Transcranial stimulability of phosphenes by long lightning electromagnetic pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peer, J.; Kendl, A.
The electromagnetic pulses of rare long (order of seconds) repetitive lightning discharges near strike point (order of 100 m) are analyzed and compared to magnetic fields applied in standard clinical transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) practice. It is shown that the time-varying lightning magnetic fields and locally induced electric fields are in the same order of magnitude and frequency as those established in TMS experiments to study stimulated perception phenomena, like magnetophosphenes. Lightning electromagnetic pulse induced transcranial magnetic stimulation of phosphenes in the visual cortex is concluded to be a plausible interpretation of a large class of reports on luminous perceptions during thunderstorms.
A comparison of lightning and nuclear electromagnetic pulse response of a helicopter
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Easterbrook, C. C.; Perala, R. A.
A numerical modeling technique is utilized to investigate the response of a UH-60A helicopter to both lightning and nuclear electromagnetic pulses (NEMP). The analytical approach involves the three-dimensional time domain finite-difference solutions of Maxwell's equations. Both the external currents and charges as well as the internal electromagnetic fields and cable responses are computed. Results of the analysis indicate that, in general, the short circuit current on internal cables is larger for lightning, whereas the open-circuit voltages are slightly higher for NEMP. The lightning response is highly dependent upon the rise time of the injected current as was expected. The analysis shows that a coupling levels to cables in a helicopter are 20 to 30 dB larger than those observed in fixed-wing aircraft.
3D modeling of lightning-induced electromagnetic pulses on Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pérez-Invernón, Francisco J.; Luque, Alejandro; Gordillo-Vázquez, Francisco J.
Atmospheric electricity is a common phenomenon in some planets of The Solar System. We know that atmospheric discharges exist on Earth and gaseous planets; however, some characteristics of lightning on Saturn and Jupiter as well as their relevance on the effects of lightning in the atmospheres of these planets are still unknown. In the case of Venus, there exist some radio evidences of lightning, but the lack of optical observations suggests exploring indirect methods of detection, such as searching for lightning-induced transient optical emissions from the upper atmosphere. The Akatsuki probe, currently orbiting Venus, is equipped with a camera whose temporal resolution is high enough to detect optical emissions from lightning discharges and to measure nightglow enhancements. In this work, we extend previous models [1,2] to investigate the chemical impact and transient optical emissions produced by possible lightning-emitted electromagnetic pulses (EMP) in Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. Using a 3D FDTD ("Finite Differences Time Domain") model we solve the Maxwell equations coupled with the Langevin equation for electrons [3] and with a kinetic scheme, different for each planetary atmosphere. This method is useful to investigate the temporal and spatial impact of lightning-induced electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere of each planet for different lightning characteristics (e.g. energy released, orientation). This 3D FDTD model allows us to include the saturnian and jovian background magnetic field inclination and magnitude at different latitudes, and to determine the effects of different lightning channel inclinations. Results provide useful information to interpret lightning observations on giant gaseous planets and in the search for indirect optical signals from atmospheric discharge on Venus such as fast nightglow transient enhancements related to lightning as seen on Earth. Furthermore, we underline the observation of electrical discharges characteristics as a
Giant elves: Lightning-generated electromagnetic pulses in giant planets.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Luque Estepa, Alejandro; Dubrovin, Daria; José Gordillo-Vázquez, Francisco; Ebert, Ute; Parra-Rojas, Francisco Carlos; Yair, Yoav; Price, Colin
We currently have direct optical observations of atmospheric electricity in the two giant gaseous planets of our Solar System [1-5] as well as radio signatures that are possibly generated by lightning from the two icy planets Uranus and Neptune [6,7]. On Earth, the electrical activity of the troposphere is associated with secondary electrical phenomena called Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) that occur in the mesosphere and lower ionosphere. This led some researchers to ask if similar processes may also exist in other planets, focusing first on the quasi-static coupling mechanism [8], which on Earth is responsible for halos and sprites and then including also the induction field, which is negligible in our planet but dominant in Saturn [9]. However, one can show that, according to the best available estimation for lightning parameters, in giant planets such as Saturn and Jupiter the effect of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) dominates the effect that a lightning discharge has on the lower ionosphere above it. Using a Finite-Differences, Time-Domain (FDTD) solver for the EMP we found [10] that electrically active storms may create a localized but long-lasting layer of enhanced ionization of up to 103 cm-3 free electrons below the ionosphere, thus extending the ionosphere downward. We also estimate that the electromagnetic pulse transports 107 J to 1010 J toward the ionosphere. There emissions of light of up to 108 J would create a transient luminous event analogous to a terrestrial elve. Although these emissions are about 10 times fainter than the emissions coming from the lightning itself, it may be possible to target them for detection by filtering the appropiate wavelengths. [1] Cook, A. F., II, T. C. Duxbury, and G. E. Hunt (1979), First results on Jovian lightning, Nature, 280, 794, doi:10.1038/280794a0. [2] Little, B., C. D. Anger, A. P. Ingersoll, A. R. Vasavada, D. A. Senske, H. H. Breneman, W. J. Borucki, and The Galileo SSI Team (1999), Galileo images of
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rustan, Pedro L., Jr.
Lightning data obtained by measuring the surface electromagnetic fields on a CV-580 research aircraft during 48 lightning strikes between 1500 and 18,000 feet in central Florida during the summers of 1984 and 1985, and nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) data obtained by surface electromagnetic field measurements using a 1:74 CV-580 scale model, are presented. From one lightning event, maximum values of 3750 T/s for the time rate of change of the surface magnetic flux density, and 4.7 kA for the peak current, were obtained. From the simulated NEMP test, maximum values of 40,000 T/s for the time rate of change of the surface magnetic flux density, and 90 A/sq m for the total normal current density, were found. The data have application to the development of a military aircraft lightning/NEMP standard.
Three-dimensional modeling of lightning-induced electromagnetic pulses on Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pérez-Invernón, F. J.; Luque, A.; Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J.
While lightning activity in Venus is still controversial, its existence in Jupiter and Saturn was first detected by the Voyager missions and later on confirmed by Cassini and New Horizons optical recordings in the case of Jupiter, and recently by Cassini on Saturn in 2009. Based on a recently developed 3-D model, we investigate the influence of lightning-emitted electromagnetic pulses on the upper atmosphere of Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter. We explore how different lightning properties such as total energy released and orientation (vertical, horizontal, and oblique) can produce mesospheric transient optical emissions of different shapes, sizes, and intensities. Moreover, we show that the relatively strong background magnetic field of Saturn can enhance the lightning-induced quasi-electrostatic and inductive electric field components above 1000 km of altitude producing stronger transient optical emissions that could be detected from orbital probes.
The state of technology in electromagnetic (RF) sensors (for lightning detection)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shumpert, T. H.; Honnell, M. A.
A brief overview of the radio-frequency sensors which were applied to the detection, isolation, and/or identification of the transient electromagnetic energy (sferics) radiated from one or more lightning discharges in the atmosphere is presented. Radio frequency (RF) characteristics of lightning discharges, general RF sensor (antenna) characteristics, sensors and systems previously used for sferic detection, electromagnetic pulse sensors are discussed. References containing extensive bibliographies concerning lightning are presented.
Measurement of Electromagnetic Properties of Lightning with 10 Nanosecond Resolution
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Baum, C. E.; Breen, E. L.; Oneill, J. P.; Moore, C. B.; Hall, D. L.
Electromagnetic data recorded from lightning strikes are presented. The data analysis reveals general characteristics of fast electromagnetic fields measured at the ground including rise times, amplitudes, and time patterns. A look at the electromagnetic structure of lightning shows that the shortest rise times in the vicinity of 30 ns are associated with leader leader streamers. Lightning location is based on electromagnetic field characteristics and is compared to a nearby sky camera. The fields from both leaders and return strokes were measured and are discussed. The data were obtained during 1978 and 1979 from lightning strikes occuring within 5 kilometers of an underground metal instrumentation room located on South Baldy peak near Langmuir Laboratory, New Mexico. The computer controlled instrumentation consisted of sensors previously used for measuring the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and analog-digital recorders with 10 ns sampling, 256 levels of resolution, and 2 kilobytes of internal memory.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Luque, A.; Dubrovin, D.; Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J.; Ebert, U.; Parra-Rojas, F. C.; Yair, Y.; Price, C.
Atmospheric electricity has been detected in all gaseous giants of our solar system and is therefore likely present also in extrasolar planets. Building upon measurements from Saturn and Jupiter, we investigate how the electromagnetic pulse emitted by a lightning stroke affects upper layers of a gaseous giant. This effect is probably significantly stronger than that on Earth. We find that electrically active storms may create a localized but long-lasting layer of enhanced ionization of up to 103 cm-3 free electrons below the ionosphere, thus extending the ionosphere downward. We also estimate that the electromagnetic pulse transports 107 J to 1010 J toward the ionosphere. There emissions of light of up to 108 J would create a transient luminous event analogous to a terrestrial "elve."
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trost, T. F.; Zaepfel, K. P.
A set of electromagnetic sensors, or electrically-small antennas, is described. The sensors are designed for installation on an F-106 research aircraft for the measurement of electric and magnetic fields and currents during a lightning strike. The electric and magnetic field sensors mount on the aircraft skin. The current sensor mounts between the nose boom and the fuselage. The sensors are all on the order of 10 cm in size and should produce up to about 100 V for the estimated lightning fields. The basic designs are the same as those developed for nuclear electromagnetic pulse studies. The most important electrical parameters of the sensors are the sensitivity, or equivalent area, and the bandwidth (or rise time). Calibration of sensors with simple geometries is reliably accomplished by a geometric analysis; all the sensors discussed possess geometries for which the sensitivities have been calculated. For the calibration of sensors with more complex geometries and for general testing of all sensors, two transmission lines were constructed to transmit known pulsed fields and currents over the sensors.
A comparison of lightning and nuclear electromagnetic pulse response of tactical shelters
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Perala, R. A.; Rudolph, T. H.; Mckenna, P. M.
The internal response (electromagnetic fields and cable responses) of tactical shelters is addressed. Tactical shelters are usually well-shielded systems. Apart from penetrations by signal and power lines, the main leakage paths to the interior are via seams and the environment control unit (ECU) honeycomb filter. The time domain in three-dimensional finite-difference technique is employed to determine the external and internal coupling to a shelter excited by nuclear electromagnetic pulses (NEMP) and attached lightning. The responses of interest are the internal electromagnetic fields and the voltage, current, power, and energy coupled to internal cables. Leakage through the seams and ECU filter is accomplished by their transfer impedances which relate internal electric fields to external current densities. Transfer impedances which were experimentally measured are used in the analysis. The internal numerical results are favorably compared to actual shelter test data under simulated NEMP illumination.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taranenko, Y. N.; Inan, U. S.; Bell, T. F.
A self consistent and fully kinetic simulation of the interaction of lightning radiated electromagnetic (EM) pulses with the nighttime lower ionosphere indicates that optical emissions observable with conventional instruments would be excited. For example, emissions of the 1st and 2nd positive bands of N2 occur at rates reaching 7 x 10(exp 7) and 10(exp 7) cu cm/s respectively at 92 km altitude for a lightning discharge with an electric field E(sub 100) = 20 V/m (normalized to a 100 km distance). The maximum height integrated intensities of these emissions are 4 x 10(exp 7) and 6 x 10(exp 6) R respectively, lasting for approx. 50 micrometers.
State-of-the-art methods for computing the electromagnetic interaction of lightning with aircraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Eriksen, F. J.; Perala, R. A.; Corbin, J. C., Jr.
Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) coupling codes and methods are evaluated and summarized. The differences between NEMP and lightning interaction with aircraft are discussed and critical parameters peculiar to lightning are examined.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ponds, Charles D.; Knaur, James A.
This paper presents the design and test requirements in developing an electromagnetic compatibility missile system. Environmental levels are presented for electromagnetic radiation hazards, electromagnetic radiation operational, electrostatic discharge, lightning, and electromagnetic pulse (nuclear). Testing techniques and facility capabilities are presented for research and development testing of missile systems.
Electromagnetic emission from terrestrial lightning in the 0.1-30 MHz frequency range
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Karashtin, A. N.; Gurevich, A. V.
Results of measurements carried out at SURA facility of Radiophisical Research Institute and at Tien-Shan Mountain Scientific Station of Lebedev Physical Institute using specially designed installations for short electromagnetic pulse observation in the frequency range from 0.1 to 30 MHz are presented. Specific attention is paid to initial stage of the lightning discharge. It is shown that lightning can be initiated by extensive atmospheric showers caused by high energy cosmic ray particles. Analysis of emission of few thousand lightning discharges showed that • Short wave radio emission of lightning consists of a series of short pulses with duration from less than 100 nanoseconds to several microseconds separated well longer gaps. • Background noise between lightning discharges is not differ from one observed without thunderstorm activity (at given sensitivity). Usually it is the same between lightning pulses at least at the initial stage. • Each lightning discharge radio emission starts with a number of very short (less than 100 nanoseconds at 0.7 level) bi-polar pulses. Gaps between initial pulses vary from several microseconds to few hundreds of microseconds. No radio emission was observed before the first pulse during at least 500 milliseconds. Both positive and negative polarity of the first pulses occur in approximately equal proportion in different lightning discharges while the polarity was the same in any individual lightning. • First pulse amplitude, width and waveform are consistent with predicted by the theory of combined action of runaway breakdown and extensive atmospheric shower caused by cosmic ray particle of 1016 eV energy. Lightning discharges at other planets can be initiated by cosmic ray particles as well. This work was partly supported by ISTC grant # 2236p. The work of one of the authors (A. N. Karashtin) was also partly supported by INTAS grant # 03-51-5727.
Electromagnetic Methods of Lightning Detection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rakov, V. A.
Both cloud-to-ground and cloud lightning discharges involve a number of processes that produce electromagnetic field signatures in different regions of the spectrum. Salient characteristics of measured wideband electric and magnetic fields generated by various lightning processes at distances ranging from tens to a few hundreds of kilometers (when at least the initial part of the signal is essentially radiation while being not influenced by ionospheric reflections) are reviewed. An overview of the various lightning locating techniques, including magnetic direction finding, time-of-arrival technique, and interferometry, is given. Lightning location on global scale, when radio-frequency electromagnetic signals are dominated by ionospheric reflections, is also considered. Lightning locating system performance characteristics, including flash and stroke detection efficiencies, percentage of misclassified events, location accuracy, and peak current estimation errors, are discussed. Both cloud and cloud-to-ground flashes are considered. Representative examples of modern lightning locating systems are reviewed. Besides general characterization of each system, the available information on its performance characteristics is given with emphasis on those based on formal ground-truth studies published in the peer-reviewed literature.
D region disturbances caused by electromagnetic pulses from lightning
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rodriguez, Juan V.; Inan, Umran S.; Bell, Timothy F.
Attention is given to a simple formulation of the propagation and absorption in a magnetized collisional plasma of EM pulses from lightning which describes the effect of discharge orientation and radiated electric field on the structure and magnitude of heating and secondary ionization in the D region. Radiation from most lightning discharges can heat substantially, but only the most intense (not less than 20 V/m) are likely to cause ionization enhancements not less than 10 percent of the ambient in a single ionization cycle. This dependence on the radiated electric field is modified by the discharge radiation pattern: a horizontal cloud discharge tends to cause larger heating and ionizaton maxima while a vertical return stroke causes disturbances of a larger horizontal extent.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Grove, C. H.; Phillips, R. L.; Wojtasinski, R. J.
A lightning instrumentation system was designed to record current magnitudes of lightning strikes that hit a launch pad service structure at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The instrumentation system consists of a lightning ground rod with a current sensor coil, an optical transmitter, an optical fiber cable link, a detector receiver, and a recording system. The transmitter is a wideband pulse transformer driving an IR LED emitter. The transmitter operates linearly as a transducer. A low loss fiber bundle provides isolation of the recorder system from the electromagnetic field of the lightning strike. The output of an optical detector receiver module is sampled and recorded in digital format. The significant factors considered in the design were dynamic range, linearity, mechanical configuration, electromagnetic isolation, and temperature compensation.
Electromagnetic field radiation model for lightning strokes to tall structures
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Motoyama, H.; Janischewskyj, W.; Hussein, A.M.
This paper describes observation and analysis of electromagnetic field radiation from lightning strokes to tall structures. Electromagnetic field waveforms and current waveforms of lightning strokes to the CN Tower have been simultaneously measured since 1991. A new calculation model of electromagnetic field radiation is proposed. The proposed model consists of the lightning current propagation and distribution model and the electromagnetic field radiation model. Electromagnetic fields calculated by the proposed model, based on the observed lightning current at the CN Tower, agree well with the observed fields at 2km north of the tower.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiao, Xue; Yang, Bo
To study the lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) coupling and protection problems of shielding enclosure with penetrating wire, we adopt the model with proper size which is close to the practical engineering and the two-step finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used for calculation in this paper. It is shown that the coupling voltage on the circuit lead inside the enclosure increases about 34 dB, when add 1.0 m long penetrating wire at the aperture, comparing with the case without penetrating wire. Meanwhile, the waveform, has the same wave outline as the lightning current source, shows that the penetrating wire brings a large number of low frequency component into the enclosure. The coupling effect in the enclosure will reduce greatly when penetrating wire has electrical connection with the enclosure at the aperture and the coupling voltage increase only about 12 dB than the case without penetrating wire. Moreover, the results show that though the waveguide pipe can reduce the coupling effect brought by the penetrating wire, the exposing part of penetrating wire can increase the coupling when the penetrating wire outside the enclosure is longer than the waveguide pipe and the longer the exposing part is, the stronger the coupling is.
Analysis of electromagnetic fields on an F-106B aircraft during lightning strikes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trost, T. F.; Pitts, F. L.
Information on the exterior electromagnetic environment of an aircraft when it is struck by lightning has been obtained during thunderstorm penetrations with an F-106B aircraft. Electric and magnetic fields were observed, using mainly time-derivative type sensors, with bandwidths to 50 MHz. Lightning pulse lengths ranging from 25 ns to 7 microsec have been recorded. Sufficient high-frequency content was present to excite electromagnetic resonances of the aircraft, and peaks in the frequency spectra of the waveforms in the range 7 to 23 MHz are in agreement with the resonant frequencies determined in laboratory scale-model tests. Both positively and negatively charged strikes were experienced, and most of the data suggest low values of peak current.
The electric field changes and UHF radiations caused by the triggered lightning in Japan
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kawasaki, Zen-Ichiro; Kanao, Tadashi; Matsuura, Kenji; Nakano, Minoru; Horii, Kenji; Nakamura, Koichi
In the rocket triggered lightning experiment of fiscal 1989, researchers observed electromagnetic field changes and UHF electromagnetic radiation accompanying rocket triggered lightning. It was found that no rapid changes corresponding to the return stroke of natural lightning were observed in the electric field changes accompanying rocket triggered lightning. However, continuous currents were present. In the case of rocket triggered lightning to the tower, electromagnetic field changes corresponding to the initiation of triggered lightning showed a bipolar pulse of a relatively large amplitude. In contrast, the rocket triggered lightning to the ground did not have such a bipolar pulse. The UHF radiation accompanying the rocket triggered lightning preceded the waveform portions corresponding to the first changes in electromagnetic fields. The number of isolated pulses in the UHF radiation showed a correlation with the time duration from rocket launching up to triggered lightning. The time interval between consecutive isolated pulses tended to get shorter with the passage of time, just like the stepped leaders of natural lightning.
Electromagnetic sensors for general lightning application
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Baum, C. E.; Breen, E. L.; Onell, J. P.; Moore, C. B.; Sower, G. D.
Electromagnetic sensors for general lightning applications in measuring environment are discussed as well as system response to the environment. This includes electric and magnetic fields, surface current and charge densities, and currents on conductors. Many EMP sensors are directly applicable to lightning measurements, but there are some special cases of lightning measurements involving direct strikes which require special design considerations for the sensors. The sensors and instrumentation used by NMIMT in collecting data on lightning at South Baldy peak in central New Mexico during the 1978 and 1979 lightning seasons are also discussed. The Langmuir Laboratory facilities and details of the underground shielded instrumentation room and recording equipment are presented.
Toward a Time-Domain Fractal Lightning Simulation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liang, C.; Carlson, B. E.; Lehtinen, N. G.; Cohen, M.; Lauben, D.; Inan, U. S.
Electromagnetic simulations of lightning are useful for prediction of lightning properties and exploration of the underlying physical behavior. Fractal lightning models predict the spatial structure of the discharge, but thus far do not provide much information about discharge behavior in time and therefore cannot predict electromagnetic wave emissions or current characteristics. Here we develop a time-domain fractal lightning simulation from Maxwell's equations, the method of moments with the thin wire approximation, an adaptive time-stepping scheme, and a simplified electrical model of the lightning channel. The model predicts current pulse structure and electromagnetic wave emissions and can be used to simulate the entire duration of a lightning discharge. The model can be used to explore the electrical characteristics of the lightning channel, the temporal development of the discharge, and the effects of these characteristics on observable electromagnetic wave emissions.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Zilong; Chen, Mingli; Zhu, Baoyou; Du, Ya-ping
An improved ray theory and transfer matrix method-based model for a lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) propagating in Earth-ionosphere waveguide (EIWG) is proposed and tested. The model involves the presentation of a lightning source, parameterization of the lower ionosphere, derivation of a transfer function representing all effects of EIWG on LEMP sky wave, and determination of attenuation mode of the LEMP ground wave. The lightning source is simplified as an electric point dipole standing on Earth surface with finite conductance. The transfer function for the sky wave is derived based on ray theory and transfer matrix method. The attenuation mode for the ground wave is solved from Fock's diffraction equations. The model is then applied to several lightning sferics observed in central China during day and night times within 1000 km. The results show that the model can precisely predict the time domain sky wave for all these observed lightning sferics. Both simulations and observations show that the lightning sferics in nighttime has a more complicated waveform than in daytime. Particularly, when a LEMP propagates from east to west (Φ = 270°) and in nighttime, its sky wave tends to be a double-peak waveform (dispersed sky wave) rather than a single peak one. Such a dispersed sky wave in nighttime may be attributed to the magneto-ionic splitting phenomenon in the lower ionosphere. The model provides us an efficient way for retrieving the electron density profile of the lower ionosphere and hence to monitor its spatial and temporal variations via lightning sferics.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In 1995, in response to the lightning community's desire to revise the zoning criteria on aircraft, the Electromagnetic Effects Harmonization Working Group (EEHWG) decided that lightning attachments to aircraft causing damage should be studied and co...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taranenko, Y. N.; Inan, U. S.; Bell, T. F.
A Boltzmann formulation of the electron distribution function and Maxwell's equations for the EM fields are used to simulate the interaction of lightning radiated EM pulses with the lower ionosphere. Ionization and dissociative attachment induced by the heated electrons cause significant changes in the local electron density, N(e). Due to 'slow' field changes of typical lightning EM pulses over time scales of tens of microsec, the distribution function follows the quasi-equilibrium solution of the Boltzmann equation in the altitude range of interest (70 to 100 km). The EM pulse is simulated as a planar 100 microsec long single period oscillation of a 10 kHz wave injected at 70 km. Under nighttime conditions, individual pulses of intensity 10-20 V/m (normalized to 100 km horizontal distance) produce changes in N(e) of 1-30 percent while a sequence of pulses leads to strong modification of N(e) at altitudes less than 95 km. The N(e) changes produce a 'sharpening' of the lower ionospheric boundary by causing a reduction in electron density at 75-85 km (due to attachment) and a substantial increase at 85-95 km (due to ionization) (e.g., the scale height decreases by a factor of about 2 at about 85 km for a single 20 V/m EM pulse). No substantial N(e) changes occur during daytime.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Adachi, Toru; Cohen, Morris; Li, Jingbo; Cummer, Steve; Blakeslee, Richard; Marshall, THomas; Stolzenberg, Maribeth; Karunarathne, Sumedhe; Hsu, Rue-Ron; Su, Han-Tzong;
The present study aims at assessing a possible new way to reveal the properties of lightning flash, using spectrophotometric data obtained by FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL which is the first spaceborne multicolor lightning detector. The ISUAL data was analyzed in conjunction with ground ]based electromagnetic data obtained by Duke magnetic field sensors, NLDN, North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA), and Kennedy Space Center (KSC) electric field antennas. We first classified the observed events into cloud ]to ]ground (CG) and intra ]cloud (IC) lightning based on the Duke and NLDN measurements and analyzed ISUAL data to clarify their optical characteristics. It was found that the ISUAL optical waveform of CG lightning was strongly correlated with the current moment waveform, suggesting that it is possible to evaluate the electrical properties of lightning from satellite optical measurement to some extent. The ISUAL data also indicated that the color of CG lightning turned to red at the time of return stroke while the color of IC pulses remained unchanged. Furthermore, in one CG event which was simultaneously detected by ISUAL and LMA, the observed optical emissions slowly turned red as the altitude of optical source gradually decreased. All of these results indicate that the color of lightning flash depends on the source altitude and suggest that spaceborne optical measurement could be a new tool to discriminate CG and IC lightning. In the presentation, we will also show results on the comparison between the ISUAL and KSC electric field data to clarify characteristics of each lightning process such as preliminary breakdown, return stroke, and subsequent upward illumination.
Location and analysis of acoustic infrasound pulses in lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R.; Stock, M.; Thomas, R.; Erives, H.; Rison, W.; Edens, H.; Lapierre, J.
Acoustic, VHF, and electrostatic measurements throw new light onto the origin and production mechanism of the thunder infrasound signature (<10 Hz) from lightning. This signature, composed of an initial compression followed by a rarefaction pulse, has been the subject of several unconfirmed theories and models. The observations of two intracloud flashes which each produced multiple infrasound pulses were analyzed for this work. Once the variation of the speed of sound with temperature is taken into account, both the compression and rarefaction portions of the infrasound pulses are found to originate very near lightning channels mapped by the Lightning Mapping Array. We found that none of the currently proposed models can explain infrasound generation by lightning, and thus propose an alternate theory: The infrasound compression pulse is produced by electrostatic interaction of the charge deposited on the channel and in the streamer zone of the lightning channel.
Aircraft Lightning Electromagnetic Environment Measurement
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ely, Jay J.; Nguyen, Truong X.; Szatkowski, George N.
This paper outlines a NASA project plan for demonstrating a prototype lightning strike measurement system that is suitable for installation onto research aircraft that already operate in thunderstorms. This work builds upon past data from the NASA F106, FAA CV-580, and Transall C-180 flight projects, SAE ARP5412, and the European ILDAS Program. The primary focus is to capture airframe current waveforms during attachment, but may also consider pre and post-attachment current, electric field, and radiated field phenomena. New sensor technologies are being developed for this system, including a fiber-optic Faraday polarization sensor that measures lightning current waveforms from DC to over several Megahertz, and has dynamic range covering hundreds-of-volts to tens-of-thousands-of-volts. A study of the electromagnetic emission spectrum of lightning (including radio wave, microwave, optical, X-Rays and Gamma-Rays), and a compilation of aircraft transfer-function data (including composite aircraft) are included, to aid in the development of other new lightning environment sensors, their placement on-board research aircraft, and triggering of the onboard instrumentation system. The instrumentation system will leverage recent advances in high-speed, high dynamic range, deep memory data acquisition equipment, and fiber-optic interconnect.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Iváncsy, T.; Kiss, I.; Szücs, L.; Tamus, Z. Á.
The lightning current generates time-varying magnetic field near the down- conductor and the down-conductors are mounted on the wall of the buildings where residential places might be situated. It is well known that the rapidly changing magnetic fields can generate dangerous eddy currents in the human body.The higher duration and gradient of the magnetic field can cause potentially life threatening cardiac stimulation. The coupling mechanism between the electromagnetic field and the human body is based on a well-known physical phenomena (e.g. Faradays law of induction). However, the calculation of the induced current is very complicated because the shape of the organs is complex and the determination of the material properties of living tissues is difficult, as well. Our previous study revealed that the cardiac stimulation is independent of the rising time of the lightning current and only the peak of the current counts. In this study, the authors introduce an improved model of the interaction of electromagnetic fields of lighting current near down-conductor and human body. Our previous models are based on the quasi stationer field calculations, the new improved model is a transient model. This is because the magnetic field around the down-conductor and in the human body can be determined more precisely, therefore the dangerous currents in the body can be estimated.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Malyshkov, S. Y.; Gordeev, V. F.; Polyvach, V. I.; Shtalin, S. G.; Pustovalov, K. N.
Article describes the results of the atmosphere and Earth’s crust climatic and ecological parameters integrated monitoring. The estimation is made for lithospheric component share in the Earth natural pulsed electromagnetic field structure. To estimate lithospheric component we performed a round-the-clock monitoring of the Earth natural pulsed electromagnetic field background variations at the experiment location and measured the Earth natural pulsed electromagnetic field under electric shields. Natural materials in a natural environment were used for shielding, specifically lakes with varying parameters of water conductivity. Skin effect was used in the experiment - it is the tendency of electromagnetic waves amplitude to decrease with greater depths in the conductor. Atmospheric and lithospheric component the Earth natural pulsed electromagnetic field data recorded on terrain was compared against the recorded data with atmosphere component decayed by an electric shield. In summary we have demonstrated in the experiment that thunderstorm discharge originating electromagnetic field decay corresponds to the decay calculated using Maxwell equations. In the absence of close lightning strikes the ratio of field intensity recorded on terrain to shielded field intensity is inconsistent with the ratio calculated for atmospheric sources, that confirms there is a lithospheric component present to the Earth natural pulsed electromagnetic field.
Physical mechanism of initial breakdown pulses and narrow bipolar events in lightning discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
da Silva, Caitano L.; Pasko, Victor P.
To date the true nature of initial breakdown pulses (IBPs) and narrow bipolar events (NBEs) in lightning discharges remains a mystery. Recent experimental evidence has correlated IBPs to the initial development of lightning leaders inside the thundercloud. NBE wideband waveforms resemble classic IBPs in both amplitude and duration. Most NBEs are quite peculiar in the sense that very frequently they occur in isolation from other lightning processes. The remaining fraction, 16% of positive polarity NBEs, according to Wu et al. (2014), happens as the first event in an otherwise regular intracloud lightning discharge. These authors point out that the initiator type of NBEs has no difference with other NBEs that did not start lightning, except for the fact that they occur deeper inside the thunderstorm (i.e., at lower altitudes). In this paper, we propose a new physical mechanism to explain the source of both IBPs and NBEs. We propose that IBPs and NBEs are the electromagnetic transients associated with the sudden (i.e., stepwise) elongation of the initial negative leader extremity in the thunderstorm electric field. To demonstrate our hypothesis a novel computational/numerical model of the bidirectional lightning leader tree is developed, consisting of a generalization of electrostatic and transmission line approximations found in the literature. Finally, we show how the IBP and NBE waveform characteristics directly reflect the properties of the bidirectional lightning leader (such as step length, for example) and amplitude of the thunderstorm electric field.
Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations
electromagnetic radiation to ordnance ( HERO ), hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels (HERF), and natural phenomena effects of lightning and...fuels HERO hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance HERP hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel HF high frequency HN host... electromagnetic pulse (EMP); hazards of EM radiation to personnel, ordnance ,
Time domain simulations of preliminary breakdown pulses in natural lightning.
Carlson, B E; Liang, C; Bitzer, P; Christian, H
Lightning discharge is a complicated process with relevant physical scales spanning many orders of magnitude. In an effort to understand the electrodynamics of lightning and connect physical properties of the channel to observed behavior, we construct a simulation of charge and current flow on a narrow conducting channel embedded in three-dimensional space with the time domain electric field integral equation, the method of moments, and the thin-wire approximation. The method includes approximate treatment of resistance evolution due to lightning channel heating and the corona sheath of charge surrounding the lightning channel. Focusing our attention on preliminary breakdown in natural lightning by simulating stepwise channel extension with a simplified geometry, our simulation reproduces the broad features observed in data collected with the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array. Some deviations in pulse shape details are evident, suggesting future work focusing on the detailed properties of the stepping mechanism. Preliminary breakdown pulses can be reproduced by simulated channel extension Channel heating and corona sheath formation are crucial to proper pulse shape Extension processes and channel orientation significantly affect observations.
Time domain simulations of preliminary breakdown pulses in natural lightning
Carlson, B E; Liang, C; Bitzer, P; Christian, H
Lightning discharge is a complicated process with relevant physical scales spanning many orders of magnitude. In an effort to understand the electrodynamics of lightning and connect physical properties of the channel to observed behavior, we construct a simulation of charge and current flow on a narrow conducting channel embedded in three-dimensional space with the time domain electric field integral equation, the method of moments, and the thin-wire approximation. The method includes approximate treatment of resistance evolution due to lightning channel heating and the corona sheath of charge surrounding the lightning channel. Focusing our attention on preliminary breakdown in natural lightning by simulating stepwise channel extension with a simplified geometry, our simulation reproduces the broad features observed in data collected with the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array. Some deviations in pulse shape details are evident, suggesting future work focusing on the detailed properties of the stepping mechanism. Key Points Preliminary breakdown pulses can be reproduced by simulated channel extension Channel heating and corona sheath formation are crucial to proper pulse shape Extension processes and channel orientation significantly affect observations PMID:26664815
Seismo-Electromagnetic Emissions Related to Seismic Waves can Trigger TLEs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sorokin, Leonid V.
This paper deals with the rare high intensity electromagnetic pulses associated with earthquakes, whose spectrum signature differs from that of atmospherics produced by lightning discharges. On the basis of actual data records, cases of the generation of anomalous seismo-electromagnetic emissions are described. These natural sub-millisecond electromagnetic pulses were associated with the passage of seismic waves from earthquakes to Moscow, the place where the electromagnetic field observations were made. Space-time coupling has been revealed between exact seismic waves from the earthquakes, lightning triggering and Transient Luminous Events triggering.
The measurement of lightning environmental parameters related to interaction with electronic systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Baum, C. E.; Breen, E. L.; Pitts, F. L.; Thomas, M. E.; Sower, G. D.
The measurement of electromagnetic fields and related quantities in a lightning environment is a challenging problem, especially at high frequencies and/or in the immediate vicinity of the lightning arcs and corona. This paper reviews the techniques for accomplishing such measurements in these regimes with examples. These sensors are often the same as for the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP), but significant differences also appear.
Models for electromagnetic coupling of lightning onto multiconductor cables in underground cavities
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Higgins, Matthew Benjamin
This dissertation documents the measurements, analytical modeling, and numerical modeling of electromagnetic transfer functions to quantify the ability of cloud-to-ground lightning strokes (including horizontal arc-channel components) to couple electromagnetic energy onto multiconductor cables in an underground cavity. Measurements were performed at the Sago coal mine located near Buckhannon, WV. These transfer functions, coupled with mathematical representations of lightning strokes, are then used to predict electric fields within the mine and induced voltages on a cable that was left abandoned in the sealed area of the Sago mine. If voltages reached high enough levels, electrical arcing could have occurred from the abandoned cable. Electrical arcing is known to be an effective ignition source for explosive gas mixtures. Two coupling mechanisms were measured: direct and indirect drive. Direct coupling results from the injection or induction of lightning current onto metallic conductors such as the conveyors, rails, trolley communications cable, and AC power shields that connect from the outside of the mine to locations deep within the mine. Indirect coupling results from electromagnetic field propagation through the earth as a result of a cloud-to-ground lightning stroke or a long, low-altitude horizontal current channel from a cloud-to-ground stroke. Unlike direct coupling, indirect coupling does not require metallic conductors in a continuous path from the surface to areas internal to the mine. Results from the indirect coupling measurements and analysis are of great concern. The field measurements, modeling, and analysis indicate that significant energy can be coupled directly into the sealed area of the mine. Due to the relatively low frequency content of lightning (< 100 kHz), electromagnetic energy can readily propagate through hundreds of feet of earth. Indirect transfer function measurements compare extremely well with analytical and computational models
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cooray, Vernon; Cooray, Gerald; Marshall, Thomas; Arabshahi, Shahab; Dwyer, Joseph; Rassoul, Hamid
In the present study, electromagnetic fields of accelerating charges were utilized to evaluate the electromagnetic fields generated by a relativistic electron avalanche. In the analysis it is assumed that all the electrons in the avalanche are moving with the same speed. In other words, the growth or the decay of the number of electrons takes place only at the head of the avalanche. It is shown that the radiation is emanating only from the head of the avalanche where electrons are being accelerated. It is also shown that an analytical expression for the radiation field of the avalanche at any distance can be written directly in terms of the e-folding length of the avalanche. This model of the avalanche was utilized to test the idea whether the source of the lightning signatures known as narrow bipolar pulses could be relativistic avalanches. The idea was tested by using the simultaneously measured electric fields of narrow bipolar pulses at two distances, one measured far away from the source and the other in the near vicinity. The avalanche parameters were extracted from the distant field and they are used to evaluate the close field. The results show that the source of the NBP can be modeled either as a single or a multiple burst of relativistic avalanches with speed of avalanches in the range of 2-3 × 108 m/s. The multiple avalanche model agrees better with the experimental data in that it can also generate the correct signature of the time derivatives and the HF and VHF radiation bursts of NBP.
Lightning driven EMP in the upper atmosphere
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rowland, H. L.; Fernsler, R. F.; Huba, J. D.; Bernhardt, P. A.
Large lightning discharges can drive electromagnetic pulses (EMP) that cause breakdown of the neutral atmosphere between 80 and 95 km leading to order of magnitude increases in the plasma density. The increase in the plasma density leads to increased reflection and absorption, and limits the pulse strength that propagates higher into the ionosphere.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The indirect effects of lightning on digital systems, ground system protection, and the corrosion properties of conductive materials are addressed. The responses of a UH-60A helicopter and tactical shelters to lightning and nuclear electromagnetic pulses are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Perez-Invernon, F. J.; Luque, A.; Gordillo-Vazquez, F. J.
The electromagnetic field generated by lightning discharges can produce Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) in the lower ionosphere, as previously investigated by many authors. Some recent studies suggest that narrow bipolar pulses (NBP), an impulsive and not well-established type of atmospheric electrical discharge, could also produce TLEs. The characterization and observation of such TLEs could be a source of information about the physics underlying NBP. In this work, we develop two different electrodynamical models to study the impact of lightning-driven electromagnetic fields in the lower ionosphere. The first model calculates the quasi-electrostatic field produced by a single cloud to ground lightning in the terrestrial atmosphere and its influence in the electron transport. This scheme allows us to study halos, a relatively frequent type of TLE. The second model solves the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field produced by a lightning discharge coupled with the Langevin's equation for the induced currents in the ionosphere. This model is useful to investigate elves, a fast TLE produced by lightning or by NBP. In addition, both models are coupled with a detailed chemistry of the electronically and vibrationally excited states of molecular nitrogen, allowing us to calculate synthetic spectra of both halos and elves. The models also include a detailed set of kinetic reactions to calculate the temporal evolution of other species. Our results suggest an important enhancement of some molecular species produced by halos, as NOx , N2 O and other metastable species. The quantification of their production could be useful to understand the role of thunderstorms in the climate of our planet. In the case of TLEs produced by NBP, our model confirms the appearance of double elves and allows us to compute their spectral characteristics.
High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Testing
Electromagnetic Pulse Horizontal Electromagnetic Pulse Advanced Fast Electromagnetic Pulse Nuclear Weapons Effect Testing and Environments 16. SECURITY... Weapons of Mass Destruction Agency (USANCA). In order to effectively determine criteria compliance, the TO/PE must thoroughly understand the...ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT AND EFFECTS. A.1 The electromagnetic environment produced by a nuclear weapon consists of the ionization of the atmosphere and
Pulse generator with intermediate inductive storage as a lightning simulator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kovalchuk, B. M.; Kharlov, A. V.; Zherlytsyn, A. A.; Kumpyak, E. V.; Tsoy, N. V.
Compact transportable generators are required for simulating a lightning current pulse for electrical apparatus testing. A bi-exponential current pulse has to be formed by such a generator (with a current rise time of about two orders of magnitude faster than the damping time). The objective of this study was to develop and investigate a compact pulse generator with intermediate inductive storage and a fuse opening switch as a simulator of lightning discharge. A Marx generator (six stages) with a capacitance of 1 μF and an output voltage of 240 kV was employed as primary storage. In each of the stages, two IK-50/3 (50 kV, 3 μF) capacitors are connected in parallel. The generator inductance is 2 μH. A test bed for the investigations was assembled with this generator. The generator operates without SF6 and without oil in atmospheric air, which is very important in practice. Straight copper wires with adjustable lengths and diameters were used for the electro-explosive opening switch. Tests were made with active-inductive loads (up to 0.1 Ω and up to 6.3 μH). The current rise time is lower than 1200 ns, and the damping time can be varied from 35 to 125 μs, following the definition of standard lightning current pulse in the IEC standard. Moreover, 1D MHD calculations of the fuse explosion were carried out self-consistently with the electric circuit equations, in order to calculate more accurately the load pulse parameters. The calculations agree fairly well with the tests. On the basis of the obtained results, the design of a transportable generator was developed for a lightning simulator with current of 50 kA and a pulse shape corresponding to the IEEE standard.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamashita, Kozo; Takahashi, Yukihiro; Ohya, Hiroyo; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Sato, Mitsuteru; Matsumoto, Jun
Data of lightning discharge has been focused on as an effective way for monitoring and nowcasting of thunderstorm activity which causes extreme weather. Spatial distribution of lightning discharge has been used as a proxy of the presence or absence of deep convection. Latest observation shows that there is extremely huge lightning whose scale is more than hundreds times bigger than that of averaged event. This result indicates that lightning observation should be carried out to estimate not only existence but also scale for quantitative evaluation of atmospheric convection. In this study, lightning observation network in the Maritime Continent is introduced. This network is consisted of the sensors which make possible to measure electromagnetic wave radiated from lightning discharges. Observation frequency is 0.1 - 40 kHz for the measurement of magnetic field and 1 - 40 kHz for that of electric field. Sampling frequency is 100 kHz. Waveform of electromagnetic wave is recorded by personal computer. We have already constructed observation stations at Tainan in Taiwan (23.1N, 121.1E), Saraburi in Thailand (14.5N, 101.0E), and Pontianak in Indonesia (0.0N, 109.4E). Furthermore, we plan to install the monitoring system at Los Banos in Philippines (14.18, 121.25E) and Hanoi in Viet Nam. Data obtained by multipoint observation is synchronized by GPS receiver installed at each station. By using data obtained by this network, location and scale of lightning discharge can be estimated. Location of lightning is determined based on time of arrival method. Accuracy of geolocation could be less than 10km. Furthermore, charge moment is evaluated as a scale of each lightning discharge. It is calculated from electromagnetic waveform in ELF range (3-30 kHz). At the presentation, we will show the initial result about geolocation for source of electromagnetic wave and derivation of charge moment value based on the measurement of ELF and VLF sferics.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mochalov, V. A.; Firstov, P. P.; Cherneva, N. V.; Sannikov, D. V.; Akbashev, R. R.; Uvarov, V. N.; Shevtsov, B. M.; Druzhin, G. I.; Mochalova, A. V.
In the region of the Northern group of volcanoes in Kamchatka peninsula, a distributed network is being planned to monitor the VLF range electromagnetic radiation and to locate the lightning strokes. It will allow the researchers to register weaker electromagnetic pulses from lightning strokes in comparison to the World Wide Lightning Location Network. The hardware-software complex of the network under construction is presented. The capabilities of the available and the developing hardware and software to investigate natural phenomena associated with lightning activity are described.
Noise and interference study for satellite lightning sensor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Herman, J. R.
The use of radio frequency techniques for the detection and monitoring of terrestrial thunderstorms from space are discussed. Three major points are assessed: (1) lightning and noise source characteristics; (2) propagation effects imposed by the atmosphere and ionosphere; and (3) the electromagnetic environment in near space within which lightning RF signatures must be detected. A composite frequency spectrum of the peak of amplitude from lightning flashes is developed. Propagation effects (ionospheric cutoff, refraction, absorption, dispersion and scintillation) are considered to modify the lightning spectrum to the geosynchronous case. It is suggested that in comparing the modified spectrum with interfering noise source spectra RF lightning pulses on frequencies up to a few GHz are detectable above the natural noise environment in near space.
Lightning induced inappropriate ICD shock: an unusual case of electromagnetic interference.
Anderson, Daniel R; Gillberg, Jeffrey M; Torrey, Jeffrey W; Koneru, Jayanthi N
An unusual case of electromagnetic interference is presented. As a result of a lightning shock to a Shower House, our patient received two shocks. An elucidation of the different mechanisms for the two shocks is presented. ©2010, The Authors. Journal compilation ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Mapping lightning in the sky with a mini array
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Füllekrug, Martin; Liu, Zhongjian; Koh, Kuang; Mezentsev, Andrew; Pedeboy, Stéphane; Soula, Serge; Enno, Sven-Erik; Sugier, Jacqueline; Rycroft, Michael J.
Mini arrays are commonly used for infrasonic and seismic studies. Here we report for the first time the detection and mapping of distant lightning discharges in the sky with a mini array. The array has a baseline to wavelength ratio ˜4.2·10-2 to record very low frequency electromagnetic waves from 2 to 18 kHz. It is found that the mini array detects ˜69 lightning pulses per second from cloud-to-ground and in-cloud discharges, even though the parent thunderstorms are ˜900-1100 km away and a rigorous selection criterion based on the quality of the wavefront across the array is used. In particular, lightning pulses that exhibit a clockwise phase progression are found at larger elevation angles in the sky as the result of a birefringent subionospheric wave propagation attributed to ordinary and extraordinary waves. These results imply that long range lightning detection networks might benefit from an exploration of the wave propagation conditions with mini arrays.
Lightning and middle atmospheric discharges in the atmosphere
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Siingh, Devendraa; Singh, R. P.; Kumar, Sarvan; Dharmaraj, T.; Singh, Abhay K.; Singh, Ashok K.; Patil, M. N.; Singh, Shubha
Recent development in lightning discharges including transient luminous events (TLEs) and global electric circuit are discussed. Role of solar activity, convective available potential energy, surface temperature and difference of land-ocean surfaces on convection process are discussed. Different processes of discharge initiation are discussed. Events like sprites and halos are caused by the upward quasi-electrostatic fields associated with intense cloud-to-ground discharges while jets (blue starter, blue jet, gigantic jet) are caused by charge imbalance in thunderstorm during lightning discharges but they are not associated with a particular discharge flash. Elves are generated by the electromagnetic pulse radiated during lightning discharges. The present understanding of global electric circuit is also reviewed. Relation between lightning activity/global electric circuit and climate is discussed.
Inversion of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Recordings for Mapping Current Flow in Lightning Strikes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Anderson, J.; Johnson, J.; Arechiga, R. O.; Thomas, R. J.
Acoustic recordings can be used to map current-carrying conduits in lightning strikes. Unlike stepped leaders, whose very high frequency (VHF) radio emissions have short (meter-scale) wavelengths and can be located by lightning-mapping arrays, current pulses emit longer (kilometer-scale) waves and cannot be mapped precisely by electromagnetic observations alone. While current pulses are constrained to conductive channels created by stepped leaders, these leaders often branch as they propagate, and most branches fail to carry current. Here, we present a method to use thunder recordings to map current pulses, and we apply it to acoustic and VHF data recorded in 2009 in the Magdalena mountains in central New Mexico, USA. Thunder is produced by rapid heating and expansion of the atmosphere along conductive channels in response to current flow, and therefore can be used to recover the geometry of the current-carrying channel. Toward this goal, we use VHF pulse maps to identify candidate conductive channels where we treat each channel as a superposition of finely-spaced acoustic point sources. We apply ray tracing in variable atmospheric structures to forward model the thunder that our microphone network would record for each candidate channel. Because multiple channels could potentially carry current, a non-linear inversion is performed to determine the acoustic source strength of each channel. For each combination of acoustic source strengths, synthetic thunder is modeled as a superposition of thunder signals produced by each channel, and a power envelope of this stack is then calculated. The inversion iteratively minimizes the misfit between power envelopes of recorded and modeled thunder. Because the atmospheric sound speed structure through which the waves propagate during these events is unknown, we repeat the procedure on many plausible atmospheres to find an optimal fit. We then determine the candidate channel, or channels, that minimizes residuals between
Acoustic Network Localization and Interpretation of Infrasonic Pulses from Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R. O.; Johnson, J. B.; Badillo, E.; Michnovicz, J. C.; Thomas, R. J.; Edens, H. E.; Rison, W.
We improve on the localization accuracy of thunder sources and identify infrasonic pulses that are correlated across a network of acoustic arrays. We attribute these pulses to electrostatic charge relaxation (collapse of the electric field) and attempt to model their spatial extent and acoustic source strength. Toward this objective we have developed a single audio range (20-15,000 Hz) acoustic array and a 4-station network of broadband (0.01-500 Hz) microphone arrays with aperture of ~45 m. The network has an aperture of 1700 m and was installed during the summers of 2009-2011 in the Magdalena mountains of New Mexico, an area that is subject to frequent lightning activity. We are exploring a new technique based on inverse theory that integrates information from the audio range and the network of broadband acoustic arrays to locate thunder sources more accurately than can be achieved with a single array. We evaluate the performance of the technique by comparing the location of thunder sources with RF sources located by the lightning mapping array (LMA) of Langmuir Laboratory at New Mexico Tech. We will show results of this technique for lightning flashes that occurred in the vicinity of our network of acoustic arrays and over the LMA. We will use acoustic network detection of infrasonic pulses together with LMA data and electric field measurements to estimate the spatial distribution of the charge (within the cloud) that is used to produce a lightning flash, and will try to quantify volumetric charges (charge magnitude) within clouds.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wahid, Parveen
This project involved the determination of the effective radiated power of lightning sources and the polarization of the radiating source. This requires the computation of the antenna patterns at all the LDAR site receiving antennas. The known radiation patterns and RF signal levels measured at the antennas will be used to determine the effective radiated power of the lightning source. The azimuth and elevation patterns of the antennas in the LDAR system were computed using flight test data that was gathered specifically for this purpose. The results presented in this report deal with the azimuth patterns for all the antennas and the elevation patterns for three of the seven sites.
Interpretation of F-106B in-flight lightning signatures
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trost, T. F.; Grothaus, M. G.; Wen, C. T.
Various characteristics of the electromagnetic data obtained on a NASA F-106B aircraft during direct lightning strikes are presented. Time scales of interest range from 10 ns to 400 microsecond. The following topics are discussed: (1) Lightning current, I, measured directly versus I obtained from computer integration of measured I-dot; (2) A method of compensation for the low frequency cutoff of the current transformer used to measure I; (3) Properties of fast pulses observed in the lightning time-derivative waveforms; (4) The characteristic D-dot signature of the F-106B aircraft; (5) An RC-discharge interpretation for some lightning waveforms; (6) A method for inferring the locations of lightning channel attachment points on the aircraft by using B-dot data; (7) Simple, approximate relationships between D-dot and I-dot and between B and I; and (8) Estimates of energy, charge, voltage, and resistance for a particular lightning event.
Oceanic Lightning versus Continental Lightning: VLF Peak Current Discrepancies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dupree, N. A., Jr.; Moore, R. C.
Recent analysis of the Vaisala global lightning data set GLD360 suggests that oceanic lightning tends to exhibit larger peak currents than continental lightning (lightning occurring over land). The GLD360 peak current measurement is derived from distant measurements of the electromagnetic fields emanated during the lightning flash. Because the GLD360 peak current measurement is a derived quantity, it is not clear whether the actual peak currents of oceanic lightning tend to be larger, or whether the resulting electromagnetic field strengths tend to be larger. In this paper, we present simulations of VLF signal propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide to demonstrate that the peak field values for oceanic lightning can be significantly stronger than for continental lightning. Modeling simulations are performed using the Long Wave Propagation Capability (LWPC) code to directly evaluate the effect of ground conductivity on VLF signal propagation in the 5-15 kHz band. LWPC is an inherently narrowband propagation code that has been modified to predict the broadband response of the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide to an impulsive lightning flash while preserving the ability of LWPC to account for an inhomogeneous waveguide. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of return stroke speed on these results.
Missile’s Guidance Head Anti-Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Reinforcement,
electromagnetic pulse bomb is one of them. This kind of nuclear bomb is mainly used to interfere or damage un-reinforced electric and electronic... electromagnetic pulse , the damaging mechanism of the nuclear electromagnetic pulse to the guidance head, and the response of electronic devices to...the nuclear electromagnetic pulse , at last introduces the guidance heads defense method to the nuclear electromagnetic pulse .
Vertical Electromagnetic Pulse (VEMP) Testing
3) MIL-STD-2169B: High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse ( HEMP ) Environment. The final survivability analysis of the baseline system...Electromagnetic Pulse ( HEMP ). The first EMP situation, SREMP, occurs within the atmosphere at an altitude of less than 40 km above sea level, and possesses an...The second EMP situation, HEMP , occurs at an altitude greater than 40 km above sea level, and possesses a large electric and magnetic field over a
Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation through Causal Media
AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0112 Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation through Causal Media Natalie Cartwright RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE... Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation through Causal Media 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER FA9550-13-1-0013 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 61102F 6...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT When an electromagnetic pulse travels through a dispersive material each frequency of the transmitted pulse changes in both
Geometrical Effects on the Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning Return Strokes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Willett, J. C.; Smith, D. A.; LeVine, D. M.; Zukor, Dorothy J. (Technical Monitor)
The morphological difference between the electromagnetic radiation-field waveforms of "first" and "subsequent" return strokes in cloud-to-ground lightning flashes is well known and can be used to identify the formation of new channels to ground. This difference is generally believed due to the existence of branches on first-stroke channels, whereas subsequent strokes re-illuminate only the main channel of a previous stroke; but experimental evidence for this hypothesis is relatively weak. It has been argued for the influence of channel geometry on the fine structure of radiation from subsequent return strokes by comparing the field-change waveforms recorded at the same station from strokes within the same flash and between different flashes of both natural and triggered lightning. The present paper introduces new evidence for both of these hypotheses from a comparison of waveforms between sensors in different directions from the same stroke.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lay, Erin Hoffmann
In this dissertation, the capabilities of the World-Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) are analyzed in order to study the interactions of lightning energy with the lower ionosphere. WWLLN is the first global ground-based lightning location network and the first lightning detection network that continuously monitors lightning around the world in real time. For this reason, a better characterization of the WWLLN could allow many global atmospheric science problems to be addressed, including further investigation into the global electric circuit and global mapping of regions of the lower ionosphere likely to be impacted by strong lightning and transient luminous events. This dissertation characterizes the World-Wide Location Network (WWLLN) in terms of detection efficiency, location and timing accuracy, and lightning type. This investigation finds excellent timing and location accuracy for WWLLN. It provides the first experimentally-determined estimate of relative global detection efficiency that is used to normalize lightning counts based on location. These normalized global lightning data from the WWLLN are used to map intense storm regions around the world with high time and spatial resolution as well as to provide information on energetic emissions known as elves and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs). This dissertation also improves WWLLN by developing a procedure to provide the first estimate of relative lightning stroke radiated energy in the 1-24 kHz frequency range by a global lightning detection network. These characterizations and improvements to WWLLN are motivated by the desire to use WWLLN data to address the problem of lightning-to-ionosphere energy coupling. Therefore, WWLLN stroke rates are used as input to a model, developed by Professor Mengu Cho at the Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan, that describes the non-linear effect of lightning electromagnetic pulses (EMP) on the ionosphere by accumulating electron density changes resulting
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dwyer, Joseph R.; Uman, Martin A.
of upward connecting leaders from those objects or from the ground? What is the physics of compact intra-cloud discharges (CIDs) (that produce a narrow bipolar wideband electric field pulse, a narrow bipolar event or NBE, apparently multiple-reflecting propagating waves within 1 km height, and copious HF and VHF radiation)? How are CIDs related to other types of preliminary breakdown pulses? Are CIDs related to the Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) observed on orbiting satellites or to the Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) photographed above cloud tops, particularly to so-called “gigantic jets”? By what physical mechanisms do lightning leaders emit pulses of X-rays? Do the X-rays play a role in lightning propagation? By what mechanism do thunderclouds generate relatively-steady internal X-rays? Do X-rays and other high energy radiation affect cloud electrification and play a role in lightning initiation? By what physical mechanisms are Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) produced? Do TGFs pose a hazard to individuals in aircraft? How do cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud lightning affect the upper atmosphere and ionosphere? What are the physics of the Transient Luminous Events (TLEs), “Sprites”, “jets”, and “elves”? What is the energy input into the ionosphere/magnetosphere from lightning? How exactly does rocket-and-wire (“classical” with a grounded wire and “altitude” with a floating wire) triggering of lightning work? Are there other possible and practical triggering techniques such as laser triggering? Can triggering reduce or eliminate the local occurrence of natural lightning? What are the power and energy of the component processes of lightning flashes and how are they distributed among electromagnetic processes (DC to light), thermal processes, mechanical (acoustic) processes, and relativistic (high energy) processes (runaway electrons, runaway positrons, X-ray, and gamma rays)? What is the physics of ball lightning? Is there more than
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Somu, Vijaya Bhaskar
Apparent ionospheric reflection heights estimated using the zero-to-zero and peak-to-peak methods to measure skywave delay relative to the groundwave were compared for 108 first and 124 subsequent strokes observed at LOG in 2009. For either metric there was a considerable decrease in average re ection height for subsequent strokes relative to first strokes. Median uncertainties in daytime re ection heights did not exceed 0.7 km. The standard errors in mean re ection heights were less than 3% of the mean value. Apparent changes in re ection height (estimated using the peak-to-peak method) within individual ashes for 54 daytime and 11 nighttime events at distances ranging from 50 km to 330 km were compared. For daytime conditions, the majority of the ashes showed a monotonic decrease in re ection height. For nighttime ashes, the monotonic decrease was found to be considerably less frequent. The apparent ionospheric re ection height tends to increase with return-stroke peak current. In order to increase the sample size for nighttime conditions, additional data for 43 nighttime flashes observed at LOG in 2014 were analyzed. The "fast-break-point" method of measuring skywave delay (McDonald et al., 1979) was additionally used. The 2014 results for return strokes are generally consistent with the 2009 results. The 2014 data were also used for estimating ionospheric re ection heights for elevated sources (6 CIDs and 3 PB pulses) using the double-skywave feature. The results were compared with re ection heights estimated for corresponding return strokes (if any), and fairly good agreement was generally found. It has been shown, using two different FDTD simulation codes, that the observed differences in re ection height cannot be explained by the difference in the frequency content of first and subsequent return-stroke currents. FDTD simulations showed that within 200 km the re ection heights estimated using the peak-to-peak method are close to the hOE parameter of the
Lightning electromagnetic radiation field spectra in the interval from 0.2 to 20 MHz
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Willett, J. C.; Bailey, J. C.; Leteinturier, C.; Krider, E. P.
New Fourier transforms of wideband time-domain electric fields (E) produced by lightning (recorded at the Kennedy Space Center during the summers of 1985 and 1987) were recorded in such a way that several different events in each lightning flash could be captured. Average HF spectral amplitudes for first return strokes, stepped-leader steps, and 'characteristic pulses' are given for significantly more events, at closer ranges, and with better spectral resolution than in previous literature reports. The method of recording gives less bias toward the first large event in the flash and thus yields a large sample of a wide variety of lightning processes. As a result, reliable composite spectral amplitudes are obtained for a number of different processes in cloud-to-ground lightning over the frequency interval from 0.2 to 20 MHz.
Mechanism of Lightning Associated Infrasonic Pulses from Thunderclouds
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pasko, V. P.
The infrasonic waves correspond to the region of frequencies of acoustic sound waves 0.02-10 Hz, higher than the acoustic cut-off frequency but lower than the audible frequencies [e.g., Blanc, Ann. Geophys., 3, 673, 1985]. There is a strong experimental evidence that thunderstorms represent significant sources of infrasonic wave activity spanning a broad altitude range from the troposphere and up to the thermosphere [e.g., Blanc, 1985; Few, in Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, Vol. 2, edited by H. Volland, pp. 1-31, CRC Press, 1995; Drob et al., JGR, 108, 4680, 2003]. This evidence includes electrostatic production of 0.1- 1 Hz infrasonic waves from thunderclouds [Few, 1995] and recent discovery of infrasound from lightning induced transient luminous events in the mesosphere called sprites [Liszka, J. Low Freq. Noise Vibr. Active Control, 23, 85, 2004; Farges et al., GRL, 32, L13824, 2005; Liszka and Hobara, JASTP, 68, 1179, 2006]. The understanding and classification of different infrasonic waves and their sources is of great current interest from a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification perspective [e.g., Assink et al., GRL, 35, L15802, 2008]. It has been pointed many decades ago by C. T. R. Wilson [Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A, 221, 73, 1920] that sudden reduction of the electric field inside a thundercloud immediately following a lightning discharge should produce an infrasound signature. Wilson [1920] noted that the pressure within a charged cloud must be less than the pressure outside, similarly to that within a charged soap bubble. In contrast to the sudden expansion of the air along the track of a lightning flash, the sudden contraction of a large volume of air must furnish a measurable rarefaction pulse [Wilson, 1920]. Many experimental and theoretical contributions followed these predictions by C. T. R. Wilson (see [Few, JGR, 90, 6175, 1985] and extensive list of references therein). Modeling investigation of related scenarios
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kolmasova, I.; Santolik, O.; Defer, E.; Stéphane, P.; Lan, R.; Uhlir, L.; Coquillat, S.; Lambert, D.; Pinty, J. P.; Prieur, S.
Lightning discharges to ground often exhibit millisecond-scale surges in the continuing currents following return strokes, called M-components. Relatively little is known regarding the source of M-component charge and the mechanisms by which that charge is transferred to ground. In this work, we seek to directly address these questions by presenting correlated high-speed video and Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) observations of a bi-directional leader that resulted in an M-component occurring in a rocket-and-wire triggered lightning flash. The observed leader initiated in the decayed remnants of a positive leader channel that had traversed virgin air approximately 90 msec prior. Three-dimensional locations and speeds of the photographed bi-directional leader and M-component processes are calculated by mapping video images to the observed LMA channel geometry. Both ends of the bi-directional leader exhibited speeds on the order of 2 x106 m sec-1 over 570 meters of the visible channel. Propagation of the luminosity wave from the in-cloud leader to ground ( 8.8 km channel length) exhibited appreciable dispersion, with rise-times (10-90%) increasing from 330 to 410 μsec and pulse-widths (half-maximum) increasing from 380 to 810 μsec - the M-component current pulse measured at ground-level exhibited a rise-time of 290 μsec and a pulse-width of 770 μsec. Group velocities of the luminosity wave have been calculated as a function of frequency, increasing from 2 x107 to 6 x107 m sec-1 over the dominant signal bandwidth (DC to 2 kHz). Additionally, multiple waves of luminosity are observed within the in-cloud channel, indicating nuanced wave phenomena possibly associated with reflection from the end of the leader channel and attachment with the main lightning channel carrying continuing current to ground.
Electromagnetic pulses bone healing booster
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sintea, S. R.; Pomazan, V. M.; Bica, D.; Grebenisan, D.; Bordea, N.
Posttraumatic bone restoration triggered by the need to assist and stimulate compensatory bone growth in periodontal condition. Recent studies state that specific electromagnetic stimulation can boost the bone restoration, reaching up to 30% decrease in recovery time. Based on the existing data on the electromagnetic parameters, a digital electronic device is proposed for intra oral mounting and bone restoration stimulation in periodontal condition. The electrical signal is applied to an inductive mark that will create and impregnate magnetic field in diseased tissue. The device also monitors the status of the electromagnetic field. Controlled wave forms and pulse frequency signal at programmable intervals are obtained with optimized number of components and miniaturized using surface mounting devices (SMD) circuits and surface mounting technology (SMT), with enhanced protection against abnormal current growth, given the intra-oral environment. The system is powered by an autonomous power supply (battery), to limit the problems caused by powering medical equipment from the main power supply. Currently the device is used in clinical testing, in cycles of six up to twelve months. Basic principles for the electrical scheme and algorithms for pulse generation, pulse control, electromagnetic field control and automation of current monitoring are presented, together with the friendly user interface, suitable for medical data and patient monitoring.
Laboratory modeling and analysis of aircraft-lightning interactions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Turner, C. D.; Trost, T. F.
Modeling studies of the interaction of a delta wing aircraft with direct lightning strikes were carried out using an approximate scale model of an F-106B. The model, which is three feet in length, is subjected to direct injection of fast current pulses supplied by wires, which simulate the lightning channel and are attached at various locations on the model. Measurements are made of the resulting transient electromagnetic fields using time derivative sensors. The sensor outputs are sampled and digitized by computer. The noise level is reduced by averaging the sensor output from ten input pulses at each sample time. Computer analysis of the measured fields includes Fourier transformation and the computation of transfer functions for the model. Prony analysis is also used to determine the natural frequencies of the model. Comparisons of model natural frequencies extracted by Prony analysis with those for in flight direct strike data usually show lower damping in the in flight case. This is indicative of either a lightning channel with a higher impedance than the wires on the model, only one attachment point, or short streamers instead of a long channel.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mach, D. M.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Bailey, J. C.; Farrell, W. M.; Goldberg, R. A.; Desch, M. D.; Houser, J. G.
The Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) was conducted during the month of August, 2002 in an area near Key West, Florida. One of the goals of this uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) study was to collect time resolved optical pulse data from thunderstorms. During the month long campaign, we acquired 5294 lightning generated optical pulses. Most of these observations were made while close to the top of the storms. We divided our data into two amplitude groups based on prior NASA U2 aircraft optical data and our pulse characteristics. The group of large pulses with radiance greater than 2.1 mW /sq m sr had mean and median 10 - 10% optical pulse widths of 765 and 735 microns respectively, the 50-50% pulse widths of 396 and 355 microns respectively, and 10-90% rise times of 290 and 260 microns. These values are very similar to the previous U2 based optical results The other group of pulses consisting of slightly more than a quarter of the total pulses observed had radiances less than the minimum values detected in the U2 study. The small pulses were narrower than the large pulses with 5040% mean and median values of 198 and 160 ps respectively. Only 12 % of the flashes contained only small pulses, minimizing the impact of this data on the estimates of detection efficiencies of the orbital instruments, the Lightning Imaging Sensor and Optical Transient Detector.
Lightning Technology: Proceedings of a Technical Symposium
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Several facets of lightning technology are considered including phenomenology, measurement, detection, protection, interaction, and testing. Lightning electromagnetics, protection of ground systems, and simulated lightning testing are emphasized. The lightning-instrumented F-106 aircraft is described.
Analysis of electrical transients created by lightning
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nanevicz, J. E.; Vance, E. F.
A series of flight tests was conducted using a specially-instrumented NASA Learjet to study the electrical transients created on an aircraft by nearby lightning. The instrumentation included provisions for the time-domain and frequency-domain recording of the electrical signals induced in sensors located both on the exterior and on the interior of the aircraft. The design and calibration of the sensors and associated measuring systems is described together with the results of the flight test measurements. The results indicate that the concept of providing instrumentation to follow the lightning signal from propagation field, to aircraft skin current, to current on interior wiring is basically sound. The results of the measurement indicate that the high frequency signals associated with lightning stroke precursor activity are important in generating electromagnetic noise on the interior of the aircraft. Indeed, the signals produced by the precursors are often of higher amplitude and of longer duration that the pulse produced by the main return stroke.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haldoupis, Christos; Cohen, Morris; Arnone, Enrico; Cotts, Benjamin; Dietrich, Stefano
Subionospheric VLF recordings are investigated in relation with intense cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning data. Lightning impacts the lower ionosphere via heating and ionization changes which produce VLF signal perturbations known as early VLF events. Typically, early events recover in about 100 s, but a small subclass does not recover for many minutes, known as long-recovery early events (LORE). In this study, we identify LORE as a distinct category of early VLF events, whose signature may occur either on its own or alongside the short-lived typical early VLF event. Since LORE onsets coincide with powerful lightning strokes of either polarity (±), we infer that they are due to long-lasting ionization changes in the uppermost D region ionosphere caused by electromagnetic pulses emitted by strong ± CG lightning peak currents of typically > 250 kA, which are also known to generate elves. The LORE perturbations are detected when the discharge is located within ~250 km from the great circle path of a VLF transmitter-receiver link. The probability of occurrence increases with stroke intensity and approaches unity for discharges with peak currents ≥ ~300 kA. LOREs are nighttime phenomena that occur preferentially, at least in the present regional data set, during winter when strong ± CG discharges are more frequent and intense. The evidence suggests LORE as a distinct signature representing the VLF fingerprint of elves, a fact which, although was predicted by theory, it escaped identification in the long-going VLF research of lightning effects in the lower ionosphere.
Pre-Earthquake Unipolar Electromagnetic Pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scoville, J.; Freund, F.
Transient ultralow frequency (ULF) electromagnetic (EM) emissions have been reported to occur before earthquakes [1,2]. They suggest powerful transient electric currents flowing deep in the crust [3,4]. Prior to the M=5.4 Alum Rock earthquake of Oct. 21, 2007 in California a QuakeFinder triaxial search-coil magnetometer located about 2 km from the epicenter recorded unusual unipolar pulses with the approximate shape of a half-cycle of a sine wave, reaching amplitudes up to 30 nT. The number of these unipolar pulses increased as the day of the earthquake approached. These pulses clearly originated around the hypocenter. The same pulses have since been recorded prior to several medium to moderate earthquakes in Peru, where they have been used to triangulate the location of the impending earthquakes [5]. To understand the mechanism of the unipolar pulses, we first have to address the question how single current pulses can be generated deep in the Earth's crust. Key to this question appears to be the break-up of peroxy defects in the rocks in the hypocenter as a result of the increase in tectonic stresses prior to an earthquake. We investigate the mechanism of the unipolar pulses by coupling the drift-diffusion model of semiconductor theory to Maxwell's equations, thereby producing a model describing the rock volume that generates the pulses in terms of electromagnetism and semiconductor physics. The system of equations is then solved numerically to explore the electromagnetic radiation associated with drift-diffusion currents of electron-hole pairs. [1] Sharma, A. K., P. A. V., and R. N. Haridas (2011), Investigation of ULF magnetic anomaly before moderate earthquakes, Exploration Geophysics 43, 36-46. [2] Hayakawa, M., Y. Hobara, K. Ohta, and K. Hattori (2011), The ultra-low-frequency magnetic disturbances associated with earthquakes, Earthquake Science, 24, 523-534. [3] Bortnik, J., T. E. Bleier, C. Dunson, and F. Freund (2010), Estimating the seismotelluric current
The 1983 direct strike lightning data, part 1
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomas, Mitchel E.
Data waveforms are presented which were obtained during the 1983 direct strike lightning tests utilizing the NASA F106-B aircraft specially instrumented for lightning electromagnetic measurements. The aircraft was operated in the vicinity of the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, in a thunderstorm environment to elicit strikes. Electromagnetic field data and conduction currents on the aircraft were recorded for attached lightning. Part 1 contains 435 pages of lightning strike data in chart form.
The 1983 direct strike lightning data, part 2
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomas, Mitchel E.
Data waveforms are presented which were obtained during the 1983 direct strike lightning tests utilizing the NASA F106-B aircraft specially instrumented for lightning electromagnetic measurements. The aircraft was operated in the vicinity of the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, in a thunderstorm environment to elicit strikes. Electromagnetic field data and conduction currents on the aircraft were recorded for attached lightning. Part 2 contains 443 pages of lightning strike data in chart form.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Le Vine, D. M.; Meneghini, R.
A solution is presented for the electromagnetic fields radiated by an arbitrarily oriented current filament over a conducting ground plane in the case where the current propagates along the filament at the speed of light, and this solution is interpreted in terms of radiation from lightning return strokes. The solution is exact in the fullest sense; no mathematical approximations are made, and the governing differential equations and boundary conditions are satisfied. The solution has the additional attribute of being specified in closed form in terms of elementary functions. This solution is discussed from the point of view of deducing lightning current wave forms from measurements of the electromagnetic fields and understanding the effects of channel tortuosity on the radiated fields. In addition, it is compared with two approximate solutions, the traditional moment approximation and the Fraunhofer approximation, and a set of criteria describing their applicability are presented and interpreted.
Lightning Protection Guidelines for Aerospace Vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodloe, C. C.
This technical memorandum provides lightning protection engineering guidelines and technical procedures used by the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Electromagnetics and Aerospace Environments Branch for aerospace vehicles. The overviews illustrate the technical support available to project managers, chief engineers, and design engineers to ensure that aerospace vehicles managed by MSFC are adequately protected from direct and indirect effects of lightning. Generic descriptions of the lightning environment and vehicle protection technical processes are presented. More specific aerospace vehicle requirements for lightning protection design, performance, and interface characteristics are available upon request to the MSFC Electromagnetics and Aerospace Environments Branch, mail code EL23.
Protecting the Power Grid From Electromagnetic Pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Simpson, Sarah
A nuclear explosion high in the Earth's atmosphere does no immediate known harm to living things, but the resulting electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a single detonation could degrade 70 percent or more of the country's electrical service in an instant, warns the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack, which presented its findings to the U.S. Congress in July.
Characteristics of VLF/LF Sferics from Elve-producing Lightning Discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Blaes, P.; Zoghzoghy, F. G.; Marshall, R. A.
Lightning return strokes radiate an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which interacts with the D-region ionosphere; the largest EMPs produce new ionization, heating, and optical emissions known as elves. Elves are at least six times more common than sprites and other transient luminous events. Though the probability that a lightning return stroke will produce an elve is correlated with the return stroke peak current, many large peak current strokes do not produce visible elves. Apart from the lightning peak current, elve production may depend on the return stroke speed, lightning altitude, and ionospheric conditions. In this work we investigate the detailed structure of lightning that gives rise to elves by analyzing the characteristics of VLF/LF lightning sferics in conjunction with optical elve observations. Lightning sferics were observed using an array of six VLF/LF receivers (1 MHz sample-rate) in Oklahoma, and elves were observed using two high-speed photometers pointed over the Oklahoma region: one located at Langmuir Laboratory, NM and the other at McDonald Observatory, TX. Hundreds of elves with coincident LF sferics were observed during the summer months of 2013. We present data comparing the characteristics of elve-producing and non-elve producing lightning as measured by LF sferics. In addition, we compare these sferic and elve observations with FDTD simulations to determine key properties of elve-producing lightning.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodman, Steven J.; Christian, Hugh J.; Rust, W. David
The optical-pulse characteristics of intracloud (IC) and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes were investigated. The time-resolved optical waveforms at 777.4 nm and electric-field changes produced by lightning flashes were measured aboard a U2 aircraft flying above clouds at the same time that ground-based lightning measurements were carried out. The pulse shapes and intensities of IC and CG flashes, as viewed from above cloud, were found to exhibit remarkably similar waveshapes, radiances, and radiant energy densities. The median radiance at cloud top was found to be about 0.007 W/sq m per sr, and the median energy density about 0.000003 J/sq m per sr.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cummins, K. L.; Carey, L. D.; Schultz, C. J.; Bateman, M. G.; Cecil, D. J.; Rudlosky, S. D.; Petersen, W. A.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Goodman, S. J.
In order to produce useful proxy data for the GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in regions not covered by VLF lightning mapping systems, we intend to employ data produced by ground-based (regional or global) VLF/LF lightning detection networks. Before using these data in GLM Risk Reduction tasks, it is necessary to have a quantitative understanding of the performance of these networks, in terms of CG flash/stroke DE, cloud flash/pulse DE, location accuracy, and CLD/CG classification error. This information is being obtained through inter-comparison with LMAs and well-quantified VLF/LF lightning networks. One of our approaches is to compare "bulk" counting statistics on the spatial scale of convective cells, in order to both quantify relative performance and observe variations in cell-based temporal trends provided by each network. In addition, we are using microsecond-level stroke/pulse time correlation to facilitate detailed inter-comparisons at a more-fundamental level. The current development status of our ground-based inter-comparison and evaluation tools will be presented, and performance metrics will be discussed through a comparison of Vaisala's Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360) with the NLDN at locations within and outside the U.S.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lyu, F.; Cummer, S. A.; Weinert, J. L.; McTague, L. E.; Solanki, R.; Barrett, J.
Lightning processes radiated extremely wideband electromagnetic signals. Lightning images mapped by VHF interferometry and VHF time of arrival lightning mapping arrays enable us to understand the lightning in-cloud detail development during the extent of flash that can not always be captured by cameras because of the shield of cloud. Lightning processes radiate electromagnetically over an extremely wide bandwidth, offering the possibility of multispectral lightning radio imaging. Low frequency signals are often used for lightning detection, but usually only for ground point location or thunderstorm tracking. Some recent results have demonstrated lightning LF 3D mapping of discrete lightning pulses, but imaging of continuous LF emissions have not been shown. In this work, we report a GPS-synchronized LF near field interferometric-TOA 3D lightning mapping array applied to image the development of lightning flashes on second time scale. Cross-correlation, as used in broadband interferometry, is applied in our system to find windowed arrival time differences with sub-microsecond time resolution. However, because the sources are in the near field of the array, time of arrival processing is used to find the source locations with a typical precision of 100 meters. We show that this system images the complete lightning flash structure with thousands of LF sources for extensive flashes. Importantly, this system is able to map both continuous emissions like dart leaders, and bursty or discrete emissions. Lightning stepped leader and dart leader propagation speeds are estimated to 0.56-2.5x105 m/s and 0.8-2.0x106 m/s respectively, which are consistent with previous reports. In many aspects our LF images are remarkably similar to VHF lightning mapping array images, despite the 1000 times difference in frequency, which may suggest some special links between the LF and VHF emission during lightning processes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Garcia, Salvador G.; Silvia, Ferran; Escot, David; Pascual, Enrique; Pantoja, Mario F.; Riu, Pere; Anon, Manuel; Alvarez, Jesus; Cabello, M.; Pous, Marc; Fernandez, Sergio; Trallero, Rafael; Poyatos, David; Nuno, Luis
The UAVEMI project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, gathers a consortium formed by several research and development institutions and one industrial partner. The main goal is to develop innovative experimental and numerical approaches for the assessment of the electromagnetic compatibility of unmanned air vehicles, under high intensity radiated fields, lightning indirect effects and non-nuclear electromagnetic pulses. This contribution describes the capabilities currently being developed under the project.
0 00 I DTIC"ELECTE. ~FEB 0 911988< " H VALIDATION OF GEMACS FOR MODELING ’LIGHTNING-INDUCED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS THESIS David S. Mabee Captain...THESIS David S. Mabee . Captain, USAFD T C ’::, AFIT/GE/ENG/87D-39 ELECTFE r C:’., ~FEB 0 91988 J Approved for public release; distribution unlimited...Electrical Engineering David S. Mabee , B.S. ’- ,. . Captain, USAF December 1987 A o fr p.. ’ Approved for public release; distribution unlimited ,12
Narrow infrasound pulses from lightning; are they of electrostatic or thermal origin?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
CHUM, Jaroslav; Diendorfer, Gerhard; Šindelářová, Tereza; Baše, Jiří; Hruška, František
Narrow (~1-2 s) infrasound pulses that followed, with ~11 to ~50 s delays, rapid changes of electrostatic field were observed by a microbarometer array in the Czech Republic during thunderstorm activity. The angles of arrival (azimuth and elevation) were analyzed for selected distinct events. Comparisons of distances and azimuths of infrasound sources from the center of microbarometer array with lightning locations determined by EUCLID lightning detection network show that most of the selected events are most likely associated with intra-cloud (IC) discharges. Preceding rapid changes of electrostatic field, potential association of infrasound pulses with IC discharges, and high elevation angles of arrival for near infrasound sources indicate that an electrostatic mechanism is probably responsible for their generation. It is discussed that distinguishing of the relative role of thermal and electrostatic mechanism is difficult, and that none of published models of electrostatic production of infrasound thunder can explain the presented observations precisely. A modification of the current models, based on consideration of at least two charged layers is suggested. Further theoretical and experimental investigations are however needed to get a better description of the generation mechanism of those infrasound pulses.
Characterization of infrasound from lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Assink, J. D.; Evers, L. G.; Holleman, I.; Paulssen, H.
During thunderstorm activity in the Netherlands, electromagnetic and infrasonic signals are emitted due to the process of lightning and thunder. It is shown that correlating infrasound detections with results from a electromagnetic lightning detection network is successful up to distances of 50 km from the infrasound array. Infrasound recordings clearly show blastwave characteristics which can be related to cloud-ground discharges, with a dominant frequency between 1-5 Hz. Amplitude measurements of CG discharges can partly be explained by the beam pattern of a line source with a dominant frequency of 3.9 Hz, up to a distance of 20 km. The ability to measure lightning activity with infrasound arrays has both positive and negative implications for CTBT verification purposes. As a scientific application, lightning studies can benefit from the worldwide infrasound verification system.
Overview and early results of the Global Lightning and Sprite Measurements mission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, M.; Ushio, T.; Morimoto, T.; Kikuchi, M.; Kikuchi, H.; Adachi, T.; Suzuki, M.; Yamazaki, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Inan, U.; Linscott, I.; Ishida, R.; Sakamoto, Y.; Yoshida, K.; Hobara, Y.; Sano, T.; Abe, T.; Nakamura, M.; Oda, H.; Kawasaki, Z.-I.
Global Lightning and Sprite Measurements on Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-GLIMS) is a space mission to conduct the nadir observations of lightning discharges and transient luminous events (TLEs). The main objectives of this mission are to identify the horizontal distribution of TLEs and to solve the occurrence conditions determining the spatial distribution. JEM-GLIMS was successfully launched and started continuous nadir observations in 2012. The global distribution of the detected lightning events shows that most of the events occurred over continental regions in the local summer hemisphere. In some events, strong far-ultraviolet emissions have been simultaneously detected with N2 1P and 2P emissions by the spectrophotometers, which strongly suggest the occurrence of TLEs. Especially, in some of these events, no significant optical emission was measured by the narrowband filter camera, which suggests the occurrence of elves, not sprites. The VLF receiver also succeeded in detecting lightning whistlers, which show clear falling-tone frequency dispersion. Based on the optical data, the time delay from the detected lightning emission to the whistlers was identified as ˜10 ms, which can be reasonably explained by the wave propagation with the group velocity of whistlers. The VHF interferometer conducted the spaceborne interferometric observations and succeeded in detecting VHF pulses. We observed that the VHF pulses are likely to be excited by the lightning discharge possibly related with in-cloud discharges and measured with the JEM-GLIMS optical instruments. Thus, JEM-GLIMS provides the first full set of optical and electromagnetic data of lightning and TLEs obtained by nadir observations from space.
The 1984 direct strike lightning data, part 3
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomas, Mitchel E.; Carney, Harold K.
Data waveforms are presented which were obtained during the 1984 direct-strike lightning tests utilizing the NASA F106-B aircraft specially instrumented for lightning electromagnetic measurements. The aircraft was operated in the vicinity of the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, in a thunderstorm environment to elicit strikes. Electromagnetic field data and conduction currents on the aircraft were recorded for attached lightning. This is part 3, consisting entirely of charts and graphs.
Merging Infrasound and Electromagnetic Signals as a Means for Nuclear Explosion Detection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ashkenazy, Joseph; Lipshtat, Azi; Kesar, Amit S.; Pistinner, Shlomo; Ben Horin, Yochai
The infrasound monitoring network of the CTBT consists of 60 stations. These stations are capable of detecting atmospheric events, and may provide approximate location within time scale of a few hours. However, the nature of these events cannot be deduced from the infrasound signal. More than two decades ago it was proposed to use the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) as a means of discriminating nuclear explosion from other atmospheric events. An EMP is a unique signature of nuclear explosion and is not detected from chemical ones. Nevertheless, it was decided to exclude the EMP technology from the official CTBT verification regime, mainly because of the risk of high false alarm rate, due to lightning electromagnetic pulses [1]. Here we present a method of integrating the information retrieved from the infrasound system with the EMP signal which enables us to discriminate between lightning discharges and nuclear explosions. Furthermore, we show how spectral and other characteristics of the electromagnetic signal emitted from a nuclear explosion are distinguished from those of lightning discharge. We estimate the false alarm probability of detecting a lightning discharge from a given area of the infrasound event, and identifying it as a signature of a nuclear explosion. We show that this probability is very low and conclude that the combination of infrasound monitoring and EMP spectral analysis may produce a reliable method for identifying nuclear explosions. [1] R. Johnson, Unfinished Business: The Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear Testing, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2009.
The Crossed-Dipole Structure of Aircraft in an Electromagnetic Pulse Environment
The crossed-dipole receiving antenna has been used as a representative model to approximate electromagnetic pulse effects on aircraft. This paper...receiving antenna is excited by a broad spectrum electromagnetic pulse , certain important electrical resonances occur: that is, at specific single...dipole are presented which give insight into methods of analyzing aircraft in an electromagnetic pulse environment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lu, Gaopeng
Measurement of low-frequency magnetic pulses from negative stepped leaders in rocket-triggered lightning flashes Gaopeng Lu,1,2 Yanfeng Fan,1,3 Hongbo Zhang,1,3 Rubin Jiang,1,2 Mingyuan Liu,1,2 and Xiushu Qie,1,2 1. Key Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China 2. Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China We report the measurement of magnetic pulses from the negative stepped leaders in positive rocket-triggered lightning flashes with the low-frequency (4 kHz to 420 kHz) magnetic sensor at two different distances (78 m and 970 m, respectively) during the SHantong Artificial Triggered Lightning Experiments (SHATLE) during summer of 2015. Different from the magnetic radiation from positive leaders as observed in the considerably more frequent cases, the impulsive signals from the negative leader sustain for a much longer time interval, while the attenuation of current pulse launched by the stepping of leader is also observed. The general pattern of magnetic pulses observed for the negative stepped leader is different from the positive counterpart. Also, the initial negative leader appears to be brighter than the positive ones, as shown by both high-speed video observation and the magnetic measurement.
New mechanism for lightning initiation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Roussel-Dupre, R.; Buchwald, M.; Gurevich, A.
This is the final report of a three-year, Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). To distinguish radio-frequency (rf) signals generated by lightning from the electromagnetic pulse produced by a nuclear explosion, it is necessary to understand the fundamental nature of thunderstorm discharges. The recent debate surrounding the origin of transionospheric pulse pairs (TIPPs) detected by the BLACKBEARD experiment aboard the ALEXIS satellite illustrates this point. We have argued that TIPP events could originate from the upward propagating discharges recently identified by optical images taken from the ground, from airplanes, and from the spacemore » shuttle. In addition, the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) measurements of x-ray bursts originating from thunderstorms are almost certainly associated with these upward propagating discharges. When taken together, these three measurements point directly to the runaway electron mechanism as the source of the upward discharges. The primary goal of this research effort was to identify the specific role played by the runaway-air-breakdown mechanism in the general area of thunderstorm electricity and in so doing develop lightning models that predict the optical, rf, and x-ray emissions that are observable from space.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cummins, Kenneth L.; Carey, Lawrence D.; Schultz, Christopher J.; Bateman, Monte G.; Cecil, Daniel J.; Rudlosky, Scott D.; Petersen, Walter Arthur; Blakeslee, Richard J.; Goodman, Steven J.
In order to produce useful proxy data for the GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in regions not covered by VLF lightning mapping systems, we intend to employ data produced by ground-based (regional or global) VLF/LF lightning detection networks. Before using these data in GLM Risk Reduction tasks, it is necessary to have a quantitative understanding of the performance of these networks, in terms of CG flash/stroke DE, cloud flash/pulse DE, location accuracy, and CLD/CG classification error. This information is being obtained through inter-comparison with LMAs and well-quantified VLF/LF lightning networks. One of our approaches is to compare "bulk" counting statistics on the spatial scale of convective cells, in order to both quantify relative performance and observe variations in cell-based temporal trends provided by each network. In addition, we are using microsecond-level stroke/pulse time correlation to facilitate detailed inter-comparisons at a more-fundamental level. The current development status of our ground-based inter-comparison and evaluation tools will be presented, and performance metrics will be discussed through a comparison of Vaisala s Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360) with the NLDN at locations within and outside the U.S.
The 1981 direct strike lightning data. [utilizing the F-106 aircraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pitts, F. L.; Thomas, M. E.
Data waveforms obtained during the 1981 direct strike lightning tests, utilizing the NASA F-106B aircraft specially instrumented for lightning electromagnetic measurements are presented. The aircraft was operated in a thunderstorm environment to elicit strikes. Electromagnetic field data were recorded for both attached lightning and free field excitation of the aircraft.
Magnetic field generated by lightning protection system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Geri, A.; Veca, G. M.
A lightning protection system for today's civil buildings must be electromagnetically compatible with the electronic equipment present in the building. This paper highlights a mathematic model which analyzes the electromagnetic effects in the environment in which the lightning protection system is. This model is developed by means of finite elements of an electrical circuit where each element is represented by a double pole circuit according to the trapezoidal algorithm developed using the finite difference method. It is thus possible to analyze the electromagnetic phenomena associated with the transient effects created by the lightning stroke even for a high-intensity current. Referring to an elementary system comprised of an air terminal, a down conductor, and a ground terminal, numerical results are here laid out.
Ultrafocused Electromagnetic Field Pulses with a Hollow Cylindrical Waveguide
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maurer, P.; Prat-Camps, J.; Cirac, J. I.; Hänsch, T. W.; Romero-Isart, O.
We theoretically show that a dipole externally driven by a pulse with a lower-bounded temporal width, and placed inside a cylindrical hollow waveguide, can generate a train of arbitrarily short and focused electromagnetic pulses. The waveguide encloses vacuum with perfect electric conducting walls. A dipole driven by a single short pulse, which is properly engineered to exploit the linear spectral filtering of the cylindrical hollow waveguide, excites longitudinal waveguide modes that are coherently refocused at some particular instances of time, thereby producing arbitrarily short and focused electromagnetic pulses. We numerically show that such ultrafocused pulses persist outside the cylindrical waveguide at distances comparable to its radius.
Scientific Lightning Detection Network for Kazakhstan
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Streltsov, A. V.; Lozbin, A.; Inchin, A.; Shpadi, Y.; Inchin, P.; Shpadi, M.; Ayazbayev, G.; Bykayev, R.; Mailibayeva, L.
In the frame of grant financing of the scientific research in 2015-2017 the project "To Develop Electromagnetic System for lightning location and atmosphere-lithosphere coupling research" was found. The project was start in January, 2015 and should be done during 3 years. The purpose is to create a system of electromagnetic measurements for lightning location and atmosphere-lithosphere coupling research consisting of a network of electric and magnetic sensors and the dedicated complex for data processing and transfer to the end user. The main tasks are to set several points for electromagnetic measurements with 100-200 km distance between them, to develop equipment for these points, to develop the techniques and software for lightning location (Time-of-arrival and Direction Finding (TOA+DF)) and provide a lightning activity research in North Tien-Shan region with respect to seismicity and other natural and manmade activities. Also, it is planned to use lightning data for Global Electric Circuit (GEC) investigation. Currently, there are lightning detection networks in many countries. In Kazakhstan we have only separate units in airports. So, we don't have full lightning information for our region. It is planned, to setup 8-10 measurement points with magnetic and electric filed antennas for VLF range. The final data set should be including each stroke location, time, type (CG+, CG-, CC+ or CC-) and waveform from each station. As the magnetic field lightning antenna the ferrite rod VLF antenna will be used. As the electric field antenna the wide range antenna with specific frequencies filters will be used. For true event detection TOA and DF methods needs detected stroke from minimum 4 stations. In this case we can get location accuracy about 2-3 km and better.
Electron kinetic effects in atmosphere breakdown by an intense electromagnetic pulse.
Solovyev, A A; Terekhin, V A; Tikhonchuk, V T; Altgilbers, L L
A physical model is proposed for description of electron kinetics driven by a powerful electromagnetic pulse in the Earth's atmosphere. The model is based on a numerical solution to the Boltzmann kinetic equation for two groups of electrons. Slow electrons (with energies below a few keV) are described in a two-term approximation assuming a weak anisotropy of the electron distribution function. Fast electrons (with energies above a few keV) are described by a modified macroparticle method, taking into account the electron acceleration in the electric field, energy losses in the continuous deceleration approximation, and the multiple pitch angle scattering. The model is applied to a problem of the electric discharge in a nitrogen, which is preionized by an external gamma-ray source. It is shown that the runaway electrons have an important effect on the energy distribution of free electrons, and on the avalanche ionization rate. This mechanism might explain the observation of multiple lightning discharges observed in the Ivy-Mike thermonuclear test in the early 1950's.
Electromagnetic Pulse - The Fifth Factor in the Impact of a Nuclear Explosion,
ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE -THE...8217. -..-:. ’ - ’: .’ . .. ., .. ,.- ,:- .:. :. ... . -’ -:. -, .: ., ,: -:,’ ... ’. .: ,- :... ..: ,’. .,, ,-, : ., ’,, ’.. ..,.. i ii FTD- ID(RS )T-1176-85 :i EDITED TRANSLATION FTD-ID(RS)T-1176-85 16 January 1986 MICROFICHE NR: FTD-86-C-001361 ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE - THE...34 L ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE -THE FIFTH FACTOR IN THE IMPACT OF A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION Colonel Zbigniew Jastrak Words
Time-spatial drift of decelerating electromagnetic pulses.
Nerukh, Alexander G; Nerukh, Dmitry A
A time dependent electromagnetic pulse generated by a current running laterally to the direction of the pulse propagation is considered in paraxial approximation. It is shown that the pulse envelope moves in the time-spatial coordinates on the surface of a parabolic cylinder for the Airy pulse and a hyperbolic cylinder for the Gaussian. These pulses propagate in time with deceleration along the dominant propagation direction and drift uniformly in the lateral direction. The Airy pulse stops at infinity while the asymptotic velocity of the Gaussian is nonzero.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Conti, Alberto; Silveira, Fernando H.; Visacro, Silvério
This paper investigates the influence of corona on currents and electromagnetic fields predicted by a return-stroke model that represents the lightning channel as a nonuniform transmission line with time-varying (nonlinear) resistance. The corona model used in this paper allows the calculation of corona currents as a function of the radial electric field in the vicinity of the channel. A parametric study is presented to investigate the influence of corona parameters, such as the breakdown electric field and the critical electric field for the stable propagation of streamers, on predicted currents and electromagnetic fields. The results show that, regardless of the assumed corona parameters, the incorporation of corona into the nonuniform and nonlinear transmission line model under investigation modifies the model predictions so that they consistently reproduce most of the typical features of experimentally observed lightning electromagnetic fields and return-stroke speed profiles. In particular, it is shown that the proposed model leads to close vertical electric fields presenting waveforms, amplitudes, and decay with distance in good agreement with dart leader electric field changes measured in triggered lightning experiments. A comparison with popular engineering return-stroke models further confirms the model's ability to predict consistent electric field waveforms in the close vicinity of the channel. Some differences observed in the field amplitudes calculated with the different models can be related to the fact that current distortion, while present in the proposed model, is ultimately neglected in the considered engineering return-stroke models.
Peak Source Power Associated with Positive Narrow Bipolar Lightning Pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bandara, S. A.; Marshall, T. C.; Karunarathne, S.; Karunarathne, N. D.; Siedlecki, R. D., II; Stolzenburg, M.
During the summer of 2016, we deployed a lightning sensor array in and around Oxford Mississippi, USA. The array system comprised seven lightning sensing stations in a network approximately covering an area of 30 km × 30 km. Each station is equipped with four sensors: Fast antenna (10 ms decay time), Slow antenna (1.0 s decay time)), field derivative sensor (dE/dt) and Log-RF antenna (bandwidth 187-192 MHz). We have observed 319 Positive NBPs and herein we report on comparisons of the NBP properties measured from the Fast antenna data with the Log-RF antenna data. These properties include 10-90% rise time, full width at half maximum, zero cross time, and range-normalized amplitude at 100 km. NBPs were categorized according to the fine structure of the electric field wave shapes into Types A-D, as in Karunarathne et al. [2015]. The source powers of NBPs in each category were determined using single station Log-RF data. Furthermore, we also categorized the NBPs in three other groups: initial event of an IC flash, isolated, and not-isolated (according to their spatiotemporal relationship with other lightning activity). We compared the source powers within each category. Karunarathne, S., T. C. Marshall, M. Stolzenburg, and N. Karunarathna (2015), Observations of positive narrow bipolar pulses, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023150.
Multirail electromagnetic launcher powered from a pulsed magnetohydrodynamic generator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Afonin, A. G.; Butov, V. G.; Panchenko, V. P.; Sinyaev, S. V.; Solonenko, V. A.; Shvetsov, G. A.; Yakushev, A. A.
The operation of an electromagnetic multirail launcher of solids powered from a pulsed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator is studied. The plasma flow in the channel of the pulsed MHD generator and the possibility of launching solids in a rapid-fire mode of launcher operation are considered. It is shown that this mode of launcher operation can be implemented by matching the plasma flow dynamics in the channel of the pulsed MHD generator and the launching conditions. It is also shown that powerful pulsed MHD generators can be used as a source of electrical energy for rapid-fire electromagnetic rail launchers operating in a burst mode.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mata, C. T.; Rakov, V. A.; Mata, A. G.
A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC3913) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes the synchronized recording of six high-speed video cameras; currents through the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system for LC3913; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. A 20:1 scaled down model of the new Lightning Protection System (LPS) of LC39B was built at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing, Camp Blanding, FL. This scaled down lightning protection system was instrumented with the transient recorders, digitizers, and sensors to be used in the final instrumentation installation at LC3913. The instrumentation used at the ICLRT is also a scaled-down instrumentation of the LC39B instrumentation. The scaled-down LPS was subjected to seven direct lightning strikes and six (four triggered and two natural nearby flashes) in 2010. The following measurements were acquired at the ICLRT: currents through the nine downconductors; two dl-/dt, 3-axis stations, one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wires), and another 40 meters south from the center of the LPS; ten dE/dt stations, nine of them on the perimeter of the LPS and one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wire system); and the incident current. Data from representative events are presented and analyzed in this paper.
The peak electromagnetic power radiated by lightning return strokes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Krider, E. P.; Guo, C.
Estimates of the peak electromagnetic (EM) power radiated by return strokes have been made by integrating the Poynting vector of measured fields over an imaginary hemispherical surface that is centered on the lightning source, assuming that ground losses are negligible. Values of the peak EM power from first and subsequent strokes have means and standard deviations of 2 + or - 2 x 10 to the 10th and 3 + or - 4 x 10 to the 9th W, respectively. The average EM power that is radiated by subsequent strokes, at the time of the field peak, is about 2 orders of magnitude larger than the optical power that is radiated by these strokes in the wavelength interval from 0.4 to 1.1 micron; hence an upper limit to the radiative efficiency of a subsequent stroke is of the order of 1 percent or less at this time.
AFRL-RD-PS- AFRL-RD-PS- TN-2016-0003 TN-2016-0003 A Model for Microcontroller Functionality Upset Induced by External Pulsed Electromagnetic ...External Pulsed Electromagnetic Irradiation 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA9451-15-C-0004 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6 . AUTHOR(S) David...microcontroller (µC) subjected to external irradiation by a narrowband electromagnetic (EM) pulse. In our model, the state of a µC is completely specified by
Evidence for lightning on Venus
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Strangeway, R. J.
Lightning is an interesting phenomenon both for atmospheric and ionospheric science. At the Earth lightning is generated in regions where there is strong convection. Lightning also requires the generation of large charge-separation electric fields. The energy dissipated in a lightning discharge can, for example, result in chemical reactions that would not normally occur. From an ionospheric point of view, lightning generates a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can propagate through the ionosphere as whistler mode waves, and at the Earth the waves propagate to high altitudes in the plasmasphere where they can cause energetic particle precipitation. The atmosphere and ionosphere of Venus are quite different from those on the Earth, and the presence of lightning at Venus has important consequences for our knowledge of why lightning occurs and how the energy is dissipated in the atmosphere and ionosphere. As discussed here, it now appears that lightning occurs in the dusk local time sector at Venus.
Experimental Testing of a Van De Graaff Generator as an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator
New methods and results for quantification of lightning-aircraft electrodynamics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pitts, Felix L.; Lee, Larry D.; Perala, Rodney A.; Rudolph, Terence H.
The NASA F-106 collected data on the rates of change of electromagnetic parameters on the aircraft surface during over 700 direct lightning strikes while penetrating thunderstorms at altitudes from 15,000 t0 40,000 ft (4,570 to 12,190 m). These in situ measurements provided the basis for the first statistical quantification of the lightning electromagnetic threat to aircraft appropriate for determining indirect lightning effects on aircraft. These data are used to update previous lightning criteria and standards developed over the years from ground-based measurements. The proposed standards will be the first which reflect actual aircraft responses measured at flight altitudes. Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimates of the distribution of the peak electromagnetic rates of change for consideration in the new standards are obtained based on peak recorder data for multiple-strike flights. The linear and nonlinear modeling techniques developed provide means to interpret and understand the direct-strike electromagnetic data acquired on the F-106. The reasonable results obtained with the models, compared with measured responses, provide increased confidence that the models may be credibly applied to other aircraft.
Monitoring lightning from space with TARANIS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Farges, T.; Blanc, E.; Pinçon, J.
Some recent space experiments, e.g. OTD, LIS, show the large interest of lightning monitoring from space and the efficiency of optical measurement. Future instrumentations are now defined for the next generation of geostationary meteorology satellites. Calibration of these instruments requires ground truth events provided by lightning location networks, as NLDN in US, and EUCLID or LINET in Europe, using electromagnetic observations at a regional scale. One of the most challenging objectives is the continuous monitoring of the lightning activity over the tropical zone (Africa, America, and Indonesia). However, one difficulty is the lack of lightning location networks at regional scale in these areas to validate the data quality. TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of Radiations from lightNings and Sprites) is a CNES micro satellite project. It is dedicated to the study of impulsive transfers of energy, between the Earth atmosphere and the space environment, from nadir observations of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs), Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes (TGFs) and other possible associated emissions. Its orbit will be sun-synchronous at 10:30 local time; its altitude will be 700 km. Its lifetime will be nominally 2 years. Its payload is composed of several electromagnetic instruments in different wavelengths: X and gamma-ray detectors, optical cameras and photometers, electromagnetic wave sensors from DC to 30 MHz completed by high energy electron detectors. The optical instrument includes 2 cameras and 4 photometers. All sensors are equipped with filters for sprite and lightning differentiation. The filters of cameras are designed for sprite and lightning observations at 762 nm and 777 nm respectively. However, differently from OTD or LIS instruments, the filter bandwidth and the exposure time (respectively 10 nm and 91 ms) prevent lightning optical observations during daytime. The camera field of view is a square of 500 km at ground level with a spatial sampling frequency of
Engineering Techniques for Electromagnetic Pulse-Hardness Testing.
electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The text describes energy sources, simulation techniques, test instrumentation, and testing techniques. Emphasis is on testing that can be accomplished by engineers with knowledge of electromagnetics and circuits. Complicated systems that require special expertise are described only to acquaint the reader with their characteristics. This text is intended to supplement the testing portion of DNA 2772T ’DNA EMP Awareness Course Notes.’
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, M.; Takahashi, Y.; Yamashita, K.; Kubota, H.; Hamada, J. I.; Momota, E.; Marciano, J. J.
Lightning activity represents the thunderstorm activity, that is, the precipitation and/or updraft intensity and area. Thunderstorm activity is also an important parameter in terms of the energy inputs from the ocean to the atmosphere inside tropical cyclone, which is one of severe weather events. Recent studies suggest that it is possible to predict the maximum wind velocity and minimum pressure near the center of the tropical cyclone by one or two days before if we monitor the lightning activities in the tropical cyclone. Many countries in the western Pacific region suffer from the attack of tropical cyclone (typhoon) and have a strong demand to predict the intensity development of typhoons. Thus, we started developing a new lightning observation system and installing the observation system at Guam, Palau, and Manila in the Philippines from this summer. The lightning observation system consists of a VLF sensor detecting lightning-excited electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 1-5 kHz, an automatic data-processing unit, solar panels, and batteries. Lightning-excited pulse signals detected by the VLF sensor are automatically analyzed by the data-processing unit, and only the extracted information of the trigger time and pulse amplitude is transmitted to a data server via the 3G data communications. In addition, we are now developing an upgraded lightning and weather observation system, which will be installed at 50 automated weather stations in Metro Manila and 10 radar sites in the Philippines under the 5-year project (SATREPS) scheme. At the presentation, we will show the initial results derived from the lightning observation system in detail and will show the detailed future plan of the SATREPS project.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, Mitsuteru; Mihara, Masahiro; Ushio, Tomoo; Morimoto, Takeshi; Kikuchi, Hiroshi; Adachi, Toru; Suzuki, Makoto; Yamazaki, Atsushi; Takahashi, Yukihiro
JEM-GLIMS is continuing the comprehensive nadir observations of lightning and TLEs using optical instruments and electromagnetic wave receivers since November 2012. For the period between November 20, 2012 and November 30, 2014, JEM-GLIMS succeeded in detecting 5,048 lightning events. A total of 567 events in 5,048 lightning events were TLEs, which were mostly elves events. To identify the sprite occurrences from the transient optical flash data, it is necessary to perform the following data analysis: (1) a subtraction of the appropriately scaled wideband camera data from the narrowband camera data; (2) a calculation of intensity ratio between different spectrophotometer channels; and (3) an estimation of the polarization and CMC for the parent CG discharges using ground-based ELF measurement data. From a synthetic comparison of these results, it is confirmed that JEM-GLISM succeeded in detecting sprite events. The VHF receiver (VITF) onboard JEM-GLIMS uses two patch-type antennas separated by a 1.6-m interval and can detect VHF pulses emitted by lightning discharges in the 70-100 MHz frequency range. Using both an interferometric technique and a group delay technique, we can estimate the source locations of VHF pulses excited by lightning discharges. In the event detected at 06:41:15.68565 UT on June 12, 2014 over central North America, sprite was distributed with a horizontal displacement of 20 km from the peak location of the parent lightning emission. In this event, a total of 180 VHF pulses were simultaneously detected by VITF. From the detailed data analysis of these VHF pulse data, it is found that the majority of the source locations were placed near the area of the dim lightning emission, which may imply that the VHF pulses were associated with the in-cloud lightning current. At the presentation, we will show detailed comparison between the spatiotemporal characteristics of sprite emission and source locations of VHF pulses excited by the parent lightning
Assessment and Mitigation of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Impacts at Short-pulse Laser Facilities
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brown, Jr., C G; Bond, E; Clancy, T
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) will be impacted by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) during normal long-pulse operation, but the largest impacts are expected during short-pulse operation utilizing the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC). Without mitigation these impacts could range from data corruption to hardware damage. We describe our EMP measurement systems on Titan and NIF and present some preliminary results and thoughts on mitigation.
Assessment and Mitigation of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Impacts at Short-pulse Laser Facilities
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brown, Jr., C G; Bond, E; Clancy, T
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) will be impacted by electromagnetic pulse (EMP) during normal long-pulse operation, but the largest impacts are expected during short-pulse operation utilizing the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC). Without mitigation these impacts could range from data corruption to hardware damage. We describe our EMP measurement systems on Titan and NIF and present some preliminary results and thoughts on mitigation.
Trends in Lightning Electrical Energy Derived from the Lightning Imaging Sensor
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bitzer, P. M.; Koshak, W. J.
We present results detailing an emerging application of space-based measurement of lightning: the electrical energy. This is a little-used attribute of lightning data which can have applications for severe weather, lightning physics, and wildfires. In particular, we use data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Lightning Imaging Sensor (TRMM/LIS) to find the temporal and spatial variations in the detected spectral energy density. This is used to estimate the total lightning electrical energy, following established methodologies. Results showing the trend in time of the electrical energy, as well as the distribution around the globe, will be highlighted. While flashes have been typically used in most studies, the basic scientifically-relevant measured unit by LIS is the optical group data product. This generally corresponds to a return stroke or IC pulse. We explore how the electrical energy varies per LIS group, providing an extension and comparison with previous investigations. The result is an initial climatology of this new and important application of space-based optical measurements of lightning, which can provide a baseline for future applications using the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), the European Lightning Imager (LI), and the International Space Station Lightning Imaging Sensor (ISS/LIS) instruments.
Lightning Effects in the Payload Changeout Room
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomas, Garland L.; Fisher, Franklin A.; Collier, Richard S.; Medelius, Pedro J.
Analytical and empirical studies have been performed to provide better understanding of the electromagnetic environment inside the Payload Changeout Room and Orbiter payload bay resulting from lightning strikes to the launch pad lightning protection system. The analytical studies consisted of physical and mathematical modeling of the pad structure and the Payload Changeout Room. Empirical testing was performed using a lightning simulator to simulate controlled (8 kA) lightning strikes to the catenary wire lightning protection system. In addition to the analyses and testing listed above, an analysis of the configuration with the vehicle present was conducted, in lieu of testing, by the Finite Difference, Time Domain method.
Expanding use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapies.
Markov, Marko S
Various types of magnetic and electromagnetic fields are now in successful use in modern medicine. Electromagnetic therapy carries the promise to heal numerous health problems, even where conventional medicine has failed. Today, magnetotherapy provides a non invasive, safe, and easy method to directly treat the site of injury, the source of pain and inflammation, and a variety of diseases and pathologies. Millions of people worldwide have received help in treatment of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for pain relief. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are one important modality in magnetotherapy. Recent technological innovations, implementing advancements in computer technologies, offer excellent state-of-the-art therapy.
Ultrashort electromagnetic pulse control of intersubband quantum well transitions
We study the creation of high-efficiency controlled population transfer in intersubband transitions of semiconductor quantum wells. We give emphasis to the case of interaction of the semiconductor quantum well with electromagnetic pulses with a duration of few cycles and even a single cycle. We numerically solve the effective nonlinear Bloch equations for a specific double GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structure, taking into account the ultrashort nature of the applied field, and show that high-efficiency population inversion is possible for specific pulse areas. The dependence of the efficiency of population transfer on the electron sheet density and the carrier envelope phase of the pulse is also explored. For electromagnetic pulses with a duration of several cycles, we find that the change in the electron sheet density leads to a very different response of the population in the two subbands to pulse area. However, for pulses with a duration equal to or shorter than 3 cycles, we show that efficient population transfer between the two subbands is possible, independent of the value of electron sheet density, if the pulse area is Π. PMID:22916956
Ultrashort electromagnetic pulse control of intersubband quantum well transitions.
Paspalakis, Emmanuel; Boviatsis, John
: We study the creation of high-efficiency controlled population transfer in intersubband transitions of semiconductor quantum wells. We give emphasis to the case of interaction of the semiconductor quantum well with electromagnetic pulses with a duration of few cycles and even a single cycle. We numerically solve the effective nonlinear Bloch equations for a specific double GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structure, taking into account the ultrashort nature of the applied field, and show that high-efficiency population inversion is possible for specific pulse areas. The dependence of the efficiency of population transfer on the electron sheet density and the carrier envelope phase of the pulse is also explored. For electromagnetic pulses with a duration of several cycles, we find that the change in the electron sheet density leads to a very different response of the population in the two subbands to pulse area. However, for pulses with a duration equal to or shorter than 3 cycles, we show that efficient population transfer between the two subbands is possible, independent of the value of electron sheet density, if the pulse area is Π.
Lightning on Venus inferred from whistler-mode waves in the ionosphere.
Russell, C T; Zhang, T L; Delva, M; Magnes, W; Strangeway, R J; Wei, H Y
The occurrence of lightning in a planetary atmosphere enables chemical processes to take place that would not occur under standard temperatures and pressures. Although much evidence has been reported for lightning on Venus, some searches have been negative and the existence of lightning has remained controversial. A definitive detection would be the confirmation of electromagnetic, whistler-mode waves propagating from the atmosphere to the ionosphere. Here we report observations of Venus' ionosphere that reveal strong, circularly polarized, electromagnetic waves with frequencies near 100 Hz. The waves appear as bursts of radiation lasting 0.25 to 0.5 s, and have the expected properties of whistler-mode signals generated by lightning discharges in Venus' clouds.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Omidiora, M. A.; Lehtonen, M.
This paper deals with the effect of shield wires on lightning overvoltage reduction and the energy relief of MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) arresters from direct strokes to distribution lines. The subject of discussion is the enhancement of lightning protection in Finnish distribution networks where lightning is most severe. The true index of lightning severity in these areas is based on the ground flash densities and return stroke data collected from the Finnish meteorological institute. The presented test case is the IEEE 34-node test feeder injected with multiple lightning strokes and simulated with the Alternative Transients Program/Electromagnetic Transients program (ATP/EMTP). Themore » response of the distribution line to lightning strokes was modeled with three different cases: no protection, protection with surge arresters and protection with a combination of shield wire and arresters. Simulations were made to compare the resulting overvoltages on the line for all the analyzed cases.« less
Further investigations of lightning-induced transient emissions in the OH airglow layer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Tai-Yin; Kuo, C. L.; Chiang, C. Y.; Chen, A. B.; Su, H. T.; Hsu, R. R.
A previous study of lightning-induced transient emissions in and below the OH airglow layer using observations by the Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning (ISUAL) CCD camera onboard the FORMOSAT-II satellite showed that intensity enhancements occurred more frequently in the OH airglow layer. Here we show the results of new observations made in December 2009 and January 2010 using a narrowband 630 nm filter and spectrophotometer and present further analysis. We estimated the N21P intensity enhancements to be ˜65% and 53% of the total intensity enhancements for the two events we analyzed using ISUAL and the spectrophotometer data in conjunction with a model for emissions of light and VLF perturbations from electromagnetic pulse sources (elves). Our analysis indicates that there is still somewhat considerable intensity enhancement (˜1.25 kR) unaccounted for after the N21P contribution has been removed. Our study suggests that there might be OH emissions in elves and that OH species might also be involved in the lightning-induced process and contribute to the intensity enhancements that we observed.
Remote sensing of the lightning heating effect duration with ground-based microwave radiometer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiang, Sulin; Pan, Yun; Lei, Lianfa; Ma, Lina; Li, Qing; Wang, Zhenhui
Artificially triggered lightning events from May 26, 2017 to July 16, 2017 in Guangzhou Field Experiment Site for Lightning Research and Test (GFESL) were intentionally remotely sensed with a ground-based microwave radiometer for the first time in order to obtain the features of lightning heating effect. The microwave radiometer antenna was adjusted to point at a certain elevation angle towards the expected artificially triggered lightning discharging path. Eight of the 16 successfully artificially triggered lightning events were captured and the brightness temperature data at four frequencies in K and V bands were obtained. The results from data time series analysis show that artificially triggered lightning can make the radiometer generate brightness temperature pulses, and the amplitudes of these pulses are in the range of 2.0 K to 73.8 K. The brightness temperature pulses associated with 7 events can be used to estimate the duration of lightning heating effect through accounting the number of the pulses in the continuous pulse sequence and the sampling interval between four frequencies. The maximum duration of the lightning heating effect is 1.13 s, the minimum is 0.172 s, and the average is 0.63 s.
Effects of Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sentman, Davis D.; Pasko, Victor P.; Morrill, Jeff S.
AGU Chapman Conference on Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere; University Park, Pennsylvania, 10-14 May 2009; The serendipitous observation in 1989 of electrical discharge in the high atmosphere induced by thundercloud lightning launched a new field of geophysical investigation. From this single unexpected observation sprang a vigorous and fertile new research field that simultaneously encompasses geophysical disciplines that are normally pursued independently, such as meteorology and lightning, plasma and gas discharge physics, atmospheric chemistry, ionospheric physics, and energetic particle physics. Transient electrical discharge in the upper atmosphere spans the full range of altitudes between the tropopause and the ionosphere and takes a variety of forms that carry the whimsical names red sprites, blue jets, gigantic jets, elves (emissions of light and very low frequency perturbations from electromagnetic pulse sources), and sprite halos, collectively known as transient luminous events (TLEs). To date, TLEs have been observed from ground and airborne or spaceborne platforms above thunderstorm systems worldwide, and radio observations made concomitantly with optical observations have shown that they are produced by the transient far fields of thundercloud lightning. TLEs appear to be large-scale (tens of kilometers in dimension), upper atmospheric versions of conventional gas discharge akin to weakly ionized, collision-dominated systems found in laboratory discharge devices (millimeter-centimeter dimensions), with characteristic energies of a few electron volts. The dominant physical processes have been identified as described by the familiar kinetic theory of the photochemistry of the upper atmosphere, but with electric field-driven electron impact ionization playing the role of photolysis or energetic precipitating particle-induced ionization.
FDTD computation of human eye exposure to ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulses.
Simicevic, Neven
With an increase in the application of ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic pulses in the communications industry, radar, biotechnology and medicine, comes an interest in UWB exposure safety standards. Despite an increase of the scientific research on bioeffects of exposure to non-ionizing UWB pulses, characterization of those effects is far from complete. A numerical computational approach, such as a finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method, is required to visualize and understand the complexity of broadband electromagnetic interactions. The FDTD method has almost no limits in the description of the geometrical and dispersive properties of the simulated material, it is numerically robust and appropriate for current computer technology. In this paper, a complete calculation of exposure of the human eye to UWB electromagnetic pulses in the frequency range of 3.1-10.6, 22-29 and 57-64 GHz is performed. Computation in this frequency range required a geometrical resolution of the eye of 0.1 mm and an arbitrary precision in the description of its dielectric properties in terms of the Debye model. New results show that the interaction of UWB pulses with the eye tissues exhibits the same properties as the interaction of the continuous electromagnetic waves (CWs) with the frequencies from the pulse's frequency spectrum. It is also shown that under the same exposure conditions the exposure to UWB pulses is from one to many orders of magnitude safer than the exposure to CW.
Electromagnetic or other directed energy pulse launcher
Ziolkowski, Richard W.
The physical realization of new solutions of wave propagation equations, such as Maxwell's equations and the scaler wave equation, produces localized pulses of wave energy such as electromagnetic or acoustic energy which propagate over long distances without divergence. The pulses are produced by driving each element of an array of radiating sources with a particular drive function so that the resultant localized packet of energy closely approximates the exact solutions and behaves the same.
Nucleation and Grain Refinement of 7A04 Aluminum Alloy Under a Low-Power Electromagnetic Pulse
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bai, Qingwei; Ma, Yonglin; Xing, Shuqing; Bao, Xinyu; Feng, Yanfei; Kang, Xiaolan
The effects of a low-power electromagnetic pulse on the grain size and cooling curve of high-strength aluminum alloy 7A04 were investigated for various pulse duty cycles. This electromagnetic pulse treatment was found to effectively produce fine grains with globular crystals and a uniform microstructure for pulse duty cycles between 20 and 40%. The key factors that affected grain refinement under the electromagnetic pulse included the electromagnetic energy and the conversion frequency between \\varvec{B} and \\varvec{E} . The nucleation rate increased as the nucleation period was extended. A new kinetic condition of magnetic nucleation was explored by decreasing the critical Gibbs free energy in the electromagnetic pulse, which was more sensitive under low undercooling. In addition, the crystal orientation was controlled in such a solidification environment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fedorov, Eduard G.; Zhukov, Alexander V.; Bouffanais, Roland; Timashkov, Alexander P.; Malomed, Boris A.; Leblond, Hervé; Mihalache, Dumitru; Rosanov, Nikolay N.; Belonenko, Mikhail B.
We study the propagation of three-dimensional (3D) bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes. The heterogeneity is represented by a planar region with an increased concentration of conduction electrons. The evolution of the electromagnetic field and electron concentration in the sample are governed by the Maxwell's equations and continuity equation. In particular, nonuniformity of the electromagnetic field along the axis of the nanotubes is taken into account. We demonstrate that depending on values of the parameters of the electromagnetic pulse approaching the region with the higher electron concentration, the pulse is either reflected from the region or passes it. Specifically, our simulations demonstrate that after interacting with the higher-concentration area, the pulse can propagate steadily, without significant spreading. The possibility of such ultrashort electromagnetic pulses propagating in arrays of carbon nanotubes over distances significantly exceeding characteristic dimensions of the pulses makes it possible to consider them as 3D solitons.
Dynamics of electronic transitions and reemission spectra of attosecond electromagnetic pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Matveev, V. I.; Makarov, D. N.
The processes of reemission of attosecond electromagnetic pulses by systems in nonstationary states have been considered. The probabilities of the reemission of attosecond electromagnetic pulses at the resonance charge exchange of a proton on a hydrogen atom and at the decay of a quasistationary state, as well as the probabilities of the reemission of attosecond pulses by a system in a resonance external field, have been calculated as examples. The developed method can be applied to more complex targets, including targets in the collision state, and to various chemical reactions.
Translation and Rotation of Transformation Media under Electromagnetic Pulse
Gao, Fei; Shi, Xihang; Lin, Xiao; Xu, Hongyi; Zhang, Baile
It is well known that optical media create artificial geometry for light, and curved geometry acts as an effective optical medium. This correspondence originates from the form invariance of Maxwell’s equations, which recently has spawned a booming field called ‘transformation optics’. Here we investigate responses of three transformation media under electromagnetic pulses, and find that pulse radiation can induce unbalanced net force on transformation media, which will cause translation and rotation of transformation media although their final momentum can still be zero. Therefore, the transformation media do not necessarily stay the same after an electromagnetic wave passes through. PMID:27321246
Translation and Rotation of Transformation Media under Electromagnetic Pulse.
Gao, Fei; Shi, Xihang; Lin, Xiao; Xu, Hongyi; Zhang, Baile
It is well known that optical media create artificial geometry for light, and curved geometry acts as an effective optical medium. This correspondence originates from the form invariance of Maxwell's equations, which recently has spawned a booming field called 'transformation optics'. Here we investigate responses of three transformation media under electromagnetic pulses, and find that pulse radiation can induce unbalanced net force on transformation media, which will cause translation and rotation of transformation media although their final momentum can still be zero. Therefore, the transformation media do not necessarily stay the same after an electromagnetic wave passes through.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Yun; Zhao, Min; Wang, Qingguo
In order to measure the pulse shielding performance of materials with the characteristic of field-induced insulator-conductor phase transition when materials are used for electromagnetic shielding, a dynamic test method was proposed based on a coaxial fixture. Experiment system was built by square pulse source, coaxial cable, coaxial fixture, attenuator, and oscilloscope and insulating components. S11 parameter of the test system was obtained, which suggested that the working frequency ranges from 300 KHz to 7.36 GHz. Insulating performance is good enough to avoid discharge between conductors when material samples is exposed in the strong electromagnetic pulse field up to 831 kV/m. This method is suitable for materials with annular shape, certain thickness and the characteristic of field-induced insulator-conductor phase transition to get their shielding performances of strong electromagnetic pulse.
Lightning electromagnetic radiation field spectra in the interval from 0. 2 to 20 MHz
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Willett, J.C.; Bailey, J.C.; Leteinturier, C.
Average energy spectral densities are presented for the fast transitions in most of the components that produce large radiation field impulses from cloud-to-ground lightning; first and subsequent return strokes; stepped, dart-stepped, and 'chaotic' leaders; and 'characteristic' cloud pulses. A disagreement in the previous literature about the spectral energy radiated by return strokes at high frequencies is noted and explained. The authors show that the spectral amplitudes are not seriously distorted by propagation over less than 35 km of seawater, although as much as 45 km of such propagation does appear to produce significant attenuation above about 10 MHz. First andmore » subsequent return strokes produce identical spectra between 0.2 and 20 MHz. The spectra of stepped and dart-stepped leader steps are nearly identical and are very similar to that of characteristic pulses. The spectra of leader steps also match return stroke spectra above 2-3 MHz after the former are increased by about 7 dB. The shapes of individual spectra do not depend on their amplitude, so the shapes of the average spectra are probably not distorted by the trigger thresholds used in the data acquisition. Return strokes are the strongest sources of radiation from cloud-to-ground lightning in the 0.2- to 20-MHz frequency range, although certain intracloud processes are stronger radiators above 8 MHz.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baranov, M. I.; Rudakov, S. V.
The authors have given results of investigations of the electrothermal action of aperiodic pulses of temporal shape 10/350 μs of the current of a short artificial-lightning stroke on test specimens of electric wires and cables with copper and aluminum cores and sheaths with polyvinylchloride and polyethylene insulations of power circuits of industrial electric power objects. It has been shown that the thermal stability of such wires and cables is determined by the action integral of the indicated current pulse. The authors have found the maximum permissible and critical densities of this pulse in copper and aluminum current-carrying parts of the wires and cables. High-current experiments conducted under high-voltage laboratory conditions on a unique generator of 10/350 μs pulses of an artificial-lightning current with amplitude-time parameters normalized according to the existing requirements of international and national standards and with tolerances on them have confirmed the reliability of the proposed calculated estimate for thermal lightning resistance of cabling and wiring products.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baranov, M. I.; Rudakov, S. V.
The authors have given results of investigations of the electrothermal action of aperiodic pulses of temporal shape 10/350 μs of the current of a short artificial-lightning stroke on test specimens of electric wires and cables with copper and aluminum cores and sheaths with polyvinylchloride and polyethylene insulations of power circuits of industrial electric power objects. It has been shown that the thermal stability of such wires and cables is determined by the action integral of the indicated current pulse. The authors have found the maximum permissible and critical densities of this pulse in copper and aluminum current-carrying parts of the wires and cables. High-current experiments conducted under high-voltage laboratory conditions on a unique generator of 10/350 μs pulses of an artificial-lightning current with amplitude-time parameters normalized according to the existing requirements of international and national standards and with tolerances on them have confirmed the reliability of the proposed calculated estimate for thermal lightning resistance of cabling and wiring products.
Pulsed thrust measurements using electromagnetic calibration techniques
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tang Haibin; Shi Chenbo; Zhang Xin'ai
A thrust stand for accurately measuring impulse bits, which ranged from 10-1000 {mu}N s using a noncontact electromagnetic calibration technique is described. In particular, a permanent magnet structure was designed to produce a uniform magnetic field, and a multiturn coil was made to produce a calibration force less than 10 mN. The electromagnetic calibration force for pulsed thrust measurements was linear to the coil current and changed less than 2.5% when the distance between the coil and magnet changed 6 mm. A pulsed plasma thruster was first tested on the thrust stand, and afterward five single impulse bits were measuredmore » to give a 310 {mu}N s average impulse bit. Uncertainty of the measured impulse bit was analyzed to evaluate the quality of the measurement and was found to be 10 {mu}N s with 95% credibility.« less
Merritt, J H; Kiel, J L; Hurt, W D
Development of new emitter systems capable of producing high-peak-power electromagnetic pulses with very fast rise times and narrow pulse widths is continuing. Such directed energy weapons systems will be used in the future to defeat electronically vulnerable targets. Human exposures to these pulses can be expected during testing and operations. Development of these technologies for radar and communications purposes has the potential for wider environmental exposure, as well. Current IEEE C95.1-1991 human exposure guidelines do not specifically address these types of pulses, though limits are stated for pulsed emissions. The process for developing standards includes an evaluation of the relevant bioeffects data base. A recommendation has been made that human exposure to ultrashort electromagnetic pulses that engender electromagnetic transients, called precursor waves, should be avoided. Studies that purport to show the potential for tissue damage induced by such pulses were described. The studies cited in support of the recommendation were not relevant to the issues of tissue damage by propagated pulses. A number of investigations are cited in this review that directly address the biological effects of electromagnetic pulses. These studies have not shown evidence of tissue damage as a result of exposure to high-peak-power pulsed microwaves. It is our opinion that the current guidelines are sufficiently protective for human exposure to these pulses.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marshall, R. A.; Inan, U. S.; Glukhov, V. S.
A 3-D finite difference time domain model is used to simulate the lightning electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and its interaction with the lower ionosphere. Results agree with the frequently observed, doughnut-shaped optical signature of elves but show that the structure exhibits asymmetry due to the presence of Earth's ambient magnetic field. Furthermore, in-cloud (horizontal) lightning channels produce observable optical emissions without the doughnut shape and, in fact, produce a much stronger optical output for the same channel current. Electron density perturbations associated with elves are also calculated, with contributions from attachment and ionization. Results presented as a function of parameters such as magnetic field direction, dipole current orientation, altitude and amplitude, and ambient ionospheric density profile demonstrate the highly nonlinear nature of the EMP-ionosphere interaction. Ionospheric effects of a sequence of in-cloud discharges are calculated, simulating a burst of in-cloud lightning activity and resulting in large density changes in the overlying ionosphere.
Microsecond-scale electric field pulses in cloud lightning discharges
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Villanueva, Y.; Rakov, V. A.; Uman, M. A.; Brook, M.
From wideband electric field records acquired using a 12-bit digitizing system with a 500-ns sampling interval, microsecond-scale pulses in different stages of cloud flashes in Florida and New Mexico are analyzed. Pulse occurrence statistics and waveshape characteristics are presented. The larger pulses tend to occur early in the flash, confirming the results of Bils et al. (1988) and in contrast with the three-stage representation of cloud-discharge electric fields suggested by Kitagawa and Brook (1960). Possible explanations for the discrepancy are discussed. The tendency for the larger pulses to occur early in the cloud flash suggests that they are related to the initial in-cloud channel formation processes and contradicts the common view found in the atmospheric radio-noise literature that the main sources of VLF/LF electromagnetic radiation in cloud flashes are the K processes which occur in the final, or J type, part of the cloud discharge.
Deng, Hua; Wang, Dewen; Peng, Ruiyun; Wang, Shuiming; Chen, Jiankui; Zhang, Sa; Dong, Bo; Wang, Xiaomin
Though there is ongoing public concern on potential hazards and risk of electromagnetic radiation, the bioeffects mechanism of electromagnetic fields remains obscure. Heart is one of the organs susceptive to electromagnetic fields (EMF). This study was designed to assess the influence of high power pulse microwave and electromagnetic pulse irradiation on cardiomyocytes, to explore the critical mechanism of electromagnetic fields, and to explain the regular course of injury caused by exposure to pulse EMF. Cultured cardiomyocytes were irradiated by high power pulse microwave and electromagnetic pulse first, then a series of apparatus including atom force microscope, laser scanning confocal microscope and flow cytometer were used to examine the changes of cell membrane conformation, structure and function. After irradiation, the cardiomyocytes pulsated slower or stop, the cells conformation was abnormal, the cells viability declined, and the percentage of apoptosis and necrosis increased significantly (P< 0.01). The cell membrane had pores unequal in size, and lost its penetration character. The concentration of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+ and P3+ in cell culture medium increased significantly (P< 0.01). and the concentration of Ca2+ in cells ([Ca2+]i) decreased significantly (P<0.01). The results indicated that cardiomyocytes are susceptible to non-ionizing radiation. Pulse electromagnetic field can induce cardiomyocytes electroporation, and can do great damage to cells conformation, structure and function. Electroporation is one of the most critical mechanisms to explain the athermal effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Effects of Electromagnetic Pulses on a Multilayered System
repeatable high - power generators . Repetitive EMP (REMP) is usually wideband with each pulse being composed of a wide range of frequencies. This larger...types of EMPs that are of concern regarding electronics and system infrastructures; they are high -altitude EMP (HEMP) generated from nuclear...ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES ON A MULTILAYERED SYSTEM A. Upia, K. M. Burke, J. L. Zirnheld Energy Systems Institute, Department of Electrical Engineering
Thunderstorm monitoring and lightning warning, operational applications of the Safir system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Richard, Philippe
During the past years a new range of studies have been opened by the application of electromagnetic localization techniques to the field of thunderstorm remote sensing. VHF localization techniques were used in particular for the analysis of lightning discharges and gave access to time resolved 3-D images of lightning discharges within thunderclouds. Detection and localization techniques developed have been applied to the design of the SAFIR system. This development's main objective was the design of an operational system capable of assessing and warning in real time for lightning hazards and potential thunderstorm hazards. The SAFIR system main detection technique is the long range interferometric localization of thunderstorm electromagnetic activity; the system performs the localization of intracloud and cloud to ground lightning discharges and the analysis of the characteristics of the activity.
Laboratory-produced ball lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Golka, Robert K., Jr.
For 25 years I have actively been searching for the true nature of ball lightning and attempting to reproduce it at will in the laboratory. As one might expect, many unidentified lights in the atmosphere have been called ball lightning, including Texas Maffa lights (automobile headlights), flying saucers (UFOs), swamp gas in Ann Arbor, Michigan, etc. For 15 years I thought ball lightning was strictly a high-voltage phenomenon. It was not until 1984 when I was short-circuiting the electrical output of a diesel electric railroad locomotive that I realized that the phenomenon was related more to a high current. Although I am hoping for some other types of ball lightning to emerge such as strictly electrostatic-electromagnetic manifestations, I have been unlucky in finding laboratory provable evidence. Cavity-formed plasmodes can be made by putting a 2-inch burning candle in a home kitchen microwave oven. The plasmodes float around for as long as the microwave energy is present.
Pulse generation scheme for flying electromagnetic doughnuts
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Papasimakis, Nikitas; Raybould, Tim; Fedotov, Vassili A.; Tsai, Din Ping; Youngs, Ian; Zheludev, Nikolay I.
Transverse electromagnetic plane waves are fundamental solutions of Maxwells equations. It is less known that a radically different type of solutions has been described theoretically, but has never been realized experimentally, that exist only in the form of short bursts of electromagnetic energy propagating in free space at the speed of light. They are distinguished from transverse waves by a doughnutlike configuration of electric and magnetic fields with a strong field component along the propagation direction. Here, we demonstrate numerically that such flying doughnuts can be generated from conventional pulses using a singular metamaterial converter designed to manipulate both the spatial and spectral structure of the input pulse. The ability to generate flying doughnuts is of fundamental interest, as they shall interact with matter in unique ways, including nontrivial field transformations upon reflection from interfaces and the excitation of toroidal response and anapole modes in matter, hence offering opportunities for telecommunications, sensing, and spectroscopy.
Damage assessment of long-range rocket system by electromagnetic pulse weapon
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cao, Lingyu; Liu, Guoqing; Li, Jinming
This paper analyzes the damage mechanism and characteristics of electromagnetic pulse weapon, establishes the index system of survivability of long-range rocket launcher system, and uses AHP method to establish the combat effectiveness model of long-range rocket missile system. According to the damage mechanism and characteristics of electromagnetic pulse weapon, the damage effect of the remote rocket system is established by using the exponential method to realize the damage efficiency of the remote rocket system.
A search for optical evidence for lightning on Venus with VIRTIS on Venus Express
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Abildgaard, Sofie; Cardesin, Alejandro; Garcia Múnoz, Antonio; Piccioni, Giuseppe
Lightning is known to occur on the atmospheres of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, but although the occurrence of lightning in the Venusian atmosphere has been published several times in the past years, always on the basis of detected electromagnetic pulses, the subject is still controversial. It is generally agreed that an optical observation of the phenomenon would settle the issue. In this work we analyse the data collection of hyper-spectral images produced by the Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on Venus Express, that has been observing the Venusian atmosphere continuously since 2006. A dedicated search algorithm for transient events was developed and a detailed analysis of the archive was performed in all wavelengths. The first preliminary analysis have been performed and we have proven that transient events can easily be identified in the data. Work is ongoing for optimizing search parameters and performing a statistical analysis. In this contribution, we will present a summary of the data analysis process and some of the preliminary conclusion in the lightning detection/nondetection.
Direct space-time observation of pulse tunneling in an electromagnetic band gap
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Doiron, Serge; Hache, Alain; Winful, Herbert G.
We present space-time-resolved measurements of electromagnetic pulses tunneling through a coaxial electromagnetic band gap structure. The results show that during the tunneling process the field distribution inside the barrier is an exponentially decaying standing wave whose amplitude increases and decreases as it slowly follows the temporal evolution of the input pulse. At no time is a pulse maximum found inside the barrier, and hence the transmitted peak is not the incident peak that has propagated to the exit. The results support the quasistatic interpretation of tunneling dynamics and confirm that the group delay is not the traversal time of themore » input pulse peak.« less
Design of a bounded wave EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) simulator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sevat, P. A. A.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) simulators are used to simulate the EMP generated by a nuclear weapon and to harden equipment against the effects of EMP. At present, DREO has a 1 m EMP simulator for testing computer terminal size equipment. To develop the R and D capability for testing larger objects, such as a helicopter, a much bigger threat level facility is required. This report concerns the design of a bounded wave EMP simulator suitable for testing large size equipment. Different types of simulators are described and their pros and cons are discussed. A bounded wave parallel plate type simulator is chosen for it's efficiency and the least environmental impact. Detailed designs are given for 6 m and 10 m parallel plate type wire grid simulators. Electromagnetic fields inside and outside the simulators are computed. Preliminary specifications for a pulse generator required for the simulator are also given. Finally, the electromagnetic fields radiated from the simulator are computed and discussed.
A survey of ELF and VLF research on lightning-ionosphere interactions and causative discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Inan, U. S.; Cummer, S. A.; Marshall, R. A.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) observations have formed the cornerstone of measurement and interpretation of effects of lightning discharges on the overlying upper atmospheric regions, as well as near-Earth space. ELF (0.3-3 kHz) and VLF (3-30 kHz) wave energy released by lightning discharges is often the agent of modification of the lower ionospheric medium that results in the conductivity changes and the excitation of optical emissions that constitute transient luminous events (TLEs). In addition, the resultant ionospheric changes are best (and often uniquely) observable as perturbations of subionospherically propagating VLF signals. In fact, some of the earliest evidence for direct disturbances of the lower ionosphere in association with lightning discharges was obtained in the course of the study of such VLF perturbations. Measurements of the detailed ELF and VLF waveforms of parent lightning discharges that produce TLEs and terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs) have also been very fruitful, often revealing properties of such discharges that maximize ionospheric effects, such as generation of intense electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) or removal of large quantities of charge. In this paper, we provide a review of the development of ELF and VLF measurements, both from a historical point of view and from the point of view of their relationship to optical and other observations of ionospheric effects of lightning discharges.
Physics of giant electromagnetic pulse generation in short-pulse laser experiments.
Poyé, A; Hulin, S; Bailly-Grandvaux, M; Dubois, J-L; Ribolzi, J; Raffestin, D; Bardon, M; Lubrano-Lavaderci, F; D'Humières, E; Santos, J J; Nicolaï, Ph; Tikhonchuk, V
In this paper we describe the physical processes that lead to the generation of giant electromagnetic pulses (GEMPs) at powerful laser facilities. Our study is based on experimental measurements of both the charging of a solid target irradiated by an ultra-short, ultra-intense laser and the detection of the electromagnetic emission in the GHz domain. An unambiguous correlation between the neutralization current in the target holder and the electromagnetic emission shows that the source of the GEMP is the remaining positive charge inside the target after the escape of fast electrons accelerated by the ultra-intense laser. A simple model for calculating this charge in the thick target case is presented. From this model and knowing the geometry of the target holder, it becomes possible to estimate the intensity and the dominant frequencies of the GEMP at any facility.
A 16 MJ compact pulsed power system for electromagnetic launch
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dai, Ling; Zhang, Qin; Zhong, Heqing; Lin, Fuchang; Li, Hua; Wang, Yan; Su, Cheng; Huang, Qinghua; Chen, Xu
This paper has established a compact pulsed power system (PPS) of 16 MJ for electromagnetic rail gun. The PPS consists of pulsed forming network (PFN), chargers, monitoring system, and current junction. The PFN is composed of 156 pulse forming units (PFUs). Every PFU can be triggered simultaneously or sequentially in order to obtain different total current waveforms. The whole device except general control table is divided into two frameworks with size of 7.5 m × 2.2 m × 2.3 m. It is important to estimate the discharge current of PFU accurately for the design of the whole electromagnetic launch system. In this paper, the on-state characteristics of pulse thyristor have been researched to improve the estimation accuracy. The on-state characteristics of pulse thyristor are expressed as a logarithmic function based on experimental data. The circuit current waveform of the single PFU agrees with the simulating one. On the other hand, the coaxial discharge cable is a quick wear part in PFU because the discharge current will be up to dozens of kA even hundreds of kA. In this article, the electromagnetic field existing in the coaxial cable is calculated by finite element method. On basis of the calculation results, the structure of cable is optimized in order to improve the limit current value of the cable. At the end of the paper, the experiment current wave of the PPS with the load of rail gun is provided.
A 16 MJ compact pulsed power system for electromagnetic launch.
Dai, Ling; Zhang, Qin; Zhong, Heqing; Lin, Fuchang; Li, Hua; Wang, Yan; Su, Cheng; Huang, Qinghua; Chen, Xu
This paper has established a compact pulsed power system (PPS) of 16 MJ for electromagnetic rail gun. The PPS consists of pulsed forming network (PFN), chargers, monitoring system, and current junction. The PFN is composed of 156 pulse forming units (PFUs). Every PFU can be triggered simultaneously or sequentially in order to obtain different total current waveforms. The whole device except general control table is divided into two frameworks with size of 7.5 m × 2.2 m × 2.3 m. It is important to estimate the discharge current of PFU accurately for the design of the whole electromagnetic launch system. In this paper, the on-state characteristics of pulse thyristor have been researched to improve the estimation accuracy. The on-state characteristics of pulse thyristor are expressed as a logarithmic function based on experimental data. The circuit current waveform of the single PFU agrees with the simulating one. On the other hand, the coaxial discharge cable is a quick wear part in PFU because the discharge current will be up to dozens of kA even hundreds of kA. In this article, the electromagnetic field existing in the coaxial cable is calculated by finite element method. On basis of the calculation results, the structure of cable is optimized in order to improve the limit current value of the cable. At the end of the paper, the experiment current wave of the PPS with the load of rail gun is provided.
Scattering of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses on metal clusters
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Astapenko, V. A., E-mail:; Sakhno, S. V.
We have calculated and analyzed the probability of ultrashort electromagnetic pulse (USP) scattering on small metal clusters in the frequency range of plasmon resonances during the field action. The main attention is devoted to dependence of the probability of scattering on the pulse duration for various detunings of the USP carrier frequency from the plasmon resonance frequency. Peculiarities of the USP scattering from plasmon resonances with various figures of merit are revealed.
Scattering of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses on metal clusters
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Astapenko, V. A.; Sakhno, S. V.
We have calculated and analyzed the probability of ultrashort electromagnetic pulse (USP) scattering on small metal clusters in the frequency range of plasmon resonances during the field action. The main attention is devoted to dependence of the probability of scattering on the pulse duration for various detunings of the USP carrier frequency from the plasmon resonance frequency. Peculiarities of the USP scattering from plasmon resonances with various figures of merit are revealed.
Effects of electromagnetic pulse irradiation on the mouse blood-testicle barrier.
Hou, Wu-Gang; Zhao, Jie; Li, Zhen; Li, Wei; Li, Teng; Xiong, Li-Ze; Zhang, Yuan-Qiang
To investigate the effects of electromagnetic pulse irradiation on the mouse blood-testicle barrier (BTB) and spermatogenesis. After whole body irradiation with 400 kV/m electromagnetic pulse irradiation, the mouse testicles and BTB permeability were observed using hematoxylin-eosin, Evans blue, and lanthanum nitrate as tracers. The expression of the BTB tight junction protein occludin was examined using real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. At 1, 7, and 14 days after irradiation, the BTB structure was damaged, the BTB permeability was significantly increased, numerous apoptotic or necrotic spermatogenic cells were found in the lumen, and the mRNA and protein expression levels of occludin were markedly decreased. The BTB structure and occludin expression levels had gradually recovered by 21 and 28 days after irradiation. Electromagnetic pulse irradiation damaged the structure and function of mouse BTB, resulting in apoptosis or necrosis of the spermatogenic cells. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Investigation of a high power electromagnetic pulse source.
Wang, Yuwei; Chen, Dongqun; Zhang, Jiande; Cao, Shengguang; Li, Da; Liu, Chebo
A high power electromagnetic pulse source with a resonant antenna driven by a compact power supply was investigated in this paper. To match the impedance of the resonant antenna and initial power source, a compact power conditioning circuit based on electro exploding opening switch (EEOS) and pulsed transformer was adopted. In the preliminary experiments, an impulse capacitor was used to drive the system. With the opening of the EEOS at the current of 15 kA flowing trough the primary of the transformer, the resonant antenna was rapidly charged to about -370 kV within a time of about 100 ns. When the switch in the resonant antenna closed at the charging voltage of about -202 kV, the peak intensity of the detected electric field at a distance of about 10 m from the center of the source was 7.2 kV∕m. The corresponding peak power of the radiated electromagnetic field reached 76 MW, while the total radiated electromagnetic energy was about 0.65 J. The total energy efficiency of the resonant antenna was about 22% which can be improved by increasing the closing rapidity of the switch in the antenna.
Searching for possible effects on midlatitude sporadic E layer, caused by tropospheric lightning.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barta, Veronika; Haldoupis, Christos; Sátori, Gabriella; Buresova, Dalia
Thunderstorms in the troposphere may affect the overlying ionosphere through electrodynamic and/or neutral atmosphere wave coupling processes. For example, it is well known that lightning discharges may impact upper atmosphere through quasi-electrostatic fields and strong electromagnetic pulses, leading to transient luminous phenomena, such as sprites and elves, along with electron heating and ionization changes in the upper D and lower E-region ionosphere that have been detected in VLF transmissions propagating in the earth-ionosphere waveguide. On the other hand, mechanical coupling between the troposphere and the ionosphere may be caused by neutral atmosphere gravity waves which are known to have their origin in massive thunderstorms. The effects of troposphere-ionosphere coupling during thunderstorms, are not yet fully established and understood, therefore there is need for more correlative studies, for example by using concurrent ionospheric and lightning observations. In the present work an effort is made to investigate a possible relationship between tropospheric lighting and sporadic E layer, which are known to dominate at bottomside ionosphere and at middle latitudes during summer. For this, a correlative analysis was undertaken using lightning data obtained with the LINET lightning detection network in Central Europe, and E region ionospheric parameters (fmin, foE, foEs, fbEs) measured with the Pruhonice (50° N, 14.5° E) DPS-4D digisonde in the summer of 2009. For direct correlation with the digisonde data, the lightning activity was quantified every 15 minutes in coincidence with the measured ionogram parameters. In the search for relation between lightning and sporadic E, the digisonde observations during lightning were also compared with those taken during a number of tropospheric storm-free days in Pruhonice. The results of this correlative study did not provide evidence of significance that favors a relationship between tropospheric lightning and
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Review
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dinallo, Michael
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) from nuclear detonations have been observed for well over half a century. Beginning in the mid-to-late 1950s, the physics and modeling of EMP has been researched and will continue into the foreseeable future. The EMP environment propagates hundreds of miles from its origins and causes interference for all types of electronic instrumentation. This includes military, municipal and industry based electronic infrastructures such as power generation and distribution, command and control systems, systems used in financial and emergency services, electronic monitoring and communications networks, to mention some key infrastructure elements. Research into EMP has included originating physics, propagation and electromagnetic field coupling analyses and measurement-sensor development. Several methods for calculating EMP induced transient interference (voltage and current induction) will be briefly discussed and protection techniques reviewed. These methods can be mathematically simple or involve challenging boundary value solution techniques. A few illustrative calculations will demonstrate the concern for electronic system operability. Analyses such as the Wunsch-Bell model for electronic upset or damage, and the Singularity Expansion Method (SEM) put forth by Dr. Carl Baum, will facilitate the concern for EMP effects. The SEM determines the voltages and currents induced from transient electromagnetic fields in terms of natural modes of various types of electronic platforms (aerospace vehicles or land-based assets - fixed or mobile). Full-scale facility and laboratory simulation and response measurement approaches will be discussed. The talk will conclude with a discussion of some present research activities.
Interpretation methodology and analysis of in-flight lightning data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rudolph, T.; Perala, R. A.
A methodology is presented whereby electromagnetic measurements of inflight lightning stroke data can be understood and extended to other aircraft. Recent measurements made on the NASA F106B aircraft indicate that sophisticated numerical techniques and new developments in corona modeling are required to fully understand the data. Thus the problem is nontrivial and successful interpretation can lead to a significant understanding of the lightning/aircraft interaction event. This is of particular importance because of the problem of lightning induced transient upset of new technology low level microcircuitry which is being used in increasing quantities in modern and future avionics. Inflight lightning data is analyzed and lightning environments incident upon the F106B are determined.
Lightning Mapping and Leader Propagation Reconstruction using LOFAR-LIM
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hare, B.; Ebert, U.; Rutjes, C.; Scholten, O.; Trinh, G. T. N.
LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) is a radio telescope that consists of a large number of dual-polarized antennas spread over the northern Netherlands and beyond. The LOFAR for Lightning Imaging project (LOFAR-LIM) has successfully used LOFAR to map out lightning in the Netherlands. Since LOFAR covers a large frequency range (10-90 MHz), has antennas spread over a large area, and saves the raw trace data from the antennas, LOFAR-LIM can combine all the strongest aspects of both lightning mapping arrays and lightning interferometers. These aspects include a nanosecond resolution between pulses, nanosecond timing accuracy, and an ability to map lightning in all 3 spatial dimensions and time. LOFAR should be able to map out overhead lightning with a spatial accuracy on the order of meters. The large amount of complex data provide by LOFAR has presented new data processing challenges, such as handling the time offsets between stations with large baselines and locating as many sources as possible. New algorithms to handle these challenges have been developed and will be discussed. Since the antennas are dual-polarized, all three components of the electric field can be extracted and the structure of the R.F. pulses can be investigated at a large number of distances and angles relative to the lightning source, potentially allowing for modeling of lightning current distributions relevant to the 10 to 90 MHz frequency range. R.F. pulses due to leader propagation will be presented, which show a complex sub-structure, indicating intricate physics that could potentially be reconstructed.
Infrasound pulses from lightning and electrostatic field changes: Observation and discussion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chum, J.; Diendorfer, G.; Å indelářová, T.; Baše, J.; Hruška, F.
Narrow (~1-2 s) infrasound pulses that followed, with ~11 to ~50 s delays, rapid changes of electrostatic field were observed by a microbarometer array in the Czech Republic during thunderstorm activity. A positive pressure fluctuation (compression phase) always preceded decompression; the compression was usually higher than the decompression. The angles of arrival (azimuth and elevation) were analyzed for selected distinct events. Comparisons of distances and azimuths of infrasound sources from the center of microbarometer array with lightning locations determined by the European Cooperation for Lighting Detection lightning detection network show that most of the selected events can be very likely associated with intracloud (IC) discharges. The preceding rapid changes of electrostatic field, their potential association with IC discharges, and high-elevation angles of arrival for near infrasound sources indicate that an electrostatic mechanism is probably responsible for their generation. It is discussed that distinguishing the relative role of thermal and electrostatic mechanism is difficult and that none of the published models of electrostatic production of infrasound thunder can explain the presented observations precisely. A modification of the current models, based on consideration of at least two charged layers, is suggested. Further theoretical and experimental investigations are however needed to get a better description of the generation mechanism.
Ultrarelativistic electromagnetic pulses in plasmas
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Leboeuf, J. N.; Tajima, T.; Dawson, J. M.; Kennel, C. F.
The physical processes of a linearly polarized electromagnetic pulse of highly relativistic amplitude in an underdense plasma accelerating particles to very high energies are studied through computer simulation. An electron-positron plasma is considered first. The maximum momenta achieved scale as the square of the wave amplitude. This acceleration stops when the bulk of the wave energy is converted to particle energy. The pulse leaves behind as a wake a vacuum region whose length scales as the amplitude of the wave. The results can be explained in terms of a snow plow or piston-like action of the radiation on the plasma. When a mass ratio other than unity is chosen and electrostatic effects begin to play a role, first the ion energy increases faster than the electron energy and then the electron energy catches up later, eventually reaching the same value.
Venus Lightning: What We Have Learned from the Venus Express Fluxgate Magnetometer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Russell, C. T.; Strangeway, R. J.; Wei, H. Y.; Zhang, T. L.
The Venus Express magnetometer sees short (tens of milliseconds) pulses of EM waves in the Venus ionosphere as predicted by the lightning model for the PVO electric pulses. These waves are stronger than similar terrestrial signals produced by lightning.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Marco, M.; Pfeifer, M.; Krousky, E.; Krasa, J.; Cikhardt, J.; Klir, D.; Nassisi, V.
We describe the radiofrequency emission taking place when 300 ps laser pulses irradiate various solid targets with an intensity of 1016 W/cm2. The emission of intense electromagnetic pulses was observed outside the laser target chamber by two loop antennas up to 1 GHz. Electromagnetic pulses can be 800 MHz transients, which decay from a peak electromagnetic field of E0 ≊ 7 kV/m and H0 ≊ 15 A/m. The occurrence of these electromagnetic pulses is associated with generation of hard x-rays with photon energies extending beyond 1 MeV. This contribution reports the first observation of this effect at the PALS facility.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kalugin, G. A.; Kabin, K.; Donovan, E.; Spanswick, E.
During substorm expansion phase the electrons and ions with energies of up to 100 keV appear in the near-Earth magnetotail. Often, this increase occurs simultaneously for a broad range of particle energies; such events are called dispersionless injections (DIs). Explanations of DIs usually relay on some form of an earthward propagating electromagnetic pulse, which is capable of effectively energizing an initial distribution of electrons and ions. Most of the previous models of such pulses were developed for the equatorial plane only. We propose a new model of an electromagnetic pulse which is two-dimensional in the meridional plane. Electric and magnetic fields in the pulse are calculated self-consistently and satisfy Maxwell's equations. We use realistic time-independent stretched magnetic field as the background. Our model has several adjustable parameters, such as the speed of the pulse propagation, its amplitude and spatial extent, which makes it versatile enough to investigate effects of the pulse characteristics on the particle energization. We present and discuss several examples of particle energization in our model and find that in some cases the energies of the seed electrons can increase by a factor of 10 or more. Two-dimensional nature of our model allows us to visualize the motion of the field lines in the meridional plane associated with the travelling electromagnetic pulse and to calculate the ionospheric footprints of the particle dynamics in the equatorial plane.
effective tool in evaluating IMI. A5.2.2 Shipboard internal electromagnetic environment (EME). For ship applications, electric fields (peak V/m-rms...effects waveform parameters ........................................ 9 MIL-STD-464A v CONTENTS Page TABLES 2B Electromagnetic fields from near...blasting of hardware. 3.8 Lightning indirect effects. Electrical transients induced by lightning due to coupling of electromagnetic fields . 3.9
Liquid-Metal-Fed Pulsed Electromagnetic Thrusters For In-Space Propulsion
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Markusic, T. E.
We describe three pulsed electromagnetic thruster concepts, which span four orders of magnitude in power processing capability (100 W to >100 kW), for in-space propulsion applications. The primary motivation for using a pulsed system is to is to enable high (instantaneous) power operation, which provides high acceleration efficiency, while using considerably less (continuous) power from the spacecraft power system. Unfortunately, conventional pulsed thrusters require failure-prone electrical switches and gas-puff valves. The series of thrusters described here directly address this problem, through the use of liquid metal propellant, by either eliminating both components or providing less taxing operational requirements, thus yielding a path toward both efficient and reliable pulsed electromagnetic thrusters. The emphasis of this paper is to conceptually describe each of the thruster concepts; however, initial test results with gallium propellant in one thruster geometry are presented. These tests reveal that a greater understanding of gallium material compatibility, contamination, and wetting behavior will be necessary before a completely functional thruster can be developed. Initial experimental results aimed at providing insight into these issues are presented.
Interaction of free charged particles with a chirped electromagnetic pulse.
Khachatryan, A G; van Goor, F A; Boller, K-J
We study the effect of chirp on electromagnetic (EM) pulse interaction with a charged particle. Both the one-dimensional (1D) and 3D cases are considered. It is found that, in contrast to the case of a nonchirped pulse, the charged particle energy can be changed after the interaction with a 1D EM chirped pulse. Different types of chirp and pulse envelopes are considered. In the case of small chirp, an analytical expression is found for arbitrary temporal profiles of the chirp and the pulse envelope. In the 3D case, the interaction with a chirped pulse results in a polarization-dependent scattering of charged particles.
Mitigation of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Effects from Short-Pulse Lasers and Fusion Neutrons
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Eder, D C; Throop, A; Brown, Jr., C G
Our research focused on obtaining a fundamental understanding of the source and properties of EMP at the Titan PW(petawatt)-class laser facility. The project was motivated by data loss and damage to components due to EMP, which can limit diagnostic techniques that can be used reliably at short-pulse PW-class laser facilities. Our measurements of the electromagnetic fields, using a variety of probes, provide information on the strength, time duration, and frequency dependence of the EMP. We measure electric field strengths in the 100's of kV/m range, durations up to 100 ns, and very broad frequency response extending out to 5 GHzmore » and possibly beyond. This information is being used to design shielding to mitigate the effects of EMP on components at various laser facilities. We showed the need for well-shielded cables and oscilloscopes to obtain high quality data. Significant work was invested in data analysis techniques to process this data. This work is now being transferred to data analysis procedures for the EMP diagnostics being fielded on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). In addition to electromagnetic field measurements, we measured the spatial and energy distribution of electrons escaping from targets. This information is used as input into the 3D electromagnetic code, EMSolve, which calculates time dependent electromagnetic fields. The simulation results compare reasonably well with data for both the strength and broad frequency bandwidth of the EMP. This modeling work required significant improvements in EMSolve to model the fields in the Titan chamber generated by electrons escaping the target. During dedicated Titan shots, we studied the effects of varying laser energy, target size, and pulse duration on EMP properties. We also studied the effect of surrounding the target with a thick conducting sphere and cube as a potential mitigation approach. System generated EMP (SGEMP) in coaxial cables does not appear to be a significant at Titan. Our
The 1991 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, volume 1
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The proceedings of the 1991 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity are reported. Some of the topics covered include: lightning, lightning suppression, aerospace vehicles, aircraft safety, flight safety, aviation meteorology, thunderstorms, atmospheric electricity, warning systems, weather forecasting, electromagnetic coupling, electrical measurement, electrostatics, aircraft hazards, flight hazards, meteorological parameters, cloud (meteorology), ground effect, electric currents, lightning equipment, electric fields, measuring instruments, electrical grounding, and aircraft instruments.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Srivastava, Abhay; Tian, Ye; Qie, Xiushu; Wang, Dongfang; Sun, Zhuling; Yuan, Shanfeng; Wang, Yu; Chen, Zhixiong; Xu, Wenjing; Zhang, Hongbo; Jiang, Rubin; Su, Debin
The performances of Beijing Lightning Network (BLNET) operated in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban cluster area have been evaluated in terms of detection efficiency and relative location accuracy. A self-reference method has been used to show the detection efficiency of BLNET, for which fast antenna waveforms have been manually examined. Based on the fast antenna verification, the average detection efficiency of BLNET is 97.4% for intracloud (IC) flashes, 73.9% for cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes and 93.2% for the total flashes. Result suggests the CG detection of regional dense network is highly precise when the thunderstorm passes over the network; however it changes day to day when the thunderstorms are outside the network. Further, the CG stroke data from three different lightning location networks across Beijing are compared. The relative detection efficiency of World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) and Chinese Meteorology Administration - Lightning Detection Network (CMA-LDN, also known as ADTD) are approximately 12.4% (16.8%) and 36.5% (49.4%), respectively, comparing with fast antenna (BLNET). The location of BLNET is in middle, while WWLLN and CMA-LDN average locations are southeast and northwest, respectively. Finally, the IC pulses and CG return stroke pulses have been compared with the S-band Doppler radar. This type of study is useful to know the approximate situation in a region and improve the performance of lightning location networks in the absence of ground truth. Two lightning flashes occurred on tower in the coverage of BLNET show that the horizontal location error was 52.9 m and 250 m, respectively.
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on benign prostate hyperplasia.
Giannakopoulos, Xenophon K; Giotis, Christos; Karkabounas, Spyridon Ch; Verginadis, Ioannis I; Simos, Yannis V; Peschos, Dimitrios; Evangelou, Angelos M
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) has been treated with various types of electromagnetic radiation methods such as transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), interstitial laser therapy (ILC), holmium laser resection (HoLRP). In the present study, the effects of a noninvasive method based on the exposure of patients with BPH to a pulsative EM Field at radiofrequencies have been investigated. Twenty patients with BPH, aging 68-78 years old (y.o), were enrolled in the study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: the treatment group (10 patients, 74.0 ± 5.7 y.o) treated with the α-blocker Alfusosin, 10 mg/24 h for at least 4 weeks, and the electromagnetic group (10 patients, 73.7 ± 6.3 y.o) exposed for 2 weeks in a very short wave duration, pulsed electromagnetic field at radiofrequencies generated by an ion magnetic inductor, for 30 min daily, 5 consecutive days per week. Patients of both groups were evaluated before and after drug and EMF treatment by values of total PSA and prostatic PSA fraction, acid phosphate, U/S estimation of prostate volume and urine residue, urodynamic estimation of urine flow rate, and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). There was a statistically significant decrease before and after treatment of IPSS (P < 0.02), U/S prostate volume (P < 0.05), and urine residue (P < 0.05), as well as of mean urine flow rate (P < 0.05) in patients of the electromagnetic group, in contrast to the treatment group who had only improved IPSS (P < 0.05). There was also a significant improvement in clinical symptoms in patients of the electromagnetic group. Follow-up of the patients of this group for one year revealed that results obtained by EMFs treatment are still remaining. Pulsed electromagnetic field at radiofrequencies may benefit patients with benign prostate hyperplasia treated by a non-invasive method.
Isanin, A V; Bulanov, S S; Kamenets, F F; Pegoraro, F
During the interaction of a low-frequency relativistic soliton with the electron density modulations of a wake plasma wave, part of the electromagnetic energy of the soliton is reflected in the form of an extremely short and ultraintense electromagnetic pulse. We calculate the spectra of the reflected and of the transmitted electromagnetic pulses analytically. The reflected wave has the form of a single cycle attosecond pulse.
Wright, David L.; Watts, Raymond D.; Bramsoe, Erik
Hole-to-hole observations were made through nearly 20 m of granite using an electromagnetic transponder (an active reflector) in one borehole and a single-hole short-pulse radar in another. The transponder is inexpensive, operationally simple, and effective in extending the capability of a short-pulse borehole radar system to allow hole-to-hole operation without requiring timing cables. A detector in the transponder senses the arrival of each pulse from the radar. Each pulse detection triggers a kilovolt-amplitude pulse for retransmission. The transponder 'echo' may be stronger than that of a passive reflector by a factor of as much as 120 db. The result is an increase in range capability by a factor which depends on attenuation in the medium and hole-to-hole wavepath geometry.
Test Report: Direct and Indirect Lightning Effects on Composite Materials
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Evans, R. W.
Lightning tests were performed on composite materials as a part of an investigation of electromagnetic effects on the materials. Samples were subjected to direct and remote simulated lightning strikes. Samples included various thicknesses of graphite filament reinforced plastic (GFRP), material enhanced by expanded aluminum foil layers, and material with an aluminum honeycomb core. Shielding properties of the material and damage to the sample surfaces and joints were investigated. Adding expanded aluminum foil layers and increasing the thickness of GFRP improves the shielding effectiveness against lightning induced fields and the ability to withstand lightning strikes. A report describing the lightning strike tests performed by the U.S. Army Redstone Technical Test Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL, STERT-TE-E-EM, is included as an appendix.
Shaping metallic glasses by electromagnetic pulsing
Kaltenboeck, Georg; Demetriou, Marios D.; Roberts, Scott; Johnson, William L.
With damage tolerance rivalling advanced engineering alloys and thermoplastic forming capabilities analogous to conventional plastics, metallic glasses are emerging as a modern engineering material. Here, we take advantage of their unique electrical and rheological properties along with the classic Lorentz force concept to demonstrate that electromagnetic coupling of electric current and a magnetic field can thermoplastically shape a metallic glass without conventional heating sources or applied mechanical forces. Specifically, we identify a process window where application of an electric current pulse in the presence of a normally directed magnetic field can ohmically heat a metallic glass to a softened state, while simultaneously inducing a large enough magnetic body force to plastically shape it. The heating and shaping is performed on millisecond timescales, effectively bypassing crystallization producing fully amorphous-shaped parts. This electromagnetic forming approach lays the groundwork for a versatile, time- and energy-efficient manufacturing platform for ultrastrong metals. PMID:26853460
[Study of microorganism sterilization by instant microwave and electromagnetic pulse].
Lu, Zhiyuan; Shi, Pinpin; Zhu, Manzuo; Sun, Wenquan; Ding, Hua; Hou, Jianqiang
The sterilization effects of constant electromagnetic wave and instant pulse on foods and traditional Chinese medical pills are introduced in this paper. From the velum's voltage variation caused by the outward electric filed,the dielectric properties of membranaceous ion and the pass rate of the membranaceous ion, we could analyze the biological heating effect and the biological non-heating effect. The sterilization effect of constant electromagnetic wave is based on the biological heating effect, while the instant electromagnetic pulse is based on the biological non-heating effect. With the applied electronic field, the voltage of membrane could increase, which results in the gates of K+ open, and the flowing out of K+. And the variation of the membranaceous voltage makes the gates of Ca2+ open. The Ca2+ of large consistency could come into the cell by the gradient of voltage. It could induce the death of the cells. The greater the variation of membranaceous voltage becomes, the higher will be the death rate of the cells.
Electromagnetic-Pulse Handbook for Electric Power Systems
penetratlor.s such as communications cables, antenna leads, etc.). (6) Avoid connecting the power neutral and external cable shields to the same point on the...prepared primarily for the power, communications , and systems engineer who must be concerned with the offects of the nuclear electromagnetic pulse on...INTRODUCTION Until a few years ago, the nuclear EMP community gave little attention to commer- cial power systems other than to recommend surge arrestors
Application of Filters for High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Protection
The application of filters for the protection of electrical equipment from electrical transient signals induced by high-altitude electromagnetic ... pulse (HEMP) is discussed, and the application of filters to ac and dc power supplies and analog and digital signal inputs is described. The application
The effects of lightning on digital flight control systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Plumer, J. A.; Malloy, W. A.; Craft, J. B.
Present practices in lightning protection of aircraft deal primarily with the direct effects of lightning, such as structural damage and ignition of fuel vapors. There is increasing evidence of troublesome electromagnetic effects, however, in aircraft employing solid-state microelectronics in critical navigation, instrumentation and control functions. The potential impact of these indirect effects on critical systems such as digital fly by wire (DFBW) flight controls was studied. The results indicate a need for positive steps to be taken during the design of future fly by wire systems to minimize the possibility of hazardous effects from lightning.
Healthcare vulnerabilities to electromagnetic pulse.
Ross, Lenard H; Mihelic, F Matthew
The U.S. healthcare system is particularly vulnerable to the effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack because of the system's technological sophistication, but while national defense planners prepare for the considerable threat that EMP poses, there has been little or no recognition of this threat within the US healthcare community, and neither has there been any significant healthcare planning to deal with such an eventuality. Recognition of the risk presented by EMP, and advance institution of appropriate strategies to mitigate its effects on the healthcare system, could enable the preservation of much of that system's function in the face of EMP-related disruptions, and will greatly further all-hazards disaster preparations.
In situ attosecond pulse characterization techniques to measure the electromagnetic phase
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Spanner, M.; Bertrand, J. B.; Villeneuve, D. M.
A number of techniques have been developed to characterize the attosecond emission from high-order-harmonic sources. These techniques are broadly classified as ex situ, where the attosecond pulse train photoionizes a target gas in the presence of an infrared field, and in situ, where the measurement takes place in the medium in which the attosecond pulses are generated. It is accepted that ex situ techniques measure the characteristics of the electromagnetic field, including the phase of the recombination transition moment of the emitting atom or molecule, when the phase of the second medium is known. However, there is debate about whether in situ techniques measure the electromagnetic field, or only the characteristics of the recolliding electron before recombination occurs. We show numerically that in situ measurements are not sensitive to the recombination phase, when implemented in the perturbative regime as originally envisioned, and that they do not measure the electromagnetic phase of the emission.
Terrestrial gamma-ray flash production by lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Carlson, Brant E.
Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are brief flashes of gamma-rays originating in the Earth's atmosphere and observed by satellites. First observed in 1994 by the Burst And Transient Source Experiment on board the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, TGFs consist of one or more ˜1 ms pulses of gamma-rays with a total fluence of ˜1/cm2, typically observed when the satellite is near active thunderstorms. TGFs have subsequently been observed by other satellites to have a very hard spectrum (harder than dN/d E ∝ 1/ E ) that extends from below 25 keV to above 20 MeV. When good lightning data exists, TGFs are closely associated with measurable lightning discharge. Such discharges are typically observed to occur within 300 km of the sub-satellite point and within several milliseconds of the TGF observation. The production of these intense energetic bursts of photons is the puzzle addressed herein. The presence of high-energy photons implies a source of bremsstrahlung, while bremsstrahlung implies a source of energetic electrons. As TGFs are associated with lightning, fields produced by lightning are naturally suggested to accelerate these electrons. Initial ideas about TGF production involved electric fields high above thunderstorms as suggested by upper atmospheric lightning research and the extreme energies required for lower-altitude sources. These fields, produced either quasi-statically by charges in the cloud and ionosphere or dynamically by radiation from lightning strokes, can indeed drive TGF production, but the requirements on the source lightning are too extreme and therefore not common enough to account for all existing observations. In this work, studies of satellite data, the physics of energetic electron and photon production, and consideration of lightning physics motivate a new mechanism for TGF production by lightning current pulses. This mechanism is then developed and used to make testable predictions. TGF data from satellite observations are compared
Acoustic Manifestations of Natural versus Triggered Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R. O.; Johnson, J. B.; Edens, H. E.; Rison, W.; Thomas, R. J.; Eack, K.; Eastvedt, E. M.; Aulich, G. D.; Trueblood, J.
Positive leaders are rarely detected by VHF lightning detection systems; positive leader channels are usually outlined only by recoil events. Positive cloud-to-ground (CG) channels are usually not mapped. The goal of this work is to study the types of thunder produced by natural versus triggered lightning and to assess which types of thunder signals have electromagnetic activity detected by the lightning mapping array (LMA). Towards this end we are investigating the lightning detection capabilities of acoustic techniques, and comparing them with the LMA. In a previous study we used array beam forming and time of flight information to locate acoustic sources associated with lightning. Even though there was some mismatch, generally LMA and acoustic techniques saw the same phenomena. To increase the database of acoustic data from lightning, we deployed a network of three infrasound arrays (30 m aperture) during the summer of 2010 (August 3 to present) in the Magdalena mountains of New Mexico, to monitor infrasound (below 20 Hz) and audio range sources due to natural and triggered lightning. The arrays were located at a range of distances (60 to 1400 m) surrounding the triggering site, called the Kiva, used by Langmuir Laboratory to launch rockets. We have continuous acoustic measurements of lightning data from July 20 to September 18 of 2009, and from August 3 to September 1 of 2010. So far, lightning activity around the Kiva was higher during the summer of 2009. We will present acoustic data from several interesting lightning flashes including a comparison between a natural and a triggered one.
AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0365 Long Wavelength Electromagnetic Light Bullets Generated by a 10.6 micron CO2 Ultrashort Pulsed Source Jerome Moloney...SUBTITLE "Long Wavelength Electromagnetic Light Bullets Generated by a 10.6 micron CO2 Ultrashort Pulsed Source 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA9550-15-1-0272> Subject: Final Report to Dr. Arje Nachman Contract/Grant Title: Long Wavelength Electromagnetic Light Bullets Generated by a 10.6
Development Status of Optical and Electromagnetic Instruments onboard JEM-GLIMS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, Mitsuteru; Ushio, Tomoo; Morimoto, Takeshi; Suzuki, Makoto; Yamazaki, Atsushi; Ishida, Ryohei; Takahashi, Yukihiro; Hobara, Yasuhide; Sakamoto, Yuji; Yoshita, Kengo
In order to study the generation mechanism of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs), global oc-currence rates and distributions of lightning and TLEs, and the relationship between lightning, TLEs and Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs), we will carry out the lightning and TLE observation at Exposed Facility of Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EF) of International Space Station (ISS). In this mission named JEM-GLIMS (Global Lightning and sprIte Mea-surementS on JEM-EF) two kinds of optical instruments and two sets of radio receivers will be integrated into the Multi mission Consolidated Equipment (MCE) which is the bus system and will be installed at JEM-EF. The optical instruments consist of two wide FOV CMOS cameras and six wide FOV photometers, and all these optical instruments are pointed to the nadir direction. CMOS cameras named LSI (Lightning and Sprite Imager) use the STAR-250 device as a detector, which has 512x512 pixels and 25x25 µm pixel size, and have 28.3x28.3 deg. FOV. One CMOS camera with a wide band filter (730-830 nm) mainly measures lightning emission, while another camera with a narrowband filter (766+/-6 nm) mainly measures TLE emission. Five of six photometers named as PH have 42.7 deg. FOV and use photomultiplier tube (PMT) as a photon detector. They equip band-pass filters (150-280 nm, 316+/-5 nm, 337+/-5 nm, 392+/-5 nm, and 762+/-5 nm) for the absolute intensity measurement of the TLE emission. One of six photometers equips a wide-band filter (600-900 nm) to detect light-ning occurring within 86.8 deg. FOV. These output signals will be recorded with the sampling frequency of 20 kHz with a 12-bit resolution. One of two electromagnetic instruments is a VLF receiver (VLFR), which measures electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 1-40 kHz with 16-bit resolution. Another instrument is VHF interferometer (VITF), which measures VHF pulses generated lightning discharge in the frequency range of 70-100 MHz. JEM-GIMS will be launched in 2011. We
Runaway breakdown and hydrometeors in lightning initiation.
Gurevich, A V; Karashtin, A N
The particular electric pulse discharges are observed in thunderclouds during the initiation stage of negative cloud-to-ground lightning. The discharges are quite different from conventional streamers or leaders. A detailed analysis reveals that the shape of the pulses is determined by the runaway breakdown of air in the thundercloud electric field initiated by extensive atmospheric showers (RB-EAS). The high amplitude of the pulse electric current is due to the multiple microdischarges at hydrometeors stimulated and synchronized by the low-energy electrons generated in the RB-EAS process. The series of specific pulse discharges leads to charge reset from hydrometeors to the free ions and creates numerous stretched ion clusters, both positive and negative. As a result, a wide region in the thundercloud with a sufficiently high fractal ion conductivity is formed. The charge transport by ions plays a decisive role in the lightning leader preconditioning.
EMPTAC (Electromagnetic Pulse Test Aircraft) user's guide
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cleaveland, Dale R.; Burkhard, Avery
This guide was established to give test managers a way to familiarize themselves with the Air Force Weapons Laboratory's electromagnetic pulse (EMP) test aircraft program located at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), New Mexico. Brief descriptions of the available EMP test facilities at KAFB are also included. This guide should give prospective customers (users) adequate information to scope the magnitude of their test effort and to accomplish general planning without extensive involvement in test execution details.
New Physical Mechanism for Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Artekha, Sergey N.; Belyan, Andrey V.
The article is devoted to electromagnetic phenomena in the atmosphere. The set of experimental data on the thunderstorm activity is analyzed. It helps to identify a possible physical mechanism of lightning flashes. This mechanism can involve the formation of metallic bonds in thunderclouds. The analysis of the problem is performed at a microphysical level within the framework of quantum mechanics. The mechanism of appearance of metallic conductivity includes the resonant tunneling of electrons along resonance-percolation trajectories. Such bonds allow the charges from the vast cloud charged subsystems concentrate quickly in lightning channel. The formation of metal bonds in the thunderstorm cloudiness is described as the second-order phase transition. A successive mechanism for the process of formation and development of the lightning channel is suggested. This mechanism is associated with the change in the orientation of crystals in growing electric field. Possible consequences of the quantum-mechanical mechanism under discussion are compared with the results of observations.
Spectra for the reemission of attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses by multielectron atoms
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Makarov, D. N.; Matveev, V. I.
Based on the analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation, we have considered the reemission of attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses by multielectron atoms in the sudden perturbation approximation. We have developed a technique of calculating the spectra for the reemission of attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses by neutral multielectron atoms with nuclear charges from 1 to 92. The results are presented in the form of analytical formulas dependent on several coefficients and screening parameters tabulated for all of the atoms whose electron densities are described by the well-known Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater model. As examples we have calculated the spectra for the reemission by lithium, carbon, calcium, and iron atoms for two types of incident pulse: Gaussian and "sombrero."
Characteristics of Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation in Metal
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Namkung, M.; Wincheski, B.; Nath, S.; Fulton, J. P.
It is well known that the solution of the diffusion equation for an electromagnetic field with a time harmonic term, e(sup iwt), is in the form of a traveling wave whose amplitude attenuates over distance into a conducting medium. As the attenuation is an increasing function of frequency, the high frequency components attenuate more rapidly than those of low ones upon entering a well conducting object. At the same time, the phase velocity of an individual component is also an increasing function of frequency causing a broadening of the pulse traveling inside a conductor. In the results of our previous study of numerical simulations, the problem of using a gaussian input pulse was immediately clear. First, having the dominant frequency components distributed around zero, the movement of the peak was not well defined. Second, with the amplitude of fourier components varying slowly over a wide range, the dispersion-induced blurring of the peak position was seen to be severe. For the present study, we have used a gaussian modulated single frequency sinusoidal wave, i. e., the carrier, as an input pulse in an effort to improve the issues related to the unclear movement of peak and dispersion as described above. This was based on the following two anticipated advantages: First, the packet moves in a conductor at the group velocity calculated at the carrier frequency, which means it is well controllable. Second, the amplitude of frequency components other than that of the carrier can be almost negligible, such that the effect of dispersion can be significantly reduced. A series of experiments of transmitting electromagnetic pulses through aluminum plates of various thickness was performed to test the validity of the above points. The results of numerical simulation based on wave propagation are discussed with respect to the experimental results. Finally, a simple simulation was performed based on diffusion of a continuous sine wave input and the results are compared with
Numerical simulation of the early-time high altitude electromagnetic pulse
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meng, Cui; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Liu, Shun-Kun; Xie, Qin-Chuan; Chen, Xiang-Yue; Gong, Jian-Cheng
In this paper, the finite difference method is used to develop the Fortran software MCHII. The physical process in which the electromagnetic signal is generated by the interaction of nuclear-explosion-induced Compton currents with the geomagnetic field is numerically simulated. The electromagnetic pulse waveforms below the burst point are investigated. The effects of the height of burst, yield and the time-dependence of gamma-rays are calculated by using the MCHII code. The results agree well with those obtained by using the code CHAP.
Electromagnetic Environment Due To A Pulsed Moving Conductor
ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT DUE TO A PULSED MOVING CONDUCTOR Ira Kohlberg Kohl berg Associates, Inc., 11308 South Shore Road, Reston, VA 20190...PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Kohlberg Associates, Inc., 11308 South Shore Road, Reston, VA 20190 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION this analysis but can readily be computed using the techniques developed in this study. REFERENCES I. I. Kohlberg , A. Zielinski, and C. Le
Electro-Optic Generation and Detection of Femtosecond Electromagnetic Pulses
electromagnetic pulses from an electro - optic crystal following their generation by electro - optic Cherenkov radiation, and their subsequent propagation and free space; (4) The measurement of subpicosecond electrical response of a new organic electrooptic material (polymer); (5) The observation of terahertz transition radiation from the surfaces of electro - optic crystals.
Modern concepts of treatment and prevention of lightning injuries.
Edlich, Richard F; Farinholt, Heidi-Marie A; Winters, Kathryne L; Britt, L D; Long, William B
Lightning is the second most common cause of weather-related death in the United States. Lightning is a natural atmospheric discharge that occurs between regions of net positive and net negative electric charges. There are several types of lightning, including streak lightning, sheet lightning, ribbon lightning, bead lightning, and ball lightning. Lightning causes injury through five basic mechanisms: direct strike, flash discharge (splash), contact, ground current (step voltage), and blunt trauma. While persons struck by lightning show evidence of multisystem derangement, the most dramatic effects involve the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Cardiopulmonary arrest is the most common cause of death in lightning victims. Immediate resuscitation of people struck by lightning greatly affects the prognosis. Electrocardiographic changes observed following lightning accidents are probably from primary electric injury or burns of the myocardium without coronary artery occlusion. Lightning induces vasomotor spasm from direct sympathetic stimulation resulting in severe loss of pulses in the extremities. This vasoconstriction may be associated with transient paralysis. Damage to the central nervous system accounts for the second most debilitating group of injuries. Central nervous system injuries from lightning include amnesia and confusion, immediate loss of consciousness, weakness, intracranial injuries, and even brief aphasia. Other organ systems injured by lightning include the eye, ear, gastrointestinal system, skin, and musculoskeletal system. The best treatment of lightning injuries is prevention. The Lightning Safety Guidelines devised by the Lightning Safety Group should be instituted in the United States and other nations to prevent these devastating injuries.
Regulatory Guidance for Lightning Protection in Nuclear Power Plants
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kisner, Roger A; Wilgen, John B; Ewing, Paul D
Abstract - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was engaged by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) to develop the technical basis for regulatory guidance to address design and implementation practices for lightning protection systems in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Lightning protection is becoming increasingly important with the advent of digital and low-voltage analog systems in NPPs. These systems have the potential to be more vulnerable than older analog systems to the resulting power surges and electromagnetic interference (EMI) when lightning strikes facilities or power lines. This paper discusses the technical basis for guidance tomore » licensees and applicants covered in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.204, Guidelines for Lightning Protection of Nuclear Power Plants, issued August 2005. RG 1.204 describes guidance for practices that are acceptable to the NRC staff for protecting nuclear power structures and systems from direct lightning strikes and the resulting secondary effects.« less
Regulatory guidance for lightning protection in nuclear power plants
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kisner, R. A.; Wilgen, J. B.; Ewing, P. D.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was engaged by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) to develop the technical basis for regulatory guidance to address design and implementation practices for lightning protection systems in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Lightning protection is becoming increasingly important with the advent of digital and low-voltage analog systems in NPPs. These systems have the potential to be more vulnerable than older analog systems to the resulting power surges and electromagnetic interference (EMI) when lightning strikes facilities or power lines. This paper discusses the technical basis for guidance to licensees andmore » applicants covered in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.204, Guidelines for Lightning Protection of Nuclear Power Plants, issued August 2005. RG 1.204 describes guidance for practices that are acceptable to the NRC staff for protecting nuclear power structures and systems from direct lightning strikes and the resulting secondary effects. (authors)« less
Coupling of Gaussian electromagnetic pulse into a muscle-bone model of biological structure.
Lin, J C; Lam, C K
The effect of angle of incidence on the transmission electromagnetic pulse with Gaussion character in biological material is studied. The model assumed is a layer of soft tissue over a semi-infinite medium of boney structure governed by alpha dispersion. The numerical results demonstrate that the transmitted pulse strength is the greatest when the pulse is incident normally on the air-tissue interface. The coupling efficiency for a one microsecond pulse is three times as big as that for a ten microsecond pulse.
Electromagnetically induced disintegration and polarization plane rotation of laser pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Parshkov, Oleg M.; Budyak, Victoria V.; Kochetkova, Anastasia E.
The numerical simulation results of disintegration effect of linear polarized shot probe pulses of electromagnetically induced transparency in the counterintuitive superposed linear polarized control field are presented. It is shown, that this disintegration occurs, if linear polarizations of interacting pulses are not parallel or mutually perpendicular. In case of weak input probe field the polarization of one probe pulse in the medium is parallel, whereas the polarization of another probe pulse is perpendicular to polarization direction of input control radiation. The concerned effect is analogous to the effect, which must to take place when short laser pulse propagates along main axes of biaxial crystal because of group velocity of normal mod difference. The essential difference of probe pulse disintegration and linear process in biaxial crystal is that probe pulse preserves linear polarization in all stages of propagation. The numerical simulation is performed for scheme of degenerated quantum transitions between 3P0 , 3P01 and 3P2 energy levels of 208Pb isotope.
The Sandia transportable triggered lightning instrumentation facility
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schnetzer, George H.; Fisher, Richard J.
Development of the Sandia Transportable Triggered Lightning Instrumentation Facility (SATTLIF) was motivated by a requirement for the in situ testing of a munitions storage bunker. Transfer functions relating the incident flash currents to voltages, currents, and electromagnetic field values throughout the structure will be obtained for use in refining and validating a lightning response computer model of this type of structure. A preliminary shakedown trial of the facility under actual operational conditions was performed during summer of 1990 at the Kennedy Space Center's (KSC) rocket-triggered lightning test site. A description is given of the SATTLIF, which is readily transportable on a single flatbed truck of by aircraft, and its instrumentation for measuring incident lightning channel currents and the responses of the systems under test. Measurements of return-stroke current peaks obtained with the SATTLIF are presented. Agreement with data acquired on the same flashes with existing KSC instrumentation is, on average, to within approximately 7 percent. Continuing currents were measured with a resolution of approximately 2.5 A. This field trial demonstrated the practicality of using a transportable triggered lightning facility for specialized test applications.
The Interferometric View of Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stock, M.; Lapierre, J. L.
Recent advances in off the shelf high-speed digitizers has enabled vast improvements in broadband, digital VHF interferometers. These simple instruments consist of 3 or more VHF antennas distributed in an array which are then digitized at a speed above the Nyquist frequency of the antenna bandwidth (usually 200+ MHz). Broadband interferometers are capable of creating very detailed maps of lightning, with time resolution better than 1us, and angular resolution only limited by their baseline lengths. This is combined with high sensitivity, and the ability to locate both continuously emitting and impulsive radiation sources. They are not without their limitations though. Because the baselines are relatively short, the maps are only 2-dimensional (direction to the source), unless many antennas are used only a single VHF radiation source can be located at any instant, and because the antennas are almost always arranged in a planar array they are better suited for observing lightning at high elevation angles. Even though imperfect, VHF interferometers provide one of the most detailed views of the behavior of lightning flashes inside a cloud. This presentation will present the overall picture of in-cloud lightning as seen by VHF interferometers. Most flashes can be split into 3 general phases of activity. Phase 1 is the initiation phase, covering all activity until the negative leader completes its vertical extension, and includes both lightning initiation and initial breakdown pulses. Phase 2 is the active phase and includes all activity during the horizontal extension of the negative leader. During Phase 2, any K-processes which occur tend to be short in duration and extent. Phase 3 is the final phase, and includes all activity after the negative leader stops propagating. During Phase 3, the conductivity of the lightning channels starts to decline, and extensive K-processes are seen which traverse the entire channel structure, this is also the period in which regular
Full circuit calculation for electromagnetic pulse transmission in a high current facility
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zou, Wenkang; Guo, Fan; Chen, Lin; Song, Shengyi; Wang, Meng; Xie, Weiping; Deng, Jianjun
We describe herein for the first time a full circuit model for electromagnetic pulse transmission in the Primary Test Stand (PTS)—the first TW class pulsed power driver in China. The PTS is designed to generate 8-10 MA current into a z -pinch load in nearly 90 ns rise time for inertial confinement fusion and other high energy density physics research. The PTS facility has four conical magnetic insulation transmission lines, in which electron current loss exists during the establishment of magnetic insulation. At the same time, equivalent resistance of switches and equivalent inductance of pinch changes with time. However, none of these models are included in a commercially developed circuit code so far. Therefore, in order to characterize the electromagnetic transmission process in the PTS, a full circuit model, in which switch resistance, magnetic insulation transmission line current loss and a time-dependent load can be taken into account, was developed. Circuit topology and an equivalent circuit model of the facility were introduced. Pulse transmission calculation of shot 0057 was demonstrated with the corresponding code FAST (full-circuit analysis and simulation tool) by setting controllable parameters the same as in the experiment. Preliminary full circuit simulation results for electromagnetic pulse transmission to the load are presented. Although divergences exist between calculated and experimentally obtained waveforms before the vacuum section, consistency with load current is satisfactory, especially at the rising edge.
Looking into Generator Room, showing electromagnetic pulse (EMP) filter boxes ...
Looking into Generator Room, showing electromagnetic pulse (EMP) filter boxes mounted above door - Beale Air Force Base, Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased-Array Warning System, Power Plant, End of Spencer Paul Road, north of Warren Shingle Road (14th Street), Marysville, Yuba County, CA
Ke, Yin-Lung; Chang, Fu-Yu; Chen, Ming-Kun; Li, Shun-Lai; Jang, Ling-Sheng
Energy medicine (EM) provides a new medical choice for patients, and its advantages are the noninvasive detection and nondrug treatment. An electromagnetic signal, a kind of EM, induced from antibiotic coupling with weak, extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) is utilized for investigating the growth speed of Escherichia coli (E. coli). PEMFs are produced by solenoidal coils for coupling the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics (penicillin). The growth retardation rate (GRR) of E. coli is used to investigate the efficacy of the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics. The E. coli is cultivated in the exposure of PEMFs coupling with the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics. The maximum GRR of PEMFs with and without the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics on the growth of E. coli cells in the logarithmic is 17.4 and 9.08%, respectively. The electromagnetic signal of antibiotics is successfully coupled by the electromagnetic signal coupling instrument to affect the growth of E. coli. In addition, the retardation effect on E. coli growth can be improved of by changing the carrier frequency of PEMFs coupling with the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics. GRR caused by the electromagnetic signal of antibiotics can be fixed by a different carrier frequency in a different phase of E. coli growth.
Force-free electromagnetic pulses in a laboratory plasma
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stenzel, R. L.; Urrutia, J. M.
A short, intense current pulse is drawn from an electrode immersed in a magnetized afterglow plasma. The induced magnetic field B(r,t) assumes the shape of a helical double vortex which propagates along B(0) through the uniform plasma as a whistler mode. The observations support a prediction of force-free (J x B + neE = 0) electromagnetic fields and solitary waves. Energy and helicity are approximately conserved.
A system for mapping sources of VHF and electric field pulses from in-cloud lightning at KSC
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomson, Ewen M.; Medelius, Pedro J.
The literature concerning VHF radiation and wideband electric fields from in-cloud lightning is reviewed. VHF location systems give impressive radio images of lightning in clouds with high spatial and temporal resolution. Using systems based on long and short baseline time-or-arrival and interferometry, workers have detected VHF sources that move at speeds of 10(exp 5) to 10(exp 8) m/s. The more slowly moving sources appear to be associated with channel formation but the physical basis for the higher speeds is not clear. In contrast, wideband electric fields are directly related to physical parameters such as current and tortuosity. A long baseline system is described to measure simultaneously VHF radiation and wideband electric fields at five stations at Kennedy Space Center. All signals are detected over remote, isolated ground planes with fiber optics for data transmission. The modification of this system to map rapidly varying dE/dt pulses is discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Makarov, D. N.; Matveev, V. I.
Inelastic processes and the reemission of attosecond and shorter electromagnetic pulses by atoms have been considered within the analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation in the sudden perturbation approximation. A method of calculations with the exact inclusion of spatial inhomogeneity of the field of an ultrashort pulse and the momenta of photons in the reemission processes has been developed. The probabilities of inelastic processes and spectra of reemission of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses by one- and many-electron atoms have been calculated. The results have been presented in the form of analytical formulas.
Elgohary, Hany M; Tantawy, Sayed A
[Purpose] To investigate the effect of pulsed electromagnetic field with or without exercise therapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. [Subjects and Methods] Sixty male patients aged 55–65 years with benign prostatic hyperplasia were invited to participate in this study. Patients were randomly assigned to Group A (n=20; patients who received pulsed electromagnetic field in addition to pelvic floor and aerobic exercises), Group B (n=20; patients who received pulsed electromagnetic field), and Group C (n=20; patients who received placebo electromagnetic field). The assessments included post-void residual urine, urine flow rate, prostate specific antigen, white blood cells count, and International Prostate Symptom Score were weighed, before and after a 4-week intervention. [Results] There were significant differences in Group A and B in all parameters. Group C showed non-significant differences in all measured variables except for International Prostate Symptom Score. Among groups, all parameters showed highly significant differences in favor of Group A. There were non-significant differences between Group A and B and significant difference between Groups A and C and between Groups B and C. [Conclusion] The present study demonstrated that electromagnetic field had a significant impact on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Accordingly, electromagnetic field can be utilized alone or in combination with other physiotherapy modalities. Moreover, clinicians should have the capacity to perceive the advantages accomplished using extra treatment alternatives. Electromagnetic field is a safe, noninvasive method and can be used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. PMID:28878453
XUV and x-ray elastic scattering of attosecond electromagnetic pulses on atoms
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rosmej, F. B.; Astapenko, V. A.; Lisitsa, V. S.
Elastic scattering of electromagnetic pulses on atoms in XUV and soft x-ray ranges is considered for ultra-short pulses. The inclusion of the retardation term, non-dipole interaction and an efficient scattering tensor approximation allowed studying the scattering probability in dependence of the pulse duration for different carrier frequencies. Numerical calculations carried out for Mg, Al and Fe atoms demonstrate that the scattering probability is a highly nonlinear function of the pulse duration and has extrema for pulse carrier frequencies in the vicinity of the resonance-like features of the polarization charge spectrum. Closed expressions for the non-dipole correction and the angular dependence of the scattered radiation are obtained.
Parameters of triggered-lightning flashes in Florida and Alabama
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fisher, R. J.; Schnetzer, G. H.; Thottappillil, R.; Rakov, V. A.; Uman, M. A.; Goldberg, J. D.
Channel base currents from triggered lightning were measured at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida, during summer 1990 and at Fort McClellan, Alabama, during summer 1991. Additionally, 16-mm cinematic records with 3- or 5-ms resolution were obtained for all flashes, and streak camera records were obtained for three of the Florida flashes. The 17 flashes analyzed here contained 69 strokes, all lowering negative charge from cloud to ground. Statistics on interstroke interval, no-current interstroke interval, total stroke duration, total stroke charge, total stroke action integral (∫ i2dt), return stroke current wave front characteristics, time to half peak value, and return stroke peak current are presented. Return stroke current pulses, characterized by rise times of the order of a few microseconds or less and peak values in the range of 4 to 38 kA, were found not to occur until after any preceding current at the bottom of the lightning channel fell below the noise level of less than 2 A. Current pulses associated with M components, characterized by slower rise times (typically tens to hundreds of microseconds) and peak values generally smaller than those of the return stroke pulses, occurred during established channel current flow of some tens to some hundreds of amperes. A relatively strong positive correlation was found between return stroke current average rate of rise and current peak. There was essentially no correlation between return stroke current peak and 10-90% rise time or between return stroke peak and the width of the current waveform at half of its peak value. Parameters of the lightning flashes triggered in Florida and Alabama are similar to each other but are different from those of triggered lightning recorded in New Mexico during the 1981 Thunderstorm Research International Program. Continuing currents that follow return stroke current peaks and last for more than 10 ms exhibit a variety of wave shapes that we have subdivided into four
Ultrashort laser pulses and electromagnetic pulse generation in air and on dielectric surfaces.
Sprangle, P; Peñano, J R; Hafizi, B; Kapetanakos, C A
Intense, ultrashort laser pulses propagating in the atmosphere have been observed to emit sub-THz electromagnetic pulses (EMPS). The purpose of this paper is to analyze EMP generation from the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with air and with dielectric surfaces and to determine the efficiency of conversion of laser energy to EMP energy. In our self-consistent model the laser pulse partially ionizes the medium, forms a plasma filament, and through the ponderomotive forces associated with the laser pulse, drives plasma currents which are the source of the EMP. The propagating laser pulse evolves under the influence of diffraction, Kerr focusing, plasma defocusing, and energy depletion due to electron collisions and ionization. Collective effects and recombination processes are also included in the model. The duration of the EMP in air, at a fixed point, is found to be a few hundred femtoseconds, i.e., on the order of the laser pulse duration plus the electron collision time. For steady state laser pulse propagation the flux of EMP energy is nonradiative and axially directed. Radiative EMP energy is present only for nonsteady state or transient laser pulse propagation. The analysis also considers the generation of EMP on the surface of a dielectric on which an ultrashort laser pulse is incident. For typical laser parameters, the power and energy conversion efficiency from laser radiation to EMP radiation in both air and from dielectric surfaces is found to be extremely small, < 10(-8). Results of full-scale, self-consistent, numerical simulations of atmospheric and dielectric surface EMP generation are presented. A recent experiment on atmospheric EMP generation is also simulated.
Prevalent lightning sferics at 600 megahertz near Jupiter's poles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brown, Shannon; Janssen, Michael; Adumitroaie, Virgil; Atreya, Sushil; Bolton, Scott; Gulkis, Samuel; Ingersoll, Andrew; Levin, Steven; Li, Cheng; Li, Liming; Lunine, Jonathan; Misra, Sidharth; Orton, Glenn; Steffes, Paul; Tabataba-Vakili, Fachreddin; Kolmašová, Ivana; Imai, Masafumi; Santolík, Ondřej; Kurth, William; Hospodarsky, George; Gurnett, Donald; Connerney, John
Lightning has been detected on Jupiter by all visiting spacecraft through night-side optical imaging and whistler (lightning-generated radio waves) signatures1-6. Jovian lightning is thought to be generated in the mixed-phase (liquid-ice) region of convective water clouds through a charge-separation process between condensed liquid water and water-ice particles, similar to that of terrestrial (cloud-to-cloud) lightning7-9. Unlike terrestrial lightning, which emits broadly over the radio spectrum up to gigahertz frequencies10,11, lightning on Jupiter has been detected only at kilohertz frequencies, despite a search for signals in the megahertz range12. Strong ionospheric attenuation or a lightning discharge much slower than that on Earth have been suggested as possible explanations for this discrepancy13,14. Here we report observations of Jovian lightning sferics (broadband electromagnetic impulses) at 600 megahertz from the Microwave Radiometer15 onboard the Juno spacecraft. These detections imply that Jovian lightning discharges are not distinct from terrestrial lightning, as previously thought. In the first eight orbits of Juno, we detected 377 lightning sferics from pole to pole. We found lightning to be prevalent in the polar regions, absent near the equator, and most frequent in the northern hemisphere, at latitudes higher than 40 degrees north. Because the distribution of lightning is a proxy for moist convective activity, which is thought to be an important source of outward energy transport from the interior of the planet16,17, increased convection towards the poles could indicate an outward internal heat flux that is preferentially weighted towards the poles9,16,18. The distribution of moist convection is important for understanding the composition, general circulation and energy transport on Jupiter.
Infra-sound Signature of Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R. O.; Badillo, E.; Johnson, J.; Edens, H. E.; Rison, W.; Thomas, R. J.
We have analyzed thunder from over 200 lightning flashes to determine which part of thunder comes from the gas dynamic expansion of portions of the rapidly heated lightning channel and which from electrostatic field changes. Thunder signals were recorded by a ~1500 m network of 3 to 4 4-element microphone deployed in the Magdalena mountains of New Mexico in the summers of 2011 and 2012. The higher frequency infra-sound and audio-range portion of thunder is thought to come from the gas dynamic expansion, and the electrostatic mechanism gives rise to a signature infra-sound pulse peaked at a few Hz. More than 50 signature infra-sound pulses were observed in different portions of the thunder signal, with no preference towards the beginning or the end of the signal. Detection of the signature pulse occurs sometimes only for one array and sometimes for several arrays, which agrees with the theory that the pulse is highly directional (i.e., the recordings have to be in a specific position with respect to the cloud generating the pulse to be able to detect it). The detection of these pulses under quiet wind conditions by different acoustic arrays corroborates the electrostatic mechanism originally proposed by Wilson [1920], further studied by Dessler [1973] and Few [1985], observed by Bohannon [1983] and Balachandran [1979, 1983], and recently analyzed by Pasko [2009]. Pasko employed a model to explain the electrostatic-to-acoustic energy conversion and the initial compression waves in observed infrasonic pulses, which agrees with the observations we have made. We present thunder samples that exhibit signature infra-sound pulses at different times and acoustic source reconstruction to demonstrate the beaming effect.
Relativistic runaway breakdown in low-frequency radio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Füllekrug, Martin; Roussel-Dupré, Robert; Symbalisty, Eugene M. D.; Chanrion, Olivier; Odzimek, Anna; van der Velde, Oscar; Neubert, Torsten
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by an electron avalanche beam resulting from relativistic runaway breakdown within the Earth's atmosphere is investigated. It is found from theoretical modeling with a computer simulation that the electron beam emits electromagnetic radiation which is characterized by consecutive broadband pulses in the low-frequency radio range from ˜10 to 300 kHz at a distance of ˜800 km. Experimental evidence for the existence of consecutive broadband pulses is provided by low-frequency radio observations of sprite-producing lightning discharges at a distance of ˜550 km. The measured broadband pulses occur ˜4-9 ms after the sprite-producing lightning discharge, they exhibit electromagnetic radiation which mainly spans the frequency range from ˜50 to 350 kHz, and they exhibit complex waveforms without the typical ionospheric reflection of the first hop sky wave. Two consecutive pulses occur ˜4.5 ms and ˜3 ms after the causative lightning discharge and coincide with the sprite luminosity. It is concluded that relativistic runaway breakdown within the Earth's atmosphere can emit broadband electromagnetic pulses and possibly generates sprites. The source location of the broadband pulses can be determined with an interferometric network of wideband low-frequency radio receivers to lend further experimental support to the relativistic runaway breakdown theory.
Nonlinear FDTD Analysis of Lightning-Generated Sferics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Erdman, A.; Moore, R. C.
Lightning strikes are extremely powerful natural events producing wideband electromagnetic waves. The EMP radiation and quasi-electrostatic field changes from powerful lightning discharges are capable of directly heating and ionizing the lower ionosphere. These changes to the electrical parameters of the lower ionosphere in turn modify the way different components of the wideband sferic propagate through and reflect from the lower ionosphere. Here we present the results of a new FDTD model that utilizes a 2D cylindrically symmetric grid with second-order accurate centered-difference differentials to evaluate a large number of chemical reactions pertinent to the D-region in order to update the electron density and conductivity every iteration. Using this model, we are able to evaluate the impact of lightning strikes of varying magnitude and analyze the role of ionospheric self-action in changing in the sferic waveform observed on the ground.
Lightning swept-stroke attachment patterns and flight conditions for storm hazards 1981
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fisher, B. D.
As part of the NASA Langley Research Center Storm Hazards Program, 111 thunderstorm penetrations were made in 1981 with an F-106B airplane in order to record direct-strike lightning data and the associated flight conditions. Ground-based weather radar measurements in conjunction with these penetrations were made by NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory in Oklahoma and by NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. In 1981, the airplane received 10 direct lightning strikes; in addition, lightning transient data were recorded from 22 nearby flashes. Following each flight, the airplane was thoroughly inspected for evidence of lightning attachment, and the individual lightning attachment points were plotted on isometric projections of the airplane to identify swept-flash patterns. This report shows the strike attachment patterns that were found, and tabulates the flight conditions at the time of each lightning event. Finally, this paper contains a table in which the data in this report are cross-referenced with the previously published electromagnetic waveform data recorded onboard the airplane.
Persinger, Michael A.
The space-time characteristics of the axonal action potential are remarkably similar to the scaled equivalents of lightning. The energy and current densities from these transients within their respective volumes or cross-sectional areas are the same order of magnitude. Length–velocity ratios and temporal durations are nearly identical. There are similar chemical consequences such as the production of nitric oxide. Careful, quantitative examination of the characteristics of lightning may reveal analogous features of the action potential that could lead to a more accurate understanding of these powerful correlates of neurocognitive processes. PMID:22615688
Bulanov, S S; Esirkepov, T Zh; Kamenets, F F; Pegoraro, F
The interaction of regular nonlinear structures (such as subcycle solitons, electron vortices, and wake Langmuir waves) with a strong wake wave in a collisionless plasma can be exploited in order to produce ultrashort electromagnetic pulses. The electromagnetic field of the nonlinear structure is partially reflected by the electron density modulations of the incident wake wave and a single-cycle high-intensity electromagnetic pulse is formed. Due to the Doppler effect the length of this pulse is much shorter than that of the nonlinear structure. This process is illustrated with two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The considered laser-plasma interaction regimes can be achieved in present day experiments and can be used for plasma diagnostics.
University Hospital Struck Deaf and Silent by Lightning: Lessons to Learn.
Dami, Fabrice; Carron, Pierre-Nicolas; Yersin, Bertrand; Hugli, Olivier
We describe how an electromagnetic wave after a lightning strike affected a university hospital, including the communication shutdown that followed, the way it was handled, and the lessons learned from this incident.
[Effect of electromagnetic pulse irradiation on mice reproduction].
Wang, Shui-ming; Wang, De-wen; Peng, Rui-yun; Chen, Hao-yu; Gao, Ya-bing; Cao, Xiao-zhe; Cui, Xue-mei; Zhao, Mei-lan
To evaluate the effect of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) irradiation on mice reproduction. Female/male Kunming mice, 6 - 8 weeks old, prior to mating, or female after pregnancy were treated with whole body irradiation by 6 x 10(4) V/m electromagnetic pulse (EMP) for five times. The pregnant mice were killed on the 18th days, and teratological markers were analysed. EMP irradiation caused no significant changes in most of female organ weight and organ/body weight ratio. But it caused significant shortening in tail length of live foetus in the female mice before conception (prior to mating) or after pregnancy (P < 0.05), and obvious decrease in male offspring ratio (0.85 +/- 0.09 vs 1.09 +/- 0.17, P < 0.05). The male offspring ratio also significantly decreased (0.76 +/- 0.18 vs 1.09 +/- 0.17, P < 0.01) after male mice irradiated by EMP. The tail length of live foetus was shortened and male offspring sex ratio was increased after both male and female mice were irradiated by EMP. EMP irradiation also caused a significantly higher fetal death rate than normal control (P < 0.05). The embryo absorption rate was increased after irradiation except that was decreased in male mice. EMP irradiation has effect on pregnancy and offspring development in both male and female mice before mating and in female mice after pregnancy.
Phenomenological Model of Current Sheet Canting in Pulsed Electromagnetic Accelerators
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Markusic, Thomas; Choueiri, E. Y.
The phenomenon of current sheet canting in pulsed electromagnetic accelerators is the departure of the plasma sheet (that carries the current) from a plane that is perpendicular to the electrodes to one that is skewed, or tipped. Review of pulsed electromagnetic accelerator literature reveals that current sheet canting is a ubiquitous phenomenon - occurring in all of the standard accelerator geometries. Developing an understanding of current sheet canting is important because it can detract from the propellant sweeping capabilities of current sheets and, hence, negatively impact the overall efficiency of pulsed electromagnetic accelerators. In the present study, it is postulated that depletion of plasma near the anode, which results from axial density gradient induced diamagnetic drift, occurs during the early stages of the discharge, creating a density gradient normal to the anode, with a characteristic length on the order of the ion skin depth. Rapid penetration of the magnetic field through this region ensues, due to the Hall effect, leading to a canted current front ahead of the initial current conduction channel. In this model, once the current sheet reaches appreciable speeds, entrainment of stationary propellant replenishes plasma in the anode region, inhibiting further Hall-convective transport of the magnetic field; however, the previously established tilted current sheet remains at a fairly constant canting angle for the remainder of the discharge cycle, exerting a transverse J x B force which drives plasma toward the cathode and accumulates it there. This proposed sequence of events has been incorporated into a phenomenological model. The model predicts that canting can be reduced by using low atomic mass propellants with high propellant loading number density; the model results are shown to give qualitative agreement with experimentally measured canting angle mass dependence trends.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaepfel, K. P.; Fisher, B. D.; Ott, M. S.
As part of the NASA Langley Research Center Storm Hazards Program, 241 thunderstorm penetrations were made in 1982 with an F-106B airplane in order to record direct-strike lightning data and the associated flight conditions. During these penetrations, the airplane received 156 direct lightning strikes; in addition, lightning transient data were recorded from 26 nearby lightning flashes. The tests were conducted within 150 nautical miles of Hampton, Virginia, assisted by ground-based weather-radar guidance from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. The photographs of the lightning attachments taken from two onboard 16-mm color movie cameras and the associated strike attachment patterns are presented. A table of the flight conditions recorded at the time of each lightning event, and a table in which the data are cross-referenced with the previously published lightning electromagnetic waveform data are included.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Psyk, Verena; Scheffler, Christian; Linnemann, Maik; Landgrebe, Dirk
Compared to conventional joining techniques, electromagnetic pulse welding offers important advantages especially when it comes to dissimilar material connections as e.g. copper aluminum welds. However, due to missing guidelines and tools for process design, the process has not been widely implemented in industrial production, yet. In order to contribute to overcoming this obstacle, a combined numerical and experimental process analysis for electromagnetic pulse welding of Cu-DHP and EN AW-1050 was carried out and the results were consolidated in a quantitative collision parameter based process window.
High power radiators of ultra-short electromagnetic quasi-unipolar pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fedorov, V. M.; Ostashev, V. E.; Tarakanov, V. P.; Ul'yanov, A. V.
Results of creation, operation, and diagnostics of the high power radiators for ultra-short length electromagnetic pulses (USEMPs) with a quasi-unipolar profile, which have been developed in our laboratory, are presented. The radiating module contains: the ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna array, the exciting high voltage pulse semiconductor generator (a pulser), the power source and the control unit. The principles of antenna array with a high efficiency aperture about 0.9 were developed using joint four TEM-horns with shielding electrodes in every TEM-horn. Sizes of the antenna apertures were (16-60) cm. The pulsers produced by “FID Technology” company had the following parameters: 50 Ohm connector impedance, unipolar pulses voltages (10-100) kV, the rise-time (0.04-0.15) ns, and the width (0.2-1) ns. The modules radiate the USEMPs of (0.1-10) GHz spectrum, their repetition rate is (1-100) kHz, and the effective potential is E*R = (20-400) kV, producing the peak E-field into the far-zone of R-distance. Parameters of the USEMP waves were measured by a calibrated sensor with the following characteristics: the sensitivity 0.32V/(kV/m), the rise-time 0.03 ns, the duration up to 7 ns. The measurements were in agreement with the simulation results, which were obtained using the 3-D code “KARAT”. The USEMP waves with amplitudes (1-10) kV/m and the pulse repetition rate (0.5-100) kHz were successfully used to examine various electronic devices for an electromagnetic immunity.
An overview of VHF lightning observations by digital interferometry from ISS/JEM-GLIMS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Morimoto, Takeshi; Kikuchi, Hiroshi; Sato, Mitsuteru; Ushio, Tomoo; Yamazaki, Atsushi; Suzuki, Makoto; Ishida, Ryohei; Sakamoto, Yuji; Yoshida, Kazuya; Hobara, Yasuhide; Sano, Takuki; Abe, Takumi; Kawasaki, Zen-Ichiro
The Global Lightning and sprIte MeasurementS (GLIMS) mission has been conducted at the Exposed Facility of Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EF) of the International Space Station for more than 30 months. This paper focuses on an electromagnetic (EM) payload of JEM-GLIMS mission, the very high frequency (VHF) broadband digital InTerFerometer (VITF). The JEM-GLIMS mission is designed to conduct comprehensive observations with both EM and optical payloads for lightning activities and related transient luminous events. Its nominal operation continued from November 2012 to December 2014. The extended operation followed for eight months. Through the operation period, the VITF collected more than two million VHF EM waveforms in almost 18,700 datasets. The number of VITF observations synchronized with optical signal is 8049. Active VHF radiations are detected in about 70 % of optical observations without obvious regional or seasonal dependency. Estimations of the EM direction-of-arrival (DOA) are attempted using the broadband digital interferometry. Some results agree with the optical observations, even though DOA estimation is problematic because of a very short antenna baseline and multiple pulses over a short time period, namely burst-type EM waveforms. The world's first lightning observations by means of space-borne VHF interferometry are achieved in this mission. This paper summarizes VITF instruments, the recorded VHF EM signals, and the results of DOA estimations by means of digital interferometry as a preliminary report after termination of the mission.[Figure not available: see fulltext.
Long-lasting upper D-region ionospheric modifications caused by intense +/- CG lightning discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haldoupis, Christos
In a recent Geophysical Research Letter we have presented observations from a single maritime storm showing that intense positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning discharges during nighttime, which trigger both an elve and a sprite, are associated with long-lasting conductivity modifications in the upper D-region ionosphere. The ionospheric disturbances can be observed as perturbations in the amplitude and phase of VLF (very low frequency) signals propagating through or near the disturbed region. They are manifested as LOng Recovery early VLF Events (LOREs) which can last up to 20 - 30 minutes. The same ionospheric modifications may also produce abrupt step-like changes in VLF transmissions which offset signal levels for longer times (>30-60 min). Here we discuss these observations supplementing them with new evidence and some statistics. Among other things, the unpublished results show that very intense (currents > 250-300 kA) CG lightning discharges of either positive or negative polarity are always accompanied mainly by step-like LOREs. The evidence suggests that the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) of a very high peak current CG lightning stroke, which is likely able to produce an elve, produces by electron impact long lasting and spatially extended elevations in electron density at VLF ionospheric reflection heights in the upper D region ionosphere. The results identify a mechanism for the LORE VLF signatures and confirm predictions and postulations that elves may be accompanied by significant and long-lasting electron density perturbations in the upper D- lower E- region ionosphere.
Assessing the Threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Volume 1: Executive Report
high -altitude electromagnetic pulse threat waveform and its ground pattern. This need arises because of the effect of very low frequency electric...system Equipment to Failure ..................................... 15 Intelligence Community Assessment of the EMP Threat...17 APPENDIX A Legislation Re-establishing the Commission ..................................................... 19 APPENDIX B High
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Assisted in vitro Electroporation: A Pilot Study
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Novickij, Vitalij; Grainys, Audrius; Lastauskienė, Eglė; Kananavičiūtė, Rūta; Pamedytytė, Dovilė; Kalėdienė, Lilija; Novickij, Jurij; Miklavčič, Damijan
Electroporation is a phenomenon occurring due to exposure of cells to Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) which leads to increase of membrane permeability. Electroporation is used in medicine, biotechnology, and food processing. Recently, as an alternative to electroporation by PEF, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF) application causing similar biological effects was suggested. Since induced electric field in PEMF however is 2-3 magnitudes lower than in PEF electroporation, the membrane permeabilization mechanism remains hypothetical. We have designed pilot experiments where Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida lusitaniae cells were subjected to single 100-250 μs electrical pulse of 800 V with and without concomitant delivery of magnetic pulse (3, 6 and 9 T). As expected, after the PEF pulses only the number of Propidium Iodide (PI) fluorescent cells has increased, indicative of membrane permeabilization. We further show that single sub-millisecond magnetic field pulse did not cause detectable poration of yeast. Concomitant exposure of cells to pulsed electric (PEF) and magnetic field (PMF) however resulted in the increased number PI fluorescent cells and reduced viability. Our results show increased membrane permeability by PEF when combined with magnetic field pulse, which can explain electroporation at considerably lower electric field strengths induced by PEMF compared to classical electroporation.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Assisted in vitro Electroporation: A Pilot Study
Novickij, Vitalij; Grainys, Audrius; Lastauskienė, Eglė; Kananavičiūtė, Rūta; Pamedytytė, Dovilė; Kalėdienė, Lilija; Novickij, Jurij; Miklavčič, Damijan
Electroporation is a phenomenon occurring due to exposure of cells to Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) which leads to increase of membrane permeability. Electroporation is used in medicine, biotechnology, and food processing. Recently, as an alternative to electroporation by PEF, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF) application causing similar biological effects was suggested. Since induced electric field in PEMF however is 2–3 magnitudes lower than in PEF electroporation, the membrane permeabilization mechanism remains hypothetical. We have designed pilot experiments where Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida lusitaniae cells were subjected to single 100–250 μs electrical pulse of 800 V with and without concomitant delivery of magnetic pulse (3, 6 and 9 T). As expected, after the PEF pulses only the number of Propidium Iodide (PI) fluorescent cells has increased, indicative of membrane permeabilization. We further show that single sub-millisecond magnetic field pulse did not cause detectable poration of yeast. Concomitant exposure of cells to pulsed electric (PEF) and magnetic field (PMF) however resulted in the increased number PI fluorescent cells and reduced viability. Our results show increased membrane permeability by PEF when combined with magnetic field pulse, which can explain electroporation at considerably lower electric field strengths induced by PEMF compared to classical electroporation. PMID:27634482
Modeling ultrashort electromagnetic pulses with a generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hofstrand, A.; Moloney, J. V.
In this paper we derive a properly scaled model for the nonlinear propagation of intense, ultrashort, mid-infrared electromagnetic pulses (10-100 femtoseconds) through an arbitrary dispersive medium. The derivation results in a generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (gKP) equation. In contrast to envelope-based models such as the Nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, the gKP equation describes the dynamics of the field's actual carrier wave. It is important to resolve these dynamics when modeling ultrashort pulses. We proceed by giving an original proof of sufficient conditions on the initial pulse for a singularity to form in the field after a finite propagation distance. The model is then numerically simulated in 2D using a spectral-solver with initial data and physical parameters highlighting our theoretical results.
Gapeyev, A B; Lukyanova, N A
Using a comet assay technique, we investigated protective effects of. extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation in combination with the damaging effect of X-ray irradiation, the effect of damaging agents hydrogen peroxide and methyl methanesulfonate on DNA in mouse whole blood leukocytes. It was shown that the preliminary exposure of the cells to low intensity pulse-modulated electromagnetic radiation (42.2 GHz, 0.1 mW/cm2, 20-min exposure, modulation frequencies of 1 and 16 Hz) caused protective effects decreasing the DNA damage by 20-45%. The efficacy of pulse-modulated electromagnetic radiation depended on the type of genotoxic agent and increased in a row methyl methanesulfonate--X-rays--hydrogen peroxide. Continuous electromagnetic radiation was ineffective. The mechanisms of protective effects may be connected with an induction of the adaptive response by nanomolar concentrations of reactive oxygen species formed by pulse-modulated electromagnetic radiation.
An automatic locating system for cloud-to-ground lightning. [which utilizes a microcomputer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Krider, E. P.; Pifer, A. E.; Uman, M. A.
Automatic locating systems which respond to cloud to ground lightning and which discriminate against cloud discharges and background noise are described. Subsystems of the locating system, which include the direction finder and the position analyzer, are discussed. The direction finder senses the electromagnetic fields radiated by lightning on two orthogonal magnetic loop antennas and on a flat plate electric antenna. The position analyzer is a preprogrammed microcomputer system which automatically computes, maps, and records lightning locations in real time using data inputs from the direction finder. The use of the locating systems for wildfire management and fire weather forecasting is discussed.
Optical design of the lightning imager for MTG
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lorenzini, S.; Bardazzi, R.; Di Giampietro, M.; Feresin, F.; Taccola, M.; Cuevas, L. P.
The Lightning Imager for Meteosat Third Generation is an optical payload with on-board data processing for the detection of lightning. The instrument will provide a global monitoring of lightning events over the full Earth disk from geostationary orbit and will operate in day and night conditions. The requirements of the large field of view together with the high detection efficiency with small and weak optical pulses superimposed to a much brighter and highly spatial and temporal variable background (full operation during day and night conditions, seasonal variations and different albedos between clouds oceans and lands) are driving the design of the optical instrument. The main challenge is to distinguish a true lightning from false events generated by random noise (e.g. background shot noise) or sun glints diffusion or signal variations originated by microvibrations. This can be achieved thanks to a `multi-dimensional' filtering, simultaneously working on the spectral, spatial and temporal domains. The spectral filtering is achieved with a very narrowband filter centred on the bright lightning O2 triplet line (777.4 nm +/- 0.17 nm). The spatial filtering is achieved with a ground sampling distance significantly smaller (between 4 and 5 km at sub satellite pointing) than the dimensions of a typical lightning pulse. The temporal filtering is achieved by sampling continuously the Earth disk within a period close to 1 ms. This paper presents the status of the optical design addressing the trade-off between different configurations and detailing the design and the analyses of the current baseline. Emphasis is given to the discussion of the design drivers and the solutions implemented in particular concerning the spectral filtering and the optimisation of the signal to noise ratio.
Interference Processes During Reradiation of Attosecond Pulses of Electromagnetic Field by Graphene
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Makarov, D. N.; Matveev, V. I.; Makarova, K. A.
Interference spectra during reradiation of attosecond pulses of electromagnetic field by graphene sheets are considered. Analytical expressions for calculations of spectral distributions are derived. As an example, the interference spectra of a graphene sheet and a flat rectangular lattice are compared.
Kumar, Sanjay; Kesari, Kavindra Kumar; Behari, Jitendra
INTRODUCTION: Environmental exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has been steadily increasing with the growing demand for electronic items that are operational at various frequencies. Testicular function is particularly susceptible to radiation emitted by electromagnetic fields. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine the therapeutic effects of a pulsed electromagnetic field (100 Hz) on the reproductive systems of male Wistar rats (70 days old). METHODS: The experiments were divided into five groups: microwave sham, microwave exposure (2.45 GHz), pulsed electromagnetic field sham, pulsed electromagnetic field (100 Hz) exposure, and microwave/pulsed electromagnetic field exposure. The animals were exposed for 2 hours/day for 60 days. After exposure, the animals were sacrificed, their sperm was used for creatine and caspase assays, and their serum was used for melatonin and testosterone assays. RESULTS: The results showed significant increases in caspase and creatine kinase and significant decreases in testosterone and melatonin in the exposed groups. This finding emphasizes that reactive oxygen species (a potential inducer of cancer) are the primary cause of DNA damage. However, pulsed electromagnetic field exposure relieves the effect of microwave exposure by inducing Faraday currents. CONCLUSIONS: Electromagnetic fields are recognized as hazards that affect testicular function by generating reactive oxygen species and reduce the bioavailability of androgen to maturing spermatozoa. Thus, microwave exposure adversely affects male fertility, whereas pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a non-invasive, simple technique that can be used as a scavenger agent to combat oxidative stress. PMID:21876981
Analysis and Assessment of Peak Lightning Current Probabilities at the NASA Kennedy Space Center
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, D. L.; Vaughan, W. W.
This technical memorandum presents a summary by the Electromagnetics and Aerospace Environments Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center of lightning characteristics and lightning criteria for the protection of aerospace vehicles. Probability estimates are included for certain lightning strikes (peak currents of 200, 100, and 50 kA) applicable to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Space Shuttle at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, during rollout, on-pad, and boost/launch phases. Results of an extensive literature search to compile information on this subject are presented in order to answer key questions posed by the Space Shuttle Program Office at the Johnson Space Center concerning peak lightning current probabilities if a vehicle is hit by a lightning cloud-to-ground stroke. Vehicle-triggered lightning probability estimates for the aforementioned peak currents are still being worked. Section 4.5, however, does provide some insight on estimating these same peaks.
Atmospheric electricity. [lightning protection criteria in spacecraft design
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Daniels, G. E.
Atmospheric electricity must be considered in the design, transportation, and operation of aerospace vehicles. The effect of the atmosphere as an insulator and conductor of high voltage electricity, at various atmospheric pressures, must also be considered. The vehicle can be protected as follows: (1) By insuring that all metallic sections are connected by electrical bonding so that the current flow from a lightning stroke is conducted over the skin without any gaps where sparking would occur or current would be carried inside; (2) by protecting buildings and other structures on the ground with a system of lightning rods and wires over the outside to carry the lightning stroke into the ground; (3) by providing a zone of protection for launch complexes; (4) by providing protection devices in critical circuits; (5) by using systems which have no single failure mode; and (6) by appropriate shielding of units sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kondo, S.; Yoshida, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Chikada, S.; Adachi, T.; Sakanoi, T.
Transient optical phenomena in the mesosphere and lower ionosphere called transient luminous events (TLEs) have been investigated extensively since the first discovery in 1989. In the lower ionosphere, elves are generated by the electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) radiated from the intense lightning current. On the ground-based observation, cameras can not always identify the occurrence of elves because elves emission is sometimes reduced significantly by the atmosphere and blocked by clouds. Therefore, it has been difficult to determine the threshold of intensity of EMPs necessary for initiation of elves. We simultaneously carried out optical and sferics measurements for TLEs and lightning discharges using a high altitude balloon launched at Sanriku Balloon Center on the night of August 25 / 26 in 2006. We fixed four CCD cameras on the gondola, each of which had horizontal FOV of ~100 degree. They cover 360 degree in horizontal direction and imaged the TLEs without atmospheric extinction nor blocking by clouds. The frame rate is 30 fps. We installed three dipole antennas at the gondola, which received the vertical and horizontal electric fields radiated from lightning discharges. The frequency range of the VLF receiver is 1-25 kHz. We also make use of VLF sferics data obtained by ground-based antennas located at Tohoku University in Sendai. We picked up six elves from the image data set obtained by the CCD cameras, and examined the maximum amplitudes of the vertical electric field for 22 lightning discharge events including the six elves events observed both at the balloon and at Sendai. It is found that the maximum amplitudes of the vertical electric field in the five elves events are much larger than those in the other lightning events. We estimate the intensity of the radiated electric field necessary for elves. About one elves event, we don't see intense vertical electric field in the balloon data.
Effects of low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields on the early development of sea urchins.
Falugi, C; Grattarola, M; Prestipino, G
The effects of weak electromagnetic signals on the early development of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus have been studied. The duration and repetition of the pulses were similar to those used for bone healing in clinical practice. A sequence of pulses, applied for a time ranging from 2 to 4 h, accelerates the cleavages of sea urchin embryo cells. This effect can be quantitatively assessed by determining the time shifts induced by the applied electromagnetic field on the completion of the first and second cleavages in a population of fertilized eggs. The exposed embryos were allowed to develop up to the pluteus stage, showing no abnormalities. Images FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 PMID:3607217
Smart CMOS image sensor for lightning detection and imaging.
Rolando, Sébastien; Goiffon, Vincent; Magnan, Pierre; Corbière, Franck; Molina, Romain; Tulet, Michel; Bréart-de-Boisanger, Michel; Saint-Pé, Olivier; Guiry, Saïprasad; Larnaudie, Franck; Leone, Bruno; Perez-Cuevas, Leticia; Zayer, Igor
We present a CMOS image sensor dedicated to lightning detection and imaging. The detector has been designed to evaluate the potentiality of an on-chip lightning detection solution based on a smart sensor. This evaluation is performed in the frame of the predevelopment phase of the lightning detector that will be implemented in the Meteosat Third Generation Imager satellite for the European Space Agency. The lightning detection process is performed by a smart detector combining an in-pixel frame-to-frame difference comparison with an adjustable threshold and on-chip digital processing allowing an efficient localization of a faint lightning pulse on the entire large format array at a frequency of 1 kHz. A CMOS prototype sensor with a 256×256 pixel array and a 60 μm pixel pitch has been fabricated using a 0.35 μm 2P 5M technology and tested to validate the selected detection approach.
Evidence of negative leaders which precede fast rise ICC pulses of upward
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yoshida, S.; Akita, M.; Morimoto, T.; Ushio, T.; Kawasaki, Z.; Wang, D.; Takagi, N.
During winter thunderstorm season in Japan, a lightning observation campaign was conducted with using a VHF broadband digital interferometer (DITF), a capacitive antenna, and Rogowski coils to study the charge transfer mechanism associated with ICC pulses of upward lightning. All the detection systems recorded one upward negative lightning stroke hitting a lightning protection tower. The upward lightning consists of only the Initial Stage (IS) with one upward positive leader and six ICC pulses. The six ICC pulses are sub-classified clearly into two types according to current pulse shapes. The type 1 ICC pulses have a higher geometric mean (GM) current peak of 17 kA and a shorter GM 10-90% risetime of 8.9 μs, while the type 2 ICC pulses have a lower GM current peak of 0.34 kA and longer GM 10-90% risetime of 55 μs. The type 1 ICC pulses have the preceding negative leaders connecting to the channel of the continuing current, while the type 2 ICC pulses have no clear preceding negative leader. These negative leaders prior to the type 1 ICC pulses probably caused the current increases of the ICC pulses, which means that the negative leaders created the channels for the ICC pulses. The height of the space charge transferred by one of the type 1 ICC pulses was estimated about 700 m above sea level at most. This observation result is the first evidence to show explicitly the existence of the negative leaders prior to the fast rise ICC pulse. Furthermore, the result shows that space charge could exist at a low attitude such as 700 m above sea level. This fact is one of the reasons why upward lightning occurs even from rather low structures during winter thunderstorm season in Japan.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Belcastro, Celeste M.
Control systems for advanced aircraft, especially those with relaxed static stability, will be critical to flight and will, therefore, have very high reliability specifications which must be met for adverse as well as nominal operating conditions. Adverse conditions can result from electromagnetic disturbances caused by lightning, high energy radio frequency transmitters, and nuclear electromagnetic pulses. Tools and techniques must be developed to verify the integrity of the control system in adverse operating conditions. The most difficult and illusive perturbations to computer based control systems caused by an electromagnetic environment (EME) are functional error modes that involve no component damage. These error modes are collectively known as upset, can occur simultaneously in all of the channels of a redundant control system, and are software dependent. A methodology is presented for performing upset tests on a multichannel control system and considerations are discussed for the design of upset tests to be conducted in the lab on fault tolerant control systems operating in a closed loop with a simulated plant.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gallin, Louis-Jonardan; Farges, Thomas; Marchiano, Régis; Coulouvrat, François; Defer, Eric; Rison, William; Schulz, Wolfgang; Nuret, Mathieu
In the framework of the European Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment project, a field campaign devoted to the study of electrical activity during storms took place in the south of France in 2012. An acoustic station composed of four microphones and four microbarometers was deployed within the coverage of a Lightning Mapping Array network. On the 26 October 2012, a thunderstorm passed just over the acoustic station. Fifty-six natural thunder events, due to cloud-to-ground and intracloud flashes, were recorded. This paper studies the acoustic reconstruction, in the low frequency range from 1 to 40 Hz, of the recorded flashes and their comparison with detections from electromagnetic networks. Concurrent detections from the European Cooperation for Lightning Detection lightning location system were also used. Some case studies show clearly that acoustic signal from thunder comes from the return stroke but also from the horizontal discharges which occur inside the clouds. The huge amount of observation data leads to a statistical analysis of lightning discharges acoustically recorded. Especially, the distributions of altitudes of reconstructed acoustic detections are explored in detail. The impact of the distance to the source on these distributions is established. The capacity of the acoustic method to describe precisely the lower part of nearby cloud-to-ground discharges, where the Lightning Mapping Array network is not effective, is also highlighted.
The Cloud Effects Phase of the Laser Induced Lightning Investigation.
electromagnetic sensors: Magnetic field derivative signals in excess of 17 Teslas /second were observed in one of the triggered discharges. Our studies on this...largest electromagnetic signals that we have ever measured with values of dB/dt in excess of 17 Teslas / second at distances in excess of 500 m...Natural lightning strikes to earth within 100 m of our measuring instruments have produced peak signals of only 5 Teslas /second during our measuring window
Simulation of radiation from lightning return strokes - The effects of tortuosity
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Levine, D. M.; Meneghini, R.
A Monte Carlo simulation has been developed for the electromagnetic fields radiated from a tortuous lightning channel. This was done using a piecewise linear model for the channel and employing for each element the field radiated by a traveling wave on an arbitrarily oriented filament over a conducting plane. The simulation reproduces experimental data reasonably well and has been used to study the effects of tortuosity on the fields radiated by return strokes. Tortuosity can significantly modify the radiated waveform, tending to render it less representative of the current pulse and more nearly unipolar than one would expect based on the theory for a long straight channel. In the frequency domain the effect of tortuosity is an increase in high frequency energy as compared with an equivalent straight channel. The extent of this increase depends on the mean length of the elements comprising the channel and can be significant.
Electromagnetic Model Of A Lightning Dart Leader In The Earth Atmosphere
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gordeev, A. V.; Losseva, T. V.
The fundamentally new approach to the lightning step and dart leaders structure model is suggested, which shows a possibility of the drift propagation for the electrons in a plasma channel. Appearance of the strong Hall electric field in the current channel by the account of the magnetic field can result in the generation of the relativistic drifting electrons to be held in the channel due to the magnetic self-insulation effect. The range of the measured x-ray emission from the lightning channel 30-250 keV, which corresponds to the measured current value 4-11 kA, is in a reasonably good agreement with themore » estimates made in the framework of presented model.« less
Evaluation of Lightning Induced Effects in a Graphite Composite Fairing Structure
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trout, Dawn H.; Stanley, James E.; Wahid, Parveen F.
Defining the electromagnetic environment inside a graphite composite fairing due to near-by lightning strikes is of interest to spacecraft developers. This effort develops a transmission-line-matrix (TLM) model with a CST Microstripes to examine induced voltages. on interior wire loops in a composite fairing due to a simulated near-by lightning strike. A physical vehicle-like composite fairing test fixture is constructed to anchor a TLM model in the time domain and a FEKO method of moments model in the frequency domain. Results show that a typical graphite composite fairing provides adequate shielding resulting in a significant reduction in induced voltages on high impedance circuits despite minimal attenuation of peak magnetic fields propagating through space in near-by lightning strike conditions.
Electromagnetic pulse distortion in living tissue.
Lepelaars, E S
Insight into the distortion of electromagnetic (EM) signals in living tissue is important for optimising medical applications. To obtain this insight, field calculations have been carried out for a plane-stratified configuration of air, skin, fat, muscle and bone tissue. In this configuration, an EM field is generated by a prescribed pulsed current in a circular loop. Debye dispersion models have been developed for the description of the permittivity of the tissues. The field problem is solved analytically with the aid of a temporal Fourier transformation and a spatial Hankel transformation. The corresponding inverse transformations have been carried out numerically. To demonstrate the influences of stratification and dispersion separately, the EM fields in the stratified configuration, in a completely muscle-filled space and in vacuum are compared. Two different pulses have been considered; narrow and wide. It emerges that dispersion results in a retardation and an attenuation of the field. Stratification causes additional fluctuations of the time-dependent field. Furthermore, the conductivity of tissue at high frequencies is mainly determined by its water content. Tissues with high water content, like muscle and skin, exhibit higher conductivity at high frequencies than fat and bone. Muscle and skin tissue therefore behave as low-pass filters to EM signals.
Electromagnetic pulse-induced current measurement device
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gandhi, Om P.; Chen, Jin Y.
To develop safety guidelines for exposure to high fields associated with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), it is necessary to devise techniques that would measure the peak current induced in the human body. The main focus of this project was to design, fabricate, and test a portable, self-contained stand-on device that would measure and hold the peak current and the integrated change Q. The design specifications of the EMP-Induced Current Measurement Device are as follows: rise time of the current pulse, 5 ns; peak current, 20-600 A; charge Q, 0-20 microcoulombs. The device uses a stand-on parallel-plate bilayer sensor and fast high-frequency circuit that are well-shielded against spurious responses to high incident fields. Since the polarity of the incident peak electric field of the EMP may be either positive or negative, the induced peak current can also be positive or negative. Therefore, the device is designed to respond to either of these polarities and measure and hold both the peak current and the integrated charge which are simultaneously displayed on two separate 3-1/2 digit displays. The prototype device has been preliminarily tested with the EMP's generated at the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (ALECS facility) at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.
A Ball Lightning Model as a Possible Explanation of Recently Reported Cavity Lights
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fryberger, David; /SLAC
The salient features of cavity lights, in particular, mobile luminous objects (MLO's), as have been experimentally observed in superconducting accelerator cavities, are summarized. A model based upon standard electromagnetic interactions between a small particle and the 1.5 GHz cavity excitation field is described. This model can explain some features of these data, in particular, the existence of particle orbits without wall contact. While this result is an important success for the model, it is detailed why the model as it stands is incomplete. It is argued that no avenues for a suitable extension of the model through established physics appearmore » evident, which motivates an investigation of a model based upon a more exotic object, ball lightning. As discussed, further motivation derives from the fact that there are significant similarities in many of the qualitative features of ball lightning and MLO's, even though they appear in quite different circumstances and differ in scale by orders of magnitude. The ball lightning model, which incorporates electromagnetic charges and currents, is based on a symmetrized set of Maxwell's equations in which the electromagnetic sources and fields are characterized by a process called dyality rotation. It is shown that a consistent mathematical description of dyality rotation as a physical process can be achieved by adding suitable (phenomenological) current terms to supplement the usual current terms in the symmetrized Maxwell's equations. These currents, which enable the conservation of electric and magnetic charge, are called vacuum currents. It is shown that the proposed ball lightning model offers a good qualitative explanation of the perplexing aspects of the MLO data. Avenues for further study are indicated.« less
Nonresonant interaction of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses with multilevel quantum systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Belenov, E.; Isakov, V.; Nazarkin, A.
Some features of the excitation of multilevel quantum systems under the action of electromagnetic pulses which are shorter than the inverse frequency of interlevel transitions are considered. It is shown that the interaction is characterized by a specific type of selectivity which is not connected with the resonant absorption of radiation. The simplest three-level model displays the inverse population of upper levels. The effect of an ultrashort laser pulse on a multilevel molecule was regarded as an instant reception of the oscillation velocity by the oscillator and this approach showed an effective excitation and dissociation of the molecule. The estimations testify to the fact that these effects can be observed using modern femtosecond lasers.
Electromagnetic Compatibility for the Space Shuttle
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scully, Robert C.
This slide presentation reviews the Space Shuttle electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). It includes an overview of the design of the shuttle with the areas that are of concern for the electromagnetic compatibility. It includes discussion of classical electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the work performed to control the electromagnetic interference. Another area of interest is electrostatic charging and the threat of electrostatic discharge and the attempts to reduce damage to the Shuttle from these possible hazards. The issue of electrical bonding is als reviewed. Lastly the presentation reviews the work performed to protect the shuttle from lightning, both in flight and on the ground.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Larnier, H.; Sailhac, P.; Chambodut, A.
Atmospheric electromagnetic waves created by global lightning activity contain information about electrical processes of the inner and the outer Earth. Large signal-to-noise ratio events are particularly interesting because they convey information about electromagnetic properties along their path. We introduce a new methodology to automatically detect and characterize lightning-based waves using a time-frequency decomposition obtained through the application of continuous wavelet transform. We focus specifically on three types of sources, namely, atmospherics, slow tails and whistlers, that cover the frequency range 10 Hz to 10 kHz. Each wave has distinguishable characteristics in the time-frequency domain due to source shape and dispersion processes. Our methodology allows automatic detection of each type of event in the time-frequency decomposition thanks to their specific signature. Horizontal polarization attributes are also recovered in the time-frequency domain. This procedure is first applied to synthetic extremely low frequency time-series with different signal-to-noise ratios to test for robustness. We then apply it on real data: three stations of audio-magnetotelluric data acquired in Guadeloupe, oversea French territories. Most of analysed atmospherics and slow tails display linear polarization, whereas analysed whistlers are elliptically polarized. The diversity of lightning activity is finally analysed in an audio-magnetotelluric data processing framework, as used in subsurface prospecting, through estimation of the impedance response functions. We show that audio-magnetotelluric processing results depend mainly on the frequency content of electromagnetic waves observed in processed time-series, with an emphasis on the difference between morning and afternoon acquisition. Our new methodology based on the time-frequency signature of lightning-induced electromagnetic waves allows automatic detection and characterization of events in audio
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Starr, Stanley O.
NASA, at the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), developed and operates a unique high-precision lightning location system to provide lightning-related weather warnings. These warnings are used to stop lightning- sensitive operations such as space vehicle launches and ground operations where equipment and personnel are at risk. The data is provided to the Range Weather Operations (45th Weather Squadron, U.S. Air Force) where it is used with other meteorological data to issue weather advisories and warnings for Cape Canaveral Air Station and KSC operations. This system, called Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR), provides users with a graphical display in three dimensions of 66 megahertz radio frequency events generated by lightning processes. The locations of these events provide a sound basis for the prediction of lightning hazards. This document provides the basis for the design approach and data analysis for a system of radio frequency receivers to provide azimuth and elevation data for lightning pulses detected simultaneously by the LDAR system. The intent is for this direction-finding system to correct and augment the data provided by LDAR and, thereby, increase the rate of valid data and to correct or discard any invalid data. This document develops the necessary equations and algorithms, identifies sources of systematic errors and means to correct them, and analyzes the algorithms for random error. This data analysis approach is not found in the existing literature and was developed to facilitate the operation of this Short Baseline LDAR (SBLDAR). These algorithms may also be useful for other direction-finding systems using radio pulses or ultrasonic pulse data.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kolmasova, Ivana; Santolik, Ondrej; Farges, Thomas; Rison, William; Lan, Radek; Uhlir, Ludek
We analyze pulse sequences occurring prior to first return strokes of negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes. The magnetic-field waveforms are measured close to the thunderstorm using a broad-band analyzer with a sampling interval of 12.5 ns. The electric-field waveforms are measured at the distance of ~ 400 km using an analyzer with a sampling interval of 80 ns. The sequence is usually composed of three parts. It begins with a larger pulse train which is believed to be connected with initial breakdown processes. The train of preliminary breakdown pulses ("B" part) is followed by a relatively low and irregular pulse activity ("I" part), which is sometimes missing. The sequence ends with a pulse train attributed to the stepped leader ("L" part). We recognize two different patterns ("B-I-L" and "B-L" types) in recorded waveforms. For the first time, we analyze the time evolution of the pulse amplitudes in the "B" part of "B-I-L" type sequences. The pulse amplitude is decreasing on average by 34% of the maximum value within a given train. We observe an unusually short duration of sequences. This is probably linked to a low height of the thundercloud. Another possible explanation may be based on an untypical precipitation mix resulting in faster steeped leaders.
Lightning charge moment changes estimated by high speed photometric observations from ISS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hobara, Y.; Kono, S.; Suzuki, K.; Sato, M.; Takahashi, Y.; Adachi, T.; Ushio, T.; Suzuki, M.
Optical observations by the CCD camera using the orbiting satellite is generally used to derive the spatio-temporal global distributions of the CGs and ICs. However electrical properties of the lightning such as peak current and lightning charge are difficult to obtain from the space. In particular, CGs with considerably large lightning charge moment changes (CMC) and peak currents are crucial parameters to generate red sprites and elves, respectively, and so it must be useful to obtain these parameters from space. In this paper, we obtained the lightning optical signatures by using high speed photometric observations from the International Space Station GLIMS (Global Lightning and Sprit MeasurementS JEM-EF) mission. These optical signatures were compared quantitatively with radio signatures recognized as truth values derived from ELF electromagnetic wave observations on the ground to verify the accuracy of the optically derived values. High correlation (R > 0.9) was obtained between lightning optical irradiance and current moment, and quantitative relational expression between these two parameters was derived. Rather high correlation (R > 0.7) was also obtained between the integrated irradiance and the lightning CMC. Our results indicate the possibility to derive lightning electrical properties (current moment and CMC) from optical measurement from space. Moreover, we hope that these results will also contribute to forthcoming French microsatellite mission TARANIS.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Cabayan, H.S.; Zicker, J.D.
The amplitudes of currents due to lightning are considerably larger than NEMP induced currents both in the time and frequency domains. The more important quantity for aperture illumination is the rate of rise of the current. The analysis performed for this in this memorandum is unsatisfactory since the artificial double exponential model was used. Still, the lightning rate of rise is only twice as high as that due to NEMP even when the absolute worst (or presently known) lightning pulse is used. A much better way to do this comparison is to use an actual LEMP data and NEMP frommore » an actual weapon. Furthermore, because of lack of data, no electric field analysis was undertaken.« less
40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart Gg of... - Specialty Coating Definitions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... electromagnetic energy spectrum, such as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar.... Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) coating—A coating applied to space vehicles...
40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart Gg of... - Specialty Coating Definitions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... electromagnetic energy spectrum, such as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar.... Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) coating—A coating applied to space vehicles...
40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart Gg of... - Specialty Coating Definitions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... electromagnetic energy spectrum, such as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar.... Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) coating—A coating applied to space vehicles...
40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart Gg of... - Specialty Coating Definitions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... electromagnetic energy spectrum, such as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar.... Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) coating—A coating applied to space vehicles...
40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart Gg of... - Specialty Coating Definitions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... electromagnetic energy spectrum, such as the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, or microwave regions. Uses include, but are not limited to, lightning strike protection, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, and radar.... Electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference (EMI) coating—A coating applied to space vehicles...
Statistical analysis of lightning electric field measured under Malaysian condition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Salimi, Behnam; Mehranzamir, Kamyar; Abdul-Malek, Zulkurnain
Lightning is an electrical discharge during thunderstorms that can be either within clouds (Inter-Cloud), or between clouds and ground (Cloud-Ground). The Lightning characteristics and their statistical information are the foundation for the design of lightning protection system as well as for the calculation of lightning radiated fields. Nowadays, there are various techniques to detect lightning signals and to determine various parameters produced by a lightning flash. Each technique provides its own claimed performances. In this paper, the characteristics of captured broadband electric fields generated by cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in South of Malaysia are analyzed. A total of 130 cloud-to-ground lightning flashes from 3 separate thunderstorm events (each event lasts for about 4-5 hours) were examined. Statistical analyses of the following signal parameters were presented: preliminary breakdown pulse train time duration, time interval between preliminary breakdowns and return stroke, multiplicity of stroke, and percentages of single stroke only. The BIL model is also introduced to characterize the lightning signature patterns. Observations on the statistical analyses show that about 79% of lightning signals fit well with the BIL model. The maximum and minimum of preliminary breakdown time duration of the observed lightning signals are 84 ms and 560 us, respectively. The findings of the statistical results show that 7.6% of the flashes were single stroke flashes, and the maximum number of strokes recorded was 14 multiple strokes per flash. A preliminary breakdown signature in more than 95% of the flashes can be identified.
LOFAR Lightning Imaging: Mapping Lightning With Nanosecond Precision
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hare, B. M.; Scholten, O.; Bonardi, A.; Buitink, S.; Corstanje, A.; Ebert, U.; Falcke, H.; Hörandel, J. R.; Leijnse, H.; Mitra, P.; Mulrey, K.; Nelles, A.; Rachen, J. P.; Rossetto, L.; Rutjes, C.; Schellart, P.; Thoudam, S.; Trinh, T. N. G.; ter Veen, S.; Winchen, T.
Lightning mapping technology has proven instrumental in understanding lightning. In this work we present a pipeline that can use lightning observed by the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) radio telescope to construct a 3-D map of the flash. We show that LOFAR has unparalleled precision, on the order of meters, even for lightning flashes that are over 20 km outside the area enclosed by LOFAR antennas (˜3,200 km2), and can potentially locate over 10,000 sources per lightning flash. We also show that LOFAR is the first lightning mapping system that is sensitive to the spatial structure of the electrical current during individual lightning leader steps.
Traversal of electromagnetic pulses through dispersive media with negative refractive index
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nanda, L.; Ramakrishna, S. A.
We investigate the traversal of electromagnetic pulses through dispersive media with negative refractive index in such a way that no resonant effects come into play. It has been verified that for evanescent waves, the definitions of the group delay and the reshaping delay times get interchanged in comparison to the propagating waves. We show that for a negative refractive index medium (NRM) with ɛ(ω)=μ(ω), the reshaping delay time identically vanishes for propagating waves. The total delay time in NRM is otherwise contributed by both the group and the reshaping delay times, whereas for the case of broadband pulses in NRM the total delay time is always subluminal.
Electromagnetic pulse-driven spin-dependent currents in semiconductor quantum rings.
Zhu, Zhen-Gang; Berakdar, Jamal
We investigate the non-equilibrium charge and spin-dependent currents in a quantum ring with a Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) driven by two asymmetric picosecond electromagnetic pulses. The equilibrium persistent charge and persistent spin-dependent currents are investigated as well. It is shown that the dynamical charge and the dynamical spin-dependent currents vary smoothly with a static external magnetic flux and the SOI provides a SU(2) effective flux that changes the phases of the dynamic charge and the dynamic spin-dependent currents. The period of the oscillation of the total charge current with the delay time between the pulses is larger in a quantum ring with a larger radius. The parameters of the pulse fields control to a certain extent the total charge and the total spin-dependent currents. The calculations are applicable to nanometre rings fabricated in heterojunctions of III-V and II-VI semiconductors containing several hundreds of electrons.
NASA Standard Initiator Susceptibility to UHF and S-Band Radio Frequency Power and Lightning Strikes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Burnham, Karen; Scully, Robert; Norgard, John
The NASA Standard Initiator (NSI) is an important piece of pyrotechnic equipment used in many space applications. This presentation will outline the results of a series of tests done at UHF and S-Band frequencies to determine NSI susceptibility to Radio Frequency (RF) power. The results show significant susceptibility to pulsed RF power in the S-Band region. Additional testing with lightning pulses injected into the firing line harness, modelling the indirect effects of a lightning strike to a spacecraft, showed no vulnerability
NASA Standard Initiator Susceptibility to UHF and S-Band Radio Frequency Power and Lightning Strikes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Burnham, Karen; Scully, Robert C.; Norgard, John D.
The NASA Standard Initiator (NSI) is an important piece of pyrotechnic equipment used in many space applications. This paper outlines the results of a series of tests done at UHF and S-Band frequencies to determine NSI susceptibility to Radio Frequency (RF) power. The results show significant susceptibility to pulsed RF power in the S-Band region. Additional testing with lightning pulses injected into the firing line harness, modelling the indirect effects of a lightning strike to a spacecraft, showed no vulnerability.
Healing of damaged metal by a pulsed high-energy electromagnetic field
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kukudzhanov, K. V.; Levitin, A. L.
The processes of defect (intergranular micro-cracks) transformation are investigated for metal samples in a high-energy short-pulsed electromagnetic field. This investigation is based on a numerical coupled model of the impact of high-energy electromagnetic field on the pre-damaged thermal elastic-plastic material with defects. The model takes into account the melting and evaporation of the metal and the dependence of its physical and mechanical properties on the temperature. The system of equations is solved numerically by finite element method with an adaptive mesh using the arbitrary Euler–Lagrange method. The calculations show that the welding of the crack and the healing of micro-defects under treatment by short pulses of the current takes place. For the macroscopic description of the healing process, the healing and damage parameters of the material are introduced. The healing of micro-cracks improves the material healing parameter and reduces its damage. The micro-crack shapes practically do not affect the time-dependence of the healing and damage under the treatment by the current pulses. These changes are affected only by the value of the initial damage of the material and the initial length of the micro-crack. The time-dependence of the healing and the damage is practically the same for all different shapes of micro-defects, provided that the initial lengths of micro-cracks and the initial damages are the same for these different shapes of defects.
Lappin, Martha S; Lawrie, Fraser Wilson; Richards, Todd L; Kramer, Eric D
There is a growing literature on the biological and clinical effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields. Some studies suggest that electromagnetic therapies may be useful in the treatment of chronic illnesses. This study is a follow-up to a placebo controlled pilot study in which multiple sclerosis (MS) patients exposed to weak, extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields showed significant improvements on a composite symptom measure. To evaluate the effects of a pulsed electromagnetic therapy on MS related fatigue, spasticity, bladder control, and overall quality of life. A multi-site, double-blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial. Each subject received 4 weeks of the active and placebo treatments separated by a 2-week washout period. The University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle Wash, the Neurology Center of Fairfax in Fairfax, Va, and the headquarters of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America in Cherry Hill, NJ. 117 patients with clinically definite MS. Daily exposure to a small, portable pulsing electromagnetic field generator. The MS Quality of Life Inventory (MSQLI) was used to assess changes in fatigue, bladder control, spasticity, and a quality of life composite. Paired t-tests were used to assess treatment differences in the 117 subjects (81% of the initial sample) who completed both treatment sessions. Improvements in fatigue and overall quality of life were significantly greater on the active device. There were no treatment effects for bladder control and a disability composite, and mixed results for spasticity. Evidence from this randomized, double-bind, placebo controlled trial is consistent with results from smaller studies suggesting that exposure to pulsing, weak electromagnetic fields can alleviate symptoms of MS. The clinical effects were small, however, and need to be replicated. Additional research is also needed to examine the possibility that ambulatory patients and patients taking interferons for their MS may be
Lightning leader models of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dwyer, J. R.; Liu, N.; Ihaddadene, K. M. A.
Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are bright sub-millisecond bursts of gamma rays that originate from thunderstorms. Because lightning leaders near the ground have been observed to emit x-rays, presumably due to runaway electron production in the high-field regions near the leader tips, models of TGFs have been developed by several groups that assume a similar production mechanism of runaway electrons from lightning leaders propagating through thunderclouds. However, it remains unclear exactly how and where these runaway electrons are produced, since lightning propagation at thunderstorm altitudes remains poorly understood. In addition, it is not obvious how to connect the observed behavior of the x-ray production from lightning near the ground with the properties of TGFs. For example, it is not clear how to relate the time structure of the x-ray emission near the ground to that of TGFs, since x-rays from stepped leaders near the ground are usually produced in a series of sub-microsecond bursts, but TGFs are usually observed as much longer pulses without clear substructures, at sub-microsecond timescales or otherwise. In this presentation, spacecraft observations of TGFs, ground-based observations of x-rays from lightning and laboratory sparks, and Monte Carlo and PIC simulations of runaway electron and gamma ray production and propagation will be used to constrain the lightning leader models of TGFs.
System and Method of Locating Lightning Strikes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Medelius, Pedro J. (Inventor); Starr, Stanley O. (Inventor)
A system and method of determining locations of lightning strikes has been described. The system includes multiple receivers located around an area of interest, such as a space center or airport. Each receiver monitors both sound and electric fields. The detection of an electric field pulse and a sound wave are used to calculate an area around each receiver in which the lighting is detected. A processor is coupled to the receivers to accurately determine the location of the lighting strike. The processor can manipulate the receiver data to compensate for environmental variables such as wind, temperature, and humidity. Further, each receiver processor can discriminate between distant and local lightning strikes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Marco, M.; Krása, J.; Cikhardt, J.; Pfeifer, M.; Krouský, E.; Margarone, D.; Ahmed, H.; Borghesi, M.; Kar, S.; Giuffrida, L.; Vrana, R.; Velyhan, A.; Limpouch, J.; Korn, G.; Weber, S.; Velardi, L.; Delle Side, D.; Nassisi, V.; Ullschmied, J.
A target irradiated with a high power laser pulse, blows off a large amount of charge and as a consequence the target itself becomes a generator of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) owing to high return current flowing to the ground through the target holder. The first measurement of the magnetic field induced by the neutralizing current reaching a value of a few kA was performed with the use of an inductive target probe at the PALS Laser Facility (Cikhardt et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) 103507). A full description of EMP generation should contain information on the spatial distribution and temporal variation of the electromagnetic field inside and outside of the interaction chamber. For this reason, we consider the interaction chamber as a resonant cavity in which different modes of EMP oscillate for hundreds of nanoseconds, until the EMP is transmitted outside through the glass windows and EM waves are attenuated. Since the experimental determination of the electromagnetic field distribution is limited by the number of employed antennas, a mapping of the electromagnetic field has to be integrated with numerical simulations. Thus, this work reports on a detailed numerical mapping of the electromagnetic field inside the interaction chamber at the PALS Laser Facility (covering a frequency spectrum from 100 MHz to 3 GHz) using the commercial code COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2. Moreover we carried out a comparison of the EMP generated in the parallelepiped-like interaction chamber used in the Vulcan Petawatt Laser Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, against that produced in the spherical interaction chamber of PALS.
Ionospheric effects of thunderstorms and lightning
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lay, Erin H.
Tropospheric thunderstorms have been reported to disturb the lower ionosphere (~65-90 km) by convective atmospheric gravity waves and by electromagnetic field changes produced by lightning discharges. However, due to the low electron density in the lower ionosphere, active probing of its electron distribution is difficult, and the various perturbative effects are poorly understood. Recently, we have demonstrated that by using remotely-detected ?me waveforms of lightning radio signals it is possible to probe the lower ionosphere and its fluctuations in a spatially and temporally-resolved manner. Here we report evidence of gravity wave effects on the lower ionosphere originating from the thunderstorm.more » We also report variations in the nighttime ionosphere atop a small thunderstorm and associate the variations with the storm’s electrical activity. Finally, we present a data analysis technique to map ionospheric acoustic waves near thunderstorms.« less
First images of thunder: Acoustic imaging of triggered lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dayeh, M. A.; Evans, N. D.; Fuselier, S. A.; Trevino, J.; Ramaekers, J.; Dwyer, J. R.; Lucia, R.; Rassoul, H. K.; Kotovsky, D. A.; Jordan, D. M.; Uman, M. A.
An acoustic camera comprising a linear microphone array is used to image the thunder signature of triggered lightning. Measurements were taken at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing in Camp Blanding, FL, during the summer of 2014. The array was positioned in an end-fire orientation thus enabling the peak acoustic reception pattern to be steered vertically with a frequency-dependent spatial resolution. On 14 July 2014, a lightning event with nine return strokes was successfully triggered. We present the first acoustic images of individual return strokes at high frequencies (>1 kHz) and compare the acoustically inferred profile with optical images. We find (i) a strong correlation between the return stroke peak current and the radiated acoustic pressure and (ii) an acoustic signature from an M component current pulse with an unusual fast rise time. These results show that acoustic imaging enables clear identification and quantification of thunder sources as a function of lightning channel altitude.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Belcastro, Celeste M.; Fischl, Robert; Kam, Moshe
This paper presents a strategy for dynamically monitoring digital controllers in the laboratory for susceptibility to electromagnetic disturbances that compromise control integrity. The integrity of digital control systems operating in harsh electromagnetic environments can be compromised by upsets caused by induced transient electrical signals. Digital system upset is a functional error mode that involves no component damage, can occur simultaneously in all channels of a redundant control computer, and is software dependent. The motivation for this work is the need to develop tools and techniques that can be used in the laboratory to validate and/or certify critical aircraft controllers operating in electromagnetically adverse environments that result from lightning, high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF), and nuclear electromagnetic pulses (NEMP). The detection strategy presented in this paper provides dynamic monitoring of a given control computer for degraded functional integrity resulting from redundancy management errors, control calculation errors, and control correctness/effectiveness errors. In particular, this paper discusses the use of Kalman filtering, data fusion, and statistical decision theory in monitoring a given digital controller for control calculation errors.
Electromagnetic pulse from supernovae. [model for old low-mass stars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Colgate, S. A.
Upper and lower limits to the radiated electromagnetic pulse from a supernova are calculated assuming that the mass fraction of the matter expanding inside the dipole magnetic field shares energy and maintains the pressure balance in the process. A supernova model is described in which the explosion occurs in old low-mass stars containing less than 10% hydrogen in their ejecta and a remnant neutron star is produced. The analysis indicates that although the surface layer of a star of 1 g/cu thickness may be shock-accelerated to an energy factor of about 100 and may expand into the vacuum with an energy factor approaching 10,000, the equatorial magnetic field will retard this expansion so that the inner, more massive ejecta layers will effectively accelerate the presumed canonical dipole magnetic field to greater velocities than would the surface layer alone. A pulse of 10 to the 46th power ergs in a width of about 150 cm will result which will not be affected by circumstellar matter or electron self-radiation effects. It is shown that interstellar matter will attenuate the pulse, but that charge separation may reduce the attenuation and allow a larger pulse to escape.
LOFAR for lightning-interferometery and mapping
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scholten, Olaf; Buitink, Stijn; trinh, Gia; Bonardi, Antonio; Corstanje, Arthur; Ebert, Ute; Falcke, Heino; Hoerandel, Joerg; Mitra, Pragati; Mulrey, Katherine; Nelles, Anna; Rachen, Joerg; Rossetto, Laura; Rutjes, Casper; Schellart, Pim; Thoudam, Satayendra; ter Veen, Sander; Winchen, Tobias; Hare, Brian
We show that a new observation mode at the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) for Lightning-Interferometery and Mapping (LIM) allows for lightning observations with a resolution that is at least an order of magnitude better than presently operating Lightning Napping Arrays LMAs. Furthermore the polarization of the signal can be used to reconstruct the direction of the discharge. LOFAR, consisting of many thousands of antennas, is a digital radio telescope, primarily build for astronomy observations. The Low Band Antennas (LBA) we use for this work are sensitive to the frequency range of 10 - 90 MHz and consist of two inverted V-shaped dipoles. The antennas are grouped in stations consisting of 48 LBA spread over an area with a diameter of about 30 m for which the relative timing is known accurately. The LOFAR core of approximately 2 km diameter contains 24 such stations located near Exloo in the north of The Netherlands. Remote stations for LIM may lie at a distance of 100 km from the core. Signals are sampled at 200 MS/s (sampling time of 5 ns). All antennas are equipped with ring buffers, that store the raw voltage traces for up to 5 s. When a trigger is received, for example with a lightning flash, the ring buffers are frozen and their contents are copied over the network to a central storage location. We will show an initial analysis of data taken on June 19, 2013, for a thunderstorm at a distance of some 50 km from the telescope. The source location and emission time for each event (lightning step) is found by fitting the arrival times of the pulses for each separate antenna adjusting the station offsets, keeping them the same for all events. The fit reproduces the measurements with an accuracy of about 1 time sample. Interestingly much fine structure is seen in the time-traces and examples will be shown for some events. The time traces for antennas in different stations are very similar and thus not due to noise. We also see a clear polarization-dependent structure
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Crutcher, R.I.; Buchanan, M.E.; Jones, R.W.
The purpose of this report is to develop an engineering design package to protect the federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Radio System (FNARS) facilities from the effects of high-altitude electromagnetic pulses (HEMP). This report refers to the Louisiana State Emergency Operating Center (EOC) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This report addresses electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects only, and disregards any condition in which radiation effects may be a factor. It has been established that, except for the source region of a surface burst, EMP effects of high-altitude bursts are more severe than comparable detonations in either air or surface regions. Anymore » system hardened to withstand the more extreme EMP environment will survive the less severe conditions. The threatening environment will therefore be limited to HEMP situations. 76 figs., 2 tabs.« less
Geometrical Effects on the Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning Return Strokes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Willett, John C.; Smith, David A.; LeVine, David M.; Zukor, Dorothy J. (Technical Monitor)
The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Sferic Array has recorded electric-field-change waveforms simultaneously at several stations surrounding the ground-strike points of numerous return strokes in cloud-to-ground lightning flashes. Such data are available from the five-station sub-networks in both Florida and New Mexico. With these data it has been possible for the first time to compare the waveforms radiated in different directions by a given stroke. Such comparisons are of interest to assess both the effects of channel geometry on the fine structure of subsequent-stroke radiation fields and the role of branches in the more jagged appearance of first-stroke waveforms. This paper presents multiple-station, time-domain waveforms with a 200 Hz to 500 kHz pass-band from both first and subsequent return strokes at ranges generally between 100 and 200 km. The differences among waveforms of the same stroke received at stations in different directions from the lightning channel are often obvious. These differences are illustrated and interpreted in the context of channel tortuosity and branches.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Van Eaton, A. R.; Smith, C. M.; Schneider, D. J.
Lightning in volcanic plumes provides a promising way to monitor ash-producing eruptions and investigate their dynamics. Among the many methods of lightning detection are global networks of sensors that detect electromagnetic radiation in the very low frequency band (3-30 kHz), including the World Wide Lightning Location Network. These radio waves propagate thousands of kilometers at the speed of light, providing an opportunity for rapid detection of explosive volcanism anywhere in the world. Lightning is particularly valuable as a near real-time indicator of ash-rich plumes that are hazardous to aviation. Yet many fundamental questions remain. Under what conditions does electrical activity in volcanic plumes become powerful, detectable lightning? And conversely, can we use lightning to illuminate eruption processes and hazards? This study highlights recent observations from the eruptions of Redoubt (Alaska, 2009), Kelud (Indonesia, 2014), Calbuco (Chile, 2015), and Bogoslof (Alaska, 2017) to examine volcanic lighting from a range of eruption styles (Surtseyan to Plinian) and mass eruption rates from 10^5 to 10^8 kg/s. It is clear that lightning stroke-rates do not scale in a simple way with mass eruption rate or plume height across different eruptions. However, relative changes in electrical activity through individual eruptions relate to changes in eruptive intensity, ice content, and volcanic plume processes (fall vs. flow).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
da Silva, C. L.; Merrill, R. A.; Pasko, V. P.
A significant portion of the in-cloud lightning development is observed as a series of initial breakdown pulses (IBPs) that are characterized by an abrupt change in the electric field at a remote sensor. Recent experimental and theoretical studies have attributed this process to the stepwise elongation of an initial lightning leader inside the thunderstorm [da Silva and Pasko, JGR, 120, 4989-5009, 2015, and references therein]. Attempts to visually observe these events are hampered due to the fact that clouds are opaque to optical radiation. Due to this reason, throughout the last decade, a number of researchers have used the so-called transmission line models (also commonly referred to as engineering models), widely employed for return stroke simulations, to simulate the waveshapes of IBPs, and also of narrow bipolar events. The transmission line (TL) model approach is to prescribe the source current dynamics in a certain manner to match the measured E-field change waveform, with the purpose of retrieving key information about the source, such as its height, peak current, size, speed of charge motion, etc. Although the TL matching method is not necessarily physics-driven, the estimated source characteristics can give insights on the dominant length- and time-scales, as well as, on the energetics of the source. This contributes to better understanding of the environment where the onset and early stages of lightning development takes place.In the present work, we use numerical modeling to constrain the number of source parameters that can be confidently inferred from the observed far-field IBP waveforms. We compare different modified TL models (i.e., with different attenuation behaviors) to show that they tend to produce similar waveforms in conditions where the channel is short. We also demonstrate that it is impossible to simultaneously retrieve the speed of source current propagation and channel length from an observed IBP waveform, in contrast to what has been
Background The promotion of the healing process following musculoskeletal injuries comprises growth factor signalling, migration, proliferation and apoptosis of cells. If these processes could be modulated, the healing of tendon tissue may be markedly enhanced. Here, we report the use of the Somagen™ device, which is certified for medical use according to European laws. It generates low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields that trigger effects of a nature that are yet to be determined. Methods A 1.5-cm wide, linear scrape was introduced into patellar tendon fibroblast cultures (N = 5 donors). Treatment was carried out every second day. The regimen was applied three times in total with 30 minutes comprising pulsed electromagnetic field packages with two fundamental frequencies (10 minutes of 33 Hz, 20 minutes of 7.8 Hz). Control cells remained untreated. All samples were analyzed for gap closure time, proliferation and apoptosis one week after induction of the scrape wound. Results The mean time for bridging the gap in the nontreated cells was 5.05 ± 0.33 days, and in treated cells, it took 3.35 ± 0.38 days (P <0.001). For cell cultures with scrape wounds, a mean value for BrdU incorporation of OD = 0.70 ± 0.16 was found. Whereas low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields treated samples showed OD = 1.58 ± 0.24 (P <0.001). However, the percentage of apoptotic cells did not differ between the two groups. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields emitted by the Somagen™ device influences the in vitro wound healing of patellar tendon fibroblasts and, therefore, possibly increases wound healing potential. PMID:24996421
[Neurological diseases after lightning strike : Lightning strikes twice].
Gruhn, K M; Knossalla, Frauke; Schwenkreis, Peter; Hamsen, Uwe; Schildhauer, Thomas A; Tegenthoff, Martin; Sczesny-Kaiser, Matthias
Lightning strikes rarely occur but 85 % of patients have lightning-related neurological complications. This report provides an overview about different modes of energy transfer and neurological conditions related to lightning strikes. Moreover, two case reports demonstrate the importance of interdisciplinary treatment and the spectrum of neurological complications after lightning strikes.
Zhou, Huihui; Liu, Bingfeng; Wang, Qisong; Sun, Jianmin; Xie, Guojun; Ren, Nanqi; Ren, Zhiyong Jason; Xing, Defeng
Microbial extracellular electron transfer (EET) is essential in driving the microbial interspecies interaction and redox reactions in bioelectrochemical systems (BESs). Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) and magnetic fields (MFs) were recently reported to promote microbial EET, but the mechanisms of MFs stimulation of EET and current generation in BESs are not known. This study investigates the behavior of current generation and EET in a state-of-the-art pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF)-assisted magnetic BES (PEMF-MBES), which was equipped with magnetic carbon particle (Fe 3 O 4 @N-mC)-coated electrodes. Illumina Miseq sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons was also conducted to reveal the changes of microbial communities and interactions on the anode in response to magnetic field. PEMF had significant influences on current generation. When reactors were operated in microbial fuel cell (MFC) mode with pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF-MMFCs), power densities increased by 25.3-36.0% compared with no PEMF control MFCs (PEMF-OFF-MMFCs). More interestingly, when PEMF was removed, the power density dropped by 25.7%, while when PEMF was reintroduced, the value was restored to the previous level. Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicon and principal component analysis (PCA) based on operational taxonomic units (OTUs) indicate that PEMFs led to the shifts in microbial community and changes in species evenness that decreased biofilm microbial diversity. Geobacter spp. were found dominant in all anode biofilms, but the relative abundance in PEMF-MMFCs (86.1-90.0%) was higher than in PEMF-OFF-MMFCs (82.5-82.7%), indicating that the magnetic field enriched Geobacter on the anode. The current generation of Geobacter -inoculated microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) presented the same change regularity, the accordingly increase or decrease corresponding with switch of PEMF, which confirmed the reversible stimulation of PEMFs on microbial electron transfer. The pulse electromagnetic
Electromagnetic plane-wave pulse transmission into a Lorentz half-space.
Cartwright, Natalie A
The propagation of an electromagnetic plane-wave signal obliquely incident upon a Lorentz half-space is studied analytically. Time-domain asymptotic expressions that increase in accuracy with propagation distance are derived by application of uniform saddle point methods on the Fourier-Laplace integral representation of the transmitted field. The results are shown to be continuous in time and comparable with numerical calculations of the field. Arrival times and angles of refraction are given for prominent transient pulse features and the steady-state signal.
Generating high-power short terahertz electromagnetic pulses with a multifoil radiator.
Vinokurov, Nikolay A; Jeong, Young Uk
We describe a multifoil cone radiator capable of generating high-field short terahertz pulses using short electron bunches. Round flat conducting foil plates with successively decreasing radii are stacked, forming a truncated cone with the z axis. The gaps between the foil plates are equal and filled with some dielectric (or vacuum). A short relativistic electron bunch propagates along the z axis. At sufficiently high particle energy, the energy losses and multiple scattering do not change the bunch shape significantly. When passing by each gap between the foil plates, the electron bunch emits some energy into the gap. Then, the radiation pulses propagate radially outward. For transverse electromagnetic waves with a longitudinal (along the z axis) electric field and an azimuthal magnetic field, there is no dispersion in these radial lines; therefore, the radiation pulses conserve their shapes (time dependence). At the outer surface of the cone, we have synchronous circular radiators. Their radiation field forms a conical wave. Ultrashort terahertz pulses with gigawatt-level peak power can be generated with this device.
Mapping thunder sources by inverting acoustic and electromagnetic observations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Anderson, J. F.; Johnson, J. B.; Arechiga, R. O.; Thomas, R. J.
We present a new method of locating current flow in lightning strikes by inversion of thunder recordings constrained by Lightning Mapping Array observations. First, radio frequency (RF) pulses are connected to reconstruct conductive channels created by leaders. Then, acoustic signals that would be produced by current flow through each channel are forward modeled. The recorded thunder is considered to consist of a weighted superposition of these acoustic signals. We calculate the posterior distribution of acoustic source energy for each channel with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion that fits power envelopes of modeled and recorded thunder; these results show which parts of the flash carry current and produce thunder. We examine the effects of RF pulse location imprecision and atmospheric winds on quality of results and apply this method to several lightning flashes over the Magdalena Mountains in New Mexico, USA. This method will enable more detailed study of lightning phenomena by allowing researchers to map current flow in addition to leader propagation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, D.; Takagi, N.
We have observed the lightning occurred on a 100 m high windmill and its 105 m high standalone lightning-protection tower about 45 m separated from the windmill in the Hokuriku area of Japan for 7 consecutive winter seasons from 2005 to 2012. Our main observation items include: (1) Lightning current at the bottom of both the windmill and the tower. (2) Thunderstorm electric fields and the electric field changes caused by lightning at multiple sites. (3) Optical images by both low and high speed imaging systems. During the 7 winter seasons, over 100 lightning have hit either the tower or the windmill or both. All the lightning but two observed are of upward lightning. Those upward lightning can be sub-classified into self-initiated types and other-triggered types according to whether there is a discharge activity prior to the upward leaders or not. Self-initiated and other-triggered upward lightning tend to have biased percentages in terms of striking locations (windmill versus tower) and thunderstorm types (active versus weak). All the upward lightning but one contained only initial continuous current stages. In the presentation, we will first give a review on those results we have reported before [1-3]. As an update, we will report the following results. (1) The electric field change required for triggering a negative upward leader is usually more than twice bigger than that for triggering a positive upward leader. (2) An electric current pulse with an amplitude of several tens of Amperes along a high structure has been observed to occur in response to a rapid electric change generated by either a nearby return stroke or K-change. References [1] D.Wang, N.Takagi, T.Watanebe, H. Sakurano, M. Hashimoto, Observed characteristics of upward leaders that are initiated from a windmill and its lightning protection tower, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.35, L02803, doi:10.1029/2007GL032136, 2008. [2] W. Lu, D.Wang, Y. Zhang and N. Takagi, Two associated upward lightning flashes
Plans of lightning and airglow measurements with LAC/Akatsuki
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Takahashi, Yukihiro; Hoshino, Naoya; Sato, Mitsuteru; Yair, Yoav; Galand, Marina; Fukuhara, Tetsuya
Though there are extensive researches on the existence of lightning discharge in Venus over few decades, this issue is still under controversial. Recently it is reported that the magnetometer on board Venus Express detected whistler mode waves whose source could be lightning discharge occurring well below the spacecraft. However, it is too early to determine the origin of these waves. On the other hand, night airglow is expected to provide essential information on the atmospheric circulation in the upper atmosphere of Venus. But the number of consecutive images of airglow obtained by spacecraft is limited and even the variations of most enhanced location is still unknown. In order to identify the discharge phenomena in the atmosphere of Venus separating from noises and to know the daily variation of airglow distribution in night-side disk, we plan to observe the lightning and airglow optical emissions with high-speed and high-sensitivity optical detector with narrow-band filters on board Akatsuki. We are ready to launch the flight model of lightning and airglow detector, LAC (Lightning and Airglow Camera). Main difference from other previous equipments which have provided evidences of lightning existence in Venus is the high-speed sampling rate at 32 us interval for each pixel, enabling us to distinguish the optical lightning flash from other pulsing noises. In this presentation the observation strategies, including ground-based support with optical telescopes, are shown and discussed.
Effects of electromagnetic pulse on polydactyly of mouse fetuses.
Yang, Ming-Juan; Liu, Jun-Ye; Wang, Ya-Feng; Lang, Hai-Yang; Miao, Xia; Zhang, Li-Yan; Zeng, Li-Hua; Guo, Guo-Zhen
There is an increasing public concern regarding potential health impacts from electromagnetic radiation exposure. Embryonic development is sensitive to the external environment, and limb development is vital for life quality. To determine the effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on polydactyly of mouse fetuses, pregnant mice were sham-exposed or exposed to EMP (400 kV/m with 400 pulses) from Days 7 to 10 of pregnancy (Day 0 = day of detection of vaginal plug). As a positive control, mice were treated with 5-bromodeoxyuridine on Days 9 and 10. On Days 11 or 18, the fetuses were isolated. Compared with the sham-exposed group, the group exposed to EMP had increased rates of polydactyly fetuses (5.1% vs. 0.6%, P < 0.05) and abnormal gene expression (22.2% vs. 2.8%, P < 0.05). Ectopic expression of Fgf4 was detected in the apical ectodermal ridge, whereas overexpression and ectopic expression of Shh were detected in the zone of polarizing activity of limbs in the EMP-exposed group and in the positive control group. However, expression of Gli3 decreased in mesenchyme cells in those two groups. The percentages of programmed cell death of limbs in EMP-exposed and positive control group were decreased (3.57% and 2.94%, respectively, P < 0.05, compared with 7.76% in sham-exposed group). In conclusion, polydactyly induced by EMP was accompanied by abnormal expression of the above-mentioned genes and decreased percentage of programmed cell death during limb development. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bourriez, F.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Pinçon, J.-L.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Parrot, M.
The DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) spacecraft detects short bursts of lightning-induced electron precipitation (LEP) simultaneously with newly injected upgoing whistlers. The LEP occurs within < 1 s of the causative lightning discharge. First in situ observations of the size and location of the region affected by the LEP precipitation are presented on the basis of a statistical study made over Europe using the DEMETER energetic particle detector, wave electric field experiment, and networks of lightning detection (Météorage, the UK Met Office Arrival Time Difference network (ATDnet), and the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)). The LEP is shown to occur significantly north of the initial lightning and extends over some 1000 km on each side of the longitude of the lightning. In agreement with models of electron interaction with obliquely propagating lightning-generated whistlers, the distance from the LEP to the lightning decreases as lightning proceed to higher latitudes.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mach, D. A.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Bailey, J. C.; Farrell, W. M.; Goldberg, R. A.; Desch, M. D.; Houser, J. G.
The Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) was conducted during the month of August, 2002 in an area near Key West, Florida. One of the goals of this uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) study was to collect high resolution optical pulse and electric field data from thunderstorms. During the month long campaign, we acquired 5294 lightning generated optical pulses with associated electric field changes. Most of these observations were made while close to the top of the storms. We found filtered mean and median 10-10% optical pulse widths of 875 and 830 microns respectively while the 50-50% mean and median optical pulse widths are 422 and 365 microns respectively. These values are similar to previous results as are the 10-90% mean and median rise times of 327 and 265 microns. The peak electrical to optical pulse delay mean and median were 209 and 145 microns which is longer than one would expect from theoretical results. The results of the pulse analysis will contribute to further validation of the Optical Transient Detector (OTD) and the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) satellites. Pre-launch estimates of the flash detection efficiency were based on a small sample of optical pulse measurements associated with less than 350 lightning discharges collected by NASA U-2 aircraft in the early 1980s. Preliminary analyses of the ACES measurements show that we have greatly increased the number of optical pulses available for validation of the LIS and other orbital lightning optical sensors. Since the Altus was often close to the cloud tops, many of the optical pulses are from low-energy pulses. From these low-energy pulses, we can determine the fraction of optical lightning pulses below the thresholds of LIS, OTD, and any future satellite-based optical sensors such as the geostationary Lightning Mapping Sensor.
Venus Express Contributions to the Study of Planetary Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Russell, C. T.; Hart, R. A.; Zhang, T. L.
Jupiter, and Saturn are expected to generate the electrical potential differences in their clouds sufficient to cause a breakdown in the atmosphere,creating a conducting path for the electric potential to discharge. This high-energy phenomenon creates a hot, high-pressure channel that enables chemical reactions not possible under usual local thermodynamic conditions. Thus it is of some interest to determine if lightning occurs in an atmosphere. While Venus is not usually considered one of the wet planets, lightning has been an object of interest since the Venera landers. It was observed with electromagnetic coils on Venera 11, 12, 13, 14 landers [2]. It was observed with a visible spectrometer on the Venera 9 orbits [1]. It was mapped during solar occultations by the electric antenna on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter [4]. These measurements revealed extensive lightning activity with an electromagnetic energy flux similar to that on Earth. However, the observations were limited in number in the atmosphere and to the nightside from orbit. In order to improve the understanding of Venus lightning, the Venus Express magnetometer was given a 128-Hz sampling rate that could cover much of the ELF frequencies at which lightning could be observed in the weak magnetic fields of the Venus ionosphere [5]. This investigation was immediately successful [3], but mastering the cleaning of the broadband data took several years to accomplish. Furthermore, the high polar latitudes of VEX periapsis were not the ideal locations to conduct the more global survey that was desired. Fortunately, after precessing poleward over the first few years the latitude of periapsis has returned to lower latitudes(Figures 1 and 2) and active electrical storms are now being studied. The charged constituent of the Venus atmosphere need not be water. In fact, we believe it is H2SO4 which polarizes much as water does and which freezes and melts at similar temperatures. If it is H2SO4, we would expect the
Experimental and analytic studies of the triggered lightning environment of the F106B
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rudolph, Terence; Easterbrook, Calvin C.; Ng, Poh H.; Haupt, Robert W.; Perala, Rodney A.
The triggered lightning environment of the F106B aircraft is investigated. Scale modeling of the F106B with a metallized model was done to measure electric field enhancement factors on the aircraft and on canonically shaped conducting objects. These are then compared to numerically determined quantities. Detailed numerical modeling is done of the development of the triggered lightning channel. This is done using nonlinear air chemistry models to model a variety of physical phenomena which occur in a triggered lightning event. The effect of a triggered lightning strike on internal wires in the F106B is investigated using finite difference models and transmission line models to calculate the electromagnetic coupling of lightning currents through seams and joints of the aircraft to internal cables. Time domain waveforms are computed and compared to measured waveforms. The effect of thunderstorm particles on the initial triggering of a lightning strike is investigated. The electric field levels needed to cause air breakdown in the presence and absence of thunderstorm particles are calculated. This is done as a function of the size, shape, and density of the particles.
Ishida, Masashi; Takahashi, Kenji A.; Arai, Yuji; Kubo, Toshikazu
Establishing a means to prevent osteonecrosis after corticosteroid administration is an important theme. We asked whether pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation, a noninvasive treatment, could prevent osteonecrosis. Ninety rabbits were divided into four treatment groups: (1) exposure of 10 hours per day to electromagnetic stimulation for 1 week, followed by injection of methylprednisolone (20 mg/kg), and exposure of 10 hours per day to electromagnetism for a further 4 weeks (n = 40); (2) methylprednisolone injection only (n = 40); (3) no treatment (n = 5); and (4) exposure of 10 hours per day to electromagnetism for 5 weeks (n = 5). After 5 weeks, we harvested and histologically examined femurs bilaterally. The frequency of osteonecrosis was lower in the steroid-electromagnetism group (15/40) than in the steroid-only group (26/40). No necrotic lesions were found in the two control groups. We observed no clear effects of electromagnetism on the number, location, extent, and repair of necrotic lesions and intramedullary fat cell size in affected rabbits. Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation reportedly augments angiogenesis factors and dilates blood vessels; these effects may lower the frequency of osteonecrosis. Exposure to pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation before corticosteroid administration could be an effective means to reduce the risk of osteonecrosis. PMID:18350347
Application of triggered lightning numerical models to the F106B and extension to other aircraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ng, Poh H.; Dalke, Roger A.; Horembala, Jim; Rudolph, Terence; Perala, Rodney A.
The goal of the F106B Thunderstorm Research Program is to characterize the lightning environment for aircraft in flight. This report describes the application of numerical electromagnetic models to this problem. Topics include: (1) Extensive application of linear triggered lightning to F106B data; (2) Electrostatic analysis of F106B field mill data; (3) Application of subgrid modeling to F106B nose region, including both static and nonlinear models; (4) Extension of F106B results to other aircraft of varying sizes and shapes; and (5) Application of nonlinear model to interaction of F106B with lightning leader-return stroke event.
Lightning and plasma wave observations from the galileo flyby of venus.
Gurnett, D A; Kurth, W S; Roux, A; Gendrin, R; Kennel, C F; Bolton, S J
During the Galileo flyby of Venus the plasma wave instrument was used to search for impulsive radio signals from lightning and to investigate locally generated plasma waves. A total of nine events were detected in the frequency range from 100 kilohertz to 5.6 megahertz. Although the signals are weak, lightning is the only known source of these signals. Near the bow shock two types of locally generated plasma waves were observed, low-frequency electromagnetic waves from about 5 to 50 hertz and electron plasma oscillation at about 45 kilohertz. The plasma oscillations have considerable fine structure, possibly because of the formation of soliton-like wave packets.
Lightning and plasma wave observations from the Galileo flyby of Venus
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gurnett, D. A.; Kurth, W. S.; Roux, A.; Gendrin, R.; Kennel, C. F.; Bolton, S. J.
Durig the Galileo flyby of Venus the plasma wave instrument was used to search for impulsive radio signals from lightning and to investigate locally generated plasma waves. A total of nine events were detected in the frequency range from 100 kilohertz to 5.6 megahertz. Although the signals are weak, lightning is the only known source of these signals. Near the bow shock two types of locally generated plasma waves were observed, low-frequency electromagnetic waves from about 5 to 50 hertz and electron plasma oscillation at about 45 kilohertz. The plasma oscillations have considerable fine structure, possibly because of the formation of soliton-like wave packets.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Perkins, M P; Ong, M M; Crull, E W
During lightning strikes buildings and other structures can act as imperfect Faraday Cages, enabling electromagnetic fields to be developed inside the facilities. Some equipment stored inside these facilities may unfortunately act as antenna systems. It is important to have techniques developed to analyze how much voltage, current, or energy dissipation may be developed over valuable components. In this discussion we will demonstrate the modeling techniques used to accurately analyze a generic missile type weapons system as it goes through different stages of assembly. As work is performed on weapons systems detonator cables can become exposed. These cables will form differentmore » monopole and loop type antenna systems that must be analyzed to determine the voltages developed over the detonator regions. Due to the low frequencies of lightning pulses, a lumped element circuit model can be developed to help analyze the different antenna configurations. We will show an example of how numerical modeling can be used to develop the lumped element circuit models used to calculate voltage, current, or energy dissipated over the detonator region of a generic missile type weapons system.« less
Bakunov, M I; Maslov, A V; Bodrov, S B
We show that the usual Fresnel formulas for a free-propagating pulse are not applicable for a forced terahertz electromagnetic pulse supported by an optical pulse at the end of a nonlinear crystal. The correct linear reflection and transmission coefficients that we derive show that such pulses can experience a gain or loss at the boundary. This energy change depends on linear dielectric constants only. We also predict a regime where a complete disappearance of the forced pulse under oblique incidence occurs, an effect that has no counterpart for free-propagating pulses.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jacobson, Abram R.; Shao, Xuan-Min; Holzworth, Robert
We are developing and testing a steep-incidence D region sounding method for inferring profile information, principally regarding electron density. The method uses lightning emissions (in the band 5-500 kHz) as the probe signal. The data are interpreted by comparison against a newly developed single-reflection model of the radio wave's encounter with the lower ionosphere. The ultimate application of the method will be to study transient, localized disturbances of the nocturnal D region, including those instigated by lightning itself. Prior to applying the method to study lightning-induced perturbations of the nighttime D region, we have performed a validation test against more stable and predictable daytime observations, where the profile of electron density is largely determined by direct solar X-ray illumination. This article reports on the validation test. Predictions from our recently developed full-wave ionospheric-reflection model are compared to statistical summaries of daytime lightning radiated waveforms, recorded by the Los Alamos Sferic Array. The comparison is used to retrieve best fit parameters for an exponential profile of electron density in the ionospheric D region. The optimum parameter values are compared to those found elsewhere using a narrowband beacon technique, which used totally different measurements, ranges, and modeling approaches from those of the work reported here.
Numerical simulation of narrow bipolar electromagnetic pulses generated by thunderstorm discharges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bochkov, E. I.; Babich, L. P.; Kutsyk, I. M.
Using the concept of avalanche relativistic runaway electrons (REs), we perform numerical simulations of compact intracloud discharge (CID) as a generator of powerful natural electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) in the HF-VHF range, called narrow bipolar pulses (NBPs). For several values of the field overvoltage and altitude at which the discharge develops, the numbers of seed electrons initiating the avalanche are evaluated, with which the calculated EMP characteristics are consistent with the measured NBP parameters. We note shortcomings in the hypothesis assuming participation of cosmic ray air showers in avalanche initiation. The discharge capable of generating NBPs produces REs in numbers close to those in the source of terrestrial γ-ray flashes (TGFs), which can be an argument in favor of a unified NBP and TGF source.
Lightning NOx Estimates from Space-Based Lightning Imagers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Koshak, William J.
The intense heating of air by a lightning channel, and subsequent rapid cooling, leads to the production of lightning nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) as discussed in Chameides [1979]. In turn, the lightning nitrogen oxides (or "LNOx" for brevity) indirectly influences the Earth's climate because the LNOx molecules are important in controlling the concentration of ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radicals (OH) in the atmosphere. Climate is most sensitive to O3 in the upper troposphere, and LNOx is the most important source of NOx in the upper troposphere at tropical and subtropical latitudes; hence, lightning is a useful parameter to monitor for climate assessments. The National Climate Assessment (NCA) program was created in response to the Congressionally-mandated Global Change Research Act (GCRA) of 1990. Thirteen US government organizations participate in the NCA program which examines the effects of global change on the natural environment, human health and welfare, energy production and use, land and water resources, human social systems, transportation, agriculture, and biological diversity. The NCA focuses on natural and human-induced trends in global change, and projects major trends 25 to 100 years out. In support of the NCA, the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) continues to assess lightning-climate inter-relationships. This activity applies a variety of NASA assets to monitor in detail the changes in both the characteristics of ground- and space- based lightning observations as they pertain to changes in climate. In particular, changes in lightning characteristics over the conterminous US (CONUS) continue to be examined by this author using data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Lightning Imaging Sensor. In this study, preliminary estimates of LNOx trends derived from TRMM/LIS lightning optical energy observations in the 17 yr period 1998-2014 are provided. This represents an important first step in testing the ability to make remote retrievals
Strong electromagnetic pulses generated in laser-matter interactions with 10TW-class fs laser
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rączka, Piotr; Rosiński, Marcin; Zaraś-Szydłowska, Agnieszka; Wołowski, Jerzy; Badziak, Jan
The results of an experiment on the generation of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) in the interaction of 10TW fs pulses with thick (mm scale) and thin foil (μm scale) targets are described. Such pulses, with frequencies in the GHz range, may pose a threat to safe and reliable operation of high-power, high-intensity laser facilities. The main point of the experiment is to investigate the fine temporal structure of such pulses using an oscilloscope capable of measurements at very high sampling rate. It is found that the amazing reproducibility of such pulses is confirmed at this high sampling rate. Furthermore, the differences between the EMP signals generated from thick and thin foil targets are clearly seen, which indicates that besides electric polarization of the target and the target neutralization current there may be other factors essential for the EMP emission.
Lightning-driven electric and magnetic fields measured in the stratosphere: Implications for sprites
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Thomas, Jeremy Norman
A well accepted model for sprite production involves quasi-electrostatic fields (QSF) driven by large positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) strokes that can cause electrical breakdown in the middle atmosphere. A new high voltage, high impedance, double Langmuir probe instrument is designed specifically for measuring these large lightning-driven electric field changes at altitudes above 30 km. This High Voltage (HV) Electric Field Detector measured 200 nearby (<75 km) lightning-driven electric field changes, up to 140 V/m in magnitude, during the Brazil Sprite Balloon Campaign 2002--03. A numerical QSF model is developed and compared to the in situ measurements. It is found that the amplitudes and relaxation times of the electric fields driven by these nearby lightning events generally agree with the numerical QSF model, which suggests that the QSF approach is valid for modeling lightning-driven fields. Using the best fit parameters of this comparison, it is predicted that the electric fields at sprite altitudes (60--90 km) never surpass conventional breakdown in the mesosphere for each of these 200 nearby lightning events. Lightning-driven ELF to VLF (25 Hz--8 kHz) electric field changes were measured for each of the 2467 cloud-to-ground lightning (CGs) detected by the Brazilian Integrated Lightning Network (BIN) at distances of 75--600 km, and magnetic field changes (300 Hz--8 kHz) above the background noise were measured for about 35% (858) of these CGs. ELF pulses that occur 4--12 ms after the retarded time of the lightning sferic, which have been previously attributed to sprites, were found for 1.4% of 934 CGs examined with a strong bias towards +CGs (4.9% or 9/184) compared to -CGs (0.5% or 4/750). These results disagree with results from the Sprites99 Balloon Campaign [Bering et al., 2004b], in which the lightning-driven electric and magnetic field changes were rare, while the CG delayed ELF pulses were frequent. The Brazil Campaign results thus suggest that
Measurement and modeling of transfer functions for lightning coupling into the Sago mine.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Morris, Marvin E.; Higgins, Matthew B.
This report documents measurements and analytical modeling of electromagnetic transfer functions to quantify the ability of cloud-to-ground lightning strokes (including horizontal arc-channel components) to couple electromagnetic energy into the Sago mine located near Buckhannon, WV. Two coupling mechanisms were measured: direct and indirect drive. These transfer functions are then used to predict electric fields within the mine and induced voltages on conductors that were left abandoned in the sealed area of the Sago mine.
Reconstruction of lightning channel geometry by localizing thunder sources
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bodhika, J. A. P.; Dharmarathna, W. G. D.; Fernando, Mahendra; Cooray, Vernon
Thunder is generated as a result of a shock wave created by sudden expansion of air in the lightning channel due to high temperature variations. Even though the highest amplitudes of thunder signatures are generated at the return stroke stage, thunder signals generated at other events such as preliminary breakdown pulses also can be of amplitudes which are large enough to record using a sensitive system. In this study, it was attempted to reconstruct the lightning channel geometry of cloud and ground flashes by locating the temporal and spatial variations of thunder sources. Six lightning flashes were reconstructed using the recorded thunder signatures. Possible effects due to atmospheric conditions were neglected. Numerical calculations suggest that the time resolution of the recorded signal and 10 ms-1error in speed of sound leads to 2% and 3% errors, respectively, in the calculated coordinates. Reconstructed channel geometries for cloud and ground flashes agreed with the visual observations. Results suggest that the lightning channel can be successfully reconstructed using this technique.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mecikalski, John; Jewett, Chris; Carey, Larry; Zavodsky, Brad; Stano, Geoffrey
Lightning one of the most dangerous weather-related phenomena, especially as many jobs and activities occur outdoors, presenting risk from a lightning strike. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning represents a considerable safety threat to people at airfields, marinas, and outdoor facilities-from airfield personnel, to people attending outdoor stadium events, on beaches and golf courses, to mariners, as well as emergency personnel. Holle et al. (2005) show that 90% of lightning deaths occurred outdoors, while 10% occurred indoors despite the perception of safety when inside buildings. Curran et al. (2000) found that nearly half of fatalities due to weather were related to convective weather in the 1992-1994 timeframe, with lightning causing a large component of the fatalities, in addition to tornadoes and flash flooding. Related to the aviation industry, CG lightning represents a considerable hazard to baggage-handlers, aircraft refuelers, food caterers, and emergency personnel, who all become exposed to the risk of being struck within short time periods while convective storm clouds develop. Airport safety protocols require that ramp operations be modified or discontinued when lightning is in the vicinity (typically 16 km), which becomes very costly and disruptive to flight operations. Therefore, much focus has been paid to nowcasting the first-time initiation and extent of lightning, both of CG and of any lightning (e.g, in-cloud, cloud-to-cloud). For this project three lightning nowcasting methodologies will be combined: (1) a GOESbased 0-1 hour lightning initiation (LI) product (Harris et al. 2010; Iskenderian et al. 2012), (2) a High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) lightning probability and forecasted lightning flash density product, such that a quantitative amount of lightning (QL) can be assigned to a location of expected LI, and (3) an algorithm that relates Pseudo-GLM data (Stano et al. 2012, 2014) to the so-called "lightning jump" (LJ) methodology (Shultz et al
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mecikalski, John; Jewett, Chris; Carey, Larry; Zavodsky, Brad; Stano, Geoffrey; Chronis, Themis
Using satellite-based methods that provide accurate 0-1 hour convective initiation (CI) nowcasts, and rely on proven success coupling satellite and radar fields in the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS; operated and developed at MIT-Lincoln Laboratory), to subsequently monitor for first-flash lightning initiation (LI) and later period lightning trends as storms evolve. Enhance IR-based methods within the GOES-R CI Algorithm (that must meet specific thresholds for a given cumulus cloud before the cloud is considered to have an increased likelihood of producing lightning next 90 min) that forecast LI. Integrate GOES-R CI and LI fields with radar thresholds (e.g., first greater than or equal to 40 dBZ echo at the -10 C altitude) and NWP model data within the WDSS-II system for LI-events from new convective storms. Track ongoing lightning using Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) and pseudo-Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data to assess per-storm lightning trends (e.g., as tied to lightning jumps) and outline threat regions. Evaluate the ability to produce LI nowcasts through a "lightning threat" product, and obtain feedback from National Weather Service forecasters on its value as a decision support tool.
Single Station System and Method of Locating Lightning Strikes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Medelius, Pedro J. (Inventor); Starr, Stanley O. (Inventor)
An embodiment of the present invention uses a single detection system to approximate a location of lightning strikes. This system is triggered by a broadband RF detector and measures a time until the arrival of a leading edge of the thunder acoustic pulse. This time difference is used to determine a slant range R from the detector to the closest approach of the lightning. The azimuth and elevation are determined by an array of acoustic sensors. The leading edge of the thunder waveform is cross-correlated between the various acoustic sensors in the array to determine the difference in time of arrival, AT. A set of AT S is used to determine the direction of arrival, AZ and EL. The three estimated variables (R, AZ, EL) are used to locate a probable point of the lightning strike.
Electromagnetic pulse coupling through an aperture into a two-parallel-plate region
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rahmat-Samii, Y.
Analysis of electromagnetic-pulse (EMP) penetration via apertures into cavities is an important study in designing hardened systems. In this paper, an integral equation procedure is developed for determining the frequency and consequently the time behavior of the field inside a two-parallel-plate region excited through an aperture by an EMP. Some discussion of the numerical results is also included in the paper for completeness.
Indirect Lightning Safety Assessment Methodology
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ong, M M; Perkins, M P; Brown, C G
-cage type facility, when the facility is struck by lightning. In the following examples we will use Dr. Merewether's calculations from a poor quality Faraday cage as the input for the RF coupling analysis. coupling of radio frequency (RF) energy to explosive components is an indirect effect of currents [1]. If HE is adequately separated from the walls of the facility that is struck by disassembled have been turned into Faraday-cage structures to protect against lightning is initiation of the HE. last couple of decades, DOE facilities where HE is manufactured, assembled, stored or lightning. The most sensitive component is typically a detonator, and the safety concern lightning, electrons discharged from the clouds should not reach the HE components. radio receiver, the metal cable of a detonator can extract energy from the EM fields. This to the earth will create electromagnetic (EM) fields in the facility. Like an antenna in a« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Xiangchao; Wan, Zhicheng
In order to solve the damage and interference problems to the electronic devices, which are induced by overvoltage excited by the coupling process between lightning electromagnetic wave and overhead lines, the lightning channel is set to be equivalent to a radiant wire antenna. Based on the integration model of lightning return stroke channel, transmission line, and ground, we take advantage of the derived formula gotten from the transmission line model. By combing the theoretical and experimental methods, we conduct a comparative analysis on the coupling process between natural/simulated lightning and overhead line. Besides, we also calculate the amplitude and energy of overvoltage, which is caused by the coupling process between lightning electromagnetic wave and overhead lines. Upon these experimental results, we can draw several conclusions as follows: when the amplitude of the lightning current in the channel is between 5 kA and 41 kA, it takes on an excellent linear relation between the amplitude of overvoltage and the magnitude of the lightning current, the relation between coupling energy and magnitude of the lightning current takes on an exponential trend. When lightning wave transmits on the transmission lines, the high-order mode will be excited. Through analysis on the high-order mode's characteristics, we find that the theoretical analysis is consistent with the experimental results, which has a certain reference value to the protection on overhead lines.
The start of lightning: Evidence of bidirectional lightning initiation.
Montanyà, Joan; van der Velde, Oscar; Williams, Earle R
Lightning flashes are known to initiate in regions of strong electric fields inside thunderstorms, between layers of positively and negatively charged precipitation particles. For that reason, lightning inception is typically hidden from sight of camera systems used in research. Other technology such as lightning mapping systems based on radio waves can typically detect only some aspects of the lightning initiation process and subsequent development of positive and negative leaders. We report here a serendipitous recording of bidirectional lightning initiation in virgin air under the cloud base at ~11,000 images per second, and the differences in characteristics of opposite polarity leader sections during the earliest stages of the discharge. This case reveals natural lightning initiation, propagation and a return stroke as in negative cloud-to-ground flashes, upon connection to another lightning channel - without any masking by cloud.
Investigations into the triggered lightning response of the F106B thunderstorm research aircraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rudolph, Terence H.; Perala, Rodney A.; Mckenna, Paul M.; Parker, Steven L.
An investigation has been conducted into the lightning characteristics of the NASA F106B thunderstorm research aircraft. The investigation includes analysis of measured data from the aircraft in the time and frequency domains. Linear and nonlinear computer modelling has also been performed. In addition, new computer tools have been developed, including a new enhanced nonlinear air breakdown model, and a subgrid model useful for analyzing fine details of the aircraft's geometry. Comparison of measured and calculated electromagnetic responses of the aircraft to a triggered lightning environment are presented.
Numerical simulation of compact intracloud discharge and generated electromagnetic pulse
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Babich, L. P.; Bochkov, E. I.; Kutsyk, I. M.
Using the concept of the relativistic runaway electron avalanche, numerical simulation of compact intracloud discharge as a generator of powerful natural electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) in the HF-UHF range was conducted. We evaluated the numbers of electrons initiating the avalanche, with which the calculated EMP characteristics are consistent with measured ones. The discharge capable of generating EMPs produces runaway electrons in numbers close to those in the source of terrestrial γ-flashes (TGF) registered in the nearest space, which may be an argument for a joint EMP and TGF source.
Lightning may pose a danger to patients receiving deep brain stimulation: case report.
Prezelj, Neža; Trošt, Maja; Georgiev, Dejan; Flisar, Dušan
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an established treatment option for advanced stages of Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders. It is known that DBS is susceptible to strong electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can be generated by various electrical devices at work, home, and in medical environments. EMFs can interfere with the proper functioning of implantable pulse generators (IPGs). Very strong EMFs can generate induction currents in implanted electrodes and even damage the brain. Manufacturers of DBS devices have issued a list of warnings on how to avoid this danger. Strong EMFs can result from natural forces as well. The authors present the case of a 66-year-old woman who was being treated with a rechargeable DBS system for neck dystonia when her apartment was struck by lightning. Domestic electronic devices that were operating during the event were burned and destroyed. The woman's IPG switched off but remained undamaged, and she suffered no neurological consequences.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Christian, Hugh J.
Our knowledge of the global distribution of lightning has improved dramatically since the advent of spacebased lightning observations. Of major importance was the 1995 launch of the Optical Transient Detector (OTD), followed in 1997 by the launch of the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). Together, these instruments have generated a continuous eight-year record of global lightning activity. These lightning observations have provided a new global perspective on total lightning activity. For the first time, total lightning activity (cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud) has been observed over large regions with high detection efficiency and accurate geographic location. This has produced new insights into lightning distributions, times of occurrence and variability. It has produced a revised global flash rate estimate (44 flashes per second) and has lead to a new realization of the significance of total lightning activity in severe weather. Accurate flash rate estimates are now available over large areas of the earth (+/- 72 deg. latitude). Ocean-land contrasts as a function of season are clearly reveled, as are orographic effects and seasonal and interannual variability. The space-based observations indicate that air mass thunderstorms, not large storm system dominate global activity. The ability of LIS and OTD to detect total lightning has lead to improved insight into the correlation between lightning and storm development. The relationship between updraft development and lightning activity is now well established and presents an opportunity for providing a new mechanism for remotely monitoring storm development. In this concept, lightning would serve as a surrogate for updraft velocity. It is anticipated that this capability could lead to significantly improved severe weather warning times and reduced false warning rates. This talk will summarize our space-based lightning measurements, will discuss how lightning observations can be used to monitor severe weather, and
Pioneer Venus orbiter search for Venusian lightning
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Borucki, W.J.; Dyer, J.W.; Phillips, J.R.
During the 1988 and 1990, the star sensor aboard the Pioneer Venus orbiter (PVO) was used to search for optical pulses from lightning on the nightside of Venus. Useful data were obtained for 53 orbits in 1988 and 55 orbits in 1990. During this period, approximately 83 s of search time plus 7749 s of control data were obtained. The results again find no optical evidence for lightning activity. With the region that was observed during 1988, the results imply that the upper bound to short-duration flashes is 4 {times} 10{sup {minus}7} flashes/km{sup 2}/s for flashes that are at leastmore » 50% as bright as typical terrestrial lightning. During 1990, when the 2-Hz filter was used, the results imply an upper bound of 1 {times} 10{sup {minus}7} flashes/km{sup 2}/s for long-duration flashes at least 1.6% as bright as typical terrestrial lightning flashes or 33% as bright as the pulses observed by the Venera 9. The upper bounds to the flash rates for the 1988 and 1990 searches are twice and one half the global terrestrial rate, respectively. These two searches covered the region from 60{degrees}N latitude to 30{degrees}S latitude, 250{degrees} to 350{degrees} longitude, and the region from 45{degrees}N latitude to 55{degrees}S latitude, 155{degrees} to 300{degrees} longitude. Both searches sampled much of the nightside region from the dawn terminator to within 4 hours of the dusk terminator. These searches covered a much larger latitude range than any previous search. The results show that the Beat and Phoebe Regio areas previously identified by Russell et al. (1988) as areas with high rates of lightning activity were not active during the two seasons of the observations. When the authors assume that their upper bounds to the nightside flash rate are representative of the entire planet, the results imply that the global flash rate and energy dissipation rate derived by Krasnopol'sky (1983) from his observation of a single storm are too high.« less
Using Total Lightning Observations to Enhance Lightning Safety
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stano, Geoffrey T.
Lightning is often the underrated threat faced by the public when it comes to dangerous weather phenomena. Typically, larger scale events such as floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes receive the vast majority of attention by both the general population and the media. This comes from the fact that these phenomena are large, longer lasting, can impact a large swath of society at one time, and are dangerous events. The threat of lightning is far more isolated on a case by case basis, although millions of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes hit this United States each year. While attention is given to larger meteorological events, lightning is the second leading cause of weather related deaths in the United States. This information raises the question of what steps can be taken to improve lightning safety. Already, the meteorological community s understanding of lightning has increased over the last 20 years. Lightning safety is now better addressed with the National Weather Service s access to the National Lightning Detection Network data and enhanced wording in their severe weather warnings. Also, local groups and organizations are working to improve public awareness of lightning safety with easy phrases to remember, such as "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors." The impacts can be seen in the greater array of contingency plans, from airports to sports stadiums, addressing the threat of lightning. Improvements can still be made and newer technologies may offer new tools as we look towards the future. One of these tools is a network of sensors called a lightning mapping array (LMA). Several of these networks exist across the United States. NASA s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT), part of the Marshall Spaceflight Center, has access to three of these networks from Huntsville, Alabama, the Kennedy Space Center, and Washington D.C. The SPoRT program s mission is to help transition unique products and observations into the operational forecast environment
Effect of electromagnetic pulse on avoidance behavior and electroencephalogram of a rhesus monkey.
Mattsson, J L; Oliva, S A
A 12-kg male rhesus monkey was exposed to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) at 266 kv/m, 5 pulses/s, for 1 h (18,700 pulses). The effects of EMP on Sidman avoidance behavior and on post-exposure electroencephalogram were evaluated, and no significant changes were detected. An analysis of an EMP showed that it contained various frequency components extending from 0 Hz to 10(9) Hz. However, the pulse configuration was such that its power was mainly confined to the longer wave-lengths (less than 30 MHz). The lack of biologic effect was attributed to the fact that the wavelengths were long relative to the size of the monkey, and little energy deposition was likely to occur. In addition, the electric field was evenly distributed across all lower frequencies so that only a very small electric field component existed at any specific low frequency.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Russell, C. T.; Clayton, R. N.; Buseck, P. R.; Hua, X.; Holsapple, K. A.; Esposito, L. W.; Aherns, T. J.; Hecht, J.
The present state of knowledge concerning lightning on the planets is reviewed. Voyager data have clearly established the presence of lightning discharges at each of the four Jovian planets. In situ data for lightning on Venus are discussed in some detail, including reported quantitative occurrence rates and hypotheses concerning the relationship of Venusian lightning to VLF bursts observed in the Venus atmosphere.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sage, Cindy; Burgio, Ernesto
Mobile phones and other wireless devices that produce electromagnetic fields (EMF) and pulsed radiofrequency radiation (RFR) are widely documented to cause potentially harmful health impacts that can be detrimental to young people. New epigenetic studies are profiled in this review to account for some neurodevelopmental and neurobehavioral changes…
Effect of electromagnetic pulse exposure on brain micro vascular permeability in rats.
Ding, Gui-Rong; Li, Kang-Chu; Wang, Xiao-Wu; Zhou, Yong-Chun; Qiu, Lian-Bo; Tan, Juan; Xu, Sheng-Long; Guo, Guo-Zhen
To observe the effect of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) exposure on cerebral micro vascular permeability in rats. The whole-body of male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed or sham exposed to 200 pulses or 400 pulses (1 Hz) of EMP at 200 kV/m. At 0.5, 1, 3, 6, and 12 h after EMP exposure, the permeability of cerebral micro vascular was detected by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry using lanthanum nitrate and endogenous albumin as vascular tracers, respectively. The lanthanum nitrate tracer was limited to the micro vascular lumen with no lanthanum nitrate or albumin tracer extravasation in control rat brain. After EMP exposure, the lanthanum nitrate ions reached the tight junction, basal lamina and pericapillary tissue. Similarly, the albumin immunopositive staining was identified in pericapillary tissue. The changes in brain micro vascular permeability were transient, the leakage of micro vascular vessels appeared at 1 h, and reached its peak at 3 h, and nearly recovered at 12 h, after EMP exposure. In addition, the leakage of micro vascular was more obvious after exposure of EMP at 400 pulses than after exposure of EMP at 200 pulses. Exposure to 200 and 400 pulses (1 Hz) of EMP at 200 kV/m can increase cerebral micro vascular permeability in rats, which is recoverable.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schafer, Charles
The design and development of an Electromagnetic Propulsion is discussed. Specific Electromagnetic Propulsion Topics discussed include: (1) Technology for Pulse Inductive Thruster (PIT), to design, develop, and test of a multirepetition rate pulsed inductive thruster, Solid-State Switch Technology, and Pulse Driver Network and Architecture; (2) Flight Weight Magnet Survey, to determine/develop light weight high performance magnetic materials for potential application Advanced Space Flight Systems as these systems develop; and (3) Magnetic Flux Compression, to enable rapid/robust/reliable omni-planetary space transportation within realistic development and operational costs constraints.
Implementation of the FAA research and development electromagnetic database
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mcdowall, R. L.; Grush, D. J.; Cook, D. M.; Glynn, M. S.
The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) has been assisting the FAA in developing a database of information about lightning. The FAA Research and Development Electromagnetic Database (FRED) will ultimately contain data from a variety of airborne and ground-based lightning research projects. An outline of the data currently available in FRED is presented. The data sources which the FAA intends to incorporate into FRED are listed. In addition, it describes how the researchers may access and use the FRED menu system.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Borovsky, J.E.
In this report, several lightning-channel parameters are calculated with the aid of an electrodynamic model of lightning. The electrodynamic model describes dart leaders and return strokes as electromagnetic waves that are guided along conducting lightning channels. According to the model, electrostatic energy is delivered to the channel by a leader, where it is stored around the outside of the channel; subsequently, the return stroke dissipates this locally stored energy. In this report this lightning-energy-flow scenario is developed further. Then the energy dissipated per unit length in lightning channels is calculated, where this quantity is now related to the linear chargemore » density on the channel, not to the cloud-to-ground electrostatic potential difference. Energy conservation is then used to calculate the radii of lightning channels: their initial radii at the onset of return strokes and their final radii after the channels have pressure expanded. Finally, the risetimes for channel heating during return strokes are calculated by defining an energy-storage radius around the channel and by estimating the radial velocity of energy flow toward the channel during a return stroke. In three appendices, values for the linear charge densities on lightning channels are calculated, estimates of the total length of branch channels are obtained, and values for the cloud-to-ground electrostatic potential difference are estimated. {copyright} 1998 American Geophysical Union« less
Radio frequency observations of lightning discharges by the forte satellite.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shao, X.; Jacobson, A. R.; Light, T.
FORTE-observed VHF signatures for different lightning discharges are presented. For in-cloud discharges, a pulse pair is typically recorded and is named a 'transionospheric pulse pair' (TIPP). Many intense TIPPs are coherent and polarized, whereas initial and dart leaders do not show a recognizable degree of polarization. TIPPs are optically weaker than cloud-to-ground (CG) strokes, and stronger VHF TIPPs are optically darker. About 10% of CG strokes, mostly over seawater, produce extremely narrow, powerful VHF pulses at the very beginning of the return strokes. These narrow pulses are found to form an upward beam pattern.
Lightning Detection Efficiency Analysis Process: Modeling Based on Empirical Data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rompala, John T.
A ground based lightning detection system employs a grid of sensors, which record and evaluate the electromagnetic signal produced by a lightning strike. Several detectors gather information on that signal s strength, time of arrival, and behavior over time. By coordinating the information from several detectors, an event solution can be generated. That solution includes the signal s point of origin, strength and polarity. Determination of the location of the lightning strike uses algorithms based on long used techniques of triangulation. Determination of the event s original signal strength relies on the behavior of the generated magnetic field over distance and time. In general the signal from the event undergoes geometric dispersion and environmental attenuation as it progresses. Our knowledge of that radial behavior together with the strength of the signal received by detecting sites permits an extrapolation and evaluation of the original strength of the lightning strike. It also limits the detection efficiency (DE) of the network. For expansive grids and with a sparse density of detectors, the DE varies widely over the area served. This limits the utility of the network in gathering information on regional lightning strike density and applying it to meteorological studies. A network of this type is a grid of four detectors in the Rondonian region of Brazil. The service area extends over a million square kilometers. Much of that area is covered by rain forests. Thus knowledge of lightning strike characteristics over the expanse is of particular value. I have been developing a process that determines the DE over the region [3]. In turn, this provides a way to produce lightning strike density maps, corrected for DE, over the entire region of interest. This report offers a survey of that development to date and a record of present activity.
Tantalum capacitor behavior under fast transient overvoltages. [circuit protection against lightning
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zill, J. A.; Castle, K. D.
Tantalum capacitors were tested to determine failure time when subjected to short-duration, high-voltage surges caused by lightning strikes. Lightning is of concern to NASA because of possible damage to critical spacecraft circuits. The test was designed to determine the minimum time for tantalum capacitor failure and the amount of overvoltage a capacitor could survive, without permanent damage, in 100 microseconds. All tested exhibited good recovery from the transient one-shot pulses with no failure at any voltage, forward or reverse, in less than 25 microseconds.
Observations of a bi-directional lightning leader producing an M-component
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kotovsky, D. A.; Uman, M. A.; Wilkes, R.; Carvalho, F. L.; Jordan, D. M.
Lightning discharges to ground often exhibit millisecond-scale surges in the continuing currents following return strokes, called M-components. Relatively little is known regarding the source of M-component charge and the mechanisms by which that charge is transferred to ground. In this work, we seek to directly address these questions by presenting correlated high-speed video and Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) observations of a bi-directional leader that resulted in an M-component occurring in a rocket-and-wire triggered lightning flash. The observed leader initiated in the decayed remnants of a positive leader channel that had traversed virgin air approximately 90 msec prior. Three-dimensional locations and speeds of the photographed bi-directional leader and M-component processes are calculated by mapping video images to the observed LMA channel geometry. Both ends of the bi-directional leader exhibited speeds on the order of 2 x106 m sec-1 over 570 meters of the visible channel. Propagation of the luminosity wave from the in-cloud leader to ground ( 8.8 km channel length) exhibited appreciable dispersion, with rise-times (10-90%) increasing from 330 to 410 μsec and pulse-widths (half-maximum) increasing from 380 to 810 μsec - the M-component current pulse measured at ground-level exhibited a rise-time of 290 μsec and a pulse-width of 770 μsec. Group velocities of the luminosity wave have been calculated as a function of frequency, increasing from 2 x107 to 6 x107 m sec-1 over the dominant signal bandwidth (DC to 2 kHz). Additionally, multiple waves of luminosity are observed within the in-cloud channel, indicating nuanced wave phenomena possibly associated with reflection from the end of the leader channel and attachment with the main lightning channel carrying continuing current to ground.
Effects of electromagnetic pulse on bone metabolism of mice in vivo.
Li, Kang-Chu; Ma, Shi-Rong; Ding, Gui-Rong; Guo, Yao; Guo, Guo-Zhen
To study the effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on bone metabolism of mice in vivo. Twenty-four male BALB/c mice were divided into a control group and 2 experimental groups (n=8). The whole-body of mice in experimental groups were exposed to 50 kV/m and 400kV/m EMP, 400 pulses daily for 7 consecutive days at 2 seconds intervals. Alkaline phosphotase (ALP) activity, serum calcium concentration and osteocalcin level and trabecular bone volume (BV/TV, %) were measured immediately after EMP exposure by biochemical, ELISA and morphological methods. The ALP activity, serum calcium concentration and osteocalcin level and BV/TV in experimental groups remained unchanged after EMP exposure. Conclusion Under our experimental conditions, EMP exposure cannot affect bone metabolism of mice in vivo.
Analysis of lightning outliers in the EUCLID network
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Poelman, Dieter R.; Schulz, Wolfgang; Kaltenboeck, Rudolf; Delobbe, Laurent
Lightning data as observed by the European Cooperation for Lightning Detection (EUCLID) network are used in combination with radar data to retrieve the temporal and spatial behavior of lightning outliers, i.e., discharges located in a wrong place, over a 5-year period from 2011 to 2016. Cloud-to-ground (CG) stroke and intracloud (IC) pulse data are superimposed on corresponding 5 min radar precipitation fields in two topographically different areas, Belgium and Austria, in order to extract lightning outliers based on the distance between each lightning event and the nearest precipitation. It is shown that the percentage of outliers is sensitive to changes in the network and to the location algorithm itself. The total percentage of outliers for both regions varies over the years between 0.8 and 1.7 % for a distance to the nearest precipitation of 2 km, with an average of approximately 1.2 % in Belgium and Austria. Outside the European summer thunderstorm season, the percentage of outliers tends to increase somewhat. The majority of all the outliers are low peak current events with absolute values falling between 0 and 10 kA. More specifically, positive cloud-to-ground strokes are more likely to be classified as outliers compared to all other types of discharges. Furthermore, it turns out that the number of sensors participating in locating a lightning discharge is different for outliers versus correctly located events, with outliers having the lowest amount of sensors participating. In addition, it is shown that in most cases the semi-major axis (SMA) assigned to a lightning discharge as a confidence indicator in the location accuracy (LA) is smaller for correctly located events compared to the semi-major axis of outliers.
Excitation of plasma waves by nonlinear currents induced by a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Grishkov, V. E.; Uryupin, S. A.
Excitation of plasma waves by nonlinear currents induced by a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse is analyzed within the kinetic approach. It is shown that the most efficient source of plasma waves is the nonlinear current arising due to the gradient of the energy density of the high-frequency field. Generation of plasma waves by the drag current is usually less efficient but not negligibly small at relatively high frequencies of electron-ion collisions. The influence of electron collisions on the excitation of plasma waves by pulses of different duration is described quantitatively.
Excitation of plasma waves by nonlinear currents induced by a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Grishkov, V. E.; Uryupin, S. A., E-mail:
Excitation of plasma waves by nonlinear currents induced by a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse is analyzed within the kinetic approach. It is shown that the most efficient source of plasma waves is the nonlinear current arising due to the gradient of the energy density of the high-frequency field. Generation of plasma waves by the drag current is usually less efficient but not negligibly small at relatively high frequencies of electron–ion collisions. The influence of electron collisions on the excitation of plasma waves by pulses of different duration is described quantitatively.
Martin, Geoffrey V; Houle, Timothy; Nicholson, Robert; Peterlin, Albert; Martin, Vincent T
The aim of this article is to determine if lightning is associated with the frequency of headache in migraineurs. Participants fulfilling diagnostic criteria for International Headache Society-defined migraine were recruited from sites located in Ohio ( N = 23) and Missouri ( N = 67). They recorded headache activity in a daily diary for three to six months. A generalized estimating equations (GEE) logistic regression determined the odds ratio (OR) of headache on lightning days compared to non-lightning days. Other weather factors associated with thunderstorms were also added as covariates to the GEE model to see how they would attenuate the effect of lightning on headache. The mean age of the study population was 44 and 91% were female. The OR for headache was 1.31 (95% confidence limits (CL); 1.07, 1.66) during lighting days as compared to non-lightning days. The addition of thunderstorm-associated weather variables as covariates were only able to reduce the OR for headache on lightning days to 1.18 (95% CL; 1.02, 1.37). The probability of having a headache on lightning days was also further increased when the average current of lightning strikes for the day was more negative. This study suggests that lightning represents a trigger for headache in migraineurs that cannot be completely explained by other meteorological factors. It is unknown if lightning directly triggers headaches through electromagnetic waves or indirectly through production of bioaerosols (e.g. ozone), induction of fungal spores or other mechanisms. These results should be interpreted cautiously until replicated in a second dataset.
Shao, Xuan-Min
The fundamental electromagnetic equations used by lightning researchers were introduced in a seminal paper by Uman, McLain, and Krider in 1975. However, these equations were derived for an infinitely thin, one-dimensional source current, and not for a general three-dimensional current distribution. In this paper, we introduce a corresponding pair of generalized equations that are determined from a three-dimensional, time-dependent current density distribution based on Jefimenko's original electric and magnetic equations. To do this, we derive the Jefimenko electric field equation into a new form that depends only on the time-dependent current density similar to that of Uman, McLain, and Krider,more » rather than on both the charge and current densities in its original form. The original Jefimenko magnetic field equation depends only on current, so no further derivation is needed. We show that the equations of Uman, McLain, and Krider can be readily obtained from the generalized equations if a one-dimensional source current is considered. For the purpose of practical applications, we discuss computational implementation of the new equations and present electric field calculations for a three-dimensional, conical-shape discharge.« less
Strong electromagnetic pulses generated in high-intensity laser-matter interactions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rączka, P.; Dubois, J.-L.; Hulin, S.; Rosiński, M.; Zaraś-Szydłowska, A.; Badziak, J.
Results are reported of an experiment performed at the Eclipse laser facility in CELIA, Bordeaux, on the generation of strong electromagnetic pulses. Measurements were performed of the target neutralization current, the total target charge and the tangential component of the magnetic field for the laser energies ranging from 45 mJ to 92 mJ with the pulse duration approximately 40 fs, and for the pulse durations ranging from 39 fs to 1000 fs, with the laser energy approximately 90 mJ. It was found that the values obtained for thick (mm scale) Cu targets are visibly higher than values reported in previous experiments, which is argued to be a manifestation of a strong dependence of the target electric polarization process on the laser contrast and hence on the amount of preplasma. It was also found that values obtained for thin (μm scale) Al foils were visibly higher than values for thick Cu targets, especially for pulse durations longer than 100 fs. The correlations between the total target charge versus the maximum value of the target neutralization current, and the maximum value of the tangential component of the magnetic field versus the total target charge were analysed. They were found to be in very good agreement with correlations seen in data from previous experiments, which provides a good consistency check on our experimental procedures.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bleier, T. E.; Dunson, J. C.; Roth, S.; Mueller, S.; Lindholm, C.; Heraud, J. A.
QuakeFinder, a private research group in California, reports on the development of a 100+ station network consisting of 3-axis induction magnetometers, and air conductivity sensors to collect and characterize pre-seismic electromagnetic (EM) signals. These signals are combined with daily Infra Red signals collected from the GOES weather satellite infrared (IR) instrument to compare and correlate with the ground EM signals, both from actual earthquakes and boulder stressing experiments. This presentation describes the efforts QuakeFinder has undertaken to automatically detect these pulse patterns using their historical data as a reference, and to develop other discriminative algorithms that can be used with air conductivity sensors, and IR instruments from the GOES satellites. The overall big picture results of the QuakeFinder experiment are presented. In 2007, QuakeFinder discovered the occurrence of strong uni-polar pulses in their magnetometer coil data that increased in tempo dramatically prior to the M5.1 earthquake at Alum Rock, California. Suggestions that these pulses might have been lightning or power-line arcing did not fit with the data actually recorded as was reported in Bleier [2009]. Then a second earthquake occurred near the same site on January 7, 2010 as was reported in Dunson [2011], and the pattern of pulse count increases before the earthquake occurred similarly to the 2007 event. There were fewer pulses, and the magnitude of them was decreased, both consistent with the fact that the earthquake was smaller (M4.0 vs M5.4) and farther away (7Km vs 2km). At the same time similar effects were observed at the QuakeFinder Tacna, Peru site before the May 5th, 2010 M6.2 earthquake and a cluster of several M4-5 earthquakes.
A Fiber-Optic Current Sensor for Lightning Measurement Applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nguyen, Truong X.; Ely, Jay J.; Szatkowski, George N.
An optical-fiber sensor based on Faraday Effect is developed for measuring total lightning electric current. It has many unique capabilities not possible with traditional current sensors. Designed for aircraft installation, the sensor is lightweight, non-conducting, structure-conforming, and is immune to electromagnetic interference, hysteresis and saturation. It can also be used on windmills, lightning towers, and can help validate lightning detection network measurements. Faraday Effect causes light polarization to rotate when the fiber is exposed to a magnetic field in the direction of light propagation. Thus, the magnetic field strength can be determined from the light polarization change. By forming closed fiber loops and applying Ampere's law, measuring the total light rotation yields the total current enclosed. The broadband, dual-detector, reflective polarimetric scheme allows measurement of both DC component and AC waveforms with about 60 dB dynamic range. Three sensor systems were built with different sensitivities from different laser wavelengths. Operating at 850nm, the first system uses twisted single-mode fiber and has a 150 A - 150 KA range. The second system operates at 1550nm, uses spun polarization maintaining fiber, and can measure 400 A - 400 KA. Both systems were validated with rocket-triggered lightning measurements and achieved excellent results when compared to a resistive shunt. The third system operates at 1310nm, uses spun polarization maintaining fiber, and can measure approximately 300 A - 300 KA. High current measurements up to 200 KA were demonstrated at a commercial lightning test facility. The system was recently installed on an aircraft and flown near icing weather conditions.
A fiber-optic current sensor for lightning measurement applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nguyen, Truong X.; Ely, Jay J.; Szatkowski, George N.
An optical-fiber sensor based on Faraday Effect is developed for measuring total lightning electric current. It has many unique capabilities not possible with traditional current sensors. Designed for aircraft installation, the sensor is lightweight, non-conducting, structure-conforming, and is immune to electromagnetic interference, hysteresis and saturation. It can also be used on windmills, lightning towers, and can help validate lightning detection network measurements. Faraday Effect causes light polarization to rotate when the fiber is exposed to a magnetic field in the direction of light propagation. Thus, the magnetic field strength can be determined from the light polarization change. By forming closed fiber loops and applying Ampere's law, measuring the total light rotation yields the total current enclosed. The broadband, dual-detector, reflective polarimetric scheme allows measurement of both DC component and AC waveforms with about 60 dB dynamic range. Three sensor systems were built with different sensitivities from different laser wavelengths. Operating at 850nm, the first system uses twisted single-mode fiber and has a 150 A - 150 KA range. The second system operates at 1550nm, uses spun polarization maintaining fiber, and can measure 400 A - 400 KA. Both systems were validated with rocket-triggered lightning measurements and achieved excellent results when compared to a resistive shunt. The third system operates at 1310nm, uses spun polarization maintaining fiber, and can measure approximately 300 A - 300 KA. High current measurements up to 200 KA were demonstrated at a commercial lightning test facility. The system was recently installed on an aircraft and flown near icing weather conditions.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The conference presents papers on statistical data and standards, coupling and indirect effects, meteorology and thunderstorm studies, lightning simulators, fuel ignition hazards, the phenomenology and characterization of lightning, susceptibility and protection of avionics, ground systems protection, lightning locators, aircraft systems protection, structures and materials, electrostatics, and spacecraft protection against static electricity. Particular attention is given to a comparison of published HEMP and natural lightning on the surface of an aircraft, electromagnetic interaction of external impulse fields with aircraft, of thunderstorm currents and lightning charges at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, the design of a fast risetime lightning generator, lightning simulation tests in FAA CV-580 lightning research aircraft, and the energy requirements of an aircraft triggered discharge. Papers are also presented on aircraft lightning attachment at low altitudes, a new form of transient suppressor, a proving ground for lightning research, and a spacecraft materials test in a continuous, broad energy-spectrum electron beam.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sharp, D.; Williams, E.; Weber, M.; Goodman, Steven J.; Raghavan, R.; Matlin, A.; Boldi, B.
rate increases of 25 FPM per minute over a time scale of approximately 5 minutes were common. These pulse severe storms typically reached values of 150 to 200 FPM with some cells exceeding 400 FPM. One finding which could have a direct application to the warning process is that the rapid increase in lightning typically occurred in advance of the warning issuance time. Comparisons between the ending time of the rapid rate increase and the time of when the warning was issued by NWS/MLB meteorologist exhibited a lead time of 8 minutes. It is conceivable that if close monitoring of the LISDAD system by operational meteorologist is routinely performed, warnings for pulse severe storms could be issued up to 4 to 6 minutes earlier than what is issued currently.
Remote detection of radioactive material using high-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation.
Kim, Dongsung; Yu, Dongho; Sawant, Ashwini; Choe, Mun Seok; Lee, Ingeun; Kim, Sung Gug; Choi, EunMi
Remote detection of radioactive materials is impossible when the measurement location is far from the radioactive source such that the leakage of high-energy photons or electrons from the source cannot be measured. Current technologies are less effective in this respect because they only allow the detection at distances to which the high-energy photons or electrons can reach the detector. Here we demonstrate an experimental method for remote detection of radioactive materials by inducing plasma breakdown with the high-power pulsed electromagnetic waves. Measurements of the plasma formation time and its dispersion lead to enhanced detection sensitivity compared to the theoretically predicted one based only on the plasma on and off phenomena. We show that lower power of the incident electromagnetic wave is sufficient for plasma breakdown in atmospheric-pressure air and the elimination of the statistical distribution is possible in the presence of radioactive material.
Remote detection of radioactive material using high-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation
Kim, Dongsung; Yu, Dongho; Sawant, Ashwini; Choe, Mun Seok; Lee, Ingeun; Kim, Sung Gug; Choi, EunMi
Remote detection of radioactive materials is impossible when the measurement location is far from the radioactive source such that the leakage of high-energy photons or electrons from the source cannot be measured. Current technologies are less effective in this respect because they only allow the detection at distances to which the high-energy photons or electrons can reach the detector. Here we demonstrate an experimental method for remote detection of radioactive materials by inducing plasma breakdown with the high-power pulsed electromagnetic waves. Measurements of the plasma formation time and its dispersion lead to enhanced detection sensitivity compared to the theoretically predicted one based only on the plasma on and off phenomena. We show that lower power of the incident electromagnetic wave is sufficient for plasma breakdown in atmospheric-pressure air and the elimination of the statistical distribution is possible in the presence of radioactive material. PMID:28486438
Principles of Lightning Physics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mazur, Vladislav
Principles of Lightning Physics presents and discusses the most up-to-date physical concepts that govern many lightning events in nature, including lightning interactions with man-made structures, at a level suitable for researchers, advanced students and well-educated lightning enthusiasts. The author's approach to understanding lightning-to seek out, and show what is common to all lightning flashes-is illustrated by an analysis of each type of lightning and the multitude of lightning-related features. The book examines the work that has gone into the development of new physical concepts, and provides critical evaluations of the existing understanding of the physics of lightning and the lexicon of terms and definitions presently used in lightning research.
Two-dimensional electromagnetic Child-Langmuir law of a short-pulse electron flow
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, S. H.; Tai, L. C.; Liu, Y. L.
Two-dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations were performed to study the effect of the displacement current and the self-magnetic field on the space charge limited current density or the Child-Langmuir law of a short-pulse electron flow with a propagation distance of {zeta} and an emitting width of W from the classical regime to the relativistic regime. Numerical scaling of the two-dimensional electromagnetic Child-Langmuir law was constructed and it scales with ({zeta}/W) and ({zeta}/W){sup 2} at the classical and relativistic regimes, respectively. Our findings reveal that the displacement current can considerably enhance the space charge limited current density as compared to the well-knownmore » two-dimensional electrostatic Child-Langmuir law even at the classical regime.« less
An Intrinsic Fiber-Optic Sensor for Structure Lightning Current Measurement
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nguyen, Truong X.; Ely, Jay J.; Szatkowski, George N.; Mata, Carlos T.; Mata, Angel. G.; Snyder, Gary P.
An intrinsic optical-fiber sensor based on Faraday Effect is developed that is highly suitable for measuring lightning current on aircraft, towers and complex structures. Originally developed specifically for aircraft installations, it is light-weight, non-conducting, structure conforming, and is immune to electromagnetic interference, hysteresis and saturation. It can measure total current down to DC. When used on lightning towers, the sensor can help validate other sensors and lightning detection network measurements. Faraday Effect causes light polarization to rotate when the fiber is exposed to a magnetic field in the direction of light propagation. Thus, the magnetic field strength can be determined from the light polarization change. By forming closed fiber loops and applying Ampere's law, measuring the total light rotation yields the total current enclosed. A broadband, dual-detector, reflective polarimetric scheme allows measurement of both DC component and AC waveforms with a 60 dB dynamic range. Two systems were built that are similar in design but with slightly different sensitivities. The 1310nm laser system can measure 300 A - 300 kA, and has a 15m long sensing fiber. It was used in laboratory testing, including measuring current on an aluminum structure simulating an aircraft fuselage or a lightning tower. High current capabilities were demonstrated up to 200 kA at a lightning test facility. The 1550nm laser system can measure 400 A - 400 kA and has a 25m fiber length. Used in field measurements, excellent results were achieved in the summer of 2012 measuring rocket-triggered lightning at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT), Camp Blanding, Florida. In both systems increased sensitivity can be achieved with multiple fiber loops. The fiber optic sensor provides many unique capabilities not currently possible with traditional sensors. It represents an important new tool for lightning current measurement where low weight
Strategies, Protections and Mitigations for Electric Grid from Electromagnetic Pulse Effects
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Foster, Rita Ann; Frickey, Steven Jay
The mission of DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) is to lead national efforts to modernize the electricity delivery system, enhance the security and reliability of America’s energy infrastructure and facilitate recovery from disruptions to the energy supply. One of the threats OE is concerned about is a high-altitude electro-magnetic pulse (HEMP) from a nuclear explosion and eletro-magnetic pulse (EMP) or E1 pulse can be generated by EMP weapons. DOE-OE provides federal leadership and technical guidance in addressing electric grid issues. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) was chosen to conduct the EMP study for DOE-OE due tomore » its capabilities and experience in setting up EMP experiments on the electric grid and conducting vulnerability assessments and developing innovative technology to increase infrastructure resiliency. This report identifies known impacts to EMP threats, known mitigations and effectiveness of mitigations, potential cost of mitigation, areas for government and private partnerships in protecting the electric grid to EMP, and identifying gaps in our knowledge and protection strategies.« less
Lightning effects on the NASA F-8 digital-fly-by-wire airplane
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Plumer, J. A.; Fisher, F. A.; Walko, L. C.
The effects of lightning on a Digital Fly-By-Wire (DFBW)aircraft control system were investigated. The aircraft was a NASA operated F-8 fitted with a modified Apollo guidance computer. Current pulses similar in waveshape to natural lightning, but lower in amplitude, were injected into the aircraft. Measurements were made of the voltages induced on the DFBW circuits, the total current induced on the bundles of wires, the magnetic field intensity inside the aircraft, and the current density on the skin of the aircraft. Voltage measurements were made in both the line-to-ground and line-to-line modes. Voltages measured at the non-destructive test level were then scaled upward to determine how much would be produced by actual lightning. A 200,000 ampere severe lightning flash would produce between 40 and 2000 volts in DFBW circuits. Some system components are expected to be vulnerable to these voltages.
Gapeev, A B; Mikhaĭlik, E N; Rubanik, A V; Cheremis, N K
A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of high peak-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency was shown for the first time in a model of zymosan-induced footpad edema in mice. Exposure to radiation of specific parameters (35, 27 GHz, peak power 20 kW, pulse widths 400-600 ns, pulse repetition frequency 5-500 Hz) decreased the exudative edema and local hyperthermia by 20% compared to the control. The kinetics and the magnitude of the anti-inflammatory effect were comparable with those induced by sodium diclofenac at a dose of 3 mg/kg. It was found that the anti-inflammatory effect linearly increased with increasing pulse width at a fixed pulse repetition frequency and had threshold dependence on the average incident power density of the radiation at a fixed pulse width. When animals were whole-body exposed in the far-field zone of radiator, the optimal exposure duration was 20 min. Increasing the average incident power density upon local exposure of the inflamed paw accelerated both the development of the anti-inflammatory effect and the reactivation time. The results obtained will undoubtedly be of great importance in the hygienic standardization of pulsed electromagnetic radiation and in further studies of the mechanisms of its biological action.
Attachment process in rocket-triggered lightning strokes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, D.; Rakov, V. A.; Uman, M. A.; Takagi, N.; Watanabe, T.; Crawford, D. E.; Rambo, K. J.; Schnetzer, G. H.; Fisher, R. J.; Kawasaki, Z.-I.
estimated to be 7-11 m and 4-7 m, with the corresponding return-stroke peak currents being 21 kA and 12 kA, and the corresponding leader electric field changes 30 m from the rocket launcher being 56 kV/m and 43 kV/m. Additionally, we note that the downward dart leader light pulse generally exhibits little variation in its 10-90% risetime and peak value over some tens of meters above the return-stroke starting point, while the following return-stroke light pulse shows an appreciable increase in risetime and a decrease in peak value while traversing the same section of the lightning channel. Our findings regarding (1) the initially bidirectional development of return-stroke process and (2) the relatively strong attenuation of the upward moving return-stroke light (and by inference current) pulse over the first some tens of meters of the channel may have important implications for return-stroke modeling.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Christian, Hugh
Our knowledge of the global distribution of lightning has improved dramatically since the 1995 launch of the Optical Transient Detector (OTD) followed in 1997 by the launch of the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). Together, these instruments have generated a continuous seven-year record of global lightning activity. These lightning observations have provided a new global perspective on total lightning activity. For the first time, total lightning activity (CG and IC) has been observed over large regions with high detection efficiencies and accurate geographic location. This has produced new insights into lightning distributions, times of occurrence and variability. It has produced a revised global flash rate estimate (46 flashes per second) and has lead to a new realization of the significance of total lightning activity in severe weather. Accurate flash rate estimates are now available for large areas of the earth (+/- 72deg latitude) Ocean-land contrasts as a function of season are clearly revealed, as are orographic effects and seasonal and interannual variability. The data set indicates that air mass thunderstorms, not large storm systems dominate global activity. The ability of LIS and OTD to detect total lightning has lead to improved insight into the correlation between lightning and storm development. The relationship between updraft development and lightning activity is now well established and presents an opportunity for providing a new mechanism for remotely monitoring storm development. In this concept, lightning would serve as a surrogate for updraft velocity. It is anticipated hat this capability could lead to significantly improved severe weather warning times and reduced false warning rates.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Williams, E.
Lightning is of interest in the domain of climate change for several reasons: (1) thunderstorms are extreme forms of moist convection, and lightning flash rate is a sensitive measure of that extremity, (2) thunderstorms are deep conduits for delivering water substance from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere and stratosphere, and (3) global lightning can be monitored continuously and inexpensively within a natural framework (the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and Schumann resonances). Lightning and temperature, and lightning and upper tropospheric water vapor, are positively correlated on weather-related time scales (diurnal, semiannual, and annual) with a lightning temperature sensitivity of order 10% per oC. Lightning also follows temperature variations on the ENSO time scale, both locally and globally. The response of lightning in some of its extreme forms (exceptional flash rates and the prevalence of sprite-producing mesoscale lightning, for example) to temperature variations will be addressed. Consistently obtained records of lightning activity on longer time scales are scarce as stable detection networks are uncommon. As a consequence, thunder day data have been used to extend the lightning record for climate studies, with evidence for increases over decades in urban areas. Global records of lightning following Schumann resonance intensity and from space-based optical sensors (OTD and LIS) are consistent with the record of ionospheric potential representing the global electrical circuit in showing flat behavior over the few decades. This flatness is not well understood, though the majority of all lightning flashes are found in the tropics, the most closely regulated portion of the atmosphere. Other analysis of frequency variations of Schumann resonances in recent decades shows increased lightning in the northern hemisphere, where the global warming is most pronounced. The quantity more fundamental than temperature for lightning control is cloud buoyancy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Finke, U.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Mach, D. M.
The next generation of European geostationary weather observing satellites (MTG) will operate an optical lightning location instrument (LI) which will be very similar to the Global Lightning Mapper (GLM) on board of GOES-R. For the development and verification of the product processing algorithms realistic test data are necessary. This paper presents a method of test data generation on the basis of optical lightning data from the LIS instrument and cloud image data from the Seviri radiometer.The basis is the lightning data gathered during the 15 year LIS operation time, particularly the empirical distribution functions of the optical pulse size, duration and radiance as well as the inter-correlation of lightning in space and time. These allow for a realistically structured simulation of lightning test data. Due to its low orbit the instantaneous field of view of the LIS is limited and moving with time. For the generation of test data which cover the geostationary visible disk, the LIS data have to be extended. This is realized by 1. simulating random lightning pulses according to the established distribution functions of the lightning parameters and 2. using the cloud radiometer data of the Seviri instrument on board of the geostationary Meteosat second generation (MSG). Particularly, the cloud top height product (CTH) identifies convective storm clouds wherein the simulation places random lightning pulses. The LIS instrument was recently deployed on the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS orbit reaches higher latitudes, particularly Europe. The ISS-LIS data is analyzed for single observation days. Additionally, the statistical distribution of parameters such as radiance, footprint size, and space time correlation of the groups are compared against the long time statistics from TRMM-LIS.Optical lightning detection efficiency from space is affected by the solar radiation reflected from the clouds. This effect is changing with day and night areas across the
Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Group VA-H3
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Armanda, Carlos A.
During the eight weeks working at NASA, I was fortunate enough to work with the Expendable Launch Vehicle's (ELV) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Team, who is responsible for the evaluation and analysis of any EMI risk an ELV mission might face. This group of people concern themselves with practically any form of electromagnetic interference that may risk the safety of a rocket, a mission, or even people. Taking this into consideration, the group investigates natural forms of interference, such as lightning, to manmade interferences, such as antennas.
Characteristics of Lightning Within Electrified Snowfall Events Using Lightning Mapping Arrays
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schultz, Christopher J.; Lang, Timothy J.; Bruning, Eric C.; Calhoun, Kristin M.; Harkema, Sebastian; Curtis, Nathan
This study examined 34 lightning flashes within four separate thundersnow events derived from lightning mapping arrays (LMAs) in northern Alabama, central Oklahoma, and Washington DC. The goals were to characterize the in-cloud component of each lightning flash, as well as the correspondence between the LMA observations and lightning data taken from national lightning networks like the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Individual flashes were examined in detail to highlight several observations within the data set. The study results demonstrated that the structures of these flashes were primarily normal polarity. The mean area encompassed by this set of flashes is 375 km2, with a maximum flash extent of 2,300 km2, a minimum of 3 km2, and a median of 128 km2. An average of 2.29 NLDN flashes were recorded per LMA-derived lightning flash. A maximum of 11 NLDN flashes were recorded in association with a single LMA-derived flash on 10 January 2011. Additionally, seven of the 34 flashes in the study contain zero NLDN-identified flashes. Eleven of the 34 flashes initiated from tall human-made objects (e.g., communication towers). In at least six lightning flashes, the NLDN detected a return stroke from the cloud back to the tower and not the initial upward leader. This study also discusses lightning's interaction with the human-built environment and provides an example of lightning within heavy snowfall observed by Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16's Geostationary Lightning Mapper.
Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Lightning Mapping Arrays.
Schultz, Christopher J; Lang, Timothy J; Bruning, Eric C; Calhoun, Kristin M; Harkema, Sebastian; Curtis, Nathan
This study examined 34 lightning flashes within four separate thundersnow events derived from lightning mapping arrays (LMAs) in northern Alabama, central Oklahoma, and Washington DC. The goals were to characterize the in-cloud component of each lightning flash, as well as the correspondence between the LMA observations and lightning data taken from national lightning networks like the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Individual flashes were examined in detail to highlight several observations within the dataset. The study results demonstrated that the structures of these flashes were primarily normal polarity. The mean area encompassed by this set of flashes is 375 km 2 , with a maximum flash extent of 2300 km 2 , a minimum of 3 km 2 , and a median of 128 km 2 . An average of 2.29 NLDN flashes were recorded per LMA-derived lightning flash. A maximum of 11 NLDN flashes were recorded in association with a single LMA-derived flash on 10 January 2011. Additionally, seven of the 34 flashes in the study contain zero NLDN identified flashes. Eleven of the 34 flashes initiated from tall human-made objects (e.g., communication towers). In at least six lightning flashes, the NLDN detected a return stroke from the cloud back to the tower and not the initial upward leader. This study also discusses lightning's interaction with the human built environment and provides an example of lightning within heavy snowfall observed by GOES-16's Geostationary Lightning Mapper.
Implementation of the FAA research and development electromagnetic database
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McDowall, R.L.; Grush, D.J.; Cook, D.M.
The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) has been assisting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in developing a database of information about lightning. The FAA Research and Development Electromagnetic Database (FRED) will ultimately contain data from a variety of airborne and groundbased lightning research projects. This paper contains an outline of the data currently available in FRED. It also lists the data sources which the FAA intends to incorporate into FRED. In addition, it describes how the researcher may access and use the FRED menu system. 2 refs., 12 figs.
Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in superconducting metamaterials
Ivić, Z.; Lazarides, N.; Tsironis, G. P.
Quantum bits (qubits) are at the heart of quantum information processing schemes. Currently, solid-state qubits, and in particular the superconducting ones, seem to satisfy the requirements for being the building blocks of viable quantum computers, since they exhibit relatively long coherence times, extremely low dissipation, and scalability. The possibility of achieving quantum coherence in macroscopic circuits comprising Josephson junctions, envisioned by Legett in the 1980’s, was demonstrated for the first time in a charge qubit; since then, the exploitation of macroscopic quantum effects in low-capacitance Josephson junction circuits allowed for the realization of several kinds of superconducting qubits. Furthermore, coupling between qubits has been successfully achieved that was followed by the construction of multiple-qubit logic gates and the implementation of several algorithms. Here it is demonstrated that induced qubit lattice coherence as well as two remarkable quantum coherent optical phenomena, i.e., self-induced transparency and Dicke-type superradiance, may occur during light-pulse propagation in quantum metamaterials comprising superconducting charge qubits. The generated qubit lattice pulse forms a compound ”quantum breather” that propagates in synchrony with the electromagnetic pulse. The experimental confirmation of such effects in superconducting quantum metamaterials may open a new pathway to potentially powerful quantum computing. PMID:27403780
Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in superconducting metamaterials.
Ivić, Z; Lazarides, N; Tsironis, G P
Quantum bits (qubits) are at the heart of quantum information processing schemes. Currently, solid-state qubits, and in particular the superconducting ones, seem to satisfy the requirements for being the building blocks of viable quantum computers, since they exhibit relatively long coherence times, extremely low dissipation, and scalability. The possibility of achieving quantum coherence in macroscopic circuits comprising Josephson junctions, envisioned by Legett in the 1980's, was demonstrated for the first time in a charge qubit; since then, the exploitation of macroscopic quantum effects in low-capacitance Josephson junction circuits allowed for the realization of several kinds of superconducting qubits. Furthermore, coupling between qubits has been successfully achieved that was followed by the construction of multiple-qubit logic gates and the implementation of several algorithms. Here it is demonstrated that induced qubit lattice coherence as well as two remarkable quantum coherent optical phenomena, i.e., self-induced transparency and Dicke-type superradiance, may occur during light-pulse propagation in quantum metamaterials comprising superconducting charge qubits. The generated qubit lattice pulse forms a compound "quantum breather" that propagates in synchrony with the electromagnetic pulse. The experimental confirmation of such effects in superconducting quantum metamaterials may open a new pathway to potentially powerful quantum computing.
Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in superconducting metamaterials
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ivić, Z.; Lazarides, N.; Tsironis, G. P.
Quantum bits (qubits) are at the heart of quantum information processing schemes. Currently, solid-state qubits, and in particular the superconducting ones, seem to satisfy the requirements for being the building blocks of viable quantum computers, since they exhibit relatively long coherence times, extremely low dissipation, and scalability. The possibility of achieving quantum coherence in macroscopic circuits comprising Josephson junctions, envisioned by Legett in the 1980’s, was demonstrated for the first time in a charge qubit; since then, the exploitation of macroscopic quantum effects in low-capacitance Josephson junction circuits allowed for the realization of several kinds of superconducting qubits. Furthermore, coupling between qubits has been successfully achieved that was followed by the construction of multiple-qubit logic gates and the implementation of several algorithms. Here it is demonstrated that induced qubit lattice coherence as well as two remarkable quantum coherent optical phenomena, i.e., self-induced transparency and Dicke-type superradiance, may occur during light-pulse propagation in quantum metamaterials comprising superconducting charge qubits. The generated qubit lattice pulse forms a compound ”quantum breather” that propagates in synchrony with the electromagnetic pulse. The experimental confirmation of such effects in superconducting quantum metamaterials may open a new pathway to potentially powerful quantum computing.
An Algorithm Framework for Isolating Anomalous Signals in Electromagnetic Data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kappler, K. N.; Schneider, D.; Bleier, T.; MacLean, L. S.
QuakeFinder and its international collaborators have installed and currently maintain an array of 165 three-axis induction magnetometer instrument sites in California, Peru, Taiwan, Greece, Chile and Sumatra. Based on research by Bleier et al. (2009), Fraser-Smith et al. (1990), and Freund (2007), the electromagnetic data from these instruments are being analyzed for pre-earthquake signatures. This analysis consists of both private research by QuakeFinder, and institutional collaborators (PUCP in Peru, NCU in Taiwan, NOA in Greece, LASP at University of Colorado, Stanford, UCLA, NASA-ESI, NASA-AMES and USC-CSEP). QuakeFinder has developed an algorithm framework aimed at isolating anomalous signals (pulses) in the time series. Results are presented from an application of this framework to induction-coil magnetometer data. Our data driven approach starts with sliding windows applied to uniformly resampled array data with a variety of lengths and overlap. Data variance (a proxy for energy) is calculated on each window and a short-term average/ long-term average (STA/LTA) filter is applied to the variance time series. Pulse identification is done by flagging time intervals in the STA/LTA filtered time series which exceed a threshold. Flagged time intervals are subsequently fed into a feature extraction program which computes statistical properties of the resampled data. These features are then filtered using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based method to cluster similar pulses. We explore the extent to which this approach categorizes pulses with known sources (e.g. cars, lightning, etc.) and the remaining pulses of unknown origin can be analyzed with respect to their relationship with seismicity. We seek a correlation between these daily pulse-counts (with known sources removed) and subsequent (days to weeks) seismic events greater than M5 within 15km radius. Thus we explore functions which map daily pulse-counts to a time series representing the likelihood of a
Ginzburg, N S; Zotova, I V; Sergeev, A S
Based on analogy to the well-known process of the self-induced transparency of an optical pulse propagating through a passive two-level medium we describe similar effects for a microwave pulse interacting with a cold plasma or rectilinear electron beam under cyclotron resonance condition. It is shown that with increasing amplitude and duration of an incident pulse the linear cyclotron absorption is replaced by the self-induced transparency when the pulse propagates without damping. In fact, the initial pulse decomposes to one or several solitons with amplitude and duration defined by its velocity. In a certain parameter range, the single soliton formation is accompanied by significant compression of the initial electromagnetic pulse. We suggest using the effect of self-compression for producing multigigawatt picosecond microwave pulses.
Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R. O.; Erives, H.; Sonnenfeld, R. G.; Stanley, M. A.; Rison, W.; Thomas, R. J.; Edens, H. E.; Lapierre, J. L.; Stock, M.; Jensen, D.; Morris, K.
During the summer of 2015 we acquired acoustic and RF data on severalflashes from thunderstorms over Fort Morgan CO. and Langmuir Laboratoryin the Magdalena mountains of central New Mexico. The acoustic arrayswere located at a distance of roughly 150 m from the interferometers.Lightning mapping array and slow antenna data were also obtained. Theacoustic arrays consist of arrays of five audio-range and six infrasoundmicrophones operating at 50 KHz and 1 KHz respectively. The lightninginterferometer at Fort Morgan CO. consists of three flat-plate, 13" diameterantennas at the vertices of an equilateral 50 m per side triangle. Theinterferometer at Langmuir Laboratory consists of three 13" dishes separatedby about 15 m. Both interferometers, operating at 180 Megasamples persecond, use the analysis software and digitizer hardware pioneered byStanley, Stock et al. The high data rate allows for excellent spatialresolution of high speed (and typically high current) processes such asK-changes, return strokes and dart-leaders. In previous studies, we haveshown the usefulness of acoustic recordings to locate thunder sources aswell as infrasound pulses from lightning. This work will present acomparison of Acoustic and Interferometric measurements from lightning,using some interesting flashes, including a positive cloud to ground,that occurred in these campaigns.
Constraints on Nubular Electromagnetic Pulses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eisenhour, D. D.; Buseck, P. R.
Chondritic meteorites contain an abundance of silicate minerals with opaque inclusions of oxides, sulfides, and metals. These host silicates interact differently from their enclosed opaques to electromagnetic (EM) radiation; specifically, silicates are inefficient at absorbing EM energy in the visible and near infrared while metals, sulfides, and Fe oxides absorb strongly in this frequency range. In the presence of a strong electromagnetic pulse (EMP), this preferential absorption leads to the selective heating of the opaque inclusions and can produce unique textures ("dirty snowballs": intimate, ~spherical intergrowths of silicate and opaque minerals with radii of < 1 to 10 micrometers) that record the passage of the EMP. Many chondrules, CAIs, and isolated silicate grains within chondritic meteorites exhibit these unique features, suggesting that strong EMPs were common in the early solar nebula [1]. Here we discuss new constraints on nebular EMPs obtained from both experimental simulations and calculations of radiative heat transport. To test the feasibility of producing "dirty snowball" textures by EMP heating, olivines and pyroxenes containing metal and sulfide inclusions were heated with a 10 watt, argon-ion, CW laser operated at 514 nm. Comparisons between meteoritic "dirty snowball" textures and experimentally produced textures confirm the ability to produce the meteoritic textures by EMP heating and suggest heating times and fluxes of 0.25 to 10 seconds and 10^9 to 10^10 ergs cm^-2 sec^-1. Fluxes less than 10^9 ergs cm^-2 sec^-1 were insufficient to melt metal and sulfide inclusions, while fluxes greater than 10^10 ergs cm^-2 sec^-1 resulted in complete melting of metal, sulfide, and silicates. The experimentally determined heating time scales suggest that radiative equilibrium was reached in the "dirty snowball" formation process, indicating that the range of observed textures is controlled by cooling rates. Calculations of radiative absorption and
Cherington, M
It is a little-known fact that lightning casualties often involve travel or transportation. López and colleagues, in their studies on the epidemiology of lightning injuries, have reported that 10% of lightning injuries are categorized under transportation. In the majority of their cases, victims were struck while standing outside or near their vehicles during a thunderstorm. During my review of the neurologic complications of lightning injuries, I was impressed by the number of case reports in which the victim was struck while either in or near a vehicle, airplane or vessel. In this article, I shall put forth information on four aspects of lightning that relate to the danger to people traveling in vehicles, boats, and airplanes. First, I shall deal with lightning safety on ships and boats. People who enjoy recreational sailing, including the "weekend sailor" and those who enjoy fishing from a boat, should be fortified with knowledge about lightning protection. Second, I shall consider the matter of lightning strikes to aircraft. In the third section, I shall discuss the question of lightning safety in automobiles. Fourth, I shall review those cases found in my literature review in which the victim was struck while in or near a vehicle, boat, or airplane.
Extreme ball lightning event of August 6, 1868 in County Donegal, Ireland.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
VanDevender, J. Pace; McGinley, Niall; van Doorn, Peter
Although laboratory experiments have produced glowing balls of light that fade in <1 s after external power is removed and theories have been proposed to explain low-energy events, energetic ball lightning is not understood. A seminal event that illuminates the fundamental nature of ball lightning is needed to advance our understanding of the phenomenon. We report such a seminal event: the energetic ball lightning event of August 6, 1868, in County Donegal, Ireland, extensively reported to the Royal Society by M. Fitzgerald. It lasted for 20 minutes, left a 6 m square hole and a 100 m long by 1.2more » m deep trench, tore away a 25 m long and 1.5 m deep stream bank that diverted the course of the stream, and terminated by producing a shallow cave in the opposite bank of the stream. We found and characterized the site and show that the geomorphology and carbon dating support the account by M. Fitzgerald. We find that the excavation is not consistent with chemical, nuclear, or electrostatic forces but is consistent with Analysis of the event and the local conditions in 2006 is consistent with magnetic induction at {approx} 1 MHz frequency expelling the moderately conductive, water saturated peat down to the underlying clay/rock layer. The 60-cm diameter--which diminished to 10 cm diameter without reducing the impact of the ball lightning on the environment--and the size of the depressions, the yield strength of the peat, and the lack of any mention of smoke or steam in Fitzgerald's report would be consistent with the core of the ball lightning being a magnetically levitated mini black hole weighing more than 20,000 kg. The results suggest that such energetic ball lightning should be detectable at great distances by its electromagnetic emissions, which might provide a characteristic signature to reveal the source of the energy and the equilibrium configuration of the contained currents. Unexplained intermittent emissions in the MHz range are necessary but not
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Robb, J. D.; Chen, T.
An analysis of the shielding properties of mixed metal and graphite composite structures has illustrated some important aspects of electromagnetic field penetration into the interior. These include: (1) that graphite access doors on metallic structures will attenuate lightning magnetic fields very little; conversely, metal doors on a graphite structure will also attenuate fields from lightning strike currents very little, i.e., homogeneity of the shield is a critical factor in shielding and (2) that continuous conductors between two points inside a graphite skin such as an air data probe metallic tubing connection to an air data computer can allow large current penetrations into a vehicle interior. The true weight savings resulting from the use of composite materials can only be evaluated after the resulting electromagnetic problems such as current penetrations have been solved, and this generally requires weight addition in the form of cable shields, conductor bonding or external metallization.
Modeling Lightning Impact Thermo-Mechanical Damage on Composite Materials
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Muñoz, Raúl; Delgado, Sofía; González, Carlos; López-Romano, Bernardo; Wang, De-Yi; LLorca, Javier
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers, used in primary structures for aircraft due to an excellent strength-to-weight ratio when compared with conventional aluminium alloy counterparts, may nowadays be considered as mature structural materials. Their use has been extended in recent decades, with several aircraft manufacturers delivering fuselages entirely manufactured with carbon composites and using advanced processing technologies. However, one of the main drawbacks of using such composites entails their poor electrical conductivity when compared with aluminium alloy competitors that leads to lightning strikes being considered a significant threat during the service life of the aircraft. Traditionally, this problem was overcome with the use of a protective copper/bronze mesh that added additional weight and reduced the effectiveness of use of the material. Moreover, this traditional sizing method is based on vast experimental campaigns carried out by subjecting composite panels to simulated lightning strike events. While this method has proven its validity, and is necessary for certification of the structure, it may be optimized with the aid provided by physically based numerical models. This paper presents a model based on the finite element method that includes the sources of damage observed in a lightning strike, such as thermal damage caused by Joule overheating and electromagnetic/acoustic pressures induced by the arc around the attachment points. The results of the model are compared with lightning strike experiments carried out in a carbon woven composite.
Miao, Xia; Wang, Yafeng; Lang, Haiyang; Lin, Yanyun; Guo, Qiyan; Yang, Mingjuan; Guo, Juan; Zhang, Yanjun; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Junye; Liu, Yaning; Zeng, Lihua; Guo, Guozhen
Networked 21st century society, globalization, and communications technologies are paralleled by the rise of electromagnetic energy intensity in our environments and the growing pressure of the environtome on human biology and health. The latter is the entire complement of environmental factors, including the electromagnetic energy and the technologies that generate them, enacting on the digital citizen in the new century. Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) irradiation might have serious damaging effects not only on electronic equipment but also in the whole organism and reproductive health, through nonthermal effects and oxidative stress. We sought to determine whether EMP exposure (1) induces biological damage on reproductive health and (2) the extent to which selenium-rich Cordyceps fungi (daily coadministration) offer protection on the testicles and spermatozoa. In a preclinical randomized study, 3-week-old male BALB/c mice were repeatedly exposed to EMP (peak intensity 200 kV/m, pulse edge 3.5 ns, pulse width 15 ns, 0.1 Hz, and 400 pulses/day) 5 days per week for four consecutive weeks, with or without coadministration of daily selenium-rich Cordyceps fungi (100 mg/kg). Testicular index and spermatozoa formation were measured at baseline and 1, 7, 14, 28, and 60 day time points after EMP exposure. The group without Cordyceps cotreatment displayed decreased spermatozoa formation, shrunk seminiferous tubule diameters, and diminished antioxidative capacity at 28 and 60 days after exposure (p < 0.05). The Cordyceps daily cotreatment alleviated the testicular damage by EMP exposure, increased spermatozoa formation, and reduced apoptotic spermatogenic cells. These observations warrant further preclinical and clinical studies as an innovative approach for potential protection against electromagnetic radiation in the current age of networked society and digital citizenship.
Whistler Observations on DEMETER Compared with Full Electromagnetic Wave Simulations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Compston, A. J.; Cohen, M.; Lehtinen, N. G.; Inan, U.; Linscott, I.; Said, R.; Parrot, M.
Terrestrial Very Low Frequency (VLF) electromagnetic radiation, which strongly impacts the Van Allen radiation belt electron dynamics, is injected across the ionosphere into the Earth's plasmasphere from two primary sources: man-made VLF transmitters and lightning discharges. Numerical models of trans-ionospheric propagation of such waves remain unvalidated, and early models may have overestimated the absorption, hindering a comprehensive understanding of the global impact of VLF waves in the loss of radiation belt electrons. In an attempt to remedy the problem of a lack of accurate trans-ionospheric propagation models, we have used a full electromagnetic wave method (FWM) numerical code to simulate the propagation of lightning-generated whistlers into the magnetosphere and compared the results with whistlers observed on the DEMETER satellite and paired with lightning stroke data from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). We have identified over 20,000 whistlers occuring in 14 different passes of DEMETER over the central United States during the summer of 2009, and 14,000 of those occured within the 2000 km x 2000 km simulation grid we used. As shown in the attached figure, which shows a histogram of the ratio of the simulated whistler energy to the measured whistler energy for the 14,000 whistlers we compared, the simulation tends to slightly underestimate the total whistler energy injected by about 5 dB. However, the simulation underestimates the DEMETER measurements more as one gets further from the source lightning stroke, so since the signal to noise ratio of more distant whistlers will be smaller, possibly additive noise in the DEMETER measurements (which of course is not accounted for in the model) may explain some of the observed discrepancy.
A transportable 50 kA dual mode lightning simulator
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Salisbury, K.; Lloyd, S.; Chen, Y. G.
A transportable lightning simulator was designed, built and tested, which is capable of delivering more than 50 kA to an 8 micro-H test object. The simulator was designed to be a versatile device in the lightning laboratory while meeting the requirements of MIL-STD-1757A for component E current waveforms. The system is capable of operating in either a ringing mode with a Q greater than 5 and a nominal frequency of 160 kHz, or a unipolar mode with no hardware configuration changes. The ringing mode is obtained by the LCR series circuit formed by the pulse generator and test object. The unipolar mode is obtained by closing an electrically triggered crowbar switch at peak current. The simulator exceeds the peak current requirement and rate of rise requirements for MIL-STD-1757A in both the ringing and unipolar modes. The pulse half width in the unipolar mode is in excess of 50 microsec and the action is in excess of 10(exp 5) A(exp 2)s. The design, component values, and test results are presented.
Remo, John L; Adams, Richard G; Jones, Michael C
Generation and effects of atmospherically propagated electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) initiated by photoelectrons ejected by the high density and temperature target surface plasmas from multiterawatt laser pulses are analyzed. These laser radiation pulse interactions can significantly increase noise levels, thereby obscuring data (sometimes totally) and may even damage sensitive probe and detection instrumentation. Noise effects from high energy density (approximately multiterawatt) laser pulses (approximately 300-400 ps pulse widths) interacting with thick approximately 1 mm) metallic and dielectric solid targets and dielectric-metallic powder mixtures are interpreted as transient resonance radiation associated with surface charge fluctuations on the target chamber that functions as a radiating antenna. Effective solutions that minimize atmospheric EMP effects on internal and proximate electronic and electro-optical equipment external to the system based on systematic measurements using Moebius loop antennas, interpretations of signal periodicities, and dissipation indicators determining transient noise origin characteristics from target emissions are described. Analytic models for the effect of target chamber resonances and associated noise current and temperature in a probe diode laser are described.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Remo, John L.; Adams, Richard G.; Jones, Michael C.
Generation and effects of atmospherically propagated electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) initiated by photoelectrons ejected by the high density and temperature target surface plasmas from multiterawatt laser pulses are analyzed. These laser radiation pulse interactions can significantly increase noise levels, thereby obscuring data (sometimes totally) and may even damage sensitive probe and detection instrumentation. Noise effects from high energy density (approximately multiterawatt) laser pulses (˜300-400 ps pulse widths) interacting with thick (˜1 mm) metallic and dielectric solid targets and dielectric-metallic powder mixtures are interpreted as transient resonance radiation associated with surface charge fluctuations on the target chamber that functions as a radiating antenna. Effective solutions that minimize atmospheric EMP effects on internal and proximate electronic and electro-optical equipment external to the system based on systematic measurements using Moebius loop antennas, interpretations of signal periodicities, and dissipation indicators determining transient noise origin characteristics from target emissions are described. Analytic models for the effect of target chamber resonances and associated noise current and temperature in a probe diode laser are described.
Remo, John L.; Adams, Richard G.; Jones, Michael C.
Generation and effects of atmospherically propagated electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) initiated by photoelectrons ejected by the high density and temperature target surface plasmas from multiterawatt laser pulses are analyzed. These laser radiation pulse interactions can significantly increase noise levels, thereby obscuring data (sometimes totally) and may even damage sensitive probe and detection instrumentation. Noise effects from high energy density (approximately multiterawatt) laser pulses (~300–400 ps pulse widths) interacting with thick (~1 mm) metallic and dielectric solid targets and dielectric–metallic powder mixtures are interpreted as transient resonance radiation associated with surface charge fluctuations on the target chamber that functions as a radiatingmore » antenna. Effective solutions that minimize atmospheric EMP effects on internal and proximate electronic and electro-optical equipment external to the system based on systematic measurements using Moebius loop antennas, interpretations of signal periodicities, and dissipation indicators determining transient noise origin characteristics from target emissions are described. Analytic models for the effect of target chamber resonances and associated noise current and temperature in a probe diode laser are described.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lightning Technologies, Inc., Pittsfield, MA, - a spinoff company founded by president J. Anderson Plumer, a former NASA contractor employee who developed his expertise with General Electric Company's High Voltage Laboratory - was a key player in Langley Research Center's Storm Hazards Research Program. Lightning Technologies used its NASA acquired experience to develop protective measures for electronic systems and composite structures on aircraft, both of which are particularly susceptible to lightning damage. The company also provides protection design and verification testing services for complete aircraft systems or individual components. Most aircraft component manufacturers are among Lightning Technologies' clients.
Alcantara, Dominic Z; Soliman, Ian Jerry S; Pobre, Romeric F; Naguib, Raouf N G
We present an analysis of the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) with 3.3 MHz carrier frequency and modulated by audio resonant frequencies on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line in vitro using absorption spectroscopy. This involves a fluorescence dye called PrestoBlue™ Cell Viability Reagent and a spectrophotometry to test the viability of MCF-7 breast cancer cells under different PEMF treatment conditions in terms of the cell absorption values. The DNA molecule of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells has an electric dipole property that renders it sensitive and reactive to applied electromagnetic fields. Resonant frequencies derived from four genes mutated in MCF-7 breast cancer cells [rapamycin-insensitive companion of mammalian target of rapamycin (RICTOR), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARG), Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 (NBN) and checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2)] were applied in generating square pulsed electromagnetic waves. Effects were monitored through measurement of absorption of the samples with PrestoBlue™, and the significance of the treatment was determined using the t-test. There was a significant effect on MCF-7 cells after treatment with PEMF at the resonant frequencies of the following genes for specific durations of exposure: RICTOR for 10 min, PPARG for 10 min, NBN for 15 min, and CHEK2 for 5 min. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lightning is an energetic electric discharge, creating a current that flows briefly within a cloud--or between a cloud and the ground--and heating the air to temperatures about five times hotter than the sun’s surface. But there’s a lot about lightning that’s still a mystery. Los Alamos National Laboratory is working to change that. Because lightning produces optical and radio frequency signals similar to those from a nuclear explosion, it’s important to be able to distinguish whether such signals are caused by lightning or a nuclear event. As part of the global security mission at Los Alamos, scientists use lightning tomore » help develop better instruments for nuclear test-ban treaty monitoring and, in the process, have learned a lot about lightning itself.« less
Effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on cardiac pacemakers. Final report, Nov 88-Oct 89
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ellis, V.J.
The U.S. Army Harry Diamond Laboratories' (HDL's) Woodbridge Research Facility (WRF) has conducted an investigation into the effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on medical electronics. This report specifically documents the findings on the effects of WRF's Army EMP Simulator Operations (AESOP) on cardiac pacemakers (CPMs). Empirical data are furnished and compared to the results of two independent analytical studies. The studies support the conclusion that damage to CPMs that might be located near the WRF boundaries is not likely. Furthermore, any upset in a CPM's operation is considered unlikely and inconsequential to the health of the CPM wearer. Cardiac pacemakersmore » (CPMs) have experienced significant technological advancements over the last decade, evolving from simple and bulky pulse generators to the small and sophisticated computerized units implanted today. With the implementation of sensitive digital electronics in modern pacemaker designs, concerns have been expressed for the possibility of an increased sensitivity of CPMs to electromagnetic interference (EMI). To some extent these concerns have abated to the increased awareness of the EMI problem by the manufacturers, as evident in better peacemaker designs and the decline in reported malfunctions due to EMI.« less
Parhampour, Behrouz; Torkaman, Giti; Hoorfar, Hamid; Hedayati, Mehdi; Ravanbod, Roya
To assess the effects of short-term resistance training and pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone metabolism and joint function in patients with haemophilia with osteoporosis. A randomized, controlled, patient and blood sample assessor-blinded, six-week trial, three times weekly. Hospital outpatients with severe haemophilia A and osteoporosis. Forty-eight patients were randomly assigned to resistance training (RT, n = 13), combined resistance training with pulsed electromagnetic fields (RTPEMF, n = 12), pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF, n = 11) and control (n = 12) groups. The RT group received 30-40 minutes of resistance exercises and placebo pulsed electromagnetic fields. The RTPEMF group received the same exercises with lower repetition and 30 minutes of pulsed electromagnetic fields. The PEMF group was exposed to 60 minutes of pulsed electromagnetic fields (30 Hz and 40 Gauss). Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and joint function, using the modified Colorado Questionnaire, were measured before and after the programme. The absolute change of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase was significant in the RT and RTPEMF groups compared with the control group (25.41 ± 14.40, 15.09 ± 5.51, and -4.73 ± 2.93 U/L, respectively). The absolute changes in the total score for joint function were significant for knees, ankles, and elbows in the RT group (9.2 ± 1.38, 5.1 ± 0.5, and 3.2 ± 0.8, respectively) and the RTPEMF group (7.7 ± 1.0, 3.3 ± 0.6, and 2.5 ± 0.7, respectively) compared to the PEMF and control groups. This value was significant for knee joints in the PEMF group compared to the control group (3.4 ± 0.5 and 0.66 ± 0.4, respectively). Resistance training is effective for improving bone formation and joint function in severe haemophilia A patients with osteoporosis.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xi, Xiao-Wen; Chai, Chang-Chun; Liu, Yang; Yang, Yin-Tang; Fan, Qing-Yang; Shi, Chun-Lei
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP)-induced damage model based on the internal damage mechanism of the GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) is established in this paper. With this model, the relationships among the damage power, damage energy, pulse width and signal amplitude are investigated. Simulation results show that the pulse width index from the damage power formula obtained here is higher than that from the empirical formula due to the hotspot transferring in the damage process of the device. It is observed that the damage energy is not a constant, which decreases with the signal amplitude increasing, and then changes little when the signal amplitude reaches up to a certain level. Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2014CB339900) and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) (Grant No. 2015-0214.XY.K).
Science of Ball Lightning (Fire Ball)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ohtsuki, Yoshi-Hiko
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows: * Organizing Committee * Preface * Ball Lightning -- The Continuing Challenge * Hungarian Ball Lightning Observations in 1987 * Nature of Ball Lightning in Japan * Phenomenological and Psychological Analysis of 150 Austrian Ball Lightning Reports * Physical Problems and Physical Properties of Ball Lightning * Statistical Analysis of the Ball Lightning Properties * A Fluid-Dynamical Model for Ball Lightning and Bead Lightning * The Lifetime of Hill's Vortex * Electrical and Radiative Properties of Ball Lightning * The Candle Flame as a Model of Ball Lightning * A Model for Ball Lightning * The High-Temperature Physico-Chemical Processes in the Lightning Storm Atmosphere (A Physico-Chemical Model of Ball Lightning) * New Approach to Ball Lightning * A Calculation of Electric Field of Ball Lightning * The Physical Explanation to the UFO over Xinjiang, Northern West China * Electric Reconnection, Critical Ionization Velocity, Ponderomotive Force, and Their Applications to Triggered and Ball Lightning * The PLASMAK™ Configuration and Ball Lightning * Experimental Research on Ball Lightning * Performance of High-Voltage Test Facility Designed for Investigation of Ball Lightning * List of Participants
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, Elsie V.; Petersen, W. A,
Numerous case studies and recent modeling studies have found that various metrics of updraft intensity appear to be reasonably well correlated to lightning production in thunderstorms, particularly severe thunderstorms. Indeed, the relationship between updraft and lightning flash rate is hypothesized to be the physical connection between a lightning "jump" signature and manifestations of severe weather such as tornadic activity. This study further examines this connection using a combination of dual Doppler wind retrievals made with the UAH ARMOR dual polarimetric and KHTX WSR 88D Doppler radar pair, together with northern Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) data. The dual Doppler data were used to construct three dimensional wind fields and the retrieved vertical velocity fields were subsequently compared to collocated total lightning flash rates observed by the LMA. Particular attention was paid to the timing of updraft pulses relative to changes in the flash rate, with the goal of assessing impacts on warning decision lead time. Results from the analysis of severe and non severe thunderstorms in Northern Alabama will be presented including the EF 4 tornado producing supercell on 6 February 2008.
Pegoraro, F; Bulanov, S V
The stability of a thin plasma foil accelerated by the radiation pressure of a high intensity electromagnetic (e.m.) pulse is investigated analytically and with particle in cell numerical simulations. It is shown that the onset of a Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability can lead to transverse bunching of the foil and to broadening of the energy spectrum of fast ions. The use of a properly tailored e.m. pulse with a sharp intensity rise can stabilize the foil acceleration.
Filamentation in Air with Ultrashort Mid-Infrared Pulses
remote sensing [11, 12], lightning guiding [13–15], supercontinuum generation ( SCG ) [16], pulse compression [17], and THz generation [18]. Although...shock) and push the pulse toward positive times [23, 24, 46, 54, 55] [see Fig. 3(a) at ζ = 0.6]. Subsequently, the pulse collapses at ζ = 0.9, and SCG
Electromagnetic pulsed thermography for natural cracks inspection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Yunlai; Tian, Gui Yun; Wang, Ping; Wang, Haitao; Gao, Bin; Woo, Wai Lok; Li, Kongjing
Emerging integrated sensing and monitoring of material degradation and cracks are increasingly required for characterizing the structural integrity and safety of infrastructure. However, most conventional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods are based on single modality sensing which is not adequate to evaluate structural integrity and natural cracks. This paper proposed electromagnetic pulsed thermography for fast and comprehensive defect characterization. It hybrids multiple physical phenomena i.e. magnetic flux leakage, induced eddy current and induction heating linking to physics as well as signal processing algorithms to provide abundant information of material properties and defects. New features are proposed using 1st derivation that reflects multiphysics spatial and temporal behaviors to enhance the detection of cracks with different orientations. Promising results that robust to lift-off changes and invariant features for artificial and natural cracks detection have been demonstrated that the proposed method significantly improves defect detectability. It opens up multiphysics sensing and integrated NDE with potential impact for natural understanding and better quantitative evaluation of natural cracks including stress corrosion crack (SCC) and rolling contact fatigue (RCF).
Electromagnetic pulsed thermography for natural cracks inspection
Gao, Yunlai; Tian, Gui Yun; Wang, Ping; Wang, Haitao; Gao, Bin; Woo, Wai Lok; Li, Kongjing
Emerging integrated sensing and monitoring of material degradation and cracks are increasingly required for characterizing the structural integrity and safety of infrastructure. However, most conventional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods are based on single modality sensing which is not adequate to evaluate structural integrity and natural cracks. This paper proposed electromagnetic pulsed thermography for fast and comprehensive defect characterization. It hybrids multiple physical phenomena i.e. magnetic flux leakage, induced eddy current and induction heating linking to physics as well as signal processing algorithms to provide abundant information of material properties and defects. New features are proposed using 1st derivation that reflects multiphysics spatial and temporal behaviors to enhance the detection of cracks with different orientations. Promising results that robust to lift-off changes and invariant features for artificial and natural cracks detection have been demonstrated that the proposed method significantly improves defect detectability. It opens up multiphysics sensing and integrated NDE with potential impact for natural understanding and better quantitative evaluation of natural cracks including stress corrosion crack (SCC) and rolling contact fatigue (RCF). PMID:28169361
A wide bandwidth electrostatic field sensor for lightning research
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaepfel, K. P.
Data obtained from UHF Radar observation of direct-lightning strikes to the NASA F-106B airplane have indicated that most of the 690 strikes acquired during direct-strike lightning tests were triggered by the aircraft. As an aid in understanding the triggered lightning process, a wide bandwidth electric field measuring system was designed for the F-106B by implementing a clamped-detection signal processing concept originated at the Air Force Cambridge Research Lab in 1953. The detection scheme combines the signals from complementary stator pairs clamped to zero volts at the exact moment when each stator pair is maximally shielded by the rotor, a process that restores the dc level lost by the charge amplifier. The new system was implemented with four shutter-type field mills located at strategic points on the airplane. The bandwidth of the new system was determined in the laboratory to be from dc to over 100 Hz, whereas past designs had upper limits of 10 Hz to 100 Hz. To obtain the undisturbed electric field vector and total aircraft charge, the airborne field mill system is calibrated by using techniques involving results from ground and flight calibrations of the F-106B, laboratory tests of a metallized model, and a finite-difference time-domain electromagnetic computer code.
A wide bandwidth electrostatic field sensor for lightning research
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaepfel, Klaus P.
Data obtained from UHF radar observation of direct-lightning strikes to the NASA F-106B aircraft have indicated that most of the 690 strikes acquired during direct-strike lightning tests were triggered by the aircraft. As an aid in understanding the triggered lightning process, a wide bandwidth electric field measuring system was designed for the F-106B by implementing a clamped-detection signal processing concept originated at the Air Force Cambridge Research Lab in 1953. The detection scheme combines the signals from complementary stator pairs clamped to zero bolts at the exact moment when each stator pair is maximally shielded by the rotor, a process that restores the dc level lost by the charge amplifier. The system was implemented with four shutter-type field mills located at strategic points on the aircraft. The bandwidth of the system was determined in the laboratory to be from dc to over 100 Hz, whereas past designs had upper limits of 10 to 100 Hz. To obtain the undisturbed electric field vector and total aircraft charge, the airborne field mill system is calibrated by using techniques involving results from ground and flight calibrations of the F-106B, laboratory tests of a metallized model, and a finite difference time-domain electromagnetic computer code.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Orville, Richard E.
Lightning Physics and Effects is not a lightning book; it is a lightning encyclopedia. Rarely in the history of science has one contribution covered a subject with such depth and thoroughness as to set the enduring standard for years, perhaps even decades, to come. This contribution covers all aspects of lightning, including lightning physics, lightning protection, and the interaction of lightning with a variety of objects and systems as well as the environment. The style of writing is well within the ability of the technical non-expert and anyone interested in lightning and its effects. Potential readers will include physicists; engineers working in the power industry, communications, computer, and aviation industries; atmospheric scientists; geophysicists; meteorologists; atmospheric chemists; foresters; ecologists; physicians working in the area of electrical trauma; and, lastly, architects. This comprehensive reference volume contains over 300 illustrations, 70 tables with quantitative information, and over 6000 reference and bibliography entries.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cooray, G. V.; Cooray, G. K.
Gurevich et al. [1] postulated that the source of narrow bipolar pulses, a class of high energy pulses that occur during thunderstorms, could be a runaway electron avalanche driven by the intense electric fields of a thunderstorm. Recently, Watson and Marshall [2] used the modified transmission line model to test the mechanism of the source of narrow bipolar pulses. In a recent paper, Cooray and Cooray [3] demonstrated that the electromagnetic fields of accelerating charges could be used to evaluate the electromagnetic fields from electrical discharges if the temporal and spatial variation of the charges in the discharge is known. In the present study, those equations were utilized to evaluate the electromagnetic fields generated by a relativistic electron avalanche. In the analysis it is assumed that all the electrons in the avalanche are moving with the same speed. In other words, the growth or the decay of the number of electrons takes place only at the head of the avalanche. It is shown that the radiation is emanating only from the head of the avalanche where electrons are being accelerated. It is also shown that an analytical expression for the radiation field of the avalanche at any distance can be written directly in terms of the e-folding length of the avalanche. This makes it possible to extract directly the spatial variation of the e-folding length of the avalanche from the measured radiation fields. In the study this model avalanche was used to investigate whether it can be used to describe the measured electromagnetic fields of narrow bipolar pulses. The results obtained are in reasonable agreement with the two station data of Eack [4] for speeds of propagation around (2 - 2.5) x 10^8 m/s and when the propagation effects on the electric fields measured at the distant station is taken into account. [1] Gurevich et al. (2004), Phys. Lett. A., 329, pp. 348 -361. [2] Watson, S. S. and T. C. Marshall (2007), Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 34, L04816, doi: 10
An Experimental Study of a Pulsed Electromagnetic Plasma Accelerator
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thio, Y. C. Francis; Eskridge, Richard; Lee, Mike; Smith, James; Martin, Adam; Markusic, Tom E.; Cassibry, Jason T.; Rodgers, Stephen L. (Technical Monitor)
Experiments are being performed on the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) pulsed electromagnetic plasma accelerator (PEPA-0). Data produced from the experiments provide an opportunity to further understand the plasma dynamics in these thrusters via detailed computational modeling. The detailed and accurate understanding of the plasma dynamics in these devices holds the key towards extending their capabilities in a number of applications, including their applications as high power (greater than 1 MW) thrusters, and their use for producing high-velocity, uniform plasma jets for experimental purposes. For this study, the 2-D MHD modeling code, MACH2, is used to provide detailed interpretation of the experimental data. At the same time, a 0-D physics model of the plasma initial phase is developed to guide our 2-D modeling studies.
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP), Part I: Effects on field medical equipment.
Vandre, R H; Klebers, J; Tesche, F M; Blanchard, J P
The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a high-altitude nuclear detonation has the potential to cover an area as large as the continental United States with damaging levels of EMP radiation. In this study, two of seven items of medical equipment were damaged by an EMP simulator. Computer circuit analysis of 17 different items showed that 11 of the 17 items would be damaged by current surges on the power cords, while two would be damaged by current surges on external leads. This research showed that a field commander can expect approximately 65% of his electronic medical equipment to be damaged by a single nuclear detonation as far as 2,200 km away.
Electric converters of electromagnetic strike machine with battery power
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Usanov, K. M.; Volgin, A. V.; Kargin, V. A.; Moiseev, A. P.; Chetverikov, E. A.
At present, the application of pulse linear electromagnetic engines to drive strike machines for immersion of rod elements into the soil, strike drilling of shallow wells, dynamic probing of soils is recognized as quite effective. The pulse linear electromagnetic engine performs discrete consumption and conversion of electrical energy into mechanical work. Pulse dosing of a stream transmitted by the battery source to the pulse linear electromagnetic engine of the energy is provided by the electrical converter. The electric converters with the control of an electromagnetic strike machine as functions of time and armature movement, which form the unipolar supply pulses of voltage and current necessary for the normal operation of a pulse linear electromagnetic engine, are proposed. Electric converters are stable in operation, implement the necessary range of output parameters control determined by the technological process conditions, have noise immunity and automatic disconnection of power supply in emergency modes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nína Petersen, Guðrún; Arason, Þórður; Bjornsson, Halldór
Eruption of subglacial volcanoes may lead to catastrophic floods and therefore early determination of the exact eruption site may be critical to civil protection evacuation plans. Poor visibility due to weather or darkness often inhibit positive identification of exact eruption location for many hours. However, because of the proximity and abundance of water in powerful subglacial volcanic eruptions, they are probably always accompanied by early lightning activity in the volcanic column. Lightning location systems, designed for weather thunderstorm monitoring, based on remote detection of electromagnetic waves from lightning, can provide valuable real-time information on location of eruption site. Important aspect of such remote detection is its independence of weather, apart from thunderstorms close to the volcano. Individual lightning strikes can be 5-10 km in length and are sometimes tilted and to the side of the volcanic column. This adds to the lightning location uncertainty, which is often a few km. Furthermore, the volcanic column may be swayed by the local wind to one side. Therefore, location of a single lightning can be misleading but by calculating average location of many lightning strikes and applying wind correction a more accurate eruption site location can be obtained. In an effort to assess the expected accuracy, the average lightning locations during the past five volcanic eruptions in Iceland (1998-2011) were compared to the exact site of the eruption vent. Simultaneous weather thunderstorms might have complicated this analysis, but there were no signs of ordinary thunderstorms in Iceland during these eruptions. To identify a suitable wind correction, the vector wind at the 500 hPa pressure level (5-6 km altitude) was compared to mean lightning locations during the eruptions. The essential elements of a system, which predicts the eruption site during the first hour(s) of an eruption, will be described.
Electromagnetic pulse scattering by a spacecraft nearing light speed.
Garner, Timothy J; Lakhtakia, Akhlesh; Breakall, James K; Bohren, Craig F
Humans will launch spacecraft that travel at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light. Spacecraft traffic will be tracked by radar. Scattering of pulsed electromagnetic fields by an object in uniform translational motion at relativistic speed may be computed using the frame-hopping technique. Pulse scattering depends strongly on the velocity, shape, orientation, and composition of the object. The peak magnitude of the backscattered signal varies by many orders of magnitude, depending on whether the object is advancing toward or receding from the source of the interrogating signal. The peak magnitude of the backscattered signal goes to zero as the object recedes from the observer at a speed very closely approaching light speed, rendering the object invisible to the observer. The energy scattered by an object in motion may increase or decrease relative to the energy scattered by the same object at rest. Both the magnitude and sign of the change depend on the velocity of the object, as well as on its shape, orientation, and composition. In some cases, the change in total scattered energy is greatest when the object is moving transversely to the propagation direction of the interrogating signal, even though the Doppler effect is strongest when the motion is parallel or antiparallel to the propagation direction.
Lightning Burns and Electrical Trauma in a Couple Simultaneously Struck by Lightning
Eyerly-Webb, Stephanie A.; Solomon, Rachele; Lee, Seong K.; Sanchez, Rafael; Carrillo, Eddy H.; Davare, Dafney L.; Kiffin, Chauniqua; Rosenthal, Andrew
More people are struck and killed by lightning each year in Florida than any other state in the United States. This report discusses a couple that was simultaneously struck by lightning while walking arm-in-arm. Both patients presented with characteristic lightning burns and were admitted for hemodynamic monitoring, serum labs, and observation and were subsequently discharged home. Despite the superficial appearance of lightning burns, serious internal electrical injuries are common. Therefore, lightning strike victims should be admitted and evaluated for cardiac arrhythmias, renal injury, and neurological sequelae.
How Lightning Works Inside Thunderstorms: A Half-Century of Lightning Studies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krehbiel, P. R.
Lightning is a fascinating and intriguing natural phenomenon, but the most interesting parts of lightning discharges are inside storms where they are obscured from view by the storm cloud. Although clouds are essentially opaque at optical frequencies, they are fully transparent at radio frequencies (RF). This, coupled with the fact that lightning produces prodigious RF emissions, has allowed us to image and study lightning inside storms using various RF and lower-frequency remote sensing techniques. As in all other scientific disciplines, the technology for conducting the studies has evolved to an incredible extent over the past 50 years. During this time, we have gone from having very little or no knowledge of how lightning operates inside storms, to being able to 'see' its detailed structure and development with an increasing degree of spatial and temporal resolution. In addition to studying the discharge processes themselves, lightning mapping observations provide valuable information on the electrical charge structure of storms, and on the mechanisms by which storms become strongly electrified. In this presentation we briefly review highlights of previous observations, focussing primarily on the long string of remote-sensing studies I have been involved in. We begin with the study of lightning charge centers of cloud-to-ground discharges in central New Mexico in the late 1960s and continue up to the present day with interferometric and 3-dimensional time-of-arrival VHF mapping observations of lightning in normally- and anomalously electrified storms. A particularly important aspect of the investigations has been comparative studies of lightning in different climatological regimes. We conclude with observations being obtained by a high-speed broadband VHF interferometer, which show in unprecedented detail how individual lightning discharges develop inside storms. From combined interferometer and 3-D mapping data, we are beginning to unlock nature's secrets
Properties of Lightning Strike Protection Coatings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gagne, Martin
Composite materials are being increasingly used by many industries. In the case of aerospace companies, those materials are installed on their aircraft to save weight, and thus, fuel costs. These aircraft are lighter, but the loss of electrical conductivity makes aircraft vulnerable to lightning strikes, which hit commercial aircrafts on average once per year. This makes lightning strike protection very important, and while current metallic expanded copper foils offer good protection, they increase the weight of composites. Therefore, under the CRIAQ COMP-502 project, a team of industrial partners and academic researchers are investigating new conductive coatings with the following characteristics: High electromagnetic protection, high mechanical resistance, good environmental protection, manufacturability and moderate cost. The main objectives of this thesis, as part of this project, was to determine the main characteristics, such as electrical and tribomechanical properties, of conductive coatings on composite panels. Their properties were also to be tested after destructive tests such as current injection and environmental testing. Bombardier Aerospace provided the substrate, a composite of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy matrix, and the current commercial product, a surfacing film that includes an expanded copper foil used to compare with the other coatings. The conductive coatings fabricated by the students are: silver nanoparticles inside a binding matrix (PEDOT:PSS or a mix of Epoxy and PEDOT:PSS), silvered carbon nanofibers embedded in the surfacing film, cold sprayed tin, graphene oxide functionalized with silver nanowires, and electroless plated silver. Additionally as part of the project and thesis, magnetron sputtered aluminum coated samples were fabricated. There are three main types of tests to characterize the conductive coatings: electrical, mechanical and environmental. Electrical tests consist of finding the sheet resistance and specific resistivity
Chau, Kenneth J; Lezec, Henri J
We propose a set of postulates to describe the mechanical interaction between a plane-wave electromagnetic pulse and a dispersive, dissipative slab having a refractive index of arbitrary sign. The postulates include the Abraham electromagnetic momentum density, a generalized Lorentz force law, and a model for absorption-driven mass transfer from the pulse to the medium. These opto-mechanical mechanisms are incorporated into a one-dimensional finite-difference time-domain algorithm that solves Maxwell's equations and calculates the instantaneous force densities exerted by the pulse onto the slab, the momentum-per-unit-area of the pulse and slab, and the trajectories of the slab and system center-of-mass. We show that the postulates are consistent with conservation of global energy, momentum, and center-of-mass velocity at all times, even for cases in which the refractive index of the slab is negative or zero. Consistency between the set of postulates and well-established conservation laws reinforces the Abraham momentum density as the one true electromagnetic momentum density and enables, for the first time, identification of the correct form of the electromagnetic mass density distribution and development of an explicit model for mass transfer due to absorption, for the most general case of a ponderable medium that is both dispersive and dissipative. © 2012 Optical Society of America
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Legro, J. R.; Abi-Samra, N. C.; Tesche, F. M.
In addition to the initial transients designated as fast transient high-altitude EMP (HEMP) and intermediate time EMP, electromagnetic signals are also perceived at times from seconds to hundreds of seconds after a high-altitude nuclear burst. This signal was defined by the term magnetohydrodynamic-electromagnetic pulse (MHD-EMP). The MHD-EMP phenomena was detected in actual weapon tests and predicted from theoretical models. A preliminary research effort to investigate the nature and coupling of the MHD-EMP environments to electric power systems documented the construction of approximate system response network models, and the development of a unified methodology to assess equipment and systematic vulnerability are defined. The MHD-EMP environment is compared to a qualitatively similar natural event, the electromagnetic environment produced by geomagnetic storms.
Lightning Instrumentation at KSC
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Colon, Jose L.; Eng, D.
This report summarizes lightning phenomena with a brief explanation of lightning generation and lightning activity as related to KSC. An analysis of the instrumentation used at launching Pads 39 A&B for measurements of lightning effects is included with alternatives and recommendations to improve the protection system and upgrade the actual instrumentation system. An architecture for a new data collection system to replace the present one is also included. A novel architecture to obtain lightning current information from several sensors using only one high speed recording channel while monitoring all sensors to replace the actual manual lightning current recorders and a novel device for the protection system are described.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bateman, M. G.; Mach, D. M.; McCaul, M. G.; Bailey, J. C.; Christian, H. J.
The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) aboard the TRMM satellite has been collecting optical lightning data since November 1997. A Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) that senses VHF impulses from lightning was installed in North Alabama in the Fall of 2001. A dataset has been compiled to compare data from both instruments for all times when the LIS was passing over the domain of our LMA. We have algorithms for both instruments to group pixels or point sources into lightning flashes. This study presents the comparison statistics of the flash data output (flash duration, size, and amplitude) from both algorithms. We will present the results of this comparison study and show "point-level" data to explain the differences. AS we head closer to realizing a Global Lightning Mapper (GLM) on GOES-R, better understanding and ground truth of each of these instruments and their respective flash algorithms is needed.
Lightning protection using energized Franklin rods
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Abdel-Salam, M.; Al-Abdul-Latif, U.
In this paper, the onset criterion of the upward streamers from an energized Franklin rod is formulated as a function of the geometry of the rod and the height and current of the downward leader. The electric field in the vicinity of the lightning rod is calculated using the charge simulation technique. The dependency of the radius of protection on the amplitude of the pulse voltage applied to Franklin rod, the downward leader current and the tip radius and height of the rod is investigated.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Zi-Yu; Li, Jian-Feng; Yu, Yong; Wang, Jia-Xiang; Li, Xiao-Ya; Peng, Qi-Xian; Zhu, Wen-Jun
The influences of lateral target size on hot electron production and electromagnetic pulse emission from laser interaction with metallic targets have been investigated. Particle-in-cell simulations at high laser intensities show that the yield of hot electrons tends to increase with lateral target size, because the larger surface area reduces the electrostatic field on the target, owing to its expansion along the target surface. At lower laser intensities and longer time scales, experimental data characterizing electromagnetic pulse emission as a function of lateral target size also show target-size effects. Charge separation and a larger target tending to have a lower target potential have both been observed. The increase in radiation strength and downshift in radiation frequency with increasing lateral target size can be interpreted using a simple model of the electrical capacity of the target.
Lightning Tracking Tool for Assessment of Total Cloud Lightning within AWIPS II
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Burks, Jason E.; Stano, Geoffrey T.; Sperow, Ken
Total lightning (intra-cloud and cloud-to-ground) has been widely researched and shown to be a valuable tool to aid real-time warning forecasters in the assessment of severe weather potential of convective storms. The trend of total lightning has been related to the strength of a storm's updraft. Therefore a rapid increase in total lightning signifies the strengthening of the parent thunderstorm. The assessment of severe weather potential occurs in a time limited environment and therefore constrains the use of total lightning. A tool has been developed at NASA's Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center to assist in quickly analyzing the total lightning signature of multiple storms. The development of this tool comes as a direct result of forecaster feedback from numerous assessments requesting a real-time display of the time series of total lightning. This tool also takes advantage of the new architecture available within the AWIPS II environment. SPoRT's lightning tracking tool has been tested in the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Program and significant changes have been made based on the feedback. In addition to the updates in response to the HWT assessment, the lightning tracking tool may also be extended to incorporate other requested displays, such as the intra-cloud to cloud-to-ground ratio as well as incorporate the lightning jump algorithm.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Long; Zhang, Qilin; Hou, Wenhao; Tao, Yulang
In this paper we have simulated the far-field waveform characteristic of large bipolar events (LBEs) occurred in winter thunderstorms in Japan and compared the field-to-current conversion factors (FCCFs) of LBEs with that of the lightning cloud-to-ground (CG) return stroke (RS) in summer thunderstorm. As for the physical process of LBEs, Wu et al. (2014) considered that LBEs may be very similar to the typical lightning RS (RS-like process) or caused by an initial continuous current pulse (ICC-like process) in upward lightning flashes. We assume that the lightning channel length of LBEs ranges from 500 m to 1000 m, and the height of tall object struck by LBEs is from 100 m to 300 m. By using the bouncing wave model, we found that only when the injected current waveform of LBEs is characterized with a symmetric Gaussian pulse, the simulated far-field waveform of LBEs both for RS-like process and ICC-like process is similar to that observed by Wu et al. (2014). For striking tall objects with heights from 100 m and 300 m, the FCCFs of LBEs are positively correlated with its channel length and derivatives of injected current waveform, and the FCCF for RS-like process is about similar to that for ICC-like process. However, the FCCFs of LBEs are very different from lightning RS in summer thunderstorm; that is to say, the FCCFs developed for the well-known lightning RS in summer thunderstorm are not suitable for LBEs.
High current lightning test of space shuttle external tank lightning protection system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mumme, E.; Anderson, A.; Schulte, E. H.
During lift-off, the shuttle launch vehicle (external tank, solid rocket booster and orbiter) may be subjected to a lightning strike. Tests of a proposed lightning protection method for the external tank and development materials which were subjected to simulated lightning strikes are described. Results show that certain of the high resistant paint strips performed remarkably well in diverting the 50 kA lightning strikes.
Lightning-induced remanent magnetization—the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Salminen, Johanna; Pesonen, Lauri J.; Lahti, Kari; Kannus, Kari
Earlier studies at the large Vredefort impact structure since 1960 have shown that values of natural remanent magnetizations (NRMs) and, hence, Koenigsberger's Q values (ratio of remanent over induced magnetization), for different rock lithologies are elevated compared to the values for similar rock types around the world. Three origins for the high Q values have been suggested, namely shock by meteorite impact, enhanced plasma field and lightning strikes. We have studied whether laboratory lightning experiments can produce enhanced NRMs in the Vredefort target rocks. For comparison, we also included rocks from the Johannesburg dome, which is not a meteorite impact site. The results revealed increased NRMs, susceptibility and Q values of the rocks from both Vredefort and Johannesburg domes. Rock magnetic measurements and scanning electron microscope analyses of lightning pulsed and unpulsed samples showed that the lightning included changes in magnetic properties of the rocks. We suggest that in some samples lightning have changed magnetic mineralogy by oxidizing magnetite to maghemite. Indication of this oxidation came from the low-temperature variation of the remanent magnetization where we observed several hallmarks of maghemitization in samples treated by lightning strikes. Further indications of mineralogical changes include increased Curie points above the magnetite's Curie point (580 °C) and appearance of pronounced lower temperature (200-400 °C) phases in susceptibility versus temperature curves. These changes are interpreted to indicate partially oxidized magnetite (maghemitization) coupled with grain fragmentations and by this way grain size reduction. High-temperature hysteresis and REM (= NRM/saturation isothermal remanent magnetization) studies support these conclusions. Our results were analogous with the ones for lodestones and protolodestones where partially oxidized magnetite is thought to make magnetization more intense.
Electromagnetic pulse exposure induces overexpression of beta amyloid protein in rats.
Jiang, Da-peng; Li, Jing; Zhang, Jie; Xu, Sheng-long; Kuang, Fang; Lang, Hai-yang; Wang, Ya-feng; An, Guang-zhou; Li, Jin-hui; Guo, Guo-zhen
With the developing and widely used electromagnetic field (EMF) technology, more and more studies are focusing on the relationship between EMF and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is one type of widely used EMF. This study aimed to clarify whether EMP exposure could induce cognitive and memory impairment, thus finding a possible relationship between EMP and AD. Forty healthy male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups. Animals, respectively, received 100, 1000, and 10,000 pulses EMP (field strength 50 kV/m, repetition rate 100 Hz) exposure and sham exposure when 2 months old. Monthly Morris water maze (MWM) was used to test the changes of cognitive and memory ability. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and glutathione (GSH) content were used as oxidative stress indexes. Expressions of some types of Alzheimer's disease-related proteins were also detected. After exposure, EMP exposure caused clear cognitive and memory impairment compared with sham exposure group (p <0.05). Determination of oxidation indexes showed decreased SOD activity and GSH content in exposure groups compared with sham group. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining showed increased beta amyloid protein (Aβ) in EMP exposure groups compared with sham group. Western blot experiments showed increased expressions of Aβ oligomer and beta amyloid protein precursor (APP) in EMP exposure groups. Increased expression of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-II (LC3-II) was also found. The present results showed that EMP exposure can cause long-term impairment in impaired cognition and memory of rats, resulting in AD-like symptoms. This may be induced by enhancing oxidative stress and is related to autophagy dysfunction. Copyright © 2013 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Begue-Simon, A-M.; Drolet, R. A.
Difficulties in using the double-blind method of evaluation with use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields led to an open evaluation with 96 patients with musculoskeletal diseases, neurological disorders, circulatory diseases, or gastroenterological diseases. This paper reports the impact of use on dependency, pain, and patient satisfaction. (DB)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Szatkowski, George N.; Dudley, Kenneth L.; Smith, Laura J.; Wang, Chuantong; Ticatch, Larry A.
Traditional methods to protect composite aircraft from lightning strike damage rely on a conductive layer embedded on or within the surface of the aircraft composite skin. This method is effective at preventing major direct effect damage and minimizes indirect effects to aircraft systems from lightning strike attachment, but provides no additional benefit for the added parasitic weight from the conductive layer. When a known lightning strike occurs, the points of attachment and detachment on the aircraft surface are visually inspected and checked for damage by maintenance personnel to ensure continued safe flight operations. A new multi-functional lightning strike protection (LSP) method has been developed to provide aircraft lightning strike protection, damage detection and diagnosis for composite aircraft surfaces. The method incorporates a SansEC sensor array on the aircraft exterior surfaces forming a "Smart skin" surface for aircraft lightning zones certified to withstand strikes up to 100 kiloamperes peak current. SansEC sensors are open-circuit devices comprised of conductive trace spiral patterns sans (without) electrical connections. The SansEC sensor is an electromagnetic resonator having specific resonant parameters (frequency, amplitude, bandwidth & phase) which when electromagnetically coupled with a composite substrate will indicate the electrical impedance of the composite through a change in its resonant response. Any measureable shift in the resonant characteristics can be an indication of damage to the composite caused by a lightning strike or from other means. The SansEC sensor method is intended to diagnose damage for both in-situ health monitoring or ground inspections. In this paper, the theoretical mathematical framework is established for the use of open circuit sensors to perform damage detection and diagnosis on carbon fiber composites. Both computational and experimental analyses were conducted to validate this new method and system for
Parate, Dinesh; Franco-Obregón, Alfredo; Fröhlich, Jürg; Beyer, Christian; Abbas, Azlina A; Kamarul, Tunku; Hui, James H P; Yang, Zheng
Pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have been shown to recruit calcium-signaling cascades common to chondrogenesis. Here we document the effects of specified PEMF parameters over mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) chondrogenic differentiation. MSCs undergoing chondrogenesis are preferentially responsive to an electromagnetic efficacy window defined by field amplitude, duration and frequency of exposure. Contrary to conventional practice of administering prolonged and repetitive exposures to PEMFs, optimal chondrogenic outcome is achieved in response to brief (10 minutes), low intensity (2 mT) exposure to 6 ms bursts of magnetic pulses, at 15 Hz, administered only once at the onset of chondrogenic induction. By contrast, repeated exposures diminished chondrogenic outcome and could be attributed to calcium entry after the initial induction. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels appear to mediate these aspects of PEMF stimulation, serving as a conduit for extracellular calcium. Preventing calcium entry during the repeated PEMF exposure with the co-administration of EGTA or TRP channel antagonists precluded the inhibition of differentiation. This study highlights the intricacies of calcium homeostasis during early chondrogenesis and the constraints that are placed on PEMF-based therapeutic strategies aimed at promoting MSC chondrogenesis. The demonstrated efficacy of our optimized PEMF regimens has clear clinical implications for future regenerative strategies for cartilage.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zheng, Hao; Holzworth, Robert H.; Brundell, James B.; Jacobson, Abram R.; Wygant, John R.; Hospodarsky, George B.; Mozer, Forrest S.; Bonnell, John
Lightning-generated whistler waves are electromagnetic plasma waves in the very low frequency (VLF) band, which play an important role in the dynamics of radiation belt particles. In this paper, we statistically analyze simultaneous waveform data from the Van Allen Probes (Radiation Belt Storm Probes, RBSP) and global lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Data were obtained between July to September 2013 and between March and April 2014. For each day during these periods, we predicted the most probable 10 min for which each of the two RBSP satellites would be magnetically conjugate to lightning producing regions. The prediction method uses integrated WWLLN stroke data for that day obtained during the three previous years. Using these predicted times for magnetic conjugacy to lightning activity regions, we recorded high time resolution, burst mode waveform data. Here we show that whistlers are observed by the satellites in more than 80% of downloaded waveform data. About 22.9% of the whistlers observed by RBSP are one-to-one coincident with source lightning strokes detected by WWLLN. About 40.1% more of whistlers are found to be one-to-one coincident with lightning if source regions are extended out 2000 km from the satellites footpoints. Lightning strokes with far-field radiated VLF energy larger than about 100 J are able to generate a detectable whistler wave in the inner magnetosphere. One-to-one coincidences between whistlers observed by RBSP and lightning strokes detected by WWLLN are clearly shown in the L shell range of L = 1-3. Nose whistlers observed in July 2014 show that it may be possible to extend this coincidence to the region of L≥4.
Lightning x-rays inside thunderclouds, in-flight measurements on-board an A350
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
van Deursen, Alexander; Kochkin, Pavlo; de Boer, Alte; Bardet, Michiel; Boissin, Jean-François
Thunderstorms emit bursts of energetic radiation. Moreover, lightning stepped leader produces x-ray pulses. The phenomena, their interrelation and impact on Earth's atmosphere and near space are not fully understood yet. The In-flight Lightning Strike Damage Assessment System ILDAS was developed in an EU FP6 project ( ) to provide information on threat that lightning poses to aircraft. It is intended to localize the lightning attachment points in order to reduce maintenance time and to build statics on lightning current. The system consists of 2 E-field sensors and a varying number of H-field sensors. It has recently been enhanced by two LaBr3 scintillation detectors inside the aircraft. The scintillation detectors are sensitive to x- and gamma-rays above 30 keV. The entire system is installed on-board of an A-350 aircraft and digitizes data with 100Msamples/sec rate when triggered by lightning. A continuously monitoring channel counts the number of occurrences that the x-ray signal exceeds a set of trigger levels. In the beginning of 2014 the aircraft flew through thunderstorm cells collecting the data from the sensors. The x-rays generated by the lightning flash are measured in synchronization better than 40 ns with the lightning current information during a period of 1 second around the strike. The continuous channel stores x-ray information with very limited time and amplitude resolution during the whole flight. That channel would allow x-rays from cosmic ray background, TGFs and continuous gamma-ray glow of thundercloud outside the 1 s time window. In the EGU2014 we presented the ILDAS system and showed that the x-ray detection works as intended. Fast x-ray bursts have been detected during stepped/dart stepped leaders and during interception of lightning. Data analysis of continuous channel recordings will be presented as well.
Spatio-temporal dimension of lightning flashes based on three-dimensional Lightning Mapping Array
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
López, Jesús A.; Pineda, Nicolau; Montanyà, Joan; Velde, Oscar van der; Fabró, Ferran; Romero, David
3D mapping system like the LMA - Lightning Mapping Array - are a leap forward in lightning observation. LMA measurements has lead to an improvement on the analysis of the fine structure of lightning, allowing to characterize the duration and maximum extension of the cloud fraction of a lightning flash. During several years of operation, the first LMA deployed in Europe has been providing a large amount of data which now allows a statistical approach to compute the full duration and horizontal extension of the in-cloud phase of a lightning flash. The "Ebro Lightning Mapping Array" (ELMA) is used in the present study. Summer and winter lighting were analyzed for seasonal periods (Dec-Feb and Jun-Aug). A simple method based on an ellipse fitting technique (EFT) has been used to characterize the spatio-temporal dimensions from a set of about 29,000 lightning flashes including both summer and winter events. Results show an average lightning flash duration of 440 ms (450 ms in winter) and a horizontal maximum length of 15.0 km (18.4 km in winter). The uncertainties for summer lightning lengths were about ± 1.2 km and ± 0.7 km for the mean and median values respectively. In case of winter lightning, the level of uncertainty reaches up to 1 km and 0.7 km of mean and median value. The results of the successful correlation of CG discharges with the EFT method, represent 6.9% and 35.5% of the total LMA flashes detected in summer and winter respectively. Additionally, the median value of lightning lengths calculated through this correlative method was approximately 17 km for both seasons. On the other hand, the highest median ratios of lightning length to CG discharges in both summer and winter were reported for positive CG discharges.
Schmidt-Rohlfing, Bernhard; Silny, Jiri; Woodruff, Seth; Gavenis, Karsten
Although several effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on articular cartilage have been reported in recent studies, the use of EMFs to treat osteoarthritis remains a matter of debate. In an in vitro study, human chondrocytes harvested from osteoarthritic knee joints were released from their surrounding matrix and transferred in defined concentration into a 3D matrix (type-I collagen gel). The cultivation, performed under standard conditions, lasted up to 14 days. During this time, treatment groups were continuously exposed to either sinusoid or pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). The PEMFs revealed the following characteristics: maximum magnetic flux density of 2 mT, frequency of the bursts of 16.7 Hz with each burst consisting of 20 pulses. Similarly, the sinusoid EMFs also induced a maximum flux density of 2 mT with a frequency of 50 Hz. Control groups consisting of equal number of samples were not exposed to EMF. Immunohistological examinations of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples revealed positive staining for type-II collagen and proteoglycans in the immediate pericellular region with no differences between the two different treatment groups and the control groups. With increasing cultivation time, both type-II collagen and aggrecan gene expression declined, but no significant differences in gene expression were found between the treatment and control groups. In conclusion, using our in vitro setting, we were unable to detect any effects of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on human adult osteoarthritic chondrocytes.
Efthimiadou, Aspasia; Katsenios, Nikolaos; Papastylianou, Panayiota; Triantafyllidis, Vassilios; Travlos, Ilias; Bilalis, Dimitrios J.
The use of magnetic field as a presowing treatment has been adopted by researchers as a new environmental friendly technique. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of magnetic field exposure on tomato seeds covering a range of parameters such as transplanting percentage, plant height, shoot diameter, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight, dry weight, number of flowers, yield, and lycopene content. Pulsed electromagnetic field was used for 0, 5, 10, and 15 minutes as a presowing treatment of tomato seeds in a field experiment for two years. Papimi device (amplitude on the order of 12.5 mT) has been used. The use of pulsed electromagnetic field as a presowing treatment was found to enhance plant growth in tomato plants at certain duration of exposure. Magnetic field treatments and especially the exposure of 10 and 15 minutes gave the best results in all measurements, except plant height and lycopene content. Yield per plant was higher in magnetic field treatments, compared to control. MF-15 treatment yield was 80.93% higher than control treatment. Lycopene content was higher in magnetic field treatments, although values showed no statistically significant differences. PMID:25097875
Penetration of ELF currents and electromagnetic fields into the Earth's equatorial ionosphere
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eliasson, B.; Papadopoulos, K.
The penetration of extremely low frequency (ELF) transient electromagnetic fields and associated currents in the Earth's equatorial E-region plasma is studied theoretically and numerically. In the low-frequency regime, the plasma dynamics of the E-region is characterized by helicon waves since the ions are viscously coupled to neutrals while the electrons remain mobile. For typical equatorial E-region parameters, the plasma is magnetically insulated from penetration of very long timescale magnetic fields by a thin diffusive sheath. Wave penetration driven by a vertically incident pulse localized in space and time leads to both vertical penetration and the triggering of ELF helicon/whistler waves that carry currents obliquely to the magnetic field lines. The study presented here may have relevance for ELF wave generation by lightning discharges and seismic activity and can lead to new concepts in ELF/ULF injection in the earth-ionosphere waveguide.
Photoelectron emission from LiF surfaces by ultrashort electromagnetic pulses
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Acuna, M. A.; Gravielle, M. S.; Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Energy- and angle-resolved electron emission spectra produced by incidence of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses on a LiF(001) surface are studied by employing a distorted-wave method named the crystal surface-Volkov (CSV) approximation. The theory makes use of the Volkov phase to describe the action of the external electric field on the emitted electron, while the electron-surface interaction is represented within the tight-binding model. The CSV approach is applied to investigate the effects introduced by the crystal lattice when the electric field is oriented parallel to the surface plane. These effects are essentially governed by the vector potential of the external field, whilemore » the influence of the crystal orientation was found to be negligible.« less
Situational Lightning Climatologies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bauman, William; Crawford, Winifred
Research has revealed distinct spatial and temporal distributions of lightning occurrence that are strongly influenced by large-scale atmospheric flow regimes. It was believed there were two flow systems, but it has been discovered that actually there are seven distinct flow regimes. The Applied Meteorology Unit (AMU) has recalculated the lightning climatologies for the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), and the eight airfields in the National Weather Service in Melbourne (NWS MLB) County Warning Area (CWA) using individual lightning strike data to improve the accuracy of the climatologies. The software determines the location of each CG lightning strike with 5-, 10-, 20-, and 30-nmi (.9.3-, 18.5-, 37-, 55.6-km) radii from each airfield. Each CG lightning strike is binned at 1-, 3-, and 6-hour intervals at each specified radius. The software merges the CG lightning strike time intervals and distance with each wind flow regime and creates probability statistics for each time interval, radii, and flow regime, and stratifies them by month and warm season. The AMU also updated the graphical user interface (GUI) with the new data.
Russell, Katie W; Cochran, Amalia L; Mehta, Sagar T; Morris, Stephen E; McDevitt, Marion C
We present the case of a lightning-strike victim. This case illustrates the importance of in-field care, appropriate referral to a burn center, and the tendency of lightning burns to progress to full-thickness injury.
A 21st century investigation of the lightning spectrum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Walker, Thomas Daniel
microseconds after the onset, a cool period in the spectra exists which consists solely of neutral atomic emission lines. The cooling period temperature measurements begin in the low 20000 K range and decrease slowly over the course of milliseconds until strength of the emission lines drop below measurement threshold. Besides the return stroke, other specific lightning processes analyzed include stepped leaders, dart-stepped leaders, and m-components within the continuing current. Stepped and dart-stepped leader spectra consist both of pulsing singly ionized lines and steadily growing neutral lines. Each step within these processes cause increased ionization to occur in the channel upward from the step, demonstrating a pulsing temperature throughout the lifetime of these stepped features. Spectra of the stroke processes, m-components and continuing currents, consist of neutral atmospheric emission lines and copper emission lines which demonstrate the long duration of the channel milliseconds after the initial stages. These spectra indicate long lasting low temperatures which should give insight into temperature profiles where NOx reactions occur. From the spectra, emission identification and lifetime as well as calculations of physical parameters such as temperature, number density, and conductivity about each of these processes give insight into what is physically happening within the channel throughout the lifetime of a stroke.
Galium Electromagnetic (GEM) Thruster Concept and Design
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Polzin, Kurt A.; Markusic, Thomas E.
We describe the design of a new type of two-stage pulsed electromagnetic accelerator, the gallium electromagnetic (GEM) thruster. A schematic illustration of the GEM thruster concept is given. In this concept, liquid gallium propellant is pumped into the first stage through a porous metal electrode using an electromagnetic pump. At a designated time, a pulsed discharge (approx. 10-50 J) is initiated in the first stage, ablating the liquid gallium from the porous electrode surface and ejecting a dense thermal gallium plasma into the second state. The presence of the gallium plasma in the second stage serves to trigger the high-energy (approx. 500 J), second-stage pulse which provides the primary electromagnetic (j x B) acceleration.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rudolph, T. H.; Perala, R. A.
The objective of the work reported here is to develop a methodology by which electromagnetic measurements of inflight lightning strike data can be understood and extended to other aircraft. A linear and time invariant approach based on a combination of Fourier transform and three dimensional finite difference techniques is demonstrated. This approach can obtain the lightning channel current in the absence of the aircraft for given channel characteristic impedance and resistive loading. The model is applied to several measurements from the NASA F106B lightning research program. A non-linear three dimensional finite difference code has also been developed to study the response of the F106B to a lightning leader attachment. This model includes three species air chemistry and fluid continuity equations and can incorporate an experimentally based streamer formulation. Calculated responses are presented for various attachment locations and leader parameters. The results are compared qualitatively with measured inflight data.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiao-Wen, Xi; Chang-Chun, Chai; Gang, Zhao; Yin-Tang, Yang; Xin-Hai, Yu; Yang, Liu
The damage effect and mechanism of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on the GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) are investigated in this paper. By using the device simulation software, the distributions and variations of the electric field, the current density and the temperature are analyzed. The simulation results show that there are three physical effects, i.e., the forward-biased effect of the gate Schottky junction, the avalanche breakdown, and the thermal breakdown of the barrier layer, which influence the device current in the damage process. It is found that the damage position of the device changes with the amplitude of the step voltage pulse. The damage appears under the gate near the drain when the amplitude of the pulse is low, and it also occurs under the gate near the source when the amplitude is sufficiently high, which is consistent with the experimental results. Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2014CB339900), and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) (Grant No. 2015-0214.XY.K).
Electromagnetic Spectrum Test and Evaluation Process
HERO , hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance ; HERP, hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel; HERF, hazards of electromagnetic ... electromagnetic pulse (EMP); electronic protection; electrostatic dis- charge (ESD); hazards of electromagnetic radi- ation to personnel (HERP), ordnance ...including ordnance containing electrically initiated devices, to be mutually compatible in their intended
Lightning Safety Tips and Resources
... Safety Brochure U.S. Lightning Deaths in 2018 : 5 Youtube: Lightning Safety for the Deaf and Hard of ... for Hard of Hearing: jpg , high res png YouTube: Lightning Safety Tips Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors : ...
MSFC shuttle lightning research
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vaughan, Otha H., Jr.
The shuttle mesoscale lightning experiment (MLE), flown on earlier shuttle flights, and most recently flown on the following space transportation systems (STS's), STS-31, -32, -35, -37, -38, -40, -41, and -48, has continued to focus on obtaining additional quantitative measurements of lightning characteristics and to create a data base for use in demonstrating observation simulations for future spaceborne lightning mapping systems. These flights are also providing design criteria data for the design of a proposed shuttle MLE-type lightning research instrument called mesoscale lightning observational sensors (MELOS), which are currently under development here at MSFC.
Novickij, Vitalij; Stanevičienė, Ramunė; Vepštaitė-Monstavičė, Iglė; Gruškienė, Rūta; Krivorotova, Tatjana; Sereikaitė, Jolanta; Novickij, Jurij; Servienė, Elena
Nisin is a known bacteriocin, which exhibits a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, while commonly being inefficient against Gram-negative bacteria. In this work, we present a proof of concept of novel antimicrobial methodology using targeted magnetic nisin-loaded nano-carriers [iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) (11–13 nm) capped with citric, ascorbic, and gallic acids], which are activated by high pulsed electric and electromagnetic fields allowing to overcome the nisin-resistance of bacteria. As a cell model the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Gram-negative Escherichia coli were used. We have applied 10 and 30 kV cm-1 electric field pulses (100 μs × 8) separately and in combination with two pulsed magnetic field protocols: (1) high dB/dt 3.3 T × 50 and (2) 10 mT, 100 kHz, 2 min protocol to induce additional permeabilization and local magnetic hyperthermia. We have shown that the high dB/dt pulsed magnetic fields increase the antimicrobial efficiency of nisin NPs similar to electroporation or magnetic hyperthermia methods and a synergistic treatment is also possible. The results of our work are promising for the development of new methods for treatment of the drug-resistant foodborne pathogens to minimize the risks of invasive infections. PMID:29375537
Novickij, Vitalij; Stanevičienė, Ramunė; Vepštaitė-Monstavičė, Iglė; Gruškienė, Rūta; Krivorotova, Tatjana; Sereikaitė, Jolanta; Novickij, Jurij; Servienė, Elena
Nisin is a known bacteriocin, which exhibits a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, while commonly being inefficient against Gram-negative bacteria. In this work, we present a proof of concept of novel antimicrobial methodology using targeted magnetic nisin-loaded nano-carriers [iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) (11-13 nm) capped with citric, ascorbic, and gallic acids], which are activated by high pulsed electric and electromagnetic fields allowing to overcome the nisin-resistance of bacteria. As a cell model the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Gram-negative Escherichia coli were used. We have applied 10 and 30 kV cm -1 electric field pulses (100 μs × 8) separately and in combination with two pulsed magnetic field protocols: (1) high d B /d t 3.3 T × 50 and (2) 10 mT, 100 kHz, 2 min protocol to induce additional permeabilization and local magnetic hyperthermia. We have shown that the high d B /d t pulsed magnetic fields increase the antimicrobial efficiency of nisin NPs similar to electroporation or magnetic hyperthermia methods and a synergistic treatment is also possible. The results of our work are promising for the development of new methods for treatment of the drug-resistant foodborne pathogens to minimize the risks of invasive infections.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Koshak, William; Krider, E. Philip; Murray, Natalie; Boccippio, Dennis
A "dimensional reduction" (DR) method is introduced for analyzing lightning field changes whereby the number of unknowns in a discrete two-charge model is reduced from the standard eight to just four. The four unknowns are found by performing a numerical minimization of a chi-squared goodness-of-fit function. At each step of the minimization, an Overdetermined Fixed Matrix (OFM) method is used to immediately retrieve the best "residual source". In this way, all 8 parameters are found, yet a numerical search of only 4 parameters is required. The inversion method is applied to the understanding of lightning charge retrievals. The accuracy of the DR method has been assessed by comparing retrievals with data provided by the Lightning Detection And Ranging (LDAR) instrument. Because lightning effectively deposits charge within thundercloud charge centers and because LDAR traces the geometrical development of the lightning channel with high precision, the LDAR data provides an ideal constraint for finding the best model charge solutions. In particular, LDAR data can be used to help determine both the horizontal and vertical positions of the model charges, thereby eliminating dipole ambiguities. The results of the LDAR-constrained charge retrieval method have been compared to the locations of optical pulses/flash locations detected by the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gao, Xuetong; Liu, Zhian; Zhao, Judong
Compared to other treatment of industrial circulating cooling water in the field of industrial water treatment, high-voltage electrostatic field and variable frequency pulsed electromagnetic field co-sterilization technology, an advanced technology, is widely used because of its special characteristics--low energy consumption, nonpoisonous and environmentally friendly. In order to get a better cooling water sterilization effect under the premise of not polluting the environment, some experiments about sterilization of heterotrophic bacteria in industrial circulating cooling water by cooperative treatment of high voltage electrostatic field and variable frequency pulsed electromagnetic field were carried out. The comparison experiment on the sterilization effect of high-voltage electrostatic field and variable frequency pulsed electromagnetic field co-sterilization on heterotrophic bacteria in industrial circulating cooling water was carried out by change electric field strength and pulse frequency. The results show that the bactericidal rate is selective to the frequency and output voltage, and the heterotrophic bacterium can only kill under the condition of sweep frequency range and output voltage. When the voltage of the high voltage power supply is 4000V, the pulse frequency is 1000Hz and the water temperature is 30°C, the sterilization rate is 48.7%, the sterilization rate is over 90%. Results of this study have important guiding significance for future application of magnetic field sterilization.
Plotting Lightning-Stroke Data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tatom, F. B.; Garst, R. A.
Data on lightning-stroke locations become easier to correlate with cloudcover maps with aid of new graphical treatment. Geographic region divided by grid into array of cells. Number of lightning strokes in each cell tabulated, and value representing density of lightning strokes assigned to each cell. With contour-plotting routine, computer draws contours of lightning-stroke density for region. Shapes of contours compared directly with shapes of storm cells.
The North Alabama Lightning Warning Product
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Buechler, Dennis E.; Blakeslee, R. J.; Stano, G. T.
The North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array NALMA has been collecting total lightning data on storms in the Tennessee Valley region since 2001. Forecasters from nearby National Weather Service (NWS) offices have been ingesting this data for display with other AWIPS products. The current lightning product used by the offices is the lightning source density plot. The new product provides a probabalistic, short-term, graphical forecast of the probability of lightning activity occurring at 5 min intervals over the next 30 minutes . One of the uses of the current lightning source density product by the Huntsville National Weather Service Office is to identify areas of potential for cloud-to-ground flashes based on where LMA total lightning is occurring. This product quantifies that observation. The Lightning Warning Product is derived from total lightning observations from the Washington, D.C. (DCLMA) and North Alabama Lightning Mapping Arrays and cloud-to-ground lightning flashes detected by the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Probability predictions are provided for both intracloud and cloud-to-ground flashes. The gridded product can be displayed on AWIPS workstations in a manner similar to that of the lightning source density product.
Infrasound Observations from Lightning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arechiga, R. O.; Johnson, J. B.; Edens, H. E.; Thomas, R. J.; Jones, K. R.
To provide additional insight into the nature of lightning, we have investigated its infrasound manifestations. An array of three stations in a triangular configuration, with three sensors each, was deployed during the Summer of 2008 (July 24 to July 28) in the Magdalena mountains of New Mexico, to monitor infrasound (below 20 Hz) sources due to lightning. Hyperbolic formulations of time of arrival (TOA) measurements and interferometric techniques were used to locate lightning sources occurring over and outside the network. A comparative analysis of simultaneous Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) data and infrasound measurements operating in the same area was made. The LMA locates the sources of impulsive RF radiation produced by lightning flashes in three spatial dimensions and time, operating in the 60 - 66 MHz television band. The comparison showed strong evidence that lightning does produce infrasound. This work is a continuation of the study of the frequency spectrum of thunder conducted by Holmes et al., who reported measurements of infrasound frequencies. The integration of infrasound measurements with RF source localization by the LMA shows great potential for improved understanding of lightning processes.
Electromagnetic pulses, localized and causal
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lekner, John
We show that pulse solutions of the wave equation can be expressed as time Fourier superpositions of scalar monochromatic beam wave functions (solutions of the Helmholtz equation). This formulation is shown to be equivalent to Bateman's integral expression for solutions of the wave equation, for axially symmetric solutions. A closed-form one-parameter solution of the wave equation, containing no backward-propagating parts, is constructed from a beam which is the tight-focus limit of two families of beams. Application is made to transverse electric and transverse magnetic pulses, with evaluation of the energy, momentum and angular momentum for a pulse based on the general localized and causal form. Such pulses can be represented as superpositions of photons. Explicit total energy and total momentum values are given for the one-parameter closed-form pulse.
Small Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Reports at the KSC-ER
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wilson, Jennifer G.; Cummins, Kenneth L.; Krider, E. Philip
'1he NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Air Force Eastern Range (ER) use data from two cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning detection networks, the CGLSS and the NLDN, and a volumetric lightning mapping array, LDAR, to monitor and characterize lightning that is potentially hazardous to ground or launch operations. Data obtained from these systems during June-August 2006 have been examined to check the classification of small, negative CGLSS reports that have an estimated peak current, [I(sup p)] less than 7 kA, and to determine the smallest values of I(sup p), that are produced by first strokes, by subsequent strokes that create a new ground contact (NGC), and by subsequent strokes that remain in a pre-existing channel (PEC). The results show that within 20 km of the KSC-ER, 21% of the low-amplitude negative CGLSS reports were produced by first strokes, with a minimum I(sup p) of-2.9 kA; 31% were by NGCs, with a minimum I(sup p) of-2.0 kA; and 14% were by PECs, with a minimum I(sup p) of -2.2 kA. The remaining 34% were produced by cloud pulses or lightning events that we were not able to classify.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Edwards, Paul; Terseck, Alex; Trout, Dawn
Spacecraft are generally protected from direct lightning attachment by encapsulation within the payload fairing of a launch vehicle and the ground structures that exist at the launch site. Regardless of where lightning strikes, potentially damaging indirect effects prevail from the coupling of electromagnetic fields into a loop created by outer shield of the payload umbilical. The energy coupled into individual spacecraft circuits is dependent on the umbilical current drive, the cable transfer impedance and the source/ load circuitry, and the reference potential used. Lightning induced transient susceptibility of the spacecraft avionics needs to be fully understood in order to define realistic re-test criteria in the event of a lightning occurrence during the launch campaign. Use of standards such as RTCA/DO-160 & SAE 5412 has some applicability but do not represent the indirect environment adequately. This paper evaluates the launch pad environments, the measurement data available, and computer simulations to provide pain-free analysis to alleviate the transient pin-stress headaches for spacecraft launching in Lightning environments.
A Lightning Safety Primer for Camps.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Attarian, Aram
Provides the following information about lightning, which is necessary for camp administrators and staff: (1) warning signs of lightning; (2) dangers of lightning; (3) types of lightning injuries; (4) prevention of lightning injury; and (5) helpful training tips. (KS)
Multivariate Statistical Inference of Lightning Occurrence, and Using Lightning Observations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Boccippio, Dennis
Two classes of multivariate statistical inference using TRMM Lightning Imaging Sensor, Precipitation Radar, and Microwave Imager observation are studied, using nonlinear classification neural networks as inferential tools. The very large and globally representative data sample provided by TRMM allows both training and validation (without overfitting) of neural networks with many degrees of freedom. In the first study, the flashing / or flashing condition of storm complexes is diagnosed using radar, passive microwave and/or environmental observations as neural network inputs. The diagnostic skill of these simple lightning/no-lightning classifiers can be quite high, over land (above 80% Probability of Detection; below 20% False Alarm Rate). In the second, passive microwave and lightning observations are used to diagnose radar reflectivity vertical structure. A priori diagnosis of hydrometeor vertical structure is highly important for improved rainfall retrieval from either orbital radars (e.g., the future Global Precipitation Mission "mothership") or radiometers (e.g., operational SSM/I and future Global Precipitation Mission passive microwave constellation platforms), we explore the incremental benefit to such diagnosis provided by lightning observations.
Designed electromagnetic pulsed therapy: clinical applications.
Gordon, Glen A
First reduced to science by Maxwell in 1865, electromagnetic technology as therapy received little interest from basic scientists or clinicians until the 1980s. It now promises applications that include mitigation of inflammation (electrochemistry) and stimulation of classes of genes following onset of illness and injury (electrogenomics). The use of electromagnetism to stop inflammation and restore tissue seems a logical phenomenology, that is, stop the inflammation, then upregulate classes of restorative gene loci to initiate healing. Studies in the fields of MRI and NMR have aided the understanding of cell response to low energy EMF inputs via electromagnetically responsive elements. Understanding protein iterations, that is, how they process information to direct energy, we can maximize technology to aid restorative intervention, a promising step forward over current paradigms of therapy.
[Apoptosis of human lung carcinoma cell line GLC-82 induced by high power electromagnetic pulse].
Cao, Xiao-zhe; Zhao, Mei-lan; Wang, De-wen; Dong, Bo
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) could be used for sterilization of food and the efficiency is higher than 2450 MHz continuous microwave done. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on apoptosis of human lung carcinoma cell line GLC-82, so that to explore and develop therapeutic means for cancer. The injury changes in GLC-82 cells after irradiated with EMP (electric field intensity was 60 kV/m, 5 pulses/2 min) were analyzed by cytometry, MTT chronometry, and flow cytometry. The immunohistochemical SP staining was used to determine the expressions of bcl-2 protein and p53 protein. The stained positive cells were analyzed by CMIAS-II image analysis system at a magnification 400. All data were analyzed by SPSS8.0 software. EMP could obviously inhibited proliferation and activity of lung carcinoma cell line GLC-82. The absorbance value (A570) of MTT decreased immediately, at 0 h, 1 h, and 6 h after the GLC-82 cells irradiated by EMP as compared with control group. The highest apoptosis rate was found to reach 13.38% by flow cytometry at 6 h after EMP irradiation. Down-regulation of bcl-2 expression and up-regulation of p53 expression were induced by EMP. EMP promotes apoptosis of GLC-82 cells. At same time, EMP can down-regulate bcl-2 expression and up-regulate p53 expression in GLC-82 cells. The bcl-2 and the p53 protein may involve the apoptotic process.
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Zhu, Siyi; He, Hongchen; Zhang, Chi; Wang, Haiming; Gao, Chengfei; Yu, Xijie; He, Chengqi
Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) is considered to be a well-defined subject that has caused high morbidity and mortality. In elderly women diagnosed with PMOP, low bone mass and fragile bone strength have been proven to significantly increase risk of fragility fractures. Currently, various anabolic and anti-resorptive therapies have been employed in an attempt to retain healthy bone mass and strength. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), first applied in treating patients with delayed fracture healing and nonunions, may turn out to be another potential and effective therapy for PMOP. PEMFs can enhance osteoblastogenesis and inhibit osteoclastogenesis, thus contributing to an increase in bone mass and strength. However, accurate mechanisms of the positive effects of PEMFs on PMOP remain to be further elucidated. This review attempts to summarize recent advances of PEMFs in treating PMOP based on clinical trials, and animal and cellular studies. Possible mechanisms are also introduced, and the future possibility of application of PEMFs on PMOP are further explored and discussed. Bioelectromagnetics. 38:406-424, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Characteristics of downward leaders in a cloud-to-ground lightning strike on a lightning rod
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Caixia; Sun, Zhuling; Jiang, Rubin; Tian, Yangmeng; Qie, Xiushu
A natural downward negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning was observed at a close distance of 370 m by using electric field change measurements and a high-speed camera at 5400 frames per second (fps). Two subsequent leader-return strokes of the lightning hit a lightning rod installed on the top of a seven-story building in Beijing city, while the grounding point for the stepped leader-first return stroke was 12 m away, on the roof of the building. The 2-D average speed of the downward stepped leader (L1) before the first return stroke (R1) was approximately 5.1 × 104 m/s during its propagation over the 306 m above the building, and those before the subsequent strokes (R2 and R3) ranged from 1.1 × 106 m/s to 2.2 × 106 m/s. An attempted leader (AL) occurred 201 ms after R1 and 10 ms before R2 reached approximately 99 m above the roof and failed to connect to the ground. The 2-D average speed of the AL was approximately 7.4 × 104 m/s. The luminosity at tip of the leader was brighter than the channel behind it. The leader inducing the R2 with an alteration of terminating point was a dart-stepped leader (DSL), which propagated through the channel of AL and continued to develop downward with new branches at about 17 m above the roof. The 2-D speed of the DSL at the bottom 99 m was 6.6 × 105 m/s. The average time interval between the stepped pulses of the DSL was approximately 10 μs, smaller than that of L1 with value of about 17 μs. The average step lengths of the DSL were approximately 6.6 m. The study shows that the stepped leader-first return stroke of lightning will not always hit the tip of a tall metal rod due to the significant branching property of the leader. However, under certain conditions, the subsequent return strokes may alter the grounding point to the tip of a tall metal rod. For the lightning rod, the protection against subsequent return strokes may be better than that against the first return stroke.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boyd, Donald M.
Development of a Pulsed Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) through transmission system for acoustic measurements on steel billets up to 1300 C was completed. Laboratory measurements of acoustic velocity were made, and used to determine the average internal temperature of hot stainless and carbon steel billets. Following the success of the laboratory system development, the laboratory EMAT system was subsequently tested successfully at the Baltimore Specialty Steel Co. on a horizontal continuous caster. Details of the sensor system development and the steel plant demonstration results are presented. Future directions for the high temperature pulsed EMAT internal temperature concept are discussed for potential material processing applications.
Estimates of the Lightning NOx Profile in the Vicinity of the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Koshak, William J.; Peterson, Harold S.; McCaul, Eugene W.; Blazar, Arastoo
The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM) is applied to August 2006 North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (NALMA) data to estimate the (unmixed and otherwise environmentally unmodified) vertical source profile of lightning nitrogen oxides, NOx = NO + NO2. Data from the National Lightning Detection Network (Trademark) (NLDN) is also employed. This is part of a larger effort aimed at building a more realistic lightning NOx emissions inventory for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. Overall, special attention is given to several important lightning variables including: the frequency and geographical distribution of lightning in the vicinity of the NALMA network, lightning type (ground or cloud flash), lightning channel length, channel altitude, channel peak current, and the number of strokes per flash. Laboratory spark chamber results from the literature are used to convert 1-meter channel segments (that are located at a particular known altitude; i.e., air density) to NOx concentration. The resulting lightning NOx source profiles are discussed.
Thunderclouds and Lightning Conductors
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martin, P. F.
Discusses the historical background of the development of lightning conductors, describes the nature of thunderclouds and the lightning flash, and provides a calculation of the electric field under a thundercloud. Also discussed are point discharge currents and the attraction theory of the lightning conductor. (JR)
Gomes, Chandima
This paper addresses a concurrent multidisciplinary problem: animal safety against lightning hazards. In regions where lightning is prevalent, either seasonally or throughout the year, a considerable number of wild, captive and tame animals are injured due to lightning generated effects. The paper discusses all possible injury mechanisms, focusing mainly on animals with commercial value. A large number of cases from several countries have been analyzed. Economically and practically viable engineering solutions are proposed to address the issues related to the lightning threats discussed.
Hinkelbein, J; Spelten, O; Wetsch, W A
Up to 32.2% of patients in a burn center suffer from electrical injuries. Of these patients, 2-4% present with lightning injuries. In Germany, approximately 50 people per year are injured by a lightning strike and 3-7 fatally. Typically, people involved in outdoor activities are endangered and affected. A lightning strike usually produces significantly higher energy doses as compared to those in common electrical injuries. Therefore, injury patterns vary significantly. Especially in high voltage injuries and lightning injuries, internal injuries are of special importance. Mortality ranges between 10 and 30% after a lightning strike. Emergency medical treatment is similar to common electrical injuries. Patients with lightning injuries should be transported to a regional or supraregional trauma center. In 15% of all cases multiple people may be injured. Therefore, it is of outstanding importance to create emergency plans and evacuation plans in good time for mass gatherings endangered by possible lightning.
Lightning Jump Algorithm Development for the GOES·R Geostationary Lightning Mapper
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schultz. E.; Schultz. C.; Chronis, T.; Stough, S.; Carey, L.; Calhoun, K.; Ortega, K.; Stano, G.; Cecil, D.; Bateman, M.;
Current work on the lightning jump algorithm to be used in GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)'s data stream is multifaceted due to the intricate interplay between the storm tracking, GLM proxy data, and the performance of the lightning jump itself. This work outlines the progress of the last year, where analysis and performance of the lightning jump algorithm with automated storm tracking and GLM proxy data were assessed using over 700 storms from North Alabama. The cases analyzed coincide with previous semi-objective work performed using total lightning mapping array (LMA) measurements in Schultz et al. (2011). Analysis shows that key components of the algorithm (flash rate and sigma thresholds) have the greatest influence on the performance of the algorithm when validating using severe storm reports. Automated objective analysis using the GLM proxy data has shown probability of detection (POD) values around 60% with false alarm rates (FAR) around 73% using similar methodology to Schultz et al. (2011). However, when applying verification methods similar to those employed by the National Weather Service, POD values increase slightly (69%) and FAR values decrease (63%). The relationship between storm tracking and lightning jump has also been tested in a real-time framework at NSSL. This system includes fully automated tracking by radar alone, real-time LMA and radar observations and the lightning jump. Results indicate that the POD is strong at 65%. However, the FAR is significantly higher than in Schultz et al. (2011) (50-80% depending on various tracking/lightning jump parameters) when using storm reports for verification. Given known issues with Storm Data, the performance of the real-time jump algorithm is also being tested with high density radar and surface observations from the NSSL Severe Hazards Analysis & Verification Experiment (SHAVE).
Lightning Initiation Forecasting: An Operational Dual-Polarimetric Radar Technique
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Woodard, Crystal J.; Carey, L. D.; Petersen, W. A.; Roeder, W. P.
The objective of this NASA MSFC and NOAA CSTAR funded study is to develop and test operational forecast algorithms for the prediction of lightning initiation utilizing the C-band dual-polarimetric radar, UAHuntsville's Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research (ARMOR). Although there is a rich research history of radar signatures associated with lightning initiation, few studies have utilized dual-polarimetric radar signatures (e.g., Z(sub dr) columns) and capabilities (e.g., fuzzy-logic particle identification [PID] of precipitation ice) in an operational algorithm for first flash forecasting. The specific goal of this study is to develop and test polarimetric techniques that enhance the performance of current operational radar reflectivity based first flash algorithms. Improving lightning watch and warning performance will positively impact personnel safety in both work and leisure environments. Advanced warnings can provide space shuttle launch managers time to respond appropriately to secure equipment and personnel, while they can also provide appropriate warnings for spectators and players of leisure sporting events to seek safe shelter. Through the analysis of eight case dates, consisting of 35 pulse-type thunderstorms and 20 non-thunderstorm case studies, lightning initiation forecast techniques were developed and tested. The hypothesis is that the additional dual-polarimetric information could potentially reduce false alarms while maintaining high probability of detection and increasing lead-time for the prediction of the first lightning flash relative to reflectivity-only based techniques. To test the hypothesis, various physically-based techniques using polarimetric variables and/or PID categories, which are strongly correlated to initial storm electrification (e.g., large precipitation ice production via drop freezing), were benchmarked against the operational reflectivity-only based approaches to find the best compromise between
Lightning induced currents in aircraft wiring using low level injection techniques
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stevens, E. G.; Jordan, D. T.
Various techniques were studied to predict the transient current induced into aircraft wiring bundles as a result of an aircraft lightning strike. A series of aircraft measurements were carried out together with a theoretical analysis using computer modeling. These tests were applied to various aircraft and also to specially constructed cylinders installed within coaxial return conductor systems. Low level swept frequency CW (carrier waves), low level transient and high level transient injection tests were applied to the aircraft and cylinders. Measurements were made to determine the transfer function between the aircraft drive current and the resulting skin currents and currents induced on the internal wiring. The full threat lightning induced transient currents were extrapolated from the low level data using Fourier transform techniques. The aircraft and cylinders used were constructed from both metallic and CFC (carbon fiber composite) materials. The results show the pulse stretching phenomenon which occurs for CFC materials due to the diffusion of the lightning current through carbon fiber materials. Transmission Line Matrix modeling techniques were used to compare theoretical and measured currents.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Surzhikov, V. P.; Demikhova, A. A.
Results of research of influence of the excitation pulse duration on the parameters of the electromagnetic response of epoxy samples with filler the quartz sand presented in the paper. The electric component of a response was registered by the capacitive sensors using a differential amplifier. Measurements were carried out at two frequencies of the master generator of 65 kHz and 74 kHz. The pulse duration was changing from 10 to 100 microseconds. The stepped sort of dependence of the integrated oscillations energy in the response from duration of the excitation pulse was discovered. The conclusion was made about the determining role of the normal oscillations in formation of such dependence.
Produce documents and media information. [on lightning
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Alzmann, Melanie A.; Miller, G.A.
Lightning data and information were collected from the United States, Germany, France, Brazil, China, and Australia for the dual purposes of compiling a global lightning data base and producing publications on the Marshall Space Flight Center's lightning program. Research covers the history of lightning, the characteristics of a storm, types of lightningdischarges, observations from airplanes and spacecraft, the future fole of planes and spacecraft in lightning studies, lightning detection networks, and the relationships between lightning and rainfall. Descriptions of the Optical Transient Dectector, the Lightning Imaging Sensor, and the Lightning Mapper Sensor are included.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wilson, Jennifer G.; Cummins, Kenneth L.; Krider, E. Philip
The NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Air Force Eastern Range (ER) use data from two cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning detection networks, the Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS) and the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network™ (NLDN), and a volumetric lightning mapping array, the Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR) system, to monitor and characterize lightning that is potentially hazardous to launch or ground operations. Data obtained from these systems during June-August 2006 have been examined to check the classification of small, negative CGLSS reports that have an estimated peak current, ∣Ip∣ less than 7 kA, and to determine the smallest values of Ip that are produced by first strokes, by subsequent strokes that create a new ground contact (NGC), and by subsequent strokes that remain in a preexisting channel (PEC). The results show that within 20 km of the KSC-ER, 21% of the low-amplitude negative CGLSS reports were produced by first strokes, with a minimum Ip of -2.9 kA; 31% were by NGCs, with a minimum Ip of -2.0 kA; and 14% were by PECs, with a minimum Ip of -2.2 kA. The remaining 34% were produced by cloud pulses or lightning events that we were not able to classify.
In vitro stimulation with a strongly pulsed electromagnetic field on rat basophilic leukemia cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Choi, J. W.; Shin, S. C.; Kim, S.; Chung, E. R.; Bang, J. H.; Cho, G. I.; Choi, S. D.; Park, Y. S.; Jang, T. S.; Yoo, Y. M.; Lee, S. S.; Hwang, D. G.
In this study, the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation with a strong magnetic field on rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) cells were investigated to confirm the efficacy of the magnetic stimulator for biomedical applications. The maximum intensity of the magnetic field generated from the stimulation coil was 0.203 T, and the transition time was 126 μs. The oscillation time and frequency of the pulsed field were almost 0.1 ms and 8 kHz, respectively. The cell count as well as the mRNA expression and DNA sequence of the cytokine genes, such as the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-4 (IL-4), of the stimulated RBL-2H3 cells were analyzed with a hemocytometer and via reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to determine the physiological response under a strong pulse field. After 12 h stimulation, cell death was observed at an increasing scale with the increase in the stimulation time. On the other hand, the cells that were stimulated for 10 min almost doubled as the interval time between the stimulations was extended.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Matveev, V. I.; Matrasulov, D. U.
The processes of reemission of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses by linear chains consisting of isolated multielectron atoms have been considered. The developed method makes it possible to accurately take into account the spatial inhomogeneity of the field of an ultrashort pulse and the momenta of photons in reemission processes. The angular distributions of reemission spectra have been obtained for an arbitrary number of atoms in a chain. It has been shown that the interference of the photon emission amplitudes leads to the appearance of characteristic "diffraction" maxima. The results allow standard generalization to the cases of rescattering from two-dimensional (graphene-like) and three-dimensional lattices, as well as to the case of the inclusion of thermal vibrations of the atoms of lattices.
Unusual lightning electric field waveforms observed in Kathmandu, Nepal, and Uppsala, Sweden
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Adhikari, Pitri Bhakta; Sharma, Shriram; Baral, Kedarnath; Rakov, Vladimir A.
Unusual lightning events have been observed in Uppsala, Sweden, and Kathmandu, Nepal, using essentially the same electric field measuring system developed at Uppsala University. They occurred in the storms that also generated ;normal; lightning events. The unusual events recorded in Uppsala occurred on one thunderstorm day. Similar events were observed in Kathmandu on multiple thunderstorm days. The unusual events were analyzed in this study assuming them to be positive ground flashes (+CGs), although we cannot rule out the possibility that some or most of them were actually cloud discharges (ICs). The unusual events were each characterized by a relatively slow, negative (atmospheric electricity sign convention) electric field waveform preceded by a pronounced opposite-polarity pulse whose duration was some tens of microseconds. To the best of our knowledge, such unusual events have not been reported in the literature. The average amplitudes of the opposite-polarity pulses with respect to those of the following main waveform were found to be about 33% in Uppsala (N = 31) and about 38% in Kathmandu (N = 327). The average durations of the main waveform and the preceding opposite-polarity pulse in Uppsala were 8.24 ms and 57.1 μs, respectively, and their counterparts in Kathmandu were 421 μs and 39.7 μs. Electric field waveforms characteristic of negative ground flashes (-CGs) were also observed, and none of them exhibited an opposite-polarity pulse prior to the main waveform. Possible origins of the unusual field waveforms are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kawasaki, Zen
This paper presents a phenomenological idea about lightning flash to share the back ground understanding for this special issue. Lightning discharges are one of the terrible phenomena, and Benjamin Franklin has led this natural phenomenon to the stage of scientific investigation. Technical aspects like monitoring and location are also summarized in this article.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nikiforov, E. P.
Damage by lightning discharges to lightning arrester cables for 110-175 kV aerial transmission lines is analyzed using data from power systems on incidents with aerial transmission lines over a ten year operating period (1997-2006). It is found that failures of lightning arrester cables occur when a tensile force acts on a cable heated to the melting point by a lightning current. The lightning currents required to heat a cable to this extent are greater for larger cable cross sections. The probability that a lightning discharge will develop decreases as the amplitude of the lightning current increases, which greatly reduces themore » number of lightning discharges which damage TK-70 cables compared to TK-50 cables. In order to increase the reliability of lightning arrester cables for 110 kV aerial transmission lines, TK-70 cables should be used in place of TK-50 cables. The number of lightning discharges per year which damage lightning arrester cables is lowered when the density of aerial transmission lines is reduced within the territory of electrical power systems. An approximate relationship between these two parameters is obtained.« less
Estimates of the Lightning NOx Profile in the Vicinity of the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Koshak, William J.; Peterson, Harold
The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM) is applied to August 2006 North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) data to estimate the raw (i.e., unmixed and otherwise environmentally unmodified) vertical profile of lightning nitrogen oxides, NOx = NO + NO 2 . This is part of a larger effort aimed at building a more realistic lightning NOx emissions inventory for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. Data from the National Lightning Detection Network TM (NLDN) is also employed. Overall, special attention is given to several important lightning variables including: the frequency and geographical distribution of lightning in the vicinity of the LMA network, lightning type (ground or cloud flash), lightning channel length, channel altitude, channel peak current, and the number of strokes per flash. Laboratory spark chamber results from the literature are used to convert 1-meter channel segments (that are located at a particular known altitude; i.e., air density) to NOx concentration. The resulting raw NOx profiles are discussed.
Mortality investigation of workers in an electromagnetic pulse test program.
Muhm, J M
A standardized mortality ratio study of 304 male employees of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) test program was conducted. Outcomes were ascertained by two methods: the World Health Organization's underlying cause of death algorithm; and the National Center for Health Statistics' algorithm to identify multiple listed causes of death. In the 3362 person-years of follow-up, there was one underlying cause of death due to leukemia compared with with 0.2 expected (standard mortality ratio [SMR] = 437, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 11-2433), and two multiple listed causes of death due to leukemia compared with 0.3 expected (SMR = 775, 95% CI = 94-2801). Although the study suggested an association between death due to leukemia and employment in the EMP test program, firm conclusions could not be drawn because of limitations of the study. The findings warrant further investigation in an independent cohort.
Radiation from lightning return strokes over a finitely conducting earth
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Le Vine, D. M.; Gesell, L.; Kao, Michael
The effects of the conductivity of the earth on radiation from lightning return strokes are examined theoretically using a piecewise linear transmission line model for the return stroke. First, calculations are made of the electric field radiated during the return stroke, and then this electric field is used to compute the response of conventional AM radio receivers and electric field change systems during the return stroke. The calculations apply to the entire transient waveform (they are not restricted to the initial portions of the return stroke) and yield fast field changes and RF radiation in agreement with measurements made during real lightning. This research was motivated by measurements indicating that a time delay exists between the time of arrival of the fast electric field change and the RF radiation from first return strokes. The time delay is on the order of 20 microsec for frequencies in the HF-UHF range for lightning in Florida. The time delay is obtained theoretically in this paper. It occurs when both the effects of attenuation due to conductivity of the earth, and the finite velocity of propagation of the current pulse up the return stroke channel, are taken into account in the model.
Measuring Method for Lightning Channel Temperature.
Li, X; Zhang, J; Chen, L; Xue, Q; Zhu, R
In this paper, we demonstrate the temperature of lightning channel utilizing the theory of lightning spectra and the model of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The impulse current generator platform (ICGS) was used to simulate the lightning discharge channel, and the spectral energy of infrared spectroscopy (930 nm) and the visible spectroscopy (648.2 nm) of the simulated lightning has been calculated. Results indicate that the peaks of luminous intensity of both infrared and visible spectra increase with the lightning current intensity in range of 5-50 kA. Based on the results, the temperature of the lightning channel is derived to be 6140.8-10424 K. Moreover, the temperature of the channel is approximately exponential to the lightning current intensity, which shows good agreement with that of the natural lightning cases.
Measuring Method for Lightning Channel Temperature
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, X.; Zhang, J.; Chen, L.; Xue, Q.; Zhu, R.
In this paper, we demonstrate the temperature of lightning channel utilizing the theory of lightning spectra and the model of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The impulse current generator platform (ICGS) was used to simulate the lightning discharge channel, and the spectral energy of infrared spectroscopy (930 nm) and the visible spectroscopy (648.2 nm) of the simulated lightning has been calculated. Results indicate that the peaks of luminous intensity of both infrared and visible spectra increase with the lightning current intensity in range of 5-50 kA. Based on the results, the temperature of the lightning channel is derived to be 6140.8-10424 K. Moreover, the temperature of the channel is approximately exponential to the lightning current intensity, which shows good agreement with that of the natural lightning cases.
Sources and components of ball lightning theory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nikitin, A. I.; Bychkov, V. L.; Nikitina, T. F.; Velichko, A. M.; Abakumov, V. I.
The article describes the cases when ball lightning (BL) exhibited an extremely high specific energy store (up to 1010 J/m3), a presence of uncompensated electric charge (up to 10‑3 C) and an ability to generate high frequency pulses (up to 10 MW). It is shown that the realization of a combination of these properties of BL is possible if to consider it as a heterogeneous system consisting of a unipolarly charged core and a dielectric shell. In the electric field of the core charge, arises a force owing to the polarization of the shell that opposes the Coulomb repulsion force of the charges. BL models constructed according to the indicated principle are described: the electrodynamic model and the chemical-thermal model, which treats BL as a hollow sphere filled with steam. The requirement to take into account the main three properties of BL makes it possible to reduce the number of models of this natural phenomenon. Detailed cases of observations of high-energy lightning are analyzed.
Simulating The Prompt Electromagnetic Pulse In 3D Using Vector Spherical Harmonics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Friedman, Alex; Cohen, Bruce I.; Eng, Chester D.; Farmer, William A.; Grote, David P.; Kruger, Hans W.; Larson, David J.
We describe a new, efficient code for simulating the prompt electromagnetic pulse. In SHEMP (``Spherical Harmonic EMP''), we extend to 3-D the methods pioneered in C. Longmire's CHAP code. The geomagnetic field and air density are consistent with CHAP's assumed spherical symmetry only for narrow domains of influence about the line of sight, limiting validity to very early times. Also, we seek to model inherently 3-D situations. In CHAP and our own CHAP-lite, the independent coordinates are r (the distance from the source) and τ = t-r/c; the pulse varies slowly with r at fixed τ, so a coarse radial grid suffices. We add non-spherically-symmetric physics via a vector spherical harmonic decomposition. For each (l,m) harmonic, the radial equation is similar to that in CHAP and CHAP-lite. We present our methodology and results on model problems. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
Advanced Electromagnetic Methods for Aerospace Vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Balanis, Constantine A.; Polycarpou, Anastasis; Birtcher, Craig R.; Georgakopoulos, Stavros; Han, Dong-Ho; Ballas, Gerasimos
The imminent destructive threats of Lightning on helicopters and other airborne systems has always been a topic of great interest to this research grant. Previously, the lightning induced currents on the surface of the fuselage and its interior were predicted using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method as well as the NEC code. The limitations of both methods, as applied to lightning, were identified and extensively discussed in the last meeting. After a thorough investigation of the capabilities of the FDTD, it was decided to incorporate into the numerical method a subcell model to accurately represent current diffusion through conducting materials of high conductivity and finite thickness. Because of the complexity of the model, its validity will be first tested for a one-dimensional FDTD problem. Although results are not available yet, the theory and formulation of the subcell model are presented and discussed here to a certain degree. Besides lightning induced currents in the interior of an aircraft, penetration of electromagnetic fields through apertures (e.g., windows and cracks) could also be devastating for the navigation equipment, electronics, and communications systems in general. The main focus of this study is understanding and quantifying field penetration through apertures. The simulation is done using the FDTD method and the predictions are compared with measurements and moment method solutions obtained from the NASA Langley Research Center. Cavity-backed slot (CBS) antennas or slot antennas in general have many applications in aircraft-satellite type of communications. These can be flushmounted on the surface of the fuselage and, therefore, they retain the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. In the past, input impedance and radiation patterns of CBS antennas were computed using a hybrid FEM/MoM code. The analysis is now extended to coupling between two identical slot antennas mounted on the same structure. The predictions are performed
Lightning attachment process to common buildings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Saba, M. M. F.; Paiva, A. R.; Schumann, C.; Ferro, M. A. S.; Naccarato, K. P.; Silva, J. C. O.; Siqueira, F. V. C.; Custódio, D. M.
The physical mechanism of lightning attachment to grounded structures is one of the most important issues in lightning physics research, and it is the basis for the design of the lightning protection systems. Most of what is known about the attachment process comes from leader propagation models that are mostly based on laboratory observations of long electrical discharges or from observations of lightning attachment to tall structures. In this paper we use high-speed videos to analyze the attachment process of downward lightning flashes to an ordinary residential building. For the first time, we present characteristics of the attachment process to common structures that are present in almost every city (in this case, two buildings under 60 m in São Paulo City, Brazil). Parameters like striking distance and connecting leaders speed, largely used in lightning attachment models and in lightning protection standards, are revealed in this work.
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Estimates Derived from SSMI Microwave Remote Sensing and NLDN
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Winesett, Thomas; Magi, Brian; Cecil, Daniel
Lightning observations are collected using ground-based and satellite-based sensors. The National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) in the United States uses multiple ground sensors to triangulate the electromagnetic signals created when lightning strikes the Earth's surface. Satellite-based lightning observations have been made from 1998 to present using the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, and from 1995 to 2000 using the Optical Transient Detector (OTD) on the Microlab-1 satellite. Both LIS and OTD are staring imagers that detect lightning as momentary changes in an optical scene. Passive microwave remote sensing (85 and 37 GHz brightness temperatures) from the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) has also been used to quantify characteristics of thunderstorms related to lightning. Each lightning detection system has fundamental limitations. TRMM satellite coverage is limited to the tropics and subtropics between 38 deg N and 38 deg S, so lightning at the higher latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres is not observed. The detection efficiency of NLDN sensors exceeds 95%, but the sensors are only located in the USA. Even if data from other ground-based lightning sensors (World Wide Lightning Location Network, the European Cooperation for Lightning Detection, and Canadian Lightning Detection Network) were combined with TRMM and NLDN, there would be enormous spatial gaps in present-day coverage of lightning. In addition, a globally-complete time history of observed lightning activity is currently not available either, with network coverage and detection efficiencies varying through the years. Previous research using the TRMM LIS and Microwave Imager (TMI) showed that there is a statistically significant correlation between lightning flash rates and passive microwave brightness temperatures. The physical basis for this correlation emerges because lightning in a thunderstorm occurs where ice is first
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodman, Steven J.; Wright, Pat; Christian, Hugh; Blakeslee, Richard; Buechler, Dennis; Scharfen, Greg
The global lightning signatures were analyzed from the DMSP Optical Linescan System (OLS) imagery archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Transition to analysis of the digital archive becomes available and compare annual, interannual, and seasonal variations with other global data sets. An initial survey of the quality of the existing film archive was completed and lightning signatures were digitized for the summer months of 1986 to 1987. The relationship is studied between: (1) global and regional lightning activity and rainfall, and (2) storm electrical development and environment. Remote sensing data sets obtained from field programs are used in conjunction with satellite/radar/lightning data to develop and improve precipitation estimation algorithms, and to provide a better understanding of the co-evolving electrical, microphysical, and dynamical structure of storms.
technical backup material for the OCE NEMP PROGRAM, Development of Criteria for Protection of NIKE-X Power Plant and Facilities Electrical Systems Against Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Effects, Protective MEASURES. (Author)
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) radiation by laser interaction with a solid H2 ribbon
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Marco, M.; Krása, J.; Cikhardt, J.; Velyhan, A.; Pfeifer, M.; Dudžák, R.; Dostál, J.; Krouský, E.; Limpouch, J.; Pisarczyk, T.; Kalinowska, Z.; Chodukowski, T.; Ullschmied, J.; Giuffrida, L.; Chatain, D.; Perin, J.-P.; Margarone, D.
The electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) generated during the interaction of a focused 1.315-μm sub-nanosecond laser pulse with a solid hydrogen ribbon were measured. The strength and temporal characteristics of EMPs were found to be dependent on the target density. If a low density target is ionized during the interaction with the laser, and the plasma does not physically touch the target holder, the EMP is weaker in strength and shorter in time duration. It is shown that during the H2 target experiment, the EMP does not strongly affect the response of fast electronic devices. The measurements of the EMP were carried out by Rohde&Schwarz B-Probes, particularly sensitive in the frequency range from 30 MHz and 1 GHz. Numerical simulations of resonant frequencies of the target chamber used in the experiment at the Prague Asterix Laser System kJ-class laser facility elucidate the peaked structure of EMP frequency spectra in the GHz domain.
Lightning Current Measurement with Fiber-Optic Sensor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nguyen, Truong X.; Ely, Jay J.; Szatkowski, George N.; Mata, Carlos T.; Mata, Angel G.; Snyder, Gary P.
A fiber-optic current sensor is successfully developed with many potential applications for electric current measurement. Originally developed for in-flight lightning measurement, the sensor utilizes Faraday Effect in an optical fiber. The Faraday Effect causes linear light polarization in a fiber to rotate when the fiber is exposed to a magnetic field. The polarization change is detected using a reflective polarimetric scheme. Forming fiber loops and applying Ampere's law, measuring the total light rotation results in the determination of the total current enclosed. The sensor is conformable to complex structure geometry. It is also non-conductive and immune to electromagnetic interference, saturation or hysteresis. Installation is non-intrusive, and the sensor can be safely routed through flammable areas. Two similar sensor systems are described in this paper. The first system operates at 1310nm laser wavelength and is capable of measuring approximately 300 A - 300 kA, a 60 dB range. Laboratory validation results of aircraft lighting direct and in-direct effect current amplitudes are reported for this sensor. The second system operates at 1550nm wavelength and can measure about 400 A - 400 kA. Triggered-lightning measurement data are presented for this system. Good results are achieved in all cases.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Orville, Richard E.
Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin provides authenticity to a historical account of early work in the field of lightning. Present-day theories concerning the formation and propagation of lightning are expressed and photographic evidence provided. (CP)
Map of low-frequency electromagnetic noise in the sky
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Füllekrug, Martin; Mezentsev, Andrew; Watson, Robert; Gaffet, Stéphane; Astin, Ivan; Smith, Nathan; Evans, Adrian
The Earth's natural electromagnetic environment is disturbed by anthropogenic electromagnetic noise. Here we report the first results from an electromagnetic noise survey of the sky. The locations of electromagnetic noise sources are mapped on the hemisphere above a distributed array of wideband receivers that operate in a small aperture configuration. It is found that the noise sources can be localized at elevation angles up to ˜60° in the sky, well above the horizon. The sky also exhibits zones with little or no noise that are found toward the local zenith and the southwest of the array. These results are obtained by a rigorous analysis of the residuals from the classic dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves using an array analysis of electric field measurements in the frequency range from ˜20 to 250 kHz. The observed locations of the noise sources enable detailed observations of ionospheric modification, for example, caused by particle precipitation and lightning discharges, while the observed exclusion zones enable the detection of weak natural electromagnetic emissions, for example, from streamers in transient luminous events above thunderclouds.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maynard, M.-A.; Bouchez, R.; Lugani, J.; Bretenaker, F.; Goldfarb, F.; Brion, E.
We report measurements of the time-dependent phases of the leak and retrieved pulses obtained in electromagnetically-induced-transparency storage experiments with metastable helium vapor at room temperature. In particular, we investigate the influence of the optical detuning at two-photon resonance and provide numerical simulations of the full dynamical Maxwell-Bloch equations, which allow us to account for the experimental results.
Electromagnetic Meissner-Effect Launcher
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Robertson, Glen A.
Proposed electromagnetic Meissner-effect launching apparatus differs from previous electromagnetic launchers; no need for electromagnet coil on projectile. Result, no need for brush contacts and high-voltage commutation equipment to supply current directly to projectile coil, or for pulse circuitry to induce current in projectile coil if brush contacts not used. Compresses magnetic field surrounding rear surface of projectile, creating gradient of magnetic pressure pushing projectile forward.
Air traffic controller lightning strike.
Spieth, M. E.; Kimura, R. L.; Schryer, T. D.
Andersen Air Force Base in Guam boasts the tallest control tower in the Air Force. In 1986, an air traffic controller was struck by lightning as the bolt proceeded through the tower. Although he received only a backache, the lightning left a hole with surrounding scorch marks on his fatigue shirt and his undershirt. The lightning strike also ignited a portion of the field lighting panel, which caused the runway lights to go out immediately. Lack of a lightning rod is the most likely reason the controller was struck. Proper precautions against lightning strikes can prevent such occupational safety hazards. PMID:7966436
Measuring Method for Lightning Channel Temperature
Li, X.; Zhang, J.; Chen, L.; Xue, Q.; Zhu, R.
In this paper, we demonstrate the temperature of lightning channel utilizing the theory of lightning spectra and the model of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The impulse current generator platform (ICGS) was used to simulate the lightning discharge channel, and the spectral energy of infrared spectroscopy (930 nm) and the visible spectroscopy (648.2 nm) of the simulated lightning has been calculated. Results indicate that the peaks of luminous intensity of both infrared and visible spectra increase with the lightning current intensity in range of 5–50 kA. Based on the results, the temperature of the lightning channel is derived to be 6140.8–10424 K. Moreover, the temperature of the channel is approximately exponential to the lightning current intensity, which shows good agreement with that of the natural lightning cases. PMID:27665937
First Lightning Flashes on Saturn
NASA Cassini spacecraft captured the first lightning flashes on Saturn. The storm that generated the lightning lasted from January to October 2009, making it the longest-lasting lightning storm known in the solar system.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guo, Dawei; Cheng, Mousen; Li, Xiaokang
In support of our planar pulsed inductive plasma thruster research, a fast electromagnetic inductive valve for a gas propellant injection system has been built and tested. A new and important design feature is the use of a conical diaphragm as the action part, which greatly contributes to the virtue of simplicity for adopting the resultant force of the diaphragm deformation as the closing force. An optical transmission technique is adopted to measure the opening and closing characters of the valve while the gas throughput is determined by measuring the pressure change per pulse in a test chamber with a capacitance manometer. The experimental results revealed that the delay time before the valve reaction is less than 40 μs, and the valve pulse width is no longer than 160 μs full width at half maximum. The valve delivers 0-2.5 mg of argon gas per pulse varied by adjusting the drive voltage and gas pressure.
Guo, Dawei; Cheng, Mousen; Li, Xiaokang
In support of our planar pulsed inductive plasma thruster research, a fast electromagnetic inductive valve for a gas propellant injection system has been built and tested. A new and important design feature is the use of a conical diaphragm as the action part, which greatly contributes to the virtue of simplicity for adopting the resultant force of the diaphragm deformation as the closing force. An optical transmission technique is adopted to measure the opening and closing characters of the valve while the gas throughput is determined by measuring the pressure change per pulse in a test chamber with a capacitance manometer. The experimental results revealed that the delay time before the valve reaction is less than 40 μs, and the valve pulse width is no longer than 160 μs full width at half maximum. The valve delivers 0-2.5 mg of argon gas per pulse varied by adjusting the drive voltage and gas pressure.
The North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array: Recent Severe Storm Observations and Future Prospects
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodman, S. J.; Blakeslee, R.; Christian, H.; Koshak, W.; Bailey, J.; Hall, J.; McCaul, E.; Buechler, D.; Darden, C.; Burks, J.
The North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array became operational in November 2001 as a principal component of a severe weather test bed to infuse new science and technology into the short-term forecasting of severe and hazardous weather, principally within nearby National Weather Service forecast offices. Since the installation of the LMA, it has measured the total lightning activity of a large number of severe weather events, including three supercell tornado outbreaks, two supercell hailstorm events, and numerous microburst-producing storms and ordinary non-severe thunderstorms. The key components of evolving storm morphology examined are the time rate-of-change (temporal trending) of storm convective and precipitation characteristics that can be diagnosed in real-time using NEXRAD WSR-88D Doppler radar (echo growth and decay, precipitation structures and velocity features, outflow boundaries), LMA (total lightning flash rate and its trend) and National Lightning Detection Network (cloud-to- ground lightning, its polarity and trends). For example, in a transitional season supercell tornado outbreak, peak total flash rates for typical supercells in Tennessee reached 70-100/min, and increases in the total flash rate occurred during storm intensification as much as 20-25 min prior to at least some of the tornadoes. The most intense total flash rate measured during this outbreak (over 800 flashes/min) occurred in a storm in Alabama. In the case of a severe summertime pulse thunderstorm in North Alabama, the peak total flash rate reached 300/min, with a strong increase in total lightning evident some 9 min before damaging winds were observed at the surface. In this paper we provide a sampling of LMA observations and products during severe weather events to illustrate the capability of the system, and discuss the prospects for improving the short-term forecasting of convective weather using total lightning data.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ginzburg, N. S., E-mail:; Zaslavsky, V. Yu.; Nizhny Novgorod State University, 23 Gagarin Ave., 603950 Nizhny Novgorod
A time-domain self consistent theory of a gyrotron traveling wave tube with a helically corrugated operating waveguide has been developed. Based on this model, the process of short pulse amplification was studied in regimes of grazing and intersection of the dispersion curves of the electromagnetic wave and the electron beam. In the first case, the possibility of amplification without pulse form distortion was demonstrated for the pulse spectrum width of the order of the gain bandwidth. In the second case, when the electrons' axial velocity was smaller than the wave's group velocity, it was shown that the slippage of themore » incident signal with respect to the electron beam provides feeding of the signal by “fresh” electrons without initial modulation. As a result, the amplitude of the output pulse can exceed the amplitude of its saturated value for the case of the grazing regime, and, for optimal parameters, the peak output power can be even larger than the kinetic power of the electron beam.« less
ENSO Related Interannual Lightning Variability from the Full TRMM LIS Lightning Climatology
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Clark, Austin; Cecil, Daniel J.
It has been shown that the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) contributes to inter-annual variability of lightning production in the tropics and subtropics more than any other atmospheric oscillation. This study further investigated how ENSO phase affects lightning production in the tropics and subtropics. Using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) and the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) for ENSO phase, lightning data were averaged into corresponding mean annual warm, cold, and neutral 'years' for analysis of the different phases. An examination of the regional sensitivities and preliminary analysis of three locations was conducted using model reanalysis data to determine the leading convective mechanisms in these areas and how they might respond to the ENSO phases. These processes were then studied for inter-annual variance and subsequent correlation to ENSO during the study period to best describe the observed lightning deviations from year to year at each location.
Synthetic electromagnetic knot in a three-dimensional skyrmion
Lee, Wonjae; Gheorghe, Andrei H.; Tiurev, Konstantin; Ollikainen, Tuomas; Möttönen, Mikko; Hall, David S.
Classical electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are both central to the modern understanding of the physical world and its ongoing technological development. Quantum simulations of electromagnetic forces have the potential to provide information about materials and systems that do not have conveniently solvable theoretical descriptions, such as those related to quantum Hall physics, or that have not been physically observed, such as magnetic monopoles. However, quantum simulations that simultaneously implement all of the principal features of classical electromagnetism have thus far proved elusive. We experimentally realize a simulation in which a charged quantum particle interacts with the knotted electromagnetic fields peculiar to a topological model of ball lightning. These phenomena are induced by precise spatiotemporal control of the spin field of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, simultaneously creating a Shankar skyrmion—a topological excitation that was theoretically predicted four decades ago but never before observed experimentally. Our results reveal the versatile capabilities of synthetic electromagnetism and provide the first experimental images of topological three-dimensional skyrmions in a quantum system. PMID:29511735
Chen, Yong Bin; Li, Jing; Liu, Jun Ye; Zeng, Li Hua; Wan, Yi; Li, Yu Rong; Ren, Dongqing; Guo, G Z
To investigate the effects of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) on associative learning in mice and test a preliminary mechanism for these effects. A tapered parallel plate gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cell with a flared rectangular coaxial transmission line was used to expose male BALB/c mice to EMP (peak-intensity 400 kV/m, rise-time 10 ns, pulse-width 350 ns, 0.5 Hz and total 200 pulses). Concurrent sham-exposed mice were used as a control. Associative learning, oxidative stress in the brain, serum chemistry and the protective action of tocopherol monoglucoside (TMG) in mice were measured, respectively. (1) Twelve hour and 1 day post EMP exposure associative learning was reduced significantly compared with sham control (p<0.05) but recovered at 2 d post EMP exposure. (2) Compared with the sham control, lipid peroxidation of brain tissue and chemiluminescence (CL) intensity increased significantly (p<0.05), while the activity of the antioxidant enzymes Superoxide Dismutase [SOD], Glutathione [GSH], Glutathione Peroxidase [GSH-Px], Catalase [CAT]) decreased significantly (p<0.05) at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 1 d post EMP exposure. All these parameters recovered at 2 d post EMP exposure. (3) No significant differences between the sham control group and EMP exposed group were observed in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. (4) Pretreatment of mice with TMG showed protective effects to EMP exposure. EMP exposure significantly decreased associative learning in mice and TMG acted as an effective protective agent from EMP exposure. This mechanism could involve an increase of oxidative stress in brain by EMP exposure.
Space Shuttle Lightning Protection
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Suiter, D. L.; Gadbois, R. D.; Blount, R. L.
The technology for lightning protection of even the most advanced spacecraft is available and can be applied through cost-effective hardware designs and design-verification techniques. In this paper, the evolution of the Space Shuttle Lightning Protection Program is discussed, including the general types of protection, testing, and anlayses being performed to assess the lightning-transient-damage susceptibility of solid-state electronics.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hale, Leslie C.
In an attempt to explain numerous atmospheric electrical phenomena, the elements of the global electrical circuit are reexamined. In addition to being a 'quasi-static 'DC' generator' and source of radiated energy at VLF and higher, the thunderstorm is found to be a pulse generator, with most of the external energy contained in ELF and ULF pulse currents to the ionosphere (and Earth). The pulse energy is found to deposit largely in the middle atmosphere above the thunderstorm. The VLF and above components are well understood, as are the ULF components due to the conductivity gradient. However, a previously poorly understood ELF component on the millsecond timescale, or 'slow tail,' contains a large fraction of the electrical energy. This component couples strongly to the ionosphere and also launches a unipolar transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wavelet in the radial Earth-ionosphere transmission line. The increase in charge with distance associated with such wavelets, and their ensemble sum at a point, may explain some large mesospheric 'DC' fields but there are still difficulties explaining other than rare occurrences, except for antipodal reconvergence. These millisecond duration unipolar wavelets also coupled to the ionosphere and may trigger other lightning at a distance. A schema is elucidated by which the charge of MeV particles deposited in the middle atmosphere persists for much longer than the local relaxation time. This also gives rise to unipolar waves of global extent which may explain lower-latitude field perturbations associated with solar/geomagnetic events.
Electromagnetically Operated Counter
Goldberg, H D; Goldberg, M I
An electromagnetically operated counter wherein signals to be counted are applied to cause stepwise rotation of a rotatable element which is connected to a suitable register. The mechanism involved consists of a rotatable armature having three spaced cores of magnetic material and a pair of diametrically opposed electromagnets with a suitable pulsing circuit to actuate the magnets.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Matveev, V. I.; Makarov, D. N.
The effect of defects in nanostructured targets on interference spectra at the reemission of attosecond electromagnetic pulses has been considered. General expressions have been obtained for calculations of spectral distributions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional multiatomic nanosystems consisting of identical complex atoms with defects such as bends, vacancies, and breaks. Changes in interference spectra by a linear chain with several removed atoms (chain with breaks) and by a linear chain with a bend have been calculated as examples allowing a simple analytical representation. Generalization to two- and three-dimensional nanosystems has been developed.
14 CFR 25.581 - Lightning protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Structure Lightning Protection § 25.581 Lightning protection. (a) The airplane must be protected against catastrophic effects from lightning. (b) For metallic... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Lightning protection. 25.581 Section 25.581...
14 CFR 25.581 - Lightning protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Structure Lightning Protection § 25.581 Lightning protection. (a) The airplane must be protected against catastrophic effects from lightning. (b) For metallic... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Lightning protection. 25.581 Section 25.581...
14 CFR 25.581 - Lightning protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Structure Lightning Protection § 25.581 Lightning protection. (a) The airplane must be protected against catastrophic effects from lightning. (b) For metallic... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Lightning protection. 25.581 Section 25.581...
14 CFR 25.581 - Lightning protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Structure Lightning Protection § 25.581 Lightning protection. (a) The airplane must be protected against catastrophic effects from lightning. (b) For metallic... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Lightning protection. 25.581 Section 25.581...