Sample records for oaks

  1. Oak Decline


    Philip M. Wargo; David R. Houston; Leon A. LaMadeleine


    Periodic occurrences of decline and death of oaks over widespread areas have been recorded since 1900. These outbreaks, variously named oak decline, oak dieback, or oak mortality, are caused by a complex interaction of environmental stresses and pests and given the name oak decline.

  2. Oak wilt


    Robert, Jr. Lewis


    Oak wilt, a major disease of oak trees in North America, is caused by a fungus. It infects the sapwood and stops sap flow to the branches, twigs, and leaves. When sap flow is restricted during the growing season, trees wilt and soon die. In addition to killing trees, oak wilt makes it more difficult to export oak logs to other countries. Logs must be free of oak wilt...

  3. Oak Leaftier and Oak Leafroller (Pest Alert)


    USDA Forest Service


    The oak leaftier, Croesia semipurpurana (Kearfott), and the oak leafroller, Archips semiferanus (Walker), are important Tortricidae moths in a complex of native species feeding in the early spring on oak foliage throughout the forests of Eastern North America. Outbreaks periodically develop with frequent and severe defoliation resulting in tree mortality. The last...

  4. Oak decline and red oak borer outbreak: impact in upland oak-hickory forests of Arkansas, USA


    Laurel J. Haavik; Joshua S. Jones; Larry D. Galligan; James M. Guldin; Fred M. Stephen


    Oak-hickory forests in the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas recently experienced an episode of oak mortality in concert with an outbreak of the red oak borer (Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)). We utilized data from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service to explore changes in percent red oak (Quercus...

  5. Oak Tree Preservation in Thousand Oaks, California


    William F. Elmendorf


    The City of Thousand Oaks over the last 20 years has taken aggressive steps to preserve and protect the City's namesake, the oak tree. First adopted in 1972 as an Emergency City Council Proclamation, the City's Oak Tree Ordinance has been considered by some, to be one of the first and toughest municipal native tree preservation ordinances within the State of...

  6. Evaluation of propiconazole operational treatments of oaks for oak wilt control


    Jordan Eggers; Jennifer Juzwik; Shawn Bernick; Lori Mordaunt


    Oaks commercially treated with propiconazole on 29 sites in Minnesota in 1998 were evaluated for efficacy in controlling oak wilt. Root graft spread occurred in 39 percent of preventively treated red oaks over 5 years; spread in white oaks occurred only once. Propiconazole generally prevented further disease symptom development in white oaks.

  7. Sudden oak death disease progression in oaks and tanoaks


    Brice A. McPherson; Sylvia R. Mori; David L. Wood; Andrew J. Storer; Pavel Svihra; N. Maggi Kelly; Richard B. Standiford


    In March 2000, we established twenty disease progression plots in Marin County to monitor the progress of sudden oak death symptoms in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California black oak (Q. kelloggii), and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) (McPherson and others 2005). Plots were located to encompass a...

  8. Fire effects on Gambel oak in southwestern ponderosa pine-oak forests


    Scott R. Abella; Peter Z. Fulé


    Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) is ecologically and aesthetically valuable in southwestern ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests. Fire effects on Gambel oak are important because fire may be used in pine-oak forests to manage oak directly or to accomplish other management objectives. We used published literature to: (1) ascertain...

  9. Oak Symposium Proceedings


    Northeastern Forest Experiment Station


    As "tall oaks from little acorns grow", the germ of an idea blossomed into this symposium on the five upland oaks. Called simply the "Oak Symposium", that's what it's all about - a meeting to bring together a summation of the advances made on the silviculture, management, and utilization of the upland oaks. Part of this process is the...

  10. Conversion of an oak seed orchard to oak silvopasture


    K. Connor; L. Dimov; R. Barlow; M. Smith; E. Kirkland


    The potential of hardwood silvopasture has yet to be realized in the Southeastern United States. The decommissioning of the Stauffer Nursery, Opelika, AL, provided the opportunity to intensively research hardwood silvopasture using various oak species. Average crown diameter ranged from 5.9 feet in white oak (Quercus alba) to 10.7 feet in Nuttall oak...

  11. Oak wilt: a potential threat to southern and western oak forests


    A. Dan Wilson


    Oak wilt is recognized as one of the most destructive diseases to afflict oak species in the United States. The distribution and development of oak wilt in our eastern and midwestern oak forests has been closely linked to changes in forest stand composition, forest management practices, and pathogen dissemination facilitated by human and vector activity. The potential...

  12. Oak Wilt


    Charles O. Rexrode; Daniel Brown


    Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, kills oak trees. It has been found in 21 States, with considerable damage occurring in the Midwest. It was first recognized as an important disease in 1944 in Wisconsin where, in localized areas (less than 100 acres (40.4 ha)), over half the oaks have been killed. Surveys in eight Wisconsin counties...

  13. Variation in flood tolerance of container-grown seedlings of swamp white oak, bur oak, and white oak


    Michael P. Walsh; J.W. Van Sambeek; Mark V. Coggeshall


    How much variation in flood tolerance exists among seedlings within oak species, given the flood frequency of sites from which acorns are collected, has been largely unexplored. Our studies examined initial growth and flood tolerance for seedlings of swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor Willd.), bur oak (Q. macrocarpa L.), and white...

  14. Oak Growth and Response to Thinning


    Stephen R. Shifley


    Oak growth and yield is simultaneously influenced by tree-, stand-, and landscape-scale factors. At the tree scale oak diameter growth varies by tree species (typically n. red oak >= scarlet oak > black oak > white oak > chestnut oak > chinkapin oak > post oak), but oak diameter growth is even more strongly influenced by crown class. Oak stands go...

  15. Oak mortality associated with crown dieback and oak borer attack in the Ozark Highlands


    Zhaofei Fan; John M. Kabrick; Martin A. Spetich; Stephen R. Shifley; Randy G. Jensen


    Oak decline and related mortality have periodically plagued upland oak-hickory forests, particularly oak species in the red oak group, across the Ozark Highlands of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma since the late 1970s. Advanced tree age and periodic drought, as well as Armillaria root fungi and oak borer attack are believed to contribute to oak decline and mortality....

  16. Oak mortality associated with crown dieback and oak borer attack in the Ozark Highlands


    Zhaofei Fan; John M. Kabrick; Martin A. Spetich; Stephen R. Shifley; Randy G. Jensen


    Oak decline and related mortality have periodically plagued upland oak–hickory forests, particularly oak species in the red oak group, across the Ozark Highlands of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma since the late 1970s. Advanced tree age and periodic drought, as well as Armillaria root fungi and oak borer attack are believed to contribute to oak decline and mortality....

  17. Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation of red oak logs eradicates the oak wilt fungus


    Elmer L. Schmidt; Jennifer Juzwik; Brian Schneider


    Preliminary field trials using red oak logs from trees dying from oak wilt disease were successful in eliminating oak wilt fungus from sapwood after fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride for 72 h under tarp. These results support earlier laboratory data on the fungitoxicity of sulfuryl fluoride as a potential replacement for methyl bromide of exported red oak veneer logs....

  18. Oak wilt and oak decline in the upper midwest USA


    Jennifer Juzwik; Thomas L. Schmidt


    Oaks are a significant component of the hardwood forests of the Upper Midwest USA. Numerous species occur over vast areas in the region and are highly valued for a variety of reasons. Oak wilt caused by C. fagacearum, and oak decline associated with several factors are the major causes of the species, deterioration and death in the region....

  19. Insect damage to oaks


    Charles O. Rexrode


    In terms of mortality caused by insects, defoliators are the most serious enemies of oaks at the present time. An oak leaf tier, Croesia semipurprana, is one of the principal defoliators of trees in the red oak group. Oak leaf rollers, primarily Archips semiferana, have been responsible for widespread mortality in white and...

  20. Response of white oak and black oak seedlings to a mid-story removal


    Dylan N. Dillaway; Jeff Stringer


    White oak (Quercus alba L.) and black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) often dominate stands on intermediate to high quality sites. In these stands there is often a bank of advanced oak regeneration (>1 ft. tall) in place. However, this advanced oak regeneration rarely achieves a co-dominant or dominant status when a regeneration...

  1. People and oaks


    Paul F. Starrs


    While technical knowledge of oaks, acorns, habitat, wildlife, and woodland environments is evolving and a sought-after field of study, there are profound linkages, at once humanistic and artistic, where it comes to people and oaks. Looking at six distinct facets of humans and oak woodlands, this essay suggests that the bonds of people to place can be mediated by the...

  2. Great oaks from little acorns grow: planting native oak in the Pacific Northwest


    Gail Wells; Warren Devine; Connie Harrington


    The decline of oak woodlands is an urgent conservation challenge in the Pacific Northwest. Prior to settlement by Euro-Americans, prairies, oak-dominated savannas, and oak woodlands were abundant in the low-lying areas of the region. Now it’s estimated that 1 to 5 percent of that native oak savanna remains. The rest has been supplanted by pastures, fields, Douglas-fir...

  3. Red Oak Borer


    D. E. Donley; R.E. Acciavatti


    The red oak borer, Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman)3, is an important member of the oak borer complex that permanently damages the wood of living oak trees and causes a decrease in lumber grade. The loss in grade can amount to 40 percent of the current tree value, which, at today's prices, is about $80 per thousand board feet for factory grade lumber in terms of...

  4. Risk analysis and guidelines for harvest activities in wisconsin oak timberlands to minimize oak wilt threat


    Jennifer Juzwik; Jane Cummings-Carlson; Kyoko Scanlon


    Oaks (Quercus spp.) are an important species group in the forests of Wisconsin. The State’s timberland typed as oak-hickory forest was estimated at 2.9 million acres in 1996. Growing stock volume for red oak was estimated at 2.4 billion cubic feet, whereas select white oak volume was estimated to be 927 million cubic feet. Oak wilt, the oak disease...

  5. Silvical characteristics of the five upland oaks


    Earl L. Core


    The five most important upland oaks of eastern North America are white oak (Quercus alba), chestnut oak (Q. prinus), northern red oak (Q. rubra), black oak (Q. velutina), and scarlet oak (Q. coccinea). Of these, white oak and northern red oak are most characteristic of...

  6. Assessing Methods to Protect Susceptible Oak and Tanoak Stands from Sudden Oak Death


    Tedmund Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt


    Landowners and managers have been seeking ways to protect susceptible oak (Quercus) species and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) from sudden oak death (SOD) caused by Phytophthora ramorum. Because disease epidemiology differs between tanoaks and susceptible oaks, we are testing different control strategies...

  7. Oak Dispersal Syndromes: Do Red and White Oaks Exhibit Different Dispersal Srategies?


    Michael Steele; Peter Smallwood; William B. Terzaghi; John E. Carlson; Thomas conteras; Amy McEuen


    We provide an overview of the ecological and evolutionary interactions between oaks and several of their dispersal agents, and review a series of studies that demonstrate how various acorn characteristics affect feeding and caching decisions of these animals, which in turn may influence oak dispersal and establishment. We demonstrate that acorns of red oak species show...

  8. Fitting Fire into Oak Management


    Patrick Brose


    In the past decade, the use of prescribed fire in the mixed-oak forests of the eastern United States has markedly increased to help overcome the chronic lack of abundant, vigorous oak regeneration (Yaussy 2000). However, pre- scribed burns implemented under inappropriate circum- stances can result in failure to establish oak regeneration and/or loss of existing oak...

  9. Foliar nutrients explain goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, adult feeding preference among four California oak species


    Yigen Chen; Tom. W. Coleman; Michael. I. Jones; Mary. L. Flint; Steven. J. Seybold


    Adults of the invasive goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), consumed foliar weight in no-choice feeding tests of, in descending order, California black oak Quercus kelloggii Newb., Engelmann oak, Quercus engelmannii Greene, coast live oak, Quercus...

  10. Oak Tatters


    Linda Haugen; Phil Marshall; Jane Cummings Carlson; Mark Vitosh; Ed Hayes


    Oak tatters is a relatively new condition that affects emerging oak leaves, causing them to appear lacy or tattered. It has been observed throughout the Midwestern United States, including Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Missouri. This disorder was first reported during the 1980's in Iowa, Indiana and Ohio, but has been observed...

  11. Sudden Oak Death - Western (Pest Alert)


    Susan Frankel


    Tens of thousands of tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus), coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California black oak (Quercus kelloggii), Shreve oak (Quercus parvula var. shrevei), and madrone (Arbutus menziesii) have been killed by a newly identified species, Phytophthora ramorum, which causes Sudden Oak Death. Sudden Oak Death was first reported in 1995 in central coastal...

  12. Sustaining northern red oak forests: managing oak from regeneration to canopy dominance in mature stands


    Daniel C. Dey; Gary W. Miller; John M. Kabrick


    Across the range of northern red oak, managers have problems sustaining current stocking of northern red oak in forests. Oak species are adapted to frequent stand disturbances that reduce the abundance of shade tolerant competitors and control fast-growing pioneer species. A widely recommended approach to regenerating northern red oak is to develop relatively large...

  13. Cherrybark Oaks From Perforated Containers Planted as Bareroots With Open-Grown Oak Bareroots


    Kirk D. Howell


    Large Cherrybark oak (Q. pagoda Raf.) grown for two years (1997 and 1998) were hoedad planted in bottomlands near Columbia, South Carolina. Successful oak plantations exist from planted bareroot cherrybark oak seedlings with heights below 50 centimeters, but costly efforts were often employed to ensure success. To overcome competing vegetation,...

  14. Oaks and Environmental Education


    Kay Antunez de Mayolo


    A number of educational projects which focus on youth awareness and involvement with California oaks have been developed during the last five years. Primarily used in urban areas where oak populations have declined, many of these programs promote seedling propagation, tree planting and help to develop student understanding of environmental issues involving oaks while...

  15. The paleohistory of California oaks


    Scott Mensing


    Oak woodlands are a fixture of California geography, yet as recently as 10,000 years ago oaks were only a minor element in the landscape. The first fossil evidence for California's oaks is in the early Miocene (~20 million years ago) when oaks were present across the west, intermixed with deciduous trees typical of eastern North America. As climate became drier,...

  16. Oak Tree Planting Project


    Sherryl L. Nives; William D. Tietje; William H. Weitkamp


    An Oak Tree Planting Project was conducted during 1989/90 in San Luis Obispo County by the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (IHRMP)/Central Coast. The local media and an IHRMP workshop were used to publicize the Planting Project and give information on the status of oaks (Quercus spp.) in California and oak planting techniques. Outreach...

  17. The OakMapper WebGIS: improved access to sudden oak death spatial data


    K. Tuxen; M. Kelly


    Access to timely and accurate sudden oak death (SOD) location data is critical for SOD monitoring, management and research. Several websites (hereafter called the OakMapper sites) associated with sudden oak death monitoring efforts have been maintained with up-todate SOD location information for over five years, providing information and maps of the most current...

  18. GSOB ≠ SOD. Tree mortality from the goldspotted oak borer in oak woodlands of southern California.


    Tom W. Coleman; Steven J. Seybold


    A new threat to oaks (Quercus spp.) in California was identified in June 2008 following years of misdiagnosis. The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB), Agrilus coxalis auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is aggressively attacking and killing three species of oaks in oak woodlands in San Diego County. About 20,000...

  19. AmeriFlux US-Oho Oak Openings

    DOE Data Explorer

    Chen, Jiquan [University of Toledo / Michigan State University


    This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-Oho Oak Openings. Site Description - The Ohio Oak Openings site is located within the Oak Openings Preserve Metropark of northwest Ohio, one of the few remaining oak woodlands/savanna/prairie complexes in the Midwest. Declared one of the "One of America's Last Great Places" by the Nature Conservancy the area consists of four main vegetation types: Oak Woodlands, Oak Savanna, Floodplain Forests and Wet Prairies. The stand surrounding the tower is mainly Oak Woodlands dominated by red, white and black oaks with a relatively abundant population of red maples indicating high soil moisture retention and a history of limited fire disturbances. Most of the area was cleared for agriculture at the time of Euro-American settlements in the mid to late-19th century. A large fraction of the cleared land was later abandoned due to the poor sandy soils. These areas reverted to Oak Savannas and in cases where fire was limited progressively made the transition to Oak Woodlands. Today patches of the forest are burned every few years as part of prescribed burning cycle to control stand density.

  20. Site Index Predictions for Red Oaks and White Oak in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas


    D.L. Graney


    The relationship of soil and topography to site indices of northern red (Quercus rubra L. ), black (Q. uelutina Lam.) and white (Q. alba L.) oaks in the Boston Mountains indicates that white oaks should be favored for management on the finer-textured soils and on good south and west slope sites. Both red oaks and white oak could be managed on north- and east-facing...

  1. When oak ordinances fail: unaddressed issues of oak conservation


    Rudolph H. Light; Linda E. Pedroni


    The mandate by the California Board of Forestry in 1993 required each of the 41 counties which have significant oak woodlands to develop programs for the ultimate protection of this resource. As of 2001, a few counties have planned for the sustainability of their oak woodlands, but some counties may not be addressing the key components that will determine the overall...

  2. Effects of midstory removal on underplanted black oak and white oak in the western Cumberland Plateau


    David L. Parrott; John M. Lhotka; Jeffrey W. Stringer


    Difficulties in successful oak regeneration have led to the examination of various techniques to increase oak recruitment. To ensure sufficient regeneration, oak seedlings can be underplanted and used in conjunction with intermediate treatments, such as midstory removal, that create a light environment favorable to oak advance reproduction. This study examines the 5-...

  3. Oak regeneration why big is better


    Paul P. Kormanik; Shi-Jean S. Sung; T.L. Kormanik; Stanley J. Zarnoch


    It is generally accepted that large preharvest advanced oak regeneration is required for maintaining a significant oak component in future stands. However, developing advanced oak regeneration on productive sites has been difficult because stand prescriptions encouraging oak regeneration are the same conditions that favor development of potentially faster growing...

  4. Real-Time Mass Spectrometry Monitoring of Oak Wood Toasting: Elucidating Aroma Development Relevant to Oak-aged Wine Quality

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farrell, Ross R.; Wellinger, Marco; Gloess, Alexia N.; Nichols, David S.; Breadmore, Michael C.; Shellie, Robert A.; Yeretzian, Chahan


    We introduce a real-time method to monitor the evolution of oak aromas during the oak toasting process. French and American oak wood boards were toasted in an oven at three different temperatures, while the process-gas was continuously transferred to the inlet of a proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer for online monitoring. Oak wood aroma compounds important for their sensory contribution to oak-aged wine were tentatively identified based on soft ionization and molecular mass. The time-intensity profiles revealed toasting process dynamics illustrating in real-time how different compounds evolve from the oak wood during toasting. Sufficient sensitivity was achieved to observe spikes in volatile concentrations related to cracking phenomena on the oak wood surface. The polysaccharide-derived compounds exhibited similar profiles; whilst for lignin-derived compounds eugenol formation differed from that of vanillin and guaiacol at lower toasting temperatures. Significant generation of oak lactone from precursors was evident at 225 oC. Statistical processing of the real-time aroma data showed similarities and differences between individual oak boards and oak wood sourced from the different origins. This study enriches our understanding of the oak toasting process and demonstrates a new analytical approach for research on wood volatiles.

  5. A practical guide to oak release.


    Constance A. Harrington; Warren D. Devine


    Oregon white oak savannas and woodlands represent a biological and cultural legacy in the Pacific Northwest. Many Oregon white oak stands are deteriorating owing to invasion and eventual overtopping by Douglas-fir or other conifers. Releasing the shade-intolerant oak trees from overtopping conifers can often restore these oak stands. When planning a release operation,...

  6. Scarlet Oak Sawfly (Pest Alert)


    USDA Forest Service


    The scarlet oak sawfly, Caliroa quercuscoccineae (Dyar) skeletonizes leaves of scarlet, black, pin, and white oaks in eastern North America. It is also called the oak slug sawfly because of the fact that the larvae are covered with a coat of slime that helps them adhere to foliage.

  7. Effects of Shade on Blue Oak and Coast Live Oak Regeneration in California Annual Grasslands


    Pamela C. Muick


    Canopy effects and annual vegetation have been shown to strongly influence oak seedling survival. From the many elements composing canopy, shade was selected for experimental manipulation. A split-plot, multifactorial experiment was designed to test whether blue oak (Quercus douglasii) and coast live oak (Q. agrifolia) could...

  8. Upland Oak Regeneration and Management


    David L. Loftis


    In oak-dominated plant communities and in other communities where oaks are important, the keys to natural regeneration of upland oak components are (1) to ensure presence of competitive regeneration sources, and (2) to provide timely, sufficient release of these sources. Regeneration sources vary significantly among different types of plant communities and disturbance...


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Howden, H.F.; Crossley, D.A. Jr.

    White Oak Lake, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, received lowlevel radioactive wastes from Oak Ridge National Laboratory for 12 years prior to draining in 1955. Studies on the insects inhabiting the vegetation on White Oak Lake bed revealed 401 species present during 1956 and 1957. Most numerous were members of the insect Orders Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera. In the summer of 1956, the first summer following draining of the lake, there were relatively fewer species of insects represented by large numbers of individuals. In 1957, there were relatively more species of insects but fewer individuals were present. By the end of themore » summer of 1957, only two years after the lake was drained, the vegetation supported a rich and varied insect fauna. (C.H.)« less

  10. Potential effects of sudden oak death on the oak woodland bird community of coastal California


    William B. Monahan; Walter D. Koenig


    Oak-dependent birds are expected to suffer severe population declines as a result of sudden oak death (SOD). We investigated how the disappearance of two highly SOD-sensitive tree species, tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), may in turn affect levels of bird species richness, diversity, and...

  11. Vegetative characteristics of oak savannas in the southwestern United States: a comparative analysis with oak woodlands in the region


    Peter F. Ffolliott; Gerald J. Gottfried


    Much has been learned about the oak woodlands of the Southwestern United States in recent years. However, comparable characterizations of the companion oak savannas are needed to help in enhancing the knowledge of all oak ecosystems in the Madrean Archipelago region. Oak savannas differ from oak woodlands in that they are more open in their structure with fewer trees...

  12. Status of oak seedlings and saplings in the northern United States: implications for sustainability of oak forests


    Chris W. Woodall; Randall S. Morin; Jim R. Steinman; Charles H. Perry


    Oak species are a substantial component of forest ecosystems in a 24-state region spanning the northern U.S. During recent decades, it has been documented that the health of oak forests has been experiencing large-scale decline. To further evaluate the sustainability of oak forests in nearly half the states of the U.S., the current status of oak seedlings and saplings...

  13. The red oak - white oak forests of the Anthracite Region


    C. F. Burnham; M. J. Ferree; F. E. Cunningham


    The red oak - white oak forests of the Anthracite Region occupy as substantial portion - 28.6 percent or 915,200 acres - of the region's 3,198,400 acres of forest land. These forests have been so heavily cut for lumber and mine timbers during the past 100 years and have been so badly ravaged by fire following these heavy cuttings that in their present condition...

  14. Goldspotted oak borer


    M.L. Flint; M. I. Jones; T. W. Coleman; S.J. Seybold


    The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB), Agrilus auroguttatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is a flatheaded borer introduced to San Diego County, California, in the late 1990s or early 2000s and also detected at one site in Riverside County in 2012. It was likely brought into the state on oak firewood collected and transported from the insect's native...

  15. Silvicultural methods for regenerating oaks


    F. Bryan Clark; Richard F. Watt


    Advance reproduction is the key to forming the new oak stand. However, the size or strength of the advance stems is just as important as number. Most oak stands approaching maturity have enough advance reproduction, but many do not. In such cases, harvest cuttings must be delayed and overstory densities regulated to favor the establishment and development of new oaks...

  16. The historical significance of oak


    J. V. Thirgood


    A brief history of the importance of oak in Europe, contrasting the methods used in France and Britain to propagate the species and manage the forests for continued productivity. The significance of oak as a strategic resource during the sailing-ship era is stressed, and mention is made of the early development of oak management in North America. The international...

  17. Propagation of Southern Red Oak and Water Oak by Rooted Cuttings


    Horace J. Duncan; Fred R. Matthews


    Southern red oak and water oak, needed in studies of fusiform rust of southern pines, were propagated from cuttings of rooted stump sprouts and mature tree branches placed in outdoor propagation beds in June. Root strike and root development were increased when cuttings with basal wounds were treated with both the hormone IBA and the fungicide folpet. Cuttings from...

  18. The Wye Oaks on Campus | Poster

    The Wye Oak tree—a towering white oak that lived for nearly 500 years in Talbot County, Maryland—was the nation’s largest white oak tree as well as the State Tree of Maryland until it was destroyed in a severe thunderstorm in 2002. Today, several clones of the Wye Oak, as well as a few of the Wye Oak’s progeny, still exist—including two on the NCI at Frederick campus.

  19. Purple martins in oak woodlands


    Brian D. C. Williams


    Purple martins are cavity-nesting swallows that once nested fairly widely in California’s oak woodlands but are now rare in that habitat. The old oaks of the Tehachapi Range (southern Sierra Nevada) may now host the last martins that nest in oak woodlands, with approximately 100-200 pairs or about 15 percent of the California population. In summer of 2000, we found 57...

  20. Insect-oak interactions with coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and Engelmann oak (Q. engelmannii) at the acorn and seedling stage


    Connell E. Dunning; Timothy D. Paine; Richard A. Redak


    We determined the impact of insects on both acorns and seedlings of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) and Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmannii E. Greene). Our goals were to (1) identify insects feeding on acorns and levels of insect damage, and (2) measure performance and preference of a generalist leaf-feeding insect herbivore...

  1. How to Distinguish Oak LEAFTIERS From LEAFROLLERS


    Parker Snowden


    Oak leaftiers and oak leafrollers defoliate oaks throughout the northeastern United States and adjoining Canadian provinces. In recent years, scattered but severe outbreaks of oak leaftier have occurred in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. In 1978 more than 100,000 acres were defoliated in these states....

  2. Oak mortality risk factors and mortality estimation


    Stephen R. Shifley; Zhaofei Fan; John M. Kabrick; Randy G. Jensen


    Managers are often concerned about oak mortality in maturing mixed-oak forests, but they often lack explicit information about mortality risk for oaks that differ in species, size, crown class, competitive status, and growth rate. In eastern North America, tree species in the red oak group (Quercus Section Lobatae) are typically...

  3. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Desiccating White Oak and Cherrybark Oak Acorns


    Kristina F. Connor; Sharon Sowa


    The recalcitrant behavior of white oak (Quercus alba L.) and cherrybark oak (Q. pagoda Raf.) acorns was examined in terms of effects of moisture content on seed longevity, viability, and biochemistry. Acorns of both species were fully hydrated and then subjected to drying under ambient conditions of temperature and relative...

  4. Change in soil quality due to grazing and oak tree removal in California blue oak woodlands


    Trina J. Camping; Randy A. Dahlgren; Kenneth W. Tate; William R. Horwath


    The effects of grazing and oak tree removal on soil quality and fertility were examined in a blue oak (Quercus douglasii) woodland in the northern Sierra Nevada foothills. Low to moderate grazing intensity has little affect on soil quality; however, oak tree removal resulted in a decrease in most soil quality parameters investigated (carbon, nitrogen...

  5. HOW to Distinguish Oak LEAFTIERS From LEAFROLLERS


    Parker Snowden


    Oak leaftiers and oak leafrollers defoliate oaks throughout the northeastern United States and adjoining Canadian provinces. In recent years, scattered but severe outbreaks of oak Leaftier have occurred in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. In 1978 more than 100,000 acres were defoliated in these states. Outbreaks of the...

  6. A Crown Cover Chart for Oak Savannas


    Jay Law; Paul Johnson; Gary Houf


    Although oak savannas have been defined in many ways, they are characterized by scattered trees, largely comprised of oaks, and a sparse ground layer rich in grasses and forbs (Haney and Apfelbaum 1990). Nuzzo (1986, p. 11) more specifically defined oak savannas as plant communities "...dominated by oaks having between 10 and 80 percent canopy, with or without a...

  7. Quercus kelloggii Newb., California black oak


    P.M. McDonald


    California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) exceeds all other California oaks in volume, distribution, and altitudinal range. Yet this deciduous hardwood has had little sustained commercial use and almost no management, even though its wood closely resembles that of its valuable, managed, and heavily used counterpart-northern red oak (...

  8. Five southern California oaks: identification and postfire management


    Timothy R. Plumb; Anthony P. Gomez


    Oak trees in California are subject to periodic burning by fire, but their trunks and crowns vary in tolerance to fire. And once burned, oaks are difficult to identify by species. Fifteen oak species grow in California. This report provides keys to identifying five species of southern California oaks: coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née...

  9. Effect of phosphate treatments on sudden oak death in tanoak and Shreve's oak


    Doug Schmidt; Matteo Garbelotto; Dave Chambers; Steve Tjosvold


    Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of phosphonate chemical treatments for control of sudden oak death in tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and Shreve's oak (Quercus parvula var. Shrevei). Native stands of mature trees were preventatively treated with Agrifos® systemic fungicide and...

  10. Effect of acorn moisture content at sowing on germination and seedling growth of white oak and northern red oak


    Shi-Jean Susana Sung; Paul P. Kormanik; Catharine D. Cook; Stanley J. Zarnoch; Taryn L. Kormanik


    White oak (Quercus alba L.) and northern red oak (Q. rubra L.) acorns were collected locally or from seed orchards in October 2002. Mean acorn moisture content (MC) was 48 percent for white oak and 39 percent for northern red oak. These acorns were air dried to different MCs before being sown into nursery beds in early December...

  11. Restoring Native California Oaks on Grazed Rangelands


    Douglas D. McCreary; Jerry Tecklin


    Efforts to regenerate oaks on California’s oak woodlands often must address how to establish seedlings in areas grazed by livestock. Research indicates that damage to young oak seedlings from cattle varies by season, with less damage during the winter when deciduous oaks do not have leaves. While exclusion of cattle from planted areas does result in reduced damage, the...

  12. Developing a stand hazard index for oak decline in upland Oak forests of the Ozark Highlands, Missouri


    Fan Zhaofei; Fan Xiuli; Martin A. Spetich; Stephen R. Shifley; W. Keith Moser; Randy G. Jensen; John M. Kabrick


    Black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) and scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea Muenchh.)--two major components (44% of total stand basal area) of upland oak forests--are suffering severe decline and mortality in the Ozark Highlands, Missouri. However, factors influencing their survival (mortality) are not well understood. In this study we...

  13. Oak savanna restoration: Oak response to fire and thinning through 28 years


    Ronald E. Masters; Jack R. Waymire


    We used a small plot study on Pushmataha Wildlife Management Area in southeast Oklahoma to determine the efficacy of fire frequency and thinning as management tools for restoration of oak savanna, oak woodlands, pine-bluestem woodlands, and pine savanna for application on a landscape scale. On selected experimental units, we initially reduced stand density to favor...

  14. Fire effects in northeastern forests: oak.


    Cary Rouse


    Effects of fire on the oak timber type are reviewed. Many oak stands of today originated under severe fire regimes. Fire can ill or injure oak trees. Factors determining direct injury or mortality from fire include: season of year; bark characteristics; size, vigor and form of tree; fire characteristics and stocking level.

  15. Conifer encroachment in California oak woodlands


    Matthew I. Cocking; J. Morgan Varner; Eamon A. Engber


    California deciduous oak woodlands provide many ecological, cultural, and economic benefits, and often represent unique plant communities that harbor native rare and declining species. Oak woodlands have suffered substantial losses in area and ecological integrity in the post-settlement era due to land conversion and widespread fire exclusion. Remnant oak woodlands in...

  16. An oak wilt primer


    Jennifer Juzwik


    Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum {Bretz} Hunt, is an important disease of oaks (Quercus spp.) in the eastern United States. the disease occurs in 22 states and is considered the most important forest disease problem in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas and Wisconsin. The pathogen causes mortality of thousands...

  17. Variations in juvenile oak


    Peter W. Garrett; Harry C. Kettlewood


    Data from research on 13-year-old trees in an oak planting in southeastern Pennsylvania indicate that survival and growth are not correlated with source latitude within all species tested. A complete listing of species and seed origins, along with performance of progenies, is presented for persons interested in oak improvement.

  18. Reconstituted products from oak


    W. C. Lewis; B. G. Heebink


    "Reconstituted" describes a family of panel products made from fractionated oak, bonded with either a synthetic resin or a natural lignin bond. Several current commercial fiber panel products from oak are described, and the status of research on experimental products and processes is presented. Recent technological developments are removing the stigma...

  19. California oaks: a bibliography


    James R. Griffin; Philip M. McDonald; Pamela C. Muick


    Among natural resource professionals, California oaks continue to attract considerable attention. This report provides a comprehensive bibliography of the extensive but scattered oak literature. The 768 references are organized into two systems: (a) a topical outline, in which references are displayed under key word headings and subheadings, and author-date entries...

  20. Reducing borer damage in oak regeneration and sawtimber


    Jimmy R. Galford


    Borers cause millions of dollars in damaged wood annually to oak stands, and adversely affect the form and vigor of oak regeneration. A moth and four species of beetles cause most of the damage; the carpenterworm moth, the oak timberworm, the red oak borer, the living-beech borer, and the white oak borer. The larvae of these insects chew holes in the wood ranging from...

  1. How to identify and manage oak wilt in Texas


    D.N. Appel; R.S. Cameron; A.D. Wilson; J.D. Johnson


    Transporting unseasoned firewood from diseased red oaks is a potential means of spreading the oak wilt fungus. Oak wilt cannot be transmitted by burning infected firewood, but fungal mats may form on firewood in storage. Presently, no vectors have been proven to transmit the fungus from live oaks to other oak trees, but diseased wood fromany oak species should never be...

  2. Sudden Oak Death - Eastern (Pest Alert)


    Joseph O' Brien; Manfred Mielke; Steve Oak; Bruce Moltzan


    A phenomenon known as Sudden Oak Death was first reported in 1995 in central coastal California. Since then, tens of thousands of tanoaks (Lithocarpus densiflorus), coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia), and California black oaks (Quercus kelloggii) have been killed by a newly identified fungus, Phytophthora ramorum. On these hosts, the fungus causes a bleeding canker on...

  3. Regenerating oaks with the shelterwood system


    Ivan L. Sander


    It is well known that a new reproduction stand that follows complete overstory removal will contain oaks in proportion to the numbers and size of advance oak reproduction present before the overstory was removed. Furthermore, the individual advance oaks must be relatively large with well-established root systems before they will compete successfully and be dominant in...

  4. Accelerating the kiln drying of oak


    William T. Simpson


    Reducing kiln-drying time for oak lumber can reduce energy requirements as well as reduce lumber inventories. In this work, l-inch northern red oak and white oak were kiln dried from green by a combination of individual accelerating techniques– presurfacing, presteaming, accelerated and smooth schedule, and high-temperature drying below 18 percent moisture content....

  5. Mammal caching of oak acorns in a red pine and a mixed oak stand


    E.R. Thorn; W.M. Tzilkowski


    Small mammal caching of oak (Quercus spp.) acorns in adjacent red pine (Pinus resinosa) and mixed-oak stands was investigated at The Penn State Experimental Forest, Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania. Gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and mice (Peromyscus spp.) were the most common acorn-caching...

  6. Protecting Trees from Sudden Oak Death before Infection


    C. Lee; Y. Valachovic; M. Garbelotto


    Phytophthora ramorum, an introduced invasive plant pathogen that causes sudden oak death, has killed over a million tanoak, coast live oak, Shreve oak, and California black oak trees along the California coastal region from Monterey through Humboldt Counties. Most trees infected with P. ramorum will eventually die, including...

  7. Coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, susceptibility and response to goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, injury in southern California


    Tom W. Coleman; Nancy E. Grulke; Miles Daly; Cesar Godinez; Susan L. Schilling; Philip J. Riggan; Steven J. Seybold


    Oak mortality is often associated with a complex of decline factors. We describe the morphological and physiological responses of coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia Née, in California to an invasive insect, the goldspotted oak borer (GSOB), Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), and evaluate drought as a...

  8. Working and Learning Among California Oaks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tietje, B.; Gingg, B.; Zingo, J.; Huntsinger, L.


    With tremendous support from collaborators and enthusiastic volunteers, "Learning Among the Oaks" at the historic Santa Margarita Ranch has become a favorite outdoor learning experience for hundreds of Santa Margarita School students, along with their teachers and families. Oaks are at the center of this unique and cost effective public education program. From getting to know local oaks to exploring conservation issues within the context of a historic working cattle ranch, students take pride in expanding their awareness and knowledge of the local oak woodland community. Santa Margarita School families representing the varied demographics of the community come together on the trail. For many, the program provides a first opportunity to get to know those who make a living on the land and to understand that this land around their school is more than a pretty view. "Learning Among the Oaks" also addresses the need for quality, hands-on science activities and opportunities to connect children with the outdoor world. Using a thematic approach and correlating lessons with State Science Standards, we've engaged students in a full-spectrum of exciting outdoor learning adventures. As students progress through the grades, they find new challenges within the oak trail environment. We've succeeded in establishing an internship program that brings highly qualified, enthusiastic university students out to practice their science teaching skills while working with elementary school students. In the future, these university student interns may assist with the development of interpretive displays, after-school nature activities and monitoring projects. We've benefited from proximity to Cal Poly State University and its "learn-by-doing" philosophy. We've also succeeded in building a dedicated network of volunteers and collaborators, each with a special interest satisfied through participation in the oak trail program. While "Learning Among the Oaks" has focused on educating school

  9. Establishment patterns of Oregon white oak and California black oak woodlands in northwestern California


    Madelinn Schriver; Rosemary Sherriff


    Mixed-Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) and California black oak (Q. kelloggii) woodlands are unique ecosystems that support high biodiversity in the Pacific Northwest, yet little is known about their current and historical stand establishment patterns in northwestern California. With concerns of local extirpation due to...

  10. Transpiration of oak trees in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands region


    Peter F. Ffolliott; Cody L. Stropki; Aaron T. Kauffman; Gerald J. Gottfried


    Transpiration of oak trees on the Cascabel watersheds in the savannas on the eastern slope of the Peloncillo Mountains in southwestern New Mexico has been estimated by the sap-flow method. Transpiration represents the largest loss of gross precipitation falling on a watershed in approximations of water budgets for the more densely stocked oak woodlands of the...

  11. HOW to Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt


    Joseph O' Brien; Manfred Mielke; Dale Starkey; Jennifer Juzwik


    Oak wilt is an aggressive disease that affects many species of oak (Quercus spp.). It is one of the most serious tree diseases in the eastern United States, killing thousands of oaks each year in forests, woodlots, and home landscapes. Oak wilt was first identified in 1944. The fungal pathogen that causes the disease, Ceratocystis fagacearum, is thought by...

  12. Response of chestnut oak and red oak to drought and fertilization: growth and physiology


    M.D. Kleiner; M.D. Abrams; J.C. Schultz


    Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) and red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings were grown for two seasons under two nutrient regimes: fertilizer + (NPK) and fertilizer - (No NPK). Beginning two weeks after budbreak, water was withheld for 10 weeks during the second growing season. Leaf water potentials, gas exchange measurements and...

  13. New relationships among the sudden oak death pathogen, bark and ambrosia beetles, and fungi colonizing coast live oaks


    Nadir Erbilgin; Brice A. McPherson; Pierluigi Bonello; David L. Wood; Andrew J. Nelson


    Sudden oak death (SOD) has had devastating effects on several oak species in many California coastal forests. Phytophthora ramorum has been identified as the primary causal agent of sudden oak death. While the pathogen may be capable of killing mature trees, it is likely that in nature opportunistic organisms play significant roles in the decline and...

  14. Interrelations of green oak leaf roller population and common oak: results of 30-year monitoring and mathematical modeling


    V. V. Rubtsov; I. A. Utkina


    Long-term monitoring followed by mathematical modeling was used to describe the population dynamics of the green oak leaf roller Tortrix viridana L. over a period of 30 years and to study reactions of oak stands to different levels of defoliation. The mathematical model allows us to forecast the population dynamics of the green oak leaf roller and...

  15. A meta-analysis of the fire-oak hypothesis: Does prescribed burning promote oak reproduction in eastern North America


    Patrick H. Brose; Daniel C. Dey; Ross J. Phillips; Thomas A. Waldrop


    The fire-oak hypothesis asserts that the current lack of fire is a reason behind the widespread oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration difficulties of eastern North America, and use of prescribed burning can help solve this problem. We performed a meta-analysis on the data from 32 prescribed fire studies conducted in mixed-oak forests to test whether they...

  16. The Use of Soil Scarification to Enhance Oak Regeneration in a Mixed-Oak Bottomland Forest of Southern Illinois


    John M. Lhotka; James J. Zaczek


    The purpose of the study was to investigate whether soil scarification following seed fall can be used to increase the density of oak regeneration in a mixed-oak stand. The study area was a 4.5-hectare stand dominated by cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Eli.). The understory had a high percent cover of poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans...

  17. Efficacy of Alamo for prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of oak wilt in red oaks, 2004


    K. Ward; J. Juzwik; S. Bernick


    An experiment (prophylactic study) to determine the efficacy of Alamo in preventing spread of C. fagacearum through grafted roots of oak wilt-affected and of apparently healthy red oaks was initiated in eight locations in east-central and southeastern Minnesota in Jul 2002.

  18. Auger planting of oak seedlings in northern Arkansas


    Eric Heitzman; Adrian Grell


    Planting oak seedlings to regenerate upland oak forests is a promising but untested silvicultural practice in the Ozark Mountains of northern Arkansas. The stony (cherty) soils of the region make it difficult to dig deep planting holes using conventional hand planting tools. In 2001, we planted 1-0 northern red oak and white oak seedlings in 0.5 to 1 acre group...

  19. The supply and demand situation for oak timber


    Kenneth L. Quigley


    Twenty oak species in the eastern United States account for one-third of the hardwood sawtimber volume and almost 10 percent of both hardwood and softwood growing-stock volume. The oak-hickory and oak-pine forest types occupy about 38 percent of the forest land in the eastern United States. Oak timber volume is increasing. Annual growth exceeds annual removals by about...

  20. Relative susceptibility of oaks to seven species of Phytophthora isolated from oak forest soils


    Y. Balci; S. Balci; W.L. MacDonald; K.W. Gottschalk


    Isolates of Phytophthora cambivora, P. cinnamomi, P. citricola, P. europaea, P. quercetorum and two unidentified species were tested for their pathogenicity to eastern US oak species by root and stem inoculations. Experiments were conducted during two different periods and included 1-, 2- and 20- year-old oaks grown under greenhouse and field...

  1. Comprehensive integrated planning: A process for the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The Oak Ridge Comprehensive Integrated Plan is intended to assist the US Department of Energy (DOE) and contractor personnel in implementing a comprehensive integrated planning process consistent with DOE Order 430.1, Life Cycle Asset Management and Oak Ridge Operations Order 430. DOE contractors are charged with developing and producing the Comprehensive Integrated Plan, which serves as a summary document, providing information from other planning efforts regarding vision statements, missions, contextual conditions, resources and facilities, decision processes, and stakeholder involvement. The Comprehensive Integrated Plan is a planning reference that identifies primary issues regarding major changes in land and facility use andmore » serves all programs and functions on-site as well as the Oak Ridge Operations Office and DOE Headquarters. The Oak Ridge Reservation is a valuable national resource and is managed on the basis of the principles of ecosystem management and sustainable development and how mission, economic, ecological, social, and cultural factors are used to guide land- and facility-use decisions. The long-term goals of the comprehensive integrated planning process, in priority order, are to support DOE critical missions and to stimulate the economy while maintaining a quality environment.« less

  2. Iowa's oldest oaks. [Quercus alba

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Duvick, D.N.; Blasing, T.J.


    Tree-ring analysis revealed 33 living white oaks (Quercus alba) in Iowa that began growing before 1700. Core of wood 4 mm in diameter, each extracted from a radius of a tree trunk were analyzed. The oldest white oak, found in northeastern Warren County, began growing about 1570 and is thus over 410 years old. A chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) was also found which was more than 300 years old. Ring widths from the white oaks are well correlated with total precipitation for the twelve months preceding completion of ring formation in July. Reconstructions of annual (August-July) precipitation for 1680-1979, basedmore » on the tree rings, indicate that the driest annual period in Iowa was August 1799-July 1800, and that the driest decade began about 1816. Climatic information of this kind, pre-dating written weather records, can be used to augment those records and provide a longer baseline of information for use by climatologists and hydrologic planners.« less

  3. Oak Decline and Red Oak Borer in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas an Missouri: Natural Phenomena, Severe Occurrences


    Dale A. Starkey; Forrest Oliveria; Alexander Mangini; Manfred Mielke


    Oak decline is a complex disease resulting in dieback and mortality of oaks. A number of factors are involved and can be classified as predisposing, inciting, or contributing, according to their roles. Decline events have been noted repeatedly during the past century in the eastern U.S. A severe episode of oak decline is occurring in the Interior Highlands region of...

  4. Comparison of oak and sugar maple distribution and regeneration in central Illinois upland oak forests


    Peter J. Frey; Scott J. Meiners


    Changes in disturbance frequencies, habitat fragmentation, and other biotic pressures are allowing sugar maple (Acer saccharum) to displace oak (Quercus spp.) in the upland forest understory. The displacement of oaks by sugar maples represents a major management concern throughout the region. We collected seedling microhabitat data...

  5. An ecologically based approach to oak silviculture: a synthesis of 50 years of oak ecosystem research in North America


    Daniel C. Dey; Alejandro A. Royo; Patrick H. Brose; Todd F. Hutchinson; Martin A. Spetich; Scott H. Stoleson


    Oak (Quercus L.) is an abundant and widely distributed genus in eastern North America. A history of periodic fire, grazing, canopy disturbance and timber harvesting has favored oak's dominance. But, changes in this regime toward much less fire or complete fire suppression, and selective cutting are causing the successional replacement of oak....

  6. Fire in upper Midwestern oak forest ecosystems: an oak forest restoration and management handbook


    Lee E. Frelich; Peter B. Reich; David W. Peterson


    We reviewed the literature to synthesize what is known about the use of fire to maintain and restore oak forests, woodlands, and savannas of the upper Midwestern United States, with emphasis on Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Included are (1) known physical and ecological effects of fire on oaks from acorn through seedling, established sapling, and mature stages of...

  7. Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world


    Richard B. Standiford; Kathryn L. Purcell


    Beginning in 1979, there have been a series of symposia held every 5 to 7 years addressing the state of our knowledge about science, policy and management factors affecting California's oak resource. This program represents the seventh symposium in the series. California's oak woodlands cover 10 percent of the state, and in addition, are a key ecological...

  8. Oak Regeneration Using the Two-Age System


    Jeffrey W. Stringer


    The two studies presented in this paper were completed in southeastern Kentucky and were designed to evaluate acorn production and development of advanced white oak reproduction from fully released white oak (Quercus alba) trees typical of reserve trees in the two age system. Twelve 2 acre 60- to 90-year-old white oak dominated stands were...

  9. Response of Overtopped White Oak to Release


    Charles E. McGee


    Pole sized white oaks increase in volume growth following release from overtopping trees, but the response varies by size, age and appearance of the oaks. Significant increases in epicormic sprouting, height loss by some released trees, and highly variable stem volume growth make overtopped white oak a very questionable source of future crop trees. If overtopped trees...

  10. Oaks belowground: mycorrhizas, truffles, and small mammals


    Jonathan Frank; Seth Barry; Joseph Madden; Darlene Southworth


    Oaks depend on hidden diversity belowground. Oregon white oaks (Quercus garryana) form ectomycorrhizas with more than 40 species of fungi at a 25-ha site. Several of the most common oak mycorrhizal fungi form hypogeous fruiting bodies or truffles in the upper layer of mineral soil. We collected 18 species of truffles associated with Oregon white...

  11. Site and canopy characteristics associated with oak advance reproduction in mature oak-hickory forests in the ridge and valley province in Tennessee


    Leslie S. Chadwell; David S. Buckley


    To investigate hypotheses regarding effects of competitors and site quality on oak regeneration, we documented site factors and oak seedling composition, size, and abundance in the Ridge and Valley Province of Tennessee. Small oak seedlings were most abundant on productive soils and mesic landform positions, whereas large oak seedlings were most abundant on less...

  12. Oak decline


    Kenneth J., Jr. Kessler; David R. Houston


    Oak declines are complex plant diseases that result when trees are first stressed by environmental factors and/or living organisms and are then invaded and sometimes killed by opportunistic secondary organisms.

  13. Oak Regeneration - What We Know


    Harvey E. Kennedy


    Growth and development of saplings of four-oak (Quercus spp.) species planted at five spacings in a minor stream bottom in southeast Arkansas showed significant differences among species and spacings. Spacing affected all tree size and biomass variables except survival. Yater oak (Q. nigra L.) developed most rapidly; swamp chestnut...

  14. Monitoring oak-hickory forest change during an unprecedented red oak borer outbreak in the Ozark Mountains: 1990 to 2006


    Joshua S. Jones; Jason A. Tullis; Laurel J. Haavik; James M. Guldin; Fred M. Stephen


    Upland oak-hickory forests in Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma experienced oak decline in the late 1990s and early 2000s during an unprecedented outbreak of a native beetle, the red oak borer (ROB), Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman). Although remote sensing supports frequent monitoring of continuously changing forests, comparable in situ observations are critical for...

  15. Clemson Researchers Find Prescribed Fire Regenerates Oak Forests


    David van Lear; Patrick Brose


    Fire is being prescribed by Clemson University forestry researchers to regenerate oak forests. Regenerating oaks following timber harvests is a major challenge because faster growing yellow polar and red maple trees crowd out hte more valuable oak seedlings.

  16. Seeding and planting upland oaks


    T. E. Russell


    Upland oaks can be established by seeding or planting, but additional experience is needed before these methods become economical alternatives to natural regeneration. Recently forested sites are generally more favorable than abandoned fields. Lack of repellents to protect acorns from animals severely limits direct seeding, but oaks can be planted readily by...

  17. Manufacture of industrial products from oak


    Hugh W. Reynolds


    The three largest and fastest growing markets for oak are railroad crossties, reusable pallets, and truck and container flooring. Manufacturers of oak lumber are advised to keep these products in mind when planning their production.

  18. Forecasting the future of coast live oak forests in the face of sudden oak death


    Letty B. Brown; Barbara Allen-Diaz


    Little is known about the potential short- and long-term impacts of sudden oak death (SOD) on forest structure and composition. This study began in 2002 to evaluate the effects of SOD on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) - California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) forests over a gradient of Phytophthora ramorum...

  19. Relationships between Phytophthora ramorum canker (sudden oak death) and failure potential in coast live oak


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt; Christiana Drake; Laurence R. Costello


    In autumn 2002, we conducted a retrospective study on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) failures in Marin County, California, woodlands affected by Phytophthora ramorum canker (sudden oak death). The objectives of this case-control study were to quantify levels of bole, large branch, and root failure in these woodlands and...

  20. Soil-site relationships of the upland oaks


    Willard H. Carmean


    Site quality for upland oaks can be estimated directly by using site-index curves, or indirect estimations can be made by using soil-site prediction methods. Presently available harmonized site-index curves may not be suitable for all upland oak species, or may not be suitable throughout their range. New stem-analysis data show that different species of oak have...

  1. Gypsy moth impacts on oak acorn production


    Kurt W. Gottschalk


    Gypsy moth outbreaks can have drastic effects on many f a s t resources and uses. Because gypsy moth prefers oak foliage, oak stands are the most susceptible to defoliation and resultant damage. The value of oak mast for many wildlife species is high. The high carbohydrate content of acorns provides the energy necessary for winter survival. Loss of mast crops due to...

  2. Combat Oak Shortage Problems Using Fortified Stringers


    Philip A. Araman


    Oak pallet material supplies from sawmills have been and may continue to be difficult to secure in quantities by the pallet industry. Other oak using markets such as the furniture, cabinet, tie and flooring markets need more oak and are paying much higher prices than pallet manufacturers and recyclers wish to or can pay. These other markets are also willing to take...

  3. Development, succession, and stand dynamics of upland oak forests in the Wisconsin Driftless Area: Implications for oak regeneration and management


    Megan L. Buchanan; Kurt F. Kipfmueller; Anthony W. D' Amato


    Throughout the deciduous forests of the eastern United States, oak (Quercus) regeneration has declined in stands historically dominated by oak species. In the Wisconsin Driftless Area, the level of decline in oak regeneration is variable and influenced by stand structural development, historical disturbance regime, abiotic site characteristics, and...

  4. Identification, amounts, and kinetics of extraction of C-glucosidic ellagitannins during wine aging in oak barrels or in stainless steel tanks with oak chips.


    Jourdes, Michaël; Michel, Julien; Saucier, Cédric; Quideau, Stéphane; Teissedre, Pierre-Louis


    The C-glucosidic ellagitannins are found in wine as a result of its aging in oak barrels or in stainless steel tanks with oak chips. Once dissolved in this slightly acidic solution, the C-glucosidic ellagitannins vescalagin can react with nucleophilic entities present in red wine, such as ethanol, catechin, and epicatechin, to generate condensed hybrid products such as the β-1-O-ethylvescalagin and the flavano-ellagitannins (acutissimin A/B and epiacutissimin A/B), respectively. During this study, we first monitored the extraction kinetic and the evolution of the eight major oak-derived C-glucosidic ellagitannins in red wines aged in oak barrels or in stainless steel tank with oak chips. Their extraction rates appeared to be faster during red wine aging in stainless steel tanks with oak chips. However, their overall concentrations in wines were found higher in the wine aged in barrels. The formation rates of the vescalagin-coupled derivatives were also estimated for the first time under both red wine aging conditions (i.e., oak barrels or stainless steel tanks with oak chips). As observed for the oak-native C-glucosidic ellagitannins, the concentrations of these vescalagin derivatives were higher in the red wine aged in oak barrels than in stainless steel tanks with oak chips. Despite these differences, their relative composition was similar under both red wine aging conditions. Finally, the impact of the oak chips size and toasting level on the C-glucosidic ellagitannins concentration in wine was also investigated.

  5. Population genetics and biological control of goldspotted oak borer, an invasive pest of California oaks


    Vanessa Lopez; Paul F. Rugman-Jones; Tom W. Coleman; Richard Stouthamer; Mark Hoddle


    California’s oak woodlands are threatened by the recent introduction of goldspotted oak borer (Agrilus auroguttatus). This invasive wood-borer is indigenous to mountain ranges in southern Arizona where its low population densities may be due to the presence of co-evolved, host-specific natural enemies. Reuniting A. auroguttatus...

  6. Amplification of North American Red Oak Microsatellite Markers in European White Oaks and Chinese Chestnut


    P. R. Aldrich; M. Jagtap; C. H. Michler; J. Romero-Severson


    We examined the cross-species amplification success of thirty microsatellite markers developed from North American northern red oak (Quercus rubra) in other members of the family Fagaceae. Sixteen of these markers are newly developed and we report primer sequences and amplification conditions here. Twelve of the thirty (40.0%) red oak markers...

  7. Update on oak seed quality research: Hardwood recalcitrant seeds


    Kristina F. Connor


    In 2 experiments, acorns of cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) and water oak (Q. nigra L.) were stored at 2 temperatures and 2 moisture contents for 3 years, and acorns of white oak (Q. alba L.) and cherrybark oak were desiccated over a span of up to 11 days and examined for physiological and biochemical...

  8. Surface radiological investigations at White Wing Scrap Yard, Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Williams, J.K.; Rodriguez, R.E.; Uziel, M.S.


    A surface radiological scoping survey of accessible areas at the White Wing Scrap Yard (Waste Area Grouping 11 (WAG 11)) was conducted intermittently from December 1989 through July 1991 by members of the Measurement Applications and Development Group, Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) at the request of Environmental Restoration Program personnel at ORNL. The White Wing Scrap Yard is an estimated 30-acre, predominately wooded area located on the western edge of East Fork Ridge in the McNew Hollow area on the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Reservation. The scrap yard was formerly used formore » aboveground storage of contaminated material (e.g., steel tanks, metal, glass, concrete, and miscellaneous industrial trash) from the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, and ORNL. The purposes of this cursory investigation were (1) to provide an updated contamination status of the site by locating and interpreting the presence, nature, and extent of surface radiological contamination and (2) to provide a basis for the formulation of interim corrective action to limit human exposures to radioactivity and minimize the potential for contaminant dispersion. 13 refs., 17 figs., 5 tabs.« less

  9. Refining the oak-fire hypothesis for management of oak-dominated forests of the eastern United States


    Mary A. Arthur; Heather D. Alexander; Daniel C. Dey; Callie J. Schweitzer; David L. Loftis


    Prescribed fires are increasingly implemented throughout eastern deciduous forests to accomplish various management objectives, including maintenance of oak-dominated (Quercus spp.) forests. Despite a regional research-based understanding of prehistoric and historic fire regimes, a parallel understanding of contemporary fire use to preserve oak...

  10. Seeding and planting upland oaks



    Oaks can be planted or seeded in uplands to: (1) afforest old fields, strip-mined areas, or other areas devoid of trees, and (2) supplement natural reproduction within existing forests. Planting is usually more successful than direct seeding. But even under good conditions survival and growth of planted oak has been considerably poorer than with conifers and other...

  11. Regenerating oaks in Missouri's bottomlands


    Dan Dey; John Kabrick


    Bottomland oaks are valuable timber species that are also important for wildlife, but regenerating them is about as easy as training blackbirds to plant acorns. Missouri once had an estimated 5 million acres of wetlands, much of which were bottomland forests that included some oak. Today, less than 15 percent of those historical wetlands remain in the state. Many...

  12. The mighty oak faces challenges in the Pacific West


    Gail Wells


    In popular imagination, the oak tree stands for strength, endurance, and longevity. But in the coastal lowlands and central valleys of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California, oaks face a battery of natural and human-induced threats. Sudden oak death, caused by a virulent pathogen identified in 2000, has killed millions of tanoaks, California black oaks,...

  13. Midstory removal methods tested for timely release of newly established oak seedlings under oak shelterwoods


    Ronald A. Rathfon


    The oak shelterwood method calls for the removal of shade-tolerant, undesirable midstory species to create adequate diffuse light conditions at the forest floor for oak seedling establishment, preferably timed to coincide with a large acorn crop. Injection (INJ) with an herbicide, chainsaw felling and girdling with herbicide application (SAW), and a low-volume basal...

  14. Flush Development Dynamics in First-Year Nursery-Grown Seedlings of Eight Oak Species


    Shi-Jean S. Sung; Paul P. Kormanik; Stanley J. Zarnoch


    Two experiments were conducted to follow flush development dynamics exhibited by various oak species. In experiment I, southern red oak acorns were sown in mid-March 2001 at Whitehall Nursery (Athens, GA). In experiment II, acorns of black oak, cherrybark oak, Nuttall oak, Shumard oak, southern red oak, swamp chestnut oak, white oak, and willow oak were sown in...

  15. Application of Propiconazole and Pseudomonas Cichorii for Control of Oak Wilt in Texas Live Oaks


    A. Dan Wilson; D.G. Lester


    The efficacy of two formulations of propiconazole, Banner and Tilt, and biocontrol agent (Pseudomonas cichorii) for Control of oak wilt was tested in a natural mature stand of live oaks at a location near Yoakum, Texas with a predominantly sandy soil type. The field plots, established 15 March 85, consisted of five randomly selected plot locations...

  16. Effect of ground skidding on oak advance regeneration


    Jeffrey W. Stringer


    Vigorous advance regeneration is required to naturally regenerate oaks. However, a reduction in the number of advance regeneration stems from harvesting activities could be an important factor in determining successful oak regeneration. This study assessed the harvest survivability of advance regeneration of oak (Quercus spp.) and co-occurring...

  17. Butt log quality of trees in Pennsylvania oak stands


    Martin E. Dale; Robert L. Brisbin; Robert L. Brisbin


    Describes the distribution of sawtimber trees by diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) and grade for eight hardwood species in upland oak stands of Pennsylvania. The proportion of trees by d.b.h. and grade revealed differences between species. The quality of northern red oak, white oak, and yellow-poplar appeared inherently better than that of red maple, chestnut oak, and...

  18. Releasing red oak reproduction using a growing season application of Oust


    Jamie L. Schuler; John Stephens


    In most cases, newly harvested upland oak stands contain sufficient numbers of red oak stems to form a fully stocked oak stand in the future. Unfortunately, many stands will not reach full stocking of oak due to intense competition from other non-oak reproduction. There are few feasible options to release established oak reproduction from other broadleaf woody or non-...

  19. The oak woodland bird conservation plan: a strategy for protecting and managing oak woodland habitats and associated birds in California


    Steve Zack; Mary K. Chase; Geoffrey R. Geupel


    Over 330 species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians depend on oak woodlands in California at some stage in their life cycle. California oak woodlands may rank among the top three habitat types in North America for bird richness. Oak woodlands are able to sustain such abundant wildlife primarily because they produce acorns, a high quality and frequently copious...

  20. Performance of nutrient-loaded red oak and white oak seedlings on mine lands in southern Indiana


    K. Francis Salifu; Douglass F. Jacobs; Zonda K. D. Birge


    Exponential nutrient loading was used to build nutrient reserves in northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and white oak (Q. alba) seedlings during standard bareroot nursery culture at the Vallonia State Nursery, Indiana. Nursery grown seedlings were outplanted the following year onto a mine reclamation site in southern Indiana to...

  1. Oak Regeneration by Direct Seeding


    Robert L. Johnson; Roger M. Krinard


    Direct sowing of oak acorns has not always met with success. This paper summarizes recent research regarding direct sowing of oaks in research plots and commercial trials. Present findings indicate that seedlings can be established from properly stored acorns sown any month of the year by hand or machine . They should be sown at a two-inch depth , although they can be...

  2. Mössbauer studies of subfossil oak

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Bürck, Uwe; Wagner, Friedrich E.; Lerf, Anton


    Subfossil oak wood found in a dried-up bog in Bavaria, Germany, was studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The bog oaks contain substantial amounts of iron taken up from the bog waters and presumably forming complexes with the tanning agents in the oak wood. The iron is mainly Fe3 + and much of this exhibits an uncommonly large quadrupole splitting of up to 1.6 mm/s that can tentatively be explained by the formation of oxo-bridged iron dimers. Only rarely, mainly in the dense wood of the roots of bog oaks, was divalent iron found. When the wood was ground to a powder the divalent iron oxidized to Fe3 + within hours. This suggests that iron is taken up from the bog water as Fe2 + and oxidizes only when the wood emerges from the water and comes into contact with air.

  3. Factors limiting northern red oak reproduction in Pennsylvania


    Russell S. Walters; L. R. Auchmoody


    When harvested, upland oak forests of northwestern Pennsylvania generally regenerate to new forests dominated by non-oak species. In 1988, the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station began to identify and learn to manipulate factors that limit the establishment and development of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings in second-generation...

  4. 77 FR 23506 - Notice of Inventory Completion: The Region of Three Oaks Museum, Three Oaks, MI

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    .... SUMMARY: The Region of Three Oaks Museum has completed an inventory of human remains, in consultation with... between the human remains and a present-day Indian tribe. Representatives of any Indian tribe that believes itself to be culturally affiliated with the human remains may contact The Region of Three Oaks...

  5. Bird communities of gambel oak: a descriptive analysis


    Andreas Leidolf; Michael L. Wolfe; Rosemary L. Pendleton


    Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii Nutt.) covers 3.75 million hectares (9.3 million acres) of the western United States. This report synthesizes current knowledge on the composition, structure, and habitat relationships of gambel oak avian communities. It lists life history attributes of 183 bird species documented from gambel oak habitats of the western...

  6. A Dendrochronological Analysis of Red Oak Borer Abundance


    Rose-Marie Muzika; Richard P. Guyette


    Unprecedented outbreaks of red oak borer (Enaphalodes rufulus Haldemann) have occurred in the lower Midwestern United States. Although generally not a mortality agent, red oak borer appears to contribute to general oak decline and mortality. The objective of this project was to explore dendrochronology as a means of determining the role of tree age,...

  7. Impact of a spring defoliator on common oak


    Victor V. Rubtsov; Irina A. Utkina


    We have investigated the population dynamics of some common phyllophagous insects in oak stands of the forest-steppe zone and their impact on common oak (Quercus robur L). Considerable attention has also been paid to mathematical modeling of the studied processes. All field data represent samples taken from the Tellerman oak grove in the Voronezh...

  8. Managing California black oak for tribal ecocultural restoration


    Jonathan W. Long; Ron W. Goode; Raymond J. Gutteriez; Jessica J. Lackey; M. Kat Anderson


    Many tribes in California and Oregon value California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) as a traditional source of food and other values. Over centuries or millennia, Native Americans learned that they could enhance production of desired resources by regularly igniting low-intensity surface fires in stands of black oak. Although black oak is likely to...

  9. Thirty-year assessment of released, overtopped white oaks


    C. Miller; S. Grayson; A. Houser; W. Clatterbuck; K. Kuers


    White oak (Quercus alba L.) is a slow-growing species that is often overtopped in the mixed upland hardwood forests of the Cumberland Plateau. Forest managers have concerns about the potential economic value of releasing overtopped white oaks to become valuable crop trees. This study follows the growth and development of 104 overtopped white oaks...

  10. Influence of Fire on Oak Seedlings and Saplings in Southern Oak Woodland on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California


    Earl W. Lathrop; Chris D. Osborne


    One wildfire and two prescription burns were monitored at 15 oak seedling/sapling regeneration sites and at four non-burned comparison sites to study the effect of fire on seedlings and saplings of Quercus engelmannii (Engelmann oak) and Q. agrifolia (coast live oak). The number of initial topkilled seedlings and saplings, initial...

  11. Silviculture to restore oak woodlands


    Daniel C. Dey; Callie J. Schweitzer; John M. Kabrick


    Variability in historic fire regimes in eastern North America resulted in an array of oak savannas, woodlands and forests that were dominant vegetation types throughout the region. In the past century, once abundant woodlands have become scarce due to conversion to agriculture, or development of forest structure in the absence of fire. Restoration of oak woodlands is a...

  12. Reconstructing the competitive dynamics of mixed-oak neighborhoods


    Eric K. Zenner; Daniel J. Heggenstaller; Patrick H. Brose; JeriLynn E. Peck; Kim C. Steiner


    The disparity between the potential for latent oak dominance within a stand and their region-wide decline in importance value raises questions about the competitiveness of oaks in early stand dynamics. We reconstructed tree height growth dynamics in mixed-species neighborhoods to determine if currently dominant oaks were ever shorter than their competitors and at what...

  13. Challenges and successes in managing oak wilt in the United States


    Jennifer Juzwik; David N. Appel; William L. MacDonald; Susan. Burks


    Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) J. Hunt, is an important disease of oaks (Quercus spp.) in the eastern United States. It has been particularly destructive in the North Central states and Texas. Oak wilt is one of several significant oak diseases that threaten oak health worldwide. The significant...

  14. Responses of oaks and tanoaks to the sudden oak death pathogen after 8 y of monitoring in two coastal California forests


    Brice A. McPherson; Sylvia R. Mori; David L. Wood; Maggi Kelly; Andrew J. Storer; Pavel Svihra; Richard B. Standiford


    Sudden oak death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, is widely established in mesic forests of coastal central and northern California. In 2000, we placed 18 plots in two Marin County sites to monitor disease progression in coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia), California black oaks (Q. kelloggii), and tanoaks (Lithocarpus densiflorus), the species that are most...

  15. Phytophthora ramorum canker (Sudden Oak Death) disease risk and progress in coast live oak, 2000-2012


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt


    From 2000 through 2012, we collected annual observations on disease symptoms and stand conditions in 128 coast live oak plots in forests affected by sudden oak death (SOD), caused by the introduced pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. Elevated rainfall in one or both of the previous wet seasons was associated with pulses of new infections. However,...

  16. Using Forest Service forest inventory and analysis data to estimate regional oak decline and oak mortality


    Kathryn W. Kromroy; Jennifer Juzwik; Paul Castillo; Mark H. Hansen


    Damage and mortality data are collected as part of the US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) ongoing assessments of the nation's timberlands. The usefulness and value of FIA tree data in assessing historical levels of oak decline and oak mortality were investigated for seven Midwestern states. The data were collected during two periodic...

  17. Energy content in dried leaf litter of some oaks and mixed mesophytic species that replace oaks


    Aaron D. Stottlemeyer; G. Geoff Wang; Patrick H. Brose; Thomas A. Waldrop


    Mixed-mesophytic hardwood tree species are replacing upland oaks in vast areas of the Eastern United States deciduous forest. Some researchers have suggested that the leaf litter of mixed-mesophytic, oak replacement species renders forests less flammable where forest managers wish to restore a natural fire regime. We performed chemical analyses on dried leaf litter...

  18. Occupational poison ivy and oak dermatitis.


    Epstein, W L


    Among the growing and diverse groups of outdoor and environmental workers, poison ivy and poison oak continue to be the major cause of occupational contact dermatitis. This article reviews the practical and theoretic means to prevent poison ivy and poison oak dermatitis in workers occupationally exposed to these weeds.

  19. Foliar nutrient concentrations of oak, hickory, and red maple


    Amy J. Scherzer; Robert P. Long; Joanne Rebbeck


    Early autumn foliar nutrient concentrations of overstory oak (white oak [Quercus alba L.] or chestnut oak [Q. prinus L.]) understory hickory (mockernut hickory [Carya tomentosa (Poir.) Nutt.] or pignut hickory [C. glabra (Mill.) Sweet]), and both overstory and understory red maple (...

  20. Effects of shading on growth and development of northern red oak, black oak, black cherry, and red maple seedlings. II. biomass partitioning and prediction


    Kurt W. Gottschalk


    Northern red oak, black oak, black cherry, and red maple seedlings were grown under light treatments ranging from 8 to 94% of full sunlight for 2 years. Growth was least at the lowest light level and total dry weight increased with increasing light. Total dry-weight rankings (largest to smallest) at all light levels were black cherry, northern red oak, black oak, and...

  1. Tests of wildlife habitat models to evaluate oak-mast production

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Schroeder, R.L.; Vangilder, L.D.


    We measured oak-mast production and forest structure and composition in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and tested the accuracy of oak-mast prediction variables from 5 Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) species models. Acorn production was positively associated with several measures of abundance and canopy cover of oak trees, and with an index of mast production for all 5 HSI models. We developed 2 modified oak-mast models, based on inputs related to either oak tree density or oak canopy cover and diversity of oak tree species. The revised models accounted for 22-32% of the variance associated with acorn abundance. Future tests of HSI models should consider: (1) the concept of upper limits imposed by habitat and the effects of nonhabitat factors; (2) the benefits of a top-down approach to model development; and (3) testing models across broad geographic regions.

  2. Vegetation and small vertebrates of oak woodlands at low and high risk for sudden oak death in San Luis Obispo County, California.


    Douglas J. Tempel; William D. Tietje; Donald E. Winslow


    San Luis Obispo County contains oak woodlands at varying levels of risk of sudden oak death (SOD), caused by a fungal pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) that in the past decade has killed thousands of oak (Quercus spp.) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) trees in California. SOD was most recently detected 16...

  3. Adequate Oak Regeneration - A Problem Without a Solution?


    Robert L. Johnson


    The current supply of oak (Quercus spp.) in eastern forests appears abundant. Knight and Hilmon (1978) report a 42 percent increase in total oak sawtimber between 1952 and 1977. In 1977, board-foot growth (Int. 1/4") was slightly less and cubic-foot growth slightly more than twice the amount of annual removals. But the long term outlook for oak...

  4. Ten-year results of using oak Cleanings to maintain oak species dominance on the Allegheny National Forest


    Kurt W. Gottschalk; Gary W. Miller; Robert White; Andrea Hille; Thomas M. Schuler


    The Allegheny National Forest (ANF) in northwestern Pennsylvania implemented precommercial thinning in young stands to maintain oak (Quercus spp.) stems in a competitive position. This administrative study was developed to test ANF standards for precommercial thinning for success in maintaining oak composition. An additional objective was to examine...

  5. Pretreatment Characteristics of Waste Oak Wood by Ammonia Percolation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Jun-Seok; Kim, Hyunjoon; Lee, Jin-Suk; Lee, Joon-Pyo; Park, Soon-Chul

    A log of waste oak wood collected from a Korean mushroom farm has been tested for ammonia percolation pretreatment. The waste log has different physical characteristics from that of virgin oak wood. The density of the waste wood was 30% lower than that of virgin oak wood. However, there is little difference in the chemical compositions between the woods. Due to the difference in physical characteristics, the optimal pretreatment conditions were also quite different. While for waste oak the optimum temperature was determined to be 130°C, for virgin oak wood the optimum pretreatment was only achieved at 170°C. Presoaking for 12 h with ammonia solution before pretreatment was helpful to increase the delignification efficiency.

  6. Effects of the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, on the health of coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, in southern California before and after treatment with two systemic insecticides


    Yigen Chen; Mary L. Flint; Tom W. Coleman; Joseph J. Doccola; Donald M. Grosman; David L. Wood; Steven J. Seybold


    The invasive goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is threatening the health and survival of oak trees in San Diego County, California (Flint and others 2013). The primary oak species colonized and killed in this area include coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California black oak (...

  7. A field guide to insects and diseases of California oaks


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth A. Bernhardt


    California has more than twenty-five native species, natural hybrids, and varieties of oaks (Quercus species). The form of these oaks ranges from large trees, up to about 25 m tall, to shrubs no taller than about 1.5 m. California's native oaks include representatives of three oak subgroups or subgenera (Table 1). Hybridization only occurs...

  8. Harvest survivability of oak advanced regeneration


    Jeff Stringer


    Natural regeneration of oak requires the occurrence of advance regeneration and/or stems capable of stump sprouting. These stems must be present before harvest and adequate numbers must survive harvest for oaks to successfully regenerate. Regeneration predictions are based on pre-harvest advance regeneration inventories. However, the use of these inventories does not...

  9. Success of Underplanting Northern Red Oaks


    Martin A. Spetich; Daniel C. Dey; Paul S. Johnson; David L. Graney


    We summarize results of the growth and survival of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings 11 years after planting in shelterwoods in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas. Shelterwood overstories were harvested 3 years after underplanting > 4,000 northern red oak seedlings. Woody vegetation that was competing with planted seedlings received two...

  10. Sudden oak death in California: what is the potential?


    Tara M. Barrett; Demetrios Gatziolis; Jeremy S. Fried; Karen L. Waddell


    Sudden oak death, a disease associated with the pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, has a large number of shrub and tree host species. Three of the tree species must susceptible to mortality from the disease, California black oak (Quercus kelloggii), coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), and tanoak (...

  11. Phytophthora ramorum infection in coast live oaks and Shreve's oaks treated with insecticide to prevent beetle colonization


    Brice A. McPherson; David L. Wood; David M. Rizzo; Pavel Svihra; Steve Tjosvold; Andrew J. Storer; Richard B. Standiford


    As the name implies, sudden oak death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, kills many, if not most of the coast live oaks, Quercus agrifolia, that become infected (McPherson and others, 2005). Several genera of ambrosia and bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) colonize bleeding (infected) trees and are suspected to hasten tree death....

  12. Proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Fourth Science Symposium


    Susan J. Frankel; John T. Kliejunas; Katharine M. Palmieri


    The Sudden Oak Death Fourth Science Symposium provided a forum for current research on sudden oak death, caused by the exotic, quarantine pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. Ninety submissions describing papers or posters on the following sudden oak death/P. ramorum topics are included: biology, genetics, nursery and wildland...

  13. Three Colopterus beetle species carry the oak wilt fungus to fresh wounds on red oak in Missouri


    Maya Hayslett; Jennifer Juzwik; Bruce Moltzan


    Beetles in the family Nitidulidae can transmit the oak wilt fungus, Ceratocystis fagacearum, to fresh wounds on healthy oak trees, leading to infection and disease development. Historically, nitidulid beetles have not been considered important vectors of the pathogen in Missouri. Studies were conducted in the spring of 2005 and 2006 to determine...

  14. Germination Characteristics of Engelmann Oak and Coast Live Oak from the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County, California


    Gerald E. Snow


    Over 2,000 acorns of Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak) and over 500 acorns of Q. engelmannii (Engelmann oak) were collected in the Jim Knight pasture area of the Santa Rosa Plateau. These were used to test for temperature and moisture conditions on germination of viable acorns in the laboratory under controlled environmental...

  15. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy of red oaks in eastern North America

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Solomon, A.M.

    Identification of Quercus (oak) pollen taxa could enhance Quaternary palynological interpretations from eastern North America. A first step is to determine a morphological and taxonomic basis for such identifications. Scanning electron microscopy was utilized to examine exine-surface features of 266 specimens representing 21 red oak (subgen. Erythrobalanus) species from eastern North America, and two intermediate oak (subgen. Protobalanus) species from the desert southwest. Twenty pollen morphological characteristics defined previously were tabulated for each of 324 pollen grains. The data were subjected to cluster analyses. Cluster diagrams were compared with traditional oak systematics. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy compared poorly withmore » respect to series and species relationships among the red oaks, apparently due as much to high intraspecific and low interspecific variability in pollen-morphological characters as to the uncertain taxonomy of red oaks. Pollen morphology, however, does support the hypothesis of subgeneric oak evolution from intermediate oaks to the series Virentes of white oaks, and from more advanced white oaks to the red oak species. 19 references, 25 figures, 1 table.« less

  16. Proceedings of the sudden oak death third science symposium


    Susan J. Frankel; John T. Kliejunas; Katharine M. Palmieri


    The Sudden Oak Death Third Science Symposium provided a forum for current research on sudden oak death, caused by the exotic, quarantine pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. One hundred and seventeen submissions describing papers and posters on the following sudden oak death/ P. ramorum topics are included: biology, genetics, nursery,...

  17. Proceedings of the sudden oak death sixth science symposium


    Susan J. Frankel; Katharine M. Harrell


    The Sudden Oak Death Sixth Science Symposium provided a forum for current research on sudden oak death, caused by the exotic quarantine pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. More than 50 submissions describing papers or posters on the following sudden oak death/P. ramorum topics are included: biology, genetics, nursery and wildland...

  18. Factors limiting recruitment in valley and coast live oak


    Claudia M. Tyler; Bruce E. Mahall; Frank W. Davis; Michael Hall


    The Santa Barbara County Oak Restoration Program was initiated in 1994 to determine the major factors limiting recruitment of valley oak (Quercus lobata) and coast live oak (Q. agrifolia). At Sedgwick Reserve in Santa Barbara County, California, we have replicated large-scale planting experiments in four different years to...

  19. Goldspotted oak borer: Field identification guide


    S. Hishinuma; T.W. Coleman; M.L. Flint; S.J. Seybold


    The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB), Agrilus auroguttatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is a flatheaded borer new to California that poses a significant threat to oak trees. The pest is native to southeastern Arizona, although a related species occurs in southern Mexico and northern Guatemala. GSOB was first collected and identified in California in 2004 in San Diego County...

  20. Release of suppressed oak advance regeneration


    Dylan Dillaway; Jeffrey W. Stringer


    Oaks are not consistently regenerating on intermediate- and high-quality sites due to the lack of well-developed advance regeneration. Studies of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedling cohorts have shown that when grown under well-developed canopies and mid-stories, height growth is suppressed, and seedling mortality increases with time resulting in a sparsely...

  1. Potential effects of sudden oak death on small mammals and herpetofauna in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia woodlands


    Douglas J. Tempel; William D. Tietje


    Within San Luis Obispo County, California, coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) woodlands provide important habitat for many wildlife species (see Tietje and others, this volume). Unfortunately, many of these woodlands are at high risk of sudden oak death (SOD) infection should the pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) become established...

  2. White Oak Creek Watershed: Melton Valley Area Remedial Investigation Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Volume 3 Appendix C

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    This report provides details on the baseline ecological risk assessment conducted in support of the Remedial Investigation (RI) Report for the Melton Valley areas of the White Oak Creek watershed (WOCW). The RI presents an analysis meant to enable the US Department of Energy (DOE) to pursue a series of remedial actions resulting in site cleanup and stabilization. The ecological risk assessment builds off of the WOCW screening ecological risk assessment. All information available for contaminated sites under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Energy`s Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Federal Facilities Agreement within the White Oakmore » Creek (WOC) RI area has been used to identify areas of potential concern with respect to the presence of contamination posing a potential risk to ecological receptors within the Melton Valley area of the White Oak Creek watershed. The risk assessment report evaluates the potential risks to receptors within each subbasin of the watershed as well as at a watershed-wide scale. The WOC system has been exposed to contaminant releases from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and associated operations since 1943 and continues to receive contaminants from adjacent waste area groupings.« less

  3. Modeling 9-Year Survival Of Oak Advance Regeneration Under Shelterwood Overstories


    Martin A. Spetich; David L. Graney


    Abstract Survival of white oak (Quercus alba L.), northern red oak (Q. rubra L.), and black oak (Q. velutina Lam.) on upland oak stands was modeled 9 years after shelterwood treatment. Stands represented a range of site quality, overstory stocking, and understory treatments. There were three...

  4. A guide for evaluating the adequacy of oak advance reproduction.


    Ivan L. Sander; Paul S. Johnson; Richard F. Watt


    Gives instructions for conducting an inventory of oak advance reproduction prior to final harvest cutting to evaluate the potential for successful oak reproduction in new stands. The potential for oak stump sprouting is also considered.

  5. Forest stand dynamics and sudden oak death: Mortality in mixed-evergreen forests dominated by coast live oak


    L.B. Brown; B. Allen-Diaz


    Sudden oak death (SOD), caused by the recently discovered non-native invasive pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, has already killed tens of thousands of native coast live oak and tanoak trees in California. Little is known of potential short and long term impacts of this novel plant–pathogen interaction on forest structure and composition. Coast live...

  6. The oak (Quercus) biodiversity of California and adjacent regions


    Kevin C. Nixon


    Twenty species of oak (Quercus) are known from California. The white oak group is the most diverse, and includes a complex of scrub oak species that are often encountered in chaparral, mixed forest and desert margin habitats. The Protobalanus group (e.g., Quercus chrysolepis) is a unique and distinctive clade of western North...

  7. Will Garry oak respond to release from overtopping conifers


    Constance A. Harrington; Christel C. Kern


    Garry oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands provide unique habitat for many Pacific Northwest species but these habitats are rapidly disappearing as species composition shifts to conifer or land use changes to urban or agricultural. Many oak trees from former savannas or oak woodlands on Fort Lewis Military Reservation (near Tacoma, WA, USA) are currently...

  8. Long-term trends in coast live oak and tanoak stands affected by Phytophthora ramorum canker (Sudden Oak Death)


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt


    Permanent plots were established in 2000 to examine how tree and site factors affect risk of Phytophthora ramorum stem canker (sudden oak death [SOD]) and determine how affected stands change over time due to disease. P. ramorum canker was prevalent in the sampled coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) or...

  9. Evaluation of spectral light management on growth of container-grown willow oak, nuttall oak and summer red maple

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Plant response to blue, red, gray or black shade cloth was evaluated with willow oak (Quercus phellos L.), Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palmer, Nuttall) and Summer Red maple (Acer rubrum L. ‘Summer Red’) liners. Light transmitted through the colored shade cloth had no influence on germination of ...

  10. Oak Grove Fork Habitat Improvement Project, 1988 Annual Report.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bettin, Scott

    The Lower Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River is a fifth-order tributary of the Clackamas River drainage supporting depressed runs of coho and chinook salmon, and summer and winter steelhead. Habitat condition rating for the Lower Oak Grove is good, but smelt production estimates are below the average for Clackamas River tributaries. Limiting factors in the 3.8 miles of the Lower Oak Grove supporting anadromous fish include an overall lack of quality spawning and rearing habitat. Beginning in 1986. measures to improve fish habitat in the Lower Oak Grove were developed in coordination with the Oregon Department of Fishmore » and Wildlife (ODF&W) and Portland General Electric (PGE) fisheries biologists. Prior to 1986, no measures had been applied to the stream to mitigate for PGE's storage and regulation of flows in the Oak Grove Fork (Timothy Lake, Harriet Lake). Catchable rainbow trout are stocked by ODF&W two or three times a year during the trout fishing season in the lowermost portion of the Oak Grove Fork near two Forest Service campgrounds (Ripplebrook and Rainbow). The 1987 field season marked the third year of efforts to improve fish habitat of the Lower Oak Grove Fork and restore anadromous fish production. The efforts included the development of an implementation plan for habitat improvement activities in the Lower Oak Grove Fork. post-project monitoring. and maintenance of the 1986 improvement structures. No new structures were constructed or placed in 1987. Fiscal year 1988 brought a multitude of changes which delayed implementation of plans developed in 1987. The most prominent change was the withdrawal of the proposed Spotted Owl Habitat Area (SOHA) which overlapped the Oak Grove project implementation area. Another was the change in the Forest Service biologist responsible for implementation and design of this project.« less

  11. Regeneration of oaks by direct seeding


    R. Johnson; R. Krinard


    Direct sowing of oak acorns has not always met with success. This paper summarizes recent research regarding direct sowing of oaks in research plots and commercial trials. Present findings indicate that seedlings can be established from properly stored acorns sown any month of the year by hand or machine. They should be sown at a 2-inch depth, although they can be sown...

  12. Accelerating oak air drying by presurfacing


    W. T. Simpson; R. C. Baltes


    A comparison was made between the air-drying rates of rough and presurfaced northern red oak and white oak. In both species, the presurfaced material was about 1/8 inch thinner than the rough material and dried faster than the rough material. The reduction in drying time depends on the method of analyzing the drying curves, but is slightly less than 10 percent.

  13. Fire Effects in Blue Oak Woodland


    Patricia K. Haggerty


    Mortality and resprouting of shrubs and trees were assessed in one recent fire and 11 older burns in blue oak woodland in the southern Sierra Nevada foothills. This poster reported results for blue oak. Survival following fire was high; with a 93 percent two year postfire survival rate after one intensively studied fire, despite a large number of trees with 100 percent...

  14. Population diversity and evidence of introgression among the black oaks of California


    Richard S. Dodd; Nasser Kashani; Zara Afzal-Rafii


    The black oaks of California include 4 tree species (California black oak, coast live oak, Shreve oak, interior live oak) that are known to hybridize. Complex patterns of population variation within each species are likely to result from these hybrid combinations and from subsequent introgressions. We have been studying population variation using biochemical and...

  15. Manufacture of oak furniture, cabinets, and panels


    Harold C. Moser


    Oak is uniquely favored for use in furniture, cabinets, and similar products. The supply is plentiful. Though drying presents some problems, once oak is properly dried it is a stable wood that machines very well, glues well, and accepts a variety of finishes well.

  16. Estimating fire-caused mortality and injury in oak-hickory forests.


    Robert M. Loomis


    Presents equations and graphs for predicting fire-caused tree mortality and equations for estimating basal wound dimensions for surviving trees. The methods apply to black oak, white oak, and some other species of the oak-hickory forest type.

  17. The ancient blue oak woodlands of California: longevity and hydroclimatic history

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Stahle, D.W.; Griffin, R.D.; Meko, D.M.; Therrell, M.D.; Edmondson, J.R.; Cleaveland, M.K.; Burnette, D.J.; Abatzoglou, J.T.; Redmond, K.T.; Dettinger, M.D.; Cayan, D.R.


    Ancient blue oak trees are still widespread across the foothills of the Coast Ranges, Cascades, and Sierra Nevada in California. The most extensive tracts of intact old-growth blue oak woodland appear to survive on rugged and remote terrain in the south Coast Ranges and on the foothills west and southwest of Mt. Lassen. In our sampling of old-growth stands, most blue oak appear to have recruited to the canopy in the mid- to late-19th century. The oldest living blue oak tree sampled was over 459-years old and several dead blue oak logs had over 500 annual rings. Precipitation sensitive tree-ring chronologies up to 700-years long have been developed from old blue oak trees and logs. Annual ring-width chronologies of blue oak are strongly correlated with cool season precipitation totals, streamflow in the major rivers of California, and the estuarine water quality of San Francisco Bay. A new network of 36 blue oak chronologies records spatial anomalies in growth that arise from latitudinal changes in the mean storm track and location of landfalling atmospheric rivers. These long, climate-sensitive blue oak chronologies have been used to reconstruct hydroclimatic history in California and will help to better understand and manage water resources. The environmental history embedded in blue oak growth chronologies may help justify efforts to conserve these authentic old-growth native woodlands.

  18. A new book: the ecology and silviculture of oaks


    Stephen R. Shifley; Robert Rogers


    A new book, The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks, is now available (Johnson and others 2002). The book focuses on the oaks of the United States and was written for forest and wildlife managers, ecologists, silviculturists, environmentalists, students of those fields, and others interested in sustaining oak forests for their many tangible and intangible values. Although...

  19. Maximum crown area equation for open-grown bur oak


    M.C. Demchik; S.M. Virden; Z.L. Buchanan; A.M. Johnson


    Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) is a classic savanna species with a range that covers much of the eastern United States. Because savannas are an endangered habitat in North America, significant restoration efforts are in progress across much of the range of bur oak. For open sites being planted with bur oaks as well as fully stocked sites that...

  20. Oak decline risk rating for the southeastern United States


    S. Oak; F. Tainter; J. Williams; D. Starkey


    Oak decline risk rating models were developed for upland hardwood forests in the southeastern United States using data gathered during regional oak decline surveys. Stepwise discriminant analyses were used to relate 12 stand and site variables with major oak decline incidence for each of three subregions plus one incorporating all subregions. The best model for the...

  1. Impact of the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, on the health of coast live oak before and after treatment with two systemic insecticides


    Yigen Chen; Mary L. Flint; Tom W. Coleman; Joseph J. Doccola; Donald M. Grosman; David L. Wood; Steven J. Seybold


    BACKGROUND: The invasive goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, is threatening the health and survival of oak trees in San Diego County, California. From two sites in the core area of the infestation, we report a 2.5 year investigation of the impact of A. auroguttatus on coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, before and after treatment with two systemic...

  2. Oak ecosystem succession of the Northern Caucasus

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chalaya, Elena; Slepykh, Victor; Efimenko, Natalia; Povolotskaya, Nina


    English oak (Quercus robur L.) along with its well-known good properties has a high sanitary-hygienic and curative potential. Its volatile metabolites (VM) influence bacteriostatically Staphylococcus aureus 209r, oppressing it in vitro by 85% compared with the control, and Escherichia coli by 45%. There is the least amount of epiphytic microorganisms on the leaves of Q. robur L. compared with some tree species [1]. In addition, VM of Q. robur L. have direct milieu (hypotensive) effects on the organism under its canopy, lowering blood pressure by 20-25 mm Hg [2]. A.P. Kazankin (1993) [4] calculated the prehistoric formula of forest species composition of Caucasian Mineral Waters region (Northern Caucasus): 6Qr3Crp1Fr which was based on the theory of calcium-magnesium absorption complex. According to the theory, underground mineral water, soil, forest litter and the leaves of ground vegetation of the area have the same ratio of the cations Ca and Mg - calcium-magnesium index [3]. Hence oldgrowth in the region consisted of oak (Qr) by 60%, hornbeam (Carpinus-Crp) by 30% and ash (Fraxinus-Fr) only by 10%. Currently, the formula of the forests of the region has been changed by man: 5Fr3Crp2Qr. The proportion of oak forests has decreased to 20%, the proportion of ash has increased by 50%, but the proportion of hornbeam hasn't changed. So it is relevant to restore oak forests of the region in the former ratio to other forest-forming species - ash and hornbeam. Taking into consideration the change of economic formation of society in Russia, it is extremely important to restore natural seed oak forests. Therein the luminance of surface areal is a limiting factor. We have calculated that the natural recovery of oak forests is possible providing observation of optimal moisture standards and soil fertility in combination with solar light within 10-24% from the light of open space. Measures for promotion of oak natural regeneration in mountain resorts of the Northern Caucasus

  3. Gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) consumption and utilization of northern red oak and white oak foliage exposed to simulated acid rain and ozone

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cannon, W.N. Jr.


    Two-year-old seedlings of white oak, Quercus alba L., and red oak, Q. rubra L., were exposed to ozone (O[sub 3]) fumigations in four continuously stirred tank reactor chambers in the greenhouse for 8 h/d, 3 d/wk for 6 wk. Fumigation treatments were charcoal-filtered air (CFA) and CFA + 0.15 ppm O[sub 3]. Two simulated rain treatments, pH 4.2 and pH 3.0, of-1.25 cm were applied once each week in rain-simulation chambers. Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), third instars were allowed to feed on leaf disks from treated seedlings for 24 h. Leaf area consumed, food assimilated, weight gain, and relativemore » growth rate (RGR) were examined. Overall, larvae fed white oak foliage consumed more foliage and gained more weight than those fed red oak foliage. Response to the fumigation and rain treatments was different for each oak species. On white oak foliage, larvae consumed significantly less foliage treated with CFA + pH 3.0 rain, but the lowest RGR occurred with the 0.15 ppm O[sub 3] + pH 4.2 rain treatment. The most food assimilated, greatest weight gain, and highest RGR occurred with the CFA + pH 4.2 rain control. Red oak foliage consumed was equivalent for all treatments, but foliage exposed to CFA + pH 3.0 rain resulted in more food assimilated, greater weight gain, and higher RGR for that species.« less

  4. Oak Decline in Missouri: History Revisited


    Jay R. Law; Ross Melick; Charly Studyvin; James R. Steinman


    In the 1980s, following extreme winters in the late 1970s and severe droughts in 1976, 1980, and 1983, dead and dying scarlet and black oaks were found on 185,000 acres of the Mark Twain National Forest. That decline event was linked to environmental stresses (Law and Gott 1987). Severe oak decline is now affecting an estimated 500,000 acres on the Mark Twain. High-...

  5. Coarse woody debris metrics in a California oak woodland


    William D. Tietje; Michael A. Hardy; Christopher C. Yim


    Little information is available on the metrics of coarse woody debris (CWD) in California oak woodland, most notably at the scale of the stand and woodland type. In a remote part of the National Guard Post, Camp Roberts, that has not burned in over a half century, we tallied 314 pieces of CWD in a blue oak (Quercus douglasii)-coast live oak (

  6. Welcome to the sudden oak death third science symposium


    Susan J. Frankel


    On behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station and the California Oak Mortality Task Force, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Sudden Oak Death Third Science Symposium. Looking back at the first sudden oak death science symposium held in Monterey in December 2002, it is amazing to see how far we...

  7. How pallets with red oak deckboards performed in use


    Robert S. Kurtenacker


    In-use tests in a combination brick and cement block yard and subsequent laboratory tests indicated that laminated pallet deckboards made from knife-cut, low-grade red oak logs can perform as well as deckboards of solid red oak. Performance was not significantly different between laminated oak deckboard pallets assembled with 2-l/2-in.-long by 15-gage staples and...

  8. Phytophthora ramorum and sudden oak death in California: II. transmission and survival


    Jennifer M. Davidson; David M. Rizzo; Matteo Garbelotto; Steven Tjosvold; Garey W. Slaughter


    The newly discovered Phytophthora ramorum canker disease of oak (Sudden Oak Death Syndrome) threatens millions of acres of California woodlands where coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus), or black oak (Quercus kelloggii) are dominant species. An important step in...

  9. Forest regeneration composition and development in upland, mixed-oak forests.


    Fei, Songlin; Gould, Peter J; Steiner, Kim C; Finley, James C; McDill, Marc E


    Advance regeneration in 52 mature mixed-oak stands was analyzed and described. Red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was the most abundant species in the study area. Among oak (Quercus) species, northern red oak (Q. rubra L.) was the most abundant within the Allegheny Plateau physiographic province, whereas chestnut oak (Q. montana L.) was the most abundant within the Ridge and Valley physiographic province. Sixteen stands, for which data are available through the fourth growing season following harvest, were used to describe stand development. Cumulative height, a composite measure of size and density, was used to describe early stand development. Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.) and black birch (Betula lenta L.) had dramatic increases in stand density and cumulative height after overstory removal. Cumulative height of northern red oak and chestnut oak showed a faster positive response to overstory removal than red maple. Oak retained its dominance in cumulative height for at least 4 years after harvest. Red maple nevertheless remained the most abundant tree species after overstory removal. Our results suggest that the principal advantage of red maple regeneration is its ability to accumulate in large numbers prior to harvest.

  10. Ecological evidence of intensive cultivation of oaks by California Indians: implications for the treatment of sudden oak death


    Lee Klinger


    The native oaks of California are remarkable for being among the oldest and largest oak trees in the United States besides their great age and size, these trees possess various idiosyncrasies in their arrangements and shapes that appear to defy basic principles of ecology and population biology. When taken together, these and other associated patterns present an...

  11. Planting native oak in the Pacific Northwest


    Warren D. Devine; Constance A. Harrington


    The extent of oak woodland and savanna habitat in the Pacific Northwest has been dramatically reduced since settlement in the mid-1800s. This report presents a practical guide for landowners and managers who are interested in reestablishing native oak by planting seedlings. Keys to successful establishment are (1) planting quality...

  12. Genetic hitch-hiking extends the range of coast live oak


    Richard S. Dodd; Zara Afzal-Rafii; Wasima Mayer


    The northernmost range of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) is reported from the Ukiah Valley (Mendocino County, California). Here, field observations suggest that hybridization with interior live oak (Q. wislizeni) is important. Elsewhere in northern California, morphology of coast live oak can be highly variable (particularly...

  13. Fire and Thinning Effects on Oak Regeneration in Southern Ohio


    Dave Apsley; Dan Yaussy


    Oaks dominate a large percentage of the forests in southern Ohio. But, have you ever looked at the seedlings and saplings that are regenerating under these predominately oak canopies? Typically very little oak and often the seedlings and saplings are red maple, sugar maple and American beech.

  14. Blue and Valley Oak Seedling Establishment on California's Hardwood Rangelands


    Theodore E. Adams Jr.; Peter B. Sands; William H. Weitkamp; Neil K. McDougald


    Factors contributing to poor establishment of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) and valley oak (Q. lobata) in California oak-grassland savannas were studied in a series of acorn seeding experiments initiated in 1985. Exclusion of large herbivores permitted examination of herbaceous interference and small mammal and insect depredation....

  15. Shumard Oaks Successfully Planted on High pH Soils


    Harvey E. Kennedy; Roger M. Krinard


    Shumard oak was successfully planted on high pH (7.8-8.0) Mississippi River alluvium soils where some other planted red oaks had failed. Survival and growth have been good through ages 10, 11, and 25 years in three separate plantings. Shumard oak on high pH soils, in addition to producing timber, would allow a consistent mast-producing tree on sites normally void of...

  16. How to identify and manage oak wilt in Texas


    D. N. Appel; R. S. Cameron; A. D. Wilson; J. D. Johnson.


    Measures can be taken to break root connections between live oaks or dense groups of red oaks to reduce or stop root transmission of the oak wilt fungus. The most common technique is to sever roots by trenching at least 4 ft deep with trenching machines, rock saws, or ripper bars. Trenches more than 4 ft deep may be needed to assure control in deeper soils. Although...

  17. Oak Decline


    Vernon Ammon; T. Evan Nebeker; Ted H. Filer; Francis I. McCracken; J. D. Solomon; H. E. Kennedy


    Occurrence of decline and mortality in this nation's hardwood forests has been documented in reports for the past 130 years. From 1856 through 1981, more than 26 decline events were reported from eight eastern states affecting almost all species of oaks. Fourteen factors have been implicated as either primary or secondary agents responsible for decline and...

  18. Thinking About Oak Forests as Responsive Ecosystems


    Paul S. Johnson


    Like all forests, oak forests are continually responding to disturbances originating from both within and outside the forest. Oaks (Quercus spp.) owe their very existence to disturbance. In this context, silvicultural and other manage-ment practices can be thought of as planned disturbances designed to direct forest change in specific ways. The...

  19. Monitoring for pests and diseases in native oak woodlands: the case of acute oak decline in the United Kingdom


    Nathan Brown; Stephen Parnell; Frank van den Bosch; Mike Jeger; Sandra Denman


    In recent years, a novel form of decline has been observed in southern and central England. This syndrome has been termed acute oak decline (AOD) and affects native oak, Quercus petraea and Q. robur. Typical symptoms include bark cracks that weep dark exudates, which are caused by necrotic patches in the...

  20. Oak Ridge reservation land-use plan

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bibb, W. R.; Hardin, T. H.; Hawkins, C. C.


    This study establishes a basis for long-range land-use planning to accommodate both present and projected DOE program requirements in Oak Ridge. In addition to technological requirements, this land-use plan incorporates in-depth ecological concepts that recognize multiple uses of land as a viable option. Neither environmental research nor technological operations need to be mutually exclusive in all instances. Unique biological areas, as well as rare and endangered species, need to be protected, and human and environmental health and safety must be maintained. The plan is based on the concept that the primary use of DOE land resources must be to implementmore » the overall DOE mission in Oak Ridge. This document, along with the base map and overlay maps, provides a reasonably detailed description of the DOE Oak Ridge land resources and of the current and potential uses of the land. A description of the land characteristics, including geomorphology, agricultural productivity and soils, water courses, vegetation, and terrestrial and aquatic animal habitats, is presented to serve as a resource document. Essentially all DOE land in the Oak Ridge area is being fully used for ongoing DOE programs or has been set aside as protected areas.« less

  1. Armillaria root disease affects oak coppice regeneration in upland Missouri Ozark forests


    J. N. Bruhn; D. C. Dey; K. K. Kromroy; J. D. Mihail; J. M. Kabrick; J. J., Jr. Wetteroff


    Coppice regeneration is favored in North America for oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration. Although models of oak stump sprouting do not consider Armillaria root disease, many oak stumps in upland Ozark forest stands carry active Armillaria root crown infections. The spatial pattern of sprouting on oak stumps is...

  2. Influence of Scale on the Management of Wildlife in California Oak Woodlands


    William M. Block; Michael L. Morrison


    Distributions, abundances, and patterns of resource use of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small mammals varied spatially and temporally in California oak woodlands. Spatial variations occurred within stands, between stands of a similar type (e.g., canyon live oak [Quercus chrysolepis], blue oak [Q. douglasii], or valley oak [

  3. Managing an oak decline crisis in Oakville, Ontario: lessons learned


    Peter A. Williams; John W. McNeil; Kurt W. Gottschalk; Robert A. Haack


    The town of Oakville, Ontario, is located along the north shore of Lake Ontario between Toronto and Hamilton. In the fall of 2002, significant oak (Quercus spp.) mortality was observed at Oakville's Iroquois Shoreline Woods Park, an environmentally significant forest remnant noted for its oak-dominated forests. Investigations suggested that oak...

  4. Planting oaks in the Central Hardwood Region: a shelterwood approach


    Dale R. Weigel


    The success of oak seedlings planted under shelterwoods depends on where they are planted, initial seedling size, nursery undercutting treatments, and whether they are top-clipped before planting. These conclusions are based on planting northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and white oak (Q. alba L.) under shelterwoods in Indiana and...

  5. Formulas of Site Index Prediction Tables for Oak in Missouri


    Harry V. Jr. Wiant; Robert A. McQuilkin


    Recently published site index prediction tables for oak in Missouri were fomulized using the "matchacurve" system. The average absolute differences between formula and table values were .8 feet for white oak and 1.4 feet for black and scarlet oaks; maximum differences were 3.0 and 4.2 feet, respectively.

  6. Restoring California black oak to support tribal values and wildlife


    Jonathan W. Long; Lenya Quinn-Davidson; Ron W. Goode; Frank K. Lake; Carl N. Skinner


    Mature California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) trees are a keystone for many Native American cultures and support important ecological values. Black oaks depend on low-intensity, relatively frequent fires to reduce competition from conifers, yet they are also vulnerable to intense fires. Restoring mature, large canopy oaks that produce high...

  7. View of New Big Oak Flat Road seen from Old ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    View of New Big Oak Flat Road seen from Old Wawona Road near location of photograph HAER CA-148-17. Note road cuts, alignment, and tunnels. Devils Dance Floor at left distance. Looking northwest - Big Oak Flat Road, Between Big Oak Flat Entrance & Merced River, Yosemite Village, Mariposa County, CA

  8. Previously unrecorded damage to oak, Quercus spp., in southern California by the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus coxalis Waterhouse (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)


    Tom W. Coleman; Steven Seybold


    A new and potentially devastating pest of oaks, Quercus spp., has been discovered in southern California. The goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus coxalis Waterhouse (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), colonizes the sapwood surface and phloem of the main stem and larger branches of at least three species of...

  9. Elemental concentrations in foliage of red maple, red oak, and white oak in relation to atmospheric deposition in Pennsylvania


    D. D. Davis; J. M. Skelly; B. L. Nash


    Foliage was sampled in June and late August-early September in 1988 and 1989 from the outer crowns of codominant red maple (Acer rubrum L.), northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), and white oak (Q. alba L.) trees in forest stands along an atmospheric deposition gradient in north-central Pennsylvania. Leaf samples...

  10. The draft genome sequence of cork oak.


    Ramos, António Marcos; Usié, Ana; Barbosa, Pedro; Barros, Pedro M; Capote, Tiago; Chaves, Inês; Simões, Fernanda; Abreu, Isabl; Carrasquinho, Isabel; Faro, Carlos; Guimarães, Joana B; Mendonça, Diogo; Nóbrega, Filomena; Rodrigues, Leandra; Saibo, Nelson J M; Varela, Maria Carolina; Egas, Conceição; Matos, José; Miguel, Célia M; Oliveira, M Margarida; Ricardo, Cândido P; Gonçalves, Sónia


    Cork oak (Quercus suber) is native to southwest Europe and northwest Africa where it plays a crucial environmental and economical role. To tackle the cork oak production and industrial challenges, advanced research is imperative but dependent on the availability of a sequenced genome. To address this, we produced the first draft version of the cork oak genome. We followed a de novo assembly strategy based on high-throughput sequence data, which generated a draft genome comprising 23,347 scaffolds and 953.3 Mb in size. A total of 79,752 genes and 83,814 transcripts were predicted, including 33,658 high-confidence genes. An InterPro signature assignment was detected for 69,218 transcripts, which represented 82.6% of the total. Validation studies demonstrated the genome assembly and annotation completeness and highlighted the usefulness of the draft genome for read mapping of high-throughput sequence data generated using different protocols. All data generated is available through the public databases where it was deposited, being therefore ready to use by the academic and industry communities working on cork oak and/or related species.

  11. Red oak propagation at the Griffith State Nursery, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin


    Jim Storandt


    Annual seedling goals at Griffith are approximately 1 million bareroot red oak seedlings. We sell both 1+0 and 2+0 seedlings. Red Oak has become a major species in our nurseries over the past 15 years. In 1986, statewide distribution of red oak was 325,000 (1% of state production). Of this, 76,000 were from Griffith. In 1999, red oak distribution hit 2.7 million (13%...

  12. Modeling and mapping oak advance reproduction density using soil and site variables


    John M. Kabrick; Jason L. Villwock; Daniel C. Dey; Tara L. Keyser; David R. Larsen


    Regenerating oaks (Quercus spp.) has remained a widespread and persistent problem throughout their natural range. Research shows that abundant oak advance reproduction is crucial for success. Although it is recognized that oak advance reproduction accumulation is inversely related to site quality, there has been little effort to model oak advance...

  13. Oak regeneration potential increased by shelterwood treatments


    Richard C. Schlesinger; Ivan L. Sander; Kenneth R. Davidson


    In much of the Central Hardwood Forest Region, oak species are not regenerating well, even though large oak trees are common within the existing forests. The shelterwood method has been suggested as a potential tool for establishing and developing advanced regeneration where it is lacking. The 10-yr results from a study of several variants of the shelterwood method...

  14. The economic drivers behind residential conversion in the oak woodlands


    William Stewart; James Spero; Shawn Saving


    Acre for acre, oak woodlands provide habitats for a greater range of wildlife species than grasslands and irrigated agricultural lands. Oak woodlands also are highly valued as open space around residential development. The rich habitat diversity and the physical attractiveness drives residential interest in living in or adjacent to oak woodlands as well as preservation...

  15. Flood tolerance of oak seedlings from bottomland and upland sites


    Michael P. Walsh; Jerry Van Sambeek; Mark Coggeshall; David Gwaze


    Artificial regeneration of oak species in floodplains presents numerous challenges because of the seasonal flooding associated with these areas. Utilizing not only flood-tolerant oak species, but also flood tolerant seed sources of the oak species, may serve to enhance seedling survival and growth rates. Despite the importance of these factors to hardwood forest...

  16. Do improvement harvests mitigate oak decline in Missouri Ozark forests?


    John P. Dwyer; John M. Kabrick; James Wetteroff


    Since the 1970s, oak decline has been a chronic problem throughout the oak-dominated forests of the Missouri Ozarks. Prior research indicates that environmental stress, particularly drought, leads to the onset of oak decline. Consequently, some scientists and managers have advocated thinning and intermediate harvesting to maintain or improve tree vigor and growth,...

  17. Oak woodland restoration: understory response to removal of encroaching conifers.


    Warren D. Devine; Constance A. Harrington; David H. Peter


    Oregon white oak (or Garry oak, Quercus garryana) woodlands and savannas of the coastal Pacific Northwest are legacies of an anthropogenic fire regime that ended with European settlement in the mid-1800s. Historically, these oak stands had a sparse overstory and an understory dominated by fire-tolerant grasses and forbs. Post-settlement fire...

  18. The epidemiology of sudden oak death in Oregon forests


    Ebba K. Peterson


    The phytopathogen Phytophthora ramorum (Werres, DeCock & Man in't Veld), causal agent of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) of oaks (Quercus spp.) and tanoaks (Notholithocarpus densiflorus syn. Lithocarpus densiflorus...

  19. Changing fire regimes and the avifauna of California oak woodlands


    Kathryn L. Purcell; Scott L. Stephens


    Abstract. Natural and anthropogenic fi re once played an important role in oak woodlands of California. Although lightning-ignited fi res were infrequent, the California Indians used fi re to modify oak woodland vegetation for at least 3,000 yr. These high-frequency, low-intensity fi res likely resulted in little mortality of mature oaks, low but continuous tree...

  20. Prescribed fire and oak seedling development in an Appalachian forest


    Jacob Royse; Mary Arthur; David Loftis


    In recent decades considerable research has focused on the use of prescribed fire in oak-dominated forests with the management objective of promoting oak regeneration for future overstory dominance. These studies typically focus on the response of oak seedlings and saplings already in place when experimental prescribed fires are set because it is difficult to time...

  1. Oak silviculture, management, and defoliation effects in France and Germany


    Kurt W. Gottschalk


    A study tour of four areas of France and Germany (two in each country) was conducted to examine oak silvicultural and managerial practices and the influence of insect defoliators on the ecology and management of oak forests. The French and German situations may provide useful information for managing oak forests and gypsy moth in the United States, especially the...

  2. The impact of strip clearcutting on red oak seedling development


    Jamie L. Schuler; Michael Boyce; Gary W. Miller


    A mature upland yellow-poplar/red oak stand was harvested using an alternating strip clearcut method. Red oak seedlings were planted across a light gradient between the cut and residual strips to assess the potential ability of the residual strips to foster the development of competitive oak seedlings over time. After one growing season, no differences in seedling...

  3. Oak woodland conservation management planning in southern CA - lessons learned


    Rosi Dagit


    The California Oak Woodlands Conservation Act (AB 242 2001) established requirements for the preservation and protection of oak woodlands and trees, and allocated funding managed by the Wildlife Conservation Board. In order to qualify to use these funds, counties and cities need to adopt an oak conservation management plan. Between 2008 and 2011, a team of concerned...

  4. Oak Seedling Establishment in Relation to Environmental Factors at Annadel State Park


    Stephen J. Barnhart; Joe R. McBride; Peter Warner


    As part of an ongoing study of oak ecology in Sonoma County, California, we have begun to evaluate various environmental factors relative to oak seedling establishment at Annadel State Park. These factors, identified at three spatial scales (macro, meso and microscales), were correlated with the presence of oak seedlings in two contrasting northern oak woodland...

  5. Developing a methodology to predict oak wilt distribution using classification tree analysis


    Marla C. Downing; Vernon L. Thomas; Robin M. Reich


    Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum), a fungal disease that causes some species of oak trees to wilt and die rapidly, is a threat to oak forested resources in 22 states in the United States. We developed a methodology for predicting the Potential Distribution of Oak Wilt (PDOW) using Anoka County, Minnesota as our study area. The PDOW utilizes GIS; the...

  6. Disease risk factors and disease progress in coast live oak and tanoak affected by Phytophthora ramorum canker (sudden oak death)


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt


    This paper reports on five years of observations in a case-control study examining the role of tree and site factors on the development of Phytophthora ramorum stem canker (sudden oak death) in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus). In September of each year from 2000 through...

  7. Stocking, growth, and yield of oak stands


    Samuel F. Gingrich


    An appraisal of stocking in even-aged upland oak stands is a prerequisite for determining the cultural needs of a given stand. Most oak stands have sufficient stocking to utilize the site, but are deficient in high-quality trees. Thinning such stands offers a good opportunity to upgrade the relative quality of the growing stock and enhance the growth and yield...

  8. Collection history and comparison of the interactions of the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with host oaks in southern California and southeastern Arizona


    T.W. Coleman; Steve Seybold


    An invasive population of the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is colonizing and killing three species of oaks in San Diego Co., California. However, the interactions of A. auroguttatus with oaks in its native range in southeastern Arizona have not been recorded. We present a...

  9. How to identify common nitidulid beetles associated with oak wilt mats in Minnesota


    Valerie J. Cervenka; Thomas C. Skalbeck; John F. Kyhl; Darren C. Blackford; Jennifer J. Juzwik; Steven J. Seybold


    Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, is an important disease of oaks throughout the Eastern United States. Thousands of native oaks, particularly those in the red oak group succumb to the disease each year across the midwest.

  10. A review of oak wilt management: a summary of treatment options and their efficacy


    Karrie A. Koch; Gina L. Quiram; Robert C. Venette


    Oak wilt, caused by the invasive fungal pathogen Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, is a serious and fatal disease of oaks, Quercus spp., with red oaks (section Lobatae) generally being more susceptible than white oaks (section Quercus). Oak wilt was first recognized in North America in 1944...

  11. Environmental data for the White Oak Creek/White Oak Lake watershed: Environmental Sciences Division publication No. 2779

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sherwood, C.B.; Loar, J.M.


    Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is located in the White Oak Creek (WOC) watershed, which drains approximately 16.8 km/sup 2/ (6.5 mile/sup 2/). The waters of WOC are impounded by White Oak Dam at WOC's intersection with White Wing Road (State Route 95), 1.0 km (0.6 mile) upstream from the Clinch River. The resulting White Oak Lake (WOL) is a small, shallow impoundment, whose water level is controlled by a vertical sluice gate that remains in a fixed position during normal operations. White Oak Creek has been utilized for the discharge of treated and untreated wastes from routine operations sincemore » the Laboratory's inception. In addition, most of the more recent (1954 to date) liquid and solid low-level-waste disposal operations have been located in the drainage area of WOC. As a federally owned facility, ORNL is required to comply with all existing federal, state, and local environmental regulations regarding waste management. On July 15, 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency published final rules to incorporate changes in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 that resulted from the passage of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. As a part of the rule changes, a new Sect. 3004(u) was added. The new section requires that any facility permit issued after November 8, 1984, include planned corrective actions for all continuing releases of hazardous waste or constituents from any disposal unit at the facility, regardless of when the waste was placed at the disposal unit. This report was prepared to compile existing information on the content and quantity of hazardous substances (both radioactive and nonradioactive) in the WOC/WOL watershed and to provide background information on the geology, hydrology, and ecology of the site for use in planning future remedial actions. 109 refs., 45 figs., 33 tabs.« less

  12. Fire in Eastern North American Oak Ecosystems: Filling the Gaps


    Julian (Morgan) Varner; Mary Arthur; Stacy Clark; Daniel C. Dey; Justin Hart; Callie Schweitzer


    This special issue of Fire Ecology is focused on the fire ecology of eastern USA oak (Quercus L.) forests, woodlands, and savannas. The papers were presented as part of the Fifth Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, in 2015. The topic of fire in eastern oak ecosystems is one that has received insufficient interest from the...

  13. Oak Regeneration: Serious Problems Practical Recommendations (Symposium Proceedings)


    David L. Loftis; Charles E. McGee; [Editors


    Twenty six papers dealing with the problems and opportunities associated with artificial and natural regeneration of the oak resources are presented. Subject matter, titles of papers, and authors were carefully selected to provide the best available coverage of the state-of-the-art of oak regeneration.

  14. Photosynthetic Light Response of Bottomland Oak Seedlings Raised Under Partial Sunlight


    Emile S. Gardiner


    Seedlings of cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Rafinesque), Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palmer) and overcup oak (Quercus lyrata Walter) were grown under two light levels, partial (20 percent) or full sunlight, to study physiological acclimation of leaves to low light availability. Shifts in leaf morphology were...

  15. Response of advance reproduction of oaks and associated species to repeated prescribed fires in upland oak-hickory forests, Missouri


    Zhaofei Fan; Zhongqiu Ma; Daniel C. Dey; Scott D. Roberts


    The Chilton Creek prescribed burn project was initiated in 1996 by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to restore native oak woodlands and test the effect of frequent, low intensity surface fires conducted in the dormant season (March-April) on upland oak-hickory forests in the Ozarks of Missouri. Burning treatments on five sites totaling 1000 ha were initiated in 1998. The...

  16. Potential Effects of Large-scale Elimination of Oaks by Red Oak Borers on Breeding Neotropical Migrants in the Ozarks


    Frederick M. Stephen Kimberly G. Smith


    The Arkansas Ozarks are currently experiencing an outbreak of the red oak borer (Enaphalodes rufulus), a native insect that has previously not been considered an important forest pest species. As many as 50 percent of the trees in the Ozarks, which has the highest density of oaks in the United States, may be dead by the year 2006. The Ozarks are...

  17. Cordwood Yields From Thinnings in Young Oak Stands in the Missouri Ozarks


    Kenneth W. Seidel


    Proposed construction in Missouri of pulpmills using oak cordwood should result in a greater demand for pole-size oak trees, thus making needed thinnings feasible in young oak stands. According to the 1958 forest survey, poletimber stands (which are mainly oak) occupy 39 percent of the commercial forest area of the eastern Ozakrs, more than any other size class. More...

  18. Temporal Patterns of Oak Mortality in a Southern Appalachian Forest (1991-2006).


    Cathryn Greenberg; Tara L. Keyser; James Speer


    The sustainability of eastern oak-dominated forests is threatened by high oak mortality rates and widespread oak regeneration failure, and presents a challenge to natural area managers. We tracked the rate and cause of mortality of 287 mature oak trees of five species for 15 years to determine the temporal patterns and sources of mortality. We observed a 15.3% total...

  19. The draft genome sequence of cork oak

    PubMed Central

    Ramos, António Marcos; Usié, Ana; Barbosa, Pedro; Barros, Pedro M.; Capote, Tiago; Chaves, Inês; Simões, Fernanda; Abreu, Isabl; Carrasquinho, Isabel; Faro, Carlos; Guimarães, Joana B.; Mendonça, Diogo; Nóbrega, Filomena; Rodrigues, Leandra; Saibo, Nelson J. M.; Varela, Maria Carolina; Egas, Conceição; Matos, José; Miguel, Célia M.; Oliveira, M. Margarida; Ricardo, Cândido P.; Gonçalves, Sónia


    Cork oak (Quercus suber) is native to southwest Europe and northwest Africa where it plays a crucial environmental and economical role. To tackle the cork oak production and industrial challenges, advanced research is imperative but dependent on the availability of a sequenced genome. To address this, we produced the first draft version of the cork oak genome. We followed a de novo assembly strategy based on high-throughput sequence data, which generated a draft genome comprising 23,347 scaffolds and 953.3 Mb in size. A total of 79,752 genes and 83,814 transcripts were predicted, including 33,658 high-confidence genes. An InterPro signature assignment was detected for 69,218 transcripts, which represented 82.6% of the total. Validation studies demonstrated the genome assembly and annotation completeness and highlighted the usefulness of the draft genome for read mapping of high-throughput sequence data generated using different protocols. All data generated is available through the public databases where it was deposited, being therefore ready to use by the academic and industry communities working on cork oak and/or related species. PMID:29786699

  20. Spatial Distribution of Oak Mistletoe as It Relates to Habits of Oak Woodland Frugivores

    PubMed Central

    Wilson, Ethan A.; Sullivan, Patrick J.; Dickinson, Janis L.


    This study addresses the underlying spatial distribution of oak mistletoe, Phoradendron villosum, a hemi-parasitic plant that provides a continuous supply of berries for frugivorous birds overwintering the oak savanna habitat of California's outer coast range. As the winter community of birds consuming oak mistletoe varies from group-living territorial species to birds that roam in flocks, we asked if mistletoe volume was spatially autocorrelated at the scale of persistent territories or whether the patterns predicted by long-term territory use by western bluebirds are overcome by seed dispersal by more mobile bird species. The abundance of mistletoe was mapped on trees within a 700 ha study site in Carmel Valley, California. Spatial autocorrelation of mistletoe volume was analyzed using the variogram method and spatial distribution of oak mistletoe trees was analyzed using Ripley's K and O-ring statistics. On a separate set of 45 trees, mistletoe volume was highly correlated with the volume of female, fruit-bearing plants, indicating that overall mistletoe volume is a good predictor of fruit availability. Variogram analysis showed that mistletoe volume was spatially autocorrelated up to approximately 250 m, a distance consistent with persistent territoriality of western bluebirds and philopatry of sons, which often breed next door to their parents and are more likely to remain home when their parents have abundant mistletoe. Using Ripley's K and O-ring analyses, we showed that mistletoe trees were aggregated for distances up to 558 m, but for distances between 558 to 724 m the O-ring analysis deviated from Ripley's K in showing repulsion rather than aggregation. While trees with mistletoe were aggregated at larger distances, mistletoe was spatially correlated at a smaller distance, consistent with what is expected based on persistent group territoriality of western bluebirds in winter and the extreme philopatry of their sons. PMID:25389971

  1. Perspectives on cultural values of California oaks


    Paul F. Starrs


    The status and prospects of oaks—those native to California and the many elsewhere—are insufficiently known, despite historical volumes of work done in the past and more ongoing today. That globally there is a blistering diversity of oaks in different environments, and put to distinct uses, is beyond dispute. Less agreed upon, though, is their complex history and the...

  2. Oak mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) is linked to microhabitat availability and avian diversity in Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Pritchard, Kyle R.; Hagar, Joan; Shaw, David C.


    Mistletoes are parasitic or hemi-parasitic flowering plants that parasitize woody plants around the globe. Important food and cover resources provided by mistletoes have been related to strong patterns of positive association between wildlife diversity and mistletoe density. Mistletoes also create microhabitat features known to be important to wildlife by causing deformations in their host trees. However, links between availability of mistletoe-formed microhabitat and wildlife diversity has not been well studied. We investigated this relationship by quantifying microhabitat features and avian abundance and diversity related to infection by Oak Mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) in Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana). Q. garryana woodlands support several avian species of conservation concern, so an understanding of the influence of mistletoe on wildlife habitat is critical. Our results suggest that 1) structural heterogeneity within tree crowns; 2) avian species richness and abundance are positively associated with mistletoe load; and 3) P. villosum fruit, available is an important food for western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) and other wildlife in late autumn and early winter. If a goal of restoration is to maintain habitat for oak-associated bird species, managers should consider the retention of some oaks hosting mistletoe.

  3. Densities of Agrilus auroguttatus and Other Borers in California and Arizona Oaks

    PubMed Central

    Haavik, Laurel J.; Coleman, Tom W.; Flint, Mary Louise; Venette, Robert C.; Seybold, Steven J.


    We investigated within-tree population density of a new invasive species in southern California, the goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with respect to host species and the community of other borers present. We measured emergence hole densities of A. auroguttatus and other borers on the lower stem (bole) of naïve oaks at 18 sites in southern California and on co-evolved oaks at seven sites in southeastern Arizona. We sampled recently dead oaks in an effort to quantify the community of primary and secondary borers associated with mortality—species that were likely to interact with A. auroguttatus. Red oaks (Section Lobatae) produced greater densities of A. auroguttatus than white oaks (Section Quercus). On red oaks, A. auroguttatus significantly outnumbered native borers in California (mean ± SE of 9.6 ± 0.7 versus 4.5 ± 0.6 emergence holes per 0.09 m2 of bark surface), yet this was not the case in Arizona (0.9 ± 0.2 versus 1.1 ± 0.2 emergence holes per 0.09 m2). In California, a species that is taxonomically intermediate between red and white oaks, Quercus chrysolepis (Section Protobalanus), exhibited similar A. auroguttatus emergence densities compared with a co-occurring red oak, Q. kelloggii. As an invasive species in California, A. auroguttatus may affect the community of native borers (mainly Buprestidae and Cerambycidae) that feed on the lower boles of oaks, although it remains unclear whether its impact will be positive or negative. PMID:26462589

  4. 77 FR 64720 - Safety Zone: Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway; Oak Island, NC

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... 133 Fixed Bridge crossing the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, mile 311.8, at Oak Island, North... NC 133 Fixed Bridge crossing the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, mile 311.8, at Oak Island, North... under the NC 133 Fixed Bridge crossing the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, mile 311.8, at Oak Island...

  5. Impacts of oak pollen on allergic asthma in the United States ...

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Oak pollen season length for moderate (RCP4.5) and severe climate change scenarios (RCP8.5) are estimated through 2090 using five climate models and published relationships between temperature, precipitation, and oak pollen season length. We calculated asthma ED visit counts associated with 1994-2010 average oak pollen concentrations and simulated future oak pollen season length changes using the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP-CE), driven by epidemiologically-derived concentration-response relationships. Future climate change is expected to lengthen and intensify pollen seasons in the U.S., potentially increasing incidence of allergic asthma. We developed a proof-of-concept approach for estimating asthma emergency department (ED) visits in the U.S. associated with present-day and climate-induced changes in oak pollen.

  6. Oak Canyon Action Memo

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This memorandum requests approval for a time-critical removal action at the 27 residential properties that compose the Oak Canyon Site located in the Village of Paguate, Pueblo of Laguna, near Cibola County, New Mexico.

  7. Masting characteristics of white oak: implications for management


    Marcus A. Lashley; John M. McCord; Cathryn H. Greenberg; Craig A. Harper


    Acorn production is variable from year to year and among species. Weather, insect damage, and genetics are primary causes for variation. Silvicultural techniques have been recommended to improve acorn production; however, those recommendations primarily address variation among red oaks (Quercus rubra). Variability among individual white oaks (Quercus alba) has not been...

  8. Correlations of leaf area with length and width measurements of leaves of black oak, white oak, and sugar maple


    Philip M. Wargo


    Correlations of leaf area with length, width, and length times width of leaves of black oak, white oak, and sugar maple were determined to see if length and/or width could be used as accurate estimators of leaf area. The correlation of length times width with leaf area was high (r > + .95) for all three species. The linear equation Y = a + bX, where X = length times...

  9. Leaf area index, leaf mass density, and allometric relationships derived from harvest of blue oaks in a California oak savanna


    John F. Karlik; Alistair H. McKay


    Given the key role played by biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) in tropospheric chemistry and regional air quality, it is critical to generate accurate BVOC emission inventories. Because oak species found in California often have high BVOC emission rates, and are often of large stature with corresponding large leaf masses, oaks may be the most important genus...

  10. A revised sudden oak death risk map to facilitate national surveys


    Frank H. Koch; William D. Smith


    The impact of sudden oak death on Pacific Coast wildlands has received much attention from scientists, popular media, and the public. Disease symptoms were first observed in Marin County, in California, in 1994 on tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and, in 1995, on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and California black oak (

  11. 78 FR 38554 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Live Oak, FL

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Live Oak, FL area, as new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) have been developed at... from 700 feet above the surface within a 7-mile radius at Suwannee County Airport, Live Oak, FL. New...-0001; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASO-45] Amendment of Class E Airspace; Live Oak, FL AGENCY: Federal...

  12. Regeneration concerns in areas impacted by sudden oak death


    Douglas D. McCreary


    Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is a new disease affecting several oak (Quercus spp.) species in California. It is caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a fungus-like water mold that causes bark cankers that girdles and kills mature trees.

  13. Artificial regeneration of northern red oak and white oak on high-quality sites: effect of root morphology and relevant biological characteristics


    Paul P. Kormanik; Shi-Jean S. Sung; Stanley J. Zarnoch; G. Thomas Tibbs


    Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and white oak (Quercus alba) are important components of high-quality mesic sites and are essential as lumber species and hard mast producers. Regeneration of these species has been difficult, and their absence in newly regenerated stands is a major concern of foresters and wildlife biologists....

  14. Economic incentives for oak woodland preservation and conservation


    Rosi Dagit; Cy Carlberg; Christy Cuba; Thomas Scott


    Numerous ordinances and laws recognize the value of oak trees and woodlands, and dictate serious and expensive consequences for removing or harming them. Unfortunately, the methods used to calculate these values are equally numerous and often inconsistent. More important, these ordinances typically lack economic incentives to avoid impacts to oak woodland values...

  15. The California Oak Disease and Arthropod (CODA) Database


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth A. Bernhardt; Richard A. Arnold


    The California Oak Disease and Arthropod (CODA) host index database is a compilation of information on agents that colonize or feed on oaks in California. Agents in the database include plant-feeding insects and mites, nematodes, microorganisms, viruses, and abiotic disease agents. CODA contains summarized information on hosts, agents, information sources, and the...

  16. Acorn storage alternatives tested on Oregon white oak


    Warren D. Devine; Constance A. Harrington; Joseph M. Kraft


    We assessed various combinations of storage factors: bag type, temperature, duration, and antifungal pre-storage treatments for white oak acorn storage, using Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Douglas ex Hook. [Fagaceae]) acorns from 7 seed sources. Acorn viability remained high (84%), even after 2 y of refrigerated storage, but the majority of...

  17. Short-term response of small mammals following oak regeneration silviculture treatments.


    Amy L. Raybuck; Christopher E. Moorman; Christopher S. DePerno; Kevin Gross; Dean M. Simon; Gordon S. Warburton


    Upland, mixed-oak forests in the eastern United States have experienced widespread oak regeneration failure, largely due to cessation of anthropogenic disturbance. Silvicultural practices used to promote advance oak regeneration may affect ground-dwelling mammals. From May to August 2008 (pre-treatment), 2010 (first year post-treatment), and 2011 (second year post-...

  18. The Effect of Season and Stock Density on Blue Oak Establishment


    Lillian M. Hall; Melvin R. George; Theodore E. Adams; Peter B. Sands; Douglas D. McCreary


    Cattle have been faulted as a possible cause for poor oak regeneration in California's hardwood rangelands. This study sought to determine the effects of stock density and season of grazing on blue oak (Quercus douglasii) establishment. Year old blue oak seedlings were transplanted into annual grass/rose clover pastures at the Sierra Foothill...

  19. The role of large container seedlings in afforesting oaks in bottomlands


    Daniel C. Dey; John M. Kabrick; Michael Gold


    We planted large container (RPM®) and 1-0 bareroot seedlings of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) and swamp white oak (Q. bicolor Willd.) in crop fields in the Missouri River floodplain. We also evaluated the benefits of soil mounding and a grass (Agrostis gigantea Roth) cover crop. RPM®) oak seedlings had significantly greater...

  20. AmeriFlux US-SO4 Sky Oaks- New Stand

    DOE Data Explorer

    Oechel, Walt [San Diego State University


    This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-SO4 Sky Oaks- New Stand. Site Description - The Sky Oaks New site is located near the Sky Oaks Field station, owned and operated by San Diego State University. Chaparral vegetation, associated with a Mediterranean climate, covers nearly half of the rough and rocky terrain. Precipitation is almost exclusively confined to the winter months. During the summer and early fall, hot and dry Santa Ana winds from the northeast bring desert heat to the site. A high intensity natural wildfire occurred in approximately 1905. Physical characteristics prior to the 1905 burn are unknown, including stand age and canopy height. Currently, the Sky Oaks New site is an excellent representation of an old-growth chaparral ecosystem, with a canopy height of 2.3 m and chamise-dominated overstory.

  1. Recognizing the Toxicodendrons (poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac).


    Guin, J D; Gillis, W T; Beaman, J H


    Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are now classified in the genus Toxicodendron which is readily distinguished from Rhus. In the United States, there are two species of poison oak, Toxicodendron diversilobum (western poison oak) and Toxicodendron toxicarium (eastern poison oak). There are also two species of poison ivy, Toxicodendron rydbergii, a nonclimbing subshrub, and Toxicodendron radicans, which may be either a shrub or a climbing vine. There are nine subspecies of T. radicans, six of which are found in the United States. One species of poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, occurs in the United States. Distinguishing features of these plants and characteristics that separate Toxicodendron from Rhus are outlined in the text and illustrated in color plates.

  2. Using ecological land types to examine landscape-scale oak regeneration dynamics


    John M. Kabrick; Eric K. Zenner; Daniel C. Dey; David Gwaze; Randy G. Jensen


    The long-standing interest in regenerating oaks stimulated the development of a number of research studies during the past several decades. Most studies have focused on addressing oak regeneration problems and many of these suggested that oak regeneration failures occur where site conditions favor the establishment and growth of competing species that capture the...

  3. Red oak decline and mortality by ecological land type in the Missouri ozarks


    John M. Fan Kabrick; Stephen R. Shifley


    Oak decline, the precipitous mortality of mature oak trees, has been a chronic problem in xeric oak ecosystems and is reaching unprecedented levels in red oak group (Quercus section Lobatae) species in the Ozark Highlands. The high rates of mortality are leading to rapid changes in species composition, forest structure, and related changes in fire...

  4. An analysis of European demand for oak lumber


    William G. Luppold


    Exports of oak lumber from the United States to the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and France were analyzed using ordinary least squares estimation procedures. The analyses indicated that the large increases in European demand for U.S. oak during the 1970's were caused by a combination of the dollar's depreciation against currencies of major European...

  5. Pollination biology of northern red and black oak


    Robert A. Cecich; William W. Haenchen


    Pistillate flower abortion in northern red oak and black oak was evaluated in relation to pollination and fertilization. The presence, position, and characteristics of the pollen grains, pollen tubes, and ovules were determined with bright field and fluorescence microscopy. Flower survival counts were made weekly, from late April to mid- September. Both species have...

  6. Early release improves long-term growth and development of direct-seeded nuttall oak saplings


    James S. Meadows; Robert L. Johnson; Roger M. Krinard


    Early growth of bottomland oaks is typically slow, and many oaks eventually become overtopped by trees of other species. Removal of these larger competitors in a young stand might improve growth of the oaks and lead to more free-to-grow oaks as the stand matures. Release treatments were applied in 1980 to an 11-year-old, direct-seeded Nuttall oak (Quercus texana Buckl...

  7. Live Oaks, New Hosts for Odontocynips Nebulosa Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in North America


    A. Dan Wilson; D.G. Lester; R.E. Edmonson


    A study of root-feeding insects as potential vectors of the oak wilt fungus Ceratocystis figaceurum (T. W. Bretz) J. Hunt in live oaks, revealed root galls induced by the cynipid gall wasp Odontocynips nebulosa Kieffer. The incidence of the wasp on roots of four oak species and natural live oak hybrids at 14 root excavation sites...

  8. Status of Mississippi gulf coast Live Oak trees after Hurricane Katrina


    Julie Ann Dobbs; David W. Held; Nebeker T. Evan


    Live oak trees, Quercus virginiana, have long been considered to be the symbol of the Old South. Part of the attraction of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts is the stately live oaks. These majestic live oaks have weathered many hurricanes in their >200 yr life span. Most recently, on 29 August 2005 Hurricane Katrina, with sustained winds exceeding 160...

  9. Madrean pine-oak forest in Arizona: altered fire regimes, altered communities


    Andrew M. Barton


    In Madrean pine-oak forests in the Chiricahua Mountains, surface fire favors pines, which exhibit high top-survival, but resprouting allows oaks to rebound during inter-fire periods. These patterns plus age structure and radial growth data suggest that frequent presettlement surface fire maintained open stands, promoted a high pine:oak ratio, and excluded less fire...

  10. Repeated prescribed fires alter gap-phase regeneration in mixed-oak forests


    Todd F. Hutchinson; Robert P. Long; Joanne Rebbeck; Elaine Kennedy Sutherland; Daniel A. Yaussy


    Oak dominance is declining in the central hardwoods region, as canopy oaks are being replaced by shade-tolerant trees that are abundant in the understory of mature stands. Although prescribed fire can reduce understory density, oak seedlings often fail to show increased vigor after fire, as the canopy remains intact. In this study, we examine the response of tree...

  11. The state of mixed shortleaf pine-upland oak management in Missouri


    Elizabeth M. Blizzard; David R. Larsen; Daniel C. Dey; John M. Kabrick; David Gwaze


    Mixed shortleaf pine-upland oak stands allow flexibility in type and timing of regeneration, release, and harvesting treatments for managers; provide unique wildlife and herbaceous community niches; and increase visual diversity. Most of the research to date focused on growing pure pine or oak stands, with little research on today's need to grow pine-oak mixtures...

  12. Oak Ridge TNS Program: system description manual

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reid, R.L.; Becraft, W.R.; Brown, T.G.


    This document provides a systems description of the Reference Design for The Next Step (TNS) evolved at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) during FY 1978. The description is presented on the basis of 24 individual device and facility systems. Additional information on these systems, the Reference Design, and the FY 1978 Oak Ridge TNS activities can be found in the associated technical memoranda, ORNL/TM-6720 and ORNL/TM-6722--ORNL/TM-6733.

  13. Management of California Oak Woodlands: Uncertainties and Modeling


    Jay E. Noel; Richard P. Thompson


    A mathematical policy model of oak woodlands is presented. The model illustrates the policy uncertainties that exist in the management of oak woodlands. These uncertainties include: (1) selection of a policy criterion function, (2) woodland dynamics, (3) initial and final state of the woodland stock. The paper provides a review of each of the uncertainty issues. The...

  14. Model of white oak flower survival and maturation


    David R. Larsen; Robert A. Cecich


    A stochastic model of oak flower dynamics is presented that integrates a number of factors which appear to affect the oak pistillate flower development process. The factors are modeled such that the distribution of the predicted flower populations could have come from the same distribution as the observed flower populations. Factors included in the model are; the range...

  15. How to Manage Oak Forests for Acorn Production


    Paul Johnson


    Oak forests are life support systems for the many animals that live in them. Acorns, a staple product of oaks forests, are eaten by many species of birds and mammals including deer, bear, squirrels, mice, rabbits, foxes, raccoons, grackles, turkey, grouse, quail, blue jays, woodpeckers, and waterfowl. The population and health of wildlife often rise and fall with the...

  16. Oak Ecosystem Restoration and Maintenance in Southern Illinois


    Charles M. Ruffner; John W. Groninger


    Oak dominance in southern Illinois appears to be a consequence of long term anthropogenic disturbances, including burning, grazing, and cutting. The increased prevalence of thin barked, shade tolerant species, such as sugar maple and beech on presently oak-dominated upland sites appears to be a result of the extremely low-intensity distur-bance regimes of the late 20...

  17. Consequences of Phytophthora ramorum infection in coast live oaks


    Brice McPherson; David L. Wood; Sylvia R. Mori; Pavel Svihra; Richard B. Standiford; N. Maggi. Kelly


    Sudden oak death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, has infected and killed large numbers of oaks (Quercus spp.) and tanoaks (Lithocarpus densiflorus) in California since the mid 1990s. Since March 2000 we have been investigating the interactions between patterns of disease progression and...

  18. Some natural factors that govern the management of oaks


    Sidney Weitzman; G. R., Jr. Trimble


    The oaks are the most important species group in the Appalachian hardwood forests. In West Virginia, oaks provide more than half of the lumber produced in the State. In addition, they provide a large portion of the mine timbers and specialty products.

  19. First-Year Survival and Growth of Bareroot and Container Water Oak and Willow Oak Seedlings Grown at Different Levels of Mineral Nutrition


    Hans Williams; Matthew Stroupe


    Bareroot and container water oak (Quercus nigra) and willow oak (Quercus phellos) seedlings were treated with 3 different levels of nitrogen (N) mineral fertilizer applied during the growing season in the nursery. Comparisons were made between species, N treatments, and stock-types for seedling morphology, first-year survival and...

  20. Storing Red Oak Acorns


    F. T. Bonner


    Cherrybark, Shumard, and water oak acorns can be stored for 3 years or longer if kept at a moisture content of at least 30 percent of fresh weight and at a temperature of 37F. Polyethylene bags are good containers.

  1. Relationships between biotic and abiotic factors and regeneration of chestnut oak, white oak, and northern red oak


    Songlin Fei; Kim C. Steiner; James C. Finley; Marc E. McDill


    A series of substantial field surveys of 38 mixed-oak stands in central Pennsylvania were carried out during 1996-2000. All the stands were surveyed 1 year prior to harvest, and 16 stands have been surveyed 1 year after harvest. Three abiotic factors at stand scale, four abiotic factors at plot scale, and two biotic factors and one abiotic factor at subplot scale was...

  2. Ecology and management of oak woodlands and savannas in the southwestern Borderlands Region


    Gerald J. Gottfried; Peter F. Ffolliott


    Management of the Madrean oak woodlands and the less dense and ecologically different oak savannas must be based on sound ecological information. However, relatively little is known about the Madrean oak ecosystems in spite of the fact that they cover about 80,000 km2 in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Emory oak (Quercus emoryi), the dominant tree...

  3. Oak conservation and restoration on private forestlands: negotiating a social-ecological landscape.


    Knoot, Tricia G; Schulte, Lisa A; Rickenbach, Mark


    In the midwestern United States, oak (Quercus spp.) forests are considered critical habitat for conserving biodiversity and are a declining resource. Ecological conditions, such as deer herbivory and competition from more mesic broad-leaved deciduous species, have been linked to poor oak regeneration. In the Midwest, where up to 90% of forestland is privately owned, a greater understanding of social dimensions of oak regeneration success is especially critical to designing effective restoration strategies. We sought to determine factors that serve as direct and indirect constraints to oak restoration and identify policy mechanisms that could improve the likelihood for restoration success. We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 32 natural resource professionals working in the Midwest Driftless Area. We found that most professionals anticipate that oak will remain only a component of the future forest. Furthermore, they identified the general unwillingness of landowners to adopt oak restoration practices as a primary driving force of regional forest change. The professionals pointed to interdependent ecological and social factors, occurring at various scales (e.g., economic cost of management, deer herbivory, and exurban residential development) as influencing landowner oak restoration decisions. Professionals emphasized the importance of government cost-share programs and long-term personal relationships to securing landowner acceptance of oak restoration practices. However, given finite societal resources, ecologically- and socially-targeted approaches were viewed as potential ways to optimize regional success.

  4. Oak Conservation and Restoration on Private Forestlands: Negotiating a Social-Ecological Landscape

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Knoot, Tricia G.; Schulte, Lisa A.; Rickenbach, Mark


    In the midwestern United States, oak ( Quercus spp.) forests are considered critical habitat for conserving biodiversity and are a declining resource. Ecological conditions, such as deer herbivory and competition from more mesic broad-leaved deciduous species, have been linked to poor oak regeneration. In the Midwest, where up to 90% of forestland is privately owned, a greater understanding of social dimensions of oak regeneration success is especially critical to designing effective restoration strategies. We sought to determine factors that serve as direct and indirect constraints to oak restoration and identify policy mechanisms that could improve the likelihood for restoration success. We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 32 natural resource professionals working in the Midwest Driftless Area. We found that most professionals anticipate that oak will remain only a component of the future forest. Furthermore, they identified the general unwillingness of landowners to adopt oak restoration practices as a primary driving force of regional forest change. The professionals pointed to interdependent ecological and social factors, occurring at various scales (e.g., economic cost of management, deer herbivory, and exurban residential development) as influencing landowner oak restoration decisions. Professionals emphasized the importance of government cost-share programs and long-term personal relationships to securing landowner acceptance of oak restoration practices. However, given finite societal resources, ecologically- and socially-targeted approaches were viewed as potential ways to optimize regional success.

  5. First-Year Effects of Shelterwood Cutting, Wildlife Thinning, and Prescribed Burning on Oak Regeneration and Competitors in Tennessee Oak-Hickory Forests


    Samuel W. Jackson; David S. Buckley


    Oak regeneration has declined significantly over the past century in many regions of the United States. Pre-scribed burning, herbicides, and cutting are all potentially viable methods of favoring oak regeneration by removing competitors, but evaluation of these methods in all regions of the Eastern United States is incomplete. We compared effects of four treatments on...

  6. Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions, and sustainability


    Martin A. Spetich


    Fifty-one papers address the ecology, history, current conditions, and sustainability of upland oak forests - with emphasis on the Interior Highlands. Subject categories were selected to provide focused coverage of the state-of-the-art research and understanding of upland oak ecology of the region.

  7. 60 Years of Great Science (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

    DOE R&D Accomplishments Database


    This issue of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review (vol. 36, issue 1) highlights Oak Ridge National Laboratory's contributions in more than 30 areas of research and related activities during the past 60 years and provides glimpses of current activities that are carrying on this heritage.

  8. An overview of oak silviculture in the United States: the past, present, and future


    R. Rogers; P.S. Johnson; D.L. Loftis


    Oaks (Quercus) are important components of forest systems throughout the United States. This overview describes past, present, and future silvicultural practices within the oak-hickory ecosystem of the United States. Past land-use activitiesfavored oak development, butwildfire and livestock grazing controls have caused severe oak regeneration...

  9. The Influence of Soil Scarification on Oak Reproduction: Review and Management Considerations


    John M. Lhotka; James J. Zaczek; Russell T. Graham


    Changes in historic disturbance regimes and the resulting changes in forest composition and structure have contributed to oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration difficulties across much of its geographic range. One important component of oak regeneration is the establishment and development of advance oak reproduction. Another is reducing competing...

  10. Assessing the risks posed by goldspotted oak borer to California and beyond


    Robert C. Venette; Tom W. Coleman; Steve Seybold


    Goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, has killed approximately 27,000 mature oaks in southern California. Consequently, the future spread of this insect is a significant concern to many oak woodland managers in California and across the United States. "Risk" reflects the likelihood that A. auroguttatus will...

  11. Assemblages of saproxylic beetles on large downed trunks of oak.


    Milberg, Per; Bergman, Karl-Olof; Sancak, Kerem; Jansson, Nicklas


    Old living oaks (Quercus robur) are known as a very species-rich habitat for saproxylic beetles, but it is less clear to what extent such veteran trees differ from an even rarer feature: downed trunks of large oaks. In this study, we set out to sample this habitat, using window traps, with two aims: (1) to describe the variation of assemblages among downed trunks of different type and (2) to compare beetles on downed oaks with data from veteran standing trees. The results showed that trunk volume and sun exposure better explained assemblages as well as species numbers on downed trunks than did decay stage. Furthermore, species classified as facultative saproxylic species showed weak or no differentiation among downed trunks. Species with different feeding habits showed no apparent differentiation among downed trunks. Furthermore, species composition on dead, downed oak trunks differed sharply from that of living, veteran oaks. Wood or bark feeders were more common on veterans than downed trunks, but there was no difference for those species feeding on fungi or those feeding on insects and their remains. In conclusion, for a successful conservation of the saproxylic beetle fauna it is important to keep downed oak trunks, and particularly large ones, in forest and pastures as they constitute a saproxylic habitat that differs from that of living trees.

  12. Stump sprout dominance probabilities of five oak species in southern Indiana 15 years after clearcut harvesting


    Dale R. Weigel; Daniel C. Dey; Chao-Ying Joanne Peng


    Oak stump sprouts are vital to sustaining oak's presence and long-term dominance when regenerating oak-, mixed-hardwood forests. A study was initiated on the Hoosier National Forest in southern Indiana in 1987 to predict the sprouting potential and dominance probability of oaks. Before clearcutting, we sampled 2,188 trees of 5 oak species: white oak (...

  13. Oak soil-site relationships in northwestern West Virginia


    L.R. Auchmoody; H. Clay Smith


    An oak soil-site productivity equation was developed for the well-drained, upland soils in the northwestern portion of West Virginia adjacent to the Ohio River. The equation uses five easily measured soil and topographic variables and average precipitation to predict site index. It accounts for 69 percent of the variation in oak site index and has a standard error of 4...

  14. Proceedings of the sudden oak death fifth science symposium


    Susan J. Frankel; John T. Kliejunas; Katharine M. Palmieri; Janice M. Alexander


    The Proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Fifth Science Symposium provides an update on research to address sudden oak death, caused by the exotic, quarantine pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. Over 60 submissions present national and international investigations covering pathogen biology, biosecurity, genetics, monitoring, fire ecology, and diagnostics...

  15. Biological and molecular characterization of Beet oak-leaf virus

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Beet oak-leaf virus (BOLV) was first isolated from Rhizomania infested fields in California in early 2000. The infected sugar beet leaves showed oak-leaf pattern symptoms in some breeding lines different from Rhizomania, while some beet cultivars were symptomless. BOLV is transmitted by Polymyxe bet...

  16. Chemical ecology of sudden oak death/ambrosia beetle interactions


    Frances S. Ockels; Pierluigi Bonello; Brice McPherson; David L. Wood


    Coast live oaks, Quercus agrifolia, infected with Phytophthora ramorum in California produce a characteristic sequence of symptoms and signs. Ambrosia beetles consistently tunnel into the bark of bleeding cankers in naturally infected trees. In field monitoring conducted since 2000, every bleeding coast live oak that subsequently...

  17. A suggested approach for design of oak (Quercus L.) regeneration research considering regional differences


    Daniel C. Dey; Martin A. Spetich; Dale R. Wiegel; David L. Graney; John M. Kabrick


    Research on oak (Quercus L.) regeneration has generally consisted of smallscale studies of treatments designed to favor oak, including consideration of site quality and topographic effects on oak regeneration. However, these experiments have not consistently factored in broader-scale ecological differences found in the eastern United States. Oak...

  18. Validation of behave fire behavior predictions in oak savannas

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Grabner, Keith W.; Dwyer, John; Cutter, Bruce E.


    Prescribed fire is a valuable tool in the restoration and management of oak savannas. BEHAVE, a fire behavior prediction system developed by the United States Forest Service, can be a useful tool when managing oak savannas with prescribed fire. BEHAVE predictions of fire rate-of-spread and flame length were validated using four standardized fuel models: Fuel Model 1 (short grass), Fuel Model 2 (timber and grass), Fuel Model 3 (tall grass), and Fuel Model 9 (hardwood litter). Also, a customized oak savanna fuel model (COSFM) was created and validated. Results indicate that standardized fuel model 2 and the COSFM reliably estimate mean rate-of-spread (MROS). The COSFM did not appreciably reduce MROS variation when compared to fuel model 2. Fuel models 1, 3, and 9 did not reliably predict MROS. Neither the standardized fuel models nor the COSFM adequately predicted flame lengths. We concluded that standardized fuel model 2 should be used with BEHAVE when predicting fire rates-of-spread in established oak savannas.

  19. Associations among breeding birds and gambel oak in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests


    Stephanie Jentsch; R. William Mannan; Brett G. Dickson; William M. Block


    Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests with Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) are associated with higher bird abundance and diversity than are ponderosa pine forests lacking Gambel oak. Little is known, however, about specific structural characteristics of Gambel oak trees, clumps, and stands that may be important to birds in...

  20. Oak Advanced Regeneration Following Seasonal Prescribed Fires In Mixed Hardowod Sheleterwood Stands


    Roderick D. Cooper; David H. van Lear; Patrick H. Brose


    Regeneration of oaks (Quercus) on productive upland sites is a long-standing silvicultural problem due to aggressive competition from faster growing indetetminant species. We hypothesized that a single prescribed fire 3-5 years after an initial shelterwood cut would increase the competitive position of oak regeneration. Three productive oak-...

  1. Melton Valley Storage Tanks Capacity Increase Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The US Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to construct and maintain additional storage capacity at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for liquid low-level radioactive waste (LLLW). New capacity would be provided by a facility partitioned into six individual tank vaults containing one 100,000 gallon LLLW storage tank each. The storage tanks would be located within the existing Melton Valley Storage Tank (MVST) facility. This action would require the extension of a potable water line approximately one mile from the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) area to the proposed site to provide the necessary potable water for themore » facility including fire protection. Alternatives considered include no-action, cease generation, storage at other ORR storage facilities, source treatment, pretreatment, and storage at other DOE facilities.« less

  2. Volume Relationships in Slicing Northern Red Oak and Black Cherry Logs


    Everette D. Rast


    Veneer quality logs of black cherry and northern red oak from northern Pennsylvania were converted into sliced face veneer. The percentage yield of veneer for cherry was greater than oak due to tree form. Thirty-four percent of the total log volume of oak became chippable or fuel residue, but only 29 percent of cherry. Where and how this loss of material occurs in the...

  3. HOW to Collect Field Samples and Identify the Oak Wilt Fungus in the Laboratory


    Jill Pokorny


    Oak wilt is a serious disease that infects many species of oak. It is responsible for the death of thousands of oak trees in forests, woodlots, and home landscapes each year. Oak wilt occurs in the eastern U.S., in an area delimited by Minnesota, Texas, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina

  4. Ceratocystis fagacearum in Living and Dead Texas Live Oaks


    R. Lewis


    Ceratocystis fagacearum colonized Texas live oaks (Quercus virginiana var. fusiformis) to a depth of 10 annual increments in sapwood, either before or shortly after initial symptom expression. The fungus survived in dead wood up to 12 months after oak wilt caused crown mortality. Both moist wood at the root...

  5. Exploring the Taxonomy of Oaks and Related Tree Species

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McMaster, Robert T.


    A lab in Eastern North America conducted a study to determine the taxonomic relationship between deciduous trees and several species of oaks by calculating the similarity index of all species to be studied. The study enabled students to classify the different species of oaks according to their distinct characteristics.

  6. Valley Oak Seedling Growth Associated with Selected Grass Species


    Karen C. Danielsen; William L. Halvorson


    Valley oak (Quercus lobata Née) has exhibited inadequate regeneration since the last century. Seedlings become established, but few develop into saplings. We hypothesized that the invasion of alien annual grasses into native perennial grasslands has increased oak seedling mortality by decreasing soil moisture availability. We conducted greenhouse...

  7. Underplanting to sustain future stocking of oak (Quercus) in temperate deciduous forests


    Daniel C. Dey; Emile S. Gardiner; Callie J. Schweitzer; John M. Kabrick; Douglass F. Jacobs


    Oaks (Quercus spp.) are one of the most important tree taxa in the northern hemisphere. Although they are dominant in mixed species forests and widely distributed, there are frequent reports of regeneration failures. An adequate population of large oak advance reproduction is a critical prerequisite to successful oak regeneration, and hence...

  8. Sudden oak death: disease trends in Marin county plots after one year


    Brice A. McPherson; David L. Wood; Andrew J. Storer; Nina Maggi Kelly; Richard B. Standiford


    Sudden oak death has emerged as a major threat to the oak forests of California. In oaks and tanoak, this disease complex consists of a previously unreported fungus-like pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, insects (bark and ambrosia beetles), and a secondary fungus, Hypoxylon thouarsianum. Species monitored in this study were coast...

  9. 78 FR 25227 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Live Oak, FL

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... action proposes to amend Class E Airspace in the Live Oak, FL area, as new Standard Instrument Approach...-0001; Airspace Docket No. 12-ASO-45] Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Live Oak, FL AGENCY... continued safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations for SIAPs within the Live Oak...

  10. Changes in forest structure associated with oak decline in severely impacted areas of northern Arkansas


    Eric Heitzman; Adrian Grell; Martin Spetich; Dale Starkey


    Four mature northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.)–white oak (Quercus alba L.) stands in the Boston Mountains of northern Arkansas were studied to describe the vegetation dynamics of forests heavily impacted by oak decline. Northern red oak was the species most susceptible to decline. Across the four stands, 51–75% of red oak density...

  11. Response of outplanted northern red oak seedlings under two silvicultural prescriptions in north Alabama


    Callie Jo Schweitzer; Emile Gardiner; Stephanie Love; Tom Green


    The decision to artificially regenerate oak must be predicated on some basis. After completing an assessment of the potential to regenerate oak naturally, we decided our stands might benefit from supplemental oak plantings. The primary objective of this study was to couple outplanting of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) with applied silviculture...

  12. Acorn Production Characteristics of Southern Appalachian Oaks: A Simple Method to Predict Within-Year Crop Size


    Cathryn H. Greenberg; Bernard R. Parresol


    We examined acorn production from 1993-97 by black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.), northern red oak (Q. rubra L.), scarlet oak (Q. coccinea Muenchh.), chestnut oak (Q. prinus L.), and white oak (Q. alba L.) in the Southern Appalichians to determine how frequency of acorn...

  13. Stem form changes in upland oaks after thinning


    Donald E. Hilt; Martin E. Dale


    Results of two independent studies were analyzed to determine whether residual stocking after thinning had any effect on change in stem form of upland oak. One study is based on 15 years' change in Girard Form Class after thinning of an 80-year-old white oak stand in eastern Kentucky. The other, 12-year changes in Girard Form Class and breast-height form factor...

  14. The chestnut oak forests of the anthracite region


    C. F. Burnham; M. J. Ferree; F. E. Cunningham


    The chestnut oak forests occur mostly on poor sites along the tops and southern slopes of ridges in the central and southern parts of the Anthracite Region (see map). This forest type is not of much commercial value. It contains some saw timber and mine timber, but most of the chestnut oak stands are of seedling-and-sapling size. Furthermore, many of them are in...

  15. The fire—oak literature of eastern North America: synthesis and guidelines


    Patrick H. Brose; Daniel C. Dey; Thomas A. Waldrop


    Guidelines for using prescribed fire to regenerate and restore upland oak forests, woodlands, and savannas in eastern North America were developed by synthesizing the results of more than 100 scientific publications. The first four chapters provide background information on the values of oak ecosystems, eastern fire history, oak's adaptations to fire, and the...

  16. Optimizing Emory oak woodlands for multiple resource benefits [Poster


    Catlow Shipek; Peter F. Ffolliott; Gerald J. Gottfried; Leonard F. DeBano


    The Emory oak woodlands in the southwestern United States present a diverse range of resources. People utilize these woodlands for wood products, cattle grazing, and recreational purposes. The woodlands provide a diversity of wildlife habitats for resident and migratory species. Occupying predominantly upland regions, the oak woodlands protect watersheds from excessive...

  17. Age Distribution of Oak Forests in North-Central Arkansas


    Rick Soucy; Eric Heitzman; Martin A. Spetich


    We used tree ring analysis to reconstruct the tree establishment patterns in four mature white oak (Quercus alba L.)-northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.)-hickory (Carya spp.) forests in the Ozark Mountains of north-central Arkasas. Cross sections were removed from the stumps of 321 recently harvested trees and...

  18. Predicting oak density with ecological, physical, and soil indicators


    Callie Jo Schweitzer; Adrian A. Lesak; Yong Wang


    We predicted density of oak species in the mid-Cumberland Plateau region of northeastern Alabama on the basis of basal area of tree associations based on light tolerances, physical site characteristics, and soil type. Tree basal area was determined for four species groups: oaks (Quercus spp.), hickories (Carya spp.), yellow-poplar...

  19. Analysis of oak tannins by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry.


    Mämmelä, P; Savolainen, H; Lindroos, L; Kangas, J; Vartiainen, T


    Extractable tannins were analysed by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry in two oak species, North American white oak (Quercus alba) and European red oak (Quercus robur). They mainly included various glucose gallic and ellagic acid esters. The structures were partially determined, and they included grandinin/roburin E, castalagin/vescalagin, gallic acid, valoneic acid bilactone, monogalloyl glucose, digalloyl glucose, trigalloyl glucose, ellagic acid rhamnose, quercitrin and ellagic acid.

  20. Leaf elemental analysis in mycorrhizal post oak seedlings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boling, B. C.; Naab, F. U.; Smith, D.; Duggan, J. L.; McDaniel, F. D.


    Growth and element assimilation was investigated in the leaves of post oak seedlings exposed to four different treatment combinations of fertilization and ectomycorrhizal inoculation. Element concentration was analyzed via particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE). PIXE detected 10 of the 13 essential macro and micronutrients: P, S, Mg, Ca, K, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cl. Mean growth and dry weight was significantly different across the treatment groups as well as the mean concentration of Mg, Al, S, K, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn. The data suggest that fertilization rather than mycorrhizal inoculation had a stronger influence on nutrient uptake. This study is the first to analyze element concentration in post oak and to investigate the potential benefits of mycorrhizal symbiosis in post oak seedlings in terms of nutrient uptake.

  1. Abundance of birds in the oak savannas of the southwestern United States


    Wendy D. Jones; Carlton M. Jones; Peter F. Ffolliott; Gerald J. Gottfried


    Oak ecosystems of the Southwestern United States are important habitats for a variety of wildlife species. Information is available on the abundance and habitat preferences of some species inhabiting the more densely structured oak woodlands, but little information is available on these topics for the comparatively open oak savannas. Studies are underway to alleviate...

  2. Sustaining oak forests in eastern North America: regeneration and recruitment, the pillars of sustainability


    Daniel C. Dey


    Oak cover types comprise half of the forestlands in the eastern United States. There is a great desire to sustain these highly valued forests. Unfortunately, reports of the successional replacement of oak are all too common, as they are throughout the world. Sustaining the oak resource requires the ability to both regenerate and recruit oak into the overstory as...

  3. Oak Wilt in Minnesota: It's Still Here and We're Doing Something About It!


    Jennifer Juzwik; Gary Johnson


    Yes, oak wilt is still around and killing large numbers of oaks annually in Minnesota. Although the progress of oak wilt has been slowed through the concerted efforts of State agencies, private contractors, and determined homeowners, the battle to "control" this infectious disease is ongoing and will continue to be as long as there are oaks in Minnesota....

  4. Oak decline across the Ozark Highlands- from stand to landscape and regional scale processes


    Marty Spetich; Zhaofei Fan; Hong S. He; Wen J. Wang; Michael K. Crosby; Stephen R. Shifley


    Oak decline has been a problem in forests of the Ozark Highlands (OzH) for decades. It has impacted upland oak-hickory forests, particularly species in the red oak group (Quercus section Lobatae) across the Ozark Highlands of Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The oak decline complex is often described in terms of predisposing...

  5. Tenth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings


    Brian Roy Lockhart; Emile S. Gardiner; Daniel C. Dey


    Research results and ongoing research activities in field performance of oak plantings, seedling propagation, genetics, acorn germination, and natural regeneration of oaks are described in 15 abstracts.

  6. Potential effects of sudden oak death on birds in coastal oak woodlands


    Donald E. Winslow; William D. Tietje


    Tree pathogens can affect community composition and structure over wide areas. Phytophthora ramorum, cause of sudden oak death (SOD), occurs in the wild in California from Humboldt County to southernmost Monterey County. P. ramorum has killed many trees at some sites and may spread to affect near and distant forests. The pathogen...

  7. Sporulation capacity of Phytophthora ramorum on northern red oak and chestnut oak

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Branches from six 2 to 3-year old northern red and chestnut oak seedlings were dip-inoculated with ca. 5,000 sporangia per milliliter of Phytophthora ramorum isolate Pr-6 and incubated at 100 percent relative humidity in dew chambers for 6 days. Three plants were then used to assess sporangia produ...

  8. Evaluation of fire severity via analysis of photosynthetic pigments: Oak, eucalyptus and cork oak leaves in a Mediterranean forest.


    Soler, M; Úbeda, X


    Few studies to date have examined the effect of the high temperatures attained during wildfire events on the pigments present in forest foliage. Here, we seek to analyse the main photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of the oak, cork oak and eucalyptus following a wildfire. We also subject leaves of these last two species to a range of contact temperatures (100-500 °C) in the laboratory using a muffle furnace. The samples were left in the muffle for two hours at 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 °C, in line with other soil study models (Úbeda et al., 2009; Düdaite et al., 2013). At temperatures above 250 °C, chromatography fails to detect any pigments. A minimal increase in temperature degrades chlorophyll, the process being more rapid in eucalyptus than in cork oak, while it increases pheophytin concentrations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Effects of Flood Duration and Depth on Germination of Cherrybark, Post, Southern, White and Willow Oak Acorns


    Yanfei Guo; Michael G. Shelton; Eric Heitzman


    Effects of flood duration (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) and depth (10 and 100 centimeters below a water surface) on acorn germination were tested for two bottomland oaks (cherrybark oak [Quercus pagoda Raf.] and willow oak [Q. phellos L.]) and three upland oaks (post oak [Q. stellata Wang.], southern red oak [

  10. Root system morphology of Oregon white oak on a glacial outwash soil.


    Warren D. Devine; Constance A. Harrington


    Oregon white oak is reportedly a deeply rooted species, but its rooting habit on coarse-textured soils is undocumented. In the Puget Trough of western Washington, Oregon white oak grows in coarse-textured glacial outwash soils on lowland sites. Our objective was to quantify the gross root system morphology of Oregon white oak in these soils, thereby improving our...

  11. Oak leaf roller: contact toxicity of four insecticides applied to the larvae


    Lula E. Greene; Marion Page


    A defoliator of oak and witch-hazel, the oak leaf roller (Archips semiferanus [Walker]) is found in large numbers in northeastern United States and in southwest Ontario, Canada. DDT was formerly used to control this insect. As a preliminary step in finding alternatives to DDT for field testing against the oak leaf roller, four insecticides were...

  12. Northern Red Oak From Acorns to Acorns in 8 Years or Less


    Paul P. Kormanik; Shi-Jean S. Sung; Taryn Kormanik; Tom Tibbs; Stanley J. Zarnoch


    The intrinsic factors affecting acorn production in oak trees need further study. Common knowledge holds that an oak requires a minimum number of years to begin flowering, with 30 to 50 most frequently reported. Recently, the Institute of Tree Root Biology has been studying the development of northern red oak ( L.) in the nursery and in...

  13. Development of interim oak assessment guidelines for the silvah decision-support system


    Patrick H. Brose


    Updates to the SILVAH decision-support system make it more applicable to the mixed oak forests of Pennsylvania and other mid-Atlantic states. This update required establishing interim inventory guidelines for assessing the competitive ability of advance oak regeneration. This assessment was complicated by oak’s growth strategy, emphasizing root development in lieu of...

  14. History of fire in a southern Ohio second-growth mixed-oak forest


    Elaine Kennedy Sutherland


    The role of fire in shaping the composition and structure of Quercus (oak)-dominated communities in the deciduous forests of eastern North America is becoming clearer but fire regimes are less well known. I analyzed the fire-scar patterns in 14 oak cross sections from a mixed-oak stand in Vinton County, southeastern Ohio, to determine the frequency...

  15. Numerical response of small vertebrates to prescribed fire in California oak woodland


    Justin K. Vreeland; William D. Tietje


    Use of prescribed fire is increasing in California oak woodlands, but its effects on vertebrate wildlife are unknown. We conducted a light-intensity prescribed fire in mixed blue oak?coast live-oak woodlands in coastal-central California and assessed vegetation change and numerical response of small, nongame vertebrates to the fire. Four of 13 vegetation and habitat...

  16. The interaction of Saccharomyces paradoxus with its natural competitors on oak bark

    PubMed Central

    Kowallik, Vienna; Miller, Eric; Greig, Duncan


    The natural history of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is poorly understood and confounded by domestication. In nature, S. cerevisiae and its undomesticated relative S. paradoxus are usually found on the bark of oak trees, a habitat very different from wine or other human fermentations. It is unclear whether the oak trees are really the primary habitat for wild yeast, or whether this apparent association is due to biased sampling. We use culturing and high-throughput environmental sequencing to show that S. paradoxus is a very rare member of the oak bark microbial community. We find that S. paradoxus can grow well on sterile medium made from oak bark, but that its growth is strongly suppressed when the other members of the community are present. We purified a set of twelve common fungal and bacterial species from the oak bark community and tested how each affected the growth of S. paradoxus in direct competition on oak bark medium at summer and winter temperatures, identifying both positive and negative interactions. One Pseudomonas species produces a diffusible toxin that suppresses S. paradoxus as effectively as either the whole set of twelve species together or the complete community present in nonsterilized oak medium. Conversely, one of the twelve species, Mucilaginibacter sp., had the opposite effect and promoted S. paradoxus growth at low temperatures. We conclude that, in its natural oak tree habitat, S. paradoxus is a rare species whose success depends on the much more abundant microbial species surrounding it. PMID:25706044

  17. Lighting intensity of the soilsurface and restocking of oak groves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slepykh, Victor; Zubko, Anna; Povolotckaia, Nina


    Oak groves of Caucasian Mineral Vody region (CMVR) possess a high ecological and balneological potential which defines the significance of their preservation and reproduction [1]. The role assessment of lighting intensity on renewal of oak groves was carried out on four trial squares (ts) in natural sixty-seven years old forest stand with prevalence of English oak (Quercus robur L.) with unimodal sity (type of the habitat - C1). The illumination was measured at the grass level by the universal measuring instrument of meteoparameters ATT-9508 with an illumination sensor of ATA-1591. The assessment of reforestation was carried out according to the established standards [2]. In the winter of 2005 there was conducted a selecting cutting cabin of the forest stand according to a local method on ts2 with intensity 30%, on ts4 - 50% after which the illumination on the soil surface in relation to illumination of an open place in the summer of 2005 increased from 4.9% to 33.9% on ts2, and from 5.9% to 24.4% on ts4. But by 2014 the illumination decreased till 3.0% on ts2, till 5.4% on ts4 because of an intensive soil grassing down. The control was carried out by ts1 and ts3 on which from 2005 to 2014 the illumination of the soil surface decreased from 4 to 2% as a result of the development of all storeys. As a result due to an intensive soil grassing-down, the total quantity of young oak trees decreased from 2005 to 2014 from 25.6 thousand pcs/ha to 5.9 thousand pcs/ha on ts2; on from 17.3 thousand pcs/ha to 4.0 thousand pcs/ha on ts4. At the same time the total quantity of young oak trees on control squares increased respectively for 1.4% (from 18.8 thousand pcs/ha to 19.1 thousand pcs/ha) on ts1, for 38.7% (from 25.2 thousand pcs/ha to 41.1 thousand pcs/ha). The experiment showed that small young oak trees perishes in the first years of their life from a lack of light and competition from grasland vegetation without providing successful reforestation. Conclusion. So it is

  18. Assessing wood quality of borer-infested red oak logs with a resonance acoustic technique


    Xiping Wang; Henry E. Stelzer; Jan Wiedenbeck; Patricia K. Lebow; Robert J. Ross


    Large numbers of black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) and scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea Muenchh.) trees are declining and dying in the Missouri Ozark forest as a result of oak decline. Red oak borer-infested trees produce low-grade logs that become extremely difficult to merchandize as the level of insect attack increases. The objective of this study was to investigate...

  19. Ten-year responses of oak regeneration to prescribed fire


    Erik Berg; Barry Clinton; Jim Vose; Wayne Swank


    Prescribed fire has proven effective in controlling vegetative competition of oak regeneration across many sites in the southeastern US most fire investigations have been performed in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Land managers lake definitive knowledge on how to use prescribed fire to improve long-term oak regeneration success in the southern Appalachians. Several...

  20. Mapping spread of the goldspotted oak borer (Agrilus auroguttatus)


    Thomas A. Scott; Kevin Turner; Cara Washington; Kim Corella


    The earliest signs of goldspotted oak borer (Agrilus auroguttatus, GSOB)-associated oak declines can be found in 1996 aerial photo images from the Descanso area of San Diego County. By 2014, GSOB had spread over a 4000 km2 area, with a patchy distribution similar to the early spread of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus...

  1. AmeriFlux US-SO3 Sky Oaks- Young Stand

    DOE Data Explorer

    Oechel, Walt [San Diego State University


    This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-SO3 Sky Oaks- Young Stand. Site Description - The Sky Oaks Young site is located near the Sky Oaks Field station, owned and operated by San Diego State University. Chaparral vegetation, associated with a Mediterranean climate, covers nearly half of the rough and rocky terrain. Precipitation is almost exclusively confined to the winter months. During the summer and early fall, hot and dry Santa Ana winds from the northeast bring desert heat to the site. A high intensity natural wildfire occurred in July of 2003. The stand age at the time of the wildfire was 10 years old, following a controlled burn in 1993.

  2. Effect of firewood harvesting on birds in a California oak-pine woodland


    Paul A. Aigner; William M. Block; Michael L. Morrison


    Despite a history of oak clearing and thinning in California, little is known about the effects of firewood harvesting on wildlife in oak woodlands. We studied the effect of firewood harvesting on population trends of birds during the breeding season in an oak-pine woodland in the foothills of the northern Sierra Nevada, California. During fall-winter of 1993-94, total...

  3. Impacts of Potential Oak Forest Change on Breeding Birds in Northwestern Arkansas


    Douglas A. James


    Birds found on existing census routes in the Ozark region of northwestern Arkansas were used to predict avifaunal changes that could occur in the area due to oak-hickory forest degradation caused by red oak borer beetle infestations. The two census routes used passed through high elevation forests where red oaks thrive the best. Analysis showed that 21 bird species...

  4. Oak Mortality Trends on the Interior Highlands of Arkansas


    James F. Rosson


    Using data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis program, I studied mortality trends of oak (Quercus spp.) across four physiographic sections of the Interior Highlands in Arkansas. Surveys for 1978, 1988, and 1995 showed oak mortality levels of 3.9, 8.9, and 5.5 percent, respectively. Increases...

  5. San Diego County Planning Efforts to Preserve Oak Woodlands


    Thomas A. Oberbauer


    Development of San Diego County has traditionally taken place on the coastal plain and in coastal valleys. Within the past two decades, it has spread into the foothills resulting in conflicts with oak woodlands. The County of San Diego has proposed a number of measures to protect oak vegetation including a tree protection ordinance, land use designations and zones...

  6. Chemical Properties Associated with Bacterial Wetwood in Red Oaks


    Zicai Xu; Theodor D. Leininger; Andy W.C. Lee; Frank H. Tainter


    Bacterial wetwood is a major cause of value loss in the red oak lumber industry in the United States. Red oak trees in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Florida were sampled and evaluated for certain chemical properties possibly associated with the wetwood condition. Specific variables investigated were pH and concentmtions of methane, cations (Na+. Ca++, K+, and Mg...

  7. Long-term performance of minimum-input oak restoration plantings


    Elizabeth Bernhardt; Tedmund J. Swiecki


    Starting in 1989, we used minimum-input methods to restore native oaks to parts of their former ranges in Vacaville, California. Each restoration site was analyzed, and only those inputs deemed necessary to overcome expected limiting factors for oak establishment were used. We avoided unnecessary inputs that added to cost and could have unintended negative consequences...

  8. Fire management and woody invasive plants in oak ecosystems


    Joanne. Rebbeck


    The use of prescribed fire to sustain oak forests has increased rapidly in the last decade as the threat of poor regeneration and increased dominance of shade tolerant or fire sensitive tree species grows. While prescribed fire can favor oak regeneration, it may also increase the invasion and expansion of nonnative invasive plant species (NNIS). Little is known about...

  9. Influence of fire on mammals in eastern oak forests


    Patrick D. Keyser; W. Mark Ford


    With the exception of small mammals, little research has been conducted in eastern oak forests on the influence of fire on mammals. Several studies have documented little or no change inrelative abundance or community measures for non-volant small mammals in eastern oak (Quercus spp.) forests following fires despite reductions in leaf litter, small woody debris, and...

  10. Oak woodland economics: a contingent valuation of conversion alternatives


    Richard P. Thompson; Jay E. Noel; Sarah P. Cross


    Decisions on how much land should be devoted to oak woodland preservation is ultimately determined by society's valuation of its benefits and relative scarcity. Scarcity value can be measured by people's willingness-to-pay (WTP) to prevent oak woodland conversion to higher value land uses. In this study, we used the contingent valuation (CV) method to...

  11. Oak tree selection by nesting turkey vultures (Cathartes aura)


    Gregory A. Giusti; R.J. Keiffer; Shane Feirer; R.F. Keiffer


    Turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) are a ubiquitous component of California’s oak woodland faunal assemblage. Though obvious, they are one of the least studied vertebrates found in our hardwood forests. This study attempts to define the role of oak trees as nesting sites for this large avian species. Verified nest trees are evaluated to determine...

  12. Radial shakes and "frost cracks" in living oak trees


    Heinz Butin; Alex L. Shigo


    Dissections of hundreds of living, mature oak trees over a 25-year period revealed that radial shakes (or "frost cracks") and ring shakes are associated with a variety of wounds and stubs of branches and basal sprouts. A more intensive study of radial shakes that included dissections of more than 30 oaks confirmed the earlier finds, and provided additional...

  13. The increasing sacrcity of red oaks in Mississippi river floodplain forestS: Influence of the residual overstory


    Chadwick Dearing Oliver; E.C. Burkhardt; Daniel A. Skojac


    Red oaks - cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) willow oak (Quercus phellos L.), water oak (Quercus nigra L.), and Nuttall oak (Quercus texana Buckley; aka: Quercus nuttallii Palmer) - are not regrowing in Mississippi Delta river floodplain forests in the southeastern United...

  14. Impacts of Oak Decline on Forest Structure in Arkansas and Oklahoma: Preliminary Results


    Eric Heitzman; James M. Guldin


    We established field plots in the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma to quantify the impacts of oak decline on forest structure. Plots were identified as either high risk (red oak basal area > 20 square feet per acre) or low risk (red oak basal area

  15. Insects of bur oak acorns


    Lester P. Gibson


    During 1961-1969, the insects found damaging acorns of bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa Michauxii, in their order of importance were the weevils: Curculio pardalis (Chittenden), C. strictus (Casey), C. sulcatulus (Casey), C. iowensis (Casey), C. proboscideus...

  16. Infectivity and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum on northern red oak and chestnut oak

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Branches from northern red and chestnut oak seedlings were dip-inoculated with 5,000 sporangia per milliliter of Phytophthora ramorum and incubated at 100 percent relative humidity in dew chambers for 6 days. Three plants were then used to assess sporangia production, while the other three plants w...

  17. The case for delaying planting of bottomland oaks: an example involving Nuttall oaks


    David C. Mercker; David S. Buckley; John P. Conn


    A prominent difficulty during bottomland hardwood afforestation in the southeastern United States is that sites are often flooded during the preferred months of planting (January - March), which results in delayed planting (April - June) and reduced survival. We monitored growth and survival of Nuttall oak (Quercus texana Buckley) seedlings planted...

  18. Holifield Heavy-Ion Research Facility at Oak Ridge

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jones, C.M.


    A new heavy-ion accelerator facility is now under construction at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A brief description of the scope and schedule of this project is given, and the new large tandem accelerator, which will be a major element of the facility is discussed in some detail. Several studies which have been made or are in progress in Oak Ridge in preparation for operation of the tandem accelerator are briefly described.

  19. Oak kombucha protects against oxidative stress and inflammatory processes.


    Vázquez-Cabral, B D; Larrosa-Pérez, M; Gallegos-Infante, J A; Moreno-Jiménez, M R; González-Laredo, R F; Rutiaga-Quiñones, J G; Gamboa-Gómez, C I; Rocha-Guzmán, N E


    Black tea infusion is the common substrate for preparing kombucha; however other sources such as oak leaves infusions can be used for the same purpose. Almost any white oak species have been used for medicinal applications by some ethnic groups in Mexico and could be also suitable for preparing kombucha analogues from oak (KAO). The objective of this research was to investigate the antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effects of KAO by examining its modulation ability on macrophage-derived TNF-alpha and IL-6. Herbal infusions from oak and black tea were fermented by kombucha consortium during seven days at 28 °C. Chemical composition was determined by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The antioxidant activity of samples against oxidative damage caused by H 2 O 2 in monocytes activated (macrophages) was explored. Additionally, it was determined the anti-inflammatory activity using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - stimulated macrophages; in particular, the nitric oxide (NO), TNF-alpha, and IL-6 production was assessed. Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha were significantly reduced by the sample treatment. Likewise, NO production was lower in treatment with kombucha and KAO compared with LPS-stimulated macrophages. Fermented beverages of oak effectively down-regulated the production of NO, while pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-6) in macrophages were stimulated with LPS. Additionally, phytochemical compounds present in KAO decrease oxidative stress. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in California's Oak Woodlands: Where Do We Go From Here?


    Michael L. Morrison; William M. Block; Jared Verner


    We discuss management goals and research directions for a comprehensive study of wildlife in California's oak woodlands. Oak woodlands are under intensive multiple use, including urbanization, recreation, grazing, fuel wood cutting, and hunting. Research in oak woodlands is thus complicated by these numerous, often competing, interests. Complicating understanding...

  1. Predominant nitidulid species (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) associated with spring oak wilt mats in Minnesota


    Kory R. Cease; Jennifer Juzwik


    Nitidulids are primary vectors of the oak wilt pathogen, Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt, in the northcentral United States. Species of adult nitidulids associated with different ages of oak wilt fungus mats on red oaks (Quercus rubra L. and Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill) during spring in east-central...

  2. Genotypic variation in flood tolerance of black walnut and three southern bottomland oaks


    Mark V. Coggeshall; J.W." Jerry" Van Sambeek; Scott E. Schlarbaum


    Open-pollinated bare-root seedlings from six families of cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.), seven families of water oak (Q. nigra L.), six families of willow oak (Q. phellos L.), and eight families of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) were planted in spring 2003 in nine channels of the...

  3. Estimating oak growth and yield


    Martin E. Dale; Donald E. Hilt


    Yields from upland oak stands vary widely from stand to stand due to differences in age, site quality, species composition, and stand structure. Cutting history and other past disturbances such as grazing or fire also affect yields.

  4. Mechanical Damage Incurred by Underplanted Northern Red Oak Following Six Overstory Treatments: First-Year Results


    Matthew G. Olson; Wayne K. Clatterbuck; Scott E. Schlarbaum


    Regenerating oak, on recently harvested sites, continues to be a silvicultural challenge in the Central Hardwood Region. Enrichment planting can increase oak regeneration potential and success during the early stages of cohort develop-ment. In April of 2002, a replicated oak silviculture study using artificial regeneration was established near Oak Ridge, TN. Nursery-...

  5. Attempt at concentrating red oak borer eggs by providing artificial oviposition sites


    Jimmy R. Galford


    Thirty-eight scarlet and 14 black oaks were spirally wrapped to a height of about 2 m with black or white cotton tape 2.5 cm wide in an attempt to increase oviposition of the red oak borer, Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman), on selected trap trees. However only 57 eggs were laid under tape on 17 of the trees, all scarlet oaks. Attacks but no eggs were...

  6. Do chestnut, northern red, and white oak germinant seedlings respond similarly to light treatments? Growth and biomass


    Joanne Rebbeck; Kurt Gottschalk; Amy Scherzer


    Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedling growth has been extensively studied. White oak (Quercus alba L.) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.), however, are far less investigated despite their importance among upland oak species in eastern North American forests. We characterized white and chestnut oak...

  7. Ten-year response of competing vegetation after oak shelterwood treatments in West Virginia


    Gary W. Miller; James N. Kochenderfer; Jeffrey D. Kochenderfer; Kurt W. Gottschalk


    Successful oak regeneration depends on the relative status of advanced oak reproduction and associated competing woody vegetation present when harvests or other stand-replacing disturbances occur. This study was installed to quantify the effect of microsite light availability and deer browsing on the development of advanced northern red oak (Quercus rubra...

  8. Oak stump-sprout vigor and Armillaria infection after clearcutting in southeastern Missouri, USA


    Christopher A. Lee; Daniel C. Dey; Rose-Marie Muzika


    Armillaria spp. occur widely in Missouri mixed-oak ecosystems. In order to better understand the ecology and management of this pathogen and its effects on oak coppice, we observed a transect of 150 stumps after clearcutting in southeastern Missouri, noting Armillaria infection and oak sprout demography one year and seven years...

  9. Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site environmental report summary for 1994

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    This document presents a summary of the information collected for the Oak Ridge Reservation 1994 site environmental report. Topics discussed include: Oak Ridge Reservation mission; ecology; environmental laws; community participation; environmental restoration; waste management; radiation effects; chemical effects; risk to public; environmental monitoring; and radionuclide migration.

  10. Gambel oak growth forms: Management opportunities for increasing ecosystem diversity


    Scott R. Abella


    Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) clones have several different growth forms in southwestern ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests, and these growth forms each provide unique wildlife habitat and resource values. The purposes of this note are to review published growth-form classifications for Gambel oak, provide examples of...

  11. Regeneration of native California oaks in the forest zone [Abstract


    P.M. McDonald


    The two native California oaks in the forest zone of California are California black oak (Quercus kelloggii Newb.) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus [Hook. and Arn.] Rehd.). Both are ancient species with many adaptations to withstand California's Mediterranean climate, but some weaknesses as well. Both sprout vigorously...

  12. Physiological, anatomical, and ecological characteristics of southern live oak


    Yadong Qi; Jammie Favorite; Kit L. Chin; Ying Xiao


    Gas exchanges of sun-exposed and shaded leaves of southern live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.) were studied monthly from May to September, 2000. Six healthy live oak trees with d.b.h. ranging from 21 to 148 cm on Southern University’s campus in Baton Rouge, LA, were selected for the study. Instantaneous gas exchanges were measured during clear sky...

  13. Fire effects on herbaceous plants and shrubs in the oak savannas of the Southwestern Borderlands


    Peter F. Ffolliott; Gerald J. Gottfried; Hui Chen; Cody L. Stropki; Daniel G. Neary


    Much has been learned in recent years about the ecological, hydrologic, and environmental characteristics of the oak (encinal) woodlands of the Southwestern Borderlands. Comparable information for the lower-elevation oak savannas, including the impacts of fire on ecosystem resources, is also necessary to enhance the knowledge of the oak ecosystems in the region. Oak...

  14. Root growth and water relations of oak and birch seedlings.


    Osonubi, O; Davies, W J


    First year seedlings of English oak (Quercus Cobur) and silver birch (Betula pendula) were subjected to pressure-volume analysis to investigate the water potential components and cell wall properties of single leaves. It was hoped that this rapid-drying technique would differentiate between reductions in plant solute potential resulting from dehydration and the effects of solute accumulation.Comparison of results from these experiments with those of slow drying treatments (over a number of days) with plants growing in tubes of soil, indicated that some solute accumulation may have occurred in drying oak leaves. High leaf turgor and leaf conductance were maintained for a significant period of the drying cycle. Roots of well-watered oak plants extended deep into the soil profile, and possibly as a result of solute regulation and therefore turgor maintenance, root growth of unwatered plants was greater than that of their well-watered counterparts. This was particularly the case deep in the profile. As a result of deep root penetration, water deep in the soil core was used by oak plants to maintain plant turgor, and quite low soil water potentials were recorded in the lower soil segments.Root growth of well-watered birch seedlings was prolific but roots of both well-watered and unwatered plants were restricted to the upper part of the profile. Root growth of unwatered plants was reduced despite the existence of high soil water potentials deep in the profile. Shallow rooting birch seedlings were unable to use this water.Pressure-volume analysis indicated that significant reductions of water potential, which are required for water uptake from drying soil, would occur in oak with only a small reduction in plant water content compared to the situation in birch. This was a result of the low solute potential in oak leaves combined with a high modulus of elasticity of cell walls. Deep rooting of oak seedlings, combined with these characteristics, which will be particularly

  15. Bolts Salvaged From Cull Oaks


    B. E. Carpenter


    But how about bolts from cull oaks on upland pine sites? Though a bolt operation in such material offers many difficulties, at least one Southern firm is currently trying it. That firm is Potlatch Forests, Inc., of Warren, Arkansas.

  16. An Old-Growth Definition for Seasonally Wet Oak-Hardwood Woodlands


    Harvey E. Kennedy; Gregory J. Nowacki


    An interim definition of old-growth, seasonally wet, oak-hardwood woodlands is presented to assist in management of these communities until comprehensive definitions based on research can be formulated. The basic criteria for identifying old-growth, seasonally wet, oak-hardwood woodland communities in the South are also presented.

  17. Diagnosis and Management of Phytophthora ramorum canker in canyon live oak, an atypical bole canker host


    Tedmund J. Swiecki; Elizabeth Bernhardt; Kamyar Aram; David Rizzo


    Diagnosis of sudden oak death (SOD) in tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Hook. & Arn.) Manos, Cannon & S.H. Oh) and susceptible red/black oak species (coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia Née; Shreve oak, Q. parvula Greene var. shrevei (C.H. Mull.) Nixon; California...

  18. Conservation biogeography of red oaks (Quercus, section Lobatae) in Mexico and Central America.


    Torres-Miranda, Andrés; Luna-Vega, Isolda; Oyama, Ken


    Oaks are dominant trees and key species in many temperate and subtropical forests in the world. In this study, we analyzed patterns of distribution of red oaks (Quercus, section Lobatae) occurring in Mexico and Central America to determine areas of species richness and endemism to propose areas of conservation. Patterns of richness and endemism of 75 red oak species were analyzed using three different units. Two complementarity algorithms based on species richness and three algorithms based on species rarity were used to identify important areas for conservation. A simulated annealing analysis was performed to evaluate and formulate effective new reserves for red oaks that are useful for conserving the ecosystems associated with them after the systematic conservation planning approach. Two main centers of species richness were detected. The northern Sierra Madre Oriental and Serranías Meridionales of Jalisco had the highest values of endemism. Fourteen areas were considered as priorities for conservation of red oak species based on the 26 priority political entities, 11 floristic units and the priority grid-cells obtained in the complementarity analysis. In the present network of Natural Protected Areas in Mexico and Central America, only 41.3% (31 species) of the red oak species are protected. The simulated annealing analysis indicated that to protect all 75 species of red oaks, 12 current natural protected areas need to be expanded by 120000 ha of additional land, and 26 new natural protected areas with 512500 ha need to be created. Red oaks are a useful model to identify areas for conservation based on species richness and endemism as a result of their wide geographic distribution and a high number of species. We evaluated and reformulated new reserves for red oaks that are also useful for the conservation of ecosystems associated with them.

  19. Regeneration responses of oak-dominated stands to thinning and clearcutting in northwestern Pennsylvania


    John A. Stanturf; L. R. Auchmoody; Russell S. Walters


    Regenerating mature oak stands on better sites is difficult on the Allegheny Plateau because of abundant advance regeneration of faster growing competitors. We have observed that oak stands on the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) in northwestern Pennsylvania almost always regenerate to cherry-maple rather than to oak-hickory stands. Such conversion greatly concerns land...

  20. 77 FR 47761 - Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Victims of the Tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin Proclamation 8847--National Health Center Week, 2012 #0; #0... of August 6, 2012 Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin By the President of the... violence perpetrated on August 5, 2012, in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me as President...

  1. The influence of shade on northern red oak seedlings growth and carbon balance


    Jennifer L. Jennings


    One management problem of the Southern Appalachian mixed hardwood forest is the lack of development of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings on high quality sites. Regeneration of red oak is not the problem. Following the removal of a stand, a combination of new seedlings, advanced reproduction and stump sprouts ensure red oak's initial...

  2. Management of thinned Emory oak coppice for multiple resource benefits


    D. Catlow Shipek; Peter F. Ffolliott


    Managers are increasingly moving toward an ecosystem-based, multiple-use approach in managing Emory oak woodlands in the Southwestern United States. Often of particular interest is managing the coppice that evolves from earlier fuelwood harvesting activities. Emory oak (Quercus emoryi) is a prolific sprouting species and, as a consequence, post-...

  3. Madrean pine-oak forest in Arizona: past dynamics, present problems


    Andrew M. Barton


    This paper synthesizes research on presettlement dynamics and modern disruption of Madrean pine-oak forests in Arizona. In response to surface fires characteristic of presettlement times, pines were fire resistant, exhibiting high top-survival, whereas oaks were fire resilient, exhibiting lower top-survival but pronounced resprouting. Thus, low-severity fire favors...

  4. The Artificial Cultivation of Oudemansiella mucida on the Oak Sawdust Medium

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Geon Woo; Jaysinghe, Chandana; Imtiaj, Ahmed; Shim, Mi Ja; Hur, Hyun; Lee, Min Woong; Lee, Kyung Rim; Kim, Seong Hwan; Kim, Hye Young; Lee, U Youn


    To produce fruiting bodies of Oudemansiella mucida, porcelain fungus, on the oak sawdust medium, additives suitable for the mycelial growth and fruiting body formation were screened. In general, the mycelial growth of the three strains of O. mucida used in this study have been good on oak sawdust mixed rice bran of 20~30%. The mycelia incubated in potato dextrose broth for 7 days were inoculated on oak sawdust medium supplemented with various ratios of rice bran and incubated for 30 days at 25℃ in the dark condition until the mycelia of O. mucida fully colonized the media from top to bottom. Then, top surface of the media in the bottles were horizontally scratched with a spatula and filled with tap water for 3 hours. To induce the primordial formation of O. mucida, the bottles were transferred to the mushroom cultivating room under 12 hrs of light (350 lux) and dark condition with relative humidity of 95% at 17℃. The primordia of O. mucida were formed on the surface of oak sawdust media after 7 days of incubation. The mature fruiting bodies were observed 5 days after primordial formation. The fruiting bodies O. mucida were formed on oak sawdust medium mixed with 5 to 30% rice bran. However, abundant fruiting-bodies of O. mucida were produced in oak sawdust medium supplemented with 20% rice bran. This is the first report associated with an artificial fruiting body production of O. mucida in Korea. PMID:24015102

  5. Ninth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts)


    D.R. Weigel; J.W. Van Sambeek; C.H., eds. Michler


    Research results and ongoing research activities in field performance of oak plantings, seedling propagation, genetics, acorn germination, and natural regeneration of oaks are described in 26 abstracts.

  6. Red Oak (Quercus rubra, L.) acron collection, nursery culture and direct seeding: A literature review


    Daniel C. Dey


    The artificial regeneration of red oak by planting or direct seeding is an important method for restoring oak in ecosystems where it has been lost as a result of past management practices. Planting and direct seeding can also be used to supplement natural oak regeneration and to ensure that sufficient oak reproduction is in place when overstories are removed through...

  7. Biodiversity of mycorrhizas on Garry oak (Quercus garryana) in a southern Oregon savanna


    Lori L. Valentine; Tina L. Fiedler; Stephen R. Haney; Harold K. Berninghausen; Darlene Southworth


    Garry oak or Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is the dominant vegetation on the Whetstone Savanna in Jackson County, Oregon. The site is located on the western edge of the Agate Desert, an alluvial fan capped with shallow clay loam over a cemented hardpan. The landform exhibits patterned ground with mounds and vernal pools. The oaks are associated...

  8. Numerical response of small vertebrates to prescribed fire in a California oak woodland


    Justin K. Vreeland; William D. Tietje


    Use of prescribed fire for management of livestock forage and fuel load is increasing in California oak woodlands, but its effects on vertebrate wildlife are unknown. We conducted a light-intensity prescribed fire in mixed blue oak-coast live-oak woodlands in coastal-central California and assessed vegetation change and numerical response of small, non-game vertebrates...

  9. Assessment of exposure to oak wood dust using gallic acid as a chemical marker.


    Carrieri, Mariella; Scapellato, Maria Luisa; Salamon, Fabiola; Gori, Giampaolo; Trevisan, Andrea; Bartolucci, Giovanni Battista


    The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has classified oak dust as a human carcinogen (A1), based on increased sinus and nasal cancer rates among exposed workers. The aims of this study were to investigate the use of gallic acid (GA) as a chemical marker of occupational exposure to oak dusts, to develop a high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector method to quantify GA and to apply the method in the analysis of oak dust samples collected in several factories. A high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed to detect GA in oak wood dust. The method was tested in the field, and GA was extracted from inhalable oak wood dust collected using the Institute of Occupational Medicine inhalable dust sampler in the air of five woodworking plants where only oak wood is used. A total of 57 samples with dust concentrations in the range of 0.27-11.14 mg/m(3) were collected. Five of these samples exceeded the Italian threshold limit value of 5 mg/m(3), and 30 samples exceeded the ACGIH TLV of 1 mg/m(3). The GA concentrations were in the range 0.02-4.18 µg/m(3). The total oak dust sampled was correlated with the GA content with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.95. The GA in the tannic extracts of oak wood may be considered a good marker for this type of wood, and its concentration in wood dust sampled in the work environment is useful in assessing the true exposure to carcinogenic oak dust.

  10. Oak management in California


    Plumb. Timothy R.; Philip M. McDonald


    Native oak species grow on 15 to 20 million acres (6 to 8 million ha) of California land, and have an estimated net volume of about 3 billion ft3 (85 million m3). This resource, valuable not only for traditional wood products, but also for wildlife habitat, watershed protection, and recreational-esthetic values, is not...

  11. The oak wilt situation


    William H. Gillespie


    Although oak wilt has been studied for more than 30 years, there are many facets of the disease that are little understood. Continuing Federal-State cooperative studies are geared to predicting the overall effects of the disease on future forest management programs, but much additional research is needed before present control programs can be expanded or discarded in a...

  12. The 3Ps of oak regeneration: planning, patience and persistence


    Dale R. Weigel; Daniel C. Dey; John. Kabrick


    Oak regeneration research in the United States has been ongoing in earnest since the late 1950s. Most research has focused on specific silvicultural practices, regeneration processes, site characteristics, and local limiting factors such as deer browsing or interfering species. Research has evaluated the effects of thinning on regeneration development, methods for oak...

  13. Small mammals in oak woodlands in the Puget Trough, Washington.


    S.M. Wilson; A.B. Carey


    We surveyed the 22 largest sites dominated by Oregon white oaks on the Fort Lewis Military Reservation, Washington, to determine small-mammal community structure and population abundances. Study areas were in the Puget Trough physiographic province and western hemlock vegetation zone. Most oak communities were ecotonal between prairie and Douglas-fir forest. Small...

  14. Oak Wilt: People and Trees, A Community Approach to Management


    J. Juzwik; S. Cook; L. Haugen; J. Elwell


    Version 1.3. This self-paced short course on CD-ROM was designed as a learning tool for urban and community foresters, city administrators, tree inspectors, parks and recreation staff, and others involved in oak wilt management.Click the "View or print this publication" link below to request your Oak Wilt: People and...

  15. The 3 Ps of oak regeneration: planning, persistence, and patience


    Dale R. Weigel; Daniel C. Dey; John Kabrick


    Oak regeneration research in the United States has been ongoing in earnest since the late 1950s. Most research has focused on specific silvicultural practices, regeneration processes, site characteristics, and local limiting factors such as deer browsing or interfering species. Research has evaluated the effects of thinning on regeneration development, methods for oak...

  16. Preliminary evaluation of operational oak regeneration methods in central Missouri


    Carrie Steen; Gus Raeker; David. Gwaze


    Oak regeneration on mesic upland sites continues to be a major challenge throughout the hardwood forests of eastern North America. Oak forests across northern and central Missouri have been historically maintained through natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes. This cycle has been interrupted in many areas through fire suppression, high-grading, and intensive...

  17. Northwest California oak woodlands: environment, species composition, and ecological status


    Thomas M. Jimerson; Sydney K. Carothers


    This paper describes the oak woodland plant communities of Northwest California and their ecological status using data from 446 ecology plots collected on federal lands in Humboldt, Trinity, Siskiyou, Mendocino, Tehama, Glenn, Colusa and Lake Counties. Geographically, oak woodlands lie between the coastal mixed evergreen forests and the valley grasslands of the Central...

  18. Single-tree harvesting reduces survival and growth of oak stump sprouts in the Missouri Ozark Highlands


    Daniel C. Dey; Randy G. Jensen; Michael J. Wallendorf


    Regeneration and recruitment into the overstory is critical to the success of using uneven-aged systems to sustain oak forests. We evaluated survival and growth of white oak (Quercus alba L.), black oak (Q. velutina Lam.), and scarlet oak (Q. coccinea Muenchh.) stump sprouts 10 years after harvesting Ozark...

  19. 78 FR 62324 - Village of Oak Lawn, Illinois; Notice of Preliminary Determination of a Qualifying Conduit...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CD13-8-000] Village of Oak... Soliciting Comments and Motions To Intervene On September 30, 2013, Village of Oak Lawn, Illinois (Oak Lawn... would utilize Oak Lawn's water distribution system, and it would be located in Cook County, Illinois...

  20. OAK-TREE : One-of-a-Kind Traffic Research and Education Experiment

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The creation and progress of OAK-TREE (One-of-a-Kind Traffic Research and Education Experiment) are chronicled. OAK-TREE is a traffic educational laboratory experiment that was developed and conducted at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) d...

  1. Growth and seed production of sawtooth oak (`quercus acutissima`) 22 years after direct seeding. Forest Service research note

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Goelz, J.C.G.; Carlson, D.W.

    Sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima Carruth) was direct seeded at two locations, one with a poorly drained clay soil and the other with a well-drained silty clay loam. For comparison, Nuttall oak (Q. nuttallii Palmer) was direct seeded on the poorly drained clay soil. On the well-drained silty clay loam, sawtooth oak was 18 ft taller and 2.4 inches larger in d.b.h. at age 22 than on the poorly drained clay soil. On the clay, sawtooth oak grew faster than Nuttall oak, but survival was lower. Almost all sawtooth oaks were producing acorns on both sites; however, no developing acorns weremore » found on the Nuttall oaks. Sawtooth oak is a viable alternative for planting on a wide range of Mississippi Delta forest types. Because sawtooth oak has a poorer form than Nuttal oak, its primary use is as a source of wildlife food. Sawtooth oak could be included in plantings with the multiple objectives of timber production and wildlife use because it grows well and could potentially be used for pulpwood.« less

  2. Evidence of the dynamic response of housing values to a sudden oak death infestation


    Kent F. Kovacs; Thomas P. Holmes; Jeffrey E. Englin; Janice Alexander


    Sudden oak death (SOD), caused by the non-indigenous forest pathogen Phytophthora ramorum, causes substantial mortality in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and several other oak species on the Pacific Coast of the United States. Quasi-experimental hedonic models examine the effect of SOD on property...

  3. Measurements of the effects of wine maceration with oak chips using an electronic tongue.


    Rudnitskaya, Alisa; Schmidtke, Leigh M; Reis, Ana; Domingues, M Rosario M; Delgadillo, Ivonne; Debus, Bruno; Kirsanov, Dmitry; Legin, Andrey


    The use of oak products as a cheaper alternative to expensive wood barrels was recently permitted in Europe, which led to a continuous increase in the use of oak chips and staves in winemaking. The feasibility of the potentiometric electronic tongue as a tool for monitoring the effects of wine maceration with oak chips was evaluated. Four types of commercially available oak chips subjected to different thermal treatments and washing procedures and their mixture were studied. Ethanolic extracts of the chips were analysed using electrospray mass spectrometry and 28 phenolic and furanic compounds were identified. The electronic tongue comprising 22 potentiometric chemical sensors could distinguish artificial wine solutions and Cabernet Sauvignon wine macerated with different types of oak chips, quantify total and non-flavonoid phenolic content, as well as the concentrations of added oak chips. Using measurements at two pH levels, 3.2 and 6.5, improved the accuracy of quantification. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Data Sharing Report Characterization of Isotope Row Facilities Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge TN

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Weaver, Phyllis C.

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (EM-OR) requested that Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), working under the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) contract, provide technical and independent waste management planning support using funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Specifically, DOE EM-OR requested ORAU to plan and implement a survey approach, focused on characterizing the Isotope Row Facilities located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for future determination of an appropriate disposition pathway for building debris and systems, should the buildings be demolished. The characterization effort wasmore » designed to identify and quantify radiological and chemical contamination associated with building structures and process systems. The Isotope Row Facilities discussed in this report include Bldgs. 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3033A, 3034, 3036, 3093, and 3118, and are located in the northeast quadrant of the main ORNL campus area, between Hillside and Central Avenues. Construction of the isotope production facilities was initiated in the late 1940s, with the exception of Bldgs. 3033A and 3118, which were enclosed in the early 1960s. The Isotope Row facilities were intended for the purpose of light industrial use for the processing, assemblage, and storage of radionuclides used for a variety of applications (ORNL 1952 and ORAU 2013). The Isotope Row Facilities provided laboratory and support services as part of the Isotopes Production and Distribution Program until 1989 when DOE mandated their shutdown (ORNL 1990). These facilities performed diverse research and developmental experiments in support of isotopes production. As a result of the many years of operations, various projects, and final cessation of operations, production was followed by inclusion into the surveillance and maintenance (S&M) project for eventual decontamination and decommissioning (D

  5. Evaluation of oak stump sprouting in the Missouri Ozarks ten years after harvest


    Randy G. Jensen; Daniel C. Dey


    Managers in Missouri often want to manage forests to retain oak in the future. Oaks are valuable for timber and many wildlife species depend on acorns. Large advance reproduction and stump sprouts are the most competitive sources of regeneration. It is well known that oak stump sprouts contribute to future stands in even-age clearcuts in the Missouri Ozarks, but there...

  6. Fire history and the establishment of oaks an maples in second-growth forests


    Todd F. Hutchinson; Robert P. Long; Robert D. Ford; Elaine Kennedy Sutherland


    We used dendrochronology to examine the influence of past fires on oak and maple establishment. Six study units were located in southern Ohio, where organized fire control began in 1923. After stand thinning in 2000, we collected basal cross sections from cut stumps of oak (n = 137) and maple (n = 204). The fire history of each unit was developed from the oaks, and...

  7. Function of defensive volatiles in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) is tricked by the moth Tortrix viridana.


    Ghirardo, Andrea; Heller, Werner; Fladung, Matthias; Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter; Schroeder, Hilke


    The indirect defences of plants are comprised of herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that among other things attract the natural enemies of insects. However, the actual extent of the benefits of HIPV emissions in complex co-evolved plant-herbivore systems is only poorly understood. The observation that a few Quercus robur L. trees constantly tolerated (T-oaks) infestation by a major pest of oaks (Tortrix viridana L.), compared with heavily defoliated trees (susceptible: S-oaks), lead us to a combined biochemical and behavioural study. We used these evidently different phenotypes to analyse whether the resistance of T-oaks to the herbivore was dependent on the amount and scent of HIPVs and/or differences in non-volatile polyphenolic leaf constituents (as quercetin-, kaempferol- and flavonol glycosides). In addition to non-volatile metabolic differences, typically defensive HIPV emissions differed between S-oaks and T-oaks. Female moths were attracted by the blend of HIPVs from S-oaks, showing significantly higher amounts of (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT) and (E)-β-ocimene and avoid T-oaks with relative high fraction of the sesquiterpenes α-farnesene and germacrene D. Hence, the strategy of T-oaks exhibiting directly herbivore-repellent HIPV emissions instead of high emissions of predator-attracting HIPVs of the S-oaks appears to be the better mechanism for avoiding defoliation. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Blue Oak Canopy Effect on Seasonal Forage Production and Quality


    William E. Frost; Neil K. McDougald; Montague W. Demment


    Forage production and forage quality were measured seasonally beneath the canopy of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) and in open grassland at the San Joaquin Experimental Range. At the March and peak standing crop sampling dates forage production was significantly greater (p=.05) beneath blue oak compared to open grassland. At most sampling dates, the...

  9. Oak Woodland Artificial Regeneration - Correlating Soil Moisture to Seedling Survival


    Tim R. Plumb; Karl Kraus


    The primary goal of this study was to find economical and effective planting techniques that will ensure the establishment and early survival of coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Née) and blue oak (Q. douglasii H. and A.) in the Central Coast region of California. Eight treatments were evaluated ranging from unprotected seed spots...

  10. Oak Sustainability: A Challenge Through Public Education and Outreach Programs


    Gregory A. Giusti; Robert H. Schmidt; Kenneth R. Churches


    Throughout California, public awareness on the role humans play in the decline of oak acreage is increasing. Public and private organizations, agencies, and individuals are instituting planting days, releasing articles on oaks to the media, and sponsoring lectures. Many of these activities are limited in scope and lack a strong educational component that promotes...

  11. Nutrient Cycling in Managed and Unmanaged Oak Woodland-Grass Ecosystems


    Randy Dahlgren; Michael J. Singer


    The influence of oak trees and grazing on nutrient cycling in oak woodland-grass ecosystems was examined at the Sierra Foothill Range Field Station in the northern-Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Nutrient concentrations in ecosystem waterflows (precipitation, canopy throughfall, and soil solutions) were monitored in a non-managed natural area and in an adjacent...

  12. Maintenance action readiness assessment plan for White Oak Creek and Melton Branch Weir Stilling Pool cleanout at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    This Readiness Assessment Plan has been prepared to document operational readiness for the following maintenance action: (1) removal of sediment from the White Oak Creek and Melton Branch Weir Stilling Pools and (2) disposal of the radiologically contaminated sediment in another location upstream of the weirs in an area previously contaminated by stream overflow from Melton Branch in Waste Area Grouping 2 (WAG) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This project is being performed as a maintenance action rather than an action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act because the risk to human health and environment is wellmore » below the US Environmental Protection Agency`s level of concern. The decision to proceed as a maintenance action was documented by an interim action proposed plan, which is included in the administrative record. The administrative record is available for review at the US Department of Energy Information Resource Center, 105 Broadway Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830.« less

  13. White oak seedling survival and vigor following acorn removal and water stress


    E.R. Thorn; W.M. Tzilkowski


    A lack of viable acorns, due to rodent depredation, may be the primary cause of advanced regeneration failure of oak in Pennsylvania. White oak (Quercus alba) acorns germinate immediately upon falling.

  14. Stump sprout dominance probabilities of five oak species in southern Indiana 20 years after clearcut harvesting


    Dale R. Weigel; Daniel C. Dey; Chao-Ying Joanne Peng


    Oak (Quercus spp.) stump sprouts are vital to sustaining oak's presence and long-term dominance when regenerating oak or mixed-hardwood forests in southern Indiana. A study was initiated on the Hoosier National Forest in southern Indiana in 1987 to predict the sprouting potential and dominance probability of oaks. Before clearcut harvesting, we...

  15. Oak Regeneration: A Knowledge Synthesis


    H. Michael Rauscher; David L. Loftis; Charles E. McGee; Christopher V. Worth


    This scientific literature is represented by a hypertext software. To view this literature you must download and install the hypertext software.Abstract: The scientific literature concerning oak regeneration problems is lengthy, complex, paradoxical, and often perplexing. Despite a large scientific literature and numerous conference...

  16. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge


    Susan J. Frankel; Patrick J. Shea; Michael I. Haverty


    The Sudden Oak Death Second Science Symposium provided a forum for current research on sudden oak death, caused by the exotic, quarantine pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. Ninety papers and forty-six posters on the following sudden oak death/P. ramorum topics are included: biology, genetics, nursery and wildland management,...

  17. Carbon allocation and morphology of cherrybark oak seedlings and sprouts under three light regimes


    Brian Roy Lockhart; Emile S. Gardiner; John D. Hodges; Andrew W. Ezell


    Continued problems in regenerating oak forests has led to a need for more basic infomation on oak seedling biology.In the present study, carbon allocation and morphology were compared between cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) seedlings and sprouts at I -Lag grown in full, 47%, and 20% sunlight....

  18. Biomarkers identify coast live oaks that are resistant to the invasive pathogen Phytophthora ramorum


    Brice A. McPherson; Sylvia R. Mori; Anna O. Conrad; Stephen Opiyo; Pierluigi Bonello; David L. Wood


    California coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) trees have suffered large losses from sudden oak death, caused by the introduced oomycete Phytophthora ramorum. In this review paper, we discuss oak plant chemistry as a potential predictor of disease susceptibility. We have recorded an annual mortality rate of three percent in...

  19. Issues relating to spent nuclear fuel storage on the Oak Ridge Reservation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Klein, J.A.; Turner, D.W.


    Currently, about 2,800 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is stored in the US, 1,000 kg of SNF (or about 0.03% of the nation`s total) are stored at the US Department of Energy (DOE) complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. However small the total quantity of material stored at Oak Ridge, some of the material is quite singular in character and, thus, poses unique management concerns. The various types of SNF stored at Oak Ridge will be discussed including: (1) High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and future Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) fuels; (2) Material Testing Reactor (MTR) fuels, including Bulk Shieldingmore » Reactor (BSR) and Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR) fuels; (3) Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) fuel; (4) Homogeneous Reactor Experiment (HRE) fuel; (5) Miscellaneous SNF stored in Oak Ridge National Laboratory`s (ORNL`s) Solid Waste Storage Areas (SWSAs); (6) SNF stored in the Y-12 Plant 9720-5 Warehouse including Health. Physics Reactor (HPRR), Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP-) 10A, and DOE Demonstration Reactor fuels.« less

  20. Site characterization summary report for dry weather surface water sampling upper East Fork Poplar Creek characterization area Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    This report describes activities associated with conducting dry weather surface water sampling of Upper East Fork Poplar Creek (UEFPC) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This activity is a portion of the work to be performed at UEFPC Operable Unit (OU) 1 [now known as the UEFPC Characterization Area (CA)], as described in the RCRA Facility Investigation Plan for Group 4 at the Oak- Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee and in the Response to Comments and Recommendations on RCRA Facility Investigation Plan for Group 4 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Volume 1,more » Operable Unit 1. Because these documents contained sensitive information, they were labeled as unclassified controlled nuclear information and as such are not readily available for public review. To address this issue the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published an unclassified, nonsensitive version of the initial plan, text and appendixes, of this Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation (RFI) Plan in early 1994. These documents describe a program for collecting four rounds of wet weather and dry weather surface water samples and one round of sediment samples from UEFPC. They provide the strategy for the overall sample collection program including dry weather sampling, wet weather sampling, and sediment sampling. Figure 1.1 is a schematic flowchart of the overall sampling strategy and other associated activities. A Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPJP) was prepared to specifically address four rounds of dry weather surface water sampling and one round of sediment sampling. For a variety of reasons, sediment sampling has not been conducted and has been deferred to the UEFPC CA Remedial Investigation (RI), as has wet weather sampling.« less

  1. Effects of fire and browsing on regeneration of blue oak


    James W. Bartolome; Mitchel P. McClaran; Barbara H. Allen-Diaz; Jim Dunne; Lawrence D. Ford; Richard B. Standiford; Neil K. McDougald; Larry C. Forero


    Blue oaks (Quercus douglasii) are not regenerating well over much of California. The roles of fire and browsing in regeneration are probably significant, but poorly understood. We burned two foothill blue oak woodland sites which contained significant numbers of small trees between 40 and 70 cm tall, then compared height growth over 14 years among 48...

  2. Regenerating mixed oak stands in Pennsylvania: a quarter-century retrospective


    P. J. Gould; K. C. Steiner; J. C. Finley; M. E. McDill


    The outcomes of regeneration treatments in 90 oak-dominated stands in Pennsylvania are examined 20 to 33 years after treatment. Approximately one-quarter of the stands failed to reach 50 percent stocking after at least 20 years, but most stands regenerated successfully. Red maple is the most frequently observed species in the regenerated stands, followed by oak species...

  3. Seven year effects of meadow vole herbivory on oak survival


    Andrew B. Self


    Seedling mortality due to meadow vole herbivory is often thought to be small scale in nature in hardwood afforestation efforts. However, in some instances, this source of mortality may play a more important role than typically realized. A total of 1,440 bare-root Nuttall oak (Quercus texana Buckley), Shumard oak (Quercus shumardii...

  4. Likeliness to pay for oak woodlands by the residents of San Luis Obispo county


    Sarah P. Cross


    The golden hillsides with scattered oaks, known throughout California, are decreasing each day. Some oak woodlands are being developed into residential and commercial communities while other woodlands are being converted into intensive agriculture, such as wine grape production. This continued decrease in oak woodlands has led some lawmakers to create preservation...

  5. First-year survival and growth of bottomland oak species following intensive establishment procedures


    Andrew B. Self; Andrew W. Ezell; Michael R. Guttery


    Oak seedlings are annually planted on thousands of acres in the South. While the majority of these seedlings are planted for timber production, there is increasing interest in oak establishment for mast production. In this study, seedlings of nine oak species were grown under a protocol developed by Dr. Paul Kormanik designed to produce an “enhanced” seedling of larger...

  6. Discoloration & decay in oak


    Alex L. Shigo


    Diseases that result in discoloration and decay of wood are major problems affecting all species of oak. Wounds often start the processes that can lead to these diseases. The type and severity of the wound, the vigor of the tree, the environment, and the aggressiveness of microorganisms that infect are some of the most important factors that determine the nature of the...

  7. Why sustain oak forests?


    David Wm. Smith


    A brief overview and some personal thoughts are offered that deal with the implications of our social and political systems on the long-term sustainability of our forest resources. The connection of the most recent climatic events, in a geologic-time context, to the development of present day oak dominated forests of the Eastern United States is discussed. The impacts...

  8. AmeriFlux US-SO2 Sky Oaks- Old Stand

    DOE Data Explorer

    Oechel, Walt [San Diego State University


    This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-SO2 Sky Oaks- Old Stand. Site Description - The Sky Oaks Old site is located near the Sky Oaks Field station, owned and operated by San Diego State University. Chaparral vegetation, associated with a Mediterranean climate, covers nearly half of the rough and rocky terrain. Precipitation is almost exclusively confined to the winter months. During the summer and early fall, hot and dry Santa Ana winds from the northeast bring desert heat to the site. A high intensity natural wildfire occurred in July of 2003. The stand age at the time of the wildfire was 80 years old, following an early wildfire poorly characterized. Following the 2003 wildfire, most native chaparral began to regrow from root stocks reaching a height of 1.0 m in 2008.

  9. The Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report, 2007

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hughes, Joan; Thompson, Sharon; Page, David


    The Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) consists of three major government-owned, contractor-operated facilities: the Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and East Tennessee Technology Park. The ORR was established in the early 1940s as part of the Manhattan Project, a secret undertaking that produced materials for the first atomic bombs. The reservation’s role has evolved over the years, and it continues to adapt to meet the changing defense, energy, and research needs of the United States. Both the work carried out for the war effort and subsequent research, development, and production activities have involved, and continue to involve, themore » use of radiological and hazardous materials. The Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report and supporting data are available at Http:// or from the project director.« less

  10. 27 CFR 19.331 - Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Use of oak chips in... Storage of Distilled Spirits Use of Oak Chips and Caramel § 19.331 Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum. A proprietor may add oak chips that have not been treated with any chemical to...

  11. 27 CFR 19.331 - Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Use of oak chips in... Storage of Distilled Spirits Use of Oak Chips and Caramel § 19.331 Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum. A proprietor may add oak chips that have not been treated with any chemical to...

  12. 27 CFR 19.331 - Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Use of oak chips in... Storage of Distilled Spirits Use of Oak Chips and Caramel § 19.331 Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum. A proprietor may add oak chips that have not been treated with any chemical to...

  13. 27 CFR 19.331 - Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Use of oak chips in... Storage of Distilled Spirits Use of Oak Chips and Caramel § 19.331 Use of oak chips in spirits and caramel in brandy and rum. A proprietor may add oak chips that have not been treated with any chemical to...

  14. Fertilization Increases Growth of Thinned and Nonthinned Upland Oak Stands in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas


    D.L. Graney; P.E. Pope


    Thinning and fertilization tests with pole-sized red oaks (northern red oak Quercus rubra L. and black oak Q. velutina Lam.) and white oak (Q. alba L.) were begun in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas in the spring of 1975. Fertilizer treatments of either (1) no fertilization, (2) 200 Ibs N + 45 Ibs P per acre, or...

  15. Reduced content of chloroatranol and atranol in oak moss absolute significantly reduces the elicitation potential of this fragrance material.


    Andersen, Flemming; Andersen, Kirsten H; Bernois, Armand; Brault, Christophe; Bruze, Magnus; Eudes, Hervé; Gadras, Catherine; Signoret, Anne-Cécile J; Mose, Kristian F; Müller, Boris P; Toulemonde, Bernard; Andersen, Klaus Ejner


    Oak moss absolute, an extract from the lichen Evernia prunastri, is a valued perfume ingredient but contains extreme allergens. To compare the elicitation properties of two preparations of oak moss absolute: 'classic oak moss', the historically used preparation, and 'new oak moss', with reduced contents of the major allergens atranol and chloroatranol. The two preparations were compared in randomized double-blinded repeated open application tests and serial dilution patch tests in 30 oak moss-sensitive volunteers and 30 non-allergic control subjects. In both test models, new oak moss elicited significantly less allergic contact dermatitis in oak moss-sensitive subjects than classic oak moss. The control subjects did not react to either of the preparations. New oak moss is still a fragrance allergen, but elicits less allergic contact dermatitis in previously oak moss-sensitized individuals, suggesting that new oak moss is less allergenic to non-sensitized individuals. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Data sharing report characterization of population 7: Personal protective equipment, dry active waste, and miscellaneous debris, surveillance and maintenance project Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Harpenau, Evan M.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (EM-OR) requested that Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), working under the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) contract, provide technical and independent waste management planning support under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Specifically, DOE EM-OR requested that ORAU plan and implement a sampling and analysis campaign targeting certain URS|CH2M Oak Ridge, LLC (UCOR) surveillance and maintenance (S&M) process inventory waste. Eight populations of historical and reoccurring S&M waste at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been identified in the Waste Handling Plan formore » Surveillance and Maintenance Activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, DOE/OR/01-2565&D2 (WHP) (DOE 2012) for evaluation and processing to determine a final pathway for disposal. Population 7 (POP 7) consists of 56 containers of aged, low-level and potentially mixed S&M waste that has been staged in various locations around ORNL. Several of these POP 7 containers primarily contain personal protective equipment (PPE) and dry active waste (DAW), but may contain other miscellaneous debris. This data sharing report addresses the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) specified waste in a 13-container subpopulation (including eight steel boxes, three 55-gal drums, one sealand, and one intermodal) that lacked sufficient characterization data for possible disposal at the Environmental Management Waste Management Facility (EMWMF) using the approved Waste Lot (WL) 108.1 profile.« less

  17. Phytophthora species associated with forest soils in central and eastern U.S. oak ecosystems


    Y. Balci; S. Balci; J. Eggers; W.L. MacDonald; K.W. Gottschalk; J. Juzwik; R. Long


    The existence of native and exotic species of Phytophthora in soils of eastern and central oak ecosystems is largely unknown. This informational void and the potential threat of P. ramorum to eastern oak species provided the impetus for a multiple state survey of soils associated with oak cover types. The initial survey was...

  18. Outreach and education efforts to counter the spread and impact of goldspotted oak borer


    Janis G. Gonzales; Thomas A. Scott; Kevin W. Turner; Lorin L. Lima


    The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB) Agrilus auroguttatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), has killed over 80,000 oaks across all land ownerships, costing over $8 million in public and private funds for mitigation and response. Linked to oak mortality in San Diego County in 2008, this exotic beetle likely arrived in California through infested firewood from...

  19. Biology and Sampling of Red Oak Borer Populations in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas


    Damon Crook; Fred Stephen; Melissa Fierke; Dana Kinney; Vaughn Silisbury


    A complex interaction of multiple factors has resulted in >75 percent mortality/decline of more than 1 million acres of red oak (Quercus, subgenus Erythrobalanus) on the Ozark-St. Francis National Forests. The most striking feature of this oak decline event is an unprecedented outbreak of red oak borer. A visual stand assessment...

  20. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy of white oaks in eastern North America

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Solomon, A.M.

    An evaluation of possible approaches to fossil oak pollen identification utilized scanning electron microscopy to examine exine-surface features of 171 collections, representing 16 Quercus subgenus Lepidobalanus species and varieties of eastern North America. Twenty qualitative pollen morphological characters were defined and tabulated for each of 217 pollen grains. The data were subjected to cluster analysis and cluster diagrams were compared with published white oak taxonomy. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy compared well in series of the subgenus Lepidobalanus due primarily to consistency of character presence and absence within species and varieties. Pollen morphology of white oaks appears to reflect plantmore » systematics above the species level. Use of routine SEM analysis to identify series of white oaks among fossil pollen grains likely will yield valid results. 38 references.« less

  1. Association of Phytophthora cinnamomi with white oak decline in southern Ohio


    Annemarie M. Nagle; Robert P. Long; Laurence V. Madden; Pierluigi. Bonello


    A decline syndrome and widespread mortality of mature white oak tree (Quercus alba) associated with wet and low-lying areas has been recently observed in southern Ohio forests. Previous studies have isolated Phytophthora cinnamomi from white oak rhizospheres. In 2008 and 2009, P. cinnamomi population densities in...

  2. Sudden oak death and Phytophthora ramorum: a summary of the literature


    John T. Kliejunas


    Sudden oak death and Phytophthora ramorum, both first recognized about a decade ago, have been the subject of hundreds of scientific and popular press articles. This document presents a comprehensive, concise summary of sudden oak death and P. ramorum research findings and management activities. Topics covered include...

  3. Predicting oak stump sprouting and sprout development in the Missouri Ozarks.


    Paul S. Johnson


    An application section provides tables for easy prediction of the proportion of oak stumps of various species having codominant-or-larger sprouts 5 years after clearcutting. A documentation section gives details of sprout development and equations for estimating sprouting of white, black, scarlet, post, and blackjack oaks.

  4. Evaluation of Propiconazole Application Methods for Control of Oak Wilt in Texas Live Oaks


    A. Dan Wilson; D.G. Lester


    Four fungicide application methods using the microencapsulated (blue) 14.3% EC formulation of propiconazole (Alamo), including a low-concentration high volume method, two high-concentration low volume microinjection methods, and a low-concentration intermediate volume soil drench method, were tested for effectiveness in controlling oak wilt in a mature natural stand of...

  5. Gambel oak ecology and management in the southern Rockies: The status of our knowledge


    Merrill R. Kaufmann; Daniel W. Huisjen; Stanley Kitchen; Mike Babler; Scott R. Abella; Todd S. Gardiner; Darren McAvoy; Josh Howie; Douglas H. Page


    Gambel oak is a prominent and ecologically important component of natural vegetation in the Southern Rocky Mountains and Southwest. Woodland and shrub communities dominated by Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) are widely distributed in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Gambel oak has long been recognized to have important benefits and uses such as supplying...

  6. Impact of habitat type on forage quality of seedling oak leaves in central Wisconsin


    Michael Demchik


    The objectives of this study were to determine if relative feed value or crude protein in seedling oak leaves was different between three central Wisconsin habitat type groupings. Seedling oak leaves of two species were collected from oak sites that represented either fully stocked or understocked conditions from three possible habitat type groupings: (1) Acer...

  7. Natural oak regeneration 22 to 35 years after clearcutting on the Hoosier National Forest


    Marcus F. Selig; John R. Seifert; Douglass F. Jacobs


    Oak (Quercus spp.) recruitment failure is a severe problem in the Central Hardwood forest region. The majority of studies that have examined decreases in oak abundance were conducted over a relatively short time and across a very narrow landscape. This study examines oak regeneration by revisiting a number of former clearcut stands throughout the...

  8. Polysaccharides and lignin from oak wood used in cooperage: Composition, interest, assays: A review.


    Le Floch, Alexandra; Jourdes, Michael; Teissedre, Pierre-Louis


    It is widely accepted that alcoholic beverage quality depends on their ageing in premium quality oak wood. From the choice of wood to beverage ageing, through the different steps in cask manufacturing, many factors should be considered. One of the biggest challenge in cooperages is to take into account all these factors. Most of the studies are interested in phenolic compounds, extracted during ageing and especially involved in wine oxidation, colour, and sensory properties such as astringency and bitterness. Oak aroma volatile compounds have also been the subject of numerous studies. These compounds of interest are part of low molecular weight compounds which represent 2%-10% of oak wood composition. However, three polymers constitute the main part of oak wood: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. As far as we are aware, few studies concerning the role of these major macromolecules in oak wood have been published previously. This article reviews oak wood polysaccharides and lignin, their potential interest and different assays used to determine their content. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Flight periodicities, phoresy rates, and levels of Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus branch colonization in oak wilt centers


    Angie K. Ambourn; Jennifer Juzwik; Jordan E. Eggers


    Oak bark beetles, Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus and P. pruinosus, are considered important vectors of the oak wilt fungus, Ceratocystis fagacearum, in Missouri and Ohio. However, the frequency of the species' association with diseased oaks in Minnesota and their relative importance in pathogen spread in...

  10. Epicormic branches affect lumber grade and value in willow oak


    James S. Meadows; E.C. Burkhardt


    A case study was conducted in a 50-yr-old bottomland oak stand in central Alabama to investigate the relationship between epicormic branches and lumber grade and value in willow oak (Quercus phellos L.). The stand had been thinned from below 7–10 yr earlier, resulting in a wide variety of epicormic branch conditions on the residual trees. A...

  11. Monitoring sudden oak death in California using high-resolution imagery


    Nina Maggi Kelly


    The Sudden Oak Death (SOD) epidemic in California is alarming for those living with, and adjacent to, the complex of oak and tanoak woodland that exist in patches along the coast. Monitoring SOD occurrence and spread is an on-going necessity. Remote sensing methods have proved to be successful in mapping and monitoring forest health and distribution when a sufficiently...

  12. A review of fire and oak regeneration and overstory recruitment


    Daniel C. Dey; Zhaofei Fan


    Fire has played a prominent role in the history of oak in eastern North America, and it is useful today for promoting oak regeneration where competition with other woody vegetation is a problem and for managing savannas and woodlands. We spent the last century extinguishing wildfire from forests for good reason, but now we must spend some time relearning how to use...

  13. How to assess oak regeneration potential in the Missouri Ozarks


    Ivan L. Sander


    The values in tables 1 and 2 apply specifically to oak stands in the Missouri Ozarks and may or may not apply outside this area. Unfortunately, similar values for oak do not exist for other geographic areas. Use the procedures and values cautiously in other areas. Consider them as approximations and compare them to values based on local experience and guidelines.

  14. Incidence and impact of oak decline in Western Virginia, 1986


    Steven W. Oak; Cindy M. Huber; Raymond M. Sheffield


    Data collected in consecutive forest surveys of Virginia show that losses to oak decline from 1977-1986 were between 7.4 and 13.5 million cubic feet per year in the Northern Piedmont and Mountain Survey Units. Losses were greatest in the Northern Mountain Unit. The ratio of site index/age appears promising as a predictor of oak decline occurrence after severe stress...

  15. Development of northern red oak rooted cutting and enrichment planting systems


    Matthew H. Gocke; Jamie Schuler; Daniel J. Robison; Barry Goldfarb


    Enrichment planting may provide an efficient means to establish elite northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) genotypes in recently harvested natural forests. However, planting northern red oak (NRO) seedlings into natural stands has proven difficult in the past, especially when competition and other stress factors are not controlled.

  16. Visual Grading and Quality of 1-0 Northern Red Oak Seedlings


    S.L. Clark; S.E. Scblarbaum; Paul P. Kormanik


    Past research has used detailed measurements of various growth characteristics to determine seedling grades and quality of northern red oak nursery stock This study evaluates the effectiveness ofa visual grading process. similar to thosefound in commercial nursery operations, to distinguish high quality seedlings. Northern red oak (Quercus rubra...

  17. Growth of Oak Reproduction Increased by Shelterwood Treatments in Northern Arkansas


    David L. Graney


    Nine-year survival and growth of oak (Quercus alba L., Q. rubra L., and Q. velutina Lam.) reproduction was evaluated in upland oak stands representing a range in site quality, residual overstory stocking, and understory treatments. Analysis of variance was used to test for differences in establishment, survival...

  18. Effects of declining oak vitality on ecosystem functions: Lessons from a Spanish oak woodland

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    López-Sánchez, Aida; Bareth, Georg; Bolten, Andreas; Linstädter, Anja


    Mediterranean oak woodlands have a great ecological and socio-economic importance. Today, these fragile ecosystems are facing unprecedented degradation threats from Novel Oak Diseases (NODs). Among NOD drivers, maladapted land management practices and climate change are most important. Although it is generally believed that NOD-related declines in tree vitality will have detrimental effects on ecosystem functions, little is known on the magnitude of change, and whether different functions are affected in a similar way. Here we analyzed effects of tree vitality on various ecosystem functions, comparing subcanopy and intercanopy habitats across two oak species (Quercus ilex and Q. suber) in a Spanish oak woodland. We asked how functions - including aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), taxonomic diversity, and litter decomposition rates - were affected by oak trees' size and vitality. We also combined measurements in the ecosystem function habitat index (MEFHI), a proxy of ecosystem multifunctionality. Field research was carried out in 2016 on a dehesa in southern Spain. We used a stratified random sampling to contrast trees of different species affiliation, size and vitality. Tree vitality was estimated as crown density (assessed via hemispherical photography), and as tree vigor, which combines the grade of canopy defoliation with proxies for tree size (dbh, height, crown height and crown radius). For each tree (n = 34), two plots (50 x 50 cm) were located; one in the subcanopy habitat, and the other in the intercanopy area beyond the tree crown's influence. On all 68 plots, moveable cages were placed during the main growth period (March to May) to estimate ANPP under grazed conditions. Litter decomposition rates were assessed via the tea bag index. ANPP and the biomass of grasses, forbs and legumes were recorded via destructive sampling. To take plots' highly variable environmental conditions into account, we recorded a suite of abiotic and biotic

  19. The Influence of Epiphytic Lichens on the Nutrient Cycling of a Blue Oak Woodland


    Johannes M. Knops; Thomas H. H. Nash III; William H. Schlesinger


    We evaluated the importance of epiphytic lichens in the nutrient cycling of a blue oak (Quercus douglasii) woodland in California. Each oak tree contained an average of 3.8 kg lichen biomass, totaling 590 kg per ha. For comparison, oak leaf biomass was 958 kg per ha. We compared tree growth, volume and composition of throughfall (rainfall falling...

  20. Using Shelterwood Harvests and Prescribed Fire to Regenerate Oak Stands on Productive Upland Sites


    Patrick H. Brose; David H. van Lear; Roderick Cooper


    Regenerating oak stands on productive upland sites in the Piedmont region is a major problem because of intense competition from yellow-poplar. As a potential solution to this problem, we tested the hypothesis that a shelterwood harvest of an oak-dominated stand. followed several years later by a prescribed fire, would adequately regeneraie the stand. Three oak-...

  1. Site factors influencing oak decline in the interior highlands of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma


    Edward A. Poole; Eric Heitzman; James M. Guldin


    Oak decline is affecting the forests in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. In 2002 and 2003, field plots were established throughout the region to evaluate the influence of topographic position and aspect on oak decline. Density and basal area of dead and dying oaks did not significantly differ by either topographic position or aspect. Lack of...

  2. Growth and Seed Production of Sawtooth Oak (Quercus acutissima) 22 Years After Direct Seeding


    J.C.G. Goelz; D.W. Carlson


    Sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima Carruth.) was direct seeded at two locations, one with a poorly drained clay soil and the other with a well-drained silty clay loam. For comparison, Nuttall oak (Q. nuttallii Palmer) was direct seeded on the poorly drained clay soil. On the well-drained silty clay loam, sawtooth oak was 18 ft...

  3. Influence of weather on pollination and acorn production in two species of Missouri oaks


    Robert A. Cecich


    The process by which oak pistillate flowers become acorns is reasonably understood from an anatomical perspective; however, the way that various factors influence this process is still unclear. This study examined acorn production in a small population of white oak and black oak trees in central Missouri, from 1990 to 1995, in relation to weather variables (maximum and...

  4. Fourth report on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program for White Oak Creek Watershed and the Clinch River

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Loar, J.M.


    In response to a condition of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) on April 1, 1986, a Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program (BMAP) was developed for White Oak Creek (WOC) and selected tributaries. BMAP currently consists of six major tasks that address both radiological and nonradiological contaminants in the aquatic and terrestrial environs on-site and the aquatic environs off-site. These tasks are (1) toxicity monitoring, (2) bioaccumulation monitoring of nonradiological contaminants in aquatic biota, (3) biological indicator studies, (4) instream ecological monitoring, (5) assessment of contaminants in the terrestrial environment, andmore » (6) radioecology of WOC and White Oak Lake. The ecological characterization of the WOC watershed will provide baseline data that can be used to document the ecological effects of the water pollution control program and the remedial action program. The long-term nature of BMAP ensures that the effectiveness of remedial measures will be properly evaluated.« less

  5. Effect of Habitat Size, Quality, and Isolation on Functional Groups of Beetles in Hollow Oaks

    PubMed Central

    Pilskog, Hanne Eik; Birkemoe, Tone; Framstad, Erik; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne


    One of the largest threats to biodiversity is land use change and habitat loss. Hollow oaks (Quercus spp. L.) are well-defined patches that are hotspots for biodiversity and red-listed species, but they are often rare and fragmented in the landscape. We investigated the effect of patch size, habitat quality, and isolation on functional groups and red-listed saproxylic beetles in hollow oaks (n = 40) in Norway. The groups were defined by host tree association, trophic grouping, and red-listed status. Habitat quality, represented by tree form was most important in explaining species richness for most groups. Patch size, represented by circumference and amount of dead branches, was most important in explaining abundance. Isolation, that is single oaks compared with oaks in groups, had a negative effect on the abundance of beetles feeding both on wood and fungi (xylomycethopagous), as well as on species associated with broadleaved trees (oak semi-specialists), but did not affect species richness. This indicates that at this scale and in this landscape, isolated oaks are as species rich and valuable for conservation as other oaks, although some functional groups may be more vulnerable to isolation than others. The red-listed species only responded to patch size, indicating that oaks with large circumference and many dead branches are especially important for red-listed species and for conservation. PMID:26945089

  6. Chloroplast DNA footprints of postglacial recolonization by oaks

    PubMed Central

    Petit, Rémy J.; Pineau, Emmanuel; Demesure, Brigitte; Bacilieri, Roberto; Ducousso, Alexis; Kremer, Antoine


    Recolonization of Europe by forest tree species after the last glaciation is well documented in the fossil pollen record. This spread may have been achieved at low densities by rare events of long-distance dispersal, rather than by a compact wave of advance, generating a patchy genetic structure through founder effects. In long-lived oak species, this structure could still be discernible by using maternally transmitted genetic markers. To test this hypothesis, a fine-scale study of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variability of two sympatric oak species was carried out in western France. The distributions of six cpDNA length variants were analyzed at 188 localities over a 200 × 300 km area. A cpDNA map was obtained by applying geostatistics methods to the complete data set. Patches of several hundred square kilometers exist which are virtually fixed for a single haplotype for both oak species. This local systematic interspecific sharing of the maternal genome strongly suggests that long-distance seed dispersal events followed by interspecific exchanges were involved at the time of colonization, about 10,000 years ago. PMID:11038572

  7. Prediction of biodiversity hotspots in the Anthropocene: The case of veteran oaks.


    Skarpaas, Olav; Blumentrath, Stefan; Evju, Marianne; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne


    Over the past centuries, humans have transformed large parts of the biosphere, and there is a growing need to understand and predict the distribution of biodiversity hotspots influenced by the presence of humans. Our basic hypothesis is that human influence in the Anthropocene is ubiquitous, and we predict that biodiversity hot spot modeling can be improved by addressing three challenges raised by the increasing ecological influence of humans: (i) anthropogenically modified responses to individual ecological factors, (ii) fundamentally different processes and predictors in landscape types shaped by different land use histories and (iii) a multitude and complexity of natural and anthropogenic processes that may require many predictors and even multiple models in different landscape types. We modeled the occurrence of veteran oaks in Norway, and found, in accordance with our basic hypothesis and predictions, that humans influence the distribution of veteran oaks throughout its range, but in different ways in forests and open landscapes. In forests, geographical and topographic variables related to the oak niche are still important, but the occurrence of veteran oaks is shifted toward steeper slopes, where logging is difficult. In open landscapes, land cover variables are more important, and veteran oaks are more common toward the north than expected from the fundamental oak niche. In both landscape types, multiple predictor variables representing ecological and human-influenced processes were needed to build a good model, and several models performed almost equally well. Models accounting for the different anthropogenic influences on landscape structure and processes consistently performed better than models based exclusively on natural biogeographical and ecological predictors. Thus, our results for veteran oaks clearly illustrate the challenges to distribution modeling raised by the ubiquitous influence of humans, even in a moderately populated region, but also

  8. Regime shifts and weakened environmental gradients in open oak and pine ecosystems.


    Hanberry, Brice B; Dey, Dan C; He, Hong S


    Fire suppression allows tree species that are intolerant of fire stress to increase their distribution, potentially resulting in disruption of historical species-environmental relationships. To measure changes between historical General Land Office surveys (1815 to 1850) and current USDA Forest Inventory and Assessment surveys (2004 to 2008), we compared composition, distribution, and site factors of 21 tree species or species groups in the Missouri Ozarks. We used 24 environmental variables and random forests as a classification method to model distributions. Eastern redcedar, elms, maples, and other fire-sensitive species have increased in dominance in oak forests, with concurrent reductions by oak species; specific changes varied by ecological subsection. Ordinations displayed loss of separation between formerly distinctive oak and fire-sensitive tree species groups. Distribution maps showed decreased presence of disturbance-dependent oak and pine species and increased presence of fire-sensitive species that generally expanded from subsections protected from fire along rivers to upland areas, except for eastern redcedar, which expanded into these subsections. Large scale differences in spatial gradients between past and present communities paralleled reduced influence of local topographic gradients in the varied relief of the Missouri Ozarks, as fire-sensitive species have moved to higher, drier, and sunnier sites away from riverine corridors. Due to changes in land use, landscapes in the Missouri Ozarks, eastern United States, and world-wide are changing from open oak and pine-dominated ecosystems to novel oak-mixed species forests, although at fine scales, forests are becoming more diverse in tree species today. Fire suppression weakened the influence by environmental gradients over species dominance, allowing succession from disturbance-dependent oaks to an alternative state of fire-sensitive species. Current and future research and conservation that rely on

  9. A Review of Polyphenolics in Oak Woods

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Bo; Cai, Jian; Duan, Chang-Qing; Reeves, Malcolm J.; He, Fei


    Polyphenolics, which are ubiquitous in plants, currently are among the most studied phytochemicals because of their perceptible chemical properties and antioxidant activity. Oak barrels and their alternatives, which are widely used in winemaking nowadays, contribute polyphenolics to wines and are thought to play crucial roles in the development of wines during aging. This study summarizes the detailed information of polyphenolics in oak woods and their products by examining their structures and discussing their chemical reactions during wine aging. This paper evaluates the most recent developments in polyphenolic chemistry by summarizing their extraction, separation, and their identification by the use of chromatographic and spectral techniques. In addition, this paper also introduces polyphenol bioactive ingredients in other plant foods. PMID:25826529

  10. Mycorrhizae promote fire adaptation in oak-hickory forests in Eastern USA


    Aaron D. Stottlemyer; G. Geoff Wang; Thomas A. Waldrop


    Prescribed fire is commonly used in silvicultural programs designed to promote oak (Quercus spp.) and hickory (Carya spp.) regeneration in eastern deciduous forests (Brose and others 2008). Thick bark, hypogeal germination, large root systems, repeated-prolific sprouting, and the ability to compartmentalize scars are well-known characteristics that enable oaks and...

  11. The status of oak and hickory regeneration in forests of Virginia


    Anita K. Rose


    Evidence suggests that eastern U.S. forests dominated by oak (Quercus spp.) and hickory (Carya spp.) may be shifting to more maple- (Acer spp.) and mixed-species dominated forests. Data from the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program were used to describe the status of oak and hickory...

  12. Oak policy and management in California: Spanish origins and future considerations


    James W. Bartolome; Lynn Huntsinger


    The development of goals and policies for Californian oak woodlands is reviewed; then some important considerations for future policy development are highlighted. California and Spain share long and illuminating histories of human interaction with oak woodlands. The Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program, initiated about 1985, was a focal point for Californian...

  13. Oak woodlands as wildlife habitat


    W. Tietje; K. Purcell; S. Drill


    This chapter provides local planners and policymakers with information on the diversity and abundance of oak woodland wildlife, wildlife habitat needs, and how local planning activities can influence wildlife abundance and diversity. Federal and state laws, particularly the federal and California Endangered Species Act and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA...

  14. Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across forest types.


    Acácio, Vanda; Dias, Filipe S; Catry, Filipe X; Rocha, Marta; Moreira, Francisco


    The Mediterranean region is projected to be extremely vulnerable to global change, which will affect the distribution of typical forest types such as native oak forests. However, our understanding of Mediterranean oak forest responses to future conditions is still very limited by the lack of knowledge on oak forest dynamics and species-specific responses to multiple drivers. We compared the long-term (1966-2006) forest persistence and land cover change among evergreen (cork oak and holm oak) and deciduous oak forests and evaluated the importance of anthropogenic and environmental drivers on observed changes for Portugal. We used National Forest Inventories to quantify the changes in oak forests and explored the drivers of change using multinomial logistic regression analysis and an information theoretical approach. We found distinct trends among oak forest types, reflecting the differences in oak economic value, protection status and management schemes: cork oak forests were the most persistent (62%), changing mostly to pines and eucalypt; holm oak forests were less persistent (53.2%), changing mostly to agriculture; and deciduous oak forests were the least persistent (45.7%), changing mostly to shrublands. Drivers of change had distinct importance across oak forest types, but drivers from anthropogenic origin (wildfires, population density, and land accessibility) were always among the most important. Climatic extremes were also important predictors of oak forest changes, namely extreme temperatures for evergreen oak forests and deficit of precipitation for deciduous oak forests. Our results indicate that under increasing human pressure and forecasted climate change, evergreen oak forests will continue declining and deciduous oak forests will be replaced by forests dominated by more xeric species. In the long run, multiple disturbances may change competitive dominance from oak forests to pyrophytic shrublands. A better understanding of forest dynamics and the

  15. Effects of flood duration and season on germination of black, cherrybark, northern red, and water oak acorns


    Yanfei Guo; Michael G. Shelton; Brian R. Lockhart


    Effects of flood duration (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) and season (winter and spring) on acorn germination were tested for two upland oaks [black and northern red oak (Quercus velutina Lam. and Q. rubra L.)] and two bottomland oaks [cherrybark and water oak (Q. pagoda Raf. and Q. nigra L.)]. Acorns...

  16. Down deadwood dynamics on a severely impacted oak decline site


    Martin A. Spetich


    Following a 3-year drought from 1998 to 2000, oak decline symptoms began to appear throughout many parts of the Ozark Highland region of Arkansas and Missouri. Changes in down deadwood that occurred at one site during the oak decline event are described and discussed. In 2000, 24 deadwood measurement plots 0.2025 ha (45 m by 45 m) in size were established. The down...

  17. Mist Propagation of Juvenile Oak Cuttings


    R. E. Farmer


    Greenwood apical cuttings from 1- to 4-month-old cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia Ell.) seedlings have been rooted in 4 weeks under mist, after treatment with indolebutyric acid. The technique is suitable for establishing small clones.

  18. Oak-black bear relationships in southeastern uplands

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Clark, Joseph D.; Spetich, Martin A.


    Bears (Ursus americanus) primarily occur in upland habitats in the Southeast because uplands were the last to be developed for agriculture and were more likely to become publicly owned. National parks and forests created in the early to mid-1900s served as sources to supply surrounding uplands with bears. Bears could not survive in southeastern uplands without oak mast. Bear reproductive and mortality rates in the region have been shown to be directly linked with acorn production. Masting is thought to be an adaptation by oaks to satiate predators during good acorn years, thus ensuring that the remainder will germinate. Acorn predator populations, however, cannot respond numerically to increased acorn production because the masting is episodic and synchronous. Consequently, bears have developed physiological, behavioral, and ecological adaptations to cope with such food shortages. Despite such adaptations, upland hardwood forests in the Southeast are of lower quality than they once were. The loss of the American chestnut (Castanea dentata), higrading, and soil degradation have markedly decreased the carrying capacity for bears and other wildlife. Other changes such as recent forest management practices, forest fragmentation, invasion by the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), and oak decline threaten to further degrade the capability of southeastern uplands to support bears.

  19. Effects of shading on growth and development of northern red oak, black oak, black cherry, and red maple seedlings. I. height, diameter, and root/shoot ratio


    Kurt W. Gottschalk


    Optimum light levels for shelterwood cutting to develop the large advance regeneration that require were investigated using eight shade-cloth treatments. Seedlings of northern red oak, black oak, black cherry and red maple were grow under these light treatments for 2 years. Height and diameter were measured annually, and samples were harvested for dry weight and leaf...

  20. Using 13C and 15N isotopes to study allocation patterns in oak seedlings


    Laura M. Suz; María V. Albarracín; Caroline S. Bledsoe


    In California’s oak woodlands, survival and growth of oaks may depend on a symbiosis between oak roots and fungi that form ectomycorrhizas. Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are major players in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) utilization and cycling because they facilitate water and nutrient uptake from the soil into the plant. The ECM fungi also benefit because plants supply...