Sample records for metal stamping operations

  1. Audio signal analysis for tool wear monitoring in sheet metal stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ubhayaratne, Indivarie; Pereira, Michael P.; Xiang, Yong; Rolfe, Bernard F.


    Stamping tool wear can significantly degrade product quality, and hence, online tool condition monitoring is a timely need in many manufacturing industries. Even though a large amount of research has been conducted employing different sensor signals, there is still an unmet demand for a low-cost easy to set up condition monitoring system. Audio signal analysis is a simple method that has the potential to meet this demand, but has not been previously used for stamping process monitoring. Hence, this paper studies the existence and the significance of the correlation between emitted sound signals and the wear state of sheet metal stamping tools. The corrupting sources generated by the tooling of the stamping press and surrounding machinery have higher amplitudes compared to that of the sound emitted by the stamping operation itself. Therefore, a newly developed semi-blind signal extraction technique was employed as a pre-processing technique to mitigate the contribution of these corrupting sources. The spectral analysis results of the raw and extracted signals demonstrate a significant qualitative relationship between wear progression and the emitted sound signature. This study lays the basis for employing low-cost audio signal analysis in the development of a real-time industrial tool condition monitoring system.

  2. Evolutions of Advanced Stamping CAE — Technology Adventures and Business Impact on Automotive Dies and Stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Chuantao (C. T.)


    In the past decade, sheet metal forming and die development has been transformed to a science-based and technology-driven engineering and manufacturing enterprise from a tryout-based craft. Stamping CAE, especially the sheet metal forming simulation, as one of the core components in digital die making and digital stamping, has played a key role in this historical transition. The stamping simulation technology and its industrial applications have greatly impacted automotive sheet metal product design, die developments, die construction and tryout, and production stamping. The stamping CAE community has successfully resolved the traditional formability problems such as splits and wrinkles. The evolution of the stamping CAE technology and business demands opens even greater opportunities and challenges to stamping CAE community in the areas of (1) continuously improving simulation accuracy, drastically reducing simulation time-in-system, and improving operationalability (friendliness), (2) resolving those historically difficult-to-resolve problems such as dimensional quality problems (springback and twist) and surface quality problems (distortion and skid/impact lines), (3) resolving total manufacturability problems in line die operations including blanking, draw/redraw, trim/piercing, and flanging, and (4) overcoming new problems in forming new sheet materials with new forming techniques. In this article, the author first provides an overview of the stamping CAE technology adventures and achievements, and industrial applications in the past decade. Then the author presents a summary of increasing manufacturability needs from the formability to total quality and total manufacturability of sheet metal stampings. Finally, the paper outlines the new needs and trends for continuous improvements and innovations to meet increasing challenges in line die formability and quality requirements in automotive stamping.

  3. Time series analysis of tool wear in sheet metal stamping using acoustic emission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vignesh Shanbhag, V.; Pereira, P. Michael; Rolfe, F. Bernard; Arunachalam, N.


    Galling is an adhesive wear mode that often affects the lifespan of stamping tools. Since stamping tools represent significant economic cost, even a slight improvement in maintenance cost is of high importance for the stamping industry. In other manufacturing industries, online tool condition monitoring has been used to prevent tool wear-related failure. However, monitoring the acoustic emission signal from a stamping process is a non-trivial task since the acoustic emission signal is non-stationary and non-transient. There have been numerous studies examining acoustic emissions in sheet metal stamping. However, very few have focused in detail on how the signals change as wear on the tool surface progresses prior to failure. In this study, time domain analysis was applied to the acoustic emission signals to extract features related to tool wear. To understand the wear progression, accelerated stamping tests were performed using a semi-industrial stamping setup which can perform clamping, piercing, stamping in a single cycle. The time domain features related to stamping were computed for the acoustic emissions signal of each part. The sidewalls of the stamped parts were scanned using an optical profilometer to obtain profiles of the worn part, and they were qualitatively correlated to that of the acoustic emissions signal. Based on the wear behaviour, the wear data can be divided into three stages: - In the first stage, no wear is observed, in the second stage, adhesive wear is likely to occur, and in the third stage severe abrasive plus adhesive wear is likely to occur. Scanning electron microscopy showed the formation of lumps on the stamping tool, which represents galling behavior. Correlation between the time domain features of the acoustic emissions signal and the wear progression identified in this study lays the basis for tool diagnostics in stamping industry.

  4. An Optimization Study of Hot Stamping Operation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghoo, Bonyoung; Umezu, Yasuyoshi; Watanabe, Yuko; Ma, Ninshu; Averill, Ron


    In the present study, 3-dimensional finite element analyses for hot-stamping processes of Audi B-pillar product are conducted using JSTAMP/NV and HEEDS. Special attention is paid to the optimization of simulation technology coupling with thermal-mechanical formulations. Numerical simulation based on FEM technology and optimization design using the hybrid adaptive SHERPA algorithm are applied to hot stamping operation to improve productivity. The robustness of the SHERPA algorithm is found through the results of the benchmark example. The SHERPA algorithm is shown to be far superior to the GA (Genetic Algorithm) in terms of efficiency, whose calculation time is about 7 times faster than that of the GA. The SHERPA algorithm could show high performance in a large scale problem having complicated design space and long calculation time.

  5. Sheet metal stamping die design for warm forming


    Ghosh, Amit K.


    In metal stamping dies, by taking advantage of improved material flow by selectively warming the die, flat sections of the die can contribute to the flow of material throughout the workpiece. Local surface heating can be accomplished by placing a heating block in the die. Distribution of heating at the flat lower train central regions outside of the bend region allows a softer flow at a lower stress to enable material flow into the thinner, higher strain areas at the bend/s. The heating block is inserted into the die and is powered by a power supply.

  6. Studies on the finite element simulation in sheet metal stamping processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huang, Ying

    The sheet metal stamping process plays an important role in modern industry. With the ever-increasing demand for shape complexity, product quality and new materials, the traditional trial and error method for setting up a sheet metal stamping process is no longer efficient. As a result, the Finite Element Modeling (FEM) method has now been widely used. From a physical point of view, the formability and the quality of a product are influenced by several factors. The design of the product in the initial stage and the motion of the press during the production stage are two of these crucial factors. This thesis focuses on the numerical simulation for these two factors using FEM. Currently, there are a number of commercial FEM software systems available in the market. These software systems are based on an incremental FEM process that models the sheet metal stamping process in small incremental steps. Even though the incremental FEM is accurate, it is not suitable for the initial conceptual design for its needing of detailed design parameters and enormous calculation times. As a result, another type of FEM, called the inverse FEM method or one-step FEM method, has been proposed. While it is less accurate than that of the incremental method, this method requires much less computation and hence, has a great potential. However, it also faces a number of unsolved problems, which limits its application. This motivates the presented research. After the review of the basic theory of the inverse method, a new modified arc-length search method is proposed to find better initial solution. The methods to deal with the vertical walls are also discussed and presented. Then, a generalized multi-step inverse FEM method is proposed. It solves two key obstacles: the first one is to determine the initial solution of the intermediate three-dimensional configurations and the other is to control the movement of nodes so they could only slide on constraint surfaces during the search by

  7. Postage stamps: A convergence of metallurgy, art, and history

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Habashi, Fathi


    Postage stamps have been used around the world to commemorate, in miniature, significant events and people, including those of importance in the history of metals and mineral production. From the presence of gold artifacts in an ancient Egyptian tomb to the role of uranium in nuclear power, stamps have captured the evolution of metallurgical processes. This article highlights some of those stamps.

  8. 26 CFR 1.451-4 - Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 1971, its first year of operation, X sells 10 million stamps at $5 per 1,000; it redeems 3 million... trading stamps as follows: Gross receipts from sales (10 million stamps at $5 per 1,000) $50,000 Less... income from sales of stamps 23,000 (b) In 1972, X also sells 10 million stamps at $5 per 1,000 stamps...

  9. Analysis of roll-stamped light guide plate fabricated with laser-ablated stamper

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Na, Hyunjun; Hong, Seokkwan; Kim, Jongsun; Hwang, Jeongho; Joo, Byungyun; Yoon, Kyunghwan; Kang, Jeongjin


    LGP (light guide plate) is one of the major components of LCD (liquid crystal display), and it makes surface illumination for LCD backlit. LGP is a transparent plastic plate usually produced by injection molding process. On the back of LGP there are micron size patterns for extraction of light. Recently a roll-stamping process has achieved the high mass productivity of thinner LGPs. In order to fabricate optical patterns on LGPs, a fabricating tool called as a stamper is used. Micro patterns on metallic stampers are made by several micro machining processes such as chemical etching, LIGA-reflow, and laser ablation. In this study, a roll-stamping process by using a laser ablated metallic stamper was dealt with in consideration of the compatibility with the roll-stamping process. LGP fabricating tests were performed using a roll-stamping process with four different roll pressures. Pattern shapes on the stamper fabricated by laser ablation and transcription ratios of the roll-stamping process were analyzed, and LGP luminance was evaluated. Based on the evaluation, optical simulation model for LGP was made and simulation accuracy was evaluated. Simulation results showed good agreements with optical performance of LGPs in the brightness and uniformity. It was also shown that the roll-stamped LGP has the possibility of better optical performance than the conventional injection molded LGP. It was also shown that the roll-stamped LGP with the laser ablated stamper is potential to have better optical performance than the conventional injection molded LGP.

  10. Postage stamp-sized array sensor for the sensitive screening test of heavy-metal ions.


    Zhang, Yu; Li, Xiao; Li, Hui; Song, Ming; Feng, Liang; Guan, Yafeng


    The sensitive determination of heavy-metal ions has been widely investigated in recent years due to their threat to the environment and to human health. Among various analytical detection techniques, inexpensive colorimetric testing papers/strips play a very important role. The limitation, however, is also clear: the sensitivity is usually low and the selectivity is poor. In this work, we have developed a postage stamp-sized array sensor composed of nine commercially available heterocyclic azo indicators. Combining filtration-based enrichment with an array of technologies-based pattern-recognition, we have obtained the discrimination capability for seven heavy-metal ions (Hg(2+), Pb(2+), Ag(+), Ni(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+), and Co(2+)) at their Chinese wastewater discharge standard concentrations. The allowable detection level of Hg(2+) was down to 0.05 mg L(-1). The heavy-metal ions screening test was readily achieved using a standard chemometric approach. And the array sensor applied well in real water samples.

  11. A Fully Automated and Robust Method to Incorporate Stamping Data in Crash, NVH and Durability Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Palaniswamy, Hariharasudhan; Kanthadai, Narayan; Roy, Subir; Beauchesne, Erwan


    Crash, NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness), and durability analysis are commonly deployed in structural CAE analysis for mechanical design of components especially in the automotive industry. Components manufactured by stamping constitute a major portion of the automotive structure. In CAE analysis they are modeled at a nominal state with uniform thickness and no residual stresses and strains. However, in reality the stamped components have non-uniformly distributed thickness and residual stresses and strains resulting from stamping. It is essential to consider the stamping information in CAE analysis to accurately model the behavior of the sheet metal structures under different loading conditions. Especially with the current emphasis on weight reduction by replacing conventional steels with aluminum and advanced high strength steels it is imperative to avoid over design. Considering this growing need in industry, a highly automated and robust method has been integrated within Altair Hyperworks® to initialize sheet metal components in CAE models with stamping data. This paper demonstrates this new feature and the influence of stamping data for a full car frontal crash analysis.

  12. Surrogate models for sheet metal stamping problem based on the combination of proper orthogonal decomposition and radial basis function

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dang, Van Tuan; Lafon, Pascal; Labergere, Carl


    In this work, a combination of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) is proposed to build a surrogate model based on the Benchmark Springback 3D bending from the Numisheet2011 congress. The influence of the two design parameters, the geometrical parameter of the die radius and the process parameter of the blank holder force, on the springback of the sheet after a stamping operation is analyzed. The classical Design of Experience (DoE) uses Full Factorial to design the parameter space with sample points as input data for finite element method (FEM) numerical simulation of the sheet metal stamping process. The basic idea is to consider the design parameters as additional dimensions for the solution of the displacement fields. The order of the resultant high-fidelity model is reduced through the use of POD method which performs model space reduction and results in the basis functions of the low order model. Specifically, the snapshot method is used in our work, in which the basis functions is derived from snapshot deviation of the matrix of the final displacements fields of the FEM numerical simulation. The obtained basis functions are then used to determine the POD coefficients and RBF is used for the interpolation of these POD coefficients over the parameter space. Finally, the presented POD-RBF approach which is used for shape optimization can be performed with high accuracy.

  13. Odontophilately: dentistry on stamps.


    Drinnan, Alan J


    The collecting of stamps can be a rewarding exercise and may be as intense or as superficial as one would wish. Some collectors concentrate on the technical aspects of stamp production, whereas others concentrate on the details of their issue by the postal authorities. Others collect stamps with the view to buying and selling them for financial gain. Some are more interested in the "social" aspects of a stamp (e.g., facts about the country issuing it, location of the country, population, government structure, main industries, place of dentistry within the society). A collection of topical stamps on odontophilately with the details of those types listed above should stimulate anyone with the imagination to appreciate the wide and sometimes romantic stories behind every stamp.

  14. Tribological behavior of a new green industrial lubricant for stamping operations - Application to Stainless Steels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buteri, A.; Borgeot, M.; Roizard, X.; Lallemand, F.; Melot, J.-M.; Morand, L.


    Thanks to a fruitful collaboration between different academic and industrial research entities, a new green lubricant solution AFULudine has been developed for stamping operations in substitution to the usual mineral oils, with the idea and the wish to combine different essential properties such as a low environmental impact and ease-of-use according to the market needs and the more and more restrictive environmental legislation (e.g. REACH). Based on the Self-Assembled-Monolayer (SAM) principle and so, on a perfect control of the chemical reaction between the solution and the substrate (grafting of molecules onto the surface), AFULudine offers an efficient technical answer for improving stamping processes. The present study, focused on stainless steel stampings (comparison between a 441-1.4509 grade and a 304-1.4301 grade), investigates the performances of this new green industrial lubricant at different levels: from laboratory tests to industrial conditions through the production of hundreds of parts. Additional results coming from tests made on a rotational pin- on-disk tribometer will allow us to appreciate and retrieve more local information about the tribofilm creation during sliding. Moreover, the comparison with different mineral oils currently used at industrial scale, will strengthen the AFULudine performances. Indeed, this new solution usually outperforms a majority of such oils whatever their viscosity and their own composition: formulation, content of extreme pressure additives (Cl, S, P)...

  15. STS-8 postal Stamp envelope

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    STS-8 postal Stamp envelope with Challenger insignia, USA eagle stamp, 25th NASA anniversary stamp. The envelope is stamped with various postmarks, one saying Kennedy Space Center, Fl., another saying 'Returned to earth, Edwards AFB, CA'.

  16. Carbon nanotube substrates and catalyzed hot stamp for polishing and patterning the substrates


    Wang, Yuhuang [Evanston, IL; Hauge, Robert H [Houston, TX; Schmidt, Howard K [Houston, TX; Kim, Myung Jong [Houston, TX; Kittrell, W Carter [Houston, TX


    The present invention is generally directed to catalyzed hot stamp methods for polishing and/or patterning carbon nanotube-containing substrates. In some embodiments, the substrate, as a carbon nanotube fiber end, is brought into contact with a hot stamp (typically at C.), and is kept in contact with the hot stamp until the morphology/patterns on the hot stamp have been transferred to the substrate. In some embodiments, the hot stamp is made of material comprising one or more transition metals (Fe, Ni, Co, Pt, Ag, Au, etc.), which can catalyze the etching reaction of carbon with H.sub.2, CO.sub.2, H.sub.2O, and/or O.sub.2. Such methods can (1) polish the carbon nanotube-containing substrate with a microscopically smooth finish, and/or (2) transfer pre-defined patterns from the hot stamp to the substrate. Such polished or patterned carbon nanotube substrates can find application as carbon nanotube electrodes, field emitters, and field emitter arrays for displays and electron sources.

  17. Development of Methods and Equipment for Sheet Stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Botashev, A. Yu; Bisilov, N. U.; Malsugenov, R. S.


    New methods of sheet stamping were developed: the gas forming with double-sided heating of a blank part and the gas molding with backpressure. In case of the first method the blank part is heated to the set temperature by means of a double-sided impact of combustion products of gas mixtures, after which, under the influence of gas pressure a stamping process is performed. In case of gas molding with backpressure, the blank part is heated to the set temperature by one-sided impact of the combustion products, while backpressure is created on the opposite side of the blank part by compressed air. In both methods the deformation takes place in the temperature range of warm or hot treatment due to the heating of a blank part. This allows one to form parts of complicated shape within one technological operation, which significantly reduces the cost of production. To implement these methods, original devices were designed and produced, which are new types of forging and stamping equipment. Using these devices, an experimental research on the stamping process was carried out and high-quality parts were obtained, which makes it possible to recommend the developed methods of stamping in the industrial production. Their application in small-scale production will allow one to reduce the cost price of stamped parts 2 or 3 times.

  18. A framework for development of an intelligent system for design and manufacturing of stamping dies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hussein, H. M. A.; Kumar, S.


    An integration of computer aided design (CAD), computer aided process planning (CAPP) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) is required for development of an intelligent system to design and manufacture stamping dies in sheet metal industries. In this paper, a framework for development of an intelligent system for design and manufacturing of stamping dies is proposed. In the proposed framework, the intelligent system is structured in form of various expert system modules for different activities of design and manufacturing of dies. All system modules are integrated with each other. The proposed system takes its input in form of a CAD file of sheet metal part, and then system modules automate all tasks related to design and manufacturing of stamping dies. Modules are coded using Visual Basic (VB) and developed on the platform of AutoCAD software.

  19. Rapid thermal processing by stamping


    Stradins, Pauls; Wang, Qi


    A rapid thermal processing device and methods are provided for thermal processing of samples such as semiconductor wafers. The device has components including a stamp (35) having a stamping surface and a heater or cooler (40) to bring it to a selected processing temperature, a sample holder (20) for holding a sample (10) in position for intimate contact with the stamping surface; and positioning components (25) for moving the stamping surface and the stamp (35) in and away from intimate, substantially non-pressured contact. Methods for using and making such devices are also provided. These devices and methods allow inexpensive, efficient, easily controllable thermal processing.

  20. Stamping Out Misconceptions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bradley, J. D.; Brand, M.


    Describes the use of rubber hand-stamps to generate molecular pictures. These stamps (prepared with shapes of atoms and molecules at little cost by small, local print shops) can be used in creating pictures representing the microscopic state that can be linked to macroscopic descriptions for active conceptual exploration. (JN)

  1. Spacecraft Trajectory Analysis and Mission Planning Simulation (STAMPS) Software

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Puckett, Nancy; Pettinger, Kris; Hallstrom,John; Brownfield, Dana; Blinn, Eric; Williams, Frank; Wiuff, Kelli; McCarty, Steve; Ramirez, Daniel; Lamotte, Nicole; hide


    STAMPS simulates either three- or six-degree-of-freedom cases for all spacecraft flight phases using translated HAL flight software or generic GN&C models. Single or multiple trajectories can be simulated for use in optimization and dispersion analysis. It includes math models for the vehicle and environment, and currently features a "C" version of shuttle onboard flight software. The STAMPS software is used for mission planning and analysis within ascent/descent, rendezvous, proximity operations, and navigation flight design areas.

  2. Optical force stamping lithography

    PubMed Central

    Nedev, Spas; Urban, Alexander S.; Lutich, Andrey A.; Feldmann, Jochen


    Here we introduce a new paradigm of far-field optical lithography, optical force stamping lithography. The approach employs optical forces exerted by a spatially modulated light field on colloidal nanoparticles to rapidly stamp large arbitrary patterns comprised of single nanoparticles onto a substrate with a single-nanoparticle positioning accuracy well beyond the diffraction limit. Because the process is all-optical, the stamping pattern can be changed almost instantly and there is no constraint on the type of nanoparticle or substrates used. PMID:21992538

  3. Stamp of Approval

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swanson, Joan; Curtis, David


    In an age of exquisite graphic art, perhaps the most universally viewed examples are to be found in the commemorative stamps issued by the Postal Service. At Corona del Mar High School, Newport Beach, California, students cooperated to design a stamp and display their work before the public. They therefore learn how the Postal Service selects a…

  4. Combined stamping-forging for non-axisymmetric product

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taureza, Muhammad; Danno, Atsushi; Song, Xu; Oh, Jin An


    Successive combined stamping-forging (CSF) is proposed to produce multi-thickness non-axisymmetric components. This method involves successive compression to create exclusively outward metal flow. Hitherto, the development of CSF has been mostly done for axisymmetric geometry. Using this technique, defect-free rectangular case component with length to thickness ratio of 40 is produced with lower forging pressure. This technology has potential for high throughput production of parts with multiple thicknesses and high width to thickness ratio.

  5. FE Simulation Models for Hot Stamping an Automobile Component with Tailor-Welded High-Strength Steels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Bingtao; Wang, Qiaoling; Wei, Zhaohui; Meng, Xianju; Yuan, Zhengjun


    Ultra-high-strength in sheet metal parts can be achieved with hot stamping process. To improve the crash performance and save vehicle weight, it is necessary to produce components with tailored properties. The use of tailor-welded high-strength steel is a relatively new hot stamping process for saving weight and obtaining desired local stiffness and crash performance. The simulation of hot stamping boron steel, especially tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) stamping, is more complex and challenging. Information about thermal/mechanical properties of tools and sheet materials, heat transfer, and friction between the deforming material and the tools is required in detail. In this study, the boron-manganese steel B1500HS and high-strength low-alloy steel B340LA are tailor welded and hot stamped. In order to precisely simulate the hot stamping process, modeling and simulation of hot stamping tailor-welded high-strength steels, including phase transformation modeling, thermal modeling, and thermal-mechanical modeling, is investigated. Meanwhile, the welding zone of tailor-welded blanks should be sufficiently accurate to describe thermal, mechanical, and metallurgical parameters. FE simulation model using TWBs with the thickness combination of 1.6 mm boron steel and 1.2 mm low-alloy steel is established. In order to evaluate the mechanical properties of the hot stamped automotive component (mini b-pillar), hardness and microstructure at each region are investigated. The comparisons between simulated results and experimental observations show the reliability of thermo-mechanical and metallurgical modeling strategies of TWBs hot stamping process.

  6. Research on the Micro Sheet Stamping Process Using Plasticine as Soft Punch

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Xiao; Zhang, Di; Gu, Chunxing; Shen, Zongbao; Liu, Huixia


    Plasticine is widely used in the analysis of metal forming processes, due to its excellent material flow ability. In this study, plasticine is used as the soft punch to fabricate array micro-channels on metal sheet in the micro sheet stamping process. This is because plasticine can produce a large material flow after being subjected to force and through the material flow, the plasticine can cause the sheet to fill into the micro-channels of the rigid die, leading to the generation of micro-channels in the sheet. The distribution of array micro-channels was investigated as well as the influence of load forces on the sheet deformations. It was found that the depth of micro-channels increases as the load force increases. When the load force reaches a certain level, a crack can be observed. The micro sheet stamping process was also investigated by the method of numerical simulation. The obtained experimental and numerical results for the stamping process showed that they were in good agreement. Additionally, from the simulation results, it can be seen that the corner region of the micro-channel-shape work piece has a risk to crack due to the existence of maximum von Mises stress and significant thinning. PMID:28788668


    EPA Science Inventory

    Approximately a half billion tons of waste rock from the extraction of native copper and silver ores was discharged into the Lake Superior basin. Stamping was the method of choice to recover these metals from the surrounding poor rock. This process created large amounts of extre...

  8. Usage and Recall of the Food Stamp Office Resource Kit (FSORK) by Food Stamp Applicants in 4 California Counties

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ghirardelli, Alyssa; Linares, Amanda; Fong, Amy


    Objective: To evaluate recall and usage of the Food Stamp Office Resource Kit (FSORK), a set of nutrition education materials designed for use in food stamp offices. Design: Client intercept exit surveys, an environmental scan, and individual observations of clients in the food stamp office. Setting: Four food stamp offices in California.…

  9. Food Stamps. Learning Packet No. 2.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Bar Association, Washington, DC. Clearinghouse for Offender Literacy Programs.

    This package of instructional materials is designed to aid adults in prison to perform the functional skill of applying for food stamps. The materials consist of instructions for teachers, a sample application for food stamps, a student's work sheet and answer sheet, vocabulary flash cards, and resource materials on food stamps. (MKM)

  10. Mercury MESSENGER Stamp Unveiling

    NASA Image and Video Library


    United States Postal Service Vice President of Finance Steve Masse, left, and NASA Mercury Astronaut Scott Carpenter, unveil two USPS stamps to commemorate and celebrate 50 years of US Spaceflight and the MESSENGER program during an event, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. One stamp commemorates NASA’s Project Mercury, America’s first manned spaceflight program, and NASA astronaut Alan Shepard’s historic flight on May 5, 1961, aboard spacecraft Freedom 7. The other stamp draws attention to NASA’s unmanned MESSENGER mission, a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. On March 17, 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Mercury. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

  11. The restoration of obliterated stamped serial numbers by ultrasonically induced cavitation in water

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Young, S. G.


    Seventeen out of 21 obliterated stamped serial numbers on test specimens of copper, brass, steel, and aluminum were successfully restored. Cavitation induced in water by a piezoelectric transducer was the mechanism used. Primarily, smeared metal was removed from the number grooves by the force of the cavitation, however, numbers were also restored at depths at or below the level of the stamped grooves. The feasibility of this technique as a low cost tool for crime laboratories has been clearly demonstrated. The technique is applicable to a variety of materials, and no previous surface or chemical treatments are necessary.

  12. Prevention of crack in stretch flanging process using hot stamping technique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Syafiq, Y. Mohd; Hamedon, Z.; Azila Aziz, Wan; Razlan Yusoff, Ahmad


    Demand for enhancing of passenger safety as well as weight reduction of automobiles has increased the use of high strength steel sheets. As a sheet metal is a lightweight having high strength is suitable for producing automotive parts such as white body panel. The stretch flanging of the high strength steel sheet is a problem due to high springback and easy to crack. This study uses three methods to stretch flange the sheets; using lubricants, shear-edge polishing and hot stamping. The effectiveness of these methods will be measured by comparing the flange length of each methods can achieved. For stretch flange with lubricant and polished sheared edge, the flange length failed to achieve the target 15 mm while hot stamping improved the formability of the sheet and preventing the occurrence of the springback and crack. Hot stamping not only improved formability of the sheet but also transformed the microstructure into martensite thus improve the hardness and the strength of the sheet after been quenched with the dies.

  13. Applying STAMP in Accident Analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leveson, Nancy; Daouk, Mirna; Dulac, Nicolas; Marais, Karen


    Accident models play a critical role in accident investigation and analysis. Most traditional models are based on an underlying chain of events. These models, however, have serious limitations when used for complex, socio-technical systems. Previously, Leveson proposed a new accident model (STAMP) based on system theory. In STAMP, the basic concept is not an event but a constraint. This paper shows how STAMP can be applied to accident analysis using three different views or models of the accident process and proposes a notation for describing this process.

  14. Mercury MESSENGER Stamp Unveiling

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Daughters of NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, Laura Shepard Churchley, left, Alice Wackermann and Julie Jenkins, right, speak during an unveiling ceremony of two USPS stamps that commemorate and celebrate 50 years of US Spaceflight and the MESSENGER program during an event, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. One stamp commemorates NASA’s Project Mercury, America’s first manned spaceflight program, and NASA astronaut Alan Shepard’s historic flight on May 5, 1961, aboard spacecraft Freedom 7. The other stamp draws attention to NASA’s unmanned MESSENGER mission, a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. On March 17, 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Mercury. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

  15. Mercury MESSENGER Stamp Unveiling

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Daughters of NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, Laura Shepard Churchley, standing left, Alice Wackermann and Julie Jenkins, standing right, speak during an unveiling ceremony of two USPS stamps that commemorate and celebrate 50 years of US Spaceflight and the MESSENGER program during an event, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. One stamp commemorates NASA’s Project Mercury, America’s first manned spaceflight program, and NASA astronaut Alan Shepard’s historic flight on May 5, 1961, aboard spacecraft Freedom 7. The other stamp draws attention to NASA’s unmanned MESSENGER mission, a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. On March 17, 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Mercury. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

  16. 46 CFR 53.10-10 - Certification by stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Certification by stamping. 53.10-10 Section 53.10-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING HEATING BOILERS Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5) § 53.10-10 Certification by stamping. Stamping of heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG-53...

  17. 46 CFR 53.10-10 - Certification by stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Certification by stamping. 53.10-10 Section 53.10-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING HEATING BOILERS Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5) § 53.10-10 Certification by stamping. Stamping of heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG-53...

  18. 46 CFR 53.10-10 - Certification by stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Certification by stamping. 53.10-10 Section 53.10-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING HEATING BOILERS Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5) § 53.10-10 Certification by stamping. Stamping of heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG-53...

  19. 46 CFR 53.10-10 - Certification by stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Certification by stamping. 53.10-10 Section 53.10-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING HEATING BOILERS Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5) § 53.10-10 Certification by stamping. Stamping of heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG-53...

  20. 46 CFR 53.10-10 - Certification by stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Certification by stamping. 53.10-10 Section 53.10-10 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING HEATING BOILERS Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5) § 53.10-10 Certification by stamping. Stamping of heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG-53...

  1. Mercury MESSENGER Stamp Unveiling

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Patty Carpenter, wife of NASA Mercury Astronaut Scott Carpenter, left, Daughters of NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, Laura Shepard Churchley, and, Alice Wackermann, right, sing the National Anthem during an unveiling ceremony of two USPS stamps that commemorate and celebrate 50 years of US Spaceflight and the MESSENGER program during an event, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. One stamp commemorates NASA’s Project Mercury, America’s first manned spaceflight program, and NASA astronaut Alan Shepard’s historic flight on May 5, 1961, aboard spacecraft Freedom 7. The other stamp draws attention to NASA’s unmanned MESSENGER mission, a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. On March 17, 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Mercury. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

  2. Identification of a process window for tailored carburization of sheet metals in hot stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horn, Alexander; Merklein, Marion


    Due to governmental regulations concerning the reduction of CO2 emissions and increasing safety standards, hot stamping of high strength boron manganese steel sheets has evolved into a state of the art process for manufacturing structural car body parts. The combined forming and in-die quenching process enables the formation of a fully martensitic microstructure. Therefore, press hardened steels offer high strength, but low ductility. In order to further improve passenger safety, a tailored configuration of mechanical properties is desired. Besides state of the art methods, like the application of locally different heat treatment temperatures or varying quenching rates, the adjustment of mechanical properties of sheet metals by a tailored carburization is a novel approach. For the carburization process, the specimens are first coated with graphite and subsequently heat treated. Within this contribution, different coating strategies as well as heat treatment temperatures and dwell times are investigated. For the determination of a process window, mechanical properties such as tensile strength and microhardness will be analyzed and correlated with the resulting microstructure.

  3. 75 FR 52981 - Chrysler, LLC; Twinsburg Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... production of metal automotive stampings, a substantial proportion of which are shipped to an affiliated plant where they are used in the assembly of automotive vehicles. New information shows that workers...

  4. A rapid co-culture stamping device for studying intercellular communication.


    Hassanzadeh-Barforoushi, Amin; Shemesh, Jonathan; Farbehi, Nona; Asadnia, Mohsen; Yeoh, Guan Heng; Harvey, Richard P; Nordon, Robert E; Warkiani, Majid Ebrahimi


    Regulation of tissue development and repair depends on communication between neighbouring cells. Recent advances in cell micro-contact printing and microfluidics have facilitated the in-vitro study of homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell interaction. Nonetheless, these techniques are still complicated to perform and as a result, are seldom used by biologists. We report here development of a temporarily sealed microfluidic stamping device which utilizes a novel valve design for patterning two adherent cell lines with well-defined interlacing configurations to study cell-cell interactions. We demonstrate post-stamping cell viability of >95%, the stamping of multiple adherent cell types, and the ability to control the seeded cell density. We also show viability, proliferation and migration of cultured cells, enabling analysis of co-culture boundary conditions on cell fate. We also developed an in-vitro model of endothelial and cardiac stem cell interactions, which are thought to regulate coronary repair after myocardial injury. The stamp is fabricated using microfabrication techniques, is operated with a lab pipettor and uses very low reagent volumes of 20 μl with cell injection efficiency of >70%. This easy-to-use device provides a general strategy for micro-patterning of multiple cell types and will be important for studying cell-cell interactions in a multitude of applications.

  5. A rapid co-culture stamping device for studying intercellular communication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hassanzadeh-Barforoushi, Amin; Shemesh, Jonathan; Farbehi, Nona; Asadnia, Mohsen; Yeoh, Guan Heng; Harvey, Richard P.; Nordon, Robert E.; Warkiani, Majid Ebrahimi


    Regulation of tissue development and repair depends on communication between neighbouring cells. Recent advances in cell micro-contact printing and microfluidics have facilitated the in-vitro study of homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell interaction. Nonetheless, these techniques are still complicated to perform and as a result, are seldom used by biologists. We report here development of a temporarily sealed microfluidic stamping device which utilizes a novel valve design for patterning two adherent cell lines with well-defined interlacing configurations to study cell-cell interactions. We demonstrate post-stamping cell viability of >95%, the stamping of multiple adherent cell types, and the ability to control the seeded cell density. We also show viability, proliferation and migration of cultured cells, enabling analysis of co-culture boundary conditions on cell fate. We also developed an in-vitro model of endothelial and cardiac stem cell interactions, which are thought to regulate coronary repair after myocardial injury. The stamp is fabricated using microfabrication techniques, is operated with a lab pipettor and uses very low reagent volumes of 20 μl with cell injection efficiency of >70%. This easy-to-use device provides a general strategy for micro-patterning of multiple cell types and will be important for studying cell-cell interactions in a multitude of applications.

  6. 78 FR 10201 - Proposed Information Collection; Electronic Duck Stamp Program

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-FF09M13100] Proposed Information Collection; Electronic Duck Stamp Program AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service... and conservation stamp (Federal Duck Stamp) annually. The stamps are a vital tool for wetland conservation. Ninety-eight cents out of every dollar generated by the sale of Federal Duck Stamps goes directly...

  7. RANKL-induced DC-STAMP Is Essential for Osteoclastogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Kukita, Toshio; Wada, Naohisa; Kukita, Akiko; Kakimoto, Takashi; Sandra, Ferry; Toh, Kazuko; Nagata, Kengo; Iijima, Tadahiko; Horiuchi, Madoka; Matsusaki, Hiromi; Hieshima, Kunio; Yoshie, Osamu; Nomiyama, Hisayuki


    Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing, multinucleated giant cells that are essential for bone remodeling and are formed through cell fusion of mononuclear precursor cells. Although receptor activator of nuclear factor–κB ligand (RANKL) has been demonstrated to be an important osteoclastogenic cytokine, the cell surface molecules involved in osteoclastogenesis are mostly unknown. Here, we report that the seven-transmembrane receptor-like molecule, dendritic cell–specific transmembrane protein (DC-STAMP) is involved in osteoclastogenesis. Expression of DC-STAMP is rapidly induced in osteoclast precursor cells by RANKL and other osteoclastogenic stimulations. Targeted inhibition of DC-STAMP by small interfering RNAs and specific antibody markedly suppressed the formation of multinucleated osteoclast-like cells. Overexpression of DC-STAMP enhanced osteoclastogenesis in the presence of RANKL. Furthermore, DC-STAMP directly induced the expression of the osteoclast marker tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. These data demonstrate for the first time that DC-STAMP has an essential role in osteoclastogenesis. PMID:15452179

  8. Influence of prepreg characteristics on stamp consolidation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slange, T. K.; Warnet, L. L.; Grouve, W. J. B.; Akkerman, R.


    Stamp forming is a rapid manufacturing technology used to shape flat blanks of thermoplastic composite material into three-dimensional components. The development of automated lay-up technologies further extends the applicability of stamp forming by allowing rapid lay-up of tailored blanks and partial preconsolidation. This partial preconsolidation makes the influence of prepreg more critical compared to conventional preconsolidation methods which provide full preconsolidation. This paper aims to highlight consolidation challenges that can appear when stamp forming blanks manufactured by automated lay-up. Important prepreg characteristics were identified based on an experimental study where a comparison was made between various prepreg in their as-received, deconsolidated and stamp consolidated state. It was found that adding up small thickness variations across the width of a prepreg when stacking plies into a blank by automated lay-up can cause non-uniform consolidation. Additionally, deconsolidation of the prepreg does not seem to obstruct interlaminar bonding, while intralaminar voids initially present in a prepreg cannot be removed during stamp forming. An additional preconsolidation step after automated lay-up seems necessary to remove blank thickness variations and intralaminar voids for the current prepregs. Eliminating this process step and the successful combination of rapid automated lay-up and stamp forming requires prepregs which are void-free and have less thickness variation.

  9. Improving stamping simulation accuracy by accounting for realistic friction and lubrication conditions: Application to the door-outer of the Mercedes-Benz C-class Coupé

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hol, J.; Wiebenga, J. H.; Stock, J.; Wied, J.; Wiegand, K.; Carleer, B.


    In the stamping of automotive parts, friction and lubrication play a key role in achieving high quality products. In the development process of new automotive parts, it is therefore crucial to accurately account for these effects in sheet metal forming simulations. Only then, one can obtain reliable and realistic simulation results that correspond to the actual try-out and mass production conditions. In this work, the TriboForm software is used to accurately account for tribology-, friction-, and lubrication conditions in stamping simulations. The enhanced stamping simulations are applied and validated for the door-outer of the Mercedes- Benz C-Class Coupe. The project results demonstrate the improved prediction accuracy of stamping simulations with respect to both part quality and actual stamping process conditions.

  10. 48 CFR 246.472 - Inspection stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Government Contract Quality Assurance 246.472 Inspection stamping. (a) DoD quality inspection approval marking designs (stamps) may be used for both prime...) Policies and procedures regarding the use of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) quality...


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  12. New method for springback compensation for the stamping of sheet metal components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Birkert, A.; Hartmann, B.; Straub, M.


    The need for car body structures of higher strength and at the same time lower weight results in serious challenges for the stamping process. Especially the use of high strength steel and aluminium sheets is causing growing problems with regard to elastic springback. To produce accurate parts the stamping dies must be adjusted more or less by the amount of the springback in the opposite direction. For this purpose well-known software solutions use the Displacement Adjustment Method or algorithms which are closely based on that method. A crucial issue of this method is that the generated die surfaces deviate from those of the target geometry with regard to surface area. A new Physical Compensation Method has been developed and validated which takes geometrical nonlinearity into account and creates compensated die geometries with equal-in-area die surfaces. In contrast to the standard mathematical/geometrical approach, the adjusted geometry is generated by a physical approach, which makes use of the virtual part stiffness. Hereby the target geometry is being deformed mechanically in a virtual process based on the springback simulation results by applying virtual forces in an additional elastic simulation. By doing so better part dimensions can be obtained in less tool optimization loops.

  13. Mercury MESSENGER Stamp Unveiling

    NASA Image and Video Library


    From left, NASA Deputy Director, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, Jim Adams, NASA Kennedy Space Center Director of Education and External Relations Cheryl Hurst, United States Postal Service Vice President of Finance Steve Masse, NASA Mercury Astronaut Scott Carpenter, NASA Administrator Charles Boldin, Daughters of NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, Alice Wackermann, Laura Shepard Churchley, and Julie Jenkins, and NASA Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana pose for a photograph during an unveiling ceremony of two USPS stamps that commemorate and celebrate 50 years of US Spaceflight and the MESSENGER program during an event, Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. One stamp commemorates NASA’s Project Mercury, America’s first manned spaceflight program, and NASA astronaut Alan Shepard’s historic flight on May 5, 1961, aboard spacecraft Freedom 7. The other stamp draws attention to NASA’s unmanned MESSENGER mission, a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. On March 17, 2011, MESSENGER became the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Mercury. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

  14. Volcanology by Courier: Science in Stamps.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Glenn, William H.


    Summarized are five activities involving collection of postage stamps picturing volcanoes or related scenes for use as part of or at the conclusion of the study of volcanoes. Activity topics include volcanic features, location of volcanoes, related land features where volcanoes are not located, and making one's own volcano stamps. (DS)

  15. Quenching and Partitioning Process Development to Replace Hot Stamping of High Strength Automotive Steel

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    De Moor, Emmanuel

    The present project investigated Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) to process cold rolled steels to develop high strength sheet steels that exhibit superior ductility compared to available grades with the intent to allow forming of high strength parts at room temperature to provide an alternative to hot stamping of parts. Hot stamping of boron alloyed steel is the current technology to manufacture thinner gauge sections in automotive structures to guarantee anti-intrusion during collisions whilst improving fuel efficiency by decreasing vehicle weight. Hot stamping involves reheating steel to 900 °C or higher followed by deformation and quenching in the die to producemore » ultra-high strength materials. Hot stamping requires significant energy to reheat the steel and is less productive than traditional room temperature stamping operations. Stamping at elevated temperature was developed due to the lack of available steels with strength levels of interest possessing sufficient ductility enabling traditional room temperature forming. This process is seeing growing demand within the automotive industry and, given the reheating step in this operation, increased energy consumption during part manufacturing results. The present research program focused on the development of steel grades via Q&P processing that exhibit high strength and formability enabling room temperature forming to replace hot stamping. The main project objective consisted of developing sheet steels exhibiting minimum ultimate tensile strength levels of 1200 MPa in combination with minimum tensile elongation levels of 15 pct using Q&P processing through judicious alloy design and heat treating parameter definition. In addition, detailed microstructural characterization and study of properties, processing and microstructure interrelationships were pursued to develop strategies to further enhance tensile properties. In order to accomplish these objectives, alloy design was conducted towards achieving

  16. Integrated software package STAMP for minor planets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kochetova, O. M.; Shor, Viktor A.


    The integrated software package STAMP allowed for rapid and exact reproduction of the tables of the year-book 'Ephemerides of Minor Planets.' Additionally, STAMP solved the typical problems connected with the use of the year-book. STAMP is described. The year-book 'Ephemerides of Minor Planets' (EMP) is a publication used in many astronomical institutions around the world. It contains all the necessary information on the orbits of the numbered minor planets. Also, the astronomical coordinates are provided for each planet during its suitable observation period.

  17. The effect of cushion-ram pulsation on hot stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landgrebe, Dirk; Rautenstrauch, Anja; Kunke, Andreas; Polster, Stefan; Kriechenbauer, Sebastian; Mauermann, Reinhard


    Hot stamping is an important technology for manufacturing high-strength components. This technology offers the possibility to achieve significant weight reductions. In this study, cushion-ram pulsation (CRP), a new technology for hot stamping on servo-screw presses, was investigated and applied for hot stamping. Compared to a conventional process, the tests yielded a significantly higher drawing depth. In this paper, the CRP technology and the first test results with hot stamping were described in comparison to the conventional process.

  18. Using stamping punch force variation for the identification of changes in lubrication and wear mechanism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voss, B. M.; Pereira, M. P.; Rolfe, B. F.; Doolan, M. C.


    The growth in use of Advanced High Strength Steels in the automotive industry for light-weighting and safety has increased the rates of tool wear in sheet metal stamping. This is an issue that adds significant costs to production in terms of manual inspection and part refinishing. To reduce these costs, a tool condition monitoring system is required and a firm understanding of process signal variation must form the foundation for any such monitoring system. Punch force is a stamping process signal that is widely collected by industrial presses and has been linked closely to part quality and tool condition, making it an ideal candidate as a tool condition monitoring signal. In this preliminary investigation, the variation of punch force due to different lubrication conditions and progressive wear are examined. Linking specific punch force signature changes to developing lubrication and wear events is valuable for die wear and stamping condition monitoring. A series of semi-industrial channel forming trials were conducted under different lubrication regimes and progressive die wear. Punch force signatures were captured for each part and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to determine the key Principal Components of the signature data sets. These Principal Components were linked to the evolution of friction conditions over the course of the stroke for the different lubrication regimes and mechanism of galling wear. As a result, variation in punch force signatures were correlated to the current mechanism of wear dominant on the formed part; either abrasion or adhesion, and to changes in lubrication mechanism. The outcomes of this study provide important insights into punch force signature variation, that will provide a foundation for future work into the development of die wear and lubrication monitoring systems for sheet metal stamping.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  20. 75 FR 76037 - General Motors Corporation Grand Rapids Metal Center Metal Fabricating Division Including On-Site...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Corporation Grand Rapids Metal Center Metal Fabricating Division Including On-Site Leased Workers From... Corporation, Grand Rapids Metal Center, Metal Fabricating Division, including on- site leased workers from... of metal stampings and sub- assembled metal sheet components. The company reports that workers leased...

  1. [The stamp technique for direct composite restoration].


    Perrin, Philippe; Zimmerli, Brigitte; Jacky, Daniel; Lussi, Adrian; Helbling, Christoph; Ramseyer, Simon


    The indications for direct resin composite restorations are nowadays extended due to the development of modern resin materials with improved material properties. However, there are still some difficulties regarding handling of resin composite material, especially in large restorations. The reconstruction of a functional and individual occlusion is difficult to achieve with direct application techniques. The aim of the present publication was to introduce a new "stamp"-technique for placing large composite restorations. The procedure of this "stamp"-technique is presented by three typical indications: large single-tooth restoration, occlusal rehabilitation of a compromised occlusal surface due to erosions and direct fibre-reinforced fixed partial denture. A step-by-step description of the technique and clinical figures illustrates the method. Large single-tooth restorations can be built-up with individual, two- piece silicone stamps. Large occlusal abrasive and/or erosive defects can be restored by copying the wax-up from the dental technician using the "stamp"-technique. Even fiber-reinforced resin-bonded fixed partial dentures can be formed with this intraoral technique with more precision and within a shorter treatment time. The presented "stamp"-technique facilitates the placement of large restoration with composite and can be recommended for the clinical use.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    7. VIEW OF HYDRAULIC HAMMER STAMPING PRESS ON SIDE A OF BUILDING 883. THIS TYPE OF PRESS WAS USED FOR BOTH STAINLESS STEEL AND FOR DEPLETED URANIUM. (7/2/86) - Rocky Flats Plant, Uranium Rolling & Forming Operations, Southeast section of plant, southeast quadrant of intersection of Central Avenue & Eighth Street, Golden, Jefferson County, CO

  3. Impact of Simulation Technology on Die and Stamping Business

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stevens, Mark W.


    Over the last ten years, we have seen an explosion in the use of simulation-based techniques to improve the engineering, construction, and operation of GM production tools. The impact has been as profound as the overall switch to CAD/CAM from the old manual design and construction methods. The changeover to N/C machining from duplicating milling machines brought advances in accuracy and speed to our construction activity. It also brought significant reductions in fitting sculptured surfaces. Changing over to CAD design brought similar advances in accuracy, and today's use of solid modeling has enhanced that accuracy gain while finally leading to the reduction in lead time and cost through the development of parametric techniques. Elimination of paper drawings for die design, along with the process of blueprinting and distribution, provided the savings required to install high capacity computer servers, high-speed data transmission lines and integrated networks. These historic changes in the application of CAE technology in manufacturing engineering paved the way for the implementation of simulation to all aspects of our business. The benefits are being realized now, and the future holds even greater promise as the simulation techniques mature and expand. Every new line of dies is verified prior to casting for interference free operation. Sheet metal forming simulation validates the material flow, eliminating the high costs of physical experimentation dependent on trial and error methods of the past. Integrated forming simulation and die structural analysis and optimization has led to a reduction in die size and weight on the order of 30% or more. The latest techniques in factory simulation enable analysis of automated press lines, including all stamping operations with corresponding automation. This leads to manufacturing lines capable of running at higher levels of throughput, with actual results providing the capability of two or more additional strokes per

  4. DC-STAMP Is an Osteoclast Fusogen Engaged in Periodontal Bone Resorption

    PubMed Central

    Wisitrasameewong, W.; Kajiya, M.; Movila, A.; Rittling, S.; Ishii, T.; Suzuki, M.; Matsuda, S.; Mazda, Y.; Torruella, M.R.; Azuma, M.M.; Egashira, K.; Freire, M.O.; Sasaki, H.; Wang, C.Y.; Han, X.; Taubman, M.A.; Kawai, T.


    Dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein (DC-STAMP) plays a key role in the induction of osteoclast (OC) cell fusion, as well as DC-mediated immune regulation. While DC-STAMP gene expression is upregulated in the gingival tissue with periodontitis, its pathophysiological roles in periodontitis remain unclear. To evaluate the effects of DC-STAMP in periodontitis, anti-DC-STAMP–monoclonal antibody (mAb) was tested in a mouse model of ligature-induced periodontitis (n = 6–7/group) where Pasteurella pneumotropica (Pp)-reactive immune response activated T cells to produce receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), which, in turn, promotes the periodontal bone loss via upregulation of osteoclastogenesis. DC-STAMP was expressed on the cell surface of mature multinuclear OCs, as well as immature mononuclear OCs, in primary cultures of RANKL-stimulated bone marrow cells. Anti-DC-STAMP-mAb suppressed the emergence of large, but not small, multinuclear OCs, suggesting that DC-STAMP is engaged in the late stage of cell fusion. Anti-DC-STAMP-mAb also inhibited pit formation caused by RANKL-stimulated bone marrow cells. Attachment of ligature to a second maxillary molar induced DC-STAMP messenger RNA and protein, along with elevated tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase–positive (TRAP+) OCs and alveolar bone loss. As we expected, systemic administration of anti-DC-STAMP-mAb downregulated the ligature-induced alveolar bone loss. Importantly, local injection of anti-DC-STAMP-mAb also suppressed alveolar bone loss and reduced the total number of multinucleated TRAP+ cells in mice that received ligature attachment. Attachment of ligature induced significantly elevated tumor necrosis factor–α, interleukin-1β, and RANKL in the gingival tissue compared with the control site without ligature (P < 0.05), which was unaffected by local injection with either anti-DC-STAMP-mAb or control-mAb. Neither in vivo anti-Pp IgG antibody nor in vitro anti-Pp T

  5. Chemistry on Stamps.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schreck, James O.


    Suggests how postage stamps can be incorporated into chemistry teaching. Categories considered include emergence of chemistry as a science, metric system, atoms (and molecules and ions), stoichiometry, energy relationships in chemical systems, chemical bonding, nuclear chemistry, biochemistry, geochemistry, matter (gases, liquids, and solids),…

  6. Minerals on postage stamps: A mix of art, history, economics and geography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glover, Paul


    Most people would agree that minerals represent some of the most beautiful natural objects known to mankind, especially in the form of precious and semi-precious gemstones. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that they are often illustrated on stamps. Examples are the fine crystalline forms represented as coloured etchings in the French 1986 issue, and the stylized simplicity of the mineral stamps that were part of the Swiss Pro Patria series, issued annually between 1958 and 1961. I aim in this presentation to introduce the beautiful world of mineral illustrations on stamps. The talk cannot be comprehensive because of the very large number of minerals and stamps concerned, but it will introduce the range of minerals depicted on stamps, then look in some greater detail at several sets from France, Southern Africa and East Germany. Minerals become the subject of sets of stamps for many reasons. In many cases, it is part of an attempt by the particular national post office to depict the whole of the natural history of their country in stamp form - a statement of nationality and politics. The 1986 French issue was an example which followed sets of stamps that had already portrayed insects, flowers, trees and birds native to France. We also find that certain countries have produced several sets of stamps to mark the importance to their economy of mining particular minerals. Many African states depend upon minerals for much of their wealth and economic power, explaining why, for instance, Sierra Leone issued over 35 stamps on the subject of diamonds between 1965 and 1978, and why over 77% of mineral stamps come from countries with major mining interests. Countries with traditional links with the history of the study of geology and mining also produce mineral stamps. These are usually European countries with a long record of the study of the Earth, such as Germany and Switzerland. Curiously enough, though, despite its fine tradition of geological observation and research


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  8. 7 CFR 273.25 - Simplified Food Stamp Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Simplified Food Stamp Program. 273.25 Section 273.25 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS Program Alternatives...

  9. 7 CFR 273.25 - Simplified Food Stamp Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Simplified Food Stamp Program. 273.25 Section 273.25 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS Program Alternatives...

  10. 7 CFR 273.25 - Simplified Food Stamp Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Simplified Food Stamp Program. 273.25 Section 273.25 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS Program Alternatives...

  11. 7 CFR 273.25 - Simplified Food Stamp Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Simplified Food Stamp Program. 273.25 Section 273.25 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS Program Alternatives...

  12. Digital time stamping system based on open source technologies.


    Miskinis, Rimantas; Smirnov, Dmitrij; Urba, Emilis; Burokas, Andrius; Malysko, Bogdan; Laud, Peeter; Zuliani, Francesco


    A digital time stamping system based on open source technologies (LINUX-UBUNTU, OpenTSA, OpenSSL, MySQL) is described in detail, including all important testing results. The system, called BALTICTIME, was developed under a project sponsored by the European Commission under the Program FP 6. It was designed to meet the requirements posed to the systems of legal and accountable time stamping and to be applicable to the hardware commonly used by the national time metrology laboratories. The BALTICTIME system is intended for the use of governmental and other institutions as well as personal bodies. Testing results demonstrate that the time stamps issued to the user by BALTICTIME and saved in BALTICTIME's archives (which implies that the time stamps are accountable) meet all the regulatory requirements. Moreover, the BALTICTIME in its present implementation is able to issue more than 10 digital time stamps per second. The system can be enhanced if needed. The test version of the BALTICTIME service is free and available at http://baltictime. and

  13. STAMP2 increases oxidative stress and is critical for prostate cancer

    PubMed Central

    Jin, Yang; Wang, Ling; Qu, Su; Sheng, Xia; Kristian, Alexandr; Mælandsmo, Gunhild M; Pällmann, Nora; Yuca, Erkan; Tekedereli, Ibrahim; Gorgulu, Kivanc; Alpay, Neslihan; Sood, Anil; Lopez-Berestein, Gabriel; Fazli, Ladan; Rennie, Paul; Risberg, Bjørn; Wæhre, Håkon; Danielsen, Håvard E; Ozpolat, Bulent; Saatcioglu, Fahri


    The six transmembrane protein of prostate 2 (STAMP2) is an androgen-regulated gene whose mRNA expression is increased in prostate cancer (PCa). Here, we show that STAMP2 protein expression is increased in human PCa compared with benign prostate that is also correlated with tumor grade and treatment response. We also show that STAMP2 significantly increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) in PCa cells through its iron reductase activity which also depleted NADPH levels. Knockdown of STAMP2 expression in PCa cells inhibited proliferation, colony formation, and anchorage-independent growth, and significantly increased apoptosis. Furthermore, STAMP2 effects were, at least in part, mediated by activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4), whose expression is regulated by ROS. Consistent with in vitro findings, silencing STAMP2 significantly inhibited PCa xenograft growth in mice. Finally, therapeutic silencing of STAMP2 by systemically administered nanoliposomal siRNA profoundly inhibited tumor growth in two established preclinical PCa models in mice. These data suggest that STAMP2 is required for PCa progression and thus may serve as a novel therapeutic target. PMID:25680860

  14. 7 CFR 273.25 - Simplified Food Stamp Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Simplified Food Stamp Program. 273.25 Section 273.25 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS § 273.25 Simplified...

  15. A unique patterned diamond stamp for a periodically hierarchical nanoarray structure.


    Wang, Yi; Shen, Yanting; Xu, Weiqing; Xu, Shuping; Li, Hongdong


    A diamond stamp with a hierarchical pattern was designed for the direct preparation of a periodic nanoarray structure, which was prepared by the reactive ion etching technique with a hierarchical ultrathin alumina membrane (HUTAM) as a mask. The optimal etching conditions for fabricating the diamond stamp were discussed in order to realize a vertical nanopore structure, avoiding structural damage from lateral etching. By using this diamond stamp, a polymer film with the desired hierarchical nanorod array structure can be obtained easily via the simple stamping process, which greatly simplifies the processing procedure. More importantly, the stamp is reusable because of its super-hardness, which ensures the reproducibility of the nanorod array pattern. Another merit is that the smooth surface of the etched diamond can avoid the use of a release agent. Our results prove that this hard stamp can be used for quick preparation of an elaborate periodic nanoarray structure. This study is significant in that it solves the problems of high cost and easy damage of stamps in nanoimprint lithography, and it might inspire more sophisticated applications of such an ordered structure in nanoplasmonics, biochemical sensing and nanophotonic devices.

  16. 26 CFR 301.6805-1 - Redemption of stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... of the service center within three years from the date of the purchase of the stamps from the... where the actual date of purchase of the stamps from the Government cannot be established, it must be definitely shown in the claim whether they were so purchased within three years prior to the date of filing...

  17. Investigation of the Phase Formation of AlSi-Coatings for Hot Stamping of Boron Alloyed Steel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veit, R.; Hofmann, H.; Kolleck, R.; Sikora, S.


    Hot stamping of boron alloyed steel is gaining more and more importance for the production of high strength automotive body parts. Within hot stamping of quenchenable steels the blank is heated up to austenitization temperature, transferred to the tool, formed rapidly and quenched in the cooled tool. To avoid scale formation during the heating process of the blank, the sheet metal can be coated with an aluminium-silicum alloy. The meltimg temperature of this coating is below the austenitization temperature of the base material. This means, that a diffusion process between base material and coating has to take place during heating, leading to a higher melting temperature of the coating. In conventional heating devices, like roller hearth furnaces, the diffusion process is reached by relatively low heating rates. New technologies, like induction heating, reach very high heating rates and offer great potentials for the application in hot stamping. Till now it is not proofed, that this technology can be used with aluminum-silicon coated materials. This paper will present the results of comparative heating tests with a conventional furnace and an induction heating device. For different time/temperature-conditions the phase formation within the coating will be described.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    14. VIEW OF METAL ROLLING OPERATION. THE METALS ARE BEING PREPARED TO BE ROLLED INTO SHEETS OF SPECIFIC THICKNESS. COMPONENT PARTS WERE FABRICATED FROM THE METAL SHEETS. (11/82) - Rocky Flats Plant, Uranium Rolling & Forming Operations, Southeast section of plant, southeast quadrant of intersection of Central Avenue & Eighth Street, Golden, Jefferson County, CO


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Elliott, Amy M; Love, Lonnie J


    Additive manufacturing (AM) is an emerging manufacturing process that creates usable machine parts via layer-by-layer joining of a stock material. With this layer-wise approach, high-performance geometries can be created which are impossible with traditional manufacturing methods. Metal AM technology has the potential to significantly reduce the manufacturing burden of developing custom hardware; however, a major consideration in choosing a metal AM system is the required amount of operator involvement (i.e., operator burden) in the manufacturing process. The operator burden not only determines the amount of operator training and specialization required but also the usability of the system in a facility.more » As operators of several metal AM processes, the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) at Oak Ridge National Labs is uniquely poised to provide insight into requirements for operator involvement in each of the three major metal AM processes. The paper covers an overview of each of the three metal AM technologies, focusing on the burden on the operator to complete the build cycle, process the part for final use, and reset the AM equipment for future builds.« less

  20. 42 CFR 71.3 - Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...; Validation stamps. 71.3 Section 71.3 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps. (a) Designation of yellow fever... health department, may revoke designation. (b) Validation stamps. International Certificates of...

  1. 42 CFR 71.3 - Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...; Validation stamps. 71.3 Section 71.3 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps. (a) Designation of yellow fever... health department, may revoke designation. (b) Validation stamps. International Certificates of...

  2. 42 CFR 71.3 - Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...; Validation stamps. 71.3 Section 71.3 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps. (a) Designation of yellow fever... health department, may revoke designation. (b) Validation stamps. International Certificates of...

  3. 42 CFR 71.3 - Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...; Validation stamps. 71.3 Section 71.3 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... Designation of yellow fever vaccination centers; Validation stamps. (a) Designation of yellow fever... health department, may revoke designation. (b) Validation stamps. International Certificates of...

  4. Time to pay attention: attentional performance time-stamped prefrontal cholinergic activation, diurnality and performance

    PubMed Central

    Paolone, Giovanna; Lee, Theresa M.; Sarter, Martin


    Although the impairments in cognitive performance that result from shifting or disrupting daily rhythms have been demonstrated, the neuronal mechanisms that optimize fixed time daily performance are poorly understood. We previously demonstrated that daily practice of a sustained attention task (SAT) evokes a diurnal activity pattern in rats. Here we report that SAT practice at a fixed time produced practice time-stamped increases in prefrontal cholinergic neurotransmission that persisted after SAT practice was terminated and in a different environment. SAT time-stamped cholinergic activation occurred irrespective of whether the SAT was practiced during the light or dark phase or in constant light conditions. In contrast, prior daily practice of an operant schedule of reinforcement, albeit generating more rewards and lever presses per session than the SAT, neither activated the cholinergic system nor affected the animals' nocturnal activity pattern. Likewise, food-restricted animals exhibited strong food anticipatory activity (FAA) and attenuated activity during the dark period but FAA was not associated with increases in prefrontal cholinergic activity. Removal of cholinergic neurons impaired SAT performance and facilitated the reemergence of nocturnality. Shifting SAT practice away from a fixed time resulted in significantly lower performance. In conclusion, these experiments demonstrated that fixed time, daily practice of a task assessing attention generates a precisely practice time-stamped activation of the cortical cholinergic input system. Time-stamped cholinergic activation benefits fixed time performance and, if practiced during the light phase, contributes to a diurnal activity pattern. PMID:22933795

  5. Time to pay attention: attentional performance time-stamped prefrontal cholinergic activation, diurnality, and performance.


    Paolone, Giovanna; Lee, Theresa M; Sarter, Martin


    Although the impairments in cognitive performance that result from shifting or disrupting daily rhythms have been demonstrated, the neuronal mechanisms that optimize fixed-time daily performance are poorly understood. We previously demonstrated that daily practice of a sustained attention task (SAT) evokes a diurnal activity pattern in rats. Here, we report that SAT practice at a fixed time produced practice time-stamped increases in prefrontal cholinergic neurotransmission that persisted after SAT practice was terminated and in a different environment. SAT time-stamped cholinergic activation occurred regardless of whether the SAT was practiced during the light or dark phase or in constant-light conditions. In contrast, prior daily practice of an operant schedule of reinforcement, albeit generating more rewards and lever presses per session than the SAT, neither activated the cholinergic system nor affected the animals' nocturnal activity pattern. Likewise, food-restricted animals exhibited strong food anticipatory activity (FAA) and attenuated activity during the dark phase but FAA was not associated with increases in prefrontal cholinergic activity. Removal of cholinergic neurons impaired SAT performance and facilitated the reemergence of nocturnality. Shifting SAT practice away from a fixed time resulted in significantly lower performance. In conclusion, these experiments demonstrated that fixed-time, daily practice of a task assessing attention generates a precisely practice time-stamped activation of the cortical cholinergic input system. Time-stamped cholinergic activation benefits fixed-time performance and, if practiced during the light phase, contributes to a diurnal activity pattern.

  6. Use of tobacco tax stamps to prevent and reduce illicit tobacco trade--United States, 2014.


    Chriqui, Jamie; DeLong, Hillary; Gourdet, Camille; Chaloupka, Frank; Edwards, Sarah Matthes; Xu, Xin; Promoff, Gabbi


    Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. Increasing the unit price on tobacco products is the most effective tobacco prevention and control measure. Illicit tobacco trade (illicit trade) undermines high tobacco prices by providing tobacco users with cheaper-priced alternatives. In the United States, illicit trade primarily occurs when cigarettes are bought from states, jurisdictions, and federal reservation land with lower or no excise taxes, and sold in jurisdictions with higher taxes. Applying tax stamps to tobacco products, which provides documentation that taxes have been paid, is an important tool to combat illicit trade. Comprehensive tax stamping policy, which includes using digital, encrypted ("high-tech") stamps, applying stamps to all tobacco products, and working with tribes on stamping agreements, can further prevent and reduce illicit trade. This report describes state laws governing tax stamps on cigarettes, little cigars (cigarette-sized cigars), roll-your-own tobacco (RYOT), and tribal tobacco sales across the United States as of January 1, 2014, and assesses the extent of comprehensive tobacco tax stamping in the United States. Forty-four states (including the District of Columbia [DC]) applied traditional paper ("low-tech") tax stamps to cigarettes, whereas four authorized more effective high-tech stamps. Six states explicitly required stamps on other tobacco products (i.e., tobacco products other than cigarettes), and in approximately one third of states with tribal lands, tribes required tax stamping to address illicit purchases by nonmembers. No U.S. state had a comprehensive approach to tobacco tax stamping. Enhancing tobacco tax stamping across the country might further prevent and reduce illicit trade in the United States.

  7. A Technology Immune Technology Enabled Problem within an Action on Objects Framework: Stamping Functions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Connell, Michael; Abramovich, Sergei


    This paper illustrates how the notion of Technology Immune Technology Enabled (TITE) problems (Abramovich, 2014), in this case an exploration of variations in surface area we refer to as Stamping Functions, might be incorporated into a K-6 mathematics methods class operating within an Action on Objects framework (Connell, 2001). TITE problems have…

  8. STAMPS: Software Tool for Automated MRI Post-processing on a supercomputer.


    Bigler, Don C; Aksu, Yaman; Miller, David J; Yang, Qing X


    This paper describes a Software Tool for Automated MRI Post-processing (STAMP) of multiple types of brain MRIs on a workstation and for parallel processing on a supercomputer (STAMPS). This software tool enables the automation of nonlinear registration for a large image set and for multiple MR image types. The tool uses standard brain MRI post-processing tools (such as SPM, FSL, and HAMMER) for multiple MR image types in a pipeline fashion. It also contains novel MRI post-processing features. The STAMP image outputs can be used to perform brain analysis using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) or single-/multi-image modality brain analysis using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Since STAMPS is PBS-based, the supercomputer may be a multi-node computer cluster or one of the latest multi-core computers.

  9. 26 CFR 1.451-4 - Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and... Included § 1.451-4 Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons. (a) In general—(1) Subtraction from receipts. If an accrual method taxpayer issues trading stamps or premium coupons with sales, or an...

  10. 26 CFR 1.451-4 - Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and... Included § 1.451-4 Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons. (a) In general—(1) Subtraction from receipts. If an accrual method taxpayer issues trading stamps or premium coupons with sales, or an...

  11. 26 CFR 1.451-4 - Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and... Included § 1.451-4 Accounting for redemption of trading stamps and coupons. (a) In general—(1) Subtraction from receipts. If an accrual method taxpayer issues trading stamps or premium coupons with sales, or an...

  12. An investigation into the suitability of some etching reagents to restoring obliterated stamped numbers on cast iron engine blocks of cars.


    Abdul Wahab, Mohd Farizon; Mohamad Ghani, Nurul Izwani; Kuppuswamy, R


    Most of the automotive companies use cast iron for their engine blocks. Restoration of obliterated number on these iron surfaces by chemical etching is known to be quite difficult. Heating of the obliterated surface using oxyacetylene flame is an alternative recovery treatment suggested in literature and used in practice. However chemical etching has been established to be the most sensitive technique for detection of metal deformation present under stamped serial numbers. Hence, the current work investigated the suitability of some common etchants on cast iron surfaces with a view to determining the most suitable one for revealing the obliterated marks. The reagents tested were mostly copper containing Fry's reagent and its modifications. Two cast iron engine blocks (3.29%C and 3.1%C) of two cars--a Proton Saga and a Toyota--were utilized for the experiments. The engine blocks were cut into several small plates and each plate was stamped with some numerical characters at 8 kN load using Instron Table Mounted Universal Testing Machine. The depth of stamping impression varied between 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm. The stamped number was completely ground off manually using a metal file. The grounded surface was then polished smooth using emery papers and etched with a few selected reagents mostly by swabbing. Experimental results showed that a modified Fry's composition consisting of 4 5g CuCl(2), 100 mL HCl, and 180 mL H(2)O restored the number with better contrast at a reasonably shorter time. The above reagent is a slightly modified form of one of the Fry's original compositions--45 g CuCl(2), 180 mL HCl, and 100 mL H(2)O. Quite importantly the proposed reagent restored the original stamped numbers of both Proton and Toyota cars and also a Mitsubishi car that had been obliterated. The most widely used Fry's composition (90 g CuCl(2), 120 mL HCl and 100 mL H(2)O), although recovered the obliterated number, did not cause the desired contrast. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland

  13. 25 CFR 301.1 - Eligibility for use of Government stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Eligibility for use of Government stamp. 301.1 Section 301.1 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER AND TURQUOISE PRODUCTS; STANDARDS § 301.1 Eligibility for use of Government stamp. Subject to the...


    PubMed Central

    Mehrotra, Sumit; Lee, Ilsoon; Liu, Chun; Chan, Christina


    Polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) transfer printing has been previously achieved by stamping under dry conditions. Here, we show for the first time, that PEM can be transferred from a stamp to the base substrate under aqueous conditions whereby the two surfaces are in a non-contact mode. Degradable multilayers of (PAA/PEG)10.5 followed by non-degradable multilayers of (PDAC/SPS)80.5 were fabricated under acidic pH conditions on either PDMS or glass (stamp), and subsequently transferred over top of another multilayer prepared on a different substrate (base substrate), with a spacing of ~ 200 μm between the stamping surface and the base substrate. This multilayer transfer was performed under physiological pH conditions. This process is referred to herein as non-contact, aqueous-phase multilayer (NAM) transfer. NAM transfer can be useful for applications such as fabricating three-dimensional (3-D) cellular scaffolds. We attempted to create a 3-D cellular scaffold using NAM transfer, and characterized the scaffolds with conventional and fluorescence microscopy. PMID:21860540


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey



    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  17. Influence of temperature and friction on the 22MnB5 formability under hot stamping conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Venturato, G.; Ghiotti, A.; Bruschi, S.


    The need to increase the safety and decrease the weight of the car body-in-white has determined the success of the direct hot stamping process as a primary technology for the automotive sector. Thanks to this process, parts with high strength-to-weight ratio can be obtained along with high stiffness and increase of the crashworthiness properties. Moreover, the thinner metal sheets used to manufacture the pieces lead to a decrease of the total weight of the car body-in-white, with a consequent reduction of the CO2 emissions. The direct hot stamping process is becoming the key to obtain pieces with high mechanical properties, thanks to the quenching stage that allows the manufacture of complex shapes characterized by a fully martensitic structure, thanks to the forming stage at elevated temperature and subsequent hardening inside the cooled dies. The aim of this paper is the investigation of the influence that the forming temperature may have on the formability of 22MnB5 steel sheets, commonly used in the hot stamping process of automotive components. Nakajima tests were carried out at different temperatures and the Forming Limit Diagrams (FLDs) at rupture were obtained and analysed. The temperature influenced both the major and the minor strain at which the sheet failed, indicating that not only the formability increased at increasing temperature, but there was also a modification of the strain path, which means a modification of the strain states through which the part passes during the deformation process. Moreover, the influence of friction is studied using a model developed in the LS-Dyna FEM environment. The obtained data are of great importance for an accurate calibration of Finite Element (FE) models of the hot stamping of real components in order to get optimal process parameters to obtain defects-free pieces.

  18. Mathematical Modeling of Hydroelastic Oscillations of the Stamp and the Plate, Resting on Pasternak Foundation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mogilevich, L. I.; Popov, V. S.; Popova, A. A.; Christoforova, A. V.


    The forced oscillations of the elastic fixed stamp and the plate, resting on Pasternak foundation are studied. The oscillations are caused by pressure pulsation in liquid layer between the stamp and the plate. Pasternak model is chosen as an elastic foundation. The laws of the stamp movement, the plate deflection and pressure in the liquid are discovered on the basis of hydroelasticity problem analytical solution. The functions of amplitude deflection distribution and liquid pressure along the plate are constructed, as well as the stamp amplitude-frequency characteristic. The obtained mathematical model allows to investigate the dynamics of hydroelastic interaction of the stamp with the plate, resting on elastic foundation, to define resonance frequencies of the plate and the stamp and corresponding deflections amplitudes, as well as liquid presser amplitudes.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey



    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  1. Comparison of laser regimes for stamp cleaning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Radvan, Roxana N.; Dan, Suzana; Popovici, Nicoleta; Striber, J.; Savastru, Dan; Savastru, Roxana


    This paper presents a comparative study of the laser cleaning regimes applied to colored substrates with various chromatic characteristics, including colored paper and printed paper with different dpi (dots per inch) values. Tests are done under microscope with high precision techniques, using controlled Nd:YAG laser. The wavelength preponderantly used in the experiments is the Nd:YAG fundamental regime (1064 nm). Parallel experiments at 532 nm have been developed on difficult cases, or when the results were not satisfactory with 1064 nm. The main part of the work presents some results on stamp cleaning. Experimental results indicate that cleaning efficiency is correlated with the color of substrate, age of the ink on the stamp, color quality and paper quality.

  2. 41 CFR 101-25.103-3 - Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2011-07-01 2007-07-01 true Trading stamps or bonus... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103-3 Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors. When contracts contain a price reduction clause, any method (such as trading stamps or bonus...

  3. 41 CFR 101-25.103-3 - Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2014-07-01 2012-07-01 true Trading stamps or bonus... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103-3 Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors. When contracts contain a price reduction clause, any method (such as trading stamps or bonus...

  4. 41 CFR 101-25.103-3 - Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Trading stamps or bonus... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103-3 Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors. When contracts contain a price reduction clause, any method (such as trading stamps or bonus...

  5. 41 CFR 101-25.103-3 - Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2013-07-01 2012-07-01 true Trading stamps or bonus... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103-3 Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors. When contracts contain a price reduction clause, any method (such as trading stamps or bonus...

  6. 41 CFR 101-25.103-3 - Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Trading stamps or bonus... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103-3 Trading stamps or bonus goods received from contractors. When contracts contain a price reduction clause, any method (such as trading stamps or bonus...

  7. 49 CFR 179.400-24 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Specification for Cryogenic Liquid Tank Car Tanks and Seamless Steel Tanks (Classes DOT-113 and 107A) § 179.400... of required stamping Specification DOT-113A60W. Design service temperature Minus 423° F. Inner tank...

  8. Influence of preconsolidation on consolidation quality after stamp forming of C/PEEK composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slange, T. K.; Warnet, L.; Grouve, W. J. B.; Akkerman, R.


    Stamp forming is a rapid manufacturing technology used to shape flat blanks of thermoplastic composite material into three-dimensional components. Currently, expensive autoclave and press consolidation are used to preconsolidate blanks. This study investigates the influence of preconsolidation on final consolidation quality after stamp forming and explores the potential of alternative blank manufacturing methods that could reduce part costs. Blanks were manufactured using various blank manufacturing methods and subsequently were stamp formed. The consolidation quality both before and after stamp forming was compared, where the focus was on void content as the main measure for consolidation quality. The void content was characterized through thickness and density measurements, as well as by microscopy analysis. Results indicate that preconsolidation quality does have an influence on the final consolidation quality. This is due to the severe deconsolidation and limited reconsolidation during stamp forming. Nevertheless, the potential of automated fiber placement and ultrasonic spot welding as alternative blank manufacturing methods was demonstrated.

  9. Metal flow of a tailor-welded blank in deep drawing process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Qi; Guo, Ruiquan


    Tailor welded blanks were used in the automotive industry to consolidate parts, reduce weight, and increase safety. In recent years, this technology was developing rapidly in China. In Chinese car models, tailor welded blanks had been applied in a lot of automobile parts such as rail, door inner, bumper, floor panel, etc. Concerns on the properties of tailor welded blanks had become more and more important for automobile industry. A lot of research had shown that the strength of the welded seam was higher than that of the base metal, such that the weld failure in the aspect of strength was not a critical issue. However, formability of tailor welded blanks in the stamping process was complex. Among them, the metal flow of tailor welded blanks in the stamping process must be investigated thoroughly in order to reduce the scrap rate during the stamping process in automobile factories. In this paper, the behavior of metal flow for tailor welded blanks made by the laser welding process with two types of different thickness combinations were studied in the deep drawing process. Simulations and experiment verification of the movement of weld line for tailor welded blanks were discussed in detail. Results showed that the control on the movement of welded seam during stamping process by taking some measures in the aspect of blank holder was effective.

  10. 41 CFR 109-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 109-25.103 Section 109-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management..., trading stamps, or bonus goods. ...

  11. 41 CFR 109-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 109-25.103 Section 109-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management..., trading stamps, or bonus goods. ...

  12. 41 CFR 109-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 109-25.103 Section 109-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management..., trading stamps, or bonus goods. ...

  13. 41 CFR 109-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 109-25.103 Section 109-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management..., trading stamps, or bonus goods. ...

  14. 41 CFR 109-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 109-25.103 Section 109-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management..., trading stamps, or bonus goods. ...

  15. 41 CFR 101-25.103-4 - Disposition of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103-4 Section 101-25.103-4 Public Contracts and... materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. (a) Agencies shall, through the lowest appropriate activity, arrange for transfer of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods, without reimbursement in...

  16. 41 CFR 101-25.103-4 - Disposition of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103-4 Section 101-25.103-4 Public Contracts and... materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. (a) Agencies shall, through the lowest appropriate activity, arrange for transfer of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods, without reimbursement in...

  17. 41 CFR 101-25.103-4 - Disposition of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103-4 Section 101-25.103-4 Public Contracts and... materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. (a) Agencies shall, through the lowest appropriate activity, arrange for transfer of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods, without reimbursement in...

  18. 41 CFR 101-25.103-4 - Disposition of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103-4 Section 101-25.103-4 Public Contracts and... materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. (a) Agencies shall, through the lowest appropriate activity, arrange for transfer of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods, without reimbursement in...

  19. 41 CFR 101-25.103-4 - Disposition of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103-4 Section 101-25.103-4 Public Contracts and... materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. (a) Agencies shall, through the lowest appropriate activity, arrange for transfer of promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods, without reimbursement in...

  20. 49 CFR 179.200-24 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.200-24 Stamping. (a) To...

  1. 49 CFR 179.100-20 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, 114 and 120) § 179.100-20 Stamping. (a) To...

  2. 27 CFR 479.162 - Stamps authorized.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Stamps authorized. 479.162 Section 479.162 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  3. 27 CFR 479.162 - Stamps authorized.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Stamps authorized. 479.162 Section 479.162 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  4. 27 CFR 479.162 - Stamps authorized.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Stamps authorized. 479.162 Section 479.162 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  5. 27 CFR 479.162 - Stamps authorized.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Stamps authorized. 479.162 Section 479.162 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  6. 27 CFR 479.162 - Stamps authorized.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Stamps authorized. 479.162 Section 479.162 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  7. Teaching Hispanic Culture with Postage Stamps.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nuessel, Frank


    Methods for using postage stamps to their greatest potential in any level Spanish class are outlined, with illustrations and examples provided. Among the subjects that can be addressed through this medium are economics, politics, anthropology, archaeology, history, language and literature, geography, and music. (MSE)

  8. 49 CFR 179.220-25 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.220-25 Stamping. To certify that the tank...

  9. 49 CFR 179.100-20 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, 114 and 120) § 179.100-20 Stamping. (a) To certify that the...

  10. 49 CFR 179.100-20 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, 114 and 120) § 179.100-20 Stamping. (a) To certify that the...

  11. 49 CFR 179.100-20 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, 114 and 120) § 179.100-20 Stamping. (a) To certify that the...

  12. Photovoltaic cells with a graded active region achieved using stamp transfer printing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Forrest, Stephen R.; Lee, Jun Yeob; Cho, Yong Joo

    Disclosed herein are processes for fabricating organic photosensitive optoelectronic devices with a vertical compositionally graded organic active layer. The processes use either a single-stamp or double-stamp printing technique to transfer the vertical compositionally graded organic active layer from a starting substrate to a device layer.

  13. 49 CFR 179.200-24 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.200-24 Stamping. (a) To certify that the tank...

  14. 49 CFR 179.200-24 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.200-24 Stamping. (a) To certify that the tank...

  15. 49 CFR 179.220-25 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.220-25 Stamping. (a) To certify that the tank...

  16. 49 CFR 179.200-24 - Stamping.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW and 115AW) § 179.200-24 Stamping. (a) To certify that the tank...

  17. 41 CFR 101-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2011-07-01 2007-07-01 true Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103 Section 101-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103 Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus...

  18. 41 CFR 101-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2014-07-01 2012-07-01 true Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103 Section 101-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103 Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus...

  19. 41 CFR 101-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2013-07-01 2012-07-01 true Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103 Section 101-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103 Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus...

  20. 41 CFR 101-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103 Section 101-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103 Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus...

  1. 41 CFR 101-25.103 - Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus goods. 101-25.103 Section 101-25.103 Public Contracts and Property Management... PROCUREMENT 25-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.103 Promotional materials, trading stamps, or bonus...

  2. High Thermal Conductivity and High Wear Resistance Tool Steels for cost-effective Hot Stamping Tools

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valls, I.; Hamasaiid, A.; Padré, A.


    In hot stamping/press hardening, in addition to its shaping function, the tool controls the cycle time, the quality of the stamped components through determining the cooling rate of the stamped blank, the production costs and the feasibility frontier for stamping a given component. During the stamping, heat is extracted from the stamped blank and transported through the tool to the cooling medium in the cooling lines. Hence, the tools’ thermal properties determine the cooling rate of the blank, the heat transport mechanism, stamping times and temperature distribution. The tool’s surface resistance to adhesive and abrasive wear is also an important cost factor, as it determines the tool durability and maintenance costs. Wear is influenced by many tool material parameters, such as the microstructure, composition, hardness level and distribution of strengthening phases, as well as the tool’s working temperature. A decade ago, Rovalma developed a hot work tool steel for hot stamping that features a thermal conductivity of more than double that of any conventional hot work tool steel. Since that time, many complimentary grades have been developed in order to provide tailored material solutions as a function of the production volume, degree of blank cooling and wear resistance requirements, tool geometries, tool manufacturing method, type and thickness of the blank material, etc. Recently, Rovalma has developed a new generation of high thermal conductivity, high wear resistance tool steel grades that enable the manufacture of cost effective tools for hot stamping to increase process productivity and reduce tool manufacturing costs and lead times. Both of these novel grades feature high wear resistance and high thermal conductivity to enhance tool durability and cut cycle times in the production process of hot stamped components. Furthermore, one of these new grades reduces tool manufacturing costs through low tool material cost and hardening through readily

  3. Ultrathin high-resolution flexographic printing using nanoporous stamps

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Sanha; Sojoudi, Hossein; Zhao, Hangbo; Mariappan, Dhanushkodi; McKinley, Gareth H.; Gleason, Karen K.; Hart, A. John


    Since its invention in ancient times, relief printing, commonly called flexography, has been used to mass-produce artifacts ranging from decorative graphics to printed media. Now, higher-resolution flexography is essential to manufacturing low-cost, large-area printed electronics. However, because of contact-mediated liquid instabilities and spreading, the resolution of flexographic printing using elastomeric stamps is limited to tens of micrometers. We introduce engineered nanoporous microstructures, comprising polymer-coated aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs), as a next-generation stamp material. We design and engineer the highly porous microstructures to be wetted by colloidal inks and to transfer a thin layer to a target substrate upon brief contact. We demonstrate printing of diverse micrometer-scale patterns of a variety of functional nanoparticle inks, including Ag, ZnO, WO3, and CdSe/ZnS, onto both rigid and compliant substrates. The printed patterns have highly uniform nanoscale thickness (5 to 50 nm) and match the stamp features with high fidelity (edge roughness, ~0.2 μm). We derive conditions for uniform printing based on nanoscale contact mechanics, characterize printed Ag lines and transparent conductors, and achieve continuous printing at a speed of 0.2 m/s. The latter represents a combination of resolution and throughput that far surpasses industrial printing technologies. PMID:27957542

  4. Determination of Proper Austenitization Temperatures for Hot Stamping of AISI 4140 Steel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samadian, Pedram; Parsa, Mohammad Habibi; Shakeri, Amid


    High strength steels are desirable materials for use in automobile bodies in order to reduce vehicle weight and increase the safety of car passengers, but steel grades with high strength commonly show poor formability. Recently, steels with controlled microstructures and compositions are used to gain adequate strength after hot stamping while maintaining good formability during processing. In this study, microstructure evolutions and changes in mechanical properties of AISI 4140 steel sheets resulting from the hot stamping process at different austenitization temperatures were investigated. To determine the proper austenitization temperatures, the results were compared with those of the cold-worked and cold-worked plus quench-tempered specimens. Comparisons showed that the austenitization temperatures of 1000 and 1100 °C are proper for hot stamping of 3-mm-thick AISI 4140 steel sheets due to the resultant martensitic microstructure which led to the yield and ultimate tensile strength of 1.3 and 2.1 GPa, respectively. Such conditions resulted in more favorable simultaneous strength and elongation than those of hot-stamped conventional boron steels.

  5. Stamping Die Making. 439-318/320.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yunke, P.; And Others

    Each unit in this curriculum guide on stamping die making contains an introduction, objectives, materials required, lessons, space for notes, figures, and diagrams. There are 29 units in this guide, dealing with the following topics: EZ-MILL programming; EZ-MILL BATT; print of punch and EZ-MILL part programming; download to Computer Numerical…

  6. Stamps Tell the Story of Nuclear Energy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Angelo, Joseph A., Jr.

    This document provides a summary history of the individual scientists principally responsible for the development of nuclear physics and a survey of modern utilization of atomic energy. Identified throughout the booklet are postage stamps illustrating each individual and topic discussed. (SL)

  7. 27 CFR 46.116 - Issuance, distribution, and examination of special tax stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... multiple locations, TTB will send to the taxpayer's principal place of business (or principal office in the... attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t required by § 46.101(b)(2). (b) Distribution of special tax stamps for... for each location listed on the attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t and that the information on each stamp...

  8. 27 CFR 46.116 - Issuance, distribution, and examination of special tax stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... multiple locations, TTB will send to the taxpayer's principal place of business (or principal office in the... attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t required by § 46.101(b)(2). (b) Distribution of special tax stamps for... for each location listed on the attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t and that the information on each stamp...

  9. Kinetic and kinematic analysis of stamping impacts during simulated rucking in rugby union.


    Oudshoorn, Bodil Y; Driscoll, Heather F; Dunn, Marcus; James, David


    Laceration injuries account for up to 23% of injuries in rugby union. They are frequently caused by studded footwear as a result of a player stamping onto another player during the ruck. Little is known about the kinetics and kinematics of rugby stamping impacts; current test methods assessing laceration injury risk of stud designs therefore lack informed test parameters. In this study, twelve participants stamped on an anthropomorphic test device in a one-on-one simulated ruck setting. Velocity and inclination angle of the foot prior to impact was determined from high-speed video footage. Total stamping force and individual stud force were measured using pressure sensors. Mean foot inbound velocity was 4.3 m ∙ s -1 (range 2.1-6.3 m ∙ s -1 ). Mean peak total force was 1246 N and mean peak stud force was 214 N. The total mean effective mass during stamping was 6.6 kg (range: 1.6-13.5 kg) and stud effective mass was 1.2 kg (range: 0.5-2.9 kg). These results provide representative test parameters for mechanical test devices designed to assess laceration injury risk of studded footwear for rugby union.

  10. Improving the Quality of Hot Stamping Parts with Innovative Press Technology and Inline Process Control

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vollmer, R.; Palm, C.


    The increasing number of hot stamped parts in the automotive industry is challenging different process areas. This paper presents a method how to improve the production rates over the whole life cycle of a hot forming part. In the core element of a hot forming line, the hydraulic press, mainly two processing steps are performed. Forming and quenching of the sheet metal part. In addition to the forming operation, it is inevitable to optimize the quenching condition in the bottom dead centre in order to reach a fully martensitic structure and tight geometrical tolerances of the part. Deviations in the blank thickness, tool wear, polishing of classical tools impair the quenching condition and therefore the part quality over the time. A new press and tool design has been developed to counter this effect by providing homogenous contact pressure over the whole die. Especially with a multi cavity tool, the new method is advantageous. Test series have shown that the new tool and press concept can produce parts with a blank thickness of 1.0 mm within 8.0 s cycle time. The so called PCH flex principle makes it possible to produce such high output rates under reliable conditions.

  11. Limited indications of tax stamp discordance and counterfeiting on cigarette packs purchased in tobacco retailers, 97 counties, USA, 2012.


    Lee, Joseph G L; Golden, Shelley D; Ribisl, Kurt M


    Increasing the per-unit cost of tobacco products is one of the strongest interventions for tobacco control. In jurisdictions with higher taxes in the U.S., however, cigarette pack litter studies show a substantial proportion of littered packs lack the appropriate tax stamp. More limited but still present counterfeiting also exists. We sought to examine the role of tobacco retailers as a source for untaxed and counterfeit products. Data collectors purchased Newport Green (menthol) or Marlboro Red cigarette packs in a national probability-based sample of tobacco retailers (in 97 counties) from June-October 2012. They made no effort to buy counterfeit or untaxed cigarettes. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the presence, tax authority, and type (low-tech thermal vs. encrypted) of cigarette pack tax stamps; concordance of tax stamps with where the pack was purchased; and, for Marlboro cigarettes, publicly available visible indicators of counterfeiting. We purchased 2147 packs of which 2033 had tax stamps. Packs missing stamps were in states that do not require them. We found very limited discordance between store location and tax stamp(s) (< 1%). However, a substantial minority of cigarette packs had damaged tax stamps (13%). This occurred entirely with low-tech tax stamps and was not identified with encrypted tax stamps. We found no clear evidence of counterfeit products. Almost all tax stamps matched the location of purchase. Litter studies may be picking up legal tax avoidance instead of illegal tax evasion or, alternatively, purchase of illicit products requires special request by the purchaser.

  12. Weld Repair of a Stamped Pressure Vessel in a Radiologically Controlled Zone

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cannell, Gary L.; Huth, Ralph J.; Hallum, Randall T.


    In September 2012 an ASME B&PVC Section VIII stamped pressure vessel located at the DOE Hanford Site Effluent Treatment Facility (ETF) developed a through-wall leak. The vessel, a steam/brine heat exchanger, operated in a radiologically controlled zone (by the CH2MHill PRC or CHPRC), had been in service for approximately 17 years. The heat exchanger is part of a single train evaporator process and its failure caused the entire system to be shut down, significantly impacting facility operations. This paper describes the activities associated with failure characterization, technical decision making/planning for repair by welding, logistical challenges associated with performing work inmore » a radiologically controlled zone, performing the repair, and administrative considerations related to ASME code requirements.« less

  13. Rasch analysis of Stamps's Index of Work Satisfaction in nursing population.


    Ahmad, Nora; Oranye, Nelson Ositadimma; Danilov, Alyona


    One of the most commonly used tools for measuring job satisfaction in nursing is the Stamps Index of Work Satisfaction. Several studies have reported on the reliability of the Stamps' tool based on traditional statistical model. The aim of this study was to apply the Rasch model to examine the adequacy of Stamps's Index of Work Satisfaction for measuring nurses' job satisfaction cross-culturally and to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument using the Rasch criteria. A secondary data analysis was conducted on a sample of 556 registered nurses from two countries. The RUMM 2030 software was used to analyse the psychometric properties of the Index of Work Satisfaction. The persons mean location of -0.018 approximated the items mean of 0.00, suggesting a good alignment of the measure and the traits being measured. However, at the items level, some items were misfiting to the Rasch model.

  14. Soil Temperature and Moisture Profile (STAMP) System Handbook

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cook, David R.

    The soil temperature and moisture profile system (STAMP) provides vertical profiles of soil temperature, soil water content (soil-type specific and loam type), plant water availability, soil conductivity, and real dielectric permittivity as a function of depth below the ground surface at half-hourly intervals, and precipitation at one-minute intervals. The profiles are measured directly by in situ probes at all extended facilities of the SGP climate research site. The profiles are derived from measurements of soil energy conductivity. Atmospheric scientists use the data in climate models to determine boundary conditions and to estimate the surface energy flux. The data are alsomore » useful to hydrologists, soil scientists, and agricultural scientists for determining the state of the soil. The STAMP system replaced the SWATS system in early 2016.« less

  15. 27 CFR 479.87 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.87 Section 479.87 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  16. 27 CFR 479.67 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.67 Section 479.67 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  17. 27 CFR 479.67 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Cancellation of stamp. 479.67 Section 479.67 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  18. 27 CFR 479.67 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.67 Section 479.67 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  19. 27 CFR 479.67 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.67 Section 479.67 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  20. 27 CFR 479.87 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Cancellation of stamp. 479.87 Section 479.87 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  1. 27 CFR 479.67 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Cancellation of stamp. 479.67 Section 479.67 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  2. 27 CFR 479.87 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Cancellation of stamp. 479.87 Section 479.87 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  3. 27 CFR 479.87 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.87 Section 479.87 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  4. 27 CFR 479.87 - Cancellation of stamp.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Cancellation of stamp. 479.87 Section 479.87 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND CERTAIN...

  5. Stamp forming optimization for formability and crystallinity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Donderwinkel, T. G.; Rietman, B.; Haanappel, S. P.; Akkerman, R.


    The stamp forming process is well suited for high volume production of thermoplastic composite parts. The process can be characterized as highly non-isothermal as it involves local quench-cooling of a molten thermoplastic composite blank where it makes contact with colder tooling. The formability of the thermoplastic composite depends on the viscoelastic material behavior of the matrix material, which is sensitive to temperature and degree of crystallinity. An experimental study was performed to determine the effect of temperature and crystallinity on the storage modulus during cooling for a woven glass fiber polyamide-6 composite material. An increase of two decades in modulus was observed during crystallization. As this will significantly impede the blank formability, the onset of crystallization effectively governs the time available for forming. Besides the experimental work, a numerical model is developed to study the temperature and crystallinity throughout the stamp forming process. A process window can be determined by feeding the model with the experimentally obtained data on crystallization.

  6. ELID grinding characteristics of large stamping die for Wolter mirror.


    Yin, Shaohui; Ohmori, Hitoshi; Liu, Qing; Morita, Shinnya; Chen, Fengjun; Asami, Muneaki; Fan, Yufeng


    An ultra-precision ELID grinding of large stamping dies of Wolter mirror for X-ray telescope was presented in this paper. The large stamping dies (S55C) with confocal paraboloid and hyperboloid was ground by ELID arc-enveloped grinding. In this ELID grinding system, cast iron fiber bonded (CIFB) diamond wheels were controlled by 3-dimentional ways to scan the work-piece and generate required surfaces. Its grinding characteristics such as attainable form accuracy, surface roughness were investigated. Furthermore, some measures to improve form accuracy were discussed and verified such as truing, compensating, and on-machine measuring.

  7. Investigation into the Fiber Orientation Effect on the Formability of GLARE Materials in the Stamp Forming Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Shichen; Lang, Lihui; Sherkatghanad, Ehsan; Wang, Yao; Xu, Wencai


    Glass-reinforced aluminum laminate (GLARE) is a new class of fiber metal laminates (FMLs) which has the advantages such as high tensile strength, outstanding fatigue, impact resistance, and excellent corrosion properties. GLARE has been extensively applied in advanced aerospace and automobile industries. However, the deformation behavior of the glass fiber during forming must be studied to the benefits of the good-quality part we form. In this research, we focus on the effect of fiber layer orientation on the GLARE laminate formability in stamp forming process. Experimental and numerical analysis of stamping a hemisphere part in different fiber orientation is investigated. The results indicate that unidirectional and multi-directional fiber in the middle layer make a significant effect on the thinning and also surface forming quality of the three layer sheet. Furthermore, the stress-strain distribution of the aluminum alloy and the unique anisotropic property of the fiber layer exhibit that fiber layer orientation can also affect the forming depths as well as the fracture modes of the laminate. According to the obtained results, it is revealed that multi-directional fiber layers are a good alternative compared to the unidirectional fibers especially when a better formability is the purpose.

  8. Application of a dislocation based model for Interstitial Free (IF) steels to typical stamping simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carvalho Resende, T.; Balan, T.; Abed-Meraim, F.; Bouvier, S.; Sablin, S.-S.


    composition. During sheet metal forming processes local material points may experience multi-axial and multi-path loadings. Before simulating actual industrial parts, automotive manufacturers use validation tools—e.g. the Cross-Die stamping test. Such typical stamping tests enable the evaluation of a complex distribution of strains. The work described is an implementation [2] of a 3D dislocation based model in ABAQUS/Explicit and its validation on a Finite Element (FE) Cross-Die model. In order to assess the performance and relevance of the 3D dislocation based model in the simulation of industrial forming applications, the results of thinning profiles predicted along several directions and the strain distribution were obtained and compared with experimental results for IF steels with grain sizes varying in the 8-22 μm value range.

  9. Fabrication of metal nanopatterns for organic field effect transistor electrodes by cracking and transfer printing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Xiaonan; Fu, Tingting; Wang, Zhe


    In this paper, we demonstrate a novel method for fabricating metal nanopatterns using cracking to address the limitations of traditional techniques. Parallel crack arrays were created in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold using a combination of surface modification and control of strain fields. The elastic PDMS containing the crack arrays was subsequently used as a stamp to prepare nanoscale metal patterns on a substrate by transfer printing. To illustrate the functionality of this technique, we employed the metal patterns as the source and drain contacts of an organic field effect transistor. Using this approach, we fabricated transistors with channel lengths ranging from 70-600 nm. The performance of these devices when the channel length was reduced was studied. The drive current density increases as expected, indicating the creation of operational transistors with recognizable properties.

  10. Sensitivity Analysis of the Sheet Metal Stamping Processes Based on Inverse Finite Element Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Maolin; Du, R.


    Sheet metal stamping is one of the most commonly used manufacturing processes, and hence, much research has been carried for economic gain. Searching through the literatures, however, it is found that there are still a lots of problems unsolved. For example, it is well known that for a same press, same workpiece material, and same set of die, the product quality may vary owing to a number of factors, such as the inhomogeneous of the workpice material, the loading error, the lubrication, and etc. Presently, few seem able to predict the quality variation, not to mention what contribute to the quality variation. As a result, trial-and-error is still needed in the shop floor, causing additional cost and time delay. This paper introduces a new approach to predict the product quality variation and identify the sensitive design / process parameters. The new approach is based on a combination of inverse Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and Monte Carlo Simulation (more specifically, the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) approach). With an acceptable accuracy, the inverse FEM (also called one-step FEM) requires much less computation load than that of the usual incremental FEM and hence, can be used to predict the quality variations under various conditions. LHS is a statistical method, through which the sensitivity analysis can be carried out. The result of the sensitivity analysis has clear physical meaning and can be used to optimize the die design and / or the process design. Two simulation examples are presented including drawing a rectangular box and drawing a two-step rectangular box.

  11. Effects on response rates and costs of stamps vs business reply in a mail survey of physicians.


    Urban, N; Anderson, G L; Tseng, A


    In the general population, the use of stamps rather than business reply postage significantly improves response rates in mail surveys. Among physicians, however, a smaller effect might be anticipated due to their greater sophistication. An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that stamps would improve response rates and lower costs in a physician survey that included intensive follow up. In 1989, 380 physicians who reported providing primary care were surveyed. The protocol included two mailings, a postcard reminder, and two telephone reminders. Physicians were randomly assigned to receive a return envelope with a first-class stamp or an envelope that had been preprinted "business reply mail" in the first and second mailings. Response rates, calculated as completed surveys divided by eligible physicians, were 83.8 and 72.1% for stamps and business reply respectively, a difference of 11.7 percentage points (p < 0.01). Moreover, the total cost per completed survey was $11.18 for the physicians receiving stamps and $14.25 for the physicians receiving business reply. As in mail surveys of the general public, the use of first-class stamps on return envelopes both improves response rates and reduces cost in surveys of physicians.

  12. Self-supporting hydrogel stamps for the microcontact printing of proteins.


    Coq, Naïs; van Bommel, Ties; Hikmet, Rifat A; Stapert, Hendrik R; Dittmer, Wendy U


    In this work we explore a new hydrogel stamp material obtained from polymerizing 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate in the presence of water for the microcontact printing of proteins directly on gold substrates and by covalent coupling to self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols. At high cross-link density, the hydrogel is rigid, hydrophilic, and with a high buffer holding capacity to enable the unsupported printing of protein patterns homogeneously and reproducibly, with micrometer-range precision. The stamps were used to print antibodies to human parathyroid hormone, which were shown using immunoassay tests to retain their biological function with binding capacities comparable to those of solution-adsorbed antibodies.

  13. STAMP-Based HRA Considering Causality Within a Sociotechnical System: A Case of Minuteman III Missile Accident.


    Rong, Hao; Tian, Jin


    The study contributes to human reliability analysis (HRA) by proposing a method that focuses more on human error causality within a sociotechnical system, illustrating its rationality and feasibility by using a case of the Minuteman (MM) III missile accident. Due to the complexity and dynamics within a sociotechnical system, previous analyses of accidents involving human and organizational factors clearly demonstrated that the methods using a sequential accident model are inadequate to analyze human error within a sociotechnical system. System-theoretic accident model and processes (STAMP) was used to develop a universal framework of human error causal analysis. To elaborate the causal relationships and demonstrate the dynamics of human error, system dynamics (SD) modeling was conducted based on the framework. A total of 41 contributing factors, categorized into four types of human error, were identified through the STAMP-based analysis. All factors are related to a broad view of sociotechnical systems, and more comprehensive than the causation presented in the accident investigation report issued officially. Recommendations regarding both technical and managerial improvement for a lower risk of the accident are proposed. The interests of an interdisciplinary approach provide complementary support between system safety and human factors. The integrated method based on STAMP and SD model contributes to HRA effectively. The proposed method will be beneficial to HRA, risk assessment, and control of the MM III operating process, as well as other sociotechnical systems. © 2014, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

  14. Do postage stamps versus pre-paid envelopes increase responses to patient mail surveys? A randomised controlled trial.


    Lavelle, Katrina; Todd, Chris; Campbell, Malcolm


    Studies largely from the market research field suggest that the inclusion of a stamped addressed envelope, rather than a pre-paid business reply, increases the response rate to mail surveys. The evidence that this is also the case regarding patient mail surveys is limited. The aim of this study is to investigate whether stamped addressed envelopes increase response rates to patient mail surveys compared to pre-paid business reply envelopes and compare the relative costs. A sample of 477 initial non-responders to a mail survey of patients attending breast clinics in Greater Manchester between 1/10/2002 - 31/7/2003 were entered into the trial: 239 were randomly allocated to receive a stamped envelope and 238 to receive a pre-paid envelope in with their reminder surveys. Overall cost and per item returned were calculated. The response to the stamped envelope group was 31.8% (95% CI: 25.9% - 37.7%) compared to 26.9% (21.3% - 32.5%) for the pre-paid group. The difference (4.9% 95% CI: -3.3% - 13.1%) is not significant at alpha = 0.05 (chi2 = 1.39; 2 tailed test, d.f. = 1; P = 0.239). The stamped envelopes were cheaper in terms of cost per returned item (1.20 pounds) than the pre-paid envelopes (1.67 pounds). However if the set up cost for the licence to use the pre-paid service is excluded, the cost of the stamped envelopes is more expensive than pre-paid returns (1.20 pounds versus 0.73 pounds). Compared with pre-paid business replies, stamped envelopes did not produce a statistically significant increase in response rate to this patient survey. However, the response gain of the stamped strategy (4.9%) is similar to that demonstrated in a Cochrane review (5.3%) of strategies to increase response to general mail surveys. Further studies and meta analyses of patient responses to mail surveys via stamped versus pre-paid envelopes are needed with sufficient power to detect response gains of this magnitude in a patient population.

  15. Study of Theories about Myopia Progression (STAMP) Design and Baseline Data

    PubMed Central

    Berntsen, David A.; Mutti, Donald O.; Zadnik, Karla


    Purpose The Study of Theories about Myopia Progression (STAMP) is a two-year, double-masked, randomized clinical trial of myopic children 6 to 11 years old. STAMP will evaluate the one-year effect of progressive addition lenses (PALs) compared to single vision lenses (SVLs) on central refraction, peripheral refraction in four quadrants, and accommodative response and convergence. STAMP will also evaluate any changes one year after discontinuing PALs. Baseline characteristics of enrolled children are reported. Methods Eligible children had a high accommodative lag and either: (1) low myopia (less myopic than −2.25 D spherical equivalent) or (2) high myopia (more myopic that −2.25 D spherical equivalent) and esophoria at near. Children were randomly assigned to wear either PALs or SVLs for one year to determine the difference in myopia progression in the PAL group relative to the SVL group. All children will then wear SVLs for the second year to evaluate the permanence of any treatment effect. Complete ocular biometric data are collected at six-month intervals. Results Over 17 months, 192 children were screened, and 85 (44%) were eligible and enrolled. Of these 85 children, 44 (52%) were female, and 54 (64%) were esophoric at near. The mean age (± SD) was 9.8 ± 1.3 years. The right eye mean cycloplegic spherical equivalent refractive error was −1.95 ± 0.78 D. Horizontal relative peripheral hyperopia (30° nasal retina +0.56 ± 0.59 D; 30° temporal retina +0.61 ± 0.77 D) and vertical relative peripheral myopia (30° superior retina −0.36 ± 0.92 D; 20° inferior retina −0.48 ± 0.83 D) were found. Conclusions The baseline data for STAMP are reported. Asymmetry between vertical and horizontal meridian relative peripheral refraction was found. STAMP will utilize the ocular biometric changes associated with the PAL-treatment effect to attempt to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the treatment effect. PMID:20935586

  16. Pixel Palette: Put Your Stamp on It.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Osterer, Irv


    Describes a project used in a senior information design class where the students created their own self-portraits on rubber stamps through the use of Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Explains that the students learned about the difference between line art and continuous tone images as well as the effects of printing ink and papers. (CMK)

  17. Investigation of the influence of process parameters on adhesive wear under hot stamping conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schwingenschlögl, P.; Weldi, M.; Merklein, M.


    Current challenges like increasing safety standards and reducing fuel consumption motivate lightweight construction in modern car bodies. Besides using lightweight workpiece materials like aluminum, hot stamping has been established as a key technology for producing safety relevant components. Producing hot stamped parts out of ultra-high strength steels offers the possibility to improve the crash performance. At the same time the weight of car structure is reduced by using thinner sheet thicknesses. In order to avoid oxide scale formation and ensure corrosion protection, AlSi coatings are commonly deposited on the sheet surfaces used for direct hot stamping. This workpiece coating has a critical impact on the tribological conditions within the forming process and, as a consequence, influences the quality of hot stamped parts as well as tool wear. AlSi coatings have been identified as major reason for adhesive wear, which represents the main wear mechanism in hot stamping. Within this study, the influence of the process parameters on adhesive wear are investigated in dependency of workpiece and tool temperatures, drawing velocities and contact pressures. The tribological behavior is analyzed based on strip drawing experiments under direct hot stamping conditions. The experiments are performed with AlSi coated 22MnB5 in contact with the hot working tool steel 1.2367. For analyzing the amount of adhesion on the friction jaws, the surfaces are characterized by optical measurements. The experiments indicate that higher workpiece temperatures cause severe adhesive wear on the tool surface, while an increase of drawing velocity or contact pressure led to reduced adhesion. The measured friction coefficients decreased with rising amount of adhesion and remained at a constant level after a certain adhesive layer was built up on the tool surface.

  18. Stamping of Thin-Walled Structural Components with Magnesium Alloy AZ31 Sheets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Fuh-Kuo; Chang, Chih-Kun


    In the present study, the stamping process for manufacturing cell phone cases with magnesium alloy AZ31 sheets was studied using both the experimental approach and the finite element analysis. In order to determine the proper forming temperature and set up a fracture criterion, tensile tests and forming limit tests were first conducted to obtain the mechanical behaviors of AZ31 sheets at various elevated temperatures. The mechanical properties of Z31 sheets obtained from the experiments were then adopted in the finite element analysis to investigate the effects of the process parameters on the formability of the stamping process of cell phone cases. The finite element simulation results revealed that both the fracture and wrinkle defects could not be eliminated at the same time by adjusting blank-holder force or blank size. A drawbead design was then performed using the finite element simulations to determine the size and the location of drawbead required to suppress the wrinkle defect. An optimum stamping process, including die geometry, forming temperature, and blank dimension, was then determined for manufacturing the cell phone cases. The finite element analysis was validated by the good agreement between the simulation results and the experimental data. It confirms that the cell phone cases can be produced with magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet by the stamping process at elevated temperatures.

  19. 27 CFR 479.161 - National Firearms Act stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true National Firearms Act stamps. 479.161 Section 479.161 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  20. 27 CFR 479.161 - National Firearms Act stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false National Firearms Act stamps. 479.161 Section 479.161 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  1. 27 CFR 479.161 - National Firearms Act stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false National Firearms Act stamps. 479.161 Section 479.161 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  2. 27 CFR 479.161 - National Firearms Act stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false National Firearms Act stamps. 479.161 Section 479.161 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  3. 27 CFR 479.161 - National Firearms Act stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true National Firearms Act stamps. 479.161 Section 479.161 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  4. Holding fixture for a hot stamping press

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Harris, R. P. (Inventor)


    A hand held guide for manually positioning a work piece between the anvil rib and tool of a hot die stamping press is described. A groove completed by interchangeable cover plates attached at one end of the guide conforms to a cross sectional dimension common to similar workpieces and, with a force fit, retentively holds each of the workpieces.

  5. 75 FR 11913 - Chrysler, LLC, Sterling Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers from Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC, Sterling... stampings. New information shows that workers leased from Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC were... workers leased from Caravan Knight Facilities [[Page 11914

  6. 46 CFR 52.01-140 - Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). 52.01-140 Section 52.01-140 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING POWER BOILERS General Requirements § 52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). (a) All boilers built in...

  7. 46 CFR 52.01-140 - Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). 52.01-140 Section 52.01-140 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING POWER BOILERS General Requirements § 52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). (a) All boilers built in...

  8. 46 CFR 52.01-140 - Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). 52.01-140 Section 52.01-140 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING POWER BOILERS General Requirements § 52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). (a) All boilers built in...

  9. 46 CFR 52.01-140 - Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). 52.01-140 Section 52.01-140 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING POWER BOILERS General Requirements § 52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). (a) All boilers built in...

  10. 46 CFR 52.01-140 - Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). 52.01-140 Section 52.01-140 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) MARINE ENGINEERING POWER BOILERS General Requirements § 52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-113). (a) All boilers built in...

  11. Mechanical behavior and modelisation of Ti-6Al-4V titanium sheet under hot stamping conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sirvin, Q.; Velay, V.; Bonnaire, R.; Penazzi, L.


    The Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy is widely used for the manufacture of aeronautical and automotive parts (solid parts). In aeronautics, this alloy is employed for its excellent mechanical behavior associated with low density, outstanding corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties up to 600°C. It is especially used for the manufacture of fuselage frames, on the pylon for carrying out the primary structure (machining forged blocks) and the secondary structure in sheet form. In this last case, the sheet metal forming can be done through various methods: at room temperature by drawing operation, at very high temperature (≃900°C) by superplastic forming (SPF) and at intermediate temperature (≥750°C) by hot forming (HF). In order to reduce production costs and environmental troubles, the cycle times reduction associated with a decrease of temperature levels are relevant. This study focuses on the behavior modelling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at temperatures above room temperature to obtained greater formability and below SPF condition to reduce tools workshop and energy costs. The displacement field measurement obtained by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is based on innovative surface preparation pattern adapted to high temperature exposures. Different material parameters are identified to define a model able to predict the mechanical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy under hot stamping conditions. The hardening plastic model identified is introduced in FEM to simulate an omega shape forming operation.


    PubMed Central

    Kulkarni, R.N.; Voglewede, P.A.; Liu, D.


    It is well known that physical inactivity leads to loss of muscle mass, but it also causes bone loss. Mechanistically, osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption have recently been shown to be regulated by vibration. However, the underlying mechanism behind the inhibition of osteoclast formation is yet unknown. Therefore, we investigated whether mechanical vibration of osteoclast precursor cells affects osteoclast formation by the involvement of fusion-related molecules such as dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein (DC-STAMP), and P2X7 receptor (P2X7R). RAW264.7 (a murine osteoclastic-like cell line) cells were treated with 20 ng/ml receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). For 3 consecutive days, the cells were subjected to 1 hour of mechanical vibration with 20 µm displacement at a frequency of 4 Hz and compared to the control cells that were treated under the same condition but without the vibration. After 5 days of culture, osteoclast formation was determined. Gene expression of DC-STAMP and P2X7R by RAW264.7 cells were determined after 1 hour mechanical vibration, while protein production of the DC-STAMP was determined after 6 hours of post incubation after vibration. As a result, mechanical vibration of RAW264.7 cells inhibited the formation of osteoclasts. Vibration down-regulated DC-STAMP gene expression by 1.6-fold in the presence of RANKL and by 1.4-fold in the absence of RANKL. Additionally, DC-STAMP protein production was also down-regulated by 1.4-fold in the presence of RANKL and by 1.2-fold in the absence of RANKL in RAW264.7 cells in response to mechanical vibration. However, vibration did not affect P2X7R gene expression. Mouse anti-DC-STAMP antibody inhibited osteoclast formation in the absence of vibration. Our results suggest that mechanical vibration of osteoclast precursor cells reduce DC-STAMP expression in osteoclast precursor cells leading to the inhibition of osteoclast formation. PMID:23994170

  13. 27 CFR 479.163 - Reuse of stamps prohibited.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Reuse of stamps prohibited. 479.163 Section 479.163 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND...

  14. 27 CFR 479.163 - Reuse of stamps prohibited.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reuse of stamps prohibited. 479.163 Section 479.163 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND...

  15. 27 CFR 479.163 - Reuse of stamps prohibited.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Reuse of stamps prohibited. 479.163 Section 479.163 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND...

  16. 27 CFR 479.163 - Reuse of stamps prohibited.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Reuse of stamps prohibited. 479.163 Section 479.163 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND...

  17. 27 CFR 479.163 - Reuse of stamps prohibited.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Reuse of stamps prohibited. 479.163 Section 479.163 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES, AND...

  18. 49 CFR 238.119 - Rim-stamped straight-plate wheels.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... input to the wheel during braking. (b) A rim-stamped straight-plate wheel shall not be used as a... that is periodically tread-braked for a short duration by automatic circuitry for the sole purpose of...

  19. Internet-Based Training to Improve Preschool Playground Safety: Evaluation of the Stamp-in-Safety Programme

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schwebel, David C.; Pennefather, Jordan; Marquez, Brion; Marquez, Jessie


    Objective: Playground injuries result in over 200,000 US pediatric emergency department visits annually. One strategy to reduce injuries is improved adult supervision. The Stamp-in-Safety programme, which involves supervisors stamping rewards for children playing safely, has been demonstrated in preliminary classroom-based work to reduce child…

  20. Estimation Model for Magnetic Properties of Stamped Electrical Steel Sheet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kashiwara, Yoshiyuki; Fujimura, Hiroshi; Okamura, Kazuo; Imanishi, Kenji; Yashiki, Hiroyoshi

    Less deterioration in magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets in the process of stamping out iron-core are necessary in order to maintain its performance. First, the influence of plastic strain and stress on magnetic properties was studied by test pieces, in which plastic strain was added uniformly and residual stress was not induced. Because the influence of plastic strain was expressed by equivalent plastic strain, at each equivalent plastic strain state the influence of load stress was investigated. Secondly, elastic limit was determined about 60% of macroscopic yield point (MYP), and it was found to agree with stress limit inducing irreversible deterioration in magnetic properties. Therefore simulation models, where beyond elastic limit plastic deformation begins and magnetic properties are deteriorated steeply, are proposed. Besides considered points in the deformation analysis are strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress, anisotropy under deformation, and influence of stress triaxiality on fracture. Finally, proposed models have been shown to be valid, because magnetic properties of 5mm width rectangular sheets stamped out from non-oriented electrical steel sheet (35A250 JIS grade) can be estimated with good accuracy. It is concluded that the elastic limit must be taken into account in both stamping process simulation and magnetic field calculation.

  1. STAMPS: development and verification of swallowing kinematic analysis software.


    Lee, Woo Hyung; Chun, Changmook; Seo, Han Gil; Lee, Seung Hak; Oh, Byung-Mo


    Swallowing impairment is a common complication in various geriatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Swallowing kinematic analysis is essential to quantitatively evaluate the swallowing motion of the oropharyngeal structures. This study aims to develop a novel swallowing kinematic analysis software, called spatio-temporal analyzer for motion and physiologic study (STAMPS), and verify its validity and reliability. STAMPS was developed in MATLAB, which is one of the most popular platforms for biomedical analysis. This software was constructed to acquire, process, and analyze the data of swallowing motion. The target of swallowing structures includes bony structures (hyoid bone, mandible, maxilla, and cervical vertebral bodies), cartilages (epiglottis and arytenoid), soft tissues (larynx and upper esophageal sphincter), and food bolus. Numerous functions are available for the spatiotemporal parameters of the swallowing structures. Testing for validity and reliability was performed in 10 dysphagia patients with diverse etiologies and using the instrumental swallowing model which was designed to mimic the motion of the hyoid bone and the epiglottis. The intra- and inter-rater reliability tests showed excellent agreement for displacement and moderate to excellent agreement for velocity. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the measured and instrumental reference values were nearly 1.00 (P < 0.001) for displacement and velocity. The Bland-Altman plots showed good agreement between the measurements and the reference values. STAMPS provides precise and reliable kinematic measurements and multiple practical functionalities for spatiotemporal analysis. The software is expected to be useful for researchers who are interested in the swallowing motion analysis.

  2. Influence of Plastic Deformation on Martensitic Transformation During Hot Stamping of Complex Structure Auto Parts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shen, Yuhan; Song, Yanli; Hua, Lin; Lu, Jue


    The ultra-high strength steel auto parts manufactured by hot stamping are widely applied for weight reduction and safety improvement. During the hot stamping process, hot forming and quenching are performed in one step wherein plastic deformation and phase transformation simultaneously take place and affect each other. Thereinto, the influence of deformation on martensitic transformation is of great importance. In the present paper, the influence of plastic deformation on martensitic transformation during hot stamping of complex structure auto parts was investigated. For this purpose, a B-pillar reinforced panel in B1500HS steel was manufactured by hot stamping, and the process was simulated by finite element software based on a thermo-mechanical-metallurgical coupled model. Considering various deformation degrees, the microstructures and mechanical properties at four typical locations of the hot stamped B-pillar reinforced panel were detected. The results show that the martensitic content and the microhardness increase with the increase in the deformation amount. There are two reasons causing this phenomenon: (1) the increase in mechanical driving force and (2) the increased probability of the martensitic nucleation at crystal defects. The x-ray diffraction analysis indicates the carbon enrichment in retained austenite which results from the carbon diffusion during the low-carbon martensite formation. Furthermore, the carbon content decreases with the increase in the deformation amount, because the deformation of austenite suppresses the carbon diffusion.

  3. Has your ancient stamp been regummed with synthetic glue? A FT-NIR and FT-Raman study.


    Simonetti, Remo; Oliveri, Paolo; Henry, Adrien; Duponchel, Ludovic; Lanteri, Silvia


    The potential of FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectroscopies to characterise the gum applied on the backside of ancient stamps was investigated for the first time. This represents a very critical issue for the collectors' market, since gum conditions heavily influence stamp quotations, and fraudulent application of synthetic gum onto damaged stamp backsides to increase their desirability is a well-documented practice. Spectral data were processed by exploratory pattern recognition tools. In particular, application of principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that both of the spectroscopic techniques provide information useful to characterise stamp gum. Examination of PCA loadings and their chemical interpretation confirmed the robustness of the outcomes. Fusion of FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectral data was performed, following both a low-level and a mid-level procedure. The results were critically compared with those obtained separately for the two spectroscopic techniques. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Postage Stamps as Pedagogical Instruments in the Italian Curriculum.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nuessel, Frank; Cicogna, Caterina


    Examination of several interrelated topics on postage stamps, including their multiple functions and significance as semiotic artifacts, precedes suggestions for incorporating them into the Italian language curriculum in such activities as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and cultural understanding. (CB)

  5. Should Canadian health promoters support a food stamp-style program to address food insecurity?


    Power, Elaine M; Little, Margaret H; Collins, Patricia A


    Food insecurity is an urgent public health problem in Canada, affecting 4 million Canadians in 2012, including 1.15 million children, and associated with significant health concerns. With little political will to address this significant policy issue, it has been suggested that perhaps it is time for Canada to try a food stamp-style program. Such a program could reduce rates of food insecurity and improve the nutritional health of low-income Canadians. In this article, we explore the history of the US food stamp program; the key impetus of which was to support farmers and agricultural interests, not to look after the needs of people living in poverty. Though the US program has moved away from its roots, its history has had a lasting legacy, cementing an understanding of the problem as one of lack of food, not lack of income. While the contemporary food stamp program, now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), reduces rates of poverty and food insecurity, food insecurity rates in the USA are significantly higher than those in Canada, suggesting a food stamp-style program per se will not eliminate the problem of food insecurity. Moreover, a food stamp-style program is inherently paternalistic and would create harm by reducing the autonomy of participants and generating stigma, which in itself has adverse health effects. Consequently, it is ethically problematic for health promoters to advocate for such a program, even if it could improve diet quality. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  6. Food Stamps and Food Insecurity: What Can Be Learned in the Presence of Nonclassical Measurement Error?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gundersen, Craig; Kreider, Brent


    Policymakers have been puzzled to observe that food stamp households appear more likely to be food insecure than observationally similar eligible nonparticipating households. We reexamine this issue allowing for nonclassical reporting errors in food stamp participation and food insecurity. Extending the literature on partially identified…

  7. Advancements in tailored hot stamping simulations: Cooling channel and distortion analyses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Billur, Eren; Wang, Chao; Bloor, Colin; Holecek, Martin; Porzner, Harald; Altan, Taylan


    Hot stamped components have been widely used in the automotive industry in the last decade where ultra high strength is required. These parts, however, may not provide sufficient toughness to absorb crash energy. Therefore, these components are "tailored" by controlling the microstructure at various locations. Simulation of tailored hot stamped components requires more detailed analysis of microstructural changes. Furthermore, since the part is not uniformly quenched, severe distortion can be observed. CPF, together with ESI have developed a number of techniques to predict the final properties of a tailored part. This paper discusses the recent improvements in modeling distortion and die design with cooling channels.

  8. 164. Photocopied July 1978. VIEW OF STEAMTURBINE BUILDING AT STAMP ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    164. Photocopied July 1978. VIEW OF STEAM-TURBINE BUILDING AT STAMP MILL. BUILDING CONSTRUCTED IN 1921 TO USE EXHAUST STEAM TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY. C. 1925. - Quincy Mining Company, Hancock, Houghton County, MI

  9. Aluminium Pneumoconiosis I. In Vitro Comparison of Stamped Aluminium Powders Containing Different Lubricating Agents and a Granular Aluminium Powder

    PubMed Central

    Corrin, B.


    The discrepancy in previous reports of the action of aluminium on the lung may be explained by differences between stamped and granular aluminium powders. A stamped powder of the variety causing pulmonary fibrosis showed a brisk reaction with water, but a granular powder was unreactive. This difference is primarily due to the granular particles being covered by inert aluminium oxide, the formation of which is partially prevented in the stamping process by stearine and mineral oil. The reactivity of the flake-like stamped particles is also dependent on their large surface area per unit volume. The appearance of aluminium pneumoconiosis in Britain is explained by the introduction of mineral oil into the stamping industry for, in contrast to stearine, mineral oil permits the powder to react with water. The lung damage is believed to be caused by a soluble form of aluminium. PMID:14072616

  10. Whom Shall We Put on the Postage Stamps?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boyle, Roger D.


    We consider the emergence of "notables" within the disciplines of the modern university, the foremost among whom may be selected to appear on postage stamps. Noting that disciplinary culture is as important as content in university education, we suggest that some knowledge of the identity of these notables, passed on by encultured tutors, should…

  11. Massively Parallel Processing for Fast and Accurate Stamping Simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gress, Jeffrey J.; Xu, Siguang; Joshi, Ramesh; Wang, Chuan-tao; Paul, Sabu


    The competitive automotive market drives automotive manufacturers to speed up the vehicle development cycles and reduce the lead-time. Fast tooling development is one of the key areas to support fast and short vehicle development programs (VDP). In the past ten years, the stamping simulation has become the most effective validation tool in predicting and resolving all potential formability and quality problems before the dies are physically made. The stamping simulation and formability analysis has become an critical business segment in GM math-based die engineering process. As the simulation becomes as one of the major production tools in engineering factory, the simulation speed and accuracy are the two of the most important measures for stamping simulation technology. The speed and time-in-system of forming analysis becomes an even more critical to support the fast VDP and tooling readiness. Since 1997, General Motors Die Center has been working jointly with our software vendor to develop and implement a parallel version of simulation software for mass production analysis applications. By 2001, this technology was matured in the form of distributed memory processing (DMP) of draw die simulations in a networked distributed memory computing environment. In 2004, this technology was refined to massively parallel processing (MPP) and extended to line die forming analysis (draw, trim, flange, and associated spring-back) running on a dedicated computing environment. The evolution of this technology and the insight gained through the implementation of DM0P/MPP technology as well as performance benchmarks are discussed in this publication.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    47. DETAIL OF UPPER STAMP BATTERIES CAMS, TAPPETS AND STEMS, LOOKING NORTH NORTHWEST. SEE CA-290-22 FOR IDENTICAL B&W NEGATIVE. - Skidoo Mine, Park Route 38 (Skidoo Road), Death Valley Junction, Inyo County, CA


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  14. The Ph.D. Now Comes with Food Stamps

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Patton, Stacey


    A record number of people are depending on federally financed food assistance. Food-stamp use increased from an average monthly caseload of 17 million in 2000 to 44 million people in 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Web site. Last year, one in six people--almost 50 million Americans, or 15 percent of the population--received…

  15. Failure Mechanisms of the Protective Coatings for the Hot Stamping Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Chen

    In the present study, four different nitriding techniques were carried on the ductile irons NAAMS-D6510 and cast steels NAAMS-S0050A, which are widely used stamping die materials; duplex treatments (PVD CrN coating+nitriding) were carried on H13 steels, which are common inserts for the hot stamping dies. Inclined impact-sliding wear tests were performed on the nitriding cases under simulated stamping conditions. Surface profilometer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to investigate the wear and failure mechanisms of the protective coatings. It was found that the nitrided ductile iron samples performed better than the nitrided cast steel specimens. High temperature inclined impact-sliding wear tests were carried out on the CrN coatings. It was found that the coating performed better at elevated temperature. XPS analysis indicated the top surface layer (about 3-4nm) of the coating was oxidized at 400 °C and formed a Cr2O3 protective film. The in-situ formation of the thin Cr2O3 protective layer likely led to the change of wear mechanisms from severe adhesive failure to mild abrasive wear.

  16. Evaluation of Contact Heat Transfer Coefficient and Phase Transformation during Hot Stamping of a Hat-Type Part

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Heung-Kyu; Lee, Seong Hyeon; Choi, Hyunjoo


    Using an inverse analysis technique, the heat transfer coefficient on the die-workpiece contact surface of a hot stamping process was evaluated as a power law function of contact pressure. This evaluation was to determine whether the heat transfer coefficient on the contact surface could be used for finite element analysis of the entire hot stamping process. By comparing results of the finite element analysis and experimental measurements of the phase transformation, an evaluation was performed to determine whether the obtained heat transfer coefficient function could provide reasonable finite element prediction for workpiece properties affected by the hot stamping process. PMID:28788046


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey



    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  19. Numerical simulation of temperature field, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of HSS during hot stamping

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shi, Dongyong; Liu, Wenquan; Ying, Liang, E-mail:

    The hot stamping of boron steels is widely used to produce ultra high strength automobile components without any spring back. The ultra high strength of final products is attributed to the fully martensitic microstructure that is obtained through the simultaneous forming and quenching of the hot blanks after austenization. In the present study, a mathematical model incorporating both heat transfer and the transformation of austenite is presented. A FORTRAN program based on finite element technique has been developed which permits the temperature distribution and microstructure evolution of high strength steel during hot stamping process. Two empirical diffusion-dependent transformation models undermore » isothermal conditions were employed respectively, and the prediction capability on mechanical properties of the models were compared with the hot stamping experiment of an automobile B-pillar part.« less

  20. 11. Detail of log stamp on ends of plank, near ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    11. Detail of log stamp on ends of plank, near the Minnesota end of the bridge - Enloe Bridge No. 90021, Spanning Red River of North between Minnesota & North Dakota on County State Aid Highway 28, Wolverton, Wilkin County, MN

  1. Safety Guided Design of Crew Return Vehicle in Concept Design Phase Using STAMP/STPA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nakao, H.; Katahira, M.; Miyamoto, Y.; Leveson, N.


    In the concept development and design phase of a new space system, such as a Crew Vehicle, designers tend to focus on how to implement new technology. Designers also consider the difficulty of using the new technology and trade off several system design candidates. Then they choose an optimal design from the candidates. Safety should be a key aspect driving optimal concept design. However, in past concept design activities, safety analysis such as FTA has not used to drive the design because such analysis techniques focus on component failure and component failure cannot be considered in the concept design phase. The solution to these problems is to apply a new hazard analysis technique, called STAMP/STPA. STAMP/STPA defines safety as a control problem rather than a failure problem and identifies hazardous scenarios and their causes. Defining control flow is the essential in concept design phase. Therefore STAMP/STPA could be a useful tool to assess the safety of system candidates and to be part of the rationale for choosing a design as the baseline of the system. In this paper, we explain our case study of safety guided concept design using STPA, the new hazard analysis technique, and model-based specification technique on Crew Return Vehicle design and evaluate benefits of using STAMP/STPA in concept development phase.

  2. Does the Timing of Food Stamp Distribution Matter? A Panel-Data Analysis of Monthly Purchasing Patterns of US Households.


    Castellari, Elena; Cotti, Chad; Gordanier, John; Ozturk, Orgul


    In this paper, we examine the relationship between the timing of food stamp receipt and purchasing patterns. We combine data on state distribution dates of food stamps with scanner data on a panel of households purchases tracked between 2004 and 2011. We find that purchases of a variety of goods are meaningfully higher on receipt days, consistent with previous work that suggests that recipients are very impatient. Additionally, and importantly, estimates indicate that when food stamp receipt days fall on weekends, total monthly purchases within the same households are affected. In particular, monthly purchases of beer are higher when food stamps are distributed on a weekend rather than in months where benefits are distributed on weekdays. For these households, total beer purchases are between 4 and 5% higher in those months. Among households ineligible for food stamps, no effect is identified. These results demonstrate that the 'day-of-the-week' of SNAP treatment may have important impacts on household purchase habits. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  3. New trends in metal forming in the USA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    The use of lasers in sheet metal stamping, hydraulic presses, cold pressing, and deformation of titanium alloy to produce components which do not require subsequent machining are discussed. Superplastic deformation techniques could lead to cost savings of 90% in the aerospace industry. Precision forging and welding technologies can considerably reduce raw material costs, but investment costs are high.

  4. Women Putting Our Stamp on America: Biographies and Activities for National Women's History Month, March 1999.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Women's History Project, Windsor, CA.

    This booklet, intended for use by educators and by workplace and community organizers, introduces women who have been featured on U.S. postage stamps as well as a few of the women who clearly merit such honor in the future. Postage stamps featuring women have been relatively few and far between and have only skimmed the surface of U.S. women in…


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  6. Effect of Al-Si Coating on Weld Microstructure and Properties of 22MnB5 Steel Joints for Hot Stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Wenhu; Li, Fang; Wu, Dongsheng; Chen, Xiaoguan; Hua, Xueming; Pan, Hua


    22MnB5 hot stamping steels are gradually being used in tailor-welded blank applications. In this experiment, 1-mm-thick Al-Si coated and de-coated 22MnB5 steels were laser-welded and then hot-stamped. The chemical compositions, solidification process, microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated to reveal the effect of Al-Si coating and heat treatment. In the welded condition, the coated joints had an Al content of approximately 2.5 wt.% in the fusion zone and the de-coated joints had 0.5 wt.% Al. The aluminum promoted the δ-ferrite formation as the skeletal structure during solidification. In the high-aluminum weld, the microstructure consisted of martensite and long and band-like δ-ferrite. Meanwhile, the low-aluminum weld was full of lath martensite. After the hot stamping process, the δ-ferrite fraction increased from 10 to 24% in the coated joints and the lath martensite became finer in the de-coated joints. The tensile strengths of the coated joints or de-coated joints were similar to that before hot stamping, but the strength of the coated joints was reduced heavily after hot stamping compared to the de-coated joints and base material. The effect of δ-ferrite on the tensile properties became stronger when the fusion zone was soft and deformed first in the hot-stamped specimens. The coated weld showed a brittle fracture surface with many cleavage planes, and the de-coated weld showed a ductile fracture surface with many dimples in hot-stamped conditions.

  7. Characterization of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient for hot stamping processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luan, Xi; Liu, Xiaochuan; Fang, Haomiao; Ji, Kang; El Fakir, Omer; Wang, LiLiang


    In hot stamping processes, the interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) between the forming tools and hot blank is an essential parameter which determines the quenching rate of the process and hence the resulting material microstructure. The present work focuses on the characterization of the IHTC between an aluminium alloy 7075-T6 blank and two different die materials, cast iron (G3500) and H13 die steel, at various contact pressures. It was found that the IHTC between AA7075 and cast iron had values 78.6% higher than that obtained between AA7075 and H13 die steel. Die materials and contact pressures had pronounced effects on the IHTC, suggesting that the IHTC can be used to guide the selection of stamping tool materials and the precise control of processing parameters.

  8. Environmental Impacts of Metal Cladding Operations and Remedial Measures: A Case Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, P. P.; Sawmliana, C.; Singh, R. K.


    In metal cladding operations, a mixture of 11 % TNT flakes, 44 % ammonium nitrate (non-explosive) and 45 % dehydrated salt (non-explosive) are mixed uniformly to produce an explosive mixture with velocity of detonation 1,800-2,000 m/s. To study the environmental impacts of such operations which led to serious complaints from neighbouring villagers and even closure of some units, a study was carried out to investigate the levels of ground vibration, air overpressure and noise generated by blasting operations of different explosive charge quantities during the metal cladding operations and their impacts on the surrounding villages. Following the safety norms of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB, Model Rules of the Factories Act on Noise Pollution Control) [1] and Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS, Damage to the structures due to blast induced ground vibration in the mining areas) [2] of India, generalised guidelines for such safe operations were framed. This paper describes the operational aspects of metal cladding, experimental results and scientific analyses of data to propose certain guidelines for safe metal cladding operations.

  9. Morpho peleides butterfly wing imprints as structural colour stamp.


    Zobl, Sigrid; Salvenmoser, Willi; Schwerte, Thorsten; Gebeshuber, Ille C; Schreiner, Manfred


    This study presents the replication of a color-causing nanostructure based on the upper laminae of numerous cover scales of Morpho peleides butterfly wings and obtained solely by imprinting their upper-wing surfaces. Our results indicate that a simple casting technique using a novel integrated release agent can obtain a large positive replica using negative imprints via Polyvinylsiloxane. The developed method is low-tech and high-yield and is thus substantially easier and less expensive than previous methods. The microstructures were investigated with light microscopy, the nanostructures with both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the reflections with UV visible spectrometry. The influence of the release agent and the quality of the master stamp were determined by comparing measurements of the cover-scale sizes and their chromaticity values obtained by their images and with their positive imprints. The master stamp provided multiple positive replicas up to 3 cm(2) in just 1 h with structural coloration effects visible to the naked eye. Thus, the developed method proves the accuracy of the replicated nanostructure and its potential industrial application as a color-producing nanostamp.

  10. 26 CFR 301.7209-1 - Unauthorized use or sale of stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., transfers, takes or gives in exchange, or pledges or gives in pledge, except as authorized in the Code or in regulations made pursuant thereto, any stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other device prescribed by the...

  11. 31 CFR 500.410 - Currency, coins, and postage and other stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... postage and other stamps issued by North Korea, North Viet-Nam, Cambodia, or South Viet-Nam are merchandise of North Korean, North Vietnamese, Cambodian, or South Vietnamese origin subject to § 500.204(a)(1...

  12. A mail survey of United States hematologists and oncologists: a comparison of business reply versus stamped return envelopes.


    Streiff, M B; Dundes, L; Spivak, J L


    Mailed surveys are a popular means of obtaining data on large populations. In July 1999 a mail survey was conducted among 3000 randomly selected members of the American Society of Hematology to assess their approach to diagnosis and treatment of polycythemia vera. Because the researchers and the study population are members of the same professional organization with a vested interest in the results, we anticipated that the advantages of return stamped postage seen in previous studies would be less significant. The response rate for stamped return envelopes was 38% versus 32% for business reply envelopes. This statistically significant difference (P =.0005) of six percentage points is comparable to previous research. Excluding labor, the total cost per returned survey was $2.62 for business reply envelopes versus $1.82 for stamped return envelopes. We conclude that stamped return envelopes are a more effective and cost-efficient means of procuring data from physician specialists.

  13. Use of atomic force microscopy in the forensic application of chronological order of toners and stamping inks in questioned documents.


    Kang, Tae-Yi; Lee, Joong; Park, Byung-Wook


    This paper describes the application of the atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a nano-indentation method and introduces a new method of identifying the chronological order of the application of the toner and stamping ink on the surface of documents by removing either of them. Various toners were used as samples for the AFM nano-indentation method. The chronological order of the application of the toner and stamping ink with either the toner placed over the stamping ink or the stamping ink placed over the toner, could be identified, regardless of the kinds of toners made by various companies. This paper provides the new approach for physically removing the toner and checking the material below it to identify questioned documents, which allows the method to be used to appraise documents forensically. Blind testing has shown that the method to analyze the chronological order of toner-printed documents and the seal stamping on them could accurately identify the order in all samples, while minimizing damage to the samples. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Large Area Nano-transfer Printing of Sub-50-nm Metal Nanostructures Using Low-cost Semi-flexible Hybrid Templates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nagel, Robin D.; Haeberle, Tobias; Schmidt, Morten; Lugli, Paolo; Scarpa, Giuseppe


    In this work, we present a method for printing metal micro- and nanopatterns down to sub-50-nm feature sizes using replicated, defect-tolerant stamps made out of OrmoStamp®; material. The relevant parameters for a successful transfer over large areas were investigated and yields above 99 % have been achieved. Comparing our results to conventional nano-transfer printing using PDMS stamps, we find that the more rigid hybrid polymer used here prevents unintended transfer from interspaces between structures of large distance due to roof collapse and deformation of nano-sized structures due to lateral collapse. Yet, our stamps are flexible enough to ensure intimate contact with the underlying substrate over large areas even in the presence of defect particles. Additionally, the presented patterning technique is resist-, solvent-, and chemical-free and is therefore ideally suited for applications in organic nanoelectronics where standard nanostructuring methods can harm or destroy the organic material.

  15. 27 CFR 479.171 - Redemption of or allowance for stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Redemption of or allowance for stamps. 479.171 Section 479.171 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  16. 27 CFR 479.171 - Redemption of or allowance for stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Redemption of or allowance for stamps. 479.171 Section 479.171 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  17. 27 CFR 479.171 - Redemption of or allowance for stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Redemption of or allowance for stamps. 479.171 Section 479.171 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  18. 27 CFR 479.171 - Redemption of or allowance for stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Redemption of or allowance for stamps. 479.171 Section 479.171 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  19. 27 CFR 479.171 - Redemption of or allowance for stamps.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Redemption of or allowance for stamps. 479.171 Section 479.171 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES...

  20. Experimental Validation for Hot Stamping Process by Using Taguchi Method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fawzi Zamri, Mohd; Lim, Syh Kai; Razlan Yusoff, Ahmad


    Due to the demand for reduction in gas emissions, energy saving and producing safer vehicles has driven the development of Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) material. To strengthen UHSS material such as boron steel, it needed to undergo a process of hot stamping for heating at certain temperature and time. In this paper, Taguchi method is applied to determine the appropriate parameter of thickness, heating temperature and heating time to achieve optimum strength of boron steel. The experiment is conducted by using flat square shape of hot stamping tool with tensile dog bone as a blank product. Then, the value of tensile strength and hardness is measured as response. The results showed that the lower thickness, higher heating temperature and heating time give the higher strength and hardness for the final product. In conclusion, boron steel blank are able to achieve up to 1200 MPa tensile strength and 650 HV of hardness.

  1. Soft metal plating enables hard metal seal to operate successfully in low temperature, high pressure environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lamvermeyer, D. J.


    Soft metal plating of hard metal lip seal enables successful operation of seal in a cryogenic fluid line under high pressure. The seal is coated with a thin film of 24 carat gold on the lip area to provide antigall and seal properties.

  2. Method of Stamping Surface-Enhance Raman Spectroscopy for Label-Free, Multiplexed, Molecular Sensing and Imaging

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shih, Wei-Chuan (Inventor)


    The present disclosure relates the use of a stamping surface enhanced Raman scattering (S-SERS) technique with nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) plasmonic substrates to produce a label-free, multiplexed molecular sensing and imaging technique. A NPGD SERS substrate is stamped onto a surface containing one or more target molecules, followed by SERS measurement of the target molecules located between the surface and SERS substrate. The target molecules may be deposited on the surface, which may be a carrier substrate such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

  3. Prediction of Proper Temperatures for the Hot Stamping Process Based on the Kinetics Models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samadian, P.; Parsa, M. H.; Mirzadeh, H.


    Nowadays, the application of kinetics models for predicting microstructures of steels subjected to thermo-mechanical treatments has increased to minimize direct experimentation, which is costly and time consuming. In the current work, the final microstructures of AISI 4140 steel sheets after the hot stamping process were predicted using the Kirkaldy and Li kinetics models combined with new thermodynamically based models in order for the determination of the appropriate process temperatures. In this way, the effect of deformation during hot stamping on the Ae3, Acm, and Ae1 temperatures was considered, and then the equilibrium volume fractions of phases at different temperatures were calculated. Moreover, the ferrite transformation rate equations of the Kirkaldy and Li models were modified by a term proposed by Åkerström to consider the influence of plastic deformation. Results showed that the modified Kirkaldy model is satisfactory for the determination of appropriate austenitization temperatures for the hot stamping process of AISI 4140 steel sheets because of agreeable microstructure predictions in comparison with the experimental observations.

  4. Manufacturing and Performance Assessment of Stamped, Laser Welded, and Nitrided FeCrV Stainless Steel Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Brady, Michael P; Abdelhamid, Mahmoud; Dadheech, G

    A manufacturing and single-cell fuel cell performance study of stamped, laser welded, and gas nitrided ferritic stainless steel foils in an advanced automotive bipolar plate assembly design was performed. Two developmental foil compositions were studied: Fee20Cre4V and Fee23Cre4V wt.%. Foils 0.1 mm thick were stamped and then laser welded together to create single bipolar plate assemblies with cooling channels. The plates were then surface treated by pre-oxidation and nitridation in N2e4H2 based gas mixtures using either a conventional furnace or a short-cycle quartz lamp infrared heating system. Single-cell fuel cell testing was performed at 80 C for 500 h atmore » 0.3 A/cm2 using 100% humidification and a 100%/40% humidification cycle that stresses the membrane and enhances release of the fluoride ion and promotes a more corrosive environment for the bipolar plates. Periodic high frequency resistance potential-current scans during the 500 h fuel cell test and posttest analysis of the membrane indicated no resistance increase of the plates and only trace levels of metal ion contamination.« less

  5. Metal losses in pyrometallurgical operations - A review.


    Bellemans, Inge; De Wilde, Evelien; Moelans, Nele; Verbeken, Kim


    Nowadays, a higher demand on a lot of metals exists, but the quantity and purity of the ores decreases. The amount of scrap, on the other hand, increases and thus, recycling becomes more important. Besides recycling, it is also necessary to improve and optimize existing processes in extractive and recycling metallurgy. One of the main difficulties of the overall-plant recovery are metal losses in slags, in both primary and secondary metal production. In general, an increased understanding of the fundamental mechanisms governing these losses could help further improve production efficiencies. This review aims to summarize and evaluate the current scientific knowledge concerning metal losses and pinpoints the knowledge gaps. First, the industrial importance and impact of metal losses in slags will be illustrated by several examples from both ferrous and non-ferrous industries. Throughout the remainder of this review, the main focus will be put on the particular issues in copper industry. In a second section, the different types of metal losses in slags will be discussed. Generally, metal losses in slags can be subdivided into two types: chemical losses and physical losses. The fundamental insights concerning the responsible mechanisms will be discussed for each type. Subsequently, an overview of the most frequently used techniques for research investigations of the losses will be given. In a fourth section, a more detailed overview will be given on the post-processing treatment of metal-containing slags, i.e. performing slag cleaning operations. The most frequently applied methods will be discussed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Consolidation quality and mechanical performance of stamp formed tailored blanks produced by rapid AFP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slange, T. K.; Warnet, L. L.; Grouve, W. J. B.; Akkerman, R.


    Stamp forming is a rapid manufacturing technology used to shape flat blanks of thermoplastic composite material into three-dimensional components. The combination with rapid AFP as blank manufacturing technology can further extend the applicability of stamp forming by allowing rapid lay-up of tailored blanks and offering partial preconsolidation. In an experimental study it is demonstrated that high quality laminates with good flexural strength can be obtained by following this process route. The consolidation of ply-drop regions is demonstrated by flat laminates with a thickness step. The influence of fiber orientations, blank-tooling misalignments and AFP tolerances is investigated.

  7. The Adoption of Electronic Benefit Transfer Card for Delivering Food Stamp Benefits in Alabama: Perceptions of College Students Participating in the Food Stamp Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zekeri, Andrew A.


    The reasons for moving from paper coupons to delivering food stamps electronically include potential reduction in the cost of administering the system and in fraud, theft and abuse of the system. Furthermore, the use of EBT is believed o reduce social stigma and embarrassment felt by recipients when using paper coupon. Therefore, using survey data…

  8. Prices of unhealthy foods, Food Stamp Program participation, and body weight status among U.S. low-income women.


    Zhang, Qi; Chen, Zhuo; Diawara, Norou; Wang, Youfa


    This paper examines the interactive effect between the price of unhealthy foods and Food Stamp Program participation on body weight status among low-income women in the United States. We merged the panel data of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort in 1985-2002 and the Cost of Living Index data compiled by the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association by using geographic identifiers. Using the merged data, we used panel econometric models to examine the impact of unhealthy food prices on the food stamp-eligible U.S. population. Our results indicate that higher prices for unhealthy food can partially offset the positive association between Food Stamp Program participation and bodyweight among low-income women.

  9. Robust Design of Sheet Metal Forming Process Based on Kriging Metamodel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xie, Yanmin


    Nowadays, sheet metal forming processes design is not a trivial task due to the complex issues to be taken into account (conflicting design goals, complex shapes forming and so on). Optimization methods have also been widely applied in sheet metal forming. Therefore, proper design methods to reduce time and costs have to be developed mostly based on computer aided procedures. At the same time, the existence of variations during manufacturing processes significantly may influence final product quality, rendering non-robust optimal solutions. In this paper, a small size of design of experiments is conducted to investigate how a stochastic behavior of noise factors affects drawing quality. The finite element software (LS_DYNA) is used to simulate the complex sheet metal stamping processes. The Kriging metamodel is adopted to map the relation between input process parameters and part quality. Robust design models for sheet metal forming process integrate adaptive importance sampling with Kriging model, in order to minimize impact of the variations and achieve reliable process parameters. In the adaptive sample, an improved criterion is used to provide direction in which additional training samples can be added to better the Kriging model. Nonlinear functions as test functions and a square stamping example (NUMISHEET'93) are employed to verify the proposed method. Final results indicate application feasibility of the aforesaid method proposed for multi-response robust design.

  10. Food Stamp Recipients Eat More Vegetables after Viewing Nutrition Videos.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Joy, Amy Block; Feldman, Nancy; Fujii, Mary Lavender; Garcia, Linda; Hudes, Mark; Mitchell, Rita; Bunch, Sybille; Metz, Diane


    A study in three California counties found that food stamp recipients who viewed a videotape promoting vegetables had increased their knowledge of vegetables and greatly increased their consumption of potatoes and raw vegetables two to six weeks later. The feasibility of using videotaped nutrition instruction with low-income adults is discussed.…

  11. Prices of unhealthy foods, Food Stamp Program participation, and body weight status among U.S. low-income women†

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Qi; Chen, Zhuo; Diawara, Norou; Wang, Youfa


    This paper examines the interactive effect between the price of unhealthy foods and Food Stamp Program participation on body weight status among low-income women in the United States. We merged the panel data of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort in 1985–2002 and the Cost of Living Index data compiled by the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association by using geographic identifiers. Using the merged data, we used panel econometric models to examine the impact of unhealthy food prices on the food stamp-eligible U.S. population. Our results indicate that higher prices for unhealthy food can partially offset the positive association between Food Stamp Program participation and bodyweight among low-income women. PMID:25177147

  12. 76 FR 70664 - Policy Statement on Grant Stamp Procedure in Routine Director Orders

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... grant stamp unopposed motions for an extension of time or requests for a procedural schedule to which..., Vice Chairman Begeman, and Commissioner Mulvey. Jeffrey Herzig, Clearance Clerk. Appendix [GRAPHIC...

  13. Characterization of TimepixCam, a fast imager for the time-stamping of optical photons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nomerotski, Andrei; Chakaberia, I.; Fisher-Levine, M.; Janoska, Z.; Takacs, P.; Tsang, T.


    We describe the characterization of TimepixCam, a novel camera used to time-stamp optical photons. The camera employs a specialized silicon sensor with a thin entrance window, read out by a Timepix ASIC. TimepixCam is able to record and time-stamp light flashes exceeding 1,000 photons with 15 ns time resolution. Specially produced photodiodes were used to evaluate the quantum efficiency, which was determined to be higher than 90% in the wavelength range of 430-900 nm. The quantum efficiency, sensitivity and ion detection efficiency were compared for a variety of sensors with different surface treatments. Sensors with the thinnest window, 50 nm, had the best performance.

  14. Design of Channel Type Indirect Blank Holder for Prevention of Wrinkling and Fracture in Hot Stamping Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choi, Hong-seok; Ha, Se-yoon; Cha, Seung-hoon; kang, Chung-gil; Kim, Byung-min


    The hot stamping process has been used in the automotive industry to reduce the weight of the body-in-white and to increase passenger safety via improved crashworthiness. In this study, a new form die with a simple structure that can prevent defects such as wrinkle and fracture is proposed for the manufacture of hot stamped components. The wrinkling at the flange cannot be eliminated when using a conventional form die. It is known that the initiation of wrinkling is influenced by many factors such as the mechanical properties of the sheet material, geometry of the sheet and tool, and other process parameters, including the blank holding force (BHF) and the contact conditions. In this research, channel type indirect blank holder (CIBH) is introduced to replace general blank holder for manufacturing the hot stamped center pillar. First, we investigate the tension force acting on the blank according to the channel shapes. We determine the appropriate range by comparing the tension force with the upper and lower BHFs in a conventional stamping process. We then use FE-analysis to study the influence of the slope angle and corner radius of the channel on the formability. Finally, the center pillar is manufactured using the form die with the selected channel.

  15. New technique for laryngotracheal mucosa transplantation. 'Stamp' welding using indocyanine green dye and albumin interaction with diode laser.


    Wang, Z; Pankratov, M M; Gleich, L L; Rebeiz, E E; Shapshay, S M


    To investigate (1) the possibility of survival of free mucosa "stamp" grafts fixed in the airway with a new technique using indocyanine green-dyed albumin solder activated with a diode laser and (2) the degree of improvement of wound healing in the airway by applying modified microskin transplantation techniques from burn surgery to cover a relatively large wound with a few small pieces of mucosa anchored in place with the previously mentioned technique. Three (one control and two experimental) rectangular (10 x 8 mm) wounds in tracheal mucosa were produced in four experimental animals (dogs) using a carbon dioxide laser. The control wound was left uncovered. In the first experimental wound, a mucosal flap was raised and then fixed in place by a trapdoor flap method. In the second experimental wound, two small (each 2 x 3 mm) autogenous mucosa grafts were anchored onto the surface with indocyanine green-dyed albumin activated with an 810-nm diode laser. Histomorphologically, the postoperative results from three wounds were compared. The experimental wounds were completely covered by regenerated squamous cells in 1 week and by ciliated epithelium in 2 weeks after the operation despite the discrepancy in size of the graft to wound area (1:6.7) covered with the stamp mucosa. No thermal damage from the diode laser was noted in the second experimental wounds. In the control wounds, no coverage was observed at 1 week, and only squamous cells were noted 2 weeks postoperatively. All the wounds had normal ciliated epithelium coverage at 4 weeks. Transplanted stamp grafts provided similar or better healing than trapdoor flap transplants. This new technique made endoscopic mucosal grafting possible and offers a potential breakthrough in the management of laryngotracheal stenosis.

  16. Studying the Solar System Can Be More than Just "Stamp Collecting"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LoPresto, Michael C.


    While teaching his first-ever introductory college astronomy course, I heard a graduate student make the comment that compared to other areas of astronomy, studying the solar system is just "stamp collecting." Coverage of the solar system in an introductory college astronomy course certainly "could" consist mostly of showing…

  17. Time stamp in conditioned place avoidance can be set to different circadian phases.


    Cain, Sean W; McDonald, Robert J; Ralph, Martin R


    We have reported that the expression of conditioned place avoidance (CPA) in the golden hamster is regulated in a circadian pattern such that the preference is exhibited strongly at the circadian time of prior training but not at other circadian times [Cain, S. W., Chou, T., & Ralph, M. R. (2004a). Circadian modulation of performance on an aversion-based place learning task in hamsters. Behavioural Brain Research, 150(1-2), 201-205]. In that study, animals that were trained at a specific circadian time to discriminate between a "safe" context and one paired with foot shock, showed strong avoidance of the paired context at 24 and 48h following the last training session, and showed no avoidance at 32 and 40h following training. In the present study, we hypothesized that this "time stamp" effect is settable to any circadian phase. This was tested by training animals at one of two times of day (ZT13 or ZT4) and testing whether a time stamp would be observed, with avoidance occurring only when training and testing times match. Results confirmed our hypothesis, suggesting that the time stamp in the performance of learned tasks can be set to any circadian phase. Such an ability may allow animals in nature to predict the recurrence of 24h events, regardless of the time of day the event was encountered.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  19. Characterization of TimepixCam, a fast imager for the time-stamping of optical photons


    Nomerotski, Andrei; Chakaberia, I.; Fisher-Levine, M.; ...


    Here we describe the characterization of TimepixCam, a novel camera used to time-stamp optical photons. The camera employs a specialized silicon sensor with a thin entrance window, read out by a Timepix ASIC. TimepixCam is able to record and time-stamp light flashes exceeding 1,000 photons with 15 ns time resolution. Specially produced photodiodes were used to evaluate the quantum efficiency, which was determined to be higher than 90% in the wavelength range of 430–900 nm. The quantum efficiency, sensitivity and ion detection efficiency were compared for a variety of sensors with different surface treatments. We found sensors with the thinnestmore » window, 50 nm, had the best performance.« less

  20. Characterization of TimepixCam, a fast imager for the time-stamping of optical photons

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nomerotski, Andrei; Chakaberia, I.; Fisher-Levine, M.

    Here we describe the characterization of TimepixCam, a novel camera used to time-stamp optical photons. The camera employs a specialized silicon sensor with a thin entrance window, read out by a Timepix ASIC. TimepixCam is able to record and time-stamp light flashes exceeding 1,000 photons with 15 ns time resolution. Specially produced photodiodes were used to evaluate the quantum efficiency, which was determined to be higher than 90% in the wavelength range of 430–900 nm. The quantum efficiency, sensitivity and ion detection efficiency were compared for a variety of sensors with different surface treatments. We found sensors with the thinnestmore » window, 50 nm, had the best performance.« less

  1. Helium-hydrogen microplasma device (MPD) on postage-stamp-size plastic-quartz chips.


    Weagant, Scott; Karanassios, Vassili


    A new design of a miniaturized, atmospheric-pressure, low-power (e.g., battery-operated), self-igniting, planar-geometry microplasma device (MPD) for use with liquid microsamples is described. The inexpensive MPD was a hybrid, three-substrate quartz-plastic-plastic structure and it was formed on chips with area the size of a small postage stamp. The substrates were chosen for rapid prototyping and for speedy device-geometry testing and evaluation. The approximately 700-microm (diameter) and 7-mm (long) He-H(2) (3% H(2)) microplasma was formed by applying high-voltage ac between two needle electrodes. Operating conditions were found to be critical in sustaining stable microplasma on plastic substrates. Spectral interference from the electrode materials was not observed. A small-size, electrothermal vaporization system was used for introduction of microliter volumes of liquids into the MPD. The microplasma was operated from an inexpensive power supply. And, operation from a 14.4-V battery has been demonstrated. Microplasma background emission in the spectral range between 200 and 850 nm obtained using a portable, fiber-optic spectrometer is reported. Analyte emission from microliter volumes of dilute single-element standard solutions of Cd, Cu, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, and Zn is documented. Element-dependent precision was between 10-25% (the average was 15%) and detection limits ranged between 1.5 and 350 ng. The system was used for the determination of Na in diluted bottled-water samples.

  2. 76 FR 66609 - Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (Bell) Model 407 and 427 Helicopters

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... surface. The AD also requires reidentifying the servo by metal-impression stamping or by vibro- etching... surface. The AD also requires reidentifying the servo by metal-impression stamping or by vibro-etching... metal-impression stamping or by vibro-etching ``67.01'' onto the modification plate. Before installing a...

  3. Explosively Joining Dissimilar Metal Tubes.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    specimens were tested in axial tension-tension fatigue in a Satec high cycle fatigue test machine at 30 Hz. The applied max stress for each test was...BACK CHIP A3 ROTARY FILE ,S AR .STO P9 WIRE BRUSH y es IDENTIFY {STEEL STAMP) N INSPECT ICA) YES GRIND WEtD [LEID k R IJ CA/S. BASE METAL PPEPARATION...Type: Dog bone Test Equipment: Satec SF-1U-1099 Specimen Max. Static Dynamic F a i1 u r e Width Thickness i(No.) Stress Stress Stress(KS0 (KSI) (KSI

  4. Shape optimization of three-dimensional stamped and solid automotive components

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Botkin, M. E.; Yang, R.-J.; Bennett, J. A.


    The shape optimization of realistic, 3-D automotive components is discussed. The integration of the major parts of the total process: modeling, mesh generation, finite element and sensitivity analysis, and optimization are stressed. Stamped components and solid components are treated separately. For stamped parts a highly automated capability was developed. The problem description is based upon a parameterized boundary design element concept for the definition of the geometry. Automatic triangulation and adaptive mesh refinement are used to provide an automated analysis capability which requires only boundary data and takes into account sensitivity of the solution accuracy to boundary shape. For solid components a general extension of the 2-D boundary design element concept has not been achieved. In this case, the parameterized surface shape is provided using a generic modeling concept based upon isoparametric mapping patches which also serves as the mesh generator. Emphasis is placed upon the coupling of optimization with a commercially available finite element program. To do this it is necessary to modularize the program architecture and obtain shape design sensitivities using the material derivative approach so that only boundary solution data is needed.

  5. 49. BOX STAMPING MACHINE Located in room above warehouse. The ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    49. BOX STAMPING MACHINE Located in room above warehouse. The power unit is missing, but the drive belt is seen hanging from the overhead. Printing plate of desired labeling would be attached to the lower half drum. Upon rotation, labeling would be transferred to a cardboard box which was being held around the upper drum. - Hovden Cannery, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, Monterey County, CA


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  7. Over, under, or about right: misperceptions of body weight among food stamp participants.


    Ver Ploeg, Michele L; Chang, Hung-Hao; Lin, Biing-Hwan


    The purpose of this research was to investigate the associations between misperception of body weight and sociodemographic factors such as food stamp participation status, income, education, and race/ethnicity. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data from 1999-2004 and multivariate logistic regression are used to estimate how sociodemographic factors are associated with (i) the probability that overweight adults misperceive themselves as healthy weight; (ii) the probability that healthy-weight adults misperceive themselves as underweight; and (iii) the probability that healthy-weight adults misperceive themselves as overweight. NHANES data are representative of the US civilian noninstitutionalized population. The analysis included 4,362 men and 4,057 women. BMI derived from measured weight and height was used to classify individuals as healthy weight or overweight. These classifications were compared with self-reported categorical weight status. We find that differences across sociodemographic characteristics in the propensity to underestimate or overestimate weight status were more pronounced for women than for men. Overweight female food stamp participants were more likely to underestimate weight status than income-eligible nonparticipants. Among healthy-weight and overweight women, non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American women, and women with less education were more likely to underestimate actual weight status. We found few differences across sociodemographic characteristics for men. Misperceptions of weight are common among both overweight and healthy-weight individuals and vary across socioeconomic and demographic groups. The nutrition education component of the Food Stamp Program could increase awareness of healthy body weight among participants.

  8. Finite Element Modelling Full Vehicle Side Impact with Ultrahigh Strength Hot Stamped Steels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taylor, T.; Fourlaris, G.; Cafolla, J.


    "Hot stamped boron steel" 22MnB5 has been imperative in meeting the automotive industry's demand for materials exhibiting higher tensile strength in the final component. In this paper, the crash performance of three experimental grades developed for automotive hot stamping technologies, exhibiting wider tensile property ranges than 22MnB5, was validated by finite element modelling full vehicle side impact with the experimental material data applied to the B-pillar reinforcement. The superior anti-intrusive crash performance of grade 38MnB5 was demonstrated, with 11 mm less intrusion of the B-pillar reinforcement compared to 22MnB5. Moreover, the superior "impact-energy absorptive" crash performance of grade 15MnCr5 was demonstrated, with 0.15 kJ greater impact-energy absorption by the B-pillar reinforcement compared to 22MnB5.

  9. A Fully Integrated Humidity Sensor System-on-Chip Fabricated by Micro-Stamping Technology

    PubMed Central

    Huang, Che-Wei; Huang, Yu-Jie; Lu, Shey-Shi; Lin, Chih-Ting


    A fully integrated humidity sensor chip was designed, implemented, and tested. Utilizing the micro-stamping technology, the pseudo-3D sensor system-on-chip (SSoC) architecture can be implemented by stacking sensing materials directly on the top of a CMOS-fabricated chip. The fabricated sensor system-on-chip (2.28 mm × 2.48 mm) integrated a humidity sensor, an interface circuit, a digital controller, and an On-Off Keying (OOK) wireless transceiver. With low power consumption, i.e., 750 μW without RF operation, the sensitivity of developed sensor chip was experimentally verified in the relative humidity (RH) range from 32% to 60%. The response time of the chip was also experimentally verified to be within 5 seconds from RH 36% to RH 64%. As a consequence, the implemented humidity SSoC paves the way toward the an ultra-small sensor system for various applications.

  10. 27 CFR 479.37 - Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed. 479.37 Section 479.37 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE...

  11. 27 CFR 479.37 - Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2012-04-01 2010-04-01 true Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed. 479.37 Section 479.37 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE...

  12. 27 CFR 479.37 - Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed. 479.37 Section 479.37 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE...

  13. 27 CFR 479.37 - Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed. 479.37 Section 479.37 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE...

  14. 27 CFR 479.37 - Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Certificates in lieu of stamps lost or destroyed. 479.37 Section 479.37 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARMS, AND EXPLOSIVES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION MACHINE GUNS, DESTRUCTIVE...

  15. Impacting Mediators of Change for Physical Activity among Elderly Food Stamp Recipients

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dye, Cheryl J.; Williams, Joel E.; Kemper, Karen A.; McGuire, Francis A.; Aybar-Damali, Begum


    A multidisciplinary team developed and pilot-tested a curriculum, delivered by trained lay educators, to increase self-efficacy for physical activity among elderly food stamp recipients. Curriculum development was guided by a comprehensive literature review. Process evaluation was used to revise the curriculum and to assess lay educator training…


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  17. Application of a Model for Quenching and Partitioning in Hot Stamping of High-Strength Steel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Bin; Liu, Zhuang; Wang, Yanan; Rolfe, Bernard; Wang, Liang; Zhang, Yisheng


    Application of quenching and partitioning process in hot stamping has proven to be an effective method to improve the plasticity of advanced high-strength steels (AHSSs). In this study, the hot stamping and partitioning process of advanced high-strength steel 30CrMnSi2Nb is investigated with a hot stamping mold. Given the specific partitioning time and temperature, the influence of quenching temperature on the volume fraction of microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the above steel are studied in detail. In addition, a model for quenching and partitioning process is applied to predict the carbon diffusion and interface migration during partitioning, which determines the retained austenite volume fraction and final properties of the part. The predicted trends of the retained austenite volume fraction agree with the experimental results. In both cases, the volume fraction of retained austenite increases first and then decreases with the increasing quenching temperature. The optimal quenching temperature is approximately 290 °C for 30CrMnSi2Nb with the partition conditions of 425 °C and 20 seconds. It is suggested that the model can be used to help determine the process parameters to obtain retained austenite as much as possible.

  18. The Contingent Use of Trading Stamps in Reducing Truancy: A Case Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zweig, John T.; And Others


    A 13-year-old learning-disabled subject received a daily amount of trading stamps contingent on school attendance. Results showed a significant decrease in truancy from three to four days per week to less than one. A reversal design indicated that truancy could be controlled by the contingency procedure. (Author/GDC)

  19. Can laboratory and pilot recycling trials predict adhesive removal in commercial recycling systems? : results from the USPS environmentally benign stamp project


    Carl Houtman; Daniel Seiter; Nancy Ross Sutherland; Donald Donermeyer


    The ultimate goal of the US Postal Service (USPS) Environmentally Benign Stamp Program is to develop stamp laminates, i.e., face paper, adhesive and siliconized liner, that do not cause difficulties in recycling mills. The criterion for success, and the USPS definition of benignity, is the avoidance of process and product quality hardships when such PSA laminates are...

  20. Over-the-counter sales of out-of-state and counterfeit tax stamp cigarettes in New York City.


    Silver, Diana; Giorgio, Margaret M; Bae, Jin Yung; Jimenez, Geronimo; Macinko, James


    New York City (NYC) has strict minimum cigarette price and tax stamp laws, but evidence regarding the extent of evasion of such laws in over-the-counter sales is scarce. 830 packs were purchased at licensed tobacco retailers at 92 randomly selected neighbourhoods in NYC in spring and fall 2014, following the establishment of NYC's minimum price law. The χ(2) analyses of illegal tax stamps on pack, by retailer type and data collection period, are presented. Over 15% of packs purchased had out-of-state (4.5%) or counterfeit tax stamps (10.6%). Purchases resulted in at least one illegal pack obtained in 70% of neighbourhoods, largely from independent stores. In 21.5% of sampled neighbourhoods, it was possible to purchase an illegal pack each collection period. Enhanced enforcement of retail sales of cigarettes is needed to ensure the full benefit of existing tobacco control laws in NYC. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  1. Investigation of Hardness Change for Spot Welded Tailored Blank in Hot Stamping Using CCT and Deformation-CCT Diagrams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yogo, Yasuhiro; Kurato, Nozomi; Iwata, Noritoshi


    When an outer panel of a B-pillar is manufactured with the hot stamping process, reinforcements are spot welded on its inner side. Before reinforcements are added, the microstructure of the outer panel is martensite. However, reheating during spot welding changes the martensite to ferrite, which has a lower hardness in the heat-affected zone than in other areas. If spot welding is conducted before hot stamping for making a spot welded tailored blank, the microstructure in the spot welded tailored blank after hot stamping is martensite. This sequence of processes avoids hardness reduction due to spot welding. In this study, the hardness and microstructure around spot welded parts of the tailored blank were investigated. The results clearly showed that areas close to the spot welded parts are severely stretched during hot stamping. In addition, stretching suppresses the martensitic phase transformation and reduces the hardness. To characterize this phenomenon, a simulation was conducted that considered the effects of pre-strain on the phase transformation. A continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram and a deformation continuous cooling transformation (DCCT) diagram were made in order to quantify the effect of the cooling rate and pre-strain on the phase transformation and hardness. The hardness was then calculated using the experimentally measured CCT and DCCT diagrams and the finite element analysis results. The calculated hardness was compared with the experimental hardness. Good agreement was found between the calculated and experimental results.

  2. Investigation of Hardness Change for Spot Welded Tailored Blank in Hot Stamping Using CCT and Deformation-CCT Diagrams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yogo, Yasuhiro; Kurato, Nozomi; Iwata, Noritoshi


    When an outer panel of a B-pillar is manufactured with the hot stamping process, reinforcements are spot welded on its inner side. Before reinforcements are added, the microstructure of the outer panel is martensite. However, reheating during spot welding changes the martensite to ferrite, which has a lower hardness in the heat-affected zone than in other areas. If spot welding is conducted before hot stamping for making a spot welded tailored blank, the microstructure in the spot welded tailored blank after hot stamping is martensite. This sequence of processes avoids hardness reduction due to spot welding. In this study, the hardness and microstructure around spot welded parts of the tailored blank were investigated. The results clearly showed that areas close to the spot welded parts are severely stretched during hot stamping. In addition, stretching suppresses the martensitic phase transformation and reduces the hardness. To characterize this phenomenon, a simulation was conducted that considered the effects of pre-strain on the phase transformation. A continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram and a deformation continuous cooling transformation (DCCT) diagram were made in order to quantify the effect of the cooling rate and pre-strain on the phase transformation and hardness. The hardness was then calculated using the experimentally measured CCT and DCCT diagrams and the finite element analysis results. The calculated hardness was compared with the experimental hardness. Good agreement was found between the calculated and experimental results.

  3. Time Synchronization/Stamping Method with Visible Light Communication and Energy Harvesting Methods for Wireless Sensor Network Inside Ariane 5 Vehicle Equipment Bay

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kesuma, Hendra; Niederkleine, Kris; Schmale, Sebastian; Ahobala, Tejas; Paul, Steffen; Sebald, Johannes


    In this work we design and implement efficient time synchronization/stamping method for Wireless Sensor Network inside the Vehicle Equipment Bay (VEB) of the ARIANE 5. The sensor nodes in the network do not require real time clock (RTC) hardware to store and stamp each measurement data performed by the sensors. There will be only the measurement sequence information, previous time (clock) information, measurement data and its related data protocol information sent back to the Access Point (AP). This lead to less data transmission, less energy and less time required by the sensor nodes to operate and also leads to longer battery life time. The Visible Light Communication (VLC) is used, to provide energy, to synchronize time and to deliver the commands to the sensor nodes in the network. By employing star network topology, a part of solar cell as receiver, the conventional receiver (RF/Infrared) is neglected to reduce amount of hardware and energy consumption. The infrared transmitter on the sensor node is deployed to minimize the electromagnetic interference in the launcher and does not require a complicated circuit in comparison to a RF transmitter.

  4. Experimental Investigation About Stamping Behaviour of 3D Warp Interlock Composite Preforms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dufour, Clément; Wang, Peng; Boussu, François; Soulat, Damien


    Forming of continuous fibre reinforcements and thermoplastic resin commingled prepregs can be performed at room temperature due to its similar textile structure. The "cool" forming stage is better controlled and more economical. The increase of temperature and the resin consolidation phases after the forming can be carried out under the isothermal condition thanks to a closed system. It can avoid the manufacturing defects easily experienced in the non-isothermal thermoforming, in particular the wrinkling [1]. Glass/Polypropylene commingled yarns have been woven inside different three-dimensional (3D) warp interlock fabrics and then formed using a double-curved shape stamping tool. The present study investigates the in-plane and through-thickness behaviour of the 3D warp interlock fibrous reinforcements during forming with a hemispherical punch. Experimental data allow analysing the forming behaviour in the warp and weft directions and on the influence of warp interlock architectures. The results point out that the layer to layer warp interlock preform has a better stamping behaviour, in particular no forming defects and good homogeneity in thickness.

  5. Authentication, Time-Stamping and Digital Signatures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Levine, Judah


    Time and frequency data are often transmitted over public packet-switched networks, and the use of this mode of distribution is likely to increase in the near future as high-speed logical circuits transmitted via networks replace point-to-point physical circuits. ALthough these networks have many technical advantages, they are susceptible to evesdropping, spoofing, and the alteration of messages enroute using techniques that are relatively simple to implement and quite difficult to detect. I will discuss a number of solutions to these problems, including the authentication mechanism used in the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and the more general technique of signing time-stamps using public key cryptography. This public key method can also be used to implement the digital analog of a Notary Public, and I will discuss how such a system could be realized on a public network such as the Internet.

  6. Verification of Reproduction Simulation of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami Using Time-Stamp Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Honma, Motohiro; Ushiyama, Motoyuki


    In the 2011 off the pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake tsunami, the significant damage and loss of lives were caused by large tsunami in the pacific coastal areas of the northern Japan. It is important to understand the situation of tsunami inundation in detail in order to establish the effective measures of disaster prevention. In this study, we calculated the detailed tsunami inundation simulation of Rikuzentakata city and verified the simulation results using not only the static observed data such as inundation area and tsunami height estimated by traces but also time stamp data which were recorded to digital camera etc. We calculated the tsunami simulation by non-linear long-wave theory using the staggered grid and leap flog scheme. We used Fujii and Satake (2011)'s model ver.4.2 as the tsunami source. The inundation model of Rikuzentakata city was constructed by fine ground level data of 10m mesh. In this simulation, the shore and river banks were set in boundary of calculation mesh. At that time, we have calculated two patterns of simulation, one condition is that a bank doesn't collapse even if tsunami overflows on it, another condition is that a bank collapses if tsunami overflows on it and its discharge exceeds the threshold. We can use the inundation area data, which was obtained by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI), and height data of tsunami trace, which were obtained by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Joint Survey (TTJS) group, as "static" verification data. Comparing the inundation area of simulation result with its observation by GSI, both areas are matched very well. And then, correlation coefficient between tsunami height data resulted from simulation and observed by TTJS is 0.756. In order to verify tsunami arrival time, we used the time stamp data which were recorded to digital camera etc. by citizens. Ushiyama and Yokomaku (2012) collected these tsunami stamp data and estimated the arrival time in Rikuzentakata city. We compared the

  7. The determination of effective injury controls for metal-cutting lathe operators.


    Etherton, J R; Trump, T R; Jensen, R C


    Operators of metal-working lathes are one of the largest manufacturing machine worker populations in the United States. Machines (other than vehicular) account for over 10% of occupational injuries each year. An estimated 3,400 operators of metal-working lathes suffer lost-time injuries annually in the United States. Some of these are fatal. Therefore an investigation was undertaken to determine methods for reducing injuries to lathe operators. Three methods were used: (i) review of injury reports, (ii) human factors analysis, and (iii) fault-tree procedures. The investigation followed the man-machine systems approach of looking for injury-producing dysfunctions between the lathe and the lathe operator. The major sources of injury were found to be chips and workholding devices. Secondary tasks were found to be more hazardous than is generally recognized. The use of three methods for approaching the problem was found to be useful in that injury controls were identified which are likely to be adopted because of their potential for improving safety without adversely affecting productivity.

  8. Capillary-Force-Assisted Clean-Stamp Transfer of Two-Dimensional Materials.


    Ma, Xuezhi; Liu, Qiushi; Xu, Da; Zhu, Yangzhi; Kim, Sanggon; Cui, Yongtao; Zhong, Lanlan; Liu, Ming


    A simple and clean method of transferring two-dimensional (2D) materials plays a critical role in the fabrication of 2D electronics, particularly the heterostructure devices based on the artificial vertical stacking of various 2D crystals. Currently, clean transfer techniques rely on sacrificial layers or bulky crystal flakes (e.g., hexagonal boron nitride) to pick up the 2D materials. Here, we develop a capillary-force-assisted clean-stamp technique that uses a thin layer of evaporative liquid (e.g., water) as an instant glue to increase the adhesion energy between 2D crystals and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for the pick-up step. After the liquid evaporates, the adhesion energy decreases, and the 2D crystal can be released. The thin liquid layer is condensed to the PDMS surface from its vapor phase, which ensures the low contamination level on the 2D materials and largely remains their chemical and electrical properties. Using this method, we prepared graphene-based transistors with low charge-neutral concentration (3 × 10 10 cm -2 ) and high carrier mobility (up to 48 820 cm 2 V -1 s -1 at room temperature) and heterostructure optoelectronics with high operation speed. Finally, a capillary-force model is developed to explain the experiment.

  9. Extracting Hot spots of Topics from Time Stamped Documents

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Wei; Chundi, Parvathi


    Identifying time periods with a burst of activities related to a topic has been an important problem in analyzing time-stamped documents. In this paper, we propose an approach to extract a hot spot of a given topic in a time-stamped document set. Topics can be basic, containing a simple list of keywords, or complex. Logical relationships such as and, or, and not are used to build complex topics from basic topics. A concept of presence measure of a topic based on fuzzy set theory is introduced to compute the amount of information related to the topic in the document set. Each interval in the time period of the document set is associated with a numeric value which we call the discrepancy score. A high discrepancy score indicates that the documents in the time interval are more focused on the topic than those outside of the time interval. A hot spot of a given topic is defined as a time interval with the highest discrepancy score. We first describe a naive implementation for extracting hot spots. We then construct an algorithm called EHE (Efficient Hot Spot Extraction) using several efficient strategies to improve performance. We also introduce the notion of a topic DAG to facilitate an efficient computation of presence measures of complex topics. The proposed approach is illustrated by several experiments on a subset of the TDT-Pilot Corpus and DBLP conference data set. The experiments show that the proposed EHE algorithm significantly outperforms the naive one, and the extracted hot spots of given topics are meaningful. PMID:21765568

  10. Tribological performances of new steel grades for hot stamping tools

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medea, F.; Venturato, G.; Ghiotti, A.; Bruschi, S.


    In the last years, the use of High Strength Steels (HSS) as structural parts in car body-in-white manufacturing has rapidly increased thanks to their favourable strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness, which allow a reduction of the fuel consumption to accommodate the new restricted regulations for CO2 emissions control. The survey of the technical and scientific literature shows a large interest in the development of different coatings for the blanks from the traditional Al-Si up to new Zn-based coatings and on the analysis of hard PVD, CVD coatings and plasma nitriding applied on the tools. By contrast, fewer investigations have been focused on the development and test of new tools steels grades capable to improve the wear resistance and the thermal properties that are required for the in-die quenching during forming. On this base, the paper deals with the analysis and comparison the tribological performances in terms of wear, friction and heat transfer of new tool steel grades for high-temperature applications, characterized by a higher thermal conductivity than the commonly used tools. Testing equipment, procedures as well as measurements analyses to evaluate the friction coefficient, the wear and heat transfer phenomena are presented. Emphasis is given on the physical simulation techniques that were specifically developed to reproduce the thermal and mechanical cycles on the metal sheets and dies as in the industrial practice. The reference industrial process is the direct hot stamping of the 22MnB5 HSS coated with the common Al-Si coating for automotive applications.

  11. Program Evaluation: Food Stamps and Commodity Distribution in Rural Areas of Central Pennsylvania.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Madden J. Patrick; Yoder, Marion D.

    Since one primary goal of the Commodity Distribution (CD) Program and the Food Stamp (FS) Program is to improve diets of low-income families, this 1969-70 study focused on whether the adequacy of a low-income family's dietary intake was improved by their participation in a food-assistance program. As stated, the adequacy of a family's dietary…

  12. Safety Guided Design Based on Stamp/STPA for Manned Vehicle in Concept Design Phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ujiie, Ryo; Katahira, Masafumi; Miyamoto, Yuko; Umeda, Hiroki; Leveson, Nancy; Hoshino, Nobuyuki


    In manned vehicles, such as the Soyuz and the Space Shuttle, the crew and computer system cooperate to succeed in returning to the earth. While computers increase the functionality of system, they also increase the complexity of the interaction between the controllers (human and computer) and the target dynamics. In some cases, the complexity can produce a serious accident. To prevent such losses, traditional hazard analysis such as FTA has been applied to system development, however it can be used after creating a detailed system because it focuses on detailed component failures. As a result, it's more difficult to eliminate hazard cause early in the process when it is most feasible.STAMP/STPA is a new hazard analysis that can be applied from the early development phase, with the analysis being refined as more detailed decisions are made. In essence, the analysis and design decisions are intertwined and go hand-in-hand. We have applied STAMP/STPA to a concept design of a new JAXA manned vehicle and tried safety guided design of the vehicle. As a result of this trial, it has been shown that STAMP/STPA can be accepted easily by system engineers and the design has been made more sophisticated from a safety viewpoint. The result also shows that the consequences of human errors on system safety can be analysed in the early development phase and the system designed to prevent them. Finally, the paper will discuss an effective way to harmonize this safety guided design approach with system engineering process based on the result of this experience in this project.

  13. Effect of manufacturing process sequence on the corrosion resistance characteristics of coated metallic bipolar plates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dur, Ender; Cora, Ömer Necati; Koç, Muammer


    Metallic bipolar plate (BPP) with high corrosion and low contact resistance, durability, strength, low cost, volume, and weight requirements is one of the critical parts of the PEMFC. This study is dedicated to understand the effect of the process sequence (manufacturing then coating vs. coating then manufacturing) on the corrosion resistance of coated metallic bipolar plates. To this goal, three different PVD coatings (titanium nitride (TiN), chromium nitride (CrN), zirconium nitride (ZrN)), with three thicknesses, (0.1, 0.5, 1 μm) were applied on BPPs made of 316L stainless steel alloy before and after two types of manufacturing (i.e., stamping or hydroforming). Corrosion test results indicated that ZrN coating exhibited the best corrosion protection while the performance of TiN coating was the lowest among the tested coatings and thicknesses. For most of the cases tested, in which coating was applied before manufacturing, occurrence of corrosion was found to be more profound than the case where coating was applied after manufacturing. Increasing the coating thickness was found to improve the corrosion resistance. It was also revealed that hydroformed BPPs performed slightly better than stamped BPPs in terms of the corrosion behavior.

  14. Color separation of signature and stamp inks to facilitate handwriting examination.


    Chaikovsky, Alan; Brown, Sharon; David, Laser Sin; Balman, Alex; Barzovski, Avner


    The questioned documents laboratory often encounters cases where handwriting that is to be examined intersects with some interfering factor such as a rubber stamp, typewriting or background printing. In these cases, line direction, beginning and ending features of letters and other fine details of the handwriting may be lost in the "noise" of the intersecting ink. The purpose of this paper is to show several new digital photography methods that may be used to "subtract" the effect of the intersecting ink, thereby enhancing that of the handwriting ink in order to enable the document examiner to conduct a complete examination. These methods have the advantage of being fast and do not involve the use of expensive material or equipment. Several new methods are described that may be used to separate the colors of the handwriting ink from that of the intersecting ink: the analog method and several digital methods such as RGB-HSB-CMYK, L*a*b color, and color separation using the Channel Mixer function of Adobe Photoshop. Successful application of these color separation methods to specific handwriting ink/rubber stamp ink color combinations shows that the effect of the intersecting ink may indeed be minimalized if not canceled altogether. Application of the suggested methods may well make the difference between a nonconclusive handwriting examination and a full analysis of the questioned handwriting.

  15. The problem of a finite strip compressed between two rough rigid stamps

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gupta, G. D.


    A finite strip compressed between two rough rigid stamps is considered. The elastostatic problem is formulated in terms of a singular integral equation from which the proper stress singularities at the corners are determined. The singular integral equation is solved numerically to determine the stresses along the fixed ends of the strip. The effect of material properties and strip geometry on the stress-intensity factor is presented graphically.

  16. Image Subtraction Reduction of Open Clusters M35 & NGC 2158 in the K2 Campaign 0 Super Stamps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Soares-Furtado, M.; Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Huang, C. X.; Penev, K.; Bhatti, W.


    We observed the open clusters M35 and NGC 2158 during the initial K2 campaign (C0). Reducing these data to high-precision photometric timeseries is challenging due to the wide point-spread function (PSF) and the blending of stellar light in such dense regions. We developed an image-subtraction-based K2 reduction pipeline that is applicable to both crowded and sparse stellar fields. We applied our pipeline to the data-rich C0 K2 super stamp, containing the two open clusters, as well as to the neighboring postage stamps. In this paper, we present our image subtraction reduction pipeline and demonstrate that this technique achieves ultra-high photometric precision for sources in the C0 super stamp. We extract the raw light curves of 3960 stars taken from the UCAC4 and EPIC catalogs and de-trend them for systematic effects. We compare our photometric results with the prior reductions published in the literature. For de-trended TFA-corrected sources in the 12-12.25 {{{K}}}{{p}} magnitude range, we achieve a best 6.5-hour window running rms of 35 ppm, falling to 100 ppm for fainter stars in the 14-14.25 {{{K}}}{{p}} magnitude range. For stars with {K}p> 14, our de-trended and 6.5-hour binned light curves achieve the highest photometric precision. Moreover, all our TFA-corrected sources have higher precision on all timescales investigated. This work represents the first published image subtraction analysis of a K2 super stamp. This method will be particularly useful for analyzing the Galactic bulge observations carried out during K2 campaign 9. The raw light curves and the final results of our de-trending processes are publicly available at

  17. Development of Core Competencies for Paraprofessional Nutrition Educators Who Deliver Food Stamp Nutrition Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baker, Susan S.; Pearson, Meredith; Chipman, Helen


    The purpose of this project was to describe the process used for the development of core competencies for paraprofessional nutrition educators in Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE). The development process included the efforts of an expert panel of state and multicounty FSNE leaders to draft the core competencies and the validation of those…

  18. Hydrogeology and physical characteristics of water samples at the Red River aluminum site, Stamps, Arkansas, April 2001

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Czarnecki, John B.; Stanton, Gregory P.; Freiwald, David A.


    The Red River Aluminum site near Stamps, Arkansas, contains waste piles of salt cake and metal byproducts from the smelting of aluminum. The waste piles are subjected to about 50 inches of rainfall a year, resulting in the dissolution of the salts and metal. To assess the potential threat to underlying ground-water resources at the site, its hydrogeology was characterized by measuring water levels and field parameters of water quality in 23 wells and at 2 surface-water sites. Seventeen of these monitor wells were constructed at various depths for this study to allow for the separate characterization of the shallow and deep ground-water systems, the calculation of vertical gradients, and the collection of water samples at different depths within the flow system. Lithologic descriptions from drill-hole cuttings and geophysical logs indicate the presence of interbedded sands, gravels, silts, and clays to depths of 65 feet. The regionally important Sparta aquifer underlies the site. Water levels in shallow wells indicate radial flow away from the salt-cake pile located near the center of the site. Flow in the deep system is to the west and southwest toward Bodcau Creek. Water-level data from eight piezometer nests indicate a downward hydraulic gradient from the shallow to deep systems across the site. Values of specific conductance (an indicator of dissolved salts) ranged from 215 to 196,200 microsiemens per centimeter and indicate that saline waters are being transported horizontally and vertically downward away from the site

  19. 77 FR 24177 - Approval for Manufacturing Authority; Foreign-Trade Zone 177; Hoosier Stamping & Mfg. Corp...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [Order No. 1822] Approval for Manufacturing Authority; Foreign-Trade Zone 177; Hoosier Stamping & Mfg. Corp. (Wheel Assemblies and Accessories); Chandler, IN Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as amended (19 U...

  20. Food Stamp and School Lunch Programs Alleviate Food Insecurity in Rural America. Fact Sheet

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Kristin; Savage, Sarah


    The Food Stamp and the National School Lunch Programs play a vital role in helping poor, rural Americans obtain a more nutritious diet and alleviate food insecurity and hunger. This fact sheet looks at the extent to which rural America depends on these programs and describes characteristics of beneficiaries of these federal nutrition assistance…

  1. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Toughening Mechanisms of a New Hot Stamping-Bake Toughening Steel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Tao; Song, Hong-Wu; Zhang, Shi-Hong; Cheng, Ming; Liu, Wei-Jie; Chen, Yun


    In this article, the hot stamping-bake toughening process has been proposed following the well-known concept of bake hardening. The influences of the bake time on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the hot stamped-baked part were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and mechanical tests at room temperature. The results show that the amount of the retained austenite was nearly not changed by the bake process. Also observed were spherical Cu-rich precipitates of about 15 nm in martensite laths. According to the Orowan mechanism, their contribution of the Cu-rich precipitates to the strength is approximately 245 MPa. With the increase of the bake time, the tensile strength of the part was decreased, whereas both the ductility and the product of the tensile strength and ductility were increased then decreased. The tensile strength and ductility product and the tensile strength are as high as 21.9 GPa pct, 2086 MPa, respectively. The excellent combined properties are due to the transformation-induced plasticity effect caused by retained austenite.

  2. Stamping SERS for creatinine sensing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Ming; Du, Yong; Zhao, Fusheng; Zeng, Jianbo; Santos, Greggy M.; Mohan, Chandra; Shih, Wei-Chuan


    Urine can be obtained easily, readily and non-invasively. The analysis of urine can provide metabolic information of the body and the condition of renal function. Creatinine is one of the major components of human urine associated with muscle metabolism. Since the content of creatinine excreted into urine is relatively constant, it is used as an internal standard to normalize water variations. Moreover, the detection of creatinine concentration in urine is important for the renal clearance test, which can monitor the filtration function of kidney and health status. In more details, kidney failure can be imminent when the creatinine concentration in urine is high. A simple device and protocol for creatinine sensing in urine samples can be valuable for point-of-care applications. We reported quantitative analysis of creatinine in urine samples by using stamping surface enhanced Raman scattering (S-SERS) technique with nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) based SERS substrate. S-SERS technique enables label-free and multiplexed molecular sensing under dry condition, while NPGD provides a robust, controllable, and high-sensitivity SERS substrate. The performance of S-SERS with NGPDs is evaluated by the detection and quantification of pure creatinine and creatinine in artificial urine within physiologically relevant concentration ranges.

  3. Fabrication of Glass Microchannel via Glass Imprinting using a Vitreous Carbon Stamp for Flow Focusing Droplet Generator

    PubMed Central

    Refatul Haq, Muhammad; Kim, Youngkyu; Kim, Jun; Oh, Pyoung-hwa; Ju, Jonghyun; Kim, Seok-Min; Lim, Jiseok


    This study reports a cost-effective method of replicating glass microfluidic chips using a vitreous carbon (VC) stamp. A glass replica with the required microfluidic microstructures was synthesized without etching. The replication method uses a VC stamp fabricated by combining thermal replication using a furan-based, thermally-curable polymer with carbonization. To test the feasibility of this method, a flow focusing droplet generator with flow-focusing and channel widths of 50 µm and 100 µm, respectively, was successfully fabricated in a soda-lime glass substrate. Deviation between the geometries of the initial shape and the vitreous carbon mold occurred because of shrinkage during the carbonization process, however this effect could be predicted and compensated for. Finally, the monodispersity of the droplets generated by the fabricated microfluidic device was evaluated. PMID:29286341

  4. To Pluto by way of a postage stamp

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Staehle, Robert L.; Terrile, Richard J.; Weinstein, Stacy S.


    In this time of constrained budgets, the primary question facing planetary explorers is not 'Can we do it?' but 'Can we do it cheaply?' Taunted by words on a postage stamp, a group of mission designers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is struggling to find a cheap way to go to Pluto. Three primary goals were set by the science community: (1) imaging of Pluto and Charon, (2) mapping their surface composition, and (3) characterizing Pluto's atmosphere. The spacecraft will be designed around these primary goals. With the help of the Advanced Technology Insertion (ATI) process $5 million was alloted for two years to shop for lightweight components and subsystems using new technology never tried on a planetary mission. The process for this search and development is described.

  5. TimepixCam: a fast optical imager with time-stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fisher-Levine, M.; Nomerotski, A.


    We describe a novel fast optical imager, TimepixCam, based on an optimized silicon pixel sensor with a thin entrance window, read out by a Timepix ASIC. TimepixCam is able to record and time-stamp light flashes in excess of 1,000 photons with high quantum efficiency in the 400-1000nm wavelength range with 20ns timing resolution, corresponding to an effective rate of 50 Megaframes per second. The camera was used for imaging ions impinging on a microchannel plate followed by a phosphor screen. Possible applications include spatial and velocity map imaging of ions in time-of-flight mass spectroscopy; coincidence imaging of ions and electrons, and other time-resolved types of imaging spectroscopy.

  6. Atmospherically deposited trace metals from bulk mineral concentrate port operations.


    Taylor, Mark Patrick


    Although metal exposures in the environment have declined over the last two decades, certain activities and locations still present a risk of harm to human health. This study examines environmental dust metal and metalloid hazards (arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel) associated with bulk mineral transport, loading and unloading port operations in public locations and children's playgrounds in the inner city of Townsville, northern Queensland. The mean increase in lead on post-play hand wipes (965 μg/m(2)/day) across all sites was more than 10-times the mean pre-play loadings (95 μg/m(2)/day). Maximum loading values after a 10-minute play period were 3012 μg/m(2), more than seven times the goal of 400 μg/m(2) used by the Government of Western Australia (2011). Maximum daily nickel post-play hand loadings (404 μg/m(2)) were more than 26 times above the German Federal Immission Control Act 2002 annual benchmark of 15 μg/m(2)/day. Repeat sampling over the 5-day study period showed that hands and surfaces were re-contaminated daily from the deposition of metal-rich atmospheric dusts. Lead isotopic composition analysis of dust wipes ((208)Pb/(207)Pb and (206)Pb/(207)Pb) showed that surface dust lead was similar to Mount Isa type ores, which are exported through the Port of Townsville. While dust metal contaminant loadings are lower than other mining and smelting towns in Australia, they exceeded national and international benchmarks for environmental quality. The lessons from this study are clear - even where operations are considered acceptable by managing authorities, targeted assessment and monitoring can be used to evaluate whether current management practices are truly best practice. Reassessment can identify opportunities for improvement and maximum environmental and human health protection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Falling through the Social Safety Net: Food Stamp Use and Nonuse among Older Impoverished Americans

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fuller-Thomson, Esme; Redmond, Melissa


    Purpose: Older adults are less likely than any other age group to use the federal Food Stamp Program. The personal and social costs of elderly diet insufficiency include disease exacerbation, depression, and increased hospitalization. In order to improve targeting and outreach efforts, this study identifies the characteristics of eligible older…

  8. Study on electrostatic and electromagnetic probes operated in ceramic and metallic depositing plasmas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Styrnoll, T.; Bienholz, S.; Lapke, M.; Awakowicz, P.


    This paper discusses plasma probe diagnostics, namely the multipole resonance probe (MRP) and Langmuir probe (LP), operated in depositing plasmas. The aim of this work is to show that the combination of both probes provides stable and robust measurements and clear determination of plasma parameters for metallic and ceramic coating processes. The probes use different approaches to determine plasma parameters, e.g. electron density ne and electron temperature Te. The LP is a well-established plasma diagnostic, and its applicability in technological plasmas is well documented. The LP is a dc probe that performs a voltage sweep and analyses the measured current, which makes it insensitive against conductive metallic coating. However, once the LP is dielectrically coated with a ceramic film, its functionality is constricted. In contrast, the MRP was recently presented as a monitoring tool, which is insensitive to coating with dielectric ceramics. It is a new plasma diagnostic based on the concept of active plasma resonance spectroscopy, which uses the universal characteristic of all plasmas to resonate on or near the electron plasma frequency. The MRP emits a frequency sweep and the absorption of the signal, the |S11| parameter, is analysed. Since the MRP concept is based on electromagnetic waves, which are able to transmit dielectrics, it is insensitive to dielectric coatings. But once the MRP is metallized with a thin conductive film, no undisturbed RF-signal can be emitted into the plasma, which leads to falsified plasma parameter. In order to compare both systems, during metallic or dielectric coating, the probes are operated in a magnetron CCP, which is equipped with a titanium target. We present measurements in metallic and dielectric coating processes with both probes and elaborate advantages and problems of each probe operated in each coating environment.

  9. Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR FT-IR) Spectroscopy as a Forensic Method to Determine the Composition of Inks Used to Print the United States One-cent Blue Benjamin Franklin Postage Stamps of the 19th Century.


    Brittain, Harry G


    Through the combined use of infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) sampling, the composition of inks used to print the many different types of one-cent Benjamin Franklin stamps of the 19th century has been established. This information permits a historical evaluation of the formulations used at various times, and also facilitates the differentiation of the various stamps from each other. In two instances, the ink composition permits the unambiguous identification of stamps whose appearance is identical, and which (until now) have only been differentiated through estimates of the degree of hardness or softness of the stamp paper, or through the presence or absence of a watermark in the paper. In these instances, the use of ATR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectroscopy effectively renders irrelevant two 100-year-old practices of stamp identification. Furthermore, since the use of ATR sampling makes it possible to obtain the spectrum of a stamp still attached to its cover, it is no longer necessary to identify these blue Franklin stamps using their cancellation dates. © The Author(s) 2015.

  10. 75 FR 11913 - Chrysler, LLC; Warren Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Caravan Knight...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Stamping Plant, Including On-Site Leased Workers From Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC; Warren, MI... from Caravan Knight Facilities Management LLC were employed on-site at the Warren, Michigan location of... Department is amending this certification to include workers leased from Caravan Knight Facilities Management...

  11. Highly Stable Operation of Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by the Formation of a Transient High Concentration Electrolyte Layer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zheng, Jianming; Yan, Pengfei; Mei, Donghai


    Lithium (Li) metal has been extensively investigated as an anode for rechargeable battery applications due to its ultrahigh specific capacity and the lowest redox potential. However, significant challenges including dendrite growth and low Coulombic efficiency are still hindering the practical applications of rechargeable Li metal batteries. Here, we demonstrate that long-term cycling of Li metal batteries can be realized by the formation of a transient high concentration electrolyte layer near the surface of Li metal anode during high rate discharge process. The highly concentrated Li+ ions in this transient layer will immediately solvate with the available solvent molecules and facilitatemore » the formation of a stable and flexible SEI layer composed of a poly(ethylene carbonate) framework integrated with other organic/inorganic lithium salts. This SEI layer largely suppresses the corrosion of Li metal anode by free organic solvents and enables the long-term operation of Li metal batteries. The fundamental findings in this work provide a new direction for the development and operation of Li metal batteries that could be operated at high current densities for a wide range of applications.« less


    EPA Science Inventory

    In most industrial operations the percentage of the lower explosive limit (LEL) of VOC emissions typically remain at below 5 to 10 percent LEL at most metal coating operations. Although, monitors are available to determine solvent concentrations, they require manual corrective ac...

  13. Soft Nanoimprint Lithography for Direct Printing of Crystalline Metal Oxide Nanostructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kothari, Rohit; Beaulieu, Michael; Watkins, James


    We demonstrate a solution-based soft nanoimprint lithography technique to directly print dimensionally-stable crystalline metal oxide nanostructures. A patterned PDMS stamp is used in combination with a UV/thermal cure step to imprint a resist containing high concentrations of crystalline nanoparticles in an inorganic/organic binder phase. The as-imprinted nanostructures are highly crystalline and therefore undergo little shrinkage (less than 5% in some cases) upon thermal annealing. High aspect ratio nanostructures and sub-100 nm features are easily realized. Residual layer free direct imprinting (no etching) was achieved by choosing the resist with the appropriate surface energy to ensure dewetting at stamp-substrate interface. The technique was further extended to stack the nanostructures by deploying a layer-by-layer imprint strategy. The method is scalable and can produce large area device quality nanostructures in a rapid fashion at a low cost. CeO2, ITO and TiO2 nanopatterns are illustrated for their potential use in fuel cell electrodes, solar cell electrodes and photonic devices, respectively.

  14. Postage Stamps and Peace Education: The Nobel Peace Prize. Peace Education Miniprints No. 79.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Abrams, Irwin

    This paper suggests how peace stamps can be used to further understanding of the movement for world peace. In this effort the Nobel Peace Prize, the most prestigious award in the world for peacemaking, is used as a focus. In the prizes from 1901 to the present, the Norwegian Nobel committees have recognized the major paths to peace. This variety…

  15. 52. G.E.H. photographer August 1930 1HUM1B #59, OILING OPERATIONS, GEH ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    52. G.E.H. photographer August 1930 1-HUM-1-B #59, OILING OPERATIONS, GEH 8-30. Stamped office copy. - Redwood National & State Parks Roads, California coast from Crescent City to Trinidad, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA

  16. Assembly of metallic nanoparticle arrays on glass via nanoimprinting and thin-film dewetting

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Sun-Kyu; Hwang, Sori; Kim, Yoon-Kee


    We propose a nanofabrication process to generate large-area arrays of noble metal nanoparticles on glass substrates via nanoimprinting and dewetting of metallic thin films. Glass templates were made via pattern transfer from a topographic Si mold to an inorganically cross-linked sol–gel (IGSG) resist on glass using a two-layer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp followed by annealing, which turned the imprinted resist into pure silica. The transparent, topographic glass successfully templated the assembly of Au and Ag nanoparticle arrays via thin-film deposition and dewetting at elevated temperatures. The microstructural and mechanical characteristics that developed during the processes were discussed. The results are promising for low-cost mass fabrication of devices for several photonic applications. PMID:28546899

  17. Assembly of metallic nanoparticle arrays on glass via nanoimprinting and thin-film dewetting.


    Lee, Sun-Kyu; Hwang, Sori; Kim, Yoon-Kee; Oh, Yong-Jun


    We propose a nanofabrication process to generate large-area arrays of noble metal nanoparticles on glass substrates via nanoimprinting and dewetting of metallic thin films. Glass templates were made via pattern transfer from a topographic Si mold to an inorganically cross-linked sol-gel (IGSG) resist on glass using a two-layer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp followed by annealing, which turned the imprinted resist into pure silica. The transparent, topographic glass successfully templated the assembly of Au and Ag nanoparticle arrays via thin-film deposition and dewetting at elevated temperatures. The microstructural and mechanical characteristics that developed during the processes were discussed. The results are promising for low-cost mass fabrication of devices for several photonic applications.

  18. Defect detection and classification of galvanized stamping parts based on fully convolution neural network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiao, Zhitao; Leng, Yanyi; Geng, Lei; Xi, Jiangtao


    In this paper, a new convolution neural network method is proposed for the inspection and classification of galvanized stamping parts. Firstly, all workpieces are divided into normal and defective by image processing, and then the defective workpieces extracted from the region of interest (ROI) area are input to the trained fully convolutional networks (FCN). The network utilizes an end-to-end and pixel-to-pixel training convolution network that is currently the most advanced technology in semantic segmentation, predicts result of each pixel. Secondly, we mark the different pixel values of the workpiece, defect and background for the training image, and use the pixel value and the number of pixels to realize the recognition of the defects of the output picture. Finally, the defect area's threshold depended on the needs of the project is set to achieve the specific classification of the workpiece. The experiment results show that the proposed method can successfully achieve defect detection and classification of galvanized stamping parts under ordinary camera and illumination conditions, and its accuracy can reach 99.6%. Moreover, it overcomes the problem of complex image preprocessing and difficult feature extraction and performs better adaptability.

  19. Using Micro-Molding and Stamping to Fabricate Conductive Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Flexible High-Sensitivity Strain Gauges.


    Han, Chi-Jui; Chiang, Hsuan-Ping; Cheng, Yun-Chien


    In this study, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and conductive carbon nanoparticles were combined to fabricate a conductive elastomer PDMS (CPDMS). A high sensitive and flexible CPDMS strain sensor is fabricated by using stamping-process based micro patterning. Compared with conventional sensors, flexible strain sensors are more suitable for medical applications but are usually fabricated by photolithography, which suffers from a large number of steps and difficult mass production. Hence, we fabricated flexible strain sensors using a stamping-process with fewer processes than photolithography. The piezoresistive coefficient and sensitivity of the flexible strain sensor were improved by sensor pattern design and thickness change. Micro-patterning is used to fabricate various CPDMS microstructure patterns. The effect of gauge pattern was evaluated with ANSYS simulations. The piezoresistance of the strain gauges was measured and the gauge factor determined. Experimental results show that the piezoresistive coefficient of CPDMS is approximately linear. Gauge factor measurement results show that the gauge factor of a 140.0 μm thick strain gauge with five grids is the highest.

  20. Screening and prioritisation of chemical risks from metal mining operations, identifying exposure media of concern.


    Pan, Jilang; Oates, Christopher J; Ihlenfeld, Christian; Plant, Jane A; Voulvoulis, Nikolaos


    Metals have been central to the development of human civilisation from the Bronze Age to modern times, although in the past, metal mining and smelting have been the cause of serious environmental pollution with the potential to harm human health. Despite problems from artisanal mining in some developing countries, modern mining to Western standards now uses the best available mining technology combined with environmental monitoring, mitigation and remediation measures to limit emissions to the environment. This paper develops risk screening and prioritisation methods previously used for contaminated land on military and civilian sites and engineering systems for the analysis and prioritisation of chemical risks from modern metal mining operations. It uses hierarchical holographic modelling and multi-criteria decision making to analyse and prioritise the risks from potentially hazardous inorganic chemical substances released by mining operations. A case study of an active platinum group metals mine in South Africa is used to demonstrate the potential of the method. This risk-based methodology for identifying, filtering and ranking mining-related environmental and human health risks can be used to identify exposure media of greatest concern to inform risk management. It also provides a practical decision-making tool for mine acquisition and helps to communicate risk to all members of mining operation teams.

  1. Studying the Solar System Can Be More Than Just "Stamp Collecting"

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    LoPresto, Michael C.


    While teaching his first-ever introductory college astronomy course, I heard a graduate student make the comment that compared to other areas of astronomy, studying the solar system is just "stamp collecting." Coverage of the solar system in an introductory college astronomy course certainly could consist mostly of showing images and reporting facts, but by using observations that can be made from images and also data and other known facts about the objects, instruction on solar system topics can be more conceptual, involving just as much inquiry and discovery as any area of astronomy or physics.

  2. 40 CFR Table 2 to Subpart Uuu of... - Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63 Protection of Environment... Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Operating Limits for Metal HAP...

  3. 40 CFR Table 2 to Subpart Uuu of... - Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2013-07-01 2012-07-01 true Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63 Protection of Environment... Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Operating Limits for Metal HAP...

  4. 40 CFR Table 2 to Subpart Uuu of... - Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63 Protection of Environment... Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 2 Table 2 to Subpart UUU of Part 63—Operating Limits for Metal HAP...

  5. The Effect of Food Stamp Nutrition Education on the Food Insecurity of Low-Income Women Participants

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eicher-Miller, Heather A.; Mason, April C.; Abbott, Angela R.; McCabe, George P.; Boushey, Carol J.


    Objective: To determine the effect of Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) in Indiana on participants' food insecurity and food insufficiency. Design: A single-blind randomized design. A randomized experimental group completed 5 FSNE lessons as an intervention between a pre- and posttest, whereas a control group completed a pre- and posttest…

  6. Watching the Clocks: The Role of Food Stamp Recertification and TANF Time Limits in Caseload Dynamics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ribar, David C.; Edelhoch, Marilyn; Liu, Qiduan


    We use administrative data to examine how "clock" policies--program time limits and recurring deadlines for confirming eligibility--affected participation in South Carolina's TANF and Food Stamp Programs from 1996-2003. South Carolina's TANF program limits most families to two years of benefits in any ten-year period; so, recipients…

  7. Improvement in current density of nano- and micro-structured Si solar cells by cost-effective elastomeric stamp process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jeon, Kiseok; Jee, Hongsub; Lim, Sangwoo; Park, Min Joon; Jeong, Chaehwan


    Effective incident light should be controlled for improving the current density of solar cells by employing nano- and micro-structures on silicon surface. The elastomeric stamp process, which is more cost effective and simpler than conventional photolithography, was proposed for the fabrication of nano- and micro-structures. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was poured on a mother pattern with a diameter of 6 μm and a spacing of 2 μm; then, curing was performed to create a PDMS mold. The regular micropattern was stamped on a low-viscosity resin-coated silicon surface, followed by the simple reactive ion etching process. Nano-structures were formed using the Ag-based electroless etching process. As etching time was increased to 6 min, reflectance decreased to 4.53% and current density improved from 22.35 to 34.72 mA/cm2.

  8. Treatment of Wastewater from Electroplating, Metal Finishing and Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing. Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Volume 4.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ., Sacramento. Dept. of Civil Engineering.

    One of four manuals dealing with the operation of wastewater plants, this document was designed to address the treatment of wastewater from electroplating, metal finishing, and printed circuit board manufacturing. It emphasizes how to operate and maintain facilities which neutralize acidic and basic waters; treat waters containing metals; destroy…

  9. Metal Working and Welding Operations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marine Corps Inst., Washington, DC.

    This student guide, one of a series of correspondence training courses designed to improve the job performance of members of the Marine Corps, deals with the skills needed by metal workers and welders. Addressed in the six individual units of the course are the following topics: weldable metals and their alloys, arc welding, gas welding,…

  10. Measuring the effect of food stamps on food insecurity and hunger: research and policy considerations.


    Wilde, Parke E


    The federal government has estimated the prevalence of household "food insecurity" and "food insecurity with hunger" since 1995. Early observers believed that the new measure could be used to assess and improve the Food Stamp Program (FSP). Ten years of research have tempered the initial optimism. The prevalence of food insecurity with hunger (12.3% of all low-income households in 2004) is much higher among food stamp participant households (18.6% in 2004) than among low-income nonparticipant households (10.1% in 2004), due to strong self-selection effects. Households facing greater hardship are more likely to join the program. This article reviews 6 types of nonexperimental research designs that have been used to address the self-selection problem. The results have been inconclusive and the authors have warned against drawing causal inferences from their research. Ethical random-assignment research designs may be required to satisfy the intense policy interest in measuring the antihunger impact of the FSP. The most promising ethical research designs would test the effects of offering eligibility to households that are currently ineligible or offering increased benefits to households that are currently eligible for small benefit amounts.

  11. Thermal-hydraulic performance of metal foam heat exchangers under dry operating conditions


    Nawaz, Kashif; Bock, Jessica; Jacobi, Anthony M.


    High porosity metal foams with novel thermal, mechanical, electrical, and acoustic properties are being more widely adopted for application. Due to their large surface-area-to-volume ratio and complex structure which induces better fluid mixing, boundary layer restarting and wake destruction, they hold promise for heat transfer applications. In this study, the thermal-hydraulic performance of open-cell aluminum metal foam heat exchanger has been evaluated. The impact of flow conditions and metal foam geometry on the heat transfer coefficient and gradient have been investigated. Metal foam heat exchanger with same geometry (face area, flow depth and fin dimensions) consisting of four different typemore » of metal foams have been built for the study. Experiments are conducted in a closed-loop wind tunnel at different flow rate under dry operating condition. Metal foams with a smaller pore size (40 PPI) have a larger heat transfer coefficient compared to foams with a larger pore size (5 PPI). However, foams with larger pores result in relatively smaller pressure gradients. Current thermal-hydraulic modeling practices have been reviewed and potential issues have been identified. Permeability and inertia coefficients are determined and compared to data reported in open literature. Finally, on the basis of the new experimental results, correlations are developed relating the foam characteristics and flow conditions through the friction factor f and the Colburn j factor.« less

  12. Thermal-hydraulic performance of metal foam heat exchangers under dry operating conditions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nawaz, Kashif; Bock, Jessica; Jacobi, Anthony M.

    High porosity metal foams with novel thermal, mechanical, electrical, and acoustic properties are being more widely adopted for application. Due to their large surface-area-to-volume ratio and complex structure which induces better fluid mixing, boundary layer restarting and wake destruction, they hold promise for heat transfer applications. In this study, the thermal-hydraulic performance of open-cell aluminum metal foam heat exchanger has been evaluated. The impact of flow conditions and metal foam geometry on the heat transfer coefficient and gradient have been investigated. Metal foam heat exchanger with same geometry (face area, flow depth and fin dimensions) consisting of four different typemore » of metal foams have been built for the study. Experiments are conducted in a closed-loop wind tunnel at different flow rate under dry operating condition. Metal foams with a smaller pore size (40 PPI) have a larger heat transfer coefficient compared to foams with a larger pore size (5 PPI). However, foams with larger pores result in relatively smaller pressure gradients. Current thermal-hydraulic modeling practices have been reviewed and potential issues have been identified. Permeability and inertia coefficients are determined and compared to data reported in open literature. Finally, on the basis of the new experimental results, correlations are developed relating the foam characteristics and flow conditions through the friction factor f and the Colburn j factor.« less

  13. Analysis of Fluctuating Friction Version in Sheet Metallic Designing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ambarayil Joy, Jithin; Jung, Dong Won


    Conservative Coulomb method indicates steady constant of rub in thin metal panel making that appears or feels close to the real thing. It contributes to describing attainable future event too high shear pressure in making ahead in the position of high R-value steel (AHRS). The study is conducted by pretend the making and spring back of a specific panel to understand the characteristic of the stamping procedure. Corresponding of the describe probable future results with (i) physical force-dependent changeable rub method, (ii) perpetual rub method, and the conclusion of exploratory facts point out a significant upgrading of spring back forecast with the prospective method.

  14. Battery-operated, argon-hydrogen microplasma on hybrid, postage stamp-sized plastic-quartz chips for elemental analysis of liquid microsamples using a portable optical emission spectrometer.


    Weagant, Scott; Chen, Vivian; Karanassios, Vassili


    A battery-operated, atmospheric pressure, self-igniting, planar geometry Ar-H(2) microplasma for elemental analysis of liquid microsamples is described. The inexpensive microplasma device (MPD) fabricated for this work was a hybrid plastic-quartz structure that was formed on chips with an area (roughly) equal to that of a small-sized postage stamp (MPD footprint, 12.5-mm width by 38-mm length). Plastic substrates were chosen due to their low cost, for rapid prototyping purposes, and for a speedy microplasma device evaluation. To enhance portability, the microplasma was operated from an 18-V rechargeable battery. To facilitate portability even further, it was demonstrated that the battery can be recharged by a portable solar panel. The battery-supplied dc voltage was converted to a high-voltage ac. The ~750-μm (diameter) and 12-mm (long) Ar-H(2) (3% H(2)) microplasma was formed by applying the high-voltage ac between two needle electrodes. Spectral interference from the electrode materials or from the plastic substrate was not observed. Operating conditions were found to be key to igniting and sustaining a microplasma that was simply "warm" to the touch (thus alleviating the need for cooling or other thermal management) and that had a stable background emission. A small-sized (900 μL internal volume) electrothermal vaporization system (40-W max power) was used for microsample introduction. Microplasma background emission in the spectral region between 200 and 850 nm obtained using a portable fiber-optic spectrometer is reported and the effect of the operating conditions is described. Analyte emission from microliter volumes of dilute single-element standard solutions of Cd, Cu, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, and Zn is documented. The majority of spectral lines observed for the elements tested were from neutral atoms. The relative lack of emission from ion lines simplified the spectra, thus facilitating the use of a portable spectrometer. Despite the relative spectral

  15. Change in working characteristics of the steam turbine metal with operating time of more than 330000 hours

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gladshteyn, V. I.; Troitskiy, A. I.


    Research of a metal of the stop valve case (SVC) of the K-300-23.5 LMZ turbine (steel grade 15Kh1M1FL), destroyed after operation for 331000 hours, is performed. It's chemical composition and properties are determined as follows: a short-term mechanical tensile stress at 20°C and at elevated temperature, critical temperature, fragility, critical crack opening at elevated temperature, and long-term strength. Furthermore, nature of the microstructure, packing density of carbide particles and their size, and chemical composition of carbide sediment are estimated. A manifestation of metal properties for the main case components by comparison with a forecast of the respective characteristics made for the operating time of 331000 hours is tested. Property-time relationships are built for the forecast using statistical treatment of the test results for the samples cut out from more than 300 parts. Representativeness of the research results is proved: the statistical treatment of their differences are within the range of ±5%. It has been found that, after 150000 hours of operation, only the tensile strength insignificantly depends on the operating time at 20°C, whereas indicators of strength at elevated temperature significantly reduce, depending on the operating time. A brittle-to-ductile transition temperature (BDTT) raises, a critical notch opening changes in a complicated way, a long-term strength reduces. It has been found empirically that the limit of a long-term strength of the SVC metal at 540°C and the operating time of 105 hours is almost 1.6 times less than the required value in the as-delivered state. It is possible to evaluate a service life of the operating valves with the operating time of more than 330000 hours with respect to the long-term strength of the metal taking into account the actual temperature and stress. Guidelines for the control of similar parts are provided.

  16. Assembly of live micro-organisms on microstructured PDMS stamps by convective/capillary deposition for AFM bio-experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dague, E.; Jauvert, E.; Laplatine, L.; Viallet, B.; Thibault, C.; Ressier, L.


    Immobilization of live micro-organisms on solid substrates is an important prerequisite for atomic force microscopy (AFM) bio-experiments. The method employed must immobilize the cells firmly enough to enable them to withstand the lateral friction forces exerted by the tip during scanning but without denaturing the cell interface. In this work, a generic method for the assembly of living cells on specific areas of substrates is proposed. It consists in assembling the living cells within the patterns of microstructured, functionalized poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamps using convective/capillary deposition. This versatile approach is validated by applying it to two systems of foremost importance in biotechnology and medicine: Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts and Aspergillus fumigatus fungal spores. We show that this method allows multiplexing AFM nanomechanical measurements by force spectroscopy on S. cerevisiae yeasts and high-resolution AFM imaging of germinated Aspergillus conidia in buffer medium. These two examples clearly demonstrate the immense potential of micro-organism assembly on functionalized, microstructured PDMS stamps by convective/capillary deposition for performing rigorous AFM bio-experiments on living cells.

  17. Experimental study on the warm forming and quenching behavior for hot stamping of high-strength aluminum alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Degner, J.; Horn, A.; Merklein, M.


    Within the last decades, stringent regulations on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and product recyclability forced the automotive sector to implement new strategies within the field of car body manufacturing. Due to their low density and good corrosion resistance, aluminum became one of the most relevant lightweight materials. Recently, especially high- strength aluminum alloys for structural components gained importance. Since the low formability of these alloys limits their application, there is a need for novel process strategies in order to enhance the forming behavior. One promising approach is the hot stamping of aluminum alloys. The combination of quenching and forming in one step after solution heat treatment leads to a significant improvement of the formability. Furthermore, higher manufacturing accuracy can be achieved due to reduced spring back. Within this contribution, the influence of forming temperature on the subsequent material behavior and the heat transfer during quenching will be analyzed. Therefore, the mechanical and thermal material characteristics such as flow behavior and heat transfer coefficient during hot stamping are investigated.

  18. Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Formability of Materials in Hot Stamping and Cold Die Quenching Processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, N.; Mohamed, M. S.; Cai, J.; Lin, J.; Balint, D.; Dean, T. A.


    Formability of steel and aluminium alloys in hot stamping and cold die quenching processes is studied in this research. Viscoplastic-damage constitutive equations are developed and determined from experimental data for the prediction of viscoplastic flow and ductility of the materials. The determined unified constitutive equations are then implemented into the commercial Finite Element code Abaqus/Explicit via a user defined subroutine, VUMAT. An FE process simulation model and numerical procedures are established for the modeling of hot stamping processes for a spherical part with a central hole. Different failure modes (failure takes place either near the central hole or in the mid span of the part) are obtained. To validate the simulation results, a test programme is developed, a test die set has been designed and manufactured, and tests have been carried out for the materials with different forming rates. It has been found that very close agreements between experimental and numerical process simulation results are obtained for the ranges of temperatures and forming rates carried out.

  19. Projected Defense Purchases: Detail by Industry and State Calendar Years 2000 Through 2005

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2087 14 Other Food Products 44 Vegetable Oil Mills 2074, 2075, 2076 45 Animal and Marine Fats and Oils 2077 46 Shortening, Table Oils, and Edible Fats...Stampings 3465 155 Crowns and Closures 3466 156 Metal Stampings, n.e.c. 3469 157 Cutlery and Hand Tools 3421 3423 3425 158 Hardware, n.e.c. 3429 159 Metal

  20. Connecting the dots across time: reconstruction of single-cell signalling trajectories using time-stamped data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mukherjee, Sayak; Stewart, David; Stewart, William; Lanier, Lewis L.; Das, Jayajit


    Single-cell responses are shaped by the geometry of signalling kinetic trajectories carved in a multidimensional space spanned by signalling protein abundances. It is, however, challenging to assay a large number (more than 3) of signalling species in live-cell imaging, which makes it difficult to probe single-cell signalling kinetic trajectories in large dimensions. Flow and mass cytometry techniques can measure a large number (4 to more than 40) of signalling species but are unable to track single cells. Thus, cytometry experiments provide detailed time-stamped snapshots of single-cell signalling kinetics. Is it possible to use the time-stamped cytometry data to reconstruct single-cell signalling trajectories? Borrowing concepts of conserved and slow variables from non-equilibrium statistical physics we develop an approach to reconstruct signalling trajectories using snapshot data by creating new variables that remain invariant or vary slowly during the signalling kinetics. We apply this approach to reconstruct trajectories using snapshot data obtained from in silico simulations, live-cell imaging measurements, and, synthetic flow cytometry datasets. The application of invariants and slow variables to reconstruct trajectories provides a radically different way to track objects using snapshot data. The approach is likely to have implications for solving matching problems in a wide range of disciplines.

  1. 76 FR 16715 - Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Raritan River, Arthur Kill and Their Tributaries, Staten Island...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... would like to know that they reached the Facility, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard or... dedicated telephone hot line for vessel operators to call the bridge in advance to coordinate anticipated bridge closures. The telephone hot line number shall be posted on signs at the bridge clearly visible...

  2. Microstructure and Properties of a New Cr - Mn Steel without Boron Additions for Use in Hot Stamping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, H.; Zhu, G.; Li, Q.; Chen, Q.


    Anew hot-stamping steel that is alloyed with chromium and manganese and does not contain boron additions has been developed. The effect of reheating temperature and cooling rates on the mechanical properties and structure of the steel is determined. Atreatment regime that increases the ductility of the steel without a noticeable decrease in its strength is proposed.

  3. Training and operation of an integrated neuromorphic network based on metal-oxide memristors.


    Prezioso, M; Merrikh-Bayat, F; Hoskins, B D; Adam, G C; Likharev, K K; Strukov, D B


    Despite much progress in semiconductor integrated circuit technology, the extreme complexity of the human cerebral cortex, with its approximately 10(14) synapses, makes the hardware implementation of neuromorphic networks with a comparable number of devices exceptionally challenging. To provide comparable complexity while operating much faster and with manageable power dissipation, networks based on circuits combining complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOSs) and adjustable two-terminal resistive devices (memristors) have been developed. In such circuits, the usual CMOS stack is augmented with one or several crossbar layers, with memristors at each crosspoint. There have recently been notable improvements in the fabrication of such memristive crossbars and their integration with CMOS circuits, including first demonstrations of their vertical integration. Separately, discrete memristors have been used as artificial synapses in neuromorphic networks. Very recently, such experiments have been extended to crossbar arrays of phase-change memristive devices. The adjustment of such devices, however, requires an additional transistor at each crosspoint, and hence these devices are much harder to scale than metal-oxide memristors, whose nonlinear current-voltage curves enable transistor-free operation. Here we report the experimental implementation of transistor-free metal-oxide memristor crossbars, with device variability sufficiently low to allow operation of integrated neural networks, in a simple network: a single-layer perceptron (an algorithm for linear classification). The network can be taught in situ using a coarse-grain variety of the delta rule algorithm to perform the perfect classification of 3 × 3-pixel black/white images into three classes (representing letters). This demonstration is an important step towards much larger and more complex memristive neuromorphic networks.

  4. Six centuries of geomagnetic intensity variations recorded by royal Judean stamped jar handles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ben-Yosef, Erez; Millman, Michael; Shaar, Ron; Tauxe, Lisa; Lipschits, Oded


    Earth’s magnetic field, one of the most enigmatic physical phenomena of the planet, is constantly changing on various time scales, from decades to millennia and longer. The reconstruction of geomagnetic field behavior in periods predating direct observations with modern instrumentation is based on geological and archaeological materials and has the twin challenges of (i) the accuracy of ancient paleomagnetic estimates and (ii) the dating of the archaeological material. Here we address the latter by using a set of storage jar handles (fired clay) stamped by royal seals as part of the ancient administrative system in Judah (Jerusalem and its vicinity). The typology of the stamp impressions, which corresponds to changes in the political entities ruling this area, provides excellent age constraints for the firing event of these artifacts. Together with rigorous paleomagnetic experimental procedures, this study yielded an unparalleled record of the geomagnetic field intensity during the eighth to second centuries BCE. The new record constitutes a substantial advance in our knowledge of past geomagnetic field variations in the southern Levant. Although it demonstrates a relatively stable and gradually declining field during the sixth to second centuries BCE, the new record provides further support for a short interval of extreme high values during the late eighth century BCE. The rate of change during this “geomagnetic spike” [defined as virtual axial dipole moment > 160 ZAm2 (1021 Am2)] is further constrained by the new data, which indicate an extremely rapid weakening of the field (losing ˜27% of its strength over ca. 30 y).


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  6. Interim Action Proposed Plan for the Chemicals, Metals, and Pesticides (CMP) Pits Operable Unit

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bradley, J.


    The purpose of this Interim Action Proposed Plan (IAPP) is to describe the preferred interim remedial action for addressing the Chemicals, Metals, and Pesticides (CMP) Pits Operable Unit and to provide an opportunity for public input into the remedial action selection process.

  7. Vortex nozzle for segmenting and transporting metal chips from turning operations


    Bieg, L.F.


    Apparatus for collecting, segmenting and conveying metal chips from machining operations utilizes a compressed gas driven vortex nozzle for receiving the chip and twisting it to cause the chip to segment through the application of torsional forces to the chip. The vortex nozzle is open ended and generally tubular in shape with a converging inlet end, a constant diameter throat section and a diverging exhaust end. Compressed gas is discharged through angled vortex ports in the nozzle throat section to create vortex flow in the nozzle and through an annular inlet at the entrance to the converging inlet end to create suction at the nozzle inlet and cause ambient air to enter the nozzle. The vortex flow in the nozzle causes the metal chip to segment and the segments thus formed to pass out of the discharge end of the nozzle where they are collected, cleaned and compacted as needed.

  8. Thermal and mechanical properties of aluminized fabrics for use in ferrous metal handling operations.


    Wren, J E; Scott, W D; Bates, C E


    Protective garments are normally worn in molten handling operations to provide some protection against molten metal splashes. These garments are also intended to provide protection against radiant heat, and they should be as heat resistant and comfortable as possible. Asbestos-based fabrics have been employed for many years, but recently some concern has been expressed over possible asbestos exposure. This program was undertaken to explore the ability of several types of fabrics to resist heat transfer during molten metal impact. A molten metal splash test, along with standard methods for determining tensile strength, flame resistance, and abrasion-flexing resistance were used to evaluate several classes of protective fabrics. The results indicate that there are materials available that offer equal or better mechanical properties and thermal protection compared to aluminized asbestos.

  9. Stamping an AA5754 Train Window Panel with High Dent Resistance Using Locally Annealed Blanks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Piccininni, A.; Guglielmi, P.; Lo Franco, A.; Palumbo, G.


    The warm stamping of an AA5754-H32 window panel for railway vehicles applications has been proposed in the present work. The adoption of increased working temperatures can be surely considered the most effective solution for this alloy to overcome the limited material formability at room temperature [Palumbo et al. “Warm Forming of an AA5754 Component for Railway Vehicle Applications”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 183, 2017, Pages 351-356] but, in order to improve the overall dent resistance of the component, the initial wrought conditions have been chosen in the present work. The manufacturing of the window panel was thus subdivided into a preliminary local heat treatment (assumed to be performed by laser) to anneal the material and a subsequent warm stamping step using heated tools. The best combination of temperature and holding time able to produce the annealing of the investigated alloy was determined using the physical simulator Gleeble 3180. On the contrary, the warm forming step was designed by means of thermo-mechanical simulations: in order to model the AA5754-H32 blank with annealed regions, an extensive experimental campaign (tensile and formability tests) was conducted using specimens in the annealed (H111) and in the wrought (H32) conditions. Through the numerical approach it was thus possible define: (i) the extent of the annealed regions; (ii) the punch speed to get a sound component.

  10. Homemaker Reaction to EFNEP/Food Stamp Pilot Nutrition Education Project. A 1983 Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Survey. Extension Studies 92.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dunn, Polly P.; And Others

    Between 1982 and 1983, more than 750 homemakers from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts participated in a national study to test selected methods of delivering nutrition education to low-income families. The study, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)/Food Stamp Pilot Project, was conducted through the EFNEP in 10 states. At the…

  11. Thermally-responsive, nonflammable phosphonium ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries: operating at 100 degrees celsius.


    Lin, X; Kavian, R; Lu, Y; Hu, Q; Shao-Horn, Y; Grinstaff, M W


    Rechargeable batteries such as Li ion/Li metal batteries are widely used in the electronics market but the chemical instability of the electrolyte limits their use in more demanding environmental conditions such as in automotive, oil exploration, or mining applications. In this study, a series of alkyl phosphonium ionic liquid electrolyte are described with high thermal stability and solubility for LiTFSI. A lithium metal battery (LMB) containing a tailored phosphonium ionic liquid/LiTFSI electrolyte operates at 100 °C with good specific capacities and cycling stability. Substantial capacity is maintained during 70 cycles or 30 days. Instant on-off battery operation is realized via the significant temperature dependence of the electrolyte material, demonstrating the robustness and potential for use at high temperature.

  12. Recognition of Time Stamps on Full-Disk Hα Images Using Machine Learning Methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Y.; Huang, N.; Jing, J.; Liu, C.; Wang, H.; Fu, G.


    Observation and understanding of the physics of the 11-year solar activity cycle and 22-year magnetic cycle are among the most important research topics in solar physics. The solar cycle is responsible for magnetic field and particle fluctuation in the near-earth environment that have been found increasingly important in affecting the living of human beings in the modern era. A systematic study of large-scale solar activities, as made possible by our rich data archive, will further help us to understand the global-scale magnetic fields that are closely related to solar cycles. The long-time-span data archive includes both full-disk and high-resolution Hα images. Prior to the widely use of CCD cameras in 1990s, 35-mm films were the major media to store images. The research group at NJIT recently finished the digitization of film data obtained by the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) covering the period of 1953 to 2000. The total volume of data exceeds 60 TB. To make this huge database scientific valuable, some processing and calibration are required. One of the most important steps is to read the time stamps on all of the 14 million images, which is almost impossible to be done manually. We implemented three different methods to recognize the time stamps automatically, including Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Classification Tree and TensorFlow. The latter two are known as machine learning algorithms which are very popular now a day in pattern recognition area. We will present some sample images and the results of clock recognition from all three methods.

  13. 75 FR 4911 - Food Stamp Program: Eligibility and Certification Provisions of the Farm Security and Rural...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...This final rule implements 11 provisions of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA) that establish new eligibility and certification requirements for the receipt of food stamps. The provisions of the final rule will simplify program administration, allow States greater flexibility, and provide enhanced access to eligible populations. This rule will allow States, at their option, to treat legally obligated child support payments to a non-household member as an income exclusion rather than a deduction; allow a State option to exclude certain types of income and resources that are not counted under the State's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance or Medicaid programs; replace the current, fixed standard deduction with a deduction that varies according to household size and is adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases; allow States to simplify the Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) if the State elects to use the SUA rather than actual utility costs for all households; allow States to use a standard deduction from income of $143 per month for homeless households with some shelter expenses; allow States to disregard reported changes in deductions during certification periods (except for changes associated with new residence or earned income) until the next recertification; increase the resource limit for households with a disabled member from $2,000 to $3,000 consistent with the limit for households with an elderly member; allow States to extend simplified reporting of changes to all households; require State agencies that have a Web site to post applications on these sites in the same languages that the State uses for its written applications; allow States to extend from the current 3 months up to 5 months the period of time households may receive transitional food stamp benefits when they cease to receive TANF cash assistance; and restore food stamp eligibility to qualified aliens who are otherwise eligible and who are

  14. Nowcasting and Forecasting the Monthly Food Stamps Data in the US Using Online Search Data

    PubMed Central

    Fantazzini, Dean


    We propose the use of Google online search data for nowcasting and forecasting the number of food stamps recipients. We perform a large out-of-sample forecasting exercise with almost 3000 competing models with forecast horizons up to 2 years ahead, and we show that models including Google search data statistically outperform the competing models at all considered horizons. These results hold also with several robustness checks, considering alternative keywords, a falsification test, different out-of-samples, directional accuracy and forecasts at the state-level. PMID:25369315

  15. A Fundamental Study of Stretch-Drawing Process of Sheet Metals : Single and Double Operations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gotoh, Manabu; Kim, Young-soo; Yamashita, Minoru


    Fundamental and informative data of axisymmetric stretch-drawing of several sheet metals with thichness of 0.7 1.0 mm are presented especially for single and double operations. Very small radius is applied to the die-profile (or -shoulder) in all operations to induce wall-thinning by the effect of bending-under-tension, from which the name `stretch-drawing' comes. It is clearly demonstrated that deeper cups could be formed by the single and double stretch-drawings from smaller cirlcular blanks due to such wall-thinning action than in the usual deep-drawing of larger blanks. From this fact, it is emphasized that the deep-drawability of a sheet metal is not evaluated simply by the conventional LDR (=limiting drawing ratio), but the depth of the drawn cup should also be taken into account. Many experimental data about various metals and thicknesses given in this paper offer a valueable information on this process for more general use which recommends to replace the conventional deep-drawing process by the stretch-drawing process both for single and double operations. In the single stretch-drawing, it is also confirmed that a deeper cup can be produced by raising the blank-holding force at later stage of operation. Fracturing is found to occur at the middle section of the wall part or at the die-profile other than at the punch profile common in the usual deep-drawing process. Numerical simulation of the single stretch-drawing process is also performed by use of DYNA-3D code to confirm that a satisfactory prediction especially in the depth of the drawn-cup can be done at least in a practical sense, although this kind of numerical analysis is very difficult because of the severity or localization of deformation around the die profile. The drawn cup of SUS304 among others fractures in a couple of weeks after the operation due to the residual circumferential tensile stress, whereas that of SUS304L does not. In the double stretch-drawing, it is confirmed that very deeper

  16. Comparison of soil heavy metal pollution caused by e-waste recycling activities and traditional industrial operations.


    He, Kailing; Sun, Zehang; Hu, Yuanan; Zeng, Xiangying; Yu, Zhiqiang; Cheng, Hefa


    The traditional industrial operations are well recognized as an important source of heavy metal pollution, while that caused by the e-waste recycling activities, which have sprouted in some developing countries, is often overlooked. This study was carried out to compare the status of soil heavy metal pollution caused by the traditional industrial operations and the e-waste recycling activities in the Pearl River Delta, and assess whether greater attention should be paid to control the pollution arising from e-waste recycling activities. Both the total contents and the chemical fractionation of major heavy metals (As, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Zn) in 50 surface soil samples collected from the e-waste recycling areas and 20 soil samples from the traditional industrial zones were determined. The results show that the soils in the e-waste recycling areas were mainly polluted by Cu, Zn, As, and Cd, while Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were the major heavy metals in the soils from the traditional industrial zones. Statistical analyses consistently show that Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn in the surface soils from both types of sites were contributed mostly by human activities, while As, Cr, and Ni in the soils were dominated by natural background. No clear distinction was found on the pollution characteristic of heavy metals in the surface soils between the e-waste recycling areas and traditional industrial zones. The potential ecological risk posed by heavy metals in the surface soils from both types of sites, which was dominated by that from Cd, ranged from low to moderate. Given the much shorter development history of e-waste recycling and its largely unregulated nature, significant efforts should be made to crack down on illegal e-waste recycling and strengthen pollution control for related activities.

  17. Impact Of The Material Variability On The Stamping Process: Numerical And Analytical Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ledoux, Yann; Sergent, Alain; Arrieux, Robert


    The finite element simulation is a very useful tool in the deep drawing industry. It is used more particularly for the development and the validation of new stamping tools. It allows to decrease cost and time for the tooling design and set up. But one of the most important difficulties to have a good agreement between the simulation and the real process comes from the definition of the numerical conditions (mesh, punch travel speed, limit conditions,…) and the parameters which model the material behavior. Indeed, in press shop, when the sheet set changes, often a variation of the formed part geometry is observed according to the variability of the material properties between these different sets. This last parameter represents probably one of the main source of process deviation when the process is set up. That's why it is important to study the influence of material data variation on the geometry of a classical stamped part. The chosen geometry is an omega shaped part because of its simplicity and it is representative one in the automotive industry (car body reinforcement). Moreover, it shows important springback deviations. An isotropic behaviour law is assumed. The impact of the statistical deviation of the three law coefficients characterizing the material and the friction coefficient around their nominal values is tested. A Gaussian distribution is supposed and their impact on the geometry variation is studied by FE simulation. An other approach is envisaged consisting in modeling the process variability by a mathematical model and then, in function of the input parameters variability, it is proposed to define an analytical model which leads to find the part geometry variability around the nominal shape. These two approaches allow to predict the process capability as a function of the material parameter variability.

  18. Posterior Vertical Bite Reconstructions of Erosively Worn Dentitions and the "Stamp Technique" - A Case Series with a Mean Observation Time of 40 Months.


    Ramseyer, Simon T; Helbling, Christoph; Lussi, Adrian


    In the present case series, the authors report on seven cases of erosively worn dentitions (98 posterior teeth) which were treated with direct resin composite. In all cases, both arches were restored by using the so-called stamp technique. All patients were treated with standardized materials and protocols. Prior to treatment, a waxup was made on die-cast models to build up the loss of occlusion as well as ensure the optimal future anatomy and function of the eroded teeth to be restored. During treatment, teeth were restored by using templates of silicone (ie, two "stamps," one on the vestibular, one on the oral aspect of each tooth), which were filled with resin composite in order to transfer the planned, future restoration (ie, in the shape of the waxup) from the extra- to the intraoral situation. Baseline examinations were performed in all patients after treatment, and photographs as well as radiographs were taken. To evaluate the outcome, the modified United States Public Health Service criteria (USPHS) were used. The patients were re-assessed after a mean observation time of 40 months (40.8 ± 7.2 months). The overall outcome of the restorations was good, and almost exclusively "Alpha" scores were given. Only the marginal integrity and the anatomical form received a "Charlie" score (10.2%) in two cases. Direct resin composite restorations made with the stamp technique are a valuable treatment option for restoring erosively worn dentitions.

  19. Rubber stamp templates for improving clinical documentation: A paper-based, m-Health approach for quality improvement in low-resource settings.


    Kleczka, Bernadette; Musiega, Anita; Rabut, Grace; Wekesa, Phoebe; Mwaniki, Paul; Marx, Michael; Kumar, Pratap


    The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #3.8 targets 'access to quality essential healthcare services'. Clinical practice guidelines are an important tool for ensuring quality of clinical care, but many challenges prevent their use in low-resource settings. Monitoring the use of guidelines relies on cumbersome clinical audits of paper records, and electronic systems face financial and other limitations. Here we describe a unique approach to generating digital data from paper using guideline-based templates, rubber stamps and mobile phones. The Guidelines Adherence in Slums Project targeted ten private sector primary healthcare clinics serving informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. Each clinic was provided with rubber stamp templates to support documentation and management of commonly encountered outpatient conditions. Participatory design methods were used to customize templates to the workflows and infrastructure of each clinic. Rubber stamps were used to print templates into paper charts, providing clinicians with checklists for use during consultations. Templates used bubble format data entry, which could be digitized from images taken on mobile phones. Besides rubber stamp templates, the intervention included booklets of guideline compilations, one Android phone for digitizing images of templates, and one data feedback/continuing medical education session per clinic each month. In this paper we focus on the effect of the intervention on documentation of three non-communicable diseases in one clinic. Seventy charts of patients enrolled in the chronic disease program (hypertension/diabetes, n=867; chronic respiratory diseases, n=223) at one of the ten intervention clinics were sampled. Documentation of each individual patient encounter in the pre-intervention (January-March 2016) and post-intervention period (May-July) was scored for information in four dimensions - general data, patient assessment, testing, and management. Control criteria included

  20. Damage and Failure Analysis of AZ31 Alloy Sheet in Warm Stamping Processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, P. J.; Chen, Z. H.; Dong, C. F.


    In this study, a combined experimental-numerical investigation on the failure of AZ31 Mg alloy sheet in the warm stamping process was carried out based on modified GTN damage model which integrated Yld2000 anisotropic yield criterion. The constitutive equations of material were implemented into a VUMAT subroutine for solver ABAQUS/Explicit and applied to the formability analysis of mobile phone shell. The morphology near the crack area was observed using SEM, and the anisotropic damage evolution at various temperatures was simulated. The distributions of plastic strain, damage evolution, thickness, and fracture initiation obtained from FE simulation were analyzed. The corresponding forming limit diagrams were worked out, and the comparison with the experimental data showed a good agreement.

  1. The Stamp-in-Safety programme, an intervention to promote better supervision of children on childcare centre playgrounds: an evaluation in an urban setting.


    Chelvakumar, Gayathri; Sheehan, Karen; Hill, Amy L; Lowe, Danita; Mandich, Nicole; Schwebel, David C


    Using a non-equivalent control group design, this report evaluated a previously studied behavioural intervention, the Stamp-in-Safety programme, which is designed to reduce the injury risk for young children on playgrounds at childcare centres by increasing the quality of adult supervision and rewarding children for safe play. In an urban, commercial childcare centre, 71 children aged 3-5 years and 15 teachers participated. Primary outcome measures were teacher verbalisations (warnings, explanations, redirects), teacher location (core, outskirt, or fringe of playground), child risk-taking behaviours (using equipment appropriately) and the number of injuries on the playground. Analyses revealed that the intervention had a modest positive effect in promoting safer teacher and child playground behaviours. This study reaffirms previous results that the Stamp-in-Safety programme is an effective method to decrease the risk of playground injuries at childcare centres.

  2. Implementation of Cyber-Physical Production Systems for Quality Prediction and Operation Control in Metal Casting.


    Lee, JuneHyuck; Noh, Sang Do; Kim, Hyun-Jung; Kang, Yong-Shin


    The prediction of internal defects of metal casting immediately after the casting process saves unnecessary time and money by reducing the amount of inputs into the next stage, such as the machining process, and enables flexible scheduling. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) perfectly fulfill the aforementioned requirements. This study deals with the implementation of CPPS in a real factory to predict the quality of metal casting and operation control. First, a CPPS architecture framework for quality prediction and operation control in metal-casting production was designed. The framework describes collaboration among internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, simulations, manufacturing execution systems, and advanced planning and scheduling systems. Subsequently, the implementation of the CPPS in actual plants is described. Temperature is a major factor that affects casting quality, and thus, temperature sensors and IoT communication devices were attached to casting machines. The well-known NoSQL database, HBase and the high-speed processing/analysis tool, Spark, are used for IoT repository and data pre-processing, respectively. Many machine learning algorithms such as decision tree, random forest, artificial neural network, and support vector machine were used for quality prediction and compared with R software. Finally, the operation of the entire system is demonstrated through a CPPS dashboard. In an era in which most CPPS-related studies are conducted on high-level abstract models, this study describes more specific architectural frameworks, use cases, usable software, and analytical methodologies. In addition, this study verifies the usefulness of CPPS by estimating quantitative effects. This is expected to contribute to the proliferation of CPPS in the industry.

  3. Implementation of Cyber-Physical Production Systems for Quality Prediction and Operation Control in Metal Casting

    PubMed Central

    Lee, JuneHyuck; Noh, Sang Do; Kim, Hyun-Jung; Kang, Yong-Shin


    The prediction of internal defects of metal casting immediately after the casting process saves unnecessary time and money by reducing the amount of inputs into the next stage, such as the machining process, and enables flexible scheduling. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) perfectly fulfill the aforementioned requirements. This study deals with the implementation of CPPS in a real factory to predict the quality of metal casting and operation control. First, a CPPS architecture framework for quality prediction and operation control in metal-casting production was designed. The framework describes collaboration among internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, simulations, manufacturing execution systems, and advanced planning and scheduling systems. Subsequently, the implementation of the CPPS in actual plants is described. Temperature is a major factor that affects casting quality, and thus, temperature sensors and IoT communication devices were attached to casting machines. The well-known NoSQL database, HBase and the high-speed processing/analysis tool, Spark, are used for IoT repository and data pre-processing, respectively. Many machine learning algorithms such as decision tree, random forest, artificial neural network, and support vector machine were used for quality prediction and compared with R software. Finally, the operation of the entire system is demonstrated through a CPPS dashboard. In an era in which most CPPS-related studies are conducted on high-level abstract models, this study describes more specific architectural frameworks, use cases, usable software, and analytical methodologies. In addition, this study verifies the usefulness of CPPS by estimating quantitative effects. This is expected to contribute to the proliferation of CPPS in the industry. PMID:29734699

  4. Alkali metal-refractory metal biphase electrode for AMTEC

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williams, Roger M. (Inventor); Bankston, Clyde P. (Inventor); Cole, Terry (Inventor); Khanna, Satish K. (Inventor); Jeffries-Nakamura, Barbara (Inventor); Wheeler, Bob L. (Inventor)


    An electrode having increased output with slower degradation is formed of a film applied to a beta-alumina solid electrolyte (BASE). The film comprises a refractory first metal M.sup.1 such as a platinum group metal, suitably platinum or rhodium, capable of forming a liquid or a strong surface adsorption phase with sodium at the operating temperature of an alkali metal thermoelectric converter (AMTEC) and a second refractory metal insoluble in sodium or the NaM.sup.1 liquid phase such as a Group IVB, VB or VIB metal, suitably tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum or niobium. The liquid phase or surface film provides fast transport through the electrode while the insoluble refractory metal provides a structural matrix for the electrode during operation. A trilayer structure that is stable and not subject to deadhesion comprises a first, thin layer of tungsten, an intermediate co-deposited layer of tungsten-platinum and a thin surface layer of platinum.

  5. Fabrication of a Ni nano-imprint stamp for an anti-reflective layer using an anodic aluminum oxide template.


    Park, Eun-Mi; Lim, Seung-Kyu; Ra, Senug-Hyun; Suh, Su-Jung


    Aluminum anodizing can alter pore diameter, density distribution, periodicity and layer thickness in a controlled way. Because of this property, porous type anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) was used as a template for nano-structure fabrication. The alumina layer generated at a constant voltage increased the pore size from 120 nm to 205 nm according to an increasing process time from 60 min to 150 min. The resulting fabricated AAO templates had pore diameters at or less than 200 nm. Ni was sputtered as a conductive layer onto this AAO template and electroplated using DC and pulse power. Comparing these Ni stamps, those generated from electroplating using on/reverse/off pulsing had an ordered pillar array and maintained the AAO template morphology. This stamp was used for nano-imprinting on UV curable resin coated glass wafer. Surface observations via electron microscopy showed that the nano-imprinted patterned had the same shape as the AAO template. A soft mold was subsequently fabricated and nano-imprinted to form a moth-eye structure on the glass wafer. An analysis of the substrate transmittance using UV-VIS/NIR spectroscopy showed that the transmittance of the substrate with the moth-eye structure was 5% greater that the non-patterned substrate.

  6. Coincidence velocity map imaging using Tpx3Cam, a time stamping optical camera with 1.5 ns timing resolution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhao, Arthur; van Beuzekom, Martin; Bouwens, Bram

    Here, we demonstrate a coincidence velocity map imaging apparatus equipped with a novel time-stamping fast optical camera, Tpx3Cam, whose high sensitivity and nanosecond timing resolution allow for simultaneous position and time-of-flight detection. This single detector design is simple, flexible, and capable of highly differential measurements. We show detailed characterization of the camera and its application in strong field ionization experiments.

  7. Coincidence velocity map imaging using Tpx3Cam, a time stamping optical camera with 1.5 ns timing resolution


    Zhao, Arthur; van Beuzekom, Martin; Bouwens, Bram; ...


    Here, we demonstrate a coincidence velocity map imaging apparatus equipped with a novel time-stamping fast optical camera, Tpx3Cam, whose high sensitivity and nanosecond timing resolution allow for simultaneous position and time-of-flight detection. This single detector design is simple, flexible, and capable of highly differential measurements. We show detailed characterization of the camera and its application in strong field ionization experiments.

  8. Micro-patterned ZnO semiconductors for high performance thin film transistors via chemical imprinting with a PDMS stamp.


    Seong, Kieun; Kim, Kyongjun; Park, Si Yun; Kim, Youn Sang


    Chemical imprinting was conducted on ZnO semiconductor films via a chemical reaction at the contact regions between a micro-patterned PDMS stamp and ZnO films. In addition, we applied the chemical imprinting on Li doped ZnO thin films for high performance TFTs fabrication. The representative micro-patterned Li doped ZnO TFTs showed a field effect mobility of 4.2 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) after sintering at 300 °C.

  9. Large-area fabrication of patterned ZnO-nanowire arrays using light stamping lithography.


    Hwang, Jae K; Cho, Sangho; Seo, Eun K; Myoung, Jae M; Sung, Myung M


    We demonstrate selective adsorption and alignment of ZnO nanowires on patterned poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin layers with (aminopropyl)siloxane self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Light stamping lithography (LSL) was used to prepare patterned PDMS thin layers as neutral passivation regions on Si substrates. (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-based SAMs were selectively formed only on regions exposing the silanol groups of the Si substrates. The patterned positively charged amino groups define and direct the selective adsorption of ZnO nanowires with negative surface charges in the protic solvent. This procedure can be adopted in automated printing machines that generate patterned ZnO-nanowire arrays on large-area substrates. To demonstrate its usefulness, the LSL method was applied to prepare ZnO-nanowire transistor arrays on 4-in. Si wafers.

  10. Low Power Operation of Temperature-Modulated Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors.


    Burgués, Javier; Marco, Santiago


    Mobile applications based on gas sensing present new opportunities for low-cost air quality monitoring, safety, and healthcare. Metal oxide semiconductor (MOX) gas sensors represent the most prominent technology for integration into portable devices, such as smartphones and wearables. Traditionally, MOX sensors have been continuously powered to increase the stability of the sensing layer. However, continuous power is not feasible in many battery-operated applications due to power consumption limitations or the intended intermittent device operation. This work benchmarks two low-power, duty-cycling, and on-demand modes against the continuous power one. The duty-cycling mode periodically turns the sensors on and off and represents a trade-off between power consumption and stability. On-demand operation achieves the lowest power consumption by powering the sensors only while taking a measurement. Twelve thermally modulated SB-500-12 (FIS Inc. Jacksonville, FL, USA) sensors were exposed to low concentrations of carbon monoxide (0-9 ppm) with environmental conditions, such as ambient humidity (15-75% relative humidity) and temperature (21-27 °C), varying within the indicated ranges. Partial Least Squares (PLS) models were built using calibration data, and the prediction error in external validation samples was evaluated during the two weeks following calibration. We found that on-demand operation produced a deformation of the sensor conductance patterns, which led to an increase in the prediction error by almost a factor of 5 as compared to continuous operation (2.2 versus 0.45 ppm). Applying a 10% duty-cycling operation of 10-min periods reduced this prediction error to a factor of 2 (0.9 versus 0.45 ppm). The proposed duty-cycling powering scheme saved up to 90% energy as compared to the continuous operating mode. This low-power mode may be advantageous for applications that do not require continuous and periodic measurements, and which can tolerate slightly higher

  11. [Inequities in access to food stamps and meal vouchers in Brazil: an analysis of the Brazilian Household Budgets Survey, 2008-2009].


    Canella, Daniela Silva; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Bandoni, Daniel Henrique


    Food stamps and meal vouchers can determine workers' dietary choices. The study aimed to assess the coverage of these benefits in Brazil and their distribution according to the beneficiaries' socio-demographic and regional characteristics, using data from the Brazilian Household Budgets Survey, 2008-2009. Eligibility criteria were having an occupation and a private or government job, including domestic or temporary work in rural areas. Only 3.2% of eligible individuals reported receiving such benefits. Highest coverage rates were verified with the Southeast region, urban areas, male gender, employment in the private sector, and monthly earnings > five times the minimum wage. The mean monthly amount of such benefits was R$ 177.20 (US$ 100 at the 2009 exchange rate). After adjusting for other variables, the highest amounts were associated with male gender, higher salaries, the Northeast and Central regions, and employment in the public sector. This first analysis of the national coverage of food stamps and meal vouchers showed that a large share of Brazilian workers lack access or have unequal access to such benefits.

  12. Metal and Metalloid Contaminants in Atmospheric Aerosols from Mining Operations

    PubMed Central

    Csavina, Janae; Landázuri, Andrea; Wonaschütz, Anna; Rine, Kyle; Rheinheimer, Paul; Barbaris, Brian; Conant, William; Sáez, A. Eduardo; Betterton, Eric A.


    Mining operations are potential sources of airborne metal and metalloid contaminants through both direct smelter emissions and wind erosion of mine tailings. The warmer, drier conditions predicted for the Southwestern US by climate models may make contaminated atmospheric dust and aerosols increasingly important, with potential deleterious effects on human health and ecology. Fine particulates such as those resulting from smelting operations may disperse more readily into the environment than coarser tailings dust. Fine particles also penetrate more deeply into the human respiratory system, and may become more bioavailable due to their high specific surface area. In this work, we report the size-fractionated chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols sampled over a period of a year near an active mining and smelting site in Arizona. Aerosols were characterized with a 10-stage (0.054 to 18 μm aerodynamic diameter) multiple orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI), a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), and a total suspended particulate (TSP) collector. The MOUDI results show that arsenic and lead concentrations follow a bimodal distribution, with maxima centered at approximately 0.3 and 7.0 μm diameter. We hypothesize that the sub-micron arsenic and lead are the product of condensation and coagulation of smelting vapors. In the coarse size, contaminants are thought to originate as aeolian dust from mine tailings and other sources. Observation of ultrafine particle number concentration (SMPS) show the highest readings when the wind comes from the general direction of the smelting operations site. PMID:23441050

  13. Friction and lubrication modelling in sheet metal forming: Influence of lubrication amount, tool roughness and sheet coating on product quality

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hol, J.; Wiebenga, J. H.; Carleer, B.


    In the stamping of automotive parts, friction and lubrication play a key role in achieving high quality products. In the development process of new automotive parts, it is therefore crucial to accurately account for these effects in sheet metal forming simulations. This paper presents a selection of results considering friction and lubrication modelling in sheet metal forming simulations of a front fender product. For varying lubrication conditions, the front fender can either show wrinkling or fractures. The front fender is modelled using different lubrication amounts, tool roughness’s and sheet coatings to show the strong influence of friction on both part quality and the overall production stability. For this purpose, the TriboForm software is used in combination with the AutoForm software. The results demonstrate that the TriboForm software enables the simulation of friction behaviour for varying lubrication conditions, i.e. resulting in a generally applicable approach for friction characterization under industrial sheet metal forming process conditions.

  14. Investigations on the micro-scale surface interactions at the tool and workpiece interface in micro-manufacturing of bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peker, Mevlut Fatih

    Micro-forming studies have been more attractive in recent years because of miniaturization trend. One of the promising metal forming processes, micro-stamping, provides durability, strength, surface finish, and low cost for metal products. Hence, it is considered a prominent method for fabricating bipolar plates (BPP) with micro-channel arrays on large metallic surfaces to be used in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC). Major concerns in micro-stamping of high volume BPPs are surface interactions between micro-stamping dies and blank metal plates, and tribological changes. These concerns play a critical role in determining the surface quality, channel formation, and dimensional precision of bipolar plates. The surface quality of BPP is highly dependent on the micro-stamping die surface, and process conditions due to large ratios of surface area to volume (size effect) that cause an increased level of friction and wear issues at the contact interface. Due to the high volume and fast production rates, BPP surface characteristics such as surface roughness, hardness, and stiffness may change because of repeated interactions between tool (micro-forming die) and workpiece (sheet blank of interest). Since the surface characteristics of BPPs have a strong effect on corrosion and contact resistance of bipolar plates, and consequently overall fuel cell performance, evolution of surface characteristics at the tool and workpiece should be monitored, controlled, and kept in acceptable ranges throughout the long production cycles to maintain the surface quality. Compared to macro-forming operations, tribological changes in micro-forming process are bigger challenges due to their dominance and criticality. Therefore, tribological size effect should be considered for better understanding of tribological changes in micro-scale. The integrity of process simulation to the experiments, on the other hand, is essential. This study describes an approach that aims to investigate

  15. Metal site occupancy and allosteric switching in bacterial metal sensor proteins.


    Guerra, Alfredo J; Giedroc, David P


    All prokaryotes encode a panel of metal sensor or metalloregulatory proteins that govern the expression of genes that allows an organism to quickly adapt to toxicity or deprivation of both biologically essential transition metal ions, e.g., Zn, Cu, Fe, and heavy metal pollutants. As such, metal sensor proteins can be considered arbiters of intracellular transition metal bioavailability and thus potentially control the metallation state of the metalloproteins in the cell. Metal sensor proteins are specialized allosteric proteins that regulate transcription as a result direct binding of one or two cognate metal ions, to the exclusion of all others. In most cases, the binding of the cognate metal ion induces a structural change in a protein oligomer that either activates or inhibits operator DNA binding. A quantitative measure of the degree to which a particular metal drives metalloregulation of operator DNA-binding is the allosteric coupling free energy, ΔGc. In this review, we summarize recent work directed toward understanding metal occupancy and metal selectivity of these allosteric switches in selected families of metal sensor proteins and examine the structural origins of ΔGc in the functional context a thermodynamic "set-point" model of intracellular metal homeostasis. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Metal-on-metal hip joint tribology.


    Dowson, D; Jin, Z M


    The basic tribological features of metal-on-metal total hip replacements have been reviewed to facilitate an understanding of the engineering science underpinning the renaissance of these hard-on-hard joints. Metal-on-polymer hip replacements operate in the boundary lubrication regime, thus leading to the design guidance to reduce the femoral head diameter as much as is feasible to minimize frictional torque and volumetric wear. This explains why the gold-standard implant of this form from the past half-century had a diameter of only 22.225 mm (7/8 in). Metal-on-metal implants can operate in the mild mixed lubrication regime in which much of the applied load is supported by elastohydrodynamic films. Correct tribological design leads to remarkably low steady state wear rates. Promotion of the most effective elastohydrodynamic films calls for the largest possible head diameters and the smallest clearances that can reasonably be adopted, consistent with fine surface finishes, good sphericity and minimal structural elastic deformation of the cup on its foundations. This guidance, which is opposite in form to that developed for metal-on-polymer joints, is equally valid for solid (monolithic) metallic heads on metallic femoral stems and surface replacement femoral shells. Laboratory measurements of friction and wear in metal-on-metal joints have confirmed their potential to achieve a very mild form of mixed lubrication. The key lies in the generation of effective elastohydrodynamic lubricating films of adequate thickness compared with the composite roughness of the head and cup. The calculation of the film thickness is by no means easy, but the full procedure is outlined and the use of an empirical formula that displays good agreement with calculations based upon the full numerical solutions is explained. The representation of the lambda ratio, lambda, embracing both film thickness and composite roughness, is described.

  17. Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells operated in direct-flame configuration


    Tucker, Michael C.; Ying, Andrew S.


    Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells (MS-SOFC) with infiltrated catalysts on both anode and cathode side are operated in direct-flame configuration, with a propane flame impinging on the anode. Placing thermal insulation on the cathode dramatically increases cell temperature and performance. The optimum burner-to-cell gap height is a strong function of flame conditions. Cell performance at the optimum gap is determined within the region of stable non-coking conditions, with equivalence ratio from 1 to 1.9 and flow velocity from 100 to 300 cm s -1. In this region, performance is most strongly correlated to flow velocity and open circuit voltage. Themore » highest peak power density achieved is 633 mW cm -2 at 833°C, for equivalence ratio of 1.8 and flow velocity of 300 cm s -1. The cell starts to produce power within 10 s of being placed in the flame, and displays stable performance over 10 extremely rapid thermal cycles. The cell provides stable performance for >20 h of semi-continuous operation.« less

  18. Do Children in Rural Areas Still Have Different Access to Health Care? Results from a Statewide Survey of Oregon's Food Stamp Population

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Devoe, Jennifer E.; Krois, Lisa; Stenger, Rob


    Purpose: To determine if rural residence is independently associated with different access to health care services for children eligible for public health insurance. Methods: We conducted a mail-return survey of 10,175 families randomly selected from Oregon's food stamp population (46% rural and 54% urban). With a response rate of 31%, we used a…

  19. Impact of Si on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 22MnB5 Hot Stamping Steel Treated by Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Linke, Bernd M.; Gerber, Thomas; Hatscher, Ansgar; Salvatori, Ilaria; Aranguren, Iñigo; Arribas, Maribel


    Based on 22MnB5 hot stamping steel, three model alloys containing 0.5, 0.8, and 1.5 wt pct Si were produced, heat treated by quenching and partitioning (Q&P), and characterized. Aided by DICTRA calculations, the thermal Q&P cycles were designed to fit into industrial hot stamping by keeping partitioning times ≤ 30 seconds. As expected, Si increased the amount of retained austenite (RA) stabilized after final cooling. However, for the intermediate Si alloy the heat treatment exerted a particularly pronounced influence with an RA content three times as high for the one-step process compared to the two-step process. It appeared that 0.8 wt pct Si sufficed to suppress direct cementite formation from within martensite laths but did not sufficiently stabilize carbon-soaked RA at higher temperatures. Tensile and bending tests showed strongly diverging effects of austenite on ductility. Total elongation improved consistently with increasing RA content independently from its carbon content. In contrast, the bending angle was not impacted by high-carbon RA but deteriorated almost linearly with the amount of low-carbon RA.

  20. Operation of Thin-Film Electrolyte Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in Lightweight and Stationary Stacks: Material and Microstructural Aspects

    PubMed Central

    Roehrens, Daniel; Packbier, Ute; Fang, Qingping; Blum, Ludger; Sebold, Doris; Bram, Martin; Menzler, Norbert


    In this study we report on the development and operational data of a metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell with a thin film electrolyte under varying conditions. The metal-ceramic structure was developed for a mobile auxiliary power unit and offers power densities of 1 W/cm2 at 800 °C, as well as robustness under mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses. A dense and thin yttria-doped zirconia layer was applied to a nanoporous nickel/zirconia anode using a scalable adapted gas-flow sputter process, which allowed the homogeneous coating of areas up to 100 cm2. The cell performance is presented for single cells and for stack operation, both in lightweight and stationary stack designs. The results from short-term operation indicate that this cell technology may be a very suitable alternative for mobile applications. PMID:28773883

  1. Refractory Metal Heat Pipe Life Test - Test Plan and Standard Operating Procedures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Martin, J. J.; Reid, R. S.


    Refractory metal heat pipes developed during this project shall be subjected to various operating conditions to evaluate life-limiting corrosion factors. To accomplish this objective, various parameters shall be investigated, including the effect of temperature and mass fluence on long-term corrosion rate. The test series will begin with a performance test of one module to evaluate its performance and to establish the temperature and power settings for the remaining modules. The performance test will be followed by round-the-clock testing of 16 heat pipes. All heat pipes shall be nondestructively inspected at 6-month intervals. At longer intervals, specific modules will be destructively evaluated. Both the nondestructive and destructive evaluations shall be coordinated with Los Alamos National Laboratory. During the processing, setup, and testing of the heat pipes, standard operating procedures shall be developed. Initial procedures are listed here and, as hardware is developed, will be updated, incorporating findings and lessons learned.

  2. Stable Atlas-based Mapped Prior (STAMP) machine-learning segmentation for multicenter large-scale MRI data.


    Kim, Eun Young; Magnotta, Vincent A; Liu, Dawei; Johnson, Hans J


    Machine learning (ML)-based segmentation methods are a common technique in the medical image processing field. In spite of numerous research groups that have investigated ML-based segmentation frameworks, there remains unanswered aspects of performance variability for the choice of two key components: ML algorithm and intensity normalization. This investigation reveals that the choice of those elements plays a major part in determining segmentation accuracy and generalizability. The approach we have used in this study aims to evaluate relative benefits of the two elements within a subcortical MRI segmentation framework. Experiments were conducted to contrast eight machine-learning algorithm configurations and 11 normalization strategies for our brain MR segmentation framework. For the intensity normalization, a Stable Atlas-based Mapped Prior (STAMP) was utilized to take better account of contrast along boundaries of structures. Comparing eight machine learning algorithms on down-sampled segmentation MR data, it was obvious that a significant improvement was obtained using ensemble-based ML algorithms (i.e., random forest) or ANN algorithms. Further investigation between these two algorithms also revealed that the random forest results provided exceptionally good agreement with manual delineations by experts. Additional experiments showed that the effect of STAMP-based intensity normalization also improved the robustness of segmentation for multicenter data sets. The constructed framework obtained good multicenter reliability and was successfully applied on a large multicenter MR data set (n>3000). Less than 10% of automated segmentations were recommended for minimal expert intervention. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using the ML-based segmentation tools for processing large amount of multicenter MR images. We demonstrated dramatically different result profiles in segmentation accuracy according to the choice of ML algorithm and intensity

  3. Sympathetic block by metal clips may be a reversible operation.


    Thomsen, Lars L; Mikkelsen, Rasmus T; Derejko, Miroslawa; Schrøder, Henrik D; Licht, Peter B


    Thoracoscopic sympathectomy is now used routinely to treat patients with disabling primary hyperhidrosis or facial blushing. Published results are excellent, but side effects, such as compensatory sweating, are also very frequent. The surgical techniques used and the levels of targeting the sympathetic chain vary tremendously. Most surgeons transect or resect the sympathetic chain, but application of a metal clip that blocks transmission of nerve impulses in the sympathetic chain is used increasingly worldwide. This approach offers potential reversibility if patients regret surgery, but the question of reversibility remains controversial. Two recent experimental studies found severe histological signs of nerve damage 4-6 weeks after clip removal, but they only used conventional histopathological staining methods. Thoracoscopic clipping of the sympathetic trunk was performed in adult sheep, and the clip was removed thoracoscopically after 7 days. Following another 4 weeks (n = 6) or 12 weeks (n = 3), the sympathetic trunks were harvested and analysed by conventional and specific nerve tissue immunohistochemical stains (S100, neurofilament protein and synaptophysin). The contralateral sympathetic chains were used as controls. Conventional and immunohistochemical stains demonstrated severe signs of neural damage on the operated side 4 weeks after clip removal. After 12 weeks, these changes had decreased markedly and conventional histology had almost normalized. Conventional and immunohistochemical stains confirmed that application of metal clips to the sympathetic chain caused severe histological damage in the sympathetic trunk that remained visible 4 weeks after clip removal. However, after 12 weeks, these signs of damage had clearly decreased, which suggests in theory that application of metal clips to the sympathetic chain is a reversible procedure if only the observation period is prolonged. Further studies with longer periods between application and removal as

  4. Food Stamp Participation is Associated with Fewer Meals Away From Home, yet Higher Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference in a Nationally Representative Sample

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jilcott, Stephanie B.; Liu, Haiyong; DuBose, Katrina D.; Chen, Susan; Kranz, Sibylle


    Objective: To examine associations between Food Stamp (FS) participation, meals away from home (MAFH), body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC). Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Nationally representative. Participants: Data from low-income, FS-eligible individuals (N = 945) ages 20-65 years, responding to the 2005-2006 National…

  5. Total Life Cycle-Based Materials Selection for Polymer Metal Hybrid Body-in-White Automotive Components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grujicic, M.; Sellappan, V.; He, T.; Seyr, Norbert; Obieglo, Andreas; Erdmann, Marc; Holzleitner, Jochen


    Over the last dozen of years, polymer metal hybrid (PMH) technologies have established themselves as viable alternatives for use in light-weight automotive body-in-white bolt-on as well as load-bearing (structural) components. Within the PMH technologies, sheet-metal stamped/formed and thermoplastic injection molding subcomponents are integrated into a singular component/module. Due to attending synergetic effects, the performance of the PMH component typically exceeds that attainable by an alternative single-material technologies. In the present work, a total life cycle (TLC) approach to the selection of metallic and thermoplastic materials (as well as the selection of structural adhesives, where appropriate) is considered. The TLC material selection approach considers the consequences and ramifications of material selection at each major stage of the vehicle manufacturing process chain (press shop, injection molding shop, body shop, paint shop, and assembly), as well as relation to the vehicle performance, durability and the end-of-the-life-of-the-vehicle considerations. The approach is next applied to the case of injection overmolding technology to identify the optimal grade of short glass-fiber reinforced nylon when used in a prototypical PMH load-bearing automotive body-in-white component.

  6. Investigations on the corrosion resistance of metallic bipolar plates (BPP) in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) - understanding the effects of material, coating and manufacturing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dur, Ender

    Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) systems are promising technology for contributing to meet the deficiency of world`s clean and sustainable energy requirements in the near future. Metallic bipolar plate (BPP) as one of the most significant components of PEMFC device accounts for the largest part of the fuel cell`s stack. Corrosion for metallic bipolar plates is a critical issue, which influences the performance and durability of PEMFC. Corrosion causes adverse impacts on the PEMFC`s performance jeopardizing commercialization. This research is aimed at determining the corrosion resistance of metallic BPPs, particularly stainless steels, used in PEMFC from different aspects. Material selection, coating selection, manufacturing process development and cost considerations need to be addressed in terms of the corrosion behavior to justify the use of stainless steels as a BPP material in PEMFC and to make them commercially feasible in industrial applications. In this study, Ti, Ni, SS304, SS316L, and SS 430 blanks, and BPPs comprised of SS304 and SS316L were examined in terms of the corrosion behavior. SS316L plates were coated to investigate the effect of coatings on the corrosion resistance performance. Stamping and hydroforming as manufacturing processes, and three different coatings (TiN, CrN, ZrN) applied via the Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) method in three different thicknesses were selected to observe the effects of manufacturing processes, coating types and coating thicknesses on the corrosion resistance of BPP, respectively. Uncoated-coated blank and formed BPP were subjected to two different corrosion tests: potentiostatic and potentiodynamic. Some of the substantial results: 1- Manufacturing processes have an adverse impact on the corrosion resistance. 2- Hydroformed plates have slightly higher corrosion resistance than stamped samples. 3- BPPs with higher channel size showed better corrosion resistance. 4- Since none of the uncoated samples

  7. Solar industrial process heat: A study of applications and attitudes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilson, V.


    Data were gathered through site visits to 100 industrial plants. The site specific data suggests several possible near term market opportunities for solar thermal energy systems. Plants using electricity as their primary fuel for industrial process heat were identified, on the basis of their high fuel prices, as attractive early entry markets for solar energy. Additional opportunities were reflected in plants that had accomplished much of their conservation plans, or bad sizeable percentages of their operating budgets committed to energy expenses. A suitability analysis identified eleven industrial plants as highly suitable for solar thermal applications, they included producers of fluid milk, pottery, canned and bottled soft drinks, fabricated structural metal, refined petroleum, aluminum cans, chrome and nickel plating and stamped frame metal and metal finishings.

  8. Liquid metal hydrogen barriers


    Grover, George M.; Frank, Thurman G.; Keddy, Edward S.


    Hydrogen barriers which comprise liquid metals in which the solubility of hydrogen is low and which have good thermal conductivities at operating temperatures of interest. Such barriers are useful in nuclear fuel elements containing a metal hydride moderator which has a substantial hydrogen dissociation pressure at reactor operating temperatures.

  9. Do Food Stamps without Education Improve the Nutrient Intake and Food-Related Behaviors of Recipients? Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cason, Katherine L.; Cox, Ruby H.; Burney, Janie L.

    This study examined the effect of food assistance on the dietary patterns of households in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Data was collected from 6,969 participants in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and 3,552 participants in the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP). EFNEP and FSNEP teach low-income…

  10. Hybrid permeable metal-base transistor with large common-emitter current gain and low operational voltage.


    Feng, Chengang; Yi, Mingdong; Yu, Shunyang; Hümmelgen, Ivo A; Zhang, Tong; Ma, Dongge


    We demonstrate the suitability of N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-bis(1-naphthylphenyl)-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine (NPB), an organic semiconductor widely used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), for high-gain, low operational voltage nanostructured vertical-architecture transistors, which operate as permeable-base transistors. By introducing vanadium oxide (V2O5) between the injecting metal and NPB layer at the transistor emitter, we reduced the emitter operational voltage. The addition of two Ca layers, leading to a Ca/Ag/Ca base, allowed to obtain a large value of common-emitter current gain, but still retaining the permeable-base transistor character. This kind of vertical devices produced by simple technologies offer attractive new possibilities due to the large variety of available molecular semiconductors, opening the possibility of incorporating new functionalities in silicon-based devices.

  11. Voltage- and current-activated metal-insulator transition in VO2-based electrical switches: a lifetime operation analysis.


    Crunteanu, Aurelian; Givernaud, Julien; Leroy, Jonathan; Mardivirin, David; Champeaux, Corinne; Orlianges, Jean-Christophe; Catherinot, Alain; Blondy, Pierre


    Vanadium dioxide is an intensively studied material that undergoes a temperature-induced metal-insulator phase transition accompanied by a large change in electrical resistivity. Electrical switches based on this material show promising properties in terms of speed and broadband operation. The exploration of the failure behavior and reliability of such devices is very important in view of their integration in practical electronic circuits. We performed systematic lifetime investigations of two-terminal switches based on the electrical activation of the metal-insulator transition in VO 2 thin films. The devices were integrated in coplanar microwave waveguides (CPWs) in series configuration. We detected the evolution of a 10 GHz microwave signal transmitted through the CPW, modulated by the activation of the VO 2 switches in both voltage- and current-controlled modes. We demonstrated enhanced lifetime operation of current-controlled VO 2 -based switching (more than 260 million cycles without failure) compared with the voltage-activated mode (breakdown at around 16 million activation cycles). The evolution of the electrical self-oscillations of a VO 2 -based switch induced in the current-operated mode is a subtle indicator of the material properties modification and can be used to monitor its behavior under various external stresses in sensor applications.

  12. 7 CFR 281.3 - Determination of failure.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION OF THE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM ON INDIAN... deficiency in a State agency operation of the Food Stamp Program on all or part of an Indian reservation may...

  13. Mechanistic insights into metal ion activation and operator recognition by the ferric uptake regulator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deng, Zengqin; Wang, Qing; Liu, Zhao; Zhang, Manfeng; Machado, Ana Carolina Dantas; Chiu, Tsu-Pei; Feng, Chong; Zhang, Qi; Yu, Lin; Qi, Lei; Zheng, Jiangge; Wang, Xu; Huo, Xinmei; Qi, Xiaoxuan; Li, Xiaorong; Wu, Wei; Rohs, Remo; Li, Ying; Chen, Zhongzhou


    Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) plays a key role in the iron homeostasis of prokaryotes, such as bacterial pathogens, but the molecular mechanisms and structural basis of Fur-DNA binding remain incompletely understood. Here, we report high-resolution structures of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 Fur in four different states: apo-Fur, holo-Fur, the Fur-feoAB1 operator complex and the Fur-Pseudomonas aeruginosa Fur box complex. Apo-Fur is a transition metal ion-independent dimer whose binding induces profound conformational changes and confers DNA-binding ability. Structural characterization, mutagenesis, biochemistry and in vivo data reveal that Fur recognizes DNA by using a combination of base readout through direct contacts in the major groove and shape readout through recognition of the minor-groove electrostatic potential by lysine. The resulting conformational plasticity enables Fur binding to diverse substrates. Our results provide insights into metal ion activation and substrate recognition by Fur that suggest pathways to engineer magnetotactic bacteria and antipathogenic drugs.

  14. A review on the importance of metals and metalloids in atmospheric dust and aerosol from mining operations.


    Csavina, Janae; Field, Jason; Taylor, Mark P; Gao, Song; Landázuri, Andrea; Betterton, Eric A; Sáez, A Eduardo


    Contaminants can be transported rapidly and over relatively long distances by atmospheric dust and aerosol relative to other media such as water, soil and biota; yet few studies have explicitly evaluated the environmental implications of this pathway, making it a fundamental but understudied transport mechanism. Although there are numerous natural and anthropogenic activities that can increase dust and aerosol emissions and contaminant levels in the environment, mining operations are notable with respect to the quantity of particulates generated, the global extent of area impacted, and the toxicity of contaminants associated with the emissions. Here we review (i) the environmental fate and transport of metals and metalloids in dust and aerosol from mining operations, (ii) current methodologies used to assess contaminant concentrations and particulate emissions, and (iii) the potential health and environmental risks associated with airborne contaminants from mining operations. The review evaluates future research priorities based on the available literature and suggest that there is a particular need to measure and understand the generation, fate and transport of airborne particulates from mining operations, specifically the finer particle fraction. More generally, our findings suggest that mining operations play an important but underappreciated role in the generation of contaminated atmospheric dust and aerosol and the transport of metal and metalloid contaminants, and highlight the need for further research in this area. The role of mining activities in the fate and transport of environmental contaminants may become increasingly important in the coming decades, as climate change and land use are projected to intensify, both of which can substantially increase the potential for dust emissions and transport. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. A Review on the Importance of Metals and Metalloids in Atmospheric Dust and Aerosol from Mining Operations

    PubMed Central

    Csavina, Janae; Field, Jason; Taylor, Mark P.; Gao, Song; Landázuri, Andrea; Betterton, Eric A.; Sáez, A. Eduardo


    Contaminants can be transported rapidly and over relatively long distances by atmospheric dust and aerosol relative to other media such as water, soil and biota; yet few studies have explicitly evaluated the environmental implications of this pathway, making it a fundamental but understudied transport mechanism. Although there are numerous natural and anthropogenic activities that can increase dust and aerosol emissions and contaminant levels in the environment, mining operations are notable with respect to the quantity of particulates generated, the global extent of area impacted, and the toxicity of contaminants associated with the emissions. Here we review (i) the environmental fate and transport of metals and metalloids in dust and aerosol from mining operations, (ii) current methodologies used to assess contaminant concentrations and particulate emissions, and (iii) the potential health and environmental risks associated with airborne contaminants from mining operations. The review evaluates future research priorities based on the available literature and suggest that there is a particular need to measure and understand the generation, fate and transport of airborne particulates from mining operations, specifically the finer particle fraction. More generally, our findings suggest that mining operations play an important but underappreciated role in the generation of contaminated atmospheric dust and aerosol and the transport of metal and metalloid contaminants, and highlight the need for further research in this area. The role of mining activities in the fate and transport of environmental contaminants may become increasingly important in the coming decades, as climate change and land use are projected to intensify, both of which can substantially increase the potential for dust emissions and transport. PMID:22766428

  16. Influence of heat-treated Al-Si coating on the weldability and microstructural inhomogeneity for hot stamped steel resistance nut projection welds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chun, Eun-Joon; Lim, Sung-Sang; Kim, Young-Tae; Nam, Ki-Sung; Kim, Young-Min; Park, Young-Whan; Murugan, Siva Prasad; Park, Yeong-Do


    Resistance nut projection weldability of Al-Si coated hot stamped steel (HSS) was investigated under the viewpoint of weldable current range and joint strength (pull-out load). The microstructural inhomogeneities in the welds were also studied in order to elucidate the factors affecting the joint strength of the welds. The weldability of the given Al-Si coated HSS was compared with the weldability of an identical HSS without the Al-Si coating (Al-Si coating was polished out) and Zn coated dual phase steel. The weldable current range of Al-Si coated HSS was found to be narrower than that of the other materials. Furthermore, the average pull-out load within the weldable current range of the Al-Si coated HSS was the lowest among the three materials. The reason for poor weld mechanical property of the Al-Si coated hot-stamped steel was attributed to the microstructural inhomogeneities such as unmixed Al-Si coating layer at the edge of the nugget and the second phase Fe3(Al, Si) intermetallic compound. The formation of Fe3(Al, Si) phase was attributed to the solidification segregation of Al and Si during the weld solidification and was confirmed with the numerical analysis of solidification segregation.

  17. 49 CFR 1544.209 - Use of metal detection devices.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 9 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Use of metal detection devices. 1544.209 Section...: AIR CARRIERS AND COMMERCIAL OPERATORS Operations § 1544.209 Use of metal detection devices. (a) No aircraft operator may use a metal detection device within the United States or under the aircraft operator...

  18. 49 CFR 1544.209 - Use of metal detection devices.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of metal detection devices. 1544.209 Section...: AIR CARRIERS AND COMMERCIAL OPERATORS Operations § 1544.209 Use of metal detection devices. (a) No aircraft operator may use a metal detection device within the United States or under the aircraft operator...

  19. Metallization failures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Beatty, R.


    Metallization-related failure mechanisms were shown to be a major cause of integrated circuit failures under accelerated stress conditions, as well as in actual use under field operation. The integrated circuit industry is aware of the problem and is attempting to solve it in one of two ways: (1) better understanding of the aluminum system, which is the most widely used metallization material for silicon integrated circuits both as a single level and multilevel metallization, or (2) evaluating alternative metal systems. Aluminum metallization offers many advantages, but also has limitations particularly at elevated temperatures and high current densities. As an alternative, multilayer systems of the general form, silicon device-metal-inorganic insulator-metal, are being considered to produce large scale integrated arrays. The merits and restrictions of metallization systems in current usage and systems under development are defined.

  20. Use of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist to Select an Intervention Designed to Increase the Offering of Promotional Stamps at Two Sites of a Restaurant Franchise

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rodriguez, Manuel; Wilder, David A.; Therrien, Kelly; Wine, Byron; Miranti, Reylissa; Daratany, Kenneth; Salume, Gloria; Baranovsky, Greg; Rodriquez, Matias


    The performance diagnostic checklist (PDC) was administered to examine the variables influencing the offering of promotional stamps by employees at two sites of a restaurant franchise. PDC results suggested that a lack of appropriate antecedents, equipment and processes, and consequences were responsible for the deficits. Based on these results,…

  1. A sheet metal forming simulation of automotive outer panels considering the behavior of air in die cavity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choi, Kwang Yong; Kim, Yun Chang; Choi, Hee Kwan; Kang, Chul Ho; Kim, Heon Young


    During a sheet metal forming process of automotive outer panels, the air trapped between a blank sheet and a die tool can become highly compressed, ultimately influencing the blank deformation and the press force. To prevent this problem, vent holes are drilled into die tools and needs several tens to hundreds according to the model size. The design and the drilling of vent holes are based on expert's experience and try-out result and thus the process can be one of reasons increasing development cycle. Therefore the study on the size, the number, and the position of vent holes is demanded for reducing development cycle, but there is no simulation technology for analyzing forming defects, making numerical sheet metal forming process simulations that incorporate the fluid dynamics of air. This study presents a sheet metal forming simulation of automotive outer panels (a roof and a body side outer) that simultaneously simulates the behavior of air in a die cavity. Through CAE results, the effect of air behavior and vent holes to blank deformation was analyzed. For this study, the commercial software PAM-STAMP{trade mark, serif} and PAM-SAFE{trade mark, serif} was used.

  2. Surface-Emitting Distributed Feedback Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers in Metal-Metal Waveguides

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kumar, Sushil; Williams, Benjamin S.; Qin, Qi; Lee, Alan W. M.; Hu, Qing; Reno, John L.


    Single-mode surface-emitting distributed feedback terahertz quantumcascade lasers operating around 2.9 THz are developed in metal-metal waveguides. A combination of techniques including precise control of phase of reflection at the facets, and u e of metal on the sidewalls to eliminate higher-order lateral modes allow robust single-mode operation over a range of approximately 0.35 THz. Single-lobed far-field radiation pattern is obtained using a pi phase-shift in center of the second-order Bragg grating. A grating device operating at 2.93 THz lased up to 149 K in pulsed mode and a temperature tuning of 19 .7 GHz was observed from 5 K to 147 K. The same device lased up to 78 K in continuous-wave (cw) mode emitting more than 6 m W of cw power at 5 K. ln general, maximum temperature of pulsed operation for grating devices was within a few Kelvin of that of multi-mode Fabry-Perot ridge lasers

  3. Analysis of Operational Parameters Affecting the Sulfur Content in Hot Metal of the COREX Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Shengli; Wang, Laixin; Kou, Mingyin; Wang, Yujue; Zhang, Jiacong


    The COREX process, which has obvious advantages in environment protection, still has some disadvantages. It has a higher sulfur content in hot metal (HM) than the blast furnace has. In the present work, the distribution and transfer of sulfur in the COREX have been analyzed and several operational parameters related to the sulfur content in HM ([pct S]) have been obtained. Based on this, the effects of the coal rate, slag ratio, temperature of HM, melting rate, binary basicity ( R 2), the ratio of MgO/Al2O3, utilization of reducing gas, top gas consumption per ton burden solid, metallization rate, oxidation degree of reducing gas, and coal and DRI distribution index on the sulfur content in HM are investigated. What's more, a linear model has been developed and subsequently used for predicting and controlling the S content in HM of the COREX process.

  4. A general dead-time correction method based on live-time stamping. Application to the measurement of short-lived radionuclides.


    Chauvenet, B; Bobin, C; Bouchard, J


    Dead-time correction formulae are established in the general case of superimposed non-homogeneous Poisson processes. Based on the same principles as conventional live-timed counting, this method exploits the additional information made available using digital signal processing systems, and especially the possibility to store the time stamps of live-time intervals. No approximation needs to be made to obtain those formulae. Estimates of the variances of corrected rates are also presented. This method is applied to the activity measurement of short-lived radionuclides. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Monolayer and/or few-layer graphene on metal or metal-coated substrates


    Sutter, Peter Werner; Sutter, Eli Anguelova


    Disclosed is monolayer and/or few-layer graphene on metal or metal-coated substrates. Embodiments include graphene mirrors. In an example, a mirror includes a substrate that has a surface exhibiting a curvature operable to focus an incident beam onto a focal plane. A graphene layer conformally adheres to the substrate, and is operable to protect the substrate surface from degradation due to the incident beam and an ambient environment.

  6. Expandable Metal Liner For Downhole Components


    Hall, David R.; Fox, Joe R.


    A liner for an annular downhole component is comprised of an expandable metal tube having indentations along its surface. The indentations are formed in the wall of the tube either by drawing the tube through a die, by hydroforming, by stamping, or roll forming and may extend axially, radially, or spirally along its wall. The indentations accommodate radial and axial expansion of the tube within the downhole component. The tube is inserted into the annular component and deformed to match an inside surface of the component. The tube may be expanded using a hydroforming process or by drawing a mandrel through the tube. The tube may be expanded in such a manner so as to place it in compression against the inside wall of the component. The tube is useful for improving component hydraulics, shielding components from contamination, inhibiting corrosion, and preventing wear to the downhole component during use. It may also be useful for positioning conduit and insulated conductors within the component. An insulating material may be disposed between the tube and the component in order to prevent galvanic corrosion of the downhole component.

  7. Metal/gas MHD conversion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thibault, J. P.; Joussellin, F.; Alemany, A.; Dupas, A.


    Operation features, theory, performance, and possible spatial applications of metal/gas MHD electrical generators are described. The working principle comprises an MHD channel, surrounded by a magnet, filled with a molten, highly conductive metal into which gas is pumped. The heat of the metal expands the gas, forcing a flow through the magnetic field crossing the channel, thus creating an electrical current conducted by the metal. The gas and metal are separated by a centrifugal device and both are redirected into the channel, forming thereby a double closed circuit when the heat of the molten metal is returned to the flow. Necessary characteristics for the gas such as a fairly low vaporization temperature and nonmiscibility with the metal, are outlined, and a space system using Li-Cs or Z-K as the heat carrier kept molten by a parabolic dish system is sketched. Equations governing the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and the electrical generation are defined. The construction of a prototype MHD generator using a tin-water flow operating at 250 C, a temperature suitable for coupling to solar heat sources, is outlined, noting expected efficiencies of 20-30 percent.

  8. Using the fibre structure of paper to determine authenticity of the documents: analysis of transmitted light images of stamps and banknotes.


    Takalo, Jouni; Timonen, Jussi; Sampo, Jouni; Rantala, Maaria; Siltanen, Samuli; Lassas, Matti


    A novel method is presented for distinguishing postal stamp forgeries and counterfeit banknotes from genuine samples. The method is based on analyzing differences in paper fibre networks. The main tool is a curvelet-based algorithm for measuring overall fibre orientation distribution and quantifying anisotropy. Using a couple of more appropriate parameters makes it possible to distinguish forgeries from genuine originals as concentrated point clouds in two- or three-dimensional parameter space. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. 40 CFR 63.11588 - What definitions apply to this subpart?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...-containing products or intermediates other than indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink. Indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink manufacturing operations are subject to regulation...

  10. 40 CFR 63.11588 - What definitions apply to this subpart?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...-containing products or intermediates other than indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink. Indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink manufacturing operations are subject to regulation...

  11. Metallization and Biopatterning on Ultra-Flexible Substrates via Dextran Sacrificial Layers

    PubMed Central

    Tseng, Peter; Pushkarsky, Ivan; Di Carlo, Dino


    Micro-patterning tools adopted from the semiconductor industry have mostly been optimized to pattern features onto rigid silicon and glass substrates, however, recently the need to pattern on soft substrates has been identified in simulating cellular environments or developing flexible biosensors. We present a simple method of introducing a variety of patterned materials and structures into ultra-flexible polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layers (elastic moduli down to 3 kPa) utilizing water-soluble dextran sacrificial thin films. Dextran films provided a stable template for photolithography, metal deposition, particle adsorption, and protein stamping. These materials and structures (including dextran itself) were then readily transferrable to an elastomer surface following PDMS (10 to 70∶1 base to crosslinker ratios) curing over the patterned dextran layer and after sacrificial etch of the dextran in water. We demonstrate that this simple and straightforward approach can controllably manipulate surface wetting and protein adsorption characteristics of PDMS, covalently link protein patterns for stable cell patterning, generate composite structures of epoxy or particles for study of cell mechanical response, and stably integrate certain metals with use of vinyl molecular adhesives. This method is compatible over the complete moduli range of PDMS, and potentially generalizable over a host of additional micro- and nano-structures and materials. PMID:25153326

  12. Simulated electron affinity tuning in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mistry, Kissan; Yavuz, Mustafa; Musselman, Kevin P.


    Metal-insulator-metal diodes for rectification applications must exhibit high asymmetry, nonlinearity, and responsivity. Traditional methods of improving these figures of merit have consisted of increasing insulator thickness, adding multiple insulator layers, and utilizing a variety of metal contact combinations. However, these methods have come with the price of increasing the diode resistance and ultimately limiting the operating frequency to well below the terahertz regime. In this work, an Airy Function Transfer Matrix simulation method was used to observe the effect of tuning the electron affinity of the insulator as a technique to decrease the diode resistance. It was shown that a small increase in electron affinity can result in a resistance decrease in upwards of five orders of magnitude, corresponding to an increase in operating frequency on the same order. Electron affinity tuning has a minimal effect on the diode figures of merit, where asymmetry improves or remains unaffected and slight decreases in nonlinearity and responsivity are likely to be greatly outweighed by the improved operating frequency of the diode.

  13. Comparison of varying operating parameters on heavy metals ecological risk during anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and corn stover.


    Yan, Yilong; Zhang, Liqiu; Feng, Li; Sun, Dezhi; Dang, Yan


    In this study, the potential ecological risk of heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, As, Cd, Pb, Cr) accumulation from anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure (CM) and corn stover (CS) was evaluated by comparing different initial substrate concentrations, digestion temperatures, and mixture ratios. Results showed that the highest volumetric methane yield of 20.3±1.4L/L reactor was achieved with a CS:CM ratio of 3:1 (on volatile solid basis) in mesophilic solid state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD). Although co-digestion increased the concentrations of all tested heavy metals and the direct toxicity of some heavy metals, the potential ecological risk index indicated that the digestates were all classified as low ecological risk. The biogasification and risk variation of heavy metals were affected by the operating parameters. These results are significant and should be taken into consideration when optimizing co-digestion of animal manure and crop residues during full-scale projects. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. 41 CFR 109-45.1004 - Recovery and use of precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program. 109-45.1004 Section 109-45.1004 Public... PERSONAL PROPERTY 45.10-Recovery of Precious Metals § 109-45.1004 Recovery and use of precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program. DOE operates its own precious metals pool and therefore...

  15. 41 CFR 109-45.1004 - Recovery and use of precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program. 109-45.1004 Section 109-45.1004 Public... PERSONAL PROPERTY 45.10-Recovery of Precious Metals § 109-45.1004 Recovery and use of precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program. DOE operates its own precious metals pool and therefore...

  16. Rhodamine spirolactam sensors operated by sulfur-cooperated metal complexation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heo, Gisuk; Lee, Dahye; Kim, Chi Gwan; Do, Jung Yun


    New rhodamine Schiff base sensors were developed to improve selective sensing by introducing sulfide, ester, and dithiocarbonate groups, as well as using ketones coupled to rhodamine-hydrazine. Metal sensing proceeded through the 1:1 complexation of the metal ion for most sensors in the presence of Cu2 + and Hg2 +. A sensor carrying a dithiocarbonate group responded selectively to Hg2 + showing a strong colorimetric change and intense fluorescence. The association constants of the sensors were determined from a linear plot performed at micro-molar concentrations to afford values in the range of 104. Sensing was interrupted at the initial time of Hg2 + exposure due to the isomerization of imine and preferential metal bonding of two dithiocarbonate groups regardless of the main structure of rhodamine. The sensors exhibited the reversible and reproducible performance for Hg2 + sensing.

  17. Measurement, time-stamping, and analysis of electrodermal activity in fMRI

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smyser, Christopher; Grabowski, Thomas J.; Rainville, Pierre; Bechara, Antione; Razavi, Mehrdad; Mehta, Sonya; Eaton, Brent L.; Bolinger, Lizann


    A low cost fMRI-compatible system was developed for detecting electrodermal activity without inducing image artifact. Subject electrodermal activity was measured on the plantar surface of the foot using a standard recording circuit. Filtered analog skin conductance responses (SCR) were recorded with a general purpose, time-stamping data acquisition system. A conditioning paradigm involving painful thermal stimulation was used to demonstrate SCR detection and investigate neural correlates of conditioned autonomic activity. 128x128 pixel EPI-BOLD images were acquired with a GE 1.5T Signa scanner. Image analysis was performed using voxel-wise multiple linear regression. The covariate of interest was generated by convolving stimulus event onset with a standard hemodynamic response function. The function was time-shifted to determine optimal activation. Significance was tested using the t-statistic. Image quality was unaffected by the device, and conditioned and unconditioned SCRs were successfully detected. Conditioned SCRs correlated significantly with activity in the right anterior insular cortex. The effect was more robust when responses were scaled by SCR amplitude. The ability to measure and time register SCRs during fMRI acquisition enables studies of cognitive processes marked by autonomic activity, including those involving decision-making, pain, emotion, and addiction.

  18. The effect of an oil drilling operation on the trace metal concentrations in offshore bottom sediments of the Campos Basin oil field, SE Brazil.


    Rezende, C E; Lacerda, L D; Ovalle, A R C; Souza, C M M; Gobo, A A R; Santos, D O


    The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Ba, V, Sn and As in offshore bottom sediments from the Bacia de Campos oil field, SE Brazil, were measured at the beginning and at 7 months after completion of the drilling operation. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Ba, Cr, Ni and Zn were significantly higher closer to the drilling site compared to stations far from the site. Average concentrations of Al, Cu, and in particular of Ni, were significantly higher at the end of the drilling operation than at the beginning. Comparison between drilling area sediments with control sediments of the continental platform, however, showed no significant difference in trace metal concentrations. Under the operation conditions of this drilling event, the results show that while changes in some trace metal concentrations do occur during drilling operations, they are not significantly large to be distinguished from natural variability of the local background concentrations.

  19. Method of foaming a liquid metal


    Fischer, Albert K.; Johnson, Carl E.


    The addition of a small quantity of barium to liquid metal NaK or sodium has been found to promote foam formation and improve bubble retention in the liquid metal. A stable liquid metal foam will provide a more homogeneous liquid metal flow through the channel of a two-phase liquid metal MHD power generator to improve operating efficiency.

  20. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of High-Strength Steel Controlled by Hot Stamping Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ou, Hang; Zhang, Xu; Xu, Junrui; Li, Guangyao; Cui, Junjia


    A novel design and manufacturing method, dubbed "precast," of the cooling system and tools for a hot forming process was proposed in this paper. The integrated structures of the punch and blank holder were determined by analyzing the bending and reverse-bending deformation of the forming parts. The desired crashworthiness performance of an automotive front bumper constructed with this process was obtained by a tailored phase transformation, which generated martensite-bainite in the middle and full martensite transformation in the corner areas. Varying cooling effects in the formed parts caused the highest temperature to be located in the bottom and the lowest on the end of the formed parts. Moreover, the microstructural distributions demonstrated that the bottom possessed a relatively lower content of martensite, while, conversely, the end possessed a higher content. This was precisely the most desired phase distributions for the hot formed parts. For the six-process cycle stamping, the temperatures reached a stable status after an initial rapid increase in the first three process cycles. The microstructural results verified the feasibility of the hot forming tools under multiprocess cycles.

  1. Refractory metal shielding /insulation/ increases operating range of induction furnace

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ebihara, B. T.


    Thermal radiation shield contains escaping heat from an induction furnace. The shield consists of a sheet of refractory metal foil and a loosely packed mat of refractory metal fibers in a concentric pattern. This shielding technique can be used for high temperature ovens, high temperature fluid lines, and chemical reaction vessels.

  2. Alkali metal ionization detector


    Bauerle, James E.; Reed, William H.; Berkey, Edgar


    Variations in the conventional filament and collector electrodes of an alkali metal ionization detector, including the substitution of helical electrode configurations for either the conventional wire filament or flat plate collector; or, the substitution of a plurality of discrete filament electrodes providing an in situ capability for transferring from an operationally defective filament electrode to a previously unused filament electrode without removing the alkali metal ionization detector from the monitored environment. In particular, the helical collector arrangement which is coaxially disposed about the filament electrode, i.e. the thermal ionizer, provides an improved collection of positive ions developed by the filament electrode. The helical filament design, on the other hand, provides the advantage of an increased surface area for ionization of alkali metal-bearing species in a monitored gas environment as well as providing a relatively strong electric field for collecting the ions at the collector electrode about which the helical filament electrode is coaxially positioned. Alternatively, both the filament and collector electrodes can be helical. Furthermore, the operation of the conventional alkali metal ionization detector as a leak detector can be simplified as to cost and complexity, by operating the detector at a reduced collector potential while maintaining the sensitivity of the alkali metal ionization detector adequate for the relatively low concentration of alkali vapor and aerosol typically encountered in leak detection applications.

  3. Metal atom oxidation laser


    Jensen, R.J.; Rice, W.W.; Beattie, W.H.


    A chemical laser which operates by formation of metal or carbon atoms and reaction of such atoms with a gaseous oxidizer in an optical resonant cavity is described. The lasing species are diatomic or polyatomic in nature and are readily produced by exchange or other abstraction reactions between the metal or carbon atoms and the oxidizer. The lasing molecules may be metal or carbon monohalides or monoxides.

  4. Characterization and Quantification of Hexavalent Chromium and Other Toxic Metals in the Air of Communities Surrounding Metal Processing Facilities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pikelnaya, O.; Polidori, A.; Low, J.


    Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and other toxic metals are often emitted during metal forging, cutting, grinding and plating operations. In the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) many of such operations are conducted by relatively small facilities intertwined within residential communities in the cities of Paramount, Compton, Long Beach and Anaheim. In response to the city of Paramount community members' complaints of "metallic" odors, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) initiated a local air sampling study for toxic metals, which found elevated Cr(VI) and nickel levels in the community downwind of selected metal processing facilities. SCAQMD worked with these facilities to reduce the emissions from their metal grinding operations, which resulted in substantial reduced nickel levels, but did not reduce Cr(VI) levels. In order to fully understand the source(s) of these emissions, SCAQMD has been deploying portable samplers for Cr(VI) monitoring throughout the city of Paramount since October 2016. During this presentation we will discuss the results of more than a year of Cr(VI) analyses of samplers collected throughout the City of Paramount, as well as data from a continuous metal monitor deployed at one of the sites. We will also discuss options and challenges for expanding of Cr(VI) monitoring to other communities in the SCAB that are adjacent to metal forging and grinding operations; and explore emerging new technologies to address such monitoring challenges.

  5. Metal atom oxidation laser


    Jensen, R.J.; Rice, W.W.; Beattie, W.H.


    A chemical laser which operates by formation of metal or carbon atoms and reaction of such atoms with a gaseous oxidizer in an optical resonant cavity is described. The lasing species are diatomic or polyatomic in nature and are readily produced by exchange or other abstraction reactions between the metal or carbon atoms and the oxidizer. The lasing molecules may be metal or carbon monohalides or monoxides. (auth)

  6. The effect of noble metal additives on the optimum operating temperature of SnO2 gas sensors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mohammad-Yousefi, S.; Rahbarpour, S.; Ghafoorifard, H.


    The effect of Pd and Au additives on gas sensing properties of SnO2 was investigated. SnO2 pallets were fabricated and sintered at 900 °C for 90 minutes. Several nanometer layers of Pd and Au were deposited on separate SnO2 pallets and were intentionally dispersed into the SnO2 pallets by long heat treatment (400 °C for 1 Day). All metal loaded samples showed significant enhancement in response level and optimum operating temperature compare to pure SnO2 gas sensors. The amount of enhancement was strongly dependent on the material and the thickness of deposited metal layer. Studying butanol response showed that increasing the thickness of metal causes the response level to increase. Further thickness increase caused contrary effect and decreased the performance of sensors. Best results were achieved at 10 nm-thick Au and 7 nm-thick Pd. Generally, Pd-SnO2 samples demonstrated better performance than Au-SnO2 ones, however, Au-SnO2 samples were proved to be good candidate to sense reducing gases with lower hydrogen atoms in their formula. Given experimental results were also good evidence of chemical activity of gold and simply confirms the relation between chemical activity and gold particle size. Results were qualitatively described by gas diffusion theory and surface reactions take place on metal particles.The first section in your paper

  7. Method for continuous synthesis of metal oxide powders


    Berry, David A.; Haynes, Daniel J.; Shekhawat, Dushyant; Smith, Mark W.


    A method for the rapid and continuous production of crystalline mixed-metal oxides from a precursor solution comprised of a polymerizing agent, chelated metal ions, and a solvent. The method discharges solution droplets of less than 500 .mu.m diameter using an atomizing or spray-type process into a reactor having multiple temperature zones. Rapid evaporation occurs in a first zone, followed by mixed-metal organic foam formation in a second zone, followed by amorphous and partially crystalline oxide precursor formation in a third zone, followed by formation of the substantially crystalline mixed-metal oxide in a fourth zone. The method operates in a continuous rather than batch manner and the use of small droplets as the starting material for the temperature-based process allows relatively high temperature processing. In a particular embodiment, the first zone operates at C., the second zone operates at C., and the third operates at C., and fourth zone operates at at least C. The resulting crystalline mixed-metal oxides display a high degree of crystallinity and sphericity with typical diameters on the order of 50 .mu.m or less.

  8. Metal Coatings

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    During the Apollo Program, General Magnaplate Corporation developed process techniques for bonding dry lubricant coatings to space metals. The coatings were not susceptible to outgassing and offered enhanced surface hardness and superior resistance to corrosion and wear. This development was necessary because conventional lubrication processes were inadequate for lightweight materials used in Apollo components. General Magnaplate built on the original technology and became a leader in development of high performance metallurgical surface enhancement coatings - "synergistic" coatings, - which are used in applications from pizza making to laser manufacture. Each of the coatings is designed to protect a specific metal or group of metals to solve problems encountered under operating conditions.

  9. Metal and Metalloid Contaminants in Airborne Dust Associated with Mining Operations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Betterton, E. A.; Csavina, J. L.; Field, J. P.; Landázuri, A. C.; Felix Villar, O.; Rine, K. P.; Sáez, A.; Pence, J.; Shayan, H.; Russell, M.


    Mining operations are potential sources of airborne metal and metalloid contaminants through both direct smelter emissions and wind erosion of mine tailings. The warmer, drier conditions predicted for the Southwestern US by climate models may make contaminated atmospheric dust and aerosols increasingly important, with potential deleterious effects on human health and ecology. In this work, we report the size-resolved chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols sampled near an inactive Superfund site and at an active mining and smelting site in Arizona. Aerosols were characterized with 10-stage (0.054 to 18 μm aerodynamic diameter) multiple orifice uniform deposit impactors (MOUDI), Dustrack monitors, and total suspended particulate (TSP) collectors. The MOUDI results show that arsenic and lead concentrations follow a bimodal distribution, with maxima centered at approximately 0.3 and 7.0 μm aerodynamic diameter. We hypothesize that the sub-micron arsenic and lead are the product of condensation and coagulation of smelting vapors. In the coarse size, contaminants are thought to originate as aeolian dust from mine tailings and other sources.

  10. Microgravity effects on electrodeposition of metals and metal-cermet mixtures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Maybee, George W.; Riley, Clyde; Coble, H. Dwain


    An experimental system, designed to investigate the potential advantages of electrodeposition in microgravity, is being developed by the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company-Huntsville Division and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. It is intended to fly as an Orbiter payload when NASA resumes STS operations. The system will provide power, thermal conditioning, command and control for the production of electrodeposits; system performance data will be recorded for post-flight analysis. Plated metal surfaces will be created using simple electrolytic cells with pure metal electrodes immersed in aqueous electrolytic solutions. Crystalline structure and other properties will be analyzed to identify differences between samples produced in flight and those obtained from ground-based operations.

  11. 30 CFR 57.13030 - Boilers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR



  12. 30 CFR 57.13030 - Boilers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR



  13. Outcomes of operative treatment of unstable ankle fractures: a comparison of metallic and biodegradable implants.


    Noh, Jung Ho; Roh, Young Hak; Yang, Bo Gyu; Kim, Seong Wan; Lee, Jun Suk; Oh, Moo Kyung


    Biodegradable implants for internal fixation of ankle fractures may overcome some disadvantages of metallic implants, such as imaging interference and the potential need for additional surgery to remove the implants. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes after fixation of ankle fractures with biodegradable implants compared with metallic implants. In this prospectively randomized study, 109 subjects with an ankle fracture underwent surgery with metallic (Group I) or biodegradable implants (Group II). Radiographic results were assessed by the criteria of the Klossner classification system and time to bone union. Clinical results were assessed with use of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot scale, Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA) dysfunction index, and the SMFA bother index at three, six, and twelve months after surgery. One hundred and two subjects completed the study. At a mean of 19.7 months, there were no differences in reduction quality between the groups. The mean operative time was 30.2 minutes in Group I and 56.4 minutes in Group II (p < 0.001). The mean time to bone union was 15.8 weeks in Group I and 17.6 weeks in Group II (p = 0.002). The mean AOFAS score was 87.5 points in Group I and 84.3 points in Group II at twelve months after surgery (p = 0.004). The mean SMFA dysfunction index was 8.7 points in Group I and 10.5 points in Group II at twelve months after surgery (p = 0.060). The mean SMFA bother index averaged 3.3 points in Group I and 4.6 points in Group II at twelve months after surgery (p = 0.052). No difference existed between the groups with regard to clinical outcomes for the subjects with an isolated lateral malleolar fracture. The outcomes after fixation of bimalleolar ankle fractures with biodegradable implants were inferior to those after fixation with metallic implants in terms of the score on the AOFAS scale and time to bone union. However, the difference in the final AOFAS

  14. Beyond a series of security nets: Applying STAMP & STPA to port security


    Williams, Adam D.


    Port security is an increasing concern considering the significant role of ports in global commerce and today’s increasingly complex threat environment. Current approaches to port security mirror traditional models of accident causality -- ‘a series of security nets’ based on component reliability and probabilistic assumptions. Traditional port security frameworks result in isolated and inconsistent improvement strategies. Recent work in engineered safety combines the ideas of hierarchy, emergence, control and communication into a new paradigm for understanding port security as an emergent complex system property. The ‘System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP)’ is a new model of causality based on systemsmore » and control theory. The associated analysis process -- System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) -- identifies specific technical or procedural security requirements designed to work in coordination with (and be traceable to) overall port objectives. This process yields port security design specifications that can mitigate (if not eliminate) port security vulnerabilities related to an emphasis on component reliability, lack of coordination between port security stakeholders or economic pressures endemic in the maritime industry. As a result, this article aims to demonstrate how STAMP’s broader view of causality and complexity can better address the dynamic and interactive behaviors of social, organizational and technical components of port security.« less

  15. Beyond a series of security nets: Applying STAMP & STPA to port security

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Williams, Adam D.

    Port security is an increasing concern considering the significant role of ports in global commerce and today’s increasingly complex threat environment. Current approaches to port security mirror traditional models of accident causality -- ‘a series of security nets’ based on component reliability and probabilistic assumptions. Traditional port security frameworks result in isolated and inconsistent improvement strategies. Recent work in engineered safety combines the ideas of hierarchy, emergence, control and communication into a new paradigm for understanding port security as an emergent complex system property. The ‘System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP)’ is a new model of causality based on systemsmore » and control theory. The associated analysis process -- System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) -- identifies specific technical or procedural security requirements designed to work in coordination with (and be traceable to) overall port objectives. This process yields port security design specifications that can mitigate (if not eliminate) port security vulnerabilities related to an emphasis on component reliability, lack of coordination between port security stakeholders or economic pressures endemic in the maritime industry. As a result, this article aims to demonstrate how STAMP’s broader view of causality and complexity can better address the dynamic and interactive behaviors of social, organizational and technical components of port security.« less

  16. Comparison of stapedotomy minus prosthesis, circumferential stapes mobilization, and small fenestra stapedotomy for stapes fixation.


    Acar, Gül Ozbilen; Kivekäs, Ilkka; Hanna, Bassem M; Huang, Lin; Gopen, Quinton; Poe, Dennis S


    To compare the outcomes of 3 surgical techniques for primary stapes fixation: stapedotomy minus prosthesis (STAMP), circumferential stapes mobilization (CSM), and small fenestra stapedotomy (SFS). Retrospective review of 277 primary cases operated for stapes fixation from 1997 to 2007. Tertiary academic center. Consecutive adult and pediatric cases operated for conductive hearing loss because of stapes fixation. STAMP was performed for otosclerosis limited to the anterior footplate, CSM was conducted for congenital stapes fixation, SFS was performed for more extensive otosclerosis or anatomic contraindications to STAMP/CSM. Pure-tone audiometry was performed preoperatively and postoperatively (3-6 wk) and the most recent long-term results (≥ 12 mo). Ninety-nine ears in 90 patients had audiologic follow-up data over 12 months. Sixty-seven ears (68%) underwent SFS, 16 (16%) STAMP, and 16 (16%) CSM. There was significant improvement in average air conduction (AC) thresholds and air-bone gap (ABG) for all techniques. Mean ABG for SFS closed from 29 to 7.1 dB (SD, 6.0), for STAMP from 29 to 3.8 dB (SD, 5.8 dB), and for CSM from 34 to 20 dB (SD, 8.2 dB). AC results were better in the STAMP than in the SFS group, especially in high frequencies. Bone conduction improvements were seen in all groups, highest in STAMP (4.3 dB) and CSM (3.8 dB) groups, but the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Satisfactory hearing results were achieved with all the techniques, and STAMP showed better hearing outcomes, especially in high frequencies. CSM is a good option for children and patients in whom it is desirable to avoid a footplate fenestration or prosthesis. CSM and STAMP had significantly higher rates of revision for refixation than SFS.

  17. 7 CFR 275.5 - Scope and purpose.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORTING SYSTEM Management Evaluation (ME... operate the Food Stamp Program in accordance with the Act, regulations, and FNS-approved State Plan of...

  18. 40 CFR 165.45 - Refillable container standards.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... pesticide container must be capable of withstanding all operating stresses, taking into account static heat, pressure buildup from pumps and compressors, and any other foreseeable mechanical stresses to which the..., but is not limited to, etching, embossing, ink jetting, stamping, heat stamping, mechanically...

  19. Use of Lead Isotopes to Identify Sources of Metal and Metalloid Contaminants in Atmospheric Aerosol from Mining Operations

    PubMed Central

    Félix, Omar I.; Csavina, Janae; Field, Jason; Rine, Kyle P.; Sáez, A. Eduardo; Betterton, Eric A.


    Mining operations are a potential source of metal and metalloid contamination by atmospheric particulate generated from smelting activities, as well as from erosion of mine tailings. In this work, we show how lead isotopes can be used for source apportionment of metal and metalloid contaminants from the site of an active copper mine. Analysis of atmospheric aerosol shows two distinct isotopic signatures: one prevalent in fine particles (< 1 μm aerodynamic diameter) while the other corresponds to coarse particles as well as particles in all size ranges from a nearby urban environment. The lead isotopic ratios found in the fine particles are equal to those of the mine that provides the ore to the smelter. Topsoil samples at the mining site show concentrations of Pb and As decreasing with distance from the smelter. Isotopic ratios for the sample closest to the smelter (650 m) and from topsoil at all sample locations, extending to more than 1 km from the smelter, were similar to those found in fine particles in atmospheric dust. The results validate the use of lead isotope signatures for source apportionment of metal and metalloid contaminants transported by atmospheric particulate. PMID:25496740

  20. Heavy metal-binding proteins from metal-stimulated bacteria as a novel adsorbent for metal removal technology.


    Sano, D; Myojo, K; Omura, T


    Water pollution with toxic heavy metals is of growing concern because heavy metals could bring about serious problems for not only ecosystems in the water environment but also human health. Some metal removal technologies have been in practical use, but much energy and troublesome treatments for chemical wastes are required to operate these conventional technologies. In this study, heavy metal-binding proteins (HMBPs) were obtained from metal-stimulated activated sludge culture with affinity chromatography using copper ion as a ligand. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that a number of proteins in activated sludge culture were recovered as HMBPs for copper ion. N-termini of five HMBPs were determined, and two of them were found to be newly discovered proteins for which no amino acid sequences in protein databases were retrieved at more than 80% identities. Metal-coordinating amino acids occupied 38% of residues in one of the N-terminal sequences of the newly discovered HMBPs. Since these HMBPs were expected to be stable under conditions of water and wastewater treatments, it would be possible to utilize HMBPs as novel adsorbents for heavy metal removal if mass volume of HMBPs can be obtained with protein cloning techniques.

  1. 30 CFR 56.13030 - Boilers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Compressed Air and Boilers § 56.13030... D-RNational Board “R” (Repair) Symbol Stamp D-VRNational Board “VR” (Repair of Safety and Safety...

  2. 30 CFR 56.13030 - Boilers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Compressed Air and Boilers § 56.13030... D-RNational Board “R” (Repair) Symbol Stamp D-VRNational Board “VR” (Repair of Safety and Safety...

  3. JSC Metal Finishing Waste Minimization Methods

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sullivan, Erica


    THe paper discusses the following: Johnson Space Center (JSC) has achieved VPP Star status and is ISO 9001 compliant. The Structural Engineering Division in the Engineering Directorate is responsible for operating the metal finishing facility at JSC. The Engineering Directorate is responsible for $71.4 million of space flight hardware design, fabrication and testing. The JSC Metal Finishing Facility processes flight hardware to support the programs in particular schedule and mission critical flight hardware. The JSC Metal Finishing Facility is operated by Rothe Joint Venture. The Facility provides following processes: anodizing, alodining, passivation, and pickling. JSC Metal Finishing Facility completely rebuilt in 1998. Total cost of $366,000. All new tanks, electrical, plumbing, and ventilation installed. Designed to meet modern safety, environmental, and quality requirements. Designed to minimize contamination and provide the highest quality finishes.

  4. Systems thinking, the Swiss Cheese Model and accident analysis: a comparative systemic analysis of the Grayrigg train derailment using the ATSB, AcciMap and STAMP models.


    Underwood, Peter; Waterson, Patrick


    The Swiss Cheese Model (SCM) is the most popular accident causation model and is widely used throughout various industries. A debate exists in the research literature over whether the SCM remains a viable tool for accident analysis. Critics of the model suggest that it provides a sequential, oversimplified view of accidents. Conversely, proponents suggest that it embodies the concepts of systems theory, as per the contemporary systemic analysis techniques. The aim of this paper was to consider whether the SCM can provide a systems thinking approach and remain a viable option for accident analysis. To achieve this, the train derailment at Grayrigg was analysed with an SCM-based model (the ATSB accident investigation model) and two systemic accident analysis methods (AcciMap and STAMP). The analysis outputs and usage of the techniques were compared. The findings of the study showed that each model applied the systems thinking approach. However, the ATSB model and AcciMap graphically presented their findings in a more succinct manner, whereas STAMP more clearly embodied the concepts of systems theory. The study suggests that, whilst the selection of an analysis method is subject to trade-offs that practitioners and researchers must make, the SCM remains a viable model for accident analysis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. 77 FR 42421 - Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Helicopters

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... nut or clevis assembly. The AD also requires reidentifying the servo by metal- impression stamping or... plate. (g) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs) (1) The Manager, Safety Management Group, FAA, may...

  6. 40 CFR Table 7 to Subpart Uuu of... - Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63... Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63...

  7. 40 CFR Table 7 to Subpart Uuu of... - Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2013-07-01 2012-07-01 true Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63... Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63...

  8. 40 CFR Table 7 to Subpart Uuu of... - Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 13 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Continuous Compliance With Operating Limits for Metal HAP Emissions From Catalytic Cracking Units 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63... Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units Pt. 63, Subpt. UUU, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart UUU of Part 63...

  9. 7 CFR 276.6 - Good cause.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM STATE AGENCY LIABILITIES AND FEDERAL SANCTIONS § 276.6 Good... affect Program operations; (2) Strikes by State agency staff; (3) Change in the Food Stamp Program or...

  10. Metal removal efficiency, operational life and secondary environmental impacts of a stormwater filter developed from iron-oxide-amended bottom ash.


    Ilyas, Aamir; Muthanna, Tone M


    The aim of this paper was to conduct pilot-scale column tests on an alternative treatment filter designed for the treatment of highway stormwater in cold climates. The study evaluated adsorption performance of the filter with regard to the four most commonly found metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in highway stormwater. An alternative method was used to estimate the operational life of the filter from the adsorption test data without a breakthrough under high hydraulic loads. The potential environmental impact of the filter was assessed by comparing desorption test data with four different environmental quality standards. The proposed filter achieved high adsorption (over 90%) of the target metals. The comparisons of desorption and leaching data with the environmental standards indicated that iron-oxide/bottom ash was non-hazardous, reusable and without serious environmental risks. The operational life and filter dimensions were highly dependent on rainfall depth, which indicated that the filter design would have to be adapted to suit the climate. To fully appreciate the performance and environmental aspects, the filter unit should be tested in the field and the testing should explicitly include ecotoxicological and life cycle impacts.

  11. 7 CFR 285.3 - Plan of operation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PROVISION OF A NUTRITION ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR THE COMMONWEALTH... administration, of the nutrition assistance program. (2) A description of the needy persons residing in the...

  12. 7 CFR 285.3 - Plan of operation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PROVISION OF A NUTRITION ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR THE COMMONWEALTH... administration, of the nutrition assistance program. (2) A description of the needy persons residing in the...

  13. 7 CFR 285.3 - Plan of operation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PROVISION OF A NUTRITION ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR THE COMMONWEALTH... administration, of the nutrition assistance program. (2) A description of the needy persons residing in the...

  14. 7 CFR 285.3 - Plan of operation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PROVISION OF A NUTRITION ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR THE COMMONWEALTH... administration, of the nutrition assistance program. (2) A description of the needy persons residing in the...

  15. 7 CFR 285.3 - Plan of operation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM PROVISION OF A NUTRITION ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR THE COMMONWEALTH... administration, of the nutrition assistance program. (2) A description of the needy persons residing in the...

  16. New Safety and Technical Challenges and Operational Experience on the JET First Trace Tritium Experiment

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pearce, R.J.H.; Bell, A.C.; Brennan, D.

    'Trace Tritium Experiments' (TTE) were successfully performed on JET in 2003. The Campaign marked the first use of tritium in JET plasmas since the Deuterium-Tritium Experiment (DTE1) Campaign in 1997, and was the first use of tritium in experiments under the EFDA organisation with the UKAEA as JET Operator. The safety and regulatory preparations for the experiment were extensive. Since JET has been operated by the UKAEA the operations have followed the model of a licensed nuclear site. The safe operation of the JET torus is demonstrated in a safety case. Key Safety Management Requirement (KSMR) and Key Safety Relatedmore » Equipment (KSRE) are identified in the Safety Case for DT operation. The safe operation of the torus is within the bounds of, and under the control of, an Authority to Operate (ATO). New technical challenges were presented by the need to inject and account for small quantities of tritium in very short pulses ({approx}80ms), with an accurate time stamp. The safety and operational management of the campaign are described. Valuable lessons were learned which would help in running future experiments. It is concluded that JET is in a strong position to run future trace tritium and full DT discharges.« less

  17. Degenerate doping of metallic anodes


    Friesen, Cody A; Zeller, Robert A; Johnson, Paul B; Switzer, Elise E


    Embodiments of the invention relate to an electrochemical cell comprising: (i) a fuel electrode comprising a metal fuel, (ii) a positive electrode, (iii) an ionically conductive medium, and (iv) a dopant; the electrodes being operable in a discharge mode wherein the metal fuel is oxidized at the fuel electrode and the dopant increases the conductivity of the metal fuel oxidation product. In an embodiment, the oxidation product comprises an oxide of the metal fuel which is doped degenerately. In an embodiment, the positive electrode is an air electrode that absorbs gaseous oxygen, wherein during discharge mode, oxygen is reduced at the air electrode. Embodiments of the invention also relate to methods of producing an electrode comprising a metal and a doped metal oxidation product.

  18. Optical fibre sensing in metals by embedment in 3D printed metallic structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maier, R. R. J.; Havermann, D.; Schneller, O.; Mathew, J.; Polyzos, D.; MacPherson, W. N.; Hand, D. P.


    Additive manufacturing or 3D printing of structural components in metals has potential to revolutionise the manufacturing industry. Embedded sensing in such structures opens a route towards SMART metals, providing added functionality, intelligence and enhanced performance in many components. Such embedded sensors would be capable of operating at extremely high temperatures by utilizing regenerated fibre Bragg gratings and in-fibre Fabry-Perot cavities.

  19. Application of Taguchi optimisation of electro metal - electro winning (EMEW) for nickel metal from laterite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sudibyo, Hermida, L.; Junaedi, A.; Putra, F. A.


    Nickel and cobalt metal able to process from low grade laterite using solvent extraction and electrowinning. One of electrowinning methods which has good performance to produce pure metal is electrometal-electrowinninge(EMEW). In this work, solventextraction was used to separate nickel and cobalt which useCyanex-Versatic Acid in toluene as an organic phase. An aqueous phase of extraction was processed using EMEW in order to deposit the nickel metal in Cathode electrode. The parameters which used in this work were batch temperature, operation time, voltage, and boric acid concentration. Those parameters were studied and optimized using the design of experiment of Taguchi. The Taguchi analysis result shows that the optimum result of EMEW was at 60°C of batch temperature, 2 Voltage, 6 hours operation and 0.5 M of boric acid.

  20. 48 CFR 945.607-2 - Recovering precious metals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Reporting, Redistribution, and Disposal of Contractor Inventory 945.607-2 Recovering precious metals. (b) Contractors generating contractor inventory containing precious metals shall... silver should be reported to the precious metals pool. The Oak Ridge Operations Office is responsible for...

  1. Surface protected lithium-metal-oxide electrodes


    Thackeray, Michael M.; Kang, Sun-Ho


    A lithium-metal-oxide positive electrode having a layered or spinel structure for a non-aqueous lithium electrochemical cell and battery is disclosed comprising electrode particles that are protected at the surface from undesirable effects, such as electrolyte oxidation, oxygen loss or dissolution by one or more lithium-metal-polyanionic compounds, such as a lithium-metal-phosphate or a lithium-metal-silicate material that can act as a solid electrolyte at or above the operating potential of the lithium-metal-oxide electrode. The surface protection significantly enhances the surface stability, rate capability and cycling stability of the lithium-metal-oxide electrodes, particularly when charged to high potentials.

  2. Additional security features for optically variable foils

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marshall, Allan C.; Russo, Frank


    For thousands of years, man has exploited the attraction and radiance of pure gold to adorn articles of great significance. Today, designers decorate packaging with metallic gold foils to maintain the prestige of luxury items such as perfumes, chocolates, wine and whisky, and to add visible appeal and value to wide range of products. However, today's products do not call for the hand beaten gold leaf of the Ancient Egyptians, instead a rapid production technology exists which makes use of accurately coated thin polymer films and vacuum deposited metallic layers. Stamping Foils Technology is highly versatile since several different layers may be combined into one product, each providing a different function. Not only can a foil bring visual appeal to an article, it can provide physical and chemical resistance properties and also protect an article from human forms of interference, such as counterfeiting, copying or tampering. Stamping foils have proved to be a highly effective vehicle for applying optical devices to items requiring this type of protection. Credit cards, bank notes, personal identification documents and more recently high value packaged items such as software and perfumes are protected by optically variable devices applied using stamping foil technology.

  3. Mold with improved core for metal casting operation


    Gritzner, Verne B.; Hackett, Donald W.


    The present invention is directed to a mold containing an improved core for use in casting hollow, metallic articles. The core is formed of, or covered with, a layer of cellular material which possesses sufficient strength to maintain its structural integrity during casting, but will crush to alleviate the internal stresses that build up if the normal contraction during solidification and cooling is restricted.

  4. Summaries of press automation conference presented

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Makhlin, A. Y.; Pokrovskaya, G. M.


    The automation and mechanization of cold and hot stamping were discussed. Problems in the comprehensive mechanization and automatio of stamping in machine building development were examined. Automation becomes effective when it is implemented in progressive manufacturing processes and a comprehensive approach to the solution of all problems, beginning with the delivery of initial materials and ending with the transportation of finished products to the warehouse. Production intensification and improvments of effectiveness of produced output through the comprehensive mechanization and automation of stamping operations are reported.

  5. Optimization of the operation of packed bed bioreactor to improve the sulfate and metal removal from acid mine drainage.


    Dev, Subhabrata; Roy, Shantonu; Bhattacharya, Jayanta


    The present study discusses the potentiality of using anaerobic Packed Bed Bioreactor (PBR) for the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD). The multiple process parameters such as pH, hydraulic retention time (HRT), concentration of marine waste extract (MWE), total organic carbon (TOC) and sulfate were optimized together using Taguchi design. The order of influence of the parameters towards biological sulfate reduction was found to be pH > MWE > sulfate > HRT > TOC. At optimized conditions (pH - 7, 20% (v/v) MWE, 1500 mg/L sulfate, 48 h HRT and 2300 mg/L TOC), 98.3% and 95% sulfate at a rate of 769.7 mg/L/d. and 732.1 mg/L/d. was removed from the AMD collected from coal and metal mine, respectively. Efficiency of metal removal (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg and Ni) was in the range of 94-98%. The levels of contaminants in the treated effluent were below the minimum permissible limits of industrial discharge as proposed by Bureau of Indian Standards (IS 2490:1981). The present study establishes the optimized conditions for PBR operation to completely remove sulfate and metal removal from AMD at high rate. The study also creates the future scope to develop an efficient treatment process for sulfate and metal-rich mine wastewater in a large scale. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Federated Metals Corporation in Newark, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Federated Metals Corporation is located at 150 Saint Charles Street in Newark, New Jersey. The site operated on a 13.2-acre in the Ironbound section of Newark and began operations in 1943 as the American Smelting and Refining Corporation/Federated Metal

  7. 46 CFR 78.36-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 78.36-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine... shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be...

  8. 46 CFR 78.36-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 78.36-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine... shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be...

  9. 46 CFR 78.36-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 78.36-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine... shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be...

  10. 46 CFR 78.36-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 78.36-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine... shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be...

  11. 46 CFR 78.36-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 78.36-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine... shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be...

  12. Metal tube reducer is inexpensive and simple to operate

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mayfield, R. M.


    Low-cost metal tube reducer accepts tubing up to 1 inch outer diameter and can reduce this diameter to less than 1/2 inch with controlled wall thickness. This device can reduce all of the tube without waste. It produces extremely good surface finishes.

  13. Particle-size dependence on metal(loid) distributions in mine wastes: Implications for water contamination and human exposure

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kim, C.S.; Wilson, K.M.; Rytuba, J.J.


    The mining and processing of metal-bearing ores has resulted in contamination issues where waste materials from abandoned mines remain in piles of untreated and unconsolidated material, posing the potential for waterborne and airborne transport of toxic elements. This study presents a systematic method of particle size separation, mass distribution, and bulk chemical analysis for mine tailings and adjacent background soil samples from the Rand historic mining district, California, in order to assess particle size distribution and related trends in metal(loid) concentration as a function of particle size. Mine tailings produced through stamp milling and leaching processes were found to have both a narrower and finer particle size distribution than background samples, with significant fractions of particles available in a size range (???250 ??m) that could be incidentally ingested. In both tailings and background samples, the majority of trace metal(loid)s display an inverse relationship between concentration and particle size, resulting in higher proportions of As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in finer-sized fractions which are more susceptible to both water- and wind-borne transport as well as ingestion and/or inhalation. Established regulatory screening levels for such elements may, therefore, significantly underestimate potential exposure risk if relying solely on bulk sample concentrations to guide remediation decisions. Correlations in elemental concentration trends (such as between As and Fe) indicate relationships between elements that may be relevant to their chemical speciation. ?? 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Studies in Cup Drawing Behavior of Polymer Laminated Sheet Metal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elnagmi, M.; Jain, M.; Bruhis, M.; Nielsen, K.


    Axisymmetric deep drawing behavior of a polymer laminated sheet metal (PLSM) is investigated using an axisymmetric cup drawing test. PLSMs are of interest as a replacement for painted finishes for automotive applications as they have the potential to achieve good quality long lasting and aesthetically appealing surfaces on stamped parts. However, there is limited understanding of PLSMs in automotive deep drawing situations to produce complex 3-D parts. The tests are carried out using well-controlled, laboratory-based, dual-action, servo-hydraulic forming presses under blank-holder force and punch displacement control conditions. An optical strain mapping system is used to measure the surface strains (and to construct 3D strain maps) from the film side of the deformed samples for a range of forming conditions. Deep drawing characteristics such as punch load versus punch displacement traces, strain distribution along the cup profile, flange wrinkling and fracture characteristics are experimentally assessed for stainless steel-plastic film laminated sheet materials. Also the effect of lamination pressure on wrinkling and delamination is investigated for a decorative pressure sensitive adhesive film affixed to the stainless steel sheet.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The project examines the Zerpol® process. The Zerpol® process, as used in metal plating operations, captures all aqueous effluent from the manufacturing operations, conditions the effluent to remove any metal or cyanide that may be present, and permits the reuse of the ...

  16. Airborne concentrations of metals and total dust during solid catalyst loading and unloading operations at a petroleum refinery.


    Lewis, Ryan C; Gaffney, Shannon H; Le, Matthew H; Unice, Ken M; Paustenbach, Dennis J


    Workers handle catalysts extensively at petroleum refineries throughout the world each year; however, little information is available regarding the airborne concentrations and plausible exposures during this type of work. In this paper, we evaluated the airborne concentrations of 15 metals and total dust generated during solid catalyst loading and unloading operations at one of the largest petroleum refineries in the world using historical industrial hygiene samples collected between 1989 and 2006. The total dust and metals, which included aluminum, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, platinum, silicon, silver, vanadium, and zinc, were evaluated in relation to the handling of four different types of solid catalysts associated with three major types of catalytic processes. Consideration was given to the known components of the solid catalysts and any metals that were likely deposited onto them during use. A total of 180 analytical results were included in this analysis, representing 13 personal and 54 area samples. Of the long-term personal samples, airborne concentrations of metals ranged from <0.001 to 2.9mg/m(3), and, in all but one case, resulted in concentrations below the current U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Permissible Exposure Limits and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' Threshold Limit Values. The arithmetic mean total dust concentration resulting from long-term personal samples was 0.31mg/m(3). The data presented here are the most complete set of its kind in the open literature, and are useful for understanding the potential exposures during solid catalyst handling activities at this petroleum refinery and perhaps other modern refineries during the timeframe examined. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  17. Oversight of Food and Nutrition Service Programs: Food Stamps, Child Nutrition, and Commodity Distribution. Hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, April 25, 1984.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

    The Federal government's oversight of its food and nutrition programs is discussed in this transcript of a Senate hearing. Testimony is presented regarding food stamps, the school lunch program, problems of targeting the needy, the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), commodity distribution, surplus dairy…

  18. 49 CFR 178.910 - Marking of Large Packagings.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...). For metal Large Packagings on which the marking is stamped or embossed, the capital letters “UN” may.... The letters “USA” indicate that the Large Packaging is manufactured and marked in the United States in...

  19. 49 CFR 178.910 - Marking of Large Packagings.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... metal Large Packagings on which the marking is stamped or embossed, the capital letters “UN” may be.... The letters “USA” indicate that the Large Packaging is manufactured and marked in the United States in...

  20. 49 CFR 178.910 - Marking of Large Packagings.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... metal Large Packagings on which the marking is stamped or embossed, the capital letters “UN” may be.... The letters “USA” indicate that the Large Packaging is manufactured and marked in the United States in...

  1. Method of manufacturing metallic products such as sheet by cold working and flash anealing


    Hajaligol, Mohammad R.; Sikka, Vinod K.


    A metallic alloy composition is manufactured into products such as press formed or stamped products or rolled products such as sheet, strip, rod, wire or band by one or more cold working steps with intermediate or final flash annealing. The method can include cold rolling an iron, nickel or titanium aluminide alloy and annealing the cold worked product in a furnace by infrared heating. The flash annealing is preferably carried out by rapidly heating the cold worked product to an elevated temperature for less than one minute. The flash annealing is effective to reduce surface hardness of the cold worked product sufficiently to allow further cold working. The product to be cold worked can be prepared by casting the alloy or by a powder metallurgical technique such as tape casting a mixture of metal powder and a binder, roll compacting a mixture of the powder and a binder or plasma spraying the powder onto a substrate. In the case of tape casting or roll compaction, the initial powder product can be heated to a temperature sufficient to remove volatile components. The method can be used to form a cold rolled sheet which is formed into an electrical resistance heating element capable of heating to C. in less than 1 second when a voltage up to 10 volts and up to 6 amps is passed through the heating element.

  2. Method of manufacturing metallic products such as sheet by cold working and flash annealing


    Hajaligol, Mohammad R.; Sikka, Vinod K.


    A metallic alloy composition is manufactured into products such as press formed or stamped products or rolled products such as sheet, strip, rod, wire or band by one or more cold working steps with intermediate or final flash annealing. The method can include cold rolling an iron, nickel or titanium aluminide alloy and annealing the cold worked product in a furnace by infrared heating. The flash annealing is preferably carried out by rapidly heating the cold worked product to an elevated temperature for less than one minute. The flash annealing is effective to reduce surface hardness of the cold worked product sufficiently to allow further cold working. The product to be cold worked can be prepared by casting the alloy or by a powder metallurgical technique such as tape casting a mixture of metal powder and a binder, roll compacting a mixture of the powder and a binder or plasma spraying the powder onto a substrate. In the case of tape casting or roll compaction, the initial powder product can be heated to a temperature sufficient to remove volatile components. The method can be used to form a cold rolled sheet which is formed into an electrical resistance heating element capable of heating to C. in less than 1 second when a voltage up to 10 volts and up to 6 amps is passed through the heating element.

  3. Lightweight Metal/Polymer/Metal Sandwich Composites for Automotive Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferrari, Federico

    Sandwich composites are becoming increasingly popular in the automotive sector as they are lightweight and facilitate noise attenuation. However, given that sandwich composites are relatively new in the sector, there are questions as to whether they can effectively replace monolithic metals and damping patches without compromising mechanical performance. Quiet Aluminum RTM, a sandwich composite produced by Material Sciences Corporation (MSC), employs as skins two aluminum alloys that are common in automotive manufacturing: 5754-O and 6061-T4. The current study examines and compares the mechanical properties of Quiet AluminumRTM with the main Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) requirements for laminates with non-structural loads. The adhesion mechanism between the layers of the sandwich composites received was examined through: T-Peel test, roughness measurements and metallographic cross sectioning technique. The current study then employed tensile tests with different treatments applied to the sandwich materials, a Self-Piercing Riveting (SPR) joining evaluation, and hardness tests on the core section of the aluminum skins. The samples, which presented rolling mill-finish surface roughness Ra range of 0.46-0.56 micro m, met the FCA adhesion requirements with adhesive failure mode even after the paint bake-cycle simulation (20 min at 185 °C) and the hardening treatment applied on the sandwich with AA6061-T4 skin (1 h at 200 °C). The tensile properties, computed simulating stamping process (2% pre-applied strain), the paint-bake cycle and the hardening treatment were comparable to the monolithic ones. Finally, SPR technique, evaluated through lap shear test and macro-graphic measurements, successfully joined Quiet AluminumRTM samples (1.06 mm thickness) with structural High Strength Low Alloy steel (HSLA,1.8 mm thickness and 340 MPa minimum yield strength).

  4. 48 CFR 945.607-2 - Recovering precious metals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Recovering precious metals. (b) Contractors generating contractor inventory containing precious metals shall... silver should be reported to the precious metals pool. The Oak Ridge Operations Office is responsible for... Martin Marietta Energy Systems, M.S. 8207, P.O. Box 2009, Oak Ridge, TN 37831. [54 FR 27648, June 30...

  5. Treatment of transverse patellar fractures: a comparison between metallic and non-metallic implants.


    Heusinkveld, Maarten H G; den Hamer, Anniek; Traa, Willeke A; Oomen, Pim J A; Maffulli, Nicola


    Several methods of transverse patellar fixation have been described. This study compares the clinical outcome and the occurrence of complications of various fixation methods. The databases PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Google were searched. A direct comparison between fixation techniques using mixed or non-metallic implants and metallic K-wire and tension band fixation shows no significant difference in clinical outcome between both groups. Additionally, studies reporting novel operation techniques show good clinical results. Studies describing the treatment of patients using non-metallic or mixed implants are fewer compared with those using metallic fixation. A large variety of clinical scoring systems were used for assessing the results of treatment, which makes direct comparison difficult. More data of fracture treatment using non-metallic or mixed implants is needed to achieve a more balanced comparison.

  6. A base-metal conductor system for silicon solar cells

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Coleman, M. G.; Pryor, R. A.; Sparks, T. G.


    Solder, copper, and silver are evaluated as conductor layer metals for silicon solar cell metallization on the basis of metal price stability and reliability under operating conditions. Due to its properties and cost, copper becomes an attractive candidate for the conductor layer. It is shown that nickel operates as an excellent diffusion barrier between copper and silicon while simultaneously serving as an electrical contact and mechanical contact to silicon. The nickel-copper system may be applied to the silicon by plating techniques utilizing a variety of plating bath compositions. Solar cells having excellent current-voltage characteristics are fabricated to demonstrate the nickel-copper metallization system.

  7. Experimental research and numerical optimisation of multi-point sheet metal forming implementation using a solid elastic cushion system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tolipov, A. A.; Elghawail, A.; Shushing, S.; Pham, D.; Essa, K.


    There is a growing demand for flexible manufacturing techniques that meet the rapid changes in customer needs. A finite element analysis numerical optimisation technique was used to optimise the multi-point sheet forming process. Multi-point forming (MPF) is a flexible sheet metal forming technique where the same tool can be readily changed to produce different parts. The process suffers from some geometrical defects such as wrinkling and dimpling, which have been found to be the cause of the major surface quality problems. This study investigated the influence of parameters such as the elastic cushion hardness, blank holder force, coefficient of friction, cushion thickness and radius of curvature, on the quality of parts formed in a flexible multi-point stamping die. For those reasons, in this investigation, a multipoint forming stamping process using a blank holder was carried out in order to study the effects of the wrinkling, dimpling, thickness variation and forming force. The aim was to determine the optimum values of these parameters. Finite element modelling (FEM) was employed to simulate the multi-point forming of hemispherical shapes. Using the response surface method, the effects of process parameters on wrinkling, maximum deviation from the target shape and thickness variation were investigated. The results show that elastic cushion with proper thickness and polyurethane with the hardness of Shore A90. It has also been found that the application of lubrication cans improve the shape accuracy of the formed workpiece. These final results were compared with the numerical simulation results of the multi-point forming for hemispherical shapes using a blank-holder and it was found that using cushion hardness realistic to reduce wrinkling and maximum deviation.

  8. Reagent- and separation-free measurements of urine creatinine concentration using stamping surface enhanced Raman scattering (S-SERS)

    PubMed Central

    Li, Ming; Du, Yong; Zhao, Fusheng; Zeng, Jianbo; Mohan, Chandra; Shih, Wei-Chuan


    We report a novel reagent- and separation-free method for urine creatinine concentration measurement using stamping surface enhanced Raman scattering (S-SERS) technique with nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) plasmonic substrates, a label-free, multiplexed molecular sensing and imaging technique recently developed by us. The performance of this new technology is evaluated by the detection and quantification of creatinine spiked in three different liquids: creatinine in water, mixture of creatinine and urea in water, and creatinine in artificial urine within physiologically relevant concentration ranges. Moreover, the potential application of our method is demonstrated by creatinine concentration measurements in urine samples collected from a mouse model of nephritis. The limit of detection of creatinine was 13.2 nM (0.15 µg/dl) and 0.68 mg/dl in water and urine, respectively. Our method would provide an alternative tool for rapid, cost-effective, and reliable urine analysis for non-invasive diagnosis and monitoring of renal function. PMID:25798309


    EPA Science Inventory

    Acid-mine drainage (AMD) is a severe pollution problem attributed to past mining activities. AMD is an acidic, metal-bearing wastewater generated by the oxidation of metal sulfides to sulfates by Thiobacillus bacteria in both active and abandoned mining operations. The wastewater...


    EPA Science Inventory

    Acid mine water is an acidic, metal-bearing wastewater generated by the oxidation of metallic sulfides by certain bacteria in both active and abandoned mining operations. The wastewaters contain substantial quantities of dissolved solids with the particular pollutants dependant u...

  11. Dilemma in pediatric mandible fractures: resorbable or metallic plates?


    Taylan Filinte, Gaye; Akan, İsmail Mithat; Ayçiçek Çardak, Gülçin Nujen; Özkaya Mutlu, Özay; Aköz, Tayfun


    The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of resorbable and metallic plates in open reduction and internal fixation of mandible fractures in children. Thirty-one patients (mean age, 8.05 years; range 20 months-14 years) were operated on various fractures of the mandible (26 [60.4%] symphysis- parasymphysis, 12 [27.9%] condylar-subcondylar fractures, 5 [11.6%] angulus and ramus fractures). Twelve patients were treated with resorbable plates and 19 patients with metallic plates. Mean follow-up time was 41 months (11-74 months) in the metallic hardware group and was 22 months (8-35 months) in the resorbable plate group. Both groups were investigated for primary bone healing, complications, number of operations, and mandibular growth. The results were discussed below. Both groups demonstrated primary bone healing. Minor complications were similar in both groups. The metallic group involved secondary operations for plate removal. Mandibular growth was satisfactory in both groups. Resorbable plates cost more than the metallic ones; however, when the secondary operations are included in the total cost, resorbable plates were favourable. As mandibular growth and complication parameters are similar in both groups, resorbable plates are favored due to avoidance of potential odontogenic injury, elimination of long-term foreign body retention and provision of adequate stability for rapid bone healing. However, learning curve and concerns for decreased stability against heavy forces of mastication accompanied with the resorbable plates when compared to the metallic ones should be kept in mind.

  12. The Choices programme: a simple, front-of-pack stamp making healthy choices easy.


    Dötsch-Klerk, Mariska; Jansen, Léon


    Some food products fit better within a healthy diet than others, but how can consumers tell? The Choices programme is a simple and internationally-applicable programme to help consumers make a healthy choice on food and beverages and to stimulate industry towards healthy product innovation in all food groups. The essence of the programme is a front-of-pack stamp on products that pass an evaluation against scientific criteria. To that end generic criteria have been established for levels of saturated fat, trans fat, sugars and sodium, which are based on international dietary guidelines (FAO/WHO). For some food categories there are specific criteria for these nutrients as well as for dietary fibre and calories. In this way the criteria are challenging without being impossible to meet. The programme has been initiated by food industry and is open to all companies in food industry, retail and catering. The approach is also supported by nutritional scientists, governments and NGOs. An independent scientific committee is responsible for designing and periodically reviewing the qualifying criteria. The current qualifying criteria were developed by scientific committees in the Netherlands and Belgium. These criteria will now be reviewed by an International Scientific Committee, consisting of internationally-recognised food and nutrition experts. To accommodate the developments in nutrition science and food technology, this review will take place every two years.

  13. Phase and structural transformations in VVER-440 RPV base metal after long-term operation and recovery annealing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuleshova, E. A.; Gurovich, B. A.; Maltsev, D. A.; Frolov, A. S.; Bukina, Z. V.; Fedotova, S. V.; Saltykov, M. A.; Krikun, E. V.; Erak, D. Yu; Zhurko, D. A.; Safonov, D. V.; Zhuchkov, G. M.


    This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of 1st generation VVER-440 reactors lifetime extension by recovery re-annealing with the respect to base metal (BM). Comprehensive studies of the structure and properties of BM templates (samples cut from the inner surface of the shells in beltline region) of operating VVER-440 reactor (after primary standard recovery annealing 475 °C/150 h and subsequent long-term re-irradiation within reactor pressure vessel (RPV)) were conducted. These templates were also subjected to laboratory re-annealing 475 °C/150 h. TEM, SEM and APT studies of BM after laboratory re-annealing revealed significant recovery of radiation-induced hardening elements (Cu-rich precipitates and dislocation loops). Simultaneously a process of strong phosphorus accumulation at grain boundaries occurs since annealing temperature corresponds to the maximum reversible temper brittleness development. The latter is not observed for VVER-440 weld metal (WM). Comparative assessment of the properties return level for the beltline BM templates after recovery re-annealing 475 °C/150 h showed that it does not reach the one typical for beltline WM after the same annealing.

  14. Polymer-assisted aqueous deposition of metal oxide films


    Li, DeQuan [Los Alamos, NM; Jia, Quanxi [Los Alamos, NM


    An organic solvent-free process for deposition of metal oxide thin films is presented. The process includes aqueous solutions of necessary metal precursors and an aqueous solution of a water-soluble polymer. After a coating operation, the resultant coating is fired at high temperatures to yield optical quality metal oxide thin films.

  15. 7 CFR 273.2 - Office operations and application processing.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE... income (working households). The State agency must provide timely, accurate, and fair service to... determined eligible. The State agency must make expedited service available to households in immediate need...

  16. Development of USPS Laboratory and pilot-scale testing protocols


    Carl Houtman; Nancy Ross Sutherland; David Bormett; Donald Donermeyer


    The ultimate goal of the US Postal Service (USPS) Environmentally Benign Stamp Program is to develop stamp adhesives that can be removed by unit operations found in recycling mills. The maintenance of final product quality specifications for a recycling mill while loading the feedstock with a significant quantity of adhesive is the criterion for success of this program...

  17. 46 CFR 35.03-20 - Shipboard inspections-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 35.03-20 Shipboard inspections—TB/ALL. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine inspector to... stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be in a serviceable...

  18. 46 CFR 97.34-20 - Shipboard inspections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... OPERATIONS Work Vests § 97.34-20 Shipboard inspections. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by... in service, but shall not be stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be in a serviceable condition, then such work vest shall be removed from the vessel...

  19. 46 CFR 35.03-20 - Shipboard inspections-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 35.03-20 Shipboard inspections—TB/ALL. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine inspector to... stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be in a serviceable...

  20. 46 CFR 35.03-20 - Shipboard inspections-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS OPERATIONS Work Vests § 35.03-20 Shipboard inspections—TB/ALL. (a) Each work vest shall be subject to examination by a marine inspector to... stamped by a marine inspector with a Coast Guard stamp. If a work vest is found not to be in a serviceable...