Sample records for magnetic pseudo-contour maps

  1. A comparison of contour maps derived from independent methods of measuring lunar magnetic fields

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lichtenstein, B. R.; Coleman, P. J., Jr.; Russell, C. T.


    Computer-generated contour maps of strong lunar remanent magnetic fields are presented and discussed. The maps, obtained by previously described (Eliason and Soderblom, 1977) techniques, are derived from a variety of direct and indirect measurements from Apollo 15 and 16 and Explorer 35 magnetometer and electron reflection data. A common display format is used to facilitate comparison of the maps over regions of overlapping coverage. Most large scale features of either weak or strong magnetic field regions are found to correlate fairly well on all the maps considered.

  2. Contour Mapping

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    In the early 1990s, the Ohio State University Center for Mapping, a NASA Center for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDS), developed a system for mobile mapping called the GPSVan. While driving, the users can map an area from the sophisticated mapping van equipped with satellite signal receivers, video cameras and computer systems for collecting and storing mapping data. George J. Igel and Company and the Ohio State University Center for Mapping advanced the technology for use in determining the contours of a construction site. The new system reduces the time required for mapping and staking, and can monitor the amount of soil moved.

  3. What is in a contour map? A region-based logical formalization of contour semantics

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Usery, E. Lynn; Hahmann, Torsten


    This paper analyses and formalizes contour semantics in a first-order logic ontology that forms the basis for enabling computational common sense reasoning about contour information. The elicited contour semantics comprises four key concepts – contour regions, contour lines, contour values, and contour sets – and their subclasses and associated relations, which are grounded in an existing qualitative spatial ontology. All concepts and relations are illustrated and motivated by physical-geographic features identifiable on topographic contour maps. The encoding of the semantics of contour concepts in first-order logic and a derived conceptual model as basis for an OWL ontology lay the foundation for fully automated, semantically-aware qualitative and quantitative reasoning about contours.

  4. Contour maps of lunar remanent magnetic fields

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hood, L. L.; Russell, C. T.; Coleman, P. J., Jr.


    The 2605 usable orbits of Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellite magnetometer data have been reexamined for intervals suitable for analysis of crustal magnetic anomalies. To minimize plasma-related disturbances, segments from 274 of these orbits were selected from times when the moon was either in a lobe of the geomagnetic tail or in the solar wind with the subsatellites in the lunar wake. External field contributions which remained in the selected intervals were minimized by (1) quadratic detrending of individual orbit segments with lengths much greater than anomaly wavelengths and (2) two-dimensional filtering with minimum passed wavelengths less than or equal to anomaly wavelengths. Improvements in coverage, accuracy, and resolution of previously published anomaly maps produced from these data are obtained. In addition to improved maps of the Reiner Gamma and Van de Graaff-Aitken anomalies studied previously, a third region of relatively high-amplitude anomalies centered near the crater Gerasimovich on the southeastern far side has been mapped. Both the Van de Graaff-Aitken region and the Gerasimovich region are marked by the general occurrence of extensive groups of Reiner Gamma-type swirls.

  5. Technique for Chestband Contour Shape-Mapping in Lateral Impact

    PubMed Central

    Hallman, Jason J; Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A


    The chestband transducer permits noninvasive measurement of transverse plane biomechanical response during blunt thorax impact. Although experiments may reveal complex two-dimensional (2D) deformation response to boundary conditions, biomechanical studies have heretofore employed only uniaxial chestband contour quantifying measurements. The present study described and evaluated an algorithm by which source subject-specific contour data may be systematically mapped to a target generalized anthropometry for computational studies of biomechanical response or anthropomorphic test dummy development. Algorithm performance was evaluated using chestband contour datasets from two rigid lateral impact boundary conditions: Flat wall and anterior-oblique wall. Comparing source and target anthropometry contours, peak deflections and deformation-time traces deviated by less than 4%. These results suggest that the algorithm is appropriate for 2D deformation response to lateral impact boundary conditions. PMID:21676399

  6. Identification of irrigated crop types from ERTS-1 density contour maps and color infrared aerial photography. [Wyoming

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Marrs, R. W.; Evans, M. A.


    The author has identified the following significant results. The crop types of a Great Plains study area were mapped from color infrared aerial photography. Each field was positively identified from field checks in the area. Enlarged (50x) density contour maps were constructed from three ERTS-1 images taken in the summer of 1973. The map interpreted from the aerial photography was compared to the density contour maps and the accuracy of the ERTS-1 density contour map interpretations were determined. Changes in the vegetation during the growing season and harvest periods were detectable on the ERTS-1 imagery. Density contouring aids in the detection of such charges.

  7. Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Coupled Map Lattices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lü, Huaping; Wang, Shihong; Hu, Gang

    A one-way coupled chaotic map lattice is used for generating pseudo-random numbers. It is shown that with suitable cooperative applications of both chaotic and conventional approaches, the output of the spatiotemporally chaotic system can easily meet the practical requirements of random numbers, i.e., excellent random statistical properties, long periodicity of computer realizations, and fast speed of random number generations. This pseudo-random number generator system can be used as ideal synchronous and self-synchronizing stream cipher systems for secure communications.

  8. Creation of digital contours that approach the characteristics of cartographic contours

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Tyler, Dean J.; Greenlee, Susan K.


    The capability to easily create digital contours using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software has existed for decades. Out-of-the-box raw contours are suitable for many scientific applications without pre- or post-processing; however, cartographic applications typically require additional improvements. For example, raw contours generally require smoothing before placement on a map. Cartographic contours must also conform to certain spatial/logical rules; for example, contours may not cross waterbodies. The objective was to create contours that match as closely as possible the cartographic contours produced by manual methods on the 1:24,000-scale, 7.5-minute Topographic Map series. This report outlines the basic approach, describes a variety of problems that were encountered, and discusses solutions. Many of the challenges described herein were the result of imperfect input raster elevation data and the requirement to have the contours integrated with hydrographic features from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).

  9. Structure contour map of the greater Green River basin, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lickus, M.R.; Law, B.E.


    The Greater Green River basin of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah contains five basins and associated major uplifts (fig. 1). Published structure maps of the region have commonly used the top of the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone as a structural datum (Petroleum Ownership Map Company (POMCO), 1984; Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 1972). However, because relatively few wells in this area penetrate the Dakota, the Dakota structural datum has to be constructed by projecting down from shallower wells. Extrapolating in this manner may produce errors in the map. The primary purpose of this report is to present a more reliable structure contour map of the Greater Green River basin based on datums that are penetrated by many wells. The final map shows the large- to small-scale structures present in the Greater Green River basin. The availability of subsurface control and the map scale determined whether or not a structural feature was included on the map. In general, large structures such as the Moxa arch, Pinedale anticline, and other large folds were placed on the map based solely on the structure contours. In comparison, smaller folds and some faults were placed on the map based on structure contours and other reports (Bader 1987; Bradley 1961; Love and Christiansen, 1985; McDonald, 1975; Roehler, 1979; Wyoming Geological Association Oil and Gas Symposium Committee, 1979). State geologic maps and other reports were used to position basin margin faults (Bryant, 1985; Gries, 1983a, b; Hansen 1986; Hintze, 1980; Love and Christiansen, 1985; Tweto, 1979, 1983). In addition, an interpreted east-west-trending regional seismic line by Garing and Tainter (1985), which shows the basin configuration in cross-section, was helpful in locating buried faults, such as the high-angle reverse or thrust fault along the west flank of the Rock Springs uplift.

  10. Pseudo Steady-State Free Precession for MR-Fingerprinting.


    Assländer, Jakob; Glaser, Steffen J; Hennig, Jürgen


    This article discusses the signal behavior in the case the flip angle in steady-state free precession sequences is continuously varied as suggested for MR-fingerprinting sequences. Flip angle variations prevent the establishment of a steady state and introduce instabilities regarding to magnetic field inhomogeneities and intravoxel dephasing. We show how a pseudo steady state can be achieved, which restores the spin echo nature of steady-state free precession. Based on geometrical considerations, relationships between the flip angle, repetition and echo time are derived that suffice to the establishment of a pseudo steady state. The theory is tested with Bloch simulations as well as phantom and in vivo experiments. A typical steady-state free precession passband can be restored with the proposed conditions. The stability of the pseudo steady state is demonstrated by comparing the evolution of the signal of a single isochromat to one resulting from a spin ensemble. As confirmed by experiments, magnetization in a pseudo steady state can be described with fewer degrees of freedom compared to the original fingerprinting and the pseudo steady state results in more reliable parameter maps. The proposed conditions restore the spin-echo-like signal behavior typical for steady-state free precession in fingerprinting sequences, making this approach more robust to B 0 variations. Magn Reson Med 77:1151-1161, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  11. Improvement to the scanning electron microscope image adaptive Canny optimization colorization by pseudo-mapping.


    Lo, T Y; Sim, K S; Tso, C P; Nia, M E


    An improvement to the previously proposed adaptive Canny optimization technique for scanning electron microscope image colorization is reported. The additional feature, called pseudo-mapping technique, is that the grayscale markings are temporarily mapped to a set of pre-defined pseudo-color map as a mean to instill color information for grayscale colors in chrominance channels. This allows the presence of grayscale markings to be identified; hence optimization colorization of grayscale colors is made possible. This additional feature enhances the flexibility of scanning electron microscope image colorization by providing wider range of possible color enhancement. Furthermore, the nature of this technique also allows users to adjust the luminance intensities of selected region from the original image within certain extent. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Pseudo-magnetic fields of strongly-curved graphene nanobubbles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Li-Chi


    We use the π-orbital axis vector (POAV) analysis to deal with large curvature effect of graphene in the tight-binding model. To test the validities of pseudo-magnetic fields (PMFs) derived from the tight-binding model and the model with Dirac equation coupled to a curved surface, we propose two types of spatially constant-field topographies for strongly-curved graphene nanobubbles, which correspond to these two models, respectively. It is shown from the latter model that the PMF induced by any spherical graphene nanobubble is always equivalent to the magnetic field caused by one magnetic monopole charge distributed on a complete spherical surface with the same radius. Such a PMF might be attributed to the isometry breaking of a graphene layer attached conformably to a spherical substrate with adhesion.

  13. Dissociable neural correlates of contour completion and contour representation in illusory contour perception.


    Wu, Xiang; He, Sheng; Bushara, Khalaf; Zeng, Feiyan; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Daren


    Object recognition occurs even when environmental information is incomplete. Illusory contours (ICs), in which a contour is perceived though the contour edges are incomplete, have been extensively studied as an example of such a visual completion phenomenon. Despite the neural activity in response to ICs in visual cortical areas from low (V1 and V2) to high (LOC: the lateral occipital cortex) levels, the details of the neural processing underlying IC perception are largely not clarified. For example, how do the visual areas function in IC perception and how do they interact to archive the coherent contour perception? IC perception involves the process of completing the local discrete contour edges (contour completion) and the process of representing the global completed contour information (contour representation). Here, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to dissociate contour completion and contour representation by varying each in opposite directions. The results show that the neural activity was stronger to stimuli with more contour completion than to stimuli with more contour representation in V1 and V2, which was the reverse of that in the LOC. When inspecting the neural activity change across the visual pathway, the activation remained high for the stimuli with more contour completion and increased for the stimuli with more contour representation. These results suggest distinct neural correlates of contour completion and contour representation, and the possible collaboration between the two processes during IC perception, indicating a neural connection between the discrete retinal input and the coherent visual percept. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Contour Error Map Algorithm

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Merceret, Francis; Lane, John; Immer, Christopher; Case, Jonathan; Manobianco, John


    The contour error map (CEM) algorithm and the software that implements the algorithm are means of quantifying correlations between sets of time-varying data that are binarized and registered on spatial grids. The present version of the software is intended for use in evaluating numerical weather forecasts against observational sea-breeze data. In cases in which observational data come from off-grid stations, it is necessary to preprocess the observational data to transform them into gridded data. First, the wind direction is gridded and binarized so that D(i,j;n) is the input to CEM based on forecast data and d(i,j;n) is the input to CEM based on gridded observational data. Here, i and j are spatial indices representing 1.25-km intervals along the west-to-east and south-to-north directions, respectively; and n is a time index representing 5-minute intervals. A binary value of D or d = 0 corresponds to an offshore wind, whereas a value of D or d = 1 corresponds to an onshore wind. CEM includes two notable subalgorithms: One identifies and verifies sea-breeze boundaries; the other, which can be invoked optionally, performs an image-erosion function for the purpose of attempting to eliminate river-breeze contributions in the wind fields.

  15. Strain-Engineering of Giant Pseudo-Magnetic Fields in Graphene/Boron Nitride (BN) Periodic Nanostructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsu, Chen-Chih; Wang, Jiaqing; Teague, Marcus; Chen, Chien-Chang; Yeh, Nai-Chang


    Ideal graphene is strain-free whereas non-trivial strain can induce pseudo-magnetic fields as predicted theoretically and manifested experimentally. Here we employ nearly strain-free single-domain graphene, grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at low temperatures, to induce controlled strain by placing the PECVD-graphene on substrates containing engineered nanostructures. We fabricate periodic pyramid nanostructures (typically 100 ~ 200 nm laterally and 10 ~ 60 nm in height) on Si substrates by focused ion beam, and determine the topography of these nanostructures using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy after we transferred monolayer h-BN followed by PECVD-graphene onto these substrates. We find both layers conform well to the nanostructures so that we can control the size, arrangement, separation, and shape of the nanostructures to generate desirable pseudo-magnetic fields. We also employ molecular dynamics simulation to determine the displacement of carbon atoms under a given nanostructure. The pseudo-magnetic field thus obtained is ~150T in the center, relatively homogeneous over 50% of the area, and drops off precipitously near the edge. These findings are extended to arrays of nanostructures and compared with topographic and spectroscopic studies by STM. Supported by NSF.

  16. Re-Dimensional Thinking in Earth Science: From 3-D Virtual Reality Panoramas to 2-D Contour Maps

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Park, John; Carter, Glenda; Butler, Susan; Slykhuis, David; Reid-Griffin, Angelia


    This study examines the relationship of gender and spatial perception on student interactivity with contour maps and non-immersive virtual reality. Eighteen eighth-grade students elected to participate in a six-week activity-based course called "3-D GeoMapping." The course included nine days of activities related to topographic mapping.…

  17. Contour-Driven Atlas-Based Segmentation

    PubMed Central

    Wachinger, Christian; Fritscher, Karl; Sharp, Greg; Golland, Polina


    We propose new methods for automatic segmentation of images based on an atlas of manually labeled scans and contours in the image. First, we introduce a Bayesian framework for creating initial label maps from manually annotated training images. Within this framework, we model various registration- and patch-based segmentation techniques by changing the deformation field prior. Second, we perform contour-driven regression on the created label maps to refine the segmentation. Image contours and image parcellations give rise to non-stationary kernel functions that model the relationship between image locations. Setting the kernel to the covariance function in a Gaussian process establishes a distribution over label maps supported by image structures. Maximum a posteriori estimation of the distribution over label maps conditioned on the outcome of the atlas-based segmentation yields the refined segmentation. We evaluate the segmentation in two clinical applications: the segmentation of parotid glands in head and neck CT scans and the segmentation of the left atrium in cardiac MR angiography images. PMID:26068202

  18. Surface magnetic field mapping on high albedo marking areas of the moon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shibuya, H.; Aikawa, K.; Tsunakawa, H.; Takahashi, F.; Shimizu, H.; Matsushima, M.


    The correlation between high albedo markings (HAM) on the surface of the moon and strong magnetic anomalies has been claimed since the early time of the lunar magnetic field study (Hood and Schubert, 1980). Hood et al. (1989) mapped the smoothed magnetic field over the Reiner Gamma region using Lunar Prospector magnetometer (LP-MAG) data, and showed that the position of them matches well. We have developed a method to recover the 3-d magnetic field from satellite field observations (EPR method which stands for Equivalent Pole Reduction; Toyoshima et al. 2008). Applying EPR to the several areas of strong magnetic anomalies, we calculated the magnetic anomaly maps of near surface regions, to see how the anomaly and the HAM correlate each other. The data used is of the Lunar Prospector magnetometer (LP-MAG). They are selected from low altitude observations performed in 1998 to 1999. The areas studied are Reiner Gamma, Airy, Descartes, Abel, and Crisium Antipode regions. The EPR determines a set of magnetic monopoles at the moon surface which produce the magnetic field of the observation. In each studied area, we put poles in 0.1° intervals of both latitude and longitude, then the magnetic field at 5km in altitude is calculated. The field distribution is superimposed with the albedo map made from Clementine data. The total force (Bf) maps indicate that the HMA occurs at the strong anomaly regions, but their shape does not quite overlie. However, taking horizontal component (Bh), not only position but the shape and size of the anomalies coincide with HMA regions. It is particularly true for the Reiner Gamma, and Descartes regions. The shape of HMA fits in a Bh contour. The HMA is argued to be formed by the reduction of solar wind particles which are shielded by the magnetic field. Since the deflection of the charged particle becomes large at large horizontal component, the Bh distribution showed here support the argument.

  19. A Novel Method for Reconstructing Broken Contour Lines Extracted from Scanned Topographic Maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Feng; Liu, Pingzhi; Yang, Yun; Wei, Haiping; An, Xiaoya


    It is known that after segmentation and morphological operations on scanned topographic maps, gaps occur in contour lines. It is also well known that filling these gaps and reconstruction of contour lines with high accuracy and completeness is not an easy problem. In this paper, a novel method is proposed dedicated in automatic or semiautomatic filling up caps and reconstructing broken contour lines in binary images. The key part of end points' auto-matching and reconnecting is deeply discussed after introducing the procedure of reconstruction, in which some key algorithms and mechanisms are presented and realized, including multiple incremental backing trace to get weighted average direction angle of end points, the max constraint angle control mechanism based on the multiple gradient ranks, combination of weighted Euclidean distance and deviation angle to determine the optimum matching end point, bidirectional parabola control, etc. Lastly, experimental comparisons based on typically samples are complemented between proposed method and the other representative method, the results indicate that the former holds higher accuracy and completeness, better stability and applicability.

  20. Small unmanned aircraft system for remote contour mapping of a nuclear radiation field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guss, Paul; McCall, Karen; Malchow, Russell; Fischer, Rick; Lukens, Michael; Adan, Mark; Park, Ki; Abbott, Roy; Howard, Michael; Wagner, Eric; Trainham, Clifford P.; Luke, Tanushree; Mukhopadhyay, Sanjoy; Oh, Paul; Brahmbhatt, Pareshkumar; Henderson, Eric; Han, Jinlu; Huang, Justin; Huang, Casey; Daniels, Jon


    For nuclear disasters involving radioactive contamination, small unmanned aircraft systems (sUASs) equipped with nuclear radiation detection and monitoring capability can be very important tools. Among the advantages of a sUAS are quick deployment, low-altitude flying that enhances sensitivity, wide area coverage, no radiation exposure health safety restriction, and the ability to access highly hazardous or radioactive areas. Additionally, the sUAS can be configured with the nuclear detecting sensor optimized to measure the radiation associated with the event. In this investigation, sUAS platforms were obtained for the installation of sensor payloads for radiation detection and electro-optical systems that were specifically developed for sUAS research, development, and operational testing. The sensor payloads were optimized for the contour mapping of a nuclear radiation field, which will result in a formula for low-cost sUAS platform operations with built-in formation flight control. Additional emphases of the investigation were to develop the relevant contouring algorithms; initiate the sUAS comprehensive testing using the Unmanned Systems, Inc. (USI) Sandstorm platforms and other acquired platforms; and both acquire and optimize the sensors for detection and localization. We demonstrated contour mapping through simulation and validated waypoint detection. We mounted a detector on a sUAS and operated it initially in the counts per second (cps) mode to perform field and flight tests to demonstrate that the equipment was functioning as designed. We performed ground truth measurements to determine the response of the detector as a function of source-to-detector distance. Operation of the radiation detector was tested using different unshielded sources.

  1. pseudoMap: an innovative and comprehensive resource for identification of siRNA-mediated mechanisms in human transcribed pseudogenes.


    Chan, Wen-Ling; Yang, Wen-Kuang; Huang, Hsien-Da; Chang, Jan-Gowth


    RNA interference (RNAi) is a gene silencing process within living cells, which is controlled by the RNA-induced silencing complex with a sequence-specific manner. In flies and mice, the pseudogene transcripts can be processed into short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that regulate protein-coding genes through the RNAi pathway. Following these findings, we construct an innovative and comprehensive database to elucidate siRNA-mediated mechanism in human transcribed pseudogenes (TPGs). To investigate TPG producing siRNAs that regulate protein-coding genes, we mapped the TPGs to small RNAs (sRNAs) that were supported by publicly deep sequencing data from various sRNA libraries and constructed the TPG-derived siRNA-target interactions. In addition, we also presented that TPGs can act as a target for miRNAs that actually regulate the parental gene. To enable the systematic compilation and updating of these results and additional information, we have developed a database, pseudoMap, capturing various types of information, including sequence data, TPG and cognate annotation, deep sequencing data, RNA-folding structure, gene expression profiles, miRNA annotation and target prediction. As our knowledge, pseudoMap is the first database to demonstrate two mechanisms of human TPGs: encoding siRNAs and decoying miRNAs that target the parental gene. pseudoMap is freely accessible at Database URL:

  2. Pedagogical efficiency of melodic contour mapping technology as it relates to vocal timbre in singers of classical music repertoire.


    Barnes-Burroughs, Kathryn; Anderson, Edward E; Hughes, Thomas; Lan, William Y; Dent, Karl; Arnold, Sue; Dolter, Gerald; McNeil, Kathy


    The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain the pedagogical viability of computer-generated melodic contour mapping systems in the classical singing studio, as perceived by their resulting effect (if any) on vocal timbre when a singer's head and neck remained in a normal singing posture. The evaluation of data gathered during the course of the study indicates that the development of consistent vocal timbre produced by the classical singing student may be enhanced through visual/kinesthetic response to melodic contour inversion mapping, as it balances the singer's perception of melodic intervals in standard musical notation. Unexpectedly, it was discovered that the system, in its natural melodic contour mode, may also be useful for teaching a student to sing a consistent legato line. The results of the study also suggest that the continued development of this new technology for the general teaching studio, designed to address standard musical notation and a singer's visual/kinesthetic response to it, may indeed be useful.

  3. Pseudo-random bit generator based on lag time series

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    García-Martínez, M.; Campos-Cantón, E.


    In this paper, we present a pseudo-random bit generator (PRBG) based on two lag time series of the logistic map using positive and negative values in the bifurcation parameter. In order to hidden the map used to build the pseudo-random series we have used a delay in the generation of time series. These new series when they are mapped xn against xn+1 present a cloud of points unrelated to the logistic map. Finally, the pseudo-random sequences have been tested with the suite of NIST giving satisfactory results for use in stream ciphers.

  4. Color-coded contour map of Mars M 25M RKN

    USGS Publications Warehouse



    . This allows for continuity in the shading between maps and quadrangles, and most closely resembles lighting conditions found on imagery. The DEM values were then mapped to a smooth global color look-up table. Note that the chosen color scheme simply represents elevation changes and is not intended to imply anything about surface characteristics (e.g., past or current presence of water or ice). These two files were then merged and scaled to 1:25 million for the Mercator portion and 1:15,196,708 for the two Polar Stereographic portions, with a resolution of 300 dots per inch. The projections have a common scale of 1:13,923,113 at +56° latitude. Contours were created from the DEM at a 1-kilometer interval. Contours for features with a diameter of 3 km or less (features too small for this map scale) were removed. The contours were then simplified by removing points along the contours spaced less than 1 km apart. NOMENCLATURE Names on this sheet are approved by the IAU and have been applied for features clearly visible at the scale of this map. For a complete list of the IAU-approved nomenclature for Mars, see the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature at Font color was chosen for readability. Names followed by an asterisk are provisionally approved. M 25M RKN: Abbreviation for Mars, 1:25,000,000 series, shaded relief (R), with color (K) and nomenclature (N) (Greeley and Batson, 1990).

  5. Phased-array ultrasonic surface contour mapping system and method for solids hoppers and the like


    Fasching, George E.; Smith, Jr., Nelson S.


    A real time ultrasonic surface contour mapping system is provided including a digitally controlled phased-array of transmitter/receiver (T/R) elements located in a fixed position above the surface to be mapped. The surface is divided into a predetermined number of pixels which are separately scanned by an arrangement of T/R elements by applying phase delayed signals thereto that produce ultrasonic tone bursts from each T/R that arrive at a point X in phase and at the same time relative to the leading edge of the tone burst pulse so that the acoustic energies from each T/R combine in a reinforcing manner at point X. The signals produced by the reception of the echo signals reflected from point X back to the T/Rs are also delayed appropriately so that they add in phase at the input of a signal combiner. This combined signal is then processed to determine the range to the point X using density-corrected sound velocity values. An autofocusing signal is developed from the computed average range for a complete scan of the surface pixels. A surface contour map is generated in real time form the range signals on a video monitor.

  6. Resolving the Origin of Pseudo-Single Domain Magnetic Behavior

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roberts, Andrew P.; Almeida, Trevor P.; Church, Nathan S.; Harrison, Richard J.; Heslop, David; Li, Yiliang; Li, Jinhua; Muxworthy, Adrian R.; Williams, Wyn; Zhao, Xiang


    The term "pseudo-single domain" (PSD) has been used to describe the transitional state in rock magnetism that spans the particle size range between the single domain (SD) and multidomain (MD) states. The particle size range for the stable SD state in the most commonly occurring terrestrial magnetic mineral, magnetite, is so narrow ( 20-75 nm) that it is widely considered that much of the paleomagnetic record of interest is carried by PSD rather than stable SD particles. The PSD concept has, thus, become the dominant explanation for the magnetization associated with a major fraction of particles that record paleomagnetic signals throughout geological time. In this paper, we argue that in contrast to the SD and MD states, the term PSD does not describe the relevant physical processes, which have been documented extensively using three-dimensional micromagnetic modeling and by parallel research in material science and solid-state physics. We also argue that features attributed to PSD behavior can be explained by nucleation of a single magnetic vortex immediately above the maximum stable SD transition size. With increasing particle size, multiple vortices, antivortices, and domain walls can nucleate, which produce variable cancellation of magnetic moments and a gradual transition into the MD state. Thus, while the term PSD describes a well-known transitional state, it fails to describe adequately the physics of the relevant processes. We recommend that use of this term should be discontinued in favor of "vortex state," which spans a range of behaviors associated with magnetic vortices.

  7. Differential contribution of early visual areas to the perceptual process of contour processing.


    Schira, Mark M; Fahle, Manfred; Donner, Tobias H; Kraft, Antje; Brandt, Stephan A


    We investigated contour processing and figure-ground detection within human retinotopic areas using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 6 healthy and naïve subjects. A figure (6 degrees side length) was created by a 2nd-order texture contour. An independent and demanding foveal letter-discrimination task prevented subjects from noticing this more peripheral contour stimulus. The contour subdivided our stimulus into a figure and a ground. Using localizers and retinotopic mapping stimuli we were able to subdivide each early visual area into 3 eccentricity regions corresponding to 1) the central figure, 2) the area along the contour, and 3) the background. In these subregions we investigated the hemodynamic responses to our stimuli and compared responses with or without the contour defining the figure. No contour-related blood oxygenation level-dependent modulation in early visual areas V1, V3, VP, and MT+ was found. Significant signal modulation in the contour subregions of V2v, V2d, V3a, and LO occurred. This activation pattern was different from comparable studies, which might be attributable to the letter-discrimination task reducing confounding attentional modulation. In V3a, but not in any other retinotopic area, signal modulation corresponding to the central figure could be detected. Such contextual modulation will be discussed in light of the recurrent processing hypothesis and the role of visual awareness.

  8. Mapping soil magnetic susceptibility and mineralogy in Ukraine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menshov, Oleksandr; Pereira, Paulo; Kruglov, Oleksandr; Sukhorada, Anatoliy


    Soil suatainable planning is fundamental for agricultural areas. Soil mapping and modeling are increasingly used in agricultural areas in the entire world (Brevik et al., 2016). They are beneficial to land managers, to reduce soil degradation, increase soil productivity and their restoration. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) methods are low cost and accurate for the developing maps of agricultural areas.. The objective of this work is to identify the minerals responsible for MS increase in soils from the two study areas in Poltava and Kharkiv region. The thermomagnetic analyses were conducted using the KLY-4 with an oven apparatus. The hysteresis parameters were measured with the Rotating Magnetometer at the Geophysical Centre Dourbes, Belgium. The results showed that all of samples from Kharkiv area and the majortity of the samples collected in Poltava area represent the pseudo single domain (PSD) zone particles in Day plot. According to Hanesch et al. (2006), the transformation of goethite, ferrihydrite or hematite to a stronger ferrimagnetic phase like magnetite or maghemite is common in strongly magnetic soils with high values of organic carbon content. In our case of thermomagnetic study, the first peak on the heating curve near 260 ˚C indicates the presence of ferrihydrite which gradually transforms into maghemite (Jordanova et al., 2013). A further decrease in the MS identified on the heating curve may be related to the transformation of the maghemite to hematite. A second MS peak on the heating curve near 530 ˚C and the ultimate loss of magnetic susceptibility near 580 ˚C were caused by the reduction of hematite to magnetite. The shape of the thermomagnetic curves suggests the presence of single domain (SD) particles at room temperature and their transformation to a superparamagnetic (SP) state under heating. Magnetic mineralogical analyses suggest the presence of highly magnetic minerals like magnetite and maghemite as well as slightly magnetic goethite

  9. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of cementite pseudo single crystal fabricated under a rotating magnetic field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yamamoto, Sukeyoshi; Terai, Tomoyuki; Fukuda, Takashi; Sato, Kazunori; Kakeshita, Tomoyuki; Horii, Shigeru; Ito, Mikio; Yonemura, Mitsuharu


    We have fabricated a pseudo single crystal of cementite under a rotating magnetic field and investigated its easy and hard axes of magnetization, and determined its magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy. The obtained results are as follows: the hard and easy axes of cementite are the a- and c-axes of the orthorhombic structure with the space group Pnma, respectively. The hard axis observed experimentally was in good agreement with that obtained by an ab initio calculation; however, such consistency was not observed for the easy axis. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy was determined as 334 ± 20 kJ/m3 at 5 K.

  10. A Voronoi interior adjacency-based approach for generating a contour tree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Jun; Qiao, Chaofei; Zhao, Renliang


    A contour tree is a good graphical tool for representing the spatial relations of contour lines and has found many applications in map generalization, map annotation, terrain analysis, etc. A new approach for generating contour trees by introducing a Voronoi-based interior adjacency set concept is proposed in this paper. The immediate interior adjacency set is employed to identify all of the children contours of each contour without contour elevations. It has advantages over existing methods such as the point-in-polygon method and the region growing-based method. This new approach can be used for spatial data mining and knowledge discovering, such as the automatic extraction of terrain features and construction of multi-resolution digital elevation model.

  11. Study of gravity and magnetic anomalies using MAGSAT data

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Braile, L. W.; Hinze, W. J.; Vonfrese, R. R. B. (Principal Investigator)


    The results of modeling satellite-elevation magnetic and gravity data using the constraints imposed by near surface data and seismic evidence shows that the magnetic minimum can be accounted for by either an intracrustal lithologic variation or by an upwarp of the Curie point isotherm. The long wavelength anomalies of the NOO's-vector magnetic survey of the conterminous U.S. were contoured and processed by various frequency filters to enhance particular characteristics. A preliminary inversion of the data was completed and the anomaly field calculated at 450 km from the equivalent magnet sources to compare with the POGO satellite data. Considerable progress was made in studing the satellite magnetic data of South America and adjacent marine areas. Preliminary versions of the 1 deg free-air gravity anomaly map (20 m gal contour interval) and the high cut (lambda approximately 8 deg) filtered anomaly maps are included.

  12. Ephemeral regions versus pseudo ephemeral regions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Martin, S. F.; Livi, S. H. B.; Wang, J.; Shi, Z.


    New studies of the quiet Sun reveal that ephemeral active regions constitute minority rather than a majority of all the short lived, small scale bipolar features on the Sun. In contrast to the recognized patterns of growth and decay of ephemeral regions, various examples of the creation of other temporary bipoles nicknamed pseudo ephemeral regions are illustrated. The pseudo ephemeral regions are the consequence of combinations of small scale dynamic processes of the quiet Sun including: (1) fragmentation of network magnetic fields, (2) the separation of opposite polarity halves of ephemeral regions as they grow and evolve, and (3) the coalescence of weak network or intranetwork magnetic fields. New observations offer the possibility of resolving the discrepancies that have arisen in the association of ephemeral regions with X-ray bright points. Many X-ray bright points may be related to those pseudo ephemeral regions which have begun to exhibit magnetic flux loss.

  13. Application of filtering techniques in preprocessing magnetic data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Haijun; Yi, Yongping; Yang, Hongxia; Hu, Guochuang; Liu, Guoming


    High precision magnetic exploration is a popular geophysical technique for its simplicity and its effectiveness. The explanation in high precision magnetic exploration is always a difficulty because of the existence of noise and disturbance factors, so it is necessary to find an effective preprocessing method to get rid of the affection of interference factors before further processing. The common way to do this work is by filtering. There are many kinds of filtering methods. In this paper we introduced in detail three popular kinds of filtering techniques including regularized filtering technique, sliding averages filtering technique, compensation smoothing filtering technique. Then we designed the work flow of filtering program based on these techniques and realized it with the help of DELPHI. To check it we applied it to preprocess magnetic data of a certain place in China. Comparing the initial contour map with the filtered contour map, we can see clearly the perfect effect our program. The contour map processed by our program is very smooth and the high frequency parts of data are disappeared. After filtering, we separated useful signals and noisy signals, minor anomaly and major anomaly, local anomaly and regional anomaly. It made us easily to focus on the useful information. Our program can be used to preprocess magnetic data. The results showed the effectiveness of our program.

  14. Towards molecular design using 2D-molecular contour maps obtained from PLS regression coefficients

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Borges, Cleber N.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.


    The multivariate image analysis descriptors used in quantitative structure-activity relationships are direct representations of chemical structures as they are simply numerical decodifications of pixels forming the 2D chemical images. These MDs have found great utility in the modeling of diverse properties of organic molecules. Given the multicollinearity and high dimensionality of the data matrices generated with the MIA-QSAR approach, modeling techniques that involve the projection of the data space onto orthogonal components e.g. Partial Least Squares (PLS) have been generally used. However, the chemical interpretation of the PLS-based MIA-QSAR models, in terms of the structural moieties affecting the modeled bioactivity has not been straightforward. This work describes the 2D-contour maps based on the PLS regression coefficients, as a means of assessing the relevance of single MIA predictors to the response variable, and thus allowing for the structural, electronic and physicochemical interpretation of the MIA-QSAR models. A sample study to demonstrate the utility of the 2D-contour maps to design novel drug-like molecules is performed using a dataset of some anti-HIV-1 2-amino-6-arylsulfonylbenzonitriles and derivatives, and the inferences obtained are consistent with other reports in the literature. In addition, the different schemes for encoding atomic properties in molecules are discussed and evaluated.

  15. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey: Concrete quadrangle (Washington). Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    Twenty-five uranium anomalies meet the minimum statistical requirements as defined. These anomalies are tabulated and are shown on the Uranium Anomaly Interpretation Map. Potassium (%K), equivalent Uranium (ppM eU), equivalent Thorium (ppM eT), eU/eT, eU/K, eT/K, and magnetic pseudo-contour maps are presented. Stacked Profiles showing geologic strips maps along each flight-line, together with sensor data, and ancillary data are presented. All maps and profiles were prepared on a scale of 1:250,000, but have been reduced to 1:500,000 for presentation.

  16. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Cape Flattery quadrange (Washington). Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    No uranium anomalies meet the minimum statistical requirements as defined. There is no Uranium Anomaly Interpretation Map for the Cape Flattery quadrangle. Potassium (%K), equivalent Uranium (ppM eU), equivalent Thorium (ppM eT), eU/eT, eU/K, eT/K, and magnetic pseudo-contour maps are presented in Appendix E. Stacked Profiles showing geologic strip maps along each flight-line, together with sensor data, and ancillary data are presented in Appendix F. All maps and profiles were prepared on a scale of 1:250,000, but have been reduced to 1:500,000 for presentation.

  17. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Copalis Beach quadrangle (Washington). Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    No uranium anomalies meet the minimum statistical requirements as defined. There is no Uranium Anomaly Interpretation Map for the Copalis Beach quadrangle. Potassium (%K), equivalent Uranium (ppM eU), equivalent Thorium (ppM eT), eU/eT, eU/K, eT/K, and magnetic pseudo-contour maps are presented in Appendix E. Stacked Profiles showing geologic strip maps along each flight-line, together with sensor data, and ancillary data are presented in Appendix F. All maps and profiles were prepared on a scale of 1:250,000, but have been reduced to 1:500,000 for presentation.

  18. Magnetic properties of the road dusts from two parks in Wuhan city, China: implications for mapping urban environment.


    Yang, Tao; Zeng, Qingli; Liu, Zhifeng; Liu, Qingsheng


    Magnetic parameters and heavy metal concentrations of road dusts collected from two parks with distance about 16 km in Wuhan city, China, were measured. The Guishan Park is circled by main roads with heavy traffic, and the Moshan Park is located on the downwind hills of steelworks and a power plant. Mean values of magnetic susceptibility (χ) and saturation magnetization (M (s)) of the dusts from the Moshan Park are 1.31 and 1.57 times those from the Guishan Park, respectively. Their magnetic mineralogy is dominated by pseudo-single domain magnetite; however, minor hematite was also identified in those from the Guishan Park. The dominant sources of non-natural magnetic particles and heavy metals were inferred as windblown emissions from the steelworks and the power plant for the Moshan Park, and road/railway traffics for the Guishan Park, respectively. Spatial variation in magnetic properties of road dust in the two parks and their different magnetic behavior propose that the magnetic measurements are sensitive to the different pollutant origins, as well as the urban environment, and that magnetic techniques have a high efficiency in mapping urban environment. Correlation between magnetic parameters and heavy metal concentrations is strongly site-specific: strong correlations were observed in the Moshan Park with correlation coefficients generally higher than 0.800, whereas correlations are poor in the Guishan Park. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these relationships should be examined thoroughly before magnetic mapping.

  19. Global maps of the magnetic thickness and magnetization of the Earth's lithosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vervelidou, Foteini; Thébault, Erwan


    We have constructed global maps of the large-scale magnetic thickness and magnetization of Earth's lithosphere. Deriving such large-scale maps based on lithospheric magnetic field measurements faces the challenge of the masking effect of the core field. In this study, the maps were obtained through analyses in the spectral domain by means of a new regional spatial power spectrum based on the Revised Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (R-SCHA) formalism. A series of regional spectral analyses were conducted covering the entire Earth. The R-SCHA surface power spectrum for each region was estimated using the NGDC-720 spherical harmonic (SH) model of the lithospheric magnetic field, which is based on satellite, aeromagnetic, and marine measurements. These observational regional spectra were fitted to a recently proposed statistical expression of the power spectrum of Earth's lithospheric magnetic field, whose free parameters include the thickness and magnetization of the magnetic sources. The resulting global magnetic thickness map is compared to other crustal and magnetic thickness maps based upon different geophysical data. We conclude that the large-scale magnetic thickness of the lithosphere is on average confined to a layer that does not exceed the Moho.

  20. Pseudo Landau levels and quantum oscillations in strained Weyl semimetals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alisultanov, Z. Z.


    The crystal lattice deformation in Weyl materials where the two chiralities are separated in momentum space leads to the appearance of gauge pseudo-fields. We investigated the pseudo-magnetic field induced quantum oscillations in strained Weyl semimetal (WSM). In contrast to all previous works on this problem, we use here a more general tilted Hamiltonian. Such Hamiltonian, seems to be is more suitable for a strained WSMs. We have shown that a pseudo-magnetic field induced magnetization of strained WSM is nonzero due to the fact that electric field (gradient of the deformation potential) is induced simultaneously with the pseudo-magnetic field. This related with fact that the pseudo Landau levels (LLs) in strained WSM are differ in vicinities of different WPs due to the presence of tilt in spectrum. Such violation of the equivalence between Weyl points (WPs) leads to modulation of quantum oscillations. We also showed that magnetization magnitude can be changed by application of an external electric field. In particular, it can be reduced to zero. The possibility of controlling of the magnetization by an electric field is interesting both from a fundamental point of view (a new type of magneto-electric effect) and application point of view (additional possibility to control diamagnetism of deformed WSMs). Finally, a coexistence of type-I and type-II Weyl fermions is possible in the system under investigation. Such phase is absolutely new for physics of topological systems.

  1. MO-F-CAMPUS-J-05: Toward MRI-Only Radiotherapy: Novel Tissue Segmentation and Pseudo-CT Generation Techniques Based On T1 MRI Sequences

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Aouadi, S; McGarry, M; Hammoud, R

    Purpose: To develop and validate a 4 class tissue segmentation approach (air cavities, background, bone and soft-tissue) on T1 -weighted brain MRI and to create a pseudo-CT for MRI-only radiation therapy verification. Methods: Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fast-spin-echo sequences (TR = 756ms, TE= 7.152ms), acquired on a 1.5T GE MRI-Simulator, are used.MRIs are firstly pre-processed to correct for non uniformity using the non parametric, non uniformity intensity normalization algorithm. Subsequently, a logarithmic inverse scaling log(1/image) is applied, prior to segmentation, to better differentiate bone and air from soft-tissues. Finally, the following method is enrolled to classify intensities into air cavities, background, bonemore » and soft-tissue:Thresholded region growing with seed points in image corners is applied to get a mask of Air+Bone+Background. The background is, afterward, separated by the scan-line filling algorithm. The air mask is extracted by morphological opening followed by a post-processing based on knowledge about air regions geometry. The remaining rough bone pre-segmentation is refined by applying 3D geodesic active contours; bone segmentation evolves by the sum of internal forces from contour geometry and external force derived from image gradient magnitude.Pseudo-CT is obtained by assigning −1000HU to air and background voxels, performing linear mapping of soft-tissue MR intensities in [-400HU, 200HU] and inverse linear mapping of bone MR intensities in [200HU, 1000HU]. Results: Three brain patients having registered MRI and CT are used for validation. CT intensities classification into 4 classes is performed by thresholding. Dice and misclassification errors are quantified. Correct classifications for soft-tissue, bone, and air are respectively 89.67%, 77.8%, and 64.5%. Dice indices are acceptable for bone (0.74) and soft-tissue (0.91) but low for air regions (0.48). Pseudo-CT produces DRRs with acceptable clinical visual

  2. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey: Victoria quadrangle (Washington). Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    One uranium anomaly meets the minimum statistical requirements. Potassium (%K), equivalent Uranium (ppM eU), equivalent Thorium (ppM eT), eU/eT, eU/K, eT/K, and magnetic pseudo-contour maps are presented. Stacked Profiles showing geologic strip maps along each flight-line, together with sensor data, and ancillary data are presented. All maps and profiles were prepared on a scale of 1:250,000, but have been reduced to 1:500,000 for presentation. Anomaly number 1 is over an exposure of the Permian Shuksan metamorphic suite which is predominantly phyllite (Trps).

  3. Contour-based image warping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chan, Kwai H.; Lau, Rynson W.


    Image warping concerns about transforming an image from one spatial coordinate to another. It is widely used for the vidual effect of deforming and morphing images in the film industry. A number of warping techniques have been introduced, which are mainly based on the corresponding pair mapping of feature points, feature vectors or feature patches (mostly triangular or quadrilateral). However, very often warping of an image object with an arbitrary shape is required. This requires a warping technique which is based on boundary contour instead of feature points or feature line-vectors. In addition, when feature point or feature vector based techniques are used, approximation of the object boundary by using point or vectors is required. In this case, the matching process of the corresponding pairs will be very time consuming if a fine approximation is required. In this paper, we propose a contour-based warping technique for warping image objects with arbitrary shapes. The novel idea of the new method is the introduction of mathematical morphology to allow a more flexible control of image warping. Two morphological operators are used as contour determinators. The erosion operator is used to warp image contents which are inside a user specified contour while the dilation operation is used to warp image contents which are outside of the contour. This new method is proposed to assist further development of a semi-automatic motion morphing system when accompanied with robust feature extractors such as deformable template or active contour model.

  4. Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Influences on Pseudo-Breakup Activity

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fillingim, M. O.; Brittnacher, M.; Parks, G. K.; Germany, G. A.; Spann, J. F.


    Pseudo-breakups are brief, localized aurora[ arc brightening, which do not lead to a global expansion, are historically observed during the growth phase of substorms. Previous studies have demonstrated that phenomenologically there is very little difference between substorm onsets and pseudo-breakups except for the degree of localization and the absence of a global expansion phase. A key open question is what physical mechanism prevents a pseudo-breakup form expanding globally. Using Polar Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) images, we identify periods of pseudo-breakup activity. Foe the data analyzed we find that most pseudo-breakups occur near local midnight, between magnetic local times of 21 and 03, at magnetic latitudes near 70 degrees, through this value may change by several degrees. While often discussed in the context of substorm growth phase events, pseudo-breakups are also shown to occur during prolonged relatively inactive periods. These quiet time pseudo-breakups can occur over a period of several hours without the development of a significant substorm for at least an hour after pseudo-breakup activity stops. In an attempt to understand the cause of quiet time pseudo-breakups, we compute the epsilon parameter as a measure of the efficiency of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. It is noted that quiet time pseudo-breakups occur typically when epsilon is low; less than about 50 GW. We suggest that quiet time pseudo-breakups are driven by relatively small amounts of energy transferred to the magnetosphere by the solar wind insufficient to initiate a substorm expansion onset.

  5. Interactive segmentation of tongue contours in ultrasound video sequences using quality maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghrenassia, Sarah; Ménard, Lucie; Laporte, Catherine


    Ultrasound (US) imaging is an effective and non invasive way of studying the tongue motions involved in normal and pathological speech, and the results of US studies are of interest for the development of new strategies in speech therapy. State-of-the-art tongue shape analysis techniques based on US images depend on semi-automated tongue segmentation and tracking techniques. Recent work has mostly focused on improving the accuracy of the tracking techniques themselves. However, occasional errors remain inevitable, regardless of the technique used, and the tongue tracking process must thus be supervised by a speech scientist who will correct these errors manually or semi-automatically. This paper proposes an interactive framework to facilitate this process. In this framework, the user is guided towards potentially problematic portions of the US image sequence by a segmentation quality map that is based on the normalized energy of an active contour model and automatically produced during tracking. When a problematic segmentation is identified, corrections to the segmented contour can be made on one image and propagated both forward and backward in the problematic subsequence, thereby improving the user experience. The interactive tools were tested in combination with two different tracking algorithms. Preliminary results illustrate the potential of the proposed framework, suggesting that the proposed framework generally improves user interaction time, with little change in segmentation repeatability.

  6. An improved spatial contour tree constructed method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Yi; Zhang, Ling; Guilbert, Eric; Long, Yi


    Contours are important data to delineate the landform on a map. A contour tree provides an object-oriented description of landforms and can be used to enrich the topological information. The traditional contour tree is used to store topological relationships between contours in a hierarchical structure and allows for the identification of eminences and depressions as sets of nested contours. This research proposes an improved contour tree so-called spatial contour tree that contains not only the topological but also the geometric information. It can be regarded as a terrain skeleton in 3-dimention, and it is established based on the spatial nodes of contours which have the latitude, longitude and elevation information. The spatial contour tree is built by connecting spatial nodes from low to high elevation for a positive landform, and from high to low elevation for a negative landform to form a hierarchical structure. The connection between two spatial nodes can provide the real distance and direction as a Euclidean vector in 3-dimention. In this paper, the construction method is tested in the experiment, and the results are discussed. The proposed hierarchical structure is in 3-demintion and can show the skeleton inside a terrain. The structure, where all nodes have geo-information, can be used to distinguish different landforms and applied for contour generalization with consideration of geographic characteristics.

  7. Tectonic implications of Mars crustal magnetism

    PubMed Central

    Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H.; Ness, N. F.; Kletetschka, G.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Reme, H.


    Mars currently has no global magnetic field of internal origin but must have had one in the past, when the crust acquired intense magnetization, presumably by cooling in the presence of an Earth-like magnetic field (thermoremanent magnetization). A new map of the magnetic field of Mars, compiled by using measurements acquired at an ≈400-km mapping altitude by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, is presented here. The increased spatial resolution and sensitivity of this map provide new insight into the origin and evolution of the Mars crust. Variations in the crustal magnetic field appear in association with major faults, some previously identified in imagery and topography (Cerberus Rupes and Valles Marineris). Two parallel great faults are identified in Terra Meridiani by offset magnetic field contours. They appear similar to transform faults that occur in oceanic crust on Earth, and support the notion that the Mars crust formed during an early era of plate tectonics. PMID:16217034

  8. Tectonic implications of Mars crustal magnetism.


    Connerney, J E P; Acuña, M H; Ness, N F; Kletetschka, G; Mitchell, D L; Lin, R P; Reme, H


    Mars currently has no global magnetic field of internal origin but must have had one in the past, when the crust acquired intense magnetization, presumably by cooling in the presence of an Earth-like magnetic field (thermoremanent magnetization). A new map of the magnetic field of Mars, compiled by using measurements acquired at an approximately 400-km mapping altitude by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, is presented here. The increased spatial resolution and sensitivity of this map provide new insight into the origin and evolution of the Mars crust. Variations in the crustal magnetic field appear in association with major faults, some previously identified in imagery and topography (Cerberus Rupes and Valles Marineris). Two parallel great faults are identified in Terra Meridiani by offset magnetic field contours. They appear similar to transform faults that occur in oceanic crust on Earth, and support the notion that the Mars crust formed during an early era of plate tectonics.

  9. Map showing contours on top of the upper Cretaceous Mowry Shale, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Crysdale, B.L.


    This map is one in a series of U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF) maps showing computer-generated structure contours, isopachs, and cross sections of selected formations in the Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana. The map and cross sections were constructed from information stored in a U.S. Geological Survey Evolution of Sedimentary Basins data base. This data base contains picks of geologic formation and (or) unit tops and bases determined from electric resistivity and gamma-ray logs of 8,592 wells penetrating Tertiary and older rocks in the Powder River basin. Well completion cards (scout tickets) were reviewed and compared with copies of all logs, and formation or unit contacts determined by N. M. Denson, D.L. Macke, R. R. Schumann and others. This isopach map is based on information from 4,926 of these wells that penetrate the Minnelusa Formation and equivalents.

  10. USGS Maps

    USGS Publications Warehouse



    Most USGS topographic maps use brown contours to show the shape and elevation of the terrain. Elevations are usually shown in feet, but on some maps they are in meters. Contour intervals vary, depending mainly on the scale of the map and the type of terrain.

  11. National Magnetic Anomaly Map

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    A record of the conclusions of a three-day meeting and workshop of the Committee for a National Magnetic Anomaly Map held in February 1976 is presented. The purpose of he workshop was to prepare a statement of the benefits, objectives, specifications, and requirements of a NMAM and establish a working plan for producing the map. (ACR)

  12. Movie-maps of low-latitude magnetic storm disturbance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Love, Jeffrey J.; Gannon, Jennifer L.


    We present 29 movie-maps of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance for the years 1999-2006: 28 recording magnetic storms and 1 magnetically quiescent period. The movie-maps are derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at up to 25 ground-based observatories. Using a technique similar to that used in the calculation of Dst, a quiet time baseline is subtracted from the time series from each observatory. The remaining disturbance time series are shown in a polar coordinate system that accommodates both Earth rotation and the universal time dependence of magnetospheric disturbance. Each magnetic storm recorded in the movie-maps is different. While some standard interpretations about the storm time equatorial ring current appear to apply to certain moments and certain phases of some storms, the movie-maps also show substantial variety in the local time distribution of low-latitude magnetic disturbance, especially during storm commencements and storm main phases. All movie-maps are available at the U.S. Geological Survey Geomagnetism Program Web site (

  13. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Seattle quadrangle (Washington). Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    One uranium anomaly meets the minimum statistical requirements as defined. This anomaly is over the potassium (%K) contact area between undifferentiated Tertiary rocks and Pleistocene glacial deposits. Equivalent uranium (ppM eU), equivalent thorium (ppM eT), eU/eT, eU/eK, eT,K, and magnetic pseudo-contour maps are presented in Appendix E. Stacked profiles showing geologic strip maps along each flight-line, together with sensor data, and ancillary data are presented in Appendix F. All maps and profiles were prepared on a scale of 1:250,000, but have been reduced to 1:500,000 for presentation in this report.

  14. Field Mapping System for Solenoid Magnet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, K. H.; Jung, Y. K.; Kim, D. E.; Lee, H. G.; Park, S. J.; Chung, C. W.; Kang, B. K.


    A three-dimensional Hall probe mapping system for measuring the solenoid magnet of PLS photo-cathode RF e-gun has been developed. It can map the solenoid field either in Cartesian or in cylindrical coordinate system with a measurement reproducibility better than 5 × 10-5 T. The system has three axis motors: one for the azimuthal direction and the other two for the x and z direction. This architecture makes the measuring system simple in fabrication. The magnetic center was calculated using the measured axial component of magnetic field Bz in Cartesian coordinate system because the accuracy of magnetic axis measurement could be improved significantly by using Bz, instead of the radial component of magnetic field Br. This paper describes the measurement system and summarizes the measurement results for the solenoid magnetic of PLS photo-cathode RF e-gun.

  15. The relative pose estimation of aircraft based on contour model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Tai; Sun, Xiangyi


    This paper proposes a relative pose estimation approach based on object contour model. The first step is to obtain a two-dimensional (2D) projection of three-dimensional (3D)-model-based target, which will be divided into 40 forms by clustering and LDA analysis. Then we proceed by extracting the target contour in each image and computing their Pseudo-Zernike Moments (PZM), thus a model library is constructed in an offline mode. Next, we spot a projection contour that resembles the target silhouette most in the present image from the model library with reference of PZM; then similarity transformation parameters are generated as the shape context is applied to match the silhouette sampling location, from which the identification parameters of target can be further derived. Identification parameters are converted to relative pose parameters, in the premise that these values are the initial result calculated via iterative refinement algorithm, as the relative pose parameter is in the neighborhood of actual ones. At last, Distance Image Iterative Least Squares (DI-ILS) is employed to acquire the ultimate relative pose parameters.

  16. Radiographic and anatomic basis for prostate contouring errors and methods to improve prostate contouring accuracy.


    McLaughlin, Patrick W; Evans, Cheryl; Feng, Mary; Narayana, Vrinda


    Use of highly conformal radiation for prostate cancer can lead to both overtreatment of surrounding normal tissues and undertreatment of the prostate itself. In this retrospective study we analyzed the radiographic and anatomic basis of common errors in computed tomography (CT) contouring and suggest methods to correct them. Three hundred patients with prostate cancer underwent CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The prostate was delineated independently on the data sets. CT and MRI contours were compared by use of deformable registration. Errors in target delineation were analyzed and methods to avoid such errors detailed. Contouring errors were identified at the prostatic apex, mid gland, and base on CT. At the apex, the genitourinary diaphragm, rectum, and anterior fascia contribute to overestimation. At the mid prostate, the anterior and lateral fasciae contribute to overestimation. At the base, the bladder and anterior fascia contribute to anterior overestimation. Transition zone hypertrophy and bladder neck variability contribute to errors of overestimation and underestimation at the superior base, whereas variable prostate-to-seminal vesicle relationships with prostate hypertrophy contribute to contouring errors at the posterior base. Most CT contouring errors can be detected by (1) inspection of a lateral view of prostate contours to detect projection from the expected globular form and (2) recognition of anatomic structures (genitourinary diaphragm) on the CT scans that are clearly visible on MRI. This study shows that many CT prostate contouring errors can be improved without direct incorporation of MRI data. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Estimation of contour motion and deformation for nonrigid object tracking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shao, Jie; Porikli, Fatih; Chellappa, Rama


    We present an algorithm for nonrigid contour tracking in heavily cluttered background scenes. Based on the properties of nonrigid contour movements, a sequential framework for estimating contour motion and deformation is proposed. We solve the nonrigid contour tracking problem by decomposing it into three subproblems: motion estimation, deformation estimation, and shape regulation. First, we employ a particle filter to estimate the global motion parameters of the affine transform between successive frames. Then we generate a probabilistic deformation map to deform the contour. To improve robustness, multiple cues are used for deformation probability estimation. Finally, we use a shape prior model to constrain the deformed contour. This enables us to retrieve the occluded parts of the contours and accurately track them while allowing shape changes specific to the given object types. Our experiments show that the proposed algorithm significantly improves the tracker performance.

  18. Magnetic properties and energy-mapping analysis.


    Xiang, Hongjun; Lee, Changhoon; Koo, Hyun-Joo; Gong, Xingao; Whangbo, Myung-Hwan


    The magnetic energy levels of a given magnetic solid are closely packed in energy because the interactions between magnetic ions are weak. Thus, in describing its magnetic properties, one needs to generate its magnetic energy spectrum by employing an appropriate spin Hamiltonian. In this review article we discuss how to determine and specify a necessary spin Hamiltonian in terms of first principles electronic structure calculations on the basis of energy-mapping analysis and briefly survey important concepts and phenomena that one encounters in reading the current literature on magnetic solids. Our discussion is given on a qualitative level from the perspective of magnetic energy levels and electronic structures. The spin Hamiltonian appropriate for a magnetic system should be based on its spin lattice, i.e., the repeat pattern of its strong magnetic bonds (strong spin exchange paths), which requires one to evaluate its Heisenberg spin exchanges on the basis of energy-mapping analysis. Other weaker energy terms such as Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) spin exchange and magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies, which a spin Hamiltonian must include in certain cases, can also be evaluated by performing energy-mapping analysis. We show that the spin orientation of a transition-metal magnetic ion can be easily explained by considering its split d-block levels as unperturbed states with the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) as perturbation, that the DM exchange between adjacent spin sites can become comparable in strength to the Heisenberg spin exchange when the two spin sites are not chemically equivalent, and that the DM interaction between rare-earth and transition-metal cations is governed largely by the magnetic orbitals of the rare-earth cation.

  19. Direct visualization of chemical and thermo-remanent magnetization of pseudo-single-domain magnetite grains and the implications for reliable paleomagentic signal acquisition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Almeida, T.; Muxworthy, A. R.; Kasama, T.; Williams, W.; Kovács, A.; Dunin-Borkowski, R.; Hansen, T. W.


    In order to reliably interpret paleomagnetic measurements, the mechanisms of chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) and thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) must be fully understood. Currently, most models of CRM and TRM processes only exist for the smallest, uniformly magnetized grains, termed single domain (SD). However, the magnetic signal from rocks is often dominated by slightly larger grains containing non-uniform magnetization states, termed pseudo-SD (PSD) grains. Magnetite (Fe3O4) is the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral on Earth, carrying the dominant magnetic signature in rocks and providing a critical tool in paleomagnetism. The oxidation of Fe3O4 to other iron oxides, such as maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and hematite (α-Fe2O3), is of particular interest as it influences the preservation of remanence of the Earth's magnetic field by Fe3O4. Further, TRM in Fe3O4 grains is acquired in the direction of the ambient geomagnetic field as they cool below their Curie temperature (TC) of ~ 580 ˚C. The latest transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques like electron holography and environmental TEM (ETEM) allows for the imaging of magnetization in nano-scale minerals during in situ heating under vacuum and controlled atmospheres. In the present study, synthetic Fe3O4 particles in the PSD size range (< 200 nm) were heated in situ in an ETEM under an O2 atmosphere. Close examination of Fe3O4 particles after in situ heating revealed surface degradation, whilst electron energy-loss spectroscopy confirmed their oxidation. The effect of CRM was visualized using electron holography, in the form of reconstructed magnetic induction maps, where the oxidized grains exhibited a loss of overall remanence and change in remanent direction. The thermomagnetic behavior of Fe3O4 particles in the PSD size range is also investigated using off-axis electron holography. Magnetic induction maps, which are recorded during in situ heating up to above the TC, reveal the PSD nature of

  20. Magnetic resonance imaging and three-dimensional ultrasound of carotid atherosclerosis: mapping regional differences.


    Krasinski, Adam; Chiu, Bernard; Fenster, Aaron; Parraga, Grace


    To evaluate differences in carotid atherosclerosis measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS). Ten subject volunteers underwent carotid 3DUS and MRI (multislice black blood fast spin echo, T1-weighted contrast, double inversion recovery, 0.5 mm in-plane resolution, 2 mm slice, 3.0 T) within 1 hour. 3DUS and MR images were manually segmented by two observers providing vessel wall and lumen contours for quantification of vessel wall volume (VWV) and generation of carotid thickness maps. MRI VWV (1040 +/- 210 mm(3)) and 3DUS VWV (540 +/- 110 mm(3)) were significantly different (P < 0.0001). When normalized for the estimated adventitia volume, mean MRI VWV decreased 240 +/- 50 mm(3) and was significantly different from 3DUS VWV (P < 0.001). Two-dimensional carotid maps showed qualitative evidence of regional differences in the plaque and vessel wall thickness between MR and 3DUS in all subjects. Power Doppler US confirmed that heterogeneity in the common carotid artery in all patients resulted from apparent flow disturbances, not atherosclerotic plaque. MRI and 3DUS VWV were significantly different and carotid maps showed homogeneous thickness differences and heterogeneity in specific regions of interest identified as MR flow artifacts in the common carotid artery.

  1. The implementation of thermal image visualization by HDL based on pseudo-color

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Yong; Zhang, JiangLing


    The pseudo-color method which maps the sampled data to intuitive perception colors is a kind of powerful visualization way. And the all-around system of pseudo-color visualization, which includes the primary principle, model and HDL (Hardware Description Language) implementation for the thermal images, is expatiated on in the paper. The thermal images whose signal is modulated as video reflect the temperature distribution of measured object, so they have the speciality of mass and real-time. The solution to the intractable problem is as follows: First, the reasonable system, i.e. the combining of global pseudo-color visualization and local special area accurate measure, muse be adopted. Then, the HDL pseudo-color algorithms in SoC (System on Chip) carry out the system to ensure the real-time. Finally, the key HDL algorithms for direct gray levels connection coding, proportional gray levels map coding and enhanced gray levels map coding are presented, and its simulation results are showed. The pseudo-color visualization of thermal images implemented by HDL in the paper has effective application in the aspect of electric power equipment test and medical health diagnosis.

  2. Inhomogeneous Weyl and Dirac Semimetals: Transport in Axial Magnetic Fields and Fermi Arc Surface States from Pseudo-Landau Levels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grushin, Adolfo G.; Venderbos, Jörn W. F.; Vishwanath, Ashvin; Ilan, Roni


    Topological Dirac and Weyl semimetals have an energy spectrum that hosts Weyl nodes appearing in pairs of opposite chirality. Topological stability is ensured when the nodes are separated in momentum space and unique spectral and transport properties follow. In this work, we study the effect of a space-dependent Weyl node separation, which we interpret as an emergent background axial-vector potential, on the electromagnetic response and the energy spectrum of Weyl and Dirac semimetals. This situation can arise in the solid state either from inhomogeneous strain or nonuniform magnetization and can also be engineered in cold atomic systems. Using a semiclassical approach, we show that the resulting axial magnetic field B5 is observable through an enhancement of the conductivity as σ ˜B52 due to an underlying chiral pseudomagnetic effect. We then use two lattice models to analyze the effect of B5 on the spectral properties of topological semimetals. We describe the emergent pseudo-Landau-level structure for different spatial profiles of B5, revealing that (i) the celebrated surface states of Weyl semimetals, the Fermi arcs, can be reinterpreted as n =0 pseudo-Landau levels resulting from a B5 confined to the surface, (ii) as a consequence of position-momentum locking, a bulk B5 creates pseudo-Landau levels interpolating in real space between Fermi arcs at opposite surfaces, and (iii) there are equilibrium bound currents proportional to B5 that average to zero over the sample, which are the analogs of bound currents in magnetic materials. We conclude by discussing how our findings can be probed experimentally.

  3. A Bike Built for Magnetic Mapping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schattner, U.; Segev, A.; Lyakhovsky, V.


    Understanding the magnetic signature of the subsurface geology is crucial for structural, groundwater, earthquake propagation, and mineral studies. The cheapest measuring method is by walking with sensors. This approach yields high-resolution maps, yet its coverage is limited. We invented a new design that records magnetic data while riding a bicycle. The new concept offers an efficient, low-cost method of collecting high-resolution ground magnetic field data over rough terrain where conventional vehicles dare not venture. It improves the efficiency of the traditional method by more than five times. The Bike-magnetic scales up ground magnetism from a localized site survey to regional coverage. By now we covered 3300 square KM (about the size of Rhode Island) across northern Israel, in profile spacing of 1-2 km. Initial Total Magnetic Intensity maps reveal a myriad of new features that were not detected by the low-resolution regional aeromagnetic survey that collected data from 1000 m height.

  4. Counting Magnetic Bipoles on the Sun by Polarity Inversion

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Harrison P.


    This paper presents a simple and efficient algorithm for deriving images of polarity inversion from NSO/Kitt Peak magnetograms without use of contouring routines and shows by example how these maps depend upon the spatial scale for filtering the raw data. Smaller filtering scales produce many localized closed contours in mixed polarity regions while supergranular and larger filtering scales produce more global patterns. The apparent continuity of an inversion line depends on how the spatial filtering is accomplished, but its shape depends only on scale. The total length of the magnetic polarity inversion contours varies as a power law of the filter scale with fractal dimension of order 1.9. The amplitude but nut the exponent of this power-law relation varies with solar activity. The results are compared to similar analyses of areal distributions of bipolar magnetic regions.

  5. Analysis of magnetic field levels at KSC

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Christodoulou, Christos G.


    The scope of this work is to evaluate the magnetic field levels of distribution systems and other equipment at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Magnetic fields levels in several operational areas and various facilities are investigated. Three dimensional mappings and contour are provided along with the measured data. Furthermore, the portion of magnetic fields generated by the 60 Hz fundamental frequency and the portion generated by harmonics are examined. Finally, possible mitigation techniques for attenuating fields from electric panels are discussed.

  6. An interactive method for digitizing zone maps

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Giddings, L. E.; Thompson, E. J.


    A method is presented for digitizing maps that consist of zones, such as contour or climatic zone maps. A color-coded map is prepared by any convenient process. The map is then read into memory of an Image 100 computer by means of its table scanner, using colored filters. Zones are separated and stored in themes, using standard classification procedures. Thematic data are written on magnetic tape and these data, appropriately coded, are combined to make a digitized image on tape. Step-by-step procedures are given for digitization of crop moisture index maps with this procedure. In addition, a complete example of the digitization of a climatic zone map is given.

  7. Linkage analysis by genotyping of sibling populations: a genetic map for the potato cyst nematode constructed using a "pseudo-F2" mapping strategy.


    Rouppe van der Voort, J N; van Eck, H J; van Zandvoort, P M; Overmars, H; Helder, J; Bakker, J


    A mapping strategy is described for the construction of a linkage map of a non-inbred species in which individual offspring genotypes are not amenable to marker analysis. After one extra generation of random mating, the segregating progeny was propagated, and bulked populations of offspring were analyzed. Although the resulting population structure is different from that of commonly used mapping populations, we show that the maximum likelihood formula for a normal F2 is applicable for the estimation of recombination. This "pseudo-F2" mapping strategy, in combination with the development of an AFLP assay for single cysts, facilitated the construction of a linkage map for the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Using 12 pre-selected AFLP primer combinations, a total of 66 segregating markers were identified, 62 of which were mapped to nine linkage groups. These 62 AFLP markers are randomly distributed and cover about 65% of the genome. An estimate of the physical size of the Globodera genome was obtained from comparisons of the number of AFLP fragments obtained with the values for Caenorhabditis elegans. The methodology presented here resulted in the first genomic map for a cyst nematode. The low value of the kilobase/centimorgan (kb/cM) ratio for the Globodera genome will facilitate map-based cloning of genes that mediate the interaction between the nematode and its host plant.

  8. Indoor Positioning System Using Magnetic Field Map Navigation and an Encoder System

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Han-Sol; Seo, Woojin; Baek, Kwang-Ryul


    In the indoor environment, variation of the magnetic field is caused by building structures, and magnetic field map navigation is based on this feature. In order to estimate position using this navigation, a three-axis magnetic field must be measured at every point to build a magnetic field map. After the magnetic field map is obtained, the position of the mobile robot can be estimated with a likelihood function whereby the measured magnetic field data and the magnetic field map are used. However, if only magnetic field map navigation is used, the estimated position can have large errors. In order to improve performance, we propose a particle filter system that integrates magnetic field map navigation and an encoder system. In this paper, multiple magnetic sensors and three magnetic field maps (a horizontal intensity map, a vertical intensity map, and a direction information map) are used to update the weights of particles. As a result, the proposed system estimates the position and orientation of a mobile robot more accurately than previous systems. Also, when the number of magnetic sensors increases, this paper shows that system performance improves. Finally, experiment results are shown from the proposed system that was implemented and evaluated. PMID:28327513

  9. Indoor Positioning System Using Magnetic Field Map Navigation and an Encoder System.


    Kim, Han-Sol; Seo, Woojin; Baek, Kwang-Ryul


    In the indoor environment, variation of the magnetic field is caused by building structures, and magnetic field map navigation is based on this feature. In order to estimate position using this navigation, a three-axis magnetic field must be measured at every point to build a magnetic field map. After the magnetic field map is obtained, the position of the mobile robot can be estimated with a likelihood function whereby the measured magnetic field data and the magnetic field map are used. However, if only magnetic field map navigation is used, the estimated position can have large errors. In order to improve performance, we propose a particle filter system that integrates magnetic field map navigation and an encoder system. In this paper, multiple magnetic sensors and three magnetic field maps (a horizontal intensity map, a vertical intensity map, and a direction information map) are used to update the weights of particles. As a result, the proposed system estimates the position and orientation of a mobile robot more accurately than previous systems. Also, when the number of magnetic sensors increases, this paper shows that system performance improves. Finally, experiment results are shown from the proposed system that was implemented and evaluated.

  10. Advanced concentration analysis of atom probe tomography data: Local proximity histograms and pseudo-2D concentration maps.


    Felfer, Peter; Cairney, Julie


    Analysing the distribution of selected chemical elements with respect to interfaces is one of the most common tasks in data mining in atom probe tomography. This can be represented by 1D concentration profiles, 2D concentration maps or proximity histograms, which represent concentration, density etc. of selected species as a function of the distance from a reference surface/interface. These are some of the most useful tools for the analysis of solute distributions in atom probe data. In this paper, we present extensions to the proximity histogram in the form of 'local' proximity histograms, calculated for selected parts of a surface, and pseudo-2D concentration maps, which are 2D concentration maps calculated on non-flat surfaces. This way, local concentration changes at interfaces or and other structures can be assessed more effectively. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Validation of contour-driven thin-plate splines for tracking fraction-to-fraction changes in anatomy and radiation therapy dose mapping.


    Schaly, B; Bauman, G S; Battista, J J; Van Dyk, J


    The goal of this study is to validate a deformable model using contour-driven thin-plate splines for application to radiation therapy dose mapping. Our testing includes a virtual spherical phantom as well as real computed tomography (CT) data from ten prostate cancer patients with radio-opaque markers surgically implanted into the prostate and seminal vesicles. In the spherical mathematical phantom, homologous control points generated automatically given input contour data in CT slice geometry were compared to homologous control point placement using analytical geometry as the ground truth. The dose delivered to specific voxels driven by both sets of homologous control points were compared to determine the accuracy of dose tracking via the deformable model. A 3D analytical spherically symmetric dose distribution with a dose gradient of approximately 10% per mm was used for this phantom. This test showed that the uncertainty in calculating the delivered dose to a tissue element depends on slice thickness and the variation in defining homologous landmarks, where dose agreement of 3-4% in high dose gradient regions was achieved. In the patient data, radio-opaque marker positions driven by the thin-plate spline algorithm were compared to the actual marker positions as identified in the CT scans. It is demonstrated that the deformable model is accurate (approximately 2.5 mm) to within the intra-observer contouring variability. This work shows that the algorithm is appropriate for describing changes in pelvic anatomy and for the dose mapping application with dose gradients characteristic of conformal and intensity modulated radiation therapy.

  12. Magnetic maps in animals: nature's GPS.


    Lohmann, Kenneth J; Lohmann, Catherine M F; Putman, Nathan F


    Diverse animals detect the Earth's magnetic field and use it as a cue in orientation and navigation. Most research on magnetoreception has focused on the directional or ;compass' information that can be extracted from the Earth's field. Because the field varies predictably across the surface of the globe, however, it also provides a potential source of positional or 'map' information, which some animals use to steer themselves along migratory pathways or to navigate toward specific target areas. The use of magnetic positional information has been demonstrated in several diverse animals including sea turtles, spiny lobsters, newts and birds, suggesting that such systems are phylogenetically widespread and can function over a wide range of spatial scales. These ;magnetic maps' have not yet been fully characterized. They may be organized in several fundamentally different ways, some of which bear little resemblance to human maps, and they may also be used in conjunction with unconventional navigational strategies.

  13. Magnetic Multi-Scale Mapping to Characterize Anthropogenic Targets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Maire, P.; Munschy, M.


    The discovery of buried anthropic objects on construction sites can cause delays and/or dangers for workers and for the public. Indeed, every year 500 tons of Unexploded-ordnance are discovered in France. Magnetic measurements are useful to localize magnetized objects. Moreover, it is the cheapest geophysical method which does not impact environment and which is relatively fast to perform. Fluxgate magnetometers (three components) are used to measure magnetic properties bellow the ground. These magnetic sensors are not absolute, so they need to be calibrated before the onset of the measurements. The advantage is that they allow magnetic compensation of the equipment attached to the sensor. So the choice of this kind sensor gives the opportunity to install the equipment aboard different magnetized supports: boat, quad bike, unmanned aerial vehicle, aircraft,... Indeed, this methodology permits to perform magnetic mapping with different scale and different elevation above ground level. An old French aerial military plant was chosen to perform this multi-scale approach. The advantage of the site is that it contains a lot of different targets with variable sizes and depth, e.g. buildings, unexploded-ordnances of the two world wars, trenches, pipes,… By comparison between the different magnetic anomaly maps at different elevations some of the geometric parameters of the magnetic sources can be characterized. The comparison between measured maps at different elevations and the prolonged map highlights the maximum distance for the target's detection (figure).

  14. Map showing structure contours on the top of the upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Crysdale, B.L.


    This map is one in a series of U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF) maps showing computer-generated structure contours, isopachs, and cross sections of selected formations in the Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana. The map and cross sections were constructed from information stored in a U.S. Geological Survey Evolution of Sedimentary Basins data base. This data base contains picks of geologic formation and (or) unit tops and bases determined from electric resistivity and gamma-ray logs of 8,592 wells penetrating Tertiary and older rocks in the Powder River basin. Well completion cards (scout tickets) were reviewed and compared with copies of all logs, and formation or unit contacts determined by N. M. Denson, D.L. Macke, R. R. Schumann and others. This isopach map is based on information from 2,429 of these wells that penetrate the Minnelusa Formation and equivalents.

  15. Pseudo ribbon metal ion beam source.


    Stepanov, Igor B; Ryabchikov, Alexander I; Sivin, Denis O; Verigin, Dan A


    The paper describes high broad metal ion source based on dc macroparticle filtered vacuum arc plasma generation with the dc ion-beam extraction. The possibility of formation of pseudo ribbon beam of metal ions with the parameters: ion beam length 0.6 m, ion current up to 0.2 A, accelerating voltage 40 kV, and ion energy up to 160 kV has been demonstrated. The pseudo ribbon ion beam is formed from dc vacuum arc plasma. The results of investigation of the vacuum arc evaporator ion-emission properties are presented. The influence of magnetic field strength near the cathode surface on the arc spot movement and ion-emission properties of vacuum-arc discharge for different cathode materials are determined. It was shown that vacuum-arc discharge stability can be reached when the magnetic field strength ranges from 40 to 70 G on the cathode surface.

  16. Mapping of magnetic chrons: paleomagnetic polarity map of East Iceland, 0-13 Myr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Helgason, Johann


    Through data on palaeomagnetism, stratigraphy and radiometric age dating an immense database on magnetic chrons has been established for the lava succession in Iceland (e.g. Kristjánsson, 2008). Correlation of magnetic chrons with the geomagnetic time scale provides a reasonable age estimate for vast stratigraphic sequences. The basalt lava succession in Iceland has a thickness of tens of kilometers. The magnetostratigraphic data offer, through the help of paleomagnetism and radiometric dating, a detailed timing of events in the evolution of the Iceland mantle plume region. Yet a magnetic polarity map for Iceland has been lacking but during the last 50 years, comprehensive stratigraphic mapping has paved the way for a magnetic polarity map in various parts of Iceland. Here, such a map is presented for a segment of East Iceland, i.e. for lavas ranging in age from 0 to 13 M yr. The map is a compilation based on various studies into the cliff section and stratigraphic work performed by numerous research initiatives, both in relation to hydroelectric research as well as academic projects. References: Kristjánsson, L., 2008. Paleomagnetic research on Icelandic lava flows. Jökull, 58, 101-116. Helgason, J., Duncan, R.A., Franzson, H., Guðmundsson, Á., and M. Riishuus., 2015. Magnetic polarity map of Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði and new 40Ar-39Ar age dating from West Iceland., Presentation at the spring conference of the Icelandic Geological Society, held on March 13th 2015 at the University of Iceland.

  17. Multilayer apparent magnetization mapping approach and its application in mineral exploration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, L.; Meng, X.; Chen, Z.


    Apparent magnetization mapping is a technique to estimate magnetization distribution in the subsurface from the observed magnetic data. It has been applied for geologic mapping and mineral exploration for decades. Apparent magnetization mapping usually models the magnetic layer as a collection of vertical, juxtaposed prisms in both horizontal directions, whose top and bottom surfaces are assumed to be horizontal or variable-depth, and then inverts or deconvolves the magnetic anomalies in the space or frequency domain to determine the magnetization of each prism. The conventional mapping approaches usually assume that magnetic sources contain no remanent magnetization. However, such assumptions are not always valid in mineral exploration of metallic ores. In this case, the negligence of the remanence will result in large geologic deviation or the occurrence of negative magnetization. One alternate strategy is to transform the observed magnetic anomalies into some quantities that are insensitive or weakly sensitive to the remanence and then subsequently to perform inversion on these quantities, without needing any a priori information about remanent magnetization. Such kinds of quantities include the amplitude of the magnetic total field anomaly (AMA), and the normalized magnetic source strength (NSS). Here, we present a space-domain inversion approach for multilayer magnetization mapping based on the AMA for reducing effects of remanence. In the real world, magnetization usually varies vertically in the subsurface. If we use only one-layer model for mapping, the result is simply vertical superposition of different magnetization distributions. Hence, a multi-layer model for mapping would be a more realistic approach. We test the approach on the real data from a metallic deposit area in North China. The results demonstrated that our approach is feasible and produces considerable magnetization distribution from top layer to bottom layer in the subsurface.

  18. The next generation Antarctic digital magnetic anomaly map

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    von Frese, R.R.B; Golynsky, A.V.; Kim, H.R.; Gaya-Piqué, L.; Thébault, E.; Chiappinii, M.; Ghidella, M.; Grunow, A.; ,


    S (Golynsky et al., 2001). This map synthesized over 7.1 million line-kms of survey data available up through 1999 from marine, airborne and Magsat satellite observations. Since the production of the initial map, a large number of new marine and airborne surveys and improved magnetic observations from the Ørsted and CHAMP satellite missions have become available. In addition, an improved core field model for the Antarctic has been developed to better isolate crustal anomalies in these data. The next generation compilation also will likely represent the magnetic survey observations of the region in terms of a high-resolution spherical cap harmonic model. In this paper, we review the progress and problems of developing an improved magnetic anomaly map to facilitate studies of the Antarctic crustal magnetic field

  19. Sensor-less pseudo-sinusoidal drive for a permanent-magnet brushless ac motor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Li-Hsiang; Chern, Tzuen-Lih; Pan, Ping-Lung; Huang, Tsung-Mou; Tsay, Der-Min; Kuang, Jao-Hwa


    The precise rotor-position information is required for a permanent-magnet brushless ac motor (BLACM) drive. In the conventional sinusoidal drive method, either an encoder or a resolver is usually employed. For position sensor-less vector control schemes, the rotor flux estimation and torque components are obtained by complicated coordinate transformations. These computational intensive methods are susceptible to current distortions and parameter variations. To simplify the method complexity, this work presents a sensor-less pseudo-sinusoidal drive scheme with speed control for a three-phase BLACM. Based on the sinusoidal drive scheme, a floating period of each phase current is inserted for back electromotive force detection. The zero-crossing point is determined directly by the proposed scheme, and the rotor magnetic position and rotor speed can be estimated simultaneously. Several experiments for various active angle periods are undertaken. Furthermore, a current feedback control is included to minimize and compensate the torque fluctuation. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a competitive performance compared with the conventional drive manners for BLACM. The proposed scheme is straightforward, bringing the benefits of sensor-less drive and negating the need for coordinate transformations in the operating process.

  20. Interplay between interface structure and magnetism in NiFe/Cu/Ni-based pseudo-spin valves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loving, Melissa G.; Ambrose, Thomas F.; Ermer, Henry; Miller, Don; Naaman, Ofer


    Magnetic pseudo spin valves (PSVs) with superconducting Nb electrodes, have been leading candidates for an energy-efficient memory solution compatible with cryogenic operation of ultra-low power superconducting logic. Integration of these PSV Josephson junctions in a standard multi-layer Nb process requires growing high-quality thin magnetic films on a thick Nb bottom electrode (i.e. ≥1.5kÅ, to achieve bulk superconducting properties). However, as deposited, 1.5kÅ Nb exhibits a rough surface with a characteristic rice grain morphology, which severely degrades the switching properties of subsequently deposited PSVs. Therefore, in order to achieve coherent switching throughout a PSV, the Nb interface must be modified. Here, we demonstrate that the Nb surface morphology and PSV crystallinity can be altered with the incorporation of separate 50Å Cu or 100Å Al/50Å Cu non-magnetic seed layers, and demonstrate their impact on the magnetic switching of a 15Å Ni80Fe20/50Å Cu/20Å Ni PSV, at both room temperature and at 10 K. Most notably, these results show that the incorporation of an Al seed layer leads to an improved face centered cubic templating through the bulk of the PSV, and ultimately to superior magnetic switching.

  1. Validation of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Auto-contouring Software Tool for Gross Tumour Delineation in Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy Planning.


    Doshi, T; Wilson, C; Paterson, C; Lamb, C; James, A; MacKenzie, K; Soraghan, J; Petropoulakis, L; Di Caterina, G; Grose, D


    To carry out statistical validation of a newly developed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) auto-contouring software tool for gross tumour volume (GTV) delineation in head and neck tumours to assist in radiotherapy planning. Axial MRI baseline scans were obtained for 10 oropharyngeal and laryngeal cancer patients. GTV was present on 102 axial slices and auto-contoured using the modified fuzzy c-means clustering integrated with the level set method (FCLSM). Peer-reviewed (C-gold) manual contours were used as the reference standard to validate auto-contoured GTVs (C-auto) and mean manual contours (C-manual) from two expert clinicians (C1 and C2). Multiple geometric metrics, including the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), were used for quantitative validation. A DSC≥0.7 was deemed acceptable. Inter- and intra-variabilities among the manual contours were also validated. The two-dimensional contours were then reconstructed in three dimensions for GTV volume calculation, comparison and three-dimensional visualisation. The mean DSC between C-gold and C-auto was 0.79. The mean DSC between C-gold and C-manual was 0.79 and that between C1 and C2 was 0.80. The average time for GTV auto-contouring per patient was 8 min (range 6-13 min; mean 45 s per axial slice) compared with 15 min (range 6-23 min; mean 88 s per axial slice) for C1. The average volume concordance between C-gold and C-auto volumes was 86.51% compared with 74.16% between C-gold and C-manual. The average volume concordance between C1 and C2 volumes was 86.82%. This newly designed MRI-based auto-contouring software tool shows initial acceptable results in GTV delineation of oropharyngeal and laryngeal tumours using FCLSM. This auto-contouring software tool may help reduce inter- and intra-variability and can assist clinical oncologists with time-consuming, complex radiotherapy planning. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Computed inverse resonance imaging for magnetic susceptibility map reconstruction.


    Chen, Zikuan; Calhoun, Vince


    This article reports a computed inverse magnetic resonance imaging (CIMRI) model for reconstructing the magnetic susceptibility source from MRI data using a 2-step computational approach. The forward T2*-weighted MRI (T2*MRI) process is broken down into 2 steps: (1) from magnetic susceptibility source to field map establishment via magnetization in the main field and (2) from field map to MR image formation by intravoxel dephasing average. The proposed CIMRI model includes 2 inverse steps to reverse the T2*MRI procedure: field map calculation from MR-phase image and susceptibility source calculation from the field map. The inverse step from field map to susceptibility map is a 3-dimensional ill-posed deconvolution problem, which can be solved with 3 kinds of approaches: the Tikhonov-regularized matrix inverse, inverse filtering with a truncated filter, and total variation (TV) iteration. By numerical simulation, we validate the CIMRI model by comparing the reconstructed susceptibility maps for a predefined susceptibility source. Numerical simulations of CIMRI show that the split Bregman TV iteration solver can reconstruct the susceptibility map from an MR-phase image with high fidelity (spatial correlation ≈ 0.99). The split Bregman TV iteration solver includes noise reduction, edge preservation, and image energy conservation. For applications to brain susceptibility reconstruction, it is important to calibrate the TV iteration program by selecting suitable values of the regularization parameter. The proposed CIMRI model can reconstruct the magnetic susceptibility source of T2*MRI by 2 computational steps: calculating the field map from the phase image and reconstructing the susceptibility map from the field map. The crux of CIMRI lies in an ill-posed 3-dimensional deconvolution problem, which can be effectively solved by the split Bregman TV iteration algorithm.

  3. Ground Magnetic Data for West-Central Colorado

    DOE Data Explorer

    Richard Zehner


    Modeled ground magnetic data was extracted from the Pan American Center for Earth and Environmental Studies database at on 2/29/2012. The downloaded text file was then imported into an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet data was converted into an ESRI point shapefile in UTM Zone 13 NAD27 projection, showing location and magnetic field strength in nano-Teslas. This point shapefile was then interpolated to an ESRI grid using an inverse-distance weighting method, using ESRI Spatial Analyst. The grid was used to create a contour map of magnetic field strength.

  4. 3D digital image correlation using single color camera pseudo-stereo system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Junrui; Dan, Xizuo; Xu, Wan; Wang, Yonghong; Yang, Guobiao; Yang, Lianxiang


    Three dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) has been widely used by industry to measure the 3D contour and whole-field displacement/strain. In this paper, a novel single color camera 3D-DIC setup, using a reflection-based pseudo-stereo system, is proposed. Compared to the conventional single camera pseudo-stereo system, which splits the CCD sensor into two halves to capture the stereo views, the proposed system achieves both views using the whole CCD chip and without reducing the spatial resolution. In addition, similarly to the conventional 3D-DIC system, the center of the two views stands in the center of the CCD chip, which minimizes the image distortion relative to the conventional pseudo-stereo system. The two overlapped views in the CCD are separated by the color domain, and the standard 3D-DIC algorithm can be utilized directly to perform the evaluation. The system's principle and experimental setup are described in detail, and multiple tests are performed to validate the system.

  5. Strain-Induced Anisotropic Fermi Contour of 2D Holes and Composite Fermions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jo, Insun; Rosales, K. A. V.; Mueed, M. A.; Padmanabhan, M.; Pfeiffer, L. N.; West, K. W.; Baldwin, K. W.; Winkler, R.; Shayegan, M.

    We present experimental and theoretical results demonstrating strain-induced Fermi contour anisotropy of two-dimensional (2D) holes and composite fermions (CFs) confined to a (001) GaAs quantum well. We apply a tunable uniaxial strain to a thinned (001) GaAs wafer, glued to a piezoelectric actuator. When the 2D holes are subjected to an in-plane uniaxial strain, their band structure and Fermi contour become anisotropic by about 30% even for a minute amount of strain, on the order of 10-4. Via measurements of commensurability oscillations, we determine the Fermi contour anisotropy for holes near zero magnetic field, and for CFs at high magnetic fields, as a function of uniaxial strain. The measured Fermi contour anisotropy of holes is consistent with the calculation results. The observed CF Fermi contour anisotropy also shows a strong dependence on the applied strain, which we compare quantitatively to that of the low-field holes. Supported by the NSF(Grants DMR-1305691, ECCS-1508925, and MRSEC DMR-1420541), the DOE Basic Energy Sciences (DE-FG02-00-ER45841), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF4420), and the Keck Foundation. R. W. is supported by the NSF (DMR-1310199).

  6. Mapping the magnonic landscape in patterned magnetic structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davies, C. S.; Poimanov, V. D.; Kruglyak, V. V.


    We report the development of a hybrid numerical/analytical model capable of mapping the spatially varying distributions of the local ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency and dynamic magnetic susceptibility in a wide class of patterned and compositionally modulated magnetic structures. Starting from the numerically simulated static micromagnetic state, the magnetization is deliberately deflected orthogonally to its equilibrium orientation, and the magnetic fields generated in response to this deflection are evaluated using micromagnetic software. This allows us to calculate the elements of the effective demagnetizing tensor, which are then used within a linear analytical formalism to map the local FMR frequency and dynamic magnetic susceptibility. To illustrate the typical results that one can obtain using this model, we analyze three micromagnetic systems boasting nonuniformity in either one or two dimensions, and successfully explain the spin-wave emission observed in each case, demonstrating the ubiquitous nature of the Schlömann excitation mechanism underpinning the observations. Finally, the developed model of local FMR frequency can be used to explain how spin waves could be confined and steered using magnetic nonuniformities of various origins, rendering it a powerful tool for the mapping of the graded magnonic index in magnonics.

  7. Speech processing using maximum likelihood continuity mapping


    Hogden, John E.


    Speech processing is obtained that, given a probabilistic mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator positions, allows sequences of speech sounds to be mapped to smooth sequences of pseudo-articulator positions. In addition, a method for learning a probabilistic mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator position is described. The method for learning the mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator position uses a set of training data composed only of speech sounds. The said speech processing can be applied to various speech analysis tasks, including speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech coding, speech synthesis, and voice mimicry.

  8. Speech processing using maximum likelihood continuity mapping

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hogden, J.E.

    Speech processing is obtained that, given a probabilistic mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator positions, allows sequences of speech sounds to be mapped to smooth sequences of pseudo-articulator positions. In addition, a method for learning a probabilistic mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator position is described. The method for learning the mapping between static speech sounds and pseudo-articulator position uses a set of training data composed only of speech sounds. The said speech processing can be applied to various speech analysis tasks, including speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech coding, speech synthesis, and voice mimicry.

  9. Solitary Waves, Periodic Peakons and Pseudo-Peakons of the Nonlinear Acoustic Wave Model in Rotating Magnetized Plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Jibin

    The dynamical model of the nonlinear acoustic wave in rotating magnetized plasma is governed by a partial differential equation system. Its traveling system is a singular traveling wave system of first class depending on two parameters. By using the bifurcation theory and method of dynamical systems and the theory of singular traveling wave systems, in this paper, we show that there exist parameter groups such that this singular system has pseudo-peakons, periodic peakons and compactons as well as different solitary wave solutions.

  10. A floor-map-aided WiFi/pseudo-odometry integration algorithm for an indoor positioning system.


    Wang, Jian; Hu, Andong; Liu, Chunyan; Li, Xin


    This paper proposes a scheme for indoor positioning by fusing floor map, WiFi and smartphone sensor data to provide meter-level positioning without additional infrastructure. A topology-constrained K nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm based on a floor map layout provides the coordinates required to integrate WiFi data with pseudo-odometry (P-O) measurements simulated using a pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) approach. One method of further improving the positioning accuracy is to use a more effective multi-threshold step detection algorithm, as proposed by the authors. The "go and back" phenomenon caused by incorrect matching of the reference points (RPs) of a WiFi algorithm is eliminated using an adaptive fading-factor-based extended Kalman filter (EKF), taking WiFi positioning coordinates, P-O measurements and fused heading angles as observations. The "cross-wall" problem is solved based on the development of a floor-map-aided particle filter algorithm by weighting the particles, thereby also eliminating the gross-error effects originating from WiFi or P-O measurements. The performance observed in a field experiment performed on the fourth floor of the School of Environmental Science and Spatial Informatics (SESSI) building on the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) campus confirms that the proposed scheme can reliably achieve meter-level positioning.

  11. Doppler-Zeeman mapping of the magnetic CP star HD 215441

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khokhlova, V. L.; Vasilchenko, D. V.; Stepanov, V. V.; Tsymbal, V. V.


    The method of Vasilchenko et al. (1996) is used to obtain a Doppler-Zeeman map of the magnetic CP star HD 215441. The magnetic field is approximated by a magnetic dipole that is arbitrarily shifted from the star center. The solution of the inverse problem yields the dipole parameters and the maps of Si, Ti, Cr, and Fe abundance anomalies; the coordinates of local magnetic vectors on the star surface are computed. A comparison of the distribution of abundance anomalies and the magnetic-field configuration reveals that in the region where the magnetic-field lines are vertical (near the magnetic pole), Si, Ti and Cr are highly deficient, while the Fe enhancement is strongest. In the regions where the magnetic-field lines are horizontal (near the magnetic equator), Si, Ti and Cr show the greatest overabundance. In these regions, the Fe abundance is also slightly enhanced and exhibits, as it were, a secondary maximum. The factors that limit the accuracy of Doppler-Zeeman mapping are reviewed.

  12. Between fall and fall-rise: substance-function relations in German phrase-final intonation contours.


    Ambrazaitis, Gilbert


    This study investigates an intonation contour of German whose status has not been established yet: a globally falling contour with a slight rise at the very end of the phrase (FSR). The contour may be said to lie on a phonetic continuum between falling (F) and falling-rising (FR) contours. It is hypothesized that F, FR and FSR differ with respect to their communicative functions: F is terminal, FR is non-terminal, and FSR is pseudo-terminal, respectively. The hypotheses were tested in two steps. First, measurements in a labelled corpus of spontaneous speech provided the necessary background information on the phonetics of the contours. In the second step, the general hypothesis was approached in a perceptual experiment using the paradigm of a semantic differential: 49 listeners judged 17 systematically generated stimuli on nine semantic scales, such as 'impolite/polite'. The hypotheses were generally confirmed. Both F and FSR were associated with a conclusive statement, while FR was more likely to be judged as marking a question. FSR differs from F in that it does not express features such as categoricalness, dominance or impoliteness. The results are interpreted as an instance of the frequency code: the addition of a slight rise means avoidance of extremely low F(0); the functional consequence is a reduction of communicated dominance.

  13. Identifying Resistivity Anomalies of Sungai Batu Ancient River using 3D Contour Map

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yusoh, R.; Saad, R.; Saidin, M.; Muhammad, S. B.; Anda, S. T.; Ismail, M. A. M.; Hazreek, Z. A. M.


    Electrical resistivity method was undertaken at archeological site at Sungai Batu in Lembah Bujang, located at Sungai Merbok in northwestern of Malaysia. The survey was implemented near the excavation site. This paper shows the results of 5 ground resistivity survey line was carry out using SAS4000 equipment. The wenner-schlumberger array was applied for measurement. Resistivity data are used to obtain valuable information to identify the remain buried archeology. The ground resistivity data were presented in contour map for various depth by using Surfer 13 software visualized clearly the anomalies evidenced for every single depth section. The results from the survey has found the appearance of sedimentation formation that believe happen long time ago after ancient river was buried by sediment from weathering process due to increasing sea level. Otherwise, another anomaly was found in the middle of the survey area which shows high resistivity value about 1000 – 2000 ohm.m

  14. [Treatment effects of magnetic Twin-block appliance for class II cases].


    Wu, Jian-Yong; Liu, Jian; Li, Qi-Shun; Xu, Tian-Min; Lin, Jiu-Xiang


    To evaluate the effects of magnetic Twin-block appliance in the treatment of skeletal class II cases. The magnetic Twin-block appliance was embedded with two pairs of neodymium-iron-boron (Nd(2)Fe(14)B) rare earth permanent magnets in the upper and lower inclined planes of Twin-block appliance. The sample comprised of 13 skeletal class II patients in the late mixed or early permanent dentition treated by magnetic Twin-block appliance. Cephalometric films were taken before and after treatment. Helix CT images of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in all patients were examined before treatment (T1), during treatment (4 months after appliance placement, T2), after treatment (T3) and one year after treatment (T4). A double contour image was detected in the superior posterior part of the condylar head on the pseudo-sagittal reconstruction plane pictures of T2 in 11 patients. The double contour image could be observed in most patients as well. This image also exhibited on the pictures of T3 in several patients. On the pictures of T2 and T3 in some patients, interruption of cortical bone and "bifurcation phenomenon" of condyles were shown. Pictures of T1 and T4 were similar and no signs of remodeling of TMJ were observed. Cephalometric analysis revealed significant changes in the maxillofacial structure after treatment. The profile of patients improved. Bone remodeling of condyle occurred during the magnetic Twin-block treatment in class II patients. Magnetic Twin-block appliance was effective in the treatment of the growing skeletal class II patients.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The authors discuss performance of Low-Density-Parity-Check (LDPC) codes decoded by Linear Programming (LP) decoding at moderate and large Signal-to-Noise-Ratios (SNR). Frame-Error-Rate (FER) dependence on SNR and the noise space landscape of the coding/decoding scheme are analyzed by a combination of the previously introduced instanton/pseudo-codeword-search method and a new 'dendro' trick. To reduce complexity of the LP decoding for a code with high-degree checks, {ge} 5, they introduce its dendro-LDPC counterpart, that is the code performing identifically to the original one under Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) decoding but having reduced (down to three) check connectivity degree. Analyzing number of popular LDPC codes andmore » their dendro versions performing over the Additive-White-Gaussian-Noise (AWGN) channel, they observed two qualitatively different regimes: (i) error-floor sets early, at relatively low SNR, and (ii) FER decays with SNR increase faster at moderate SNR than at the largest SNR. They explain these regimes in terms of the pseudo-codeword spectra of the codes.« less

  16. Map showing contours on the top of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Minnelusa Formation and equivalents, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Crysdale, B.L.


    This map is one in a series of U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF) maps showing computer-generated structure contours, isopachs, and cross sections of selected formations in the Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana. The map and cross sections were constructed from information stored in a U.S. Geological Survey Evolution of Sedimentary Basins data base. This data base contains picks of geologic formation and (or) unit tops and bases determined from electric resistivity and gamma-ray logs of 8,592 wells penetrating Tertiary and older rocks in the Powder River basin. Well completion cards (scout tickets) were reviewed and compared with copies of all logs, and formation or unit contacts determined by N. M. Denson, D.L. Macke, R. R. Schumann and others. This isopach map is based on information from 1,480 of these wells that penetrate the Minnelusa Formation and equivalents.

  17. Remote magnetic navigation for mapping and ablating right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia.


    Thornton, Andrew S; Jordaens, Luc J


    Navigation, mapping, and ablation in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) can be difficult. Catheter navigation using external magnetic fields may allow more accurate mapping and ablation. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of RVOT tachycardia ablation using remote magnetic navigation. Mapping and ablation were performed in eight patients with outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias. Tachycardia mapping was undertaken with a 64-polar basket catheter, followed by remote activation and pace-mapping using a magnetically enabled catheter. The area of interest was localized on the basket catheter in seven patients in whom an RVOT arrhythmia was identified. Remote navigation of the magnetic catheter to this area was followed by pace-mapping. Ablation was performed at the site of perfect pace-mapping, with earliest activation if possible. Acute success was achieved in all patients (median four applications). Median procedural time was 144 minutes, with 13.4 minutes of patient fluoroscopy time and 3.8 minutes of physician fluoroscopy time. No complications occurred. One recurrence occurred during follow-up (mean 366 days). RVOT tachycardias can be mapped and ablated using remote magnetic navigation, initially guided by a basket catheter. Precise activation and pace-mapping are possible. Remote magnetic navigation permitted low fluoroscopy exposure for the physician. Long-term results are promising.

  18. Geophysical Data Sets in GeoMapApp

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goodwillie, A. M.


    GeoMapApp (, a free map-based data tool developed at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, provides access to hundreds of integrated geoscience data sets that are useful for geophysical studies. Examples include earthquake and volcano catalogues, gravity and magnetics data, seismic velocity tomographic models, geological maps, geochemical analytical data, lithospheric plate boundary information, geodetic velocities, and high-resolution bathymetry and land elevations. Users can also import and analyse their own data files. Data analytical functions provide contouring, shading, profiling, layering and transparency, allowing multiple data sets to be seamlessly compared. A new digitization and field planning portal allow stations and waypoints to be generated. Sessions can be saved and shared with colleagues and students. In this eLightning presentation we will demonstrate some of GeoMapApp's capabilities with a focus upon subduction zones and tectonics. In the attached screen shot of the Cascadia margin, the contoured depth to the top of the subducting Juan de Fuca slab is overlain on a shear wave velocity depth slice. Geochemical data coloured on Al2O3 and scaled on MgO content is shown as circles. The stack of data profiles was generated along the white line.

  19. Thermal contouring of forestry data: Wallops Island

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Thomson, F.


    The contouring of 8-13.5 micrometer thermal data collected over a forestry site in Virginia is described. The data were collected at an altitude of 1000 ft above terrain on November 4, 1970. The site was covered on three approximately parallel lines. The purpose of the contouring was to attempt to delineate pine trees attacked by southern pine bark beetle, and to map other important terrain categories. Special processing steps were required to achieve the correct aspect ratio of the thermal data. The reference for the correction procedure was color infrared photography. Data form and quality are given, processing steps are outlined, a brief interpretation of results is given, and conclusion are presented.

  20. Dilated contour extraction and component labeling algorithm for object vector representation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Skourikhine, Alexei N.


    Object boundary extraction from binary images is important for many applications, e.g., image vectorization, automatic interpretation of images containing segmentation results, printed and handwritten documents and drawings, maps, and AutoCAD drawings. Efficient and reliable contour extraction is also important for pattern recognition due to its impact on shape-based object characterization and recognition. The presented contour tracing and component labeling algorithm produces dilated (sub-pixel) contours associated with corresponding regions. The algorithm has the following features: (1) it always produces non-intersecting, non-degenerate contours, including the case of one-pixel wide objects; (2) it associates the outer and inner (i.e., around hole) contours with the corresponding regions during the process of contour tracing in a single pass over the image; (3) it maintains desired connectivity of object regions as specified by 8-neighbor or 4-neighbor connectivity of adjacent pixels; (4) it avoids degenerate regions in both background and foreground; (5) it allows an easy augmentation that will provide information about the containment relations among regions; (6) it has a time complexity that is dominantly linear in the number of contour points. This early component labeling (contour-region association) enables subsequent efficient object-based processing of the image information.

  1. A Floor-Map-Aided WiFi/Pseudo-Odometry Integration Algorithm for an Indoor Positioning System

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Jian; Hu, Andong; Liu, Chunyan; Li, Xin


    This paper proposes a scheme for indoor positioning by fusing floor map, WiFi and smartphone sensor data to provide meter-level positioning without additional infrastructure. A topology-constrained K nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm based on a floor map layout provides the coordinates required to integrate WiFi data with pseudo-odometry (P-O) measurements simulated using a pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) approach. One method of further improving the positioning accuracy is to use a more effective multi-threshold step detection algorithm, as proposed by the authors. The “go and back” phenomenon caused by incorrect matching of the reference points (RPs) of a WiFi algorithm is eliminated using an adaptive fading-factor-based extended Kalman filter (EKF), taking WiFi positioning coordinates, P-O measurements and fused heading angles as observations. The “cross-wall” problem is solved based on the development of a floor-map-aided particle filter algorithm by weighting the particles, thereby also eliminating the gross-error effects originating from WiFi or P-O measurements. The performance observed in a field experiment performed on the fourth floor of the School of Environmental Science and Spatial Informatics (SESSI) building on the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) campus confirms that the proposed scheme can reliably achieve meter-level positioning. PMID:25811224

  2. On the Relationship between Variational Level Set-Based and SOM-Based Active Contours

    PubMed Central

    Abdelsamea, Mohammed M.; Gnecco, Giorgio; Gaber, Mohamed Medhat; Elyan, Eyad


    Most Active Contour Models (ACMs) deal with the image segmentation problem as a functional optimization problem, as they work on dividing an image into several regions by optimizing a suitable functional. Among ACMs, variational level set methods have been used to build an active contour with the aim of modeling arbitrarily complex shapes. Moreover, they can handle also topological changes of the contours. Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) have attracted the attention of many computer vision scientists, particularly in modeling an active contour based on the idea of utilizing the prototypes (weights) of a SOM to control the evolution of the contour. SOM-based models have been proposed in general with the aim of exploiting the specific ability of SOMs to learn the edge-map information via their topology preservation property and overcoming some drawbacks of other ACMs, such as trapping into local minima of the image energy functional to be minimized in such models. In this survey, we illustrate the main concepts of variational level set-based ACMs, SOM-based ACMs, and their relationship and review in a comprehensive fashion the development of their state-of-the-art models from a machine learning perspective, with a focus on their strengths and weaknesses. PMID:25960736

  3. Visualized effect of oxidation on magnetic recording fidelity in pseudo-single-domain magnetite particles

    PubMed Central

    Almeida, Trevor P.; Kasama, Takeshi; Muxworthy, Adrian R.; Williams, Wyn; Nagy, Lesleis; Hansen, Thomas W.; Brown, Paul D.; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.


    Magnetite (Fe3O4) is an important magnetic mineral to Earth scientists, as it carries the dominant magnetic signature in rocks, and the understanding of its magnetic recording fidelity provides a critical tool in the field of palaeomagnetism. However, reliable interpretation of the recording fidelity of Fe3O4 particles is greatly diminished over time by progressive oxidation to less magnetic iron oxides, such as maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), with consequent alteration of remanent magnetization potentially having important geological significance. Here we use the complementary techniques of environmental transmission electron microscopy and off-axis electron holography to induce and visualize the effects of oxidation on the magnetization of individual nanoscale Fe3O4 particles as they transform towards γ-Fe2O3. Magnetic induction maps demonstrate a change in both strength and direction of remanent magnetization within Fe3O4 particles in the size range dominant in rocks, confirming that oxidation can modify the original stored magnetic information. PMID:25300366

  4. Visualized effect of oxidation on magnetic recording fidelity in pseudo-single-domain magnetite particles.


    Almeida, Trevor P; Kasama, Takeshi; Muxworthy, Adrian R; Williams, Wyn; Nagy, Lesleis; Hansen, Thomas W; Brown, Paul D; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E


    Magnetite (Fe3O4) is an important magnetic mineral to Earth scientists, as it carries the dominant magnetic signature in rocks, and the understanding of its magnetic recording fidelity provides a critical tool in the field of palaeomagnetism. However, reliable interpretation of the recording fidelity of Fe3O4 particles is greatly diminished over time by progressive oxidation to less magnetic iron oxides, such as maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), with consequent alteration of remanent magnetization potentially having important geological significance. Here we use the complementary techniques of environmental transmission electron microscopy and off-axis electron holography to induce and visualize the effects of oxidation on the magnetization of individual nanoscale Fe3O4 particles as they transform towards γ-Fe2O3. Magnetic induction maps demonstrate a change in both strength and direction of remanent magnetization within Fe3O4 particles in the size range dominant in rocks, confirming that oxidation can modify the original stored magnetic information.

  5. The Effect of Local Orientation Change on the Detection of Contours Defined by Constant Curvature: Psychophysics and Image Statistics.


    Khuu, Sieu K; Cham, Joey; Hayes, Anthony


    In the present study, we investigated the detection of contours defined by constant curvature and the statistics of curved contours in natural scenes. In Experiment 1, we examined the degree to which human sensitivity to contours is affected by changing the curvature angle and disrupting contour curvature continuity by varying the orientation of end elements. We find that (1) changing the angle of contour curvature decreased detection performance, while (2) end elements oriented in the direction (i.e., clockwise) of curvature facilitated contour detection regardless of the curvature angle of the contour. In Experiment 2 we further established that the relative effect of end-element orientation on contour detection was not only dependent on their orientation (collinear or cocircular), but also their spatial separation from the contour, and whether the contour shape was curved or not (i.e., C-shaped or S-shaped). Increasing the spatial separation of end-elements reduced contour detection performance regardless of their orientation or the contour shape. However, at small separations, cocircular end-elements facilitated the detection of C-shaped contours, but not S-shaped contours. The opposite result was observed for collinear end-elements, which improved the detection of S- shaped, but not C-shaped contours. These dissociative results confirmed that the visual system specifically codes contour curvature, but the association of contour elements occurs locally. Finally, we undertook an analysis of natural images that mapped contours with a constant angular change and determined the frequency of occurrence of end elements with different orientations. Analogous to our behavioral data, this image analysis revealed that the mapped end elements of constantly curved contours are likely to be oriented clockwise to the angle of curvature. Our findings indicate that the visual system is selectively sensitive to contours defined by constant curvature and that this might reflect

  6. Contouring variability of human- and deformable-generated contours in radiotherapy for prostate cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gardner, Stephen J.; Wen, Ning; Kim, Jinkoo; Liu, Chang; Pradhan, Deepak; Aref, Ibrahim; Cattaneo, Richard, II; Vance, Sean; Movsas, Benjamin; Chetty, Indrin J.; Elshaikh, Mohamed A.


    This study was designed to evaluate contouring variability of human-and deformable-generated contours on planning CT (PCT) and CBCT for ten patients with low-or intermediate-risk prostate cancer. For each patient in this study, five radiation oncologists contoured the prostate, bladder, and rectum, on one PCT dataset and five CBCT datasets. Consensus contours were generated using the STAPLE method in the CERR software package. Observer contours were compared to consensus contour, and contour metrics (Dice coefficient, Hausdorff distance, Contour Distance, Center-of-Mass [COM] Deviation) were calculated. In addition, the first day CBCT was registered to subsequent CBCT fractions (CBCTn: CBCT2-CBCT5) via B-spline Deformable Image Registration (DIR). Contours were transferred from CBCT1 to CBCTn via the deformation field, and contour metrics were calculated through comparison with consensus contours generated from human contour set. The average contour metrics for prostate contours on PCT and CBCT were as follows: Dice coefficient—0.892 (PCT), 0.872 (CBCT-Human), 0.824 (CBCT-Deformed); Hausdorff distance—4.75 mm (PCT), 5.22 mm (CBCT-Human), 5.94 mm (CBCT-Deformed); Contour Distance (overall contour)—1.41 mm (PCT), 1.66 mm (CBCT-Human), 2.30 mm (CBCT-Deformed); COM Deviation—2.01 mm (PCT), 2.78 mm (CBCT-Human), 3.45 mm (CBCT-Deformed). For human contours on PCT and CBCT, the difference in average Dice coefficient between PCT and CBCT (approx. 2%) and Hausdorff distance (approx. 0.5 mm) was small compared to the variation between observers for each patient (standard deviation in Dice coefficient of 5% and Hausdorff distance of 2.0 mm). However, additional contouring variation was found for the deformable-generated contours (approximately 5.0% decrease in Dice coefficient and 0.7 mm increase in Hausdorff distance relative to human-generated contours on CBCT). Though deformable contours provide a reasonable starting point for contouring on

  7. Magnetic mapping of Spanish Canary archipelago [ZEEE project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Catalan, M.; Martin, J.; Marin, J. A.; Agudo, L. M.


    The Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone [ZEEE] Project constitutes the most intensive mapping to date of the sea floor off Spain's coast. This extensive geophysical survey is being undertaken by a Spanish government team. The first phase [1995-1997] concentrated its efforts in the Balearic sea. The geomagnetic data acquired for this area, has already being reduced and stored as a data base, and six scalar magnetic anomaly maps have been produced at a scale of 1:200.000, and another that cover the whole zone at a scale of 1:500.000. Since 1998, the Project has systematically surveyed the Canary archipelago, ending on October 2002. This group of islands, located off the West African Continental Margin, conform an intraplate volcanic archipelago which reflects a magmatic story that started probably at Tertiary. This Communication describes its main technical details, discusses the scalar magnetic map and presents a regional analysis of the Canary islands magnetic picture, trying to identify the different intra-crustal structures which generate the anomalies.

  8. Remote magnetic navigation to map and ablate left coronary cusp ventricular tachycardia.


    Burkhardt, J David; Saliba, Walid I; Schweikert, Robert A; Cummings, Jennifer; Natale, Andrea


    Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) and ventricular tachycardia may arise from the coronary cusps. Navigation, mapping, and ablation in the coronary cusps can be challenging. Remote magnetic navigation may offer an alternative to conventional manually operated catheters. We report a case of left coronary cusp ventricular tachycardia ablation using remote magnetic navigation. Right ventricular outflow tract and coronary cusp mapping, and ablation of the left coronary cusp using a remote magnetic navigation and three-dimensional (3-D) mapping system was performed in a 28-year-old male with frequent, symptomatic PVCs and ventricular tachycardia. Successful ablation of left coronary cusp ventricular tachycardia was performed using remote magnetic navigation. Remote magnetic navigation may be used to map and ablate PVCs and ventricular tachycardia originating from the coronary cusps.

  9. Global and local magnetic mapping using CrowdMag data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saltus, R.; Nair, M. C.


    NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), in partnership with the University of Colorado's CIRES develop magnetic field models to aid navigation, resource exploration and scientific research. We use observatories, satellites and ship/airborne surveys to map and model the Earth's magnetic field. However, the available measurements leave gaps in coverage, particularly for short-wavelength anomalies associated with man-made infrastructure ("urban noise"). In 2014, we started a project to address these gaps through the collection of vector magnetic data from digital magnetometers in smartphones. In October 2014, we released the "CrowdMag" Android and iOS apps for harvesting data from phones. Currently, the CrowdMag project has more than 10,000 enthusiastic users contributing more than 12 million magnetic data measurements from around the world. We present the first analysis results from the crowdsourced magnetic data. A global magnetic model derived solely from CrowdMag data is consistent to degree and order 4 with satellite-derived models such as World Magnetic Model. A unique contribution of CrowdMag project is the collection of ground level magnetic data in densely populated regions with an unprecedented spatial resolution. To demonstrate, we generated a magnetic map (by binning the data collected in 200x200m cells) of central Boulder, Colorado using 170,000 data points collected by about 60 devices over the duration October 2014- January 2016. The median value is consistent with the expected magnitude of the Earth's background magnetic field. The standard deviation of the CrowdMag total field (F) values is much higher than the expected natural (i.e., diurnal and geologic) magnetic field variation. However, the phone's magnetometer is sensitive enough to capture the larger magnitude magnetic signature from the urban magnetic sources. We discuss the potential reliability of crowdsourced magnetic maps and their applications to navigation and other

  10. Globally optimal superconducting magnets part I: minimum stored energy (MSE) current density map.


    Tieng, Quang M; Vegh, Viktor; Brereton, Ian M


    An optimal current density map is crucial in magnet design to provide the initial values within search spaces in an optimization process for determining the final coil arrangement of the magnet. A strategy for obtaining globally optimal current density maps for the purpose of designing magnets with coaxial cylindrical coils in which the stored energy is minimized within a constrained domain is outlined. The current density maps obtained utilising the proposed method suggests that peak current densities occur around the perimeter of the magnet domain, where the adjacent peaks have alternating current directions for the most compact designs. As the dimensions of the domain are increased, the current density maps yield traditional magnet designs of positive current alone. These unique current density maps are obtained by minimizing the stored magnetic energy cost function and therefore suggest magnet coil designs of minimal system energy. Current density maps are provided for a number of different domain arrangements to illustrate the flexibility of the method and the quality of the achievable designs.

  11. Foldover effect and energy output from a nonlinear pseudo-maglev harvester

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kecik, Krzysztof; Mitura, Andrzej; Warminski, Jerzy; Lenci, Stefano


    Dynamics analysis and energy harvesting of a nonlinear magnetic pseudo-levitation (pseudo-maglev) harvester under harmonic excitation is presented in this paper. The system, for selected parameters, has two stable possible solutions with different corresponding energy outputs. The main goal is to analyse the influence of resistance load on the multi-stability zones and energy recovery which can help to tune the system to improve the energy harvesting efficiency.

  12. Pseudo color ghost coding imaging with pseudo thermal light

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duan, De-yang; Xia, Yun-jie


    We present a new pseudo color imaging scheme named pseudo color ghost coding imaging based on ghost imaging but with multiwavelength source modulated by a spatial light modulator. Compared with conventional pseudo color imaging where there is no nondegenerate wavelength spatial correlations resulting in extra monochromatic images, the degenerate wavelength and nondegenerate wavelength spatial correlations between the idle beam and signal beam can be obtained simultaneously. This scheme can obtain more colorful image with higher quality than that in conventional pseudo color coding techniques. More importantly, a significant advantage of the scheme compared to the conventional pseudo color coding imaging techniques is the image with different colors can be obtained without changing the light source and spatial filter.

  13. Brain MR image segmentation using NAMS in pseudo-color.


    Li, Hua; Chen, Chuanbo; Fang, Shaohong; Zhao, Shengrong


    Image segmentation plays a crucial role in various biomedical applications. In general, the segmentation of brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images is mainly used to represent the image with several homogeneous regions instead of pixels for surgical analyzing and planning. This paper proposes a new approach for segmenting MR brain images by using pseudo-color based segmentation with Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model with Squares (NAMS). First of all, the NAMS model is presented. The model can represent the image with sub-patterns to keep the image content and largely reduce the data redundancy. Second, the key idea is proposed that convert the original gray-scale brain MR image into a pseudo-colored image and then segment the pseudo-colored image with NAMS model. The pseudo-colored image can enhance the color contrast in different tissues in brain MR images, which can improve the precision of segmentation as well as directly visual perceptional distinction. Experimental results indicate that compared with other brain MR image segmentation methods, the proposed NAMS based pseudo-color segmentation method performs more excellent in not only segmenting precisely but also saving storage.

  14. Topographic maps: Tools for planning

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kaufman, George A.


    Topographic maps are a detailed record of a land area, giving geographic positions and elevations for both natural and man-made features. They show the shape of the land the mountains, valleys, and plains by means of brown contour lines (lines of equal elevation above sea level). In steep mountainous areas, contours are closely spaced; in flatter areas, they are far apart. The elevation of any point on the map can be estimated by referring to the elevations of the contour lines above and below it.

  15. A global magnetic anomaly map. [obtained from POGO satellite data

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Regan, R. D.; Davis, W. M.; Cain, J. C.


    A subset of POGO satellite magnetometer data has been formed that is suitable for analysis of crustal magnetic anomalies. Using a thirteenth order field model, fit to these data, magnetic residuals have been calculated over the world to latitude limits of plus 50 deg. These residuals averaged over one degree latitude-longitude blocks represent a detailed global magnetic anomaly map derived solely from satellite data. Preliminary analysis of the map indicates that the anomalies are real and of geological origin.

  16. Active contours on statistical manifolds and texture segmentation


    Sang-Mook Lee; A. Lynn Abbott; Neil A. Clark; Philip A. Araman


    A new approach to active contours on statistical manifolds is presented. The statistical manifolds are 2- dimensional Riemannian manifolds that are statistically defined by maps that transform a parameter domain onto a set of probability density functions. In this novel framework, color or texture features are measured at each image point and their statistical...

  17. Active contours on statistical manifolds and texture segmentaiton


    Sang-Mook Lee; A. Lynn Abbott; Neil A. Clark; Philip A. Araman


    A new approach to active contours on statistical manifolds is presented. The statistical manifolds are 2- dimensional Riemannian manifolds that are statistically defined by maps that transform a parameter domain onto-a set of probability density functions. In this novel framework, color or texture features are measured at each Image point and their statistical...

  18. Mapped Chebyshev Pseudo-Spectral Method for Dynamic Aero-Elastic Problem of Limit Cycle Oscillation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Im, Dong Kyun; Kim, Hyun Soon; Choi, Seongim


    A mapped Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method is developed as one of the Fourier-spectral approaches and solves nonlinear PDE systems for unsteady flows and dynamic aero-elastic problem in a given time interval, where the flows or elastic motions can be periodic, nonperiodic, or periodic with an unknown frequency. The method uses the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind for the basis function and redistributes the standard Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto collocation points more evenly by a conformal mapping function for improved numerical stability. Contributions of the method are several. It can be an order of magnitude more efficient than the conventional finite difference-based, time-accurate computation, depending on the complexity of solutions and the number of collocation points. The method reformulates the dynamic aero-elastic problem in spectral form for coupled analysis of aerodynamics and structures, which can be effective for design optimization of unsteady and dynamic problems. A limit cycle oscillation (LCO) is chosen for the validation and a new method to determine the LCO frequency is introduced based on the minimization of a second derivative of the aero-elastic formulation. Two examples of the limit cycle oscillation are tested: nonlinear, one degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system and two degrees-of-freedom oscillating airfoil under pitch and plunge motions. Results show good agreements with those of the conventional time-accurate simulations and wind tunnel experiments.

  19. Chapter 3: Circum-Arctic mapping project: New magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the Arctic

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Gaina, C.; Werner, S.C.; Saltus, R.; Maus, S.; Aaro, S.; Damaske, D.; Forsberg, R.; Glebovsky, V.; Johnson, Kevin; Jonberger, J.; Koren, T.; Korhonen, J.; Litvinova, T.; Oakey, G.; Olesen, O.; Petrov, O.; Pilkington, M.; Rasmussen, T.; Schreckenberger, B.; Smelror, M.


    New Circum-Arctic maps of magnetic and gravity anomalies have been produced by merging regional gridded data. Satellite magnetic and gravity data were used for quality control of the long wavelengths of the new compilations. The new Circum-Arctic digital compilations of magnetic, gravity and some of their derivatives have been analyzed together with other freely available regional and global data and models in order to provide a consistent view of the tectonically complex Arctic basins and surrounding continents. Sharp, linear contrasts between deeply buried basement blocks with different magnetic properties and densities that can be identified on these maps can be used, together with other geological and geophysical information, to refine the tectonic boundaries of the Arctic domain. ?? 2011 The Geological Society of London.

  20. Computed inverse MRI for magnetic susceptibility map reconstruction

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Zikuan; Calhoun, Vince


    Objective This paper reports on a computed inverse magnetic resonance imaging (CIMRI) model for reconstructing the magnetic susceptibility source from MRI data using a two-step computational approach. Methods The forward T2*-weighted MRI (T2*MRI) process is decomposed into two steps: 1) from magnetic susceptibility source to fieldmap establishment via magnetization in a main field, and 2) from fieldmap to MR image formation by intravoxel dephasing average. The proposed CIMRI model includes two inverse steps to reverse the T2*MRI procedure: fieldmap calculation from MR phase image and susceptibility source calculation from the fieldmap. The inverse step from fieldmap to susceptibility map is a 3D ill-posed deconvolution problem, which can be solved by three kinds of approaches: Tikhonov-regularized matrix inverse, inverse filtering with a truncated filter, and total variation (TV) iteration. By numerical simulation, we validate the CIMRI model by comparing the reconstructed susceptibility maps for a predefined susceptibility source. Results Numerical simulations of CIMRI show that the split Bregman TV iteration solver can reconstruct the susceptibility map from a MR phase image with high fidelity (spatial correlation≈0.99). The split Bregman TV iteration solver includes noise reduction, edge preservation, and image energy conservation. For applications to brain susceptibility reconstruction, it is important to calibrate the TV iteration program by selecting suitable values of the regularization parameter. Conclusions The proposed CIMRI model can reconstruct the magnetic susceptibility source of T2*MRI by two computational steps: calculating the fieldmap from the phase image and reconstructing the susceptibility map from the fieldmap. The crux of CIMRI lies in an ill-posed 3D deconvolution problem, which can be effectively solved by the split Bregman TV iteration algorithm. PMID:22446372

  1. Toward Prostate Cancer Contouring Guidelines on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Dominant Lesion Gross and Clinical Target Volume Coverage Via Accurate Histology Fusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gibson, Eli; Biomedical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario; Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London

    Purpose: Defining prostate cancer (PCa) lesion clinical target volumes (CTVs) for multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) could support focal boosting or treatment to improve outcomes or lower morbidity, necessitating appropriate CTV margins for mpMRI-defined gross tumor volumes (GTVs). This study aimed to identify CTV margins yielding 95% coverage of PCa tumors for prospective cases with high likelihood. Methods and Materials: Twenty-five men with biopsy-confirmed clinical stage T1 or T2 PCa underwent pre-prostatectomy mpMRI, yielding T2-weighted, dynamic contrast-enhanced, and apparent diffusion coefficient images. Digitized whole-mount histology was contoured and registered to mpMRI scans (error ≤2 mm). Four observers contoured lesion GTVs onmore » each mpMRI scan. CTVs were defined by isotropic and anisotropic expansion from these GTVs and from multiparametric (unioned) GTVs from 2 to 3 scans. Histologic coverage (proportions of tumor area on co-registered histology inside the CTV, measured for Gleason scores [GSs] ≥6 and ≥7) and prostate sparing (proportions of prostate volume outside the CTV) were measured. Nonparametric histologic-coverage prediction intervals defined minimal margins yielding 95% coverage for prospective cases with 78% to 92% likelihood. Results: On analysis of 72 true-positive tumor detections, 95% coverage margins were 9 to 11 mm (GS ≥ 6) and 8 to 10 mm (GS ≥ 7) for single-sequence GTVs and were 8 mm (GS ≥ 6) and 6 mm (GS ≥ 7) for 3-sequence GTVs, yielding CTVs that spared 47% to 81% of prostate tissue for the majority of tumors. Inclusion of T2-weighted contours increased sparing for multiparametric CTVs with 95% coverage margins for GS ≥6, and inclusion of dynamic contrast-enhanced contours increased sparing for GS ≥7. Anisotropic 95% coverage margins increased the sparing proportions to 71% to 86%. Conclusions: Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging–defined GTVs expanded by appropriate

  2. The magnetic map of hatchling loggerhead sea turtles.


    Lohmann, Kenneth J; Putman, Nathan F; Lohmann, Catherine M F


    Young loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from eastern Florida, U.S.A., undertake a transoceanic migration in which they gradually circle the North Atlantic Ocean before returning to the North American coast. Hatchlings in the open sea are guided at least partly by a 'magnetic map' in which regional magnetic fields function as navigational markers and elicit changes in swimming direction at crucial locations along the migratory route. The magnetic map exists in turtles that have never migrated and thus appears to be inherited. Turtles derive both longitudinal and latitudinal information from the Earth's field, most likely by exploiting unique combinations of field inclination and intensity that occur in different geographic areas. Similar mechanisms may function in the migrations of diverse animals. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Imaging isodensity contours of molecular states with STM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reecht, Gaël; Heinrich, Benjamin W.; Bulou, Hervé; Scheurer, Fabrice; Limot, Laurent; Schull, Guillaume


    We present an improved way for imaging the density of states of a sample with a scanning tunneling microscope, which consists in mapping the surface topography while keeping the differential conductance (dI/dV) constant. When archetypical C60 molecules on Cu(111) are imaged with this method, these so-called iso-dI/dV maps are in excellent agreement with theoretical simulations of the isodensity contours of the molecular orbitals. A direct visualization and unambiguous identification of superatomic C60 orbitals and their hybridization is then possible.

  4. Quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions in one-dimensional models with nearest neighbor interactions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Souza, S. M.; Rojas, Onofre


    There are some particular one-dimensional models, such as the Ising-Heisenberg spin models with a variety of chain structures, which exhibit unexpected behaviors quite similar to the first and second order phase transition, which could be confused naively with an authentic phase transition. Through the analysis of the first derivative of free energy, such as entropy, magnetization, and internal energy, a "sudden" jump that closely resembles a first-order phase transition at finite temperature occurs. However, by analyzing the second derivative of free energy, such as specific heat and magnetic susceptibility at finite temperature, it behaves quite similarly to a second-order phase transition exhibiting an astonishingly sharp and fine peak. The correlation length also confirms the evidence of this pseudo-transition temperature, where a sharp peak occurs at the pseudo-critical temperature. We also present the necessary conditions for the emergence of these quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions.

  5. WE-AB-204-06: Pseudo-CT Generation Using Undersampled, Single-Acquisition UTE-MDixon and Direct-Mapping Artificial Neural Networks for MR-Based Attenuation Correction and Radiation Therapy Planning

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Su, K; Kuo, J; Department of Radiology, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

    Purpose: Emerging technologies such as dedicated PET/MRI and MR-therapy systems require robust and clinically practical methods for determining photon attenuation. Herein, we propose using novel MR acquisition methods and processing for the generation of pseudo-CTs. Methods: A single acquisition, 190-second UTE-mDixon sequence with 25% (angular) sampling density and 3D radial readout was performed on nine volunteers. Three water-filled tubes were placed in the FOV for trajectory-delay correction. The MR data were reconstructed to generate three primitive images acquired at TEs of 0.1, 1.5 and 2.8 ms. In addition, three derived MR images were generated, i.e. two-point Dixon water/fat separation andmore » R2* (1/T2*) map. Furthermore, two spatial features, i.e. local binary pattern (S-1) and relative spatial coordinates (S-2), were incorporated. A direct-mapping operator was generated using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for transforming the MR features to a pseudo-CT. CT images served as the training data and, using a leave-one-out method, for performance evaluation using mean prediction deviation (MPD), mean absolute prediction deviation (MAPD), and correlation coefficient (R). Results: The errors between measured CT and pseudo-CT declined dramatically when the spatial features, i.e. S-1 and S-2, were included. The MPD, MAPD, and R were, respectively, 5±57 HU, 141±41 HU, and 0.815±0.066 for results generated by the ANN trained without the spatial features and were 32±26 HU, 115±18 HU, and 0.869±0.035 with the spatial features. The estimation errors of the pseudo-CT were smaller when both the S-1 and S-2 were used together than when either the S-1 or the S-2 was used. Pseudo-CT generation (256×256×256 voxels) by ANN took < 0.5 s using a computer having an Intel i7 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB RAM. Conclusion: The proposed direct-mapping ANN approach is a technically accurate, clinically practical method for pseudo-CT generation and can potentially help improve

  6. Selected configuration tradeoffs of contour optical instruments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Warren, J.; Strohbehn, K.; Murchie, S.; Fort, D.; Reynolds, E.; Heyler, G.; Peacock, K.; Boldt, J.; Darlington, E.; Hayes, J.; Henshaw, R.; Izenberg, N.; Kardian, C.; Lees, J.; Lohr, D.; Mehoke, D.; Schaefer, E.; Sholar, T.; Spisz, T.; Willey, C.; Veverka, J.; Bell, J.; Cochran, A.


    The Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) is a low-cost NASA Discovery mission designed to conduct three close flybys of comet nuclei. Selected configuration tradeoffs conducted to balance science requirements with low mission cost are reviewed. The tradeoffs discussed focus on the optical instruments and related spacecraft considerations. Two instruments are under development. The CONTOUR Forward Imager (CFI) is designed to perform optical navigation, moderate resolution nucleus/jet imaging, and imaging of faint molecular emission bands in the coma. The CONTOUR Remote Imager and Spectrometer (CRISP) is designed to obtain high-resolution multispectral images of the nucleus, conduct spectral mapping of the nucleus surface, and provide a backup optical navigation capability. Tradeoffs discussed are: (1) the impact on the optical instruments of not using reaction wheels on the spacecraft, (2) the improved performance and simplification gained by implementing a dedicated star tracker instead of including this function in CFI, (3) the improved flexibility and robustness of switching to a low frame rate tracker for CRISP, (4) the improved performance and simplification of replacing a visible imaging spectrometer by enhanced multispectral imaging in CRISP, and (5) the impact on spacecraft resources of these and other tradeoffs.

  7. Using genic sequence capture in combination with a syntenic pseudo genome to map a deletion mutant in a wheat species.


    Gardiner, Laura-Jayne; Gawroński, Piotr; Olohan, Lisa; Schnurbusch, Thorsten; Hall, Neil; Hall, Anthony


    Mapping-by-sequencing analyses have largely required a complete reference sequence and employed whole genome re-sequencing. In species such as wheat, no finished genome reference sequence is available. Additionally, because of its large genome size (17 Gb), re-sequencing at sufficient depth of coverage is not practical. Here, we extend the utility of mapping by sequencing, developing a bespoke pipeline and algorithm to map an early-flowering locus in einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) that is closely related to the bread wheat genome A progenitor. We have developed a genomic enrichment approach using the gene-rich regions of hexaploid bread wheat to design a 110-Mbp NimbleGen SeqCap EZ in solution capture probe set, representing the majority of genes in wheat. Here, we use the capture probe set to enrich and sequence an F2 mapping population of the mutant. The mutant locus was identified in T. monococcum, which lacks a complete genome reference sequence, by mapping the enriched data set onto pseudo-chromosomes derived from the capture probe target sequence, with a long-range order of genes based on synteny of wheat with Brachypodium distachyon. Using this approach we are able to map the region and identify a set of deleted genes within the interval. © 2014 The Authors.The Plant Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. The magnetic state of the Earth (according to the magnetic maps for 1880.0 published by the German Naval Office)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Icilius, G. V. Q.


    Publication of the magnetic maps in 1880 has made it possible to make the first continuation of the foundations for the Earth's magnetism established by Gauss in the general theory of Earth magnetism. A new calculation based on the maps valid for 1880, makes it possible to express the changes which have occurred over the last 50 years in numbers and only within the liability limits of the maps themselves.

  9. World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, development towards the Second Edition. (Invited)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Korhonen, J. V.


    Magnetic anomalies are small deviations in the Earth’s main magnetic field, caused by variation of magnetization in the uppermost lithosphere. Magnetic anomalies provide spatial key information for understanding the structure and evolution of the Earths crust. In practice these anomalies are used e.g. for assessment and prospecting of geological natural resources and planning of land use. A common way to calculate a magnetic anomaly value has been to subtract International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) from a total field measurement that is cleaned from short term variation of the Earth's magnetic field. World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM) is a collaborative project between member organizations of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and the Commission for Geological Map of the World (CGMW). The First Edition of the map was published in 2007. It consisted of a paper map 1:50 Million and a 3 minutes global grid of total field anomalies at an altitude of 5 km above the geoid. The First Edition was aimed to compile as much as possible available land and sea magnetic data, and homogenize it by comparing anomalies with a satellite magnetic lithospheric field model. This first version was prepared in a tight schedule, to show the usefulness of the map to the community and to form a basis for later development and future editions of the map. Hence, much was left to be improved for the second edition, including sparse coverage in two continents and all southern seas. The satellite models were understood to gain more detail in near future when the CHAMP-satellite would reach lower orbits, and hence higher resolution. The SWARM-satellite constellation was seen to produce even more suitable data in a few years thereafter. Ocean magnetic data sets required careful processing and leveling. The method of homogenization of anomalies included replacing long wavelength information by satellite model spectral data, and hence rejecting

  10. SU-E-J-109: Accurate Contour Transfer Between Different Image Modalities Using a Hybrid Deformable Image Registration and Fuzzy Connected Image Segmentation Method.


    Yang, C; Paulson, E; Li, X


    To develop and evaluate a tool that can improve the accuracy of contour transfer between different image modalities under challenging conditions of low image contrast and large image deformation, comparing to a few commonly used methods, for radiation treatment planning. The software tool includes the following steps and functionalities: (1) accepting input of images of different modalities, (2) converting existing contours on reference images (e.g., MRI) into delineated volumes and adjusting the intensity within the volumes to match target images (e.g., CT) intensity distribution for enhanced similarity metric, (3) registering reference and target images using appropriate deformable registration algorithms (e.g., B-spline, demons) and generate deformed contours, (4) mapping the deformed volumes on target images, calculating mean, variance, and center of mass as the initialization parameters for consecutive fuzzy connectedness (FC) image segmentation on target images, (5) generate affinity map from FC segmentation, (6) achieving final contours by modifying the deformed contours using the affinity map with a gradient distance weighting algorithm. The tool was tested with the CT and MR images of four pancreatic cancer patients acquired at the same respiration phase to minimize motion distortion. Dice's Coefficient was calculated against direct delineation on target image. Contours generated by various methods, including rigid transfer, auto-segmentation, deformable only transfer and proposed method, were compared. Fuzzy connected image segmentation needs careful parameter initialization and user involvement. Automatic contour transfer by multi-modality deformable registration leads up to 10% of accuracy improvement over the rigid transfer. Two extra proposed steps of adjusting intensity distribution and modifying the deformed contour with affinity map improve the transfer accuracy further to 14% averagely. Deformable image registration aided by contrast adjustment

  11. Mapping the magnetic field vector in a fountain clock

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gertsvolf, Marina; Marmet, Louis


    We show how the mapping of the magnetic field vector components can be achieved in a fountain clock by measuring the Larmor transition frequency in atoms that are used as a spatial probe. We control two vector components of the magnetic field and apply audio frequency magnetic pulses to localize and measure the field vector through Zeeman spectroscopy.

  12. A linear shock cell model for non-circular jets using conformal mapping with a pseudo-spectral hybrid scheme

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhat, Thonse R. S.; Baty, Roy S.; Morris, Philip J.


    The shock structure in non-circular supersonic jets is predicted using a linear model. This model includes the effects of the finite thickness of the mixing layer and the turbulence in the jet shear layer. A numerical solution is obtained using a conformal mapping grid generation scheme with a hybrid pseudo-spectral discretization method. The uniform pressure perturbation at the jet exit is approximated by a Fourier-Mathieu series. The pressure at downstream locations is obtained from an eigenfunction expansion that is matched to the pressure perturbation at the jet exit. Results are presented for a circular jet and for an elliptic jet of aspect ratio 2.0. Comparisons are made with experimental data.

  13. Contour mapping of relic structures in the Precambrian basement of the Reelfoot rift, North American midcontinent

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Dart, R.L.; Swolfs, H.S.


    A new contour map of the basement of the Reelfoot rift constructed from drill hole and seismic reflection data shows the general surface configuration as well as several major and minor structural features. The major features are two asymmetric intrarift basins, bounded by three structural highs, and the rift margins. The basins are oriented normal to the northeast trend of the rift. Two of the highs appear to be ridges of undetermined width that extend across the rift. The third high is an isolated dome or platform located between the basins. The minor features are three linear structures of low relief oriented subparallel to the trend of the rift. Two of these, located within the rift basins, may divide the rift basins into paired subbasins. These mapped features may be the remnants of initial extensional rifting, half graben faulting, and basement subsidence. The rift basins are interpreted as having formed as opposing half graben, and the structural highs are interpreted as having formed as associated accommodation zones. Some of these features appear to be reactivated seismogenic structures within the modem midcontinent compressional stress regime. A detailed knowledge of the geometries of the Reelfoot rift's basement features, therefore, is essential when evaluating their seismic risk potential.

  14. Distributed Contour Trees

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Morozov, Dmitriy; Weber, Gunther H.


    Topological techniques provide robust tools for data analysis. They are used, for example, for feature extraction, for data de-noising, and for comparison of data sets. This chapter concerns contour trees, a topological descriptor that records the connectivity of the isosurfaces of scalar functions. These trees are fundamental to analysis and visualization of physical phenomena modeled by real-valued measurements. We study the parallel analysis of contour trees. After describing a particular representation of a contour tree, called local{global representation, we illustrate how di erent problems that rely on contour trees can be solved in parallel with minimal communication.

  15. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Durango D, Colorado. Final report Volume II B. Detail area

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This volume comprises eight appendices containing the following information for the Durango D detail area: flight line maps, geology maps, explanation of geologic legend, flight line/geology maps, radiometric contour maps, magnetic contour maps, multi-variant analysis maps, and geochemical factor analysis maps.

  16. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Durango B, Colorado. Final report Volume II C. Detail area

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This volume contains eight appendices: flight line maps, geology maps, explanation of geologic legend, flight line/geology maps, radiometric contour maps, magnetic contour maps, multi-variant analysis maps, and geochemical factor analysis maps. These appendices pertain to the Durango B detail area.

  17. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Durango C, Colorado. Final report Volume II B. Detail area

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This volume comprises eight appendices containing the following information for the Durango C detail area: flight line maps, geology maps, explanation of geologic legend, flight line/geology maps, radiometric contour maps, magnetic contour maps, multi-variant analysis maps, and geochemical factor analysis maps.

  18. A pilot study comparing custom contoured and planar support surfaces for pressure ulcer risk over the heels for night time postural management using interface pressure mapping and discomfort scores.


    Hosking, J


    Custom contouring techniques are effective for reducing pressure ulcer risk in wheelchair seating. These techniques may assist the management of pressure ulcer risk during sleep for night time postural management. To investigate the effectiveness of custom contoured night time postural management components against planar support surfaces for pressure ulcer risk measures over the heels. Supine posture was captured from five healthy participants using vacuum consolidation and 3-dimensional laser scanning. Custom contoured abduction wedges were carved from polyurethane and chipped foams. Pressure mapping and the visual analog scale were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the contoured foams in reducing pressure and discomfort under the posterior heel against standard planar support surfaces. Custom contoured shapes significantly reduced interface pressures (p < 0.05) and discomfort scores (p < 0.05) when compared to planar support surfaces. Polyurethane foam was the most effective material but it did not differ significantly from chipped foam. Linear regression revealed a significant relationship between the Peak Pressure Index and discomfort scores (r = 0.997, p = 0.003). The findings of this pilot study suggested that custom contoured shapes were more effective than planar surfaces at reducing pressure ulcer risk surrogate measures over the posterior heels with polyurethane foam being the most effective material investigated. It is recommended that Evazote foam should not be used as a support surface material for night time postural management. Crown Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Magnetic susceptibility mapping of fly ash in soil samples near a coal-burning power plant in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elhelou, O.; Richter, C.


    Atmospheric deposition of pollutants is a major health and environmental concern. In a 2010 study, the CATF attributed over 13,000 deaths each year to fly ash and other fine particles emitted by U.S. coal-burning power plants. The magnetic properties of fly ash allows for mapping an area suspect of PM pollution faster and more efficiently than by conducting chemical analysis as the former alternative. The objective of this study is to detect the presence of magnetic particles related to the migration of fly ash from a nearby coal power plant over parts of Pointe Coupee Parish, LA. This is based on the idea that the fly ash that is released into the atmosphere during the coal burning process contains heavy metals and magnetic particles in the form of ferrospheres, which can be used to trace back to the source. Maps of the top and sub soil were generated to differentiate the magnetic susceptibility values of the heavy metals potentially attributed to the migration and settling of fly ash onto the surface from any pre-existing or naturally occurring heavy metals in the sub soil. A 60 km2 area in Pointe Coupee Parish was investigated in approximately 0.5 km2 subsets. The area in Pointe Coupee Parish, LA was selected because land use is predominantly rural with the Big Cajun II power plant as the main contributor for air borne contaminants. Samples of fly ash obtained directly from the source below one of the power plant's precipitators were also analyzed to verify the field and laboratory analysis. Contour maps representing the spatial distribution of fly ash over Pointe Coupee, LA, along with histograms of magnetic susceptibility values, and chemical analysis all indicate a correlation between the proximity to the power plant and the predominant wind direction. Acquisition curves of the isothermal remnant magnetization demonstrate the presence of predominantly low coercivity minerals (magnetite) with a small amount of a high-coercivity phase. The microstructure of the

  20. Pseudo-set framing.


    Barasz, Kate; John, Leslie K; Keenan, Elizabeth A; Norton, Michael I


    Pseudo-set framing-arbitrarily grouping items or tasks together as part of an apparent "set"-motivates people to reach perceived completion points. Pseudo-set framing changes gambling choices (Study 1), effort (Studies 2 and 3), giving behavior (Field Data and Study 4), and purchase decisions (Study 5). These effects persist in the absence of any reward, when a cost must be incurred, and after participants are explicitly informed of the arbitrariness of the set. Drawing on Gestalt psychology, we develop a conceptual account that predicts what will-and will not-act as a pseudo-set, and defines the psychological process through which these pseudo-sets affect behavior: over and above typical reference points, pseudo-set framing alters perceptions of (in)completeness, making intermediate progress seem less complete. In turn, these feelings of incompleteness motivate people to persist until the pseudo-set has been fulfilled. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  1. [The automatic iris map overlap technology in computer-aided iridiagnosis].


    He, Jia-feng; Ye, Hu-nian; Ye, Miao-yuan


    In the paper, iridology and computer-aided iridiagnosis technologies are briefly introduced and the extraction method of the collarette contour is then investigated. The iris map can be overlapped on the original iris image based on collarette contour extraction. The research on collarette contour extraction and iris map overlap is of great importance to computer-aided iridiagnosis technologies.

  2. Metrics for comparison of crystallographic maps


    Urzhumtsev, Alexandre; Afonine, Pavel V.; Lunin, Vladimir Y.; ...


    Numerical comparison of crystallographic contour maps is used extensively in structure solution and model refinement, analysis and validation. However, traditional metrics such as the map correlation coefficient (map CC, real-space CC or RSCC) sometimes contradict the results of visual assessment of the corresponding maps. This article explains such apparent contradictions and suggests new metrics and tools to compare crystallographic contour maps. The key to the new methods is rank scaling of the Fourier syntheses. The new metrics are complementary to the usual map CC and can be more helpful in map comparison, in particular when only some of their aspects,more » such as regions of high density, are of interest.« less

  3. Topographic mapping of the Moon

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wu, S.S.C.


    Contour maps of the Moon have been compiled by photogrammetric methods that use stereoscopic combinations of all available metric photographs from the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. The maps utilize the same format as the existing NASA shaded-relief Lunar Planning Charts (LOC-1, -2, -3, and -4), which have a scale of 1:2 750 000. The map contour interval is 500m. A control net derived from Apollo photographs by Doyle and others was used for the compilation. Contour lines and elevations are referred to the new topographic datum of the Moon, which is defined in terms of spherical harmonics from the lunar gravity field. Compilation of all four LOC charts was completed on analytical plotters from 566 stereo models of Apollo metric photographs that cover approximately 20% of the Moon. This is the first step toward compiling a global topographic map of the Moon at a scale of 1:5 000 000. ?? 1985 D. Reidel Publishing Company.

  4. A new template matching method based on contour information

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cai, Huiying; Zhu, Feng; Wu, Qingxiao; Li, Sicong


    Template matching is a significant approach in machine vision due to its effectiveness and robustness. However, most of the template matching methods are so time consuming that they can't be used to many real time applications. The closed contour matching method is a popular kind of template matching methods. This paper presents a new closed contour template matching method which is suitable for two dimensional objects. Coarse-to-fine searching strategy is used to improve the matching efficiency and a partial computation elimination scheme is proposed to further speed up the searching process. The method consists of offline model construction and online matching. In the process of model construction, triples and distance image are obtained from the template image. A certain number of triples which are composed by three points are created from the contour information that is extracted from the template image. The rule to select the three points is that the template contour is divided equally into three parts by these points. The distance image is obtained here by distance transform. Each point on the distance image represents the nearest distance between current point and the points on the template contour. During the process of matching, triples of the searching image are created with the same rule as the triples of the model. Through the similarity that is invariant to rotation, translation and scaling between triangles, the triples corresponding to the triples of the model are found. Then we can obtain the initial RST (rotation, translation and scaling) parameters mapping the searching contour to the template contour. In order to speed up the searching process, the points on the searching contour are sampled to reduce the number of the triples. To verify the RST parameters, the searching contour is projected into the distance image, and the mean distance can be computed rapidly by simple operations of addition and multiplication. In the fine searching process

  5. Pseudo-color coding method for high-dynamic single-polarization SAR images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Zicheng; Liu, Xiaolin; Pei, Bingzhi


    A raw synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image usually has a 16-bit or higher bit depth, which cannot be directly visualized on 8-bit displays. In this study, we propose a pseudo-color coding method for high-dynamic singlepolarization SAR images. The method considers the characteristics of both SAR images and human perception. In HSI (hue, saturation and intensity) color space, the method carries out high-dynamic range tone mapping and pseudo-color processing simultaneously in order to avoid loss of details and to improve object identifiability. It is a highly efficient global algorithm.

  6. MO-F-CAMPUS-J-04: Tissue Segmentation-Based MR Electron Density Mapping Method for MR-Only Radiation Treatment Planning of Brain

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yu, H; Lee, Y; Ruschin, M


    Purpose: Automatically derive electron density of tissues using MR images and generate a pseudo-CT for MR-only treatment planning of brain tumours. Methods: 20 stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) patients’ T1-weighted MR images and CT images were retrospectively acquired. First, a semi-automated tissue segmentation algorithm was developed to differentiate tissues with similar MR intensities and large differences in electron densities. The method started with approximately 12 slices of manually contoured spatial regions containing sinuses and airways, then air, bone, brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and eyes were automatically segmented using edge detection and anatomical information including location, shape, tissue uniformity and relative intensity distribution.more » Next, soft tissues - muscle and fat were segmented based on their relative intensity histogram. Finally, intensities of voxels in each segmented tissue were mapped into their electron density range to generate pseudo-CT by linearly fitting their relative intensity histograms. Co-registered CT was used as a ground truth. The bone segmentations of pseudo-CT were compared with those of co-registered CT obtained by using a 300HU threshold. The average distances between voxels on external edges of the skull of pseudo-CT and CT in three axial, coronal and sagittal slices with the largest width of skull were calculated. The mean absolute electron density (in Hounsfield unit) difference of voxels in each segmented tissues was calculated. Results: The average of distances between voxels on external skull from pseudo-CT and CT were 0.6±1.1mm (mean±1SD). The mean absolute electron density differences for bone, brain, CSF, muscle and fat are 78±114 HU, and 21±8 HU, 14±29 HU, 57±37 HU, and 31±63 HU, respectively. Conclusion: The semi-automated MR electron density mapping technique was developed using T1-weighted MR images. The generated pseudo-CT is comparable to that of CT in terms of anatomical position

  7. Magnetic mapping of (carbonated) oceanic crust-mantle boundary: New insights from Linnajavri, northern Norway

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tominaga, M.; Beinlich, A.; Tivey, M.; Andrade Lima, E.; Weiss, B. P.


    The contribution of lower oceanic crust and upper mantle to marine magnetic anomalies has long been recognized, but the detailed magnetic character of this non-volcanic source layer remains to be fully defined. Here, we report preliminary results of a magnetic survey and source characterization of a "carbonated" oceanic Moho (petrological "Mohorovicic discontinuity") sequence observed at the Linnajavri Serpentinite Complex (LSC), northern Norway. The LSC is located at 67° 36'N and 16° 24'E within the upper Allochthon of the Norwegian Caledonides and represents a dismembered ophiolite. Particularly in the southern ("Ridoalggicohkka") area of the LSC, gabbro, serpentinite and its talc-carbonate (soapstone) and quartz-carbonate (listvenite) altered equivalents are extraordinarily well-exposed [1]. An intact oceanic Moho is exposed here, despite its complex tectonic setting. The small degree of arctic rock weathering (≤ 2 mm weathering surface) allowed for detailed regional-scale surface magnetic mapping across alteration fronts (serpentinite-soapstone; soapstone-listvenite) and lithological contacts (soapstone-gabbro). Magnetic mapping was conducted using a handheld 3-axis magnetometer, surface-towed resistivity meter and Teka surface magnetic susceptometer with sample spacing of 1 m. Geophysical field mapping was combined with petrological observations and scanning SQUID microscopy (SM) mapping conducted on thin sections from rock samples that were drilled along the survey lines. Regional scale magnetic mapping indicates that the total magnetic field across both the "carbonated" Moho and the soapstone-serpentinite interfaces show higher frequency changes in their magnetic anomaly character and amplitudes than the surface-towed resistivity data. SQUID microscopy mapping of both natural remanence magnetization (NRM) and anhysteretic remanence magnetization (ARM) on gabbro, serpentinite, soapstone, and listvenite samples, with a sensor-sample separation of ˜190

  8. Surface-material maps of Viking landing sites on Mars

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moore, H. J.; Keller, J. M.


    Researchers mapped the surface materials at the Viking landing sites on Mars to gain a better understanding of the materials and rock populations at the sites and to provide information for future exploration. The maps extent to about 9 m in front of each lander and are about 15 m wide - an area comparable to the area of a pixel in high resolution Viking Orbiter images. The maps are divided into the near and far fields. Data for the near fields are from 1/10 scale maps, umpublished maps, and lander images. Data for the far fields are from 1/20 scale contour maps, contoured lander camera mosaics, and lander images. Rocks are located on these maps using stereometric measurements and the contour maps. Frequency size distribution of rocks and the responses of soil-like materials to erosion by engine exhausts during landings are discussed.

  9. Building a pseudo-atomic model of the anaphase-promoting complex.


    Kulkarni, Kiran; Zhang, Ziguo; Chang, Leifu; Yang, Jing; da Fonseca, Paula C A; Barford, David


    The anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) is a large E3 ubiquitin ligase that regulates progression through specific stages of the cell cycle by coordinating the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of cell-cycle regulatory proteins. Depending on the species, the active form of the APC/C consists of 14-15 different proteins that assemble into a 20-subunit complex with a mass of approximately 1.3 MDa. A hybrid approach of single-particle electron microscopy and protein crystallography of individual APC/C subunits has been applied to generate pseudo-atomic models of various functional states of the complex. Three approaches for assigning regions of the EM-derived APC/C density map to specific APC/C subunits are described. This information was used to dock atomic models of APC/C subunits, determined either by protein crystallography or homology modelling, to specific regions of the APC/C EM map, allowing the generation of a pseudo-atomic model corresponding to 80% of the entire complex.

  10. Automatic Substitute Computed Tomography Generation and Contouring for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Alone External Beam Radiation Therapy From Standard MRI Sequences

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dowling, Jason A., E-mail:; University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales; Sun, Jidi

    Purpose: To validate automatic substitute computed tomography CT (sCT) scans generated from standard T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance (MR) pelvic scans for MR-Sim prostate treatment planning. Patients and Methods: A Siemens Skyra 3T MR imaging (MRI) scanner with laser bridge, flat couch, and pelvic coil mounts was used to scan 39 patients scheduled for external beam radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer. For sCT generation a whole-pelvis MRI scan (1.6 mm 3-dimensional isotropic T2w SPACE [Sampling Perfection with Application optimized Contrasts using different flip angle Evolution] sequence) was acquired. Three additional small field of view scans were acquired: T2w, T2*w, and T1wmore » flip angle 80° for gold fiducials. Patients received a routine planning CT scan. Manual contouring of the prostate, rectum, bladder, and bones was performed independently on the CT and MR scans. Three experienced observers contoured each organ on MRI, allowing interobserver quantification. To generate a training database, each patient CT scan was coregistered to their whole-pelvis T2w using symmetric rigid registration and structure-guided deformable registration. A new multi-atlas local weighted voting method was used to generate automatic contours and sCT results. Results: The mean error in Hounsfield units between the sCT and corresponding patient CT (within the body contour) was 0.6 ± 14.7 (mean ± 1 SD), with a mean absolute error of 40.5 ± 8.2 Hounsfield units. Automatic contouring results were very close to the expert interobserver level (Dice similarity coefficient): prostate 0.80 ± 0.08, bladder 0.86 ± 0.12, rectum 0.84 ± 0.06, bones 0.91 ± 0.03, and body 1.00 ± 0.003. The change in monitor units between the sCT-based plans relative to the gold standard CT plan for the same dose prescription was found to be 0.3% ± 0.8%. The 3-dimensional γ pass rate was 1.00 ± 0.00 (2 mm/2%). Conclusions: The MR-Sim setup and automatic s

  11. Reconstruction of flux coordinates from discretized magnetic field maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Predebon, I.; Momo, B.; Suzuki, Y.; Auriemma, F.


    We provide a simple method to build a straight field-line coordinate system from discretized (Poincaré) magnetic field maps. The method is suitable for any plasma domain with nested flux surfaces, including magnetic islands. Illustrative examples are shown for tokamak, heliotron, and reversed-field-pinch plasmas with m = 1 islands.

  12. Entropy reduction via simplified image contourization

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Turner, Martin J.


    The process of contourization is presented which converts a raster image into a set of plateaux or contours. These contours can be grouped into a hierarchical structure, defining total spatial inclusion, called a contour tree. A contour coder has been developed which fully describes these contours in a compact and efficient manner and is the basis for an image compression method. Simplification of the contour tree has been undertaken by merging contour tree nodes thus lowering the contour tree's entropy. This can be exploited by the contour coder to increase the image compression ratio. By applying general and simple rules derived from physiological experiments on the human vision system, lossy image compression can be achieved which minimizes noticeable artifacts in the simplified image.

  13. Tunable Fermi Contour Anisotropy in GaAs Electron and Hole Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamburov, Dobromir G.

    This Thesis explores the ballistic transport of quasi two-dimensional (2D) electron and hole systems confined to GaAs quantum wells and subjected to a periodic, strain-induced density modulation. In the presence of an applied perpendicular magnetic field, whenever the diameter of the charged carriers' cyclotron orbit becomes commensurate with the period of the density modulation, the sample's resistance exhibits commensurability features. We use the commensurability effects to directly probe the size of the cyclotron orbit, the Fermi contour, and the spin-polarization of particles at low magnetic field and of composite fermions near even-denominator Landau level filling factors (nu). We establish how the commensurability signatures depend on the sample parameters, including the carrier density, the modulation period, and the width of the confining quantum well. In the presence of a small perpendicular magnetic field (B⊥ ), both 2D electrons and holes are essentially spin-unpolarized and their Fermi contours are nearly circular. When an additional parallel component B∥ is introduced, it couples to the carriers' out-of-plane motion and leads to a severe distortion of the energy bands and the Fermi contours. The degree of anisotropy is typically stronger in the wider quantum wells but it also depends on the carrier type. For a given QW width, holes become anisotropic more readily than electrons. The application of B ∥ also affects the spin-polarization of the carriers. Hole samples, for example, become more spin-polarized compared to electrons. We can semi-quantitatively explain the shape and size of the electron and hole Fermi contours with a theoretical calculation with no adjustable parameters based on an 8 x 8 Kane Hamiltonian. In addition to the electron and hole data at low perpendicular magnetic fields, we observe commensurability features for composite fermions near Landau level filling factors nu = 3=2, 1/2, and 1/4. Our data reveal an asymmetry of the

  14. Magnetic anomaly map of the central Cayman Trough, northwestern Caribbean Sea

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Dillon, William P.; Edgar, N. Terence; Parson, Lindsay M.; Scanlon, Kathryn M.; Driscoll, George R.; Jacobs, Colin L.


    This is the first large-scale published map of magnetic anomalies in the central Cayman Trough area. Two previously published very small scale maps based on much less data are a regional map (Gough and Heirtzler, 1969) and a map compiled from several tracklines running parallel to the axis of the Cayman Trough (MacDonald and Holcombe, 1978).

  15. Structures and magnetic properties of Co-Zr-B magnets studied by first-principles calculations


    Zhao, Xin; Ke, Liqin; Nguyen, Manh Cuong; ...


    The structures and magnetic properties of Co-Zr-B alloys near the composition of Co 5Zr with B at. % ≤6% were studied using adaptive genetic algorithm and first-principles calculations. The energy and magnetic moment contour maps as a function of chemical composition were constructed for the Co-Zr-B magnet alloys through extensive structure searches and calculations. We found that Co-Zr-B system exhibits the same structure motif as the “Co 11Zr 2” polymorphs, and such motif plays a key role in achieving strong magnetic anisotropy. Boron atoms were found to be able to substitute cobalt atoms or occupy the “interruption” sites. First-principles calculationsmore » showed that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies of the boron-doped alloys are close to that of the high-temperature rhombohedral Co 5Zr phase and larger than that of the low-temperature Co 5.25Zr phase. As a result, our calculations provide useful guidelines for further experimental optimization of the magnetic performances of these alloys.« less

  16. Orientation-Cue Invariant Population Responses to Contrast-Modulated and Phase-Reversed Contour Stimuli in Macaque V1 and V2

    PubMed Central

    An, Xu; Gong, Hongliang; Yin, Jiapeng; Wang, Xiaochun; Pan, Yanxia; Zhang, Xian; Lu, Yiliang; Yang, Yupeng; Toth, Zoltan; Schiessl, Ingo; McLoughlin, Niall; Wang, Wei


    Visual scenes can be readily decomposed into a variety of oriented components, the processing of which is vital for object segregation and recognition. In primate V1 and V2, most neurons have small spatio-temporal receptive fields responding selectively to oriented luminance contours (first order), while only a subgroup of neurons signal non-luminance defined contours (second order). So how is the orientation of second-order contours represented at the population level in macaque V1 and V2? Here we compared the population responses in macaque V1 and V2 to two types of second-order contour stimuli generated either by modulation of contrast or phase reversal with those to first-order contour stimuli. Using intrinsic signal optical imaging, we found that the orientation of second-order contour stimuli was represented invariantly in the orientation columns of both macaque V1 and V2. A physiologically constrained spatio-temporal energy model of V1 and V2 neuronal populations could reproduce all the recorded population responses. These findings suggest that, at the population level, the primate early visual system processes the orientation of second-order contours initially through a linear spatio-temporal filter mechanism. Our results of population responses to different second-order contour stimuli support the idea that the orientation maps in primate V1 and V2 can be described as a spatial-temporal energy map. PMID:25188576

  17. Cognitive Processes in Interpreting the Contour-Line Portrayal of Terrain Relief.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cross, Kenneth D.; And Others

    Designed to gain a more thorough understanding of the cognitive processes involved and apply this knowledge in defining improved teaching strategies, this study of contour interpretation (referred to as "position fixing") required 12 subjects to locate their position on a map after being transported, blindfolded, to test sites where…

  18. Impact of region contouring variability on image-based focal therapy evaluation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gibson, Eli; Donaldson, Ian A.; Shah, Taimur T.; Hu, Yipeng; Ahmed, Hashim U.; Barratt, Dean C.


    Motivation: Focal therapy is an emerging low-morbidity treatment option for low-intermediate risk prostate cancer; however, challenges remain in accurately delivering treatment to specified targets and determining treatment success. Registered multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MPMRI) acquired before and after treatment can support focal therapy evaluation and optimization; however, contouring variability, when defining the prostate, the clinical target volume (CTV) and the ablation region in images, reduces the precision of quantitative image-based focal therapy evaluation metrics. To inform the interpretation and clarify the limitations of such metrics, we investigated inter-observer contouring variability and its impact on four metrics. Methods: Pre-therapy and 2-week-post-therapy standard-of-care MPMRI were acquired from 5 focal cryotherapy patients. Two clinicians independently contoured, on each slice, the prostate (pre- and post-treatment) and the dominant index lesion CTV (pre-treatment) in the T2-weighted MRI, and the ablated region (post-treatment) in the dynamic-contrast- enhanced MRI. For each combination of clinician contours, post-treatment images were registered to pre-treatment images using a 3D biomechanical-model-based registration of prostate surfaces, and four metrics were computed: the proportion of the target tissue region that was ablated and the target:ablated region volume ratio for each of two targets (the CTV and an expanded planning target volume). Variance components analysis was used to measure the contribution of each type of contour to the variance in the therapy evaluation metrics. Conclusions: 14-23% of evaluation metric variance was attributable to contouring variability (including 6-12% from ablation region contouring); reducing this variability could improve the precision of focal therapy evaluation metrics.

  19. Equivalent magnetization over the World's Ocean and the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dyment, Jerome; Choi, Yujin; Hamoudi, Mohamed; Thébault, Erwan; Quesnel, Yoann; Roest, Walter; Lesur, Vincent


    As a by-product of our recent work to build a candidate model over the oceans for the second version of the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM), we derived global distributions of the equivalent magnetization in oceanic domains. In a first step, we use classic point source forward modeling on a spherical Earth to build a forward model of the marine magnetic anomalies at sea-surface. We estimate magnetization vectors using the age map of the ocean floor, the relative plate motions, the apparent polar wander path for Africa, and a geomagnetic reversal time scale. We assume two possible magnetized source geometry, involving both a 1 km-thick layer bearing a 10 A/m magnetization either on a regular spherical shell with a constant, 5 km-deep, bathymetry (simple geometry) or following the topography of the oceanic basement as defined by the bathymetry and sedimentary thickness (realistic geometry). Adding a present-day geomagnetic field model allows the computation of our initial magnetic anomaly model. In a second step, we adjust this model to the existing marine magnetic anomaly data, in order to make it consistent with these data. To do so, we extract synthetic magnetic along the ship tracks for which real data are available and we compare quantitatively the measured and computed anomalies on 100, 200 or 400 km-long sliding windows (depending the spreading rate). Among the possible comparison criteria, we discard the maximal range - too dependent on local values - and the correlation and coherency - the geographical adjustment between model and data being not accurate enough - to favor the standard deviation around the mean value. The ratio between the standard deviations of data and model on each sliding window represent an estimate of the magnetization ratio causing the anomalies, which we interpolate to adjust the initial magnetic anomaly model to the data and therefore compute a final model to be included in our WDMAM candidate over the oceanic regions

  20. Method for contour extraction for object representation


    Skourikhine, Alexei N.; Prasad, Lakshman


    Contours are extracted for representing a pixelated object in a background pixel field. An object pixel is located that is the start of a new contour for the object and identifying that pixel as the first pixel of the new contour. A first contour point is then located on the mid-point of a transition edge of the first pixel. A tracing direction from the first contour point is determined for tracing the new contour. Contour points on mid-points of pixel transition edges are sequentially located along the tracing direction until the first contour point is again encountered to complete tracing the new contour. The new contour is then added to a list of extracted contours that represent the object. The contour extraction process associates regions and contours by labeling all the contours belonging to the same object with the same label.

  1. Zero TE-based pseudo-CT image conversion in the head and its application in PET/MR attenuation correction and MR-guided radiation therapy planning.


    Wiesinger, Florian; Bylund, Mikael; Yang, Jaewon; Kaushik, Sandeep; Shanbhag, Dattesh; Ahn, Sangtae; Jonsson, Joakim H; Lundman, Josef A; Hope, Thomas; Nyholm, Tufve; Larson, Peder; Cozzini, Cristina


    To describe a method for converting Zero TE (ZTE) MR images into X-ray attenuation information in the form of pseudo-CT images and demonstrate its performance for (1) attenuation correction (AC) in PET/MR and (2) dose planning in MR-guided radiation therapy planning (RTP). Proton density-weighted ZTE images were acquired as input for MR-based pseudo-CT conversion, providing (1) efficient capture of short-lived bone signals, (2) flat soft-tissue contrast, and (3) fast and robust 3D MR imaging. After bias correction and normalization, the images were segmented into bone, soft-tissue, and air by means of thresholding and morphological refinements. Fixed Hounsfield replacement values were assigned for air (-1000 HU) and soft-tissue (+42 HU), whereas continuous linear mapping was used for bone. The obtained ZTE-derived pseudo-CT images accurately resembled the true CT images (i.e., Dice coefficient for bone overlap of 0.73 ± 0.08 and mean absolute error of 123 ± 25 HU evaluated over the whole head, including errors from residual registration mismatches in the neck and mouth regions). The linear bone mapping accounted for bone density variations. Averaged across five patients, ZTE-based AC demonstrated a PET error of -0.04 ± 1.68% relative to CT-based AC. Similarly, for RTP assessed in eight patients, the absolute dose difference over the target volume was found to be 0.23 ± 0.42%. The described method enables MR to pseudo-CT image conversion for the head in an accurate, robust, and fast manner without relying on anatomical prior knowledge. Potential applications include PET/MR-AC, and MR-guided RTP. © 2018 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  2. CHAMP Magnetic Anomalies of the Antarctic Crust

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kim, Hyung Rae; Gaya-Pique, Luis R.; vonFrese, Ralph R. B.; Taylor, Patrick T.; Kim, Jeong Woo


    Regional magnetic signals of the crust are strongly masked by the core field and its secular variations components and hence difficult to isolate in the satellite measurements. In particular, the un-modeled effects of the strong auroral external fields and the complicated- behavior of the core field near the geomagnetic poles conspire to greatly reduce the crustal magnetic signal-to-noise ratio in the polar regions relative to the rest of the Earth. We can, however, use spectral correlation theory to filter the static lithospheric and core field components from the dynamic external field effects. To help isolate regional lithospheric from core field components, the correlations between CHAMP magnetic anomalies and the pseudo magnetic effects inferred from gravity-derived crustal thickness variations can also be exploited.. Employing these procedures, we processed the CHAMP magnetic observations for an improved magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic crust. Relative to the much higher altitude Orsted and noisier Magsat observations, the CHAMP magnetic anomalies at 400 km altitude reveal new details on the effects of intracrustal magnetic features and crustal thickness variations of the Antarctic.

  3. A Model to Aid Topo-Map Interpretation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Westerback, Mary


    Describes how to construct models of contour lines from flexible, colored bell wire. These models are used to illustrate three-dimensional terrain characteristics represented by contour lines printed on a flat map. (MLH)

  4. The influence of uncertain map features on risk beliefs and perceived ambiguity for maps of modeled cancer risk from air pollution

    PubMed Central

    Myers, Jeffrey D.


    Maps are often used to convey information generated by models, for example, modeled cancer risk from air pollution. The concrete nature of images, such as maps, may convey more certainty than warranted for modeled information. Three map features were selected to communicate the uncertainty of modeled cancer risk: (a) map contours appeared in or out of focus, (b) one or three colors were used, and (c) a verbal-relative or numeric risk expression was used in the legend. Study aims were to assess how these features influenced risk beliefs and the ambiguity of risk beliefs at four assigned map locations that varied by risk level. We applied an integrated conceptual framework to conduct this full factorial experiment with 32 maps that varied by the three dichotomous features and four risk levels; 826 university students participated. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Unfocused contours and the verbal-relative risk expression generated more ambiguity than their counterparts. Focused contours generated stronger risk beliefs for higher risk levels and weaker beliefs for lower risk levels. Number of colors had minimal influence. The magnitude of risk level, conveyed using incrementally darker shading, had a substantial dose-response influence on the strength of risk beliefs. Personal characteristics of prior beliefs and numeracy also had substantial influences. Bottom-up and top-down information processing suggest why iconic visual features of incremental shading and contour focus had the strongest visual influences on risk beliefs and ambiguity. Variations in contour focus and risk expression show promise for fostering appropriate levels of ambiguity. PMID:22985196

  5. Learning to Link Visual Contours

    PubMed Central

    Li, Wu; Piëch, Valentin; Gilbert, Charles D.


    SUMMARY In complex visual scenes, linking related contour elements is important for object recognition. This process, thought to be stimulus driven and hard wired, has substrates in primary visual cortex (V1). Here, however, we find contour integration in V1 to depend strongly on perceptual learning and top-down influences that are specific to contour detection. In naive monkeys the information about contours embedded in complex backgrounds is absent in V1 neuronal responses, and is independent of the locus of spatial attention. Training animals to find embedded contours induces strong contour-related responses specific to the trained retinotopic region. These responses are most robust when animals perform the contour detection task, but disappear under anesthesia. Our findings suggest that top-down influences dynamically adapt neural circuits according to specific perceptual tasks. This may serve as a general neuronal mechanism of perceptual learning, and reflect top-down mediated changes in cortical states. PMID:18255036

  6. CONTOUR investigation launched

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Showstack, Randy

    On 27 August, NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe appointed a team to investigate the apparent loss of the Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) spacecraft, which stopped communicating with the mission control operations on 15 August.On that date, CONTOUR failed to communicate following the firing of its main engine that would take it out of its orbit around the Earth. Shortly afterwards, the mission team received telescope images from several observatories showing two objects traveling along the spacecraft's predicted path. Those objects could be CONTOUR, and part of the spacecraft that may have separated from it when the spacecraft's solid rocket motor fired.

  7. Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction


    ... condition as adults. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction may be acute, occurring suddenly and lasting a short time, or it may be chronic, or long lasting. Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, also called Ogilvie syndrome or ...

  8. Environmental magnetic methods for detecting and mapping contaminated sediments in lakes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boyce, J. I.


    The remediation of contaminated sediments is an urgent environmental priority in the Great Lakes and requires detailed mapping of impacted sediment layer thickness, areal distribution and pollutant levels. Magnetic property measurements of sediment cores from two heavily polluted basins in Lake Ontario (Hamilton Harbour, Frenchman's Bay) show that concentrations of hydrocarbons (PAH) and a number of heavy metals (Pb, As, Ni, Cu, Cr, Zn, Cd, Fe) are strongly correlated with magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic susceptibility contrast between the contaminated sediment and underlying 'pre-colonial' sediments is sufficient to generate a total field anomaly (ca. 2-20 nT) that can be measured with a magnetometer towed above the lake bed. Systematic magnetic surveying (550 line km) of Hamilton Harbour using a towed marine magnetometer clearly identifies a number of well-defined magnetic anomalies that coincide with known accumulations of contaminated lake sediment. When calibrated against in-situ magnetic property measurements, the modeled apparent susceptibility from magnetic survey results can be used to classify the relative contaminant impact levels. The results demonstrate the potential of magnetic property measurements for rapid reconnaissance mapping of large areas of bottom contamination prior to detailed coring and sediment remediation.

  9. Successive magnetic transitions of the pseudo-ternary compounds Ho1-xRxRh2Si2 (R=Y, La)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shigeoka, Toru; Uchima, Kiyoharu; Uwatoko, Yoshiya


    Magnetic measurements on the pseudo-ternary compounds Ho1-xRxRh2Si2 (R = Y or La = Y or La) were performed in order to get information on the origin of "the successive component-separated magnetic transitions" which appear in HoRh2Si2. The lattice parameters a and c remain almost constant during changes to Y composition x, while they increase with increasing La composition x. The c/a ratios are also constant in the Y-system, and they increase with increasing x in the La-system especially for above around x = 0.4. The transition temperatures, TN1 = 29.1 K, Tt = 27.3 K and TN2 =12.1 K at x = 0, decrease with increasing x. The rates of decrease for TN1 and TN2 in the Y-system accord with those in the La system below x = 0.4. The critical compositions for TN1 and TN2 are determined to be xN1 = 0.88 and xN2 = 0.59 in the La-system, respectively, and xN1 = 0.98 and xN2 = 0.75 in the Y-system. In both the systems, "the successive component-separated magnetic transitions" appear for the wide x regions. The magnetic ordered state persists in very dilute Ho-compounds in spite of much weak magnetic interactions. The effective magnetic moments are almost constant for the ordered compounds; μeff = 10.6 ± 0.30 μB/Ho. These behaviors are strange, indicating a strong correlation exists in these systems.

  10. Estimation of uncertainty for contour method residual stress measurements


    Olson, Mitchell D.; DeWald, Adrian T.; Prime, Michael B.; ...


    This paper describes a methodology for the estimation of measurement uncertainty for the contour method, where the contour method is an experimental technique for measuring a two-dimensional map of residual stress over a plane. Random error sources including the error arising from noise in displacement measurements and the smoothing of the displacement surfaces are accounted for in the uncertainty analysis. The output is a two-dimensional, spatially varying uncertainty estimate such that every point on the cross-section where residual stress is determined has a corresponding uncertainty value. Both numerical and physical experiments are reported, which are used to support the usefulnessmore » of the proposed uncertainty estimator. The uncertainty estimator shows the contour method to have larger uncertainty near the perimeter of the measurement plane. For the experiments, which were performed on a quenched aluminum bar with a cross section of 51 × 76 mm, the estimated uncertainty was approximately 5 MPa (σ/E = 7 · 10⁻⁵) over the majority of the cross-section, with localized areas of higher uncertainty, up to 10 MPa (σ/E = 14 · 10⁻⁵).« less

  11. Enhancement and Passive Acoustic Mapping of Cavitation from Fluorescently Tagged Magnetic Resonance-Visible Magnetic Microbubbles In Vivo.


    Crake, Calum; Owen, Joshua; Smart, Sean; Coviello, Christian; Coussios, Constantin-C; Carlisle, Robert; Stride, Eleanor


    Previous work has indicated the potential of magnetically functionalized microbubbles to localize and enhance cavitation activity under focused ultrasound exposure in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate magnetic targeting of microbubbles for promotion of cavitation in vivo. Fluorescently labelled magnetic microbubbles were administered intravenously in a murine xenograft model. Cavitation was induced using a 0.5-MHz focused ultrasound transducer at peak negative focal pressures of 1.2-2.0 MPa and monitored in real-time using B-mode imaging and passive acoustic mapping. Magnetic targeting was found to increase the amplitude of the cavitation signal by approximately 50% compared with untargeted bubbles. Post-exposure magnetic resonance imaging indicated deposition of magnetic nanoparticles in tumours. Magnetic targeting was similarly associated with increased fluorescence intensity in the tumours after the experiments. These results suggest that magnetic targeting could potentially be used to improve delivery of cavitation-mediated therapy and that passive acoustic mapping could be used for real-time monitoring of this process. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Multiple Active Contours Guided by Differential Evolution for Medical Image Segmentation

    PubMed Central

    Cruz-Aceves, I.; Avina-Cervantes, J. G.; Lopez-Hernandez, J. M.; Rostro-Gonzalez, H.; Garcia-Capulin, C. H.; Torres-Cisneros, M.; Guzman-Cabrera, R.


    This paper presents a new image segmentation method based on multiple active contours guided by differential evolution, called MACDE. The segmentation method uses differential evolution over a polar coordinate system to increase the exploration and exploitation capabilities regarding the classical active contour model. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a set of synthetic images with complex objects, Gaussian noise, and deep concavities is introduced. Subsequently, MACDE is applied on datasets of sequential computed tomography and magnetic resonance images which contain the human heart and the human left ventricle, respectively. Finally, to obtain a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the medical image segmentations compared to regions outlined by experts, a set of distance and similarity metrics has been adopted. According to the experimental results, MACDE outperforms the classical active contour model and the interactive Tseng method in terms of efficiency and robustness for obtaining the optimal control points and attains a high accuracy segmentation. PMID:23983809

  13. Topological Cacti: Visualizing Contour-based Statistics

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Weber, Gunther H.; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Pascucci, Valerio


    Contours, the connected components of level sets, play an important role in understanding the global structure of a scalar field. In particular their nestingbehavior and topology-often represented in form of a contour tree-have been used extensively for visualization and analysis. However, traditional contour trees onlyencode structural properties like number of contours or the nesting of contours, but little quantitative information such as volume or other statistics. Here we use thesegmentation implied by a contour tree to compute a large number of per-contour (interval) based statistics of both the function defining the contour tree as well asother co-located functions. We introducemore » a new visual metaphor for contour trees, called topological cacti, that extends the traditional toporrery display of acontour tree to display additional quantitative information as width of the cactus trunk and length of its spikes. We apply the new technique to scalar fields ofvarying dimension and different measures to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.« less

  14. Mars synthetic topographic mapping

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wu, S.S.C.


    Topographic contour maps of Mars are compiled by the synthesis of data acquired from various scientific experiments of the Mariner 9 mission, including S-band radio-occulation, the ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS), the infrared radiometer (IRR), the infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) and television imagery, as well as Earth-based radar information collected at Goldstone, Haystack, and Arecibo Observatories. The entire planet is mapped at scales of 1:25,000,000 and 1:25,000,000 using Mercator, Lambert, and polar stereographic map projections. For the computation of map projections, a biaxial spheroid figure is adopted. The semimajor and semiminor axes are 3393.4 and 3375.7 km, respectively, with a polar flattening of 0.0052. For the computation of elevations, a topographic datum is defined by a gravity field described in terms of spherical harmonics of fourth order and fourth degree combined with a 6.1-mbar occulation pressure surface. This areoid can be approximated by a triaxial ellipsoid with semimajor axes of A = 3394.6 km and B = 3393.3 km and a semiminor axis of C = 3376.3 km. The semimajor axis A intersects the Martian surface at longitude 105??W. The dynamic flattening of Mars is 0.00525. The contour intercal of the maps is 1 km. For some prominent features where overlapping pictures from Mariner 9 are available, local contour maps at relatively larger scales were also compiled by photogrammetric methods on stereo plotters. ?? 1978.

  15. Gravity and magnetic anomaly modeling and correlation using the SPHERE program and Magsat data

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Braile, L. W.; Hinze, W. J. (Principal Investigator); Vonfrese, R. R. B.


    The spherical Earth inversion, modeling, and contouring software were tested and modified for processing data in the Southern Hemisphere. Preliminary geologic/tectonic maps and selected cross sections for South and Central America and the Caribbean region are being compiled and as well as gravity and magnetic models for the major geological features of the area. A preliminary gravity model of the Andeas Beniff Zone was constructed so that the density columns east and west of the subducted plates are in approximate isostatic equilibrium. The magnetic anomaly for the corresponding magnetic model of the zone is being computed with the SPHERE program. A test tape containing global magnetic measurements was converted to a tape compatible with Purdue's CDC system. NOO data were screened for periods of high diurnal activity and reduced to anomaly form using the IGS-75 model. Magnetic intensity anomaly profiles were plotted on the conterminous U.S. map using the track lines as the anomaly base level. The transcontinental magnetic high seen in POGO and MAGSAT data is also represented in the NOO data.

  16. Automatic segmentation of closed-contour features in ophthalmic images using graph theory and dynamic programming.


    Chiu, Stephanie J; Toth, Cynthia A; Bowes Rickman, Catherine; Izatt, Joseph A; Farsiu, Sina


    This paper presents a generalized framework for segmenting closed-contour anatomical and pathological features using graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP). More specifically, the GTDP method previously developed for quantifying retinal and corneal layer thicknesses is extended to segment objects such as cells and cysts. The presented technique relies on a transform that maps closed-contour features in the Cartesian domain into lines in the quasi-polar domain. The features of interest are then segmented as layers via GTDP. Application of this method to segment closed-contour features in several ophthalmic image types is shown. Quantitative validation experiments for retinal pigmented epithelium cell segmentation in confocal fluorescence microscopy images attests to the accuracy of the presented technique.

  17. Automatic segmentation of closed-contour features in ophthalmic images using graph theory and dynamic programming

    PubMed Central

    Chiu, Stephanie J.; Toth, Cynthia A.; Bowes Rickman, Catherine; Izatt, Joseph A.; Farsiu, Sina


    This paper presents a generalized framework for segmenting closed-contour anatomical and pathological features using graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP). More specifically, the GTDP method previously developed for quantifying retinal and corneal layer thicknesses is extended to segment objects such as cells and cysts. The presented technique relies on a transform that maps closed-contour features in the Cartesian domain into lines in the quasi-polar domain. The features of interest are then segmented as layers via GTDP. Application of this method to segment closed-contour features in several ophthalmic image types is shown. Quantitative validation experiments for retinal pigmented epithelium cell segmentation in confocal fluorescence microscopy images attests to the accuracy of the presented technique. PMID:22567602

  18. Relaxation-based viscosity mapping for magnetic particle imaging.


    Utkur, M; Muslu, Y; Saritas, E U


    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) has been shown to provide remarkable contrast for imaging applications such as angiography, stem cell tracking, and cancer imaging. Recently, there is growing interest in the functional imaging capabilities of MPI, where 'color MPI' techniques have explored separating different nanoparticles, which could potentially be used to distinguish nanoparticles in different states or environments. Viscosity mapping is a promising functional imaging application for MPI, as increased viscosity levels in vivo have been associated with numerous diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cancer. In this work, we propose a viscosity mapping technique for MPI through the estimation of the relaxation time constant of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the proposed time constant estimation scheme does not require any prior information regarding the nanoparticles. We validate this method with extensive experiments in an in-house magnetic particle spectroscopy (MPS) setup at four different frequencies (between 250 Hz and 10.8 kHz) and at three different field strengths (between 5 mT and 15 mT) for viscosities ranging between 0.89 mPa · s-15.33 mPa · s. Our results demonstrate the viscosity mapping ability of MPI in the biologically relevant viscosity range.

  19. Relaxation-based viscosity mapping for magnetic particle imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Utkur, M.; Muslu, Y.; Saritas, E. U.


    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) has been shown to provide remarkable contrast for imaging applications such as angiography, stem cell tracking, and cancer imaging. Recently, there is growing interest in the functional imaging capabilities of MPI, where ‘color MPI’ techniques have explored separating different nanoparticles, which could potentially be used to distinguish nanoparticles in different states or environments. Viscosity mapping is a promising functional imaging application for MPI, as increased viscosity levels in vivo have been associated with numerous diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cancer. In this work, we propose a viscosity mapping technique for MPI through the estimation of the relaxation time constant of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the proposed time constant estimation scheme does not require any prior information regarding the nanoparticles. We validate this method with extensive experiments in an in-house magnetic particle spectroscopy (MPS) setup at four different frequencies (between 250 Hz and 10.8 kHz) and at three different field strengths (between 5 mT and 15 mT) for viscosities ranging between 0.89 mPa · s-15.33 mPa · s. Our results demonstrate the viscosity mapping ability of MPI in the biologically relevant viscosity range.

  20. Mapping of the total magnetic field in the area of Lake Balaton

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Visnovitz, Ferenc; Hegyi, Betti; Raveloson, Andrea; Rozman, Gábor; Lenkey, László; Kovács, Péter; Csontos, András; Heilig, Balázs; Horváth, Ferenc


    The Lake Balaton with 600 km2 area represents the largest lake in Central Europe and a blank spot on the magnetic anomaly map of Hungary. It is because the construction of the Hungarian magnetic anomaly map dates back to the 1960s and relied mainly on classical vertical-field balance surveys. To fill the gap, we initiated a systematic mapping using modern magnetometers and positioning system in the framework of a complex geophysical study of Lake Balaton (National Research Project 109255 K). The main goal of this study has been to identify subvolcanic bodies and tectonic structures below the lake and correlate them with well-known features mapped onshore in the vicinity of Balaton. During the magnetic survey an Overhauser field magnetometer (GEM System, GSM-19) was mounted on a plastic boat and towed behind a motorboat in a distance of 20 m with a speed of 6 to 16 km/h depending on weather conditions. Tests measurements showed that at this distance the magnetic noise generated by the motorboat was negligible. We measured total field values with a sampling interval of 1 to 2 s. As a result, the whole lake has been covered by magnetic profiles in an orthogonal grid with spacing of 1 km. During data interpretation we applied for correction of temporal variation of magnetic field registered in the Tihany Geophysical Observatory and normal field correction from a regional model. The final anomaly map in the western part of the lake shows anomalies with amplitudes of 20 to 60 nT and a half wavelength of 0.5 to 1 km. A larger feature was recognized related to the Badacsony Hill a major basaltic bute at the northern shore of the lake. In the middle part of the lake the total field is rather smooth, no significant anomaly has been revealed. However, slight disturbances can be noticed in the proximity of a neotectonic fault zone mapped by high resolution seismic data. In the eastern part of the lake few low amplitude (5-20 nT) anomalies have been observed that are associated

  1. Construction of Improved Maps of Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field at Northern Midlatitudes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hood, L. L.; Oliveira, J. S.


    We report progress toward the construction of a refined version of the northern midlatitude crustal magnetic field map of Hood [GRL, 2016], extended to cover latitudes from 35N to 80N and all longitudes. The main improvements include: (1) Combining MESSENGER magnetometer data from August and September of 2014 with that from February, March, and April of 2015 to provide the best overall input data set for mapping and the largest possible area of coverage; (2) improving the elimination of external and core field contamination by using a model for Mercury's core field and a more conservative high-pass filter length; and (3) improving the equivalent source dipole (ESD) mapping technique using an equidistant equivalent source dipole array and varying the depth, orientation, and resolution of the array to minimize the overall root mean square misfit. Combining data from the two time intervals allows the total latitude range of the final map to be increased by at least 5 degrees to 35N - 80N. Also, previous mapping has concentrated on the hemisphere from 90E to 270E; inclusion of all available data will allow the final maps to be extended to all longitudes, more than doubling the coverage reported by Hood [2016]. Previous work has demonstrated a concentration of relatively strong magnetic anomalies near and within the Caloris impact basin. A secondary concentration near Sobkou Planitia, which contains an older impact basin, was also found. The existence of anomalies within the Caloris rim implies that a steady magnetizing field, i.e., a core dynamo, was present when this basin formed. A major application of the improved map will be to investigate whether anomalies are concentrated near and within other impact basins. If some basins are found not to have concentrations of magnetic anomalies, this could imply a role of impactor composition (e.g., iron content) in producing the crustal materials that are most strongly magnetized, as has previously been proposed to be the

  2. Contoured Surface Eddy Current Inspection System


    Batzinger, Thomas James; Fulton, James Paul; Rose, Curtis Wayne; Perocchi, Lee Cranford


    Eddy current inspection of a contoured surface of a workpiece is performed by forming a backing piece of flexible, resiliently yieldable material with a contoured exterior surface conforming in shape to the workpiece contoured surface. The backing piece is preferably cast in place so as to conform to the workpiece contoured surface. A flexible eddy current array probe is attached to the contoured exterior surface of the backing piece such that the probe faces the contoured surface of the workpiece to be inspected when the backing piece is disposed adjacent to the workpiece. The backing piece is then expanded volumetrically by inserting at least one shim into a slot in the backing piece to provide sufficient contact pressure between the probe and the workpiece contoured surface to enable the inspection of the workpiece contoured surface to be performed.

  3. Brain tumor segmentation with Vander Lugt correlator based active contour.


    Essadike, Abdelaziz; Ouabida, Elhoussaine; Bouzid, Abdenbi


    The manual segmentation of brain tumors from medical images is an error-prone, sensitive, and time-absorbing process. This paper presents an automatic and fast method of brain tumor segmentation. In the proposed method, a numerical simulation of the optical Vander Lugt correlator is used for automatically detecting the abnormal tissue region. The tumor filter, used in the simulated optical correlation, is tailored to all the brain tumor types and especially to the Glioblastoma, which considered to be the most aggressive cancer. The simulated optical correlation, computed between Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) and this filter, estimates precisely and automatically the initial contour inside the tumorous tissue. Further, in the segmentation part, the detected initial contour is used to define an active contour model and presenting the problematic as an energy minimization problem. As a result, this initial contour assists the algorithm to evolve an active contour model towards the exact tumor boundaries. Equally important, for a comparison purposes, we considered different active contour models and investigated their impact on the performance of the segmentation task. Several images from BRATS database with tumors anywhere in images and having different sizes, contrast, and shape, are used to test the proposed system. Furthermore, several performance metrics are computed to present an aggregate overview of the proposed method advantages. The proposed method achieves a high accuracy in detecting the tumorous tissue by a parameter returned by the simulated optical correlation. In addition, the proposed method yields better performance compared to the active contour based methods with the averages of Sensitivity=0.9733, Dice coefficient = 0.9663, Hausdroff distance = 2.6540, Specificity = 0.9994, and faster with a computational time average of 0.4119 s per image. Results reported on BRATS database reveal that our proposed system improves over the recently published

  4. PREFACE: 3rd International Workshop on Materials Analysis and Processing in Magnetic Fields (MAP3)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakka, Yoshio; Hirota, Noriyuki; Horii, Shigeru; Ando, Tsutomu


    The 3rd International Workshop on Materials Analysis and Processing in Materials Fields (MAP3) was held on 14-16 May 2008 at the University of Tokyo, Japan. The first was held in March 2004 at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, USA. Two years later the second took place in Grenoble, France. MAP3 was held at The University of Tokyo International Symposium, and jointly with MANA Workshop on Materials Processing by External Stimulation, and JSPS CORE Program of Construction of the World Center on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials. At the end of MAP3 it was decided that the next MAP4 will be held in Atlanta, USA in 2010. Processing in magnetic fields is a rapidly expanding research area with a wide range of promising applications in materials science. MAP3 focused on the magnetic field interactions involved in the study and processing of materials in all disciplines ranging from physics to chemistry and biology: Magnetic field effects on chemical, physical, and biological phenomena Magnetic field effects on electrochemical phenomena Magnetic field effects on thermodynamic phenomena Magnetic field effects on hydrodynamic phenomena Magnetic field effects on crystal growth Magnetic processing of materials Diamagnetic levitation Magneto-Archimedes effect Spin chemistry Application of magnetic fields to analytical chemistry Magnetic orientation Control of structure by magnetic fields Magnetic separation and purification Magnetic field-induced phase transitions Materials properties in high magnetic fields Development of NMR and MRI Medical application of magnetic fields Novel magnetic phenomena Physical property measurement by Magnetic fields High magnetic field generation> MAP3 consisted of 84 presentations including 16 invited talks. This volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series contains the proceeding of MAP3 with 34 papers that provide a scientific record of the topics covered by the conference with the special topics (13 papers) in

  5. MRI segmentation by active contours model, 3D reconstruction, and visualization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lopez-Hernandez, Juan M.; Velasquez-Aguilar, J. Guadalupe


    The advances in 3D data modelling methods are becoming increasingly popular in the areas of biology, chemistry and medical applications. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI) technique has progressed at a spectacular rate over the past few years, its uses have been spread over many applications throughout the body in both anatomical and functional investigations. In this paper we present the application of Zernike polynomials for 3D mesh model of the head using the contour acquired of cross-sectional slices by active contour model extraction and we propose the visualization with OpenGL 3D Graphics of the 2D-3D (slice-surface) information for the diagnostic aid in medical applications.

  6. Three-dimensional surface contouring of macroscopic objects by means of phase-difference images.


    Velásquez Prieto, Daniel; Garcia-Sucerquia, Jorge


    We report a technique to determine the 3D contour of objects with dimensions of at least 4 orders of magnitude larger than the illumination optical wavelength. Our proposal is based on the numerical reconstruction of the optical wave field of digitally recorded holograms. The required modulo 2pi phase map in any contouring process is obtained by means of the direct subtraction of two phase-contrast images under different illumination angles to create a phase-difference image of a still object. Obtaining the phase-difference images is only possible by using the capability of numerical reconstruction of the complex optical field provided by digital holography. This unique characteristic leads us to a robust, reliable, and fast procedure that requires only two images. A theoretical analysis of the contouring system is shown, with verification by means of numerical and experimental results.

  7. Release of the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map version 2 (WDMAM v2) scheduled

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dyment, Jérôme; Lesur, Vincent; Choi, Yujin; Hamoudi, Mohamed; Thébault, Erwan; Catalan, Manuel


    The World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map is an international initiative carried out under the auspices of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW). A first version of the map has been published and distributed eight years ago (WDMAM v1; Korhonen et al., 2007). After a call for an improved second version of the map in 2011, the slow process of data compilation, map preparation, evaluation and finalization is near completion, and the WDMAM v2 will be released at the International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG) meeting to be held in Prag in June-July 2015. In this presentation we display several shortcomings of the WDMAM v1, both on continental and oceanic areas, that are hopefully alleviated in the WDMAM v2, and discuss the process leading to the new map. We reiterate a long-standing call for aeromagnetic and marine magnetic data contribution, and explore future directions to pursue the effort toward a more complete, higher resolution magnetic anomaly map of the World.

  8. Ecological statistics of Gestalt laws for the perceptual organization of contours.


    Elder, James H; Goldberg, Richard M


    Although numerous studies have measured the strength of visual grouping cues for controlled psychophysical stimuli, little is known about the statistical utility of these various cues for natural images. In this study, we conducted experiments in which human participants trace perceived contours in natural images. These contours are automatically mapped to sequences of discrete tangent elements detected in the image. By examining relational properties between pairs of successive tangents on these traced curves, and between randomly selected pairs of tangents, we are able to estimate the likelihood distributions required to construct an optimal Bayesian model for contour grouping. We employed this novel methodology to investigate the inferential power of three classical Gestalt cues for contour grouping: proximity, good continuation, and luminance similarity. The study yielded a number of important results: (1) these cues, when appropriately defined, are approximately uncorrelated, suggesting a simple factorial model for statistical inference; (2) moderate image-to-image variation of the statistics indicates the utility of general probabilistic models for perceptual organization; (3) these cues differ greatly in their inferential power, proximity being by far the most powerful; and (4) statistical modeling of the proximity cue indicates a scale-invariant power law in close agreement with prior psychophysics.

  9. Joint Denoising/Compression of Image Contours via Shape Prior and Context Tree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Amin; Cheung, Gene; Florencio, Dinei


    With the advent of depth sensing technologies, the extraction of object contours in images---a common and important pre-processing step for later higher-level computer vision tasks like object detection and human action recognition---has become easier. However, acquisition noise in captured depth images means that detected contours suffer from unavoidable errors. In this paper, we propose to jointly denoise and compress detected contours in an image for bandwidth-constrained transmission to a client, who can then carry out aforementioned application-specific tasks using the decoded contours as input. We first prove theoretically that in general a joint denoising / compression approach can outperform a separate two-stage approach that first denoises then encodes contours lossily. Adopting a joint approach, we first propose a burst error model that models typical errors encountered in an observed string y of directional edges. We then formulate a rate-constrained maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem that trades off the posterior probability p(x'|y) of an estimated string x' given y with its code rate R(x'). We design a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm that solves the posed problem optimally, and propose a compact context representation called total suffix tree (TST) that can reduce complexity of the algorithm dramatically. Experimental results show that our joint denoising / compression scheme outperformed a competing separate scheme in rate-distortion performance noticeably.

  10. Aerial radiometric and magnetic survey: Lander National Topographic Map, Wyoming

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    The results of analyses of the airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey flown for the region identified as the Lander National Topographic Map NK12-6 are presented. The airborne data gathered are reduced by ground computer facilities to yield profile plots of the basic uranium, thorium and potassium equivalent gamma radiation intensities, ratios of these intensities, aircraft altitude above the earth's surface, total gamma ray and earth's magnetic field intensity, correlated as a function of geologic units. The distribution of data within each geologic unit, for all surveyed map lines and tie lines, has been calculated and is included.more » Two sets of profiled data for each line are included, with one set displaying the above-cited data. The second set includes only flight line magnetic field, temperature, pressure, altitude data plus magnetic field data as measured at a base station. A general description of the area, including descriptions of the various geologic units and the corresponding airborne data, is included also.« less

  11. A symplectic map for trajectories of magnetic field lines in double-null divertor tokamaks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Crank, Willie; Ali, Halima; Punjabi, Alkesh


    The coordinates of the area-preserving map equations for integration of magnetic field line trajectories in tokamaks can be any coordinates for which a transformation to (ψ,θ,φ) coordinates exists [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys. Lett. A 364, 140 (2007)]. ψ is toroidal magnetic flux, θ is poloidal angle, and φ is toroidal angle. This freedom is exploited to construct a map that represents the magnetic topology of double-null divertor tokamaks. For this purpose, the generating function of the simple map [A. Punjabi, A. Verma, and A. Boozer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3322 (1992)] is slightly modified. The resulting map equations for the double-null divertor tokamaks are: x1=x0-ky0(1-y0^2 ), y1=y0+kx1. k is the map parameter. It represents the generic topological effects of toroidal asymmetries. The O-point is at (0.0). The X-points are at (0,±1). The equilibrium magnetic surfaces are calculated. These surfaces are symmetric about the x- and y- axes. The widths of stochastic layer near the X-points in the principal plane, and the fractal dimensions of the magnetic footprints on the inboard and outboard side of upper and lower X-points are calculated from the map. This work is supported by US Department of Energy grants DE-FG02-07ER54937, DE-FG02-01ER54624 and DE-FG02-04ER54793.


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, R. L.


    This is a digital computer contouring program developed by combining desirable characteristics from several existing contouring programs. It can easily be adapted to many different research requirements. The overlaid structure of the program permits desired modifications to be made with ease. The contouring program performs both the task of generating a depth matrix from either randomly or regularly spaced surface heights and the task of contouring the data. Each element of the depth matrix is computed as a weighted mean of heights predicted at an element by planes tangent to the surface at neighboring control points. Each contour line is determined by its intercepts with the sides of geometrical figures formed by connecting the various elements of the depth matrix with straight lines. Although contour charts are usually thought of as being two-dimensional pictorial representations of topographic formations of land masses, they can also be useful in portraying data which are obtained during the course of research in various scientific disciplines and which would ordinarily be tabulated. Any set of data which can be referenced to a two-dimensional coordinate system can be graphically represented by this program. This program is written in FORTRAN IV and ASSEMBLER for batch execution and has been implemented on the CDC 6000 Series. This program was developed in 1971.

  13. Finding Your Way with Map and Compass

    USGS Publications Warehouse



    A topographic map tells you where things are and how to get to them, whether you're hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, or just interested in the world around you. These maps describe the shape of the land. They define and locate natural and manmade features like woodlands, waterways, important buildings, and bridges. They show the distance between any two places, and they also show the direction from one point to another. Distances and directions take a bit of figuring, but the topography and features of the land are easy to determine. The topography is shown by contours. These are imaginary lines that follow the ground surface at a constant elevation; they are usually printed in brown, in two thicknesses. The heavier lines are called index contours, and they are usually marked with numbers that give the height in feet or meters. The contour interval, a set difference in elevation between the brown lines, varies from map to map; its value is given in the margin of each map. Contour lines that are close together represent steep slopes. Natural and manmade features are represented by colored areas and by a set of standard symbols on all U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps. Woodlands, for instance, are shown in a green tint; waterways, in blue. Buildings may be shown on the map as black squares or outlines. Recent changes in an area may be shown by a purple overprint. A road may be printed in red or black solid or dashed lines, depending on its size and surface. A list of symbols is available from the Earth Science Information Center (ESIC).

  14. Solar monochromatic images in magneto-sensitive spectral lines and maps of vector magnetic fields

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shihui, Y.; Jiehai, J.; Minhan, J.


    A new method which allows by use of the monochromatic images in some magneto-sensitive spectra line to derive both the magnetic field strength as well as the angle between magnetic field lines and line of sight for various places in solar active regions is described. In this way two dimensional maps of vector magnetic fields may be constructed. This method was applied to some observational material and reasonable results were obtained. In addition, a project for constructing the three dimensional maps of vector magnetic fields was worked out.

  15. Aeromagnetic map of the Mokelumne Wilderness and contiguous Rare II further planning areas, central Sierra Nevada, California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Plouff, Donald; McKee, Edwin H.


    The aeromagnetic map consists of parts of two surveys flown at an altitude of 300 m above the average ground surface. One survey (west park of the map_ centered over the Mokelumne Wilderness was flowing in a northeast-southwest direction along slight lines spaced at a horizontal interval of about 800 m (U>S> Geological Survey, 1979b). The survey to the east is part of a regional survey flown in an east-west direction along flight lines spaced at an interval of about 1,600 m (U.S. Geological Survey, 1979a). The join of the aeromagnetic contours along the border between the two surveys is generally conformable. The contour datum of the eastern regional survey, however, is about 650 nT (nanotesla) lower than the Mokelumne Wilderness survey because of difference in data reduction. The aeromagnetic pattern reflects variations of magnetization within the underlying rocks, but the pattern is complicated by strong topographic effects. That is, magnetic anomaly maxima tend to occur over ridges and hilltops and minima over canyons and depressions. The topographic effect exists mostly because a constant ground clearance could not be maintained at normal aircraft speeds in this area of rugged topographic relief. The recorded flight altitude varied from 30 m to nearly 1,500 m above the ground with local changes that approard 1,000 m in distances of less than 5,000 m. Four magnetic anomalies that can be related to geologic features are discusses., Magnetic highs or lows cause by topography are not discussed.

  16. Mapping the magnetic and crystal structure in cobalt nanowires

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cantu-Valle, Jesus; Betancourt, Israel; Sanchez, John E.


    Using off-axis electron holography under Lorentz microscopy conditions to experimentally determine the magnetization distribution in individual cobalt (Co) nanowires, and scanning precession-electron diffraction to obtain their crystalline orientation phase map, allowed us to directly visualize with high accuracy the effect of crystallographic texture on the magnetization of nanowires. The influence of grain boundaries and disorientations on the magnetic structure is correlated on the basis of micromagnetic analysis in order to establish the detailed relationship between magnetic and crystalline structure. This approach demonstrates the applicability of the method employed and provides further understanding on the effect of crystalline structure on magneticmore » properties at the nanometric scale.« less

  17. Probabilistic Air Segmentation and Sparse Regression Estimated Pseudo CT for PET/MR Attenuation Correction

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Yasheng; Juttukonda, Meher; Su, Yi; Benzinger, Tammie; Rubin, Brian G.; Lee, Yueh Z.; Lin, Weili; Shen, Dinggang; Lalush, David


    Purpose To develop a positron emission tomography (PET) attenuation correction method for brain PET/magnetic resonance (MR) imaging by estimating pseudo computed tomographic (CT) images from T1-weighted MR and atlas CT images. Materials and Methods In this institutional review board–approved and HIPAA-compliant study, PET/MR/CT images were acquired in 20 subjects after obtaining written consent. A probabilistic air segmentation and sparse regression (PASSR) method was developed for pseudo CT estimation. Air segmentation was performed with assistance from a probabilistic air map. For nonair regions, the pseudo CT numbers were estimated via sparse regression by using atlas MR patches. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) on PET images was computed as the normalized mean absolute difference in PET signal intensity between a method and the reference standard continuous CT attenuation correction method. Friedman analysis of variance and Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests were performed for statistical comparison of MAPE between the PASSR method and Dixon segmentation, CT segmentation, and population averaged CT atlas (mean atlas) methods. Results The PASSR method yielded a mean MAPE ± standard deviation of 2.42% ± 1.0, 3.28% ± 0.93, and 2.16% ± 1.75, respectively, in the whole brain, gray matter, and white matter, which were significantly lower than the Dixon, CT segmentation, and mean atlas values (P < .01). Moreover, 68.0% ± 16.5, 85.8% ± 12.9, and 96.0% ± 2.5 of whole-brain volume had within ±2%, ±5%, and ±10% percentage error by using PASSR, respectively, which was significantly higher than other methods (P < .01). Conclusion PASSR outperformed the Dixon, CT segmentation, and mean atlas methods by reducing PET error owing to attenuation correction. © RSNA, 2014 PMID:25521778

  18. Standard map in magnetized relativistic systems: fixed points and regular acceleration.


    de Sousa, M C; Steffens, F M; Pakter, R; Rizzato, F B


    We investigate the concept of a standard map for the interaction of relativistic particles and electrostatic waves of arbitrary amplitudes, under the action of external magnetic fields. The map is adequate for physical settings where waves and particles interact impulsively, and allows for a series of analytical result to be exactly obtained. Unlike the traditional form of the standard map, the present map is nonlinear in the wave amplitude and displays a series of peculiar properties. Among these properties we discuss the relation involving fixed points of the maps and accelerator regimes.

  19. Non-LTE line formation in a magnetic field. II. The influence of noncoherent scattering on line contours

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Domke, H.; Staude, J.


    Theoretical line contours calculated for fixed values of the line constants and a given model atmosphere show an increase of the stokes parameters Q, U, and V but a decrease of I if the portion of noncoherent scattering increases. These effects increase from the center of the solar disk to the limb. The action of scattering may be approximately simulated in LTE contours by increasing the gradient of the source function and fitting in this way theoretical contours to observed ones. There remains, however, the effect of V- reversal near the line core, which is caused by anomalous dispersion andmore » is abnormally increased by scattering. (auth)« less

  20. Automated consensus contour building for prostate MRI.


    Khalvati, Farzad


    Inter-observer variability is the lack of agreement among clinicians in contouring a given organ or tumour in a medical image. The variability in medical image contouring is a source of uncertainty in radiation treatment planning. Consensus contour of a given case, which was proposed to reduce the variability, is generated by combining the manually generated contours of several clinicians. However, having access to several clinicians (e.g., radiation oncologists) to generate a consensus contour for one patient is costly. This paper presents an algorithm that automatically generates a consensus contour for a given case using the atlases of different clinicians. The algorithm was applied to prostate MR images of 15 patients manually contoured by 5 clinicians. The automatic consensus contours were compared to manual consensus contours where a median Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 88% was achieved.

  1. Interpretation of a Magnetic Map of the Valles Marineris Region, Mars

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Purucker, M. E.; Langlais, B.; Mandea, M.


    A magnetic map of Valles Marineris is interpreted in terms of left-lateral faulting, the first evidence for substantial strike-slip faulting here. Surface exposures of highly magnetic material may exist in the walls of Valles Marineris. Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract.


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Masaki, G. T.


    user specification. Special line features include multiple lines, dashed lines, and tic marks. The contour segment of this package is a collection of subroutines which can be used to produce contour plots and perform related functions. The package can contour any data which can be placed on a grid or data which is regularly spaced, including any general affine or polar grid data. The package includes routines which will grid random data. Contour levels can be specified at any values desired. Input data can be smoothed with undefined points being acceptable where data is unreliable or unknown. Plots which are extremely large or detailed can be automatically output in parts to improve resolution or overcome plotter size limitations. The contouring segment uses the plot segment for actual plotting, thus all the features described for the plotting segment are available to the user of the contouring segment. Included with this package are two data bases for producing world map plots in Mercator projection. One data base provides just continent outlines and another provides continent outlines and national borders in great detail. This package is written in FORTRAN IV and IBM OS ASSEMBLER and has been implemented on an IBM 360 with a central memory requirement of approximately 140K of 8 bit bytes. The ASSEMBLER routines are basic plotter interface routines. The WCPP package was developed in 1972.

  3. Detection of magnetic field intensity gradient by homing pigeons (Columba livia) in a novel "virtual magnetic map" conditioning paradigm.


    Mora, Cordula V; Bingman, Verner P


    It has long been thought that birds may use the Earth's magnetic field not only as a compass for direction finding, but that it could also provide spatial information for position determination analogous to a map during navigation. Since magnetic field intensity varies systematically with latitude and theoretically could also provide longitudinal information during position determination, birds using a magnetic map should be able to discriminate magnetic field intensity cues in the laboratory. Here we demonstrate a novel behavioural paradigm requiring homing pigeons to identify the direction of a magnetic field intensity gradient in a "virtual magnetic map" during a spatial conditioning task. Not only were the pigeons able to detect the direction of the intensity gradient, but they were even able to discriminate upward versus downward movement on the gradient by differentiating between increasing and decreasing intensity values. Furthermore, the pigeons typically spent more than half of the 15 second sampling period in front of the feeder associated with the rewarded gradient direction indicating that they required only several seconds to make the correct choice. Our results therefore demonstrate for the first time that pigeons not only can detect the presence and absence of magnetic anomalies, as previous studies had shown, but are even able to detect and respond to changes in magnetic field intensity alone, including the directionality of such changes, in the context of spatial orientation within an experimental arena. This opens up the possibility for systematic and detailed studies of how pigeons could use magnetic intensity cues during position determination as well as how intensity is perceived and where it is processed in the brain.

  4. Near Surface Magnetic Field Mapping over the Swirls in the SPA Region on the Moon Using Kaguya LMAG Low Altitude Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shibuya, H.; Tsunakawa, H.; Takahashi, F.; Shimizu, H.; Matsushima, M.


    We have reported the correlation between the high albedo marking (HAM) on the moon surface and the strength of horizontal component (Bh) of the near surface lunar magnetic field, at 2009 AGU Fall meeting, using the Lunar Prospector magnetometer data (LP-MAG). The correlation is further examined using the lowest altitude data at the latest orbits of Kaguya magnetometer data (KG-MAG). The Kaguya spacecraft (launched on September 14, 2007) dropped to the Moon at 65.5S and 80.4E on Jun 11, 2009. On the last few weeks, it flies over SPA with low altitudes as 10km, and the magnetometer acquired beautiful data. The magnetic field on the Mare Ingenii, on which we can see one of the most enhanced HAM, is restored using equivalent pole reduction (EPR) technique. First, EPR model is examined by comparing the model field and the other observations of LP-MAG and KG-MAG. They agree each other not only the shape but also the amplitude of the peaks. It indicates that the lunar magnetic field is well reproduced in 3-dimension. The magnetic field at the altitude of 5km is mapped over the Mare Ingenii and adjacent region where the HAM is clearly seen from Clementine albedo images. The coincidence of the HAM and the Bh is incredibly well, especially for the HAM in the flat crater floors. In some region, some of the detailed shapes of HAM match with the small bulge in the Bh contour. The HAM seems to be correlated maximas of Bh rather than its absolute strength. This result further support that the HMA is formed by magnetic shielding of the solar wind particles.

  5. Feasibility of single-beat full-volume capture real-time three-dimensional echocardiography and auto-contouring algorithm for quantification of left ventricular volume: validation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.


    Chang, Sung-A; Lee, Sang-Chol; Kim, Eun-Young; Hahm, Seung-Hee; Jang, Shin Yi; Park, Sung-Ji; Choi, Jin-Oh; Park, Seung Woo; Choe, Yeon Hyeon; Oh, Jae K


    With recent developments in echocardiographic technology, a new system using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) that allows single-beat acquisition of the entire volume of the left ventricle and incorporates algorithms for automated border detection has been introduced. Provided that these techniques are acceptably reliable, three-dimensional echocardiography may be much more useful for clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of left ventricular (LV) volume measurements by RT3DE using the single-beat full-volume capture technique. One hundred nine consecutive patients scheduled for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and RT3DE using the single-beat full-volume capture technique on the same day were recruited. LV end-systolic volume, end-diastolic volume, and ejection fraction were measured using an auto-contouring algorithm from data acquired on RT3DE. The data were compared with the same measurements obtained using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Volume measurements on RT3DE with single-beat full-volume capture were feasible in 84% of patients. Both interobserver and intraobserver variability of three-dimensional measurements of end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes showed excellent agreement. Pearson's correlation analysis showed a close correlation of end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes between RT3DE and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (r = 0.94 and r = 0.91, respectively, P < .0001 for both). Bland-Altman analysis showed reasonable limits of agreement. After application of the auto-contouring algorithm, the rate of successful auto-contouring (cases requiring minimal manual corrections) was <50%. RT3DE using single-beat full-volume capture is an easy and reliable technique to assess LV volume and systolic function in clinical practice. However, the image quality and low frame rate still limit its application for dilated left ventricles, and the automated volume analysis program needs

  6. Projection moire for remote contour analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Doty, J. L.


    Remote projection and viewing of moire contours are examined analytically for a system employing separate projection and viewing optics, with specific attention paid to the practical limitations imposed by the optical systems. It is found that planar contours are possible only when the optics are telecentric (exit pupil at infinity) but that the requirement for spatial separability of the contour fringes from extraneous fringes is independent of the specific optics and is a function only of the angle separating the two optic axes. In the nontelecentric case, the contour separation near the object is unchanged from that of the telecentric case, although the contours are distorted into low-eccentricity (near-circular) ellipses. Furthermore, the minimum contour spacing is directly related to the depth of focus through the resolution of the optics.

  7. Robotic magnetic mapping with the Kapvik planetary micro-rover

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hay, A.; Samson, C.


    Geomagnetic data gathering by micro-rovers is gaining momentum both for future planetary exploration missions and for terrestrial applications in extreme environments. This paper presents research into the integration of a planetary micro-rover with a potassium total-field magnetometer. The 40 kg Kapvik micro-rover is an ideal platform due to an aluminium construction and a rocker-bogie mobility system, which provides good manoeuvrability and terrainability. A light-weight GSMP 35U (uninhabited aerial vehicle) magnetometer, comprised of a 0.65 kg sensor and 0.63 kg electronics module, was mounted to the chassis via a custom 1.21 m composite boom. The boom dimensions were optimized to be an effective compromise between noise mitigation and mechanical practicality. An analysis using the fourth difference method was performed estimating the magnetic noise envelope at +/-0.03 nT at 10 Hz sampling frequency from the integrated systems during robotic operations. A robotic magnetic survey captured the total magnetic intensity along three parallel 40 m long lines and a perpendicular 15 m long tie line over the course of 3.75 h. The total magnetic intensity data were corrected for diurnal variations, levelled by linear interpolation of tie-line intersection points, corrected for a regional gradient, and then interpolated using Delaunay triangulation to lead a residual magnetic intensity map. This map exhibited an anomalous linear feature corresponding to a magnetic dipole 650 nT in amplitude. This feature coincides with a storm sewer buried approximately 2 m in the subsurface. This work provides benchmark methodologies and data to guide future integration of magnetometers on board planetary micro-rovers.

  8. An analytical algorithm for 3D magnetic field mapping of a watt balance magnet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Zhuang; Zhang, Zhonghua; Li, Zhengkun; Zhao, Wei; Han, Bing; Lu, Yunfeng; Li, Shisong


    A yoke-based permanent magnet, which has been employed in many watt balances at national metrology institutes, is supposed to generate strong and uniform magnetic field in an air gap in the radial direction. However, in reality the fringe effect due to the finite height of the air gap will introduce an undesired vertical magnetic component to the air gap, which should either be measured or modeled towards some optimizations of the watt balance. A recent publication, i.e. Li et al (2015 Metrologia 52 445), presented a full field mapping method, which in theory will supply useful information for profile characterization and misalignment analysis. This article is an additional material of Li et al (2015 Metrologia 52 445), which develops a different analytical algorithm to represent the 3D magnetic field of a watt balance magnet based on only one measurement for the radial magnetic flux density along the vertical direction, B r (z). The new algorithm is based on the electromagnetic nature of the magnet, which has a much better accuracy.

  9. Magnetic mapping of iron in rodent spleen

    PubMed Central

    Blissett, Angela R.; Ollander, Brooke; Penn, Brittany; McTigue, Dana M.; Agarwal, Gunjan


    Evaluation of iron distribution and density in biological tissues is important to understand the pathogenesis of a variety of diseases and the fate of exogenously administered iron-based carriers and contrast agents. Iron distribution in tissues is typically characterized via histochemical (Perl’s) stains or immunohistochemistry for ferritin, the major iron storage protein. A more accurate mapping of iron can be achieved via ultrastructural transmission electron microscopy (TEM) based techniques, which involve stringent sample preparation conditions. In this study, we elucidate the capability of magnetic force microscopy (MFM) as a label-free technique to map iron at the nanoscale level in rodent spleen tissue. We complemented and compared our MFM results with those obtained using Perl’s staining and TEM. Our results show how MFM mapping corresponded to sizes of iron-rich lysosomes at a resolution comparable to that of TEM. In addition MFM is compatible with tissue sections commonly prepared for routine histology. PMID:27890658

  10. SU-C-BRA-03: An Automated and Quick Contour Errordetection for Auto Segmentation in Online Adaptive Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, J; Ates, O; Li, X

    Purpose: To develop a tool that can quickly and automatically assess contour quality generated from auto segmentation during online adaptive replanning. Methods: Due to the strict time requirement of online replanning and lack of ‘ground truth’ contours in daily images, our method starts with assessing image registration accuracy focusing on the surface of the organ in question. Several metrics tightly related to registration accuracy including Jacobian maps, contours shell deformation, and voxel-based root mean square (RMS) analysis were computed. To identify correct contours, additional metrics and an adaptive decision tree are introduced. To approve in principle, tests were performed withmore » CT sets, planned and daily CTs acquired using a CT-on-rails during routine CT-guided RT delivery for 20 prostate cancer patients. The contours generated on daily CTs using an auto-segmentation tool (ADMIRE, Elekta, MIM) based on deformable image registration of the planning CT and daily CT were tested. Results: The deformed contours of 20 patients with total of 60 structures were manually checked as baselines. The incorrect rate of total contours is 49%. To evaluate the quality of local deformation, the Jacobian determinant (1.047±0.045) on contours has been analyzed. In an analysis of rectum contour shell deformed, the higher rate (0.41) of error contours detection was obtained compared to 0.32 with manual check. All automated detections took less than 5 seconds. Conclusion: The proposed method can effectively detect contour errors in micro and macro scope by evaluating multiple deformable registration metrics in a parallel computing process. Future work will focus on improving practicability and optimizing calculation algorithms and metric selection.« less

  11. Tumour auto-contouring on 2d cine MRI for locally advanced lung cancer: A comparative study.


    Fast, Martin F; Eiben, Björn; Menten, Martin J; Wetscherek, Andreas; Hawkes, David J; McClelland, Jamie R; Oelfke, Uwe


    Radiotherapy guidance based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is currently becoming a clinical reality. Fast 2d cine MRI sequences are expected to increase the precision of radiation delivery by facilitating tumour delineation during treatment. This study compares four auto-contouring algorithms for the task of delineating the primary tumour in six locally advanced (LA) lung cancer patients. Twenty-two cine MRI sequences were acquired using either a balanced steady-state free precession or a spoiled gradient echo imaging technique. Contours derived by the auto-contouring algorithms were compared against manual reference contours. A selection of eight image data sets was also used to assess the inter-observer delineation uncertainty. Algorithmically derived contours agreed well with the manual reference contours (median Dice similarity index: ⩾0.91). Multi-template matching and deformable image registration performed significantly better than feature-driven registration and the pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN). Neither MRI sequence nor image orientation was a conclusive predictor for algorithmic performance. Motion significantly degraded the performance of the PCNN. The inter-observer variability was of the same order of magnitude as the algorithmic performance. Auto-contouring of tumours on cine MRI is feasible in LA lung cancer patients. Despite large variations in implementation complexity, the different algorithms all have relatively similar performance. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Vacuum Magnetic Field Mapping of the Compact Toroidal Hybrid (CTH)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peterson, J. T.; Hanson, J.; Hartwell, G. J.; Knowlton, S. F.; Montgomery, C.; Munoz, J.


    Vacuum magnetic field mapping experiments are performed on the CTH torsatron with a movable electron gun and phosphor-coated screen or movable wand at two different toroidal locations. These experiments compare the experimentally measured magnetic configuration produced by the as-built coil set, to the magnetic configuration simulated with the IFT Biot-Savart code using the measured coil set parameters. Efforts to minimize differences between the experimentally measured location of the magnetic axis and its predicted value utilizing a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) process result in small modifications of the helical coil winding law used to model the vacuum magnetic field geometry of CTH. Because these studies are performed at relatively low fields B = 0.01 - 0.05 T, a uniform ambient magnetic field is included in the minimization procedure.

  13. Magnetic map of the Irish Hills and surrounding areas, San Luis Obispo County, central California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Langenheim, V.E.; Watt, J.T.; Denton, K.M.


    A magnetic map of the Irish Hills and surrounding areas was created as part of a cooperative research and development agreement with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and is intended to promote further understanding of the areal geology and structure by serving as a basis for geophysical interpretations and by supporting geological mapping, mineral and water resource investigations, and other topical studies. Local spatial variations in the Earth's magnetic field (evident as anomalies on magnetic maps) reflect the distribution of magnetic minerals, primarily magnetite, in the underlying rocks. In many cases the volume content of magnetic minerals can be related to rock type, and abrupt spatial changes in the amount of magnetic minerals can be related to either lithologic or structural boundaries. Magnetic susceptibility measurements from the area indicate that bodies of serpentinite and other mafic and ultramafic rocks tend to produce the most intense magnetic anomalies, but such generalizations must be applied with caution because some sedimentary units also can produce measurable magnetic anomalies. Remanent magnetization does not appear to be a significant source for magnetic anomalies because it is an order of magnitude less than the induced magnetization. The map is a mosaic of three separate surveys collected by (1) fixed-wing aircraft at a nominal height of 305 m, (2) by boat with the sensor at sea level, and (3) by helicopter. The helicopter survey was flown by New-Sense Geophysics in October 2009 along flight lines spaced 150-m apart and at a nominal terrain clearance of 50 to 100 m. Tie lines were flown 1,500-m apart. Data were adjusted for lag error and diurnal field variations. Further processing included microleveling using the tie lines and subtraction of the reference field defined by International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) 2005 extrapolated to August 1, 2008.

  14. Geophysical Data (Gravity and Magnetic) from the Area Between Adana, Kahramanmaras and Hatay in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Tectonic Implications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Over, Semir; Akin, Ugur; Sen, Rahime


    The gravity and magnetic maps of the area between Adana-Kahramanmaras-Hatay provinces were produced from a compilation of data gathered during the period between 1973 and 1989. Reduced to the pole (RTP) and pseudo-gravity transformation (PGT) methods were applied to the magnetic data, while derivative ratio (DR) processing was applied to both gravity and magnetic data, respectively. Bouguer, RTP and PGT maps show the image of a buried structure corresponding to ophiolites under undifferentiated Quaternary deposits in the Adana depression and Iskenderun Gulf. DR maps show two important faults which reflect the tectonic framework in the study area: (1) the Karatas-Osmaniye Fault extending from Osmaniye to Karatas in the south between Adana and Iskenderun depressions and (2) Amanos Fault (southern part of East Anatolian Fault) in the Hatay region running southward from Turkoglu to Amik Basin along Amanos Mountain forming the actual plate boundary between the Anatolian block (part of Eurasian plate) and Arabian plate.

  15. Contour Connection Method for automated identification and classification of landslide deposits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leshchinsky, Ben A.; Olsen, Michael J.; Tanyu, Burak F.


    Landslides are a common hazard worldwide that result in major economic, environmental and social impacts. Despite their devastating effects, inventorying existing landslides, often the regions at highest risk of reoccurrence, is challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. Current landslide mapping techniques include field inventorying, photogrammetric approaches, and use of bare-earth (BE) lidar digital terrain models (DTMs) to highlight regions of instability. However, many techniques do not have sufficient resolution, detail, and accuracy for mapping across landscape scale with the exception of using BE DTMs, which can reveal the landscape beneath vegetation and other obstructions, highlighting landslide features, including scarps, deposits, fans and more. Current approaches to landslide inventorying with lidar to create BE DTMs include manual digitizing, statistical or machine learning approaches, and use of alternate sensors (e.g., hyperspectral imaging) with lidar. This paper outlines a novel algorithm to automatically and consistently detect landslide deposits on a landscape scale. The proposed method is named as the Contour Connection Method (CCM) and is primarily based on bare earth lidar data requiring minimal user input such as the landslide scarp and deposit gradients. The CCM algorithm functions by applying contours and nodes to a map, and using vectors connecting the nodes to evaluate gradient and associated landslide features based on the user defined input criteria. Furthermore, in addition to the detection capabilities, CCM also provides an opportunity to be potentially used to classify different landscape features. This is possible because each landslide feature has a distinct set of metadata - specifically, density of connection vectors on each contour - that provides a unique signature for each landslide. In this paper, demonstrations of using CCM are presented by applying the algorithm to the region surrounding the Oso landslide in Washington

  16. The DIII-D Map -- An Area-Preserving Map for Trajectories of Magnetic Field Lines in the DIII-D Tokamak

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima; Boozer, Allen; Evans, Todd


    The EFIT data for the DIII-D shot 115467 3000 ms is used to calculate the generating function for an area-preserving map for trajectories of magnetic field lines in the DIII-D. We call this map the DIII-D map. The generating function is a bivariate polynomial in base vectors &1/2circ;cos(θ) and &1/2circ;sin(θ). ψ is toroidal flux and θ is poloidal angle. The generating function is calculated using a canonical transformation from (ψ,θ) to physical coordinates (R,Z) in the DIII-D [1] and nonlinear regression. The equilibrium generating function gives an excellent representation of the equilibrium flux surfaces in the DIII-D. The DIII-D map is then used to calculate effects of the magnetic perturbations in the DIII-D. Preliminary results of the DIII-D map will be presented. This work is supported by US DOE OFES DE-FG02-01ER54624 and DE-FG02-04ER54793. [1] A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys Lett A 364 140--145 (2007).

  17. Absolute color scale for improved diagnostics with wavefront error mapping.


    Smolek, Michael K; Klyce, Stephen D


    Wavefront data are expressed in micrometers and referenced to the pupil plane, but current methods to map wavefront error lack standardization. Many use normalized or floating scales that may confuse the user by generating ambiguous, noisy, or varying information. An absolute scale that combines consistent clinical information with statistical relevance is needed for wavefront error mapping. The color contours should correspond better to current corneal topography standards to improve clinical interpretation. Retrospective analysis of wavefront error data. Historic ophthalmic medical records. Topographic modeling system topographical examinations of 120 corneas across 12 categories were used. Corneal wavefront error data in micrometers from each topography map were extracted at 8 Zernike polynomial orders and for 3 pupil diameters expressed in millimeters (3, 5, and 7 mm). Both total aberrations (orders 2 through 8) and higher-order aberrations (orders 3 through 8) were expressed in the form of frequency histograms to determine the working range of the scale across all categories. The standard deviation of the mean error of normal corneas determined the map contour resolution. Map colors were based on corneal topography color standards and on the ability to distinguish adjacent color contours through contrast. Higher-order and total wavefront error contour maps for different corneal conditions. An absolute color scale was produced that encompassed a range of +/-6.5 microm and a contour interval of 0.5 microm. All aberrations in the categorical database were plotted with no loss of clinical information necessary for classification. In the few instances where mapped information was beyond the range of the scale, the type and severity of aberration remained legible. When wavefront data are expressed in micrometers, this absolute scale facilitates the determination of the severity of aberrations present compared with a floating scale, particularly for distinguishing

  18. The Crustal Magnetization Mapping in the Ocean Basin of the South China Sea and its Tectonic Implications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, L.; Meng, X.


    The South China Sea (SCS), surrounded by the Eurasia, Pacific and India-Australia plates, was formed by the interaction of the three plates and the Cenozoic seafloor spreading. Magnetic data is the crucial data for understanding tectonic evolution and seafloor spreading model in the SCS. Magnetization intensity is related closely to rock type and tectonics. Through magnetization mapping, the distribution of apparent magnetization in the subsurface will be obtained, benefiting in lithologic classification and geological mapping. Due to strong remanence presented in the oceanic crust, magma and seamounts in the SCS, the magnetization directions are complex and heterogeneous, quite different from the modern geomagnetic field directions. However, the routine techniques for magnetization mapping are based on negligence of remanence. The normalized source strength (NSS), one quantity transformed from the magnetic anomalies, is insensitive to remanence and responds well to the true locations of magnetic sources. The magnetization mapping based on the NSS will effectively reduce effects of remanence, benefitting in better geological interpretation. Here, we assembled high-resolution total magnetic intensity (TMI) data around the ocean basin of the SCS, and then transformed them into the NSS. Then we did magnetization mapping based on the NSS to obtain the crustal magnetization distribution in the studied area. The results show that the magnetization distribution inside of each subbasin is relatively homogeneous, but that of eastern subbasin is mostly strong with amplitude of 0.2A/m~4.2A/m, while that of southwestern subbasin is weak with amplitude of 0.2A/m~1.1A/m. It implies that magnetic structure and tectonic features in the crust are discriminative between both subbasins, and the tectonic boundary between both subbasins is roughly ranges from the northeastern edge of the Zhongsha Islands running in the southeast direction to the northeastern edge of the Reed Bank.

  19. Magnetic resonance imaging-directed transperineal limited-mapping prostatic biopsies to diagnose prostate cancer: a Scottish experience.


    Mukherjee, Ankur; Morton, Simon; Fraser, Sioban; Salmond, Jonathan; Baxter, Grant; Leung, Hing Y


    Transperineal prostatic biopsy is firmly established as an important tool in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The benefit of additional imaging (magnetic resonance imaging) to target biopsy remains to be fully addressed. Using a cohort of consecutive patients undergoing transperineal template mapping biopsies, we studied positive biopsies in the context of magnetic resonance imaging findings and examined the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting the location of transperineal template mapping biopsies-detected prostate cancer. Forty-four patients (mean age: 65 years, range 53-78) underwent transperineal template mapping biopsies. Thirty-four patients had 1-2 and 10 patients had ≥3 previous transrectal ultrasound scan-guided biopsies. The mean prostate-specific antigen was 15 ng/mL (range 2.5-79 ng/mL). High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia was found in 12 (27%) patients and prostate cancer with Gleason <7, 7 and >7 in 13, 10 and 8 patients, respectively. Suspicious lesions on magnetic resonance imaging scans were scored from 1 to 5. In 28 patients, magnetic resonance imaging detected lesions with score ≥3. Magnetic resonance imaging correctly localised transperineal template mapping biopsies-detected prostate cancer in a hemi-gland approach, particularly in a right to left manner (79% positive prediction rate), but not in a quadrant approach (33% positive prediction rate). Our findings support the notion of magnetic resonance imaging-based selection of patients for transperineal template mapping biopsies and that lesions revealed by magnetic resonance imaging are likely useful for targeted biopsies. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  20. Mapping magnetic field lines between the Sun and Earth

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, B.; Cairns, Iver H.; Gosling, J. T.; Steward, G.; Francis, M.; Neudegg, D.; Schulte in den Bäumen, H.; Player, P. R.; Milne, A. R.


    Magnetic field topologies between the Sun and Earth are important for the connectivity to Earth of solar suprathermal particles, e.g., solar energetic particles and beam electrons in type III solar radio bursts. An approach is developed for mapping large-scale magnetic field lines near the solar equatorial plane, using near-Earth observations and a solar wind model with nonzero azimuthal magnetic field at the source surface. Unlike Parker's spiral model, which restricts the in-ecliptic angle ΦB in the Geocentric Solar Ecliptic coordinates to (90°-180°, 270°-360°) and so is unable to predict field configurations for the other ΦB values frequently observed in the solar wind, our approach can account for all the observed ΦB values. A set of predicted maps shows that near both minimal and maximal solar activity the field lines are typically open and that loops with both ends either connected to or disconnected from the Sun are relatively rare. The open field lines, nonetheless, often do not closely follow the Parker spiral, being less or more tightly wound, or strongly azimuthally or radially oriented, or inverted. The time-varying classes, e.g., bidirectional electrons, of suprathermal electron pitch angle distributions (PADs) at 1 AU are predicted from the mapped field line configurations and compared with Wind observations for two solar rotations, one each near solar minimum and solar maximum. PAD predictions by our approach agree quantitatively (≈90%) with the PAD observations and outperform (by ≈20%) PAD predictions using Parker's model.

  1. Aerial radiometric and magnetic survey: Aztec National Topographic Map, New Mexico

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    The results of analyses of the airborne gamma radiation and total magnetic field survey flown for the region identified as the Aztec National Topographic Map NJ13-10 are presented. The airborne data gathered are reduced by ground computer facilities to yield profile plots of the basic uranium, thorium and potassium equivalent gamma radiation intensities, ratios of these intensities, aircraft altitude above the earth's surface, total gamma ray and earth's magnetic field intensity, correlated as a function of geologic units. The distribution of data within each geologic unit, for all surveyed map lines and tie lines, has been calculated and is included.more » Two sets of profiled data for each line are included, with one set displaying the above-cited data. The second set includes only flight line magnetic field, temperature, pressure, altitude data plus magnetic field data as measured at a base station. A general description of the area, including descriptions of the various geologic units and the corresponding airborne data, is included also.« less

  2. Gaining a Better Understanding of Estuarine Circulation and Improving Data Visualization Skills Through a Hands-on Contouring Exercise

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mailloux, B. J.; Kenna, T. C.


    The creation and accurate interpretation of graphs is becoming a lost art among students. The availability of numerous graphing software programs makes the act of graphing data easy but does not necessarily aide students in interpreting complex visual data. This is especially true for contour maps; which have become a critical skill in the earth sciences and everyday life. In multiple classes, we have incorporated a large-scale, hands-on, contouring exercise of temperature, salinity, and density data collected in the Hudson River Estuary. The exercise allows students to learn first-hand how to plot, analyze, and present three dimensional data. As part of a day-long sampling expedition aboard an 80' research vessel, students deploy a water profiling instrument (Seabird CTD). Data are collected along a transect between the Verrazano and George Washington Bridges. The data are then processed and binned at 0.5 meter intervals. The processed data is then used during a later laboratory period for the contouring exercise. In class, students work in groups of 2 to 4 people and are provided with the data, a set of contouring instructions, a piece of large (3' x 3') graph paper, a ruler, and a set of colored markers. We then let the groups work together to determine the details of the graphs. Important steps along the way are talking to the students about X and Y scales, interpolation, and choices of contour intervals and colors. Frustration and bottlenecks are common at the beginning when students are unsure how to even begin with the raw data. At some point during the exercise, students start to understand the contour concept and each group usually produces a finished contour map in an hour or so. Interestingly, the groups take pride in the coloring portion of the contouring as it indicates successful interpretation of the data. The exercise concludes with each group presenting and discussing their contour plot. In almost every case, the hands-on graphing has improved the

  3. Naturalness, dark matter, and the muon anomalous magnetic moment in supersymmetric extensions of the standard model with a pseudo-Dirac gluino

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Chuang; Zhu, Bin; Li, Tianjun


    We study the naturalness, dark matter, and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs) with a pseudo-Dirac gluino (PDGSSMs) from hybrid F- and D-term supersymmetry (SUSY) breakings. To obtain the observed dark matter relic density and explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment, we find that the low energy fine-tuning measures are larger than about 30 due to strong constraints from the LUX and PANDAX experiments. Thus, to study the natural PDGSSMs, we consider multi-component dark matter and then the relic density of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) neutralino is smaller than the correct value. We classify our models into six kinds: (i) Case A is a general case, which has small low energy fine-tuning measure and can explain the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon; (ii) Case B with the LSP neutralino and light stau coannihilation; (iii) Case C with Higgs funnel; (iv) Case D with Higgsino LSP; (v) Case E with light stau coannihilation and Higgsino LSP; (vi) Case F with Higgs funnel and Higgsino LSP. We study these Cases in details, and show that our models can be natural and consistent with the LUX and PANDAX experiments, as well as explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment. In particular, all these cases except the stau coannihilation can even have low energy fine-tuning measures around 10.

  4. New maps of Federal coal ( USA).

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wayland, R.G.


    Compilation and analysis of publicly available data on Federal coal are resulting in voluminous map sets showing coal isopachs, structure contours, and overburden isopachs on each known minable coal bed. As of spring 1981, there are available from the US Geological Survey Open-File Services Section in Denver map sets at 1:24 000 scale or microfiche sets covering approximately 470 of the ultimately 1400 quadrangles in the program. A typical map set has a short text and about 20 plates, including a data sheet; a Federal mineral ownership map; and correlation charts. For each coal bed, there are isopachs, structure contours, stripping limits, and mining ratios extending as far as the data will permit, regardless of coal ownership. Reserve base tonnages and relative development potentials are calculated, but only for unleased Federal coal areas. -from Author

  5. The magnetic map sense and its use in fine-tuning the migration programme of birds.


    Heyers, D; Elbers, D; Bulte, M; Bairlein, F; Mouritsen, H


    The Earth's magnetic field is one of several natural cues, which migratory birds can use to derive directional ("compass") information for orientation on their biannual migratory journeys. Moreover, magnetic field effects on prominent aspects of the migratory programme of birds, such as migratory restlessness behaviour, fuel deposition and directional orientation, implicate that geomagnetic information can also be used to derive positional ("map") information. While the magnetic "compass" in migratory birds is likely to be based on radical pair-forming molecules embedded in their visual system, the sensory correlates underlying a magnetic "map" sense currently remain elusive. Behavioural, physiological and neurobiological findings indicate that the sensor is most likely innervated by the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve and based on magnetic iron particles. Information from this unknown sensor is neither necessary nor sufficient for a functional magnetic compass, but instead could contribute important components of a multifactorial "map" for global positioning. Positional information could allow migratory birds to make vitally important dynamic adaptations of their migratory programme at any relevant point during their journeys.

  6. A Mapping Model for Magnetic Fields with q-profile Variations Typical of Internal Transport Barrier Experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rapoport, B. I.; Pavlenko, I.; Weyssow, B.; Carati, D.


    Recent studies of ion and electron transport indicate that the safety factor profile, q(r), affects internal transport barrier (ITB) formation in magnetic confinement devices [1, 2]. These studies are consistent with experimental observations that low shear suppresses magnetic island interaction and associated stochasticity when the ITB is formed [3]. In this sense the position and quality of the ITB depend on the stochasticity of the magnetic field, and can be controlled by q(r). This study explores effects of the q-profile on magnetic field stochasticity using two-dimensional mapping techniques. Q-profiles typical of ITB experiments are incorporated into Hamiltonian maps to investigate the relation between magnetic field stochasticity and ITB parameters predicted by other models. It is shown that the mapping technique generates results consistent with these predictions, and suggested that Hamiltonian mappings can be useful as simple and computationally inexpensive approximation methods for describing the magnetic field in ITB experiments. 1. I. Voitsekhovitch et al. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2002). O-4.04. 2. G.M.D. Hogeweij et al. Nucl. Fusion. 38 (1998): 1881. 3. K.A. Razumova et al. Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion. 42 (2000): 973.

  7. Salient target detection based on pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution and Rényi entropy.


    Xu, Yuannan; Zhao, Yuan; Jin, Chenfei; Qu, Zengfeng; Liu, Liping; Sun, Xiudong


    We present what we believe to be a novel method based on pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution (PWVD) and Rényi entropy for salient targets detection. In the foundation of studying the statistical property of Rényi entropy via PWVD, the residual entropy-based saliency map of an input image can be obtained. From the saliency map, target detection is completed by the simple and convenient threshold segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed method can detect targets effectively in complex ground scenes.

  8. Michigan Magnetic and Gravity Maps and Data: A Website for the Distribution of Data

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Daniels, David L.; Kucks, Robert P.; Hill, Patricia L.; Snyder, Stephen L.


    This web site provides the best available, public-domain, aeromagnetic and gravity data in the State of Michigan and merges these data into composite grids that are available for downloading. The magnetic grid is compiled from 25 separate magnetic surveys that have been knit together to form a single composite digital grid and map. The magnetic survey grids have been continued to 305 meters (1,000 feet) above ground and merged together to form the State compilation. A separate map shows the location of the aeromagnetic surveys, color-coded to the survey flight-line spacing. In addition, a complete Bouguer gravity anomaly grid and map were generated from more than 20,000 gravity station measurements from 33 surveys. A table provides the facts about each gravity survey where known.

  9. Anatomical contouring variability in thoracic organs at risk

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McCall, Ross, E-mail:; MacLennan, Grayden; Taylor, Matthew


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether contouring thoracic organs at risk was consistent among medical dosimetrists and to identify how trends in dosimetrist's education and experience affected contouring accuracy. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to contextualize the raw data that were obtained. A total of 3 different computed tomography (CT) data sets were provided to medical dosimetrists (N = 13) across 5 different institutions. The medical dosimetrists were directed to contour the lungs, heart, spinal cord, and esophagus. The medical dosimetrists were instructed to contour in line with their institutional standards and were allowed to usemore » any contouring tool or technique that they would traditionally use. The contours from each medical dosimetrist were evaluated against “gold standard” contours drawn and validated by 2 radiation oncology physicians. The dosimetrist-derived contours were evaluated against the gold standard using both a Dice coefficient method and a penalty-based metric scoring system. A short survey was also completed by each medical dosimetrist to evaluate their individual contouring experience. There was no significant variation in the contouring consistency of the lungs and spinal cord. Intradosimetrist contouring was consistent for those who contoured the esophagus and heart correctly; however, medical dosimetrists with a poor metric score showed erratic and inconsistent methods of contouring.« less

  10. ADMAP-2: The next-generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly map

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Golynsky, Alexander; Golynsky, Dmitry; Ferraccioli, Fausto; Jordan, Tom; Damaske, Detlef; Blankenship, Don; Holt, Jack; Young, Duncan; Ivanov, Sergey; Kiselev, Alexander; Jokat, Wilfried; Gohl, Karsten; Eagles, Graeme; Bell, Robin; Armadillo, Egidio; Bozzo, Emanuelle; Caneva, Giorgio; Finn, Carol; Forsberg, Rene; Aitken, Alan


    The Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project compiled the first international magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic region south of 60°S (ADMAP-1) some six years after its 1995 launch (Golynsky et al., 2001; Golynsky et al., 2007; von Frese et al., 2007). This magnetic anomaly compilation provided new insights into the structure and evolution of Antarctica, including its Proterozoic-Archaean cratons, Proterozoic-Palaeozoic orogens, Palaeozoic-Cenozoic magmatic arc systems, continental rift systems and rifted margins, large igneous provinces and the surrounding oceanic gateways. The international working group produced the ADMAP-1 database from more than 1.5 million line-kilometres of terrestrial, airborne, marine and satellite magnetic observations collected during the IGY 1957-58 through 1999. Since the publication of the first magnetic anomaly map, the international geomagnetic community has acquired more than 1.9 million line-km of new airborne and marine data. This implies that the amount of magnetic anomaly data over the Antarctic continent has more than doubled. These new data provide important constraints on the geology of the enigmatic Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains and Prince Charles Mountains, Wilkes Land, Dronning Maud Land, and other largely unexplored Antarctic areas (Ferraccioli et al., 2011, Aitken et al., 2014¸ Mieth & Jokat, 2014, Golynsky et al., 2013). The processing of the recently acquired data involved quality assessments by careful statistical analysis of the crossover errors. All magnetic data used in the ADMAP-2 compilation were delivered as profiles, although several of them were in raw form. Some datasets were decimated or upward continued to altitudes of 4 km or higher with the higher frequency geological signals smoothed out. The line data used for the ADMAP-1 compilation were reprocessed for obvious errors and residual corrugations. The new near-surface magnetic data were corrected for the international geomagnetic reference field

  11. Sonority contours in word recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McLennan, Sean


    Contrary to the Generativist distinction between competence and performance which asserts that speech or perception errors are due to random, nonlinguistic factors, it seems likely that errors are principled and possibly governed by some of the same constraints as language. A preliminary investigation of errors modeled after the child's ``Chain Whisper'' game (a degraded stimulus task) suggests that a significant number of recognition errors can be characterized as an improvement in syllable sonority contour towards the linguistically least-marked, voiceless-stop-plus-vowel syllable. An independent study of sonority contours showed that approximately half of the English lexicon can be uniquely identified by their contour alone. Additionally, ``sororities'' (groups of words that share a single sonority contour), surprisingly, show no correlation to familiarity or frequency in either size or membership. Together these results imply that sonority contours may be an important factor in word recognition and in defining word ``neighborhoods.'' Moreover, they suggest that linguistic markedness constraints may be more prevalent in performance-related phenomena than previously accepted.

  12. Mapping and quantifying electric and magnetic dipole luminescence at the nanoscale.


    Aigouy, L; Cazé, A; Gredin, P; Mortier, M; Carminati, R


    We report on an experimental technique to quantify the relative importance of electric and magnetic dipole luminescence from a single nanosource in structured environments. By attaching a Eu^{3+}-doped nanocrystal to a near-field scanning optical microscope tip, we map the branching ratios associated with two electric dipole and one magnetic dipole transitions in three dimensions on a gold stripe. The relative weights of the electric and magnetic radiative local density of states can be recovered quantitatively, based on a multilevel model. This paves the way towards the full electric and magnetic characterization of nanostructures for the control of single emitter luminescence.

  13. Pseudo-Fovea Formation After Gene Therapy for RPE65-LCA

    PubMed Central

    Cideciyan, Artur V.; Aguirre, Geoffrey K.; Jacobson, Samuel G.; Butt, Omar H.; Schwartz, Sharon B.; Swider, Malgorzata; Roman, Alejandro J.; Sadigh, Sam; Hauswirth, William W.


    Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate fixation location and oculomotor characteristics of 15 patients with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) caused by RPE65 mutations (RPE65-LCA) who underwent retinal gene therapy. Methods. Eye movements were quantified under infrared imaging of the retina while the subject fixated on a stationary target. In a subset of patients, letter recognition under retinal imaging was performed. Cortical responses to visual stimulation were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in two patients before and after therapy. Results. All patients were able to fixate on a 1° diameter visible target in the dark. The preferred retinal locus of fixation was either at the anatomical fovea or at an extrafoveal locus. There were a wide range of oculomotor abnormalities. Natural history showed little change in oculomotor abnormalities if target illuminance was increased to maintain target visibility as the disease progressed. Eleven of 15 study eyes treated with gene therapy showed no differences from baseline fixation locations or instability over an average of follow-up of 3.5 years. Four of 15 eyes developed new pseudo-foveas in the treated retinal regions 9 to 12 months after therapy that persisted for up to 6 years; patients used their pseudo-foveas for letter identification. fMRI studies demonstrated that preservation of light sensitivity was restricted to the cortical projection zone of the pseudo-foveas. Conclusions. The slow emergence of pseudo-foveas many months after the initial increases in light sensitivity points to a substantial plasticity of the adult visual system and a complex interaction between it and the progression of underlying retinal disease. The visual significance of pseudo-foveas suggests careful consideration of treatment zones for future gene therapy trials. ( number, NCT00481546.) PMID:25537204

  14. Semantic shape similarity-based contour tracking evaluation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Xiaoqin; Luo, Wenhan; Zhao, Li; Li, Wei; Hu, Weiming


    One major problem of contour-based tracking is how to evaluate the accuracy of tracking results due to nonrigid and deformative properties of contours. We propose a shape context-based evaluation measure that considers the semantic shape similarity between the tracked contour and ground-truth contour. In addition, a pyramid match kernel is introduced for shape histogram matching, which can effectively deal with the contours with different scales. Experimental results demonstrate, compared to two start-of-art evaluation measures, our measure effectively captures the local shape information and thus is more consistent with human vision.

  15. The symmetric quartic map for trajectories of magnetic field lines in elongated divertor tokamak plasmas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jones, Morgin; Wadi, Hasina; Ali, Halima; Punjabi, Alkesh


    The coordinates of the area-preserving map equations for integration of magnetic field line trajectories in divertor tokamaks can be any coordinates for which a transformation to (ψt,θ,φ) coordinates exists [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys. Lett. A 364, 140 (2007)]. ψt is toroidal magnetic flux, θ is poloidal angle, and φ is toroidal angle. This freedom is exploited to construct the symmetric quartic map such that the only parameter that determines magnetic geometry is the elongation of the separatrix surface. The poloidal flux inside the separatrix, the safety factor as a function of normalized minor radius, and the magnetic perturbation from the symplectic discretization are all held constant, and only the elongation is κ varied. The width of stochastic layer, the area, and the fractal dimension of the magnetic footprint and the average radial diffusion coefficient of magnetic field lines from the stochastic layer; and how these quantities scale with κ is calculated. The symmetric quartic map gives the correct scalings which are consistent with the scalings of coordinates with κ. The effects of m =1, n =±1 internal perturbation with the amplitude that is expected to occur in tokamaks are calculated by adding a term [H. Ali, A. Punjabi, A. H. Boozer, and T. Evans, Phys. Plasmas 11, 1908 (2004)] to the symmetric quartic map. In this case, the width of stochastic layer scales as 0.35 power of κ. The area of the footprint is roughly constant. The average radial diffusion coefficient of field lines near the X-point scales linearly with κ. The low mn perturbation changes the quasisymmetric structure of the footprint, and reorganizes it into a single, large scale, asymmetric structure. The symmetric quartic map is combined with the dipole map [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, and A. H. Boozer, Phys. Plasmas 10, 3992 (2003)] to calculate the effects of magnetic perturbation from a current carrying coil. The coil position and coil current coil are

  16. Orientation-crowding within contours.


    Glen, James C; Dakin, Steven C


    We examined how crowding (the breakdown of object recognition in the periphery caused by interference from "clutter") depends on the global arrangement of target and distracting flanker elements. Specifically we probed orientation discrimination using a near-vertical target Gabor flanked by two vertical distractor Gabors (one above and one below the target). By applying variable (opposite-sign) horizontal offsets to the positions of the two flankers we arranged the elements so that on some trials they formed contours with the target and on others they did not. While the presence of flankers generally elevated orientation discrimination thresholds for the target we observe maximal crowding not when flanker and targets were co-aligned but when a small spatial offset was applied to flanker location, so that contours formed between flanker and targets only when the target orientation was cued. We also report that observers' orientation judgments are biased, with target orientation appearing either attracted or repulsed by the global/contour orientation. A second experiment reveals that the sign of this effect is dependent both on observer and on eccentricity. In general, the magnitude of repulsion is reduced with eccentricity but whether this becomes attraction (of element orientation to contour orientation) is dependent on observer. We note however that across observers and eccentricities, the magnitude of repulsion correlates positively with the amount of release from crowding observed with co-aligned targets and flankers, supporting the notion of fluctuating bias as the basis for elevated crowding within contours.

  17. Isolating contour information from arbitrary images

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jobson, Daniel J.


    Aspects of natural vision (physiological and perceptual) serve as a basis for attempting the development of a general processing scheme for contour extraction. Contour information is assumed to be central to visual recognition skills. While the scheme must be regarded as highly preliminary, initial results do compare favorably with the visual perception of structure. The scheme pays special attention to the construction of a smallest scale circular difference-of-Gaussian (DOG) convolution, calibration of multiscale edge detection thresholds with the visual perception of grayscale boundaries, and contour/texture discrimination methods derived from fundamental assumptions of connectivity and the characteristics of printed text. Contour information is required to fall between a minimum connectivity limit and maximum regional spatial density limit at each scale. Results support the idea that contour information, in images possessing good image quality, is (centered at about 10 cyc/deg and 30 cyc/deg). Further, lower spatial frequency channels appear to play a major role only in contour extraction from images with serious global image defects.

  18. An improved active contour model for glacial lake extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, H.; Chen, F.; Zhang, M.


    Active contour model is a widely used method in visual tracking and image segmentation. Under the driven of objective function, the initial curve defined in active contour model will evolve to a stable condition - a desired result in given image. As a typical region-based active contour model, C-V model has a good effect on weak boundaries detection and anti noise ability which shows great potential in glacial lake extraction. Glacial lake is a sensitive indicator for reflecting global climate change, therefore accurate delineate glacial lake boundaries is essential to evaluate hydrologic environment and living environment. However, the current method in glacial lake extraction mainly contains water index method and recognition classification method are diffcult to directly applied in large scale glacial lake extraction due to the diversity of glacial lakes and masses impacted factors in the image, such as image noise, shadows, snow and ice, etc. Regarding the abovementioned advantanges of C-V model and diffcults in glacial lake extraction, we introduce the signed pressure force function to improve the C-V model for adapting to processing of glacial lake extraction. To inspect the effect of glacial lake extraction results, three typical glacial lake development sites were selected, include Altai mountains, Centre Himalayas, South-eastern Tibet, and Landsat8 OLI imagery was conducted as experiment data source, Google earth imagery as reference data for varifying the results. The experiment consequence suggests that improved active contour model we proposed can effectively discriminate the glacial lakes from complex backgound with a higher Kappa Coefficient - 0.895, especially in some small glacial lakes which belongs to weak information in the image. Our finding provide a new approach to improved accuracy under the condition of large proportion of small glacial lakes and the possibility for automated glacial lake mapping in large-scale area.

  19. Efficient adaptive pseudo-symplectic numerical integration techniques for Landau-Lifshitz dynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    d'Aquino, M.; Capuano, F.; Coppola, G.; Serpico, C.; Mayergoyz, I. D.


    Numerical time integration schemes for Landau-Lifshitz magnetization dynamics are considered. Such dynamics preserves the magnetization amplitude and, in the absence of dissipation, also implies the conservation of the free energy. This property is generally lost when time discretization is performed for the numerical solution. In this work, explicit numerical schemes based on Runge-Kutta methods are introduced. The schemes are termed pseudo-symplectic in that they are accurate to order p, but preserve magnetization amplitude and free energy to order q > p. An effective strategy for adaptive time-stepping control is discussed for schemes of this class. Numerical tests against analytical solutions for the simulation of fast precessional dynamics are performed in order to point out the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  20. Quantification of map similarity to magnetic pre-screening for heavy metal pollution assessment in top soil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, L.; Appel, E.; Roesler, W.; Ojha, G.


    From numerous published results, the link between magnetic concentration and heavy metal (HM) concentrations is well established. However, bivariate correlation analysis does not imply causality, and if there are extreme values, which often appear in magnetic data, they can lead to seemingly excellent correlation. It seems clear that site selection for chemical sampling based on magnetic pre-screening can deliver a superior result for outlining HM pollution, but this conclusion has only been drawn from qualitative evaluation so far. In this study, we use map similarity comparison techniques to demonstrate the usefulness of a combined magnetic-chemical approach quantitatively. We chose available data around the 'Schwarze Pumpe', a large coal burning power plant complex located in eastern Germany. The site of 'Schwarze Pumpe' is suitable for a demonstration study as soil in its surrounding is heavy fly-ash polluted, the magnetic natural background is very low, and magnetic investigations can be done in undisturbed forest soil. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of top soil was measured by a Bartington MS2D surface sensor at 180 locations and by a SM400 downhole device in ~0.5m deep vertical sections at 90 locations. Cores from the 90 downhole sites were also studied for HM analysis. From these results 85 sites could be used to determine a spatial distribution map of HM contents reflecting the 'True' situation of pollution. Different sets comprising 30 sites were chosen by arbitrarily selection from the above 85 sample sites (we refer to four such maps here: S1-4). Additionally, we determined a 'Targeted' map from 30 sites selected on the basis of the pre-screening MS results. The map comparison process is as follows: (1) categorization of all absolute values into five classes by the Natural Breaks classification method; (2) use Delaunay triangulation for connecting the sample locations in the x-y plane; (3) determination of a distribution map of triangular planes with

  1. A Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of Africa.

    DTIC Science & Technology

    A Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of Africa has been compiled using only terrestrial data. The map is a contoured representation of one degree x one...The anomaly pattern shown on the map is discussed and evaluated with respect to regional and local tectonic and geologic patterns. The entire Bouguer

  2. Deep Learning for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting: A New Approach for Predicting Quantitative Parameter Values from Time Series.


    Hoppe, Elisabeth; Körzdörfer, Gregor; Würfl, Tobias; Wetzl, Jens; Lugauer, Felix; Pfeuffer, Josef; Maier, Andreas


    The purpose of this work is to evaluate methods from deep learning for application to Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF). MRF is a recently proposed measurement technique for generating quantitative parameter maps. In MRF a non-steady state signal is generated by a pseudo-random excitation pattern. A comparison of the measured signal in each voxel with the physical model yields quantitative parameter maps. Currently, the comparison is done by matching a dictionary of simulated signals to the acquired signals. To accelerate the computation of quantitative maps we train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on simulated dictionary data. As a proof of principle we show that the neural network implicitly encodes the dictionary and can replace the matching process.

  3. Magnetic mapping around Les Saintes islands (Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe) for structural interpretation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mercier de Lépinay, J.; Munschy, M.; Géraud, Y.; Diraison, M.; Navelot, V.; Verati, C.; Corsini, M.; Lardeaux, J. M.


    In Les Saintes archipelago, the outcrop analysis of Terre-de-Haut island allows to point out several fault systems and geological objects such as lava domes and lava flows. Moreover an exhumed geothermal paleo-system was identified and is thought to be an interesting analogue of the active geothermal system of Bouillante, Guadeloupe. To fully understand this area, the offshore continuation of the geological features is a major concern. The previously known onshore features are visible on airborne magnetic maps due to the highly magnetized material in Les Saintes archipelago. Moreover hydrothermal processes alter the magnetized minerals of volcanic rocks, creating a significant variation in the magnetic measurements. Therefore an adapted marine magnetic study can help the geological understanding of this particular area. In order to correctly link the offshore and onshore structures, the magnetic survey must be close enough to the shoreline and detailed enough so as to correctly outline the tectonic structures. An appropriate solution for such a survey was to use a magnetometer aboard a speedboat. Such a boat allows more navigation flexibility than a classic oceanic vessel towing a magnetometer; it can sail at higher speed on calm seas and closer to the shoreline. This kind of set up is only viable because the magnetic effect of the ship can be compensated using the same algorithms than those used for airborne magnetometry. Studies were implemented through the GEOTREF program which benefits from the support of both the ADEME and the French public funds "Investments for the future". The use of magnetic field transformations allows a large variety of structures to be highlighted, providing insights that help to build a general understanding of the nature and distribution of the magnetic sources. Using a reduction to the pole map operator we are able to prolong the volcanic structures at sea. The marine part of the paleo-geothermal system extension is also roughly

  4. One registration multi-atlas-based pseudo-CT generation for attenuation correction in PET/MRI.


    Arabi, Hossein; Zaidi, Habib


    The outcome of a detailed assessment of various strategies for atlas-based whole-body bone segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was exploited to select the optimal parameters and setting, with the aim of proposing a novel one-registration multi-atlas (ORMA) pseudo-CT generation approach. The proposed approach consists of only one online registration between the target and reference images, regardless of the number of atlas images (N), while for the remaining atlas images, the pre-computed transformation matrices to the reference image are used to align them to the target image. The performance characteristics of the proposed method were evaluated and compared with conventional atlas-based attenuation map generation strategies (direct registration of the entire atlas images followed by voxel-wise weighting (VWW) and arithmetic averaging atlas fusion). To this end, four different positron emission tomography (PET) attenuation maps were generated via arithmetic averaging and VWW scheme using both direct registration and ORMA approaches as well as the 3-class attenuation map obtained from the Philips Ingenuity TF PET/MRI scanner commonly used in the clinical setting. The evaluation was performed based on the accuracy of extracted whole-body bones by the different attenuation maps and by quantitative analysis of resulting PET images compared to CT-based attenuation-corrected PET images serving as reference. The comparison of validation metrics regarding the accuracy of extracted bone using the different techniques demonstrated the superiority of the VWW atlas fusion algorithm achieving a Dice similarity measure of 0.82 ± 0.04 compared to arithmetic averaging atlas fusion (0.60 ± 0.02), which uses conventional direct registration. Application of the ORMA approach modestly compromised the accuracy, yielding a Dice similarity measure of 0.76 ± 0.05 for ORMA-VWW and 0.55 ± 0.03 for ORMA-averaging. The results of quantitative PET analysis

  5. Three-dimensional adult male head and skull contours.


    Lee, Calvin; Loyd, Andre M; Nightingale, Roger; Myers, Barry S; Damon, Andrew; Bass, Cameron R


    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health issue, affecting millions of people annually. Anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and finite element models (FEMs) provide a means of understanding factors leading to TBI, potentially reducing the occurrence. Thus, there is a need to ensure that these tools accurately model humans. For example, the Hybrid III was not based on 3-dimensional human head shape data. The objective of this study is to produce average head and skull contours for an average U.S. male that can be used for ATDs and FEMs. Computed tomography (CT) scans of adult male heads were obtained from a database provided by the University of Virginia Center for Applied Biomechanics. An orthographic viewer was used to extract head and skull contours from the CT scans. Landmarks were measured graphically using HyperMesh (Altair, HyperWorks). To determine the head occipital condyle (OC) centroid, surface meshes of the OCs were made and the centroid of the surfaces was calculated. The Hybrid III contour was obtained using a MicroScribe Digitizer (Solution Technologies, Inc., Oella, MD). Comparisons of the average male and ATD contours were performed using 2 methods: (1) the midsagittal and midcoronal ATD contours relative to the OC centroid were compared to the corresponding 1 SD range of the average male contours; (2) the ATD sagittal contour was translated relative to the average male sagittal contour to minimize the area between the 2 contours. Average male head and skull contours were created. Landmark measurements were made for the dorsum sellae, nasion skin, nasion bone, infraorbital foramen, and external auditory meatus, all relative to the OC centroid. The Hybrid III midsagittal contour was outside the 1 SD range for 15.2 percent of the average male head contour but only by a maximum distance of 1.5 mm, whereas the Hybrid III midcoronal head contour was outside the 1 SD range for 12.2 percent of the average male head contour by a maximum distance

  6. Effective potential of the three-dimensional Ising model: The pseudo-ɛ expansion study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sokolov, A. I.; Kudlis, A.; Nikitina, M. A.


    The ratios R2k of renormalized coupling constants g2k that enter the effective potential and small-field equation of state acquire the universal values at criticality. They are calculated for the three-dimensional scalar λϕ4 field theory (3D Ising model) within the pseudo-ɛ expansion approach. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for the critical values of g6, g8, g10, R6 =g6 / g42, R8 =g8 / g43 and R10 =g10 / g44 originating from the five-loop renormalization group (RG) series are derived. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for the sextic coupling have rapidly diminishing coefficients, so addressing Padé approximants yields proper numerical results. Use of Padé-Borel-Leroy and conformal mapping resummation techniques further improves the accuracy leading to the values R6* = 1.6488 and R6* = 1.6490 which are in a brilliant agreement with the result of advanced lattice calculations. For the octic coupling the numerical structure of the pseudo-ɛ expansions is less favorable. Nevertheless, the conform-Borel resummation gives R8* = 0.868, the number being close to the lattice estimate R8* = 0.871 and compatible with the result of 3D RG analysis R8* = 0.857. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for R10* and g10* are also found to have much smaller coefficients than those of the original RG series. They remain, however, fast growing and big enough to prevent obtaining fair numerical estimates.

  7. Quantitative targeting maps based on experimental investigations for a branched tube model in magnetic drug targeting

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gitter, K.; Odenbach, S.


    Magnetic drug targeting (MDT), because of its high targeting efficiency, is a promising approach for tumour treatment. Unwanted side effects are considerably reduced, since the nanoparticles are concentrated within the target region due to the influence of a magnetic field. Nevertheless, understanding the transport phenomena of nanoparticles in an artery system is still challenging. This work presents experimental results for a branched tube model. Quantitative results describe, for example, the net amount of nanoparticles that are targeted towards the chosen region due to the influence of a magnetic field. As a result of measurements, novel drug targeting maps, combining, e.g. the magnetic volume force, the position of the magnet and the net amount of targeted nanoparticles, are presented. The targeting maps are valuable for evaluation and comparison of setups and are also helpful for the design and the optimisation of a magnet system with an appropriate strength and distribution of the field gradient. The maps indicate the danger of accretion within the tube and also show the promising result of magnetic drug targeting that up to 97% of the nanoparticles were successfully targeted.

  8. Stability estimate for the aligned magnetic field in a periodic quantum waveguide from Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mejri, Youssef, E-mail:; Dép. des Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021 Jarzouna; Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique dans les Sciences de l’Ingénieur, ENIT BP 37, Le Belvedere, 1002 Tunis

    In this article, we study the boundary inverse problem of determining the aligned magnetic field appearing in the magnetic Schrödinger equation in a periodic quantum cylindrical waveguide, by knowledge of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. We prove a Hölder stability estimate with respect to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, by means of the geometrical optics solutions of the magnetic Schrödinger equation.

  9. Magnetically Retrievable Catalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis

    EPA Science Inventory

    Surface modification of magnetic nanoparticles with chiral scaffolds for asymmetric catalytic applications is an elegant way of providing a special pseudo homogenous phase which could be separated using an external magnet. In this review, we summarize the use of magnetic nanopart...

  10. The effort to close the gap: Tracking the development of illusory contour processing from childhood to adulthood with high-density electrical mapping

    PubMed Central

    Altschuler, Ted S.; Molholm, Sophie; Butler, John S.; Mercier, Manuel R.; Brandwein, Alice B.; Foxe, John J.


    The adult human visual system can efficiently fill-in missing object boundaries when low-level information from the retina is incomplete, but little is known about how these processes develop across childhood. A decade of visual-evoked potential (VEP) studies has produced a theoretical model identifying distinct phases of contour completion in adults. The first, termed a perceptual phase, occurs from approximately 100-200 ms and is associated with automatic boundary completion. The second is termed a conceptual phase occurring between 230-400 ms. The latter has been associated with the analysis of ambiguous objects which seem to require more effort to complete. The electrophysiological markers of these phases have both been localized to the lateral occipital complex, a cluster of ventral visual stream brain regions associated with object-processing. We presented Kanizsa-type illusory contour stimuli, often used for exploring contour completion processes, to neurotypical persons ages 6-31 (N= 63), while parametrically varying the spatial extent of these induced contours, in order to better understand how filling-in processes develop across childhood and adolescence. Our results suggest that, while adults complete contour boundaries in a single discrete period during the automatic perceptual phase, children display an immature response pattern - engaging in more protracted processing across both timeframes and appearing to recruit more widely distributed regions which resemble those evoked during adult processing of higher-order ambiguous figures. However, children older than 5 years of age were remarkably like adults in that the effects of contour processing were invariant to manipulation of contour extent. PMID:24365674

  11. Selected data for wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Carter, J.M.


    This report presents selected data on wells and test holes that were used in the construction of structure-contour maps of selected formations that contain major aquifers in the Black Hills area of western South Dakota. Altitudes of the top of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation are presented for the wells and test holes presented in this report.

  12. A dual-modal magnetic nanoparticle probe for preoperative and intraoperative mapping of sentinel lymph nodes by magnetic resonance and near infrared fluorescence imaging

    PubMed Central

    Zhou, Zhengyang; Chen, Hongwei; Lipowska, Malgorzata; Wang, Liya; Yu, Qiqi; Yang, Xiaofeng; Tiwari, Diana; Yang, Lily; Mao, Hui


    The ability to reliably detect sentinel lymph nodes for sentinel lymph node biopsy and lymphadenectomy is important in clinical management of patients with metastatic cancers. However, the traditional sentinel lymph node mapping with visible dyes is limited by the penetration depth of light and fast clearance of the dyes. On the other hand, sentinel lymph node mapping with radionucleotide technique has intrinsically low spatial resolution and does not provide anatomic details in the sentinel lymph node mapping procedure. This work reports the development of a dual modality imaging probe with magnetic resonance and near infrared imaging capabilities for sentinel lymph node mapping using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (10 nm core size) conjugated with a near infrared molecule with emission at 830 nm. Accumulation of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in sentinel lymph nodes leads to strong T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging contrast that can be potentially used for preoperative localization of sentinel lymph nodes, while conjugated near infrared molecules provide optical imaging tracking of lymph nodes with a high signal to background ratio. The new magnetic nanoparticle based dual imaging probe exhibits a significant longer lymph node retention time. Near infrared signals from nanoparticle conjugated near infrared dyes last up to 60 min in sentinel lymph node compared to that of 25 min for the free near infrared dyes in a mouse model. Furthermore, axillary lymph nodes, in addition to sentinel lymph nodes, can be also visualized with this probe, given its slow clearance and sufficient sensitivity. Therefore, this new dual modality imaging probe with the tissue penetration and sensitive detection of sentinel lymph nodes can be applied for preoperative survey of lymph nodes with magnetic resonance imaging and allows intraoperative sentinel lymph node mapping using near infrared optical devices. PMID:23812946

  13. The symmetric quartic map for trajectories of magnetic field lines in elongated divertor tokamak plasmas

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jones, Morgin; Wadi, Hasina; Ali, Halima

    The coordinates of the area-preserving map equations for integration of magnetic field line trajectories in divertor tokamaks can be any coordinates for which a transformation to ({psi}{sub t},{theta},{phi}) coordinates exists [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys. Lett. A 364, 140 (2007)]. {psi}{sub t} is toroidal magnetic flux, {theta} is poloidal angle, and {phi} is toroidal angle. This freedom is exploited to construct the symmetric quartic map such that the only parameter that determines magnetic geometry is the elongation of the separatrix surface. The poloidal flux inside the separatrix, the safety factor as a function of normalizedmore » minor radius, and the magnetic perturbation from the symplectic discretization are all held constant, and only the elongation is {kappa} varied. The width of stochastic layer, the area, and the fractal dimension of the magnetic footprint and the average radial diffusion coefficient of magnetic field lines from the stochastic layer; and how these quantities scale with {kappa} is calculated. The symmetric quartic map gives the correct scalings which are consistent with the scalings of coordinates with {kappa}. The effects of m=1, n={+-}1 internal perturbation with the amplitude that is expected to occur in tokamaks are calculated by adding a term [H. Ali, A. Punjabi, A. H. Boozer, and T. Evans, Phys. Plasmas 11, 1908 (2004)] to the symmetric quartic map. In this case, the width of stochastic layer scales as 0.35 power of {kappa}. The area of the footprint is roughly constant. The average radial diffusion coefficient of field lines near the X-point scales linearly with {kappa}. The low mn perturbation changes the quasisymmetric structure of the footprint, and reorganizes it into a single, large scale, asymmetric structure. The symmetric quartic map is combined with the dipole map [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, and A. H. Boozer, Phys. Plasmas 10, 3992 (2003)] to calculate the effects of magnetic perturbation from a current

  14. Further Mapping of Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field Using MESSENGER Magnetometer Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hood, L. L.; Oliveira, J. S.; Spudis, P. D.; Galluzzi, V.


    Further mapping of Mercury's crustal magnetic field shows that anomalies are associated with some impact craters but not others. Differences in impactor composition (e.g., iron content) may be indicated by this new observation.

  15. Impact of contour on aesthetic judgments and approach-avoidance decisions in architecture

    PubMed Central

    Vartanian, Oshin; Navarrete, Gorka; Chatterjee, Anjan; Fich, Lars Brorson; Leder, Helmut; Modroño, Cristián; Nadal, Marcos; Rostrup, Nicolai; Skov, Martin


    On average, we urban dwellers spend about 90% of our time indoors, and share the intuition that the physical features of the places we live and work in influence how we feel and act. However, there is surprisingly little research on how architecture impacts behavior, much less on how it influences brain function. To begin closing this gap, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging study to examine how systematic variation in contour impacts aesthetic judgments and approach-avoidance decisions, outcome measures of interest to both architects and users of spaces alike. As predicted, participants were more likely to judge spaces as beautiful if they were curvilinear than rectilinear. Neuroanatomically, when contemplating beauty, curvilinear contour activated the anterior cingulate cortex exclusively, a region strongly responsive to the reward properties and emotional salience of objects. Complementing this finding, pleasantness—the valence dimension of the affect circumplex—accounted for nearly 60% of the variance in beauty ratings. Furthermore, activation in a distributed brain network known to underlie the aesthetic evaluation of different types of visual stimuli covaried with beauty ratings. In contrast, contour did not affect approach-avoidance decisions, although curvilinear spaces activated the visual cortex. The results suggest that the well-established effect of contour on aesthetic preference can be extended to architecture. Furthermore, the combination of our behavioral and neural evidence underscores the role of emotion in our preference for curvilinear objects in this domain. PMID:23754408

  16. Magnetic electroanatomical mapping for ablation of focal atrial tachycardias.


    Marchlinski, F; Callans, D; Gottlieb, C; Rodriguez, E; Coyne, R; Kleinman, D


    Uniform success for ablation of focal atrial tachycardias has been difficult to achieve using standard catheter mapping and ablation techniques. In addition, our understanding of the complex relationship between atrial anatomy, electrophysiology, and surface ECG P wave morphology remains primitive. The magnetic electroanatomical mapping and display system (CARTO) offers an on-line display of electrical activation and/or signal amplitude related to the anatomical location of the recorded sites in the mapped chamber. A window of electrical interest is established based on signals timed from an electrical reference that usually represents a fixed electrogram recording from the coronary sinus or the atrial appendage. This window of electrical interest is established to include atrial activation prior to the onset of the P wave activity associated with the site of origin of a focal atrial tachycardia. Anatomical and electrical landmarks are defined with limited fluoroscopic imaging support and more detailed global chamber and more focal atrial mapping can be performed with minimal fluoroscopic guidance. A three-dimensional color map representing atrial activation or voltage amplitude at the magnetically defined anatomical sites is displayed with on-line data acquisition. This display can be manipulated to facilitate viewing from any angle. Altering the zoom control, triangle fill threshold, clipping plane, or color range can all enhance the display of a more focal area of interest. We documented the feasibility of using this single mapping catheter technique for localizing and ablating focal atrial tachycardias. In a consecutive series of 8 patients with 9 focal atrial tachycardias, the use of the single catheter CARTO mapping system was associated with ablation success in all but one patient who had a left atrial tachycardia localized to the medial aspect of the orifice of the left atrial appendage. Only low power energy delivery was used in this patient because of the

  17. The effort to close the gap: tracking the development of illusory contour processing from childhood to adulthood with high-density electrical mapping.


    Altschuler, Ted S; Molholm, Sophie; Butler, John S; Mercier, Manuel R; Brandwein, Alice B; Foxe, John J


    The adult human visual system can efficiently fill-in missing object boundaries when low-level information from the retina is incomplete, but little is known about how these processes develop across childhood. A decade of visual-evoked potential (VEP) studies has produced a theoretical model identifying distinct phases of contour completion in adults. The first, termed a perceptual phase, occurs from approximately 100-200 ms and is associated with automatic boundary completion. The second is termed a conceptual phase occurring between 230 and 400 ms. The latter has been associated with the analysis of ambiguous objects which seem to require more effort to complete. The electrophysiological markers of these phases have both been localized to the lateral occipital complex, a cluster of ventral visual stream brain regions associated with object-processing. We presented Kanizsa-type illusory contour stimuli, often used for exploring contour completion processes, to neurotypical persons ages 6-31 (N=63), while parametrically varying the spatial extent of these induced contours, in order to better understand how filling-in processes develop across childhood and adolescence. Our results suggest that, while adults complete contour boundaries in a single discrete period during the automatic perceptual phase, children display an immature response pattern-engaging in more protracted processing across both timeframes and appearing to recruit more widely distributed regions which resemble those evoked during adult processing of higher-order ambiguous figures. However, children older than 5years of age were remarkably like adults in that the effects of contour processing were invariant to manipulation of contour extent. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Colorimetric Glucose Assay Based on Magnetic Particles Having Pseudo-peroxidase Activity and Immobilized Glucose Oxidase.


    Martinkova, Pavla; Opatrilova, Radka; Kruzliak, Peter; Styriak, Igor; Pohanka, Miroslav


    Magnetic particles (MPs) are currently used as a suitable alternative for peroxidase in the construction of novel biosensors, analytic and diagnostic methods. Their better chemical and thermal stabilities predestine them as appropriate pseudo-enzymatic catalysts. In this point of view, our research was focused on preparation of simply and fast method for immobilization of glucose oxidase onto surface of MPs with peroxidase-like activity. Spectrophotometric method (wavelength 450 nm) optimized for glucose determination using modified MPs has been successfully developed. Concentration curve for optimization of method was assayed, and Michaelis-Menten constant (K m) calculated, maximum reaction rate (V max), limit of detection, and correlation coefficient were determined to be 0.13 mmol/l (2.34 mg/dl), 1.79 pkat, 3.74 µmol/l (0.067 mg/dl), and 0.996, respectively. Interferences of other sugars such as sucrose, sorbitol, deoxyribose, maltose, and fructose were determined as well as effect of substances presenting in plasma (ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione, trolox, and urea). Results in comparison with positive and negative controls showed no interferences of the other sugars and no influence of plasma substances to measuring of glucose. The constructed method showed corresponding results with linear dependence and a correlation coefficient of 0.997. Possibility of repeated use of modified MPs was successfully proved.

  19. Synthesis and characterization of monomeric Mn (IV) and pseudo-tetrameric Mn (III) complexes: magnetic properties of Mn (III) complex.


    Yahsi, Yasemin; Kara, Hulya


    Two novel monomer Mn (IV) [Mn(3,5-ClL1)2]⋅(CH3OH), (1), [3,5-ClL1H2=N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3,5-dichlorosalicylaldimine] (1) and hydrogen-bonded pseudo-tetramer Mn (III) [Mn(5-BrL2)(H2O)2]2⋅[Mn(5-BrL2)(H2O)]2⋅2⋅(ClO4), (2), [5-BrL2H2=N,N'-bis(5-bromosalicylidenato)-1,2-diamino-2-methylpropane)] (2) Schiff base complexes have been synthesized and their crystal structures have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. A variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurement study has been performed for complex (2) and the result indicates there is a very weak antiferromagnetic interaction (J=-0.40±0.016cm(-1)) between the two manganese (III) centers. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Iowa magnetic and gravity maps and data: a web site for distribution of data

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kucks, Robert P.; Hill, Patricia L.


    Magnetic anomalies are due to variations in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the uneven distribution of magnetic minerals (primarily magnetite) in the rocks that make up the upper part of the Earth's crust. The features and patterns of the magnetic anomalies can be used to delineate details of subsurface geology, including the locations of buried faults and magnetite-bearing rocks and the depth to the base of sedimentary basins. This information is valuable for mineral exploration, geologic mapping, and environmental studies. The Iowa magnetic map is constructed from grids that combine information collected in nine separate magnetic surveys conducted between 1953 and 1972. The data from these surveys are of varying quality. The design and specifications (terrain clearance, sampling rates, line spacing, and reduction procedures) varied from survey to survey depending on the purpose of the project and the technology of that time. Every attempt was made to acquire the data in digital form. All survey grids have been continued to 305 m (1,000 ft) above ground and merged together to form the State compilation.

  1. Analysis of Helimak Plasma Using Movies of Density Contours

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Williams, Chad; Gentle, Kenneth; Li, Bo


    Using an array of Langmuir probes we have created two-dimensional contour plot movies showing the arrangement, convection, and time sequence of plasma structures inside of the Texas Helimak, which approximates aspects of the tokamak SOL. These structures are seen to vary with time, magnetic field line pitch, and applied bias voltage. The probes are distributed in two sets of 48 probes arranged in a grid with two centimeter spacing, providing good spatial resolution of these structures. We find that, for negative biases, the plasma moves away from the biased plate in agreement with the simulations. For positive biases, the plasma is found close to the bias plate. Positive biases are seen to induce more radial convection than the negatively biased case. While all structures vary with time, those at lower magnetic field line pitch are seen to vary most dramatically.

  2. Magnitude of parallel pseudo potential in a magnetosonic shock wave

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ohsawa, Yukiharu


    The parallel pseudo potential F, which is the integral of the parallel electric field along the magnetic field, in a large-amplitude magnetosonic pulse (shock wave) is theoretically studied. Particle simulations revealed in the late 1990's that the product of the elementary charge and F can be much larger than the electron temperature in shock waves, i.e., the parallel electric field can be quite strong. However, no theory was presented for this unexpected result. This paper first revisits the small-amplitude theory for F and then investigates the parallel pseudo potential F in large-amplitude pulses based on the two-fluid model with finite thermal pressures. It is found that the magnitude of F in a shock wave is determined by the wave amplitude, the electron temperature, and the kinetic energy of an ion moving with the Alfvén speed. This theoretically obtained expression for F is nearly identical to the empirical relation for F discovered in the previous simulation work.

  3. 47 CFR 73.311 - Field strength contours.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Field strength contours. 73.311 Section 73.311... Broadcast Stations § 73.311 Field strength contours. (a) Applications for FM broadcast authorizations must show the field strength contours required by FCC Form 301 or FCC Form 340, as appropriate. (b) The...

  4. 47 CFR 73.311 - Field strength contours.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Field strength contours. 73.311 Section 73.311... Broadcast Stations § 73.311 Field strength contours. (a) Applications for FM broadcast authorizations must show the field strength contours required by FCC Form 301 or FCC Form 340, as appropriate. (b) The...

  5. Collecting Data to Construct an Isoline Map

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lohrengel, C. Frederick, II.; Larson, Paul R.


    National Geography Standard 1 requires that students learn:"How to use maps and other geographic representations, geospatial technologies, and spatial thinking to understand and communicate information" (Heffron and Downs 2012). These concepts have real-world applicability. For example, elevation contour maps are common in many…

  6. Mapping-by-sequencing in complex polyploid genomes using genic sequence capture: a case study to map yellow rust resistance in hexaploid wheat.


    Gardiner, Laura-Jayne; Bansept-Basler, Pauline; Olohan, Lisa; Joynson, Ryan; Brenchley, Rachel; Hall, Neil; O'Sullivan, Donal M; Hall, Anthony


    Previously we extended the utility of mapping-by-sequencing by combining it with sequence capture and mapping sequence data to pseudo-chromosomes that were organized using wheat-Brachypodium synteny. This, with a bespoke haplotyping algorithm, enabled us to map the flowering time locus in the diploid wheat Triticum monococcum L. identifying a set of deleted genes (Gardiner et al., 2014). Here, we develop this combination of gene enrichment and sliding window mapping-by-synteny analysis to map the Yr6 locus for yellow stripe rust resistance in hexaploid wheat. A 110 MB NimbleGen capture probe set was used to enrich and sequence a doubled haploid mapping population of hexaploid wheat derived from an Avalon and Cadenza cross. The Yr6 locus was identified by mapping to the POPSEQ chromosomal pseudomolecules using a bespoke pipeline and algorithm (Chapman et al., 2015). Furthermore the same locus was identified using newly developed pseudo-chromosome sequences as a mapping reference that are based on the genic sequence used for sequence enrichment. The pseudo-chromosomes allow us to demonstrate the application of mapping-by-sequencing to even poorly defined polyploidy genomes where chromosomes are incomplete and sub-genome assemblies are collapsed. This analysis uniquely enabled us to: compare wheat genome annotations; identify the Yr6 locus - defining a smaller genic region than was previously possible; associate the interval with one wheat sub-genome and increase the density of SNP markers associated. Finally, we built the pipeline in iPlant, making it a user-friendly community resource for phenotype mapping. © 2016 The Authors. The Plant Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.


    Dalvi, S R; Yildirim, R; Santoriello, D; Belmont, H M


    Pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome (PPMS) is a rare manifestation of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), defined by the presence of ascites, pleural effusions and an elevated CA-125 level. We describe a patient with longstanding lupus who presented with localized lymphadenopathy and subsequently developed massive chylous ascites with marked hypoalbuminemia. A brief historical overview of Meigs' syndrome and related entities is presented, along with a discussion of the differential diagnosis of hypoalbuminemia and ascites in an SLE patient. In addition, we speculate on the optimal therapeutic intervention in such a patient.

  8. Quantitative maps of geomagnetic perturbation vectors during substorm onset and recovery

    PubMed Central

    Pothier, N M; Weimer, D R; Moore, W B


    We have produced the first series of spherical harmonic, numerical maps of the time-dependent surface perturbations in the Earth's magnetic field following the onset of substorms. Data from 124 ground magnetometer stations in the Northern Hemisphere at geomagnetic latitudes above 33° were used. Ground station data averaged over 5 min intervals covering 8 years (1998–2005) were used to construct pseudo auroral upper, auroral lower, and auroral electrojet (AU*, AL*, and AE*) indices. These indices were used to generate a list of substorms that extended from 1998 to 2005, through a combination of automated processing and visual checks. Events were sorted by interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation (at the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite), dipole tilt angle, and substorm magnitude. Within each category, the events were aligned on substorm onset. A spherical cap harmonic analysis was used to obtain a least error fit of the substorm disturbance patterns at 5 min intervals up to 90 min after onset. The fits obtained at onset time were subtracted from all subsequent fits, for each group of substorm events. Maps of the three vector components of the averaged magnetic perturbations were constructed to show the effects of substorm currents. These maps are produced for several specific ranges of values for the peak |AL*| index, IMF orientation, and dipole tilt angle. We demonstrate an influence of the dipole tilt angle on the response to substorms. Our results indicate that there are downward currents poleward and upward currents just equatorward of the peak in the substorms' westward electrojet. Key Points Show quantitative maps of ground geomagnetic perturbations due to substorms Three vector components mapped as function of time during onset and recovery Compare/contrast results for different tilt angle and sign of IMF Y-component PMID:26167445

  9. A magnetic anomaly of possible economic significance in southeastern Minnesota

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Zietz, Isidore


    An aeromagnetic survey in southeastern Minnesota by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the State of Minnesota has revealed a high-amplitude, linear, and narrow magnetic feature that suggests a possible source of Precambrian iron-formation of economic value. For the past few years the U. S. Geological Survey has been conducting detailed geophysical studies of the midcontinent gravity anomaly--a broad, high-amplitude feature that extends from Lake Superior through the States of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and part of Kansas. As part of this study an aeromagnetic survey of the southern part of the State was made in cooperation with the State of Minnesota during the summer of 1963, in which a linear high-amplitude anomaly of the order of 4,000 gammas was discovered. Because of the high amplitude, the linearity, and the narrowness of the magnetic feature, it is believed the source may be Precambrian iron-formation of possible economic value. The anomalous area is in Fillmore County, approximately between the towns of Lanesboro and Peterson in the extreme southeastern part of the State. (See figures 1 and 2.) At the site of the anomaly, Cambrian sedimentary rocks occur in the valley of the Root River, and Ordovician rocks (nearly flat lying) mantle the upland areas. The uplands are largely covered by glacial deposits, which are relatively thin (Paul K. Sims, written communication, 1964). Depths to the Precambrian are estimated to range from 500 feet to 1,000 feet below the surface. The aeromagnetic map shown in figure 2 was compiled from continuous magnetic profiles made along east-west flight lines 1,000 feet above ground, and spaced approximately 1 mile apart. Contour intervals of 20, 100, and 500 gammas were used depending on the intensity. The instrument for the survey was a flux-gate type magnetometer (AN/ASQ-3A) which measures total-field variations. The contour map displays variations in magnetic pattern which are typical of shallow Precambrian rocks

  10. Mapping hard magnetic recording disks by TOF-SIMS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spool, A.; Forrest, J.


    Mapping of hard magnetic recording disks by TOF-SIMS was performed both to produce significant analytical results for the understanding of the disk surface and the head disk interface in hard disk drives, and as an example of a macroscopic non-rectangular mapping problem for the technique. In this study, maps were obtained by taking discrete samples of the disk surface at set intervals in R and Θ. Because both in manufacturing, and in the disk drive, processes that may affect the disk surface are typically circumferential in nature, changes in the surface are likely to be blurred in the Θ direction. An algorithm was developed to determine the optimum relative sampling ratio in R and Θ. The results confirm what the experience of the analysts suggested, that changes occur more rapidly on disks in the radial direction, and that more sampling in the radial direction is desired. The subsequent use of statistical methods principle component analysis (PCA), maximum auto-correlation factors (MAF), and the algorithm inverse distance weighting (IDW) are explored.

  11. Aerodynamics of the pseudo-glottis.


    Kotby, M N; Hegazi, M A; Kamal, I; Gamal El Dien, N; Nassar, J


    The aim of this work is to study the hitherto unclear aerodynamic parameters of the pseudo-glottis following total laryngectomy. These parameters include airflow rate, sub-pseudo-glottic pressure (SubPsG), efficiency and resistance, as well as sound pressure level (SPL). Eighteen male patients who have undergone total laryngectomy, with an age range from 54 to 72 years, were investigated in this study. All tested patients were fluent esophageal 'voice' speakers utilizing tracheo-esophageal prosthesis. The airflow rate, SubPsG and SPL were measured. The results showed that the mean value of the airflow rate was 53 ml/s, the SubPsG pressure was 13 cm H(2)O, while the SPL was 66 dB. The normative data obtained from the true glottis in healthy age-matched subjects are 89 ml/s, 7.9 cm H(2)O and 70 dB, respectively. Other aerodynamic indices were calculated and compared to the data obtained from the true glottis. Such a comparison of the pseudo-glottic aerodynamic data to the data of the true glottis gives an insight into the mechanism of action of the pseudo-glottis. The data obtained suggests possible clinical applications in pseudo-voice training. Copyright 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  12. Environmental magnetism and magnetic mapping of urban metallic pollution (Paris, France)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isambert, Aude; Franke, Christine; Macouin, Mélina; Rousse, Sonia; Philip, Aurélio; de Villeneuve, Sybille Henry


    Airborne pollution in dense urban areas is nowadays a subject of major concern. Fine particulate pollution events are ever more frequent and represent not only an environmental and health but also a real economic issue. In urban atmosphere, the so-called PM2.5 (particulate matter < 2.5 μm in diameter) and ultrafine fractions (< 100 nm) due to combustion, causes many adverse health effects. Environmental magnetic studies of airborne PM collected on air filters or plants have demonstrated their potential to follow the metallic pollution and determine their sources (Sagnotti et al., 2012). In this study, we report on magnetic measurements of traffic-related airborne PM in the city of Paris, France. Two distinct environments were sampled and analyzed along the Seine River: the aquatic environment in studying fluvial bank and river bed sediments and the atmospheric environment by regarding magnetic particles trapped in adjacent tree barks (Platanus hispanica). About 50 sediment samples and 350 bark samples have been collected and analysed to determine their magnetic properties (susceptibility, hysteresis parameters, IRM, frequency-dependent susceptibility) and to estimate the presence and spatial concentration of superparamagnetic or multi-domain particles for each sample type. The bark results allow proposing a high spatial resolution mapping (< 50 m) of magnetic susceptibility and frequency dependent susceptibility on a 30 km long profile along the river. Variations in that profile may be linked to the atmospheric metallic pollution. In addition to that, the sampling of banks and riverbed sediments of the Seine allow a global estimation on the anthropogenic versus detrital and biologic input in the city of Paris. The first results presented here show a general increase of the concentration in magnetic particles from upstream to downstream Paris probably linked to urban pollutions as previously observed for suspended particulate matter (Franke et al. 2009; Kayvantash

  13. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration.


    Uh, Jinsoo; Merchant, Thomas E; Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu; Hua, Chiaho


    To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787-0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%-98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (<2% maximum dose and 2 mm range). The dose to 95% of the volume and the percentage of volume receiving at

  14. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Uh, Jinsoo, E-mail:; Merchant, Thomas E.; Hua, Chiaho


    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. Methods: A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration ofmore » conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. Results: The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787–0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%–98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (<2% maximum dose and 2 mm range). The dose to 95% of the volume and

  15. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration

    PubMed Central

    Uh, Jinsoo; Merchant, Thomas E.; Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu; Hua, Chiaho


    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. Methods: A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. Results: The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787–0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%–98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (<2% maximum dose and 2 mm range). The dose to 95% of the volume and the

  16. [Body-contouring surgery].


    Pitanguy, Ivo


    Concepts of beauty have been continuously evolving throughout the history of mankind. The voluptuous figures that were idealized by artists in the past have been substituted by slimmer forms. Medical advances in this century have permitted safe and efficient surgical correction of contour deformities. Until recently, these alterations were mostly hidden under heavy clothing or were reluctantly accepted. Current fashion trends generally promote body-revealing attire. The media frequently encourages the importance of fitness and good health linking these qualities with youthfulness and beauty. The subliminal as well as overt message is that these are necessary and desirable requirements for social acceptance and professional success. On the other hand, current sedentary lifestyle and dietary excesses, associated with factors such as genetic determination, pregnancy and the aging process, contribute to alterations of body contour that result in the loss of the individual's body image. This creates a strong psychological motivation for surgical correction. Localized fat deposits and skin flaccidity are sometimes resistant to the most sincere efforts in weight loss and sport activities. This ever-increasing request for contour surgery has been favorably met by safe and effective anesthesiology as well as efficient surgical techniques, resulting in a high degree of patient satisfaction. It is essential that today's aesthetic surgeon understand the motivations of patients who present with body contour deformities. A request for surgical treatment should be seen as a legitimate desire to achieve a physical form that approximates the individual with his or her ideal self-image. Additionally, the surgeon must always consider the possible benefit of including the participation of a multidisciplinary team approach. Depending on each case, this team should include consultants in endocrinology, dermatology, oculoplastics, pediatrics and other appropriate specialties.

  17. Digital data sets for map products produced as part of the Black Hills Hydrology Study, western South Dakota

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Williamson, Joyce E.; Jarrell, Gregory J.; Clawges, Rick M.; Galloway, Joel M.; Carter, Janet M.


    This compact disk contains digital data produced as part of the 1:100,000-scale map products for the Black Hills Hydrology Study conducted in western South Dakota. The digital data include 28 individual Geographic Information System (GIS) data sets: data sets for the hydrogeologic unit map including all mapped hydrogeologic units within the study area (1 data set) and major geologic structure including anticlines and synclines (1 data set); data sets for potentiometric maps including the potentiometric contours for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood aquifers (5 data sets), wells used as control points for each aquifer (5 data sets), and springs used as control points for the potentiometric contours (1 data set); and data sets for the structure-contour maps including the structure contours for the top of each formation that contains major aquifers (5 data sets), wells and tests holes used as control points for each formation (5 data sets), and surficial deposits (alluvium and terrace deposits) that directly overlie each of the major aquifer outcrops (5 data sets). These data sets were used to produce the maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey.

  18. Surface Curvatures Computation from Equidistance Contours

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tanaka, Hiromi T.; Kling, Olivier; Lee, Daniel T. L.


    The subject of our research is on the 3D shape representation problem for a special class of range image, one where the natural mode of the acquired range data is in the form of equidistance contours, as exemplified by a moire interferometry range system. In this paper we present a novel surface curvature computation scheme that directly computes the surface curvatures (the principal curvatures, Gaussian curvature and mean curvature) from the equidistance contours without any explicit computations or implicit estimates of partial derivatives. We show how the special nature of the equidistance contours, specifically, the dense information of the surface curves in the 2D contour plane, turns into an advantage for the computation of the surface curvatures. The approach is based on using simple geometric construction to obtain the normal sections and the normal curvatures. This method is general and can be extended to any dense range image data. We show in details how this computation is formulated and give an analysis on the error bounds of the computation steps showing that the method is stable. Computation results on real equidistance range contours are also shown.

  19. Pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles in R4

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chossat, Pascal; Lohse, Alexander; Podvigina, Olga


    We study pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles for a Γ-equivariant system in R4 with finite Γ ⊂ O(4) , and their nearby dynamics. In particular, in a first step towards a full classification - analogous to that which exists already for the class of simple cycles - we identify all finite subgroups of O(4) admitting pseudo-simple cycles. To this end we introduce a constructive method to build equivariant dynamical systems possessing a robust heteroclinic cycle. Extending a previous study we also investigate the existence of periodic orbits close to a pseudo-simple cycle, which depends on the symmetry groups of equilibria in the cycle. Moreover, we identify subgroups Γ ⊂ O(4) , Γ ⊄ SO(4) , admitting fragmentarily asymptotically stable pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles. (It has been previously shown that for Γ ⊂ SO(4) pseudo-simple cycles generically are completely unstable.) Finally, we study a generalized heteroclinic cycle, which involves a pseudo-simple cycle as a subset.

  20. Interactive 3D segmentation using connected orthogonal contours.


    de Bruin, P W; Dercksen, V J; Post, F H; Vossepoel, A M; Streekstra, G J; Vos, F M


    This paper describes a new method for interactive segmentation that is based on cross-sectional design and 3D modelling. The method represents a 3D model by a set of connected contours that are planar and orthogonal. Planar contours overlayed on image data are easily manipulated and linked contours reduce the amount of user interaction.1 This method solves the contour-to-contour correspondence problem and can capture extrema of objects in a more flexible way than manual segmentation of a stack of 2D images. The resulting 3D model is guaranteed to be free of geometric and topological errors. We show that manual segmentation using connected orthogonal contours has great advantages over conventional manual segmentation. Furthermore, the method provides effective feedback and control for creating an initial model for, and control and steering of, (semi-)automatic segmentation methods.

  1. Details of Side Load Test Data and Analysis for a Truncated Ideal Contour Nozzle and a Parabolic Contour Nozzle

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ruf, Joseph H.; McDaniels, David M.; Brown, Andrew M.


    Two cold flow subscale nozzles were tested for side load characteristics during simulated nozzle start transients. The two test article contours were a truncated ideal and a parabolic. The current paper is an extension of a 2009 AIAA JPC paper on the test results for the same two nozzle test articles. The side load moments were measured with the strain tube approach in MSFC s Nozzle Test Facility. The processing techniques implemented to convert the strain gage signals into side load moment data are explained. Nozzle wall pressure profiles for separated nozzle flow at many NPRs are presented and discussed in detail. The effect of the test cell diffuser inlet on the parabolic nozzle s wall pressure profiles for separated flow is shown. The maximum measured side load moments for the two contours are compared. The truncated ideal contour s peak side load moment was 45% of that of the parabolic contour. The calculated side load moments, via mean-plus-three-standard-deviations at each nozzle pressure ratio, reproduced the characteristics and absolute values of measured maximums for both contours. The effect of facility vibration on the measured side load moments is quantified and the effect on uncertainty is calculated. The nozzle contour designs are discussed and the impact of a minor fabrication flaw in the nozzle contours is explained.

  2. Breast masses in mammography classification with local contour features.


    Li, Haixia; Meng, Xianjing; Wang, Tingwen; Tang, Yuchun; Yin, Yilong


    Mammography is one of the most popular tools for early detection of breast cancer. Contour of breast mass in mammography is very important information to distinguish benign and malignant mass. Contour of benign mass is smooth and round or oval, while malignant mass has irregular shape and spiculated contour. Several studies have shown that 1D signature translated from 2D contour can describe the contour features well. In this paper, we propose a new method to translate 2D contour of breast mass in mammography into 1D signature. The method can describe not only the contour features but also the regularity of breast mass. Then we segment the whole 1D signature into different subsections. We extract four local features including a new contour descriptor from the subsections. The new contour descriptor is root mean square (RMS) slope. It can describe the roughness of the contour. KNN, SVM and ANN classifier are used to classify benign breast mass and malignant mass. The proposed method is tested on a set with 323 contours including 143 benign masses and 180 malignant ones from digital database of screening mammography (DDSM). The best accuracy of classification is 99.66% using the feature of root mean square slope with SVM classifier. The performance of the proposed method is better than traditional method. In addition, RMS slope is an effective feature comparable to most of the existing features.

  3. Maintaining heterokaryosis in pseudo-homothallic fungi

    PubMed Central

    Grognet, Pierre; Silar, Philippe


    Among all the strategies displayed by fungi to reproduce and propagate, some species have adopted a peculiar behavior called pseudo-homothallism. Pseudo-homothallic fungi are true heterothallics, i.e., they need 2 genetically-compatible partners to mate, but they produce self-fertile mycelium in which the 2 different nuclei carrying the compatible mating types are present. This lifestyle not only enables the fungus to reproduce without finding a compatible partner, but also to cross with any mate it may encounter. However, to be fully functional, pseudo-homothallism requires maintaining heterokaryosis at every stage of the life cycle. We recently showed that neither the structure of the mating-type locus nor hybrid-enhancing effect due to the presence of the 2 mating types accounts for the maintenance of heterokaryosis in the pseudo-homothallic fungus P. anserina. In this addendum, we summarize the mechanisms creating heterokaryosis in P. anserina and 2 other well-known pseudo-homothallic fungi, Neurospora tetrasperma and Agaricus bisporus. We also discuss mechanisms potentially involved in maintaining heterokaryosis in these 3 species. PMID:26479494

  4. Maintaining heterokaryosis in pseudo-homothallic fungi.


    Grognet, Pierre; Silar, Philippe


    Among all the strategies displayed by fungi to reproduce and propagate, some species have adopted a peculiar behavior called pseudo-homothallism. Pseudo-homothallic fungi are true heterothallics, i.e., they need 2 genetically-compatible partners to mate, but they produce self-fertile mycelium in which the 2 different nuclei carrying the compatible mating types are present. This lifestyle not only enables the fungus to reproduce without finding a compatible partner, but also to cross with any mate it may encounter. However, to be fully functional, pseudo-homothallism requires maintaining heterokaryosis at every stage of the life cycle. We recently showed that neither the structure of the mating-type locus nor hybrid-enhancing effect due to the presence of the 2 mating types accounts for the maintenance of heterokaryosis in the pseudo-homothallic fungus P. anserina. In this addendum, we summarize the mechanisms creating heterokaryosis in P. anserina and 2 other well-known pseudo-homothallic fungi, Neurospora tetrasperma and Agaricus bisporus. We also discuss mechanisms potentially involved in maintaining heterokaryosis in these 3 species.

  5. [Pseudo-Bartter syndrome--2 cases].


    Jóźwiak, Lucyna; Jaroszyński, Andrzej; Baranowicz-Gaszczyk, Iwona; Borowicz, Ewa; Ksiazek, Andrzej


    Bartter syndrome represents the group of renal disturbances characterized by hypokaliemia and metabolic alkalosis. Some diseases could display hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis without primary tubular dysfunction. These disorders are called pseudo-Bartter syndrome. In this paper we present 2 cases of pseudo-Bartter syndrome related among to other things to overuse of diuretic drugs.

  6. Pseudo second order kinetics and pseudo isotherms for malachite green onto activated carbon: comparison of linear and non-linear regression methods.


    Kumar, K Vasanth; Sivanesan, S


    Pseudo second order kinetic expressions of Ho, Sobkowsk and Czerwinski, Blanachard et al. and Ritchie were fitted to the experimental kinetic data of malachite green onto activated carbon by non-linear and linear method. Non-linear method was found to be a better way of obtaining the parameters involved in the second order rate kinetic expressions. Both linear and non-linear regression showed that the Sobkowsk and Czerwinski and Ritchie's pseudo second order model were the same. Non-linear regression analysis showed that both Blanachard et al. and Ho have similar ideas on the pseudo second order model but with different assumptions. The best fit of experimental data in Ho's pseudo second order expression by linear and non-linear regression method showed that Ho pseudo second order model was a better kinetic expression when compared to other pseudo second order kinetic expressions. The amount of dye adsorbed at equilibrium, q(e), was predicted from Ho pseudo second order expression and were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich Peterson expressions by both linear and non-linear method to obtain the pseudo isotherms. The best fitting pseudo isotherm was found to be the Langmuir and Redlich Peterson isotherm. Redlich Peterson is a special case of Langmuir when the constant g equals unity.

  7. Investigation of natural gas theft by magnetic remanence mapping.


    Dobó, Zsolt; Kovács, Helga; Tóth, Pál; Palotás, Árpád B


    Natural gas theft causes major losses in the energy industry in Hungary. Among the non-technical losses occurring in natural gas networks, fraudulent residential consumption is one of the main factors. Up to 2014, gas meters that are most widely used in residential monitoring are manufactured with ferromagnetic moving components, which makes it possible to alter or disrupt the operation of the meters non-intrusively by placing permanent magnets on the casing of the meters. Magnetic remanence mapping was used to investigate a sample of 80 recalled residential meters and detect potentially fraudulent activity. 10% of the meters were found suspect by magnetic remanence measurement, of which 50% were confirmed to be potentially hijacked by further mechanical investigation. The details of the technique are described in this paper, along with experimental results and the discussion of the analysis of the real-world samples. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Spectral density mapping at multiple magnetic fields suitable for 13C NMR relaxation studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kadeřávek, Pavel; Zapletal, Vojtěch; Fiala, Radovan; Srb, Pavel; Padrta, Petr; Přecechtělová, Jana Pavlíková; Šoltésová, Mária; Kowalewski, Jozef; Widmalm, Göran; Chmelík, Josef; Sklenář, Vladimír; Žídek, Lukáš


    Standard spectral density mapping protocols, well suited for the analysis of 15N relaxation rates, introduce significant systematic errors when applied to 13C relaxation data, especially if the dynamics is dominated by motions with short correlation times (small molecules, dynamic residues of macromolecules). A possibility to improve the accuracy by employing cross-correlated relaxation rates and on measurements taken at several magnetic fields has been examined. A suite of protocols for analyzing such data has been developed and their performance tested. Applicability of the proposed protocols is documented in two case studies, spectral density mapping of a uniformly labeled RNA hairpin and of a selectively labeled disaccharide exhibiting highly anisotropic tumbling. Combination of auto- and cross-correlated relaxation data acquired at three magnetic fields was applied in the former case in order to separate effects of fast motions and conformational or chemical exchange. An approach using auto-correlated relaxation rates acquired at five magnetic fields, applicable to anisotropically moving molecules, was used in the latter case. The results were compared with a more advanced analysis of data obtained by interpolation of auto-correlated relaxation rates measured at seven magnetic fields, and with the spectral density mapping of cross-correlated relaxation rates. The results showed that sufficiently accurate values of auto- and cross-correlated spectral density functions at zero and 13C frequencies can be obtained from data acquired at three magnetic fields for uniformly 13C -labeled molecules with a moderate anisotropy of the rotational diffusion tensor. Analysis of auto-correlated relaxation rates at five magnetic fields represents an alternative for molecules undergoing highly anisotropic motions.

  9. Prostate contouring in MRI guided biopsy.


    Vikal, Siddharth; Haker, Steven; Tempany, Clare; Fichtinger, Gabor


    With MRI possibly becoming a modality of choice for detection and staging of prostate cancer, fast and accurate outlining of the prostate is required in the volume of clinical interest. We present a semi-automatic algorithm that uses a priori knowledge of prostate shape to arrive at the final prostate contour. The contour of one slice is then used as initial estimate in the neighboring slices. Thus we propagate the contour in 3D through steps of refinement in each slice. The algorithm makes only minimum assumptions about the prostate shape. A statistical shape model of prostate contour in polar transform space is employed to narrow search space. Further, shape guidance is implicitly imposed by allowing only plausible edge orientations using template matching. The algorithm does not require region-homogeneity, discriminative edge force, or any particular edge profile. Likewise, it makes no assumption on the imaging coils and pulse sequences used and it is robust to the patient's pose (supine, prone, etc.). The contour method was validated using expert segmentation on clinical MRI data. We recorded a mean absolute distance of 2.0 ± 0.6 mm and dice similarity coefficient of 0.93 ± 0.3 in midsection. The algorithm takes about 1 second per slice.

  10. Prostate contouring in MRI guided biopsy

    PubMed Central

    Vikal, Siddharth; Haker, Steven; Tempany, Clare; Fichtinger, Gabor


    With MRI possibly becoming a modality of choice for detection and staging of prostate cancer, fast and accurate outlining of the prostate is required in the volume of clinical interest. We present a semi-automatic algorithm that uses a priori knowledge of prostate shape to arrive at the final prostate contour. The contour of one slice is then used as initial estimate in the neighboring slices. Thus we propagate the contour in 3D through steps of refinement in each slice. The algorithm makes only minimum assumptions about the prostate shape. A statistical shape model of prostate contour in polar transform space is employed to narrow search space. Further, shape guidance is implicitly imposed by allowing only plausible edge orientations using template matching. The algorithm does not require region-homogeneity, discriminative edge force, or any particular edge profile. Likewise, it makes no assumption on the imaging coils and pulse sequences used and it is robust to the patient's pose (supine, prone, etc.). The contour method was validated using expert segmentation on clinical MRI data. We recorded a mean absolute distance of 2.0 ± 0.6 mm and dice similarity coefficient of 0.93 ± 0.3 in midsection. The algorithm takes about 1 second per slice. PMID:21132083

  11. Design of a 3-D Magnetic Mapping System to Locate Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Pavements

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report outlines the design, fabrication, and testing of a 3-D magnetic mapping system used to locate reinforcing steel in concrete pavements developed at Kansas State University (KSU) in 2006. The magnetic sensing functionality is based on the p...

  12. Second order Pseudo-gaussian shaper

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Beche, Jean-Francois


    The purpose of this document is to provide a calculus spreadsheet for the design of second-order pseudo-gaussian shapers. A very interesting reference is given by C.H. Mosher ''Pseudo-Gaussian Transfer Functions with Superlative Recovery'', IEEE TNS Volume 23, p. 226-228 (1976). Fred Goulding and Don Landis have studied the structure of those filters and their implementation and this document will outline the calculation leading to the relation between the coefficients of the filter. The general equation of the second order pseudo-gaussian filter is: f(t) = P{sub 0} {center_dot} e{sup -3kt} {center_dot} sin{sup 2}(kt). The parameter k is a normalization factor.

  13. Experimental vizualization of 2D photonic crystal equi-frequency contours

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Senderakova, Dagmar; Drzik, Milan; Pisarcik, Matej


    Photonic crystals have been extensively studied for their unique optical properties that promise interesting novel devices. Our contribution is focused on a 2D photonic crystal structure formed by Al2O3 layer on silicon substrate, patterned with periodic hexagonal lattice of deep air holes. Azimuthal angle dependences of the specular light reflection were recorded photo-electrically at various angles of icidence and wavelengths. Data obtained were processed via mapping in reciprocal k-space. The method promises a possibility to visualize the equi-frequency contours and get more detailed information about the properties of the sample used.

  14. Merged GLORIA sidescan and hydrosweep pseudo-sidescan: Processing and creation of digital mosaics

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bird, R.T.; Searle, R.C.; Paskevich, V.; Twichell, D.C.


    We have replaced the usual band of poor-quality data in the near-nadir region of our GLORIA long-range sidescan-sonar imagery with a shaded-relief image constructed from swath bathymetry data (collected simultaneously with GLORIA) which completely cover the nadir area. We have developed a technique to enhance these "pseudo-sidescan" images in order to mimic the neighbouring GLORIA backscatter intensities. As a result, the enhanced images greatly facilitate the geologic interpretation of the adjacent GLORIA data, and geologic features evident in the GLORIA data may be correlated with greater confidence across track. Features interpreted from the pseudo-sidescan may be extrapolated from the near-nadir region out into the GLORIA range where they may not have been recognized otherwise, and therefore the pseudo-sidescan can be used to ground-truth GLORIA interpretations. Creation of digital sidescan mosaics utilized an approach not previously used for GLORIA data. Pixels were correctly placed in cartographic space and the time required to complete a final mosaic was significantly reduced. Computer software for digital mapping and mosaic creation is incorporated into the newly-developed Woods Hole Image Processing System (WHIPS) which can process both low- and high-frequency sidescan, and can interchange data with the Mini Image Processing System (MIPS) most commonly used for GLORIA processing. These techniques are tested by creating digital mosaics of merged GLORIA sidescan and Hydrosweep pseudo-sidescan data from the vicinity of the Juan Fernandez microplate along the East Pacific Rise (EPR). 

  15. The equivalent internal orientation and position noise for contour integration.


    Baldwin, Alex S; Fu, Minnie; Farivar, Reza; Hess, Robert F


    Contour integration is the joining-up of local responses to parts of a contour into a continuous percept. In typical studies observers detect contours formed of discrete wavelets, presented against a background of random wavelets. This measures performance for detecting contours in the limiting external noise that background provides. Our novel task measures contour integration without requiring any background noise. This allowed us to perform noise-masking experiments using orientation and position noise. From these we measure the equivalent internal noise for contour integration. We found an orientation noise of 6° and position noise of 3 arcmin. Orientation noise was 2.6x higher in contour integration compared to an orientation discrimination control task. Comparing against a position discrimination task found position noise in contours to be 2.4x lower. This suggests contour integration involves intermediate processing that enhances the quality of element position representation at the expense of element orientation. Efficiency relative to the ideal observer was lower for the contour tasks (36% in orientation noise, 21% in position noise) compared to the controls (54% and 57%).

  16. Simulation of confined magnetohydrodynamic flows with Dirichlet boundary conditions using a pseudo-spectral method with volume penalization

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Morales, Jorge A.; Leroy, Matthieu; Bos, Wouter J.T.

    A volume penalization approach to simulate magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows in confined domains is presented. Here the incompressible visco-resistive MHD equations are solved using parallel pseudo-spectral solvers in Cartesian geometries. The volume penalization technique is an immersed boundary method which is characterized by a high flexibility for the geometry of the considered flow. In the present case, it allows to use other than periodic boundary conditions in a Fourier pseudo-spectral approach. The numerical method is validated and its convergence is assessed for two- and three-dimensional hydrodynamic (HD) and MHD flows, by comparing the numerical results with results from literature and analyticalmore » solutions. The test cases considered are two-dimensional Taylor–Couette flow, the z-pinch configuration, three dimensional Orszag–Tang flow, Ohmic-decay in a periodic cylinder, three-dimensional Taylor–Couette flow with and without axial magnetic field and three-dimensional Hartmann-instabilities in a cylinder with an imposed helical magnetic field. Finally, we present a magnetohydrodynamic flow simulation in toroidal geometry with non-symmetric cross section and imposing a helical magnetic field to illustrate the potential of the method.« less

  17. A novel content-based active contour model for brain tumor segmentation.


    Sachdeva, Jainy; Kumar, Vinod; Gupta, Indra; Khandelwal, Niranjan; Ahuja, Chirag Kamal


    Brain tumor segmentation is a crucial step in surgical and treatment planning. Intensity-based active contour models such as gradient vector flow (GVF), magneto static active contour (MAC) and fluid vector flow (FVF) have been proposed to segment homogeneous objects/tumors in medical images. In this study, extensive experiments are done to analyze the performance of intensity-based techniques for homogeneous tumors on brain magnetic resonance (MR) images. The analysis shows that the state-of-art methods fail to segment homogeneous tumors against similar background or when these tumors show partial diversity toward the background. They also have preconvergence problem in case of false edges/saddle points. However, the presence of weak edges and diffused edges (due to edema around the tumor) leads to oversegmentation by intensity-based techniques. Therefore, the proposed method content-based active contour (CBAC) uses both intensity and texture information present within the active contour to overcome above-stated problems capturing large range in an image. It also proposes a novel use of Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix to define texture space for tumor segmentation. The effectiveness of this method is tested on two different real data sets (55 patients - more than 600 images) containing five different types of homogeneous, heterogeneous, diffused tumors and synthetic images (non-MR benchmark images). Remarkable results are obtained in segmenting homogeneous tumors of uniform intensity, complex content heterogeneous, diffused tumors on MR images (T1-weighted, postcontrast T1-weighted and T2-weighted) and synthetic images (non-MR benchmark images of varying intensity, texture, noise content and false edges). Further, tumor volume is efficiently extracted from 2-dimensional slices and is named as 2.5-dimensional segmentation. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Pseudo-capacitor device for aqueous electrolytes


    Prakash, Jai; Thackeray, Michael M.; Dees, Dennis W.; Vissers, Donald R.; Myles, Kevin M.


    A pseudo-capacitor having a high energy storage capacity develops a double layer capacitance as well as a Faradaic or battery-like redox reaction, also referred to as pseudo-capacitance. The Faradaic reaction gives rise to a capacitance much greater than that of the typical ruthenate oxide ultracapacitor which develops only charge separation-based double layer capacitance. The capacitor employs a lead and/or bismuth/ruthenate and/or iridium system having the formula A.sub.2 ›B.sub.2-x Pb.sub.x !O.sub.7-y, where A=Pb, Bi, and B=Ru, Ir, and Opseudo-capacitance, affords high energy/power density in the pseudo-capacitor. The amount of expensive ruthenate and iridium can be substantially reduced in the pseudo-capacitor by increasing the lead content while improving energy storage capacity.

  19. Pseudo-capacitor device for aqueous electrolytes


    Prakash, J.; Thackeray, M.M.; Dees, D.W.; Vissers, D.R.; Myles, K.M.


    A pseudo-capacitor having a high energy storage capacity develops a double layer capacitance as well as a Faradaic or battery-like redox reaction, also referred to as pseudo-capacitance. The Faradaic reaction gives rise to a capacitance much greater than that of the typical ruthenate oxide ultracapacitor which develops only charge separation-based double layer capacitance. The capacitor employs a lead and/or bismuth/ruthenate and/or iridium system having the formula A{sub 2}[B{sub 2{minus}x}Pb{sub x}]O{sub 7{minus}y}, where A=Pb, Bi, and B=Ru, Ir, and Opseudo-capacitance, affords high energy/power density in the pseudo-capacitor. The amount of expensive ruthenate and iridium can be substantially reduced in the pseudo-capacitor by increasing the lead content while improving energy storage capacity. 8 figs.

  20. GPU based contouring method on grid DEM data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tan, Liheng; Wan, Gang; Li, Feng; Chen, Xiaohui; Du, Wenlong


    This paper presents a novel method to generate contour lines from grid DEM data based on the programmable GPU pipeline. The previous contouring approaches often use CPU to construct a finite element mesh from the raw DEM data, and then extract contour segments from the elements. They also need a tracing or sorting strategy to generate the final continuous contours. These approaches can be heavily CPU-costing and time-consuming. Meanwhile the generated contours would be unsmooth if the raw data is sparsely distributed. Unlike the CPU approaches, we employ the GPU's vertex shader to generate a triangular mesh with arbitrary user-defined density, in which the height of each vertex is calculated through a third-order Cardinal spline function. Then in the same frame, segments are extracted from the triangles by the geometry shader, and translated to the CPU-side with an internal order in the GPU's transform feedback stage. Finally we propose a "Grid Sorting" algorithm to achieve the continuous contour lines by travelling the segments only once. Our method makes use of multiple stages of GPU pipeline for computation, which can generate smooth contour lines, and is significantly faster than the previous CPU approaches. The algorithm can be easily implemented with OpenGL 3.3 API or higher on consumer-level PCs.

  1. Tactile Earth and Space Science Materials for Students with Visual Impairments: Contours, Craters, Asteroids, and Features of Mars

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rule, Audrey C.


    New tactile curriculum materials for teaching Earth and planetary science lessons on rotation=revolution, silhouettes of objects from different views, contour maps, impact craters, asteroids, and topographic features of Mars to 11 elementary and middle school students with sight impairments at a week-long residential summer camp are presented…

  2. Active contour-based visual tracking by integrating colors, shapes, and motions.


    Hu, Weiming; Zhou, Xue; Li, Wei; Luo, Wenhan; Zhang, Xiaoqin; Maybank, Stephen


    In this paper, we present a framework for active contour-based visual tracking using level sets. The main components of our framework include contour-based tracking initialization, color-based contour evolution, adaptive shape-based contour evolution for non-periodic motions, dynamic shape-based contour evolution for periodic motions, and the handling of abrupt motions. For the initialization of contour-based tracking, we develop an optical flow-based algorithm for automatically initializing contours at the first frame. For the color-based contour evolution, Markov random field theory is used to measure correlations between values of neighboring pixels for posterior probability estimation. For adaptive shape-based contour evolution, the global shape information and the local color information are combined to hierarchically evolve the contour, and a flexible shape updating model is constructed. For the dynamic shape-based contour evolution, a shape mode transition matrix is learnt to characterize the temporal correlations of object shapes. For the handling of abrupt motions, particle swarm optimization is adopted to capture the global motion which is applied to the contour in the current frame to produce an initial contour in the next frame.

  3. Interval and Contour Processing in Autism

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Heaton, Pamela


    High functioning children with autism and age and intelligence matched controls participated in experiments testing perception of pitch intervals and musical contours. The finding from the interval study showed superior detection of pitch direction over small pitch distances in the autism group. On the test of contour discrimination no group…

  4. Segmentation Using Multispectral Adaptive Contours

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Geometry, University of Toronto Press, 1959. 13. R . Malladi , J. Sethian, “Image Processing via Level Set Curvature Flow,” National Academy of Science, vol...92, pp. 7046, 1995. 14. R . Malladi , J. Sethian, C. Vemuri, "Shape Modeling with Front Propagation: a Level Set Approach," IEEE Transactions on...boundary-based active contour models are reviewed in this report; geometric active contours proposed by Caselles et al. [2] and by Malladi and Sethian [13

  5. Hybrid Parallel Contour Trees, Version 1.0

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sewell, Christopher; Fasel, Patricia; Carr, Hamish

    A common operation in scientific visualization is to compute and render a contour of a data set. Given a function of the form f : R^d -> R, a level set is defined as an inverse image f^-1(h) for an isovalue h, and a contour is a single connected component of a level set. The Reeb graph can then be defined to be the result of contracting each contour to a single point, and is well defined for Euclidean spaces or for general manifolds. For simple domains, the graph is guaranteed to be a tree, and is called the contourmore » tree. Analysis can then be performed on the contour tree in order to identify isovalues of particular interest, based on various metrics, and render the corresponding contours, without having to know such isovalues a priori. This code is intended to be the first data-parallel algorithm for computing contour trees. Our implementation will use the portable data-parallel primitives provided by Nvidia’s Thrust library, allowing us to compile our same code for both GPUs and multi-core CPUs. Native OpenMP and purely serial versions of the code will likely also be included. It will also be extended to provide a hybrid data-parallel / distributed algorithm, allowing scaling beyond a single GPU or CPU.« less

  6. Activity in the primary somatosensory cortex induced by reflexological stimulation is unaffected by pseudo-information: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

    PubMed Central


    Background Reflexology is an alternative medical practice that produces beneficial effects by applying pressure to specific reflex areas. Our previous study suggested that reflexological stimulation induced cortical activation in somatosensory cortex corresponding to the stimulated reflex area; however, we could not rule out the possibility of a placebo effect resulting from instructions given during the experimental task. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how reflexological stimulation of the reflex area is processed in the primary somatosensory cortex when correct and pseudo-information about the reflex area is provided. Furthermore, the laterality of activation to the reflexological stimulation was investigated. Methods Thirty-two healthy Japanese volunteers participated. The experiment followed a double-blind design. Half of the subjects received correct information, that the base of the second toe was the eye reflex area, and pseudo-information, that the base of the third toe was the shoulder reflex area. The other half of the subjects received the opposite information. fMRI time series data were acquired during reflexological stimulation to both feet. The experimenter stimulated each reflex area in accordance with an auditory cue. The fMRI data were analyzed using a conventional two-stage approach. The hemodynamic responses produced by the stimulation of each reflex area were assessed using a general linear model on an intra-subject basis, and a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed on an intersubject basis to determine the effect of reflex area laterality and information accuracy. Results Our results indicated that stimulation of the eye reflex area in either foot induced activity in the left middle postcentral gyrus, the area to which tactile sensation to the face projects, as well as in the postcentral gyrus contralateral foot representation area. This activity was not affected by pseudo information

  7. Information Along Contours and Object Boundaries

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Feldman, Jacob; Singh, Manish


    F. Attneave (1954) famously suggested that information along visual contours is concentrated in regions of high magnitude of curvature, rather than being distributed uniformly along the contour. Here the authors give a formal derivation of this claim, yielding an exact expression for information, in C. Shannon's (1948) sense, as a function of…

  8. Ingenious Snake: An Adaptive Multi-Class Contours Extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Baolin; Zhou, Shoujun


    Active contour model (ACM) plays an important role in computer vision and medical image application. The traditional ACMs were used to extract single-class of object contours. While, simultaneous extraction of multi-class of interesting contours (i.e., various contours with closed- or open-ended) have not been solved so far. Therefore, a novel ACM model named “Ingenious Snake” is proposed to adaptively extract these interesting contours. In the first place, the ridge-points are extracted based on the local phase measurement of gradient vector flow field; the consequential ridgelines initialization are automated with high speed. Secondly, the contours’ deformation and evolvement are implemented with the ingenious snake. In the experiments, the result from initialization, deformation and evolvement are compared with the existing methods. The quantitative evaluation of the structure extraction is satisfying with respect of effectiveness and accuracy.

  9. Atlas-guided generation of pseudo-CT images for MRI-only and hybrid PET-MRI-guided radiotherapy treatment planning.


    Arabi, Hossein; Koutsouvelis, Nikolaos; Rouzaud, Michel; Miralbell, Raymond; Zaidi, Habib


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided attenuation correction (AC) of positron emission tomography (PET) data and/or radiation therapy (RT) treatment planning is challenged by the lack of a direct link between MRI voxel intensities and electron density. Therefore, even if this is not a trivial task, a pseudo-computed tomography (CT) image must be predicted from MRI alone. In this work, we propose a two-step (segmentation and fusion) atlas-based algorithm focusing on bone tissue identification to create a pseudo-CT image from conventional MRI sequences and evaluate its performance against the conventional MRI segmentation technique and a recently proposed multi-atlas approach. The clinical studies consisted of pelvic CT, PET and MRI scans of 12 patients with loco-regionally advanced rectal disease. In the first step, bone segmentation of the target image is optimized through local weighted atlas voting. The obtained bone map is then used to assess the quality of deformed atlases to perform voxel-wise weighted atlas fusion. To evaluate the performance of the method, a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) scheme was devised to find optimal parameters for the model. Geometric evaluation of the produced pseudo-CT images and quantitative analysis of the accuracy of PET AC were performed. Moreover, a dosimetric evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy photon treatment plans calculated using the different pseudo-CT images was carried out and compared to those produced using CT images serving as references. The pseudo-CT images produced using the proposed method exhibit bone identification accuracy of 0.89 based on the Dice similarity metric compared to 0.75 achieved by the other atlas-based method. The superior bone extraction resulted in a mean standard uptake value bias of  -1.5  ±  5.0% (mean  ±  SD) in bony structures compared to  -19.9  ±  11.8% and  -8.1  ±  8.2% achieved by MRI segmentation-based (water

  10. Atlas-guided generation of pseudo-CT images for MRI-only and hybrid PET-MRI-guided radiotherapy treatment planning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arabi, Hossein; Koutsouvelis, Nikolaos; Rouzaud, Michel; Miralbell, Raymond; Zaidi, Habib


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided attenuation correction (AC) of positron emission tomography (PET) data and/or radiation therapy (RT) treatment planning is challenged by the lack of a direct link between MRI voxel intensities and electron density. Therefore, even if this is not a trivial task, a pseudo-computed tomography (CT) image must be predicted from MRI alone. In this work, we propose a two-step (segmentation and fusion) atlas-based algorithm focusing on bone tissue identification to create a pseudo-CT image from conventional MRI sequences and evaluate its performance against the conventional MRI segmentation technique and a recently proposed multi-atlas approach. The clinical studies consisted of pelvic CT, PET and MRI scans of 12 patients with loco-regionally advanced rectal disease. In the first step, bone segmentation of the target image is optimized through local weighted atlas voting. The obtained bone map is then used to assess the quality of deformed atlases to perform voxel-wise weighted atlas fusion. To evaluate the performance of the method, a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) scheme was devised to find optimal parameters for the model. Geometric evaluation of the produced pseudo-CT images and quantitative analysis of the accuracy of PET AC were performed. Moreover, a dosimetric evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy photon treatment plans calculated using the different pseudo-CT images was carried out and compared to those produced using CT images serving as references. The pseudo-CT images produced using the proposed method exhibit bone identification accuracy of 0.89 based on the Dice similarity metric compared to 0.75 achieved by the other atlas-based method. The superior bone extraction resulted in a mean standard uptake value bias of  -1.5  ±  5.0% (mean  ±  SD) in bony structures compared to  -19.9  ±  11.8% and  -8.1  ±  8.2% achieved by MRI segmentation-based (water

  11. Magnetic and thermoelectric properties of the ternary pseudo-hollandite BaxCr5Se8 (0.5 < x < 0.55) solid solution.


    Lefèvre, Robin; Berthebaud, David; Bux, Sabah; Hébert, Sylvie; Gascoin, Franck


    The structure of Ba0.5Cr5Se8 has been recently resolved, and its thermoelectric and magnetic properties have been studied. A ZT of 0.12 was found at around 800 K. Here, we report a study on the pseudo-hollandite BaxCr5Se8 solid-solution with 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.55 and its thermoelectric and magnetic properties. There is no significant impact either on the cell parameters depending on the cation content or on the magnetic properties. However, thermoelectric properties are radically changed depending on x content. While the low thermal conductivity, around 0.8 W m(-1) K(-1), remains similar for all samples, a respective increase and decrease of the resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient are observed with increasing Ba content. The maximum Seebeck coefficient is found with Ba0.5Cr5Se8 at around 635 K with 315 μV K(-1), and the Seebeck coefficient then decreases and is correlated with an activation of minority charge carriers confirmed by Hall measurements. A similar but steeper behavior is observed for the Ba0.55Cr5Se8 temperature dependence plot at around 573 K. Finally, the best thermoelectric performances are found using the lowest content of Ba, unlike when x tends to 0.55, ZT approaches a tenth of the initial best value. BaxCr5Se8 compounds are antiferromagnetic with TN = 58 K. A large peak in thermal conductivity is observed around the antiferromagnetic transition for all stoichiometry.

  12. Tongue Motion Averaging from Contour Sequences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Li, Min; Kambhamettu, Chandra; Stone, Maureen


    In this paper, a method to get the best representation of a speech motion from several repetitions is presented. Each repetition is a representation of the same speech captured at different times by sequence of ultrasound images and is composed of a set of 2D spatio-temporal contours. These 2D contours in different repetitions are time aligned…

  13. Construction of the mathematical concept of pseudo thinking students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anggraini, D.; Kusmayadi, T. A.; Pramudya, I.


    Thinking process is a process that begins with the acceptance of information, information processing and information calling in memory with structural changes that include concepts or knowledges. The concept or knowledge is individually constructed by each individual. While, students construct a mathematical concept, students may experience pseudo thinking. Pseudo thinking is a thinking process that results in an answer to a problem or construction to a concept “that is not true”. Pseudo thinking can be classified into two forms there are true pseudo and false pseudo. The construction of mathematical concepts in students of pseudo thinking should be immediately known because the error will have an impact on the next construction of mathematical concepts and to correct the errors it requires knowledge of the source of the error. Therefore, in this article will be discussed thinking process in constructing of mathematical concepts in students who experience pseudo thinking.

  14. [Development of a Software for Automatically Generated Contours in Eclipse TPS].


    Xie, Zhao; Hu, Jinyou; Zou, Lian; Zhang, Weisha; Zou, Yuxin; Luo, Kelin; Liu, Xiangxiang; Yu, Luxin


    The automatic generation of planning targets and auxiliary contours have achieved in Eclipse TPS 11.0. The scripting language autohotkey was used to develop a software for automatically generated contours in Eclipse TPS. This software is named Contour Auto Margin (CAM), which is composed of operational functions of contours, script generated visualization and script file operations. RESULTS Ten cases in different cancers have separately selected, in Eclipse TPS 11.0 scripts generated by the software could not only automatically generate contours but also do contour post-processing. For different cancers, there was no difference between automatically generated contours and manually created contours. The CAM is a user-friendly and powerful software, and can automatically generated contours fast in Eclipse TPS 11.0. With the help of CAM, it greatly save plan preparation time and improve working efficiency of radiation therapy physicists.

  15. Automated delineation and characterization of drumlins using a localized contour tree approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Shujie; Wu, Qiusheng; Ward, Dylan


    Drumlins are ubiquitous landforms in previously glaciated regions, formed through a series of complex subglacial processes operating underneath the paleo-ice sheets. Accurate delineation and characterization of drumlins are essential for understanding the formation mechanism of drumlins as well as the flow behaviors and basal conditions of paleo-ice sheets. Automated mapping of drumlins is particularly important for examining the distribution patterns of drumlins across large spatial scales. This paper presents an automated vector-based approach to mapping drumlins from high-resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. The rationale is to extract a set of concentric contours by building localized contour trees and establishing topological relationships. This automated method can overcome the shortcomings of previously manual and automated methods for mapping drumlins, for instance, the azimuthal biases during the generation of shaded relief images. A case study was carried out over a portion of the New York Drumlin Field. Overall 1181 drumlins were identified from the LiDAR-derived DEM across the study region, which had been underestimated in previous literature. The delineation results were visually and statistically compared to the manual digitization results. The morphology of drumlins was characterized by quantifying the length, width, elongation ratio, height, area, and volume. Statistical and spatial analyses were conducted to examine the distribution pattern and spatial variability of drumlin size and form. The drumlins and the morphologic characteristics exhibit significant spatial clustering rather than randomly distributed patterns. The form of drumlins varies from ovoid to spindle shapes towards the downstream direction of paleo ice flows, along with the decrease in width, area, and volume. This observation is in line with previous studies, which may be explained by the variations in sediment thickness and/or the velocity increases of ice flows

  16. Water-level data from wells and test holes through 1991 and potentiometric contours as of 1991 for Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hale, Glenn S.; Trudeau, Douglas A.; Savard, Charles S.


    The underground nuclear-testing program of the U.S. Department of Energy takes place at the Nevada Test Site, about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nev. Water levels in Yucca Flat may be affected by underground nuclear testing. The purpose of this map report is to present water-level data collected from wells and test holes through December 1991, and to present potentiometric contours representing 1991 water-table conditions in Yucca Flat. Water-level data from 91 sites are shown on the map and include information from 54 sites shown on a 1983 map. Water levels ranged from 519.5 to 2,162.9-feet below land surface. Potentiometric contours are drawn from water-level data to represent the altitude of the water table. Water-level altitudes ranged from about 2,377 ft to 2,770 ft above sea level in the central part of Yucca Flat and from about 4,060 ft to 2,503 ft above sea level in the western and northern parts of Yucca Flat. The water-level data were contoured considering the hydrologic setting, including the concept that water levels within the Cenozoic hydrologic units in the central part of the study area are elevated with respect to water levels in the adjacent and underlying Paleozoic hydrologic units. The most notable feature in the central part of the area is the presence of four ground-water mounds not shown on the 1983 map.

  17. Direct visualization of the thermomagnetic behavior of pseudo-single-domain magnetite particles.


    Almeida, Trevor P; Muxworthy, Adrian R; Kovács, András; Williams, Wyn; Brown, Paul D; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E


    The study of the paleomagnetic signal recorded by rocks allows scientists to understand Earth's past magnetic field and the formation of the geodynamo. The magnetic recording fidelity of this signal is dependent on the magnetic domain state it adopts. The most prevalent example found in nature is the pseudo-single-domain (PSD) structure, yet its recording fidelity is poorly understood. Here, the thermoremanent behavior of PSD magnetite (Fe3O4) particles, which dominate the magnetic signatures of many rock lithologies, is investigated using electron holography. This study provides spatially resolved magnetic information from individual Fe3O4 grains as a function of temperature, which has been previously inaccessible. A small exemplar Fe3O4 grain (~150 nm) exhibits dynamic movement of its magnetic vortex structure above 400°C, recovering its original state upon cooling, whereas a larger exemplar Fe3O4 grain (~250 nm) is shown to retain its vortex state on heating to 550°C, close to the Curie temperature of 580°C. Hence, we demonstrate that Fe3O4 grains containing vortex structures are indeed reliable recorders of paleodirectional and paleointensity information, and the presence of PSD magnetic signals does not preclude the successful recovery of paleomagnetic signals.

  18. SU-C-BRB-05: Determining the Adequacy of Auto-Contouring Via Probabilistic Assessment of Ensuing Treatment Plan Metrics in Comparison with Manual Contours

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nourzadeh, H; Watkins, W; Siebers, J

    Purpose: To determine if auto-contour and manual-contour—based plans differ when evaluated with respect to probabilistic coverage metrics and biological model endpoints for prostate IMRT. Methods: Manual and auto-contours were created for 149 CT image sets acquired from 16 unique prostate patients. A single physician manually contoured all images. Auto-contouring was completed utilizing Pinnacle’s Smart Probabilistic Image Contouring Engine (SPICE). For each CT, three different 78 Gy/39 fraction 7-beam IMRT plans are created; PD with drawn ROIs, PAS with auto-contoured ROIs, and PM with auto-contoured OARs with the manually drawn target. For each plan, 1000 virtual treatment simulations with different sampledmore » systematic errors for each simulation and a different sampled random error for each fraction were performed using our in-house GPU-accelerated robustness analyzer tool which reports the statistical probability of achieving dose-volume metrics, NTCP, TCP, and the probability of achieving the optimization criteria for both auto-contoured (AS) and manually drawn (D) ROIs. Metrics are reported for all possible cross-evaluation pairs of ROI types (AS,D) and planning scenarios (PD,PAS,PM). Bhattacharyya coefficient (BC) is calculated to measure the PDF similarities for the dose-volume metric, NTCP, TCP, and objectives with respect to the manually drawn contour evaluated on base plan (D-PD). Results: We observe high BC values (BC≥0.94) for all OAR objectives. BC values of max dose objective on CTV also signify high resemblance (BC≥0.93) between the distributions. On the other hand, BC values for CTV’s D95 and Dmin objectives are small for AS-PM, AS-PD. NTCP distributions are similar across all evaluation pairs, while TCP distributions of AS-PM, AS-PD sustain variations up to %6 compared to other evaluated pairs. Conclusion: No significant probabilistic differences are observed in the metrics when auto-contoured OARs are used. The prostate auto-contour

  19. Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging Strategies for Color Mapping of Human Brain Anatomy

    PubMed Central

    Boujraf, Saïd


    Background: A color mapping of fiber tract orientation using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be prominent in clinical practice. The goal of this paper is to perform a comparative study of visualized diffusion anisotropy in the human brain anatomical entities using three different color-mapping techniques based on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and DTI. Methods: The first technique is based on calculating a color map from DWIs measured in three perpendicular directions. The second technique is based on eigenvalues derived from the diffusion tensor. The last technique is based on three eigenvectors corresponding to sorted eigenvalues derived from the diffusion tensor. All magnetic resonance imaging measurements were achieved using a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Vision whole body imaging system. A single-shot DW echoplanar imaging sequence used a Stejskal–Tanner approach. Trapezoidal diffusion gradients are used. The slice orientation was transverse. The basic measurement yielded a set of 13 images. Each series consists of a single image without diffusion weighting, besides two DWIs for each of the next six noncollinear magnetic field gradient directions. Results: The three types of color maps were calculated consequently using the DWI obtained and the DTI. Indeed, we established an excellent similarity between the image data in the color maps and the fiber directions of known anatomical structures (e.g., corpus callosum and gray matter). Conclusions: In the meantime, rotationally invariant quantities such as the eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor reflected better, the real orientation found in the studied tissue. PMID:29928631

  20. Mapping Curie temperature depth in the western United States with a fractal model for crustal magnetization

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bouligand, C.; Glen, J.M.G.; Blakely, R.J.


    We have revisited the problem of mapping depth to the Curie temperature isotherm from magnetic anomalies in an attempt to provide a measure of crustal temperatures in the western United States. Such methods are based on the estimation of the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources, which is assumed to correspond to the temperature at which rocks lose their spontaneous magnetization. In this study, we test and apply a method based on the spectral analysis of magnetic anomalies. Early spectral analysis methods assumed that crustal magnetization is a completely uncorrelated function of position. Our method incorporates a more realistic representation where magnetization has a fractal distribution defined by three independent parameters: the depths to the top and bottom of magnetic sources and a fractal parameter related to the geology. The predictions of this model are compatible with radial power spectra obtained from aeromagnetic data in the western United States. Model parameters are mapped by estimating their value within a sliding window swept over the study area. The method works well on synthetic data sets when one of the three parameters is specified in advance. The application of this method to western United States magnetic compilations, assuming a constant fractal parameter, allowed us to detect robust long-wavelength variations in the depth to the bottom of magnetic sources. Depending on the geologic and geophysical context, these features may result from variations in depth to the Curie temperature isotherm, depth to the mantle, depth to the base of volcanic rocks, or geologic settings that affect the value of the fractal parameter. Depth to the bottom of magnetic sources shows several features correlated with prominent heat flow anomalies. It also shows some features absent in the map of heat flow. Independent geophysical and geologic data sets are examined to determine their origin, thereby providing new insights on the thermal and geologic crustal

  1. An area-preserving mapping in natural canonical coordinates for magnetic field line trajectories in the DIII-D tokamak

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Punjabi, Alkesh


    The new approach of integrating magnetic field line trajectories in natural canonical coordinates (Punjabi and Ali 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 122502) in divertor tokamaks is used for the DIII-D tokamak (Luxon and Davis1985 Fusion Technol. 8 441). The equilibrium EFIT data (Evans et al 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 235003, Lao et al 2005 Fusion Sci. Technol. 48 968) for the DIII-D tokamak shot 115467 at 3000 ms is used to construct the equilibrium generating function (EGF) for the DIII-D in natural canonical coordinates. The EGF gives quite an accurate representation of the closed and open equilibrium magnetic surfaces near the separatrix, the separatrix, the position of the X-point and the poloidal magnetic flux inside the ideal separatrix in the DIII-D. The equilibrium safety factor q from the EGF is somewhat smaller than the DIII-D EFIT q profile. The equilibrium safety factor is calculated from EGF as described in the previous paper (Punjabi and Ali 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 122502). Here the safety factor for the open surfaces in the DIII-D is calculated. A canonical transformation is used to construct a symplectic mapping for magnetic field line trajectories in the DIII-D in natural canonical coordinates. The map is explored in more detail in this work, and is used to calculate field line trajectories in the DIII-D tokamak. The continuous analogue of the map does not distort the DIII-D magnetic surfaces in different toroidal planes between successive iterations of the map. The map parameter k can represent effects of magnetic asymmetries in the DIII-D. These effects in the DIII-D are illustrated. The DIII-D map is then used to calculate stochastic broadening of the ideal separatrix from the topological noise and field errors, the low mn, the high mn and peeling-ballooning magnetic perturbations in the DIII-D. The width of the stochastic layer scales as 1/2 power of amplitude with a maximum deviation of 6% from the Boozer-Rechester scaling (Boozer and Rechester 1978 Phys

  2. Scoping of Flood Hazard Mapping Needs for Belknap County, New Hampshire

    DTIC Science & Technology


    DEM Digital Elevation Model DFIRM Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle DOQQ Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrangle DTM...Agriculture Imag- ery Program (NAIP) color Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs)). Remote sensing, base map information, GIS data (for example, contour data...found on USGS topographic maps. More recently developed data were derived from digital orthophotos providing improved base map accuracy. NH GRANIT is

  3. Scoping of Flood Hazard Mapping Needs for Coos County, New Hampshire

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Technical Partner DEM Digital Elevation Model DFIRM Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle DOQQ Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrangle...color Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs)). Remote sensing, base map information, GIS data (for example, contour data, E911 data, Digital Elevation...the feature types found on USGS topographic maps. More recently developed data were derived from digital orthophotos providing improved base map

  4. Spiral Light Beams and Contour Image Processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kishkin, Sergey A.; Kotova, Svetlana P.; Volostnikov, Vladimir G.

    Spiral beams of light are characterized by their ability to remain structurally unchanged at propagation. They may have the shape of any closed curve. In the present paper a new approach is proposed within the framework of the contour analysis based on a close cooperation of modern coherent optics, theory of functions and numerical methods. An algorithm for comparing contours is presented and theoretically justified, which allows convincing of whether two contours are similar or not to within the scale factor and/or rotation. The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approach are considered; the results of numerical modeling are presented.

  5. Possible magnetic minerals constituents in the Martian crust and microstructures consistent with large remanent magnetizations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Diaz-Michelena, M.; Laughlin, D.; McHenry, M. E.


    Please fill in your abstract text. Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission has played a unique role in the mapping of the Martian magnetic field. Thanks to the results and later data analysis of this mission it is known that Mars does not have a global bipolar magnetic field but that the crust presents areas of great magnetization. This fact is only compatible with a large concentration of highly magnetic minerals (magnetite) with a pinned monodomain magnetization [1, 2]. The next MetNet precursor mission (MMPM) aims to place a net of meteorological stations on the surface of Mars. In the first of them (est. 2014), among other payloads, the Spanish Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) has developed a miniaturized vector magnetometer with the goal of measuring the thermomagnetic response of the Martian soil around the lander. The work presented here discusses possible microstructures for the magnetic minerals in the Martian crust. The results presented will be focused on the titanomagnetites series [3] solid solution with compositions of: x (Fe2TiO4) - (1-x) (Fe3O4) with 0.30 < x < 1.00. Thermoremanent curves of the minerals from room temperature to 4 K will be presented since the first objective of the magnetometer is the exhaustive characterization of the thermoremanent curves of the soil in the range of temperatures expected for the sensor: from 143 K up to 293 K and the later analysis for the soil modeling [4]. The final objective is to identify a natural mechanism of the solid solution decomposition capable of yielding a mineral rich in magnetite, monodomain and with the magnetization pinned, that can explain the large magnitude of the magnetic anomalies [5]. 1. M. H. Acuña, J.E.P. Connerney, N.F. Ness, R.P. Lin, D. Mitchell, C.W. Carlson, J. McFadden, K.A. Anderson, H. Rème, C. Mazelle, D. Vignes, P. Wasilewski, and P. Cloutier; Global Distribution of Crustal Magnetism Discovered by the Mars Global Surveyor MAG/ER Experiment. Science 284, 790-793, 1999. 2. G

  6. Random walk and graph cut based active contour model for three-dimension interactive pituitary adenoma segmentation from MR images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Min; Chen, Xinjian; Zhang, Zhiqiang; Ma, Chiyuan


    Accurate volume measurements of pituitary adenoma are important to the diagnosis and treatment for this kind of sellar tumor. The pituitary adenomas have different pathological representations and various shapes. Particularly, in the case of infiltrating to surrounding soft tissues, they present similar intensities and indistinct boundary in T1-weighted (T1W) magnetic resonance (MR) images. Then the extraction of pituitary adenoma from MR images is still a challenging task. In this paper, we propose an interactive method to segment the pituitary adenoma from brain MR data, by combining graph cuts based active contour model (GCACM) and random walk algorithm. By using the GCACM method, the segmentation task is formulated as an energy minimization problem by a hybrid active contour model (ACM), and then the problem is solved by the graph cuts method. The region-based term in the hybrid ACM considers the local image intensities as described by Gaussian distributions with different means and variances, expressed as maximum a posteriori probability (MAP). Random walk is utilized as an initialization tool to provide initialized surface for GCACM. The proposed method is evaluated on the three-dimensional (3-D) T1W MR data of 23 patients and compared with the standard graph cuts method, the random walk method, the hybrid ACM method, a GCACM method which considers global mean intensity in region forces, and a competitive region-growing based GrowCut method planted in 3D Slicer. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method is superior to those methods.

  7. Magnetic navigation and catheter ablation of right atrial ectopic tachycardia in the presence of a hemi-azygos continuation: a magnetic navigation case using 3D electroanatomical mapping.


    Ernst, Sabine; Chun, Julian K R; Koektuerk, Buelent; Kuck, Karl-Heinz


    We report on a 63-year-old female patient in whom an electrophysiologic study discovered a hemi-azygos continuation. Using the magnetic navigation system, remote-controlled ablation was performed in conjunction with the 3D electroanatomical mapping system. Failing the attempt to advance a diagnostic catheter from the femoral vein, a diagnostic catheter was advanced via the left subclavian vein into the coronary sinus. The soft magnetic catheter was positioned in the right atrium via the hemi-azygos vein, and 3D mapping demonstrated an ectopic atrial tachycardia. Successful ablation was performed entirely remote controlled. Fluoroscopy time was only 7.1 minutes, of which 45 seconds were required during remote navigation. Remote-controlled catheter ablation using magnetic navigation in conjunction with the electroanatomical mapping system proved to be a valuable tool to perform successful ablation in the presence of a hemi-azygos continuation.

  8. Projective mappings and dimensions of vector spaces of three types of Killing-Yano tensors on pseudo Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mikeš, Josef; Stepanov, Sergey; Hinterleitner, Irena


    In our paper we have determined the dimension of the space of conformal Killing-Yano tensors and the dimensions of its two subspaces of closed conformal Killing-Yano and Killing-Yano tensors on pseudo Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. This result is a generalization of well known results on sharp upper bounds of the dimensions of the vector spaces of conformal Killing-Yano, Killing-Yano and concircular vector fields on pseudo Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature.

  9. Drift-Free Indoor Navigation Using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of the Ambient Heterogeneous Magnetic Field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chow, J. C. K.


    In the absence of external reference position information (e.g. surveyed targets or Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has proven to be an effective method for indoor navigation. The positioning drift can be reduced with regular loop-closures and global relaxation as the backend, thus achieving a good balance between exploration and exploitation. Although vision-based systems like laser scanners are typically deployed for SLAM, these sensors are heavy, energy inefficient, and expensive, making them unattractive for wearables or smartphone applications. However, the concept of SLAM can be extended to non-optical systems such as magnetometers. Instead of matching features such as walls and furniture using some variation of the Iterative Closest Point algorithm, the local magnetic field can be matched to provide loop-closure and global trajectory updates in a Gaussian Process (GP) SLAM framework. With a MEMS-based inertial measurement unit providing a continuous trajectory, and the matching of locally distinct magnetic field maps, experimental results in this paper show that a drift-free navigation solution in an indoor environment with millimetre-level accuracy can be achieved. The GP-SLAM approach presented can be formulated as a maximum a posteriori estimation problem and it can naturally perform loop-detection, feature-to-feature distance minimization, global trajectory optimization, and magnetic field map estimation simultaneously. Spatially continuous features (i.e. smooth magnetic field signatures) are used instead of discrete feature correspondences (e.g. point-to-point) as in conventional vision-based SLAM. These position updates from the ambient magnetic field also provide enough information for calibrating the accelerometer bias and gyroscope bias in-use. The only restriction for this method is the need for magnetic disturbances (which is typically not an issue for indoor environments); however, no assumptions

  10. The role of shape complexity in the detection of closed contours.


    Wilder, John; Feldman, Jacob; Singh, Manish


    The detection of contours in noise has been extensively studied, but the detection of closed contours, such as the boundaries of whole objects, has received relatively little attention. Closed contours pose substantial challenges not present in the simple (open) case, because they form the outlines of whole shapes and thus take on a range of potentially important configural properties. In this paper we consider the detection of closed contours in noise as a probabilistic decision problem. Previous work on open contours suggests that contour complexity, quantified as the negative log probability (Description Length, DL) of the contour under a suitably chosen statistical model, impairs contour detectability; more complex (statistically surprising) contours are harder to detect. In this study we extended this result to closed contours, developing a suitable probabilistic model of whole shapes that gives rise to several distinct though interrelated measures of shape complexity. We asked subjects to detect either natural shapes (Exp. 1) or experimentally manipulated shapes (Exp. 2) embedded in noise fields. We found systematic effects of global shape complexity on detection performance, demonstrating how aspects of global shape and form influence the basic process of object detection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. An automated workflow for patient-specific quality control of contour propagation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beasley, William J.; McWilliam, Alan; Slevin, Nicholas J.; Mackay, Ranald I.; van Herk, Marcel


    Contour propagation is an essential component of adaptive radiotherapy, but current contour propagation algorithms are not yet sufficiently accurate to be used without manual supervision. Manual review of propagated contours is time-consuming, making routine implementation of real-time adaptive radiotherapy unrealistic. Automated methods of monitoring the performance of contour propagation algorithms are therefore required. We have developed an automated workflow for patient-specific quality control of contour propagation and validated it on a cohort of head and neck patients, on which parotids were outlined by two observers. Two types of error were simulated—mislabelling of contours and introducing noise in the scans before propagation. The ability of the workflow to correctly predict the occurrence of errors was tested, taking both sets of observer contours as ground truth, using receiver operator characteristic analysis. The area under the curve was 0.90 and 0.85 for the observers, indicating good ability to predict the occurrence of errors. This tool could potentially be used to identify propagated contours that are likely to be incorrect, acting as a flag for manual review of these contours. This would make contour propagation more efficient, facilitating the routine implementation of adaptive radiotherapy.

  12. A case of mixed connective tissue disease with pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome (PPMS)-like features.


    Cheah, C K; Ramanujam, S; Mohd Noor, N; Gandhi, C; D Souza, Beryl A; Gun, S C


    Pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome (PPMS) has been reported to be a rare presentation of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, such a presentation is not common in other forms of connective tissue disease. We presented a case of gross ascites, pleural effusion, and marked elevation of CA-125 level (PPMS-like features) that led to a diagnosis of MCTD. The patient responded to systemic steroid therapy. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Automated map sharpening by maximization of detail and connectivity

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Terwilliger, Thomas C.; Sobolev, Oleg V.; Afonine, Pavel V.

    An algorithm for automatic map sharpening is presented that is based on optimization of the detail and connectivity of the sharpened map. The detail in the map is reflected in the surface area of an iso-contour surface that contains a fixed fraction of the volume of the map, where a map with high level of detail has a high surface area. The connectivity of the sharpened map is reflected in the number of connected regions defined by the same iso-contour surfaces, where a map with high connectivity has a small number of connected regions. By combining these two measures inmore » a metric termed the `adjusted surface area', map quality can be evaluated in an automated fashion. This metric was used to choose optimal map-sharpening parameters without reference to a model or other interpretations of the map. Map sharpening by optimization of the adjusted surface area can be carried out for a map as a whole or it can be carried out locally, yielding a locally sharpened map. To evaluate the performance of various approaches, a simple metric based on map–model correlation that can reproduce visual choices of optimally sharpened maps was used. The map–model correlation is calculated using a model withBfactors (atomic displacement factors; ADPs) set to zero. Finally, this model-based metric was used to evaluate map sharpening and to evaluate map-sharpening approaches, and it was found that optimization of the adjusted surface area can be an effective tool for map sharpening.« less

  14. Automated map sharpening by maximization of detail and connectivity


    Terwilliger, Thomas C.; Sobolev, Oleg V.; Afonine, Pavel V.; ...


    An algorithm for automatic map sharpening is presented that is based on optimization of the detail and connectivity of the sharpened map. The detail in the map is reflected in the surface area of an iso-contour surface that contains a fixed fraction of the volume of the map, where a map with high level of detail has a high surface area. The connectivity of the sharpened map is reflected in the number of connected regions defined by the same iso-contour surfaces, where a map with high connectivity has a small number of connected regions. By combining these two measures inmore » a metric termed the `adjusted surface area', map quality can be evaluated in an automated fashion. This metric was used to choose optimal map-sharpening parameters without reference to a model or other interpretations of the map. Map sharpening by optimization of the adjusted surface area can be carried out for a map as a whole or it can be carried out locally, yielding a locally sharpened map. To evaluate the performance of various approaches, a simple metric based on map–model correlation that can reproduce visual choices of optimally sharpened maps was used. The map–model correlation is calculated using a model withBfactors (atomic displacement factors; ADPs) set to zero. Finally, this model-based metric was used to evaluate map sharpening and to evaluate map-sharpening approaches, and it was found that optimization of the adjusted surface area can be an effective tool for map sharpening.« less

  15. Pseudo Gitelman Syndrome Associated With Pregnancy.


    Yoshihara, Masato; Sayo, Akira; Mayama, Michinori; Oguchi, Hidenori


    Gitelman syndrome is a rare inherited renal tubulopathy associated with metabolic alkalosis and electrolyte disorders. Pseudo Gitelman syndrome presents with the same clinical characteristics as Gitelman syndrome, yet without genetic mutations in SLC12A3. A 32-year-old woman with no remarkable medical and family history developed hypokalemia at 32 weeks of gestation. Laboratory findings were consistent with Gitelman syndrome and potassium supplementation was initiated. The patient delivered a healthy neonate at 40 weeks of gestation and the electrolyte disorders drastically improved. After delivery, genomic analysis revealed no evidence of mutations in SLC12A3, and pseudo Gitelman syndrome was finally diagnosed. Pseudo Gitelman syndrome, presenting with Gitelman syndrome-like renal tubulopathy without mutations in SLC12A3, can cause a temporary electrolyte imbalance based on the physiologic changes of pregnancy. Although pregnant women with isolated hypokalemia need not be evaluated for Gitelman or pseudo Gitelman syndrome, if it is accompanied by metabolic alkalosis, hypocalciuria, hypomagnesia, and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system without hypertension, this evaluation should be considered.

  16. Doppler-Zeeman Mapping of the Rapidly Rotating Magnetic CP Star HD37776

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khokhlova, V. L.; Vasilchenko, D. V.; Stepanov, V. V.; Romanyuk, I. I.


    We present the results of our analysis of magnetic-field configuration and abundance anomalies on the surface of the rapidly rotating, chemically peculiar helium-strong variable B2 V star HD37776 with unresolved Zeeman components of spectral lines. Simultaneous inversion of the observed Stokes I and V profiles, which realizes the method of Doppler-Zeeman mapping (Vasilchenko et al. 1996), has been applied for the first time. Spectroscopic observations were carried out with the Main stellar spectrograph of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope equipped with a Zeeman analyzer and a CCD array, which allowed spectra in right- and left-hand circularly polarized light to be taken simultaneously at a signal-to-noise ratio S/N > 200 (Romanyuk et al. 1999). The profile width of winged spectral lines (reaching 5 A) is determined by Zeeman line splitting; however, the observed Zeeman components are blurred and unresolved because of the rapid stellar rotation. When solving the inverse problem, we sought for the magnetic-field configuration in the form of a combination of arbitrarily oriented dipole, quadrupole, and octupole placed at the stellar center. The observed Stokes I and V profiles for eight spectral lines of He, OII, AlIII, SiIII, and FeIII averaged over the visible stellar surface were used as input data. We constructed a model of the magnetic field from the condition of coincidence of magnetic maps obtained from different lines of different chemical elements and from the condition of a minimum profile residual. This model is a combination of centered coaxial dipole and quadrupole with the dominant quadrupole component at 30 deg < i < 50 deg, beta = 40 deg, and a maximum surface field strength H_s = 60 kG. A comparison of our abundance maps with the field configuration shows that the He concentration is at a maximum in the regions of maximum radial field, while the maximum concentrations of O, Al, Si, and Fe coincide with the regions of maximum

  17. Extension of the Narmada — Son lineament on the continental margin off Saurashtra, Western India as obtained from magnetic measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bhattacharya, G. C.; Subrahmanyam, V.


    Magnetic total intensity values and bathymetric data collected on the continental margin off Saurashtra were, used to prepare magnetic anomalies and bathymetric contour maps. The magnetic anomalies are considered to have been caused by the Deccan Trap flood basalts which underlie the Tertiary sediments. Interpretation of the magnetic data using two-dimensional modelling method suggests that the magnetic basement is block faulted and deepens in steps from less than 1.0 km in the north to about 8.0 km towards the southern portion of the study area. The WNW-ESE trending faults identified in the present study extend across the Saurashtra continental margin between Porbandar and Veraval and appear to represent a major linear tectonic feature. The relationship of these fault lineaments with the regional tectonic framework have been discussed to indicate that they conform better as the northern boundary faults of the Narmada rift graben on the continental margin off Saurashtra.

  18. Estimating Antarctic Near-Surface Magnetic Anomalies from Oersted and CHAMP Satellite Magnetometer Observations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    vonFrese, Ralph R. B.; Kim, Hyung Rae; Gaya-Pique, Luis R.; Taylor, Patrick T.; Golynsky, Alexander V.; Kim, Jeong Woo


    Significant improvement in predicting near-surface magnetic anomalies can result from the highly accurate magnetic observations of the CHAMP satellite that is orbiting at about 400 km altitude. In general, regional magnetic signals of the crust are strongly masked by the core field and its secular variations due to wavelength coupling in the spherical harmonic representation and thus are difficult to isolate in the satellite measurements. However, efforts to isolate the regional lithospheric from core field components can exploit the correlations between the CHAMP magnetic anomalies and the pseudo magnetic effects inferred from gravity-derived crustal thickness variations. In addition, we can use spectral correlation theory to filter the static lithospheric field components from the dynamic external field effects. Employing these procedures, we processed the CHAMP magnetic conservations for an improved magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic crust. Relative to the much higher altitude Oersted and noisier Magsat observations, CHAMP magnetic anomalies at 400 km altitude reveal new details on the effects of intra-crustal magnetic features and crustal thickness variations of the Antarctic. Moreover, these results greatly facilitate predicting magnetic anomalies in the regional coverage gaps of the ADMAP compilation of Antarctic magnetic anomalies from shipborne, airborne and ground surveys. Our analysis suggests that considerable new insights on the magnetic properties of the lithosphere may be revealed by a further order-of-magnitude improvement in the accuracy of the magnetometer.

  19. Data integrity systems for organ contours in radiation therapy planning.


    Shah, Veeraj P; Lakshminarayanan, Pranav; Moore, Joseph; Tran, Phuoc T; Quon, Harry; Deville, Curtiland; McNutt, Todd R


    The purpose of this research is to develop effective data integrity models for contoured anatomy in a radiotherapy workflow for both real-time and retrospective analysis. Within this study, two classes of contour integrity models were developed: data driven models and contiguousness models. The data driven models aim to highlight contours which deviate from a gross set of contours from similar disease sites and encompass the following regions of interest (ROI): bladder, femoral heads, spinal cord, and rectum. The contiguousness models, which individually analyze the geometry of contours to detect possible errors, are applied across many different ROI's and are divided into two metrics: Extent and Region Growing over volume. After analysis, we found that 70% of detected bladder contours were verified as suspicious. The spinal cord and rectum models verified that 73% and 80% of contours were suspicious respectively. The contiguousness models were the most accurate models and the Region Growing model was the most accurate submodel. 100% of the detected noncontiguous contours were verified as suspicious, but in the cases of spinal cord, femoral heads, bladder, and rectum, the Region Growing model detected additional two to five suspicious contours that the Extent model failed to detect. When conducting a blind review to detect false negatives, it was found that all the data driven models failed to detect all suspicious contours. The Region Growing contiguousness model produced zero false negatives in all regions of interest other than prostate. With regards to runtime, the contiguousness via extent model took an average of 0.2 s per contour. On the other hand, the region growing method had a longer runtime which was dependent on the number of voxels in the contour. Both contiguousness models have potential for real-time use in clinical radiotherapy while the data driven models are better suited for retrospective use. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical

  20. A Prostate Fossa Contouring Instructional Module: Implementation and Evaluation.


    Gunther, Jillian R; Liauw, Stanley L; Choi, Seungtaek; Mohamed, Abdallah S R; Thaker, Nikhil G; Fuller, Clifton D; Stepaniak, Christopher J; Das, Prajnan; Golden, Daniel W


    Radiation oncology trainees frequently learn to contour through clinical experience and lectures. A hands-on contouring module was developed to teach delineation of the postoperative prostate clinical target volume (CTV) and improve contouring accuracy. Medical students independently contoured a prostate fossa CTV before and after receiving educational materials and live instruction detailing the RTOG approach to contouring this CTV. Metrics for volume overlap and surface distance (Dice similarity coefficient, Hausdorff distance (HD), and mean distance) determined discordance between student and consensus contours. An evaluation assessed perception of session efficacy (1 = "not at all" to 5 = "extremely"; reported as median[interquartile range]). Non-parametric statistical tests were used. Twenty-four students at two institutions completed the module, and 21 completed the evaluation (88% response). The content was rated as "quite" important (4[3.5-5]). The module improved comfort contouring a prostate fossa (pre 1[1-2] vs. post 4[3-4], p<.01), ability to find references (pre 2[1-3] vs. post 4[3.5-4], p<0.01), knowledge of CT prostate/pelvis anatomy (pre 2[1.5-3] vs. post 3[3-4], p<.01), and ability to use contouring software tools (pre 2[2-3.5] vs. post 3[3-4], p=.01). After intervention, mean DSC increased (0.29 to 0.68, p<0.01) and HD and mean distance both decreased, respectively (42.8 to 30.0, p<.01; 11.5 to 1.9, p<.01). A hands-on module to teach CTV delineation to medical students was developed and implemented. Student and expert contours exhibited near "excellent agreement" (as defined in the literature) after intervention. Additional modules to teach target delineation to all educational levels can be developed using this model. Copyright © 2016 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Water-level data from wells and test holes through 1991 and potentiometric contours as of 1991 for Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hale, G.S.; Trudeau, D.A.; Savard, C.S.

    The underground nuclear testing program of the US Department of Energy (USDOE) takes place at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), about 65 mi north-west of Las Vegas, Nevada. Underground nuclear tests at Yucca Flat, one of the USDOE test areas at NTS, have affected hydrologic conditions, including groundwater levels. The purpose of this map report, prepared in cooperation with USDOE, is to present selected water-level data collected from wells and test holes through December 1991, and to show potentiometric contours representing 1991 water-table conditions in the Yucca Flat area. The more generic term, potentiometric contours, is used herein rather thanmore » ``water-table contours`` because the hydrologic units contributing water to wells and test holes may not accurately represent the water table. The water table is that surface in an unconfined water body at which the pressure is atmospheric. It is defined by the altitude at which non- perched ground water is first found in wells and test holes. Perched ground water is defined as unconfined ground water separated from an underlying body of ground water by an unsaturated zone. This map report updates information on water levels in some wells and test holes and the resulting water-table contours in rocks of Cenozoic and Paleozoic age shown by Doty and Thordarson for 1980 conditions.« less

  2. Perceptual representation and effectiveness of local figure–ground cues in natural contours

    PubMed Central

    Sakai, Ko; Matsuoka, Shouhei; Kurematsu, Ken; Hatori, Yasuhiro


    A contour shape strongly influences the perceptual segregation of a figure from the ground. We investigated the contribution of local contour shape to figure–ground segregation. Although previous studies have reported local contour features that evoke figure–ground perception, they were often image features and not necessarily perceptual features. First, we examined whether contour features, specifically, convexity, closure, and symmetry, underlie the perceptual representation of natural contour shapes. We performed similarity tests between local contours, and examined the contribution of the contour features to the perceptual similarities between the contours. The local contours were sampled from natural contours so that their distribution was uniform in the space composed of the three contour features. This sampling ensured the equal appearance frequency of the factors and a wide variety of contour shapes including those comprised of contradictory factors that induce figure in the opposite directions. This sampling from natural contours is advantageous in order to randomly pickup a variety of contours that satisfy a wide range of cue combinations. Multidimensional scaling analyses showed that the combinations of convexity, closure, and symmetry contribute to perceptual similarity, thus they are perceptual quantities. Second, we examined whether the three features contribute to local figure–ground perception. We performed psychophysical experiments to judge the direction of the figure along the local contours, and examined the contribution of the features to the figure–ground judgment. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that closure was a significant factor, but that convexity and symmetry were not. These results indicate that closure is dominant in the local figure–ground perception with natural contours when the other cues coexist with equal probability including contradictory cases. PMID:26579057

  3. Perceptual representation and effectiveness of local figure-ground cues in natural contours.


    Sakai, Ko; Matsuoka, Shouhei; Kurematsu, Ken; Hatori, Yasuhiro


    A contour shape strongly influences the perceptual segregation of a figure from the ground. We investigated the contribution of local contour shape to figure-ground segregation. Although previous studies have reported local contour features that evoke figure-ground perception, they were often image features and not necessarily perceptual features. First, we examined whether contour features, specifically, convexity, closure, and symmetry, underlie the perceptual representation of natural contour shapes. We performed similarity tests between local contours, and examined the contribution of the contour features to the perceptual similarities between the contours. The local contours were sampled from natural contours so that their distribution was uniform in the space composed of the three contour features. This sampling ensured the equal appearance frequency of the factors and a wide variety of contour shapes including those comprised of contradictory factors that induce figure in the opposite directions. This sampling from natural contours is advantageous in order to randomly pickup a variety of contours that satisfy a wide range of cue combinations. Multidimensional scaling analyses showed that the combinations of convexity, closure, and symmetry contribute to perceptual similarity, thus they are perceptual quantities. Second, we examined whether the three features contribute to local figure-ground perception. We performed psychophysical experiments to judge the direction of the figure along the local contours, and examined the contribution of the features to the figure-ground judgment. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that closure was a significant factor, but that convexity and symmetry were not. These results indicate that closure is dominant in the local figure-ground perception with natural contours when the other cues coexist with equal probability including contradictory cases.

  4. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Durango A, B, C, and D, Colorado. Volume I. Detail area. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    An airborne combined radiometric and magnetic survey was performed for the Department of Energy (DOE) over the Durango A, Durango B, Durango C, and Durango D Detail Areas of southwestern Colorado. The Durango A Detail Area is within the coverage of the Needle Mountains and Silverton 15' map sheets, and the Pole Creek Mountain, Rio Grande Pyramid, Emerald Lake, Granite Peak, Vallecito Reservoir, and Lemon Reservoir 7.5' map sheets of the National Topographic Map Series (NTMS). The Durango B Detail Area is within the coverage of the Silverton 15' map sheet and the Wetterhorn Peak, Uncompahgre Peak, Lake City, Redcloudmore » Peak, Lake San Cristobal, Pole Creek Mountain, and Finger Mesa 7.5' map sheets of the NTMS. The Durango C Detail Area is within the coverage of the Platoro and Wolf Creek Pass 15' map sheets of the NTMS. The Durango D Detail Area is within the coverage of the Granite Lake, Cimarrona Peak, Bear Mountain, and Oakbrush Ridge 7.5' map sheets of the NTMS. Radiometric data were corrected for live time, aircraft and equipment background, cosmic background, atmospheric radon, Compton scatter, and altitude dependence. The corrected data were statistically evaluated, gridded, and contoured to produce maps of the radiometric variables, uranium, potassium, and thorium; their ratios; and the residual magnetic field. These maps have been analyzed in order to produce a multi-variant analysis contour map based on the radiometric response of the individual geological units. A geochemical analysis has been performed, using the radiometric and magnetic contour maps, the multi-variant analysis map, and factor analysis techniques, to produce a geochemical analysis map for the area.« less

  5. Contour Tracking with a Spatio-Temporal Intensity Moment.


    Demi, Marcello


    Standard edge detection operators such as the Laplacian of Gaussian and the gradient of Gaussian can be used to track contours in image sequences. When using edge operators, a contour, which is determined on a frame of the sequence, is simply used as a starting contour to locate the nearest contour on the subsequent frame. However, the strategy used to look for the nearest edge points may not work when tracking contours of non isolated gray level discontinuities. In these cases, strategies derived from the optical flow equation, which look for similar gray level distributions, appear to be more appropriate since these can work with a lower frame rate than that needed for strategies based on pure edge detection operators. However, an optical flow strategy tends to propagate the localization errors through the sequence and an additional edge detection procedure is essential to compensate for such a drawback. In this paper a spatio-temporal intensity moment is proposed which integrates the two basic functions of edge detection and tracking.

  6. Contour metrology using critical dimension atomic force microscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orji, Ndubuisi G.; Dixson, Ronald G.; Vladár, András E.; Ming, Bin; Postek, Michael T.


    The critical dimension atomic force microscope (CD-AFM), which is used as a reference instrument in lithography metrology, has been proposed as a complementary instrument for contour measurement and verification. Although data from CD-AFM is inherently three dimensional, the planar two-dimensional data required for contour metrology is not easily extracted from the top-down CD-AFM data. This is largely due to the limitations of the CD-AFM method for controlling the tip position and scanning. We describe scanning techniques and profile extraction methods to obtain contours from CD-AFM data. We also describe how we validated our technique, and explain some of its limitations. Potential sources of error for this approach are described, and a rigorous uncertainty model is presented. Our objective is to show which data acquisition and analysis methods could yield optimum contour information while preserving some of the strengths of CD-AFM metrology. We present comparison of contours extracted using our technique to those obtained from the scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the helium ion microscope (HIM).

  7. Magnetic mapping for structural geology and geothermal exploration in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mercier de Lépinay, jeanne; munschy, marc; geraud, yves; diraison, marc; navelot, vivien; verati, christelle; corsini, michel; lardeaux, jean marc; favier, alexiane


    directions observed onshore are well represented through the magnetic lineaments except the main N90-110 system which is almost inexistent. We also invert the magnetic data to obtain a magnetization intensity map. This inversion assumes a constant depth magnetized layer and a constant magnetization's direction. The calculated variations on the map are consistent with on-field measurements showing that hydrothermalized rocks have a lower magnetic susceptibility (2 orders of magnitude) than fresh ones. Our interpretation and the onshore structural and petrographic analysis allow us to recognize the offshore extension of the hydrothermalized area, as well as different structural orientations.

  8. Aerial images visual localization on a vector map using color-texture segmentation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kunina, I. A.; Teplyakov, L. M.; Gladkov, A. P.; Khanipov, T. M.; Nikolaev, D. P.


    In this paper we study the problem of combining UAV obtained optical data and a coastal vector map in absence of satellite navigation data. The method is based on presenting the territory as a set of segments produced by color-texture image segmentation. We then find such geometric transform which gives the best match between these segments and land and water areas of the georeferenced vector map. We calculate transform consisting of an arbitrary shift relatively to the vector map and bound rotation and scaling. These parameters are estimated using the RANSAC algorithm which matches the segments contours and the contours of land and water areas of the vector map. To implement this matching we suggest computing shape descriptors robust to rotation and scaling. We performed numerical experiments demonstrating the practical applicability of the proposed method.

  9. Modelling sodium cobaltate by mapping onto magnetic Ising model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gemperline, Patrick; Morris, David Jonathan Pryce

    Fast Ion conductors are a class of crystals that are frequently used as battery materials, especially in smart phones, laptops, and other portable devices. Sodium Cobalt Oxide, NaxCoO2, falls into this class of crystals, but is unique because it possesses the ability to act as a thermoelectric material and a superconductor at different concentrations of Na+. The crystal lattice is mapped onto an Ising Magnetic Spin model and a Monte-Carol Simulation is used to find the most energetically favorable configuration of spins. This spin configuration is mapped back to the crystal lattice resulting in the most stable crystal structure of Sodium Cobalt Oxide at various concentrations. Knowing the atomic structures of the crystals will aid in the research of the materials capabilities and the possible uses of the material commercially. Ohio Supercomputer Center. 1987. Ohio Supercomputer Center. Columbus OH: Ohio Supercomputer Center. and the John Hauck Foundation.

  10. Design of a 3-D Magnetic Mapping System to Locate Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Pavements : Technical Summary

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report outlines the design, fabrication, and testing of a 3-D magnetic mapping system used to locate reinforcing steel in concrete pavements developed at Kansas State University (KSU) in 2006. The magnetic sensing functionality is based on the p...

  11. Direct imaging of isofrequency contours in photonic structures


    Regan, E. C.; Igarashi, Y.; Zhen, B.; ...


    The isofrequency contours of a photonic crystal are important for predicting and understanding exotic optical phenomena that are not apparent from high-symmetry band structure visualizations. We demonstrate a method to directly visualize the isofrequency contours of high-quality photonic crystal slabs that show quantitatively good agreement with numerical results throughout the visible spectrum. Our technique relies on resonance-enhanced photon scattering from generic fabrication disorder and surface roughness, so it can be applied to general photonic and plasmonic crystals or even quasi-crystals. We also present an analytical model of the scattering process, which explains the observation of isofrequency contours in our technique.more » Furthermore, the isofrequency contours provide information about the characteristics of the disorder and therefore serve as a feedback tool to improve fabrication processes.« less

  12. Material properties from contours: New insights on object perception.


    Pinna, Baingio; Deiana, Katia


    In this work we explored phenomenologically the visual complexity of the material attributes on the basis of the contours that define the boundaries of a visual object. The starting point is the rich and pioneering work done by Gestalt psychologists and, more in detail, by Rubin, who first demonstrated that contours contain most of the information related to object perception, like the shape, the color and the depth. In fact, by investigating simple conditions like those used by Gestalt psychologists, mostly consisting of contours only, we demonstrated that the phenomenal complexity of the material attributes emerges through appropriate manipulation of the contours. A phenomenological approach, analogous to the one used by Gestalt psychologists, was used to answer the following questions. What are contours? Which attributes can be phenomenally defined by contours? Are material properties determined only by contours? What is the visual syntactic organization of object attributes? The results of this work support the idea of a visual syntactic organization as a new kind of object formation process useful to understand the language of vision that creates well-formed attribute organizations. The syntax of visual attributes can be considered as a new way to investigate the modular coding and, more generally, the binding among attributes, i.e., the issue of how the brain represents the pairing of shape and material properties. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Fuzzy and process modelling of contour ridge water dynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mhizha, Alexander; Ndiritu, John


    Contour ridges are an in-situ rainwater harvesting technology developed initially for soil erosion control but are currently also widely promoted for rainwater harvesting. The effectiveness of contour ridges depends on geophysical, hydro-climatic and socio economic factors that are highly varied in time and space. Furthermore, field-scale data on these factors are often unavailable. This together with the complexity of hydrological processes at field scale limits the application of classical distributed process modelling to highly-instrumented experimental fields. This paper presents a framework that combines fuzzy logic and process-based approach for modelling contour ridges for rainwater harvesting where detailed field data are not available. Water balance for a representative contour-ridged field incorporating the water flow processes across the boundaries is integrated with fuzzy logic to incorporate the uncertainties in estimating runoff. The model is tested using data collected during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 rainfall seasons from two contour-ridged fields in Zhulube located in the semi-arid parts of Zimbabwe. The model is found to replicate soil moisture in the root zone reasonably well (NSE = 0.55 to 0.66 and PBIAS = -1.3 to 6.1 %). The results show that combining fuzzy logic and process based approaches can adequately model soil moisture in a contour ridged-field and could help to assess the water dynamics in contour ridged fields.

  14. The correlation of 2D-resistivity and magnetic methods in fault verification at northern Sumatra, Indonesia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamaruddin, Nur Aminuda; Saad, Rosli; Nordiana, M. M.; Azwin, I. N.


    The Great Sumatra Fault system was split into two sub-parallel lines or segments at the Northern Sumatra. This event is one of the impacts of powerful earthquakes that hit Sumatra Island especially one that occurred in 2004. These two sub-parallel segments known as Aceh and Seulimeum fault. The study is focused on the Seulimeum fault and two geophysical methods chosen aimed to compare and verified the result obtained respectively. 2-D resistivity method is a common geophysical method used in determination of near surface structures such as faults, cavities, voids and sinkholes. Meanwhile, the magnetic method often chosen to delineate subsurface structures, determine depth of magnetic source bodies and possibly sediment thickness. Three survey lines of resistivity method and randomly magnetic stations were carried out covering Krueng district. The resistivity data processed using Res2Dinv and result presented using Surfer software. The fault identified by the contrast of low and high resistivity value. Meanwhile, the magnetic data were presented in magnetic residual contour map and the extended fault system is suspected represent by the contrast value of the magnetic anomalies. Within suspected fault zone, the results of resistivity are tally with magnetic result.


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Johnson, W.


    The graphical presentation of experimentally or theoretically generated data sets frequently involves the construction of contour plots. A general computer algorithm has been developed for the construction of contour plots. The algorithm provides for efficient and accurate contouring with a modular approach which allows flexibility in modifying the algorithm for special applications. The algorithm accepts as input data values at a set of points irregularly distributed over a plane. The algorithm is based on an interpolation scheme in which the points in the plane are connected by straight line segments to form a set of triangles. In general, the data is smoothed using a least-squares-error fit of the data to a bivariate polynomial. To construct the contours, interpolation along the edges of the triangles is performed, using the bivariable polynomial if data smoothing was performed. Once the contour points have been located, the contour may be drawn. This program is written in FORTRAN IV for batch execution and has been implemented on an IBM 360 series computer with a central memory requirement of approximately 100K of 8-bit bytes. This computer algorithm was developed in 1981.

  16. [Retinotopic mapping of the human visual cortex with functional magnetic resonance imaging - basic principles, current developments and ophthalmological perspectives].


    Hoffmann, M B; Kaule, F; Grzeschik, R; Behrens-Baumann, W; Wolynski, B


    Since its initial introduction in the mid-1990 s, retinotopic mapping of the human visual cortex, based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has contributed greatly to our understanding of the human visual system. Multiple cortical visual field representations have been demonstrated and thus numerous visual areas identified. The organisation of specific areas has been detailed and the impact of pathophysiologies of the visual system on the cortical organisation uncovered. These results are based on investigations at a magnetic field strength of 3 Tesla or less. In a field-strength comparison between 3 and 7 Tesla, it was demonstrated that retinotopic mapping benefits from a magnetic field strength of 7 Tesla. Specifically, the visual areas can be mapped with high spatial resolution for a detailed analysis of the visual field maps. Applications of fMRI-based retinotopic mapping in ophthalmological research hold promise to further our understanding of plasticity in the human visual cortex. This is highlighted by pioneering studies in patients with macular dysfunction or misrouted optic nerves. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  17. Oil-spill risk analysis: Cook inlet outer continental shelf lease sale 149. Volume 2: Conditional risk contour maps of seasonal conditional probabilities. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Johnson, W.R.; Marshall, C.F.; Anderson, C.M.


    The Federal Government has proposed to offer Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lands in Cook Inlet for oil and gas leasing. Because oil spills may occur from activities associated with offshore oil production, the Minerals Management Service conducts a formal risk assessment. In evaluating the significance of accidental oil spills, it is important to remember that the occurrence of such spills is fundamentally probabilistic. The effects of oil spills that could occur during oil and gas production must be considered. This report summarizes results of an oil-spill risk analysis conducted for the proposed Cook Inlet OCS Lease Sale 149. The objectivemore » of this analysis was to estimate relative risks associated with oil and gas production for the proposed lease sale. To aid the analysis, conditional risk contour maps of seasonal conditional probabilities of spill contact were generated for each environmental resource or land segment in the study area. This aspect is discussed in this volume of the two volume report.« less

  18. Methodology for Image-Based Reconstruction of Ventricular Geometry for Patient-Specific Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology

    PubMed Central

    Prakosa, A.; Malamas, P.; Zhang, S.; Pashakhanloo, F.; Arevalo, H.; Herzka, D. A.; Lardo, A.; Halperin, H.; McVeigh, E.; Trayanova, N.; Vadakkumpadan, F.


    Patient-specific modeling of ventricular electrophysiology requires an interpolated reconstruction of the 3-dimensional (3D) geometry of the patient ventricles from the low-resolution (Lo-res) clinical images. The goal of this study was to implement a processing pipeline for obtaining the interpolated reconstruction, and thoroughly evaluate the efficacy of this pipeline in comparison with alternative methods. The pipeline implemented here involves contouring the epi- and endocardial boundaries in Lo-res images, interpolating the contours using the variational implicit functions method, and merging the interpolation results to obtain the ventricular reconstruction. Five alternative interpolation methods, namely linear, cubic spline, spherical harmonics, cylindrical harmonics, and shape-based interpolation were implemented for comparison. In the thorough evaluation of the processing pipeline, Hi-res magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT), and diffusion tensor (DT) MR images from numerous hearts were used. Reconstructions obtained from the Hi-res images were compared with the reconstructions computed by each of the interpolation methods from a sparse sample of the Hi-res contours, which mimicked Lo-res clinical images. Qualitative and quantitative comparison of these ventricular geometry reconstructions showed that the variational implicit functions approach performed better than others. Additionally, the outcomes of electrophysiological simulations (sinus rhythm activation maps and pseudo-ECGs) conducted using models based on the various reconstructions were compared. These electrophysiological simulations demonstrated that our implementation of the variational implicit functions-based method had the best accuracy. PMID:25148771

  19. Generalized Smooth Transition Map Between Tent and Logistic Maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sayed, Wafaa S.; Fahmy, Hossam A. H.; Rezk, Ahmed A.; Radwan, Ahmed G.

    There is a continuous demand on novel chaotic generators to be employed in various modeling and pseudo-random number generation applications. This paper proposes a new chaotic map which is a general form for one-dimensional discrete-time maps employing the power function with the tent and logistic maps as special cases. The proposed map uses extra parameters to provide responses that fit multiple applications for which conventional maps were not enough. The proposed generalization covers also maps whose iterative relations are not based on polynomials, i.e. with fractional powers. We introduce a framework for analyzing the proposed map mathematically and predicting its behavior for various combinations of its parameters. In addition, we present and explain the transition map which results in intermediate responses as the parameters vary from their values corresponding to tent map to those corresponding to logistic map case. We study the properties of the proposed map including graph of the map equation, general bifurcation diagram and its key-points, output sequences, and maximum Lyapunov exponent. We present further explorations such as effects of scaling, system response with respect to the new parameters, and operating ranges other than transition region. Finally, a stream cipher system based on the generalized transition map validates its utility for image encryption applications. The system allows the construction of more efficient encryption keys which enhances its sensitivity and other cryptographic properties.

  20. Clinical evaluation of atlas and deep learning based automatic contouring for lung cancer.


    Lustberg, Tim; van Soest, Johan; Gooding, Mark; Peressutti, Devis; Aljabar, Paul; van der Stoep, Judith; van Elmpt, Wouter; Dekker, Andre


    Contouring of organs at risk (OARs) is an important but time consuming part of radiotherapy treatment planning. The aim of this study was to investigate whether using institutional created software-generated contouring will save time if used as a starting point for manual OAR contouring for lung cancer patients. Twenty CT scans of stage I-III NSCLC patients were used to compare user adjusted contours after an atlas-based and deep learning contour, against manual delineation. The lungs, esophagus, spinal cord, heart and mediastinum were contoured for this study. The time to perform the manual tasks was recorded. With a median time of 20 min for manual contouring, the total median time saved was 7.8 min when using atlas-based contouring and 10 min for deep learning contouring. Both atlas based and deep learning adjustment times were significantly lower than manual contouring time for all OARs except for the left lung and esophagus of the atlas based contouring. User adjustment of software generated contours is a viable strategy to reduce contouring time of OARs for lung radiotherapy while conforming to local clinical standards. In addition, deep learning contouring shows promising results compared to existing solutions. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Accurate and Fully Automatic Hippocampus Segmentation Using Subject-Specific 3D Optimal Local Maps Into a Hybrid Active Contour Model

    PubMed Central

    Gkontra, Polyxeni; Daras, Petros; Maglaveras, Nicos


    Assessing the structural integrity of the hippocampus (HC) is an essential step toward prevention, diagnosis, and follow-up of various brain disorders due to the implication of the structural changes of the HC in those disorders. In this respect, the development of automatic segmentation methods that can accurately, reliably, and reproducibly segment the HC has attracted considerable attention over the past decades. This paper presents an innovative 3-D fully automatic method to be used on top of the multiatlas concept for the HC segmentation. The method is based on a subject-specific set of 3-D optimal local maps (OLMs) that locally control the influence of each energy term of a hybrid active contour model (ACM). The complete set of the OLMs for a set of training images is defined simultaneously via an optimization scheme. At the same time, the optimal ACM parameters are also calculated. Therefore, heuristic parameter fine-tuning is not required. Training OLMs are subsequently combined, by applying an extended multiatlas concept, to produce the OLMs that are anatomically more suitable to the test image. The proposed algorithm was tested on three different and publicly available data sets. Its accuracy was compared with that of state-of-the-art methods demonstrating the efficacy and robustness of the proposed method. PMID:27170866

  2. Generalized Pseudo-Reaction Zone Model for Non-Ideal Explosives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wescott, Bradley


    The pseudo-reaction zone model was proposed to improve engineering scale simulations when using Detonation Shock Dynamics with high explosives that have a slow reaction component. In this work an extension of the pseudo-reaction zone model is developed for non-ideal explosives that propagate well below their steady-planar Chapman-Jouguet velocity. A programmed burn method utilizing Detonation Shock Dynamics and a detonation velocity dependent pseudo-reaction rate has been developed for non-ideal explosives and applied to the explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO). The pseudo-reaction rate is calibrated to the experimentally obtained normal detonation velocity---shock curvature relation. The generalized pseudo-reaction zone model proposed here predicts the cylinder expansion to within 1% by accounting for the slow reaction in ANFO.

  3. Comfort Contours: Inter-Axis Equivalence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Griefahn, B.; Bröde, P.


    Inter-axis equivalence for sinusoidal vibrations as stipulated by ISO/DIS 2631 for seated persons was studied by adjusting the acceleration of a horizontal sinusoidal test vibration (x∨y) until it caused equal sensation as a vertical sinusoidal reference motion of the same frequency. The reference vibrations consisted of sine waves ranging from 1·6 to 12·5Hz and were presented with three weighted accelerations ofazw=0·3, 0·6 and 1·2ms-2r.m.s. (reference contours). 26 subjects (15 men, 11 women, 20-55yrs, 153-187cm) participated in the respective experiments. Based on the three reference contours, predicted values for horizontal motions were calculated by using the weighting factors provided in ISO/DIS 2631. The International standard was confirmed insofar as the shape of the contours determined for horizontal motions was independent from vibration magnitudes as sensitivity to fore-and-aft and to lateral motions was similar. However, the accelerations adjusted for horizontal vibrations were considerably lower than predicted, suggesting that the weighing factors provided in ISO/DIS 2631 need to be corrected.

  4. Convergent dental adaptations in pseudo-tribosphenic and tribosphenic mammals.


    Luo, Zhe-Xi; Ji, Qiang; Yuan, Chong-Xi


    Tribosphenic molars of basal marsupials and placentals are a major adaptation, with the protocone (pestle) of the upper molar crushing and grinding in the talonid basin (mortar) on the lower molar. The extinct pseudo-tribosphenic mammals have a reversed tribosphenic molar in which a pseudo-talonid is anterior to the trigonid, to receive the pseudo-protocone of the upper molar. The pseudo-protocone is analogous to the protocone, but the anteriorly placed pseudo-talonid is opposite to the posterior talonid basin of true tribosphenic mammals. Here we describe a mammal of the Middle Jurassic period with highly derived pseudo-tribosphenic molars but predominantly primitive mandibular and skeletal features, and place it in a basal position in mammal phylogeny. Its shoulder girdle and limbs show fossorial features similar to those of mammaliaforms and monotremes, but different compared with those of the earliest-known Laurasian tribosphenic (boreosphenid) mammals. The find reveals a much greater range of dental evolution in Mesozoic mammals than in their extant descendants, and strengthens the hypothesis of homoplasy of 'tribosphenic-like' molars among mammals.

  5. Breast mass segmentation in mammograms combining fuzzy c-means and active contours

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hmida, Marwa; Hamrouni, Kamel; Solaiman, Basel; Boussetta, Sana


    Segmentation of breast masses in mammograms is a challenging issue due to the nature of mammography and the characteristics of masses. In fact, mammographic images are poor in contrast and breast masses have various shapes and densities with fuzzy and ill-defined borders. In this paper, we propose a method based on a modified Chan-Vese active contour model for mass segmentation in mammograms. We conduct the experiment on mass Regions of Interest (ROI) extracted from the MIAS database. The proposed method consists of mainly three stages: Firstly, the ROI is preprocessed to enhance the contrast. Next, two fuzzy membership maps are generated from the preprocessed ROI based on fuzzy C-Means algorithm. These fuzzy membership maps are finally used to modify the energy of the Chan-Vese model and to perform the final segmentation. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method yields good mass segmentation results.

  6. PSO algorithm enhanced with Lozi Chaotic Map - Tuning experiment

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pluhacek, Michal; Senkerik, Roman; Zelinka, Ivan


    In this paper it is investigated the effect of tuning of control parameters of the Lozi Chaotic Map employed as a chaotic pseudo-random number generator for the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Three different benchmark functions are selected from the IEEE CEC 2013 competition benchmark set. The Lozi map is extensively tuned and the performance of PSO is evaluated.

  7. CONTOUR; a modification of G.I. Evenden's general purpose contouring program

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Godson, R.H.; Webring, M.W.


    A contouring program written for the DEC-10 computer (Evenden, 1975) has been modified and enhanced to operate on a Honeywell Multics 68/80 computer. The program uses a device independent plotting system (Wahl, 1977) so that output can be directed to any of several plotting devices by simply specifying one input variable.

  8. Venus mapping

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Batson, R. M.; Morgan, H. F.; Sucharski, Robert


    Semicontrolled image mosaics of Venus, based on Magellan data, are being compiled at 1:50,000,000, 1:10,000,000, 1:5,000,000, and 1:1,000,000 scales to support the Magellan Radar Investigator (RADIG) team. The mosaics are semicontrolled in the sense that data gaps were not filled and significant cosmetic inconsistencies exist. Contours are based on preliminary radar altimetry data that is subjected to revision and improvement. Final maps to support geologic mapping and other scientific investigations, to be compiled as the dataset becomes complete, will be sponsored by the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program and/or the Venus Data Analysis Program. All maps, both semicontrolled and final, will be published as I-maps by the United States Geological Survey. All of the mapping is based on existing knowledge of the spacecraft orbit; photogrammetric triangulation, a traditional basis for geodetic control on planets where framing cameras were used, is not feasible with the radar images of Venus, although an eventual shift of coordinate system to a revised spin-axis location is anticipated. This is expected to be small enough that it will affect only large-scale maps.

  9. Pseudo-Outbreak of Actinomyces graevenitzii Associated with Bronchoscopy

    PubMed Central

    Peaper, David R.; Havill, Nancy L.; Aniskiewicz, Michael; Callan, Deborah; Pop, Olivia; Towle, Dana


    Outbreaks and pseudo-outbreaks of infection related to bronchoscopy typically involve Gram-negative bacteria, Mycobacterium species or Legionella species. We report an unusual bronchoscopy-related pseudo-outbreak due to Actinomyces graevenitzii. Extensive epidemiological and microbiological investigation failed to identify a common source. Strain typing revealed that the cluster was comprised of heterogeneous strains of A. graevenitzii. A change in laboratory procedures for Actinomyces cultures was coincident with the emergence of the pseudo-outbreak, and we determined that A. graevenitzii isolates more readily adopted a white, dry, molar tooth appearance on anaerobic colistin nalidixic acid (CNA) agar which likely facilitated its detection and identification in bronchoscopic specimens. This unusual pseudo-outbreak was related to frequent requests of bronchoscopists for Actinomyces cultures combined with a change in microbiology laboratory practices. PMID:25355767

  10. Inequalities for scalar curvature of pseudo-Riemannian submanifolds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tripathi, Mukut Mani; Gülbahar, Mehmet; Kılıç, Erol; Keleş, Sadık


    Some basic inequalities, involving the scalar curvature and the mean curvature, for a pseudo-Riemannian submanifold of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold are obtained. We also find inequalities for spacelike submanifolds. Equality cases are also discussed.

  11. Zero-Echo-Time and Dixon Deep Pseudo-CT (ZeDD CT): Direct Generation of Pseudo-CT Images for Pelvic PET/MRI Attenuation Correction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Multiparametric MRI.


    Leynes, Andrew P; Yang, Jaewon; Wiesinger, Florian; Kaushik, Sandeep S; Shanbhag, Dattesh D; Seo, Youngho; Hope, Thomas A; Larson, Peder E Z


    Accurate quantification of uptake on PET images depends on accurate attenuation correction in reconstruction. Current MR-based attenuation correction methods for body PET use a fat and water map derived from a 2-echo Dixon MRI sequence in which bone is neglected. Ultrashort-echo-time or zero-echo-time (ZTE) pulse sequences can capture bone information. We propose the use of patient-specific multiparametric MRI consisting of Dixon MRI and proton-density-weighted ZTE MRI to directly synthesize pseudo-CT images with a deep learning model: we call this method ZTE and Dixon deep pseudo-CT (ZeDD CT). Methods: Twenty-six patients were scanned using an integrated 3-T time-of-flight PET/MRI system. Helical CT images of the patients were acquired separately. A deep convolutional neural network was trained to transform ZTE and Dixon MR images into pseudo-CT images. Ten patients were used for model training, and 16 patients were used for evaluation. Bone and soft-tissue lesions were identified, and the SUV max was measured. The root-mean-squared error (RMSE) was used to compare the MR-based attenuation correction with the ground-truth CT attenuation correction. Results: In total, 30 bone lesions and 60 soft-tissue lesions were evaluated. The RMSE in PET quantification was reduced by a factor of 4 for bone lesions (10.24% for Dixon PET and 2.68% for ZeDD PET) and by a factor of 1.5 for soft-tissue lesions (6.24% for Dixon PET and 4.07% for ZeDD PET). Conclusion: ZeDD CT produces natural-looking and quantitatively accurate pseudo-CT images and reduces error in pelvic PET/MRI attenuation correction compared with standard methods. © 2018 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

  12. Analysis of Plasma Detachment through Magnetic Nozzle via Canonical Field Theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Takagaki, Yu

    In this paper, I have investigated the mechanism of plasma detachment through magnetic nozzle via canonical field theory, especially by considering canonical vorticity flux Psisigma contour and dissipative force vector Rsigma. As one of the most recent experimental proofs of plasma detachment, Olsen et al., observed and investigated three key indications of plasma detachment. However, after solving for numerical fits with their experimental data, I found that constant ion flux lines did not actually separate from constant magnetic flux lines. Thus, their first key indication becomes incorrect now. Whereas, my analytical results are consistent with the other two key indications. At the beginning, plasma detached from canonical vorticity flux contours due to non-zero dissipative force and attached on magnetic flux lines instead. However, vector Rsigma [is asymptotically equal to] 0 force makes plasma re-attach on canonical vorticity flux contours around the plume edge region. As the most significant and notable result through my analysis, I confirmed the existence of returning plasma flow around the plume edge region.

  13. A stable downward continuation of airborne magnetic data: A case study for mineral prospectivity mapping in Central Iran

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abedi, Maysam; Gholami, Ali; Norouzi, Gholam-Hossain


    Previous studies have shown that a well-known multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique called Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE II) to explore porphyry copper deposits can prioritize the ground-based exploratory evidential layers effectively. In this paper, the PROMETHEE II method is applied to airborne geophysical (potassium radiometry and magnetometry) data, geological layers (fault and host rock zones), and various extracted alteration layers from remote sensing images. The central Iranian volcanic-sedimentary belt is chosen for this study. A stable downward continuation method as an inverse problem in the Fourier domain using Tikhonov and edge-preserving regularizations is proposed to enhance magnetic data. Numerical analysis of synthetic models show that the reconstructed magnetic data at the ground surface exhibits significant enhancement compared to the airborne data. The reduced-to-pole (RTP) and the analytic signal filters are applied to the magnetic data to show better maps of the magnetic anomalies. Four remote sensing evidential layers including argillic, phyllic, propylitic and hydroxyl alterations are extracted from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images in order to map the altered areas associated with porphyry copper deposits. Principal component analysis (PCA) based on six Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images is implemented to map iron oxide layer. The final mineral prospectivity map based on desired geo-data set indicates adequately matching of high potential zones with previous working mines and copper deposits.

  14. The HyperV Full-Scale Contoured-Gap Coaxial Plasma Railgun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brockington, Samuel; Case, Andrew; Messer, Sarah; Bomgardner, Richard; Elton, Raymond; Wu, Linchun; Witherspoon, F. Douglas


    HyperV has been developing pulsed plasma injected coaxial railguns with a contoured gap profile designed to mitigate the blowby instability. Previous work using half-scale guns has been successful in launching 150 μg plasmas at 90 km/s [1]. In order to meet the original goal of 200 μg at 200 km/s the full-scale coaxial plasma gun has been constructed, and initial testing is beginning. This new plasma gun consists of two machined aluminum electrodes and a UHMW polyethylene breech insulator. The gun is breech fed by 64 ablative polyethylene capillary discharge units identical to the half-scale gun units. Maximum accelerator energy storage has also been increased 50%. Refractory coatings may be necessary to allow full current (˜800 kA) operation. The outer electrode includes 24 small diagnostic ports for optical and magnetic probe access to the plasma inside the gun to allow direct measurement of the plasma armature dynamics. Initial test data from the full-scale coax gun will be presented along with plans for future testing. Work supported by the U.S. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.[4pt] [1] F. D. Witherspoon, A. Case, S. Messer, R. Bomgardner, M. Phillips, S. Brockington, R. Elton, ``Contoured Gap Coaxial Plasma Gun with Injected Plasma Armature'' Rev. Sci. Instr. submitted (2009)

  15. Electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves in a nonuniform magnetic field

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cartier, S. L.; Dangelo, N.; Merlino, R. L.


    The properties of electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves excited in a single-ended cesium Q machine with a nonuniform magnetic field are described. The electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves are generated in the usual manner by drawing an electron current to a small exciter disk immersed in the plasma column. The parallel and perpendicular (to B) wavelengths and phase velocities are determined by mapping out two-dimensional wave phase contours. The wave frequency f depends on the location of the exciter disk in the nonuniform magnetic field, and propagating waves are only observed in the region where f is approximately greater than fci, where fci is the local ion-cyclotron frequency. The parallel phase velocity is in the direction of the electron drift. From measurements of the plasma properties along the axis, it is inferred that the electron drift velocity is not uniform along the entire current channel. The evidence suggests that the waves begin being excited at that axial position where the critical drift velocity is first exceeded, consistent with a current-driven excitation mechanism.

  16. Passive acoustic mapping of magnetic microbubbles for cavitation enhancement and localization.


    Crake, Calum; Victor, Marie de Saint; Owen, Joshua; Coviello, Christian; Collin, Jamie; Coussios, Constantin-C; Stride, Eleanor


    Magnetic targeting of microbubbles functionalized with superparamagnetic nanoparticles has been demonstrated previously for diagnostic (B-mode) ultrasound imaging and shown to enhance gene delivery in vitro and in vivo. In the present work, passive acoustic mapping (PAM) was used to investigate the potential of magnetic microbubbles for localizing and enhancing cavitation activity under focused ultrasound. Suspensions of magnetic microbubbles consisting of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), air and 10 nm diameter iron oxide nanoparticles were injected into a tissue mimicking phantom at different flow velocities (from 0 to 50 mm s(-1)) with or without an applied magnetic field. Microbubbles were excited using a 500 kHz single element focused transducer at peak negative focal pressures of 0.1-1.0 MPa, while a 64 channel imaging array passively recorded their acoustic emissions. Magnetic localization of microbubble-induced cavitation activity was successfully achieved and could be resolved using PAM as a shift in the spatial distribution and increases in the intensity and sustainability of cavitation activity under the influence of a magnetic field. Under flow conditions at shear rates of up to 100 s(-1) targeting efficacy was maintained. Application of a magnetic field was shown to consistently increase the energy of cavitation emissions by a factor of 2-5 times over the duration of exposures compared to the case without targeting, which was approximately equivalent to doubling the injected microbubble dose. These results suggest that magnetic targeting could be used to localize and increase the concentration of microbubbles and hence cavitation activity for a given systemic dose of microbubbles or ultrasound intensity.

  17. 32 CFR 707.5 - Underway replenishment contour lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Underway replenishment contour lights. 707.5... RULES WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL STATION AND SIGNAL LIGHTS § 707.5 Underway replenishment contour lights... underway replenishment operations, either red or blue lights at delivery-ship-deck-edge extremities. [42 FR...

  18. 32 CFR 707.5 - Underway replenishment contour lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Underway replenishment contour lights. 707.5... RULES WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL STATION AND SIGNAL LIGHTS § 707.5 Underway replenishment contour lights... underway replenishment operations, either red or blue lights at delivery-ship-deck-edge extremities. [42 FR...

  19. 32 CFR 707.5 - Underway replenishment contour lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Underway replenishment contour lights. 707.5... RULES WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL STATION AND SIGNAL LIGHTS § 707.5 Underway replenishment contour lights... underway replenishment operations, either red or blue lights at delivery-ship-deck-edge extremities. [42 FR...

  20. 32 CFR 707.5 - Underway replenishment contour lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Underway replenishment contour lights. 707.5... RULES WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL STATION AND SIGNAL LIGHTS § 707.5 Underway replenishment contour lights... underway replenishment operations, either red or blue lights at delivery-ship-deck-edge extremities. [42 FR...

  1. 32 CFR 707.5 - Underway replenishment contour lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Underway replenishment contour lights. 707.5... RULES WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL STATION AND SIGNAL LIGHTS § 707.5 Underway replenishment contour lights... underway replenishment operations, either red or blue lights at delivery-ship-deck-edge extremities. [42 FR...

  2. Pseudo-outbreak of Actinomyces graevenitzii associated with bronchoscopy.


    Peaper, David R; Havill, Nancy L; Aniskiewicz, Michael; Callan, Deborah; Pop, Olivia; Towle, Dana; Boyce, John M


    Outbreaks and pseudo-outbreaks of infection related to bronchoscopy typically involve Gram-negative bacteria, Mycobacterium species or Legionella species. We report an unusual bronchoscopy-related pseudo-outbreak due to Actinomyces graevenitzii. Extensive epidemiological and microbiological investigation failed to identify a common source. Strain typing revealed that the cluster was comprised of heterogeneous strains of A. graevenitzii. A change in laboratory procedures for Actinomyces cultures was coincident with the emergence of the pseudo-outbreak, and we determined that A. graevenitzii isolates more readily adopted a white, dry, molar tooth appearance on anaerobic colistin nalidixic acid (CNA) agar which likely facilitated its detection and identification in bronchoscopic specimens. This unusual pseudo-outbreak was related to frequent requests of bronchoscopists for Actinomyces cultures combined with a change in microbiology laboratory practices. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  3. Holographic Moire Contouring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sciammarella, C. A.; Sainov, Ventseslav; Simova, Eli


    Theoretical analysis and experimental results on holographic moire contouring (HMC) of difussely reflecting objects are presented. The sensitivity and application constraints of the method are discussed. A high signal-to-noise ratio and contrast of the fringes is achieved through the use of high quality silver halide holographic plates HP-650. A good agreement between theoretical and experimental results is observed.

  4. Pseudo-entanglement evaluated in noninertial frames

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mehri-Dehnavi, Hossein, E-mail:; Research Center for Quantum Computing, Kinki University, 3-4-1 Kowakae, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577-8502; Mirza, Behrouz, E-mail:


    Research Highlights: > We study pseudo-entanglement in noninertial frames. > We examine different measures of entanglement and nonclassical correlation for the state. > We find the threshold for entanglement is changed in noninertial frames. > We also describe the behavior of local unitary classes of states in noninertial frames. - Abstract: We study quantum discord, in addition to entanglement, of bipartite pseudo-entanglement in noninertial frames. It is shown that the entanglement degrades from its maximum value in a stationary frame to a minimum value in an infinite accelerating frame. There is a critical region found in which, for particular cases,more » entanglement of states vanishes for certain accelerations. The quantum discord of pseudo-entanglement decreases by increasing the acceleration. Also, for a physically inaccessible region, entanglement and nonclassical correlation are evaluated and shown to match the corresponding values of the physically accessible region for an infinite acceleration.« less

  5. Pseudo-myocardial infarction in diabetic ketoacidosis with hyperkalemia.


    Bellazzini, Marc A; Meyer, Tom


    Hyperkalemia-induced electrocardiogram changes such as dysrhythmias and altered T wave morphology are well described in the medical literature. Pseudo-infarction hyperkalemia-induced changes are less well known, but present a unique danger for the clinician treating these critically ill patients. This article describes a case of pseudo anteroseptal myocardial infarction in a type 1 diabetic with hyperkalemia. The most common patterns of pseudo-infarct and their associated potassium concentrations are then summarized from a literature review of 24 cases. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Parametric methods for characterizing myocardial tissue by magnetic resonance imaging (part 2): T2 mapping.


    Perea Palazón, R J; Solé Arqués, M; Prat González, S; de Caralt Robira, T M; Cibeira López, M T; Ortiz Pérez, J T


    Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is considered the reference technique for characterizing myocardial tissue; for example, T2-weighted sequences make it possible to evaluate areas of edema or myocardial inflammation. However, traditional sequences have many limitations and provide only qualitative information. Moreover, traditional sequences depend on the reference to remote myocardium or skeletal muscle, which limits their ability to detect and quantify diffuse myocardial damage. Recently developed magnetic resonance myocardial mapping techniques enable quantitative assessment of parameters indicative of edema. These techniques have proven better than traditional sequences both in acute cardiomyopathy and in acute ischemic heart disease. This article synthesizes current developments in T2 mapping as well as their clinical applications and limitations. Copyright © 2014 SERAM. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. Environmental Magnetism and Geochemical Properties of Urban Soils from Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Implications for Anthropogenic Pollution Monitoring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Richter, C.; Taylor, D.; Schramm, W.; Day, L.; Vedrines, H.


    Magnetic properties (susceptibility and SIRM) of urban soils have been shown to be very effective tracers of anthropogenic pollution. They provide a highly sensitive and easily obtainable measurement of the compositional changes of the mineral and chemical composition in soils. The main objective of this study is to detect the presence of magnetic anthropogenic particles related to environmental pollution by measuring the magnetic signature of soil samples and relating it to heavy metal concentrations obtained by XRF analysis. For this large-scale study carried out over the past eight years, we sampled an area of 260 km2 in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a total of 257 sites, 5140 individual susceptibility measurements obtained with a hand-held field probe, and 514 discrete samples for laboratory analysis of SIRM, susceptibility, and XRF analysis. In this area rural, industrial, metropolitan, and suburban settings exist in close proximity and allow for the direct comparison of results without significant changes in pedological, climatic, or the bedrock, which influence the magnetic properties. Contour maps and histograms indicate a strong correlation between the magnetic susceptibility, SIRM, and the environmental setting, with the mode of the susceptibility shifting from 0.006x10-3 SI in rural areas to 0.273x10-3 SI in the industrialized parts of the city. The industrialized western area of Baton Rouge especially shows significantly enhanced magnetic properties. For selected sites we determined the concentrations of Mo, Zr, Sr, Ba, U, Rb, Th, Pb, Au, Se, As, Hg, Zn, W, Cu, Cr, Ni, Co, Fe, and Mn with an XRF scanner. A linear correlation between magnetic susceptibility and U, Ba, Cr, Pb, Th, and Zn is statistically significant and suggests that anthropogenic input of heavy metals has a significant influence on magnetic properties. Detailed rock magnetic, geochemical, and statistical analysis will be presented and used, together with soil maps and land

  8. Repeatability of dose painting by numbers treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Schie, Marcel A.; Steenbergen, Peter; Viet Dinh, Cuong; Ghobadi, Ghazaleh; van Houdt, Petra J.; Pos, Floris J.; Heijmink, Stijn W. T. J. P.; van der Poel, Henk G.; Renisch, Steffen; Vik, Torbjørn; van der Heide, Uulke A.


    Dose painting by numbers (DPBN) refers to a voxel-wise prescription of radiation dose modelled from functional image characteristics, in contrast to dose painting by contours which requires delineations to define the target for dose escalation. The direct relation between functional imaging characteristics and DPBN implies that random variations in images may propagate into the dose distribution. The stability of MR-only prostate cancer treatment planning based on DPBN with respect to these variations is as yet unknown. We conducted a test-retest study to investigate the stability of DPBN for prostate cancer in a semi-automated MR-only treatment planning workflow. Twelve patients received a multiparametric MRI on two separate days prior to prostatectomy. The tumor probability (TP) within the prostate was derived from image features with a logistic regression model. Dose mapping functions were applied to acquire a DPBN prescription map that served to generate an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment plan. Dose calculations were done on a pseudo-CT derived from the MRI. The TP and DPBN map and the IMRT dose distribution were compared between both MRI sessions, using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to quantify repeatability of the planning pipeline. The quality of each treatment plan was measured with a quality factor (QF). Median ICC values for the TP and DPBN map and the IMRT dose distribution were 0.82, 0.82 and 0.88, respectively, for linear dose mapping and 0.82, 0.84 and 0.94 for square root dose mapping. A median QF of 3.4% was found among all treatment plans. We demonstrated the stability of DPBN radiotherapy treatment planning in prostate cancer, with excellent overall repeatability and acceptable treatment plan quality. Using validated tumor probability modelling and simple dose mapping techniques it was shown that despite day-to-day variations in imaging data still consistent treatment plans were obtained.

  9. Mapping of wildlife habitat in Farmington Bay, Utah

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jaynes, R. A.; Willie, R. D. (Principal Investigator)


    Mapping was accomplished through the interpretation of high-altitude color infrared photography. The feasibility of utilizing LANDSAT digital data to augment the analysis was explored; complex patterns of wildlife habitat and confusion of spectral classes resulted in the decision to make limited use of LANDSAT data in the analysis. The final product is a map which delineates wildlife habitat at a scale of 1:24,000. The map is registered to and printed on a screened U.S.G.S. quadrangle base map. Screened delineations of shoreline contours, mapped from a previous study, are also shown on the map. Intensive field checking of the map was accomplished for the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area in August 1981; other areas on the map received only spot field checking.

  10. Development of one-minute rain-rate and rain-attenuation contour maps for satellite propagation system planning in a subtropical country: South Africa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ojo, J. S.; Owolawi, P. A.


    Millimeter and microwave system design at higher frequencies require as input a 1-min rain-rate cumulative distribution function for estimating the level of degradation that can be encountered at such frequency bands. Owing to the lack of 1-min rain-rate data in South Africa and the availability of 5-min and hourly rainfall data, we have used rain-rate conversion models and the refined Moupfouma model to convert the available data into 1-min rain-rate statistics. The attenuation caused by these rain rates was predicted using the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendations model. The Kriging interpolation method was used to draw contour maps over different percentages of time for spatial interpolation of rain-rate values into a regular grid in order to obtain a highly consistent and predictable inter-gauge rain-rate variation over South Africa. The present results will be useful for system designers of modern broadband wireless access (BWA) and high-density cell-based Ku/Ka, Q/V band satellite systems, over the desired area of coverage in order to determine the appropriate effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) and receiver characteristics of this region.

  11. Contour shape analysis of hollow ion x-ray emission

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rosmej, F. B.; Angelo, P.; Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire pour Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, Physique Atomique dans les Plasmas Denses, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex


    Hollow ion x-ray transitions originating from the configurations K{sup 0}L{sup N} have been studied via relativistic atomic structure and Stark broadening calculations. The broadening of the total contour is largely influenced by the oscillator strengths distribution over wavelengths rather than by Stark broadening alone. Interference effects between the upper and lower levels are shown to result in a considerable contour narrowing as well as in a shift of the total contour which could be either red or blue.

  12. Ground-penetrating radar--A tool for mapping reservoirs and lakes

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Truman, C.C.; Asmussen, L.E.; Allison, H.D.


    Ground-penetrating radar was evaluated as a tool for mapping reservoir and lake bottoms and providing stage-storage information. An impulse radar was used on a 1.4-ha (3.5-acre) reservoir with 31 transects located 6.1 m (20 feet) apart. Depth of water and lateral extent of the lake bottom were accurately measured by ground-penetrating radar. A linear (positive) relationship existed between measured water depth and ground-penetrating radar-determined water depth (R2=0.989). Ground-penetrating radar data were used to create a contour map of the lake bottom. Relationships between water (contour) elevation and water surface area and volume were established. Ground-penetrating radar proved to be a useful tool for mapping lakes, detecting lake bottom variations, locating old stream channels, and determining water depths. The technology provides accurate, continuous profile data in a relatively short time compared to traditional surveying and depth-sounding techniques.

  13. Scaling results for the magnetic field line trajectories in the stochastic layer near the separatrix in divertor tokamaks with high magnetic shear using the higher shear map

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima; Farhat, Hamidullah


    Extra terms are added to the generating function of the simple map (Punjabi et al 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 3322) to adjust shear of magnetic field lines in divertor tokamaks. From this new generating function, a higher shear map is derived from a canonical transformation. A continuous analog of the higher shear map is also derived. The method of maps (Punjabi et al 1994 J. Plasma Phys. 52 91) is used to calculate the average shear, stochastic broadening of the ideal separatrix near the X-point in the principal plane of the tokamak, loss of poloidal magnetic flux from inside the ideal separatrix, magnetic footprint on the collector plate, and its area, and the radial diffusion coefficient of magnetic field lines near the X-point. It is found that the width of the stochastic layer near the X-point and the loss of poloidal flux from inside the ideal separatrix scale linearly with average shear. The area of magnetic footprints scales roughly linearly with average shear. Linear scaling of the area is quite good when the average shear is greater than or equal to 1.25. When the average shear is in the range 1.1-1.25, the area of the footprint fluctuates (as a function of average shear) and scales faster than linear scaling. Radial diffusion of field lines near the X-point increases very rapidly by about four orders of magnitude as average shear increases from about 1.15 to 1.5. For higher values of average shear, diffusion increases linearly, and comparatively very slowly. The very slow scaling of the radial diffusion of the field can flatten the plasma pressure gradient near the separatrix, and lead to the elimination of type-I edge localized modes.

  14. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3568, Polekhomri (503) and Charikar (504) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  15. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3464, Shahrak (411) and Kasi (412) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  16. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3366, Gizab (513) and Nawer (514) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  17. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3164, Lashkargah (605) and Kandahar (606) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  18. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3162, Chakhansur (603) and Kotalak (604) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  19. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3266, Ourzgan (519) and Moqur (520) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  20. Automated mapping of the ocean floor using the theory of intrinsic random functions of order k

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    David, M.; Crozel, D.; Robb, James M.


    High-quality contour maps can be computer drawn from single track echo-sounding data by combining Universal Kriging and the theory of intrinsic random function of order K (IRFK). These methods interpolate values among the closely spaced points that lie along relatively widely spaced lines. The technique provides a variance which can be contoured as a quantitative measure of map precision. The technique can be used to evaluate alternative survey trackline configurations and data collection intervals, and can be applied to other types of oceanographic data. ?? 1986 D. Reidel Publishing Company.

  1. Tjalma syndrome (pseudo-pseudo Meigs') as initial manifestation of juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus.


    Torres Jiménez, Alfonso Ragnar; Solís-Vallejo, Eunice; Céspedes-Cruz, Adriana Ivonne; Zeferino Cruz, Maritza; Rojas-Curiel, Edna Zoraida; Sánchez-Jara, Berenice


    Tjalma syndrome or pseudo-pseudo Meigs' syndrome is a clinical condition characterized by pleural effusion, ascites and elevated CA-125 with no associated benign or malignant ovarian tumor in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Tjalma described the first case of a patient with SLE, pleural effusion, ascites and elevated CA-125. We report the first case in a 14-year old patient who presented with ascites and pleural effusion refractory to treatment and elevated CA-125, in the absence of an ovarian tumor, that warranted aggressive management. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  2. Mapping of soil erosion and redistribution on two agricultural areas in Czech Republic by using of magnetic parameters.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapicka, Ales; Stejskalova, Sarka; Grison, Hana; Petrovsky, Eduard; Jaksik, Ondrej; Kodesova, Radka


    Soil erosion is one of the major concerns in sustainability of agricultural systems in different areas. Therefore there is a need to develop suitable innovative indirect methods of soil survey. One of this methods is based on well established differentiation in magnetic signature with depth in soil profile. Magnetic method can be applied in the field as well as in the laboratory on collected soil samples. The aim of this study is to evaluate suitability of magnetic method to assess soil degradation and construct maps of cumulative soil loss due to erosion at two morphologically diverse areas with different soil types. Dominant soil unit in the first locality (Brumovice) is chernozem, which is gradually degraded on slopes to regosols. In the second site (Vidim), the dominant soil unit is luvisol, gradualy transformed to regosol due to erosion. Field measurements of magnetic susceptibility were carried out on regular grid, resulting in 101 data points in Brumovice and 65 in Vidim locality. Mass specific magnetic susceptibility χ and its frequency dependence χFD was used to estimate the significance of SP ferrimagnetic particles of pedogenic origin in top soil horizons. Strong correlation was found between the volume magnetic susceptibility (field measurement) and mass- specific magnetic susceptibility measured in the laboratory (Kapicka et al 2013). Values of magnetic susceptibility are spatially distributed depending on terrain position. Higher values were measured at the flat parts (where the original topsoil horizon remained). The lowest values magnetic susceptibility were obtained on the steep valley sides. Here the original topsoil was eroded and mixed by tillage with the soil substrate (loess). Positive correlation between the organic carbon content and volume magnetic susceptibility (R2= 0.89) was found for chernozem area. The differences between the values of susceptibility in the undisturbed soil profile and the magnetic signal after uniform mixing of the

  3. Experimental Mapping and Benchmarking of Magnetic Field Codes on the LHD Ion Accelerator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chitarin, G.; Agostinetti, P.; Gallo, A.; Marconato, N.; Nakano, H.; Serianni, G.; Takeiri, Y.; Tsumori, K.


    For the validation of the numerical models used for the design of the Neutral Beam Test Facility for ITER in Padua [1], an experimental benchmark against a full-size device has been sought. The LHD BL2 injector [2] has been chosen as a first benchmark, because the BL2 Negative Ion Source and Beam Accelerator are geometrically similar to SPIDER, even though BL2 does not include current bars and ferromagnetic materials. A comprehensive 3D magnetic field model of the LHD BL2 device has been developed based on the same assumptions used for SPIDER. In parallel, a detailed experimental magnetic map of the BL2 device has been obtained using a suitably designed 3D adjustable structure for the fine positioning of the magnetic sensors inside 27 of the 770 beamlet apertures. The calculated values have been compared to the experimental data. The work has confirmed the quality of the numerical model, and has also provided useful information on the magnetic non-uniformities due to the edge effects and to the tolerance on permanent magnet remanence.

  4. The development of contour processing: evidence from physiology and psychophysics

    PubMed Central

    Taylor, Gemma; Hipp, Daniel; Moser, Alecia; Dickerson, Kelly; Gerhardstein, Peter


    Object perception and pattern vision depend fundamentally upon the extraction of contours from the visual environment. In adulthood, contour or edge-level processing is supported by the Gestalt heuristics of proximity, collinearity, and closure. Less is known, however, about the developmental trajectory of contour detection and contour integration. Within the physiology of the visual system, long-range horizontal connections in V1 and V2 are the likely candidates for implementing these heuristics. While post-mortem anatomical studies of human infants suggest that horizontal interconnections reach maturity by the second year of life, psychophysical research with infants and children suggests a considerably more protracted development. In the present review, data from infancy to adulthood will be discussed in order to track the development of contour detection and integration. The goal of this review is thus to integrate the development of contour detection and integration with research regarding the development of underlying neural circuitry. We conclude that the ontogeny of this system is best characterized as a developmentally extended period of associative acquisition whereby horizontal connectivity becomes functional over longer and longer distances, thus becoming able to effectively integrate over greater spans of visual space. PMID:25071681

  5. Investigation of conjugate circular arcs in rocket nozzle contour design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schomberg, K.; Olsen, J.; Neely, A.; Doig, G.


    The use of conjugate circular arcs in rocket nozzle contour design has been investigated by numerically comparing three existing sub-scale nozzles to a range of equivalent arc-based contour designs. Three performance measures were considered when comparing nozzle designs: thrust coefficient, nozzle exit wall pressure, and a transition between flow separation regimes during the engine start-up phase. In each case, an equivalent arc-based contour produced an increase in the thrust coefficient and exit wall pressure of up to 0.4 and 40% respectively, in addition to suppressing the transition between a free and restricted shock separation regime. A general approach to arc-based nozzle contour design has also been presented to outline a rapid and repeatable process for generating sub-scale arc-based contours with an exit Mach number of 3.8-5.4 and a length between 60 and 100% of a 15° conical nozzle. The findings suggest that conjugate circular arcs may represent a viable approach for producing sub-scale rocket nozzle contours, and that a further investigation is warranted between arc-based and existing full-scale rocket nozzles.

  6. Novel cardiac magnetic resonance biomarkers: native T1 and extracellular volume myocardial mapping.


    Cannaò, Paola Maria; Altabella, Luisa; Petrini, Marcello; Alì, Marco; Secchi, Francesco; Sardanelli, Francesco


    Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool playing a key role in the assessment of cardiac morphology and function as well as in tissue characterization. Late gadolinium enhancement is a fundamental CMR technique for detecting focal or regional abnormalities such as scar tissue, replacement fibrosis, or inflammation using qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative methods, but not allowing for evaluating the whole myocardium in the presence of diffuse disease. The novel T1 mapping approach permits a quantitative assessment of the entire myocardium providing a voxel-by-voxel map of native T1 relaxation time, obtained before the intravenous administration of gadolinium-based contrast material. Combining T1 data obtained before and after contrast injection, it is also possible to calculate the voxel-by-voxel extracellular volume (ECV), resulting in another myocardial parametric map. This article describes technical challenges and clinical perspectives of these two novel CMR biomarkers: myocardial native T1 and ECV mapping.

  7. Procedural Documentation and Accuracy Assessment of Bathymetric Maps and Area/Capacity Tables for Small Reservoirs

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wilson, Gary L.; Richards, Joseph M.


    Because of the increasing use and importance of lakes for water supply to communities, a repeatable and reliable procedure to determine lake bathymetry and capacity is needed. A method to determine the accuracy of the procedure will help ensure proper collection and use of the data and resulting products. It is important to clearly define the intended products and desired accuracy before conducting the bathymetric survey to ensure proper data collection. A survey-grade echo sounder and differential global positioning system receivers were used to collect water-depth and position data in December 2003 at Sugar Creek Lake near Moberly, Missouri. Data were collected along planned transects, with an additional set of quality-assurance data collected for use in accuracy computations. All collected data were imported into a geographic information system database. A bathymetric surface model, contour map, and area/capacity tables were created from the geographic information system database. An accuracy assessment was completed on the collected data, bathymetric surface model, area/capacity table, and contour map products. Using established vertical accuracy standards, the accuracy of the collected data, bathymetric surface model, and contour map product was 0.67 foot, 0.91 foot, and 1.51 feet at the 95 percent confidence level. By comparing results from different transect intervals with the quality-assurance transect data, it was determined that a transect interval of 1 percent of the longitudinal length of Sugar Creek Lake produced nearly as good results as 0.5 percent transect interval for the bathymetric surface model, area/capacity table, and contour map products.

  8. Geophysical Modelling and Multi-Scale Studies in the Arctic Seiland Igneous Province: Millimeter to Micrometer Scale Mapping of the Magnetic Sources by High Resolution Magnetic Microscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pastore, Z.; Church, N. S.; McEnroe, S. A.; Oda, H.; ter Maat, G. W.


    Rocks samples can have wide range of magnetic properties depending on composition, amount of ferromagnetic minerals, grain sizes and microstructures. These influence the magnetic anomalies from the micro to the global scale making the study of the magnetic properties of interest for multiple applications. Later geological processes such as serpentinization can significantly influence these properties and change the nature of the magnetic anomalies. Particularly, magnetic properties such as remanent magnetization and magnetic susceptibility are directly linked to the magnetic mineralogy composition and grain size and can provide useful information about the geological history of the source. Scanning magnetic microscopy is a highly sensitive and high-resolution magnetometric technique for mapping the magnetic field over a planar surface of a rock sample. The device measures the vertical component of the field above the thin sections and the technique offers a spatial resolution down to tens of micrometers and thus can be used to investigate discrete magnetic mineral grains or magnetic textures and structures, and the magnetic history of the sample. This technique allows a direct correlation between the mineral chemistry (through both electron and optical microscopy) and the magnetic properties. We present as case-study three thin section magnetic scans of two dunite samples from the Reinfjord Ultramafic complex, in northern Norway. The selected thin sections show different magnetic properties which reflect the magnetic petrology. One of the thin sections is from a pristine dunite sample; the other two are highly serpentinized with newly formed magnetite found in multiple, few micrometer thick, veins. We present the preliminary results obtained applying a forward modelling approach on the magnetic anomaly maps acquired over the thin sections. Modelling consists of uniformly-magnetized polygonal bodies whose geometry is constrained by the thickness of the thin section

  9. Terraces and contour farming

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Terraces are earthen embankments constructed across the prevailing field land slope. They have been used in differing forms for thousands of years in an attempt to protect steep land slopes from runoff induced erosion. Contour farming, where tillage and planting create ridges and furrows at nearly...

  10. DEM generation from contours and a low-resolution DEM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Xinghua; Shen, Huanfeng; Feng, Ruitao; Li, Jie; Zhang, Liangpei


    A digital elevation model (DEM) is a virtual representation of topography, where the terrain is established by the three-dimensional co-ordinates. In the framework of sparse representation, this paper investigates DEM generation from contours. Since contours are usually sparsely distributed and closely related in space, sparse spatial regularization (SSR) is enforced on them. In order to make up for the lack of spatial information, another lower spatial resolution DEM from the same geographical area is introduced. In this way, the sparse representation implements the spatial constraints in the contours and extracts the complementary information from the auxiliary DEM. Furthermore, the proposed method integrates the advantage of the unbiased estimation of kriging. For brevity, the proposed method is called the kriging and sparse spatial regularization (KSSR) method. The performance of the proposed KSSR method is demonstrated by experiments in Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30 m DEM and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) 30 m global digital elevation model (GDEM) generation from the corresponding contours and a 90 m DEM. The experiments confirm that the proposed KSSR method outperforms the traditional kriging and SSR methods, and it can be successfully used for DEM generation from contours.

  11. Parallel peak pruning for scalable SMP contour tree computation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Carr, Hamish A.; Weber, Gunther H.; Sewell, Christopher M.

    As data sets grow to exascale, automated data analysis and visualisation are increasingly important, to intermediate human understanding and to reduce demands on disk storage via in situ analysis. Trends in architecture of high performance computing systems necessitate analysis algorithms to make effective use of combinations of massively multicore and distributed systems. One of the principal analytic tools is the contour tree, which analyses relationships between contours to identify features of more than local importance. Unfortunately, the predominant algorithms for computing the contour tree are explicitly serial, and founded on serial metaphors, which has limited the scalability of this formmore » of analysis. While there is some work on distributed contour tree computation, and separately on hybrid GPU-CPU computation, there is no efficient algorithm with strong formal guarantees on performance allied with fast practical performance. Here in this paper, we report the first shared SMP algorithm for fully parallel contour tree computation, withfor-mal guarantees of O(lgnlgt) parallel steps and O(n lgn) work, and implementations with up to 10x parallel speed up in OpenMP and up to 50x speed up in NVIDIA Thrust.« less

  12. Melodic contour identification by cochlear implant listeners.


    Galvin, John J; Fu, Qian-Jie; Nogaki, Geraldine


    While the cochlear implant provides many deaf patients with good speech understanding in quiet, music perception and appreciation with the cochlear implant remains a major challenge for most cochlear implant users. The present study investigated whether a closed-set melodic contour identification (MCI) task could be used to quantify cochlear implant users' ability to recognize musical melodies and whether MCI performance could be improved with moderate auditory training. The present study also compared MCI performance with familiar melody identification (FMI) performance, with and without MCI training. For the MCI task, test stimuli were melodic contours composed of 5 notes of equal duration whose frequencies corresponded to musical intervals. The interval between successive notes in each contour was varied between 1 and 5 semitones; the "root note" of the contours was also varied (A3, A4, and A5). Nine distinct musical patterns were generated for each interval and root note condition, resulting in a total of 135 musical contours. The identification of these melodic contours was measured in 11 cochlear implant users. FMI was also evaluated in the same subjects; recognition of 12 familiar melodies was tested with and without rhythm cues. MCI was also trained in 6 subjects, using custom software and melodic contours presented in a different frequency range from that used for testing. Results showed that MCI recognition performance was highly variable among cochlear implant users, ranging from 14% to 91% correct. For most subjects, MCI performance improved as the number of semitones between successive notes was increased; performance was slightly lower for the A3 root note condition. Mean FMI performance was 58% correct when rhythm cues were preserved and 29% correct when rhythm cues were removed. Statistical analyses revealed no significant correlation between MCI performance and FMI performance (with or without rhythmic cues). However, MCI performance was

  13. Mapping Topological Magnetization and Magnetic Skyrmions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chess, Jordan J.

    A 2014 study by the US Department of Energy conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory estimated that U.S. data centers consumed 70 billion kWh of electricity. This represents about 1.8% of the total U.S. electricity consumption. Putting this in perspective 70 billion kWh of electricity is the equivalent of roughly 8 big nuclear reactors, or around double the nation's solar panel output. Developing new memory technologies capable of reducing this power consumption would be greatly beneficial as our demand for connectivity increases in the future. One newly emerging candidate for an information carrier in low power memory devices is the magnetic skyrmion. This magnetic texture is characterized by its specific non-trivial topology, giving it particle-like characteristics. Recent experimental work has shown that these skyrmions can be stabilized at room temperature and moved with extremely low electrical current densities. This rapidly developing field requires new measurement techniques capable of determining the topology of these textures at greater speed than previous approaches. In this dissertation, I give a brief introduction to the magnetic structures found in Fe/Gd multilayered systems. I then present newly developed techniques that streamline the analysis of Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy (LTEM) data. These techniques are then applied to further the understanding of the magnetic properties of these Fe/Gd based multilayered systems. This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material.

  14. Integration of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetoencephalography Functional Maps Into a CyberKnife Planning System: Feasibility Study for Motor Activity Localization and Dose Planning.


    De Martin, Elena; Duran, Dunja; Ghielmetti, Francesco; Visani, Elisa; Aquino, Domenico; Marchetti, Marcello; Sebastiano, Davide Rossi; Cusumano, Davide; Bruzzone, Maria Grazia; Panzica, Ferruccio; Fariselli, Laura


    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provide noninvasive localization of eloquent brain areas for presurgical planning. The aim of this study is the integration of MEG and fMRI maps into a CyberKnife (CK) system to optimize dose planning. Four patients with brain metastases in the motor area underwent functional imaging study of the hand motor cortex before radiosurgery. MEG data were acquired during a visually cued hand motor task. Motor activations were identified also using an fMRI block-designed paradigm. MEG and fMRI maps were then integrated into a CK system and contoured as organs at risk for treatment planning optimization. The integration of fMRI data into the CK system was achieved for all patients by means of a standardized protocol. We also implemented an ad hoc pipeline to convert the MEG signal into a DICOM standard, to make sure that it was readable by our CK treatment planning system. Inclusion of the activation areas into the optimization plan allowed the creation of treatment plans that reduced the irradiation of the motor cortex yet not affecting the brain peripheral dose. The availability of advanced neuroimaging techniques is playing an increasingly important role in radiosurgical planning strategy. We successfully imported MEG and fMRI activations into a CK system. This additional information can improve dose sparing of eloquent areas, allowing a more comprehensive investigation of the related dose-volume constraints that in theory could translate into a gain in tumor local control, and a reduction of neurological complications. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. NASA ARIA Project Maps Deformation of Earth Surface from Nepal Quake

    NASA Image and Video Library


    NASA and its partners are contributing important observations and expertise to the ongoing response to the April 25, 2015, magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal. The quake was the strongest to occur in that area since the 1934 Nepal-Bihar magnitude 8.0 event and caused significant regional damage and a humanitarian crisis. Scientists with the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis project (ARIA), a collaboration between NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, and the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, analyzed interferometric synthetic aperture radar images from the European Union's Copernicus Sentinel-1A satellite, operated by the European Space Agency and also available from the Alaska Satellite Facility (, to calculate a map of the deformation of Earth's surface caused by the quake. This false-color map shows the amount of permanent surface movement caused almost entirely by the earthquake, as viewed by the satellite, during a 12-day interval between two Sentinel-1 images acquired on April 17 and April 29, 2015. In the map, surface displacements are seen as color contours (or "fringes"), where each color cycle represents 8 inches (20 centimeters) of surface motion. The contours show the land around Kathmandu has moved upward by more than 40 inches (1 meter). Areas without the color contours have snow or heavy vegetation that affects the radar measurements. Scientists use these maps to build detailed models of the fault and associated land movements to better understand the impact on future earthquake activity. The background image is from Google Earth. The map contains Copernicus data (2015).

  16. Color and Contour Based Identification of Stem of Coconut Bunch

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kannan Megalingam, Rajesh; Manoharan, Sakthiprasad K.; Reddy, Rajesh G.; Sriteja, Gone; Kashyap, Ashwin


    Vision is the key component of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Robotics. Sensors or Cameras are the sight organs for a robot. Only through this, they are able to locate themselves or identify the shape of a regular or an irregular object. This paper presents the method of Identification of an object based on color and contour recognition using a camera through digital image processing techniques for robotic applications. In order to identify the contour, shape matching technique is used, which takes the input data from the database provided, and uses it to identify the contour by checking for shape match. The shape match is based on the idea of iterating through each contour of the threshold image. The color is identified on HSV Scale, by approximating the desired range of values from the database. HSV data along with iteration is used for identifying a quadrilateral, which is our required contour. This algorithm could also be used in a non-deterministic plane, which only uses HSV values exclusively.

  17. Some distinguishing characteristics of contour and texture phenomena in images

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jobson, Daniel J.


    The development of generalized contour/texture discrimination techniques is a central element necessary for machine vision recognition and interpretation of arbitrary images. Here, the visual perception of texture, selected studies of texture analysis in machine vision, and diverse small samples of contour and texture are all used to provide insights into the fundamental characteristics of contour and texture. From these, an experimental discrimination scheme is developed and tested on a battery of natural images. The visual perception of texture defined fine texture as a subclass which is interpreted as shading and is distinct from coarse figural similarity textures. Also, perception defined the smallest scale for contour/texture discrimination as eight to nine visual acuity units. Three contour/texture discrimination parameters were found to be moderately successful for this scale discrimination: (1) lightness change in a blurred version of the image, (2) change in lightness change in the original image, and (3) percent change in edge counts relative to local maximum.

  18. Syngeneic AAV pseudo-vectors potentiates full vector transduction

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    An excessive amount of empty capsids are generated during regular AAV vector production process. These pseudo-vectors often remain in final vectors used for animal studies or clinical trials. The potential effects of these pseudo-vectors on AAV transduction have been a major concern. In the current ...

  19. Generalized Pseudo-Reaction Zone Model for Non-Ideal Explosives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wescott, B. L.


    The pseudo-reaction zone model was proposed to improve engineering scale simulations with high explosives that have a slow reaction component. In this work an extension of the pseudo-reaction zone model is developed for non-ideal explosives that propagate well below the steady-planar Chapman-Jouguet velocity. A programmed burn method utilizing Detonation Shock Dynamics (DSD) and a detonation velocity dependent pseudo-reaction rate has been developed for non-ideal explosives and applied to the explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO). The pseudo-reaction rate is calibrated to the experimentally obtained normal detonation velocity—shock curvature relation. Cylinder test simulations predict the proper expansion to within 1% even though significant reaction occurs as the cylinder expands.

  20. True navigation and magnetic maps in spiny lobsters.


    Boles, Larry C; Lohmann, Kenneth J


    Animals are capable of true navigation if, after displacement to a location where they have never been, they can determine their position relative to a goal without relying on familiar surroundings, cues that emanate from the destination, or information collected during the outward journey. So far, only a few animals, all vertebrates, have been shown to possess true navigation. Those few invertebrates that have been carefully studied return to target areas using path integration, landmark recognition, compass orientation and other mechanisms that cannot compensate for displacements into unfamiliar territory. Here we report, however, that the spiny lobster Panulirus argus oriented reliably towards a capture site when displaced 12-37 km to unfamiliar locations, even when deprived of all known orientation cues en route. Little is known about how lobsters and other animals determine position during true navigation. To test the hypothesis that lobsters derive positional information from the Earth's magnetic field, lobsters were exposed to fields replicating those that exist at specific locations in their environment. Lobsters tested in a field north of the capture site oriented themselves southwards, whereas those tested in a field south of the capture site oriented themselves northwards. These results imply that true navigation in spiny lobsters, and perhaps in other animals, is based on a magnetic map sense.

  1. Permanent Magnet Ecr Plasma Source With Magnetic Field Optimization


    Doughty, Frank C.; Spencer, John E.


    In a plasma-producing device, an optimized magnet field for electron cyclotron resonance plasma generation is provided by a shaped pole piece. The shaped pole piece adjusts spacing between the magnet and the resonance zone, creates a convex or concave resonance zone, and decreases stray fields between the resonance zone and the workpiece. For a cylindrical permanent magnet, the pole piece includes a disk adjacent the magnet together with an annular cylindrical sidewall structure axially aligned with the magnet and extending from the base around the permanent magnet. The pole piece directs magnetic field lines into the resonance zone, moving the resonance zone further from the face of the magnet. Additional permanent magnets or magnet arrays may be utilized to control field contours on a local scale. Rather than a permeable material, the sidewall structure may be composed of an annular cylindrical magnetic material having a polarity opposite that of the permanent magnet, creating convex regions in the resonance zone. An annular disk-shaped recurve section at the end of the sidewall structure forms magnetic mirrors keeping the plasma off the pole piece. A recurve section composed of magnetic material having a radial polarity forms convex regions and/or magnetic mirrors within the resonance zone.

  2. Object segmentation using graph cuts and active contours in a pyramidal framework

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Subudhi, Priyambada; Mukhopadhyay, Susanta


    Graph cuts and active contours are two very popular interactive object segmentation techniques in the field of computer vision and image processing. However, both these approaches have their own well-known limitations. Graph cut methods perform efficiently giving global optimal segmentation result for smaller images. However, for larger images, huge graphs need to be constructed which not only takes an unacceptable amount of memory but also increases the time required for segmentation to a great extent. On the other hand, in case of active contours, initial contour selection plays an important role in the accuracy of the segmentation. So a proper selection of initial contour may improve the complexity as well as the accuracy of the result. In this paper, we have tried to combine these two approaches to overcome their above-mentioned drawbacks and develop a fast technique of object segmentation. Here, we have used a pyramidal framework and applied the mincut/maxflow algorithm on the lowest resolution image with the least number of seed points possible which will be very fast due to the smaller size of the image. Then, the obtained segmentation contour is super-sampled and and worked as the initial contour for the next higher resolution image. As the initial contour is very close to the actual contour, so fewer number of iterations will be required for the convergence of the contour. The process is repeated for all the high-resolution images and experimental results show that our approach is faster as well as memory efficient as compare to both graph cut or active contour segmentation alone.

  3. Pseudo-random tool paths for CNC sub-aperture polishing and other applications.


    Dunn, Christina R; Walker, David D


    In this paper we first contrast classical and CNC polishing techniques in regard to the repetitiveness of the machine motions. We then present a pseudo-random tool path for use with CNC sub-aperture polishing techniques and report polishing results from equivalent random and raster tool-paths. The random tool-path used - the unicursal random tool-path - employs a random seed to generate a pattern which never crosses itself. Because of this property, this tool-path is directly compatible with dwell time maps for corrective polishing. The tool-path can be used to polish any continuous area of any boundary shape, including surfaces with interior perforations.

  4. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3564, Chahriaq (Joand) (405) and Gurziwan (406) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  5. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3364, Pasa-Band (417) and Kejran (418) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  6. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3462, Herat (409) and Chesht-Sharif (410) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  7. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3362, Shin-Dand (415) and Tulak (416) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  8. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3670, Jam-Kashem (223) and Zebak (224) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  9. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3466, Lal-Sarjangal (507) and Bamyan (508) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  10. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3166, Jaldak (701) and Maruf-Nawa (702) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  11. Preliminary interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data over southwest Afghanistan

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Drenth, B. J.; Finn, C. A.


    The U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Mines and Industries conducted a regional airborne geophysical survey over much of Afghanistan during the summer of 2006. These data were merged with higher resolution existing data. The resulting gravity and magnetic data provide new clues to the subsurface geology of southwest Afghanistan that can be used to aid resource and hazard assessments of the country, as well as help unravel its tectonic history. The gravity data can be used to map basins critical for petroleum and hydrologic studies. The magnetic data can be used to infer accreted arc terranes, Precambrian crystalline basement, and regional magmatic trends of interest to mineral resource studies. The most striking observation in the gravity data is the lack of an expected large gravity low over the Helmand basin. Instead there are a few 30-60 km diameter, 10-30 mGal isostatic residual gravity lows that may be interpreted as small basins or as a southwestern extension of the large Arghandab batholith. This suggests that the oil and gas potential could be lower than previously thought. Instead, shallow crystalline basement indicated by the magnetic data suggests the possibility of a continuation of arc volcanic rocks associated with carbonatites in the central Helmand basin and copper deposits across the southern border with Pakistan. Most of Afghanistan, with the exception of Northern Afghanistan, which is part of the Eurasian plate, is composed of accreted Gondwanan terranes. The pseudo- gravity map complements the long-wavelength component of the magnetic data and appears to show these tectonic domains.

  12. A high-resolution computational localization method for transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping.


    Aonuma, Shinta; Gomez-Tames, Jose; Laakso, Ilkka; Hirata, Akimasa; Takakura, Tomokazu; Tamura, Manabu; Muragaki, Yoshihiro


    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is used for the mapping of brain motor functions. The complexity of the brain deters determining the exact localization of the stimulation site using simplified methods (e.g., the region below the center of the TMS coil) or conventional computational approaches. This study aimed to present a high-precision localization method for a specific motor area by synthesizing computed non-uniform current distributions in the brain for multiple sessions of TMS. Peritumoral mapping by TMS was conducted on patients who had intra-axial brain neoplasms located within or close to the motor speech area. The electric field induced by TMS was computed using realistic head models constructed from magnetic resonance images of patients. A post-processing method was implemented to determine a TMS hotspot by combining the computed electric fields for the coil orientations and positions that delivered high motor-evoked potentials during peritumoral mapping. The method was compared to the stimulation site localized via intraoperative direct brain stimulation and navigated TMS. Four main results were obtained: 1) the dependence of the computed hotspot area on the number of peritumoral measurements was evaluated; 2) the estimated localization of the hand motor area in eight non-affected hemispheres was in good agreement with the position of a so-called "hand-knob"; 3) the estimated hotspot areas were not sensitive to variations in tissue conductivity; and 4) the hand motor areas estimated by this proposal and direct electric stimulation (DES) were in good agreement in the ipsilateral hemisphere of four glioma patients. The TMS localization method was validated by well-known positions of the "hand-knob" in brains for the non-affected hemisphere, and by a hotspot localized via DES during awake craniotomy for the tumor-containing hemisphere. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. SU-E-J-129: Atlas Development for Cardiac Automatic Contouring Using Multi-Atlas Segmentation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhou, R; Yang, J; Pan, T

    Purpose: To develop a set of atlases for automatic contouring of cardiac structures to determine heart radiation dose and the associated toxicity. Methods: Six thoracic cancer patients with both contrast and non-contrast CT images were acquired for this study. Eight radiation oncologists manually and independently delineated cardiac contours on the non-contrast CT by referring to the fused contrast CT and following the RTOG 1106 atlas contouring guideline. Fifteen regions of interest (ROIs) were delineated, including heart, four chambers, four coronary arteries, pulmonary artery and vein, inferior and superior vena cava, and ascending and descending aorta. Individual expert contours were fusedmore » using the simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (STAPLE) algorithm for each ROI and each patient. The fused contours became atlases for an in-house multi-atlas segmentation. Using leave-one-out test, we generated auto-segmented contours for each ROI and each patient. The auto-segmented contours were compared with the fused contours using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the mean surface distance (MSD). Results: Inter-observer variability was not obvious for heart, chambers, and aorta but was large for other structures that were not clearly distinguishable on CT image. The average DSC between individual expert contours and the fused contours were less than 50% for coronary arteries and pulmonary vein, and the average MSD were greater than 4.0 mm. The largest MSD of expert contours deviating from the fused contours was 2.5 cm. The mean DSC and MSD of auto-segmented contours were within one standard deviation of expert contouring variability except the right coronary artery. The coronary arteries, vena cava, and pulmonary vein had DSC<70% and MSD>3.0 mm. Conclusion: A set of cardiac atlases was created for cardiac automatic contouring, the accuracy of which was comparable to the variability in expert contouring. However, substantial modification

  14. Alaska and Yukon magnetic compilation, residual total magnetic field

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Miles, W.; Saltus, Richard W.; Hayward, N.; Oneschuk, D.


    This map is a compilation of aeromagnetic surveys over Yukon and eastern Alaska. Aeromagnetic surveys measure the total intensity of the earth's magnetic field. The field was measured by a magnetometer aboard an aircraft flown in parallel lines spaced at 200 m to 10000 m across the map area. The magnetic field reflects magnetic properties of bedrock and provides qualitative and quantitative information used in geological mapping. Understanding the geology will help geologists map the area, assist mineral/hydrocarbon exploration activities, and provide useful information necessary for communities, aboriginal associations, and government to make land use decisions. This survey was flown to improve our knowledge of the area. It will support ongoing geological mapping and resource assessment.

  15. Paraguayan pharmacies and the sale of pseudo-abortifacients.


    Krayacich de Oddone, N; Shedlin, M G; Welsh, M; Potts, M; Feldblum, P


    This study was conducted in 1985 in Asunción, Paraguay, 6 years after the closure of the state supported family planning services. Data from national surveys in 1977 and 1987 permit a comparison of sources of contraceptive supplies before and after the elimination of government support for family planning. The purchase of pseudo-abortifacients from private pharmacies was used as an indication of induced abortion. After the loss of government clinics, it is suggested that some women turned to pharmacists to obtain pseudo-abortifacients when faced with unwanted pregnancy. There is an indication of increased pseudo-abortifacient use, particularly among unmarried women and those from poorer neighbourhoods.

  16. The TICTOP nozzle: a new nozzle contouring concept

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frey, Manuel; Makowka, Konrad; Aichner, Thomas


    Currently, mainly two types of nozzle contouring methods are applied in space propulsion: the truncated ideal contour (TIC) and the thrust-optimized parabola (TOP). This article presents a new nozzle contouring method called TICTOP, combining elements of TIC and TOP design. The resulting nozzle is shock-free as the TIC and therefore does not induce restricted shock separation leading to excessive side-loads. Simultaneously, the TICTOP nozzle will allow higher nozzle wall exit pressures and hence give a better separation margin than is the case for a TIC. Hence, this new nozzle type combines the good properties of TIC and TOP nozzles and eliminates their drawbacks. It is especially suited for first stage application in launchers where flow separation and side-loads are design drivers.

  17. Generalized Heisenberg algebra and (non linear) pseudo-bosons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bagarello, F.; Curado, E. M. F.; Gazeau, J. P.


    We propose a deformed version of the generalized Heisenberg algebra by using techniques borrowed from the theory of pseudo-bosons. In particular, this analysis is relevant when non self-adjoint Hamiltonians are needed to describe a given physical system. We also discuss relations with nonlinear pseudo-bosons. Several examples are discussed.

  18. World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map version 2 (WDMAM v.2) - released for research and education

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    CHOI-Dyment, Y.; Lesur, V.; Dyment, J.; Hamoudi, M.; Thebault, E.; Catalan, M.


    The World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map is an international initiative carried out under the auspices of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW). A first version of the map has been published and distributed eight years ago (WDMAM v1; Korhonen et al., 2007). We have produced a candidate which has been accepted as the second version of this map (WDMAM v2) at the International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy in Prag, in June 2015. On land, we adopted an alternative approach avoiding any unnecessary processing on existing aeromagnetic compilations. When available, we used the original aeromagnetic data. As a result the final compilation remains an acceptable representation of the national and international data grids. Over oceanic areas the marine data have been extended. In areas of insufficient data coverage, a model has been computed based on a modified digital grid of the oceanic lithosphere age, considering plate motions in the determination of magnetization vector directions. This model has been further adjusted to the available data, resulting in a better representation of the anomalies. The final grid will be periodically upgraded. Version 2.0 has been released and is available at to support both research and education projects. Colleagues willing to contribute data for future releases (and become a co-author of the map) should contact any of the authors or Jerome Dyment (chair of the WDMAM Task Force) at .

  19. Salient contour extraction from complex natural scene in night vision image

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, Jing; Yue, Jiang; Zhang, Yi; Bai, Lian-fa


    The theory of center-surround interaction in non-classical receptive field can be applied in night vision information processing. In this work, an optimized compound receptive field modulation method is proposed to extract salient contour from complex natural scene in low-light-level (LLL) and infrared images. The kernel idea is that multi-feature analysis can recognize the inhomogeneity in modulatory coverage more accurately and that center and surround with the grouping structure satisfying Gestalt rule deserves high connection-probability. Computationally, a multi-feature contrast weighted inhibition model is presented to suppress background and lower mutual inhibition among contour elements; a fuzzy connection facilitation model is proposed to achieve the enhancement of contour response, the connection of discontinuous contour and the further elimination of randomly distributed noise and texture; a multi-scale iterative attention method is designed to accomplish dynamic modulation process and extract contours of targets in multi-size. This work provides a series of biologically motivated computational visual models with high-performance for contour detection from cluttered scene in night vision images.

  20. Myocardial Mapping With Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: The Diagnostic Value of Novel Sequences.


    Sanz, Javier; LaRocca, Gina; Mirelis, Jesús G


    Cardiac magnetic resonance has evolved into a crucial modality for the evaluation of cardiomyopathy due to its ability to characterize myocardial structure and function. In the last few years, interest has increased in the potential of "mapping" techniques that provide direct and objective quantification of myocardial properties such as T1, T2, and T2* times. These approaches enable the detection of abnormalities that affect the myocardium in a diffuse fashion and/or may be too subtle for visual recognition. This article reviews the current state of myocardial T1 and T2-mapping in both health and disease. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Semi-automated contour recognition using DICOMautomaton

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clark, H.; Wu, J.; Moiseenko, V.; Lee, R.; Gill, B.; Duzenli, C.; Thomas, S.


    Purpose: A system has been developed which recognizes and classifies Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine contour data with minimal human intervention. It allows researchers to overcome obstacles which tax analysis and mining systems, including inconsistent naming conventions and differences in data age or resolution. Methods: Lexicographic and geometric analysis is used for recognition. Well-known lexicographic methods implemented include Levenshtein-Damerau, bag-of-characters, Double Metaphone, Soundex, and (word and character)-N-grams. Geometrical implementations include 3D Fourier Descriptors, probability spheres, boolean overlap, simple feature comparison (e.g. eccentricity, volume) and rule-based techniques. Both analyses implement custom, domain-specific modules (e.g. emphasis differentiating left/right organ variants). Contour labels from 60 head and neck patients are used for cross-validation. Results: Mixed-lexicographical methods show an effective improvement in more than 10% of recognition attempts compared with a pure Levenshtein-Damerau approach when withholding 70% of the lexicon. Domain-specific and geometrical techniques further boost performance. Conclusions: DICOMautomaton allows users to recognize contours semi-automatically. As usage increases and the lexicon is filled with additional structures, performance improves, increasing the overall utility of the system.

  2. Fourier descriptor analysis and unification of voice range profile contours: method and applications.


    Pabon, Peter; Ternström, Sten; Lamarche, Anick


    To describe a method for unified description, statistical modeling, and comparison of voice range profile (VRP) contours, even from diverse sources. A morphologic modeling technique, which is based on Fourier descriptors (FDs), is applied to the VRP contour. The technique, which essentially involves resampling of the curve of the contour, is assessed and also is compared to density-based VRP averaging methods that use the overlap count. VRP contours can be usefully described and compared using FDs. The method also permits the visualization of the local covariation along the contour average. For example, the FD-based analysis shows that the population variance for ensembles of VRP contours is usually smallest at the upper left part of the VRP. To illustrate the method's advantages and possible further application, graphs are given that compare the averaged contours from different authors and recording devices--for normal, trained, and untrained male and female voices as well as for child voices. The proposed technique allows any VRP shape to be brought to the same uniform base. On this uniform base, VRP contours or contour elements coming from a variety of sources may be placed within the same graph for comparison and for statistical analysis.

  3. Expert consensus contouring guidelines for IMRT in esophageal and gastroesophageal junction cancer

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Abraham J.; Bosch, Walter R.; Chang, Daniel T.; Hong, Theodore S.; Jabbour, Salma K.; Kleinberg, Lawrence R.; Mamon, Harvey J.; Thomas, Charles R.; Goodman, Karyn A.


    Purpose/Objective(s) Current guidelines for esophageal cancer contouring are derived from traditional two-dimensional fields based on bony landmarks, and do not provide sufficient anatomical detail to ensure consistent contouring for more conformal radiotherapy techniques such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Therefore, we convened an expert panel with the specific aim to derive contouring guidelines and generate an atlas for the clinical target volume (CTV) in esophageal or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) cancer. Methods and Materials Eight expert academically-based gastrointestinal radiation oncologists participated. Three sample cases were chosen: a GEJ cancer, a distal esophageal cancer, and a mid-upper esophageal cancer. Uniform CT simulation datasets and an accompanying diagnostic PET-CT were distributed to each expert, and he/she was instructed to generate gross tumor volume (GTV) and CTV contours for each case. All contours were aggregated and subjected to quantitative analysis to assess the degree of concordance between experts and generate draft consensus contours. The panel then refined these contours to generate the contouring atlas. Results Kappa statistics indicated substantial agreement between panelists for each of the three test cases. A consensus CTV atlas was generated for the three test cases, each representing common anatomic presentations of esophageal cancer. The panel agreed on guidelines and principles to facilitate the generalizability of the atlas to individual cases. Conclusions This expert panel successfully reached agreement on contouring guidelines for esophageal and GEJ IMRT and generated a reference CTV atlas. This atlas will serve as a reference for IMRT contours for clinical practice and prospective trial design. Subsequent patterns of failure analyses of clinical datasets utilizing these guidelines may require modification in the future. PMID:26104943

  4. Evaluation of using digital gravity field models for zoning map creation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loginov, Dmitry


    At the present time the digital cartographic models of geophysical fields are taking a special significance into geo-physical mapping. One of the important directions to their application is the creation of zoning maps, which allow taking into account the morphology of geophysical field in the implementation automated choice of contour intervals. The purpose of this work is the comparative evaluation of various digital models in the creation of integrated gravity field zoning map. For comparison were chosen the digital model of gravity field of Russia, created by the analog map with scale of 1 : 2 500 000, and the open global model of gravity field of the Earth - WGM2012. As a result of experimental works the four integrated gravity field zoning maps were obtained with using raw and processed data on each gravity field model. The study demonstrates the possibility of open data use to create integrated zoning maps with the condition to eliminate noise component of model by processing in specialized software systems. In this case, for solving problem of contour intervals automated choice the open digital models aren't inferior to regional models of gravity field, created for individual countries. This fact allows asserting about universality and independence of integrated zoning maps creation regardless of detail of a digital cartographic model of geo-physical fields.

  5. Effects of face feature and contour crowding in facial expression adaptation.


    Liu, Pan; Montaser-Kouhsari, Leila; Xu, Hong


    Prolonged exposure to a visual stimulus, such as a happy face, biases the perception of subsequently presented neutral face toward sad perception, the known face adaptation. Face adaptation is affected by visibility or awareness of the adapting face. However, whether it is affected by discriminability of the adapting face is largely unknown. In the current study, we used crowding to manipulate discriminability of the adapting face and test its effect on face adaptation. Instead of presenting flanking faces near the target face, we shortened the distance between facial features (internal feature crowding), and reduced the size of face contour (external contour crowding), to introduce crowding. We are interested in whether internal feature crowding or external contour crowding is more effective in inducing crowding effect in our first experiment. We found that combining internal feature and external contour crowding, but not either of them alone, induced significant crowding effect. In Experiment 2, we went on further to investigate its effect on adaptation. We found that both internal feature crowding and external contour crowding reduced its facial expression aftereffect (FEA) significantly. However, we did not find a significant correlation between discriminability of the adapting face and its FEA. Interestingly, we found a significant correlation between discriminabilities of the adapting and test faces. Experiment 3 found that the reduced adaptation aftereffect in combined crowding by the external face contour and the internal facial features cannot be decomposed into the effects from the face contour and facial features linearly. It thus suggested a nonlinear integration between facial features and face contour in face adaptation.

  6. Mapping the absolute magnetic field and evaluating the quadratic Zeeman-effect-induced systematic error in an atom interferometer gravimeter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Qing-Qing; Freier, Christian; Leykauf, Bastian; Schkolnik, Vladimir; Yang, Jun; Krutzik, Markus; Peters, Achim


    Precisely evaluating the systematic error induced by the quadratic Zeeman effect is important for developing atom interferometer gravimeters aiming at an accuracy in the μ Gal regime (1 μ Gal =10-8m /s2 ≈10-9g ). This paper reports on the experimental investigation of Raman spectroscopy-based magnetic field measurements and the evaluation of the systematic error in the gravimetric atom interferometer (GAIN) due to quadratic Zeeman effect. We discuss Raman duration and frequency step-size-dependent magnetic field measurement uncertainty, present vector light shift and tensor light shift induced magnetic field measurement offset, and map the absolute magnetic field inside the interferometer chamber of GAIN with an uncertainty of 0.72 nT and a spatial resolution of 12.8 mm. We evaluate the quadratic Zeeman-effect-induced gravity measurement error in GAIN as 2.04 μ Gal . The methods shown in this paper are important for precisely mapping the absolute magnetic field in vacuum and reducing the quadratic Zeeman-effect-induced systematic error in Raman transition-based precision measurements, such as atomic interferometer gravimeters.

  7. A novel pseudo resistor structure for biomedical front-end amplifiers.


    Yu-Chieh Huang; Tzu-Sen Yang; Shun-Hsi Hsu; Xin-Zhuang Chen; Jin-Chern Chiou


    This study proposes a novel pseudo resistor structure with a tunable DC bias voltage for biomedical front-end amplifiers (FEAs). In the proposed FEA, the high-pass filter composed of differential difference amplifier and a pseudo resistor is implemented. The FEA is manufactured by using a standard TSMC 0.35 μm CMOS process. In this study, three types FEAs included three different pseudo resistor are simulated, fabricated and measured for comparison and electrocorticography (ECoG) measurement, and all the results show the proposed pseudo resistor is superior to other two types in bandwidth. In chip implementation, the lower and upper cutoff frequencies of the high-pass filter with the proposed pseudo resistor are 0.15 Hz and 4.98 KHz, respectively. It also demonstrates lower total harmonic distortion performance of -58 dB at 1 kHz and higher stability with wide supply range (1.8 V and 3.3 V) and control voltage range (0.9 V and 1.65 V) than others. Moreover, the FEA with the proposed pseudo successfully recorded spike-and-wave discharges of ECoG signal in in vivo experiment on rat with pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures.

  8. Pseudo CT estimation from MRI using patch-based random forest

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Xiaofeng; Lei, Yang; Shu, Hui-Kuo; Rossi, Peter; Mao, Hui; Shim, Hyunsuk; Curran, Walter J.; Liu, Tian


    Recently, MR simulators gain popularity because of unnecessary radiation exposure of CT simulators being used in radiation therapy planning. We propose a method for pseudo CT estimation from MR images based on a patch-based random forest. Patient-specific anatomical features are extracted from the aligned training images and adopted as signatures for each voxel. The most robust and informative features are identified using feature selection to train the random forest. The well-trained random forest is used to predict the pseudo CT of a new patient. This prediction technique was tested with human brain images and the prediction accuracy was assessed using the original CT images. Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and feature similarity (FSIM) indexes were used to quantify the differences between the pseudo and original CT images. The experimental results showed the proposed method could accurately generate pseudo CT images from MR images. In summary, we have developed a new pseudo CT prediction method based on patch-based random forest, demonstrated its clinical feasibility, and validated its prediction accuracy. This pseudo CT prediction technique could be a useful tool for MRI-based radiation treatment planning and attenuation correction in a PET/MRI scanner.

  9. Computer assisted holographic moire contouring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sciammarella, Cesar A.


    Theoretical analyses and experimental results on holographic moire contouring on diffusely reflecting objects are presented. The sensitivity and limitations of the method are discussed. Particular emphasis is put on computer-assisted data retrieval, processing, and recording.

  10. Experimental Mapping and Benchmarking of Magnetic Field Codes on the LHD Ion Accelerator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chitarin, G.; University of Padova, Dept. of Management and Engineering, strad. S. Nicola, 36100 Vicenza; Agostinetti, P.


    For the validation of the numerical models used for the design of the Neutral Beam Test Facility for ITER in Padua [1], an experimental benchmark against a full-size device has been sought. The LHD BL2 injector [2] has been chosen as a first benchmark, because the BL2 Negative Ion Source and Beam Accelerator are geometrically similar to SPIDER, even though BL2 does not include current bars and ferromagnetic materials. A comprehensive 3D magnetic field model of the LHD BL2 device has been developed based on the same assumptions used for SPIDER. In parallel, a detailed experimental magnetic map of themore » BL2 device has been obtained using a suitably designed 3D adjustable structure for the fine positioning of the magnetic sensors inside 27 of the 770 beamlet apertures. The calculated values have been compared to the experimental data. The work has confirmed the quality of the numerical model, and has also provided useful information on the magnetic non-uniformities due to the edge effects and to the tolerance on permanent magnet remanence.« less

  11. Generation of 3-D surface maps in waste storage silos using a structured light source

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Burks, B. L.; Rowe, J. C.; Dinkins, M. A.; Christensen, B.; Selleck, C.; Jacoboski, D.; Markus, R.


    Surface contours inside the large waste storage tanks typical of the Department of Energy (DOE) complex are, in general, highly irregular. In addition to pipes and other pieces of equipment in the tanks, the surfaces may have features such as mounds, fissures, crystalline structures, and mixed solid and liquid forms. Prior to remediation activities, it will be necessary to characterize the waste to determine the most effective remediation approaches. Surface contour data will be required both prior to and during remediation. The use is described of a structured light source to generate 3-D surface contour maps of the interior of waste storage silos at the Feed Materials Production Center at Fernald, OH. The landscape inside these large waste storage tanks bears a strong resemblance to some of the landscapes that might be encountered during lunar or planetary exploration. Hence, these terrestrial 3-D mapping techniques may be directly applicable to extraterrestrial exploration. In further development, it will be demonstrated that these 3-D data can be used for robotic task planning just as 3-D surface contour data of a satellite could be used to plan maintenance tasks for a space-based servicing robot.

  12. Task-evoked brain functional magnetic susceptibility mapping by independent component analysis (χICA).


    Chen, Zikuan; Calhoun, Vince D


    Conventionally, independent component analysis (ICA) is performed on an fMRI magnitude dataset to analyze brain functional mapping (AICA). By solving the inverse problem of fMRI, we can reconstruct the brain magnetic susceptibility (χ) functional states. Upon the reconstructed χ dataspace, we propose an ICA-based brain functional χ mapping method (χICA) to extract task-evoked brain functional map. A complex division algorithm is applied to a timeseries of fMRI phase images to extract temporal phase changes (relative to an OFF-state snapshot). A computed inverse MRI (CIMRI) model is used to reconstruct a 4D brain χ response dataset. χICA is implemented by applying a spatial InfoMax ICA algorithm to the reconstructed 4D χ dataspace. With finger-tapping experiments on a 7T system, the χICA-extracted χ-depicted functional map is similar to the SPM-inferred functional χ map by a spatial correlation of 0.67 ± 0.05. In comparison, the AICA-extracted magnitude-depicted map is correlated with the SPM magnitude map by 0.81 ± 0.05. The understanding of the inferiority of χICA to AICA for task-evoked functional map is an ongoing research topic. For task-evoked brain functional mapping, we compare the data-driven ICA method with the task-correlated SPM method. In particular, we compare χICA with AICA for extracting task-correlated timecourses and functional maps. χICA can extract a χ-depicted task-evoked brain functional map from a reconstructed χ dataspace without the knowledge about brain hemodynamic responses. The χICA-extracted brain functional χ map reveals a bidirectional BOLD response pattern that is unavailable (or different) from AICA. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Pseudo-spectral methods applied to gravitational collapse.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonazzola, S.; Marck, J.-A.

    The authors present codes for solving Newtonian gravitational collapse in spherical coordinates for the spherical, axial and true 3 D cases. The pseudo-spectral techniques are used. All quantities are expanded in Chebychev or Legendre polynomials or Fourier series for the periodic parts. The codes are able to handle in a rigorous way the pseudo-singularities τ = 0 and θ = 0, π. Illustrative results for each of the three cases are given.



    Pelizzone, Igor; Di Ianni, Francesco; Volta, Antonella; Gnudi, Giacomo; Manfredi, Sabrina; Bertocchi, Mara; Parmigiani, Enrico


    Maxillary incisor pseudo-odontomas are common in pet prairie dogs and can cause progressive respiratory obstruction, while mandibular pseudo-odontomas are rarely clinically significant. The aim of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to describe CT features of maxillary and mandibular incisor pseudo-odontomas vs. normal incisors in a group of pet prairie dogs. All pet prairie dogs with head CT scans acquired during the period of 2013-2015 were included. A veterinary radiologist who was aware of final diagnosis reviewed CT scans and recorded qualitative features of affected and normal incisors. Mean density values for the pulp cavity and palatal and buccal dentin were also recorded. A total of 16 prairie dogs were sampled (12 normal maxillary incisors, 20 confirmed maxillary incisor pseudo-odontomas, 20 normal mandibular incisors, 12 presumed mandibular incisor pseudo-odontomas). Maxillary incisors with confirmed pseudo-odontomas had a significantly hyperattenuating pulp and dentin in the reserve crown and apical zone, when compared to normal maxillary incisors. Pseudo-odontomas appeared as enlargements of the apical zone with a globular/multilobular hyperattenuating mass formation haphazardly arranged, encroaching on midline and growing caudally and ventrally. Presumed mandibular incisor pseudo-odontomas had similar CT characteristics. In 60% of prairie dogs with maxillary incisor pseudo-odontomas, the hard palate was deformed and the mass bulged into the oral cavity causing loss of the palatine bone. The common nasal meatus was partially or totally obliterated in 81.8% of prairie dogs with maxillary pseudo-odontomas. Findings supported the use of CT for characterizing extent of involvement and surgical planning in prairie dogs with pseudo-odontomas. © 2017 American College of Veterinary Radiology.

  15. Global regularizing flows with topology preservation for active contours and polygons.


    Sundaramoorthi, Ganesh; Yezzi, Anthony


    Active contour and active polygon models have been used widely for image segmentation. In some applications, the topology of the object(s) to be detected from an image is known a priori, despite a complex unknown geometry, and it is important that the active contour or polygon maintain the desired topology. In this work, we construct a novel geometric flow that can be added to image-based evolutions of active contours and polygons in order to preserve the topology of the initial contour or polygon. We emphasize that, unlike other methods for topology preservation, the proposed geometric flow continually adjusts the geometry of the original evolution in a gradual and graceful manner so as to prevent a topology change long before the curve or polygon becomes close to topology change. The flow also serves as a global regularity term for the evolving contour, and has smoothness properties similar to curvature flow. These properties of gradually adjusting the original flow and global regularization prevent geometrical inaccuracies common with simple discrete topology preservation schemes. The proposed topology preserving geometric flow is the gradient flow arising from an energy that is based on electrostatic principles. The evolution of a single point on the contour depends on all other points of the contour, which is different from traditional curve evolutions in the computer vision literature.

  16. Predevelopment Water-Level Contours for Aquifers in the Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain area of the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Joseph M. Fenelon; Randell J. Laczniak; and Keith J. Halford


    Contaminants introduced into the subsurface of the Nevada Test Site at Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain by underground nuclear testing are of concern to the U.S. Department of Energy and regulators responsible for protecting human health and safety. Although contaminants were introduced into low-permeability rocks above the regional flow system, the potential for contaminant movement away from the underground test areas and into the accessible environment is greatest by ground-water transport. The primary hydrologic control on this transport is evaluated and examined through a series of contour maps developed to represent the water-level distribution within each of the major aquifersmore » underlying the area. Aquifers were identified and their extents delineated by merging and analyzing multiple hydrostratigraphic framework models developed by other investigators from existing geologic information. The contoured water-level distribution in each major aquifer was developed from a detailed evaluation and assessment of available water-level measurements. Multiple spreadsheets that accompany this report provide pertinent water-level and geologic data by well or drill hole. Aquifers are mapped, presented, and discussed in general terms as being one of three aquifer types—volcanic aquifer, upper carbonate aquifer, or lower carbonate aquifer. Each of these aquifer types was subdivided and mapped as independent continuous and isolated aquifers, based on the continuity of its component rock. Ground-water flow directions, as related to the transport of test-generated contaminants, were developed from water-level contours and are presented and discussed for each of the continuous aquifers. Contoured water-level altitudes vary across the study area and range from more than 5,000 feet in the volcanic aquifer beneath a recharge area in the northern part of the study area to less than 2,450 feet in the lower carbonate aquifer in the southern part of the study area

  17. Predevelopment Water-Level Contours for Aquifers in the Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain area of the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Fenelon, Joseph M.; Laczniak, Randell J.; Halford, Keith J.


    Contaminants introduced into the subsurface of the Nevada Test Site at Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain by underground nuclear testing are of concern to the U.S. Department of Energy and regulators responsible for protecting human health and safety. Although contaminants were introduced into low-permeability rocks above the regional flow system, the potential for contaminant movement away from the underground test areas and into the accessible environment is greatest by ground-water transport. The primary hydrologic control on this transport is evaluated and examined through a series of contour maps developed to represent the water-level distribution within each of the major aquifers underlying the area. Aquifers were identified and their extents delineated by merging and analyzing multiple hydrostratigraphic framework models developed by other investigators from existing geologic information. The contoured water-level distribution in each major aquifer was developed from a detailed evaluation and assessment of available water-level measurements. Multiple spreadsheets that accompany this report provide pertinent water-level and geologic data by well or drill hole. Aquifers are mapped, presented, and discussed in general terms as being one of three aquifer types?volcanic aquifer, upper carbonate aquifer, or lower carbonate aquifer. Each of these aquifer types was subdivided and mapped as independent continuous and isolated aquifers, based on the continuity of its component rock. Ground-water flow directions, as related to the transport of test-generated contaminants, were developed from water-level contours and are presented and discussed for each of the continuous aquifers. Contoured water-level altitudes vary across the study area and range from more than 5,000 feet in the volcanic aquifer beneath a recharge area in the northern part of the study area to less than 2,450 feet in the lower carbonate aquifer in the southern part of the study area. Variations in

  18. SU-E-J-108: Solving the Chinese Postman Problem for Effective Contour Deformation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, J; Zhang, L; Balter, P


    Purpose: To develop a practical approach for accurate contour deformation when deformable image registration (DIR) is used for atlas-based segmentation or contour propagation in image-guided radiotherapy. Methods: A contour deformation approach was developed on the basis of 3D mesh operations. The 2D contours represented by a series of points in each slice were first converted to a 3D triangular mesh, which was deformed by the deformation vectors resulting from DIR. A set of parallel 2D planes then cut through the deformed 3D mesh, generating unordered points and line segments, which should be reorganized into a set of 2D contour points.more » It was realized that the reorganization problem was equivalent to solving the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP) by traversing a graph built from the unordered points with the least cost. Alternatively, deformation could be applied to a binary mask converted from the original contours. The deformed binary mask was then converted back into contours at the CT slice locations. We performed a qualitative comparison to validate the mesh-based approach against the image-based approach. Results: The DIR could considerably change the 3D mesh, making complicated 2D contour representations after deformation. CPP was able to effectively reorganize the points in 2D planes no matter how complicated the 2D contours were. The mesh-based approach did not require a post-processing of the contour, thus accurately showing the actual deformation in DIR. The mesh-based approach could keep some fine details and resulted in smoother contours than the image-based approach did, especially for the lung structure. Image-based approach appeared to over-process contours and suffered from image resolution limits. The mesh-based approach was integrated into in-house DIR software for use in routine clinic and research. Conclusion: We developed a practical approach for accurate contour deformation. The efficiency of this approach was demonstrated in both clinic

  19. Episodic seasonal Pseudo-Bartter syndrome in cystic fibrosis.


    Kintu, Brett; Brightwell, Alex


    Pseudo-Bartter syndrome (PBS) describes an uncommon but well recognised complication of cystic fibrosis leading to hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis. Pseudo-Bartter syndrome is usually seen at initial presentation or within the first two years of life in children with cystic fibrosis. Risk factors for development of PBS include warm weather conditions, severe respiratory or pancreatic disease and gastrointestinal losses (e.g. vomiting and diarrhoea). PBS is rare in older children and adolescents although epidemics have been associated with heat wave conditions in warmer climates. In this era of climate change, it is crucial that clinicians consider Pseudo-Bartter syndrome when patients with cystic fibrosis present unwell during summer. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Welding deviation detection algorithm based on extremum of molten pool image contour

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zou, Yong; Jiang, Lipei; Li, Yunhua; Xue, Long; Huang, Junfen; Huang, Jiqiang


    The welding deviation detection is the basis of robotic tracking welding, but the on-line real-time measurement of welding deviation is still not well solved by the existing methods. There is plenty of information in the gas metal arc welding(GMAW) molten pool images that is very important for the control of welding seam tracking. The physical meaning for the curvature extremum of molten pool contour is revealed by researching the molten pool images, that is, the deviation information points of welding wire center and the molten tip center are the maxima and the local maxima of the contour curvature, and the horizontal welding deviation is the position difference of these two extremum points. A new method of weld deviation detection is presented, including the process of preprocessing molten pool images, extracting and segmenting the contours, obtaining the contour extremum points, and calculating the welding deviation, etc. Extracting the contours is the premise, segmenting the contour lines is the foundation, and obtaining the contour extremum points is the key. The contour images can be extracted with the method of discrete dyadic wavelet transform, which is divided into two sub contours including welding wire and molten tip separately. The curvature value of each point of the two sub contour lines is calculated based on the approximate curvature formula of multi-points for plane curve, and the two points of the curvature extremum are the characteristics needed for the welding deviation calculation. The results of the tests and analyses show that the maximum error of the obtained on-line welding deviation is 2 pixels(0.16 mm), and the algorithm is stable enough to meet the requirements of the pipeline in real-time control at a speed of less than 500 mm/min. The method can be applied to the on-line automatic welding deviation detection.

  1. Mapping of cortical language function by functional magnetic resonance imaging and repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation in 40 healthy subjects.


    Sollmann, Nico; Ille, Sebastian; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias; Ringel, Florian; Meyer, Bernhard; Krieg, Sandro M


    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is considered to be the standard method regarding non-invasive language mapping. However, repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) gains increasing importance with respect to that purpose. However, comparisons between both methods are sparse. We performed fMRI and rTMS language mapping of the left hemisphere in 40 healthy, right-handed subjects in combination with the tasks that are most commonly used in the neurosurgical context (fMRI: word-generation = WGEN task; rTMS: object-naming = ON task). Different rTMS error rate thresholds (ERTs) were calculated, and Cohen's kappa coefficient and the cortical parcellation system (CPS) were used for systematic comparison of the two techniques. Overall, mean kappa coefficients were low, revealing no distinct agreement. We found the highest agreement for both techniques when using the 2-out-of-3 rule (CPS region defined as language positive in terms of rTMS if at least 2 out of 3 stimulations led to a naming error). However, kappa for this threshold was only 0.24 (kappa of <0, 0.01-0.20, 0.21-0.40, 0.41-0.60, 0.61-0.80 and 0.81-0.99 indicate less than chance, slight, fair, moderate, substantial and almost perfect agreement, respectively). Because of the inherent differences in the underlying physiology of fMRI and rTMS, the different tasks used and the impossibility of verifying the results via direct cortical stimulation (DCS) in the population of healthy volunteers, one must exercise caution in drawing conclusions about the relative usefulness of each technique for language mapping. Nevertheless, this study yields valuable insights into these two mapping techniques for the most common language tasks currently used in neurosurgical practice.

  2. Active contour configuration model for estimating the posterior ablative margin in image fusion of real-time ultrasound and 3D ultrasound or magnetic resonance images for radiofrequency ablation: an experimental study.


    Lee, Junkyo; Lee, Min Woo; Choi, Dongil; Cha, Dong Ik; Lee, Sunyoung; Kang, Tae Wook; Yang, Jehoon; Jo, Jaemoon; Bang, Won-Chul; Kim, Jongsik; Shin, Dongkuk


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of an active contour model for estimating the posterior ablative margin in images obtained by the fusion of real-time ultrasonography (US) and 3-dimensional (3D) US or magnetic resonance (MR) images of an experimental tumor model for radiofrequency ablation. Chickpeas (n=12) and bovine rump meat (n=12) were used as an experimental tumor model. Grayscale 3D US and T1-weighted MR images were pre-acquired for use as reference datasets. US and MR/3D US fusion was performed for one group (n=4), and US and 3D US fusion only (n=8) was performed for the other group. Half of the models in each group were completely ablated, while the other half were incompletely ablated. Hyperechoic ablation areas were extracted using an active contour model from real-time US images, and the posterior margin of the ablation zone was estimated from the anterior margin. After the experiments, the ablated pieces of bovine rump meat were cut along the electrode path and the cut planes were photographed. The US images with the estimated posterior margin were compared with the photographs and post-ablation MR images. The extracted contours of the ablation zones from 12 US fusion videos and post-ablation MR images were also matched. In the four models fused under real-time US with MR/3D US, compression from the transducer and the insertion of an electrode resulted in misregistration between the real-time US and MR images, making the estimation of the ablation zones less accurate than was achieved through fusion between real-time US and 3D US. Eight of the 12 post-ablation 3D US images were graded as good when compared with the sectioned specimens, and 10 of the 12 were graded as good in a comparison with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide staining and histopathologic results. Estimating the posterior ablative margin using an active contour model is a feasible way of predicting the ablation area, and US/3D US fusion was more accurate than US

  3. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3468, Chak Wardak Syahgerd (509) and Kabul (510) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  4. Topographic Map of Quadrangle 3264, Nawzad-Musa-Qala (423) and Dehrawat (424) Quadrangles, Afghanistan

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bohannon, Robert G.


    This map was produced from several larger digital datasets. Topography was derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 85-meter digital data. Gaps in the original dataset were filled with data digitized from contours on 1:200,000-scale Soviet General Staff Sheets (1978-1997). Contours were generated by cubic convolution averaged over four pixels using TNTmips surface-modeling capabilities. Minor artifacts resulting from the auto-contouring technique are present. Streams were auto-generated from the SRTM data in TNTmips as flow paths. Flow paths were limited in number by their Horton value on a quadrangle-by-quadrangle basis. Peak elevations were averaged over an area measuring 85 m by 85 m (represented by one pixel), and they are slightly lower than the highest corresponding point on the ground. Cultural data were extracted from files downloaded from the Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS) Web site ( The AIMS files were originally derived from maps produced by the Afghanistan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO). Because cultural features were not derived from the SRTM base, they do not match it precisely. Province boundaries are not exactly located. This map is part of a series that includes a geologic map, a topographic map, a Landsat natural-color-image map, and a Landsat false-color-image map for the USGS/AGS (Afghan Geological Survey) quadrangles covering Afghanistan. The maps for any given quadrangle have the same open-file number but a different letter suffix, namely, -A, -B, -C, and -D for the geologic, topographic, Landsat natural-color, and Landsat false-color maps, respectively. The open-file report (OFR) numbers for each quadrangle range in sequence from 1092 - 1123. The present map series is to be followed by a second series, in which the geology is reinterpreted on the basis of analysis of remote-sensing data, limited fieldwork, and library research. The second series is to be produced by the USGS

  5. Magnetic control of valley pseudospin in monolayer WSe 2


    Aivazian, G.; Gong, Zhirui; Jones, Aaron M.; ...


    Local energy extrema of the bands in momentum space, or valleys, can endow electrons in solids with pseudo-spin in addition to real spin 1-5. In transition metal dichalcogenides this valley pseudo-spin, like real spin, is associated with a magnetic moment1,6 which underlies the valley-dependent circular dichroism 6 that allows optical generation of valley polarization 7-9, intervalley quantum coherence 10, and the valley Hall effect 11. However, magnetic manipulation of valley pseudospin via this magnetic moment 12-13, analogous to what is possible with real spin, has not been shown before. Here we report observation of the valley Zeeman splitting and magneticmore » tuning of polarization and coherence of the excitonic valley pseudospin, by performing polarization-resolved magneto-photoluminescence on monolayer WSe 2. Our measurements reveal both the atomic orbital and lattice contributions to the valley orbital magnetic moment; demonstrate the deviation of the band edges in the valleys from an exact massive Dirac fermion model; and reveal a striking difference between the magnetic responses of neutral and charged valley excitons which is explained by renormalization of the excitonic spectrum due to strong exchange interactions.« less

  6. Oregon Magnetic and Gravity Maps and Data: A Web Site for Distribution of Data

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Roberts, Carter W.; Kucks, Robert P.; Hill, Patricia L.


    This web site gives the results of a USGS project to acquire the best available, public-domain, aeromagnetic and gravity data in the United States and merge these data into uniform, composite grids for each State. The results for the State of Oregon are presented here on this site. Files of aeromagnetic and gravity grids and images are available for these States for downloading. In Oregon, 49 magnetic surveys have been knit together to form a single digital grid and map. Also, a complete Bouguer gravity anomaly grid and map was generated from 40,665 gravity station measurements in and adjacent to Oregon. In addition, a map shows the location of the aeromagnetic surveys, color-coded to the survey flight-line spacing. This project was supported by the Mineral Resource Program of the USGS.

  7. Pseudo-One-Dimensional Magnonic Crystals for High-Frequency Nanoscale Devices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Banerjee, Chandrima; Choudhury, Samiran; Sinha, Jaivardhan; Barman, Anjan


    The synthetic magnonic crystals (i.e., periodic composites consisting of different magnetic materials) form one fascinating class of emerging research field, which aims to command the process and flow of information by means of spin waves, such as in magnonic waveguides. One of the intriguing features of magnonic crystals is the presence and tunability of band gaps in the spin-wave spectrum, where the high attenuation of the frequency bands can be utilized for frequency-dependent control on the spin waves. However, to find a feasible way of band tuning in terms of a realistic integrated device is still a challenge. Here, we introduce an array of asymmetric saw-tooth-shaped width-modulated nanoscale ferromagnetic waveguides forming a pseudo-one-dimensional magnonic crystal. The frequency dispersion of collective modes measured by the Brillouin light-scattering technique is compared with the band diagram obtained by numerically solving the eigenvalue problem derived from the linearized Landau-Lifshitz magnetic torque equation. We find that the magnonic band-gap width, position, and the slope of dispersion curves are controllable by changing the angle between the spin-wave propagation channel and the magnetic field. The calculated profiles of the dynamic magnetization reveal that the corrugation at the lateral boundary of the waveguide effectively engineers the edge modes, which forms the basis of the interactive control in magnonic circuits. The results represent a prospective direction towards managing the internal field distribution as well as the dispersion properties, which find potential applications in dynamic spin-wave filters and magnonic waveguides in the gigahertz frequency range.

  8. Pseudo progression identification of glioblastoma with dictionary learning.


    Zhang, Jian; Yu, Hengyong; Qian, Xiaohua; Liu, Keqin; Tan, Hua; Yang, Tielin; Wang, Maode; Li, King Chuen; Chan, Michael D; Debinski, Waldemar; Paulsson, Anna; Wang, Ge; Zhou, Xiaobo


    Although the use of temozolomide in chemoradiotherapy is effective, the challenging clinical problem of pseudo progression has been raised in brain tumor treatment. This study aims to distinguish pseudo progression from true progression. Between 2000 and 2012, a total of 161 patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) were treated with chemoradiotherapy at our hospital. Among the patients, 79 had their diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data acquired at the earliest diagnosed date of pseudo progression or true progression, and 23 had both DTI data and genomic data. Clinical records of all patients were kept in good condition. Volumetric fractional anisotropy (FA) images obtained from the DTI data were decomposed into a sequence of sparse representations. Then, a feature selection algorithm was applied to extract the critical features from the feature matrix to reduce the size of the feature matrix and to improve the classification accuracy. The proposed approach was validated using the 79 samples with clinical DTI data. Satisfactory results were obtained under different experimental conditions. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was 0.87 for a given dictionary with 1024 atoms. For the subgroup of 23 samples, genomics data analysis was also performed. Results implied further perspective on pseudo progression classification. The proposed method can determine pseudo progression and true progression with improved accuracy. Laboring segmentation is no longer necessary because this skillfully designed method is not sensitive to tumor location. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Optically-initiated silicon carbide high voltage switch with contoured-profile electrode interfaces

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sullivan, James S.; Hawkins, Steven A.

    An improved photoconductive switch having a SiC or other wide band gap substrate material with opposing contoured profile cavities which have a contoured profile selected from one of Rogowski, Bruce, Chang, Harrison, and Ernst profiles, and two electrodes with matching contoured-profile convex interface surfaces.

  10. Analysis of contour images using optics of spiral beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Volostnikov, V. G.; Kishkin, S. A.; Kotova, S. P.


    An approach is outlined to the recognition of contour images using computer technology based on coherent optics principles. A mathematical description of the recognition process algorithm and the results of numerical modelling are presented. The developed approach to the recognition of contour images using optics of spiral beams is described and justified.

  11. Segmentation and tracking in echocardiographic sequences: active contours guided by optical flow estimates

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mikic, I.; Krucinski, S.; Thomas, J. D.


    This paper presents a method for segmentation and tracking of cardiac structures in ultrasound image sequences. The developed algorithm is based on the active contour framework. This approach requires initial placement of the contour close to the desired position in the image, usually an object outline. Best contour shape and position are then calculated, assuming that at this configuration a global energy function, associated with a contour, attains its minimum. Active contours can be used for tracking by selecting a solution from a previous frame as an initial position in a present frame. Such an approach, however, fails for large displacements of the object of interest. This paper presents a technique that incorporates the information on pixel velocities (optical flow) into the estimate of initial contour to enable tracking of fast-moving objects. The algorithm was tested on several ultrasound image sequences, each covering one complete cardiac cycle. The contour successfully tracked boundaries of mitral valve leaflets, aortic root and endocardial borders of the left ventricle. The algorithm-generated outlines were compared against manual tracings by expert physicians. The automated method resulted in contours that were within the boundaries of intraobserver variability.

  12. Initial experience of a novel mapping system combined with remote magnetic navigation in the catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation.


    Lin, Changjian; Pehrson, Steen; Jacobsen, Peter Karl; Chen, Xu


    There have been advancements of sophisticated mapping systems used for ablation procedures over the last decade. Utilization of these novel mapping systems in combination with remote magnetic navigation (RMN) needs to be established. We investigated the new EnSite Precision mapping system (St. Jude Medical, Inc., St. Paul, MN, USA), which collects magnetic data for checking navigation field stability and is built on an open platform, allowing physicians to choose diagnostic and ablation catheters. We address its compatibility with RMN. To assess the clinical utility of a novel 3D mapping system (EnSite Precision mapping system) combined with RMN (Niobe ES, Stereotaxis, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA) for atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation. In this prospective nonrandomized study, two groups of patients were treated in our center for drug refractory AF. Patients were consecutively enrolled in each group. Group A (n = 35, 14 persistent AF [PsAF]) was treated using the novel 3D mapping system combined with RMN. Group B (n = 38, 16 PsAF) was treated using Carto ® 3 (Biosense Webster, Inc., Diamond Bar, CA, USA) combined with RMN. In Group A, the left atrium (LA) was mapped with a circular magnetic catheter manually and was then replaced by a RMN ablation catheter. At the end of the procedures in Group A, the circular catheter was used for confirming field stability. In Group B, an ablation catheter was controlled by RMN to perform both LA mapping and ablation. All patients underwent pulmonary vein antrum isolation. Additional complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) ablation was performed for PsAF. Procedural, ablation, and fluoroscopy times were recorded and complications were assessed. Electrophysiological end points were achieved in all patients. Using the novel mapping system, LA mapping time was fast (308 ± 60 seconds) with detailed anatomy points (178,831 ± 70,897) collected and magnetic points throughout LA. At the end of the procedures in Group A, the

  13. The Geopotential Research Mission - Mapping the near earth gravity and magnetic fields

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taylor, P. T.; Keating, T.; Smith, D. E.; Langel, R. A.; Schnetzler, C. C.; Kahn, W. D.


    The Geopotential Research Mission (GRM), NASA's low-level satellite system designed to measure the gravity and magnetic fields of the earth, and its objectives are described. The GRM will consist of two, Shuttle launched, satellite systems (300 km apart) that will operate simultaneously at a 160 km circular-polar orbit for six months. Current mission goals include mapping the global geoid to 10 cm, measuring gravity-field anomalies to 2 mgal with a spatial resolution of 100 km, detecting crustal magnetic anomalies of 100 km wavelength with 1 nT accuracy, measuring the vectors components to + or - 5 arc sec and 5 nT, and computing the main dipole or core field to 5 nT with a 2 nT/year secular variation detection. Resource analysis and exploration geology are additional applications considered.

  14. Contour junctions defined by dynamic image deformations enhance perceptual transparency.


    Kawabe, Takahiro; Nishida, Shin'ya
