hospital deaths (11.8%) occurring within 30 days. The duration of follow-up for 30 survivors ranged from 6 to 202 months (mean 97 months). The actuarial survival rates were 85%, 72%, and 48% at 5, 10, and 15 years respectively. Actuarial freedom from reoperation rates at 5, 10, and 15 years was 86.3%, 71.9%, and 51.2%, respectively. Freedom from cerebral thromboembolism and anticoagulation-related hemorrhage rates, expressed in actuarial terms was 75.9% and 62.9% at 5 and 10 years. Major cerebral complications occurred in 10 of the 30 patients. We prefer replacing, if repairing is not possible, the tricuspid valve, with a bileaflet mechanical prosthesis in a patient with valve replacement of the left heart who will be anticoagulated in order to avoid unfavorable properties of bioprosthesis like degeneration and of old generation mechanical prosthesis like thrombosis and poor hemodynamic function. In recent years, results of triple valve surgery either with tricuspid valve conservation or valve replacement in suitable cases have become
Existence Regions of Shock Wave Triple Configurations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bulat, Pavel V.; Chernyshev, Mikhail V.
The aim of the research is to create the classification for shock wave triple configurations and their existence regions of various types: type 1, type 2, type 3. Analytical solutions for limit Mach numbers and passing shock intensity that define existence region of every type of triple configuration have been acquired. The ratios that conjugate…
Triple X syndrome: a review of the literature.
Otter, Maarten; Schrander-Stumpel, Constance T R M; Curfs, Leopold M G
The developmental and clinical aspects in the literature on triple X syndrome are reviewed. Prenatal diagnosis depends on karyotyping. The incidence is 1 of 1000 females. At birth, 47,XXX girls have a lower mean birth weight and a smaller head circumference. Triple X diagnosis was not suspected at birth. The maternal age seems to be increased. Toddlers with triple X syndrome show delayed language development. The youngest girls show accelerated growth until puberty. EEG abnormalities seem to be rather common. Many girls show motor-coordination problems and auditory-processing disorders are not rare. Scoliosis is probably more common in adolescent cases. The IQ levels are 20 points below that of controls, and verbal IQ is lowest. The girls struggle with low self-esteem and they need psychological, behavioural and educational support. They perform best in stable families. After leaving school they seem to feel better. In adults, premature ovarian failure seems to be more prevalent than in controls. MRIs of the brain seem to show decreased brain volumes. The 47,XXX women most often find jobs that reflect their performance abilities. Psychotic illness seems to be more prevalent in triple X adult women than in controls. Psychotic disorders respond well to psychotropic drugs. Triple X adults suffer more frequently from cyclothymic and labile personality traits. Research on triple X syndrome may yield more insight into brain and behaviour relations, developmental psychopathology, auditory-processing disorders, EEG disorders, personality and psychotic disorders, etc.
Shifting to triple value healthcare: Reflections from England.
Jani, Anant; Jungmann, Sven; Gray, Muir
Increasing need and demand because of growing and aging populations combined with stagnant or decreasing resources being invested into healthcare globally mean that a radical shift is needed to ensure that healthcare systems can meet current and future challenges. Quality-, safety- and efficiency-improvement approaches have been used as means to address many problems in healthcare and while they are essential and necessary, they are not sufficient to meet our current challenges. To build resilient and sustainable healthcare systems, we need a shift to focus on triple value healthcare, which will help healthcare professionals improve outcomes at the process, patient and population levels while also optimising resource utilisation. Here we present a brief history of the Quality and Evidence-based Healthcare model and then describe how value emerged as a predominant theme in England. We then highlight the four solutions that we, as part of the RightCare programme, designed and refined in the English NHS to turn theory into practice: We end with a description of how triple value is being introduced into Germany and steps that can be taken to facilitate its adoption. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Terms of Inclusion: Unity and Diversity in Public Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kantor, Harvey; Lowe, Robert
In this review essay, Harvey Kantor and Robert Lowe explore the history of the culture wars in public education in the United States. Drawing on three books--David Tyack's "Seeking Common Ground," Jonathan Zimmerman's "Whose America?" and Amy Binder's "Contentious Curricula"--Kantor and Lowe review the history of…
On Pythagoras Theorem for Products of Spectral Triples
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
D'Andrea, Francesco; Martinetti, Pierre
We discuss a version of Pythagoras theorem in noncommutative geometry. Usual Pythagoras theorem can be formulated in terms of Connes' distance, between pure states, in the product of commutative spectral triples. We investigate the generalization to both non-pure states and arbitrary spectral triples. We show that Pythagoras theorem is replaced by some Pythagoras inequalities, that we prove for the product of arbitrary (i.e. non-necessarily commutative) spectral triples, assuming only some unitality condition. We show that these inequalities are optimal, and we provide non-unital counter-examples inspired by K-homology.
Development of 600 kV triple resonance pulse transformer.
Li, Mingjia; Zhang, Faqiang; Liang, Chuan; Xu, Zhou
In this paper, a triple-resonance pulse transformer based on an air-core transformer is introduced. The voltage across the high-voltage winding of the air-core transformer is significantly less than the output voltage; instead, the full output voltage appears across the tuning inductor. The maximum ratio of peak load voltage to peak transformer voltage is 2.77 in theory. By analyzing pulse transformer's lossless circuit, the analytical expression for the output voltage and the characteristic equation of the triple-resonance circuit are presented. Design method for the triple-resonance pulse transformer (iterated simulation method) is presented, and a triple-resonance pulse transformer is developed based on the existing air-core transformer. The experimental results indicate that the maximum ratio of peak voltage across the load to peak voltage across the high-voltage winding of the air-core transformer is approximately 2.0 and the peak output voltage of the triple-resonance pulse transformer is approximately 600 kV.
Analytic reconstruction algorithms for triple-source CT with horizontal data truncation.
Chen, Ming; Yu, Hengyong
This paper explores a triple-source imaging method with horizontal data truncation to enlarge the field of view (FOV) for big objects. The study is conducted by using theoretical analysis, mathematical deduction, and numerical simulations. The proposed algorithms are implemented in c + + and matlab. While the basic platform is constructed in matlab, the computationally intensive segments are coded in c + +, which are linked via a mex interface. A triple-source circular scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation is developed, where three pairs of x-ray sources and detectors are unevenly distributed on the same circle to cover the whole imaging object. For this triple-source configuration, a fan-beam filtered backprojection-type algorithm is derived for truncated full-scan projections without data rebinning. The algorithm is also extended for horizontally truncated half-scan projections and cone-beam projections in a Feldkamp-type framework. Using their method, the FOV is enlarged twofold to threefold to scan bigger objects with high speed and quality. The numerical simulation results confirm the correctness and effectiveness of the developed algorithms. The triple-source scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation cannot only keep most of the advantages of a traditional multisource system but also cover a larger FOV for big imaging objects. In addition, because the filtering is shift-invariant, the proposed algorithms are very fast and easily parallelized on graphic processing units.
Triple galaxies and a hidden mass problem
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Karachentsev, I. D.; Karachentseva, V. E.; Lebedev, V. S.
The authors consider a homogeneous sample of 84 triple systems of galaxies with components brighter than m = 15.7, located in the northern sky and satisfying an isolation criterion with respect to neighboring galaxies in projection. The distributions of basic dynamical parameters for triplets have median values as follows: radial velocity dispersion 133 km/s, mean harmonic radius 63 kpc, absolute magnitude of galaxies M sub B equals -20.38, crossing time tau = 0.04 H(sup minus 1). For different ways of estimation the median mass-to-luminosity ratio is (20 - 30). A comparison of the last value with the ones for single and binary galaxies shows the presence of a virial mass excess for triplets by a factor 4. The mass-to-luminosity ratio is practically uncorrelated with linear size of triplets or with morphological types of their components. We note that a significant part of the virial excess may be explained by the presence of nonisolated triple configurations in the sample, which are produced by debris of more populous groups of galaxies.
Motifs in triadic random graphs based on Steiner triple systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Winkler, Marco; Reichardt, Jörg
Conventionally, pairwise relationships between nodes are considered to be the fundamental building blocks of complex networks. However, over the last decade, the overabundance of certain subnetwork patterns, i.e., the so-called motifs, has attracted much attention. It has been hypothesized that these motifs, instead of links, serve as the building blocks of network structures. Although the relation between a network's topology and the general properties of the system, such as its function, its robustness against perturbations, or its efficiency in spreading information, is the central theme of network science, there is still a lack of sound generative models needed for testing the functional role of subgraph motifs. Our work aims to overcome this limitation. We employ the framework of exponential random graph models (ERGMs) to define models based on triadic substructures. The fact that only a small portion of triads can actually be set independently poses a challenge for the formulation of such models. To overcome this obstacle, we use Steiner triple systems (STSs). These are partitions of sets of nodes into pair-disjoint triads, which thus can be specified independently. Combining the concepts of ERGMs and STSs, we suggest generative models capable of generating ensembles of networks with nontrivial triadic Z-score profiles. Further, we discover inevitable correlations between the abundance of triad patterns, which occur solely for statistical reasons and need to be taken into account when discussing the functional implications of motif statistics. Moreover, we calculate the degree distributions of our triadic random graphs analytically.
Tunable triple-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser with topological insulator Bi2Se3 solution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guo, Bo; Yao, Yong
We experimentally demonstrated a tunable triple-wavelength mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with few-layer topological insulator: Bi2Se3/polyvinyl alcohol solution. By properly adjusting the pump power and the polarization state, the single-, dual-, and triple-wavelength mode-locking operation could be stably initiated with a wavelength-tunable range (˜1 nm) and a variable wavelength spacing (1.7 or 2 nm). Meanwhile, it exhibits the maximum output power of 10 mW and pulse energy of 1.12 nJ at the pump power of 175 mW. The simple, low-cost triple-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser might be applied in various potential fields, such as optical communication, biomedical research, and sensing system.
Large scale production of densified hydrogen to the triple point and below
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Swanger, A. M.; Notardonato, W. U.; E Fesmire, J.; Jumper, K. M.; Johnson, W. L.; Tomsik, T. M.
Recent demonstration of advanced liquid hydrogen storage techniques using Integrated Refrigeration and Storage technology at NASA Kennedy Space Center led to the production of large quantities of densified liquid and slush hydrogen in a 125,000 L tank. Production of densified hydrogen was performed at three different liquid levels and LH2 temperatures were measured by twenty silicon diode temperature sensors. Overall densification performance of the system is explored, and solid mass fractions are calculated. Experimental data reveal hydrogen temperatures dropped well below the triple point during testing, and were continuing to trend downward prior to system shutdown. Sub-triple point temperatures were seen to evolve in a time dependent manner along the length of the horizontal, cylindrical vessel. The phenomenon, observed at two fill levels, is detailed herein. The implications of using IRAS for energy storage, propellant densification, and future cryofuel systems are discussed.
Large Scale Production of Densified Hydrogen to the Triple Point and Below
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Swanger, A. M.; Notardonato, W. U.; Fesmire, J. E.; Jumper, K. M.; Johnson, W. L.; Tomsik, T. M.
Recent demonstration of advanced liquid hydrogen storage techniques using Integrated Refrigeration and Storage technology at NASA Kennedy Space Center led to the production of large quantities of densified liquid and slush hydrogen in a 125,000 L tank. Production of densified hydrogen was performed at three different liquid levels and LH2 temperatures were measured by twenty silicon diode temperature sensors. Overall densification performance of the system is explored, and solid mass fractions are calculated. Experimental data reveal hydrogen temperatures dropped well below the triple point during testing, and were continuing to trend downward prior to system shutdown. Sub-triple point temperatures were seen to evolve in a time dependent manner along the length of the horizontal, cylindrical vessel. The phenomenon, observed at two fill levels, is detailed herein. The implications of using IRAS for energy storage, propellant densification, and future cryofuel systems are discussed.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gandara, Patricia
Latinos are, after whites, the most segregated student group in the United States, and their segregation is closely tied to poor academic outcomes. Latinos experience a triple segregation: by race/ethnicity, poverty, and language. Racial segregation perpetuates negative stereotypes, reduces the likelihood of a strong teaching staff, and is often…
Triple shape memory polymers by 4D printing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bodaghi, M.; Damanpack, A. R.; Liao, W. H.
This article aims at introducing triple shape memory polymers (SMPs) by four-dimensional (4D) printing technology and shaping adaptive structures for mechanical/bio-medical devices. The main approach is based on arranging hot–cold programming of SMPs with fused decomposition modeling technology to engineer adaptive structures with triple shape memory effect (SME). Experiments are conducted to characterize elasto-plastic and hyper-elastic thermo-mechanical material properties of SMPs in low and high temperatures at large deformation regime. The feasibility of the dual and triple SMPs with self-bending features is demonstrated experimentally. It is advantageous in situations either where it is desired to perform mechanical manipulations on the 4D printed objects for specific purposes or when they experience cold programming inevitably before activation. A phenomenological 3D constitutive model is developed for quantitative understanding of dual/triple SME of SMPs fabricated by 4D printing in the large deformation range. Governing equations of equilibrium are established for adaptive structures on the basis of the nonlinear Green–Lagrange strains. They are then solved by developing a finite element approach along with an elastic-predictor plastic-corrector return map procedure accomplished by the Newton–Raphson method. The computational tool is applied to simulate dual/triple SMP structures enabled by 4D printing and explore hot–cold programming mechanisms behind material tailoring. It is shown that the 4D printed dual/triple SMPs have great potential in mechanical/bio-medical applications such as self-bending gripers/stents and self-shrinking/tightening staples.
Government and Governance of Regional Triple Helix Interactions
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Danson, Mike; Todeva, Emanuela
This conceptual paper contributes to the discussion of the role of regional government and regional Triple Helix constellations driving economic development and growth within regional boundaries. The impact of regionalism and subsidiarity on regional Triple Helix constellations, and the questions of governmentality, governance and institutional…
Lidov-Kozai Cycles with Gravitational Radiation: Merging Black Holes in Isolated Triple Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Silsbee, Kedron; Tremaine, Scott
We show that a black-hole binary with an external companion can undergo Lidov-Kozai cycles that cause a close pericenter passage, leading to a rapid merger due to gravitational-wave emission. This scenario occurs most often for systems in which the companion has a mass comparable to the reduced mass of the binary and the companion orbit has a semimajor axis within a factor of ˜10 of the binary semimajor axis. Using a simple population-synthesis model and three-body simulations, we estimate the rate of mergers in triple black-hole systems in the field to be about six per Gpc3 per year in the absence of natal kicks during black-hole formation. This value is within the low end of the 90% credible interval for the total black hole-black hole merger rate inferred from the current LIGO results. There are many uncertainties in these calculations, the largest of which is the unknown distribution of natal kicks. Even modest natal kicks of 40 km s-1 will reduce the merger rate by a factor of 40. A few percent of these systems will have eccentricity greater than 0.999 when they first enter the frequency band detectable by aLIGO (above 10 Hz).
Lidov–Kozai Cycles with Gravitational Radiation: Merging Black Holes in Isolated Triple Systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Silsbee, Kedron; Tremaine, Scott, E-mail:, E-mail:
We show that a black-hole binary with an external companion can undergo Lidov–Kozai cycles that cause a close pericenter passage, leading to a rapid merger due to gravitational-wave emission. This scenario occurs most often for systems in which the companion has a mass comparable to the reduced mass of the binary and the companion orbit has a semimajor axis within a factor of ∼10 of the binary semimajor axis. Using a simple population-synthesis model and three-body simulations, we estimate the rate of mergers in triple black-hole systems in the field to be about six per Gpc{sup 3} per year inmore » the absence of natal kicks during black-hole formation. This value is within the low end of the 90% credible interval for the total black hole–black hole merger rate inferred from the current LIGO results. There are many uncertainties in these calculations, the largest of which is the unknown distribution of natal kicks. Even modest natal kicks of 40 km s{sup −1} will reduce the merger rate by a factor of 40. A few percent of these systems will have eccentricity greater than 0.999 when they first enter the frequency band detectable by aLIGO (above 10 Hz).« less
A reconstruction theorem for Connes-Landi deformations of commutative spectral triples
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ćaćić, Branimir
We formulate and prove an extension of Connes's reconstruction theorem for commutative spectral triples to so-called Connes-Landi or isospectral deformations of commutative spectral triples along the action of a compact Abelian Lie group G, also known as toric noncommutative manifolds. In particular, we propose an abstract definition for such spectral triples, where noncommutativity is entirely governed by a deformation parameter sitting in the second group cohomology of the Pontryagin dual of G, and then show that such spectral triples are well-behaved under further Connes-Landi deformation, thereby allowing for both quantisation from and dequantisation to G-equivariant abstract commutative spectral triples. We then use a refinement of the Connes-Dubois-Violette splitting homomorphism to conclude that suitable Connes-Landi deformations of commutative spectral triples by a rational deformation parameter are almost-commutative in the general, topologically non-trivial sense.
Gauge transformations for twisted spectral triples
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Landi, Giovanni; Martinetti, Pierre
It is extended to twisted spectral triples the fluctuations of the metric as bounded perturbations of the Dirac operator that arises when a spectral triple is exported between Morita equivalent algebras, as well as gauge transformations which are obtained by the action of the unitary endomorphisms of the module implementing the Morita equivalence. It is firstly shown that the twisted-gauged Dirac operators, previously introduced to generate an extra scalar field in the spectral description of the standard model of elementary particles, in fact follow from Morita equivalence between twisted spectral triples. The law of transformation of the gauge potentials turns out to be twisted in a natural way. In contrast with the non-twisted case, twisted fluctuations do not necessarily preserve the self-adjointness of the Dirac operator. For a self-Morita equivalence, conditions are obtained in order to maintain self-adjointness that are solved explicitly for the minimal twist of a Riemannian manifold.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ghaebi, Hadi; Abbaspour, Ghader
In this research, thermoeconomic analysis of a multi-effect desalination thermal vapor compression (MED-TVC) system integrated with a trigeneration system with a gas turbine prime mover is carried out. The integrated system comprises of a compressor, a combustion chamber, a gas turbine, a triple-pressure (low, medium and high pressures) heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) system, an absorption chiller cycle (ACC), and a multi-effect desalination (MED) system. Low pressure steam produced in the HRSG is used to drive absorption chiller cycle, medium pressure is used in desalination system and high pressure superheated steam is used for heating purposes. For thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analysis of the proposed integrated system, Engineering Equation Solver (EES) is used by employing mass, energy, exergy, and cost balance equations for each component of system. The results of the modeling showed that with the new design, the exergy efficiency in the base design will increase to 57.5%. In addition, thermoeconomic analysis revealed that the net power, heating, fresh water and cooling have the highest production cost, respectively.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koga, M.; Matsumoto, M.; Kusunose, H.
We study a local antisymmetric spin-orbit (ASO) coupling effect on a triangular-triple-quantum-dot (TTQD) system as a theoretical proposal for a new application of the Kondo physics to nanoscale devices. The electric polarization induced by the Kondo effect is strongly correlated with the spin configurations and molecular orbital degrees of freedom in the TTQD. In particular, an abrupt sign reversal of the emergent electric polarization is associated with a quantum critical point in a magnetic field, which can also be controlled by the ASO coupling that changes the mixing weight of different orbital components in the TTQD ground state.
Therapeutic Implications of the Molecular and Immune Landscape of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Gregório, Ana C; Lacerda, Manuela; Figueiredo, Paulo; Simões, Sérgio; Dias, Sérgio; Moreira, João Nuno
Treatment and management of breast cancer imposes a heavy burden on public health care, and incidence rates continue to increase. Breast cancer is the most common female neoplasia and primary cause of death among women worldwide. The recognition of breast cancer as a complex and heterogeneous disease, comprising different molecular entities, was a landmark in our understanding of this malignancy. Valuing the impact of the molecular characteristics on tumor behavior enabled a better assessment of a patient's prognosis and increased the predictive power to therapeutic response and clinical outcome. Molecular heterogeneity is also prominent in the triple-negative breast cancer subtype, and is reflected by the distinct prognostic and patient's sensitivity to treatment, being chemotherapy the only systemic treatment currently available. From a therapeutic perspective, gene expression profiling of triple-negative tumors has notably contributed to the exploration of new druggable targets and brought to light the need to align these patients to the various therapies according to their triple-negative subtype. Additionally, the higher amount of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and the prevalence of an increased expression of PD-1 receptor and its ligand, PD-L1, in triple-negative tumors, created a new treatment opportunity with immune checkpoint inhibitors. This manuscript addresses the current knowledge on the molecular and immune profiles of breast cancer, and its impact on the development of targeted therapies, with a particular emphasis on the triple-negative subtype.
Collagenolytic Matrix Metalloproteinase Activities toward Peptomeric Triple-Helical Substrates.
Stawikowski, Maciej J; Stawikowska, Roma; Fields, Gregg B
Although collagenolytic matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) possess common domain organizations, there are subtle differences in their processing of collagenous triple-helical substrates. In this study, we have incorporated peptoid residues into collagen model triple-helical peptides and examined MMP activities toward these peptomeric chimeras. Several different peptoid residues were incorporated into triple-helical substrates at subsites P3, P1, P1', and P10' individually or in combination, and the effects of the peptoid residues were evaluated on the activities of full-length MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13, and MMP-14/MT1-MMP. Most peptomers showed little discrimination between MMPs. However, a peptomer containing N-methyl Gly (sarcosine) in the P1' subsite and N-isobutyl Gly (NLeu) in the P10' subsite was hydrolyzed efficiently only by MMP-13 [nomenclature relative to the α1(I)772-786 sequence]. Cleavage site analysis showed hydrolysis at the Gly-Gln bond, indicating a shifted binding of the triple helix compared to the parent sequence. Favorable hydrolysis by MMP-13 was not due to sequence specificity or instability of the substrate triple helix but rather was based on the specific interactions of the P7' peptoid residue with the MMP-13 hemopexin-like domain. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer triple-helical peptomer was constructed and found to be readily processed by MMP-13, not cleaved by MMP-1 and MMP-8, and weakly hydrolyzed by MT1-MMP. The influence of the triple-helical structure containing peptoid residues on the interaction between MMP subsites and individual substrate residues may provide additional information about the mechanism of collagenolysis, the understanding of collagen specificity, and the design of selective MMP probes.
Impact of depth and location of the wells on vibrational resonance in a triple-well system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Zhijuan; Ning, Lijuan
The effect of depth and location of a triple-well potential on vibrational resonance is investigated in a quintic oscillator driven by a low-frequency force and a high-frequency force. The values of low-frequency ω and amplitude g of the high-frequency force at which vibrational resonance occurs are derived both numerically and theoretically. It is found that: as ω varies, at most one resonance takes place and the response amplitude at resonance depends on the depth and the location of the potential wells. When g is altered, the depth and location of wells can control the number of resonances, resulting in two, three and four resonances. The system parameters can be adjusted by controlling the depth and position of the wells to achieve optimum vibrational resonance. Furthermore, the changes induced by these two quantities in the tristable system are found to be richer than those induced in bistable systems.
Analytic reconstruction algorithms for triple-source CT with horizontal data truncation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, Ming; Yu, Hengyong, E-mail:
Purpose: This paper explores a triple-source imaging method with horizontal data truncation to enlarge the field of view (FOV) for big objects. Methods: The study is conducted by using theoretical analysis, mathematical deduction, and numerical simulations. The proposed algorithms are implemented in c + + and MATLAB. While the basic platform is constructed in MATLAB, the computationally intensive segments are coded in c + +, which are linked via a MEX interface. Results: A triple-source circular scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation is developed, where three pairs of x-ray sources and detectors are unevenly distributed on the same circle tomore » cover the whole imaging object. For this triple-source configuration, a fan-beam filtered backprojection-type algorithm is derived for truncated full-scan projections without data rebinning. The algorithm is also extended for horizontally truncated half-scan projections and cone-beam projections in a Feldkamp-type framework. Using their method, the FOV is enlarged twofold to threefold to scan bigger objects with high speed and quality. The numerical simulation results confirm the correctness and effectiveness of the developed algorithms. Conclusions: The triple-source scanning configuration with horizontal data truncation cannot only keep most of the advantages of a traditional multisource system but also cover a larger FOV for big imaging objects. In addition, because the filtering is shift-invariant, the proposed algorithms are very fast and easily parallelized on graphic processing units.« less
and sponsoring FIRST teams at the Junior FIRST Lego League (JFLL) and the FIRST Lego League (FLL) levels in elementary and middle school . As such, the...a Final Technical Report for Year I Grant W911NF-07-1-0663 with the Newport News Public School District for the Menchville High School Robotics Team...August 2008 TRIPL HELIX 0 Menchville High School Newport News, VA 20080829081 w DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER bfro do.A icfr tkw, Def&*ue, Cow
Hattori, Shohei; Savarino, Joel; Kamezaki, Kazuki; Ishino, Sakiko; Dyckmans, Jens; Fujinawa, Tamaki; Caillon, Nicolas; Barbero, Albane; Mukotaka, Arata; Toyoda, Sakae; Well, Reinhard; Yoshida, Naohiro
Triple oxygen and nitrogen isotope ratios in nitrate are powerful tools for assessing atmospheric nitrate formation pathways and their contribution to ecosystems. N 2 O decomposition using microwave-induced plasma (MIP) has been used only for measurements of oxygen isotopes to date, but it is also possible to measure nitrogen isotopes during the same analytical run. The main improvements to a previous system are (i) an automated distribution system of nitrate to the bacterial medium, (ii) N 2 O separation by gas chromatography before N 2 O decomposition using the MIP, (iii) use of a corundum tube for microwave discharge, and (iv) development of an automated system for isotopic measurements. Three nitrate standards with sample sizes of 60, 80, 100, and 120 nmol were measured to investigate the sample size dependence of the isotope measurements. The δ 17 O, δ 18 O, and Δ 17 O values increased with increasing sample size, although the δ 15 N value showed no significant size dependency. Different calibration slopes and intercepts were obtained with different sample amounts. The slopes and intercepts for the regression lines in different sample amounts were dependent on sample size, indicating that the extent of oxygen exchange is also dependent on sample size. The sample-size-dependent slopes and intercepts were fitted using natural log (ln) regression curves, and the slopes and intercepts can be estimated to apply to any sample size corrections. When using 100 nmol samples, the standard deviations of residuals from the regression lines for this system were 0.5‰, 0.3‰, and 0.1‰, respectively, for the δ 18 O, Δ 17 O, and δ 15 N values, results that are not inferior to those from other systems using gold tube or gold wire. An automated system was developed to measure triple oxygen and nitrogen isotopes in nitrate using N 2 O decomposition by MIP. This system enables us to measure both triple oxygen and nitrogen isotopes in nitrate with comparable precision
GW Orionis: Inner disk readjustments in a triple system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fang, M.; Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Roccatagliata, V.; Fedele, D.; Henning, Th.; Eiroa, C.; Müller, A.
Context. Disks are expected to dissipate quickly in binary or multiple systems. Investigating such systems can improve our knowledge of the disk dispersal. The triple system GW Ori, still harboring a massive disk, is an excellent target. Aims: We study the young stellar system GW Ori, concentrating on its accretion, wind activity and disk properties. Methods: We use high-resolution optical spectra of GW Ori to do spectral classification and derive the radial velocities (RV). We analyze the wind and accretion activity using the emission lines in the spectra. We also use U-band photometry, which has been collected from the literature, to study the accretion variability of GW Ori. We characterize the disk properties of GW Ori by modeling its spectral energy distribution (SED). Results.By comparing our data to the synthetical spectra, we classify GW Ori as a G8 star. Based on the RVs derived from the optical spectra, we confirm the previous result as a close companion in GW Ori with a period of ~242 days and an orbital semi-major axis of ~1 AU. The RV residuals after the subtraction of the orbital solution with the equivalent widths (EW) of accretion-related emission lines vary with periods of 5-6.7 days during short-time intervals, which are caused by the rotational modulation. The Hα and Hβ line profiles of GW Ori can be decomposed in two central-peaked emission components and one blue-shifted absorption component. The blue-shifted absorption components are due to a disk wind modulated by the orbital motion of the close companion. Therefore, the systems like GW Ori can be used to study the extent of disk winds. We find that the accretion rates of GW Ori are rather constant but can occasionally be enhanced by a factor of 2-3. We reproduce the SED of GW Ori by using disk models with gaps ~25-55 AU in size. A small population of tiny dust particles within the gap produces the excess emission at near-infrared bands and the strong and sharp silicate feature at 10
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
McGuffey, Alex; Berg, Melanie; Pellish, Jonathan
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are used in every space application. Currently, most space flight applications use radiation hardened (RH) FPGAs, which are very expensive. There is a desire to use cheaper, commercial off the shelf reprogrammable FPGAs, which are more susceptible to radiation effects known as single-event effects (SEE). The RH parts have SEE and total ionizing dose (TID) hardened elements pre-integrated into the part. This means that the designer does not need to implement any hardening techniques while configuring the device. The COTS parts on the other hand must be mitigated by design in order to insure any form of mitigation. The design techniques this project examines concern the use of localized triple modular redundancy (LTMR) and distributed triple modular redundancy (DTMR). LTMR triples every flip flop in the device architecture while DTMR triples everything except for the global routes (clocks, resets, and enables). The testing was performed on a ProASIC3E FPGA at the Texas A&M cyclotron facility. Two design architectures were used: shift registers and counters, both with LTMR and DTMR mitigation techniques. The test results prove that DTMR is more effective at reducing SEE than LTMR. We also determined that there was not a significant difference between the use of shift registers and counters for test purposes. More testing is required to obtain additional linear energy transfer values for each architecture and mitigation technique in order to determine the most cost-effective method of SEE mitigation.
Optical triple-in digital logic using nonlinear optical four-wave mixing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Widjaja, Joewono; Tomita, Yasuo
A new programmable optical processor is proposed for implementing triple-in combinatorial digital logic that uses four-wave mixing. Binary-coded decimal-to-octal decoding is experimentally demonstrated by use of a photorefractive BaTiO 3 crystal. The result confirms the feasibility of the proposed system.
Celestial Triple Treat on This Week @NASA – February 2, 2018
Super Blue Blood Moon – a rare triple treat up in the sky, celebrating America’s first explorer in space, and smoke and fire – another Space Launch System engine test … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA!
Gisbert, Javier P; Romano, Marco; Molina-Infante, Javier; Lucendo, Alfredo J; Medina, Enrique; Modolell, Inés; Rodríguez-Tellez, Manuel; Gomez, Blas; Barrio, Jesús; Perona, Monica; Ortuño, Juan; Ariño, Inés; Domínguez-Muñoz, Juan Enrique; Perez-Aisa, Ángeles; Bermejo, Fernando; Domínguez, Jose Luis; Almela, Pedro; Gomez-Camarero, Judith; Millastre, Judith; Martin-Noguerol, Elisa; Gravina, Antonietta G; Martorano, Marco; Miranda, Agnese; Federico, Alessandro; Fernandez-Bermejo, Miguel; Angueira, Teresa; Ferrer-Barcelo, Luis; Fernández, Nuria; Marín, Alicia C; McNicholl, Adrián G
Aim was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a moxifloxacin-containing second-line triple regimen in patients whose previous Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment failed. Prospective multicentre study including patients in whom a triple therapy or a non-bismuth-quadruple-therapy failed. Moxifloxacin (400mg qd), amoxicillin (1g bid), and esomeprazole (40 mg bid) were prescribed for 14 days. Eradication was confirmed by (13)C-urea-breath-test. Compliance was determined through questioning and recovery of empty medication envelopes. 250 patients were consecutively included (mean age 48 ± 15 years, 11% with ulcer). Previous (failed) therapy included: standard triple (n = 179), sequential (n = 27), and concomitant (n = 44); 97% of patients took all medications, 4 were lost to follow-up. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol eradication rates were 82.4% (95% CI, 77-87%) and 85.7% (95% CI, 81-90%). Cure rates were similar independently of diagnosis (ulcer, 77%; dyspepsia, 82%) and previous treatment (standard triple, 83%; sequential, 89%; concomitant, 77%). At multivariate analysis, only age was associated with eradication (OR = 0.957; 95% CI, 0.933-0.981). Adverse events were reported in 25.2% of patients: diarrhoea (9.6%), abdominal pain (9.6%), and nausea (9.2%). 14-day moxifloxacin-containing triple therapy is an effective and safe second-line strategy in patients whose previous standard triple therapy or non-bismuth quadruple (sequential or concomitant) therapy has failed, providing a simple alternative to bismuth quadruple regimen. Copyright © 2014 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Outcome Measures of Triple Board Graduates, 1991-2003
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Warren, Marla J.; Dunn, David W.; Rushton, Jerry
Objective: To describe program outcomes for the Combined Training Program in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry (Triple Board Program). Method: All Triple Board Program graduates to date (1991-2003) were asked to participate in a 37-item written survey from February to April 2004. Results: The response rate was 80.7%. Most…
Peptide tessellation yields micrometre-scale collagen triple helices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tanrikulu, I. Caglar; Forticaux, Audrey; Jin, Song; Raines, Ronald T.
Sticky-ended DNA duplexes can associate spontaneously into long double helices; however, such self-assembly is much less developed with proteins. Collagen is the most prevalent component of the extracellular matrix and a common clinical biomaterial. As for natural DNA, the ~103-residue triple helices (~300 nm) of natural collagen are recalcitrant to chemical synthesis. Here we show how the self-assembly of short collagen-mimetic peptides (CMPs) can enable the fabrication of synthetic collagen triple helices that are nearly a micrometre in length. Inspired by the mathematics of tessellations, we derive rules for the design of single CMPs that self-assemble into long triple helices with perfect symmetry. Sticky ends thus created are uniform across the assembly and drive its growth. Enacting this design yields individual triple helices that, in length, match or exceed those in natural collagen and are remarkably thermostable, despite the absence of higher-order association. The symmetric assembly of CMPs provides an enabling platform for the development of advanced materials for medicine and nanotechnology.
RDBMS Applications as Online Based Data Archive: A Case of Harbour Medical Center in Pekanbaru
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Febriadi, Bayu; Zamsuri, Ahmad
Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Pekanbaru is a government office that concerns about healthy, especially about environment health. There is a problem in case of saving electronic data, also in analyzing daily data both for internal and external data. The office has some computers and other tools that are useful in saving electronic data. In fact, the data are still saved in available cupboards and it is not efficient for an important data that is analyzed for more than one time. In other words, it is not good for a data is needed to be analyzed continuously. Rational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) application is an online based saving data and it uses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. Hopefully, the application will be very useful for employees Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru in managing their work.
Köhn, Andreas
The coupled-cluster singles and doubles method augmented with single Slater-type correlation factors (CCSD-F12) determined by the cusp conditions (also denoted as SP ansatz) yields results close to the basis set limit with only small overhead compared to conventional CCSD. Quantitative calculations on many-electron systems, however, require to include the effect of connected triple excitations at least. In this contribution, the recently proposed [A. Köhn, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 131101 (2009)] extended SP ansatz and its application to the noniterative triples correction CCSD(T) is reviewed. The approach allows to include explicit correlation into connected triple excitations without introducing additional unknown parameters. The explicit expressions are presented and analyzed, and possible simplifications to arrive at a computationally efficient scheme are suggested. Numerical tests based on an implementation obtained by an automated approach are presented. Using a partial wave expansion for the neon atom, we can show that the proposed ansatz indeed leads to the expected (L(max)+1)(-7) convergence of the noniterative triples correction, where L(max) is the maximum angular momentum in the orbital expansion. Further results are reported for a test set of 29 molecules, employing Peterson's F12-optimized basis sets. We find that the customary approach of using the conventional noniterative triples correction on top of a CCSD-F12 calculation leads to significant basis set errors. This, however, is not always directly visible for total CCSD(T) energies due to fortuitous error compensation. The new approach offers a thoroughly explicitly correlated CCSD(T)-F12 method with improved basis set convergence of the triples contributions to both total and relative energies.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bloembergen, P.; Bonnier, G.; Ronsin, H.
Argon triple point calibration facilities have been compared among eight laboratories with one transfer system, employing local long-stem standard platinum resistance thermometers. The apparatus intercompared, included a sealed cell and its associated cryostat. As is evidenced by the results of long-term investigations, previously performed at the INM, cells of the type employed may show a triple-point temperature, which is stable within the reproducibility of the measurements (simeq0,1 mK) over a period of about 10 years. At each laboratory the mean difference between the Argon triple-point temperature of the transfer cell (t) and the local cell (i) has been determined, using a standard resistance thermometer previously calibrated at the fixed points, according to the IPTS-68; associated repeatabilities are typically of the order of 0,1 mK. The reproducibility attained by measuring the mean difference in different laboratories, using cells of the same type and origin (INM), amounts to 0,4 mK.
Argon Triple-Point Device for Calibration of SPRTs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kołodziej, B.; Manuszkiewicz, H.; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A.; Lipiński, L.; Kowal, A.; Steur, P. P. M.; Pavese, F.
This paper presents an apparatus for the calibration of long-stem platinum resistance thermometers at the argon triple point , designed at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research, Poland (INTiBS). A hermetically sealed cell filled at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy with high purity gas (6N) is the main element of this apparatus. The cell is placed in a cryostat fully immersed in liquid nitrogen. A temperature-controlled shield ensures the quasi-adiabatic condition needed for proper realization of the phase transition. A system for correcting the temperature distribution along the thermometer well is also implemented. The cell cooling and argon solidification is carried out by filling the thermometer well with liquid nitrogen. A LabVIEW computer program written at INTiBS automatically controls the triple-point realization process. The duration of a melting plateau in the apparatus lasts for about 24 h. The melting width for between 20 % and 80 % was mK. The reproducibility of the plateau temperature is better than.
Reappraisal of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction kinematics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fournier, Marc; Patriat, Philippe; Leroy, Sylvie
We propose alternative kinematics for the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction based on a re-interpretation of seismological and magnetic data. The new triple junction of the ridge-ridge-ridge type is located at the bend of the Sheba Ridge in the eastern gulf of Aden at 14.5°N and 56.4°E. The Owen fracture zone (Arabia-India boundary) is connected to the Sheba Ridge by an ultra-slow divergent boundary trending N80°E±10° marked by diffuse seismicity. The location of the Arabia-India rotation pole is constrained at 14.1°N and 71.2°E by fitting the active part of the Owen fracture zone with a small circle. The finite kinematics of the triple junction is inferred from the present-day kinematics. Since the inception of the accretion 15-18 Ma ago, the Sheba Ridge has probably receded ∼300 km at the expense of the Carlsberg Ridge which propagated northwestward in the gulf of Aden, while an ultra-slow divergent plate boundary developed between the Arabian and Indian plates. The overall geometry of the new triple junction is very similar to that of the Azores triple junction.
Combinatorial Effects of Lapatinib and Rapamycin in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
Liu, Tongrui; Yacoub, Rami; Taliaferro-Smith, LaTonia D.; Sun, Shi-Yong; Graham, Tisheeka R.; Dolan, Ryan; Lobo, Christine; Tighiouart, Mourad; Yang, Lily; Adams, Amy; O'Regan, Ruth M.
Triple-negative breast cancers, which lack estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2/neu overexpression, account for approximately 15% of breast cancers, but occur more commonly in African Americans. The poor survival outcomes seen with triple-negative breast cancers patients are, in part, due to a lack of therapeutic targets. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in 50% of triple-negative breast cancers, but EGFR inhibitors have not been effective in patients with metastatic breast cancers. However, mTOR inhibition has been shown to reverse resistance to EGFR inhibitors. We examined the combination effects of mTOR inhibition with EGFR inhibition in triple-negative breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. The combination of EGFR inhibition by using lapatinib and mTOR inhibition with rapamycin resulted in significantly greater cytotoxicity than the single agents alone and these effects were synergistic in vitro. The combination of rapamycin and lapatinib significantly decreased growth of triple-negative breast cancers in vivo compared with either agent alone. EGFR inhibition abrogated the expression of rapamycin-induced activated Akt in triple-negative breast cancer cells in vitro. The combination of EGFR and mTOR inhibition resulted in increased apoptosis in some, but not all, triple-negative cell lines, and these apoptotic effects correlated with a decrease in activated eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF4E). These results suggest that mTOR inhibitors could sensitize a subset of triple-negative breast cancers to EGFR inhibitors. Given the paucity of effective targeted agents in triple-negative breast cancers, these results warrant further evaluation. PMID:21690228
A Comprehensive Theory of Algorithms for Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
David Peleg. Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi Diagrams are Effectively Uniform. In Yoram Moses, editor, Distributed Computing: 29th International Computer Science, page 559. Springer, 2014. [16] Erez Kantor, Zvi Lotker, Merav Parter, and David Peleg. Nonuniform sINR+Voronoi dia- grams are...Merav Parter, and David Peleg. Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi diagrams are effectively uniform. In Yoram Moses, editor, Distributed Computing - 29th
Dynamic Triple-Mode Sorption and Outgassing in Materials.
Sharma, Hom N; Harley, Stephen J; Sun, Yunwei; Glascoe, Elizabeth A
Moisture uptake and outgassing can be detrimental to a system by altering the chemical and mechanical properties of materials within the system over time. In this work, we conducted isotherm experiments to investigate dynamic moisture sorption and desorption in markedly different materials, i.e., a polymeric material, Sylgard-184 and a ceramic aluminosilicate material, Zircar RS-1200, at different temperatures (30 °C-70 °C) by varying the water activity (0.0-0.90). Sylgard-184 showed a linear sorption and outgassing behavior with no-hysteresis over the entire temperature and water activity range considered here. Whereas, the sorption and outgassing of Zircar RS-1200 was highly non-linear with significant hysteresis, especially at higher water activities, at all temperatures considered here. The type of hysteresis suggested the presence of mesopores in Zircar RS-1200, whereas the lack of hysteresis in Sylgard-184 indicates that it has a nonporous structure. A diffusion model coupled with a dynamic, triple-mode sorption (Langmuir, Henry, and pooling modes) model employed in this study matched our experimental data very well and provides mechanistic insight into the processes. Our triple-mode sorption model was adaptive enough to (1) model these distinctly different materials and (2) predict sorption and outgassing under conditions that are distinctly different from the parameterization experiments.
Dynamic Triple-Mode Sorption and Outgassing in Materials
Sharma, Hom N.; Harley, Stephen J.; Sun, Yunwei; ...
Moisture uptake and outgassing can be detrimental to a system by altering the chemical and mechanical properties of materials within the system over time. In this work, we conducted isotherm experiments to investigate dynamic moisture sorption and desorption in markedly different materials, i.e., a polymeric material, Sylgard-184 and a ceramic aluminosilicate material, Zircar RS-1200, at different temperatures (30 °C–70 °C) by varying the water activity (0.0–0.90). Sylgard-184 showed a linear sorption and outgassing behavior with no-hysteresis over the entire temperature and water activity range considered here. Whereas, the sorption and outgassing of Zircar RS-1200 was highly non-linear with significant hysteresis,more » especially at higher water activities, at all temperatures considered here. The type of hysteresis suggested the presence of mesopores in Zircar RS-1200, whereas the lack of hysteresis in Sylgard-184 indicates that it has a nonporous structure. A diffusion model coupled with a dynamic, triple-mode sorption (Langmuir, Henry, and pooling modes) model employed in this study matched our experimental data very well and provides mechanistic insight into the processes. Our triple-mode sorption model was adaptive enough to (1) model these distinctly different materials and (2) predict sorption and outgassing under conditions that are distinctly different from the parameterization experiments.« less
Dynamic Triple-Mode Sorption and Outgassing in Materials
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sharma, Hom N.; Harley, Stephen J.; Sun, Yunwei
Moisture uptake and outgassing can be detrimental to a system by altering the chemical and mechanical properties of materials within the system over time. In this work, we conducted isotherm experiments to investigate dynamic moisture sorption and desorption in markedly different materials, i.e., a polymeric material, Sylgard-184 and a ceramic aluminosilicate material, Zircar RS-1200, at different temperatures (30 °C–70 °C) by varying the water activity (0.0–0.90). Sylgard-184 showed a linear sorption and outgassing behavior with no-hysteresis over the entire temperature and water activity range considered here. Whereas, the sorption and outgassing of Zircar RS-1200 was highly non-linear with significant hysteresis,more » especially at higher water activities, at all temperatures considered here. The type of hysteresis suggested the presence of mesopores in Zircar RS-1200, whereas the lack of hysteresis in Sylgard-184 indicates that it has a nonporous structure. A diffusion model coupled with a dynamic, triple-mode sorption (Langmuir, Henry, and pooling modes) model employed in this study matched our experimental data very well and provides mechanistic insight into the processes. Our triple-mode sorption model was adaptive enough to (1) model these distinctly different materials and (2) predict sorption and outgassing under conditions that are distinctly different from the parameterization experiments.« less
A Triple-Mode Flexible E-Skin Sensor Interface for Multi-Purpose Wearable Applications
Kim, Sung-Woo; Lee, Youngoh; Park, Jonghwa; Kim, Seungmok; Chae, Heeyoung; Ko, Hyunhyub
This study presents a flexible wireless electronic skin (e-skin) sensor system that includes a multi-functional sensor device, a triple-mode reconfigurable readout integrated circuit (ROIC), and a mobile monitoring interface. The e-skin device’s multi-functionality is achieved by an interlocked micro-dome array structure that uses a polyvinylidene fluoride and reduced graphene oxide (PVDF/RGO) composite material that is inspired by the structure and functions of the human fingertip. For multi-functional implementation, the proposed triple-mode ROIC is reconfigured to support piezoelectric, piezoresistance, and pyroelectric interfaces through single-type e-skin sensor devices. A flexible system prototype was developed and experimentally verified to provide various wireless wearable sensing functions—including pulse wave, voice, chewing/swallowing, breathing, knee movements, and temperature—while their real-time sensed data are displayed on a smartphone. PMID:29286312
Triple-Shape Memory Polymers Based on Self-Complementary Hydrogen Bonding
Ware, Taylor; Hearon, Keith; Lonnecker, Alexander; Wooley, Karen L.; Maitland, Duncan J.; Voit, Walter
Triple shape memory polymers (TSMPs) are a growing subset of a class of smart materials known as shape memory polymers, which are capable of changing shape and stiffness in response to a stimulus. A TSMP can change shapes twice and can fix two metastable shapes in addition to its permanent shape. In this work, a novel TSMP system comprised of both permanent covalent cross-links and supramolecular hydrogen bonding cross-links has been synthesized via a one-pot method. Triple shape properties arise from the combination of the glass transition of (meth)acrylate copolymers and the dissociation of self-complementary hydrogen bonding moieties, enabling broad and independent control of both glass transition temperature (Tg) and cross-link density. Specifically, ureidopyrimidone methacrylate and a novel monomer, ureidopyrimidone acrylate, were copolymerized with various alkyl acrylates and bisphenol A ethoxylate diacrylate. Control of Tg from 0 to 60 °C is demonstrated: concentration of hydrogen bonding moieties is varied from 0 to 40 wt %; concentration of the diacrylate is varied from 0 to 30 wt %. Toughness ranges from 0.06 to 0.14 MPa and is found to peak near 20 wt % of the supramolecular cross-linker. A widely tunable class of amorphous triple-shape memory polymers has been developed and characterized through dynamic and quasi-static thermomechanical testing to gain insights into the dynamics of supramolecular networks. PMID:22287811
"Special Issue": Regional Dimensions of the Triple Helix Model
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Todeva, Emanuela; Danson, Mike
This paper introduces the rationale for the special issue and its contributions, which bridge the literature on regional development and the Triple Helix model. The concept of the Triple Helix at the sub-national, and specifically regional, level is established and examined, with special regard to regional economic development founded on…
Synthesis and crystal structure analysis of uranyl triple acetates
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Klepov, Vladislav V., E-mail:; Department of Chemistry, Samara National Research University, 443086 Samara; Serezhkina, Larisa B.
Single crystals of triple acetates NaR[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}·6H{sub 2}O (R=Mg, Co, Ni, Zn), well-known for their use as reagents for sodium determination, were grown from aqueous solutions and their structural and spectroscopic properties were studied. Crystal structures of the mentioned phases are based upon (Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}){sup 2–} clusters and [R(H{sub 2}O){sub 6}]{sup 2+} aqua-complexes. The cooling of a single crystal of NaMg[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 3}·6H{sub 2}O from 300 to 100 K leads to a phase transition from trigonal to monoclinic crystal system. Intermolecular interactions between the structural units and their mutual packing were studiedmore » and compared from the point of view of the stereoatomic model of crystal structures based on Voronoi-Dirichlet tessellation. Using this method we compared the crystal structures of the triple acetates with Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}] and [R(H{sub 2}O){sub 6}][UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 2} and proposed reasons of triple acetates stability. Infrared and Raman spectra were collected and their bands were assigned. - Graphical abstract: Single crystals of uranium based triple acetates, analytical reagents for sodium determination, were synthesized and structurally, spectroscopically and topologically characterized. The structures were compared with the structures of compounds from preceding families [M(H{sub 2}O){sub 6})][UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]{sub 2} (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn) and Na[UO{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}COO){sub 3}]. Analysis was performed with the method of molecular Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedra to reveal a large contribution of the hydrogen bonds into intermolecular interactions which can be a reason of low solubility of studied complexes.« less
Yan Hong; Yong Wang; Wang Ling Goh; Yuan Gao; Lei Yao
This paper presents a mathematic method and a cost-efficient circuit to measure the value of each component of the bio-impedance model at electrode-electrolyte interface. The proposed current excited triple-time-voltage oversampling (TTVO) method deduces the component values by solving triple simultaneous electric equation (TSEE) at different time nodes during a current excitation, which are the voltage functions of time. The proposed triple simultaneous electric equations (TSEEs) allows random selections of the time nodes, hence numerous solutions can be obtained during a single current excitation. Following that, the oversampling approach is engaged by averaging all solutions of multiple TSEEs acquired after a single current excitation, which increases the practical measurement accuracy through the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, a print circuit board (PCB) that consists a switched current exciter and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is designed for signal acquisition. This presents a great cost reduction when compared against other instrument-based measurement data reported [1]. Through testing, the measured values of this work is proven to be in superb agreements on the true component values of the electrode-electrolyte interface model. This work is most suited and also useful for biological and biomedical applications, to perform tasks such as stimulations, recordings, impedance characterizations, etc.
Coupling characteristics of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ji, Minning; Shang, Fengtao; Chen, Dandan
An empirical formula related to the stress field distribution in the optical fiber with triple stress elements is proposed and proved. The possible intercoupling between the fundamental modes and the higher order modes is demonstrated. The transmission property of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements is analyzed. The experimental data from a sample of the spun optical fiber with triple stress elements confirm the theoretical results very well.
Wolf 1130: A Nearby Triple System Containing a Cool, Ultramassive White Dwarf
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mace, Gregory N.; Mann, Andrew W.; Skiff, Brian A.; Sneden, Christopher; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Schneider, Adam C.; Kidder, Benjamin; Gosnell, Natalie M.; Kim, Hwihyun; Mulligan, Brian W.; Prato, L.; Jaffe, Daniel
Following the discovery of the T8 subdwarf WISE J200520.38+542433.9 (Wolf 1130C), which has a proper motion in common with a binary (Wolf 1130AB) consisting of an M subdwarf and a white dwarf, we set out to learn more about the old binary in the system. We find that the A and B components of Wolf 1130 are tidally locked, which is revealed by the coherence of more than a year of V-band photometry phase-folded to the derived orbital period of 0.4967 days. Forty new high-resolution, near-infrared spectra obtained with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer provide radial velocities and a projected rotational velocity (v sin i) of 14.7 ± 0.7 {km} {{{s}}}-1 for the M subdwarf. In tandem with a Gaia parallax-derived radius and verified tidal locking, we calculate an inclination of i = 29° ± 2°. From the single-lined orbital solution and the inclination we derive an absolute mass for the unseen primary ({1.24}-0.15+0.19 M ⊙). Its non-detection between 0.2 and 2.5 μm implies that it is an old (>3.7 Gyr) and cool (T eff < 7000 K) ONe white dwarf. This is the first ultramassive white dwarf within 25 pc. The evolution of Wolf 1130AB into a cataclysmic variable is inevitable, making it a potential SN Ia progenitor. The formation of a triple system with a primary mass >100 times the tertiary mass and the survival of the system through the common-envelope phase, where ∼80% of the system mass was lost, is remarkable. Our analysis of Wolf 1130 allows us to infer its formation and evolutionary history, which has unique implications for understanding low-mass star and brown dwarf formation around intermediate-mass stars.
A tunable few electron triple quantum dot
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gaudreau, L.; Kam, A.; Granger, G.; Studenikin, S. A.; Zawadzki, P.; Sachrajda, A. S.
In this paper, we report on a tunable few electron lateral triple quantum dot design. The quantum dot potentials are arranged in series. The device is aimed at studies of triple quantum dot properties where knowing the exact number of electrons is important as well as quantum information applications involving electron spin qubits. We demonstrate tuning strategies for achieving required resonant conditions such as quadruple points where all three quantum dots are on resonance. We find that in such a device resonant conditions at specific configurations are accompanied by complex charge transfer behavior.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Leung, Cynthia; Fan, Angel; Sanders, Matthew R.
The study examined the effectiveness of Group Triple P, a Level 4 variant of the Triple P multilevel system of parenting support, with Chinese parents who had a preschool aged child with a developmental disability, using randomized controlled trial design. Participants (Intervention group: 42; Waitlist Control group: 39) completed measures on…
Targeting the androgen receptor in triple-negative breast cancer.
Gucalp, Ayca; Traina, Tiffany A
Triple-negative breast cancer represents approximately 15%-20% of all newly diagnosed breast cancers, but it accounts for a disproportionate number of breast cancer-related deaths each year. Owing to the lack of estrogen, progesterone, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 expression, patients with triple-negative breast cancer do not benefit from generally well-tolerated and effective therapies targeting the estrogen and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 signaling pathways and are faced with an increased risk of disease progression and poorer overall survival. The heterogeneity of triple-negative breast cancer has been increasingly recognized and this may lead to therapeutic opportunities because of newly defined oncogenic drivers and targets. A subset of triple-negative breast tumors expresses the androgen receptor (AR) and this may benefit from treatments that inhibit the AR-signaling pathway. The first proof-of-concept trial established activity of the AR antagonist, bicalutamide, in patients with advanced AR+ triple-negative breast cancer. Since that time, evidence further supports the activity of other next-generation AR-targeted agents such as enzalutamide. Not unlike in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, mechanisms of resistance are being investigated and rationale exists for thoughtful, well-designed combination regimens such as AR antagonism with CDK4/6 pathway inhibitors or PI3K inhibitors. Furthermore, novel agents developed for the treatment of prostate cancer, which reduce androgen production such as abiraterone acetate and seviteronel, are being tested as well. This review summarizes the underlying biology of AR signaling in breast cancer development and the available clinical trial data for the use of anti-androgen therapy in the treatment of AR+ triple-negative breast cancer. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Triple-band metamaterial absorption utilizing single rectangular hole
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Seung Jik; Yoo, Young Joon; Kim, Young Ju; Lee, YoungPak
In the general metamaterial absorber, the single absorption band is made by the single meta-pattern. Here, we introduce the triple-band metamaterial absorber only utilizing single rectangular hole. We also demonstrate the absorption mechanism of the triple absorption. The first absorption peak was caused by the fundamental magnetic resonance in the metallic part between rectangular holes. The second absorption was generated by induced tornado magnetic field. The process of realizing the second band is also presented. The third absorption was induced by the third-harmonic magnetic resonance in the metallic region between rectangular holes. In addition, the visible-range triple-band absorber was also realized by using similar but smaller single rectangular-hole structure. These results render the simple metamaterials for high frequency in large scale, which can be useful in the fabrication of metamaterials operating in the optical range.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Rafikov, Roman R., E-mail:
We explore secular dynamics of a recently discovered hierarchical triple system consisting of the radio pulsar PSR J0337+1715 and two white dwarfs (WDs). We show that three-body interactions endow the inner binary with a large forced eccentricity and suppress its apsidal precession, to about 24% of the rate due to the general relativity. However, precession rate is still quite sensitive to the non-Newtonian effects and may be used to constrain gravity theories if measured accurately. A small value of the free eccentricity of the inner binary e{sub i}{sup free}≈2.6×10{sup −5} and vanishing forced eccentricity of the outer, relatively eccentric binarymore » naturally result in their apsidal near-alignment. In addition, this triple system provides a unique opportunity to explore excitation of both eccentricity and inclination in neutron star-WD binaries, e.g., due to random torques caused by convective eddies in the WD progenitor. We show this process to be highly anisotropic and more effective at driving eccentricity rather than inclination. The outer binary eccentricity and e{sub i}{sup free} exceed by more than an order of magnitude the predictions of the eccentricity-period relation of Phinney, which is not uncommon. We also argue that the non-zero mutual inclination of the two binaries emerges at the end of the Roche lobe overflow of the outer (rather than the inner) binary.« less
E-Learning Personalization Using Triple-Factor Approach in Standard-Based Education
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Laksitowening, K. A.; Santoso, H. B.; Hasibuan, Z. A.
E-Learning can be a tool in monitoring learning process and progress towards the targeted competency. Process and progress on every learner can be different one to another, since every learner may have different learning type. Learning type itself can be identified by taking into account learning style, motivation, and knowledge ability. This study explores personalization for learning type based on Triple-Factor Approach. Considering that factors in Triple-Factor Approach are dynamic, the personalization system needs to accommodate the changes that may occurs. Originated from the issue, this study proposed personalization that guides learner progression dynamically towards stages of their learning process. The personalization is implemented in the form of interventions that trigger learner to access learning contents and discussion forums more often as well as improve their level of knowledge ability based on their state of learning type.
Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Casero RA, Davidson NE. Molecular mechanisms of polyamine analogues in cancer cells. Anti - Cancer Drugs, 16(3): 229-241, 2005. PMID: 15711175 18 3...1 AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0237 TITLE: Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Yi...TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Targeting Histone Abnormality in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-14-1-0237 5c
Incipient triple point for adsorbed xenon monolayers: Pt(111) versus graphite substrates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Novaco, Anthony D.; Bruch, L. W.; Bavaresco, Jessica
Simulation evidence of an incipient triple point is reported for xenon submonolayers adsorbed on the (111) surface of platinum. This is in stark contrast to the "normal" triple point found in simulations and experiments for xenon on the basal plane surface of graphite. The motions of the atoms in the surface plane are treated with standard 2D "NVE" molecular dynamics simulations using modern interactions. The simulation evidence strongly suggests an incipient triple point in the 120 -150 K range for adsorption on the Pt (111) surface while the adsorption on graphite shows a normal triple point at about 100 K.
Intramolecular triple helix as a model for regular polyribonucleotide (CAA)(n).
Efimov, Alexander V; Spirin, Alexander S
The regular (CAA)(n) polyribonucleotide, as well as the omega leader sequence containing (CAA)-rich core, have recently been shown to form cooperatively melted and compact structures. In this report, we propose a structural model for the (CAA)(n) sequence in which the polyribonucleotide chain is folded upon itself, so that it forms an intramolecular triple helix. The triple helix is stabilized by hydrogen bonding between bases thus forming coplanar triads, and by stacking interactions between the base triads. A distinctive feature of the proposed triple helix is that it does not contain the canonical double-helix elements. The difference from the known triple helices is that Watson-Crick hydrogen bond pairings do not take place in the interactions between the bases within the base triads.
The nearby triple star HIP 101955
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fang, Xia
The nearby triple star HIP 101955 with strongly inclined orbit still remains. Thus the long-term dynamical stability deserves to be discussed based on the new dynamical state parameters (component masses and kinematic parameters) derived from fitting the accurate three-body model to the radial velocity, the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data (HIAD), and the accumulated speckle and visual data. It is found that the three-body system remains integrated and most likely undergoes Kozai cycles. With the already accumulated high-precision data, the three-body effects cannot always be neglected in the determination of the dynamical state. And it is expected that this will be the general case under the available Gaia data.
Existence of tripled fixed points for a class of condensing operators in Banach spaces.
Karakaya, Vatan; Bouzara, Nour El Houda; Doğan, Kadri; Atalan, Yunus
We give some results concerning the existence of tripled fixed points for a class of condensing operators in Banach spaces. Further, as an application, we study the existence of solutions for a general system of nonlinear integral equations.
Triple p-positive parenting program for mothers of ADHD children.
Aghebati, Asma; Gharraee, Banafsheh; Hakim Shoshtari, Mitra; Gohari, Mahmood Reza
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder which affects 9% of school-age children. Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is an evidence-based parenting program reported to be useful in the management of this disorder. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of Triple P in mothers of ADHD children. In this study, 30 mothers with ADHD children aged between 6 to 10 were randomly assigned to two groups (15 participants in each group). Parenting style, mother-child relationship, maternal depression, anxiety and stress, and children's behavioral problems were evaluated. The intervention group received 120 minute sessions for 5 weeks and 15-30 minute telephone contacts for 3 weeks while no intervention was done for the control group. Analysis of covariance revealed that mothers of the Triple P group showed significant (p < 0.01) improvements in parenting style, mother-child relationship, and considerable decrease in depression, anxiety and stress. Women trained in the Triple P group also reported significantly lower rates of child misbehavior than women of the control group. Triple P-Positive Parenting intervention is effective and acceptable for mothers of ADHD children. None. Clinical Trial Registration-URL: Unique identifier: IRCT201111288234N1.
Discovery of a Visual T-dwarf Triple System and Binarity at the L/T Transition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Radigan, Jacqueline; Jayawardhana, Ray; Lafrenière, David; Dupuy, Trent J.; Liu, Michael C.; Scholz, Alexander
We present new high contrast imaging of eight L/T transition brown dwarfs (BDs) using the NIRC2 camera on the Keck II telescope. One of our targets, the T3.5 dwarf 2MASS J08381155+1511155, was resolved into a hierarchal triple with projected separations of 2.5 ± 0.5 AU and 27 ± 5 AU for the BC and A(BC) components, respectively. Resolved OSIRIS spectroscopy of the A(BC) components confirms that all system members are T dwarfs. The system therefore constitutes the first triple T-dwarf system ever reported. Using resolved photometry to model the integrated-light spectrum, we infer spectral types of T3 ± 1, T3 ± 1, and T4.5 ± 1 for the A, B, and C components, respectively. The uniformly brighter primary has a bluer J - Ks color than the next faintest component, which may reflect a sensitive dependence of the L/T transition temperature on gravity, or alternatively divergent cloud properties among components. Relying on empirical trends and evolutionary models we infer a total system mass of 0.034-0.104 M ⊙ for the BC components at ages of 0.3-3 Gyr, which would imply a period of 12-21 yr assuming the system semimajor axis to be similar to its projection. We also infer differences in effective temperatures and surface gravities between components of no more than ~150 K and ~0.1 dex. Given the similar physical properties of the components, the 2M0838+15 system provides a controlled sample for constraining the relative roles of effective temperature, surface gravity, and dust clouds in the poorly understood L/T transition regime. For an age of 3 Gyr we estimate a binding energy of ~20 × 1041 erg for the wide A(BC) pair, which falls above the empirical minimum found for typical BD binaries, and suggests that the system may have been able to survive a dynamical ejection during formation. Combining our imaging survey results with previous work we find an observed binary fraction of 4/18 or 22_{-8}^{+10}% for unresolved spectral types of L9-T4 at separations >~ 0
Marple, R.; Miller, R.
Seismic-reflection data were integrated with other geophysical, geologic, and seismicity data to better determine the location and nature of buried faults in the Charleston, South Carolina, region. Our results indicate that the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake and seismicity near Summerville are related to local stresses caused by a 12?? bend in the East Coast fault system (ECFS) and two triple-fault junctions. One triple junction is formed by the intersection of the northwest-trending Ashley River fault with the two segments of the ECFS north and south of the bend. The other triple junction is formed by the intersection of the northeast-trending Summerville fault and a newly discovered northwest-trending Berkeley fault with the ECFS about 10 km north of the bend. The Summerville fault is a northwest-dipping border fault of the Triassic-age Jedburg basin that is undergoing reverse-style reactivation. This reverse-style reactivation is unusual because the Summerville fault parallels the regional stress field axis, suggesting that the reactivation is from stresses applied by dextral motion on the ECFS. The southwest-dip and reverse-type motion of the Berkeley fault are interpreted from seismicity data and a seismic-reflection profile in the western part of the study area. Our results also indicate that the East Coast fault system is a Paleozoic basement fault and that its reactivation since early Mesozoic time has fractured through the overlying allochthonous terranes.
Defining Genomic Changes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent
African and African - American breast cancer cases. Gene Expression Array Studies The 31 triple negative Kijabe samples were... American Adjacent Normal Breast Tissue PI: Pegram & Baumbach Defining Genomic Changes in Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Women of African ...Tissues from African - American and East African Patients with Triple Negative Breast
Does Lactation Mitigate Triple Negative/Basal Breast Cancer Progression?
201 – 31 August 201 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER DOES LACTATION MITIGATE TRIPLE NEGATIVE /BASAL BREAST CANCER PROGRESSION? 5b...25 1 INTRODUCTION Young African American women have an increased risk of developing aggressive forms of breast cancer (i.e... triple negative /basal-like) than young non-Hispanic white women. Recent epidemiological data show increased risk of basal-like breast cancer with
Polygonal Triples and the Double Ruling of a Hyperboloid
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yiu, Paul
For a given positive integer k [not equal] 4, let "P[subscript k,n]" denote the "n"-th "k"-gonal number. We study "k"-gonal triples ("a", "b", "c") satisfying P[subscript k,a] + P[subscript k,b] = P[subscript k,c]. A "k"-gonal triple corresponds to a rational point on the rectangular hyperboloid x[squared] + y[squared] = z[squared] + 1. The simple…
EURAMET.T-K7 Key Comparison of Water Triple-Point Cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peruzzi, A.; Bosma, R.; Kerkhof, O.; Rosenkranz, P.; Del Campo Maldonado, M. D.; Strnad, R.; Nielsen, J.; Anagnostou, M.; Veliki, T.; Zvizdic, D.; Grudnewicz, E.; Nedea, M.; Neagu, D. M.; Steur, P.; Filipe, E.; Lobo, I.; Antonsen, I.; Renaot, E.; Heinonen, M.; Weckstrom, T.; Bojkovski, J.; Turzo-Andras, E.; Nemeth, S.; White, M.; Tegeler, E.; Dobre, M.; Duris, S.; Kartal Dogan, A.; Uytun, A.; Augevicius, V.; Pauzha, A.; Pokhodun, A.; Simic, S.
The results of a EURAMET key comparison of water triple-point cells (EURAMET.T-K7) are reported. The equipment used, the measuring conditions applied, and the procedures adopted for the water triple-point measurement at the participating laboratories are synthetically presented. The definitions of the national reference for the water triple-point temperature adopted by each laboratory are disclosed. The multiplicity of degrees of equivalence arising for the linking laboratories with respect to the "mother" comparison CCT-K7 is discussed in detail.
Breast Cancer; Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms; Triple-Negative Breast Neoplasm; Triple-Negative Breast Cancer; Triple Negative Breast Cancer; ER-Negative PR-Negative HER2-Negative Breast Neoplasms; ER-Negative PR-Negative HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
Regional Dimensions of the Triple Helix Model: Setting the Context
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Todeva, Emanuela; Danson, Mike
This paper introduces the rationale for the special issue and its contributions, which bridge the literature on regional development and the Triple Helix model. The concept of the Triple Helix at the sub-national, and specifically regional, level is established and examined, with special regard to regional economic development founded on…
Common breast cancer susceptibility loci are associated with triple negative breast cancer
Stevens, Kristen N.; Vachon, Celine M.; Lee, Adam M.; Slager, Susan; Lesnick, Timothy; Olswold, Curtis; Fasching, Peter A.; Miron, Penelope; Eccles, Diana; Carpenter, Jane E.; Godwin, Andrew K.; Ambrosone, Christine; Winqvist, Robert; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S.; Sawyer, Elinor; Hartmann, Arndt; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Schulz-Wendtland, Rüdiger; Ekici, Arif B.; Tapper, William J; Gerty, Susan M; Durcan, Lorraine; Graham, Nikki; Hein, Rebecca; Nickels, Stephan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Heinz, Judith; Sinn, Hans-Peter; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Fostira, Florentia; Pectasides, Dimitrios; Dimopoulos, Athanasios M.; Fountzilas, George; Clarke, Christine L.; Balleine, Rosemary; Olson, Janet E.; Fredericksen, Zachary; Diasio, Robert B.; Pathak, Harsh; Ross, Eric; Weaver, JoEllen; Rüdiger, Thomas; Försti, Asta; Dünnebier, Thomas; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Kulkarni, Swati; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Van Limbergen, Erik; Janssen, Hilde; Peto, Julian; Fletcher, Olivia; Giles, Graham G.; Baglietto, Laura; Verhoef, Senno; Tomlinson, Ian; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Beesley, Jonathan; Greco, Dario; Blomqvist, Carl; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Blows, Fiona M.; Dawson, Sarah-Jane; Margolin, Sara; Mannermaa, Arto; Martin, Nicholas G.; Montgomery, Grant W; Lambrechts, Diether; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Severi, Gianluca; Hamann, Ute; Pharoah, Paul; Easton, Douglas F.; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Nevanlinna, Heli; Wang, Xianshu; Couch, Fergus J.
Triple negative breast cancers are an aggressive subtype of breast cancer with poor survival, but there remains little known about the etiological factors which promote its initiation and development. Commonly inherited breast cancer risk factors identified through genome wide association studies (GWAS) display heterogeneity of effect among breast cancer subtypes as defined by estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status. In the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Consortium (TNBCC), 22 common breast cancer susceptibility variants were investigated in 2,980 Caucasian women with triple negative breast cancer and 4,978 healthy controls. We identified six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with risk of triple negative breast cancer, including rs2046210 (ESR1), rs12662670 (ESR1), rs3803662 (TOX3), rs999737 (RAD51L1), rs8170 (19p13.11) and rs8100241 (19p13.11). Together, our results provide convincing evidence of genetic susceptibility for triple negative breast cancer. PMID:21844186
This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows an elongated depression from three merged craters. The raised rims and ejecta indicate that these are impact craters rather than collapse or volcanic landforms. The pattern made by the ejecta and the craters suggest this was a highly oblique (low angle to the surface) impact, probably coming from the west. There may have been three major pieces flying in close formation to make this triple crater.
Erdmann, Roman S; Wennemers, Helma
The effect of sterically demanding groups at proline residues on the conformational stability of the collagen triple helix was examined. The thermal stabilities (T(m) and ΔG) of eight different triple helices derived from collagen model peptides with (4R)- or (4S)-configured amidoprolines bearing either methyl or bulkier tert-butyl groups in the Xaa or Yaa position were determined and served as a relative measure for the conformational stability of the corresponding collagen triple helices. The results show that sterically demanding substituents are tolerated in the collagen triple helix when they are attached to (4R)-configured amidoprolines in the Xaa position or to (4S)-configured amidoprolines in the Yaa position. Structural studies in which the preferred conformation of (4R)- or (4S)-configured amidoproline were overlaid with the Pro and Hyp residues within a crystal structure of collagen revealed that the sterically demanding groups point to the outside of these two triple helices and thereby do not interfere with the formation of the triple helix. In all of the other examined collagen derivatives with lower stability of the triple helices, the acetyl or pivaloyl residues point toward the inside of the triple helix and clash with a residue of the neighboring strand. The results also revealed that unfavorable steric dispositions affect the conformational stability of the collagen triple helix more than unfavorable ring puckers of the proline residues. The results are useful for the design of functionalized collagen based materials.
ACA and the Triple Aim: Musings of a Health Care Actuary.
McCarthy, Mac
In 2008, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) promulgated the Triple Aim, which advocates simultaneous improvements in patient experiences, improved population health and lower cost per capita. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) promised quality, affordable health care for all Americans. It's fair to assume that the framers of ACA were aware of the Triple Aim, and it is likely that much of ACA was heavily influenced by IHI's positions. So it is reasonable, from time to time, to assess ACA's impact on health care against the Triple Aim principles.
Is Three a Crowd? Exploring the Development and Satisfaction of Students in Triples
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Long, Larry D.; Kujawa, Kyle
Tripling, the assignment of a third resident to a room designed for two, is a common practice at many colleges and universities across the United States. Most of the research on tripling was conducted three or four decades ago, and research exploring how living in a triple affects the educational gains and satisfaction of college students is…
A new photometric study of the triple star system EF Draconis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Yuan-Gui
We present new charge-coupled device (CCD) photometry for the triple star EF Draconis, obtained in 2009 and 2011. Using the updated Wilson-Devinney program, the photometric solutions were deduced from two sets of light curves. The results indicate that EF Dra is an A-type W UMa binary with a contact degree of f = 46.7%(±0.6%) and a third light of l3 ≃ 1.5%. Through analyzing the O — C curve, it is found that the orbital period shows a long-time increase with a light-time orbit. The period, semi-amplitude and eccentricity of the third body are Pmod = 17.20(±0.18) yr, A = 0.0039d(±0.0002d) and e = 0.49(±0.02) respectively. This kind of tertiary companion may extract angular momentum from the central system. The orbital period of EF Dra secularly increases at a rate of dP/dt = +3.72(±0.07) × 10-7 d yr-1, which may be interpreted by mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive component. As period increases, the separation between components may increase, which will cause the contact degree to decrease. With mass transferring, the spin angular momentum will increase, while the orbital angular momentum will decrease. Only if the contact configuration would merge at could this kind of deep-contact binary with period increasing, such as EF Dra, evolve into a rapidly-rotating single star.
Solution Patterns Predicting Pythagorean Triples
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ezenweani, Ugwunna Louis
Pythagoras Theorem is an old mathematical treatise that has traversed the school curricula from secondary to tertiary levels. The patterns it produced are quite interesting that many researchers have tried to generate a kind of predictive approach to identifying triples. Two attempts, namely Diophantine equation and Brahmagupta trapezium presented…
Stability of hierarchical triples - I. Dependence on inner eccentricity and inclination
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mylläri, A.; Valtonen, M.; Pasechnik, A.; Mikkola, S.
In simulations it is often important to decide if a given hierarchical triple star system is stable over an extended period of time. We introduce a stability criterion, modified from earlier work, where we use the closest approach ratio Q of the third star to the inner binary centre of mass in their initial osculating orbits. We study by numerical integration the orbits of over 1000 000 triple systems of the fixed masses and outer eccentricities eout, but varying inner eccentricities ein and inclinations i. 12 primary combinations of masses have been tried, representing the range encountered in stellar systems. The definition of the instability is either the escape of one of the bodies, or the exchange of the members between the inner and outer systems. An analytical approximation is derived using the energy change in a single close encounter between the inner and outer systems, assuming that the orbital phases in subsequent encounters occur randomly. The theory provides a fairly good description of the typical Qst, the smallest Q value that allows the system to be stable over N = 10 000 revolutions of the initial outer orbit. The final stability limit formula is Qst = 101/3A[( f g)2/(1 - eout)]1/6, where the coefficient A ˜ 1 should be used in N-body experiments, and A = 2.4 when the absolute long-term stability is required. The functions f (ein, cos i) and g(m1, m2, m3) are derived in the paper. At the limit of ein = i = m3 = 0, f g = 1.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Petros, Mulugeta; Refaat, Tamer F.; Singh, Upendra N.; Yu, Jirong; Antill, Charles; Remus, Ruben; Taylor, Bryant D.; Wong, Teh-Hwa; Reithmaier, Karl; Lee, Jane; Ismail, Syed; Davis, Kenneth J.
An advanced airborne triple-pulse 2-μm integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) lidar is under development at NASA Langley Research Center that targets both carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) measurements simultaneously and independently. This lidar is an upgrade to the successfully demonstrated CO2 2-μm double-pulse IPDA. Upgrades include high-energy, highrepetition rate 2-μm triple-pulse laser transmitter, innovative wavelength control and advanced HgCdTe (MCT) electron-initiated avalanche photodiode detection system. Ground testing and airborne validation plans are presented.
Organizing product innovation: hierarchy, market or triple-helix networks?
Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Gjelsvik, Martin; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés
This paper assesses the extent to which the organization of the innovation effort in firms, as well as the geographical scale at which this effort is pursued, affects the capacity to benefit from product innovations. Three alternative modes of organization are studied: hierarchy, market and triple-helix-type networks. Furthermore, we consider triple-helix networks at three geographical scales: local, national and international. These relationships are tested on a random sample of 763 firms located in five urban regions of Norway which reported having introduced new products or services during the preceding 3 years. The analysis shows that firms exploiting internal hierarchy or triple-helix networks with a wide range of partners managed to derive a significantly higher share of their income from new products, compared to those that mainly relied on outsourcing within the market. In addition, the analysis shows that the geographical scale of cooperation in networks, as well as the type of partner used, matters for the capacity of firms to benefit from product innovation. In particular, firms that collaborate in international triple-helix-type networks involving suppliers, customers and R&D institutions extract a higher share of their income from product innovations, regardless of whether they organize the processes internally or through the network.
Synthesis of triple-stranded complexes using bis(dipyrromethene) ligands.
Zhang, Zhan; Dolphin, David
The reaction of an α-free, β,β'-linked bis(dipyrromethene) ligand with Fe(3+) or Co(3+) led to noninterconvertible triple-stranded helicates and mesocates. In the present context, a stable α-free ligand 2 has been developed and complexation of ligands 1 and 2 with diamagnetic Co(3+), Ga(3+), and In(3+) has been studied. The triple-stranded M(2)1(3) (M = Ga, In) and M(2)2(3) (M = Co, Ga, In) complexes were characterized using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight spectrometry, (1)H NMR and UV-vis spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography. Again, the (1)H NMR analysis showed that both the triple-stranded helicates and mesocates were generated in this metal-directed assembly. Consistent with our previous finding on coordinatively inert Co(3+) complexes, variable-temperature NMR spectroscopy indicated that the triple-stranded helicate and mesocate of labile In(3+) did not interconvert in solution, either. However, the diastereoselectivity of the M(2)2(3) complexes was found to improve with an increase in the reaction temperature. Taken together, this study complements the coordination chemistry of poly(dipyrromethene) ligands and provides further insight into the formation of helicates versus mesocates.
Performance of Mercury Triple-Point Cells Made in Brazil
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Petkovic, S. G.; Santiago, J. F. N.; Filho, R. R.; Teixeira, R. N.; Santos, P. R. F.
Fixed-points cells are primary standards in ITS-90. They contain reference material with a purity of 99.999 % or more. The gallium in a melting-point cell, for example, can reach a purity of 99.99999 %. This level of purity is not easy to obtain. However, substances like water and mercury can be purified by means of distillation and chemical procedures. This paper presents the results of mercury triple-point cells made in Brazil that were directly compared to a mercury triple-point cell of 99.999% purity. This reference cell, made by Isotech (England), was previously compared to cells from CENAM (Mexico) and NRC (Canada) and the maximum deviation found was approximately 0.4 mK. The purification stage started with a sample of mercury 99.3 % pure, and the repeated use of both mechanical and chemical processes led to a purification grade considered good enough for calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers. The purification procedures, the method of construction of the cell, the laboratory facilities, the comparison results and the budget of uncertainties are described in this paper. All of the cells tested have a triple-point temperature within 0.25 mK of the triple-point temperature of the Inmetro reference cell.
Structural insights into the stabilization of MALAT1 noncoding RNA by a bipartite triple helix
Brown, Jessica A.; Bulkley, David; Wang, Jimin; Valenstein, Max L.; Yario, Therese A.; Steitz, Thomas A.; Steitz, Joan A.
Metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) is a highly-abundant nuclear long noncoding RNA that promotes malignancy. A 3′-stem-loop structure is predicted to confer stability by engaging a downstream A-rich tract in a triple helix, similar to the expression and nuclear retention element (ENE) from the KSHV polyadenylated nuclear RNA. The 3.1-Å resolution crystal structure of the human MALAT1 ENE and A-rich tract reveals a bipartite triple helix containing stacks of five and four U•A-U triples separated by a C+•G-C triplet and C-G doublet, extended by two A-minor interactions. In vivo decay assays indicate that this blunt-ended triple helix, with the 3′ nucleotide in a U•A-U triple, inhibits rapid nuclear RNA decay. Interruption of the triple helix by the C-G doublet induces a “helical reset” that explains why triple-helical stacks longer than six do not occur in nature. PMID:24952594
Triple-effect absorption chiller cycle: A step beyond double-effect cycles
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
DeVault, R.C.
Many advanced'' absorption cycles have been proposed during the current century. Of the hundreds of absorption cycles which have been patented throughout the world, all commercially manufactured products for air conditioning buildings have been variations of just two basic absorption cycles: single-effect and condenser-coupled double-effect cycles. The relatively low cooling coefficients of performance (COPs) inherent in single-effect and double-effect cycles limits the economic applicability of absorption air conditioners (chillers) in the United States. A triple-effect absorption chiller cycle is discussed. This cycle uses two condensers and two absorbers to achieve the triple effect.'' Depending on the absorption fluids selected, thismore » triple-effect cycle is predicted to improve cooling COPs by 18% to 60% compared with the equivalent double-effect cycle. This performance improvement is obtained without increasing the total amount of heat-transfer surface area needed for the heat exchangers. A comparison between the calculated performances of a double-effect cycle and a triple-effect cycle (both using ammonia-water (NH{sub 3}/H{sub 2}O) as the absorption fluid pair) is presented. The triple-effect cycle is predicted to have an 18% higher cooling COP (1.41 compared with 1.2 for a double-effect), lower pressure (47.70 atm (701 psi) instead of 68.05 atm (1000 psi)), significantly reduced pumping power (less than one-half that of the double-effect cycle), and potentially lower construction cost (33% less total heat exchange needed). Practical implications for this triple-effect cycle are discussed. 16 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cronin, V. S.
First generation ideas of the kinematic stability of triple junctions lead to the common belief that the geometry of ridge-ridge-ridge (RRR) triple junctions remains constant over time under conditions of symmetric spreading. Given constant relative motion between each plate pair -- that is, the pole of plate relative motion is fixed to both plates in each pair during finite motion, as assumed in many accounts of plate kinematics -- there would be no boundary mismatch at the triple junction and no apparent kinematic reason why a microplate might develop there. But if, in a given RRR triple junction, the finite motion of one plate as observed from the other plate is not circular (as is generally the case, given the three-plate problem of plate kinematics), the geometry of the ridges and the triple junction will vary with time (Cronin, 1992, Tectonophys 207, 287-301). To explore the possible consequences of non-circular finite motion between plates at an RRR triple junction, a simple model was coded based on the cycloid finite-motion model (e.g., Cronin, 1987, Geology 15, 1006-1009) using NNR-MORVEL56 velocities for individual plates (Argus et al., 2011, G3 12, doi: 10.1029/2011GC003751). Initial assumptions include a spherical Earth, symmetric spreading, and constant angular velocities during the modeled finite time interval. The assumed-constant angular velocity vectors constitute a reference frame for observing finite plate motion. Typical results are [1] that the triple junction migrates relative to a coordinate system fixed to the angular-velocity vectors, [2] ridge axes rotates relative to each other, and [3] a boundary mismatch develops at the synthetic triple junction that might result in microplate nucleation. In a model simulating the Galapagos triple junction between the Cocos, Nazca and Pacific plates whose initial state did not include the Galapagos microplate, the mismatch gap was as much as ~3.4 km during 3 Myr of model displacement (see figure). The
Triple X Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes
... be more pronounced — possibly including developmental delays and learning disabilities. Treatment for triple X syndrome depends on which ... motor skills, such as sitting up and walking Learning disabilities, such as difficulty with reading (dyslexia), understanding or ...
Comparison of split double and triple twists in pair figure skating.
King, Deborah L; Smith, Sarah L; Brown, Michele R; McCrory, Jean L; Munkasy, Barry A; Scheirman, Gary I
In this study, we compared the kinematic variables of the split triple twist with those of the split double twist to help coaches and scientists understand these landmark pair skating skills. High-speed video was taken during the pair short and free programmes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the 2003 International Skating Union Grand Prix Finals. Three-dimensional analyses of 14 split double twists and 15 split triple twists from eleven pairs were completed. In spite of considerable variability in the performance variables among the pairs, the main difference between the split double twists and split triple twists was an increase in rotational rate. While eight of the eleven pairs relied primarily on an increased rotational rate to complete the split triple twist, three pairs employed a combined strategy of increased rotational rate and increased flight time due predominantly to delayed or lower catches. These results were similar to observations of jumps in singles skating for which the extra rotation is typically due to an increase in rotational velocity; increases in flight time come primarily from delayed landings as opposed to additional height during flight. Combining an increase in flight time and rotational rate may be a good strategy for completing the split triple twist in pair skating.
Natural triple beta-stranded fibrous folds.
Mitraki, Anna; Papanikolopoulou, Katerina; Van Raaij, Mark J
A distinctive family of beta-structured folds has recently been described for fibrous proteins from viruses. Virus fibers are usually involved in specific host-cell recognition. They are asymmetric homotrimeric proteins consisting of an N-terminal virus-binding tail, a central shaft or stalk domain, and a C-terminal globular receptor-binding domain. Often they are entirely or nearly entirely composed of beta-structure. Apart from their biological relevance and possible gene therapy applications, their shape, stability, and rigidity suggest they may be useful as blueprints for biomechanical design. Folding and unfolding studies suggest their globular C-terminal domain may fold first, followed by a "zipping-up" of the shaft domains. The C-terminal domains appear to be important for registration because peptides corresponding to shaft domains alone aggregate into nonnative fibers and/or amyloid structures. C-terminal domains can be exchanged between different fibers and the resulting chimeric proteins are useful as a way to solve structures of unknown parts of the shaft domains. The following natural triple beta-stranded fibrous folds have been discovered by X-ray crystallography: the triple beta-spiral, triple beta-helix, and T4 short tail fiber fold. All have a central longitudinal hydrophobic core and extensive intermonomer polar and nonpolar interactions. Now that a reasonable body of structural and folding knowledge has been assembled about these fibrous proteins, the next challenge and opportunity is to start using this information in medical and industrial applications such as gene therapy and nanotechnology.
Bruce, Michael I; Costuas, Karine; Davin, Thomas; Halet, Jean-François; Kramarczuk, Kathy A; Low, Paul J; Nicholson, Brian K; Perkins, Gary J; Roberts, Rachel L; Skelton, Brian W; Smith, Mark E; White, Allan H
The sequential conversion of [OsBr(cod)Cp*] (9) to [OsBr(dppe)Cp*] (10), [Os([=C=CH2)(dppe)Cp*]PF6 ([11]PF6), [Os(C triple bond CH)(dppe)Cp*] (12), [{Os(dppe)Cp*}2{mu-(=C=CH-CH=C=)}][PF6]2 ([13](PF6)2) and finally [{Os(dppe)Cp*}(2)(mu-C triple bond CC triple bond C)] (14) has been used to make the third member of the triad [{M(dppe)Cp*}2(mu-C triple bond CC triple bond C)] (M = Fe, Ru, Os). The molecular structures of []PF6, 12 and 14, together with those of the related osmium complexes [Os(NCMe)(dppe)Cp*]PF6 ([15]PF6) and [Os(C triple bond CPh)(dppe)Cp*] (16), have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Comparison of the redox properties of 14 with those of its iron and ruthenium congeners shows that the first oxidation potential E1 varies as: Fe approximately Os < Ru. Whereas the Fe complex has been shown to undergo three sequential 1-electron oxidation processes within conventional electrochemical solvent windows, the Ru and Os compounds undergo no fewer than four sequential oxidation events giving rise to a five-membered series of redox related complexes [{M(dppe)Cp*}2(mu-C4)]n+ (n = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4), the osmium derivatives being obtained at considerably lower potentials than the ruthenium analogues. These results are complimented by DFT and DT DFT calculations.
Behavior of Triple Langmuir Probes in Non-Equilibrium Plasmas
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Polzin, Kurt A.; Ratcliffe, Alicia C.
The triple Langmuir probe is an electrostatic probe in which three probe tips collect current when inserted into a plasma. The triple probe differs from a simple single Langmuir probe in the nature of the voltage applied to the probe tips. In the single probe, a swept voltage is applied to the probe tip to acquire a waveform showing the collected current as a function of applied voltage (I-V curve). In a triple probe three probe tips are electrically coupled to each other with constant voltages applied between each of the tips. The voltages are selected such that they would represent three points on the single Langmuir probe I-V curve. Elimination of the voltage sweep makes it possible to measure time-varying plasma properties in transient plasmas. Under the assumption of a Maxwellian plasma, one can determine the time-varying plasma temperature T(sub e)(t) and number density n(sub e)(t) from the applied voltage levels and the time-histories of the collected currents. In the present paper we examine the theory of triple probe operation, specifically focusing on the assumption of a Maxwellian plasma. Triple probe measurements have been widely employed for a number of pulsed and timevarying plasmas, including pulsed plasma thrusters (PPTs), dense plasma focus devices, plasma flows, and fusion experiments. While the equilibrium assumption may be justified for some applications, it is unlikely that it is fully justifiable for all pulsed and time-varying plasmas or for all times during the pulse of a plasma device. To examine a simple non-equilibrium plasma case, we return to basic governing equations of probe current collection and compute the current to the probes for a distribution function consisting of two Maxwellian distributions with different temperatures (the two-temperature Maxwellian). A variation of this method is also employed, where one of the Maxwellians is offset from zero (in velocity space) to add a suprathermal beam of electrons to the tail of the
Inhibition of PKM2 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to doxorubicin
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wang, Feng; Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030; Yang, Yong, E-mail:
Highlights: • Suppression of PKM2 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to doxorubicin. • Repression of PKM2 affects the glycolysis and decreases ATP production. • Downregulation of PKM2 increases the intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin. • Inhibition of PKM2 enhances the antitumor efficacy of doxorubicin in vivo. - Abstract: Cancer cells alter regular metabolic pathways in order to sustain rapid proliferation. One example of metabolic remodeling in cancerous tissue is the upregulation of pyruvate kinase isoenzyme M2 (PKM2), which is involved in aerobic glycolysis. Indeed, PKM2 has previously been identified as a tumor biomarker and as a potential target for cancer therapy.more » Here, we examined the effects of combined treatment with doxorubicin and anti-PKM2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The suppression of PKM2 resulted in changes in glucose metabolism, leading to decreased synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Reduced levels of ATP resulted in the intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin, consequently enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of this drug in several triple-negative breast cancer cell lines. Furthermore, the combined effect of PKM2 siRNA and doxorubicin was evaluated in an in vivo MDA-MB-231 orthotopic breast cancer model. The siRNA was systemically administered through a polyethylenimine (PEI)-based delivery system that has been extensively used. We demonstrate that the combination treatment showed superior anticancer efficacy as compared to doxorubicin alone. These findings suggest that targeting PKM2 can increase the efficacy of chemotherapy, potentially providing a new approach for improving the outcome of chemotherapy in patients with TNBC.« less
Constraints from triple gauge couplings on vectorlike leptons
Bertuzzo, Enrico; Machado, Pedro A. N.; Perez-Gonzalez, Yuber F.; ...
Here, we study the contributions of colorless vectorlike fermions to the triple gauge couplings W +W -γ and W +W -Z 0. We consider models in which their coupling to the Standard Model Higgs boson is allowed or forbidden by quantum numbers. We assess the sensitivity of the future accelerators FCC-ee, ILC, and CLIC to the parameters of these models, assuming they will be able to constrain the anomalous triple gauge couplings with precision δ κV~O(10 -4), V = γ,Z 0. We show that the combination of measurements at different center-of-mass energies helps to improve the sensitivity to the contributionmore » of vectorlike fermions, in particular when they couple to the Higgs. In fact, the measurements at the FCC-ee and, especially, the ILC and the CLIC, may turn the triple gauge couplings into a new set of precision parameters able to constrain the models better than the oblique parameters or the H → γγ decay, even assuming the considerable improvement of the latter measurements achievable at the new machines.« less
Constraints from triple gauge couplings on vectorlike leptons
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bertuzzo, Enrico; Machado, Pedro A. N.; Perez-Gonzalez, Yuber F.
Here, we study the contributions of colorless vectorlike fermions to the triple gauge couplings W +W -γ and W +W -Z 0. We consider models in which their coupling to the Standard Model Higgs boson is allowed or forbidden by quantum numbers. We assess the sensitivity of the future accelerators FCC-ee, ILC, and CLIC to the parameters of these models, assuming they will be able to constrain the anomalous triple gauge couplings with precision δ κV~O(10 -4), V = γ,Z 0. We show that the combination of measurements at different center-of-mass energies helps to improve the sensitivity to the contributionmore » of vectorlike fermions, in particular when they couple to the Higgs. In fact, the measurements at the FCC-ee and, especially, the ILC and the CLIC, may turn the triple gauge couplings into a new set of precision parameters able to constrain the models better than the oblique parameters or the H → γγ decay, even assuming the considerable improvement of the latter measurements achievable at the new machines.« less
Targeting Tryptophan Catabolism: A Novel Method to Block Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis
AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0039 TITLE: Targeting Tryptophan Catabolism: A Novel Method to Block Triple- Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis...Mar 2017 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Targeting Tryptophan Catabolism: A Novel Method to Block Triple-Negative Breast Cancer...Tryptophan Catabolism: A Novel Method to Block Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis,” Submitted by Jennifer K. Richer, PhD, University of Colorado
Triple Achilles Tendon Rupture: Case Report.
Saxena, Amol; Hofer, Deann
We present a case report with 1-year follow-up data of a 57-year-old male soccer referee who had sustained an acute triple Achilles tendon rupture injury during a game. His triple Achilles tendon rupture consisted of a rupture of the proximal watershed region, a rupture of the main body (mid-watershed area), and an avulsion-type rupture of insertional calcific tendinosis. The patient was treated surgically with primary repair of the tendon, including tenodesis with anchors. Postoperative treatment included non-weightbearing for 4 weeks and protected weightbearing until 10 weeks postoperative, followed by formal physical therapy, which incorporated an "antigravity" treadmill. The patient was able to return to full activity after 26 weeks, including running and refereeing, without limitations. Copyright © 2017 The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Isotopically enhanced triple-quantum-dot qubit
Eng, Kevin; Ladd, Thaddeus D.; Smith, Aaron; Borselli, Matthew G.; Kiselev, Andrey A.; Fong, Bryan H.; Holabird, Kevin S.; Hazard, Thomas M.; Huang, Biqin; Deelman, Peter W.; Milosavljevic, Ivan; Schmitz, Adele E.; Ross, Richard S.; Gyure, Mark F.; Hunter, Andrew T.
Like modern microprocessors today, future processors of quantum information may be implemented using all-electrical control of silicon-based devices. A semiconductor spin qubit may be controlled without the use of magnetic fields by using three electrons in three tunnel-coupled quantum dots. Triple dots have previously been implemented in GaAs, but this material suffers from intrinsic nuclear magnetic noise. Reduction of this noise is possible by fabricating devices using isotopically purified silicon. We demonstrate universal coherent control of a triple-quantum-dot qubit implemented in an isotopically enhanced Si/SiGe heterostructure. Composite pulses are used to implement spin-echo type sequences, and differential charge sensing enables single-shot state readout. These experiments demonstrate sufficient control with sufficiently low noise to enable the long pulse sequences required for exchange-only two-qubit logic and randomized benchmarking. PMID:26601186
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Zhongzhong; Cao, Leiming; Jing, Jietai
Quantum correlations and entanglement shared among multiple modes are fundamental ingredients of most continuous-variable quantum technologies. Recently, a method used to generate multiple quantum correlated beams using cascaded four-wave mixing (FWM) processes was theoretically proposed and experimentally realized by our group [Z. Qin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 023602 (2014)]. Our study of triple-beam quantum correlation paves the way to showing the tripartite entanglement in our system. Our system also promises to find applications in quantum information and precision measurement such as the controlled quantum communications, the generation of multiple quantum correlated images, and the realization of a multiport nonlinear interferometer. For its applications, the degree of quantum correlation is a crucial figure of merit. In this letter, we experimentally study how various parameters, such as the cell temperatures, one-photon, and two-photon detunings, influence the degree of quantum correlation between the triple beams generated from the cascaded two-FWM configuration.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Qin, Zhongzhong; Cao, Leiming; Jing, Jietai, E-mail:
Quantum correlations and entanglement shared among multiple modes are fundamental ingredients of most continuous-variable quantum technologies. Recently, a method used to generate multiple quantum correlated beams using cascaded four-wave mixing (FWM) processes was theoretically proposed and experimentally realized by our group [Z. Qin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 023602 (2014)]. Our study of triple-beam quantum correlation paves the way to showing the tripartite entanglement in our system. Our system also promises to find applications in quantum information and precision measurement such as the controlled quantum communications, the generation of multiple quantum correlated images, and the realization of a multiportmore » nonlinear interferometer. For its applications, the degree of quantum correlation is a crucial figure of merit. In this letter, we experimentally study how various parameters, such as the cell temperatures, one-photon, and two-photon detunings, influence the degree of quantum correlation between the triple beams generated from the cascaded two-FWM configuration.« less
Separating the Spectral Components of the Massive Triple Star System Delta Orionis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gies, Douglas
The multiple star system of delta Orionis represents one of the closest examples of a luminous O-star with a strong stellar wind, and it was the target of a recent multi-wavelength campaign to determine the source of the wind X-ray emission. It consists of aclose eclipsing binary with a more distant tertiary, and all the components are massive stars. Investigations of the radial velocity curves of the eclipsing system are made difficult by severe line blending with the spectral lines of the tertiary star, and the resulting mass estimates range by a factor of two. We propose that the solution to this problem is to isolate the flux of the tertiary through high angular resolutionspectroscopy with HST/STIS, and we show how a two visit program of ultraviolet and spatially resolved spectroscopy will provide us with the means to characterize the spectra of all three stars in the triple. This will allow us to reassess a large body of existing optical and UV spectroscopy and determine reliable radial velocity curves for the components in the close binary. By then fitting a new high precision light curve from MOST photometry, we will derive accurate masses, temperatures, radii, and projected rotational velocities for all the components. The inner binary also hasa measured apsidal period, and the new results will form a key test of models of interior structure. The analysis will also provide secure estimates for the geometry and size of the inner binary and the radius of the secondary, the parameters required to analyze the orbital phase variations and sites of origin of the wind X-ray emission documented in a recent Chandra/HETGS program.
WASP-12b and HAT-P-8b are Members of Triple Star Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bechter, Eric B.; Crepp, Justin R.; Ngo, Henry; Knutson, Heather A.; Batygin, Konstantin; Hinkley, Sasha; Muirhead, Philip S.; Johnson, John Asher; Howard, Andrew W.; Montet, Benjamin T.; Matthews, Christopher T.; Morton, Timothy D.
We present high spatial resolution images that demonstrate that WASP-12b and HAT-P-8b orbit the primary stars of hierarchical triple star systems. In each case, two distant companions with colors and brightnesses consistent with M dwarfs co-orbit the hot Jupiter planet host as well as one another. Our adaptive optics images spatially resolve the secondary around WASP-12, previously identified by Bergfors et al. and Crossfield et al. into two distinct sources separated by 84.3 ± 0.6 mas (21 ± 3 AU). We find that the secondary to HAT-P-8, also identified by Bergfors et al., is in fact composed of two stars separated by 65.3 ± 0.5 mas (15 ± 1 AU). Our follow-up observations demonstrate physical association through common proper motion. HAT-P-8 C has a particularly low mass, which we estimate to be 0.18 ± 0.02 M ⊙ using photometry. Due to their hierarchy, WASP-12 BC and HAT-P-8 BC will enable the first dynamical mass determination for hot Jupiter stellar companions. These previously well studied planet hosts now represent higher-order multi-star systems with potentially complex dynamics, underscoring the importance of diffraction-limited imaging and providing additional context for understanding the migrant population of transiting hot Jupiters.
WASP-12b AND HAT-P-8b are members of triple star systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bechter, Eric B.; Crepp, Justin R.; Matthews, Christopher T.
We present high spatial resolution images that demonstrate that WASP-12b and HAT-P-8b orbit the primary stars of hierarchical triple star systems. In each case, two distant companions with colors and brightnesses consistent with M dwarfs co-orbit the hot Jupiter planet host as well as one another. Our adaptive optics images spatially resolve the secondary around WASP-12, previously identified by Bergfors et al. and Crossfield et al. into two distinct sources separated by 84.3 ± 0.6 mas (21 ± 3 AU). We find that the secondary to HAT-P-8, also identified by Bergfors et al., is in fact composed of two starsmore » separated by 65.3 ± 0.5 mas (15 ± 1 AU). Our follow-up observations demonstrate physical association through common proper motion. HAT-P-8 C has a particularly low mass, which we estimate to be 0.18 ± 0.02 M {sub ☉} using photometry. Due to their hierarchy, WASP-12 BC and HAT-P-8 BC will enable the first dynamical mass determination for hot Jupiter stellar companions. These previously well studied planet hosts now represent higher-order multi-star systems with potentially complex dynamics, underscoring the importance of diffraction-limited imaging and providing additional context for understanding the migrant population of transiting hot Jupiters.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Singh, Upendra N.; Petros, Mulugeta; Refaat, Tamer F.; Yu, Jirong
For more than 15 years, NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) has contributed in developing several 2-micron carbon dioxide active remote sensors using the DIAL technique. Currently, an airborne 2-micron triple-pulse integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) lidar is under development at NASA LaRC. This paper focuses on the advancement of the 2-micron triple-pulse IPDA lidar development. Updates on the state-of-the-art triple-pulse laser transmitter will be presented including the status of wavelength control, packaging and lidar integration. In addition, receiver development updates will also be presented, including telescope integration, detection systems and data acquisition electronics. Future plan for IPDA lidar system for ground integration, testing and flight validation will be presented.
Triple Junctions, Boninites, and a New Microplate in the Western Pacific
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Flores, J. A.; Casey, J.
A new microplate has been discovered while trying to correlate melting processes in subduction zones that are forming boninites along the southern Mariana Plate. The westward boundary between the Mariana plate and the Philippine Sea plate is along a well-defined back-arc spreading center. The southern extension of this spreading center to the intersection with the Mariana Trench does not have a recognized morphological boundary. Previous work has hypothesized that subduction beneath a spreading center provides conditions required for boninite petrogenesis. Therefore, the exact location of the trench-trench-ridge triple junction needs to be found and correlated with known boninite locations. The triple junction was found using fault plane solutions to constrain the southern boundary of the two plates as it transects across the forearc. Normal faults suggest the triple junction to be at approximately 11.9N 144.1W; slip direction of reverse faults associated with the subducting plate are dominantly north-south west of this junction and northwest-southeast on the east side. While locating the southern boundary, the nucleation of a new spreading center that creates a ridge-ridge-ridge triple junction was found. The main spreading center trends mostly north-south until about 12.5N 143W, where two other spreading centers meet. The western spreading zone trends mostly east-west and seems to be in its infancy whereas there is another spreading center trending northwest-southeast. It is this last spreading center that forms the trench-ridge-trench triple junction. Discovery of these triple junctions isolates a piece of lithosphere that we interpret to be a new microplate that we name the Challenger Microplate.
Study of plasma parameters in a pulsed plasma accelerator using triple Langmuir probe
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Borthakur, S.; Talukdar, N.; Neog, N. K.; Borthakur, T. K.
A Triple Langmuir Probe (TLP) has been used to study plasma parameters of a transient plasma produced in a newly developed Pulsed Plasma Accelerator system. In this experiment, a TLP with a capacitor based current mode biasing circuit was used that instantaneously gives voltage traces in an oscilloscope which are directly proportional to the plasma electron temperature and density. The electron temperature (Te) and plasma density (ne) of the plasma are measured with the help of this probe and found to be 24.13 eV and 3.34 × 1021/m3 at the maximum energy (-15 kV) of the system, respectively. An attempt was also made to analyse the time-dependent fluctuations in plasma parameters detected by the highly sensitive triple probe. In addition to this, the variation of these parameters under different discharge voltages was studied. The information obtained from these parameters is the initial diagnostics of a new device which is to be dedicated to study the impact of high heat flux plasma stream upon material surfaces inside an ITER like tokamak.
Triple-activated blast furnace slag
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Clarke, W.J.
The current shortage of portland cement in the world will require the use of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) to fill demands in many industrialized countries. Therefore, an extensive series of triple-activated slag experiments have been undertaken to optimize an economical combination of mechanical properties for alkali-activated slags. Na{sub 2}OSiO{sub 2} (N Grade), Ca(OH){sub 2}, H{sub 2}O and Na{sub 2}CO{sub 3} have been added as activators in 5 to 10, 0 to 5 and 0 to 5 weight percentages of water and slag in a mix with a water:cement ratio of 1:1. Silica Fume and Sika 10 superplasticizer havemore » been added as 1 and 10 weight percent of slag. Set times, initial hardening times and compressive strengths at percentages of the mix to identify more refined formulations. Finally, the resulting aggregate to develop a triple-activated slag formulation with the ultimate objective of contributing toward satisfying the world shortage of high performance concrete.« less
The chemical end-ligation of homopyrimidine oligodeoxyribonucleotides within a DNA triple helix.
Li, T; Weinstein, D S; Nicolaou, K
Triple-helical nucleic acids, first reported in the late 1950s, are receiving attention for their possible involvement in controlling gene expression. Certain sequences of DNA are believed to form local triple-helical structures (H-form DNA), although this has not been directly observed in vivo. Studies carried out in our laboratories have suggested that self-replicating oligonucleotides could have been involved in chemical evolution via triple-helical intermediates. In addition to self-replication mechanisms, elucidating processes for the nonenzymatic elongation of biologically relevant polymers remains an important challenge in understanding the origin of life. To this end, we have studied a novel ligation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides that lie within a triple helix. The chemical end-ligation of homopyrimidine oligodeoxyribonucleotides on a triple helix is reported. This selective process, induced by cyanoimidazole, is facilitated by a template effect of the DNA aggregate and occurs between the 3' end (hydroxyl) of the third minor-groove-bound strand and the 5' end (phosphate) of the antiparallel oligopyrimidine strand. Double-helical homopurine/homopyrimidine DNA can serve as a template for the elongation of oligonucleotides in a manner that has not been described previously. The end-ligation of homopyrimidine oligomers, a nonenzymatic process, proceeds via a requisite triple-helical intermediate and constitutes an efficient and selective method for the template-directed elongation of nucleic acids. Such a process could conceivably have been involved in the elongation of primordial information-bearing biopolymers.
An overview of triple infection with hepatitis B, C and D viruses.
Riaz, Mehwish; Idrees, Muhamad; Kanwal, Hifza; Kabir, Firoz
Viral hepatitis is one of the major health problems worldwide, particularly in South East Asian countries including Pakistan where hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are highly endemic. Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is also not uncommon world-wide. HCV, HBV, and HDV share parallel routes of transmission due to which dual or triple viral infection can occur in a proportion of patients at the same time. HBV and HCV are important factors in the development of liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition to LC and HCC, chronic HDV infection also plays an important role in liver damage with oncogenic potential.The current article reviews the available literature about the epidemiology, pathogenesis, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, replication, disease outcome, treatment and preventive measures of triple hepatitis infection by using key words; epidemiology of triple infection, risk factors, awareness status, treatment and replication cycle in PubMed, PakMediNet, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar. Total data from 74 different studies published from 1983 to 2010 on triple hepatitis infections were reviewed and included in this study. The present article briefly describes triple infection with HCV, HBV and HDV.
The unstable fate of the planet orbiting the A star in the HD 131399 triple stellar system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Veras, Dimitri; Mustill, Alexander J.; Gänsicke, Boris T.
Validated planet candidates need not lie on long-term stable orbits, and instability triggered by post-main-sequence stellar evolution can generate architectures which transport rocky material to white dwarfs, hence polluting them. The giant planet HD 131399Ab orbits its parent A star at a projected separation of about 50-100 au. The host star, HD 131399A, is part of a hierarchical triple with HD 131399BC being a close binary separated by a few hundred au from the A star. Here, we determine the fate of this system, and find the following: (I) Stability along the main sequence is achieved only for a favourable choice of parameters within the errors. (II) Even for this choice, in almost every instance, the planet is ejected during the transition between the giant branch and white dwarf phases of HD 131399A. This result provides an example of both how the free-floating planet population may be enhanced by similar systems and how instability can manifest in the polluted white dwarf progenitor population.
Upfront triple combination therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a pilot study.
Sitbon, Olivier; Jaïs, Xavier; Savale, Laurent; Cottin, Vincent; Bergot, Emmanuel; Macari, Elise Artaud; Bouvaist, Hélène; Dauphin, Claire; Picard, François; Bulifon, Sophie; Montani, David; Humbert, Marc; Simonneau, Gérald
Patients with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class (FC) III/IV have a poor prognosis, despite survival benefits being demonstrated with intravenous epoprostenol. In this pilot study, the efficacy and safety of a triple combination therapy regimen in patients with severe PAH was investigated. Data from newly diagnosed NYHA FC III/IV PAH patients (n=19) initiated on upfront triple combination therapy (intravenous epoprostenol, bosentan and sildenafil) were collected retrospectively from a prospective registry. Significant improvements in 6-min walk distance and haemodynamics were observed after 4 months' triple combination therapy in 18 patients (p<0.01); 17 patients had improved to NYHA FC I or II. One patient was not included in the month 4 assessment (due to an emergency lung transplant in month 3). At the final evaluation (mean ± sd 32 ± 19 months), all 18 patients had sustained clinical and haemodynamic improvement. Overall survival estimates for the triple combination cohort were 100% at 1, 2 and 3 years. Expected survival calculated from the French equation was 75% (95% CI 68-82%), 60% (95% CI 50-70%) and 49% (95% CI 38-60%) at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively. This pilot study provides preliminary evidence of the long-term benefits of upfront triple combination therapy in patients with severe PAH. ©ERS 2014.
Liu, Wanke; Jin, Xueyuan; Wu, Mingkui; Hu, Jie; Wu, Yun
Cycle slip detection and repair is a prerequisite for high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based positioning. With the modernization and development of GNSS systems, more satellites are available to transmit triple-frequency signals, which allows the introduction of additional linear combinations and provides new opportunities for cycle slip detection and repair. In this paper, we present a new real-time cycle slip detection and repair method under high ionospheric activity for undifferenced Global Positioning System (GPS)/BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency observations collected with a single receiver. First, three optimal linearly independent geometry-free pseudorange minus phase combinations are selected to correctly and uniquely determine the cycle slips on the original triple-frequency carrier phase observations. Then, a second-order time-difference algorithm is employed for the pseudorange minus phase combinations to mitigate the impact of between-epoch ionospheric residuals on cycle slip detection, which is especially beneficial under high ionospheric activity. The performance of the approach is verified with static GPS/BDS triple-frequency observations that are collected with a 30 s sampling interval under active ionospheric conditions, and observations are manually inserted with simulated cycle slips. The results show that the method can correctly detect and repair cycle slips at a resolution as small as 1 cycle. Moreover, kinematic data collected from car-driven and airborne experiments are also processed to verify the performance of the method. The experimental results also demonstrate that the method is effective in processing kinematic data.
Liu, Wanke; Wu, Mingkui; Hu, Jie; Wu, Yun
Cycle slip detection and repair is a prerequisite for high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based positioning. With the modernization and development of GNSS systems, more satellites are available to transmit triple-frequency signals, which allows the introduction of additional linear combinations and provides new opportunities for cycle slip detection and repair. In this paper, we present a new real-time cycle slip detection and repair method under high ionospheric activity for undifferenced Global Positioning System (GPS)/BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency observations collected with a single receiver. First, three optimal linearly independent geometry-free pseudorange minus phase combinations are selected to correctly and uniquely determine the cycle slips on the original triple-frequency carrier phase observations. Then, a second-order time-difference algorithm is employed for the pseudorange minus phase combinations to mitigate the impact of between-epoch ionospheric residuals on cycle slip detection, which is especially beneficial under high ionospheric activity. The performance of the approach is verified with static GPS/BDS triple-frequency observations that are collected with a 30 s sampling interval under active ionospheric conditions, and observations are manually inserted with simulated cycle slips. The results show that the method can correctly detect and repair cycle slips at a resolution as small as 1 cycle. Moreover, kinematic data collected from car-driven and airborne experiments are also processed to verify the performance of the method. The experimental results also demonstrate that the method is effective in processing kinematic data. PMID:29389879
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Jinghui; Dai, Ye; Hu, Xinghao; Ke, Xiaoqin; Zhong, Lisheng; Li, Shengtao; Zhang, Lixue; Wang, Yu; Wang, Dong; Wang, Yan; Liu, Yongbin; Xiao, Hu; Ren, Xiaobing
The reason for the large electromechanical response in Pb-free piezoceramic Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (BZT-BCT) still remains controversial, and a central issue is whether or not the multi-phase-coexisting point (triple point) in the phase diagram is a thermodynamic tricritical point. In this letter, we study the phase transition behaviour for the ferro-para transitions of BZT-BCT specimens in the vicinity of a triple point. Our results show that latent heat and thermal hysteresis approach zero, while the permittivity peak value is maximized close to the triple-point composition, which suggests that the triple point exhibits nearly tricritical transition behaviours in the BZT-BCT system. Further, the TEM result shows that the domain width is minimized with composition approaching the triple point, which indicates a reduction of the domain wall energy possibly relevant to the tricriticality of the triple point. A sixth-order Landau energy modeling shows that the triple tricritical point provides a free-energy state of near-vanishing polarization anisotropy and thus enhances the piezoelectric response for such a material system.
Leung, Cynthia; Fan, Angel; Sanders, Matthew R
The study examined the effectiveness of Group Triple P, a Level 4 variant of the Triple P multilevel system of parenting support, with Chinese parents who had a preschool aged child with a developmental disability, using randomized controlled trial design. Participants (Intervention group: 42; Waitlist Control group: 39) completed measures on child behaviour, parental stress, dysfunctional discipline styles and parental conflict before and after program completion by the Intervention group. Intervention group participants also completed these same measures six months after program completion. Compared to the Waitlist Control group, parents receiving Group Triple P reported significantly lower levels of child behaviour problems, parental stress, dysfunctional discipline style and parental conflict scores. The Intervention group participants maintained their gains six months after program completion. The results provided promising evidence for the Level 4 Group Triple P as an effective intervention program for Chinese parents who have preschool aged children with developmental disabilities. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An empirical understanding of triple collocation evaluation measure
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scipal, Klaus; Doubkova, Marcela; Hegyova, Alena; Dorigo, Wouter; Wagner, Wolfgang
Triple collocation method is an advanced evaluation method that has been used in the soil moisture field for only about half a decade. The method requires three datasets with an independent error structure that represent an identical phenomenon. The main advantages of the method are that it a) doesn't require a reference dataset that has to be considered to represent the truth, b) limits the effect of random and systematic errors of other two datasets, and c) simultaneously assesses the error of three datasets. The objective of this presentation is to assess the triple collocation error (Tc) of the ASAR Global Mode Surface Soil Moisture (GM SSM 1) km dataset and highlight problems of the method related to its ability to cancel the effect of error of ancillary datasets. In particular, the goal is to a) investigate trends in Tc related to the change in spatial resolution from 5 to 25 km, b) to investigate trends in Tc related to the choice of a hydrological model, and c) to study the relationship between Tc and other absolute evaluation methods (namely RMSE and Error Propagation EP). The triple collocation method is implemented using ASAR GM, AMSR-E, and a model (either AWRA-L, GLDAS-NOAH, or ERA-Interim). First, the significance of the relationship between the three soil moisture datasets was tested that is a prerequisite for the triple collocation method. Second, the trends in Tc related to the choice of the third reference dataset and scale were assessed. For this purpose the triple collocation is repeated replacing AWRA-L with two different globally available model reanalysis dataset operating at different spatial resolution (ERA-Interim and GLDAS-NOAH). Finally, the retrieved results were compared to the results of the RMSE and EP evaluation measures. Our results demonstrate that the Tc method does not eliminate the random and time-variant systematic errors of the second and the third dataset used in the Tc. The possible reasons include the fact a) that the TC
Decreased triple network connectivity in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Yang; Li, Liang; Li, Baojuan; Zhang, Xi; Lu, Hongbing
The triple network model provides a common framework for understanding affective and neurocognitive dysfunctions across multiple disorders, including central executive network (CEN), default mode network (DMN), and salience network (SN). Considering the effect of traumatic experience on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this study aims to explore the alteration of triple network connectivity in a specific PTSD induced by a single prolonged trauma exposure. With arterial spin labeling sequence, three networks were identified using independent component analysis in 10 PTSD patients and 10 healthy survivors, who experienced the same coal mining flood disaster. In PTSD patients, decreased connectivity was identified in left middle frontal gyrus of CEN, left precuneus and bilateral superior frontal gyrus of DMN, and right anterior insula of SN. The decreased connectivity in left middle frontal gyrus was identified to associate with clinical severity. These results indicated the decreased triple network connectivity, which not only supported the proposal of the triple network model, but also prompted possible neurobiology mechanism of cognitive dysfunction for this kind of PTSD.
Almeida, Paulo R L; Fonseca, Carla Bortolin; Koch, Vivian W; Souza, Amanda M; Feltrin, Alberi A; Tovo, Cristiane Valle
Chronic hepatitis C has great impact on world's health. Current therapy for genotype 1 hepatitis C virus includes protease inhibitors boceprevir and telaprevir, associated to standard therapy - peginterferon alfa + ribavirin. There are no published data in Brazil on the results of this new therapy, and it is interesting an evaluation of what was accomplished up to this moment. Objectives To evaluate virologic response to triple therapy, as well as the safety profile and tolerability. This study is a clinical series of patients receiving triple therapy for C hepatitis in a single center of a Public Health System of South Brasil. Out of the 121 patients that initiated the triple therapy, the first patients that finished the treatment and evaluated the sustained virological response (24 weeks after the end of treatment) were included. Twenty four genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C monoinfected patients were included. Nineteen (79.2%) patients had been previously treated. Thirteen (54.2%) patients were cirrhotic. Nineteen (79.2%) patients completed the planned therapy. By the end of the treatment, 14 (58.3%) out of 24 patients had undetectable viral load. Sustained virologic response occurred in 12 (50.0%) out of 24 patients, 07 (58.3%) in telaprevir group and 05 (41.7%) in boceprevir group. Out of 24 patients under triple therapy, 58% (n=14) presented anemia. In conclusion, despite the small number of patients treated with triple therapy evaluated in the current study, it possibly reflects the population under this therapy in real-life.
10.4% Efficient triple organic solar cells containing near infrared absorbers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meerheim, Rico; Körner, Christian; Oesen, Benjamin; Leo, Karl
The efficiency of organic solar cells can be increased by serially stacked subcells with spectrally different absorber materials. For the triple junction devices presented here, we use the small molecule donor materials DCV5T-Me for the green region and Tol2-benz-bodipy or Ph2-benz-bodipy as near infrared absorbers. The broader spectral response allows an efficiency increase from a pure DCV5T-Me triple cell to a triple junction containing a Ph2-benz-bodipy subcell, reaching 10.4%. As often observed for organic photovoltaics, the efficiency is further increased at low light intensities to 11%, which allows improved energy harvesting under real outdoor conditions and better performance indoor.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haettner, Emma; Plaß, Wolfgang R.; Czok, Ulrich; Dickel, Timo; Geissel, Hans; Kinsel, Wadim; Petrick, Martin; Schäfer, Thorsten; Scheidenberger, Christoph
The combination of in-flight separation with a gas-filled stopping cell has opened a new field for experiments with exotic nuclei. For instance, at the SHIP/SHIPTRAP facility at GSI in Darmstadt high-precision mass measurements of rare nuclei have been successfully performed. In order to extend the reach of SHIPTRAP to exotic nuclei that are produced together with high rates of unwanted reaction products, a novel compact radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) system has been developed. It implements ion cooling, identification and separation according to mass numbers and bunching capabilities. The system has a total length of one meter only and consists of an RFQ cooler, an RFQ mass filter and an RFQ buncher. A mass resolving power (FWHM) of 240 at a transmission efficiency of 90% has been achieved. The suppression of contaminants from neighboring masses by more than four orders of magnitude has been demonstrated at rates exceeding 106 ions/s. A longitudinal emittance of 0.45 eV μs has been achieved with the RFQ buncher, which will enable improved time-of-flight mass spectrometry downstream of the device. With this triple RFQ system the measurement of e.g. N= Z nuclides in the region up to tin will become possible at SHIPTRAP. The technology is also well suited for other rare-isotope facilities with experimental setups behind a stopping cell, such as the fragment separator FRS with the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI.
Self-trapping and tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in a cavity-mediated triple-well system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Bin; Zhang, Hui; Chen, Yan; Tan, Lei
We have investigated tunneling characteristics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a triple-well potential coupled to a high finesse optical cavity within a mean field approach. Due to the intrinsic atom-cavity field nonlinearity, several interesting phenomena arise which are the focuses of this work. In the dynamical process, an extensive numerical simulation of localization of the BECs for atoms initially trapped in one-, two-, and three-wells are performed for the symmetric and asymmetric cases in detail. It is shown that the the transition from the oscillation to the localization can be modified by the cavity-mediated potential, which will enlarge the regions of oscillation. With the increasing of the atomic interaction, the oscillation is blocked and the localization emerges. The condensates atoms can be trapped either in one-, two-, or in three wells eventually where they are initially uploaded for certain parameters. In particular, we find that the transition from the oscillation to the localization is accompanied with some irregular regime where tunneling dynamics is dominated by chaos for this cavity-mediated system.
Triple-parton scatterings in proton-nucleus collisions at high energies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
d'Enterria, David; Snigirev, Alexander M.
A generic expression to compute triple-parton scattering (TPS) cross sections in high-energy proton-nucleus (pA) collisions is derived as a function of the corresponding single-parton cross sections and an effective parameter encoding the transverse parton profile of the proton. The TPS cross sections are enhanced by a factor of about 9 A˜eq 2000 in pPb as compared to those in proton-nucleon collisions at the same center-of-mass energy. Estimates for triple charm (c\\overline{c}) and bottom (b\\overline{b}) production in pPb collisions at LHC and FCC energies are presented based on next-to-next-to-leading-order calculations for c\\overline{c} and b\\overline{b} single-parton cross sections. At √{s_{_{sc {nn}}}}= 8.8 TeV, about 10% of the pPb events have three c\\overline{c} pairs produced in separate partonic interactions. At √{s_{_{sc {nn}}}}= 63 TeV, the pPb cross sections for triple-J/ψ and triple-b\\overline{b} are O(1-10 mb). In the most energetic collisions of cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere, equivalent to √{s_{_{sc {nn}}}}≈ 400 TeV, the TPS c\\overline{c} cross section equals the total p-Air inelastic cross section.
Breast Tumor; Breast Cancer; Cancer of the Breast; Estrogen Receptor- Negative Breast Cancer; HER2- Negative Breast Cancer; Progesterone Receptor- Negative Breast Cancer; Recurrent Breast Cancer; Stage IV Breast Cancer; Triple-negative Breast Cancer; Triple-negative Metastatic Breast Cancer; Metastatic Breast Cancer
A fiber optic biosensor for fluorimetric detection of triple-helical DNA.
Uddin, A H; Piunno, P A; Hudson, R H; Damha, M J; Krull, U J
A fiber optic biosensor was used for the fluorimetric detection of T/AT triple-helical DNA formation. The surfaces of two sets of fused silica optical fibers were functionalized with hexaethylene oxide linkers from which decaadenylic acid oligonucleotides were grown in the 3'to 5'and 5'to 3'direction, respectively, using a DNA synthesizer. Fluorescence studies of hybridization showed unequivocal hybridization between oligomers immobilized on the fibers and complementary oligonucleotides from the solution phase, as detected by fluorescence from intercalated ethidium bromide. The complementary oligonucleotide, dT10, which was expected to Watson-Crick hybridize upon cooling the system below the duplex melting temperature ( T m), provided a fluorescence intensity with a negative temperature coefficient. Upon further cooling, to the point where the pyrimidine motif T*AT triple-helix formation occurred, a fluorescence intensity change with a positive temperature coefficient was observed. The reverse-Hoogsteen T.AT triplex, which is known to form with branched nucleic acids, provided a corresponding decrease in fluorescence intensity with decreasing temperature. Full analytical signal evolution was attainable in minutes.
The Evolution of the Indian Ocean Triple Junction and the Finite Rotation Problem.
AD-AG&9 103 ~S HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION MASS F/6 6/7 THE EVOLUTION OF THE INDIAN OCEAN TRIPLE JUNCTION AND THE FINIT-ETC(U1 SEP 80 C R TAPSCOTT...1111flfl 1.4 111116 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART WHOI-80-37 THE EVOLUTION OF THE INDIAN OCEAN TRIPLE JUNCTION AND THE FINITE ROTATION PROBLEM by...purpose of the United States Government. This thesis should be cited as: Christopher R. Tapscott, 1979. The Evolution of the Indian Ocean Triple Junction
QCD triple Pomeron coupling from string amplitudes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bialas, A.; Navelet, H.; Peschanski, R.
Using the recent solution of the triple Pomeron coupling in the QCD dipole picture as a closed string amplitude with six legs, its analytical form in terms of hypergeometric functions and numerical value are derived.
Resonant tunneling through mixed quasibound states in a triple-well structure
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Brown, E. R.; Parker, C. D.; Calawa, A. R.; Manfra, M. J.
A triple-well resonant-tunneling structure made from the In(0.53)Ga(0.47)As/AlAs material system yields a broad negative differential resistance (NDR) region without the precipitous drop in current that occurs in single-well structures. This NDR characteristic is attributed to resonant tunneling through mixed quasi-bound states. A diode made from this structure is used to generate a nearly constant power of 0.5 mW up to 16 GHz.
Ultrastable Nontoxic RNA Nanoparticles for Targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells
delivery system to meet the urgent need of efficient strategies for the treatment of breast cancer. 15. SUBJECT TERMS RNA nanotechnology ; three-way...construct a new generation of drugs composed purely of RNA (Nature Nanotechnology , 2011, 6: 658; Nano Today, 2012, 7: 245). Our goal is to apply our...anti-proliferative, anti-invasive and anti- metastasis properties. 2. KEYWORDS: RNA nanotechnology ; three-way junction; RNA aptamer; miRNA; triple
Triple F - A Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kueppers, Michael; Keller, Horst Uwe; Kuhrt, Ekkehard; A'Hearn, Michael; Altwegg, Kathrin; Betrand, Regis; Busemann, Henner; Capria, Maria Teresa; Colangeli, Luigi
The Triple F (Fresh From the Fridge) mission, a Comet Nucleus Sample Return, has been proposed to ESA s Cosmic Vision program. A sample return from a comet enables us to reach the ultimate goal of cometary research. Since comets are the least processed bodies in the solar system, the proposal goes far beyond cometary science topics (like the explanation of cometary activity) and delivers invaluable information about the formation of the solar system and the interstellar molecular cloud from which it formed. The proposed mission would extract three samples of the upper 50 cm from three locations on a cometary nucleus and return them cooled to Earth for analysis in the laboratory. The simple mission concept with a touch-and-go sampling by a single spacecraft was proposed as an M-class mission in collaboration with the Russian space agency ROSCOSMOS.
Triple F - A Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kueppers, Michael; Keller, H. U.; Kuehrt, E.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Altwegg, K.; Bertrand, R.; Busemann, H.; Capria, M. T.; Colangeli, L.; Davidsson, B.;
The Triple F (Fresh From the Fridge) mission, a Comet Nucleus Sample Return, has been proposed to ESA's Cosmic Vision program. A sample return from a comet enables us to reach the ultimate goal of cometary research. Since comets are the least processed bodies in the solar system, the proposal goes far beyond cometary science topics (like the explanation of cometary activity) and delivers invaluable information about the formation of the solar system and the interstellar molecular cloud from which it formed. The proposed mission would extract three sample cores of the upper 50 cm from three locations on a cometary nucleus and return them cooled to Earth for analysis in the laboratory. The simple mission concept with a touch-andgo sampling by a single spacecraft was proposed as an M-class mission in collaboration with the Russian space agency ROSCOSMOS.
The role of taxanes in triple-negative breast cancer: literature review
Mustacchi, Giorgio; De Laurentiis, Michelino
Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent tumor worldwide. Triple-negative BCs are characterized by the negative estrogen and progesterone receptors and negative HER2, and represent 15% of all BCs. In this review, data on the use of taxanes in triple-negative BCs are analyzed, concluding they are effective in any clinical setting (neoadjuvant, adjuvant, and metastatic). Further, the role of nab-paclitaxel (formulation of albumin-bound paclitaxel) in these tumors is also evaluated. The available data show the clinical potential of nab-paclitaxel based combinations in terms of long-duration response, increased survival, and better quality of life of patients with triple-negative metastatic BC. The ongoing trials will give further information on the better management of this type of tumor. PMID:26273192
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Conde, João; Oliva, Nuria; Atilano, Mariana; Song, Hyun Seok; Artzi, Natalie
The therapeutic potential of miRNA (miR) in cancer is limited by the lack of efficient delivery vehicles. Here, we show that a self-assembled dual-colour RNA-triple-helix structure comprising two miRNAs--a miR mimic (tumour suppressor miRNA) and an antagomiR (oncomiR inhibitor)--provides outstanding capability to synergistically abrogate tumours. Conjugation of RNA triple helices to dendrimers allows the formation of stable triplex nanoparticles, which form an RNA-triple-helix adhesive scaffold upon interaction with dextran aldehyde, the latter able to chemically interact and adhere to natural tissue amines in the tumour. We also show that the self-assembled RNA-triple-helix conjugates remain functional in vitro and in vivo, and that they lead to nearly 90% levels of tumour shrinkage two weeks post-gel implantation in a triple-negative breast cancer mouse model. Our findings suggest that the RNA-triple-helix hydrogels can be used as an efficient anticancer platform to locally modulate the expression of endogenous miRs in cancer.
Kok, H P; de Greef, M; Borsboom, P P; Bel, A; Crezee, J
Regional hyperthermia systems with 3D power steering have been introduced to improve tumour temperatures. The 3D 70-MHz AMC-8 system has two rings of four waveguides. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether T(90) will improve by using a higher operating frequency and whether further improvement is possible by adding a third ring. Optimised specific absorption rate (SAR) distributions were evaluated for a centrally located target in tissue-equivalent phantoms, and temperature optimisation was performed for five cervical carcinoma patients with constraints to normal tissue temperatures. The resulting T(90) and the thermal iso-effect dose (i.e. the number of equivalent min at 43°C) were evaluated and compared to the 2D 70-MHz AMC-4 system with a single ring of four waveguides. FDTD simulations were performed at 2.5 × 2.5 × 5 mm(3) resolution. The applied frequencies were 70, 100, 120, 130, 140 and 150 MHz. Optimised SAR distributions in phantoms showed an optimal SAR distribution at 140 MHz. For the patient simulations, an optimal increase in T(90) was observed at 130 MHz. For a two-ring system at 70 MHz the gain in T(90) was about 0.5°C compared to the AMC-4 system, averaged over the five patients. At 130 MHz the average gain in T(90) was ~1.5°C and ~2°C for a two and three-ring system, respectively. This implies an improvement of the thermal iso-effect dose with a factor ~12 and ~30, respectively. Simulations showed that a 130-MHz two-ring waveguide system yields significantly higher tumour temperatures compared to 70-MHz single-ring and double-ring waveguide systems. Temperatures were further improved with a 130-MHz triple-ring system.
Software-Enabled Project Management Techniques and Their Relationship to the Triple Constraints
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Elleh, Festus U.
This study investigated the relationship between software-enabled project management techniques and the triple constraints (time, cost, and scope). There was the dearth of academic literature that focused on the relationship between software-enabled project management techniques and the triple constraints (time, cost, and scope). Based on the gap…
Peper, Shana M; Lew, Robert; Mikuls, Ted; Brophy, Mary; Rybin, Denis; Wu, Hongseng; O'Dell, James
Although it is common for rheumatologists to initiate biologic agents after failure of methotrexate monotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ample data support the initial use of combinations of conventional therapies in this clinical scenario. Our study explores the durability of triple therapy (methotrexate, sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine) versus methotrexate-etanercept in RA. RA patients with suboptimal response to methotrexate (n = 353) were randomized to either triple therapy or methotrexate-etanercept therapy in a 48-week, double-blinded, noninferiority trial. Patients without clinical improvement at 24 weeks were switched to the alternative treatment. Of the total, 289 participated in followup. We report treatment durability, Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS28), and other measures during an open-label extension for an additional period up to 72 weeks. Mean ± SD duration of open-label followup was 11 ± 6 months. The likelihood of continuing conventional therapy at 1 year was 78% for triple therapy versus 63% for methotrexate-etanercept, with most treatment changes occurring at the start of followup. More patients changed from methotrexate-etanercept to triple therapy than from triple therapy to methotrexate-etanercept (P = 0.005). DAS28 scores and other disease activity measures were not different for the 2 treatments and were stable during followup. In RA patients with suboptimal methotrexate response randomized to receive triple therapy or methotrexate-etanercept, the former was found to be significantly more durable. Given cost differences and similar outcomes, the variable durability demonstrated provides additional evidence supporting conventional combinations over biologic agent combinations as the first choice after methotrexate inadequate response. © 2017, American College of Rheumatology.
Design of triple-band polarization controlled terahertz metamaterial absorber
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Ben-Xin; Xie, Qin; Dong, Guangxi; Huang, Wei-Qing
A kind of triple-band polarization tunable terahertz absorber based on a metallic mirror and a metallic patch structure with two indentations spaced by an insulating medium layer is presented. Results prove that three near-perfect absorption peaks with average absorption coefficients of 98.25% are achieved when the polarization angle is equal to zero, and their absorptivities gradually decrease (and even disappear) by increasing the angle of polarization. When the polarization angle is increased to 90°, three new resonance modes with average absorption rates of 96.59% can be obtained. The field distributions are given to reveal the mechanisms of the triple-band absorption and the polarization tunable characteristics. Moreover, by introducing photosensitive silicon materials (its conductivity can be changed by the pump beam) in the indentations of the patch structure, the number of resonance peaks of the device can be actively tuned from triple-band to dual-band. The presented absorbers have potential applications, such as controlling thermal emissivity, and detection of polarization direction of the incident waves.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zvizdic, Davor; Veliki, Tomislav; Grgec Bermanec, Lovorka
This article describes the realization of the International Temperature Scale in the range from 234.3 K (mercury triple point) to 1084.62°C (copper freezing point) at the Laboratory for Process Measurement (LPM), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB), University of Zagreb. The system for the realization of the ITS-90 consists of the sealed fixed-point cells (mercury triple point, water triple point and gallium melting point) and the apparatus designed for the optimal realization of open fixed-point cells which include the gallium melting point, tin freezing point, zinc freezing point, aluminum freezing point, and copper freezing point. The maintenance of the open fixed-point cells is described, including the system for filling the cells with pure argon and for maintaining the pressure during the realization.
Cycle simulation of the low-temperature triple-effect absorption chiller with vapor compression unit
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kim, J.S.; Lee, H.
The construction of a triple-effect absorption chiller machine using the lithium bromide-water solution as a working fluid is strongly limited by corrosion problems caused by the high generator temperature. In this work, three new cycles having the additional vapor compression units were suggested in order to lower the generator temperature of a triple-effect absorption chiller. Each new cycle has one compressor located at the different position which was used to elevate the pressure of the refrigerant vapor. Computer simulations were carried out in order to examine both the basic triple-effect cycle and three new cycles. All types of triple-effect absorptionmore » chiller cycles were found to be able to lower the temperature of high-temperature generator to the more favorable operation range. The COPs of three cycles calculated by considering the additional compressor works showed a small level of decrease or increase compared with that of the basic triple-effect cycle. Consequently, a low-temperature triple-effect absorption chiller can be possibly constructed by adapting one of three new cycles. A great advantage of these new cycles over the basic one is that the conventionally used lithium bromide-water solution can be successfully used as a working fluid without the danger of corrosion.« less
19p13.1 is a triple-negative-specific breast cancer susceptibility locus.
Stevens, Kristen N; Fredericksen, Zachary; Vachon, Celine M; Wang, Xianshu; Margolin, Sara; Lindblom, Annika; Nevanlinna, Heli; Greco, Dario; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Vrieling, Alina; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Sinn, Hans-Peter; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Nickels, Stefan; Brauch, Hiltrud; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Schmutzler, Rita K; Meindl, Alfons; Bartram, Claus R; Schott, Sarah; Engel, Christoph; Godwin, Andrew K; Weaver, Joellen; Pathak, Harsh B; Sharma, Priyanka; Brenner, Hermann; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Miron, Penelope; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Stavropoulou, Alexandra; Fountzilas, George; Gogas, Helen J; Swann, Ruth; Dwek, Miriam; Perkins, Annie; Milne, Roger L; Benítez, Javier; Zamora, María Pilar; Pérez, José Ignacio Arias; Bojesen, Stig E; Nielsen, Sune F; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Flyger, Henrik; Guénel, Pascal; Truong, Thérèse; Menegaux, Florence; Cordina-Duverger, Emilie; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marmé, Frederick; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Sawyer, Elinor; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael J; Peto, Julian; Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Fasching, Peter A; Beckmann, Matthias W; Hartmann, Arndt; Ekici, Arif B; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Muir, Kenneth; Puttawibul, Puttisak; Wiangnon, Surapon; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Broeks, Annegien; Braaf, Linde M; Rosenberg, Efraim H; Hopper, John L; Apicella, Carmel; Park, Daniel J; Southey, Melissa C; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Ashworth, Alan; Orr, Nicholas; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Bernstein, Leslie; Dur, Christina Clarke; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Hsu, Huan-Ming; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Hamann, Ute; Dünnebier, Thomas; Rüdiger, Thomas; Ulmer, Hans Ulrich; Pharoah, Paul P; Dunning, Alison M; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Reed, Malcom W; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Ambrosone, Christine B; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Hwang, Helena; Eccles, Diana M; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Figueroa, Jonine D; Sherman, Mark E; Lissowska, Jolanta; Devilee, Peter; Seynaeve, Caroline; Tollenaar, Rob A E M; Hooning, Maartje J; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Grip, Mervi; John, Esther M; Miron, Alexander; Alnæs, Grethe Grenaker; Kristensen, Vessela; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Giles, Graham G; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Catriona A; Severi, Gianluca; Kosel, Matthew L; Pankratz, V S; Slager, Susan; Olson, Janet E; Radice, Paolo; Peterlongo, Paolo; Manoukian, Siranoush; Barile, Monica; Lambrechts, Diether; Hatse, Sigrid; Dieudonne, Anne-Sophie; Christiaens, Marie-Rose; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Soini, Ylermi; Easton, Douglas F; Couch, Fergus J
The 19p13.1 breast cancer susceptibility locus is a modifier of breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is also associated with the risk of ovarian cancer. Here, we investigated 19p13.1 variation and risk of breast cancer subtypes, defined by estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status, using 48,869 breast cancer cases and 49,787 controls from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). Variants from 19p13.1 were not associated with breast cancer overall or with ER-positive breast cancer but were significantly associated with ER-negative breast cancer risk [rs8170 OR, 1.10; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05-1.15; P = 3.49 × 10(-5)] and triple-negative (ER-, PR-, and HER2-negative) breast cancer (rs8170: OR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.13-1.31; P = 2.22 × 10(-7)). However, rs8170 was no longer associated with ER-negative breast cancer risk when triple-negative cases were excluded (OR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.89-1.07; P = 0.62). In addition, a combined analysis of triple-negative cases from BCAC and the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Consortium (TNBCC; N = 3,566) identified a genome-wide significant association between rs8170 and triple-negative breast cancer risk (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.18-1.33; P = 3.31 × 10(-13)]. Thus, 19p13.1 is the first triple-negative-specific breast cancer risk locus and the first locus specific to a histologic subtype defined by ER, PR, and HER2 to be identified. These findings provide convincing evidence that genetic susceptibility to breast cancer varies by tumor subtype and that triple-negative tumors and other subtypes likely arise through distinct etiologic pathways. ©2012 AACR.
Triple helical DNA in a duplex context and base pair opening
Esguerra, Mauricio; Nilsson, Lennart; Villa, Alessandra
It is fundamental to explore in atomic detail the behavior of DNA triple helices as a means to understand the role they might play in vivo and to better engineer their use in genetic technologies, such as antigene therapy. To this aim we have performed atomistic simulations of a purine-rich antiparallel triple helix stretch of 10 base triplets flanked by canonical Watson–Crick double helices. At the same time we have explored the thermodynamic behavior of a flipping Watson–Crick base pair in the context of the triple and double helix. The third strand can be accommodated in a B-like duplex conformation. Upon binding, the double helix changes shape, and becomes more rigid. The triple-helical region increases its major groove width mainly by oversliding in the negative direction. The resulting conformations are somewhere between the A and B conformations with base pairs remaining almost perpendicular to the helical axis. The neighboring duplex regions maintain a B DNA conformation. Base pair opening in the duplex regions is more probable than in the triplex and binding of the Hoogsteen strand does not influence base pair breathing in the neighboring duplex region. PMID:25228466
Trimerization and Triple Helix Stabilization of the Collagen XIX NC2 Domain*
Boudko, Sergei P.; Engel, Jürgen; Bächinger, Hans Peter
The mechanisms of chain selection and assembly of fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACITs) must differ from that of fibrillar collagens, since they lack the characteristic C-propeptide. We analyzed two carboxyl-terminal noncollagenous domains, NC2 and NC1, of collagen XIX as potential trimerization units and found that NC2 forms a stable trimer and substantially stabilizes a collagen triple helix attached to either end. In contrast, the NC1 domain requires formation of an adjacent collagen triple helix to form interchain disulfide bridges. The NC2 domain of collagen XIX and probably of other FACITs is responsible for chain selection and trimerization. PMID:18845531
The psychiatric phenotype in triple X syndrome: New hypotheses illustrated in two cases
Otter, Maarten; Schrander-Stumpel, Constance T. R. M.; Didden, Robert; Curfs, Leopold M. G.
Background: Triple X syndrome (47,XXX or trisomy X) is a relatively frequent cytogenetic condition with a large variety of physical and behavioural phenotypes. Method: Two adult patients with a triple X karyotype are described. Results: Their karyotype was unknown until some years ago. What these patients have in common is that they were diagnosed with a broader autism phenotype, they were sexually abused, they suffer from psychotic illness and they show challenging behaviour, suicidality and a decline in occupational capacity. Discussion: These gene-environment interactions are discussed. Gene-environment interactions may explain the variety of behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes in triple X syndrome. Ongoing atypical development in adults is hypothesized. Conclusions: Gene-environment interactions and ongoing atypical development in adults should be taken into account in research concerning the psychiatric phenotype of developmental disorders, especially those involving triple X syndrome. PMID:22582855
Hendrikx, Roy J P; Drewes, Hanneke W; Spreeuwenberg, Marieke; Ruwaard, Dirk; Struijs, Jeroen N; Baan, Caroline A
Population management (PM) initiatives are introduced in order to create sustainable health care systems. These initiatives should focus on the continuum of health and well-being of a population by introducing interventions that integrate various services. To be successful they should pursue the Triple Aim, i.e. simultaneously improve population health and quality of care while reducing costs per capita. This study explores how PM initiatives measure the Triple Aim in practice. An exploratory search was combined with expert consultations to identify relevant PM initiatives. These were analyzed based on general characteristics, utilized measures and related selection criteria. In total 865 measures were used by 20 PM initiatives. All quality of care domains were included by at least 11 PM initiatives, while most domains of population health and costs were included by less than 7 PM initiatives. Although their goals showed substantial overlap, the measures applied showed few similarities between PM initiatives and were predominantly selected based on local priority areas and data availability. Most PM initiatives do not measure the full scope of the Triple Aim. Additionally, variety between measures limits comparability between PM initiatives. Consensus on the coverage of Triple Aim domains and a set of standardized measures could further both the inclusion of the various domains as well as the comparability between PM initiatives. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pechacek, Judith; Shanedling, Janet; Lutfiyya, May Nawal; Brandt, Barbara F; Cerra, Frank B; Delaney, Connie White
Understanding the impact that interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) might have on triple aim patient outcomes is of high interest to health care providers, educators, administrators, and policy makers. Before the work undertaken by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Minnesota, no standard mechanism to acquire and report outcome data related to interprofessional education and collaborative practice and its effect on triple aim outcomes existed. This article describes the development and adoption of the National Center Data Repository (NCDR) designed to capture data related to IPECP processes and outcomes to support analyses of the relationship of IPECP on the Triple Aim. The data collection methods, web-based survey design and implementation process are discussed. The implications of this informatics work to the field of IPECP and health care quality and safety include creating standardized capacity to describe interprofessional practice and measure outcomes connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice to the triple aim within and across sites/settings, leveraging an accessible data collection process using user friendly web-based survey design to support large data scholarship and instrument testing, and establishing standardized data elements and variables that can potentially lead to enhancements to national/international information system and academic accreditation standards to further team-based, interprofessional, collaborative research in the field.
Pechacek, Judith; Shanedling, Janet; Lutfiyya, May Nawal; Brandt, Barbara F.; Cerra, Frank B.; Delaney, Connie White
Abstract Understanding the impact that interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) might have on triple aim patient outcomes is of high interest to health care providers, educators, administrators, and policy makers. Before the work undertaken by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Minnesota, no standard mechanism to acquire and report outcome data related to interprofessional education and collaborative practice and its effect on triple aim outcomes existed. This article describes the development and adoption of the National Center Data Repository (NCDR) designed to capture data related to IPECP processes and outcomes to support analyses of the relationship of IPECP on the Triple Aim. The data collection methods, web-based survey design and implementation process are discussed. The implications of this informatics work to the field of IPECP and health care quality and safety include creating standardized capacity to describe interprofessional practice and measure outcomes connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice to the triple aim within and across sites/settings, leveraging an accessible data collection process using user friendly web-based survey design to support large data scholarship and instrument testing, and establishing standardized data elements and variables that can potentially lead to enhancements to national/international information system and academic accreditation standards to further team-based, interprofessional, collaborative research in the field. PMID:26652631
Tidal breakup of triple stars in the Galactic Centre
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fragione, Giacomo; Gualandris, Alessia
The last decade has seen the detection of fast moving stars in the Galactic halo, the so-called hypervelocity stars (HVSs). While the bulk of this population is likely the result of a close encounter between a stellar binary and the supermassive black hole (MBH) in the Galactic Centre (GC), other mechanims may contribute fast stars to the sample. Few observed HVSs show apparent ages, which are shorter than the flight time from the GC, thereby making the binary disruption scenario unlikely. These stars may be the result of the breakup of a stellar triple in the GC, which led to the ejection of a hypervelocity binary (HVB). If such binary evolves into a blue straggler star due to internal processes after ejection, a rejuvenation is possible that make the star appear younger once detected in the halo. A triple disruption may also be responsible for the presence of HVBs, of which one candidate has now been observed. We present a numerical study of triple disruptions by the MBH in the GC and find that the most likely outcomes are the production of single HVSs and single/binary stars bound to the MBH, while the production of HVBs has a probability ≲ 1 per cent regardless of the initial parameters. Assuming a triple fraction of ≈ 10 per cent results in an ejection rate of ≲ 1 Gyr - 1, insufficient to explain the sample of HVSs with lifetimes shorter than their flight time. We conclude that alternative mechanisms are responsible for the origin of such objects and HVBs in general.
Triple X syndrome and puberty: focus on the hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis.
Stagi, Stefano; di Tommaso, Mariarosaria; Scalini, Perla; Lapi, Elisabetta; Losi, Stefania; Bencini, Erica; Masoni, Fabrizio; Dosa, Laura; Becciani, Sabrina; de Martino, Maurizio
To evaluate the hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis in a cohort of children and adolescents with nonmosaic triple X syndrome. Cross-sectional study with retrospective analysis. University pediatric hospital. Fifteen prepubertal subjects (median age 9.0 years, range 6.9-11.9 years) with nonmosaic triple X syndrome and age- and pubertal-matched control group (30 girls, median age 9.1 y, range 6.9-11.6 years). None. We evaluated FSH, LH, and E2 levels and performed an autoimmunity screening as well as a pelvic ultrasonography and an LH-releasing hormone stimulation test. All triple X patients (with and without pubertal signs) showed a pubertal LH peak level that was significantly different from controls. Triple X patients showed increased basal and peak FSH and LH values compared with control subjects. However, the mean E2 level was significantly lower than control subjects. However, triple X patients showed reduced DHEAS levels and reduced inhibin levels compared with control subjects. Finally, triple X patients had a significantly reduced ovarian volume compared with control subjects, in both prepubertal and pubertal patients. Triple X patients showed premature activation of the GnRH pulse generator, even without puberty signs. Both basal and peak LH and FSH levels were higher than in control subjects, and E2 and inhibin levels and ovarian volume were reduced, which led to a reduced gonadal function. Other studies and a longitudinal evaluation is necessary to better understand the endocrinologic features of these subjects. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Menard, F.; Brandner, W.; Padgett, D. L.; Krist, J. E.; Watson, A. M.
Hubble Space Telescope images of the HV Tauri triple system show that HV Tau C appears as a compact bipolar nebula at visual wavelengths. Near-infrared adaptive optics observations made at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope show a similar morphology, and no directly visible star at wavelengths less than 2 microns. These results confirm the conclusions of Monin & Bouvier 2000, namely that HV Tau C is an optically thick circumstellar disk seen close to edge-on. The images are compared to scattered light models for circumstellar disks. We find that the HV Tau C disk has an outer radius of 85 AU, inclination of about 6 deg, gaussian scale height of 15 AU at its outer radius, and is flared. The thickness of the dark lane indicates a total disk mass about half that of Jupiter. There is clear evidence for declining dust opacity toward longer wavelengths, as the dust lane thickness shrinks by 30 between 0.8 and 2.2 microns; the trend is consistent with interstellar dust grains. Tidal truncation of the disk outer radius may have occurred in this system.
Evaluating the approach run of class F11 visually impaired athletes in triple and long jumps.
Theodorou, Apostolos; Skordilis, Emmanouil
The present study examined stride pattern characteristics of Class F11 visually impaired long jumpers and triple jumpers. Athletes demonstrated initial ascending footfall variability followed by descending variability, on the second (long jumpers) and third (triple jumpers) stride prior to take-off, at a mean distance of 6.26 m (long jumpers) and 7.36 m (triple jumpers) from the take-off board. Toe-board-distance variability reached a maximum value of 0.36 m and 0.38 m for the long and triple jump, respectively. Last stride toe-board-distance variability was 0.29 m (long jump) and 0.25 m (triple jump). Class F11 visually impaired athletes exhibit regulation of goal-directed gait analogous to that of non-visually impaired athletes.
Kudo, Yuzan; Sato, Norihiro; Tamura, Toshihisa; Hirata, Keiji
Bypass surgery for cancer of the pancreatic head is usually done to palliate the obstructive symptoms in the biliary and/or digestive system. However, it is uncommon for patients to require pancreatic duct drainage for recurrent obstructive pancreatitis. In this article, we report a surgical technique of triple bypass consisting of Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy, gastrojejunostomy, and pancreaticojejunostomy for advanced pancreatic cancer. A 76-year-old male patient with locally advanced and metastatic pancreatic head cancer was referred to our department for biliary stricture, duodenal stenosis, and recurrent obstructive pancreatitis associated with persistent pancreatic pseudocyst. In an attempt to resolve all these problems simultaneously, a triple bypass was performed. The patient survived and continued to receive chemotherapy for almost 1 year after surgery without any serious complications. Thus, triple bypass is a useful surgical technique that could relief symptoms and offer better quality of life to patients with advanced pancreatic cancer presenting with biliary stricture, duodenal stenosis, and severe obstructive pancreatitis difficult to treat by medication or endoscopic procedures.
Lown, Beth A; McIntosh, Sharrie; Gaines, Martha E; McGuinn, Kathy; Hatem, David S
Empathy and compassion provide an important foundation for effective collaboration in health care. Compassion (the recognition of and response to the distress and suffering of others) should be consistently offered by health care professionals to patients, families, staff, and one another. However, compassion without collaboration may result in uncoordinated care, while collaboration without compassion may result in technically correct but depersonalized care that fails to meet the unique emotional and psychosocial needs of all involved. Providing compassionate, collaborative care (CCC) is critical to achieving the "triple aim" of improving patients' health and experiences of care while reducing costs. Yet, values and skills related to CCC (or the "Triple C") are not routinely taught, modeled, and assessed across the continuum of learning and practice. To change this paradigm, an interprofessional group of experts recently recommended approaches and a framework for integrating CCC into health professional education and postgraduate training as well as clinical care. In this Perspective, the authors describe how the Triple C framework can be integrated and enhance existing competency standards to advance CCC across the learning and practice continuum. They also discuss strategies for partnering with patients and families to improve health professional education and health care design and delivery through quality improvement projects. They emphasize that compassion and collaboration are important sources of professional, patient, and family satisfaction as well as critical aspects of professionalism and person-centered, relationship-based high-quality care.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Pinter, T.G.; Notis, E.M.
This manual provides the user with instructions for using the real time control system for the neutron scattering spectrometers: finger, thumb, and triple axis. The input requirements of the various programs are described in detail. Logging on procedures, program loading, and data set organization are also discussed.
Spatially resolved mid-infrared observations of the triple system T Tauri
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ratzka, Th.; Schegerer, A. A.; Leinert, Ch.; Ábrahám, P.; Henning, Th.; Herbst, T. M.; Köhler, R.; Wolf, S.; Zinnecker, H.
Aims: The aim of this study is to enhance our knowledge of the characteristics and distribution of the circumstellar dust associated with the individual components of the young hierarchical triple system T Tau. Methods: To reach this goal, observations in the N-band (8-13 μm) with the two-telescope interferometric instrument MIDI at the VLTI were performed. For the northern component of the T Tau system, projected baseline lengths of 43 m, 62 m, and 85 m were used. For the southern binary projected baseline lengths of equivalent resolution could be utilised. Our study is based on both the interferometric and the spectrophotometric measurements and is supplemented by new visual and infrared photometry. Also, the phases were investigated to determine the dominating mid-infrared source in the close southern binary. The data were fit with the help of a sophisticated physical disc model. This model utilises the radiative transfer code MC3D that is based on the Monte-Carlo method. Results: Extended mid-infrared emission is found around all three components of the system. Simultaneous fits to the photometric and interferometric data confirm the picture of an almost face-on circumstellar disc around T Tau N. Towards this star, the silicate band is seen in emission. This emission feature is used to model the dust content of the circumstellar disc. Clear signs of dust processing are found. Towards T Tau S, the silicate band is seen in absorption. This absorption is strongly pronounced towards the infrared companion T Tau Sa as can be seen from the first individual N-band spectra for the two southern components. Our fits support the previous suggestion that an almost edge-on disc is present around T Tau Sa. This disc is thus misaligned with respect to the circumstellar disc around T Tau N. The interferometric data indicate that the disc around T Tau Sa is oriented in the north-south direction, which favours this source as launching site for the east-western jet. We further
Isolation and characterization of a uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
King, David M.; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J. L.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
The nature and extent of covalency in uranium bonding is still unclear compared with that of transition metals, and there is great interest in studying uranium-ligand multiple bonds. Although U=O and U=NR double bonds (where R is an alkyl group) are well-known analogues to transition-metal oxo and imido complexes, the uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond has long remained a synthetic target in actinide chemistry. Here, we report the preparation of a uranium(VI)-nitride triple bond. We highlight the importance of (1) ancillary ligand design, (2) employing mild redox reactions instead of harsh photochemical methods that decompose transiently formed uranium(VI) nitrides, (3) an electrostatically stabilizing sodium ion during nitride installation, (4) selecting the right sodium sequestering reagent, (5) inner versus outer sphere oxidation and (6) stability with respect to the uranium oxidation state. Computational analyses suggest covalent contributions to U≡N triple bonds that are surprisingly comparable to those of their group 6 transition-metal nitride counterparts.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tisdell, Christopher C.
This paper is based on the presumption that teaching multiple ways to solve the same problem has academic and social value. In particular, we argue that such a multifaceted approach to pedagogy moves towards an environment of more inclusive and personalized learning. From a mathematics education perspective, our discussion is framed around pedagogical approaches to triple integrals seen in a standard multivariable calculus curriculum. We present some critical perspectives regarding the dominant and long-standing approach to the teaching of triple integrals currently seen in hegemonic calculus textbooks; and we illustrate the need for more diverse pedagogical methods. Finally, we take a constructive position by introducing a new and alternate pedagogical approach to solve some of the classical problems involving triple integrals from the literature through a simple application of integration by parts. This pedagogical alternative for triple integrals is designed to question the dominant one-size-fits-all approach of rearranging the order of integration and the privileging of graphical methods; and to enable a shift towards a more inclusive, enhanced and personalized learning experience.
Exploration of Impinging Water Spray Heat Transfer at System Pressures Near the Triple Point
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Golliher, Eric L.; Yao, Shi-Chune
The heat transfer of a water spray impinging upon a surface in a very low pressure environment is of interest to cooling of space vehicles during launch and re-entry, and to industrial processes where flash evaporation occurs. At very low pressure, the process occurs near the triple point of water, and there exists a transient multiphase transport problem of ice, water and water vapor. At the impingement location, there are three heat transfer mechanisms: evaporation, freezing and sublimation. A preliminary heat transfer model was developed to explore the interaction of these mechanisms at the surface and within the spray.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chen, Jyh-Yuan; Echekki, Tarek
Numerical simulations of 2-D triple flames under gravity force have been implemented to identify the effects of gravity on triple flame structure and propagation properties and to understand the mechanisms of instabilities resulting from both heat release and buoyancy effects. A wide range of gravity conditions, heat release, and mixing widths for a scalar mixing layer are computed for downward-propagating (in the same direction with the gravity vector) and upward-propagating (in the opposite direction of the gravity vector) triple flames. Results of numerical simulations show that gravity strongly affects the triple flame speed through its contribution to the overall flow field. A simple analytical model for the triple flame speed, which accounts for both buoyancy and heat release, is developed. Comparisons of the proposed model with the numerical results for a wide range of gravity, heat release and mixing width conditions, yield very good agreement. The analysis shows that under neutral diffusion, downward propagation reduces the triple flame speed, while upward propagation enhances it. For the former condition, a critical Froude number may be evaluated, which corresponds to a vanishing triple flame speed. Downward-propagating triple flames at relatively strong gravity effects have exhibited instabilities. These instabilities are generated without any artificial forcing of the flow. Instead disturbances are initiated by minute round-off errors in the numerical simulations, and subsequently amplified by instabilities. A linear stability analysis on mean profiles of stable triple flame configurations have been performed to identify the most amplified frequency in spatially developed flows. The eigenfunction equations obtained from the linearized disturbance equations are solved using the shooting method. The linear stability analysis yields reasonably good agreements with the observed frequencies of the unstable triple flames. The frequencies and amplitudes of
PT -symmetric currents of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a triple well
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haag, Daniel; Dast, Dennis; Cartarius, Holger; Wunner, Günter
We study the case of PT -symmetric perturbations of Hermitian Hamiltonians with degenerate eigenvalues using the example of a triple-well system. The degeneracy complicates the question of whether or not a stationary current through such a system can be established, i.e., whether or not the PT -symmetric states are stable. It is shown that this is only the case for perturbations that do not couple to any of the degenerate states. The physical explanation for the inhibition of stable currents is discussed. However, introducing an on-site interaction restores the capability to support stable currents.
Triple-phase helical computed tomography in dogs with solid splenic masses
KUTARA, Kenji; SEKI, Mamiko; ISHIGAKI, Kumiko; TESHIMA, Kenji; ISHIKAWA, Chieko; KAGAWA, Yumiko; EDAMURA, Kazuya; NAKAYAMA, Tomohiro; ASANO, Kazushi
We investigated the utility of triple-phase helical computed tomography (CT) in differentiating between benign and malignant splenic masses in dogs. Forty-two dogs with primary splenic masses underwent triple-phase helical CT scanning (before administration of contrast, and in the arterial phase, portal venous phase, and delayed phase) prior to splenectomy. Tissue specimens were sent for pathological diagnosis; these included hematomas (n=14), nodular hyperplasias (n=12), hemangiosarcomas (n=11), and undifferentiated sarcomas (n=5). The CT findings were compared with the histological findings. Nodular hyperplasia significantly displayed a homogeneous normal enhancement pattern in all phases. Hemangiosarcoma displayed 2 significant contrast-enhancement patterns, including a homogeneous pattern of poor enhancement in all phases, and a heterogeneous remarkable enhancement pattern in the arterial and portal venous phases. Hematoma and undifferentiated sarcoma displayed a heterogeneous normal enhancement pattern in all phases. The contrast-enhanced volumetric ratios of hematoma tended to be greater than those of undifferentiated sarcoma. Our study demonstrated that the characteristic findings on triple-phase helical CT could be useful for the preoperative differentiation of hematoma, nodular hyperplasia, hemangiosarcoma, and undifferentiated sarcoma in dogs. Triple-phase helical CT may be a useful diagnostic tool in dogs with splenic masses. PMID:28993600
The effect of increasing strength and approach velocity on triple jump performance.
Allen, Sam J; Yeadon, M R Fred; King, Mark A
The triple jump is an athletic event comprising three phases in which the optimal phase ratio (the proportion of each phase to the total distance jumped) is unknown. This study used a planar whole body torque-driven computer simulation model of the ground contact parts of all three phases of the triple jump to investigate the effect of strength and approach velocity on optimal performance. The strength and approach velocity of the simulation model were each increased by up to 30% in 10% increments from baseline data collected from a national standard triple jumper. Increasing strength always resulted in an increased overall jump distance. Increasing approach velocity also typically resulted in an increased overall jump distance but there was a point past which increasing approach velocity without increasing strength did not lead to an increase in overall jump distance. Increasing both strength and approach velocity by 10%, 20%, and 30% led to roughly equivalent increases in overall jump distances. Distances ranged from 14.05m with baseline strength and approach velocity, up to 18.49m with 30% increases in both. Optimal phase ratios were either hop-dominated or balanced, and typically became more balanced when the strength of the model was increased by a greater percentage than its approach velocity. The range of triple jump distances that resulted from the optimisation process suggests that strength and approach velocity are of great importance for triple jump performance. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Normal range of hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo fat quantification MR in children.
Shin, Hyun Joo; Kim, Hyun Gi; Kim, Myung-Joon; Koh, Hong; Kim, Ha Yan; Roh, Yun Ho; Lee, Mi-Jung
To evaluate hepatic fat fraction on dual- and triple-echo gradient-recalled echo MRI sequences in healthy children. We retrospectively reviewed the records of children in a medical check-up clinic from May 2012 to November 2013. We excluded children with abnormal laboratory findings or those who were overweight. Hepatic fat fraction was measured on dual- and triple-echo sequences using 3T MRI. We compared fat fractions using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement. The correlation between fat fractions and clinical and laboratory findings was evaluated using Spearman's correlation test, and the cut-off values of fat fractions for diagnosing fatty liver were obtained from reference intervals. In 54 children (M:F = 26:28; 5-15 years; mean 9 years), the dual fat fraction (0.1-8.0%; median 1.6%) was not different from the triple fat fraction (0.4-6.5%; median 2.7%) (p = 0.010). The dual- and triple-echo fat fractions showed good agreement using a Bland-Altman plot (-0.6 ± 2.8%). Eight children (14.8%) on dual-echo sequences and six (11.1%) on triple-echo sequences had greater than 5% fat fraction. From these children, six out of eight children on dual-echo sequences and four out of six children on triple-echo sequences had a 5-6% hepatic fat fraction. When using a cut-off value of a 6% fat fraction derived from a reference interval, only 3.7% of children were diagnosed with fatty liver. There was no significant correlation between clinical and laboratory findings with dual and triple-echo fat fractions. Dual fat fraction was not different from triple fat fraction. We suggest a cut-off value of a 6% fat fraction is more appropriate for diagnosing fatty liver on both dual- and triple-echo sequences in children.
KEY COMPARISON: Final Report on CCT-K7: Key comparison of water triple point cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stock, M.; Solve, S.; del Campo, D.; Chimenti, V.; Méndez-Lango, E.; Liedberg, H.; Steur, P. P. M.; Marcarino, P.; Dematteis, R.; Filipe, E.; Lobo, I.; Kang, K. H.; Gam, K. S.; Kim, Y.-G.; Renaot, E.; Bonnier, G.; Valin, M.; White, R.; Dransfield, T. D.; Duan, Y.; Xiaoke, Y.; Strouse, G.; Ballico, M.; Sukkar, D.; Arai, M.; Mans, A.; de Groot, M.; Kerkhof, O.; Rusby, R.; Gray, J.; Head, D.; Hill, K.; Tegeler, E.; Noatsch, U.; Duris, S.; Kho, H. Y.; Ugur, S.; Pokhodun, A.; Gerasimov, S. F.
The triple point of water serves to define the kelvin, the unit of thermodynamic temperature, in the International System of Units (SI). Furthermore, it is the most important fixed point of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Any uncertainty in the realization of the triple point of water contributes directly to the measurement uncertainty over the wide temperature range from 13.8033 K to 1234.93 K. The Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) decided at its 21st meeting in 2001 to carry out a comparison of water triple point cells and charged the BIPM with its organization. Water triple point cells from 20 national metrology institutes were carried to the BIPM and were compared with highest accuracy with two reference cells. The small day-to-day changes of the reference cells were determined by a least-squares technique. Prior to the measurements at the BIPM, the transfer cells were compared with the corresponding national references and therefore also allow comparison of the national references of the water triple point. This report presents the results of this comparison and gives detailed information about the measurements made at the BIPM and in the participating laboratories. It was found that the transfer cells show a standard deviation of 50 µK the difference between the extremes is 160 µK. The same spread is observed between the national references. The most important result of this work is that a correlation between the isotopic composition of the cell water and the triple point temperature was observed. To reduce the spread between different realizations, it is therefore proposed that the definition of the kelvin should refer to water of a specified isotopic composition. The CCT recommended to the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) to clarify the definition of the kelvin in the SI brochure by explicitly referring to water with the isotopic composition of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW). The CIPM
Reversible “triple-Q” elastic field structures in a chiral magnet
Hu, Yangfan; Wang, Biao
The analytical solution of the periodic elastic fields in chiral magnets caused by presence of periodically distributed eigenstrains is obtained. For the skyrmion phase, both the periodic displacement field and the stress field are composed of three “triple-Q” structures with different wave numbers. The periodic displacement field, obtained by combining the three “triple-Q” displacement structures, is found to have the same lattice vectors with the magnetic skyrmion lattice. We find that for increasing external magnetic field, one type of “triple-Q” displacement structure and stress structure undergo a “configurational reversal”, where the initial and the final field configuration share similar pattern but with opposite direction of all the field vectors. The solution obtained is of fundamental significance for understanding the emergent mechanical properties of skyrmions in chiral magnets. PMID:27457629
Defining Genomic Changes in Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent
Triple negative breast cancer , Ethnic disparities, Breast cancer amongst African - Americans and Africans , Gene expression... Americans . Adjacent Normal AA Native African TN BC Tissue Figure 1. Gene Expression Pattern of Native African Triple Negative Breast Cancer ...and African - American Adjacent Normal Breast Tissue Genes PI: Pegram & Baumbach
Wan, Jing; Wu, Rong; Yao, Minghua; Xu, Guang; Liu, Hui; Pu, Huan; Xiang, Lihua; Zhang, Shupin
To assess the elastographic features of triple-negative breast cancers and evaluate the diagnostic value of acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (ARFI) for the characterization of triple-negative breast cancers. This study analyzed data from 234 women with breast cancer. Patients were categorized into three groups; 1) triple-negative breast cancers (n = 48); 2) ER-positive tumors (n = 128) and 3) HER2-positive tumors (n = 58). Mean tumor stiffness was evaluated by virtual touch tissue imaging (VTI) and virtual touch tissue quantification (VTQ) and quantified as both qualitative scores (1-5) and shear wave velocity (SWV) (m/s). The relationship between mean SWV and tumor parameters, including tumor size, tumor type, histologic grade and lymph node status, were investigated using multiple linear regression. Triple-negative tumor were more likely to have a large invasive size (p = 0.002), high histological grade (p < 0.001), lymph node involvement (p = 0.022) and strong ki-67 expression (p < 0.001). The highest mean SWV value were recorded in triple-negative tumors (7.36 m/s±1.83), followed by HER2+ tumors (6.65 m/s±2.26) and ER+ tumors (6.60 m/s±2.35) (p = 0.122). Triple-negative tumors were also associated with increased stiffness than ER+ tumors and HER2+ tumors (p = 0.016), as measured by qualitative VTI scores. Tumor size was independently associated with mean SWV value on adjusted regression (p < 0.001). Triple-negative breast cancer is associated with high stiffness scores and SWV in ARFI. The latter may be considered a useful complementary tool in evaluation of triple-negative breast cancer.
Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ying Chow, W.; Bihan, Dominique; Forman, Chris J.; Slatter, David A.; Reid, David G.; Wales, David J.; Farndale, Richard W.; Duer, Melinda J.
Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and Yaa, hydroxyproline (Hyp/O). It is known that hydroxyproline in the Yaa position stabilises the triple helix, and that lack of proline hydroxylation in vivo leads to dysfunctional collagen extracellular matrix assembly, due to a range of factors such as a change in hydration properties. In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified proline, the Xaa proline has a strong propensity to adopt an endo ring conformation, whilst when Yaa is hydroxyproline, the Xaa proline adopts a range of endo and exo conformations. Here we use a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and potential energy landscape modelling of synthetic triple-helical collagen peptides to understand this effect. We show that hydroxylation of the Yaa proline causes the Xaa proline ring conformation to become metastable, which in turn confers flexibility on the triple helix.
Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix
Ying Chow, W.; Bihan, Dominique; Forman, Chris J.; Slatter, David A.; Reid, David G.; Wales, David J.; Farndale, Richard W.; Duer, Melinda J.
Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and Yaa, hydroxyproline (Hyp/O). It is known that hydroxyproline in the Yaa position stabilises the triple helix, and that lack of proline hydroxylation in vivo leads to dysfunctional collagen extracellular matrix assembly, due to a range of factors such as a change in hydration properties. In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified proline, the Xaa proline has a strong propensity to adopt an endo ring conformation, whilst when Yaa is hydroxyproline, the Xaa proline adopts a range of endo and exo conformations. Here we use a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and potential energy landscape modelling of synthetic triple-helical collagen peptides to understand this effect. We show that hydroxylation of the Yaa proline causes the Xaa proline ring conformation to become metastable, which in turn confers flexibility on the triple helix. PMID:26220399
Facile scission of isonitrile carbon–nitrogen triple bond using a diborane(4) reagent
Asakawa, Hiroki; Lee, Ka-Ho; Lin, Zhenyang; Yamashita, Makoto
Transition metal reagents and catalysts are generally effective to cleave all three bonds (one σ and two π) in a triple bond despite its high bonding energy. Recently, chemistry of single-bond cleavage by using main-group element compounds is rapidly being developed in the absence of transition metals. However, the cleavage of a triple bond using non-transition-metal compounds is less explored. Here we report that an unsymmetrical diborane(4) compound could react with carbon monoxide and tert-butyl isonitrile at room temperature. In the latter case, the carbon–nitrogen triple bond was completely cleaved in the absence of transition metal as confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis, 13C NMR spectroscopy with 13C labelling and DFT calculations. The DFT calculations also revealed the detailed reaction mechanism and indicated that the key for the carbon–nitrogen triple-bond cleavage could be attributed to the presence of nucleophilic nitrogen atom in one of the intermediates. PMID:24967910
Does test-enhanced learning transfer for triple associates?
Pan, Steven C; Wong, Carol M; Potter, Zachary E; Mejia, Jonathan; Rickard, Timothy C
Test-enhanced learning and transfer for triple-associate word stimuli was assessed in three experiments. In each experiment, training and final-test trials involved the presentation of two words per triple associate (triplet), with the third word having to be retrieved. In agreement with the prior literature on different stimuli, training through testing with feedback yielded markedly better final-test performance than did restudy. However, in contrast to the positive transfer reported for paired associate stimuli, minimal or no positive transfer was observed, relative to a restudy control, from a trained cue combination (e.g., A, B, ?) to other cue combinations from the same triplet that required a different response (e.g., B, C, ?). That result also held when two unique cue combinations per triplet were tested during training, and for triplets with low and high average associative strengths. Supplementary analyses provided insight into the overall transfer effect: An incorrect response during training appears to yield positive transfer relative to restudy, whereas a correct response appears to yield no, or even negative, transfer. Cross-experiment analyses indicated that test-enhanced learning is not diminished when two or three cue combinations are presented during training. Thus, even though learning through testing is highly specific, testing on all possible stimulus-response combinations remains the most efficient strategy for the learning of triple associates.
GATA3 expression in triple-negative breast cancers.
Byrne, David J; Deb, Siddhartha; Takano, Elena A; Fox, Stephen B
GATA-binding protein 3 (GATA3) is a well-studied transcription factor found to be essential in the development of luminal breast epithelium and has been identified in a variety of tumour types, including breast and urothelial carcinomas, making it a useful immunohistochemistry marker in the diagnosis of both primary and metastatic disease. We investigated GATA3 protein expression in a 106 primary triple-negative breast carcinomas (100 basal-like, six non-basal-like) using Cell Marque mouse monoclonal anti-GATA3 (L50-823). Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to quantify mRNA expression in 22 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) (20 primary and two cell lines), four luminal (three primary and one cell line) and five human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) (four primary and one cell line) amplified tumours. In 98 TNBCs where IHC was assessable, 47 (48%) had a 1+ or greater staining with 20 (21%) having high GATA3 expression when using a weighted scoring. Our study has demonstrated that GATA3 expression is common in primary triple-negative breast carcinomas. It also suggests that although GATA3 is an oestrogen receptor (ER) regulated gene, it still proves useful in differentiating between primary and metastatic tumours in patients with a history of breast cancer regardless of its molecular subtype. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Revised Reynolds Stress and Triple Product Models
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Olsen, Michael E.; Lillard, Randolph P.
Revised versions of Lag methodology Reynolds-stress and triple product models are applied to accepted test cases to assess the improvement, or lack thereof, in the prediction capability of the models. The Bachalo-Johnson bump flow is shown as an example for this abstract submission.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
El-Mowafy, Ahmed
Most current Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) methods are designed to use dual-frequency ionosphere-free observations. These methods assume that receiver bias is absorbed in the common receiver clock offset and bound satellite biases by nominal values. However, most multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can offer triple frequency data that can be used for civilian applications in the future, which can improve observation redundancy, solution precision and detection of faults. In this contribution, we explore the use of this type of observations from GPS, Galileo and BeiDou in ARAIM. Nevertheless, the use of triple frequency data introduces receiver differential biases that have to be taken into consideration. To demonstrate the significance of these additional biases we first present a method to quantify them at stations of known coordinates and using available products from the International GNSS service (IGS). To deal with the additional receiver biases, we use a between-satellite single difference (BSSD) observation model that eliminates their effect. A pilot test was performed to evaluate ARAIM availability for Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance down to 200 feet (LPV-200) when using the triple-frequency observations. Real data were collected for one month at stations of known coordinates located in regions of different satellite coverage characteristics. The BSSD triple-frequency model was evaluated to give early indication about its feasibility, where the implementation phase still requires further comprehensive studies. The vertical position error was always found to be bounded by the protection level proven initial validity of the proposed integrity model.
Gunasekara, Chathura; Zhang, Kui; Deng, Wenping; Brown, Laura
Abstract Despite their important roles, the regulators for most metabolic pathways and biological processes remain elusive. Presently, the methods for identifying metabolic pathway and biological process regulators are intensively sought after. We developed a novel algorithm called triple-gene mutual interaction (TGMI) for identifying these regulators using high-throughput gene expression data. It first calculated the regulatory interactions among triple gene blocks (two pathway genes and one transcription factor (TF)), using conditional mutual information, and then identifies significantly interacted triple genes using a newly identified novel mutual interaction measure (MIM), which was substantiated to reflect strengths of regulatory interactions within each triple gene block. The TGMI calculated the MIM for each triple gene block and then examined its statistical significance using bootstrap. Finally, the frequencies of all TFs present in all significantly interacted triple gene blocks were calculated and ranked. We showed that the TFs with higher frequencies were usually genuine pathway regulators upon evaluating multiple pathways in plants, animals and yeast. Comparison of TGMI with several other algorithms demonstrated its higher accuracy. Therefore, TGMI will be a valuable tool that can help biologists to identify regulators of metabolic pathways and biological processes from the exploded high-throughput gene expression data in public repositories. PMID:29579312
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bocchinfuso, Gianfranco; Mazzuca, Claudia; Conflitti, Paolo; Cori, Davide; Coviello, Tommasina; Palleschi, Antonio
Scleroglucan (Sclg) is a polysaccharide that exhibits a triple helix conformation (triplex), both in aqueous solution and in the solid state, which is lost in DMSO solution, at high temperature and at high pH values. The triplex conformation is characterized by a high rigidity, responsible of Sclg peculiar properties. Although the relative stability of triplex and single strand has already been investigated, different structural details are still missing. In the present study, we analyse the structural properties and the factors stabilizing the single chain and the triple helix of Sclg in different conditions. To this end, we simulated both systems in water and in DMSO. The triple helix has been also simulated in the presence of chemical damages on one of the three strands (to reproduce in silico the effect of sonication) or by inducing a partial unfolding of the triplex structure. The computational results have been compared with experimental evidences in which the triplex denaturation, at alkaline pH values, has been followed by monitoring the UV and CD spectra of Congo red, used as a probe molecule. Our results indicate that sonication breaks the Sclg chains without appreciably changing the stability of the other tracts of triple helix. The simulated perturbed or partially unfolded triplexes show a clear tendency to form less ordered aggregates. Finally, our simulations put in evidence an important role of the hydrophobic interactions both in the triplex stability and in the aggregation processes observed after induced denaturation.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Xue, Yuxin; Suto, Yasushi, E-mail:
Among 100 transiting planets with a measured projected spin–orbit angle λ, several systems are suggested to be counter-orbiting. While these cases may be due to the projection effect, the mechanism that produces a counter-orbiting planet has not been established. A promising scenario for counter-orbiting planets is the extreme eccentricity evolution in near-coplanar hierarchical triple systems with eccentric inner and outer orbits. We examine this scenario in detail by performing a series of systematic numerical simulations, and consider the possibility of forming hot Jupiters (HJs), especially a counter-orbiting one under this mechanism with a distant sub-stellar perturber. We incorporate quadrupole andmore » octupole secular gravitational interaction between the two orbits, and also short-range forces (correction for general relativity, star and inner planetary tide, and rotational distortion) simultaneously. We find that most systems are tidally disrupted and that a small fraction of the surviving planets turn out to be prograde. The formation of counter-orbiting HJs in this scenario is possible only in a very restricted parameter region, and thus is very unlikely in practice.« less
Micro-photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings.
Abbarchi, Marco; Cavigli, Lucia; Somaschini, Claudio; Bietti, Sergio; Gurioli, Massimo; Vinattieri, Anna; Sanguinetti, Stefano
A systematic optical study, including micro, ensemble and time resolved photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings, self-assembled via droplet epitaxy, is presented. Clear emission from localized states belonging to the ring structures is reported. The triple rings show a fast decay dynamics, around 40 ps, which is expected to be useful for ultrafast optical switching applications.
Distributed deformation ahead of the Cocos-Nazca Rift at the Galapagos triple junction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Smith, Deborah K.; Schouten, Hans; Zhu, Wen-lu; Montési, Laurent G. J.; Cann, Johnson R.
The Galapagos triple junction is not a simple ridge-ridge-ridge (RRR) triple junction. The Cocos-Nazca Rift (C-N Rift) tip does not meet the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Instead, two secondary rifts form the link: Incipient Rift at 2°40‧N and Dietz Deep volcanic ridge, the southern boundary of the Galapagos microplate (GMP), at 1°10‧N. Recently collected bathymetry data are used to investigate the regional tectonics prior to the establishment of the GMP (∼1.5 Ma). South of C-N Rift a band of northeast-trending cracks cuts EPR-generated abyssal hills. It is a mirror image of a band of cracks previously identified north of C-N Rift on the same age crust. In both areas, the western ends of the cracks terminate against intact abyssal hills suggesting that each crack initiated at the EPR spreading center and cut eastward into pre-existing topography. Each crack formed a short-lived triple junction until it was abandoned and a new crack and triple junction initiated nearby. Between 2.5 and 1.5 Ma, the pattern of cracking is remarkably symmetric about C-N Rift providing support for a crack interaction model in which crack initiation at the EPR axis is controlled by stresses associated with the tip of the westward-propagating C-N Rift. The model also shows that offsets of the EPR axis may explain times when cracking is not symmetric. South of C-N Rift, cracks are observed on seafloor as old as 10.5 Ma suggesting that this triple junction has not been a simple RRR triple junction during that time.
Triple dose of gadolinium-DTPA and delayed MRI in patients with benign multiple sclerosis.
Filippi, M; Capra, R; Campi, A; Colombo, B; Prandini, F; Marcianò, N; Gasparotti, R; Comi, G
OBJECTIVES--To evaluate whether a triple dose of gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA) or delayed MRI increase the number, size, and conspicuousness of enhancing lesions in patients with benign multiple sclerosis. METHODS--T1 weighted brain MRI was carried out on 20 patients with benign multiple sclerosis (expanded disability status scale < 3 with a disease duration > 10 years) in two sessions. In the first session, one scan was obtained before and two scans five to seven minutes and 20-30 minutes after the injection of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA (standard dose). In the second session, six to 24 hours later, the same procedure was repeated with 0.3 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA (triple dose). RESULTS--Nine enhancing lesions were found in seven patients (35%) using the standard dose of Gd-DTPA. The numbers of enhancing lesions increased to 13 (P = 0.03) and the number of patients with such lesions to eight (40%) on the delayed standard dose scans. On the early triple dose scans, we found 19 enhancing lesions in 10 patients (50%). The number of enhancing lesions was significantly higher (P = 0.01) than that obtained with the early standard dose. The number of enhancing lesions was 18 and the number of "active" patients 11 (55%) on the delayed triple dose scans. The enhancing areas increased progressively from the early standard dose scans to the delayed triple dose scans. The contrast ratios of the lesions detected in early standard dose scans was lower than those of lesions present in the early (P = 0.01) and delayed (P = 0.04) triple dose scans. CONCLUSIONS--More enhancing lesions were detected in patients with benign multiple sclerosis with both delay of MRI and the use of triple dose of Gd-DTPA suggesting that the amount of inflammation in the lesions of such patients is mild and heterogeneous. Images PMID:8778257
Transition from slab to slabless: Results from the 1993 Mendocino triple junction seismic experiment
Beaudoin, B.C.; Godfrey, N.J.; Klemperer, S.L.; Lendl, C.; Trehu, A.M.; Henstock, T.J.; Levander, A.; Holl, J.E.; Meltzer, A.S.; Luetgert, J.H.; Mooney, W.D.
Three seismic refraction-reflection profiles, part of the Mendocino triple junction seismic experiment, allow us to compare and contrast crust and upper mantle of the North American margin before and after it is modified by passage of the Mendocino triple junction. Upper crustal velocity models reveal an asymmetric Great Valley basin overlying Sierran or ophiolitic rocks at the latitude of Fort Bragg, California, and overlying Sierran or Klamath rocks near Redding, California. In addition, the upper crustal velocity structure indicates that Franciscan rocks underlie the Klamath terrane east of Eureka, California. The Franciscan complex is, on average, laterally homogeneous and is thickest in the triple junction region. North of the triple junction, the Gorda slab can be traced 150 km inboard from the Cascadia subduction zone. South of the triple junction, strong precritical reflections indicate partial melt and/or metamorphic fluids at the base of the crust or in the upper mantle. Breaks in these reflections are correlated with the Maacama and Bartlett Springs faults, suggesting that these faults extend at least to the mantle. We interpret our data to indicate tectonic thickening of the Franciscan complex in response to passage of the Mendocino triple junction and an associated thinning of these rocks south of the triple junction due to assimilation into melt triggered by upwelling asthenosphere. The region of thickened Franciscan complex overlies a zone of increased scattering, intrinsic attenuation, or both, resulting from mechanical mixing of lithologies and/or partial melt beneath the onshore projection of the Mendocino fracture zone. Our data reveal that we have crossed the southern edge of the Gorda slab and that this edge and/or the overlying North American crust may have fragmented because of the change in stress presented by the edge.
Xia, Ming-Hua; Xie, Shui-Hua; Wu, Jun; Zhang, Wen-Qing; Chen, Wei-Dong; He, Jian-Hua; Ding, Hao; Hu, Qian-Qin; Wang, Xiao-Peng
To explore the clinical effects of the triple no loop Endobutton plate combined with Orthcord line in treating acromioclavicular dislocation of Tossy type III. Between February 2011 and September 2013, 36 patients with acromioclavicular dislocation of Tossy type III were treated with triple no loop Endobutton plate and Orthcord line. There were 21 males and 15 females, aged from 9 to 48 years old with an average of (26.41±14.05) years. Couse of disease was from 2 to 7 days in the patients. The patients had the clinical manifestations such as shoulder pain, extension limited, acromioclavicular tenderness, positive organ point sign. Clinical effects were assessed by acromioclavicular scoring system. Thirty six patients were followed up from 8 to 15 months with an average of (12.2±4.3) months. All incisions got primary healing. At the final follow up, all shoulder pain vanished, acromioclavicular joints without tenderness, negative organ point sign. No redislocation and steel plate loosening were found. According to the acromioclavicular scoring system, 31 cases obtained excellent results, 5 good. The method of triple no loop Endobutton plate combined with Orthcord line for acromioclavicular dislocation of Tossy type III has advantage of less risk and complication, good functional rehabilitation and is an ideal method.
Defining Genomic Changes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent
Triple negative breast cancer • Ethnic disparities • Breast cancer amongst African Americans and Africans • Gene expression profiling • Array... negative cases seen in both African and African - American breast cancer cases. Gene Expression Array Studies The 31 triple negative Kijabe... African - American Adjacent Normal Breast Tissue PI: Pegram &
KIC 2557430: A Triple System Containing One γ Dor and Two Flaring Components?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kamil, Ceren; Dal, Hasan Ali
The results are presented for eclipsing binary KIC 2557430. The mass ratio was computed as 0.868 ± 0.002, while the inclination (i) was found as 69°.75 ± 0°.01 with T 2 = 6271±1 K. 50 frequencies were found in the period analysis. 48 frequencies of them are caused due to the primary component, a γ Doradus star, while two of them are caused by the cool spots. 69 flares were detected in the analyses. Two OPEA models were derived for flares, which indicates that the flares were come from two different sources. The Plateau value was found to be 1.4336 ± 0.1104 s for Source 1, which is seen as possible the secondary component and 0.7550 ± 0.0677 s for Source 2, which is seen as possible third body. The half-life value was computed as 2278.1 s for Group 1 and 1811.2 s for Group 2. The flare frequency N 1 was found to be 0.02726 h -1 and N 2 was computed as 0.00002 for Group 1, while N 1 was found to be 0.01977 h -1 and N 2 was computed as 0.00001 for Group 2. In a results, KIC 2557430 is a possible triple system consisting of a γ Doradus-type star, a chromospherically active star, and also a flaring third body.
The Contribution of Interchain Salt Bridges to Triple-Helical Stability in Collagen
Gurry, Thomas; Nerenberg, Paul S.; Stultz, Collin M.
Abstract Studies on collagen and collagen-like peptides suggest that triple-helical stability can vary along the amino acid chain. In this regard, it has been shown that lysine residues in the Y position and acidic residues in the X′ position of (GPO)3GXYGX′Y′(GPO)3 peptides lead to triple-helical structures with melting temperatures similar to (GPO)8 (where O is hydroxyproline), which is generally regarded as the most stable collagen-like sequence of this length. This enhanced stability has been attributed to the formation of salt bridges between adjacent collagen chains. In this study, we explore the relationship between interchain salt bridge formation and triple-helical stability using detailed molecular simulations. Although our results confirm that salt bridges promote triple-helical stability, we find that not all salt bridges are created equal. In particular, lysine-glutamate salt bridges are most stabilizing when formed between residues in the middle strand (B) and the trailing strand (C), whereas lysine-aspartate salt bridges are most stabilizing when formed between residues in the leading (A) and middle (B) strand—the latter observation being consistent with recent NMR data on a heterotrimeric model peptide. Overall, we believe these data clarify the role of salt bridges in modulating triple-helical stability and can be used to guide the design of collagen-like peptides that have specific interchain interactions. PMID:20513408
Resolving an anomaly in electron temperature measurement using double and triple Langmuir probes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ghosh, Soumen; Barada, K. K.; Chattopadhyay, P. K.; Ghosh, J.; Bora, D.
Langmuir probes with variants such as single, double and triple probes remain the most common method of electron temperature measurement in low-temperature laboratory plasmas. However, proper estimation of electron temperature mainly using triple probe configuration requires the proper choice of compensation factor (W). Determination of the compensating factor is not very straightforward as it depends heavily on plasma floating potential (Vf), electron temperature (Te), the type of gas used for plasma production and the bias voltage applied to probe pins, especially in cases where there are substantial variations in floating potential. In this paper we highlight the anomaly in electron temperature measurement using double and triple Langmuir probe techniques as well as the proper determination of the compensation factor (W) to overcome this anomaly. Experiments are carried out with helicon antenna producing inductive radiofrequency plasmas, where significant variation of floating potential along the axis enables a detailed study of deviations introduced in Te measurements using triple probes compared to double and single probes. It is observed that the bias voltage between the probe pins of the triple probes plays an important role in the accurate determination of the compensating factor (W) and should be in the range (5Vd2 < Vd3 < 10Vd2), where Vd2 and Vd3 are the voltage between floating probe pins 2 and 1 and the bias voltage, respectively.
The Triple Response Assay and Its Use to Characterize Ethylene Mutants in Arabidopsis.
Merchante, Catharina; Stepanova, Anna N
Exposure of plants to ethylene results in drastic morphological changes. Seedlings germinated in the dark in the presence of saturating concentrations of ethylene display a characteristic phenotype known as the triple response. This phenotype is robust and easy to score. In Arabidopsis the triple response is usually evaluated at 3 days post germination in seedlings grown in the dark in rich media supplemented with 10 μM of the ethylene precursor ACC in air or in unsupplemented media in the presence of 10 ppm ethylene. The triple response in Arabidopsis consists of shortening and thickening of hypocotyls and roots and exaggeration of the curvature of apical hooks. The search for Arabidopsis mutants that fail to show this phenotype in ethylene or, vice versa, display the triple response in the absence of exogenously supplied hormone has allowed the identification of the key components of the ethylene biosynthesis and signaling pathways. Herein, we describe a simple protocol for assaying the triple response in Arabidopsis. The method can also be employed in many other dicot species, with minor modifications to account for species-specific differences in germination. We also compiled a comprehensive table of ethylene-related mutants of Arabidopsis, including many lines with auxin-related defects, as wild-type levels of auxin biosynthesis, transport, signaling, and response are necessary for the normal response of plants to ethylene.
BioBenchmark Toyama 2012: an evaluation of the performance of triple stores on biological data
Background Biological databases vary enormously in size and data complexity, from small databases that contain a few million Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples to large databases that contain billions of triples. In this paper, we evaluate whether RDF native stores can be used to meet the needs of a biological database provider. Prior evaluations have used synthetic data with a limited database size. For example, the largest BSBM benchmark uses 1 billion synthetic e-commerce knowledge RDF triples on a single node. However, real world biological data differs from the simple synthetic data much. It is difficult to determine whether the synthetic e-commerce data is efficient enough to represent biological databases. Therefore, for this evaluation, we used five real data sets from biological databases. Results We evaluated five triple stores, 4store, Bigdata, Mulgara, Virtuoso, and OWLIM-SE, with five biological data sets, Cell Cycle Ontology, Allie, PDBj, UniProt, and DDBJ, ranging in size from approximately 10 million to 8 billion triples. For each database, we loaded all the data into our single node and prepared the database for use in a classical data warehouse scenario. Then, we ran a series of SPARQL queries against each endpoint and recorded the execution time and the accuracy of the query response. Conclusions Our paper shows that with appropriate configuration Virtuoso and OWLIM-SE can satisfy the basic requirements to load and query biological data less than 8 billion or so on a single node, for the simultaneous access of 64 clients. OWLIM-SE performs best for databases with approximately 11 million triples; For data sets that contain 94 million and 590 million triples, OWLIM-SE and Virtuoso perform best. They do not show overwhelming advantage over each other; For data over 4 billion Virtuoso works best. 4store performs well on small data sets with limited features when the number of triples is less than 100 million, and our test shows its
BioBenchmark Toyama 2012: an evaluation of the performance of triple stores on biological data.
Wu, Hongyan; Fujiwara, Toyofumi; Yamamoto, Yasunori; Bolleman, Jerven; Yamaguchi, Atsuko
Biological databases vary enormously in size and data complexity, from small databases that contain a few million Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples to large databases that contain billions of triples. In this paper, we evaluate whether RDF native stores can be used to meet the needs of a biological database provider. Prior evaluations have used synthetic data with a limited database size. For example, the largest BSBM benchmark uses 1 billion synthetic e-commerce knowledge RDF triples on a single node. However, real world biological data differs from the simple synthetic data much. It is difficult to determine whether the synthetic e-commerce data is efficient enough to represent biological databases. Therefore, for this evaluation, we used five real data sets from biological databases. We evaluated five triple stores, 4store, Bigdata, Mulgara, Virtuoso, and OWLIM-SE, with five biological data sets, Cell Cycle Ontology, Allie, PDBj, UniProt, and DDBJ, ranging in size from approximately 10 million to 8 billion triples. For each database, we loaded all the data into our single node and prepared the database for use in a classical data warehouse scenario. Then, we ran a series of SPARQL queries against each endpoint and recorded the execution time and the accuracy of the query response. Our paper shows that with appropriate configuration Virtuoso and OWLIM-SE can satisfy the basic requirements to load and query biological data less than 8 billion or so on a single node, for the simultaneous access of 64 clients. OWLIM-SE performs best for databases with approximately 11 million triples; For data sets that contain 94 million and 590 million triples, OWLIM-SE and Virtuoso perform best. They do not show overwhelming advantage over each other; For data over 4 billion Virtuoso works best. 4store performs well on small data sets with limited features when the number of triples is less than 100 million, and our test shows its scalability is poor; Bigdata
Lifestyle Triple P: a parenting intervention for childhood obesity
Background Reversing the obesity epidemic requires the development and evaluation of childhood obesity intervention programs. Lifestyle Triple P is a parent-focused group program that addresses three topics: nutrition, physical activity, and positive parenting. Australian research has established the efficacy of Lifestyle Triple P, which aims to prevent excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The aim of the current randomized controlled trial is to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention when applied to Dutch parents of overweight and obese children aged 4–8 years. This effectiveness study is called GO4fit. Methods/Design Parents of overweight and obese children are being randomized to either the intervention or the control group. Those assigned to the intervention condition receive the 14-week Lifestyle Triple P intervention, in which they learn a range of nutritional, physical activity and positive parenting strategies. Parents in the control group receive two brochures, web-based tailored advice, and suggestions for exercises to increase active playing at home. Measurements are taken at baseline, directly after the intervention, and at one year follow-up. Primary outcome measure is the children’s body composition, operationalized as BMI z-score, waist circumference, and fat mass (biceps and triceps skinfolds). Secondary outcome measures are children’s dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, parental self-efficacy, and body composition of family members (parents and siblings). Discussion Our intervention is characterized by a focus on changing general parenting styles, in addition to focusing on changing specific parenting practices, as obesity interventions typically do. Strengths of the current study are the randomized design, the long-term follow-up, and the broad range of both self-reported and objectively measured outcomes. Trial Registration
Lifestyle Triple P: a parenting intervention for childhood obesity.
Gerards, Sanne M P L; Dagnelie, Pieter C; Jansen, Maria W J; van der Goot, Lidy O H M; de Vries, Nanne K; Sanders, Matthew R; Kremers, Stef P J
Reversing the obesity epidemic requires the development and evaluation of childhood obesity intervention programs. Lifestyle Triple P is a parent-focused group program that addresses three topics: nutrition, physical activity, and positive parenting. Australian research has established the efficacy of Lifestyle Triple P, which aims to prevent excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The aim of the current randomized controlled trial is to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle Triple P intervention when applied to Dutch parents of overweight and obese children aged 4-8 years. This effectiveness study is called GO4fit. Parents of overweight and obese children are being randomized to either the intervention or the control group. Those assigned to the intervention condition receive the 14-week Lifestyle Triple P intervention, in which they learn a range of nutritional, physical activity and positive parenting strategies. Parents in the control group receive two brochures, web-based tailored advice, and suggestions for exercises to increase active playing at home. Measurements are taken at baseline, directly after the intervention, and at one year follow-up. Primary outcome measure is the children's body composition, operationalized as BMI z-score, waist circumference, and fat mass (biceps and triceps skinfolds). Secondary outcome measures are children's dietary behavior and physical activity level, parenting practices, parental feeding style, parenting style, parental self-efficacy, and body composition of family members (parents and siblings). Our intervention is characterized by a focus on changing general parenting styles, in addition to focusing on changing specific parenting practices, as obesity interventions typically do. Strengths of the current study are the randomized design, the long-term follow-up, and the broad range of both self-reported and objectively measured outcomes. Current Controlled Trials NTR 2555 MEC AZM/UM: NL 31988
Micro-photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings
A systematic optical study, including micro, ensemble and time resolved photoluminescence of GaAs/AlGaAs triple concentric quantum rings, self-assembled via droplet epitaxy, is presented. Clear emission from localized states belonging to the ring structures is reported. The triple rings show a fast decay dynamics, around 40 ps, which is expected to be useful for ultrafast optical switching applications. PMID:22039893
Triple Science GCSEs: Curriculum Planning and Design. GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morris, Pam; Quill, John
This publication will provide managers and others with practical advice on how to plan, develop and model the Triple Science requirement, taking into account all the critical factors that need to be considered. This guidance concentrates on curriculum planning and design, including the use of the new (2006) specifications to provide Triple Science…
FPA-FTIR Microspectroscopy for Monitoring Chemotherapy Efficacy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zawlik, Izabela; Kaznowska, Ewa; Cebulski, Jozef; Kolodziej, Magdalena; Depciuch, Joanna; Vongsvivut, Jitraporn; Cholewa, Marian
Triple-negative breast cancer is the most aggressive breast cancer subtype with limited treatment options and a poor prognosis. Approximately 70% of triple-negative breast cancer patients fail to achieve a pathologic complete response (pCR) after chemotherapy due to the lack of targeted therapies for this subtype. We report here the development of a focal-plane-array Fourier transform infrared (FPA-FTIR) microspectroscopic technique combined with principal component analysis (PCA) for monitoring chemotherapy effects in triple-negative breast cancer patients. The PCA results obtained using the FPA-FTIR spectral data collected from the same patients before and after the chemotherapy revealed discriminatory features that were consistent with the pathologic and clinical responses to chemotherapy, indicating the potential of the technique as a monitoring tool for observing chemotherapy efficacy.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Yong; Tao, Zhengwu; Chen, Liang; Ma, Xin
Carbonate reservoir is one of the important reservoirs in the world. Because of the characteristics of carbonate reservoir, horizontal well has become a key technology for efficiently developing carbonate reservoir. Establishing corresponding mathematical models and analyzing transient pressure behaviors of this type of well-reservoir configuration can provide a better understanding of fluid flow patterns in formation as well as estimations of important parameters. A mathematical model for a oil-water two-phase flow horizontal well in triple media carbonate reservoir by conceptualizing vugs as spherical shapes are presented in this article. A semi-analytical solution is obtained in the Laplace domain using source function theory, Laplace transformation, and superposition principle. Analysis of transient pressure responses indicates that seven characteristic flow periods of horizontal well in triple media carbonate reservoir can be identified. Parametric analysis shows that water saturation of matrix, vug and fracture system, horizontal section length, and horizontal well position can significantly influence the transient pressure responses of horizontal well in triple media carbonate reservoir. The model presented in this article can be applied to obtain important parameters pertinent to reservoir by type curve matching.
Flow through triple helical microchannel
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rajbanshi, Pravat; Ghatak, Animangsu
Flow through helical tubes and channels have been examined in different contexts, for facilitating heat and mass transfer at low Reynolds number flow, for generating plug flow to minimize reactor volume for many reactions. The curvature and torsion of the helices have been shown to engender secondary flow in addition to the primary axial flow, which enhances passive in-plane mixing between different fluid streams. Most of these studies, however, involve a single spiral with circular cross-section, which in essence is symmetric. It is not known, however, how the coupled effect of asymmetry of cross-section and the curvature and torsion of channel would affect the flow profile inside such tubes or channels. In this context, we have presented here the analysis of fluid flow at low Reynolds number inside a novel triple helical channel that consists of three helical flow paths joined along their contour length forming a single channel. We have carried out both microparticle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) and 3D simulation in FLUENT of flow of a Newtonian fluid through such channels. Our analysis shows that whereas in conventional single helices, the secondary flow is characterized by two counter-rotating vortices, in the case of triple helical channels, number of such vortices increases with the helix angle. Such flow profile is expected to enhance possibility of mixing between the liquids, yet diminish the pressure drop.
Preparation and characterization of triple shape memory composite foams.
Nejad, Hossein Birjandi; Baker, Richard M; Mather, Patrick T
Foams prepared from shape memory polymers (SMPs) offer the potential for low density materials that can be triggered to deploy with a large volume change, unlike their solid counterparts that do so at near-constant volume. While examples of shape memory foams have been reported in the past, they have been limited to dual SMPs: those polymers featuring one switching transition between an arbitrarily programmed shape and a single permanent shape established by constituent crosslinks. Meanwhile, advances by SMP researchers have led to several approaches toward triple- or multi-shape polymers that feature more than one switching phase and thus a multitude of temporary shapes allowing for a complex sequence of shape deployments. Here, we report the design, preparation, and characterization of a triple shape memory polymeric foam that is open cell in nature and features a two phase, crosslinked SMP with a glass transition temperature of one phase at a temperature lower than a melting transition of the second phase. The soft materials were observed to feature high fidelity, repeatable triple shape behavior, characterized in compression and demonstrated for complex deployment by fixing a combination of foam compression and bending. We further explored the wettability of the foams, revealing composition-dependent behavior favorable for future work in biomedical investigations.
Triple X Egyptian woman and a Down's syndrome offspring
El-Dahtory, Faeza Abdel Mogib
The 47, XXX karyotype (triple X) has a frequency of 1 in 1000 female newborns. However, this karyotype is not usually suspected at birth or childhood. Female patients with a sex chromosome abnormality may be fertile. In patients with a 47, XXX cell line there appears to be an increased risk of a cytogenetically abnormal child but the extent of this risk cannot yet be determined; it is probably lower in the non-mosaic 47, XXX patient than the mosaic 46, XX/47, XXX one. We describe a new rare case of triple X woman and a Down's syndrome offspring. The patient is 26 years of age. She is a housewife, her height is 160 cm and weight is 68 kg and her physical features and mentality are normal. She has had one pregnancy at the age of 25 years resulted in a girl with Down's syndrome. The child had 47 chromosomes with trisomy 21 (47, XX, +21) Figure 1. The patient also has 47 chromosomes with a triple X karyotype (47, XX, +X) Figure 2. The patient's husband (27 years old) is physically and mentally normal. He has 46 chromosomes with a normal XY karyotype (46, XY). There are neither Consanguinity between her parent's nor she and her husband. PMID:23901206
Accurate Acoustic Thermometry I: The Triple Point of Gallium
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Moldover, M. R.; Trusler, J. P. M.
The speed of sound in argon has been accurately measured in the pressure range 25-380 kPa at the temperature of the triple point of gallium (Tg) and at 340 kPa at the temperature of the triple point of water (Tt). The results are combined with previously published thermodynamic and transport property data to obtain Tg = (302.9169 +/- 0.0005) K on the thermodynamic scale. Among recent determinations of T68 (the temperature on IPTS-68) at the gallium triple point, those with the smallest measurement uncertainty fall in the range 302.923 71 to 302.923 98 K. We conclude that T-T68 = (-6.9 +/- 0.5) mK near 303 K, in agreement with results obtained from other primary thermometers. The speed of sound was measured with a spherical resonator. The volume and thermal expansion of the resonator were determined by weighing the mercury required to fill it at Tt and Tg. The largest part of the standard error in the present determination of Tg is systematic. It results from imperfect knowledge of the thermal expansion of mercury between Tt and Tg. Smaller parts of the error result from imperfections in the measurement of the temperature of the resonator and of the resonance frequencies.
Non-linearity of the collagen triple helix in solution and implications for collagen function.
Walker, Kenneth T; Nan, Ruodan; Wright, David W; Gor, Jayesh; Bishop, Anthony C; Makhatadze, George I; Brodsky, Barbara; Perkins, Stephen J
Collagen adopts a characteristic supercoiled triple helical conformation which requires a repeating (Xaa-Yaa-Gly) n sequence. Despite the abundance of collagen, a combined experimental and atomistic modelling approach has not so far quantitated the degree of flexibility seen experimentally in the solution structures of collagen triple helices. To address this question, we report an experimental study on the flexibility of varying lengths of collagen triple helical peptides, composed of six, eight, ten and twelve repeats of the most stable Pro-Hyp-Gly (POG) units. In addition, one unblocked peptide, (POG) 10unblocked , was compared with the blocked (POG) 10 as a control for the significance of end effects. Complementary analytical ultracentrifugation and synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering data showed that the conformations of the longer triple helical peptides were not well explained by a linear structure derived from crystallography. To interpret these data, molecular dynamics simulations were used to generate 50 000 physically realistic collagen structures for each of the helices. These structures were fitted against their respective scattering data to reveal the best fitting structures from this large ensemble of possible helix structures. This curve fitting confirmed a small degree of non-linearity to exist in these best fit triple helices, with the degree of bending approximated as 4-17° from linearity. Our results open the way for further studies of other collagen triple helices with different sequences and stabilities in order to clarify the role of molecular rigidity and flexibility in collagen extracellular and immune function and disease. © 2017 The Author(s).
Simple triple-state polymer actuators with controllable folding characteristics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Shuyang; Li, Jing; Fang, Lichen; Zhu, Zeyu; Kang, Sung Hoon
Driven by the interests in self-folding, there have been studies developing artificial self-folding structures at different length scales based on various polymer actuators that can realize dual-state actuation. However, their unidirectional nature limits the applicability of the actuators for a wide range of multi-state self-folding behaviors. In addition, complex fabrication and programming procedures hinder broad applications of existing polymer actuators. Moreover, few of the existing polymer actuators are able to show the self-folding behaviors with the precise control of curvature and force. To address these issues, we report an easy-to-fabricate triple-state actuator with controllable folding behaviors based on bilayer polymer composites with different glass transition temperatures. Initially, the fabricated actuator is in the flat state, and it can sequentially self-fold to angled folding states of opposite directions as it is heated up. Based on an analytical model and measured partial recovery behaviors of polymers, we can accurately control the folding characteristics (curvature and force) for the rational design. To demonstrate an application of our triple-state actuator, we have developed a self-folding transformer robot which self-folds from a two-dimensional sheet into a three-dimensional boat-like configuration and transforms from the boat shape to a car shape with the increase in the temperature applied to the actuator. Our findings offer a simple approach to generate multiple configurations from a single system by harnessing behaviors of polymers with the rational design.
Mizuno, Kazunori; Boudko, Sergei; Engel, Jürgen; Bächinger, Hans Peter
Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type IV is the most severe form of EDS. In many cases the disease is caused by a point mutation of Gly in type III collagen. A slower folding of the collagen helix is a potential cause for over-modifications. However, little is known about the rate of folding of type III collagen in patients with EDS. To understand the molecular mechanism of the effect of mutations, a system was developed for bacterial production of homotrimeric model polypeptides. The C-terminal quarter, 252 residues, of the natural human type III collagen was attached to (GPP)7 with the type XIX collagen trimerization domain (NC2). The natural collagen domain forms a triple helical structure without 4-hydroxylation of proline at a low temperature. At 33 °C, the natural collagenous part is denatured, but the C-terminal (GPP)7-NC2 remains intact. Switching to a low temperature triggers the folding of the type III collagen domain in a zipper-like fashion that resembles the natural process. We used this system for the two known EDS mutations (Gly-to-Val) in the middle at Gly-910 and at the C terminus at Gly-1018. In addition, wild-type and Gly-to-Ala mutants were made. The mutations significantly slow down the overall rate of triple helix formation. The effect of the Gly-to-Val mutation is much more severe compared with Gly-to-Ala. This is the first report on the folding of collagen with EDS mutations, which demonstrates local delays in the triple helix propagation around the mutated residue.
Goto, N
This paper describes a new series of staining methods which can discriminatively demonstrate every structure of the nervous system, including axons and capillaries, in animal and human materials. Methods described in this paper consist of one primary stain, luxol fast blue-periodic acid Schiff-hematoxylin (LPH) and six different subsidiary staining methods. The LPH triple stain can precisely differentiate the following structures: neurons (Nissl bodies, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane and nucleolus), various kinds of nuclei (glia, ependyma, endothelium, leucocyte, connective tissue, etc.), myelin sheaths, neuronal processes (axons and dendrites), reacted glial cell bodies (protoplasmic astrocytes, foamy cells, etc.), blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries), meninges, intervening connective tissue, erythrocytes, lipofuscin granules, amyloid bodies, and others. Subsidiary staining methods are also described briefly. Applications are discussed in the context of staining technology and neuromorphological research.
Judaki, Arezu; Rahmani, Asghar; Feizi, Jalil; Asadollahi, Khairollah; Hafezi Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) gastric infection is a main cause of inflammatory changes and gastric cancers. The aim of this study was finding the effects of curcumin on oxidative stress and histological changes in chronic gastritis associated with H. pylori. In a randomized clinical trial, patients were divided into two groups: a standard triple therapy group and triple therapy with curcumin group. Endoscopic and histological examinations were measured for all patients before and after 8 weeks. Triple therapy with curcumin treatment group significantly decreased malondialdehyde markers, glutathione peroxides and increased total antioxidant capacity of the gastric mucosa at the end of study compared to baseline and triple regimen groups. In addition, the oxidative damage to DNA was significantly decreased in triple therapy with curcumin group at the end of study compared to baseline and compared to triple therapy (P<0.05 for both). Triple therapy group in combination with Curcumin significantly decreased all active, chronic and endoscopic inflammation scores of patients compared to the baseline and triple therapy group (P<0.05 for both). The eradication rate by triple therapy + curcumin was significantly increased compared to triple therapy alone (P<0.05). Curcumin can be a useful supplement to improve chronic inflammation and prevention of carcinogenic changes in patients with chronic gastritis associated by H. pylori.
Jacobs, David M; Safir, M Courtney; Huang, Dennis; Minhaj, Faisal; Parker, Adam; Rao, Gauri G
The spread of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CPKP) has become a significant problem worldwide. Combination therapy for CPKP is encouraging, but polymyxin resistance to many antibiotics is hampering effective treatment. Combination therapy with three or more antibiotics is being increasingly reported, therefore we performed a systematic review of triple combination cases in an effort to evaluate their clinical effectiveness for CPKP infections. The PubMed database was searched to identify all published clinical outcomes of CPKP infections treated with triple combination therapy. Articles were stratified into two tiers depending on the level of clinical detail provided. A tier 1 study included: antibiotic regimen, regimen-specific outcome, patient status at onset of infection, and source of infection. Articles not reaching these criteria were considered tier 2. Thirty-three studies were eligible, 23 tier 1 and ten tier 2. Among tier 1 studies, 53 cases were included in this analysis. The most common infection was pneumonia (31%) followed by primary or catheter-related bacteremia (21%) and urinary tract infection (17%). Different combinations of antibiotic classes were utilized in triple combinations, the most common being a polymyxin (colistin or polymyxin B, 86.8%), tigecycline (73.6%), aminoglycoside (43.4%), or carbapenem (43.4%). Clinical and microbiological failure occurred in 14/39 patients (35.9%) and 22/42 patients (52.4%), respectively. Overall mortality for patients treated with triple combination therapy was 35.8% (19/53 patients). Triple combination therapy is being considered as a treatment option for CPKP. Polymyxin-based therapy is the backbone antibiotic in these regimens, but its effectiveness needs establishing in prospective clinical trials.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tellegen, Cassandra L.; Sanders, Matthew R.
This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the treatment effects of a behavioral family intervention, Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) for parents of children with disabilities. SSTP is a system of five intervention levels of increasing intensity and narrowing population reach. Twelve studies, including a total of 659 families, met…
Lopes, Renato D; Rao, Meena; Simon, DaJuanicia N; Thomas, Laine; Ansell, Jack; Fonarow, Gregg C; Gersh, Bernard J; Go, Alan S; Hylek, Elaine M; Kowey, Peter; Piccini, Jonathan P; Singer, Daniel E; Chang, Paul; Peterson, Eric D; Mahaffey, Kenneth W
The role of triple antithrombotic therapy vs dual antithrombotic therapy in patients with both atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease remains unclear. This study explores the differences in treatment practices and outcomes between triple antithrombotic therapy and dual antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease. Using the Outcomes Registry for Better Informed Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (n = 10,135), we analyzed outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease (n = 1827) according to treatment with triple antithrombotic therapy (defined as concurrent therapy with an oral anticoagulant, a thienopyridine, and aspirin) or dual antithrombotic therapy (comprising either an oral anticoagulant and one antiplatelet agent [OAC plus AA] or 2 antiplatelet drugs and no anticoagulant [DAP]). The use of triple antithrombotic therapy, OAC plus AA, and DAP at baseline was 8.5% (n = 155), 80.4% (n = 1468), and 11.2% (n = 204), respectively. Among patients treated with OAC plus AA, aspirin was the most common antiplatelet agent used (90%), followed by clopidogrel (10%) and prasugrel (0.1%). The use of triple antithrombotic therapy was not affected by patient risk of either stroke or bleeding. Patients treated with triple antithrombotic therapy at baseline were hospitalized for all causes (including cardiovascular) more often than patients on OAC plus AA (adjusted hazard ratio 1.75; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.26; P <.0001) or DAP (hazard ratio 1.82; 95% confidence interval, 1.25-2.65; P = .0018). Rates of major bleeding or a combined cardiovascular outcome were not significantly different by treatment group. Choice of antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease was not affected by patient stroke or bleeding risks. Triple antithrombotic therapy-treated patients were more likely to be hospitalized for all causes than those on OAC plus AA or on DAP. Copyright © 2016 The
Bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex and triple-X syndrome: incidental finding or causality?
Ramaekers, Paul; Loeys, Bart; von Lowtzow, Catharina; Reutter, Heiko; Leroy, Yves; Colpaert, Cécile; Blaumeiser, Bettina; Janssens, Katrien; Parizel, Maxim; Jacquemyn, Yves
Bladder exstrophy is a rare malformation. Prenatal diagnosis is usually an incidental finding on routine ultrasound examination. Triple-X syndrome (karyotype 47,XXX) is the most frequent sex chromosome aneuploidy in live-born females (approximately 1 in 1000). The diagnosis is often not made because women with 47,XXX karyotype have no or hardly any clinical symptoms during life. Prenatal diagnosis of triple X karyotype is usually an incidental finding when an invasive prenatal diagnosis is performed for other reasons. Here, we report on two cases with bladder exstrophy and triple-X syndrome, one in a fetus and one in an adult. In view of two previous reports of this association in literature, causality of these two conditions should be considered. A gene dosage effect as possible underlying mechanisms will be discussed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Design and fabrication of high-performance diamond triple-gate field-effect transistors
Liu, Jiangwei; Ohsato, Hirotaka; Wang, Xi; Liao, Meiyong; Koide, Yasuo
The lack of large-area single-crystal diamond wafers has led us to downscale diamond electronic devices. Here, we design and fabricate a hydrogenated diamond (H-diamond) triple-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) to extend device downscaling and increase device output current. The device’s electrical properties are compared with those of planar-type MOSFETs, which are fabricated simultaneously on the same substrate. The triple-gate MOSFET’s output current (174.2 mA mm−1) is much higher than that of the planar-type device (45.2 mA mm−1), and the on/off ratio and subthreshold swing are more than 108 and as low as 110 mV dec−1, respectively. The fabrication of these H-diamond triple-gate MOSFETs will drive diamond electronic device development forward towards practical applications. PMID:27708372
Elevation of north facades of #156158 (triple wards) National ...
Elevation of north facades of #156-158 (triple wards) - National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Pacific Branch, Mental Health Buildings, 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, West Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA
Rational Design of a Triple Reporter Gene for Multimodality Molecular Imaging
Hsieh, Ya-Ju; Ke, Chien-Chih; Yeh, Skye Hsin-Hsien; Lin, Chien-Feng; Chen, Fu-Du; Lin, Kang-Ping; Chen, Ran-Chou; Liu, Ren-Shyan
Multimodality imaging using noncytotoxic triple fusion (TF) reporter genes is an important application for cell-based tracking, drug screening, and therapy. The firefly luciferase (fl), monomeric red fluorescence protein (mrfp), and truncated herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase SR39 mutant (ttksr39) were fused together to create TF reporter gene constructs with different order. The enzymatic activities of TF protein in vitro and in vivo were determined by luciferase reporter assay, H-FEAU cellular uptake experiment, bioluminescence imaging, and micropositron emission tomography (microPET). The TF construct expressed in H1299 cells possesses luciferase activity and red fluorescence. The tTKSR39 activity is preserved in TF protein and mediates high levels of H-FEAU accumulation and significant cell death from ganciclovir (GCV) prodrug activation. In living animals, the luciferase and tTKSR39 activities of TF protein have also been successfully validated by multimodality imaging systems. The red fluorescence signal is relatively weak for in vivo imaging but may expedite FACS-based selection of TF reporter expressing cells. We have developed an optimized triple fusion reporter construct DsRedm-fl-ttksr39 for more effective and sensitive in vivo animal imaging using fluorescence, bioluminescence, and PET imaging modalities, which may facilitate different fields of biomedical research and applications. PMID:24809057
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sametoglu, Ferhat; Celikel, Oguz; Witt, Florian
A differential spectral responsivity (DSR) measurement system has been designed and constructed at National Metrology Institute of Turkey (TUBITAK UME) to determine the spectral responsivity (SR) of a single- or a multi-junction photovoltaic device (solar cell). The DSR setup contains a broad band light bias source composed of a constructed Solar Simulator based on a 1000 W Xe-arc lamp owning a AM-1.5 filter and 250 W quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp, a designed and constructed LED-based Bias Light Sources, a DC voltage bias circuit, and a probe beam optical power tracking and correction circuit controlled with an ADuC847 microcontroller card together with an embedded C based software, designed and constructed in TUBITAK UME under this project. By using the constructed DSR measurement system, the SR calibration of solar cells, the monolitic triple-junction solar cell GaInP/GaInAs/Ge and its corresponding component cells have been performed within the EURAMET Joint Research Project SolCell.
Estrogen Receptor Negative Breast Cancer; Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 Negative Carcinoma of Breast; Triple Negative Breast Cancer; Recurrent Breast Cancer; Stage IV Breast Cancer; Triple-negative Breast Cancer
Typical motions in multiple systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Anosova, Joanna P.
In very old times, people counted - one, two, many. The author wants to show that they were right. Consider the motions of isolated bodies: (1) N = 1 - simple motion; (2) N = 2 - Keplerian orbits; and (3) N = 3 - this is the difficult problem. In general, this problem can be studied only by computer simulations. The author studied this problem over many years (see, e.g., Agekian and Anosova, 1967; Anosova, 1986, 1989 a,b). The principal result is that two basic types of dynamics take place in triple systems. The first special type is the stable hierarchical systems with two almost Keplerian orbits. The second general type is the unstable triple systems with complicated motions of the bodies. By random choice of the initial conditions, by the Monte-Carlo method, the stable systems comprised about approx. 10% of the examined cases; the unstable systems comprised the other approx. 90% of cases under consideration. In N greater than 3, the studies of dynamics of such systems by computer simulations show that we have in general also the motions roughly as at the cases 1 - 3 with the relative negative or positive energies of the bodies. In the author's picture, the typical trajectories of the bodies in unstable triple systems of the general type of dynamics are seen. Such systems are disrupted always after close triple approaches of the bodies. These approaches play a role like the gravitational slingshot. Often, the velocities of escapers are very large. On the other hand, the movie also shows the dynamical processes of a formation, dynamical evolution and disruption of the temporary wide binaries in triples and a formation of final hard massive binaries in the final evolution of triples.
Mechanism of triple-color phase oscillators
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pun, Kwok C.
A realistic model has been developed for a barium titanate triple-color phase oscillator based on the mechanism of polarizabililty and quantum mechanics. It helps to explain some of the difficult phenomena of the phase oscillator. As a result, with the clear understanding, we can seek betterment of the oscillator as a photonic switch as well as a one color writing and another color displaying no cross talk advance information exchanger.
Beyond triple collocation: Applications to satellite soil moisture
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Triple collocation is now routinely used to resolve the exact (linear) relationships between multiple measurements and/or representations of a geophysical variable that are subject to errors. It has been utilized in the context of calibration, rescaling and error characterisation to allow comparison...
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of glyceollins on the suppression of tumorigenesis in triple negative breast carcinoma cell lines. We further explored the effects of glyceollins on microRNA and protein expression in MDA MB 231 cells. Triple negative (ER , PgR, and Her2/neu ...
Immunotherapeutic interventions of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Li, Zehuan; Qiu, Yiran; Lu, Weiqi; Jiang, Ying; Wang, Jin
Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a highly heterogeneous subtype of breast cancer that lacks the expression of oestrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Although TNBC is sensitive to chemotherapy, the overall outcomes of TNBC are worse than for other breast cancers, and TNBC is still one of the most fatal diseases for women. With the discovery of antigens specifically expressed in TNBC cells and the developing technology of monoclonal antibodies, chimeric antigen receptors and cancer vaccines, immunotherapy is emerging as a novel promising option for TNBC. This review is mainly focused on the tumour microenvironment and host immunity, Triple Negative Breast Cancer and the clinical treatment of TNBC, novel therapies for cancer and immunotherapy for TNBC, and the future outlook for the treatment for TNBC and the interplay between the therapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors with targeted treatments in TNBC, adoptive cell therapy, cancer vaccines. The review also highlights recent reports on the synergistic effects of immunotherapy and chemotherapy, antibody-drug conjugates, and exosomes, as potential multifunctional therapeutic agents in TNBC.
Triple Test in Carcinoma Breast
Sameer; Mukherjee, Arindam
Introduction: The commonest clinical presentation in majority of breast pathology is a lump. A definite diagnosis of breast lump is very important for the surgeon to decide on the final course of treatment and also saves the patient from unnecessary physical, emotional and psychological trauma if there is a definite preoperative diagnosis of benign lesion. The present study was done to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of “TRIPLE TEST”in diagnosis of carcinoma breast in rural labour class population. Materials and Methods: The present study was a prospective study conducted on patients over 35 years of age having palpable breast lumps presenting in the out patient department of general surgery, ESI Hospital Basaidarapur New Delhi, India. The duration of study was from May 2007 to June 2009 and a total of 100 cases were studied. Each patient was subjected to a detailed history, clinical breast examination ,diagnostic mammography and FNAC. In this study, the results of each modality was divided in three groups: benign, suspicious and malignant. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of each test was calculated individually and as combined. Result: Out of 100 patients enrolled in this study, 60 cases were benign and 40 cases were of malignant breast disease. The age of patients with carcinoma breast in the series varied from 35 years to 70 years. The highest incidence of malignancy noted was 30% in 41-50 years age group (4th decade) followed by 27.5% in 51-60 years age group (5th decade). The sensitivity of clinical examination was found to be 75%, specificity was 83.3%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 75% and diagnostic accuracy of 80%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of mammography was calculated and was found to be 94.9% , 90% , 86% and 92% respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of
Zhao, Jun; Chen, Min; Wang, Xiaoyan; Zhao, Xiaodong; Wang, Zhenwen; Dang, Zhi-Min; Ma, Lan; Hu, Guo-Hua; Chen, Fenghua
In this paper, the triple shape memory effects (SMEs) observed in chemically cross-linked polyethylene (PE)/polypropylene (PP) blends with cocontinuous architecture are systematically investigated. The cocontinuous window of typical immiscible PE/PP blends is the volume fraction of PE (v(PE)) of ca. 30-70 vol %. This architecture can be stabilized by chemical cross-linking. Different initiators, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butylperoxy)-hexane (DHBP), dicumylperoxide (DCP) coupled with divinylbenzene (DVB) (DCP-DVB), and their mixture (DHBP/DCP-DVB), are used for the cross-linking. According to the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements and gel fraction calculations, DHBP produces the best cross-linking and DCP-DVB the worst, and the mixture, DHBP/DCP-DVB, is in between. The chemical cross-linking causes lower melting temperature (Tm) and smaller melting enthalpy (ΔHm). The prepared triple shape memory polymers (SMPs) by cocontinuous immiscible PE/PP blends with v(PE) of 50 vol % show pronounced triple SMEs in the dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and visual observation. This new strategy of chemically cross-linked immiscible blends with cocontinuous architecture can be used to design and prepare new SMPs with triple SMEs.
Analysis of the heat transfer in double and triple concentric tube heat exchangers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rădulescu, S.; Negoiţă, L. I.; Onuţu, I.
The tubular heat exchangers (shell and tube heat exchangers and concentric tube heat exchangers) represent an important category of equipment in the petroleum refineries and are used for heating, pre-heating, cooling, condensation and evaporation purposes. The paper presents results of analysis of the heat transfer to cool a petroleum product in two types of concentric tube heat exchangers: double and triple concentric tube heat exchangers. The cooling agent is water. The triple concentric tube heat exchanger is a modified constructive version of double concentric tube heat exchanger by adding an intermediate tube. This intermediate tube improves the heat transfer by increasing the heat area per unit length. The analysis of the heat transfer is made using experimental data obtained during the tests in a double and triple concentric tube heat exchanger. The flow rates of fluids, inlet and outlet temperatures of water and petroleum product are used in determining the performance of both heat exchangers. Principally, for both apparatus are calculated the overall heat transfer coefficients and the heat exchange surfaces. The presented results shows that triple concentric tube heat exchangers provide better heat transfer efficiencies compared to the double concentric tube heat exchangers.
New Approaches Towards Recognition of Nucleic Acid Triple Helices
Arya, Dev P.
We show that groove recognition of nucleic acid triple helices can be achieved with aminosugars. Among these aminosugars, neomycin is the most effective aminoglycoside (groove binder) for stabilizing a DNA triple helix. It stabilizes both the T·A·T triplex and mixed-base DNA triplexes better than known DNA minor groove binders (which usually destabilize the triplex) and polyamines. Neomycin selectively stabilizes the triplex (T·A·T and mixed base) without any effect on the DNA duplex. The selectivity of neomycin likely originates from its potential and shape complementarity to the triplex Watson–Hoogsteen groove, making it the first molecule that selectively recognizes a triplex groove over a duplex groove. The groove recognition of aminoglycosides is not limited to DNA triplexes, but also extends to RNA and hybrid triple helical structures. Intercalator–neomycin conjugates are shown to simultaneously probe the base stacking and groove surface in the DNA triplex. Calorimetric and spectrosocopic studies allow the quantification of the effect of surface area of the intercalating moiety on binding to the triplex. These studies outline a novel approach to the recognition of DNA triplexes that incorporates the use of non-competing binding sites. These principles of dual recognition should be applicable to the design of ligands that can bind any given nucleic acid target with nanomolar affinities and with high selectivity. PMID:21073199
Layout compliance for triple patterning lithography: an iterative approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yu, Bei; Garreton, Gilda; Pan, David Z.
As the semiconductor process further scales down, the industry encounters many lithography-related issues. In the 14nm logic node and beyond, triple patterning lithography (TPL) is one of the most promising techniques for Metal1 layer and possibly Via0 layer. As one of the most challenging problems in TPL, recently layout decomposition efforts have received more attention from both industry and academia. Ideally the decomposer should point out locations in the layout that are not triple patterning decomposable and therefore manual intervention by designers is required. A traditional decomposition flow would be an iterative process, where each iteration consists of an automatic layout decomposition step and manual layout modification task. However, due to the NP-hardness of triple patterning layout decomposition, automatic full chip level layout decomposition requires long computational time and therefore design closure issues continue to linger around in the traditional flow. Challenged by this issue, we present a novel incremental layout decomposition framework to facilitate accelerated iterative decomposition. In the first iteration, our decomposer not only points out all conflicts, but also provides the suggestions to fix them. After the layout modification, instead of solving the full chip problem from scratch, our decomposer can provide a quick solution for a selected portion of layout. We believe this framework is efficient, in terms of performance and designer friendly.
Realization of the Gallium Triple Point at NMIJ/AIST
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nakano, T.; Tamura, O.; Sakurai, H.
The triple point of gallium has been realized by a calorimetric method using capsule-type standard platinum resistance thermometers (CSPRTs) and a small glass cell containing about 97 mmol (6.8 g) of gallium with a nominal purity of 99.99999%. The melting curve shows a very flat and relatively linear dependence on 1/ F in the region from 1/ F = 1 to 1/ F = 20 with a narrow width of the melting curve within 0.1 mK. Also, a large gallium triple-point cell was fabricated for the calibration of client-owned CSPRTs. The gallium triple-point cell consists of a PTFE crucible and a PTFE cap with a re-entrant well and a small vent. The PTFE cell contains 780 g of gallium from the same source as used for the small glass cell. The PTFE cell is completely covered by a stainless-steel jacket with a valve to enable evacuation of the cell. The melting curve of the large cell shows a flat plateau that remains within 0.03 mK over 10 days and that is reproducible within 0.05 mK over 8 months. The calibrated value of a CSPRT obtained using the large cell agrees with that obtained using the small glass cell within the uncertainties of the calibrations.
Guided Search for Triple Conjunctions
Nordfang, Maria; Wolfe, Jeremy M
A key tenet of Feature Integration Theory and related theories such as Guided Search (GS) is that the binding of basic features requires attention. This would seem to predict that conjunctions of features of objects that have not been attended should not influence search. However, Found (1998) reported that an irrelevant feature (size) improved the efficiency of search for a color × orientation conjunction if it was correlated with the other two features across the display compared to the case where size was not correlated with color and orientation features. We examine this issue with somewhat different stimuli. We use triple conjunctions of color, orientation and shape (e.g. search for a red, vertical, oval-shaped item). This allows us to manipulate the number of features that each distractor shares with the target (Sharing) and it allows us to vary the total number of distractor types (and, thus, the number of groups of identical items; Grouping). We find these triple conjunction searches are generally very efficient – producing very shallow reaction time (RT) × set size slopes, consistent with strong guidance by basic features. Nevertheless, both of these variables, Sharing and Grouping modulate performance. These influences are not predicted by previous accounts of GS. However, both can be accommodated in a GS framework. Alternatively, it is possible, if not necessary, to see these effects as evidence for “preattentive binding” of conjunctions. PMID:25005070
Guided search for triple conjunctions.
Nordfang, Maria; Wolfe, Jeremy M
A key tenet of feature integration theory and of related theories such as guided search (GS) is that the binding of basic features requires attention. This would seem to predict that conjunctions of features of objects that have not been attended should not influence search. However, Found (1998) reported that an irrelevant feature (size) improved the efficiency of search for a Color × Orientation conjunction if it was correlated with the other two features across the display, as compared to the case in which size was not correlated with color and orientation features. We examined this issue with somewhat different stimuli. We used triple conjunctions of color, orientation, and shape (e.g., search for a red, vertical, oval-shaped item). This allowed us to manipulate the number of features that each distractor shared with the target (sharing) and it allowed us to vary the total number of distractor types (and, thus, the number of groups of identical items: grouping). We found that these triple conjunction searches were generally very efficient--producing very shallow Reaction Time × Set Size slopes, consistent with strong guidance by basic features. Nevertheless, both of the variables, sharing and grouping, modulated performance. These influences were not predicted by previous accounts of GS; however, both can be accommodated in a GS framework. Alternatively, it is possible, though not necessary, to see these effects as evidence for "preattentive binding" of conjunctions.
Tarantola, Daniel
Insufficient understanding of the reciprocal interactions between health and human rights, mental health and human rights and the realization of all human rights by Indigenous peoples constitute a triple jeopardy in how these topics are currently being addressed and/or openly antagonized. This paper will attempt to show how a combined health and human rights approach to mental health in Indigenous peoples can transform a triple jeopardy into a triple opportunity. The vast and growing body of literature on mental health, health as a whole, and human rights as these relate to health and to Indigenous peoples will be used to frame the discussion. Attention to the complex interactions of health and human rights can guide policy formulation and action by offering a method of analysis, a process of participatory decision and a framework for accountability. In addition, mental health can find its rightful place in the health and human rights discourse through efforts to help policymakers and practitioners broaden their vision of mental illness to holistically encompass aspects of physical, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing. Finally, connecting the role that rights realization plays in determining health and wellbeing will add power to the rightful claims by Indigenous peoples to the promotion and protection of all their human rights--civil, political, economic, social and cultural. Broadening the research agenda by applying systematically a health and human rights analytical framework to the understanding of social determinants of health would minimize the risk of assigning health outcome merely to behaviours, practices and lifestyles, uncovering structural determinants of holistic health entrenched in policies and governmental conduct. Building the evidence of the negative impact of human rights violation on health and the negative impact of ill-health on the fulfilment of other human rights can help in designing comprehensive interventions, building on the
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Yin, Wenhong; School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049; Wang, Weiguo, E-mail:
Grain orientations and grain boundary migrations near triple junctions in a high purity aluminum were analyzed by electron back scattered diffraction. The results indicate that there are good correlations between the Schmid factors or Taylor factors and the misorientation values of point to original point in grains near the triple junctions in a slightly deformed sample. Grains with higher Schmid factors or lower Taylor factors typically correspond to higher misorientation values near the triple junctions. In a subsequent annealing at 400 °C, both grain boundaries and triple junctions migrate, but the former leave ghost lines. During such migration, a grainmore » boundary grows from the grain with lower Schmid factor (higher Taylor factor) into the grain with higher Schmid factor (lower Taylor factor). Usually, the amount of migration of a grain boundary is considerably greater than that of a triple junction, and the grain boundary becomes more curved after migration. These observations indicate that the triple junctions have drag effects on grain boundary migration. - Highlights: • Polycrystalline aluminum with fine grains about 30 μm were used. • Off-line in situ EBSD was used to identify TJs before and after annealing. • Grains with higher SFs have higher misorientation values near TJs after deformation. • Grain boundaries grow from hard grains into soft grains during annealing. • Triple junctions have drag effects on grain boundaries migration.« less
Schmitz, Gunnar; Hättig, Christof
We present an implementation of pair natural orbital coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples, PNO-CCSD(T), which avoids the quasi-canonical triples approximation (T0) where couplings due to off-diagonal Fock matrix elements are neglected. A numerical Laplace transformation of the canonical expression for the perturbative (T) triples correction is used to avoid an I/O and storage bottleneck for the triples amplitudes. Results for a test set of reaction energies show that only very few Laplace grid points are needed to obtain converged energy differences and that PNO-CCSD(T) is a more robust approximation than PNO-CCSD(T0) with a reduced mean absolute deviation from canonical CCSD(T) results. We combine the PNO-based (T) triples correction with the explicitly correlated PNO-CCSD(F12*) method and investigate the use of specialized F12-PNOs in the conventional triples correction. We find that no significant additional errors are introduced and that PNO-CCSD(F12*)(T) can be applied in a black box manner.
The Afar Depression: Was There a Triple Junction Above the Mantle Plume?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ebinger, C.; Wolfenden, E.; Yirgu, G.; Ayalew, D.; Eagles, G.; Gloaguen, R.; Tiberi, C.; Rowland, J. R.; Deino, A.; Tesfaye, A.; Tesfaye, S.
The Red Sea - Gulf of Aden- Main Ethiopian rift systems (Afar Depression) have served as the textbook example of a R-R-R triple junction zone which formed above a mantle plume (Ethiopia-Yemen flood basalt province, 31-28 Ma). Recent work has documented the onset and propagation of seafloor along the length of the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea arms, but the timing of continental rifting had been poorly constrained. Our aims were to constrain the timing of rift initiation in each arm of the rift near the proposed Oligocene triple junction and to re-assess models for break-up above a mantle plume. Although much of the early history of rifting is deeply buried by Pliocene-Recent lavas, erosional dissection of the rift margins provides windows into the early rift history. Along the southernmost Red Sea, faults commonly marked by eruptive centers initiated at about 26 Ma, coincident with rifting along the easternmost Gulf of Aden. New data from the rift immediately south of the southernmost Red Sea basin (ca.10N) constrain the earliest rift sequences in the northern Main Ethiopian rift (MER). Field and Ar-Ar data from sequences overlying the pre-rift flood basalts show that extension in the northern MER commenced at 12-10 Ma when the two rift systems were finally linked. The active zone of extension and magmatism in the southern Red Sea and eastern Gulf of Aden, however, had migrated east and north, respectively. Summarising, rifting in southern Ethiopia had commenced by 16-18 Ma, and had propagated northward to cut across Oligo-Miocene rift structures of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden by 10 Ma, consistent with plate kinematic data. A triple junction could have developed only during the past 10 My, long after flood basaltic magmatism. Inverse models of gravity data predict a significant step (2-4 km) in the Moho where the youthful, less extended MER breaks into the Afar Depression. Project EAGLE (UK-US-Ethiopia) is now acquiring seismic data across and along this zone to
Triple dividends of water consumption charges in South Africa
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Letsoalo, Anthony; Blignaut, James; de Wet, Theuns; de Wit, Martin; Hess, Sebastiaan; Tol, Richard S. J.; van Heerden, Jan
The South African government is exploring ways to address water scarcity problems by introducing a water resource management charge on the quantity of water used in sectors such as irrigated agriculture, mining, and forestry. It is expected that a more efficient water allocation, lower use, and a positive impact on poverty can be achieved. This paper reports on the validity of these claims by applying a computable general equilibrium model to analyze the triple dividend of water consumption charges in South Africa: reduced water use, more rapid economic growth, and a more equal income distribution. It is shown that an appropriate budget-neutral combination of water charges, particularly on irrigated agriculture and coal mining, and reduced indirect taxes, particularly on food, would yield triple dividends, that is, less water use, more growth, and less poverty.
Grain boundary and triple junction diffusion in nanocrystalline copper
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wegner, M.; Leuthold, J.; Peterlechner, M.; Song, X.; Divinski, S. V.; Wilde, G.
Grain boundary and triple junction diffusion in nanocrystalline Cu samples with grain sizes,
Crotty, Bradley H; Tamrat, Yonas; Mostaghimi, Arash; Safran, Charles; Landon, Bruce E
Patients want to be able to communicate with their physicians by e-mail. However, physicians are often concerned about the impact that such communications will have on their time, productivity, and reimbursement. Typically, physicians are not reimbursed for time spent communicating with patients electronically. But under federal meaningful-use criteria for information technology, physicians can receive a modest incentive for such communications. Little is known about trends in secure e-mail messaging between physicians and patients. To understand these trends, we analyzed the volume of messages in a large academic health system's patient portal in the period 2001-10. At the end of 2010, 49,778 patients (22.7 percent of all patients seen within the system) had enrolled in the portal, and 36.9 percent of enrolled patients (8.4 percent of all patients) had sent at least one message to a physician. Physicians in the aggregate saw a near tripling of e-mail messages during the study period. However, the number of messages per hundred patients per month stabilized between 2005 and 2010, at an average of 18.9 messages. As physician reimbursement moves toward global payments, physicians' and patients' participation in secure messaging will likely increase, and electronic communication should be considered part of physicians' job descriptions. Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Wang, Zhenwen; Zhao, Jun; Chen, Min; Yang, Minhao; Tang, Luyang; Dang, Zhi-Min; Chen, Fenghua; Huang, Miaoming; Dong, Xia
In this work, electrically and thermally actuated triple shape memory polymers (SMPs) of chemically cross-linked polycyclooctene (PCO)-multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/polyethylene (PE) nanocomposites with co-continuous structure and selective distribution of fillers in PCO phase are prepared. We systematically studied not only the microstructure including morphology and fillers' selective distribution in one phase of the PCO/PE blends, but also the macroscopic properties including thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. The co-continuous window of the immiscible PCO/PE blends is found to be the volume fraction of PCO (vPCO) of ca. 40-70 vol %. The selective distribution of fillers in one phase of co-continuous blends is obtained by a masterbatch technique. The prepared triple SMP materials show pronounced triple shape memory effects (SMEs) on the dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and the visual observation by both thermal and electric actuations. Such polyolefin samples with well-defined microstructure, electrical actuation, and triple SMEs might have potential applications as, for example, multiple autochoke elements for engines, self-adjusting orthodontic wires, and ophthalmic devices.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berger, J.-P.; Monnier, J. D.; Millan-Gabet, R.; Renard, S.; Pedretti, E.; Traub, W.; Bechet, C.; Benisty, M.; Carleton, N.; Haguenauer, P.; Kern, P.; Labeye, P.; Longa, F.; Lacasse, M.; Malbet, F.; Perraut, K.; Ragland, S.; Schloerb, P.; Schuller, P. A.; Thiébaut, E.
Context. Young and close multiple systems are unique laboratories to probe the initial dynamical interactions between forming stellar systems and their dust and gas environment. Their study is a key building block to understanding the high frequency of main-sequence multiple systems. However, the number of detected spectroscopic young multiple systems that allow dynamical studies is limited. GW Orionis is one such system. It is one of the brightest young T Tauri stars and is surrounded by a massive disk. Aims: Our goal is to probe the GW Orionis multiplicity at angular scales at which we can spatially resolve the orbit. Methods: We used the IOTA/IONIC3 interferometer to probe the environment of GW Orionis with an astronomical unit resolution in 2003, 2004, and 2005. By measuring squared visibilities and closure phases with a good UV coverage we carry out the first image reconstruction of GW Ori from infrared long-baseline interferometry. Results.We obtained the first infrared image of a T Tauri multiple system with astronomical unit resolution. We show that GW Orionis is a triple system, resolve for the first time the previously known inner pair (separation ρ ~ 1.4 AU) and reveal a new more distant component (GW Ori C) with a projected separation of ~ 8 AU with direct evidence of motion. Furthermore, the nearly equal (2:1) H-band flux ratio of the inner components suggests that either GW Ori B is undergoing a preferential accretion event that increases its disk luminosity or that the estimate of the masses has to be revisited in favour of a more equal mass-ratio system that is seen at lower inclination. Conclusions: Accretion disk models of GW Ori will need to be completely reconsidered because of this outer companion C and the unexpected brightness of companion B.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Smith, Irwin D.; Dhooge, Patrick M.
A series of tests was performed to ascertain the triple points of monomethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. A laboratory method indicated a triple point for monomethylhydrazine, but tests in a large vacuum chamber indicated that a triple point does not occur in spacelike conditions because the mono-methylhydrazine tends to supercool. Instead, an effective freezing point (with agitation) was obtained. New experimental values for liquid monomethylhydrazine vapor pressure were determined for temperatures from 275.2 to 207.6 K. The values were used to derive vapor pressure equations. Tentative values were obtained for the effective freezing point of nitrogen tetroxide spacelike conditions.
Luo, Xiao-Qing; Li, Zeng-Zhao; Jing, Jun; Xiong, Wei; Li, Tie-Fu; Yu, Ting
We theoretically investigate the spectral features of tunneling-induced transparency (TIT) and Autler-Townes (AT) doublet and triplet in a triple-quantum-dot system. By analyzing the eigenenergy spectrum of the system Hamiltonian, we can discriminate TIT and double TIT from AT doublet and triplet, respectively. For the resonant case, the presence of the TIT does not exhibit distinguishable anticrossing in the eigenenergy spectrum in the weak-tunneling regime, while the occurrence of double anticrossings in the strong-tunneling regime shows that the TIT evolves to the AT doublet. For the off-resonance case, the appearance of a new detuning-dependent dip in the absorption spectrum leads to double TIT behavior in the weak-tunneling regime due to no distinguished anticrossing occurring in the eigenenergy spectrum. However, in the strong-tunneling regime, a new detuning-dependent dip in the absorption spectrum results in AT triplet owing to the presence of triple anticrossings in the eigenenergy spectrum. Our results can be applied to quantum measurement and quantum-optics devices in solid systems.
Effect of aqueous ethanol on the triple helical structure of collagen.
Gopinath, Arun; Reddy, Samala Murali Mohan; Madhan, Balaraman; Shanmguam, Ganesh; Rao, Jonnalagadda Raghava
Collagen, the most abundant protein in mammals, is widely used for making biomaterials. Recently, organic solvents have been used to fabricate collagen-based biomaterials for biological applications. It is therefore necessary to understand the behavior of collagen in the presence of organic solvents at low (≤50%, v/v) and high (≥90%, v/v) concentrations. This study was conducted to examine how collagen reacts when exposed to low and high concentrations of ethanol, one of the solvents used to make collagen-based biomaterials. Solubility testing indicated that collagen remains in solution at low concentrations (≤50%, v/v) of ethanol but precipitates (gel-like) thereafter, irrespective of the method of addition of ethanol (single shot or gradual addition); this behavior is different from that observed recently with acetonitrile. Collagen retains its triple helix in the presence of ethanol but becomes thermodynamically unstable, with substantially reduced melting temperature, with increasing concentration of ethanol. It was also found that the CD ellipticity at 222 nm, characteristic of the triple-helical structure, does not correlate with the thermal stability of collagen. Time-dependent experiments reveal that the collagen triple helix is kinetically stable in the presence of 0-40% (v/v) ethanol at low temperature (5 °C) but highly unstable in the presence of ethanol at elevated temperature (~34 °C). These results indicate that when ethanol is used to process collagen-based biomaterials, such factors as temperature and duration should be done taking into account, to prevent extensive damage to the triple-helical structure of collagen.
Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple collocation analysis
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
To date, triple collocation (TC) analysis is one of the most important methods for the global scale evaluation of remotely sensed soil moisture data sets. In this study we review existing implementations of soil moisture TC analysis as well as investigations of the assumptions underlying the method....
[Triple fracture of the shoulder suspensory complex].
Tamimi Mariño, I; Martin Rodríguez, I; Mora Villadeamigo, J
The superior suspensory complex of the shoulder (SSCS) is a ring shaped structure composed of bones and soft tissues that play a fundamental role in the stability of the shoulder joint. Isolated injuries of the SSCS are relatively common, but injuries that affect 3 components are extremely unusual. We present a triple injury of the SSCS in a 26 year old patient with a Neer type ii clavicular fracture, a Kuhn type iii acromion fracture and an Ogawa type i coracoid fracture. An open reduction and stabilization of the clavicle was performed with 2 Kirschner nails. The acromial fracture was synthesized with 2 cannulated screws, and the coracoid fracture was treated conservatively. After 24 months of follow up the patient had an excellent functional outcome according to the Constat-Murley shoulder score and QuickDASH scoring system, and all the fractures healed correctly. Copyright © 2013 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
The proteomic landscape of triple-negative breast cancer.
Lawrence, Robert T; Perez, Elizabeth M; Hernández, Daniel; Miller, Chris P; Haas, Kelsey M; Irie, Hanna Y; Lee, Su-In; Blau, C Anthony; Villén, Judit
Triple-negative breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease characterized by poor clinical outcomes and a shortage of targeted treatment options. To discover molecular features of triple-negative breast cancer, we performed quantitative proteomics analysis of twenty human-derived breast cell lines and four primary breast tumors to a depth of more than 12,000 distinct proteins. We used this data to identify breast cancer subtypes at the protein level and demonstrate the precise quantification of biomarkers, signaling proteins, and biological pathways by mass spectrometry. We integrated proteomics data with exome sequence resources to identify genomic aberrations that affect protein expression. We performed a high-throughput drug screen to identify protein markers of drug sensitivity and understand the mechanisms of drug resistance. The genome and proteome provide complementary information that, when combined, yield a powerful engine for therapeutic discovery. This resource is available to the cancer research community to catalyze further analysis and investigation. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A Cobalt Supramolecular Triple-Stranded Helicate-based Discrete Molecular Cage
Mai, Hien Duy; Kang, Philjae; Kim, Jin Kyung; Yoo, Hyojong
We report a strategy to achieve a discrete cage molecule featuring a high level of structural hierarchy through a multiple-assembly process. A cobalt (Co) supramolecular triple-stranded helicate (Co-TSH)-based discrete molecular cage (1) is successfully synthesized and fully characterized. The solid-state structure of 1 shows that it is composed of six triple-stranded helicates interconnected by four linking cobalt species. This is an unusual example of a highly symmetric cage architecture resulting from the coordination-driven assembly of metallosupramolecular modules. The molecular cage 1 shows much higher CO2 uptake properties and selectivity compared with the separate supramolecular modules (Co-TSH, complex 2) and other molecular platforms. PMID:28262690
Zhang, Dongjing; Lees, Rosemary Susan; Xi, Zhiyong; Bourtzis, Kostas; Gilles, Jeremie R L
Combination of the sterile insect technique with the incompatible insect technique is considered to be a safe approach to control Aedes albopictus populations in the absence of an accurate and scalable sex separation system or genetic sexing strain. Our previous study has shown that the triple Wolbachia-infected Ae. albopictus strain (wAlbA, wAlbB and wPip) was suitable for mass rearing and females could be completely sterilized as pupae with a radiation dose of at least 28 Gy. However, whether this radiation dose can influence the mating competitiveness of the triple infected males was still unknown. In this study we aimed to evaluate the effects of irradiation on the male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain under laboratory and semi-field conditions. The results herein indicate that irradiation with a lower, female-sterilizing dose has no negative impact on the longevity of triple infected males while a reduced lifespan was observed in the wild type males (wAlbA and wAlbB) irradiated with a higher male-sterilizing dose, in small cages. At different sterile: fertile release ratios in small cages, triple-infected males induced 39.8, 81.6 and 87.8% sterility in a wild type female population at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, relative to a fertile control population. Similarly, irradiated triple infected males induced 31.3, 70.5 and 89.3% sterility at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, again relative to the fertile control. Under semi-field conditions at a 5:1 release ratio, relative to wild type males, the mean male mating competitiveness index of 28 Gy irradiated triple-infected males was significantly higher than 35 Gy irradiated wild type males, while triple infected males showed no difference in mean mating competitiveness to either irradiated triple-infected or irradiated wild type males. An unexpected difference was also observed in the relative male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain after
Zhang, Dongjing; Lees, Rosemary Susan; Xi, Zhiyong; Bourtzis, Kostas; Gilles, Jeremie R. L.
Combination of the sterile insect technique with the incompatible insect technique is considered to be a safe approach to control Aedes albopictus populations in the absence of an accurate and scalable sex separation system or genetic sexing strain. Our previous study has shown that the triple Wolbachia-infected Ae. albopictus strain (wAlbA, wAlbB and wPip) was suitable for mass rearing and females could be completely sterilized as pupae with a radiation dose of at least 28 Gy. However, whether this radiation dose can influence the mating competitiveness of the triple infected males was still unknown. In this study we aimed to evaluate the effects of irradiation on the male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain under laboratory and semi-field conditions. The results herein indicate that irradiation with a lower, female-sterilizing dose has no negative impact on the longevity of triple infected males while a reduced lifespan was observed in the wild type males (wAlbA and wAlbB) irradiated with a higher male-sterilizing dose, in small cages. At different sterile: fertile release ratios in small cages, triple-infected males induced 39.8, 81.6 and 87.8% sterility in a wild type female population at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, relative to a fertile control population. Similarly, irradiated triple infected males induced 31.3, 70.5 and 89.3% sterility at 1:1, 5:1 and 10:1 release ratios, respectively, again relative to the fertile control. Under semi-field conditions at a 5:1 release ratio, relative to wild type males, the mean male mating competitiveness index of 28 Gy irradiated triple-infected males was significantly higher than 35 Gy irradiated wild type males, while triple infected males showed no difference in mean mating competitiveness to either irradiated triple-infected or irradiated wild type males. An unexpected difference was also observed in the relative male mating competitiveness of the triple infected strain after
An, Changlong; Beard, William A; Chen, Desheng; Wilson, Samuel H; Makridakis, Nick M
Human DNA polymerase (pol) β is essential for base excision repair. We previously reported a triple somatic mutant of pol β (p.P261L/T292A/I298T) found in an early onset prostate tumor. This mutation abolishes polymerase activity, and the wild-type allele was not present in the tumor, indicating a complete deficiency in pol β function. The effect on polymerase activity is unexpected because the point mutations that comprise the triple mutant are not part of the active site. Herein, we demonstrate the mechanism of this loss-of-function. In order to understand the effect of the individual point mutations we biochemically analyzed all single and double mutants that comprise the triple mutant. We found that the p.I298T mutation is responsible for a marked instability of the triple mutant protein at 37˚C. At room temperature the triple mutant's low efficiency is also due to a decrease in the apparent binding affinity for the dNTP substrate, which is due to the p.T292A mutation. Furthermore, the triple mutant displays lower fidelity for transversions in vitro, due to the p.T292A mutation. We conclude that distinct mutations of the triple pol β mutant are responsible for the loss of activity, lower fidelity, and instability observed in vitro.
Physics of lateral triple quantum-dot molecules with controlled electron numbers.
Hsieh, Chang-Yu; Shim, Yun-Pil; Korkusinski, Marek; Hawrylak, Pawel
We review the recent progress in theory and experiments with lateral triple quantum dots with controlled electron numbers down to one electron in each dot. The theory covers electronic and spin properties as a function of topology, number of electrons, gate voltage and external magnetic field. The orbital Hund's rules and Nagaoka ferromagnetism, magnetic frustration and chirality, interplay of quantum interference and electron-electron interactions and geometrical phases are described and related to charging and transport spectroscopy. Fabrication techniques and recent experiments are covered, as well as potential applications of triple quantum-dot molecule in coherent control, spin manipulation and quantum computation.
Triple oxygen isotope composition of leaf waters in Mpala, central Kenya
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Shuning; Levin, Naomi E.; Soderberg, Keir; Dennis, Kate J.; Caylor, Kelly K.
Variations in triple oxygen isotopes have been used in studies of atmospheric photochemistry, global productivity and increasingly in studies of hydroclimate. Understanding the distribution of triple oxygen isotopes in plant waters is critical to studying the fluxes of oxygen isotopes between the atmosphere and hydrosphere, in which plants play an important role. In this paper we report triple oxygen isotope data for stem and leaf waters from Mpala, Kenya and explore how Δ17 O, the deviation from an expected relationship between 17O /16O and 18O /16O ratios, in plant waters vary with respect to relative humidity and deuterium excess (d-excess). We observe significant variation in Δ17 O among waters in leaves and stems from a single plant (up to 0.16‰ range in Δ17 O in leaf water in a plant over the course of a signal day), which correlates to changes in relative humidity. A steady state model for evaporation in leaf water reproduces the majority of variation in Δ17 O and d-excess we observed in leaf waters, except for samples that were collected in the morning, when relative humidity is high and the degree of fractionation in the system is minimal. The data and the steady state model indicate that the slope, λtransp, that links δ17 O and δ18 O values of stem and leaf waters and characterizes the fractionation during transpiration, is strongly influenced by the isotopic composition of ambient vapor when relative humidity is high. We observe a strong, positive relationship between d-excess and Δ17 O, with a slope 2.2 ± 0.2 per meg ‰-1, which is consistent with the observed relationship in tropical rainfall and in water in an evaporating open pan. The strong linear relationship between d-excess and Δ17 O should be typical for any process involving evaporation or any other fractionation that is governed by kinetic effects.
DePasquale, Nicole; Zarit, Steven H; Mogle, Jacqueline; Moen, Phyllis; Hammer, Leslie B; Almeida, David M
Based on the stress process model of family caregiving, this study examined subjective stress appraisals and perceived schedule control among men employed in the long-term care industry (workplace-only caregivers) who concurrently occupied unpaid family caregiving roles for children (double-duty child caregivers), older adults (double-duty elder caregivers), and both children and older adults (triple-duty caregivers). Survey responses from 123 men working in nursing home facilities in the United States were analyzed using multiple linear regression models. Results indicated that workplace-only and double- and triple-duty caregivers' appraised primary stress similarly. However, several differences emerged with respect to secondary role strains, specifically work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions. Schedule control also constituted a stress buffer for double- and triple-duty caregivers, particularly among double-duty elder caregivers. These findings contribute to the scarce literature on double- and triple-duty caregiving men and have practical implications for recruitment and retention strategies in the health care industry.
Determination of the Latent Heats and Triple Point of Perfluorocyclobutane
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Briggs, A. G.; Strachan, A. N.
Proposes the use of Perfluorocyclobutane in physical chemistry courses to conduct experiments on latent heat, triple point temperatures and pressures, boiling points, and entropy of vaporization. (SL)
Prenatal diagnosis and prognosis of triple X syndrome: 47, XXX.
Ben Hamouda, H; Mkacher, N; Elghezal, H; Bannour, H; Kamoun, M; Soua, H; Saad, A; Souissi, M M; Sfar, M T
Triple X syndrome is a relatively common sex chromosomal abnormality occurring in 0,1% of live-born female infants. Most of these infants have a normal phenotype and only a few cases with 47, XXX karyotype have congenital malformations. We report three cases of triple X syndrome that were diagnosed prenatally by genetic amniocentesis for advanced maternal age and have been observed from birth to age of 3 to 12 years. A description of their growth and development is presented. The birth weight was normal in all patients and one of them had facial dysmorphism with right microphtalmia and auricular septal defect. During the first 2 years of life, the neuromotor development of these infants was not distinguishable from chromosomally normal children. By 3 years of age, two patients have a moderate developmental delay in speech and language. One girl 12-year-old had normal schooling. The diagnosis of the triple X syndrome can be never made because clinical demonstrations are not rather important to arouse the demand of a karyotype. Prenatal diagnosis is often made in front of the advanced maternal age. Expectant parents must be counseled as to the significance of this 47, XXX karyotype and prognostic information must be given.
Olk, R Joseph; Peralta, Enrique; Gierhart, Dennis L; Brown, Gary C; Brown, Melissa M
Reports of triple combination therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) suggest a benefit, as do reports for zeaxanthin. An interventional comparative study was thus undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of triple combination therapy with and without zeaxanthin, as well as the economic viability of the therapies. The cases of 543 consecutive eyes of 424 patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to AMD were reviewed. All eyes were treated with triple combination therapy (triple therapy) consisting of: (1) reduced-fluence photodynamic therapy with verteporfin, (2) intravitreal bevacizumab and (3) intravitreal dexamethasone. Therapy was repeated as necessary. One cohort of patients was also given supplementation with 20 mg of oral zeaxanthin (Zx) daily. The triple therapy group without Zx received a mean of 2.8 treatment cycles and 87 % of patients had stable or improved vision at 24 months. In the triple therapy group with Zx, the mean number of treatment cycles was 2.1, with 83 % of patients having stable or improved vision at 24 months. At 24 months, CNV developed in 12.5 % of fellow eyes treated with triple therapy alone; CNV developed in 6.25 % of eyes treated with triple therapy with Zx (p = 0.03). An average cost-utility analysis revealed that triple therapy was cost-effective with a cost-utility ratio of $26,574/QALY, while triple therapy with Zx was more cost-effective with an average cost-utility ratio of $19,962/QALY. The incremental cost-utility analysis assessing the addition of Zx to triple therapy disclosed Zx supplementation was very cost-effective at $5302/QALY. When it was assumed that triple therapy with Zx reduced fellow eye CNV development by 30.3 %, the incremental cost-utility dropped to (-$6332/QALY), indicating that adding Zx to triple therapy yielded greater patient value, and was also less expensive than using triple therapy alone. Triple therapy is comparatively effective and cost
Experimental results of use of triple-energy X-ray beam with K-edge filter in multi-energy imaging
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, D.; Lee, S.; Jeon, P.-H.
Multi-energy imaging is useful for contrast enhancement of lesions, quantitative analysis of specific materials and material separation in the human body. Generally, dual-energy methods are applied to discriminating two materials, but this method cannot discriminate more than two materials. Photon-counting detectors provide spectral information from polyenergetic X-rays using multiple energy bins. In this work, we developed triple-energy X-ray beams using a filter with K-edge energy and applied them experimentally. The energy spectra of triple-energy X-ray beams were assessed by using a spectrometer. The designed triple-energy X-ray beams were validated by measuring quantitative evaluations with mean energy ratio (MER), contrast variation ratio (CVR) and exposure efficiency (EE). Then, triple-energy X-ray beams were used to extract density map of three materials, iodine (I), aluminum (Al) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The results of the thickness density maps obtained with the developed triple-energy X-ray beams were compared to those acquired using the photon-counting method. As a result, it was found experimentally that the proposed triple-energy X-ray beam technique can separate the three materials as well as the photon-counting method.
Binary Black Hole Mergers from Field Triples: Properties, Rates, and the Impact of Stellar Evolution
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Antonini, Fabio; Toonen, Silvia; Hamers, Adrian S.
We consider the formation of binary black hole (BH) mergers through the evolution of field massive triple stars. In this scenario, favorable conditions for the inspiral of a BH binary are initiated by its gravitational interaction with a distant companion, rather than by a common-envelope phase invoked in standard binary evolution models. We use a code that follows self-consistently the evolution of massive triple stars, combining the secular triple dynamics (Lidov–Kozai cycles) with stellar evolution. After a BH triple is formed, its dynamical evolution is computed using either the orbit-averaged equations of motion, or a high-precision direct integrator for triplesmore » with weaker hierarchies for which the secular perturbation theory breaks down. Most BH mergers in our models are produced in the latter non-secular dynamical regime. We derive the properties of the merging binaries and compute a BH merger rate in the range (0.3–1.3) Gpc{sup −3} yr{sup −1}, or up to ≈2.5 Gpc{sup −3} yr{sup −1} if the BH orbital planes have initially random orientation. Finally, we show that BH mergers from the triple channel have significantly higher eccentricities than those formed through the evolution of massive binaries or in dense star clusters. Measured eccentricities could therefore be used to uniquely identify binary mergers formed through the evolution of triple stars. While our results suggest up to ≈10 detections per year with Advanced-LIGO, the high eccentricities could render the merging binaries harder to detect with planned space based interferometers such as LISA.« less
Triple collinear emissions in parton showers
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Höche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
A framework to include triple collinear splitting functions into parton showers is presented, and the implementation of flavor-changing NLO splitting kernels is discussed as a first application. The correspondence between the Monte-Carlo integration and the analytic computation of NLO DGLAP evolution kernels is made explicit for both timelike and spacelike parton evolution. Numerical simulation results are obtained with two independent implementations of the new algorithm, using the two independent event generation frameworks Pythia and Sherpa.
On The Attitude Dynamics Of Central Bodies Of Triples Systems 87 Sylvia, 45 Eugenia And 2001sn263.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boldrin, Luiz Augusto; Winter, O. C.; Vieira Neto, E.
The study of multiple asteroids is a great key for knowledge of our solar system past, since they are remaining objects of the formation of planets. Starting from that motivation, in a previous work on the system (87) Sylvia we studied the dynamics of Sylvia's satellites perturbed by the Sun and Jupiter. In that work it was shown that Romulus and Remus experience strong secular perturbations from the Sun and Jupiter, which could destabilize them. We also found out that the flatness (J2) of the central body is of extreme importance in the stability of the orbits of the satellites. From these results, we decided to do a study on the attitude motion of the main body of this kind of system and analyze its influence on the orbital motion of its satellites. The attitude motion of the central body of the triples systems 87 Sylvia, 45 Eugenia and 2001SN263 have been studied taking into account the torques from its satellites, the Sun and Jupiter. Analyzing the results through the temporal variation of the right ascension and declination of the central body's pole, we found that the satellites induce short period and low amplitude oscillations, and the Sun and Jupiter only provide large oscillations observed in long timescales. It was also observed a coupling between the orbital plane of the satellites and the equator plane of the central body, in such a way that the orbital plane always follows the equatorial plane of the central body, even with the latter experiencing great variations. Acknowledgements: CAPES, FAPESP and CNPq.
Hypertension management: rationale for triple therapy based on mechanisms of action.
Neutel, Joel M; Smith, David H G
An estimated 25% of patients will require 3 antihypertensive agents to achieve blood pressure (BP) control; combination therapy is thus an important strategy in hypertension treatment. This review discusses the triple-therapy combination of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) or direct renin antagonist (DRI) with a calcium channel blocker (CCB) and a diuretic, with a focus on mechanisms of action. Multiple physiologic pathways contribute to hypertension. Combining antihypertensive agents not only better targets the underlying pathways, but also helps blunt compensatory responses that may be triggered by single-agent therapy. DRIs and ARBs target the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) at the initial and final steps, respectively, and both classes lower BP by reducing the effects of angiotensin-2; however, ARBs may trigger a compensatory increase in renin activity. Dihydropyridine CCBs target L-type calcium channels and lower BP through potent vasodilation, but can trigger compensatory activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and RAAS. Thiazide diuretics lower BP initially through sodium depletion and plasma volume reduction, followed by total peripheral resistance reduction, but can also trigger compensatory activation of the SNS and RAAS. The combination of an agent targeting the RAAS with a CCB and diuretic is rational, and triple combinations of valsartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide, olmesartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide, and aliskiren/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide have demonstrated greater effectiveness compared with their respective dual-component combinations. In addition, single-pill, fixed-dose combinations can address barriers to BP control including clinical inertia and poor adherence. Fixed-dose antihypertensive combination products capitalize on complementary mechanisms of action and have been shown to result in improved BP control. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hirayama, S; Takayanagi, T; Fujii, Y
Purpose: To present the validity of our beam modeling with double and triple Gaussian dose kernels for spot scanning proton beams in Nagoya Proton Therapy Center. This study investigates the conformance between the measurements and calculation results in absolute dose with two types of beam kernel. Methods: A dose kernel is one of the important input data required for the treatment planning software. The dose kernel is the 3D dose distribution of an infinitesimal pencil beam of protons in water and consists of integral depth doses and lateral distributions. We have adopted double and triple Gaussian model as lateral distributionmore » in order to take account of the large angle scattering due to nuclear reaction by fitting simulated inwater lateral dose profile for needle proton beam at various depths. The fitted parameters were interpolated as a function of depth in water and were stored as a separate look-up table for the each beam energy. The process of beam modeling is based on the method of MDACC [X.R.Zhu 2013]. Results: From the comparison results between the absolute doses calculated by double Gaussian model and those measured at the center of SOBP, the difference is increased up to 3.5% in the high-energy region because the large angle scattering due to nuclear reaction is not sufficiently considered at intermediate depths in the double Gaussian model. In case of employing triple Gaussian dose kernels, the measured absolute dose at the center of SOBP agrees with calculation within ±1% regardless of the SOBP width and maximum range. Conclusion: We have demonstrated the beam modeling results of dose distribution employing double and triple Gaussian dose kernel. Treatment planning system with the triple Gaussian dose kernel has been successfully verified and applied to the patient treatment with a spot scanning technique in Nagoya Proton Therapy Center.« less
Establishment of a New National Reference Ensemble of Water Triple Point Cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Senn, Remo
The results of the Bilateral Comparison EURAMET.T-K3.5 (w/VSL, The Netherlands) with the goal to link Switzerland's ITS-90 realization (Ar to Al) to the latest key comparisons gave strong indications for a discrepancy in the realization of the triple point of water. Due to the age of the cells of about twenty years, it was decided to replace the complete reference ensemble with new "state-of-the-art" cells. Three new water triple point cells from three different suppliers were purchased, as well as a new maintenance bath for an additional improvement of the realization. In several loops measurements were taken, each cell of both ensembles intercompared, and the deviations and characteristics determined. The measurements show a significant lower average value of the old ensemble of 0.59 ± 0.25 mK (k=2) in comparison with the new one. Likewise, the behavior of the old cells is very unstable with a drift downward during the realization of the triple point. Based on these results the impact of the new ensemble on the ITS-90 realization from Ar to Al was calculated and set in the context to performed calibrations and their related uncertainties in the past. This paper presents the instrumentation, cells, measurement procedure, results, uncertainties and impact of the new national reference ensemble of water triple point cells on the current ITS-90 realization in Switzerland.
Quadrupolar, Triple [Delta]-Function Potential in One Dimension
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Patil, S. H.
The energy and parity eigenstates for quadrupolar, triple [delta]-function potential are analysed. Using the analytical solutions in specific domains, simple expressions are obtained for even- and odd-parity bound-state energies. The Heisenberg uncertainty product is observed to have a minimum for a specific strength of the potential. The…
Northwest corner, showing arcade at ground level, and triple leaded ...
Northwest corner, showing arcade at ground level, and triple leaded glass windows of bender room high on north elevation. - Stanford University Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, CA
Triple-layered polyurethane prosthesis with wrinkles for repairing partial tracheal defects.
Lee, Ja H; Park, Hae S; Oh, Se H; Lee, Jin H; Kim, Jin R; Kim, Hyun J; Jung, Soo Y; Chung, Sung M; Choi, Hong S; Kim, Han S
The purpose of this study was to develop a triple-layered artificial polyurethane (PU) scaffold with a wrinkled layer for reconstruction of partial tracheal defects. Animal experiment. PU/Pluronic F127 solution was transformed into an asymmetrically porous PU membrane by an immersion precipitation method. The nonporous wrinkled film was prepared by a simple casting of the PU solution on a grooved mold. The triple-layered wrinkled PU scaffolds were fabricated by simple inosculating between the wrinkled film and the porous membranes as in a sandwich (porous/wrinkled/porous structure). Scaffolds were transplanted into 10 New Zealand rabbits after creating tracheal windows. Endoscopic and histological examinations and mechanical tests were performed. The thickness and outer pore size of the prepared triple-layered PU scaffold were ∼1.95 mm and ∼200 μm, respectively. The wrinkled PU scaffold showed better maximum flexural strength compared to the nonwrinkled scaffold (1.03 ± 0.19 vs. 0.56 ± 0.09 MPa). Eight of 10 rabbits survived through all of the examinations and procedures. Endoscopic findings revealed that respiratory mucosa was observed over the scaffold at 3 weeks, and it was an entirely covered scaffold at 6 weeks. The circular framework of the tracheal lumen was maintained in seven of 10 rabbits. Histologic findings showed that ciliated respiratory mucosa covered the surface of the scaffolds. The tensile strength of the scaffold-implanted trachea was lower than that of the normal control. A wrinkled, triple-layered PU scaffold can be used as a ready-made scaffold for reconstruction of partial tracheal defects. NA. © 2014 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.
Triple coupling and parameter resonance in quantum optomechanics with a single atom
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chang, Yue; Ian, H.; Sun, C. P.
We study the energy level structure and quantum dynamics for a cavity optomechanical system assisted by a single atom. It is found that a triple coupling involving a photon, a phonon and an atom cannot be described only by the quasi-orbital angular momentum at frequency resonance, there also exists the phenomenon of parameter resonance, namely, when the system parameters are matched in some way, the evolution of the end mirror of the cavity is conditioned by the dressed states of the photon-atom subsystem. The quantum decoherence due to this conditional dynamics is studied in detail. In the quasi-classical limit of very large angular momentum, this system will behave like a standard cavity-QED system described by the Jaynes-Cummings (J-C) model when the angular momentum operators are transformed to bosonic operators of a single mode. We test this observation with an experimentally accessible parameter.
Compositional limits and analogs of monoclinic triple-chain silicates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jenkins, David M.; Gilleaudeau, Geoffrey J.; Kawa, Cynthia; Dibiase, Jaclyn M.; Fokin, Maria
Growing recognition of triple-chain silicates in nature has prompted experimental research into the conditions under which they can form and the extent of solid solution that is feasible for some key chemical substitutions. Experiments were done primarily in the range of 0.1-0.5 GPa and 200-850 °C for durations of 18-1,034 h. A wide range of bulk compositions were explored in this study that can be classified broadly into two groups: those that are Na free and involve various possible chemical substitutions into jimthompsonite (Mg10Si12O32(OH)4), and those that are Na bearing and involve chemical substitutions into the ideal end-member Na4Mg8Si12O32(OH)4. Numerous attempts to synthesize jimthompsonite or clinojimthompsonite were unsuccessful despite the type of starting material used (reagent oxides, magnesite + SiO2, talc + enstatite, or anthophyllite). Similarly, the chemical substitutions of F- for OH-, Mn2+, Ca2+, or Fe2+ for Mg2+, and 2Li+ for Mg2+ and a vacancy were unsuccessful at nucleating triple-chain silicates. Conversely, nearly pure yields of monoclinic triple-chain silicate could be made at temperatures of 440-630 °C and 0.2 GPa from the composition Na4Mg8Si12O32(OH)4, as found in previous studies, though its composition is most likely depleted in Na as evidenced by electron microprobe and FTIR analysis. Pure yields of triple-chain silicate were also obtained for the F-analog composition Na4Mg8Si12O32F4 at 550-750 °C and 0.2-0.5 GPa if a flux consisting of Na-halide salt and water in a 2:1 ratio by weight was used. In addition, limited chemical substitution could be documented for the substitutions of 2 Na+ for Na+ + H+ and of Mg2+ + vacancy for 2Na+. For the former, the Na content appears to be limited to 2.5 cations giving the ideal composition of Na2.5Mg8Si12O30.5(OH)5.5, while for the latter substitution the Na content may go as low as 1.1 cations giving the composition Na1.1Mg9.4Si12O31.9(OH)4.1 based on a fixed number of Si cations. Further
Evaluation of assumptions in soil moisture triple collocation analysis
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Triple collocation analysis (TCA) enables estimation of error variances for three or more products that retrieve or estimate the same geophysical variable using mutually-independent methods. Several statistical assumptions regarding the statistical nature of errors (e.g., mutual independence and ort...
Photodissociation of methyl formate: Conical intersections, roaming and triple fragmentation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lin, King-Chuen; Tsai, Po-Yu; Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 106, Taiwan
The photodissociation channels of methyl formate have been extensively investigated by two different advanced experimental techniques, ion imaging and Fourier-Transform-Infrared emission spectroscopy, combined with quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. Our aim is to characterize the role of alternative routes to the conventional transition-state mediated pathway: the roaming and the triple fragmentation processes. The photolysis experiments, carried out at a range of laser wavelengths in the vicinity of the triple fragmentation threshold, beside the simulation of large bunches of classical trajectories with different initial conditions, have shown that both mechanisms share a common path that involves a conical intersectionmore » during the relaxation process from the electronic excited state S{sub 1} to the ground state S{sub 0}.« less
Boyle, Cynthia L; Sanders, Matthew R; Lutzker, John R; Prinz, Ronald J; Shapiro, Cheri; Whitaker, Daniel J
The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is owned by the University of Queensland (UQ). The University through its main technology transfer company UniQuest Pty Limited has licensed Triple P International Pty Ltd to disseminate the program worldwide. Royalties stemming from this dissemination activity are distributed to the Parenting and Family Support Centre, School of Psychology, UQ; Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at UQ; and contributory authors. No author has any share or ownership in Triple P International Pty Ltd. Matthew Sanders is the founder and an author on various Triple P programs and a consultant to Triple P International. Karen Turner is an author of various Triple P programs. Ronald Prinz is a consultant to Triple P International. Cheri Shapiro is a consultant to Triple P America.
Triple tracks in CR-39 as the result of Pd-D Co-deposition: evidence of energetic neutrons.
Mosier-Boss, Pamela A; Szpak, Stanislaw; Gordon, Frank E; Forsley, Lawrence P G
Since the announcement by Fleischmann and Pons that the excess enthalpy generated in the negatively polarized Pd-D-D(2)O system was attributable to nuclear reactions occurring inside the Pd lattice, there have been reports of other manifestations of nuclear activities in this system. In particular, there have been reports of tritium and helium-4 production; emission of energetic particles, gamma or X-rays, and neutrons; as well as the transmutation of elements. In this communication, the results of Pd-D co-deposition experiments conducted with the cathode in close contact with CR-39, a solid-state nuclear etch detector, are reported. Among the solitary tracks due to individual energetic particles, triple tracks are observed. Microscopic examination of the bottom of the triple track pit shows that the three lobes of the track are splitting apart from a center point. The presence of three alpha-particle tracks outgoing from a single point is diagnostic of the (12)C(n,n')3alpha carbon breakup reaction and suggests that DT reactions that produce > or = 9.6 MeV neutrons are occurring inside the Pd lattice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the production of energetic (> or = 9.6 MeV) neutrons in the Pd-D system.
Spong, C Y; Ghidini, A; Stanley-Christian, H; Meck, J M; Seydel, F D; Pezzullo, J C
Previous studies have shown that mid-trimester maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels are significantly higher and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels significantly lower in women with male compared with female fetuses. We have evaluated whether triple-screen criteria are more likely to identify women with female fetuses as at risk for Down syndrome. From the Georgetown University genetics database we obtained the absolute values and corresponding multiples of the median (MoM) for AFP, hCG and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) in singleton gestations for the period database November 1992 July 1996. A Down syndrome risk of 1/270 or greater at mid-trimester was considered as high risk. A total of 977 patients with triple screen and outcome information were identified, including 502 female and 475 male fetuses. Patients with female fetuses were significantly more likely to have lower serum AFP (p=0.003) and a positive triple screen for Down syndrome (72 (14 per cent) versus 45 (9 per cent), p<0.02) than those with male fetuses. The gestational age at triple screen, maternal serum hCG and uE3, race and diabetes were not significantly different between the two groups. Since Down syndrome is less common in female than male fetuses, and the rates of female and male Down syndrome fetuses detected by triple screen and subsequent amniocentesis are not significantly different, the excess of positive mid-trimester maternal serum triple screen in women with female fetuses is likely due to false-positive results.
Triple collinear emissions in parton showers
Hoche, Stefan; Prestel, Stefan
A framework to include triple collinear splitting functions into parton showers is presented, and the implementation of flavor-changing next-to-leading-order (NLO) splitting kernels is discussed as a first application. The correspondence between the Monte Carlo integration and the analytic computation of NLO DGLAP evolution kernels is made explicit for both timelike and spacelike parton evolution. Finally, numerical simulation results are obtained with two independent implementations of the new algorithm, using the two independent event generation frameworks PYTHIA and SHERPA.
Residential Density: The Effects of Tripling College Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Clark, Elizabeth A.; Jackson, Shannon; Everhart, Deborah
Due to a greater number of students enrolling in higher educational institutions, an increase in demand for housing on college campuses exists putting a strain on infrastructure. In order to accommodate the students, some universities are tripling students in residential settings by putting three students in a room originally designed for two.…
Takayama, Koji; Furusyo, Norihiro; Ogawa, Eiichi; Ikezaki, Hiroaki; Shimizu, Motohiro; Murata, Masayuki; Hayashi, Jun
AIM: To investigate the impact of telaprevir-based triple therapy on the serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level of chronic hepatitis C patients. METHODS: A total of 210 patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 of high viral load (baseline serum hepatitis C virus RNA > 5.0 log10 IU/mL) were divided into two groups by type of treatment: triple therapy with telaprevir, pegylated-interferon-α (PEG-IFNα), and ribavirin (RBV) for 24 wk (n = 88), or dual therapy with PEG-IFNα and RBV for 48 wk (n = 122). The relationship between virological response and the change in the serum AFP level from baseline to 24 wk after the end of treatment was examined. RESULTS: No significant difference in mean baseline AFP level was found between the triple and dual therapy groups (8.8 ng/mL vs 7.8 ng/mL). Triple therapy produced significant declines in the AFP level in sustained virological response (SVR) and non-SVR patients (7.8 ng/mL at baseline to 3.5 ng/mL at 24 wk after the end of treatment, P < 0.001 and 14.3 ng/mL to 9.5 ng/mL, P = 0.004, respectively). In contrast, dual therapy resulted in a significant decline in AFP level only in SVR patients (4.7 ng/mL to 2.8 ng/mL, P < 0.001), but not in non-SVR patients (10.2 ng/mL to 10.1 ng/mL). Among patients with a high-baseline AFP level (≥ 10 ng/mL), the decline in the AFP level was significantly higher in the triple therapy than in the dual therapy group (15.9 ng/mL vs 1.6 ng/mL, P = 0.037). CONCLUSION: Regardless of virological response, telaprevir-based triple therapy reduced the serum AFP level. PMID:25914481
Takayama, Koji; Furusyo, Norihiro; Ogawa, Eiichi; Ikezaki, Hiroaki; Shimizu, Motohiro; Murata, Masayuki; Hayashi, Jun
To investigate the impact of telaprevir-based triple therapy on the serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level of chronic hepatitis C patients. A total of 210 patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 of high viral load (baseline serum hepatitis C virus RNA > 5.0 log10 IU/mL) were divided into two groups by type of treatment: triple therapy with telaprevir, pegylated-interferon-α (PEG-IFNα), and ribavirin (RBV) for 24 wk (n = 88), or dual therapy with PEG-IFNα and RBV for 48 wk (n = 122). The relationship between virological response and the change in the serum AFP level from baseline to 24 wk after the end of treatment was examined. No significant difference in mean baseline AFP level was found between the triple and dual therapy groups (8.8 ng/mL vs 7.8 ng/mL). Triple therapy produced significant declines in the AFP level in sustained virological response (SVR) and non-SVR patients (7.8 ng/mL at baseline to 3.5 ng/mL at 24 wk after the end of treatment, P < 0.001 and 14.3 ng/mL to 9.5 ng/mL, P = 0.004, respectively). In contrast, dual therapy resulted in a significant decline in AFP level only in SVR patients (4.7 ng/mL to 2.8 ng/mL, P < 0.001), but not in non-SVR patients (10.2 ng/mL to 10.1 ng/mL). Among patients with a high-baseline AFP level (≥ 10 ng/mL), the decline in the AFP level was significantly higher in the triple therapy than in the dual therapy group (15.9 ng/mL vs 1.6 ng/mL, P = 0.037). Regardless of virological response, telaprevir-based triple therapy reduced the serum AFP level.
Lee, Jang-Woo; Yoo, Young-Tai; Lee, Jae Yeol
Ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) actuators based on two types of triple-layered Nafion composite membranes were prepared via consecutive solution recasting and electroless plating methods. The triple-layered membranes are composed of a Nafion layer containing an amphiphilic organic molecule (10-camphorsulfonic acid; CSA) in the middle section (for fast and large ion conduction) and two Nafion/modified inorganic composite layers in the outer sections (for large accumulation/retention of mobile ions). For construction of the two types of IPMCs, sulfonated montmorillonite (MMT) and polypyrrole (PPy)-coated alumina fillers were incorporated into the outer layers. Both the triple-layered IPMCs exhibited 42% higher tip displacements at the maximum deflections with a negligible back-relaxation, 50-74% higher blocking forces, and more rapid responses under 3 V dc, compared with conventional single-layered Nafion-IPMCs. Improvements in cyclic displacement under a rectangular voltage input of 3 V at 1 Hz were also made in the triple-layered configurations. Compared with single-layered IPMCs consisting of the identical compositions with the respective outer composite layers, the bending rates and energy efficiencies of both the triple-layered IPMCs were significantly higher, although the blocking forces were a bit lower. These remarkable improvements were attributed to higher capacitances and Young's moduli as well as a more efficient transport of mobile ions and water through the middle layer (Nafion/CSA) and a larger accumulation/retention of the mobile species in the outer functionalized inorganic composite layers. Especially, the triple-layered IPMC with the PPy-modified alumina registered the best actuation performance among all the samples, including a viable actuation even at a low voltage of 1.5 V due to involving efficient redox reactions of PPy with the aid of hygroscopic alumina.
Park, Su Bum; Kim, Hyung Wook; Kang, Dae Hwan; Choi, Cheol Woong; Yoon, Ki Tae; Cho, Mong; Song, Byeong Jun
AIM: To investigate the usefulness of a guide wire and triple lumen needle knife for removing stones in Billroth II (B-II) gastrectomy patients. METHODS: Endoscopic sphincterotomy in patients with B-II gastrectomy is challenging. We used a new guide wire technique involving sphincterotomy by triple lumen needle knife through a forward-viewing endoscopy. This technique was performed in nine patients between August 2010 and June 2012. Sphincterotomy as described above was performed. Adequate sphincterotomy, successful stone removal, and complications were investigated prospectively. RESULTS: Sphincterotomy by triple lumen needle knife using guide wire was successful in all nine patients. Sphincterotomy started towards the 4-5 o’clock direction and continued to the upper margin of the papillary roof. Complete stone removal in one session was achieved in all patients. There were no procedure related complications, such as bleeding, pancreatitis, or perforation. CONCLUSION: In patients with B-II gastrectomy, guide wire using sphincterotomy by triple lumen needle knife through a forward-viewing endoscopy seems to be an effective and safe procedure for the removal of common bile duct stones. PMID:24409069
A New Approach for Alpha Radiography by Triple THGEM using Monte Carlo Simulation and Measurement
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khezripour, S.; Negarestani, A.; Rezaie, M. R.
In this research, alpha imaging in Self Quenching Streamer (SQS) mode is investigated using a triple Thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) detector by Monte Carlo method and experimental data. First, a semi-empirical equation is derived to represent the relation between the SQS voltage and the alpha energy in every hole of the triple THGEM. The accuracy of this equation is tested and confirmed by a high degree of consistency. Secondly, the images of objects that are irradiated by Am-241 alpha source (5.49 MeV) are recorded by a CMOS camera using triple THGEM detector in the SQS mode. The resolution of images in this paper is a function of the exposure time. For an alpha source with 150 kBq activity, an optimal time interval for exposure is about 30 sec. For exposure time less or more than 30 sec, the images are incomplete and ambiguous, respectively. The overall objective of this work is to facilitate the alpha radiography in nuclear imaging through a triple THGEM without any amplifier or complicated electrical equipment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gergely, Mathias; Cooper, Steven J.; Garrett, Timothy J.
The snowflake microstructure determines the microwave scattering properties of individual snowflakes and has a strong impact on snowfall radar signatures. In this study, individual snowflakes are represented by collections of randomly distributed ice spheres where the size and number of the constituent ice spheres are specified by the snowflake mass and surface-area-to-volume ratio (SAV) and the bounding volume of each ice sphere collection is given by the snowflake maximum dimension. Radar backscatter cross sections for the ice sphere collections are calculated at X-, Ku-, Ka-, and W-band frequencies and then used to model triple-frequency radar signatures for exponential snowflake size distributions (SSDs). Additionally, snowflake complexity values obtained from high-resolution multi-view snowflake images are used as an indicator of snowflake SAV to derive snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures. The modeled snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures cover a wide range of triple-frequency signatures that were previously determined from radar reflectivity measurements and illustrate characteristic differences related to snow type, quantified through snowflake SAV, and snowflake size. The results show high sensitivity to snowflake SAV and SSD maximum size but are generally less affected by uncertainties in the parameterization of snowflake mass, indicating the importance of snowflake SAV for the interpretation of snowfall triple-frequency radar signatures.
Cross- and triple-ratios of human body parts during development.
Lundh, Torbjörn; Udagawa, Jun; Hänel, Sven-Erik; Otani, Hiroki
Recently developed landmark-based geometric morphometry has been used to depict the morphological development of organisms. In geometry, four landmarks can be mapped to any other four by Möbius transformations, if the cross-ratio of the landmarks is invariant and vice versa. To geometrically analyze the morphological development of the human body, we examined the cross-ratio of three consecutive body parts that are segmented by four landmarks in their configuration. Moreover, we introduced the triple-ratio of five landmarks that segments four consecutive parts (e.g., the shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand) and examined their growth patterns. The cross- and triple-ratios of the upper limb and shoulder girdle in fetuses were constant when biomechanical landmarks were used, although the cross-ratio of the upper limb varied when anatomical landmarks were used. The cross-ratios of the lower limbs, trunk, and pelvic girdles in fetuses differed from their corresponding cross-ratios in adults. These results suggest Möbius growth in the fetal upper limb and shoulder girdle but not in the other body parts examined. However, the growth balance of the three contiguous body parts was represented by the developmental change in the cross-ratio. Therefore, the cross- and triple-ratios may be applicable for simple but significant assessments of growth balance or proportion of the body parts. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Yokokura, Shunji; Hariya, Takehiro; Kobayashi, Wataru; Meguro, Yasuhiko; Nishida, Kohji; Nakazawa, Toru
We describe a technique for the penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) triple procedure that uses 29-gauge dual-chandelier illumination during creation of a non-open-sky continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC). The chandeliers are inserted through the pars plana into the vitreous cavity through the bulbar conjunctiva at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions. We compared this approach with that of a core vitrectomy, in which a single 25-gauge port is inserted into the vitreous cavity transconjunctivally through the upper temporal pars plana. The area of halation around the corneal opacity was significantly smaller in the 29-gauge group than in the 25-gauge group. The reduction in halation improved visibility of the anterior capsule and enabled the surgeon to perform CCC with greater safety. The 29-gauge chandelier system was more suitable than the 25-gauge chandelier system for the non-open-sky CCC component of the PKP triple procedure. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Triple Parton Scatterings in High-Energy Proton-Proton Collisions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
d'Enterria, David; Snigirev, Alexander M.
A generic expression to compute triple parton scattering cross sections in high-energy proton-proton (p p ) collisions is presented as a function of the corresponding single parton cross sections and the transverse parton profile of the proton encoded in an effective parameter σeff,TPS . The value of σeff,TPS is closely related to the similar effective cross section that characterizes double parton scatterings, and amounts to σeff,TPS=12.5 ±4.5 mb . Estimates for triple charm (c c ¯) and bottom (b b ¯) production in p p collisions at LHC and FCC energies are presented based on next-to-next-to-leading-order perturbative calculations for single c c ¯ , b b ¯ cross sections. At √{s }≈100 TeV , about 15% of the p p collisions produce three c c ¯ pairs from three different parton-parton scatterings.
Triple Parton Scatterings in High-Energy Proton-Proton Collisions.
d'Enterria, David; Snigirev, Alexander M
A generic expression to compute triple parton scattering cross sections in high-energy proton-proton (pp) collisions is presented as a function of the corresponding single parton cross sections and the transverse parton profile of the proton encoded in an effective parameter σ_{eff,TPS}. The value of σ_{eff,TPS} is closely related to the similar effective cross section that characterizes double parton scatterings, and amounts to σ_{eff,TPS}=12.5±4.5 mb. Estimates for triple charm (cc[over ¯]) and bottom (bb[over ¯]) production in pp collisions at LHC and FCC energies are presented based on next-to-next-to-leading-order perturbative calculations for single cc[over ¯], bb[over ¯] cross sections. At sqrt[s]≈100 TeV, about 15% of the pp collisions produce three cc[over ¯] pairs from three different parton-parton scatterings.
The Fishery Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Triple Bottom Line Outcomes
Anderson, James L.; Anderson, Christopher M.; Chu, Jingjie; Meredith, Jennifer; Asche, Frank; Sylvia, Gil; Smith, Martin D.; Anggraeni, Dessy; Arthur, Robert; Guttormsen, Atle; McCluney, Jessica K.; Ward, Tim; Akpalu, Wisdom; Eggert, Håkan; Flores, Jimely; Freeman, Matthew A.; Holland, Daniel S.; Knapp, Gunnar; Kobayashi, Mimako; Larkin, Sherry; MacLauchlin, Kari; Schnier, Kurt; Soboil, Mark; Tveteras, Sigbjorn; Uchida, Hirotsugu; Valderrama, Diego
Pursuit of the triple bottom line of economic, community and ecological sustainability has increased the complexity of fishery management; fisheries assessments require new types of data and analysis to guide science-based policy in addition to traditional biological information and modeling. We introduce the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs), a broadly applicable and flexible tool for assessing performance in individual fisheries, and for establishing cross-sectional links between enabling conditions, management strategies and triple bottom line outcomes. Conceptually separating measures of performance, the FPIs use 68 individual outcome metrics—coded on a 1 to 5 scale based on expert assessment to facilitate application to data poor fisheries and sectors—that can be partitioned into sector-based or triple-bottom-line sustainability-based interpretative indicators. Variation among outcomes is explained with 54 similarly structured metrics of inputs, management approaches and enabling conditions. Using 61 initial fishery case studies drawn from industrial and developing countries around the world, we demonstrate the inferential importance of tracking economic and community outcomes, in addition to resource status. PMID:25946194
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gusinskaia, N. V.; Archibald, A. M.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Lorimer, D. R.; Ransom, S. M.; Stairs, I. H.; Lynch, R. S.
PSR J0337+1715 is a millisecond radio pulsar in a hierarchical stellar triple system containing two white dwarfs. The pulsar orbits the inner white dwarf every 1.6 days. In turn, this inner binary system orbits the outer white dwarf every 327 days. The gravitational influence of the outer white dwarf strongly accelerates the inner binary, making this system an excellent laboratory in which to test the strong equivalence principle (SEP) of general relativity - especially because the neutron star has significant gravitational self-binding energy. This system has been intensively monitored using three radio telescopes: Arecibo, Green Bank and Westerbork. Using the more than 25000 pulse times of arrival (TOAs) collected to date, we have modeled the system using direct 3-body numerical integration. Here we present our efforts to quantify the effects of systematics in the TOAs and timing residuals, which can limit the precision to which we can test the SEP in this system. In this work we describe Fourier-based techniques that we apply to the residuals in order to isolate the effects of systematics that could masquerade as an SEP violation. We also demonstrate that tidal effects are insignificant in the modeling.
Planetary Nebulae that Cannot Be Explained by Binary Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bear, Ealeal; Soker, Noam
We examine the images of hundreds of planetary nebulae (PNe) and find that for about one in six PNe the morphology is too “messy” to be accounted for by models of stellar binary interaction. We speculate that interacting triple stellar systems shaped these PNe. In this preliminary study, we qualitatively classify PNe by one of four categories. (1) PNe that show no need for a tertiary star to account for their morphology. (2) PNe whose structure possesses a pronounced departure from axial-symmetry and/or mirror-symmetry. We classify these, according to our speculation, as “having a triple stellar progenitor.” (3) PNe whose morphology possesses departure from axial-symmetry and/or mirror-symmetry, but not as pronounced as in the previous class, and are classified as “likely shaped by triple stellar system.” (4) PNe with minor departure from axial-symmetry and/or mirror-symmetry that could have been also caused by an eccentric binary system or the interstellar medium. These are classified as “maybe shaped by a triple stellar system.” Given a weight η t = 1, η l = 0.67, and η m = 0.33 to classes 2, 3, and 4, respectively, we find that according to our assumption about 13%-21% of PNe have been shaped by triple stellar systems. Although in some evolutionary scenarios not all three stars survive the evolution, we encourage the search for a triple stellar systems at the center of some PNe.
Zhao, Hong-Mei; Ou-Yang, Hong-Juan; Duan, Bo-Ping; Xu, Bin; Chen, Zhi-Yong; Tang, Juan; You, Jie-Yu
To evaluate the clinical effect of proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy combined with Saccharomyces boulardii in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection among children in terms of Hp eradication rate and incidence of adverse events. A prospective randomised controlled study was conducted on 240 children with a confirmed diagnosis of Hp infection. These patients were randomized into triple therapy (n=120) and probiotics groups (n=120). The triple therapy group received amoxicillin [40 mg/(kg·d), Tid], clarithromycin [15 mg/(kg·d), Bid] and omeprazole [0.7-0.8 mg/(kg·d), Qd], while the probiotics group received Saccharomyces boulardii (250 mg, Bid) in addition to triple therapy. The course of treatment was 14 days in both groups. The adverse events in subjects were recorded by their parents during treatment. Hp eradiation was evaluated by (13)C breath test at 4 weeks after treatment, and the eradication rate and incidence of adverse events were compared between the two groups. The Hp eradication rates were 75.8% (91/120) in the triple therapy group and 85% (102/120) in the probiotics group (P>0.05). Compared with the triple therapy group, the probiotics group had nonsignificantly lower incidence of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain (P>0.05) and significantly lower incidence of stomatitis, constipation and diarrhea (P<0.05). Triple therapy combined with Saccharomyces boulardii cannot significantly increase Hp eradication rate, but can significantly reduce the incidence of stomatitis, constipation, and diarrhea during treatment.
Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
German, C. R.; Shank, T. M.; Lilley, M. D.; Lupton, J. E.; Blackman, D. K.; Brown, K. M.; Baumberger, T.; Früh-Green, G.; Greene, R.; Saito, M. A.; Sylva, S.; Nakamura, K.; Stanway, J.; Yoerger, D. R.; Levin, L. A.; Thurber, A. R.; Sellanes, J.; Mella, M.; Muñoz, J.; Diaz-Naveas, J. L.; Inspire Science Team
In February and March 2010 we conducted preliminary exploration for hydrothermal plume signals along the East Chile Rise where it intersects the continental margin at the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ). This work was conducted as one component of our larger NOAA-OE funded INSPIRE project (Investigation of South Pacific Reducing Environments) aboard RV Melville cruise MV 1003 (PI: Andrew Thurber, Scripps) with all shiptime funded through an award of the State of California to Andrew Thurber and his co-PI's. Additional support came from the Census of Marine Life (ChEss and CoMarge projects). At sea, we conducted a series of CTD-rosette and ABE autonomous underwater vehicle operations to prospect for and determine the nature of any seafloor venting at, or adjacent to, the point where the the East Chile Rise subducts beneath the continental margin. Evidence from in situ sensing (optical backscatter, Eh) and water column analyses of dissolved CH4, δ3He and TDFe/TDMn concentrations document the presence of two discrete sites of venting, one right at the triple junction and the other a further 10km along axis, north of the Triple Junction, but still within the southernmost segment of the East Chile Rise. From an intercomparison of the abundance of different chemical signals we can intercompare likely characteristics of these differet source sites and also differentiate between them and the high methane concentrations released from cold seep sites further north along the Chile Margin, both with the CTJ region and also at the Concepcion Methane Seep Area (CMSA). This multi-disciplinary and international collaboration - involving scientists from Chile, the USA, Europe and Japan - can serve as an excellent and exciting launchpoint for wide-ranging future investigations of the Chile Triple Junction area - the only place on Earth where an oceanic spreading center is being actively subducted beneath a continent and also the only place on Earth where all known forms of deep
Mazón, P; Galve, E; Gómez, J; Gorostidi, M; Górriz, J L; Mediavilla, J D
The opinion of experts (different specialties) on the triple fixed-dose antihypertensive therapy in clinical practice may differ. Online questionnaire with controversial aspects of the triple therapy answered by panel of experts in hypertension (HT) using two-round modified Delphi method. The questionnaire was completed by 158 experts: Internal Medicine (49), Nephrology (26), Cardiology (83). Consensus was reached (agreement) on 27/45 items (60%); 7 items showed differences statistically significant. Consensus was reached regarding: Predictive factors in the need for combination therapy and its efficacy vs. increasing the dose of a pretreatment, and advantage of triple therapy (prescription/adherence/cost/pressure control) vs. free combination. This consensus provides an overview of the clinical use of triple therapy in moderate-severe and resistant/difficult to control HT. Copyright © 2016 SEH-LELHA. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Prediction of pH-dependent properties of DNA triple helices.
Hüsler, P L; Klump, H H
The thermodynamic properties of two triple helices were investigated by uv thermal denaturation, differential scanning calorimetry, and pH titrations. Starting from the grand partition function and using matrix methods we present a formalism that describes pH effects on the thermal stability of triple helices. The formalism can be used over a wide pH range and is not restricted to the limiting case where the pH is larger or smaller than the pK alpha of cytosine. Furthermore, it covers nearest neighbor electrostatic effects of closely spaced cytosines in the Hoogsteen strand which can shift the pK alpha of cytosine to lower pH values. A procedure is employed to predict enthalpy and entropy changes for triplex formation. These values are in accordance with the results obtained by differential scanning calorimetry.
Triple effect absorption chiller utilizing two refrigeration circuits
DeVault, Robert C.
A triple effect absorption method and apparatus having a high coefficient of performance. Two single effect absorption circuits are combined with heat exchange occurring between a condenser and absorber of a high temperature circuit, and a generator of a low temperature circuit. The evaporators of both the high and low temperature circuits provide cooling to an external heat load.
Fusco, Nicola; Geyer, Felipe C; De Filippo, Maria R; Martelotto, Luciano G; Ng, Charlotte K Y; Piscuoglio, Salvatore; Guerini-Rocco, Elena; Schultheis, Anne M; Fuhrmann, Laetitia; Wang, Lu; Jungbluth, Achim A; Burke, Kathleen A; Lim, Raymond S; Vincent-Salomon, Anne; Bamba, Masamichi; Moritani, Suzuko; Badve, Sunil S; Ichihara, Shu; Ellis, Ian O; Reis-Filho, Jorge S; Weigelt, Britta
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast is a rare histological type of triple-negative breast cancer with an indolent clinical behavior, often driven by the MYB-NFIB fusion gene. Here we sought to define the repertoire of somatic genetic alterations in two adenoid cystic carcinomas associated with high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. The different components of each case were subjected to copy number profiling and massively parallel sequencing targeting all exons and selected regulatory and intronic regions of 488 genes. Reverse transcription PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization were employed to investigate the presence of the MYB-NFIB translocation. The MYB-NFIB fusion gene was detected in both adenoid cystic carcinomas and their associated high-grade triple-negative breast cancer components. Although the distinct components of both cases displayed similar patterns of gene copy number alterations, massively parallel sequencing analysis revealed intratumor genetic heterogeneity. In case 1, progression from the trabecular adenoid cystic carcinoma to the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer was found to involve clonal shifts with enrichment of mutations affecting EP300, NOTCH1, ERBB2 and FGFR1 in the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. In case 2, a clonal KMT2C mutation was present in the cribriform adenoid cystic carcinoma, solid adenoid cystic carcinoma and high-grade triple-negative breast cancer components, whereas a mutation affecting MYB was present only in the solid and high-grade triple-negative breast cancer areas and additional three mutations targeting STAG2, KDM6A and CDK12 were restricted to the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. In conclusion, adenoid cystic carcinomas of the breast with high-grade transformation are underpinned by the MYB-NFIB fusion gene and, akin to other forms of cancer, may be constituted by a mosaic of cancer cell clones at diagnosis. The progression from adenoid cystic carcinoma to high-grade triple
Fusco, Nicola; Geyer, Felipe C; De Filippo, Maria R; Martelotto, Luciano G; Ng, Charlotte K Y; Piscuoglio, Salvatore; Guerini-Rocco, Elena; Schultheis, Anne M; Fuhrmann, Laetitia; Wang, Lu; Jungbluth, Achim A; Burke, Kathleen A; Lim, Raymond S; Vincent-Salomon, Anne; Bamba, Masamichi; Moritani, Suzuko; Badve, Sunil S; Ichihara, Shu; Ellis, Ian O; Reis-Filho, Jorge S; Weigelt, Britta
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast is a rare histologic type of triple-negative breast cancer with an indolent clinical behavior, often driven by the MYB-NFIB fusion gene. Here we sought to define the repertoire of somatic genetic alterations in two adenoid cystic carcinomas associated with high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. The different components of each case were subjected to copy number profiling and massively parallel sequencing targeting all exons and selected regulatory and intronic regions of 488 genes. Reverse transcription PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization were employed to investigate the presence of the MYB-NFIB translocation. The MYB-NFIB fusion gene was detected in both adenoid cystic carcinomas and their associated high-grade triple-negative breast cancer components. Whilst the distinct components of both cases displayed similar patterns of gene copy number alterations, massively parallel sequencing analysis revealed intra-tumor genetic heterogeneity. In case 1, progression from the trabecular adenoid cystic carcinoma to the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer was found to involve clonal shifts with enrichment of mutations affecting EP300, NOTCH1, ERBB2 and FGFR1 in the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. In case 2, a clonal KMT2C mutation was present in the cribriform adenoid cystic carcinoma, solid adenoid cystic carcinoma and high-grade triple-negative breast cancer components, whereas a mutation affecting MYB was present only in the solid and high-grade triple-negative breast cancer areas and additional three mutations targeting STAG2, KDM6A and CDK12 were restricted to the high-grade triple-negative breast cancer. In conclusion, adenoid cystic carcinomas of the breast with high-grade transformation are underpinned by MYB-NFIB fusion gene, and, akin to other forms of cancer, may be constituted by a mosaic of cancer cell clones at diagnosis. The progression from adenoid cystic carcinoma to high-grade triple
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taylor, Peter R.; Lee, Timothy J.; Rendell, Alistair P.
The recently proposed quadratic configuration interaction (QCI) method is compared with the more rigorous coupled cluster (CC) approach for a variety of chemical systems. Some of these systems are well represented by a single-determinant reference function and others are not. The finite order singles and doubles correlation energy, the perturbational triples correlation energy, and a recently devised diagnostic for estimating the importance of multireference effects are considered. The spectroscopic constants of CuH, the equilibrium structure of cis-(NO)2 and the binding energies of Be3, Be4, Mg3, and Mg4 were calculated using both approaches. The diagnostic for estimating multireference character clearly demonstrates that the QCI method becomes less satisfactory than the CC approach as non-dynamical correlation becomes more important, in agreement with a perturbational analysis of the two methods and the numerical estimates of the triple excitation energies they yield. The results for CuH show that the differences between the two methods become more apparent as the chemical systems under investigation becomes more multireference in nature and the QCI results consequently become less reliable. Nonetheless, when the system of interest is dominated by a single reference determinant both QCI and CC give very similar results.
Triple Junction Reorganizations: A Mechanism for the Initiation of the Great Pacific Fractures Zones
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pockalny, R. A.; Larson, R. L.; Grindlay, N. R.
There are two general explanations for the initiation of oceanic transform faults that eventually evolve into fracture zones: transforms inherited from continental break-up and transforms acquired in response to a change in plate motions. These models are sufficient to explain the fracture zones in oceans formed by continental break-up. However, neither model accounts for the initiation of the large-offset, great Pacific fracture zones that characterized the Pacific-Farallon plate boundary prior to 25 Ma. Primarily, these models are unable to explain why the initial age of these fracture zones becomes progressively younger from the Mendocino fracture zone (\\~{ } 160 Ma) southward down to the Resolution FZ (\\~{ }84 Ma). We propose a new transform initiation mechanism for the great Pacific fracture zones, which is intimately tied to tectonic processes at triple junctions and directly related to the growth of the Pacific Plate. Recently acquired multibeam bathymetry and marine geophysics data collected along Pandora's Escarpment in the southwestern Pacific have identified the escarpment as the trace of the Pacific-Farallon-Phoenix triple junction on the Pacific Plate. Regional changes in the trend of the triple junction trace between 84-121 Ma roughly coincide with the initiation of the Marquesas, Austral and Resolution fracture zones. Bathymetry and backscatter data from the projected intersections of these fracture zones with the triple junction trace identify several anomalous structures that suggest tectonic reorganizations of the triple junction. We believe this reorganization created the initial transform fault(s) that ultimately became the large-offset, great Pacific fracture zones. Several possible mechanisms for initiating the transform faults are explored including microplate formation, ridge-tip propagation, and spontaneous transform fault formation.
Failed triple therapy in a treatment-experienced patient with genotype 6 hepatitis C infection.
Gammal, Roseann S; Spooner, Linda M; Abraham, George M
The first published report of the use of triple therapy in a patient with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 6 infection-a treatment that was prescribed due to incorrect HCV genotyping and which ultimately failed-is presented. A 70-year-old male U.S. resident of Vietnamese descent requested treatment for chronic HCV infection acquired decades earlier. He reported experiencing hepatitis C treatment failures twice before-13 years prior (interferon alfa monotherapy for six months) and 7 years prior (standard dual therapy with pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin for nine months). Initial viral genotyping indicated infection with HCV genotypes 1a and 6c (a form of mixed HCV disease amenable to triple therapy), and treatment with pegylated interferon alfa-2a, ribavirin, and boceprevir was initiated. By week 8 of triple therapy, the patient's viral load had decreased from 15,700,000 (7.20 log) to 462,882 (5.67 log) IU/mL, but the viral load subsequently rebounded to baseline levels, and treatment was discontinued at week 16. When repeat HCV genotyping was performed, it was discovered that initial genotyping was incorrect and that the man's infection involved not mixed genotypes but only genotype 6; he was not an appropriate candidate for triple therapy. The case emphasizes the need for clinicians to be cognizant of potential HCV genotyping errors, particularly with regard to patients of Southeast Asian descent. Three courses of interferon-based treatment, including triple therapy with boceprevir, failed to produce a sustained therapeutic response in a 70-year-old ethnic Vietnamese man with genotype 6 HCV infection.
Iron under conditions close to the α - γ - ɛ triple point
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dewaele, Agnès; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Bottin, François; Bouchet, Johann; Jacobs, Jeroen
The stability domains and equations of state of α-Fe, ɛ-Fe, and γ-Fe have been measured using X-ray diffraction under conditions close to their triple point: 7 ≤ P ≤ 20 GPa and 480 ≤ T ≤ 820 K. Special attention was paid to ensure the hydrostatic compression of the sample, which was a single crystal at start. Narrow α - γ and α - ɛ coexistence domains were observed, while the γ - ɛ transformation appeared sluggish. The triple point is measured at 8.7 ± 1.0 GPa and 750 ± 30 K. Anharmonic effects are evidenced in the equation of state of ɛ-Fe and partly reproduced using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.
Fujii, T; Taguchi, Y; Saiki, T; Nagasaka, Y
A novel local temperature measurement method using fluorescence near-field optics thermal nanoscopy (Fluor-NOTN) has been developed. Fluor-NOTN enables nanoscale temperature measurement in situ by detecting the temperature-dependent fluorescence lifetime of CdSe quantum dots (QDs). In this paper, we report a novel triple-tapered near-field optical fiber probe that can increase the temperature measurement sensitivity of Fluor-NOTN. The performance of the proposed probe was numerically evaluated by the finite difference time domain method. Due to improvements in both the throughput and collection efficiency of near-field light, the sensitivity of the proposed probe was 1.9 times greater than that of typical double-tapered probe. The proposed shape of the triple-tapered core was successfully fabricated utilizing a geometrical model. The detected signal intensity of dried layers of QDs was greater by more than two orders than that of auto-fluorescence from the fiber core. In addition, the near-field fluorescence lifetime of the QDs and its temperature dependence were successfully measured by the fabricated triple-tapered near-field optical fiber probe. These measurement results verified the capability of the proposed triple-tapered near-field optical fiber probe to improve the collection efficiency of near-field fluorescence.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Purwadi, D.; Nurlaily, I.
Concerning environmental into focus of innovation process will expand the number of actor involved. Eco-innovation and triple helix are often frameworks applied to analyse how environmental concern are integrated in innovation process and how different stakeholder groups are having inter relation. Case study from biofloc catfish farming in Yogyakarta is presented to demonstrate a possible approach for researching the success of triple helix frameworks. This case is considered on basic of the result of a survey among farmers, academician and government. The paper concludes the creating of full triple helix encounters problem in practice. It also includes suggestion for further research on fisheries development.
Ebert, Todd A [West Palm Beach, FL; Carella, John A [Jupiter, FL
A triple acting radial seal used as an interstage seal assembly in a gas turbine engine, where the seal assembly includes an interstage seal support extending from a stationary inner shroud of a vane ring, the interstage seal support includes a larger annular radial inward facing groove in which an outer annular floating seal assembly is secured for radial displacement, and the outer annular floating seal assembly includes a smaller annular radial inward facing groove in which an inner annular floating seal assembly is secured also for radial displacement. A compliant seal is secured to the inner annular floating seal assembly. The outer annular floating seal assembly encapsulates the inner annular floating seal assembly which is made from a very low alpha material in order to reduce thermal stress.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, WenXiang; Mou, WeiHua; Wang, FeiXue
As the introduction of triple-frequency signals in GNSS, the multi-frequency ionosphere correction technology has been fast developing. References indicate that the triple-frequency second order ionosphere correction is worse than the dual-frequency first order ionosphere correction because of the larger noise amplification factor. On the assumption that the variances of three frequency pseudoranges were equal, other references presented the triple-frequency first order ionosphere correction, which proved worse or better than the dual-frequency first order correction in different situations. In practice, the PN code rate, carrier-to-noise ratio, parameters of DLL and multipath effect of each frequency are not the same, so three frequency pseudorange variances are unequal. Under this consideration, a new unequal-weighted triple-frequency first order ionosphere correction algorithm, which minimizes the variance of the pseudorange ionosphere-free combination, is proposed in this paper. It is found that conventional dual-frequency first-order correction algorithms and the equal-weighted triple-frequency first order correction algorithm are special cases of the new algorithm. A new pseudorange variance estimation method based on the three carrier combination is also introduced. Theoretical analysis shows that the new algorithm is optimal. The experiment with COMPASS G3 satellite observations demonstrates that the ionosphere-free pseudorange combination variance of the new algorithm is smaller than traditional multi-frequency correction algorithms.
Triple Helix Formation in a Topologically Controlled DNA Nanosystem.
Yamagata, Yutaro; Emura, Tomoko; Hidaka, Kumi; Sugiyama, Hiroshi; Endo, Masayuki
In the present study, we demonstrate single-molecule imaging of triple helix formation in DNA nanostructures. The binding of the single-molecule third strand to double-stranded DNA in a DNA origami frame was examined using two different types of triplet base pairs. The target DNA strand and the third strand were incorporated into the DNA frame, and the binding of the third strand was controlled by the formation of Watson-Crick base pairing. Triple helix formation was monitored by observing the structural changes in the incorporated DNA strands. It was also examined using a photocaged third strand wherein the binding of the third strand was directly observed using high-speed atomic force microscopy during photoirradiation. We found that the binding of the third strand could be controlled by regulating duplex formation and the uncaging of the photocaged strands in the designed nanospace. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Babbur, Vijayalakshmi; Lees, Christoph C; Goodburn, Sandra F; Morris, Nigel; Breeze, Andrew C G; Hackett, Gerald A
To determine detection and false-positive rates for trisomy 21 using two-stage combined nuchal translucency (NT) and triple testing, whilst disclosing abnormal nuchal measurements at the scan. A prospective audit in a UK women's hospital, of 3188 women with singleton pregnancies, requesting screening for trisomy 21. Median age was 37 years (range 19-46). Women were offered NT screening at 11 to 14 weeks. Those with NT > or =3 mm were offered chorionic villus sampling. Those declining CVS, and those with NT <3 mm, were offered early triple tests. Women with a term combined risk of trisomy 21 > or = 1:250, based on age, NT, and triple test results were offered amniocentesis. Using a 3-mm NT 'cut-off' identified 16/25 cases of trisomy 21 (64%; 95% CI 38.8, 78.9). Of 2725 women who had a combined nuchal plus triple test assessment, 79 (2.6%) had a > or = 1:250 term risk of trisomy 21. Forty (1.3%) had amniocentesis identifying 6/9 remaining cases (67%:95% CI:27.9, 92.5). Overall, the detection rate was 88% (95% CI:68.8, 97.5) for a 4.8% FPR. For the screened population, to achieve an 88% detection rate using the triple test alone, the predicted FPR would be 20%. Conversely, for an FPR of 4.8% using the triple test alone, the detection rate would be only 60%. In a high-risk group, the combination of NT with triple test offers detection of trisomy 21 at least equivalent to either test, while allowing disclosure of an abnormal NT at the scan and reducing the FPR. Importantly, the FPR is less than 5%, considerably lower than expected for triple test alone for this population.
Discovery of a Very Low Mass Triple with Late-M and T Dwarf Components: LP 704-48/SDSS J0006-0852AB
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burgasser, Adam J.; Luk, Christopher; Dhital, Saurav; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella; Nicholls, Christine P.; Prato, L.; West, Andrew A.; Lépine, Sébastien
We report the identification of the M9 dwarf SDSS J000649.16-085246.3 as a spectral binary and radial velocity (RV) variable with components straddling the hydrogen-burning mass limit. Low-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy reveals spectral features indicative of a T dwarf companion, and spectral template fitting yields component types of M8.5 ± 0.5 and T5 ± 1. High-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy with Keck/NIRSPEC reveals pronounced RV variations with a semi-amplitude of 8.2 ± 0.4 km s-1. From these we determine an orbital period of 147.6 ± 1.5 days and eccentricity of 0.10 ± 0.07, making SDSS J0006-0852AB the third tightest very low mass binary known. This system is also found to have a common proper motion companion, the inactive M7 dwarf LP 704-48, at a projected separation of 820 ± 120 AU. The lack of Hα emission in both M dwarf components indicates that this system is relatively old, as confirmed by evolutionary model analysis of the tight binary. LP 704-48/SDSS J0006-0852AB is the lowest-mass confirmed triple identified to date, and one of only seven candidate and confirmed triples with total masses below 0.3 M ⊙ currently known. We show that current star and brown dwarf formation models cannot produce triple systems like LP 704-48/SDSS J0006-0852AB, and we rule out Kozai-Lidov perturbations and tidal circularization as a viable mechanism to shrink the inner orbit. The similarities between this system and the recently uncovered low-mass eclipsing triples NLTT 41135AB/41136 and LHS 6343ABC suggest that substellar tertiaries may be common in wide M dwarf pairs. Portions of the data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation.
BIPM project: Intercomparison of water triple-point cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chattle, M. V.; Butler, J.
The paper presents the results of an intercomparison between 3 triple point of water cells circulated by the Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM), and a cell which is one of those used as a reference cell at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). All 4 cells were prepared, stored and measured in the manner normally adopted at NPL. The results of the intercomparison show that over the course of about 6 weeks the temperatures of the 3 circulated cells generally agreed within 0.20 mK, with a maximum difference of 0.27(7) mK. Over the same period, the total variations of temperature measured in the 3 individual cells were 0.04 mK, 0.08 mK and 0.18 mK, respectively; the NPL cell varied by 0.10 mK. Gallium point measurements made over a similar period confirmed that these differences were partly due to small drifts in the thermometer resistance or in the measuring system.
Triple-material stress-strain resistivity gage
Stout, R.B.
A triple material piezoresistive gage provides multi-component elastic stress or strain measurements. Thin foils of three piezoresistive materials, e.g., ytterbium, manganin, and constantan, are configured in a nested serpentine rectilinear grind or other grind arrangement and embedded in a medium, preferably normal to the direction of shock wave propagation. The output of the gage is a resistivity change history for each material of gage. Each resistivity change is independent of the others so that three diagonal components of the elastic stress or strain tensor can be calculated form the resistivity measurements. 4 figs.
Triple-material stress-strain resistivity gage
Stout, Ray B.
A triple material piezoresistive gage provides multi-component elastic stress or measurements. Thin foils of three piezoresistive materials, e.g. ytterbium, manganin, and constantan, are configured in a nested serpentine rectilinear grid or other grid arrangement and embedded in a medium, preferably normal to the direction of shock wave propagation. The output of the gage is a resistivity change history for each material of the gage. Each resistivity change is independent of the others so that three diagonal components of the elastic stress or strain tensor can be calculated from the resistivity measurements.
Wang, Yuyuan; Wang, Yidan; Chen, Guojun; Li, Yitong; Xu, Wei; Gong, Shaoqin
A quantum-dot (QD)-based micelle conjugated with an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) nanobody (Nb) and loaded with an anticancer drug, aminoflavone (AF), has been engineered for EGFR-overexpressing cancer theranostics. The near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence of the indium phosphate core/zinc sulfide shell QDs (InP/ZnS QDs) allowed for in vivo nanoparticle biodistribution studies. The anti-EGFR nanobody 7D12 conjugation improved the cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of the QD-based micelles in EGFR-overexpressing MDA-MB-468 triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. In comparison with the AF-encapsulated nontargeted (i.e., without Nb conjugation) micelles, the AF-encapsulated Nb-conjugated (i.e., targeted) micelles accumulated in tumors at higher concentrations, leading to more effective tumor regression in an orthotopic triple-negative breast cancer xenograft mouse model. Furthermore, there was no systemic toxicity observed with the treatments. Thus, this QD-based Nb-conjugated micelle may serve as an effective theranostic nanoplatform for EGFR-overexpressing cancers such as TNBCs.
Characteristics and large bulk density of the C-type main-belt triple asteroid (93) Minerva
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marchis, F.; Vachier, F.; Ďurech, J.; Enriquez, J. E.; Harris, A. W.; Dalba, P. A.; Berthier, J.; Emery, J. P.; Bouy, H.; Melbourne, J.; Stockton, A.; Fassnacht, C. D.; Dupuy, T. J.; Strajnic, J.
From a set of adaptive optics (AO) observations collected with the W.M. Keck telescope between August and September 2009, we derived the orbital parameters of the most recently discovered satellites of the large C-type asteroid (93) Minerva. The satellites of Minerva, which are approximately 3 and 4 km in diameter, orbit very close to the primary (˜5 and ˜8 × Rp and ˜1% and ˜2% × RHill) in a circular manner, sharing common characteristics with most of the triple asteroid systems in the main-belt. Combining these AO observations with lightcurve data collected since 1980 and two stellar occultations in 2010 and 2011, we removed the ambiguity of the pole solution of Minerva's primary and showed that it has an almost regular shape with an equivalent diameter Deq = 154 ± 6 km in agreement with IRAS observations. The surprisingly high bulk density of 1.75 ± 0.30 g/cm3 for this C-type asteroid, suggests that this taxonomic class is composed of asteroids with different compositions, For instance, Minerva could be made of the same material as dry CR, CO, and CV meteorites. We discuss possible scenarios on the origin of the system and conclude that future observations may shine light on the nature and composition of this fifth known triple main-belt asteroid.
Planetary nebula progenitors that swallow binary systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Soker, Noam
I propose that some irregular messy planetary nebulae (PNe) owe their morphologies to triple-stellar evolution where tight binary systems evolve inside and/or on the outskirts of the envelope of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. In some cases, the tight binary system can survive, in others, it is destroyed. The tight binary system might break up with one star leaving the system. In an alternative evolution, one of the stars of the broken-up tight binary system falls towards the AGB envelope with low specific angular momentum, and drowns in the envelope. In a different type of destruction process, the drag inside the AGB envelope causes the tight binary system to merge. This releases gravitational energy within the AGB envelope, leading to a very asymmetrical envelope ejection, with an irregular and messy PN as a descendant. The evolution of the triple-stellar system can be in a full common envelope evolution or in a grazing envelope evolution. Both before and after destruction (if destruction takes place), the system might launch pairs of opposite jets. One pronounced signature of triple-stellar evolution might be a large departure from axisymmetrical morphology of the descendant PN. I estimate that about one in eight non-spherical PNe is shaped by one of these triple-stellar evolutionary routes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Junhua; Li, Dazhen; Wang, Bo; Yang, Jing; Yang, Houwen; Wang, Xiaoqian; Cheng, Wenyong
In inertial confinement fusion, ultraviolet laser damage of the fused silica lens is an important limiting factor for load capability of the laser driver. To solve this problem, a new configuration of frequency tripling is proposed in this paper. The frequency tripling crystal is placed on downstream of the focusing lens, thus sum frequency generation of fundamental frequency light and doubling frequency light occurs in the beam convergence path. The focusing lens is only irradiated by fundamental light and doubling frequency lights. Thus, its damage threshold will increase. LiB3O5 (LBO) crystals are employed as frequency tripling crystals for its larger acceptance angle and higher damage threshold than KDP/DKDP crystals'. With the limitation of acceptance angle and crystal growth size are taken into account, the tiling scheme of LBO crystals is proposed and designed optimally to adopt to the total convergence angle of 36.0 mrad. Theoretical results indicate that 3 LBO crystals titling with different cutting angles in θ direction can meet the phase matching condition. Compared with frequency tripling of parallel beam using one LBO crystal, 83.8% (93.1% with 5 LBO crystals tiling) of the frequency tripling conversion efficiency can be obtained employing this new configuration. The results of a principle experiment also support this scheme. By employing this new design, not only the load capacity of a laser driver will be significantly improved, but also the fused silica lens can be changed to K9 glass lens which has the mature technology and low cost.
Interim Report on Mixing During the Casting of LEU-10Mo Plates in the Triple Plate Molds
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Aikin, Jr., Robert M.
LEU-10%Mo castings are commonly produced by down blending unalloyed HEU with a DU-12.7%Mo master-alloy. This work uses process modeling to provide insight into the mixing of the unalloyed uranium and U-Mo master alloy during melting and mold filling of a triple plate casting. Two different sets of situations are considered: (1) mixing during mold filling from a compositionally stratified crucible and (2) convective mixing of a compositionally stratified crucible during mold heating. The mold filling simulations are performed on the original Y-12 triple plate mold and the horizontal triple plate mold.
Aarts, Chris A M; Heesterbeek, Petra J C; Jaspers, Perry E M; Stegeman, Mark; Louwerens, Jan Willem K
Debate exists regarding the effect of triple fusion on the development of osteoarthritis (OA) of the ankle joint. The midterm outcome after triple arthrodesis and the prevalence of OA following triple arthrodesis are reported in this study. The role of alignment in the development of OA was investigated. Seventy five patients (87 feet) were evaluated in 2003 and of these, 48 patients (55 feet) were available for second evaluation in 2008. X-rays of the ankles and feet were made prior to surgery, in 2003 and in 2008, and the level of osteoarthritis (OA) was graded with the Kellgren and Lawrence score. Of all postoperative X-rays, the AP and lateral talo first metatarsal angle X-rays were compared. Also, standardized digital photos were made to assess the geometry/alignment. The Foot Function Index (FFI) and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot score were completed. In order to investigate the role of the underlying alignment on the aggravation of ankle osteoarthritis, patients were divided into a 'varus' and a 'valgus' group based on the indication for surgery. The outcome scores (AOFAS and FFI) after triple arthrodesis remained stable in the present 7.5-year follow-up study. An important increase of OA of the ankle was not established, 58% of the patients showed no aggravation, 31% one-grade and 2% two-grade increase of OA. A trend was found (P=.063) towards aggravation of OA of the ankle in patients of the varus group with the highest medial arches (persistent cavovarus deformity). This study reports minor, not statistically significant, changes of the ankle joint following triple arthrodesis after 7.5 years. Clinical outcome remained stable in time. Clinical relevance It seems that triple arthrodesis as such does not lead to major osteoarthritis of the ankle, given that adequate alignment of the hindfoot is achieved. Level II, retrospective study. Copyright © 2015 European Foot and Ankle Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Triple burden of disease and out of pocket healthcare expenditure of women in India
Ladusingh, Laishram; Mohanty, Sanjay Kumar
Aim Women, unlike men, are subjected to triple burden of disease, namely, non-communicable and communicable diseases and reproductive health related diseases. To assess prevalence of triple burden of disease of currently married women and to contrast out of pocket maternal care expenditure of these diseases in India. Subject and methods This study uses nationally representative unit level data from the 71st round (2014) of the National Sample Survey Organisation. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis are employed to assess triple burden of diseases by background of currently married women. Mean out of pocket (OOP) expenditure for healthcare care by demographic and household characteristics of women are also compared by type of diseases. Two parts model is adopted for assessment of determents of out of pocket healthcare expenditure of women. Results Overall medical and non-medical expenses of non–communicable disease are much higher than those of other disease and disability, reproductive health related and communicable diseases. OOP expenditure for treatment of non-communicable diseases, reproductive health and related diseases and other disease and disability are significantly higher than the inpatient treatment of communicable diseases and the differences are statistically significant. Conclusion Out of pocket expenditure for treatment of non-communicable diseases is the highest, followed by that of other diseases & disability, then reproductive health related diseases and the least is for communicable diseases. OOP expenditures for maternal healthcare in private health facilities are much higher than in public health facilities regardless of types of disease. Women from households having insurance of any member spent less than that of women from households not having health insurance. There is an urgent need to expand the outreach of the public health system in India to rural areas. PMID:29746506
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Singh, Upendra N.; Petros, Mulugeta; Refaat, Tamer F.; Yu, Jirong; Antill, Charles W.; Remus, Ruben
This presentation will provide status and details of an airborne 2-micron triple-pulse integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) lidar being developed at NASA Langley Research Center with support from NASA ESTO Instrument Incubator Program. The development of this active optical remote sensing IPDA instrument is targeted for measuring both atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere from an airborne platform. This presentation will focus on the advancement of the 2-micron triple-pulse IPDA lidar development. Updates on the state-of-the-art triple-pulse laser transmitter will be presented including the status of seed laser locking, wavelength control, receiver and detector upgrades, laser packaging and lidar integration. Future plan for IPDA lidar system for ground integration, testing and flight validation will also be presented.
Fidler, Aaron L; Boudko, Sergei P; Rokas, Antonis; Hudson, Billy G
The cellular microenvironment, characterized by an extracellular matrix (ECM), played an essential role in the transition from unicellularity to multicellularity in animals (metazoans), and in the subsequent evolution of diverse animal tissues and organs. A major ECM component are members of the collagen superfamily -comprising 28 types in vertebrates - that exist in diverse supramolecular assemblies ranging from networks to fibrils. Each assembly is characterized by a hallmark feature, a protein structure called a triple helix. A current gap in knowledge is understanding the mechanisms of how the triple helix encodes and utilizes information in building scaffolds on the outside of cells. Type IV collagen, recently revealed as the evolutionarily most ancient member of the collagen superfamily, serves as an archetype for a fresh view of fundamental structural features of a triple helix that underlie the diversity of biological activities of collagens. In this Opinion, we argue that the triple helix is a protein structure of fundamental importance in building the extracellular matrix, which enabled animal multicellularity and tissue evolution. © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
Complex between triple helix of collagen and double helix of DNA in aqueous solution.
Mrevlishvili, George M; Svintradze, David V
We demonstrate in this paper that one example of a biologically important and molecular self-assembling complex system is a collagen-DNA ordered aggregate which spontaneously forms in aqueous solutions. Interaction between the collagen and the DNA leads to destruction of the hydration shell of the triple helix and stabilization of the double helix structure. From a molecular biology point of view this nano-scale self-assembling superstructure could increase the stability of DNA against the nucleases during collagen diseases and the growth of collagen fibrills in the presence of DNA.
Optical turbulence and transverse rogue waves in a cavity with triple-quantum-dot molecules
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eslami, M.; Khanmohammadi, M.; Kheradmand, R.; Oppo, G.-L.
We show that optical turbulence extreme events can exist in the transverse dynamics of a cavity containing molecules of triple quantum dots under conditions close to tunneling-induced transparency. These nanostructures, when coupled via tunneling, form a four-level configuration with tunable energy-level separations. We show that such a system exhibits multistability and bistability of Turing structures in instability domains with different critical wave vectors. By numerical simulation of the mean-field equation that describes the transverse dynamics of the system, we show that the simultaneous presence of two transverse solutions with opposite nonlinearities gives rise to a series of turbulent structures with the capability of generating two-dimensional rogue waves.
Liu, Yang; Zhu, Yan-Hua; Mao, Cheng-Qiong; Dou, Shuang; Shen, Song; Tan, Zi-Bin; Wang, Jun
There is no effective clinical therapy yet for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) without particular human epidermal growth factor receptor-2, estrogen and progesterone receptor expression. In this study, we report a molecularly targeted and synthetic lethality-based siRNA therapy for TNBC treatment, using cationic lipid assisted poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(d,l-lactide) (PEG-PLA) nanoparticles as the siRNA carrier. It is demonstrated that only in c-Myc overexpressed TNBC cells, while not in normal mammary epithelial cells, delivery of siRNA targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) with the nanoparticle carrier (NPsiCDK1) induces cell viability decreasing and cell apoptosis through RNAi-mediated CDK1 expression inhibition, indicating the synthetic lethality between c-Myc with CDK1 in TNBC cells. Moreover, systemic delivery of NPsiCDK1 is able to suppress tumor growth in mice bearing SUM149 and BT549 xenograft and cause no systemic toxicity or activate the innate immune response, suggesting the therapeutic promise with such nanoparticles carrying siCDK1 for c-Myc overexpressed triple negative breast cancer. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Triple-channel microreactor for biphasic gas-liquid reactions: Photosensitized oxygenations.
Maurya, Ram Awatar; Park, Chan Pil; Kim, Dong-Pyo
A triple-channel microreactor fabricated by means of a soft-lithography technique was devised for efficient biphasic gas-liquid reactions. The excellent performance of the microreactor was demonstrated by carrying out photosensitized oxygenations of α-terpinene, citronellol, and allyl alcohols.
Evaluating Remotely-Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Estimates Using Triple Collocation
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Recent work has demonstrated the potential of enhancing remotely-sensed surface soil moisture validation activities through the application of triple collocation techniques which compare time series of three mutually independent geophysical variable estimates in order to acquire the root-mean-square...
Wiese, David A; Thaiwong, Tuddow; Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Vilma; Kiupel, Matti
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), an immunophenotype defined by the absence of immunolabeling for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 protein, has a highly aggressive behavior. A subpopulation of TNBCs exhibit a basal-like morphology with immunohistochemical positivity for cytokeratins 5/6 (CK5/6) and/or epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and have a high incidence of BRCA (breast cancer susceptibility) mutations. Feline mammary adenocarcinomas (FMAs) are highly malignant and share a similar basal-like subtype. The purpose of this study was to classify FMAs according to the current human classification of breast cancer that includes evaluation of ER, PR and HER2 status and expression of basal CK 5/6 and EGFR. Furthermore, we selected triple negative, basal-like FMAs to screen for BRCA mutations similar to those described in human TNBC. Twenty four FMAs were classified according to the current human histologic breast cancer classification including immunohistochemistry (IHC) for ER, PR HER2, CK5/6 and EGFR. Genetic alteration and loss of heterozygosity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were analyzed in triple negative, basal-like FMAs. IHC for ER, PR and HER2 identified 14 of the 24 (58%) FMAs as a triple negative. Furthermore, 11 of these 14 (79%) triple negative FMAs had a basal-like subtype. However, no genetic abnormalities were detected in BRCA1 and BRCA2 by direct sequencing and loss of heterozygosity analysis. FMAs are highly aggressive neoplasms that are commonly triple negative and exhibit a basal-like morphology. This is similar to human TNBC that are also commonly classified as a basal-like subtype. While sequencing of a select number of triple negative, basal-like FMAs and testing for loss of heterozygosity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 did not identify mutations similar to those described in human TNBC, further in-depth evaluation is required to elucidate a potential role of BRCA
Correlation between y-type ions observed in ion trap and triple quadrupole mass spectrometers.
Sherwood, Carly A; Eastham, Ashley; Lee, Lik Wee; Risler, Jenni; Vitek, Olga; Martin, Daniel B
Multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM-MS) is a technique for high-sensitivity targeted analysis. In proteomics, MRM-MS can be used to monitor and quantify a peptide based on the production of expected fragment peaks from the selected peptide precursor ion. The choice of which fragment ions to monitor in order to achieve maximum sensitivity in MRM-MS can potentially be guided by existing MS/MS spectra. However, because the majority of discovery experiments are performed on ion trap platforms, there is concern in the field regarding the generalizability of these spectra to MRM-MS on a triple quadrupole instrument. In light of this concern, many operators perform an optimization step to determine the most intense fragments for a target peptide on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. We have addressed this issue by targeting, on a triple quadrupole, the top six y-ion peaks from ion trap-derived consensus library spectra for 258 doubly charged peptides from three different sample sets and quantifying the observed elution curves. This analysis revealed a strong correlation between the y-ion peak rank order and relative intensity across platforms. This suggests that y-type ions obtained from ion trap-based library spectra are well-suited for generating MRM-MS assays for triple quadrupoles and that optimization is not required for each target peptide.
Telishevesky, Yoel S; Levin, Liran; Ashkenazi, Malka
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of toothbrush design on the ability of parents to effectively brush their children's teeth. Parents of children (mean age=5.1±0.75 years old) from 4 kindergarten schools were randomly assigned to receive instruction in brushing their children's teeth using a manual single-headed toothbrush (2 schools) or a triple-headed toothbrush (2 schools). The parents' ability to brush their children's teeth was evaluated according to a novel toothbrush performing skill index (Ashkenazi Index), based on 2 criteria: (1) placement of the toothbrush on each tooth segment to be brushed ("reach"); and (2) completion of enough strokes on each segment ("stay"). One month after instruction, tooth-brushing ability was re-evaluated and plaque index of the children's teeth was assessed. One month after instruction, parents using the triple-headed toothbrush received significantly higher scores on the tooth-brushing performance index (~86%), than did those in the single-headed group (~61%; P=.001). The plaque index was significantly higher in the single-headed group (0.97±0.38) vs the triple-headed group (0.72±0.29; P<.01). The tooth-brushing performance index correlated negatively with the plaque index (P<.01). A triple-headed toothbrush promotes more consistent tooth-brushing by parents than does a single-headed toothbrush.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maitra, Rahul; Akinaga, Yoshinobu; Nakajima, Takahito
A single reference coupled cluster theory that is capable of including the effect of connected triple excitations has been developed and implemented. This is achieved by regrouping the terms appearing in perturbation theory and parametrizing through two different sets of exponential operators: while one of the exponentials, involving general substitution operators, annihilates the ground state but has a non-vanishing effect when it acts on the excited determinant, the other is the regular single and double excitation operator in the sense of conventional coupled cluster theory, which acts on the Hartree-Fock ground state. The two sets of operators are solved as coupled non-linear equations in an iterative manner without significant increase in computational cost than the conventional coupled cluster theory with singles and doubles excitations. A number of physically motivated and computationally advantageous sufficiency conditions are invoked to arrive at the working equations and have been applied to determine the ground state energies of a number of small prototypical systems having weak multi-reference character. With the knowledge of the correlated ground state, we have reconstructed the triple excitation operator and have performed equation of motion with coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples to obtain the ionization potential and excitation energies of these molecules as well. Our results suggest that this is quite a reasonable scheme to capture the effect of connected triple excitations as long as the ground state remains weakly multi-reference.
Exotic triple-charm deuteronlike hexaquarks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Rui; Wang, Fu-Lai; Hosaka, Atsushi; Liu, Xiang
Adopting the one-boson-exchange model, we perform a systematic investigation of interactions between a doubly charmed baryon (Ξc c) and an S -wave charmed baryon (Λc, Σc(*), and Ξc(',*)). Both the S - D mixing effect and coupled-channel effect are considered in this work. Our results suggest that there may exist several possible triple-charm deuteronlike hexaquarks. Meanwhile, we further study the interactions between a doubly charmed baryon and an S -wave anticharmed baryon. We find that a doubly charmed baryon and an S -wave anticharmed baryon can be easily bound together to form shallow molecular hexaquarks. These heavy flavor hexaquarks predicted here can be accessible at future experiment like LHCb.
Ghidini, A; Spong, C Y; Grier, R E; Walker, C N; Pezzullo, J C
Among euploid gestations, female fetuses have been reported to have significantly lower maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) and higher human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels than male fetuses. Since in maternal serum triple screening, low MSAFP and high hCG MOM independently confer greater risk of a Down syndrome fetus, we investigated the hypothesis that maternal serum triple screening is more efficacious at detecting female than male Down syndrome fetuses. A database containing all karyotypes from amniocentesis performed between August 1994 and August 1996 was accessed. All trisomy 21 cases were identified. The male-to-female ratio among trisomy 21 fetuses detected at amniocentesis after abnormal maternal serum triple screening was compared with that among trisomy 21 fetuses detected at amniocentesis for advanced maternal age (AMA), which served as the control group. Statistical analysis utilized chi-square, Fisher's exact test, and Student's t-test. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Forty-nine trisomy 21 fetuses were detected in the women who underwent amniocentesis because of abnormal triple screening and 311 were detected in the control group. The proportion of male fetuses among the triple screening group was not significantly different from that of the AMA group (55 per cent vs. 57 per cent; P=0.9). Our study had a power of 80 per cent to detect a difference of 25 per cent in the male-to-female ratio (alpha=0.05, beta=0.20). The reported differences in MSAFP and hCG levels between male and female euploid fetuses do not appear to affect the sex ratio among Down syndrome fetuses detected because of an abnormal maternal serum triple screening.
Kulkarni, Yogesh M; Yakisich, Juan S; Azad, Neelam; Venkatadri, Rajkumar; Kaushik, Vivek; O'Doherty, George; Iyer, Anand Krishnan V
While there are targeted treatments for triple positive breast cancers, lack of specific biomarkers for triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) has hindered the development of therapies for this subset of cancers. In this study, we evaluated the anticancer properties of cardiac glycoside Digitoxin (Dtx) and its synthetic analog MonoD on breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 (estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer) and MDA-MB-468 (triple-negative breast cancer). Both cardiac glycosides, at concentrations within the therapeutic range, increased the fraction of cells in the G 0 /G 1 phase of the cell cycle, decreased viability, and inhibited the migration of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468 cells. Both cardiac glycosides increased production of superoxide and induced apoptosis in both cell types. Reduced protein levels of nuclear factor kappa B and IkappaB kinase-beta were found in cardiac glycoside-treated cells, indicating that the cellular effects of these compounds are mediated via nuclear factor kappa B pathway. This study demonstrates the cytotoxic potential of digitoxin, and more importantly its synthetic analog MonoD, in the treatment of triple-positive breast cancer and more importantly the aggressive triple-negative breast cancer. Collectively, this study provides a basis for the reevaluation of cardiac glycosides in the treatment of breast cancer and more importantly reveals their potential in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancers.
Triple-channel microreactor for biphasic gas–liquid reactions: Photosensitized oxygenations
Maurya, Ram Awatar; Park, Chan Pil
Summary A triple-channel microreactor fabricated by means of a soft-lithography technique was devised for efficient biphasic gas–liquid reactions. The excellent performance of the microreactor was demonstrated by carrying out photosensitized oxygenations of α-terpinene, citronellol, and allyl alcohols. PMID:21915221
Lin, Nancy U.; Vanderplas, Ann; Hughes, Melissa E.; Theriault, Richard L.; Edge, Stephen B.; Wong, Yu-Ning; Blayney, Douglas W.; Niland, Joyce C.; Winer, Eric P.; Weeks, Jane C.
Background We aimed to describe clinicopathological features, patterns of recurrence, and survival according to breast cancer subtype, with a focus on triple-negative tumors. Methods We evaluated 15,204 women presenting to NCCN centers with stage I-III breast cancer between January 2000 and December 2006. Tumors were classified as hormone receptor positive [HR+]/HER2− (ER+ and/or PR+, and HER2−), HER2+ (HER2+, any ER or PR), or triple-negative (ER−, PR−, and HER2−). Results Subtype distribution was: triple-negative 17% (n=2,569), HER2+ 17% (n=2,602), HR+/HER2− 66% (n=10,033). Triple-negative subtype was more frequent in African-Americans, compared with Caucasians (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.98; p<0.0001). Premenopausal, but not postmenopausal, women with high body mass index had an increased likelihood of triple negative subtype (p=0.02). Women with triple-negative cancers were less likely to present on the basis of an abnormal screening mammogram (29% vs. 48%, p<0.0001), more likely to present with higher T stage, but less likely to have nodal involvement. Relative to HR+/HER2− tumors, triple-negative tumors were associated with a higher risk of brain or lung metastases, and had worse breast cancer-specific and overall survival, even after adjusting for age, stage, race, grade, and receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] for overall survival 2.72, 95% CI 2.39–3.10, p<0.0001). The difference in risk of death by subtype was most dramatic within the first two years after diagnosis (HR for OS for 0 to 2 yrs 6.10 [95% CI 4.81, 7.74]). Conclusions Triple-negative tumors are associated with unique risk factors and worse outcomes compared to HR+/HER2− tumors. PMID:22544643
Electric-field-induced spin disorder-to-order transition near a multiferroic triple phase point
Jang, Byung -Kweon; Lee, Jin Hong; Chu, Kanghyun; ...
Here, the emergence of a triple phase point in a two-dimensional parameter space (such as pressure and temperature) can offer unforeseen opportunities for the coupling of two seemingly independent order parameters. On the basis of this, we demonstrate the electric control of magnetic order by manipulating chemical pressure: lanthanum substitution in the antiferromagnetic ferroelectric BiFeO 3. Our demonstration relies on the finding that a multiferroic triple phase point of a single spin-disordered phase and two spin-ordered phases emerges near room temperature in Bi 0.9La 0.1FeO 3 ferroelectric thin films. By using spatially resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy, we provide direct evidencemore » that the electric poling of a particular region of the compound near the triple phase point results in an antiferromagnetic phase while adjacent unpoled regions remain magnetically disordered, opening a promising avenue for magnetoelectric applications at room temperature.« less
Enhanced Conversion Efficiency of III–V Triple-junction Solar Cells with Graphene Quantum Dots
Lin, Tzu-Neng; Santiago, Svette Reina Merden S.; Zheng, Jie-An; Chao, Yu-Chiang; Yuan, Chi-Tsu; Shen, Ji-Lin; Wu, Chih-Hung; Lin, Cheng- An J.; Liu, Wei-Ren; Cheng, Ming-Chiang; Chou, Wu-Ching
Graphene has been used to synthesize graphene quantum dots (GQDs) via pulsed laser ablation. By depositing the synthesized GQDs on the surface of InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells, the short-circuit current, fill factor, and conversion efficiency were enhanced remarkably. As the GQD concentration is increased, the conversion efficiency in the solar cell increases accordingly. A conversion efficiency of 33.2% for InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells has been achieved at the GQD concentration of 1.2 mg/ml, corresponding to a 35% enhancement compared to the cell without GQDs. On the basis of time-resolved photoluminescence, external quantum efficiency, and work-function measurements, we suggest that the efficiency enhancement in the InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells is primarily caused by the carrier injection from GQDs to the InGaP top subcell. PMID:27982073
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hinshaw, J. Louis, E-mail: jhinshaw@uwhealth.or; Littrup, Peter J.; Durick, Nathan
The purpose of this study was to compare a double freeze-thaw protocol to a triple freeze-thaw protocol for pulmonary cryoablation utilizing an in vivo porcine lung model. A total of 18 cryoablations were performed in normal porcine lung utilizing percutaneous technique with 9 each in a double- (10-5-10) and triple-freeze (3-3-7-7-5) protocol. Serial noncontrast CT images were obtained during the ablation. CT imaging findings and pathology were reviewed. No imaging changes were identified during the initial freeze cycle with either protocol. However, during the first thaw cycle, a region of ground glass opacity developed around the probe with both protocols.more » Because the initial freeze was shorter with the triple freeze-thaw protocol, the imaging findings were apparent sooner with this protocol (6 vs. 13 min). Also, despite a shorter total freeze time (15 vs. 20 min), the ablation zone identified with the triple freeze-thaw protocol was not significantly different from the double freeze-thaw protocol (mean diameter: 1.67 {+-} 0.41 cm vs. 1.66 {+-} 0.21 cm, P = 0.77; area: 2.1 {+-} 0.48 cm{sup 2} vs. 1.99 {+-} 0.62 cm{sup 2}, P = 0.7; and circularity: 0.95 {+-} 0.04 vs. 0.96 {+-} 0.03, P = 0.62, respectively). This study suggests that there may be several advantages of a triple freeze-thaw protocol for pulmonary cryoablation, including earlier identification of the imaging findings associated with the ablation, the promise of a shorter procedure time or larger zones of ablation, and theoretically, more effective cytotoxicity related to the additional freeze-thaw cycle.« less
Viscoplastic sculpting in stable triple layer heavy oil transport flow
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sarmadi, Parisa; Hormozi, Sarah; A. Frigaard, Ian
In we introduced a novel methodology for efficient transport of heavy oil via a triple layer core-annular flow. Pumping pressures are significantly reduced by concentrating high shear rates to a lubricating layer, while ideas from Visco-Plastic Lubrication are used to eliminate interfacial instabilities. We purposefully position a shaped unyielded skin of a viscoplastic fluid between the transported oil and the lubricating fluid layer to balance the density difference between the fluids. Here we address the sculpting of the shaped skin within a concentric inflow manifold. We use the quasi-steady model to provide inputs to an axisymmetric triple layer computation, showing the development of the streamwise skin profile and establishment of the flow. For this, we use a finite element discretization with the augmented-Lagrangian method to represent the yield surface behaviour accurately and a PLIC method to track the interface motion.
Triple-material stress-strain resistivity gage
Stout, R.B.
A triple material piezoresistive gage provides multi-component elastic stress measurements is disclosed. Thin foils of three piezoresistive materials, e.g. ytterbium, manganin, and constantan, are configured in a nested serpentine rectilinear grid or other grid arrangement and embedded in a medium, preferably normal to the direction of shock wave propagation. The output of the gage is a resistivity change history for each material of the gage. Each resistivity change is independent of the others so that three diagonal components of the elastic stress or strain tensor can be calculated from the resistivity measurements. 4 figs.
Targeting Nuclear FGF Receptor to Improve Chemotherapy Response in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
5-8 4. Key Research Accomplishments…………………………………… 9 5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 10 6. Publications, Abstracts...Sum159’Pathscan’#2’Reanalysis’ Sum159$ FGFR3 9 KEY RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Developed an in vitro model of triple-negative breast...other chemotherapy regimens as an effective treatment strategy for triple-negative breast cancer. Study Site/ Key Personnel: All studies will be
68Ga-Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen PET/CT in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Passah, Averilicia; Arora, Saurabh; Damle, Nishikant Avinash; Tripathi, Madhavi; Bal, Chandrasekhar; Subudhi, T Kishan; Arora, Geetanjali
The prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmembrane protein with elevated expression in prostate cancer cells. Breast cancer also shows PSMA expression. We present the case of a 30-year-old woman with triple-negative bilateral breast carcinoma who underwent bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. She developed a left chest wall and liver recurrence after primary therapy. Her recurrent disease was also triple-negative. In view of the known poor prognosis and very limited therapeutic options, we performed Ga-PSMA PET/CT scan to explore the possibility of PSMA-based therapy as a future option after exhausting standard-of-care treatments.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mohsin Al-Hayali, Sarah Kadhim; Hadi Al-Janabi, Abdul
We report on the generation of a triple-wavelength passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fibre laser using a saturable absorber (SA) based on zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) film. The SA was fabricated by embedding ZnO NPs powder into a polyvinyl alcohol as a host polymer. By properly adjusting the pump power and the polarization state, single-, dual- and triple-wavelength Q-switching are stably generated without additional components (such as optical filter, or fibre grating). For the triple wavelength operation, the fibre laser generates a maximum pulse repetition of 87.9 kHz with the shortest pulse duration of 2.7 μs. To the best of authors' knowledge, it's the first demonstration of triple-wavelength passively Q-switching fibre laser using ZnO NPs as a SA. Our results suggest that ZnO is a promising SA for multi-wavelength laser operation.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bozkaya, Uğur, E-mail:
An efficient implementation of the asymmetric triples correction for the coupled-cluster singles and doubles [ΛCCSD(T)] method [S. A. Kucharski and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 5243 (1998); T. D. Crawford and J. F. Stanton, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 70, 601 (1998)] with the density-fitting [DF-ΛCCSD(T)] approach is presented. The computational time for the DF-ΛCCSD(T) method is compared with that of ΛCCSD(T). Our results demonstrate that the DF-ΛCCSD(T) method provide substantially lower computational costs than ΛCCSD(T). Further application results show that the ΛCCSD(T) and DF-ΛCCSD(T) methods are very beneficial for the study of single bond breaking problems as wellmore » as noncovalent interactions and transition states. We conclude that ΛCCSD(T) and DF-ΛCCSD(T) are very promising for the study of challenging chemical systems, where the coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples method fails.« less
Meta-Design and the Triple Learning Organization in Architectural Design Process
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barelkowski, Robert
The paper delves into the improvement of Meta-Design methodology being the result of implementation of triple learning organization. Grown from the concept of reflective practice, it offers an opportunity to segregate and hierarchize both criteria and knowledge management and at least twofold application. It induces constant feedback loops recharging the basic level of “design” with second level of “learning from design” and third level of “learning from learning”. While learning from design reflects the absorption of knowledge, structuralization of skills, management of information, learning from learning gives deeper understanding and provides axiological perspective which is necessary when combining cultural, social, and abstract conceptual problems. The second level involves multidisciplinary applications imported from many engineering disciplines, technical sciences, but also psychological background, or social environment. The third level confronts these applications with their respective sciences (wide extra-architectural knowledge) and axiological issues. This distinction may be represented in difference between e.g. purposeful, systemic use of participatory design which again generates experience-by-doing versus use of disciplinary knowledge starting from its theoretical framework, then narrowed down to be relevant to particular design task. The paper discusses the application in two cases: awarded competition proposal of Digital Arts Museum in Madrid and BAIRI university building. Both cases summarize the effects of implementation and expose the impact of triple-loop knowledge circles onto design, teaching the architect or helping them to learn how to manage information flows and how to accommodate paradigm shifts in the architectural design process.
Triple Hit Lymphoma: Rare Cases With Less Dire Than Usual Prognosis.
Kallen, Michael E; Alexanian, Serge; Said, Jonathan; Quintero-Rivera, Fabiola
Triple hit lymphomas are a subset of so-called double hit non-Hodgkin lymphomas exhibiting simultaneous gene translocations/disruption of MYC, BCL2, and BCL6; however, their overlapping morphologic features and complex genetic rearrangements can render classification and prognostication vexing. Clinically triple hit lymphomas are thought to demonstrate aggressive behavior, similar to or worse than that of double hit lymphomas. Only rare reports of long term survivors exist and raise the possibility that unidentified morphologic, immunologic, or cytogenetic differences may impart a less adverse prognosis than current literature and opinion may suggest. Here we report 3 such cases with less aggressive behavior. Cases such as these may prove useful in comparing outcomes, and underlying mechanisms of tumor progression, in aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas. © The Author(s) 2016.
Bodenmann, Guy; Cina, Annette; Ledermann, Thomas; Sanders, Matthew R
The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of an evidence-based parenting program (the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program), intending to improve parenting skills and children's well-being. Parents participating in a Group Triple P program (n=50 couples) were compared with parents of a non-treated control group (n=50 couples) and parents participating in a marital distress prevention program (couples coping enhancement training (CCET)) (n=50 couples). The two major goals of this study were (a) to evaluate the efficacy of Triple P compared with the two other treatment conditions over a time-span of 1 year and (b) to answer the question whether this program that was developed in Australia is culturally accepted by Swiss parents. Results revealed that Triple P was effective with Swiss families. Mothers of the Triple P group showed significant improvements in parenting, parenting self-esteem, and a decrease in stressors related to parenting. Women trained in Triple P also reported significantly lower rates of child's misbehavior than women of the two other conditions. However, in men only a few significant results were found. Positive effects of the relationship training (CCET) were somewhat lower than those for the Triple P. These findings are further discussed.
Villarreal-Garza, C.; Weitzel, J. N.; Llacuachaqui, M.; Sifuentes, E.; Magallanes-Hoyos, M. C.; Gallardo, L.; Alvarez-Gómez, R. M.; Herzog, J.; Castillo, D.; Royer, R.; Akbari, Mohammad; Lara-Medina, F.; Herrera, L. A.; Mohar, A.
Various guidelines recommend that women with triple-negative breast cancer should be tested for BRCA1 mutations, but the prevalence of mutations may vary with ethnic group and with geographic region, and the optimal cutoff age for testing has not been established. We estimated the frequencies of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA) mutations among 190 women with triple-negative breast cancer, unselected for family history, diagnosed at age 50 or less at a single hospital in Mexico City. Patients were screened for 115 recurrent BRCA mutations, which have been reported previously in women of Hispanic origin, including a common large rearrangement Mexican founder mutation (BRCA1 ex9-12del). A BRCA mutation was detected in 44 of 190 patients with triple-negative breast cancer (23 %). Forty-three mutations were found in BRCA1 and one mutation was found in BRCA2. Seven different mutations accounted for 39 patients (89 % of the total mutations). The Mexican founder mutation (BRCA1 ex9-12del) was found 18 times and accounted for 41 % of all mutations detected. There is a high prevalence of BRCA1 mutations among young triple-negative breast cancer patients in Mexico. Women with triple-negative breast cancer in Mexico should be screened for mutations in BRCA1. PMID:25716084
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Günther, Uwe; Kuzhel, Sergii
Gauged \\ {P}\\ {T} quantum mechanics (PTQM) and corresponding Krein space setups are studied. For models with constant non-Abelian gauge potentials and extended parity inversions compact and noncompact Lie group components are analyzed via Cartan decompositions. A Lie-triple structure is found and an interpretation as \\ {P}\\ {T}-symmetrically generalized Jaynes-Cummings model is possible with close relation to recently studied cavity QED setups with transmon states in multilevel artificial atoms. For models with Abelian gauge potentials a hidden Clifford algebra structure is found and used to obtain the fundamental symmetry of Krein space-related J-self-adjoint extensions for PTQM setups with ultra-localized potentials.
Investigation of the triple-α reaction in a full three-body approach
Nguyen, N. B.; Nunes, F. M.; Thompson, I. J.
Here, the triple-alpha reaction is the key to our understanding about the nucleosynthesis and the observed abundance of 12C in stars. The theory of this process is well established at high temperatures but rather ambiguous in the low temperature regime where measurements are impossible. Develop a new three-body method, which tackles properly the scattering boundary condition for three charged particles and takes into account both the resonant and the non-resonant reaction mechanisms on the same footing, to compute the triple-alpha reaction rate at low temperatures. Methods: We combine the R-matrix expansion, the R-matrix propagation method, and the screening technique inmore » the hyperspherical harmonics basis. Both the 2 + 1 bound state and the 0 + 2 resonant state in 12C are well reproduced. We also study the cluster structure of these states. We calculate the triple-alpha reaction rate for T = 0.01 - 0.1 GK. In conclusion, we obtain the same rate as NACRE for temperatures above 0.07 GK, but the new rate is largely enhanced at lower temperatures (≈ 10 12 at 0.02 GK). The differences are caused by the direct capture contribution to the reaction when three alpha particles can not reach the resonant energies.« less
Does adding an emotion component enhance the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program?
Salmon, Karen; Dittman, Cassandra; Sanders, Matthew; Burson, Rebecca; Hammington, Josie
This pilot study aimed to compare the efficacy of a regular offering of the group-delivered Triple P-Positive Parenting Program for child behavior problems with an enhanced version tailored to promote child emotion competence. Families of children between ages 3 and 6 years displaying early-onset conduct problems were randomly assigned to Group Triple P (GTP; final n = 18) or Emotion Enhanced Triple P (EETP; final n = 18), in which parents were encouraged to incorporate emotion labels and causes and to coach emotion competence during discussions of everyday emotional experiences with their child. Compared with parents who received GTP, parents who received EETP increased their discussion of emotion labels and emotion causes in conversations with their child at postintervention, but this advantage was lost by the 4-month follow-up. Parents in the EETP condition also used more emotion coaching postintervention and at follow-up. There were no differences at postintervention or follow-up in children's emotion knowledge skills. Postintervention improvement in disruptive child behavior was greater for GTP, but the groups converged at follow-up. Parents were similarly satisfied with both interventions. Overall, EETP showed little advantage over regular GTP delivery. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.
Paprottka, Philipp Marius; Roßpunt, Svenja; Ingrisch, Michael; Cyran, Clemens C; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Reiser, Maximilian F; Mack, Brigitte; Gires, Olivier; Clevert, Dirk A; Zengel, Pamela
To evaluate the in vivo response by detecting the anti-angiogenic and invasion-inhibiting effects of a triple-combination-therapy in an experimental-small-animal-squamous-cell-carcinoma-model using the "flash-replenishment" (FR) method to assess tissue hemodynamics via contrast-enhanced-ultrasound (CEUS). Human hypopharynx-carcinoma-cells were subcutaneously injected into the left flank of 22-female-athymic-nude-rats. After seven days of subcutaneous tumor growth, FR-measurements were performed on each rat. Treatment-group and control-group were treated every day for a period of one week, with the treatment-group receiving solvents containing a triple therapy of Upamostat®, Celecoxib® and Ilomastat® and the control-group solvents only. On day seven, follow-up measurements were performed using the same measurement protocol to assess the effects of the triple therapy. VueBox® was used to quantify the kinetic parameters and additional immunohistochemistry analyses were performed for comparison with and validation of the CEUS results against established methods (Proliferation/Ki-67, vascularization/CD31, apoptosis/caspase3). Compared to the control-group, the treatment-group that received the triple-therapy resulted in a reduction of tumor growth by 48.6% in size. Likewise, the immunohistochemistry results showed significant decreases in tumor proliferation and vascularization in the treatment-group in comparison to the control-group of 26%(p ≤ 0.05) and 32.2%(p ≤ 0.05) respectively. Correspondingly, between the baseline and follow-up measurements, the therapy-group was associated with a significant(p ≤ 0.01) decrease in the relative-Blood-Volume(rBV) in both the whole tumor(wt) and hypervascular tumor(ht) areas (p ≤ 0.01), while the control-group was associated with a significant (p ≤ 0.01) increase of the rBV in the wt area and a non-significant increase (p ≤ 0.16) in the ht area. The mean-transit-time (mTT) of the wt and the ht areas showed a
Kawaida, Hiromichi; Kono, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Mitsuaki; Hosomura, Naohiro; Amemiya, Hidetake; Fujii, Hideki
Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is one of the major complications in patients who undergo distal pancreatectomy (DP). Recently, dividing the pancreas by stapler is a commonly performed technique, however, POPF still occurs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for POPF after DP using a triple-row stapler. A total of 75 patients underwent DP using a triple-row stapler (Endo GIA™ Reloads with Tri-Staple™ Technology 60 mm; COVIDIEN, North Haven, CT, USA) at Yamanashi University from December 2012 to December 2016. The clinical risk factors for POPF after DP using a triple-row stapler were identified based on univariate and multivariate analyses. Clinical POPF (ISGPF Grade B and C) was seen in 7 of 75 patients (9.3%). The body mass index (BMI) was significantly higher in the patients with POPF (26.8 ± 0.5 kg/m 2 ) compared with the patients without POPF (21.4 ± 0.4 kg/m 2 ; a cut-off value; 25.7 kg/m 2 ). In addition, the patients with POPF were significantly younger than the patients without POPF (56.4 ± 5.6 vs 67.0 ± 1.5; a cut-off value was 57.0 years old). BMI and age were found to be significant risk factors for POPF after DP using a triple-row stapler.
Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of a High Temperature Triple Absorption Heat Transformer
Khamooshi, Mehrdad; Yari, Mortaza; Egelioglu, Fuat; Salati, Hana
First law of thermodynamics has been used to analyze and optimize inclusively the performance of a triple absorption heat transformer operating with LiBr/H2O as the working pair. A thermodynamic model was developed in EES (engineering equation solver) to estimate the performance of the system in terms of the most essential parameters. The assumed parameters are the temperature of the main components, weak and strong solutions, economizers' efficiencies, and bypass ratios. The whole cycle is optimized by EES software from the viewpoint of maximizing the COP via applying the direct search method. The optimization results showed that the COP of 0.2491 is reachable by the proposed cycle. PMID:25136702
Refaat, Tamer F; Singh, Upendra N; Yu, Jirong; Petros, Mulugeta; Ismail, Syed; Kavaya, Michael J; Davis, Kenneth J
Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the most dominant greenhouse gases directly contributing to the Earth's radiation budget and global warming. A performance evaluation of an airborne triple-pulsed integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) lidar system for simultaneous and independent monitoring of atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide column amounts is presented. This system leverages a state-of-the-art Ho:Tm:YLF triple-pulse laser transmitter operating at 2.05 μm wavelength. The transmitter provides wavelength tuning and locking capabilities for each pulse. The IPDA lidar system leverages a low risk and technologically mature receiver system based on InGaAs pin detectors. Measurement methodology and wavelength setting are discussed. The IPDA lidar return signals and error budget are analyzed for airborne operation on-board the NASA B-200. Results indicate that the IPDA lidar system is capable of measuring water vapor and carbon dioxide differential optical depth with 0.5% and 0.2% accuracy, respectively, from an altitude of 8 km to the surface and with 10 s averaging. Provided availability of meteorological data, in terms of temperature, pressure, and relative humidity vertical profiles, the differential optical depth conversion into weighted-average column dry-air volume-mixing ratio is also presented.
Modelling and simulation of parallel triangular triple quantum dots (TTQD) by using SIMON 2.0
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fathany, Maulana Yusuf, E-mail:; Fuada, Syifaul, E-mail:; Lawu, Braham Lawas, E-mail:
This research presents analysis of modeling on Parallel Triple Quantum Dots (TQD) by using SIMON (SIMulation Of Nano-structures). Single Electron Transistor (SET) is used as the basic concept of modeling. We design the structure of Parallel TQD by metal material with triangular geometry model, it is called by Triangular Triple Quantum Dots (TTQD). We simulate it with several scenarios using different parameters; such as different value of capacitance, various gate voltage, and different thermal condition.