Sample records for naar een betaalbare

  1. Ex ante Implementatietoetsing van Beleid, Een Methodiek Gebaseerd op Synergie Tussen Risicomanagement en Verandermanagement (Ex Ante Test for Policy Implementation - A Method Based Upon Synergy Between Risk Management an Change Management)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ante implementatietoetsing van beleid Een methodiek gebaseerd op synergie tussen risicomnanagemnent en verandermanagemnent Datuni december 2006 Auteur (s...te analyseren. Het de resultaten van de interviews gebruikct bij de theorie van risicomanagement en project Verandermanagernent bij de de ontwikkehing...Opdrachtnummer Hoewel expliciet is gekeken naar voorbeelden van risico’s bij Datum december 2006 Auteur (s) PROGRAMMA PR03ECT drs. R.C.T. de Haas drs

  2. Het SOWNet Experiment (The SOWNet Experiment)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    dat bet energieverbruik van de EQS zenders naar aanleiding van een gem-iddelde voertuigpassage circa 5 keer zo hoog is dan die van de SOWNet-zenders...code (I byte). * Een Belief- parameter (1 byte). * Een geheugenindex (2 bytes). * Lijst met Destination ID-codes, aangevuld met nullen. vaste omvang 10...verwachting voldoende hoog is zal de node alarm slaan. Als een sensor een object detecteert (hetzij als een False Alarm, hetzij doordat een object

  3. Storings analyse Ten Behoeve van het Materieelverzorgingsplan (Failure Analysis for the Maintenance Plan)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    oporachtnemer verwezen naar de ’Algemone Voorwaarden voor Onderzoeks- opdrachten TNO’. dan wet de betreflende terzake fijasen partlijen gesloten * 11 ...ixvulling van het onderhoudsschema 9 2.4 Invulling van het onderhoudsschema in de praktijk 14 2.5 Gonclusies 16 3 STORINGSANALYSES 18 3.1 ’Failure mode...nnfd- en subgroep (dit is een opdeling van bet systeem naar functioneel sanienhangende delen). Pa gina 9 - Het onderhoudsniveau waar jedere

  4. Inelastic processes in atomic collisions involving ground state and laser-prepared atoms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Planje, Willem Gilles


    In dit proefschrift worden experimenten beschreven waarbij ionen of atomen met een bepaalde snelheid op een ensemble van doelwitatomen worden gericht. Wanneer twee deeltjes elkaar voldoende genaderd hebben, vindt er wissel- werking plaats waarbij allerlei processen kunnen optreden. Deze processen resulteren in specieke eindproducten. Kennis over de interactie tussen twee botsingspartners wordt verkregen door te bekijken welke eindproducten ontstaan, en in welke mate. Een belangrijke grootheid die van invloed is op mogelijke processen is de onderlinge snelheid van de twee kernen, oftewel de botsingssnelheid. Wanneer de botsingssnelheid voldoende klein is dan kunnen de verschillende reactiemechanismen zowel kwalitatief als kwanti- tatief vaak goed voorspeld worden door het systeem te beschouwen als een kort-stondig molecuul, opgebouwd uit de twee botsende deeltjes. De ver- schillende processen die kunnen optreden worden gekwaliceerd afhankelijk van de vorming van bepaalde eindproducten. Ruwweg de volgende indeling kan gemaakt worden: 1. de interne structuur van de eindproducten zijn identiek aan die van de beginproducten. We spreken dan van een elastische botsing. 2. e en van de deeltjes of beiden worden in een aangeslagen toestand ge- bracht (of ge¨oniseerd). Dit zijn processen waarbij de herschikte elek- tronen zich bij de oorspronkelijke kern bevinden. We spreken dan van excitatie of ionisatie. 3. e en of meerdere elektronen bevinden zich bij de andere kern na de botsing (eventueel in aangeslagen toestand). We spreken dan van elek- tronenoverdracht. In het eerste deel van deze dissertatie worden botsingsexperimenten tussen heliumionen en natriumatomen beschreven waarbij het proces van elek- tronenoverdracht wordt onderzocht. Bij dit mechanisme is het buitenste 117?Samenvatting natriumelektron betrokken. Deze kan relatief gemakkelijk `overspringen' naar het heliumion wanneer deze zich dicht in de buurt van het natrium- atoom bevindt. Het elektron kan hierbij een

  5. Bepaling Referentiewaarden voor Ergonomie en Warmtebelasting van Lichtgewicht Bommenpakken (Determination of Ergonomic and Thermal Load Tests and Assessment of Reference Values With Light Weight Bomb Disposal Suits)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bommenpakken kunnen geven bij bewegingen worden gemeten met de volgende bewegingbeperkingtests: sit-and-reach, stand-and-reach, abductie van de armen ...anteflexie van de armen en beperking van zicht. Bij de sit-and-reach test komt een eventuele belernmering bij het voorover buigen naar voren. De...proefpersoon zit op de grond met de benen en armen gestrekt naar voren. Daarbij wordt de afstand tussen de tenen en de vingers gemeten (figuur 4). Als het pak

  6. Scatterometry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stoffelen, Adrianus Cornelis Maria


    Een veelheid aan meteorologische metingen is dagelijks beschikbaar. De meeste van deze waarnemingen bevinden zich echter boven land, en met name windwaarnemingen boven de (Noord Atlantische) oceaan zijn schaars. Bij een westelijke luchtstroming is dit een duidelijke beperking voor de weers- en golfverwachtingen ten behoeve van Nederland. Juist dan is het gevaar voor bijvoorbeeld storm of overstroming het grootst. Ook in het aardse klimaatsysteem speelt de wind aan het oppervlak een grote rol en is de belangrijkste factor voor de aandrijving van de oceaancirculatie. De oceaancirculatie op zijn beurt is cruciaal voor de verschijnselen die samenhangen met bijvoorbeeld El Niño. Dit proefschift gaat over het scatterometer instrument dat vanuit de ruimte, zelfs onder een wolkendek, nauwkeurige en betrouwbare informatie geeft over de wind aan het oceaanoppervlak met een hoge mate van ruimtelijke consistentie. Tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog werden radars aan boord van schepen veelvuldig gebruikt voor de opsporing van vijandige vaartuigen. Hierbij werd vastgesteld dat de detectie slechter werd naarmate de wind aan het zeeoppervlak groter was. Proefondervindelijk was hiermee het principe van een wind scatterometer aangetoond. Al snel ontwikkelde zich dan ook de idee de wind aan het zeeoppervlak te meten met behulp van radar. Vanuit een vliegtuig of een satelliet word dan een microgolfbundel onder een schuine hoek naar het zeeoppervlak gestuurd. De microgolfstraling, met gewoonlijk een golflengte van enkele centimeters, wordt verstrooid aan het ruwe oppervlak, en een klein gedeelte van de uitgezonden puls keert terug naar het detectorgedeelte van de scatterometer. Het fysische fenomeen van belang voor de werking van de scatterometer is de aanwezigheid van zogeheten capillaire gavitatiegolven op het zeeoppervlak. Deze golven hebben een golflengte van enkele centimeters en reageren vrijwel instantaan op de sterkte van de wind. De verstrooiing van microgolven is op zijn beurt

  7. Who Do We Deploy for Psychological Operations: A Function Profile for TPT Members

    DTIC Science & Technology


    doet onderzoek om de ontwikkeling v’an PSYOPS in Nederland te ondersteunen. Een eerste stap, in het goed voorbereiden en uitvoeren van PSYOPS is het...bezit. De focus van het huidige project ligt op de selectiemethode van mensen die PSYOPS functies gaan vervullen. Naast Nederland zijn er ook andere NAVO...deze interviews kwam naar voren dat verschillende landen kampen met dezelfde problemen als Nederland wat betreft de selectie van het PSYOPS personeel

  8. Tweede Serie Ergonomietests Lichtgewicht Bommenpakken (Second Series of Ergonomic Tests on Lightweight Bomb Disposal Suits)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    warmtebelastingtests vast te stellen en (sit-and-reach, stand-and-reach. abductie referentiewaarden te bepalen door het van de arnen, anteflexie van de armen ...volgende, bewegingbeperkingtests: sit-and-reach, stand-and-reach. abductie van de armen , anteflexie van de armen en beperking van zicht. Bij de sit-and...gebogen op de rand van een tafel en houdt de armen zo ver mogeijk gestrekt naar voren op tafel. Daarbij wordt de afstand vanaf de rand van de tafel tot

  9. [The effect of mood-stabilising drugs on cytokine levels in bipolar disorder: a systematic review].


    Van Den Ameele, S; van Diermen, L; Staels, W; Coppens, V; Dumont, G; Sabbe, B; Morrens, M

    Veranderde cytokineconcentraties bij personen met een bipolaire stoornis ten opzichte van controle-personen suggereren een rol van het immuunsysteem in de pathofysiologie van bipolaire stoornis. Farmacotherapie is een belangrijke verstorende factor in klinisch onderzoek naar cytokineconcentraties.
    DOEL: Evalueren van cytokineconcentraties bij medicatievrije patiënten met een bipolaire stoornis en van het effect van stemmingsstabiliserende geneesmiddelen op deze concentraties.
    METHODE: We doorzochten systematisch PubMed en Embase naar klinische studies die cytokineconcentraties bij medicatievrije patiënten met een bipolaire stoornis beschrijven of het effect van een individueel stemmingsstabiliserend geneesmiddel op deze concentraties evalueren.
    RESULTATEN: Van de 564 gescreende artikelen werden er 17 geïncludeerd. Resultaten bij medicatievrije patiënten toonden stemmingsgerelateerde cytokineveranderingen. Hoewel geen data over de kortetermijneffecten van lithium beschikbaar waren, was lithiumgebruik langer dan 2 maanden geassocieerd met normale cytokineconcentraties. Twee studies rapporteerden geen effect van valproïnezuur. We vonden geen studies over carbamazepine, lamotrigine of antipsychotica.
    CONCLUSIE: Dit systematisch literatuuroverzicht toont stemmingsgerelateerde cytokineveranderingen bij medicatievrije patiënten met een bipolaire stoornis met de meeste evidentie voor een pro-inflammatoire immuunrespons tijdens manie. Euthymie en langdurig lithiumgebruik zijn geassocieerd met normale cytokineconcentraties. Er is een belangrijke methodologische heterogeniteit en onvoldoende replicatie tussen studies. Longitudinale studies met medicatievrije beginmetingen, gerandomiseerde monotherapeutische behandelprotocollen en nauwkeurige monitoring van stemming zijn noodzakelijk.
    BACKGROUND: Alterations of the cytokine level in persons with bipolar disorder - when compared to controls - suggest that the immune system plays a role in the

  10. Cognitie Versus Sensatie: Een Paradigma Voor Herorieentatie (Cognition Versus Sensation: A Paradigm for Reorientation)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    EEN PARADIGMA VOOR HERORIWNATIE 2 L.C. Boer 0 DTI ELECTE FEB 16190 WO IDISThMATO .&TfAqMnT A 1 Approved for PWbli reg 90o 02 15 053 Nederiandse...5 39 77eloonr 03463 -5 62 11 IZF 1989-20 ’COGNITIE VERSUS SENSATIE: EEN PARADIGMA VOOR HERORIENTATIE L.C. Boer 20 Niels uid daze ungave mag nworden...Dist I Special 5 Rapport nr.: IZF 1989-20 Titel: Cognitie versus sensatie: eon paradigma voor heroridntatie Auteur: Dr. L.C. Boer Instituut: Instituut

  11. Mentale Inzetbaarheid van Teams: Ontwikkeling van een Moden van Teamfunctioneren als Module voor SCOPE (Mental Readiness of Teams - Development of a Team Model as Module for SCOPE)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    inzetbaarheid van teams: ontwikkeling van een model van teamfunctioneren als module voor SCOPE Datumn april 2007 Auteur (s) R. de B~ruin C’. Vervvijs A.J...Datum april 2007 Programmaleider Projectleider Auteur (s) dr. W.A. Lotens, TNO Defensie en A.]. van Vijet, TNO Defensie en R. de Bruin Veiligheid...Deelnemers verwachten wel, in lijn met de theorie , dat een lage cohesie samenhangt met een lage effectiviteit. Een hoge cohesie, daarentegen, zou

  12. Elektrische Scheepsvoortstuwing en Supergeleiding: Een Literatuurstudie (Electric Ship Propulsion and Superconductivity: A Desk Study)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    opdraCmlgoeVO en e; opdrachtnemer verweren naar doeha ’Algemen. Voorwearden voor Onderzoeks- ONGERTJBRICEERD opdrachlefl son TNO’, dan wel do belreflende...Opomp’kaneal NaK isolatielaag mom ankerstroomn NaK max. niveau van NaK -as Figuur 4.7 Seriewchakeling van de schijven met NaK TNO-rappert PML 2824880131Pgn De...suporgeleidend worden uitgovocrd kin de constructie aanmerkelijk worden vereenvoudigd. Voor generatoren onder de 100 MW wegen de kosten, verbonden son de grotere

  13. An exploratory study of illegal gamblers in Hong Kong.


    Tessler, Andrew; El Beyrouty, Kareen; Crapnell, Natasha


    This study investigates the nature and behaviour of illegal gamblers in Hong Kong. A face-to-face street survey of 512 gamblers was conducted in Hong Kong between September and December 2015 with supplementary convenience sampling allowing for analysis of a total sample of 103 illegal gamblers. 56% of illegal gamblers recorded results consistent with this study's definition of 'excessive gambling' [i.e. moderate risk and problem gamblers under the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI)]. 81% of surveyed illegal gamblers were male, 77% were aged between 30 and 49 and 67% were in blue collar occupations. Illegal gamblers bet more frequently on both legal and illegal games than their legal counterparts and spent more when they did bet. While this research did not indicate the direction of causality between illegal and excessive gambling, international work (de Bruin et al. in verslingerd aan meer dan een spel: Een onderzoek naar de aard en omvang van kansspelproblematiek in Nederland, WODC/CVO, Utrecht,, 2005; Binde in What are the most harmful forms of gambling? Analysing problem gambling prevalence surveys,, 2011) suggests that excessive gamblers are drawn to illegal gambling. Reform could allow excessive gambling by illegal gamblers to be better addressed and initial work suggests some financial benefits to Hong Kong.

  14. Selection of a Method for the Measurement of the Protection Factor in the Field (Selectie van een methode voor de meting van de gasmaskerprotectiefactor te velde)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    deeltjes in het masker, de luclitwegen of de detector worden protectiefactoren gevonden die in het algemneen te optimistisch zijn [11, 12]. De gevonden...zijn wel te relateren aan bepaalde activiteiten. 4.2.2 Natuurlijk atmosferisch stof Door de firma TSI is een apparaat ontwikkeld (Portacount) dat...onderdruk afnemen [5]. Door de firma Dynatech Nevada (USA) wordt een apparaat geproduceerd dat van dit principe gebruikmaakt. Het apparaat is voorzien


    DTIC Science & Technology


    titel DETECTIE VAN LANDMIJNEN EN MIJNENVELDEN OP AFSTAND, een overzicht van de technieken auteur (s) Drs. J.S. Groot, Ir. Y.H.L. Janssen datum september...functions based on set theory . The fundamental theory is developed in the sixties. This theory was applicable to binary images (black-and-white images...held at TNO-FEL. Various subjects related to fusion techniques: Dempster Shafer theory , Bayesian inference, Kalman filtering, fuzzy logic. [A15], [B4

  16. Op weg naar een didactiek voor natuurkunde-experimenten op afstand : Ontwerp en evaluatie van een via internet uitvoerbaar experiment voor leerlingen uit het voortgezet onderwijs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Engelbarts, M. B. A.


    The subject of this thesis is a developmental study on “remote experimenting” in education. It concerns the development of a remote experiment that enables pre-university students to carry out a physics experiment at a distance via the internet. Remote experiments can offer several (practical) benefits when compared to conventional experiments but the desire to exploit these benefits put special demands on the design of the experiment, since the students might be conducting the experiment without a teacher in the vicinity. As a consequence of these demands it was decided to focus on exploring the possibilities and problems of remote experiments conducted in the absence of a teacher. The research was carried out in two cycles and focused on the development of a remote experiment that could be conducted autonomously by pre-university students to measure the speed of light in several media. This should answer the global question: What should a technically, as well as didactically, well-functioning remote experiment look like? The first cycle had an explorative character. It showed that technically the experiment already functioned quite well. However, many problems were observed concerning the content, and the way the students were tackling it. This led to two categories of recommendations. Concerning the content, the material should aim at making the students more aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it and several content related problems needed to be avoided. The second category of recommendations concerned the format of the material: the design and the working method. Special attention should be paid to designing a clear structure for the website and adding interaction and control, (feedback- and reflection facilities) to activate the students and guide them through the material. In the second research cycle these recommendations were followed by designing the material within the theoretical framework of the problem posing theory. A didactical structure was designed before writing the actual lesson material for the website describing the inter-related conceptual and content-related motivational pathway of the intended teaching-learning process. The lesson material was set up in such a way that the students are repeatedly confronted with a practical problem to solve and they play an active role in developing the method of measurement. Secondly, in an attempt to compensate for the absence of the teacher and support the teaching-learning process some format elements were developed and deployed like an automated question-, and feedback system that supported the students, activated them and gave them insight into their learning process and a ‘Where-am-I’-window that showed their current position within the material. This all had led to a technically as well as didactically well functioning remote experiment in which, at a global level, the line of reasoning was made explicit and recognizable for the students, and ad a local level was build up out of well connected successive activities and required the students to adopt an active attitude.

  17. Een Beleidsondersteunend Systeem Voor Bepaling van de Economische Vervangingsperiode van Wielvoertuigen (A Policy Supportive System to Determine the Economic Replacement Period for Vehicles)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    9 2.3 Kwaliteitsbewaking 9 3 UITRUSTINCSSTUKKEN 10 4 METHODIEKBESCHRIJVINC i 4.1 Kwantificering 11 4.2 Optirnalisatie 12 4.3...volgende tabel worden opgesteld TABEL A Kosten voor een US IMAXNG - 9 PERIODE 1 0 J 11 2 3 LEEFTIJD I aanvang-eind 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5 KMSTPLND II begin...dynamisch e programmeringsmodel maakt alleen berekeningen in de beslispunten, terwiji de enumeratie alle alternatieven moet berekenen 1 11 1 11 9 11 11

  18. Beslisbevoegdheden van de Uitgestegen Soldaat. Deel B: Verbetering van Situational Awareness Met Behulp van de Soldier Digital Assistant in een Gesimuleerde Omgeving (Authority and Responsbility of the Dismounted Soldier. Part B. Improving the Situational Awareness using the Soldier Digital Assistant in a Simulated Environment)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Dergelijke omngevingen zijn tot op heden vrijwel uitsluitend gebruikt voor training en onderwijs , maar slechts zeer sporadisch voor wetenschappelijk...Onderstaande instanties/personen ontvangen een volledig exemplaar van het rapport. 1 DMO/SC-DR&D standaard inclusief digitale versie bijgeleverd op cd

  19. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Huang, Er-Wen; Department of Forensic Pathology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou; Xue, Sheng-Jiang

    Highlights: • Levels of EEN expression paralleled with the rate of cell proliferation. • EEN was involved in the proliferation and survival of multiple myeloma (MM) cells. • EEN regulated the activity of IGF-1-Akt/mTOR pathway. • EEN regulated proliferation and survival of MM cells by enhancing IGF-1 secretion. - Abstract: The molecular mechanisms of multiple myeloma are not well defined. EEN is an endocytosis-regulating molecule. Here we report that EEN regulates the proliferation and survival of multiple myeloma cells, by regulating IGF-1 secretion. In the present study, we observed that EEN expression paralleled with cell proliferation, EEN accelerated cell proliferation,more » facilitated cell cycle transition from G1 to S phase by regulating cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) pathway, and delayed cell apoptosis via Bcl2/Bax-mitochondrial pathway. Mechanistically, we found that EEN was indispensable for insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) secretion and the activation of protein kinase B-mammalian target of rapamycin (Akt-mTOR) pathway. Exogenous IGF-1 overcame the phenotype of EEN depletion, while IGF-1 neutralization overcame that of EEN over-expression. Collectively, these data suggest that EEN may play a pivotal role in excessive cell proliferation and insufficient cell apoptosis of bone marrow plasma cells in multiple myeloma. Therefore, EEN may represent a potential diagnostic marker or therapeutic target for multiple myeloma.« less

  20. A nuclear method to authenticate Buddha images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khaweerat, S.; Ratanatongchai, W.; Channuie, J.; Wonglee, S.; Picha, R.; Promping, J.; Silva, K.; Liamsuwan, T.


    The value of Buddha images in Thailand varies dramatically depending on authentication and provenance. In general, people use their individual skills to make the justification which frequently leads to obscurity, deception and illegal activities. Here, we propose two non-destructive techniques of neutron radiography (NR) and neutron activation autoradiography (NAAR) to reveal respectively structural and elemental profiles of small Buddha images. For NR, a thermal neutron flux of 105 n cm-2s-1 was applied. NAAR needed a higher neutron flux of 1012 n cm-2 s-1 to activate the samples. Results from NR and NAAR revealed unique characteristic of the samples. Similarity of the profile played a key role in the classification of the samples. The results provided visual evidence to enhance the reliability of authenticity approval. The method can be further developed for routine practice which impact thousands of customers in Thailand.

  1. Simplification of the standard three-bag intravenous acetylcysteine regimen for paracetamol poisoning results in a lower incidence of adverse drug reactions.


    Wong, Anselm; Graudins, Andis


    Adverse reactions to intravenous (IV) acetylcysteine treatment in paracetamol overdose, are common. Previous studies suggest the incidence and severity of non-allergic anaphylactic reactions (NAARs) are influenced by the rate of acetylcysteine infusion. We compared the incidence of adverse drug events of a two-bag IV acetylcysteine regimen with that of the traditional three-bag regimen. This was a retrospective analysis of patients presenting with paracetamol overdose requiring treatment with acetylcysteine to three emergency departments. We prospectively identified all presentations where IV acetylcysteine was administered using a 20 h, two-bag regimen (200 mg/kg over 4 h followed by 100 mg/kg over 16 h) from February 2014 to June 2015. We compared this to an historical cohort treated with the 21 h three-bag IV regimen (150 mg/kg over 1 h, 50 mg/kg over 4 h and 100 mg/kg over 16 h) from October 2009 to October 2013. Medical and nursing notes were searched retrospectively for entries suggesting the presence of an adverse reaction. The primary outcome was incidence of NAARs and gastrointestinal reactions in each group. 389 presentations were treated with the three-bag regimen and 210 presentations received the two-bag regimen. NAARs were recorded more commonly with the three-bag acetylcysteine regimen than the two-bag regimen (10% vs 4.3%, p = 0.02, OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.1-5.8). There was no difference in reports of gastrointestinal reactions between cohorts (three-bag 39% vs two-bag 41%, p = 0.38, OR 1.17 95% CI (0.83-1.65)). The incidence of NAARs was significantly reduced by combining the first two bags of the traditional three-bag regimen and infusing these over 4 h at 50 mg/kg/hr. Simplifying the administration of acetylcysteine may have other benefits such as better utilisation of nursing time and reduced infusion administration errors. A two-bag 20 h acetylcysteine regimen was well tolerated and resulted in significantly fewer and milder NAARs than the standard

  2. Extensive Modulation of the Fecal Metagenome in Children With Crohn's Disease During Exclusive Enteral Nutrition

    PubMed Central

    Quince, Christopher; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Loman, Nick; Eren, A Murat; Saulnier, Delphine; Russell, Julie; Haig, Sarah J; Calus, Szymon T; Quick, Joshua; Barclay, Andrew; Bertz, Martin; Blaut, Michael; Hansen, Richard; McGrogan, Paraic; Russell, Richard K; Edwards, Christine A; Gerasimidis, Konstantinos


    OBJECTIVES: Exploring associations between the gut microbiota and colonic inflammation and assessing sequential changes during exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) may offer clues into the microbial origins of Crohn's disease (CD). METHODS: Fecal samples (n=117) were collected from 23 CD and 21 healthy children. From CD children fecal samples were collected before, during EEN, and when patients returned to their habitual diets. Microbiota composition and functional capacity were characterized using sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomics. RESULTS: Microbial diversity was lower in CD than controls before EEN (P=0.006); differences were observed in 36 genera, 141 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), and 44 oligotypes. During EEN, the microbial diversity of CD children further decreased, and the community structure became even more dissimilar than that of controls. Every 10 days on EEN, 0.6 genus diversity equivalents were lost; 34 genera decreased and one increased during EEN. Fecal calprotectin correlated with 35 OTUs, 14 of which accounted for 78% of its variation. OTUs that correlated positively or negatively with calprotectin decreased during EEN. The microbiota of CD patients had a broader functional capacity than healthy controls, but diversity decreased with EEN. Genes involved in membrane transport, sulfur reduction, and nutrient biosynthesis differed between patients and controls. The abundance of genes involved in biotin (P=0.005) and thiamine biosynthesis decreased (P=0.017), whereas those involved in spermidine/putrescine biosynthesis (P=0.031), or the shikimate pathway (P=0.058), increased during EEN. CONCLUSIONS: Disease improvement following treatment with EEN is associated with extensive modulation of the gut microbiome. PMID:26526081

  3. OMEGACAM and Gravitational Lensing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Christen, Fabrice Frédéric Thiébaut


    Het proefschrift van Fabrice Christen gaat over de ontwikkeling van nieuwe methoden voor het corrigeren van (digitale) foto's van melkwegstelsels. Met deze methoden kunnen de beelden uit het heelal beter worden geanalyseerd. Het eerste gedeelte is gewijd aan het werk dat bij ESO is uitgevoerd aan de CCD's van de OmegaCAM camera, het enige instrument van de VST. OmegaCAM is een optische groothoekcamera met een beeldveld van een vierkante graad, opgebouwd uit een mozaiek van 8 bij 4 CCD's. Van elk onderdeel moeten alle kenmerken volledig bekend zijn voordat het in het CCD mozaiek geplaatst kan worden. In het tweede deel van dit proefschrift wordt de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe methode voor het corrigeren van de ``point-spread function'' (PSF) en schatten van de ellipticiteit van de melkwegstelsels besproken. De nieuwe techniek wordt getest en vergeleken met een door sterrenkundigen algemeen gebruikte methode in het veld van zwaartekrachtslenzen, de Kaiser, Squire en Broadhurst (KSB) methode. De nieuwe methode, gebaseerd op shapelet ontleding (vergelijkbaar met wavelet ontleding), gaat verder, en is sneller en theoretisch preciezer dan de KSB methode. Door gebruik te maken van de gecorrigeerde ellipticiteit, kunnen we een statistische analyse uitvoeren om er een kosmisch vervormingssignaal uit te halen. De licht vervormde beelden van de melkwegstelsels bewij zen dat de niet-homogene massaverdeling op megaparsec-schaal voornamelijk bestaat uit grote hoeveelheden donkere materie. Verder vergelijken we de schattingen van de ellipticiteit van de shapelet en KSB methode. Bovendien voeren we ook nog een melkwegstelsel-melkwegstelsel lens analyse uit op de 50 VLT Fors1 afbeeldingen en slagen we erin de belangrijkste eigenschappen van de halo's van de stelsels, die zich op een afstand van een- tot tweeduizend megaparsec (1 parsec = 3,26 lichtjaar = 3,085 x 10^16 meter) bevinden, te bepalen door gebruik te maken van twee modellen van melkwegstelselhalo's. Vergeleken met andere

  4. Human Cognitive Processes in Command and Control Planning. 3. Determining Basic Processes Involved in Planning in Time and Space (Cognitieve Processen in Command and Control Planning. 3. Basisprocessen in Planning in Tijd en Ruimte)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    spatidle componenten bevat."De studie had twee do6elen: hei ontwikkelen, van een methode voor bet bepalen van . de cognitieve processen, die met...planning samenhangen en bet ontwikkelen van een model voor efficidnte planning voor de taak gebruikt in deze studie. Twee planners gaven verbale en...grafische protocolfen terwijl ze een planning maakten voor de meest effi-cidnte weg voor winkel-robot’s orn goederen op te halen in een winkel. Voor twaalf

  5. Postoperative Nutritional Effects of Early Enteral Feeding Compared with Total Parental Nutrition in Pancreaticoduodectomy Patients: A Prosepective, Randomized Study

    PubMed Central

    Park, Joon Seong; Chung, Hye-Kyung; Hwang, Ho Kyoung; Kim, Jae Keun


    The benefits of early enteral feeding (EEN) have been demonstrated in gastrointestinal surgery. But, the impact of EEN has not been elucidated yet. We assessed the postoperative nutritional status of patients who had undergone pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) according to the postoperative nutritional method and compared the clinical outcomes of two methods. A prospective randomized trial was undertaken following PD. Patients were randomly divided into two groups; the EEN group received the postoperative enteral feed and the control group received the postoperative total parenteral nutrition (TPN) management. Thirty-eight patients were included in our analyses. The first day of bowel movement and time to take a normal soft diet was significantly shorter in EEN group than in TPN group. Prealbumin and transferrin were significantly reduced on post-operative day (POD) 7 and were slowly recovered until POD 90 in the TPN group than in the EEN group. EEN group rapidly recovered weight after POD 21 whereas it was gradually decreased in TPN group until POD 90. EEN after PD is associated with preservation of weight compared with TPN and impact on recovery of digestive function after PD. PMID:22379336

  6. Onderzoek Naar de Bepaling van Wrijvingscoefficienten van een Voertuig uit Uitrolcurves (Research into the Determination of Friction Coefficients of a Vehicle from Deceleration Curves)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    en Aemne Vrwaarden Wo OndOrzoeks 8 FE 1 1 opdrchl aT00’ dn wet do bereflende F B 0 1 9 terzake tussen partilon geslOlen dw:Agsu overOerikomStf...Ongemlbric~~d 9 -028 14 :259 wwWmtmd.fl 59w IEEIIIIiiiarabIg𔃽 1 c~ Vrederikkazerle, Geb. InO 03 3.. ~ van den Burchlaal 312 03 173Telefoofl 070-3166394...1ILEIDING 6 2 HET FYSISCHE MODEL 8 3 ONDERZOEK AAN DE DIFFERENTIAALVERGELIJKING 11 3.1 Existentie en uniciteit van ccii oplossing 11 3.2 Continulleit en

  7. Trajectory Simulation Model for a Side- Thruster Guided MLRS-Type Vehicle

    DTIC Science & Technology


    km halen . Voor de toekomst heeft men behoefte aan een dracht van ongeveer 60 km. Het is de doelstelling van opdracht A95KL410 om kennis en inzicht...G.M.H.J.L. Gadiot Datum mei 1999 Opdrachtnr. A95KL410 Rapportnr. PML 1998-A80 Figuur M.I.- Lancering van een M26-raket vanaf een MLRS ’launcher’. De...Koninklijke Nederlandse Landmacht (KL) heeft het ’Multiple Launcher Rocket System’ (MLRS) in gebruik. Met de huidige uitrusting kan men een dracht van 30

  8. Effect of early enteral combined with parenteral nutrition in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy.


    Zhu, Xin-Hua; Wu, Ya-Fu; Qiu, Yu-Dong; Jiang, Chun-Ping; Ding, Yi-Tao


    To investigate the effect of early enteral nutrition (EEN) combined with parenteral nutritional support in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). From January 2006, all patients were given EEN combined with parenteral nutrition (PN) (EEN/PN group, n = 107), while patients prior to this date were given total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (TPN group, n = 67). Venous blood samples were obtained for a nutrition-associated assessment and liver function tests on the day before surgery and 6 d after surgery. The assessment of clinical outcome was based on postoperative complications. Follow-up for infectious and noninfectious complications was carried out for 30 d after hospital discharge. Readmission within 30 d after discharge was also recorded. Compared with the TPN group, a significant decrease in prealbumin (PAB) (P = 0.023) was seen in the EEN/PN group. Total bilirubin (TB), direct bilirubin (DB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly decreased on day 6 in the EEN/PN group (P = 0.006, 0.004 and 0.032, respectively). The rate of grade I complications, grade II complications and the length of postoperative hospital stay in the EEN/PN group were significantly decreased (P = 0.036, 0.028 and 0.021, respectively), and no hospital mortality was observed in our study. Compared with the TPN group (58.2%), the rate of infectious complications in the EEN/PN group (39.3%) was significantly decreased (P = 0.042). Eleven cases of delayed gastric emptying were noted in the TPN group, and 6 cases in the EEN/PN group. The rate of delayed gastric emptying and hyperglycemia was significantly reduced in the EEN/PN group (P = 0.031 and P = 0.040, respectively). Early enteral combined with PN can greatly improve liver function, reduce infectious complications and delayed gastric emptying, and shorten postoperative hospital stay in patients undergoing PD.

  9. [Multidisciplinary treatment in orthodontics].


    Oosterkamp, B C M; Kuijpers, M A R


    In deze editie van het NTvT neemt het thema ‘Multidisciplinaire aanpak in de orthodontie’ de lezer mee in de mogelijkheden van multidisciplinaire zorg vanuit een orthodontisch oogpunt. Tandheelkunde is niet meer uitsluitend gericht op preventie en behandeling van cariës. De gebitstoestand van zowel ­kinderen als volwassenen is de afgelopen 30 jaar namelijk sterk verbeterd. De cariës­ervaring is duidelijk afgenomen en mensen behouden steeds langer hun natuurlijke gebit. Daarnaast is een fraai uitziend en goed functionerend gebit steeds vanzelfsprekender geworden en zijn patiënten gemotiveerd hun gebit te behouden. Deze ontwikkelingen vragen ook van (mond)zorgverleners een andere kijk op de zorg. De tandheelkundige zorg betreft steeds meer integrale zorg met een multidisciplinair karakter waarbij ­verschillende disciplines samenwerken om in samenspraak met de patiënt tot een optimaal resultaat te komen.

  10. Early enteral nutrition after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer.


    Chen, Wei; Zhang, Zheng; Xiong, Maoming; Meng, Xiangling; Dai, Fen; Fang, Jun; Wan, Hong; Wang, Miaofeng


    To assess the difference between early enteral nutrition (EEN group) and total parenteral nutrition (TPN group) after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. The nutrition index, liver function, patient generated subjective global assessment (PG-SGA) score, the post-operation complications, the hospital stay and hospitalization expense of the postoperative patient after total gastrectomy, admitted to our Department of Surgery from May 2011 to May 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. A total of 72 patients including 37 cases in the EEN group and 35 cases in the TPN group were recruited. Hypoalbuminemia gradually improved in the EEN group about 3-5 days, but it did not increase until average 21 days in the TPN group. The body weight decreased in the EEN group during the first 2 weeks and recovered gradually in 21 days; body weight in the TPN group was significantly lower than the EEN group at 21 days (p<0.05). There were significant differences in both the groups (p<0.05) in nutrition indicators. The incidence of complications in the EEN group and TPN group were 8.1% and 25.7% respectively, with no significant differences (p>0.05). The days of hospital stays in the EEN and in the TPN group were up to 12.2 ± 2.5 d vs 14.9 ± 2.9 d (p<0.05) and the hospitalization expenses were 36472 ± 4833 CNY vs 40140 ± 3927 CNY (p<0.05), respectively. Compared with TPN, EEN was safe and well tolerated and can shorten the hospital stay as well as reduce costs incurred with total gastrectomy for gastric cancer.

  11. Inventarisatie telematica-ontwikkelingen Natco (Inventory Telematics Developments Natco)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    telefonie, die binnen afzienbare tijd een bereikbaarheid over nagenoeg de gehele wereldbol kan garanderen. Ook hier is de koppeling van netwerken van...PCS is ’de mogelijkheid voor een gebruiker te communiceren in elke gewenste vorm, op elke tijd , op elke plaats en in verschillende rollen...wat betreft plaats, tijd en tempo van het leren, kan worden gerealiseerd. De toepassing van teleleren kan leiden tot een verbetering van de interne

  12. Militaire Toepassingen Van Adaptieve Optiek (Military Applications of Adaptive Optics)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    dat op dit moment met de beschikbare theorie mogelijk is. Een ander interessant aspect is de mate waarin de turbulentie effecten het jam patroon...systemen In WEAG studie JP8. 11 is aangetoond dat in theorie adaptieve technieken een verbetering van de prestaties van een DIRCM systeem kunnen...Molenaar; Theorie van de laserscintillometer; TNO repot PHL 1978-16 (1978). TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2006 A336 35/35 6 Ondertekening Den Haag, september 2006

  13. Tactisch Optreden van kleine eenheden (Small Unit Tactics)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Marechaussee KTS Knock, Talk and Search MB Mercedes Benz MND(SE) Multinational Division (South East) NAVO Noord Atlantische Verdrag Organisatie NGO Non...patrouilles had men de beschikking over Mercedes Benz (MB) soft top wielvoertuigen, met een mitrailleur MAG 7.62 mm op affuit. Als extra bescherming was het... Mercedes Benz 5 IkN/ 7.5 kN soft top) voorzien van een voertuigaffuit met een mitrailleur MAG 7,62mm, uitgevoerd (zie Figuur 8). Bij verhoogde dreiging

  14. The traditional medicine Spilanthes acmella, and the alkylamides spilanthol and undeca-2E-ene-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide, demonstrate in vitro and in vivo anti-malarial activity

    PubMed Central

    Spelman, Kevin; Depoix, Delphine; McCray, Megan; Mouray, Elisabeth; Grellier, Philippe


    Spilanthes spp. are used as traditional herbal medicines in Africa and India to treat malaria. Yet, to date, there is no data on active constituents or most effective extraction methods for this indication. The isolated alkylamides, spilanthol and undeca-2E-ene-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide, found in S. acmella Murr., were shown to have IC50s of 16.5 μg/mL and 41.4 μg/mL on Plasmodium falciparum strain PFB and IC50s of 5.8 μg/mL and 16.3 μg/mL for the chloroquine resistant P. falciparum K1 strain, respectively. Further investigations revealed that at relatively low concentrations, spilanthol and the water extract of S. acmella reduced the parasitemia 59% and 53% in mice infected with P. yoelii yoelii 17XNL at 5 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg, respectively. Unexpectedly, the 95% ethanol extract of S. acmella was less effective (36% reduction in parasitemia) at 50 mg/kg. These results provide the first evidence supporting S. acmella against malaria and demonstrating active constituents in S. acmella against P. falciparum. PMID:22692989

  15. Effect of exclusive enteral nutrition on health-related quality of life for adults with active Crohn's disease.


    Guo, Zhen; Wu, Rong; Zhu, Weiming; Gong, Jianfeng; Zhang, Wei; Li, Yi; Gu, Lili; Li, Ning; Li, Jieshou


    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is an effective and safe remission induction treatment for Crohn's disease in adults. Its influence on adults' health-related quality of life remains unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of EEN on health-related quality of life in adults with active Crohn's disease. Patients recruited were treated with a polymeric enteral feed that was taken orally in the daytime and via a self-intubated nasogastric tube at night for 4 weeks. Prospective evaluation of disease activity (Crohn's Disease Activity Index, CDAI) and health-related quality of life (Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, IBDQ) were performed at enrollment and after 4 weeks of treatment. Patients' feelings about EEN were also investigated through 2 questions. Thirteen patients were treated with 4-week EEN. They had a significant improvement in total IBDQ score (P < .001) and all IBDQ dimensions: bowel symptoms (P < .001), systemic symptoms (P < .001), social function (P = .003), and emotional status (P < .001), with 11 patients (84.6%) achieving clinical remission after treatment. In addition, 8 patients (61.5%) expressed their willingness to receive this 4-week EEN treatment again to induce remission if the disease relapsed. The IBDQ correlated significantly with the CDAI at 4 weeks. A 4-week treatment of EEN improves health-related quality of life significantly in adults with active Crohn's disease and was acceptable by most patients.

  16. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapies and Gut Function in a Colitis Mouse Model

    PubMed Central

    Nahidi, Lily; Leach, Steven T.; Mitchell, Hazel M.; Kaakoush, Nadeem O.; Lemberg, Daniel A.; Munday, John S.; Huinao, Karina; Day, Andrew S.


    Background. Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is a well-established approach to the management of Crohn's disease. Aim. To determine effects of EEN upon inflammation and gut barrier function in a colitis mouse model. Methods. Interleukin-10-deficient mice (IL-10−/−) were inoculated with Helicobacter trogontum and then treated with EEN, metronidazole, hydrocortisone, or EEN and metronidazole combination. Blood and tissue were collected at 2 and 4 weeks with histology, mucosal integrity, tight junction integrity, inflammation, and H. trogontum load evaluated. Results. H. trogontum induced colitis in IL-10−/− mice with histological changes in the cecum and colon. Elevated mucosal IL-8 mRNA in infected mice was associated with intestinal barrier dysfunction indicated by decreased transepithelial electrical resistance and mRNA of tight junction proteins and increased short-circuit current, myosin light chain kinase mRNA, paracellular permeability, and tumor necrosis factor-α and myeloperoxidase plasma levels (P < 0.01 for all comparisons). EEN and metronidazole, but not hydrocortisone, treatments restored barrier function, maintained gut barrier integrity, and reversed inflammatory changes along with reduction of H. trogontum load (versus infected controls P < 0.05). Conclusion. H. trogontum infection in IL-10−/− mice induced typhlocolitis with intestinal barrier dysfunction. EEN and metronidazole, but not hydrocortisone, modulate barrier dysfunction and reversal of inflammatory changes. PMID:24027765

  17. [Exclusive enteral nutrition continues to be first line therapy for pediatric Crohn's disease in the era of biologics].


    Navas-López, V M; Blasco-Alonso, J; Lacasa Maseri, S; Girón Fernández-Crehuet, F; Serrano Nieto, M J; Vicioso Recio, M I; Sierra Salinas, C


    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has been to be more effective than corticosteroids in achieving mucosal healing without their side effects. To determine the efficacy of EEN in terms of inducing clinical remission in newly diagnosed CD children and to study the efficacy of this therapeutic approach in improving the degree of intestinal mucosa inflammation. The medical records of patients with newly diagnosed Crohn's disease treated with EEN were reviewed retrospectively. The degree of mucosal inflammation was assessed by fecal calprotectin (FC). Remission was defined as a PCDAI<10. Forty patients (24 males) were included, the age at diagnosis was 11.6 ± 3.6 years. Of the 34 patients who completed the EEN period, 32 (94% per-protocol analysis) achieved clinical remission. This percentage fell to 80% in the intention-to-treat analysis. The compliance rate was 95%. Duration of EEN was 6.42 weeks (IQR 6.0-8.14). FC was significantly higher in patients with moderate and severe disease. Median baseline FC levels (680 μg/g) decreased significantly to 218 μg/g (P<0.0001) after EEN. We found a statistically significant correlation between FC and PCDAI (rho=0.727; P<0.0001). Early use of thiopurines (< 8 weeks) versus subsequent use was not associated with improved outcomes during the follow-up. EEN administered for 6-8 weeks is effective for inducing clinical remission and decreasing the degree of mucosal inflammation. We did not find differences in terms of maintenance of remission in patients treated early with thiopurines. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Vraagstukken besmettingsbeheersing prio 3 (Questions Regarding Contamination Control, Priority 3)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nl T +31 15 284 30 00 F +31 15 284 39 91 info-DenV@tno nl Datum nov ember 2008 Auteur (s) H.F.G. Oudmaijer Rubricering rapporl Vastgesteld door...F +31 15 284 39 91 TNO-rapportnummer TNO-DV 2008 A495 Opdrachtnummer Datum november 2008 Auteur (s) H.F.G. Oudmaijer...zeep kan volgens de theorie beter vaak met een beetje water als in een keer met dezelfde totale massa water gespoeld moeten worden. Met een pH

  19. Early enteral nutrition and total parenteral nutrition on the nutritional status and blood glucose in patients with gastric cancer complicated with diabetes mellitus after radical gastrectomy.


    Wang, Junli; Zhao, Jiamin; Zhang, Yanling; Liu, Chong


    Effects of early enteral nutrition (EEN) or total parenteral nutrition (TPN) support on nutritional status and blood glucose in patients with gastric cancer complicated with diabetes mellitus after radical gastrectomy were investigated. One hundred and twenty-nine patients with gastric cancer complicated with diabetes mellitus type 2 admitted to the First People's Hospital of Jinan (Jinan, China), from June 2012 to June 2016 were selected into the study. According to different nutrition support pathways, these patients were randomly divided into the EEN group and the TPN group. The improvement of nutritional indexes, postoperative complications, gastrointestinal function recovery and perioperative blood glucose fluctuation were compared between the two groups. On the 4th day after operation, the improvement levels of total bilirubin (TBL), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), total protein (TP), prealbumin (PAB), hemoglobin (HGB) and weight (Wt) in the EEN group were significantly higher than those in the conventional group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups on the 8th day after operation (P>0.05). No patients had complications in the EEN group, while a total of 29 patients in the TPN group suffered adverse reactions, indicating that the incidence rate of complications in the EEN group was significantly lower than that in the TPN group (P<0.05). The postoperative evacuation time was earlier, hospitalization time was shorter and cost of postoperative hospitalization was less in the EEN group than those in the TPN group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The blood glucose fluctuation values at fasting and 2 h after a meal in the TPN group were higher than those in the EEN group within 8 days after operation, and the differences were statistically significant (χ 2 =13.219, P=0.002; χ 2 =20.527, P<0.001). EEN support provides nutrition for patients with gastric cancer complicated

  20. Electronic Engineering Notebook: A software environment for research execution, documentation and dissemination

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moerder, Dan


    The electronic engineering notebook (EEN) consists of a free form research notebook, implemented in a commercial package for distributed hypermedia, which includes utilities for graphics capture, formatting and display of LaTex constructs, and interfaces to the host operating system. The latter capability consists of an information computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool and a means to associate executable scripts with source objects. The EEN runs on Sun and HP workstations. The EEN, in day-to-day use can be used in much the same manner as the sort of research notes most researchers keep during development of projects. Graphics can be pasted in, equations can be entered via LaTex, etc. In addition, the fact that the EEN is hypermedia permits easy management of 'context', e.g., derivations and data can contain easily formed links to other supporting derivations and data. The CASE tool also permits development and maintenance of source code directly in the notebook, with access to its derivations and data.

  1. Cohort Profile of the Goals Study: A Large-Scale Research of Physical Activity in Dutch Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Groot, Renate H. M.; van Dijk, Martin L.; Kirschner, Paul A.


    The GOALS study (Grootschalig Onderzoek naar Activiteiten van Limburgse Scholieren [Large-scale Research of Activities in Dutch Students]) was set up to investigate possible associations between different forms of physical activity and inactivity with cognitive performance, academic achievement and mental well-being. It was conducted at a…

  2. Dutch Anthropometry for Vehicle Design and Evaluation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    middelen Beschrijving van de werkzaamheden Uitgaande van afmetingen van Nederlanders zijn grenswaarden voor negen paspoppen. met vanSrende...vastgesteld voor het jaar 2015 Hierbij is uitgegaan van een Nederlands antropometrisch bestand (NedScan) Resultaten en conclusies Het resultaat is een kort... Nederlands antropometrisch bestand (NedScan) en van lichaamsafmetingen van goedgekeurde K.L rekruten. De grenswaarden omvatten 95% van dat Nederlandse

  3. Efficacy predictors of a 2-month exclusive enteral nutrition for inducing remission of active Crohn's disease.


    Xue, Meng; Zhang, Hanyun; Wang, Xiaoying; Xu, Dingting; Jin, Dan; Li, Peiwei; Ye, Jun; Yu, Qiao; Chen, Yan


    In order to identify the factors that could predict the efficacy of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) in inducing remission of active CD. Baseline clinical and laboratory covariates were correlated with the outcome (clinical remission) of EEN in active CD (CDAI ≥150) by both univariable and multivariable analyses. A total of 67 from a consecutive of 136 active CD patients were enrolled. L4b (from treitz ligament to distal 1/3 ileum) involvement was negatively and high serum albumin (≥35 g/L) was positively associated with clinical remission (OR: 0.14, OR: 14.71). In conclusion, L4b sparing and high serum albumin might predict a favorable outcome of EEN in active CD ( ID: NCT 02942511).

  4. Acoustic Microsensors III. Direct Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Employing a Piezoelectric Crystal Immunosensor with a Flexible Carboxylated Dextran Matrix as the Biochemical Interface.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217real time’ monitoring van biologische strijdmiddelen en aanverwante verbindingen. TNO- PML onderzoekt de mogelijkheden van een immunoreactie op een...toxine, dat voedselvergiftiging veroorzaakt, behoort tot de biologische strijdmid- delen. SEB werd door PG33 gekozen als teststof om de diverse...onderzoek zieh richten op de detectie van grote antigenen die tot de biologische strijdmiddelen behoren, zoals sommige virussen en bacteri- en. De

  5. Early enteral nutrition prevents intra-abdominal hypertension and reduces the severity of severe acute pancreatitis compared with delayed enteral nutrition: a prospective pilot study.


    Sun, Jia-Kui; Li, Wei-Qin; Ke, Lu; Tong, Zhi-Hui; Ni, Hai-Bin; Li, Gang; Zhang, Lu-Yao; Nie, Yao; Wang, Xin-Ying; Ye, Xiang-Hong; Li, Ning; Li, Jie-Shou


    To investigate the effects of early enteral nutrition (EEN) on intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and disease severity in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). Enteral nutrition (EN) was started within 48 h after admission in the EEN group and from the 8th day in the delayed enteral nutrition (DEN) group. The IAP and intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) incidence were recorded for 2 weeks. The caloric intake and feeding intolerance (FI) incidence were recorded daily after EN was started. The severity markers and clinical outcome variables were also recorded. Sixty patients were enrolled to this study. No difference about IAP was found. The IAH incidence of the EEN group was significantly lower than that of the DEN group from the 9th day (8/30 versus 18/30; P = 0.009) after admission. The FI incidence of the EEN group was higher than that of the DEN group during the initial 3 days of feeding (25/30 versus 12/30; P = 0.001; 22/30 versus 9/30; P = 0.001; 15/30 versus 4/30; P = 0.002). Patients with an IAP <15 mmHg had lower FI incidence than those with an IAP ≥15 mmHg on the 1st day (20/22 versus 17/38; P < 0.001), the 3rd day (11/13 versus 8/47; P < 0.001), and the 7th day (3/5 versus 3/55; P = 0.005) of feeding. The severity markers and clinical outcome variables of the EEN group were significantly improved. Early enteral nutrition did not increase IAP. In contrast, it might prevent the development of IAH. In addition, EEN might be not appropriate during the initial 3-4 days of SAP onset. Moreover, EN might be of benefit to patients with an IAP <15 mmHg. Early enteral nutrition could improve disease severity and clinical outcome, but did not decrease mortality of SAP.

  6. Physical Protection: the State of the Art

    DTIC Science & Technology


    fundamentele mechanisme van adsorptie van water beschrijft; dit is ingewikkeld en kost veel tijd ; een tweede benadering is het opstellen van een eenvoudig...gasscheidingsmethoden, bij voorkeur regeneratief, zijn zeer wenselijk vanwege de logistieke voordelen en de gegarandeerde langere operatie tijd . P(T)SA is de loop van de tijd ) met vrij simpele middelen en technieken sterk worden verbeterd. Deze technieken, zoals micro-encapsulatie en toevoeging van

  7. Sleep and Alertness Management IV: Effects of Alertness Enhancers Caffeine and Modafinil on Performance in Marmosets

    DTIC Science & Technology


    het prestatieniveau de fysieke aspecten met behuip van een gedurende alle sessies. Conclusies: op een hoog peil te houden. Het onderzoek...started at 6:30 h. On every test day and on every parameter the animals were tested in the same order. To maintain a sustained level of the alertness...quantitatively assesses these parameters and is extensively described and validated [Wolthuis et al., 1994; Philippens et al., 2000]. The apparatus (see

  8. Geluidsexpositie bij gebruik van CEP door F-16 crewchiefs (Sound Exposure Level of F-16 Crew Chiefs Using Communications Earplugs)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Communications Earplugs Auteur (s) dr. ir. M.M.J. Houben Programmanummer Projectnummer J.A. Verhave 032.13072 F.W.M. Geurtsen Rubricering rapport communicatie kiest men voor een geluidniveau dat luider is dan het waargenomen omgevingsgeluid. In theorie kan bet totale geluidsexpositieniveau...Afdelingshoofd Auteur TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2008 A054 Bijlage A 1 1/3 A Simulatie Simulatie-omgeving Uit een opname gemaakt op Vhiegbasis Volkel hebben

  9. Discriminating Sea Spikes in Incoherent Radar Measurements of Sea Clutter

    DTIC Science & Technology


    het detecteren echter niet te verwachten dat bet gebruik van sea spikes te onderzoeken. Een van deze modellen zal leiden tot een Auteur (s) I TNO-DV 2008 A067 6/33 Abbreviations CFAR Constant False-Alarm Rate CST Composite Surface Theory FFT Fast Fourier Transform PDF Probability Density...described by the composite surface theory (CST). This theory describes the sea surface as small Bragg-resonant capillary waves riding on top of

  10. Fast Determination of the Element Excitation of an Active Phased Array Antenna

    DTIC Science & Technology


    elementenexcitatie te, bepalen: de amplitude en fase van het elektrische ven-e veld moeten gemeten warden in slechts I richting in het verre veld van de ...Page 3 rapport no FEL-91-BO38 titel Een snelle bepaling van de excitatie van de elenienten van cen actieve phased array antenne auteur(s) I. J.G. van...van der Spek Onderzoek uItgevoerd door Ir. J.G. van Hezewijk SAMENVATIING (ONGERUBRICEERD) Het verre veld stralingsdiagram van een actieve phased array

  11. Speed Measuring System (Detectoren en Signaalbewerking Voor Het Snelheidsmeetsysteem 4-01)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    een hogere nauwkeurigheid te halen dan san de voet van bet signasi mogelijk is bij een grote signaalaniplitude, Wanneer de S/L < 6 is wordt de drempel...snelheidsmeetsysteem 4-01 Niets Uilf deze ultgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en of openbaar gemaakt door mlddel van druk fotokope microfilm autour~s): of op welke...andere wijze dan 006 zonder voorafgaarode toestemming van TNO J. van der Haven Hetlter I zage geven van net TNO-rappoit aan direct belanghebbenoen is

  12. The Effect of the Time Restrictions on Information Search and Information Integration in a Dynamic Task Environment

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Procedure 9 2.4 Design 10 3 RESULTS 11 3.1 Training 11 3.2 Experimental data 11 4 DISCUSSION 15 REFERENCES Accesion For 18 NTIS CRA&I DTIC TAB u... gevolgen snel toeneenit. Een experiment ~wrd uitgewoerd am bet effect na te gaan van tijdhorizon op, bet beslisgedrag in een dynamische taakomgeving...124 info. - action 156 154 140 action - info. 21 30 15 action - action 37 19 9 The time allowed for information requests and actions in dynamic

  13. Epigenetic Regulation of Hormone-dependent Plant Growth Processes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ecker, Joseph Robert


    Impact of EIN6, EEN and ethylene on the H3K27me3 dynamics in Arabidopsis: To assess the dynamic responsiveness of H3K27me3 levels to ethylene and how this might affect ethylene-induced gene expression, we plan to perform H3K27me3 ChIP-seq and RNA- seq experiments in parallel with etiolated seedlings in the absence and presence of ethylene. Further implementation of ein6, een and ein6een mutants will visualize how the H3K27me3 landscape (-/+ET) is altered when H3K27me3 demethylation and/or INO80-mediated chromatin remodeling is compromised. Additional ChIP-seq analyses with EIN6 will show if ethylene- induced H3K27me3 removal at certain genes is always accompanied by the presence ofmore » EIN6.« less

  14. Rearrangement of potassium ions and Kv1.1/Kv1.2 potassium channels in regenerating axons following end-to-end neurorrhaphy: ionic images from TOF-SIMS.


    Liu, Chiung-Hui; Chang, Hung-Ming; Wu, Tsung-Huan; Chen, Li-You; Yang, Yin-Shuo; Tseng, To-Jung; Liao, Wen-Chieh


    The voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 that cluster at juxtaparanodal (JXP) regions are essential in the regulation of nerve excitability and play a critical role in axonal conduction. When demyelination occurs, Kv1.1/Kv1.2 activity increases, suppressing the membrane potential nearly to the equilibrium potential of K + , which results in an axonal conduction blockade. The recovery of K + -dependent communication signals and proper clustering of Kv1.1/Kv1.2 channels at JXP regions may directly reflect nerve regeneration following peripheral nerve injury. However, little is known about potassium channel expression and its relationship with the dynamic potassium ion distribution at the node of Ranvier during the regenerative process of peripheral nerve injury (PNI). In the present study, end-to-end neurorrhaphy (EEN) was performed using an in vivo model of PNI. The distribution of K + at regenerating axons following EEN was detected by time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry. The specific localization and expression of Kv1.1/Kv1.2 channels were examined by confocal microscopy and western blotting. Our data showed that the re-establishment of K + distribution and intensity was correlated with the functional recovery of compound muscle action potential morphology in EEN rats. Furthermore, the re-clustering of Kv1.1/1.2 channels 1 and 3 months after EEN at the nodal region of the regenerating nerve corresponded to changes in the K + distribution. This study provided direct evidence of K + distribution in regenerating axons for the first time. We proposed that the Kv1.1/Kv1.2 channels re-clustered at the JXP regions of regenerating axons are essential for modulating the proper patterns of K + distribution in axons for maintaining membrane potential stability after EEN.

  15. Sea Basing Logistiek

    DTIC Science & Technology


    athankelijkheden, de hoeveelheid situatie? Auteur (s) ir. P.L.H. Cleophas drs. M.H.M. Delmee PROGRAMMA PROJECT drs. S. Hoesmans drs. P.G.M. van Scheepstal drs...hiertussen een aanvullende belangrijke schakel. In theorie worden binnen de CLAS en CZSK verschillende methoden voor het plannen van een operatie gehanteerd...J.H.A.Blokker MCM drs P.G.M. van Scheepstal Afdelingshoofd Auteur 72/72 TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A452 TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A452 Bijlage A 11/4 A Fysiek

  16. Three-dimensional inversion of the magnetic field over the Easter-Nazca propagating rift near 25°S, 112°25‧W

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sempere, Jean-Christophe; Gee, Jeff; Naar, David F.; Hey, Richard N.


    The Easter microplate boundary configuration is being reorganized by rift propagation. A Sea Beam survey of the Easter-Nazca spreading center, which forms the eastern boundary of the microplate, has revealed the presence of a young propagating rift growing northward (Naar and Hey, 1986). The tip of the propagating rift is associated with a high-amplitude positive magnetic anomaly. We have performed a three-dimensional inversion of the magnetic field over the propagating rift tip area. The magnetization solution suggests that the western and eastern pseudofaults strike 014° and 338°, respectively, and converge near the rift tip. These orientations yield a propagation to spreading rate ratio of 1.5, slightly higher than the estimate of Naar and Hey (1986). Using the revised estimate of the full spreading rate along the Easter-Nazca spreading center near 25°S (80 mm/yr) (D. F. Naar and R. N. Hey, unpublished manuscript, 1989), we obtain a propagation rate of 120 mm/yr. Within 27-30 km of the rift tip, the propagating rift curves by about 15° to the east toward the failing rift, probably as a result of the interaction between the two offset spreading centers. As at the Galapagos propagating rift, rift propagation appears to be a very orderly process along the Easter-Nazca spreading center. The magnetization distribution that we obtain exhibits a high at the propagating rift tip. At other large ridge axis discontinuities, similar magnetization highs have been interpreted as being the result of the eruption of highly differentiated basalts enriched in iron. The origin of the high magnetization zone in the case of the Easter-Nazca propagating rift near 25°S may be more complex. Preliminary rock magnetic measurements of basalts recovered in the vicinity of the propagating rift confirm the presence of highly magnetized basalts but suggest that the relationship between high magnetization intensities and high Fe content is not straightforward.

  17. The postoperative clinical outcomes and safety of early enteral nutrition in operated gastric cancer patients.


    Li, Bing; Liu, Hong-Yi; Guo, Shao-Hua; Sun, Peng; Gong, Fang-Ming; Jia, Bao-Qing


    This study investigated the impact of early enteral nutrition (EEN) on the clinical outcomes of gastric cancer patients after radical gastrectomy. Four hundred gastric cancer patients undergoing radical gastrectomy of any extend with D2 nodal dissection were randomly divided into an experimental and a control group with 200 cases in each group. Patients in the control group received postoperative parenteral nutrition (PN), while patients in the experimental group received postoperative EEN. After treatment, the clinical outcomes, postoperative immune function, and nutritional status of the two groups were evaluated. The postoperative fever time, intestinal function recovery time, anal exhaust time, and the length of hospital stay for patients in the experimental group were significantly shorter than those of the control group. We did not find significant differences in anastomotic leak, postoperative ileus and regurgitation between the two groups. The activities of multiple immune cell types, including CD3⁺, CD4⁺, CD4⁺/CD8⁺, and natural killer (NK) cells, were significantly lower in both groups on postoperative day 1 when compared with the preoperative levels (p<0.05). The level of CD8⁺ was not significantly different between the two groups (p>0.05). After treatment, levels of CD3⁺, CD4⁺, CD4⁺/CD8⁺, and NK cells in the experimental group patients were 35.6 ± 4.2, 42.2 ± 3.0, 1.7 ± 0.3, and 27.3 ± 5.3%, respectively, on postoperative day 7, which were similar to the preoperative levels. The immune cell levels from the control group patients remained significantly lower when compared with preoperative values; in addition, these values were also significantly lower when compared with the EEN patients (p<0.05) CONCLUSION: For gastric cancer patients undergoing radical gastrectomy, the clinical outcome, immune function and nutritional status after EEN were significantly improved. These data suggest the widespread use of EEN in clinical practice.

  18. Effect of hydration on the mechanical properties and ion conduction in a polyethylene-b-poly(vinylbenzyl trimethylammonium) anion exchange membrane

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vandiver, Melissa A.; Caire, Benjamin R.; Pandey, Tara P.

    Anion exchange m em branes (AEM )are prom ising solid polym er electrolytes utilized in alkalifuelcells and electrochem icalenergy conversion devices.AEM s m ust ef ciently conductions w hile m aintaining chem icaland m echanicalstability undera range ofoperating conditions.The ionicnature ofAEM sleads to stiffand brittle m em branesunderdry conditions w hile athigher hydrations,w ater sorption causes signi cant softening and w eakening of the m em brane.In this w ork,a new polyethylene-b-poly(vinylbenzyltrim ethylam m onium ) polym er (70 kg/m ol) w as cast into large (300 cm 2),thin (127 3 m ) m em branes.These m em branes exhibitedmore » im proved elasticity over previously tested AEM s,m inim aldim ensional sw elling,and m oderate ionic conductivity (57 2 m S/cm at 50 °C,95% RH in the brom ide form ).Extensional testing indicated a 95% reduction in Young's m odulus betw een dry and hydrated states.Furtherinvestigation ofthe com plex m odulusasa function ofhydration,by dynam ic m echanical analysis,revealed a sharp decrease in m odulusbetw een dry and hydrated states.M echanicalsoftening w as reversible,but the location ofthe transition displayed hysteresis betw een hum idi cation and dehum idi cation.Conductivity increased after m em brane softening;suggesting bulk m echanicalpropertiescan identify thehydration levelrequired forim proved ion transport.Understanding the relationship betw een ion conduction and m echanical properties w illhelp guide AEM developm ent and identify operating conditions for sustained perform ance.« less

  19. First and Second Order Stokes Generation by SRS in Methane: Influence of Rep-Rate, Beam Quality and Astigmatism (Opwekking van Eerste en Tweede Orde Stokes d.m.v. SRS in Methaan: Invloed van de Pulsfrequentie, de Bundelkwaliteit en Astigmatisme)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    omzettings rendementen van circa 75% gehaad bij een ingangs- energie van 280 mJ. De mogelijkheden tot bet halen van een hoger rendement lijken...of rep-rate, beam quality and astigmatism DImi-Thu-B~mO ITA1EiM-tT-h lF I~~ ~~’ IAPR2 8 1993~ I ~Xtbai Uiitdw FJ.M. van Putten J.C. van den Heuvel RJ.L...Influence of rep-rate. beam quality and astigmatism author(s) : F.J.M. van Putten, I.C. van den Heuvel, R.J.L. Lerou institute : TNO Physics and

  20. Vrouwen bij de Koninklijke Landmacht: Een Onderzoek naar de Maatregelen die het Behoud en de Doorstroom van Vrouwelijke Militairen Verbeteren (Women in the Royal Netherlands Army: Measures for Retention and Career Development)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    mannencultuur. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat vrouwelijke BBT-ers (Beroeps Bepaalde Tijd ) zicb goed tbuis voelen bij de (masculiene) organisatiecultuur KL. Zij ervaren bovendien geen benadeling of negatieve bejegening. Vrouwelijke BOT-ers (Beroeps Onbepaalde Tijd ) geven daarentegen wel aan dat zij...arbeid en zorg. Meer tijd voor de thuissituatie, waarbij de werknemner zelf kan beslissen hoe zij deze fijd bet beste kan aanpassen aan de behoefte van

  1. The epidemiology of anemia in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: prevalence and associated factors at diagnosis and follow-up and the impact of exclusive enteral nutrition.


    Gerasimidis, Konstantinos; Barclay, Andrew; Papangelou, Alexandros; Missiou, Despoina; Buchanan, Elaine; Tracey, Cardigan; Tayler, Rachel; Russell, Richard K; Edwards, Christine A; McGrogan, Paraic


    Anemia is poorly studied in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. This study explored the epidemiology and associated factors of anemia at diagnosis, after 1 year, and during treatment with exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN). Three cohorts were included: (1) a representative population of newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease children (n = 184); (2) patients currently receiving care with data available at diagnosis (n = 179) and after 1 year (n = 139); and (3) 84 children treated with EEN. At diagnosis, 72% were anemic. Abnormal inflammatory markers were more common in Crohn's disease with severe anemia (severe versus no anemia [%]: raised C-reactive protein; 89% versus 48%; suboptimal albumin; 97% versus 29%; P < 0.002). Anemic children with Crohn's disease had shorter diagnosis delay and lower BMI than nonanemic patients (severe versus mild versus no anemia, median [interquartile range]; diagnosis delay [months]: 3 [3.9] versus 6 [10] versus 8 [18], P < 0.001; BMI z score [SD]: -1.4 [1.4] versus -1.3 [1.5] versus -0.2 [1.4], P = 0.003). Extensive colitis was associated with severe anemia in ulcerative colitis. The proportion of severely anemic patients decreased from 34% to 9% and mild anemia doubled at 1 year. After EEN, severe anemia decreased (32% to 9%; P < 0.001) and the hemoglobin concentration increased by 0.75 g/dL. This was observed only after 8 weeks of treatment. Disease improvement and low hemoglobin at EEN initiation but not weight gain were associated with hemoglobin improvement. Anemia is high at diagnosis and follow-up and should receive more attention from the clinical team; however, the focus should remain suppression of inflammatory process in active disease.

  2. Enriched enteral nutrition may improve short-term survival in stage IV gastric cancer patients: A randomized, controlled trial.


    Klek, Stanislaw; Scislo, Lucyna; Walewska, Elzbieta; Choruz, Ryszard; Galas, Aleksander


    The aim of the study was to determine whether the postoperative use of enteral nutrition enriched with arginine, glutamine, and omega-3 fatty acids influences survival in patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. For the purpose of the study, the second wave of the trial performed in 2003 to 2009 was done. Ninety-nine patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer (27 F, 72 M, mean age: 62.9 y) met the inclusion criteria. Of those, 54 were randomized to standard and 45 to enriched enteral nutrition (EEN). In all patients, short- and long-term (5 y) survival was analyzed. Analysis of the overall survival time did not reveal differences between groups (P = 0.663). Until the end of the third month, however, there were nine deaths in the standard enteral nutrition group and no deaths in the EEN group (16.7% versus 0.0%, P = 0.004). The univariate analyses suggested that the EEN group may have lower risk, especially during the first year after intervention. A significant reduction in the risk of death was seen during the early period after surgery (first 6 mo) in the EEN group in stage IV patients (hazard ratio = 0.25, P = 0.049). The use of enriched enteral diet did not influence, however, the risk of dying when patients were analyzed together. The study does not support the beneficial effect of enriched enteral nutrition in long-term survival; however, the positive impact on the stage IV patients suggests the need for further, more detailed studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Diet as a Therapeutic Option for Adult Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


    Kakodkar, Samir; Mutlu, Ece A


    There are many mechanisms to explain how food may drive and ameliorate inflammation. Although there are no consistent macronutrient associations inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) development, many exclusion diets have been described: IgG-4 guided exclusion diet; semivegetarian diet; low-fat, fiber-limited exclusion diet; Paleolithic diet; Maker's diet; vegan diet; Life without Bread diet; exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN), the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and the low FODMAP diet. The literature on diet and IBD is reviewed with a particular focus on EEN, SCD, and low FODMAP diets. Lessons learned from the existing observations and strengths and shortcomings of existing data are presented. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Werkbelasting Bij Verkeers-En Gevechtsleiding. Deel 2 (Workload of Air Traffic and Air Combat Personnel. Part 2)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de onderzaeker nadig had am van bet instituut naar de werkplek te reizen . Genaemde diensten waren er niet zeker van dat bet nag steeds druk zau zijn...tegen de tijd dat anderzoeker ter plaatse zau zijn. Daarap werd beslaten bij deze diensten twee midweken (dinsdag t/m donderdag) cantinu te observeren...eon onderzoek to doen. Do tijd tussen oproep en begin van het onderzoek was 30 tot 40 minuten. Hot onderzoek word afgebroken als do werkpiek vaorbij was

  5. [Effects of early enteral nutrition in the treatment of patients with severe burns].


    Wu, Y W; Liu, J; Jin, J; Liu, L J; Wu, Y F


    Objective: To investigate the effects of early enteral nutrition (EEN) in the treatment of patients with severe burns. Methods: Medical records of 52 patients with severe burns hospitalized in the three affiliations of authors from August to September in 2014 were retrospectively analyzed and divided into EEN group ( n =28) and non-early enteral nutrition (NEEN) group ( n =24) according to the initiation time of enteral nutrition. On the basis of routine treatment, enteral nutrition was given to patients in group EEN within post injury day (POD) 3, while enteral nutrition was given to patients in group NEEN after POD 3. The following items were compared between patients of the two groups, such as the ratio of enteral nutrition intake to total energy intake, the ratio of parenteral nutrition intake to total energy intake, the ratio of total energy intake to energy target on POD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21, and 28, the levels of prealbumin, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ (APACHE Ⅱ) score on POD 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28, the first operation time, the number of operations, and the frequencies of abdominal distension, diarrhea, vomiting, aspiration, catheter blockage, and low blood sugar within POD 28. Data were processed with χ (2)test, t test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, and Bonferroni correction. Results: (1) The ratio of parenteral nutrition intake to total energy intake of patients in group EEN on POD 1 was obviously lower than that in group NEEN ( Z =2.078, P <0.05). The ratio of enteral nutrition intake to total energy intake and the ratio of total energy intake to energy target of patients in group EEN on POD 2 and 3 were obviously higher than those in group NEEN ( Z =5.766, 6.404, t =4.907, 6.378, P <0.01). The ratio of total energy intake to energy target of patients in group EEN was obviously lower than that in group NEEN on POD 4, 5, 6, and 7 ( t =4.635, 2.547, 3

  6. Deciphering the Molecular Mechanisms of Breast Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2007). Nicolas E., Lee M.G., Hakimi M.A., Cam H.P., Grewal S.I., Shiekhattar R. Fussion yeast homologs of human H3 lysinee 4 demethylase regulate a...Baillat D., Hakimi M.A., Naar A., Shilatifard A., Cooch N., Shiekhattar R. Integrator, a multiprotein mediator of small nuclear RNA processing...fractionof FLAG-BARD1 using anti-FLAG antibodies from H1299 of BRCA1 and BARD1 elute at a smaller molecular masscells. Nuclear extract from native H1299

  7. The detection of intestinal spike activity on surface electroenterograms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ye-Lin, Y.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Martinez-de-Juan, J. L.; Prats-Boluda, G.; Ponce, J. L.


    Myoelectrical recording could provide an alternative technique for assessing intestinal motility, which is a topic of great interest in gastroenterology since many gastrointestinal disorders are associated with intestinal dysmotility. The pacemaker activity (slow wave, SW) of the electroenterogram (EEnG) has been detected in abdominal surface recordings, although the activity related to bowel contractions (spike bursts, SB) has to date only been detected in experimental models with artificially favored electrical conductivity. The aim of the present work was to assess the possibility of detecting SB activity in abdominal surface recordings under physiological conditions. For this purpose, 11 recording sessions of simultaneous internal and external myolectrical signals were conducted on conscious dogs. Signal analysis was carried out in the spectral domain. The results show that in periods of intestinal contractile activity, high-frequency components of EEnG signals can be detected on the abdominal surface in addition to SW activity. The energy between 2 and 20 Hz of the surface myoelectrical recording presented good correlation with the internal intestinal motility index (0.64 ± 0.10 for channel 1 and 0.57 ± 0.11 for channel 2). This suggests that SB activity can also be detected in canine surface EEnG recording.

  8. Emtricitabine, Rilpivirine, and Tenofovir


    ... tri sit' uh bean) (ril'' pi vir' een) (te noe' fo veer)Emtricitabine, rilpivirine, and tenofovir should ... may cause symptoms in people with weak immune systems), or liver or kidney disease.tell your doctor ...

  9. WitnessMan: The Software Tool to Design, Analyse and Assess a Witness Pack with Respect to Military and Medical Effects on an (un)Protected (dis)Mounted Soldier

    DTIC Science & Technology


    assessmentmodule stelt de gebruiker in staat een experimenteel hulpmiddel om tijdens vrij lastig is. Dit kan nadelige gevolgen ter plaatse de militaire .................................................................................................................. 9 2.1 Step 1: design a... 11 3.1 Introductnion

  10. Omacetaxine Injection


    (oh'' ma se tax' een ) ... have ever had low HDL (high density lipoprotein; 'good cholesterol' that may lower the risk of heart ... or can't be awakened, immediately call emergency services at 911.Symptoms of overdose may include: nausea ...

  11. U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, GOWAN EPTAM/ACETOCHLOR 67.8%/16.9% EC HERBICIDE, 06/27/2005

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets


    ... l i FO:''''i·l·i;r~een~:~~~lSjetnin .• ~ v.'na:' :i'S~~~1~~i4'il~0~~j~~i~j Use the lower rate for light infestations and coarse _ Fo~ta Yellow Satan, . ..! ...

  12. Representation of Research Paradigms as a Function of Familiarity with Research Domains

    DTIC Science & Technology


    van de paradigma’s te kunnen vaststellen. Keuze van het Juiste paradigma werd bepaald door proefpersonen te vragen de betreffende zin te classificeren...als afkomstig van een bepaaid type onderzoek. De innoud van het paradigma werd bepaald door proefpersonen te, vragen zoveel kenmerken voor bet

  13. Thermal energy storage with geothermal triplet for space heating and cooling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bloemendal, Martin; Hartog, Niels


    focusses on energy balance and energy loss in the subsurface, well design requirements, working/operational conditions of each well, as well as building system components like the influence of weather conditions on performance of system components. At EGU we like to present and discuss the results of this research. references • Dekker, L.d., 2016. Bepalende factoren voor goed functionerende WKO, kennisplatform bodemenergie. • Graaf, A.d., Heijer, R., Postma, S., 2016. Evaluatie Wijzigingsbesluit bodemenergiesystemen. Buro 38 in commision of ministry of Intrastructure and environment, Cothen. • Kamp, H., 2015. Warmtevisie, ministry of economic affairs, Den Haag. • Ministry-of-Economic-affairs, 2016. Energieagenda, Naar een CO₂-arme energievoorziening. Ministry of Economic affairs, Den Haag.

  14. Rapportage POEMA-2 (Functie Faalanalyse, Database, Elektronica en Afdichtingen) (Report of POEMA-2 (Function Failure Analysis, Database, Electronics and Sealings))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    schokversterker/overdrachtslading materiaal onbekend onbekende springstof Aanvuurlading/vlamversterker -Zwartbuskruit Nabijheidselectronica electronica ...onbelkend - Batterij chroomzuur- Sign aalve rwrki ngseenheid electronica - Mechanisohe kortsluitschakelaar onbelkend metaal - Wapeningssamenstel onbelkend...weergave van de electronica in de Medea nabijheidsbuis ~ Omdat de buis is uitgerust met een test-adapter kan de werking van de elektronica

  15. Impact of the "Symmetric Instability of the Computational Kind" at mesoscale- and submesoscale-permitting resolutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ducousso, Nicolas; Le Sommer, J.; Molines, J.-M.; Bell, M.


    The energy- and enstrophy-conserving momentum advection scheme (EEN) used over the last 10 years in NEMO is subject to a spurious numerical instability. This instability, referred to as the Symmetric Instability of the Computational Kind (SICK), arises from a discrete imbalance between the two components of the vector-invariant form of momentum advection. The properties and the method for removing this instability have been documented by Hollingsworth et al. (1983), but the extent to which the SICK may interfere with processes of interest at mesoscale- and submesoscale-permitting resolutions is still unkown. In this paper, the impact of the SICK in realistic ocean model simulations is assessed by comparing model integrations with different versions of the EEN momentum advection scheme. Investigations are undertaken with a global mesoscale-permitting resolution (1/4 °) configuration and with a regional North Atlantic Ocean submesoscale-permitting resolution (1/60 °) configuration. At both resolutions, the instability is found to alter primarily the most energetic current systems, such as equatorial jets, western boundary currents and coherent vortices. The impact of the SICK is found to increase with model resolution with a noticeable impact at mesoscale-permitting resolution and a dramatic impact at submesoscale-permitting resolution. The SICK is shown to distort the normal functioning of current systems, by redirecting the slow energy transfer between balanced motions to a spurious energy transfer to internal inertia-gravity waves and to dissipation. Our results indicate that the SICK is likely to have significantly corrupted NEMO solutions (when run with the EEN scheme) at mesocale-permitting and finer resolutions over the last 10 years.

  16. Determination of the Chronic Mammalian Toxicological Effects of TNT (twenty-Four Month Chronic Toxicity/Carcinogenicity Study of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) in the Fischer 344 Rat). Volume 1

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the study were also analyzed for nitrate, nitrite and mercury content by TEl. 200 Fischer 344 rats, obtained from Harlan Sprague-Dawley, Madison , WI...Iles Pancreas Pituitary gland Prostate Rectum Salivary gland Sciatic nerve Seminal vesicles Skin, abdominal Spinal cord (cervical, thoracic, lumbar ...Skin, abdominal Spinal cord (cervical, thoracic and lumbar ) Sp I een Sternum Including bone marrow Stomach TIssue masses Thyroids (parathyrolds

  17. Post-Doctoral Research Award

    DTIC Science & Technology


    day old tadpoles have completed most of organogenesis and, therefore, are usually not susceptible to malformation . An exception is limb development...antagonistic response may have b.een the result of poorer absorption of hydroxyurea by the severly malformed embryos, as isoniazid had a much greater...Short-chain carboxylic acids showed concentration additive joint actionsfor induction of malformation . Combinations of DNA synthesis inhibitors

  18. Eindrapportage doelfinancieringsgrogramma V910 Munitie: functionering, veiligheid en milieu (Final Report of Program V910 Munition: Functioning, Safety and Environmental Aspects)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    kEuro. De doeistellingen van ditprogranxnu zijn in der tijd ais volgt ornscbreven. Defensiedoelstelling Het prograruma beeft tot doe] de Kennis Kunde en...typeklassificatie en kwalificatieprocedure in Nederland is achterhaald; genoemde organisatie en functionarissen bijvoorbeeld dienen bij de tijd te...voorzien is van een kunststof coating waaraan de te analyseren stof adsorbeert. Deze vezel wordt vervolgens gedurende enige tijd in contact gebracht

  19. Operating in the Human Domain Lessons of a Decade of War for the Dutch Army

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Plasschaert, Minister of Defense, In Het Belang Van Nederland [in the Interest of the Netherlands] (The Hague, The Netherlands: Ministry of Defense... Nederland [in the Interest of the Netherlands]. The Hague, The Netherlands: Ministry of Defense, 2013. Klem, M. H. Het Nederlandse Een Veranderende Wereld, Verkennende Studie Voor Het WRR-Rapport Nederland in De Wereld. [the Dutch Security Policy in a Changing World, Scoping

  20. Additive Drag of Two-Dimensional Inlets

    DTIC Science & Technology


    notice, 23 Jan 1979 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED THIS REPORT HAS tEEN DELIMITED AND CLEARED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE UNDER DOD DIRECTIVE 5200,20 AND NO...between Stations 0 and e is: 16 NWC TP 5951 F d psp l) lUNNG STATOONS 0 AND e 0*0 -. p wON STRIAMTUUI SVIUN 8 AND i. FIGURE 10. Porn . Aoft on a "In~ E"snl

  1. An Expert System for Processing Uncorrelated Satellite Tracks

    DTIC Science & Technology


    earthworms with much intellect e\\en though they routinely carry out this same function. One definition given artificial intelligence is "the study of mental...Networks: Benchmarking Studies ," Proceedings from the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networkv. pp. 64-65, 1988. 229 Lyddane, R., "Small...reverse if necessary and rdenqtl_ by block number, Field Group Subgroup Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Neural Networks. Orbital Mechanics

  2. Kwalificate/Classificatie van Explosieve Stoffen en Munitie. Rapport 2. Testontwikkeling (Qualification/Classification Explosive Materials and Munition. 2. Test Development)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    beschermkap van het apparaat af te halen , waardoor bij een eventuele ontsteking het energetisch materiaal (al dan niet brandend) weg kan springen. Tevens...TNO-DefensieonderzoekPr TN TNO-rapport Kwalificatielclassificatie van explosieve stoffen ~ PML 1992-68 en munitief Rapport ]I: Testontwikkeling...rapport Kwalificatielclassificatie van explosieve stoffen PML 1992-68 en munitie Rapport f1: Testontwikkeling november 1992 ~~- ExorrIaar no:- 1ýMI

  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Heart Failure Using a Swine Model

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Defense or the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. / Ma een N. Hood, MR, RN, RT (R)(MR), FSMRT Gr duate School of Nursing U iformed...2652710212087 License date Apr 19, 2011 Licensed content publisher Wolters Kluwer Health Licensed content publication Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing ...Licensed content title A Review of Cohort Study Design for Cardiovascular Nursing Research Licensed content author Maureen Hood Licensed content date Jan

  4. Techniques in Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    theory. J. Grotowski (a student) studied the heat flow approach to harmonic maps betv:een manifolds: between spheres. and from the ball B’ in R 3 into...T. Yau; S. Kichenessamy: F. H. Lin. L. Sadun: Wu. Sigue; Yi. Fang. Also these graduate students: Li, Cong Ming, received Ph.D. in 1989. J. Grotowski . received Ph.D. in 1990. I. Birindelli, working on Ph.D. thesis. 5

  5. Test Generation for Highly Sequential Circuits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Sequential CircuitsI Abhijit Ghosh, Srinivas Devadas , and A. Richard Newton Abstract We address the problem of generating test sequences for stuck-at...Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Devadas : Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer...attn1 b ~een propagatedl to ltne nnext state lites aloine. then we obtain tine fnalty Is as bit. valunes is called A miniteri state. Iti genecral. a

  6. Bewegingshinder van Impactbeschermingsmiddelen voor de ME van de KMar (Restriction of Movement of Impact Protective Clothing for the Anti-Riot Squad of the Dutch Military Police)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    kleding. omnstandigheden. zoals borst. armen en benen. Omdat er geen De nieuwe kieding met impactbLscherming bestaand testprotocol voor het testen van...verschillende onderdelen die bescherming biedt op diverse plaatsen op bet lichaam zoals borst, armen en benen. Orndat er geen bestaand testprotocol voor bet... armen en benen, Hieronder wordt kort omischreven welke ergonomische testen uitgevoerd moesten worden. 2.6.1 Sprint Bij een korte sprint (10 meter

  7. Aera Handbook Series: Nigeria - A Country Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    4 I hides and skins. Manufacturing industries: food products, textiles, f cement , building materials, footwear, chemical products, ceramics, small...corruption. In mid-1975, 400 cargo ships-250 of them carrying 1.5 million tons of cement -clogged the harbor of Lagos, which had _..een parm- lyzed for...fifteen , iths with vessels waiting to be unloaded. To compound the error, spoiled and inferior-grade cement was con- cealed by mixin: it with

  8. Inventory of Simulation and Modeling for the Analysis of Ground Manoeuvre Performance (inventarisatie van vragen en modellen voor de analyse van het grondgebonden optreden)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    uitvoeren, en hoe lang men deze operaties wit kunnen voortzetten. Deze vragen zijn niet binnen AGO te beantwoorden, mawr de antwoorden op deze vragen...Bovenstaande modellen zijn allen in gebruik bij DSTL. Daarnaast beschikt de DGD&D over een eigen wargame (MINERVA) waarmee men seminars ten beboeve van...gemnodelleerd. Zo zijn er voor de afzonderlijke tanks geen vuursectoren gemodelleerd waarbinnen men terugvuurt. Dit kan in de toekomnst wel verder

  9. Toekomstvisie op Verstrekking en Ontwikkeling van Kleding op Basis van Scangegenereerde Gegevens (Scan Based Distribution and Development of Clothing)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    meting Maatke uzest rategi e Borstomvang =1 11 [104 ý󈧌 616 [120 124 Primair Tailleomvang =106 98 b02~ . 10 114 118 Secundair Halsomvang = 37,4 ý5 6 9 40...Vastgcsteld d.d. 3 juli 2006 Titel Ongerubriceerd M anagementuittrekscl Ongerubriceerd Samenvatting Ongerubriceerd Rapporttekst Ongerubriceerd Oplage . 9 ...kieding Het KPU bedrijf verstrekt kieding aan het Defensie-personeel en gebruikt daartoe een lichaamsscanner. Deze nieuwe techniek heeft gevolgen voor

  10. Sterol patterns of cultured zooxanthellae isolated from marine invertebrates: Synthesis of gorgosterol and 23-desmethylgorgosterol by aposymbiotic algae.


    Withers, N W; Kokke, W C; Fenical, W; Djerassi, C


    QUANTITATIVE STEROL COMPOSITIONS OF CULTURED ZOOXANTHELLAE ISOLATED FROM VARIOUS PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC INVERTEBRATE HOSTS: Zoanthus sociatus (a zoanthid), Oculina diffusa (a scleractian coral), Tridacna gigas (a giant clam), Melibe pilosa (a nudibranch), and Aiptasia pulchella (a sea anemone) are reported. The results clearly demonstrate large differences in sterol patterns of zooxanthellae and that there is no obvious relationship between the taxonomic affiliation of the host and the sterol pattern of its isolated symbiont. The sterols of the zooxanthellae of O. diffusa (Cnidaria) and T. gigas (Mollusca) are qualitatively equivalent. Based on the structures of the two major free sterols synthesized by each alga, the zooxanthellae from different hosts were separated into three distinct groups. It was also found that an aposymbiotic alga can synthesize the unique marine sterols gorgosterol and 23-desmethylgorgosterol. Most of the sterols were identified by using mass spectroscopy and 360-MHz proton magnetic resonance. Spectroscopic data are reported for four novel sterols-(23,24R)-dimethyl-5alpha-cholest-(22E)-en-3beta-o l, 23-methyl-5alpha-cholest-22E-en-3beta-ol, cholesta-5,14-dien-3beta-ol, and 4alpha-methyl-5alpha-cholesta-8(14)-24-dien-3beta-ol.

  11. Defense Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR). Volume 4. Defense Agencies Abstracts of Phase 1 Awards 1987.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  12. Job Oriented Training: Handleiding Serious Gaming (Job Oriented Training: Handleiding (Handbook) Serious Gaming)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bijvoorbeeld de toekomstige uitzendgebieden in zich heeft. De praktijk gaat hierbij vooraf aan de theorie , de benodigde theoretische kennis wordt niet vooraf...rapportnummer TNO-DV 2008 A340 Opdrachtnummer Datum September 2008 Auteur (s) dr. A.H. van der Hulst ir. T.J. Muller maj C.L. Roos Rubricering rapport...Oriented Training toegepast. Dit betekent in essentie dat de leerlingen vanaf dag een, integrale missies uitvoeren en niet eerst de theorie wordt

  13. Job Oriented Training ’Lessons Learned’

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Job Oriented Training ’Lessons Learned’ Job Oriented Training (JOT), een vorm van trainen waarbij de cursist zelfstandig, zonder theorie vooraf...39 77 TNO-rapportnummer TNO-DV 2008 A447 Opdrachtnummer Datum november 2008 Auteur (s) drs. H.E. Stubbe dr. A.H. van der...onderlinge discussie over achterliggende overwegingen te stimuleren. Zij hebben op dat moment nog geen theorie aangeboden gekregen en zijn niet op de hoogte

  14. Beslisbevoegdheden en Verantwoordelijkheden van de Uitgestegen Soldaat. Deel A: Verplaatsen van Beslisbevoegdheden (Authority and Responsibility of the Dismounted Soldier. Part A. Empowering the Dismounted Soldier)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    en verantwoordelijkheden van de uitgestegen soldaat Deel A: verplaatsen van beslisbevoegdheden Datumn april 2007 Auteur (s) R. de Bruin ITE. van Bernmel...Admiraal, Bureau SMP Auteur (s) R. de Bruin Program maleider Projectleider I.E. van Bemnmel dr. W.A. Lotens, A.J. van Vliet, A.J. van Vijet TNO Defensie en...Leadership Theory en wordt relevant geacht voor de ontvangers van aanvullende beslisbevoegdheden. 2.1.3 Het oogmerk van de hogere commandant Een ander

  15. Bio-Aerosol Testkamer: Ontwikkeling van Protocollen (Bio Aerosol Test Chamber: Development of Protocols)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    testfaciliteit detector met de drie simulanten getest beschikbaar gekomen voor het testen van Beschrijving van de worden volgens gangbare internationale bio...2005 werd de Bio-Adrosol Testkamer (BAT-kamer) geplaatst door de firma Dycor Technologies Ltd., Canada. In de BAT-kamner kan een bio-ai5rosol...bestaande ruimte past. In beide gevallen bleek de firma Dycor Technologies Ltd in Canada ( de beste leverancier te zijn, en voor beide

  16. Test of the Constancy - Velocity Hypothesis: Navy Unit Functioning and Performance over 12 Years.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    purpose of the United States Government. 17 COSATI CODES 18 SUEJECT T’ERMS C rinue an rev se f necess iy1 f da eao ms een- listment1111 Rate, Change of...38 Velocity, Climate Change , and Upgrade Rate 41 Joint Effects of Culture/Climate and Velocity 43 Conclusions about the Role Played by Velocity 44...which (a) examined change in organizational systems over time, (b) systematically tested different methodological approaches to organizational

  17. Acta Informatica Medica Is Indexed In Pubmed And Archived In Pubmed Central

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet


    Acta Informatica Medica journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011 onward. The journal started in 1993 as the official journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 3 years, Acta Informatica Medica has een included in almost all prestigious online databases, including PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE. The 20th volume of the journal is fully international, with papers from 18 countries. PMID:23572852

  18. Acta informatica medica is indexed in pubmed and archived in pubmed central.


    Masic, Izet


    Acta Informatica Medica journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011 onward. The journal started in 1993 as the official journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 3 years, Acta Informatica Medica has een included in almost all prestigious online databases, including PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE. The 20th volume of the journal is fully international, with papers from 18 countries.

  19. Ex-Ante Beleidsevaluatie met System Dynamics (Ex-Ante Policy at System Dynamics)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    11 . van TFighciho,, cn. [DMO-11cleid 0 Vastgestlid d.d. 13 inaart 2008 (Lkzc mnccmn ss, i/it miet) Tite Onigerubriceerd Managenicnadiurcksel O...genaamd, brengt beleidsopties en beleidsdoelen vastgesteld. oorzaken en gevolgen rondom een Daamna heeft TNO conform de MARVEL 4/62 Ex-ante...rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A055 TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A055 9 /62 Afkortingen BPO Business Process Ownership CDC/DCIVB Commando Diensten Centra / Diensten

  20. Consequences of the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions on Safety, Collateral Damage and Operations (consequenties van de invoering van mkm-munitie op veiligheid, gevolgschade en (internationaal) opereren

    DTIC Science & Technology


    van de werkzaamheden In dit rapport worden de gevolgen van initiatie van munitie door een ongewilde externe stimulus beschouwd aan de hand van reele...operationele scenario’s. Dit wordt vergeleken met de gevolgen in dezelfde scenario’s, waarin gebruik is gemaakt van Minder Kwetsbare Munitie (MKM). historie van MKM wordt uitgelegd wat Inleiding of terroristische activiteiten, maar ook door MKM is. Vervolgens worden de gevolgen Munitie en de

  1. Neuropsychiatrie of biologische psychiatrie; een toekomstvisie in historisch perspectief.


    Verhoeven, W M; Tuinier, S


    Neuropsychiatry or Biological Psychiatry There is an urgent need to reconsider the position of psychiatry within the neurosciences because of the exploding knowledge about the relationship between brain and behaviour and the delay in implementation of new findings due to the separation of neurology and psychiatry. Biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology originate from the discovery by chance of psycho-active compounds in the early fifties and have contributed to the scientification of psychiatry. The impact of biological psychiatry for the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, however, is limited as a result of its biased orientation on neurotransmitters and receptors. The neuropsychiatric paradigm integrates knowledge from several domains, such as functional neuroanatomy, genetics and endocrinology and opens new vistas for the involvement of neuronal circuits in the initiation and maintenance of behavioural disturbances. In addition, novel and more specific treatment modalities may emerge.

  2. Navigation in Unfamiliar Cities: A Review of the Literature and a Theoretical Framework (Navigeren in Onbekende Steden: Een Literatuurstudie en een Theoretisch Kader)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE AND A J.M.C. Schraagen THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2 Nothing from this issue may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint...Availability Codes Dist Special 5 Report No.: IZF 1989-36 Title: Navigation in unfamiliar cities: a review of the literature and a theoretical framework Author... theoretical framework sketched above suggests that some people may be better in encoding spatial informa- tion than others. This may be because of their

  3. Emerging Regional Energy Security Issues China

    DTIC Science & Technology


    moving toward European standards and taxation of least efficient vehicles | 7 China’s Energy Strategy - Clean Power Generation...Project Type of Contract Signature Date Estimated Value Contractor(s) Remarks Malaysian Amona (Main Contractor), Chinese COSL and CNOOC The first...infrastructure. List of Upstream Agreements Between Iran and China in Recent Years ** The original buyback contract w as signed betw een Malaysian Amona and

  4. Application of Future State Decision Making in the Eagle Combat Model

    DTIC Science & Technology


    not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 1 7 Cosati Codes 18 S:iDj,.ct Terms (continue on... cncd 30 40 co el C14N- LI)I E- . IC041 00 E E. C) CD 0 06. 4104 xd- .r - 1 w a S.CL U.~- 0 S.31 Cl- w cu N ~ ~ -.- - f Lin EEn LM 0f CCN. ’C4 0 4-it 0

  5. Tussenrapportage Validatie Onderwijsvernieuwingen (Validation Assistant in Instructional Design)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    validatie onderwij svemieuwingen D)atum mei 2007 Auteur (s) drs. J.P. van Meer drs. G,J. Veldhuis dr. M.L. van Ernmerik M.G. van Schaik Rubricering...als doel om nog beter is het van belang dat het maken van keuzes Auteur (s) passende adviezen te kunnen genereren. binnen een moeilijk grijpbaar...benaderd door de theorie achter de onderwijsconcepten te toetsen aan het oordeel van de expert. Er zijn echter beperkingen in deze opzet denkbaar die

  6. Generiek Materieellogistiek Ketenmodel Defensie (Generic Value Chain Model for Defense Material Organization)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Fe:~& 2/121 Generiek Materieellogistiek Ketenmodel Defensie In het kader van het programma DEM (V4 11 ) is in dit project het osrneljewadKete vanefPorter odnasmlti emgn e vroe mmltiemdee nt TNO-rapport ITNO-DV 2007 A449 9 /21 Als laatste valt bet ontbreken van een eenduidig...DV 2007 A449 11 /21 Zoals in de Defensie waardeketen valt te zien, is de uiteindelijke waarde die de Matlog keten oplevert, Materidle Gereedheid

  7. A novel glutamine-rich putative transcriptional adaptor protein (TIG-1), preferentially expressed in placental and bone-marrow tissues.


    Abraham, S; Solomon, W B


    We used a subtractive hybridization protocol to identify novel expressed sequence tags (ESTs) corresponding to mRNAs whose expression was induced upon exposure of the human leukemia cell line K562 to the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanolyphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The complete open reading frame of one of the novel ESTs, named TIG-1, was obtained by screening K562 cell and placental cDNA libraries. The deduced open reading frame of the TIG-1 cDNA encodes for a glutamine repeat-rich protein with a predicted molecular weight of 63kDa. The predicted open reading frame also contains a consensus bipartite nuclear localization signal, though no specific DNA-binding domain is found. The corresponding TIG-1 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed. Placental tissue expresses the TIG-1 mRNA 200 times more than the lowest expressing tissues such as kidney and lung. There is also preferential TIG-1 mRNA expression in cells of bone-marrow lineage.In-vitro transcription/translation of the TIG-1 cDNA yielded a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 97kDa. Using polyclonal antibodies obtained from a rabbit immunized with the carboxy-terminal portion of bacterially expressed TIG-1 protein, a polypeptide with molecular weight of 97kDa was identified by Western blot analyses of protein lysates obtained from K562 cells. Cotransfection assays of K562 cells, using a GAL4-TIG-1 fusion gene and GAL4 operator-CAT, indicate that the TIG-1 protein may have transcriptional regulatory activity when tethered to DNA. We hypothesize that this novel glutamine-rich protein participates in a protein complex that regulates gene transcription. It has been demonstrated by Naar et al. (Naar, A.M., Beaurang, P.A., Zhou, S., Abraham, S., Solomon, W.B., Tjian, R., 1999, Composite co-activator ARC mediates chromatin-directed transcriptional activation. Nature 398, 828-830) that the amino acid sequences of peptide fragments obtained from a polypeptide found in a complex of proteins that alters chromatin

  8. Neurotransmitter Mechanisms in the Nucleus Accumbens Septi and Related Regions in the Rat Brain.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  9. Development of Short Term Immunotoxicological Assays for Prediction of Chronic Toxicological Responses Induced by Environmental Chemicals

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Time 16 El E 4. IUdR Incorporation into Sp*,een Cells as .Function of Preincubationr :ime.II....... ... ...... ........ I...... I........ I...trichloroethylene B) Bone marrow parameters 1) Bone marrow cell number 3) Bone marrow stem cell number (CFU-GM) Y . ,.= z , 0 .2 Cc-C 02 @13 .~ LL 0 CL uj 0...lipopolysac- • .4 -C.- * 50 Figure 21 S pleen Cell Number In Cultures 8- Exposed to S3. Mixes .............. 6 2. 0 60 180 Exposure Time (Minutes) El No S9

  10. Job Oriented Training Handleiding voor Luchtdoelartillerie (Job Oriented Training: Instructors Manual Air Defense)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    luchtdoelartillerie Kampweg 5 Postbus 23 3769 ZG Soesterberg T +31 346 35 62 11 F +31 346 35 39 77 Datum Auteur (s...een hoger begripsniveau getild. Theorie wordt niet van te voren aangeboden door middel van kennisover- dracht, maar wordt gaandeweg opgedaan. De...346 35 39 77 TNO-rapportnummer TNO-DV 2008 A394 Opdrachtnummer 851.2116.0152.11 Datum november 2008 Auteur (s) ir. T.J

  11. Operationele Oceanografie en Rapid Environmental Assessment (Operational Oceanography and Rapid Environmental Assessment)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Datum Auteur (s) november 2008 dr. LA. teRaa dr. I.PA. Lam dr. ir. M.W. Schouten Rubricering rappon Vastgesteld door Vastgesteld d.d. I TNO-rapportnummer TNO-DV2008A418 Opdrachtnummer Datum november 2008 Auteur (s) dr. L.A. te Raa dr. F.P.A. Lam dr. ir. M.W. Schouten...verdamping. Een oceaanmodel is gebaseerd op wiskundige vergelijkingen die de dynamica en thermodynamica van de oceaan beschrijven. In theorie geven deze

  12. Responsie van Verschillende Munitieartikelen bij Opwarming en Brand (Response of Munitions Items Due to Heating or a Fire)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Verboom Auteur TNO-rapport I TNO-DV 2007 A315 BijIage A I 1I7 A Berekening thermische explosiekubus A.1 Inleiding De theorie van een thermische...Responsie van verschillende munitieartikelen bij opwarming en brand Datum scptember 2007 Auteur (s) ir.J.H.G. Scholtes ir. V. Verboorn R Ubricering rapport O...mabegeleider Projectbegeleider Setembr20 Ltkol I Paap, G.B. Cornelisse, spebr20 DMO/DWS&B/Ressort Lucht- DS/CLAS/St-CLAS/Dir OPOST Auteur (s) systeen

  13. Special Course on Cryogenic Technology for Wind Tunnel Testing,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    stresses in the wind tunnel model, say in the wing root, in relation to those in the aircraft in flight are factored by the two ratios, tunnel-to...interferen,’e. Whi le these conments are on the subject only of stresses , aeroelat ic ronsiderat ijns nay be een inore demanding in terms of model and...8217;ociatet with i:pure, stressed , a: orphoiis or microcrystalline structures. As it is difficult , if not i-taossi le, to, recornise these different

  14. Kennislacunes op het gebied van wapens en munitie in OVG (Knowledge Gaps in the Area of Weapons and Munitions in MOUT)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Structuur 6 2.2 Inzetketen 8 2.3 Combinaties van W&M en doelen 9 2.4 Militaire activiteiten 10 3 De OVG context 11 4 Kennislacunes wapens en...Aanlal pagina’s Aantal bijlagen Ongerubriceerd drs. R.G.W. Gouweleeuw 7 november 2008 11 )eze mbricering \\N ijzigl mci) Ongerubriceerd...TNO-rapport | TNO-DV 2008 A436 9 /24 2.3 Combinaties van W&M en doelen In [2] is een overzicht opgesteld van zogenoemde ’force assets’ die tegen

  15. Geautomatiseerde Verwerking van Militaire berichten Volgens ADatP-3 (Automated Processing of Military Messages According to ADatP-3)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ATCCIS beoogt juist dat te bereiken door te werken aan ecn informatie model en een data element dictionary. TNO-rapport Pagina 9 Binnen bet C2...en distributie 44 4.3.2 Interface met de gebruiker 45 4.3.3 Interface met dc operationcle database 46 TNO-rapport Pagina 11 Interpretatie...die bezig zijn met het ontwikkelen en implementeren van berichtformaten. Deel I van de publicatie bevat de beschrijving van FORMETS, delen 11 , I11 en

  16. Testbed Environment for Distributed Observation (testbed omgeving voor gedistribueerde waarneming)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    het IP-adres en portnumnmer van de MID halen . Ook de naamn van de XML-file om de NID te beschrijven staat hierin vermeld (in dit geval ’CSD.xmId’) in...DeviceML beschrijving van de NID op te halen . Dit wordt gedaan door een TCP/IP verbinding op te zetten tussen de LUS en de NID (via de DeviceML port...vernisenigvuidigd! enlof openbaar gensaaki door middel van druk, fotokopie, microftinm of op welke andere wijze dan ook, zonder voorafgaande schrifielijke

  17. Diamine-Functionalization of a Metal-Organic Framework Adsorbent for Superb Carbon Dioxide Adsorption and Desorption Properties.


    Lee, Woo Ram; Kim, Jeong Eun; Lee, Sung Jin; Kang, Minjung; Kang, Dong Won; Lee, Hwa Young; Hiremath, Vishwanath; Seo, Jeong Gil; Jin, Hailian; Moon, Dohyun; Cho, Moses; Jung, Yousung; Hong, Chang Seop


    For real-world postcombustion applications in the mitigation of CO 2 emissions using dry sorbents, adsorption and desorption behaviors should be controlled to design and fabricate prospective materials with optimal CO 2 performances. Herein, we prepared diamine-functionalized Mg 2 (dobpdc) (H 4 dobpdc=4,4'-dihydroxy-(1,1'-biphenyl)-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid). (1-diamine) with ethylenediamine (en), primary-secondary (N-ethylethylenediamine-een and N-isopropylethylenediamine-ipen), primary-tertiary, and secondary-secondary diamines. A slight alteration of the number of alkyl substituents on the diamines and their alkyl chain length dictates the desorption temperature (T des ) at 100 % CO 2 , desorption characteristics, and ΔT systematically to result in the tuning of the working capacity. The existence of bulky substituents on the diamines improves the framework stability upon exposure to O 2 , SO 2 , and water vapor, relevant to real flue-gas conditions. Bulky substituents are also responsible for an interesting two-step behavior observed for the ipen case, as revealed by DFT calculations. Among the diamine-appended metal-organic frameworks, 1-een, which has the required adsorption and desorption properties, is a promising material for sorbent-based CO 2 capture processes. Hence, CO 2 performance and framework durability can be tailored by the judicial selection of the diamine structure, which enables property design at will and facilitates the development of desirable CO 2 -capture materials. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Theoretical study of metal noble-gas positive ions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bauschlicher, Charles W., Jr.; Partridge, Harry; Langhoff, Stephen R.


    Theoretical calculations have been performed to determine the spectroscopic constant for the ground and selected low-lying electronic states of the transition-metal noble-gas ions Var(+), FeAr(+), CoAr(+), CuHe(+), CuAr(+), and CuKr(+). Analogous calculations have been performed for the ground states of the alkali noble-gas ions LiAr(+), LiKr(+), NaAr(+), and KAr(+) and the alkaline-earth noble-gas ion MgAr(+) to contrast the difference in binding energies between the simple and transition-metal noble-gas ions. The binding energies increase with increasing polarizability of the noble-gas ions, as expected for a charge-induced dipole bonding mechanism. It is found that the spectroscopic constants of the X 1Sigma(+) states of the alkali noble-gas ions are well described at the self-consistent field level. In contrast, the binding energies of the transition-metal noble-gas ions are substantially increased by electron correlation.

  19. A Benchmark Study of the Air Force Program Executive Office for Combat and Mission Support

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Capt. Finkenstadt graduated from Mt. Olive College in Mt. Olive, NC, with a degree in business management and earned the Laura W. and Maurice H. King ...POC: See king SILVER S1a1u s Protest His tory • .so..n• Sekelon a ProtHI: • Con.eenAdon • S:UIItllln-.d ~d ~ ffi I • I -FYO& I’YQe 0 ll$ ... 2...more consecutive years at a Green Rating - Incentive/Award Fee decisions c lear ly t ied to perfonnance - No violations of bona fide need rule

  20. Inventory of Materials to be Used in Explosive Effects Mitigating Structures (Inventarisatie van materialen te gebruiken in constructies ter afscherming van explosie-effecten)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    F +31 15 284 39 91 TNO-rapportnummer TNO-DV 2008 A357 Opdrachtnummer Datum november 2008 Auteur (s) ir. O.C. van der Jagt...een keramisch materiaal (ZrSiO.*). TNO-rapport | TNO-DV 2008 A357 32/44 K, 04 035 0.3 0 25 02 0 15 01 005 0 O a 0 X A • • Theory ...47] Molinari. A., et al., Modeling plastic shocks in periodic laminates with gradient plasticity theories . Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of

  1. Kwaliteit van Expertsystemen: Algoritmen voor Integriteits-Controle (Quality of Expert Systems: Algorithms for Integrity Control)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Dist~i~ Ulnre rbu~ on Una o~d0 9 ~ j 2 0 0 TNO rapport Pagina rappon no. .FEL-89-A312 f"It Kwaliteit van Expertsystemen: Algoritmen voor Integriteits...KNOWLEDGEBASE 7 2.1 Inleiding 7 2.2 Een uitbreiding op NIAM: E(xtended)NIAM 8 2.3 Specificatie in E(xtended)NIAM 11 2.4 Representatie in Prolog 13 3...instantiatie van cen ThO rapport Pagina 9 ’graph’ is gelijk aan ten propositie (ean uitspraak over dea werkelijkheid). ’Graph’- instantiaties zijn

  2. Energy Sources for Soldier Modernisation Programme Systems (Overzicht van Ontwikkelingen op het Gebied van Draagbare Energieopslag en Energieopwekking)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    9 . 10. http :// 11 . 7 LAS/DB&P/BO/OB&T taxv. aooi Jansen 8 LAS/DB&PIBO/OB 9 LAS/DB&P/BO/CIV 10 OGMAN/Externe plannen Infanterie 11 DM/C31 12 DM/COM 13 KPU-bedrijf 14...detailed specifications mentioned before. TNO-rapport TNO-MEP - R 99/490 9 van 51 Samenvatting In dit rapport wordt een eerste globale selectie gemaakt: van

  3. A High Repetition Rate LIDAR (En LIDAR met een Hoge Herhalingsfrequentie)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    a tungsten wire which touches only the lamp) for the ignition of the simmer mode. I The resonator of the laser has a length of 40 cm. The back mirror ...has a reflectivity of 99,9 %; the front mirror has a reflectivity of 50 %. Both mirrors are coated for 1064 am. An aluminum profile gives the...resonator sufficient mechanical rigidity against bending. A zerodur rod, embedded in araldite, has been mounted in the center of the aluminum profile for

  4. Fighting the Russians in Winter: Three Case Studies (Leavenworth Papers, Number 5)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    e z s aya elve les rther e e nth ey led ro eir ilroad itions l l- e i lery, inly 75- s ned ite ssians. ey centrated l e ops ey ld e rom...ines een aya e ad itions, ter e rning ree ttalions e oscow iment lanked e lies e rth e pted ture o - s ro e . ieutenant kovsky, e e ents s practical, tain itional ts e paign rthern ssia a rant tention r eir nical s. t aya llied t oops lived i erted ilroad cars. he i pro

  5. S201 Catalog of Far-Ultraviolet Objects. Revised.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    separate report [9,291 and paper [301). The method for determining the UV brightnesses, of necessity, has been a computer-based pro - cess using a...indicates that the measured position is be*.,een 5 and 10 arc-min from the cataloged position ( con - sidered a doubtful identification). Thus a...m~ PS P m~ 0. ats 0 19 PAGE, CARRUTHERS, AND HECKATHORN w r-oWmwM ; M gMO -r o ’wmo- ’w I-W m- 2 f 30 L.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m W9±2N 00 0 0I0 00 000M00p.-0fmmm

  6. Surgery in World War II. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Suirgeonts b~e aissignted to htospitIals to he erected ill advanceed aureas. 5. That optical uinit s be orga Itize inl Ihe vat riotS il oes, wi%% ace tm o1...pmettl v otcludedIt’ glasses wvere niot to be w~ ornl . Usioni of less t han 20/40 if) either e’ve, reqtuiretd the addtitionial exaunihnat ionis just...Maliv wvourld mlerely hrave b~een inI(orVcnI~ieni(,e(l l)Ny I)einir wit liolt grilase tm oaily, buit mally ot her-s would have luecni pail tiallv Or

  7. A Direct Approach to the Villarceau Circles of a Torus.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217 following theorem . , Theorem 1. On F and F’ we select points P and P’, respectively, such that (4) 8 "LAOP, * =LAO’P’, (0 ( 8, * < 2), bi X,$ x ~-2- i4...6) by replacing c by -c. Proof of Theorem 1. In the cartesian, axes O’xyz of Fig. I we have .1, 1)P: x c + aoo 0, y- a sin0, z 0 -3- We now rotate...Bottema, Cirkels op een torus, Pythagoras , 19 (1979) 2 7. 2. Z. A. Nelzak, Invitation to Geometry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983. 3. Y. Villarceau

  8. Toward a Profile of Soviet Behavior in International Financial Markets,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    offered even better terms than indicated in Table 3. In October 1986, Banque Nationale de Paris managed a $300 million Table 3 TERMS OF SOVIET BORROWING...I ’, Bank, Claim-. 1 All ()%% C)A111-HIS Ilep in I eceiuhtr 19 2 26 211 Ie )een i e r I I Os󈧐 lt4.222 I )ecerlher !A, 1 hi , he le n i tr 1- Iat tr...French hank. In the BIS reporting scheme, this transaction is no (lifTerent t’roi at deposit by a British bank in Banque Nationale (de Paris. But just

  9. Vibrationally Excited Ions: Quenching Reaction Enhancement, Lifetimes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    affinities in our lad- A,.=Af exp( - AS/IR) = I .IX 10𔄃 cm’ S_ with limits der . Any change it. P.A.(Br), ither due to a change in bet~een 7.Sx l3 9and...8217K P Huber and G Hereberg. C oeto of Drateooc Molecules ( Van "M Tubs’, G JasAay. N D Toeddy. and B. B. Fergusn. Ini J Mass Nostrand-Reinhold. New York...objectives and it seemed possible .aat neut - rals such as N,. Xe and CF, might provide suitable monitor gases for vibra- tionally excited HBr*. For HBr

  10. Impact of early postoperative enteral nutrition on clinical outcomes in patients with gastric cancer.


    Li, B; Liu, H Y; Guo, S H; Sun, P; Gong, F M; Jia, B Q


    The impact of early enteral nutrition (EEN) on clinical outcomes of gastric cancer patients was investigated. Three hundred pa-tients undergoing gastric cancer surgery from July 2010 to May 2014 were randomly divided into experimental and control groups (n = 150/group). Experimental group patients received enteral nutrition in water during the early postoperative period. Control group patients received conventional perioperative treatment. Patients' clinical outcomes, post-operative immune function, and nutritional statuses were compared, which revealed that the postoperative fever duration (80.2 ± 6.0 vs 88.1 ± 8.1 h, P < 0.05), anal exhaust time (78.8 ± 9.3 vs 85.3 ± 8.4 h, P < 0.05), and length of hospitalization (7.73 ± 2.13 vs 9.77 ± 1.76 days, P < 0.01) differed significantly. Treatment costs in thousands of dol-lars were 31.24 ± 3.21 for the experimental group and 35.61 ± 2.32 for the control group; this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). The incidence of postoperative complications did not significantly differ between the experimental and control groups [14.0% (21/150) vs 17.3% (26/150), P > 0.05]. At postoperative days 3 and 7, the CD3(+), CD4(+), natural killer cell, albumin, and prealbumin levels and CD4(+)/CD8(+) ra-tio were significantly higher in the experimental group than the control group (all P < 0.05). CD8(+) cell counts were significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group (P < 0.05). Postsurgical oral EEN can improve nutritional status and immune function and promote early recovery of intestinal function in patients with gastric cancer.

  11. The International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion (3rd): Non-Intrusive Combustion Diagnostics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    I/oi) ol ~oi a-aueqIosqs zo)HDHO 4.4 .140 C](HOI/oI)B0T 0~ 0 (adwi d aJfngvoid aouvqjosqv HO .4 *n 44i 4= c.0 C * 6I 02 0 .30 o go 44 0 00 40 r 4 4...determining the uuas-Statjonary regime of outflow in opening the addit" _, ol ’, no::- . .. have L-een taken into account. An ac,:oun.: of t-, l-,,_.". has been...139 - 150. Yeoman, M L, Azzopardi, B J, White , H J, Bates, C J and Roberts, P 3, 1982. Optical development and application of a two colour LDA system

  12. Nitramine Propellant Erosivity - III.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Commanld c r AFTN. I. Busut t i I US A rmy M i ,, i I (ommiiad W ., Awst in ATTN: R ( IUN1I -YI. R . Mont 1,ol11v rv Red st ollAc enaIAl~~ .iIington .1 .Sant...A-D-A96 878 ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCHRAN4D EVELOPMENTUCOMMAND ABERO--ETC F/G 19/1 NITRAM INE PROPELLANT EROSII TY_ II.( ) DEC 80 R GEENE, B GROLLMAN, A...NIILER A RYE UNCLASSIFIED ARBRL - R -02278 SBIE D-E430 574 N11hEEE~EEn~hh~~E EohEEEohhEE... LEVEL TECHNICAL REPORT ARBRL-TR-02278 NITRAMINE PROPELLANT

  13. Simultaneous equatorial observations of 1- to 30-Hz waves and pitch angle distributions of ring current ions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taylor, W. W. L.; Lyons, L. R.


    Eighteen events of large-amplitude (0.4-6 gammas) waves which may be propagating in the ion cyclotron mode have een observed by Explorer 45. Comparison with simultaneously measured proton distributions has allowed the events to be divided into two categories. The first category consists of waves accompanied by enhanced ion fluxes apparently injected into the plasmasphere with anisotropic pitch-angle distributions. This simultaneity suggests that these waves may be generated by the observed ring-current ions. Waves in the second category were found near or outside the plasmapause and were not correlated with any identifiable changes in the observed proton distribution. The generation mechanism for these waves remains unknown.

  14. Synthetisch Denken : Natuurwetenschappers over hun rol in een moderne maatschappij 1900-1940

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baneke, D.


    In this study, I address the advent of ‘modernity’ in Dutch culture, especially in the Interwar years, from the perspective of scientists and engineers. They were important actors in many intellectual debates, since science and technology were at the core of the cultural and societal developments of the period. The first chapter of this study describes the cultural context. At the end of the nineteenth century, many characteristics of the ‘modern age’ were increasingly considered as problematic. Scientists, philosophers, writers and artists searched for new intellectual frameworks to befit the modern world. These frameworks were highly varied, ranging from occultism (the ‘petites régions’) to strictly rational philosophical systems. However the differences were gradual rather than fundamental. Science was at the core of the discussions about the problems of modernity. It was blamed for creating many of the problems, but it was also hailed as part of the solution. The problems of modernity were also discussed by contemporary Dutch intellectuals (including scientists) throughout the first half of the twentieth century. The cultural elite of the Netherlands was highly aware of contemporary developments in neighbouring countries. However, the Dutch debate had some specific characteristics. In contrast to the Weimar Republic, culture pessimism was absent in the 1920s. This changed in the 1930s, with the economic and political crisis. The crisis gave the problems of modernity a new urgency. In reaction, the intellectual debate changed from abstract and often utopian to a more concrete level. From the cultural and political debates that started at the turn of the twentieth century, a new kind of public intellectual emerged: the expert intellectual. That is the subject of the last chapter (chapter 8). I elaborate on the tension between social engagement and scientific objectivity that is inherent in the position of intellectuals. This tension was also one of the central issues in the debates about the role of scientists in society. The intervening chapters establish the link between the cultural developments and the rise of this modern intellectual. These six chapters are divided in two sections, each focussing on a different theme in the discussions. The two sections provide two ‘routes’ from the first to the last chapter`. The first section focuses on the universities and vocational colleges. It ends with a case-study on ir. I.P. de Vooys. The second chapter describes the quest for an all-encompassing philosophical ‘synthesis’, with special attention to debates on causality and determinism. The case-study in this section is biologist H.J. Jordan. After the Second World War, many of the ideas from the Interwar period were implemented, as I describe in a short epilogue. Expert-intellectuals played a crucial role in planning the reconstruction.

  15. The Role of Carrageenan and Carboxymethylcellulose in the Development of Intestinal Inflammation

    PubMed Central

    Martino, John Vincent; Van Limbergen, Johan; Cahill, Leah E.


    Although the exact pathophysiology remains unknown, the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is influenced by the interplay between genetics, the immune system, and environmental factors such as diet. The commonly used food additives, carrageenan and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), are used to develop intestinal inflammation in animal models. These food additives are excluded from current dietary approaches to induce disease remission in Crohn’s disease such as exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) using a polymeric formula. By reviewing the existing scientific literature, this review aims to discuss the role that carrageenan and CMC may play in the development of IBD. Animal studies consistently report that carrageenan and CMC induce histopathological features that are typical of IBD while altering the microbiome, disrupting the intestinal epithelial barrier, inhibiting proteins that provide protection against microorganisms, and stimulating the elaboration of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Similar trials directly assessing the influence of carrageenan and CMC in humans are of course unethical to conduct, but recent studies of human epithelial cells and the human microbiome support the findings from animal studies. Carrageenan and CMC may trigger or magnify an inflammatory response in the human intestine but are unlikely to be identified as the sole environmental factor involved in the development of IBD or in disease recurrence after treatment. However, the widespread use of carrageenan and CMC in foods consumed by the pediatric population in a “Western” diet is on the rise alongside a corresponding increase in IBD incidence, and questions are being raised about the safety of frequent usage of these food additives. Therefore, further research is warranted to elucidate the role of carrageenan and CMC in intestinal inflammation, which may help identify novel nutritional strategies that hinder the development of the disease or prevent disease relapse post-EEN

  16. Physical Characterization of Clostridium Botulinum Neurotoxin Genes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AD-A248 904 DTIC IIl~Ili !,11 !11,11,111𔃻 ~ S -FI. E cT E P• -l t APR 1 7 1992 1 GRANT NO.: DAMDI7-90-Z-O033 C TITLE: PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF...nicdad-q s.aqqe~tton, !0 o. - t his tx,,de o t ~ o * as h~0 -i&QAt’ 0,renlorte ot, ,norn’atior Ocestatom’ and Regot,. 12 is leenfoion Osiis Ho9 hwav. S...1204. AI-q.gI , 4A 12202-4302. acid 0tho :It.ff,ce t ’ 1A~ ~een,h And 8.,aget. iijet~or fteduCliom Propen(0I104.0188)~~~nt~. DC 20503 I. AGENCY USE

  17. Archaeological Survey and Testing, Moline Local Flood Protection Project, Rock Island County, Illinois.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    I , hi ’! , 01een ( !ierV, d C- ctlsert- ill ti, Roc k R iv’r V 1 lcv (t- vi t ;1l I ) I :8) Sh,",’c I ten ini’ at apprL’::.- matel ,0 d i ft rnt...1513, 941-6000 Project N O:’, r [ctbLr 2(, 1980 A’i IL ILO(; !CAl. SURCVEY AND A,.’ I N,".. [.’C.\\’ I -I.O(’D I’R0FTki i iN D iKP . i , RKl 1 SIA’N8 Cf )L...SE E T PO R P I IR 1/ I udMpSoigLctin

  18. SU-E-I-76: Optimizing Imaging Parameters for a Novel Radiographic Imaging System for the Detection of Corrosion in Aluminum Aircraft Structures.


    Hammonds, J; Price, R; Donnelly, E; Pickens, D


    A laboratory-based phase-contrast radiography/tomosynthesis imaging system previously (Med. Phys. Vol. 38, 2353 May 2011) for improved detection of low-contrast soft-tissue masses was used to evaluate the sensitivity for detecting the presence of thin layers of corrosion on aluminum aircraft structures. The evaluation utilized a test object of aluminum (2.5 inch × 2.5 inch × 1/8 inch) on which different geometric patterns of 0.0038 inch thick anodized aluminum oxide was deposited. A circular area of radius 1 inch centered on the phantom's midpoint was milled to an approximate thickness of 0.022 inches. The x-ray source used for this investigation was a dual focal spot, tungsten anode x-ray tube. The focal used during the investigation has a nominal size of 0.010 mm. The active area of the imager is 17.1 cm × 23.9 cm (2016 × 2816 pixels) with a pixel pitch of 0.085 mm. X-ray tube voltages ranged from 20-40 kVp and source- to-object and object-to-image distances were varied from 20-100 cm. Performance of the phase-contrast mode was compared to conventional absorption-based radiography using contrast ratio and contrast-to-noise ratios (C/N). Phase-contrast performance was based on edge-enhancement index (EEI) and the edge-enhancement-to-noise (EE/N) ratio. for absorption-based radiography, the best C/N ratio was observed at the lowest kVp value (20 kVp). The optimum sampling angle for tomosynthesis was +/- 8 degrees. Comparing C/N to EE/N demonstrated the phase-contrast techniques improve the conspicuity of the oxide layer edges. This work provides the optimal parameters that a radiographic imaging system would need to differentiate the two different compounds of aluminum. Subcontractee from Positron Systems Inc. (Boise, Idaho) through United States Air Force grant (AF083-225). © 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  19. Delayed Anticipatory Spoken Language Processing in Adults with Dyslexia—Evidence from Eye-tracking.


    Huettig, Falk; Brouwer, Susanne


    It is now well established that anticipation of upcoming input is a key characteristic of spoken language comprehension. It has also frequently been observed that literacy influences spoken language processing. Here, we investigated whether anticipatory spoken language processing is related to individuals' word reading abilities. Dutch adults with dyslexia and a control group participated in two eye-tracking experiments. Experiment 1 was conducted to assess whether adults with dyslexia show the typical language-mediated eye gaze patterns. Eye movements of both adults with and without dyslexia closely replicated earlier research: spoken language is used to direct attention to relevant objects in the environment in a closely time-locked manner. In Experiment 2, participants received instructions (e.g., 'Kijk naar de(COM) afgebeelde piano(COM)', look at the displayed piano) while viewing four objects. Articles (Dutch 'het' or 'de') were gender marked such that the article agreed in gender only with the target, and thus, participants could use gender information from the article to predict the target object. The adults with dyslexia anticipated the target objects but much later than the controls. Moreover, participants' word reading scores correlated positively with their anticipatory eye movements. We conclude by discussing the mechanisms by which reading abilities may influence predictive language processing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. STS-112 crew arrives at KSC's SLF for launch

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- STS-112 Mission Specialist Fyodor Yurchikhin, who is with the Russian Space Agency, shows his happiness at returning to KSC to prepare for launch. He will be making his first Shuttle flight. STS-112, aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis, is the 15th assembly mission to the International Space Station. Atlantis will be carrying the S1 Integrated Truss Structure, the first starboard truss segment, to be attached to the central truss segment, S0, and the Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA) Cart A. The CETA is the first of two human-powered carts that will ride along the ISS railway, providing mobile work platforms for future spacewalking astronauts. The 11-day mission includes three spacewalks. Launch is scheduled for Oct. 2 betw een 2 and 6 p.m.

  1. Interannual Variation of Sea Level in the South Atlantic Based on Satellite Altimetry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grodsky, S. A.; Carton, J. A.


    13 years of altimeter month ly sea level ar e used to explore interannual variability of the South Atlantic. The strongest v ariability outside the eastern and western boundaries is conf ined to a relatively narrow zonally oriented band b etw een 35°S and 25°S, the Agulhas eddy corridor. On th eir way across th e South Atlantic th e Agulh as eddies g ain energy on the southern flank of the eddy corridor via baro tropic conversions by deceler ating the South Atlan tic Curren t. On interannual time scales the sea level in the corridor fluctu ates out of phase in the w est and east r evealing noticeab le v ariations of 10 cm amp litude at 4 to 5 year periods.

  2. Chemical constituents of Cichorium intybus and their inhibitory effects against urease and alpha-chymotrypsin enzymes.


    Saied, Sumayya; Shah, Shazia; Ali, Zulfiqar; Khan, Ajmal; Marasini, Bishnu P; Choudhary, Muhammad Iqbal


    Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of Cichorium intybus L. resulted in the isolation and identification of two new natural metabolites, 2,6-di[but-3(E)-en-2-onyl]naphthalene (1), and 3,3',4,4'-tetrahydroxychalcone (2), along with nine known compounds. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic techniques including 1D and 2D NMR. The known compounds were identified as scopoletin (3), 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (4), 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid (5), 4,4'-dihydroxychalcone (6), 6,7-dihydroxycoumarine (7), 1-triacontanol (8), lupeol (9), beta-sitosterol (10), and beta-sitosterol-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside (11). Compounds 4-6 and 8 are reported for the first time from C. intybus. Compounds 2 and 3 showed weak inhibitory activities against urease and alpha-chymotrypsin enzymes, respectively.

  3. Dammarane-type triterpenes from the Brazilian medicinal plant Cordia multispicata.


    Kuroyanagi, Masanori; Kawahara, Nobuo; Sekita, Setsuko; Satake, Motoyoshi; Hayashi, Tatsuo; Takase, Yoichi; Masuda, Kazuo


    From the Brazilian medicinal plant Carucaá (Cordia multispicata), oleanane- and ursane-type triterpenoids were previously reported as anti-androgenic constituents of the plant. In this study, purification of the polar elements of the EtOAc-soluble fraction of the plant revealed nine novel dammarane-type triterpenes, named cordianols A-I (1-9) along with the known compound cordialin A (10). The structures of these new compounds were elucidated by means of spectral methods including HRFABMS, (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and 2D NMR (HMQC, HMBC, NOESY). Absolute configuration at C-23 of compound 7 was determined by an excitone chirality method. Some of these new compounds revealed a hemiketal structure on the A ring and a hydroxylated or epoxidated 20(22)-(E)-ene side chain and showed weak anti-androgenic activity.

  4. Fast Reliability Assessing Method for Distribution Network with Distributed Renewable Energy Generation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Fan; Huang, Shaoxiong; Ding, Jinjin; Ding, Jinjin; Gao, Bo; Xie, Yuguang; Wang, Xiaoming


    This paper proposes a fast reliability assessing method for distribution grid with distributed renewable energy generation. First, the Weibull distribution and the Beta distribution are used to describe the probability distribution characteristics of wind speed and solar irradiance respectively, and the models of wind farm, solar park and local load are built for reliability assessment. Then based on power system production cost simulation probability discretization and linearization power flow, a optimal power flow objected with minimum cost of conventional power generation is to be resolved. Thus a reliability assessment for distribution grid is implemented fast and accurately. The Loss Of Load Probability (LOLP) and Expected Energy Not Supplied (EENS) are selected as the reliability index, a simulation for IEEE RBTS BUS6 system in MATLAB indicates that the fast reliability assessing method calculates the reliability index much faster with the accuracy ensured when compared with Monte Carlo method.

  5. Aviation Officer Requirements Study.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    r4444-444,, 44*44 * 4ri OW 4.YP F3 1X Tt FF 1r 1 i.111 * 21’ 1 * 34 FVA r i. i r n -t~I I~’JJ YirF Tz i. * I 4 * F*r_ v" J * f,4 fvA IiGr ti Ic:~ r A...7 F3 0- .- * 4*. * 4,*.&-4 l󈧰*4* 4 ~ *’Ř󈧰 44 4 *44 ’ k 4)* ,_𔃾- 4*4 4 721C 4 PARAMETER CATEGORY MENU SCr(EEN This screen appears af ter screen...0, 4, F3 1*(,I!X vF4./ 13-30 DATA 0, 4, 09, r2, ./ A*AX VAM!/ 1340 DATA 0, P.2 .. 0, P. 0 /*A4L1 VAW " " 13S-0 DATA 2, 4,21,1,5, 2.9 /*ALX VAOP

  6. A new diarylheptanoid from Alpinia officinarum promotes the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes.


    Zhang, Xuguang; Zhang, Xiaopo; Wang, Yong; Chen, Feng; Li, Youbin; Li, Yonghui; Tan, Yinfeng; Gong, Jingwen; Zhong, Xia; Li, Hailong; Zhang, Junqing


    A new diarylheptanoid, namely trans-(4R,5S)-epoxy-1,7-diphenyl-3-heptanone (1), and a new natural product, 7-(4″-hydroxy-3″-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-hepta-4E,6E-dien-3-one (2), were obtained from the aqueous extract of Alpinia officinarum Hance, together with three other diarylheptanoids, 5-hydroxy-1,7-diphenyl-3-heptanone (3), 1,7-diphenyl-4E-en-3-heptanone (4) and 5-methoxy-1,7-diphenyl-3-heptanone (5). The structures were characterised mainly by analysing their physical data including IR, NMR and HRMS. This study highlights that the 4,5-epoxy moiety in 1 is rarely seen in diarylheptanoids. In addition, the five isolates were tested for their differentiation activity of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. The results showed that these compounds could dose-dependently promote adipocyte differentiation without cytotoxicity (IC 50  > 100 μM).

  7. Moment analysis method as applied to the 2S --> 2P transition in cryogenic alkali metal/rare gas matrices.


    Terrill Vosbein, Heidi A; Boatz, Jerry A; Kenney, John W


    The moment analysis method (MA) has been tested for the case of 2S --> 2P ([core]ns1 --> [core]np1) transitions of alkali metal atoms (M) doped into cryogenic rare gas (Rg) matrices using theoretically validated simulations. Theoretical/computational M/Rg system models are constructed with precisely defined parameters that closely mimic known M/Rg systems. Monte Carlo (MC) techniques are then employed to generate simulated absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of the 2S --> 2P M/Rg transition to which the MA method can be applied with the goal of seeing how effective the MA method is in re-extracting the M/Rg system parameters from these known simulated systems. The MA method is summarized in general, and an assessment is made of the use of the MA method in the rigid shift approximation typically used to evaluate M/Rg systems. The MC-MCD simulation technique is summarized, and validating evidence is presented. The simulation results and the assumptions used in applying MA to M/Rg systems are evaluated. The simulation results on Na/Ar demonstrate that the MA method does successfully re-extract the 2P spin-orbit coupling constant and Landé g-factor values initially used to build the simulations. However, assigning physical significance to the cubic and noncubic Jahn-Teller (JT) vibrational mode parameters in cryogenic M/Rg systems is not supported.

  8. Een Meetsysteem voor het Testen van Radiocommunicatie-Apparatuur (A measuring Facility for Testing of Radio Communication Equipment)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    insert various jamming signals. The criterion for classifying radio equipment under test is the quality of transferred information , that is the SINAD...UNCLASSFED) This report describes a test facility for measuring the behaviour and quality of radio communication equipment in a simulated operational...formation FEL has the disposal of a facility to test the quality of radio equipment in a simulated operational situation. (Y .. ,. -’ , / " " ’ TNO mppon 4

  9. Investigations of the relationship betw een disease and airborne (1→3)-β-D-glucan in buildings

    PubMed Central

    Rylander, Ragnar


    Studies on the relationship between symptoms in indoor air and the amount of airborne (1→3)-β-D-glucan were reviewed. Relationships were found for symptoms and objective tests of airways inflammation. The data suggest that (1→3)-β-D-glucan could be a causative agent. PMID:18472858

  10. Comprehensie van Vreemdtalige Input: Een Psycholinguistische Benadering (Acquisition of Dutch as a Second Language: A Psycholinguistic Approach).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Issidorides, Diana C.


    Within a psycholinguistic approach to second language learning, an attempt is made to investigate the question of how morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics affect the comprehension of Dutch sentences by nonnative learners of that language. When talking to nonnative language-learners, native speakers often tend to deliberately modify their…

  11. Quick genome sequencing of “Candidatus Liberibacter” strains by use of Enrichment-Enlargement-Next generation sequencing (EEN)

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Members of “Candidatus Liberibacter” are associated with several important plant diseases such as citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) and potato zebra chip (ZC) disease. Inability to culture and low titers in infected hosts have been major obstacles for research on these bacteria. The use of whole genome seq...

  12. Eisen voor Buitenbeelden van Voertuigsimulatoren: Een Literatuurstudie (Use of Exterior Pictures in Vehicle Simulators: A Literature Survey)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    1.3 Opleiding en onderzoek met voertuigsimulatoren 9 1.4 Opbouw van simulatoren 11 1.5 Totstandkomning van beelden in CGI-systemen 13 1.6 Bepalen in vehicle simulators. A literature survey s 029 9 20 Aantal bladzijden: 102 .JISTRIBIYI±WN- STATEMEN9 -2 39 Approved for public release; 2 28 9 ...Achteruitkijkspiegels en verrekijkers 79 8.2 Helderheidsversterkers en warmtebeelden 80 8.3 Middelen om afstand te bepalen 80 9 INTERACTIES VAN HET

  13. Cytotoxic constituents of propolis from Myanmar and their structure-activity relationship.


    Li, Feng; Awale, Suresh; Tezuka, Yasuhiro; Kadota, Shigetoshi


    Thirteen cycloartane-type tritepenes (1-13) and four prenylated flavanones (14-17) isolated from propolis collected in Myanmar, were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity against a panel of six different cancer cell lines; three murine cancer cell lines (colon 26-L5 carcinoma, B16-BL6 melanoma, and Lewis lung carcinoma) and three human cancer cell lines (lung A549 adenocarcinoma, cervix HeLa adenocarcinoma and HT-1080 fibrosarcoma). Among them, a cycloartane-type triterpene, 3alpha,27-dihydroxycycloart-24E-en-26-oic acid (3), showed the most potent cytotoxicity against B16-BL6 cells with an IC(50) value of 5.91 microM, comparable to those of positive controls, doxorubicin (IC(50), 5.66 microM) and 5-fluorouracil (IC(50), 4.88 microM). In addition, (2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-8,3'-diprenylflavanone (14) exhibited strong cytotoxicity against all the tested cancer cell lines with the IC(50) values ranging from 14.0 to 26.4 microM. Based on the observed results, the structure-activity relationships are discussed.

  14. Simulating Pressure Profiles for the Free-Electron Laser Photoemission Gun Using Molflow+

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, Diego; Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos


    The Jefferson Lab Free Electron Laser (FEL) generates tunable laser light by passing a relativistic electron beam generated in a high-voltage DC electron gun with a semiconducting photocathode through a magnetic undulator. The electron gun is in stringent vacuum conditions in order to guarantee photocathode longevity. Considering an upgrade of the electron gun, this project consists of simulating pressure profiles to determine if the novel design meets the electron gun vacuum requirements. The method of simulation employs the software Molflow+, developed by R. Kersevan at the Organisation Europ'eene pour la Recherche Nucl'eaire (CERN), which uses the test-particle Monte Carlo method to simulate molecular flows in 3D structures. Pressure is obtained along specified chamber axes. Results are then compared to measured pressure values from the existing gun for validation. Outgassing rates, surface area, and pressure were found to be proportionally related. The simulations indicate that the upgrade gun vacuum chamber requires more pumping compared to its predecessor, while it holds similar vacuum conditions. The ability to simulate pressure profiles through tools like Molflow+, allows researchers to optimize vacuum systems during the engineering process.

  15. The Local Group in LCDM - Shapes and masses of dark halos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vera-Ciro, Carlos Andrés


    In dit proefschrift bestuderen we de eigenschappen van donkere materie halo's in het LCDM paradigma. Het eerste deel richt zich op de vorm van de massadistributie van dergelijke objecten. We hebben gevonden dat de vorm van ge"isoleerde Melkweg-achtige donkere materie halo's significant afwijkt van bolsymmetrie. De lokale omgeving heeft invloed op de halo's en deze worden daarbij sterk be"invloed door de manier waarop massa aangroeit. We hebben ook de structuur en de baanstructuur van de satellieten van dergelijke halo's in detail onderzocht. In het algemeen zijn deze objecten sferischer dan de halo's zelf. Ze vertonen ook duidelijke afdrukken van getijdenwerking in zowel hun geometrische vorm als in de baanstructuur. Daarna gebruiken we het aantal massieve objecten rond de Melkweg om limieten te zetten op de totale massa van de donkere materie halo van de Melkweg. De eigenschappen van de massaverdeling van de Melkweg worden verder onderzocht in het laatste hoofdstuk. Daar maken we gebruik van de Sagittarius sterstroom om de vorm van de galactische potentiaal beter te bepalen. We komen met een nieuw model dat rekening houdt met de galactische schijf en de invloed van satellietstelsels en die bovendien consistent is met het LCDM paradigma.

  16. Satellite Applications for Military Support. Trendwatch from an EO Perspective (Satelliettoepassingen voor Militaire Ondersteuning. Trendwatch Vanuit een EO Perspectief)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    examples of plumes with a natural cause. Figure 3.2 The left true colour panel depicts part of the Iberian peninsula . The huge forest fires in Portugal...these research activities has been dedicated to the provision of a number of atmospherical products for air quality and climate studies within the cloud condensation nuclei for the formation of clouds, which is an important topic in climate studies. The products in the former paragraphs, such


    PubMed Central

    Ellison, GTH; Richter, LM; de Wet, T; Harris, HE; Griesel, RD; McIntyre, JA


    is beoordeel deur die oorspronklike geskrewe rekord van elke veranderlike te vergelyk met rekords wat beskikbaar is in die hospitaal se gerekenariseerde databasis Hierdie datastelle her vergelykbare vlakke van betroubaarheid getoon, waaruit afgelei kan word dat soortgelyke foute voorkom warmeer data oorgeplaas word vaneen deeivan ’n lêer na ’n ander, en vanaf die lêer na die gerekenariseerde databasis. In albei stelle rekords was die betroubaarheid die hoogste vir die kategoriese veranderlike suigeling se geslag, en vir daardie kontinue veranderlikes (soos moeder se ouderdom en gravida) wat in terme van ondubbelsinmge eenhede gekodeer kan word. Kontinue veranderlikes wat op wisselende vlakke van akkuratheid gemeet word (soos gewig met geboorte), veranderlikes wat soms meer as een keer gemeet is, en veranderlikes wat voigens meer as een metingstegniek bepaal is (soos draagtydsouderdom), was minder betroubaar Deur die aantal kere wat rekords oorgeskryf moet word te verminder, kontinue veranderlikes tat kategoriese veranderlikes te wysig. en tegnieke vir meting en aantekening van veranderlikes te standardiseer, kan die betroubaarheid van sowel handgeskrewe as gerekenariseerde datastelle verbeter word. PMID:9287552

  18. How Experts Solve a Novel Problem within Their Domain of Expertise (Hoe Experts een Nieuw Probleem Binnen hun Expertisegebied Oplossen)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    between neighboring goals in verbal protocols. 18 2.2 Materials All subjects received the following problem: The manufacturer of Coca Cola wants to improve...his product. Recently, he has received complaints that Coca Cola does not taste as good any more as it used to. Therefore, he wants to investigate...what it is exactly that people taste when they drink Coca Cola . In order to be able to make a comparison with the competitors, Pepsi Cola and a house

  19. Selecting the spin crossover profile with controlled crystallization of mononuclear Fe(iii) polymorphs.


    Vicente, Ana I; Ferreira, Liliana P; Carvalho, Maria de Deus; Rodrigues, Vítor H N; Dîrtu, Marinela M; Garcia, Yann; Calhorda, Maria José; Martinho, Paulo N


    Two polymorphic species of the [Fe(5-Br-salEen)2]ClO4 compound were obtained, each of them being selectively recovered after evaporation of the solvent at a controlled rate. While polymorph 1a is formed during slow evaporation, fast evaporation favors polymorph 1b. The importance of the evaporation rate was recognized after detailed studies of the reaction temperature, solvent evaporation rate and crystallization temperature effects. The complex in the new polymorphic form 1a showed an abrupt spin crossover at 172 K with a small 1 K hysteresis window and over a narrow 10 K range. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, complemented by X-ray studies for both the high-spin and low-spin forms, were used to further characterize the new polymorphic phase 1a. Both polymorphs are based on the same Fe(iii) complex cation hydrogen bonded to the perchlorate anion. These units are loosely bound in the crystals via weak interactions. In the new polymorph 1a, the hydrogen bonds are stronger, while the weak hydrogen and halogen bonds, as well as π-π stacking, create a cooperative network, not present in 1b, responsible for the spin transition profile.

  20. Water-soluble main ions in precipitation over the southeastern Adriatic region: chemical composition and long-range transport.


    Dorđević, Dragana S; Tosić, Ivana; Unkasević, Miroslava; Durasković, Pavle


    Precipitation samples collected from 1995 to 2000 at meteorological station in the eastern outskirts of Herceg Novi (Montenegro) were analysed on Na(+), K(+), Mg(2+), Ca(2+), Cl(-), SO(4) (2-), NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+). Four-day backward trajectory simulations were conducted during the precipitation period to investigate the regional transport of main ions and their deposition in the region of the southeastern Adriatic Sea. The air mass trajectories were classified into six trajectory categories by the origin and direction of their approach to Herceg Novi. A bottle and funnel with a small net between them was used for sampling at a height of 1.5 m above the ground. The concentrations of Cl(-), NO(3)(-), NH(4)(+) and SO(4)(2-) were determined spectrophotometrically, the concentrations of Na(+) and K(+) were determined by the FAES method and the concentrations of Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) by the FAAS method. The factor analysis technique (PCA analysis) based on the calculation of the factors was employed to differentiate the contribution of emission sources to the content of the main ions in the precipitation. The obtained data sets were processed using the SPSS 11.5 statistical program. The Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model was used to study the air origin for the city of Herceg Novi (42°27'N, 18°33'E), Montenegro. The following origins of the air masses were considered: northern Europe (NE), eastern Europe-northeastern Europe (EE-NE); eastern Mediterranean-southeastern Europe (EM-SE); Africa-Central Mediterranean (A-CM); western Mediterranean (WM); western Europe-Central Europe (WE-CE) and undefined. The heights and frequencies of precipitation coming by air masses from northern Europe and eastern-northeastern Europe are the lowest. On the contrary, the heights and frequencies of precipitation coming by air masses from the western Mediterranean (36.6%) and Africa and the Central Mediterranean (30.6%) are the highest. The sea salt components (Na

  1. Support for EU fundraising in the field of Environment & Energy - BayFOR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ammerl, Thomas; Baumann, Cornelia; Reiter, Andrea; Blume, Andreas; Just, Jana; Franke, Jan


    Contract negotiations with the European Commission e) Project implementation (Project management, dissemination, Science-Policy-Interface) BayFOR staff has profound R&D background, as well as knowledge and experience in disseminating project outcomes, in particular with regard to the adaptation of results to the needs of relevant target groups like science, industry/SMEs, policy makers and the public. Furthermore, BayFOR can draw on distinct experience in the management of European research projects (e.g. CLIMB, Largecells, AlpBC, GeoMol, WE-EEN, WINALP). As a partner in the network for SMEs "Enterprise Europe Network" (EEN), BayFOR offers advice and support on topics such as funding, research programs, public procurement, market penetration and the promotion of innovation at European level. Beyond, BayFOR will make use of its regional networks to promote uptake and exploitation of project results. BayFOR is also commissioned by Bavaria's State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts to look after the Bavarian University Funding Programme for the Initiation of International Projects (BayIntAn). Our efforts are aimed at initiating or strengthening transnational collaborative research involving Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences.

  2. Summary of Coating Surveys on the Four Air Command Frigates (Zeven Provincien Class) (Onderzoek naar de conditie van de coatingsystemen op vier luchtcommandofregatten (Zeven Provincien Klasse))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of these inspections have been drafted into the following extensive reports for each frigate: * TQS-RAP-07-855/ gge of March 30, 2007 for Hr.Ms...34Evertsen" (LCF 4) * TQS-RAP-07-856/ gge of March 30, 2007 for Hr.Ms. "Tromp" (LCF 2) • TQS-RAP-07-857/ gge of March 30, 2007 for Hr.Ms. "De Ruyter" (LCF 3...34 TQS-RAP-08-3316/ gge of January 10, 2008 for Hr.Ms. -Zeven Provincien" (LCF 1) Each report consists of a description of results and all protocols made

  3. A New Alkamide with an Endoperoxide Structure from Acmella ciliata (Asteraceae) and Its in Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity.


    Silveira, Narjara; Saar, Julia; Santos, Alan Diego C; Barison, Andersson; Sandjo, Louis P; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Thomas J; Biavatti, Maique W


    From the aerial parts of Acmella ciliata (H.B.K.) Cassini (basionym Spilanthes ciliata Kunth; Asteraceae), three alkamides were isolated and identified by mass- and NMR spectroscopic methods as (2E,6E,8E)-N-isobutyl-2,6,8-decatrienamide (spilanthol, (1)), N-(2-phenethyl)-2E-en-6,8-nonadiynamide (2) and (2E,7Z)-6,9-endoperoxy-N-isobutyl-2,7-decadienamide (3). While 1 and 2 are known alkamides, compound 3 has not been described until now. It was found that the unusual cyclic peroxide 3 exists as a racemate of both enantiomers of each alkamide; the 6,9-cis- as well as the 6,9-trans-configured diastereomers, the former represents the major, the latter the minor constituent of the mixture. In vitro tests for activity against the human pathogenic parasites Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Plasmodium falciparum revealed that 1 and 3 possess activity against the NF54 strain of the latter (IC50 values of 4.5 and 5.1 µM, respectively) while 2 was almost inactive. Compound 3 was also tested against multiresistant P. falciparum K1 and was found to be even more active against this parasite strain (IC50 = 2.1 µM) with considerable selectivity (IC50 against L6 rat skeletal myoblasts = 168 µM).

  4. Nutritional therapy in pediatric Crohn disease: the specific carbohydrate diet.


    Suskind, David L; Wahbeh, Ghassan; Gregory, Nila; Vendettuoli, Heather; Christie, Dennis


    Crohn disease is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation in the absence of a recognized etiology. Nutritional therapy in the form of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has an established role within pediatric Crohn disease. Following exclusive enteral nutrition's success, many dietary therapies focusing on the elimination of specific complex carbohydrates have been anecdotally reported to be successful. Many of these therapies have not been evaluated scientifically; therefore, we reviewed the medical records of our patients with Crohn disease on the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD). Seven children with Crohn disease receiving the SCD and no immunosuppressive medications were retrospectively evaluated. Duration of the dietary therapy ranged from 5 to 30 months, with an average of 14.6±10.8 months. Although the exact time of symptom resolution could not be determined through chart review, all symptoms were notably resolved at a routine clinic visit 3 months after initiating the diet. Each patient's laboratory indices, including serum albumin, C-reactive protein, hematocrit, and stool calprotectin, either normalized or significantly, improved during follow-up clinic visits. This chart review suggests that the SCD and other low complex carbohydrate diets may be possible therapeutic options for pediatric Crohn disease. Further prospective studies are required to fully assess the safety and efficacy of the SCD, or any other low complex SCDs in pediatric patients with Crohn disease.

  5. Therapeutic modulation of gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease: More questions to be answered.


    Qiao, Yu Qi; Cai, Chen Wen; Ran, Zhi Hua


    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) exhibit impaired control of the microbiome in the gut, and 'dysbiosis' is commonly observed. Western diet is a risk factor for the development of IBD, but it may have different effects on gut microbiota between IBD and non-IBD individuals. Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) can induce remission in pediatric Crohn's disease with a decrease in gut microbial diversity. Although there are some theoretical benefits, actual treatment effects of prebiotics and probiotics in IBD vary. High-quality studies have shown that VSL#3 (a high-potency probiotic medical food containing eight different strains) exhibits benefits in treating ulcerative colitis, and gut microbial diversity is reduced after treated with VSL#3 in animal models. The effect of fecal microbiome transplantation on IBD is controversial. Increasing microbial diversity compared with impaired handling of bacteria presents a dilemma. Antibiotics are the strongest factors in the reduction of microbiome ecological diversity. Some antibiotics may help to induce remission of the disease. Microbiome alteration has been suggested to be an intrinsic property of IBD and a potential predictor in diagnosis and prognosis. However, the effects of therapeutic modulations are variable; thus, more questions remain to be answered. © 2016 Chinese Medical Association Shanghai Branch, Chinese Society of Gastroenterology, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  6. Determining heterogeneous deformation for granitic rocks in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak belt, Eastern Desert, Egypt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kassem, Osama M. K.


    Finite-strain was studied in the mylonitic granitic and metasedimentary rocks in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak belt to show a relationship to nappe contacts between the old granitic and metavolcano-sedimentary rocks and to shed light on the heterogeneous deformation for the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak belt. We used the Rf/ϕ and Fry methods on feldspar porphyroclasts, quartz and mafic grains from 7 old granitic and 7 metasedimentary samples in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak belt. The finite-strain data shows that old granitic rocks were moderate to highly deformed and axial ratios in the XZ section range from 3.05 to 7.10 for granitic and metasedimentary rocks. The long axes (X) of the finite-strain ellipsoids trend W/WNW and E/ENE in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak belt. Furthermore, the short axes (Z) are subvertical associated with a subhorizontal foliation. The value of strain magnitudes mainly constants towards the tectonic contacts between the mylonitic granite and metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. The data indicate oblate strain symmetry (flattening strain) in the mylonitic granite rocks. It is suggested that the accumulation of finite strain was formed before or/and during nappe contacts. The penetrative subhorizontal foliation is subparallel to the tectonic contacts with the overlying nappes and foliation was formed during nappe thrusting.

  7. Charge of a quasiparticle in a superconductor

    PubMed Central

    Ronen, Yuval; Cohen, Yonatan; Kang, Jung-Hyun; Haim, Arbel; Rieder, Maria-Theresa; Heiblum, Moty; Mahalu, Diana; Shtrikman, Hadas


    Nonlinear charge transport in superconductor–insulator–superconductor (SIS) Josephson junctions has a unique signature in the shuttled charge quantum between the two superconductors. In the zero-bias limit Cooper pairs, each with twice the electron charge, carry the Josephson current. An applied bias VSD leads to multiple Andreev reflections (MAR), which in the limit of weak tunneling probability should lead to integer multiples of the electron charge ne traversing the junction, with n integer larger than 2Δ/eVSD and Δ the superconducting order parameter. Exceptionally, just above the gap eVSD ≥ 2Δ, with Andreev reflections suppressed, one would expect the current to be carried by partitioned quasiparticles, each with energy-dependent charge, being a superposition of an electron and a hole. Using shot-noise measurements in an SIS junction induced in an InAs nanowire (with noise proportional to the partitioned charge), we first observed quantization of the partitioned charge q = e*/e=n, with n = 1–4, thus reaffirming the validity of our charge interpretation. Concentrating next on the bias region eVSD∼2Δ, we found a reproducible and clear dip in the extracted charge to q ∼0.6, which, after excluding other possibilities, we attribute to the partitioned quasiparticle charge. Such dip is supported by numerical simulations of our SIS structure. PMID:26831071

  8. ATHENA: De Combinatie van een Helderheidsversterker en Thermische Kijker met Kleurweergave (ATHENA: The Combination of a Brightness Amplifier and Thermal Viewer With Color)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    respectievelijk 0 m (a,d), 1 m (b,e) en 2 m (c, f ) afstand van de deuropening. A. 1.2 Scenario 11: Orientatie De individuele beelden van de HV en...controlling office. ] DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT F . Further dissemination only as directed by controlling office or higher DoD authority. Distribution...Statement F is also used when a document does not contain a distribution statement and no distribution statement can be determined. • DISTRIBUTION

  9. Beta Energy Determination with an Anthracene Crystal and with the Feather Method; BETA ENERGIEBEPALING MET EEN ANTHRACENE KRISTAL EN MET DE FEATHER METHODE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Depuydt, H.


    The beta spectra of Au/sup 198/, In/sup 114/ P/sup 32/, Y/sup 90/, and Cs/sup 137/ were determined with a scintillation counter (anthracene crystal) and an amplitude selector. The conversion electron peak of Cs/sup 137/ was used for the determination of the pulse-height energy calibration line. The maximum beta energy was determined by means of a Fermi-Curie analysis of the spectra, and the results were 0.928 plus or minus 0.05 Mev for Au/sup 198/, 2.10 plus or minus 0.02 Mev for In/sup 114/, 1/703 plus or minus 0.018 Mev for P/sup 32/, 2.42 plus or minus 0.02 Mev for Y/sup 90/,more » and 0.522 plus or minus 0.010 and 1.28 plus or minus 0.31 Mev for Cs/sup 137/. The maximum beta energy determination was made by means of the absorption curve to which the Feather analysis was applied (the absorption curve of P/sup 32/ serving as a standard). The results were 0.947 Mev for Au/sup 198/ and 2.02 Mev for In/sup 114/ . (tr-auth)« less

  10. Inventarisatie van Functionele Gebruikerseisen voor een Geografisch Informatie Systeem (Plan of Action ’Survey of Functional Requirements for a Geographical Information System’)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bjlagen 1 ’X DCK- RAPPORTENCENTRALZ Frederikkazerle, Geb. 140 van den Burchlaan 31 9 2 0:3 1 ~Telefoon: 070-3166394/6395 6 Postbus 90701 2509 LS Den...DOELSTELLING 8 4 PROJECrORGANISATIE 9 5 WERKPLANNING 12 5.1 Uitgangspuflten 12 5.2 Analyse 12 5.3 Ontwerp en implementatie demonstrator 13 5.4...Evaiuatie 13 5.5 Rapportering 13 5.6 Inbrcng krijgsmacht 14 6 KWALITEITSZORG 15 7 CAPACITEIT 16 8 FINANCIERING 17 9 TIJDSPLANNING 18 BIJLAGE A: WERKPAKKETTEN

  11. Women and men in science: creating equal opportunities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slomp, Caroline P.


    In the Netherlands, 17% of professors are women This is one of the lowest percentages for countries in the EU, placing the Netherlands at position 24 in a total of 27. The percentage of women professors is gradually increasing, but at the current growth rate, a gender balance cannot be expected to be reached before 2055 (LNVH, 2015). This underrepresentation of women in leadership positions is all the more surprising given the nearly equal numbers of male and female students at universities already since the end of the 1980s (CBS, 2010). In my presentation, I will give a personal perspective on the barriers that women face when pursuing a career in science and the types of bias encountered, with specific attention to the role of cultural stereotypes and how these impact the day-to-day life of women in science and contribute to the loss of very talented researchers. I will also discuss strategies that can be developed to work around such issues and the need for further changes in research funding schemes. Finally, I urge both men and women to always speak up when they observe gender bias, for example when women are being overlooked as plenary speakers at conferences, for awards and fellowships, as project or discussion partners and leaders, for positions and for promotion. References: LNVH (Dutch Network of Women Professors), 2015, Monitor Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren. CBS (Statistics Netherlands), 2010. Terugblkken. Een eeuw in statistieken.

  12. Th and U fuel photofission study by NTD for AD-MSR subcritical assembly

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sajo-Bohus, Laszlo; Greaves, Eduardo D.; Davila, Jesus; Barros, Haydn; Pino, Felix; Barrera, Maria T.; Farina, Fulvio


    During the last decade a considerable effort has been devoted for developing energy generating systems based on advanced nuclear technology within the design concepts of GEN-IV. Thorium base fuel systems such as accelerator driven nuclear reactors are one of the often mentioned attractive and affordable options. Several radiotherapy linear accelerators are on the market and due to their reliability, they could be employed as drivers for subcritical liquid fuel assemblies. Bremsstrahlung photons with energies above 5.5MeV, induce (γ,n) and (e,e'n) reactions in the W-target. Resulting gamma radiation and photo or fission neutrons may be absorbed in target materials such as thorium and uranium isotopes to induce sustained fission or nuclear transmutation in waste radioactive materials. Relevant photo driven and photo-fission reaction cross sections are important for actinides 232Th, 238U and 237Np in the radiotherapy machines energy range of 10-20 MV. In this study we employ passive nuclear track detectors (NTD) to determine fission rates and neutron production rates with the aim to establish the feasibility for gamma and photo-neutron driven subcritical assemblies. To cope with these objectives a 20 MV radiotherapy machine has been employed with a mixed fuel target. Results will support further development for a subcritical assembly employing a thorium containing liquid fuel. It is expected that acquired technological knowledge will contribute to the Venezuelan nuclear energy program.

  13. The preparation, in vitro screening and molecular docking of symmetrical bisquaternary cholinesterase inhibitors containing a but-(2E)-en-1,4-diyl connecting linkage.


    Musilek, Kamil; Pavlikova, Ruzena; Marek, Jan; Komloova, Marketa; Holas, Ondrej; Hrabinova, Martina; Pohanka, Miroslav; Dohnal, Vlastimil; Dolezal, Martin; Gunn-Moore, Frank; Kuca, Kamil


    Carbamate inhibitors (e.g. pyridostigmine bromide) are used as a pre-treatment for the prevention of organophosphorus poisoning. They work by blocking the native function of acetylcholinesterases (AChE) and thus protect AChE against irreversible inhibition by organophosphorus compounds. However, carbamate inhibitors are known for their many undesirable side effects related to the carbamylation of AChE. In this paper, we describe 17 novel bisquaternary compounds and have analysed their effect on AChE inhibition. The newly prepared compounds were evaluated in vitro using both human erythrocyte AChE and human plasmatic butyrylcholinesterase. Their inhibitory ability was expressed as the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC₅₀) and then compared to the standard carbamate drugs and two AChE reactivators. One of these novel compounds showed promising AChE inhibition in vitro (nM range) and was better than the currently used standards. Additionally, a kinetic assay confirmed the non-competitive inhibition of hAChE by this novel compound. Consequently, the docking results confirmed the apparent π-π or π-cationic interactions with the key amino acid residues of hAChE and the binding of the chosen compound at the enzyme catalytic site.

  14. The Physiological Basis for Thermal Comfort in Different Climates; a Preliminary Study (De fysiologische basis voor thermisch comfort onder diverse klimatologische omstandigheden; een voorstudie),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Thermal comfort is very important for optimal functioning of humans. It gives information about the thermal state of the body, by which the human...receptors and sending efferent information to the effectors by which the body controls its temperature. Thermal comfort is determined by the thermal comfort are core temperature, temperature of the extremities and temperature of the environment. In local thermal comfort and pain

  15. Dangerous Substance Advisor: Een Expert Systeem voor het Classificeren van Gevaarlijke Stoffen (Dangerous Substance Advisor: An Expert System for the Classification of Dangerous Substances)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    acid-chloride 5. - acid-fluoride 6. - acid-dibromidde 7. - acid-dichioride 8. - acid-difluoride 9 . - acid-tribromide 10. - acid-trichloride 11 ...zeer 3 1 3 gewoon 3 11 4 weinig 3 111 5 Brandbare vaste stof zeer 4.1 1 6 gewoon 4.1 11 7 weinig 4.1 111 8 Zeif ontbrandbare stof zeer 4.2 1 9 gewoon...I (S) 31 gewoon 8 11 (S) 33 weinig 8 111 (S) 35 Overige gevaren 9 36 TNO rapport Bijiage B Pgn B.1 BULAGE B: RANGORDE VAN GEVAARSEIGENSCHAPPEN

  16. Strategic Capacity RNLA Central Maintenance Depot for Electronic Materials (ECW), Investigation into the Future Workload of ECW. (Strategische Omvang Elektronische Centrale Werkplaats (ECW) onderzoek naar de toekomstige werkiast van ECW)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    9 2. Werkterrein van ECW ....................................................................... 11 3. Planning van instandhouding binnen de KL...onderhoud chemisch: calibratie en onderhoud 9 Simulatoren en trainingssytemen 10 PRTL en radlartechnologie algemeen 11 Wapensysteemgebonden elektronica (o.a...trainingssystemen (cel 9 ), PRTL en radar (cel 10), Wapensysteemgebonden elek- tronica (cel 11 ) en Elektronica algemeen (cel 15). Ontwikkelingen en materieel

  17. Thermal and epithermal neutron fluence rate gradient measurements by PADC detectors in LINAC radiotherapy treatments-field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barrera, M. T.; Barros, H.; Pino, F.; Dávila, J.; Sajo-Bohus, L.


    LINAC VARIAN 2100 is where energetic electrons produce Bremsstrahlung radiation, with energies above the nucleon binding energy (E≈5.5MeV). This radiation induce (γ,n) and (e,e'n) reactions mainly in the natural tungsten target material (its total photoneutron cross section is about 4000 mb in a energy range from 9-17 MeV). These reactions may occur also in other components of the system (e.g. multi leaf collimator). During radiation treatment the human body may receive an additional dose inside and outside the treated volume produced by the mentioned nuclear reactions. We measured the neutron density at the treatment table using nuclear track detectors (PADC-NTD). These covered by a boron-converter are employed, including a cadmium filter, to determine the ratio between two groups of neutron energy, i.e. thermal and epithermal. The PADC-NTD detectors were exposed to the radiation field at the iso-center during regular operation of the accelerator. Neutron are determined indirectly by the converting reaction 10B(n,α)7Li the emerging charged particle leave their kinetic energy in the PADC forming a latent nuclear track, enlarged by chemical etching (6N, NaOH, 70°C). Track density provides information on the neutron density through calibration coefficient (˜1.6 104 neutrons /track) obtained by a californium source. We report the estimation of the thermal and epithermal neutron field and its gradient for photoneutrons produced in radiotherapy treatments with 18 MV linear accelerators. It was obsered that photoneutron production have higher rate at the iso-center.

  18. Is pediatric IBD treatment different than in adults?


    Lev-Tzion, R; Turner, D


    The incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) continues to rise in most countries. Approximately 20-25% of IBD patients present before the age of 20, and their management is associated with many unique challenges. These challenges stem both from the inherent differences between children and adults, and from the differences in the nature and course of the disease. Children with IBD are more likely than adults to present with extensive disease ‑ both in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion, as children may present with less typical signs such as poor growth and delayed puberty. In the very young patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the pediatric clinician must consider a broader range of immunological and allergic disorders. Optimal management requires recognition of pediatric patterns of presentation, efficacy and adverse-effect profiles, and understanding monitoring aspects unique to pediatrics. These aspects include pediatric disease-related psychological issues, adherence to therapy and transition to adult care. Inadequate attention to growth, puberty or bone health in childhood can result in long-term consequences, such as impaired adult height and increased risk of fractures. Management of pediatric IBD and prevention of adverse long-term consequences relies on a variety of therapies well-known to the adult practitioner, along with therapies that are not widespread in adults, most notably exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN). The latter is as effective as corticosteroids in achieving clinical remission in children, while achieving better results than corticosteroids with regard to mucosal healing and growth. This review discusses the broad variety of issues that form the basis for management of pediatric IBD.

  19. De Ontwikkeling van een PBPK Model voor VX; Stand van Zaken V013-813 en 207C (The Development of a PBPK Model for VX: Status Report)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ing. H.C. Trap, dr. ir. M.J. van der werd zes maal gesproken over de Schans, ing. L.F. Chau, B.). Lander, invulling en de voortgang van het I.A. Cordia ...dr. ir. M.J. van der Schans, ing. L.F. Chau, J.P. Oostdijk, B.J. Lander, l.A. Cordia 25 TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, vestiging Rijswijk, Marketing en

  20. Preface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sinton, John M.

    This volume is an outgrowth of IUGG Union Symposium 9 held during the 1987 IUGG General Assembly at Vancouver, Canada. This symposium, jointly sponsored by IAVCEI, IASPEI, ICL and IAGA, consisted of 31 presentations ranging in subject matter from melt segregation and melt focusing processes beneath mid-ocean ridges, to the structures of oceanic crust and ophiolite analogues, morphological variations in the accretion process, the structural evolution of specific spreading ridge systems, the interplay between magmatism and rifting, and the chemical and thermal balances involved in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Six of those papers have been expanded in the present volume. These papers constitute several important advances in our understanding of the evolution of mid-ocean ridge systems. The recognition that transverse seismic anisotropy is an important characteristic of oceanic layer 2 (Fryer et al.) has profound implications for interpretations of crustal thicknesses based on seismic data, and appears to explain a longstanding enigma of marine seismology: the apparent thinning of upper crustal layers with age. An analysis of magnetic anomaly data and transform fault azimuths across the boundaries of the Pacific, Easter and Nazca plates (Naar and Hey) has resulted in the calculation of new, instantaneous plate motion models for a significant portion of the south Pacific plate boundaries, in addition to providing important constraints on the recent evolution of the Easter Microplate. A new kinematic model for the evolution of the Gorda Rise (Stoddard) reproduces the complex magnetic lineations of that area, and includes models for the generation of the President Jackson seamount chain. Phase equilibria are used to constrain the nature of magmas parental to differentiated lavas of Icelandic rift zones (Thy); these magmas contrast significantly with those for several other spreading ridges, with implications for the melting regimes operating there. The final two

  1. Global proteomics profiling improves drug sensitivity prediction: results from a multi-omics, pan-cancer modeling approach.


    Ali, Mehreen; Khan, Suleiman A; Wennerberg, Krister; Aittokallio, Tero


    Proteomics profiling is increasingly being used for molecular stratification of cancer patients and cell-line panels. However, systematic assessment of the predictive power of large-scale proteomic technologies across various drug classes and cancer types is currently lacking. To that end, we carried out the first pan-cancer, multi-omics comparative analysis of the relative performance of two proteomic technologies, targeted reverse phase protein array (RPPA) and global mass spectrometry (MS), in terms of their accuracy for predicting the sensitivity of cancer cells to both cytotoxic chemotherapeutics and molecularly targeted anticancer compounds. Our results in two cell-line panels demonstrate how MS profiling improves drug response predictions beyond that of the RPPA or the other omics profiles when used alone. However, frequent missing MS data values complicate its use in predictive modeling and required additional filtering, such as focusing on completely measured or known oncoproteins, to obtain maximal predictive performance. Rather strikingly, the two proteomics profiles provided complementary predictive signal both for the cytotoxic and targeted compounds. Further, information about the cellular-abundance of primary target proteins was found critical for predicting the response of targeted compounds, although the non-target features also contributed significantly to the predictive power. The clinical relevance of the selected protein markers was confirmed in cancer patient data. These results provide novel insights into the relative performance and optimal use of the widely applied proteomic technologies, MS and RPPA, which should prove useful in translational applications, such as defining the best combination of omics technologies and marker panels for understanding and predicting drug sensitivities in cancer patients. Processed datasets, R as well as Matlab implementations of the methods are available at mehreen

  2. [Wide support for oocyte donation and banking in the Netherlands].


    Bos, Annelies M E; Klapwijk, Petra; Fauser, Bart C J M


    To assess the general consensus on the cryopreservation of oocytes and the introduction of oocyte banking facilities in the Netherlands. Poll investigation A poll with the use of an online questionnaire was conducted among nearly 19,000 participants of the Dutch EenVandaag opinion panel in May 2011. The poll results were adjusted to the Dutch population based on data from the Dutch Central Office for Statistics for age, gender, education, marital status, geographical area and political preference (measured according to the lower house elections of 2010). The primary endpoints were the percentages of supporters of oocyte freezing for own future use and of the concept of introducing oocyte banking facilities in The Netherlands. The secondary endpoints were the demographic differences between supporters and opponents. Approximately half of 18.911 participants supported oocyte freezing (47%). Fifty-percent of all participants supported oocyte banking in the Netherlands. Supporters of oocyte freezing were mainly women ≤ 45 years of age, who are highly educated and have no children. Four percent of the participating women aged ≤ 45 years would seriously consider obtaining donor oocytes from an available oocyte banking facility. Twelve percent of the participating women ≤ 45 years of age said they would definitely donate their oocytes or would seriously consider donating. Thirty-seven percent of all participants were against the introduction of oocyte banking facilities. The most important arguments against oocyte freezing were that women should reproduce during normal reproductive years and that it was not medically necessary. Poll results showed much support for oocyte freezing and for the introduction of oocyte banking facilities in the Netherlands. In addition, the poll shows that oocyte banking facilities would fulfil a need in the population.

  3. A sequence upstream of canonical PDZ-binding motif within CFTR COOH-terminus enhances NHERF1 interaction.


    Sharma, Neeraj; LaRusch, Jessica; Sosnay, Patrick R; Gottschalk, Laura B; Lopez, Andrea P; Pellicore, Matthew J; Evans, Taylor; Davis, Emily; Atalar, Melis; Na, Chan-Hyun; Rosson, Gedge D; Belchis, Deborah; Milewski, Michal; Pandey, Akhilesh; Cutting, Garry R


    The development of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) targeted therapy for cystic fibrosis has generated interest in maximizing membrane residence of mutant forms of CFTR by manipulating interactions with scaffold proteins, such as sodium/hydrogen exchange regulatory factor-1 (NHERF1). In this study, we explored whether COOH-terminal sequences in CFTR beyond the PDZ-binding motif influence its interaction with NHERF1. NHERF1 displayed minimal self-association in blot overlays (NHERF1, K d = 1,382 ± 61.1 nM) at concentrations well above physiological levels, estimated at 240 nM from RNA-sequencing and 260 nM by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in sweat gland, a key site of CFTR function in vivo. However, NHERF1 oligomerized at considerably lower concentrations (10 nM) in the presence of the last 111 amino acids of CFTR (20 nM) in blot overlays and cross-linking assays and in coimmunoprecipitations using differently tagged versions of NHERF1. Deletion and alanine mutagenesis revealed that a six-amino acid sequence 1417 EENKVR 1422 and the terminal 1478 TRL 1480 (PDZ-binding motif) in the COOH-terminus were essential for the enhanced oligomerization of NHERF1. Full-length CFTR stably expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells fostered NHERF1 oligomerization that was substantially reduced (∼5-fold) on alanine substitution of EEN, KVR, or EENKVR residues or deletion of the TRL motif. Confocal fluorescent microscopy revealed that the EENKVR and TRL sequences contribute to preferential localization of CFTR to the apical membrane. Together, these results indicate that COOH-terminal sequences mediate enhanced NHERF1 interaction and facilitate the localization of CFTR, a property that could be manipulated to stabilize mutant forms of CFTR at the apical surface to maximize the effect of CFTR-targeted therapeutics. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  4. A sequence upstream of canonical PDZ-binding motif within CFTR COOH-terminus enhances NHERF1 interaction

    PubMed Central

    Sharma, Neeraj; LaRusch, Jessica; Sosnay, Patrick R.; Gottschalk, Laura B.; Lopez, Andrea P.; Pellicore, Matthew J.; Evans, Taylor; Davis, Emily; Atalar, Melis; Na, Chan-Hyun; Rosson, Gedge D.; Belchis, Deborah; Milewski, Michal; Pandey, Akhilesh


    The development of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) targeted therapy for cystic fibrosis has generated interest in maximizing membrane residence of mutant forms of CFTR by manipulating interactions with scaffold proteins, such as sodium/hydrogen exchange regulatory factor-1 (NHERF1). In this study, we explored whether COOH-terminal sequences in CFTR beyond the PDZ-binding motif influence its interaction with NHERF1. NHERF1 displayed minimal self-association in blot overlays (NHERF1, Kd = 1,382 ± 61.1 nM) at concentrations well above physiological levels, estimated at 240 nM from RNA-sequencing and 260 nM by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in sweat gland, a key site of CFTR function in vivo. However, NHERF1 oligomerized at considerably lower concentrations (10 nM) in the presence of the last 111 amino acids of CFTR (20 nM) in blot overlays and cross-linking assays and in coimmunoprecipitations using differently tagged versions of NHERF1. Deletion and alanine mutagenesis revealed that a six-amino acid sequence 1417EENKVR1422 and the terminal 1478TRL1480 (PDZ-binding motif) in the COOH-terminus were essential for the enhanced oligomerization of NHERF1. Full-length CFTR stably expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells fostered NHERF1 oligomerization that was substantially reduced (∼5-fold) on alanine substitution of EEN, KVR, or EENKVR residues or deletion of the TRL motif. Confocal fluorescent microscopy revealed that the EENKVR and TRL sequences contribute to preferential localization of CFTR to the apical membrane. Together, these results indicate that COOH-terminal sequences mediate enhanced NHERF1 interaction and facilitate the localization of CFTR, a property that could be manipulated to stabilize mutant forms of CFTR at the apical surface to maximize the effect of CFTR-targeted therapeutics. PMID:27793802

  5. The Protective Effects of Exclusive Enteral Nutrition Formulas on Growth Factor Expression and the Proximal Tibial Epiphyseal Growth Plate in a TNBS-Induced IBD Rat Model.


    Shi, Jieru; Huang, Zhiheng; Wang, Yuhuan; Huang, Ying


    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of nutritional formulas in a rat model of TNBS-induced IBD. IBD was induced with TNBS in 4-week-old rats that were then fed different exclusive enteral nutrition diets for 7 days. The length of the tibia and the number of chondrocytes in the proximal tibias were analyzed at 7 days after supplementation. Immunohistochemical analysis, ELISA and real-time PCR were performed to evaluate the levels of growth hormone receptor (GHR) and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR), the growth factors IGF-I and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) , bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and BMP-6 respectively. The results demonstrated that the tibia length of the peptide formula group was longer than that of the IBD-Modulen(®) formula and normal diet groups (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the number of chondrocytes of the proximal tibial was more pronounced in the peptide formula group compared to the other groups (P < 0.05). The peptide formula was also more effective in increasing the expression of GHR compared to the other groups (P < 0.05), while the expression of IGF-IR was not significantly different (P > 0.05). In addition, the IGF-I and IGFBP3 levels were more pronounced in the peptide formula supplement group (P < 0.05), and the expression of BMP-2 and BMP-6 mRNA in the proximal tibia growth plate from the peptide formula group was higher than that in the ordinary formula and normal diet groups (P < 0.05). EEN, and particularly a peptide formula, exerted protective effects on the proximal tibial epiphyseal growth plate in a TNBS-induced IBD model.

  6. Estimating solid waste generation by hospitality industry during major festivals: A quantification model based on multiple regression.


    Abdulredha, Muhammad; Al Khaddar, Rafid; Jordan, David; Kot, Patryk; Abdulridha, Ali; Hashim, Khalid


    Major-religious festivals hosted in the city of Kerbala, Iraq, annually generate large quantities of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) which negatively impacts the environment and human health when poorly managed. The hospitality sector, specifically hotels, is one of the major sources of MSW generated during these festivals. Because it is essential to establish a proper waste management system for such festivals, accurate information regarding MSW generation is required. This study therefore investigated the rate of production of MSW from hotels in Kerbala during major festivals. A field questionnaire survey was conducted with 150 hotels during the Arba'een festival, one of the largest festivals in the world, attended by about 18 million participants, to identify how much MSW is produced and what features of hotels impact on this. Hotel managers responded to questions regarding features of the hotel such as size (Hs), expenditure (Hex), area (Ha) and number of staff (Hst). An on-site audit was also carried out with all participating hotels to estimate the mass of MSW generated from these hotels. The results indicate that MSW produced by hotels varies widely. In general, it was found that each hotel guest produces an estimated 0.89 kg of MSW per day. However, this figure varies according to the hotels' rating. Average rates of MSW production from one and four star hotels were 0.83 and 1.22 kg per guest per day, respectively. Statistically, it was found that the relationship between MSW production and hotel features can be modelled with an R 2 of 0.799, where the influence of hotel feature on MSW production followed the order Hs > Hex > Hst. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Precise determination of triple Sr isotopes (δ⁸⁷Sr and δ⁸⁸Sr) using MC-ICP-MS.


    Liu, Hou-Chun; You, Chen-Feng; Huang, Kuo-Fang; Chung, Chuan-Hsiung


    The non-traditional stable strontium (Sr) isotopes have received increasing attention recently as new geochemical tracers for studying Sr isotopic fractionation and source identification. This has been attributed to the advancement in multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), allows to determine precisely and simultaneously of the triple Sr isotopes. In this study, we applied a modified empirical external normalization (EEN) MC-ICPMS procedure for mass bias correction in Sr isotopic measurement using (92)Zr/(90)Zr. High-purity Zr Standard was spiked into sample solutions and the degree of fractionation was calculated off-line using an exponential law. The long-term external reproducibility for NIST SRM 987 δ(87)Sr and δ(88)Sr was better than 0.040‰ and 0.018‰ (2SD), respectively. The IAPSO standard seawater was used as a secondary standard to validate the analytical protocol and the absolute ratios measured were 0.709161±0.000018 for (87)Sr/(86)Sr, 0.177±0.021‰ for δ(87)Sr, and 0.370±0.026‰ for δ(88)Sr (2SD, n=7). These values are in good agreement with the literature data analyzed by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) double spike technique. Rock standards, BHVO-2, BCR-2 and AGV-2 were also analyzed to validate the robustness of the methodology and showed identical results with literature data. Compared to previous (91)Zr/(90)Zr correction, we obtained improved results based on (92)Zr/(90)Zr, probably due to similar mass difference between (92)Zr/(90)Zr and measured Sr isotopes. The new analytical protocol presented in this study not only improves the analytical precision but also increases sample efficiency by omitting the use of the standard-sample bracketing (SSB) procedure. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Timelike Compton Scattering off the nucleon: observables and experimental perspectives for JLab at 12 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boër, Marie


    Hard exclusive processes such as photoproduction or electroproduction of photon or meson off the nucleon provide access to the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), in the regime where the scattering amplitude is factorized into a hard and a soft part. GPDs contain the correlation between the longitudinal momentum fraction and the transverse spatial densities of quarks and gluons in the nucleon. Timelike Compton Scattering (TCS) correspond to the reaction γN → γ*N → e+e-N, where the photon is scattered off a quark. It is measured through its interference with the associated Bethe-Heitler process, which has the same final state. TCS allows to access the GPDs and test their universality by comparison to the results obtained with the DVCS process (eN → eγN). Also, results obtained with TCS provide additional independent constrains to the GPDs parameterization. We will present the physical motivations for TCS, with our theoretical predictions for TCS observables and their dependencies. We calculated for JLab 12 GeV energies all the single and double beam and/or target polarization observables off the proton and off the neutron. We will also present the experimental perspectives for the next years at JLab. Two proposals were already accepted at JLab: in Hall B, with the CLAS12 spectrometer, in order to measure the unpolarized cross section and in Hall A, with the SoLID spectrometer, in order to measure the unpolarized cross section and the beam spin asymmetry at high intensity. A Letter Of Intent was also submitted in order to measure the transverse target spin asymmetries in Hall C. We will discuss the merits of this different experiments and present some of the expected results.

  9. A Combined Use of Decomposition and Texture for Terrain Classification of Fully Polarimetric SAR Images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodionova, N. V.


    This p aper presents two-stag e unsupervised terrain classification of fully polarimetr ic SA R data using Freeman and Durden decomposition based on three simp le scattering mechanisms: surface, volume and double bounce (first step), and textur al features (uncorrelated uniformity , contr ast, inv erse mo men t and entropy) obtained from grey lev el co-occurrence matr ices (GLCM) (second step). Textural f eatures ar e defined in moving w indow 5x5 pixels w ith N=32 (N - number of grey lev els) . This algorith m preserves th e purity of domin ant polarimetric scattering properties and defines textural features in each scatter ing category. It is shown better object discrimin ation after app lying textur e w ith in fix ed scattering category. Speckle r eduction is one of th e main mo ments in imag e interpr etation improvement because of its great influen ce on textur e. Results from unfiltered and Lee filtered polar imetr ic SAR imag es show that the v alues of contrast and en tropy decr ease and th e values of uniformity and inverse moment increase with speckle reduction, that's tru e for all polarizations (HH, VV, HV). Th e d iscr imination b etw een objects increases after speckle f ilter ing. Polar ization influen ce on textur e features is def ined by calculating th e features in SAR images w ith HH , VV and HV polarizations before and after speck le filter ing, and then creating RG B images. It is shown mor e polarization inf luence on textur e features (uniformity , inverse mo ment and entropy) before filtering and less influen ce - after speck le f iltering. I t's not true for contrast wher e polar ization influen ce is not ch anged practically w ith filtering. SIR-C/X-SA R SLC L-band imag es of Moscow r egion are used for illustr ation.

  10. Radio Sounding Techniques for the Galilean Icy Moons and their Jovian Magnetospheric Environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Green, James L.; Markus, Thursten; Fung, Shing F.; Benson, Robert F.; Reinich, Bodo W.; Song, Paul; Gogineni, S. Prasad; Cooper, John F.; Taylor, William W. L.; Garcia, Leonard


    Radio sounding of the Earth's topside ionosphere and magnetosphere is a proven technique from geospace missions such as the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) and the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE). Application of this technique to Jupiter's icy moons and the surrounding Jovian magnetosphere will provide unique remote sensing observations of the plasma and magnetic field environments and the subsurface conductivities, of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Spatial structures of ionospheric plasma above the surfaces of the moons vary in response to magnetic-field perturbations from (1) magnetospheric plasma flows, (2) ionospheric currents from ionization of sputtered surface material, and (3) induced electric currents in salty subsurface oceans and from the plasma flows and ionospheric currents themselves. Radio sounding from 3 kHz to 10 MHz can provide the global electron densities necessary for the extraction of the oceanic current signals and supplements in-situ plasma and magnetic field measurements. While radio sounding requires high transmitter power for subsurface sounding, little power is needed to probe the electron density and magnetic field intensity near the spacecraft. For subsurface sounding, reflections occur at changes in the dielectric index, e.g., at the interfaces between two different phases of water or between water and soil. Variations in sub-surface conductivity of the icy moons can be investigated by radio sounding in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 50 MHz, allowing the determination of the presence of density and solid-liquid phase boundaries associated with oceans and related structures in overlying ice crusts. The detection of subsurface oceans underneath the icy crusts of the Jovian moons is one of the primary objectives of the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) mission. Preliminary modeling results show that return signals are clearly distinguishable be&een an ice crust with a thickness of

  11. Determination of (87)Sr/(86)Sr and δ(88/86)Sr ratios in plant materials using MC-ICP-MS.


    Liu, Hou-Chun; Chung, Chuan-Hsiung; You, Chen-Feng; Chiang, Yi-Hsuan


    A protocol for highly accurate and precise determination of Sr isotope ratios in plant materials, (87)Sr/(86)Sr and δ (88/86)Sr, by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) is presented in this study. An Eichrom Sr resin was used for matrix separation and an improved Zr empirical external normalization coupled with standard-sample bracketing method (Zr EEN-SSB) was applied to mass bias correction during Sr isotope MC-ICP-MS measurements. Potential influences of matrix elements, and polyatomic and isobaric interferences on the Sr isotopic determination were further evaluated using NIST SRM 987 Sr isotopic standard spiked with various amount of Ca, Mg, and Rb contents. Concentrations of Ca and Mg lower than 30 ng g(-1) or Rb < 2 ng g(-1) in 150 ng g(-1) Sr analyte were estimated to have only a minor effect on Sr isotope ratios determination. On the other hand, intensity differences between sample and standards (IntSample/IntStandards) represented a large δ (88/86)Sr deviation of <0.9 or >1.3, reflecting the significance of intensity bias attributed to different mass bias behavior. An apple leaf material, NIST SRM 1515, was adopted as the plant material for overall evaluation of sample digestion, matrix separation, and potential spectral interferences on the measurements of Sr isotope ratios. Our results suggest that the partially remaining organic compounds in the incomplete digestion would have a significant bias on the extraction chromatography procedure, resulting in sizable uncertainty in δ (88/86)Sr ratios. Thus, complete digestion of the organic-enriched materials is of great importance for efficiency assurance in matrix separation. Extraction chromatography works well for the total digested samples, where Ca, Mg, and Rb were efficiently removed. The obtained average (87)Sr/(86)Sr and δ (88/86)Sr values for the NIST SRM 1515 apple leaves are 0.71398 ± 0.00004 and 0.23 ± 0.03‰ (2SD, n = 10

  12. Measuring Low-PRF Pulsed Signals with a Standard HP 8510B Vector Network Analyzer Within Milliseconds (Het Meten van Lage-PRF Gepulste Signalen met een Standaard HP 8510B Vector Network Analyzer Binnen Enkele Milliseconden)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    reference signal 25 5 A METHOD FOR MEASURING LOW-PRF PULSED SIGNALS 28 5.1 Using a NWA with a smaller BPF 28 5.2 Using the HP 8510B external trigger...2nd LO 11Q 3MHz BPF lOkHz BPF Fig. 4: Receiver block diagram The receiver is a double conversion superheterodyne with a 10 kHz wide BandPass Filter... BPF ) in the second IF. This 10 kHz filter is the component that dictates how the HP 8510B responds to pulsed signals. For the pulsed-RF test signal

  13. The Influence of Protection, Mobility and Risk Perception on the Behaviour and Physical Performance of a Combat Soldier (De Invloed van Bescherming, Mobiliteit en Risicoperceptie op het Gedrag en de Fysieke Prestatie van een Gevechtssoldaat)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2004). The trade off between protection and performance for dismounted infantry in the assault. Personal Armour System Symposium, PASS-2004, Kijkduin...of protection, mobility and risk perception on the behaviour and physical performance of a combat soldier Date December 2006 Author(s...behaviour and physical performance of a combat soldier Programmanummer Projectnummer V205 014.16190 Program maplanning Projectplannlng Start 01-04-2003

  14. The Detroit Young Adult Asthma Project: Proposal for a Multicomponent Technology Intervention for African American Emerging Adults With Asthma.


    MacDonell, Karen; Naar, Sylvie; Gibson-Scipio, Wanda; Bruzzese, Jean-Marie; Wang, Bo; Brody, Aaron


    complete a series of computer-delivered asthma education modules matched for length, location, and method of delivery of the intervention session. Control participants will also receive text messages between intervention sessions. Message content will be the same for all control participants and contain general facts about asthma (not tailored). It is hypothesized that youth randomized to multicomponent technology-based intervention will show improvements in medication adherence (primary outcome) and asthma control (secondary outcome) compared with comparison condition at all postintervention follow-ups (3, 6, 9, and 12 months). The proposed study was funded by NHLBI from September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2021. This project will test a brief, technology-based intervention specifically targeting adherence to asthma controller medications in an under-researched population, African American emerging adults. If successful, our multicomponent technology-based intervention aimed at improving adherence to asthma medications has the potential to improve quality of life of minority emerging adults with asthma at relatively low cost. It could eventually be integrated into clinical settings and practice to reach a large number of emerging adults with asthma. NCT03121157; (Archived by WebCite at ©Karen MacDonell, Sylvie Naar, Wanda Gibson-Scipio, Jean-Marie Bruzzese, Bo Wang, Aaron Brody. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (, 07.05.2018.

  15. Structural evolution and tectonic context of the Mfongosi Group, Natal thrust front, Tugela terrane, South Africa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Basson, I. J.; Watkeys, M. K.; Phillips, D.


    intrusion, suggests that thrusting and/or mylonite-forming events migrated southwards throughout the Natal Metamorphic Province, being separated by approximately 25 million years. Thrusting and/or mylonite-forming events occurred in the nappe zone from ca. 1135 Ma to 1077 Ma, followed by a period of "quiescence" during which granites intruded, in turn followed by late-tectonic deformation of the southern Mzumbe and Margate terranes from ca. 1004 Ma to 970 Ma. Such a scenario supports previously-proposed indentation models with their implications of oblique convergence and late-tectonic escape of island arcs to the E/ENE (African azimuths).

  16. Hartley and Itokawa: small comet and asteroid with similar morphologies and structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kochemasov, G. G.


    " Orbits ma ke s tructures " [1-3]. This three-word sentence means that as all cosmic bodies moves in non-circular keplerian orbits they all are subjected to an action of inertia -gravity warping waves. These waves arise in bodies as a result of periodically changing accelerations causing inertia-gravity forces. These forces are absorbed by bodies masses and make them to warp. This warping is smoothed by gravity making globular shapes of the larger bodies. But smaller bodies with rather weak gravity keep their warped shapes. The wave nature warping happens in four interfering direct ions (ortho - and diagonal) and in various wavelengths. The fundamental wave 1 long 2π R makes ubiquitous tectonic dichotomy: an oppos ition of the uplifted segment-hemisphere and the subsided one. For small bodies a result of this is in their convexo-concave shape [3] (Fig. 1-7). The uplifted bulging segment expands and is breaking by cracks, faults, rifts. The opposed subsided concave segment contracts. As a result in the middle of an oblong body is formed a narrow thoroughly squeezed and degassed portion - a neck or waist (wringed out wet linen). Subsequently here at a weakened place could happen a break - formation of binaries, polycomponental bodies, satellites. Figures 1 to 4 show development stages of small bodies leading to a full separation of two parts. Traces of warping waves of four directions are often seen on surfaces of many celestial bodies as cross -cutting lineations. A recent example of the small core of the Hartley 2 comet (2 km long) is very impressive. At received points of view are clearly seen at least three ortho- and diagonal lineations often marked by small outgassing craters (Fig. 1). Crossing lineations produce square forms (craters ) earlier s een on the Eros ' s urface. Wave comp res s ion lineations make the Hart ley 2 t o appear as a wafer ca ke. A " wa is t" (neck) is formed as a res ult of nearing a concave depression, from one side, and deep cracks

  17. Structure and deformation history of the northern range of Trinidad and adjacent areas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Algar, S. T.; Pindell, J. L.


    Conflicting models have been proposed for both the evolution of northern South America and the neotectonics of the south Caribbean plate boundary zone. The Trinidadian portion of the margin is particularly controversial, but surprisingly it has been little studied. We present a structural analysis of Trinidad's Northern Range, pertinent updates of the island's stratigraphy and sedimentology, and new zircon fission track age determinations, and use them to constrain Trinidad's geologic history, and to better understand the controlling tectonic processes. In our interpretation Trinidad's three E-ENE striking ranges, which are separated by late Neogene-Recent depocenters, expose (1) the Northern Range Group, generally greenschist-metamorphosed Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous north facing continental slope sediments of the Northern Range, deposited on the northern South American passive margin 200-400 km to the WNW, and (2) the Trinidad Group, Cretaceous-Paleogene shelf slope sediments of the central and southern Trinidad deposited less than 100 km WNW of their present location. A small allochthon composing the Sans Souci Group Cretaceous tholeiitic volcaniclastic, basaltic, and gabbroic rocks (Sans Souci Formation) and sediments (Toco Formation) now in the northeastern Northern Range, has been transported hundreds of kilometers from the west with the Caribbean Plate. Despite earlier references to Cretaceous orogenesis, all deformation in Trinidad is of Cenozoic age. The first deformation in the Northern Range (D1) formed north vergent nappes and induced greenschist metamorphism, probably in the Late Eocene or Oligocene. The nappes developed either by the underthrusting of the Proto-Caribbean crust beneath South America due to convergence between North and South America, or as gravity slides caused by oversteepening induced by this convergence and/or the passage of the Caribbean Plate's peripheral bulge and arrival of its foredeep. Northern Range D2 deformation is south

  18. Structures, bonding, and reaction chemistry of the neutral organogallium(I) compounds (GaAr)n(n = 1 or 2) (Ar = terphenyl or related ligand): an experimental investigation of Ga-Ga multiple bonding.


    Hardman, Ned J; Wright, Robert J; Phillips, Andrew D; Power, Philip P


    with sodium readily gave Na(2)[Ar*GaGaAr*] (13) and Na(2)(Ar'GaGaAr') (14). The former species 13 had been synthesized previously by reduction of GaAr*Cl(2) with sodium and was described as having a Ga-Ga triple bond because of the short Ga-Ga distance and the electronic relationship between [Ar*GaGaAr*](2-) and the corresponding neutral group 14 alkyne analogues. Compound 14 has a similar structure featuring a trans-bent CGaGaC core, bridged by sodiums which were also coordinated to the flanking aryl rings of the Ar' ligands. The Ga-Ga bond length was found to be 2.347(1) A, which is slightly (ca. 0.02 A) longer than that reported for 13. Reaction of Ga[N(Dipp)C(Me)](2)CH, 15 (i.e., GaN(wedge)NDipp(2)), which is sterically related to 1, 4, and 6, with Fe(CO)(5) yielded Dipp(2)N(wedge)NGaFe(CO)(4) (16), whose Ga-Fe bond is slightly longer than that observed in 11. Reaction of the less bulky LiAr"(Ar"= C(6)H(3)-2,6-Mes(2)) with "GaI" afforded the new paramagnetic cluster Ga(11)Ar(4)" (17). The ready dissociation of 1, 4, and 6 in solution, the long Ga-Ga distance in 6, and the chemistry of these compounds showed that the Ga-Ga bonds are significantly weaker than single bonds. The reduction of 1 and 6 with sodium to give 13 and 14 supplies two electrons to the di-gallium unit to generate a single bond (in addition to the weak interaction in the neutral precursor) with retention of the trans-bent geometry. It was concluded that the stability of 13 and 14 depends on the matching size of the sodium ion, and the presence of Na-Ga and Na-Ar interactions that stabilize their Na(2)Ga(2) core structures.