Sample records for language student teacher

  1. Teachers' Judgements of Students' Foreign-Language Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zhu, Mingjing; Urhahne, Detlef


    Numerous studies have been conducted on the accuracy of teacher judgement in different educational areas such as mathematics, language arts and reading. Teacher judgement of students' foreign-language achievement, however, has been rarely investigated. The study aimed to examine the accuracy of teacher judgement of students' foreign-language…

  2. Language Teacher Education in Finland and the Cultural Dimension of Foreign Language Teaching--A Student Teacher Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Larzen-Ostermark, Eva


    The increasing importance attributed to the cultural dimension of foreign language (FL) education has entailed new demands for teachers and teacher educators. This paper explores the cultural agenda in Finnish language teacher education from a student teacher perspective. The focus is on the students' perceptions regarding how effectively cultural…

  3. Teachers' and Students' Beliefs regarding Aspects of Language Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Davis, Adrian


    The similarities and dissimilarities between teachers' and students' conceptions of language learning were addressed through a questionnaire survey concerning the nature and methods of language learning. The results indicate points of congruence between teachers' and students' beliefs about language learning in respect of eight main areas.…

  4. The First Language in the Foreign Language Classroom: Teacher Model and Student Language Use--An Exploratory Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chavez, Monika


    This study investigates how three teachers differed in the amount of first language (L1; here, English) they used during teacher-led instruction in a foreign language (FL; here, German) class and whether differences in the three teachers' L1 were associated with similar differences in their respective students' L1 use, both during teacher-led…

  5. Student Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs about Using the Target Language in the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bateman, Blair E.


    Although the language teaching profession has long emphasized the use of the target language in the classroom, student teachers face various challenges in their efforts to conduct class in their target language. This case study focused on 10 student teachers with respect to (1) their initial attitudes and beliefs about using the target language,…

  6. Detecting changes in student teachers' conceptions of teaching science to adolescent English language learners

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pomeroy, Jonathon Richard


    This research study investigated the changes that occurred in six student teachers' conceptions of teaching science to adolescent English language learners over the duration of their participation in a one-year, graduate level, science teacher education program. Cases were created for each of the student teachers based on their concept maps, writing samples, interviews, lesson plans, informal interviews with cooperating teachers, and observation notes collected on biweekly visitations. The cases were divided into three dyads each consisting of two student teachers with similar preprogram and student teaching experiences. Cross case analysis revealed the existence of seven themes related to teaching science to adolescent English language learners. Further analysis suggested that student teachers that worked with experienced cooperating teachers and who had achieved a sense of autonomy over their student teaching demonstrated broad and sophisticated growth across all seven themes. Student teachers who had not achieved a sense of autonomy, demonstrated growth in two to three themes. Student teachers who demonstrated broad and sophisticated growth were able to clearly articulate their conceptions of teaching science to English language learners where as those who demonstrated limited growth were not. This research establishes the use of concept maps as a tool for detecting changes in student teachers' conceptions of teaching science to adolescent English language learners as well as the sensitivity of concept maps to detect the types of changes historically detected by writing samples and interviews. Recommendations based on the implications from are included.

  7. Chinese Language and Culture Curriculum: Teacher's Manual [and] Student Activity Book.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soh, Yong-Kian; And Others

    This curriculum is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture in the elementary grades, and consists of a teacher's manual and student activity book. The teacher's guide consists of an introductory section, which outlines the rationale, objectives, suggested teaching techniques and materials, and language and culture content of the…

  8. Difficulties Encountered by Both Teachers and Students in Teaching and Learning Turkish as a Second Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Canbulat, Mehmet; Dilekçi, Atilla


    The objective of this research is to identify and suggest solutions to the problems experienced by students learning Turkish as a second language according to the opinions of both teachers and students evaluated. The research has been conducted among the classroom teachers, Turkish language teachers and the students attending the schools in…

  9. Ten Things that Teachers Should Teach (and Students Should Learn) about Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barratt, Leslie


    To create an environment which motivates students to learn the conventions of formal writing, teachers must teach children the place that these conventions have in language and in linguistic history. Principles that give students a broad picture of language are listed. (JL)

  10. Evaluation of Computer Based Foreign Language Learning Software by Teachers and Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baz, Fatih Çagatay; Tekdal, Mehmet


    The aim of this study is to evaluate Computer Based Foreign Language Learning software called Dynamic Education (DYNED) by teachers and students. The study is conducted with randomly chosen ten primary schools with the participants of 522 7th grade students and 7 English teachers. Three points Likert scale for teachers and five points Likert scale…

  11. The Influence of Classroom Drama on Teachers' Language and Students' On-Task Behavior

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderson, Alida; Berry, Katherine


    Teacher language and students' on-task behavior were examined in language arts lessons with and without classroom drama in two self-contained third grade classrooms for students with learning disabilities and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Language arts lessons that integrated classroom drama were associated with significantly higher…

  12. Teachers' Perceptions of Language Teaching for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schulz, Yoshiko


    Under the No Child Left Behind's educational accountability requirements, the U.S.'s mainstream classroom teachers were responsible for all students' academic language and content knowledge development regardless of students' academic or linguistic backgrounds. A lack of teachers' language awareness appeared to be responsible for teachers'…

  13. Building Language Educators: The Implications of Case-Based Pedagogy Using Practicum-Based Student-Teacher-Generated Cases for Pre-Service Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cournoyer, Amy Beth


    This case study investigated case-based pedagogy using student-teacher-generated cases as an instructional tool in the preparation of 12 pre-service ESL, Bilingual, and Modern Foreign Language teachers enrolled in a Student Teaching Seminar at a post-secondary institution. In the fall methods course, each participant generated a case study based…

  14. Teacher and Student Language Practices and Ideologies in a Third-Grade Two-Way Dual Language Program Implementation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Henderson, Kathryn I.; Palmer, Deborah K.


    This article provides an in-depth exploration of the language ecologies of two classrooms attempting to implement a two-way dual language (TWDL) program and its mediating conditions. Drawing on ethnographic methods and a sociocultural understanding of language, we examined both teachers' and students' language ideologies and language practices,…

  15. Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of secondary school students with low academic and language performance: perspectives from students, teachers, and parents.


    Joffe, Victoria L; Black, Emma


    Adolescence is a time of transition when young people with language difficulties are at increased risk of experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD). Most studies of social, emotional, and behavioral functioning (SEBF) in individuals with language difficulties focus on children with a clinical diagnosis of language impairment. This study explores SEBF in a nonclinical group of 12-year-old students with low educational and language performance from their own perspectives and those of their parents and teachers. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire ( Goodman, 1997) was given to 352 mainstream secondary school students who were underperforming academically and had poor language performance. Two hundred and twenty-five of their parents and 230 of their teachers also completed the questionnaire. Students with low educational attainment and poor language showed significantly greater SEBD than a normative sample as reported by themselves, their parents, and their teachers. Significant differences were found across informants, with students identifying more overall difficulties than parents or teachers. Secondary school students with low academic and language performance are more vulnerable to experiencing SEBD compared to typically developing peers. The extent of their difficulties varied depending on the informant, emphasizing the importance of gaining views from multiple perspectives.

  16. University Student and Teacher Perceptions of Teacher Roles in Promoting Autonomous Language Learning with Technology outside the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lai, Chun; Yeung, Yuk; Hu, Jingjing


    Helping students to become autonomous learners, who actively utilize technologies for learning outside the classroom, is important for successful language learning. Teachers, as significant social agents who shape students' intellectual and social experiences, have a critical role to play. This study examined students' and teachers' perceptions of…

  17. Language Ability of Students with Emotional Disturbance: Discrepancies between Teacher Ratings and Direct Assessment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chow, Jason C.; Hollo, Alexandra


    Language impairment often goes unidentified in students with behavioral disorders, perhaps in part because different forms of problem behavior deflect adult attention from more subtle language deficits. Therefore, attention to teachers' perception of students' language and behavioral performance is merited. The present study examines agreement…

  18. Mediating Language Learning: Teacher Interactions with ESL Students in a Content-Based Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gibbons, Pauline


    Draws on constructs of "mediation" from sociocultural theory and "mode continuum" from systemic functional linguistics to investigate how student-teacher talk in a content-based classroom contributes to learners' language development. Shows how teachers mediate between students' linguistic levels in English and their…

  19. Can a Successful ESL Teacher Hold Deficit Beliefs of Her Students' Home Languages and Cultures?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hertzog, Lisa


    In this article the author explores the seeming contradictions between the successful teaching practices of an English as a Second Language teacher and the deficit beliefs she expressed toward her students' home languages and cultures. This teacher believed her students were smart and capable, and she held herself accountable for her students…

  20. Understanding Collaborative Language Learning in Novice-Level Foreign Language Classrooms: Perceptions of Teachers and Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sun, Peijian; Yuan, Rui


    This study explored the congruence and disparities among three groups of foreign language (Chinese, French, and German) students' and teachers' perceptions of collaborative/cooperative language learning (CLL) strategies in novice-level classroom contexts. A total of 168 participants from a university in the USA took part in this mixed-method…

  1. Gatekeepers of the American Dream: how teachers' perceptions shape the academic outcomes of immigrant and language-minority students.


    Blanchard, Sarah; Muller, Chandra


    High school teachers evaluate and offer guidance to students as they approach the transition to college based in part on their perceptions of the student's hard work and potential to succeed in college. Their perceptions may be especially crucial for immigrant and language-minority students navigating the U.S. educational system. Using the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), we consider how the intersection of nativity and language-minority status may (1) inform teachers' perceptions of students' effort and college potential, and (2) shape the link between teachers' perceptions and students' academic progress towards college (grades and likelihood of advancing to more demanding math courses). We find that teachers perceive immigrant language-minority students as hard workers, and that their grades reflect that perception. However, these same students are less likely than others to advance in math between the sophomore and junior years, a critical point for preparing for college. Language-minority students born in the U.S. are more likely to be negatively perceived. Yet, when their teachers see them as hard workers, they advance in math at the same rates as nonimmigrant native English speaking peers. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering both language-minority and immigrant status as social dimensions of students' background that moderate the way that high school teachers' perceptions shape students' preparation for college. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Gatekeepers of the American Dream: How Teachers' Perceptions Shape the Academic Outcomes of Immigrant and Language-Minority Students

    PubMed Central

    Blanchard, Sarah; Muller, Chandra


    High school teachers evaluate and offer guidance to students as they approach the transition to college based in part on their perceptions of the students' hard work and potential to succeed in college. Their perceptions may be especially crucial for immigrant and language-minority students navigating the U.S. educational system. Using the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), we consider how the intersection of nativity and language-minority status may (1) inform teachers' perceptions of students' effort and college potential, and (2) shape the link between teachers' perceptions and students' academic progress towards college (grades and likelihood of advancing to more demanding math courses). We find that teachers perceive immigrant language-minority students as hard workers, and that their grades reflect that perception. However, these same students are less likely than others to advance in math between the sophomore and junior years, a critical point for preparing for college. Language-minority students born in the U.S. are more likely to be negatively perceived. Yet, when their teachers see them as hard workers, they advance in math at the same rates as nonimmigrant native English speaking peers. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering both language-minority and immigrant status as social dimensions of students' background that moderate the way that high school teachers' perceptions shape students' preparation for college. PMID:25769866

  3. Disadvantaged Language Minority Students and Their Teachers: A National Picture

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Samson, Jennifer F.; Lesaux, Nonie K.


    Background: Educational outcomes for language minority (LM) children are of great concern across the nation because these students have lower grades, are rated by their teachers as having lower skills, perform worse on standardized tests, and are more likely to drop out than are non-LM students. Given this context of underperformance, there is a…

  4. Choosing an English Teacher: The Influence of Gender on the Students' Choice of Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taqi, Hanan A.; Al-Darwish, Salwa H.; Akbar, Rahima S.; Al-Gharabali, Nada A.


    Gender and teaching are gaining increasing attention in the field of higher education. The significance of teacher gender seems even more crucial in an environment based on gender segregation. In the scope of language teaching and gender, this study investigates the influence of gender on the students' selection of teachers in general, and…

  5. Exploring US Mainstream Teachers' Perspectives on Use of the Native Language in Instruction with English Language Learner Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Karathanos, Katya


    In the US, public school teachers are currently experiencing an unprecedented increase in the number of English language learner (ELL) students with whom they work. Research shows the practice of incorporating ELL students' native languages (L1) into instruction to be a major factor enhancing their success in school. In this study, 327 pre-service…

  6. An Investigation of English Language Teachers and Students' Views on Ethical Principles towards Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cephe, Pasa Tevfik; Keles, Yener


    The purpose of this study is to raise the quality of teaching English language and to contribute to the improvement of ELT Teachers profession by investigating the extent to which English teachers at Mugla Sitki Koçman University apply the ethical code towards students during their teaching process. The study was conducted in Preparatory School of…

  7. Improving Student Teachers' Knowledge-Base in Language Education through Critical Reading

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mulumba, Mathias Bwanika


    The emergence of the digital era is redefining education and the pedagogical processes in an unpredictable manner. In the midst of the increased availability of print and online resources, the twenty-first century language teacher educator expects her (or his) student teachers to be reading beings if they are to improve their knowledge-base in…

  8. "Spanish as a Foreign Language" Teachers' Profiles: Inclusive Beliefs, Teachers' Perceptions of Student Outcomes in the TCLA Program, Burnout, and Experience

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rojas Tejada, Antonio J.; Cruz Del Pino, Raquel M.; Tatar, Moshe; Jimenez Sayans, Pablo


    The present study focuses on the Temporary Classroom of Linguistic Adaptation program (TCLA program) in which specialist teachers (Spanish as a foreign language teachers--SFL teachers) teach Spanish to immigrants who are not proficient in the language. We suggest that support for immigrant students in Spanish schools should adopt a new inclusive…

  9. The Effective English Language Teacher from the Perspectives of Turkish Preparatory School Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arikan, Arda; Taser, Duygu; Sarac-Suzer, H. Sezgi


    In this study, Turkish EFL students' conceptualization of an effective English language teacher is studied. A survey formerly developed by Yu-Hsin (1999) was adapted and administered to 100 foreign language learners studying at two state universities' English language preparatory schools. Also, participants' written responses were collected to…

  10. Students' Strategies in Response to Teachers' Second Language Explanations of Lexical Items

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Macaro, Ernesto


    This study of vocabulary comprehension strategies (VCS) is framed by the debate on L2-only instruction in the second or foreign language (L2) classroom where the teacher shares the first language (L1) of the students. Research has shown that some teachers switch to the L1 to explain lexical items while others try to explain them through L2…

  11. Language Teacher Research in the Middle East

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coombe, Christine, Ed.; Barlow, Lisa, Ed.


    An openness to new ways of teaching and learning is vital for growth among English language teachers, teacher educators, teachers in training, and students. This volume in the Language Teacher Research Series (Thomas S. C. Farrell, series editor) shares the studies and reflections of teacher researchers working in Middle Eastern countries with…

  12. Teacher Voices: Immigration, Language and Culture

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Writing Project (NJ1), 2011


    This report presents stories of six teachers who believe in the power and promise of immigrant students and English language learners. Their stories begin to help readers understand the assets these groups of students bring to classrooms, the challenges they--both students and teachers--face, and the role that teachers and schools play in their…

  13. The Relationship between Postsecondary Foreign Language Teachers' Beliefs in Student-Centeredness and Their Educational Technology Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Qasem, Ra'ed F.


    Though there is evidence that postsecondary foreign language (FL) teachers have not maximized computer technology for language teaching and learning, there is a lack of studies that attempt to uncover reasons for this underutilization. Research in other disciplines within general education suggested that teachers' beliefs in student-centeredness…

  14. Teacher Interpersonal Behaviour and Student Achievement in English as a Foreign Language Classrooms in China

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wei, Michael; den Brok, Perry; Zhou, Yalun


    We examined the relationship between English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' interpersonal behaviour and students' fluency in English in secondary education in China. A total of 160 students from four classes in the southwest part of China were asked to assess their teachers' interpersonal behaviour using the Questionnaire on Teacher…

  15. Integrating Academic Language into Content Methodology: Supporting Math and Science Teacher Candidates to Meet Students' Language Needs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Freking, Frederick; Park, Jaime; Francois, Annamarie


    This article describes how a teacher-education program (TEP), whose mission is to improve schooling for linguistically diverse students, develops its' teacher candidate's critical dispositions and pedagogy related to academic-language (AL) development and how candidate performance on PACT can help TEPs better assess and improve how AL…

  16. An Investigation of World Language Teachers' Use of Student Performance Data to Inform Teaching and to Help Improve Student Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Koffi, Bruno N.


    This qualitative study investigated the types of content-based student performance data World Language teachers used to improve instruction and student academic achievement, the purposes for which they used data, the issues they encountered, and the suggestions they made for more effective use of data. The Standards for Foreign Language Learning…

  17. Accuracy of Teachers' Predictions of Language Minority and Majority Students' Language Comprehension

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wold, Astri Heen


    The classroom is an important context of second language learning for language minority children. Teachers are responsible for creating good learning opportunities by securing language use well adjusted to the children's level of comprehension. Thus, teachers should have realistic expectations of this. The purpose of the research is to increase…

  18. Teacher-Student Interaction and Learning.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hall, Joan Kelly; Walsh, Meghan


    Reviews literature on recent developments in teacher-student interaction and language learning. Based on a sociocultural perspective of language and learning, draws from three types of classrooms: first language, second language, and foreign language. Attention is given to studies that investigate the specific means used in teacher-student…

  19. Student and Teacher Perceptions of First Language Use in Secondary French Immersion Mathematics Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Culligan, Karla


    This phenomenological study (Creswell, 2003, 2007; van Manen, 1997) explores student and teacher perceptions of first language use in French immersion mathematics classrooms at a large, urban high school in Canada. During individual interviews, participants discussed their perceptions and experiences of French immersion mathematics, language use,…

  20. Three Korean Heritage Language Teachers' Identities, Their Identification of Their Students, and Their Instructional Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kim, Jung-In; Kim, Miseon


    This study examined the instructional focuses and practices of three Korean heritage language (HL) teachers in community-based HL schools related not only to their constructed identities as HL teachers, but also to their students. Constant-comparative analyses of interviews and classroom observations across the three teacher cases showed that each…

  1. A Comparison of the Importance of Objectives in Foreign Language Instruction as Rated by In-Service Teachers, Student Teachers and Pupils. Research Bulletin, No. 44.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Leino, Anna-Liisa

    This paper reports how Finnish student teachers and pupils rate the importance of objectivies in English language instruction, and compares them with ratings of inservice teachers from a previous study. Forty-two teachers from post-graduate teacher-training schools and 131 students, aged approximately 17, from two schools, were involved. Student…

  2. Teacher Educators' Personal Practical Knowledge of Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swart, Fenna; de Graaff, Rick; Onstenk, Jeroen; Knezic, Dubravka


    This paper describes teacher educators' understanding of language for classroom communication in higher education. We argue that teacher educators who are aware of their personal practical knowledge of language have a better understanding of their students' language use and provide better support for knowledge construction. Personal practical…

  3. Teacher to Teacher: Supporting English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McElroy, Edward J.


    The student population is changing, and teachers need new tools to help their English language learner (ELL) students. ELL students are learning to read, write, and speak English at the same time as they study history, science, math, and all the other subjects taught in our schools. This article describes one tool, the Colorin Colorado website,…

  4. Student Teacher Beliefs on Grammar Instruction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Graus, Johan; Coppen, Peter-Arno


    The role of grammar teaching in foreign language education is a controversial one both in second language acquisition (SLA) research and language pedagogy and, as a result, a potential source of confusion to student teachers. The objective of this study was to gain insight into the beliefs on grammar teaching of student teachers of English as a…

  5. Effective Oral Language Development Strategies for Elementary Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kohler, Karen L.


    This action research study explored first and second grade classroom teachers' knowledge of oral language development and interventions for students at-risk of an oral language delay. This was accomplished through collaboration between a speech-language pathologist and classroom teachers. The data was aligned with assessments, the Response to…

  6. Pedagogical Self-Image Is the Key to Better Student-Teacher Interaction.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Danahy, Michael

    Imagery and metaphors for language teaching, language teachers, and language students that appear in the literature of language teacher training do not reflect a sense of mutual teacher-student cooperation or complementarity, but may instead show why most second language students seldom achieve more than minimal language proficiency. Terminology…

  7. Proactive and Reactive Dimensions of Life-Course Agency: Mapping Student Teachers' Language Learning Experiences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ruohotie-Lyhty, Maria; Moate, Josephine


    Although the concept of agency has received a lot of interest in recent educational research, its significance in language learning biographies as well as contextual and relational aspects of learner agency are still little studied. This paper aims at a more thorough understanding of agency by studying student teachers' previous language learning…

  8. "Nobody Told Me They Didn't Speak English!": Teacher Language Views and Student Linguistic Repertoires in Hutterite Colony Schools in Canada

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sterzuk, Andrea; Nelson, Cynthia A.


    This article presents a qualitative study of five monolingual teachers' understandings of the linguistic repertoires of their multilingual students. These teachers deliver the Saskatchewan provincial curricula in English to Hutterite colony students who are users of three languages: (a) spoken Hutterisch as a home and community language, (b)…

  9. Language Use in Real-time Interactions during Early Elementary Science Lessons: The Bidirectional Dynamics of the Language Complexity of Teachers and Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Menninga, Astrid; van Dijk, Marijn; Steenbeek, Henderien; van Geert, Paul


    This study used a dynamic approach to explore bidirectional sequential relations between the real-time language use of teachers and students in naturalistic early elementary science lessons. It also compared experienced teachers (n = 22) with novice teachers (n = 8) with respect to such relations. Verbal interactions were transcribed and coded at…

  10. Bridging the language gap: Exploring science teachers' dual role as teachers of content and English literacy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnold, Suzanne C.

    Responsibility for educating English language learners is increasingly falling on the shoulders of content specialists at the secondary level, as students are mainstreamed into classes. Therefore, providing these students an opportunity to achieve academic success depends largely on the quality of mainstream instruction (Cornell, 1995). Most teachers receive little or no preparation in how to work with English language learners. In my study, I address the instructional issues confronting three white, monolingual English-speaking middle school science teachers who must meet the demands of an increasing English language learner population. Specifically, this study explores teacher beliefs and enactment of reform-oriented science and sheltered instructional approaches to develop English language learners scientific and English literacy skills. I also explore the relationships that exist between these two dynamics in an effort to determine the extent to which teachers take on a dual role as teachers promoting English language and science proficiency. Using a participant observation case study method and my adaptation of Schwab's commonplaces heuristic, I analyzed the relationship between teacher beliefs, milieu, subject matter, and enactment in bridging the language gap in the science classroom for English language learners. The most noteworthy finding of this study was the significant role of milieu in enacting lessons that bridge the language gap and foster the development of English language learners science and English literacy skills. The findings suggest that greater attention be given to helping teachers establish a relationship-driven classroom milieu. You can provide all kinds of courses or professional learning experiences to improve teachers' instructional practices, but they must also recognize the importance of establishing relationships with their students; the coursework they take will not supplant the need to foster a warm and safe environment for all

  11. Preparing Language Teachers for Blended Teaching of Summary Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yang, Yu-Fen


    Research on preparing language teachers for blended teaching of summary writing, a mix of on-site and online instruction for college students to grasp the gist of the texts, is scarce in higher education. This study examined the problems encountered and solutions proposed by six language teachers, who altogether instructed 214 college students on…

  12. Classroom Composition and Language Minority Students' Motivation in Language Lessons

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rjosk, Camilla; Richter, Dirk; Hochweber, Jan; Lüdtke, Oliver; Stanat, Petra


    In this study, we investigated effects of the proportion of language minority students in classrooms on the development of students' intrinsic motivation in language lessons and the mediating role of instructional climate (e.g., teacher support, focus on student interests). In addition, we explored the interaction between the proportion of…

  13. An Ethnographic Study of Elementary Teachers', Paraprofessionals', and Students' Language Exchanges during Reading

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Aaron-Stanton, Desiree


    This ethnographic study of language shows the importance of educators' appropriate use of linguistic, nonlinguistic, and paralinguistic communication techniques when working with elementary students within two classrooms who have behavioral and emotional disorders. This study focused on communication techniques used by teachers and…

  14. Teachers' Use of Linguistic Scaffolding to Support the Academic Language Development of First-Grade Emergent Bilingual Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lucero, Audrey


    Research suggests that teachers need to scaffold emergent bilingual students as they develop the complex language associated with school success. This may especially be true in dual language settings, where children are learning two languages simultaneously. In this study, therefore, I investigate the linguistic scaffolding practices of…

  15. Lessons from the Other Side of the Teacher's Desk: Discovering Insights to Help Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Westbrook, Frances


    Most language teachers become teachers because they are fascinated by language. They like the way languages work, they are intrigued by differences between their native tongues and other languages, and they enjoy the process of helping their students learn. Most language teachers have had positive experiences as language students themselves…

  16. Adjusting Language Level in Teacher-Talk in ELT Microteachings with Specific Reference to Distance Education Teacher

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sarigoz, Iskender Hakki


    Foreign language teacher education requires microteaching practices carried out by teacher trainees for learning and assessment purposes. During microteachings, teacher trainees operate many teaching skills concurrently. Interlanguage compatible teacher-talk in the target language is essential for the production of student talk at elementary and…

  17. Exploring How Non-Native Teachers Can Use Commonalities with Students to Teach the Target Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reynolds-Case, Anne


    This article presents a qualitative study demonstrating how teachers who are non-native speakers (NNS) of the target language and who have learned the target language in a similar environment as their students can use their past learning experiences as pedagogical tools in their classes. An analysis of transcripts from classrooms with NNS and…

  18. Native Language Teachers in a Struggle for Language and Cultural Survival

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Suina, Joseph H.


    Language shift among New Mexico Pueblo Indians threatens the loss of their oral-based cultures. Language revival for many Pueblos has resulted in school programs in which students are easily accessible and teachers are accountable to tribes rather than the state. Finding "Pueblo space" for the Native language in school, where it was…

  19. "We Teach Plastic Lessons to Please Them": The Influence of Supervision on the Practice of English Language Student Teachers in Kenya

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ochieng' Ong'ondo, Charles; Borg, Simon


    This article analyses the process of supervision by teacher educators and its influence on English language student teachers during a practicum in Kenya. The student teachers were enrolled in a four-year Bachelor of Education course for teaching English at secondary school level. Drawing on the perspectives of teacher educators, co-operating…

  20. In Our Learners' Shoes. A Language Teacher's Reflections on Language Learning.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cervi, David A.


    A language teacher's Japanese-language learning experiences in educational and immersion environments lead to assertions about the ineffectiveness of exclusive use of traditional instructional methodologies; exclusive dependence on osmosis for developing fluency; instructional materials that students perceive as beneath them; and assumptions that…

  1. High School Student Perceptions of First Language Literacy Instruction: Implications for Second Language Writing.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kobayashi, Hiroe; Rinnert, Carol


    Investigated Japanese students' first language (L1) writing experience and instruction received in high school in order to help their university English-as-a-Second-Language writing teachers understand their needs. Analysis of interview data suggests ways teachers can draw on students' strengths in terms of their literacy background to help them…

  2. Web-Based New Literacies and EFL Curriculum Design in Teacher Education: A Design Study for Expanding EFL Student Teachers' Language-Related Literacy Practices in an Egyptian Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abdallah, Mahmoud Mohammad Sayed


    With the dominance of the Web in education and English language learning, new literacies have emerged. This thesis is motivated by the assumption that these literacies need to be integrated into the Egyptian pre-service EFL teacher education programmes so that EFL student teachers can cope with the new reality of language teaching/learning.…

  3. Who Educates Teacher Educators about English Language Learners?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roy-Campbell, Zaline M.


    With the increasing numbers of English language learners (ELLs) in schools across the United States, most teachers will have these students in their classrooms in the near future if not already. Due to the wide diversity of ELL students, all classroom teachers must be equipped to work with these students. This study presents the findings of a…

  4. Issues and Concerns Faced by Undergraduate Language Student Teachers during Teaching Practicum Experiences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ali, Mohd Sofi; Othman, Abdul Jalil; Karim, Abdul Faruk Abdul


    This study examined specific issues and concerns faced by Bachelor of Education student teachers majoring in Language and Literature during their 12-week teaching practicum experience. Specifically, three main areas of concerns were examined. They were: (1) specific issues and concerns related to the implementation of teaching practicum faced by…

  5. Language, Identity, and Emotionality: Exploring the Potential of Language Portraits in Preparing Teachers for Diverse Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lau, Sunny Man Chu


    The present study, framed from a critical and transformative approach to teacher education, aims to investigate whether language portraits (Prasad, 2010)--the mapping of one's language and cultural make-up on a body template--can help improve student teachers' self-understanding about language and identities and can foster critical reflection…

  6. Student-Teachers' Perceptions of Second Language Teaching in the CBL Program: Identity Construction and Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yeh, Shu-Fen


    In recent times, researchers of second language learning have suggested that second language learning is not simply a cognitive or linguistic issue, but is also a social, political, and cultural one (e.g., Atkinson, 2002; Firth & Wagner, 1997; Larsen-Freeman, 2007). Research on student teachers' identity (e.g., Atkinson, 2004; Day &…

  7. Foreign Language Teaching Practicum Beliefs of Student Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sariçoban, Arif


    This study to be conducted with English Language Teachers at the secondary education in our country during the first semester 2014-2015 academic year, aims to explore the beliefs of these in-service ELT teachers during the micro teaching sessions by the prospective ELT teacher candidates. This study aims at reporting the progress inbetween the…

  8. Teaching of science and language by elementary teachers who emphasize the integrated language approach: A descriptive study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blouch, Kathleen Kennedy

    This research involved investigating the nature of science and language instruction in 13 elementary classrooms where teachers have restructured their language programs to reflect an integrated or holistic view of language instruction. The teachers were identified by school administrators and other professionals as teachers who have implemented instructional reforms described in the Pennsylvania Framework for Reading, Writing and Speaking Across the Curriculum (PCRPII), (Lytle & Botel, 1900). The instruction utilized by these teachers was described as atypical when compared to that of teachers utilizing the more traditional didactic skills oriented approach to language literacy. The research involved observing, recording and categorizing teaching behaviors during both science and language instruction. Videotaped observations were followed by analyses and descriptions of these behaviors. Interviews were also conducted to ascertain the basis for selection of the various instructional approaches. The instruction was compared on four dimensions: participation patterns, time the behaviors were practiced, type of tasks and levels of questioning. The instruction was then described in light of constructivist teaching practices: student collaboration, student autonomy, integration and higher order thinking. Constructivist practices differed among teachers for science and language instruction. During science instruction teachers spent more time involved in teacher-whole group participation patterns with more direct questioning as compared to language instruction in which children participated alone or in groups and had opportunity to initiate conversations and questions. Student inquiry was evidenced during language instruction more so than during science. The 13 teachers asked a variety of levels and types of questions both in science and language instruction. More hands-on science experiences were observed when science was taught separately compared to when integrated with

  9. Attitudes of Palestinian Undergraduate Students towards Native and Non-Native English Language Teachers and Their Relation to Students' Listening Ability

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nafi, Jamal Subhi Ismail; Qabaja, Ziad Mohammed Mahmoud; Al-Kar, Hibah Jabir Ibrahim


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes of Palestinian undergraduate students towards native and non-native English language teachers and their relation to students' listening ability. To achieve this purpose and to answer the research questions and test the hypotheses, the researchers adopted both the descriptive and inferential…

  10. Students' Perceptions of Teacher Impact on Their Self-Directed Language Learning with Technology beyond the Classroom: Cases of Hong Kong and U.S.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lai, Chun; Li, Xiaoshi; Wang, Qiu


    Teachers are important social agents who affect students' cognitive and social behaviors, including students' self-directed use of technology for language learning outside the classroom. However, how teachers influence student behaviors may vary across cultures, and understanding how teacher influences vary across different cultures is critical to…

  11. Teachers' Uses of the Target and First Languages in Second and Foreign Language Classrooms.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turnball, Miles; Arnett, Katy


    Reviews recent theoretical and empirical literature regarding teachers' uses of the target (TL) and first languages (L1) in second and foreign language classrooms. Explores several issues related to teachers' use of the L1 and the TL in the classroom; exposure to TL input, student motivation, cognitive considerations, code switching, and…

  12. Prospective English Language Teachers' Perceptions of the Target Language and Culture in Relation to Their Socioeconomic Status

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arikan, Arda


    Prospective foreign language teachers need to have an accurate knowledge and a positive perception of the target language and target culture so that they can help their students gain further insight on culture by and large. Hence, by means of a questionnaire, prospective English language teachers' (n= 412) perceptions of the target language and…

  13. Prospective English Language Teachers' Perceptions of the Target Language and Culture in Relation to Their Socioeconomic Status

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arikan, Arda


    Prospective foreign language teachers need to have an accurate knowledge and a positive perception of the target language and target culture so that they can help their students gain further insight on culture by and large. Hence, by means of a questionnaire, prospective English language teachers' (n = 412) perceptions of the target language and…

  14. The Role of Teachers' Classroom Discipline in Their Teaching Effectiveness and Students' Language Learning Motivation and Achievement: A Path Method

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rahimi, Mehrak; Karkami, Fatemeh Hosseini


    This study investigated the role of EFL teachers' classroom discipline strategies in their teaching effectiveness and their students' motivation and achievement in learning English as a foreign language. 1408 junior high-school students expressed their perceptions of the strategies their English teachers used (punishment, recognition/reward,…

  15. Thinking, Language and Learning in Initial Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Nick


    Initial teacher education (ITE) serves as a bridge between prospective teachers exiting the school system to enrol in teacher education faculties, on the one hand and newly qualified teachers (NQTs) who are embarking on a career in schooling on the other. The present paper describes the language and thinking skills student teachers bring to their…

  16. Learning to Teach a Foreign Language: A Student Teacher's Role Identity Negotiation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martel, Jason Peter


    Traditional foreign language remains a conservative and underdeveloped subject. Change-promoting efforts like ACTFL's National Standards have had a limited impact on teachers' pedagogies (Glisan, 2012), and program-exiting student proficiency levels remain relatively low (CASLS, 2010). Given the reciprocal shaping relationship between…

  17. Working with Second Language Learners: Answers to Teachers' Top Ten Questions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cary, Stephen

    This book aims to provide practical, research-informed answers to the questions most frequently asked by teachers of second language learners. Every question targets one of the key instructional issues teachers must address to ensure success for their second language students. Included among the questions are: How do I assess a student's English?…

  18. The Social Construction of Academic Language in Teacher Education: Preparing Preservice Teachers to Work with English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Scalzo, Jennifer Noel


    Increasing numbers of English language learners enrolled in public schools has brought national attention to issues surrounding the education of linguistically diverse students. Teacher education programs have come under scrutiny for not doing an "adequate job of preparing teachers to teach diverse populations" (Hollins & Guzman,…

  19. "!Luces, Camara, Accion!": A Classroom Teacher Research Analysis of Dual Language Students Translanguaging through One-Act Plays

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Escalante, Lora Beth


    The study investigates how language is used among 17 children in a dual language classroom as they create academic-based one-act plays in conjunction with social studies instruction. Examining over 20 hours of video, the teacher researcher analyzes students' use of translanguaging during cooperative groupings in order to co-accomplish an…

  20. Listening to the Voices of Pre-Service Student Teachers from Teaching Practice: The Challenges of Implementing the English as a Second Language Curriculum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ngwaru, Cathrine


    Pre-service teachers in Zimbabwe face a number of challenges on their Teaching Practice (TP) usually because a second language (English) is the language of education. Challenges and experiences articulated by pre-service student teachers on TP therefore provide a strategic window into the practices of novice teachers. This study uses a concurrent…

  1. Language Teachers' Target Language Project: Language for Specific Purposes of Language Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Korenev, Alexey; Westbrook, Carolyn; Merry, Yvonne; Ershova, Tatiana


    The Language Teachers' Target Language project (LTTL) aims to describe language teachers' target language use domain (Bachman & Palmer 2010) and to develop a language test for future teachers of English. The team comprises four researchers from Moscow State University (MSU) and Southampton Solent University.

  2. Classroom Teachers' Understanding of the Needs of English-Language Learners and the Influence on the Students' Identities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yoon, Bogum


    Grounded in culturally relevant pedagogy, this case study explored the practices of a general education classroom teacher teaching middle grade English language learners (ELLs). The purpose of this study was to examine the teacher's beliefs about her role in teaching ELLs, and the relationship between her teaching approaches and the students'…

  3. Meeting the Needs of High School Science Teachers in English Language Learner Instruction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cho, Seonhee; McDonnough, Jacqueline T.


    This survey study explored high school science teachers’ challenges and needs specific to their growing English language learning (ELL) student population. Thirty-three science teachers from 6 English as a Second language (ESL)-center high schools in central Virginia participated in the survey. Issues surveyed were (a) strategies used by science teachers to accommodate ELL students’ special needs, (b) challenges they experienced, and (c) support and training necessary for effective ELL instruction. Results suggest that language barriers as well as ELL students’ lack of science foundational knowledge challenged teachers most. Teachers perceived that appropriate instructional materials and pedagogical training was most needed. The findings have implications for science teacher preservice and inservice education in regard to working with language minority students.

  4. Student Teachers and CALL: Personal and Pedagogical Uses and Beliefs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hlas, Anne Cummings; Conroy, Kelly; Hildebrandt, Susan A.


    The student teaching semester affords teacher candidates the chance to apply what they have learned during their teacher preparation coursework. Therefore, it can be a prime opportunity for student teachers to use technology for their own language learning and to implement computer assisted language learning (CALL) in their instruction. This study…

  5. Teacher knowledge of basic language concepts and dyslexia.


    Washburn, Erin K; Joshi, R Malatesha; Binks-Cantrell, Emily S


    Roughly one-fifth of the US population displays one or more symptoms of dyslexia: a specific learning disability that affects an individual's ability to process written language. Consequently, elementary school teachers are teaching students who struggle with inaccurate or slow reading, poor spelling, poor writing, and other language processing difficulties. Findings from studies have indicated that teachers lack essential knowledge needed to teach struggling readers, particularly children with dyslexia. However, few studies have sought to assess teachers' knowledge and perceptions about dyslexia in conjunction with knowledge of basic language concepts related to reading instruction. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to examine elementary school teachers' knowledge of basic language concepts and their knowledge and perceptions about dyslexia. Findings from the present study indicated that teachers, on average, were able to display implicit skills related to certain basic language concepts (i.e. syllable counting), but failed to demonstrate explicit knowledge of others (i.e. phonics principles). Also, teachers seemed to hold the common misconception that dyslexia is a visual processing deficit rather than phonological processing deficit. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. From "Bored Witless" to "Rhetorical Nous": Teacher Orientation to Knowledge about Language and Strengthening Student Persuasive Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Love, Kristina; Sandiford, Carmel; Macken-Horarik, Mary; Unsworth, Len


    We report in this paper on one aspect of a project designed to support teachers with the demands of the Language strand of the Australian Curriculum for English as this guides their development of a coherent account of knowledge about language and their implementation of this in building their students' literacy repertoires. We map the changing…

  7. How Much L1 Is Too Much? Teachers' Language Use in Response to Students' Abilities and Classroom Interaction in Content and Language Integrated Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lo, Yuen Yi


    In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classrooms where students' L2 proficiency has not reached the threshold level, teachers have been observed to use L1 to assist students in grasping specific technical terms and abstract concepts. It is argued to be a 'realistic' approach to the learning problems caused by students' limited L2…

  8. An Explanatory Mixed Method Study on Pre-Service Language Teachers' Communication Apprehension towards Their Instructors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kavanoz, Suzan


    Promoting higher communication efficiency among teacher candidates and acting as models are among the main professional responsibilities of teacher educators. This makes the task of teachers even more important in language education classes where students are prospective language teachers and their development as language teachers highly depend on…

  9. Prospective Foreign Language Teachers' Preference of Teaching Methods for the Language Acquisition Course in Turkish Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    GüvendIr, Emre


    Considering the significance of taking student preferences into account while organizing teaching practices, the current study explores which teaching method prospective foreign language teachers mostly prefer their teacher to use in the language acquisition course. A teaching methods evaluation form that includes six commonly used teaching…

  10. The Effects of Teacher-Introduced Multimodal Representations and Discourse on Students' Task Engagement and Scientific Language during Cooperative, Inquiry-Based Science

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gillies, Robyn M.; Baffour, Bernard


    The study sought to determine the effects of teacher-introduced multimodal representations and discourse on students' task engagement and scientific language during cooperative, inquiry-based science. The study involved eight Year 6 teachers in two conditions (four very effective teachers and four effective teachers) who taught two units of…

  11. Teachers' Perceived Efficacy among English as a Foreign Language Teachers in Middle Schools in Venezuela

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chacon, C.T.


    Teachers' sense of efficacy has been shown to influence teachers' actions and student outcomes. This study explored self-efficacy beliefs among English as a Foreign Language teachers in selected schools in Venezuela. Data were collected through a survey administered to 100 teachers. The Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran &…

  12. Preparing Secondary Education Teachers To Work with English Language Learners: English Language Arts. NCBE Resource Collection Series, No. 10.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anstrom, Kris; DiCerbo, Patricia, Ed.

    This document examines the education of secondary level English language learners within mainstream language arts classes. It provides teachers and teacher educators with an understanding of how mainstream language arts instruction can be designed and implemented to enhance academic achievement for these students. Research for this report included…

  13. Understanding the Language Demands on Science Students from an Integrated Science and Language Perspective

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seah, Lay Hoon; Clarke, David John; Hart, Christina Eugene


    This case study of a science lesson, on the topic thermal expansion, examines the language demands on students from an integrated science and language perspective. The data were generated during a sequence of 9 lessons on the topic of 'States of Matter' in a Grade 7 classroom (12-13 years old students). We identify the language demands by comparing students' writings with the scientific account of expansion that the teacher intended the students to learn. The comparison involved both content analysis and lexicogrammatical (LG) analysis. The framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics was adopted for the LG analysis. Our analysis reveals differences in the meaning and the way LG resources were employed between the students' writings and the scientific account. From these differences, we found the notion of condition-of-use for LG resources to be a significant aspect of the language that students need to appropriate in order to employ the language of school science appropriately. This notion potentially provides a means by which teachers could concurrently address the conceptual and representational demands of science learning. Finally, we reflect on how the complementary use of content analysis and LG analysis provides a way for integrating the science and language perspectives in order to understand the demands of learning science through language.

  14. Critical Thinking Dispositions of Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers and Primary Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maltepe, Sadet


    The present study aimed to determine critical thinking dispositions of pre-service Turkish language and primary teachers in terms of several variables by employing descriptive survey design. The study group consisted of 215 senior students attending Turkish Language Teaching and Primary Education Departments of Necatibey Faculty of Education at…

  15. Les competences langagieres des etudiants-maitres en francais langue seconde au Canada (Linguistic Competence of Student Teachers of French as a Second Language in Canada).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boutin, France; Chinien, Christian; Boutin, Jean-Luc

    A survey of 23 Canadian schools of education investigated the French language competence of student enrolled in core and immersion French language teacher programs. The questionnaire developed for the study inquired about the native language of the students, methods used to sensitize non-francophone students to francophone culture, and strategies…

  16. Framework for Teacher Evaluation: Examining the Relationship between Teacher Performance and Student Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parker, Neelie B.


    This action research study examined the relationship between teacher performance and student achievement in reading language arts and mathematics. The study sought to determine if teacher evaluation methods used to determine teacher performance, had a relationship in improving student achievement. The researcher investigated the topic using…

  17. Mobile Technologies as Boundary Objects in the Hands of Student Teachers of Languages inside and outside the University

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gajek, Elzbieta


    This paper presents the use of mobile devices by students of linguistics, future foreign language teachers, outside the university and in-campus, and their vision of the potential usefulness of such devices for language learning at tertiary level. As various characteristics of mobile devices influence their usability, users select a device to fit…

  18. Urban Elementary Teachers' Perspectives on Teaching Science to English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Okhee; Maerten-Rivera, Jaime; Buxton, Cory; Penfield, Randall; Secada, Walter G.


    This descriptive study examined urban elementary school teachers' perceptions of their science content knowledge, science teaching practices, and support for language development of English language learners. Also examined were teachers' perceptions of organizational supports and barriers associated with teaching science to nonmainstream students.…

  19. English Language Proficiency and Teacher Judgments of the Academic and Interpersonal Competence of English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Freberg, Miranda E.


    The purpose of the study was to investigate how English language proficiency is related to teacher judgments of students' academic and interpersonal competence. It was hypothesized that English Language Learner (ELL) students would generally be perceived as having weaker academic and interpersonal skills than their non-ELL counterparts regardless…

  20. Reading Teachers and Their Students (ERIC/RCS).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sensenbaugh, Roger


    Presents annotations of nine articles from the ERIC database that discuss the pedagogical relationship between reading teachers and their students. Includes articles that deal with whole-language instruction, student motivation, instructional grouping, questioning techniques, and the characteristics of effective teachers. (PRA)

  1. A Case Study of Developing Student-Teachers' Language Awareness through Online Discussion Forums

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mok, Jane


    A major challenge for language teacher educators working in the area of teacher language awareness (TLA) is to develop pedagogical approaches that will go beyond merely enhancing L2 teachers' knowledge about language by enabling them to make the bridge between the declarative and procedural dimensions of TLA. This paper sets out to investigate the…

  2. The Impact of Past Language Arts Teachers on the Reading Motivation of Twelfth Grade Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shepard, Courtney A.


    Adolescents' motivation to read continues to decline. The purpose of this embedded single case study was to explore adolescent reading motivation to determine some ways in which adolescents are motivated to read. Through purposeful sampling, the participants included seven twelfth grade students and three English Language Arts teachers in grades…

  3. Exploring the Fluid Online Identities of Language Teachers and Adolescent Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    del Rosal, Karla; Conry, Jillian; Wu, Sumei


    Due to demographic changes, there is a growing number of adolescent students who learn in classrooms in which their teacher and peers come from cultural and linguistic backgrounds that are different from theirs. In these diverse classrooms, teachers need to be able to facilitate language learning spaces that are welcoming for all children,…

  4. The LD Teacher's Language Arts Companion[TM]: A Multisensory Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wadlington, Elizabeth M.; Currie, Paula S.

    This book presents a multisensory approach for teaching language arts skills to students in grades 3-10 with learning disabilities. It is intended for teachers, parents, speech-language pathologists, and other professionals who work with students with learning disabilities. An introduction discusses multisensory instruction and the benefits of…

  5. Lessons in the Korean Language and Culture for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kim, Chang Whan

    This language text is designed to introduce the Korean language and culture to Peace Corps trainees and volunteers who will be teachers of English as a second language to Korean students. The disciplines of language training, cross-cultural training, and TESL are combined in a single volume into one integrated curriculum. The text contains 100…

  6. Working Conditions of Foreign Language Teachers: Results from a Pilot Survey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lopez-Gomez, Coral; Albright, Jeremy J.


    Recent research has consistently shown that teacher working conditions are highly predictive of faculty turnover and student performance. However, very little work investigates specifically the experiences of foreign-language instructors. This paper reports results from a pilot survey of language teachers in public and private schools from across…

  7. Second Language Pre-Service Teachers as Learners: The Language Portfolio Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Christiansen, Helen; Laplante, Bernard


    This article reports on a study of pre-service French immersion teachers who were required to compile second language (L2) portfolios as part of their professional development. Documents included a brief biography of the students' lives as speakers and learners of French; an action plan in which students assessed their L2 proficiency and set…

  8. Enhancing Students' Responses to Art through Qualitative Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tollifson, Jerry


    A teacher's communication choices can spark student understanding. By harnessing and modeling the power that qualitative language provides when characterizing artworks, these choices support a student's evolving capabilities from simple description to a deeper embodiment of art criticism. This article is aimed at helping teachers understand how…

  9. Pre-Service EFL Teachers' Beliefs about Foreign Language Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Altan, Mustafa Zulkuf


    Beliefs are central constructs in every discipline which deals with human behaviour and learning. In addition to learner beliefs about language learning, language teachers themselves may hold certain beliefs about language learning that will have an impact on their instructional practices and that are likely to influence their students' beliefs…

  10. Teacher-Student Relationships and L2 Motivation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Henry, Alastair; Thorsen, Cecilia


    Positive relationships with teachers are important for students' second language motivation. However, little is known about how interpersonal interactions stimulate motivated behavior. Drawing on studies of teacher-student relationships, theories from positive psychology, and the psychology of unconscious self-regulation, this case study examines…

  11. In the Eyes of Turkish EFL Learners: What Makes an Effective Foreign Language Teacher?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Çelik, Servet; Arikan, Arda; Caner, Mustafa


    Research on the qualities of successful teachers in Turkey indicates that students consider teacher effectiveness as the ability to ensure an environment in which positive student-teacher interaction can take place. However, further studies are needed to clarify students' perceptions of the qualities of effective foreign language teachers, in…

  12. Making It "Authentic": Egyptian EFL Student Teachers' Awareness and Use of Online Authentic Language Materials and Their Learning Motivation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abdelhafez, Hanan A.; Abdallah, Mahmoud M. S.


    This paper reports a research study that sought investigating Assiut University College of Education (AUCOE) EFL student teachers' awareness and use of online authentic materials on the basis of their actual language leaning needs, and how this relates to their language learning motivation. To accomplish this, a mixed-method research methodology…

  13. Teacher Knowledge of Basic Language Concepts and Dyslexia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Washburn, Erin K.; Joshi, R. Malatesha; Binks-Cantrell, Emily S.


    Roughly one-fifth of the US population displays one or more symptoms of dyslexia: a specific learning disability that affects an individual's ability to process written language. Consequently, elementary school teachers are teaching students who struggle with inaccurate or slow reading, poor spelling, poor writing, and other language processing…

  14. Language Students Learning to Manage Complex Pedagogic Situations in a Technology-Rich Environment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tumelius, Riikka; Kuure, Leena


    Being a language teacher in the modern world requires sensitivity to complexity, which may pose challenges for student teachers and teachers in the field accustomed to classroom-based learning and teaching. This study examines how language students are managing complex pedagogic situations in a technologyrich environment while exploring new ways…

  15. Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Öz, Hüseyin


    This article reports on the findings of a study conducted to investigate teachers' and students' perceptions of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and to find out differences of perceptions according to some variables such as gender, level of English proficiency, hours of weekly IWB use, and years…

  16. Shifting Roles: From Language Teachers to Learning Advisors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morrison, Brian R.; Navarro, Diego


    Although learning advisors are often qualified teachers, the skills they apply, such as those discussed by Kelly (1996), require a significant shift in approach regarding interaction with students. As teachers reorient themselves to advising, their role changes quite markedly from teaching language to advising on learning (Mozzon-McPherson, 2001).…

  17. Current Issues in English Language Teacher-Based Assessment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Davison, Chris; Leung, Constant


    Teacher-based assessment (TBA) is increasingly being promoted in educational policies internationally, with English language teachers being called on to plan and/or implement appropriate assessment procedures to monitor and evaluate student progress in their own classrooms. However, there has been a lack of theorization of TBA in the English…

  18. Teachers' and Students' Amount and Purpose of L1 Use: English as Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms in Iran

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bozorgian, Hossein; Fallahpour, Sediqe


    A surge of interest in using First Language (L1) in English as Second/Foreign Language (L2/EFL) learning has recently been developed. Despite this upsurge, the concern about using L1 by teachers and students in L2/EFL classrooms is still important for researchers to consider in the field. The focus of this study is to investigate the amount and…

  19. Future Language Teachers Learning to Become CALL Designers--Methodological Perspectives in Studying Complexity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keisanen, Tiina; Kuure, Leena


    Language teachers of the future, our current students, live in an increasingly technology-rich world. However, language students do not necessarily see their own digital practices as having relevance for guiding language learning. Research in the fields of CALL and language education more generally indicates that teaching practices change slowly…

  20. Rhetorical meta-language to promote the development of students' writing skills and subject matter understanding

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pelger, Susanne; Sigrell, Anders


    Background: Feedback is one of the most significant factors for students' development of writing skills. For feedback to be successful, however, students and teachers need a common language - a meta-language - for discussing texts. Not least because in science education such a meta-language might contribute to improve writing training and feedback-giving. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore students' perception of teachers' feedback given on their texts in two genres, and to suggest how writing training and feedback-giving could become more efficient. Sample: In this study were included 44 degree project students in biology and molecular biology, and 21 supervising teachers at a Swedish university. Design and methods: The study concerned students' writing about their degree projects in two genres: scientific writing and popular science writing. The data consisted of documented teacher feedback on the students' popular science texts. It also included students' and teachers' answers to questionnaires about writing and feedback. All data were collected during the spring of 2012. Teachers' feedback, actual and recalled - by students and teachers, respectively - was analysed and compared using the so-called Canons of rhetoric. Results: While the teachers recalled the given feedback as mainly positive, most students recalled only negative feedback. According to the teachers, suggested improvements concerned firstly the content, and secondly the structure of the text. In contrast, the students mentioned language style first, followed by content. Conclusions: The disagreement between students and teachers regarding how and what feedback was given on the students texts confirm the need of improved strategies for writing training and feedback-giving in science education. We suggest that the rhetorical meta-language might play a crucial role in overcoming the difficulties observed in this study. We also discuss how training of writing skills may contribute to

  1. Student Teachers' Intrinsic Motivation during a Short-Term Teacher Training Course Abroad

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pfingsthorn, Joanna; Czura, Anna


    While research data concerning study abroad experiences of tertiary level students are easily accessible, relatively little attention has been paid to the role of international programmes in pre-service foreign language (FL) teacher education. The present study involved student teachers of English from three countries and aimed to explore their…

  2. The Evaluation of Foreign-Language-Teacher Education Programmes

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Peacock, Matthew


    This article presents a new procedure for the evaluation of EFL teacher-training programmes based on principles of programme evaluation and foreign-language-teacher (FLT) education. The procedure focuses on programme strengths and weaknesses and how far the programme meets the needs of students. I tested the procedure through an evaluation of a…

  3. The Use of EPOSTL to Determine the Self-Efficacy of Prospective EFL Teachers: Raising Awareness in English Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bergil, Ayfer Su; Sariçoban, Arif


    The current practices in the field of foreign language teacher education have a heavy inclination to make use of traditional means especially throughout the assessment process of student teachers at foreign language departments. Observing the world in terms of teacher education makes it urgent to include more reflective and objective tools in…

  4. Language Teachers: Research and Studies in Language(s) Education, Teaching, and Learning in "Teaching and Teacher Education," 1985-2012

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kleinsasser, Robert C.


    The article reviews twelve of 79 articles focusing on language teachers, language(s) teacher education, teaching, and learning published in "Teaching and Teacher Education" since 1985. The twelve articles, divided into three sections, include narrative inquiry and identity, teacher education topics, and contexts. The articles provide local and…

  5. Language Teacher Cognition: Tracing the Conceptualizations of Second Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Childs, Sharon S.


    Long before deciding to become second language (L2) teachers, novice teachers have subconsciously developed conceptions of teaching cultivated by their experiences as learners in both general and language education classrooms. This "apprenticeship of observation" (Lortie, 1975) can foster deeply held beliefs about teaching that are carried with…

  6. Foreign Language Teachers' Professional Development in Information Age

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Xiying; Wu, Gang

    Cultivation of students' learning autonomy has raised new challenges to teachers' professional development, dynamic, continuous, lifelong full-scale development, with emphasis on the creativity and constancy of the teachers' quality development. The teachers' professional development can take the following approaches: studying theories about foreign language teaching with the aid of modern information technology; organizing online teaching research activities supported by information technology and carrying peer observation and dialogue -teaching reflection in internet environment and fostering scholarly teachers.

  7. Dual Language Teachers' Use of Conventional, Environmental, and Personal Resources to Support Academic Language Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lucero, Audrey


    This article reports findings from a study that investigated the ways in which first-grade dual language teachers drew on various resources to instructionally support academic language development among Spanish-English emergent bilingual students. Classroom observations, semistructured interviews, and document collection were conducted over a…

  8. How Do Surgery Students Use Written Language to Say What They See? A Framework to Understand Medical Students' Written Evaluations of Their Teachers.


    Lim, David W; White, Jonathan S


    There remains debate regarding the value of the written comments that medical students are traditionally asked to provide to evaluate the teaching they receive. The purpose of this study was to examine written teaching evaluations to understand how medical students conceptualize teachers' behaviors and performance. All written comments collected from medical students about teachers in the two surgery clerkships at the University of Alberta in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 were collated and anonymized. A grounded theory approach was used for analysis, with iterative reading and open coding to identify recurring themes. A framework capturing variations observed in the data was generated until data saturation was achieved. Domains and subdomains were named using an in situ coding approach. The conceptual framework contained three main domains: "Physician as Teacher," "Physician as Person," and "Physician as Physician." Under "Physician as Teacher," students commented on specific acts of teaching and subjective perceptions of an educator's teaching values. Under the "Physician as Physician" domain, students commented on elements of their educator's physicianship, including communication and collaborative skills, medical expertise, professionalism, and role modeling. Under "Physician as Person," students commented on how both positive and negative personality traits impacted their learning. This framework describes how medical students perceive their teachers and how they use written language to attach meaning to the behaviors they observe. Such a framework can be used to help students provide more constructive feedback to teachers and to assist in faculty development efforts aimed at improving teaching performance.


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  10. Language Teacher Research in Asia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Farrell, Thomas S. C., Ed.


    The Language Teacher Research Series aims to connect research and practice by highlighting the insights that teachers themselves describe after examining their own practices. This first volume of the five-volume series presents research conducted by language teachers at all levels, from high school English teachers to English language teacher…

  11. Asking the Right Questions: Teachers' Questions Can Build Students' English Language Skills

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hill, Jane D.; Flynn, Kathleen


    This article presents an instructional strategy that helps teachers engage English language learners (ELLs) in learning, thus increasing their own belief that they can effectively teach English language learners, and proposes a professional development activity that will cement this strategy in teachers' minds. By using an action research…

  12. Developing a Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale for Teachers and Student Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Semerci, Cetin


    This paper aims to develop the Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale (RTTS) for teachers and student teachers. Survey was the research method used in the study. In this research, there were 599 cases and 456 of these cases were the students of the departments of the Turkish language teaching and primary school teaching within grades of 2nd, 3rd and…

  13. Teachers and Students' Perceptions of Communicative Competence in English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yufrizal, Hery


    This article is an attempt to formulate and design a comprehensive rationale in formulating standard of communicative competence of English for Indonesian learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The study focuses on the perceptions of teachers and students on what communicative competence means, and how they perceive each component of the…

  14. Even Teachers Get the Blues: Recognizing and Alleviating Language Teachers' Feelings of Foreign Language Anxiety.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Horwitz, Elaine K.


    Argues that many nonnative foreign-language teachers experience foreign-language anxiety and that this anxiety can have negative consequences for language teaching. The article discusses how anxiety affects teachers' feelings of self-confidence, use of the target language, and instructional choices and offers suggestions for increasing teachers'…

  15. Linguistic Moments: Language, Teaching, and Teacher Education in the U.S.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brandon, LaVada; Baszile, Denise Marie Taliaferro; Berry, Theodora Regina


    Many diversity courses that prepare pre-service teachers do not address the significance or the impact of language barriers on linguistically diverse learners. Often time, new and veteran teachers construct their bilingual and/or bidialectical students as others and are unaware of how to use their students' social, cultural, and political…

  16. Intersections between immigration, language, identity, and emotions: a science teacher candidate's journey

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera Maulucci, Maria S.


    This study reports a subset of findings from a larger, ongoing study aimed at exploring interactions between teacher identity, learning, and classroom practices in a social justice teacher education program at a selective liberal arts college in New York. This case-study explores the journey of Elena, as an immigrant, a student, and a pre-service teacher candidate towards becoming a social justice educator. Elena reflects upon her school language experiences as an immigrant youth, her learning in a social justice teacher education program, and her field experiences in an international high school. The analysis spans macro-, meso-, and microlevels to explore the ways globalization, particularly immigration, as well as schooling policies for English language learners interact with aspects of Elena's core identity, particularly in school settings. The findings show some of the ways language and literacy verified and/or denied aspects of Elena's core identity; specific instances where second language proficiency was cast as power and privilege versus disadvantage according to ethnic, language, and class categorizations; and the struggles Elena, and other immigrant youth may face given the focus on English language acquisition and high stakes accountability in schools, at the expense of students' primary language proficiency and affirmation of core identity markers.

  17. "Students' Right to Their Own Language": A Counter-Argument

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zorn, Jeff


    This article presents the author's critique of "Students' Right to Their Own Language" (SRTOL), a resolution affirming the legitimacy of dialect from the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). "Students' Right to Their Own Language" remains the official position statement of the guild of college compositionists on…

  18. Leveraging Cultural Resources through Teacher Pedagogical Reasoning: Elementary Grade Teachers Analyze Second Language Learners' Science Problem Solving

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Buxton, Cory A.; Salinas, Alejandra; Mahotiere, Margarette; Lee, Okhee; Secada, Walter G.


    Grounded in teacher professional development addressing the intersection of student diversity and content area instruction, this study examined school teachers' pedagogical reasoning complexity as they reflected on their second language learners' science problem solving abilities using both home and school contexts. Teachers responded to interview…

  19. Mainstream Classroom Teachers and ESL Students.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clair, Nancy


    This case study argues that teachers are ill-prepared to give English-as-a-Second-Language students the instruction they need for integration into mainstream classrooms, and advocates ongoing teacher study groups as a replacement for traditional one-shot workshops. (Contains 21 references.) (LR)

  20. Intentions and actions in molecular self-assembly: perspectives on students' language use

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Höst, Gunnar E.; Anward, Jan


    Learning to talk science is an important aspect of learning to do science. Given that scientists' language frequently includes intentions and purposes in explanations of unobservable objects and events, teachers must interpret whether learners' use of such language reflects a scientific understanding or inaccurate anthropomorphism and teleology. In the present study, a framework consisting of three 'stances' (Dennett, 1987) - intentional, design and physical - is presented as a powerful tool for analysing students' language use. The aim was to investigate how the framework can be differentiated and used analytically for interpreting students' talk about a molecular process. Semi-structured group discussions and individual interviews about the molecular self-assembly process were conducted with engineering biology/chemistry (n = 15) and biology/chemistry teacher students (n = 6). Qualitative content analysis of transcripts showed that all three stances were employed by students. The analysis also identified subcategories for each stance, and revealed that intentional language with respect to molecular movement and assumptions about design requirements may be potentially problematic areas. Students' exclusion of physical stance explanations may indicate literal anthropomorphic interpretations. Implications for practice include providing teachers with a tool for scaffolding their use of metaphorical language and for supporting students' metacognitive development as scientific language users.

  1. Chinese Students' Perceptions of Native English-Speaking Teachers in EFL Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rao, Zhenhui


    The article reports the views of 20 Chinese English as a foreign Language (EFL) students on the strengths and weaknesses of native English-speaking (NES) teachers in EFL teaching. Responding to an open-ended questionnaire and in-depth interviews, EFL students named the following as NES teachers' strengths: native language authenticity, cultural…

  2. Foreign Language Teachers' Language Proficiency and Their Language Teaching Practice

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Richards, Heather; Conway, Clare; Roskvist, Annelies; Harvey, Sharon


    Teachers' subject knowledge is recognized as an essential component of effective teaching. In the foreign language context, teachers' subject knowledge includes language proficiency. In New Zealand high schools, foreign languages (e.g. Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish) have recently been offered to learners earlier in their schooling,…

  3. The Impact of Teacher-Student Relationships on EFL Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garcia Sánchez, Carlos Alberto; Gillings de González, Barbara Scholes; López Martínez, Cecilio de Jesús


    This research report aims at sharing the findings that emerged from a qualitative research study by a student-teacher, under the supervision of two practicing teacher-researchers. The study focused on the impact of teacher-student relationships in English as a foreign language learning according to the collective perceptions of a group of…

  4. Switching Perspectives: From a Language Teacher to a Designer of Language Learning with New Technologies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kuure, Leena; Molin-Juustila, Tonja; Keisanen, Tiina; Riekki, Maritta; Iivari, Netta; Kinnula, Marianne


    Despite abundant research on educational technology and strategic input in the field, various surveys have shown that (language) teachers do not seem to embrace in their teaching the full potential of information and communication technology available in our everyday life. Language students soon entering the professional field could accelerate the…

  5. Social Justice Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hawkins, Margaret R.


    Social justice language teacher education conceptualizes language teacher education as responding to social and societal inequities that result in unequal access to educational and life opportunities. In this volume authors articulate a global view of Social Justice Language Teacher Education, with authors from 7 countries offering a theorized…

  6. Enhancing literacy practices in science classrooms through a professional development program for Canadian minority-language teachers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivard, Léonard P.; Gueye, Ndeye R.


    Literacy in the Science Classroom Project was a three-year professional development (PD) program supporting minority-language secondary teachers' use of effective language-based instructional strategies for teaching science. Our primary objective was to determine how teacher beliefs and practices changed over time and how these were enacted in different classrooms. We also wanted to identify the challenges and enablers to implementing these literacy strategies and practices at the classroom, school, and district levels. Data collection involved both qualitative and quantitative methodologies: student questionnaires; interviews with teachers, principals, and mentor; and focus groups with students. The findings suggest that the program had an impact on beliefs and practices commensurate with the workshop participation of individual teachers. These language-enhanced teacher practices also had a positive impact on the use of talking, reading and writing by students in the science classroom. Finally, continuing PD support may be needed in certain jurisdictions for strengthening minority-language programs given the high teacher mobility in content-area classrooms evident in this study.

  7. A Role for English Language Teachers in Trauma Healing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Medley, Michael


    Because English language teachers should take into account the social-psychological situation of the students they teach, they must be sensitive to the effects of traumatic stress among learners. Refugee and immigrant children are frequently survivors of trauma, along with their peers in crisis-torn English as a foreign language settings around…

  8. "Words that Hold Us up": Teacher Talk and Academic Language in Five Upper Elementary Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ernst-Slavit, Gisela; Mason, Michele R.


    This study investigates the oral academic language used by English as a second language prepared teachers during content area instruction in five upper elementary classrooms in the United States. Using ethnographic and sociolinguistic perspectives the authors examine the oral, academic language exposure students received from their teachers during…

  9. A Quantitative Action Research on Promoting Confidence in a Foreign Language Classroom: Implications for Second Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Doqaruni, Vahid Rahmani


    Research has revealed that second language learners often seem passive and reticent in language classrooms. In the age of globalization, however, there is an urgent need for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers to enhance their reticent students' confidence to help them take part more actively in classroom oral activities. In line with…

  10. You Just Want to Be Like that Teacher: Modelling and Intercultural Competence in Young Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moloney, Robyn


    Language teachers are called upon to understand both the nature of students' intercultural competence and their own role in its development. Limited research attention has been paid to the relationship between the types of behaviour that language teachers model and the intercultural competence their students acquire. This article reports on a case…

  11. Teacher change in beliefs and practices in science and literacy instruction with English language learners

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Okhee


    This study examined patterns of change in beliefs and practices as elementary teachers learned to establish instructional congruence, a process of mediating academic disciplines with linguistic and cultural experiences of diverse student groups. The study focused on six bilingual Hispanic teachers working with fourth-grade, mostly Hispanic students. The results indicated that teacher learning and change occurred in different ways in the areas of science instruction, students' language and culture, English language and literacy instruction, and integration of these areas in establishing instructional congruence. The results also indicated that establishing instructional congruence was a gradual and demanding process requiring teacher reflection and insight, formal training, and extensive support and sharing. Implications for further research in promoting achievement for all students are discussed.

  12. Bridging the Divide: Second Language Teachers, Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, and Technology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fryling, Margo J.


    This study examines the use of technology, pedagogy and content knowledge with second language teachers, and comparing Title 1 and non Title 1 schools. Technology can be used to provide unique learning opportunities for second language learners. Second language students can benefit from technology by practicing skills, increasing motivation,…

  13. University Students' Perceptions of Native and Non-Native Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ustunluoglu, Evrim


    The employment of native teachers of English in countries where English is a foreign language, coupled with a growing concern over teaching effectiveness, has led to collecting data about teachers' performance through student feedback. Not much research has been carried out in Turkey to evaluate the process and output of language teaching by…

  14. Tracking Students' Eye-Movements When Reading Learning Objects on Mobile Phones: A Discourse Analysis of Luganda Language Teacher-Trainees' Reflective Observations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kabugo, David; Muyinda, Paul B.; Masagazi, Fred. M.; Mugagga, Anthony M.; Mulumba, Mathias B.


    Although eye-tracking technologies such as Tobii-T120/TX and Eye-Tribe are steadily becoming ubiquitous, and while their appropriation in education can aid teachers to collect robust information on how students move their eyes when reading and engaging with different learning objects, many teachers of Luganda language are yet to gain experiences…

  15. The Physical Educator as a Language Teacher for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gomez, Conrado L.; Jimenez-Silva, Margarita


    The linguistic diversity in schools is increasing throughout the United States and as state and federal accountability increases in the instruction of English language learners (ELLs), many teachers who never before were asked to work with ELLs are now required to contribute to the education of these students. In some states, all education majors,…

  16. World Language Students' Ethnographic Investigations of Culture through Mobile Devices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tuttle, Harry G.; Tuttle, Lori A.


    World language teachers can transform how their students learn culture through the use of mobile devices. When world language students use their mobile devices to access authentic current culture, they go from being passive receivers of culture to active cultural investigators. These students go from learning thin surface culture to exploring…

  17. Language Teacher Research in the Americas

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McGarrell, Hedy M., Ed.


    This volume in the Language Teacher Research Series (Thomas S. C. Farrell, series editor) presents research conducted by language teachers at all levels, from high school English teachers to English language teacher educators, reflecting on their practices. The countries represented in this book are Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,…

  18. English Second Language, General, Special Education, and Speech/Language Personal Teacher Efficacy, English Language Arts Scientifically-Validated Intervention Practice, and Working Memory Development of English Language Learners in High and Low Performing Elementary Schools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Barbara J.


    The researcher investigated teacher factors contributing to English language arts (ELA) achievement of English language learners (ELLs) over 2 consecutive years, in high and low performing elementary schools with a Hispanic/Latino student population greater than or equal to 30 percent. These factors included personal teacher efficacy, teacher…

  19. Teachers' perceptions of promoting sign language phonological awareness in an ASL/English bilingual program.


    Crume, Peter K


    The National Reading Panel emphasizes that spoken language phonological awareness (PA) developed at home and school can lead to improvements in reading performance in young children. However, research indicates that many deaf children are good readers even though they have limited spoken language PA. Is it possible that some deaf students benefit from teachers who promote sign language PA instead? The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine teachers' beliefs and instructional practices related to sign language PA. A thematic analysis is conducted on 10 participant interviews at an ASL/English bilingual school for the deaf to understand their views and instructional practices. The findings reveal that the participants had strong beliefs in developing students' structural knowledge of signs and used a variety of instructional strategies to build students' knowledge of sign structures in order to promote their language and literacy skills.

  20. Examining Academic Writing Motivation of Prospective Indonesian Language Teachers Using Exploratory Factor Analysis

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Surastina; Dedi, Fransisca S. O.


    Motivation determines students' success in academic writing. The current study adopted 28 items of the academic writing motivation questionnaire by Payne (2012) translated into Indonesian language to explore students' motivation in academic writing. This study involved 120 prospective Indonesian language teachers at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung that…

  1. What Do Distance Language Tutors Say about Teacher Motivation?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Xiao, Junhong


    Research into motivation in education mainly centres on students' learning motivation. This article reports on an interview study of teacher motivation with the aim of investigating the effects of student-related factors and tutors' personal factors on the motivation of language tutors in the distance learning context. Findings from the study…

  2. A Gift for Every Teacher in Every Language: The Video Library of Classroom Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Duncan, Greg


    Many new teachers come into the teaching profession without the benefit of methods courses and numerous veteran teachers find that their long-ago methods courses do not have high transference to today's language agenda or today's students. Understanding that teachers want to teach to standards and appeal to students' interests in learning…

  3. Teacher Intervention to Support Oral Language and Literacy in Dramatic Play Contexts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Peterson, Shelley Stagg; Greenberg, Janice


    A speech-language pathologist and former primary teacher who is now a researcher conducting action research with kindergarten teachers in northern rural Canadian classrooms collaborate in an analysis of one teacher's interactions with her students in a dramatic play center. We use three principles to show how the teacher supports children's…

  4. Linguistic Audacity: Shakespeare's Language and Student Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goodman, Barbara A.


    Shakespeare molded language to meet his needs. Can students learn from his example? In this article, the author suggests studying Shakespeare's creative use of functional shift, spelling, and vocabulary to help students develop greater control of their own writing. The author is advocating that teachers approach Shakespeare as descriptive…

  5. Cultivating Multivocality in Language Classrooms: Contribution of Critical Pedagogy-Informed Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Khatib, Mohammad; Miri, Mowla


    Transmission-based language classrooms have been mostly dominated by teachers' authority, as reflected in IRF (Teacher Initiation, Student Response, Teacher Follow up/Feedback) architecture of their discourses. By contrast, Critical Pedagogy (CP) has been after fostering multivocality in and out of classroom borders. Which qualities of teacher…

  6. Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning--Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast Activities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Phillips, Birgit


    Podcasts are a useful tool for developing speaking skills in language acquisition settings, particularly within the context of the emerging Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). While much research has emphasized the effectiveness of teacher-produced podcasts, this study seeks to address the gap in knowledge on student-generated podcasts in…

  7. Improving Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Pre-Service English Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ersanli, Ceylan Yangin


    Developing as teachers and optimizing learning experiences for future students is the ultimate goal in technology use in teacher education programs. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a five-week workshop and training sessions on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service English language teachers. The…

  8. Wiki Writers: Students and Teachers Making Connections across Communities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Andes, Laurie; Claggett, Elizabeth


    Expressions of delight and anticipation are a direct result of a schoolwide writing program designed by teachers to develop language skills in special education students. These second graders participated in a writing project that made use of wikis to facilitate collaboration among the students, parents, teachers, and university members of their…

  9. Teachers Matter: Expectancy Effects in Chinese University English-as-a-Foreign-Language Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Li, Zheng; Rubie-Davies, Christine Margaret


    This study was designed to investigate teacher expectation effects for intact student groups (rather than individuals) in tertiary settings, which have been little studied in the literature. The participants were 50 teachers and their 4617 first-year undergraduate students learning English as a foreign language at two universities in China.…

  10. Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners: Perspectives from Arizona's Latino/a Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Okhremtchouk, Irina; González, Taucia


    It has been long established that Latino/a teachers have unique capacities to advance educational trajectories for their English language learner (ELL) students. However, while the Latino/a ELL student population continues to expand in numbers, the number of Latino/a teachers entering the teaching profession remains small. In this empirical…

  11. CALLing All Foreign Language Teachers: Computer-Assisted Language Learning in the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Erben, Tony, Ed.; Sarieva, Iona, Ed.


    This book is a comprehensive guide to help foreign language teachers use technology in their classrooms. It offers the best ways to integrate technology into teaching for student-centered learning. CALL Activities include: Email; Building a Web site; Using search engines; Powerpoint; Desktop publishing; Creating sound files; iMovie; Internet chat;…

  12. On Becoming a Language Teacher.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jakobovits, Leon A.

    Underlying this essay on psycholinguistic theory is the belief that language teachers often suffer from neurotic symptoms of confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty in connection with their work. The author discusses his "BALT" theory (battered language teachers). Philosophically-oriented remarks are directed toward teachers wishing to redirect their…

  13. Enhancing the Learning and Retention of Biblical Languages for Adult Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morse, MaryKate


    Finding ways to reduce students' anxiety and maximize the value of learning Greek and Hebrew is a continual challenge for biblical language teachers. Some language teachers use technology tools such as web sites or CDs with audio lessons to improve the experience. Though these tools are helpful, this paper explores the value gained from…

  14. The Impact of Powerful Oral Language Lab on Chilean EFL Preservice Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ward, Hsuying Chiou; Andruske, Cynthia Lee


    This exploratory qualitative case study reports the impact of using a public-speaking structure (Powerful Oral Language Lab [POLL]) in teaching preservice Chilean English pedagogy students. It describes how this task-based method of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher training is related to language strategic competence. Twenty students…

  15. How Much Foreign Language Is There in the Foreign Language Classroom?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Duff, Patricia A.; Polio, Charlene G.


    Classroom observation of 13 college language courses and analysis of student questionnaire and teacher interview responses indicated that teachers varied widely in use of target language with a mean of 67.9 percent; language type, departmental policy, lesson content, and teacher training affected target language use; and students were generally…

  16. Turkish EFL Teachers' Perceptions and Practices of Foreign Language Assessment in Primary Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkgoz, Yasemin; Babanoglu, Muzaffer Pinar; Agçam, Reyhan


    The present study aimed to investigate perceptions of EFL teachers working at state primary schools on core language skills, assessment types and question types used in assessing student's foreign language development and proficiency during an academic year. Data were gathered from 56 EFL teachers working at 42 primary state schools in Turkey…

  17. Improving Science and Literacy Learning for English Language Learners: Evidence from a Pre-service Teacher Preparation Intervention

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shaw, Jerome M.; Lyon, Edward G.; Stoddart, Trish; Mosqueda, Eduardo; Menon, Preetha


    This paper present findings from a pre-service teacher development project that prepared novice teachers to promote English language and literacy development with inquiry-based science through a modified elementary science methods course and professional development for cooperating teachers. To study the project's impact on student learning, we administered a pre and post assessment to students (N = 191) of nine first year elementary teachers (grades 3 through 6) who experienced the intervention and who taught a common science unit. Preliminary results indicate that (1) student learning improved across all categories (science concepts, writing, and vocabulary)—although the effect varied by category, and (2) English Language Learner (ELL) learning gains were on par with non-ELLs, with differences across proficiency levels for vocabulary gain scores. These results warrant further analyses to understand the extent to which the intervention improved teacher practice and student learning. This study confirms the findings of previous research that the integration of science language and literacy practices can improve ELL achievement in science concepts, writing and vocabulary. In addition, the study indicates that it is possible to begin to link the practices taught in pre-service teacher preparation to novice teacher practice and student learning outcomes.

  18. Teacher Scaffolding of Academic Language in an Advanced Placement U.S. History Class

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gritter, Kristine; Beers, Scott; Knaus, Robert W.


    This article examines teacher scaffolding of academic language in an Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) course throughout a school year for one student who received a perfect score on the end of year APUSH exam. Data includes four months of observation of teacher instructional strategies to scaffold student writing and vignettes of…

  19. The missing foundation in teacher education: Knowledge of the structure of spoken and written language.


    Moats, L C


    Reading research supports the necessity for directly teaching concepts about linguistic structure to beginning readers and to students with reading and spelling difficulties. In this study, experienced teachers of reading, language arts, and special education were tested to determine if they have the requisite awareness of language elements (e.g., phonemes, morphemes) and of how these elements are represented in writing (e.g., knowledge of sound-symbol correspondences). The results were surprisingly poor, indicating that even motivated and experienced teachers typically understand too little about spoken and written language structure to be able to provide sufficient instruction in these areas. The utility of language structure knowledge for instructional planning, for assessment of student progress, and for remediation of literacy problems is discussed.The teachers participating in the study subsequently took a course focusing on phonemic awareness training, spoken-written language relationships, and careful analysis of spelling and reading behavior in children. At the end of the course, the teachers judged this information to be essential for teaching and advised that it become a prerequisite for certification. Recommendations for requirements and content of teacher education programs are presented.

  20. Affirming Students' Right to Their Own Language: Bridging Language Policies and Pedagogical Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Scott, Jerrie Cobb, Ed.; Straker, Dolores Y., Ed.; Katz, Laurie, Ed.


    How can teachers make sound pedagogical decisions and advocate for educational policies that best serve the needs of students in today's diverse classrooms? What is the pedagogical value of providing culturally and linguistically diverse students greater access to their own language and cultural orientations? This landmark volume responds to the…

  1. Iranian Bilingual Students Reported Use of Language Switching when Doing Mathematics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parvanehnezhad, Zahra; Clarkson, Philip


    Teachers are often unaware that bilingual students often switch between their languages when doing mathematics. Little research has been undertaken into this phenomenon. Results are reported here from a study of language switching by sixteen Year 4/5 Iranian bilingual students as they solved mathematical problems in an interview situation. Reasons…

  2. Language Policy toward Equity: How Bilingual Teachers Use Policy Mandates to Their Own Ends

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zuniga, Christian E.; Henderson, Kathryn I.; Palmer, Deborah K.


    The article explores the intersection of equity goals and language ideologies within a dual language bilingual education (DLBE) language policy context. We present two DLBE teachers, Karina and Marisol, and explore their language ideologies and professional conviction towards equitable learning opportunities for their students. We investigate how…

  3. Multilingualism as Legitimate Shared Repertoires in School Communities of Practice: Students' and Teachers' Discursive Constructions of Languages in Two Schools in England

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Liu, Yongcan; Evans, Michael


    This paper reports on the findings of a 12-month project within a broader research programme that looks at a group of East European students with English as an Additional Language (EAL) in England. The data are derived from interviews with the students and teachers in two schools. The findings show that EAL students had a keen interest in English.…

  4. Student Language Production, Second Language Tasks, and Instructional Scaffolding in an English-Based Curriculum in Vietnam: Realities and Hopes

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pham, Thuong T. M.


    This dissertation investigates L2 student language production, task-based instruction, and teachers' scaffolding strategies in two special EFL classes in a Vietnamese university. Two English teachers and 73 students were studied as they participated in a nationwide educational project known as the Advanced Curriculum (AC), an initiative launched…

  5. Language Use in a Multilingual Class: a Study of the Relation Between Bilingual Students' Languages and Their Meaning-Making in Science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ünsal, Zeynep; Jakobson, Britt; Molander, Bengt-Olov; Wickman, Per-Olof


    In this study, we examine how bilingual students in elementary school use their languages and what this means for their meaning-making in science. The class was multilingual with students bilingual in different minority languages and the teacher monolingual in Swedish. The analysis is based on a pragmatic approach and the theory of translanguaging. The science content was electricity, and the teaching involved class instruction and hands-on activities in small groups. The findings of the study are divided into two categories, students' conversations with the teacher and student's conversations with each other. Since the class was multilingual, the class instruction was carried out in Swedish. Generally, when the conversations were characterised by an initiation, response and evaluation pattern, the students made meaning of the activities without any language limitations. However, when the students, during whole class instruction, were engaged in conversations where they had to argue, discuss and explain their ideas, their language repertoire in Swedish limited their possibilities to express themselves. During hands-on activities, students with the same minority language worked together and used both of their languages as resources. In some situations, the activities proceeded without any visible language limitations. In other situations, students' language repertoire limited their possibilities to make meaning of the activities despite being able to use both their languages. What the results mean for designing and conducting science lessons in a multilingual class is discussed.

  6. Foreign Language Teaching in Rudolf Steiner Schools. Guidelines for Class-Teachers and Language Teachers. First Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stott, Michael

    This book is intended for foreign language teachers interested in the approaches used in Rudolf Steiner schools, and also classroom teachers who teach foreign languages. Chapters address these issues: what the language lesson is to achieve; how the language lesson differs from other lessons; lesson design; examples of actual lessons; avoiding the…

  7. Preparing Foreign Language Students for Today's Job Market.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garfinkel, Alan; Schrank, Holly L.

    College language teachers should become more aware of the needs of the job market and the specific ways that language majors can use their unique characteristics to satisfy those needs. Then students must be made aware of this information. The principles of marketing can be used to examine job requirements. Steps in applying these principles…

  8. The Connotations of Language Teacher Autonomy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Han, Ligang


    With the research on the development of learner autonomy in foreign language education, teacher autonomy has become a hot topic in the research of foreign language teacher education. However, it is the most difficult question to define language teacher autonomy and any answer to it is likely to be subjective. On the basis of expounding upon the…

  9. Writing II for 2nd Year EFL Student Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abdallah, Mahmoud M. S.


    Writing is a very important skill that should be mastered properly by university students, especially pre-service language teachers (e.g. EFL student teachers). In order to present their ideas efficiently in the context of their academic study, they have to be trained well on how to write meaningful pieces (e.g. essays, academic reports,…

  10. Preschool Teachers' Language Use in Sociodramatic Play

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Meacham, Sohyun


    Preschool teachers' language use has been described in recent research, as preschoolers' language development is found to be an important preparation for later reading development. Based on existing research on teachers' language use in sociodramatic play, however, it is still unclear how teachers use their language specifically in sociodramatic…

  11. Analyzing the Language of Struggle in Search of Hope for Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schmidt, Renita; Whitmore, Kathryn F.


    This article presents a detailed case study analysis of oral and written language expressed by Jacqueline Meyer, a teacher of elementary English Language Learners (ELL),as she struggled to navigate the current political terrain with her students. Ms. Meyer's district adopted commercial materials and increased the amount and substance of testing…

  12. Teachers' Integration of Multimodality into Classroom Practices for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Choi, Jayoung; Yi, Youngjoo


    Despite the proven benefits of multimodal teaching and learning (i.e., through visual, sound, movement, print-based text, and technology) for students, little is known about how teachers of English language learners (ELLs) integrate multimodality into their existing curriculums. In this study, the authors examined how two teachers who had limited…

  13. Effects of Curriculum and Teacher Professional Development on the Language Proficiency of Elementary English Language Learner Students in the Central Region. Final Report. NCEE 2012-4013

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arens, Sheila A.; Stoker, Ginger; Barker, Jane; Shebby, Susan; Wang, Xin; Cicchinelli, Lou F.; Williams, Jean M.


    This study responds to regional and national needs by examining the impact on students' English language proficiency of a particular set of ELL-specific classroom materials in combination with a specific teacher professional development program. The classroom materials used in this study, entitled On Our Way to English (OWE), were authored by…

  14. An Exploration of Oral Language Development in Spanish-Speaking Preschool Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Neu, Renee A.


    The purpose of this qualitative, multi-case study was to explore the oral language of Spanish-speaking preschool students and their responses to questions, comments and requests made by an English-speaking teacher. Research questions focused on students' responses to questions; comments and requests by the teacher; and whether the response was…

  15. Second Language Teachers' Identity Development through Online Collaboration with L2 Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kitade, Keiko


    The sociocultural perspective of second language teacher education (L2TE) (e.g., Johnson, 2009), unlike the traditional one, values the importance of teacher development through actual teaching practice. Student teachers' (STs) initial beliefs should be challenged and reconstructed by taking into account particular teaching contexts. This…

  16. Feedback on Second Language Pronunciation: A Case Study of EAP Teachers' Beliefs and Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baker, Amanda; Burri, Michael


    In the modern English language classroom, teachers are often faced with the challenging task of supporting students to achieve comprehensible pronunciation, but many teachers limit or neglect giving students feedback on their pronunciation for a variety of reasons. This paper examines the case of five experienced English for Academic Purposes…

  17. A Case Study of Bilingual Student-Teachers' Classroom English: Applying the Education-Linguistic Model

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Han, Jinghe; Yao, Jun


    This paper explores the practicum experience of a group of bilingual student-teachers who taught Chinese using English to learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) in Western Sydney schools. Specifically it explores how these student-teachers used English as the instructional language in class and what strengths and weaknesses they…

  18. Exploring Digital Literacy in Student-Teacher ICT Projects

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Christopher; Richardson, David


    This paper reports on the evaluation of student teacher information and communications technology (ICT) projects in English language didactics in accordance with recently proposed frameworks of digital literacy in both language-teaching and wider working and educational contexts (Dudeney, Hockly, & Pegrum, forthcoming; Hockly, 2012; Pegrum,…

  19. Preschool Teachers' Language and Literacy Practices with Dual Language Learners.


    Sawyer, Brook E; Hammer, Carol Scheffner; Cycyk, Lauren M; López, Lisa; Blair, Clancy; Sandilos, Lia; Komaroff, Eugene

    The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the degree to which teachers used linguistically responsive practices to support the language and literacy development of Spanish-speaking Dual Language Learners (DLL) and (b) to investigate the associations between these practices and select teacher-level factors. The sample consisted of 72 preschool teachers. Observational data were collected on practices. Teachers self-reported on language and culture beliefs, Spanish speaking ability, and classroom composition. Results indicated that teachers, including those who spoke Spanish, used few linguistically responsive practices to support preschool DLLs. Only Spanish-speaking ability was related to practices. Implications for targeted professional development are discussed.

  20. Preparing Teachers to Promote Culturally Relevant Teaching: Helping English Language Learners in the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Islam, Chhanda; Park, Mi-Hwa


    Graduate students who know strategies for second language acquisition are more prepared to advocate for appropriate instructional accommodations to facilitate engagement of English language learners (ELLs; Daniel, 2008). Obstacles to comprehension for ELLs are decreased when teachers use purposeful tasks that use language productively and…

  1. Multilingualism in an EFL Practicum: Increasing Student Teachers' Pedagogical Knowledge

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Olivero, María Matilde


    Research in second language teacher education has demonstrated that novice teachers have difficulty in using their pedagogical knowledge, which partly results from a heavy focus on theory offered in teacher training programs (e.g., Bartels, 2005, 2009; Tarone & Allwright, 2005). In order to better equip student teachers with the knowledge…

  2. A Mixed-Method Study of EFL Teachers' Internet Use in Language Instruction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chen, Yu-Li


    Information and communication technology has affected language instruction in Taiwanese higher education. Varieties of assorted Internet tools are incorporated in educational settings to engage students in learning. To facilitate the improvement of teacher preparation for Internet use, it is important to study the factors influencing teachers in…

  3. A Facebook Project for Pre-Service Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Khalitova, Liliia; Gimaletdinova, Gulnara; Sadykova, Gulnara; Kayumova, Albina


    This report is based on an action research study conducted in an English language course with a group of low-residency students of a teacher education master's program: "Multilingual Technologies of Early Childhood Education," at Kazan Federal University. A Social Networking Site (SNS), Facebook, was used as a platform for practising and…

  4. Diaries as a Reflective Tool in Pre-Service Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kömür, Sevki; Çepik, Hazal


    This study presents and analyzes the positive and negative reflections of ten pre-service English teachers who kept diaries on their own learning and teaching processes and daily lives. The participants were students in an English Language Teacher Education Program who took an on-campus methodology course and voluntarily agreed to keep diaries.…

  5. Strategy Instruction Shifts Teacher and Student Interactions during Text-Based Discussions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boardman, Alison G.; Boelé, Amy L.; Klingner, Janette K.


    This study examined how teacher and student interactions were influenced by a multistrategy reading model, Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), where students learn to apply before-, during-, and after-reading strategies in small cooperative learning groups. Five middle school English language arts teachers and their students (N = 184)…

  6. An Exploration of English Language Learners Reading Proficiency Assessment, the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System, as Perceived by Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moreno-Hewitt, Andrea


    This qualitative phenomenological research study used narrative inquiry to explore teachers' perceptions of their students' reading proficiency as demonstrated on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System's reading test. Ten teachers participated in the study, and responses pertaining to their perceptions of reading instruction and…

  7. Need for Equipping Student Teachers with Language of Mathematics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gafoor, K. Abdul; Sarabi, M. K.


    The significance of curriculum in building up language of mathematics which enables learners to construct and communicate knowledge of mathematics has not received due attention even as the pedagogical challenges faced by the students in learning mathematics have been discussed for years. Learning language of mathematics is not only valuable in…

  8. Student and Teacher Success: The Impact of Computers in Primary Grades.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Drexler, Nancy Gadzuk; And Others

    This paper discusses the impact of computers on student learning as reported by teachers participating in a study of a computer-based language arts instructional program for the early elementary grades--the Apple Learning Series: Early Language (ALS-EL). Although they found the program difficult to evaluate, some teachers stated that the ALS-EL…

  9. Exploring Prospective English Language Teachers' Perceptions of the "Internet" through Metaphorical Conceptualizations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yaman, Ismail


    This qualitative phenomenological study aims to explore prospective English language teachers' perceptions of the "Internet" through metaphors. The study has been conducted with the participation of 143 Grade 1 and Grade 2 students attending the English Language Teaching (ELT) Programme at Ondokuz Mayis University. A form with a simple…

  10. Partnerships to Support Reading Comprehension for Students with Language Impairment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ehren, Barbara J.


    Students with language impairment often experience serious and far-reaching effects of reading comprehension problems on their academic performance. The complexity of the problems and the characteristics of effective intervention necessitate a collaborative approach among general education teachers, special education teachers, and speech-language…

  11. Instant Messaging Language in Jordanian Female School Students' Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rabab'ah, Ghaleb A.; Rabab'ah, Bayan B.; Suleiman, Nour A.


    This study seeks to examine the existence of Instant Messaging language phenomenon among female teenagers in some Jordanian private schools and its influence on their learning experience, mainly literacy. It also raises questions about the characteristics of textese as well as teachers' attitude towards their students' use of SMS language in their…

  12. Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Literacy Common Core State Standards for English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murphy, Audrey Figueroa; Haller, Elizabeth


    This qualitative study explored the experiences of U.S. teachers of English language learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities (SWDs) as they sought to align the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with previously used standards and instructional approaches during the first year of CCSS implementation. Open-ended interviews were conducted…

  13. Four Language Skills Performance, Academic Achievement, and Learning Strategy Use in Preservice Teacher Training Programs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shawer, Saad Fathy


    This article examines the differences in language learning strategies (LLS) use between preservice teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) and Arabic as a second language (ASL). It also examines the relationship between LLS use and language performance (academic achievement and four language skills) among ASL students. The study made use…

  14. The Student Teacher Portfolio as Autobiography: Developing a Professional Identity.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Antonek, Janis L.; And Others


    Argues that student teacher portfolios are a viable, effective, appropriate tool for documenting teacher growth and development and for promoting reflective practice. Traces the unique paths of two pre-service foreign language teachers who constructed a professional identity from the historical and cultural conditions of their classroom…

  15. Minority students in the science classroom: Issues of language, class, race, culture and pedagogy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sweeney, Aldrin Edward

    A considerable proportion of the educationally at-risk students in the K-12 public education system is composed of minority students, either in terms of cultural background, linguistic background, and frequently, both. In particular, satisfactory levels of achievement in science are not being attained by these students. The concerns of this study center on examining and understanding the reasons underlying this situation, with a view to suggesting how these problems of underachievement in science might be addressed. Previous and ongoing educational research concerning these issues suggest that such underachievement may be due to current pedagogical practices which seem to actively discourage these students from achieving any significant measure of academic, educational or professional success. The purpose of this study is thus to explore the beliefs and pedagogical practices of science teachers as they relate to minority students, especially those minority students for whom English is not a first language and who have limited English proficiency (LEP). In the course of this study, the terminology 'minority students' will refer to and be inclusive of cultural and/or language minorities, i.e. those students who differ from the mainstream white American student in terms of cultural background and a native language other than English. Culturally derived usages of non-standard forms of English (e.g. Black English Vernacular) also will be subsumed within this definition of cultural and language minority students. Particular attention will be given to emergent issues relating to current pedagogical practices, also to the science teacher beliefs and epistemological rationales underlying such practices. In exploring these beliefs and pedagogical practices, the study also will seek to delineate and to understand the various problems which are being encountered in the teaching of science to minority students. As the result of exploring the beliefs and pedagogical practices of

  16. Adult Learners of English Interacting with Native Speaker Teachers and Non-Native Speaker Teachers: Exploring Differences in Students' Language Use

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nadeau, Melody Hallenbeck


    This mixed-methods study examined the lived experience of adult English Language Learners (ELLs) in classrooms led by native speaking teachers, compared with their experience in classrooms led by non-native teachers. The socio-cognitive approach to language and emergent common ground framed the development of the English classroom as a Community…

  17. Deaf Students, Teachers, and Interpreters in the Chemistry Lab

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seal, Brenda C.; Wynne, Dorothy H.; MacDonald, Gina


    This report describes an undergraduate research program at James Madison University that includes deaf and hard-of-hearing students from Gallaudet University, deaf teachers from schools for the Deaf, and both professional interpreters and students engaged in sign language interpreter training. Methods used over a three-year period to maximize participation and expand research opportunities for the students, teachers, and interpreters are shared with the hope that similar projects might be encouraged and replicated in other programs.

  18. Restructuring Pre-Service Teacher Education to Respond to Increasing Student Diversity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stoddart, Trish; Bravo, Marco; Mosqueda, Eduardo; Solis, Jorge


    Several pressing issues call for institutions charged with the responsibility to educate prospective teachers to rethink their model of teacher preparation to better address the educational needs of English Language Learners (ELLs). It is projected that by 2025 one in four students in the U.S. will be from homes where a language other than English…

  19. In Their Shoes: Teachers Experience the Needs of English Language Learners through a Math Simulation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Oliveira, Luciana C.


    Given the increase in the number of culturally and linguistically diverse students in American schools, it is vital for teacher education programs to address the needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) in their courses. Mainstream, general education teachers who did not previously experience this student population in their classes are now…

  20. Foreign Language Projects for the Gifted Student.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McKay, Carol L.; McKay, Martin D.

    A language program often provides for the needs of gifted students by extra assignments or independent study. What is needed is a way to provide them with valid projects that do not add significantly to the teacher's work load. One way to do this is to plan lessons on an individual basis for the gifted student and to expand them for use with an…

  1. Teacher-Child Relationships in Preschool Period: The Roles of Child Temperament and Language Skills

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yoleri, Sibel


    The aim of this study was to determine how children's temperament and language skills predict the effects of teacher-child relationships in preschool. Parents and preschool teachers completed three questionnaires: The Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, the Marmara Development Scale and the Short Temperament Scale for Children. The relational…


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  3. Connections between Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Their Selection of Tasks for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Araujo, Zandra


    The tasks teachers select impact students' opportunities to learn mathematics and teachers' beliefs influence their choice of tasks. Through the qualitative analysis of surveys, interviews and classroom artefacts from three secondary mathematics teachers, this study examined teachers' selection of mathematics tasks for English language learners…

  4. The Language Teacher, 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swanson, Malcolm, Ed.; Long, Robert, Ed.

    These issues of "The Language Teacher" examine second language learning issues in Japan, focusing on such topics as the following: language educators and labor law; using videofeedback to nurture self-monitoring skills; learning diaries in learner training; English for special learners; developing listening subskills with trivia;…

  5. Vocabulary Instruction and Mexican-American Bilingual Students: How Two High School Teachers Integrate Multiple Strategies to Build Word Consciousness in English Language Arts Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ajayi, Lasisi


    Despite the significance of vocabulary knowledge to student learning, limited studies have examined English language arts (ELA) teachers' skills and practices that may be effective for building word consciousness in high school Mexican-American bilingual students. The research objective of the present study is to examine how two high school ELA…

  6. Measuring Preschool Teachers' Perceived Competency and Knowledge of Oral Language Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Prestwich, Dian Teer


    Research has demonstrated the impact of early oral language development on a child's later reading comprehension. Additionally, research has suggested that teachers' knowledge of effective practices in literacy plays an important role in students' ability to learn to read. The problem is that preschool teachers' knowledge of…

  7. Improving Language Skills To Incorporate Detail in Student's Writing.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McAvinney, Angie

    This report describes a program for enriching language use in writing. The targeted population consisted of one classroom of fourth grade students in a public elementary school. This school is in the small rural community near a large city in the Midwest. The problem of lack of language skills in writing was documented with teacher and student…

  8. Teacher Educators' Conceptualization of Ongoing Language Development in Professional Learning and Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swart, Fenna; de Graaff, Rick; Onstenk, Jeroen; Knèzic, Dubravka


    Sociocultural and dialogic theories of education have identified the need to integrate both pedagogical content and language knowledge into teachers' professional development to promote effective interaction with students about subject content. In this intervention study, a meta-perspective on language was developed to understand how experienced…

  9. The Interface between Student Teacher Grammar Cognitions and Learner-Oriented Cognitions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Graus, Johan; Coppen, Peter-Arno


    It is widely accepted that teacher cognitions--what teachers know, think, and believe--play a significant part in teachers' decision-making processes. The present study investigated the specific cognitions that 74 Dutch undergraduate and postgraduate student teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) had on grammar instruction and how these…

  10. French Immersion for English Language Learners?: Kindergarten Teachers' Perspectives

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mady, Callie


    Given the increasingly diverse, multilingual student body in Canada, the call for increased inclusion in education, and in light of research highlighting the potential for inclusion in French immersion (FI) to be limited by gatekeepers, this study examines the beliefs of kindergarten teachers regarding the inclusion of English language learners in…

  11. Elementary and Secondary Teachers' Attitudes and Efficacy for Teaching English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mathis, Dawn L.


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate Elementary and Secondary teachers' attitudes, efficacy, and cultural proficiency with mainstream ELL students. This study further explored teachers' beliefs toward professional development, differentiating curriculum and instruction, and understanding language acquisition with mainstream ELL students. The…

  12. Teaching science to English Language Learners: Instructional approaches of high school teachers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frank, Betty-Vinca N.

    Students who are English Language Learners (ELLs) form the fastest growing segment of the American school population. Prompted by the call for scientific literacy for all citizens, science educators too have investigated the intersection of language and science instruction of ELLs. However these studies have typically been conducted with elementary students. Few studies have explored how high school science teachers, particularly those who have not received any special training, approach science instruction of ELLs and what supports them in this endeavor. This was a qualitative case study conducted with five science teachers in one small urban high school that predominantly served ELLs. The purpose of this study was to examine instructional approaches used by teachers to make science accessible to ELLs and the factors that supported or inhibited them in developing their instructional approaches. This goal encompassed the following questions: (a) how teachers viewed science instruction of ELLs, (b) how teachers designed a responsive program to teach science to ELLs, (c) what approaches teachers used for curriculum development and instruction, (d) how teachers developed classroom learning communities to meet the needs of ELLs. Seven instructional strategies and five perceived sources of support emerged as findings of this research. In summary, teachers believed that they needed to make science more accessible for their ELL students while promoting their literacy skills. Teachers provided individualized attention to students to provide relevant support. Teachers engaged their students in various types of active learning lessons in social contexts, where students worked on both hands-on and meaning-making activities and interacted with their peers and teachers. Teachers also created classroom communities and learning spaces where students felt comfortable to seek and give help. Finally, teachers identified several sources of support that influenced their instructional

  13. Affective Influences on the Reading-Language Arts Development of Native American Students.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gold, David A. S.

    To this time, language arts-reading programs established by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) totally immerse the young Indian student in a complete English environment. The real problem is not so much the type of program used, but the feelings of the teachers working with the students. Until very recently, few of the teachers in BIA schools were…

  14. The Intersection of Inquiry-Based Science and Language: Preparing Teachers for ELL Classrooms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weinburgh, Molly; Silva, Cecilia; Smith, Kathy Horak; Groulx, Judy; Nettles, Jenesta


    As teacher educators, we are tasked with preparing prospective teachers to enter a field that has undergone significant changes in student population and policy since we were K-12 teachers. With the emphasis placed on connections, mathematics integration, and communication by the New Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (Achieve in Next generation science standards, 2012), more research is needed on how teachers can accomplish this integration (Bunch in Rev Res Educ 37:298-341, 2013; Lee et al. in Educ Res 42(4):223-233, 2013). Science teacher educators, in response to the NGSS, recognize that it is necessary for pre-service and in-service teachers to know more about how instructional strategies in language and science can complement one another. Our purpose in this study was to explore a model of integration that can be used in classrooms. To do this, we examined the change in science content knowledge and academic vocabulary for English language learners (ELLs) as they engaged in inquiry-based science experience utilizing the 5R Instructional Model. Two units, erosion and wind turbines, were developed using the 5R Instructional Model and taught during two different years in a summer school program for ELLs. We analyzed data from interviews to assess change in conceptual understanding and science academic vocabulary over the 60 h of instruction. The statistics show a clear trend of growth supporting our claim that ELLs did construct more sophisticated understanding of the topics and use more language to communicate their knowledge. As science teacher educators seek ways to prepare elementary teachers to help preK-12 students to learn science and develop the language of science, the 5R Instructional Model is one pathway.

  15. The Effects of Teacher Professional Development on Rural Students' Lexical Inferencing Skills

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Collins, Ginger G.; Goforth, Anisa N.; Ambrose, Laura M.


    Rural students are at risk for vocabulary underdevelopment and often have less access to educational resources. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effectiveness of an Internet-based Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP)-teacher consultation to support rural teachers' vocabulary instruction to improve their students' lexical…

  16. The Relationship of Preservice Teachers to English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alford, Susan F.


    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of preservice teachers by examining their attitudes and perceptions to English Language Learners in the mainstream classroom. An ever-increasing population of ELLs in U.S. classrooms has challenged the preparation of preservice teachers to meet the specific needs of this group of students.…

  17. The Impact of Disciplinary Background and Teaching Experience on the Use of Evaluative Language in Teacher Feedback

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hu, Guangwei; Choo, Lilin


    This study was designed to examine secondary teachers' use of evaluative language resources in their qualitative written feedback on student work and factors shaping the deployment of such resources. Drawing on appraisal theory as an analytic framework for the language of evaluation, the study analyzed 84 teachers' evaluative reports on their…

  18. Validation and Application of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey in English Language Teacher Education Classrooms in Iran

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ebrahimi, Nabi. A.


    This article reports the validation and application of an English language teacher education (LTE) version of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES). The instrument, called the CLES-LTE, was field tested with a sample of 622 Iranian English language student teachers in 28 classes. When principal components analysis led to the…

  19. Rhetorical Meta-Language to Promote the Development of Students' Writing Skills and Subject Matter Understanding

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pelger, Susanne; Sigrell, Anders


    Background: Feedback is one of the most significant factors for students' development of writing skills. For feedback to be successful, however, students and teachers need a common language--a meta-language--for discussing texts. Not least because in science education such a meta-language might contribute to improve writing training and…

  20. Preparing Early Childhood Teachers to Work With Young Dual Language Learners.


    Zepeda, Marlene; Castro, Dina C; Cronin, Sharon


    Teacher preparation is clearly linked to the quality of early childhood programs. In order for young dual language learners (DLLs) to be academically successful, teacher preparation should focus on those skills and abilities relevant to students' particular needs. This article reviews the content of professional preparation for early educators working with young DLLs and briefly discusses the importance of developing the cultural and linguistic diversity of the early childhood workforce. It identifies 6 content areas: (a) understanding language development, (b) understanding the relationship between language and culture, (c) developing skills and abilities to effectively teach DLLs, (d) developing abilities to use assessment in meaningful ways for DLLs, (e) developing a sense of professionalism, and (f) understanding how to work with families.

  1. The Flipped Experience for Chinese University Students Studying English as a Foreign Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Doman, Evelyn; Webb, Marie


    Many educators worldwide are aware that traditional teacher-fronted instruction and lecture-based learning often lead students to become passive in the classroom. In the language classroom, particularly in classrooms for English as a second or foreign language, the flipped model of education drives students to become more responsive and more…

  2. Conducting Action Research in a Practicum: A Student Teacher's Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kasula, Alex


    This article looks at my reflection as a teacher during a master's degree practicum for a Second Language Studies Program. This particular practicum differs from the other common student teacher-training courses found in master's programs as it incorporated a teacher-training session on conducting action research (AR) in the classroom, a practice…

  3. Using Activity Theory to Understand the Contradictions in an Online Transatlantic Collaboration between Student-Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Antoniadou, Victoria


    This article describes the contradictions reported by student-teachers in Barcelona who engaged in telecollaboration with transatlantic peers via Second Life, during their initial training in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The data analysis draws upon Grounded Theory and is theoretically informed by Activity Theory and the notion of…

  4. Re-Examine the Use of the Student's First Language in the English as a Foreign Language Classrooms: A Cross-Case Analysis from Undergraduate Engineering Students in Bangkok, Thailand

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vanichakorn, Neelawan


    The purpose of this study was to examine how the use of the student's first language (L1) by a non-native English-speaking EFL teacher affects the students' experiences in learning English compared to those in the classrooms where only English is used as a means of teaching. This study also investigates the role of the teacher in providing…

  5. Multicultural Teacher Education: Why Teachers Say It Matters in Preparing Them for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kolano, Lan Quach; Dávila, Liv Thorstensson; Lachance, Joan; Coffey, Heather


    Numerous studies show that mainstream classroom teachers still remain inadequately prepared to teach diverse students and lack the knowledge base and skills to teach English language learners (ELLs). This has profound implications, particularly in the Southeast, where the rate of school-aged Latino immigrants has grown significantly. Thus, this…

  6. Iranian bilingual students reported use of language switching when doing mathematics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parvanehnezhad, Zahra; Clarkson, Philip


    Teachers are often unaware that bilingual students often switch between their languages when doing mathematics. Little research has been undertaken into this phenomenon. Results are reported here from a study of language switching by sixteen Year 4/5 Iranian bilingual students as they solved mathematical problems in an interview situation. Reasons given for switching between English and their L1 language (Persian or Farsi) were the difficulty of the problem, familiarity with particular numbers or words they used habitually in Persian, and being in the Persian school or interview environment. It seems likely that these Iranian bilingual students will continue to use some form of language switching to help them understand and complete mathematical tasks in mainstream classrooms.

  7. Discrepancies between Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Homework

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hong, Eunsook; Wan, Min; Peng, Yun


    For homework to help students improve school achievement and develop responsibility and autonomy in academic endeavors in and out of school, the development of teachers' understanding of students' views about homework and their homework behaviors is critical. Whether the subject of the homework is mathematics, reading, or a second language,…

  8. Examining How Video-Elicited Reflection Mediates Teacher Candidates' Beliefs about English Language Learners: A Multiple Case Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gonzalez, Monica M.


    English Language Learners (ELLs) are students who speak a language other than English; they are the fastest growing student population in United States' (US) public schools and will include over 17 million students by the year 2020 (NCES,2015). The dramatic increase in the ELL student population means that all mainstream classroom teachers will…

  9. Service Learning and Student Engagement: A Dual Language Book Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roessingh, Hetty


    A model is proposed followed by a case study of collaborative project work between student teachers, teachers and English language learners in kindergarten and grade 1. As a model, service learning provides a framework for making explicit linkages between course-based, credit bearing academic content, the identified need of the community school,…

  10. The Study of Foreign Language Teachers-- Teacher Efficacy and Native Speakership

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Liaw, En-Chong


    This study aims at examining the differences between native and nonnative foreign language teachers at a major northeast university. The primary areas of investigation are "teacher efficacy" and "teacher perceptions of language teaching." The results of this study suggested that both nativeness and wide repertoire of teaching…

  11. To Be Anxious or Not: Student Teachers in the Practicum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eksi, Gonca Yangin; Yakisik, Burçak Yilmaz


    High levels of teaching-related anxiety may cause high levels of stress, failure and disappointment in pre-service teachers. The factors that increase anxiety and those that reduce it for student teachers might also be culture-specific. This study was conducted on 52 pre-service language teachers at a state university in Turkey during their…

  12. Redrawing the Boundaries on Theory, Research, and Practice Concerning Language Teachers' Philosophies and Language Teacher Cognition: Toward a Critical Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Crookes, Graham V.


    Two areas of investigation and professional practice--language teachers' philosophies and language teacher cognition--can be considered as related, perhaps overlapping, insofar as they are both the result of thought. The concept of a philosophy of teaching may hold together sets of language teacher cognitions, or guide specific investigations of…

  13. The New Explorers teacher`s guide: The new language of science

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The Chicago Science Explorers Program is designed to make students aware of the many career options that are available to them which involve science. The program also hopes to encourage students to consider a career in science by providing interesting classroom experiences, information on various careers generated from the video tape, and a class field trip. In the videotape The New Language of Science, Dr. Larry Smarr of the University of Illinois illustrates how supercomputers can create visualizations of such complex scientific concepts and events as black holes in space, microbursts, smog, drug interactions in the body, earthquakes, and tornadoes.more » It also illustrates how math and science are integrated and emphasizes the need for students to take as much advanced mathematics as is offered at the junior high and high school level. Another underlying concept of the videotape is teamwork. Often students think of science as being an isolated career and this video tape clearly demonstrates that no one scientist would have enough knowledge to create a visualization alone. This report is the teacher`s guide for this video.« less

  14. Spanish Language Arts. A Handbook for the Primary Teachers = Las artes del lenguaje espanol. Un manual para maestros de nivel primario.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL. Dept. of Curriculum.

    A teaching guide for teachers of language arts for native Spanish-speaking primary school students in the Chicago public schools consists of four sections and appendices. Part I introduces the concepts of the language arts program, its behavioral objectives, suggestions for teachers, and notes on the characteristics of students of this age group.…

  15. Students' Motivation toward English Language Learning at Undergraduate Level

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ahmed, Mumtaz; Aftab, Maria; Yaqoob, Humaira


    The main purpose of this descriptive research is to explore the fact that why students are less motivated towards English language learning at undergraduate level. It also throws light upon the very facts of motivation with regard to the factors like student-teacher relationship, class room environment, self esteem or self respect, and willingness…

  16. Student Teachers' Cognition about L2 Pronunciation Instruction: A Case Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burri, Michael


    In view of the minimal attention pronunciation teacher preparation has received in second language (L2) teacher education, this study examined the cognition (i.e. beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and knowledge) development of 15 student teachers during a postgraduate subject on pronunciation pedagogy offered at an Australian tertiary institution.…

  17. Construction of EFL Student Teachers' Beliefs about Method: Insights from Postmethod

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zeng, Zhengping


    Student Teachers' beliefs and their teaching behaviors are interactive and closely related. Student teachers' any adoption of teaching methods in micro-teaching or teaching practicum is largely hidden behind their beliefs. In this paper, starting with the origin and changes of methods in language teaching method era, the author explains certain…

  18. Relationships between Teachers' Metacognitive Knowledge and Students' Metacognitive Knowledge and Reading Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Soodla, Piret; Jõgi, Anna-Liisa; Kikas, Eve


    The study examined the relationships between teachers' metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies and their students' metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension. The study was carried out among language art teachers (N = 34) and their students (N = 534) in the last year of primary school (ninth grade) in Estonia. Multilevel modeling was…

  19. Effective Behavior of EFL Teachers as Perceived by Undergraduate Students in Indonesia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Said, Mashadi


    This study attempts to explore the effective behaviors of teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) as perceived by undergraduate students in Indonesia. For this purpose, a questionnaire was administered to 270 Indonesian undergraduate students. The questionnaire addressed seven dimensions of EFL teachers' behavior, which are the following:…

  20. Student Perceptions of Oral Participation in the Foreign Language Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tepfenhart, Karen L.


    This study attempts to determine which factors students find most influential in their oral participation in a foreign language class and their thoughts on what actions the teacher should take to encourage more oral participation in class. Participants were 38 students in Spanish 1 and 2 at a rural middle school and high school. Students completed…

  1. A Conflict between Experience and Professional Learning: Subject Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gleeson, Margaret; Davison, Chris


    Secondary schools in Australia have long benefited from state policies aiming to increase the academic success of English language learners (ELLs). Complementary pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes have been implemented to raise the expertise of subject teachers who teach ELL students. However, subject teachers may not be…

  2. English as a "Global Language" in China: An Investigation into Learners' and Teachers' Language Beliefs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pan, Lin; Block, David


    This paper discusses issues related to language beliefs held by teachers and students of English in China; namely, the status of English, the learners' expectations of English and the focus of English teaching and learning in China. These beliefs are examined in the context of globalization and China's ever-deepening integration into the global…

  3. Middle School Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murray, Vicki


    English language learner (ELL) mathematics students at a California middle school did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) toward state standards in 2010. The purpose of this project study was to examine 6th and 7th grade mathematics teachers' perceptions regarding differentiated instruction for ELL students' specific academic needs and to…

  4. Language Issues: Readings for Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Durkin, Diane Bennett

    This book provides a collection of interrelated essays on language for teachers concerned with first and second language acquisition, non-standard English, the teaching of grammar, language change, and the attainment of literacy. A problem-oriented text, the book presents the various controversies surrounding each language area, offering competing…

  5. The Sustainable Impact of a Short Comparative Teaching Placement Abroad on Primary School Language Teachers' Professional, Linguistic and Cultural Skills

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Driscoll, Patricia; Rowe, Janet Elizabeth; Thomae, Manuela


    Recent research shows an increase in the number of trained teachers teaching foreign languages to learners aged 7-11 in English primary schools. Part of this increase stems from a government-funded four-week teaching placement abroad as part of a languages programme in initial teacher education (ITE). Student teachers' cultural, linguistic and…

  6. The Relationship between Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Student Achievement on Language Tests

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Umstead, Lyubov


    The number of English Language Learners (ELLs) is rapidly growing. Teachers continue facing challenges in providing effective content instruction to ELLs while helping them learn English. New and improved approaches are necessary to meet the individual learning needs of this diverse group of students and help them progress academically while…

  7. Foreign Language Teacher Education. ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jarvis, Gilbert A.; Bernhardt, Elizabeth B.

    Foreign language education professionals agree that the profession lacks an established theory and methodological consistency. Foreign language teacher education has not changed much since the 1960s. Most programs consist of subject-matter content, general education requirements, and specialized education courses. Teacher trainee supervisors do…

  8. Teacher Perceptions of English Language Learners in Rural Mainstream Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Luttrell, Suzanna


    Researchers have identified best instructional strategies for diverse learners; however, some rural school districts lack funding and resources to train mainstream teachers in language learning and cultural responsiveness. Given the rapid increase of limited English proficient (LEP) students in rural areas, the purpose of this inquiry was to…

  9. Development and Validation of the Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs about English Language Learners Survey (MTBELL)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gann, Linda; Bonner, Emily P.; Moseley, Christine


    Given the increasing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) in secondary mathematics classrooms, it is imperative that mathematics teacher educators develop measures for determining how and why secondary mathematics teachers (SMTs) understand and respond instructionally to these students. This paper reports on the initial development and…

  10. A Comparison of EFL Teachers' and Students' Attitudes to Oral Corrective Feedback

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roothooft, Hanne; Breeze, Ruth


    A relatively small number of studies on beliefs about oral corrective feedback (CF) have uncovered a mismatch between teachers' and students' attitudes which is potentially harmful to the language learning process, not only because students may become demotivated when their expectations are not met, but also because teachers appear to be reluctant…

  11. Associations between Teacher-Rated versus Self-Rated Student Temperament and School Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mullola, Sari; Hintsanen, Mirka; Jokela, Markus; Lipsanen, Jari; Alatupa, Saija; Ravaja, Niklas; Keltikangas-Järvinen, Liisa


    This study examined whether teacher-rated versus self-rated student temperaments are different in relation to the school grades in Maths and Mother language (ML) instruction in a nationally representative sample of Finnish Secondary School students (n?=?1,063, mean age 15.1 years). The results indicated that teacher-rated temperament was more…

  12. An Evaluation on English Language Education Process in Turkey from the Viewpoints of University Preparatory School Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dincer, Ali; Takkac, Mehmet; Akahn, Suna


    Many studies on effective language teaching process draw attention to the importance of teacher roles in this process, and give advice teachers to have prior knowledge about what their students know before beginning the instruction. This study is intended to draw an effective English language teacher profile by taking into consideration first year…

  13. University ESL Teachers' Socialization in School Workplace toward Teaching Culturally Diverse Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Huang, Hsiang-Ling


    Employing interpretive theory, this study investigated 331 university ESL teachers' socialization in language programs for international students. Looking beyond teacher preparatory education, in-service teachers' workplace experiences are essential to study because experience is instrumental in the shaping of belief systems (Wu and Shaffer,…

  14. The Effect of iPad Assisted Language Learning on Developing EFL Students' Autonomous Language Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Albadry, Haifa


    This paper will present the experience of using iPads with a group of 21 students in a Saudi university over a period of one semester. The purpose of this ongoing study is to explore how students learn to collaborate and interact in English by participating in a teacher-designed English as a Foreign Language (EFL) course. The course aimed at…

  15. Language in Science Classrooms: An Analysis of Physics Teachers' Use of and Beliefs about Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oyoo, Samuel Ouma


    The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language--often written (as in science texts) or oral…

  16. Second Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tran, Thu H.


    The vast majority of second language teachers feels confident about their instructional performance and does not usually have much difficulty with their teaching thanks to their professional training and accumulated classroom experience. Nonetheless, many second language teachers may not have received sufficient training in test development to…

  17. Preschool Teachers' Language and Literacy Practices with Dual Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sawyer, Brook E.; Hammer, Carol Scheffner; Cycyk, Lauren M.; López, Lisa; Blair, Clancy; Sandilos, Lia; Komaroff, Eugene


    The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the degree to which teachers used linguistically responsive practices to support the language and literacy development of Spanish-speaking Dual Language Learners (DLL) and (b) to investigate the associations between these practices and select teacher-level factors. The sample consisted of 72 preschool…

  18. On the Net: ICT4LT--Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LeLoup, Jean W.; Ponterio, Robert


    Foreign language (FL) teachers have long been leaders in the use of technology in the classroom, from short wave radio and newspapers, to film strips, to tape recorders, to records, 16 mm films, video, and now computers, as a means of bringing authentic language and culture to their students. Computer and Internet technologies require…

  19. Exploring Views on Heritage Language Use and Bilingual Acquisition: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence from Teachers and Immigrant Students in the Greek Context

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Griva, Eleni; Kiliari, Angeliki; Stamou, Anastasia G.


    In this paper, we present a synthesis of a series of studies, carried out by our research groups, from the Greek educational context on teachers' and immigrant students' views on issues of bilingual acquisition and of heritage language learning and teaching. Albeit including heterogeneous samples and employing quantitative and qualitative…

  20. Preparing Secondary Subject Area Teachers to Teach Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dong, Yu Ren


    More and more subject matter area teachers find themselves working with students whose native language is not English. A report from the National Center for Education Statistics (2003) showed that close to four million students nationwide were classified as English language learners (ELL) in the school year of 2001-2002, a 30 percent increase from…

  1. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Reasons Underlying Arab Student-Teachers' Inadequate English Language Proficiency

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Al-Issa, Ali S. M.; Al-Bulushi, Ali Hussain; Al-Zadjali, Rima Mansoor


    Despite the emphasis laid on demonstrating English language proficiency by Non-Native English Speaking Teachers (NNESTs), research has shown that for various reasons English language teachers graduating from a state-owned university in an Arab country for the past 25 years or so have been found lacking communication skills due to reasons pertinent…

  2. Spanish Teachers' Sense of Humor and Student Performance on the National Spanish Exams

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swanson, Peter B.


    Research suggests that second/foreign language teachers' sense of humor is directly related to many outcomes for teachers and their students. This research investigates the relationship between the perceived sense of humor of in-service Spanish teachers' (n?=?102) and their students' (n?=?5,419) score on the National Spanish Exams…

  3. Redrawing the Boundaries of Language Teacher Cognition: Language Teacher Educators' Emotion, Cognition, and Activity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Golombek, Paula R.


    This article, grounded in a Vygotskian sociocultural perspective, details the self-inquiry of a language teacher educator who examined her "emotional dissonance" regarding her mediation of the reflection journals of a teacher learner teaching an ESL class during an internship. Data from the teacher learner's reflection journals and the…

  4. Becoming Teachers: Examining How Preservice Elementary Teachers Use Language to Construct Professional Identities, Learn within Relationships, and Take Risks in the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ticknor, Anne Swenson


    This longitudinal qualitative study examined how four preservice elementary teachers used language to construct professional identities, learn within relationships, and take risks in the classroom during their final three semesters in teacher education coursework and field experiences. My female participants were former students of mine in the…

  5. High School Teacher Perspectives and Practices: Second Language Writing and Language Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gilliland, Betsy


    Teachers' understandings of second language learning influence their practices in the classroom. This paper analyzes interview and classroom data collected during a year-long ethnographic study of two high school English language development classes to identify (1) what the teachers understood about second language (L2) development and L2 academic…

  6. The Impact of Teacher Language and Growth Mindset Feedback on Writing Motivation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Truax, Megan L.


    In recent years, many students have developed a fixed mindset as a result of the national focus on raising test scores. The present study aims to investigate the effects of teacher language and the inclusion of growth mindset feedback on the writing motivation of second and third grade students. The researcher used a mixed-methods,…

  7. Language Use in Kindergarten Science Lessons: Language Production and Academic Language during a Video Feedback Coaching Intervention in Kindergarten Science Lessons

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Menninga, Astrid; van Dijk, Marijn; Wetzels, Annemie; Steenbeek, Henderien; van Geert, Paul


    This paper aims to gain insight into language production and academic language of 4- and 5-year-old students and their teachers in the course of a teacher intervention during kindergarten science education. The study is based on videotaped classroom observations, and specifically focuses on the academic language use of students (N[subscript…

  8. Student, teacher, and classroom predictors of between-teacher variance of students' teacher-rated behavior.


    Splett, Joni W; Smith-Millman, Marissa; Raborn, Anthony; Brann, Kristy L; Flaspohler, Paul D; Maras, Melissa A


    The current study examined between-teacher variance in teacher ratings of student behavioral and emotional risk to identify student, teacher and classroom characteristics that predict such differences and can be considered in future research and practice. Data were taken from seven elementary schools in one school district implementing universal screening, including 1,241 students rated by 68 teachers. Students were mostly African America (68.5%) with equal gender (female 50.1%) and grade-level distributions. Teachers, mostly White (76.5%) and female (89.7%), completed both a background survey regarding their professional experiences and demographic characteristics and the Behavior Assessment System for Children (Second Edition) Behavioral and Emotional Screening System-Teacher Form for all students in their class, rating an average of 17.69 students each. Extant student data were provided by the district. Analyses followed multilevel linear model stepwise model-building procedures. We detected a significant amount of variance in teachers' ratings of students' behavioral and emotional risk at both student and teacher/classroom levels with student predictors explaining about 39% of student-level variance and teacher/classroom predictors explaining about 20% of between-teacher differences. The final model fit the data (Akaike information criterion = 8,687.709; pseudo-R2 = 0.544) significantly better than the null model (Akaike information criterion = 9,457.160). Significant predictors included student gender, race ethnicity, academic performance and disciplinary incidents, teacher gender, student-teacher gender interaction, teacher professional development in behavior screening, and classroom academic performance. Future research and practice should interpret teacher-rated universal screening of students' behavioral and emotional risk with consideration of the between-teacher variance unrelated to student behavior detected. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  10. Urban Third Grade Teachers' Practices and Perceptions in Science Instruction with English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lewis, Scott; Maerten-Rivera, Jaime; Adamson, Karen; Lee, Okhee


    The study examined relationships among key domains of science instruction with English language learning (ELL) students based on teachers' perceptions of their classroom practices (i.e., what they think they do) and actual classroom practices (i.e., what they are observed doing). The four domains under investigation included: (1) teachers'…

  11. Learners' and Teachers' Voices in Developing Digital Language Learning Environments: Insights from a Survey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Niinivaara, Janne; Vaattovaara, Johanna


    This article deals with a learning environment survey conducted among University of Helsinki students and language teachers in the university's Language Centre (LC). The survey was designed to acquire information for the development of a practical strategy for the digitalization of language learning and teaching by the local LC. The article…

  12. Secondary Teachers' Language Usage: Beliefs and Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hlas, Anne Cummings


    In recent years, much research has shown that the first language (L1) is being used in the majority of foreign language classrooms. However, these findings have often failed to include secondary foreign language teachers and their teaching context. The current mixed-methods study explores Spanish teachers' use of and beliefs about first and target…

  13. Students' Motivation and Learning and Teachers' Motivational Strategies in English Classrooms in Thailand

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vibulphol, Jutarat


    This research aimed to investigate second language learners' motivation and learning of English and the ways in which the teachers supported the students' motivation and learning in natural classroom settings. Based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT), questionnaires were developed and data were collected from students and their teachers in twelve…

  14. Language Teacher Cognitions: Complex Dynamic Systems?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Feryok, Anne


    Language teacher cognition research is a growing field. In recent years several features of language teacher cognitions have been noted: they can be complex, ranging over a number of different subjects; they can be dynamic, changing over time and under different influences; and they can be systems, forming unified and cohesive personal or…

  15. Oral Academic Language by Design: Bilingual Pre-Service Teachers' Purposeful Infusion of Paired Strategies during Science Instruction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arreguín-Anderson, María G.; Alanis, Iliana


    This study explores ways in which university science courses can be infused with opportunities for pre-service teachers to design student student interactions that promote language development and content mastery. Participants included bilingual pre-service teachers enrolled in an elementary science approaches course and its school-based fieldwork…

  16. Closing the Gap: Student Attitudes toward First Language Use in Monolingual EFL Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Neokleous, Georgios


    This article challenges the widely held assumption in monolingual English as a foreign language (EFL) settings that students prefer their teachers to rarely use their mother tongue (MT)--the language children initially learn in order to communicate. Through an examination of data derived from eight classrooms in four private language schools in…

  17. Language Teacher Subjectivities in Japan's Diaspora Strategies: Teaching My Language as Someone's Heritage Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Motobayashi, Kyoko


    This study demonstrates the ways in which discourses in a state-sponsored volunteer program incited transformations of individual subjectivities, focusing on a group of Japanese language teacher volunteers training in Japan to become teachers of Japanese as a heritage language for the country's diaspora (Nikkei) population in South America. As…

  18. Student Performance Standards for Senior High Language Arts.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brevard County School Board, Cocoa, FL.

    Developed by a team of 13 teachers, this guide presents student performance standards for 36 high school language arts courses. For each course described, performance standards and intended outcomes are preceded by a curriculum framework that includes a statement of major concepts and content, laboratory activities, special notes, and intended…

  19. Scaffolding Content and Language Demands for "Reclassified" Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rubinstein-Avila, Eliane


    Students who are reclassified from English Language Learners (ELLs) to Fluent English Proficient (FEPs) do not necessarily developed the complex linguistic competencies to succeed across content areas. Through vivid snapshots of two middle school lessons (Science and Reading), the author points out that content area teachers can (and should)…

  20. Medium of Instruction Policies and Language Practices, Ideologies and Institutional Divides: Voices of Teachers and Students in a Private University in Bangladesh

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hamid, M. Obaidul; Jahan, Iffat; Islam, M. Monjurul


    The use of English as a medium of instruction (MOI) in polities across the world has drawn attention of language policy and planning scholars and researchers. Increasingly, research on MOI policy and practice focuses on how macro-level policies are translated into action by "actors" including teachers and students in the micro-context.…

  1. Unveiling Pre-Service Language Teachers' Conceptualizations of Teachers of English through Metaphors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kavanoz, Suzan


    The present research aimed at conducting an analysis of metaphors Turkish pre-service language teachers generated about English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This study also examined whether and how the metaphors created by teacher candidates at different phases of their education demonstrated variation. The data gathered from 94…

  2. Peer Interaction, Cognitive Conflict, and Anxiety on a Grammar Awareness Course for Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Svalberg, Agneta Marie-Louise


    This study explored some MA students' perceptions of a Grammar Awareness course for language teachers. The aim was to understand how group tasks might help students build Grammar Awareness. Two cohorts of students were surveyed and interviewed. In this paper, the survey responses are discussed in some depth. While the first cohort was left to…

  3. The Use of Analogies in Language Teaching: Representing the Content of Teachers' Practical Knowledge

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hulshof, Hans; Verloop, Nico


    This study sought to determine how experienced language teachers use analogies to help students comprehend a text on the course of their regular teaching routines. It is assumed that analogies constitute one important component of the content of teachers' practical knowledge in the context of reading-comprehension instruction. The framework of the…

  4. Socially situated activities and identities: Second-grade dual language students and the social construction of science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bryce, Nadine

    Latina and Latino American students are among the lowest achievers in science, when compared to European and Asian American students, and are highly underrepresented in science careers. Studies suggested that a part of this problem is students' lack of access to science, due to their status as English language learners and their perceived status as deficient students. This study investigated the social construction of science in a second grade dual language urban classroom that offered bilingual students access to science, while positioning them as competent, capable learners. What participants valued in science was interpreted from their stated beliefs and attitudes, as well as their patterned ways of reading, writing, and talking. A bilingual European American teacher and three Latina and Latino focal students were observed over the course of 10 weeks, as they enacted a science unit, in English, on habitats. Science lessons were videotaped, documented with field notes, and transcribed. Interviews with the teacher and students were audiotaped and transcribed, and relevant curriculum documents, and teacher- and student-generated documents, copied. Gee's (1999) d/Discourse analysis system was applied to the transcripts of science lessons and interviews as a way to understand how participants used language to construct situated activities and identities in science. Curriculum documents were analyzed to understand the positioning of the teacher and students by identifying the situated activities and roles recommended. Students' nonfiction writing and published nonfiction texts were analyzed for linguistic structures, semantic relationships and conventions of science writing. Results indicated that the teacher drew on traditional and progressive pedagogical practices that shaped her and her students' science activities and situated identities. The teacher employed traditional talk strategies to build science themes, while students enacted their roles as compliant

  5. Clients becoming teachers: Speech-language pathology students' understanding of rehabilitation following clinical practicum in a rehabilitation setting.


    Attrill, Stacie; Gunn, Simon


    There has been limited research investigating the conceptual development of rehabilitation in speech-language pathology (SLP) students. The aim of this study was to describe SLP students' understanding of rehabilitation following completion of a clinical practicum in a rehabilitation setting. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach according to grounded theory methodology. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 SLP students who had completed a practicum in a rehabilitation setting. Interview data analysis revealed the emergence of five axial categories. Clients becoming teachers was identified as the core category, as the notion that clients were fundamental to students' understanding of rehabilitation occurred reliably throughout the data and related to all other categories. A theoretical model was proposed that demonstrated successive levels of support to students in the acquisition of their understanding of rehabilitation on practicum. Students' understanding of rehabilitation was derived from client-related interactions and factors experienced on practicum in rehabilitation settings. Rehabilitation practicum provided students with a rich and complex learning environment that may facilitate the development of the "core skills" identified for rehabilitation practice.

  6. Proletarianization of English Language Teaching: Iranian EFL Teachers and Their Alternative Role as Transformative Intellectuals

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Safari, Parvin


    In the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), attention has been shifted toward the alternative role of teachers as transformative intellectuals whereby transformation in teaching occurs from control and technical operations to criticism and intellectual reflection. This role enables teachers to focus on marginalized students' lived experiences…

  7. Exploring Students' Language Awareness through Intercultural Communication in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yang, Yu-Fen


    Students seldom think about language unless they are instructed to do so or are made to do so during learning activities. To arouse students' awareness while learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP), this study formed a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) community to engage teachers and students from different domains and…

  8. Nature of Interactions during Teacher-Student Writing Conferences, Revisiting the Potential Effects of Self-Efficacy Beliefs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bayraktar, Aysegül


    Problem Statement: Within Language Arts instruction the use of teacher-student writing conferences is accepted as an effective strategy for teaching writing. The writing conference allows for an individual one-on-one teacher-student conversation about the students' writing or writing process and provides the student an audience in terms of…

  9. Culture, Language, Pedagogy: The Place of Culture in Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Badger, Richard; MacDonald, Malcolm N.


    The principles of many international language teacher education programmes are grounded in a relatively homogenous set of "Western" cultural values, even though their participants come from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds. This paper addresses some of the issues surrounding the role of culture in language teacher education and…

  10. An Exploration of English Language Teachers' Perceptions of Culture Teaching and Its Effects on Students' Motivation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yesil, Seyma; Demiröz, Hakan


    As the seamless connection between language and culture is commensurate with related research carried on language and culture; language is greatly affected and structured by cultural values, attitudes and beliefs. The goal of the present study is to investigate and analyse English language teachers' perceptions and opinions about the integration…

  11. Bilingual Pre-Service Teachers Grapple with the Academic and Social Role of Language in Mathematics Discussions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    del Rosario Zavala, Maria


    Effectively engaging students in mathematics discourse is challenging, especially in a language other than the one in which you learned mathematics. Teachers must manage the academic as well as social function of language. In Spanish-English bilingual classrooms in the U.S., changing the language of instruction to Spanish may not be enough to…

  12. Relationship of Online Teacher Professional Development to Seventh-Grade Teachers' and Students' Knowledge and Practices in English Language Arts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Kramer, Raquel Magidin; Masters, Jessica; O'Dwyer, Laura M.; Dash, Sheralyn; Russell, Michael


    Online professional development (OPD) has potential to improve teacher quality by improving teachers' knowledge and instructional practices. These changes, in turn, have potential to improve student achievement. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of scientific research on the effects of OPD on teachers and, more importantly, on students. This…

  13. Teachers' Support in Using Computers for Developing Students' Listening and Speaking Skills in Pre-Sessional English Courses

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zou, Bin


    Many computer-assisted language learning (CALL) studies have found that teacher direction can help learners develop language skills at their own pace on computers. However, many teachers still do not know how to provide support for students to use computers to reinforce the development of their language skills. Hence, more examples of CALL…

  14. Preschool Teachers' Language and Literacy Practices with Dual Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sawyer, Brook E.; Hammer, Carol Scheffner; Cycyk, Lauren M.; Lopez, Lisa; Blair, Clancy; Sandilos, Lia; Komaroff, Eugene


    The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the degree to which teachers used linguistically responsive practices to support the language and literacy development of Spanish-speaking Dual Language Learners (DLL) and (b) to investigate the associations between these practices and select teacher-level factors. The sample consisted of 72 preschool…

  15. Getting and Keeping Nora on Board: A Novice Elementary ESOL Student Teacher's Practices for Lesson Engagement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waring, Hansun Zhang; Hruska, Barbara L.


    This study describes how a novice ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) student teacher successfully navigates an instructional path in a one-on-one tutoring session with a second grade student. We document the student teacher's strategies to both engage and disengage her student, who alternately resists and cooperates throughout the…

  16. A Performance-Based Teacher Education Curriculum in the Language Arts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rudman, Masha


    Under a feasibility grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare for a Model Elementary Teacher Education Program (METEP), the University of Massachusetts' School of Education set up a language arts education program based on performance criteria, in that it is the performance of the student that is crucial, not the method…

  17. Which Methodology Works Better? English Language Teachers' Awareness of the Innovative Language Learning Methodologies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kurt, Mustafa


    The present study investigated whether English language teachers were aware of the innovative language learning methodologies in language learning, how they made use of these methodologies and the learners' reactions to them. The descriptive survey method was employed to disclose the frequencies and percentages of 175 English language teachers'…

  18. Learner to Teacher: EFL Student Teachers' Perceptions on Internet-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kuo, Ming-Mu


    To meet the challenges of fast-paced globalization and a more demanding high-tech environment of the future, it is imperative to train students for equipping with relevant abilities and competencies, especially in online literacy and communication skills, and assist them to build correct technology attitude and belief. Student teachers'…

  19. Early Career Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Noticing Related to Language and Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner, Erin Elizabeth; McDuffie, Amy Roth; Sugimoto, Amanda Tori; Stoehr, Kathleen Jablon; Witters, Angela; Aguirre, Julia; Bartell, Tonya; Drake, Corey; Foote, Mary Q.


    There has been limited attention to early career teachers' (ECTs) understandings and practices related to language in teaching and learning mathematics. In this qualitative case study, we drew upon frameworks for teacher noticing to study the language practices of six early career elementary and middle school mathematics teachers. We describe…

  20. Short-Term International Experiences and Teacher Language Awareness

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harbon, Lesley


    This research study had as its focus the impact of a short-term international experience on teacher language awareness (TLA). In-country intensive immersion experiences were considered beneficial for language teacher professional development. This project examined the Australian teachers' perceptions of their teaching and home-stay experiences…

  1. How Preservice Teachers' Study Abroad Experiences Lead to Changes in Their Perceptions of English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Medina, Adriana L.; Hathaway, Jennifer I.; Pilonieta, Paola


    Teacher attitudes toward English language learners (ELLs) can affect what these students will learn. It has been noted that teachers with personal multicultural experiences are likelier to have a more positive attitude towards teaching ELLs (Youngs and Youngs, 2001). Thus, preparing future teachers is vital. This cannot be solely accomplished…

  2. English Language Teachers' Perceptions on Knowing and Applying Contemporary Language Teaching Techniques

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sucuoglu, Esen


    The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of English language teachers teaching at a preparatory school in relation to their knowing and applying contemporary language teaching techniques in their lessons. An investigation was conducted of 21 English language teachers at a preparatory school in North Cyprus. The SPSS statistical…

  3. An Exploration of Elementary Teachers' Views of Informal Reading Inventories in Dual Language Bilingual Programs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ascenzi-Moreno, Laura


    This study examines how elementary teachers (grades three through five) in dual-language, bilingual programs (Spanish/English) view informal reading inventories (IRIs) to support their students' reading growth. The research, conducted in an urban district in the Northeastern United States, draws on interviews with 20 teachers in these programs.…

  4. Hands-On English: A Periodical for Teachers and Tutors of Adult English as a Second Language, 1999-2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Silliman, Anna, Ed.


    This periodical is a source of practical teaching advice for adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teachers and tutors since 1991. Articles and ideas are contributed by the experienced teachers and tutors among the readership. Among the topics covered in this volume are the following: tips on teaching older students, preparing students for the…

  5. Changing Teacher Roles in the Foreign Language Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Johnson, Francis; Delarche, Marion; Marshall, Nicholas; Wurr, Adrian; Edwards, Jeffrey


    The roles of teachers in traditional second language classrooms are examined and measured against current conceptual trends within the discipline of foreign language learning and teaching. These trends, especially those in interpersonal communication and learner autonomy, require a new understanding of the classroom role of the language teacher.…

  6. Language Teachers' Perceptions of Evaluation Criteria in Iran

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ostovar Namaghi, Seyyed Ali


    The objectives of this study are twofold: (1) uncovering the local criteria for evaluating language-teaching performance, and (2) unraveling and conceptualizing language teachers' perception of these criteria. To this end, the study used grounded theory to collect and analyze interview data from twelve experienced language teachers who were…

  7. Inter-Professional Education of Prospective Speech-Language Therapists and Primary School Teachers through Shared Professional Practice Placements

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wilson, Leanne; McNeill, Brigid; Gillon, Gail T.


    Background: Preliminary studies of inter-professional education (IPE) among student speech-language therapists (SLTs) and student teachers suggest that workshop-based applications are beneficial in preparing participants for elements of collaborative practice. Situating IPE within the students' professional practice placements may provide another…

  8. Stakeholders' Perceptions of Language Variation, English Language Teaching and Language Use: The Case of Hong Kong

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chan, Jim Yee Him


    This study examines Hong Kong major stakeholders' (secondary students, university students, teachers and professionals) perceptions of language variation, English language teaching (ELT) and language use in their everyday communication via a large-scale questionnaire survey (N = 1893). Based on principal components analysis of the questionnaire…

  9. Scribliotherapy: Enhancing Communication among Students, Parents, and Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fine, Joyce C.

    Researchers have long noted the psychologically-liberating effects of expressive language. This paper explores how a writing technique, scribliotherapy, enhances communication among students, parents, and teachers. Scribliography is the technique of matching children with books on the topics of their emotional concerns and writing their response…

  10. Assessing clinical practice of student nurses: Views of teachers, mentors and students.


    Helminen, Kristiina; Tossavainen, Kerttu; Turunen, Hannele


    Assessment received by students affects the way that they conduct their studies and shapes their interests in clinical placements. It is therefore important that mentors and teachers have high quality assessment strategies to ensure the competence of nursing students. The objective of this study is to describe the views and experiences of nursing students, nursing teachers, and mentors on the final assessment of nursing students in clinical practice. The study also investigates respondents' views on using a standardized national or European scheme for clinical assessment in the future. Descriptive survey design with a questionnaire. Implemented in five Finnish universities of applied sciences and in five partner hospitals. Nursing students (n=276), nursing teachers (n=108) and mentors (n=225). A questionnaire was used to collect data. Survey data were analyzed by using SPSS version 19. Descriptive statistics and cross tabulations were used to characterize the data. Nursing students felt that they had spent enough time with their mentors during their clinical practice period to ensure that the mentors could assess their behavior. Mentors also evaluated that they had spent enough time with the students. Students and mentors both indicated occasional difficulties with the language used in the competence assessment document. Most of the nursing students and mentors shared the view that it is always necessary for a teacher to be involved in the final assessment discussion. The study highlights the importance of assessment skills of mentors and the important role of the teachers. Findings from this study indicate that nursing students' clinical practice assessment already includes many good practices, but we still have some difficulties in ensuring effective measures of competence. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Individualized Language Arts--Diagnosis, Prescription, Evaluation. A Teacher's Resource Manual...ESEA Title III Project: 70-014.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Weehawken Board of Education, NJ.

    This document is a teachers' resource manual, grades Kindergarten through Twelve, for the promotion of students' facility in written composition in the context of a language-experience approach and through the use of diagnostic-prescriptive techniques derived from modern linguistic theory. The "Individualized Language Arts: Diagnosis,…

  12. Hearing the voices of alternatively certified teachers in Texas: Narratives of teaching English language learners in urban secondary mainstream classrooms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zannou, Yetunde Mobola

    In Texas, nearly half of all new teachers are alternatively certified (AC) whilst English language learners (ELL) are over one-third of the public school population in some districts. As this trend continues, the likelihood that AC teachers will teach ELLs increases and alters what Texas teachers must know upon entering the classroom. This research explores teacher knowledge and beliefs about teaching ELLs through constructivist and narrative lenses. Four AC science teachers in two diverse school districts participated in in-depth interviews and reflective interviews following classroom observations to answer the research questions: (1) how do AC teachers describe and interpret their acts of teaching ELLs in mainstream classrooms; and (2) how do AC teachers describe and interpret their learning to teach ELLs in mainstream classrooms. Data were transcribed and analyzed using thematic narrative methods. This study found that participants saw ELL instruction as: (1) "just good teaching" strategies, (2) consisting primarily of cultural awareness and consideration for student comfort, and (3) less necessary in science where all students must learn the language. The most experienced teacher was the only participant to reference specific linguistic knowledge in describing ELL instruction. Many of the teachers described their work with ELL students as giving them an opportunity to improve their lives, which was consistent with their overall teaching philosophy and reason for entering the profession. Participant narratives about learning to teach ELLs described personal experience and person-to-person discussions as primary resources of knowledge. District support was generally described as unhelpful or incomplete. Participants portrayed their AC program as helpful in preparing them to work with ELL students, but everyone desired more relevant information from the program and more grade-appropriate strategies from the district. Participant narratives reveal AC teachers

  13. Supporting English Language Learners in Social Studies: Language-Focused Strategies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zhang, Ying


    With the significant enrollment increase of English Language Learners (ELLs) nationwide, social studies teachers face challenges to educate these students. As a response to the literature of preparing all content teachers to work with ELLs, this article introduces three teacher-friendly language-focused strategies. These strategies help social…

  14. Teacher Professional Development through Collaborative Action Research: Impact on Foreign English-Language Teaching and Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Banegas, Dario; Pavese, Anahi; Velazquez, Aurelia; Velez, Sandra Maria


    In 2011 we, a group of English-as-a-foreign-language teachers at a secondary school in Argentina, decided to investigate our teaching practices through collaborative action research so as to improve our students' learning opportunities and thus revitalise English-language teaching in our context. We implemented and evaluated the integration of…

  15. Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Their Preparedness to Teach English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moore, Tara Sheehan


    Although researchers have investigated teachers' perceptions of their preparedness to instruct English language learners (ELLs) and value student culture in the classroom, there has been a lack of studies at an elementary school level. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the perceptions of elementary teachers about their use…

  16. Developing Intercultural Competence of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language through an International Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Strugielska, Ariadna; Piatkowska, Katarzyna


    This paper reports an international project which took place at Nicolaus Copernicus University, where students and teachers from four European universities met for a two-week summer school. The main objective was to develop intercultural competence of teachers of English as a foreign language and their ability to demonstrate this skill during an…

  17. Characteristics of an Effective English Language Teacher as Perceived by Iranian Teachers and Learners of English

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shishavan, Homa Babai; Sadeghi, Karim


    This study attempted to characterize qualities of an effective English language teacher (EELT) as perceived by Iranian English language teachers and learners. For this purpose, a tailor-made questionnaire was administered to 59 English language teachers and 215 learners of English at universities, high schools and language institutes in Iran. The…

  18. Tutor and Student Perceptions of What Makes an Effective Distance Language Teacher

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murphy, L. M.; Shelley, M. A.; White, C. J.; Baumann, U.


    This collaborative research project sought to determine the attributes, skills and expertise/knowledge needed by distance language teachers. The first phase of the project explored tutor perspectives using discussion groups, questionnaires, interviews and a yoked-subject technique. Statements and categories of expertise were identified, elaborated…

  19. "It's Very Complicated" Exploring Heritage Language Identity with Heritage Language Teachers in a Teacher Preparation Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cho, Hyesun


    Despite the proliferation of research in heritage language (HL) education, pedagogically based research that examines teacher education practice for promoting critical reflection of HL teachers is sparse. This article describes how preservice teachers working in community-based HL schools changed their views of HL identity during their…

  20. Teacher Language Awareness in Supervisory Feedback Cycles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lindahl, Kristen; Baecher, Laura


    This study investigates pre- and post-observation feedback provided to TESOL teacher candidates who are preparing to work in content-based instruction/content and language integrated learning contexts, extending the conceptualization of teacher language awareness (TLA) to candidate supervision. It examines the extent to which TLA is manifested by…

  1. Understanding the Development of a Hybrid Practice of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction and Language Development: A Case Study of One Teacher's Journey Through Reflections on Classroom Practice

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Capitelli, Sarah; Hooper, Paula; Rankin, Lynn; Austin, Marilyn; Caven, Gennifer


    This qualitative case study looks closely at an elementary teacher who participated in professional development experiences that helped her develop a hybrid practice of using inquiry-based science to teach both science content and English language development (ELD) to her students, many of whom are English language learners (ELLs). This case study examines the teacher's reflections on her teaching and her students' learning as she engaged her students in science learning and supported their developing language skills. It explicates the professional learning experiences that supported the development of this hybrid practice. Closely examining the pedagogical practice and reflections of a teacher who is developing an inquiry-based approach to both science learning and language development can provide insights into how teachers come to integrate their professional development experiences with their classroom expertise in order to create a hybrid inquiry-based science ELD practice. This qualitative case study contributes to the emerging scholarship on the development of teacher practice of inquiry-based science instruction as a vehicle for both science instruction and ELD for ELLs. This study demonstrates how an effective teaching practice that supports both the science and language learning of students can develop from ongoing professional learning experiences that are grounded in current perspectives about language development and that immerse teachers in an inquiry-based approach to learning and instruction. Additionally, this case study also underscores the important role that professional learning opportunities can play in supporting teachers in developing a deeper understanding of the affordances that inquiry-based science can provide for language development.

  2. SEL/Project Language. Level II, Kindergarten, Teacher's Handbook.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Valladares, Ann E.; Lynch, Helen C.

    The Teacher's Handbook is part of the publication series of the Southeastern Education Laboratory/Project Language (SEL/PL), an 8-year language-centered program designed to alleviate the language deficiencies of disadvantaged children between the ages of four and eleven. For teachers utilizing SEL/PL, the Handbook provides a research summary and…

  3. Integrating Content and Language in Institutionally Monolingual Settings: Teacher Positioning and Differentiation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner, Marianne


    Translanguaging pedagogy offers a way to differentiate between students' varying linguistic repertoires when embedding an additional language across the curriculum. In this article I draw on positioning theory to show the relevance of teacher positioning to translanguaging pedagogy and differentiation. Differentiation is discussed in relation to…

  4. The Perspectives of Students in the College of Basic Education on the Characteristics of Effective English Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taqi, Hanan A.; Al-Nouh, Nowreyah A.; Akbar, Rahima S.


    This paper presents a research study designed to investigate the characteristics of effective teachers of English and the uniqueness of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The research is based on four general categories: English language proficiency, educational perception, organization and communication skills, social and emotional…

  5. Teachers' Beliefs about the Role of Prior Language Knowledge in Learning and How These Influence Teaching Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    De Angelis, Gessica


    The present study was developed to assess teachers' beliefs on (1) the role of prior language knowledge in language learning; (2) the perceived usefulness of language knowledge in modern society; and (3) the teaching practices to be used with multilingual students. Subjects were 176 secondary schoolteachers working in Italy (N = 103), Austria (N =…

  6. Teaching English as a Foreign Language from a New Literacy Perspective: A Guide for Egyptian EFL Student Teachers (Chapter One: Setting the Scene)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abdallah, Mahmoud M. S.


    The article presents Chapter One of my recent the book entitled, "Teaching English as a Foreign Language from a New Literacy Perspective: A Guide for Egyptian EFL Student Teachers." The chapter deals with the new reality of Teaching English as a Foreign in this ICT-dominated age in which the Internet has been playing a vital role in…

  7. High School Teachers Use of Writing to Support Students' Learning: A National Survey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gillespie, Amy; Graham, Steve; Kiuhara, Sharlene; Hebert, Michael


    A random sample of language arts, social studies, science, and math high school teachers from across the United States were surveyed about their use of writing to support student learning. Four out of every five teachers reported they used writing to support student learning, applying on average 24 different writing activities across the school…

  8. Understanding the Complex Processes in Developing Student Teachers' Knowledge about Grammar

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Svalberg, Agneta M.-L.


    This article takes the view that grammar is driven by user choices and is therefore complex and dynamic. This has implications for the teaching of grammar in language teacher education and how teachers' cognitions about grammar, and hence their own grammar teaching, might change. In this small, interpretative study, the participants--students on…

  9. Students' and teachers' cognitions about good teachers.


    Beishuizen, J J; Hof, E; van Putten, C M; Bouwmeester, S; Asscher, J J


    Good teachers have been studied ever since Plato described how Socrates taught by asking questions of his audience. Recent findings shed light on two characteristics of good teachers: their personality and their ability. However, more attention has been paid to teachers' practices and opinions than to students' views. The study reported here attempted to deepen our understanding of what students think about good teachers. Students of four age groups (7, 10, 13, and 16 years of age) and teachers from primary and secondary schools were asked to write an essay on the good teacher. The correspondence between conceptual items in the essays was investigated by determining the extent to which they were used in the same essays to describe good teachers. Correspondence analysis revealed two dimensions. The first dimension reflected the preference of students and teachers for describing the good teacher in terms of either personality or ability characteristics. The second dimension was interpreted as an orientation in the essays towards either attachment to, detachment from or commitment to school and teachers. Students and teachers were compared to establish the amount of (dis)agreement about what makes a good teacher. Primary school students described good teachers primarily as competent instructors, focusing on transfer of knowledge and skills, whereas secondary school students emphasised relational aspects of good teachers. Teachers, however, considered good teachers in the first place a matter of establishing personal relationships with their students. Consequently, primary school students and teachers disagreed about the characteristics of good teachers. In secondary education, disagreements between teachers and students were relatively small. The research method of collecting free essays and utilising correspondence analysis to represent conceptual items and groups of participants seems promising as long as a theoretical framework is available to interpret the

  10. Methods Matter: Teacher-Trainee Perspectives on Language Teaching Methods in a South Korean TESOL Certificate Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jobbitt, Todd


    The purpose of this survey was to ascertain Korean teacher-trainees' perspectives on the awareness, likability, perceived usefulness and prospective application of varied language teaching methods that they had been taught in a sixteen-week language teaching methodology course. What did the students think about these methods? Will students…

  11. Public Awareness: What Can the Individual Teacher Do? The Challenge of Communication. ACTFL Review of Foreign Language Education, Vol. 6.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reeves, Dona B.

    The greatest single opportunity for influencing public opinion concerning foreign language study is through the teacher-student encounter. There is some indication that student motivation for foreign language study may be related to general cultural interests and travel facility rather than to research or career requirements. Flexibility in pace…

  12. An Invitation Extended To Critically Examine Whole Language: The Silent Student Speaks.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Targovnik, Nina R.

    Reacting to whole language zealots who are not willing to hear new viewpoints or engage in a dialogue with people who differ from their paradigm of education, a graduate student-teacher-researcher who is in general agreement with whole language principles responds to a series of conversations in which she was a listener but not a participant. The…

  13. Supporting Indigenous Students' Understanding of the Numeration System of Their First Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cortina, Jose Luis


    Results from a project conducted in Mexico are discussed, in which a group of 17 indigenous teachers analyzed the numeration systems of their first language. The main goal of the project is to develop resources that help teachers in supporting students' understanding of the systems. In the first phase of the project, the central organizing ideas…

  14. In Search of Quality Student Teachers in a Digital Era: Reframing the Practices of Soft Skills in Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hadiyanto; Mukmimnin, Amirul; Failasofah; Arif, Nely; Fajaryani, Nunung; Habibi, Akhmad


    The purpose of this current study was to examine and document the practices of soft skills (communication, IT, numeracy, learning how to learn, problem solving, working with others, and subject-specific competencies) among English as foreign language (EFL) student teachers at one public university teacher education program in Jambi, Indonesia. The…

  15. Context, Content, and Teacher Education: Six Language Teachers in a New Zealand Primary School Setting Discuss Their Language Teaching Identity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Daly, Nicola


    Researchers have identified the importance of understanding language teacher identity in order to understand more about language teacher education (Johnson, Pawan, & Mahan-Taylor, 2005; Varghese, Morgan, Johnston, & Johnson, 2005). This paper reports on themes from semistructured interviews conducted individually with six inservice…

  16. Teaching reflection: Speech & language therapy students using visual clues for reflection.


    Schaub-de Jong, M A; van der Schans, C P


    Reflection is an essential tool for the development of professional behaviour. Central to all reflection methods is language, either written or spoken. As the use of language is not easy for all students, especially those learning in a language other than their native tongue, it is essential that teachers use alternative methods to stimulate reflection. To identify the benefits that speech and language therapy students perceive in an educational approach that combines pictures and drawings as a stimulus for reflecting on professional experiences. During an international course twenty-two students of various nationalities participated in a two-hour session and reflected on professional experiences. To stimulate reflection, drawings and pictures were used. All the students were asked to evaluate this educational approach by responding to five open-ended questions. Their responses were coded and analyzed. Students' comments fell into three categories of perceived benefits: (1) educational approach benefits; (2) personal benefits; and (3) professional benefits. Almost all the students reported that the nature of the reflection exercises helped them verbalize their experiences after the profession-related exercises. This study provides evidence that visualizing as a first step towards verbalizing experiences can foster learning through reflection. It provides students with greater opportunities to verbalize awareness, especially within a group of students who may have difficulty expressing themselves in a non-native language.

  17. Language Teacher Noticing: A Socio-Cognitive Window on Classroom Realities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jackson, Daniel O.; Cho, Minyoung


    This article introduces the construct of teacher noticing, situates it in research on second language teacher cognition, and considers its implications for research on second language teacher training, acknowledging socio-cognitive perspectives on language learning and teaching. We then present a mixed-methods observational study that utilized…

  18. The Evolution of Teachers' Language Awareness

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Andrews, Stephen


    The paper focuses on the development of teacher thinking, specifically L2 teachers' subject-matter cognitions, i.e. their Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) (see e.g. Andrews 2001, 2003). The study examines the evolving TLA, as it relates to grammar, of three teachers, each a graduate with more than 10 years' experience of teaching English in Hong…

  19. The Certification of Teachers' Language Competence in Quebec in French and English: Two Different Perspectives?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Laurier, Michel; Baker, Beverly


    Language tools are reflections of the academic traditions of assessment developers, as well as the perceptions of language quality as held by a society. The certification of Quebec's teachers offers an interesting case in point: the Québec Government's "ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport" (MELS) requires that all students in…

  20. The Relationship between Teacher's Written Feedback and Student's' Writing Performance: Sociocultural Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bijami, Maryam; Pandian, Ambigapathy; Singh, Manjet Kaur Mehar


    Feedback plays a fundamental role in writing development. The present study seeks to investigate the impact of teacher's written feedback on the writing performance of Iranian undergraduates. The subjects were 400 students majoring in the fields of English language translation and English language literature in four universities, namely Shahaid…

  1. Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Andrews, Barbara S.

    Second language teachers are encouraged to assign multimedia projects to their students. They are challenging for the student to create, can effectively reinforce learning, and are a fun way for students to practice language skills. Rather than have students draw a poster or write a paper, the teacher can assign a presentation using a combination…

  2. Teachers' and Learners' Attitudes towards the Impact of Availability and Use of Daily Newspapers on Students' Speaking Competence in English Language in Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Napwora, Jesse Wekesa; Gudu, Benter Oseno; Mukwa, Chris Wekesa


    This paper highlights the results of a research conducted in Bungoma County of Kenya between 2008-2009. The objective of the study was to investigate the attitudes of teachers and students towards the impact of availability and use of daily newspapers on students' speaking competence in English language. The study was based on the Communicative…

  3. Exploring Teachers' Knowledge of Second Language Pronunciation Techniques: Teacher Cognitions, Observed Classroom Practices, and Student Perceptions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baker, Amanda


    This study explored some of the intricate connections between the cognitions (beliefs, knowledge, perceptions, attitudes) and pedagogical practices of five English language teachers, specifically in relation to pronunciation-oriented techniques. Integral to the study was the use of semistructured interviews, classroom observations, and stimulated…

  4. Comparing Teachers' Judgments of Learners' Speech in Chinese as a Foreign Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Orton, Jane


    Pedagogical norms for Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) shared by teachers, curriculum writers, and resource designers inside and outside of Chinese societies are yet to be established. To initiate and inform dialogue within the CFL community over shared expectations of learners, this study compared the judgments of students' oral presentations…

  5. Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence: The Perspective of Foreign Language Graduate Student Instructors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ghanem, Carla


    Cultural awareness and intercultural competence (IC) of students in foreign language (FL) instruction have been widely examined (e.g. Byram, 1997; Belz, 2002). The importance of the FL teacher in aiding students' IC development is less extensively researched, however. Author (2014), Kohler (2015), Sercu et al. (2005) and Sercu (2006) are a few…

  6. Teachers' and students' verbal behaviours during cooperative and small-group learning.


    Gillies, Robyn M


    Teachers play a critical role in promoting interactions between students and engaging them in the learning process. This study builds on a study by Hertz-Lazarowitz and Shachar (1990) who found that during cooperative learning teachers' verbal behaviours were more helpful to and encouraging of their students' efforts while during whole-class instruction, their verbal behaviours tended to be more authoritarian, rigid, and impersonal. This study seeks to determine if teachers who implement cooperative learning engage in more facilitative learning interactions with their students than teachers who implement group work only. The study also seeks to determine if students in the cooperative groups model their teachers' behaviours and engage in more positive helping interactions with each other than their peers in the group work groups. The study involved 26 teachers and 303 students in Grades 8 to 10 from 4 large high schools in Brisbane, Australia. All teachers agreed to establish cooperative, small-group activities in their classrooms for a unit of work (4 to 6 weeks) once a term for 3 school terms. The teachers were audiotaped twice during these lessons and samples of the students' language, as they worked in their groups, were also collected at the same time. The results show that teachers who implement cooperative learning in their classrooms engage in more mediated-learning interactions and make fewer disciplinary comments than teachers who implement group work only. Furthermore, the students model many of these interactions in their groups. The study shows that when teachers implement cooperative learning, their verbal behaviour is affected by the organizational structure of the classroom.

  7. An Analysis of Language Teacher Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Turkey and Other European Countries

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Altmisdort, Gonca


    The main aim of this study is to analyze and discuss the similarities and the differences between English language teacher educational programs at universities in Turkey, and to identify the undergraduate students' ideas about their current curriculum. In addition to this, the study aims to compare the education of English language teacher…

  8. Foreign Language Dropouts: Problems and Solutions. An Examination of the Reasons Why Students Do Not Continue Foreign Language Instruction and a List of Suggested Solutions to the Problem.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Torres, Edgardo E.; And Others

    This comprehensive investigation into the reasons behind the crucial problem of the student dropout in foreign language programs focuses on seven interrelated areas. These are: (1) student, (2) teacher, (3) administration, (4) counselor, (5) parent, (6) community, and (7) teacher training. A fault-tree analysis of the dropout problem provides a…

  9. Teacher to Teacher: Model Lessons for K-8 Foreign Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Redmond, Mary Lynn, Ed.; Lorenz, Eileen, Ed.

    This book provides resources for foreign language teachers, supervisors, and others involved in developing and implementing a curriculum. It is the outcome of a 1997 institute, "National Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Curriculum Reform for K-8 Foreign Language Education." The model shows how the national standards can be used…

  10. A Computer Course for Business Students: Teacher's Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waterhouse, Ann

    This teacher's guide is for a course designed to teach business students the fundamentals of the BASIC language and computer programming using a series of business-oriented programs. Each lesson contains an introduction, flow charts, and computer programs. The six lesson topics are print-out and format control, count-average, withholding tax…

  11. Teacher Evaluations: A Correlation of Observed Teaching Practice and Student Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wright, Pamela D.


    This quantitative study employed a correlational research design to examine the extent to which overall teacher evaluation scores and instructional practice domain scores relate to student achievement scores in mathematics and English language arts among 3rd grade students. This research tested the theory of instruction by Jerome Bruner as it…

  12. Teachers' Judgement Accuracy Concerning CEFR Levels of Prospective University Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fleckenstein, Johanna; Leucht, Michael; Köller, Olaf


    Most English-medium programs at European universities require prospective students to take standardised tests for English as a foreign language (EFL) to be admitted. However, there are contexts in which individual teachers' judgements serve the same function, thus having high-stakes consequences for the higher education entrance of their students.…

  13. The Most Common Mistakes of Teacher Trainees' Former Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Özer, Bayram; Gelen, Ismail; Alkan, Sinem Hizli; Çinar, Gonca; Duran, Volkan


    The fundamental parts of the educational processes are teachers and students. The study aims to determine the common mistakes done by teachers in the classrooms. The research was conducted to 278 third year students in the departments of English Language Teaching, Turkish Language Teaching, and Fine Arts Teaching in 2012-2013 academic year. The…

  14. Pedagogy and Practice for Online English Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pawan, Faridah; Wiechart, Kelly A.; Warren, Amber N.; Park, Jaehan


    Pedagogy--not technology--drives effective online instruction. The authors of "Pedagogy and Practice for Online English Language Teacher Education" discuss foundational theories of pedagogy and link those theories with their own practices in online courses for language teacher education and language teaching. This book discusses and…

  15. Participant Perspectives and Critical Reflections on Language Teacher Education by Distance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Knox, John S.


    Language teaching is a profession which is international in character. Language teachers often work and study in foreign countries, and distance education has become very important in the education of language teachers. Drawing on two international surveys, this paper explores language teacher education by distance from the perspective of students…

  16. Learning from Interpersonal Interactions during the Practicum: A Case Study of Non-Native ESL Student Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gan, Zhengdong


    Although research reveals that pre-service student teachers often regard their relationships with their significant others as an important element of their initial teaching practice experience, much remains unknown about the influence of significant others on non-native English as a Second Language (ESL) student teachers' professional learning…

  17. Understanding the Conceptual and Language Challenges Encountered by Grade 4 Students When Writing Scientific Explanations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seah, Lay Hoon


    This study is an attempt to examine the use of linguistic resources by primary science students so as to understand the conceptual and language demands encountered by them when constructing written explanations. The students' written explanations and the instructional language (whole-class discussion and textbook) employed over the topic, the life cycle of plants, in four grade 4 classrooms (age 10) taught by three teachers constitute the data for this study. Students' written explanations were subjected to a combination of content and linguistic analysis. The linguistic analysis was conducted using selected analytical tools from the systemic functional linguistics framework. A diversity of linguistic resources and meanings were identified from the students' explanations, which reveal the extent to which the students were able to employ linguistic resources to construct written scientific explanations and the challenges involved. Both content and linguistic analyses also illuminate patterns of language use that are significant for realising scientific meanings. Finally, a comparison is made in the use of linguistic resources between the students' explanations and the instructional language to highlight possible links. This comparison reveals that the teachers' expectations of the students' written explanations were seldom reflected in their oral questioning or made explicit during the instruction. The findings of this study suggest that a focus on conceptual development is not sufficient in itself to foster students' ability to construct explanations. Pedagogical implications involving the support needed by primary students to construct scientific explanations are discussed.

  18. In a World of Disposable Students: The Humanizing Elements of Border Pedagogy in Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reyes, Reynaldo, III


    One of the many consequences of a neoliberal, high-stakes policy in No Child Left Behind has been that teachers and administrators have resorted to the systematic removal of vulnerable student groups, such as Latina/o English language learners. This process has dehumanized these students and commodified aspects of their identity, such as language,…

  19. Managing Digital Learning Environments: Student Teachers' Perception on the Social Networking Services Use in Writing Courses in Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Prasojo, Lantip Diat; Habibi, Akhmad; Mukminin, Amirul; Muhaimin; Taridi, Muhammad; Ikhsan; Saudagar, Ferdiaz


    Limited studies have been conducted to examine how effective and what impacts dealing with students' learning experiences as well as the problems faced by the students. This study focused on English student teachers' experiences on the advantages and problems faced in using Social Networking Services (SNS) in English as Foreign Language (EFL)…

  20. The Teacher Trainer, A Practical Journal Mainly for Modern Language Teacher Trainers, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Woodward, Tessa, Ed.


    The three issues of the journal on second language teacher education include these articles: "We Need More and Different Flags" (Agnes Martin); "Dealing with Timetabling on Second Language Teacher Training Courses" (Craig Thaine); "Interview with Jill Florent"; "Haiku Idea" (Tim Hahn); "The Hidden…

  1. Improving Young English Learners' Language and Literacy Skills through Teacher Professional Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Babinski, Leslie M.; Amendum, Steven J.; Knotek, Steven E.; Sánchez, Marta; Malone, Patrick


    Using a randomized controlled trial, we tested a new teacher professional development program for increasing the language and literacy skills of young Latino English learners with 45 teachers and 105 students in 12 elementary schools. School-based teams randomly assigned to the intervention received professional development focused on cultural…

  2. Racism and Linguicism: Engaging Language Minority Pre-Service Teachers in Counter-Storytelling

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cho, Hyesun


    This study examines how language minority pre-service teachers engaged in the discussion of racism and linguicism through counter-storytelling informed by Critical Race Theory (CRT). Counter-stories can act as a medium through which minority students can unpack the power relations embedded in academic learning. This study also explores ways in…

  3. Tutors' Influence on Distance Language Students' Learning Motivation: Voices from Learners and Tutors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Xiao, Junhong


    Teachers' influence on students' learning motivation is a well-researched topic. Nevertheless, the majority of such studies are situated in the conventional learning context despite the rapid growth of distance language learning. This study set out to investigate tutors' influence on students' learning motivation in the Chinese distance language…

  4. Race, Culture and All that: An Exploration of the Perspectives of White Secondary Student Teachers about Race Equality Issues in Their Initial Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lander, Vini


    This research explores the racialised perceptions of White students teachers who are preparing to teach in secondary schools in a diverse society. Student teachers' views about Black and minority ethnic (BME) pupils are often cast in the language of otherness. This research was conducted in a post-1992 university in the south of England where the…

  5. Preservice World Language Teachers' Reflection on Classroom Language Use: An Application of Video Study Groups Focused on Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hagedorn, Jan


    Within a framework of reflective practice, this dissertation examines the ways in which preservice K-12 world language teachers discuss classroom language use when reflecting with peers on videos of their teaching. Twelve preservice language teachers at a large public university in the United States participated in four meetings of video study…

  6. Turkish Student Teachers' Perceptions of a Model Teacher

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sahin, Ismail; Perkmen, Serkan; Toy, Serkan


    This study intends to provide some insights regarding Turkish student teachers' perception of a "Model Teacher" in terms of teaching methods, teacher personality, and teacher-student interaction in the classroom. These students are 26 graduate students who are doing their master's degree in Teacher Education at Bilkent University in…

  7. Creating a Communicative Language Teaching Environment for Improving Students' Communicative Competence at EFL/EAP University Level

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Farooq, Muhammad U.


    The present research focuses on teachers' perceptions and practices regarding Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and its impact on communicative competency of the students. A questionnaire was used to collect the quantitative data from teachers. The results show that the EFL teachers are aware of the CLT characteristics, its implementation and…

  8. Instructional Effectiveness in the SHL Classroom: Comparing Teacher and Student Perceptions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beaudrie, Sara M.


    This article reports on a comparative study of teacher and student perceptions on effective instructional practices in the Spanish heritage language classroom. The data were collected through an online questionnaire administered to 460 students in different Spanish courses and 9 instructors at a large university as well as focus groups. Based on…

  9. A Home-Language Free Adult Pre-Vocational Audio-Visual Course in English-as-a-Second Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Philip D., Jr.

    A pre-vocational English-as-a-second language course for adults was developed for the non-native speaker based upon the following assumptions: the teacher does not have to speak the language of the student; students in a class do not have to speak each others' language; the teacher need not be professionally trained in the field of teaching ESL;…

  10. English Teachers' Language Awareness: Away with the Monolingual Bias?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Otwinowska, Agnieszka


    The training of language teachers still follows traditional models of teachers' competences and awareness, focusing solely on the target language. Such models are incompatible with multilingual pedagogy, whereby languages are not taught in isolation, and learners' background languages are activated to enhance the process. When teaching…

  11. A Whole Language Flight Plan: An Interview with Three Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Griffith, Priscilla L.; Klesius, Janell


    Provides suggestions to teachers planning to implement a whole language program, based on interviews with three whole language teachers. Focuses on support for the whole language program; decisions about curriculum and evaluation; development of vocabulary and comprehension; strengths and weaknesses of the whole language approach; and preparation…

  12. Resources for the Internet: Applications for Foreign Language Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Finnemann, Michael D.


    A session of the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL) October 1995 conference dealing with Internet resources for second language teachers is summarized, and in extension of that information, World Wide Web resources for language teachers are enumerated. In the conference session seven types of Internet resource are…

  13. Professional Development Needs of English Language Teachers in Malaysia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Khandehroo, Koroush; Mukundan, Jayakaran; Alavi, Zhinoos Kamal


    This study surveyed the professional development (PD) needs of school English language teachers at Melaka State in Malaysia. With close cooperation with the Department of Language at the Ministry of Education, the whole population of English language teachers had been studied on their types of professional development needs in instructional…

  14. Code Switching in English Language Teaching (ELT) Teaching Practice in Turkey: Student Teacher Practices, Beliefs and Identity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bilgin, Sezen Seymen


    Code switching involves the interplay of two languages and as well as serving linguistic functions, it has social and psychological implications. In the context of English language teaching, these psychological implications reveal themselves as teachers' thought processes. While the nature of code switching in language classrooms has been widely…

  15. The Native Speaker, the Student, and Woody Allen: Examining Traditional Roles in the Foreign Language Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Finger, Anke

    This paper uses a language classroom role-playing scene from a Woody Allen movie to examine the language student who has traditionally been asked to emulate and copy the native speaker and to discuss roles that teachers ask students to play. It also presents the changing paradigm of the native speaker and his or her role inside and outside the…

  16. Student Portfolios. NEA Teacher-to-Teacher Books.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Education Association, Washington, DC.

    In the Teacher-to-Teacher series of the National Education Association's Professional Library, teachers speak directly to other teachers about school restructuring issues. This volume covers issues in student assessment, focusing on student portfolios and their uses in reflecting student processes, collaboration, and literacy. Various portfolios…

  17. Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Educate Emerging Bilingual Students: A Textual Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum in Elementary-Level Language Arts Methods Textbooks

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mann, David A.


    Drawing on the principles of critical multicultural teacher education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and bilingual education, this study examined how pre-service teachers were prepared to educate Emerging Bilinguals (EBs) in ESOL-infused teacher education programs in Florida universities. The textual analysis of a…

  18. Emergence and Maintenance of Student Teachers' "Interest" within the Context of Two-Hour Lectures: An Actual Genetic Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tin, Tan Bee


    The study investigates the actual genetic development of student teachers' interest in lectures given in a postgraduate language teacher education programme. Students recorded the nature and level of interest at various points of the lecture. The results show that students go through diverse patterns of interest trajectories and that, for the…

  19. Research Experiences for Science Teachers: The Impact On Their Students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dubner, J.


    Deficiencies in science preparedness of United States high school students were recognized more than two decades ago, as were some of their underlying causes. Among the primary causes are the remoteness of the language, tools, and concepts of science from the daily experiences of teachers and students, and the long-standing national shortage of appropriately prepared science teachers. Secondary school science teachers are challenged each school year by constantly changing content, new technologies, and increasing demands for standards-based instruction. A major deficiency in the education of science teachers was their lack of experience with the practice of science, and with practicing scientists. Providing teachers with opportunities to gain hands-on experience with the tools and materials of science under the guidance and mentorship of leading scientists in an environment attuned to professional development, would have many beneficial effects. They would improve teachers' understanding of science and their ability to develop and lead inquiry- and standards-based science classes and laboratories. They would enable them to communicate the vitality and dynamism of science to their students and to other teachers. They would enhance their ability to motivate and guide students. From its inception, Columbia University's Summer Research Program for Science Teacher's goal has been to enhance interest and improve performance in science of students in New York City area schools. The program seeks to achieve this goal by increasing the professional competence of teachers. Our ongoing program evaluation shows that following completion of the program, the teachers implement more inquiry-based classroom and laboratory exercises, increase utilization of Internet resources, motivate students to participate in after school science clubs and Intel-type science projects; and create opportunities for students to investigate an area of science in greater depth and for longer periods

  20. Elementary Teachers' Perception of Language Issues in Science Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seah, Lay Hoon


    Although the importance of language in science learning has been widely recognized by researchers, there is limited research on how science teachers perceive the roles that language plays in science classrooms. As part of an intervention design project that aimed to enhance teachers' capacity to address the language demands of science, interview…

  1. Review of "Teaching Language Minority Students in the Multicultural Classroom," by Robin Scarcella.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ernst, Gisela


    Reviews a book that thoroughly synthesizes information about the education of students who, although placed in regular English-speaking classrooms, do not have a thorough command of English. Based upon the 11 themes that guide the chapters, a coherent framework is developed for teachers working with language minority students. (TD)

  2. Pre-Service Preschool Teachers' Beliefs about Foreign Language Learning and Early Foreign Language Teaching in Slovenia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fojkar, Mateja Dagarin; Skubic, Darija


    The implementation of foreign languages in preschool education has prompted the need for qualified teachers. However, most recent studies report a gap between the supply of qualified foreign language teachers of young learners and the demand for such teachers as foreign languages are introduced earlier and earlier. The authors of this paper…

  3. Digital Storytelling in Writing: A Case Study of Student Teacher Attitudes toward Teaching with Technology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bumgarner, Barri L.


    This case study investigated how preservice teachers taught digital storytelling to students who often possessed more technology skills than the teachers. During the spring semester of 2011, two secondary-level language arts teaching interns and their cooperating teachers taught a digital storytelling project. The participants and their students…

  4. Designing a Materials Development Course for EFL Student Teachers: Principles and Pitfalls

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bouckaert, Marina


    This article presents an overview of a newly designed course in materials development at a teacher education institute in the Netherlands. It also includes an evaluation of the course by its participants, student teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Dutch secondary schools. The course overview describes the aims and objectives of the…

  5. Teachers as Language-Policy Actors: Contending with the Erasure of Lesser-Used Languages in Schools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Kara


    On the basis of an ethnographic study of the Voro-language revitalization in Estonia, this article explores the way teachers function as policy actors in the broader context of the school. As policy actors, the language teachers' appropriation of regional-language policy helps simultaneously to reproduce and challenge existing ideologies in the…

  6. Unpacking Teachers' Language Ideologies: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practiced Language Policies in Schools in Alsace, France

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Young, Andrea S.


    In France, most teachers still receive scant training in how to support plurilingual children in their learning of and through the language of instruction. In the absence of relevant, in-depth knowledge about language, we believe that many teachers are practising language policies based on beliefs rooted in ideologies unsupported by research…

  7. Peer Mentoring Second Language Teachers: A Mutually Beneficial Experience?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kissau, Scott P.; King, Elena Tosky


    Studies have shown that there are not enough qualified foreign language and English as a second language teachers in this country. To increase the number of new second language teachers who remain in the profession, and to promote their use of best teaching practices, the ACTFL has identified mentoring as a national research priority. The…

  8. The Right Time and Place? Middle School Language Arts Teachers Talk about Not Talking about Sexual Orientation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puchner, Laurel; Klein, Nicole Aydt


    In this article we report results of a qualitative interview study focusing on middle school Language Arts teachers' perceptions, attitudes, and reported practices related to LGBQ topics. The study found that virtually all of the teacher participants recognized that the topic of same-sex sexuality was important for their students, yet the teachers…

  9. Training and Resource Needs of Teachers Who Provide HIV Education to Special Population Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sawyer, Richard J.; Blake, Susan; Ledsky, Rebecca; Goodenow, Carol; Evans, Doug


    This study identified substantial training and resource needs for special education (SPED), transitional bilingual education/ English as a Second Language (TBE/ESL), and general education (GENED) HIV education teachers relative to providing appropriate, effective HIV education to students with disabilities (SWD) and language minority/Limited…

  10. Examining the Effectiveness of an Academic Language Planning Organizer as a Tool for Planning Science Academic Language Instruction and Supports

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jung, Karl G.; Brown, Julie C.


    To engage in the practices of science, students must have a strong command of science academic language. However, content area teachers often make academic language an incidental part of their lesson planning, which leads to missed opportunities to enhance students' language development. To support pre-service elementary science teachers (PSTs) in…

  11. Language-Teaching as a Form of Witchcraft

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Antier, Maurice


    Language teaching involves many paradoxes and the language teacher has more handicaps than teachers of other subjects. The language teacher's way of overcoming his own problems of personality and psychological balance has a lot to do with the success or failure of his students. (CFM)

  12. Enabling Language Help: Epistemic Maneuvering in Extended Information Request Sequences between EFL Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Leyland, Christopher


    Recent years have seen an upsurge in interest in epistemics/knowledge in interaction (e.g., Heritage, 2012a, 2012b; Stivers, Mondada & Steensig, 2011). Insights from such research are now being used by Second Language Acquisition (SLA) researchers yielding valuable insights into teacher-student interaction (e.g., Sert, 2013) and…

  13. Budgeting with Dan, the Hobo Man. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Materials.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ranabargar, Cheryl

    Designed for third grade language arts students, this learning capsule contains student materials and a teacher's guide for a unit on budgeting. Objectives are to discriminate between wants and needs, distinguish parts of a budget, and construct a budget. The unit requires four to six hours of instructional time and is designed for use with a…

  14. Social and Emotional Learning and Teacher-Student Relationships: Preschool Teachers' and Students' Perceptions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Poulou, Maria S.


    The study aimed to investigate how teachers' perceptions of emotional intelligence, and social and emotional learning (SEL) relate to teacher-student relationships. Teachers' perceptions of teacher-student relationships and the degree of agreement with students' perceptions was also investigated. Preschool teachers from 92 public schools in…

  15. Talking to Learn: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Professional Development Program for Teachers of English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shea, Lauren M.


    Most teachers of English language learners (ELLs) have had virtually no specialized, in-service training in adapting instruction for their students. Prior research fails to investigate the impact of professional development (PD) specifically designed for teachers of ELLs. This dissertation examines a PD program that attempted to prepare teachers…

  16. Teaching Students from Other Cultures: An Exploration of Language Teachers' Experiences with Ethnic Minority Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gu, Mingyue


    This article reports on a qualitative study investigating a group of novice ESL teachers' teaching experiences with ethnic minority students in secondary schools in Hong Kong. It finds that, while teachers argue that society has not been tolerant enough of ethnic minorities, they nonetheless believe that ethnic minorities should comply with…

  17. High School EFL Teachers' Identity and Their Emotions towards Language Requirements

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Torres-Rocha, Julio César


    This is a study on high school English as a foreign language Colombian teacher identity. Using an interpretive research approach, I explored the influence of the National Bilingual Programme on the reconstruction of teacher identity. This study focuses on how teachers feel about language requirements associated with a language policy. Three…

  18. Teacher Feedback and Student Academic Achievement: Teacher Use of Student Information Systems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bishop, Daniel J.


    In an era of professional standards for educators and teacher evaluations linked to measures of student achievement, researchers use data from student information systems to address research questions linking teacher feedback to student achievement. A quantitative study of teacher use of the Skyward student information system (SIS) was conducted…

  19. A Proposal for a CA-Integrated English Language Teacher Education Program in Turkey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sert, Olcay


    This study proposes a comprehensive framework for a Conversation Analysis (CA) informed English language teacher education program in Turkey. By reviewing recent studies in CA, Critical Reflective Practice, Teacher Language Awareness and language teacher education in general; the author calls for a more effective language teacher education program…

  20. Small Schools Student Learning Objectives, K-3: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hartl, David, Ed.; And Others

    Developed by primary teachers and elementary principals from small districts in Snohomish and Island counties in Washington, this handbook contains sequenced student learning objectives for grades K-3 in the curriculum areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Each student learning objective is correlated to the…

  1. Parent oriented teacher selection causes language diversity.


    Cimentepe, Ibrahim; Bingol, Haluk O


    An evolutionary model for emergence of diversity in language is developed. We investigated the effects of two real life observations, namely, people prefer people that they communicate with well, and people interact with people that are physically close to each other. Clearly these groups are relatively small compared to the entire population. We restrict selection of the teachers from such small groups, called imitation sets, around parents. Then the child learns language from a teacher selected within the imitation set of her parent. As a result, there are subcommunities with their own languages developed. Within subcommunity comprehension is found to be high. The number of languages is related to the relative size of imitation set by a power law. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Teachers' English Communication Skills: Using IELTS to Measure Competence of Graduates from a Singaporean Teacher Education Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Low, Ee-Ling; Chong, Sylvia; Ellis, Mary


    Possessing strong communication skills is essential in contributing to effective teaching. This paper investigates graduating student teachers' English language proficiency, as measured by IELTS tests scores, of graduating EL student teachers. The paper considers what teachers need to know about the English language given that English has been the…

  3. Hit or Miss, or Missing: The Role of Second Language Acquisition Research in Language Teacher Training.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rankin, Jamie


    This article discusses how the syllabus for language teacher training in German has evolved and considers what direction foreign language teacher training might take if it were to follow the cue of "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" and appropriate the research agenda of second-language acquisition studies. (Contains 51 references.) (JL)

  4. 22 Students and 22 Teachers: Socio-Cultural Mediation in the Early Childhood Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lozano, Leticia I.


    It is essential for teachers to provide a setting where student interaction is fostered as a mediational tool for learning, thus expediting the natural transfer of language and knowledge among students (Cummins, 1979). Doing so provides students a way of learning in an additive environment (Soltero, 2004). Could such a classroom have the potential…

  5. Alien or Alike? How the Perceived Similarity Between the Typical Science Teacher and a Student's Self-Image Correlates with Choosing Science at School

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kessels, Ursula; Taconis, Ruurd


    By applying the self-to-prototype matching theory to students' academic choices, this study links the unpopularity of science in many industrialized countries with the perceived gap between typical persons representing science (e.g. physics teachers) on the one hand and students' self-image on the other. A sample of N = 308 Dutch and German students described both themselves and typical teachers representing different school subjects using 65 trait adjectives. The following hypotheses were tested: The typical hard sciences teacher and the typical languages teacher will be perceived as differing in their personal characteristics. The typical physics teachers will be perceived as being less similar to students' own self-image than teachers representing languages. Actual choices students make during secondary school should correlate with the perceived fit between students' self-image and the prototype of teachers representing different school subjects, especially in the less frequent and less popular choices of a math or physics major/profile. The findings supported these hypotheses. The discussion stresses that students acquire not only knowledge about science but also about science culture (sensu Aikenhead) in their science classes and that students' image of science teachers can influence their academic choices.

  6. Student Achievement Outcomes of Immigrants and English Language Learners in an Urban Classroom: A Case Study of Great Strides and Hope

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adams, Benedict Lazarus


    This study entailed understanding how urban teachers supported a population of immigrant students (from non-English speaking countries) and English Language Leaners (ELLs) as well as how teachers made sense of and carried out instruction for this group of students in an urban classroom. The author's ultimate goal as a teacher educator was to…

  7. Teachers' Opinions about the Use of Body Language

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benzer, Ahmet


    Effective communication occurs with non-verbal and verbal tools. In this study the body language as non-verbal communication tool is taken to be examined, and teachers' opinions about the use and importance of body language in education are surveyed. Eight open-ended questions are asked to 100 teachers. As a result, it is shown that teachers…

  8. Relating French Immersion Teacher Practices to Better Student Oral Production

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Haj-Broussard, Michelle; Olson Beal, Heather K.; Boudreaux, Nicole


    This study examined seven Louisiana kindergarten immersion teachers' practices to evaluate students' oral target language production and compare the oral production elicited when different instructional practices were used over a single semester. Three rounds of three 20-minute observations in three different contexts--circle time, direct…

  9. Queer English Language Teacher Identity: A Narrative Exploration in Colombia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lander, Roderick


    This article presents partial results of research exploring links between language teacher identity and queer identity in English language teachers working in Colombia. Three gay male teachers participated in a narrative research project framed within a poststructural perspective on identity. I conducted and recorded semi-structured interviews…

  10. Exploring an Invisible Medium: Teacher Language Awareness among Preservice K12 Educators of English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lindahl, Kristen Marie


    This study investigates the construct of Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) in a group of preservice mainstream K-12 teachers who are developing skills to work with English Language Learners (ELLs) in United States (US) public school contexts. Specifically, the study seeks to explore how preservice teachers' participation in directed university…

  11. Second Language Teacher Education. International Perspectives

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tedick, Diane J., Ed.


    The education of second language teachers takes place across diverse contexts, levels, settings, and geographic regions. By bringing together research, theory, and best practices from a variety of contexts (ESL/EFL, foreign language, bilingual and immersion education), this book contributes to building meaningful professional dialogue among…

  12. Translation and Foreign Language Teaching.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tinsley, Royal L., Jr.

    Translators and teachers of foreign languages need each other: translators need formal academic training and recognition and teachers of foreign languages need students. Unfortunately, translators know only too well that most FL teachers are not competent translators, and FL Departments generally consider translation as an activity beneath the…

  13. Mars Rover Curriculum: Teacher Self Reporting of Increased Frequency and Confidence in their Science and Language Arts Instruction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bering, E. A.; Carlson, C.; Nieser, K.; Slagle, E.


    participation in the MRC program (81-96%). The most striking increases were the percentage of teachers who felt their confidence increased 'Quite a bit' as a result of their participation in the MRC program in the following areas: 'Getting students interested in and curious about science' (63%); 'Teaching science as a co-inquirer with students' (56%); and 'Continually find better ways to teach science' (59%). The areas where teachers reported the least amount of increase were those related to: Fostering student reading comprehension skills during science instruction and learning and integrating reading language arts into my science teaching. This outcome, however, is not surprising as many teachers reported not implementing the language arts, comprehension and vocabulary aspects of the program. The program training for last year did not explicitly cover the language arts components in detail or with support.

  14. Beyond Methods: Components of Second Language Teacher Education. The McGraw-Hill Second Language Professional Series. Directions in Second Language Learning and Teaching.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen, Ed.; Hartford, Beverly, Ed.

    This collection of essays gives an overview of the different disciplines that inform language teaching and language teacher education. They include the following titles: "The Case for Psycholinguistics" (Bill VanPatten); "The Place of Second Language Acquisition Theory in Language Teacher Preparation" (Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig); "Why Syntactic…

  15. Capacity Building for Primary Languages through Initial Teacher Education: Could Specialist and Non-Specialist Student Teachers' Complementary Skills Provide a Winning Combination?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rowe, Jan; Herrera, Maria; Hughes, Bernie; Cawley, Michael


    There has been much debate about the development of a suitably qualified workforce to deliver the objectives of the Key Stage 2 language learning entitlement in England. The model of a skilled primary languages subject leader, working in collaboration with enthusiastic generalist class teachers is emerging as a consistent preference. Relatively…

  16. Divergence in Curricular-Weight Teacher-Efforts and Student-Difficulties in Secondary School ESL

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abdul Gafoor, K.; Sreeja, C.


    The increasing importance of English as a global language, calls for an equally vigorous attempt to improving teaching and learning it in schools as a second language within and outside India. Highlighting the relevance of contextualising ESL learning by allowing for the needs of students and teachers in undertaking reforms to ESL learning, this…

  17. Language Learners' and Teachers' Perceptions of Task Repetition

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad; Mansouri, Seyyed Abbas; Ghominejad, Shiva


    This study examined how English language learners and teachers perceive and interpret task repetition (TR), and whether teachers' and learners' views about this pedagogic practice correspond. In addition, the study explored learners' cognitive and affective engagement with TR. We asked eight experienced language teachers to use a structured…

  18. Teacher Identity Development: A Collective Case Study of English as a Foreign Language Pre-Service Teachers Learning to Teach in an Indonesian University Teacher Education Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Riyanti, Dwi


    The purpose of this study is to examine how English as a foreign language pre-service teachers develop their identities through the process of learning to teach in a university microteaching class and a student teaching practicum within a multilingual Indonesian context. A sociocultural theoretical lens incorporating activity theory as well as a…

  19. Read This, It's Catchy. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Material.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bird, Debbie

    Emphasis in this teacher's guide and activities booklet is on helping students analyze common advertising techniques and propaganda devices in television, magazine, and radio commercials. The unit is intended for use on the sixth grade level and can be integrated into language arts and/or social studies curricula. The unit is presented in two…

  20. Foreign Language Teacher Socialization: A Multiple Case Study of Foreign Language Teachers in an American Higher Education Institution

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Uzum, Baburhan


    Early teacher socialization research in the 1980s examined student-teachers during their transition from pre-service to in-service contexts, and argued for a limited effect of teacher education programs compared to students' initial socialization into the profession of teaching as past-students or apprentices of observation. Although…

  1. Teachers' Reactions towards Performance-Based Language Assessment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chinda, Bordin


    This research aims at examining the reactions of tertiary EFL teachers towards the use of performance-based language assessment. The study employed a mixed-method research methodology. For the quantitative method, 36 teachers responded to a questionnaire survey. In addition, four teachers participated in the in-depth interviews which were…

  2. Integrating Language and Content

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nordmeyer, Jon, Ed.; Barduhn, Susan, Ed.


    The definition of "English language classroom" is changing. When students have the opportunity to learn content and language at the same time, disciplinary boundaries overlap. Teachers are rethinking how they design courses, plan lessons, assess students, and collaborate with colleagues to support student learning and facilitate their…

  3. Longitudinal Effects of Teacher and Student Perceptions of Teacher-Student Relationship Qualities on Academic Adjustment

    PubMed Central

    Hughes, Jan N.


    The shared and unique effects of teacher and student reports of teacher student relationship quality (TSRQ) in second and third grade on academic self views, behavioral engagement, and achievement the following year were investigated in a sample of 714 academically at-risk students. Teacher and student reports of teacher-student support and conflict showed low correspondence. As a block, teacher and student reports of TSRQ predicted all outcomes, above prior performance on that outcome and background variables. Student reports uniquely predicted school belonging, perceived academic competence, and math achievement. Teacher reports uniquely predicted behavioral engagement and child perceived academic competence. Teacher and student reports of the teacher-student relationship assess largely different constructs that predict different outcomes. Implications of findings for practice and research are discussed. PMID:21984843

  4. Teacher Learning across Boundaries: A Challenge to the Legitimacy of Language Teachers' Disciplinary Knowledge

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Han, Chunyan; Wu, Zongjie


    The legitimate forms of knowledge recognised for language teachers in Chinese universities are differentiated by strong academic boundaries, subject only to disciplinary authority and fashion. Classroom practice on the whole tends not to be informed by research. For many language teachers, a disconnect exists between the academic discipline in…

  5. Using genre pedagogy to promote student proficiency in the language required for interpreting line graphs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smit, Jantien; Bakker, Arthur; van Eerde, Dolly; Kuijpers, Maggie


    The importance of language in mathematics learning has been widely acknowledged. However, little is known about how to make this insight productive in the design and enactment of language-oriented mathematics education. In a design-based research project, we explored how language-oriented mathematics education can be designed and enacted. We drew on genre pedagogy to promote student proficiency in the language required for interpreting line graphs. In the intervention, the teacher used scaffolding strategies to focus students' attention on the structure and linguistic features of the language involved in this particular domain. The research question addressed in this paper is how student proficiency in this language may be promoted. The study comprised nine lessons involving 22 students in grades 5 and 6 (aged 10-12); of these students, 19 had a migrant background. In light of the research aim, we first describe the rationale behind our design. Next, we illustrate how the design was enacted by means of a case study focusing on one student in the classroom practice of developing proficiency in the language required for interpreting line graphs. On the basis of pre- and posttest scores, we conclude that overall their proficiency has increased. Together, the results indicate that and how genre pedagogy may be used to help students become more proficient in the language required in a mathematical domain.

  6. "We Are More than EFL Teachers--We Are Educators": Emancipating EFL Student-Teachers through Photovoice

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villacañas de Castro, Luis S.


    The prevailing pedagogical orientations of English as a foreign language (EFL) education in Spain oppress learners intellectually in ways that are counterproductive to their learning. As a reaction to this, 129 EFL student-teachers (STs) took part during the 2013/14, 2014/15, and 2015/16 academic years in a workshop which drew on the methodology…

  7. A Whole-School Approach to Promoting Languages

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lane, Nathan


    Languages teachers are all aware of the significant advantages and benefits learning a language provides, and believe in the importance of second language acquisition. However, why is it that languages teachers need to justify learning a second language and work hard to encourage more students to see the importance of learning a language and to…

  8. Exploring Language Awareness through Students' Engagement in Language Play

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ahn, So-Yeon


    The present study explores Korean students' demonstration of language awareness through their engagement in language play. Grounded in the understanding of the relationship between language play and an "engagement with language" (EWL) perspective, this ethnographic and discourse analytic study investigates how Korean students aged 11-15…

  9. The gender gap in student engagement: The role of teachers' autonomy support, structure, and involvement.


    Lietaert, Sofie; Roorda, Debora; Laevers, Ferre; Verschueren, Karine; De Fraine, Bieke


    The gender gap in education in favour of girls is a widely known phenomenon. Boys generally have higher dropout rates, obtain lower grades, and show lower engagement. Insight into factors related to these academic outcomes could help to address the gender gap. This study investigated, for Dutch language classes, (1) how boys and girls differ in behavioural engagement, (2) which teacher support dimensions (autonomy support, structure, involvement) may explain gender differences in engagement (mediation hypothesis), and (3) whether and which of these teacher support dimensions matter more for boys' as opposed to girls' engagement (moderation or differential effects hypothesis). A total of 385 Grade 7 students and their 15 language teachers participated in this study. Teacher support was assessed through student reports. Student engagement was measured using student, teacher, and observer reports. By means of structural equation modelling, the mediating role of the teacher support dimensions for gender differences in behavioural engagement was tested. The potential differential role of the teacher support dimensions for boys' and girls' engagement was investigated through multigroup analysis. Boys were less engaged than girls and reported lower support from their teacher. Autonomy support and involvement partially mediated the relationship between gender and behavioural engagement. Autonomy support was demonstrated to be a protective factor for boys' engagement but not for girls'. Structure and involvement contributed equally to engagement for both sexes. Although involvement and autonomy support partly explained the gender gap in engagement (mediation hypothesis), more support was found for differential effects of autonomy support on boys' versus girls' engagement (differential effects hypothesis). © 2015 The British Psychological Society.

  10. How Organisational Culture Influences Teachers' Support of Openly Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Murphy, Meghan


    In this paper, I analyse the relationship between US high schools' organisational cultures and student perceptions of responses to anti-gay language in their school. Using data from 67 interviews with young people who identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual, I compare teachers' responses to anti-gay language in schools that do and schools that do…

  11. "CLASS Professional Standards" for K-12 Chinese Language Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Lucy C.; Lin, Yu-Lan; Su, Chih-Wen


    "CLASS Professional Standards" is a resource for Chinese teachers, foreign language specialists, school administrators, parents, and policy makers who recognize the importance of Chinese cultures taught by professional teachers of Chinese. The release of the book also marks the celebration of the Chinese Language Association of…

  12. Small Schools Student Learning Objectives, 9-12: Mathematics, Reading, Reading in the Content Areas, Language Arts.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nelson, JoAnne, Ed.; Hartl, David, Ed.

    Designed by Washington curriculum specialists and secondary teachers to assist teachers in small schools with the improvement of curriculum and instruction and to aid smaller districts lacking curriculum personnel to comply with Washington's Student Learning Objectives Law, this handbook contains learning objectives in the areas of language arts,…

  13. Building a Well-Prepared Languages Teaching Force: Turkish Teacher Perspectives

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beykont, Zeynep F.


    Teacher quality is a central issue in the provision of languages. This paper reports on a study that examines teachers' perceptions of the obstacles to creating a well-prepared and wellsupported languages teaching force. In one-on-one interviews, teachers of Turkish in Australia identified the essential knowledge base, understanding, and skills of…

  14. Cuban Voices: A Case Study of English Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Steven John


    This case study uses qualitative research methods and a postcolonial paradigm to listen to the voices of Cuban teacher educators describing how they educate and prepare English language teachers in Cuba. English language teacher education in Cuba includes features that are considered innovative, contemporary and good practice in the Western world.…

  15. Teachers' English Proficiency and Classroom Language Use: A Conversation Analysis Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Van Canh, Le; Renandya, Willy A.


    How does teachers' target language proficiency correlate with their ability to use the target language effectively in order to provide optimal learning opportunities in the language classroom? Adopting a conversation analysis approach, this study examines the extent to which teachers' use of the target language in the classroom creates learning…

  16. Supporting In-Service Language Educators in Learning to Telecollaborate

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    O'Dowd, Robert


    The importance of teachers' capacity to integrate and exploit computer mediated communication (CMC) in the foreign language classroom has been recognised by many of the leading publications in foreign language teacher education, including the European Profile for Language Teacher Education (2004) and the European portfolio for student teachers of…

  17. EFL Teachers' Identity (Re)Construction as Teachers of Intercultural Competence: A Language Socialization Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ortaçtepe, Deniz


    Adapting Norton's (2000) notion of investment as an analytical lens along with thematic analysis, this longitudinal/narrative inquiry explores how 2 EFL teachers' language socialization in the United States resulted in an identity (re)construction as teachers of intercultural competence. Baris and Serkan's language socialization in the United…

  18. Hands-On English: A Periodical for Teachers and Tutors of Adult English as a Second Language, 2002-2003.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Silliman, Anna, Ed.


    These six issues of a periodical intended for teachers and tutors of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students offer articles and features including the following: readers' comments and questions; in-class map practice ideas; songs for English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) learning; suggested films to show in class; conversation activities;…

  19. Suggestions from Student Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Womack, Sid T.

    Teachers and administrators can help simplify the adjustment of student teachers to the classroom by being aware of student teacher concerns and problem areas. Asked to voice concerns and suggestions for future students, two groups of students at a Texas university and an Oklahoma university cited discipline, stress and fatigue, and relations with…

  20. Inter-professional education of prospective speech-language therapists and primary school teachers through shared professional practice placements.


    Wilson, Leanne; McNeill, Brigid; Gillon, Gail T


    Preliminary studies of inter-professional education (IPE) among student speech-language therapists (SLTs) and student teachers suggest that workshop-based applications are beneficial in preparing participants for elements of collaborative practice. Situating IPE within the students' professional practice placements may provide another useful avenue to develop attitudes, knowledge and skills for inter-professional collaboration. Research examining the impact of different approaches to IPE is required to advance our understanding of effective design and evaluation of such initiatives. To understand how student SLTs and student teachers develop competency for collaborative practice when co-working during professional practice placements to support children's speech and literacy development. A case study design was used to monitor the impact of the IPE. Student SLTs (n = 4) were paired with student teachers (n = 4) to participate in shared professional practice placements in junior school classrooms. An inductive thematic analysis of interviews conducted with participants after the IPE was employed to explore the development of competencies in collaborative practice. Change in inter-disciplinary knowledge and perceptions over the IPE was evaluated via survey to further explore the development of collaborative competencies. Integration of qualitative and quantitative findings suggested that participants began to develop four broad areas of collaborative competency: understanding of professional roles and expertise, communication skills to support shared decision-making, inter-dependency in supporting children's learning, and flexibility to implement alternative instructional practices. Interview analysis also revealed factors related to the facilitators and learning contexts that supported and/or limited the collaboration between participants. Shared placement experiences between student SLTs and student teachers may be an effective method for building participants

  1. Teacher Language Competence Description: Towards a New Framework of Evaluation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sokolova, Nataliya


    The article is centred around the concept of "language competence of a foreign language (FL) teacher" and the ways it can be evaluated. Though the definition of teacher language competence might sound obvious it has not yet been clearly structured and, therefore, no component has been thoroughly described. I use this fact as a starting…

  2. Language Arts Concepts for Elementary School Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burns, Paul C., Ed.; And Others

    An anthology of literature on elementary school language arts concepts is presented. Its purpose is to provide specific content that may help prospective and practicing teachers to recognize the role of language content in teaching. The anthology is divided into seven parts. Part One presents a general picture of the language arts curriculum that…

  3. Perceptions about the Dominance of English as a Global Language: Impact on Foreign-Language Teachers' Professional Identity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gayton, Angela Mary


    Using a novel theoretical framework that incorporates teacher identity, a school as community of practice, and English as a global language from a linguistic-imperialism perspective, this qualitative interview study with foreign-language teachers in Scotland, France, and Germany (N = 13) explores connections between foreign-language-learning…

  4. Codeswitching in the Language Classroom: A Study of Four EFL Teachers' Cognition

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Samar, Reza Ghafar; Moradkhani, Shahab


    Although many language teachers resort to their first language (L1) at various junctures during their practice, not many studies have tried to understand the reasons for this from teachers' personal perspectives. This study aimed at investigating English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers' cognitive processes during their classroom…

  5. Language, the Learner and the School. Penguin Papers in Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barnes, Douglas

    This book is concerned with language as it is used by the teacher, as it affects the learner, and as it can function to integrate the curriculum. Douglas Barnes, in "Language in the Secondary Classroom," discusses the student-teacher language interaction in 12 sample lessons, and analyzes the importance upon student learning of the languages used…

  6. The Efficacy of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) in Mathematics Instruction on English Language Learner Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vidot, Jose L.


    Studies by the National Association for Educational Progress found that English Language Learner (ELL) students perform poorly compared to other students on standardized mathematics exams. The research problem addressed how Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) affected the instructional practices of high school mathematics teachers.…

  7. Uncovering the Layers of Foreign Language Teacher Socialization: A Qualitative Case Study of Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Uzum, Baburhan


    This qualitative case study explored how a novice language teacher negotiated her pedagogical beliefs and practices during her socialization into a foreign cultural and educational context. The focal participant was an Uzbek language teacher at a university in the USA. Using a language socialization theoretical framework, data were drawn from…

  8. Measuring Teachers' Knowledge about Early Language and Literacy: Practical Implications and Considerations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hindman, Annemarie H.; Wasik, Barbara A.


    This study examined 1 tool for evaluating Head Start teachers' knowledge about early language and literacy. Results indicated that teachers varied in their knowledge. Teachers with more knowledge had more education, as did teachers who received language and literacy professional development. Teachers with greater knowledge also demonstrated higher…

  9. Spanish Oral Language Guide: Kindergarten Level. Espanol como Segundo Idioma. Teacher's Guide: Level I.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Corbell, Gloria; And Others

    This teacher's guide to Spanish language at the kindergarten level includes a recommended subject presentation sequence for the Spanish curriculum, a sample schedule, a grouping of students using three stations, and a classroom layout. The grouping would be effective when at least one-third of the children are Spanish-speaking or bilingual. The…

  10. Early Field Experiences in Language Teacher Education: An Ecological Analysis of a Program Implementation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rodriguez Arroyo, Sandra


    Language teacher education (LTE) has received increased attention over the last several decades. Language teacher educators, university researchers, classroom teachers, and future teachers have contributed immensely to existing knowledge on how language teachers learn to teach. Researchers and practitioners have finally acknowledged that future…

  11. Backgrounds in Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maxwell, John C.; Long, Barbara K.

    "Backgrounds in Language," a field-tested inservice course designed for use by groups of 15 or 25 language arts teachers, provides the subject matter background teachers need to make informed decisions about what curriculum materials to use in what way, at what time, and with which students. The course is comprised of eight 2-hour sessions,…

  12. Language Teacher Action Research: Achieving Sustainability

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Edwards, Emily; Burns, Anne


    Action research (AR) is becoming increasingly popular in ELT contexts as a means of continuous professional development. The positive impacts of AR on language teacher development are well documented, but the important question of how those impacts can be sustained over time is virtually unexplored. Drawing on findings from a study of teachers in…

  13. Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Effective Physics Teacher Characteristics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Korur, Fikret; Eryilmaz, Ali


    Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics of effective physics teachers? Purpose of Study: The first aim was to investigate the common characteristics of effective physics teachers by asking students and teachers about the effects of teacher characteristics on student physics achievement and…

  14. Language Needs Analysis of Iranian Undergraduate Students of Computer Engineering: A Study of Reading Skill

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fard-Kashani, Alireza; Jahromi, Abdol Hossein Zahedi; Javadi, Ali; Fallahi, Ali Mohammad


    The current study aimed at diagnosing the language needs of Iranian undergraduate students of computer engineering in order to find out whether there is any significant difference in perceptions between the students and their ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purpose) teachers, concerning their Reading skill needs. To conduct the intended…

  15. Foreign Languages and the Bicentennial.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Loew, Helene Z.; Lyons, Kay A.


    The activities suggested here are intended to encourage the participation of teachers and students of foreign languages in celebrating the Bicentennial. These brief suggestions are grouped under the following headings: (1) community-school involvement for teachers and students; (2) research possibilities for students; (3) extracurricular…

  16. Views of Turkish Language and Literature Teachers and Their Managers Related to Professional and Organizational Socialization Processes of Turkish Language and Literature Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Özbas, Mehmet; Arslan, M. Abdullah


    Teaching Turkish effectively and successfully is one of the main functions of all the teaching phases of Turkish education system. In secondary education, this duty mostly depends on Turkish Language and Literature teachers. The aim of the research named "Socialization of Turkish Language and Literature teachers" is to evaluate the…

  17. Language and Learning to Read: What Teachers Should Know about Language.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hodges, Richard E., Ed.; Rudorf, E. Hugh, Ed.

    Written by teachers, linguists, psychologists, and reading specialists, this book elucidates the relationship between reading and language, and explains why reading should be regarded as a language-based process. The book is divided into eight sections, each of which includes an introduction and sources for further reading. The essays for each…

  18. It's Elementary in Appalachia: Helping Prospective Teachers and Their Students Understand Sexuality and Gender

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swartz, Patti Capel


    The most blatant discrimination that exists today in schools is that directed toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex students (l/g/b/t/i/q). English and language arts teacher education programs can help foster critical awareness among future teachers of sexuality and gender as well as provide the pedagogical skills and…

  19. Small Schools Student Learning Objectives, K-8: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics. K-3; Science, Social Studies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hartl, David, Ed.; And Others

    Developed by 40 primary teachers and 10 elementary principals from small school districts in Washington, this handbook contains sequenced student learning objectives for grades K-3 in science and social studies and for grades K-8 in reading, language arts, and mathematics. The handbook is designed to assist teachers with the improvement of…

  20. Teachers Fostering the Co-Development of Science Literacy and Language Literacy with English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carrejo, David J.; Reinhartz, Judy


    Thirty-five elementary teachers participated in a yearlong professional development (PD) program that was designed to foster a culture of on-going teacher learning to promote the co-development of science and language literacy for English language learners (ELL). An explanatory design methodology was used to determine the degree to which science…

  1. Teaching in Two Tongues: Rethinking the Role of Language(s) in Teacher Education in India

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Menon, Shailaja; Viswanatha, Vanamala; Sahi, Jane


    This article is a sharing of emergent ideas about the potential role of languages in teacher education (TE) programmes in multilingual contexts in India. Languages play a critical role in TE programmes where they shape both the learning as well as the future teaching of prospective teachers. This role acquires particular significance in…

  2. CALL from an Ecological Perspective: How a Teacher Perceives Affordance and Fosters Learner Agency in a Technology-Mediated Language Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Liu, Qian; Chao, Chin-Chi


    The possibility of exploiting technology for more robust and meaningful learning and teaching has invoked messianic responses from the language education community. Yet to be explored are teachers' pedagogical choices based on the perceived technological affordances as well as interactions between teacher and student agency mediated by these…

  3. Linking Teacher Quality, Student Attendance, and Student Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gershenson, Seth


    Research on the effectiveness of educational inputs, particularly research on teacher effectiveness, typically overlooks teachers' potential impact on behavioral outcomes, such as student attendance. Using longitudinal data on teachers and students in North Carolina I estimate teacher effects on primary school student absences in a value-added…

  4. The World Language Teacher Shortage: Taking a New Direction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swanson, Pete; Mason, Shannon


    Since the end of World War II, international leaders have made calls addressing the world language teacher shortage. For almost 70 years, such rhetoric has been advanced, yet world language teacher shortages remain in many countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In this article, the…

  5. An Investigation into Chinese College English Teachers' Beliefs of Students' Web-Based Informal Language Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jiang, Jiahong


    With the rapid development of information and technology, language learners have more ways to acquire the target language. Recently, WILL has gained popularity, for informal web-based learning of English has been depicted as a process driven by the purpose of communication. Thus, teachers have many challenges when teaching learners who have…

  6. Triangulation of written assessments from patients, teachers and students: useful for students and teachers?


    Gran, Sarah Frandsen; Braend, Anja Maria; Lindbaek, Morten


    Many medical students in general practice clerkships experience lack of observation-based feedback. The StudentPEP project combined written feedback from patients, observing teachers and students. This study analyzes the perceived usefulness of triangulated written feedback. A total of 71 general practitioners and 79 medical students at the University of Oslo completed project evaluation forms after a 6-week clerkship. A principal component analysis was performed to find structures within the questionnaire. Regression analysis was performed regarding students' answers to whether StudentPEP was worthwhile. Free-text answers were analyzed qualitatively. Student and teacher responses were mixed within six subscales, with highest agreement on 'Teachers oral and written feedback' and 'Attitude to patient evaluation'. Fifty-four per cent of the students agreed that the triangulation gave concrete feedback on their weaknesses, and 59% valued the teachers' feedback provided. Two statements regarding the teacher's attitudes towards StudentPEP were significantly associated with the student's perception of worthwhileness. Qualitative analysis showed that patient evaluations were encouraging or distrusted. Some students thought that StudentPEP ensured observation and feedback. The patient evaluations increased the students' awareness of the patient perspective. A majority of the students considered the triangulated written feedback beneficial, although time-consuming. The teacher's attitudes strongly influenced how the students perceived the usefulness of StudentPEP.

  7. The Impact of CALL Instruction on English Language Teachers' Use of Technology in Language Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kiliçkaya, Ferit; Seferoglu, Gölge


    This study investigates the impact of CALL training on in-service language teachers' use of CALL-based activities in their classrooms. The participants included 35 pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers who took an undergraduate-level elective CALL course (FLE318) offered during the 2008-2009 academic year in the Department of…

  8. Medical students' and teachers' perceptions of sexual misconduct in the student-teacher relationship.


    Dekker, Hanke; Snoek, Jos W; Schönrock-Adema, Johanna; van der Molen, Thys; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke


    Teachers are important role models for the development of professional behaviour of young trainee doctors. Unfortunately, sometimes they show unprofessional behaviour. To address misconduct in teaching, it is important to determine where the thresholds lie when it comes to inappropriate behaviours in student-teacher encounters. We explored to what extent students and teachers perceive certain behaviours as misconduct or as sexual harassment. We designed-with a reference group-five written vignettes describing inappropriate behaviours in the student-teacher relationship. Clinical students (n = 1,195) and faculty of eight different hospitals (n = 1,497) were invited to rate to what extent they perceived each vignette as misconduct or sexual harassment. Data were analyzed using t tests and Pearson's correlations. In total 643 students (54 %) and 551 teachers (37 %) responded. All vignettes were consistently considered more as misconduct than as actual sexual harassment. At an individual level, respondents differed largely as to whether they perceived an incident as misconduct or sexual harassment. Comparison between groups showed that teachers' and students' perceptions on three vignettes differed significantly, although the direction differed. Male students were more lenient towards certain behaviours than female students. To conclude, perceptions of misconduct and sexual harassment are not univocal. We recommend making students and teachers aware that the boundaries of others may not be the same as their own.

  9. Learning to Be Froebelian: Student Teachers' Life Histories 1952-1965

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smedley, Sue; Hoskins, Kate


    Drawing on the life histories of nine women who were trained at Froebel College in the 1950s and 1960s, this paper examines the women's narratives as Froebelian student teachers and explores their remembered constructions of their experiences. Using an analytical framework underpinned by theories of identity and language their stories are shown to…

  10. Motivational Strategies in EFL Classrooms: How Do Teachers Impact Students' Motivation?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sugita McEown, Maya; Takeuchi, Osamu


    The objective is to examine the changes in the effectiveness of motivational strategy use by teachers during one semester in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. More specifically, we investigate differences in effectiveness changes for each motivational strategy used according to students' English proficiency levels and their…

  11. Uninvited Guests: The Influence of Teachers' Roles and Pedagogies on the Positioning of English Language Learners in the Regular Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yoon, Bogum


    Grounded in positioning theory, this study examined regular classroom teachers' views of their roles with regard to English language learners (ELLs) and the relationship between their teaching approaches and the students' reactions and positioning of themselves in the classroom. Findings suggest that the teachers' views of their roles varied based…

  12. Supporting Academic Language Development in Elementary Science: A Classroom Teaching Experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jung, Karl Gerhard

    Academic language is the language that students must engage in while participating in the teaching and learning that takes place in school (Schleppegrell, 2012) and science as a content area presents specific challenges and opportunities for students to engage with language (Buxton & Lee, 2014; Gee, 2005). In order for students to engage authentically and fully in the science learning that will take place in their classrooms, it is important that they develop their abilities to use science academic language (National Research Council, 2012). For this to occur, teachers must provide support to their students in developing the science academic language they will encounter in their classrooms. Unfortunately, this type of support remains a challenge for many teachers (Baecher, Farnsworth, & Ediger, 2014; Bigelow, 2010; Fisher & Frey, 2010) and teachers must receive professional development that supports their abilities to provide instruction that supports and scaffolds students' science academic language use and development. This study investigates an elementary science teacher's engagement in an instructional coaching partnership to explore how that teacher planned and implemented scaffolds for science academic language. Using a theoretical framework that combines the literature on scaffolding (Bunch, Walqui, & Kibler, 2015; Gibbons, 2015; Sharpe, 2001/2006) and instructional coaching (Knight, 2007/2009), this study sought to understand how an elementary science teacher plans and implements scaffolds for science academic language, and the resources that assisted the teacher in planning those scaffolds. The overarching goal of this work is to understand how elementary science teachers can scaffold language in their classroom, and how they can be supported in that work. Using a classroom teaching experiment methodology (Cobb, 2000) and constructivist grounded theory methods (Charmaz, 2014) for analysis, this study examined coaching conversations and classroom

  13. Relations of Student Perceptions of Teacher Oral Feedback with Teacher Expectancies and Student Self-Concept

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chen, Yi-Hsin; Thompson, Marilyn S.; Kromrey, Jeffrey D.; Chang, George H.


    In this article, the authors investigated the relations of students' perceptions of teachers' oral feedback with teacher expectancies and student self-concept. A sample of 1,598 Taiwanese children in Grades 3 to 6 completed measures of student perceptions of teacher oral feedback and school self-concept. Homeroom teachers identified students for…

  14. Novice Teachers' Perspectives on Learning in Lesson Rehearsals in Second Language Teacher Preparation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Troyan, Francis John; Peercy, Megan Madigan


    Although scholars working in core practices have put forth lesson rehearsals as central to novice teachers' learning and development, there is little work on how novice teachers experience rehearsals. This qualitative research investigated learning opportunities for novice teachers of language learners during rehearsals. The analysis examines two…

  15. The Teacher Trainer: A Practical Journal Mainly for Modern Language Teacher Trainers, 1992.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Woodward, Tessa, Ed.


    This document consists of the three issues of the serial "The Teacher Trainer" issued during 1992. Articles include: "Resistance to Change in Teacher Training Courses"; "Teacher Training Games Series: Game 6: Language Bridge"; "How Trainees Can Provide a Resource for Staff Development"; "Do Unto Them As…

  16. Respecifying Display Questions: Interactional Resources for Language Teaching

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Yo-An


    Previous research into teachers' questions has focused on what types of questions are more conducive for developing students' communicative language use. In this regard, "display questions," whose answers the teacher already knows, are considered less effective because they limit opportunities for students to use genuine language use (Long & Sato,…

  17. Navigating Complexities: An Integrative Approach to English Language Teacher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ryan, Phillip; Glodjo, Tyler; Hobbs, Bethany; Stargel, Victoria; Williams, Thad


    This article is an analysis of one undergraduate English language teacher education program's integrative theoretical framework that is structured around three pillars: interdisciplinarity, critical pedagogy, and teacher exploration. First, the authors survey the unique complexities of language teaching and learning. Then, they introduce this…

  18. English Language Teacher Educator Interactional Styles: Heterogeneity and Homogeneity in the ELTE Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lucero, Edgar; Scalante-Morales, Jeesica


    This article presents a research study on the interactional styles of teacher educators in the English language teacher education classroom. Two research methodologies, ethnomethodological conversation analysis and self-evaluation of teacher talk were applied to analyze 34 content- and language-based classes of nine English language teacher…

  19. Post-Secondary Foreign Language Teachers' Belief Systems about Language Teaching/Learning and Technology/Teaching with Technology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oda, Kazue


    While many studies have demonstrated the advantages of using computer technology in foreign language classrooms, many post-secondary foreign language (FL) teachers still remain reluctant to use technology in instruction. Even when teachers do use technology, critiques have indicated that it is oftentimes used merely to replicate traditional…

  20. Teachers' Report of Strategies Used to Facilitate Language Development in Students with Hearing Loss

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Handley, Candace Michele


    The purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which teachers of the deaf report using four identified language facilitation strategies: recasting, extension, responsivity, and self-talk/parallel talk. Participants self-selected in response to an advertisement on a state-wide listserv and to the state's residential school internal news.…