Sample records for nixtamalization

  1. Reduction of Fumonisin Toxicity by Extrusion and Nixtamalization (Alkaline Cooking).


    Voss, Kenneth; Ryu, Dojin; Jackson, Lauren; Riley, Ronald; Gelineau-van Waes, Janee


    Fumonisins are mycotoxins found in corn. They are toxic to animals and cause cancer in rodents and neural tube defects in LM/Bc mice. Reducing their concentrations in corn-based foods is therefore desirable. Chemical analysis or in vitro bioassays of food extracts might not detect toxic fumonisin reaction products that are unknown or unextractable from food matrices, thus potentially underestimating in vivo toxicity. The effectiveness of two common cooking methods, extrusion and nixtamalization (alkaline cooking), to reduce the toxicity of fumonisin-contaminated corn grits (extrusion) and whole kernel corn (nixtamalization) was shown by means of rat feeding bioassays using fumonisin-specific kidney effects as indicators of potential toxicity. A third bioassay showed that in contrast to fumonisin B 1 (FB 1 ), hydrolyzed fumonisin B 1 (HFB 1 ; formed from FB 1 during nixtamalization) did not cause neural tube defects in LM/Bc mice. The findings indicate that extrusion and nixtamalization reduce the potential toxicity of FB 1 -contaminated corn.

  2. Nixtamalization Process Affects Resistant Starch Formation and Glycemic Index of Tamales.


    Mariscal-Moreno, Rosa María; de Dios Figueroa Cárdenas, Juan; Santiago-Ramos, David; Rayas-Duarte, Patricia; Veles-Medina, José Juan; Martínez-Flores, Héctor Eduardo


    Tamales were prepared with 3 nixtamalization processes (traditional, ecological, and classic) and evaluated for chemical composition, starch properties, and glycemic index. Resistant starch (RS) in tamales increased 1.6 to 3.7 times compared to raw maize. This increment was due to the starch retrogradation (RS3) and amylose-lipid complexes (RS5) formation. Tamales elaborated with classic and ecological nixtamalization processes exhibited the highest total, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber content, and the highest RS content and lower in vivo glycemic index compared to tamales elaborated with traditional nixtamalization process. Thermal properties of tamales showed 3 endotherms: amylopectin retrogradation (42.7 to 66.6 °C), melting of amylose lipid complex type I (78.8 to 105.4), and melting of amylose-lipid complex type II (110.7 to 129.7). Raw maize exhibited X-ray diffraction pattern type A, after nixtamalization and cooking of tamales it changed to V-type polymorph structure, due to amylose-lipid complexes formation. Tamales from ecological nixtamalization processes could represent potential health benefits associated with the reduction on blood glucose response after consumption. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  3. Nixtamalized flour from quality protein maize (Zea mays L). optimization of alkaline processing.


    Milán-Carrillo, J; Gutiérrez-Dorado, R; Cuevas-Rodríguez, E O; Garzón-Tiznado, J A; Reyes-Moreno, C


    Quality of maize proteins is poor, they are deficient in the essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan. Recently, in Mexico were successfully developed nutritionally improved 26 new hybrids and cultivars called quality protein maize (QPM) which contain greater amounts of lysine and tryptophan. Alkaline cooking of maize with lime (nixtamalization) is the first step for producing several maize products (masa, tortillas, flours, snacks). Processors adjust nixtamalization variables based on experience. The objective of this work was to determine the best combination of nixtamalization process variables for producing nixtamalized maize flour (NMF) from QPM V-537 variety. Nixtamalization conditions were selected from factorial combinations of process variables: nixtamalization time (NT, 20-85 min), lime concentration (LC, 3.3-6.7 g Ca(OH)2/l, in distilled water), and steep time (ST, 8-16 hours). Nixtamalization temperature and ratio of grain to cooking medium were 85 degrees C and 1:3 (w/v), respectively. At the end of each cooking treatment the steeping started for the required time. Steeping was finished by draining the cooking liquor (nejayote). Nixtamal (alkaline-cooked maize kernels) was washed with running tap water. Wet nixtamal was dried (24 hours, 55 degrees C) and milled to pass through 80-US mesh screen to obtain NMF. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied as optimization technique, over four response variables: In vitro protein digestibility (PD), total color difference (deltaE), water absorption index (WAI), and pH. Predictive models for response variables were developed as a function of process variables. Conventional graphical method was applied to obtain maximum PD, WAI and minimum deltaE, pH. Contour plots of each of the response variables were utilized applying superposition surface methodology, to obtain three contour plots for observation and selection of best combination of NT (31 min), LC (5.4 g Ca(OH)2/l), and ST (8.1 hours) for producing

  4. Antioxidant capacity and antimutagenic activity of anthocyanin and carotenoid extracts from nixtamalized pigmented Creole maize races (Zea mays L.).


    Mendoza-Díaz, Sandra; Ortiz-Valerio, Ma del Carmen; Castaño-Tostado, Eduardo; Figueroa-Cárdenas, Juan de Dios; Reynoso-Camacho, Rosalía; Ramos-Gómez, Minerva; Campos-Vega, Rocio; Loarca-Piña, Guadalupe


    Nixtamalization process is the first step to obtain maize based products, like tortillas; however, in both the traditional and commercial processes, white grain is generally preferred. Creole maize races, mainly pigmented varieties, have increasingly attention since these are rich in anthocyanins and carotenoids. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the antioxidant and antimutagenic activity of rich anthocyanins and carotenoids extracts from creole maize races before (grain) and after (masa and tortilla) the nixtamalization process. Most anthocyanins and carotenoids were lost during nixtamalization. Before nixtamalization, blue and red genotypes contained either higher antioxidant capacity and anthocyanin contents (963 ± 10.0 and 212.36 ± 0.36 mg of cyanidin-3-glucoside eq/100 g, respectively) than the white and yellow genotypes. However, the highest carotenoid levels were displayed by red grains (1.01 ± 0.07 to 1.14 ± 0.08 μg of β-carotene eq/g extract). Anthocyanins losses were observed when the blue grains were processed into masa (83 %) and tortillas (64 %). Anthocyanins content correlated with antiradical activity (r = 0.57) and with 2-aminoanthracene -induced mutagenicity inhibition on TA98 and TA100 (r = -0.62 and r = -0.44, respectively). For white grains, nixtamalization also reduced carotenoids (53 to 56 %), but not antioxidant activity and 2-Aa-induced mutagenicity. Throughout the nixtamalization process steps, all the extracts showed antimutagenic activity against 2-aminoanthracene-induced mutagenicity (23 to 90 %), displaying higher potential to inhibit base changes mutations than frameshift mutations in the genome of the tasted microorganism (TA100 and TA98, respectively). The results suggest that even though there were pigment losses, creole maize pigments show antioxidant and antimutagenic activities after nixtamalization process.

  5. Physicochemical properties of nixtamalized corn flours with and without germ.


    Vega Rojas, Lineth J; Rojas Molina, Isela; Gutiérrez Cortez, Elsa; Rincón Londoño, Natalia; Acosta Osorio, Andrés A; Del Real López, Alicia; Rodríguez García, Mario E


    This research studied the influence of the germ components on the physicochemical properties of cooked corn and nixtamalized corn flours as a function of the calcium hydroxide content (from 0 to 2.1 w/w) and steeping time (between 0 and 9h). A linear relationship was found between calcium content in germ and steeping time used during nixtamalization process. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that calcium carbonate is formed into the germ structure to 2.1 w/w of calcium hydroxide and 9h steeping time. The presence of the germ improves the development of peak viscosity in flours, and it is related to the increases in calcium concentration in germ and the formation of amylose-lipid complexes. No significant changes were observed in palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids of corn oil. The levels of further corn oil deterioration were 2.1 w/w of calcium hydroxide concentration and 9h of steeping time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Nutraceutical properties of flour and tortillas made with an ecological nixtamalization process.


    Méndez, Lilia Irene Rodríguez; Cárdenas, Juan de Dios Figueroa; Gómez, Minerva Ramos; Lagunas, Lilia Leticia Méndez


    The traditional nixtamalization (TN) process, used for obtaining maize-based products, negatively affects bioactive compounds because of its highly alkaline pH. Recently, an ecological nixtamalization (EN) process has been developed that retains the pericarp and maintains the nejayote (wastewater) within the acidic-neutral range. This study examines the effect of pH on the nutraceutical compounds (NC) of maize, such as polyphenolics and anthocyanins (ANT), as well as the effect on the antioxidant capacity (AC). The highest concentration of total phenolics (TP) in the maize kernel was found in the black and yellow genotypes, the highest concentration of ANT in the black genotypes, and the highest concentration of AC in the red and white genotypes. In the flour, TP levels were between 206 to 400 mg GA/100 g, ANT levels were 141 to 4107 mg cyanidin-3 glucoside/kg, and AC levels were 2544 to 3001 mg AA/kg. In tortillas, TP levels were 255 to 319 mg GA/100 g, ANT levels were 32 to 3420 mg cyanidin-3 glucoside/kg, and AC levels were from 1513 to 2695 mg AA/kg. The reduced loss of soluble solids, the pH, and the formation of compounds with proteins and carbohydrates from the EN process positively affected NC retention. © 2013 Institute of Food Technologists®

  7. Phenolic Acids Profiles and Cellular Antioxidant Activity in Tortillas Produced from Mexican Maize Landrace Processed by Nixtamalization and Lime Extrusion Cooking.


    Gaxiola-Cuevas, Nallely; Mora-Rochín, Saraid; Cuevas-Rodriguez, Edith Oliva; León-López, Liliana; Reyes-Moreno, Cuauhtémoc; Montoya-Rodríguez, Alvaro; Milán-Carrillo, Jorge


    Phenolic acids profiles, chemical antioxidant activities (ABTS and ORAC), as well as cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) of tortilla of Mexican native maize landraces elaborated from nixtamalization and lime cooking extrusion processes were studied. Both cooking procedures decreased total phenolics, chemicals antioxidant activity when compared to raw grains. Extruded tortillas retained 79.6-83.5%, 74.1-77.6% and 79.8-80.5% of total phenolics, ABTS and ORAC values, respectively, compared to 47.8-49.8%, 41.3-42.3% and 43.7-44.4% assayed in traditional tortillas, respectively. Approximately 72.5-88.2% of ferulic acid in raw grains and their tortillas were in the bound form. Regarding of the CAA initially found in raw grains, the retained percentage for traditional and extruded tortillas ranged from 47.4 to 48.7% and 72.8 to 77.5%, respectively. These results suggest that Mexican maize landrace used in this study could be considered for the elaboration of nixtamalized and extruded food products with nutraceutical potential.

  8. Effect of lime and wood ash on the nixtamalization of maize and tortilla chemical and nutritional characteristics.


    Pappa, María Renée; de Palomo, Patricia Palacios; Bressani, Ricardo


    The objective of the study was to obtain information on the chemical composition, functional properties, sensory quality and protein value of tortillas made from the nixtamalization of maize using either lime or wood ashes. The Ca, K, Mg, Fe, and Zn content of lime and wood ashes showed lime to be high in Ca content while wood ash contained more K and about 71% of the Ca content of lime. Both contained relatively high levels of Mg, Fe and Zn, but more so in the wood ashes. The level of reagent for nixtamalization was set at 0.8% of the maize weight. All other processing conditions were kept constant. The pH of the cooking solution was 12.0 for lime and 10.9 for wood ash. The moisture content of maize at 60 min of cooking was 45.8% for both treatments, however after 12 h of soaking, moisture level was 51.0% for the lime treatment and only 46.8% for the ash treatment. Solids (2.4%) in the lime cooking liquor were higher than in the wood ash liquor (1.0%). Chemical composition changes were similar between treatments in masa and tortilla; however, both masa and tortillas absorbed relatively high levels of all minerals including Fe and Zn from the wood ash treatment. The different treatment influenced functional properties particularly hardness and color. Tortilla characteristics were also similar. Protein quality of both alkali cooked products was lower than that of raw corn, more so the product from the wood ash treatment. Although some differences were observed in the sensory studies, human subjects did not dislike the wood ash made tortillas.

  9. Production of maize tortillas and cookies from nixtamalized flour enriched with anthocyanins, flavonoids and saponins extracted from black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed coats.


    Chávez-Santoscoy, Rocio A; Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet A; Serna-Saldivar, Sergio O; Perez-Carrillo, Esther


    Ethanolic extract from black beans coat is a source of flavonoids, saponins and antocyanins. Nixtamalized maize flours (NF) are used for the preparation of products such as tortillas, tortillas chips, cookies among others. The objective of this research was to study the effect on textural parameters and color after adding flavonoids, saponins and anthocyanins from black bean seed coat in NF used for the production of tortillas and gluten-free cookies. Furthermore, the retention of bioactive compounds after tortilla and gluten-free-cookie preparation was assessed. Ethanolic extracts of black bean seed coats were added (3g/kg or 7 g/kg) to NF in order to prepare corn tortillas and gluten free cookies characterized in terms of dimensions, color and texture. Addition of 7 g/kg affected the color of cookies and tortillas without effect on texture and dimensions. It was possible to retain more than 80% and 60% of bioactives into baked tortillas and cookies, respectively. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Properties of Particle Size Distribution from Milled White Nixtamalized Corn Kernels as a Function of Steeping Time

    PubMed Central

    Fernández-Muñoz, J. L.; Zapata-Torrez, M.; Márquez-Herrera, A.; Sánchez-Sinencio, F.; Mendoza-Álvarez, J. G.; Meléndez-Lira, M.; Zelaya-Ángel, O.


    This paper focuses on the particle size distribution (PSD) changes during nixtamalized corn kernels (NCK) as a function of the steeping time (ST). The process to obtain powder or corn flour from NCK was as follows: (i) the NCK with different STs were wet-milled in a stone mill, (ii) dehydrated by a Flash type dryer, and (iii) pulverized with a hammer mill and sieved with a 20 mesh. The powder was characterized by measuring the PSD percentage, calcium percentage (CP), peak viscosity at 90°C (PV), and crystallinity percentage (CP). The PSD of the powder as a function of ST was determined by sieving in Ro-TAP equipment. By sieving, five fractions of powder were obtained employing meshes 30, 40, 60, 80, and 100. The final weight of the PSD obtained from the sieving process follows a Gaussian profile with the maximum corresponding to the average particle obtained with mesh 60. The calcium percentage as a function of ST follows a behavior similar to the weight of the PSD. The study of crystallinity versus the mesh number shows that it decreases for smaller mesh number. A similar behavior is observed as steeping time increases, except around ST = 8 h where the gelatinization of starch is observed. The trend of increasing viscosity values of the powder samples occurs when increasing ST and decreasing particle size. The ST significantly changes the crystallinity and viscosity values of the powder and, in both cases, a minimum value is observed in the region 7–9 h. The experimental results show that the viscosity increases (decreases) if the particle size decreases (increases). PMID:27375921

  11. Effect of alkaline cooking of maize on the content of fumonisins B1 and B2 and their hydrolysed forms.


    De Girolamo, A; Lattanzio, V M T; Schena, R; Visconti, A; Pascale, M


    The effect of nixtamalization on the content of fumonisins (FBs), hydrolysed (HFBs) and partially hydrolysed (PHFBs) fumonisins in maize was investigated at laboratory-scale. Maize naturally contaminated with FBs and PHFBs was cooked with lime. Starting raw maize, steeping and washing waters and final masa fractions were analysed for toxin content. Control-cooking experiments without lime were also carried out. The nixtamalization reduced the amount of FBs and PHFBs in masa and converted them to HFBs. However, the three forms of fumonisins collected in all fractions amounted to 183%, indicating that nixtamalization made available forms of matrix-associated fumonisins that were then converted to their hydrolysed forms. Control-cooking enhanced FBs and PHFBs reduction, due to the solubility of fumonisins in water during the steeping process, but did not form HFBs. These findings indicate that benefits associated with enhancing the nutritional value of nixtamalized maize are also associated with a safer product in terms of fumonisin contamination. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Revising the role of pH and thermal treatments in aflatoxin content reduction during the tortilla and deep frying processes.


    Torres, P; Guzmán-Ortiz, M; Ramírez-Wong, B


    Naturally aflatoxin-contaminated corn (Zea mays L.) was made into tortillas, tortilla chips, and corn chips by the traditional and commercial alkaline cooking processes. The traditional nixtamalization (alkaline-cooking) process involved cooking and steeping the corn, whereas the commercial nixtamalization process only steeps the corn in a hot alkaline solution (initially boiling). A pilot plant that includes the cooker, stone grinder, celorio cutter, and oven was used for the experiments. The traditional process eliminated 51.7, 84.5, and 78.8% of the aflatoxins content in tortilla, tortilla chips, and corn chips, respectively. The commercial process was less effective: it removed 29.5, 71.2, and 71.2 of the aflatoxin in the same products. Intermediate and final products did not reach a high enough pH to allow permanent aflatoxin reduction during thermal processing. The cooking or steeping liquor (nejayote) is the only component of the system with a sufficiently high pH (10.2-10.7) to allow modification and detoxification of aflatoxins present in the corn grain. The importance of removal of tip, pericarp, and germ during nixtamalization for aflatoxin reduction in tortilla is evident.

  13. Obtaining ready-to-eat blue corn expanded snacks with anthocyanins using an extrusion process and response surface methodology.


    Escalante-Aburto, Anayansi; Ramírez-Wong, Benjamín; Torres-Chávez, Patricia Isabel; López-Cervantes, Jaime; Figueroa-Cárdenas, Juan de Dios; Barrón-Hoyos, Jesús Manuel; Morales-Rosas, Ignacio; Ponce-García, Néstor; Gutiérrez-Dorado, Roberto


    Extrusion is an alternative technology for the production of nixtamalized products. The aim of this study was to obtain an expanded nixtamalized snack with whole blue corn and using the extrusion process, to preserve the highest possible total anthocyanin content, intense blue/purple coloration (color b) and the highest expansion index. A central composite experimental design was used. The extrusion process factors were: feed moisture (FM, 15%-23%), calcium hydroxide concentration (CHC, 0%-0.25%) and final extruder temperature (T, 110-150 °C). The chemical and physical properties evaluated in the extrudates were moisture content (MC, %), total anthocyanins (TA, mg·kg(-1)), pH, color (L, a, b) and expansion index (EI). ANOVA and surface response methodology were applied to evaluate the effects of the extrusion factors. FM and T significantly affected the response variables. An optimization step was performed by overlaying three contour plots to predict the best combination region. The extrudates were obtained under the following optimum factors: FM (%) = 16.94, CHC (%) = 0.095 and T (°C) = 141.89. The predicted extrusion processing factors were highly accurate, yielding an expanded nixtamalized snack with 158.87 mg·kg(-1) TA (estimated: 160 mg·kg(-1)), an EI of 3.19 (estimated: 2.66), and color parameter b of -0.44 (estimated: 0.10).

  14. Nixtamalization Reduces Fumonisin Toxicity

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Fumonisin B1 is a fungal toxin found in corn and corn-based foods. It causes diseases in animals, and is a suspected risk factor for birth defects in humans depending on contaminated corn as a diet staple. Tortillas, snacks and other foods are made from corn by the alkaline cooking process known as ...

  15. Processing maize flour and corn meal food products

    PubMed Central

    Gwirtz, Jeffrey A; Garcia-Casal, Maria Nieves


    Corn is the cereal with the highest production worldwide and is used for human consumption, livestock feed, and fuel. Various food technologies are currently used for processing industrially produced maize flours and corn meals in different parts of the world to obtain precooked refined maize flour, dehydrated nixtamalized flour, fermented maize flours, and other maize products. These products have different intrinsic vitamin and mineral contents, and their processing follows different pathways from raw grain to the consumer final product, which entail changes in nutrient composition. Dry maize mechanical processing creates whole or fractionated products, separated by anatomical features such as bran, germ, and endosperm. Wet maize processing separates by chemical compound classification such as starch and protein. Various industrial processes, including whole grain, dry milling fractionation, and nixtamalization, are described. Vitamin and mineral losses during processing are identified and the nutritional impacts outlined. Also discussed are the vitamin and mineral contents of corn. PMID:24329576

  16. Effects of CaCO3 treatment on the morphology, crystallinity, rheology and hydrolysis of gelatinized maize starch dispersions.


    Garcia-Diaz, S; Hernandez-Jaimes, C; Escalona-Buendia, H B; Bello-Perez, L A; Vernon-Carter, E J; Alvarez-Ramirez, J


    Using calcium salts instead of lime allows for an ecological nixtamalization of maize grains, where the negative contamination impact of the traditional lime nixtamalization is reduced. This work assessed the effects of calcium carbonate (0.0-2.0%w/w CaCO3) on the morphology, crystallinity, rheology and hydrolysis of gelatinized maize starch dispersions (GMSD). Microscopy analysis showed that CaCO3 changed the morphology of insoluble remnants (ghosts) and decreased the degree of syneresis. Analysis of particle size distribution showed a slight shift to smaller sizes as the CaCO3 was increased. Also, X-ray patterns indicated that crystallinity achieved a minimum value at CaCO3 concentration in the range of 1%w/w. GMSD with higher CaCO3 concentrations exhibited higher thixotropy area and complex viscoelastic behavior that was frequency dependent. A possible mechanism involved in the starch chain modification by CaCO3 is that starch may act as a weak acid ion exchanger capable of exchanging alcoholic group protons for cations (Ca(+2)). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. A novel, simple, economic and effective method for retarding maize tortilla staling.


    Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose; Garcia-Diaz, Samuel; Vernon-Carter, Eduardo Jaime; Bello-Perez, Luis Arturo


    Staling of maize tortillas is a major drawback affecting their manufacture, commercialization and consumption. The development of methods that may help retard staling of maize tortillas is an ongoing research topic. In this work, a novel, simple, economic and effective method is proposed, based on adding completely gelatinized nixtamalized maize flour (GMF) dispersion to the basic masa formulation recipe (water, 600 g kg -1 ; nixtamalized maize flour, 400 g kg -1 ) in substitution of 50, 100 and 150 g kg -1 of water. Masa added with GMF showed increased water retention capacity, reduced freezable water content and improved flow and dynamic rheological properties and produced tortillas with decreased firmness. The infrared 1047/1022 cm -1 spectral ratio indicated that a more disordered starch granule arrangement was formed, while enthalpy peaks associated with starch retrogradation decreased. All the above indicators were more pronounced the higher was the GMF content. This work showed that GMF can play the role of a self-hydrocolloid anti-staling agent by retarding the retrogradation of maize starch and deterring the loss of water and rheological properties of masa and the increase in undesirable sensory characteristics of tortilla such as increased firmness. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.

  18. Evaluation of the lime-cooking and tortilla making properties of quality protein maize hybrids grown in Mexico.


    Serna-Saldivar, Sergio O; Amaya Guerra, Carlos A; Herrera Macias, Pedro; Melesio Cuellar, Jose L; Preciado Ortiz, Ricardo E; Terron Ibarra, Arturo D; Vazquez Carrillo, Gricelda


    Eleven experimental and three commercial white quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids and two regular endosperm controls were planted at Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico with the aim of comparing grain physical characteristics, protein quality, lime-cooking and tortilla making properties. All genotypes were planted under irrigation using a density of 80,000 plants/ha and fertilized with 250 kg N-60 P-60 K per hectare. When compared with the controls these QPM genotypes had lower test (77.4 vs. 76.5 kg/hL) and 1,000 kernel weights (327 vs. 307 g), softer endosperm texture (2.5 vs. 1.8 where 1 = soft, 2 intermediate and 3 hard endosperm), lower protein (10.0 vs. 8.0%), higher nixtamal water uptake after 30 min lime-cooking (50.0 vs. 53.1% moisture) and lower pericarp removal scores. The lower thousand-kernel weight and softer endosperm texture observed in the QPM genotypes lowered the optimum lime-cooking time as estimated with regression equations. Most QPM genotypes had higher amounts of lysine, tryptophan and albumins/globulins when compared with the controls. QPMs HEC 424973, HEC 774986 and HEC 734286 had the best grain traits for nixtamalization and therefore the best potential for industrial utilization. The commercial use of these QPM hybrids should benefit Mexicans who depend on tortillas as the main staple.

  19. Effect of hydrolysis enzymatic process of corn using protease crude (Rhizopus oligosporus-C1) to produce corn hydrolisate rich folic acid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maryati, Yati; Susilowati, Agustine; Melanie, Hakiki; Lotulung, Puspa D.


    Corn hydrolyzate (Zea mays L) as a functional food fortificant derived from natural folic acid has been evaluated through a hydrolysis process using protease enzyme Rhizopus oligosporus strain C1. Enzymatic hydrolysis was carried out on two types of corn; yellow and white pearl variety corn, at concentration of protease enzyme (rough) 0.025; 0.125; and 0.225% (v/w of soluble nixtamal corn protein) with a hydrolysis time of 24 h at 30 °C, and pH 5.0. The results showed that the concentration of protease enzymes can increase the folic acid to the optimum condition, from the beginning to the end of the process time. Folic acid optimization of hydrolysis results in each corn was at the concentration of protease enzyme 0.225% (v/w of soluble nixtamal corn protein) in white corn and yellow corn at 24 hours hydrolysis, with folic acid composition, 283.56 µg/mL and 412.52 µg/mL, 1.07 and 1.04 mg/mL of soluble proteins, proteolytic activity 2.09 and 2.06 U/mL, total solids of 21.74 and 17.85%, total sugars of 0.56 and 2.22 mg/mL, and reducing sugar 91.72 and 48.47 mg/mL. In this condition, the increase of optimum folic acid for white corn was 33.57% and for yellow corn was 71.60% after hydrolysis.

  20. Reduction of Fumonisin Toxicity by Extrusion and Nixtamalization (Alkaline Cooking)

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Fumonisins are found in corn. The most common, fumonisin FB1 (FB1) is toxic to animals, disrupts sphingolipid metabolism, and is a suspected risk factor for neural tube defects (NTDs; serious birth defect) and cancer in humans that consume contaminated corn as a diet staple. FB1 levels in foods an...

  1. Reduction of Fumonisin Toxicity by Extrusion and Nixtamalization (Alkaline Cooking)

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Fumonisins are found in corn. They are toxic to animals, cause cancer in rodents, and neural tube defects in LM/Bc mice. Reducing their concentrations in corn-based foods is therefore desirable. Chemical analysis or in vitro bioassays of food extracts might not detect toxic fumonisin reaction pro...

  2. Third generation snacks manufactured from orange by-products: physicochemical and nutritional characterization.


    Tovar-Jiménez, Xochitl; Caro-Corrales, José; Gómez-Aldapa, Carlos A; Zazueta-Morales, José; Limón-Valenzuela, Víctor; Castro-Rosas, Javier; Hernández-Ávila, Juan; Aguilar-Palazuelos, Ernesto


    A mixture of orange vesicle flour, commercial nixtamalized corn flour and potato starch was extruded using a Brabender Laboratory single screw extruder (2:1 L/D). The resulting pellets were expanded by microwaves. Expansion index, bulk density, penetration force, carotenoid content, and dietary fiber were measured for this third-generation snack and optimum production conditions were estimated. Response surface methodology was applied using a central composite rotatable experimental design to evaluate the effect of moisture content and extrusion temperature. Temperature mainly affected the expansion index, bulk density and penetration force, while carotenoids content was affected by moisture content. Surface overlap was used to identify optimum processing conditions: temperature: 128-130 °C; moisture content: 22-24 %. Insoluble dietary fiber decreased and soluble dietary fiber increased after extrusion.

  3. Bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of free phenolic compounds and oligosaccharides from corn (Zea mays L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) chips during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and simulated colonic fermentation.


    Luzardo-Ocampo, I; Campos-Vega, R; Gaytán-Martínez, M; Preciado-Ortiz, R; Mendoza, S; Loarca-Piña, G


    Corn (Zea mays L.) and common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are alternative suitable ingredients for snacks, because of their content of bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds (PC) and oligosaccharides (OS). However, there is no information about the transformation of these compounds associated with food matrix during gastrointestinal digestion. Therefore, the objective of this work was to simulate the whole digestion process (mouth to colon) to estimate bioaccessibility and small intestine permeability of free PC and OS, and the antioxidant capacity of free PC. Digested nixtamalized corn-cooked common bean chips exhibited significant different quantities of free PC and OS, and higher antioxidant activity compared to methanolic extract. The free PC showed high values of apparent permeability coefficients (0.023-0.729×10 -3 ), related with their absorption in the small intestine. Both free PC and OS were retained in the non-digestible fraction of chips (10.24-64.4%) and were able to reach the colon. Our results suggest the digestion potential to increase chip bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Additional studies are required to evaluate their in vivo effects. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. Iron and zinc fortification of corn tortilla made either at the household or at industrial scale.


    Tovar, Luis Raul; Larios-Saldaña, Alfredo


    Fe and Zn deficiencies among the Mexican population are widespread, and one-third of children and women of childbearing age are anemic. Since diets that are Fe-deficient are most probably also Zn-deficient, a proprietary process was developed to fortify corn tortilla with these trace elements at the first stage of treatment with lime. Phytic acid (PA), Ca, Fe, and Zn content were determined, as well as the molar ratios of phytate/Fe, phytate/Zn, and Ca x phytate to Zn in traditional and fortified tortillas; the Student's t-test was used to detect differences between the treatments (p < 0.001). Contents of Fe and Zn in the fortified tortilla relative to the traditional tortilla were 1.9 and 3.4 times greater than the latter, whereas PA contents showed the opposite result, i.e. traditional tortillas had 1.65 times more PA than the fortified tortilla. Consequently the calculated molar ratios were statistically more favorable for fortified than for traditional tortillas (p < 0.001). The process developed allows making iron- and zinc-fortified tortillas by lime-treating or nixtamalizing corn either at the household, at small-scale tortilla shops, or at industrial scale by using lime fortified with both trace elements. The cost of this fortification is negligible.

  5. Chemopreventive effects of free and bound phenolics associated to steep waters (nejayote) obtained after nixtamalization of different maize types.


    Rojas-García, Carlos; García-Lara, Silverio; Serna-Saldivar, Sergio O; Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet A


    Free and bound phenolics extracts from nejayote solids were obtained after optimally lime-cooking blue, normal white, red, normal yellow, high-carotenoid and quality protein maize types. The extraction yield ranged from 4.47 to 10.05%. Bound phenolics extracts had higher content of total phenolics, antioxidant activity and ferulic acid compared to the free phenolics extracts. In general, free phenolics extracts were less cytotoxic than the bound phenolics counterparts. Bound phenolics extracts had higher induction of quinone reductase (QR) and particularly the normal yellow nejayote exerted the highest chemopreventive index tested in Hepa1c1c7 cells. When tested for monofunctional phase 2 induction capacity in BPrc1 cells, the bound phenolics extracts of blue, normal white and quality protein nejayotes were better inducers than the normal yellow counterpart. Particularly, the free phenolics extract of the white maize nejayote induced BPrc1 cells QR and exerted a higher chemopreventive index compared to the bound phenolics extract. Therefore, the nejayote of the normal white maize was the best source of monofunctional phase 2 enzyme inducers.

  6. Development of a point-of-use fortification technology for delivery of micronutrients in Honduras.


    Andrade, Juan E; Rosales, Eliana; Lopez, Julio R; Carrillo, E Paola; Engeseth, Nicki J; Helferich, William G


    Micronutrient deficiencies continue to afflict children rural populations around the world. A micronutrient delivery vehicle (MDV) was developed as a point-of-use technology for fortification of meals for school-age children beneficiaries of the Healthy Schools Program (HSP) in Honduras. MDV combines micronutrient powder through a traditional dough-making process, using staple flours (wheat and nixtamalized corn), oil and water as ingredients. After mixing the ingredients and kneading, dough is extruded through a specially designed hand press into noodles. After drying (overnight, 23°C), noodles are broken into small pieces, mixed (1:100 w/w) with rice and cooked as customary. Dispersion studies with NaFeEDTA showed adequate distribution (<10% RSD) and recovery (>90%) in white rice. Color changes in MDV due to addition of vitamin A and iron (NaFeEDTA) carried forward into cooked rice. In Honduras, children from two rural schools (N = 47, 6-12 years) were not able to differentiate (triangle test) between control and unfortified MDV mixed (1:100 w/w) with white rice. Children from four schools (N = 83, 7-12 years) accepted control and iron fortified rice (3 mg Fe per serving) based on color and flavor similarly. This is a feasible point-of-use fortification technology for improvement of meals provided by the HSP in Honduras. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.

  7. Pulque, an alcoholic drink from rural Mexico, contains phytase. Its in vitro effects on corn tortilla.


    Tovar, Luis Raul; Olivos, Manuel; Gutierrez, Ma Eugenia


    Pulque is made by fermenting the agave sap or aguamiel of Agave atrovirens with a whole array of microorganisms present in the environment including several lactic acid bacteria and yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ascorbic acid was determined in pulque and aguamiel, respectively. Phytase activity in lees, liquid and freeze-dried pulque was assayed by measuring the appearance of phosphate from phytate by a colorimetric method likewise phosphate from phytate present in fresh corn tortilla was measured after in vitro incubation with pulque. Iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and selenium contents were measured in pulque and corn tortilla as well as in nixtamalized corn flour (NCF), the latter is used to make instant tortilla, since corn provides most of the energy as well as most of the phytate in the Mexican rural diet. Pulque showed phytase activity but much less ascorbic acid and iron than previously reported; additionally, phytase in pulque hydrolyzed most of phytate's corn tortilla. Lees, which is mostly made of pulque's microbiota, significantly accumulated iron and zinc but no selenium. NCF was fortified with iron by the manufacturers but poorly blended. There were significant differences on selenium content between tortillas samples, apparently some soils in central Mexico are selenium deficient. Moderate pulque intake appears to increase the bioavailability of iron and zinc bound by phytate in corn.

  8. Improvements in the shelf life of commercial corn dry masa flour (CMF) by reducing lipid oxidation.


    Márquez-Castillo, A; Vidal-Quintanar, R L


    To improve the shelf life of commercial nixtamalized corn dry masa flour (CMF), the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) was used. Pouches (20 × 20 cm) of ethyl vinyl alcohol (EVOH) with 180 g of CMF were stored at 55 °C, and a(w) of 0.45; under Light and Dark conditions, antioxidants (0.02% TBHQ), Vacuum, and N(2) and CO(2), and used as treatments. Thereafter, changes in their linoleic acid (LA) concentration by GC, peroxide (PV), and anisidine values (p-A), which were monitored for 180 d. EVOH showed a significantly lower consumption of LA by autoxidation (11.7% ± 0.2% in 117 d) than polyethylene film (70.5% ± 0.3% in 113 d) under the same storage temperature. The elimination of oxygen by vacuum in each pouch allowed a low consumption (16.4% ± 0.1%) of LA. PV (14.5 ± 0.09 mEq/kg of fat), and p-A (63 ± 0.16 mmol/kg) were low, and generated over 121 d of storage. CMF stored under MAP had 100% protection against oxidation of LA. A combination of Vacuum and EVOH packaging extended the shelf life of CMF to 108 d with only 10% of LA loss. For retail stores, the EVOH packaging will reduce lipid oxidation of CMF and safety related to off odors and flavors from the oxidation of tortillas will increase dramatically.

  9. Stability of mycotoxins during food processing.


    Bullerman, Lloyd B; Bianchini, Andreia


    The mycotoxins that commonly occur in cereal grains and other products are not completely destroyed during food processing operations and can contaminate finished processed foods. The mycotoxins most commonly associated with cereal grains are aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. The various food processes that may have effects on mycotoxins include sorting, trimming, cleaning, milling, brewing, cooking, baking, frying, roasting, canning, flaking, alkaline cooking, nixtamalization, and extrusion. Most of the food processes have variable effects on mycotoxins, with those that utilize the highest temperatures having greatest effects. In general the processes reduce mycotoxin concentrations significantly, but do not eliminate them completely. However, roasting and extrusion processing show promise for lowering mycotoxin concentrations, though very high temperatures are needed to bring about much of a reduction in mycotoxin concentrations. Extrusion processing at temperatures greater than 150 degrees C are needed to give good reduction of zearalenone, moderate reduction of alfatoxins, variable to low reduction of deoxynivalenol and good reduction of fumonisins. The greatest reductions of fumonisins occur at extrusion temperatures of 160 degrees C or higher and in the presence of glucose. Extrusion of fumonisin contaminated corn grits with 10% added glucose resulted in 75-85% reduction in Fumonisin B(1) levels. Some fumonisin degredation products are formed during extrusion, including small amounts of hydrolyzed Fumonisin B(1) and N-(Carboxymethyl) - Fumonisin B(1) and somewhat higher amounts of N-(1-deoxy-d-fructos-1-yl) Fumonisin B(1) in extruded grits containing added glucose. Feeding trial toxicity tests in rats with extruded fumonisin contaminated corn grits show some reduction in toxicity of grits extruded with glucose.

  10. Fermented non-digestible fraction from combined nixtamalized corn (Zea mays L.)/cooked common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) chips modulate anti-inflammatory markers on RAW 264.7 macrophages.


    Luzardo-Ocampo, I; Campos-Vega, R; Cuellar-Nuñez, M L; Vázquez-Landaverde, P A; Mojica, L; Acosta-Gallegos, J A; Loarca-Piña, G


    Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are low-level inflammation processes affected by several factors including diet. It has been reported that mixed whole grain and legume consumption, e.g. corn and common bean, might be a beneficial combination due to its content of bioactive compounds. A considerable amount would be retained in the non-digestible fraction (NDF), reaching the colon, where microbiota produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and phenolic compounds (PC) with known anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of this study was to estimate the anti-inflammatory potential of fermented-NDF of corn-bean chips (FNDFC) in RAW 264.7 macrophages. After 24 h, FNDFC produced SCFAs (0.156-0.222 mmol/l), inhibited nitric oxide production > 80% and H 2 O 2  > 30%, up-regulated anti-inflammatory cytokines (I-TAC, TIMP-1) > 2-fold, and produced angiostatic and protective factors against vascular/tissue damage, and amelioration of tumor necrosis factor signalling and inflammatory bowel disease. These results confirm the anti-inflammatory potential derived from healthy corn-bean chips. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.