ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lundquist, Carol; Frieder, Ophir; Holmes, David O.; Grossman, David
Describes a scalable, parallel, relational database-drive information retrieval engine. To support portability across a wide range of execution environments, all algorithms adhere to the SQL-92 standard. By incorporating relevance feedback algorithms, accuracy is enhanced over prior database-driven information retrieval efforts. Presents…
High-energy physics software parallelization using database techniques
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Argante, E.; van der Stok, P. D. V.; Willers, I.
A programming model for software parallelization, called CoCa, is introduced that copes with problems caused by typical features of high-energy physics software. By basing CoCa on the database transaction paradimg, the complexity induced by the parallelization is for a large part transparent to the programmer, resulting in a higher level of abstraction than the native message passing software. CoCa is implemented on a Meiko CS-2 and on a SUN SPARCcenter 2000 parallel computer. On the CS-2, the performance is comparable with the performance of native PVM and MPI.
Study on parallel and distributed management of RS data based on spatial database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Yingbiao; Qian, Qinglan; Wu, Hongqiao; Liu, Shijin
With the rapid development of current earth-observing technology, RS image data storage, management and information publication become a bottle-neck for its appliance and popularization. There are two prominent problems in RS image data storage and management system. First, background server hardly handle the heavy process of great capacity of RS data which stored at different nodes in a distributing environment. A tough burden has put on the background server. Second, there is no unique, standard and rational organization of Multi-sensor RS data for its storage and management. And lots of information is lost or not included at storage. Faced at the above two problems, the paper has put forward a framework for RS image data parallel and distributed management and storage system. This system aims at RS data information system based on parallel background server and a distributed data management system. Aiming at the above two goals, this paper has studied the following key techniques and elicited some revelatory conclusions. The paper has put forward a solid index of "Pyramid, Block, Layer, Epoch" according to the properties of RS image data. With the solid index mechanism, a rational organization for different resolution, different area, different band and different period of Multi-sensor RS image data is completed. In data storage, RS data is not divided into binary large objects to be stored at current relational database system, while it is reconstructed through the above solid index mechanism. A logical image database for the RS image data file is constructed. In system architecture, this paper has set up a framework based on a parallel server of several common computers. Under the framework, the background process is divided into two parts, the common WEB process and parallel process.
Parallel database search and prime factorization with magnonic holographic memory devices
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Khitun, Alexander
In this work, we describe the capabilities of Magnonic Holographic Memory (MHM) for parallel database search and prime factorization. MHM is a type of holographic device, which utilizes spin waves for data transfer and processing. Its operation is based on the correlation between the phases and the amplitudes of the input spin waves and the output inductive voltage. The input of MHM is provided by the phased array of spin wave generating elements allowing the producing of phase patterns of an arbitrary form. The latter makes it possible to code logic states into the phases of propagating waves and exploitmore » wave superposition for parallel data processing. We present the results of numerical modeling illustrating parallel database search and prime factorization. The results of numerical simulations on the database search are in agreement with the available experimental data. The use of classical wave interference may results in a significant speedup over the conventional digital logic circuits in special task data processing (e.g., √n in database search). Potentially, magnonic holographic devices can be implemented as complementary logic units to digital processors. Physical limitations and technological constrains of the spin wave approach are also discussed.« less
Parallel database search and prime factorization with magnonic holographic memory devices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khitun, Alexander
In this work, we describe the capabilities of Magnonic Holographic Memory (MHM) for parallel database search and prime factorization. MHM is a type of holographic device, which utilizes spin waves for data transfer and processing. Its operation is based on the correlation between the phases and the amplitudes of the input spin waves and the output inductive voltage. The input of MHM is provided by the phased array of spin wave generating elements allowing the producing of phase patterns of an arbitrary form. The latter makes it possible to code logic states into the phases of propagating waves and exploit wave superposition for parallel data processing. We present the results of numerical modeling illustrating parallel database search and prime factorization. The results of numerical simulations on the database search are in agreement with the available experimental data. The use of classical wave interference may results in a significant speedup over the conventional digital logic circuits in special task data processing (e.g., √n in database search). Potentially, magnonic holographic devices can be implemented as complementary logic units to digital processors. Physical limitations and technological constrains of the spin wave approach are also discussed.
High Performance Input/Output for Parallel Computer Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ligon, W. B.
The goal of our project is to study the I/O characteristics of parallel applications used in Earth Science data processing systems such as Regional Data Centers (RDCs) or EOSDIS. Our approach is to study the runtime behavior of typical programs and the effect of key parameters of the I/O subsystem both under simulation and with direct experimentation on parallel systems. Our three year activity has focused on two items: developing a test bed that facilitates experimentation with parallel I/O, and studying representative programs from the Earth science data processing application domain. The Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS) has been developed for use on a number of platforms including the Tiger Parallel Architecture Workbench (TPAW) simulator, The Intel Paragon, a cluster of DEC Alpha workstations, and the Beowulf system (at CESDIS). PVFS provides considerable flexibility in configuring I/O in a UNIX- like environment. Access to key performance parameters facilitates experimentation. We have studied several key applications fiom levels 1,2 and 3 of the typical RDC processing scenario including instrument calibration and navigation, image classification, and numerical modeling codes. We have also considered large-scale scientific database codes used to organize image data.
A global database with parallel measurements to study non-climatic changes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Venema, Victor; Auchmann, Renate; Aguilar, Enric
n this work we introduce the rationale behind the ongoing compilation of a parallel measurements database, under the umbrella of the International Surface Temperatures Initiative (ISTI) and with the support of the World Meteorological Organization. We intend this database to become instrumental for a better understanding of inhomogeneities affecting the evaluation of long term changes in daily climate data. Long instrumental climate records are usually affected by non-climatic changes, due to, e.g., relocations and changes in instrumentation, instrument height or data collection and manipulation procedures. These so-called inhomogeneities distort the climate signal and can hamper the assessment of trends and variability. Thus to study climatic changes we need to accurately distinguish non-climatic and climatic signals. .The most direct way to study the influence of non-climatic changes on the distribution and to understand the reasons for these biases is the analysis of parallel measurements representing the old and new situation (in terms of e.g. instruments, location). According to the limited number of available studies and our understanding of the causes of inhomogeneity, we expect that they will have a strong impact on the tails of the distribution of temperatures and most likely of other climate elements. Our abilities to statistically homogenize daily data will be increased by systematically studying different causes of inhomogeneity replicated through parallel measurements. Current studies of non-climatic changes using parallel data are limited to local and regional case studies. However, the effect of specific transitions depends on the local climate and the most interesting climatic questions are about the systematic large-scale biases produced by transitions that occurred in many regions. Important potentially biasing transitions are the adoption of Stevenson screens, efforts to reduce undercatchment of precipitation or the move to automatic weather
Parallelization of the Physical-Space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Larson, J. W.; Guo, J.; Lyster, P. M.
Atmospheric data assimilation is a method of combining observations with model forecasts to produce a more accurate description of the atmosphere than the observations or forecast alone can provide. Data assimilation plays an increasingly important role in the study of climate and atmospheric chemistry. The NASA Data Assimilation Office (DAO) has developed the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) to create assimilated datasets. The core computational components of the GEOS DAS include the GEOS General Circulation Model (GCM) and the Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS). The need for timely validation of scientific enhancements to the data assimilation system poses computational demands that are best met by distributed parallel software. PSAS is implemented in Fortran 90 using object-based design principles. The analysis portions of the code solve two equations. The first of these is the "innovation" equation, which is solved on the unstructured observation grid using a preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG) method. The "analysis" equation is a transformation from the observation grid back to a structured grid, and is solved by a direct matrix-vector multiplication. Use of a factored-operator formulation reduces the computational complexity of both the CG solver and the matrix-vector multiplication, rendering the matrix-vector multiplications as a successive product of operators on a vector. Sparsity is introduced to these operators by partitioning the observations using an icosahedral decomposition scheme. PSAS builds a large (approx. 128MB) run-time database of parameters used in the calculation of these operators. Implementing a message passing parallel computing paradigm into an existing yet developing computational system as complex as PSAS is nontrivial. One of the technical challenges is balancing the requirements for computational reproducibility with the need for high performance. The problem of computational
A global database with parallel measurements to study non-climatic changes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Venema, Victor; Auchman, Renate; Aguilar, Enric
In this work we introduce the rationale behind the ongoing compilation of a parallel measurements database, in the framework of the International Surface Temperatures Initiative (ISTI) and with the support of the World Meteorological Organization. We intend this database to become instrumental for a better understanding of inhomogeneities affecting the evaluation of long-term changes in daily climate data. Long instrumental climate records are usually affected by non-climatic changes, due to, e.g., (i) station re- locations, (ii) instrument height changes, (iii) instrumentation changes, (iv) observing environment changes, (v) different sampling intervals or data collection procedures, among others. These so-called inhomogeneities distort the climate signal and can hamper the assessment of long-term trends and variability of climate. Thus to study climatic changes we need to accurately distinguish non-climatic and climatic signals. The most direct way to study the influence of non-climatic changes on the distribution and to understand the reasons for these biases is the analysis of parallel measurements representing the old and new situation (in terms of e.g. instruments, location, different radiation shields, etc.). According to the limited number of available studies and our understanding of the causes of inhomogeneity, we expect that they will have a strong impact on the tails of the distribution of air temperatures and most likely of other climate elements. Our abilities to statistically homogenize daily data will be increased by systematically studying different causes of inhomogeneity replicated through parallel measurements. Current studies of non-climatic changes using parallel data are limited to local and regional case studies. However, the effect of specific transitions depends on the local climate and the most interesting climatic questions are about the systematic large-scale biases produced by transitions that occurred in many regions. Important
A Data Analysis Expert System For Large Established Distributed Databases
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gnacek, Anne-Marie; An, Y. Kim; Ryan, J. Patrick
The purpose of this work is to analyze the applicability of artificial intelligence techniques for developing a user-friendly, parallel interface to large isolated, incompatible NASA databases for the purpose of assisting the management decision process. To carry out this work, a survey was conducted to establish the data access requirements of several key NASA user groups. In addition, current NASA database access methods were evaluated. The results of this work are presented in the form of a design for a natural language database interface system, called the Deductively Augmented NASA Management Decision Support System (DANMDS). This design is feasible principally because of recently announced commercial hardware and software product developments which allow cross-vendor compatibility. The goal of the DANMDS system is commensurate with the central dilemma confronting most large companies and institutions in America, the retrieval of information from large, established, incompatible database systems. The DANMDS system implementation would represent a significant first step toward this problem's resolution.
Parallel processing and expert systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Yan, Jerry C.; Lau, Sonie
Whether it be monitoring the thermal subsystem of Space Station Freedom, or controlling the navigation of the autonomous rover on Mars, NASA missions in the 90's cannot enjoy an increased level of autonomy without the efficient use of expert systems. Merely increasing the computational speed of uniprocessors may not be able to guarantee that real time demands are met for large expert systems. Speed-up via parallel processing must be pursued alongside the optimization of sequential implementations. Prototypes of parallel expert systems have been built at universities and industrial labs in the U.S. and Japan. The state-of-the-art research in progress related to parallel execution of expert systems was surveyed. The survey is divided into three major sections: (1) multiprocessors for parallel expert systems; (2) parallel languages for symbolic computations; and (3) measurements of parallelism of expert system. Results to date indicate that the parallelism achieved for these systems is small. In order to obtain greater speed-ups, data parallelism and application parallelism must be exploited.
A parallel data management system for large-scale NASA datasets
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Srivastava, Jaideep
The past decade has experienced a phenomenal growth in the amount of data and resultant information generated by NASA's operations and research projects. A key application is the reprocessing problem which has been identified to require data management capabilities beyond those available today (PRAT93). The Intelligent Information Fusion (IIF) system (ROEL91) is an ongoing NASA project which has similar requirements. Deriving our understanding of NASA's future data management needs based on the above, this paper describes an approach to using parallel computer systems (processor and I/O architectures) to develop an efficient parallel database management system to address the needs. Specifically, we propose to investigate issues in low-level record organizations and management, complex query processing, and query compilation and scheduling.
The Galley Parallel File System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nieuwejaar, Nils; Kotz, David
As the I/O needs of parallel scientific applications increase, file systems for multiprocessors are being designed to provide applications with parallel access to multiple disks. Many parallel file systems present applications with a conventional Unix-like interface that allows the application to access multiple disks transparently. The interface conceals the parallelism within the file system, which increases the ease of programmability, but makes it difficult or impossible for sophisticated programmers and libraries to use knowledge about their I/O needs to exploit that parallelism. Furthermore, most current parallel file systems are optimized for a different workload than they are being asked to support. We introduce Galley, a new parallel file system that is intended to efficiently support realistic parallel workloads. We discuss Galley's file structure and application interface, as well as an application that has been implemented using that interface.
A global database with parallel measurements to study non-climatic changes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Venema, Victor; Auchmann, Renate; Aguilar, Enric; Auer, Ingeborg; Azorin-Molina, Cesar; Brandsma, Theo; Brunetti, Michele; Dienst, Manuel; Domonkos, Peter; Gilabert, Alba; Lindén, Jenny; Milewska, Ewa; Nordli, Øyvind; Prohom, Marc; Rennie, Jared; Stepanek, Petr; Trewin, Blair; Vincent, Lucie; Willett, Kate; Wolff, Mareile
In this work we introduce the rationale behind the ongoing compilation of a parallel measurements database, in the framework of the International Surface Temperatures Initiative (ISTI) and with the support of the World Meteorological Organization. We intend this database to become instrumental for a better understanding of inhomogeneities affecting the evaluation of long-term changes in daily climate data. Long instrumental climate records are usually affected by non-climatic changes, due to, e.g., (i) station relocations, (ii) instrument height changes, (iii) instrumentation changes, (iv) observing environment changes, (v) different sampling intervals or data collection procedures, among others. These so-called inhomogeneities distort the climate signal and can hamper the assessment of long-term trends and variability of climate. Thus to study climatic changes we need to accurately distinguish non-climatic and climatic signals. The most direct way to study the influence of non-climatic changes on the distribution and to understand the reasons for these biases is the analysis of parallel measurements representing the old and new situation (in terms of e.g. instruments, location, different radiation shields, etc.). According to the limited number of available studies and our understanding of the causes of inhomogeneity, we expect that they will have a strong impact on the tails of the distribution of air temperatures and most likely of other climate elements. Our abilities to statistically homogenize daily data will be increased by systematically studying different causes of inhomogeneity replicated through parallel measurements. Current studies of non-climatic changes using parallel data are limited to local and regional case studies. However, the effect of specific transitions depends on the local climate and the most interesting climatic questions are about the systematic large-scale biases produced by transitions that occurred in many regions. Important
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shapiro, Linda G.; Tanimoto, Steven L.; Ahrens, James P.
The goal of this task was to create a design and prototype implementation of a database environment that is particular suited for handling the image, vision and scientific data associated with the NASA's EOC Amazon project. The focus was on a data model and query facilities that are designed to execute efficiently on parallel computers. A key feature of the environment is an interface which allows a scientist to specify high-level directives about how query execution should occur.
Support for Debugging Automatically Parallelized Programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hood, Robert; Jost, Gabriele; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
This viewgraph presentation provides information on the technical aspects of debugging computer code that has been automatically converted for use in a parallel computing system. Shared memory parallelization and distributed memory parallelization entail separate and distinct challenges for a debugging program. A prototype system has been developed which integrates various tools for the debugging of automatically parallelized programs including the CAPTools Database which provides variable definition information across subroutines as well as array distribution information.
Parallel processing and expert systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lau, Sonie; Yan, Jerry C.
Whether it be monitoring the thermal subsystem of Space Station Freedom, or controlling the navigation of the autonomous rover on Mars, NASA missions in the 1990s cannot enjoy an increased level of autonomy without the efficient implementation of expert systems. Merely increasing the computational speed of uniprocessors may not be able to guarantee that real-time demands are met for larger systems. Speedup via parallel processing must be pursued alongside the optimization of sequential implementations. Prototypes of parallel expert systems have been built at universities and industrial laboratories in the U.S. and Japan. The state-of-the-art research in progress related to parallel execution of expert systems is surveyed. The survey discusses multiprocessors for expert systems, parallel languages for symbolic computations, and mapping expert systems to multiprocessors. Results to date indicate that the parallelism achieved for these systems is small. The main reasons are (1) the body of knowledge applicable in any given situation and the amount of computation executed by each rule firing are small, (2) dividing the problem solving process into relatively independent partitions is difficult, and (3) implementation decisions that enable expert systems to be incrementally refined hamper compile-time optimization. In order to obtain greater speedups, data parallelism and application parallelism must be exploited.
Paradise: A Parallel Information System for EOSDIS
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
DeWitt, David
The Paradise project was begun-in 1993 in order to explore the application of the parallel and object-oriented database system technology developed as a part of the Gamma, Exodus. and Shore projects to the design and development of a scaleable, geo-spatial database system for storing both massive spatial and satellite image data sets. Paradise is based on an object-relational data model. In addition to the standard attribute types such as integers, floats, strings and time, Paradise also provides a set of and multimedia data types, designed to facilitate the storage and querying of complex spatial and multimedia data sets. An individual tuple can contain any combination of this rich set of data types. For example, in the EOSDIS context, a tuple might mix terrain and map data for an area along with the latest satellite weather photo of the area. The use of a geo-spatial metaphor simplifies the task of fusing disparate forms of data from multiple data sources including text, image, map, and video data sets.
The Galley Parallel File System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nieuwejaar, Nils; Kotz, David
Most current multiprocessor file systems are designed to use multiple disks in parallel, using the high aggregate bandwidth to meet the growing I/0 requirements of parallel scientific applications. Many multiprocessor file systems provide applications with a conventional Unix-like interface, allowing the application to access multiple disks transparently. This interface conceals the parallelism within the file system, increasing the ease of programmability, but making it difficult or impossible for sophisticated programmers and libraries to use knowledge about their I/O needs to exploit that parallelism. In addition to providing an insufficient interface, most current multiprocessor file systems are optimized for a different workload than they are being asked to support. We introduce Galley, a new parallel file system that is intended to efficiently support realistic scientific multiprocessor workloads. We discuss Galley's file structure and application interface, as well as the performance advantages offered by that interface.
Time Series Discord Detection in Medical Data using a Parallel Relational Database
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Woodbridge, Diane; Rintoul, Mark Daniel; Wilson, Andrew T.
Recent advances in sensor technology have made continuous real-time health monitoring available in both hospital and non-hospital settings. Since data collected from high frequency medical sensors includes a huge amount of data, storing and processing continuous medical data is an emerging big data area. Especially detecting anomaly in real time is important for patients’ emergency detection and prevention. A time series discord indicates a subsequence that has the maximum difference to the rest of the time series subsequences, meaning that it has abnormal or unusual data trends. In this study, we implemented two versions of time series discord detection algorithmsmore » on a high performance parallel database management system (DBMS) and applied them to 240 Hz waveform data collected from 9,723 patients. The initial brute force version of the discord detection algorithm takes each possible subsequence and calculates a distance to the nearest non-self match to find the biggest discords in time series. For the heuristic version of the algorithm, a combination of an array and a trie structure was applied to order time series data for enhancing time efficiency. The study results showed efficient data loading, decoding and discord searches in a large amount of data, benefiting from the time series discord detection algorithm and the architectural characteristics of the parallel DBMS including data compression, data pipe-lining, and task scheduling.« less
Template based parallel checkpointing in a massively parallel computer system
Archer, Charles Jens [Rochester, MN; Inglett, Todd Alan [Rochester, MN
A method and apparatus for a template based parallel checkpoint save for a massively parallel super computer system using a parallel variation of the rsync protocol, and network broadcast. In preferred embodiments, the checkpoint data for each node is compared to a template checkpoint file that resides in the storage and that was previously produced. Embodiments herein greatly decrease the amount of data that must be transmitted and stored for faster checkpointing and increased efficiency of the computer system. Embodiments are directed to a parallel computer system with nodes arranged in a cluster with a high speed interconnect that can perform broadcast communication. The checkpoint contains a set of actual small data blocks with their corresponding checksums from all nodes in the system. The data blocks may be compressed using conventional non-lossy data compression algorithms to further reduce the overall checkpoint size.
Partitioning in parallel processing of production systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Oflazer, K.
This thesis presents research on certain issues related to parallel processing of production systems. It first presents a parallel production system interpreter that has been implemented on a four-processor multiprocessor. This parallel interpreter is based on Forgy's OPS5 interpreter and exploits production-level parallelism in production systems. Runs on the multiprocessor system indicate that it is possible to obtain speed-up of around 1.7 in the match computation for certain production systems when productions are split into three sets that are processed in parallel. The next issue addressed is that of partitioning a set of rules to processors in a parallel interpretermore » with production-level parallelism, and the extent of additional improvement in performance. The partitioning problem is formulated and an algorithm for approximate solutions is presented. The thesis next presents a parallel processing scheme for OPS5 production systems that allows some redundancy in the match computation. This redundancy enables the processing of a production to be divided into units of medium granularity each of which can be processed in parallel. Subsequently, a parallel processor architecture for implementing the parallel processing algorithm is presented.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dalrymple, Prudence W.; Roderer, Nancy K.
Highlights the changes that have occurred from 1987-93 in database access systems. Topics addressed include types of databases, including CD-ROMs; enduser interface; database selection; database access management, including library instruction and use of primary literature; economic issues; database users; the search process; and improving…
Enabling On-Demand Database Computing with MIT SuperCloud Database Management System
2015-09-15 provides these services and is independent of programming language (C, Fortran, Java , Matlab, etc) or parallel programming...a MySQL database to store DNS records. The DNS records are controlled via a simple web service interface that allows records to be created
Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems. Ph.D. Thesis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Choudhary, Alok Nidhi
Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems.
Performance of the Galley Parallel File System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nieuwejaar, Nils; Kotz, David
As the input/output (I/O) needs of parallel scientific applications increase, file systems for multiprocessors are being designed to provide applications with parallel access to multiple disks. Many parallel file systems present applications with a conventional Unix-like interface that allows the application to access multiple disks transparently. This interface conceals the parallism within the file system, which increases the ease of programmability, but makes it difficult or impossible for sophisticated programmers and libraries to use knowledge about their I/O needs to exploit that parallelism. Furthermore, most current parallel file systems are optimized for a different workload than they are being asked to support. We introduce Galley, a new parallel file system that is intended to efficiently support realistic parallel workloads. Initial experiments, reported in this paper, indicate that Galley is capable of providing high-performance 1/O to applications the applications that rely on them. In Section 3 we describe that access data in patterns that have been observed to be common.
Visualizing Parallel Computer System Performance
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Malony, Allen D.; Reed, Daniel A.
Parallel computer systems are among the most complex of man's creations, making satisfactory performance characterization difficult. Despite this complexity, there are strong, indeed, almost irresistible, incentives to quantify parallel system performance using a single metric. The fallacy lies in succumbing to such temptations. A complete performance characterization requires not only an analysis of the system's constituent levels, it also requires both static and dynamic characterizations. Static or average behavior analysis may mask transients that dramatically alter system performance. Although the human visual system is remarkedly adept at interpreting and identifying anomalies in false color data, the importance of dynamic, visual scientific data presentation has only recently been recognized Large, complex parallel system pose equally vexing performance interpretation problems. Data from hardware and software performance monitors must be presented in ways that emphasize important events while eluding irrelevant details. Design approaches and tools for performance visualization are the subject of this paper.
Time Series Discord Detection in Medical Data using a Parallel Relational Database [PowerPoint
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Woodbridge, Diane; Wilson, Andrew T.; Rintoul, Mark Daniel
Recent advances in sensor technology have made continuous real-time health monitoring available in both hospital and non-hospital settings. Since data collected from high frequency medical sensors includes a huge amount of data, storing and processing continuous medical data is an emerging big data area. Especially detecting anomaly in real time is important for patients’ emergency detection and prevention. A time series discord indicates a subsequence that has the maximum difference to the rest of the time series subsequences, meaning that it has abnormal or unusual data trends. In this study, we implemented two versions of time series discord detection algorithmsmore » on a high performance parallel database management system (DBMS) and applied them to 240 Hz waveform data collected from 9,723 patients. The initial brute force version of the discord detection algorithm takes each possible subsequence and calculates a distance to the nearest non-self match to find the biggest discords in time series. For the heuristic version of the algorithm, a combination of an array and a trie structure was applied to order time series data for enhancing time efficiency. The study results showed efficient data loading, decoding and discord searches in a large amount of data, benefiting from the time series discord detection algorithm and the architectural characteristics of the parallel DBMS including data compression, data pipe-lining, and task scheduling.« less
Distributed parallel messaging for multiprocessor systems
Chen, Dong; Heidelberger, Philip; Salapura, Valentina; Senger, Robert M; Steinmacher-Burrow, Burhard; Sugawara, Yutaka
A method and apparatus for distributed parallel messaging in a parallel computing system. The apparatus includes, at each node of a multiprocessor network, multiple injection messaging engine units and reception messaging engine units, each implementing a DMA engine and each supporting both multiple packet injection into and multiple reception from a network, in parallel. The reception side of the messaging unit (MU) includes a switch interface enabling writing of data of a packet received from the network to the memory system. The transmission side of the messaging unit, includes switch interface for reading from the memory system when injecting packets into the network.
Automatic Management of Parallel and Distributed System Resources
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Yan, Jerry; Ngai, Tin Fook; Lundstrom, Stephen F.
Viewgraphs on automatic management of parallel and distributed system resources are presented. Topics covered include: parallel applications; intelligent management of multiprocessing systems; performance evaluation of parallel architecture; dynamic concurrent programs; compiler-directed system approach; lattice gaseous cellular automata; and sparse matrix Cholesky factorization.
Querying databases of trajectories of differential equations 2: Index functions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Grossman, Robert
Suppose that a large number of parameterized trajectories (gamma) of a dynamical system evolving in R sup N are stored in a database. Let eta is contained R sup N denote a parameterized path in Euclidean space, and let parallel to center dot parallel to denote a norm on the space of paths. A data structures and indices for trajectories are defined and algorithms are given to answer queries of the following forms: Query 1. Given a path eta, determine whether eta occurs as a subtrajectory of any trajectory gamma from the database. If so, return the trajectory; otherwise, return null. Query 2. Given a path eta, return the trajectory gamma from the database which minimizes the norm parallel to eta - gamma parallel.
Parallel/distributed direct method for solving linear systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lin, Avi
A new family of parallel schemes for directly solving linear systems is presented and analyzed. It is shown that these schemes exhibit a near optimal performance and enjoy several important features: (1) For large enough linear systems, the design of the appropriate paralleled algorithm is insensitive to the number of processors as its performance grows monotonically with them; (2) It is especially good for large matrices, with dimensions large relative to the number of processors in the system; (3) It can be used in both distributed parallel computing environments and tightly coupled parallel computing systems; and (4) This set of algorithms can be mapped onto any parallel architecture without any major programming difficulties or algorithmical changes.
Implementation of a high-speed face recognition system that uses an optical parallel correlator.
Watanabe, Eriko; Kodate, Kashiko
We implement a fully automatic fast face recognition system by using a 1000 frame/s optical parallel correlator designed and assembled by us. The operational speed for the 1:N (i.e., matching one image against N, where N refers to the number of images in the database) identification experiment (4000 face images) amounts to less than 1.5 s, including the preprocessing and postprocessing times. The binary real-only matched filter is devised for the sake of face recognition, and the system is optimized by the false-rejection rate (FRR) and the false-acceptance rate (FAR), according to 300 samples selected by the biometrics guideline. From trial 1:N identification experiments with the optical parallel correlator, we acquired low error rates of 2.6% FRR and 1.3% FAR. Facial images of people wearing thin glasses or heavy makeup that rendered identification difficult were identified with this system.
[PVFS 2000: An operational parallel file system for Beowulf
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ligon, Walt
The approach has been to develop Parallel Virtual File System version 2 (PVFS2) , retaining the basic philosophy of the original file system but completely rewriting the code. It shows the architecture of the server and client components. BMI - BMI is the network abstraction layer. It is designed with a common driver and modules for each protocol supported. The interface is non-blocking, and provides mechanisms for optimizations including pinning user buffers. Currently TCP/IP and GM(Myrinet) modules have been implemented. Trove -Trove is the storage abstraction layer. It provides for storing both data spaces and name/value pairs. Trove can also be implemented using different underlying storage mechanisms including native files, raw disk partitions, SQL and other databases. The current implementation uses native files for data spaces and Berkeley db for name/value pairs.
Aerodynamic simulation on massively parallel systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Haeuser, Jochem; Simon, Horst D.
This paper briefly addresses the computational requirements for the analysis of complete configurations of aircraft and spacecraft currently under design to be used for advanced transportation in commercial applications as well as in space flight. The discussion clearly shows that massively parallel systems are the only alternative which is both cost effective and on the other hand can provide the necessary TeraFlops, needed to satisfy the narrow design margins of modern vehicles. It is assumed that the solution of the governing physical equations, i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations which may be complemented by chemistry and turbulence models, is done on multiblock grids. This technique is situated between the fully structured approach of classical boundary fitted grids and the fully unstructured tetrahedra grids. A fully structured grid best represents the flow physics, while the unstructured grid gives best geometrical flexibility. The multiblock grid employed is structured within a block, but completely unstructured on the block level. While a completely unstructured grid is not straightforward to parallelize, the above mentioned multiblock grid is inherently parallel, in particular for multiple instruction multiple datastream (MIMD) machines. In this paper guidelines are provided for setting up or modifying an existing sequential code so that a direct parallelization on a massively parallel system is possible. Results are presented for three parallel systems, namely the Intel hypercube, the Ncube hypercube, and the FPS 500 system. Some preliminary results for an 8K CM2 machine will also be mentioned. The code run is the two dimensional grid generation module of Grid, which is a general two dimensional and three dimensional grid generation code for complex geometries. A system of nonlinear Poisson equations is solved. This code is also a good testcase for complex fluid dynamics codes, since the same datastructures are used. All systems provided good speedups, but
MARBLE: A system for executing expert systems in parallel
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Myers, Leonard; Johnson, Coe; Johnson, Dean
This paper details the MARBLE 2.0 system which provides a parallel environment for cooperating expert systems. The work has been done in conjunction with the development of an intelligent computer-aided design system, ICADS, by the CAD Research Unit of the Design Institute at California Polytechnic State University. MARBLE (Multiple Accessed Rete Blackboard Linked Experts) is a system of C Language Production Systems (CLIPS) expert system tool. A copied blackboard is used for communication between the shells to establish an architecture which supports cooperating expert systems that execute in parallel. The design of MARBLE is simple, but it provides support for a rich variety of configurations, while making it relatively easy to demonstrate the correctness of its parallel execution features. In its most elementary configuration, individual CLIPS expert systems execute on their own processors and communicate with each other through a modified blackboard. Control of the system as a whole, and specifically of writing to the blackboard is provided by one of the CLIPS expert systems, an expert control system.
Control and protection system for paralleled modular static inverter-converter systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Birchenough, A. G.; Gourash, F.
A control and protection system was developed for use with a paralleled 2.5-kWe-per-module static inverter-converter system. The control and protection system senses internal and external fault parameters such as voltage, frequency, current, and paralleling current unbalance. A logic system controls contactors to isolate defective power conditioners or loads. The system sequences contactor operation to automatically control parallel operation, startup, and fault isolation. Transient overload protection and fault checking sequences are included. The operation and performance of a control and protection system, with detailed circuit descriptions, are presented.
Generalized Database Management System Support for Numeric Database Environments.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dominick, Wayne D.; Weathers, Peggy G.
This overview of potential for utilizing database management systems (DBMS) within numeric database environments highlights: (1) major features, functions, and characteristics of DBMS; (2) applicability to numeric database environment needs and user needs; (3) current applications of DBMS technology; and (4) research-oriented and…
Watkins, C Edward
In a way not done before, Tracey, Bludworth, and Glidden-Tracey ("Are there parallel processes in psychotherapy supervision: An empirical examination," Psychotherapy, 2011, advance online publication, doi.10.1037/a0026246) have shown us that parallel process in psychotherapy supervision can indeed be rigorously and meaningfully researched, and their groundbreaking investigation provides a nice prototype for future supervision studies to emulate. In what follows, I offer a brief complementary comment to Tracey et al., addressing one matter that seems to be a potentially important conceptual and empirical parallel process consideration: When is a parallel just a parallel? PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved.
Geer, Lewis Y; Marchler-Bauer, Aron; Geer, Renata C; Han, Lianyi; He, Jane; He, Siqian; Liu, Chunlei; Shi, Wenyao; Bryant, Stephen H
The NCBI BioSystems database, found at, centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resources. This integration allows users of NCBI's Entrez databases to quickly categorize proteins, genes and small molecules by metabolic pathway, disease state or other BioSystem type, without requiring time-consuming inference of biological relationships from the literature or multiple experimental datasets.
Geer, Lewis Y.; Marchler-Bauer, Aron; Geer, Renata C.; Han, Lianyi; He, Jane; He, Siqian; Liu, Chunlei; Shi, Wenyao; Bryant, Stephen H.
The NCBI BioSystems database, found at, centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resources. This integration allows users of NCBI’s Entrez databases to quickly categorize proteins, genes and small molecules by metabolic pathway, disease state or other BioSystem type, without requiring time-consuming inference of biological relationships from the literature or multiple experimental datasets. PMID:19854944
Intrusion Detection in Database Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Javidi, Mohammad M.; Sohrabi, Mina; Rafsanjani, Marjan Kuchaki
Data represent today a valuable asset for organizations and companies and must be protected. Ensuring the security and privacy of data assets is a crucial and very difficult problem in our modern networked world. Despite the necessity of protecting information stored in database systems (DBS), existing security models are insufficient to prevent misuse, especially insider abuse by legitimate users. One mechanism to safeguard the information in these databases is to use an intrusion detection system (IDS). The purpose of Intrusion detection in database systems is to detect transactions that access data without permission. In this paper several database Intrusion detection approaches are evaluated.
RAMA: A file system for massively parallel computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Miller, Ethan L.; Katz, Randy H.
This paper describes a file system design for massively parallel computers which makes very efficient use of a few disks per processor. This overcomes the traditional I/O bottleneck of massively parallel machines by storing the data on disks within the high-speed interconnection network. In addition, the file system, called RAMA, requires little inter-node synchronization, removing another common bottleneck in parallel processor file systems. Support for a large tertiary storage system can easily be integrated in lo the file system; in fact, RAMA runs most efficiently when tertiary storage is used.
GPU based cloud system for high-performance arrhythmia detection with parallel k-NN algorithm.
Tae Joon Jun; Hyun Ji Park; Hyuk Yoo; Young-Hak Kim; Daeyoung Kim
In this paper, we propose an GPU based Cloud system for high-performance arrhythmia detection. Pan-Tompkins algorithm is used for QRS detection and we optimized beat classification algorithm with K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN). To support high performance beat classification on the system, we parallelized beat classification algorithm with CUDA to execute the algorithm on virtualized GPU devices on the Cloud system. MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database is used for validation of the algorithm. The system achieved about 93.5% of detection rate which is comparable to previous researches while our algorithm shows 2.5 times faster execution time compared to CPU only detection algorithm.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Moroh, Marsha
A methodology for building interfaces of resident database management systems to a heterogeneous distributed database management system under development at NASA, the DAVID system, was developed. The feasibility of that methodology was demonstrated by construction of the software necessary to perform the interface task. The interface terminology developed in the course of this research is presented. The work performed and the results are summarized.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
In 1981 Wayne Erickson founded Microrim, Inc, a company originally focused on marketing a microcomputer version of RIM (Relational Information Manager). Dennis Comfort joined the firm and is now vice president, development. The team developed an advanced spinoff from the NASA system they had originally created, a microcomputer database management system known as R:BASE 4000. Microrim added many enhancements and developed a series of R:BASE products for various environments. R:BASE is now the second largest selling line of microcomputer database management software in the world.
Adding Data Management Services to Parallel File Systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brandt, Scott
The objective of this project, called DAMASC for “Data Management in Scientific Computing”, is to coalesce data management with parallel file system management to present a declarative interface to scientists for managing, querying, and analyzing extremely large data sets efficiently and predictably. Managing extremely large data sets is a key challenge of exascale computing. The overhead, energy, and cost of moving massive volumes of data demand designs where computation is close to storage. In current architectures, compute/analysis clusters access data in a physically separate parallel file system and largely leave it scientist to reduce data movement. Over the past decadesmore » the high-end computing community has adopted middleware with multiple layers of abstractions and specialized file formats such as NetCDF-4 and HDF5. These abstractions provide a limited set of high-level data processing functions, but have inherent functionality and performance limitations: middleware that provides access to the highly structured contents of scientific data files stored in the (unstructured) file systems can only optimize to the extent that file system interfaces permit; the highly structured formats of these files often impedes native file system performance optimizations. We are developing Damasc, an enhanced high-performance file system with native rich data management services. Damasc will enable efficient queries and updates over files stored in their native byte-stream format while retaining the inherent performance of file system data storage via declarative queries and updates over views of underlying files. Damasc has four key benefits for the development of data-intensive scientific code: (1) applications can use important data-management services, such as declarative queries, views, and provenance tracking, that are currently available only within database systems; (2) the use of these services becomes easier, as they are provided within a familiar file
Nemesis I: Parallel Enhancements to ExodusII
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hennigan, Gary L.; John, Matthew S.; Shadid, John N.
NEMESIS I is an enhancement to the EXODUS II finite element database model used to store and retrieve data for unstructured parallel finite element analyses. NEMESIS I adds data structures which facilitate the partitioning of a scalar (standard serial) EXODUS II file onto parallel disk systems found on many parallel computers. Since the NEMESIS I application programming interface (APl)can be used to append information to an existing EXODUS II files can be used on files which contain NEMESIS I information. The NEMESIS I information is written and read via C or C++ callable functions which compromise the NEMESIS I API.
Introducing parallelism to histogramming functions for GEM systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krawczyk, Rafał D.; Czarski, Tomasz; Kolasinski, Piotr; Pozniak, Krzysztof T.; Linczuk, Maciej; Byszuk, Adrian; Chernyshova, Maryna; Juszczyk, Bartlomiej; Kasprowicz, Grzegorz; Wojenski, Andrzej; Zabolotny, Wojciech
This article is an assessment of potential parallelization of histogramming algorithms in GEM detector system. Histogramming and preprocessing algorithms in MATLAB were analyzed with regard to adding parallelism. Preliminary implementation of parallel strip histogramming resulted in speedup. Analysis of algorithms parallelizability is presented. Overview of potential hardware and software support to implement parallel algorithm is discussed.
Database systems for knowledge-based discovery.
Jagarlapudi, Sarma A R P; Kishan, K V Radha
Several database systems have been developed to provide valuable information from the bench chemist to biologist, medical practitioner to pharmaceutical scientist in a structured format. The advent of information technology and computational power enhanced the ability to access large volumes of data in the form of a database where one could do compilation, searching, archiving, analysis, and finally knowledge derivation. Although, data are of variable types the tools used for database creation, searching and retrieval are similar. GVK BIO has been developing databases from publicly available scientific literature in specific areas like medicinal chemistry, clinical research, and mechanism-based toxicity so that the structured databases containing vast data could be used in several areas of research. These databases were classified as reference centric or compound centric depending on the way the database systems were designed. Integration of these databases with knowledge derivation tools would enhance the value of these systems toward better drug design and discovery.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Seal, Sudip K; Perumalla, Kalyan S; Hirshman, Steven Paul
Simulations that require solutions of block tridiagonal systems of equations rely on fast parallel solvers for runtime efficiency. Leading parallel solvers that are highly effective for general systems of equations, dense or sparse, are limited in scalability when applied to block tridiagonal systems. This paper presents scalability results as well as detailed analyses of two parallel solvers that exploit the special structure of block tridiagonal matrices to deliver superior performance, often by orders of magnitude. A rigorous analysis of their relative parallel runtimes is shown to reveal the existence of a critical block size that separates the parameter space spannedmore » by the number of block rows, the block size and the processor count, into distinct regions that favor one or the other of the two solvers. Dependence of this critical block size on the above parameters as well as on machine-specific constants is established. These formal insights are supported by empirical results on up to 2,048 cores of a Cray XT4 system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest reported scalability for parallel block tridiagonal solvers to date.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Snell, William H.; Turner, Anne M.; Gifford, Luther; Stites, William
A quality system database (QSD), and software to administer the database, were developed to support recording of administrative nonconformance activities that involve requirements for documentation of corrective and/or preventive actions, which can include ISO 9000 internal quality audits and customer complaints.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Reardon, John E.; Violett, Duane L., Jr.
The AFAS Database System was developed to provide the basic structure of a comprehensive database system for the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Structures and Dynamics Laboratory Aerophysics Division. The system is intended to handle all of the Aerophysics Division Test Facilities as well as data from other sources. The system was written for the DEC VAX family of computers in FORTRAN-77 and utilizes the VMS indexed file system and screen management routines. Various aspects of the system are covered, including a description of the user interface, lists of all code structure elements, descriptions of the file structures, a description of the security system operation, a detailed description of the data retrieval tasks, a description of the session log, and a description of the archival system.
Database Systems. Course Three. Information Systems Curriculum.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Neil, Sharon Lund; Everett, Donna R.
This course is the third of seven in the Information Systems curriculum. The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with database management concepts and standard database management software. Databases and their roles, advantages, and limitations are explained. An overview of the course sets forth the condition and performance standard…
Bogdán, István A.; Rivers, Jenny; Beynon, Robert J.; Coca, Daniel
Motivation: Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) is a method for protein identification in which a protein is fragmented by a defined cleavage protocol (usually proteolysis with trypsin), and the masses of these products constitute a ‘fingerprint’ that can be searched against theoretical fingerprints of all known proteins. In the first stage of PMF, the raw mass spectrometric data are processed to generate a peptide mass list. In the second stage this protein fingerprint is used to search a database of known proteins for the best protein match. Although current software solutions can typically deliver a match in a relatively short time, a system that can find a match in real time could change the way in which PMF is deployed and presented. In a paper published earlier we presented a hardware design of a raw mass spectra processor that, when implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware, achieves almost 170-fold speed gain relative to a conventional software implementation running on a dual processor server. In this article we present a complementary hardware realization of a parallel database search engine that, when running on a Xilinx Virtex 2 FPGA at 100 MHz, delivers 1800-fold speed-up compared with an equivalent C software routine, running on a 3.06 GHz Xeon workstation. The inherent scalability of the design means that processing speed can be multiplied by deploying the design on multiple FPGAs. The database search processor and the mass spectra processor, running on a reconfigurable computing platform, provide a complete real-time PMF protein identification solution. Contact: PMID:18453553
Liu, Yu; Hong, Yang; Lin, Chun-Yuan; Hung, Che-Lun
The Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm has been widely utilized for searching biological sequence databases in bioinformatics. Recently, several works have adopted the graphic card with Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and their associated CUDA model to enhance the performance of SW computations. However, these works mainly focused on the protein database search by using the intertask parallelization technique, and only using the GPU capability to do the SW computations one by one. Hence, in this paper, we will propose an efficient SW alignment method, called CUDA-SWfr, for the protein database search by using the intratask parallelization technique based on a CPU-GPU collaborative system. Before doing the SW computations on GPU, a procedure is applied on CPU by using the frequency distance filtration scheme (FDFS) to eliminate the unnecessary alignments. The experimental results indicate that CUDA-SWfr runs 9.6 times and 96 times faster than the CPU-based SW method without and with FDFS, respectively.
Parallel computation and the basis system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Smith, G.R.
A software package has been written that can facilitate efforts to develop powerful, flexible, and easy-to use programs that can run in single-processor, massively parallel, and distributed computing environments. Particular attention has been given to the difficulties posed by a program consisting of many science packages that represent subsystems of a complicated, coupled system. Methods have been found to maintain independence of the packages by hiding data structures without increasing the communications costs in a parallel computing environment. Concepts developed in this work are demonstrated by a prototype program that uses library routines from two existing software systems, Basis andmore » Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). Most of the details of these libraries have been encapsulated in routines and macros that could be rewritten for alternative libraries that possess certain minimum capabilities. The prototype software uses a flexible master-and-slaves paradigm for parallel computation and supports domain decomposition with message passing for partitioning work among slaves. Facilities are provided for accessing variables that are distributed among the memories of slaves assigned to subdomains. The software is named PROTOPAR.« less
A parallel solver for huge dense linear systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Badia, J. M.; Movilla, J. L.; Climente, J. I.; Castillo, M.; Marqués, M.; Mayo, R.; Quintana-Ortí, E. S.; Planelles, J.
HDSS (Huge Dense Linear System Solver) is a Fortran Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate the parallel solution of very large dense systems to scientists and engineers. The API makes use of parallelism to yield an efficient solution of the systems on a wide range of parallel platforms, from clusters of processors to massively parallel multiprocessors. It exploits out-of-core strategies to leverage the secondary memory in order to solve huge linear systems O(100.000). The API is based on the parallel linear algebra library PLAPACK, and on its Out-Of-Core (OOC) extension POOCLAPACK. Both PLAPACK and POOCLAPACK use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) as the communication layer and BLAS to perform the local matrix operations. The API provides a friendly interface to the users, hiding almost all the technical aspects related to the parallel execution of the code and the use of the secondary memory to solve the systems. In particular, the API can automatically select the best way to store and solve the systems, depending of the dimension of the system, the number of processes and the main memory of the platform. Experimental results on several parallel platforms report high performance, reaching more than 1 TFLOP with 64 cores to solve a system with more than 200 000 equations and more than 10 000 right-hand side vectors. New version program summaryProgram title: Huge Dense System Solver (HDSS) Catalogue identifier: AEHU_v1_1 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 87 062 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 069 110 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran90, C Computer: Parallel architectures: multiprocessors, computer clusters Operating system
Martin, Tiphaine; Sherman, David J; Durrens, Pascal
The Génolevures online database (URL: stores and provides the data and results obtained by the Génolevures Consortium through several campaigns of genome annotation of the yeasts in the Saccharomycotina subphylum (hemiascomycetes). This database is dedicated to large-scale comparison of these genomes, storing not only the different chromosomal elements detected in the sequences, but also the logical relations between them. The database is divided into a public part, accessible to anyone through Internet, and a private part where the Consortium members make genome annotations with our Magus annotation system; this system is used to annotate several related genomes in parallel. The public database is widely consulted and offers structured data, organized using a REST web site architecture that allows for automated requests. The implementation of the database, as well as its associated tools and methods, is evolving to cope with the influx of genome sequences produced by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Copyright © 2011 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
pcircle - A Suite of Scalable Parallel File System Tools
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Most of the software related to file system are written for conventional local file system, they are serialized and can't take advantage of the benefit of a large scale parallel file system. "pcircle" software builds on top of ubiquitous MPI in cluster computing environment and "work-stealing" pattern to provide a scalable, high-performance suite of file system tools. In particular - it implemented parallel data copy and parallel data checksumming, with advanced features such as async progress report, checkpoint and restart, as well as integrity checking.
Parallel Signal Processing and System Simulation using aCe
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dorband, John E.; Aburdene, Maurice F.
Recently, networked and cluster computation have become very popular for both signal processing and system simulation. A new language is ideally suited for parallel signal processing applications and system simulation since it allows the programmer to explicitly express the computations that can be performed concurrently. In addition, the new C based parallel language (ace C) for architecture-adaptive programming allows programmers to implement algorithms and system simulation applications on parallel architectures by providing them with the assurance that future parallel architectures will be able to run their applications with a minimum of modification. In this paper, we will focus on some fundamental features of ace C and present a signal processing application (FFT).
An Introduction to Database Management Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Warden, William H., III; Warden, Bette M.
Description of database management systems for microcomputers highlights system features and factors to consider in microcomputer system selection. A method for ranking database management systems is explained and applied to a defined need, i.e., software support for indexing a weekly newspaper. A glossary of terms and 32-item bibliography are…
A Relational Database System for Student Use.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fertuck, Len
Describes an APL implementation of a relational database system suitable for use in a teaching environment in which database development and database administration are studied, and discusses the functions of the user and the database administrator. An appendix illustrating system operation and an eight-item reference list are attached. (Author/JL)
AdiosStMan: Parallelizing Casacore Table Data System using Adaptive IO System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, R.; Harris, C.; Wicenec, A.
In this paper, we investigate the Casacore Table Data System (CTDS) used in the casacore and CASA libraries, and methods to parallelize it. CTDS provides a storage manager plugin mechanism for third-party developers to design and implement their own CTDS storage managers. Having this in mind, we looked into various storage backend techniques that can possibly enable parallel I/O for CTDS by implementing new storage managers. After carrying on benchmarks showing the excellent parallel I/O throughput of the Adaptive IO System (ADIOS), we implemented an ADIOS based parallel CTDS storage manager. We then applied the CASA MSTransform frequency split task to verify the ADIOS Storage Manager. We also ran a series of performance tests to examine the I/O throughput in a massively parallel scenario.
Lin, Hongli; Wang, Weisheng; Luo, Jiawei; Yang, Xuedong
The aim of this study was to develop a personalized training system using the Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database resource Initiative (IDRI) Database, because collecting, annotating, and marking a large number of appropriate computed tomography (CT) scans, and providing the capability of dynamically selecting suitable training cases based on the performance levels of trainees and the characteristics of cases are critical for developing a efficient training system. A novel approach is proposed to develop a personalized radiology training system for the interpretation of lung nodules in CT scans using the Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database Resource Initiative (IDRI) database, which provides a Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering (CBCF) algorithm for predicting the difficulty level of each case of each trainee when selecting suitable cases to meet individual needs, and a diagnostic simulation tool to enable trainees to analyze and diagnose lung nodules with the help of an image processing tool and a nodule retrieval tool. Preliminary evaluation of the system shows that developing a personalized training system for interpretation of lung nodules is needed and useful to enhance the professional skills of trainees. The approach of developing personalized training systems using the LIDC/IDRL database is a feasible solution to the challenges of constructing specific training program in terms of cost and training efficiency. Copyright © 2014 AUR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Massively parallel information processing systems for space applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schaefer, D. H.
NASA is developing massively parallel systems for ultra high speed processing of digital image data collected by satellite borne instrumentation. Such systems contain thousands of processing elements. Work is underway on the design and fabrication of the 'Massively Parallel Processor', a ground computer containing 16,384 processing elements arranged in a 128 x 128 array. This computer uses existing technology. Advanced work includes the development of semiconductor chips containing thousands of feedthrough paths. Massively parallel image analog to digital conversion technology is also being developed. The goal is to provide compact computers suitable for real-time onboard processing of images.
An Improved Database System for Program Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Haga, Wayne; Morris, Gerard; Morrell, Joseph S.
This research paper presents a database management system for tracking course assessment data and reporting related outcomes for program assessment. It improves on a database system previously presented by the authors and in use for two years. The database system presented is specific to assessment for ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and…
Towards G2G: Systems of Technology Database Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Maluf, David A.; Bell, David
We present an approach and methodology for developing Government-to-Government (G2G) Systems of Technology Database Systems. G2G will deliver technologies for distributed and remote integration of technology data for internal use in analysis and planning as well as for external communications. G2G enables NASA managers, engineers, operational teams and information systems to "compose" technology roadmaps and plans by selecting, combining, extending, specializing and modifying components of technology database systems. G2G will interoperate information and knowledge that is distributed across organizational entities involved that is ideal for NASA future Exploration Enterprise. Key contributions of the G2G system will include the creation of an integrated approach to sustain effective management of technology investments that supports the ability of various technology database systems to be independently managed. The integration technology will comply with emerging open standards. Applications can thus be customized for local needs while enabling an integrated management of technology approach that serves the global needs of NASA. The G2G capabilities will use NASA s breakthrough in database "composition" and integration technology, will use and advance emerging open standards, and will use commercial information technologies to enable effective System of Technology Database systems.
Microcomputer-Based Genetics Office Database System
Cutts, James H.; Mitchell, Joyce A.
A database management system (Genetics Office Automation System, GOAS) has been developed for the Medical Genetics Unit of the University of Missouri. The system, which records patients' visits to the Unit's genetic and prenatal clinics, has been implemented on an IBM PC/XT microcomputer. A description of the system, the reasons for implementation, its databases, and uses are presented.
Data exploration systems for databases
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Greene, Richard J.; Hield, Christopher
Data exploration systems apply machine learning techniques, multivariate statistical methods, information theory, and database theory to databases to identify significant relationships among the data and summarize information. The result of applying data exploration systems should be a better understanding of the structure of the data and a perspective of the data enabling an analyst to form hypotheses for interpreting the data. This paper argues that data exploration systems need a minimum amount of domain knowledge to guide both the statistical strategy and the interpretation of the resulting patterns discovered by these systems.
A parallel time integrator for noisy nonlinear oscillatory systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Subber, Waad; Sarkar, Abhijit
In this paper, we adapt a parallel time integration scheme to track the trajectories of noisy non-linear dynamical systems. Specifically, we formulate a parallel algorithm to generate the sample path of nonlinear oscillator defined by stochastic differential equations (SDEs) using the so-called parareal method for ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The presence of Wiener process in SDEs causes difficulties in the direct application of any numerical integration techniques of ODEs including the parareal algorithm. The parallel implementation of the algorithm involves two SDEs solvers, namely a fine-level scheme to integrate the system in parallel and a coarse-level scheme to generate and correct the required initial conditions to start the fine-level integrators. For the numerical illustration, a randomly excited Duffing oscillator is investigated in order to study the performance of the stochastic parallel algorithm with respect to a range of system parameters. The distributed implementation of the algorithm exploits Massage Passing Interface (MPI).
Iterative algorithms for large sparse linear systems on parallel computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Adams, L. M.
Algorithms for assembling in parallel the sparse system of linear equations that result from finite difference or finite element discretizations of elliptic partial differential equations, such as those that arise in structural engineering are developed. Parallel linear stationary iterative algorithms and parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms are developed for solving these systems. In addition, a model for comparing parallel algorithms on array architectures is developed and results of this model for the algorithms are given.
The INFN-CNAF Tier-1 GEMSS Mass Storage System and database facility activity
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ricci, Pier Paolo; Cavalli, Alessandro; Dell'Agnello, Luca; Favaro, Matteo; Gregori, Daniele; Prosperini, Andrea; Pezzi, Michele; Sapunenko, Vladimir; Zizzi, Giovanni; Vagnoni, Vincenzo
The consolidation of Mass Storage services at the INFN-CNAF Tier1 Storage department that has occurred during the last 5 years, resulted in a reliable, high performance and moderately easy-to-manage facility that provides data access, archive, backup and database services to several different use cases. At present, the GEMSS Mass Storage System, developed and installed at CNAF and based upon an integration between the IBM GPFS parallel filesystem and the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) tape management software, is one of the largest hierarchical storage sites in Europe. It provides storage resources for about 12% of LHC data, as well as for data of other non-LHC experiments. Files are accessed using standard SRM Grid services provided by the Storage Resource Manager (StoRM), also developed at CNAF. Data access is also provided by XRootD and HTTP/WebDaV endpoints. Besides these services, an Oracle database facility is in production characterized by an effective level of parallelism, redundancy and availability. This facility is running databases for storing and accessing relational data objects and for providing database services to the currently active use cases. It takes advantage of several Oracle technologies, like Real Application Cluster (RAC), Automatic Storage Manager (ASM) and Enterprise Manager centralized management tools, together with other technologies for performance optimization, ease of management and downtime reduction. The aim of the present paper is to illustrate the state-of-the-art of the INFN-CNAF Tier1 Storage department infrastructures and software services, and to give a brief outlook to forthcoming projects. A description of the administrative, monitoring and problem-tracking tools that play a primary role in managing the whole storage framework is also given.
Parallelized Stochastic Cutoff Method for Long-Range Interacting Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Endo, Eishin; Toga, Yuta; Sasaki, Munetaka
We present a method of parallelizing the stochastic cutoff (SCO) method, which is a Monte-Carlo method for long-range interacting systems. After interactions are eliminated by the SCO method, we subdivide a lattice into noninteracting interpenetrating sublattices. This subdivision enables us to parallelize the Monte-Carlo calculation in the SCO method. Such subdivision is found by numerically solving the vertex coloring of a graph created by the SCO method. We use an algorithm proposed by Kuhn and Wattenhofer to solve the vertex coloring by parallel computation. This method was applied to a two-dimensional magnetic dipolar system on an L × L square lattice to examine its parallelization efficiency. The result showed that, in the case of L = 2304, the speed of computation increased about 102 times by parallel computation with 288 processors.
Accelerating semantic graph databases on commodity clusters
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Morari, Alessandro; Castellana, Vito G.; Haglin, David J.
We are developing a full software system for accelerating semantic graph databases on commodity cluster that scales to hundreds of nodes while maintaining constant query throughput. Our framework comprises a SPARQL to C++ compiler, a library of parallel graph methods and a custom multithreaded runtime layer, which provides a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model with fork/join parallelism and automatic load balancing over a commodity clusters. We present preliminary results for the compiler and for the runtime.
Integration experiences and performance studies of A COTS parallel archive systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, Hsing-bung; Scott, Cody; Grider, Bary
Current and future Archive Storage Systems have been asked to (a) scale to very high bandwidths, (b) scale in metadata performance, (c) support policy-based hierarchical storage management capability, (d) scale in supporting changing needs of very large data sets, (e) support standard interface, and (f) utilize commercial-off-the-shelf(COTS) hardware. Parallel file systems have been asked to do the same thing but at one or more orders of magnitude faster in performance. Archive systems continue to move closer to file systems in their design due to the need for speed and bandwidth, especially metadata searching speeds such as more caching and lessmore » robust semantics. Currently the number of extreme highly scalable parallel archive solutions is very small especially those that will move a single large striped parallel disk file onto many tapes in parallel. We believe that a hybrid storage approach of using COTS components and innovative software technology can bring new capabilities into a production environment for the HPC community much faster than the approach of creating and maintaining a complete end-to-end unique parallel archive software solution. In this paper, we relay our experience of integrating a global parallel file system and a standard backup/archive product with a very small amount of additional code to provide a scalable, parallel archive. Our solution has a high degree of overlap with current parallel archive products including (a) doing parallel movement to/from tape for a single large parallel file, (b) hierarchical storage management, (c) ILM features, (d) high volume (non-single parallel file) archives for backup/archive/content management, and (e) leveraging all free file movement tools in Linux such as copy, move, ls, tar, etc. We have successfully applied our working COTS Parallel Archive System to the current world's first petaflop/s computing system, LANL's Roadrunner, and demonstrated its capability to address requirements of future
Integration experiments and performance studies of a COTS parallel archive system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, Hsing-bung; Scott, Cody; Grider, Gary
Current and future Archive Storage Systems have been asked to (a) scale to very high bandwidths, (b) scale in metadata performance, (c) support policy-based hierarchical storage management capability, (d) scale in supporting changing needs of very large data sets, (e) support standard interface, and (f) utilize commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. Parallel file systems have been asked to do the same thing but at one or more orders of magnitude faster in performance. Archive systems continue to move closer to file systems in their design due to the need for speed and bandwidth, especially metadata searching speeds such as more caching andmore » less robust semantics. Currently the number of extreme highly scalable parallel archive solutions is very small especially those that will move a single large striped parallel disk file onto many tapes in parallel. We believe that a hybrid storage approach of using COTS components and innovative software technology can bring new capabilities into a production environment for the HPC community much faster than the approach of creating and maintaining a complete end-to-end unique parallel archive software solution. In this paper, we relay our experience of integrating a global parallel file system and a standard backup/archive product with a very small amount of additional code to provide a scalable, parallel archive. Our solution has a high degree of overlap with current parallel archive products including (a) doing parallel movement to/from tape for a single large parallel file, (b) hierarchical storage management, (c) ILM features, (d) high volume (non-single parallel file) archives for backup/archive/content management, and (e) leveraging all free file movement tools in Linux such as copy, move, Is, tar, etc. We have successfully applied our working COTS Parallel Archive System to the current world's first petafiop/s computing system, LANL's Roadrunner machine, and demonstrated its capability to address requirements
Composing Data Parallel Code for a SPARQL Graph Engine
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Castellana, Vito G.; Tumeo, Antonino; Villa, Oreste
Big data analytics process large amount of data to extract knowledge from them. Semantic databases are big data applications that adopt the Resource Description Framework (RDF) to structure metadata through a graph-based representation. The graph based representation provides several benefits, such as the possibility to perform in memory processing with large amounts of parallelism. SPARQL is a language used to perform queries on RDF-structured data through graph matching. In this paper we present a tool that automatically translates SPARQL queries to parallel graph crawling and graph matching operations. The tool also supports complex SPARQL constructs, which requires more than basicmore » graph matching for their implementation. The tool generates parallel code annotated with OpenMP pragmas for x86 Shared-memory Multiprocessors (SMPs). With respect to commercial database systems such as Virtuoso, our approach reduces memory occupation due to join operations and provides higher performance. We show the scaling of the automatically generated graph-matching code on a 48-core SMP.« less
Scaling Semantic Graph Databases in Size and Performance
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Morari, Alessandro; Castellana, Vito G.; Villa, Oreste
In this paper we present SGEM, a full software system for accelerating large-scale semantic graph databases on commodity clusters. Unlike current approaches, SGEM addresses semantic graph databases by only employing graph methods at all the levels of the stack. On one hand, this allows exploiting the space efficiency of graph data structures and the inherent parallelism of graph algorithms. These features adapt well to the increasing system memory and core counts of modern commodity clusters. On the other hand, however, these systems are optimized for regular computation and batched data transfers, while graph methods usually are irregular and generate fine-grainedmore » data accesses with poor spatial and temporal locality. Our framework comprises a SPARQL to data parallel C compiler, a library of parallel graph methods and a custom, multithreaded runtime system. We introduce our stack, motivate its advantages with respect to other solutions and show how we solved the challenges posed by irregular behaviors. We present the result of our software stack on the Berlin SPARQL benchmarks with datasets up to 10 billion triples (a triple corresponds to a graph edge), demonstrating scaling in dataset size and in performance as more nodes are added to the cluster.« less
Data Partitioning and Load Balancing in Parallel Disk Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scheuermann, Peter; Weikum, Gerhard; Zabback, Peter
Parallel disk systems provide opportunities for exploiting I/O parallelism in two possible waves, namely via inter-request and intra-request parallelism. In this paper we discuss the main issues in performance tuning of such systems, namely striping and load balancing, and show their relationship to response time and throughput. We outline the main components of an intelligent, self-reliant file system that aims to optimize striping by taking into account the requirements of the applications and performs load balancing by judicious file allocation and dynamic redistributions of the data when access patterns change. Our system uses simple but effective heuristics that incur only little overhead. We present performance experiments based on synthetic workloads and real-life traces.
An automated system for terrain database construction
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, L. F.; Fretz, R. K.; Logan, T. L.; Bryant, N. A.
An automated Terrain Database Preparation System (TDPS) for the construction and editing of terrain databases used in computerized wargaming simulation exercises has been developed. The TDPS system operates under the TAE executive, and it integrates VICAR/IBIS image processing and Geographic Information System software with CAD/CAM data capture and editing capabilities. The terrain database includes such features as roads, rivers, vegetation, and terrain roughness.
Software Design for Real-Time Systems on Parallel Computers: Formal Specifications.
This research investigated the important issues related to the analysis and design of real - time systems targeted to parallel architectures. In...particular, the software specification models for real - time systems on parallel architectures were evaluated. A survey of current formal methods for...uniprocessor real - time systems specifications was conducted to determine their extensibility in specifying real - time systems on parallel architectures. In
AZTEC. Parallel Iterative method Software for Solving Linear Systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hutchinson, S.; Shadid, J.; Tuminaro, R.
AZTEC is an interactive library that greatly simplifies the parrallelization process when solving the linear systems of equations Ax=b where A is a user supplied n X n sparse matrix, b is a user supplied vector of length n and x is a vector of length n to be computed. AZTEC is intended as a software tool for users who want to avoid cumbersome parallel programming details but who have large sparse linear systems which require an efficiently utilized parallel processing system. A collection of data transformation tools are provided that allow for easy creation of distributed sparse unstructured matricesmore » for parallel solutions.« less
Database Reorganization in Parallel Disk Arrays with I/O Service Stealing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zabback, Peter; Onyuksel, Ibrahim; Scheuermann, Peter; Weikum, Gerhard
We present a model for data reorganization in parallel disk systems that is geared towards load balancing in an environment with periodic access patterns. Data reorganization is performed by disk cooling, i.e. migrating files or extents from the hottest disks to the coldest ones. We develop an approximate queueing model for determining the effective arrival rates of cooling requests and discuss its use in assessing the costs versus benefits of cooling.
An interactive parallel programming environment applied in atmospheric science
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
vonLaszewski, G.
This article introduces an interactive parallel programming environment (IPPE) that simplifies the generation and execution of parallel programs. One of the tasks of the environment is to generate message-passing parallel programs for homogeneous and heterogeneous computing platforms. The parallel programs are represented by using visual objects. This is accomplished with the help of a graphical programming editor that is implemented in Java and enables portability to a wide variety of computer platforms. In contrast to other graphical programming systems, reusable parts of the programs can be stored in a program library to support rapid prototyping. In addition, runtime performance data on different computing platforms is collected in a database. A selection process determines dynamically the software and the hardware platform to be used to solve the problem in minimal wall-clock time. The environment is currently being tested on a Grand Challenge problem, the NASA four-dimensional data assimilation system.
A Support Database System for Integrated System Health Management (ISHM)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schmalzel, John; Figueroa, Jorge F.; Turowski, Mark; Morris, John
The development, deployment, operation and maintenance of Integrated Systems Health Management (ISHM) applications require the storage and processing of tremendous amounts of low-level data. This data must be shared in a secure and cost-effective manner between developers, and processed within several heterogeneous architectures. Modern database technology allows this data to be organized efficiently, while ensuring the integrity and security of the data. The extensibility and interoperability of the current database technologies also allows for the creation of an associated support database system. A support database system provides additional capabilities by building applications on top of the database structure. These applications can then be used to support the various technologies in an ISHM architecture. This presentation and paper propose a detailed structure and application description for a support database system, called the Health Assessment Database System (HADS). The HADS provides a shared context for organizing and distributing data as well as a definition of the applications that provide the required data-driven support to ISHM. This approach provides another powerful tool for ISHM developers, while also enabling novel functionality. This functionality includes: automated firmware updating and deployment, algorithm development assistance and electronic datasheet generation. The architecture for the HADS has been developed as part of the ISHM toolset at Stennis Space Center for rocket engine testing. A detailed implementation has begun for the Methane Thruster Testbed Project (MTTP) in order to assist in developing health assessment and anomaly detection algorithms for ISHM. The structure of this implementation is shown in Figure 1. The database structure consists of three primary components: the system hierarchy model, the historical data archive and the firmware codebase. The system hierarchy model replicates the physical relationships between
Parallel computation and the Basis system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Smith, G.R.
A software package has been written that can facilitate efforts to develop powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use programs that can run in single-processor, massively parallel, and distributed computing environments. Particular attention has been given to the difficulties posed by a program consisting of many science packages that represent subsystems of a complicated, coupled system. Methods have been found to maintain independence of the packages by hiding data structures without increasing the communication costs in a parallel computing environment. Concepts developed in this work are demonstrated by a prototype program that uses library routines from two existing software systems, Basis and Parallelmore » Virtual Machine (PVM). Most of the details of these libraries have been encapsulated in routines and macros that could be rewritten for alternative libraries that possess certain minimum capabilities. The prototype software uses a flexible master-and-slaves paradigm for parallel computation and supports domain decomposition with message passing for partitioning work among slaves. Facilities are provided for accessing variables that are distributed among the memories of slaves assigned to subdomains. The software is named PROTOPAR.« less
JANUS: A Compilation System for Balancing Parallelism and Performance in OpenVX
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Omidian, Hossein; Lemieux, Guy G. F.
Embedded systems typically do not have enough on-chip memory for entire an image buffer. Programming systems like OpenCV operate on entire image frames at each step, making them use excessive memory bandwidth and power. In contrast, the paradigm used by OpenVX is much more efficient; it uses image tiling, and the compilation system is allowed to analyze and optimize the operation sequence, specified as a compute graph, before doing any pixel processing. In this work, we are building a compilation system for OpenVX that can analyze and optimize the compute graph to take advantage of parallel resources in many-core systems or FPGAs. Using a database of prewritten OpenVX kernels, it automatically adjusts the image tile size as well as using kernel duplication and coalescing to meet a defined area (resource) target, or to meet a specified throughput target. This allows a single compute graph to target implementations with a wide range of performance needs or capabilities, e.g. from handheld to datacenter, that use minimal resources and power to reach the performance target.
Personal Database Management System I TRIAS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamamoto, Yoneo; Kashihara, Akihiro; Kawagishi, Keisuke
The current paper provides TRIAS (TRIple Associative System) which is a database management system for a personal use. In order to implement TRIAS, we have developed an associative database, whose format is (e,a,v) : e for entity, a for attribute, v for value. ML-TREE is used to construct (e,a,v). ML-TREE is a reversion of B+-tree that is multiway valanced tree. The paper focuses mainly on the usage of associative database, demonstrating how to use basic commands, primary functions and applcations.
Parallel dynamics between non-Hermitian and Hermitian systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, P.; Lin, S.; Jin, L.; Song, Z.
We reveals a connection between non-Hermitian and Hermitian systems by studying the connection between a family of non-Hermitian and Hermitian Hamiltonians based on exact solutions. In general, for a dynamic process in a non-Hermitian system H , there always exists a parallel dynamic process governed by the corresponding Hermitian conjugate system H†. We show that a linear superposition of the two parallel dynamics is exactly equivalent to the time evolution of a state under a Hermitian Hamiltonian H , and we present the relations between {H ,H ,H†} .
"Mr. Database" : Jim Gray and the History of Database Technologies.
Hanwahr, Nils C
Although the widespread use of the term "Big Data" is comparatively recent, it invokes a phenomenon in the developments of database technology with distinct historical contexts. The database engineer Jim Gray, known as "Mr. Database" in Silicon Valley before his disappearance at sea in 2007, was involved in many of the crucial developments since the 1970s that constitute the foundation of exceedingly large and distributed databases. Jim Gray was involved in the development of relational database systems based on the concepts of Edgar F. Codd at IBM in the 1970s before he went on to develop principles of Transaction Processing that enable the parallel and highly distributed performance of databases today. He was also involved in creating forums for discourse between academia and industry, which influenced industry performance standards as well as database research agendas. As a co-founder of the San Francisco branch of Microsoft Research, Gray increasingly turned toward scientific applications of database technologies, e. g. leading the TerraServer project, an online database of satellite images. Inspired by Vannevar Bush's idea of the memex, Gray laid out his vision of a Personal Memex as well as a World Memex, eventually postulating a new era of data-based scientific discovery termed "Fourth Paradigm Science". This article gives an overview of Gray's contributions to the development of database technology as well as his research agendas and shows that central notions of Big Data have been occupying database engineers for much longer than the actual term has been in use.
Microcomputer Database Management Systems for Bibliographic Data.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pollard, Richard
Discusses criteria for evaluating microcomputer database management systems (DBMS) used for storage and retrieval of bibliographic data. Two popular types of microcomputer DBMS--file management systems and relational database management systems--are evaluated with respect to these criteria. (Author/MBR)
MLP: A Parallel Programming Alternative to MPI for New Shared Memory Parallel Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taft, James R.
Recent developments at the NASA AMES Research Center's NAS Division have demonstrated that the new generation of NUMA based Symmetric Multi-Processing systems (SMPs), such as the Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, can successfully execute legacy vector oriented CFD production codes at sustained rates far exceeding processing rates possible on dedicated 16 CPU Cray C90 systems. This high level of performance is achieved via shared memory based Multi-Level Parallelism (MLP). This programming approach, developed at NAS and outlined below, is distinct from the message passing paradigm of MPI. It offers parallelism at both the fine and coarse grained level, with communication latencies that are approximately 50-100 times lower than typical MPI implementations on the same platform. Such latency reductions offer the promise of performance scaling to very large CPU counts. The method draws on, but is also distinct from, the newly defined OpenMP specification, which uses compiler directives to support a limited subset of multi-level parallel operations. The NAS MLP method is general, and applicable to a large class of NASA CFD codes.
An Expert System for the Development of Efficient Parallel Code
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jost, Gabriele; Chun, Robert; Jin, Hao-Qiang; Labarta, Jesus; Gimenez, Judit
We have built the prototype of an expert system to assist the user in the development of efficient parallel code. The system was integrated into the parallel programming environment that is currently being developed at NASA Ames. The expert system interfaces to tools for automatic parallelization and performance analysis. It uses static program structure information and performance data in order to automatically determine causes of poor performance and to make suggestions for improvements. In this paper we give an overview of our programming environment, describe the prototype implementation of our expert system, and demonstrate its usefulness with several case studies.
PEM-PCA: a parallel expectation-maximization PCA face recognition architecture.
Rujirakul, Kanokmon; So-In, Chakchai; Arnonkijpanich, Banchar
Principal component analysis or PCA has been traditionally used as one of the feature extraction techniques in face recognition systems yielding high accuracy when requiring a small number of features. However, the covariance matrix and eigenvalue decomposition stages cause high computational complexity, especially for a large database. Thus, this research presents an alternative approach utilizing an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to reduce the determinant matrix manipulation resulting in the reduction of the stages' complexity. To improve the computational time, a novel parallel architecture was employed to utilize the benefits of parallelization of matrix computation during feature extraction and classification stages including parallel preprocessing, and their combinations, so-called a Parallel Expectation-Maximization PCA architecture. Comparing to a traditional PCA and its derivatives, the results indicate lower complexity with an insignificant difference in recognition precision leading to high speed face recognition systems, that is, the speed-up over nine and three times over PCA and Parallel PCA.
[The future of clinical laboratory database management system].
Kambe, M; Imidy, D; Matsubara, A; Sugimoto, Y
To assess the present status of the clinical laboratory database management system, the difference between the Clinical Laboratory Information System and Clinical Laboratory System was explained in this study. Although three kinds of database management systems (DBMS) were shown including the relational model, tree model and network model, the relational model was found to be the best DBMS for the clinical laboratory database based on our experience and developments of some clinical laboratory expert systems. As a future clinical laboratory database management system, the IC card system connected to an automatic chemical analyzer was proposed for personal health data management and a microscope/video system was proposed for dynamic data management of leukocytes or bacteria.
A Parallel Ghosting Algorithm for The Flexible Distributed Mesh Database
Mubarak, Misbah; Seol, Seegyoung; Lu, Qiukai; ...
Critical to the scalability of parallel adaptive simulations are parallel control functions including load balancing, reduced inter-process communication and optimal data decomposition. In distributed meshes, many mesh-based applications frequently access neighborhood information for computational purposes which must be transmitted efficiently to avoid parallel performance degradation when the neighbors are on different processors. This article presents a parallel algorithm of creating and deleting data copies, referred to as ghost copies, which localize neighborhood data for computation purposes while minimizing inter-process communication. The key characteristics of the algorithm are: (1) It can create ghost copies of any permissible topological order in amore » 1D, 2D or 3D mesh based on selected adjacencies. (2) It exploits neighborhood communication patterns during the ghost creation process thus eliminating all-to-all communication. (3) For applications that need neighbors of neighbors, the algorithm can create n number of ghost layers up to a point where the whole partitioned mesh can be ghosted. Strong and weak scaling results are presented for the IBM BG/P and Cray XE6 architectures up to a core count of 32,768 processors. The algorithm also leads to scalable results when used in a parallel super-convergent patch recovery error estimator, an application that frequently accesses neighborhood data to carry out computation.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ying, Jia-ju; Chen, Yu-dan; Liu, Jie; Wu, Dong-sheng; Lu, Jun
The maladjustment of photoelectric instrument binocular optical axis parallelism will affect the observe effect directly. A binocular optical axis parallelism digital calibration system is designed. On the basis of the principle of optical axis binocular photoelectric instrument calibration, the scheme of system is designed, and the binocular optical axis parallelism digital calibration system is realized, which include four modules: multiband parallel light tube, optical axis translation, image acquisition system and software system. According to the different characteristics of thermal infrared imager and low-light-level night viewer, different algorithms is used to localize the center of the cross reticle. And the binocular optical axis parallelism calibration is realized for calibrating low-light-level night viewer and thermal infrared imager.
Applications of Database Machines in Library Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Salmon, Stephen R.
Characteristics and advantages of database machines are summarized and their applications to library functions are described. The ability to attach multiple hosts to the same database and flexibility in choosing operating and database management systems for different functions without loss of access to common database are noted. (EJS)
Distribution System Upgrade Unit Cost Database
Horowitz, Kelsey
This database contains unit cost information for different components that may be used to integrate distributed photovotaic (D-PV) systems onto distribution systems. Some of these upgrades and costs may also apply to integration of other distributed energy resources (DER). Which components are required, and how many of each, is system-specific and should be determined by analyzing the effects of distributed PV at a given penetration level on the circuit of interest in combination with engineering assessments on the efficacy of different solutions to increase the ability of the circuit to host additional PV as desired. The current state of the distribution system should always be considered in these types of analysis. The data in this database was collected from a variety of utilities, PV developers, technology vendors, and published research reports. Where possible, we have included information on the source of each data point and relevant notes. In some cases where data provided is sensitive or proprietary, we were not able to specify the source, but provide other information that may be useful to the user (e.g. year, location where equipment was installed). NREL has carefully reviewed these sources prior to inclusion in this database. Additional information about the database, data sources, and assumptions is included in the "Unit_cost_database_guide.doc" file included in this submission. This guide provides important information on what costs are included in each entry. Please refer to this guide before using the unit cost database for any purpose.
Parallel dispatch: a new paradigm of electrical power system dispatch
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhang, Jun Jason; Wang, Fei-Yue; Wang, Qiang
Modern power systems are evolving into sociotechnical systems with massive complexity, whose real-time operation and dispatch go beyond human capability. Thus, the need for developing and applying new intelligent power system dispatch tools are of great practical significance. In this paper, we introduce the overall business model of power system dispatch, the top level design approach of an intelligent dispatch system, and the parallel intelligent technology with its dispatch applications. We expect that a new dispatch paradigm, namely the parallel dispatch, can be established by incorporating various intelligent technologies, especially the parallel intelligent technology, to enable secure operation of complexmore » power grids, extend system operators U+02BC capabilities, suggest optimal dispatch strategies, and to provide decision-making recommendations according to power system operational goals.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Billitti, J. W.
DFACS is an interactive multi-user computer-aided engineering tool for system level electrical integration and cabling engineering. The purpose of the program is to provide the engineering community with a centralized database for entering and accessing system functional definitions, subsystem and instrument-end circuit pinout details, and harnessing data. The primary objective is to provide an instantaneous single point of information interchange, thus avoiding error-prone, time-consuming, and costly multiple-path data shuttling. The DFACS program, which is centered around a single database, has built-in menus that provide easy data input and access for all involved system, subsystem, and cabling personnel. The DFACS program allows parallel design of circuit data sheets and harness drawings. It also recombines raw information to automatically generate various project documents and drawings including the Circuit Data Sheet Index, the Electrical Interface Circuits List, Assembly and Equipment Lists, Electrical Ground Tree, Connector List, Cable Tree, Cabling Electrical Interface and Harness Drawings, Circuit Data Sheets, and ECR List of Affected Interfaces/Assemblies. Real time automatic production of harness drawings and circuit data sheets from the same data reservoir ensures instant system and cabling engineering design harmony. DFACS also contains automatic wire routing procedures and extensive error checking routines designed to minimize the possibility of engineering error. DFACS is designed to run on DEC VAX series computers under VMS using Version 6.3/01 of INGRES QUEL/OSL, a relational database system which is available through Relational Technology, Inc. The program is available in VAX BACKUP format on a 1600 BPI 9-track magnetic tape (standard media) or a TK50 tape cartridge. DFACS was developed in 1987 and last updated in 1990. DFACS is a copyrighted work with all copyright vested in NASA. DEC, VAX and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation
A Next-Generation Parallel File System Environment for the OLCF
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dillow, David A; Fuller, Douglas; Gunasekaran, Raghul
When deployed in 2008/2009 the Spider system at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory s Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) was the world s largest scale Lustre parallel file system. Envisioned as a shared parallel file system capable of delivering both the bandwidth and capacity requirements of the OLCF s diverse computational environment, Spider has since become a blueprint for shared Lustre environments deployed worldwide. Designed to support the parallel I/O requirements of the Jaguar XT5 system and other smallerscale platforms at the OLCF, the upgrade to the Titan XK6 heterogeneous system will begin to push the limits of Spider s originalmore » design by mid 2013. With a doubling in total system memory and a 10x increase in FLOPS, Titan will require both higher bandwidth and larger total capacity. Our goal is to provide a 4x increase in total I/O bandwidth from over 240GB=sec today to 1TB=sec and a doubling in total capacity. While aggregate bandwidth and total capacity remain important capabilities, an equally important goal in our efforts is dramatically increasing metadata performance, currently the Achilles heel of parallel file systems at leadership. We present in this paper an analysis of our current I/O workloads, our operational experiences with the Spider parallel file systems, the high-level design of our Spider upgrade, and our efforts in developing benchmarks that synthesize our performance requirements based on our workload characterization studies.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shumaker, Dana E.; Steefel, Carl I.
The code CRUNCH_PARALLEL is a parallel version of the CRUNCH code. CRUNCH code version 2.0 was previously released by LLNL, (UCRL-CODE-200063). Crunch is a general purpose reactive transport code developed by Carl Steefel and Yabusake (Steefel Yabsaki 1996). The code handles non-isothermal transport and reaction in one, two, and three dimensions. The reaction algorithm is generic in form, handling an arbitrary number of aqueous and surface complexation as well as mineral dissolution/precipitation. A standardized database is used containing thermodynamic and kinetic data. The code includes advective, dispersive, and diffusive transport.
Methods for operating parallel computing systems employing sequenced communications
Benner, R.E.; Gustafson, J.L.; Montry, G.R.
A parallel computing system and method are disclosed having improved performance where a program is concurrently run on a plurality of nodes for reducing total processing time, each node having a processor, a memory, and a predetermined number of communication channels connected to the node and independently connected directly to other nodes. The present invention improves performance of the parallel computing system by providing a system which can provide efficient communication between the processors and between the system and input and output devices. A method is also disclosed which can locate defective nodes with the computing system. 15 figs.
Methods for operating parallel computing systems employing sequenced communications
Benner, Robert E.; Gustafson, John L.; Montry, Gary R.
A parallel computing system and method having improved performance where a program is concurrently run on a plurality of nodes for reducing total processing time, each node having a processor, a memory, and a predetermined number of communication channels connected to the node and independently connected directly to other nodes. The present invention improves performance of performance of the parallel computing system by providing a system which can provide efficient communication between the processors and between the system and input and output devices. A method is also disclosed which can locate defective nodes with the computing system.
Performance related issues in distributed database systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mukkamala, Ravi
The key elements of research performed during the year long effort of this project are: Investigate the effects of heterogeneity in distributed real time systems; Study the requirements to TRAC towards building a heterogeneous database system; Study the effects of performance modeling on distributed database performance; and Experiment with an ORACLE based heterogeneous system.
Small file aggregation in a parallel computing system
Faibish, Sorin; Bent, John M.; Tzelnic, Percy; Grider, Gary; Zhang, Jingwang
Techniques are provided for small file aggregation in a parallel computing system. An exemplary method for storing a plurality of files generated by a plurality of processes in a parallel computing system comprises aggregating the plurality of files into a single aggregated file; and generating metadata for the single aggregated file. The metadata comprises an offset and a length of each of the plurality of files in the single aggregated file. The metadata can be used to unpack one or more of the files from the single aggregated file.
TRENDS: The aeronautical post-test database management system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bjorkman, W. S.; Bondi, M. J.
TRENDS, an engineering-test database operating system developed by NASA to support rotorcraft flight tests, is described. Capabilities and characteristics of the system are presented, with examples of its use in recalling and analyzing rotorcraft flight-test data from a TRENDS database. The importance of system user-friendliness in gaining users' acceptance is stressed, as is the importance of integrating supporting narrative data with numerical data in engineering-test databases. Considerations relevant to the creation and maintenance of flight-test database are discussed and TRENDS' solutions to database management problems are described. Requirements, constraints, and other considerations which led to the system's configuration are discussed and some of the lessons learned during TRENDS' development are presented. Potential applications of TRENDS to a wide range of aeronautical and other engineering tests are identified.
Distributed and parallel approach for handle and perform huge datasets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Konopko, Joanna
Big Data refers to the dynamic, large and disparate volumes of data comes from many different sources (tools, machines, sensors, mobile devices) uncorrelated with each others. It requires new, innovative and scalable technology to collect, host and analytically process the vast amount of data. Proper architecture of the system that perform huge data sets is needed. In this paper, the comparison of distributed and parallel system architecture is presented on the example of MapReduce (MR) Hadoop platform and parallel database platform (DBMS). This paper also analyzes the problem of performing and handling valuable information from petabytes of data. The both paradigms: MapReduce and parallel DBMS are described and compared. The hybrid architecture approach is also proposed and could be used to solve the analyzed problem of storing and processing Big Data.
Distributed parallel computing in stochastic modeling of groundwater systems.
Dong, Yanhui; Li, Guomin; Xu, Haizhen
Stochastic modeling is a rapidly evolving, popular approach to the study of the uncertainty and heterogeneity of groundwater systems. However, the use of Monte Carlo-type simulations to solve practical groundwater problems often encounters computational bottlenecks that hinder the acquisition of meaningful results. To improve the computational efficiency, a system that combines stochastic model generation with MODFLOW-related programs and distributed parallel processing is investigated. The distributed computing framework, called the Java Parallel Processing Framework, is integrated into the system to allow the batch processing of stochastic models in distributed and parallel systems. As an example, the system is applied to the stochastic delineation of well capture zones in the Pinggu Basin in Beijing. Through the use of 50 processing threads on a cluster with 10 multicore nodes, the execution times of 500 realizations are reduced to 3% compared with those of a serial execution. Through this application, the system demonstrates its potential in solving difficult computational problems in practical stochastic modeling. © 2012, The Author(s). Groundwater © 2012, National Ground Water Association.
Parallel machine architecture for production rule systems
Allen, Jr., John D.; Butler, Philip L.
A parallel processing system for production rule programs utilizes a host processor for storing production rule right hand sides (RHS) and a plurality of rule processors for storing left hand sides (LHS). The rule processors operate in parallel in the recognize phase of the system recognize -Act Cycle to match their respective LHS's against a stored list of working memory elements (WME) in order to find a self consistent set of WME's. The list of WME is dynamically varied during the Act phase of the system in which the host executes or fires rule RHS's for those rules for which a self-consistent set has been found by the rule processors. The host transmits instructions for creating or deleting working memory elements as dictated by the rule firings until the rule processors are unable to find any further self-consistent working memory element sets at which time the production rule system is halted.
Flexibility and Performance of Parallel File Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kotz, David; Nieuwejaar, Nils
As we gain experience with parallel file systems, it becomes increasingly clear that a single solution does not suit all applications. For example, it appears to be impossible to find a single appropriate interface, caching policy, file structure, or disk-management strategy. Furthermore, the proliferation of file-system interfaces and abstractions make applications difficult to port. We propose that the traditional functionality of parallel file systems be separated into two components: a fixed core that is standard on all platforms, encapsulating only primitive abstractions and interfaces, and a set of high-level libraries to provide a variety of abstractions and application-programmer interfaces (API's). We present our current and next-generation file systems as examples of this structure. Their features, such as a three-dimensional file structure, strided read and write interfaces, and I/O-node programs, are specifically designed with the flexibility and performance necessary to support a wide range of applications.
A dedicated database system for handling multi-level data in systems biology.
Pornputtapong, Natapol; Wanichthanarak, Kwanjeera; Nilsson, Avlant; Nookaew, Intawat; Nielsen, Jens
Advances in high-throughput technologies have enabled extensive generation of multi-level omics data. These data are crucial for systems biology research, though they are complex, heterogeneous, highly dynamic, incomplete and distributed among public databases. This leads to difficulties in data accessibility and often results in errors when data are merged and integrated from varied resources. Therefore, integration and management of systems biological data remain very challenging. To overcome this, we designed and developed a dedicated database system that can serve and solve the vital issues in data management and hereby facilitate data integration, modeling and analysis in systems biology within a sole database. In addition, a yeast data repository was implemented as an integrated database environment which is operated by the database system. Two applications were implemented to demonstrate extensibility and utilization of the system. Both illustrate how the user can access the database via the web query function and implemented scripts. These scripts are specific for two sample cases: 1) Detecting the pheromone pathway in protein interaction networks; and 2) Finding metabolic reactions regulated by Snf1 kinase. In this study we present the design of database system which offers an extensible environment to efficiently capture the majority of biological entities and relations encountered in systems biology. Critical functions and control processes were designed and implemented to ensure consistent, efficient, secure and reliable transactions. The two sample cases on the yeast integrated data clearly demonstrate the value of a sole database environment for systems biology research.
Base drive for paralleled inverter systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nagano, S. (Inventor)
In a paralleled inverter system, a positive feedback current derived from the total current from all of the modules of the inverter system is applied to the base drive of each of the power transistors of all modules, thereby to provide all modules protection against open or short circuit faults occurring in any of the modules, and force equal current sharing among the modules during turn on of the power transistors.
Parallel, Asynchronous Executive (PAX): System concepts, facilities, and architecture
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jones, W. H.
The Parallel, Asynchronous Executive (PAX) is a software operating system simulation that allows many computers to work on a single problem at the same time. PAX is currently implemented on a UNIVAC 1100/42 computer system. Independent UNIVAC runstreams are used to simulate independent computers. Data are shared among independent UNIVAC runstreams through shared mass-storage files. PAX has achieved the following: (1) applied several computing processes simultaneously to a single, logically unified problem; (2) resolved most parallel processor conflicts by careful work assignment; (3) resolved by means of worker requests to PAX all conflicts not resolved by work assignment; (4) provided fault isolation and recovery mechanisms to meet the problems of an actual parallel, asynchronous processing machine. Additionally, one real-life problem has been constructed for the PAX environment. This is CASPER, a collection of aerodynamic and structural dynamic problem simulation routines. CASPER is not discussed in this report except to provide examples of parallel-processing techniques.
Performance assessment of EMR systems based on post-relational database.
Yu, Hai-Yan; Li, Jing-Song; Zhang, Xiao-Guang; Tian, Yu; Suzuki, Muneou; Araki, Kenji
Post-relational databases provide high performance and are currently widely used in American hospitals. As few hospital information systems (HIS) in either China or Japan are based on post-relational databases, here we introduce a new-generation electronic medical records (EMR) system called Hygeia, which was developed with the post-relational database Caché and the latest platform Ensemble. Utilizing the benefits of a post-relational database, Hygeia is equipped with an "integration" feature that allows all the system users to access data-with a fast response time-anywhere and at anytime. Performance tests of databases in EMR systems were implemented in both China and Japan. First, a comparison test was conducted between a post-relational database, Caché, and a relational database, Oracle, embedded in the EMR systems of a medium-sized first-class hospital in China. Second, a user terminal test was done on the EMR system Izanami, which is based on the identical database Caché and operates efficiently at the Miyazaki University Hospital in Japan. The results proved that the post-relational database Caché works faster than the relational database Oracle and showed perfect performance in the real-time EMR system.
Scalable Performance Environments for Parallel Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Reed, Daniel A.; Olson, Robert D.; Aydt, Ruth A.; Madhyastha, Tara M.; Birkett, Thomas; Jensen, David W.; Nazief, Bobby A. A.; Totty, Brian K.
As parallel systems expand in size and complexity, the absence of performance tools for these parallel systems exacerbates the already difficult problems of application program and system software performance tuning. Moreover, given the pace of technological change, we can no longer afford to develop ad hoc, one-of-a-kind performance instrumentation software; we need scalable, portable performance analysis tools. We describe an environment prototype based on the lessons learned from two previous generations of performance data analysis software. Our environment prototype contains a set of performance data transformation modules that can be interconnected in user-specified ways. It is the responsibility of the environment infrastructure to hide details of module interconnection and data sharing. The environment is written in C++ with the graphical displays based on X windows and the Motif toolkit. It allows users to interconnect and configure modules graphically to form an acyclic, directed data analysis graph. Performance trace data are represented in a self-documenting stream format that includes internal definitions of data types, sizes, and names. The environment prototype supports the use of head-mounted displays and sonic data presentation in addition to the traditional use of visual techniques.
Tuning HDF5 subfiling performance on parallel file systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Byna, Suren; Chaarawi, Mohamad; Koziol, Quincey
Subfiling is a technique used on parallel file systems to reduce locking and contention issues when multiple compute nodes interact with the same storage target node. Subfiling provides a compromise between the single shared file approach that instigates the lock contention problems on parallel file systems and having one file per process, which results in generating a massive and unmanageable number of files. In this paper, we evaluate and tune the performance of recently implemented subfiling feature in HDF5. In specific, we explain the implementation strategy of subfiling feature in HDF5, provide examples of using the feature, and evaluate andmore » tune parallel I/O performance of this feature with parallel file systems of the Cray XC40 system at NERSC (Cori) that include a burst buffer storage and a Lustre disk-based storage. We also evaluate I/O performance on the Cray XC30 system, Edison, at NERSC. Our results show performance benefits of 1.2X to 6X performance advantage with subfiling compared to writing a single shared HDF5 file. We present our exploration of configurations, such as the number of subfiles and the number of Lustre storage targets to storing files, as optimization parameters to obtain superior I/O performance. Based on this exploration, we discuss recommendations for achieving good I/O performance as well as limitations with using the subfiling feature.« less
SIMS: addressing the problem of heterogeneity in databases
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arens, Yigal
The heterogeneity of remotely accessible databases -- with respect to contents, query language, semantics, organization, etc. -- presents serious obstacles to convenient querying. The SIMS (single interface to multiple sources) system addresses this global integration problem. It does so by defining a single language for describing the domain about which information is stored in the databases and using this language as the query language. Each database to which SIMS is to provide access is modeled using this language. The model describes a database's contents, organization, and other relevant features. SIMS uses these models, together with a planning system drawing on techniques from artificial intelligence, to decompose a given user's high-level query into a series of queries against the databases and other data manipulation steps. The retrieval plan is constructed so as to minimize data movement over the network and maximize parallelism to increase execution speed. SIMS can recover from network failures during plan execution by obtaining data from alternate sources, when possible. SIMS has been demonstrated in the domains of medical informatics and logistics, using real databases.
Windshear database for forward-looking systems certification
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Switzer, G. F.; Proctor, F. H.; Hinton, D. A.; Aanstoos, J. V.
This document contains a description of a comprehensive database that is to be used for certification testing of airborne forward-look windshear detection systems. The database was developed by NASA Langley Research Center, at the request of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to support the industry initiative to certify and produce forward-look windshear detection equipment. The database contains high resolution, three dimensional fields for meteorological variables that may be sensed by forward-looking systems. The database is made up of seven case studies which have been generated by the Terminal Area Simulation System, a state-of-the-art numerical system for the realistic modeling of windshear phenomena. The selected cases represent a wide spectrum of windshear events. General descriptions and figures from each of the case studies are included, as well as equations for F-factor, radar-reflectivity factor, and rainfall rate. The document also describes scenarios and paths through the data sets, jointly developed by NASA and the FAA, to meet FAA certification testing objectives. Instructions for reading and verifying the data from tape are included.
Photonic content-addressable memory system that uses a parallel-readout optical disk
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krishnamoorthy, Ashok V.; Marchand, Philippe J.; Yayla, Gökçe; Esener, Sadik C.
We describe a high-performance associative-memory system that can be implemented by means of an optical disk modified for parallel readout and a custom-designed silicon integrated circuit with parallel optical input. The system can achieve associative recall on 128 \\times 128 bit images and also on variable-size subimages. The system's behavior and performance are evaluated on the basis of experimental results on a motionless-head parallel-readout optical-disk system, logic simulations of the very-large-scale integrated chip, and a software emulation of the overall system.
Cooperative storage of shared files in a parallel computing system with dynamic block size
Bent, John M.; Faibish, Sorin; Grider, Gary
Improved techniques are provided for parallel writing of data to a shared object in a parallel computing system. A method is provided for storing data generated by a plurality of parallel processes to a shared object in a parallel computing system. The method is performed by at least one of the processes and comprises: dynamically determining a block size for storing the data; exchanging a determined amount of the data with at least one additional process to achieve a block of the data having the dynamically determined block size; and writing the block of the data having the dynamically determined block size to a file system. The determined block size comprises, e.g., a total amount of the data to be stored divided by the number of parallel processes. The file system comprises, for example, a log structured virtual parallel file system, such as a Parallel Log-Structured File System (PLFS).
Alternative treatment technology information center computer database system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sullivan, D.
The Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center (ATTIC) computer database system was developed pursuant to the 1986 Superfund law amendments. It provides up-to-date information on innovative treatment technologies to clean up hazardous waste sites. ATTIC v2.0 provides access to several independent databases as well as a mechanism for retrieving full-text documents of key literature. It can be accessed with a personal computer and modem 24 hours a day, and there are no user fees. ATTIC provides {open_quotes}one-stop shopping{close_quotes} for information on alternative treatment options by accessing several databases: (1) treatment technology database; this contains abstracts from the literature on all typesmore » of treatment technologies, including biological, chemical, physical, and thermal methods. The best literature as viewed by experts is highlighted. (2) treatability study database; this provides performance information on technologies to remove contaminants from wastewaters and soils. It is derived from treatability studies. This database is available through ATTIC or separately as a disk that can be mailed to you. (3) underground storage tank database; this presents information on underground storage tank corrective actions, surface spills, emergency response, and remedial actions. (4) oil/chemical spill database; this provides abstracts on treatment and disposal of spilled oil and chemicals. In addition to these separate databases, ATTIC allows immediate access to other disk-based systems such as the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT) and the Bioremediation in the Field Search System (BFSS). The user may download these programs to their own PC via a high-speed modem. Also via modem, users are able to download entire documents through the ATTIC system. Currently, about fifty publications are available, including Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program documents.« less
Parallel processing spacecraft communication system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bolotin, Gary S. (Inventor); Donaldson, James A. (Inventor); Luong, Huy H. (Inventor); Wood, Steven H. (Inventor)
An uplink controlling assembly speeds data processing using a special parallel codeblock technique. A correct start sequence initiates processing of a frame. Two possible start sequences can be used; and the one which is used determines whether data polarity is inverted or non-inverted. Processing continues until uncorrectable errors are found. The frame ends by intentionally sending a block with an uncorrectable error. Each of the codeblocks in the frame has a channel ID. Each channel ID can be separately processed in parallel. This obviates the problem of waiting for error correction processing. If that channel number is zero, however, it indicates that the frame of data represents a critical command only. That data is handled in a special way, independent of the software. Otherwise, the processed data further handled using special double buffering techniques to avoid problems from overrun. When overrun does occur, the system takes action to lose only the oldest data.
Parallel Computation of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wang, P; Song, Y T; Chao, Y
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is a regional ocean general circulation modeling system solving the free surface, hydrostatic, primitive equations over varying topography. It is free software distributed world-wide for studying both complex coastal ocean problems and the basin-to-global scale ocean circulation. The original ROMS code could only be run on shared-memory systems. With the increasing need to simulate larger model domains with finer resolutions and on a variety of computer platforms, there is a need in the ocean-modeling community to have a ROMS code that can be run on any parallel computer ranging from 10 to hundreds ofmore » processors. Recently, we have explored parallelization for ROMS using the MPI programming model. In this paper, an efficient parallelization strategy for such a large-scale scientific software package, based on an existing shared-memory computing model, is presented. In addition, scientific applications and data-performance issues on a couple of SGI systems, including Columbia, the world's third-fastest supercomputer, are discussed.« less
Parallel Processing Strategies of the Primate Visual System
Nassi, Jonathan J.; Callaway, Edward M.
Preface Incoming sensory information is sent to the brain along modality-specific channels corresponding to the five senses. Each of these channels further parses the incoming signals into parallel streams to provide a compact, efficient input to the brain. Ultimately, these parallel input signals must be elaborated upon and integrated within the cortex to provide a unified and coherent percept. Recent studies in the primate visual cortex have greatly contributed to our understanding of how this goal is accomplished. Multiple strategies including retinal tiling, hierarchical and parallel processing and modularity, defined spatially and by cell type-specific connectivity, are all used by the visual system to recover the rich detail of our visual surroundings. PMID:19352403
Optimal parallel solution of sparse triangular systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Alvarado, Fernando L.; Schreiber, Robert
A method for the parallel solution of triangular sets of equations is described that is appropriate when there are many right-handed sides. By preprocessing, the method can reduce the number of parallel steps required to solve Lx = b compared to parallel forward or backsolve. Applications are to iterative solvers with triangular preconditioners, to structural analysis, or to power systems applications, where there may be many right-handed sides (not all available a priori). The inverse of L is represented as a product of sparse triangular factors. The problem is to find a factored representation of this inverse of L with the smallest number of factors (or partitions), subject to the requirement that no new nonzero elements be created in the formation of these inverse factors. A method from an earlier reference is shown to solve this problem. This method is improved upon by constructing a permutation of the rows and columns of L that preserves triangularity and allow for the best possible such partition. A number of practical examples and algorithmic details are presented. The parallelism attainable is illustrated by means of elimination trees and clique trees.
Resource Management for Distributed Parallel Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Neuman, B. Clifford; Rao, Santosh
Multiprocessor systems should exist in the the larger context of distributed systems, allowing multiprocessor resources to be shared by those that need them. Unfortunately, typical multiprocessor resource management techniques do not scale to large networks. The Prospero Resource Manager (PRM) is a scalable resource allocation system that supports the allocation of processing resources in large networks and multiprocessor systems. To manage resources in such distributed parallel systems, PRM employs three types of managers: system managers, job managers, and node managers. There exist multiple independent instances of each type of manager, reducing bottlenecks. The complexity of each manager is further reduced because each is designed to utilize information at an appropriate level of abstraction.
Massive parallelization of serial inference algorithms for a complex generalized linear model
Suchard, Marc A.; Simpson, Shawn E.; Zorych, Ivan; Ryan, Patrick; Madigan, David
Following a series of high-profile drug safety disasters in recent years, many countries are redoubling their efforts to ensure the safety of licensed medical products. Large-scale observational databases such as claims databases or electronic health record systems are attracting particular attention in this regard, but present significant methodological and computational concerns. In this paper we show how high-performance statistical computation, including graphics processing units, relatively inexpensive highly parallel computing devices, can enable complex methods in large databases. We focus on optimization and massive parallelization of cyclic coordinate descent approaches to fit a conditioned generalized linear model involving tens of millions of observations and thousands of predictors in a Bayesian context. We find orders-of-magnitude improvement in overall run-time. Coordinate descent approaches are ubiquitous in high-dimensional statistics and the algorithms we propose open up exciting new methodological possibilities with the potential to significantly improve drug safety. PMID:25328363
Active in-database processing to support ambient assisted living systems.
de Morais, Wagner O; Lundström, Jens; Wickström, Nicholas
As an alternative to the existing software architectures that underpin the development of smart homes and ambient assisted living (AAL) systems, this work presents a database-centric architecture that takes advantage of active databases and in-database processing. Current platforms supporting AAL systems use database management systems (DBMSs) exclusively for data storage. Active databases employ database triggers to detect and react to events taking place inside or outside of the database. DBMSs can be extended with stored procedures and functions that enable in-database processing. This means that the data processing is integrated and performed within the DBMS. The feasibility and flexibility of the proposed approach were demonstrated with the implementation of three distinct AAL services. The active database was used to detect bed-exits and to discover common room transitions and deviations during the night. In-database machine learning methods were used to model early night behaviors. Consequently, active in-database processing avoids transferring sensitive data outside the database, and this improves performance, security and privacy. Furthermore, centralizing the computation into the DBMS facilitates code reuse, adaptation and maintenance. These are important system properties that take into account the evolving heterogeneity of users, their needs and the devices that are characteristic of smart homes and AAL systems. Therefore, DBMSs can provide capabilities to address requirements for scalability, security, privacy, dependability and personalization in applications of smart environments in healthcare.
Aquatic information and retrieval (AQUIRE) database system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hunter, R.; Niemi, G.; Pilli, A.
The AQUIRE database system is one of the foremost international resources for finding aquatic toxicity information. Information in the system is organized around the concept of an 'aquatic toxicity test.' A toxicity test record contains information about the chemical, species, endpoint, endpoint concentrations, and test conditions under which the toxicity test was conducted. For the past 10 years aquatic literature has been reviewed and entered into the system. Currently, the AQUIRE database system contains data on more than 2,400 species, 160 endpoints, 5,000 chemicals, 6,000 references, and 104,000 toxicity tests.
Database Management Systems: New Homes for Migrating Bibliographic Records.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brooks, Terrence A.; Bierbaum, Esther G.
Assesses bibliographic databases as part of visionary text systems such as hypertext and scholars' workstations. Downloading is discussed in terms of the capability to search records and to maintain unique bibliographic descriptions, and relational database management systems, file managers, and text databases are reviewed as possible hosts for…
Automatic Generation of Directive-Based Parallel Programs for Shared Memory Parallel Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jin, Hao-Qiang; Yan, Jerry; Frumkin, Michael
The shared-memory programming model is a very effective way to achieve parallelism on shared memory parallel computers. As great progress was made in hardware and software technologies, performance of parallel programs with compiler directives has demonstrated large improvement. The introduction of OpenMP directives, the industrial standard for shared-memory programming, has minimized the issue of portability. Due to its ease of programming and its good performance, the technique has become very popular. In this study, we have extended CAPTools, a computer-aided parallelization toolkit, to automatically generate directive-based, OpenMP, parallel programs. We outline techniques used in the implementation of the tool and present test results on the NAS parallel benchmarks and ARC3D, a CFD application. This work demonstrates the great potential of using computer-aided tools to quickly port parallel programs and also achieve good performance.
Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System to NoSQL Databases
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dykstra, Dave
One of the main attractions of non-relational “NoSQL” databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also adds high scalability and the ability to be distributed over a wide-area for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It also compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.
Active In-Database Processing to Support Ambient Assisted Living Systems
de Morais, Wagner O.; Lundström, Jens; Wickström, Nicholas
As an alternative to the existing software architectures that underpin the development of smart homes and ambient assisted living (AAL) systems, this work presents a database-centric architecture that takes advantage of active databases and in-database processing. Current platforms supporting AAL systems use database management systems (DBMSs) exclusively for data storage. Active databases employ database triggers to detect and react to events taking place inside or outside of the database. DBMSs can be extended with stored procedures and functions that enable in-database processing. This means that the data processing is integrated and performed within the DBMS. The feasibility and flexibility of the proposed approach were demonstrated with the implementation of three distinct AAL services. The active database was used to detect bed-exits and to discover common room transitions and deviations during the night. In-database machine learning methods were used to model early night behaviors. Consequently, active in-database processing avoids transferring sensitive data outside the database, and this improves performance, security and privacy. Furthermore, centralizing the computation into the DBMS facilitates code reuse, adaptation and maintenance. These are important system properties that take into account the evolving heterogeneity of users, their needs and the devices that are characteristic of smart homes and AAL systems. Therefore, DBMSs can provide capabilities to address requirements for scalability, security, privacy, dependability and personalization in applications of smart environments in healthcare. PMID:25120164
Parallel heater system for subsurface formations
Harris, Christopher Kelvin [Houston, TX; Karanikas, John Michael [Houston, TX; Nguyen, Scott Vinh [Houston, TX
A heating system for a subsurface formation is disclosed. The system includes a plurality of substantially horizontally oriented or inclined heater sections located in a hydrocarbon containing layer in the formation. At least a portion of two of the heater sections are substantially parallel to each other. The ends of at least two of the heater sections in the layer are electrically coupled to a substantially horizontal, or inclined, electrical conductor oriented substantially perpendicular to the ends of the at least two heater sections.
Databases for the Global Dynamics of Multiparameter Nonlinear Systems
AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2014-0078 DATABASES FOR THE GLOBAL DYNAMICS OF MULTIPARAMETER NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Konstantin Mischaikow RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF...University of New Jersey ASB III, Rutgers Plaza New Brunswick, NJ 08807 DATABASES FOR THE GLOBAL DYNAMICS OF MULTIPARAMETER NONLINEAR SYSTEMS ...dynamical systems . We refer to the output as a Database for Global Dynamics since it allows the user to query for information about the existence and
Advanced transportation system studies. Alternate propulsion subsystem concepts: Propulsion database
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Levack, Daniel
The Advanced Transportation System Studies alternate propulsion subsystem concepts propulsion database interim report is presented. The objective of the database development task is to produce a propulsion database which is easy to use and modify while also being comprehensive in the level of detail available. The database is to be available on the Macintosh computer system. The task is to extend across all three years of the contract. Consequently, a significant fraction of the effort in this first year of the task was devoted to the development of the database structure to ensure a robust base for the following years' efforts. Nonetheless, significant point design propulsion system descriptions and parametric models were also produced. Each of the two propulsion databases, parametric propulsion database and propulsion system database, are described. The descriptions include a user's guide to each code, write-ups for models used, and sample output. The parametric database has models for LOX/H2 and LOX/RP liquid engines, solid rocket boosters using three different propellants, a hybrid rocket booster, and a NERVA derived nuclear thermal rocket engine.
DOE technology information management system database study report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Widing, M.A.; Blodgett, D.W.; Braun, M.D.
To support the missions of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Special Technologies Program, Argonne National Laboratory is defining the requirements for an automated software system that will search electronic databases on technology. This report examines the work done and results to date. Argonne studied existing commercial and government sources of technology databases in five general areas: on-line services, patent database sources, government sources, aerospace technology sources, and general technology sources. First, it conducted a preliminary investigation of these sources to obtain information on the content, cost, frequency of updates, and other aspects of their databases. The Laboratory then performedmore » detailed examinations of at least one source in each area. On this basis, Argonne recommended which databases should be incorporated in DOE`s Technology Information Management System.« less
Zulu, Z; Kunene, S; Mkhonta, N; Owiti, P; Sikhondze, W; Mhlanga, M; Simelane, Z; Geoffroy, E; Zachariah, R
Background: To be able to eliminate malaria, accurate, timely reporting and tracking of all confirmed malaria cases is crucial. Swaziland, a country in the process of eliminating malaria, has three parallel health information systems. Design: This was a cross-sectional study using country-wide programme data from 2010 to 2015. Methods: The Malaria Surveillance Database System (MSDS) is a comprehensive malaria database, the Immediate Disease Notification System (IDNS) is meant to provide early warning and trigger case investigations to prevent onward malaria transmission and potential epidemics, and the Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) reports on all morbidity at health facility level. Discrepancies were stratified by health facility level and type. Results: Consistent over-reporting of 9-85% was noticed in the HMIS, principally at the primary health care level (clinic and/or health centre). In the IDNS, the discrepancy went from under-reporting (12%) to over-reporting (32%); this was also seen at the primary care level. At the hospital level, there was under-reporting in both the HMIS and IDNS. Conclusions: There are considerable discrepancies in the numbers of confirmed malaria cases in the HMIS and IDNS in Swaziland. This may misrepresent the malaria burden and delay case investigation, predisposing the population to potential epidemics. There is an urgent need to improve data integrity in order to guide and evaluate efforts toward elimination.
Parallel Logic Programming and Parallel Systems Software and Hardware
Conference, Dallas TX. January 1985. (55) [Rous75] Roussel, P., "PROLOG: Manuel de Reference et d’Uilisation", Group d’ Intelligence Artificielle , Universite d...completed. Tools were provided for software development using artificial intelligence techniques. Al software for massively parallel architectures was...using artificial intelligence tech- niques. Al software for massively parallel architectures was started. 1. Introduction We describe research conducted
Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System to NoSQL Databases
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dykstra, Dave
One of the main attractions of non-relational NoSQL databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also adds high scalability and the ability to be distributed over a wide-area for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It alsomore » compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.« less
Software Application for Supporting the Education of Database Systems
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vágner, Anikó
The article introduces an application which supports the education of database systems, particularly the teaching of SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle Database Management System environment. The application has two parts, one is the database schema and its content, and the other is a C# application. The schema is to administrate and store the tasks and the…
Parallelized direct execution simulation of message-passing parallel programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dickens, Phillip M.; Heidelberger, Philip; Nicol, David M.
As massively parallel computers proliferate, there is growing interest in findings ways by which performance of massively parallel codes can be efficiently predicted. This problem arises in diverse contexts such as parallelizing computers, parallel performance monitoring, and parallel algorithm development. In this paper we describe one solution where one directly executes the application code, but uses a discrete-event simulator to model details of the presumed parallel machine such as operating system and communication network behavior. Because this approach is computationally expensive, we are interested in its own parallelization specifically the parallelization of the discrete-event simulator. We describe methods suitable for parallelized direct execution simulation of message-passing parallel programs, and report on the performance of such a system, Large Application Parallel Simulation Environment (LAPSE), we have built on the Intel Paragon. On all codes measured to date, LAPSE predicts performance well typically within 10 percent relative error. Depending on the nature of the application code, we have observed low slowdowns (relative to natively executing code) and high relative speedups using up to 64 processors.
Research on parallel algorithm for sequential pattern mining
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Lijuan; Qin, Bai; Wang, Yu; Hao, Zhongxiao
Sequential pattern mining is the mining of frequent sequences related to time or other orders from the sequence database. Its initial motivation is to discover the laws of customer purchasing in a time section by finding the frequent sequences. In recent years, sequential pattern mining has become an important direction of data mining, and its application field has not been confined to the business database and has extended to new data sources such as Web and advanced science fields such as DNA analysis. The data of sequential pattern mining has characteristics as follows: mass data amount and distributed storage. Most existing sequential pattern mining algorithms haven't considered the above-mentioned characteristics synthetically. According to the traits mentioned above and combining the parallel theory, this paper puts forward a new distributed parallel algorithm SPP(Sequential Pattern Parallel). The algorithm abides by the principal of pattern reduction and utilizes the divide-and-conquer strategy for parallelization. The first parallel task is to construct frequent item sets applying frequent concept and search space partition theory and the second task is to structure frequent sequences using the depth-first search method at each processor. The algorithm only needs to access the database twice and doesn't generate the candidated sequences, which abates the access time and improves the mining efficiency. Based on the random data generation procedure and different information structure designed, this paper simulated the SPP algorithm in a concrete parallel environment and implemented the AprioriAll algorithm. The experiments demonstrate that compared with AprioriAll, the SPP algorithm had excellent speedup factor and efficiency.
Tri-state oriented parallel processing system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tenenbaum, J.; Wallach, Y.
An alternating sequential/parallel system, the MOPPS was introduced a few years ago and is modified despite the fact that it solved satisfactorily a number of real-time problems. The new system, the TOPPS is described and compared to MOPPS and two applications are chosen to prove it to be superior. The advantage of having a third basic, the ring mode, is illustrated when solving sets of linear equations with band matrices. The advantage of having independent I/O for the slaves is illustrated for biomedical signal analysis. 11 references.
Optical components damage parameters database system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tao, Yizheng; Li, Xinglan; Jin, Yuquan; Xie, Dongmei; Tang, Dingyong
Optical component is the key to large-scale laser device developed by one of its load capacity is directly related to the device output capacity indicators, load capacity depends on many factors. Through the optical components will damage parameters database load capacity factors of various digital, information technology, for the load capacity of optical components to provide a scientific basis for data support; use of business processes and model-driven approach, the establishment of component damage parameter information model and database systems, system application results that meet the injury test optical components business processes and data management requirements of damage parameters, component parameters of flexible, configurable system is simple, easy to use, improve the efficiency of the optical component damage test.
A comparison of database systems for XML-type data.
Risse, Judith E; Leunissen, Jack A M
In the field of bioinformatics interchangeable data formats based on XML are widely used. XML-type data is also at the core of most web services. With the increasing amount of data stored in XML comes the need for storing and accessing the data. In this paper we analyse the suitability of different database systems for storing and querying large datasets in general and Medline in particular. All reviewed database systems perform well when tested with small to medium sized datasets, however when the full Medline dataset is queried a large variation in query times is observed. There is not one system that is vastly superior to the others in this comparison and, depending on the database size and the query requirements, different systems are most suitable. The best all-round solution is the Oracle 11~g database system using the new binary storage option. Alias-i's Lingpipe is a more lightweight, customizable and sufficiently fast solution. It does however require more initial configuration steps. For data with a changing XML structure Sedna and BaseX as native XML database systems or MySQL with an XML-type column are suitable.
Embedding CLIPS in a database-oriented diagnostic system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Conway, Tim
This paper describes the integration of C Language Production Systems (CLIPS) into a powerful portable maintenance aid (PMA) system used for flightline diagnostics. The current diagnostic target of the system is the Garrett GTCP85-180L, a gas turbine engine used as an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) on some C-130 military transport aircraft. This project is a database oriented approach to a generic diagnostic system. CLIPS is used for 'many-to-many' pattern matching within the diagnostics process. Patterns are stored in database format, and CLIPS code is generated by a 'compilation' process on the database. Multiple CLIPS rule sets and working memories (in sequence) are supported and communication between the rule sets is achieved via the export and import commands. Work is continuing on using CLIPS in other portions of the diagnostic system and in re-implementing the diagnostic system in the Ada language.
A Database System for Course Administration.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Benbasat, Izak; And Others
Describes a computer-assisted testing system which produces multiple-choice examinations for a college course in business administration. The system uses SPIRES (Stanford Public Information REtrieval System) to manage a database of questions and related data, mark-sense cards for machine grading tests, and ACL (6) (Audit Command Language) to…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meneveau, Charles; Johnson, Perry; Hamilton, Stephen; Burns, Randal
An intrinsic property of turbulent flows is the exponential deformation of fluid elements along Lagrangian paths. The production of enstrophy by vorticity stretching follows from a similar mechanism in the Lagrangian view, though the alignment statistics differ and viscosity prevents unbounded growth. In this paper, the stretching properties of fluid elements and vorticity along Lagrangian paths are studied in a channel flow at Reτ = 1000 and compared with prior, known results from isotropic turbulence. To track Lagrangian paths in a public database containing Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results, the task-parallel approach previously employed in the isotropic database is extended to the case of flow in a bounded domain. It is shown that above 100 viscous units from the wall, stretching statistics are equal to their isotropic values, in support of the local isotropy hypothesis. Normalized by dissipation rate, the stretching in the buffer layer and below is less efficient due to less favorable alignment statistics. The Cramér function characterizing cumulative Lagrangian stretching statistics shows that overall the channel flow has about half of the stretching per unit dissipation compared with isotropic turbulence. Supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1232825, and by National Science Foundation Grants CBET-1507469, ACI-1261715, OCI-1244820 and by JHU IDIES.
Zhang, Xiaohua; Wong, Sergio E; Lightstone, Felice C
A mixed parallel scheme that combines message passing interface (MPI) and multithreading was implemented in the AutoDock Vina molecular docking program. The resulting program, named VinaLC, was tested on the petascale high performance computing (HPC) machines at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. To exploit the typical cluster-type supercomputers, thousands of docking calculations were dispatched by the master process to run simultaneously on thousands of slave processes, where each docking calculation takes one slave process on one node, and within the node each docking calculation runs via multithreading on multiple CPU cores and shared memory. Input and output of the program and the data handling within the program were carefully designed to deal with large databases and ultimately achieve HPC on a large number of CPU cores. Parallel performance analysis of the VinaLC program shows that the code scales up to more than 15K CPUs with a very low overhead cost of 3.94%. One million flexible compound docking calculations took only 1.4 h to finish on about 15K CPUs. The docking accuracy of VinaLC has been validated against the DUD data set by the re-docking of X-ray ligands and an enrichment study, 64.4% of the top scoring poses have RMSD values under 2.0 Å. The program has been demonstrated to have good enrichment performance on 70% of the targets in the DUD data set. An analysis of the enrichment factors calculated at various percentages of the screening database indicates VinaLC has very good early recovery of actives. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The Network Configuration of an Object Relational Database Management System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Diaz, Philip; Harris, W. C.
The networking and implementation of the Oracle Database Management System (ODBMS) requires developers to have knowledge of the UNIX operating system as well as all the features of the Oracle Server. The server is an object relational database management system (DBMS). By using distributed processing, processes are split up between the database server and client application programs. The DBMS handles all the responsibilities of the server. The workstations running the database application concentrate on the interpretation and display of data.
Load balancing for massively-parallel soft-real-time systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hailperin, M.
Global load balancing, if practical, would allow the effective use of massively-parallel ensemble architectures for large soft-real-problems. The challenge is to replace quick global communications, which is impractical in a massively-parallel system, with statistical techniques. In this vein, the author proposes a novel approach to decentralized load balancing based on statistical time-series analysis. Each site estimates the system-wide average load using information about past loads of individual sites and attempts to equal that average. This estimation process is practical because the soft-real-time systems of interest naturally exhibit loads that are periodic, in a statistical sense akin to seasonality in econometrics.more » It is shown how this load-characterization technique can be the foundation for a load-balancing system in an architecture employing cut-through routing and an efficient multicast protocol.« less
Natural Language Interfaces to Database Systems
the power was nff to avoid re-entering data for each run of the calculations. External physical devices were developed such as punched tape and...given rise to more powerful or faster tools. Today, operations with the latest fifth generation database management system are not going to be any faster...database does not represent an evolution of greater power or speed. The fascinating aspect is that it represents an evolution of usability and more
Design of an Input-Parallel Output-Parallel LLC Resonant DC-DC Converter System for DC Microgrids
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Juan, Y. L.; Chen, T. R.; Chang, H. M.; Wei, S. E.
Compared with the centralized power system, the distributed modularized power system is composed of several power modules with lower power capacity to provide a totally enough power capacity for the load demand. Therefore, the current stress of the power components in each module can then be reduced, and the flexibility of system setup is also enhanced. However, the parallel-connected power modules in the conventional system are usually controlled to equally share the power flow which would result in lower efficiency in low loading condition. In this study, a modular power conversion system for DC micro grid is developed with 48 V dc low voltage input and 380 V dc high voltage output. However, in the developed system control strategy, the numbers of power modules enabled to share the power flow is decided according to the output power at lower load demand. Finally, three 350 W power modules are constructed and parallel-connected to setup a modular power conversion system. From the experimental results, compared with the conventional system, the efficiency of the developed power system in the light loading condition is greatly improved. The modularized design of the power system can also decrease the power loss ratio to the system capacity.
LHCb Conditions database operation assistance systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Clemencic, M.; Shapoval, I.; Cattaneo, M.; Degaudenzi, H.; Santinelli, R.
The Conditions Database (CondDB) of the LHCb experiment provides versioned, time dependent geometry and conditions data for all LHCb data processing applications (simulation, high level trigger (HLT), reconstruction, analysis) in a heterogeneous computing environment ranging from user laptops to the HLT farm and the Grid. These different use cases impose front-end support for multiple database technologies (Oracle and SQLite are used). Sophisticated distribution tools are required to ensure timely and robust delivery of updates to all environments. The content of the database has to be managed to ensure that updates are internally consistent and externally compatible with multiple versions of the physics application software. In this paper we describe three systems that we have developed to address these issues. The first system is a CondDB state tracking extension to the Oracle 3D Streams replication technology, to trap cases when the CondDB replication was corrupted. Second, an automated distribution system for the SQLite-based CondDB, providing also smart backup and checkout mechanisms for the CondDB managers and LHCb users respectively. And, finally, a system to verify and monitor the internal (CondDB self-consistency) and external (LHCb physics software vs. CondDB) compatibility. The former two systems are used in production in the LHCb experiment and have achieved the desired goal of higher flexibility and robustness for the management and operation of the CondDB. The latter one has been fully designed and is passing currently to the implementation stage.
SPIRE Data-Base Management System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fuechsel, C. F.
Spacelab Payload Integration and Rocket Experiment (SPIRE) data-base management system (DBMS) based on relational model of data bases. Data bases typically used for engineering and mission analysis tasks and, unlike most commercially available systems, allow data items and data structures stored in forms suitable for direct analytical computation. SPIRE DBMS designed to support data requests from interactive users as well as applications programs.
LDRD final report on massively-parallel linear programming : the parPCx system.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Parekh, Ojas; Phillips, Cynthia Ann; Boman, Erik Gunnar
This report summarizes the research and development performed from October 2002 to September 2004 at Sandia National Laboratories under the Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project ''Massively-Parallel Linear Programming''. We developed a linear programming (LP) solver designed to use a large number of processors. LP is the optimization of a linear objective function subject to linear constraints. Companies and universities have expended huge efforts over decades to produce fast, stable serial LP solvers. Previous parallel codes run on shared-memory systems and have little or no distribution of the constraint matrix. We have seen no reports of general LP solver runsmore » on large numbers of processors. Our parallel LP code is based on an efficient serial implementation of Mehrotra's interior-point predictor-corrector algorithm (PCx). The computational core of this algorithm is the assembly and solution of a sparse linear system. We have substantially rewritten the PCx code and based it on Trilinos, the parallel linear algebra library developed at Sandia. Our interior-point method can use either direct or iterative solvers for the linear system. To achieve a good parallel data distribution of the constraint matrix, we use a (pre-release) version of a hypergraph partitioner from the Zoltan partitioning library. We describe the design and implementation of our new LP solver called parPCx and give preliminary computational results. We summarize a number of issues related to efficient parallel solution of LPs with interior-point methods including data distribution, numerical stability, and solving the core linear system using both direct and iterative methods. We describe a number of applications of LP specific to US Department of Energy mission areas and we summarize our efforts to integrate parPCx (and parallel LP solvers in general) into Sandia's massively-parallel integer programming solver PICO (Parallel Interger and Combinatorial Optimizer
Space Station Freedom environmental database system (FEDS) for MSFC testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Story, Gail S.; Williams, Wendy; Chiu, Charles
The Water Recovery Test (WRT) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is the first demonstration of integrated water recovery systems for potable and hygiene water reuse as envisioned for Space Station Freedom (SSF). In order to satisfy the safety and health requirements placed on the SSF program and facilitate test data assessment, an extensive laboratory analysis database was established to provide a central archive and data retrieval function. The database is required to store analysis results for physical, chemical, and microbial parameters measured from water, air and surface samples collected at various locations throughout the test facility. The Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) was utilized to implement a secured on-line information system with the ECLSS WRT program as the foundation for this system. The database is supported on a VAX/VMS 8810 series mainframe and is accessible from the Marshall Information Network System (MINS). This paper summarizes the database requirements, system design, interfaces, and future enhancements.
CycADS: an annotation database system to ease the development and update of BioCyc databases
Vellozo, Augusto F.; Véron, Amélie S.; Baa-Puyoulet, Patrice; Huerta-Cepas, Jaime; Cottret, Ludovic; Febvay, Gérard; Calevro, Federica; Rahbé, Yvan; Douglas, Angela E.; Gabaldón, Toni; Sagot, Marie-France; Charles, Hubert; Colella, Stefano
In recent years, genomes from an increasing number of organisms have been sequenced, but their annotation remains a time-consuming process. The BioCyc databases offer a framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic networks. The Pathway tool software suite allows the automated construction of a database starting from an annotated genome, but it requires prior integration of all annotations into a specific summary file or into a GenBank file. To allow the easy creation and update of a BioCyc database starting from the multiple genome annotation resources available over time, we have developed an ad hoc data management system that we called Cyc Annotation Database System (CycADS). CycADS is centred on a specific database model and on a set of Java programs to import, filter and export relevant information. Data from GenBank and other annotation sources (including for example: KAAS, PRIAM, Blast2GO and PhylomeDB) are collected into a database to be subsequently filtered and extracted to generate a complete annotation file. This file is then used to build an enriched BioCyc database using the PathoLogic program of Pathway Tools. The CycADS pipeline for annotation management was used to build the AcypiCyc database for the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) whose genome was recently sequenced. The AcypiCyc database webpage includes also, for comparative analyses, two other metabolic reconstruction BioCyc databases generated using CycADS: TricaCyc for Tribolium castaneum and DromeCyc for Drosophila melanogaster. Linked to its flexible design, CycADS offers a powerful software tool for the generation and regular updating of enriched BioCyc databases. The CycADS system is particularly suited for metabolic gene annotation and network reconstruction in newly sequenced genomes. Because of the uniform annotation used for metabolic network reconstruction, CycADS is particularly useful for comparative analysis of the metabolism of different organisms. Database URL: http
Implementing a Microcomputer Database Management System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Manock, John J.; Crater, K. Lynne
Current issues in selecting, structuring, and implementing microcomputer database management systems in research administration offices are discussed, and their capabilities are illustrated with the system used by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Trends in microcomputer technology and their likely impact on research administration…
An Evaluation of Database Solutions to Spatial Object Association
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kumar, V S; Kurc, T; Saltz, J
Object association is a common problem encountered in many applications. Spatial object association, also referred to as crossmatch of spatial datasets, is the problem of identifying and comparing objects in two datasets based on their positions in a common spatial coordinate system--one of the datasets may correspond to a catalog of objects observed over time in a multi-dimensional domain; the other dataset may consist of objects observed in a snapshot of the domain at a time point. The use of database management systems to the solve the object association problem provides portability across different platforms and also greater flexibility. Increasingmore » dataset sizes in today's applications, however, have made object association a data/compute-intensive problem that requires targeted optimizations for efficient execution. In this work, we investigate how database-based crossmatch algorithms can be deployed on different database system architectures and evaluate the deployments to understand the impact of architectural choices on crossmatch performance and associated trade-offs. We investigate the execution of two crossmatch algorithms on (1) a parallel database system with active disk style processing capabilities, (2) a high-throughput network database (MySQL Cluster), and (3) shared-nothing databases with replication. We have conducted our study in the context of a large-scale astronomy application with real use-case scenarios.« less
Proposal of Network-Based Multilingual Space Dictionary Database System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yoshimitsu, T.; Hashimoto, T.; Ninomiya, K.
The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) is now constructing a multilingual dictionary database system of space-friendly terms. The database consists of a lexicon and dictionaries of multiple languages. The lexicon is a table which relates corresponding terminology in different languages. Each language has a dictionary which contains terms and their definitions. The database assumes the use on the internet. Updating and searching the terms and definitions are conducted via the network. Maintaining the database is conducted by the international cooperation. A new word arises day by day, thus to easily input new words and their definitions to the database is required for the longstanding success of the system. The main key of the database is an English term which is approved at the table held once or twice with the working group members. Each language has at lease one working group member who is responsible of assigning the corresponding term and the definition of the term of his/her native language. Inputting and updating terms and their definitions can be conducted via the internet from the office of each member which may be located at his/her native country. The system is constructed by freely distributed database server program working on the Linux operating system, which will be installed at the head office of IAA. Once it is installed, it will be open to all IAA members who can search the terms via the internet. Currently the authors are constructing the prototype system which is described in this paper.
Designing for Peta-Scale in the LSST Database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kantor, J.; Axelrod, T.; Becla, J.; Cook, K.; Nikolaev, S.; Gray, J.; Plante, R.; Nieto-Santisteban, M.; Szalay, A.; Thakar, A.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), a proposed ground-based 8.4 m telescope with a 10 deg^2 field of view, will generate 15 TB of raw images every observing night. When calibration and processed data are added, the image archive, catalogs, and meta-data will grow 15 PB yr^{-1} on average. The LSST Data Management System (DMS) must capture, process, store, index, replicate, and provide open access to this data. Alerts must be triggered within 30 s of data acquisition. To do this in real-time at these data volumes will require advances in data management, database, and file system techniques. This paper describes the design of the LSST DMS and emphasizes features for peta-scale data. The LSST DMS will employ a combination of distributed database and file systems, with schema, partitioning, and indexing oriented for parallel operations. Image files are stored in a distributed file system with references to, and meta-data from, each file stored in the databases. The schema design supports pipeline processing, rapid ingest, and efficient query. Vertical partitioning reduces disk input/output requirements, horizontal partitioning allows parallel data access using arrays of servers and disks. Indexing is extensive, utilizing both conventional RAM-resident indexes and column-narrow, row-deep tag tables/covering indices that are extracted from tables that contain many more attributes. The DMS Data Access Framework is encapsulated in a middleware framework to provide a uniform service interface to all framework capabilities. This framework will provide the automated work-flow, replication, and data analysis capabilities necessary to make data processing and data quality analysis feasible at this scale.
Reinforcement learning interfaces for biomedical database systems.
Rudowsky, I; Kulyba, O; Kunin, M; Parsons, S; Raphan, T
Studies of neural function that are carried out in different laboratories and that address different questions use a wide range of descriptors for data storage, depending on the laboratory and the individuals that input the data. A common approach to describe non-textual data that are referenced through a relational database is to use metadata descriptors. We have recently designed such a prototype system, but to maintain efficiency and a manageable metadata table, free formatted fields were designed as table entries. The database interface application utilizes an intelligent agent to improve integrity of operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate how reinforcement learning algorithms can assist the user in interacting with the database interface application that has been developed to improve the performance of the system.
Study on parallel and distributed management of RS data based on spatial data base
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Yingbiao; Qian, Qinglan; Liu, Shijin
With the rapid development of current earth-observing technology, RS image data storage, management and information publication become a bottle-neck for its appliance and popularization. There are two prominent problems in RS image data storage and management system. First, background server hardly handle the heavy process of great capacity of RS data which stored at different nodes in a distributing environment. A tough burden has put on the background server. Second, there is no unique, standard and rational organization of Multi-sensor RS data for its storage and management. And lots of information is lost or not included at storage. Faced at the above two problems, the paper has put forward a framework for RS image data parallel and distributed management and storage system. This system aims at RS data information system based on parallel background server and a distributed data management system. Aiming at the above two goals, this paper has studied the following key techniques and elicited some revelatory conclusions. The paper has put forward a solid index of "Pyramid, Block, Layer, Epoch" according to the properties of RS image data. With the solid index mechanism, a rational organization for different resolution, different area, different band and different period of Multi-sensor RS image data is completed. In data storage, RS data is not divided into binary large objects to be stored at current relational database system, while it is reconstructed through the above solid index mechanism. A logical image database for the RS image data file is constructed. In system architecture, this paper has set up a framework based on a parallel server of several common computers. Under the framework, the background process is divided into two parts, the common WEB process and parallel process.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiang, Yuning; Kang, Jinfeng; Wang, Xinan
Resistive switching memory (RRAM) is considered as one of the most promising devices for parallel computing solutions that may overcome the von Neumann bottleneck of today’s electronic systems. However, the existing RRAM-based parallel computing architectures suffer from practical problems such as device variations and extra computing circuits. In this work, we propose a novel parallel computing architecture for pattern recognition by implementing k-nearest neighbor classification on metal-oxide RRAM crossbar arrays. Metal-oxide RRAM with gradual RESET behaviors is chosen as both the storage and computing components. The proposed architecture is tested by the MNIST database. High speed (~100 ns per example) and high recognition accuracy (97.05%) are obtained. The influence of several non-ideal device properties is also discussed, and it turns out that the proposed architecture shows great tolerance to device variations. This work paves a new way to achieve RRAM-based parallel computing hardware systems with high performance.
Design of a dataway processor for a parallel image signal processing system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nomura, Mitsuru; Fujii, Tetsuro; Ono, Sadayasu
Recently, demands for high-speed signal processing have been increasing especially in the field of image data compression, computer graphics, and medical imaging. To achieve sufficient power for real-time image processing, we have been developing parallel signal-processing systems. This paper describes a communication processor called 'dataway processor' designed for a new scalable parallel signal-processing system. The processor has six high-speed communication links (Dataways), a data-packet routing controller, a RISC CORE, and a DMA controller. Each communication link operates at 8-bit parallel in a full duplex mode at 50 MHz. Moreover, data routing, DMA, and CORE operations are processed in parallel. Therefore, sufficient throughput is available for high-speed digital video signals. The processor is designed in a top- down fashion using a CAD system called 'PARTHENON.' The hardware is fabricated using 0.5-micrometers CMOS technology, and its hardware is about 200 K gates.
Kunene, S.; Mkhonta, N.; Owiti, P.; Sikhondze, W.; Mhlanga, M.; Simelane, Z.; Geoffroy, E.; Zachariah, R.
Background: To be able to eliminate malaria, accurate, timely reporting and tracking of all confirmed malaria cases is crucial. Swaziland, a country in the process of eliminating malaria, has three parallel health information systems. Design: This was a cross-sectional study using country-wide programme data from 2010 to 2015. Methods: The Malaria Surveillance Database System (MSDS) is a comprehensive malaria database, the Immediate Disease Notification System (IDNS) is meant to provide early warning and trigger case investigations to prevent onward malaria transmission and potential epidemics, and the Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) reports on all morbidity at health facility level. Discrepancies were stratified by health facility level and type. Results: Consistent over-reporting of 9–85% was noticed in the HMIS, principally at the primary health care level (clinic and/or health centre). In the IDNS, the discrepancy went from under-reporting (12%) to over-reporting (32%); this was also seen at the primary care level. At the hospital level, there was under-reporting in both the HMIS and IDNS. Conclusions: There are considerable discrepancies in the numbers of confirmed malaria cases in the HMIS and IDNS in Swaziland. This may misrepresent the malaria burden and delay case investigation, predisposing the population to potential epidemics. There is an urgent need to improve data integrity in order to guide and evaluate efforts toward elimination. PMID:29713588
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Teddy, Livian; Hardiman, Gagoek; Nuroji; Tudjono, Sri
Indonesia is an area prone to earthquake that may cause casualties and damage to buildings. The fatalities or the injured are not largely caused by the earthquake, but by building collapse. The collapse of the building is resulted from the building behaviour against the earthquake, and it depends on many factors, such as architectural design, geometry configuration of structural elements in horizontal and vertical plans, earthquake zone, geographical location (distance to earthquake center), soil type, material quality, and construction quality. One of the geometry configurations that may lead to the collapse of the building is irregular configuration of non-parallel system. In accordance with FEMA-451B, irregular configuration in non-parallel system is defined to have existed if the vertical lateral force-retaining elements are neither parallel nor symmetric with main orthogonal axes of the earthquake-retaining axis system. Such configuration may lead to torque, diagonal translation and local damage to buildings. It does not mean that non-parallel irregular configuration should not be formed on architectural design; however the designer must know the consequence of earthquake behaviour against buildings with irregular configuration of non-parallel system. The present research has the objective to identify earthquake behaviour in architectural geometry with irregular configuration of non-parallel system. The present research was quantitative with simulation experimental method. It consisted of 5 models, where architectural data and model structure data were inputted and analyzed using the software SAP2000 in order to find out its performance, and ETAB2015 to determine the eccentricity occurred. The output of the software analysis was tabulated, graphed, compared and analyzed with relevant theories. For areas of strong earthquake zones, avoid designing buildings which wholly form irregular configuration of non-parallel system. If it is inevitable to design a
Evaluation of NoSQL databases for DIRAC monitoring and beyond
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mathe, Z.; Casajus Ramo, A.; Stagni, F.; Tomassetti, L.
Nowadays, many database systems are available but they may not be optimized for storing time series data. Monitoring DIRAC jobs would be better done using a database optimised for storing time series data. So far it was done using a MySQL database, which is not well suited for such an application. Therefore alternatives have been investigated. Choosing an appropriate database for storing huge amounts of time series data is not trivial as one must take into account different aspects such as manageability, scalability and extensibility. We compared the performance of Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB (based on HBase) and InfluxDB NoSQL databases, using the same set of machines and the same data. We also evaluated the effort required for maintaining them. Using the LHCb Workload Management System (WMS), based on DIRAC as a use case we set up a new monitoring system, in parallel with the current MySQL system, and we stored the same data into the databases under test. We evaluated Grafana (for OpenTSDB) and Kibana (for ElasticSearch) metrics and graph editors for creating dashboards, in order to have a clear picture on the usability of each candidate. In this paper we present the results of this study and the performance of the selected technology. We also give an outlook of other potential applications of NoSQL databases within the DIRAC project.
Implementations of BLAST for parallel computers.
Jülich, A
The BLAST sequence comparison programs have been ported to a variety of parallel computers-the shared memory machine Cray Y-MP 8/864 and the distributed memory architectures Intel iPSC/860 and nCUBE. Additionally, the programs were ported to run on workstation clusters. We explain the parallelization techniques and consider the pros and cons of these methods. The BLAST programs are very well suited for parallelization for a moderate number of processors. We illustrate our results using the program blastp as an example. As input data for blastp, a 799 residue protein query sequence and the protein database PIR were used.
Application of real-time database to LAMOST control system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xu, Lingzhe; Xu, Xinqi
The QNX based real time database is one of main features for Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope's (LAMOST) control system, which serves as a storage and platform for data flow, recording and updating timely various status of moving components in the telescope structure as well as environmental parameters around it. The database joins harmonically in the administration of the Telescope Control System (TCS). The paper presents methodology and technique tips in designing the EMPRESS database GUI software package, such as the dynamic creation of control widgets, dynamic query and share memory. The seamless connection between EMPRESS and the graphical development tool of QNX"s Photon Application Builder (PhAB) has been realized, and so have the Windows look and feel yet under Unix-like operating system. In particular, the real time feature of the database is analyzed that satisfies the needs of the control system.
Parallel Plate System for Collecting Data Used to Determine Viscosity
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ethridge, Edwin C. (Inventor); Kaukler, William (Inventor)
A parallel-plate system collects data used to determine viscosity. A first plate is coupled to a translator so that the first plate can be moved along a first direction. A second plate has a pendulum device coupled thereto such that the second plate is suspended above and parallel to the first plate. The pendulum device constrains movement of the second plate to a second direction that is aligned with the first direction and is substantially parallel thereto. A force measuring device is coupled to the second plate for measuring force along the second direction caused by movement of the second plate.
Parallel asynchronous systems and image processing algorithms
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Coon, D. D.; Perera, A. G. U.
A new hardware approach to implementation of image processing algorithms is described. The approach is based on silicon devices which would permit an independent analog processing channel to be dedicated to evey pixel. A laminar architecture consisting of a stack of planar arrays of the device would form a two-dimensional array processor with a 2-D array of inputs located directly behind a focal plane detector array. A 2-D image data stream would propagate in neuronlike asynchronous pulse coded form through the laminar processor. Such systems would integrate image acquisition and image processing. Acquisition and processing would be performed concurrently as in natural vision systems. The research is aimed at implementation of algorithms, such as the intensity dependent summation algorithm and pyramid processing structures, which are motivated by the operation of natural vision systems. Implementation of natural vision algorithms would benefit from the use of neuronlike information coding and the laminar, 2-D parallel, vision system type architecture. Besides providing a neural network framework for implementation of natural vision algorithms, a 2-D parallel approach could eliminate the serial bottleneck of conventional processing systems. Conversion to serial format would occur only after raw intensity data has been substantially processed. An interesting challenge arises from the fact that the mathematical formulation of natural vision algorithms does not specify the means of implementation, so that hardware implementation poses intriguing questions involving vision science.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Engelund, Walter C.; Holland, Scott D.; Cockrell, Charles E., Jr.; Bittner, Robert D.
NASA's Hyper-X Research Vehicle will provide a unique opportunity to obtain data on an operational airframe integrated scramjet propulsion system at true flight conditions. The airframe integrated nature of the scramjet engine with the Hyper-X vehicle results in a strong coupling effect between the propulsion system operation and the airframe s basic aerodynamic characteristics. Comments on general airframe integrated scramjet propulsion system effects on vehicle aerodynamic performance, stability, and control are provided, followed by examples specific to the Hyper-X research vehicle. An overview is provided of the current activities associated with the development of the Hyper-X aerodynamic database, including wind tunnel test activities and parallel CFD analysis efforts. A brief summary of the Hyper-X aerodynamic characteristics is provided, including the direct and indirect effects of the airframe integrated scramjet propulsion system operation on the basic airframe stability and control characteristics.
Centralized database for interconnection system design. [for spacecraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Billitti, Joseph W.
A database application called DFACS (Database, Forms and Applications for Cabling and Systems) is described. The objective of DFACS is to improve the speed and accuracy of interconnection system information flow during the design and fabrication stages of a project, while simultaneously supporting both the horizontal (end-to-end wiring) and the vertical (wiring by connector) design stratagems used by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) project engineering community. The DFACS architecture is centered around a centralized database and program methodology which emulates the manual design process hitherto used at JPL. DFACS has been tested and successfully applied to existing JPL hardware tasks with a resulting reduction in schedule time and costs.
Job Management Requirements for NAS Parallel Systems and Clusters
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Saphir, William; Tanner, Leigh Ann; Traversat, Bernard
A job management system is a critical component of a production supercomputing environment, permitting oversubscribed resources to be shared fairly and efficiently. Job management systems that were originally designed for traditional vector supercomputers are not appropriate for the distributed-memory parallel supercomputers that are becoming increasingly important in the high performance computing industry. Newer job management systems offer new functionality but do not solve fundamental problems. We address some of the main issues in resource allocation and job scheduling we have encountered on two parallel computers - a 160-node IBM SP2 and a cluster of 20 high performance workstations located at the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation facility. We describe the requirements for resource allocation and job management that are necessary to provide a production supercomputing environment on these machines, prioritizing according to difficulty and importance, and advocating a return to fundamental issues.
Application Programs Intelligent Disk Database Controller Manangement System Operating System Host .1’ I% Figure 2. Intelligent Disk Controller Application...8217. /- - • Database Control -% Manangement System Disk Data Controller Application Programs Operating Host I"" Figure 5. Processor-Per- Head data. Therefore, the...However. these ad- ditional properties have been proven in classical set and relation theory [75]. These additional properties are described here
Kingfisher: a system for remote sensing image database management
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bruzzo, Michele; Giordano, Ferdinando; Dellepiane, Silvana G.
At present retrieval methods in remote sensing image database are mainly based on spatial-temporal information. The increasing amount of images to be collected by the ground station of earth observing systems emphasizes the need for database management with intelligent data retrieval capabilities. The purpose of the proposed method is to realize a new content based retrieval system for remote sensing images database with an innovative search tool based on image similarity. This methodology is quite innovative for this application, at present many systems exist for photographic images, as for example QBIC and IKONA, but they are not able to extract and describe properly remote image content. The target database is set by an archive of images originated from an X-SAR sensor (spaceborne mission, 1994). The best content descriptors, mainly texture parameters, guarantees high retrieval performances and can be extracted without losses independently of image resolution. The latter property allows DBMS (Database Management System) to process low amount of information, as in the case of quick-look images, improving time performance and memory access without reducing retrieval accuracy. The matching technique has been designed to enable image management (database population and retrieval) independently of dimensions (width and height). Local and global content descriptors are compared, during retrieval phase, with the query image and results seem to be very encouraging.
Developing a Nursing Database System in Kenya
Riley, Patricia L; Vindigni, Stephen M; Arudo, John; Waudo, Agnes N; Kamenju, Andrew; Ngoya, Japheth; Oywer, Elizabeth O; Rakuom, Chris P; Salmon, Marla E; Kelley, Maureen; Rogers, Martha; St Louis, Michael E; Marum, Lawrence H
Objective To describe the development, initial findings, and implications of a national nursing workforce database system in Kenya. Principal Findings Creating a national electronic nursing workforce database provides more reliable information on nurse demographics, migration patterns, and workforce capacity. Data analyses are most useful for human resources for health (HRH) planning when workforce capacity data can be linked to worksite staffing requirements. As a result of establishing this database, the Kenya Ministry of Health has improved capability to assess its nursing workforce and document important workforce trends, such as out-migration. Current data identify the United States as the leading recipient country of Kenyan nurses. The overwhelming majority of Kenyan nurses who elect to out-migrate are among Kenya's most qualified. Conclusions The Kenya nursing database is a first step toward facilitating evidence-based decision making in HRH. This database is unique to developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Establishing an electronic workforce database requires long-term investment and sustained support by national and global stakeholders. PMID:17489921
Multiversion Data 2-18 2.7.1 Multiversion Timestamping 2-20 2.T.2 Multiversion Looking 2-20 2.8 Combining the Techniques 2-22 3. Database Recovery Algorithms...See rTHEM79, GIFF79] for details. 2.7 Multiversion Data Let us return to a database system model where each logical data item is stored at one DM...In a multiversion database each Write wifxl, produces a new copy (or version) of x, denoted xi. Thus, the value of z is a set of ver- sions. For each
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Crockett, Thomas W.
This article provides a broad introduction to the subject of parallel rendering, encompassing both hardware and software systems. The focus is on the underlying concepts and the issues which arise in the design of parallel rendering algorithms and systems. We examine the different types of parallelism and how they can be applied in rendering applications. Concepts from parallel computing, such as data decomposition, task granularity, scalability, and load balancing, are considered in relation to the rendering problem. We also explore concepts from computer graphics, such as coherence and projection, which have a significant impact on the structure of parallel rendering algorithms. Our survey covers a number of practical considerations as well, including the choice of architectural platform, communication and memory requirements, and the problem of image assembly and display. We illustrate the discussion with numerous examples from the parallel rendering literature, representing most of the principal rendering methods currently used in computer graphics.
An image database management system for conducting CAD research
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gruszauskas, Nicholas; Drukker, Karen; Giger, Maryellen L.
The development of image databases for CAD research is not a trivial task. The collection and management of images and their related metadata from multiple sources is a time-consuming but necessary process. By standardizing and centralizing the methods in which these data are maintained, one can generate subsets of a larger database that match the specific criteria needed for a particular research project in a quick and efficient manner. A research-oriented management system of this type is highly desirable in a multi-modality CAD research environment. An online, webbased database system for the storage and management of research-specific medical image metadata was designed for use with four modalities of breast imaging: screen-film mammography, full-field digital mammography, breast ultrasound and breast MRI. The system was designed to consolidate data from multiple clinical sources and provide the user with the ability to anonymize the data. Input concerning the type of data to be stored as well as desired searchable parameters was solicited from researchers in each modality. The backbone of the database was created using MySQL. A robust and easy-to-use interface for entering, removing, modifying and searching information in the database was created using HTML and PHP. This standardized system can be accessed using any modern web-browsing software and is fundamental for our various research projects on computer-aided detection, diagnosis, cancer risk assessment, multimodality lesion assessment, and prognosis. Our CAD database system stores large amounts of research-related metadata and successfully generates subsets of cases that match the user's desired search criteria.
A parallel expert system for the control of a robotic air vehicle
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shakley, Donald; Lamont, Gary B.
Expert systems can be used to govern the intelligent control of vehicles, for example the Robotic Air Vehicle (RAV). Due to the nature of the RAV system the associated expert system needs to perform in a demanding real-time environment. The use of a parallel processing capability to support the associated expert system's computational requirement is critical in this application. Thus, algorithms for parallel real-time expert systems must be designed, analyzed, and synthesized. The design process incorporates a consideration of the rule-set/face-set size along with representation issues. These issues are looked at in reference to information movement and various inference mechanisms. Also examined is the process involved with transporting the RAV expert system functions from the TI Explorer, where they are implemented in the Automated Reasoning Tool (ART), to the iPSC Hypercube, where the system is synthesized using Concurrent Common LISP (CCLISP). The transformation process for the ART to CCLISP conversion is described. The performance characteristics of the parallel implementation of these expert systems on the iPSC Hypercube are compared to the TI Explorer implementation.
Cooperative answers in database systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gaasterland, Terry; Godfrey, Parke; Minker, Jack; Novik, Lev
A major concern of researchers who seek to improve human-computer communication involves how to move beyond literal interpretations of queries to a level of responsiveness that takes the user's misconceptions, expectations, desires, and interests into consideration. At Maryland, we are investigating how to better meet a user's needs within the framework of the cooperative answering system of Gal and Minker. We have been exploring how to use semantic information about the database to formulate coherent and informative answers. The work has two main thrusts: (1) the construction of a logic formula which embodies the content of a cooperative answer; and (2) the presentation of the logic formula to the user in a natural language form. The information that is available in a deductive database system for building cooperative answers includes integrity constraints, user constraints, the search tree for answers to the query, and false presuppositions that are present in the query. The basic cooperative answering theory of Gal and Minker forms the foundation of a cooperative answering system that integrates the new construction and presentation methods. This paper provides an overview of the cooperative answering strategies used in the CARMIN cooperative answering system, an ongoing research effort at Maryland. Section 2 gives some useful background definitions. Section 3 describes techniques for collecting cooperative logical formulae. Section 4 discusses which natural language generation techniques are useful for presenting the logic formula in natural language text. Section 5 presents a diagram of the system.
An Efficient Objective Analysis System for Parallel Computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stobie, J.
A new atmospheric objective analysis system designed for parallel computers will be described. The system can produce a global analysis (on a 1 X 1 lat-lon grid with 18 levels of heights and winds and 10 levels of moisture) using 120,000 observations in 17 minutes on 32 CPUs (SGI Origin 2000). No special parallel code is needed (e.g. MPI or multitasking) and the 32 CPUs do not have to be on the same platform. The system is totally portable and can run on several different architectures at once. In addition, the system can easily scale up to 100 or more CPUS. This will allow for much higher resolution and significant increases in input data. The system scales linearly as the number of observations and the number of grid points. The cost overhead in going from 1 to 32 CPUs is 18%. In addition, the analysis results are identical regardless of the number of processors used. This system has all the characteristics of optimal interpolation, combining detailed instrument and first guess error statistics to produce the best estimate of the atmospheric state. Static tests with a 2 X 2.5 resolution version of this system showed it's analysis increments are comparable to the latest NASA operational system including maintenance of mass-wind balance. Results from several months of cycling test in the Goddard EOS Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) show this new analysis retains the same level of agreement between the first guess and observations (O-F statistics) as the current operational system.
An Efficient Objective Analysis System for Parallel Computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stobie, James G.
A new objective analysis system designed for parallel computers will be described. The system can produce a global analysis (on a 2 x 2.5 lat-lon grid with 20 levels of heights and winds and 10 levels of moisture) using 120,000 observations in less than 3 minutes on 32 CPUs (SGI Origin 2000). No special parallel code is needed (e.g. MPI or multitasking) and the 32 CPUs do not have to be on the same platform. The system Ls totally portable and can run on -several different architectures at once. In addition, the system can easily scale up to 100 or more CPUS. This will allow for much higher resolution and significant increases in input data. The system scales linearly as the number of observations and the number of grid points. The cost overhead in going from I to 32 CPus is 18%. in addition, the analysis results are identical regardless of the number of processors used. T'his system has all the characteristics of optimal interpolation, combining detailed instrument and first guess error statistics to produce the best estimate of the atmospheric state. It also includes a new quality control (buddy check) system. Static tests with the system showed it's analysis increments are comparable to the latest NASA operational system including maintenance of mass-wind balance. Results from a 2-month cycling test in the Goddard EOS Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) show this new analysis retains the same level of agreement between the first guess and observations (0-F statistics) throughout the entire two months.
Methods for design and evaluation of parallel computating systems (The PISCES project)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pratt, Terrence W.; Wise, Robert; Haught, Mary JO
The PISCES project started in 1984 under the sponsorship of the NASA Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) program. A PISCES 1 programming environment and parallel FORTRAN were implemented in 1984 for the DEC VAX (using UNIX processes to simulate parallel processes). This system was used for experimentation with parallel programs for scientific applications and AI (dynamic scene analysis) applications. PISCES 1 was ported to a network of Apollo workstations by N. Fitzgerald.
Teaching Database Management System Use in a Library School Curriculum.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cooper, Michael D.
Description of database management systems course being taught to students at School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley, notes course structure, assignments, and course evaluation. Approaches to teaching concepts of three types of database systems are discussed and systems used by students in the course are…
AZTEC: A parallel iterative package for the solving linear systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hutchinson, S.A.; Shadid, J.N.; Tuminaro, R.S.
We describe a parallel linear system package, AZTEC. The package incorporates a number of parallel iterative methods (e.g. GMRES, biCGSTAB, CGS, TFQMR) and preconditioners (e.g. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, polynomial, domain decomposition with LU or ILU within subdomains). Additionally, AZTEC allows for the reuse of previous preconditioning factorizations within Newton schemes for nonlinear methods. Currently, a number of different users are using this package to solve a variety of PDE applications.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hall, Lawrence O.; Bennett, Bonnie H.; Tello, Ivan
A parallel version of CLIPS 5.1 has been developed to run on Intel Hypercubes. The user interface is the same as that for CLIPS with some added commands to allow for parallel calls. A complete version of CLIPS runs on each node of the hypercube. The system has been instrumented to display the time spent in the match, recognize, and act cycles on each node. Only rule-level parallelism is supported. Parallel commands enable the assertion and retraction of facts to/from remote nodes working memory. Parallel CLIPS was used to implement a knowledge-based command, control, communications, and intelligence (C(sup 3)I) system to demonstrate the fusion of high-level, disparate sources. We discuss the nature of the information fusion problem, our approach, and implementation. Parallel CLIPS has also be used to run several benchmark parallel knowledge bases such as one to set up a cafeteria. Results show from running Parallel CLIPS with parallel knowledge base partitions indicate that significant speed increases, including superlinear in some cases, are possible.
Solving very large, sparse linear systems on mesh-connected parallel computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Opsahl, Torstein; Reif, John
The implementation of Pan and Reif's Parallel Nested Dissection (PND) algorithm on mesh connected parallel computers is described. This is the first known algorithm that allows very large, sparse linear systems of equations to be solved efficiently in polylog time using a small number of processors. How the processor bound of PND can be matched to the number of processors available on a given parallel computer by slowing down the algorithm by constant factors is described. Also, for the important class of problems where G(A) is a grid graph, a unique memory mapping that reduces the inter-processor communication requirements of PND to those that can be executed on mesh connected parallel machines is detailed. A description of an implementation on the Goodyear Massively Parallel Processor (MPP), located at Goddard is given. Also, a detailed discussion of data mappings and performance issues is given.
Generating Shifting Workloads to Benchmark Adaptability in Relational Database Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rabl, Tilmann; Lang, Andreas; Hackl, Thomas; Sick, Bernhard; Kosch, Harald
A large body of research concerns the adaptability of database systems. Many commercial systems already contain autonomic processes that adapt configurations as well as data structures and data organization. Yet there is virtually no possibility for a just measurement of the quality of such optimizations. While standard benchmarks have been developed that simulate real-world database applications very precisely, none of them considers variations in workloads produced by human factors. Today’s benchmarks test the performance of database systems by measuring peak performance on homogeneous request streams. Nevertheless, in systems with user interaction access patterns are constantly shifting. We present a benchmark that simulates a web information system with interaction of large user groups. It is based on the analysis of a real online eLearning management system with 15,000 users. The benchmark considers the temporal dependency of user interaction. Main focus is to measure the adaptability of a database management system according to shifting workloads. We will give details on our design approach that uses sophisticated pattern analysis and data mining techniques.
Parallelization strategies for continuum-generalized method of moments on the multi-thread systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bustamam, A.; Handhika, T.; Ernastuti, Kerami, D.
Continuum-Generalized Method of Moments (C-GMM) covers the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) shortfall which is not as efficient as Maximum Likelihood estimator by using the continuum set of moment conditions in a GMM framework. However, this computation would take a very long time since optimizing regularization parameter. Unfortunately, these calculations are processed sequentially whereas in fact all modern computers are now supported by hierarchical memory systems and hyperthreading technology, which allowing for parallel computing. This paper aims to speed up the calculation process of C-GMM by designing a parallel algorithm for C-GMM on the multi-thread systems. First, parallel regions are detected for the original C-GMM algorithm. There are two parallel regions in the original C-GMM algorithm, that are contributed significantly to the reduction of computational time: the outer-loop and the inner-loop. Furthermore, this parallel algorithm will be implemented with standard shared-memory application programming interface, i.e. Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP). The experiment shows that the outer-loop parallelization is the best strategy for any number of observations.
Database interfaces on NASA's heterogeneous distributed database system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huang, Shou-Hsuan Stephen
The purpose of Distributed Access View Integrated Database (DAVID) interface module (Module 9: Resident Primitive Processing Package) is to provide data transfer between local DAVID systems and resident Data Base Management Systems (DBMSs). The result of current research is summarized. A detailed description of the interface module is provided. Several Pascal templates were constructed. The Resident Processor program was also developed. Even though it is designed for the Pascal templates, it can be modified for templates in other languages, such as C, without much difficulty. The Resident Processor itself can be written in any programming language. Since Module 5 routines are not ready yet, there is no way to test the interface module. However, simulation shows that the data base access programs produced by the Resident Processor do work according to the specifications.
Performance analysis of different database in new internet mapping system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yao, Xing; Su, Wei; Gao, Shuai
In the Mapping System of New Internet, Massive mapping entries between AID and RID need to be stored, added, updated, and deleted. In order to better deal with the problem when facing a large number of mapping entries update and query request, the Mapping System of New Internet must use high-performance database. In this paper, we focus on the performance of Redis, SQLite, and MySQL these three typical databases, and the results show that the Mapping System based on different databases can adapt to different needs according to the actual situation.
Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) research analysis database system
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The ATMS Research Analysis Database Systems (ARADS) consists of a Traffic Software Data Dictionary (TSDD) and a Traffic Software Object Model (TSOM) for application to microscopic traffic simulation and signal optimization domains. The purpose of thi...
NETRA: A parallel architecture for integrated vision systems. 1: Architecture and organization
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Choudhary, Alok N.; Patel, Janak H.; Ahuja, Narendra
Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is considered to be a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing for a high level application (such as object recognition). A model of computation is presented for parallel processing for an IVS. Using the model, desired features and capabilities of a parallel architecture suitable for IVSs are derived. Then a multiprocessor architecture (called NETRA) is presented. This architecture is highly flexible without the use of complex interconnection schemes. The topology of NETRA is recursively defined and hence is easily scalable from small to large systems. Homogeneity of NETRA permits fault tolerance and graceful degradation under faults. It is a recursively defined tree-type hierarchical architecture where each of the leaf nodes consists of a cluster of processors connected with a programmable crossbar with selective broadcast capability to provide for desired flexibility. A qualitative evaluation of NETRA is presented. Then general schemes are described to map parallel algorithms onto NETRA. Algorithms are classified according to their communication requirements for parallel processing. An extensive analysis of inter-cluster communication strategies in NETRA is presented, and parameters affecting performance of parallel algorithms when mapped on NETRA are discussed. Finally, a methodology to evaluate performance of algorithms on NETRA is described.
Paralex: An Environment for Parallel Programming in Distributed Systems
distributed systems is coni- parable to assembly language programming for traditional sequential systems - the user must resort to low-level primitives accomplish data encoding/decoding, communication, remote exe- cution, synchronization , failure detection and recovery. It is our belief that... synchronization . Finally, composing parallel programs by interconnecting se- quential computations allows automatic support for heterogeneity and fault tolerance
Computerized database management system for breast cancer patients.
Sim, Kok Swee; Chong, Sze Siang; Tso, Chih Ping; Nia, Mohsen Esmaeili; Chong, Aun Kee; Abbas, Siti Fathimah
Data analysis based on breast cancer risk factors such as age, race, breastfeeding, hormone replacement therapy, family history, and obesity was conducted on breast cancer patients using a new enhanced computerized database management system. My Structural Query Language (MySQL) is selected as the application for database management system to store the patient data collected from hospitals in Malaysia. An automatic calculation tool is embedded in this system to assist the data analysis. The results are plotted automatically and a user-friendly graphical user interface is developed that can control the MySQL database. Case studies show breast cancer incidence rate is highest among Malay women, followed by Chinese and Indian. The peak age for breast cancer incidence is from 50 to 59 years old. Results suggest that the chance of developing breast cancer is increased in older women, and reduced with breastfeeding practice. The weight status might affect the breast cancer risk differently. Additional studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Functional integration of automated system databases by means of artificial intelligence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dubovoi, Volodymyr M.; Nikitenko, Olena D.; Kalimoldayev, Maksat; Kotyra, Andrzej; Gromaszek, Konrad; Iskakova, Aigul
The paper presents approaches for functional integration of automated system databases by means of artificial intelligence. The peculiarities of turning to account the database in the systems with the usage of a fuzzy implementation of functions were analyzed. Requirements for the normalization of such databases were defined. The question of data equivalence in conditions of uncertainty and collisions in the presence of the databases functional integration is considered and the model to reveal their possible occurrence is devised. The paper also presents evaluation method of standardization of integrated database normalization.
Architecture studies and system demonstrations for optical parallel processor for AI and NI
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Sing H.
In solving deterministic AI problems the data search for matching the arguments of a PROLOG expression causes serious bottleneck when implemented sequentially by electronic systems. To overcome this bottleneck we have developed the concepts for an optical expert system based on matrix-algebraic formulation, which will be suitable for parallel optical implementation. The optical AI system based on matrix-algebraic formation will offer distinct advantages for parallel search, adult learning, etc.
DataSpread: Unifying Databases and Spreadsheets.
Bendre, Mangesh; Sun, Bofan; Zhang, Ding; Zhou, Xinyan; Chang, Kevin ChenChuan; Parameswaran, Aditya
Spreadsheet software is often the tool of choice for ad-hoc tabular data management, processing, and visualization, especially on tiny data sets. On the other hand, relational database systems offer significant power, expressivity, and efficiency over spreadsheet software for data management, while lacking in the ease of use and ad-hoc analysis capabilities. We demonstrate DataSpread, a data exploration tool that holistically unifies databases and spreadsheets. It continues to offer a Microsoft Excel-based spreadsheet front-end, while in parallel managing all the data in a back-end database, specifically, PostgreSQL. DataSpread retains all the advantages of spreadsheets, including ease of use, ad-hoc analysis and visualization capabilities, and a schema-free nature, while also adding the advantages of traditional relational databases, such as scalability and the ability to use arbitrary SQL to import, filter, or join external or internal tables and have the results appear in the spreadsheet. DataSpread needs to reason about and reconcile differences in the notions of schema, addressing of cells and tuples, and the current "pane" (which exists in spreadsheets but not in traditional databases), and support data modifications at both the front-end and the back-end. Our demonstration will center on our first and early prototype of the DataSpread, and will give the attendees a sense for the enormous data exploration capabilities offered by unifying spreadsheets and databases.
IOPA: I/O-aware parallelism adaption for parallel programs
Liu, Tao; Liu, Yi; Qian, Chen; Qian, Depei
With the development of multi-/many-core processors, applications need to be written as parallel programs to improve execution efficiency. For data-intensive applications that use multiple threads to read/write files simultaneously, an I/O sub-system can easily become a bottleneck when too many of these types of threads exist; on the contrary, too few threads will cause insufficient resource utilization and hurt performance. Therefore, programmers must pay much attention to parallelism control to find the appropriate number of I/O threads for an application. This paper proposes a parallelism control mechanism named IOPA that can adjust the parallelism of applications to adapt to the I/O capability of a system and balance computing resources and I/O bandwidth. The programming interface of IOPA is also provided to programmers to simplify parallel programming. IOPA is evaluated using multiple applications with both solid state and hard disk drives. The results show that the parallel applications using IOPA can achieve higher efficiency than those with a fixed number of threads. PMID:28278236
IOPA: I/O-aware parallelism adaption for parallel programs.
Liu, Tao; Liu, Yi; Qian, Chen; Qian, Depei
With the development of multi-/many-core processors, applications need to be written as parallel programs to improve execution efficiency. For data-intensive applications that use multiple threads to read/write files simultaneously, an I/O sub-system can easily become a bottleneck when too many of these types of threads exist; on the contrary, too few threads will cause insufficient resource utilization and hurt performance. Therefore, programmers must pay much attention to parallelism control to find the appropriate number of I/O threads for an application. This paper proposes a parallelism control mechanism named IOPA that can adjust the parallelism of applications to adapt to the I/O capability of a system and balance computing resources and I/O bandwidth. The programming interface of IOPA is also provided to programmers to simplify parallel programming. IOPA is evaluated using multiple applications with both solid state and hard disk drives. The results show that the parallel applications using IOPA can achieve higher efficiency than those with a fixed number of threads.
Bit-parallel arithmetic in a massively-parallel associative processor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scherson, Isaac D.; Kramer, David A.; Alleyne, Brian D.
A simple but powerful new architecture based on a classical associative processor model is presented. Algorithms for performing the four basic arithmetic operations both for integer and floating point operands are described. For m-bit operands, the proposed architecture makes it possible to execute complex operations in O(m) cycles as opposed to O(m exp 2) for bit-serial machines. A word-parallel, bit-parallel, massively-parallel computing system can be constructed using this architecture with VLSI technology. The operation of this system is demonstrated for the fast Fourier transform and matrix multiplication.
75 FR 18255 - Passenger Facility Charge Database System for Air Carrier Reporting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Facility Charge Database System for Air Carrier Reporting AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) database system to report PFC quarterly report information. In... developed a national PFC database system in order to more easily track the PFC program on a nationwide basis...
A Database Management System for Interlibrary Loan.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chang, Amy
Discusses the increasing complexity of dealing with interlibrary loan requests and describes a database management system for interlibrary loans used at Texas Tech University. System functions are described, including file control, records maintenance, and report generation, and the impact on staff productivity is discussed. (CLB)
Asynchronous data change notification between database server and accelerator controls system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fu, W.; Morris, J.; Nemesure, S.
Database data change notification (DCN) is a commonly used feature. Not all database management systems (DBMS) provide an explicit DCN mechanism. Even for those DBMS's which support DCN (such as Oracle and MS SQL server), some server side and/or client side programming may be required to make the DCN system work. This makes the setup of DCN between database server and interested clients tedious and time consuming. In accelerator control systems, there are many well established software client/server architectures (such as CDEV, EPICS, and ADO) that can be used to implement data reflection servers that transfer data asynchronously to anymore » client using the standard SET/GET API. This paper describes a method for using such a data reflection server to set up asynchronous DCN (ADCN) between a DBMS and clients. This method works well for all DBMS systems which provide database trigger functionality. Asynchronous data change notification (ADCN) between database server and clients can be realized by combining the use of a database trigger mechanism, which is supported by major DBMS systems, with server processes that use client/server software architectures that are familiar in the accelerator controls community (such as EPICS, CDEV or ADO). This approach makes the ADCN system easy to set up and integrate into an accelerator controls system. Several ADCN systems have been set up and used in the RHIC-AGS controls system.« less
Optics Toolbox: An Intelligent Relational Database System For Optical Designers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weller, Scott W.; Hopkins, Robert E.
Optical designers were among the first to use the computer as an engineering tool. Powerful programs have been written to do ray-trace analysis, third-order layout, and optimization. However, newer computing techniques such as database management and expert systems have not been adopted by the optical design community. For the purpose of this discussion we will define a relational database system as a database which allows the user to specify his requirements using logical relations. For example, to search for all lenses in a lens database with a F/number less than two, and a half field of view near 28 degrees, you might enter the following: FNO < 2.0 and FOV of 28 degrees ± 5% Again for the purpose of this discussion, we will define an expert system as a program which contains expert knowledge, can ask intelligent questions, and can form conclusions based on the answers given and the knowledge which it contains. Most expert systems store this knowledge in the form of rules-of-thumb, which are written in an English-like language, and which are easily modified by the user. An example rule is: IF require microscope objective in air and require NA > 0.9 THEN suggest the use of an oil immersion objective The heart of the expert system is the rule interpreter, sometimes called an inference engine, which reads the rules and forms conclusions based on them. The use of a relational database system containing lens prototypes seems to be a viable prospect. However, it is not clear that expert systems have a place in optical design. In domains such as medical diagnosis and petrology, expert systems are flourishing. These domains are quite different from optical design, however, because optical design is a creative process, and the rules are difficult to write down. We do think that an expert system is feasible in the area of first order layout, which is sufficiently diagnostic in nature to permit useful rules to be written. This first-order expert would emulate an expert
Parallelization of the preconditioned IDR solver for modern multicore computer systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bessonov, O. A.; Fedoseyev, A. I.
This paper present the analysis, parallelization and optimization approach for the large sparse matrix solver CNSPACK for modern multicore microprocessors. CNSPACK is an advanced solver successfully used for coupled solution of stiff problems arising in multiphysics applications such as CFD, semiconductor transport, kinetic and quantum problems. It employs iterative IDR algorithm with ILU preconditioning (user chosen ILU preconditioning order). CNSPACK has been successfully used during last decade for solving problems in several application areas, including fluid dynamics and semiconductor device simulation. However, there was a dramatic change in processor architectures and computer system organization in recent years. Due to this, performance criteria and methods have been revisited, together with involving the parallelization of the solver and preconditioner using Open MP environment. Results of the successful implementation for efficient parallelization are presented for the most advances computer system (Intel Core i7-9xx or two-processor Xeon 55xx/56xx).
Expert database system for quality control
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Anne J.; Li, Zhi-Cheng
There are more competitors today. Markets are not homogeneous they are fragmented into increasingly focused niches requiring greater flexibility in the product mix shorter manufacturing production runs and above allhigher quality. In this paper the author identified a real-time expert system as a way to improve plantwide quality management. The quality control expert database system (QCEDS) by integrating knowledge of experts in operations quality management and computer systems use all information relevant to quality managementfacts as well as rulesto determine if a product meets quality standards. Keywords: expert system quality control data base
DBSecSys: a database of Burkholderia mallei secretion systems.
Memišević, Vesna; Kumar, Kamal; Cheng, Li; Zavaljevski, Nela; DeShazer, David; Wallqvist, Anders; Reifman, Jaques
Bacterial pathogenicity represents a major public health concern worldwide. Secretion systems are a key component of bacterial pathogenicity, as they provide the means for bacterial proteins to penetrate host-cell membranes and insert themselves directly into the host cells' cytosol. Burkholderia mallei is a Gram-negative bacterium that uses multiple secretion systems during its host infection life cycle. To date, the identities of secretion system proteins for B. mallei are not well known, and their pathogenic mechanisms of action and host factors are largely uncharacterized. We present the Database of Burkholderia malleiSecretion Systems (DBSecSys), a compilation of manually curated and computationally predicted bacterial secretion system proteins and their host factors. Currently, DBSecSys contains comprehensive experimentally and computationally derived information about B. mallei strain ATCC 23344. The database includes 143 B. mallei proteins associated with five secretion systems, their 1,635 human and murine interacting targets, and the corresponding 2,400 host-B. mallei interactions. The database also includes information about 10 pathogenic mechanisms of action for B. mallei secretion system proteins inferred from the available literature. Additionally, DBSecSys provides details about 42 virulence attenuation experiments for 27 B. mallei secretion system proteins. Users interact with DBSecSys through a Web interface that allows for data browsing, querying, visualizing, and downloading. DBSecSys provides a comprehensive, systematically organized resource of experimental and computational data associated with B. mallei secretion systems. It provides the unique ability to study secretion systems not only through characterization of their corresponding pathogen proteins, but also through characterization of their host-interacting partners.The database is available at
Synchronous parallel system for emulation and discrete event simulation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Steinman, Jeffrey S. (Inventor)
A synchronous parallel system for emulation and discrete event simulation having parallel nodes responds to received messages at each node by generating event objects having individual time stamps, stores only the changes to state variables of the simulation object attributable to the event object, and produces corresponding messages. The system refrains from transmitting the messages and changing the state variables while it determines whether the changes are superseded, and then stores the unchanged state variables in the event object for later restoral to the simulation object if called for. This determination preferably includes sensing the time stamp of each new event object and determining which new event object has the earliest time stamp as the local event horizon, determining the earliest local event horizon of the nodes as the global event horizon, and ignoring the events whose time stamps are less than the global event horizon. Host processing between the system and external terminals enables such a terminal to query, monitor, command or participate with a simulation object during the simulation process.
Synchronous Parallel System for Emulation and Discrete Event Simulation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Steinman, Jeffrey S. (Inventor)
A synchronous parallel system for emulation and discrete event simulation having parallel nodes responds to received messages at each node by generating event objects having individual time stamps, stores only the changes to the state variables of the simulation object attributable to the event object and produces corresponding messages. The system refrains from transmitting the messages and changing the state variables while it determines whether the changes are superseded, and then stores the unchanged state variables in the event object for later restoral to the simulation object if called for. This determination preferably includes sensing the time stamp of each new event object and determining which new event object has the earliest time stamp as the local event horizon, determining the earliest local event horizon of the nodes as the global event horizon, and ignoring events whose time stamps are less than the global event horizon. Host processing between the system and external terminals enables such a terminal to query, monitor, command or participate with a simulation object during the simulation process.
A survey of commercial object-oriented database management systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Atkins, John
The object-oriented data model is the culmination of over thirty years of database research. Initially, database research focused on the need to provide information in a consistent and efficient manner to the business community. Early data models such as the hierarchical model and the network model met the goal of consistent and efficient access to data and were substantial improvements over simple file mechanisms for storing and accessing data. However, these models required highly skilled programmers to provide access to the data. Consequently, in the early 70's E.F. Codd, an IBM research computer scientists, proposed a new data model based on the simple mathematical notion of the relation. This model is known as the Relational Model. In the relational model, data is represented in flat tables (or relations) which have no physical or internal links between them. The simplicity of this model fostered the development of powerful but relatively simple query languages that now made data directly accessible to the general database user. Except for large, multi-user database systems, a database professional was in general no longer necessary. Database professionals found that traditional data in the form of character data, dates, and numeric data were easily represented and managed via the relational model. Commercial relational database management systems proliferated and performance of relational databases improved dramatically. However, there was a growing community of potential database users whose needs were not met by the relational model. These users needed to store data with data types not available in the relational model and who required a far richer modelling environment than that provided by the relational model. Indeed, the complexity of the objects to be represented in the model mandated a new approach to database technology. The Object-Oriented Model was the result.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hinchey, Michael G.; Rash, James L.; Rouff, Christopher A.
The manual application of formal methods in system specification has produced successes, but in the end, despite any claims and assertions by practitioners, there is no provable relationship between a manually derived system specification or formal model and the customer's original requirements. Complex parallel and distributed system present the worst case implications for today s dearth of viable approaches for achieving system dependability. No avenue other than formal methods constitutes a serious contender for resolving the problem, and so recognition of requirements-based programming has come at a critical juncture. We describe a new, NASA-developed automated requirement-based programming method that can be applied to certain classes of systems, including complex parallel and distributed systems, to achieve a high degree of dependability.
ADVICE--Educational System for Teaching Database Courses
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cvetanovic, M.; Radivojevic, Z.; Blagojevic, V.; Bojovic, M.
This paper presents a Web-based educational system, ADVICE, that helps students to bridge the gap between database management system (DBMS) theory and practice. The usage of ADVICE is presented through a set of laboratory exercises developed to teach students conceptual and logical modeling, SQL, formal query languages, and normalization. While…
Development of Parallel Code for the Alaska Tsunami Forecast Model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bahng, B.; Knight, W. R.; Whitmore, P.
The Alaska Tsunami Forecast Model (ATFM) is a numerical model used to forecast propagation and inundation of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and other means in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. At the U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC), the model is mainly used in a pre-computed fashion. That is, results for hundreds of hypothetical events are computed before alerts, and are accessed and calibrated with observations during tsunamis to immediately produce forecasts. ATFM uses the non-linear, depth-averaged, shallow-water equations of motion with multiply nested grids in two-way communications between domains of each parent-child pair as waves get closer to coastal waters. Even with the pre-computation the task becomes non-trivial as sub-grid resolution gets finer. Currently, the finest resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used by ATFM are 1/3 arc-seconds. With a serial code, large or multiple areas of very high resolution can produce run-times that are unrealistic even in a pre-computed approach. One way to increase the model performance is code parallelization used in conjunction with a multi-processor computing environment. NTWC developers have undertaken an ATFM code-parallelization effort to streamline the creation of the pre-computed database of results with the long term aim of tsunami forecasts from source to high resolution shoreline grids in real time. Parallelization will also permit timely regeneration of the forecast model database with new DEMs; and, will make possible future inclusion of new physics such as the non-hydrostatic treatment of tsunami propagation. The purpose of our presentation is to elaborate on the parallelization approach and to show the compute speed increase on various multi-processor systems.
Design and implementation of highly parallel pipelined VLSI systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Delange, Alphonsus Anthonius Jozef
A methodology and its realization as a prototype CAD (Computer Aided Design) system for the design and analysis of complex multiprocessor systems is presented. The design is an iterative process in which the behavioral specifications of the system components are refined into structural descriptions consisting of interconnections and lower level components etc. A model for the representation and analysis of multiprocessor systems at several levels of abstraction and an implementation of a CAD system based on this model are described. A high level design language, an object oriented development kit for tool design, a design data management system, and design and analysis tools such as a high level simulator and graphics design interface which are integrated into the prototype system and graphics interface are described. Procedures for the synthesis of semiregular processor arrays, and to compute the switching of input/output signals, memory management and control of processor array, and sequencing and segmentation of input/output data streams due to partitioning and clustering of the processor array during the subsequent synthesis steps, are described. The architecture and control of a parallel system is designed and each component mapped to a module or module generator in a symbolic layout library, compacted for design rules of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology. An example of the design of a processor that is a useful building block for highly parallel pipelined systems in the signal/image processing domains is given.
The implementation of an aeronautical CFD flow code onto distributed memory parallel systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ierotheou, C. S.; Forsey, C. R.; Leatham, M.
The parallelization of an industrially important in-house computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for calculating the airflow over complex aircraft configurations using the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The code discussed is the flow solver module of the SAUNA CFD suite. This suite uses a novel grid system that may include block-structured hexahedral or pyramidal grids, unstructured tetrahedral grids or a hybrid combination of both. To assist in the rapid convergence to a solution, a number of convergence acceleration techniques are employed including implicit residual smoothing and a multigrid full approximation storage scheme (FAS). Key features of the parallelization approach are the use of domain decomposition and encapsulated message passing to enable the execution in parallel using a single programme multiple data (SPMD) paradigm. In the case where a hybrid grid is used, a unified grid partitioning scheme is employed to define the decomposition of the mesh. The parallel code has been tested using both structured and hybrid grids on a number of different distributed memory parallel systems and is now routinely used to perform industrial scale aeronautical simulations. Copyright
Insertion algorithms for network model database management systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mamadolimov, Abdurashid; Khikmat, Saburov
The network model is a database model conceived as a flexible way of representing objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed as a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, forms partial order. When a database is large and a query comparison is expensive then the efficiency requirement of managing algorithms is minimizing the number of query comparisons. We consider updating operation for network model database management systems. We develop a new sequantial algorithm for updating operation. Also we suggest a distributed version of the algorithm.
Expert systems identify fossils and manage large paleontological databases
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Beightol, D.S.; Conrad, M.A.
EXPAL is a computer program permitting creation and maintenance of comprehensive databases in marine paleontology. It is designed to assist specialists and non-specialists. EXPAL includes a powerful expert system based on the morphological descriptors specific to a given group of fossils. The expert system may be used, for example, to describe and automatically identify an unknown specimen. EXPAL was first applied to Dasycladales (Calcareous green algae). Projects are under way for corresponding expert systems and databases on planktonic foraminifers and calpionellids. EXPAL runs on an IBM XT or compatible microcomputer.
Framework for Parallel Preprocessing of Microarray Data Using Hadoop
Nowadays, microarray technology has become one of the popular ways to study gene expression and diagnosis of disease. National Center for Biology Information (NCBI) hosts public databases containing large volumes of biological data required to be preprocessed, since they carry high levels of noise and bias. Robust Multiarray Average (RMA) is one of the standard and popular methods that is utilized to preprocess the data and remove the noises. Most of the preprocessing algorithms are time-consuming and not able to handle a large number of datasets with thousands of experiments. Parallel processing can be used to address the above-mentioned issues. Hadoop is a well-known and ideal distributed file system framework that provides a parallel environment to run the experiment. In this research, for the first time, the capability of Hadoop and statistical power of R have been leveraged to parallelize the available preprocessing algorithm called RMA to efficiently process microarray data. The experiment has been run on cluster containing 5 nodes, while each node has 16 cores and 16 GB memory. It compares efficiency and the performance of parallelized RMA using Hadoop with parallelized RMA using affyPara package as well as sequential RMA. The result shows the speed-up rate of the proposed approach outperforms the sequential approach and affyPara approach. PMID:29796018
An Introduction to Database Structure and Database Machines.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Detweiler, Karen
Enumerates principal management objectives of database management systems (data independence, quality, security, multiuser access, central control) and criteria for comparison (response time, size, flexibility, other features). Conventional database management systems, relational databases, and database machines used for backend processing are…
DOMe: A deduplication optimization method for the NewSQL database backups
Wang, Longxiang; Zhu, Zhengdong; Zhang, Xingjun; Wang, Yinfeng
Reducing duplicated data of database backups is an important application scenario for data deduplication technology. NewSQL is an emerging database system and is now being used more and more widely. NewSQL systems need to improve data reliability by periodically backing up in-memory data, resulting in a lot of duplicated data. The traditional deduplication method is not optimized for the NewSQL server system and cannot take full advantage of hardware resources to optimize deduplication performance. A recent research pointed out that the future NewSQL server will have thousands of CPU cores, large DRAM and huge NVRAM. Therefore, how to utilize these hardware resources to optimize the performance of data deduplication is an important issue. To solve this problem, we propose a deduplication optimization method (DOMe) for NewSQL system backup. To take advantage of the large number of CPU cores in the NewSQL server to optimize deduplication performance, DOMe parallelizes the deduplication method based on the fork-join framework. The fingerprint index, which is the key data structure in the deduplication process, is implemented as pure in-memory hash table, which makes full use of the large DRAM in NewSQL system, eliminating the performance bottleneck problem of fingerprint index existing in traditional deduplication method. The H-store is used as a typical NewSQL database system to implement DOMe method. DOMe is experimentally analyzed by two representative backup data. The experimental results show that: 1) DOMe can reduce the duplicated NewSQL backup data. 2) DOMe significantly improves deduplication performance by parallelizing CDC algorithms. In the case of the theoretical speedup ratio of the server is 20.8, the speedup ratio of DOMe can achieve up to 18; 3) DOMe improved the deduplication throughput by 1.5 times through the pure in-memory index optimization method. PMID:29049307
A series of PDB related databases for everyday needs.
Joosten, Robbie P; te Beek, Tim A H; Krieger, Elmar; Hekkelman, Maarten L; Hooft, Rob W W; Schneider, Reinhard; Sander, Chris; Vriend, Gert
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is the world-wide repository of macromolecular structure information. We present a series of databases that run parallel to the PDB. Each database holds one entry, if possible, for each PDB entry. DSSP holds the secondary structure of the proteins. PDBREPORT holds reports on the structure quality and lists errors. HSSP holds a multiple sequence alignment for all proteins. The PDBFINDER holds easy to parse summaries of the PDB file content, augmented with essentials from the other systems. PDB_REDO holds re-refined, and often improved, copies of all structures solved by X-ray. WHY_NOT summarizes why certain files could not be produced. All these systems are updated weekly. The data sets can be used for the analysis of properties of protein structures in areas ranging from structural genomics, to cancer biology and protein design.
DataSpread: Unifying Databases and Spreadsheets
Bendre, Mangesh; Sun, Bofan; Zhang, Ding; Zhou, Xinyan; Chang, Kevin ChenChuan; Parameswaran, Aditya
Spreadsheet software is often the tool of choice for ad-hoc tabular data management, processing, and visualization, especially on tiny data sets. On the other hand, relational database systems offer significant power, expressivity, and efficiency over spreadsheet software for data management, while lacking in the ease of use and ad-hoc analysis capabilities. We demonstrate DataSpread, a data exploration tool that holistically unifies databases and spreadsheets. It continues to offer a Microsoft Excel-based spreadsheet front-end, while in parallel managing all the data in a back-end database, specifically, PostgreSQL. DataSpread retains all the advantages of spreadsheets, including ease of use, ad-hoc analysis and visualization capabilities, and a schema-free nature, while also adding the advantages of traditional relational databases, such as scalability and the ability to use arbitrary SQL to import, filter, or join external or internal tables and have the results appear in the spreadsheet. DataSpread needs to reason about and reconcile differences in the notions of schema, addressing of cells and tuples, and the current “pane” (which exists in spreadsheets but not in traditional databases), and support data modifications at both the front-end and the back-end. Our demonstration will center on our first and early prototype of the DataSpread, and will give the attendees a sense for the enormous data exploration capabilities offered by unifying spreadsheets and databases. PMID:26900487
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ackerson, T.
The Office Automation Pilot (OAP) Graphics Database system offers the IBM PC user assistance in producing a wide variety of graphs and charts. OAP uses a convenient database system, called a chartbase, for creating and maintaining data associated with the charts, and twelve different graphics packages are available to the OAP user. Each of the graphics capabilities is accessed in a similar manner. The user chooses creation, revision, or chartbase/slide show maintenance options from an initial menu. The user may then enter or modify data displayed on a graphic chart. The cursor moves through the chart in a "circular" fashion to facilitate data entries and changes. Various "help" functions and on-screen instructions are available to aid the user. The user data is used to generate the graphics portion of the chart. Completed charts may be displayed in monotone or color, printed, plotted, or stored in the chartbase on the IBM PC. Once completed, the charts may be put in a vector format and plotted for color viewgraphs. The twelve graphics capabilities are divided into three groups: Forms, Structured Charts, and Block Diagrams. There are eight Forms available: 1) Bar/Line Charts, 2) Pie Charts, 3) Milestone Charts, 4) Resources Charts, 5) Earned Value Analysis Charts, 6) Progress/Effort Charts, 7) Travel/Training Charts, and 8) Trend Analysis Charts. There are three Structured Charts available: 1) Bullet Charts, 2) Organization Charts, and 3) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Charts. The Block Diagram available is an N x N Chart. Each graphics capability supports a chartbase. The OAP graphics database system provides the IBM PC user with an effective means of managing data which is best interpreted as a graphic display. The OAP graphics database system is written in IBM PASCAL 2.0 and assembler for interactive execution on an IBM PC or XT with at least 384K of memory, and a color graphics adapter and monitor. Printed charts require an Epson, IBM, OKIDATA, or HP Laser
Karasick, M.S.; Strip, D.R.
A parallel computing system is described that comprises a plurality of uniquely labeled, parallel processors, each processor capable of modeling a three-dimensional object that includes a plurality of vertices, faces and edges. The system comprises a front-end processor for issuing a modeling command to the parallel processors, relating to a three-dimensional object. Each parallel processor, in response to the command and through the use of its own unique label, creates a directed-edge (d-edge) data structure that uniquely relates an edge of the three-dimensional object to one face of the object. Each d-edge data structure at least includes vertex descriptions of the edge and a description of the one face. As a result, each processor, in response to the modeling command, operates upon a small component of the model and generates results, in parallel with all other processors, without the need for processor-to-processor intercommunication. 8 figs.
Karasick, Michael S.; Strip, David R.
A parallel computing system is described that comprises a plurality of uniquely labeled, parallel processors, each processor capable of modelling a three-dimensional object that includes a plurality of vertices, faces and edges. The system comprises a front-end processor for issuing a modelling command to the parallel processors, relating to a three-dimensional object. Each parallel processor, in response to the command and through the use of its own unique label, creates a directed-edge (d-edge) data structure that uniquely relates an edge of the three-dimensional object to one face of the object. Each d-edge data structure at least includes vertex descriptions of the edge and a description of the one face. As a result, each processor, in response to the modelling command, operates upon a small component of the model and generates results, in parallel with all other processors, without the need for processor-to-processor intercommunication.
Fast Face-Recognition Optical Parallel Correlator Using High Accuracy Correlation Filter
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Watanabe, Eriko; Kodate, Kashiko
We designed and fabricated a fully automatic fast face recognition optical parallel correlator [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Appl. Opt. 44 (2005) 5666] based on the VanderLugt principle. The implementation of an as-yet unattained ultra high-speed system was aided by reconfiguring the system to make it suitable for easier parallel processing, as well as by composing a higher accuracy correlation filter and high-speed ferroelectric liquid crystal-spatial light modulator (FLC-SLM). In running trial experiments using this system (dubbed FARCO), we succeeded in acquiring remarkably low error rates of 1.3% for false match rate (FMR) and 2.6% for false non-match rate (FNMR). Given the results of our experiments, the aim of this paper is to examine methods of designing correlation filters and arranging database image arrays for even faster parallel correlation, underlining the issues of calculation technique, quantization bit rate, pixel size and shift from optical axis. The correlation filter has proved its excellent performance and higher precision than classical correlation and joint transform correlator (JTC). Moreover, arrangement of multi-object reference images leads to 10-channel correlation signals, as sharply marked as those of a single channel. This experiment result demonstrates great potential for achieving the process speed of 10000 face/s.
Parallelization and implementation of approximate root isolation for nonlinear system by Monte Carlo
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khosravi, Ebrahim
This dissertation solves a fundamental problem of isolating the real roots of nonlinear systems of equations by Monte-Carlo that were published by Bush Jones. This algorithm requires only function values and can be applied readily to complicated systems of transcendental functions. The implementation of this sequential algorithm provides scientists with the means to utilize function analysis in mathematics or other fields of science. The algorithm, however, is so computationally intensive that the system is limited to a very small set of variables, and this will make it unfeasible for large systems of equations. Also a computational technique was needed for investigating a metrology of preventing the algorithm structure from converging to the same root along different paths of computation. The research provides techniques for improving the efficiency and correctness of the algorithm. The sequential algorithm for this technique was corrected and a parallel algorithm is presented. This parallel method has been formally analyzed and is compared with other known methods of root isolation. The effectiveness, efficiency, enhanced overall performance of the parallel processing of the program in comparison to sequential processing is discussed. The message passing model was used for this parallel processing, and it is presented and implemented on Intel/860 MIMD architecture. The parallel processing proposed in this research has been implemented in an ongoing high energy physics experiment: this algorithm has been used to track neutrinoes in a super K detector. This experiment is located in Japan, and data can be processed on-line or off-line locally or remotely.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shi, Wei; Hu, Xiaosong; Jin, Chao; Jiang, Jiuchun; Zhang, Yanru; Yip, Tony
With the development and popularization of electric vehicles, it is urgent and necessary to develop effective management and diagnosis technology for battery systems. In this work, we design a parallel battery model, according to equivalent circuits of parallel voltage and branch current, to study effects of imbalanced currents on parallel large-format LiFePO4/graphite battery systems. Taking a 60 Ah LiFePO4/graphite battery system manufactured by ATL (Amperex Technology Limited, China) as an example, causes of imbalanced currents in the parallel connection are analyzed using our model, and the associated effect mechanisms on long-term stability of each single battery are examined. Theoretical and experimental results show that continuously increasing imbalanced currents during cycling are mainly responsible for the capacity fade of LiFePO4/graphite parallel batteries. It is thus a good way to avoid fast performance fade of parallel battery systems by suppressing variations of branch currents.
ELNET--The Electronic Library Database System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
King, Shirley V.
ELNET (Electronic Library Network), a Japanese language database, allows searching of index terms and free text terms from articles and stores the full text of the articles on an optical disc system. Users can order fax copies of the text from the optical disc. This article also explains online searching and discusses machine translation. (LRW)
Portable parallel portfolio optimization in the Aurora Financial Management System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Laure, Erwin; Moritsch, Hans
Financial planning problems are formulated as large scale, stochastic, multiperiod, tree structured optimization problems. An efficient technique for solving this kind of problems is the nested Benders decomposition method. In this paper we present a parallel, portable, asynchronous implementation of this technique. To achieve our portability goals we elected the programming language Java for our implementation and used a high level Java based framework, called OpusJava, for expressing the parallelism potential as well as synchronization constraints. Our implementation is embedded within a modular decision support tool for portfolio and asset liability management, the Aurora Financial Management System.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shi, Sheng-bing; Chen, Zhen-xing; Qin, Shao-gang; Song, Chun-yan; Jiang, Yun-hong
With the development of science and technology, photoelectric equipment comprises visible system, infrared system, laser system and so on, integration, information and complication are higher than past. Parallelism and jumpiness of optical axis are important performance of photoelectric equipment,directly affect aim, ranging, orientation and so on. Jumpiness of optical axis directly affect hit precision of accurate point damage weapon, but we lack the facility which is used for testing this performance. In this paper, test system which is used fo testing parallelism and jumpiness of optical axis is devised, accurate aim isn't necessary and data processing are digital in the course of testing parallelism, it can finish directly testing parallelism of multi-axes, aim axis and laser emission axis, parallelism of laser emission axis and laser receiving axis and first acuualizes jumpiness of optical axis of optical sighting device, it's a universal test system.
File concepts for parallel I/O
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Crockett, Thomas W.
The subject of input/output (I/O) was often neglected in the design of parallel computer systems, although for many problems I/O rates will limit the speedup attainable. The I/O problem is addressed by considering the role of files in parallel systems. The notion of parallel files is introduced. Parallel files provide for concurrent access by multiple processes, and utilize parallelism in the I/O system to improve performance. Parallel files can also be used conventionally by sequential programs. A set of standard parallel file organizations is proposed, organizations are suggested, using multiple storage devices. Problem areas are also identified and discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Watanabe, Eriko; Ishikawa, Mami; Ohta, Maiko; Kodate, Kashiko
Face recognition is used in a wide range of security systems, such as monitoring credit card use, searching for individuals with street cameras via Internet and maintaining immigration control. There are still many technical subjects under study. For instance, the number of images that can be stored is limited under the current system, and the rate of recognition must be improved to account for photo shots taken at different angles under various conditions. We implemented a fully automatic Fast Face Recognition Optical Correlator (FARCO) system by using a 1000 frame/s optical parallel correlator designed and assembled by us. Operational speed for the 1: N (i.e. matching a pair of images among N, where N refers to the number of images in the database) identification experiment (4000 face images) amounts to less than 1.5 seconds, including the pre/post processing. From trial 1: N identification experiments using FARCO, we acquired low error rates of 2.6% False Reject Rate and 1.3% False Accept Rate. By making the most of the high-speed data-processing capability of this system, much more robustness can be achieved for various recognition conditions when large-category data are registered for a single person. We propose a face recognition algorithm for the FARCO while employing a temporal image sequence of moving images. Applying this algorithm to a natural posture, a two times higher recognition rate scored compared with our conventional system. The system has high potential for future use in a variety of purposes such as search for criminal suspects by use of street and airport video cameras, registration of babies at hospitals or handling of an immeasurable number of images in a database.
Cloud parallel processing of tandem mass spectrometry based proteomics data.
Mohammed, Yassene; Mostovenko, Ekaterina; Henneman, Alex A; Marissen, Rob J; Deelder, André M; Palmblad, Magnus
Data analysis in mass spectrometry based proteomics struggles to keep pace with the advances in instrumentation and the increasing rate of data acquisition. Analyzing this data involves multiple steps requiring diverse software, using different algorithms and data formats. Speed and performance of the mass spectral search engines are continuously improving, although not necessarily as needed to face the challenges of acquired big data. Improving and parallelizing the search algorithms is one possibility; data decomposition presents another, simpler strategy for introducing parallelism. We describe a general method for parallelizing identification of tandem mass spectra using data decomposition that keeps the search engine intact and wraps the parallelization around it. We introduce two algorithms for decomposing mzXML files and recomposing resulting pepXML files. This makes the approach applicable to different search engines, including those relying on sequence databases and those searching spectral libraries. We use cloud computing to deliver the computational power and scientific workflow engines to interface and automate the different processing steps. We show how to leverage these technologies to achieve faster data analysis in proteomics and present three scientific workflows for parallel database as well as spectral library search using our data decomposition programs, X!Tandem and SpectraST.
Distributed Access View Integrated Database (DAVID) system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jacobs, Barry E.
The Distributed Access View Integrated Database (DAVID) System, which was adopted by the Astrophysics Division for their Astrophysics Data System, is a solution to the system heterogeneity problem. The heterogeneous components of the Astrophysics problem is outlined. The Library and Library Consortium levels of the DAVID approach are described. The 'books' and 'kits' level is discussed. The Universal Object Typer Management System level is described. The relation of the DAVID project with the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is explained.
Development of a Multidisciplinary and Telemedicine Focused System Database.
Paštěka, Richard; Forjan, Mathias; Sauermann, Stefan
Tele-rehabilitation at home is one of the promising approaches in increasing rehabilitative success and simultaneously decreasing the financial burden on the healthcare system. Novel and mostly mobile devices are already in use, but shall be used in the future to a higher extent for allowing at home rehabilitation processes at a high quality level. The combination of exercises, assessments and available equipment is the basic objective of the presented database. The database has been structured in order to allow easy-to-use and fast access for the three main user groups. Therapists - looking for exercise and equipment combinations - patients - rechecking their tasks for home exercises - and manufacturers - entering their equipment for specific use cases. The database has been evaluated by a proof of concept study and shows a high degree of applicability for the field of rehabilitative medicine. Currently it contains 110 exercises/assessments and 111 equipment/systems. Foundations of presented database are already established in the rehabilitative field of application, but can and will be enhanced in its functionality to be usable for a higher variety of medical fields and specifications.
The Raid distributed database system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bhargava, Bharat; Riedl, John
Raid, a robust and adaptable distributed database system for transaction processing (TP), is described. Raid is a message-passing system, with server processes on each site to manage concurrent processing, consistent replicated copies during site failures, and atomic distributed commitment. A high-level layered communications package provides a clean location-independent interface between servers. The latest design of the package delivers messages via shared memory in a configuration with several servers linked into a single process. Raid provides the infrastructure to investigate various methods for supporting reliable distributed TP. Measurements on TP and server CPU time are presented, along with data from experiments on communications software, consistent replicated copy control during site failures, and concurrent distributed checkpointing. A software tool for evaluating the implementation of TP algorithms in an operating-system kernel is proposed.
SQL/NF Translator for the Triton Nested Relational Database System
18as., Ohio .. 9~~ ~~ 1 4- AFIT/GCE/ENG/90D-05 SQL/Nk1 TRANSLATOR FOR THE TRITON NESTED RELATIONAL DATABASE SYSTEM THESIS Craig William Schnepf Captain...FOR THE TRITON NESTED RELATIONAL DATABASE SYSTEM THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the School of Engineering of the Air Force Institute of Technnlogy... systems . The SQL/NF query language used for the nested relationil model is an extension of the popular relational model query language SQL. The query
The Eruption Forecasting Information System (EFIS) database project
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ogburn, Sarah; Harpel, Chris; Pesicek, Jeremy; Wellik, Jay; Pallister, John; Wright, Heather
The Eruption Forecasting Information System (EFIS) project is a new initiative of the U.S. Geological Survey-USAID Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP) with the goal of enhancing VDAP's ability to forecast the outcome of volcanic unrest. The EFIS project seeks to: (1) Move away from relying on the collective memory to probability estimation using databases (2) Create databases useful for pattern recognition and for answering common VDAP questions; e.g. how commonly does unrest lead to eruption? how commonly do phreatic eruptions portend magmatic eruptions and what is the range of antecedence times? (3) Create generic probabilistic event trees using global data for different volcano 'types' (4) Create background, volcano-specific, probabilistic event trees for frequently active or particularly hazardous volcanoes in advance of a crisis (5) Quantify and communicate uncertainty in probabilities A major component of the project is the global EFIS relational database, which contains multiple modules designed to aid in the construction of probabilistic event trees and to answer common questions that arise during volcanic crises. The primary module contains chronologies of volcanic unrest, including the timing of phreatic eruptions, column heights, eruptive products, etc. and will be initially populated using chronicles of eruptive activity from Alaskan volcanic eruptions in the GeoDIVA database (Cameron et al. 2013). This database module allows us to query across other global databases such as the WOVOdat database of monitoring data and the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) database of eruptive histories and volcano information. The EFIS database is in the early stages of development and population; thus, this contribution also serves as a request for feedback from the community.
"TPSX: Thermal Protection System Expert and Material Property Database"
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Squire, Thomas H.; Milos, Frank S.; Rasky, Daniel J. (Technical Monitor)
The Thermal Protection Branch at NASA Ames Research Center has developed a computer program for storing, organizing, and accessing information about thermal protection materials. The program, called Thermal Protection Systems Expert and Material Property Database, or TPSX, is available for the Microsoft Windows operating system. An "on-line" version is also accessible on the World Wide Web. TPSX is designed to be a high-quality source for TPS material properties presented in a convenient, easily accessible form for use by engineers and researchers in the field of high-speed vehicle design. Data can be displayed and printed in several formats. An information window displays a brief description of the material with properties at standard pressure and temperature. A spread sheet window displays complete, detailed property information. Properties which are a function of temperature and/or pressure can be displayed as graphs. In any display the data can be converted from English to SI units with the click of a button. Two material databases included with TPSX are: 1) materials used and/or developed by the Thermal Protection Branch at NASA Ames Research Center, and 2) a database compiled by NASA Johnson Space Center 9JSC). The Ames database contains over 60 advanced TPS materials including flexible blankets, rigid ceramic tiles, and ultra-high temperature ceramics. The JSC database contains over 130 insulative and structural materials. The Ames database is periodically updated and expanded as required to include newly developed materials and material property refinements.
Parallel Continuous Flow: A Parallel Suffix Tree Construction Tool for Whole Genomes
Farreras, Montse
Abstract The construction of suffix trees for very long sequences is essential for many applications, and it plays a central role in the bioinformatic domain. With the advent of modern sequencing technologies, biological sequence databases have grown dramatically. Also the methodologies required to analyze these data have become more complex everyday, requiring fast queries to multiple genomes. In this article, we present parallel continuous flow (PCF), a parallel suffix tree construction method that is suitable for very long genomes. We tested our method for the suffix tree construction of the entire human genome, about 3GB. We showed that PCF can scale gracefully as the size of the input genome grows. Our method can work with an efficiency of 90% with 36 processors and 55% with 172 processors. We can index the human genome in 7 minutes using 172 processes. PMID:24597675
HOWDY: an integrated database system for human genome research
Hirakawa, Mika
HOWDY is an integrated database system for accessing and analyzing human genomic information ( HOWDY stores information about relationships between genetic objects and the data extracted from a number of databases. HOWDY consists of an Internet accessible user interface that allows thorough searching of the human genomic databases using the gene symbols and their aliases. It also permits flexible editing of the sequence data. The database can be searched using simple words and the search can be restricted to a specific cytogenetic location. Linear maps displaying markers and genes on contig sequences are available, from which an object can be chosen. Any search starting point identifies all the information matching the query. HOWDY provides a convenient search environment of human genomic data for scientists unsure which database is most appropriate for their search. PMID:11752279
I/O Parallelization for the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lucchesi, Rob; Sawyer, W.; Takacs, L. L.; Lyster, P.; Zero, J.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Data Assimilation Office (DAO) at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has developed the GEOS DAS, a data assimilation system that provides production support for NASA missions and will support NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) in the coming years. The GEOS DAS will be used to provide background fields of meteorological quantities to EOS satellite instrument teams for use in their data algorithms as well as providing assimilated data sets for climate studies on decadal time scales. The DAO has been involved in prototyping parallel implementations of the GEOS DAS for a number of years and is now embarking on an effort to convert the production version from shared-memory parallelism to distributed-memory parallelism using the portable Message-Passing Interface (MPI). The GEOS DAS consists of two main components, an atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM) and a Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS). The GCM operates on data that are stored on a regular grid while PSAS works with observational data that are scattered irregularly throughout the atmosphere. As a result, the two components have different data decompositions. The GCM is decomposed horizontally as a checkerboard with all vertical levels of each box existing on the same processing element(PE). The dynamical core of the GCM can also operate on a rotated grid, which requires communication-intensive grid transformations during GCM integration. PSAS groups observations on PEs in a more irregular and dynamic fashion.
Interconnecting heterogeneous database management systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gligor, V. D.; Luckenbaugh, G. L.
It is pointed out that there is still a great need for the development of improved communication between remote, heterogeneous database management systems (DBMS). Problems regarding the effective communication between distributed DBMSs are primarily related to significant differences between local data managers, local data models and representations, and local transaction managers. A system of interconnected DBMSs which exhibit such differences is called a network of distributed, heterogeneous DBMSs. In order to achieve effective interconnection of remote, heterogeneous DBMSs, the users must have uniform, integrated access to the different DBMs. The present investigation is mainly concerned with an analysis of the existing approaches to interconnecting heterogeneous DBMSs, taking into account four experimental DBMS projects.
Technical Aspects of Interfacing MUMPS to an External SQL Relational Database Management System
Kuzmak, Peter M.; Walters, Richard F.; Penrod, Gail
This paper describes an interface connecting InterSystems MUMPS (M/VX) to an external relational DBMS, the SYBASE Database Management System. The interface enables MUMPS to operate in a relational environment and gives the MUMPS language full access to a complete set of SQL commands. MUMPS generates SQL statements as ASCII text and sends them to the RDBMS. The RDBMS executes the statements and returns ASCII results to MUMPS. The interface suggests that the language features of MUMPS make it an attractive tool for use in the relational database environment. The approach described in this paper separates MUMPS from the relational database. Positioning the relational database outside of MUMPS promotes data sharing and permits a number of different options to be used for working with the data. Other languages like C, FORTRAN, and COBOL can access the RDBMS database. Advanced tools provided by the relational database vendor can also be used. SYBASE is an advanced high-performance transaction-oriented relational database management system for the VAX/VMS and UNIX operating systems. SYBASE is designed using a distributed open-systems architecture, and is relatively easy to interface with MUMPS.
Virus Database and Online Inquiry System Based on Natural Vectors.
Dong, Rui; Zheng, Hui; Tian, Kun; Yau, Shek-Chung; Mao, Weiguang; Yu, Wenping; Yin, Changchuan; Yu, Chenglong; He, Rong Lucy; Yang, Jie; Yau, Stephen St
We construct a virus database called VirusDB ( and an online inquiry system to serve people who are interested in viral classification and prediction. The database stores all viral genomes, their corresponding natural vectors, and the classification information of the single/multiple-segmented viral reference sequences downloaded from National Center for Biotechnology Information. The online inquiry system serves the purpose of computing natural vectors and their distances based on submitted genomes, providing an online interface for accessing and using the database for viral classification and prediction, and back-end processes for automatic and manual updating of database content to synchronize with GenBank. Submitted genomes data in FASTA format will be carried out and the prediction results with 5 closest neighbors and their classifications will be returned by email. Considering the one-to-one correspondence between sequence and natural vector, time efficiency, and high accuracy, natural vector is a significant advance compared with alignment methods, which makes VirusDB a useful database in further research.
Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Management Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Deogun, Jitender S.; Raghavan, Vijay V.
Discusses the motivation for integrating information retrieval and database management systems, and proposes a probabilistic retrieval model in which records in a file may be composed of attributes (formatted data items) and descriptors (content indicators). The details and resolutions of difficulties involved in integrating such systems are…
A Parallel Trade Study Architecture for Design Optimization of Complex Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kim, Hongman; Mullins, James; Ragon, Scott; Soremekun, Grant; Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, Jaroslaw
Design of a successful product requires evaluating many design alternatives in a limited design cycle time. This can be achieved through leveraging design space exploration tools and available computing resources on the network. This paper presents a parallel trade study architecture to integrate trade study clients and computing resources on a network using Web services. The parallel trade study solution is demonstrated to accelerate design of experiments, genetic algorithm optimization, and a cost as an independent variable (CAIV) study for a space system application.
A high-performance spatial database based approach for pathology imaging algorithm evaluation
Wang, Fusheng; Kong, Jun; Gao, Jingjing; Cooper, Lee A.D.; Kurc, Tahsin; Zhou, Zhengwen; Adler, David; Vergara-Niedermayr, Cristobal; Katigbak, Bryan; Brat, Daniel J.; Saltz, Joel H.
Background: Algorithm evaluation provides a means to characterize variability across image analysis algorithms, validate algorithms by comparison with human annotations, combine results from multiple algorithms for performance improvement, and facilitate algorithm sensitivity studies. The sizes of images and image analysis results in pathology image analysis pose significant challenges in algorithm evaluation. We present an efficient parallel spatial database approach to model, normalize, manage, and query large volumes of analytical image result data. This provides an efficient platform for algorithm evaluation. Our experiments with a set of brain tumor images demonstrate the application, scalability, and effectiveness of the platform. Context: The paper describes an approach and platform for evaluation of pathology image analysis algorithms. The platform facilitates algorithm evaluation through a high-performance database built on the Pathology Analytic Imaging Standards (PAIS) data model. Aims: (1) Develop a framework to support algorithm evaluation by modeling and managing analytical results and human annotations from pathology images; (2) Create a robust data normalization tool for converting, validating, and fixing spatial data from algorithm or human annotations; (3) Develop a set of queries to support data sampling and result comparisons; (4) Achieve high performance computation capacity via a parallel data management infrastructure, parallel data loading and spatial indexing optimizations in this infrastructure. Materials and Methods: We have considered two scenarios for algorithm evaluation: (1) algorithm comparison where multiple result sets from different methods are compared and consolidated; and (2) algorithm validation where algorithm results are compared with human annotations. We have developed a spatial normalization toolkit to validate and normalize spatial boundaries produced by image analysis algorithms or human annotations. The validated data
Parallel algorithms for large-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters.
Lan, Haidong; Chan, Yuandong; Xu, Kai; Schmidt, Bertil; Peng, Shaoliang; Liu, Weiguo
Computing alignments between two or more sequences are common operations frequently performed in computational molecular biology. The continuing growth of biological sequence databases establishes the need for their efficient parallel implementation on modern accelerators. This paper presents new approaches to high performance biological sequence database scanning with the Smith-Waterman algorithm and the first stage of progressive multiple sequence alignment based on the ClustalW heuristic on a Xeon Phi-based compute cluster. Our approach uses a three-level parallelization scheme to take full advantage of the compute power available on this type of architecture; i.e. cluster-level data parallelism, thread-level coarse-grained parallelism, and vector-level fine-grained parallelism. Furthermore, we re-organize the sequence datasets and use Xeon Phi shuffle operations to improve I/O efficiency. Evaluations show that our method achieves a peak overall performance up to 220 GCUPS for scanning real protein sequence databanks on a single node consisting of two Intel E5-2620 CPUs and two Intel Xeon Phi 7110P cards. It also exhibits good scalability in terms of sequence length and size, and number of compute nodes for both database scanning and multiple sequence alignment. Furthermore, the achieved performance is highly competitive in comparison to optimized Xeon Phi and GPU implementations. Our implementation is available at .
An integrated database-pipeline system for studying single nucleotide polymorphisms and diseases.
Yang, Jin Ok; Hwang, Sohyun; Oh, Jeongsu; Bhak, Jong; Sohn, Tae-Kwon
Studies on the relationship between disease and genetic variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are important. Genetic variations can cause disease by influencing important biological regulation processes. Despite the needs for analyzing SNP and disease correlation, most existing databases provide information only on functional variants at specific locations on the genome, or deal with only a few genes associated with disease. There is no combined resource to widely support gene-, SNP-, and disease-related information, and to capture relationships among such data. Therefore, we developed an integrated database-pipeline system for studying SNPs and diseases. To implement the pipeline system for the integrated database, we first unified complicated and redundant disease terms and gene names using the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) for classification and noun modification, and the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) and NCBI gene databases. Next, we collected and integrated representative databases for three categories of information. For genes and proteins, we examined the NCBI mRNA, UniProt, UCSC Table Track and MitoDat databases. For genetic variants we used the dbSNP, JSNP, ALFRED, and HGVbase databases. For disease, we employed OMIM, GAD, and HGMD databases. The database-pipeline system provides a disease thesaurus, including genes and SNPs associated with disease. The search results for these categories are available on the web page, and a genome browser is also available to highlight findings, as well as to permit the convenient review of potentially deleterious SNPs among genes strongly associated with specific diseases and clinical phenotypes. Our system is designed to capture the relationships between SNPs associated with disease and disease-causing genes. The integrated database-pipeline provides a list of candidate genes and SNP markers for evaluation in both epidemiological and molecular
Storing files in a parallel computing system based on user-specified parser function
Faibish, Sorin; Bent, John M; Tzelnic, Percy; Grider, Gary; Manzanares, Adam; Torres, Aaron
Techniques are provided for storing files in a parallel computing system based on a user-specified parser function. A plurality of files generated by a distributed application in a parallel computing system are stored by obtaining a parser from the distributed application for processing the plurality of files prior to storage; and storing one or more of the plurality of files in one or more storage nodes of the parallel computing system based on the processing by the parser. The plurality of files comprise one or more of a plurality of complete files and a plurality of sub-files. The parser can optionally store only those files that satisfy one or more semantic requirements of the parser. The parser can also extract metadata from one or more of the files and the extracted metadata can be stored with one or more of the plurality of files and used for searching for files.
A data analysis expert system for large established distributed databases
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gnacek, Anne-Marie; An, Y. Kim; Ryan, J. Patrick
A design for a natural language database interface system, called the Deductively Augmented NASA Management Decision support System (DANMDS), is presented. The DANMDS system components have been chosen on the basis of the following considerations: maximal employment of the existing NASA IBM-PC computers and supporting software; local structuring and storing of external data via the entity-relationship model; a natural easy-to-use error-free database query language; user ability to alter query language vocabulary and data analysis heuristic; and significant artificial intelligence data analysis heuristic techniques that allow the system to become progressively and automatically more useful.
Federated web-accessible clinical data management within an extensible neuroimaging database.
Ozyurt, I Burak; Keator, David B; Wei, Dingying; Fennema-Notestine, Christine; Pease, Karen R; Bockholt, Jeremy; Grethe, Jeffrey S
Managing vast datasets collected throughout multiple clinical imaging communities has become critical with the ever increasing and diverse nature of datasets. Development of data management infrastructure is further complicated by technical and experimental advances that drive modifications to existing protocols and acquisition of new types of research data to be incorporated into existing data management systems. In this paper, an extensible data management system for clinical neuroimaging studies is introduced: The Human Clinical Imaging Database (HID) and Toolkit. The database schema is constructed to support the storage of new data types without changes to the underlying schema. The complex infrastructure allows management of experiment data, such as image protocol and behavioral task parameters, as well as subject-specific data, including demographics, clinical assessments, and behavioral task performance metrics. Of significant interest, embedded clinical data entry and management tools enhance both consistency of data reporting and automatic entry of data into the database. The Clinical Assessment Layout Manager (CALM) allows users to create on-line data entry forms for use within and across sites, through which data is pulled into the underlying database via the generic clinical assessment management engine (GAME). Importantly, the system is designed to operate in a distributed environment, serving both human users and client applications in a service-oriented manner. Querying capabilities use a built-in multi-database parallel query builder/result combiner, allowing web-accessible queries within and across multiple federated databases. The system along with its documentation is open-source and available from the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resource Clearinghouse (NITRC) site.
10-channel fiber array fabrication technique for parallel optical coherence tomography system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arauz, Lina J.; Luo, Yuan; Castillo, Jose E.; Kostuk, Raymond K.; Barton, Jennifer
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) shows great promise for low intrusive biomedical imaging applications. A parallel OCT system is a novel technique that replaces mechanical transverse scanning with electronic scanning. This will reduce the time required to acquire image data. In this system an array of small diameter fibers is required to obtain an image in the transverse direction. Each fiber in the array is configured in an interferometer and is used to image one pixel in the transverse direction. In this paper we describe a technique to package 15μm diameter fibers on a siliconsilica substrate to be used in a 2mm endoscopic probe tip. Single mode fibers are etched to reduce the cladding diameter from 125μm to 15μm. Etched fibers are placed into a 4mm by 150μm trench in a silicon-silica substrate and secured with UV glue. Active alignment was used to simplify the lay out of the fibers and minimize unwanted horizontal displacement of the fibers. A 10-channel fiber array was built, tested and later incorporated into a parallel optical coherence system. This paper describes the packaging, testing, and operation of the array in a parallel OCT system.
Jones, Ryan J. R.; Shinde, Aniketa; Guevarra, Dan; ...
There are many energy technologies require electrochemical stability or preactivation of functional materials. Due to the long experiment duration required for either electrochemical preactivation or evaluation of operational stability, parallel screening is required to enable high throughput experimentation. We found that imposing operational electrochemical conditions to a library of materials in parallel creates several opportunities for experimental artifacts. We discuss the electrochemical engineering principles and operational parameters that mitigate artifacts int he parallel electrochemical treatment system. We also demonstrate the effects of resistive losses within the planar working electrode through a combination of finite element modeling and illustrative experiments. Operationmore » of the parallel-plate, membrane-separated electrochemical treatment system is demonstrated by exposing a composition library of mixed metal oxides to oxygen evolution conditions in 1M sulfuric acid for 2h. This application is particularly important because the electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of water are promising future energy technologies inhibited by the lack of highly active, acid-stable catalysts containing only earth abundant elements.« less
Space Launch System Ascent Static Aerodynamic Database Development
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pinier, Jeremy T.; Bennett, David W.; Blevins, John A.; Erickson, Gary E.; Favaregh, Noah M.; Houlden, Heather P.; Tomek, William G.
This paper describes the wind tunnel testing work and data analysis required to characterize the static aerodynamic environment of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) ascent portion of flight. Scaled models of the SLS have been tested in transonic and supersonic wind tunnels to gather the high fidelity data that is used to build aerodynamic databases. A detailed description of the wind tunnel test that was conducted to produce the latest version of the database is presented, and a representative set of aerodynamic data is shown. The wind tunnel data quality remains very high, however some concerns with wall interference effects through transonic Mach numbers are also discussed. Post-processing and analysis of the wind tunnel dataset are crucial for the development of a formal ascent aerodynamics database.
ARACHNID: A prototype object-oriented database tool for distributed systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Younger, Herbert; Oreilly, John; Frogner, Bjorn
This paper discusses the results of a Phase 2 SBIR project sponsored by NASA and performed by MIMD Systems, Inc. A major objective of this project was to develop specific concepts for improved performance in accessing large databases. An object-oriented and distributed approach was used for the general design, while a geographical decomposition was used as a specific solution. The resulting software framework is called ARACHNID. The Faint Source Catalog developed by NASA was the initial database testbed. This is a database of many giga-bytes, where an order of magnitude improvement in query speed is being sought. This database contains faint infrared point sources obtained from telescope measurements of the sky. A geographical decomposition of this database is an attractive approach to dividing it into pieces. Each piece can then be searched on individual processors with only a weak data linkage between the processors being required. As a further demonstration of the concepts implemented in ARACHNID, a tourist information system is discussed. This version of ARACHNID is the commercial result of the project. It is a distributed, networked, database application where speed, maintenance, and reliability are important considerations. This paper focuses on the design concepts and technologies that form the basis for ARACHNID.
Potentials of Advanced Database Technology for Military Information Systems
UNCLASSIFIED Defense Technical Information Center Compilation Part Notice ADP010866 TITLE: Potentials of Advanced Database Technology for Military... Technology for Military Information Systems Sunil Choennia Ben Bruggemanb a National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR, P.O. Box 90502, 1006 BM Amsterdam...application of advanced information tech- nology, including database technology , as underpin- actions X and Y as dangerous or not? ning is
Light-weight Parallel Python Tools for Earth System Modeling Workflows
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mickelson, S. A.; Paul, K.; Xu, H.; Dennis, J.; Brown, D. I.
With the growth in computing power over the last 30 years, earth system modeling codes have become increasingly data-intensive. As an example, it is expected that the data required for the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report (AR6) will increase by more than 10x to an expected 25PB per climate model. Faced with this daunting challenge, developers of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) have chosen to change the format of their data for long-term storage from time-slice to time-series, in order to reduce the required download bandwidth needed for later analysis and post-processing by climate scientists. Hence, efficient tools are required to (1) perform the transformation of the data from time-slice to time-series format and to (2) compute climatology statistics, needed for many diagnostic computations, on the resulting time-series data. To address the first of these two challenges, we have developed a parallel Python tool for converting time-slice model output to time-series format. To address the second of these challenges, we have developed a parallel Python tool to perform fast time-averaging of time-series data. These tools are designed to be light-weight, be easy to install, have very few dependencies, and can be easily inserted into the Earth system modeling workflow with negligible disruption. In this work, we present the motivation, approach, and testing results of these two light-weight parallel Python tools, as well as our plans for future research and development.
Data Parallel Bin-Based Indexing for Answering Queries on Multi-Core Architectures
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gosink, Luke; Wu, Kesheng; Bethel, E. Wes
The multi-core trend in CPUs and general purpose graphics processing units (GPUs) offers new opportunities for the database community. The increase of cores at exponential rates is likely to affect virtually every server and client in the coming decade, and presents database management systems with a huge, compelling disruption that will radically change how processing is done. This paper presents a new parallel indexing data structure for answering queries that takes full advantage of the increasing thread-level parallelism emerging in multi-core architectures. In our approach, our Data Parallel Bin-based Index Strategy (DP-BIS) first bins the base data, and then partitionsmore » and stores the values in each bin as a separate, bin-based data cluster. In answering a query, the procedures for examining the bin numbers and the bin-based data clusters offer the maximum possible level of concurrency; each record is evaluated by a single thread and all threads are processed simultaneously in parallel. We implement and demonstrate the effectiveness of DP-BIS on two multi-core architectures: a multi-core CPU and a GPU. The concurrency afforded by DP-BIS allows us to fully utilize the thread-level parallelism provided by each architecture--for example, our GPU-based DP-BIS implementation simultaneously evaluates over 12,000 records with an equivalent number of concurrently executing threads. In comparing DP-BIS's performance across these architectures, we show that the GPU-based DP-BIS implementation requires significantly less computation time to answer a query than the CPU-based implementation. We also demonstrate in our analysis that DP-BIS provides better overall performance than the commonly utilized CPU and GPU-based projection index. Finally, due to data encoding, we show that DP-BIS accesses significantly smaller amounts of data than index strategies that operate solely on a column's base data; this smaller data footprint is critical for parallel processors that
Data Processing on Database Management Systems with Fuzzy Query
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Şimşek, Irfan; Topuz, Vedat
In this study, a fuzzy query tool (SQLf) for non-fuzzy database management systems was developed. In addition, samples of fuzzy queries were made by using real data with the tool developed in this study. Performance of SQLf was tested with the data about the Marmara University students' food grant. The food grant data were collected in MySQL database by using a form which had been filled on the web. The students filled a form on the web to describe their social and economical conditions for the food grant request. This form consists of questions which have fuzzy and crisp answers. The main purpose of this fuzzy query is to determine the students who deserve the grant. The SQLf easily found the eligible students for the grant through predefined fuzzy values. The fuzzy query tool (SQLf) could be used easily with other database system like ORACLE and SQL server.
Development of a Relational Database for Learning Management Systems
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Deperlioglu, Omer; Sarpkaya, Yilmaz; Ergun, Ertugrul
In today's world, Web-Based Distance Education Systems have a great importance. Web-based Distance Education Systems are usually known as Learning Management Systems (LMS). In this article, a database design, which was developed to create an educational institution as a Learning Management System, is described. In this sense, developed Learning…
10. UNDERSIDE, VIEW PARALLEL TO BRIDGE, SHOWING FLOOR SYSTEM AND SOUTH PIER. LOOKING SOUTHEAST. - Route 31 Bridge, New Jersey Route 31, crossing disused main line of Central Railroad of New Jersey (C.R.R.N.J.) (New Jersey Transit's Raritan Valley Line), Hampton, Hunterdon County, NJ
Key features for ATA / ATR database design in missile systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Özertem, Kemal Arda
Automatic target acquisition (ATA) and automatic target recognition (ATR) are two vital tasks for missile systems, and having a robust detection and recognition algorithm is crucial for overall system performance. In order to have a robust target detection and recognition algorithm, an extensive image database is required. Automatic target recognition algorithms use the database of images in training and testing steps of algorithm. This directly affects the recognition performance, since the training accuracy is driven by the quality of the image database. In addition, the performance of an automatic target detection algorithm can be measured effectively by using an image database. There are two main ways for designing an ATA / ATR database. The first and easy way is by using a scene generator. A scene generator can model the objects by considering its material information, the atmospheric conditions, detector type and the territory. Designing image database by using a scene generator is inexpensive and it allows creating many different scenarios quickly and easily. However the major drawback of using a scene generator is its low fidelity, since the images are created virtually. The second and difficult way is designing it using real-world images. Designing image database with real-world images is a lot more costly and time consuming; however it offers high fidelity, which is critical for missile algorithms. In this paper, critical concepts in ATA / ATR database design with real-world images are discussed. Each concept is discussed in the perspective of ATA and ATR separately. For the implementation stage, some possible solutions and trade-offs for creating the database are proposed, and all proposed approaches are compared to each other with regards to their pros and cons.
System for Performing Single Query Searches of Heterogeneous and Dispersed Databases
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Maluf, David A. (Inventor); Okimura, Takeshi (Inventor); Gurram, Mohana M. (Inventor); Tran, Vu Hoang (Inventor); Knight, Christopher D. (Inventor); Trinh, Anh Ngoc (Inventor)
The present invention is a distributed computer system of heterogeneous databases joined in an information grid and configured with an Application Programming Interface hardware which includes a search engine component for performing user-structured queries on multiple heterogeneous databases in real time. This invention reduces overhead associated with the impedance mismatch that commonly occurs in heterogeneous database queries.
Simulated parallel annealing within a neighborhood for optimization of biomechanical systems.
Higginson, J S; Neptune, R R; Anderson, F C
Optimization problems for biomechanical systems have become extremely complex. Simulated annealing (SA) algorithms have performed well in a variety of test problems and biomechanical applications; however, despite advances in computer speed, convergence to optimal solutions for systems of even moderate complexity has remained prohibitive. The objective of this study was to develop a portable parallel version of a SA algorithm for solving optimization problems in biomechanics. The algorithm for simulated parallel annealing within a neighborhood (SPAN) was designed to minimize interprocessor communication time and closely retain the heuristics of the serial SA algorithm. The computational speed of the SPAN algorithm scaled linearly with the number of processors on different computer platforms for a simple quadratic test problem and for a more complex forward dynamic simulation of human pedaling.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Larson, Jay W.
Atmospheric data assimilation is a method of combining actual observations with model forecasts to produce a more accurate description of the earth system than the observations or forecast alone can provide. The output of data assimilation, sometimes called the analysis, are regular, gridded datasets of observed and unobserved variables. Analysis plays a key role in numerical weather prediction and is becoming increasingly important for climate research. These applications, and the need for timely validation of scientific enhancements to the data assimilation system pose computational demands that are best met by distributed parallel software. The mission of the NASA Data Assimilation Office (DAO) is to provide datasets for climate research and to support NASA satellite and aircraft missions. The system used to create these datasets is the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS). The core components of the the GEOS DAS are: the GEOS General Circulation Model (GCM), the Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS), the Observer, the on-line Quality Control (QC) system, the Coupler (which feeds analysis increments back to the GCM), and an I/O package for processing the large amounts of data the system produces (which will be described in another presentation in this session). The discussion will center on the following issues: the computational complexity for the whole GEOS DAS, assessment of the performance of the individual elements of GEOS DAS, and parallelization strategy for some of the components of the system.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gryphon, Coranth D.; Miller, Mark D.
PCLIPS (Parallel CLIPS) is a set of extensions to the C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) expert system language. PCLIPS is intended to provide an environment for the development of more complex, extensive expert systems. Multiple CLIPS expert systems are now capable of running simultaneously on separate processors, or separate machines, thus dramatically increasing the scope of solvable tasks within the expert systems. As a tool for parallel processing, PCLIPS allows for an expert system to add to its fact-base information generated by other expert systems, thus allowing systems to assist each other in solving a complex problem. This allows individual expert systems to be more compact and efficient, and thus run faster or on smaller machines.
State analysis requirements database for engineering complex embedded systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bennett, Matthew B.; Rasmussen, Robert D.; Ingham, Michel D.
It has become clear that spacecraft system complexity is reaching a threshold where customary methods of control are no longer affordable or sufficiently reliable. At the heart of this problem are the conventional approaches to systems and software engineering based on subsystem-level functional decomposition, which fail to scale in the tangled web of interactions typically encountered in complex spacecraft designs. Furthermore, there is a fundamental gap between the requirements on software specified by systems engineers and the implementation of these requirements by software engineers. Software engineers must perform the translation of requirements into software code, hoping to accurately capture the systems engineer's understanding of the system behavior, which is not always explicitly specified. This gap opens up the possibility for misinterpretation of the systems engineer's intent, potentially leading to software errors. This problem is addressed by a systems engineering tool called the State Analysis Database, which provides a tool for capturing system and software requirements in the form of explicit models. This paper describes how requirements for complex aerospace systems can be developed using the State Analysis Database.
Digital map databases in support of avionic display systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Trenchard, Michael E.; Lohrenz, Maura C.; Rosche, Henry, III; Wischow, Perry B.
The emergence of computerized mission planning systems (MPS) and airborne digital moving map systems (DMS) has necessitated the development of a global database of raster aeronautical chart data specifically designed for input to these systems. The Naval Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratory''s (NOARL) Map Data Formatting Facility (MDFF) is presently dedicated to supporting these avionic display systems with the development of the Compressed Aeronautical Chart (CAC) database on Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CDROM) optical discs. The MDFF is also developing a series of aircraft-specific Write-Once Read Many (WORM) optical discs. NOARL has initiated a comprehensive research program aimed at improving the pilots'' moving map displays current research efforts include the development of an alternate image compression technique and generation of a standard set of color palettes. The CAC database will provide digital aeronautical chart data in six different scales. CAC is derived from the Defense Mapping Agency''s (DMA) Equal Arc-second (ARC) Digitized Raster Graphics (ADRG) a series of scanned aeronautical charts. NOARL processes ADRG to tailor the chart image resolution to that of the DMS display while reducing storage requirements through image compression techniques. CAC is being distributed by DMA as a library of CDROMs.
Thermodynamic database for the Co-Pr system.
Zhou, S H; Kramer, M J; Meng, F Q; McCallum, R W; Ott, R T
In this article, we describe data on (1) compositions for both as-cast and heat treated specimens were summarized in Table 1; (2) the determined enthalpy of mixing of liquid phase is listed in Table 2; (3) thermodynamic database of the Co-Pr system in TDB format for the research articled entitle Chemical partitioning for the Co-Pr system: First-principles, experiments and energetic calculations to investigate the hard magnetic phase W.
Thermodynamic database for the Co-Pr system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhou, S. H.; Kramer, M. J.; Meng, F. Q.
In this article, we describe data on (1) compositions for both as-cast and heat treated specimens were summarized in Table 1; (2) the determined enthalpy of mixing of liquid phase is listed in Table 2; (3) thermodynamic database of the Co-Pr system in TDB format for the research articled entitle Chemical partitioning for the Co-Pr system: First-principles, experiments and energetic calculations to investigate the hard magnetic phase W.
Thermodynamic database for the Co-Pr system
Zhou, S. H.; Kramer, M. J.; Meng, F. Q.; ...
In this article, we describe data on (1) compositions for both as-cast and heat treated specimens were summarized in Table 1; (2) the determined enthalpy of mixing of liquid phase is listed in Table 2; (3) thermodynamic database of the Co-Pr system in TDB format for the research articled entitled ''Chemical partitioning for the Co-Pr system: First-principles, experiments and energetic calculations to investigate the hard magnetic phase W.''
Accelerating Large Scale Image Analyses on Parallel, CPU-GPU Equipped Systems
Teodoro, George; Kurc, Tahsin M.; Pan, Tony; Cooper, Lee A.D.; Kong, Jun; Widener, Patrick; Saltz, Joel H.
The past decade has witnessed a major paradigm shift in high performance computing with the introduction of accelerators as general purpose processors. These computing devices make available very high parallel computing power at low cost and power consumption, transforming current high performance platforms into heterogeneous CPU-GPU equipped systems. Although the theoretical performance achieved by these hybrid systems is impressive, taking practical advantage of this computing power remains a very challenging problem. Most applications are still deployed to either GPU or CPU, leaving the other resource under- or un-utilized. In this paper, we propose, implement, and evaluate a performance aware scheduling technique along with optimizations to make efficient collaborative use of CPUs and GPUs on a parallel system. In the context of feature computations in large scale image analysis applications, our evaluations show that intelligently co-scheduling CPUs and GPUs can significantly improve performance over GPU-only or multi-core CPU-only approaches. PMID:25419545
Robot-assisted ultrasound imaging: overview and development of a parallel telerobotic system.
Monfaredi, Reza; Wilson, Emmanuel; Azizi Koutenaei, Bamshad; Labrecque, Brendan; Leroy, Kristen; Goldie, James; Louis, Eric; Swerdlow, Daniel; Cleary, Kevin
Ultrasound imaging is frequently used in medicine. The quality of ultrasound images is often dependent on the skill of the sonographer. Several researchers have proposed robotic systems to aid in ultrasound image acquisition. In this paper we first provide a short overview of robot-assisted ultrasound imaging (US). We categorize robot-assisted US imaging systems into three approaches: autonomous US imaging, teleoperated US imaging, and human-robot cooperation. For each approach several systems are introduced and briefly discussed. We then describe a compact six degree of freedom parallel mechanism telerobotic system for ultrasound imaging developed by our research team. The long-term goal of this work is to enable remote ultrasound scanning through teleoperation. This parallel mechanism allows for both translation and rotation of an ultrasound probe mounted on the top plate along with force control. Our experimental results confirmed good mechanical system performance with a positioning error of < 1 mm. Phantom experiments by a radiologist showed promising results with good image quality.
Database System Design and Implementation for Marine Air-Traffic-Controller Training
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited. DATABASE SYSTEM DESIGN AND...thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE DATABASE SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR MARINE AIR-TRAFFIC-CONTROLLER TRAINING 5. FUNDING NUMBERS 6. AUTHOR(S...12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This project focused on the design , development, and implementation of a centralized
Selecting a Relational Database Management System for Library Automation Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shekhel, Alex; O'Brien, Mike
Describes the evaluation of four relational database management systems (RDBMSs) (Informix Turbo, Oracle 6.0 TPS, Unify 2000 and Relational Technology's Ingres 5.0) to determine which is best suited for library automation. The evaluation criteria used to develop a benchmark specifically designed to test RDBMSs for libraries are discussed. (CLB)
The methodology of database design in organization management systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chudinov, I. L.; Osipova, V. V.; Bobrova, Y. V.
The paper describes the unified methodology of database design for management information systems. Designing the conceptual information model for the domain area is the most important and labor-intensive stage in database design. Basing on the proposed integrated approach to design, the conceptual information model, the main principles of developing the relation databases are provided and user’s information needs are considered. According to the methodology, the process of designing the conceptual information model includes three basic stages, which are defined in detail. Finally, the article describes the process of performing the results of analyzing user’s information needs and the rationale for use of classifiers.
Federated Web-accessible Clinical Data Management within an Extensible NeuroImaging Database
Keator, David B.; Wei, Dingying; Fennema-Notestine, Christine; Pease, Karen R.; Bockholt, Jeremy; Grethe, Jeffrey S.
Managing vast datasets collected throughout multiple clinical imaging communities has become critical with the ever increasing and diverse nature of datasets. Development of data management infrastructure is further complicated by technical and experimental advances that drive modifications to existing protocols and acquisition of new types of research data to be incorporated into existing data management systems. In this paper, an extensible data management system for clinical neuroimaging studies is introduced: The Human Clinical Imaging Database (HID) and Toolkit. The database schema is constructed to support the storage of new data types without changes to the underlying schema. The complex infrastructure allows management of experiment data, such as image protocol and behavioral task parameters, as well as subject-specific data, including demographics, clinical assessments, and behavioral task performance metrics. Of significant interest, embedded clinical data entry and management tools enhance both consistency of data reporting and automatic entry of data into the database. The Clinical Assessment Layout Manager (CALM) allows users to create on-line data entry forms for use within and across sites, through which data is pulled into the underlying database via the generic clinical assessment management engine (GAME). Importantly, the system is designed to operate in a distributed environment, serving both human users and client applications in a service-oriented manner. Querying capabilities use a built-in multi-database parallel query builder/result combiner, allowing web-accessible queries within and across multiple federated databases. The system along with its documentation is open-source and available from the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resource Clearinghouse (NITRC) site. PMID:20567938
Schmideder, Andreas; Severin, Timm Steffen; Cremer, Johannes Heinrich; Weuster-Botz, Dirk
A pH-controlled parallel stirred-tank bioreactor system was modified for parallel continuous cultivation on a 10 mL-scale by connecting multichannel peristaltic pumps for feeding and medium removal with micro-pipes (250 μm inner diameter). Parallel chemostat processes with Escherichia coli as an example showed high reproducibility with regard to culture volume and flow rates as well as dry cell weight, dissolved oxygen concentration and pH control at steady states (n=8, coefficient of variation <5%). Reliable estimation of kinetic growth parameters of E. coli was easily achieved within one parallel experiment by preselecting ten different steady states. Scalability of milliliter-scale steady state results was demonstrated by chemostat studies with a stirred-tank bioreactor on a liter-scale. Thus, parallel and continuously operated stirred-tank bioreactors on a milliliter-scale facilitate timesaving and cost reducing steady state studies with microorganisms. The applied continuous bioreactor system overcomes the drawbacks of existing miniaturized bioreactors, like poor mass transfer and insufficient process control. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
System and method for a parallel immunoassay system
Stevens, Fred J.
A method and system for detecting a target antigen using massively parallel immunoassay technology. In this system, high affinity antibodies of the antigen are covalently linked to small beads or particles. The beads are exposed to a solution containing DNA-oligomer-mimics of the antigen. The mimics which are reactive with the covalently attached antibody or antibodies will bind to the appropriate antibody molecule on the bead. The particles or beads are then washed to remove any unbound DNA-oligomer-mimics and are then immobilized or trapped. The bead-antibody complexes are then exposed to a test solution which may contain the targeted antigens. If the antigen is present it will replace the mimic since it has a greater affinity for the respective antibody. The particles are then removed from the solution leaving a residual solution. This residual solution is applied a DNA chip containing many samples of complimentary DNA. If the DNA tag from a mimic binds with its complimentary DNA, it indicates the presence of the target antigen. A flourescent tag can be used to more easily identify the bound DNA tag.
JICST Factual Database JICST DNA Database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shirokizawa, Yoshiko; Abe, Atsushi
Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST) has started the on-line service of DNA database in October 1988. This database is composed of EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Library and Genetic Sequence Data Bank. The authors outline the database system, data items and search commands. Examples of retrieval session are presented.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gaponov, Yu.A.; Igarashi, N.; Hiraki, M.
An integrated controlling system and a unified database for high throughput protein crystallography experiments have been developed. Main features of protein crystallography experiments (purification, crystallization, crystal harvesting, data collection, data processing) were integrated into the software under development. All information necessary to perform protein crystallography experiments is stored (except raw X-ray data that are stored in a central data server) in a MySQL relational database. The database contains four mutually linked hierarchical trees describing protein crystals, data collection of protein crystal and experimental data processing. A database editor was designed and developed. The editor supports basic database functions to view,more » create, modify and delete user records in the database. Two search engines were realized: direct search of necessary information in the database and object oriented search. The system is based on TCP/IP secure UNIX sockets with four predefined sending and receiving behaviors, which support communications between all connected servers and clients with remote control functions (creating and modifying data for experimental conditions, data acquisition, viewing experimental data, and performing data processing). Two secure login schemes were designed and developed: a direct method (using the developed Linux clients with secure connection) and an indirect method (using the secure SSL connection using secure X11 support from any operating system with X-terminal and SSH support). A part of the system has been implemented on a new MAD beam line, NW12, at the Photon Factory Advanced Ring for general user experiments.« less
Atalar, Ata C; Tunalı, Onur; Erşen, Ali; Kapıcıoğlu, Mehmet; Sağlam, Yavuz; Demirhan, Mehmet S
In intraarticular distal humerus fractures, internal fixation with double plates is the gold standard treatment. However the optimal plate configuration is not clear in the literature. The aim of this study was to compare the biomechanical stability of the parallel and the orthogonal anatomical locking plating systems in intraarticular distal humerus fractures in artificial humerus models. Intraarticular distal humerus fracture (AO13-C2) with 5 mm metaphyseal defect was created in sixteen artificial humeral models. Models were fixed with either orthogonal or parallel plating systems with locking screws (Acumed elbow plating systems). Both systems were tested for their stiffness with loads in axial compression, varus, valgus, anterior and posterior bending. Then plastic deformation after cyclic loading in posterior bending and load to failure in posterior bending were tested. The failure mechanisms of all the samples were observed. Stiffness values in every direction were not significantly different among the orthogonal and the parallel plating groups. There was no statistical difference between the two groups in plastic deformation values (0.31 mm-0.29 mm) and load to failure tests in posterior bending (372.4 N-379.7 N). In the orthogonal plating system most of the failures occurred due to the proximal shaft fracture, whereas in the parallel plating system failure occurred due to the shift of the most distal screw in proximal fragment. Our study showed that both plating systems had similar biomechanical stabilities when anatomic plates with distal locking screws were used in intraarticular distal humerus fractures in artificial humerus models. Copyright © 2016 Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A parallel finite element simulator for ion transport through three-dimensional ion channel systems.
Tu, Bin; Chen, Minxin; Xie, Yan; Zhang, Linbo; Eisenberg, Bob; Lu, Benzhuo
A parallel finite element simulator, ichannel, is developed for ion transport through three-dimensional ion channel systems that consist of protein and membrane. The coordinates of heavy atoms of the protein are taken from the Protein Data Bank and the membrane is represented as a slab. The simulator contains two components: a parallel adaptive finite element solver for a set of Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations that describe the electrodiffusion process of ion transport, and a mesh generation tool chain for ion channel systems, which is an essential component for the finite element computations. The finite element method has advantages in modeling irregular geometries and complex boundary conditions. We have built a tool chain to get the surface and volume mesh for ion channel systems, which consists of a set of mesh generation tools. The adaptive finite element solver in our simulator is implemented using the parallel adaptive finite element package Parallel Hierarchical Grid (PHG) developed by one of the authors, which provides the capability of doing large scale parallel computations with high parallel efficiency and the flexibility of choosing high order elements to achieve high order accuracy. The simulator is applied to a real transmembrane protein, the gramicidin A (gA) channel protein, to calculate the electrostatic potential, ion concentrations and I - V curve, with which both primitive and transformed PNP equations are studied and their numerical performances are compared. To further validate the method, we also apply the simulator to two other ion channel systems, the voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) and α-Hemolysin (α-HL). The simulation results agree well with Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation results and experimental results. Moreover, because ionic finite size effects can be included in PNP model now, we also perform simulations using a size-modified PNP (SMPNP) model on VDAC and α-HL. It is shown that the size effects in SMPNP can
A web based relational database management system for filariasis control
Murty, Upadhyayula Suryanarayana; Kumar, Duvvuri Venkata Rama Satya; Sriram, Kumaraswamy; Rao, Kadiri Madhusudhan; Bhattacharyulu, Chakravarthula Hayageeva Narasimha Venakata; Praveen, Bhoopathi; Krishna, Amirapu Radha
The present study describes a RDBMS (relational database management system) for the effective management of Filariasis, a vector borne disease. Filariasis infects 120 million people from 83 countries. The possible re-emergence of the disease and the complexity of existing control programs warrant the development of new strategies. A database containing comprehensive data associated with filariasis finds utility in disease control. We have developed a database containing information on the socio-economic status of patients, mosquito collection procedures, mosquito dissection data, filariasis survey report and mass blood data. The database can be searched using a user friendly web interface. Availability (login and password can be obtained from the authors) PMID:17597846
Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) optical systems SIG summary and database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, Gail
The main objectives of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Optical Systems Special Investigative Group (SIG) Discipline are to develop a database of experimental findings on LDEF optical systems and elements hardware, and provide an optical system overview. Unlike the electrical and mechanical disciplines, the optics effort relies primarily on the testing of hardware at the various principal investigator's laboratories, since minimal testing of optical hardware was done at Boeing. This is because all space-exposed optics hardware are part of other individual experiments. At this time, all optical systems and elements testing by experiment investigator teams is not complete, and in some cases has hardly begun. Most experiment results to date, document observations and measurements that 'show what happened'. Still to come from many principal investigators is a critical analysis to explain 'why it happened' and future design implications. The original optical system related concerns and the lessons learned at a preliminary stage in the Optical Systems Investigations are summarized. The design of the Optical Experiments Database and how to acquire and use the database to review the LDEF results are described.
Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) optical systems SIG summary and database
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, Gail
The main objectives of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Optical Systems Special Investigative Group (SIG) Discipline are to develop a database of experimental findings on LDEF optical systems and elements hardware, and provide an optical system overview. Unlike the electrical and mechanical disciplines, the optics effort relies primarily on the testing of hardware at the various principal investigator's laboratories, since minimal testing of optical hardware was done at Boeing. This is because all space-exposed optics hardware are part of other individual experiments. At this time, all optical systems and elements testing by experiment investigator teams is not complete, and in some cases has hardly begun. Most experiment results to date, document observations and measurements that 'show what happened'. Still to come from many principal investigators is a critical analysis to explain 'why it happened' and future design implications. The original optical system related concerns and the lessons learned at a preliminary stage in the Optical Systems Investigations are summarized. The design of the Optical Experiments Database and how to acquire and use the database to review the LDEF results are described.
Massively parallel algorithms for real-time wavefront control of a dense adaptive optics system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fijany, A.; Milman, M.; Redding, D.
In this paper massively parallel algorithms and architectures for real-time wavefront control of a dense adaptive optic system (SELENE) are presented. The authors have already shown that the computation of a near optimal control algorithm for SELENE can be reduced to the solution of a discrete Poisson equation on a regular domain. Although, this represents an optimal computation, due the large size of the system and the high sampling rate requirement, the implementation of this control algorithm poses a computationally challenging problem since it demands a sustained computational throughput of the order of 10 GFlops. They develop a novel algorithm,more » designated as Fast Invariant Imbedding algorithm, which offers a massive degree of parallelism with simple communication and synchronization requirements. Due to these features, this algorithm is significantly more efficient than other Fast Poisson Solvers for implementation on massively parallel architectures. The authors also discuss two massively parallel, algorithmically specialized, architectures for low-cost and optimal implementation of the Fast Invariant Imbedding algorithm.« less
An FPGA-based High Speed Parallel Signal Processing System for Adaptive Optics Testbed
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, H.; Choi, Y.; Yang, Y.
In this paper a state-of-the-art FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based high speed parallel signal processing system (SPS) for adaptive optics (AO) testbed with 1 kHz wavefront error (WFE) correction frequency is reported. The AO system consists of Shack-Hartmann sensor (SHS) and deformable mirror (DM), tip-tilt sensor (TTS), tip-tilt mirror (TTM) and an FPGA-based high performance SPS to correct wavefront aberrations. The SHS is composed of 400 subapertures and the DM 277 actuators with Fried geometry, requiring high speed parallel computing capability SPS. In this study, the target WFE correction speed is 1 kHz; therefore, it requires massive parallel computing capabilities as well as strict hard real time constraints on measurements from sensors, matrix computation latency for correction algorithms, and output of control signals for actuators. In order to meet them, an FPGA based real-time SPS with parallel computing capabilities is proposed. In particular, the SPS is made up of a National Instrument's (NI's) real time computer and five FPGA boards based on state-of-the-art Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA. Programming is done with NI's LabView environment, providing flexibility when applying different algorithms for WFE correction. It also facilitates faster programming and debugging environment as compared to conventional ones. One of the five FPGA's is assigned to measure TTS and calculate control signals for TTM, while the rest four are used to receive SHS signal, calculate slops for each subaperture and correction signal for DM. With this parallel processing capabilities of the SPS the overall closed-loop WFE correction speed of 1 kHz has been achieved. System requirements, architecture and implementation issues are described; furthermore, experimental results are also given.
Efficient abstract data type components for distributed and parallel systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bastani, F.; Hilal, W.; Iyengar, S.S.
One way of improving software system's comprehensibility and maintainability is to decompose it into several components, each of which encapsulates some information concerning the system. These components can be classified into four categories, namely, abstract data type, functional, interface, and control components. Such a classfication underscores the need for different specification, implementation, and performance-improvement methods for different types of components. This article focuses on the development of high-performance abstract data type components for distributed and parallel environments.
The Parallel System for Integrating Impact Models and Sectors (pSIMS)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Elliott, Joshua; Kelly, David; Chryssanthacopoulos, James; Glotter, Michael; Jhunjhnuwala, Kanika; Best, Neil; Wilde, Michael; Foster, Ian
We present a framework for massively parallel climate impact simulations: the parallel System for Integrating Impact Models and Sectors (pSIMS). This framework comprises a) tools for ingesting and converting large amounts of data to a versatile datatype based on a common geospatial grid; b) tools for translating this datatype into custom formats for site-based models; c) a scalable parallel framework for performing large ensemble simulations, using any one of a number of different impacts models, on clusters, supercomputers, distributed grids, or clouds; d) tools and data standards for reformatting outputs to common datatypes for analysis and visualization; and e) methodologies for aggregating these datatypes to arbitrary spatial scales such as administrative and environmental demarcations. By automating many time-consuming and error-prone aspects of large-scale climate impacts studies, pSIMS accelerates computational research, encourages model intercomparison, and enhances reproducibility of simulation results. We present the pSIMS design and use example assessments to demonstrate its multi-model, multi-scale, and multi-sector versatility.
Directions in parallel programming: HPF, shared virtual memory and object parallelism in pC++
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bodin, Francois; Priol, Thierry; Mehrotra, Piyush; Gannon, Dennis
Fortran and C++ are the dominant programming languages used in scientific computation. Consequently, extensions to these languages are the most popular for programming massively parallel computers. We discuss two such approaches to parallel Fortran and one approach to C++. The High Performance Fortran Forum has designed HPF with the intent of supporting data parallelism on Fortran 90 applications. HPF works by asking the user to help the compiler distribute and align the data structures with the distributed memory modules in the system. Fortran-S takes a different approach in which the data distribution is managed by the operating system and the user provides annotations to indicate parallel control regions. In the case of C++, we look at pC++ which is based on a concurrent aggregate parallel model.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Hui
It is the inevitable outcome of higher education reform to carry out office and departmental target responsibility system, in which statistical processing of student's information is an important part of student's performance review. On the basis of the analysis of the student's evaluation, the student information management database application system is designed by using relational database management system software in this paper. In order to implement the function of student information management, the functional requirement, overall structure, data sheets and fields, data sheet Association and software codes are designed in details.
Design of special purpose database for credit cooperation bank business processing network system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yu, Yongling; Zong, Sisheng; Shi, Jinfa
With the popularization of e-finance in the city, the construction of e-finance is transfering to the vast rural market, and quickly to develop in depth. Developing the business processing network system suitable for the rural credit cooperative Banks can make business processing conveniently, and have a good application prospect. In this paper, We analyse the necessity of adopting special purpose distributed database in Credit Cooperation Band System, give corresponding distributed database system structure , design the specical purpose database and interface technology . The application in Tongbai Rural Credit Cooperatives has shown that system has better performance and higher efficiency.
Using Parallel Processing for Problem Solving.
are the basic parallel proces- sing primitive . Different goals of the system can be pursued in parallel by placing them in separate activities...Language primitives are provided for manipulating running activities. Viewpoints are a generalization of context FOM -(over "*’ DD I FON 1473 ’EDITION OF I...arc the basic parallel processing primitive . Different goals of the system can be pursued in parallel by placing them in separate activities. Language
Vascular system modeling in parallel environment - distributed and shared memory approaches
Jurczuk, Krzysztof; Kretowski, Marek; Bezy-Wendling, Johanne
The paper presents two approaches in parallel modeling of vascular system development in internal organs. In the first approach, new parts of tissue are distributed among processors and each processor is responsible for perfusing its assigned parts of tissue to all vascular trees. Communication between processors is accomplished by passing messages and therefore this algorithm is perfectly suited for distributed memory architectures. The second approach is designed for shared memory machines. It parallelizes the perfusion process during which individual processing units perform calculations concerning different vascular trees. The experimental results, performed on a computing cluster and multi-core machines, show that both algorithms provide a significant speedup. PMID:21550891
Implementation and performance of parallel Prolog interpreter
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wei, S.; Kale, L.V.; Balkrishna, R.
In this paper, the authors discuss the implementation of a parallel Prolog interpreter on different parallel machines. The implementation is based on the REDUCE--OR process model which exploits both AND and OR parallelism in logic programs. It is machine independent as it runs on top of the chare-kernel--a machine-independent parallel programming system. The authors also give the performance of the interpreter running a diverse set of benchmark pargrams on parallel machines including shared memory systems: an Alliant FX/8, Sequent and a MultiMax, and a non-shared memory systems: Intel iPSC/32 hypercube, in addition to its performance on a multiprocessor simulation system.
Parallel In Situ Indexing for Data-intensive Computing
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kim, Jinoh; Abbasi, Hasan; Chacon, Luis
As computing power increases exponentially, vast amount of data is created by many scientific re- search activities. However, the bandwidth for storing the data to disks and reading the data from disks has been improving at a much slower pace. These two trends produce an ever-widening data access gap. Our work brings together two distinct technologies to address this data access issue: indexing and in situ processing. From decades of database research literature, we know that indexing is an effective way to address the data access issue, particularly for accessing relatively small fraction of data records. As data sets increasemore » in sizes, more and more analysts need to use selective data access, which makes indexing an even more important for improving data access. The challenge is that most implementations of in- dexing technology are embedded in large database management systems (DBMS), but most scientific datasets are not managed by any DBMS. In this work, we choose to include indexes with the scientific data instead of requiring the data to be loaded into a DBMS. We use compressed bitmap indexes from the FastBit software which are known to be highly effective for query-intensive workloads common to scientific data analysis. To use the indexes, we need to build them first. The index building procedure needs to access the whole data set and may also require a significant amount of compute time. In this work, we adapt the in situ processing technology to generate the indexes, thus removing the need of read- ing data from disks and to build indexes in parallel. The in situ data processing system used is ADIOS, a middleware for high-performance I/O. Our experimental results show that the indexes can improve the data access time up to 200 times depending on the fraction of data selected, and using in situ data processing system can effectively reduce the time needed to create the indexes, up to 10 times with our in situ technique when using identical parallel
A Machine Reading System for Assembling Synthetic Paleontological Databases
Peters, Shanan E.; Zhang, Ce; Livny, Miron; Ré, Christopher
Many aspects of macroevolutionary theory and our understanding of biotic responses to global environmental change derive from literature-based compilations of paleontological data. Existing manually assembled databases are, however, incomplete and difficult to assess and enhance with new data types. Here, we develop and validate the quality of a machine reading system, PaleoDeepDive, that automatically locates and extracts data from heterogeneous text, tables, and figures in publications. PaleoDeepDive performs comparably to humans in several complex data extraction and inference tasks and generates congruent synthetic results that describe the geological history of taxonomic diversity and genus-level rates of origination and extinction. Unlike traditional databases, PaleoDeepDive produces a probabilistic database that systematically improves as information is added. We show that the system can readily accommodate sophisticated data types, such as morphological data in biological illustrations and associated textual descriptions. Our machine reading approach to scientific data integration and synthesis brings within reach many questions that are currently underdetermined and does so in ways that may stimulate entirely new modes of inquiry. PMID:25436610
78 FR 2363 - Notification of Deletion of a System of Records; Automated Trust Funds Database
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Database AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of deletion of a system... establishing the Automated Trust Funds (ATF) database system of records. The Federal Information Security... Integrity Act of 1982, Public Law 97-255, provided authority for the system. The ATF database has been...
Similar compounds searching system by using the gene expression microarray database.
Toyoshiba, Hiroyoshi; Sawada, Hiroshi; Naeshiro, Ichiro; Horinouchi, Akira
Numbers of microarrays have been examined and several public and commercial databases have been developed. However, it is not easy to compare in-house microarray data with those in a database because of insufficient reproducibility due to differences in the experimental conditions. As one of the approach to use these databases, we developed the similar compounds searching system (SCSS) on a toxicogenomics database. The datasets of 55 compounds administered to rats in the Toxicogenomics Project (TGP) database in Japan were used in this study. Using the fold-change ranking method developed by Lamb et al. [Lamb, J., Crawford, E.D., Peck, D., Modell, J.W., Blat, I.C., Wrobel, M.J., Lerner, J., Brunet, J.P., Subramanian, A., Ross, K.N., Reich, M., Hieronymus, H., Wei, G., Armstrong, S.A., Haggarty, S.J., Clemons, P.A., Wei, R., Carr, S.A., Lander, E.S., Golub, T.R., 2006. The connectivity map: using gene-expression signatures to connect small molecules, genes, and disease. Science 313, 1929-1935] and criteria called hit ratio, the system let us compare in-house microarray data and those in the database. In-house generated data for clofibrate, phenobarbital, and a proprietary compound were tested to evaluate the performance of the SCSS method. Phenobarbital and clofibrate, which were included in the TGP database, scored highest by the SCSS method. Other high scoring compounds had effects similar to either phenobarbital (a cytochrome P450s inducer) or clofibrate (a peroxisome proliferator). Some of high scoring compounds identified using the proprietary compound-administered rats have been known to cause similar toxicological changes in different species. Our results suggest that the SCSS method could be used in drug discovery and development. Moreover, this method may be a powerful tool to understand the mechanisms by which biological systems respond to various chemical compounds and may also predict adverse effects of new compounds.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ho, C. Y.; Li, H. H.
A computerized comprehensive numerical database system on the mechanical, thermophysical, electronic, electrical, magnetic, optical, and other properties of various types of technologically important materials such as metals, alloys, composites, dielectrics, polymers, and ceramics has been established and operational at the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) of Purdue University. This is an on-line, interactive, menu-driven, user-friendly database system. Users can easily search, retrieve, and manipulate the data from the database system without learning special query language, special commands, standardized names of materials, properties, variables, etc. It enables both the direct mode of search/retrieval of data for specified materials, properties, independent variables, etc., and the inverted mode of search/retrieval of candidate materials that meet a set of specified requirements (which is the computer-aided materials selection). It enables also tabular and graphical displays and on-line data manipulations such as units conversion, variables transformation, statistical analysis, etc., of the retrieved data. The development, content, accessibility, etc., of the database system are presented and discussed.
Using decision-tree classifier systems to extract knowledge from databases
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
St.clair, D. C.; Sabharwal, C. L.; Hacke, Keith; Bond, W. E.
One difficulty in applying artificial intelligence techniques to the solution of real world problems is that the development and maintenance of many AI systems, such as those used in diagnostics, require large amounts of human resources. At the same time, databases frequently exist which contain information about the process(es) of interest. Recently, efforts to reduce development and maintenance costs of AI systems have focused on using machine learning techniques to extract knowledge from existing databases. Research is described in the area of knowledge extraction using a class of machine learning techniques called decision-tree classifier systems. Results of this research suggest ways of performing knowledge extraction which may be applied in numerous situations. In addition, a measurement called the concept strength metric (CSM) is described which can be used to determine how well the resulting decision tree can differentiate between the concepts it has learned. The CSM can be used to determine whether or not additional knowledge needs to be extracted from the database. An experiment involving real world data is presented to illustrate the concepts described.
Database management systems for process safety.
Early, William F
Several elements of the process safety management regulation (PSM) require tracking and documentation of actions; process hazard analyses, management of change, process safety information, operating procedures, training, contractor safety programs, pre-startup safety reviews, incident investigations, emergency planning, and compliance audits. These elements can result in hundreds of actions annually that require actions. This tracking and documentation commonly is a failing identified in compliance audits, and is difficult to manage through action lists, spreadsheets, or other tools that are comfortably manipulated by plant personnel. This paper discusses the recent implementation of a database management system at a chemical plant and chronicles the improvements accomplished through the introduction of a customized system. The system as implemented modeled the normal plant workflows, and provided simple, recognizable user interfaces for ease of use.
Geospatial Applications on Different Parallel and Distributed Systems in enviroGRIDS Project
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rodila, D.; Bacu, V.; Gorgan, D.
The execution of Earth Science applications and services on parallel and distributed systems has become a necessity especially due to the large amounts of Geospatial data these applications require and the large geographical areas they cover. The parallelization of these applications comes to solve important performance issues and can spread from task parallelism to data parallelism as well. Parallel and distributed architectures such as Grid, Cloud, Multicore, etc. seem to offer the necessary functionalities to solve important problems in the Earth Science domain: storing, distribution, management, processing and security of Geospatial data, execution of complex processing through task and data parallelism, etc. A main goal of the FP7-funded project enviroGRIDS (Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development) [1] is the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure targeting this catchment region but also the development of standardized and specialized tools for storing, analyzing, processing and visualizing the Geospatial data concerning this area. For achieving these objectives, the enviroGRIDS deals with the execution of different Earth Science applications, such as hydrological models, Geospatial Web services standardized by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and others, on parallel and distributed architecture to maximize the obtained performance. This presentation analysis the integration and execution of Geospatial applications on different parallel and distributed architectures and the possibility of choosing among these architectures based on application characteristics and user requirements through a specialized component. Versions of the proposed platform have been used in enviroGRIDS project on different use cases such as: the execution of Geospatial Web services both on Web and Grid infrastructures [2] and the execution of SWAT hydrological models both on Grid and Multicore architectures [3]. The current
Cao, Jianfang; Chen, Lichao; Wang, Min; Tian, Yun
The Canny operator is widely used to detect edges in images. However, as the size of the image dataset increases, the edge detection performance of the Canny operator decreases and its runtime becomes excessive. To improve the runtime and edge detection performance of the Canny operator, in this paper, we propose a parallel design and implementation for an Otsu-optimized Canny operator using a MapReduce parallel programming model that runs on the Hadoop platform. The Otsu algorithm is used to optimize the Canny operator's dual threshold and improve the edge detection performance, while the MapReduce parallel programming model facilitates parallel processing for the Canny operator to solve the processing speed and communication cost problems that occur when the Canny edge detection algorithm is applied to big data. For the experiments, we constructed datasets of different scales from the Pascal VOC2012 image database. The proposed parallel Otsu-Canny edge detection algorithm performs better than other traditional edge detection algorithms. The parallel approach reduced the running time by approximately 67.2% on a Hadoop cluster architecture consisting of 5 nodes with a dataset of 60,000 images. Overall, our approach system speeds up the system by approximately 3.4 times when processing large-scale datasets, which demonstrates the obvious superiority of our method. The proposed algorithm in this study demonstrates both better edge detection performance and improved time performance.
Parallel solution of closely coupled systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Utku, S.; Salama, M.
The odd-even permutation and associated unitary transformations for reordering the matrix coefficient A are employed as means of breaking the strong seriality which is characteristic of closely coupled systems. The nested dissection technique is also reviewed, and the equivalence between reordering A and dissecting its network is established. The effect of transforming A with odd-even permutation on its topology and the topology of its Cholesky factors is discussed. This leads to the construction of directed graphs showing the computational steps required for factoring A, their precedence relationships and their sequential and concurrent assignment to the available processors. Expressions for the speed-up and efficiency of using N processors in parallel relative to the sequential use of a single processor are derived from the directed graph. Similar expressions are also derived when the number of available processors is fewer than required.
Proposal for massively parallel data storage system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mansuripur, M.
An architecture for integrating large numbers of data storage units (drives) to form a distributed mass storage system is proposed. The network of interconnected units consists of nodes and links. At each node there resides a controller board, a data storage unit and, possibly, a local/remote user-terminal. The links (twisted-pair wires, coax cables, or fiber-optic channels) provide the communications backbone of the network. There is no central controller for the system as a whole; all decisions regarding allocation of resources, routing of messages and data-blocks, creation and distribution of redundant data-blocks throughout the system (for protection against possible failures), frequency of backup operations, etc., are made locally at individual nodes. The system can handle as many user-terminals as there are nodes in the network. Various users compete for resources by sending their requests to the local controller-board and receiving allocations of time and storage space. In principle, each user can have access to the entire system, and all drives can be running in parallel to service the requests for one or more users. The system is expandable up to a maximum number of nodes, determined by the number of routing-buffers built into the controller boards. Additional drives, controller-boards, user-terminals, and links can be simply plugged into an existing system in order to expand its capacity.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Moore, Pam
The Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) generate lots of data. Data must be stored, organized, and managed. Database administrators, or DBAs, work with database software to find ways to do this. They identify user needs, set up computer databases, and test systems. They ensure that systems perform as they should and add people to the…
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kasahara, Hironori; Honda, Hiroki; Narita, Seinosuke
Parallel processing of real-time dynamic systems simulation on a multiprocessor system named OSCAR is presented. In the simulation of dynamic systems, generally, the same calculation are repeated every time step. However, we cannot apply to Do-all or the Do-across techniques for parallel processing of the simulation since there exist data dependencies from the end of an iteration to the beginning of the next iteration and furthermore data-input and data-output are required every sampling time period. Therefore, parallelism inside the calculation required for a single time step, or a large basic block which consists of arithmetic assignment statements, must be used. In the proposed method, near fine grain tasks, each of which consists of one or more floating point operations, are generated to extract the parallelism from the calculation and assigned to processors by using optimal static scheduling at compile time in order to reduce large run time overhead caused by the use of near fine grain tasks. The practicality of the scheme is demonstrated on OSCAR (Optimally SCheduled Advanced multiprocessoR) which has been developed to extract advantageous features of static scheduling algorithms to the maximum extent.
Schurr, K.M.; Cox, S.E.
The Pesticide-Application Data-Base Management System was created as a demonstration project and was tested with data submitted to the Washington State Department of Agriculture by pesticide applicators from a small geographic area. These data were entered into the Department's relational data-base system and uploaded into the system's ARC/INFO files. Locations for pesticide applica- tions are assigned within the Public Land Survey System grids, and ARC/INFO programs in the Pesticide-Application Data-Base Management System can subdivide each survey section into sixteen idealized quarter-quarter sections for display map grids. The system provides data retrieval and geographic information system plotting capabilities from a menu of seven basic retrieval options. Additionally, ARC/INFO coverages can be created from the retrieved data when required for particular applications. The Pesticide-Application Data-Base Management System, or the general principles used in the system, could be adapted to other applica- tions or to other states.
BtoxDB: a comprehensive database of protein structural data on toxin-antitoxin systems.
Barbosa, Luiz Carlos Bertucci; Garrido, Saulo Santesso; Marchetto, Reinaldo
Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are diverse and abundant genetic modules in prokaryotic cells that are typically formed by two genes encoding a stable toxin and a labile antitoxin. Because TA systems are able to repress growth or kill cells and are considered to be important actors in cell persistence (multidrug resistance without genetic change), these modules are considered potential targets for alternative drug design. In this scenario, structural information for the proteins in these systems is highly valuable. In this report, we describe the development of a web-based system, named BtoxDB, that stores all protein structural data on TA systems. The BtoxDB database was implemented as a MySQL relational database using PHP scripting language. Web interfaces were developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The data were collected from the PDB, UniProt and Entrez databases. These data were appropriately filtered using specialized literature and our previous knowledge about toxin-antitoxin systems. The database provides three modules ("Search", "Browse" and "Statistics") that enable searches, acquisition of contents and access to statistical data. Direct links to matching external databases are also available. The compilation of all protein structural data on TA systems in one platform is highly useful for researchers interested in this content. BtoxDB is publicly available at Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new database sub-system for grain-size analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suckow, Axel
Detailed grain-size analyses of large depth profiles for palaeoclimate studies create large amounts of data. For instance (Novothny et al., 2011) presented a depth profile of grain-size analyses with 2 cm resolution and a total depth of more than 15 m, where each sample was measured with 5 repetitions on a Beckman Coulter LS13320 with 116 channels. This adds up to a total of more than four million numbers. Such amounts of data are not easily post-processed by spreadsheets or standard software; also MS Access databases would face serious performance problems. The poster describes a database sub-system dedicated to grain-size analyses. It expands the LabData database and laboratory management system published by Suckow and Dumke (2001). This compatibility with a very flexible database system provides ease to import the grain-size data, as well as the overall infrastructure of also storing geographic context and the ability to organize content like comprising several samples into one set or project. It also allows easy export and direct plot generation of final data in MS Excel. The sub-system allows automated import of raw data from the Beckman Coulter LS13320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer. During post processing MS Excel is used as a data display, but no number crunching is implemented in Excel. Raw grain size spectra can be exported and controlled as Number- Surface- and Volume-fractions, while single spectra can be locked for further post-processing. From the spectra the usual statistical values (i.e. mean, median) can be computed as well as fractions larger than a grain size, smaller than a grain size, fractions between any two grain sizes or any ratio of such values. These deduced values can be easily exported into Excel for one or more depth profiles. However, such a reprocessing for large amounts of data also allows new display possibilities: normally depth profiles of grain-size data are displayed only with summarized parameters like the clay
Ultra-Structure database design methodology for managing systems biology data and analyses
Maier, Christopher W; Long, Jeffrey G; Hemminger, Bradley M; Giddings, Morgan C
Background Modern, high-throughput biological experiments generate copious, heterogeneous, interconnected data sets. Research is dynamic, with frequently changing protocols, techniques, instruments, and file formats. Because of these factors, systems designed to manage and integrate modern biological data sets often end up as large, unwieldy databases that become difficult to maintain or evolve. The novel rule-based approach of the Ultra-Structure design methodology presents a potential solution to this problem. By representing both data and processes as formal rules within a database, an Ultra-Structure system constitutes a flexible framework that enables users to explicitly store domain knowledge in both a machine- and human-readable form. End users themselves can change the system's capabilities without programmer intervention, simply by altering database contents; no computer code or schemas need be modified. This provides flexibility in adapting to change, and allows integration of disparate, heterogenous data sets within a small core set of database tables, facilitating joint analysis and visualization without becoming unwieldy. Here, we examine the application of Ultra-Structure to our ongoing research program for the integration of large proteomic and genomic data sets (proteogenomic mapping). Results We transitioned our proteogenomic mapping information system from a traditional entity-relationship design to one based on Ultra-Structure. Our system integrates tandem mass spectrum data, genomic annotation sets, and spectrum/peptide mappings, all within a small, general framework implemented within a standard relational database system. General software procedures driven by user-modifiable rules can perform tasks such as logical deduction and location-based computations. The system is not tied specifically to proteogenomic research, but is rather designed to accommodate virtually any kind of biological research. Conclusion We find Ultra-Structure offers
100 Gbps Wireless System and Circuit Design Using Parallel Spread-Spectrum Sequencing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scheytt, J. Christoph; Javed, Abdul Rehman; Bammidi, Eswara Rao; KrishneGowda, Karthik; Kallfass, Ingmar; Kraemer, Rolf
In this article mixed analog/digital signal processing techniques based on parallel spread-spectrum sequencing (PSSS) and radio frequency (RF) carrier synchronization for ultra-broadband wireless communication are investigated on system and circuit level.
Jiang, Junfeng; Liu, Tiegen; Zhang, Yimo; Liu, Lina; Zha, Ying; Zhang, Fan; Wang, Yunxin; Long, Pin
A parallel demodulation system for extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (EFPI) and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors is presented, which is based on a Michelson interferometer and combines the methods of low-coherence interference and a Fourier-transform spectrum. The parallel demodulation theory is modeled with Fourier-transform spectrum technology, and a signal separation method with an EFPI and FBG is proposed. The design of an optical path difference scanning and sampling method without a reference light is described. Experiments show that the parallel demodulation system has good spectrum demodulation and low-coherence interference demodulation performance. It can realize simultaneous strain and temperature measurements while keeping the whole system configuration less complex.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goldstein, David
Extensions to an architecture for real-time, distributed (parallel) knowledge-based systems called the Parallel Real-time Artificial Intelligence System (PRAIS) are discussed. PRAIS strives for transparently parallelizing production (rule-based) systems, even under real-time constraints. PRAIS accomplished these goals (presented at the first annual C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) conference) by incorporating a dynamic task scheduler, operating system extensions for fact handling, and message-passing among multiple copies of CLIPS executing on a virtual blackboard. This distributed knowledge-based system tool uses the portability of CLIPS and common message-passing protocols to operate over a heterogeneous network of processors. Results using the original PRAIS architecture over a network of Sun 3's, Sun 4's and VAX's are presented. Mechanisms using the producer-consumer model to extend the architecture for fault-tolerance and distributed truth maintenance initiation are also discussed.
Performance analysis of static locking in replicated distributed database systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kuang, Yinghong; Mukkamala, Ravi
Data replication and transaction deadlocks can severely affect the performance of distributed database systems. Many current evaluation techniques ignore these aspects, because it is difficult to evaluate through analysis and time consuming to evaluate through simulation. A technique is used that combines simulation and analysis to closely illustrate the impact of deadlock and evaluate performance of replicated distributed database with both shared and exclusive locks.
Performance analysis of static locking in replicated distributed database systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kuang, Yinghong; Mukkamala, Ravi
Data replications and transaction deadlocks can severely affect the performance of distributed database systems. Many current evaluation techniques ignore these aspects, because it is difficult to evaluate through analysis and time consuming to evaluate through simulation. Here, a technique is discussed that combines simulation and analysis to closely illustrate the impact of deadlock and evaluate performance of replicated distributed databases with both shared and exclusive locks.
A scalable parallel black oil simulator on distributed memory parallel computers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Kun; Liu, Hui; Chen, Zhangxin
This paper presents our work on developing a parallel black oil simulator for distributed memory computers based on our in-house parallel platform. The parallel simulator is designed to overcome the performance issues of common simulators that are implemented for personal computers and workstations. The finite difference method is applied to discretize the black oil model. In addition, some advanced techniques are employed to strengthen the robustness and parallel scalability of the simulator, including an inexact Newton method, matrix decoupling methods, and algebraic multigrid methods. A new multi-stage preconditioner is proposed to accelerate the solution of linear systems from the Newton methods. Numerical experiments show that our simulator is scalable and efficient, and is capable of simulating extremely large-scale black oil problems with tens of millions of grid blocks using thousands of MPI processes on parallel computers.
Architectures for reasoning in parallel
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hall, Lawrence O.
The research conducted has dealt with rule-based expert systems. The algorithms that may lead to effective parallelization of them were investigated. Both the forward and backward chained control paradigms were investigated in the course of this work. The best computer architecture for the developed and investigated algorithms has been researched. Two experimental vehicles were developed to facilitate this research. They are Backpac, a parallel backward chained rule-based reasoning system and Datapac, a parallel forward chained rule-based reasoning system. Both systems have been written in Multilisp, a version of Lisp which contains the parallel construct, future. Applying the future function to a function causes the function to become a task parallel to the spawning task. Additionally, Backpac and Datapac have been run on several disparate parallel processors. The machines are an Encore Multimax with 10 processors, the Concert Multiprocessor with 64 processors, and a 32 processor BBN GP1000. Both the Concert and the GP1000 are switch-based machines. The Multimax has all its processors hung off a common bus. All are shared memory machines, but have different schemes for sharing the memory and different locales for the shared memory. The main results of the investigations come from experiments on the 10 processor Encore and the Concert with partitions of 32 or less processors. Additionally, experiments have been run with a stripped down version of EMYCIN.
Parallel processing methods for space based power systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Berry, F. C.
This report presents a method for doing load-flow analysis of a power system by using a decomposition approach. The power system for the Space Shuttle is used as a basis to build a model for the load-flow analysis. To test the decomposition method for doing load-flow analysis, simulations were performed on power systems of 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, and 79 nodes. Each of the power systems was divided into subsystems and simulated under steady-state conditions. The results from these tests have been found to be as accurate as tests performed using a standard serial simulator. The division of the power systems into different subsystems was done by assigning a processor to each area. There were 13 transputers available, therefore, up to 13 different subsystems could be simulated at the same time. This report has preliminary results for a load-flow analysis using a decomposition principal. The report shows that the decomposition algorithm for load-flow analysis is well suited for parallel processing and provides increases in the speed of execution.
Efficient parallel architecture for highly coupled real-time linear system applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Carroll, Chester C.; Homaifar, Abdollah; Barua, Soumavo
A systematic procedure is developed for exploiting the parallel constructs of computation in a highly coupled, linear system application. An overall top-down design approach is adopted. Differential equations governing the application under consideration are partitioned into subtasks on the basis of a data flow analysis. The interconnected task units constitute a task graph which has to be computed in every update interval. Multiprocessing concepts utilizing parallel integration algorithms are then applied for efficient task graph execution. A simple scheduling routine is developed to handle task allocation while in the multiprocessor mode. Results of simulation and scheduling are compared on the basis of standard performance indices. Processor timing diagrams are developed on the basis of program output accruing to an optimal set of processors. Basic architectural attributes for implementing the system are discussed together with suggestions for processing element design. Emphasis is placed on flexible architectures capable of accommodating widely varying application specifics.
Storing files in a parallel computing system based on user or application specification
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Faibish, Sorin; Bent, John M.; Nick, Jeffrey M.
Techniques are provided for storing files in a parallel computing system based on a user-specification. A plurality of files generated by a distributed application in a parallel computing system are stored by obtaining a specification from the distributed application indicating how the plurality of files should be stored; and storing one or more of the plurality of files in one or more storage nodes of a multi-tier storage system based on the specification. The plurality of files comprise a plurality of complete files and/or a plurality of sub-files. The specification can optionally be processed by a daemon executing on onemore » or more nodes in a multi-tier storage system. The specification indicates how the plurality of files should be stored, for example, identifying one or more storage nodes where the plurality of files should be stored.« less
The Space Systems Environmental Test Facility Database (SSETFD), Website Development Status
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Snyder, James M.
The Aerospace Corporation has been developing a database of U.S. environmental test laboratory capabilities utilized by the space systems hardware development community. To date, 19 sites have been visited by The Aerospace Corporation and verbal agreements reached to include their capability descriptions in the database. A website is being developed to make this database accessible by all interested government, civil, university and industry personnel. The website will be accessible by all interested in learning more about the extensive collective capability that the US based space industry has to offer. The Environments, Test & Assessment Department within The Aerospace Corporation will be responsible for overall coordination and maintenance of the database. Several US government agencies are interested in utilizing this database to assist in the source selection process for future spacecraft programs. This paper introduces the website by providing an overview of its development, location and search capabilities. It will show how the aerospace community can apply this new tool as a way to increase the utilization of existing lab facilities, and as a starting point for capital expenditure/upgrade trade studies. The long term result is expected to be increased utilization of existing laboratory capability and reduced overall development cost of space systems hardware. Finally, the paper will present the process for adding new participants, and how the database will be maintained.
Hewitt, Robin; Gobbi, Alberto; Lee, Man-Ling
Relational databases are the current standard for storing and retrieving data in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. However, retrieving data from a relational database requires specialized knowledge of the database schema and of the SQL query language. At Anadys, we have developed an easy-to-use system for searching and reporting data in a relational database to support our drug discovery project teams. This system is fast and flexible and allows users to access all data without having to write SQL queries. This paper presents the hierarchical, graph-based metadata representation and SQL-construction methods that, together, are the basis of this system's capabilities.
Search extension transforms Wiki into a relational system: a case for flavonoid metabolite database.
Arita, Masanori; Suwa, Kazuhiro
In computer science, database systems are based on the relational model founded by Edgar Codd in 1970. On the other hand, in the area of biology the word 'database' often refers to loosely formatted, very large text files. Although such bio-databases may describe conflicts or ambiguities (e.g. a protein pair do and do not interact, or unknown parameters) in a positive sense, the flexibility of the data format sacrifices a systematic query mechanism equivalent to the widely used SQL. To overcome this disadvantage, we propose embeddable string-search commands on a Wiki-based system and designed a half-formatted database. As proof of principle, a database of flavonoid with 6902 molecular structures from over 1687 plant species was implemented on MediaWiki, the background system of Wikipedia. Registered users can describe any information in an arbitrary format. Structured part is subject to text-string searches to realize relational operations. The system was written in PHP language as the extension of MediaWiki. All modifications are open-source and publicly available. This scheme benefits from both the free-formatted Wiki style and the concise and structured relational-database style. MediaWiki supports multi-user environments for document management, and the cost for database maintenance is alleviated.
Search extension transforms Wiki into a relational system: A case for flavonoid metabolite database
Arita, Masanori; Suwa, Kazuhiro
Background In computer science, database systems are based on the relational model founded by Edgar Codd in 1970. On the other hand, in the area of biology the word 'database' often refers to loosely formatted, very large text files. Although such bio-databases may describe conflicts or ambiguities (e.g. a protein pair do and do not interact, or unknown parameters) in a positive sense, the flexibility of the data format sacrifices a systematic query mechanism equivalent to the widely used SQL. Results To overcome this disadvantage, we propose embeddable string-search commands on a Wiki-based system and designed a half-formatted database. As proof of principle, a database of flavonoid with 6902 molecular structures from over 1687 plant species was implemented on MediaWiki, the background system of Wikipedia. Registered users can describe any information in an arbitrary format. Structured part is subject to text-string searches to realize relational operations. The system was written in PHP language as the extension of MediaWiki. All modifications are open-source and publicly available. Conclusion This scheme benefits from both the free-formatted Wiki style and the concise and structured relational-database style. MediaWiki supports multi-user environments for document management, and the cost for database maintenance is alleviated. PMID:18822113
Local rollback for fault-tolerance in parallel computing systems
Blumrich, Matthias A [Yorktown Heights, NY; Chen, Dong [Yorktown Heights, NY; Gara, Alan [Yorktown Heights, NY; Giampapa, Mark E [Yorktown Heights, NY; Heidelberger, Philip [Yorktown Heights, NY; Ohmacht, Martin [Yorktown Heights, NY; Steinmacher-Burow, Burkhard [Boeblingen, DE; Sugavanam, Krishnan [Yorktown Heights, NY
A control logic device performs a local rollback in a parallel super computing system. The super computing system includes at least one cache memory device. The control logic device determines a local rollback interval. The control logic device runs at least one instruction in the local rollback interval. The control logic device evaluates whether an unrecoverable condition occurs while running the at least one instruction during the local rollback interval. The control logic device checks whether an error occurs during the local rollback. The control logic device restarts the local rollback interval if the error occurs and the unrecoverable condition does not occur during the local rollback interval.
System of end-to-end symmetric database encryption
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Galushka, V. V.; Aydinyan, A. R.; Tsvetkova, O. L.; Fathi, V. A.; Fathi, D. V.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of protecting databases from information leakage, which is performed while bypassing access control mechanisms. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use end-to-end data encryption, implemented at the end nodes of an interaction of the information system components using one of the symmetric cryptographic algorithms. For this purpose, a key management method designed for use in a multi-user system based on the distributed key representation model, part of which is stored in the database, and the other part is obtained by converting the user's password, has been developed and described. In this case, the key is calculated immediately before the cryptographic transformations and is not stored in the memory after the completion of these transformations. Algorithms for registering and authorizing a user, as well as changing his password, have been described, and the methods for calculating parts of a key when performing these operations have been provided.
Support for Debugging Automatically Parallelized Programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jost, Gabriele; Hood, Robert; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
We describe a system that simplifies the process of debugging programs produced by computer-aided parallelization tools. The system uses relative debugging techniques to compare serial and parallel executions in order to show where the computations begin to differ. If the original serial code is correct, errors due to parallelization will be isolated by the comparison. One of the primary goals of the system is to minimize the effort required of the user. To that end, the debugging system uses information produced by the parallelization tool to drive the comparison process. In particular the debugging system relies on the parallelization tool to provide information about where variables may have been modified and how arrays are distributed across multiple processes. User effort is also reduced through the use of dynamic instrumentation. This allows us to modify the program execution without changing the way the user builds the executable. The use of dynamic instrumentation also permits us to compare the executions in a fine-grained fashion and only involve the debugger when a difference has been detected. This reduces the overhead of executing instrumentation.
Relative Debugging of Automatically Parallelized Programs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jost, Gabriele; Hood, Robert; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
We describe a system that simplifies the process of debugging programs produced by computer-aided parallelization tools. The system uses relative debugging techniques to compare serial and parallel executions in order to show where the computations begin to differ. If the original serial code is correct, errors due to parallelization will be isolated by the comparison. One of the primary goals of the system is to minimize the effort required of the user. To that end, the debugging system uses information produced by the parallelization tool to drive the comparison process. In particular, the debugging system relies on the parallelization tool to provide information about where variables may have been modified and how arrays are distributed across multiple processes. User effort is also reduced through the use of dynamic instrumentation. This allows us to modify, the program execution with out changing the way the user builds the executable. The use of dynamic instrumentation also permits us to compare the executions in a fine-grained fashion and only involve the debugger when a difference has been detected. This reduces the overhead of executing instrumentation.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Arafat, Humayun; Dinan, James; Krishnamoorthy, Sriram
Task parallelism is an attractive approach to automatically load balance the computation in a parallel system and adapt to dynamism exhibited by parallel systems. Exploiting task parallelism through work stealing has been extensively studied in shared and distributed-memory contexts. In this paper, we study the design of a system that uses work stealing for dynamic load balancing of task-parallel programs executed on hybrid distributed-memory CPU-graphics processing unit (GPU) systems in a global-address space framework. We take into account the unique nature of the accelerator model employed by GPUs, the significant performance difference between GPU and CPU execution as a functionmore » of problem size, and the distinct CPU and GPU memory domains. We consider various alternatives in designing a distributed work stealing algorithm for CPU-GPU systems, while taking into account the impact of task distribution and data movement overheads. These strategies are evaluated using microbenchmarks that capture various execution configurations as well as the state-of-the-art CCSD(T) application module from the computational chemistry domain.« less
Using parallel banded linear system solvers in generalized eigenvalue problems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zhang, Hong; Moss, William F.
Subspace iteration is a reliable and cost effective method for solving positive definite banded symmetric generalized eigenproblems, especially in the case of large scale problems. This paper discusses an algorithm that makes use of two parallel banded solvers in subspace iteration. A shift is introduced to decompose the banded linear systems into relatively independent subsystems and to accelerate the iterations. With this shift, an eigenproblem is mapped efficiently into the memories of a multiprocessor and a high speed-up is obtained for parallel implementations. An optimal shift is a shift that balances total computation and communication costs. Under certain conditions, we show how to estimate an optimal shift analytically using the decay rate for the inverse of a banded matrix, and how to improve this estimate. Computational results on iPSC/2 and iPSC/860 multiprocessors are presented.
Pilot Non-Conformance to Alerting System Commands During Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pritchett, Amy R.; Hansman, R. John
Pilot non-conformance to alerting system commands has been noted in general and to a TCAS-like collision avoidance system in a previous experiment. This paper details two experiments studying collision avoidance during closely-spaced parallel approaches in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), and specifically examining possible causal factors of, and design solutions to, pilot non-conformance.
Parallel checksumming of data chunks of a shared data object using a log-structured file system
Bent, John M.; Faibish, Sorin; Grider, Gary
Checksum values are generated and used to verify the data integrity. A client executing in a parallel computing system stores a data chunk to a shared data object on a storage node in the parallel computing system. The client determines a checksum value for the data chunk; and provides the checksum value with the data chunk to the storage node that stores the shared object. The data chunk can be stored on the storage node with the corresponding checksum value as part of the shared object. The storage node may be part of a Parallel Log-Structured File System (PLFS), and the client may comprise, for example, a Log-Structured File System client on a compute node or burst buffer. The checksum value can be evaluated when the data chunk is read from the storage node to verify the integrity of the data that is read.
Hypercluster Parallel Processor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blech, Richard A.; Cole, Gary L.; Milner, Edward J.; Quealy, Angela
Hypercluster computer system includes multiple digital processors, operation of which coordinated through specialized software. Configurable according to various parallel-computing architectures of shared-memory or distributed-memory class, including scalar computer, vector computer, reduced-instruction-set computer, and complex-instruction-set computer. Designed as flexible, relatively inexpensive system that provides single programming and operating environment within which one can investigate effects of various parallel-computing architectures and combinations on performance in solution of complicated problems like those of three-dimensional flows in turbomachines. Hypercluster software and architectural concepts are in public domain.
The relational clinical database: a possible solution to the star wars in registry systems.
Michels, D K; Zamieroski, M
In summary, having data from other service areas available in a relational clinical database could resolve many of the problems existing in today's registry systems. Uniting sophisticated information systems into a centralized database system could definitely be a corporate asset in managing the bottom line.
On program restructuring, scheduling, and communication for parallel processor systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Polychronopoulos, Constantine D.
This dissertation discusses several software and hardware aspects of program execution on large-scale, high-performance parallel processor systems. The issues covered are program restructuring, partitioning, scheduling and interprocessor communication, synchronization, and hardware design issues of specialized units. All this work was performed focusing on a single goal: to maximize program speedup, or equivalently, to minimize parallel execution time. Parafrase, a Fortran restructuring compiler was used to transform programs in a parallel form and conduct experiments. Two new program restructuring techniques are presented, loop coalescing and subscript blocking. Compile-time and run-time scheduling schemes are covered extensively. Depending on the program construct, thesemore » algorithms generate optimal or near-optimal schedules. For the case of arbitrarily nested hybrid loops, two optimal scheduling algorithms for dynamic and static scheduling are presented. Simulation results are given for a new dynamic scheduling algorithm. The performance of this algorithm is compared to that of self-scheduling. Techniques for program partitioning and minimization of interprocessor communication for idealized program models and for real Fortran programs are also discussed. The close relationship between scheduling, interprocessor communication, and synchronization becomes apparent at several points in this work. Finally, the impact of various types of overhead on program speedup and experimental results are presented.« less
Equalizer: a scalable parallel rendering framework.
Eilemann, Stefan; Makhinya, Maxim; Pajarola, Renato
Continuing improvements in CPU and GPU performances as well as increasing multi-core processor and cluster-based parallelism demand for flexible and scalable parallel rendering solutions that can exploit multipipe hardware accelerated graphics. In fact, to achieve interactive visualization, scalable rendering systems are essential to cope with the rapid growth of data sets. However, parallel rendering systems are non-trivial to develop and often only application specific implementations have been proposed. The task of developing a scalable parallel rendering framework is even more difficult if it should be generic to support various types of data and visualization applications, and at the same time work efficiently on a cluster with distributed graphics cards. In this paper we introduce a novel system called Equalizer, a toolkit for scalable parallel rendering based on OpenGL which provides an application programming interface (API) to develop scalable graphics applications for a wide range of systems ranging from large distributed visualization clusters and multi-processor multipipe graphics systems to single-processor single-pipe desktop machines. We describe the system architecture, the basic API, discuss its advantages over previous approaches, present example configurations and usage scenarios as well as scalability results.
CardioTF, a database of deconstructing transcriptional circuits in the heart system.
Zhen, Yisong
Information on cardiovascular gene transcription is fragmented and far behind the present requirements of the systems biology field. To create a comprehensive source of data for cardiovascular gene regulation and to facilitate a deeper understanding of genomic data, the CardioTF database was constructed. The purpose of this database is to collate information on cardiovascular transcription factors (TFs), position weight matrices (PWMs), and enhancer sequences discovered using the ChIP-seq method. The Naïve-Bayes algorithm was used to classify literature and identify all PubMed abstracts on cardiovascular development. The natural language learning tool GNAT was then used to identify corresponding gene names embedded within these abstracts. Local Perl scripts were used to integrate and dump data from public databases into the MariaDB management system (MySQL). In-house R scripts were written to analyze and visualize the results. Known cardiovascular TFs from humans and human homologs from fly, Ciona, zebrafish, frog, chicken, and mouse were identified and deposited in the database. PWMs from Jaspar, hPDI, and UniPROBE databases were deposited in the database and can be retrieved using their corresponding TF names. Gene enhancer regions from various sources of ChIP-seq data were deposited into the database and were able to be visualized by graphical output. Besides biocuration, mouse homologs of the 81 core cardiac TFs were selected using a Naïve-Bayes approach and then by intersecting four independent data sources: RNA profiling, expert annotation, PubMed abstracts and phenotype. The CardioTF database can be used as a portal to construct transcriptional network of cardiac development. Database URL:
Implementation of an Online Database for Chemical Propulsion Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
David B. Owen, II; McRight, Patrick S.; Cardiff, Eric H.
The Johns Hopkins University, Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center (CPIAC) has been working closely with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC); NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC); the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH); The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory (APL); and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to capture satellite and spacecraft propulsion system information for an online database tool. The Spacecraft Chemical Propulsion Database (SCPD) is a new online central repository containing general and detailed system and component information on a variety of spacecraft propulsion systems. This paper only uses data that have been approved for public release with unlimited distribution. The data, supporting documentation, and ability to produce reports on demand, enable a researcher using SCPD to compare spacecraft easily, generate information for trade studies and mass estimates, and learn from the experiences of others through what has already been done. This paper outlines the layout and advantages of SCPD, including a simple example application with a few chemical propulsion systems from various NASA spacecraft.
Integrated Electronic Health Record Database Management System: A Proposal.
Schiza, Eirini C; Panos, George; David, Christiana; Petkov, Nicolai; Schizas, Christos N
eHealth has attained significant importance as a new mechanism for health management and medical practice. However, the technological growth of eHealth is still limited by technical expertise needed to develop appropriate products. Researchers are constantly in a process of developing and testing new software for building and handling Clinical Medical Records, being renamed to Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems; EHRs take full advantage of the technological developments and at the same time provide increased diagnostic and treatment capabilities to doctors. A step to be considered for facilitating this aim is to involve more actively the doctor in building the fundamental steps for creating the EHR system and database. A global clinical patient record database management system can be electronically created by simulating real life medical practice health record taking and utilizing, analyzing the recorded parameters. This proposed approach demonstrates the effective implementation of a universal classic medical record in electronic form, a procedure by which, clinicians are led to utilize algorithms and intelligent systems for their differential diagnosis, final diagnosis and treatment strategies.
Design considerations for parallel graphics libraries
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Crockett, Thomas W.
Applications which run on parallel supercomputers are often characterized by massive datasets. Converting these vast collections of numbers to visual form has proven to be a powerful aid to comprehension. For a variety of reasons, it may be desirable to provide this visual feedback at runtime. One way to accomplish this is to exploit the available parallelism to perform graphics operations in place. In order to do this, we need appropriate parallel rendering algorithms and library interfaces. This paper provides a tutorial introduction to some of the issues which arise in designing parallel graphics libraries and their underlying rendering algorithms. The focus is on polygon rendering for distributed memory message-passing systems. We illustrate our discussion with examples from PGL, a parallel graphics library which has been developed on the Intel family of parallel systems.
Design of Integrated Database on Mobile Information System: A Study of Yogyakarta Smart City App
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nurnawati, E. K.; Ermawati, E.
An integration database is a database which acts as the data store for multiple applications and thus integrates data across these applications (in contrast to an Application Database). An integration database needs a schema that takes all its client applications into account. The benefit of the schema that sharing data among applications does not require an extra layer of integration services on the applications. Any changes to data made in a single application are made available to all applications at the time of database commit - thus keeping the applications’ data use better synchronized. This study aims to design and build an integrated database that can be used by various applications in a mobile device based system platforms with the based on smart city system. The built-in database can be used by various applications, whether used together or separately. The design and development of the database are emphasized on the flexibility, security, and completeness of attributes that can be used together by various applications to be built. The method used in this study is to choice of the appropriate database logical structure (patterns of data) and to build the relational-database models (Design Databases). Test the resulting design with some prototype apps and analyze system performance with test data. The integrated database can be utilized both of the admin and the user in an integral and comprehensive platform. This system can help admin, manager, and operator in managing the application easily and efficiently. This Android-based app is built based on a dynamic clientserver where data is extracted from an external database MySQL. So if there is a change of data in the database, then the data on Android applications will also change. This Android app assists users in searching of Yogyakarta (as smart city) related information, especially in culture, government, hotels, and transportation.
The AIS-5000 parallel processor
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schmitt, L.A.; Wilson, S.S.
The AIS-5000 is a commercially available massively parallel processor which has been designed to operate in an industrial environment. It has fine-grained parallelism with up to 1024 processing elements arranged in a single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) architecture. The processing elements are arranged in a one-dimensional chain that, for computer vision applications, can be as wide as the image itself. This architecture has superior cost/performance characteristics than two-dimensional mesh-connected systems. The design of the processing elements and their interconnections as well as the software used to program the system allow a wide variety of algorithms and applications to be implemented. In thismore » paper, the overall architecture of the system is described. Various components of the system are discussed, including details of the processing elements, data I/O pathways and parallel memory organization. A virtual two-dimensional model for programming image-based algorithms for the system is presented. This model is supported by the AIS-5000 hardware and software and allows the system to be treated as a full-image-size, two-dimensional, mesh-connected parallel processor. Performance bench marks are given for certain simple and complex functions.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
An account of the Caltech Concurrent Computation Program (C{sup 3}P), a five year project that focused on answering the question: Can parallel computers be used to do large-scale scientific computations '' As the title indicates, the question is answered in the affirmative, by implementing numerous scientific applications on real parallel computers and doing computations that produced new scientific results. In the process of doing so, C{sup 3}P helped design and build several new computers, designed and implemented basic system software, developed algorithms for frequently used mathematical computations on massively parallel machines, devised performance models and measured the performance of manymore » computers, and created a high performance computing facility based exclusively on parallel computers. While the initial focus of C{sup 3}P was the hypercube architecture developed by C. Seitz, many of the methods developed and lessons learned have been applied successfully on other massively parallel architectures.« less
Data Structures in Natural Computing: Databases as Weak or Strong Anticipatory Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rossiter, B. N.; Heather, M. A.
Information systems anticipate the real world. Classical databases store, organise and search collections of data of that real world but only as weak anticipatory information systems. This is because of the reductionism and normalisation needed to map the structuralism of natural data on to idealised machines with von Neumann architectures consisting of fixed instructions. Category theory developed as a formalism to explore the theoretical concept of naturality shows that methods like sketches arising from graph theory as only non-natural models of naturality cannot capture real-world structures for strong anticipatory information systems. Databases need a schema of the natural world. Natural computing databases need the schema itself to be also natural. Natural computing methods including neural computers, evolutionary automata, molecular and nanocomputing and quantum computation have the potential to be strong. At present they are mainly at the stage of weak anticipatory systems.
Large Scale Landslide Database System Established for the Reservoirs in Southern Taiwan
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tsai, Tsai-Tsung; Tsai, Kuang-Jung; Shieh, Chjeng-Lun
Typhoon Morakot seriously attack southern Taiwan awaken the public awareness of large scale landslide disasters. Large scale landslide disasters produce large quantity of sediment due to negative effects on the operating functions of reservoirs. In order to reduce the risk of these disasters within the study area, the establishment of a database for hazard mitigation / disaster prevention is necessary. Real time data and numerous archives of engineering data, environment information, photo, and video, will not only help people make appropriate decisions, but also bring the biggest concern for people to process and value added. The study tried to define some basic data formats / standards from collected various types of data about these reservoirs and then provide a management platform based on these formats / standards. Meanwhile, in order to satisfy the practicality and convenience, the large scale landslide disasters database system is built both provide and receive information abilities, which user can use this large scale landslide disasters database system on different type of devices. IT technology progressed extreme quick, the most modern system might be out of date anytime. In order to provide long term service, the system reserved the possibility of user define data format /standard and user define system structure. The system established by this study was based on HTML5 standard language, and use the responsive web design technology. This will make user can easily handle and develop this large scale landslide disasters database system.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Freeman, Carla; And Others
In order to understand how the database software or online database functioned in the overall curricula, the use of database management (DBMs) systems was studied at eight elementary and middle schools through classroom observation and interviews with teachers and administrators, librarians, and students. Three overall areas were addressed:…
Adaptive parallel logic networks
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Martinez, Tony R.; Vidal, Jacques J.
Adaptive, self-organizing concurrent systems (ASOCS) that combine self-organization with massive parallelism for such applications as adaptive logic devices, robotics, process control, and system malfunction management, are presently discussed. In ASOCS, an adaptive network composed of many simple computing elements operating in combinational and asynchronous fashion is used and problems are specified by presenting if-then rules to the system in the form of Boolean conjunctions. During data processing, which is a different operational phase from adaptation, the network acts as a parallel hardware circuit.
Multiresource inventories incorporating GIS, GPS, and database management systems
Loukas G. Arvanitis; Balaji Ramachandran; Daniel P. Brackett; Hesham Abd-El Rasol; Xuesong Du
Large-scale natural resource inventories generate enormous data sets. Their effective handling requires a sophisticated database management system. Such a system must be robust enough to efficiently store large amounts of data and flexible enough to allow users to manipulate a wide variety of information. In a pilot project, related to a multiresource inventory of the...
NVST Data Archiving System Based On FastBit NoSQL Database
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Ying-bo; Wang, Feng; Ji, Kai-fan; Deng, Hui; Dai, Wei; Liang, Bo
The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is a 1-meter vacuum solar telescope that aims to observe the fine structures of active regions on the Sun. The main tasks of the NVST are high resolution imaging and spectral observations, including the measurements of the solar magnetic field. The NVST has been collecting more than 20 million FITS files since it began routine observations in 2012 and produces a maximum observational records of 120 thousand files in a day. Given the large amount of files, the effective archiving and retrieval of files becomes a critical and urgent problem. In this study, we implement a new data archiving system for the NVST based on the Fastbit Not Only Structured Query Language (NoSQL) database. Comparing to the relational database (i.e., MySQL; My Structured Query Language), the Fastbit database manifests distinctive advantages on indexing and querying performance. In a large scale database of 40 million records, the multi-field combined query response time of Fastbit database is about 15 times faster and fully meets the requirements of the NVST. Our study brings a new idea for massive astronomical data archiving and would contribute to the design of data management systems for other astronomical telescopes.
Computer systems and methods for the query and visualization of multidimensional databases
Stolte, Chris; Tang, Diane L.; Hanrahan, Patrick
A method and system for producing graphics. A hierarchical structure of a database is determined. A visual table, comprising a plurality of panes, is constructed by providing a specification that is in a language based on the hierarchical structure of the database. In some cases, this language can include fields that are in the database schema. The database is queried to retrieve a set of tuples in accordance with the specification. A subset of the set of tuples is associated with a pane in the plurality of panes.
Computer systems and methods for the query and visualization of multidimensional database
Stolte, Chris; Tang, Diane L.; Hanrahan, Patrick
A method and system for producing graphics. A hierarchical structure of a database is determined. A visual table, comprising a plurality of panes, is constructed by providing a specification that is in a language based on the hierarchical structure of the database. In some cases, this language can include fields that are in the database schema. The database is queried to retrieve a set of tuples in accordance with the specification. A subset of the set of tuples is associated with a pane in the plurality of panes.
An Approach Using Parallel Architecture to Storage DICOM Images in Distributed File System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Soares, Tiago S.; Prado, Thiago C.; Dantas, M. A. R.; de Macedo, Douglas D. J.; Bauer, Michael A.
Telemedicine is a very important area in medical field that is expanding daily motivated by many researchers interested in improving medical applications. In Brazil was started in 2005, in the State of Santa Catarina has a developed server called the CyclopsDCMServer, which the purpose to embrace the HDF for the manipulation of medical images (DICOM) using a distributed file system. Since then, many researches were initiated in order to seek better performance. Our approach for this server represents an additional parallel implementation in I/O operations since HDF version 5 has an essential feature for our work which supports parallel I/O, based upon the MPI paradigm. Early experiments using four parallel nodes, provide good performance when compare to the serial HDF implemented in the CyclopsDCMServer.
Effective Parallel Algorithm Animation
parallel computer. The system incorporates the 14 Parallel Processing System us" r User User UMe PMwuM Progra Propu Plropm ýData Dots Data Daft...that produce meaningful animations. The following sections outline characteristics 146 Animation 0 71 r 40 02 I 5 * *2! 4 Idle Bu~sy Send Recv 7...Event Simulation. Technical Report, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992. 22. Garey, Michael R . and David S. Johnson. Computers and Intractability: A
Received Signal Strength Database Interpolation by Kriging for a Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning System.
Jan, Shau-Shiun; Yeh, Shuo-Ju; Liu, Ya-Wen
The main approach for a Wi-Fi indoor positioning system is based on the received signal strength (RSS) measurements, and the fingerprinting method is utilized to determine the user position by matching the RSS values with the pre-surveyed RSS database. To build a RSS fingerprint database is essential for an RSS based indoor positioning system, and building such a RSS fingerprint database requires lots of time and effort. As the range of the indoor environment becomes larger, labor is increased. To provide better indoor positioning services and to reduce the labor required for the establishment of the positioning system at the same time, an indoor positioning system with an appropriate spatial interpolation method is needed. In addition, the advantage of the RSS approach is that the signal strength decays as the transmission distance increases, and this signal propagation characteristic is applied to an interpolated database with the Kriging algorithm in this paper. Using the distribution of reference points (RPs) at measured points, the signal propagation model of the Wi-Fi access point (AP) in the building can be built and expressed as a function. The function, as the spatial structure of the environment, can create the RSS database quickly in different indoor environments. Thus, in this paper, a Wi-Fi indoor positioning system based on the Kriging fingerprinting method is developed. As shown in the experiment results, with a 72.2% probability, the error of the extended RSS database with Kriging is less than 3 dBm compared to the surveyed RSS database. Importantly, the positioning error of the developed Wi-Fi indoor positioning system with Kriging is reduced by 17.9% in average than that without Kriging.
Wang, Min; Tian, Yun
The Canny operator is widely used to detect edges in images. However, as the size of the image dataset increases, the edge detection performance of the Canny operator decreases and its runtime becomes excessive. To improve the runtime and edge detection performance of the Canny operator, in this paper, we propose a parallel design and implementation for an Otsu-optimized Canny operator using a MapReduce parallel programming model that runs on the Hadoop platform. The Otsu algorithm is used to optimize the Canny operator's dual threshold and improve the edge detection performance, while the MapReduce parallel programming model facilitates parallel processing for the Canny operator to solve the processing speed and communication cost problems that occur when the Canny edge detection algorithm is applied to big data. For the experiments, we constructed datasets of different scales from the Pascal VOC2012 image database. The proposed parallel Otsu-Canny edge detection algorithm performs better than other traditional edge detection algorithms. The parallel approach reduced the running time by approximately 67.2% on a Hadoop cluster architecture consisting of 5 nodes with a dataset of 60,000 images. Overall, our approach system speeds up the system by approximately 3.4 times when processing large-scale datasets, which demonstrates the obvious superiority of our method. The proposed algorithm in this study demonstrates both better edge detection performance and improved time performance. PMID:29861711
CardioTF, a database of deconstructing transcriptional circuits in the heart system
Background: Information on cardiovascular gene transcription is fragmented and far behind the present requirements of the systems biology field. To create a comprehensive source of data for cardiovascular gene regulation and to facilitate a deeper understanding of genomic data, the CardioTF database was constructed. The purpose of this database is to collate information on cardiovascular transcription factors (TFs), position weight matrices (PWMs), and enhancer sequences discovered using the ChIP-seq method. Methods: The Naïve-Bayes algorithm was used to classify literature and identify all PubMed abstracts on cardiovascular development. The natural language learning tool GNAT was then used to identify corresponding gene names embedded within these abstracts. Local Perl scripts were used to integrate and dump data from public databases into the MariaDB management system (MySQL). In-house R scripts were written to analyze and visualize the results. Results: Known cardiovascular TFs from humans and human homologs from fly, Ciona, zebrafish, frog, chicken, and mouse were identified and deposited in the database. PWMs from Jaspar, hPDI, and UniPROBE databases were deposited in the database and can be retrieved using their corresponding TF names. Gene enhancer regions from various sources of ChIP-seq data were deposited into the database and were able to be visualized by graphical output. Besides biocuration, mouse homologs of the 81 core cardiac TFs were selected using a Naïve-Bayes approach and then by intersecting four independent data sources: RNA profiling, expert annotation, PubMed abstracts and phenotype. Discussion: The CardioTF database can be used as a portal to construct transcriptional network of cardiac development. Availability and Implementation: Database URL: PMID:27635320
ASEAN Mineral Database and Information System (AMDIS)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Okubo, Y.; Ohno, T.; Bandibas, J. C.; Wakita, K.; Oki, Y.; Takahashi, Y.
AMDIS has lunched officially since the Fourth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals on 28 November 2013. In cooperation with Geological Survey of Japan, the web-based GIS was developed using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. The system is composed of the local databases and the centralized GIS. The local databases created and updated using the centralized GIS are accessible from the portal site. The system introduces distinct advantages over traditional GIS. Those are a global reach, a large number of users, better cross-platform capability, charge free for users, charge free for provider, easy to use, and unified updates. Raising transparency of mineral information to mining companies and to the public, AMDIS shows that mineral resources are abundant throughout the ASEAN region; however, there are many datum vacancies. We understand that such problems occur because of insufficient governance of mineral resources. Mineral governance we refer to is a concept that enforces and maximizes the capacity and systems of government institutions that manages minerals sector. The elements of mineral governance include a) strengthening of information infrastructure facility, b) technological and legal capacities of state-owned mining companies to fully-engage with mining sponsors, c) government-led management of mining projects by supporting the project implementation units, d) government capacity in mineral management such as the control and monitoring of mining operations, and e) facilitation of regional and local development plans and its implementation with the private sector.
Improving Recall Using Database Management Systems: A Learning Strategy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jonassen, David H.
Describes the use of microcomputer database management systems to facilitate the instructional uses of learning strategies relating to information processing skills, especially recall. Two learning strategies, cross-classification matrixing and node acquisition and integration, are highlighted. (Author/LRW)
Crane, Michael; Steinwand, Dan; Beckmann, Tim; Krpan, Greg; Liu, Shu-Guang; Nichols, Erin; Haga, Jim; Maddox, Brian; Bilderback, Chris; Feller, Mark; Homer, George
The overarching goal of this project is to build a spatially distributed infrastructure for information science research by forming a team of information science researchers and providing them with similar hardware and software tools to perform collaborative research. Four geographically distributed Centers of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are developing their own clusters of low-cost, personal computers into parallel computing environments that provide a costeffective way for the USGS to increase participation in the high-performance computing community. Referred to as Beowulf clusters, these hybrid systems provide the robust computing power required for conducting information science research into parallel computing systems and applications.
Collectively loading an application in a parallel computer
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Aho, Michael E.; Attinella, John E.; Gooding, Thomas M.
Collectively loading an application in a parallel computer, the parallel computer comprising a plurality of compute nodes, including: identifying, by a parallel computer control system, a subset of compute nodes in the parallel computer to execute a job; selecting, by the parallel computer control system, one of the subset of compute nodes in the parallel computer as a job leader compute node; retrieving, by the job leader compute node from computer memory, an application for executing the job; and broadcasting, by the job leader to the subset of compute nodes in the parallel computer, the application for executing the job.
Method, systems, and computer program products for implementing function-parallel network firewall
Fulp, Errin W [Winston-Salem, NC; Farley, Ryan J [Winston-Salem, NC
Methods, systems, and computer program products for providing function-parallel firewalls are disclosed. According to one aspect, a function-parallel firewall includes a first firewall node for filtering received packets using a first portion of a rule set including a plurality of rules. The first portion includes less than all of the rules in the rule set. At least one second firewall node filters packets using a second portion of the rule set. The second portion includes at least one rule in the rule set that is not present in the first portion. The first and second portions together include all of the rules in the rule set.
Parallel algorithms for mapping pipelined and parallel computations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nicol, David M.
Many computational problems in image processing, signal processing, and scientific computing are naturally structured for either pipelined or parallel computation. When mapping such problems onto a parallel architecture it is often necessary to aggregate an obvious problem decomposition. Even in this context the general mapping problem is known to be computationally intractable, but recent advances have been made in identifying classes of problems and architectures for which optimal solutions can be found in polynomial time. Among these, the mapping of pipelined or parallel computations onto linear array, shared memory, and host-satellite systems figures prominently. This paper extends that work first by showing how to improve existing serial mapping algorithms. These improvements have significantly lower time and space complexities: in one case a published O(nm sup 3) time algorithm for mapping m modules onto n processors is reduced to an O(nm log m) time complexity, and its space requirements reduced from O(nm sup 2) to O(m). Run time complexity is further reduced with parallel mapping algorithms based on these improvements, which run on the architecture for which they create the mappings.
Discrimination of portraits using a hybrid parallel joint transform correlator system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Inaba, Rieko; Hashimoto, Asako; Kodate, Kashiko
A hybrid parallel joint transform correlation system is demonstrated through the introduction of a five-channel binary zone plate array and is applied to the discrimination of portraits for a presumed criminal investigation. In order to improve performance, we adopt pe-processing of images with white area of 20%. Furthermore, we discuss the robustness.
Parallel file system with metadata distributed across partitioned key-value store c
Bent, John M.; Faibish, Sorin; Grider, Gary; Torres, Aaron
Improved techniques are provided for storing metadata associated with a plurality of sub-files associated with a single shared file in a parallel file system. The shared file is generated by a plurality of applications executing on a plurality of compute nodes. A compute node implements a Parallel Log Structured File System (PLFS) library to store at least one portion of the shared file generated by an application executing on the compute node and metadata for the at least one portion of the shared file on one or more object storage servers. The compute node is also configured to implement a partitioned data store for storing a partition of the metadata for the shared file, wherein the partitioned data store communicates with partitioned data stores on other compute nodes using a message passing interface. The partitioned data store can be implemented, for example, using Multidimensional Data Hashing Indexing Middleware (MDHIM).
Parallelization of the FLAPW method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Canning, A.; Mannstadt, W.; Freeman, A. J.
The FLAPW (full-potential linearized-augmented plane-wave) method is one of the most accurate first-principles methods for determining structural, electronic and magnetic properties of crystals and surfaces. Until the present work, the FLAPW method has been limited to systems of less than about a hundred atoms due to the lack of an efficient parallel implementation to exploit the power and memory of parallel computers. In this work, we present an efficient parallelization of the method by division among the processors of the plane-wave components for each state. The code is also optimized for RISC (reduced instruction set computer) architectures, such as those found on most parallel computers, making full use of BLAS (basic linear algebra subprograms) wherever possible. Scaling results are presented for systems of up to 686 silicon atoms and 343 palladium atoms per unit cell, running on up to 512 processors on a CRAY T3E parallel supercomputer.
Event parallelism: Distributed memory parallel computing for high energy physics experiments
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nash, Thomas
This paper describes the present and expected future development of distributed memory parallel computers for high energy physics experiments. It covers the use of event parallel microprocessor farms, particularly at Fermilab, including both ACP multiprocessors and farms of MicroVAXES. These systems have proven very cost effective in the past. A case is made for moving to the more open environment of UNIX and RISC processors. The 2nd Generation ACP Multiprocessor System, which is based on powerful RISC system, is described. Given the promise of still more extraordinary increases in processor performance, a new emphasis on point to point, rather than bussed, communication will be required. Developments in this direction are described.
Enabling parallel simulation of large-scale HPC network systems
Mubarak, Misbah; Carothers, Christopher D.; Ross, Robert B.; ...
Here, with the increasing complexity of today’s high-performance computing (HPC) architectures, simulation has become an indispensable tool for exploring the design space of HPC systems—in particular, networks. In order to make effective design decisions, simulations of these systems must possess the following properties: (1) have high accuracy and fidelity, (2) produce results in a timely manner, and (3) be able to analyze a broad range of network workloads. Most state-of-the-art HPC network simulation frameworks, however, are constrained in one or more of these areas. In this work, we present a simulation framework for modeling two important classes of networks usedmore » in today’s IBM and Cray supercomputers: torus and dragonfly networks. We use the Co-Design of Multi-layer Exascale Storage Architecture (CODES) simulation framework to simulate these network topologies at a flit-level detail using the Rensselaer Optimistic Simulation System (ROSS) for parallel discrete-event simulation. Our simulation framework meets all the requirements of a practical network simulation and can assist network designers in design space exploration. First, it uses validated and detailed flit-level network models to provide an accurate and high-fidelity network simulation. Second, instead of relying on serial time-stepped or traditional conservative discrete-event simulations that limit simulation scalability and efficiency, we use the optimistic event-scheduling capability of ROSS to achieve efficient and scalable HPC network simulations on today’s high-performance cluster systems. Third, our models give network designers a choice in simulating a broad range of network workloads, including HPC application workloads using detailed network traces, an ability that is rarely offered in parallel with high-fidelity network simulations« less
Enabling parallel simulation of large-scale HPC network systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Mubarak, Misbah; Carothers, Christopher D.; Ross, Robert B.
Here, with the increasing complexity of today’s high-performance computing (HPC) architectures, simulation has become an indispensable tool for exploring the design space of HPC systems—in particular, networks. In order to make effective design decisions, simulations of these systems must possess the following properties: (1) have high accuracy and fidelity, (2) produce results in a timely manner, and (3) be able to analyze a broad range of network workloads. Most state-of-the-art HPC network simulation frameworks, however, are constrained in one or more of these areas. In this work, we present a simulation framework for modeling two important classes of networks usedmore » in today’s IBM and Cray supercomputers: torus and dragonfly networks. We use the Co-Design of Multi-layer Exascale Storage Architecture (CODES) simulation framework to simulate these network topologies at a flit-level detail using the Rensselaer Optimistic Simulation System (ROSS) for parallel discrete-event simulation. Our simulation framework meets all the requirements of a practical network simulation and can assist network designers in design space exploration. First, it uses validated and detailed flit-level network models to provide an accurate and high-fidelity network simulation. Second, instead of relying on serial time-stepped or traditional conservative discrete-event simulations that limit simulation scalability and efficiency, we use the optimistic event-scheduling capability of ROSS to achieve efficient and scalable HPC network simulations on today’s high-performance cluster systems. Third, our models give network designers a choice in simulating a broad range of network workloads, including HPC application workloads using detailed network traces, an ability that is rarely offered in parallel with high-fidelity network simulations« less
Advances in Parallel Computing and Databases for Digital Pathology in Cancer Research
these technologies and how we have used them in the past. We are interested in learning more about the needs of clinical pathologists as we continue to...such as image processing and correlation. Further, High Performance Computing (HPC) paradigms such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) have been...Defense for Research and Engineering. such as pMatlab [4], or bcMPI [5] can significantly reduce the need for deep knowledge of parallel computing. In
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Roberts, D
Purpose: A unified database system was developed to allow accumulation, review and analysis of quality assurance (QA) data for measurement, treatment, imaging and simulation equipment in our department. Recording these data in a database allows a unified and structured approach to review and analysis of data gathered using commercial database tools. Methods: A clinical database was developed to track records of quality assurance operations on linear accelerators, a computed tomography (CT) scanner, high dose rate (HDR) afterloader and imaging systems such as on-board imaging (OBI) and Calypso in our department. The database was developed using Microsoft Access database and visualmore » basic for applications (VBA) programming interface. Separate modules were written for accumulation, review and analysis of daily, monthly and annual QA data. All modules were designed to use structured query language (SQL) as the basis of data accumulation and review. The SQL strings are dynamically re-written at run time. The database also features embedded documentation, storage of documents produced during QA activities and the ability to annotate all data within the database. Tests are defined in a set of tables that define test type, specific value, and schedule. Results: Daily, Monthly and Annual QA data has been taken in parallel with established procedures to test MQA. The database has been used to aggregate data across machines to examine the consistency of machine parameters and operations within the clinic for several months. Conclusion: The MQA application has been developed as an interface to a commercially available SQL engine (JET 5.0) and a standard database back-end. The MQA system has been used for several months for routine data collection.. The system is robust, relatively simple to extend and can be migrated to a commercial SQL server.« less
Unified Planetary Coordinates System: A Searchable Database of Geodetic Information
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Becker, K. J.a; Gaddis, L. R.; Soderblom, L. A.; Kirk, R. L.; Archinal, B. A.; Johnson, J. R.; Anderson, J. A.; Bowman-Cisneros, E.; LaVoie, S.; McAuley, M.
Over the past 40 years, an enormous quantity of orbital remote sensing data has been collected for Mars from many missions and instruments. Unfortunately these datasets currently exist in a wide range of disparate coordinate systems, making it extremely difficult for the scientific community to easily correlate, combine, and compare data from different Mars missions and instruments. As part of our work for the PDS Imaging Node and on behalf of the USGS Astrogeology Team, we are working to solve this problem and to provide the NASA scientific research community with easy access to Mars orbital data in a unified, consistent coordinate system along with a wide variety of other key geometric variables. The Unified Planetary Coordinates (UPC) system is comprised of two main elements: (1) a database containing Mars orbital remote sensing data computed using a uniform coordinate system, and (2) a process by which continual maintainance and updates to the contents of the database are performed.
Parallel pivoting combined with parallel reduction
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Alaghband, Gita
Parallel algorithms for triangularization of large, sparse, and unsymmetric matrices are presented. The method combines the parallel reduction with a new parallel pivoting technique, control over generations of fill-ins and a check for numerical stability, all done in parallel with the work being distributed over the active processes. The parallel technique uses the compatibility relation between pivots to identify parallel pivot candidates and uses the Markowitz number of pivots to minimize fill-in. This technique is not a preordering of the sparse matrix and is applied dynamically as the decomposition proceeds.
AtlasT4SS: a curated database for type IV secretion systems.
Souza, Rangel C; del Rosario Quispe Saji, Guadalupe; Costa, Maiana O C; Netto, Diogo S; Lima, Nicholas C B; Klein, Cecília C; Vasconcelos, Ana Tereza R; Nicolás, Marisa F
The type IV secretion system (T4SS) can be classified as a large family of macromolecule transporter systems, divided into three recognized sub-families, according to the well-known functions. The major sub-family is the conjugation system, which allows transfer of genetic material, such as a nucleoprotein, via cell contact among bacteria. Also, the conjugation system can transfer genetic material from bacteria to eukaryotic cells; such is the case with the T-DNA transfer of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to host plant cells. The system of effector protein transport constitutes the second sub-family, and the third one corresponds to the DNA uptake/release system. Genome analyses have revealed numerous T4SS in Bacteria and Archaea. The purpose of this work was to organize, classify, and integrate the T4SS data into a single database, called AtlasT4SS - the first public database devoted exclusively to this prokaryotic secretion system. The AtlasT4SS is a manual curated database that describes a large number of proteins related to the type IV secretion system reported so far in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, as well as in Archaea. The database was created using the RDBMS MySQL and the Catalyst Framework based in the Perl programming language and using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern for Web. The current version holds a comprehensive collection of 1,617 T4SS proteins from 58 Bacteria (49 Gram-negative and 9 Gram-Positive), one Archaea and 11 plasmids. By applying the bi-directional best hit (BBH) relationship in pairwise genome comparison, it was possible to obtain a core set of 134 clusters of orthologous genes encoding T4SS proteins. In our database we present one way of classifying orthologous groups of T4SSs in a hierarchical classification scheme with three levels. The first level comprises four classes that are based on the organization of genetic determinants, shared homologies, and evolutionary relationships: (i) F-T4SS, (ii) P-T4SS, (iii
Results from prototype die-to-database reticle inspection system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mu, Bo; Dayal, Aditya; Broadbent, Bill; Lim, Phillip; Goonesekera, Arosha; Chen, Chunlin; Yeung, Kevin; Pinto, Becky
A prototype die-to-database high-resolution reticle defect inspection system has been developed for 32nm and below logic reticles, and 4X Half Pitch (HP) production and 3X HP development memory reticles. These nodes will use predominantly 193nm immersion lithography (with some layers double patterned), although EUV may also be used. Many different reticle types may be used for these generations including: binary (COG, EAPSM), simple tritone, complex tritone, high transmission, dark field alternating (APSM), mask enhancer, CPL, and EUV. Finally, aggressive model based OPC is typically used, which includes many small structures such as jogs, serifs, and SRAF (sub-resolution assist features), accompanied by very small gaps between adjacent structures. The architecture and performance of the prototype inspection system is described. This system is designed to inspect the aforementioned reticle types in die-todatabase mode. Die-to-database inspection results are shown on standard programmed defect test reticles, as well as advanced 32nm logic, and 4X HP and 3X HP memory reticles from industry sources. Direct comparisons with currentgeneration inspection systems show measurable sensitivity improvement and a reduction in false detections.
Received Signal Strength Database Interpolation by Kriging for a Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning System
Jan, Shau-Shiun; Yeh, Shuo-Ju; Liu, Ya-Wen
The main approach for a Wi-Fi indoor positioning system is based on the received signal strength (RSS) measurements, and the fingerprinting method is utilized to determine the user position by matching the RSS values with the pre-surveyed RSS database. To build a RSS fingerprint database is essential for an RSS based indoor positioning system, and building such a RSS fingerprint database requires lots of time and effort. As the range of the indoor environment becomes larger, labor is increased. To provide better indoor positioning services and to reduce the labor required for the establishment of the positioning system at the same time, an indoor positioning system with an appropriate spatial interpolation method is needed. In addition, the advantage of the RSS approach is that the signal strength decays as the transmission distance increases, and this signal propagation characteristic is applied to an interpolated database with the Kriging algorithm in this paper. Using the distribution of reference points (RPs) at measured points, the signal propagation model of the Wi-Fi access point (AP) in the building can be built and expressed as a function. The function, as the spatial structure of the environment, can create the RSS database quickly in different indoor environments. Thus, in this paper, a Wi-Fi indoor positioning system based on the Kriging fingerprinting method is developed. As shown in the experiment results, with a 72.2% probability, the error of the extended RSS database with Kriging is less than 3 dBm compared to the surveyed RSS database. Importantly, the positioning error of the developed Wi-Fi indoor positioning system with Kriging is reduced by 17.9% in average than that without Kriging. PMID:26343673
A Computer Simulation of the System-Wide Effects of Parallel-Offset Route Maneuvers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lauderdale, Todd A.; Santiago, Confesor; Pankok, Carl
Most aircraft managed by air-traffic controllers in the National Airspace System are capable of flying parallel-offset routes. This paper presents the results of two related studies on the effects of increased use of offset routes as a conflict resolution maneuver. The first study analyzes offset routes in the context of all standard resolution types which air-traffic controllers currently use. This study shows that by utilizing parallel-offset route maneuvers, significant system-wide savings in delay due to conflict resolution of up to 30% are possible. It also shows that most offset resolutions replace horizontal-vectoring resolutions. The second study builds on the results of the first and directly compares offset resolutions and standard horizontal-vectoring maneuvers to determine that in-trail conflicts are often more efficiently resolved by offset maneuvers.
Design Considerations for a Web-based Database System of ELISpot Assay in Immunological Research
Ma, Jingming; Mosmann, Tim; Wu, Hulin
The enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) assay has been a primary means in immunological researches (such as HIV-specific T cell response). Due to huge amount of data involved in ELISpot assay testing, the database system is needed for efficient data entry, easy retrieval, secure storage, and convenient data process. Besides, the NIH has recently issued a policy to promote the sharing of research data (see The Web-based database system will be definitely benefit to data sharing among broad research communities. Here are some considerations for a database system of ELISpot assay (DBSEA). PMID:16779326
Rhode Island Water Supply System Management Plan Database (WSSMP-Version 1.0)
Granato, Gregory E.
In Rhode Island, the availability of water of sufficient quality and quantity to meet current and future environmental and economic needs is vital to life and the State's economy. Water suppliers, the Rhode Island Water Resources Board (RIWRB), and other State agencies responsible for water resources in Rhode Island need information about available resources, the water-supply infrastructure, and water use patterns. These decision makers need historical, current, and future water-resource information. In 1997, the State of Rhode Island formalized a system of Water Supply System Management Plans (WSSMPs) to characterize and document relevant water-supply information. All major water suppliers (those that obtain, transport, purchase, or sell more than 50 million gallons of water per year) are required to prepare, maintain, and carry out WSSMPs. An electronic database for this WSSMP information has been deemed necessary by the RIWRB for water suppliers and State agencies to consistently document, maintain, and interpret the information in these plans. Availability of WSSMP data in standard formats will allow water suppliers and State agencies to improve the understanding of water-supply systems and to plan for future needs or water-supply emergencies. In 2002, however, the Rhode Island General Assembly passed a law that classifies some of the WSSMP information as confidential to protect the water-supply infrastructure from potential terrorist threats. Therefore the WSSMP database was designed for an implementation method that will balance security concerns with the information needs of the RIWRB, suppliers, other State agencies, and the public. A WSSMP database was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the RIWRB. The database was designed to catalog WSSMP information in a format that would accommodate synthesis of current and future information about Rhode Island's water-supply infrastructure. This report documents the design and implementation of
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chan, David T.; Pinier, Jeremy T.; Wilcox, Floyd J., Jr.; Dalle, Derek J.; Rogers, Stuart E.; Gomez, Reynaldo J.
The development of the aerodynamic database for the Space Launch System (SLS) booster separation environment has presented many challenges because of the complex physics of the ow around three independent bodies due to proximity e ects and jet inter- actions from the booster separation motors and the core stage engines. This aerodynamic environment is dicult to simulate in a wind tunnel experiment and also dicult to simu- late with computational uid dynamics. The database is further complicated by the high dimensionality of the independent variable space, which includes the orientation of the core stage, the relative positions and orientations of the solid rocket boosters, and the thrust lev- els of the various engines. Moreover, the clearance between the core stage and the boosters during the separation event is sensitive to the aerodynamic uncertainties of the database. This paper will present the development process for Version 3 of the SLS booster separa- tion aerodynamic database and the statistics-based uncertainty quanti cation process for the database.
Recent Progress in the Development of Metabolome Databases for Plant Systems Biology
Fukushima, Atsushi; Kusano, Miyako
Metabolomics has grown greatly as a functional genomics tool, and has become an invaluable diagnostic tool for biochemical phenotyping of biological systems. Over the past decades, a number of databases involving information related to mass spectra, compound names and structures, statistical/mathematical models and metabolic pathways, and metabolite profile data have been developed. Such databases complement each other and support efficient growth in this area, although the data resources remain scattered across the World Wide Web. Here, we review available metabolome databases and summarize the present status of development of related tools, particularly focusing on the plant metabolome. Data sharing discussed here will pave way for the robust interpretation of metabolomic data and advances in plant systems biology. PMID:23577015
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xue, Wei; Wang, Qi; Wang, Tianyu
This paper presents an improved parallel combinatory spread spectrum (PC/SS) communication system with the method of double information matching (DIM). Compared with conventional PC/SS system, the new model inherits the advantage of high transmission speed, large information capacity and high security. Besides, the problem traditional system will face is the high bit error rate (BER) and since its data-sequence mapping algorithm. Hence the new model presented shows lower BER and higher efficiency by its optimization of mapping algorithm.
Parallel processing in a host plus multiple array processor system for radar
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Barkan, B. Z.
Host plus multiple array processor architecture is demonstrated to yield a modular, fast, and cost-effective system for radar processing. Software methodology for programming such a system is developed. Parallel processing with pipelined data flow among the host, array processors, and discs is implemented. Theoretical analysis of performance is made and experimentally verified. The broad class of problems to which the architecture and methodology can be applied is indicated.
Scalable parallel communications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Maly, K.; Khanna, S.; Overstreet, C. M.; Mukkamala, R.; Zubair, M.; Sekhar, Y. S.; Foudriat, E. C.
Coarse-grain parallelism in networking (that is, the use of multiple protocol processors running replicated software sending over several physical channels) can be used to provide gigabit communications for a single application. Since parallel network performance is highly dependent on real issues such as hardware properties (e.g., memory speeds and cache hit rates), operating system overhead (e.g., interrupt handling), and protocol performance (e.g., effect of timeouts), we have performed detailed simulations studies of both a bus-based multiprocessor workstation node (based on the Sun Galaxy MP multiprocessor) and a distributed-memory parallel computer node (based on the Touchstone DELTA) to evaluate the behavior of coarse-grain parallelism. Our results indicate: (1) coarse-grain parallelism can deliver multiple 100 Mbps with currently available hardware platforms and existing networking protocols (such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and parallel Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings); (2) scale-up is near linear in n, the number of protocol processors, and channels (for small n and up to a few hundred Mbps); and (3) since these results are based on existing hardware without specialized devices (except perhaps for some simple modifications of the FDDI boards), this is a low cost solution to providing multiple 100 Mbps on current machines. In addition, from both the performance analysis and the properties of these architectures, we conclude: (1) multiple processors providing identical services and the use of space division multiplexing for the physical channels can provide better reliability than monolithic approaches (it also provides graceful degradation and low-cost load balancing); (2) coarse-grain parallelism supports running several transport protocols in parallel to provide different types of service (for example, one TCP handles small messages for many users, other TCP's running in parallel provide high bandwidth
Parallel Multi-Step/Multi-Rate Integration of Two-Time Scale Dynamic Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chang, Johnny T.; Ploen, Scott R.; Sohl, Garett. A,; Martin, Bryan J.
Increasing demands on the fidelity of simulations for real-time and high-fidelity simulations are stressing the capacity of modern processors. New integration techniques are required that provide maximum efficiency for systems that are parallelizable. However many current techniques make assumptions that are at odds with non-cascadable systems. A new serial multi-step/multi-rate integration algorithm for dual-timescale continuous state systems is presented which applies to these systems, and is extended to a parallel multi-step/multi-rate algorithm. The superior performance of both algorithms is demonstrated through a representative example.
Parallel-Processing Test Bed For Simulation Software
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blech, Richard; Cole, Gary; Townsend, Scott
Second-generation Hypercluster computing system is multiprocessor test bed for research on parallel algorithms for simulation in fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, chemistry, and other fields with large computational requirements but relatively low input/output requirements. Built from standard, off-shelf hardware readily upgraded as improved technology becomes available. System used for experiments with such parallel-processing concepts as message-passing algorithms, debugging software tools, and computational steering. First-generation Hypercluster system described in "Hypercluster Parallel Processor" (LEW-15283).
Parallel computing on Unix workstation arrays
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reale, F.; Bocchino, F.; Sciortino, S.
We have tested arrays of general-purpose Unix workstations used as MIMD systems for massive parallel computations. In particular we have solved numerically a demanding test problem with a 2D hydrodynamic code, generally developed to study astrophysical flows, by exucuting it on arrays either of DECstations 5000/200 on Ethernet LAN, or of DECstations 3000/400, equipped with powerful Alpha processors, on FDDI LAN. The code is appropriate for data-domain decomposition, and we have used a library for parallelization previously developed in our Institute, and easily extended to work on Unix workstation arrays by using the PVM software toolset. We have compared the parallel efficiencies obtained on arrays of several processors to those obtained on a dedicated MIMD parallel system, namely a Meiko Computing Surface (CS-1), equipped with Intel i860 processors. We discuss the feasibility of using non-dedicated parallel systems and conclude that the convenience depends essentially on the size of the computational domain as compared to the relative processor power and network bandwidth. We point out that for future perspectives a parallel development of processor and network technology is important, and that the software still offers great opportunities of improvement, especially in terms of latency times in the message-passing protocols. In conditions of significant gain in terms of speedup, such workstation arrays represent a cost-effective approach to massive parallel computations.
BONSAI Garden: Parallel knowledge discovery system for amino acid sequences
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shoudai, T.; Miyano, S.; Shinohara, A.
We have developed a machine discovery system BON-SAI which receives positive and negative examples as inputs and produces as a hypothesis a pair of a decision tree over regular patterns and an alphabet indexing. This system has succeeded in discovering reasonable knowledge on transmembrane domain sequences and signal peptide sequences by computer experiments. However, when several kinds of sequences axe mixed in the data, it does not seem reasonable for a single BONSAI system to find a hypothesis of a reasonably small size with high accuracy. For this purpose, we have designed a system BONSAI Garden, in which several BONSAI`smore » and a program called Gardener run over a network in parallel, to partition the data into some number of classes together with hypotheses explaining these classes accurately.« less
A distributed database view of network tracking systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yosinski, Jason; Paffenroth, Randy
In distributed tracking systems, multiple non-collocated trackers cooperate to fuse local sensor data into a global track picture. Generating this global track picture at a central location is fairly straightforward, but the single point of failure and excessive bandwidth requirements introduced by centralized processing motivate the development of decentralized methods. In many decentralized tracking systems, trackers communicate with their peers via a lossy, bandwidth-limited network in which dropped, delayed, and out of order packets are typical. Oftentimes the decentralized tracking problem is viewed as a local tracking problem with a networking twist; we believe this view can underestimate the network complexities to be overcome. Indeed, a subsequent 'oversight' layer is often introduced to detect and handle track inconsistencies arising from a lack of robustness to network conditions. We instead pose the decentralized tracking problem as a distributed database problem, enabling us to draw inspiration from the vast extant literature on distributed databases. Using the two-phase commit algorithm, a well known technique for resolving transactions across a lossy network, we describe several ways in which one may build a distributed multiple hypothesis tracking system from the ground up to be robust to typical network intricacies. We pay particular attention to the dissimilar challenges presented by network track initiation vs. maintenance and suggest a hybrid system that balances speed and robustness by utilizing two-phase commit for only track initiation transactions. Finally, we present simulation results contrasting the performance of such a system with that of more traditional decentralized tracking implementations.
Databases applicable to quantitative hazard/risk assessment-Towards a predictive systems toxicology
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Waters, Michael; Jackson, Marcus
The Workshop on The Power of Aggregated Toxicity Data addressed the requirement for distributed databases to support quantitative hazard and risk assessment. The authors have conceived and constructed with federal support several databases that have been used in hazard identification and risk assessment. The first of these databases, the EPA Gene-Tox Database was developed for the EPA Office of Toxic Substances by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and is currently hosted by the National Library of Medicine. This public resource is based on the collaborative evaluation, by government, academia, and industry, of short-term tests for the detection of mutagens andmore » presumptive carcinogens. The two-phased evaluation process resulted in more than 50 peer-reviewed publications on test system performance and a qualitative database on thousands of chemicals. Subsequently, the graphic and quantitative EPA/IARC Genetic Activity Profile (GAP) Database was developed in collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). A chemical database driven by consideration of the lowest effective dose, GAP has served IARC for many years in support of hazard classification of potential human carcinogens. The Toxicological Activity Profile (TAP) prototype database was patterned after GAP and utilized acute, subchronic, and chronic data from the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. TAP demonstrated the flexibility of the GAP format for air toxics, water pollutants and other environmental agents. The GAP format was also applied to developmental toxicants and was modified to represent quantitative results from the rodent carcinogen bioassay. More recently, the authors have constructed: 1) the NIEHS Genetic Alterations in Cancer (GAC) Database which quantifies specific mutations found in cancers induced by environmental agents, and 2) the NIEHS Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) Knowledgebase that integrates genomic and other biological data
Development of a Comprehensive Database System for Safety Analyst
Paz, Alexander; Veeramisti, Naveen; Khanal, Indira; Baker, Justin
This study addressed barriers associated with the use of Safety Analyst, a state-of-the-art tool that has been developed to assist during the entire Traffic Safety Management process but that is not widely used due to a number of challenges as described in this paper. As part of this study, a comprehensive database system and tools to provide data to multiple traffic safety applications, with a focus on Safety Analyst, were developed. A number of data management tools were developed to extract, collect, transform, integrate, and load the data. The system includes consistency-checking capabilities to ensure the adequate insertion and update of data into the database. This system focused on data from roadways, ramps, intersections, and traffic characteristics for Safety Analyst. To test the proposed system and tools, data from Clark County, which is the largest county in Nevada and includes the cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and North Las Vegas, was used. The database and Safety Analyst together help identify the sites with the potential for safety improvements. Specifically, this study examined the results from two case studies. The first case study, which identified sites having a potential for safety improvements with respect to fatal and all injury crashes, included all roadway elements and used default and calibrated Safety Performance Functions (SPFs). The second case study identified sites having a potential for safety improvements with respect to fatal and all injury crashes, specifically regarding intersections; it used default and calibrated SPFs as well. Conclusions were developed for the calibration of safety performance functions and the classification of site subtypes. Guidelines were provided about the selection of a particular network screening type or performance measure for network screening. PMID:26167531
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bailey, David (Editor); Barton, John (Editor); Lasinski, Thomas (Editor); Simon, Horst (Editor)
A new set of benchmarks was developed for the performance evaluation of highly parallel supercomputers. These benchmarks consist of a set of kernels, the 'Parallel Kernels,' and a simulated application benchmark. Together they mimic the computation and data movement characteristics of large scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications. The principal distinguishing feature of these benchmarks is their 'pencil and paper' specification - all details of these benchmarks are specified only algorithmically. In this way many of the difficulties associated with conventional benchmarking approaches on highly parallel systems are avoided.
Automatic Multilevel Parallelization Using OpenMP
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jin, Hao-Qiang; Jost, Gabriele; Yan, Jerry; Ayguade, Eduard; Gonzalez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
In this paper we describe the extension of the CAPO (CAPtools (Computer Aided Parallelization Toolkit) OpenMP) parallelization support tool to support multilevel parallelism based on OpenMP directives. CAPO generates OpenMP directives with extensions supported by the NanosCompiler to allow for directive nesting and definition of thread groups. We report some results for several benchmark codes and one full application that have been parallelized using our system.
Performance Evaluation of a Firm Real-Time DataBase System
after its deadline has passed. StarBase differs from previous real-time database work in that a) it relies on a real - time operating system which...StarBase, running on a real - time operating system kernel, RT-Mach. We discuss how performance was evaluated in StarBase using the StarBase workload
Solving Relational Database Problems with ORDBMS in an Advanced Database Course
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wang, Ming
This paper introduces how to use the object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) to solve relational database (RDB) problems in an advanced database course. The purpose of the paper is to provide a guideline for database instructors who desire to incorporate the ORDB technology in their traditional database courses. The paper presents…
Faibish, Sorin; Bent, John M.; Tzelnic, Percy; Grider, Gary; Torres, Aaron
Techniques are provided for storing files in a parallel computing system using different resolutions. A method is provided for storing at least one file generated by a distributed application in a parallel computing system. The file comprises one or more of a complete file and a sub-file. The method comprises the steps of obtaining semantic information related to the file; generating a plurality of replicas of the file with different resolutions based on the semantic information; and storing the file and the plurality of replicas of the file in one or more storage nodes of the parallel computing system. The different resolutions comprise, for example, a variable number of bits and/or a different sub-set of data elements from the file. A plurality of the sub-files can be merged to reproduce the file.
Parallelizing Timed Petri Net simulations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nicol, David M.
The possibility of using parallel processing to accelerate the simulation of Timed Petri Nets (TPN's) was studied. It was recognized that complex system development tools often transform system descriptions into TPN's or TPN-like models, which are then simulated to obtain information about system behavior. Viewed this way, it was important that the parallelization of TPN's be as automatic as possible, to admit the possibility of the parallelization being embedded in the system design tool. Later years of the grant were devoted to examining the problem of joint performance and reliability analysis, to explore whether both types of analysis could be accomplished within a single framework. In this final report, the results of our studies are summarized. We believe that the problem of parallelizing TPN's automatically for MIMD architectures has been almost completely solved for a large and important class of problems. Our initial investigations into joint performance/reliability analysis are two-fold; it was shown that Monte Carlo simulation, with importance sampling, offers promise of joint analysis in the context of a single tool, and methods for the parallel simulation of general Continuous Time Markov Chains, a model framework within which joint performance/reliability models can be cast, were developed. However, very much more work is needed to determine the scope and generality of these approaches. The results obtained in our two studies, future directions for this type of work, and a list of publications are included.
Dependability analysis of parallel systems using a simulation-based approach. M.S. Thesis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sawyer, Darren Charles
The analysis of dependability in large, complex, parallel systems executing real applications or workloads is examined in this thesis. To effectively demonstrate the wide range of dependability problems that can be analyzed through simulation, the analysis of three case studies is presented. For each case, the organization of the simulation model used is outlined, and the results from simulated fault injection experiments are explained, showing the usefulness of this method in dependability modeling of large parallel systems. The simulation models are constructed using DEPEND and C++. Where possible, methods to increase dependability are derived from the experimental results. Another interesting facet of all three cases is the presence of some kind of workload of application executing in the simulation while faults are injected. This provides a completely new dimension to this type of study, not possible to model accurately with analytical approaches.
Cao, Jianfang; Cui, Hongyan; Shi, Hao; Jiao, Lijuan
A back-propagation (BP) neural network can solve complicated random nonlinear mapping problems; therefore, it can be applied to a wide range of problems. However, as the sample size increases, the time required to train BP neural networks becomes lengthy. Moreover, the classification accuracy decreases as well. To improve the classification accuracy and runtime efficiency of the BP neural network algorithm, we proposed a parallel design and realization method for a particle swarm optimization (PSO)-optimized BP neural network based on MapReduce on the Hadoop platform using both the PSO algorithm and a parallel design. The PSO algorithm was used to optimize the BP neural network's initial weights and thresholds and improve the accuracy of the classification algorithm. The MapReduce parallel programming model was utilized to achieve parallel processing of the BP algorithm, thereby solving the problems of hardware and communication overhead when the BP neural network addresses big data. Datasets on 5 different scales were constructed using the scene image library from the SUN Database. The classification accuracy of the parallel PSO-BP neural network algorithm is approximately 92%, and the system efficiency is approximately 0.85, which presents obvious advantages when processing big data. The algorithm proposed in this study demonstrated both higher classification accuracy and improved time efficiency, which represents a significant improvement obtained from applying parallel processing to an intelligent algorithm on big data.
STOCHSIMGPU: parallel stochastic simulation for the Systems Biology Toolbox 2 for MATLAB.
Klingbeil, Guido; Erban, Radek; Giles, Mike; Maini, Philip K
The importance of stochasticity in biological systems is becoming increasingly recognized and the computational cost of biologically realistic stochastic simulations urgently requires development of efficient software. We present a new software tool STOCHSIMGPU that exploits graphics processing units (GPUs) for parallel stochastic simulations of biological/chemical reaction systems and show that significant gains in efficiency can be made. It is integrated into MATLAB and works with the Systems Biology Toolbox 2 (SBTOOLBOX2) for MATLAB. The GPU-based parallel implementation of the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA), the logarithmic direct method (LDM) and the next reaction method (NRM) is approximately 85 times faster than the sequential implementation of the NRM on a central processing unit (CPU). Using our software does not require any changes to the user's models, since it acts as a direct replacement of the stochastic simulation software of the SBTOOLBOX2. The software is open source under the GPL v3 and available at The web site also contains supplementary information. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
New database for improving virtual system “body-dress”
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yan, J. Q.; Zhang, S. C.; Kuzmichev, V. E.; Adolphe, D. C.
The aim of this exploration is to develop a new database of solid algorithms and relations between the dress fit and the fabric mechanical properties, the pattern block construction for improving the reality of virtual system “body-dress”. In virtual simulation, the system “body-clothing” sometimes shown distinct results with reality, especially when important changes in pattern block and fabrics were involved. In this research, to enhance the simulation process, diverse fit parameters were proposed: bottom height of dress, angle of front center contours, air volume and its distribution between dress and dummy. Measurements were done and optimized by ruler, camera, 3D body scanner image processing software and 3D modeling software. In the meantime, pattern block indexes were measured and fabric properties were tested by KES. Finally, the correlation and linear regression equations between indexes of fabric properties, pattern blocks and fit parameters were investigated. In this manner, new database could be extended in programming modules of virtual design for more realistic results.
Next Generation Parallelization Systems for Processing and Control of PDS Image Node Assets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Verma, R.
We present next-generation parallelization tools to help Planetary Data System (PDS) Imaging Node (IMG) better monitor, process, and control changes to nearly 650 million file assets and over a dozen machines on which they are referenced or stored.
Aerodynamic Tests of the Space Launch System for Database Development
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pritchett, Victor E.; Mayle, Melody N.; Blevins, John A.; Crosby, William A.; Purinton, David C.
The Aerosciences Branch (EV33) at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has been responsible for a series of wind tunnel tests on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Space Launch System (SLS) vehicles. The primary purpose of these tests was to obtain aerodynamic data during the ascent phase and establish databases that can be used by the Guidance, Navigation, and Mission Analysis Branch (EV42) for trajectory simulations. The paper describes the test particulars regarding models and measurements and the facilities used, as well as database preparations.
The Eruption Forecasting Information System: Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Using Databases
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ogburn, S. E.; Harpel, C. J.; Pesicek, J. D.; Wellik, J.
Forecasting eruptions, including the onset size, duration, location, and impacts, is vital for hazard assessment and risk mitigation. The Eruption Forecasting Information System (EFIS) project is a new initiative of the US Geological Survey-USAID Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP) and will advance VDAP's ability to forecast the outcome of volcanic unrest. The project supports probability estimation for eruption forecasting by creating databases useful for pattern recognition, identifying monitoring data thresholds beyond which eruptive probabilities increase, and for answering common forecasting questions. A major component of the project is a global relational database, which contains multiple modules designed to aid in the construction of probabilistic event trees and to answer common questions that arise during volcanic crises. The primary module contains chronologies of volcanic unrest. This module allows us to query eruption chronologies, monitoring data, descriptive information, operational data, and eruptive phases alongside other global databases, such as WOVOdat and the Global Volcanism Program. The EFIS database is in the early stages of development and population; thus, this contribution also is a request for feedback from the community. Preliminary data are already benefitting several research areas. For example, VDAP provided a forecast of the likely remaining eruption duration for Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, using global data taken from similar volcanoes in the DomeHaz database module, in combination with local monitoring time-series data. In addition, EFIS seismologists used a beta-statistic test and empirically-derived thresholds to identify distal volcano-tectonic earthquake anomalies preceding Alaska volcanic eruptions during 1990-2015 to retrospectively evaluate Alaska Volcano Observatory eruption precursors. This has identified important considerations for selecting analog volcanoes for global data analysis, such as differences between
The Israel DNA database--the establishment of a rapid, semi-automated analysis system.
Zamir, Ashira; Dell'Ariccia-Carmon, Aviva; Zaken, Neomi; Oz, Carla
The Israel Police DNA database, also known as IPDIS (Israel Police DNA Index System), has been operating since February 2007. During that time more than 135,000 reference samples have been uploaded and more than 2000 hits reported. We have developed an effective semi-automated system that includes two automated punchers, three liquid handler robots and four genetic analyzers. An inhouse LIMS program enables full tracking of every sample through the entire process of registration, pre-PCR handling, analysis of profiles, uploading to the database, hit reports and ultimately storage. The LIMS is also responsible for the future tracking of samples and their profiles to be expunged from the database according to the Israeli DNA legislation. The database is administered by an in-house developed software program, where reference and evidentiary profiles are uploaded, stored, searched and matched. The DNA database has proven to be an effective investigative tool which has gained the confidence of the Israeli public and on which the Israel National Police force has grown to rely. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Development of Vision Based Multiview Gait Recognition System with MMUGait Database
Ng, Hu; Tan, Wooi-Haw; Tong, Hau-Lee
This paper describes the acquisition setup and development of a new gait database, MMUGait. This database consists of 82 subjects walking under normal condition and 19 subjects walking with 11 covariate factors, which were captured under two views. This paper also proposes a multiview model-based gait recognition system with joint detection approach that performs well under different walking trajectories and covariate factors, which include self-occluded or external occluded silhouettes. In the proposed system, the process begins by enhancing the human silhouette to remove the artifacts. Next, the width and height of the body are obtained. Subsequently, the joint angular trajectories are determined once the body joints are automatically detected. Lastly, crotch height and step-size of the walking subject are determined. The extracted features are smoothened by Gaussian filter to eliminate the effect of outliers. The extracted features are normalized with linear scaling, which is followed by feature selection prior to the classification process. The classification experiments carried out on MMUGait database were benchmarked against the SOTON Small DB from University of Southampton. Results showed correct classification rate above 90% for all the databases. The proposed approach is found to outperform other approaches on SOTON Small DB in most cases. PMID:25143972
EPAUS9R - An Energy Systems Database for use with the Market Allocation (MARKAL) Model
EPA’s MARKAL energy system databases estimate future-year technology dispersals and associated emissions. These databases are valuable tools for exploring a variety of future scenarios for the U.S. energy-production systems that can impact climate change c
LSD: Large Survey Database framework
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Juric, Mario
The Large Survey Database (LSD) is a Python framework and DBMS for distributed storage, cross-matching and querying of large survey catalogs (>10^9 rows, >1 TB). The primary driver behind its development is the analysis of Pan-STARRS PS1 data. It is specifically optimized for fast queries and parallel sweeps of positionally and temporally indexed datasets. It transparently scales to more than >10^2 nodes, and can be made to function in "shared nothing" architectures.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Erberich, Stephan G.; Hoppe, Martin; Jansen, Christian; Schmidt, Thomas; Thron, Armin; Oberschelp, Walter
In the last few years more and more University Hospitals as well as private hospitals changed to digital information systems for patient record, diagnostic files and digital images. Not only that patient management becomes easier, it is also very remarkable how clinical research can profit from Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) and diagnostic databases, especially from image databases. Since images are available on the finger tip, difficulties arise when image data needs to be processed, e.g. segmented, classified or co-registered, which usually demands a lot computational power. Today's clinical environment does support PACS very well, but real image processing is still under-developed. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a parallel cluster of standard distributed systems and its software components and how such a system can be integrated into a hospital environment. To demonstrate the cluster technique we present our clinical experience with the crucial but cost-intensive motion correction of clinical routine and research functional MRI (fMRI) data, as it is processed in our Lab on a daily basis.
Evaluation of a new parallel numerical parameter optimization algorithm for a dynamical system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Duran, Ahmet; Tuncel, Mehmet
It is important to have a scalable parallel numerical parameter optimization algorithm for a dynamical system used in financial applications where time limitation is crucial. We use Message Passing Interface parallel programming and present such a new parallel algorithm for parameter estimation. For example, we apply the algorithm to the asset flow differential equations that have been developed and analyzed since 1989 (see [3-6] and references contained therein). We achieved speed-up for some time series to run up to 512 cores (see [10]). Unlike [10], we consider more extensive financial market situations, for example, in presence of low volatility, high volatility and stock market price at a discount/premium to its net asset value with varying magnitude, in this work. Moreover, we evaluated the convergence of the model parameter vector, the nonlinear least squares error and maximum improvement factor to quantify the success of the optimization process depending on the number of initial parameter vectors.
Dynamic graph system for a semantic database
Mizell, David
A method and system in a computer system for dynamically providing a graphical representation of a data store of entries via a matrix interface is disclosed. A dynamic graph system provides a matrix interface that exposes to an application program a graphical representation of data stored in a data store such as a semantic database storing triples. To the application program, the matrix interface represents the graph as a sparse adjacency matrix that is stored in compressed form. Each entry of the data store is considered to represent a link between nodes of the graph. Each entry has a first field and a second field identifying the nodes connected by the link and a third field with a value for the link that connects the identified nodes. The first, second, and third fields represent the rows, column, and elements of the adjacency matrix.
Dynamic graph system for a semantic database
Mizell, David
A method and system in a computer system for dynamically providing a graphical representation of a data store of entries via a matrix interface is disclosed. A dynamic graph system provides a matrix interface that exposes to an application program a graphical representation of data stored in a data store such as a semantic database storing triples. To the application program, the matrix interface represents the graph as a sparse adjacency matrix that is stored in compressed form. Each entry of the data store is considered to represent a link between nodes of the graph. Each entry has a first field and a second field identifying the nodes connected by the link and a third field with a value for the link that connects the identified nodes. The first, second, and third fields represent the rows, column, and elements of the adjacency matrix.
Human Exposure Database System (HEDS) is an Internet-based system developed to provide public access to human-exposure-related data from studies conducted by EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL). HEDS was designed to work with the EPA Office of Research and Devel...
Multi-LED parallel transmission for long distance underwater VLC system with one SPAD receiver
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Chao; Yu, Hong-Yi; Zhu, Yi-Jun; Wang, Tao; Ji, Ya-Wei
In this paper, a multiple light emitting diode (LED) chips parallel transmission (Multi-LED-PT) scheme for underwater visible light communication system with one photon-counting single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) receiver is proposed. As the lamp always consists of multi-LED chips, the data rate could be improved when we drive these multi-LED chips parallel by using the interleaver-division-multiplexing technique. For each chip, the on-off-keying modulation is used to reduce the influence of clipping. Then a serial successive interference cancellation detection algorithm based on ideal Poisson photon-counting channel by the SPAD is proposed. Finally, compared to the SPAD-based direct current-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system, the proposed Multi-LED-PT system could improve the error-rate performance and anti-nonlinearity performance significantly under the effects of absorption, scattering and weak turbulence-induced channel fading together.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bailey, D. H.; Barszcz, E.; Barton, J. T.; Carter, R. L.; Lasinski, T. A.; Browning, D. S.; Dagum, L.; Fatoohi, R. A.; Frederickson, P. O.; Schreiber, R. S.
A new set of benchmarks has been developed for the performance evaluation of highly parallel supercomputers in the framework of the NASA Ames Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program. These consist of five 'parallel kernel' benchmarks and three 'simulated application' benchmarks. Together they mimic the computation and data movement characteristics of large-scale computational fluid dynamics applications. The principal distinguishing feature of these benchmarks is their 'pencil and paper' specification-all details of these benchmarks are specified only algorithmically. In this way many of the difficulties associated with conventional benchmarking approaches on highly parallel systems are avoided.
Environment/Health/Safety (EHS): Databases
Hazard Documents Database Biosafety Authorization System CATS (Corrective Action Tracking System) (for findings 12/2005 to present) Chemical Management System Electrical Safety Ergonomics Database (for new Learned / Best Practices REMS - Radiation Exposure Monitoring System SJHA Database - Subcontractor Job
HLLV avionics requirements study and electronic filing system database development
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This final report provides a summary of achievements and activities performed under Contract NAS8-39215. The contract's objective was to explore a new way of delivering, storing, accessing, and archiving study products and information and to define top level system requirements for Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (HLLV) avionics that incorporate Vehicle Health Management (VHM). This report includes technical objectives, methods, assumptions, recommendations, sample data, and issues as specified by DPD No. 772, DR-3. The report is organized into two major subsections, one specific to each of the two tasks defined in the Statement of Work: the Index Database Task and the HLLV Avionics Requirements Task. The Index Database Task resulted in the selection and modification of a commercial database software tool to contain the data developed during the HLLV Avionics Requirements Task. All summary information is addressed within each task's section.
An efficient parallel algorithm for the solution of a tridiagonal linear system of equations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stone, H. S.
Tridiagonal linear systems of equations are solved on conventional serial machines in a time proportional to N, where N is the number of equations. The conventional algorithms do not lend themselves directly to parallel computations on computers of the ILLIAC IV class, in the sense that they appear to be inherently serial. An efficient parallel algorithm is presented in which computation time grows as log sub 2 N. The algorithm is based on recursive doubling solutions of linear recurrence relations, and can be used to solve recurrence relations of all orders.
An algorithm of discovering signatures from DNA databases on a computer cluster.
Lee, Hsiao Ping; Sheu, Tzu-Fang
Signatures are short sequences that are unique and not similar to any other sequence in a database that can be used as the basis to identify different species. Even though several signature discovery algorithms have been proposed in the past, these algorithms require the entirety of databases to be loaded in the memory, thus restricting the amount of data that they can process. It makes those algorithms unable to process databases with large amounts of data. Also, those algorithms use sequential models and have slower discovery speeds, meaning that the efficiency can be improved. In this research, we are debuting the utilization of a divide-and-conquer strategy in signature discovery and have proposed a parallel signature discovery algorithm on a computer cluster. The algorithm applies the divide-and-conquer strategy to solve the problem posed to the existing algorithms where they are unable to process large databases and uses a parallel computing mechanism to effectively improve the efficiency of signature discovery. Even when run with just the memory of regular personal computers, the algorithm can still process large databases such as the human whole-genome EST database which were previously unable to be processed by the existing algorithms. The algorithm proposed in this research is not limited by the amount of usable memory and can rapidly find signatures in large databases, making it useful in applications such as Next Generation Sequencing and other large database analysis and processing. The implementation of the proposed algorithm is available at
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering for Flight Research Projects Using a Workgroup Database
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mizukami, Masahi
An online systems engineering tool for flight research projects has been developed through the use of a workgroup database. Capabilities are implemented for typical flight research systems engineering needs in document library, configuration control, hazard analysis, hardware database, requirements management, action item tracking, project team information, and technical performance metrics. Repetitive tasks are automated to reduce workload and errors. Current data and documents are instantly available online and can be worked on collaboratively. Existing forms and conventional processes are used, rather than inventing or changing processes to fit the tool. An integrated tool set offers advantages by automatically cross-referencing data, minimizing redundant data entry, and reducing the number of programs that must be learned. With a simplified approach, significant improvements are attained over existing capabilities for minimal cost. By using a workgroup-level database platform, personnel most directly involved in the project can develop, modify, and maintain the system, thereby saving time and money. As a pilot project, the system has been used to support an in-house flight experiment. Options are proposed for developing and deploying this type of tool on a more extensive basis.
An Adaptive Database Intrusion Detection System
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barrios, Rita M.
Intrusion detection is difficult to accomplish when attempting to employ current methodologies when considering the database and the authorized entity. It is a common understanding that current methodologies focus on the network architecture rather than the database, which is not an adequate solution when considering the insider threat. Recent…
Fossil-Fuel C02 Emissions Database and Exploration System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krassovski, M.; Boden, T.
Fossil-Fuel C02 Emissions Database and Exploration System Misha Krassovski and Tom Boden Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) quantifies the release of carbon from fossil-fuel use and cement production each year at global, regional, and national spatial scales. These estimates are vital to climate change research given the strong evidence suggesting fossil-fuel emissions are responsible for unprecedented levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The CDIAC fossil-fuel emissions time series are based largely on annual energy statistics published for all nations by the United Nations (UN). Publications containing historical energy statistics make it possible to estimate fossil-fuel CO2 emissions back to 1751 before the Industrial Revolution. From these core fossil-fuel CO2 emission time series, CDIAC has developed a number of additional data products to satisfy modeling needs and to address other questions aimed at improving our understanding of the global carbon cycle budget. For example, CDIAC also produces a time series of gridded fossil-fuel CO2 emission estimates and isotopic (e.g., C13) emissions estimates. The gridded data are generated using the methodology described in Andres et al. (2011) and provide monthly and annual estimates for 1751-2008 at 1° latitude by 1° longitude resolution. These gridded emission estimates are being used in the latest IPCC Scientific Assessment (AR4). Isotopic estimates are possible thanks to detailed information for individual nations regarding the carbon content of select fuels (e.g., the carbon signature of natural gas from Russia). CDIAC has recently developed a relational database to house these baseline emissions estimates and associated derived products and a web-based interface to help users worldwide query these data holdings. Users can identify, explore and download desired CDIAC
Trauma scoring systems and databases.
Lecky, F; Woodford, M; Edwards, A; Bouamra, O; Coats, T
This review considers current trauma scoring systems and databases and their relevance to improving patient care. Single physiological measures such as systolic arterial pressure have limited ability to diagnose severe trauma by reflecting raised intracranial pressure, or significant haemorrhage. The Glasgow coma score has the greatest prognostic value in head-injured and other trauma patients. Trauma triage tools and imaging decision rules-using combinations of physiological cut-off measures with mechanism of injury and other categorical variables-bring both increased sophistication and increased complexity. It is important for clinicians and managers to be aware of the diagnostic properties (over- and under-triage rates) of any triage tool or decision rule used in their trauma system. Trauma registries are able to collate definitive injury descriptors and use survival prediction models to guide trauma system governance, through individual patient review and case-mix-adjusted benchmarking of hospital and network performance with robust outlier identification. Interrupted time series allow observation in the changes in care processes and outcomes at national level, which can feed back into clinical quality-based commissioning of healthcare. Registry data are also a valuable resource for trauma epidemiological and comparative effectiveness research studies. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Favaregh, Amber L.; Houlden, Heather P.; Pinier, Jeremy T.
A detailed description of the uncertainty quantification process for the Space Launch System Block 1 vehicle configuration liftoff/transition and ascent 6-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) aerodynamic databases is presented. These databases were constructed from wind tunnel test data acquired in the NASA Langley Research Center 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel and the Boeing Polysonic Wind Tunnel in St. Louis, MO, respectively. The major sources of error for these databases were experimental error and database modeling errors.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Park, Yubin; Shankar, Mallikarjun; Park, Byung H.
Designing a database system for both efficient data management and data services has been one of the enduring challenges in the healthcare domain. In many healthcare systems, data services and data management are often viewed as two orthogonal tasks; data services refer to retrieval and analytic queries such as search, joins, statistical data extraction, and simple data mining algorithms, while data management refers to building error-tolerant and non-redundant database systems. The gap between service and management has resulted in rigid database systems and schemas that do not support effective analytics. We compose a rich graph structure from an abstracted healthcaremore » RDBMS to illustrate how we can fill this gap in practice. We show how a healthcare graph can be automatically constructed from a normalized relational database using the proposed 3NF Equivalent Graph (3EG) transformation.We discuss a set of real world graph queries such as finding self-referrals, shared providers, and collaborative filtering, and evaluate their performance over a relational database and its 3EG-transformed graph. Experimental results show that the graph representation serves as multiple de-normalized tables, thus reducing complexity in a database and enhancing data accessibility of users. Based on this finding, we propose an ensemble framework of databases for healthcare applications.« less
Huang, Yu; Guo, Feng; Li, Yongling; Liu, Yufeng
Parameter estimation for fractional-order chaotic systems is an important issue in fractional-order chaotic control and synchronization and could be essentially formulated as a multidimensional optimization problem. A novel algorithm called quantum parallel particle swarm optimization (QPPSO) is proposed to solve the parameter estimation for fractional-order chaotic systems. The parallel characteristic of quantum computing is used in QPPSO. This characteristic increases the calculation of each generation exponentially. The behavior of particles in quantum space is restrained by the quantum evolution equation, which consists of the current rotation angle, individual optimal quantum rotation angle, and global optimal quantum rotation angle. Numerical simulation based on several typical fractional-order systems and comparisons with some typical existing algorithms show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. PMID:25603158
Yang, Xiaohuan; Huang, Yaohuan; Dong, Pinliang; Jiang, Dong; Liu, Honghui
The spatial distribution of population is closely related to land use and land cover (LULC) patterns on both regional and global scales. Population can be redistributed onto geo-referenced square grids according to this relation. In the past decades, various approaches to monitoring LULC using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been developed, which makes it possible for efficient updating of geo-referenced population data. A Spatial Population Updating System (SPUS) is developed for updating the gridded population database of China based on remote sensing, GIS and spatial database technologies, with a spatial resolution of 1 km by 1 km. The SPUS can process standard Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS L1B) data integrated with a Pattern Decomposition Method (PDM) and an LULC-Conversion Model to obtain patterns of land use and land cover, and provide input parameters for a Population Spatialization Model (PSM). The PSM embedded in SPUS is used for generating 1 km by 1 km gridded population data in each population distribution region based on natural and socio-economic variables. Validation results from finer township-level census data of Yishui County suggest that the gridded population database produced by the SPUS is reliable.
Tempest: Accelerated MS/MS database search software for heterogeneous computing platforms
Adamo, Mark E.; Gerber, Scott A.
MS/MS database search algorithms derive a set of candidate peptide sequences from in-silico digest of a protein sequence database, and compute theoretical fragmentation patterns to match these candidates against observed MS/MS spectra. The original Tempest publication described these operations mapped to a CPU-GPU model, in which the CPU generates peptide candidates that are asynchronously sent to a discrete GPU to be scored against experimental spectra in parallel (Milloy et al., 2012). The current version of Tempest expands this model, incorporating OpenCL to offer seamless parallelization across multicore CPUs, GPUs, integrated graphics chips, and general-purpose coprocessors. Three protocols describe how to configure and run a Tempest search, including discussion of how to leverage Tempest's unique feature set to produce optimal results. PMID:27603022
Transport and Environment Database System (TRENDS): Maritime air pollutant emission modelling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Georgakaki, Aliki; Coffey, Robert A.; Lock, Graham; Sorenson, Spencer C.
This paper reports the development of the maritime module within the framework of the Transport and Environment Database System (TRENDS) project. A detailed database has been constructed for the calculation of energy consumption and air pollutant emissions. Based on an in-house database of commercial vessels kept at the Technical University of Denmark, relationships between the fuel consumption and size of different vessels have been developed, taking into account the fleet's age and service speed. The technical assumptions and factors incorporated in the database are presented, including changes from findings reported in Methodologies for Estimating air pollutant Emissions from Transport (MEET). The database operates on statistical data provided by Eurostat, which describe vessel and freight movements from and towards EU 15 major ports. Data are at port to Maritime Coastal Area (MCA) level, so a bottom-up approach is used. A port to MCA distance database has also been constructed for the purpose of the study. This was the first attempt to use Eurostat maritime statistics for emission modelling; and the problems encountered, since the statistical data collection was not undertaken with a view to this purpose, are mentioned. Examples of the results obtained by the database are presented. These include detailed air pollutant emission calculations for bulk carriers entering the port of Helsinki, as an example of the database operation, and aggregate results for different types of movements for France. Overall estimates of SO x and NO x emission caused by shipping traffic between the EU 15 countries are in the area of 1 and 1.5 million tonnes, respectively.
Partitioning problems in parallel, pipelined and distributed computing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bokhari, S.
The problem of optimally assigning the modules of a parallel program over the processors of a multiple computer system is addressed. A Sum-Bottleneck path algorithm is developed that permits the efficient solution of many variants of this problem under some constraints on the structure of the partitions. In particular, the following problems are solved optimally for a single-host, multiple satellite system: partitioning multiple chain structured parallel programs, multiple arbitrarily structured serial programs and single tree structured parallel programs. In addition, the problems of partitioning chain structured parallel programs across chain connected systems and across shared memory (or shared bus) systems are also solved under certain constraints. All solutions for parallel programs are equally applicable to pipelined programs. These results extend prior research in this area by explicitly taking concurrency into account and permit the efficient utilization of multiple computer architectures for a wide range of problems of practical interest.
PACSY, a relational database management system for protein structure and chemical shift analysis.
Lee, Woonghee; Yu, Wookyung; Kim, Suhkmann; Chang, Iksoo; Lee, Weontae; Markley, John L
PACSY (Protein structure And Chemical Shift NMR spectroscopY) is a relational database management system that integrates information from the Protein Data Bank, the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank, and the Structural Classification of Proteins database. PACSY provides three-dimensional coordinates and chemical shifts of atoms along with derived information such as torsion angles, solvent accessible surface areas, and hydrophobicity scales. PACSY consists of six relational table types linked to one another for coherence by key identification numbers. Database queries are enabled by advanced search functions supported by an RDBMS server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. PACSY enables users to search for combinations of information from different database sources in support of their research. Two software packages, PACSY Maker for database creation and PACSY Analyzer for database analysis, are available from
PACSY, a relational database management system for protein structure and chemical shift analysis
Lee, Woonghee; Yu, Wookyung; Kim, Suhkmann; Chang, Iksoo
PACSY (Protein structure And Chemical Shift NMR spectroscopY) is a relational database management system that integrates information from the Protein Data Bank, the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank, and the Structural Classification of Proteins database. PACSY provides three-dimensional coordinates and chemical shifts of atoms along with derived information such as torsion angles, solvent accessible surface areas, and hydrophobicity scales. PACSY consists of six relational table types linked to one another for coherence by key identification numbers. Database queries are enabled by advanced search functions supported by an RDBMS server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. PACSY enables users to search for combinations of information from different database sources in support of their research. Two software packages, PACSY Maker for database creation and PACSY Analyzer for database analysis, are available from PMID:22903636
An engineering database management system for spacecraft operations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cipollone, Gregorio; Mckay, Michael H.; Paris, Joseph
Studies at ESOC have demonstrated the feasibility of a flexible and powerful Engineering Database Management System in support for spacecraft operations documentation. The objectives set out were three-fold: first an analysis of the problems encountered by the Operations team in obtaining and managing operations documents; secondly, the definition of a concept for operations documentation and the implementation of prototype to prove the feasibility of the concept; and thirdly, definition of standards and protocols required for the exchange of data between the top-level partners in a satellite project. The EDMS prototype was populated with ERS-l satellite design data and has been used by the operations team at ESOC to gather operational experience. An operational EDMS would be implemented at the satellite prime contractor's site as a common database for all technical information surrounding a project and would be accessible by the cocontractor's and ESA teams.
Parallel compression of data chunks of a shared data object using a log-structured file system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bent, John M.; Faibish, Sorin; Grider, Gary
Techniques are provided for parallel compression of data chunks being written to a shared object. A client executing on a compute node or a burst buffer node in a parallel computing system stores a data chunk generated by the parallel computing system to a shared data object on a storage node by compressing the data chunk; and providing the data compressed data chunk to the storage node that stores the shared object. The client and storage node may employ Log-Structured File techniques. The compressed data chunk can be de-compressed by the client when the data chunk is read. A storagemore » node stores a data chunk as part of a shared object by receiving a compressed version of the data chunk from a compute node; and storing the compressed version of the data chunk to the shared data object on the storage node.« less
A Database as a Service for the Healthcare System to Store Physiological Signal Data.
Chang, Hsien-Tsung; Lin, Tsai-Huei
Wearable devices that measure physiological signals to help develop self-health management habits have become increasingly popular in recent years. These records are conducive for follow-up health and medical care. In this study, based on the characteristics of the observed physiological signal records- 1) a large number of users, 2) a large amount of data, 3) low information variability, 4) data privacy authorization, and 5) data access by designated users-we wish to resolve physiological signal record-relevant issues utilizing the advantages of the Database as a Service (DaaS) model. Storing a large amount of data using file patterns can reduce database load, allowing users to access data efficiently; the privacy control settings allow users to store data securely. The results of the experiment show that the proposed system has better database access performance than a traditional relational database, with a small difference in database volume, thus proving that the proposed system can improve data storage performance.
A Database as a Service for the Healthcare System to Store Physiological Signal Data
Lin, Tsai-Huei
Wearable devices that measure physiological signals to help develop self-health management habits have become increasingly popular in recent years. These records are conducive for follow-up health and medical care. In this study, based on the characteristics of the observed physiological signal records– 1) a large number of users, 2) a large amount of data, 3) low information variability, 4) data privacy authorization, and 5) data access by designated users—we wish to resolve physiological signal record-relevant issues utilizing the advantages of the Database as a Service (DaaS) model. Storing a large amount of data using file patterns can reduce database load, allowing users to access data efficiently; the privacy control settings allow users to store data securely. The results of the experiment show that the proposed system has better database access performance than a traditional relational database, with a small difference in database volume, thus proving that the proposed system can improve data storage performance. PMID:28033415
Parallelization of Rocket Engine System Software (Press)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cezzar, Ruknet
The main goal is to assess parallelization requirements for the Rocket Engine Numeric Simulator (RENS) project which, aside from gathering information on liquid-propelled rocket engines and setting forth requirements, involve a large FORTRAN based package at NASA Lewis Research Center and TDK software developed by SUBR/UWF. The ultimate aim is to develop, test, integrate, and suitably deploy a family of software packages on various aspects and facets of rocket engines using liquid-propellants. At present, all project efforts by the funding agency, NASA Lewis Research Center, and the HBCU participants are disseminated over the internet using world wide web home pages. Considering obviously expensive methods of actual field trails, the benefits of software simulators are potentially enormous. When realized, these benefits will be analogous to those provided by numerous CAD/CAM packages and flight-training simulators. According to the overall task assignments, Hampton University's role is to collect all available software, place them in a common format, assess and evaluate, define interfaces, and provide integration. Most importantly, the HU's mission is to see to it that the real-time performance is assured. This involves source code translations, porting, and distribution. The porting will be done in two phases: First, place all software on Cray XMP platform using FORTRAN. After testing and evaluation on the Cray X-MP, the code will be translated to C + + and ported to the parallel nCUBE platform. At present, we are evaluating another option of distributed processing over local area networks using Sun NFS, Ethernet, TCP/IP. Considering the heterogeneous nature of the present software (e.g., first started as an expert system using LISP machines) which now involve FORTRAN code, the effort is expected to be quite challenging.
A Tephra Database With an Intelligent Correlation System, Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, CA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bursik, M.; Rogova, G.
We are assembling a web-accessible, relational database of information on past eruptions of the Mono-Inyo volcanic chain, eastern California. The PostgreSQL database structure follows the North American Data Model and CordLink. The database allows us to extract the features diagnostic of particular pyroclastic layers, as well as lava domes and flows. The features include depth in the section, layer thickness and internal stratigraphy, mineral assemblage, major and trace element composition, tephra componentry and granulometry, and radiocarbon age. Our working hypotheses are that 1) the database will prove useful for unraveling the complex recent volcanic history of the Mono-Inyo chain 2) aided by the use of an intelligent correlation system integrated into the database system. The Mono-Inyo chain consists of domes, craters and flows that stretch for 50 km north-south, subparallel to the Sierran range front fault system. Almost all eruptions within the chain probably occurred less than 50,000 years ago. Because of the variety of magma and eruption types, and the migration of source regions in time and space, it is nontrivial to discern patterns of behaviour. We have explored the use of multiple artificial neural networks combined within the framework of the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to construct a hybrid information processing system as an aid in the correlation of Mono-Inyo pyroclastic layers. It is hoped that such a system could provide information useful to discerning eruptive patterns that would otherwise be difficult to sort and categorize. In a test case on tephra layers at known sites, the intelligent correlation system was able to categorize observations correctly 96% of the time. In a test case with layers at one unknown site, and using a pairwise comparison of the unknown site with the known sites, a one-to-one correlation between the unknown site and the known sites was found to sometimes be poor. Such a result could be used to aid a
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Watanabe, Eriko; Ishikawa, Mami; Ohta, Maiko; Murakami, Yasuo; Kodate, Kashiko
Medical errors and patient safety have always received a great deal of attention, as they can be critically life-threatening and significant matters. Hospitals and medical personnel are trying their utmost to avoid these errors. Currently in the medical field, patients' record is identified through their PIN numbers and ID cards. However, for patients who cannot speak or move, or who suffer from memory disturbances, alternative methods would be more desirable, and necessary in some cases. The authors previously proposed and fabricated a specially-designed correlator called FARCO (Fast Face Recognition Optical Correlator) based on the Vanderlugt Correlator1, which operates at the speed of 1000 faces/s 2,3,4. Combined with high-speed display devices, the four-channel processing could achieve such high operational speed as 4000 faces/s. Running trial experiments on a 1-to-N identification basis using the optical parallel correlator, we succeeded in acquiring low error rates of 1 % FMR and 2.3 % FNMR. In this paper, we propose a robust face recognition system using the FARCO for focusing on the safety and security of the medical field. We apply our face recognition system to registration of inpatients, in particular children and infants, before and after medical treatments or operations. The proposed system has recorded a higher recognition rate by multiplexing both input and database facial images from moving images. The system was also tested and evaluated for further practical use, leaving excellent results. Hence, our face recognition system could function effectively as an integral part of medical system, meeting these essential requirements of safety, security and privacy.
Automatic Multilevel Parallelization Using OpenMP
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jin, Hao-Qiang; Jost, Gabriele; Yan, Jerry; Ayguade, Eduard; Gonzalez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)
In this paper we describe the extension of the CAPO parallelization support tool to support multilevel parallelism based on OpenMP directives. CAPO generates OpenMP directives with extensions supported by the NanosCompiler to allow for directive nesting and definition of thread groups. We report first results for several benchmark codes and one full application that have been parallelized using our system.
Common hyperspectral image database design
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tian, Lixun; Liao, Ningfang; Chai, Ali
This paper is to introduce Common hyperspectral image database with a demand-oriented Database design method (CHIDB), which comprehensively set ground-based spectra, standardized hyperspectral cube, spectral analysis together to meet some applications. The paper presents an integrated approach to retrieving spectral and spatial patterns from remotely sensed imagery using state-of-the-art data mining and advanced database technologies, some data mining ideas and functions were associated into CHIDB to make it more suitable to serve in agriculture, geological and environmental areas. A broad range of data from multiple regions of the electromagnetic spectrum is supported, including ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared, thermal infrared, and fluorescence. CHIDB is based on dotnet framework and designed by MVC architecture including five main functional modules: Data importer/exporter, Image/spectrum Viewer, Data Processor, Parameter Extractor, and On-line Analyzer. The original data were all stored in SQL server2008 for efficient search, query and update, and some advance Spectral image data Processing technology are used such as Parallel processing in C#; Finally an application case is presented in agricultural disease detecting area.
DBSecSys 2.0: a database of Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei secretion systems.
Memišević, Vesna; Kumar, Kamal; Zavaljevski, Nela; DeShazer, David; Wallqvist, Anders; Reifman, Jaques
Burkholderia mallei and B. pseudomallei are the causative agents of glanders and melioidosis, respectively, diseases with high morbidity and mortality rates. B. mallei and B. pseudomallei are closely related genetically; B. mallei evolved from an ancestral strain of B. pseudomallei by genome reduction and adaptation to an obligate intracellular lifestyle. Although these two bacteria cause different diseases, they share multiple virulence factors, including bacterial secretion systems, which represent key components of bacterial pathogenicity. Despite recent progress, the secretion system proteins for B. mallei and B. pseudomallei, their pathogenic mechanisms of action, and host factors are not well characterized. We previously developed a manually curated database, DBSecSys, of bacterial secretion system proteins for B. mallei. Here, we report an expansion of the database with corresponding information about B. pseudomallei. DBSecSys 2.0 contains comprehensive literature-based and computationally derived information about B. mallei ATCC 23344 and literature-based and computationally derived information about B. pseudomallei K96243. The database contains updated information for 163 B. mallei proteins from the previous database and 61 additional B. mallei proteins, and new information for 281 B. pseudomallei proteins associated with 5 secretion systems, their 1,633 human- and murine-interacting targets, and 2,400 host-B. mallei interactions and 2,286 host-B. pseudomallei interactions. The database also includes information about 13 pathogenic mechanisms of action for B. mallei and B. pseudomallei secretion system proteins inferred from the available literature or computationally. Additionally, DBSecSys 2.0 provides details about 82 virulence attenuation experiments for 52 B. mallei secretion system proteins and 98 virulence attenuation experiments for 61 B. pseudomallei secretion system proteins. We updated the Web interface and data access layer to speed-up users
Knowledge representation into Ada parallel processing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Masotto, Tom; Babikyan, Carol; Harper, Richard
The Knowledge Representation into Ada Parallel Processing project is a joint NASA and Air Force funded project to demonstrate the execution of intelligent systems in Ada on the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory fault-tolerant parallel processor (FTPP). Two applications were demonstrated - a portion of the adaptive tactical navigator and a real time controller. Both systems are implemented as Activation Framework Objects on the Activation Framework intelligent scheduling mechanism developed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The implementations, results of performance analyses showing speedup due to parallelism and initial efficiency improvements are detailed and further areas for performance improvements are suggested.
SBML-PET-MPI: a parallel parameter estimation tool for Systems Biology Markup Language based models.
Zi, Zhike
Parameter estimation is crucial for the modeling and dynamic analysis of biological systems. However, implementing parameter estimation is time consuming and computationally demanding. Here, we introduced a parallel parameter estimation tool for Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML)-based models (SBML-PET-MPI). SBML-PET-MPI allows the user to perform parameter estimation and parameter uncertainty analysis by collectively fitting multiple experimental datasets. The tool is developed and parallelized using the message passing interface (MPI) protocol, which provides good scalability with the number of processors. SBML-PET-MPI is freely available for non-commercial use at or
Queueing Network Models for Parallel Processing of Task Systems: an Operational Approach
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mak, Victor W. K.
Computer performance modeling of possibly complex computations running on highly concurrent systems is considered. Earlier works in this area either dealt with a very simple program structure or resulted in methods with exponential complexity. An efficient procedure is developed to compute the performance measures for series-parallel-reducible task systems using queueing network models. The procedure is based on the concept of hierarchical decomposition and a new operational approach. Numerical results for three test cases are presented and compared to those of simulations.
The GEISA Spectroscopic Database System in its latest Edition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jacquinet-Husson, N.; Crépeau, L.; Capelle, V.; Scott, N. A.; Armante, R.; Chédin, A.
GEISA (Gestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques: Management and Study of Spectroscopic Information)[1] is a computer-accessible spectroscopic database system, designed to facilitate accurate forward planetary radiative transfer calculations using a line-by-line and layer-by-layer approach. It was initiated in 1976. Currently, GEISA is involved in activities related to the assessment of the capabilities of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on board the METOP European satellite - through the GEISA/IASI database[2] derived from GEISA. Since the Metop ( launch (October 19th 2006), GEISA/IASI is the reference spectroscopic database for the validation of the level-1 IASI data, using the 4A radiative transfer model[3] (4A/LMD; 4A/OP co-developed by LMD and Noveltis with the support of CNES). Also, GEISA is involved in planetary research, i.e.: modelling of Titan's atmosphere, in the comparison with observations performed by Voyager:, or by ground-based telescopes, and by the instruments on board the Cassini-Huygens mission: The updated 2008 edition of GEISA (GEISA-08), a system comprising three independent sub-databases devoted, respectively, to line transition parameters, infrared and ultraviolet/visible absorption cross-sections, microphysical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols, will be described. Spectroscopic parameters quality requirement will be discussed in the context of comparisons between observed or simulated Earth's and other planetary atmosphere spectra. GEISA is implemented on the CNES/CNRS Ether Products and Services Centre WEB site (, where all archived spectroscopic data can be handled through general and user friendly associated management software facilities. More than 350 researchers are
Accelerating Pathology Image Data Cross-Comparison on CPU-GPU Hybrid Systems
Wang, Kaibo; Huai, Yin; Lee, Rubao; Wang, Fusheng; Zhang, Xiaodong; Saltz, Joel H.
As an important application of spatial databases in pathology imaging analysis, cross-comparing the spatial boundaries of a huge amount of segmented micro-anatomic objects demands extremely data- and compute-intensive operations, requiring high throughput at an affordable cost. However, the performance of spatial database systems has not been satisfactory since their implementations of spatial operations cannot fully utilize the power of modern parallel hardware. In this paper, we provide a customized software solution that exploits GPUs and multi-core CPUs to accelerate spatial cross-comparison in a cost-effective way. Our solution consists of an efficient GPU algorithm and a pipelined system framework with task migration support. Extensive experiments with real-world data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution, which improves the performance of spatial cross-comparison by over 18 times compared with a parallelized spatial database approach. PMID:23355955
Faibish, Sorin; Bent, John M; Tzelnic, Percy; Grider, Gary; Torres, Aaron
Techniques are provided for storing files in a parallel computing system using sub-files with semantically meaningful boundaries. A method is provided for storing at least one file generated by a distributed application in a parallel computing system. The file comprises one or more of a complete file and a plurality of sub-files. The method comprises the steps of obtaining a user specification of semantic information related to the file; providing the semantic information as a data structure description to a data formatting library write function; and storing the semantic information related to the file with one or more of the sub-files in one or more storage nodes of the parallel computing system. The semantic information provides a description of data in the file. The sub-files can be replicated based on semantically meaningful boundaries.
Parallel Computing Using Web Servers and "Servlets".
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lo, Alfred; Bloor, Chris; Choi, Y. K.
Describes parallel computing and presents inexpensive ways to implement a virtual parallel computer with multiple Web servers. Highlights include performance measurement of parallel systems; models for using Java and intranet technology including single server, multiple clients and multiple servers, single client; and a comparison of CGI (common…
Simplified Parallel Domain Traversal
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Erickson III, David J
Many data-intensive scientific analysis techniques require global domain traversal, which over the years has been a bottleneck for efficient parallelization across distributed-memory architectures. Inspired by MapReduce and other simplified parallel programming approaches, we have designed DStep, a flexible system that greatly simplifies efficient parallelization of domain traversal techniques at scale. In order to deliver both simplicity to users as well as scalability on HPC platforms, we introduce a novel two-tiered communication architecture for managing and exploiting asynchronous communication loads. We also integrate our design with advanced parallel I/O techniques that operate directly on native simulation output. We demonstrate DStep bymore » performing teleconnection analysis across ensemble runs of terascale atmospheric CO{sub 2} and climate data, and we show scalability results on up to 65,536 IBM BlueGene/P cores.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wichert, Viktoria; Arkenberg, Mario; Hauschildt, Peter H.
Highly resolved state-of-the-art 3D atmosphere simulations will remain computationally extremely expensive for years to come. In addition to the need for more computing power, rethinking coding practices is necessary. We take a dual approach by introducing especially adapted, parallel numerical methods and correspondingly parallelizing critical code passages. In the following, we present our respective work on PHOENIX/3D. With new parallel numerical algorithms, there is a big opportunity for improvement when iteratively solving the system of equations emerging from the operator splitting of the radiative transfer equation J = ΛS. The narrow-banded approximate Λ-operator Λ* , which is used in PHOENIX/3D, occurs in each iteration step. By implementing a numerical algorithm which takes advantage of its characteristic traits, the parallel code's efficiency is further increased and a speed-up in computational time can be achieved.
Classroom Laboratory Report: Using an Image Database System in Engineering Education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alam, Javed; And Others
Describes an image database system assembled using separate computer components that was developed to overcome text-only computer hardware storage and retrieval limitations for a pavement design class. (JJK)
Parallel Algorithms for Computational Models of Geophysical Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Carrillo Ledesma, A.; Herrera, I.; de la Cruz, L. M.; Hernández, G.; Grupo de Modelacion Matematica y Computacional
Mathematical models of many systems of interest, including very important continuous systems of Earth Sciences and Engineering, lead to a great variety of partial differential equations (PDEs) whose solution methods are based on the computational processing of large-scale algebraic systems. Furthermore, the incredible expansion experienced by the existing computational hardware and software has made amenable to effective treatment problems of an ever increasing diversity and complexity, posed by scientific and engineering applications. Parallel computing is outstanding among the new computational tools and, in order to effectively use the most advanced computers available today, massively parallel software is required. Domain decomposition methods (DDMs) have been developed precisely for effectively treating PDEs in paralle. Ideally, the main objective of domain decomposition research is to produce algorithms capable of 'obtaining the global solution by exclusively solving local problems', but up-to-now this has only been an aspiration; that is, a strong desire for achieving such a property and so we call it 'the DDM-paradigm'. In recent times, numerically competitive DDM-algorithms are non-overlapping, preconditioned and necessarily incorporate constraints which pose an additional challenge for achieving the DDM-paradigm. Recently a group of four algorithms, referred to as the 'DVS-algorithms', which fulfill the DDM-paradigm, was developed. To derive them a new discretization method, which uses a non-overlapping system of nodes (the derived-nodes), was introduced. This discretization procedure can be applied to any boundary-value problem, or system of such equations. In turn, the resulting system of discrete equations can be treated using any available DDM-algorithm. In particular, two of the four DVS-algorithms mentioned above were obtained by application of the well-known and very effective algorithms BDDC and FETI-DP; these will be referred to as the DVS
Modelling parallel programs and multiprocessor architectures with AXE
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Yan, Jerry C.; Fineman, Charles E.
AXE, An Experimental Environment for Parallel Systems, was designed to model and simulate for parallel systems at the process level. It provides an integrated environment for specifying computation models, multiprocessor architectures, data collection, and performance visualization. AXE is being used at NASA-Ames for developing resource management strategies, parallel problem formulation, multiprocessor architectures, and operating system issues related to the High Performance Computing and Communications Program. AXE's simple, structured user-interface enables the user to model parallel programs and machines precisely and efficiently. Its quick turn-around time keeps the user interested and productive. AXE models multicomputers. The user may easily modify various architectural parameters including the number of sites, connection topologies, and overhead for operating system activities. Parallel computations in AXE are represented as collections of autonomous computing objects known as players. Their use and behavior is described. Performance data of the multiprocessor model can be observed on a color screen. These include CPU and message routing bottlenecks, and the dynamic status of the software.
Systems of power, axes of inequity: parallels, intersections, braiding the strands.
Jones, Camara P
This commentary builds on work examining the impacts of racism on health to identify parallels and intersections with regard to able-ism and health. The "Cliff Analogy" framework for distinguishing between five levels of health intervention is used to sort the Healthy People 2020 goals on Disability and Health along an array from medical care to addressing the social determinants of equity. Parallels between racism and able-ism as systems of power, similarities and differences between "race" and disability status as axes of inequity, intersections of "race" and disability status in individuals and in communities, and the promise of convergent strength between the anti-racism community and the disability rights community are highlighted. With health equity defined as assurance of the conditions for optimal health for all people, it is noted that achieving health equity requires valuing all individuals and populations equally, recognizing and rectifying historical injustices, and providing resources according to need.
A smart technique for attendance system to recognize faces through parallelism
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Prabhavathi, B.; Tanuja, V.; Madhu Viswanatham, V.; Rajashekhara Babu, M.
Major part of recognising a person is face with the help of image processing techniques we can exploit the physical features of a person. In the old approach method that is used in schools and colleges it is there that the professor calls the student name and then the attendance for the students marked. Here in paper want to deviate from the old approach and go with the new approach by using techniques that are there in image processing. In this paper we presenting spontaneous presence for students in classroom. At first classroom image has been in use and after that image is kept in data record. For the images that are stored in the database we apply system algorithm which includes steps such as, histogram classification, noise removal, face detection and face recognition methods. So by using these steps we detect the faces and then compare it with the database. The attendance gets marked automatically if the system recognizes the faces.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nakagawa, Y.; Kawahara, S.; Araki, F.; Matsuoka, D.; Ishikawa, Y.; Fujita, M.; Sugimoto, S.; Okada, Y.; Kawazoe, S.; Watanabe, S.; Ishii, M.; Mizuta, R.; Murata, A.; Kawase, H.
Analyses of large ensemble data are quite useful in order to produce probabilistic effect projection of climate change. Ensemble data of "+2K future climate simulations" are currently produced by Japanese national project "Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (SI-CAT)" as a part of a database for Policy Decision making for Future climate change (d4PDF; Mizuta et al. 2016) produced by Program for Risk Information on Climate Change. Those data consist of global warming simulations and regional downscaling simulations. Considering that those data volumes are too large (a few petabyte) to download to a local computer of users, a user-friendly system is required to search and download data which satisfy requests of the users. We develop "a database system for near-future climate change projections" for providing functions to find necessary data for the users under SI-CAT. The database system for near-future climate change projections mainly consists of a relational database, a data download function and user interface. The relational database using PostgreSQL is a key function among them. Temporally and spatially compressed data are registered on the relational database. As a first step, we develop the relational database for precipitation, temperature and track data of typhoon according to requests by SI-CAT members. The data download function using Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) provides a function to download temporally and spatially extracted data based on search results obtained by the relational database. We also develop the web-based user interface for using the relational database and the data download function. A prototype of the database system for near-future climate change projections are currently in operational test on our local server. The database system for near-future climate change projections will be released on Data Integration and Analysis System Program (DIAS) in fiscal year 2017
Simulation Exploration through Immersive Parallel Planes
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas J; Bush, Brian W; Gruchalla, Kenny M
We present a visualization-driven simulation system that tightly couples systems dynamics simulations with an immersive virtual environment to allow analysts to rapidly develop and test hypotheses in a high-dimensional parameter space. To accomplish this, we generalize the two-dimensional parallel-coordinates statistical graphic as an immersive 'parallel-planes' visualization for multivariate time series emitted by simulations running in parallel with the visualization. In contrast to traditional parallel coordinate's mapping the multivariate dimensions onto coordinate axes represented by a series of parallel lines, we map pairs of the multivariate dimensions onto a series of parallel rectangles. As in the case of parallel coordinates, eachmore » individual observation in the dataset is mapped to a polyline whose vertices coincide with its coordinate values. Regions of the rectangles can be 'brushed' to highlight and select observations of interest: a 'slider' control allows the user to filter the observations by their time coordinate. In an immersive virtual environment, users interact with the parallel planes using a joystick that can select regions on the planes, manipulate selection, and filter time. The brushing and selection actions are used to both explore existing data as well as to launch additional simulations corresponding to the visually selected portions of the input parameter space. As soon as the new simulations complete, their resulting observations are displayed in the virtual environment. This tight feedback loop between simulation and immersive analytics accelerates users' realization of insights about the simulation and its output.« less
Applying Cognitive Load Theory to the Redesign of a Conventional Database Systems Course
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mason, Raina; Seton, Carolyn; Cooper, Graham
Cognitive load theory (CLT) was used to redesign a Database Systems course for Information Technology students. The redesign was intended to address poor student performance and low satisfaction, and to provide a more relevant foundation in database design and use for subsequent studies and industry. The original course followed the conventional…
The BRENDA enzyme information system-From a database to an expert system.
Schomburg, I; Jeske, L; Ulbrich, M; Placzek, S; Chang, A; Schomburg, D
Enzymes, representing the largest and by far most complex group of proteins, play an essential role in all processes of life, including metabolism, gene expression, cell division, the immune system, and others. Their function, also connected to most diseases or stress control makes them interesting targets for research and applications in biotechnology, medical treatments, or diagnosis. Their functional parameters and other properties are collected, integrated, and made available to the scientific community in the BRaunschweig ENzyme DAtabase (BRENDA). In the last 30 years BRENDA has developed into one of the most highly used biological databases worldwide. The data contents, the process of data acquisition, data integration and control, the ways to access the data, and visualizations provided by the website are described and discussed. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cao, Jianfang; Cui, Hongyan; Shi, Hao; Jiao, Lijuan
A back-propagation (BP) neural network can solve complicated random nonlinear mapping problems; therefore, it can be applied to a wide range of problems. However, as the sample size increases, the time required to train BP neural networks becomes lengthy. Moreover, the classification accuracy decreases as well. To improve the classification accuracy and runtime efficiency of the BP neural network algorithm, we proposed a parallel design and realization method for a particle swarm optimization (PSO)-optimized BP neural network based on MapReduce on the Hadoop platform using both the PSO algorithm and a parallel design. The PSO algorithm was used to optimize the BP neural network’s initial weights and thresholds and improve the accuracy of the classification algorithm. The MapReduce parallel programming model was utilized to achieve parallel processing of the BP algorithm, thereby solving the problems of hardware and communication overhead when the BP neural network addresses big data. Datasets on 5 different scales were constructed using the scene image library from the SUN Database. The classification accuracy of the parallel PSO-BP neural network algorithm is approximately 92%, and the system efficiency is approximately 0.85, which presents obvious advantages when processing big data. The algorithm proposed in this study demonstrated both higher classification accuracy and improved time efficiency, which represents a significant improvement obtained from applying parallel processing to an intelligent algorithm on big data. PMID:27304987
YUCSA: A CLIPS expert database system to monitor academic performance
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Toptsis, Anestis A.; Ho, Frankie; Leindekar, Milton; Foon, Debra Low; Carbonaro, Mike
The York University CLIPS Student Administrator (YUCSA), an expert database system implemented in C Language Integrated Processing System (CLIPS), for monitoring the academic performance of undergraduate students at York University, is discussed. The expert system component in the system has already been implemented for two major departments, and it is under testing and enhancement for more departments. Also, more elaborate user interfaces are under development. We describe the design and implementation of the system, problems encountered, and immediate future plans. The system has excellent maintainability and it is very efficient, taking less than one minute to complete an assessment of one student.
Swertz, Morris A; De Brock, E O; Van Hijum, Sacha A F T; De Jong, Anne; Buist, Girbe; Baerends, Richard J S; Kok, Jan; Kuipers, Oscar P; Jansen, Ritsert C
Genomic research laboratories need adequate infrastructure to support management of their data production and research workflow. But what makes infrastructure adequate? A lack of appropriate criteria makes any decision on buying or developing a system difficult. Here, we report on the decision process for the case of a molecular genetics group establishing a microarray laboratory. Five typical requirements for experimental genomics database systems were identified: (i) evolution ability to keep up with the fast developing genomics field; (ii) a suitable data model to deal with local diversity; (iii) suitable storage of data files in the system; (iv) easy exchange with other software; and (v) low maintenance costs. The computer scientists and the researchers of the local microarray laboratory considered alternative solutions for these five requirements and chose the following options: (i) use of automatic code generation; (ii) a customized data model based on standards; (iii) storage of datasets as black boxes instead of decomposing them in database tables; (iv) loosely linking to other programs for improved flexibility; and (v) a low-maintenance web-based user interface. Our team evaluated existing microarray databases and then decided to build a new system, Molecular Genetics Information System (MOLGENIS), implemented using code generation in a period of three months. This case can provide valuable insights and lessons to both software developers and a user community embarking on large-scale genomic projects.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chun, K.C.; Chiu, S.Y.; Ditmars, J.D.
The MIDAS (Munition Items Disposition Action System) database system is an electronic data management system capable of storage and retrieval of information on the detailed structures and material compositions of munitions items designated for demilitarization. The types of such munitions range from bulk propellants and small arms to projectiles and cluster bombs. The database system is also capable of processing data on the quantities of inert, PEP (propellant, explosives and pyrotechnics) and packaging materials associated with munitions, components, or parts, and the quantities of chemical compounds associated with parts made of PEP materials. Development of the MIDAS database system hasmore » been undertaken by the US Army to support disposition of unwanted ammunition stockpiles. The inventory of such stockpiles currently includes several thousand items, which total tens of thousands of tons, and is still growing. Providing systematic procedures for disposing of all unwanted conventional munitions is the mission of the MIDAS Demilitarization Program. To carry out this mission, all munitions listed in the Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition inventory must be characterized, and alternatives for resource recovery and recycling and/or disposal of munitions in the demilitarization inventory must be identified.« less
JSD: Parallel Job Accounting on the IBM SP2
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Saphir, William; Jones, James Patton; Walter, Howard (Technical Monitor)
The IBM SP2 is one of the most promising parallel computers for scientific supercomputing - it is fast and usually reliable. One of its biggest problems is a lack of robust and comprehensive system software. Among other things, this software allows a collection of Unix processes to be treated as a single parallel application. It does not, however, provide accounting for parallel jobs other than what is provided by AIX for the individual process components. Without parallel job accounting, it is not possible to monitor system use, measure the effectiveness of system administration strategies, or identify system bottlenecks. To address this problem, we have written jsd, a daemon that collects accounting data for parallel jobs. jsd records information in a format that is easily machine- and human-readable, allowing us to extract the most important accounting information with very little effort. jsd also notifies system administrators in certain cases of system failure.
Turbomachinery CFD on parallel computers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blech, Richard A.; Milner, Edward J.; Quealy, Angela; Townsend, Scott E.
The role of multistage turbomachinery simulation in the development of propulsion system models is discussed. Particularly, the need for simulations with higher fidelity and faster turnaround time is highlighted. It is shown how such fast simulations can be used in engineering-oriented environments. The use of parallel processing to achieve the required turnaround times is discussed. Current work by several researchers in this area is summarized. Parallel turbomachinery CFD research at the NASA Lewis Research Center is then highlighted. These efforts are focused on implementing the average-passage turbomachinery model on MIMD, distributed memory parallel computers. Performance results are given for inviscid, single blade row and viscous, multistage applications on several parallel computers, including networked workstations.
Database interfaces on NASA's heterogeneous distributed database system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huang, S. H. S.
The purpose of the ORACLE interface is to enable the DAVID program to submit queries and transactions to databases running under the ORACLE DBMS. The interface package is made up of several modules. The progress of these modules is described below. The two approaches used in implementing the interface are also discussed. Detailed discussion of the design of the templates is shown and concluding remarks are presented.
Parallel File System I/O Performance Testing On LANL Clusters
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wiens, Isaac Christian; Green, Jennifer Kathleen
These are slides from a presentation on parallel file system I/O performance testing on LANL clusters. I/O is a known bottleneck for HPC applications. Performance optimization of I/O is often required. This summer project entailed integrating IOR under Pavilion and automating the results analysis. The slides cover the following topics: scope of the work, tools utilized, IOR-Pavilion test workflow, build script, IOR parameters, how parameters are passed to IOR, *run_ior: functionality, Python IOR-Output Parser, Splunk data format, Splunk dashboard and features, and future work.
HTSFinder: Powerful Pipeline of DNA Signature Discovery by Parallel and Distributed Computing
Karimi, Ramin; Hajdu, Andras
Comprehensive effort for low-cost sequencing in the past few years has led to the growth of complete genome databases. In parallel with this effort, a strong need, fast and cost-effective methods and applications have been developed to accelerate sequence analysis. Identification is the very first step of this task. Due to the difficulties, high costs, and computational challenges of alignment-based approaches, an alternative universal identification method is highly required. Like an alignment-free approach, DNA signatures have provided new opportunities for the rapid identification of species. In this paper, we present an effective pipeline HTSFinder (high-throughput signature finder) with a corresponding k-mer generator GkmerG (genome k-mers generator). Using this pipeline, we determine the frequency of k-mers from the available complete genome databases for the detection of extensive DNA signatures in a reasonably short time. Our application can detect both unique and common signatures in the arbitrarily selected target and nontarget databases. Hadoop and MapReduce as parallel and distributed computing tools with commodity hardware are used in this pipeline. This approach brings the power of high-performance computing into the ordinary desktop personal computers for discovering DNA signatures in large databases such as bacterial genome. A considerable number of detected unique and common DNA signatures of the target database bring the opportunities to improve the identification process not only for polymerase chain reaction and microarray assays but also for more complex scenarios such as metagenomics and next-generation sequencing analysis. PMID:26884678
HTSFinder: Powerful Pipeline of DNA Signature Discovery by Parallel and Distributed Computing.
Karimi, Ramin; Hajdu, Andras
Comprehensive effort for low-cost sequencing in the past few years has led to the growth of complete genome databases. In parallel with this effort, a strong need, fast and cost-effective methods and applications have been developed to accelerate sequence analysis. Identification is the very first step of this task. Due to the difficulties, high costs, and computational challenges of alignment-based approaches, an alternative universal identification method is highly required. Like an alignment-free approach, DNA signatures have provided new opportunities for the rapid identification of species. In this paper, we present an effective pipeline HTSFinder (high-throughput signature finder) with a corresponding k-mer generator GkmerG (genome k-mers generator). Using this pipeline, we determine the frequency of k-mers from the available complete genome databases for the detection of extensive DNA signatures in a reasonably short time. Our application can detect both unique and common signatures in the arbitrarily selected target and nontarget databases. Hadoop and MapReduce as parallel and distributed computing tools with commodity hardware are used in this pipeline. This approach brings the power of high-performance computing into the ordinary desktop personal computers for discovering DNA signatures in large databases such as bacterial genome. A considerable number of detected unique and common DNA signatures of the target database bring the opportunities to improve the identification process not only for polymerase chain reaction and microarray assays but also for more complex scenarios such as metagenomics and next-generation sequencing analysis.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Juhasz, A. J.; Bloomfield, H. S.
A combinatorial reliability approach is used to identify potential dynamic power conversion systems for space mission applications. A reliability and mass analysis is also performed, specifically for a 100 kWe nuclear Brayton power conversion system with parallel redundancy. Although this study is done for a reactor outlet temperature of 1100K, preliminary system mass estimates are also included for reactor outlet temperatures ranging up to 1500 K.
Collective communications apparatus and method for parallel systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Knies, Allan D.; Keppel, David Pardo; Woo, Dong Hyuk
A collective communication apparatus and method for parallel computing systems. For example, one embodiment of an apparatus comprises a plurality of processor elements (PEs); collective interconnect logic to dynamically form a virtual collective interconnect (VCI) between the PEs at runtime without global communication among all of the PEs, the VCI defining a logical topology between the PEs in which each PE is directly communicatively coupled to a only a subset of the remaining PEs; and execution logic to execute collective operations across the PEs, wherein one or more of the PEs receive first results from a first portion of themore » subset of the remaining PEs, perform a portion of the collective operations, and provide second results to a second portion of the subset of the remaining PEs.« less
Striped Data Server for Scalable Parallel Data Analysis
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chang, Jin; Gutsche, Oliver; Mandrichenko, Igor
A columnar data representation is known to be an efficient way for data storage, specifically in cases when the analysis is often done based only on a small fragment of the available data structures. A data representation like Apache Parquet is a step forward from a columnar representation, which splits data horizontally to allow for easy parallelization of data analysis. Based on the general idea of columnar data storage, working on the [LDRD Project], we have developed a striped data representation, which, we believe, is better suited to the needs of High Energy Physics data analysis. A traditional columnar approachmore » allows for efficient data analysis of complex structures. While keeping all the benefits of columnar data representations, the striped mechanism goes further by enabling easy parallelization of computations without requiring special hardware. We will present an implementation and some performance characteristics of such a data representation mechanism using a distributed no-SQL database or a local file system, unified under the same API and data representation model. The representation is efficient and at the same time simple so that it allows for a common data model and APIs for wide range of underlying storage mechanisms such as distributed no-SQL databases and local file systems. Striped storage adopts Numpy arrays as its basic data representation format, which makes it easy and efficient to use in Python applications. The Striped Data Server is a web service, which allows to hide the server implementation details from the end user, easily exposes data to WAN users, and allows to utilize well known and developed data caching solutions to further increase data access efficiency. We are considering the Striped Data Server as the core of an enterprise scale data analysis platform for High Energy Physics and similar areas of data processing. We have been testing this architecture with a 2TB dataset from a CMS dark matter search and plan to
File-access characteristics of parallel scientific workloads
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nieuwejaar, Nils; Kotz, David; Purakayastha, Apratim; Best, Michael; Ellis, Carla Schlatter
Phenomenal improvements in the computational performance of multiprocessors have not been matched by comparable gains in I/O system performance. This imbalance has resulted in I/O becoming a significant bottleneck for many scientific applications. One key to overcoming this bottleneck is improving the performance of parallel file systems. The design of a high-performance parallel file system requires a comprehensive understanding of the expected workload. Unfortunately, until recently, no general workload studies of parallel file systems have been conducted. The goal of the CHARISMA project was to remedy this problem by characterizing the behavior of several production workloads, on different machines, at the level of individual reads and writes. The first set of results from the CHARISMA project describe the workloads observed on an Intel iPSC/860 and a Thinking Machines CM-5. This paper is intended to compare and contrast these two workloads for an understanding of their essential similarities and differences, isolating common trends and platform-dependent variances. Using this comparison, we are able to gain more insight into the general principles that should guide parallel file-system design.
Chiang, Mao-Hsiung; Lin, Hao-Ting
This study aimed to develop a novel 3D parallel mechanism robot driven by three vertical-axial pneumatic actuators with a stereo vision system for path tracking control. The mechanical system and the control system are the primary novel parts for developing a 3D parallel mechanism robot. In the mechanical system, a 3D parallel mechanism robot contains three serial chains, a fixed base, a movable platform and a pneumatic servo system. The parallel mechanism are designed and analyzed first for realizing a 3D motion in the X-Y-Z coordinate system of the robot's end-effector. The inverse kinematics and the forward kinematics of the parallel mechanism robot are investigated by using the Denavit-Hartenberg notation (D-H notation) coordinate system. The pneumatic actuators in the three vertical motion axes are modeled. In the control system, the Fourier series-based adaptive sliding-mode controller with H(∞) tracking performance is used to design the path tracking controllers of the three vertical servo pneumatic actuators for realizing 3D path tracking control of the end-effector. Three optical linear scales are used to measure the position of the three pneumatic actuators. The 3D position of the end-effector is then calculated from the measuring position of the three pneumatic actuators by means of the kinematics. However, the calculated 3D position of the end-effector cannot consider the manufacturing and assembly tolerance of the joints and the parallel mechanism so that errors between the actual position and the calculated 3D position of the end-effector exist. In order to improve this situation, sensor collaboration is developed in this paper. A stereo vision system is used to collaborate with the three position sensors of the pneumatic actuators. The stereo vision system combining two CCD serves to measure the actual 3D position of the end-effector and calibrate the error between the actual and the calculated 3D position of the end-effector. Furthermore, to
Chiang, Mao-Hsiung; Lin, Hao-Ting
This study aimed to develop a novel 3D parallel mechanism robot driven by three vertical-axial pneumatic actuators with a stereo vision system for path tracking control. The mechanical system and the control system are the primary novel parts for developing a 3D parallel mechanism robot. In the mechanical system, a 3D parallel mechanism robot contains three serial chains, a fixed base, a movable platform and a pneumatic servo system. The parallel mechanism are designed and analyzed first for realizing a 3D motion in the X-Y-Z coordinate system of the robot’s end-effector. The inverse kinematics and the forward kinematics of the parallel mechanism robot are investigated by using the Denavit-Hartenberg notation (D-H notation) coordinate system. The pneumatic actuators in the three vertical motion axes are modeled. In the control system, the Fourier series-based adaptive sliding-mode controller with H∞ tracking performance is used to design the path tracking controllers of the three vertical servo pneumatic actuators for realizing 3D path tracking control of the end-effector. Three optical linear scales are used to measure the position of the three pneumatic actuators. The 3D position of the end-effector is then calculated from the measuring position of the three pneumatic actuators by means of the kinematics. However, the calculated 3D position of the end-effector cannot consider the manufacturing and assembly tolerance of the joints and the parallel mechanism so that errors between the actual position and the calculated 3D position of the end-effector exist. In order to improve this situation, sensor collaboration is developed in this paper. A stereo vision system is used to collaborate with the three position sensors of the pneumatic actuators. The stereo vision system combining two CCD serves to measure the actual 3D position of the end-effector and calibrate the error between the actual and the calculated 3D position of the end-effector. Furthermore, to
Data-based fault-tolerant control for affine nonlinear systems with actuator faults.
Xie, Chun-Hua; Yang, Guang-Hong
This paper investigates the fault-tolerant control (FTC) problem for unknown nonlinear systems with actuator faults including stuck, outage, bias and loss of effectiveness. The upper bounds of stuck faults, bias faults and loss of effectiveness faults are unknown. A new data-based FTC scheme is proposed. It consists of the online estimations of the bounds and a state-dependent function. The estimations are adjusted online to compensate automatically the actuator faults. The state-dependent function solved by using real system data helps to stabilize the system. Furthermore, all signals in the resulting closed-loop system are uniformly bounded and the states converge asymptotically to zero. Compared with the existing results, the proposed approach is data-based. Finally, two simulation examples are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2016 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tempest: Accelerated MS/MS Database Search Software for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms.
Adamo, Mark E; Gerber, Scott A
MS/MS database search algorithms derive a set of candidate peptide sequences from in silico digest of a protein sequence database, and compute theoretical fragmentation patterns to match these candidates against observed MS/MS spectra. The original Tempest publication described these operations mapped to a CPU-GPU model, in which the CPU (central processing unit) generates peptide candidates that are asynchronously sent to a discrete GPU (graphics processing unit) to be scored against experimental spectra in parallel. The current version of Tempest expands this model, incorporating OpenCL to offer seamless parallelization across multicore CPUs, GPUs, integrated graphics chips, and general-purpose coprocessors. Three protocols describe how to configure and run a Tempest search, including discussion of how to leverage Tempest's unique feature set to produce optimal results. © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Rohatgi, Upendra S.
Nuclear reactor codes require validation with appropriate data representing the plant for specific scenarios. The thermal-hydraulic data is scattered in different locations and in different formats. Some of the data is in danger of being lost. A relational database is being developed to organize the international thermal hydraulic test data for various reactor concepts and different scenarios. At the reactor system level, that data is organized to include separate effect tests and integral effect tests for specific scenarios and corresponding phenomena. The database relies on the phenomena identification sections of expert developed PIRTs. The database will provide a summary ofmore » appropriate data, review of facility information, test description, instrumentation, references for the experimental data and some examples of application of the data for validation. The current database platform includes scenarios for PWR, BWR, VVER, and specific benchmarks for CFD modelling data and is to be expanded to include references for molten salt reactors. There are place holders for high temperature gas cooled reactors, CANDU and liquid metal reactors. This relational database is called The International Experimental Thermal Hydraulic Systems (TIETHYS) database and currently resides at Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD and is freely open to public access. Going forward the database will be extended to include additional links and data as they become available.« less
A Database-Based and Web-Based Meta-CASE System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eessaar, Erki; Sgirka, Rünno
Each Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) system provides support to a software process or specific tasks or activities that are part of a software process. Each meta-CASE system allows us to create new CASE systems. The creators of a new CASE system have to specify abstract syntax of the language that is used in the system and functionality as well as non-functional properties of the new system. Many meta-CASE systems record their data directly in files. In this paper, we introduce a meta-CASE system, the enabling technology of which is an object-relational database system (ORDBMS). The system allows users to manage specifications of languages and create models by using these languages. The system has web-based and form-based user interface. We have created a proof-of-concept prototype of the system by using PostgreSQL ORDBMS and PHP scripting language.
Heterogeneous database integration in biomedicine.
Sujansky, W
The rapid expansion of biomedical knowledge, reduction in computing costs, and spread of internet access have created an ocean of electronic data. The decentralized nature of our scientific community and healthcare system, however, has resulted in a patchwork of diverse, or heterogeneous, database implementations, making access to and aggregation of data across databases very difficult. The database heterogeneity problem applies equally to clinical data describing individual patients and biological data characterizing our genome. Specifically, databases are highly heterogeneous with respect to the data models they employ, the data schemas they specify, the query languages they support, and the terminologies they recognize. Heterogeneous database systems attempt to unify disparate databases by providing uniform conceptual schemas that resolve representational heterogeneities, and by providing querying capabilities that aggregate and integrate distributed data. Research in this area has applied a variety of database and knowledge-based techniques, including semantic data modeling, ontology definition, query translation, query optimization, and terminology mapping. Existing systems have addressed heterogeneous database integration in the realms of molecular biology, hospital information systems, and application portability.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Campbell, William J.; Roelofs, Larry H.; Short, Nicholas M., Jr.
The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) has initiated an Intelligent Data Management (IDM) research effort which has as one of its components the development of an Intelligent User Interface (IUI).The intent of the latter is to develop a friendly and intelligent user interface service that is based on expert systems and natural language processing technologies. The purpose is to support the large number of potential scientific and engineering users presently having need of space and land related research and technical data but who have little or no experience in query languages or understanding of the information content or architecture of the databases involved. This technical memorandum presents prototype Intelligent User Interface Subsystem (IUIS) using the Crustal Dynamics Project Database as a test bed for the implementation of the CRUDDES (Crustal Dynamics Expert System). The knowledge base has more than 200 rules and represents a single application view and the architectural view. Operational performance using CRUDDES has allowed nondatabase users to obtain useful information from the database previously accessible only to an expert database user or the database designer.
Characterizing parallel file-access patterns on a large-scale multiprocessor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Purakayastha, A.; Ellis, Carla; Kotz, David; Nieuwejaar, Nils; Best, Michael L.
High-performance parallel file systems are needed to satisfy tremendous I/O requirements of parallel scientific applications. The design of such high-performance parallel file systems depends on a comprehensive understanding of the expected workload, but so far there have been very few usage studies of multiprocessor file systems. This paper is part of the CHARISMA project, which intends to fill this void by measuring real file-system workloads on various production parallel machines. In particular, we present results from the CM-5 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Our results are unique because we collect information about nearly every individual I/O request from the mix of jobs running on the machine. Analysis of the traces leads to various recommendations for parallel file-system design.
Parallel Event Analysis Under Unix
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Looney, S.; Nilsson, B. S.; Oest, T.; Pettersson, T.; Ranjard, F.; Thibonnier, J.-P.
The ALEPH experiment at LEP, the CERN CN division and Digital Equipment Corp. have, in a joint project, developed a parallel event analysis system. The parallel physics code is identical to ALEPH's standard analysis code, ALPHA, only the organisation of input/output is changed. The user may switch between sequential and parallel processing by simply changing one input "card". The initial implementation runs on an 8-node DEC 3000/400 farm, using the PVM software, and exhibits a near-perfect speed-up linearity, reducing the turn-around time by a factor of 8.
Parallelization of NAS Benchmarks for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Waheed, Abdul; Yan, Jerry C.; Saini, Subhash (Technical Monitor)
This paper presents our experiences of parallelizing the sequential implementation of NAS benchmarks using compiler directives on SGI Origin2000 distributed shared memory (DSM) system. Porting existing applications to new high performance parallel and distributed computing platforms is a challenging task. Ideally, a user develops a sequential version of the application, leaving the task of porting to new generations of high performance computing systems to parallelization tools and compilers. Due to the simplicity of programming shared-memory multiprocessors, compiler developers have provided various facilities to allow the users to exploit parallelism. Native compilers on SGI Origin2000 support multiprocessing directives to allow users to exploit loop-level parallelism in their programs. Additionally, supporting tools can accomplish this process automatically and present the results of parallelization to the users. We experimented with these compiler directives and supporting tools by parallelizing sequential implementation of NAS benchmarks. Results reported in this paper indicate that with minimal effort, the performance gain is comparable with the hand-parallelized, carefully optimized, message-passing implementations of the same benchmarks.
Nadkarni, P. M.; Miller, P. L.
A parallel program for inter-database sequence comparison was developed on the Intel Hypercube using two models of parallel programming. One version was built using machine-specific Hypercube parallel programming commands. The other version was built using Linda, a machine-independent parallel programming language. The two versions of the program provide a case study comparing these two approaches to parallelization in an important biological application area. Benchmark tests with both programs gave comparable results with a small number of processors. As the number of processors was increased, the Linda version was somewhat less efficient. The Linda version was also run without change on Network Linda, a virtual parallel machine running on a network of desktop workstations. PMID:1807632