Sample records for parasitaire tgpp2c dans

  1. Considérations nosographiques sur le délire d'infestation parasitaire à travers trois observations cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Berhili, Nabil; Bout, Amine; Hlal, Hayat; Aarab, Chadya; Aalouane, Rachid; Rammouz, Ismail


    Le syndrome d'Ekbom, ou délire d'infestation parasitaire, est une pathologie rare, caractérisée par la conviction inébranlable d'avoir une peau infestée d'insectes ou de parasites. Il s'agit d'un délire monothématique à mécanisme hallucinatoire qui touche typiquement les femmes d’âge avancé. Nous rapportons les cas de trois patients qui présentent un délire d'infestation parasitaire dans des contextes cliniques différents. Le premier patient souffre d'un délire d'infestation isolé correspondant à la forme décrite par Karl Ekbom. Le deuxième cas présente un délire d'infestation secondaire, s'inscrivant dans le cadre d'une leuco-encéphalopathie de type CADASIL. Enfin, le troisième patient se présente dans un tableau évocateur d'un épisode dépressif avec une caractéristique psychotique qui intègre le délire d'infestation. Ces trois vignettes cliniques illustrent parfaitement le caractère trans-nosographique de ce syndrome ainsi que les difficultés de prise en charge de ces patients, tant au niveau de l'alliance thérapeutique que sur le plan des choix en matière de traitement pharmacologiques. PMID:27642468

  2. Molecular characterization, ecology, and epidemiology of a novel Tymovirus in Asclepias viridis from Oklahoma.


    Min, Byoung-Eun; Feldman, Tracy S; Ali, Akhtar; Wiley, Graham; Muthukumar, Vijay; Roe, Bruce A; Roossinck, Marilyn; Melcher, Ulrich; Palmer, Michael W; Nelson, Richard S


    Native virus-plant interactions require more understanding and their study will provide a basis from which to identify potential sources of emerging destructive viruses in crops. A novel tymovirus sequence was detected in Asclepias viridis (green milkweed), a perennial growing in a natural setting in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve (TGPP) of Oklahoma. It was abundant within and frequent among A. viridis plants and, to varying extents, within other dicotyledonous and one grass (Panicum virgatum) species obtained from the TGPP. Extracts from A. viridis containing the sequence were infectious to a limited number of species. The virus genome was cloned and determined to be closely related to Kennedya yellow mosaic virus. The persistence of the virus within the Oklahoma A. viridis population was monitored for five successive years. Virus was present in a high percentage of plants within representative areas of the TGPP in all years and was spreading to additional plants. Virus was present in regions adjacent to the TGPP but not in plants sampled from central and south-central Oklahoma. Virus was present in the underground caudex of the plant during the winter, suggesting overwintering in this tissue. The RNA sequence encoding the virus coat protein varied considerably between individual plants (≈3%), likely due to drift rather than selection. An infectious clone was constructed and the virus was named Asclepias asymptomatic virus (AsAV) due to the absence of obvious symptoms on A. viridis.

  3. Presence de Carbone-13 dans les elements combustibles de type (U,Pu)O 2 irradies en reacteur rapide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kryger, Bernard; Hagemann, Robert


    Du carbone-13 produit par la réaction de capture neutronique 168O + 10n → 136C + 42He se forme dans les combustibles de type oxyde irradiés en neutrons rapides. Cette réaction, dont le seuil d'énergie se situe à 2.35 MeV, conduit à la formation d'une quantité de carbone-13 qui peut varier notablement suivant le spectre neutronique du réacteur (entre 20 et 40 × 10 -6g 13C/g (U,Pu)O 2 pour une fluence de 2 × 10 23 n/cm 2). DES mesures effectuées sur le combustible et la gaine par spectrométrie de masse après irradiation montrent qu'une fraction égale ou supérieure à la moitié du carbone-13 produit dans l'oxyde peut être transférée dans la gaine. Un tel comportement nous fait considérer le carbone-13 comme un véritable marqueur du carbone plus généralement contenu dans l'oxyde et, à ce titre, la détection de cet isotope devrait contribuer à élucider tout particulièrement les mécanismes de carburation de la gaine par les combustibles (U,Pu)O 2 des réacteurs surgénérateurs.

  4. DAN (NBL1) specifically antagonizes BMP2 and BMP4 and modulates the actions of GDF9, BMP2, and BMP4 in the rat ovary.


    Hung, Wei-Ting; Wu, Fang-Ju; Wang, Chun-Jen; Luo, Ching-Wei


    Although differential screening-selected gene aberrative in neuroblastoma (DAN, official symbol NBL1) is the founding member of the DAN subfamily of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists, its antagonizing targets, gene regulation, and physiological functions remain unclear. Using diverse cell expression systems, we found that the generation of bioactive DAN is likely to be cell type specific. Unlike other phylogenetically close members, which are covalently linked homodimers, DAN forms a noncovalently linked homodimer during folding. Purified recombinant DAN specifically blocked signaling of BMP2 and BMP4 but not that of other ovarian-expressed transforming growth factor-beta members. Although widely distributed in many organs, DAN transcript level was periodically regulated by gonadotropins. Ovarian microdissection indicated that NBL1 (DAN) mRNA is mainly expressed in granulosa cells, where its transcript level is up-regulated by the gonadotropin-driven cAMP cascade. We further investigated the local regulation and ovarian functions of DAN. NBL1 (DAN) mRNA expression in granulosa cells was up-regulated by oocyte-derived growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), whereas treatment with DAN significantly reversed the inhibitory effect of BMP4 on follicle-stimulating hormone-induced progesterone production in cultured granulosa cells. Our findings suggest the DAN gradient in granulosa cells, established by oocyte-derived GDF9, may serve as an antagonist barrier that modulates the actions of theca-derived BMP4 and granulosa/theca-derived BMP2 during folliculogenesis both spatially and temporally.

  5. Causes de décès des patients infectés par le VIH dans le Centre tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Chelli, Jihène; Bellazreg, Foued; Aouem, Abir; Hattab, Zouhour; Mesmia, Hèla; Lasfar, Nadia Ben; Hachfi, Wissem; Masmoudi, Tasnim; Chakroun, Mohamed; Letaief, Amel


    La trithérapie antirétrovirale a contribué à une baisse considérable de la mortalité liée au VIH. Les causes de décès sont dominées par les infections opportunistes dans les pays en voie de développement et par les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers dans les pays développés. L’objectif était de déterminer les causes et les facteurs de risque de décès des patients infectés par le VIH dans le Centre Tunisien. Une étude transversale auprès des patients infectés par le VIH âgés de plus de 15 ans suivis à Sousse et à Monastir entre 2000 et 2014. Le décès était considéré lié au VIH si la cause était un évènement classant SIDA ou s’il était la conséquence d’une infection opportuniste d’étiologie indéterminée avec des CD4 < 50/mm3, non lié au VIH si la cause n’était pas un évènement classant SIDA, et de cause inconnue si aucune information n’était disponible. Deux cents treize patients, 130 hommes (61%) et 83 femmes (39%), d’âge moyen 40±11 ans ont été inclus. Cinquante quatre patients sont décédés, avec une mortalité de 5,4/100 patients-années. La mortalité annuelle a baissé de 5,8% en 2000-2003 à 2,3% en 2012-2014. La survie était de 72% à 5 ans et de 67% à 10 ans. Les décès étaient liés au VIH dans 70,4% des cas. Les causes de décès les plus fréquentes étaient la pneumocystose pulmonaire et la cryptococcose neuroméningée dans 6 cas (11%) chacune. Les facteurs de risque de décès étaient les antécédents d’infections opportunistes, la durée de la trithérapie antirétrovirale < 12 mois et le tabagisme. Le renforcement du dépistage, l’initiation précoce de la trithérapie antirétrovirale, et la lutte contre le tabagisme sont nécessaires afin de réduire la mortalité chez les patients infectés par le VIH en Tunisie. PMID:28292068

  6. Tests sérologiques dans la maladie cœliaque

    PubMed Central

    Rashid, Mohsin; Lee, Jennie


    Résumé Objectif Répondre aux questions souvent posées par les généralistes et aux difficultés auxquelles ils font face lorsqu’ils prescrivent des tests sérologiques pour la maladie cœliaque et fournir des conseils pratiques pour aider à interpréter les résultats des tests. Sources de l’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE pour les lignes directrices sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la maladie cœliaque publiées en anglais entre 2000 et 2015 par des organisations professionnelles de gastro-entérologie. Message principal Pour dépister la maladie cœliaque, le dosage de l’anticorps immunoglobuline A (IgA) anti-transglutaminase tissulaire est le test de choix. Il faut mesurer le taux sérique d’IgA totale afin d’écarter un déficit sélectif en IgA et d’éviter les faux négatifs. Les patients dont le test sérologique est positif doivent être recommandés à un gastro-entérologue pour subir des biopsies de l’intestin grêle par endoscopie afin de confirmer le diagnostic. Le typage des antigènes des leucocytes humains DQ2 et DQ8 peut aider à écarter le diagnostic. Un régime sans gluten ne doit pas être entrepris avant que le diagnostic de maladie cœliaque soit confirmé. Conclusion Les tests sérologiques sont très utiles pour confirmer les soupçons d’une maladie cœliaque. Le diagnostic précoce est essentiel pour prévenir les complications liées à la maladie cœliaque.

  7. Contribution des avortements et des grossesses extra-utérines dans la mortalité maternelle dans trois hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé

    PubMed Central

    Kamga, Danielle Victoire Tiako; Nana, Philip Njotang; Fouelifack, Florent Ymele; Fouedjio, Jeanne Hortence


    Introduction L'organisation mondiale de santé (OMS) estime que chaque année dans le monde 585 000 femmes meurent de complications liés à la grossesse, à l'accouchement, aux suites de couche et à l'avortement (ce dernier contribuant pour 13% des décès maternels). La GEU est responsable de 10% de mortalité maternelle au premier trimestre de la grossesse. Le taux de mortalité maternelle reste élevé au Cameroun, estimé à 782 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes selon EDS-MICS 2011. La contribution de ces deux entités dans la mortalité maternelle étant peu documentée dans notre pays, nous avons entrepris de réaliser cette étude avec pour objectif d'évaluer la contribution des avortements et des GEU dans la mortalité maternelle au Cameroun. Méthodes il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique. Nous avons colligé tous les dossiers des patientes enceintes et décédées avant la 28ème semaine de grossesse, dans trois hôpitaux universitaires: Hôpital Central de Yaoundé (HCY), Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (HGOPY), Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire (CHU), sur la période allant du 1er juin 2011 au 31 mai 2016, soit sur cinq ans. Les données étaient compilées sur une fiche technique préétablie et testée, saisies en utilisant le logiciel CS pro 6.2 et analysées par le logiciel SPSS 20. Les tests statistiques de comparaison utilisés étaient le Khi 2 et le test de Fischer en fonction des effectifs. Le seuil de significativité était retenu pour P < 005. Résultats Tous avons enregistré 524 décès maternels pour 31116 naissances vivantes, soit un taux de mortalité maternelle (TMM) de 1538.9/100 000 naissances vivantes. Sur les 524 décès maternels, 414 dossiers étaient exploitables, parmi lesquels, 100 (soit 24.2%) concernaient les avortements et 24 (soit 5.8%) concernaient les grossesses extra-utérines, ces 2 entités contribuaient ainsi pour 30% de décès maternels (124 dossiers sur 414). L

  8. Concordance et apports de l'hystérosalpingographie et de la cœlioscopie dans l'exploration tubaire et pelvienne en cas d'infertilité

    PubMed Central

    Kehila, Mehdi; Ben Hmid, Rim; Ben Khedher, Sonia; Mahjoub, Sami; Channoufi, Mohamed Bedis


    Introduction La coelioscopie et l'hystérosalpingographie sont les deux procédures usuellement admises pour l'exploration tubaire et pelvienne en cas d'infertilité. Les objectifs de ce travail etaient de comparer les données de l'Hystérosalpingographie à celles de la coelioscopie chez des patientes explorées pour infertilité et voir l'apport de l'une par rapport à l'autre. Méthodes Etude prospective menée au service C du centre de maternité et de néonatologie de Tunis, s’étendant sur 15 mois, colligeant 120 patientes suivies pour infertilité ayant bénéficié d'une HSG suivie d'une coelioscopie. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patientes était de 35,3 ans. L'infertilité était primaire dans 56,7% des cas et secondaire dans 43,7% des cas. Sa durée moyenne était de 48,9 mois. Le test statistique de concordance Kappa entre les 2 examens était de 0.42 pour les obstructions tubaires en général, de 0.48 pour les obstructions tubaires proximales et de 0.53 pour les obstructions tubaires distales indiquant une concordance modérée dans tous les cas. La coelioscopie a permis d'objectiver en plus une endométriose pelvienne dans 7% des cas, des adhérences pelviennes dans 33% des cas et des trompes perméables mais d'aspect pathologique dans 20% des cas. Conclusion Il existe un intérêt d′associer, chaque fois que c′est possible, l'HSG et la coelioscopie dans l'exploration du pelvis féminin dans le cadre de l'infertilité. Aucun de ces deux examens n'est parfait. Leurs résultats sont complémentaires. PMID:25374631

  9. Battage de pieux métalliques dans la roche

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holeyman, Alain


    Le problème du battage d'un pieu tubulaire en acier dans un massif rocheux est abordé sous deux volets : numérique et expérimental. L'approche numérique par éléments finis couplant une modélisation lagrangienne du pieu en mouvement à une modélisation eulérienne du massif en place (approche CEL) permet de suivre l'émergence de la plastification dans le tube en acier en cours de pénétration, naissant en pointe pour se propager vers la tête du pieu. Un cas d'étude en conditions axisymétriques est présenté pour une roche dont la résistance à la compression simple σc vaut 28 MPa. L'approche expérimentale poursuivie en laboratoire a mis en jeu trois matériaux synthétisés sous la forme de monolithes dans lesquels le battage d'un tube en acier inoxydable a été entrepris. Les résultats de ces essais largement instrumentés indiquent que le battage est aisé dans un mortier cellulaire dont la résistance à la compression simple σc n'excède pas 6 MPa mais pratiquement impossible dans un mortier dont la résistance à la compression simple s'approche de 28 MPa. Le battage dans un mortier dont la résistance à la compression simple vaut 11 MPa s'est révélée encore faisable sous une hauteur de chute raisonnable. Les résultats obtenus avec les 3 matériaux mis en œuvre à ce jour indiquent que la résistance unitaire croît depuis environ 2 σc en surface pour atteindre 6 à 8 σc à une pénétration équivalente à 15-20 fois l'épaisseur du tube. Article introduit à la Revue française de Géotechnique en support à la Conférence Coulomb 2017 intitulée « Comportement axial des pieux sous sollicitations dynamiques extrêmes »

  10. Symetrie en energie des spectres de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2-hydrogene seleniure de niobium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Behmand, Behnaz

    Les mecanismes qui menent a la supraconductivite dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique sont encore aujourd'hui mal compris contrairement a ceux dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels. Dans les hauts-Tc, certaines modulations de la densite d'etats electroniques coexistant avec la phase supraconductrice ont ete observees, ce qui engendre des questionnements sur leur role dans la supraconductivite. En fait, plusieurs types de modulation de la densite d'etats electroniques existent, comme par exemple l'onde de densite de charge et l'onde de densite de paires. Ces deux modulations, d'origines differentes et mesurables avec la technique de spectroscopie par effet tunnel, peuvent etre differenciees avec une etude de leur symetrie. Ce memoire consistera donc a presenter l'etude de la symetrie de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2H-NbSe2 qui est presente dans la phase supraconductrice a 300 mK. Par contre, certaines difficultes liees au principe de mesure, soit l'effet de normalisation, nuisent a l'identification de cette symetrie. La methode, pour contourner ce probleme sera alors l'element clef de ce travail.

  11. Impedance de surface dans les supraconducteurs quasi-bidimensionnels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Achkir, Driss Brice

    Ce travail a caractere experimental et theorique vise l'etude de l'etat supraconducteur de trois familles de composes: les supraconducteurs conventionnels, les organiques et les cuprates YBCO. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilise une technique hyperfrequence, a savoir la mesure d'impedance de surface en fonction de la temperature et du champ magnetique. Dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels, nous avons mesure pour la premiere fois le pic de "coherence" dans la partie reelle de la conductivite. Bien que predit par la theorie BCS, ce pic n'avait pas ete clairement observe en raison de difficultes techniques liees a ce type d'experience. D'autre part, la theorie d'Eliashberg appliquee a la partie reelle de la conductivite du niobium nous a revele l'importance des mesures hyperfrequences pour mieux extraire la partie basse frequence de la densite spectrale alphasp2F(omega). Cette possibilite est attrayante puisque c'est precisement la region de frequences de alphasp2F(omega) ou les donnees d'effet tunnel sont imprecises. Les resultats obtenus sur la longueur de penetration dans les organiques et les cuprates ont permis de montrer que le gap presente des lignes de zeros au niveau de Fermi ou qu'il est, a tout le moins, fortement anisotrope. En effet, la dependance en temperature de la longueur de penetration dans les cristaux purs est lineaire a basse temperature et elle devient quadratique dans les cristaux dopes. Pour le cas des supraconducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels (Et)sb2X, nous avons aussi observe un maximum sur la partie reelle de la conductivite qui n'a rien a voir avec un pic de coherence. Pour ces composes, nous avons effectue une des toutes premieres etudes des fluctuations supraconductrices en temperature et en champ magnetique. Nous montrons que la paraconductivite sigmasp' due aux fluctuations presente un comportement de type Aslamazov-Larkin de nature tridimensionnelle. Ces mesures sont appuyees par les resultats theoriques d'un modele Ginzburg

  12. Qi-Dan Fang ameliorates adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome rat model by enhancing renal function and inhibiting podocyte injury.


    Wu, Jun-Biao; Ye, Shu-Fang; Liang, Chun-Ling; Li, Yu-Cui; Yu, Ying-Jia; Lai, Jie-Mei; Lin, Hui; Zheng, Jie; Zhou, Jiu-Yao


    Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a clinical syndrome with a variety of causes, mainly characterized by heavy proteinuria. Podocyte injury plays a key role in proteinuria, one of the principal means for the control of NS is to prevent podocyte injury. Qi-Dan Fang consists of two of the most extensively applied herbal remedies among Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (Radix Astragali Mongolici and Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, with a weight ratio of 5:1) which are specifically used for the treatment of various kidney diseases. In previous studies, we found that Qi-Dan Fang provides improvement to patients with adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome by alleviating proteinuria and serum lipid. The aim of this study is to study the efficiency of Qi-Dan Fang on NS model rat with renal dysfunction and podocyte injury, something which has not been carried out yet. The rats were divided into Normal, Model, Jin Gui Shen Qi Pill (4.12 g/kg), Qi-Dan Fang (3.09, 6.17 and 12.34 g/kg/d) groups, they were each given a single tail intravenous injection of Adriamycin (6.0 mg/kg) except for the Normal group and were orally administered dosages of Qi-Dian Fang and Jin Gui Shen Qi pills once daily for 7 weeks. Following the treatment, the content of cystation C (CysC), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Scr) were measured with an autobiochemical analyser. The pathomorphological changes to the glomeruli, the mRNA expressions of nephrin, podocin, CD2AP genes and p53, bax, bcl-2 proteins expressions were also carried out to probe the effects of Qi-Dan Fang. (1) Qi-Dan Fang treatment raised the level of CysC in blood serum while lowering the content of BUN and Scr in the adriamycin-induced nephrotic syndrome rat model; (2) Long-term administration of Qi-Dan Fang was able to ameliorate pathomorphological change of glomeruli and repair the organization structure of Glomerulus; (3) Qi-Dan Fang could increase the mRNA expression of nephrin, podocin and CD2AP genes, down-regulate the

  13. Une version québécoise du Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2)—Outil d'évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport 2 : Québec (SCAT2-Qc)

    PubMed Central

    Boyd, Jami; Boyer-Rémillard, Marie-Eve; Pilon-Piquette, Michael; McKinley, Patricia


    RÉSUMÉ Objectif : traduire le Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2) dans la langue française parlée au Québec et en vérifier l'acceptabilité pour la population québécoise francophone. Méthodologie : le processus de traduction de la version originale du SCAT2 a fait appel à une variante de la méthode de traduction et d'adaptation d'outils proposée par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Une traduction parallèle a d'abord été réalisée. Ensuite, un comité a révisé cette traduction parallèle dans le but de produire une version préliminaire du SCAT2-Qc. Puis, on a procédé à une rétrotraduction parallèle, que l'on a comparée à la version originale. La version préliminaire a été modifiée. Pour parvenir à la version finale, on a intégré les suggestions et les commentaires formulés par deux sujets sains lors de l'essai de l'outil, et lors de la comparaison du SCAT2-Qc à la version française existante par trois réviseurs du domaine de la santé. On a ensuite testé la version finale du SCAT2-Qc auprès de douze sujets sains pour en vérifier l'acceptabilité. Résultats : les douze sujets sains n'ont eu aucun problème de compréhension en utilisant le SCAT2-Qc. Conclusion : les différentes étapes de traduction ont permis de créer le SCAT2-Qc. Son contenu ayant été validé, il peut à présent être utilisé dans le milieu sportif et scientifique québécois. PMID:24396168

  14. Design of interpenetrated network MWCNT/poly(1,5-DAN) on interdigital electrode: toward NO2 gas sensing.


    Nguyen, Dzung Tuan; Nguyen, My Thanh; Ho, Giang Truong; Nguyen, Toan Ngoc; Reisberg, S; Piro, B; Pham, M C


    In this paper, poly(1,5-diaminonaphthalene) was interpenetrated into the network made of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) on platinum interdigital electrode (IDE) by electro-polymerization of 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (1,5-DAN). The electro-polymerization process of 1,5-DAN on MWCNT was controlled by scanning the cyclic voltage at 50 mV s(-1) scan rate between -0.1 V and +0.95 V vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The results of voltammetric responses and Raman spectroscopy represented that the films MWCNT/poly(1,5-DAN) were successfully created by this polymerization process. The films MWCNT/poly(1,5-DAN) were investigated for gas-sensing to NO2 at low concentration level. The gas-sensing results showed that the response-recovery times were long and strongly affected by thickness of the film MWCNT/poly(1,5-DAN). Nevertheless, these films represented auspicious results for gas sensors operating at room temperature. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. NDI and DAN DNA: nucleic acid-directed assembly of NDI and DAN.


    Ikkanda, Brian A; Samuel, Stevan A; Iverson, Brent L


    Two novel DNA base surrogate phosphoramidites 1 and 2, based upon relatively electron-rich 1,5-dialkoxynaphthalene (DAN) and relatively electron-deficient 1,4,5,8-naphthalenetetracarboxylic diimide (NDI), respectively, were designed, synthesized, and incorporated into DNA oligonucleotide strands. The DAN and NDI artificial DNA bases were inserted within a three-base-pair region within the interior of a 12-mer oligonucleotide duplex in various sequential arrangements and investigated with CD spectroscopy and UV melting curve analysis. The CD spectra of the modified duplexes indicated B-form DNA topology. Melting curve analyses revealed trends in DNA duplex stability that correlate with the known association of DAN and NDI moieties in aqueous solution as well as the known favorable interactions between NDI and natural DNA base pairs. This demonstrates that DNA duplex stability and specificity can be driven by the electrostatic complementarity between DAN and NDI. In the most favorable case, an NDI-DAN-NDI arrangement in the middle of the DNA duplex was found to be approximately as stabilizing as three A-T base pairs.

  16. Grossesses extra utérines successives et bilharziose tubaire chez une touriste française

    PubMed Central

    Laroche, Justine; Mottet, Nicolas; Malincenco, Marianna; Gay, Catherine; Royer, Pierre Yves; Riethmuller, Didier


    La bilharziose est la seconde endémie parasitaire mondiale et ses atteintes génito urinaires sont bien décrites. Les grossesses ectopiques (GEU) sur obstruction tubaire par les œufs de bilharziose sont rapportées dans les populations africaines. La bilharziose affecte aussi les voyageurs mais l'atteinte de l'appareil génital féminin est plus rare. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel de deux GEU successives sur bilharziose tubaire chez une patiente d'origine Française, sept ans après un voyage touristique au Mali, la première découverte sur pièce de salpingectomie et la seconde ayant nécessité une salpingotomie controlatérale avec une injection de méthotrexate, deux mois plus tard. PMID:27200124

  17. Structure of Gremlin-2 in Complex with GDF5 Gives Insight into DAN-Family-Mediated BMP Antagonism.


    Nolan, Kristof; Kattamuri, Chandramohan; Rankin, Scott A; Read, Randy J; Zorn, Aaron M; Thompson, Thomas B


    The DAN family, including Gremlin-1 and Gremlin-2 (Grem1 and Grem2), represents a large family of secreted BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) antagonists. However, how DAN proteins specifically inhibit BMP signaling has remained elusive. Here, we report the structure of Grem2 bound to GDF5 at 2.9-Å resolution. The structure reveals two Grem2 dimers binding perpendicularly to each GDF5 monomer, resembling an H-like structure. Comparison to the unbound Grem2 structure reveals a dynamic N terminus that undergoes significant transition upon complex formation, leading to simultaneous interaction with the type I and type II receptor motifs on GDF5. Binding studies show that DAN-family members can interact with BMP-type I receptor complexes, whereas Noggin outcompetes the type I receptor for ligand binding. Interestingly, Grem2-GDF5 forms a stable aggregate-like structure in vitro that is not clearly observed for other antagonists, including Noggin and Follistatin. These findings exemplify the structural and functional diversity across the various BMP antagonist families. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. A System Dynamics Model of the Essential Tension Between Self-Synchronization and C2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Model of the Essential Tension Between Self- Synchronization and C2 CCRTS June 20 - 22, 2006 Bob Wiebe Dan Compton Dave Garvey Report Documentation Page...DATES COVERED 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE A System Dynamics Model of the Essential Tension Between Self- Synchronization and... synchronicity (being hit all at once), and the degree (surprise) 1 pushing the adversary into unfamiliar territory (adversary situational change) 1 Synergy of

  19. NATO Glossary of Abbreviations Used in NATO Documents and Publications (Glossaire OTAN des Abreviations Utilisees dans les Documents et Publications OTAN)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    07.2005 ATP-44(C) Electronic Warfare (EW) in Air Operations La guerre électronique dans les opérations aériennes 04.2000 ATP-45(C) Reporting Nuclear ...15.04.2002 AAP-15 (2007) A - 7 ORIGINAL MC 0343/1 NATO Military Assistance to International Disaster Relief Operations (IDRO) Assistance militaire de...risques radiologiques dans le cadre des opérations de maintien de la paix 02.08.1996 ACT Dir 72-2L Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN

  20. Influence des macles sur le courant critique de transport selon c et sur la ligne d'irréversibilité dans les plans ab étudiée dans des échantillons monodomaines texturés d'YBaCuO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanfilippo, S.; Sulpice, A.; Bourgault, D.; Villard, C.; Gautier-Picard, P.; Chaud, X.; Beaugnon, E.; Tournier, R.


    Direct transport measurements at 77 K of the critical current density along the c-axis (J_c) and magnetic measurements are performed on the same bulk textured single domain YBaCuO samples with the longest dimension along the c-axis. A strong influence of the Twin Planes (TP) on J_c and on the ab-plane irreversibility line B(T^*) is reported when the field is rotated in the ab-planes perpendicularly to the c-axis. The different unusual behaviors observed for J_c and the B(T^*), depending on the range of temperature and field are explained by the strong influence of these extended correlated defects on the pinning of the flux lines. La densité de courant critique selon l'axe c (J_c) est mesurée à 77 K en transport et par des mesures magnétiques sur les mêmes échantillons texturés monodomaines d'YBaCuO. L'influence des plans de macles (TP) sur J_c et sur la ligne d'irréversibilité B(T^*) est étudiée en faisant tourner le champ dans les plans ab, perpendiculairement à l'axe c. Les résultats montrent que dans ces composés, J_c et B(T^*) sont fortement influencés par le piégeage par les TP. Divers comportements des lignes de flux résultant de l'influence de ces défauts corrélés sont proposés selon les gammes de température et de champ étudiées.

  1. Semaphorin 3C Released from a Biocompatible Hydrogel Guides and Promotes Axonal Growth of Rodent and Human Dopaminergic Neurons

    PubMed Central

    Carballo-Molina, Oscar A.; Sánchez-Navarro, Andrea; López-Ornelas, Adolfo; Lara-Rodarte, Rolando; Salazar, Patricia; Campos-Romo, Aurelio; Ramos-Mejía, Verónica


    Cell therapy in experimental models of Parkinson's disease replaces the lost dopamine neurons (DAN), but we still need improved methods to guide dopaminergic axons (DAx) of grafted neurons to make proper connections. The protein Semaphorin 3C (Sema3C) attracts DAN axons and enhances their growth. In this work, we show that the hydrogel PuraMatrix, a self-assembling peptide-based matrix, incorporates Sema3C and releases it steadily during 4 weeks. We also tested if hydrogel-delivered Sema3C attracts DAx using a system of rat midbrain explants embedded in collagen gels. We show that Sema3C released by this hydrogel attracts DAx, in a similar way to pretectum, which is known to attract growing DAN axons. We assessed the effect of Sema3C on the growth of DAx using microfluidic devices. DAN from rat midbrain or those differentiated from human embryonic stem cells showed enhanced axonal extension when exposed to hydrogel-released Sema3C, similar to soluble Sema3C. Notably, DAN of human origin express the cognate Sema3C receptors, Neuropilin1 and Neuropilin2. These results show that PuraMatrix is able to incorporate and release Sema3C, and such delivery guides and promotes the axonal growth of DAN. This biocompatible hydrogel might be useful as a Sema3C carrier for in vivo studies in parkinsonian animal models. PMID:27174503

  2. Aspects épidémiologiques des accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) aux urgences de l'institut de cardiologie d'Abidjan (ICA)

    PubMed Central

    N'goran, Yves N'da Kouakou; Traore, Fatou; Tano, Micesse; Kramoh, Kouadio Euloge; Kakou, Jean-Baptiste Anzouan; Konin, Christophe; Kakou, Maurice Guikahue


    Introduction L'objectif de notre étude était de décrire les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les Facteurs de Risque cardio-Vasculaires (FRV) des patients admis pour accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) dans un service autre que celui de la neurologie. Méthodes Étude transversale rétrospective sur une période de 2 ans (janv. 2010 et déc. 2011), réalisée aux urgences de l'institut de cardiologie d'Abidjan. Résultats Il s'agissait de 176 adultes avec un âge moyen de 60 ans, une prédominance féminine. Les facteurs de risque majeurs retrouvés étaient l'hypertension artérielle dans 86,4% des cas, le diabète dans 11,4% des cas, le tabagisme dans 2,2% des cas. Les motifs de consultation étaient la perte de connaissance dans 36,4% des cas, l'hémiplégie dans 31,8% des cas, les céphalées dans 17,4% des cas, les vertiges dans 10,9% et les palpitations dans 2,2% des cas. La tension artérielle systolique moyenne était à 174 mmHg, la tension artérielle diastolique moyenne était à 105 mmHg et la pression pulsée moyenne était à 70 mmHg. Les AVC étaient associés à une arythmie complète par fibrillation auriculaire dans 11,4% des cas. Les AVC ischémiques représentaient 84,1%. L’évolution aux urgences a été marquée par un décès dans 17% (30) des cas. Conclusion Les AVC constituent un problème majeur de santé publique. Malgré sa prédominance féminine, ils (AVC) touchaient 44% des hommes dans notre étude lorsqu'on sait qu'en Afrique l'activité sociale repose sur les hommes. Ils restent une pathologie grave par la forte létalité. PMID:26327997

  3. Dan-gua fang improves glycolipid metabolic disorders by promoting hepatic adenosine 5'-monophosphate activated protein kinase expression in diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats.


    Lan, Yuan-long; Huang, Su-ping; Heng, Xian-pei; Chen, Ling; Li, Peng-hui; Wu, Jing; Yang, Liu-qing; Pan, Xu-dong; Lin, Tong; Cheng, Xin-ling; Lin, Qing; Chen, Si-xin


    To investigate the effect of Dan-gua Fang on adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) activated protein kinase (AMPK) α expression in liver and subsequent improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism. Forty 13-week-old diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats were randomly divided into model, Dan-gua Fang, metformin and simvastatin groups (n=10 for each), and fed high-fat diet ad libitum. Ten Wistar rats were used as normal group and fed normal diet. After 24 weeks, liver expression of AMPKα mRNA was assessed by real-time PCR. AMPKα and phospho-AMPKα protein expression in liver was evaluated by Western blot. Liver histomorphology was carried out after hematoxylin-eosin staining, and blood glucose (BG), glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), food intake and body weight recorded. Similar AMPKα mRNA levels were found in the Dan-gua Fang group and normal group, slightly higher than the values obtained for the remaining groups (P<0.05). AMPKα protein expression in the Dan-gua Fang group animals was similar to other diabetic rats, whereas phospho-AMPKα (Thr-172) protein levels were markedly higher than in the metformin group and simvastatin group (P<0.05), respectively. However, phosphor-AMPKα/AMPKα ratios were similar in all groups. Dan-gua Fang reduced fasting blood glucose with similar strength to metformin, and was superior in reducing cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as improving low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in comparison with simvastatin and metformin. Dan-gua Fang decreases plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) significantly. Dan-gua Fang, while treating phlegm-stasis, could decrease BG and lipid in type 2 diabetic GK rats fed with high-fat diet, and effectively protect liver histomorphology and function. This may be partly explained by increased AMPK expression in liver. Therefore, Dan-gua Fang might be an ideal drug for comprehensive intervention for glucose and lipid metabolism disorders in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  4. Les fluctuations supraconductrices dans le compose praseodyme-cerium-oxyde de cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Renaud, Jacques

    Ce travail etudie les fluctuations supraconductrices dans le compose supraconducteur a haute temperature critique dope aux electrons Pr2-xCe xCuO4+delta. La technique utilisee pour sonder ces fluctuations est le transport electrique DC dans le plan ab. Il s'agit, a notre connaissance, de la premiere etude de ce type dans la classe generale des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique dopes aux electrons et, plus particulierement, dans Pr2-xCe xCuO4+delta. De plus, l'etude est effectuee pour trois regimes de dopage, soit sous-dope x = 0.135, dopage optimal x = 0.15 et surdope x = 0.17. Les echantillons etudies sont des couches minces d'epaisseur plus grande que 100 nm crues par ablation laser. Les mesures electriques DC effectuees dans ce travail sont la resistance en reponse lineaire et les courbes IV en reponse non lineaire en fonction de la temperature. La mise en oeuvre experimentale de ces mesures a necessite une grande attention au filtrage et aux effets de chauffage a haut courant. Nous montrons que, sans cette attention, les donnees experimentales sont toujours erronees dans le regime pertinent pour nos echantillons. Les resultats pour le dopage optimal x = 0.15 sont expliques de facon tres convaincante dans le cadre de fluctuations purement 2D. D'abord, le regime des fluctuations gaussiennes est tres bien decrit par le modele d'Aslamazov-Larkin en deux dimensions. Ensuite, le regime de fluctuations critiques, se trouvant a plus basse temperature que le regime gaussien, est tres bien decrit par la physique 2D de Kosterlitz-Thouless. Dans cette analyse, les deux regimes ont des temperatures critiques coherentes entre elles, ce qui semble confirmer ce scenario 2D. Une analyse des donnees dans le cadre de fluctuations 3D est exploree mais donne des conclusions incoherentes. Les resultats pour les autres dopages sont qualitativement equivalents avec le dopage optimal et permettent donc une explication purement 2D. Par contre, contrairement au dopage optimal

  5. Dan-Qi prescription ameliorates insulin resistance through overall corrective regulation of glucose and fat metabolism.


    Xie, Zhishen; Loi Truong, Thanh; Zhang, Pei; Xu, Fengguo; Xu, Xiaojun; Li, Ping


    Danshen and Sanqi Prescription (Dan-Qi) is commonly used to treat cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in China. Since Danshen and Sanqi are reported to ameliorate lipid metabolism disorders at treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Meanwhile, it is reported that co-administration of Danshen and Sanqi exhibited significant pharmacokinetic herb-herb interactions. We reasoned that Danshen and Sanqi combination could be potentially function synergistically in treating diet induced insulin resistance. Using high calori food induced Drosophila and mice models, we assessed Danshen and Sanqi treatment for their anti-diabetic effects. The combination of Danshen and Sanqi (Dan-Qi) effectively improved fat and glucose metabolism of the high-sugar and high-fat diet fed fruit flies. More importantly, Dan-Qi significantly ameliorated hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia phenotype caused in high-fat diet induced obesity (DIO) mouse model. The Dan-Qi treated DIO mice showed lower fasting insulin, triglycerides, total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels in plasma, much better than Danshen or Sanqi treated alone. It was shown that Dan-Qi prescription reduced fat accumulation in the liver with Sanqi playing the major role. Interestingly, it was not Danshen or Sanqi alone, but the combination markedly increased glycogen deposition in mice liver. Quantitative RT-PCR showed Dan-Qi increased liver glycogen synthesis gene like Glut-1, GK, and Glut-4, reduced fat and cholesterol anabolism genes such as SREBP-1c, ACC, ATP-CL, ACS. Meanwhilpose tissues and muscle tissues, the glucose and fat metabolism genes are changed accordingly to pro-catabolism status. Notably, endogenous plasma metabolites of Dan-Qi treated mice displayed much better overral rectifying effects than the Danshen or Sanqi alone. Our data demonstrated that Danshen and Sanqi combination exerted significant anti-diabetic efficacy, and Dan-Qi prescription could be potentially considered as a therapeutic application in

  6. Stabilization of Giant Fullerenes C2(41)-C90, D3(85)-C92, C1(132)-C94, C2(157)-C96, and C1(175)-C98 by Encapsulation of a Large La2C2 Cluster: The Importance of Cluster-Cage Matching.


    Zhao, Shasha; Zhao, Pei; Cai, Wenting; Bao, Lipiao; Chen, Muqing; Xie, Yunpeng; Zhao, Xiang; Lu, Xing


    Successful isolation and unambiguous crystallographic assignment of a series of higher carbide cluster metallofullerenes present new insights into the molecular structures and cluster-cage interactions of endohedral metallofullerenes. These new species are identified as La 2 C 2 @C 2 (41)-C 90 , La 2 C 2 @D 3 (85)-C 92 , La 2 C 2 @C 1 (132)-C 94 , La 2 C 2 @C 2 (157)-C 96 , and La 2 C 2 @C 1 (175)-C 98 . This is the first report for these new cage structures except for D 3 (85)-C 92 . Our experimental and theoretical results demonstrate that La 2 C 92-106 are more inclined to exist stably in the carbide form La 2 C 2 @C 90-104 rather than as the dimetallofullerenes La 2 @C 92-106 , which are rationalized by considering a synergistic effect of inserting a C 2 unit into the cage, which ensures strong metal-cage interactions by partially neutralizing the charges from the metal ions and by fulfilling the coordination requirement of the La 3+ ions as much as possible.

  7. Apport de l'imagerie dans le diagnostic des sacroiliites infectieuses : à propos de 19 cas

    PubMed Central

    Abid, Hanen; Chaabouni, Salim; Frikha, Faten; Toumi, Nozha; Souissi, Basma; Lahiani, Dorra; Bahloul, Zouhir; Ben Mahfoudh, Khaireddine


    Les sacro-iliites infectieuses méritent d’être mieux connues. Leur diagnostic est souvent retardé en raison d'une symptomatologie trompeuse et des diffcultés d'exploration de l'articulation sacro-iliaque. Notre travail est basé sur une étude rétrospective portant sur les cas de SII, recueillis sur une période comprise entre 1997 et 2008 dans notre centre universitaire Sfax-Tunisie. Le diagnostic de sacro-iliite était retenu en présence d'arguments cliniques et radiologiques d'atteinte sacroiliaque. Nous rapportons dix neuf cas de sacroiliites infectieuses (10 hommes et 9 femmes), avec un âge moyen de 32 ans. L'atteinte était unilatérale dans tous les cas. Les radiographies standard faites dans tous les cas ont été suggestives dans 14 cas et normales dans les autres cas. La TDM faite dans 13 cas a montré, un abcès des parties molles dans 8 cas et un séquestre osseux dans 2 cas. L'IRM réalisée dans 8 cas, a objectivé une infiltration des parties molles dans tous les cas et un abcès dans 3 cas. Le germe a été identifié dans 9 cas (3 cas de tuberculose, 3 cas de brucellose, 2 sacro-iliites à pyogène et un cas de candidose). Cette identification était faite par biopsie dans 3 cas, hémocultures dans 2 cas, prélèvement au niveau de la porte d'entrée dans 1 cas et sérodiagnostic dans 3 cas. Pour les autres cas, l'origine pyogène a été retenue sur des arguments cliniques et biologiques. L'imagerie joue un rôle primordial dans le diagnostic précoce et l'orientation étiologique d'une sacroiliite infectieuse. PMID:25120884

  8. [Brief investigation on the issue of Zhen Dan(Cinnabar, HgS) irrelevant to Qian Dan (Minium, Pb(3)O(4))].


    Shen, S N


    Zhen Dan, the abbreviated form of Zhen Dan Sha, or called Zhu Sha (Cinnabar, HgS). It can be ruled out that Zhen Dan is the nickname of Qian Dan (Minium, Pb(3)O(4)) through the homologous formulas contrast. The prescriptions containing Zhen Dan in the Zheng lei ben cao ( Classified Materia Medica ) was put under the "attached prescriptions" of Qian Dan, while Zhong yao da ci dian ( Great Dictionary of Chinese Materia Medica )and Zhong hua ben cao ( Chinese Herbology )all definitelyconfirmed that Zhen Dan is the other name of Qian Dan, which are wrong and should be corrected.

  9. Etude de la Production de Paires de Leptons dans les Interactions Proton-Beryllium a 450 GEV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aubry, Pierre Rene Roger

    L'experience HELIOS a fait une etude precise de la production des paires e^+e^-, mu^+mu^-, mu ^+mu^-+nu, et mu^+/- e^+/- dans les interactions p-Be a 450 GeV. Le detecteur comporte un spectrometre a electrons, un spectrometre a muons, et un ensemble de calorimetres qui peuvent mesurer les photons et l'energie manquante emportee par les neutrinos. Les paires de leptons sont observees dans la region cinematique ^1: eqalign {2/m_mu 6 GeV cr E_{e}&>2.8 GeV cr.25&2 GeV cr -.75&dans la region de rapidite centrale. Le spectre en energie manquante permet d'identifier clairement les desintegrations semileptoniques de particules charmees. Une mesure de la section efficace de production de particules charmees dans les interactions p-Be a 450 GeV a ete faite:sigma_{c|c}= 24+/-8 (statistique) +/-16 (systématique) mu barn/nucléon. L'etude de la distribution en energie manquante des dimuons de masse intermediaire (1.2 GeV 2.8 GeV) permet de mesurer le rapport entre la contribution du processus Drell-Yan et la contribution de particules charmees. Les desintegrations d'excitations radiales de mesons vecteurs n'ont pas ete considerees. Le rapport xi = Drell-Yan/Charme obtenu dans la region de masse intermediaire est:xi = .49 {-.40}{+.56}(statistique) {-.20}{+.30}(systématique). Cette

  10. Dan Macumber | NREL Websites

    Dan Macumber Photo of Daniel Macumber Dan Macumber Engineering | 303-384 -6172 Orcid ID Daniel joined NREL in 2008 and works in the and interoperability. Prior to joining NREL, Daniel worked as a software developer working on

  11. Meet EPA's Dan Nelson

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA’s Dan Nelson is the Director of the Human Research Protocol Office at the National Health and Environmental Effect Research Laboratory, Dan works to protect the rights and welfare of EPA’s research participants.

  12. [Studies on subacute toxicity of Wansheng Huafeng Dan in rats].


    Peng, Fang; Yang, Hong; Wu, Qin; Liu, Jie; Shi, Jingzhen


    To compare sub-acute toxic effects of cinnabar and Wansheng Huafeng Dan with mercury chloride and methyl-mercury. Healthy SD rats were orally administered with Wansheng Huafeng Dan (0.42 g x kg(-1)), cinnabar (0.15 g x kg(-1)), HgS (0.15 g x kg(-1)), HgCl2 (0.02 g x kg(-1)), MeHg (0.001 g x kg(-1)) and saline for 21 days under observed and their weights were monitored. After the final administration, they were decapitated and their blood, liver, kidney and brain tissues were collected for calculating hepatic and renal indexes and detecting the contents of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase, urea nitrogen and creatinine and the mercury accumulation in liver, kidney and brain tissues. Besides, relative expressions of liver metallothionein-1 (MT-1) and cytochrome P450 gene subtypes (Cyp1a1, Cyp2b1, Cyp2e1, Cyp3a2, Cyp4a10) mRNA. HgCl2 caused obvious weight lose in rats. Mercury contents in liver and kidney were markedly increased by HgCl2 and MeHg, and MeHg markedly increased mercury contents of brain either, but these advent effects were not notable in Wansheng Huafeng Dan and cinnabar groups. However, blood biochemistry and histopathology did not show significant changes in all groups. The expression of rat hepatic MT-1 mRNA was remarkably induced by both HgCl2 and MeHg. The expression of hepatic Cyp3a2 was increased by Wansheng Huafeng Dan and cinnabar, while the expression of Cyp2e1 was inhibited by HgCl2 and MeHg. The administration of Wansheng Huafeng Dan with equivalent dose for three weeks shows a much low sub-acute toxicity than HgCl2 and MeHg in rats.

  13. Theorie de la Levitation Radiative a L'equilibre dans les Etoiles Naines Blanches Chaudes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chayer, Pierre


    Les resultats de nouveaux calculs detailles de levitation radiative dans des naines blanches chaudes utilisant la base de donnees atomiques TOPBASE sont presentes. Des accelerations radiatives et des abondances d'equilibre ont ete calculees pour C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, et Fe, sur des grilles de modeles d'enveloppes stellaires riches en hydrogene et riches en helium. La grille des modeles de DA a des gravites telles que log g = 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, et 8.5, et couvre les temperatures effectives pour lesquelles 100,000K >= T_ {rm eff} >= 20,000K par sauts de 2,500K. La grille des modeles de DO/DB est similaire mais se prolonge a T_{rm eff } = 130,000K. Les resultats d'abondances d'equilibre de Ni dans des DA utilisant la base de donnees de Kurucz sont aussi presentes. Nous discutons dans les moindres details de la physique incluse dans les calculs afin de fournir une bonne comprehension physique de la levitation radiative sous les conditions rencontrees dans les naines blanches. Nous discutons aussi de la forme et de la dependance en fonction de la profondeur des reservoirs des elements, crees par un equilibre entre l'acceleration radiative et la gravite locale effective dans differentes enveloppes stellaires. Nous soulignons le role important joue dans la morphologie de ces reserviors par les etats d'ionisation dominants se trouvant dans la configuration gaz noble. Nos resultats centraux sont presentes sous forme de figures montrant le comportement de l'abondance photospherique estimee pour chaque element en fonction de la temperature effective et de la gravite de surface. Nous apportons egalement des ameliorations aux calculs de levitation radiative en utilisant une approche de modeles d'atmospheres pour les etoiles riches en hydrogene. Nous mettons l'emphase, en particulier, sur le role des traces d'elements lourds qui peuvent etre presents dans le plasma. Nous utilisons une table d'opacite monochromatique detaillee calculee pour un plasma compose de H

  14. Investigation de l'anisotropie du gap supraconducteur dans les composes Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2, Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe(1-x)Se(x)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reid, Jean-Philippe

    ommaire La structure du gap supraconducteur et sa modulation sont intimement liees au potentiel d'interaction responsable de l'appariement des electrons d'un supraconducteur. Ainsi, l'etude de la structure du gap-SC et de sa modulation permettent de faire la lumiere sur la nature du mecanisme d'appariement des electrons. A cet egard, les resultats experimentaux des supraconducteurs a base de fer ne cadrent pas dans un seul ensemble, ce qui est en opposition au gap-SC universel des cuprates. Dans ce qui suit, nous presenterons une etude systematique du gap-SC pour plusieurs pnictides. En effet, en utilisant la conductivite thermique, une sonde directionnelle du gap-SC, nous avons ete en mesure de reveler la structure du gap-SC pour les composes suivants : Ba1-xKxFe 2As2, Ba(Fe1-xCo x)2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe 1-xSex. L'etude de ces quatre composes, de trois differentes familles structurales, a pu etablir un tableau partiel mais tres exhaustif de la structure du gap-SC de pnictides. En effet, tel qu'illustre dans cette these, ces quatre composes ne possedent aucun noeud dans leur structure du gap-SC a dopage optimal. Toutefois, a une concentration differente de celle optimale pour les composes K-Ba122 et Co-Ba122, des noeuds apparaissent sur la surface de Fermi, aux extremites 'du dome supraconducteur. Ceci suggere fortement que, pour ces composes, la presence de noeuds sur la surface de Fermi est nuisible a la phase supraconductrice. Mots-cles: Supraconducteurs a base de fer, Pnictides, Structure du gap supraconducteur, Conductivite thermique

  15. Comparative study on "long-dan", "qin-jiao" and their adulterants by HPLC analysis.


    Liu, Fang-Fang; Wang, Yan-Ming; Zhu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Dong; Yang, Chong-Ren; Xu, Min; Zhang, Ying-Jun


    "Long-Dan" and "Qin-Jiao" are two important TCM herbs since ancient times in China. In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the dried roots and rhizomes of four species from the genus Gentiana, e.g. Gentiana manshurica, G. scabra, G. triflora and G. rigescens, are recorded under the name of Gentianae Radix et Rhizoma ("Long-Dan" in Chinese), while the other four species from the same genus including G. macrophylla, G. crassicaulis, G. straminea and G. duhurica are recorded and used as the raw materials of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix ("Qin-Jiao" in Chinese). On the basis of the establishment of a validated HPLC-UV method for quantifying simultaneously, five iridoid glycosides, e.g. loganic acid (1), swertiamarinin (2), gentiopicroside (3), sweroside (4) and 2'-(o,m-dihydroxybenzyl)sweroside (5) have been used successfully as chemical markers for the comparison of the species used as "Long-Dan", "Qin-Jiao" and their adulterants in the present study. The results suggested that four iridoid glycosides 1-4 commonly existed in both "Long-Dan" and "Qin-Jiao", while 2'-(o,m-dihydroxybenzyl)sweroside (5) also existed as one of the major components in "Dian-Long-Dan" species. Moreover, the contents of compounds 1-5 were various in different "Long-Dan" and "Qin-Jiao" species. Herein, we profiled and compared three "Long-Dan" species, four "Qin-Jiao" species and five adulterants by applying multivariate statistical techniques to their HPLC data sets to establish the differences and/or similarities.

  16. Volume properties and refraction of aqueous solutions of bisadducts of light fullerene C60 and essential amino acids lysine, threonine, and oxyproline (C60(C6H13N2O2)2, C60(C4H8NO3)2, and C60(C5H9NO2)2) at 25°C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Semenov, K. N.; Ivanova, N. M.; Charykov, N. A.; Keskinov, V. A.; Kalacheva, S. S.; Duryagina, N. N.; Garamova, P. V.; Kulenova, N. A.; Nabieva, A.


    Concentration dependences of the density of aqueous solutions of bisadducts of light fullerene C60 and essential amino acids are studied by pycnometry. Concentration dependences of the average molar volumes and partial volumes of components (H2O and corresponding bisadducts) are calculated for C60(C6H13N2O2)2-H2O, C60(C4H8NO3)2-H2O, and C60(C5H9NO2)2-H2O binary systems at 25°C. Concentration dependences of the indices of refraction of C60(C6H13N2O2)2-H2O, C60(C4H8NO3)2-H2O, and C60(C5H9NO2)2-H2O binary systems are determined at 25°C. The concentration dependences of specific refraction and molar refraction of bisadducts and aqueous solutions of them are calculated.

  17. Profil anatomopathologique du cancer du sein dans le cap bon tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Sahraoui, Ghada; Khanchel, Fatma; Chelbi, Emna


    Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent de la femme en Tunisie et dans le monde. Dans le Cap Bon tunisien, les particularités anatomopathologiques de ce cancer n'ont pas été précisées auparavant. Leur connaissance est nécessaire pour l'adaptation des systèmes de prévention et de soins dans la région. Le but de notre étude était de déterminer le profil anatomopathologique des carcinomes mammaires dans l'unique laboratoire d'anatomie pathologique publique de la région. Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive rétrospective des carcinomes mammaires diagnostiqués chez 116 malades dans notre laboratoire sur une période de 5 ans de Juillet 2010 à Juillet 2015. Notre étude a inclus 116 patientes. L'âge moyen était de 51 ans. La taille tumorale histologique moyenne était de 31 mm. Le diagnostic initial était posé sur pièce de tumorectomie dans 83% des cas. Le carcinome infiltrant de type non spécifique était le type histologique le plus fréquent. Le grade SBR III était majoritaire. L'invasion lympho-vasculaire était présente dans 33% des cas. Le curage axillaire était positif dans 72% des cas. Les récepteurs hormonaux étaient positifs dans 73% des cas. Les récepteurs de l'Her2-Neu étaient surexprimés dans 19% des cas. Le ki67 était ≥ 14% dans 38%. Le sous-type moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A. Le carcinome mammaire dans la région du Cap Bon se caractérise par sa survenue à un âge jeune, son importante taille tumorale et la fréquence de facteurs histopronostiques péjoratifs. PMID:28450990

  18. Fissuration d'un composite a matrice ceramique dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebel, Larry

    Une procedure experimentale a ete developpee pour caracteriser les mecanismes de deterioration et la durabilite de materiaux composites a matrice ceramique (CMC) dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz. Tandis que la plupart des essais de caracterisation publies sur les materiaux CMC ont ete realises sous des conditions de chargement controle, la presente recherche tente de reproduire la relaxation des contraintes qui se produit normalement dans une piece statique a haute temperature. Dans l'experience proposee, un echantillon planaire de forme haltere est chauffe de facon cyclique sur une de ses faces et refroidi sur l'autre, tout en etant contraint dans ses deplacements. La contrainte de flexion resultante au centre de l'echantillon, mesuree par une cellule de charge, correspond a la contrainte de flexion qui a ete prealablement predite au centre des panneaux d'une chambre a combustion generique. Un materiau CMC multicouche compose d'une matrice d'alumine poreuse et de fibres NextelMD 720 a ete utilise pour developper l'experience. Des essais de calibration ont d'abord ete realises en utilisant un systeme de chauffage par lampe infrarouge, atteignant jusqu'a 1160 °C a la surface de l'echantillon. Un systeme laser au CO2 a par la suite ete utilise pour realiser des essais de deterioration a haute puissance, atteignant en fin d'essai des temperatures de surface excedant la limite de 1200 °C du materiau et des differences de temperature a travers l'epaisseur de plus de 1000 °C. Sous la puissance de chauffage imposee a amplitude constante, l'accumulation de dommage a fait en sorte d'augmenter la temperature en surface et les gradients de temperature a travers le materiau. Une reduction de la contrainte dans le temps a ete observee a cause du fluage, de la fissuration et de la delamination du materiau sous la condition de confinement du deplacement, menant a une stabilisation du niveau de dommage a une certaine profondeur dependant de la contrainte

  19. Tuberculome de Bouchut dans la tuberculose multi focale: à propos de quatre cas

    PubMed Central

    Janah, Hicham; Alami, Ahmed; Souhi, Hicham; Zegmout, Adil; Naji-Amrani, Hicham; Raoufi, Mohamed; Elouazzani, Hanane; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderrahmani; Abid, Ahmed


    La tuberculose multifocale a connu un regain de fréquence avec la pandémie du SIDA, elle s'observe encore chez des sujets non infectés par le VIH surtout dans les pays en voie de développement notamment au Maroc. Nous rapportons quatre observations de tuberculose multifocale chez trois patients immunocompétents et un patient immunodéprimé. Quatre patients ont bénéficié d'un bilan phtisiologique, biologique, sérologique(HIV), radiologique et d'angiographie à la fluorescéine pour suspicion de tuberculose multifocale. Il s'agit de trois hommes et une femme, d’âge moyen de 44 ans, trois patients sont immunocompétents et un patient séropositif. La tuberculose intéressait trois localisations chez les quatre patients: pulmonaire dans quatre cas, ophtalmique dans quatre cas, digestive dans un cas, urinaire dans un cas, cérébrale dans un cas et un cas d'atteinte de la moelle osseuse. L'atteinte ophtalmologique est représentée par des nodules choroïdiens de Bouchut dans quatre cas et un nodule papillaire de Bouchut dans un cas; aucun des ces patients ne présentait une uvéite granulomateuse. Nos malades ont reçu un traitement anti-tuberculeux d'une durée de neuf mois avec une bonne évolution clinique, biologique, radiologique et angiographique. Au Maroc, la tuberculose continue à surprendre aussi bien par son extension touchant le sujet débilité et le sujet immunocompétent, que par ses présentations diverses y compris l'atteinte oculaire qu'elle faut rechercher par un examen ophtalmologique soigneux et systématique. PMID:25478047

  20. Differents aspects du fer dans l'organisme

    PubMed Central

    Bessis, Marcel; Breton-Gorius, Janine


    On voit des molécules de ferritine apparaitre dans le cytoplasme des cellules réticulaires au cours de la digestion des érythrocytes, autour des stromas phagocytés. Cette ferritine s'accumule en amas dans lesquels entrent d'autres substances, en particulier des lipides, provenant aussi des stromas globulaires et qui apparaissent sous forme myélinique. Souvent la ferritine se dispose d'une manière cristalline. Parfois la ferritine et l'apoferritine alternent dans ces cristaux. Parfois l'hémosidérine contient des cristaux qui semblent bien être de l'apoferritine pure. L'injection de sels de fer donne lieu à l'apparition de ferritine dans les cellules réticulaires. Dans les conditions de nos expériences, la plus grande partie du fer injecté était sous forme de ferritine dans un délai de 3 jours. Un aspect intermédiaire entre celui du fer injecté et celui de la ferritine a été trouvé. Dans le cas des injections de saccharate de fer ce sont de fines aiguilles; dans le cas des injections de lactate de fer, il s'agit de masses fibreuses. PMID:13800106

  1. Rôle de la radiothérapie dans le traitement de l'améloblastome: à propos de deux cas

    PubMed Central

    El Mazghi, Abderrahman; Bouhafa, Touria; El Kacemi, Hanan; Loukili, Kaoutar; Chbani, Laila; Kebdani, Taieb; Hassouni, Khalid


    L'améloblastome est une tumeur odontogène bénigne mais à pouvoir agressif et invasif local important. C'est une tumeur rare, elle représente 1% des tumeurs des maxillaires. Le rôle de la radiothérapie dans son traitement est actuellement démontré pour les tumeurs inopérables. Nous rapportons 2 cas d'améloblastomes mandibulaires chez deux patients qui ont bénéficié d'une radiothérapie externe à la dose de 60 Gy. L’évolution a été marquée par une rémission complète de la maladie dans les deux cas avec un recul de 2 et 5 ans. PMID:25722762

  2. Biomechanical comparison of four C1 to C2 rigid fixative techniques: anterior transarticular, posterior transarticular, C1 to C2 pedicle, and C1 to C2 intralaminar screws.


    Lapsiwala, Samir B; Anderson, Paul A; Oza, Ashish; Resnick, Daniel K


    We performed a biomechanical comparison of several C1 to C2 fixation techniques including crossed laminar (intralaminar) screw fixation, anterior C1 to C2 transarticular screw fixation, C1 to 2 pedicle screw fixation, and posterior C1 to C2 transarticular screw fixation. Eight cadaveric cervical spines were tested intact and after dens fracture. Four different C1 to C2 screw fixation techniques were tested. Posterior transarticular and pedicle screw constructs were tested twice, once with supplemental sublaminar cables and once without cables. The specimens were tested in three modes of loading: flexion-extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. All tests were performed in load and torque control. Pure bending moments of 2 nm were applied in flexion-extension and lateral bending, whereas a 1 nm moment was applied in axial rotation. Linear displacements were recorded from extensometers rigidly affixed to the C1 and C2 vertebrae. Linear displacements were reduced to angular displacements using trigonometry. Adding cable fixation results in a stiffer construct for posterior transarticular screws. The addition of cables did not affect the stiffness of C1 to C2 pedicle screw constructs. There were no significant differences in stiffness between anterior and posterior transarticular screw techniques, unless cable fixation was added to the posterior construct. All three posterior screw constructs with supplemental cable fixation provide equal stiffness with regard to flexion-extension and axial rotation. C1 lateral mass-C2 intralaminar screw fixation restored resistance to lateral bending but not to the same degree as the other screw fixation techniques. All four screw fixation techniques limit motion at the C1 to 2 articulation. The addition of cable fixation improves resistance to flexion and extension for posterior transarticular screw fixation.

  3. Rate Coefficients of C2H with C2H4, C2H6, and H2 from 150 to 359 K

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Opansky, Brian J.; Leone, Stephen R.


    Rate coefficients for the reactions C2H with C2H4, C2H6, and H2 are measured over the temperature range 150-359 K using transient infrared laser absorption spectroscopy. The ethynyl radical is formed by photolysis of C2H2 with a pulsed excimer laser at 193 nm, and its transient absorption is monitored with a color center laser on the Q(sub 11)(9) line of the A(sup 2) Pi-Chi(sup 2) Sigma transition at 3593.68 cm(exp -1). Over the experimental temperature range 150-359 K the rate constants of C2H with C2H4, C2H6, and H2 can be fitted to the Arrhenius expressions k(sub C2H4) = (7.8 +/- 0.6) x 10(exp -11) exp[(134 +/- 44)/T], k(sub C2H6) = (3.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp -11) exp[(2.9 +/- 16)/T], and k(sub H2) = (1.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp -11) exp[(-998 +/- 57)]/T cm(exp 3) molecule(exp -1) sec(exp -1). The data for C2H with C2H4 and C2H6 indicate a negligible activation energy to product formation shown by the mild negative temperature dependence of both reactions. When the H2 data are plotted together with the most recent high-temperature results from 295 to 854 K, a slight curvature is observed. The H2 data can be fit to the non-Arrhenius form k(sub H2) = 9.2 x 10(exp -18) T(sup 2.17 +/- 0.50) exp[(-478 +/- 165)/T] cm(exp 3) molecules(exp -1) sec(exp -1). The curvature in the Arrhenius plot is discussed in terms of both quantum mechanical tunneling of the H atom from H2 to the C2H radical and bending mode contributions to the partition function.

  4. Formation of {Co(dppe)}22-η(2):η(2)-η(2):η(2)-[(C60)2]} Dimers Bonded by Single C-C Bonds and Bridging η(2)-Coordinated Cobalt Atoms.


    Konarev, Dmitri V; Troyanov, Sergey I; Ustimenko, Kseniya A; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Shestakov, Alexander F; Otsuka, Akihiro; Yamochi, Hideki; Saito, Gunzi; Lyubovskaya, Rimma N


    Coordination of two bridging cobalt atoms to fullerenes by the η(2) type in {Co(dppe)}22-η(2):η(2)-η(2):η(2)-[(C60)2]}·3C6H4Cl2 [1; dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane] triggers fullerene dimerization with the formation of two intercage C-C bonds of 1.571(4) Å length. Coordination-induced fullerene dimerization opens a path to the design of fullerene structures bonded by both covalent C-C bonds and η(2)-coordination-bridged metal atoms.

  5. Fentes labiopalatines dans la province du Katanga en République Démocratique du Congo: Aspects épidémiologiques, anatomocliniques et thérapeutiques

    PubMed Central

    Sangwa, Cedrick Milindi; Mukuku, Olivier; Tshisuz, Christian; Panda, Jules Mulefu; Kakinga, Mireille; Kitembo, Marius Feruzi; Mutomb, Jean-Felix; Odimba, Bwana Fwamba


    Les fentes labiopalatines sont les malformations les plus rencontrées de la sphère orofaciale. L'objectif est de décrire le profil épidémiologique, anatomoclinique et thérapeutique des fentes labiopalatines observées dans la province minière du Katanga au sud-est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale réalisée dans quatre institutions hospitalières de la province du Katanga dans des districts sanitaires différents (Hôpital Jason Sendwe à Lubumbashi, Hôpital Gécamines Panda à Likasi, Hôpital Gécamines du personnel à Kolwezi, Hôpital General de référence de Kamina) et qui a porté sur 154 cas de fentes labiopalatines enregistrés au cours de la période allant du 1er mai 2010 au 30 septembre 2012. L'âge moyen de consultation était de 11,8 ans et une prédominance masculine (55,2%) était notée. Un pic était noté chez les deux premiers nés de la famille (55,8%). Nous avons enregistré 20,7% des cas de consanguinité dont 54,2% de premier degré. La fréquence des différents types de fentes labiopalatines diminue au fur à mesure que la fente s'étend de la lèvre supérieure au palais en passant par l'alvéole : 72% (labiales), 21,4% (labiopalatines) et 7,7% (palatines). Les variétés unilatérales sont plus fréquentes (76,7%) que les bilatérales (16,1%). Dans les formes unilatérales, le côté gauche est plus concerné (47,1%) par rapport au côté droit (38,6%). L'évaluation de la gravité selon Anastassov montre que 50,6% de nos patients étaient de degré moyen et 16,2% étaient à un degré sévère. Les malformations associées ont été retrouvées dans 5% des cas et elles sont à prédominance squelettique. C'est la technique de Millard qui a été la plus pratiquée (72/130). Les résultats étaient excellents dans 71,5% contre 1,5% de mauvais. Le séjour d'hospitalisation était de 3 jours et le taux de complications post opératoire était de 2,98%. PMID:25328615

  6. The traditional drug Gongjin-Dan ameliorates chronic fatigue in a forced-stress mouse exercise model.


    Hong, Sung-Shin; Lee, Ji-Young; Lee, Jin-Seok; Lee, Hye-Won; Kim, Hyeong-Geug; Lee, Sam-Keun; Park, Bong-Ki; Son, Chang-Gue


    Gongjin-Dan is a representative traditional Oriental medicine herbal drug that has been used to treat chronic fatigue symptoms for several hundred years. We evaluated the anti-fatigue effects of Gongjin-Dan and the underlying mechanisms in a chronic forced exercise mouse model. Balb/C male mice underwent an extreme treadmill-based running stress (1-h, 5 days/week), and daily oral administration of distilled water, Gongjin-Dan (100, 200, or 400 mg/kg), or ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg) for 28 days. The anti-fatigue effects of Gongjin-Dan were evaluated with behavioral tests (exercise tolerance and swimming tests), and the corresponding mechanisms were investigated based on oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine and stress hormone levels in skeletal muscle, sera, and brain tissue. Gongjin-Dan significantly increased exercise tolerance and latency times but reduced the number of electric shocks and immobilization time on the treadmill running and swimming tests, compared with the control group. Gongjin-Dan also significantly ameliorated alterations in oxidative stress-related biomarkers (reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde), inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, and interferon-γ) and glycogen and L-lactate levels in skeletal muscle, compared with those in the control group. Moreover, Gongjin-Dan considerably normalized the forced running stress-induced changes in serum corticosterone and adrenaline levels, as well as brain serotonin level. These antioxidant and anti-stress effects of Gongjin-Dan were supported by the results of Western blotting (4-hydroxynonenal and heme oxygenase-1) and the gene expression levels (serotonin receptor and serotonin transporter). These results support the clinical relevance of Gongjin-Dan regarding anti-chronic fatigue properties. The underlying mechanisms involve attenuation of oxidative and inflammatory reactions in muscle and regulation of the stress response through the

  7. 2C or not 2C: phenethylamine designer drug review.


    Dean, Be Vang; Stellpflug, Samuel J; Burnett, Aaron M; Engebretsen, Kristin M


    New groups of synthetic "designer drugs" have increased in popularity over the past several years. These products mimic the euphoric effects of other well-known illicit drugs but are advertised as "legal" highs and are sold over the internet, at raves and night clubs, and in head shops. The 2C series drugs are ring-substituted phenethylamines that belong to a group of designer agents similar in structure to 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy). Understanding the pharmacology and toxicology of these agents is essential in order to provide the best medical care for these patients. This review focuses on the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical effects, and treatment of 2C drug intoxication based on available published literature. Multiple names under which 2C drugs are sold were identified and tabulated. Common features identified in patients intoxicated with 2Cs included hallucinations, agitation, aggression, violence, dysphoria, hypertension, tachycardia, seizures, and hyperthermia. Patients may exhibit sympathomimetic symptoms or symptoms consistent with serotonin toxicity, but an excited delirium presentation seems to be consistent amongst deaths attributed to 2C drugs; at least five deaths have been reported in the literature in patients intoxicated with 2C drugs. 2C drugs are a group of designer intoxicants, many of which are marketed as legal, but may carry risks that consumers are unaware of. These drugs may be characterized by either serotonergic toxicity or a sympathomimetic toxidrome, but a presentation consistent with excited delirium is consistent amongst the reported 2C-related deaths. Treatment of 2C intoxication is primarily supportive, but immediate action is required in the context of excited delirium, hyperthermia, and seizure activity.

  8. Hyperfine excitation of C2H and C2D by para-H2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumouchel, Fabien; Lique, François; Spielfiedel, Annie; Feautrier, Nicole


    The [C2H]/[C2D] abundance ratio is a useful tool to explore the physical and chemical conditions of cold molecular clouds. Hence, an accurate determination of both the C2H and C2D abundances is of fundamental interest. Due to the low density of the interstellar medium, the population of the energy levels of the molecules is not at local thermodynamical equilibrium. Thus, the accurate modelling of the emission spectra requires the calculation of collisional rate coefficients with the most abundant interstellar species. Hence, we provide rate coefficients for the hyperfine excitation of C2H and C2D by para-H2(j=0), the most abundant collisional partner in cold molecular clouds. State-to-state rate coefficients between the lowest levels were computed for temperatures ranging from 5 to 80 K. For both isotopologues, the Δj = ΔF propensity rule is observed. The comparison between C2H and C2D rate coefficients shows that differences by up to a factor of two exist, mainly for Δj = ΔN = 1 transitions. The new rate coefficients will significantly help in the interpretation of recent observed spectra.

  9. L'astronomie dans le monde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Manfroid, J.


    matière sombre – Abell 2744 vu par ALMA – Bousculade dans Orion – Rotation stellaire – Tsunamis martiens – Planète X ou 9 – Formation d’étoiles dans les jets de trous noirs – Éjection d’un trou noir

  10. Theoretical microwave spectral constants for C2N, C2N/+/, and C3H

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Green, S.


    Theoretical microwave spectral constants have been computed for C2N, C3H, and C2N(+). For C2N these are compared with values obtained from optical data. Calculated hyperfine constants are also presented for HNC, DNC, and HCNH(+). The possibility of observing these species in dense interstellar clouds is discussed.

  11. Isotope effect in acetylene C2H2 and C2D2 rotations on Cu(001)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shchadilova, Yulia E.; Tikhodeev, Sergei G.; Paulsson, Magnus; Ueba, Hiromu


    A comprehensive analysis of the elementary processes behind the scanning tunneling microscope controlled rotation of C2H2 and C2D2, isotopologues of a single acetylene molecule adsorbed on the Cu(001) surface, is given, with a focus on the isotope effects. With the help of density-functional theory we calculate the vibrational modes of C2H2 and C2D2 on Cu(001) and estimate the anharmonic couplings between them, using a simple strings-on-rods model. The probability of the elementary processes, nonlinear and combination band, is estimated using the Keldysh diagram technique. This allows us to clarify the main peculiarities and the isotope effects of the C2H2 and C2D2 on Cu(001) rotation, discovered in the pioneering work [B. C. Stipe et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1263 (1998), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.1263], which have not been previously understood.

  12. The shape of the Sc22-S) unit trapped in C82: crystallographic, computational, and electrochemical studies of the isomers, Sc22-S)@C(s)(6)-C82 and Sc22-S)@C(3v)(8)-C82.


    Mercado, Brandon Q; Chen, Ning; Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio; Mackey, Mary A; Stevenson, Steven; Echegoyen, Luis; Poblet, Josep M; Olmstead, Marilyn M; Balch, Alan L


    Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(s)(6)-C(82)·Ni(II)(OEP)·2C(6)H(6) and Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(3v)(8)-C(82)·Ni(II)(OEP)·2C(6)H(6) reveal that both contain fully ordered fullerene cages. The crystallographic data for Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(s)(6)-C(82)·Ni(II)(OEP)·2C(6)H(6) show two remarkable features: the presence of two slightly different cage sites and a fully ordered molecule Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(s)(6)-C(82) in one of these sites. The Sc-S-Sc angles in Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(s)(6)-C(82) (113.84(3)°) and Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(3v)(8)-C(82) differ (97.34(13)°). This is the first case where the nature and structure of the fullerene cage isomer exerts a demonstrable effect on the geometry of the cluster contained within. Computational studies have shown that, among the nine isomers that follow the isolated pentagon rule for C(82), the cage stability changes markedly between 0 and 250 K, but the C(s)(6)-C(82) cage is preferred at temperatures ≥250 °C when using the energies obtained with the free encapsulated model (FEM). However, the C(3v)(8)-C(82) cage is preferred at temperatures ≥250 °C using the energies obtained by rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator (RRHO) approximation. These results corroborate the fact that both cages are observed and likely to trap the Sc(2)(μ(2)-S) cluster, whereas earlier FEM and RRHO calculations predicted only the C(s)(6)-C(82) cage is likely to trap the Sc(2)(μ(2)-O) cluster. We also compare the recently published electrochemistry of the sulfide-containing Sc(2)(μ(2)-S)@C(s)(6)-C(82) to that of corresponding oxide-containing Sc(2)(μ(2)-O)@C(s)(6)-C(82). © 2011 American Chemical Society

  13. Sacroiliites infectieuses dans le centre tunisien: étude rétrospective de 25 cas

    PubMed Central

    Bellazreg, Foued; Alaya, Zeineb; Hattab, Zouhour; Lasfar, Nadia Ben; Ayeche, Mohamed Laziz Ben; Bouajina, Elyes; Letaief, Amel; Hachfi, Wissem


    Les sacroiliites infectieuses sont rares mais peuvent se compliquer de séquelles fonctionnelles invalidantes. Décrire les caractéristiques cliniques et bactériologiques des sacroiliites infectieuses chez les patients suivis à Sousse, Centre Tunisien. Etude rétrospective, descriptive, des cas de sacroiliites infectieuses chez les patients hospitalisés à Sousse entre 2000 et 2015. Le diagnostic a été retenu devant des signes cliniques, d'imagerie, et microbiologiques évocateurs. Vingt-cinq patients, 10 hommes et 15 femmes, d’âge moyen 41 ans (19-78) ont été inclus. Les sacroiliites étaient dues à des bactéries pyogènes dans 14 cas (56%), brucelliennes dans 6 cas (24%), et tuberculeuses dans 5 cas (20%). La durée moyenne d’évolution était de 61, 45 et 402 jours respectivement. Les signes cliniques les plus fréquents étaient les douleurs fessières (92%) et la fièvre (88%). La radiographie standard était anormale dans 75% des cas. La TDM et l'IRM sacro-iliaques dans tous les cas. Le diagnostic a été confirmé bactériologiquement dans 24 cas (96%). La durée moyenne d'antibiothérapie était de 83 jours dans les sacroiliites à pyogènes, et de 102 jours dans les SI brucelliennes. L’évolution était favorable chez 12 patients (48%), 9 patients (36%) ont gardé une douleur sacro-iliaque séquellaire, et 4 patients (16%) sont décédés. Dans notre étude, la durée d’évolution de la sacroiliite infectieuse ne permettait pas de prédire la bactérie responsable, d'où la nécessité d'obtenir une documentation bactériologique afin de prescrire une antibiothérapie appropriée. PMID:27583067

  14. Synthesis Of [2h, 13c]M [2h2m 13c], And [2h3,, 13c] Methyl Aryl Sulfones And Sulfoxides


    Martinez, Rodolfo A.; Alvarez, Marc A.; Silks, III, Louis A.; Unkefer, Clifford J.; Schmidt, Jurgen G.


    The present invention is directed to labeled compounds, [.sup.2 H.sub.1, .sup.13 C], [.sup.2 H.sub.2, .sup.13 C] and [.sup.2 H.sub.3, .sup.13 C]methyl aryl sulfones and [.sup.2 H.sub.1, .sup.13 C], [.sup.2 H.sub.2, .sup.13 C] and [.sup.2 H.sub.3, .sup.13 C]methyl aryl sulfoxides, wherein the .sup.13 C methyl group attached to the sulfur of the sulfone or sulfoxide includes exactly one, two or three deuterium atoms and the aryl group is selected from the group consisting of 1-naphthyl, substituted 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, substituted 2-naphthyl, and phenyl groups with the structure: ##STR1## wherein R.sub.1, R.sub.2, R.sub.3, R.sub.4 and R.sub.5 are each independently, hydrogen, a C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 lower alkyl, a halogen, an amino group from the group consisting of NH.sub.2, NHR and NRR' where R and R' are each a C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 lower alkyl, a phenyl, or an alkoxy group. The present invention is also directed to processes of preparing methyl aryl sulfones and methyl aryl sulfoxides.

  15. Collisions of slow polyatomic ions with surfaces: dissociation and chemical reactions of C2H2+*, C2H3+, C2H4+*, C2H5+, and their deuterated variants C2D2+* and C2D4+* on room-temperature and heated carbon surfaces.


    Jasík, Juraj; Zabka, Jan; Feketeova, Linda; Ipolyi, Imre; Märk, Tilmann D; Herman, Zdenek


    Interaction of C2Hn+ (n = 2-5) hydrocarbon ions and some of their isotopic variants with room-temperature and heated (600 degrees C) highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces was investigated over the range of incident energies 11-46 eV and an incident angle of 60 degrees with respect to the surface normal. The work is an extension of our earlier research on surface interactions of CHn+ (n = 3-5) ions. Mass spectra, translational energy distributions, and angular distributions of product ions were measured. Collisions with the HOPG surface heated to 600 degrees C showed only partial or substantial dissociation of the projectile ions; translational energy distributions of the product ions peaked at about 50% of the incident energy. Interactions with the HOPG surface at room temperature showed both surface-induced dissociation of the projectiles and, in the case of radical cation projectiles C2H2+* and C2H4+*, chemical reactions with the hydrocarbons on the surface. These reactions were (i) H-atom transfer to the projectile, formation of protonated projectiles, and their subsequent fragmentation and (ii) formation of a carbon chain build-up product in reactions of the projectile ion with a terminal CH3-group of the surface hydrocarbons and subsequent fragmentation of the product ion to C3H3+. The product ions were formed in inelastic collisions in which the translational energy of the surface-excited projectile peaked at about 32% of the incident energy. Angular distributions of reaction products showed peaking at subspecular angles close to 68 degrees (heated surfaces) and 72 degrees (room-temperature surfaces). The absolute survival probability at the incident angle of 60 degrees was about 0.1% for C2H2+*, close to 1% for C2H4+* and C2H5+, and about 3-6% for C2H3+.

  16. Simultaneous analysis of eight bioactive compounds in Danning tablet by HPLC-ESI-MS and HPLC-UV.


    Liu, Runhui; Zhang, Jiye; Liang, Mingjin; Zhang, Weidong; Yan, Shikai; Lin, Min


    A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ultraviolet detector (UV) has been developed for the simultaneous analysis of eight bioactive compounds in Danning tablet (including hyperin, hesperidin, resveratrol, nobiletin, curcumine, emodin, chrysophanol, and physcion), a widely used prescription of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The chromatographic separation was performed on a ZORBAX Extend C(18) analytical column by gradient elution with acetonitrile and formate buffer (containing 0.05% formic acid, adjusted with triethylamine to pH 5.0) at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. The eight compounds in Danning tablet were identified and their MS(n) fractions were elucidated by using HPLC-ESI-MS, and the contents of these compounds were determined by using HPLC-UV method. The standard calibration curves were linear between 5.0 and 100 microg/ml for hyperin, 10-200 microg/ml for hesperidin, 1.0-150 microg/ml for resveratrol, 2.0-120 microg/ml for nobiletin, 2.0-225 microg/ml for curcumine, 20-300 microg/ml for emodin, 2.0-200 microg/ml for chrysophanol, and 20-250 microg/ml for physcion with regression coefficient r(2)>0.9995. The intra-day and inter-day precisions of this method were evaluated with the R.S.D. values less than 0.7% and 1.3%, respectively. The recoveries of the eight investigated compounds were ranged from 99.3% to 100.2% with R.S.D. values less than 1.5%. This method was successfully used to determine the 8 target compounds in 10 batches of Danning tablet.

  17. Hémophilie: état des lieux dans un service de pédiatrie dans la région de l'oriental du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Benajiba, Noufissa; Boussaadni, Yousra EL; Aljabri, Mohammed; Bentata, Yassamine; Amrani, Rim; Rkain, Maria


    Pour les pays en voie de développement, l'hémophilie continue d’être une maladie de conséquence médicale et sociale désastreuse. Le but de ce travail est d'analyser le suivi d'une cohorte de patients hémophiles. Patients et méthodes: étude prospective étalée sur deux années et menée au centre référent d'hémophilie dans la région de l'orient du Maroc. Ont été inclus tous les patients présentant une hémophilie confirmée et âgé de moins de 18 ans. Résultats: sur 16 hémophiles, Quinze patients présentait une hémophilie A, l’âge moyen des patients était de 6,18 ans, la forme sévère, représentait 20,7%, la forme modérée: 33,3% et la forme mineure: 40%. Les circonstances de découverte étaient post circoncisionnelle chez 53,3% des patients, 20,7% post traumatique, 20% à l’âge de la marche; la durée d’évolution variait entre 2 mois et 10 ans. L'hémarthrose a été décrite au niveau des genoux, coudes et chevilles, avec une moyenne allant de 2 à 5 fois par an; l'arthropathie a été remarquée dans 33,3%. Le bilan immunologique a révélé des facteurs circulant inhibant chez deux patients. Le traitement était à base d'antalgiques, de plasma frais congelé. L'administration de facteurs VIII recombinés a été instaurée chez 40,6% des patients (plus de 90% des formes modérées et graves), grâce au programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles. Le décès était noté dans un seul cas lié à une hémorragie cérébrale. Conclusion: Nous insistons sur l'intérêt du programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles dernièrement instauré qui pourrait améliorer les conditions de vie de ces enfants. PMID:25404986

  18. Telecom 2-B and 2-C (TC2B and TC2C)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dulac, J.; Alvarez, H.


    The DSN (Deep Space Network) mission support requirements for Telecom 2-B and 2-C (TC2B and TC2C) are summarized. These Telecom missions will provide high-speed data link applications, telephone, and television service between France and overseas territories as a follow-on to TC2A. Mission objectives are outlined and the DSN support requirements are defined through the presentation of tables and narratives describing the spacecraft flight profile; DSN support coverage; frequency assignments; support parameters for telemetry, command and support systems; and tracking support responsibility.

  19. Profil épidémiologique et clinique de la tuberculose dans la zone de santé de Lubumbashi (RD Congo)

    PubMed Central

    Ngama, Christian Kakisingi; Muteya, Michel Manika; Lukusha, Yves Isango Idi; Kapend, Serge Matanda; Tshamba, Henri Mundongo; Makinko, Paul Ilunga; Mulumba, Claude Mwamba; Kalala, Liévin Kapend a


    Introduction L'objectif de notre travail était de déterminer la distribution sociodémographique des patients tuberculeux, les types de tuberculose en fonction de la localisation de la maladie et déterminer l'issue thérapeutique des patients en fonction de différentes localisations. Méthodes C'est une étude descriptive transversale des patients diagnostiqués et traités pour tuberculose du 1er Janvier 2010 au 30 Juin 2011 dans la zone de santé de Lubumbashi. Une de 11 zones de santé du District de Lubumbashi dans la province du Katanga(RD Congo). Ont été inclus tous les patients tuberculeux de nationalité congolaise consultés dans la zone de santé pendant la période d’étude. L’âge, le sexe, la commune de résidence, le tableau clinique à la première consultation et les résultats des examens de laboratoire des crachats par la coloration Ziehl-Neelsen ont été les paramètres d'analyse. Résultats Nous avons enregistré 708 patients tuberculeux soit une prévalence de 0.5%. Le sexe masculin représentait 58.78% contre 41.25% de sexe féminin avec un sexe ratio de 1.42 en faveur du sexe masculin. La moyenne d’âge était de 33±;15 ans. La majorité des patients soit 54.79 appartiennent à la tranche d’âge entre 21 et 40 ans. La tuberculose extra pulmonaire a représenté 51.8% contre 50.2% de tuberculose pulmonaire dont 31.9% à bacilloscopie positive. Le décès a intéressé les patients bacillifères puis qu'il y a 5 fois plus de décès liés à une tuberculose pulmonaire à microscopie positive qu'aux autres formes de tuberculose (OR (IC 95%): 5.27 (2.92-9.59, p = 0.00). La majorité des patients résidaient les communes Lubumbashi (41.7%) et Kampemba (23.2%). Conclusion La tuberculose extrapulmonaire (pleurale) a été plus rencontrée que la tuberculose pulmonaire et c'est cette dernière forme de tuberculose qui a entrainé beaucoup plus de décès. Ce qui nécessite une amélioration du système de santé de prise en charge des

  20. Dan Johnson's impact on hearing research

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shotland, Lawrence I.


    Daniel L. Johnson is well known for his many technical contributions to noise research. Throughout a long and distinguished career at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dan published the results of several significant experiments, including his landmark experiments on asymptotic threshold shift and exposure to impulse noise. His work in the area of noise exposure laid much of the groundwork for a greater understanding of the physiologic response to hazardous noise, much of which has since been incorporated in national and international standards. Dan is highly regarded for his tireless work on technical and advisory committees in noise, and most recently, ototoxicity. Throughout his career, Dan has adhered to a self-imposed standard of intellectual honesty and discovery. Dan's most recent endeavor, the development of a personal noise dosimeter designed for self-monitoring by the employee, is characteristic of his creativity and energy. Perhaps less well known are his contributions over the years to the success of his younger colleagues. He has accomplished this in an unselfish and egalitarian manner, oftentimes challenging and even contradicting his own research. The focus of this talk will elaborate on these facets of Dan's professional contributions.

  1. Dehydrogenation reactions of cyclic C(2)B(2)N(2)H(12) and C(4)BNH(12) isomers.


    Matus, Myrna H; Liu, Shih-Yuan; Dixon, David A


    The energetics for different dehydrogenation pathways of C(2)B(2)N(2)H(12) and C(4)BNH(12) cycles were calculated at the B3LYP/DGDZVP2 and G3(MP2) levels with additional calculations at the CCSD(T)/complete basis set level. The heats of formation of the different isomers were calculated from the G3(MP2) relative energies and the heats of formation of the most stable isomers of c-C(2)B(2)N(2)H(6), c-C(2)B(2)N(2)H(12), and c-C(4)BNH(12) at the CCSD(T)/CBS including additional corrections together with the previously reported value for c-C(4)BNH(6). Different isomers were analyzed for c-C(2)B(2)N(2)H(x) and c-C(4)BNH(x) (x = 6 and 12), and the most stable cyclic structures were those with C-C-B-N-B-N and C-C-C-C-B-N sequences, respectively. The energetics for the stepwise loss of three H(2) were predicted, and the most feasible thermodynamic pathways were found. Dehydrogenation of the lowest energy c-C(2)B(2)N(2)H(12) isomer (6-H(12)) is almost thermoneutral with DeltaH(3dehydro) = 3.4 kcal/mol at the CCSD(T)/CBS level and -0.6 kcal/mol at the G3(MP2) level at 298 K. Dehydrogenation of the lowest energy c-C(4)BNH(12) isomer (7-H(12)) is endothermic with DeltaH(3dehydro) = 27.9 kcal/mol at the CCSD(T)/CBS level and 23.5 kcal/mol at the G3(MP2) level at 298 K. Dehydrogenation across the B-N bond is more favorable as opposed to dehydrogenation across the B-C, N-C, and C-C bonds. Resonance stabilization energies in relation to that of benzene are reported as are NICS NMR chemical shifts for correlating with the potential aromatic character of the rings.

  2. The synthesis of ternary acetylides with tellurium: Li 2 TeC 2 and Na 2 TeC 2

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Németh, Károly; Unni, Aditya K.; Kalnmals, Christopher

    The synthesis of ternary acetylides Li 2TeC 2 and Na 2TeC 2 is presented as the first example of ternary acetylides with metalloid elements instead of transition metals. The synthesis was carried out by the direct reaction of the corresponding bialkali acetylides with tellurium powder in liquid ammonia. Alternatively, the synthesis of Na 2TeC 2 was also carried out by the direct reaction of tellurium powder and two equivalents of NaC 2H in liquid ammonia leading to Na 2TeC 2 and acetylene gas through an equilibrium containing the assumed NaTeC 2H molecules besides the reactants and the products. The resultingmore » disordered crystalline materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Implications of these new syntheses on the synthesis of other ternary acetylides with metalloid elements and transition metals are also discussed.« less

  3. Kyste hydatique à localisation costo vertébrale

    PubMed Central

    Marouf, Rachid


    L'hydatidose est une affection parasitaire due à la contamination de l'homme par la forme larvaire de ténia échinococcus granulosus, la forme costo vertébrale est une localisation très rare qui représente 0,18 à 1,21% de l'ensemble des localisations hydatiques. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme de 32 ans qui présente un kyste hydatique multi vésiculaire à localisation costovertébrale, traité par chirurgie radicale associée à un traitement médical anti parasitaire pour une durée de 6 mois, avec bonne évolution. L'atteinte costo-vertébrale par la maladie hydatique est rare et l’évolution est insidieuse. Malgré un traitement chirurgical radical, la fréquence des récidives rend le pronostic sombre. PMID:25922632

  4. Distraction Arthrodesis of the C1-C2 Facet Joint with Preservation of the C2 Root for the Management of Intractable Occipital Neuralgia Caused by C2 Root Compression.


    Yeom, Jin S; Riew, K Daniel; Kang, Sung Shik; Yi, Jemin; Lee, Gun Woo; Yeom, Arim; Chang, Bong-Soon; Lee, Choon-Ki; Kim, Ho-Joong


    Prospective observational cohort study. To compare the outcomes of our new technique, distraction arthrodesis of C1-C2 facet joint with C2 root preservation (Study group), to those of conventional C1-C2 fusion with C2 root transection (Control group) for the management of intractable occipital neuralgia caused by C2 root compression. We are not aware of any report concerning C2 root decompression during C1-C2 fusion. Inclusion criteria were visual analogue scale (VAS) score for occipital neuralgia 7 or more; C2 root compression at the collapsed C1-C2 neural foramen; and follow-up 12 months or more. The Study group underwent surgery with our new technique including (1) C1-C2 facet joint distraction and bone block insertion while preserving the C2 root; and (2) use of C1 posterior arch screws instead of conventional lateral mass screws during C1-C2 segmental screw fixation. The Control group underwent C2 root transection with C1-C2 segmental screw fixation and fusion. We compared the prospectively collected outcomes data. There were 15 patients in the Study group and 8 in the Control group. Although there was no significant difference in the VAS score for the occipital neuralgia between the 2 groups preoperatively (8.2 ± 0.9 vs. 7.9 ± 0.6, P = 0.39), it was significantly lower in the Study group at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively (P < 0.01, respectively). At 12 months, it was 0.4 ± 0.6 versus 2.5 ± 2.6 (P = 0.01). There was no significant difference in improvement in the VAS score for neck pain and neck disability index and Japanese Orthopedic Association recovery rate, which are minimally influenced by occipital neuralgia. Our novel technique of distraction arthrodesis with C2 root preservation can be an effective option for the management of intractable occipital neuralgia caused by C2 root compression.

  5. Structural and electronic studies of metal carbide clusterfullerene Sc2C2@Cs-C72

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Yongqiang; Wang, Taishan; Wu, Jingyi; Feng, Lai; Xiang, Junfeng; Ma, Yihan; Zhang, Zhuxia; Jiang, Li; Shu, Chunying; Wang, Chunru


    We present a metal carbide clusterfullerene Sc2C2@Cs(10528)-C72, whose structure has been baffling for many years. A motional endohedral Sc2C2 cluster, special molecule geometry and electronic structure were found in Sc2C2@Cs(10528)-C72. The paramagnetic Sc2C2@Cs-C72 anion radical was successfully prepared by a chemical reduction method and hyperfine couplings in the ESR spectrum were observed.We present a metal carbide clusterfullerene Sc2C2@Cs(10528)-C72, whose structure has been baffling for many years. A motional endohedral Sc2C2 cluster, special molecule geometry and electronic structure were found in Sc2C2@Cs(10528)-C72. The paramagnetic Sc2C2@Cs-C72 anion radical was successfully prepared by a chemical reduction method and hyperfine couplings in the ESR spectrum were observed. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, HPLC chromatogram, and DFT calculations. CCDC 917712. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c3nr01739g


    NASA Image and Video Library



  7. χ_{c1} and χ_{c2} Resonance Parameters with the Decays χ_{c1,c2}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-}.


    Aaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Ajaltouni, Z; Akar, S; Albrecht, J; Alessio, F; Alexander, M; Alfonso Albero, A; Ali, S; Alkhazov, G; Alvarez Cartelle, P; Alves, A A; Amato, S; Amerio, S; Amhis, Y; An, L; Anderlini, L; Andreassi, G; Andreotti, M; Andrews, J E; Appleby, R B; Archilli, F; d'Argent, P; Arnau Romeu, J; Artamonov, A; Artuso, M; Aslanides, E; Atzeni, M; Auriemma, G; Baalouch, M; Babuschkin, I; Bachmann, S; Back, J J; Badalov, A; Baesso, C; Baker, S; Balagura, V; Baldini, W; Baranov, A; Barlow, R J; Barschel, C; Barsuk, S; Barter, W; Baryshnikov, F; Batozskaya, V; Battista, V; Bay, A; Beaucourt, L; Beddow, J; Bedeschi, F; Bediaga, I; Beiter, A; Bel, L J; Beliy, N; Bellee, V; Belloli, N; Belous, K; Belyaev, I; Ben-Haim, E; Bencivenni, G; Benson, S; Beranek, S; Berezhnoy, A; Bernet, R; Berninghoff, D; Bertholet, E; Bertolin, A; Betancourt, C; Betti, F; Bettler, M-O; van Beuzekom, M; Bezshyiko, Ia; Bifani, S; Billoir, P; Birnkraut, A; Bizzeti, A; Bjørn, M; Blake, T; Blanc, F; Blusk, S; Bocci, V; Boettcher, T; Bondar, A; Bondar, N; Bordyuzhin, I; Borghi, S; Borisyak, M; Borsato, M; Bossu, F; Boubdir, M; Bowcock, T J V; Bowen, E; Bozzi, C; Braun, S; Britton, T; Brodzicka, J; Brundu, D; Buchanan, E; Burr, C; Bursche, A; Buytaert, J; Byczynski, W; Cadeddu, S; Cai, H; Calabrese, R; Calladine, R; Calvi, M; Calvo Gomez, M; Camboni, A; Campana, P; Campora Perez, D H; Capriotti, L; Carbone, A; Carboni, G; Cardinale, R; Cardini, A; Carniti, P; Carson, L; Carvalho Akiba, K; Casse, G; Cassina, L; Cattaneo, M; Cavallero, G; Cenci, R; Chamont, D; Chapman, M G; Charles, M; Charpentier, Ph; Chatzikonstantinidis, G; Chefdeville, M; Chen, S; Cheung, S F; Chitic, S-G; Chobanova, V; Chrzaszcz, M; Chubykin, A; Ciambrone, P; Cid Vidal, X; Ciezarek, G; Clarke, P E L; Clemencic, M; Cliff, H V; Closier, J; Cogan, J; Cogneras, E; Cogoni, V; Cojocariu, L; Collins, P; Colombo, T; Comerma-Montells, A; Contu, A; Cook, A; Coombs, G; Coquereau, S; Corti, G; Corvo, M; Costa Sobral, C M; Couturier, B; Cowan, G A; Craik, D C; Crocombe, A; Cruz Torres, M; Currie, R; D'Ambrosio, C; Da Cunha Marinho, F; Dall'Occo, E; Dalseno, J; Davis, A; De Aguiar Francisco, O; De Capua, S; De Cian, M; De Miranda, J M; De Paula, L; De Serio, M; De Simone, P; Dean, C T; Decamp, D; Del Buono, L; Dembinski, H-P; Demmer, M; Dendek, A; Derkach, D; Deschamps, O; Dettori, F; Dey, B; Di Canto, A; Di Nezza, P; Dijkstra, H; Dordei, F; Dorigo, M; Dosil Suárez, A; Douglas, L; Dovbnya, A; Dreimanis, K; Dufour, L; Dujany, G; Durante, P; Dzhelyadin, R; Dziewiecki, M; Dziurda, A; Dzyuba, A; Easo, S; Ebert, M; Egede, U; Egorychev, V; Eidelman, S; Eisenhardt, S; Eitschberger, U; Ekelhof, R; Eklund, L; Ely, S; Esen, S; Evans, H M; Evans, T; Falabella, A; Farley, N; Farry, S; Fazzini, D; Federici, L; Ferguson, D; Fernandez, G; Fernandez Declara, P; Fernandez Prieto, A; Ferrari, F; Ferreira Rodrigues, F; Ferro-Luzzi, M; Filippov, S; Fini, R A; Fiorini, M; Firlej, M; Fitzpatrick, C; Fiutowski, T; Fleuret, F; Fohl, K; Fontana, M; Fontanelli, F; Forshaw, D C; Forty, R; Franco Lima, V; Frank, M; Frei, C; Fu, J; Funk, W; Furfaro, E; Färber, C; Gabriel, E; Gallas Torreira, A; Galli, D; Gallorini, S; Gambetta, S; Gandelman, M; Gandini, P; Gao, Y; Garcia Martin, L M; García Pardiñas, J; Garra Tico, J; Garrido, L; Garsed, P J; Gascon, D; Gaspar, C; Gavardi, L; Gazzoni, G; Gerick, D; Gersabeck, E; Gersabeck, M; Gershon, T; Ghez, Ph; Gianì, S; Gibson, V; Girard, O G; Giubega, L; Gizdov, K; Gligorov, V V; Golubkov, D; Golutvin, A; Gomes, A; Gorelov, I V; Gotti, C; Govorkova, E; Grabowski, J P; Graciani Diaz, R; Granado Cardoso, L A; Graugés, E; Graverini, E; Graziani, G; Grecu, A; Greim, R; Griffith, P; Grillo, L; Gruber, L; Gruberg Cazon, B R; Grünberg, O; Gushchin, E; Guz, Yu; Gys, T; Göbel, C; Hadavizadeh, T; Hadjivasiliou, C; Haefeli, G; Haen, C; Haines, S C; Hamilton, B; Han, X; Hancock, T H; Hansmann-Menzemer, S; Harnew, N; Harnew, S T; Hasse, C; Hatch, M; He, J; Hecker, M; Heinicke, K; Heister, A; Hennessy, K; Henrard, P; Henry, L; van Herwijnen, E; Heß, M; Hicheur, A; Hill, D; Hombach, C; Hopchev, P H; Hu, W; Huard, Z C; Hulsbergen, W; Humair, T; Hushchyn, M; Hutchcroft, D; Ibis, P; Idzik, M; Ilten, P; Jacobsson, R; Jalocha, J; Jans, E; Jawahery, A; Jiang, F; John, M; Johnson, D; Jones, C R; Joram, C; Jost, B; Jurik, N; Kandybei, S; Karacson, M; Kariuki, J M; Karodia, S; Kazeev, N; Kecke, M; Keizer, F; Kelsey, M; Kenzie, M; Ketel, T; Khairullin, E; Khanji, B; Khurewathanakul, C; Kirn, T; Klaver, S; Klimaszewski, K; Klimkovich, T; Koliiev, S; Kolpin, M; Kopecna, R; Koppenburg, P; Kosmyntseva, A; Kotriakhova, S; Kozeiha, M; Kravchuk, L; Kreps, M; Kress, F; Krokovny, P; Kruse, F; Krzemien, W; Kucewicz, W; Kucharczyk, M; Kudryavtsev, V; Kuonen, A K; Kvaratskheliya, T; Lacarrere, D; Lafferty, G; Lai, A; Lanfranchi, G; Langenbruch, C; Latham, T; Lazzeroni, C; Le Gac, R; Leflat, A; Lefrançois, J; Lefèvre, R; Lemaitre, F; Lemos Cid, E; Leroy, O; Lesiak, T; Leverington, B; Li, P-R; Li, T; Li, Y; Li, Z; Likhomanenko, T; Lindner, R; Lionetto, F; Lisovskyi, V; Liu, X; Loh, D; Loi, A; Longstaff, I; Lopes, J H; Lucchesi, D; Luchinsky, A; Lucio Martinez, M; Luo, H; Lupato, A; Luppi, E; Lupton, O; Lusiani, A; Lyu, X; Machefert, F; Maciuc, F; Macko, V; Mackowiak, P; Maddrell-Mander, S; Maev, O; Maguire, K; Maisuzenko, D; Majewski, M W; Malde, S; Malecki, B; Malinin, A; Maltsev, T; Manca, G; Mancinelli, G; Marangotto, D; Maratas, J; Marchand, J F; Marconi, U; Marin Benito, C; Marinangeli, M; Marino, P; Marks, J; Martellotti, G; Martin, M; Martinelli, M; Martinez Santos, D; Martinez Vidal, F; Massacrier, L M; Massafferri, A; Matev, R; Mathad, A; Mathe, Z; Matteuzzi, C; Mauri, A; Maurice, E; Maurin, B; Mazurov, A; McCann, M; McNab, A; McNulty, R; Mead, J V; Meadows, B; Meaux, C; Meier, F; Meinert, N; Melnychuk, D; Merk, M; Merli, A; Michielin, E; Milanes, D A; Millard, E; Minard, M-N; Minzoni, L; Mitzel, D S; Mogini, A; Molina Rodriguez, J; Mombächer, T; Monroy, I A; Monteil, S; Morandin, M; Morello, M J; Morgunova, O; Moron, J; Morris, A B; Mountain, R; Muheim, F; Mulder, M; Müller, D; Müller, J; Müller, K; Müller, V; Naik, P; Nakada, T; Nandakumar, R; Nandi, A; Nasteva, I; Needham, M; Neri, N; Neubert, S; Neufeld, N; Neuner, M; Nguyen, T D; Nguyen-Mau, C; Nieswand, S; Niet, R; Nikitin, N; Nikodem, T; Nogay, A; O'Hanlon, D P; Oblakowska-Mucha, A; Obraztsov, V; Ogilvy, S; Oldeman, R; Onderwater, C J G; Ossowska, A; Otalora Goicochea, J M; Owen, P; Oyanguren, A; Pais, P R; Palano, A; Palutan, M; Papanestis, A; Pappagallo, M; Pappalardo, L L; Parker, W; Parkes, C; Passaleva, G; Pastore, A; Patel, M; Patrignani, C; Pearce, A; Pellegrino, A; Penso, G; Pepe Altarelli, M; Perazzini, S; Perret, P; Pescatore, L; Petridis, K; Petrolini, A; Petrov, A; Petruzzo, M; Picatoste Olloqui, E; Pietrzyk, B; Pikies, M; Pinci, D; Pisani, F; Pistone, A; Piucci, A; Placinta, V; Playfer, S; Plo Casasus, M; Polci, F; Poli Lener, M; Poluektov, A; Polyakov, I; Polycarpo, E; Pomery, G J; Ponce, S; Popov, A; Popov, D; Poslavskii, S; Potterat, C; Price, E; Prisciandaro, J; Prouve, C; Pugatch, V; Puig Navarro, A; Pullen, H; Punzi, G; Qian, W; Quagliani, R; Quintana, B; Rachwal, B; Rademacker, J H; Rama, M; Ramos Pernas, M; Rangel, M S; Raniuk, I; Ratnikov, F; Raven, G; Ravonel Salzgeber, M; Reboud, M; Redi, F; Reichert, S; Dos Reis, A C; Remon Alepuz, C; Renaudin, V; Ricciardi, S; Richards, S; Rihl, M; Rinnert, K; Rives Molina, V; Robbe, P; Robert, A; Rodrigues, A B; Rodrigues, E; Rodriguez Lopez, J A; Rogozhnikov, A; Roiser, S; Rollings, A; Romanovskiy, V; Romero Vidal, A; Ronayne, J W; Rotondo, M; Rudolph, M S; Ruf, T; Ruiz Valls, P; Ruiz Vidal, J; Saborido Silva, J J; Sadykhov, E; Sagidova, N; Saitta, B; Salustino Guimaraes, V; Sanchez Mayordomo, C; Sanmartin Sedes, B; Santacesaria, R; Santamarina Rios, C; Santimaria, M; Santovetti, E; Sarpis, G; Sarti, A; Satriano, C; Satta, A; Saunders, D M; Savrina, D; Schael, S; Schellenberg, M; Schiller, M; Schindler, H; Schmelling, M; Schmelzer, T; Schmidt, B; Schneider, O; Schopper, A; Schreiner, H F; Schubiger, M; Schune, M-H; Schwemmer, R; Sciascia, B; Sciubba, A; Semennikov, A; Sepulveda, E S; Sergi, A; Serra, N; Serrano, J; Sestini, L; Seyfert, P; Shapkin, M; Shapoval, I; Shcheglov, Y; Shears, T; Shekhtman, L; Shevchenko, V; Siddi, B G; Silva Coutinho, R; Silva de Oliveira, L; Simi, G; Simone, S; Sirendi, M; Skidmore, N; Skwarnicki, T; Smith, E; Smith, I T; Smith, J; Smith, M; Soares Lavra, L; Sokoloff, M D; Soler, F J P; Souza De Paula, B; Spaan, B; Spradlin, P; Sridharan, S; Stagni, F; Stahl, M; Stahl, S; Stefko, P; Stefkova, S; Steinkamp, O; Stemmle, S; Stenyakin, O; Stepanova, M; Stevens, H; Stone, S; Storaci, B; Stracka, S; Stramaglia, M E; Straticiuc, M; Straumann, U; Sun, J; Sun, L; Sutcliffe, W; Swientek, K; Syropoulos, V; Szumlak, T; Szymanski, M; T'Jampens, S; Tayduganov, A; Tekampe, T; Tellarini, G; Teubert, F; Thomas, E; van Tilburg, J; Tilley, M J; Tisserand, V; Tobin, M; Tolk, S; Tomassetti, L; Tonelli, D; Toriello, F; Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R; Tournefier, E; Traill, M; Tran, M T; Tresch, M; Trisovic, A; Tsaregorodtsev, A; Tsopelas, P; Tully, A; Tuning, N; Ukleja, A; Usachov, A; Ustyuzhanin, A; Uwer, U; Vacca, C; Vagner, A; Vagnoni, V; Valassi, A; Valat, S; Valenti, G; Vazquez Gomez, R; Vazquez Regueiro, P; Vecchi, S; van Veghel, M; Velthuis, J J; Veltri, M; Veneziano, G; Venkateswaran, A; Verlage, T A; Vernet, M; Vesterinen, M; Viana Barbosa, J V; Viaud, B; Vieira, D; Vieites Diaz, M; Viemann, H; Vilasis-Cardona, X; Vitti, M; Volkov, V; Vollhardt, A; Voneki, B; Vorobyev, A; Vorobyev, V; Voß, C; de Vries, J A; Vázquez Sierra, C; Waldi, R; Wallace, C; Wallace, R; Walsh, J; Wang, J; Ward, D R; Wark, H M; Watson, N K; Websdale, D; Weiden, A; Weisser, C; Whitehead, M; Wicht, J; Wilkinson, G; Wilkinson, M; Williams, M; Williams, M P; Williams, M; Williams, T; Wilson, F F; Wimberley, J; Winn, M; Wishahi, J; Wislicki, W; Witek, M; Wormser, G; Wotton, S A; Wraight, K; Wyllie, K; Xie, Y; Xu, M; Xu, Z; Yang, Z; Yang, Z; Yao, Y; Yin, H; Yu, J; Yuan, X; Yushchenko, O; Zarebski, K A; Zavertyaev, M; Zhang, L; Zhang, Y; Zhelezov, A; Zheng, Y; Zhu, X; Zhukov, V; Zonneveld, J B; Zucchelli, S


    The decays χ_{c1}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-} and χ_{c2}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-} are observed and used to study the resonance parameters of the χ_{c1} and χ_{c2} mesons. The masses of these states are measured to be m(χ_{c1})=3510.71±0.04(stat)±0.09(syst)  MeV and m(χ_{c2})=3556.10±0.06(stat)±0.11(syst)  MeV, where the knowledge of the momentum scale for charged particles dominates the systematic uncertainty. The momentum-scale uncertainties largely cancel in the mass difference m(χ_{c2})-m(χ_{c1})=45.39±0.07(stat)±0.03(syst)  MeV. The natural width of the χ_{c2} meson is measured to be Γ(χ_{c2})=2.10±0.20(stat)±0.02(syst)  MeV. These results are in good agreement with and have comparable precision to the current world averages.

  8. χc 1 and χc 2 Resonance Parameters with the Decays χc 1 ,c 2→J /ψ μ+μ-

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Akar, S.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Alfonso Albero, A.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves, A. A.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; An, L.; Anderlini, L.; Andreassi, G.; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, J. E.; Appleby, R. B.; Archilli, F.; d'Argent, P.; Arnau Romeu, J.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Aslanides, E.; Atzeni, M.; Auriemma, G.; Baalouch, M.; Babuschkin, I.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J. J.; Badalov, A.; Baesso, C.; Baker, S.; Balagura, V.; Baldini, W.; Baranov, A.; Barlow, R. J.; Barschel, C.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Baryshnikov, F.; Batozskaya, V.; Battista, V.; Bay, A.; Beaucourt, L.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Beiter, A.; Bel, L. J.; Beliy, N.; Bellee, V.; Belloli, N.; Belous, K.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bencivenni, G.; Benson, S.; Beranek, S.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bernet, R.; Berninghoff, D.; Bertholet, E.; Bertolin, A.; Betancourt, C.; Betti, F.; Bettler, M.-O.; van Beuzekom, M.; Bezshyiko, Ia.; Bifani, S.; Billoir, P.; Birnkraut, A.; Bizzeti, A.; Bjørn, M.; Blake, T.; Blanc, F.; Blusk, S.; Bocci, V.; Boettcher, T.; Bondar, A.; Bondar, N.; Bordyuzhin, I.; Borghi, S.; Borisyak, M.; Borsato, M.; Bossu, F.; Boubdir, M.; Bowcock, T. J. V.; Bowen, E.; Bozzi, C.; Braun, S.; Britton, T.; Brodzicka, J.; Brundu, D.; Buchanan, E.; Burr, C.; Bursche, A.; Buytaert, J.; Byczynski, W.; Cadeddu, S.; Cai, H.; Calabrese, R.; Calladine, R.; Calvi, M.; Calvo Gomez, M.; Camboni, A.; Campana, P.; Campora Perez, D. H.; Capriotti, L.; Carbone, A.; Carboni, G.; Cardinale, R.; Cardini, A.; Carniti, P.; Carson, L.; Carvalho Akiba, K.; Casse, G.; Cassina, L.; Cattaneo, M.; Cavallero, G.; Cenci, R.; Chamont, D.; Chapman, M. G.; Charles, M.; Charpentier, Ph.; Chatzikonstantinidis, G.; Chefdeville, M.; Chen, S.; Cheung, S. F.; Chitic, S.-G.; Chobanova, V.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Chubykin, A.; Ciambrone, P.; Cid Vidal, X.; Ciezarek, G.; Clarke, P. E. L.; Clemencic, M.; Cliff, H. V.; Closier, J.; Cogan, J.; Cogneras, E.; Cogoni, V.; Cojocariu, L.; Collins, P.; Colombo, T.; Comerma-Montells, A.; Contu, A.; Cook, A.; Coombs, G.; Coquereau, S.; Corti, G.; Corvo, M.; Costa Sobral, C. M.; Couturier, B.; Cowan, G. A.; Craik, D. C.; Crocombe, A.; Cruz Torres, M.; Currie, R.; D'Ambrosio, C.; Da Cunha Marinho, F.; Dall'Occo, E.; Dalseno, J.; Davis, A.; De Aguiar Francisco, O.; De Capua, S.; De Cian, M.; De Miranda, J. M.; De Paula, L.; De Serio, M.; De Simone, P.; Dean, C. T.; Decamp, D.; Del Buono, L.; Dembinski, H.-P.; Demmer, M.; Dendek, A.; Derkach, D.; Deschamps, O.; Dettori, F.; Dey, B.; Di Canto, A.; Di Nezza, P.; Dijkstra, H.; Dordei, F.; Dorigo, M.; Dosil Suárez, A.; Douglas, L.; Dovbnya, A.; Dreimanis, K.; Dufour, L.; Dujany, G.; Durante, P.; Dzhelyadin, R.; Dziewiecki, M.; Dziurda, A.; Dzyuba, A.; Easo, S.; Ebert, M.; Egede, U.; Egorychev, V.; Eidelman, S.; Eisenhardt, S.; Eitschberger, U.; Ekelhof, R.; Eklund, L.; Ely, S.; Esen, S.; Evans, H. M.; Evans, T.; Falabella, A.; Farley, N.; Farry, S.; Fazzini, D.; Federici, L.; Ferguson, D.; Fernandez, G.; Fernandez Declara, P.; Fernandez Prieto, A.; Ferrari, F.; Ferreira Rodrigues, F.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Filippov, S.; Fini, R. A.; Fiorini, M.; Firlej, M.; Fitzpatrick, C.; Fiutowski, T.; Fleuret, F.; Fohl, K.; Fontana, M.; Fontanelli, F.; Forshaw, D. C.; Forty, R.; Franco Lima, V.; Frank, M.; Frei, C.; Fu, J.; Funk, W.; Furfaro, E.; Färber, C.; Gabriel, E.; Gallas Torreira, A.; Galli, D.; Gallorini, S.; Gambetta, S.; Gandelman, M.; Gandini, P.; Gao, Y.; Garcia Martin, L. M.; García Pardiñas, J.; Garra Tico, J.; Garrido, L.; Garsed, P. J.; Gascon, D.; Gaspar, C.; Gavardi, L.; Gazzoni, G.; Gerick, D.; Gersabeck, E.; Gersabeck, M.; Gershon, T.; Ghez, Ph.; Gianı, S.; Gibson, V.; Girard, O. G.; Giubega, L.; Gizdov, K.; Gligorov, V. V.; Golubkov, D.; Golutvin, A.; Gomes, A.; Gorelov, I. V.; Gotti, C.; Govorkova, E.; Grabowski, J. P.; Graciani Diaz, R.; Granado Cardoso, L. A.; Graugés, E.; Graverini, E.; Graziani, G.; Grecu, A.; Greim, R.; Griffith, P.; Grillo, L.; Gruber, L.; Gruberg Cazon, B. R.; Grünberg, O.; Gushchin, E.; Guz, Yu.; Gys, T.; Göbel, C.; Hadavizadeh, T.; Hadjivasiliou, C.; Haefeli, G.; Haen, C.; Haines, S. C.; Hamilton, B.; Han, X.; Hancock, T. H.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Harnew, N.; Harnew, S. T.; Hasse, C.; Hatch, M.; He, J.; Hecker, M.; Heinicke, K.; Heister, A.; Hennessy, K.; Henrard, P.; Henry, L.; van Herwijnen, E.; Heß, M.; Hicheur, A.; Hill, D.; Hombach, C.; Hopchev, P. H.; Hu, W.; Huard, Z. C.; Hulsbergen, W.; Humair, T.; Hushchyn, M.; Hutchcroft, D.; Ibis, P.; Idzik, M.; Ilten, P.; Jacobsson, R.; Jalocha, J.; Jans, E.; Jawahery, A.; Jiang, F.; John, M.; Johnson, D.; Jones, C. R.; Joram, C.; Jost, B.; Jurik, N.; Kandybei, S.; Karacson, M.; Kariuki, J. M.; Karodia, S.; Kazeev, N.; Kecke, M.; Keizer, F.; Kelsey, M.; Kenzie, M.; Ketel, T.; Khairullin, E.; Khanji, B.; Khurewathanakul, C.; Kirn, T.; Klaver, S.; Klimaszewski, K.; Klimkovich, T.; Koliiev, S.; Kolpin, M.; Kopecna, R.; Koppenburg, P.; Kosmyntseva, A.; Kotriakhova, S.; Kozeiha, M.; Kravchuk, L.; Kreps, M.; Kress, F.; Krokovny, P.; Kruse, F.; Krzemien, W.; Kucewicz, W.; Kucharczyk, M.; Kudryavtsev, V.; Kuonen, A. K.; Kvaratskheliya, T.; Lacarrere, D.; Lafferty, G.; Lai, A.; Lanfranchi, G.; Langenbruch, C.; Latham, T.; Lazzeroni, C.; Le Gac, R.; Leflat, A.; Lefrançois, J.; Lefèvre, R.; Lemaitre, F.; Lemos Cid, E.; Leroy, O.; Lesiak, T.; Leverington, B.; Li, P.-R.; Li, T.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.; Likhomanenko, T.; Lindner, R.; Lionetto, F.; Lisovskyi, V.; Liu, X.; Loh, D.; Loi, A.; Longstaff, I.; Lopes, J. H.; Lucchesi, D.; Luchinsky, A.; Lucio Martinez, M.; Luo, H.; Lupato, A.; Luppi, E.; Lupton, O.; Lusiani, A.; Lyu, X.; Machefert, F.; Maciuc, F.; Macko, V.; Mackowiak, P.; Maddrell-Mander, S.; Maev, O.; Maguire, K.; Maisuzenko, D.; Majewski, M. W.; Malde, S.; Malecki, B.; Malinin, A.; Maltsev, T.; Manca, G.; Mancinelli, G.; Marangotto, D.; Maratas, J.; Marchand, J. F.; Marconi, U.; Marin Benito, C.; Marinangeli, M.; Marino, P.; Marks, J.; Martellotti, G.; Martin, M.; Martinelli, M.; Martinez Santos, D.; Martinez Vidal, F.; Massacrier, L. M.; Massafferri, A.; Matev, R.; Mathad, A.; Mathe, Z.; Matteuzzi, C.; Mauri, A.; Maurice, E.; Maurin, B.; Mazurov, A.; McCann, M.; McNab, A.; McNulty, R.; Mead, J. V.; Meadows, B.; Meaux, C.; Meier, F.; Meinert, N.; Melnychuk, D.; Merk, M.; Merli, A.; Michielin, E.; Milanes, D. A.; Millard, E.; Minard, M.-N.; Minzoni, L.; Mitzel, D. S.; Mogini, A.; Molina Rodriguez, J.; Mombächer, T.; Monroy, I. A.; Monteil, S.; Morandin, M.; Morello, M. J.; Morgunova, O.; Moron, J.; Morris, A. B.; Mountain, R.; Muheim, F.; Mulder, M.; Müller, D.; Müller, J.; Müller, K.; Müller, V.; Naik, P.; Nakada, T.; Nandakumar, R.; Nandi, A.; Nasteva, I.; Needham, M.; Neri, N.; Neubert, S.; Neufeld, N.; Neuner, M.; Nguyen, T. D.; Nguyen-Mau, C.; Nieswand, S.; Niet, R.; Nikitin, N.; Nikodem, T.; Nogay, A.; O'Hanlon, D. P.; Oblakowska-Mucha, A.; Obraztsov, V.; Ogilvy, S.; Oldeman, R.; Onderwater, C. J. G.; Ossowska, A.; Otalora Goicochea, J. M.; Owen, P.; Oyanguren, A.; Pais, P. R.; Palano, A.; Palutan, M.; Papanestis, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Pappalardo, L. L.; Parker, W.; Parkes, C.; Passaleva, G.; Pastore, A.; Patel, M.; Patrignani, C.; Pearce, A.; Pellegrino, A.; Penso, G.; Pepe Altarelli, M.; Perazzini, S.; Perret, P.; Pescatore, L.; Petridis, K.; Petrolini, A.; Petrov, A.; Petruzzo, M.; Picatoste Olloqui, E.; Pietrzyk, B.; Pikies, M.; Pinci, D.; Pisani, F.; Pistone, A.; Piucci, A.; Placinta, V.; Playfer, S.; Plo Casasus, M.; Polci, F.; Poli Lener, M.; Poluektov, A.; Polyakov, I.; Polycarpo, E.; Pomery, G. J.; Ponce, S.; Popov, A.; Popov, D.; Poslavskii, S.; Potterat, C.; Price, E.; Prisciandaro, J.; Prouve, C.; Pugatch, V.; Puig Navarro, A.; Pullen, H.; Punzi, G.; Qian, W.; Quagliani, R.; Quintana, B.; Rachwal, B.; Rademacker, J. H.; Rama, M.; Ramos Pernas, M.; Rangel, M. S.; Raniuk, I.; Ratnikov, F.; Raven, G.; Ravonel Salzgeber, M.; Reboud, M.; Redi, F.; Reichert, S.; dos Reis, A. C.; Remon Alepuz, C.; Renaudin, V.; Ricciardi, S.; Richards, S.; Rihl, M.; Rinnert, K.; Rives Molina, V.; Robbe, P.; Robert, A.; Rodrigues, A. B.; Rodrigues, E.; Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.; Rogozhnikov, A.; Roiser, S.; Rollings, A.; Romanovskiy, V.; Romero Vidal, A.; Ronayne, J. W.; Rotondo, M.; Rudolph, M. S.; Ruf, T.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Ruiz Vidal, J.; Saborido Silva, J. J.; Sadykhov, E.; Sagidova, N.; Saitta, B.; Salustino Guimaraes, V.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C.; Sanmartin Sedes, B.; Santacesaria, R.; Santamarina Rios, C.; Santimaria, M.; Santovetti, E.; Sarpis, G.; Sarti, A.; Satriano, C.; Satta, A.; Saunders, D. M.; Savrina, D.; Schael, S.; Schellenberg, M.; Schiller, M.; Schindler, H.; Schmelling, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Schmidt, B.; Schneider, O.; Schopper, A.; Schreiner, H. F.; Schubiger, M.; Schune, M.-H.; Schwemmer, R.; Sciascia, B.; Sciubba, A.; Semennikov, A.; Sepulveda, E. S.; Sergi, A.; Serra, N.; Serrano, J.; Sestini, L.; Seyfert, P.; Shapkin, M.; Shapoval, I.; Shcheglov, Y.; Shears, T.; Shekhtman, L.; Shevchenko, V.; Siddi, B. G.; Silva Coutinho, R.; Silva de Oliveira, L.; Simi, G.; Simone, S.; Sirendi, M.; Skidmore, N.; Skwarnicki, T.; Smith, E.; Smith, I. T.; Smith, J.; Smith, M.; Soares Lavra, l.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Soler, F. J. P.; Souza De Paula, B.; Spaan, B.; Spradlin, P.; Sridharan, S.; Stagni, F.; Stahl, M.; Stahl, S.; Stefko, P.; Stefkova, S.; Steinkamp, O.; Stemmle, S.; Stenyakin, O.; Stepanova, M.; Stevens, H.; Stone, S.; Storaci, B.; Stracka, S.; Stramaglia, M. E.; Straticiuc, M.; Straumann, U.; Sun, J.; Sun, L.; Sutcliffe, W.; Swientek, K.; Syropoulos, V.; Szumlak, T.; Szymanski, M.; T'Jampens, S.; Tayduganov, A.; Tekampe, T.; Tellarini, G.; Teubert, F.; Thomas, E.; van Tilburg, J.; Tilley, M. J.; Tisserand, V.; Tobin, M.; Tolk, S.; Tomassetti, L.; Tonelli, D.; Toriello, F.; Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R.; Tournefier, E.; Traill, M.; Tran, M. T.; Tresch, M.; Trisovic, A.; Tsaregorodtsev, A.; Tsopelas, P.; Tully, A.; Tuning, N.; Ukleja, A.; Usachov, A.; Ustyuzhanin, A.; Uwer, U.; Vacca, C.; Vagner, A.; Vagnoni, V.; Valassi, A.; Valat, S.; Valenti, G.; Vazquez Gomez, R.; Vazquez Regueiro, P.; Vecchi, S.; van Veghel, M.; Velthuis, J. J.; Veltri, M.; Veneziano, G.; Venkateswaran, A.; Verlage, T. A.; Vernet, M.; Vesterinen, M.; Viana Barbosa, J. V.; Viaud, B.; Vieira, D.; Vieites Diaz, M.; Viemann, H.; Vilasis-Cardona, X.; Vitti, M.; Volkov, V.; Vollhardt, A.; Voneki, B.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyev, V.; Voß, C.; de Vries, J. A.; Vázquez Sierra, C.; Waldi, R.; Wallace, C.; Wallace, R.; Walsh, J.; Wang, J.; Ward, D. R.; Wark, H. M.; Watson, N. K.; Websdale, D.; Weiden, A.; Weisser, C.; Whitehead, M.; Wicht, J.; Wilkinson, G.; Wilkinson, M.; Williams, M.; Williams, M. P.; Williams, M.; Williams, T.; Wilson, F. F.; Wimberley, J.; Winn, M.; Wishahi, J.; Wislicki, W.; Witek, M.; Wormser, G.; Wotton, S. A.; Wraight, K.; Wyllie, K.; Xie, Y.; Xu, M.; Xu, Z.; Yang, Z.; Yang, Z.; Yao, Y.; Yin, H.; Yu, J.; Yuan, X.; Yushchenko, O.; Zarebski, K. A.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhelezov, A.; Zheng, Y.; Zhu, X.; Zhukov, V.; Zonneveld, J. B.; Zucchelli, S.; LHCb Collaboration


    The decays χc 1→J /ψ μ+μ- and χc 2→J /ψ μ+μ- are observed and used to study the resonance parameters of the χc 1 and χc 2 mesons. The masses of these states are measured to be m (χc 1)=3510.71 ±0.04 (stat ) ±0.09 (syst ) MeV and m (χc 2)=3556.10 ±0.06 (stat ) ±0.11 (syst ) MeV , where the knowledge of the momentum scale for charged particles dominates the systematic uncertainty. The momentum-scale uncertainties largely cancel in the mass difference m (χc 2)-m (χc 1)=45.39 ±0.07 (stat ) ±0.03 (syst ) MeV . The natural width of the χc 2 meson is measured to be Γ (χc 2)=2.10 ±0.20 (stat ) ±0.02 (syst ) MeV . These results are in good agreement with and have comparable precision to the current world averages.

  9. Global variation in CYP2C8–CYP2C9 functional haplotypes

    PubMed Central

    Speed, William C; Kang, Soonmo Peter; Tuck, David P; Harris, Lyndsay N; Kidd, Kenneth K


    We have studied the global frequency distributions of 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across 132 kb of CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 in ∼2500 individuals representing 45 populations. Five of the SNPs were in noncoding sequences; the other five involved the more common missense variants (four in CYP2C8, one in CYP2C9) that change amino acids in the gene products. One haplotype containing two CYP2C8 coding variants and one CYP2C9 coding variant reaches an average frequency of 10% in Europe; a set of haplotypes with a different CYP2C8 coding variant reaches 17% in Africa. In both cases these haplotypes are found in other regions of the world at <1%. This considerable geographic variation in haplotype frequencies impacts the interpretation of CYP2C8/CYP2C9 association studies, and has pharmacogenomic implications for drug interactions. PMID:19381162

  10. Atmospheric chemistry of C 2F 5CHO: reaction with Cl atoms and OH radicals, IR spectrum of C 2F 5C(O)O 2NO 2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sulbaek Andersen, M. P.; Hurley, M. D.; Wallington, T. J.; Ball, J. C.; Martin, J. W.; Ellis, D. A.; Mabury, S. A.; Nielsen, O. J.


    Smog chamber/FTIR techniques were used to measure k(Cl + C 2F 5CHO)=(1.96 ± 0.28) × 10 -12 and k(OH + C 2F 5CHO)=(5.26 ± 0.80) × 10 -13 cm 3 molecule -1 s -1 in 700 Torr of N 2 or air at 296 ± 2 K. The Cl initiated oxidation of C 2F 5CHO in the presence of NO in air diluent gave COF 2, CF 3ONO 2, and C 2F 5C(O)O 2NO 2 in molar yields of 180 ± 19%, 6.1 ± 0.6%, and 1.0 ± 0.3%, respectively. The IR spectrum for C 2F 5C(O)O 2NO 2 is reported. Results are discussed with respect to the potential for the atmospheric degradation of fluorinated aldehydes, C nF 2 n+1 CHO, to contribute to the observed environmental burden of fluorinated carboxylic acids, C nF 2 n+1 C(O)OH.

  11. Linkage disequilibrium between the CYP2C19*2,*17 and CYP2C9*1 alleles and impact of VKORC1, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 gene polymorphisms and gene-gene interactions on warfarin therapy.


    Khalighi, Koroush; Cheng, Gang; Mirabbasi, Seyedabbas; Khalighi, Bahar; Wu, Yin; Fan, Wuqiang


    Warfarin therapy is complicated by its large inter-individual and intra-individual variability. Both genetic and non-genetic factors can affect warfarin therapy. This study aims to investigate the allele distribution of VKORC1, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19, contribution of different allele variants and possible gene-gene interaction on warfarin therapy. Four hundreds and ninety-two patients were enrolled and single nucleotide polymorphisms for vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), cytochrome P450 CYP2C9 and cytochrome P450 CYP2C19 were genotyped. CYP2C9*1 allele is in complete linkage disequilibrium with CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 (D' = 1) in our study population. Patient with VKORC1-1639 G > A, CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 genetic variants need significant lower warfarin dose than patient with wild type allele of VKORC1 1639 G or CYP2C9*1. There is no significant differences between CYP2C19 allele variants for warfarin stable dose and INR > 5 event. Because of the complete linkage disequilibrium between CYP2C19*2,*17 and CYP2C9*1, patient with CYP2C19 *2/*2, *2/*17 and *17/*17 genotypes tend to have higher warfarin dose than patient with CYP2C19*1/*1 genotype. Stepwise regression analysis showed that VKORC1, CYP2C9, body mass index (BMI), age and gender were included as a factor significantly contributing to warfarin dose, whereas CYP2C19 did not contribute to warfarin dose. No statistically significant interaction between CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin dose and INR > 5 event was detected in univariate general linear model analysis. Our study suggests that polymorphic variants of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 affect warfarin dose independently, whereas CYP2C19 did not contribute to warfarin therapy.

  12. IMPACT2C: Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacob, D.; Kotova, L.; Impact2C Team


    Political discussions on the European goal to limit global warming to 2°C demand, that information is provided to society by the best available science on projected impacts and possible benefits. The new project IMPACT2C is supported by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme as a 4 year large-scale integrating project. IMPACT2C is coordinated by the Climate Service Center, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies climate change impacts, and adopts a clear and logical structure, with climate and impacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs, as well as potential responses, within a pan-European sector based analysis. The project utilises a range of models within a multi-disciplinary international expert team and assesses effects on water, energy, infrastructure, coasts, tourism, forestry, agriculture, ecosystems services, and health and air quality-climate interactions. IMPACT2C introduces key innovations. First, harmonised socio-economic assumptions/scenarios will be used, to ensure that both individual and cross-sector assessments are aligned to the 2°C (1.5°C) scenario for both impacts and adaptation, e.g. in relation to land-use pressures between agriculture and forestry. Second, it has a core theme of uncertainty, and will develop a methodological framework integrating the uncertainties within and across the different sectors, in a consistent way. In so doing, analysis of adaptation responses under uncertainty will be enhanced. Finally, a cross-sectoral perspective is adopted to complement the sector analysis. A number of case studies will be developed for particularly vulnerable areas, subject to multiple impacts (e.g. the Mediterranean), with the focus being on cross-sectoral interactions (e.g. land use competition) and cross-cutting themes (e.g. cities). The project also assesses climate change impacts in some of the world's most vulnerable regions: Bangladesh, Africa (Nile and Niger basins), and the

  13. Transport de paires EPR dans des structures mesoscopiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dupont, Emilie

    Dans cette these, nous nous sommes particulierement interesses a la propagation de paires EPR1 delocalisees et localisees, et a l'influence d'un supraconducteur sur le transport de ces paires. Apres une introduction de cette etude, ainsi que du cadre scientifique qu'est l'informatique quantique dans lequel elle s'inscrit, nous allons dans le chapitre 1 faire un rappel sur le systeme constitue de deux points quantiques normaux entoures de deux fils supraconducteurs. Cela nous permettra d'introduire une methode de calcul qui sera reutilisee par la suite, et de trouver egalement le courant Josephson produit par ce systeme transforme en SQUID-dc par l'ajout d'une jonction auxiliaire. Le SQUID permet de mesurer l'etat de spin (singulet ou triplet), et peut etre forme a partir d'autres systemes que nous etudierons ensuite. Dans le chapitre 2, nous rappellerons l'etude detaillee d'un intricateur d'Andreev faite par un groupe de Bale. La matrice T, permettant d'obtenir le courant dans les cas ou les electrons sont separes spatialement ou non, sera etudiee en detail afin d'en faire usage au chapitre suivant. Le chapitre 3 est consacre a l'etude de l'influence du bruit sur le fonctionnement de l'intricateur d'Andreev. Ce bruit modifie la forme du courant jusqu'a aboutir a d'autres conditions de fonctionnement de l'intricateur. En effet, le bruit present sur les points quantiques peut perturber le transport des paires EPR par l'intermediaire des degres de liberte. Nous montrerons que, du fait de l'"intrication" entre la charge de la paire et le bruit, la paire est detruite pour des temps longs. Cependant, le resultat le plus important sera que le bruit perturbe plus le transport des paires delocalisees, qui implique une resonance de Breit-Wigner a deux particules. Le transport parasite n'implique pour sa part qu'une resonance de Breit-Wigner a une particule. Dans le chapitre 4, nous reviendrons au systeme constitue de deux points quantiques entoures de deux fils

  14. Etudes diélectriques de la transition ferroélectrique induite par application d'un champ électrique dans les céramiques PbMg{1/3}Nb{2/3}O3 (PMN)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chabin, M.; Malki, M.; Husson, E.; Morell, A.


    The evolution of the dielectric permittivity and loss factor under an external applied electric field has been studied in PbMg{1/3}Nb{2/3}O3 ceramics between 80 and 420 K. For a threshold field of 4^{-1}, it is possible to induce a ferroelectric transition from the average cubic phase to a macroscopically polar phase. The poling and depoling temperatures depend on the various combinations of thermal treatments and on the applied field strength. The transition between the nanopolar state and the macropolar state is discussed L'évolution de la permittivité diélectrique et du facteur de pertes diélectriques sous un champ électrique extérieur a été étudiée dans des céramiques de PbMg{1/3}Nb{2/3}O3 enre 80 et 420 K. Pour un champ de seuil de 4^{-1} il est possible d'induire une transition ferroélectrique de la phase cubique moyenne en une phase macroscopiquement polaire. Les températures de polarisation et de dépolarisation dépendent des différentes combinaisons de traitements thermiques et de la valeur du champ appliqué. La transition entre la phase constituée de nanodomaines polaires et la phase constituée de macrodomaines polaires est discutée.

  15. Conductivite dans le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel a faible couplage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bergeron, Dominic

    Le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel (2D) est souvent considere comme le modele minimal pour les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique a base d'oxyde de cuivre (SCHT). Sur un reseau carre, ce modele possede les phases qui sont communes a tous les SCHT, la phase antiferromagnetique, la phase supraconductrice et la phase dite du pseudogap. Il n'a pas de solution exacte, toutefois, plusieurs methodes approximatives permettent d'etudier ses proprietes de facon numerique. Les proprietes optiques et de transport sont bien connues dans les SCHT et sont donc de bonne candidates pour valider un modele theorique et aider a comprendre mieux la physique de ces materiaux. La presente these porte sur le calcul de ces proprietes pour le modele de Hubbard 2D a couplage faible ou intermediaire. La methode de calcul utilisee est l'approche auto-coherente a deux particules (ACDP), qui est non-perturbative et inclue l'effet des fluctuations de spin et de charge a toutes les longueurs d'onde. La derivation complete de l'expression de la conductivite dans l'approche ACDP est presentee. Cette expression contient ce qu'on appelle les corrections de vertex, qui tiennent compte des correlations entre quasi-particules. Pour rendre possible le calcul numerique de ces corrections, des algorithmes utilisant, entre autres, des transformees de Fourier rapides et des splines cubiques sont developpes. Les calculs sont faits pour le reseau carre avec sauts aux plus proches voisins autour du point critique antiferromagnetique. Aux dopages plus faibles que le point critique, la conductivite optique presente une bosse dans l'infrarouge moyen a basse temperature, tel qu'observe dans plusieurs SCHT. Dans la resistivite en fonction de la temperature, on trouve un comportement isolant dans le pseudogap lorsque les corrections de vertex sont negligees et metallique lorsqu'elles sont prises en compte. Pres du point critique, la resistivite est lineaire en T a basse temperature et devient

  16. Synthesis of Ti3AuC2, Ti3Au2C2 and Ti3IrC2 by noble metal substitution reaction in Ti3SiC2 for high-temperature-stable Ohmic contacts to SiC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fashandi, Hossein; Dahlqvist, Martin; Lu, Jun; Palisaitis, Justinas; Simak, Sergei I.; Abrikosov, Igor A.; Rosen, Johanna; Hultman, Lars; Andersson, Mike; Lloyd Spetz, Anita; Eklund, Per


    The large class of layered ceramics encompasses both van der Waals (vdW) and non-vdW solids. While intercalation of noble metals in vdW solids is known, formation of compounds by incorporation of noble-metal layers in non-vdW layered solids is largely unexplored. Here, we show formation of Ti3AuC2 and Ti3Au2C2 phases with up to 31% lattice swelling by a substitutional solid-state reaction of Au into Ti3SiC2 single-crystal thin films with simultaneous out-diffusion of Si. Ti3IrC2 is subsequently produced by a substitution reaction of Ir for Au in Ti3Au2C2. These phases form Ohmic electrical contacts to SiC and remain stable after 1,000 h of ageing at 600 °C in air. The present results, by combined analytical electron microscopy and ab initio calculations, open avenues for processing of noble-metal-containing layered ceramics that have not been synthesized from elemental sources, along with tunable properties such as stable electrical contacts for high-temperature power electronics or gas sensors.

  17. Anticolchicine cytotoxicity enhanced by Dan Gua-Fang, a Chinese herb prescription in ECV304 in mediums.


    Heng, Xian-Pei; Chen, Ke-Ji; Hong, Zhen-Feng; He, Wei-Dong; Chu, Ke-Dan; Chen, Wen-Lie; Zheng, Hai-Xia; Yang, Liu-Qing; Chen, Ling; Guo, Fang


    To study the effect of anticolchicine cytotoxicity of Dan Gua-Fang, a Chinesea Chinese), a Chinese herbal compound prescription on endothelial cells of vein (ECV304) cultivated in mediums of different glucose concentrations as well as the proliferation of those cells in the same conditions, in order to reveal the value of Dan Gua-Fang in preventing and treating endothelial damage caused by hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus. The research was designed as three stages. The growing state and morphological changes were observed when ECV304 were cultivated in the culture mediums, which have different glucose concentrations with or without Dan Gua-Fang and at the same time with or without colchicine. (1) Dan Gua-Fang at all concentrations reduced the floating cell population of ECV304 cultivated in hyperglycemia mediums. (2) Dan Gua-Fang at all concentrations and hyperglycemia both had a function of promoting "pseudopod-like" structure formation in cultivated ECV304, but the function was not superimposed in mediums containing both hyperglycemia and Dan Gua-Fang. (3) Colchicine reduced and even vanished the "pseudopod-like" structure of the endotheliocyte apparently cultivated in mediums of hyperglycemia or with Dan Gua-Fang. The "pseudopod-like" structure of the endotheliocyte emerged quickly in Dan Gua-Fang groups after colchicine was removed, but it was not the case in hyperglycemia only without Dan Gua-Fang groups. (4) Dan Gua-Fang reduced the mortality of cells cultivated in mediums containing colchicine. The cell revived to its normal state fast after colchicine was removed. Dan Gua-Fang has the functions of promoting the formation of cytoskeleton and fighting against colchicine cytotoxicity.

  18. Effets non lineaires transversaux dans les guides d'ondes plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumais, Patrick

    Les effets non lineaires transversaux dus a l'effet Kerr optique non resonant sont etudies dans deux types de guides a geometrie plane. D'abord (au chapitre 2), l'emission de solitons spatiaux d'un guide de type canal est etudie historiquement, analytiquement et numeriquement dans le but d'en faire la conception et la fabrication, en AlGaAs, dans la region spectrale en deca de la moitie de la bande interdite de ce materiau, soit autour de 1,5 microns. Le composant, tel que concu, comporte une structure de multipuits quantiques. Le desordonnement local de cette structure permet une variation locale du coefficient Kerr dans le guide, ce qui mene a l'emission d'un soliton spatial au-dela d'une puissance optique de seuil. L'observation experimentale d'un changement en fonction de l'intensite du profil de champ a la sortie du guide realise est presentee. Deuxiemement (au chapitre 3) une technique de mesure du coefficient Kerr dans un guide plan est presentee. Cette technique consiste a mesurer le changement de transmission au travers d'un cache place a la sortie du guide en fonction de l'intensite crete a l'entree du guide plan. Une methode pour determiner les conditions optimales pour la sensibilite de la mesure est presentee, illustree de plusieurs exemples. Finalement, la realisation d'un oscillateur parametrique optique basee sur un cristal de niobate de lithium a domaines periodiquement inverses est presentee. La theorie des oscillateurs parametriques optiques est exposee avec une emphase sur la generation d'impulsions intenses a des longueurs d'onde autour de 1,5 microns a partir d'un laser Ti:saphir, dans le but d'obtenir une source pour faire les experiences sur l'emission solitonique.

  19. Synthesis Of [2h, 13c] And [2h3, 13c]Methyl Aryl Sulfides


    Martinez, Rodolfo A.; Alvarez, Marc A.; Silks, III, Louis A.; Unkefer, Clifford J.


    The present invention is directed to labeled compounds, [.sup.2 H.sub.1, .sup.13 C], [.sup.2 H.sub.2, .sup.13 C] and [.sup.2 H.sub.3, .sup.13 C]methyl aryl sulfides wherein the .sup.13 C methyl group attached to the sulfur of the sulfide includes exactly one, two or three deuterium atoms and the aryl group is selected from the group consisting of 1-naphthyl, substituted 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, substituted 2-naphthyl, and phenyl groups with the structure ##STR1## wherein R.sub.1, R.sub.2, R.sub.3, R.sub.4, and R.sub.5 are each independently, hydrogen, a C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 lower alkyl, a halogen, an amino group from the group consisting of NH.sub.2, NHR and NRR' where R and R' are each a C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 lower alkyl, a phenyl, or an alkoxy group. The present invention is also directed to processes of preparing [.sup.2 H.sub.1, .sup.13 C], [.sup.2 H.sub.2,.sup.13 C] and [.sup.2 H.sub.3, .sup.13 C]methyl aryl sulfides wherein the .sup.13 C methyl group attached to the sulfur of the sulfide includes exactly one, two or three deuterium atoms. The present invention is also directed to the labeled compounds of [.sup.2 H.sub.1, .sup.13 C]methyl iodide and [.sup.2 H.sub.2, .sup.13 C]methyl iodide.

  20. Integration of C1 and C2 Metabolism in Trees

    PubMed Central

    Jardine, Kolby J.; Higuchi, Niro; Bill, Markus; Porras, Rachel; Chambers, Jeffrey Q.


    C1 metabolism in plants is known to be involved in photorespiration, nitrogen and amino acid metabolism, as well as methylation and biosynthesis of metabolites and biopolymers. Although the flux of carbon through the C1 pathway is thought to be large, its intermediates are difficult to measure and relatively little is known about this potentially ubiquitous pathway. In this study, we evaluated the C1 pathway and its integration with the central metabolism using aqueous solutions of 13C-labeled C1 and C2 intermediates delivered to branches of the tropical species Inga edulis via the transpiration stream. Delivery of [13C]methanol and [13C]formaldehyde rapidly stimulated leaf emissions of [13C]methanol, [13C]formaldehyde, [13C]formic acid, and 13CO2, confirming the existence of the C1 pathway and rapid interconversion between methanol and formaldehyde. However, while [13C]formate solutions stimulated emissions of 13CO2, emissions of [13C]methanol or [13C]formaldehyde were not detected, suggesting that once oxidation to formate occurs it is rapidly oxidized to CO2 within chloroplasts. 13C-labeling of isoprene, a known photosynthetic product, was linearly related to 13CO2 across C1 and C2 ([13C2]acetate and [2-13C]glycine) substrates, consistent with reassimilation of C1, respiratory, and photorespiratory CO2. Moreover, [13C]methanol and [13C]formaldehyde induced a quantitative labeling of both carbon atoms of acetic acid emissions, possibly through the rapid turnover of the chloroplastic acetyl-CoA pool via glycolate oxidation. The results support a role of the C1 pathway to provide an alternative carbon source for glycine methylation in photorespiration, enhance CO2 concentrations within chloroplasts, and produce key C2 intermediates (e.g., acetyl-CoA) central to anabolic and catabolic metabolism. PMID:28946627

  1. Integration of C 1 and C 2 Metabolism in Trees


    Jardine, Kolby J.; Fernandes de Souza, Vinicius; Oikawa, Patty; ...


    C 1 metabolism in plants is known to be involved in photorespiration, nitrogen and amino acid metabolism, as well as methylation and biosynthesis of metabolites and biopolymers. Although the flux of carbon through the C 1 pathway is thought to be large, its intermediates are difficult to measure and relatively little is known about this potentially ubiquitous pathway. In this study, we evaluated the C 1 pathway and its integration with the central metabolism using aqueous solutions of 13C-labeled C 1 and C 2 intermediates delivered to branches of the tropical species Inga edulis via the transpiration stream. Delivery ofmore » [ 13C]methanol and [ 13C]formaldehyde rapidly stimulated leaf emissions of [ 13C]methanol, [ 13C]formaldehyde, [ 13C]formic acid, and 13CO 2, confirming the existence of the C 1 pathway and rapid interconversion between methanol and formaldehyde. However, while [ 13C]formate solutions stimulated emissions of 13CO 2, emissions of [ 13C]methanol or [ 13C]formaldehyde were not detected, suggesting that once oxidation to formate occurs it is rapidly oxidized to CO 2 within chloroplasts. 13C-labeling of isoprene, a known photosynthetic product, was linearly related to 13CO 2 across C 1 and C 2 ([ 13C 2]acetate and [2- 13C]glycine) substrates, consistent with reassimilation of C 1, respiratory, and photorespiratory CO 2. Moreover, [ 13C]methanol and [ 13C]formaldehyde induced a quantitative labeling of both carbon atoms of acetic acid emissions, possibly through the rapid turnover of the chloroplastic acetyl-CoA pool via glycolate oxidation. The results support a role of the C 1 pathway to provide an alternative carbon source for glycine methylation in photorespiration, enhance CO 2 concentrations within chloroplasts, and produce key C 2 intermediates (e.g., acetyl-CoA) central to anabolic and catabolic metabolism.« less

  2. Integration of C 1 and C 2 Metabolism in Trees

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jardine, Kolby J.; Fernandes de Souza, Vinicius; Oikawa, Patty

    C 1 metabolism in plants is known to be involved in photorespiration, nitrogen and amino acid metabolism, as well as methylation and biosynthesis of metabolites and biopolymers. Although the flux of carbon through the C 1 pathway is thought to be large, its intermediates are difficult to measure and relatively little is known about this potentially ubiquitous pathway. In this study, we evaluated the C 1 pathway and its integration with the central metabolism using aqueous solutions of 13C-labeled C 1 and C 2 intermediates delivered to branches of the tropical species Inga edulis via the transpiration stream. Delivery ofmore » [ 13C]methanol and [ 13C]formaldehyde rapidly stimulated leaf emissions of [ 13C]methanol, [ 13C]formaldehyde, [ 13C]formic acid, and 13CO 2, confirming the existence of the C 1 pathway and rapid interconversion between methanol and formaldehyde. However, while [ 13C]formate solutions stimulated emissions of 13CO 2, emissions of [ 13C]methanol or [ 13C]formaldehyde were not detected, suggesting that once oxidation to formate occurs it is rapidly oxidized to CO 2 within chloroplasts. 13C-labeling of isoprene, a known photosynthetic product, was linearly related to 13CO 2 across C 1 and C 2 ([ 13C 2]acetate and [2- 13C]glycine) substrates, consistent with reassimilation of C 1, respiratory, and photorespiratory CO 2. Moreover, [ 13C]methanol and [ 13C]formaldehyde induced a quantitative labeling of both carbon atoms of acetic acid emissions, possibly through the rapid turnover of the chloroplastic acetyl-CoA pool via glycolate oxidation. The results support a role of the C 1 pathway to provide an alternative carbon source for glycine methylation in photorespiration, enhance CO 2 concentrations within chloroplasts, and produce key C 2 intermediates (e.g., acetyl-CoA) central to anabolic and catabolic metabolism.« less

  3. Impulsions laser femtosecondes intenses à contraste élevé dans le bleu-vert par amplification directe dans un milieu gazeux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Uteza, O.; Tcheremiskine, V.; Clady, R.; Coustillier, G.; Sentis, M.; Spiga, Ph.; Mikheev, L. D.


    Cet article présente la conception d'une chaîne laser femtoseconde TW visible, associant (i) un oscillateur solide Ti:Sa opéré à 950 nm, (ii) un amplificateur optique à dérive de fréquence permettant l'amplification du signal à 950 nm au niveau de plusieurs dizaines de mJ, (iii) un système doubleur pour convertir le signal à 475 nm et l'injecter dans le milieu amplificateur XeF (C-A), (iv) un milieu gazeux excimères XeF (C-A) permettant l'amplification directe du signal à 475 nm à plusieurs centaines de mJ et ainsi l'obtention d'impulsions TW visibles à contraste élevé.

  4. The role of C2-C7 and O-C2 angle in the development of dysphagia after cervical spine surgery.


    Tian, Wei; Yu, Jie


    Dysphagia is a known complication of cervical surgery and may be prolonged or occasionally serious. A previous study showed that dysphagia after occipitocervical fusion was caused by oropharyngeal stenosis resulting from O-C2 (upper cervical lordosis) fixation in a flexed position. However, there have been few reports analyzing the association between the C2-C7 angle (middle-lower cervical lordosis) and postoperative dysphagia. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between cervical lordosis and the development of dysphagia after anterior and posterior cervical spine surgery (AC and PC). Three hundred fifty-four patients were reviewed in this retrospective clinical study, including 172 patients who underwent the AC procedure and 182 patients who had the PC procedure between June 2007 and May 2010. The presence and duration of postoperative dysphagia were recorded via face-to-face questioning or telephone interview performed at least 1 year after the procedure. Plain cervical radiographs before and after surgery were collected. The O-C2 angle and the C2-C7 angle were measured. Changes in the O-C2 angle and the C2-C7 angle were defined as dO-C2 angle = postoperative O-C2 angle - preoperative O-C2 angle and dC2-C7 angle = postoperative C2-C7 angle - preoperative C2-C7 angle. The association between postoperative dysphagia with dO-C2 angle and dC2-C7 angle was studied. Results showed that 12.8 % of AC and 9.4 % of PC patients reported dysphagia after cervical surgery. The dC2-C7 angle has considerable impact on postoperative dysphagia. When the dC2-C7 angle is greater than 5°, the chance of developing postoperative dysphagia is significantly greater. The dO-C2 angle, age, gender, BMI, operative time, blood loss, procedure type, revision surgery, most cephalic operative level, and number of operative levels did not significantly influence the incidence of postoperative dysphagia. No relationship was found between the dC2-C7 angle and the degree of

  5. Building to be Named for Former Rep. Dan Schaefer Websites

    Building to be Named for Former Rep. Dan Schaefer For more information contact: e:mail: Public Renewable Energy Laboratory will be renamed to honor retired U.S. Rep. Dan Schaefer on Monday, Jan. 11. In ceremonies beginning at 11 a.m., the center formally will become the Dan Schaefer Federal Building. Congress

  6. The lacustrine record of the Dan-C2 hyperthermal event of the Boltysh Impact Crater, Ukraine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ebinghaus, Alena; Jolley, David W.


    Vegetation response to rapid climate change in the geological record is a fundamental element in our understanding of ancient environments; however, the relationships between climate change, plant ecosystems and geological processes are still not fully understood. The filling of the K/Pg Boltysh meteorite crater, Ukraine, comprise a complete terrestrial sedimentological, palynological and δ13C record of the negative carbon isotope excursion of the early Danian hyperthermal episode. The meteorite impact formed a crater of c. 24 km in diameter at c. 65.2 Ma, which was filled with more than 500 m of organic- and fossil-rich claystones, siltstones and marls, interbedded with sandstones and less frequently gravelly sandstones. The sedimentary succession indicates a deep lake setting that was characterised by fluvial input of reworked basement material via a marginal delta system. Palynological investigations indicate a post-impact early- to mid-successional flora followed by a barren zone which coincides with the age of the Chicxulub impact and therefore argues for a series of impact events at the K/Pg boundary. This barren zone was succeeded by a fern spike marking an initial plant re-colonization. The following palynoflora suggests moisture availability oscillations (MAOs) reflecting 41 k.y. obliquity cycles, which can be correlated with lithological fluctuations during lake evolution. The aim is to conduct a detailed, complete facies analysis, and to correlate lake evolutionary aspects with climatic oscillations and vegetation change within the catchment area. This study will be compared with records of similar hyperthermal events, such as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Western Interior in North America. This integrated approach will help to better understand the controlling factors of global warming events, and their effects on ancient sedimentary environments and ecosystems.

  7. 1α,25(OH)2-Vitamin D3 Inhibits C2C12 Cell Differentiation by Activating c-Src and ERK1/2.


    Wang, Zhonghua; Jiang, Aijun; Mei, Jingwei; Zhang, Xinyan


    The steroid hormone 1α,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 (1,25-D3) induced some biological responses through activation of MAPK cascades in various cell types. It seems that 1,25-D3 plays different roles at different stages of proliferating, differentiating, and differentiated C2C12 cells. We wanted to detect the effect of 1,25-D3 on myogenic differentiation and the role of ERK1/2 in differentiating stage induced by 2% horse serum with 1,25-D3. In this study, cells were induced to differentiate with 2% horse serum until the 7th day (with addition of 1,25-D3 every two days). The protein level of MHC (myosin heavy chain) and phosphorylation level of Src and ERK1/2 were determined with western blot. U0126 (MEK inhibitor) and PP2 (Src specific inhibitor) were used to confirm the relationship between 1,25-D3, MHC, Src, and ERK1/2. 1,25-D3 inhibited differentiation of C2C12 cells and fusion of myotubes by phosphorylating and activating Src and ERK1/2. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was inhibited, not only by U0126 but also by PP2 (a Src specific inhibitor) which led to the promotion of differentiation of C2C12 cells; however, U0126 did not inhibit Src phosphorylation. These results suggested that 1,25-D3 possibly inhibited C2C12 differentiation through Src and ERK1/2, and Src played an upstream role in this signaling pathway.

  8. Problématique de l'utilisation des Moustiquaires Imprégnées d'insecticide à Longue Durée (MILD) chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Philippe, Cilundika Mulenga; Odile, Nyota Nsenga; Numbi, Oscar Luboya


    Introduction Le paludisme est une maladie parasitaire à transmission vectorielle qui constitue un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays tropicaux, particulièrement les pays de l'Afrique Subsaharienne. La présente étude avait pour objectif d'identifier le niveau d'utilisation de la MILD chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans la zone de santé de Mumbunda. Méthodes L’étude, de type transversal, a été mené du 25 au 27 octobre 2013 et a porté sur un échantillon de 410 ménages tirés au hasard et ayant au moins un enfant de moins de 5 ans. Résultats Parmi les ménages qui avaient déclaré possédaient la MILD 13,1% (n=54) des répondant avaient déclaré les utilisé chez les enfants de moins de 5ans et 80,2% pour tout le monde. Dans 22,0% des cas, les répondants ont évoqué le manque d'argent comme motif de la non possession de la MILD. Les répondants savaient déclarer à 79,8% avoir utilisé la MILD pour se protéger contre la malaria et à 66,3% pour se protéger contre les piqures des moustiques. La MILD a été étalée à l'ombre pendant 24h avant d’être utilisée pour la première fois par 77,9% des ménages. Les répondants avaient déclaré à 15,3% (n=63) avoir reçu les conseils par les médias pour l'usage de la moustiquaire. Et le personnel médical était la source la plus importante pour expliquer le mode d'emploi de la MILD pour 51,2% des ménages. Conclusion La réussite pour faire reculer le paludisme doit nécessairement passer par la prévention, le suivi et l’évaluation de l'utilisation des moustiquaires imprégnées au niveau de la zone de santé de Mumbunda. PMID:27222690

  9. Effect of acute pancreatitis on the pharmacokinetics of Chinese herbal ointment Liu-He-Dan in anaesthetized rats.


    Zhao, Xian-Lin; Xiang, Jin; Wan, Mei-Hua; Yu, Qin; Chen, Wei-wei; Chen, Guang-Yuan; Tang, Wen-Fu


    Chinese herbal preparation of Liu-He-Dan ointment has been adapted for acute pancreatitis in external application for many years in West China. To investigate the effect of acute pancreatitis on the pharmacokinetics of Liu-He-Dan ointment in rats while it was used externally on belly. Twelve male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into acute pancreatitis model group (n=6) and normal group as a control (n=6). Chinese herbal Liu-He-Dan ointment was used externally on belly. Emodin, rhein, aloe emodin, physcion and chrysophanol in plasma and pancreas (at 48 h) were detected and quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Amylase in plasma were determined with iodide process. Among the five components, only emodin, aloe emodin and physcion from Liu-He-Dan were detected in plasma and pancreas. The absorption of each component was tended to decrease in acute pancreatitis group after topically management with Liu-He-Dan ointment on rats' abdomen. The T(max), C(max) and area under curve (AUC) of each component were distinctly lower in AP group than those in normal group (p<0.05). However, the T(1/2α) and mean retention time (MRT) of emodin lasted longer in acute pancreatitis group than those in normal group (p<0.05). There was no statistical difference in the MRT of aloe emodin and physcion between the two groups. Emodin could be detected in all rats' pancreas at 48 h in both groups, while its mean pancreatic concentration was higher in acute pancreatitis model group than in normal group (0.91 ± 0.68, 0.41 ± 0.36, respectively). Physcion could be detected in pancreas of most acute pancreatitis models, but not in normal rats. Aloe emodin was found in all pancreas from acute pancreatitis models while only one in normal group. The level of amylase in Liu-He-Dan group was obviously lower than that in the AP model group (p=0.0055). We concluded that acute pancreatitis may significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of Liu-He-Dan while external applied

  10. [Survival is associated with time to reach PSA nadir (DAN) and the ratio DAN/nadir value after androgen deprivation for prostate cancer].


    Gagnat, A; Larré, S; Fromont, G; Pirès, C; Doré, B; Irani, J


    The objective of this study was to assess the prognostic decrease rate of PSA in patients treated with androgen suppression (AS) for prostate cancer (PCa). We identified in our database CaP patients with histologically documented, treated with SA alone and for whom vital status with a minimum follow-up of 6 months (except death beforehand) was established. Patient characteristics and CaP and PSA at baseline, PSA nadir, time of reaching the nadir PSA (DAN) and the ratio of the DAN/nadir value (ratio DAN/Nadir) were analyzed in relation to progression-free survival, specific and overall survival. One hundred ninety eight patients met the inclusion criteria and the median was 61.5 months (range 4.8 to 233). The median PSA at the start of the SA were 37.1 ng/mL and the median nadir PSA was 0.48 ng/mL. The median time to progression was 23.6 months. The median specific and overall survivals were 94 and 78 months, respectively. In univariate analysis, predictors of progression-free survival were PSA before SA, PSA nadir, DAN, DAN ratio/nadir, Gleason score, the percentage of core positive prostate biopsy and the status of bone scintigraphy. Except for PSA before SA which was no longer significant, predictors of specific and overall survival were similar and added the biochemical response (decrease of more than 50% of PSA) to a second hormonal manipulation during the biological progression. In multivariate analysis, the nadir PSA and the ratio DAN/Nadir remained significant predictors. These results have confirmed in one hand the predictive value of survival in patients DAN SA for CaP: achieving faster nadir PSA was associated with shorter survival. They have introduced in the other hand the new concept of DAN/Nadir PSA which provides independent prognostic information. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Relations de Dispersion et Diffusion des Glueballs et des Mesons dans la Theorie de Jauge U(1)(2+1) Compacte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmed, Chaara El Mouez

    Nous avons etudie les relations de dispersion et la diffusion des glueballs et des mesons dans le modele U(1)_{2+1} compact. Ce modele a ete souvent utilise comme un simple modele de la chromodynamique quantique (QCD), parce qu'il possede le confinement ainsi que les etats de glueballs. Par contre, sa structure mathematique est beaucoup plus simple que la QCD. Notre methode consiste a diagonaliser l'Hamiltonien de ce modele dans une base appropriee de graphes et sur reseau impulsion, afin de generer les relations de dispersion des glueballs et des mesons. Pour la diffusion, nous avons utilise la methode dependante du temps pour calculer la matrice S et la section efficace de diffusion des glueballs et des mesons. Les divers resultats obtenus semblent etre en accord avec les travaux anterieurs de Hakim, Alessandrini et al., Irving et al., qui eux, utilisent plutot la theorie des perturbations en couplage fort, et travaillent sur un reseau espace-temps.

  12. Comparison of Ion Chemistries in Octafluoro-2-butene (2-C4F8) and in Octfluorocyclobutane (c-C4F8)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiao, Charles; Dejoseph, Charles; Garscadden, Alan


    2-C4F8 is one of the promising candidates to replace c-C4F8 that has been widely used for dielectric etching but is not environmentally friendly. In this study we have investigated electron impact ionization and ion-molecule reactions of 2-C4F8 using Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS), and compared the results with those of c-C4F8 we have studied previously. Electron impact ionization of 2-C4F8 produces 15 ionic species including C4F7,8^+, C3F3,5,6^+, C2F4^+ and CF1-3^+ as the major ions. The total ionization cross section of 2-C4F8 reaches a maximum of 1.8x10-15 cm^2 at 90 eV. The ionization is dominated by the channel forming the parent ion C4F8^+ from 12 to 18 eV, and by the channel forming C3F5^+ from 18 to 70 eV. After 70 eV, CF3^+ becomes the dominant product ion. Among the major ions generated from the electron impact ionization of 2-C4F8, only CF^+, CF2^+ and CF3^+ are found to react with 2-C4F8, via F^- abstraction or charge transfer mechanism. The charge transfer reaction of Ar^++2-C4F8 produces primarily C4F7^+.

  13. "Shawthan Dan," "Shawthan Kwanje": Good People, Good Words--Creating a "dan k'e" Speech Community in an Elementary School

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ferguson, Jenanne


    This paper investigates how the processes of language transmission among speakers of Southern Tutchone ("dan k'e"), an indigenous Athapaskan language of the southern Yukon Territory, Canada, bear out an emerging theoretical interest in how bottom-up communicative practices shape language policy. An examination of "dan k'e"…

  14. Effets Seebeck et Nernst dans les cuprates: Etude de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi sous champ magnetique intense

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laliberte, Francis


    Ce memoire presente des mesures de transport thermoelectrique, les effets Seebeck et Nernst, dans une serie d'echantillons de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Des resultats obtenus recemment au Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses a Grenoble sur La1.7Eu0.2Sr0.1 CuO4, La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO 4, La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4, La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 et La 1.4Nd0.4Sr0.2CuO4 sont analyses. Une attention particuliere est accordee aux equations de la theorie semi-classique du transport et leur validite est verifiee. La procedure experimentale et les materiaux utilises pour concevoir les montages de mesures sont expliques en detail. Enfin, un chapitre est dedie a l'explication et l'interpretation des resultats de transport thermoelectrique sur YBa2Cu3O6+delta publies au cours de l'hiver 2010 dans les revues Nature et Physical Review Letters. Les donnees d'effet Seebeck dans les echantillons de La 1.8-x,Eu0.2SrxCuO 4, ou un changement de signe est observe, permettent de conclure a la presence d'une poche d'electrons dans la surface de Fermi qui domine le transport a basse temperature dans la region sous-dopee du diagramme de phase. Cette conclusion est similaire a celle obtenue par des mesures d'effet Hall dans YBa 2Cu3O6+delta et elle cadre bien dans un scenario de reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. Les donnees d'effet Nernst recueillies indiquent que la contribution des fluctuations supraconductrices est limitee a un modeste intervalle de temperature au-dessus de la temperature critique.

  15. Rate coefficients for the reactions of C2(a(3)Pi(u)) and C2(X(1)Sigma(g)(+)) with various hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H8): a gas-phase experimental study over the temperature range 24-300 K.


    Páramo, Alejandra; Canosa, André; Le Picard, Sébastien D; Sims, Ian R


    The kinetics of reactions of C2(a(3)Pi(u)) and C2(X(1)Sigma(g)(+)) with various hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H8) have been studied in a uniform supersonic flow expansion over the temperature range 24-300 K. Rate coefficients have been obtained by using the pulsed laser photolysis-laser induced fluorescence technique, where both radicals were produced at the same time but detected separately. The reactivity of the triplet state was found to be significantly lower than that of the singlet ground state for all reactants over the whole temperature range of the study. Whereas C2(X(1)Sigma(g)(+)) reacts with a rate coefficient close to the gas kinetic limit with all hydrocarbons studied apart from CH4, C2(a(3)Pi(u)) appears to be more sensitive to the molecular and electronic structure of the reactant partners. The latter reacts at least one order of magnitude faster with unsaturated hydrocarbons than with alkanes, and the rate coefficients increase very significantly with the size of the alkane. Results are briefly discussed in terms of their potential astrophysical impact.

  16. Dan Olis | NREL Websites

    | 303-384-7398 Dan Olis is a mechanical engineer with experience in mechanical and systems design, plant for the U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and the

  17. First Observation and Analysis of OCS-C_4H_2 Dimer and (OCS)_2-C_4H_2 Trimer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sheybani-Deloui, S.; Yousefi, Mahdi; Norooz Oliaee, Jalal; McKellar, Bob; Moazzen-Ahmadi, Nasser


    Infrared spectrum of a slipped near parallel isomer of OCS-C_4H_2 was observed in the region of νb{1} fundamental band of OCS monomer (˜2062 wn) using a diode laser to probe the supersonic slit jet expansion. The ab initio calculations at MP2 level indicate that the observed structure is the lowest energy isomer. The OCS-C_4H_2 band is composed of hybrid a/b-type transitions and was simulated by a conventional asymmetric top Hamiltonian with rotational constants of A=2892.15(10) MHz, B=1244.178(84) MHz, and C=868.692(52) MHz. The spectrum shows a relatively large red-shift of ˜6 wn with respect to the OCS monomer band origin. Also, one band for (OCS)_2-C_4H_2 trimer is observed around 2065 wn. This band is blue-shifted by 3 wn relative to the νb{1} fundamental band of OCS monomer. Our analysis shows that this trimer has C2 symmetry with rotational constants of A= 855.854(61) MHz, B=733.15(11) MHz, and C=610.10(38) MHz and c-type transitions. This structure is comparable with that of (OCS)_2-C_2H_2 where the OCS dimer unit within the trimer is non-polar. In addition to the normal isotoplogues, OCS-C_4D_2 and (OCS)_2-C_4D_2 were observed. In this talk, we discuss our observations and analysis on OCS-C_4H_2 dimer and (OCS)_2-C_4H_2 trimer. Mojtaba Rezaei, A. R. W. McKellar, and N. Moazzen-Ahmadi, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 10416 (2011).

  18. NR2C in the thalamic reticular nucleus; effects of the NR2C knockout.


    Zhang, Yuchun; Buonanno, Andres; Vertes, Robert P; Hoover, Walter B; Lisman, John E


    NMDAR antagonists can evoke delta frequency bursting in the nucleus reticularis of the thalamus (nRT). The mechanism of this oscillation was determined; antagonist blocks an NR2C-like conductance that has low Mg block at resting potential and thus can contribute a resting inward current in response to ambient glutamate. Block of this current hyperpolarizes the cell, deinactivating T-type Ca channels and thus triggering delta frequency bursting. The basis for assuming a NR2C-like conductance was that (1) transcripts for NR2C are abundant in the thalamus and (2) the current-voltage curve of the synaptically evoked NMDAR current has the low rectification characteristic of NR2C. In the current study, we have sought to determine whether the channels that generate the NMDAR current are NR2C-like or are actually comprised of receptors containing NR2C. We studied the current-voltage curve of synaptically evoked NMDAR current in the nRT of NR2C knockout mice. In wild-type mice, the current was weakly voltage dependent, as previously observed in rats. This weak rectification was absent in NR2C KO mice. In contrast, NR2C KO had no effect on the strongly rectifying NMDAR current in pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex. These results demonstrate that the low rectification normally observed in the nRT is due to NR2C.

  19. Copper nanoparticle ensembles for selective electroreduction of CO 2 to C 2-C 3 products

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kim, Dohyung; Kley, Christopher S.; Li, Yifan

    Direct conversion of carbon dioxide to multicarbon products remains as a grand challenge in electrochemical CO 2 reduction. Various forms of oxidized copper have been demonstrated as electrocatalysts that still require large overpotentials. Here in this paper, we show that an ensemble of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) enables selective formation of C 2C 3 products at low overpotentials. Densely packed Cu NP ensembles underwent structural transformation during electrolysis into electrocatalytically active cube-like particles intermixed with smaller nanoparticles. Ethylene, ethanol, and n-propanol are the major C 2C 3 products with onset potential at -0.53 V (vs. reversible hydrogen electrode, RHE) and Cmore » 2C 3 faradaic efficiency (FE) reaching 50% at only -0.75 V. Thus, the catalyst exhibits selective generation of C 2C 3 hydrocarbons and oxygenates at considerably lowered overpotentials in neutral pH aqueous media. In addition, this approach suggests new opportunities in realizing multicarbon product formation from CO 2, where the majority of efforts has been to use oxidized copper-based materials. Robust catalytic performance is demonstrated by 10 h of stable operation with C 2C 3 current density 10 mA/cm 2 (at -0.75 V), rendering it attractive for solar-to-fuel applications. Lastly, Tafel analysis suggests reductive CO coupling as a rate determining step for C 2 products, while n-propanol (C 3) production seems to have a discrete pathway.« less

  20. Copper nanoparticle ensembles for selective electroreduction of CO 2 to C 2-C 3 products


    Kim, Dohyung; Kley, Christopher S.; Li, Yifan; ...


    Direct conversion of carbon dioxide to multicarbon products remains as a grand challenge in electrochemical CO 2 reduction. Various forms of oxidized copper have been demonstrated as electrocatalysts that still require large overpotentials. Here in this paper, we show that an ensemble of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) enables selective formation of C 2C 3 products at low overpotentials. Densely packed Cu NP ensembles underwent structural transformation during electrolysis into electrocatalytically active cube-like particles intermixed with smaller nanoparticles. Ethylene, ethanol, and n-propanol are the major C 2C 3 products with onset potential at -0.53 V (vs. reversible hydrogen electrode, RHE) and Cmore » 2C 3 faradaic efficiency (FE) reaching 50% at only -0.75 V. Thus, the catalyst exhibits selective generation of C 2C 3 hydrocarbons and oxygenates at considerably lowered overpotentials in neutral pH aqueous media. In addition, this approach suggests new opportunities in realizing multicarbon product formation from CO 2, where the majority of efforts has been to use oxidized copper-based materials. Robust catalytic performance is demonstrated by 10 h of stable operation with C 2C 3 current density 10 mA/cm 2 (at -0.75 V), rendering it attractive for solar-to-fuel applications. Lastly, Tafel analysis suggests reductive CO coupling as a rate determining step for C 2 products, while n-propanol (C 3) production seems to have a discrete pathway.« less

  1. Apoptosis in differentiating C2C12 muscle cells selectively targets Bcl-2-deficient myotubes

    PubMed Central

    Schoneich, Christian; Dremina, Elena; Galeva, Nadezhda; Sharov, Victor


    Muscle cell apoptosis accompanies normal muscle development and regeneration, as well as degenerative diseases and aging. C2C12 murine myoblast cells represent a common model to study muscle differentiation. Though it was already shown that myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cells is accompanied by enhanced apoptosis in a fraction of cells, either the cell population sensitive to apoptosis or regulatory mechanisms for the apoptotic response are unclear so far. In the current study we characterize apoptotic phenotypes of different types of C2C12 cells at all stages of differentiation, and report here that myotubes of differentiated C2C12 cells with low levels of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 expression are particularly vulnerable to apoptosis even though they are displaying low levels of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, Bak and Bad. In contrast, reserve cells exhibit higher levels of Bcl-2 and high resistance to apoptosis. The transfection of proliferating myoblasts with Bcl-2 prior to differentiation did not protect against spontaneous apoptosis accompanying differentiation of C2C12 cell but led to Bcl-2 overexpression in myotubes and to significant protection from apoptotic cell loss caused by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Overall, our data advocate for a Bcl-2-dependent mechanism of apoptosis in differentiated muscle cells. However, downstream processes for spontaneous and hydrogen peroxide induced apoptosis are not completely similar. Apoptosis in differentiating myoblasts and myotubes is regulated not through interaction of Bcl-2 with pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins such as Bax, Bak, and Bad. PMID:24129924

  2. Le satellite Encelade source d'ions N+ dans la magnétosphère de Saturne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouhram, Mehdi; Berthelier, Jean-Jacques; Illiano, Jean-Marie; Smith, Howard T.; Sittler, Edward C.; Crary, Frank J.; Young, Dave T.


    xml:lang="fr">RésuméLe premier passage de la sonde Cassini dans l'environnement de Saturne, au dessus de l'anneau E, a mis en évidence l'existence d'un plasma composé d'un mélange d'ions issus des produits de l'eau (H+, O+, OH+, H2O+) avec une faible composante en ions N+ (3 %). A partir d'un modèle simple du transport des ions dans la magnétosphère, nous montrons que la source de ces ions N+ coïncide avec le satellite Encelade. Un tel résultat peut s'expliquer par la présence de composés volatiles tels que l'ammoniac NH3 sur ce satellite de glace, supposé encore actif géologiquement, ou par la présence d'ions N+ d'origine externe préalablement implantés sur sa surface. Pour citer cet article : M. Bouhram et al., C. R. Physique 6 (2005).

  3. Structural inheritance and difference between Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2  and Ti 5Al 2C 3 under pressure from first principles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gao, Qing -He; Du, An; Yang, Ze -Jin

    The structural inheritance and difference between Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2 and Ti 5Al 2C 3 under pressure from first principles are studied. The results indicate that the lattice parameter a are almost the same within Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2 and Ti 5Al 2C 3, and the value of c in Ti 5Al 2C 3 is the sum of Ti 2AlC and Ti 3AlC 2 which is revealed by the covalently bonded chain in the electron density difference: Al–Ti–C–Ti–Al for Ti 2AlC, Al–Ti 2–C–Ti 1–C–Ti 2–Al for Ti 3AlC 2 and Al–Ti 3–C 2–Ti 3–Al–Ti 2C 1–Ti 1–C 1–Timore » 2–Al for Ti 5Al 2C 3. The calculated axial compressibilities, volumetric shrinkage, elastic constant c 11, c 33/c 11 ratio, bulk modulus, shear modulus, and Young’s modulus of Ti 5Al 2C 3 are within the range of the end members (Ti 2AlC and Ti 3AlC 2) in a wide pressure range of 0–100 GPa. Only Ti 2AlC is isotropic crystal at about 50 GPa within the Ti–Al–C compounds. All of the Ti 3 d density of states curves of the three compounds move from lower energy to higher energy level with pressure increasing. The similarities of respective bond length, bond overlap population (Ti–C, Ti–Al and Ti–Ti), atom Mulliken charges under pressure as well as the electron density difference for the three compounds are discovered. Among the Ti–Al–C ternary compounds, Ti–Ti bond behaves least compressibility, whereas the Ti–Al bond is softer than that of Ti–C bonds, which can also been confirmed by the density of states and electron density difference. Bond overlap populations of Ti–Ti, Ti–C and Ti–Al indicate that the ionicity interaction becomes more and more stronger in the three structures as the pressure increasing. Lastly, Mulliken charges of Ti 1, Ti 2, Ti 3, C and Al are 0.65, 0.42, 0.39, –0.73, –0.04 at 0 GPa, respectively, which are consistent with the Pauling scale.« less

  4. Structural inheritance and difference between Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2  and Ti 5Al 2C 3 under pressure from first principles


    Gao, Qing -He; Du, An; Yang, Ze -Jin


    The structural inheritance and difference between Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2 and Ti 5Al 2C 3 under pressure from first principles are studied. The results indicate that the lattice parameter a are almost the same within Ti 2AlC, Ti 3AlC 2 and Ti 5Al 2C 3, and the value of c in Ti 5Al 2C 3 is the sum of Ti 2AlC and Ti 3AlC 2 which is revealed by the covalently bonded chain in the electron density difference: Al–Ti–C–Ti–Al for Ti 2AlC, Al–Ti 2–C–Ti 1–C–Ti 2–Al for Ti 3AlC 2 and Al–Ti 3–C 2–Ti 3–Al–Ti 2C 1–Ti 1–C 1–Timore » 2–Al for Ti 5Al 2C 3. The calculated axial compressibilities, volumetric shrinkage, elastic constant c 11, c 33/c 11 ratio, bulk modulus, shear modulus, and Young’s modulus of Ti 5Al 2C 3 are within the range of the end members (Ti 2AlC and Ti 3AlC 2) in a wide pressure range of 0–100 GPa. Only Ti 2AlC is isotropic crystal at about 50 GPa within the Ti–Al–C compounds. All of the Ti 3 d density of states curves of the three compounds move from lower energy to higher energy level with pressure increasing. The similarities of respective bond length, bond overlap population (Ti–C, Ti–Al and Ti–Ti), atom Mulliken charges under pressure as well as the electron density difference for the three compounds are discovered. Among the Ti–Al–C ternary compounds, Ti–Ti bond behaves least compressibility, whereas the Ti–Al bond is softer than that of Ti–C bonds, which can also been confirmed by the density of states and electron density difference. Bond overlap populations of Ti–Ti, Ti–C and Ti–Al indicate that the ionicity interaction becomes more and more stronger in the three structures as the pressure increasing. Lastly, Mulliken charges of Ti 1, Ti 2, Ti 3, C and Al are 0.65, 0.42, 0.39, –0.73, –0.04 at 0 GPa, respectively, which are consistent with the Pauling scale.« less

  5. Vitamin C-linker-conjugated tripeptide AHK stimulates BMP-2-induced osteogenic differentiation of mouse myoblast C2C12 cells.


    Jung, Jung-Il; Park, Kyeong-Yong; Lee, Yura; Park, Mira; Kim, Jiyeon

    Vitamin C-linker-conjugated Ala-His-Lys tripeptide (Vit C-AHK) is a derivative of Vitamin C-conjugated tripeptides, which were originally developed as a component of a product for collagen synthesis enhancement or human dermal fibroblast growth. Here, we investigated the effect of Vit C-AHK on bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2-induced osteoblast differentiation in a cell culture model. Vit C-AHK enhanced proliferation of C2C12 cells and induction of BMP-2-induced alkaline phosphatase, a typical marker of osteoblast differentiation. Vit C-AHK also stimulated the phosphorylation and translocation of Smad1/5/8 to the nucleus and phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) including ERK1/2 and p38. In addition, Vit C-AHK enhanced the BMP-2-induced mRNA expression of osteoblast differentiation-related genes such as ALP, BMP-2, Osteocalcin, and Runx2. Our results suggest that Vit C-AHK exerts an enhancing effect on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation through activation of Smad1/5/8 and MAPK ERK1/2 and p38 signaling and without significant cytotoxicity. These results provide important data for the development of peptide-based bone-regenerative agents and treatment of bone-related disorders. Copyright © 2018 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Effets du Parecoxib dans la Prévention des Adhérences abdominales postopératoires: étude expérimentale randomisée chez les rats

    PubMed Central

    Arung, Willy; Tshilombo, François; Odimba, Etienne


    Introduction Bien d’études ont été menées sur les adhérences intrapéritonéales, mais aucune unanimité n'est encore acquise sur leur prévention. Le but de notre étude a été d’évaluer le potentiel effet d'un antiinflammatoire, parecoxib dans la prévention des adhérences ainsi que sur la cicatrisation chez des rats. Méthodes Dans un modèle expérimental d'adhérences postopératoires secondaires à des lésions péritonéales par brûlure, 30 rats furent randomisés en trois groupes suivant le mode d'administration de parecoxib (groupe contrôle; intrapéritonéal; intramusculaire. Résultats Le parecoxib a significativement diminué la quantité (p < .05) et la sévérité (p < .01) des adhérences postopératoires dans les deux modèles expérimentaux. Au total, 21 rats ont développé des adhérences, respectivement 9 (100%) dans le groupe A, 5 (50%) dans le groupe B et 7 (70%) dans le groupe C (p = 0.05). Du point de vue de la formation des adhérences au site du traumatisme, dix-neuf rats en ont développé: 9 (100%) dans le groupe A et 5 (50%) pour chacun de deux autres groupes B et C. Une différence significative a été constatée en comparant ces groupes deux à deux: A vs B (p < 0.05); A vs C (p < 0,05). Parecoxib n'a pas compromis la cicatrisation intestinale, ni cutanée. Conclusion Cette étude a montré que le parecoxib pouvait réduire la formation des adhérences postopératoires. La confirmation de la sécurité du parecoxib sur les anastomoses intestinales doit être investiguée au cours d'autres expérimentations. PMID:26966478

  7. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nkala, Isabelle Vanessa Monthe; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kamga, Hortense Gonsu; Noubom, Michel; Mvogo, Côme Ebana; Sosso, Maurice Aurelien


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la séroprévalence et les facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et analytique réalisée de février 2012 à Juin 2012 dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Au total, 982 personnes ont été dépistées pour le VIH et les hépatites virales B et C. Les femmes représentaient 56,3% des personnes dépistées. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle des 20 à 24 ans. L’âge médian était de 34,5 ans. Les prévalences du VIH, de l'AgHBs, et de l'Ac anti HCV étaient respectivement de 6,0%, 4,1%, et 0,4%. La prévalence du VIH était 2 fois plus élevée parmi les femmes que les hommes avec 8,1% contre 3,5% (p=0,01). Les prévalences les plus élevées ont été observées chez les personnes de 30 à 34 ans, 40 à 44 ans avec 15,0% et 11,5% (p=0,01), les personnes sans emploi avec 11,1% (p<0,001) et les personnes en union libre avec 17,9% (p=0,000). La prévalence du VIH n’était pas directement liée aux comportements et pratiques sexuels de la population de l’étude. On enregistrait une prévalence élevée de 29,3% chez les individus ayant déclaré avoir au moins une infection sexuellement transmissible (p=0,000). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de mettre en place des stratégies de prévention contre le VIH, les hépatites virales et les facteurs associés au Cameroun. PMID:26113899

  8. Synthesis of 1,2-cis-2-C-branched aryl-C-glucosides via desulfurization of carbohydrate based hemithioacetals

    PubMed Central

    Mebrahtu, Fanuel M; Manana, Mandlenkosi M; Madumo, Kagiso; Sokamisa, Mokela S


    Summary 1-C and 2-C-branched carbohydrates are present as substructures in a number of biologically important compounds. Although the synthesis of such carbohydrate derivatives is extensively studied, the synthesis of 1,2-cis-2-C-branched C-, S-, and N-glycosides is less explored. In this article a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of 1,2-cis-2-C-branched-aryl-C-glucosides is reported via a hydrogenolytic desulfurization of suitably orientated carbohydrate based hemithioacetals. 1,2-cis-2-Hydroxymethyl and 2-carbaldehyde of aryl-C-glucosides have been synthesized using the current strategy in very good yields. The 2-carbaldehyde-aryl-C-glucosides have been identified as suitable substrates for the stereospecific preparation of 2,3-unsaturated-aryl-C-glycosides (Ferrier products). PMID:26124859

  9. Sc2C2@D3h(14246)-C74: A Missing Piece of the Clusterfullerene Puzzle.


    Wang, Yaofeng; Tang, Qiangqiang; Feng, Lai; Chen, Ning


    Clusterfullerenes with variable carbon cages have been extensively studied in recent years. However, despite all these efforts, C 74 cage-based clusterfullerene remains a missing piece of the puzzle. Herein, we show that single-crystal X-ray crystallographic analysis unambiguously assigns the previously reported dimetallofullerene Sc 2 @C 76 to a novel carbide clusterfullerene, Sc 2 C 2 @D 3h (14246)-C 74 , the first experimentally proven clusterfullerene with a C 74 cage. In addition, Sc 2 C 2 @D 3h (14246)-C 74 was charaterized by mass spectrometry, ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared absorption spectroscopy, 45 Sc nuclear magnetic resonance, and cyclic voltammetry. Comparative studies of the motion of the carbide cluster in Sc 2 C 2 @D 3h (14246)-C 74 and Sc 2 C 2 @C 2n (n = 40-44) revealed that a combination of factors, involving both the shape and size of the cage, is crucial in dictating the cluster motion. Moreover, structural studies of D 3h (14246)-C 74 revealed that it can be easily converted to C s (10528)-C 72 and T d (19151)-C 76 cages via C 2 desertion/insertion and Stone-Wales transformation. This suggests that D 3h (14246)-C 74 might play an important role in the growth pathway of clusterfullerenes.

  10. Formation of C3 and C2 in Cometary Comae

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hölscher, Alexander


    Comets are remnants from the Solar System formation. They reside at large distances from the Sun and are believed to store deep freeze imprints of the chemical and physical conditions at the time the Solar System formed. The main ice component of a comet is H2O followed by CO and CO2 with additional small amounts of molecules with varying complexity. Comets also contain large amounts of dust. If a comet approaches the Sun the ices begin to sublimate giving rise to the cometary coma. The molecules producing the coma can be observed in the infrared, the radio wavelength range and at optical wavelengths. To constrain the formation of the Solar System, models require knowledge of the composition for a statistically significant number of comets. This favors optical observations of e.g. C3 (tricarbon) and C2 (dicarbon) since these species allow observations even of relatively faint comets and do not require space missions (infrared observations). However, one has to link these observed photodissociation product species (daughter species) to the molecules that originally sublimated from the comet nucleus surface, i.e. the so-called parent molecules, as e.g. C2H2 (acetylene) for C2. However, for C3 no parent molecules have been identified so far. This thesis investigates the formation of C3 and C2 radicals in cometary comae due to photodissociation of observed and in the literature proposed hydrocarbon parent molecules. For this purpose a one-dimensional multi-fluid coma chemistry model has been improved and applied. This work added new photo reactions to the model, updated the hydrocarbon photo rate coefficients and quantified their uncertainty. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to determine the reactions whose uncertainty most affect the model output uncertainty. Special attention should be paid to these so-called key reactions in future laboratory experiments and quantum chemical computations to reduce the model output uncertainty more effectively. This will

  11. 13C NMR study of the generation of C2- and C3-deuterated lactic acid by tumoral pancreatic islet cells exposed to D-[1-13C]-, D-[2-13C]- and D-[6-13C]-glucose in 2H2O.


    Willem, R; Biesemans, M; Kayser, F; Malaisse, W J


    Tumoral pancreatic islet cells of the RIN5mF line were incubated for 120 min in media prepared in 2H2O and containing D-[1-13C]glucose, D-[2-13C]glucose, and D-[6-13C]glucose. The generation of C2- and C3-deuterated lactic acid was assessed by 13C NMR. The interpretation of experimental results suggests that a) the efficiency of deuteration on the C1 of D-fructose 6-phosphate does not exceed about 47% and 4% in the phosphoglucoisomerase and phosphomannoisomerase reactions, respectively; b) approximately 38% of the molecules of D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate generated from D-glucose escape deuteration in the sequence of reactions catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase and aldolase; and c) about 41% of the molecules of pyruvate generated by glycolysis are immediately converted to lactate, the remaining 59% of pyruvate molecules undergoing first a single or double back-and-forth interconversion with L-alanine. It is proposed that this methodological approach, based on high resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy, may provide novel information on the regulation of back-and-forth interconversion of glycolytic intermediates in intact cells as modulated, for instance, by enzyme-to-enzyme tunneling.

  12. Etude experimentale des excitations topologiques de l'effet Hall quantique a nu = 1 dans les heterostructures semiconductrices a double puits quantique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charlebois, Serge

    De nombreux travaux theoriques et experimentaux ont ete publies sur les excitations topologiques de gaz electroniques bidimensionnels (GE2D), appellees skyrmions, dans le regime de l'effet Hall quantique a remplissage unitaire. On attend des excitations semblables appellees bimerons dans les systemes formes de deux GE2D couples. Contrairement au cas des GE2D simples, aucune experience n'a, a notre connaissance, presente la mesure d'une propriete specifique aux bimerons. Nous presentons dans cette these des travaux experimentaux ayant pour objectif l'etude d'excitations topologiques dans les heterostructures a double puits quantique. Une manifestation attendue (les bimerons est la presence d'une anisotropie dans la conductivite a travers une constriction. Nous avons concu un dispositif original a point de contact a trois grilles non-coplanaires. Ce dispositif a trois grilles a la particularite de permettre la creation d'une constriction etroite dans le double GE2D tout en permettant l'equilibrage de la densite electronique entre les deux puits dans l'etroit canal de conduction. Nous avons fabrique ce dispositif de taille submicronique par electrolithographie sur des heterostructures a double puits. Les dispositifs ainsi fabriques ont ete etudies a basse temperature (0.3K) et ont montre un fonctionnement conforme aux attentes. Les travaux n'ont pas permis de mettre en evidence une anisotropie de transport revelatrice de l'existence de bimerons. Cette these est a notre connaissance la premiere etude experimentale visant la realisation de l'experience d'anisotropie de transport et est ainsi une contribution significative a l'avancement des connaissances dans ce domaine. Les travaux theoriques que nous presentons ont permis de montrer l'effet des excitations topologiques sur la capacite grille-GE2D du systeme. Ces travaux ouvrent la voie de la detection des bimerons par l'intermediaire de la mesure de la capacite grille-GE2D ou encore de la susceptibilite electrique du

  13. CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms: frequencies in the south Indian population.


    Jose, Rosemary; Chandrasekaran, Adithan; Sam, Soya Sisy; Gerard, Nathalie; Chanolean, Shashindran; Abraham, Benny K; Satyanarayanamoorthy, K; Peter, Anitha; Rajagopal, Krishnamoorthy


    The aim of the study was to establish the frequencies of CYP2C9*1, *2, *3 and CYP2C19*1, *2 and *3 in the south Indian population and to compare them with the inter-racial distribution of the CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms. Genotyping analyses of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 were conducted in unrelated, healthy volunteers from the three south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala, by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The allele frequencies of the populations of these three states were then pooled with our previous genotyping data of Tamilians (also in south India), to arrive at the distribution of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 alleles in the south Indian population. Frequencies of CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 alleles and genotypes among various populations were compared using the two-tailed Fisher's exact test. The frequencies of CYP2C9*1, *2 and *3 in the south Indian population were 0.88 (95% CI 0.85-0.91), 0.04 (95% CI 0.02-0.06) and 0.08 (95% CI 0.06-0.11), respectively. The frequencies of CYP2C9 genotypes *1/*1, *1/*2, *1/*3, *2/*2, *2/*3 and *3/*3 were 0.78 (95% CI 0.74-0.82), 0.05 (95% CI 0.03-0.07), 0.15 (95% CI 0.12-0.18), 0.01 (95% CI 0.0-0.02), 0.01 (95% CI 0.0-0.02) and 0.0, respectively. CYP2C19*1, *2 and *3 frequencies were 0.64 (95% CI 0.60-0.68), 0.35 (95% CI 0.31-0.39) and 0.01 (95% CI 0.0-0.03), respectively. As a result of a significant heterogeneity, the data on CYP2C19 genotype frequencies were not pooled. The frequency of CYP2C9*2 mutant alleles in south Indians was higher than in Chinese and Caucasians, while CYP2C9*3 was similar to Caucasians. CYP2C19*2 was higher than in other major populations reported so far. The relatively high CYP2C19 poor-metabolizer genotype frequency of 12.6% indicates that over 28 million south Indians are poor metabolizers of CYP2C19 substrates.

  14. Developpement de mesures non destructives, par ondes ultrasonores, d'epaisseurs de fronts de solidification dans les reacteurs metallurgiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Floquet, Jimmy

    Dans les cuves d'electrolyse d'aluminium, le milieu de reaction tres corrosif attaque les parois de la cuve, ce qui diminue leur duree de vie et augmente les couts de production. Le talus, qui se forme sous l'effet des pertes de chaleur qui maintiennent un equilibre thermique dans la cuve, sert de protection naturelle a la cuve. Son epaisseur doit etre controlee pour maximiser cet effet. Advenant la resorption non voulue de ce talus, les degats generes peuvent s'evaluer a plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars par cuve. Aussi, l'objectif est de developper une mesure ultrasonore de l'epaisseur du talus, car elle serait non intrusive et non destructive. La precision attendue est de l'ordre du centimetre pour des mesures d'epaisseurs comprenant 2 materiaux, allant de 5 a 20 cm. Cette precision est le facteur cle permettant aux industriels de controler l'epaisseur du talus de maniere efficace (maximiser la protection des parois tout en maximisant l'efficacite energetique du procede), par l'ajout d'un flux thermique. Cependant, l'efficacite d'une mesure ultrasonore dans cet environnement hostile reste a demontrer. Les travaux preliminaires ont permis de selectionner un transducteur ultrasonore a contact ayant la capacite a resister aux conditions de mesure (hautes temperatures, materiaux non caracterises...). Differentes mesures a froid (traite par analyse temps-frequence) ont permis d'evaluer la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans le materiau de la cuve en graphite et de la cryolite, demontrant la possibilite d'extraire l'information pertinente d'epaisseur du talus in fine. Fort de cette phase de caracterisation des materiaux sur la reponse acoustique des materiaux, les travaux a venir ont ete realises sur un modele reduit de la cuve. Le montage experimental, un four evoluant a 1050 °C, instrumente d'une multitude de capteurs thermique, permettra une comparaison de la mesure intrusive LVDT a celle du transducteur, dans des conditions proches de la mesure

  15. Overview of C-2U FRC Experimental Program and Plans for C-2W

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gota, H.; Binderbauer, M. W.; Tajima, T.; Putvinski, S.; Tuszewski, M.; Dettrick, S.; Korepanov, S.; Smirnov, A.; Thompson, M. C.; Yang, X.; Cappello, M.; Ivanov, A. A.; TAE Team


    Tri Alpha Energy's experimental program has been focused on a demonstration of reliable field-reversed configuration (FRC) formation and sustainment, driven by fast ions via high-power neutral-beam (NB) injection. The world's largest compact-toroid experimental devices, C-2 and C-2U, have successfully produced a well-stabilized, sustainable FRC plasma state with NB injection (input power, PNB 10 + MW; 15 keV hydrogen) and end-on coaxial plasma guns. Remarkable improvements in confinement and stability of FRC plasmas have led to further improved fast-ion build up; thereby, an advanced beam-driven FRC state has been produced and sustained for up to 5 + ms (longer than all characteristic system time scales), only limited by hardware and electric supply constraints such as NB and plasma-gun power supplies. To further improve the FRC performance the C-2U device is being replaced by C-2W featuring higher injected NB power, longer pulse duration as well as enhanced edge-biasing systems and substantially upgraded divertors. Main C-2U experimental results and key features of C-2W will be presented. Tri Alpha Energy, Inc.

  16. [Intervention effects of Dan-fang capsule in rats with hepatic fibrosis].


    Hu, X H; Wu, J; Lu, S


    Objective: To investigate the interventional effect of Dan-fang capsule on liver fibrosis in rats. Methods: Sixty one-week aged male healthy SD rats [weight (180±20) g] were randomly divided into normal control group (group A), hepatic fibrosis model group (group B), Fu-Fang-Bie-Jia-Ruan-Gan tablet group (group C), Dan-fang capsule groups at high, middle and low dose group (group D, E, F, respectively). Except for the normal control group, hepatic fibrosis was induced in other groups by intraperitoneal injection of porcine serum.Simultaneously, rats in Dan-fang capsule groups were administered by gavage with Dan-fang capsule at doses of 4.32, 2.16, 0.54 g/kg, respectively.Rats in Fu-Fang-Bie-Jia-Ruan-Gan tablet group were orally administered by gavage with Fu-Fang-Bie-Jia-Ruan-Gan tablet (0.54 g/kg) every day and the normal control group received saline alone.All rats were killed at the end of the 12th week. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and PⅢnp clia (PⅢNP) were measured in the groups.Pathology changes of hepatic tissue were evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Masson staining.The proteinic expressions of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen-Ⅰ (COL-Ⅰ) and collagen-Ⅲ (COL-Ⅲ) were observed with the method of immunohistochemistry.Analysis of variance was applied when data were compared among groups. Results: Compared with those in the group A, the levels of ALT, AST and PⅢNP in serum and the expressions of α-SMA, COL-Ⅰ and COL-Ⅲ in liver tissues were significantly higher in group B [(68.3±3.4) vs (51.5±6.3) U/L, (205±52) vs (135±24) U/L, (3.1±1.4) vs (1.6±0.6) μg/L and 0.35±0.02 vs 0.13±0.02, 0.37±0.02 vs 0.13±0.02, 0.43±0.13 vs 0.13±0.01, t =17.020, 71.053, 1.552, 0.214, 0.241, 0.292, all P <0.01], and the degree of liver fibrosis significantly increased in group B than that in group A. Compared with those in group B, the levels of ALT, AST, PⅢNP and the expressions of α-SMA, COL

  17. Direct Role for the Rpd3 Complex in Transcriptional Induction of the Anaerobic DAN/TIR Genes in Yeast▿‡

    PubMed Central

    Sertil, Odeniel; Vemula, Arvind; Salmon, Sharon L.; Morse, Randall H.; Lowry, Charles V.


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae adapts to hypoxia by expressing a large group of “anaerobic” genes. Among these, the eight DAN/TIR genes are regulated by the repressors Rox1 and Mot3 and the activator Upc2/Mox4. In attempting to identify factors recruited by the DNA binding repressor Mot3 to enhance repression of the DAN/TIR genes, we found that the histone deacetylase and global repressor complex, Rpd3-Sin3-Sap30, was not required for repression. Strikingly, the complex was instead required for activation. In addition, the histone H3 and H4 amino termini, which are targets of Rpd3, were also required for DAN1 expression. Epistasis tests demonstrated that the Rpd3 complex is not required in the absence of the repressor Mot3. Furthermore, the Rpd3 complex was required for normal function and stable binding of the activator Upc2 at the DAN1 promoter. Moreover, the Swi/Snf chromatin remodeling complex was strongly required for activation of DAN1, and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis showed an Rpd3-dependent reduction in DAN1 promoter-associated nucleosomes upon induction. Taken together, these data provide evidence that during anaerobiosis, the Rpd3 complex acts at the DAN1 promoter to antagonize the chromatin-mediated repression caused by Mot3 and Rox1 and that chromatin remodeling by Swi/Snf is necessary for normal expression. PMID:17210643

  18. C2-C3 Anterior Cervical Fusion: Technical Report.


    Finn, Michael A; MacDonald, Joel D


    Retrospective review of patients at a university hospital. To describe the anterior approach for cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) at C2-C3 level and evaluate its suitability for treatment of instability and degenerative disease in this region. The anterior approach is commonly used for ACDF in the lower cervical spine but is used less often in the high cervical spine. We retrospectively reviewed a database of consecutive cervical spine surgeries performed at our institution to identify patients who underwent ACDF at the C2-C3 level during a 10-year period. Demographic data, clinical indications, surgical technique, complications, and immediate results were evaluated. Of the 11 patients (7 female, 4 male; mean age 46 y) identified, 7 were treated for traumatic fractures and 4 for degenerative disk disease. Three patients treated for myelopathy showed improvement in mean Nurick grade from 3.6 to 1.3. Pain was significantly improved in all patients who had preoperative pain. Solid bony fusion was achieved in 5 of 7 patients at 3-month follow-up. Complications included dysphagia in 4 patients (which resolved in 3), aspiration pneumonia, mild persistent dysphonia, and construct failure at C2 requiring posterior fusion. One patient died of a pulmonary embolism 2 weeks postoperatively. ACDF at the C2-C3 level is an option for the treatment of high cervical disease or trauma but is associated with a higher rate of approach-related morbidity. Familiarity with local anatomy may help to reduce complications. ACDF at C2-C3 appears to have a fusion rate similar to ACDF performed at other levels.

  19. Toxicity features of high glucose on endothelial cell cycle and protection by Dan Gua-Fang in ECV-304 in high glucose medium.


    Heng, Xian-Pei; Chen, Ke-Ji; Hong, Zhen-Feng; He, Wei-Dong; Chu, Ke-Dan; Lin, Jiu-Mao; Zheng, Hai-Xia; Yang, Liu-Qing; Huang, Su-Ping; Lan, Yuan-Long; Chen, Ling; Guo, Fang


    To study the toxicity features of high glucose on the endothelial cell cycle and the influence of Dan Gua-Fang, a Chinese herbal compound prescription, on the reproductive cycle of vascular endothelial cells cultivated under a high glucose condition; to reveal the partial mechanisms of Dan Gua-Fang in the prevention and treatment of endothelial injury caused by hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus (DM); and offer a reference for dealing with the vascular complications of DM patients with long-term high blood glucose. Based on the previous 3-(4,5)-dimethylthiahiazo (z-y1)-3-5-diphenytetrazoliumromide (MTT) experiment, under different medium concentrations of glucose and Dangua liquor, the endothelial cells of vein-304 (ECV-304) were divided into 6 groups as follows: standard culture group (Group A, 5.56 mmol/L glucose); 1/300 herb-standard group (Group B); high glucose culture group (Group C, 16.67 mmol/L glucose); 1/150 herb-high glucose group (Group D); 1/300 herb-high glucose group (Group E); and 1/600 herb-high glucose group (Group F). The cell cycle was assayed using flow cytometry after cells were cultivated for 36, 72 and 108 h, respectively. (1) The percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase was significantly increased in Group C compared with that in Group A (P<0.05), while the percentage of S-phase (S%) cells in Group C was significantly reduced compared with Group A (P<0.05); the latter difference was dynamically related to the length of growing time of the endothelial cells in a high glucose environment. (2) The S% cells in Group A was decreased by 30.25% (from 40.23% to 28.06%) from 36 h to 72 h, and 12.33% (from 28.06% to 24.60%) from 72 h to 108 h; while in Group C, the corresponding decreases were 23.05% and 21.87%, respectively. The difference of S% cells between the two groups reached statistical significance at 108 h (P<0.05). (3) The percentage difference of cells in the G2/M phase between Group C and Group A was statistically significant at 72 h (P<0

  20. Biodegradation and adsorption of C1- and C2-phenanthrenes and C1- and C2-dibenzothiophenes in the presence of clay minerals: effect on forensic diagnostic ratios.


    Ugochukwu, Uzochukwu C; Head, Ian M; Manning, David A C


    The impact of modified montmorillonites on adsorption and biodegradation of crude oil C1-phenanthrenes, C1-dibenzothiophenes, C2-phenanthrenes and C2-dibenzothiophenes was investigated in aqueous clay/oil microcosm experiments with a hydrocarbon degrading microorganism community. Consequently, the effect on C1-dibenzothiophenes/C1-phenanthrenes, C2-dibenzothiophenes/C2-phenanthrenes, 2+3-methyldibenzothiophene/4-methyldibenzothiophene and 1-methyldibenzothiophene/4-methyldibenzothiophene ratios commonly used as diagnostic ratios for oil forensic studies was evaluated. The clay mineral samples were treated to produce acid activated montmorillonite, organomontmorillonite and homoionic montmorillonite which were used in this study. The different clay minerals (modified and unmodified) showed varied degrees of biodegradation and adsorption of the C1-phenanthrenes, C1-dibenzothiophenes, C2-phenanthrenes and C2-dibenzothiophenes. The study indicated that as opposed to biodegradation, adsorption has no effect on the diagnostic ratios. Among the diagnostic ratios reviewed, only C2-dibenzothiophenes/C2-phenanthrenes ratio was neither affected by adsorption nor biodegradation making this ratio very useful in forensic studies of oil spills and oil-oil correlation.

  1. Theoretical studies on the electronic and optoelectronic properties of [A.2AP(w)/A*.2AP(WC)/C.2AP(w)/C*.2AP(WC)/C.A(w)/C*.A(WC)]-Au8 mismatch nucleobase complexes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Srivastava, Ruby


    The electronic and optoelectronic properties of [A.2AP(w)/A*.2AP(WC)/C.2AP(w)/C*.2AP(WC)/C.A(w)/ C*.A(WC)]-Au8 metal-mismatch nucleobase complexes are investigated by means of density functional theory and time-dependent methods. We selected these mispairs as 2-aminopurine (2AP) produces incorporation errors when binding with cytosine (C) into the wobble (w) C.2AP(w) mispair, and is tautomerised into Watson-Crick (WC)-like base mispair C*.2AP(WC) and less effectively produces A.2AP(w)/A*.2AP(WC) mispairs. The vertical ionisation potential, vertical electron affinity, hardness and electrophilicity index of these complexes have also been discussed. The modifications of energy levels and charge density distributions of the frontier orbitals are also analysed. The absorption spectra of these complexes lie in the visible region, which suggests their application in fluorescent-bio imaging. The mechanism of cooperativity effect is studied by molecular orbital potential (MEP), atoms-in-molecules (AIM) and natural bond orbital analyses. Most metalated pairs have smaller HOMO-LUMO band gaps than the isolated mismatch nucleobases which suggest interesting consequences for electron transfer through DNA duplexes.

  2. Glucose endothelial cytotoxicity and protection by Dan Gua-Fang, a Chinese herb prescription in huVEC in hyperglycemia medium.


    Xian-pei, Heng; Ke-ji, Chen; Zheng-feng, Hong; Wei-dong, He; Ke-dan, Chu; Wen-lie, Chen; Xu-zheng, Chen; Hai-xia, Zheng; Ling, Chen; Liu-qing, Yang; Fang, Guo; Mao-long, Lin


    Low success rate of blood glucose in diabetes is an international problem. The endothelia cytotoxicity of hyperglycemia has been widely accepted. However, it has not been seen in reports of the value of concentration of high glucose beginning to produce cytotoxicity and the relationship between hyperglycemia and cytotoxicity as well as how to effectively prevent and control hyperglycemia cytotoxicity. Dan Gua prescription is an effective Chinese herb prescription for diabetic vascular complications. Dan Gua prescription was contained in Dan Gua liquor utilized in experiments. (1) The cytotoxicity experiment of Dan Gua was carried out with M199 medium whose glucose (Glu) was 5.55 mmol/l to seek for a suitable experimental concentration of Dan Gua. (2) The human vessel endotheliocyte was cultivated for 72 h with mediums containing glucose in different concentrations (Group G1 to Group G11, Glu: 5.5 to 99.9 mmol/l, respectively), and assayed an optical density (OD) value using the 3-(4,5)-dimethylthiahiazo(-z-y1)-3,5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide method. (3) Experiment 2 was repeated. However, the medium of each group (Groups Y1 to Y11) contained Dan Gua liquor whose concentration was 1/300. There was a negative correlation between means of cell OD values and glucose concentrations (r=-.927, R(2)=.844), and it presented a notable linear correlation (y=0.681-0.002x). Based on the OD value of 5.5-mmol/l glucose concentration (group G1), when glucose concentration reached 22.2 mmol/l (G4), the difference in OD values has a statistical significance. OD values in Y1-Y11 were not less than that of G1. There is a notable linear correlation between the endothelial cytotoxicities of Glu and its concentrations. The spinodal point concentration of statistical significance of hyperglycemia cytotoxicity is 22.2 mmol/l; 1/300 Dan Gua can reverse the endothelia cytotoxicity in different concentrations of hyperglycemia.

  3. Apport des moyens endoscopiques dans la dilatation des sténoses caustiques de l’œsophage

    PubMed Central

    Seydou, Togo; Abdoulaye, Ouattara Moussa; xing, Li; Zi, Sanogo Zimogo; sekou, Koumaré; Wen, Yang Shang; Ibrahim, Sankare; Sekou, Toure Cheik Ahmed; Boubacar, Maiga Ibrahim; Saye, Jacque; Jerome, Dakouo Dodino; Dantoumé, Toure Ousmane; Sadio, Yena


    Introduction Toutes les sténoses symptomatiques de l’œsophage peuvent être dilatées par voie endoscopique. Nous évaluons l'apport des moyens endoscopiques dans la prise en charge de la dilatation œsophagienne pour sténose caustique de l’œsophage (SCO) au Mali. Méthodes IL s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et prospective réalisée dans le service de chirurgie thoracique à l'hôpital du Mali. Au total 46 dossiers cliniques de patients on été enregistrés et subdivisés en 4 groupes en fonction de la topographie des lésions cicatricielles. Le nombre de cas d'assistance endoscopique réalisé a été déterminé afin de comprendre l'apport des moyens endoscopiques dans le succès de la dilatation des SCO. Pour les 2 différentes méthodes de dilatation utilisées, le résultat du traitement et le coût ont comparés. Résultats La FOGD a été utilisée dans 19 cas (41.30%) de dilatation avec la bougie de Savary Guillard et dans 47.82% des cas dans la dilatation de Lerut. La vidéo-laryngoscopie a été utilisé 58.69% des cas de dilatation à la bougie de Lerut. Le passage de guide métallique et / ou de fil-guide a été réalisée dans 39.13% avec la vidéo laryngoscopie et dans 58.68% avec la FOGD. Dans la comparaison des deux méthodes, il existe une différence significative dans la survenue des complications (p=0.04075), l'anesthésie générale (p=0.02287), l'accessibilité à la méthode (p=0.04805) et la mortalité (p=0.00402). Conclusion La SCO est une pathologie grave et sous évaluée au Mali. Les moyens endoscopiques contribuent considérablement au succès de la dilatation œsophagienne pour sténose caustique dans les différentes méthodes utilisées. PMID:27200129

  4. The Abundance of SiC2 in Carbon Star Envelopes: Evidence that SiC2 is a gas-phase precursor of SiC dust.


    Massalkhi, Sarah; Agúndez, M; Cernicharo, J; Velilla Prieto, L; Goicoechea, J R; Quintana-Lacaci, G; Fonfría, J P; Alcolea, J; Bujarrabal, V


    Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich AGB stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si-C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC 2 , SiC, and Si 2 C. To date, the ring molecule SiC 2 has been observed in a handful of evolved stars, while SiC and Si 2 C have only been detected in the C-star envelope IRC +10216. We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC 2 , SiC, and Si 2 C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC 2 , SiC, and Si 2 C in the λ 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC 2 and to derive SiC 2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. We detect SiC 2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si 2 C in any source, at the exception of IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC 2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked, the SiC radical probably being the photodissociation product of SiC 2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend in which the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC 2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as an evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC 2 onto dust grains, a process which is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC 2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC 2 is an important gas

  5. DAN (NBL1) promotes collective neural crest migration by restraining uncontrolled invasion.


    McLennan, Rebecca; Bailey, Caleb M; Schumacher, Linus J; Teddy, Jessica M; Morrison, Jason A; Kasemeier-Kulesa, Jennifer C; Wolfe, Lauren A; Gogol, Madeline M; Baker, Ruth E; Maini, Philip K; Kulesa, Paul M


    Neural crest cells are both highly migratory and significant to vertebrate organogenesis. However, the signals that regulate neural crest cell migration remain unclear. In this study, we test the function of differential screening-selected gene aberrant in neuroblastoma (DAN), a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist we detected by analysis of the chick cranial mesoderm. Our analysis shows that, before neural crest cell exit from the hindbrain, DAN is expressed in the mesoderm, and then it becomes absent along cell migratory pathways. Cranial neural crest and metastatic melanoma cells avoid DAN protein stripes in vitro. Addition of DAN reduces the speed of migrating cells in vivo and in vitro, respectively. In vivo loss of function of DAN results in enhanced neural crest cell migration by increasing speed and directionality. Computer model simulations support the hypothesis that DAN restrains cell migration by regulating cell speed. Collectively, our results identify DAN as a novel factor that inhibits uncontrolled neural crest and metastatic melanoma invasion and promotes collective migration in a manner consistent with the inhibition of BMP signaling. © 2017 McLennan et al.

  6. DAN (NBL1) promotes collective neural crest migration by restraining uncontrolled invasion

    PubMed Central

    McLennan, Rebecca; Bailey, Caleb M.; Schumacher, Linus J.; Teddy, Jessica M.; Morrison, Jason A.; Kasemeier-Kulesa, Jennifer C.; Wolfe, Lauren A.; Gogol, Madeline M.; Baker, Ruth E.; Maini, Philip K.


    Neural crest cells are both highly migratory and significant to vertebrate organogenesis. However, the signals that regulate neural crest cell migration remain unclear. In this study, we test the function of differential screening-selected gene aberrant in neuroblastoma (DAN), a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist we detected by analysis of the chick cranial mesoderm. Our analysis shows that, before neural crest cell exit from the hindbrain, DAN is expressed in the mesoderm, and then it becomes absent along cell migratory pathways. Cranial neural crest and metastatic melanoma cells avoid DAN protein stripes in vitro. Addition of DAN reduces the speed of migrating cells in vivo and in vitro, respectively. In vivo loss of function of DAN results in enhanced neural crest cell migration by increasing speed and directionality. Computer model simulations support the hypothesis that DAN restrains cell migration by regulating cell speed. Collectively, our results identify DAN as a novel factor that inhibits uncontrolled neural crest and metastatic melanoma invasion and promotes collective migration in a manner consistent with the inhibition of BMP signaling. PMID:28811280

  7. Observation of χc 2→η'η' and χc 0 ,2→η η'

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ablikim, M.; Achasov, M. N.; Ahmed, S.; Albrecht, M.; Amoroso, A.; An, F. F.; An, Q.; Bai, J. Z.; Bai, Y.; Bakina, O.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Ban, Y.; Bennett, D. W.; Bennett, J. V.; Berger, N.; Bertani, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bian, J. M.; Bianchi, F.; Boger, E.; Boyko, I.; Briere, R. A.; Cai, H.; Cai, X.; Cakir, O.; Calcaterra, A.; Cao, G. F.; Cetin, S. A.; Chai, J.; Chang, J. F.; Chelkov, G.; Chen, G.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, J. C.; Chen, M. L.; Chen, S. J.; Chen, X. R.; Chen, Y. B.; Chu, X. K.; Cibinetto, G.; Dai, H. L.; Dai, J. P.; Dbeyssi, A.; Dedovich, D.; Deng, Z. Y.; Denig, A.; Denysenko, I.; Destefanis, M.; de Mori, F.; Ding, Y.; Dong, C.; Dong, J.; Dong, L. Y.; Dong, M. Y.; Dorjkhaidav, O.; Dou, Z. L.; Du, S. X.; Duan, P. F.; Fang, J.; Fang, S. S.; Fang, X.; Fang, Y.; Farinelli, R.; Fava, L.; Fegan, S.; Feldbauer, F.; Felici, G.; Feng, C. Q.; Fioravanti, E.; Fritsch, M.; Fu, C. D.; Gao, Q.; Gao, X. L.; Gao, Y.; Gao, Y. G.; Gao, Z.; Garzia, I.; Goetzen, K.; Gong, L.; Gong, W. X.; Gradl, W.; Greco, M.; Gu, M. H.; Gu, S.; Gu, Y. T.; Guo, A. Q.; Guo, L. B.; Guo, R. P.; Guo, Y. P.; Haddadi, Z.; Han, S.; Hao, X. Q.; Harris, F. A.; He, K. L.; He, X. Q.; Heinsius, F. H.; Held, T.; Heng, Y. K.; Holtmann, T.; Hou, Z. L.; Hu, C.; Hu, H. M.; Hu, T.; Hu, Y.; Huang, G. S.; Huang, J. S.; Huang, X. T.; Huang, X. Z.; Huang, Z. L.; Hussain, T.; Ikegami Andersson, W.; Ji, Q.; Ji, Q. P.; Ji, X. B.; Ji, X. L.; Jiang, X. S.; Jiang, X. Y.; Jiao, J. B.; Jiao, Z.; Jin, D. P.; Jin, S.; Jin, Y.; Johansson, T.; Julin, A.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Kang, X. L.; Kang, X. S.; Kavatsyuk, M.; Ke, B. C.; Khan, T.; Khoukaz, A.; Kiese, P.; Kliemt, R.; Koch, L.; Kolcu, O. B.; Kopf, B.; Kornicer, M.; Kuemmel, M.; Kuhlmann, M.; Kupsc, A.; Kühn, W.; Lange, J. S.; Lara, M.; Larin, P.; Lavezzi, L.; Leithoff, H.; Leng, C.; Li, C.; Li, Cheng; Li, D. M.; Li, F.; Li, F. Y.; Li, G.; Li, H. B.; Li, H. J.; Li, J. C.; Li, Jin; Li, K. J.; Li, Kang; Li, Ke; Li, Lei; Li, P. L.; Li, P. R.; Li, Q. Y.; Li, T.; Li, W. D.; Li, W. G.; Li, X. L.; Li, X. N.; Li, X. Q.; Li, Z. B.; Liang, H.; Liang, Y. F.; Liang, Y. T.; Liao, G. R.; Lin, D. X.; Liu, B.; Liu, B. J.; Liu, C. X.; Liu, D.; Liu, F. H.; Liu, Fang; Liu, Feng; Liu, H. B.; Liu, H. M.; Liu, Huanhuan; Liu, Huihui; Liu, J. B.; Liu, J. P.; Liu, J. Y.; Liu, K.; Liu, K. Y.; Liu, Ke; Liu, L. D.; Liu, P. L.; Liu, Q.; Liu, S. B.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y. B.; Liu, Z. A.; Liu, Zhiqing; Long, Y. F.; Lou, X. C.; Lu, H. J.; Lu, J. G.; Lu, Y.; Lu, Y. P.; Luo, C. L.; Luo, M. X.; Luo, X. L.; Lyu, X. R.; Ma, F. C.; Ma, H. L.; Ma, L. L.; Ma, M. M.; Ma, Q. M.; Ma, T.; Ma, X. N.; Ma, X. Y.; Ma, Y. M.; Maas, F. E.; Maggiora, M.; Malik, Q. A.; Mao, Y. J.; Mao, Z. P.; Marcello, S.; Meng, Z. X.; Messchendorp, J. G.; Mezzadri, G.; Min, J.; Min, T. J.; Mitchell, R. E.; Mo, X. H.; Mo, Y. J.; Morales Morales, C.; Morello, G.; Muchnoi, N. Yu.; Muramatsu, H.; Musiol, P.; Mustafa, A.; Nefedov, Y.; Nerling, F.; Nikolaev, I. B.; Ning, Z.; Nisar, S.; Niu, S. L.; Niu, X. Y.; Olsen, S. L.; Ouyang, Q.; Pacetti, S.; Pan, Y.; Papenbrock, M.; Patteri, P.; Pelizaeus, M.; Pellegrino, J.; Peng, H. P.; Peters, K.; Pettersson, J.; Ping, J. L.; Ping, R. G.; Pitka, A.; Poling, R.; Prasad, V.; Qi, H. R.; Qi, M.; Qian, S.; Qiao, C. F.; Qin, J. J.; Qin, N.; Qin, X. S.; Qin, Z. H.; Qiu, J. F.; Rashid, K. H.; Redmer, C. F.; Richter, M.; Ripka, M.; Rolo, M.; Rong, G.; Rosner, Ch.; Ruan, X. D.; Sarantsev, A.; Savrié, M.; Schnier, C.; Schoenning, K.; Shan, W.; Shao, M.; Shen, C. P.; Shen, P. X.; Shen, X. Y.; Sheng, H. Y.; Song, J. J.; Song, W. M.; Song, X. Y.; Sosio, S.; Sowa, C.; Spataro, S.; Sun, G. X.; Sun, J. F.; Sun, L.; Sun, S. S.; Sun, X. H.; Sun, Y. J.; Sun, Y. K.; Sun, Y. Z.; Sun, Z. J.; Sun, Z. T.; Tang, C. J.; Tang, G. Y.; Tang, X.; Tapan, I.; Tiemens, M.; Tsednee, B. T.; Uman, I.; Varner, G. S.; Wang, B.; Wang, B. L.; Wang, D.; Wang, D. Y.; Wang, Dan; Wang, K.; Wang, L. L.; Wang, L. S.; Wang, M.; Wang, P.; Wang, P. L.; Wang, W. P.; Wang, X. F.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y. D.; Wang, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z. G.; Wang, Z. H.; Wang, Z. Y.; Wang, Zongyuan; Weber, T.; Wei, D. H.; Wei, J. H.; Weidenkaff, P.; Wen, S. P.; Wiedner, U.; Wolke, M.; Wu, L. H.; Wu, L. J.; Wu, Z.; Xia, L.; Xia, Y.; Xiao, D.; Xiao, H.; Xiao, Y. J.; Xiao, Z. J.; Xie, Y. G.; Xie, Y. H.; Xiong, X. A.; Xiu, Q. L.; Xu, G. F.; Xu, J. J.; Xu, L.; Xu, Q. J.; Xu, Q. N.; Xu, X. P.; Yan, L.; Yan, W. B.; Yan, W. C.; Yan, Y. H.; Yang, H. J.; Yang, H. X.; Yang, L.; Yang, Y. H.; Yang, Y. X.; Ye, M.; Ye, M. H.; Yin, J. H.; You, Z. Y.; Yu, B. X.; Yu, C. X.; Yu, J. S.; Yuan, C. Z.; Yuan, Y.; Yuncu, A.; Zafar, A. A.; Zeng, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, B. X.; Zhang, B. Y.; Zhang, C. C.; Zhang, D. H.; Zhang, H. H.; Zhang, H. Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, J. Q.; Zhang, J. W.; Zhang, J. Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S. Q.; Zhang, X. Y.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. T.; Zhang, Yang; Zhang, Yao; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Z. H.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Zhao, G.; Zhao, J. W.; Zhao, J. Y.; Zhao, J. Z.; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Ling; Zhao, M. G.; Zhao, Q.; Zhao, S. J.; Zhao, T. C.; Zhao, Y. B.; Zhao, Z. G.; Zhemchugov, A.; Zheng, B.; Zheng, J. P.; Zheng, W. J.; Zheng, Y. H.; Zhong, B.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, X. K.; Zhou, X. R.; Zhou, X. Y.; Zhou, Y. X.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, K. J.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, S. H.; Zhu, X. L.; Zhu, Y. C.; Zhu, Y. S.; Zhu, Z. A.; Zhuang, J.; Zotti, L.; Zou, B. S.; Zou, J. H.; Besiii Collaboration


    Using a sample of 448.1 ×106 ψ (3686 ) events collected with the BESIII detector in 2009 and 2012, we study the decays χc 0 ,2→η'η' and η η' . The decays χc 2→η'η' , χc 0→η η' and χc 2→η η' are observed for the first time with statistical significances of 9.6 σ , 13.4 σ and 7.5 σ , respectively. The branching fractions are determined to be B (χc 0→η'η')=(2.19 ±0.03 ±0.14 )×10-3 , B (χc 2→η'η')=(4.76 ±0.56 ±0.38 )×10-5 , B (χc 0→η η')=(8.92 ±0.84 ±0.65 )×10-5 and B (χc 2→η η')=(2.27 ±0.43 ±0.25 )×10-5 , where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The precision for the measurement of B (χc 0→η'η') is significantly improved compared to previous measurements. Based on the measured branching fractions, the role played by the doubly and singly Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka disconnected transition amplitudes for χc 0 ,2 decays into pseudoscalar meson pairs can be clarified.

  8. Observation of χ c 2 → η ' η ' and χ c 0 , 2 → η η '

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ablikim, M.; Achasov, M. N.; Ahmed, S.

    Usingmore » a sample of 448.1×10 6 ψ(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector in 2009 and 2012, we study the decays χ c 0,2 → η ' η ' and η η ' . The decays χ c 2 → η ' η ' , χ c 0 → η η ' and χ c 2 → η η ' are observed for the first time with statistical significances of 9.6 , 13.4 and 7.5 , respectively. The branching fractions are determined to be B( χ c 0 → η ' η ' ) = (2.19 ± 0.03 ± 0.14) × 10 -3, B( χ c 2 → η ' η ' ) = (4.76 ± 0.56 ± 0.38) × 10 -5, B( χ c 0 → η η ' ) = (8.92±0.84±0.65)×10 -5 and B( χ c 2 → η η ' ) = (2.27±0.43±0.25)×10 -5 , where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The precision for the measurement of B( χ c 0 → η ' η ' ) is significantly improved compared to previous measurements. Based on the measured branching fractions, the role played by the doubly and singly Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka disconnected transition amplitudes for χ c 0 , 2 decays into pseudoscalar meson pairs can be clarified.« less

  9. Observation of χ c 2 → η ' η ' and χ c 0 , 2 → η η '


    Ablikim, M.; Achasov, M. N.; Ahmed, S.; ...


    Usingmore » a sample of 448.1×10 6 ψ(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector in 2009 and 2012, we study the decays χ c 0,2 → η ' η ' and η η ' . The decays χ c 2 → η ' η ' , χ c 0 → η η ' and χ c 2 → η η ' are observed for the first time with statistical significances of 9.6 , 13.4 and 7.5 , respectively. The branching fractions are determined to be B( χ c 0 → η ' η ' ) = (2.19 ± 0.03 ± 0.14) × 10 -3, B( χ c 2 → η ' η ' ) = (4.76 ± 0.56 ± 0.38) × 10 -5, B( χ c 0 → η η ' ) = (8.92±0.84±0.65)×10 -5 and B( χ c 2 → η η ' ) = (2.27±0.43±0.25)×10 -5 , where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The precision for the measurement of B( χ c 0 → η ' η ' ) is significantly improved compared to previous measurements. Based on the measured branching fractions, the role played by the doubly and singly Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka disconnected transition amplitudes for χ c 0 , 2 decays into pseudoscalar meson pairs can be clarified.« less

  10. Atlantoaxial Fusion Using C1 Sublaminar Cables and C2 Translaminar Screws.


    Larsen, Alexandra M Giantini; Grannan, Benjamin L; Koffie, Robert M; Coumans, Jean-Valéry


    Atlantoaxial instability, which can arise in the setting of trauma, degenerative diseases, and neoplasm, is often managed surgically with C1-C2 arthrodesis. Classical C1-C2 fusion techniques require placement of instrumentation in close proximity to the vertebral artery and C2 nerve root. To report a novel C1-C2 fusion technique that utilizes C2 translaminar screws and C1 sublaminar cables to decrease the risk of injury to the vertebral artery and C2 nerve root. To facilitate fixation to the atlas, while minimizing the risk of injury to the vertebral artery and to the C2 nerve root, we sought to determine the feasibility of using a soft cable around the C1 arch and affixing it to a rod connected to C2 laminar screws. We reviewed our experience in 3 patients. We used this technique in patients in whom we anticipated difficult C1 screw placement. Three patients were identified through a review of the senior author's cases. Atlantoaxial instability was associated with trauma in 2 patients and chronic degenerative changes in 1 patient. Common symptoms on presentation included pain and limited range of motion. All patients underwent C1-C2 fusion with C2 translaminar screws with sublaminar cable harnessing of the posterior arch of C1. There were no reports of postoperative complications or hardware failure. We demonstrate a novel, technically straightforward approach for C1-C2 fusion that minimizes risk to the vertebral artery and to the C2 nerve root, while still allowing for semirigid fixation in instances of both traumatic and chronic degenerative atlantoaxial instability.

  11. The Abundance of SiC2 in Carbon Star Envelopes⋆: Evidence that SiC2 is a gas-phase precursor of SiC dust

    PubMed Central

    Massalkhi, Sarah; Agúndez, M.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Fonfría, J. P.; Alcolea, J.; Bujarrabal, V.


    Context Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich AGB stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si–C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC2, SiC, and Si2C. To date, the ring molecule SiC2 has been observed in a handful of evolved stars, while SiC and Si2C have only been detected in the C-star envelope IRC +10216. Aims We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC2, SiC, and Si2C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. Methods We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC2, SiC, and Si2C in the λ 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC2 and to derive SiC2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. Results We detect SiC2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si2C in any source, at the exception of IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked, the SiC radical probably being the photodissociation product of SiC2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend in which the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as an evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC2 onto dust grains, a process which is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. Conclusions The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC2 is an important

  12. Leptin rapidly activates PPARs in C2C12 muscle cells

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bendinelli, Paola; Piccoletti, Roberta; Maroni, Paola


    Experimental evidence suggests that leptin operates on the tissues, including skeletal muscle, also by modulating gene expression. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we have shown that physiological doses of leptin promptly increase the binding of C2C12 cell nuclear extracts to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) response elements in oligonucleotide probes and that all three PPAR isoforms participate in DNA-binding complexes. We pre-treated C2C12 cells with AACOCF{sub 3}, a specific inhibitor of cytosolic phospholipase A{sub 2} (cPLA{sub 2}), an enzyme that supplies ligands to PPARs, and found that it abrogates leptin-induced PPAR DNA-binding activity. Leptin treatment significantly increased cPLA{sub 2} activity, evaluatedmore » as the release of [{sup 3}H]arachidonic acid from pre-labelled C2C12 cells, as well as phosphorylation. Further, using MEK1 inhibitor PD-98059 we showed that leptin activates cPLA{sub 2} through ERK induction. These results support a direct effect of leptin on skeletal muscle cells, and suggest that the hormone may modulate muscle transcription also by precocious activation of PPARs through ERK-cPLA{sub 2} pathway.« less

  13. Effect of neutron irradiation on defect evolution in Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 2AlC


    Tallman, Darin J.; He, Lingfeng; Garcia-Diaz, Brenda L.; ...


    Here, we report on the characterization of defects formed in polycrystalline Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 2AlC samples exposed to neutron irradiation – up to 0.1 displacements per atom (dpa) at 350 ± 40 °C or 695 ± 25 °C, and up to 0.4 dpa at 350 ± 40 °C. Black spots are observed in both Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 2AlC after irradiation to both 0.1 and 0.4 dpa at 350 °C. After irradiation to 0.1 dpa at 695 °C, small basal dislocation loops, with a Burgers vector of b = 1/2 [0001] are observed in both materials. Atmore » 9 ± 3 and 10 ± 5 nm, the loop diameters in the Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 2AlC samples, respectively, were comparable. At 1 × 10 23 loops/m 3, the dislocation loop density in Ti 2AlC was ≈1.5 orders of magnitude greater than in Ti 3SiC 2, at 3 x 10 21 loops/m3. After irradiation at 350 °C, extensive microcracking was observed in Ti 2AlC, but not in Ti 3SiC 2. The room temperature electrical resistivities increased as a function of neutron dose for all samples tested, and appear to saturate in the case of Ti 3SiC 2. The MAX phases are unequivocally more neutron radiation tolerant than the impurity phases TiC and Al 2O 3. Based on these results, Ti 3SiC 2 appears to be a more promising MAX phase candidate for high temperature nuclear applications than Ti 2AlC.« less

  14. New metal-organic frameworks of [M(C6H5O7)(C6H6O7)(C6H7O7)(H2O)] . H2O (M=La, Ce) and [Ce2(C2O4)(C6H6O7)2] . 4H2O

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weng, Sheng-Feng; Wang, Yun-Hsin; Lee, Chi-Shen


    Two novel materials, [M(C6H5O7)(C6H6O7)(C6H7O7)(H2O)] . H2O (M=La(1a), Ce(1b)) and [Ce2(C2O4)(C6H6O7)2] . 4H2O (2), with a metal-organic framework (MOF) were prepared with hydrothermal reactions and characterized with photoluminescence, magnetic susceptibility, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray powder diffraction in situ. The crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 crystallized in triclinic space group P1¯ (No. 2); compound 2 crystallized in monoclinic space group P21/c (No. 14). The structure of 1 is built from a 1D MOF, composed of deprotonated citric ligands of three kinds. Compound 2 contains a 2D MOF structure consisting of citrate and oxalate ligands; the oxalate ligand arose from the decomposition in situ of citric acid in the presence of CuII ions. Photoluminescence spectra of compounds 1b and 2 revealed transitions between the 5d1 excited state and two levels of the 4f1 ground state (2F5/2 and 2F7/2). Compounds 1b and 2 containing CeIII ion exhibit a paramagnetic property with weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the two adjacent magnetic centers.

  15. MICROWAVE SPECTRA AND GEOMETRIES OF C2H_{2\\cdots AgI} and C2H_{4\\cdots AgI}

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stephens, Susanna L.; Tew, David Peter; Walker, Nick; Legon, Anthony


    A chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer has been used to measure the microwave spectra of both C2H_{2\\cdots AgI} and C2H_{4\\cdots AgI}. These complexes are generated via laser ablation at 532 nm of a silver surface in the presence of CF3I and either C2H_{2} or C2H_{4} and argon and are stabilized by a supersonic expansion. Rotational (A0, B0, C0) and centrifugal distortion constants (ΔJ and ΔJK) of each molecule have been determined as well the nuclear electric quadrupole coupling constants the iodine atom (χaa(I) and χbb-χcc(I)). The spectrum of each molecule is consistent with a C2v structure in which the metal atom interacts with the π-orbital of the ethene or ethyne molecule. Isotopic substitutions of atoms within the C2H_{2} or C2H_{4} subunits are in progress and in conjunction with high level ab initio calculations will allow for accurate determination of the geometry of each molecule. These to complexes are put in the context of the recently studied H2S\\cdots AgI, OC\\cdotsAgI, H3N\\cdots AgI and (CH3)_{3N\\cdots AgI}. S.Z. Riaz, S.L. Stephens, W. Mizukami, D.P. Tew, N.R. Walker, A.C. Legon, Chem. Phys. Let., 531, 1-12 (2012) S.L. Stephens, W. Mizukami, D.P. Tew, N.R. Walker, A.C. Legon, J. Chem. Phys., 136(6), 064306 (2012) D.M. Bittner, D.P. Zaleski, S.L. Stephens, N.R. Walker, A.C. Legon, Study in progress.

  16. Revetements nanostructures pour la protection des metaux dans les environnements marins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brassard, Jean-Denis

    nanoparticules de ZnO enrobees de silane sont imbriquees dans le reseau nanostructure de silicone copolymerise. Le revetement C produit de cette facon satisfaisait a la norme ASTM d'adherence a un substrat, mais n'est pas superhydrophobe, restant seulement hydrophobe avec un angle de contact reduit de 123°. Tous les revetements optimises developpes montrent un niveau de resistance a la corrosion beaucoup plus eleve que leur substrat tant en polarisation qu'en impedance electrochimique. Toutefois aucune relation entre l'hydrophobicite et le niveau de resistance a la corrosion n'a ete etablie. Il a seulement ete determine que ce sont la nature chimique de l'interface, a savoir ses proprietes electriques en isolation, son hydrophobicite et la presence d'air, de meme que l'epaisseur qui sont les deux aspects essentiels a respecter pour avoir de bonnes proprietes anticorrosion. Les trois revetements A, B, et C ont ete evalues quant a la reduction d'adherence et d'accumulation evaluee dans les environnements givrants rencontres en mer arctique. En premiere position, le revetement superhydrophobe B avec un angle de contact de 154°et un facteur de reduction l'adherence (ARF) de la glace sur l'aluminium de 14 et de la quantite accumulee 5% moindre. En seconde position, le revetement superhydrophobe A avec un angle de contact de 155° et un facteur ARF de 6, lequel n'a pas ete evalue en accumulation; et en troisieme position le revetement hydrophobe C avec un facteur de reduction de 3, lequel ne reduit pas la masse de glace accumulee. Deux mecanismes ont ete trouves responsables de l'adherence a la glace sur les revetements developpes soient: 1. l'effet d'ancrage diminue par la presence de nanorugosites hydrophobes recouvrant les microrugosites pouvant adsorber de l'air et 2. L'effet de la quantite d'air adsorbe dans la structure de l'interface, a savoir que pour des angles de contact egaux, si la quantite d'air augmente dans la microstructure, donc un Rrms plus eleve, ferait que l

  17. Observations of CH4, C2H6, and C2H2 in the stratosphere of Jupiter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sada, P. V.; Bjoraker, G. L.; Jennings, D. E.; McCabe, G. H.; Romani, P. N.


    We have performed high-resolution spectral observations at mid-infrared wavelengths of CH4 (8.14 micrometers), C2H6 (12.16 micrometers), and C2H2 (13.45 micrometers) on Jupiter. These emission features probe the stratosphere of the planet and provide information on the carbon-based photochemical processes taking place in that region of the atmosphere. The observations were performed using our cryogenic echelle spectrometer CELESTE, in conjunction with the McMath-Pierce 1.5-m solar telescope between November 1994 and February 1995. We used the methane observations to derive the temperature profile of the jovian atmosphere in the 1-10 mbar region of the stratosphere. This profile was then used in conjunction with height-dependent mixing ratios of each hydrocarbon to determine global abundances for ethane and acetylene. The resulting mixing ratios are 3.9(+1.9)(-1.3) x 10(-6) for C2H6 (5 mbar pressure level), and 2.3 +/- 0.5 x 10(-8) for C2H2 (8 mbar pressure level), where the quoted uncertainties are derived from model variations in the temperature profile which match the methane observation uncertainties. c1998 Academic Press.

  18. Syndrome métabolique chez les patients hypertendus dans le service cardiologie du CHU Yalgado Ouedraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Samandoulougou, André; Yaméogo, Nobila Valentin; Yaméogo, Aristide Relwendé; Kologo, Koudougou Jonas; Toguyeni, Jean Yves; Zabsonré, Patrice


    Introduction Le syndrome métabolique constitue de nos jours un véritable problème de santé publique. Le syndrome métabolique est le moteur d'une double épidémie mondiale de diabète type II et de maladies cardiovasculaires. L'objectif de notre étude est de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, para cliniques et évolutifs chez les hypertendus dans le service de Cardiologie du CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective sur une période de deux ans dans le service de cardiologie chez les patients hypertendus ayant un syndrome métabolique. Résultats La fréquence du syndrome métabolique était de 17,5% des patients hypertendus. Le sex ratio était de 1,2. L’âge moyen des patients étaient de 56,1 ±10,7 ans. Les patients connus hypertendus étaient de 92,1% avec une durée moyenne d’évolution de l'HTA qui était de 8,7 ± 5,9 ans. Le suivi était irrégulier dans 60% cas et une rupture du traitement dans 37,1% des cas. La dyslipidémie était notée dans 84,2% des cas et le diabète dans 60,5% des cas. La PAS moyenne était de 184,3 ± 47,3 mmHg et la PAD moyenne était de 110,7 ± 27,7 mmHg. L'HTA était sévère dans 63,2% des cas. La glycémie moyenne était de 8,3 ± 4,3 mmol/L, le LDL cholestérol moyen était de 3,5 ± 1,0 mmol/L et le taux des triglycérides moyen était de 1,6 ± 1,1 mmol/L. L'HVG électrique était notée chez 76,3% des patients et échographique dans 58,8% des cas. Les atteintes viscérales étaient neurologique dans 44,5%, rénale dans 55,3% et cardiaque dans 31,2% des cas. Le nombre moyen d'antihypertenseurs était de 3,0 ± 1,0 et 76,3% ont reçu au moins une trithérapie antihypertensive. Le taux de mortalité était de 5,3%. Conclusion Le syndrome métabolique est une pathologie qui pose la problématique de la définition qui n'est pas consensuelle d'une part et d'autre part du contrôle de ses éléments constitutifs surtout l'HTA. PMID:25883718

  19. Transport properties for a mixture of the ablation products C, C2, and C3

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Biolsi, L.; Fenton, J.; Owenson, B.


    The ablation of carbon-phenolic heat shields upon entry into the atmosphere of one of the outer planets leads to the injection of large amounts of C, C2, and C3 into the shock layer. These species must be included in the calculation of transport properties in the shock layer. The kinetic theory of gases has been used to obtain accurate results for the transport properties of monatomic carbon. The Hulburt-Hirschelder potential, the most accurate general purpose atom-atom potential for states with an attractive minimum, was used to represent such states and repulsive states were represented by fitting quantum mechanical potential energy curves with the exponential repulsive potential. These results were orientation averaged according to the peripheral force model to obtain transport collision integrals for the C-C2 and C2-C2 interaction. Results for C3 were obtained by ignoring the presence of the central carbon atom. The thermal conductivity, viscosity, and diffusion coefficients for pure C, C2, and C3, and for mixtures of these gases, were then calculated from 1000 K - 25,000 K.

  20. Command and Control (C2) Agility (Agilite du commandement et du controle (C2))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la rigueur et de l’emploi des méthodes de mesure et d’amélioration de l’agilité du C2. Le spectre des missions... Control and Intelligence (C2I) Section DRDC Valcartier 2459 de la Bravoure Road Québec (Québec) G3J 1X5 CANADA Email: Micheline.Belanger@drdc...Agilité du commandement et du contrôle (C2) (STO-TR-SAS-085) Synthèse L’agilité est la capacité à effectuer avec succès, s’occuper de

  1. 5-HT(2C) receptor RNA editing in the amygdala of C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and BALB/cJ mice.


    Hackler, Elizabeth A; Airey, David C; Shannon, Caitlin C; Sodhi, Monsheel S; Sanders-Bush, Elaine


    Post-transcriptional RNA editing of the G-protein coupled 5-hydroxytryptamine-2C (5-HT(2C)) receptor predicts an array of 24 receptor isoforms, some of which are characterized by reduced constitutive activity and potency to initiate intracellular signaling. The amygdala is integral to anxiety, fear, and related psychiatric diseases. Activation of 5-HT(2C) receptors within the amygdala is anxiogenic. Here, we describe the RNA editing profiles from amygdala of two inbred mouse strains (BALB/cJ and DBA/2J) known to be more anxious than a third (C57BL/6J). We confirmed the strain anxiety differences using light<-->dark exploration, and we discovered that BALB/cJ and DBA/2J are each characterized by a higher functioning RNA editing profile than C57BL/6J. BALB/cJ and DBA/2J exhibit a roughly two-fold reduction in C site editing, and a corresponding two-fold reduction in the edited isoform VSV. C57BL/6J is characterized by a relative decrease in the unedited highly functional isoform INI. We estimated the heritability of editing at the C site to be approximately 40%. By sequencing genomic DNA, we found complete conservation between C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, DBA/2J and 37 other inbred strains for the RNA edited region of Htr2c, suggesting Htr2c DNA sequence does not influence variation in Htr2c RNA editing between inbred strains of mice. We did, however, discover that serotonin turnover is reduced in BALB/cJ and DBA/2J, consistent with emerging evidence that synaptic serotonin levels regulate RNA editing. These results encourage further study of the causes and consequences of 5-HT(2C) receptor RNA editing in the amygdala of mice.

  2. [Systematic evaluation of clinical application of Dingkun Dan].


    Chen, Yan-xia; Ma, Kun


    Dingkun Dan is a representative of the classic gynecological medicine. With Tonifying the liver and kidney, supplementing Qi and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation Shuyu, promoting the role of pain. Used in treatment of liver and kidney deficiency, deficiency of both qi and blood, Qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea with reddish discharge, bruise blood removal, infertility, and various postpartum deficiency and bone steaming hot flashes of gynecological common disease. In recent years, Dingkun Dan's new uses have been reported, the clinical application value is worth further digging. In this paper, clinical application and research progress of Dingkun Dan since the founding of new China were briefly discussed, and summarize for the randomized controlled trials.

  3. Fractographic Analysis of HfB2-SiC and ZrB2-SiC Composites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mecholsky, J.J., Jr.; Ellerby, D. T.; Johnson, S. M.; Stackpoole, M. M.; Loehman, R. E.; Arnold, Jim (Technical Monitor)


    Hafnium diboride-silicon carbide and zirconium diboride-silicon carbide composites are potential materials for high temperature leading edge applications on reusable launch vehicles. In order to establish material constants necessary for evaluation of in-situ fracture, bars fractured in four point flexure were examined using fractographic principles. The fracture toughness was determined from measurements of the critical crack sizes and the strength values, and the crack branching constants were established to use in forensic fractography of materials for future flight applications. The fracture toughnesses range from about 13 MPam (sup 1/2) at room temperature to about 6 MPam (sup 1/2) at 1400 C for ZrB2-SiC composites and from about 11 MPam (sup 1/2) at room temperature to about 4 MPam (sup 1/2) at 1400 C for HfB2-SiC composites.

  4. Research and progress on ClC-2

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Hongwei; Xu, Minghui; Kong, Qingjie; Sun, Peng; Yan, Fengyun; Tian, Wenying; Wang, Xin


    Chloride channel 2 (ClC-2) is one of the nine mammalian members of the ClC family. The present review discusses the molecular properties of ClC-2, including CLCN2, ClC-2 promoter and the structural properties of ClC-2 protein; physiological properties; functional properties, including the regulation of cell volume. The effects of ClC-2 on the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and optical systems are also discussed, in addition to the mechanisms involved in the regulation of ClC-2. The review then discusses the diseases associated with ClC-2, including degeneration of the retina, Sjögren's syndrome, age-related cataracts, degeneration of the testes, azoospermia, lung cancer, constipation, repair of impaired intestinal mucosa barrier, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, leukoencephalopathy, epilepsy and diabetes mellitus. It was concluded that future investigations of ClC-2 are likely to be focused on developing specific drugs, activators and inhibitors regulating the expression of ClC-2 to treat diseases associated with ClC-2. The determination of CLCN2 is required to prevent and treat several diseases associated with ClC-2. PMID:28534947

  5. The interstellar chemistry of C3H and C3H2 isomers

    PubMed Central

    Loison, Jean-Christophe; Agúndez, Marcelino; Wakelam, Valentine; Roueff, Evelyne; Gratier, Pierre; Marcelino, Núria; Nuñez Reyes, Dianailys; Cernicharo, José; Gerin, Maryvonne


    We report the detection of linear and cyclic isomers of C3H and C3H2 towards various starless cores and review the corresponding chemical pathways involving neutral (C3Hx with x=1,2) and ionic (C3Hx+ with x = 1,2,3) isomers. We highlight the role of the branching ratio of electronic Dissociative Recombination (DR) reactions of C3H2+ and C3H3+ isomers showing that the statistical treatment of the relaxation of C3H* and C3H2* produced in these DR reactions may explain the relative c,l-C3H and c,l-C3H2 abundances. We have also introduced in the model the third isomer of C3H2 (HCCCH). The observed cyclic-to-linear C3H2 ratio vary from 110 ± 30 for molecular clouds with a total density around 1×104 to 30 ± 10 for molecular clouds with a total density around 4×105, a trend well reproduced with our updated model. The higher ratio for low molecular cloud densities is mainly determined by the importance of the H + l-C3H2 → H + c-C3H2 and H + t-C3H2 → H + c-C3H2 isomerization reactions. PMID:29142332

  6. The interstellar chemistry of C3H and C3H2 isomers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loison, Jean-Christophe; Agúndez, Marcelino; Wakelam, Valentine; Roueff, Evelyne; Gratier, Pierre; Marcelino, Núria; Reyes, Dianailys Nuñez; Cernicharo, José; Gerin, Maryvonne


    We report the detection of linear and cyclic isomers of C3H and C3H2 towards various starless cores and review the corresponding chemical pathways involving neutral (C3Hx with x = 1,2) and ionic (C3Hx+ with x = 1,2,3) isomers. We highlight the role of the branching ratio of electronic dissociative recombination (DR) reactions of C3H2+ and C3H3+ isomers, showing that the statistical treatment of the relaxation of C3H* and C3H2* produced in these DR reactions may explain the relative c,l-C3H and c,l-C3H2 abundances. We have also introduced in the model the third isomer of C3H2 (HCCCH). The observed cyclic-to-linear C3H2 ratio varies from 110 ± 30 for molecular clouds with a total density of about 1 × 104 molecules cm-3 to 30 ± 10 for molecular clouds with a total density of about 4 × 105 molecules cm-3, a trend well reproduced with our updated model. The higher ratio for molecular clouds with low densities is determined mainly by the importance of the H + l-C3H2 → H + c-C3H2 and H + t-C3H2 → H + c-C3H2 isomerization reactions.

  7. A pilot study using the Chinese herbal paste Liu-He-Dan to manage radiodermatitis associated with breast cancer radiotherapy.


    Zhou, J; Fang, L; Xie, H; Yao, W X; Zhou, X; Xiong, Z J


    During radiotherapy for breast cancer, patients are greatly affected by pain, infection, and delayed healing of wounds caused by radiodermatitis. In the present study, we aimed to determine the efficacy of Liu-He-Dan in treating radiodermatitis. In 26 breast cancer patients who experienced moist decrustation while receiving radiotherapy, 5 g Liu-He-Dan was applied externally once daily after the wound surface had been cleaned and dried. The healing time was recorded, and a Kaplan-Meier survival curve was applied to analyze the treatment course. Meanwhile, a pain assessment using the Numeric Rating Scale (nrs) recorded the pain level experienced by patients after application of the Liu-He-Dan. After application of Liu-He-Dan, the average healing time for the surface of the moist decrustation wounds was 14.17 ± 2.03 days (range: 5-22 days). Inflammatory seepage decreased significantly and exudation almost disappeared in 3 days. The pain trend line indicated that the average nrs score declined with treatment in all patients. The average nrs scores at days 1, 4, and 7 were 6.13, 3.62, and 2.58 respectively. After 3 days of treatment, pain was remarkably alleviated in 80.76% of patients. After treatment for 1 week, the pain remission rate was 96.15%, without any obvious adverse reactions. Liu-He-Dan was efficacious in treating radiation skin injury with little toxicity and few side effects; the economic efficiency of the treatment was also favourable. The Liu-He-Dan was generally well tolerated by patients. In future, randomized control trials will be established for further observation of the value of Liu-He-Dan in treating radiodermatitis in breast cancer.

  8. Design and Discovery of Functionally Selective Serotonin 2C (5-HT2C) Receptor Agonists.


    Cheng, Jianjun; McCorvy, John D; Giguere, Patrick M; Zhu, Hu; Kenakin, Terry; Roth, Bryan L; Kozikowski, Alan P


    On the basis of the structural similarity of our previous 5-HT 2C agonists with the melatonin receptor agonist tasimelteon and the putative biological cross-talk between serotonergic and melatonergic systems, a series of new (2,3-dihydro)benzofuran-based compounds were designed and synthesized. The compounds were evaluated for their selectivity toward 5-HT 2A , 5-HT 2B , and 5-HT 2C receptors in the calcium flux assay with the ultimate goal to generate selective 5-HT 2C agonists. Selected compounds were studied for their functional selectivity by comparing their transduction efficiency at the G protein signaling pathway versus β-arrestin recruitment. The most functionally selective compound (+)-7e produced weak β-arrestin recruitment and also demonstrated less receptor desensitization compared to serotonin in both calcium flux and phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis assays. We report for the first time that selective 5-HT 2C agonists possessing weak β-arrestin recruitment can produce distinct receptor desensitization properties.

  9. La stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) dans la recherche fondamentale et clinique en neuroscience

    PubMed Central

    Valero-Cabré, Antoni; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro; Coubard, Olivier A.


    Introduction Les méthodes de stimulation cérébrale non invasives telles que la Stimulation Magnétique Transcrânienne (SMT) sont largement utilisées pour établir des inférences causales sur les relations entre cerveau et comportement. Des applications cliniques basées sur la SMT ont également été développées pour traiter des affections neurologiques ou psychiatriques comme la dépression, la dystonie, la douleur, les acouphènes ou les séquelles d’accident vasculaire cérébral. État des connaissances La SMT fonctionne en induisant de manière non invasive et de manière focale des courants électriques dans des régions corticales, modulant ainsi leur niveau d’activité de façon variable suivant la fréquence, le nombre d’impulsions, les intervalles et la durée de stimulation utilisés. S’agissant du cortex moteur, on sait par exemple que les patterns d’impulsions de SMT à basse fréquence ou ceux délivrées de manière continue tendent à déprimer l’activité locale, tandis que la SMT à haute fréquence et discontinus tend à la potentialiser. Outre ses effets locaux, la SMT peut aussi avoir des effets à distance sur les régions cérébrales, véhiculés par les connections anatomiques et qui dépendent de l’efficacité et du signe de ces connexions. Perspectives Dans le domaine de la recherche fondamentale et des applications thérapeutiques, l’utilisation efficace de la SMT requiert, cependant, la compréhension approfondie de ses principes opérationnels, de ses risques, de ses potentialités et de ses limites. Dans cet article, nous présentons les principes par lesquels opèrent les méthodes de stimulation cérébrale non invasive, et en particulier la SMT. Conclusion À l’issue de sa lecture, le lecteur sera en mesure de discuter de façon critique les études scientifiques et cliniques utilisant la SMT, ainsi que de concevoir des applications SMT suivant une hypothèse a priori dans le domaine de la recherche en

  10. Etude hyperfrequence et ultrasonore des supraconducteurs organiques kappa-(ET)(2)X (X = copper(thiocyanogen), copper[N(CN)(2)]bromine)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frikach, Kamal


    Dans ce travail je presente une etude de l'impedance de surface, ainsi que de l'attenuation et la variation de la vitesse ultrasonores dans les etats normal et supraconducteur sur les composes organiques k-(ET)2X (X = Cu(SCN) 2, Cu[N(CN)2]Br). A partir des mesures d'impedance de surface, les deux composantes sigma 1 et sigma2 de la conductivite complexe sont extraites en utilisant le modele de Drude. Ces mesures montrent que la symetrie du parametre d'ordre dans ces composes est differente de celle du cas BCS. Afin de comprendre le profil de sigma1 (T) nous avons etudie les fluctuations supraconductrices a partir de la paraconductivite sigma'( T). Cette etude est rendue possible grace a la structure quasi-2D des composes k-(ET)2X dans lesquelles les fluctuations supraconductrices sont fortes. Ces dernieres sont observees sur deux decades de temperatures dans le Cu(SCN)2. L'application du modele de Aslamazov-Larkin 2D et 3D montre la possibilite du passage du regime 2D a haute temperature au regime 3D au voisinage de Tc. En se basant sur ce resultat, nous avons calcule la paraconductivite en utilisant une approche a l'ordre d'une boucle a partir du modele de Lawrence-Doniach. En tenant compte de la correction par la self energie dans la limite dynamique (17 GHz), l'ajustement de la paraconductivite calculee est en bon accord avec les donnees experimentales. Le couplage interplan obtenu est compatible avec le caractere quasi-2D des composes organiques. Le temps de relaxation des quasi-particules dans l'etat supraconducteur est ensuite extrait pour la premiere fois dans ces composes dont le comportement en fonction de la temperature est compatible avec la presence des noeuds dans le gap. Dans l'etat normal, la variation de la vitesse ultrasonore presente un comportement anormal caracterise par un fort ramollissement a T = 38 K et 50 K dans k-(ET) 2Cu(SCN)2 et k-(ET)2Cu[N(CN) 2]Br respectivement dont l'amplitude est independante du champ magnetique jusqu'a H = Hc 2

  11. Generation of C3- and C2-deuterated L-lactic acid by human erythrocytes exposed to D-[1-13C]glucose, D-[2-13C]glucose and D-[6-13C]glucose in the presence of D2O.


    Malaisse, W J; Biesemans, M; Willem, R


    1. The generation of C2- and C3-deuterated L-lactate was monitored by 13C NMR in human erythrocytes exposed to D-[1-13C]glucose, D-[2-13C]glucose or D-[6-13C]glucose and incubated in a medium prepared in D2O. 2. The results suggested that the deuteration of the C1 of D-fructose 6-phosphate in the phosphoglucoisomerase reaction, the deuteration of the C1 of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in the sequence of reactions catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase and aldolase and the deuteration of the C3 of pyruvate in the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase were all lower than expected from equilibration with D2O. 3. Moreover, about 40% of the molecules of pyruvate generated by glycolysis apparently underwent deuteration on their C3 during interconversion of the 2-keto acid and L-alanine in the reaction catalyzed by glutamate-pyruvate transaminase. 4. The occurrence of the latter process was also documented in cells exposed to exogenous [3-13C]pyruvate. 5. This methodological approach is proposed to provide a new tool to assess in intact cells the extent of back-and-forth interconversion of selected metabolic intermediates.

  12. Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C (SV2C) modulates dopamine release and is disrupted in Parkinson disease.


    Dunn, Amy R; Stout, Kristen A; Ozawa, Minagi; Lohr, Kelly M; Hoffman, Carlie A; Bernstein, Alison I; Li, Yingjie; Wang, Minzheng; Sgobio, Carmelo; Sastry, Namratha; Cai, Huaibin; Caudle, W Michael; Miller, Gary W


    Members of the synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 (SV2) family of proteins are involved in synaptic function throughout the brain. The ubiquitously expressed SV2A has been widely implicated in epilepsy, although SV2C with its restricted basal ganglia distribution is poorly characterized. SV2C is emerging as a potentially relevant protein in Parkinson disease (PD), because it is a genetic modifier of sensitivity to l-DOPA and of nicotine neuroprotection in PD. Here we identify SV2C as a mediator of dopamine homeostasis and report that disrupted expression of SV2C within the basal ganglia is a pathological feature of PD. Genetic deletion of SV2C leads to reduced dopamine release in the dorsal striatum as measured by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, reduced striatal dopamine content, disrupted α-synuclein expression, deficits in motor function, and alterations in neurochemical effects of nicotine. Furthermore, SV2C expression is dramatically altered in postmortem brain tissue from PD cases but not in Alzheimer disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, or multiple system atrophy. This disruption was paralleled in mice overexpressing mutated α-synuclein. These data establish SV2C as a mediator of dopamine neuron function and suggest that SV2C disruption is a unique feature of PD that likely contributes to dopaminergic dysfunction.

  13. SIRT2 negatively regulates insulin resistance in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells.


    Arora, Amita; Dey, Chinmoy Sankar


    SIRT2 is primarily a cytoplasmic protein deacetylase and is abundantly expressed in metabolically active tissues like adipocytes and brain. However, its role, if any, in regulating insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells, is not known. We have examined the role of SIRT2 in insulin-mediated glucose disposal in normal and insulin resistant C2C12 skeletal muscle cells in vitro. SIRT2 was over expressed in insulin resistant skeletal muscle cells. Pharmacological inhibition of SIRT2 increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and improved phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3β in insulin resistant cells. Knockdown of endogenous SIRT2 and over expression of catalytically-inactive SIRT2 mutant under insulin-resistant condition showed similar amelioration of insulin sensitivity. Our results suggest that down-regulation of SIRT2 improved insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle cells under insulin-resistant condition. Previously it has been reported that down-regulation of SIRT1 and SIRT3 in C2C12 cells results in impairment of insulin signaling and induces insulin resistance. However, we have observed an altogether different role of SIRT2 in skeletal muscle. This implicates a differential regulation of insulin resistance by sirtuins which otherwise share a conserved catalytic domain. The study significantly directs towards future approaches in targeting inhibition of SIRT2 for therapeutic treatment of insulin resistance which is the major risk factor in Type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Molecular cloning in Arabidopsis thaliana of a new protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with homology to ABI1 and ABI2.


    Rodriguez, P L; Leube, M P; Grill, E


    We report the cloning of both the cDNA and the corresponding genomic sequence of a new PP2C from Arabidopsis thaliana, named AtP2C-HA (for homology to ABI1/ABI2). The AtP2C-HA cDNA contains an open reading frame of 1536 bp and encodes a putative protein of 511 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 55.7 kDa. The AtP2C-HA protein is composed of two domains, a C-terminal PP2C catalytic domain and a N-terminal extension of ca. 180 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence is 55% and 54% identical to ABI1 and ABI2, respectively. Comparison of the genomic structure of the ABI1, ABI2 and AtP2C-HA genes suggests that they belong to a multigene family. The expression of the AtP2C-HA gene is up-regulated by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment.

  15. Meridional Variations of C2H2 and C2H6 in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Cassini CIRS Infrared Spectra

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nixon, C. A.; Achterberg, R. K.; Conrath, B. J.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Fouchet, T.; Parrish, P. D.; Romani, P. N.; Abbas, M.; LeClair, A.; Strobel, D.


    Hydrocarbons such as acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6) are important tracers in Jupiter's atmosphere, constraining our models of the chemical and dynamical processes. However, our knowledge of the vertical and meridional variations of their abundances has remained sparse. During the flyby of the Cassini spacecraft in December 2000, the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument was used to map the spatial variation of emissions from 10-1400 cm(sup -1) (1000-7 microns). In this paper we analyze a zonally-averaged set of CIRS spectra taken at the highest (0.5 cm(sup -1)) resolution, to infer atmospheric temperatures in the stratosphere at 0.5-20 mbar via the v4 band of CH4, and in the troposphere at 150-400 mbar, via the H2 absorption at 600-800 cm(sup -1). Simultaneously, we retrieve the abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 via the v5 and vg bands respectively. Tropospheric absorption and stratospheric emission are highly anti-correlated at the CIRS resolution, introducing a non-uniqueness into the retrievals, such that vertical gradient and column abundance cannot both be found without additional constraints. Assuming profile gradients from photochemical calculations, we show that the column abundance of C2H2 decreases sharply towards the poles by a factor approximately 4, while C2H6 is unchanged in the north and increasing in the south, by a factor approximately 1.8. An explanation for the meridional trends is proposed in terms of a combination of photochemistry and dynamics. Poleward, the decreasing UV flux is predicted to decrease the abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 by factors 2.7 and 3.5 respectively at a latitude 70 deg. However, the lifetime of C2H6 in the stratosphere (5 x 10(exp 9)) is much longer than the dynamical timescale for meridional motions inferred from SL-9 debris (5 x 10(exp 8 s)), and therefore the constant or rising abundance towards high latitudes likely indicates that meridional mixing dominates over photochemical effects. For C2H2, the opposite

  16. Chloride Channelopathies of ClC-2

    PubMed Central

    Bi, Miao Miao; Hong, Sen; Zhou, Hong Yan; Wang, Hong Wei; Wang, Li Na; Zheng, Ya Juan


    Chloride channels (ClCs) have gained worldwide interest because of their molecular diversity, widespread distribution in mammalian tissues and organs, and their link to various human diseases. Nine different ClCs have been molecularly identified and functionally characterized in mammals. ClC-2 is one of nine mammalian members of the ClC family. It possesses unique biophysical characteristics, pharmacological properties, and molecular features that distinguish it from other ClC family members. ClC-2 has wide organ/tissue distribution and is ubiquitously expressed. Published studies consistently point to a high degree of conservation of ClC-2 function and regulation across various species from nematodes to humans over vast evolutionary time spans. ClC-2 has been intensively and extensively studied over the past two decades, leading to the accumulation of a plethora of information to advance our understanding of its pathophysiological functions; however, many controversies still exist. It is necessary to analyze the research findings, and integrate different views to have a better understanding of ClC-2. This review focuses on ClC-2 only, providing an analytical overview of the available literature. Nearly every aspect of ClC-2 is discussed in the review: molecular features, biophysical characteristics, pharmacological properties, cellular function, regulation of expression and function, and channelopathies. PMID:24378849

  17. Hydrogenation and Deuteration of C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and C{sub 2}H{sub 4} on Cold Grains: A Clue to the Formation Mechanism of C{sub 2}H{sub 6} with Astronomical Interest

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kobayashi, Hitomi; Kawakita, Hideyo; Hidaka, Hiroshi

    We quantitatively investigated the hydrogen addition reactions of acetylene (C{sub 2}H{sub 2}) and ethylene (C{sub 2}H{sub 4}) on amorphous solid water (ASW) at 10 and 20 K relevant to the formation of ethane (C{sub 2}H{sub 6}) on interstellar icy grains. We found that the ASW surface enhances the reaction rates for C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and C{sub 2}H{sub 4} by approximately a factor of 2 compared to those on the pure-solid C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and C{sub 2}H{sub 4} at 10 K, probably due to an increase in the sticking coefficient and adsorption energy of the H atoms on ASW. In contrastmore » to the previous proposal that the hydrogenation rate of C{sub 2}H{sub 4} is orders of magnitude larger than that of C{sub 2}H{sub 2}, the present results show that the difference in hydrogenation rates of C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and C{sub 2}H{sub 4} is only within a factor of 3 on both the surfaces of pure solids and ASW. In addition, we found the small kinetic isotope effect for hydrogenation/deuteration of C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and C{sub 2}H{sub 4} at 10 K, despite the requirement of quantum tunneling. At 20 K, the reaction rate of deuteration becomes even larger than that of hydrogenation. These unusual isotope effects might originate from a slightly larger number density of D atoms than H atoms on ASW at 20 K. The hydrogenation of C{sub 2}H{sub 2} is four times faster than CO hydrogenation and can produce C{sub 2}H{sub 6} efficiently through C{sub 2}H{sub 4} even in the environment of a dark molecular cloud.« less

  18. Biomechanical analysis comparing three C1-C2 transarticular screw salvaging fixation techniques.


    Elgafy, Hossein; Potluri, Tejaswy; Goel, Vijay K; Foster, Scott; Faizan, Ahmad; Kulkarni, Nikhil


    This is an in vitro biomechanical study. To compare the biomechanical stability of the 3 C1-C2 transarticular screw salvaging fixation techniques. Stabilization of the atlantoaxial complex is a challenging procedure because of its complicated anatomy. Many posterior stabilization techniques of the atlantoaxial complex have been developed with C1-C2 transarticular screw fixation been the current gold standard. The drawback of using the transarticular screws is that it has a potential risk of vertebral artery injury due to a high riding transverse foramen of C2 vertebra, and screw malposition. In such cases, it is not recommended to proceed with inserting the contralateral transarticular screw and the surgeon should find an alternative to fix the contralateral side. Many studies are available comparing different atlantoaxial stabilization techniques, but none of them compared the techniques to fix the contralateral side while using the transarticular screw on one side. The current options are C1 lateral mass screw and short C2 pedicle screw or C1 lateral mass screw and C2 intralaminar screw, or C1-C2 sublaminar wire. Nine fresh human cervical spines with intact ligaments (C0-C4) were subjected to pure moments in the 6 loading directions. The resulting spatial orientations of the vertebrae were recorded using an Optotrak 3-dimensional Motion Measurement System. Measurements were made sequentially for the intact spine after creating type II odontoid fracture and after stabilization with unilateral transarticular screw placement across C1-C2 (TS) supplemented with 1 of the 3 transarticular salvaging techniques on the contralateral side; C1 lateral mass screw and C2 pedicle screw (TS+C1LMS+C2PS), C1 lateral mass and C2 intralaminar screw (TS+C1LMS+C2ILS), or sublaminar wire (TS + wire). The data indicated that all the 3 stabilization techniques significantly decreased motion when compared to intact in all the loading cases (left/right lateral bending, left/right axial

  19. Effects of neutron irradiation of Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 in the 121-1085 °C temperature range

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tallman, Darin J.; He, Lingfeng; Gan, Jian; Caspi, El'ad N.; Hoffman, Elizabeth N.; Barsoum, Michel W.


    Herein we report on the formation of defects in response to neutron irradiation of polycrystalline Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 samples exposed to total fluences of ≈6 × 1020 n/m2, 5 × 1021 n/m2 and 1.7 × 1022 n/m2 at irradiation temperatures of 121(12), 735(6) and 1085(68)°C. These fluences correspond to 0.14, 1.6 and 3.4 dpa, respectively. After irradiation to 0.14 dpa at 121 °C and 735 °C, black spots are observed via transmission electron microscopy in both Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2. After irradiation to 1.6 and 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, basal dislocation loops, with a Burgers vector of b = ½ [0001] are observed in Ti3SiC2, with loop diameters of 21(6) and 30(8) nm after 1.6 dpa and 3.4 dpa, respectively. In Ti3AlC2, larger dislocation loops, 75(34) nm in diameter are observed after 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, in addition to stacking faults. Impurity particles of TiC, as well as stacking fault TiC platelets in the MAX phases, are seen to form extensive dislocation loops under all conditions. Cavities were observed at grain boundaries and within stacking faults after 3.4 dpa irradiation, with extensive cavity formation in the TiC regions at 1085 °C. Remarkably, denuded zones on the order of 1 μm are observed in Ti3SiC2 after irradiation to 3.4 dpa at 735 °C. Small grains, 3-5 μm in diameter, are damage free after irradiation at 1085 °C at this dose. The results shown herein confirm once again that the presence of the A-layers in the MAX phases considerably enhance their irradiation tolerance. Based on these results, and up to 3.4 dpa, Ti3SiC2 remains a promising candidate for high temperature nuclear applications as long as the temperature remains >700 °C.

  20. Reinterpretation of the Vibrational Spectroscopy of the Medicinal Bioinorganic Synthon c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2]†

    PubMed Central

    Johnstone, Timothy C.


    The Pt(IV) complex c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] is an important intermediate in the synthesis of Pt(IV) anticancer prodrugs and has been investigated as an anticancer agent in its own right. An analysis of the vibrational spectroscopy of this molecule was previously reported [Faggiani et al., 1982, Can. J. Chem. 60, 529] in which crystallographic determination of the structure of the complex permitted a site group approach. The space group, however, was incorrectly assigned. In the present study we have redetermined at high resolution crystal structures of c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] and c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2]·H2O2, which enable discussion of the effect of hydrogen bonding on the N–H and O–H vibrational bands. The correct crystallographic site symmetry of the platinum complex in the c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] structure is employed to conduct a new vibrational analysis using both group theoretical and modern DFT methods. This analysis reveals the nature and symmetry of the “missing band” described in the original publication and suggests a possible explanation for its disappearance. PMID:24515615

  1. Detection of interstellar ethylene oxide (c-C2H4O).


    Dickens, J E; Irvine, W M; Ohishi, M; Ikeda, M; Ishikawa, S; Nummelin, A; Hjalmarson, A


    We report the identification of 10 transitions that support the detection of the small cyclic molecule ethylene oxide (c-C2H4O) in Sgr B2N. Although one of these transitions is severely blended, so that an accurate intensity and line width could not be determined, and two other lines are only marginally detected, we have done Gaussian fits to the remaining seven lines and have performed a rotation diagram analysis. Our results indicate a rotation temperature T(rot) = 18 K and a molecular column density N(c-C2H4O) = 3.3 x 10(14) cm-2, corresponding to a fractional abundance relative to molecular hydrogen of order 6 x 10(-11). This is a factor of more than 200 higher than the abundance for this molecule suggested by the "new standard" chemistry model of Lee, Bettens, & Herbst. This result suggests that grain chemistry might play an effective role in the production of c-C2H4O. No transitions of this molecule were detected in either Sgr B2M or Sgr B2NW.

  2. Efficient Second Harmonic Generation From 2-(N,N-Dimethylamino)-5-Nitroacetanilide (DAN) Crystal Cored Fibres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rush, James D.; Holdcroft, Geoffrey E.; Dunn, Peter L.


    The growth and characterisation of fibres containing a crystalline core of the nonlinear organic compound DAN in silica and higher refractive index capillaries is described. In addition to measuring the optical properties in transmission a method is described of measuring the sideways scatter from such fibres in order that a fuller understanding be made of factors which limit the achievement of very high SHG efficiencies.

  3. Etude de la dynamique des porteurs dans des nanofils de silicium par spectroscopie terahertz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beaudoin, Alexandre

    Ce memoire presente une etude des proprietes de conduction electrique et de la dynamique temporelle des porteurs de charges dans des nanofils de silicium sondes par rayonnement terahertz. Les cas de nanofils de silicium non intentionnellement dopes et dopes type n sont compares pour differentes configurations du montage experimental. Les mesures de spectroscopie terahertz en transmission montre qu'il est possible de detecter la presence de dopants dans les nanofils via leur absorption du rayonnement terahertz (˜ 1--12 meV). Les difficultes de modelisation de la transmission d'une impulsion electromagnetique dans un systeme de nanofils sont egalement discutees. La detection differentielle, une modification au systeme de spectroscopie terahertz, est testee et ses performances sont comparees au montage de caracterisation standard. Les instructions et des recommendations pour la mise en place de ce type de mesure sont incluses. Les resultats d'une experience de pompe optique-sonde terahertz sont egalement presentes. Dans cette experience, les porteurs de charge temporairement crees suite a l'absorption de la pompe optique (lambda ˜ 800 nm) dans les nanofils (les photoporteurs) s'ajoutent aux porteurs initialement presents et augmentent done l'absorption du rayonnement terahertz. Premierement, l'anisotropie de l'absorption terahertz et de la pompe optique par les nanofils est demontree. Deuxiemement, le temps de recombinaison des photoporteurs est etudie en fonction du nombre de photoporteurs injectes. Une hypothese expliquant les comportements observes pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n est presentee. Troisiemement, la photoconductivite est extraite pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n sur une plage de 0.5 a 2 THz. Un lissage sur la photoconductivite permet d'estimer le nombre de dopants dans les nanofils dopes-n. Mots-cles: nanofil, silicium, terahertz, conductivite, spectroscopie, photoconductivite.

  4. Meconium ileus caused by mutations in GUCY2C, encoding the CFTR-activating guanylate cyclase 2C.


    Romi, Hila; Cohen, Idan; Landau, Daniella; Alkrinawi, Suliman; Yerushalmi, Baruch; Hershkovitz, Reli; Newman-Heiman, Nitza; Cutting, Garry R; Ofir, Rivka; Sivan, Sara; Birk, Ohad S


    Meconium ileus, intestinal obstruction in the newborn, is caused in most cases by CFTR mutations modulated by yet-unidentified modifier genes. We now show that in two unrelated consanguineous Bedouin kindreds, an autosomal-recessive phenotype of meconium ileus that is not associated with cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by different homozygous mutations in GUCY2C, leading to a dramatic reduction or fully abrogating the enzymatic activity of the encoded guanlyl cyclase 2C. GUCY2C is a transmembrane receptor whose extracellular domain is activated by either the endogenous ligands, guanylin and related peptide uroguanylin, or by an external ligand, Escherichia coli (E. coli) heat-stable enterotoxin STa. GUCY2C is expressed in the human intestine, and the encoded protein activates the CFTR protein through local generation of cGMP. Thus, GUCY2C is a likely candidate modifier of the meconium ileus phenotype in CF. Because GUCY2C heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice are resistant to E. coli STa enterotoxin-induced diarrhea, it is plausible that GUCY2C mutations in the desert-dwelling Bedouin kindred are of selective advantage. Copyright © 2012 The American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Methodologies nouvelles pour la realisation d'essais dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flores Salinas, Manuel

    Le present memoire en genie de la production automatisee vise a decrire le travail effectue dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis du laboratoire LARCASE pour trouver les methodologies experimentales et les procedures de tests, qui seront utilisees avec les modeles d'ailes actuellement au laboratoire. Les methodologies et procedures presentees ici vont permettre de preparer les tests en soufflerie du projet MDO-505 Architectures et technologies deformables pour l'amelioration des performances des ailes, qui se derouleront durant l'annee 2015. D'abord, un bref historique des souffleries subsoniques sera fait. Les differentes sections de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront decrites en mettant l'emphase sur leur influence dans la qualite de l'ecoulement qui se retrouve dans la chambre d'essai. Ensuite, une introduction a la pression, a sa mesure lors de tests en soufflerie et les instruments utilises pour les tests en soufflerie au laboratoire LARCASE sera presente, en particulier le capteur piezoelectrique XCQ-062. Une attention particuliere sera portee au mode de fonctionnement, a son installation, a la mesure et a la detection des frequences et aux sources d'erreurs lorsqu'on utilise des capteurs de haute precision comme la serie XCQ-062 du fournisseur Kulite. Finalement, les procedures et les methodologies elaborees pour les tests dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront utilisees sur quatre types d'ailes differentes. L'article New methodology for wind tunnel calibration using neural networks - EGD approch portant sur une nouvelle facon de predire les caracteristiques de l'ecoulement a l'interieur de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis se trouve dans l'annexe 2 de ce document. Cet article porte sur la creation d'un reseau de neurones multicouche et sur l'entrainement des neurones, Ensuite, une comparaison des resultats du reseau de neurones a ete fait avec des valeurs simules avec le logiciel Fluent.

  6. Thermomagnetic analysis of meteorites, 2: C2 chondrites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Watson, D. E.; Larson, E. E.; Herndon, J. M.; Rowe, M. W.


    Samples of all eighteen of the known C2 chondrites were analyzed thermomagnetically. For eleven of these, initial Fe3O4 content is low(generally 1%) and the J sub s-T curves are irreversible. The heating curves show variable and erratic behavior, whereas the cooling curves appear to be that of Fe3O4. The saturation moment after cooling is greater (up to 10 times larger) than it is initially. This behavior is interpreted to be the result of the production of magnetite from a thermally unstable phase--apparently FeS. Four of the remaining 7 C2 chondrites contain Fe3O4 as the only significant magnetic phase: initial magnetite contents range from 4 to 13 percent. The remaining three C2 chondrites contain iron or nickel-iron in addition to Fe3O4. These seven C2 chondrites show little evidence of the breakdown of a thermally unstable phase.

  7. STS-105 Crew Interview: Dan Barry

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    STS-105 Mission Specialist Dan Barry is seen during a prelaunch interview. He answers questions about his inspiration to become an astronaut, his career path, training for the mission, and his role in the mission's activities. He gives details on the mission's goals, which include the transfer of supplies from the Discovery Orbiter to the International Space Station (ISS) and the change-over of the Expedition 2 and Expedition 3 crews (the resident crews of ISS). Barry discusses the importance of the ISS in the future of human spaceflight.

  8. Laser induced fluorescence of HCCO (DCCO) radical formed in O+C2H2 (C2D2) reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Inoue, Gen; Suzuki, Makoto


    Laser induced fluorescence of HCCO (DCCO) radical have been obtained in the reaction of O(3P)+C2H2(C2D2) for the first time (X 2A'-2A`). The laser excitation spectra have been obtained over the wavelength region from 310 to 370 nm. The collision-free lifetimes for HCCO and DCCO are 0.14 and 3.8 μs, respectively. From the excitation and dispersed fluorescence spectra, some vibrational energies have been obtained in cm-1 unit: 1762 (1727), 150-140 (n.a.), and 2334 (1901) for the ground state HCCO (DCCO), and 1183 (1167), 866 (607), and 2862 (2075) for the excited state HCCO (DCCO). The band origin ν00 is 28 296.7 cm-1.

  9. Synaptotagmin C2B Domain Regulates Ca2+-triggered Fusion in Vitro

    PubMed Central

    Gaffaney, Jon D.; Dunning, F. Mark; Wang, Zhao; Hui, Enfu; Chapman, Edwin R.


    Synaptotagmin (syt) 1 is localized to synaptic vesicles, binds Ca2+, and regulates neuronal exocytosis. Syt 1 harbors two Ca2+-binding motifs referred to as C2A and C2B. In this study we examine the function of the isolated C2 domains of Syt 1 using a reconstituted, SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment receptor)-mediated, fusion assay. We report that inclusion of phosphatidylethanolamine into reconstituted SNARE vesicles enabled isolated C2B, but not C2A, to regulate Ca2+-triggered fusion. The isolated C2B domain had a 6-fold lower EC for Ca2+ 50-activated fusion than the intact cytosolic domain of Syt 1 (C2AB). Phosphatidylethanolamine increased both the rate and efficiency of C2AB- and C2B-regulated fusion without affecting their abilities to bind membrane-embedded syntaxin-SNAP-25 (t-SNARE) complexes. At equimolar concentrations, the isolated C2A domain was an effective inhibitor of C2B-, but not C2AB-regulated fusion; hence, C2A has markedly different effects in the fusion assay depending on whether it is tethered to C2B. Finally, scanning alanine mutagenesis of C2AB revealed four distinct groups of mutations within the C2B domain that play roles in the regulation of SNARE-mediated fusion. Surprisingly, substitution of Arg-398 with alanine, which lies on the opposite end of C2B from the Ca2+/membrane-binding loops, decreases C2AB t-SNARE binding and Ca2+-triggered fusion in vitro without affecting Ca2+-triggered interactions with phosphatidylserine or vesicle aggregation. In addition, some mutations uncouple the clamping and stimulatory functions of syt 1, suggesting that these two activities are mediated by distinct structural determinants in C2B. PMID:18784080

  10. Anisotropic electrical and lattice transport properties of ordered quaternary phases Cr2TiAlC2 and Mo2TiAlC2: A first principles study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Y. F.; Ding, Y. C.; Xiao, B.; Cheng, Y. H.


    Electrical conductivities of Cr2TiAlC2 and Mo2TiAlC2 in a and c directions are calculated from semi-classic Boltzmann transport theory. The values are found to be σa = 5.68 ×105 S /m (6.56 ×105 S /m) and σc = 2.15 ×105 S /m (2.69 ×105 S /m) for Cr2TiAlC2 (Mo2TiAlC2) at 300 K. Using the phonon-mode Debye temperature and Slack-model, the lattice thermal conductivities in the two directions are also evaluated, and the values are κa = 18.71 W /m K (16.11 W/m K) and κc = 0.48 W /m K (0.25 W /m K) for Cr2TiAlC2 (Mo2TiAlC2) at room temperature. The anisotropy in lattice thermal conductivity is found to be stronger than that of electrical conductivity. The predicted Seebeck coefficients and thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) indicate that they are poor thermoelectric materials. Due to the relatively high conductivities, they might be used to fabricate high temperature conductive components in aerospace industry. In addition, our results in a direction have the direct implications for the relevant properties of MXenes (Cr2TiC2 and Mo2TiC2), produced from their bulk phases.

  11. 42 CFR 52c.2 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Definitions. 52c.2 Section 52c.2 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS MINORITY BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM § 52c.2 Definitions. As used in this part: Act means the Public Health Service Act, as...

  12. 42 CFR 52c.2 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Definitions. 52c.2 Section 52c.2 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS MINORITY BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM § 52c.2 Definitions. As used in this part: Act means the Public Health Service Act, as...

  13. 42 CFR 52c.2 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Definitions. 52c.2 Section 52c.2 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS MINORITY BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM § 52c.2 Definitions. As used in this part: Act means the Public Health Service Act, as...

  14. 42 CFR 52c.2 - Definitions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Definitions. 52c.2 Section 52c.2 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS MINORITY BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM § 52c.2 Definitions. As used in this part: Act means the Public Health Service Act, as...

  15. Dan Says - Continuum Magazine | NREL Websites

    provide incisive insights into the latest and most impactful clean energy innovations, while spotlighting compelling and a useful look into NREL's ongoing contributions to our collective energy future. Dr. Dan E

  16. Apport de la biopsie radioguidée dans le diagnostic histopathologique des tumeurs de l'enfant: expérience de l'Hôpital d'Enfant de Rabat

    PubMed Central

    El Ochi, Mohamed Réda; Bellarbi, Salma; Rouas, Lamiae; Lamalmi, Najat; Malihy, Abderrahmane; Alhamany, Zaitouna; Cherradi, Nadia


    La biopsie radioguidée constitue une alternative à la biopsie chirurgicale invasive et à la cytologie pour le diagnostic des tumeurs pédiatriques. L'intérêt de notre étude est d’évaluer la valeur diagnostique des biopsies radioguidées examinées au laboratoire d'anatomopathologie de l'hôpital d'Enfants de Rabat (HER). L’étude a porté sur 78 biopsies radioguidées recueillies dans notre laboratoire entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2011. l’âge moyen des patients était de 5 ans et 10 mois avec une prédominance masculine (65,4%). La tumeur était abdominale dans 80% des cas, thoracique dans 15% cas, thoracique et abdominale dans 2,5% et sacrée dans 1,2%. Les biopsies étaient écho-guidées dans 90% des cas et scannoguidées dans 10% des cas. Le diagnostic histopathologique était posé dans 89% des cas. L'immuno-histochimie a été indiquée dans 35% des cas. Les diagnostics les plus fréquents étaient: tumeurs neuroblastiques (42 cas), lymphomes non hodgkiniens (10 cas), rhabdomyosarcomes (6 cas), autres (sarcome d'Ewing, néphroblastomes, tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire, maladies de Hodgkin, leucémie aiguë, hépatoblastome et ostéosarcome). Dans notre série, la biopsie radioguidée a permis un diagnostic histopathologique certain dans 89% des cas. Elle nécessite une étroite collaboration entre clinicien, radiologue et anatomopathologiste pour discuter son indication, afin de diminuer le nombre de biopsies peu ou non représentatives. PMID:26587165

  17. Water availability in +2°C and +4°C worlds.


    Fung, Fai; Lopez, Ana; New, Mark


    While the parties to the UNFCCC agreed in the December 2009 Copenhagen Accord that a 2°C global warming over pre-industrial levels should be avoided, current commitments on greenhouse gas emissions reductions from these same parties will lead to a 50 : 50 chance of warming greater than 3.5°C. Here, we evaluate the differences in impacts and adaptation issues for water resources in worlds corresponding to the policy objective (+2°C) and possible reality (+4°C). We simulate the differences in impacts on surface run-off and water resource availability using a global hydrological model driven by ensembles of climate models with global temperature increases of 2°C and 4°C. We combine these with UN-based population growth scenarios to explore the relative importance of population change and climate change for water availability. We find that the projected changes in global surface run-off from the ensemble show an increase in spatial coherence and magnitude for a +4°C world compared with a +2°C one. In a +2°C world, population growth in most large river basins tends to override climate change as a driver of water stress, while in a +4°C world, climate change becomes more dominant, even compensating for population effects where climate change increases run-off. However, in some basins where climate change has positive effects, the seasonality of surface run-off becomes increasingly amplified in a +4°C climate.

  18. Comparison of 2c- and 3cLIF droplet temperature imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Palmer, Johannes; Reddemann, Manuel A.; Kirsch, Valeri; Kneer, Reinhold


    This work presents "pulsed 2D-3cLIF-EET" as a measurement setup for micro-droplet internal temperature imaging. The setup relies on a third color channel that allows correcting spatially changing energy transfer rates between the two applied fluorescent dyes. First measurement results are compared with results of two slightly different versions of the recent "pulsed 2D-2cLIF-EET" method. Results reveal a higher temperature measurement accuracy of the recent 2cLIF setup. Average droplet temperature is determined by the 2cLIF setup with an uncertainty of less than 1 K and a spatial deviation of about 3.7 K. The new 3cLIF approach would become competitive, if the existing droplet size dependency is anticipated by an additional calibration and if the processing algorithm includes spatial measurement errors more appropriately.

  19. The DAN family: modulators of TGF-β signaling and beyond.


    Nolan, Kristof; Thompson, Thomas B


    Extracellular binding proteins or antagonists are important factors that modulate ligands in the transforming growth factor (TGF-β) family. While the interplay between antagonists and ligands are essential for developmental and normal cellular processes, their imbalance can lead to the pathology of several disease states. In particular, recent studies have implicated members of the differential screening-selected gene in neuroblastoma (DAN) family in disease such as renal fibrosis, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and reactivation of metastatic cancer stem cells. DAN family members are known to inhibit the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) of the TGF-β family. However, unlike other TGF-β antagonist families, DAN family members have roles beyond ligand inhibition and can modulate Wnt and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathways. This review describes recent structural and functional advances that have expanded our understanding of DAN family proteins with regards to BMP inhibition and also highlights their emerging roles in the modulation of Wnt and VEGF signaling pathways. © 2014 The Protein Society.

  20. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Sequence of Test Measurements

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Sequence of Test Measurements C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C...

  1. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Sequence of Test Measurements

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Sequence of Test Measurements C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C...

  2. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Sequence of Test Measurements

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Sequence of Test Measurements C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C...

  3. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Sequence of Test Measurements

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Sequence of Test Measurements C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C...

  4. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Sequence of Test Measurements

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sequence of Test Measurements C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR... Comparability Between Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C...

  5. Profil de l'infection urinaire nosocomiale dans un service de nephrology

    PubMed Central

    Lazrak, Mohamed Amine; El Bardai, Ghita; Jaafour, Soumia; Kabbali, Nadia; Arrayhani, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    L'infection urinaire est l'infection nosocomiale la plus fréquente. Elle constitue un véritable problème de santé publique par la surmortalité et le surcoût qu'elle entraîne. L'objectif de notre étude est de déterminer l'incidence et le profil des IU nosocomiales dans un service de Néphrologie. Etude rétrospective sur dossier de tous les patients hospitalisés dans notre service durant l'année 2011, ayant bénéficié d'un examen cytobactériologique des urines. Ont été exclus, tous les patients admis avec une IU connue ou active. 325 dossiers ont été retenus. L'incidence de l'IU nosocomiale était de l'ordre de 16,9%. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 14,1±10,15 jours. 30% de nos patients ont été transférés du service des urgences. 80% des IU nosocomiales étaient compliquées. Le germe responsable était E.Coli dans 2/3 des cas dont 14,5% était à E.Coli sécrétrice de bétalactamases à spectre étendu. L’évolution après traitement était favorable chez 90,7%. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs de risque pour contracter une IU nosocomiale étaient le sexe féminin; le sondage urinaire et l'antécédent d'IU à répétition. Nos résultats rejoignent ceux de la littérature concernant les facteurs de risque liés à la survenue de l'IU nosocomiale, la fréquence des infections à entérobactéries, et l’émergence de souches résistantes. Une Surveillance microbiologique et une évaluation de la résistance aux antibiotiques constituent une ligne de défense pour faire face à l'accentuation de nouvelles souches bactériennes de plus en plus résistantes aux antibiotiques rendant les options thérapeutiques très limitées. PMID:25667721

  6. New thermoelastic parameters of natural C2/ c omphacite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pandolfo, Francesco; Nestola, Fabrizio; Cámara, Fernando; Domeneghetti, M. Chiara


    The compressibility at room temperature and the thermal expansion at room pressure of two disordered crystals (space group C2/ c) obtained by annealing a natural omphacite sample (space group P2/ n) of composition close to Jd56Di44 and Jd55Di45, respectively, have been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Using a Birch-Murnaghan equation of state truncated at the third order [BM3-EoS], we have obtained the following coefficients: V 0 = 421.04(7) Å3, K T0 = 119(2) GPa, K' = 5.7(6). A parameterized form of the BM3 EoS was used to determine the axial moduli of a, b and c. The anisotropy scheme is β c ≤ β a ≤ β b , with an anisotropy ratio 1.05:1.00:1.07. A fitting of the lattice variation as a function of temperature, allowing for linear dependency of the thermal expansion coefficient on the temperature, yielded αV(1bar,303K) = 2.64(2) × 10-5 K-1 and an axial thermal expansion anisotropy of α b ≫ α a > α c . Comparison of our results with available data on compressibility and thermal expansion shows that while a reasonable ideal behaviour can be proposed for the compressibility of clinopyroxenes in the jadeite-diopside binary join [ K T0 as a function of Jd molar %: K T0 = 106(1) GPa + 0.28(2) × Jd(mol%)], the available data have not sufficient quality to extract the behaviour of thermal expansion for the same binary join in terms of composition.

  7. Modelisation de la Propagation des Ondes Sonores dans un Environnement Naturel Complexe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    L'Esperance, Andre

    Ce travail est consacre a la propagation sonore a l'exterieur dans un environnement naturel complexe, i.e. en presence de conditions reelles de vent, de gradient de temperature et de turbulence atmospherique. Plus specifiquement ce travail comporte deux objectifs. D'une part, il vise a developper un modele heuristique de propagation sonore (MHP) permettant de prendre en consideration l'ensemble des phenomenes meteorologiques et acoustiques influencant la propagation du son a l'exterieur. D'autre part, il vise a identifier dans quelles circonstances et avec quelle importance les conditions meteorologiques interviennent sur la propagation sonore. Ce travail est divise en cinq parties. Apres une breve introduction identifiant les motivations de cette etude (chapitre 1), le chapitre 2 fait un rappel des travaux deja realises dans le domaine de la propagation du son a l'exterieur. Ce chapitre presente egalement les bases de l'acoustique geometrique a partir desquelles ont ete developpees la partie acoustique du modele heuristique de propagation. En outre, on y decrit comment les phenomenes de refraction et de turbulence atmospherique peuvent etre consideres dans la theorie des rayons. Le chapitre 3 presente le modele heuristique de propagation (MHP) developpe au cours de cet ouvrage. La premiere section de ce chapitre decrit le modele acoustique de propagation, modele qui fait l'hypothese d'un gradient de celerite lineaire et qui est base sur une solution hybride d'acoustique geometrique et de theorie des residus. La deuxieme section du chapitre 3 traite plus specifiquement de la modelisation des aspects meteorologiques et de la determination des profils de celerite et des index de fluctuation associes aux conditions meteorologiques. La section 3 de ce chapitre decrit comment les profils de celerite resultants sont linearises pour les calculs dans le modele acoustique, et finalement la section 4 donne les tendances generales obtenues par le modele. Le chapitre 4 decrit

  8. NATO NEC C2 Maturity Model

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Academy of the United Kingdom Petra Eggenhofer Germany Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany Fred van Ettinger Ne herlands C2 Centre of Excellence...C2 Centre of Excellence Jose Martins Portugal Military Academy, Portugal Jimmie McEver USA Evidence Based Research, Inc. Allen Murashige USA HQ USAF...integrating the results from the disparate case studies undertaken to validate the N2C2M2. Ms. Petra Eggenhofer from the Universität der Bundeswehr München

  9. Miroirs multicouches C/SI a incidence normale pour la region spectrale 25-40 nanometres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grigonis, Marius

    Nous avons propose la nouvelle combinaison de materiaux, C/Si, pour la fabrication de miroirs multicouches a incidence normale dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les resultats experimentaux montrent que cette combinaison possede une reflectivite d'environ ~25% dans la region spectrale 25-33 nm et une reflectivite d'environ ~23% dans la region spectrale 33-40 nm. Ces valeurs de reflectivite sont les plus grandes obtenues jusqu'a maintenant dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les miroirs multicouches ont ete par la suite caracterises par microscopie electronique a transmission, par diverses techniques de diffraction des rayons X et par spectroscopies d'electrons AES et ESCA. La resistance des miroirs aux temperatures elevees a ete egalement etudiee. Les resultats fournis par les methodes de caracterisation indiquent que cette combinaison possede des caracteristiques tres prometteuses pour son application comme miroir pour les rayons X mous.

  10. The Spatial Distribution of C2, C3, and NH in Comet 2P/Encke

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dorman, Garrett; Pierce, Donna M.; Cochran, Anita L.


    We examine the spatial distribution of C2, C3, and NH radicals in the coma of comet Encke in order to understand their abundances and distributions in the coma. The observations were obtained from 2003 October 22-24, using the 2.7 m telescope at McDonald Observatory. Building on our original study of CN and OH, we have used our modified version of the vectorial model, which treats the coma as one large cone, in order to reproduce Encke's highly aspherical and asymmetric coma. Our results suggest that NH can be explained by the photodissociation of NH2, assuming that NH2 is produced rapidly from NH3 in the innermost coma. Our modeling of C2 and C3 suggests a multi-generational photodissociation process may be required for their production. Using the results of our previous study, we also obtain abundance ratios with respect to OH and CN. Overall, we find that Encke exhibits typical carbon-chain abundances, and the results are consistent with other studies of comet Encke.

  11. Gun Propellant Residues Dispersed from Static Artillery Firings of LG1 Mark 2 and C3 105-mm Howitzers

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nitroglycerine (NG). In this study, aluminium witness plates were placed in front of the muzzle of the gun to collect residues propelled in the environment...témoins en aluminium ont été placées en face de la bouche du canon pour récolter les résidus de tirs propulsés dans l’environnement. Les plaques ont été...the Mark II and C3 105-mm howitzers, during an artillery exercise performed from May 9 to May 12, 2005 at CFB Gagetown in New-Brunswick. Aluminium

  12. Two distinct RNase activities of CRISPR-C2c2 enable guide-RNA processing and RNA detection.


    East-Seletsky, Alexandra; O'Connell, Mitchell R; Knight, Spencer C; Burstein, David; Cate, Jamie H D; Tjian, Robert; Doudna, Jennifer A


    Bacterial adaptive immune systems use CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins for RNA-guided nucleic acid cleavage. Although most prokaryotic adaptive immune systems generally target DNA substrates, type III and VI CRISPR systems direct interference complexes against single-stranded RNA substrates. In type VI systems, the single-subunit C2c2 protein functions as an RNA-guided RNA endonuclease (RNase). How this enzyme acquires mature CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) that are essential for immune surveillance and how it carries out crRNA-mediated RNA cleavage remain unclear. Here we show that bacterial C2c2 possesses a unique RNase activity responsible for CRISPR RNA maturation that is distinct from its RNA-activated single-stranded RNA degradation activity. These dual RNase functions are chemically and mechanistically different from each other and from the crRNA-processing behaviour of the evolutionarily unrelated CRISPR enzyme Cpf1 (ref. 11). The two RNase activities of C2c2 enable multiplexed processing and loading of guide RNAs that in turn allow sensitive detection of cellular transcripts.

  13. The upgrade of the Thomson scattering system for measurement on the C-2/C-2U devices.


    Zhai, K; Schindler, T; Kinley, J; Deng, B; Thompson, M C


    The C-2/C-2U Thomson scattering system has been substantially upgraded during the latter phase of C-2/C-2U program. A Rayleigh channel has been added to each of the three polychromators of the C-2/C-2U Thomson scattering system. Onsite spectral calibration has been applied to avoid the issue of different channel responses at different spots on the photomultiplier tube surface. With the added Rayleigh channel, the absolute intensity response of the system is calibrated with Rayleigh scattering in argon gas from 0.1 to 4 Torr, where the Rayleigh scattering signal is comparable to the Thomson scattering signal at electron densities from 1 × 10 13 to 4 × 10 14 cm -3 . A new signal processing algorithm, using a maximum likelihood method and including detailed analysis of different noise contributions within the system, has been developed to obtain electron temperature and density profiles. The system setup, spectral and intensity calibration procedure and its outcome, data analysis, and the results of electron temperature/density profile measurements will be presented.

  14. Étude théorique et expérimentale du transfert du dioctyl phtalate à partir d'un disque de PVC plastifié plongé dans une huile comestible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Djilani, S.-E.; Toubal, A. A.; Messadi, D.


    When polymer and liquid are contacted with each other, as in packaging, some mass exchanges may occur, which constitute a major drawback when the liquid is a foodstuff or blood. However, these mass transfers in the polymers can appear as very interesting from the industrial point of view, if one is able to use and control them. It is then necessary to have a good knowledge of these transfer processes which are controlled by diffusion. Dioctyl phthalate (DOP) migration into an edible oil was studied under worst conditions: high plasticization level (50% by weight) and temperature(30 circC). The quantitative analysis of DOP in a such complex liquid medium and in the PVC itself was made easy by the use of the radioactive tracer technique. A simplified mathematical model, obtained by neglecting the oil transport in the PVC, was evaluated. This model based on the research of a finite differences explicit solution allows to reproduce for the DOP, the concentration profiles in the polymer and the kinetics of transfer in the oil, with a P-value ≥ 0.001. La mise en contact polymère-liquide se traduit généralement par des échanges de matière entre les 2 milieux considérés, ce qui constitue un inconvénient majeur lorsque le liquide est un aliment ou le sang. Cependant, ces transferts de matière dans les polymères peuvent apparaître comme très intéressants sur le plan industriel, si l'on est capable de les utiliser et de les contrôler. Il est donc nécessaire d'avoir une bonne connaissance de ces processus de transfert qui sont contrôlés par diffusion. Nous avons étudié la migration du dioctyl phtalate (DOP) dans une huile comestible en nous plaçant dans les conditions les plus défavorables: taux de plastification (50% en poids) et température (30°C) élevés. L'analyse quantitative du DOP dans un milieu liquide aussi complexe et dans le PVC lui- même a été facilitée par l'utilisation de la technique des traceurs radioactifs. Un modèle math

  15. C=C bond cleavage on neutral VO3(V2O5)n clusters.


    Dong, Feng; Heinbuch, Scott; Xie, Yan; Bernstein, Elliot R; Rocca, Jorge J; Wang, Zhe-Chen; Ding, Xun-Lei; He, Sheng-Gui


    The reactions of neutral vanadium oxide clusters with alkenes (ethylene, propylene, 1-butene, and 1,3-butadiene) are investigated by experiments and density function theory (DFT) calculations. Single photon ionization through extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV, 46.9 nm, 26.5 eV) is used to detect neutral cluster distributions and reaction products. In the experiments, we observe products (V(2)O(5))(n)VO(2)CH(2), (V(2)O(5))(n)VO(2)C(2)H(4), (V(2)O(5))(n)VO(2)C(3)H(4), and (V(2)O(5))(n)VO(2)C(3)H(6), for neural V(m)O(n) clusters in reactions with C(2)H(4), C(3)H(6), C(4)H(6), and C(4)H(8), respectively. The observation of these products indicates that the C=C bonds of alkenes can be broken on neutral oxygen rich vanadium oxide clusters with the general structure VO(3)(V(2)O(5))(n=0,1,2...). DFT calculations demonstrate that the reaction VO(3) + C(3)H(6) --> VO(2)C(2)H(4) + H(2)CO is thermodynamically favorable and overall barrierless at room temperature. They also provide a mechanistic explanation for the general reaction in which the C=C double bond of alkenes is broken on VO(3)(V(2)O(5))(n=0,1,2...) clusters. A catalytic cycle for alkene oxidation on vanadium oxide is suggested based on our experimental and theoretical investigations. The reactions of V(m)O(n) with C(6)H(6) and C(2)F(4) are also investigated by experiments. The products VO(2)(V(2)O(5))(n)C(6)H(4) are observed for dehydration reactions between V(m)O(n) clusters and C(6)H(6). No product is detected for V(m)O(n) clusters reacting with C(2)F(4). The mechanisms of the reactions between VO(3) and C(2)F(4)/C(6)H(6) are also investigated by calculations at the B3LYP/TZVP level.

  16. Two Distinct RNase Activities of CRISPR-C2c2 Enable Guide RNA Processing and RNA Detection

    PubMed Central

    East-Seletsky, Alexandra; O’Connell, Mitchell R.; Knight, Spencer C.; Burstein, David; Cate, Jamie H. D.; Tjian, Robert; Doudna, Jennifer A.


    Bacterial adaptive immune systems employ CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins for RNA-guided nucleic acid cleavage1,2. Although generally targeted to DNA substrates3–5, the Type III and Type VI CRISPR systems direct interference complexes against single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) substrates6–9. In Type VI systems, the single-subunit C2c2 protein functions as an RNA-guided RNA endonuclease9,10. How this enzyme acquires mature CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) essential for immune surveillance and its mechanism of crRNA-mediated RNA cleavage remain unclear. Here we show that C2c2 possesses a unique ribonuclease activity responsible for CRISPR RNA maturation that is distinct from its RNA-activated ssRNA-degradation activity. These dual ribonuclease functions are chemically and mechanistically different from each other and from the crRNA-processing behavior of the evolutionarily unrelated CRISPR enzyme Cpf111. We show that the two ribonuclease activities of C2c2 enable multiplexed processing and loading of guide RNAs that in turn allow for sensitive cellular transcript detection. PMID:27669025

  17. Experimental and theoretical characterization of ordered MAX phases Mo{sub 2}TiAlC{sub 2} and Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}AlC{sub 3}

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Anasori, Babak; A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104; Dahlqvist, Martin


    Herein, we report on the phase stabilities and crystal structures of two newly discovered ordered, quaternary MAX phases—Mo{sub 2}TiAlC{sub 2} and Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}AlC{sub 3}—synthesized by mixing and heating different elemental powder mixtures of mMo:(3-m)Ti:1.1Al:2C with 1.5 ≤ m ≤ 2.2 and 2Mo: 2Ti:1.1Al:2.7C to 1600 °C for 4 h under Ar flow. In general, for m ≥ 2 an ordered 312 phase, (Mo{sub 2}Ti)AlC{sub 2}, was the majority phase; for m < 2, an ordered 413 phase (Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 2})AlC{sub 3}, was the major product. The actual chemistries determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are Mo{sub 2}TiAlC{sub 1.7} and Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 1.9}Al{sub 0.9}C{sub 2.5}, respectively. High resolution scanning transmissionmore » microscopy, XPS and Rietveld analysis of powder X-ray diffraction confirmed the general ordered stacking sequence to be Mo-Ti-Mo-Al-Mo-Ti-Mo for Mo{sub 2}TiAlC{sub 2} and Mo-Ti-Ti-Mo-Al-Mo-Ti-Ti-Mo for Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}AlC{sub 3}, with the carbon atoms occupying the octahedral sites between the transition metal layers. Consistent with the experimental results, the theoretical calculations clearly show that M layer ordering is mostly driven by the high penalty paid in energy by having the Mo atoms surrounded by C in a face-centered configuration, i.e., in the center of the M{sub n+1}X{sub n} blocks. At 331 GPa and 367 GPa, respectively, the Young's moduli of the ordered Mo{sub 2}TiAlC{sub 2} and Mo{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}AlC{sub 3} are predicted to be higher than those calculated for their ternary end members. Like most other MAX phases, because of the high density of states at the Fermi level, the resistivity measurement over 300 to 10 K for both phases showed metallic behavior.« less

  18. Meridional Variations of C2H2 and C2H6 in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Cassini CIRS Infrared Spectra

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nixon, C. A.; Achterberg, R. K.; Conrath, B. J.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Fouchet, T.; Parrish, P. D.; Abbas, M.; LeClaire, A.; Romani, P. N.; Simon-Miller, A. A.


    The abundances of hydrocarbons such as acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6) in Jupiter's atmosphere are important physical quantities, constraining our models of the chemical and dynamical processes. However, our knowledge of these quantities and their vertical and latitudinal variations has remained sparse. The flyby of the Cassini spacecraft with Jupiter at the end of 2000 provided an excellent opportunity to observe the infrared spectrum with the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, mapping the spatial variation of emissions from 10-1400 cm-1. CIRS spectra taken at the highest resolution (0.5 cm-1) in early December 2000 have been analysed to infer atmospheric temperatures in the stratosphere at 0.5-20 mbar via the v4 of CH4, and in the troposphere at 100-400 mbar, via the hydrogen collision-induced continuum absorption at 600-800 cm. Simultaneously, we have searched for meridional abundance variations in C2H2 and C2H6 via the v5 and vg bands respectively. Tropospheric absorption and stratospheric emission are highly anti-correlated at the CIM resolution, introducing a non-uniqueness into the retrievals, which means that vertical gradient and column abundance cannot be simultaneously found without additional constraints. If we assume the profile shapes from photochemical model calculations, we show that the column abundance of C2H2 must decrease sharply towards the poles, while C2H6 is constant or slightly increasing. The relevance of these results to current photochemical and dynamical knowledge of Jupiter's atmosphere is discussed.

  19. Phase Equilibria and Transport Properties in the Systems AgNO3/RCN/H2O. R = CH3, C2H5, C3H7, C4H,, C6H5, and C6H5CH2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Das, Surjya P.; Wittekopf, Burghard; Weil, Konrad G.


    Silver nitrate can form homogeneous liquid phases with some organic nitriles and water, even when there is no miscibility between the pure liquid components. We determined the shapes of the single phase regions in the ternary phase diagram for the following systems: silver nitrate /RCN /H2O with R =CH3, C3H7, C6H5, and C6H5CH2 at room temperature and for R =C6H5 also at 60 °C and O °C. Furthermore we studied kinematic viscosities, electrical conductivities, and densities of mixtures containing silver nitrate, RCN, and water with the mole ratios X /4 /1 (0.2≦ X ≦S 3.4). In these cases also R = C2H5 and C4H9 were studied. The organic nitriles show different dependences of viscosity and conductivity on the silver nitrate content from the aliphatic ones.

  20. The C2HDM revisited

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fontes, Duarte; Mühlleitner, Margarete; Romão, Jorge C.; Santos, Rui; Silva, João P.; Wittbrodt, Jonas


    The complex two-Higgs doublet model is one of the simplest ways to extend the scalar sector of the Standard Model to include a new source of CP-violation. The model has been used as a benchmark model to search for CP-violation at the LHC and as a possible explanation for the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. In this work, we re-analyse in full detail the softly broken ℤ 2 symmetric complex two-Higgs doublet model (C2HDM). We provide the code C2HDM_HDECAY implementing the C2HDM in the well-known HDECAY program which calculates the decay widths including the state-of-the-art higher order QCD corrections and the relevant off-shell decays. Using C2HDM_HDECAY together with the most relevant theoretical and experimental constraints, including electric dipole moments (EDMs), we review the parameter space of the model and discuss its phenomenology. In particular, we find cases where large CP-odd couplings to fermions are still allowed and provide benchmark points for these scenarios. We examine the prospects of discovering CP-violation at the LHC and show how theoretically motivated measures of CP-violation correlate with observables.

  1. Optimized molecular design of ADAPT-based HER2-imaging probes labelled with 111In and 68Ga.


    Lindbo, Sarah; Garousi, Javad; Mitran, Bogdan; Vorobyeva, Anzhelika; Oroujeni, Maryam; Orlova, Anna; Hober, Sophia; Tolmachev, Vladimir


    Radionuclide molecular imaging is a promising tool for visualization of cancer associated molecular abnormalities in vivo and stratification of patients for specific therapies. ADAPT is a new type of small engineered proteins based on the scaffold of an albumin binding domain of protein G. ADAPTs have been utilized to select and develop high affinity binders to different proteinaceous targets. ADAPT6 binds to human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) with low nanomolar affinity and can be used for its in vivo visualization. Molecular design of 111 In-labeled anti-HER2 ADAPT has been optimized in several earlier studies. In this study, we made a direct comparison of two of the most promising variants, having either a DEAVDANS or a (HE) 3 DANS sequence at the N-terminus, conjugated with a maleimido derivative of DOTA to a GSSC amino acids sequence at the C-terminus. The variants (designated DOTA-C 59 - DEAVDANS-ADAPT6-GSSC and DOTA-C 61 -(HE) 3 DANS-ADAPT6-GSSC) were stably labeled with 111 In for SPECT and 68 Ga for PET. Biodistribution of labeled ADAPT variants was evaluated in nude mice bearing human tumor xenografts with different levels of HER2 expression. Both variants enabled clear discrimination between tumors with high and low levels of HER2 expression. 111 In-labeled ADAPT6 derivatives provided higher tumor-to-organ ratios compared to 68 Ga-labeled counterparts. The best performing variant was DOTA-C 61 -(HE) 3 DANS-ADAPT6-GSSC, providing tumor-to-blood ratios of 208±36 and 109±17 at 3 h for 111 In and 68 Ga labels, respectively.

  2. Techniques d'inspection par ondes guidees ultrasonores d'assemblages brases dans des reacteurs aeronautiques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Comot, Pierre

    L'industrie aeronautique, cherche a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser de maniere structurelle des joints brases, dans une optique de reduction de poids et de cout. Le developpement d'une methode d'evaluation rapide, fiable et peu couteuse pour evaluer l'integrite structurelle des joints apparait donc indispensable. La resistance mecanique d'un joint brase dependant principalement de la quantite de phase fragile dans sa microstructure. Les ondes guidees ultrasonores permettent de detecter ce type de phase lorsqu'elles sont couplees a une mesure spatio-temporelle. De plus la nature de ce type d'ondes permet l'inspection de joints ayant des formes complexes. Ce memoire se concentre donc sur le developpement d'une technique basee sur l'utilisation d'ondes guidees ultrasonores pour l'inspection de joints brases a recouvrement d'Inconel 625 avec comme metal d'apport du BNi-2. Dans un premiers temps un modele elements finis du joint a ete utilise pour simuler la propagation des ultrasons et optimiser les parametres d'inspection, la simulation a permis egalement de demontrer la faisabilite de la technique pour la detection de la quantite de phase fragile dans ce type de joints. Les parametres optimises sont la forme de signal d'excitation, sa frequence centrale et la direction d'excitation. Les simulations ont montre que l'energie de l'onde ultrasonore transmise a travers le joint aussi bien que celle reflechie, toutes deux extraites des courbes de dispersion, etaient proportionnelles a la quantite de phase fragile presente dans le joint et donc cette methode permet d'identifier la presence ou non d'une phase fragile dans ce type de joint. Ensuite des experimentations ont ete menees sur trois echantillons typiques presentant differentes quantites de phase fragile dans le joint, pour obtenir ce type d'echantillons differents temps de brasage ont ete utilises (1, 60 et 180 min). Pour cela un banc d'essai automatise a ete developpe permettant d'effectuer une analyse similaire

  3. Modélisation d'un choc thermique doux d'un verre S.S.C en utilisant l'approche thermomécanique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malou, Z.; Hamidouche, M.; Madjoubi, M. A.; Bousbaa, C.; Bouaouadja, N.


    Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié l'endommagement du verre silico-sodo-calcique (trois différentes épaisseurs : 2mm, 4mm, et 8mm) par choc thermique descendant. Nous avons utilisé l'approche thermomécanique en terme de facteur d'intensité de contrainte en se basant sur un calcul numérique. Le choc thermique descendant, est la mise en contact brutal d'un échantillon, préalablement chauffé à une température Ti, avec un milieu dont la température Tf est inférieure à Ti. Le gradient thermique engendré induit des contraintes de tension dans les couches superficielles du corps. Ces contraintes peuvent conduire à la rupture du matériau. Les hypothèses prises en compte lors de la simulation sont comme suit : Le refroidissement des échantillons en verre chauffés à différentes températures, inférieures à sa température de transition, est fait par jet d'air à 20° C pendant 6 secondes. Ce temps est suffisant pour que la température des échantillons atteigne l'ambiante. Le coefficient de transfert de chaleur est de 600 W/°C.m2. Les températures chaudes ont été variées entre 100° C et 450° C. Lors des calculs, nous avons intégré, l'évolutions en fonction de la température des propriétés thermoélastiques du verre. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé les températures et les contraintes transitoires dans l'échantillon à tout instant du choc thermique. Ensuite, nous avons déterminé l'évolution du facteur d'intensité de contrainte (FIC) durant le refroidissement. Enfin, les FIC calculés sont comparés à la ténacité (K1c) du matériau. Cette dernière a été mesurée en utilisant la mécanique linéaire de la rupture. Nous avons vérifié que quand le facteur FIC atteint la valeur de la ténacité dans la zone des défauts critiques, ces derniers se propagent d'une manière brutale causant ainsi la dégradation de l'échantillon. Par cette technique, nous avons directement accès à l'écart de température critique

  4. Expanding the Chemistry of Actinide Metallocene Bromides. Synthesis, Properties and Molecular Structures of the Tetravalent and Trivalent Uranium Bromide Complexes: (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2, (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(Br), and [K(THF)][(C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2] (R = Me, Et)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lichtscheidl, Alejandro Gaston; Pagano, Justin K.; Scott, Brian Lindley

    The organometallic uranium species (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) were obtained by treating their chloride analogues (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 (R = Me, Et) with Me 3SiBr. Treatment of (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 and (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) with K(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3) afforded the halide aryloxide mixed-ligand complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(X) (R = Me, Et; X = Cl, Br). Complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(Br) (R = Me, Et) can also be synthesized by treating (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6-more » iPr 2C 6H 3)(Cl) (R = Me, Et) with Me 3SiBr, respectively. Reduction of (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 and (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) with KC 8 led to isolation of uranium(III) “ate” species [K(THF)][(C 5Me 5) 2UX 2] (X = Cl, Br) and [K(THF) 0.5][(C 5Me 4Et) 2UX 2] (X = Cl, Br), which can be converted to the neutral complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U[N(SiMe 3) 2] (R = Me, Et). Analyses by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and elemental analysis are also presented.« less

  5. Expanding the Chemistry of Actinide Metallocene Bromides. Synthesis, Properties and Molecular Structures of the Tetravalent and Trivalent Uranium Bromide Complexes: (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2, (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(Br), and [K(THF)][(C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2] (R = Me, Et)


    Lichtscheidl, Alejandro Gaston; Pagano, Justin K.; Scott, Brian Lindley; ...


    The organometallic uranium species (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) were obtained by treating their chloride analogues (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 (R = Me, Et) with Me 3SiBr. Treatment of (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 and (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) with K(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3) afforded the halide aryloxide mixed-ligand complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(X) (R = Me, Et; X = Cl, Br). Complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6- iPr 2C 6H 3)(Br) (R = Me, Et) can also be synthesized by treating (C 5Me 4R) 2U(O-2,6-more » iPr 2C 6H 3)(Cl) (R = Me, Et) with Me 3SiBr, respectively. Reduction of (C 5Me 4R) 2UCl 2 and (C 5Me 4R) 2UBr 2 (R = Me, Et) with KC 8 led to isolation of uranium(III) “ate” species [K(THF)][(C 5Me 5) 2UX 2] (X = Cl, Br) and [K(THF) 0.5][(C 5Me 4Et) 2UX 2] (X = Cl, Br), which can be converted to the neutral complexes (C 5Me 4R) 2U[N(SiMe 3) 2] (R = Me, Et). Analyses by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and elemental analysis are also presented.« less

  6. Temperature-dependent OSL properties of nano-phosphors LiAlO2:C and α-Al2O3:C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agarwal, Mini; Garg, Sandeep K.; Asokan, K.; Kumar, Pratik


    The present study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of carbon doped nano-phosphors, LiAlO2 and α-Al2O3 and their temperature-dependent optically stimulated luminescence (TA-OSL) characteristics in the temperature ranges of 25-350 °C. These nano-phosphors with the carbon concentration of 0.01 mol% exhibits high luminescent intensity for LiAlO2:C in the low dose range of 1 mGy-7 Gy and for α-Al2O3:C in the range of 100 mGy-1 kGy. Both these nano-phosphors are of polycrystalline in nature, having grain size 15-50 nm as confirmed by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), respectively. The maximum TA-OSL intensities are observed at 125 °C for LiAlO2:C and 200 °C for Al2O3:C, and reveal the presence of deep defect centres. The Arrhenius analysis shows the activation energies Ea = 0.06 ± 0.02 eV for LiAlO2:C and Ea = 0.04 ± 0.01 eV, & Eb = 0.48 ± 0.07 eV for Al2O3:C. The TA-OSL and OSL characteristics are discussed with special reference to the medical and high radiation dosimetry. These compounds, LiAlO2:C and α-Al2O3:C, are non-toxic, robust and are potential candidates for reusable dosimetry.

  7. Channel formation by the binding component of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin: glutamate 307 of C2II affects channel properties in vitro and pH-dependent C2I translocation in vivo.


    Blöcker, Dagmar; Bachmeyer, Christoph; Benz, Roland; Aktories, Klaus; Barth, Holger


    The binding component (C2II) of the binary Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin mediates transport of the actin ADP-ribosylating enzyme component (C2I) into the cytosol of target cells. C2II (80 kDa) is activated by trypsin cleavage, and proteolytically activated C2II (60 kDa) oligomerizes to heptamers in solution. Activated C2II forms channels in lipid bilayer membranes which are highly cation selective and voltage-gated. A role for this channel in C2I translocation across the cell membrane into the cytosol is discussed. Amino acid residues 303-331 of C2II contain a conserved pattern of alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues, which likely facilitates membrane insertion and channel formation by creating two antiparallel beta-strands. Some of the residues are in strategic positions within the putative C2II channel, in particular, glutamate 307 (E307) localized in its center and glycine 316 (G316) localized on the trans side of the membrane. Here, single-lysine substitutions of these amino acids and the double mutant E307K/G316K of C2II were analyzed in vivo and in artificial lipid bilayer experiments. The pH dependence of C2I transport across cellular membranes was altered, and a pH of 2 was needed for C2I translocation into target cells; otherwise, no change in C2II-promoted entry of C2I into Vero cells was observed. The channel properties of C2II were substantially changed by the mutations, as evidenced by reduced cation selectivity. Interestingly, the voltage dependence of wild-type C2II was completely lost for the E307K mutant, which means that E307 is responsible for voltage gating. Chloroquine blocked the E307K mutant channel and intoxication of Vero cells by mutant C2II and C2I, indicating that chloroquine binding does not involve E307. Overall, the voltage gating and cation selectivity of the C2II channel do not play an important role in translocation of C2I into the cytosol.

  8. Automated Formal Testing of C API Using T2C Framework

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khoroshilov, Alexey V.; Rubanov, Vladimir V.; Shatokhin, Eugene A.

    A problem of automated test development for checking basic functionality of program interfaces (API) is discussed. Different technologies and corresponding tools are surveyed. And T2C technology developed in ISPRAS is presented. The technology and associated tools facilitate development of "medium quality" (and "medium cost") tests. An important feature of T2C technology is that it enforces that each check in a developed test is explicitly linked to the corresponding place in the standard. T2C tools provide convenient means to create such linkage. The results of using T2C are considered by example of a project for testing interfaces of Linux system libraries defined by the LSB standard.

  9. The upgrade of the Thomson scattering system for measurement on the C-2/C-2U devices

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhai, K.; Schindler, T.; Kinley, J.

    The C-2/C-2U Thomson scattering system has been substantially upgraded during the latter phase of C-2/C-2U program. A Rayleigh channel has been added to each of the three polychromators of the C-2/C-2U Thomson scattering system. Onsite spectral calibration has been applied to avoid the issue of different channel responses at different spots on the photomultiplier tube surface. With the added Rayleigh channel, the absolute intensity response of the system is calibrated with Rayleigh scattering in argon gas from 0.1 to 4 Torr, where the Rayleigh scattering signal is comparable to the Thomson scattering signal at electron densities from 1 × 10{supmore » 13} to 4 × 10{sup 14} cm{sup −3}. A new signal processing algorithm, using a maximum likelihood method and including detailed analysis of different noise contributions within the system, has been developed to obtain electron temperature and density profiles. The system setup, spectral and intensity calibration procedure and its outcome, data analysis, and the results of electron temperature/density profile measurements will be presented.« less

  10. Dynamique et interférence de paquets d'ondes dans les atomes et dimères d'alcalins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouchene, M. A.


    (saturation regime, chirped pulse, ...) that allow us to determine the advantages and limits of this technique. In the case of molecules, the interaction of the two-pulse sequence leads to the interference of vibrational wave packets. We analyse and discuss in this case the effects of a thermal distribution of initial states on the temporal coherent control signal. Ce travail porte sur l'étude expérimentale résolue en temps de la dynamique atomique et moléculaire prenant place sur une échelle de temps femtoseconde. Il présente deux orientations distinctes et complémentaires. La première concerne l'étude de la dynamique de paquets d'ondes dans des atomes et dimères d'alcalins (K, K2) par des méthodes pompe-sonde. Dans le cas du potassium atomique le paquet d'ondes est une superposition des états de structure fine de l'état 4p et représente un paquet de spin électronique. Nous observons la dynamique de ce paquet d'ondes au cours du temps et montrons que celle-ci correspond à une inversion du sens d'orientation du spin. Le formalisme théorique des états brillants et noirs est particulièrement adapté à la description de ce type de dynamique. Nous présentons alors une méthode originale qui, tirant avantage du mouvement d'inversion du spin, permet de produire des électrons polarisés en spin à l'échelle femtoseconde. Dans le cas des molécules, le paquet d'ondes créé est une superposition d'états vibrationnels. Nous présentons les résultats d'une étude systématique de la dynamique de paquet d'ondes vibrationnel dans les états électroniques A^1Σ^+_u et 2^1Pi_g. Le signal pompe-sonde dépend alors de la compétition entre les dynamiques associées aux paquets d'ondes créés dans les deux états électroniques. La deuxième partie traite d'expériences d'interférences de paquets d'ondes dans des systèmes similaires (K, Cs, Cs2). Cette technique, complémentaire de la première, consiste à faire interagir une séquence de deux impulsions

  11. Infrared absorption of 1-chloro-2-methyl-2-propyl [⋅C(CH3)2CH2Cl] and 2-chloro-2-methylpropyl [⋅CH2C(CH3)2Cl] radicals produced in the addition reactions of Cl with isobutene (i-C4H8) in solid para-hydrogen.


    Chou, Ching-Yin; Lee, Yuan-Pern


    The addition reactions of chlorine atom with isobutene (i-C 4 H 8 ) in solid para-hydrogen (p-H 2 ) were investigated with infrared (IR) absorption spectra. When a p-H 2 matrix containing Cl 2 and isobutene was irradiated with ultraviolet light at 365 nm, intense lines in a set at 534.5, 1001.0, 1212.9, 1366.0, 2961.6, and 2934.7 cm -1 , and several weaker others due to the 1-chloro-2-methyl-2-propyl radical, ⋅ C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 Cl, and those in a second set including intense ones at 642.7, 799.2, 1098.2, 1371.8, and 3027.3 cm -1 due to the 2-chloro-2-methylpropyl radical, ⋅ CH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 Cl, appeared; the ratio of ⋅ C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 Cl to ⋅ CH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 Cl was approximately (3 ± 1):1. The observed wavenumbers and relative intensities agree with the vibrational wavenumbers and IR intensities predicted with the B3PW91/aug-cc-pVTZ method. That the Cl atom adds to both carbons of the C=C bond of isobutene with the terminal site slightly favored is consistent with the energies of products predicted theoretically, but is in contrast to the reaction of Cl + propene in solid p-H 2 in which the addition of Cl to mainly the central C atom was previously reported. The role of the p-H 2 matrix in affecting the reaction paths is discussed. Absorption lines of the complex i-C 4 H 8 ⋅Cl 2 and the dichloro-product anti-1,2-dichloro-2-methylpropane, a-CH 2 ClCCl(CH 3 ) 2 , are also characterized.

  12. Lateral diffusion of proteins on supported lipid bilayers: additive friction of synaptotagmin 7 C2A-C2B tandem domains.


    Vasquez, Joseph K; Chantranuvatana, Kan; Giardina, Daniel T; Coffman, Matthew D; Knight, Jefferson D


    The synaptotagmin (Syt) family of proteins contains tandem C2 domains, C2A and C2B, which bind membranes in the presence of Ca(2+) to trigger vesicle fusion during exocytosis. Despite recent progress, the role and extent of interdomain interactions between C2A and C2B in membrane binding remain unclear. To test whether the two domains interact on a planar lipid bilayer (i.e., experience thermodynamic interdomain contacts), diffusion of fluorescent-tagged C2A, C2B, and C2AB domains from human Syt7 was measured using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy with single-particle tracking. The C2AB tandem exhibits a lateral diffusion constant approximately half the value of the isolated single domains and does not change when additional residues are engineered into the C2A-C2B linker. This is the expected result if C2A and C2B are separated when membrane-bound; theory predicts that C2AB diffusion would be faster if the two domains were close enough together to have interdomain contact. Stopped-flow measurements of membrane dissociation kinetics further support an absence of interdomain interactions, as dissociation kinetics of the C2AB tandem remain unchanged when rigid or flexible linker extensions are included. Together, the results suggest that the two C2 domains of Syt7 bind independently to planar membranes, in contrast to reported interdomain cooperativity in Syt1.

  13. Recent progress in [11 C]carbon dioxide ([11 C]CO2 ) and [11 C]carbon monoxide ([11 C]CO) chemistry.


    Taddei, Carlotta; Gee, Antony D


    [ 11 C]Carbon dioxide ([ 11 C]CO 2 ) and [ 11 C]carbon monoxide ([ 11 C]CO) are 2 attractive precursors for labelling the carbonyl position (C═O) in a vast range of functionalised molecules (eg, ureas, amides, and carboxylic acids). The development of radiosynthetic methods to produce functionalised 11 C-labelled compounds is required to enhance the radiotracers available for positron emission tomography, molecular, and medical imaging applications. Following a brief summary of secondary 11 C-precursor production and uses, the review focuses on recent progress with direct 11 C-carboxylation routes with [ 11 C]CO 2 and 11 C-carbonylation with [ 11 C]CO. Novel approaches to generate [ 11 C]CO using CO-releasing molecules (CO-RMs), such as silacarboxylic acids and disilanes, applied to radiochemistry are described and compared with standard [ 11 C]CO production methods. These innovative [ 11 C]CO synthesis strategies represent efficient and reliable [ 11 C]CO production processes, enabling the widespread use of [ 11 C]CO chemistry within the wider radiochemistry community. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  14. The influence of ozone on the photocatalytic degradation of phenol using TiO2 photocatalyst supported by Bayah natural zeolite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sulaiman, Fatah; Sari, Denni Kartika; Kustiningsih, Indar


    Effect of ozone on the photocatalytic degradation of phenol using TiO2 photocatalyst which supported Bayah Natural Zeolite has been investigated. Phenol (merk Pro analys) was used as waste solution. TiO2 photocatalyst was obtained from Titanium isopropoxide using sol gel method which supported by Bayah Natural Zeolite. The influence of temperature of calcination and catalyst loading have been conducted. The calcination temperature of photocatalyst was 450°C, 500°C, 550°C dan 600°C while the catalyst loading of 0,1g/L; 0,3 g/L; 0,6 g/L; 1 g/L dan 1,2 g/L. Analysis of phenol concentration was used Hach Spechtrophotometer. To determine the effect of ozone on photocatalytic degradation during process ozone was flowed into reactor. The result showed the optimum calcination temperature was obtained at 500°C. The optimum catalyst loading to degrade the phenolic compounds was equal to 1g/L. In these optimum condition the conversion of phenol degradation was 87% after 5 hours. By adding ozone during the degradation process, the conversion reached 100% after 2 hours.

  15. Facile fabrication of transparent TiO2-C@TiO2-C free-standing film for visible-light photocatalytic application

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Luyang; Zhang, Yumin; Zhang, Shanmei; Li, Benxia


    A transparent TiO2-C@TiO2-C free-standing film has been synthesized by two-step hydrothermal method and subsequent thermal annealing. The chemical composition and morphological features of the TiO2-C@TiO2-C film are characterized using X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and N2 adsorption-desorption measurement. The results indicate that the flower-like micro/nanostructure TiO2-C particle layers are intimately inhered to porous TiO2-C fibers. The fibers in film are interconnected each other to form a three-dimensional reticulate microstructure, and exhibit intense visible light absorption and high adsorptivity of dye molecules. The interaction between TiO2 and its surface carbon layer in TiO2-C particle promotes the generation of Ti-O-C bonds, which leads to effective charge transfer. Under visible-light irradiation, TiO2-C@TiO2-C film presents enhanced photocatalytic activity for degradation of methylene blue. This work may provide a new viewpoint for designing transparent photocatalytic film for promising applications in heterogeneous photocatalysis.

  16. 2D Frameworks of C2 N and C3 N as New Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.


    Xu, Jiantie; Mahmood, Javeed; Dou, Yuhai; Dou, Shixue; Li, Feng; Dai, Liming; Baek, Jong-Beom


    Novel layered 2D frameworks (C 3 N and C 2 N-450) with well-defined crystal structures are explored for use as anode materials in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for the first time. As anode materials for LIBs, C 3 N and C 2 N-450 exhibit unusual electrochemical characteristics. For example, C 2 N-450 (and C 3 N) display high reversible capacities of 933.2 (383.3) and 40.1 (179.5) mAh g -1 at 0.1 and 10 C, respectively. Furthermore, C 3 N shows a low hypothetical voltage (≈0.15 V), efficient operating voltage window with ≈85% of full discharge capacity secured at >0.45 V, and excellent cycling stability for more than 500 cycles. The excellent electrochemical performance (especially of C 3 N) can be attributed to their inherent 2D polyaniline frameworks, which provide large net positive charge densities, excellent structural stability, and enhanced electronic/ionic conductivity. Stable solid state interface films also form on the surfaces of the 2D materials during the charge/discharge process. These 2D materials with promising electrochemical performance should provide insights to guide the design and development of their analogues for future energy applications. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Topological Electride Y2C.


    Huang, Huaqing; Jin, Kyung-Hwan; Zhang, Shunhong; Liu, Feng


    Two-dimensional (2D) electrides are layered ionic crystals in which anionic electrons are confined in the interlayer space. Here, we report a discovery of nontrivial [Formula: see text] topology in the electronic structures of 2D electride Y 2 C. Based on first-principles calculations, we found a topological [Formula: see text] invariant of (1; 111) for the bulk band and topologically protected surface states in the surfaces of Y 2 C, signifying its nontrivial electronic topology. We suggest a spin-resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurement to detect the unique helical spin texture of the spin-polarized topological surface state, which will provide characteristic evidence for the nontrivial electronic topology of Y 2 C. Furthermore, the coexistence of 2D surface electride states and topological surface state enables us to explain the outstanding discrepancy between the recent ARPES experiments and theoretical calculations. Our findings establish a preliminary link between the electride in chemistry and the band topology in condensed-matter physics, which are expected to inspire further interdisciplinary research between these fields.

  18. HP-41CV Flight Performance Advisory System (FPAS) for the E-2C, E-2B, and C-2A Aircraft

    DTIC Science & Technology


    NPS67-82- 003 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California DTIC HP-41CV FLIGHT PERFORMANCE ADVISORY SYSTEM (FPAS) FOR THE E-2C, E-2B, AND C-2A...A’P-𔃻"’f .00 ____________ 4. TITLE9 (and Subtil) SL TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED H1P-41CV FLIGHT PERFORMANCE ADVISORY SYSTEM (FPAS) TECHNICAL REPORT...complement the original design of a Flight Performance Advisory System (FPAS) for the E-2C aircraft. The original design fulfilled the requirements of AE 3001

  19. C60H_2: Synthesis of the Simplest C60 Hydrocarbon Derivative

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Henderson, Craig C.; Cahill, Paul A.


    The reaction of C60 with BH_3:tetrahydrofuran in toluene followed by hydrolysis yielded C60H_2. This product was separated by high-performance liquid chromatography and characterized as the addition product of H_2 to a 6,6-ring fusion (1a1b isomer). The ^1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of the product remained a sharp singlet between -80^circ and +100^circC, which suggests a static structure on the NMR time scale. Hydrolysis of the proposed borane addition product with acetic acid-d_1 or D_2O yielded C60HD, and its ^3JHD coupling constant is consistent with vicinal addition. The observation of a single C60H_2 isomer is in complete agreement with earlier calculations that indicated that at most 2 of the 23 possible isomers of C60 would be observable at equilibrium at room temperature. These results suggest that organoborane chemistry may be applied to further functionalization of fullerenes.

  20. Unusual behaviour of (Np,Pu)B2C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klimczuk, Tomasz; Boulet, Pascal; Griveau, Jean-Christophe; Colineau, Eric; Bauer, Ernst; Falmbigl, Matthias; Rogl, Peter; Wastin, Franck


    Two transuranium metal boron carbides, NpB2C and PuB2C have been synthesized by argon arc melting. The crystal structures of the {Np,Pu}B2C compounds were determined from single-crystal X-ray data to be isotypic with the ThB2C-type (space group ?, a = 0.6532(2) nm; c = 1.0769(3) nm for NpB2C and a = 0.6509(2) nm; c = 1.0818(3) nm for PuB2C; Z = 9). Physical properties have been derived from polycrystalline bulk material in the temperature range from 2 to 300 K and in magnetic fields up to 9 T. Magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity data indicate the occurrence of antiferromagnetic ordering for NpB2C with a Neel temperature TN = 68 K. PuB2C is a Pauli paramagnet most likely due to a strong hybridization of s(p,d) electrons with the Pu-5f states. A pseudo-gap, as concluded from the Sommerfeld value and the electronic transport, is thought to be a consequence of the hybridization. The magnetic behaviour of {Np,Pu}B2C is consistent with the criterion of Hill.

  1. β‐Taxilin participates in differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into myotubes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sakane, Hiroshi; Makiyama, Tomohiko; Nogami, Satoru

    Myogenesis is required for the development of skeletal muscle. Accumulating evidence indicates that the expression of several genes are upregulated during myogenesis and these genes play pivotal roles in myogenesis. However, the molecular mechanism underlying myogenesis is not fully understood. In this study, we found that β-taxilin, which is specifically expressed in the skeletal muscle and heart tissues, was progressively expressed during differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into myotubes, prompting us to investigate the role of β-taxilin in myogenesis. In C2C12 cells, knockdown of β-taxilin impaired the fusion of myoblasts into myotubes, and decreased the diameter of myotubes. We also foundmore » that β-taxilin interacted with dysbindin, a coiled-coil-containing protein. Knockdown of dysbindin conversely promoted the fusion of myoblasts into myotubes and increased the diameter of myotubes in C2C12 cells. Furthermore, knockdown of dysbindin attenuated the inhibitory effect of β-taxilin depletion on myotube formation of C2C12 cells. These results demonstrate that β-taxilin participates in myogenesis through suppressing the function of dysbindin to inhibit the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into myotubes. - Highlights: • β‐Taxilin is progressively expressed during differentiation of C2C12 cell. • Knockdown of β-taxilin impaired C2C12 myotube formation. • β‐Taxilin interacted with dysbindin. • Knockdown of dysbindin promoted C2C12 myotube formation. • The function of β-taxilin in C2C12 myotube formation depends on dysbindin.« less

  2. Nandrolone, an anabolic steroid, stabilizes Numb protein through inhibition of mdm2 in C2C12 myoblasts.


    Liu, Xin-Hua; Yao, Shen; Levine, Alice C; Kirschenbaum, Alexander; Pan, Jiangping; Wu, Yong; Qin, Weiping; Collier, Lauren; Bauman, William A; Cardozo, Christopher P


    Nandrolone, an anabolic steroid, slows denervation atrophy of rat muscle, prevents denervation-induced nuclear accumulation of intracellular domain of the Notch receptor, and elevates expression of Numb. Numb acts as an inhibitor of Notch signaling and promotes myogenic differentiation of satellite cells. Turnover of Numb is regulated by mdm2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. With these considerations in mind, we investigated the effects of nandrolone on the expression of Numb and mdm2 proteins and determined the effect of mdm2 on nandrolone-induced alterations in Numb protein in C2C12 myoblasts. When C2C12 cells were cultured in a medium favoring differentiation (Dulbecco modified Eagle medium containing 2% horse serum), nandrolone up-regulated Numb protein levels in a time-dependent manner and prolonged Numb protein half-life from 10 to 18 hours. In contrast, nandrolone reduced the expression of mdm2 protein. To determine whether the decreased mdm2 expression induced by nandrolone was responsible for the increased levels and prolonged half-life of Numb protein in this cell line, mdm2-small interfering RNA (siRNA) was employed to inhibit mdm2 expression. Compared to cells transfected with scrambled siRNA (negative control), transfection with mdm2-siRNA increased basal Numb protein expression but abolished the further increase in Numb protein levels by nandrolone. In addition, transfection of mdm2-siRNA mimicked the effect of nandrolone to prolong the half-life of Numb protein. Moreover, when C2C12 cells were forced to overexpress mdm2, there was a significant decline in the expression of both basal and inducible Numb protein. Our data suggest that nandrolone, by a novel mechanism for this agent in a muscle cell type, increases Numb protein levels in C2C12 myoblasts by stabilizing Numb protein against degradation, at least in part, via suppression of mdm2 expression.

  3. San Marco C-2 Explorer

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The San Marco C-2 spacecraft will be launched no earlier than 18 February 1974 from the San Marco Range located off the coast of Kenya, Africa, by a Scout launch vehicle. The launch will be conducted by an Italian crew. The San Marco C-2 is the fourth cooperative satellite project between Italy and the United States. The purpose of the mission is to obtain measurements of the diurnal variations of the equatorial neutral atmosphere density, composition, and temperature and to use these data for correlation with AE-C (Explorer 51) data for studies of the physics and dynamics of the thermosphere. The San Marco C-2 project is a joint undertaking of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Commission officially initiated with a Memorandum of Understanding in August of 1973. Project management responsibility for the Italian portion of the project has been assigned to the Centro Ricerche Aerospaziali (CRA) while the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has responsibility for the United States portion.

  4. Effects of neutron irradiation of Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2 in the 121–1085 °C temperature range


    Tallman, Darin J.; He, Lingfeng; Gan, Jian; ...


    Herein we report on the formation of defects in response to neutron irradiation of polycrystalline Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2 samples exposed to doses of 0.14±0.01, 1.6±0.1, and 3.4±0.1 displacements per atom (dpa) at irradiation temperatures of 121±12, 735±6 and 1085±68 °C. After irradiation to 0.14 dpa at 121 °C and 735 °C, black spots are observed in both Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2. After irradiation to 1.6 and 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, basal dislocation loops, with a Burgers vector of b = ½ [0001] are observed in Ti 3SiC 2, with loop diameters ofmore » 21±6 and 30±8 nm for 1.6 dpa and 3.4 dpa, respectively. In Ti3AlC2, larger dislocation loops, 75±34 nm in diameter are observed after 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, in addition to stacking faults. Impurity particles of TiC, as well as stacking fault TiC platelets in the MAX phases, are seen to form extensive dislocation loops under all conditions. Voids are observed at grain boundaries and within stacking faults after 3.4 dpa irradiation, with extensive void formation in the TiC regions at 1085 °C. Remarkably, denuded zones on the order of 1 µm are observed in Ti 3SiC 2 after irradiation to 3.4 dpa at 735 °C. Small grains, 3-5 µm in diameter, are damage free after irradiation at 1085 °C at this dose. The presence of the A-layer in the MAX phases is seen to provide enhanced irradiation tolerance. Based on these results, and up to 3.41 dpa, Ti 3SiC 2 remains a promising candidate for high temperature nuclear applications.« less

  5. Effects of neutron irradiation of Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2 in the 121–1085 °C temperature range

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tallman, Darin J.; He, Lingfeng; Gan, Jian

    Herein we report on the formation of defects in response to neutron irradiation of polycrystalline Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2 samples exposed to doses of 0.14±0.01, 1.6±0.1, and 3.4±0.1 displacements per atom (dpa) at irradiation temperatures of 121±12, 735±6 and 1085±68 °C. After irradiation to 0.14 dpa at 121 °C and 735 °C, black spots are observed in both Ti 3SiC 2 and Ti 3AlC 2. After irradiation to 1.6 and 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, basal dislocation loops, with a Burgers vector of b = ½ [0001] are observed in Ti 3SiC 2, with loop diameters ofmore » 21±6 and 30±8 nm for 1.6 dpa and 3.4 dpa, respectively. In Ti3AlC2, larger dislocation loops, 75±34 nm in diameter are observed after 3.4 dpa at 735 °C, in addition to stacking faults. Impurity particles of TiC, as well as stacking fault TiC platelets in the MAX phases, are seen to form extensive dislocation loops under all conditions. Voids are observed at grain boundaries and within stacking faults after 3.4 dpa irradiation, with extensive void formation in the TiC regions at 1085 °C. Remarkably, denuded zones on the order of 1 µm are observed in Ti 3SiC 2 after irradiation to 3.4 dpa at 735 °C. Small grains, 3-5 µm in diameter, are damage free after irradiation at 1085 °C at this dose. The presence of the A-layer in the MAX phases is seen to provide enhanced irradiation tolerance. Based on these results, and up to 3.41 dpa, Ti 3SiC 2 remains a promising candidate for high temperature nuclear applications.« less

  6. Inelastic neutron scattering investigation of low temperature phase transition in Rb2ZnCl4 and K2ZnCl4

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quilichini, M.; Dvořák, V.; Boutrouille, P.


    Inelastic scattering of neutrons has revealed soft optic modes at the T point frac{1}{2}({b}^*+{c}^*) of the Brillouin zone both in Rb2ZnCl4 and K2ZnCl4 which are responsible for the phase transition from the ferroelectric to the lowest temperature phase of these materials. Moreover, in K2ZnCl4 near the T point a minimum on the soft optic branch in the direction (μ{b}^*+frac{1}{2}{c}^*) has been found which confirms the existence of a new incommensurate phase recently discovered by Gesi. The origin of this incommensurate phase is discussed from a phenomenological point of view and formulae for elastic constants are derived describing their behaviour near transition into incommensurate phase. Des mesures de diffusion inélastique des neutrons ont mis en évidence l'existence d'un mode optique mou au point T(frac{1}{2}({b}^*+{c}^*)) de la zone de Brillouin responsable de la transition de la phase ferroélectrique vers la phase basse température dans les deux composés Rb2ZnCl4 and K2ZnCl4. Pour K2ZnCl4 on montre que la branche optique molle présente un minimum au voisinage de T dans la direction (μ{b}^*+frac{1}{2}{c}^*), ce qui confirme l'existence de la nouvelle phase incommensurable récemment trouvée par Gesi. L'origine de cette phase est discutée sur la base d'un modèle phénoménologique dont on dérive aussi les formules des constantes élastiques et leur comportement au voisinage de la transition vers la phase incommensurable.

  7. Calorimetric Study of Phase Transitions Involving Twist-Grain-Boundary TGB{A} and TGB{C} Phases

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Navailles, L.; Garland, C. W.; Nguyen, H. T.


    High-resolution calorimetry has been used to determine the heat capacity and latent heat associated with phase transitions in the homologous series of chiral liquid crystals nF_2BTFO_1M_7 [ 3-fluoro-4(1-methylheptyloxy)4'-(4''-alkoxy-2'', 3''-difluorobenzoyloxy)tolane] . These compounds exhibit smectic-C^* (SmC^*), twist-grain-boundary (TGBA for n=10, TGBC for n=11, 12) and cholesteric (N^*) phases. All the phase transitions are first order with small to moderate latent heats. There is a large rounded excess heat capacity peak in the N^* phase that is consistent with the predicted appearance of short-range TGB order (chiral line liquid character). This is analogous to the development of an Abrikosov flux vortex liquid in type-II superconductors. Both the n=11 and 12 homologs exhibit two closely spaced transitions in the region where a single TGBC - N^* transition was expected. This suggests the existence of two thermodynamically distinct TGBC phases. Des exprériences de calorimétrie haute résolution ont été réalisées pour déterminer les chaleurs spécifiques et les chaleurs latentes associées aux transitions de phase des homologues de la série crystal liquide nF_2BTFO_1M_7: 3-fluoro-4[1-methyl-heptyloxy]4'-(4''-alcoxy-2'', 3''-difluorobenzoyloxy)tolanes. Ces produits présentent la phase smectique C^* (SmC^*), les phases à torsion par joint de grain (TGBA pour n=10 et TGBC pour n=11, 12) et la phase cholestérique (N^*). Toutes les transitions de phase sont du premier ordre. La chaleur latente associée à ces transitions est faibles ou modérée. Nous observons, dans la phase N^*, un grand pic arrondi qui est en accord avec les prédictions de l'apparition d'un ordre TGB à courte distance (liquide de ligne de dislocation). Ce phénomène est l'analogue du liquide de vortex dans les supraconducteurs de type II. Les composés n=11 et 12 présentent, dans la région où nous attendions une transition TGBC - N^* unique, deux transitions sur un très faible

  8. Photophysics of indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2C) and indole-5-carboxylic acid (I5C): Heavy atom effect

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kowalska-Baron, Agnieszka; Gałęcki, Krystian; Wysocki, Stanisław


    In this study the effect of carboxylic group substitution in the 2 and 5 position of indole ring on the photophysics of the parent indole chromophore has been studied. The photophysical parameters crucial in triplet state decay mechanism of aqueous indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2C) and indole-5-carboxylic acid (I5C) have been determined applying our previously proposed methodology based on the heavy atom effect and fluorescence and phosphorescence decay kinetics [Kowalska-Baron et al., 2012]. The determined time-resolved phosphorescence spectra of I2C and I5C are red-shifted as compared to that of the parent indole. This red-shift was especially evident in the case of I2C and may indicate the possibility of hydrogen bonded complex formation incorporating carbonyl Cdbnd O, the NH group of I2C and, possibly, surrounding water molecules. The possibility of the excited state charge transfer process and the subsequent electronic charge redistribution in such a hydrogen bonded complex may also be postulated. The resulting stabilization of the I2C triplet state is manifested by its relatively long phosphorescence lifetime in aqueous solution (912 μs). The relatively short phosphorescence lifetime of I5C (56 μs) may be the consequence of more effective ground-state quenching of I5C triplet state. This hypothesis may be strengthened by the significantly larger value of the determined rate constant of I5C triplet state quenching by its ground-state (4.4 × 108 M-1 s-1) as compared to that for indole (6.8 × 107 M-1 s-1) and I2C (2.3 × 107 M-1 s-1). The determined bimolecular rate constant for triplet state quenching by iodide kqT1 is equal to 1 × 104 M-1 s-1; 6 × 103 M-1 s-1 and 2.7 × 104 M-1 s-1 for indole, I2C and I5C, respectively. In order to obtain a better insight into iodide quenching of I2C and I5C triplet states in aqueous solution, the temperature dependence of the bimolecular rate constants for iodide quenching of the triplet states has been expressed in

  9. Visual Problems in Night Operations (Problemes de Vision dans les Operations de Nuit)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    appeared devices, true night war fighting capability has at in the early 1980s . For the first time, a device last become a reality (as demonstrated in the...gn6gralement us changement do niveau d’aspiration dans ie resultat do Re 4-SYSTMES MULTI-SENSEURS ET Mt:CANIS- tiche. Par exemple Sp6randio ( 1980 ) montro...I1 faut SPERANDIO J.C.( 1980 ) La psychologie en ergonomie, donc cerner ce qui reste effectivement rtalisable de nuit PUF le Psychologue, Paris. clans le

  10. Members of the DAN family are BMP antagonists that form highly stable noncovalent dimers.


    Kattamuri, Chandramohan; Luedeke, David M; Nolan, Kristof; Rankin, Scott A; Greis, Kenneth D; Zorn, Aaron M; Thompson, Thomas B


    Signaling of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ligands is antagonized by a number of extracellular proteins, including noggin, follistatin and members of the DAN (differential screening selected gene abberative in neuroblastoma) family. Structural studies on the DAN family member sclerostin (a weak BMP antagonist) have previously revealed that the protein is monomeric and consists of an eight-membered cystine knot motif with a fold similar to transforming growth factor-β ligands. In contrast to sclerostin, certain DAN family antagonists, including protein related to DAN and cerberus (PRDC), have an unpaired cysteine that is thought to function in covalent dimer assembly (analogous to transforming growth factor-β ligands). Through a combination of biophysical and biochemical studies, we determined that PRDC forms biologically active dimers that potently inhibit BMP ligands. Furthermore, we showed that PRDC dimers, surprisingly, are not covalently linked, as mutation of the unpaired cysteine does not inhibit dimer formation or biological activity. We further demonstrated that the noncovalent PRDC dimers are highly stable under both denaturing and reducing conditions. This study was extended to the founding family member DAN, which also forms noncovalent dimers that are highly stable. These results demonstrate that certain DAN family members can form both monomers and noncovalent dimers, implying that biological activity of DAN family members might be linked to their oligomeric state. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Hydrocarbon Chemistry in Planetary Nebulae: Observations of CCH and c-C3H2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schmidt, Deborah Rose; Zack, Lindsay; Ziurys, Lucy M.


    In an effort to fully evaluate the molecular content of planetary nebulae (PNe), and the role of hydrocarbons, we have undertaken a search for CCH towards K4–47, K3–58, K3–17, M3–28, M4–14, Hb 5, K3-45, M1-7, M3-55, NGC 2440, NGC 6772, M1-12, and M1-20. These nebulae span a range of kinematic ages and morphologies. In addition, we observed CN, CCH, and c-C3H2 at eight positions sampling the Helix Nebula. Measurements at 3 mm of the N=1→0 transitions of CCH and CN and the J=21,2→10,1 of c-C3H2 were performed using the ALMA prototype 12-M antenna of the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO), while the N=3→2 transition of CCH at 1 mm was observed using the ARO Sub-Millimeter Telescope. CCH was detected in 9 of the 13 survey PNe, while CCH, CN, and c-C3H2 were observed at all positions in the Helix, often with a complex velocity structure; c-C3H2 was also identified in K4-47. From radiative transfer modeling, column densities for CCH were found to range between Ntot(CCH) ~ 0.2-3.3 × 1015 cm-2 for the survey PNe, corresponding to fractional abundances with respect to H2 of f(CCH) ~ 0.2-47 × 10-7. The CN, CCH, and c-C3H2 column densities across the Helix were estimated to range between Ntot(CN) ~ 6.9-74 × 1011 cm-2, Ntot(CCH) ~ 3.2-28 × 1011 cm-2, and Ntot(c-C3H2) ~ 0.2-4.7 × 1011 cm-2, with fractional abundances of f(CN) ~ 0.9-9.8 × 10-7, f(CCH) ~ 0.4-3.7 × 10-7, and f(c-C3H2) ~ 0.3-6.5 × 10-8. Based on HCN measurements of the Helix by Schmidt & Ziurys (2017a), [CN]/[HCN] ratios are ~1-34, while [CCH]/[c-C3H2] ratios varied between ~3-46. The abundance of CCH in all observed PNe did not vary significantly across the nebular lifespan of ~10,000 years, in contrast to model predictions. These abundances are ~1-2 orders of magnitude greater than those measured in the diffuse ISM; moreover, the [CN]/[HCN] and [CCH]/[c-C3H2] ratios observed in the Helix are comparable to those in diffuse clouds, striking evidence that molecular material ejected from PNe

  12. Crystal structure of fac-[2-(4-methyl-5-phenyl-pyridin-2-yl)phenyl-κ2C1,N]bis-[2-(pyridin-2-yl)phenyl-κ2C1,N]iridium(III).


    Lee, Chi-Heon; Moon, Suk-Hee; Park, Ki-Min; Kang, Youngjin


    In the title compound, [Ir(C 11 H 8 N) 2 (C 18 H 14 N)], the Ir III ion adopts a distorted octa-hedral coordination environment defined by three C , N -chelating ligands, one stemming from a 2-(4-phenyl-5-methyl-pyridin-2-yl)phenyl ligand and two from 2-(pyridin-2-yl)phenyl ligands, arranged in a facial manner. The Ir III ion lies almost in the equatorial plane [deviation = 0.0069 (15) Å]. In the crystal, inter-molecular π-π stacking inter-actions, as well as inter-molecular C-H⋯π inter-actions, are present, leading to a three-dimensional network.

  13. Apport de la tomodensitométrie dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose vertébrale à propos de 496 cas à Abidjan

    PubMed Central

    Gbané-Koné, Mariam; Ouattara, Baly; Diomandé, Mohamed; Sessou, Viva; Kaboré, Fulgence; Djoko, Kouadio Flore; Traoré, Moriba; Eti, Edmond; Kouakou, N'zué Marcel


    Introduction Le mal de Pott est la forme la plus fréquente des tuberculoses ostéo articulaires, le diagnostic de certitude reste difficile. L'imagerie tient une place indéniable dans le diagnostic. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence de la tuberculose vertébrale et l'apport de la TDM dans le diagnostic. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective sur dossiers de tuberculose vertébrale dans le service de Rhumatologie du CHU de Cocody de Janvier 2006 à Décembre 2013. N'ont pas été inclus dans l’étude, tous les dossiers ne comportant pas d'imagerie. Resultats La prévalence hospitalière de la tuberculose vertébrale était de 10,95%, elle représentait 90,2% de la tuberculose ostéoarticulaire. Elle concernait les 2 sexes, l’âge moyen était de 43,27 ans (4-88ans). L'atteinte dorsolombaire était la localisation la plus fréquente (95,13%). L'atteinte du rachis cervical était rare. La spondylodiscite était fréquente (92,14%). La spondylite (6%) et l'atteinte de l'arc postérieur (0,86%) étaient rares. La spondylodiscite était unique le plus souvent (70,05%), les formes multiétagées ont été notées dans 28,65% des cas, les atteintes mutifocales ont été notées dans14, 63% des cas. Les localisations inhabituelles étaient: atteinte sous occipitale (n=3), atteinte concomitante des 3 segments rachidiens (n=3), atteinte du sacrum (n=1), abcès isolés du psoas (n=4). La prévalence des abcès était de 85,91%, celle des épidurites était de 80,17%. La ponction scannoguidée des abcès a été réalisée dans 20 cas, la recherche de BAAR était positive dans 15 cas. Il existait une tuberculose viscérale évolutive dans 20% des cas. Conclusion La TDM est indéniable dans le diagnostic positif et lésionnel de la tuberculose vertébrale. Le retard au diagnostic explique l’étendue des lésions. PMID:26113932

  14. Magnetism and charge density wave in GdNiC2 and NdNiC2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klimczuk, Tom; Kolincio, Kamil; Wianiarski, Michal; Strychalska-Nowak, Judyta; Górnicka, Karolina

    The RNiC2 compounds form in an orthorhombic Amm2 crystal structure with Ni and the rare-earth (R) metal chains along the crystallographic a-axis. This system is of particular interest because both a CDW and a long range magnetic ordering phases have been observed together. We report the specific heat, magnetic, magnetotransport and galvanomagnetic properties of GdNiC2 and NdNiC2 antiferromagnets. Complex B-T phase diagrams were built based on the specific heat data. Large negative magnetoresistance due to Zeeman splitting of the electronic bands and partial destruction of a charge density wave ground state is observed above TN. The magnetoresistance and Hall measurements show that at low temperatures a magnetic field induced transformation from antiferromagnetic order to a metamagnetic phase results in the partial suppression of the CDW. This project is financially supported by National Science Centre (Poland), Grant Number: UMO-2015/19/B/ST3/03127.

  15. Total reaction cross sections of electronic state-specified transition metal cations: V + +C2H6, C3H8, and C2H4 at 0.2 eV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanders, Lary; Hanton, Scott D.; Weisshaar, James C.


    We describe a crossed beam experiment which measures total cross sections for reaction of electronic state-specified V+ with small hydrocarbons at well-defined collision energy E=0.2 eV. The V+ state distribution created at each ionizing wavelength is directly measured by angle-integrated photoelectron spectroscopy (preceding paper). Reactant and product ions are collected and analyzed by pulsed time-of-flight mass spectrometry following a reaction time of 6 μs. Tests of the performance of the apparatus are described in detail. Our experiment defines the reactant V+ electronic state distribution and the collision energy much more precisely than previous work. For all three hydrocarbons C2H6, C3H8, and C2H4, H2 elimination products dominate at 0.2 eV. We observe a dramatic dependence of cross section on the V+ electronic term. The second excited term 3d34s(3F) is more reactive than either lower energy quintet term 3d4(5D) or 3d34s(5F) by a factor of ≥270, 80, and ≥6 for the C2H6, C3H8, and C2H4 reactions, respectively. The 3d34s(3F) reaction cross sections at 0.2 eV are 20±11 Å2, 37±19 Å2, and 2.7±1.6 Å2, respectively, compared with Langevin cross sections of ˜80 Å2. For the C2H6 and C3H8 reactions, cross sections are independent of initial spin-orbit level J within the 3F term to the limits of our accuracy. Comparison with earlier work by Armentrout and co-workers shows that electronic excitation to d3s(3F) is far more effective at promoting H2 elimination than addition of the same total kinetic energy to reactants. Electron spin is clearly a key determinant of V+ reactivity with small hydrocarbons. We suggest that triplet V+ reacts much more efficiently than quintet V+ because of its ability to conserve total electron spin along paths to insertion in a C-H bond of the hydrocarbon.

  16. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of rare-earth metallacarborane alkyls [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Ln(σ:η(1)-CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)(THF)2.


    Yang, Jingying; Xie, Zuowei


    Rare-earth metallacarborane alkyls can be stabilized by the incorporation of a functional sidearm into both π and σ ligands. Reaction of [Me3NH][7,8-O(CH2)2-7,8-C2B9H10] with one equiv. of Ln(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)3 gave metallacarborane alkyls [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Ln(σ:η(1)-CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)(THF)2 (Ln = Y (), Gd (), Er ()) via alkane elimination. They represent the first examples of rare-earth metallacarborane alkyls. Treatment of with RN[double bond, length as m-dash]C[double bond, length as m-dash]NR (R = Cy, (i)Pr) or 2-benzoylpyridine afforded the corresponding mono-insertion products [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Y[η(2)-(RN)2C(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)](DME) (R = Cy (), (i)Pr ()) or [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Y[C5H4NC(Ph)(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)O](THF)2 (), respectively. Complex also reacted with ArNCO or ArNC (Ar = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl, 2,6-dimethylphenyl) to give di-insertion products [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Y[OC([double bond, length as m-dash]NC6H3Me2)N(C6H3Me2)C(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)O](THF)2 () or [η(1):η(5)-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Y[C([double bond, length as m-dash]NC6H3(i)Pr2)C([double bond, length as m-dash]NC6H3(i)Pr2)(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)](DME) (). These results showed that the reactivity pattern of the Ln-C σ bond in rare-earth metallacarborane alkyls was dependent on the nature of the unsaturated organic molecules. New complexes were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques and elemental analysis. Some were further confirmed by single-crystal X-ray analysis.

  17. Preparation of Ti3C2 and Ti2C MXenes by fluoride salts etching and methane adsorptive properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Fanfan; Zhou, Aiguo; Chen, Jinfeng; Jia, Jin; Zhou, Weijia; Wang, Libo; Hu, Qianku


    Here we reported the preparation of Ti3C2 MXene and Ti2C MXene by etching Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC with various fluoride salts in hydrochloric acid (HCl), including lithium fluoride (LiF), sodium fluoride (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), and ammonium fluoride (NH4F). As-prepared Ti2C was further delaminated by urea, dimethylsulfoxide or ammonium hydroxide. Based on theoretical calculation and XPS results, the type of positive ions (Li+, Na+, K+, or NH4+) in etchant solution affect the surface structure of prepared MXene, which, in turn, affects the methane adsorption properties of MXene. The highest methane adsorption capacity is 8.5 cm3/g for Ti3C2 and 11.6 cm3/g for Ti2C. MXenes made from LiF and NH4F can absorb methane under high pressure and can keep methane under normal pressure, these MXenes may have important application on capturing methane or other hazardous gas molecules. MXenes made from NaF and KF can absorb methane under high pressure and release methane under low pressure. They can have important application in the adsorb storage of nature gas.

  18. DAN instrument for NASA`s MSL mission: fast science data processing and instrument commanding for Mars surface operations and for field tests

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vostrukhin, A.; Kozyrev, A.; Litvak, M.; Malakhov, A.; Mitrofanov, I.; Mokrousov, M.; Sanin, A.; Tretyakov, V.


    detectors (raw data) to the real science products such as estimated average content of Hydrgen content or its depth distribution along the rover trace. For the rover surface operations it is necessary to provide real time data analysis to combine DAN data with data from all another science instruments and to develop the best observation strategy for the future periods of operation activity. In our approach we use: 1) Onboard FPGA data processing for recording neutron die away curves for epthermal and thermal neutrons of post-pulse afterglow 2) Getting raw data of DAN at the Mission operation center 3) Validation of instrument parameters and operational performance 4) Fast first level science data processing (statistical analysis, background subtraction, normalization) 5) Fast deconvolution of detector counts into the Hydrogen content (including numerical simulation, comparison with the known standard models of regolith), 6) Comparison with known information obtained with another instruments 7) Development of the near-term and long-term strategy for next DAN operations onboard MSL. 8) Generation and testing commanding sequences for the next period of MSL autonomous operations All this activity shall be adjusted in the real time, so the steps 2-8 shall not exceed 2-3 hours. Before launch we plan to validate this approach trough the instrument calibrations, field tests and MSL science group activity. The first experience will be presented of fast data analysis and commanding for the field tests of DAN, which were performed in the testing facility of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Russia). Also, we will discuss our plans of DAN operations for coming field tests in Antarctica.

  19. Enhancement of C2C12 differentiation by perfluorocarbon-mediated oxygen delivery.


    Fujita, Hideaki; Shimizu, Kazunori; Morioka, Yuki; Nagamori, Eiji


    We have studied the effect of enhanced oxygen delivery by perfluorocarbons on the differentiation of C2C12 cells. The extent of differentiation was assessed by means of phase contrast/fluorescence microscopy, active tension measurement and the glucose consumption/lactate production rates. We found that enhanced oxygen delivery is suitable for full differentiation of C2C12 cells. Copyright 2010 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.

  20. MALDI-MS analysis and imaging of small molecule metabolites with 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (DAN).


    Korte, Andrew R; Lee, Young Jin


    1,5-Diaminonaphthalene (DAN) has previously been reported as an effective matrix for matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry of phospholipids. In the current work, we investigate the use of DAN as a matrix for small metabolite analysis in negative ion mode. DAN was found to provide superior ionization to the compared matrices for MW < ~400 Da; however, 9-aminoacridine (9-AA) was found to be superior for a uridine diphosphate standard (MW 566 Da). DAN was also found to provide a more representative profile of a natural phospholipid mixture than 9-AA. Finally, DAN and 9-AA were applied for imaging of metabolites directly from corn leaf sections. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  1. Dan Olweus: Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Psychologist, 2012


    Presents a short biography of the winner of the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy. The 2012 winner is Dan Olweus for his rigorous scientific research on bullying among children and youth and his early and tireless attention to its public policy implications. Dan Olweus's…

  2. Nanoparticle-mediated intracellular lipid accumulation during C2C12 cell differentiation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tsukahara, Tamotsu, E-mail:; Haniu, Hisao, E-mail:


    Research highlights: {yields} HTT2800 has a significant effect on intracellular lipid accumulation. {yields} HTT2800 reduced muscle-specific genes and led to the emergence of adipocyte-related genes. {yields} HT2800 converts the differentiation pathway of C2C12 myoblasts to that of adipoblast-like cells. -- Abstract: In this report, we sought to elucidate whether multiwall carbon nanotubes are involved in the modulation of the proliferation and differentiation of the skeletal muscle cell line C2C12. Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for 40% of total body weight and 50% of energy consumption. We focused on the differentiation pathway of myoblasts after exposuremore » to a vapor-grown carbon fiber, HTT2800, which is one of the most highly purified carbon nanotubes. This treatment leads in parallel to the expression of a typical adipose differentiation program. We found that HTT2800 stimulated intracellular lipid accumulation in C2C12 cells. We have also shown by quantified PCR analysis that the expression of adipose-related genes was markedly upregulated during HTT2800 exposure. Taken together, these results suggest that HTT2800 specifically converts the differentiation pathway of C2C12 myoblasts to that of adipoblast-like cells.« less

  3. Analysis and theoretical modeling of 18O enriched carbon dioxide spectrum by CRDS near 1.35 μm: (II) 16O13C18O, 16O13C17O, 12C18O2, 17O12C18O, 12C17O2, 13C18O2 and 17O13C18O

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karlovets, E. V.; Campargue, A.; Kassi, S.; Tashkun, S. A.; Perevalov, V. I.


    This contribution is the second part of the analysis of the room temperature absorption spectrum of 18O enriched carbon dioxide by very high sensitivity Cavity Ring Down spectroscopy between 6977 and 7918 cm-1 (1.43-1.26 μm). Overall, more than 8600 lines belonging to 166 bands of eleven carbon dioxide isotopologues were rovibrationnally assigned. In a first part (Kassi et al. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 187 (2017) 414-425,, the results relative to mono-substituted isotopologues, 16O12C18O, 16O12C17O, 12C16O2 and 13C16O2, were presented. This second contribution is devoted to the multiply-substituted isotopologues or clumped isotopologues of particular importance in geochemistry: 16O13C18O, 16O13C17O, 12C18O2, 17O12C18O, 12C17O2, 13C18O2 and 17O13C18O. On the basis of the predictions of effective Hamiltonian models, a total of 3195 transitions belonging to 73 bands were rovibrationnally assigned for these seven species. Among the 73 observed bands, 55 are newly reported. All the identified bands correspond to ΔP=10 and 11 series of transitions, where P= 2V1+V2+3V3 is the polyad number (Vi are vibrational quantum numbers). The accurate spectroscopic parameters of 70 bands have been determined from the standard band-by-band analysis. Global fits of the measured line intensities of the ΔP=10 series of transitions of 17O12C18O and 16O13C18O and of the ΔP=11 series of transitions of 12C18O2, 17O12C18O, 16O13C18O and 13C18O2 were performed to determine the corresponding sets of the effective dipole moment parameters.

  4. Ampleur et impact des évènements indésirables graves liés aux soins: étude d'incidence dans un hôpital du Centre-Est tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Bouafia, Nabiha; Bougmiza, Iheb; Bahri, Fathi; Letaief, Mondher; Astagneau, Pascal; Njah, Mansour


    Introduction La prévention des événements indésirables représente une priorité de santé du fait de leur fréquence et de leur gravité potentielle. Ce travail a été mené afin d'avoir un diagnostic de la situation épidémiologique relative aux événements indésirables survenant dans notre hôpital. Méthodes Une étude prospective a été menée auprès de tous les patients qui ont été hospitalisés au CHU Farhat Hached - Sousse (Tunisie) sur une période d'un mois dans quatorze services de l'hôpital. La détection d'évènement indésirable grave (EIG) était basée sur les critères adoptés dans différentes études. Les tests T et Chi 2 ont été utilisés pour identifier les facteurs contribuant à l'apparition d'évènements indésirables. Résultats Au total, 162 EIG ont été identifiés pendant la période. 45% de ces évènements étaient des infections nosocomiales. Ces EIG ont eu comme conséquences un décès chez 9,2% des patients, la mise en jeu du pronostic vital de 26% des patients et la prolongation de la durée de séjour chez 61,7% d'entre eux. L'admission dans des circonstances particulières et l'exposition à des soins invasifs étaient identifiés comme des facteurs de risque potentiels EIG. Conclusion Le renforcement de la stratégie de gestion des risques sanitaires en ciblant préférentiellement le risque infectieux constitue une étape fondamentale dans l'amélioration de la sécurité des patients au sein de notre établissement de santé. PMID:24711868

  5. Production du baryon Sigma+ dans les collisions e+e- au LEP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Joly, Andre

    Les mécanismes de production des baryons dans les interactions e+e- font l'objet de nombreuses études. De plus, les modes de production des baryons étranges semblent faire appel A des processus spécifiques, qui sont encore mal compris. Notre étude de la production des baryons Σ+ dans les interactions e+e- nous permet de formuler certaines remarques sur l'état des connaîssances acquises sur le sujet. Une methode de reconstruction originale et des critères de sélection spécifiques ont été développés afin d'identifier des baryons Σ+ de haute Energie ( ES+ > 5 GeV), partir de leur canal de désintégration en un proton et un π0 (S+-->p+p0 ). Trois mesures principales sont réalisées à partir de notre échantillon de baryons reconstruits. Le nombre mesuré de baryons Σ+ produits par événement e +e- à 91 GeV est de: =0.102+/-0.006(stat.) +/-0.008(syst.) +/-0.003(extrap.) où les erreurs sont dues à la statistique, aux systématiques et à la procédure d'extrapolation. Ce résultat est en accord avec ceux obtenus précédemment, mais avec des erreurs réduites. La section efficace différentielle en fonction de l'energie est mesurée et comparée aux prédictions des principaux générateurs Monte-Carlo (JETSET7.4(MOPS), JETSET7.4 et HERWIG5.9). A haute énergie, HERWIG ne semble pas reproduire les mesures, aussi bien que les deux versions de JETSET. Enfin, la position du maximum de la section efficace différentielle de production des baryons Σ+ en fonction de l'impulsion est mesurée. On trouve: overlinexoverlineS+=2.32+/- 0.47 Une étude spécifique du générateur JETSET7.4(MOPS) est réalisee, afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de production de l'étrangeté et du spin dans la production des baryons. Aucun générateur ne semble capable de décrire de manière simultanée la production du spin et de l'étrangeté.

  6. Gold-Catalyzed Formal C-C Bond Insertion Reaction of 2-Aryl-2-diazoesters with 1,3-Diketones.


    Ren, Yuan-Yuan; Chen, Mo; Li, Ke; Zhu, Shou-Fei


    The transition-metal-catalyzed formal C-C bond insertion reaction of diazo compounds with monocarbonyl compounds is well established, but the related reaction of 1,3-diketones instead gives C-H bond insertion products. Herein, we report a protocol for a gold-catalyzed formal C-C bond insertion reaction of 2-aryl-2-diazoesters with 1,3-diketones, which provides efficient access to polycarbonyl compounds with an all-carbon quaternary center. The aryl ester moiety plays a crucial role in the unusual chemoselectivity, and the addition of a Brønsted acid to the reaction mixture improves the yield of the C-C bond insertion product. A reaction mechanism involving cyclopropanation of a gold carbenoid with an enolate and ring-opening of the resulting donor-acceptor-type cyclopropane intermediate is proposed. This mechanism differs from that of the traditional Lewis-acid-catalyzed C-C bond insertion reaction of diazo compounds with monocarbonyl compounds, which involves a rearrangement of a zwitterion intermediate as a key step. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. 19. 'Transverse Bracing, 3 180'61/2' c. to c. End ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    19. 'Transverse Bracing, 3 - 180'-6-1/2' c. to c. End Pins Sing. Tr. Thro' Spans, C.O. 839 10th Crossing Sacramento River, C.O. 840 11th Crossing Sacramento River, C.O. 841 13th Crossing Sacramento River, Sacramento Division, So. Pac. Co., The Phoenix Bridge Co., C.O's. 839, 840 & 841, Drawing #4, Eng'r - C. Scheidl, Draftsman - B. Heald, Scale 1' = 1'-0', April 13th 1901.' - Southern Pacific Railroad Shasta Route, Bridge No. 310.58, Milepost 310.58, Sims, Shasta County, CA

  8. Systems Pharmacology Dissection of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wen-Dan Decoction for Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases.


    Lan, Tao-Hua; Zhang, Lu-Lu; Wang, Yong-Hua; Wu, Huan-Lin; Xu, Dan-Ping


    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have been recognized as first killer of human health. The underlying mechanisms of CVDs are extremely complicated and not fully revealed, leading to a challenge for CVDs treatment in modern medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) characterized by multiple compounds and targets has shown its marked effects on CVDs therapy. However, system-level understanding of the molecular mechanisms is still ambiguous. In this study, a system pharmacology approach was developed to reveal the underlying molecular mechanisms of a clinically effective herb formula (Wen-Dan Decoction) in treating CVDs. 127 potential active compounds and their corresponding 283 direct targets were identified in Wen-Dan Decoction. The networks among active compounds, targets, and diseases were built to reveal the pharmacological mechanisms of Wen-Dan Decoction. A "CVDs pathway" consisted of several regulatory modules participating in therapeutic effects of Wen-Dan Decoction in CVDs. All the data demonstrates that Wen-Dan Decoction has multiscale beneficial activity in CVDs treatment, which provides a new way for uncovering the molecular mechanisms and new evidence for clinical application of Wen-Dan Decoction in cardiovascular disease.

  9. Tetrahedral silsesquioxane-C2H2Ti complex for hydrogen storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Konda, Ravinder; Tavhare, Priyanka; Ingale, Nilesh; Chaudhari, Ajay


    The interaction of molecular hydrogen with tetrahedral silsesquioxane (T4)-C2H2Ti complex has been studied using Density Functional Theory with M06-2X functional and MP2 method with 6-311++G** basis set. T4-C2H2Ti complex can absorb maximum five hydrogen molecules with the gravimetric hydrogen storage capacity of 3.4 wt %. Adsorption energy calculations show that H2 adsorption on T4-C2H2Ti complex is favorable at room temperature by both the methods. We have studied the effect of temperature and pressure on Gibbs free energy corrected adsorption energies. Molecular dynamics simulations for H2 adsorbed T4-C2H2Ti complex have also been performed at 300K and show that loosely bonded H2 molecule flies away within 1fs. Various interaction energies within the complex are studied. Stability of a complex is predicted by means of a gap between Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HUMO) and Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO). The H2 desorption temperature for T4-C2H2Ti complex is calculated with Van't Hoff equation and it is found to be 229K.

  10. Full-dimensional quantum dynamics study of the H{sub 2} + C{sub 2}H → H + C{sub 2}H{sub 2} reaction on an ab initio potential energy surface

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chen, Liuyang; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049; Shao, Kejie


    This work performs a time-dependent wavepacket study of the H{sub 2} + C{sub 2}H → H + C{sub 2}H{sub 2} reaction on a new ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The PES is constructed using neural network method based on 68 478 geometries with energies calculated at UCCSD(T)-F12a/aug-cc-pVTZ level and covers H{sub 2} + C{sub 2}H↔H + C{sub 2}H{sub 2}, H + C{sub 2}H{sub 2} → HCCH{sub 2}, and HCCH{sub 2} radial isomerization reaction regions. The reaction dynamics of H{sub 2} + C{sub 2}H → H + C{sub 2}H{sub 2} are investigated using full-dimensional quantum dynamics method. The initial-state selected reactionmore » probabilities are calculated for reactants in eight vibrational states. The calculated results showed that the H{sub 2} vibrational excitation predominantly enhances the reactivity while the excitation of bending mode of C{sub 2}H slightly inhibits the reaction. The excitations of two stretching modes of C{sub 2}H molecule have negligible effect on the reactivity. The integral cross section is calculated with J-shift approximation and the mode selectivity in this reaction is discussed. The rate constants over 200-2000 K are calculated and agree well with the experimental measured values.« less

  11. Abundance of SiC2 in carbon star envelopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Massalkhi, S.; Agúndez, M.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Fonfría, J. P.; Alcolea, J.; Bujarrabal, V.


    Context. Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si-C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC2, SiC, and Si2C. To date, the ring molecule SiC2 has been observed in a handful of evolved stars, while SiC and Si2C have only been detected in the C-star envelope IRC +10216. Aim. We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC2, SiC, and Si2C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars, and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. Methods: We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30 m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC2, SiC, and Si2C in the λ 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC2 and to derive SiC2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. Results: We detect SiC2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si2C in any source except IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked; the SiC radical is probably the photodissociation product of SiC2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend where the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC2 onto dust grains, a process that is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. Conclusions: The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC2 is an

  12. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C - Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... for Various Types of Fuel C Table C-2 to Subpart C Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... Combustion Sources Pt. 98, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C—Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors... factor (kg N2O/mmBtu) Coal and Coke (All fuel types in Table C-1) 1.1 × 10−02 1.6 × 10−03 Natural Gas 1.0...

  13. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C - Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... for Various Types of Fuel C Table C-2 to Subpart C Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... Combustion Sources Pt. 98, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C—Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors... factor (kg N2O/mmBtu) Coal and Coke (All fuel types in Table C-1) 1.1 × 10−02 1.6 × 10−03 Natural Gas 1.0...

  14. [Alterations of c-Myc and c-erbB-2 genes in ovarian tumours].


    Pastor, Tibor; Popović, Branka; Gvozdenović, Ana; Boro, Aleksandar; Petrović, Bojana; Novaković, Ivana; Puzović, Dragana; Luković, Ljiljana; Milasin, Jelena


    According to clinical and epidemiological studies, ovarian cancer ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women. The causes of ovarian cancer remain largely unknown but various factors may increase the risk of developing it, such as age, family history of cancer, childbearing status etc. This cancer results from a succession of genetic alterations involving oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, which have a critical role in normal cell growth regulation. Mutations and/or overexpression of three oncogenes, c-erbB-2, c-Myc and K-ras, and of the tumour suppressor gene p53, have been frequently observed in a sporadic ovarian cancer. The aim of the present study was to analyse c-Myc and c-erbB-2 oncogene alterations, specifically amplification, as one of main mechanisms of their activation in ovarian cancers and to establish a possible association with the pathogenic process. DNA was isolated from 15 samples of malignant and 5 benign ovarian tumours, using proteinase K digestion, followed by phenol-chloroform isoamyl extraction and ethanol precipitation. C-Myc and c-erbB-2 amplification were detected by differential PCR. The level of gene copy increase was measured using the Scion image software. The amplification of both c-Myc and c-erbB-2 was detected in 26.7% of ovarian epithelial carcinoma specimens. Only one tumour specimen concomitantly showed increased gene copy number for both studied genes. Interestingly, besides amplification, gene deletion was also detected (26.7% for c-erbB-2). Most of the ovarian carcinomas with alterations in c-Myc and c-erbB-2 belonged to advanced FIGO stages. The amplification of c-Myc and c-erbB-2 oncogenes in ovarian epithelial carcinomas is most probably a late event in the pathogenesis conferring these tumours a more aggressive biological behaviour. Similarly, gene deletions point to genomic instability in epithelial carcinomas in higher clinical stages as the result of clonal evolution and selection.

  15. Competition entre supraconductivite et magnetisme au voisinage de la transition de Mott dans le conducteur organique quasi-bidimensionnel k-(BEDT-TTF)2copper[N(CN)2]bromine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, David

    Les conducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels kappa-ET2X presentent d'importantes similitudes avec les SCHT telles qu'une phase isolant de Mott, un regime de pseudogap et un etat supraconducteur. L'etude de leurs proprietes apparait donc complementaire. Parmi les interrogations persistantes concernant la physique de ces systemes, l'origine du (ou des) processus exotique d'appariement, responsable de la supraconductivite est le sujet suscitant l'interet le plus marque dans la communaute. L'hypothese d'un mecanisme lie a la proximite d'un etat antiferromagnetique est privilegiee. Une etape importante dans la resolution de cette problematique est l'identification de la symetrie du parametre d'ordre. D'apres de nombreux travaux sur les systemes fortement correles, la sonde ultrasonore, de par sa sensibilite aux excitations de quasiparticule a basse temperature, est consideree comme particulierement adaptee a l'etude de cette propriete. Cependant, son emploi necessite l'utilisation d'un compose metallique a basse temperature et completement supraconducteur. Le compose metallique organique kappa-ET 2Cu[N(CN)2]Br presente toutes les caracteristiques necessaires a l'etude de cette propriete. En effet, il est situe loin de la transition du premier ordre de Mott et est completement supraconducteur. De facon surprenante, ce systeme semble se coupler fortement avec le reseau ce qui augmente significativement la sensibilite de cette sonde aux proprietes du gaz electronique. Cependant, des difficultes techniques importantes, liees a la nature intrinseque de ce materiau, doivent etre surmontees pour proceder a des mesures suivant differentes polarisations. La presente etude a profondement modifie notre comprehension de ce systeme. En effet, ces mesures ont permis de constater que le kappa-ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Br est un compose qui est situe en bordure de la zone de coexistence entre la supraconductivite et le magnetisme, ce qui constitue un resultat totalement inattendu. De plus, la

  16. Photophysics of indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2C) and indole-5-carboxylic acid (I5C): heavy atom effect.


    Kowalska-Baron, Agnieszka; Gałęcki, Krystian; Wysocki, Stanisław


    In this study the effect of carboxylic group substitution in the 2 and 5 position of indole ring on the photophysics of the parent indole chromophore has been studied. The photophysical parameters crucial in triplet state decay mechanism of aqueous indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2C) and indole-5-carboxylic acid (I5C) have been determined applying our previously proposed methodology based on the heavy atom effect and fluorescence and phosphorescence decay kinetics [Kowalska-Baron et al., 2012]. The determined time-resolved phosphorescence spectra of I2C and I5C are red-shifted as compared to that of the parent indole. This red-shift was especially evident in the case of I2C and may indicate the possibility of hydrogen bonded complex formation incorporating carbonyl CO, the NH group of I2C and, possibly, surrounding water molecules. The possibility of the excited state charge transfer process and the subsequent electronic charge redistribution in such a hydrogen bonded complex may also be postulated. The resulting stabilization of the I2C triplet state is manifested by its relatively long phosphorescence lifetime in aqueous solution (912 μs). The relatively short phosphorescence lifetime of I5C (56 μs) may be the consequence of more effective ground-state quenching of I5 C triplet state. This hypothesis may be strengthened by the significantly larger value of the determined rate constant of I5C triplet state quenching by its ground-state (4.4 × 10(8)M(-1)s(-1)) as compared to that for indole (6.8 × 10(7)M(-1)s(-1)) and I2C (2.3 × 10(7)M(-1)s(-1)). The determined bimolecular rate constant for triplet state quenching by iodide [Formula: see text] is equal to 1 × 10(4)M(-1)s(-1); 6 × 10(3)M(-1)s(-1) and 2.7 × 10(4)M(-1)s(-1) for indole, I2 C and I5 C, respectively. In order to obtain a better insight into iodide quenching of I2C and I5C triplet states in aqueous solution, the temperature dependence of the bimolecular rate constants for iodide quenching of the

  17. C 1 s ionization in C sub 2 H sub 2 studied by asymmetric ( e ,2 e ) experiments

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Avaldi, L.; Camilloni, R.; Stefani, G.


    The dynamics of core ionization by electron impact is investigated through the measurement of the triply differential cross section of the C {sigma}1{ital s} orbital in the molecule C{sub 2}H{sub 2}. The ({ital e},2{ital e}) experiments have been performed under asymmetric conditions and at small scattering angles, with a scattered electron energy of 1500 eV and low energies of the ejected electrons (9.6 and 41.0 eV). The measured angular distributions are characterized by large-size recoil lobes, breaking of the symmetry around the momentum-transfer direction, and unusual deviations of the maxima of the recoil peaks towards smaller deflection angles. In themore » ({ital e},2{ital e}) energy spectrum a shift is observed in the position of the C {sigma}1{ital s} peak with respect to the expected value as measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The amplitude of the shift amounts to 0.46{plus minus}0.23 eV at 9.6 eV excess energy, and it is too large to be explained only in terms of postcollision interactions.« less

  18. Etude theorique des fluctuations structurales dans les composes organiques a dimensionnalite reduite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumoulin, Benoit

    Les systemes a dimensionnalite reduite constituent maintenant une branche entiere de la physique de la matiere condensee. Cette derniere s'est developpee rapidement au cours des dernieres annees, avec la decouverte des materiaux organiques qui presentent, justement, des proprietes physiques fortement anisotropes. Cette these presente une etude en trois parties de plusieurs composes organiques qui, bien que tres differents du point de vue de leurs compositions chimiques et de leurs proprietes physiques a haute temperature, subissent tous une instabilite structurale a tres basse temperature. De plus, dans chacun des cas, l'instabilite structurale est precedee d'un important regime fluctuatif a partir duquel les proprietes physiques changent de maniere significative. Notre etude suit un ordre chronologique inverse puisque nous nous attardons en premier lieu au cas de composes recemment decouverts: les composes de la famille des (BCPTTF)2X (X = PF6 , AsF6). Ces derniers sont des isolants magnetiques a la temperature ambiante et subissent une instabilite structurale de type spin-Peierls a une temperature appelee TSP. En particulier, nous nous interessons a l'etude des proprietes physiques de ces systemes dans le regime fluctuatif, qui precede cette instabilite. Notre etude theorique nous permet de comprendre en detail comment ces systemes s'approchent de l'instabilite struturale. Dans la seconde partie de cette these, nous etudions le regime fluctuatif (pre-transitionnel) observe experimentalement dans le compose de (TMTTF)2PF6. Ce compose organique, dont la structure s'apparente aux sels de Bechgaard, subit une instabilite de type spin-Peierls a une temperature T SP = 19K. Bien que ce compose possede la particularite d'etre un bon conducteur a la temperature ambiante, il subit une transition de type Mott-Hubbard a une temperature Trho ≈ 220K et devient alors un isolant magnetique, analogue aux composes de la famille des (BCPTTF)2X. Le regime fluctuatif precedant l

  19. The Dissociation Energies of CH4 and C2H2 Revisited

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Partridge, Harry; Bauschlicher, Charles W., Jr.; Langhoff, Stephen R. (Technical Monitor)


    The bond dissociation energies of CH4 and C2H2 and their fragments are investigated using basis set extrapolations and high levels of correlation. The computed bond dissociation energies (D(sub e)) are accurate to within 0.2 kcal/mol. The agreement with the experimental (D(sub 0)) values is excellent if we assume that the zero-point energy of C2H is 9.18 kcal/mol. The effect of core (1s) correlation on the bond dissociation energies of C-H bonds is shown to vary from 0.2 to 0.7 kcal/mol and that for C-C bonds varies from 0.4 to 2.2 kcal/mol.

  20. Corner Office: Google's Dan Clancy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Albanese, Andrew Richard; Oder, Norman


    This article presents an interview with Dan Clancy, engineering director for Google Book Search. In this interview, Clancy talks about the pending Google Book Search settlement, involving millions of volumes digitized from libraries, which drew a lawsuit from the Association of American Publishers and the Authors Guild. He also discusses pricing,…

  1. Infrared Spectra of He-, Ne-, and Ar-C_2D_2 Complexes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rezai, M.; Moazzen-Ahmadi, N.; McKellar, A. R. W.; Fernandez, Berta; Farrelly, David


    Remarkably, there are no previously published experimental spectra of the helium-acetylene van der Waals complex. Apparently, infrared spectra of He-C_2H_2 were recorded around 1990 in Roger Miller's lab, but a detailed rotational assignment was not possible even with the help of two extensive sets of theoretical predictions. Here, we study rare gas-C_2D_2 complexes in the νb{3} region (˜2439 wn) using a rapid-scan tuneable diode laser spectrometer to probe a pulsed supersonic slit-jet expansion. The He-C_2D_2 assignment problem is readily apparent: most of the absorption is piled-up in a very narrow region around 2440.85 wn, close to the R(0) line of the C_2D_2 monomer. This pile-up is a signature of very weak anisotropy in the helium-acetylene intermolecular potential, leading to almost free internal rotation of the C_2D_2. We are able to achieve a convincing rotational assignment with the help of theoretical energy level calculations based on the intermolecular potential surface of Munteanu and Fernández. So far the results are limited to He-C_2D_2 transitions which correlate with the monomer R(0) transition. Ne-C_2D_2 also shows a free-rotation pile-up of lines near R(0) which makes assignment tricky. In contrast, Ar-C_2D_2 exhibits more conventional behavior and a normal asymmetric rotor analysis is possible. [1] T. Slee, R.J. Le Roy, and C.E. Chuaqui, Mol. Phys. 77, 111 (1992); R. Moszynski, P.E.S. Wormer, and A. van der Avoird, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 8385 (1995). [2] R. Munteanu and B. Fernández, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 014309 (2005).

  2. Methylcobalamin promotes proliferation and migration and inhibits apoptosis of C2C12 cells via the Erk1/2 signaling pathway

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Okamoto, Michio; Tanaka, Hiroyuki, E-mail:; Okada, Kiyoshi


    Highlights: •Methylcobalamin activated the Erk1/2 signaling pathway in C2C12 cells. •Methylcobalamin promoted the proliferation and migration in C2C12 cells. •C2C12 cell apoptosis during differentiation was inhibited by methylcobalamin. -- Abstract: Methylcobalamin (MeCbl) is a vitamin B12 analog that has some positive effects on peripheral nervous disorders. Although some previous studies revealed the effects of MeCbl on neurons, its effect on the muscle, which is the final target of motoneuron axons, remains to be elucidated. This study aimed to determine the effect of MeCbl on the muscle. We found that MeCbl promoted the proliferation and migration of C2C12 myoblasts in vitromore » and that these effects are mediated by the Erk1/2 signaling pathway without affecting the activity of the Akt signaling pathway. We also demonstrated that MeCbl inhibits C2C12 cell apoptosis during differentiation. Our results suggest that MeCbl has beneficial effects on the muscle in vitro. MeCbl administration may provide a novel therapeutic approach for muscle injury or degenerating muscle after denervation.« less

  3. Calculational and Experimental Investigations of the Pressure Effects on Radical - Radical Cross Combinations Reactions: C2H5 + C2H3

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fahr, Askar; Halpern, Joshua B.; Tardy, Dwight C.


    Pressure-dependent product yields have been experimentally determined for the cross-radical reaction C2H5 + C2H3. These results have been extended by calculations. It is shown that the chemically activated combination adduct, 1-C4H8*, is either stabilized by bimolecular collisions or subject to a variety of unimolecular reactions including cyclizations and decompositions. Therefore the "apparent" combination/disproportionation ratio exhibits a complex pressure dependence. The experimental studies were performed at 298 K and at selected pressures between about 4 Torr (0.5 kPa) and 760 Torr (101 kPa). Ethyl and vinyl radicals were simultaneously produced by 193 nm excimer laser photolysis of C2H5COC2H3 or photolysis of C2H3Br and C2H5COC2H5. Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry/flame ionization detection (GC/MS/FID) were used to identify and quantify the final reaction products. The major combination reactions at pressures between 500 (66.5 kPa) and 760 Torr are (1c) C2H5 + C2H3 yields 1-butene, (2c) C2H5 + C2H5 yields n-butane, and (3c) C2H3 + C2H3 yields 1,3-butadiene. The major products of the disproportionation reactions are ethane, ethylene, and acetylene. At moderate and lower pressures, secondary products, including propene, propane, isobutene, 2-butene (cis and trans), 1-pentene, 1,4-pentadiene, and 1,5-hexadiene are also observed. Two isomers of C4H6, cyclobutene and/or 1,2-butadiene, were also among the likely products. The pressure-dependent yield of the cross-combination product, 1-butene, was compared to the yield of n-butane, the combination product of reaction (2c), which was found to be independent of pressure over the range of this study. The [ 1-C4H8]/[C4H10] ratio was reduced from approx.1.2 at 760 Torr (101 kPa) to approx.0.5 at 100 Torr (13.3 kPa) and approx.0.1 at pressures lower than about 5 Torr (approx.0.7 kPa). Electronic structure and RRKM calculations were used to simulate both unimolecular and bimolecular processes. The relative importance

  4. The Atomic Structure of Ti2C and Ti3C2 MXenes is Responsible for Their Antibacterial Activity Toward E. coli Bacteria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jastrzębska, Agnieszka Maria; Karwowska, Ewa; Wojciechowski, Tomasz; Ziemkowska, Wanda; Rozmysłowska, Anita; Chlubny, Leszek; Olszyna, Andrzej


    The expanded Ti2C and Ti3C2 MXene phases were synthesized from their parent Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX phases using the same conditions of the classical acidic aluminum extraction method. The assumption for the study was that the expanded Ti2C and Ti3C2 MXenes are composed of the same atoms and if are synthesized from MAX phases using the same conditions of the classical acidic aluminum extraction method, the observed bio-effects can be related only to the changes in their structures. The scanning electron microscope investigations indicated that the expanded Ti2C and Ti3C2 sheets formed the specific network of slit-shaped nano-pores. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA-XPS) showed almost no difference in surface chemistry of Ti2C and Ti3C2 MXenes. The high-resolution transmission electron microscope investigations revealed, however, differences in atomic structure of the individual Ti2C and Ti3C2 sheets. Measured distance between Ti-C atomic layers in Ti2C was 9.76 Å and was larger by 0.53 Å in comparison with Ti3C2 (9.23 Å). Our investigations of bioactive properties toward model gram-negative Escherichia coli bacterial strain showed that the Ti2C MXene did not influence the viability of bacteria. Contrarily, the Ti3C2 MXene showed antibacterial properties. The results of the study indicate that the structure at the atomic scale may play a key role in the bioactivity of MXenes of the same chemical composition, but different stoichiometry, just like in case of Ti2C and Ti3C2.

  5. X-ray diffraction analysis of 4- and 4'-substituted C n H2 n + 1O-C6H3(OH)-CH=N-C6H4-C m H2 m + 1 ( n/ m = 2/1 and 3/4) salicylideneanilines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuz'mina, L. G.; Navasardyan, M. A.; Mikhailov, A. A.


    X-ray diffraction study of two crystalline modifications of C2H5O-C6H3(OH)-CH=N-C6H4-CH3 ( 1a, sp. gr. P21/ n, and 1b, sp. gr. C2/c) and C3H7O-C6H3(OH)-CH=N-C6H4-C4H9 ( 2, sp. gr. P212121) has been performed. The 1a crystal structure contains two independent molecules. The molecules are conformationally nonrigid with respect to the mutual rotation of benzene rings; the dihedral angles between their planes are 29.19° and 26.00° in the independent molecules of 1a, 18.72° in the molecule of 1b, and 50.35° in the molecule of 2. The crystal packing of the compounds is discussed.

  6. IGF-1 prevents simvastatin-induced myotoxicity in C2C12 myotubes.


    Bonifacio, Annalisa; Sanvee, Gerda M; Brecht, Karin; Kratschmar, Denise V; Odermatt, Alex; Bouitbir, Jamal; Krähenbühl, Stephan


    Statins are generally well tolerated, but treatment with these drugs may be associated with myopathy. The mechanisms of statin-associated myopathy are not completely understood. Statins inhibit AKT phosphorylation by an unclear mechanism, whereas insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) activates the IGF-1/AKT signaling pathway and promotes muscle growth. The aims of the study were to investigate mechanisms of impaired AKT phosphorylation by simvastatin and to assess effects of IGF-1 on simvastatin-induced myotoxicity in C2C12 myotubes. C2C12 mouse myotubes were exposed to 10 μM simvastatin and/or 10 ng/mL IGF-1 for 18 h. Simvastatin inhibited the IGF-1/AKT signaling pathway, resulting in increased breakdown of myofibrillar proteins, impaired protein synthesis and increased apoptosis. Simvastatin inhibited AKT S473 phosphorylation, indicating reduced activity of mTORC2. In addition, simvastatin impaired stimulation of AKT T308 phosphorylation by IGF-1, indicating reduced activation of the IGF-1R/PI3K pathway by IGF-1. Nevertheless, simvastatin-induced myotoxicity could be at least partially prevented by IGF-1. The protective effects of IGF-1 were mediated by activation of the IGF-1R/AKT signaling cascade. Treatment with IGF-1 also suppressed muscle atrophy markers, restored protein synthesis and inhibited apoptosis. These results were confirmed by normalization of myotube morphology and protein content of C2C12 cells exposed to simvastatin and treated with IGF-1. In conclusion, impaired activity of AKT can be explained by reduced function of mTORC2 and of the IGF-1R/PI3K pathway. IGF-1 can prevent simvastatin-associated cytotoxicity and metabolic effects on C2C12 cells. The study gives insight into mechanisms of simvastatin-associated myotoxicity and provides potential targets for therapeutic intervention.

  7. Infrared Spectroscopy of Disilicon-Carbide Si_2C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Witsch, Daniel; Lutter, Volker; Fuchs, Guido W.; Gauss, Jürgen; Giesen, Thomas


    Small silicon and carbon containing molecules are thought to be important building blocks of interstellar grains. Some of them have been detected in circumstellar environments of late-type stars by means of rotational spectroscopy e.g., SiC, SiC_2, Si_2C, c-SiC_3, SiC_4, while centro-symmetric species, e.g., C_3, C_4, C_5, Si_2C_2, Si_2C_3, can only be detected by vibrational transitions, mainly in the infrared. In view of a new generation of high resolution infrared telescope instruments, e.g., EXES (Echelon-Cross-Echelle Spectrograph) onboard SOFIA (Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) and TEXES (Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph) at the Gemini-North observatory, accurate laboratory data of small silicon-carbides in the infrared region are of high demand. In this talk we present first laboratory data of the Si_2C asymmetric stretching mode at 1200 cm^{-1}. A pulsed Nd:YAG-laser is used to vaporize a solid target of silicon exposed to a dilute sample of methane in helium buffer gas. Si_2C is formed in an adiabatic expansion of a supersonic jet and radiation of a quantum cascade laser is used to record rotationally resolved spectra. To date, 160 ro-vibrational lines and have been assigned to the asymmetric stretching vibration of Si_2C, and derived molecular parameters are in excellent agreement with ab initio calculations. In our global fit analysis recently published microwave laboratory data (McCarthy et al. 2015) and astronomical data (Cernicharo et al. 2015) were taken into account. Our new results allow for the identification of Si_2C by means of high resolution infrared astronomy towards the warm background of carbon-rich stars. McCarthy M.C., Baraban J.H., Changala P.B., Stanton J.F., Martin-Drumel M.A, Thorwirth S., et al., J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 6, 2107-2111 (2015). Cernicharo J., McCarthy M.C., Gottlieb C.A., Agundez M., Velilla Prieto L., Baraban J.H., et al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 806,L3 (2015).

  8. Processing and Properties of SiC/MoSi2-SiC Composites Fabricated by Melt Infiltration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhatt, Ramakrishna T.; Hebsur, Mohan G.


    Hi-Nicalon SiC fiber reinforced MoSi2-SiC matrix composites (SiC/MoSi2-SiC) have been fabricated by the melt infiltration approach. The composite consists of approximately 60 vol%, 2-D woven BN/SiC coated Hi-Nicalon SiC fibers and approximately 40 vol% MoSi2-SiC matrix. The room temperature tensile properties and thermal conductivity of the SiC/MoSi2-SiC composites were measured and compared with those of the melt infiltrated SiC/SiC composites. The influence oi fiber architecture on tensile properties was also evaluated. Results indicate that the primary modulus, stress corresponding to deviation from linearity, and transverse thermal conductivity values for the SiC/MoSi2-SiC composites are significantly lower than those for the SiC/SiC composites. Microcracking of the matrix due to the large difference in thermal expansion between MoSi2 and SiC appears to be the reason for the lower matrix dominated properties of SiC/MoSi2-SiC composites.

  9. Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp as a highly active and stable catalyst for ethanol electrooxidation


    Lin, Lili; Sheng, Wenchao; Yao, Siyu; ...


    Here, a Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp electrocatalyst with optimized Pt-Mo 2C chemical bonding is synthesized and evaluated for the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). The chemical bonding of Mo 2C to Pt particles renders exceptional EOR activity at low potentials, which is 15 and 2.5 times higher than Pt/C and commercial 40% PtRu/C, respectively, at 0.6 V (vs. RHE). The stability of the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp electrocatalyst is comparable to the commercial 40% PtRu/C catalyst. CO stripping test demonstrates the existence of highly active sites for CO oxidation on the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalyst. In-situ infrared spectroscopic studies of EOR reveal that the excellent anti-poisoningmore » ability of the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalyst is related to the relatively weak binding of carbonyl intermediates over the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalysts.« less

  10. Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp as a highly active and stable catalyst for ethanol electrooxidation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lin, Lili; Sheng, Wenchao; Yao, Siyu

    Here, a Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp electrocatalyst with optimized Pt-Mo 2C chemical bonding is synthesized and evaluated for the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). The chemical bonding of Mo 2C to Pt particles renders exceptional EOR activity at low potentials, which is 15 and 2.5 times higher than Pt/C and commercial 40% PtRu/C, respectively, at 0.6 V (vs. RHE). The stability of the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp electrocatalyst is comparable to the commercial 40% PtRu/C catalyst. CO stripping test demonstrates the existence of highly active sites for CO oxidation on the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalyst. In-situ infrared spectroscopic studies of EOR reveal that the excellent anti-poisoningmore » ability of the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalyst is related to the relatively weak binding of carbonyl intermediates over the Pt/Mo 2C/C-cp catalysts.« less

  11. Compact toroid injection into C-2U

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roche, Thomas; Gota, H.; Garate, E.; Asai, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Sekiguchi, J.; Putvinski, S.; Allfrey, I.; Beall, M.; Cordero, M.; Granstedt, E.; Kinley, J.; Morehouse, M.; Sheftman, D.; Valentine, T.; Waggoner, W.; the TAE Team


    Sustainment of an advanced neutral beam-driven FRC for a period in excess of 5 ms is the primary goal of the C-2U machine at Tri Alpha Energy. In addition, a criteria for long-term global sustainment of any magnetically confined fusion reactor is particle refueling. To this end, a magnetized coaxial plasma-gun has been developed. Compact toroids (CT) are to be injected perpendicular to the axial magnetic field of C-2U. To simulate this environment, an experimental test-stand has been constructed. A transverse magnetic field of B ~ 1 kG is established (comparable to the C-2U axial field) and CTs are fired across it. As a minimal requirement, the CT must have energy density greater than that of the magnetic field it is to penetrate, i.e., 1/2 ρv2 >=B2 / 2μ0 . This criteria is easily met and indeed the CTs traverse the test-stand field. A preliminary experiment on C-2U shows the CT also capable of penetrating into FRC plasmas and refueling is observed resulting in a 20 - 30% increase in total particle number per single-pulsed CT injection. Results from test-stand and C-2U experiments will be presented.

  12. 12. 'Portal Strut for 1 208'101/2' C. to C. ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    12. 'Portal Strut for 1 - 208'-10-1/2' C. to C. End Pins S. Tr. Thro. Skew Span, 6th Crossing of Sacramento River, So. Pac. Co., The Phoenix Bridge Co., C.O. 836D, Drawing No. 12, Scale - 1' = 1', Engineer - B.M. Krohn, May 22nd `01, J.C.S.' - Southern Pacific Railroad Shasta Route, Bridge No. 301.85, Milepost 301.85, Pollard Flat, Shasta County, CA

  13. E2C(R2) Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report and E2C(R2) Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report--Questions and Answers; International Council for Harmonisation; Guidances for Industry; Availability. Notice.



    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of guidances for industry entitled ``E2C(R2) Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation'' (E2C(R2) guidance) and ``E2C(R2) Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report--Questions and Answers'' (E2C(R2) Q&A guidance). These guidances were prepared under the auspices of the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), formerly the International Conference on Harmonisation. The E2C(R2) draft guidance, issued April 11, 2012, updated and combined two ICH guidances, ``E2C Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update Reports for Marketed Drugs'' (E2C guidance) and ``Addendum to E2C Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update Reports for Marketed Drugs'' (addendum to the E2C guidance). The E2C(R2) guidance is intended to describe the format, content, and timing of a Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report (PBRER) for an approved drug or biologic, and it finalizes the draft guidance. The E2C(R2) Q&A guidance is a supplementary guidance that is intended to clarify key issues in the E2C(R2) guidance.

  14. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... for Various Types of Fuel C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 98 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... Fuel Combustion Sources Pt. 98, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 98—Default CH4 and...) Default N2O emission factor (kg N2O/mmBtu) Coal and Coke (All fuel types in Table C-1) 1.1 × 10−02 1.6...

  15. 40 CFR Table C-2 to Subpart C of... - Default CH4 and N2O Emission Factors for Various Types of Fuel

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... for Various Types of Fuel C Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 98 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... Fuel Combustion Sources Pt. 98, Subpt. C, Table C-2 Table C-2 to Subpart C of Part 98—Default CH4 and...) Default N2O emission factor (kg N2O/mmBtu) Coal and Coke (All fuel types in Table C-1) 1.1 × 10− 02 1.6...

  16. The Preparation and Microstructure of Nanocrystal 3C-SiC/ZrO2 Bilayer Films

    PubMed Central

    Ye, Chao; Ran, Guang; Zhou, Wei; Qu, Yazhou; Yan, Xin; Cheng, Qijin; Li, Ning


    The nanocrystal 3C-SiC/ZrO2 bilayer films that could be used as the protective coatings of zirconium alloy fuel cladding were prepared on a single-crystal Si substrate. The corresponding nanocrystal 3C-SiC film and nanocrystal ZrO2 film were also dividedly synthesized. The microstructure of nanocrystal films was analyzed by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The 3C-SiC film with less than 30 nm crystal size was synthesized by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and annealing. The corresponding formation mechanism of some impurities in SiC film was analyzed and discussed. An amorphous Zr layer about 600 nm in width was first deposited by magnetron sputtering and then oxidized to form a nanocrystal ZrO2 layer during the annealing process. The interface characteristics of 3C-SiC/ZrO2 bilayer films prepared by two different processes were obviously different. SiZr and SiO2 compounds were formed at the interface of 3C-SiC/ZrO2 bilayer films. A corrosion test of 3C-SiC/ZrO2 bilayer films was conducted to qualitatively analyze the surface corrosion resistance and the binding force of the interface. PMID:29168782

  17. Reconstruction de la surface de Fermi dans l'etat normal d'un supraconducteur a haute Tc: Une etude du transport electrique en champ magnetique intense

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Boeuf, David

    Des mesures de resistance longitudinale et de resistance de Hall en champ magnetique intense transverse (perpendiculaire aux plans CuO2) ont ete effectuees au sein de monocristaux de YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) demacles, ordonnes et de grande purete, afin d'etudier l'etat fondamental des supraconducteurs a haute Tc dans le regime sous-dope. Cette etude a ete realisee en fonction du dopage et de l'orientation du courant d'excitation J par rapport a l'axe orthorhombique b de la structure cristalline. Les mesures en champ magnetique intense revelent par suppression de la supraconductivite des oscillations magnetiques des resistances longitudinale et de Hall dans YBa2Cu 3O6.51 et YBa2Cu4O8. La conformite du comportement de ces oscillations quantiques au formalisme de Lifshitz-Kosevich, apporte la preuve de l'existence d'une surface de Fermi fermee a caractere quasi-2D, abritant des quasiparticules coherentes respectant la statistique de Fermi-Dirac, dans la phase pseudogap d'YBCO. La faible frequence des oscillations quantiques, combinee avec l'etude de la partie monotone de la resistance de Hall en fonction de la temperature indique que la surface de Fermi d'YBCO sous-dope comprend une petite poche de Fermi occupee par des porteurs de charge negative. Cette particularite de la surface de Fermi dans le regime sous-dope incompatible avec les calculs de structure de bande est en fort contraste avec la structure electronique presente dans le regime surdope. Cette observation implique ainsi l'existence d'un point critique quantique dans le diagramme de phase d'YBCO, au voisinage duquel la surface de Fermi doit subir une reconstruction induite par l'etablissement d'une brisure de la symetrie de translation du reseau cristallin sous-jacent. Enfin, l'etude en fonction du dopage de la resistance de Hall et de la resistance longitudinale en champ magnetique intense suggere qu'un ordre du type onde de densite (DW) est responsable de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. L'analogie de

  18. Calculations of thermal radiation transfer of C2H2 and C2H4 together with H2O, CO2, and CO in a one-dimensional enclosure using LBL and SNB models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qi, Chaobo; Zheng, Shu; Zhou, Huaichun


    Generally, the involvement of hydrocarbons such as C2H4 and its derivative C2H2 in thermal radiation has not been accounted in the numerical simulation of their flames, which may cause serious error for estimation of temperature in the early stage of combustion. At the first, the Statistical Narrow-Band (SNB) model parameters for C2H2 and C2H4 are generated from line by line (LBL) calculations. The distributions of the concentrations of radiating gases such as H2O, CO2, CO, C2H2 and C2H4, and the temperature along the centerline of a laminar ethylene/air diffusion flame were chosen to form a one-dimensional, planar enclosure to be tested in this study. Thermal radiation transfer in such an enclosure was calculated using the LBL approach and the SNB model, most of the relative errors are less than 8% and the results of these two models shows an excellent agreement. Below the height of 20 mm, which is the early stage of the flame, the average fraction contributed by C2H2 and C2H4 in the radiative heat source is 33.8%, while that by CO is only 5.8%. This result indicates that the involvement of C2H2 and C2H4 in radiation heat transfer needs to be taken into account in the numerical modeling of the ethylene/air diffusion flame, especially in the early stage of combustion.

  19. PAM-Dependent Target DNA Recognition and Cleavage by C2c1 CRISPR-Cas Endonuclease

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, Hui; Gao, Pu; Rajashankar, Kanagalaghatta R.

    C2c1 is a newly identified guide RNA-mediated type V-B CRISPR-Cas endonuclease that site-specifically targets and cleaves both strands of target DNA. We have determined crystal structures of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris C2c1 (AacC2c1) bound to sgRNA as a binary complex and to target DNAs as ternary complexes, thereby capturing catalytically competent conformations of AacC2c1 with both target and non-target DNA strands independently positioned within a single RuvC catalytic pocket. Moreover, C2c1-mediated cleavage results in a staggered seven-nucleotide break of target DNA. crRNA adopts a pre-ordered five-nucleotide A-form seed sequence in the binary complex, with release of an inserted tryptophan, facilitating zippering upmore » of 20-bp guide RNA:target DNA heteroduplex on ternary complex formation. Notably, the PAM-interacting cleft adopts a “locked” conformation on ternary complex formation. Structural comparison of C2c1 ternary complexes with their Cas9 and Cpf1 counterparts highlights the diverse mechanisms adopted by these distinct CRISPR-Cas systems, thereby broadening and enhancing their applicability as genome editing tools.« less

  20. Gold complexes with the selenolate ligand [2-(Me2NCH2)C6H4Se]-.


    Crespo, Olga; Gimeno, M Concepción; Laguna, Antonio; Kulcsar, Monika; Silvestru, Cristian


    The reaction of [2-(Me(2)NCH(2))C(6)H(4)Se]M (M = Li, K) with the gold(phosphine) complexes [AuCl(PR(3))] gives the mononuclear gold-selenolate species [Au{SeC(6)H(4)(CH(2)NMe(2))-2}(PPh(3))] (1) or [Au{SeC(6)H(4)(CH(2)NMe(2))-2}(PPh(2)py)] (2), respectively. The treatment of the [2-(Me(2)NCH(2))C(6)H(4)Se]M with [Au(2)Cl(2)(mu-P-P)] [P-P = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane (dppm), bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf)] derivatives gives complexes with stoichiometry [Au(2){SeC(6)H(4)(CH(2)NMe(2))-2}(2)(mu-P-P)] [P-P = dppm (3), dppe (4), or dppf (5)]. These complexes exhibit a different structural framework, that is, 4 crystallizes as a chain polymer with intermolecular aurophilic bonding, while 5 shows an intramolecular Au(I)...Au(I) interaction. The gold(III) derivative Bu(4)N[Au(C(6)F(5))(3){SeC(6)H(4)(CH(2)NMe(2))-2}] (6) is obtained by reaction of [2-(Me(2)NCH(2))C(6)H(4)Se]K and Bu(4)N[AuBr(C(6)F(5))(3)], in a 1:1 molar ratio. These species exhibit luminescence which probably arises from a mixed (3)LMMCT and (3)MC excited state. The emission properties in these complexes seem to be useful for structural predictions and lead to the proposal of intermolecular aggregation in the solid state and frozen solution for complexes 1, 2, 3, whose crystal structures have not been elucidated.

  1. 26 CFR 1.475(c)-2 - Definitions-security.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Definitions-security. 1.475(c)-2 Section 1.475(c... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Inventories § 1.475(c)-2 Definitions—security. (a) Items that are not securities. The following items are not securities within the meaning of section 475(c)(2) with respect to a...

  2. 26 CFR 1.475(c)-2 - Definitions-security.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Definitions-security. 1.475(c)-2 Section 1.475(c... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Inventories § 1.475(c)-2 Definitions—security. (a) Items that are not securities. The following items are not securities within the meaning of section 475(c)(2) with respect to a...

  3. 26 CFR 1.475(c)-2 - Definitions-security.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Definitions-security. 1.475(c)-2 Section 1.475(c... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Inventories § 1.475(c)-2 Definitions—security. (a) Items that are not securities. The following items are not securities within the meaning of section 475(c)(2) with respect to a...

  4. 26 CFR 1.475(c)-2 - Definitions-security.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 6 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Definitions-security. 1.475(c)-2 Section 1.475(c... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Inventories § 1.475(c)-2 Definitions—security. (a) Items that are not securities. The following items are not securities within the meaning of section 475(c)(2) with respect to a...

  5. Isotope effect in the organic superconductor β_H-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 where BEDT-TTF is bis (ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Auban-Senzier, P.; Bourbonnais, C.; Jérome, D.; Lenoir, C.; Batail, P.; Canadell, E.; Buisson, J. P.; Lefrant, S.


    We have performed the simultaneous investigation of the isotope effect on the superconducting transition and on the Raman spectra in the organic superconductor β_H-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 (T_c = 8 K). For this purpose, we substitute ^{13}C for ^{12}C on the carbon sites of the central double bond of BEDT-TTF molecule. The isotope shifts measured by Raman experiments can be fairly well explained by standard molecular dynamics. However, the critical temperature is lowered by 0.2 K in the ^{13}C enriched material. We analyse the possible sources of this remarkable downward shift which leads to an isotope coefficient higher than the BCS value. The extended-Hückel calculations of the density of states for the two HOMO bands of β_H-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 do show that, within the framework of a weak coupling theory, its sizeable variation on the scale of ω_D cannot account for the observed isotope effect. On the other hand, we discuss how inelastic electronic scattering observed in resistivity measurements just above T_c can lead through a pair breaking mechanism to a sizeable increase of the isotope coefficient. Nous présentons une étude simultanée d'effet isotopique sur la transition supraconductrice et les spectres Raman dans le supraconducteur organique β_H-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 (T_c = 8 K). Pour cela, nous avons synthétisé le composé dans lequel les atomes de carbone de la double liaison centrale de la molécule BEDT-TTF sont substitués par l'isotope ^{13}C. Les déplacements isotopiques mesurés par spectroscopie Raman sont bien expliqués par la dynamique moléculaire standard. Cependant, la température critique est abaissée de 0.2 K dans le matériau enrichi en ^{13}C. Nous étudions les origines possibles de cet effet qui permet d'obtenir un coefficient isotopique supérieur à la valeur BCS. Des calculs de la densité d'états effectués par la méthode de Hückel étendue pour les deux bandes HOMO du composé montrent que, dans le cadre d'une théorie de couplage faible

  6. Dan Says - Continuum Magazine | NREL Websites

    Dan Says Leading Energy Systems Integration A headshot of a man in a suit, smiling. Photo by Dennis U.S. dedicated to solving the complex problems associated with energy systems integration (ESI) on a national scale. Our 185,000-square-foot Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) is designed to provide a

  7. Identification of a c-Type Cytochrome Specific for Manganese Dioxide (MnO2) Reduction in Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans Strain 2CP-C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pfiffner, S. M.; Nissen, S.; Liu, X.; Chourey, K.; Vishnivetskaya, T. A.; Hettich, R.; Loeffler, F.


    Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans is a metabolically versatile Deltaproteobacterium and conserves energy from the reduction of various electron acceptors, including insoluble MnO2 and ferric oxides/oxyhydroxides (FeOOH). The goal of this study was to identify c-type cytochromes involved in electron transfer to MnO2. The characterization of deletion mutants has revealed a number of c-type cytochromes involved in electron transfer to solid metal oxides in Shewanella spp. and Geobacter spp; however, a genetic system for Anaeromyxobacter is not available. The A. dehalogenans str. 2CP-C genome encodes 68 putative c-type cytochromes, which all lack functional assignments. To identify c-type cytochromes involved in electron transfer to solid MnO2, protein expression profiles of A. dehalogenans str. 2CP-C cells grown with acetate as electron donor and MnO2, ferric citrate, FeOOH, nitrate or fumarate as electron acceptors were compared. Whole cell proteomes were analyzed after trypsin proteolysis using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Distinct c-type cytochrome expression patterns were observed with cells grown with different electron acceptors. A. dehalogenans str. 2CP-C grown with MnO2 expressed 25 out of the 68 c-type cytochromes encoded on the genome. The c-type cytochrome Adeh_1278 was only expressed in strain 2CP-C grown with MnO2. Reverse transcription PCR confirmed that the Adeh_1278 gene was transcribed in MnO2-grown cells but not in cells grown with other terminal electron acceptors. The expression of the Adeh_1278 gene correlated with Mn(IV) reduction activity. Adeh_1278 has three heme binding motifs and is predicted to be located in the periplasm. The identification of Adeh_1278 as a protein uniquely expressed when MnO2 serves as electron acceptor suggests its utility as a biomarker for MnO2 reduction. This example demonstrates the value of the LC-MS/MS approach for identifying specific proteins of interest and making functional assignments

  8. Les conseils des cliniciens canadiens en matière de commotion dans le sport sont-ils cohérents?

    PubMed Central

    Carson, James D.; Rendely, Alexandra; Garel, Alisha; Meaney, Christopher; Stoller, Jacqueline; Kaicker, Jatin; Hayden, Leigh; Moineddin, Rahim; Frémont, Pierre


    Résumé Objectif Comparer les connaissances et l’utilisation des recommandations concernant la prise en charge de la commotion dans le sport (CDS) démontrées par les spécialistes de la médecine du sport et de l’exercice (SMSE) et les urgentologues afin d’évaluer la réussite du transfert des connaissances sur la CDS au Canada. Conception Un sondage à choix multiples envoyé par courriel et autoadministré par des SMSE et des urgentologues. La validité du contenu du sondage a fait l’objet d’une évaluation. Contexte Canada. Participants Le sondage a été complété entre mai et juillet 2012 par des SMSE qui ont réussi l’examen menant au diplôme de l’Académie canadienne de la médecine du sport et de l’exercice et des urgentologues qui n’avaient pas ce diplôme. Principaux paramètres à l’étude La connaissance et l’identification des sources d’information sur la prise en charge des commotions, l’utilisation des stratégies de diagnostic de la commotion et l’utilisation d’une terminologie courante et cohérente dans l’explication des stratégies de repos aux patients après une CDS. Résultats Le taux de réponse était de 28 % (305 sur 1085). Les taux de réponse par les SMSE et les urgentologues se situaient respectivement à 41 % (147 sur 360) et 22 % (158 sur 725). Parmi les répondants, 41 % des urgentologues et 3 % des SMSE n’étaient pas au courant de l’existence de déclarations consensuelles sur la commotion dans le sport; 74 % des SMSE utilisaient « habituellement ou toujours » la version 2 de l’Outil d’évaluation de la commotion dans le sport (SCAT2), tandis que 88 % des urgentologues n’utilisaient jamais le SCAT2. Aucune réponse uniforme n’a été documentée à la question visant à connaître les meilleurs modes de repos cognitif. Conclusion Nous avons cerné des différences et un manque d’uniformité chez les SMSE et les urgentologues dans la mise en application des recommandations

  9. 18 CFR 3c.2 - Nonpublic information.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nonpublic information. 3c.2 Section 3c.2 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION...)) of the Federal Power Act, and section 8(b) (15 U.S.C. 717g) of the Natural Gas Act prohibit any...

  10. Enhanced photocatalytic H2-production activity of C-dots modified g-C3N4/TiO2 nanosheets composites.


    Li, Yang; Feng, Xionghan; Lu, Zhexue; Yin, Hui; Liu, Fan; Xiang, Quanjun


    As a new carbon-based material, carbon dots (C-dots) have got widely preference because of its excellent electronic transfer capability. In this work, a novel ternary layered C-dots/g-C 3 N 4 /TiO 2 nanosheets (CGT) composite photocatalysts were prepared by impregnation precipitation methods. The optimal ternary CGT composite samples revealed high photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rate in triethanolamine aqueous solutions, which exceeded the rate of the optimal g-C 3 N 4 /TiO 2 composite sample by a factor of 5 times. The improved photocatalytic activity is owed to the positive effects of C-dots and layered heterojunction structure of TiO 2 nanosheets and g-C 3 N 4 sheets. C-dots in the CGT composites can serve as electron reservoirs to capture the photo-induced electrons. The well-defined layered heterojunction structure of CGT provides the intimate contact and the strong interaction of anatase TiO 2 nanosheets and g-C 3 N 4 sheets via face-to-face orientation, which restrains the recombination of photogenerated charge carriers, and thus enhances the photocatalytic H 2 -production activity. Electron paramagnetic resonance and transient photocurrent response proved the strong interaction and improved interfacial charge transfer of TiO 2 nanosheets and g-C 3 N 4 sheets, respectively. The mechanism of improving the photocatalytic H 2 -evolution activity was further confirmed by time-resolved fluorescence, electron paramagnetic resonance, transient photocurrent response and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pang, W. K.; Low, I. M.; O'Connor, B. H.


    Titanium silicon carbide (Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}) possesses a unique combination of properties of both metals and ceramics, for it is thermally shock resistant, thermally and electrically conductive, damage tolerant, lightweight, highly oxidation resistant, elastically stiff, and mechanically machinable. In this paper, the effect of high vacuum annealing on the phase stability and phase transitions of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}/TiC/TiSi{sub 2} composites at up to 1550 deg. C was studied using in-situ neutron diffraction. The role of TiC and TiSi{sub 2} on the thermal stability of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} during vacuum annealing is discussed. TiC reacts with TiSi{sub 2} between 1400-1450 deg.more » C to form Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2}. Above 1400 deg. C, decomposition of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} into TiC commenced and the rate increased with increased temperature and dwell time. Furthermore, the activation energy for the formation and decomposition of Ti{sub 3}SiC{sub 2} was determined.« less

  12. Upper limits on resonance contributions to proton-proton elastic scattering in the c.m. mass range 2.05-2.85 GeV/ c2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rohdjeß, H.; Altmeier, M.; Bauer, F.; Bisplinghoff, J.; Bollmann, R.; Büßer, K.; Busch, M.; Diehl, O.; Dohrmann, F.; Engelhardt, H. P.; Ernst, J.; Eversheim, P. D.; Eyser, K. O.; Felden, O.; Gebel, R.; Groß, A.; Groß-Hardt, R.; Hinterberger, F.; Langkau, R.; Lindlein, J.; Maier, R.; Mosel, F.; Prasuhn, D.; von Rossen, P.; Scheid, N.; Schulz-Rojahn, M.; Schwandt, F.; Schwarz, V.; Scobel, W.; Trelle, H.-J.; Ulbrich, K.; Weise, E.; Wellinghausen, A.; Woller, K.; Ziegler, R.


    Recently published excitation functions in proton-proton ( pp) elastic scattering observables in the laboratory energy range 0.5-2.5GeV provide an excellent data base to establish firm upper limits on the elasticities ηel = Γel/Γtot of possible isovector resonant contributions to the nucleon-nucleon ( NN) system. Such contributions have been predicted to arise from dibaryonic states, with c.m. masses between 2.1-2.9GeV/c2, but have not been confirmed experimentally. A method to determine quantitatively the maximum value of ηel compatible with experimental data is presented. We use energy-dependent phase shift fits to the pp data base to model the non-resonant interaction. Based upon the differential cross-section data measured by the EDDA Collaboration an unbiased statistical test is constructed to obtain upper limits on ηel, that exclude larger values with a 99% confidence level. Results in the c.m. mass range 2.05-2.85GeV/c2 and total widths of 10-100MeV/c2 in the partial waves 1 S 0, 1 D 2, 3 P 0, 3 P 1, and 3 F 3 are presented and discussed.

  13. Allier théorie et pratique dans la lutte contre la pandémie du Sida

    PubMed Central

    Zerbo, Roger


    Le premier cas d'infection par le VIH a été notifié en 1986 au Burkina Faso. L'ignorance qui entourait cette infection et l'absence de traitement curatif a amplifié ses conséquences sociales et économiques. La mise en œuvre des interventions communautaire est un enjeu majeur actuel qui recommande la compréhension des logiques sociales endogènes qui influencent les comportements individuels et collectifs. C'est en cela que l'implication des sciences sociales dans la lutte contre les maladies, en particulier le Sida constitue un enjeu, en termes de définition et d'identification de leur contribution. Dans notre propos, nous pouvons mettre en évidence trois niveaux de contribution des sciences sociales, notamment la sociologie, l'anthropologie, la psychologie et dans une certaine mesure le droit et l’économie, à la prévention du Sida et la prise en charge des personnes infectées par le VIH. Il faut noter que ces disciplines contribuent à la lutte contre le VIH d'une part, par des réflexions et des éléments d'analyses constructives, et d'autre part, l'aptitude des porteurs de ces disciplines est parfois sollicitée pour l'efficacité de la mise en œuvre des actions et l'organisation des systèmes de soins. PMID:25722761

  14. Tropomyosin-related kinase C (TrkC) enhances podocyte migration by ERK-mediated WAVE2 activation.


    Gromnitza, Sascha; Lepa, Carolin; Weide, Thomas; Schwab, Albrecht; Pavenstädt, Hermann; George, Britta


    Podocyte malfunction is central to glomerular diseases and is marked by defective podocyte intercellular junctions and actin cytoskeletal dynamics. Podocytes share many morphologic features with neurons, so that similar sets of proteins appear to regulate cell process formation. One such protein is the tropomyosin-related kinase C (TrkC). TrkC deficiency in mice leads to proteinuria as a surrogate of defective kidney filter function. Activation of endogenous TrkC by its ligand neurotrophin-3 resulted in increased podocyte migration-a surrogate of podocyte actin dynamics in vivo. Employing a mutagenesis approach, we found that the Src homologous and collagen-like (Shc) binding site Tyr 516 within the TrkC cytoplasmic domain was necessary for TrkC-induced migration of podocytes. TrkC activation led to a mobility shift of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome family verprolin-homologous protein (WAVE)-2 which is known to orchestrate Arp2/3 activation and actin polymerization. Chemical inactivation of Erk or mutagenesis of 2 of 4 known Erk target sites within WAVE2, Thr 346 and Ser 351 , abolished the TrkC-induced WAVE2 mobility shift. Knockdown of WAVE2 by shRNA abolished TrkC-induced podocyte migration. In summary, TrkC signals to the podocyte actin cytoskeleton to induce migration by phosphorylating WAVE2 Erk dependently. This signaling mechanism may be important for TrkC-mediated cytoskeletal dynamics in podocyte disease.-Gromnitza, S., Lepa, C., Weide, T., Schwab, A., Pavenstädt, H., George, B. Tropomyosin-related kinase C (TrkC) enhances podocyte migration by ERK-mediated WAVE2 activation.

  15. Possible Sources for Methane and C2-C5 Organics in the Plume of Enceladus

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    McKay, Chris; Khare, Bishun N.; Amin, Ranjamin; Klasson, Martin; Kral, Timothy A.


    In this paper we consider six possible sources of CH4 and other low-mass (C2 - C5) organics in the plume of Enceladus: initial endowments of cometary organics or Titan- like tholin, in situ production by Fisher-Tropsch type reactions, water-rock reactions, or microbiology, and thermogenesis from heavier organics already present. We report on new laboratory results C2 hydrocarbons released on thermogenesis of laboratory tholin and Fisher-Tropsch type synthesis. Tholin heating produced ratios of CH4/C2H4 and CH4/C2H6 of about 2 for temperatures up to 450 C and about 6 for a temperature of 650 C. Low pressure Fisher-Tropsch type experiments produced CH4/C2H4 of approx 1.5, similar to previous results. No C2H2 was produced by either process. Tests of gas production by four strains of methanogens confirmed the absence of any detectable production of non-methane hydrocarbons. Cometary endowment, Fisher-Tropsch type synthesis, and Titan-like tholin incorporation could be primary inputs of organics and subsequent thermal processing of any of these all are possible sources of low mass organics in the plume. Biological production and water-rock reactions are an alternative source of CH4. Neither water-- ]rock reactions or thermal processing of biomass could be a source C2 . C5 organics due to the low interior pressures. The confirmed detection of CO and C2H2 in the plume of Enceladus would provide an important constraint on sources as we have identified no process . other than the initial volatile component of cometary organics which can supply these gases. Precise determination of the relative concentrations of C1 - C5 hydrocarbons may provide additional constraints on sources but a detailed isotopic analysis of C and H in these organics and a search for amino acids constitute the next important steps in resolving the sources of the organics in Enceladus' plume.

  16. Identification of a novel BRCA2 and CHEK2 A-C-G-C haplotype in Turkish patients affected with breast cancer.


    Haytural, Hazal; Yalcinkaya, Nazli; Akan, Gokce; Arikan, Soykan; Ozkok, Elif; Cakmakoglu, Bedia; Yaylim, Ilhan; Aydin, Makbule; Atalar, Fatmahan


    Many breast cancers are caused by certain rare and familial mutations in the high or moderate penetrance genes BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2. The aim of this study was to examine the allele and genotype frequencies of seven mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 genes in breast cancer patients and to investigate their isolated and combined associations with breast cancer risk. We genotyped seven mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 genes and then analyzed single variations and haplotype associations in 106 breast cancer patients and 80 healthy controls. We found significant associations in the analyses of CHEK2- 1100delC (p=0.001) and BRCA1-5382insC (p=0.021) mutations in breast cancer patients compared to controls. The highest risk was observed among breast cancer patients carrying both CHEK2-1100delC and BRCA2- Met784Val mutations (OR=0.093; 95%CI 0.021-0.423; p=0.001). We identified one previously undescribed BRCA2 and a CHEK2 four-marker haplotype of A-C-G-C which was overrepresented (?2=7.655; p=0.0057) in the patient group compared to controls. In this study, we identified a previously undescribed BRCA2 and CHEK2 A-C-G-C haplotype in association with the breast cancer in our population. Our results further suggest that the CHEK2-1100delC mutation in combination with BRCA2-Met784Val may lead to an unexpected high risk which needs to be confirmed in larger cohorts in order to better understand their role in the development and prognosis of breast cancer.

  17. Comparaison des effets des irradiations γ, X et UV dans les fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Ouerdane, Y.; Baggio, J.; Boukenter, A.; Meunier, J.-P.; Leray, J.-L.


    Les fibres optiques présentent de nombreux avantages incitant à les intégrer dans des applications devant résister aux environnements radiatifs associés aux domaines civil, spatial ou militaire. Cependant, leur exposition à un rayonnement entraîne la création de défauts ponctuels dans la silice amorphe pure ou dopée qui constitue les différentes parties de la fibre optique. Ces défauts causent, en particulier, une augmentation transitoire de l'atténuation linéique des fibres optiques responsable de la dégradation voire de la perte du signal propagé dans celles-ci. Dans cet article, nous comparons les effets de deux types d'irradiation: une impulsion X et une dose γ cumulée. Les effets de ces irradiations sont ensuite comparés avec ceux induits par une insolation ultraviolette (244 nm) sur les propriétés d'absorption des fibres optiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe des similitudes entre ces différentes excitations et qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d'utiliser celles-ci afin d'évaluer la capacité de certaines fibres optiques à fonctionner dans un environnement nucléaire donné.

  18. Anisotropic swelling and microcracking of neutron irradiated Ti 3AlC 2-Ti 5Al 2C 3 materials


    Ang, Caen K.; Silva, Chinthaka M.; Shih, Chunghao Phillip; ...


    M n + 1AX n (MAX) phase materials based on Ti–Al–C have been irradiated at 400 °C (673 K) with fission neutrons to a fluence of 2 × 10 25 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV), corresponding to ~ 2 displacements per atom (dpa). We report preliminary results of microcracking in the Al-containing MAX phase, which contained the phases Ti 3AlC 2 and Ti 5Al 2C 3. Equibiaxial ring-on-ring tests of irradiated coupons showed that samples retained 10% of pre-irradiated strength. Volumetric swelling of up to 4% was observed. Phase analysis and microscopy suggest that anisotropic lattice parameter swelling causedmore » microcracking. Lastly, variants of titanium aluminum carbide may be unsuitable materials for irradiation at light water reactor-relevant temperatures.« less

  19. The nucleoid-associated protein Dan organizes chromosomal DNA through rigid nucleoprotein filament formation in E. coli during anoxia.


    Lim, Ci Ji; Lee, Sin Yi; Teramoto, Jun; Ishihama, Akira; Yan, Jie


    Dan is a transcription factor that regulates the ttd operon encoding tartrate dehydratase. During anaerobic conditions, its copy number increases by 100-fold, making Dan an abundant nucleoid-associated protein. However, little is known about the mode of Dan-DNA interaction. To understand its cellular functions, we used single-molecule manipulation and imaging techniques to show that Dan binds cooperatively along DNA, resulting in formation of a rigid periodic nucleoprotein filament that strongly restricts accessibility to DNA. Furthermore, in the presence of physiologic levels of magnesium, these filaments interact with each other to cause global DNA condensation. Overall, these results shed light on the architectural role of Dan in the compaction of Escherichia coli chromosomal DNA under anaerobic conditions. Formation of the nucleoprotein filament provides a basis in understanding how Dan may play roles in both chromosomal DNA protection and gene regulation.

  20. NKG2C zygosity influences CD94/NKG2C receptor function and the NK-cell compartment redistribution in response to human cytomegalovirus.


    Muntasell, Aura; López-Montañés, María; Vera, Andrea; Heredia, Gemma; Romo, Neus; Peñafiel, Judith; Moraru, Manuela; Vila, Joan; Vilches, Carlos; López-Botet, Miguel


    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection promotes a persistent expansion of a functionally competent NK-cell subset expressing the activating CD94/NKG2C receptor. Factors underlying the wide variability of this effect observed in HCMV-seropositive healthy individuals and exacerbated in immunocompromized patients are uncertain. A deletion of the NKG2C gene has been reported, and an apparent relation of NKG2C genotype with circulating NKG2C(+) NK-cell numbers was observed in HCMV(+) children. We have assessed the influence of NKG2C gene dose on the NK-cell repertoire in a cohort of young healthy adults (N = 130, median age 19 years). Our results revealed a relation of NKG2C copy number with surface receptor levels and with NKG2C(+) NK-cell numbers in HCMV(+) subjects, independently of HLA-E dimorphism. Functional studies showed quantitative differences in signaling (i.e. iCa(2+) influx), degranulation, and IL-15-dependent proliferation, in response to NKG2C engagement, between NK cells from NKG2C(+/+) and hemizygous subjects. These observations provide a mechanistic interpretation on the way the NKG2C genotype influences steady-state NKG2C(+) NK-cell numbers, further supporting an active involvement of the receptor in the HCMV-induced reconfiguration of the NK-cell compartment. The putative implications of NKG2C zygosity over viral control and other clinical variables deserve attention. © 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections of NH3, PH3, H2S, C2H2, and C2H4 in the VUV region

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Xia, T. J.; Chien, T. S.; Wu, C. Y. Robert; Judge, D. L.


    Using synchrotron radiation as a continuum light source, the photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections of NH3, PH3, H2S, C2H2, and C2H4 have been measured from their respective ionization thresholds to 1060 A. The vibrational constants associated with the nu(2) totally symmetric, out-of-plane bending vibration of the ground electronic state of PH3(+) have been obtained. The cross sections and quantum yields for producing neutral products through photoexcitation of these molecules in the given spectral regions have also been determined. In the present work, autoionization processes were found to be less important than dissociation and predissociation processes in NH3, PH3, and C2H4. Several experimental techniques have been employed in order to examine the various possible systematic errors critically.

  2. Le rôle de l’omalizumab dans le traitement de l’asthme allergique grave

    PubMed Central

    Chapman, Kenneth R; Cartier, André; Hébert, Jacques; McIvor, R Andrew; Schellenberg, R Robert


    CONTEXTE : Un nouveau traitement anti-immunoglobuline E (anti-IgE) contre l’asthme, l’omalizumab, a été approuvé au Canada. OBJECTIF : Passer en revue les données fondamentales et cliniques sur l’omalizumab et examiner le rôle possible de ce médicament dans la prise en charge de l’asthme au Canada. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE afin de repérer les études menées de 1960 à 2006 sur l’omalizumab. La recherche a également porté sur les résumés de réunions scientifiques récentes dans le domaine des maladies respiratoires et des allergies; par ailleurs, toute donnée non publiée a été demandée au fabricant. Après avoir revu et résumé les données, un comité mixte constitué de spécialistes des maladies respiratoires et des allergies a rédigé un ensemble de recommandations relatives à l’utilisation de l’omalizumab. RÉSULTATS : L’omalizumab est un anticorps monoclonal humanisé qui se lie au domaine C epsilon 3 de la molécule d’IgE pour former des complexes immuns solubles qui sont éliminés par le système réticulo-endothélial. L’administration d’injections sous-cutanées espacées de deux ou de quatre semaines à la dose recommandée entraîne une diminution rapide des taux d’IgE circulantes libres. Lors de deux essais cliniques de phase III menés auprès de 1 405 adultes et adolescents atteints d’asthme modéré à grave qui recevaient des doses moyennes stables de corticostéroïdes en inhalation (CSI), l’omalizumab a diminué les taux d’exacerbation par rapport au placebo et a été associé à une amélioration des symptômes ainsi qu’à une épargne plus importante des corticostéroïdes. Dans un essai mené auprès de 419 patients atteints d’asthme grave non maîtrisé malgré l’utilisation de doses élevées de CSI et de la prise concomitante d’agonistes bêta-2 à action prolongée, les exacerbations graves étaient de 50 % moins fréquentes chez

  3. Rôle des forêts plantées dans l’économie forestière mondiale


    Joseph Buongiorno; Shushuai Zhu


    Les forets plantees, constituees par pl antati on ou ensemencemen t, jouen t un role de plus en plus important dans l'economie foresti ere mondia le, dans I a conservation des ressources, et dans Ia lu tte contre le changement cli matique. Au nivea u mondial , elles occupent 258 million d'ha, soit 6% de Ia co u verture forestiere...

  4. Expansion of antimonato polyoxovanadates with transition metal complexes: (Co(N3C5H15)2)2[{Co(N3C5H15)2}V15Sb6O42(H2O)]·5H2O and (Ni(N3C5H15)2)2[{Ni(N3C5H15)2}V15Sb6O42(H2O)]·8H2O.


    Antonova, Elena; Näther, Christian; Kögerler, Paul; Bensch, Wolfgang


    Two new polyoxovanadates (Co(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2))(2)[{Co(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2)}V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)]·5H(2)O (1) and (Ni(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2))(2)[{Ni(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2)}V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)]·8H(2)O (2) (N(3)C(5)H(15) = N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine) were synthesized under solvothermal conditions and structurally characterized. In both structures the [V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)](6-) shell displays the main structural motif, which is strongly related to the {V(18)O(42)} archetype cluster. Both compounds crystallize in the triclinic space group P1 with a = 14.3438(4), b = 16.6471(6), c = 18.9186(6) Å, α = 87.291(3)°, β = 83.340(3)°, γ = 78.890(3)°, and V = 4401.4(2) Å(3) (1) and a = 14.5697(13), b = 15.8523(16), c = 20.2411(18) Å, α = 86.702(11)°, β = 84.957(11)°, γ = 76.941(11)°, and V = 4533.0(7) Å(3) (2). In the structure of 1 the [V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)](6-) cluster anion is bound to a [Co(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2)](2+) complex via a terminal oxygen atom. In the Co(2+)-centered complex, one of the amine ligands coordinates in tridentate mode and the second one in bidentate mode to form a strongly distorted CoN(5)O octahedron. Similarly, in compound 2 an analogous NiN(5)O complex is joined to the [V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)](6-) anion via the same attachment mode. A remarkable difference between the two compounds is the orientation of the noncoordinated propylamine group leading to intermolecular Sb···O contacts in 1 and to Sb···N interactions in 2. In the solid-state lattices of 1 and 2, two additional [M(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2)](2+) complexes act as countercations and are located between the [{M(N(3)C(5)H(15))(2)}V(15)Sb(6)O(42)(H(2)O)](4-) anions. Between the anions and cations strong N-H···O hydrogen bonds are observed. In both compounds the clusters are stacked along the b axis in an ABAB fashion with cations and water molecules occupying the space between the clusters. Magnetic characterization demonstrates that the Ni(2+) and Co(2+) cations do not

  5. Schwann Cells Metabolize Extracellular 2′,3′-cAMP to 2′-AMP

    PubMed Central

    Verrier, Jonathan D.; Kochanek, Patrick M.


    The 3′,5′-cAMP–adenosine pathway (3′,5′-cAMP→5′-AMP→adenosine) and the 2′,3′-cAMP–adenosine pathway (2′,3′-cAMP→2′-AMP/3′-AMP→adenosine) are active in the brain. Oligodendrocytes participate in the brain 2′,3′-cAMP–adenosine pathway via their robust expression of 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase; converts 2′,3′-cAMP to 2′-AMP). Because Schwann cells also express CNPase, it is conceivable that the 2′,3′-cAMP–adenosine pathway exists in the peripheral nervous system. To test this and to compare the 2′,3′-cAMP–adenosine pathway to the 3′,5′-cAMP–adenosine pathway in Schwann cells, we examined the metabolism of 2′,3′-cAMP, 2′-AMP, 3′-AMP, 3′,5′-cAMP, and 5′-AMP in primary rat Schwann cells in culture. Addition of 2′,3′-cAMP (3, 10, and 30 µM) to Schwann cells increased levels of 2′-AMP in the medium from 0.006 ± 0.002 to 21 ± 2, 70 ± 3, and 187 ± 10 nM/µg protein, respectively; in contrast, Schwann cells had little ability to convert 2′,3′-cAMP to 3′-AMP or 3′,5′-cAMP to either 3′-AMP or 5′-AMP. Although Schwann cells slightly converted 2′,3′-cAMP and 2′-AMP to adenosine, they did so at very modest rates (e.g., 5- and 3-fold, respectively, more slowly compared with our previously reported studies in oligodendrocytes). Using transected myelinated rat sciatic nerves in culture medium, we observed a time-related increase in endogenous intracellular 2′,3′-cAMP and extracellular 2′-AMP. These findings indicate that Schwann cells do not have a robust 3′,5′-cAMP–adenosine pathway but do have a 2′,3′-cAMP–adenosine pathway; however, because the pathway mostly involves 2′-AMP formation rather than 3′-AMP, and because the conversion of 2′-AMP to adenosine is slow, metabolism of 2′,3′-cAMP mostly results in the accumulation of 2′-AMP. Accumulation of 2′-AMP in peripheral nerves postinjury could have

  6. Iodine-Mediated Intramolecular Dehydrogenative Coupling: Synthesis of N-Alkylindolo[3,2-c]- and -[2,3-c]quinoline Iodides.


    Volvoikar, Prajesh S; Tilve, Santosh G


    An I2/TBHP-mediated intramolecular dehydrogenative coupling reaction is developed for the synthesis of a library of medicinally important 5,11-dialkylindolo[3,2-c]quinoline salts and 5,7-dimethylindolo[2,3-c]quinoline salts. The annulation reaction is followed by aromatization to yield tetracycles in good yield. This protocol is also demonstrated for the synthesis of the naturally occurring isocryptolepine in salt form.

  7. 26 CFR 1.1402(c)-2 - Public office.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 12 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Public office. 1.1402(c)-2 Section 1.1402(c)-2...) INCOME TAXES Tax on Self-Employment Income § 1.1402(c)-2 Public office. (a) In general—(1) General rule... public office does not constitute a trade or business. (2) Fee basis public officials—(i) In general. If...

  8. CHEK2 c.1100delC allele is rarely identified in Greek breast cancer cases.


    Apostolou, Paraskevi; Fostira, Florentia; Papamentzelopoulou, Myrto; Michelli, Maria; Panopoulos, Christos; Fountzilas, George; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Voutsinas, Gerassimos E; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis


    The CHEK2 gene encodes a protein kinase that plays a crucial role in maintenance of genomic integrity and the DNA repair mechanism. CHEK2 germline mutations are associated with increased risk of breast cancer and other malignancies. From a clinical perspective, the most significant mutation identified is the c.1100delC mutation, which is associated with an approximately 25% lifetime breast cancer risk. The distribution of this mutation shows wide geographical variation; it is more prevalent in the Northern European countries and less common, or even absent, in Southern Europe. In order to estimate the frequency of the CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation in Greek breast cancer patients, we genotyped 2,449 patients (2,408 females and 41 males), which was the largest series ever tested for c.1100delC. The mean age of female and male breast cancer diagnosis was 49 and 59 years, respectively. All patients had previously tested negative for the Greek BRCA1 founder and recurrent mutations. The CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation was detected in 0.16% (4 of 2,408) of females, all of whom were diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50 years. Only one c.1100delC carrier was reported with breast cancer family history. The present study indicates that the CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation does not contribute substantially to hereditary breast cancer in patients of Greek descent. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. The Role of CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 Genotypes in Losartan-Dependent Inhibition of Paclitaxel Metabolism in Human Liver Microsomes.


    Mukai, Yuji; Senda, Asuna; Toda, Takaki; Eliasson, Erik; Rane, Anders; Inotsume, Nobuo


    The aim of the present study was to further investigate a previously identified metabolic interaction between losartan and paclitaxel, which is one of the marker substrates of CYP2C8, by using human liver microsomes (HLMs) from donors with different CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 genotypes. Although CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 exhibit genetic linkage, previous studies have yet to determine whether losartan or its active metabolite, EXP-3174 which is specifically generated by CYP2C9, is responsible for CYP2C8 inhibition. Concentrations of 6α-hydroxypaclitaxel and EXP-3174 were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography after incubations with paclitaxel, losartan or EXP-3174 in HLMs from seven donors with different CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 genotypes. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50 ) values were not fully dependent on CYP2C8 genotypes. Although the degree of inhibition was small, losartan significantly inhibited the production of 6α-hydroxypaclitaxel at a concentration of 1 μmol/L in only HL20 with the CYP2C8*3/*3 genotype. HLMs with either CYP2C9*2/*2 or CYP2C9*1/*3 exhibited a lower losartan intrinsic clearance (Vmax /Km ) than other HLMs including those with CYP2C9*1/*1 and CYP2C9*1/*2. Significant inhibition of 6α-hydroxypaclitaxel formation by EXP-3174 could only be found at levels that were 50 times higher (100 μmol/L) than the maximum concentration generated in the inhibition study using losartan. These results suggest that the metabolic interaction between losartan and paclitaxel is dependent on losartan itself rather than its metabolite and that the CYP2C8 inhibition by losartan is not affected by the CYP2C9 genotype. Further study is needed to define the effect of CYP2C8 genotypes on losartan-paclitaxel interaction. © 2015 Nordic Association for the Publication of BCPT (former Nordic Pharmacological Society).

  10. Anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects of the Traditional Chinese Medicinal formulation Dan-zhi-xiao-yao-san in a rat model of chronic stress.


    Cao, Guo-Ping; Gui, Dan; Fu, Lu-Di; Guo, Zhou-Ke; Fu, Wen-Jun


    Dan-zhi-xiao-yao-san is a Traditional Chinese Medicinal formulation widely used for the treatment of neuropsychological disorders. The present study examined the anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects of Dan-zhi-xiao-yao-san in a rat model of chronic stress. The results of an elevated plus maze test showed that Dan‑zhi‑xiao‑yao‑san significantly attenuated the levels of anxiety-induced stress as evidenced by increases in the time spent in the open arm region, as well as the percentage of entries into this area. In addition, Dan-zhi-xiao-yao-san alleviated stress‑induced neuronal death, as indicated by histological examination. Furthermore, mechanistic studies suggested that the anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects of Dan-zhi-xiao-yao-san may be mediated via attenuation of chronic stress‑induced upregulation of α‑synuclein and corticosterone, and downregulation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in the hippocampal region of the brain at the mRNA and protein level. In addition, Dan‑zhi‑xiao‑yao‑san decreased the serum levels of stress‑induced corticosterone in the model animals. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that Dan‑zhi‑xiao‑yao‑san exerted anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects in a rat model of chronic stress via attenuation of stress‑induced upregulation of α‑synuclein and corticosterone, and downregulation of PP2A in the hippocampus.

  11. Bonding-restricted structure search for novel 2D materials with dispersed C2 dimers.


    Zhang, Cunzhi; Zhang, Shunhong; Wang, Qian


    Currently, the available algorithms for unbiased structure searches are primarily atom-based, where atoms are manipulated as the elementary units, and energy is used as the target function without any restrictions on the bonding of atoms. In fact, in many cases such as nanostructure-assembled materials, the structural units are nanoclusters. We report a study of a bonding-restricted structure search method based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) for finding the stable structures of two-dimensional (2D) materials containing dispersed C2 dimers rather than individual C atoms. The C2 dimer can be considered as a prototype of nanoclusters. Taking Si-C, B-C and Ti-C systems as test cases, our method combined with density functional theory and phonon calculations uncover new ground state geometrical structures for SiC2, Si2C2, BC2, B2C2, TiC2, and Ti2C2 sheets and their low-lying energy allotropes, as well as their electronic structures. Equally important, this method can be applied to other complex systems even containing f elements and other molecular dimers such as S2, N2, B2 and Si2, where the complex orbital orientations require extensive search for finding the optimal orientations to maximize the bonding with the dimers, predicting new 2D materials beyond MXenes (a family of transition metal carbides or nitrides) and dichalcogenide monolayers.

  12. Bonding-restricted structure search for novel 2D materials with dispersed C2 dimers

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Cunzhi; Zhang, Shunhong; Wang, Qian


    Currently, the available algorithms for unbiased structure searches are primarily atom-based, where atoms are manipulated as the elementary units, and energy is used as the target function without any restrictions on the bonding of atoms. In fact, in many cases such as nanostructure-assembled materials, the structural units are nanoclusters. We report a study of a bonding-restricted structure search method based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) for finding the stable structures of two-dimensional (2D) materials containing dispersed C2 dimers rather than individual C atoms. The C2 dimer can be considered as a prototype of nanoclusters. Taking Si-C, B-C and Ti-C systems as test cases, our method combined with density functional theory and phonon calculations uncover new ground state geometrical structures for SiC2, Si2C2, BC2, B2C2, TiC2, and Ti2C2 sheets and their low-lying energy allotropes, as well as their electronic structures. Equally important, this method can be applied to other complex systems even containing f elements and other molecular dimers such as S2, N2, B2 and Si2, where the complex orbital orientations require extensive search for finding the optimal orientations to maximize the bonding with the dimers, predicting new 2D materials beyond MXenes (a family of transition metal carbides or nitrides) and dichalcogenide monolayers. PMID:27403589

  13. Voltage-sensing phosphatase modulation by a C2 domain.


    Castle, Paul M; Zolman, Kevin D; Kohout, Susy C


    The voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP) is the first example of an enzyme controlled by changes in membrane potential. VSP has four distinct regions: the transmembrane voltage-sensing domain (VSD), the inter-domain linker, the cytosolic catalytic domain, and the C2 domain. The VSD transmits the changes in membrane potential through the inter-domain linker activating the catalytic domain which then dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. The role of the C2, however, has not been established. In this study, we explore two possible roles for the C2: catalysis and membrane-binding. The Ci-VSP crystal structures show that the C2 residue Y522 lines the active site suggesting a contribution to catalysis. When we mutated Y522 to phenylalanine, we found a shift in the voltage dependence of activity. This suggests hydrogen bonding as a mechanism of action. Going one step further, when we deleted the entire C2 domain, we found voltage-dependent enzyme activity was no longer detectable. This result clearly indicates the entire C2 is necessary for catalysis as well as for modulating activity. As C2s are known membrane-binding domains, we tested whether the VSP C2 interacts with the membrane. We probed a cluster of four positively charged residues lining the top of the C2 and suggested by previous studies to interact with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] (Kalli et al., 2014). Neutralizing those positive charges significantly shifted the voltage dependence of activity to higher voltages. We tested membrane binding by depleting PI(4,5)P2 from the membrane using the 5HT2C receptor and found that the VSD motions as measured by voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) were not changed. These results suggest that if the C2 domain interacts with the membrane to influence VSP function it may not occur exclusively through PI(4,5)P2. Together, this data advances our understanding of the VSP C2 by demonstrating a necessary and critical role for the C2 domain in

  14. Canadian Thesis Abstracts: Synthèse spectrale de jeunes populations stellaires dans; l'ultraviolet lointain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pellerin, Anne


    Le but de cette thèse était de développer et tester la technique de synthè;se spectrale évolutive aux longueurs d'onde de l'ultraviolet lointain. Jusquà récemment, cette technique n'était appliqué quà des données au-delà de 1200 Å. Le lancement du satellite FUSE en 1999 a permis d'explorer le domaine de l'ultraviolet lointain (900-1200 Å) avec une grande résolution spectrale. J'ai donc utilisé les spectres du satellite FUSE de 228 étoiles chaudes de type O et B, de 24 galaxies à sursauts de formation d'étoiles et de quatre galaxies Seyfert. Dans un premier temps, j'ai caractérisé le comportement des profils de raies stellaires en fonction du type spectral, de la classe de luminosité et de la métallicité des étoiles. Les raies O vi >>1031.9, 1037.6, S iv >>1062.7, 1073.0, 1073.5, P v>>1118.0, 1128.0 et C iii >1175.6 ont été identifiées comme étant des indicateurs stellaires potentiellement intéressants pour la synthèse spectrale. Le domaine de longueur d'onde inférieur à 1000 Å couvert par FUSEmontre aussi des signatures stellaires mais qui sont peu intéressantes pour la synthèse en raison de la contamination interstellaire. J'ai ensuite crééé; une bibliothèque de spectres FUSE qui a été intégrée au code de synthèse LavalSBafin de produire des spectres de synthèse dans l'ultraviolet lointain pour diverses populations stellaires théoriques. Il s'est avéré que les raies de P vet de C iii sont d'excellents indicateurs d'âge, de métallicité et de fonction de masse initiale de la population stellaire, tandis que les raies de O vi et de S ivne sont pas aussi efficaces. La comparaison des spectres FUSEde galaxies avec les spectres synthétiques a révèlé des âges entre 2.5 et 18 millions d'années pour un large éventail de métallicités. On trouve aussi une forte dominance du mode instantané de formation stellaire. Ce travail a aussi permis d'estimer quantitativement l'extinction interne et les masses

  15. 13. 'Transverse Bracing for 1 208'101/2' C. to C. ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    13. 'Transverse Bracing for 1 - 208'-10-1/2' C. to C. End Pins S. Tr. Thro. Skew Span, 6th Crossing of Sacramento River, So. Pac. Co., The Phoenix Bridge Co., C.O. 836D, Drawing No. 7, Scale - 1' = 1', Engineer - B.M. Krohn, May 11th `01, Slaughter' - Southern Pacific Railroad Shasta Route, Bridge No. 301.85, Milepost 301.85, Pollard Flat, Shasta County, CA

  16. Effects of Wen Dan Tang on insomnia-related anxiety and levels of the brain-gut peptide Ghrelin.


    Wang, Liye; Song, Yuehan; Li, Feng; Liu, Yan; Ma, Jie; Mao, Meng; Wu, Fengzhi; Wu, Ying; Li, Sinai; Guan, Binghe; Liu, Xiaolan


    Ghrelin, a brain-gut peptide that induces anxiety and other abnormal emotions, contributes to the effects of insomnia on emotional behavior. In contrast, the traditional Chinese Medicine remedy Wen Dan Tang reduces insomnia-related anxiety, which may perhaps correspond to changes in the brain-gut axis. This suggests a possible relationship between Wen Dan Tang's pharmacological mechanism and the brain-gut axis. Based on this hypothesis, a sleep-deprived rat model was induced and Wen Dan Tang was administered using oral gavage during model establishment. Wen Dan Tang significantly reduced insomnia-related anxiety and prevented Ghrelin level decreases following sleep deprivation, especially in the hypothalamus. Increased expression of Ghrelin receptor mRNA in the hypothalamus was also observed, suggesting that reduced anxiety may be a result of Wen Dan Tang's regulation of Ghrelin-Ghrelin receptors.

  17. 10 CFR Appendix C to Part 2 - [Reserved

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] C Appendix C to Part 2 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RULES OF PRACTICE FOR DOMESTIC LICENSING PROCEEDINGS AND ISSUANCE OF ORDERS Appendix C to Part 2 [Reserved] ...

  18. 10 CFR Appendix C to Part 2 - [Reserved

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false [Reserved] C Appendix C to Part 2 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RULES OF PRACTICE FOR DOMESTIC LICENSING PROCEEDINGS AND ISSUANCE OF ORDERS Appendix C to Part 2 [Reserved] ...

  19. Unimolecular reactivity of organotrifluoroborate anions, RBF3- , and their alkali metal cluster ions, M(RBF3 )2- (M = Na, K; R = CH3 , CH3 CH2 , CH3 (CH2 )3 , CH3 (CH2 )5 , c-C3 H5 , C6 H5 , C6 H5 CH2 , CH2 CHCH2 , CH2 CH, C6 H5 CO).


    Bathie, Fiona L B; Bowen, Chris J; Hutton, Craig A; O'Hair, Richard A J


    Potassium organotrifluoroborates (RBF 3 K) are important reagents used in organic synthesis. Although mass spectrometry is commonly used to confirm their molecular formulae, the gas-phase fragmentation reactions of organotrifluoroborates and their alkali metal cluster ions have not been previously reported. Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) together with collision-induced dissociation (CID) using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer were used to examine the fragmentation pathways for RBF 3 - (where R = CH 3 , CH 3 CH 2 , CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 , CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 , c-C 3 H 5 , C 6 H 5 , C 6 H 5 CH 2 , CH 2 CHCH 2 , CH 2 CH, C 6 H 5 CO) and M(RBF 3 ) 2 - (M = Na, K), while density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the M06/def2-TZVP level were used to examine the structures and energies associated with fragmentation reactions for R = Me and Ph. Upon CID, preferentially elimination of HF occurs for RBF 3 - ions for systems where R = an alkyl anion, whereas R - formation is favoured when R = a stabilized anion. At higher collision energies loss of F - and additional HF losses are sometimes observed. Upon CID of M(RBF 3 ) 2 - , formation of RBF 3 - is the preferred pathway with some fluoride transfer observed only when M = Na. The DFT-calculated relative thermochemistry for competing fragmentation pathways is consistent with the experiments. The main fragmentation pathways of RBF 3 - are HF elimination and/or R - loss. This contrasts with the fragmentation reactions of other organometallate anions, where reductive elimination, beta hydride transfer and bond homolysis are often observed. The presence of fluoride transfer upon CID of Na(RBF 3 ) 2 - but not K(RBF 3 ) 2 - is in agreement with the known fluoride affinities of Na + and K + and can be rationalized by Pearson's HSAB theory. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. CYP2C9 Genotype-Dependent Warfarin Pharmacokinetics: Impact of CYP2C9 Genotype on R- and S-Warfarin and Their Oxidative Metabolites.


    Flora, Darcy R; Rettie, Allan E; Brundage, Richard C; Tracy, Timothy S


    Multiple factors can impact warfarin therapy, including genetic variations in the drug-metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9). Compared with individuals with the wild-type allele, CYP2C9*1, carriers of the common *3 variant have significantly impaired CYP2C9 metabolism. Genetic variations in CYP2C9, the primary enzyme governing the metabolic clearance of the more potent S-enantiomer of the racemic anticoagulant warfarin, may impact warfarin-drug interactions. To establish a baseline for such studies, plasma and urine concentrations of R- and S-warfarin and 10 warfarin metabolites were monitored for up to 360 hours following a 10-mg warfarin dose in healthy subjects with 4 different CYP2C9 genotypes: CYP2C9*1/*1 (n = 8), CYP2C9*1/*3 (n = 9), CYP2C9*2/*3 (n = 3), and CYP2C9*3/*3 (n = 4). Plasma clearance of S-warfarin, but not R-warfarin, decreased multiexponentially and in a CYP2C9 gene-dependent manner: 56%, 70%, and 75% for CYP2C9*1/*3, CYP2C9*2/*3, and CYP2C9*3/*3 genotypes, respectively, compared with CYP2C9*1/*1, resulting in pronounced differences in the S:R ratio that identified warfarin-sensitive genotypes. CYP2C9 was the primary P450 enzyme contributing to S-warfarin metabolism and a minor contributor to R-warfarin metabolism. In the presence of a defective CYP2C9 allele, switching of warfarin metabolism to other oxidative pathways and P450 enzymes for the metabolic elimination of S-warfarin was not observed. The 10-hydroxywarfarin metabolites, whose detailed pharmacokinetics are reported for the first time, exhibited a prolonged half-life with no evidence of renal excretion and displayed elimination rate-limited kinetics. Understanding the impact of CYP2C9 genetics on warfarin pharmacokinetics lays the foundation for future genotype-dependent warfarin-drug interaction studies. © 2016, The American College of Clinical Pharmacology.

  1. DRAGON, a GPI-anchored membrane protein, inhibits BMP signaling in C2C12 myoblasts.


    Kanomata, Kazuhiro; Kokabu, Shoichiro; Nojima, Junya; Fukuda, Toru; Katagiri, Takenobu


    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) induce osteoblastic differentiation of myoblasts via binding to cell surface receptors. Repulsive guidance molecules (RGMs) have been identified as BMP co-receptors. We report here that DRAGON/RGMb, a member of the RGM family, suppressed BMP signaling in C2C12 myoblasts via a novel mechanism. All RGMs were expressed in C2C12 cells that were differentiated into myocytes and osteoblastic cells, but RGMc was not detected in immature cells. In C2C12 cells, only DRAGON suppressed ALP and Id1 promoter activities induced by BMP-4 or by constitutively activated BMP type I receptors. This inhibition by DRAGON was dependent on the secretory form of the von Willbrand factor type D domain. DRAGON even suppressed BMP signaling induced by constitutively activated Smad1. Over-expression of neogenin did not alter the inhibitory capacity of DRAGON. Taken together, these findings indicate that DRAGON may be an inhibitor of BMP signaling in C2C12 myoblasts. We also suggest that a novel molecule(s) expressed on the cell membrane may mediate the signal transduction of DRAGON in order to suppress BMP signaling in C2C12 myoblasts.

  2. Construction of a Cr3C2-C Peritectic Point Cell for Thermocouple Calibration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ogura, Hideki; Deuze, Thierry; Morice, Ronan; Ridoux, Pascal; Filtz, Jean-Remy

    The melting points of Cr3C2-C peritectic (1826°C) and Cr7C3-Cr3C2 eutectic (1742°C) alloys as materials for high-temperature fixed point cells are investigated for the use of thermocouple calibration. Pretests are performed to establish a suitable procedure for constructing contact thermometry cells based on such chromium-carbon mixtures. Two cells are constructed following two different possible procedures. The above two melting points are successfully observed for one of these cells using tungsten-rhenium alloy thermocouples.

  3. Nqrs Data for C3H2Cl10N2PSb[C3HCl4N2P·Cl6HSb](Subst. No. 0601)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N.

    This document is part of Subvolume A `Substances Containing Ag … C10H15' of Volume 48 `Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group III `Condensed Matter'. It contains an extract of Section `3.2 Data tables' of the Chapter `3 Nuclear quadrupole resonance data' providing the NQRS data for C3H2Cl10N2PSb [C3HCl4N2P·Cl6HSb] (Subst. No. 0601)

  4. Le pompage optique naturel dans le milieu astrophysique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pecker, J.-C.

    The title of this lecture abstracts only a part of it : the importance in astrophysics of the study of non-LTE situations has become considerable, as well in the stellar atmospheres as, still more, in the study of fortuitous coincidences as a mechanism of formation of emission line nebular spectra, or of molecular interstellar « masers ». Another part of this talk underlines the role of Kastler in his time, and describes his warm personality through his public reactions in front of the nuclear armement, of the Viet-Nam and Algerian wars, of the problems of political refugees... Kastler was a great scientist ; he was also a courageous humanist. 1976 : Les accords nucléaires du Brésil : allocution d'ouverture (19 mars). Colloque sur le sujet ci-dessus. 1976 : La promotion de la culture dans le nouvel ordre économique international, allocution à l'occasion d'une table ronde sur ce thème par l'UNESCO (23-27 juin 1976) ; « Sciences et Techniques », octobre 1976. 1979 : La bête immonde (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Matin », 20 mars. 1979 : Appel à nos ministres (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Monde », 13 décembre. 1979 : Le flou, le ténébreux, l'irrationnel (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Monde », 14 septembre. 1980 : Education à la paix, Préface, in : Publ. UNESCO. 1981 : Le vrai danger, « Le Monde », 6 août 1981. 1982 : Nucléaire civil et militaire, « Le Monde », 1er juin 1982. 1982 : Les scientifiques face à la perspective d'holocauste nucléaire (texte inédit). Le titre de cette communication en résume seulement une partie : l'importance prise en astrophysique par l'analyse des situations hors ETL est devenue considérable, qu'il s'agisse des atmosphères stellaires, ou plus encore, des coïncidences fortuites de la formation des spectres d'émission nébulaires, ou des « masers » moléculaires interstellaires. Une autre partie de cet exposé souligne le rôle de Kastler dans son époque, et décrit sa personnalité généreuse à travers ses r

  5. A New Protein Phosphatase 2C (FsPP2C1) Induced by Abscisic Acid Is Specifically Expressed in Dormant Beechnut Seeds1

    PubMed Central

    Lorenzo, Oscar; Rodríguez, Dolores; Nicolás, Gregorio; Rodríguez, Pedro L.; Nicolás, Carlos


    An abscisic acid (ABA)-induced cDNA fragment encoding a putative protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) was obtained by means of differential reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction approach. The full-length clone was isolated from a cDNA library constructed using mRNA from ABA-treated beechnut (Fagus sylvatica) seeds. This clone presents all the features of plant type PP2C and exhibits homology to members of this family such as AthPP2CA (61%), ABI1 (48%), or ABI2 (47%), therefore it was named FsPP2C1. The expression of FsPP2C1 is detected in dormant seeds and increases after ABA treatment, when seeds are maintained dormant, but it decreases and tends to disappear when dormancy is being released by stratification or under gibberellic acid treatment. Moreover, drought stress seems to have no effect on FsPP2C1 transcript accumulation. The FsPP2C1 transcript expression is tissue specific and was found to accumulate in ABA-treated seeds rather than in other ABA-treated vegetative tissues examined. These results suggest that the corresponding protein could be related to ABA-induced seed dormancy. By expressing FsPP2C1 in Escherichia coli as a histidine tag fusion protein, we have obtained direct biochemical evidence supporting Mg2+-dependent phosphatase activity of this protein. PMID:11299374

  6. DCEBIO facilitates myogenic differentiation via intermediate conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channel activation in C2C12 myoblasts.


    Tanaka, Shoko; Ono, Yuko; Sakamoto, Kazuho


    Membrane hyperpolarization is suggested to be a trigger for skeletal muscle differentiation. We investigated whether DCEBIO, an opener of the small/intermediate conductance Ca 2+ activated K + (SK Ca /IK Ca ) channels, increase myogenic differentiation in C2C12 skeletal myoblasts. DCEBIO significantly increased myotube formation, protein expression level of myosin heavy chain II, and mRNA expression level of myogenin in C2C12 myoblasts cultured in differentiation medium. DCEBIO induced myotube formation and hyperpolarization were reduced by the IK Ca channel blocker TRAM-34, but not by the SK Ca channel blocker apamin. These findings show that DCEBIO increases myogenic differentiation by activating IK Ca channels. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. One-pot synthesis of 4,8-dibromobenzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole.


    Tam, Teck Lip; Li, Hairong; Wei, Fengxia; Tan, Ke Jie; Kloc, Christian; Lam, Yeng Ming; Mhaisalkar, Subodh G; Grimsdale, Andrew C


    A one-step synthesis of 4,8-dibromobenzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole with use of 1,2,4,5-tetraaminobenzene tetrahydrobromide and thionyl bromide in good yield is reported. This unit can then be used in the synthesis of low bandgap materials via palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions. The approach offers a quick and easy way to prepare low bandgap materials as compared to the current literature methods.

  8. On the differences between 1.5oC and 2oC of global warming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    King, A.


    The Paris Agreement of 2015 has resulted in a drive to limit global warming to 2oC with an aim for a lower 1.5oC target. It is therefore vital that we understand some of the differences we would expect between these two levels of global warming. My research uses coupled climate model projections to investigate where and for what variables we can differentiate between worlds of 1.5oC and 2oC global warming. I place a particular focus on climate extremes and population exposure to those extremes. I have found that there are perceptible benefits in limiting global warming to 1.5oC as opposed to 2oC through reduced frequency and intensity of heat extremes, both over land and in ocean areas where thermal stress on coral has resulted in bleaching. Differences in high and low precipitation extremes between the 1.5oC and 2oC global warming levels are projected for some regions. I have also examined how "scalable" changes from the 1.5oC to 2oC level are. In areas of the world such as Eastern China I find that changes in anthropogenic aerosol concentrations will influence the level of change projected at 1.5oC and 2oC, such that past warming is likely to be a poor indicator of future changes. Overall, my research finds clear benefits to limiting global warming to 1.5oC relative to higher levels.

  9. Etude thermo-hydraulique de l'ecoulement du moderateur dans le reacteur CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdi Zadeh, Foad

    importante, se traduisant par l'accroissement de la puissance du reacteur. Ceci peut avoir des consequences majeures pour la surete nucleaire. Une modelisation CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) detaillee tenant compte des effets locaux s'avere donc necessaire. Le but de ce travail de recherche est de modeliser le comportement complexe de l'ecoulement du moderateur au sein de la cuve d'un reacteur nucleaire CANDU-6, notamment a proximite des tubes de calandre. Ces simulations servent a identifier les configurations possibles de l'ecoulement dans la calandre. Cette etude consiste ainsi a formuler des bases theoriques a l'origine des instabilites macroscopiques du moderateur, c.-a-d. des mouvements asymetriques qui peuvent provoquer l'ebullition du moderateur. Le defi du projet est de determiner l'impact de ces configurations de l'ecoulement sur la reactivite du reacteur CANDU-6.

  10. [2,4-13C2]-β-Hydroxybutyrate Metabolism in Human Brain

    PubMed Central

    Pan, Jullie W.; de Graaf, Robin A.; Petersen, Kitt F.; Shulman, Gerald I.; Hetherington, Hoby P.; Rothman, Douglas L.


    Summary Infusions of [2,4-13C2]-β-hydroxybutyrate and 1H–13C polarization transfer spectroscopy were used in normal human subjects to detect the entry and metabolism of β-hydroxybutyrate in the brain. During the 2-hour infusion study, 13C label was detectable in the β-hydroxybutyrate resonance positions and in the amino acid pools of glutamate, glutamine, and aspartate. With a plasma concentration of 2.25 ± 0.24 mmol/L (four volunteers), the apparent tissue β-hydroxybutyrate concentration reached 0.18 ± 0.06 mmol/L during the last 20 minutes of the study. The relative fractional enrichment of 13C-4-glutamate labeling was 6.78 ± 1.71%, whereas 13C-4-glutamine was 5.68 ± 1.84%. Steady-state modeling of the 13C label distribution in glutamate and glutamine suggests that, under these conditions, the consumption of the β-hydroxybutyrate is predominantly neuronal, used at a rate of 0.032 ± 0.009 mmol · kg−1 · min−1, and accounts for 6.4 ± 1.6% of total acetyl coenzyme A oxidation. These results are consistent with minimal accumulation of cerebral ketones with rapid utilization, implying blood–brain barrier control of ketone oxidation in the nonfasted adult human brain. PMID:12142574

  11. 11. 'Erection Plan, 1 208'101/2' C. to C. End ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    11. 'Erection Plan, 1 - 208'-10-1/2' C. to C. End Pins S. Tr. Thro. Skew Span, 6th Crossing Sacramento River, Pacific System, Southern Pacific Company, The Phoenix Bridge Co., C.O. 836D, Drawing No. 13, Scale 1/8' = 1'0', Engineer, B.M. Krohn, Draftsman, W.L. Clegg, Date, May 25th 1901' - Southern Pacific Railroad Shasta Route, Bridge No. 301.85, Milepost 301.85, Pollard Flat, Shasta County, CA

  12. Pd/CeO2/SiC Chemical Sensors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lu, Weijie; Collins, W. Eugene


    The incorporation of nanostructured interfacial layers of CeO2 has been proposed to enhance the performances of Pd/SiC Schottky diodes used to sense hydrogen and hydrocarbons at high temperatures. If successful, this development could prove beneficial in numerous applications in which there are requirements to sense hydrogen and hydrocarbons at high temperatures: examples include monitoring of exhaust gases from engines and detecting fires. Sensitivity and thermal stability are major considerations affecting the development of high-temperature chemical sensors. In the case of a metal/SiC Schottky diode for a number of metals, the SiC becomes more chemically active in the presence of the thin metal film on the SiC surface at high temperature. This increase in chemical reactivity causes changes in chemical composition and structure of the metal/SiC interface. The practical effect of the changes is to alter the electronic and other properties of the device in such a manner as to degrade its performance as a chemical sensor. To delay or prevent these changes, it is necessary to limit operation to a temperature <450 C for these sensor structures. The present proposal to incorporate interfacial CeO2 films is based partly on the observation that nanostructured materials in general have potentially useful electrical properties, including an ability to enhance the transfer of electrons. In particular, nanostructured CeO2, that is CeO2 with nanosized grains, has shown promise for incorporation into hightemperature electronic devices. Nanostructured CeO2 films can be formed on SiC and have been shown to exhibit high thermal stability on SiC, characterized by the ability to withstand temperatures somewhat greater than 700 C for limited times. The exchanges of oxygen between CeO2 and SiC prevent the formation of carbon and other chemical species that are unfavorable for operation of a SiC-based Schottky diode as a chemical sensor. Consequently, it is anticipated that in a Pd

  13. Clinical Outcomes of Posterior C1 and C2 Screw-Rod Fixation for Atlantoaxial Instability.


    Işik, Hasan Serdar; Sandal, Evren; Çağli, Sedat


    In this study, we aimed at sharing our experiences and contributing to the literature by making a retrospective analysis of the patients we operated with screw-rod system for atlantoaxial instability in our clinic. Archive files of adult patients, who were operated for posterior C1-C2 stabilization with screw and rod in our clinic between January 2006 and January 2016, were analyzed. 28 patients, who had pre and post-operative images, follow-up forms and who were followed for at least one year, were analyzed. Preoperative clinical and radiological records, preoperative observations, postoperative complications, and clinical responses were evaluated. The average age of 28 patients (F:13 M:19) was 44.7 (21-73). Fixation was performed with C1-C2 screw-rod system on the basis of the following diagnoses; type 2 odontoid fracture (16), basilar invagination (5), C1-C2 instability (5), and atlantoaxial subluxation secondary to rheumatoid arthritis (2). Lateral mass screws were inserted at C1 segment. C2 screws inserted were bilateral pedicle in 12 cases, bilateral pars in 4, bilateral laminar in 8 and one side pars, one side laminar in 4 cases. There was no screw malposition. Neither implant failure nor recurrent instability was observed during follow-up. Significant clinical improvement was reported according to the assessments done with JOA and VAS scores. C1-C2 screw fixation is regarded as a more successful and safe method than other fixation methods in surgical treatment of atlantoaxial instability considering complications, success in reduction, fusion and fixation strength. C2 laminar screw technique is as successful as the other alternatives in fixation and fusion.

  14. The 2′,3′-cAMP-adenosine pathway

    PubMed Central


    Our recent studies employing HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry to analyze venous perfusate from isolated, perfused kidneys demonstrate that intact kidneys produce and release into the extracellular compartment 2′,3′-cAMP, a positional isomer of the second messenger 3′,5′-cAMP. To our knowledge, this represents the first detection of 2′,3′-cAMP in any cell/tissue/organ/organism. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments with isolated RNases and experiments in isolated, perfused kidneys suggest that 2′,3′-cAMP likely arises from RNase-mediated transphosphorylation of mRNA. Both in vitro and in vivo kidney experiments demonstrate that extracellular 2′,3′-cAMP is efficiently metabolized to 2′-AMP and 3′-AMP, both of which can be further metabolized to adenosine. This sequence of reactions is called the 2′,3′-cAMP-adenosine pathway (2′,3′-cAMP → 2′-AMP/3′-AMP → adenosine). Experiments in rat and mouse kidneys show that metabolic poisons increase extracellular levels of 2′,3′-cAMP, 2′-AMP, 3′-AMP, and adenosine; however, little is known regarding the pharmacology of 2′,3′-cAMP, 2′-AMP, and 3′-AMP. What is known is that 2′,3′-cAMP facilitates activation of mitochondrial permeability transition pores, a process that can lead to apoptosis and necrosis, and inhibits proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and glomerular mesangial cells. In summary, there is mounting evidence that at least some types of cellular injury, by triggering mRNA degradation, engage the 2′,3′-cAMP-adenosine pathway, and therefore this pathway should be added to the list of biochemical pathways that produce adenosine. Although speculative, it is possible that the 2′,3′-cAMP-adenosine pathway may protect against some forms of acute organ injury, for example acute kidney injury, by both removing an intracellular toxin (2′,3′-cAMP) and increasing an extracellular renoprotectant (adenosine). PMID:21937608

  15. Voltage-sensing phosphatase modulation by a C2 domain

    PubMed Central

    Castle, Paul M.; Zolman, Kevin D.; Kohout, Susy C.


    The voltage-sensing phosphatase (VSP) is the first example of an enzyme controlled by changes in membrane potential. VSP has four distinct regions: the transmembrane voltage-sensing domain (VSD), the inter-domain linker, the cytosolic catalytic domain, and the C2 domain. The VSD transmits the changes in membrane potential through the inter-domain linker activating the catalytic domain which then dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. The role of the C2, however, has not been established. In this study, we explore two possible roles for the C2: catalysis and membrane-binding. The Ci-VSP crystal structures show that the C2 residue Y522 lines the active site suggesting a contribution to catalysis. When we mutated Y522 to phenylalanine, we found a shift in the voltage dependence of activity. This suggests hydrogen bonding as a mechanism of action. Going one step further, when we deleted the entire C2 domain, we found voltage-dependent enzyme activity was no longer detectable. This result clearly indicates the entire C2 is necessary for catalysis as well as for modulating activity. As C2s are known membrane-binding domains, we tested whether the VSP C2 interacts with the membrane. We probed a cluster of four positively charged residues lining the top of the C2 and suggested by previous studies to interact with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] (Kalli et al., 2014). Neutralizing those positive charges significantly shifted the voltage dependence of activity to higher voltages. We tested membrane binding by depleting PI(4,5)P2 from the membrane using the 5HT2C receptor and found that the VSD motions as measured by voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) were not changed. These results suggest that if the C2 domain interacts with the membrane to influence VSP function it may not occur exclusively through PI(4,5)P2. Together, this data advances our understanding of the VSP C2 by demonstrating a necessary and critical role for the C2 domain in

  16. A novel Zn-based heterocycle metal-organic framework for high C2H2/C2H4, CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 separations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Ling; Jiang, Ke; Yang, Yu; Cui, Yuanjing; Chen, Banglin; Qian, Guodong


    Efficient separation of the small gas molecules especially the hydrocarbons is essential to social economy. The microporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are taking precedence in this respect by virtue of their irreplaceable advantages. Herein, the new organic linker 5-(5-carboxypyridin-3-yl)isophthalic acid simplified as H3L-N has been excavated to construct successfully the novel Zn-based heterocycle metal-organic framework ZnL·(DMF)1.5·(H2O)6.0 (ZJU-197, ZJU = Zhejiang University, DMF = N,N-dimethylformamide). ZJU-197 has been structurally characterized and explored in details for gas separation. It is commendable that the activated ZJU-197a has exhibited excellent C2H2/C2H4, CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 separations simultaneously with IAST selectivity of 137.8, 53.0 and 514.1 respectively at ambient conditions.

  17. The pressure dependence of physical properties of (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 and its counterpart W3AlC2 by first-principles calculations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Yefei; Sun, Liang; Xing, Jiandong; Ma, Shengqiang; Zheng, Qiaoling; Liu, Yangzhen


    First-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were used to investigate the mechanical properties, elastic anisotropy, electronic structure, optical properties and thermodynamic properties of a new quaternary MAX phase (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 and its counterpart W3AlC2 under hydrostatic pressure. The results indicate that the volumetric shrinkage of (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 is faster than that of axial shrinkage under hydrostatic pressure. The stress-strain method and Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation were used to calculate elastic constants and moduli, respectively. These compounds are mechanically stable under hydrostatic pressure. Moreover, the moduli of (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 and W3AlC2 increase with an increase in pressure. The anisotropic indexes and surface constructions of bulk and Young’s moduli were used to illustrate the mechanical anisotropy under hydrostatic pressure. Electronic structure and optical property of (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 and W3AlC2 have also been discussed. The results of Debye temperature reveal that the covalent bonds among atoms in (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 may be stronger than that of W3AlC2. The heat capacity, Cp-Cv, and thermal expansion coefficient of (W2/3Ti1/3)3AlC2 and W3AlC2 were discussed in the ranges of 0-30 GPa and 0-2000 K using quasi-harmonic Debye model considering the phonon effects.

  18. Registration of 'Dan' winter hulless barley

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Dan’ (Reg. No. CV- , PI 659066) six-rowed winter hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was developed and released by the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station in March 2009. Dan was derived from the cross VA96-41-17 / SC872143. It was released for production in the eastern United States, as a poten...

  19. Prise en charge en cabinet des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Garcia-Rodriguez, Juan Antonio; Thomas, Roger E.


    Résumé Objectif Fournir aux médecins de famille de l’information à jour, pratique et factuelle sur les lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères et les commotions cérébrales dans la population pédiatrique. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE (de 1950 à février 2013), la base de données des revues systématiques Cochrane (de 2005 à 2013), le registre central Cochrane des essais contrôlés (de 2005 à 2013) et DARE (2005 à 2013) à l’aide de mots-clés liés aux commotions cérébrales et aux traumatismes crâniens. Des lignes directrices, énoncés de position, articles et rapports de recherche originaux pertinents aux lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères ont été sélectionnés. Message principal Le traumatisme est la cause principale de décès chez les enfants de plus d’un an et, dans ce groupe, le traumatisme crânien est la cause la plus fréquente d’incapacité et de décès. Neuf pour cent des blessures sportives rapportées chez les élèves du secondaire sont associées à une lésion cérébrale traumatique légère. Les médecins de famille doivent effectuer une anamnèse ciblée et un examen physique et neurologique, utiliser les instruments d’évaluation standardisés (Échelle de Glasgow; Outil d’évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport, version 3; version pédiatrique de l’Outil d’évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport; et échelle BESS [Balance Error Scoring System]), expliquer aux parents comment surveiller leurs enfants, décider des circonstances où les soignants ne sont pas une ressource dûment responsable, faire un suivi prompt auprès des patients, guider le retour sécuritaire au jeu ou à l’école et décider dans quelles circonstances un test neuropsychologique est nécessaire au suivi à long terme. Conclusion La prise en charge par le médecin de famille des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères chez les enfants repose sur une

  20. First-principles study on C=C defects near SiC/SiO2 interface: Defect passivation by double-bond saturation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tajima, Nobuo; Kaneko, Tomoaki; Yamasaki, Takahiro; Nara, Jun; Schimizu, Tatsuo; Kato, Koichi; Ohno, Takahisa


    Thermally produced SiC/SiO2 stacking in SiC MOSFETs creates defect-related interfacial states in and around the band gap of SiC. These interfacial states can cause serious reliability problems such as threshold voltage shift, as well as efficiency problems such as channel mobility degradation. Carbon species having C=C double bonds have been suggested as one of the origins of these interfacial states. We have theoretically shown that this type of defect produces interfacial states in and around the band gap of SiC, and that they can be removed by saturating the C=C double bond by reactions with H2 and F2. The single-bond products of these reactions are found to be stable at regular device operation temperatures.

  1. Alkyl complexes of strontium and barium: synthesis and structural characterization of [(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C]2Sr(THF) and [(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C]2Ba(MeOCH2CH2OMe).


    Izod, Keith; Liddle, Stephen T; Clegg, William


    Metathesis between either SrI2 or BaI2 and 2 equiv of {(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C}K in THF yields the novel heavier alkali metal dialkyls {(Me3Si)2(MeOMe2Si)C}2M(L) [M(L) = Sr(THF) (2), Ba(DME) (3) (DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane)] after recrystallization.

  2. 77 FR 75628 - STS Hydropower, Ltd., Dan River, Inc., and City of Danville, VA; Notice of Application for...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., Ltd., Dan River, Inc., and City of Danville, VA; Notice of Application for Partial Transfer of License... Bankruptcy Trustee for Dan River, Inc. and STS Hydropower, Ltd (co-licensees) transferors and the City of... Schoolfield Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2411, located on the Dan River in Pittsylvania County, Virginia...

  3. Characterization CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 polymorphisms using HRMA in Psychiatry patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disease for personalized medicine.


    Yenilmez, Ebru Dundar; Tamam, Lut; Karaytug, Onur; Tuli, Abdullah


    The interindividual genetic variations in drug metabolizing enzymes effects the impact and toxicity in plenty of drugs. The CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 gene polymorphisms characterized using high resolution melting analysis (HRMA) in follow-up patients in psychiatry clinic as a preliminary preparation for personalized medicine. Genotyping of CYP1A2*1F, CYP2C9 *2, *3, CYP2C19 *2, *3 and *17 and CYP2D6 *3, *4 was conducted in 101 patients using HRMA. Genotype and allele frequencies of the CYP variants were found to be in equilibrium with the Hardy-Weinberg equation. The frequency of the CYP1A2*1F allele in schizophrenia and bipolar disease was 0.694 and 0.255, respectively. The CYP2C9 allele frequencies were 0.087 (CYP2C9*2), and 0.549 (CYP2C9*3) for bipolar; 0.278 (CYP2C9*2) and 0.648 (CYP2C9*3) in schizophrenias. The CYP2C19*2 and *17 allele frequencies was 0.111 and 0.185 in schizophrenia and variant *2 was 0.117 and variant *17 was 0.255 in bipolar group. The frequency of the CYP2D6*3 allele was 0.027 in schizophrenias. The frequencies for the CYP2D6*4 variant was 0.092 and 0.096 in schizophrenia and bipolar groups, respectively. The knowledge in pharmacogenomics and also the developments in molecular genetics are growing rapidly. In the future this can be expected to provide new methodologies in the prediction of the activity in drug metabolizing enzymes. The HRMA is a rapid and useful technique to identify the genotypes for drug dosage adjustment before therapy in psychiatry patients. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  4. Glyphosate Resistance of C3 and C4 Weeds under Rising Atmospheric CO2

    PubMed Central

    Fernando, Nimesha; Manalil, Sudheesh; Florentine, Singarayer K.; Chauhan, Bhagirath S.; Seneweera, Saman


    The present paper reviews current knowledge on how changes of plant metabolism under elevated CO2 concentrations (e[CO2]) can affect the development of the glyphosate resistance of C3 and C4 weeds. Among the chemical herbicides, glyphosate, which is a non-selective and post-emergence herbicide, is currently the most widely used herbicide in global agriculture. As a consequence, glyphosate resistant weeds, particularly in major field crops, are a widespread problem and are becoming a significant challenge to future global food production. Of particular interest here it is known that the biochemical processes involved in photosynthetic pathways of C3 and C4 plants are different, which may have relevance to their competitive development under changing environmental conditions. It has already been shown that plant anatomical, morphological, and physiological changes under e[CO2] can be different, based on (i) the plant’s functional group, (ii) the available soil nutrients, and (iii) the governing water status. In this respect, C3 species are likely to have a major developmental advantage under a CO2 rich atmosphere, by being able to capitalize on the overall stimulatory effect of e[CO2]. For example, many tropical weed grass species fix CO2 from the atmosphere via the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which is a complex anatomical and biochemical variant of the C3 pathway. Thus, based on our current knowledge of CO2 fixing, it would appear obvious that the development of a glyphosate-resistant mechanism would be easier under an e[CO2] in C3 weeds which have a simpler photosynthetic pathway, than for C4 weeds. However, notwithstanding this logical argument, a better understanding of the biochemical, genetic, and molecular measures by which plants develop glyphosate resistance and how e[CO2] affects these measures will be important before attempting to innovate sustainable technology to manage the glyphosate-resistant evolution of weeds under e[CO2]. Such information will be

  5. Glyphosate Resistance of C3 and C4 Weeds under Rising Atmospheric CO2.


    Fernando, Nimesha; Manalil, Sudheesh; Florentine, Singarayer K; Chauhan, Bhagirath S; Seneweera, Saman


    The present paper reviews current knowledge on how changes of plant metabolism under elevated CO2 concentrations (e[CO2]) can affect the development of the glyphosate resistance of C3 and C4 weeds. Among the chemical herbicides, glyphosate, which is a non-selective and post-emergence herbicide, is currently the most widely used herbicide in global agriculture. As a consequence, glyphosate resistant weeds, particularly in major field crops, are a widespread problem and are becoming a significant challenge to future global food production. Of particular interest here it is known that the biochemical processes involved in photosynthetic pathways of C3 and C4 plants are different, which may have relevance to their competitive development under changing environmental conditions. It has already been shown that plant anatomical, morphological, and physiological changes under e[CO2] can be different, based on (i) the plant's functional group, (ii) the available soil nutrients, and (iii) the governing water status. In this respect, C3 species are likely to have a major developmental advantage under a CO2 rich atmosphere, by being able to capitalize on the overall stimulatory effect of e[CO2]. For example, many tropical weed grass species fix CO2 from the atmosphere via the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which is a complex anatomical and biochemical variant of the C3 pathway. Thus, based on our current knowledge of CO2 fixing, it would appear obvious that the development of a glyphosate-resistant mechanism would be easier under an e[CO2] in C3 weeds which have a simpler photosynthetic pathway, than for C4 weeds. However, notwithstanding this logical argument, a better understanding of the biochemical, genetic, and molecular measures by which plants develop glyphosate resistance and how e[CO2] affects these measures will be important before attempting to innovate sustainable technology to manage the glyphosate-resistant evolution of weeds under e[CO2]. Such information will be of

  6. Stability and electronic spectra of C76N2 isomers

    PubMed Central

    Teng, Qi-wen; Wu, Shi


    Study of geometries of 16 possible isomers for C76N2 based on C78(C 2v) by intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO) series of methods indicated that the most stable geometry 25,78-C76N2 where two nitrogen atoms substitute two apexes C(25) and C(78) near the shortest X axis and Y axis formed by two hexagons and a pentagon. Electronic structures and spectra of C76N2 were investigated. The reason for the red-shift for absorptions of C76N2 compared with that of C78(C 2v) is discussed. PMID:15909352

  7. Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of conjugated polyketone reductase C2 (CPR-C2) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708.


    Yamamura, Akihiro; Maruoka, Shintaro; Ohtsuka, Jun; Miyakawa, Takuya; Nagata, Koji; Kataoka, Michihiko; Kitamura, Nahoko; Shimizu, Sakayu; Tanokura, Masaru


    Conjugated polyketone reductase C2 (CPR-C2) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708 is a member of the NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily and catalyzes the stereospecific reduction of ketopantoyl lactone to d-pantoyl lactone. A diffraction-quality crystal of recombinant CPR-C2 was obtained by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 3350 as the precipitant. The crystal diffracted X-rays to 1.7 angstrom resolution on beamline NW12A of the Photon Factory-Advanced Ring (Tsukuba, Japan). The crystal belonged to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 55.02, b = 68.30, c = 68.93 angstrom. The Matthews coefficient (V(M) = 1.76 angstrom(3) Da(-1)) indicated that the crystal contained one CPR-C2 molecule per asymmetric unit.

  8. Vortex lattice structures in YNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yethiraj, M.; Paul, D.M.; Tomy, C.V.

    The authors observe a flux lattice with square symmetry in the superconductor YNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C when the applied field is parallel to the c-axis of the crystal. A square lattice observed previously in the isostructural magnetic analog ErNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C was attributed to the interaction between magnetic order in that system and the flux lattice. Since the Y-based compound does not order magnetically, it is clear that the structure of the flux lattice is unrelated to magnetic order. In fact, they show that the flux lines have a square cross-section when the applied field is parallel to the c-axis ofmore » the crystal, since the measured penetration depth along the 100 crystal direction is larger than the penetration depth along the 110 by approximately 60%. This is the likely reason for the square symmetry of the lattice. Although they find considerable disorder in the arrangement of the flux lines at 2.5T, no melting of the vortex lattice was observed.« less

  9. Vortex lattice structures in YNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yethiraj, M.; Paul, D.M.; Tomy, C.V.

    We observe a flux lattice with square symmetry in the superconductor YNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C when the applied field is parallel to the c-axis of the crystal. A square lattice observed previously in the isostructural magnetic analog ErNi{sub 2}B{sub 2}C was attributed to the interaction between magnetic order in that system and the flux lattice. Since the Y-based compound does not order magnetically, it is clear that the structure of the flux lattice is unrelated to magnetic order. In fact, we show that the flux lines have a square cross-section when the applied field is parallel to the c-axis of themore » crystal, since the measured penetration depth along the 110 crystal direction is smaller than the penetration depth along the 100 by approximately 30%. This causes the square symmetry of the lattice. Although we find considerable disorder in the arrangement of the flux lines at 2.5T, no melting of the vortex lattice was observed.« less

  10. Replication Protein A2c Coupled with Replication Protein A1c Regulates Crossover Formation during Meiosis in Rice[C][W][OPEN

    PubMed Central

    Li, Xingwang; Chang, Yuxiao; Xin, Xiaodong; Zhu, Chunmei; Li, Xianghua; Higgins, James D.; Wu, Changyin


    Replication protein A (RPA) is a conserved heterotrimeric protein complex comprising RPA1, RPA2, and RPA3 subunits involved in multiple DNA metabolism pathways attributable to its single-stranded DNA binding property. Unlike other species possessing a single RPA2 gene, rice (Oryza sativa) possesses three RPA2 paralogs, but their functions remain unclear. In this study, we identified RPA2c, a rice gene preferentially expressed during meiosis. A T-DNA insertional mutant (rpa2c) exhibited reduced bivalent formation, leading to chromosome nondisjunction. In rpa2c, chiasma frequency is reduced by ∼78% compared with the wild type and is accompanied by loss of the obligate chiasma. The residual ∼22% chiasmata fit a Poisson distribution, suggesting loss of crossover control. RPA2c colocalized with the meiotic cohesion subunit REC8 and the axis-associated protein PAIR2. Localization of REC8 was necessary for loading of RPA2c to the chromosomes. In addition, RPA2c partially colocalized with MER3 during late leptotene, thus indicating that RPA2c is required for class I crossover formation at a late stage of homologous recombination. Furthermore, we identified RPA1c, an RPA1 subunit with nearly overlapping distribution to RPA2c, required for ∼79% of chiasmata formation. Our results demonstrate that an RPA complex comprising RPA2c and RPA1c is required to promote meiotic crossovers in rice. PMID:24122830

  11. Average structure and M2 site configurations in C2/c clinopyroxenes along the Di-En join

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tribaudino, M.; Benna, P.; Bruno, E.


    In order to clarify the structural configurations observed in Diss in the Ca-rich region of the Di-En join (in which TEM observations show neither exsolution microstructures nor evidence of spinodal decomposition) single crystals large enough for X-ray diffraction analyses, with composition (Ca0.66Mg0.34)MgSi2O6, have been equilibrated close to the solvus at T=1350° C for 317 h, and quenched at room temperature. The refinement in C2/c space group shows that in the M2 site Ca and Mg are fully ‘ordered’ in two split positions (M2occ: 0.66 Ca; M2'occ: 0.34 Mg). Since the average structure shows a relevant elongation of anisotropic thermal ellipsoids of the O2 and O3 oxygen atoms, the refinement has been carried out according to a split model for O2 and O3 atoms: Ca appears 8-coordinated (as in diopside) and Mg shows a sixfold coordination similar to that of high-pigeonite. This coordination for Mg is significantly different from the fourfold coordination (Zn-like in Zn-cpx) proposed previously and it is a more probable coordination for Mg from a crystalchemical point of view. The same results were obtained refining a Di80En20 cpx, equilibrated at T=1230° C, according to the same O-split model. The data support the coexistence of a Di-like configuration for Ca and of a highPig-like configuration for Mg away from the solvus also. At T very near to T solidus the different configurations, observed at room temperature in the quenched samples, should converge and Ca and Mg should retain a single disordered configuration in the M2 site.

  12. 26 CFR 1.514(c)-2 - Permitted allocations under section 514(c)(9)(E).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 7 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Permitted allocations under section 514(c)(9)(E). 1.514(c)-2 Section 1.514(c)-2 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Taxation of Business Income of Certain Exempt...

  13. Homoleptic diphosphacyclobutadiene complexes [M(η(4)-P2C2R2)2]x- (M = Fe, Co; x = 0, 1).


    Wolf, Robert; Ehlers, Andreas W; Khusniyarov, Marat M; Hartl, František; de Bruin, Bas; Long, Gary J; Grandjean, Fernande; Schappacher, Falko M; Pöttgen, Rainer; Slootweg, J Chris; Lutz, Martin; Spek, Anthony L; Lammertsma, Koop


    The preparation and comprehensive characterization of a series of homoleptic sandwich complexes containing diphosphacyclobutadiene ligands are reported. Compounds [K([18]crown-6)(thf)(2)][Fe(η(4)-P(2)C(2)tBu(2))(2)] (K1), [K([18]crown-6)(thf)(2)][Co(η(4)-P(2)C(2)tBu(2))(2)] (K2), and [K([18]crown-6)(thf)(2)][Co(η(4)-P(2)C(2)Ad(2))(2)] (K3, Ad = adamantyl) were obtained from reactions of [K([18]crown-6)(thf)(2)][M(η(4)-C(14)H(10))(2)] (M = Fe, Co) with tBuC[triple bond]P (1, 2), or with AdC[triple bond]P (3). Neutral sandwiches [M(η(4)-P(2)C(2)tBu(2))(2)] (4: M = Fe 5: M = Co) were obtained by oxidizing 1 and 2 with [Cp(2)Fe]PF(6). Cyclic voltammetry and spectro-electrochemistry indicate that the two [M(η(4)-P(2)C(2)tBu(2))(2)](-)/[M(η(4)-P(2)C(2)tBu(2))(2)] moieties can be reversibly interconverted by one electron oxidation and reduction, respectively. Complexes 1-5 were characterized by multinuclear NMR, EPR (1 and 5), UV/Vis, and Mössbauer spectroscopies (1 and 4), mass spectrometry (4 and 5), and microanalysis (1-3). The molecular structures of 1-5 were determined by using X-ray crystallography. Essentially D(2d)-symmetric structures were found for all five complexes, which show the two 1,3-diphosphacyclobutadiene rings in a staggered orientation. Density functional theory calculations revealed the importance of covalent metal-ligand π bonding in 1-5. Possible oxidation state assignments for the metal ions are discussed.

  14. 43 CFR Appendix C to Part 2 - Fee Schedule

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2012-10-01 2011-10-01 true Fee Schedule C Appendix C to Part 2 Public... ACT Pt. 2, App. C Appendix C to Part 2—Fee Schedule If you submit a FOIA request, the bureau will... Subparts C and D of this part. The following fees will be used by all bureaus of the Department; these fees...

  15. Synthesis of 2H- and 13C-substituted dithanes


    Martinez, Rodolfo A.; Alvarez, Marc A.; Silks, III, Louis A.; Unkefer, Clifford J.


    The present invention is directed to labeled compounds, [2-.sup.13 C]dithiane wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to one or two deuterium atoms. The present invention is also directed to processes of preparing [2-.sup.13 C]dithiane wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to one or two deuterium atoms. The present invention is also directed to labeled compounds, e.g., [.sup.2 H.sub.1-2, .sup.13 C]methanol (arylthio)-, acetates wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to exactly one or two deuterium atoms.

  16. Synthesis Of 2h- And 13c-Substituted Dithanes


    Martinez, Rodolfo A.; Alvarez, Marc A.; Silks, III, Louis A.; Unkefer, Clifford J.


    The present invention is directed to labeled compounds, [2-.sup.13 C]dithane wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to one or two deuterium atoms. The present invention is also directed to processes of preparing [2-.sup.13 C]dithane wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to one or two deuterium atoms. The present invention is also directed to labeled compounds, e.g., [.sup.2 H.sub.1-2, .sup.13 C]methanol (arylthio)-, acetates wherein the .sup.13 C atom is directly bonded to exactly one or two deuterium atoms.

  17. C-13/C-12 of atmospheric CO2 in the Amazon basin - Forest and river sources

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Quay, Paul; King, Stagg; Wilbur, Dave; Richey, Jeffrey; Wofsy, Steven


    Results are presented of measurements of the CO2 concentrations and C-13/C-12 ratios in CO2 in air samples collected from within the Amazonian rain forest and over the Amazon river between 1982 and 1987. Results indicate the presence of a diurnal cycle in the CO2 concentration and the C-13/C-12 ratio. It was found that the CO2 input to air in the forest was derived from the soil respiration, and the CO2 input to air over the Amazon river was derived from the degassing of CO2 from the river. It was also found that plants growing at heights lower than 7 m assimilate soil-derived CO2 with a low C-13/C-12 ratio.

  18. C3-C4 intermediacy in grasses: organelle enrichment and distribution, glycine decarboxylase expression, and the rise of C2 photosynthesis.


    Khoshravesh, Roxana; Stinson, Corey R; Stata, Matt; Busch, Florian A; Sage, Rowan F; Ludwig, Martha; Sage, Tammy L


    Photorespiratory glycine shuttling and decarboxylation in bundle sheath (BS) cells exhibited by C2 species is proposed to be the evolutionary bridge to C4 photosynthesis in eudicots. To evaluate this in grasses, we compare anatomy, cellular localization of glycine decarboxylase (GDC), and photosynthetic physiology of a suspected C2 grass, Homolepis aturensis, with these traits in known C2 grasses, Neurachne minor and Steinchisma hians, and C3 S laxum that is sister to S hians We also use publicly available genome and RNA-sequencing data to examine the evolution of GDC subunits and enhance our understanding of the evolution of BS-specific GDC expression in C2 and C4 grasses. Our results confirm the identity of H aturensis as a C2 species; GDC is confined predominantly to the organelle-enriched BS cells in H aturensis and S hians and to mestome sheath cells of N minor Phylogenetic analyses and data obtained from immunodetection of the P-subunit of GDC are consistent with the hypothesis that the BS dominant levels of GDC in C2 and C4 species are due to changes in expression of a single GLDP gene in M and BS cells. All BS mitochondria and peroxisomes and most chloroplasts in H aturensis and S hians are situated centripetally in a pattern identical to C2 eudicots. In S laxum, which has C3-like gas exchange patterns, mitochondria and peroxisomes are positioned centripetally as they are in S hians This subcellular phenotype, also present in eudicots, is posited to initiate a facilitation cascade leading to C2 and C4 photosynthesis. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  19. Registration of NE Trailblazer C-1, NE Trailblazer C0, NE Trailblazer C2, NE Trailblazer C3, NE Trailblazer C4, and NE Trailblazer C5 Switchgrass Germplasms

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    NE Trailblazer C-1 (GP-101, PI 672015), NE Trailblazer C0 (GP-100, PI 672014), NE Trailblazer C2 (GP-102, PI 672016), NE Trailblazer C3 (GP-103, PI 672017), NE Trailblazer C4 (GP-104, PI 672018), and NE Trailblazer C5 (GP-105, PI 672019) switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) germplasms were released by ...

  20. Performance d’Hemocue Hb 201+ dans le diagnostic de l’anémie de l’enfant dans les structures sanitaires du niveau périphérique au Togo

    PubMed Central

    Dorkenoo, Ameyo; Layibo, Yao


    Contexte L’anémie est un problème de santé publique dans le monde entier, et notamment dans les pays en développement. Elle a des répercussions majeures sur la santé et sur le développement économique et social d’un pays. La prise en charge des patients anémiés étant nécessaire, il faut un diagnostic biologique précis, et donc un dosage du taux d’hémoglobine par des méthodes fiables. Objectif Évaluer les performances diagnostiques du test Hemocue Hb201+®. Méthodes Étude comparative de la mesure du taux d’hémoglobine à partir du photomètre Hemocue Hb 201+® et d’analyseurs d’hématologie chez 213 enfants de 6 à 59 mois souffrant d’un paludisme simple; la détermination du taux d’hémoglobine par les analyseurs est retenue comme méthode de référence pour évaluer Hemocue Hb201+®. Résultats 72.8% des valeurs obtenues par Hemocue Hb201+® étaient à ±1 g/dl de celles de la méthode de référence. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson était de 0.80. La prévalence de l’anémie était de 79.3% pour la méthode de référence et de 77.9% pour Hemocue Hb201+®. La sensibilité et la spécificité de l’analyseur Hemocue Hb201+® étaient respectivement de 95.1% et de 65.3%. Conclusion Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que le test Hemocue Hb201+® présentait une bonne sensibilité, une spécificité moyenne et une exactitude moyenne dans le diagnostic de l’anémie et dans le dosage de l’hémoglobine. Son utilisation peut être recommandée dans les structures périphériques afin de faciliter le diagnostic biologique de l’anémie et sa prise en charge dans les populations vivant dans les zones difficiles d’accès. PMID:29114478

  1. Pompage optique et violation de parité dans l'atome

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouchiat, M.-A.

    , polarized and unpolarized, produced by mirror symmetries with respect to three orthogonal planes. In this way, it is possible to disentangle the different interference terms and to discriminate the one involving parity violation. In practice, this is done by reversing various parameters of the experiment. The control of the quality of these reversals is obviously the crucial part of the whole experimental procedure. Moreover consistency tests and various cross-checks have to be devised and carefully carried out. They contribute to reliability of the result. In the Cesium experiment, the uncertainty associated with possible systematic effects is estimated to 8 % and the eqm statistical uncertainty, after combination of two independent measurements which satisfactorily crosscheck one another, is 11%. The parity violation can be readily interpreted in terms of the short range electronnucleon interaction associated with the exchange of the neutral vector boson Z0 recently observed with the CERN p-p collider. This new type of interaction, also known under the generic name of « neutral currents » was one of the most important predictions of electroweak theory which unifies, within the frame of gauge field theories, electromagnetic and weak interactions. This experiment, originally designed as a test of electroweak theory, gives information on the structure of neutral currents which complement those obtained by high energy experiments. First, the explored energy range is obviously very different. Secondly, the quarks acting coherently in Atomic Physics experiment but incoherently in accelerator experiments, the basic electroweak parameters extracted from the two kinds of experiments are different. Entre les travaux initiaux de Kastler sur la polarisation de la lumière de fluorescence émise par une vapeur de mercure (1936) et la violation de la parité dans le césium (1982), il existe un lien de parenté dans les méthodes d'investigation et dans la nature des probl

  2. Suggestion for search of cyclopropenone (c-C3H2O) in a cosmic object

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharma, M. K.; Sharma, M.; Chandra, S.


    Following Minimum Energy Principle, out of the three isomers of chemical formula C3H2O, the cyclopropenone (c-C3H2O) is the most stable and therefore may be the most abundant and easily detectable in a cosmic object. The cyclopropenone is detected in Sgr B2(N). Owing to half-spin of each of two hydrogen atoms, the c-C3H2O has two distinct ortho and para species. Using the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants along with the electric dipole moment, we have calculated energies of 100 rotational levels of each of the ortho and para species of c-C3H2O and the Einstein A-coefficients for radiative transitions between the levels. The values of Einstein A-coefficients along with the scaled values for collisional rate coefficients are used for solving a set of statistical equilibrium equations coupled with the equations of radiative transfer. Brightness temperatures of seven rotational transitions of each of the ortho and para species of c-C3H2O are investigated. Out of fourteen transitions, seven are found to show anomalous absorption and rest seven are found to show emission feature. We find that the transitions 110 -111 (1.544 GHz) may play important role in identification of cyclopropenone in a cosmic object.

  3. Analyse de plomb dans les peintures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Broll, N.; Frezouls, J.-M.


    The analysis of lead in paints was previously used for the characterisation of pigments. In this way, the analysis is able to specify the century of the painting of a work of art. Recently this technique was also used to determine the toxicity of lead paints in building. This paper compared the result of several X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, either wave length/energy dispersion laboratory apparatus or X-ray microtube/radioactive source portable equipment's. L'analyse du plomb dans les peintures a jusqu'à présent été appliquée essentiellement pour caractériser les pigments lors de leur fabrication et pour identifier des rouvres d'art. Récemment cette technique est également utilisée pour déterminer la toxicité des peintures au plomb dans les bâtiments. Nous avons comparé les performances de plusieurs spectromètres de fluorescence X, soit de laboratoire à dispersion en longueur d'onde ou à dispersion en énergie (avec tube à rayonsX), soit portable avec source radioactive ou tube à rayons X.

  4. Measurement of sigma chi c2 B(chi c2-->J/psi gamma)/sigma chi c1 B(chi c1 -->J/psi gamma) in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV.


    Abulencia, A; Adelman, J; Affolder, T; Akimoto, T; Albrow, M G; Ambrose, D; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Anikeev, K; Annovi, A; Antos, J; Aoki, M; Apollinari, G; Arguin, J-F; Arisawa, T; Artikov, A; Ashmanskas, W; Attal, A; Azfar, F; Azzi-Bacchetta, P; Azzurri, P; Bacchetta, N; Badgett, W; Barbaro-Galtieri, A; Barnes, V E; Barnett, B A; Baroiant, S; Bartsch, V; Bauer, G; Bedeschi, F; Behari, S; Belforte, S; Bellettini, G; Bellinger, J; Belloni, A; Benjamin, D; Beretvas, A; Beringer, J; Berry, T; Bhatti, A; Binkley, M; Bisello, D; Blair, R E; Blocker, C; Blumenfeld, B; Bocci, A; Bodek, A; Boisvert, V; Bolla, G; Bolshov, A; Bortoletto, D; Boudreau, J; Boveia, A; Brau, B; Brigliadori, L; Bromberg, C; Brubaker, E; Budagov, J; Budd, H S; Budd, S; Budroni, S; Burkett, K; Busetto, G; Bussey, P; Byrum, K L; Cabrera, S; Campanelli, M; Campbell, M; Canelli, F; Canepa, A; Carillo, S; Carlsmith, D; Carosi, R; Carron, S; Casarsa, M; Castro, A; Catastini, P; Cauz, D; Cavalli-Sforza, M; Cerri, A; Cerrito, L; Chang, S H; Chen, Y C; Chertok, M; Chiarelli, G; Chlachidze, G; Chlebana, F; Cho, I; Cho, K; Chokheli, D; Chou, J P; Choudalakis, G; Chuang, S H; Chung, K; Chung, W H; Chung, Y S; Ciljak, M; Ciobanu, C I; Ciocci, M A; Clark, A; Clark, D; Coca, M; Compostella, G; Convery, M E; Conway, J; Cooper, B; Copic, K; Cordelli, M; Cortiana, G; Crescioli, F; Cuenca Almenar, C; Cuevas, J; Culbertson, R; Cully, J C; Cyr, D; DaRonco, S; Datta, M; D'Auria, S; Davies, T; D'Onofrio, M; Dagenhart, D; de Barbaro, P; De Cecco, S; Deisher, A; De Lentdecker, G; Dell'Orso, M; Delli Paoli, F; Demortier, L; Deng, J; Deninno, M; De Pedis, D; Derwent, P F; Di Giovanni, G P; Dionisi, C; Di Ruzza, B; Dittmann, J R; DiTuro, P; Dörr, C; Donati, S; Donega, M; Dong, P; Donini, J; Dorigo, T; Dube, S; Efron, J; Erbacher, R; Errede, D; Errede, S; Eusebi, R; Fang, H C; Farrington, S; Fedorko, I; Fedorko, W T; Feild, R G; Feindt, M; Fernandez, J P; Field, R; Flanagan, G; Foland, A; Forrester, S; Foster, G W; Franklin, M; Freeman, J C; Furic, I; Gallinaro, M; Galyardt, J; Garcia, J E; Garberson, F; Garfinkel, A F; Gay, C; Gerberich, H; Gerdes, D; Giagu, S; Giannetti, P; Gibson, A; Gibson, K; Gimmell, J L; Ginsburg, C; Giokaris, N; Giordani, M; Giromini, P; Giunta, M; Giurgiu, G; Glagolev, V; Glenzinski, D; Gold, M; Goldschmidt, N; Goldstein, J; Golossanov, A; Gomez, G; Gomez-Ceballos, G; Goncharov, M; González, O; Gorelov, I; Goshaw, A T; Goulianos, K; Gresele, A; Griffiths, M; Grinstein, S; Grosso-Pilcher, C; Group, R C; Grundler, U; Guimaraes da Costa, J; Gunay-Unalan, Z; Haber, C; Hahn, K; Hahn, S R; Halkiadakis, E; Hamilton, A; Han, B-Y; Han, J Y; Handler, R; Happacher, F; Hara, K; Hare, M; Harper, S; Harr, R F; Harris, R M; Hartz, M; Hatakeyama, K; Hauser, J; Heijboer, A; Heinemann, B; Heinrich, J; Henderson, C; Herndon, M; Heuser, J; Hidas, D; Hill, C S; Hirschbuehl, D; Hocker, A; Holloway, A; Hou, S; Houlden, M; Hsu, S-C; Huffman, B T; Hughes, R E; Husemann, U; Huston, J; Incandela, J; Introzzi, G; Iori, M; Ishizawa, Y; Ivanov, A; Iyutin, B; James, E; Jang, D; Jayatilaka, B; Jeans, D; Jensen, H; Jeon, E J; Jindariani, S; Jones, M; Joo, K K; Jun, S Y; Jung, J E; Junk, T R; Kamon, T; Karchin, P E; Kato, Y; Kemp, Y; Kephart, R; Kerzel, U; Khotilovich, V; Kilminster, B; Kim, D H; Kim, H S; Kim, J E; Kim, M J; Kim, S B; Kim, S H; Kim, Y K; Kimura, N; Kirsch, L; Klimenko, S; Klute, M; Knuteson, B; Ko, B R; Kondo, K; Kong, D J; Konigsberg, J; Korytov, A; Kotwal, A V; Kovalev, A; Kraan, A C; Kraus, J; Kravchenko, I; Kreps, M; Kroll, J; Krumnack, N; Kruse, M; Krutelyov, V; Kubo, T; Kuhlmann, S E; Kuhr, T; Kusakabe, Y; Kwang, S; Laasanen, A T; Lai, S; Lami, S; Lammel, S; Lancaster, M; Lander, R L; Lannon, K; Lath, A; Latino, G; Lazzizzera, I; LeCompte, T; Lee, J; Lee, J; Lee, Y J; Lee, S W; Lefèvre, R; Leonardo, N; Leone, S; Levy, S; Lewis, J D; Lin, C; Lin, C S; Lindgren, M; Lipeles, E; Lister, A; Litvintsev, D O; Liu, T; Lockyer, N S; Loginov, A; Loreti, M; Loverre, P; Lu, R-S; Lucchesi, D; Lujan, P; Lukens, P; Lungu, G; Lyons, L; Lys, J; Lysak, R; Lytken, E; Mack, P; MacQueen, D; Madrak, R; Maeshima, K; Makhoul, K; Maki, T; Maksimovic, P; Malde, S; Manca, G; Margaroli, F; Marginean, R; Marino, C; Marino, C P; Martin, A; Martin, M; Martin, V; Martínez, M; Maruyama, T; Mastrandrea, P; Masubuchi, T; Matsunaga, H; Mattson, M E; Mazini, R; Mazzanti, P; McFarland, K S; McIntyre, P; McNulty, R; Mehta, A; Mehtala, P; Menzemer, S; Menzione, A; Merkel, P; Mesropian, C; Messina, A; Miao, T; Miladinovic, N; Miles, J; Miller, R; Mills, C; Milnik, M; Mitra, A; Mitselmakher, G; Miyamoto, A; Moed, S; Moggi, N; Mohr, B; Moore, R; Morello, M; Movilla Fernandez, P; Mülmenstädt, J; Mukherjee, A; Muller, Th; Mumford, R; Murat, P; Nachtman, J; Nagano, A; Naganoma, J; Nakano, I; Napier, A; Necula, V; Neu, C; Neubauer, M S; Nielsen, J; Nigmanov, T; Nodulman, L; Norniella, O; Nurse, E; Oh, S H; Oh, Y D; Oksuzian, I; Okusawa, T; Oldeman, R; Orava, R; Osterberg, K; Pagliarone, C; Palencia, E; Papadimitriou, V; Paramonov, A A; Parks, B; Pashapour, S; Patrick, J; Pauletta, G; Paulini, M; Paus, C; Pellett, D E; Penzo, A; Phillips, T J; Piacentino, G; Piedra, J; Pinera, L; Pitts, K; Plager, C; Pondrom, L; Portell, X; Poukhov, O; Pounder, N; Prakoshyn, F; Pronko, A; Proudfoot, J; Ptohos, F; Punzi, G; Pursley, J; Rademacker, J; Rahaman, A; Ranjan, N; Rappoccio, S; Reisert, B; Rekovic, V; Renton, P; Rescigno, M; Richter, S; Rimondi, F; Ristori, L; Robson, A; Rodrigo, T; Rogers, E; Rolli, S; Roser, R; Rossi, M; Rossin, R; Ruiz, A; Russ, J; Rusu, V; Saarikko, H; Sabik, S; Safonov, A; Sakumoto, W K; Salamanna, G; Saltó, O; Saltzberg, D; Sánchez, C; Santi, L; Sarkar, S; Sartori, L; Sato, K; Savard, P; Savoy-Navarro, A; Scheidle, T; Schlabach, P; Schmidt, E E; Schmidt, M P; Schmitt, M; Schwarz, T; Scodellaro, L; Scott, A L; Scribano, A; Scuri, F; Sedov, A; Seidel, S; Seiya, Y; Semenov, A; Sexton-Kennedy, L; Sfyrla, A; Shapiro, M D; Shears, T; Shepard, P F; Sherman, D; Shimojima, M; Shochet, M; Shon, Y; Shreyber, I; Sidoti, A; Sinervo, P; Sisakyan, A; Sjolin, J; Slaughter, A J; Slaunwhite, J; Sliwa, K; Smith, J R; Snider, F D; Snihur, R; Soderberg, M; Soha, A; Somalwar, S; Sorin, V; Spalding, J; Spinella, F; Spreitzer, T; Squillacioti, P; Stanitzki, M; Staveris-Polykalas, A; St Denis, R; Stelzer, B; Stelzer-Chilton, O; Stentz, D; Strologas, J; Stuart, D; Suh, J S; Sukhanov, A; Sun, H; Suzuki, T; Taffard, A; Takashima, R; Takeuchi, Y; Takikawa, K; Tanaka, M; Tanaka, R; Tecchio, M; Teng, P K; Terashi, K; Thom, J; Thompson, A S; Thomson, E; Tipton, P; Tiwari, V; Tkaczyk, S; Toback, D; Tokar, S; Tollefson, K; Tomura, T; Tonelli, D; Torre, S; Torretta, D; Tourneur, S; Trischuk, W; Tsuchiya, R; Tsuno, S; Turini, N; Ukegawa, F; Unverhau, T; Uozumi, S; Usynin, D; Vallecorsa, S; van Remortel, N; Varganov, A; Vataga, E; Vázquez, F; Velev, G; Veramendi, G; Veszpremi, V; Vidal, R; Vila, I; Vilar, R; Vine, T; Vollrath, I; Volobouev, I; Volpi, G; Würthwein, F; Wagner, P; Wagner, R G; Wagner, R L; Wagner, J; Wagner, W; Wallny, R; Wang, S M; Warburton, A; Waschke, S; Waters, D; Weinberger, M; Wester, W C; Whitehouse, B; Whiteson, D; Wicklund, A B; Wicklund, E; Williams, G; Williams, H H; Wilson, P; Winer, B L; Wittich, P; Wolbers, S; Wolfe, C; Wright, T; Wu, X; Wynne, S M; Yagil, A; Yamamoto, K; Yamaoka, J; Yamashita, T; Yang, C; Yang, U K; Yang, Y C; Yao, W M; Yeh, G P; Yoh, J; Yorita, K; Yoshida, T; Yu, G B; Yu, I; Yu, S S; Yun, J C; Zanello, L; Zanetti, A; Zaw, I; Zhang, X; Zhou, J; Zucchelli, S


    We measure the ratio of cross section times branching fraction, Rp=sigma chi c2 B(chi c2-->J/psi gamma)/sigma chi c1 B(chi c1-->J/psi gamma), in 1.1 fb(-1) of pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV. This measurement covers the kinematic range pT(J/psi)>4.0 GeV/c, |eta(J/psi)<1.0, and pT(gamma)>1.0 GeV/c. For events due to prompt processes, we find Rp=0.395+/-0.016(stat)+/-0.015(syst). This result represents a significant improvement in precision over previous measurements of prompt chi c1,2 hadro production.

  5. Conditions Inducing Excessive O-GlcNAcylation Inhibit BMP2-Induced Osteogenic Differentiation of C2C12 Cells.


    Gu, Hanna; Song, Mina; Boonanantanasarn, Kanitsak; Baek, Kyunghwa; Woo, Kyung Mi; Ryoo, Hyun-Mo; Baek, Jeong-Hwa


    Hyperglycemic conditions in diabetic patients can affect various cellular functions, including the modulation of osteogenic differentiation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which hyperglycemia affects osteogenic differentiation are yet to be clarified. This study aimed to investigate whether the aberrant increase in protein O -linked-β- N -acetylglucosamine glycosylation ( O -GlcNAcylation) contributes to the suppression of osteogenic differentiation due to hyperglycemia. To induce osteogenic differentiation, C2C12 cells were cultured in the presence of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2). Excessive protein O -GlcNAcylation was induced by treating C2C12 cells with high glucose, glucosamine, or N -acetylglucosamine concentrations or by O -GlcNAc transferase (OGT) overexpression. The effect of O -GlcNAcylation on osteoblast differentiation was then confirmed by examining the expression levels of osteogenic marker gene mRNAs, activity of alkaline phosphatase, and transcriptional activity of Runx2, a critical transcription factor for osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Cell treatment with high glucose, glucosamine or N -acetylglucosamine increased O -GlcNAcylation of Runx2 and the total levels of O -GlcNAcylated proteins, which led to a decrease in the transcriptional activity of Runx2, expression levels of osteogenic marker genes (Runx2, osterix, alkaline phosphatase, and type I collagen), and activity of alkaline phosphatase. These inhibitory effects were rescued by lowering protein O -GlcNAcylation levels by adding STO45849, an OGT inhibitor, or by overexpressing β- N -acetylglucosaminidase. Our findings suggest that excessive protein O -GlcNAcylation contributes to high glucose-suppressed osteogenic differentiation.

  6. Effects of dantrolene and its derivatives on Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of mouse skeletal muscle fibres

    PubMed Central

    Ikemoto, Takaaki; Hosoya, Takamitsu; Aoyama, Hiroshi; Kihara, Yasutaka; Suzuki, Masaaki; Endo, Makoto


    We analysed the effect of dantrolene (Dan) and five newly synthesized derivatives (GIFs) on Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of mouse skeletal muscle.In intact muscles, GIF-0185 reduced the size of twitch contraction induced by electrical stimulation to the same extent as Dan. GIF-0082, an azido-functionalized Dan derivative, also inhibited twitch contraction, although the extent of inhibition was less than that of Dan and of GIF-0185.In skinned fibres, Dan inhibited Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) under Mg2+-free conditions at room temperature. In contrast, GIF-0082 and GIF-0185 showed no inhibitory effect on CICR under the same conditions.Dan-induced inhibition of CICR was not affected by the presence of GIF-0082, whereas it was diminished in the presence of GIF-0185.GIF-0082 and GIF-0185 significantly inhibited clofibric acid (Clof)-induced Ca2+ release, as did Dan.Several Dan derivatives other than GIF-0082 and GIF-0185 showed an inhibitory effect on twitch tension but not on the CICR mechanism. All of these derivatives inhibited Clof-induced Ca2+ release.The magnitudes of inhibition of Clof-induced Ca2+ release by all Dan derivatives were well correlated with those of twitch inhibition. This supports the notion that the mode of Clof-induced opening of the RyR-Ca2+ release channel may be similar to that of physiological Ca2+ release (PCR).These results indicate that the difference in opening modes of the RyR-Ca2+ release channel is recognized by certain Dan derivatives. PMID:11606312

  7. Mesophyll Chloroplast Investment in C3, C4 and C2 Species of the Genus Flaveria.


    Stata, Matt; Sage, Tammy L; Hoffmann, Natalie; Covshoff, Sarah; Ka-Shu Wong, Gane; Sage, Rowan F


    The mesophyll (M) cells of C4 plants contain fewer chloroplasts than observed in related C3 plants; however, it is uncertain where along the evolutionary transition from C3 to C4 that the reduction in M chloroplast number occurs. Using 18 species in the genus Flaveria, which contains C3, C4 and a range of C3-C4 intermediate species, we examined changes in chloroplast number and size per M cell, and positioning of chloroplasts relative to the M cell periphery. Chloroplast number and coverage of the M cell periphery declined in proportion to increasing strength of C4 metabolism in Flaveria, while chloroplast size increased with increasing C4 cycle strength. These changes increase cytosolic exposure to the cell periphery which could enhance diffusion of inorganic carbon to phosphenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), a cytosolic enzyme. Analysis of the transcriptome from juvenile leaves of nine Flaveria species showed that the transcript abundance of four genes involved in plastid biogenesis-FtsZ1, FtsZ2, DRP5B and PARC6-was negatively correlated with variation in C4 cycle strength and positively correlated with M chloroplast number per planar cell area. Chloroplast size was negatively correlated with abundance of FtsZ1, FtsZ2 and PARC6 transcripts. These results indicate that natural selection targeted the proteins of the contractile ring assembly to effect the reduction in chloroplast numbers in the M cells of C4 Flaveria species. If so, efforts to engineer the C4 pathway into C3 plants might evaluate whether inducing transcriptome changes similar to those observed in Flaveria could reduce M chloroplast numbers, and thus introduce a trait that appears essential for efficient C4 function. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  8. A comparison of biomechanical stability and pullout strength of two C1-C2 fixation constructs.


    Savage, Jason W; Limthongkul, Worawat; Park, Hyung-Soon; Zhang, Li-Qun; Karaikovic, Eldin E


    Several fusion techniques are used to treat atlantoaxial instability. Recent literature suggests that intralaminar screw (LS) fixation and pedicle screw (PS) fixation offer similar stability and comparable pullout strength. No studies have compared these characteristics after cyclic loading. To compare the stability and pullout strength of intra-LSs and PSs in a C1-C2 instability model after 1,000 cycles of axial loading. In vitro biomechanical study. Stability in axial rotation and screw pullout strength after cyclic loading. Six fresh-frozen human cadaveric cervical spines (C1-C2) were used in this study. C1-C2 instability was mimicked via odontoidotomy at its base and posterior soft-tissue release, including the supraspinous ligaments and facet joint capsules. Specimens were tested to 1,000 cycles after stabilization with two fixation constructs: C1 lateral mass (LM) screws and C2 intra-LSs (C1LM-C2LS) and C1 LM screws and C2 PSs (C1LM-C2PS). Angular motion was recorded for right and left axial rotation using an Optotrak 3020 system (Northern Digital, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). Tensile loading to failure was then performed collinear to the longitudinal axis of the screw, and the data were recorded as peak pullout strength in newtons. There was no statistically significant difference in stability (measured in degrees of rotation) between the intra-LS and PS constructs at 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 cycles of axial rotation. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in stability at 250 cycles versus 1,000 cycles for the LS (1.30 vs. 1.49, p = .80) or PS (0.84 vs. 0.85, p = .96). Pedicle screws had higher pullout strength when compared with the intra-LSs (757.5 ± 239 vs. 583.4 ± 472 N); however, high standard deviation precluded statistical significance (p = .44). Our data suggest that a C1LM and C2LS construct has similar biomechanical stability when compared with a C1LM and C2PS construct after 1,000 cycles of axial rotation. Furthermore, PSs had higher

  9. Receptor interaction profiles of novel N-2-methoxybenzyl (NBOMe) derivatives of 2,5-dimethoxy-substituted phenethylamines (2C drugs).


    Rickli, Anna; Luethi, Dino; Reinisch, Julian; Buchy, Danièle; Hoener, Marius C; Liechti, Matthias E


    N-2-methoxybenzyl-phenethylamines (NBOMe drugs) are newly used psychoactive substances with poorly defined pharmacological properties. The aim of the present study was to characterize the receptor binding profiles of a series of NBOMe drugs compared with their 2,5-dimethoxy-phenethylamine analogs (2C drugs) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in vitro. We investigated the binding affinities of 2C drugs (2C-B, 2C-C, 2C-D, 2C-E, 2C-H, 2C-I, 2C-N, 2C-P, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-4, 2C-T-7, and mescaline), their NBOMe analogs, and LSD at monoamine receptors and determined functional 5-hydroxytryptamine-2A (5-HT2A) and 5-HT2B receptor activation. Binding at and the inhibition of monoamine uptake transporters were also determined. Human cells that were transfected with the respective human receptors or transporters were used (with the exception of trace amine-associated receptor-1 [TAAR1], in which rat/mouse receptors were used). All of the compounds potently interacted with serotonergic 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT2C receptors and rat TAAR1 (most Ki and EC50: <1 μM). The N-2-methoxybenzyl substitution of 2C drugs increased the binding affinity at serotonergic 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, adrenergic α1, dopaminergic D1-3, and histaminergic H1 receptors and monoamine transporters but reduced binding to 5-HT1A receptors and TAAR1. As a result, NBOMe drugs were very potent 5-HT2A receptor agonists (EC50: 0.04-0.5 μM) with high 5-HT2A/5-HT1A selectivity and affinity for adrenergic α1 receptors (Ki: 0.3-0.9 μM) and TAAR1 (Ki: 0.06-2.2 μM), similar to LSD, but not dopaminergic D1-3 receptors (most Ki:>1 μM), unlike LSD. The binding profile of NBOMe drugs predicts strong hallucinogenic effects, similar to LSD, but possibly more stimulant properties because of α1 receptor interactions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. 40 CFR Figure C-1 to Subpart C of... - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2 C Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-1 Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53—Suggested Format for Reporting Test... Difference Table C-1 spec. Pass or fail Low 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm 3 4 5 6 Medium 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm...

  11. 40 CFR Figure C-1 to Subpart C of... - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2 C Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-1 Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53—Suggested Format for Reporting Test... Difference Table C-1 spec. Pass or fail Low 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm 3 4 5 6 Medium 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm...

  12. 40 CFR Figure C-1 to Subpart C of... - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2 C Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-1 Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53—Suggested Format for Reporting Test... Difference Table C-1 spec. Pass or fail Low 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm 3 4 5 6 Medium 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm...

  13. 40 CFR Figure C-1 to Subpart C of... - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2 C Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-1 Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53—Suggested Format for Reporting Test... Difference Table C-1 spec. Pass or fail Low 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm 3 4 5 6 Medium 1 ____ ppm 2 to ____ ppm...

  14. Identification of VP1/2A and 2C as Virulence Genes of Hepatitis A Virus and Demonstration of Genetic Instability of 2C

    PubMed Central

    Emerson, Suzanne U.; Huang, Ying K.; Nguyen, Hanh; Brockington, Alicia; Govindarajan, Sugantha; St. Claire, Marisa; Shapiro, Max; Purcell, Robert H.


    Fourteen different chimeric virus genomes were constructed from two infectious cDNA clones encoding a virulent and an attenuated isolate, respectively, of the HM175 strain of hepatitis A virus. The ability of each recombinant virus to infect tamarins and to cause acute hepatitis was determined. Comparisons of the genotype and phenotype of each virus suggested that VP1/2A and 2C genes were responsible for virulence. The 2C gene derived from the attenuated parent virus was unstable, and one or more mutations arose in this gene during the first passage in tamarins. PMID:12163575

  15. Synthesis, processing and properties of TaC-TaB2-C Ceramics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    powder used. • A very important conclusion from the present study is that the grain size of nominally pure TaC ceramics is a strong function of carbon...ceramics at temperatures as low as 1500 ◦C. The grain size of nominally pure TaC ceramics was a strong function of carbon stoichiometry. Enhanced grain...evaluate the properties of ceramics in the TaC–TaB2C system. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: A . Sintering; B. Microstructure; D. Carbides; D. Carbon

  16. Projected drought risk in 1.5°C and 2°C warmer climates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lehner, F.; Coats, S.; Stocker, T. F.; Pendergrass, A. G.; Sanderson, B. M.; Raible, C.; Smerdon, J. E.


    The large socioeconomic costs of droughts make them a crucial target for impact assessments of climate change scenarios. Using multiple drought metrics and a set of simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM) targeting 1.5°C and 2°C above preindustrial global mean temperatures, we investigate changes in aridity and the risk of consecutive drought years. The latter metric is motivated by recent droughts in California and the US Southwest in general, where consecutive years of moderate precipitation deficit can quickly lead to significant drought and elevated pressure on water resources. If warming is limited to 2°C, these simulations suggest little change in drought risk for the U.S. Southwest and Central Plains compared to present day, an interesting result that arises from a delicate balance between increases in evaporative demand and precipitation in CESM in that region. In the Mediterranean, central Europe, and a number of other regions across the globe, however, drought risk increases significantly for both 1.5°C and 2°C warming targets, and the additional 0.5°C of the 2°C climate leads to significantly higher drought risk. Our study suggests that limiting anthropogenic warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C, as aspired to by the Paris Climate Agreement, may have benefits for future drought risk but that such benefits may be regional and in some cases highly uncertain. We will therefore also discuss the robustness of results across different drought metrics as well as the model uncertainties associated with drought projections for low warming targets.

  17. 40 CFR Figure C-1 to Subpart C of... - Suggested Format for Reporting Test Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Results for Methods for SO 2, CO, O 3, NO 2 C Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-1 Figure C-1 to Subpart C of Part 53—Suggested Format for Reporting Test... Difference Table C-1 spec. Pass or fail Low 1 ____ pPM 2 to ____ pPM 3 4 5 6 Medium 1 ____ pPM 2 to ____ pPM...

  18. C2 Fragmentation Energy of C60 Revisited: Theory Disagrees with Most Experiments

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Boese, A. Daniel; Scuseria, Gustavo E.


    Following our earlier work on the subject, we have carried out density functional theory (DFT) and second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) calculations of the dissociation energy of the reaction C60 yields C58 + C2 using polarized basis sets and geometries optimized with DFT methods. The present theoretical results support an electronic fragmentation energy D(sub e) around 10-11 eV in disagreement with most experimental results that place the dissociation energy D(sub o) (including zero point energy) around 7-8 eV. The plausible errors remaining in the theoretical calculations are unlikely to account for this big difference (2-4 eV).

  19. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of nano SiC dispersed Bi2Sr2Co2Oy Ceramics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Qiujun; Wang, Kunlun; Zhang, Yingjiu; Li, Xinjian; Song, Hongzhang


    The thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy + x wt% nano SiC (x = 0.00, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3) prepared by the solid-state reaction method were investigated from 300 K to 923 K. The resistivity can be reduced effectively by adding a small amount of SiC nano particles, which is attributed to the increase of the carrier concentration. At the same time, the Seebeck coefficients can be improved effectively due to the energy filtering effect that low energy carriers are strongly dispersed at the interface between the SiC nano particles and the matrix. The decrease of thermal conductivity is due to the increase of the scattering ability of the phonons by the SiC nanoparticles distributed at the boundary of the matrix. As a result, the Bi2Sr2Co2Oy + x wt% SiC composites exhibit better thermoelectric properties. The maximum ZT value 0.24 is obtained when x = 0.05 at 923 K. Compared with the sample without SiC nano particles, the ZT value is increased by about 59.7%.

  20. Li2C2, a High-Capacity Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries.


    Tian, Na; Gao, Yurui; Li, Yurong; Wang, Zhaoxiang; Song, Xiaoyan; Chen, Liquan


    As a typical alkaline earth metal carbide, lithium carbide (Li2C2) has the highest theoretical specific capacity (1400 mA h g(-1)) among all the reported lithium-containing cathode materials for lithium ion batteries. Herein, the feasibility of using Li2C2 as a cathode material was studied. The results show that at least half of the lithium can be extracted from Li2C2 and the reversible specific capacity reaches 700 mA h g(-1). The C≡C bond tends to rotate to form C4 (C≡C⋅⋅⋅C≡C) chains during lithium extraction, as indicated with the first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) simulation. The low electronic and ionic conductivity are believed to be responsible for the potential gap between charge and discharge, as is supported with density functional theory (DFT) calculations and Arrhenius fitting results. These findings illustrate the feasibility to use the alkali and alkaline earth metal carbides as high-capacity electrode materials for secondary batteries. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Pressure-induced superconductivity in CaC2

    PubMed Central

    Li, Yan-Ling; Luo, Wei; Zeng, Zhi; Lin, Hai-Qing; Mao, Ho-kwang; Ahuja, Rajeev


    Carbon can exist as isolated dumbbell, 1D chain, 2D plane, and 3D network in carbon solids or carbon-based compounds, which attributes to its rich chemical binding way, including sp-, sp2-, and sp3-hybridized bonds. sp2-hybridizing carbon always captures special attention due to its unique physical and chemical property. Here, using an evolutionary algorithm in conjunction with ab initio method, we found that, under compression, dumbbell carbon in CaC2 can be polymerized first into 1D chain and then into ribbon and further into 2D graphite sheet at higher pressure. The C2/m structure transforms into an orthorhombic Cmcm phase at 0.5 GPa, followed by another orthorhombic Immm phase, which is stabilized in a wide pressure range of 15.2–105.8 GPa and then forced into MgB2-type phase with wide range stability up to at least 1 TPa. Strong electron–phonon coupling λ in compressed CaC2 is found, in particular for Immm phase, which has the highest λ value (0.562–0.564) among them, leading to its high superconducting critical temperature Tc (7.9∼9.8 K), which is comparable with the 11.5 K value of CaC6. Our results show that calcium not only can stabilize carbon sp2 hybridization at a larger range of pressure but also can contribute in superconducting behavior, which would further ignite experimental and theoretical interest in alkaline–earth metal carbides to uncover their peculiar physical properties under extreme conditions. PMID:23690580

  2. Unexpected Magnetic Ordering on the Cr Substructure in UCr2Si2C and Structural Relationships in Quaternary U-Cr-Si-C Compounds.


    Lemoine, Pierric; Vernière, Anne; Pasturel, Mathieu; Venturini, Gérard; Malaman, Bernard


    Previous experimental and theoretical studies revealed that carbon insertion into the RCr 2 Si 2 compounds drastically affects the magnetic behavior, since chromium does not carry any magnetic moment in RCr 2 Si 2 C (R = Y, La-Sm, Gd-Er) compounds in contrast to RCr 2 Si 2 (R = Y, Sm, Gd-Lu, Th) compounds. In this study, we report on the unexpected magnetic ordering of chromium atoms in the isotype quaternary UCr 2 Si 2 C compound. While specific heat and magnetic measurements suggest a Pauli paramagnetic behavior, neutron powder diffraction reveals an antiferromagnetic ordering of the chromium substructure at high temperature ( T N > 300 K), while that of uranium remains nonmagnetically ordered down to 2 K. Its magnetic behavior, inverse in comparison to the RCr 2 Si 2 C carbides involving a magnetic lanthanide, is discussed in relation with the singularity of its crystal structure among the series. Moreover, the crystallographic structures and the structural stability of UCr 2 Si 2 C and of two other quaternary U-Cr-Si-C compounds (i.e., UCr 3 Si 2 C and U 2 Cr 3 Si 2 C 3 ), based on the full occupancy of interstitial sites by carbon atoms, are discussed and compared to those of the related ternary intermetallics. Finally, the low-temperature form of UCr 2 Si 2 , corresponding to a displacive transformation around 210 K of the ThCr 2 Si 2 -type structure, is reinvestigated by considering a higher symmetry monoclinic unit cell ( C2/ m) instead of the previously reported triclinic cell ( P1̅). The antiferromagnetic ordering at low temperature ( T N = 30(2) K) of the uranium substructure is confirmed, and its magnetic structure is reanalyzed and discussed considering the monoclinic crystal structure.

  3. Simultaneous occurrence of hereditary C6 and C2 deficiency in a French-Canadian family.


    Delâge, J M; Lehner-Netsch, G; Lafleur, R; Simard, J; Brun, G; Prochazka, E


    The sera of four sisters were found to lack the sixth component of complement (C6) and the serum of one was also partially deficient in the second component (C2). Two other blood relatives were found to be heterozygous for both deficiencies, while only one sibling had normal values. The father of these eight siblings was heterozygous for C2D and C6D and in the third generation, six children were heterozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active brucel-transmitted; the C6 deficiency was not linked to the HLA system, while the C2-deficiency segregated with the haplotype A10,B18. The proband, homozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active Brucellosis and in another sibling with C6 deficiency, toxoplasmosis was diagnosed. Neither bleeding disorders nor a tendency to collagen diseases have been observed and the opsonic activity was normal in the sera of all family members.

  4. Simultaneous occurrence of hereditary C6 and C2 deficiency in a French-Canadian family.

    PubMed Central

    Delâge, J M; Lehner-Netsch, G; Lafleur, R; Simard, J; Brun, G; Prochazka, E


    The sera of four sisters were found to lack the sixth component of complement (C6) and the serum of one was also partially deficient in the second component (C2). Two other blood relatives were found to be heterozygous for both deficiencies, while only one sibling had normal values. The father of these eight siblings was heterozygous for C2D and C6D and in the third generation, six children were heterozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active brucel-transmitted; the C6 deficiency was not linked to the HLA system, while the C2-deficiency segregated with the haplotype A10,B18. The proband, homozygous for C6 deficiency was treated for chronic active Brucellosis and in another sibling with C6 deficiency, toxoplasmosis was diagnosed. Neither bleeding disorders nor a tendency to collagen diseases have been observed and the opsonic activity was normal in the sera of all family members. PMID:468307

  5. Formation of hydroxyl radicals and kinetic study of 2-chlorophenol photocatalytic oxidation using C-doped TiO2, N-doped TiO2, and C,N Co-doped TiO2 under visible light.


    Ananpattarachai, Jirapat; Seraphin, Supapan; Kajitvichyanukul, Puangrat


    This work reports on synthesis, characterization, adsorption ability, formation rate of hydroxyl radicals (OH(•)), photocatalytic oxidation kinetics, and mineralization ability of C-doped titanium dioxide (TiO2), N-doped TiO2, and C,N co-doped TiO2 prepared by the sol-gel method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and UV-visible spectroscopy were used to analyze the titania. The rate of formation of OH(•) for each type of titania was determined, and the OH-index was calculated. The kinetics of as-synthesized TiO2 catalysts in photocatalytic oxidation of 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) under visible light irradiation were evaluated. Results revealed that nitrogen was incorporated into the lattice of titania with the structure of O-Ti-N linkages in N-doped TiO2 and C,N co-doped TiO2. Carbon was joined to the Ti-O-C bond in the C-doped TiO2 and C,N co-doped TiO2. The 2-CP adsorption ability of C,N co-doped TiO2 and C-doped TiO2 originated from a layer composed of a complex carbonaceous mixture at the surface of TiO2. C,N co-doped TiO2 had highest formation rate of OH(•) and photocatalytic activity due to a synergistic effect of carbon and nitrogen co-doping. The order of photocatalytic activity per unit surface area was the same as that of the formation rate of OH(•) unit surface area in the following order: C,N co-doped TiO2 > C-doped TiO2 > N-doped TiO2 > undoped TiO2.

  6. Modelisation de l'erosion et des sources de pollution dans le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette dans un contexte de changements climatiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coulibaly, Issa

    de 2013. Pour ce qui est de la pollution, les concentrations observees (sediment, nitrate et phosphore) connaissent une evolution avec les changements climatiques. La valeur maximale de la concentration en sediments connait une baisse en 2025 et 2050 par rapport a 2013, de 11,20 mg/l en 2013, elle passe a 9,03 mg/l en 2025 puis a 6,25 en 2050. On s'attend egalement a une baisse de la valeur maximale de la concentration en nitrate au fil des annees, plus accentuee en 2025. De 4,12 mg/l en 2013, elle passe a 1,85 mg/l en 2025 puis a 2,90 en 2050. La concentration en phosphore par contre connait une augmentation dans les annees a venir par rapport a celle de 2013, elle passe de 0,056 mg/l en 2013 a 0,234 mg/l en 2025 puis a 0,144 en 2050.

  7. Superconductivity, critical current density, and flux pinning in MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 superconductor after SiC nanoparticle doping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dou, S. X.; Pan, A. V.; Zhou, S.; Ionescu, M.; Wang, X. L.; Horvat, J.; Liu, H. K.; Munroe, P. R.


    We investigated the effect of SiC nanoparticle doping on the crystal lattice structure, critical temperature Tc, critical current density Jc, and flux pinning in MgB2 superconductor. A series of MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 samples with x=0-1.0 were fabricated using an in situ reaction process. The contraction of the lattice and depression of Tc with increasing SiC doping level remained rather small most likely due to the counterbalancing effect of Si and C co-doping. The high level Si and C co-doping allowed the creation of intragrain defects and highly dispersed nanoinclusions within the grains which can act as effective pinning centers for vortices, improving Jc behavior as a function of the applied magnetic field. The enhanced pinning is mainly attributable to the substitution-induced defects and local structure fluctuations within grains. A pinning mechanism is proposed to account for different contributions of different defects in MgB2-x(SiC)x/2 superconductors.

  8. The role of serotonin-2 (5-HT2) and dopamine receptors in the behavioral actions of the 5-HT2A/2C agonist, DOI, and putative 5-HT2C inverse agonist, SR46349B.


    Scarlota, Laura C; Harvey, John A; Aloyo, Vincent J


    Atypical antipsychotic efficacy is often attributed to actions at serotonin-2 (5-HT(2)) and dopamine receptors, indicating a potential benefit of understanding the interplay between these systems. Currently, it is known that 5-HT(2) receptors modulate dopamine release, although the role of specific dopamine receptors in 5-HT(2)-mediated behavior is not well understood. We examined the role of 5-HT(2A), 5-HT(2C), and dopamine (D1 and D2) receptors in the behavioral response to a 5-HT(2A/2C) agonist (DOI) and 5-HT(2A/2C) antagonist (SR46349B). Effects were assessed by measuring rabbit head bobs (previously characterized as 5-HT(2A) receptor-mediated) and body shakes (5-HT(2C)-mediated). As expected, DOI produced head bobs and body shakes, and these DOI-elicited behaviors were attenuated by the SR46349B pretreatment. Unexpectedly, SR46349B also induced head bobs when administered alone. However, SR46349B-elicited head bobs are distinguishable from those produced by DOI since the 5-HT(2A) antagonist, ketanserin, only attenuated DOI-elicited head bobs. Conversely, 5-HT(2C) ligands (SB242084 and SB206553) inhibited SR46349B but not DOI-induced head bobs. Furthermore, when administered alone, SB206553 (a 5-HT(2C) inverse agonist) produced head bobs, indicating the behavior can be either 5-HT(2A) or 5-HT(2C) mediated. Next, it was revealed that D1 and D2 receptors play a role in DOI-elicited head bobs, but only D1 receptors are required for SR46349B-elicited head bobs. 5-HT(2A) receptor agonism and 5-HT(2C) inverse agonism produce the same behavior, likely due to similar downstream actions at D1 receptors. Consequently, 5-HT(2C) agonism or D1 agonism may be effective therapies for disorders, such as schizophrenia, currently being treated with 5-HT(2A) antagonists.

  9. Reaction mechanisms at 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface during wet SiC oxidation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akiyama, Toru; Hori, Shinsuke; Nakamura, Kohji; Ito, Tomonori; Kageshima, Hiroyuki; Uematsu, Masashi; Shiraishi, Kenji


    The reaction processes at the interface between SiC with 4H structure (4H-SiC) and SiO2 during wet oxidation are investigated by electronic structure calculations within the density functional theory. Our calculations for 4H-SiC/SiO2 interfaces with various orientations demonstrate characteristic features of the reaction depending on the crystal orientation of SiC: On the Si-face, the H2O molecule is stable in SiO2 and hardly reacts with the SiC substrate, while the O atom of H2O can form Si-O bonds at the C-face interface. Two OH groups are found to be at least necessary for forming new Si-O bonds at the Si-face interface, indicating that the oxidation rate on the Si-face is very low compared with that on the C-face. On the other hand, both the H2O molecule and the OH group are incorporated into the C-face interface, and the energy barrier for OH is similar to that for H2O. By comparing the calculated energy barriers for these reactants with the activation energies of oxide growth rate, we suggest the orientation-dependent rate-limiting processes during wet SiC oxidation.

  10. Effect of C-C Chemokine Receptor 2 (CCR2) Knockout on Type-2 (Schistosomal Antigen-Elicited) Pulmonary Granuloma Formation

    PubMed Central

    Warmington, Kelly S.; Boring, Landin; Ruth, Jeffrey H.; Sonstein, Joanne; Hogaboam, Cory M.; Curtis, Jeffrey L.; Kunkel, Steven L.; Charo, Israel R.; Chensue, Stephen W.


    Monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 is postulated to play a role in cellular recruitment during inflammatory reactions. C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) is considered the major G-protein coupled receptor for MCP-1/JE. We reported that mice with knockout of the CCR2 gene display partially impaired type-1 granuloma formation. The present study similarly examined the effect of CCR2 deficiency on synchronously developing type-2 (Th2) cytokine-mediated lung granulomas elicited by embolization of beads coated with Ags of Schistosoma mansoni eggs. Systemically, blood monocytes were reduced by about half throughout the 8-day study period. At the local level, granuloma size and macrophage content were impaired during the early growth phase (days 1 to 2). By day 4, granuloma sizes were similar to controls. In granulomatous lungs, CCR2 knockout increased mRNA for CCR2 agonists, MCP-1, MCP-3, and MCP-5, but reduced IL-4 and IFNγ mRNA. The latter was possibly related to decreased CD4+ T cell recruitment. Regionally, draining lymph nodes showed panlymphoid hyperplasia with impaired production of IFNγ, IL-2, and IL-4, but not IL-5, IL-10, or IL-13. Analysis of procollagen gene expression indicated transient impairment of procollagen III transcripts on day 4 of granuloma formation. These findings indicate that agonists of CCR2 contribute to multiple facets of type-2 hypersensitivity granulomatous inflammation. PMID:10329593

  11. Oxidation of TaSi2-Containing ZrB2-SiC Ultra-High Temperature Materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Opila, Elizabeth J.; Smith, Jim; Levine, Stanley R.; Lorincz, Jonathan; Reigel, Marissa


    Hot pressed coupons of composition ZrB2-20 v% SiC-5 v% TaSi2 and ZrB2-20 v% SiC-20 v% TaSi2 were oxidized in stagnant air at temperatures of 1627 and 1927C for one, five and ten 10-minute cycles. The oxidation reactions were characterized by weight change kinetics, x-ray diffraction, and SEM/EDS. Detailed WDS/microprobe quantitative analyses of the oxidation products were conducted for the ZrB2-20 v% SiC-20 v% TaSi2 sample oxidized for five 10-minute cycles at 1927C. Oxidation kinetics and product formation were compared to ZrB2-20 v% SiC with no TaSi2 additions. It was found that the 20 v% TaSi2 composition exhibited improved oxidation resistance relative to the material with no TaSi2 additions at 1627C. However, for exposures at 1927C less oxidation resistance and extensive liquid phase formation were observed compared to the material with no TaSi2 additions. Attempts to limit the liquid phase formation by reducing the TaSi2 content to 5 v% were unsuccessful. In addition, the enhanced oxidation resistance at 1627C due to 20 v% TaSi2 additions was not achieved at the 5 v% addition level. The observed oxidation product evolution is discussed in terms of thermodynamics and phase equilibria for the TaSi2-containing ZrB2-SiC material system. TaSi2-additions to ZrB2-SiC at any level are not recommended for ultra-high temperature (>1900C) applications due to excessive liquid phase formation.

  12. Apport de l’IRM dans la prise en charge des compressions médullaires lentes non traumatiques

    PubMed Central

    Badji, Nfally; Deme, Hamidou; Akpo, Geraud; Ndong, Boucar; Toure, Mouhamadou Hamine; Diop, Sokhna Ba; Niang, El Hadji


    Les compressions médullaires lentes sont dues au développement dans le canal médullaire d’une lésion expansive. C’est une pathologie très fréquente dont le diagnostic est essentiellement clinique. L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique occupe une place incontournable dans le diagnostic de localisation et la recherche étiologique. En Europe l’étiologie tumorale est prépondérante. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspects IRM des compressions médullaires lentes et de déterminer le profil étiologique. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective portant sur 97 observations colligées au service de radiologie du CHUN de Fann sur une période de 30 mois (du 08/03/10 au 29/09/12). On été inclus dans l’étude, tous les patients adressés pour un tableau de compression médullaire lente survenu dans un contexte non traumatique. L’âge moyen des patients était de 42,6 ans avec des extrêmes compris entre 04 mois et 85 ans. Nous avons étudié la topographie des lésions (étage rachidien, compartiments canalaires) leur rehaussement et les critères d’orientation étiologique. Le protocole d’examen permettait la réalisation de séquence pondérées T1 sans avec injection de gado, T2, STIR et T2 DRIVE centrées sur les niveaux lésionnels ou les zones suspectes. L’IRM a permis de préciser le siège exact et l’étendue des lésions. L’atteinte du rachis dorsal représentait 42% des cas, suivi du rachis cervical avec 32% des cas. Les atteintes lombo-sacrées et pluri-étagées représentaient respectivement 18% et 08% des cas. Les lésions extradurales représentaient 87% des cas, suivi des lésions intradurales extramédullaires avec 08% des cas et des lésions intramédullaires dans 05% des cas. La particularité du profil étiologique de notre étude est la prédominance des épidurites infectieuses et la fréquence relative des épidurites métastatiques comparée aux séries occidentales. L’IRM vertébro-médullaire occupe

  13. C3–C4 intermediacy in grasses: organelle enrichment and distribution, glycine decarboxylase expression, and the rise of C2 photosynthesis

    PubMed Central

    Khoshravesh, Roxana; Stinson, Corey R.; Stata, Matt; Busch, Florian A.; Sage, Rowan F.; Ludwig, Martha; Sage, Tammy L.


    Photorespiratory glycine shuttling and decarboxylation in bundle sheath (BS) cells exhibited by C2 species is proposed to be the evolutionary bridge to C4 photosynthesis in eudicots. To evaluate this in grasses, we compare anatomy, cellular localization of glycine decarboxylase (GDC), and photosynthetic physiology of a suspected C2 grass, Homolepis aturensis, with these traits in known C2 grasses, Neurachne minor and Steinchisma hians, and C3 S. laxum that is sister to S. hians. We also use publicly available genome and RNA-sequencing data to examine the evolution of GDC subunits and enhance our understanding of the evolution of BS-specific GDC expression in C2 and C4 grasses. Our results confirm the identity of H. aturensis as a C2 species; GDC is confined predominantly to the organelle-enriched BS cells in H. aturensis and S. hians and to mestome sheath cells of N. minor. Phylogenetic analyses and data obtained from immunodetection of the P-subunit of GDC are consistent with the hypothesis that the BS dominant levels of GDC in C2 and C4 species are due to changes in expression of a single GLDP gene in M and BS cells. All BS mitochondria and peroxisomes and most chloroplasts in H. aturensis and S. hians are situated centripetally in a pattern identical to C2 eudicots. In S. laxum, which has C3-like gas exchange patterns, mitochondria and peroxisomes are positioned centripetally as they are in S. hians. This subcellular phenotype, also present in eudicots, is posited to initiate a facilitation cascade leading to C2 and C4 photosynthesis. PMID:27073202

  14. Exploring Effects of C2 Warfare on C2 Ability in a Simulated Environment

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Principal Axis Factoring, Oblimin rotation with Kaiser Normalization) included all prerequisites, but not the total value of C2 ability ( KMO = .84...Mission intent had the lowest value in this factor, a separate factor analysis was conducted on this factor ( KMO = .75; Bartlett’s test of

  15. Inclusive and exclusive measurements of B decays to χ c 1 and χ c 2 at Belle

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bhardwaj, V.; Miyabayashi, K.; Panzenböck, E.


    We report inclusive and exclusive measurements for χ c1 and χ c2 production in B decays. We measure B(B → χ c1X)= (3.03 ± 0.05(stat) ± 0.24(syst)) × 10 more » $-$3 and B(B → χ c2X)= (0.70 ± 0.06(stat) ± 0.10(syst)) × 10 $-$3 . For the first time, χ c2 production in exclusive B decays in the modes B 0 → χ c2π $-$K + and B + → χ c2π +π $-$K + has been observed, along with first evidence for the B + → χ c2π +K$$0\\atop{S}$$ decay mode. For χ c1 production, we report the first observation in the B + → χ c1π +π $-$K +, B 0 → χ c1π +π $-$K$$0\\atop{S}$$ and B 0 → χ c1π 0π $-$K + decay modes. Using these decay modes, we observe a difference in the production mechanism of χ c2 in comparison to χ c1 in B decays. In addition, we report searches for X(3872) and χ c1(2P) in the B + → (χ c1π +π $-$)K + decay 3 mode. The reported results use 772 × 10 6 B$$\\overline{B}$$ events collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e +e $-$ collider.« less

  16. 77 FR 2573 - International Product Change-Global Plus 1C and 2C Negotiated Service Agreements

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... POSTAL SERVICE International Product Change--Global Plus 1C and 2C Negotiated Service Agreements... a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add Global Plus 1C and 2C Negotiated Service... with the Postal Regulatory Commission, Requests of United States Postal Service to Add Global Plus 1C...

  17. Quels sont les problemes ethiques souleves par l’augmentation des capacites cognitives dans le cadre de la defense : cadre legal francais, position ethique du service de sante des armees francais

    DTIC Science & Technology


    pourtant été systématisée. L’observation que, même si chaque homme est unique, il n’en partage pas moins un certain nombre de caractéristiques avec ses...occidental du comportement normal d’un homme , c’est-à-dire ce en deçà de quoi il ne peut déroger au risque de sortir du statut d’homme. Ainsi, le... de garantir les conditions de vie harmonieuse dans la société des hommes . Ainsi, l’éthique individuelle du citoyen français se niche dans un ensemble

  18. Increased carrier prevalence of deficient CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 alleles in depressed patients referred to a tertiary psychiatric hospital.


    Ruaño, Gualberto; Villagra, David; Rahim, Umme Salma; Windemuth, Andreas; Kocherla, Mohan; Bower, Bruce; Szarek, Bonnie L; Goethe, John W


    This study compared the types and carrier prevalences of clinically significant DNA polymorphisms in the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) genes CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 in major depressive disorder patients with a control group of nonpsychiatrically ill, medical outpatients. We conducted a case-control study using 73 psychiatric outpatients diagnosed with depression and referred to a tertiary center, The Institute of Living (Hartford, CT, USA), for treatment resistance or intolerable side-effects to psychotropic drugs. The controls were 120 cardiovascular patients from Hartford Hospital being treated for dyslipidemia but otherwise healthy and not psychiatrically ill. DNA typing to detect polymorphisms in the genes CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 was accomplished with the Tag-It™ mutation detection assay and the Luminex xMAP ® system. The percentage of individuals in psychiatric versus control groups with two wild-type alleles for CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genes, were 50 versus 74% (p < 0.001), 71 versus 73% (not statistically significant) and 36 versus 43% (trend, p < 0.2), respectively. Within the psychiatric population, 57% of individuals were carriers of non-wild-type alleles for 2-3 genes, compared with 36% in the control population (p < 0.0001). The balance, 43% in the psychiatric population and 64% in the control, were carriers of non-wild-type alleles for none or one gene. These findings reveal that clinically relevant CYP2C9 polymorphisms occur more frequently in depressed psychiatric patients than in nonpsychiatric controls. The same trend was found for polymorphisms in the CYP2D6 gene. We found a significant cumulative metabolic deficiency in the psychiatric population for combinations of the CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genes. The significant enrichment of CYP2C9-deficient alleles in the psychiatric population validates a previously reported association of this gene with the risk for depression disorders. The high prevalence of carriers with deficient and null

  19. Anisotropic H c 2 , thermodynamic and transport measurements, and pressure dependence of T c in K 2 Cr 3 As 3 single crystals


    Kong, Tai; Bud'ko, Sergey L.; Canfield, Paul C.


    We present a detailed study of single crystalline K 2Cr 3As 3 and analyze its thermodynamic and transport properties, anisotropic H c2(T), and initial pressure dependence of T c. In zero field, the temperature-dependent resistivity is metallic. Deviation from a linear temperature dependence is evident below 100 K and a T 3 dependence is roughly followed from just above T c (~10K) to ~40K. Anisotropic H c2(T) data were measured up to 140 kOe with field applied along and perpendicular to the rodlike crystals. For the applied field perpendicular to the rod, H c2(T) is linear with a slope ~–70more » kOe/K. For field applied along the rod, the slope is about –120 kOe/K below 70 kOe. Above 70 kOe, the magnitude of the slope decreases to ~–70 kOe/K. The electronic specific heat coefficient γ, just above T c, is 73 mJ/mol K 2; the Debye temperature Θ D is 220 K. As a result, the specific heat jump at the superconducting transition ΔC~2.2γT c. Finally, for hydrostatic pressures up to ~7 kbar, T c decreases under pressure linearly at a rate of –0.034K/kbar.« less

  20. Étude vibrationnelle du 3,4'-bitriazole et de quelques-uns de ses dérivés C-monosubstitués

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ouijja, N.; Guédira, F.; Zaydoun, S.; Aouial, M.; Saidi Idrissi, M.; Lautié, A.


    The vibrational study of 3,4'-bitriazole, 5-methyl-3,4'-bitriazole and 5-bromo-3,4'- bitriazole is reported and an assignment of their fundamentals is proposed on the basis of the existence of only one form in the solid state. The substitution of the hydrogen in 3 position of the \\{1H\\} triazolic ring by 4-triazolyl group induces a decrease in the strength of the NH...N hydrogen bond comparatively to 1,2,4-triazole and its C-monosubstituted derivatives. The introduction of a substituent in position 5 of the biheterocycle increases the strength of the self association mainly when the substituent is an electron-attractor group. Using the νN-H wave number values, the estimation of N...N distances in these derivatives is possible. The distinction between the triazolic ring' s vibrations and those of 4-triazolyl group seems impossible, probably because of the conjugation of the two rings. The higher frequency value obtained for the intercyclic bond stretching mode in the BrbTA is explained by an important conjugation and a shorter C-N bond in this case. L'étude vibrationnelle des 3,4'-bitriazole, 5-méthyl-3,4'-bitriazole et 5-bromo-3,4'- bitriazole a été effectuée et une attribution de leurs vibrations fondamentales a été proposée sur la base de l'existence d'une seule forme à l'état solide. La substitution de l'hydrogène en position 3 du cycle triazolique \\{1H\\} par un groupement 4-triazolyle entraîne une diminution de la force de la liaison hydrogène NH...N comparativement au 1,2,4-triazole et à ses dérivés C-monosubstitués. L'introduction d'un substituant en position 5 du bihétérocycle augmente la force de l'autoassociation surtout dans le cas où le substituant est un groupement attracteur d'électrons. A partir des fréquences νNH, l'estimation des distances N...N dans ces dérivés a été effectuée. La distinction entre les vibrations du cycle triazolique et celles du groupement 4-triazolyle semble impossible, probablement à cause de la

  1. The Implementation of C-ID, R2D2 Model on Learning Reading Comprehension

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rayanto, Yudi Hari; Rusmawan, Putu Ngurah


    The purposes of this research are to find out, (1) whether C-ID, R2D2 model is effective to be implemented on learning Reading comprehension, (2) college students' activity during the implementation of C-ID, R2D2 model on learning Reading comprehension, and 3) college students' learning achievement during the implementation of C-ID, R2D2 model on…

  2. Synthesis of C60H2 by rhodium-catalyzed hydrogenation of C60

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Becker, L.; Evans, T. P.; Bada, J. L.; Miller, S. L. (Principal Investigator)


    Reduction of C60 with rhodium(0) on alumina and hydrogen in deuterated benzene (C6D6) at ambient temperature and pressure yields a mixture of hydrogenated compounds; C60H2 has been characterized as the major product in 14% yield based on 1H NMR.

  3. Extended reaction scope of thiamine diphosphate dependent cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase: from C-C bond cleavage to C-C bond ligation.


    Loschonsky, Sabrina; Wacker, Tobias; Waltzer, Simon; Giovannini, Pier Paolo; McLeish, Michael J; Andrade, Susana L A; Müller, Michael


    ThDP-dependent cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase (CDH) catalyzes the CC bond cleavage of cyclohexane-1,2-dione to 6-oxohexanoate, and the asymmetric benzoin condensation between benzaldehyde and pyruvate. One of the two reactivities of CDH was selectively knocked down by mutation experiments. CDH-H28A is much less able to catalyze the CC bond formation, while the ability for CC bond cleavage is still intact. The double variant CDH-H28A/N484A shows the opposite behavior and catalyzes the addition of pyruvate to cyclohexane-1,2-dione, resulting in the formation of a tertiary alcohol. Several acyloins of tertiary alcohols are formed with 54-94 % enantiomeric excess. In addition to pyruvate, methyl pyruvate and butane-2,3-dione are alternative donor substrates for CC bond formation. Thus, the very rare aldehyde-ketone cross-benzoin reaction has been solved by design of an enzyme variant. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Ca-Embedded C2N: an efficient adsorbent for CO2 capture.


    Liu, Yuzhen; Meng, Zhaoshun; Guo, Xiaojian; Xu, Genjian; Rao, Dewei; Wang, Yuhui; Deng, Kaiming; Lu, Ruifeng


    Carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas causes severe impacts on the environment, whereas it is also a necessary chemical feedstock that can be converted into carbon-based fuels via electrochemical reduction. To efficiently and reversibly capture CO 2 , it is important to find novel materials for a good balance between adsorption and desorption. In this study, we performed first-principles calculations and grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations, to systematically study metal-embedded carbon nitride (C 2 N) nanosheets for CO 2 capture. Our first-principles results indicated that Ca atoms can be uniformly trapped in the cavity center of C 2 N structure, while the transition metals (Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) are favorably embedded in the sites off the center of the cavity. The determined maximum number of CO 2 molecules with strong physisorption showed that Ca-embedded C 2 N monolayer is the most promising CO 2 adsorbent among all considered metal-embedded materials. Moreover, GCMC simulations revealed that at room temperature the gravimetric density for CO 2 adsorbed on Ca-embedded C 2 N reached 50 wt% at 30 bar and 23 wt% at 1 bar, higher than other layered materials, thus providing a satisfactory system for the CO 2 capture and utilization.

  5. Mechanism-based inactivation of CYP2C9 by linderane.


    Wang, Hui; Wang, Kai; Mao, Xu; Zhang, Qingqing; Yao, Tong; Peng, Ying; Zheng, Jiang


    1. Linderane (LDR), a furan-containing sesquiterpenoid, is found in Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm, a common traditional Chinese herbal medicine. We thoroughly studied the irreversible inhibitory effect of LDR on cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9). 2. LDR caused a time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of CYP2C9. In addition, the inactivation of CYP2C9 by LDR was NADPH-dependent and irreversible. More than 50% of CYP2C9 activity was lost after its incubation with LDR at the concentration of 10 μM for 15 min at 30 °C. The maximal rate constant for inactivation (kinact) was found to be 0.0419 min(-1), and the concentration required for half-maximal inactivation (KI) was 1.26 μM, respectively. Glutathione (GSH), catalase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) failed to protect CYP2C9 against inactivation by LDR. Diclofenac, a substrate of CYP2C9, prevented the enzyme from inactivation produced by LDR. The estimated partition ratio of the inactivation was approximately 227. 3. Two reactive intermediates, including furanoepoxide and γ-ketoenal, might be responsible for the observed enzyme inactivation. The formation of the intermediates was verified by chemical synthesis. Multiple P450 enzymes, including CYPs 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 3A4, and 3A5, were found to be involved in the metabolic activation of LDR. In conclusion, LDR was characterized as a mechanism-based inactivator of CYP2C9.

  6. Phénomènes aux parois dans un mélange binaire critique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fisher, Michael E.; de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles

    Au contact d'un mélange binaire critique, une plaque solide perturbe les concentrations sur une épaisseur de corrélation ξ(T). Aux distances z < ξ, la perturbation décroit comme z-β/ν, ou β et ν sont deux exposants critiques (β/ν 1/2). Deux plaques identiques immergées dans le mélange, séparées par une épaisseur D < ξ, doivent s'attirer avec une énergie par centimètre carrè proportionnelle à 1/D2. Cette attraction s'ajoute à celle de van der Waals, et pourrait jouer un rôle dans la stabilité de certains colloïdes. In a near critical binary liquid mixture, the concentrations near a wall are perturbed over a distance of the order of the correlation length (ξ(T). At distances z smaller than ξ, the perturbation decreases, like z-β/ν. where β and ν are critical exponents (β/ν 1/2). Two identical plates in a mixture, separated by a thickness D < ξ, Should attract each other, the interaction decreasing as in 1/D2. This attraction is superimposed on the van der Waals forces, and may play a role in the stability of certain colloids.

  7. Electrostatic Steering Accelerates C3d:CR2 Association

    PubMed Central


    Electrostatic effects are ubiquitous in protein interactions and are found to be pervasive in the complement system as well. The interaction between complement fragment C3d and complement receptor 2 (CR2) has evolved to become a link between innate and adaptive immunity. Electrostatic interactions have been suggested to be the driving factor for the association of the C3d:CR2 complex. In this study, we investigate the effects of ionic strength and mutagenesis on the association of C3d:CR2 through Brownian dynamics simulations. We demonstrate that the formation of the C3d:CR2 complex is ionic strength-dependent, suggesting the presence of long-range electrostatic steering that accelerates the complex formation. Electrostatic steering occurs through the interaction of an acidic surface patch in C3d and the positively charged CR2 and is supported by the effects of mutations within the acidic patch of C3d that slow or diminish association. Our data are in agreement with previous experimental mutagenesis and binding studies and computational studies. Although the C3d acidic patch may be locally destabilizing because of unfavorable Coulombic interactions of like charges, it contributes to the acceleration of association. Therefore, acceleration of function through electrostatic steering takes precedence to stability. The site of interaction between C3d and CR2 has been the target for delivery of CR2-bound nanoparticle, antibody, and small molecule biomarkers, as well as potential therapeutics. A detailed knowledge of the physicochemical basis of C3d:CR2 association may be necessary to accelerate biomarker and drug discovery efforts. PMID:27092816

  8. Electrostatic Steering Accelerates C3d:CR2 Association.


    Mohan, Rohith R; Huber, Gary A; Morikis, Dimitrios


    Electrostatic effects are ubiquitous in protein interactions and are found to be pervasive in the complement system as well. The interaction between complement fragment C3d and complement receptor 2 (CR2) has evolved to become a link between innate and adaptive immunity. Electrostatic interactions have been suggested to be the driving factor for the association of the C3d:CR2 complex. In this study, we investigate the effects of ionic strength and mutagenesis on the association of C3d:CR2 through Brownian dynamics simulations. We demonstrate that the formation of the C3d:CR2 complex is ionic strength-dependent, suggesting the presence of long-range electrostatic steering that accelerates the complex formation. Electrostatic steering occurs through the interaction of an acidic surface patch in C3d and the positively charged CR2 and is supported by the effects of mutations within the acidic patch of C3d that slow or diminish association. Our data are in agreement with previous experimental mutagenesis and binding studies and computational studies. Although the C3d acidic patch may be locally destabilizing because of unfavorable Coulombic interactions of like charges, it contributes to the acceleration of association. Therefore, acceleration of function through electrostatic steering takes precedence to stability. The site of interaction between C3d and CR2 has been the target for delivery of CR2-bound nanoparticle, antibody, and small molecule biomarkers, as well as potential therapeutics. A detailed knowledge of the physicochemical basis of C3d:CR2 association may be necessary to accelerate biomarker and drug discovery efforts.

  9. Metabolism of Primed, Constant Infusions of [1,2-13C2] Glycine and [1-13C1] Phenylalanine to Urinary Oxalate

    PubMed Central

    Knight, John; Assimos, Dean G.; Callahan, Michael F.; Holmes, Ross P.


    Objective Experiments in humans and rodents using oral doses of glycine and phenylalanine have suggested that the metabolism of these amino acids contributes to urinary oxalate excretion. To better define this contribution we have examined the primed, constant infusion of [1-13C1] phenylalanine and [1,2-13C2] glycine in the post-absorptive state in healthy adults. Materials/Methods Subjects were infused for 5 hours, collected hourly urines and had blood drawn every 30 minutes. Ion chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to measure [13C] enrichment in urinary oxalate, glycolate and hippurate, and the enrichment of 13C-amino acids in plasma samples was measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Results Following infusion with either 6 µmoles/kg/hr [1-13C1] phenylalanine or 6 µmoles/kg/hr [1,2-13C2] glycine, no isotopic glycolate or oxalate was detected in urine. Based on the limits of detection of our ion chromatography/mass spectroscopy method, these data indicate that < 0.7% of the urinary oxalate could be derived from phenylalanine catabolism and < 5% from glycine catabolism. Infusions with high levels of [1,2-13C2] glycine, 60 µmoles/kg/hr, increased mean plasma glycine by 29% and the whole body flux of glycine by 72%. Under these conditions glycine contributed 16.0 ± 1.6% and 16.6 ± 3.2% to urinary oxalate and glycolate excretion, respectively. Experiments using cultured hepatoma cells demonstrated that only at supra-physiological levels (>1mM) did glycine and phenylalanine metabolism increase oxalate synthesis. Conclusions These data suggest glycine and phenylalanine metabolism make only minor contributions to oxalate synthesis and urinary oxalate excretion. PMID:21036374

  10. Arabidopsis DREB2C modulates ABA biosynthesis during germination.


    Je, Jihyun; Chen, Huan; Song, Chieun; Lim, Chae Oh


    Plant dehydration-responsive element binding factors (DREBs) are transcriptional regulators of the APETELA2/Ethylene Responsive element-binding Factor (AP2/ERF) family that control expression of abiotic stress-related genes. We show here that under conditions of mild heat stress, constitutive overexpression seeds of transgenic DREB2C overexpression Arabidopsis exhibit delayed germination and increased abscisic acid (ABA) content compared to untransformed wild-type (WT). Treatment with fluridone, an inhibitor of the ABA biosynthesis abrogated these effects. Expression of an ABA biosynthesis-related gene, 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 9 (NCED9) was up-regulated in the DREB2C overexpression lines compared to WT. DREB2C was able to trans-activate expression of NCED9 in Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts in vitro. Direct and specific binding of DREB2C to a complete DRE on the NCED9 promoter was observed in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Exogenous ABA treatment induced DREB2C expression in germinating seeds of WT. Vegetative growth of transgenic DREB2C overexpression lines was more strongly inhibited by exogenous ABA compared to WT. These results suggest that DREB2C is a stress- and ABA-inducible gene that acts as a positive regulator of ABA biosynthesis in germinating seeds through activating NCED9 expression. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Les bisphosphonates dans le traitement de l’ostéoporose

    PubMed Central

    Brown, Jacques P.; Morin, Suzanne; Leslie, William; Papaioannou, Alexandra; Cheung, Angela M.; Davison, Kenneth S.; Goltzman, David; Hanley, David Arthur; Hodsman, Anthony; Josse, Robert; Jovaisas, Algis; Juby, Angela; Kaiser, Stephanie; Karaplis, Andrew; Kendler, David; Khan, Aliya; Ngui, Daniel; Olszynski, Wojciech; Ste-Marie, Louis-Georges; Adachi, Jonathan


    Résumé Objectif Exposer l’efficacité et les risques du traitement par les bisphosphonates dans la prise en charge de l’ostéoporose et décrire les patients qui seraient de bons candidats aux congés thérapeutiques. Qualité des données Une recherche dans MEDLINE (PubMed, jusqu’au 31 décembre 2012) a permis de relever les publications pertinentes pour l’inclusion. La plupart des données probantes citées sont de niveau II (tirées d’essais non randomisés, de cohorte et d’autres essais comparatifs). Message principal L’efficacité des bisphosphonates de premier recours homologués pour la prévention des fractures a été éprouvée dans le cadre d’essais cliniques randomisés et contrôlés. Cependant, l’usage clinique répandu et prolongé des bisphosphonates a donné lieu à des rapports de manifestations indésirables rares, mais graves. L’ostéonécrose maxillaire et les fractures atypiques sous-trochantériennes ou diaphysaires du fémur seraient liées à l’emploi des bisphosphonates dans le traitement de l’ostéoporose, mais ces manifestations sont extrêmement rares et lorsqu’elles surviennent, elles sont accompagnées d’autres comorbidités ou de l’emploi concomitant de médicaments. Les congés thérapeutiques ne peuvent être envisagés que chez les patients à faible risque et dans un groupe restreint de patients dont le risque de fracture est modéré après un traitement de 3 à 5 ans. Conclusion Lorsque les bisphosphonates sont prescrits à des patients dont le risque de fracture est élevé, leur effet de prévention des fractures l’emporte de loin sur leurs torts potentiels. Chez les patients qui prennent des bisphosphonates depuis 3 à 5 ans, il faut réévaluer le besoin de poursuivre le traitement.

  12. C1-C2 instability with severe occipital headache in the setting of vertebral artery facet complex erosion.


    Taher, Fadi; Bokums, Kristaps; Aichmair, Alexander; Hughes, Alexander P


    An exact understanding of patient vertebral artery anatomy is essential to safely place screws at the atlanto-axial level in posterior arthrodesis. We aim to report a case of erosion of the left vertebral artery into the C1-C2 facet complex with resultant rotatory and lateral listhesis presenting with severe occipital headache. This represents a novel etiology for this diagnosis and our report illustrates technical considerations when instrumenting the C1-C2 segment. We report a case of severe occipital headache due to C1-C2 instability with resultant left C2 nerve compression in the setting of erosion of the vertebral artery into the C1-C2 facet complex. A 68-year-old woman presented with a 12-month history of progressively debilitating headache and neck pain with atlanto-axial instability. Computed tomography (CT) angiography demonstrated erosion of the left vertebral artery into the left C1-C2 facet complex. In addition, the tortuous vertebral arteries had eroded into the C2 pedicles, eliminating the possibility for posterior pedicle screw placement. The patient underwent posterior arthrodesis of C1-C2 utilizing bilateral lateral mass fixation into C1 and bilateral trans-laminar fixation into C2 with resolution of all preoperative complaints. This study constitutes the first report of a tortuous vertebral artery causing the partial destruction of a C1-C2 facet complex, as well as instability, with the clinical presentation of severe occipital headache. It hereby presents a novel etiology for both the development of C1-C2 segment instability as well as the development of occipital headache. Careful evaluation of such lesions utilizing CT angiography is important when formulating a surgical plan.

  13. Synthesis of [.sup.13C] and [.sup.2H] substituted methacrylic acid, [.sup.13C] and [.sup.2H] substituted methyl methacrylate and/or related compounds


    Alvarez, Marc A [Santa Fe, NM; Martinez, Rodolfo A [Santa Fe, NM; Unkefer, Clifford J [Los Alamos, NM


    The present invention is directed to labeled compounds of the formulae ##STR00001## wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of --S--, --S(.dbd.O)--, and --S(.dbd.O).sub.2--, Z is selected from the group consisting of 1-naphthyl, substituted 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, substituted 2-naphthyl, and phenyl groups with the structure ##STR00002## wherein R.sub.1, R.sub.2, R.sub.3, R.sub.4 and R.sub.5 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, a C.sub.1-C.sub.4 lower alkyl, a halogen, and an amino group selected from the group consisting of NH.sub.2, NHR and NRR' where R and R' are each independently selected from the group consisting of a C.sub.1-C.sub.4 lower alkyl, an aryl, and an alkoxy group, and X is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, a C.sub.1-C.sub.4 lower alkyl group, and a fully-deuterated C.sub.1-C.sub.4 lower alkyl group. The present invention is also directed to a process of preparing labeled compounds, e.g., process of preparing [.sup.13C]methacrylic acid by reacting a (CH.sub.3CH.sub.2O--.sup.13C(O)--.sup.13CH.sub.2)-- aryl sulfone precursor with .sup.13CHI to form a (CH.sub.3CH.sub.2O--.sup.13C(O)--.sup.13C(.sup.13CH.sub.3).sub.2)-- aryl sulfone intermediate, and, reacting the (CH.sub.3CH.sub.2O--.sup.13C(O)--.sup.13C(.sup.13CH.sub.3).sub.2)-- aryl sulfone intermediate with sodium hydroxide, followed by acid to form [.sup.13C]methacrylic acid. The present invention is further directed to a process of preparing [.sup.2H.sub.8]methyl methacrylate by reacting a (HOOC--C(C.sup.2H.sub.3).sub.2-- aryl sulfinyl intermediate with CD.sub.3I to form a (.sup.2H.sub.3COOC--C(C.sup.2H.sub.3).sub.2)-- aryl sulfinyl intermediate, and heating the(.sup.2H.sub.3COOC--C(C.sup.2H.sub.3).sub.2)-- aryl sulfinyl intermediate at temperatures and for time sufficient to form [.sup.2H.sub.8]methyl methacrylate.

  14. Structure-Activity Relationships of Truncated C2- or C8-Substituted Adenosine Derivatives as Dual Acting A2A and A3 Adenosine Receptor Ligands

    PubMed Central

    Hou, Xiyan; Majik, Mahesh S.; Kim, Kyunglim; Pyee, Yuna; Lee, Yoonji; Alexander, Varughese; Chung, Hwa-Jin; Lee, Hyuk Woo; Chandra, Girish; Lee, Jin Hee; Park, Seul-gi; Choi, Won Jun; Kim, Hea Ok; Phan, Khai; Gao, Zhan-Guo; Jacobson, Kenneth A.; Choi, Sun; Lee, Sang Kook; Jeong, Lak Shin


    Truncated N6-substituted-4′-oxo- and 4′-thioadenosine derivatives with C2 or C8 substitution were studied as dual acting A2A and A3 adenosine receptor (AR) ligands. The lithiation-mediated stannyl transfer and palladium-catalyzed cross coupling reactions were utilized for functionalization of the C2 position of 6-chloropurine nucleosides. An unsubstituted 6-amino group and a hydrophobic C2 substituent were required for high affinity at the hA2AAR, but hydrophobic C8 substitution abolished binding at the hA2AAR. However, most of synthesized compounds displayed medium to high binding affinity at the hA3AR, regardless of C2 or C8 substitution, and low efficacy in a functional cAMP assay. Several compounds tended to be full hA2AAR agonists. C2 substitution probed geometrically through hA2AAR-docking, was important for binding in order of hexynyl > hexenyl > hexanyl. Compound 4g was the most potent ligand acting dually as hA2AAR agonist and hA3AR antagonist, which might be useful for treatment of asthma or other inflammatory diseases. PMID:22142423

  15. Epitaxy of boron phosphide on AlN, 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC and ZrB2 substrates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Padavala, Balabalaji

    The semiconductor boron phosphide (BP) has many outstanding features making it attractive for developing various electronic devices, including neutron detectors. In order to improve the efficiency of these devices, BP must have high crystal quality along with the best possible electrical properties. This research is focused on growing high quality crystalline BP films on a variety of superior substrates like AlN, 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC and ZrB2 by chemical vapor deposition. In particular, the influence of various parameters such as temperature, reactant flow rates, and substrate type and its crystalline orientation on the properties of BP films were studied in detail. Twin-free BP films were produced by depositing on off-axis 4H-SiC(0001) substrate tilted 4° toward [11¯00] and crystal symmetry matched zincblende 3C-SiC. BP crystalline quality improved at higher deposition temperature (1200°C) when deposited on AlN, 4H-SiC, whereas increased strain in 3C-SiC and increased boron segregation in ZrB2 at higher temperatures limited the best deposition temperature to below 1200°C. In addition, higher flow ratios of PH 3 to B2H6 resulted in smoother films and improved quality of BP on all substrates. The FWHM of the Raman peak (6.1 cm -1), XRD BP(111) peak FWHM (0.18°) and peak ratios of BP(111)/(200) = 5157 and BP(111)/(220) = 7226 measured on AlN/sapphire were the best values reported in the literature for BP epitaxial films. The undoped films on AlN/sapphire were n-type with a highest electron mobility of 37.8 cm2/V˙s and a lowest carrier concentration of 3.15x1018 cm -3. Raman imaging had lower values of FWHM (4.8 cm-1 ) and a standard deviation (0.56 cm-1) for BP films on AlN/sapphire compared to 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC substrates. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy revealed residual tensile strain in BP on 4H-SiC, 3C-SiC, ZrB2/4H-SiC, bulk AlN substrates while compressive strain was evident on AlN/sapphire and bulk ZrB2 substrates. Among the substrates studied, Al

  16. 40 CFR Table C-4 to Subpart C of... - Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-4 Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53—Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and...

  17. 40 CFR Table C-4 to Subpart C of... - Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-4 Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53—Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and...

  18. 40 CFR Table C-4 to Subpart C of... - Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53 Protection of Environment... Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Table C-4 Table C-4 to Subpart C of Part 53—Test Specifications for PM10, PM2.5 and...

  19. Hyperfine excitation of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dagdigian, Paul J.


    Accurate estimation of the abundance of the ethynyl (C2H) radical requires accurate radiative and collisional rate coefficients. Hyperfine-resolved rate coefficients for (de-)excitation of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2 are presented in this work. These rate coefficients were computed in time-independent close-coupling quantum scattering calculations that employed a potential energy surface recently computed at the coupled-clusters level of theory that describes the interaction of C2H with H2. Rate coefficients for temperatures from 10 to 300 K were computed for all transitions among the first 40 hyperfine energy levels of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2. These rate coefficients were employed in simple radiative transfer calculations to simulate the excitation of C2H in typical molecular clouds.

  20. Similar substrate specificity of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C19 to reported human P450 2C counterpart enzymes by evaluation of 89 drug clearances.


    Hosaka, Shinya; Murayama, Norie; Satsukawa, Masahiro; Uehara, Shotaro; Shimizu, Makiko; Iwasaki, Kazuhide; Iwano, Shunsuke; Uno, Yasuhiro; Yamazaki, Hiroshi


    Cynomolgus monkeys are used widely in preclinical studies as non-human primate species. The amino acid sequence of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) 2C19 is reportedly highly correlated to that of human CYP2C19 (92%) and CYP2C9 (93%). In the present study, 89 commercially available compounds were screened to find potential substrates for cynomolgus monkey CYP2C19. Of 89 drugs, 34 were metabolically depleted by cynomolgus monkey CYP2C19 with relatively high rates. Among them, 30 compounds have been reported as substrates or inhibitors of, either or both, human CYP2C19 and CYP2C9. Several compounds, including loratadine, showed high selectivity to cynomolgus monkey CYP2C19, and all of these have been reported as human CYP2C19 and/or CYP2C9 substrates. In addition, cynomolgus monkey CYP2C19 formed the same loratadine metabolite as human CYP2C19, descarboethoxyloratadine. These results suggest that cynomolgus monkey CYP2C19 is generally similar to human CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 in its substrate recognition functionality. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Permafrost thaw strongly reduces allowable CO2 emissions for 1.5°C and 2°C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kechiar, M.; Gasser, T.; Kleinen, T.; Ciais, P.; Huang, Y.; Burke, E.; Obersteiner, M.


    We quantify how the inclusion of carbon emission from permafrost thaw impacts the budgets of allowable anthropogenic CO2 emissions. We use the compact Earth system model OSCAR v2.2 which we expand with a permafrost module calibrated to emulate the behavior of the complex models JSBACH, ORCHIDEE and JULES. When using the "exceedance" method and with permafrost thaw turned off, we find budgets very close to the CMIP5 models' estimates reported by IPCC. With permafrost thaw turned on, the total budgets are reduced by 3-4%. This corresponds to a 33-45% reduction of the remaining budget for 1.5°C, and a 9-13% reduction for 2°C. When using the "avoidance" method, however, permafrost thaw reduces the total budget by 3-7%, which corresponds to reductions by 33-56% and 56-79% of the remaining budget for 1.5°C and 2°C, respectively. The avoidance method relies on many scenarios that actually peak below the target whereas the exceedance method overlooks the carbon emitted by thawed permafrost after the temperature target is reached, which explains the difference. If we use only the subset of scenarios in which there is no net negative emissions, the permafrost-induced reduction in total budgets rises to 6-15%. Permafrost thaw therefore makes the emission budgets strongly path-dependent. We also estimate budgets of needed carbon capture in scenarios overshooting the temperature targets. Permafrost thaw strongly increases these capture budgets: in the case of a 1.5°C target overshot by 0.5°C, which is in line with the Paris agreement, about 30% more carbon must be captured. Our conclusions are threefold. First, inclusion of permafrost thaw systematically reduces the emission budgets, and very strongly so if the temperature target is overshot. Second, the exceedance method, that is the only one that complex models can follow, only partially accounts for the effect of slow non-linear processes such as permafrost thaw, leading to overestimated budgets. Third, the newfound

  2. BMP inhibition by DAN in Hensen's node is a critical step for the establishment of left-right asymmetry in the chick embryo.


    Katsu, Kenjiro; Tokumori, Daisuke; Tatsumi, Norifumi; Suzuki, Atsushi; Yokouchi, Yuji


    During left-right (L-R) axis formation, Nodal is expressed in the node and has a central role in the transfer of L-R information in the vertebrate embryo. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling also has an important role for maintenance of gene expression around the node. Several members of the Cerberus/Dan family act on L-R patterning by regulating activity of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family. We demonstrate here that chicken Dan plays a critical role in L-R axis formation. Chicken Dan is expressed in the left side of the node shortly after left-handed Shh expression and before the appearance of asymmetrically expressed genes in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). In vitro experiments revealed that DAN inhibited BMP signaling but not NODAL signaling. SHH had a positive regulatory effect on Dan expression while BMP4 had a negative effect. Using overexpression and RNA interference-mediated knockdown strategies, we demonstrate that Dan is indispensable for Nodal expression in the LPM and for Lefty-1 expression in the notochord. In the perinodal region, expression of Dan and Nodal was independent of each other. Nodal up-regulation by DAN required NODAL signaling, suggesting that DAN might act synergistically with NODAL. Our data indicate that Dan plays an essential role in the establishment of the L-R axis by inhibiting BMP signaling around the node. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. 40 CFR Figure C-2 to Subpart C of... - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53... Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-2 Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53—Illustration...

  4. 40 CFR Figure C-2 to Subpart C of... - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 2.5 Candidate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part... Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-2 Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53...

  5. 40 CFR Figure C-2 to Subpart C of... - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53... Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-2 Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53—Illustration...

  6. 40 CFR Figure C-2 to Subpart C of... - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 2.5 Candidate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 6 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM 2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part... Candidate Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-2 Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53...

  7. 40 CFR Figure C-2 to Subpart C of... - Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Illustration of the Slope and Intercept Limits for Class II and Class III PM2.5 Candidate Equivalent Methods C Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53... Methods and Reference Methods Pt. 53, Subpt. C, Fig. C-2 Figure C-2 to Subpart C of Part 53—Illustration...

  8. [2,4-(13)C]β-hydroxybutyrate metabolism in astrocytes and C6 glioblastoma cells.


    Eloqayli, Haytham; Melø, Torun M; Haukvik, Anne; Sonnewald, Ursula


    This study was undertaken to determine if the ketogenic diet could be useful for glioblastoma patients. The hypothesis tested was whether glioblastoma cells can metabolize ketone bodies. Cerebellar astrocytes and C6 glioblastoma cells were incubated in glutamine and serum free medium containing [2,4-(13)C]β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with and without glucose. Furthermore, C6 cells were incubated with [1-(13)C]glucose in the presence and absence of BHB. Cell extracts were analyzed by mass spectrometry and media by (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and HPLC. Using [2,4-(13)C]BHB and [1-(13)C]glucose it could be shown that C6 cells, in analogy to astrocytes, had efficient mitochondrial activity, evidenced by (13)C labeling of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. However, in the presence of glucose, astrocytes were able to produce and release glutamine, whereas this was not accomplished by the C6 cells, suggesting lack of anaplerosis in the latter. We hypothesize that glioblastoma cells kill neurons by not supplying the necessary glutamine, and by releasing glutamate.

  9. 21 CFR 74.1102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 74.1102 Section 74.1102 Food and... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Drugs § 74.1102 FD&C Blue No. 2. (a) Identity. (1) The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1). (2) Color additive...

  10. 21 CFR 74.1102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 74.1102 Section 74.1102 Food and... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Drugs § 74.1102 FD&C Blue No. 2. (a) Identity. (1) The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1). (2) Color additive...

  11. 21 CFR 74.1102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 74.1102 Section 74.1102 Food and... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Drugs § 74.1102 FD&C Blue No. 2. (a) Identity. (1) The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1). (2) Color additive...

  12. Damage cost of the Dan River coal ash spill.


    Dennis Lemly, A


    The recent coal ash spill on the Dan River in North Carolina, USA has caused several negative effects on the environment and the public. In this analysis, I report a monetized value for these effects after the first 6 months following the spill. The combined cost of ecological damage, recreational impacts, effects on human health and consumptive use, and esthetic value losses totals $295,485,000. Because the environmental impact and associated economic costs of riverine coal ash spills can be long-term, on the order of years or even decades, this 6-month assessment should be viewed as a short-term preview. The total cumulative damage cost from the Dan River coal ash spill could go much higher. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. C2 nerve root on magnetic resonance imaging of occipital neuralgia.


    Yi, Minkyung; Lee, Joon Woo; Yeom, Jin S; Joe, Eugene; Hong, Sung Hwan; Lee, Guen Young; Kang, Heung Sik


    Review and grade the morphology of the C1-C2 neural foramina, from the MR images of patients who underwent C1-C2 spinal surgery, and determine the relationship with ON. To evaluate the feasibility of MRI for C1-C2 neural foramen evaluation with a new grading system and to correlate the C1-C2 neural foramen grade with ON. There have been no MRI studies of patients with and without ON in relation to C2 nerve root ganglion findings. Among the registry of 124 patients who underwent C1-C2 spinal surgery between July 2004 and May 2012 in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, we enrolled 101 patients who had information about ON and a relevant preoperative cervical spine MR image. A total of 202 neural foramina were evaluated with our new C1-C2 neural foramen grading system (grade, 0-3) using consensus reading by 2 experienced radiologists who were blinded to the clinical information. The relationship between the C1-C2 grading system and ON was assessed using a χ test and Fisher exact test. Inter- and intraobserver reliability agreement was assessed using the κ statistic. All C1-C2 neural foramina were delineated on T2 parasagittal images. Among 202 C1-C2 neural foramina, grade zero was found in 49 foramina (24.3%), grade 1 in 95 (47.0%), grade 2 in 30 (14.9%), and grade 3 in 28 (13.9%). Grade 1 stenosis was most frequently noted. The grade 2 group had the most frequent prevalence of ON (43.3%), followed by grade 3 (35.7%), grade zero (30.6%), and grade 1 (29.5%). However, the relationship between the grade and ON was not statistically significant. Inter- and intraobserver agreements were substantially high. C1-C2 neural foramina can be depicted on MR image. However, the relationship between the new grading system for C1-C2 neural foramina and ON was not statistically significant. 4.

  14. 9 CFR 2.79 - C.O.D. shipments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false C.O.D. shipments. 2.79 Section 2.79 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL WELFARE REGULATIONS Records § 2.79 C.O.D. shipments. (a) No carrier or intermediate handler shall accept...

  15. High temperature wear performance of HVOF-sprayed Cr3C2-WC-NiCoCrMo and Cr3C2-NiCr hardmetal coatings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Wuxi; Zhou, Kesong; Li, Yuxi; Deng, Chunming; Zeng, Keli


    A novel Cr3C2-WC-NiCoCrMo and commercial Cr3C2-NiCr thermal spray-grade powders with particle size of -45 + 15 μm were prepared by an agglomeration and sintering process. Cr3C2-WC-NiCoCrMo and Cr3C2-NiCr coatings were deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying. The fundamental properties of both coatings were evaluated and friction wear test against Al2O3 counterbodies of both coatings at high temperatures (450 °C, 550 °C, 650 °C) were carried out ball-on-disk high temperature tribometer. All specimens were characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and 3D non-contact surface mapping profiler. The results have shown that the Cr3C2-WC-NiCoCrMo coating exhibited lower porosity, higher micro-hardness compared to the Cr3C2-NiCr coating. The Cr3C2-WC-NiCoCrMo coating also exhibited better wear resistance and higher friction coefficient compared to the Cr3C2-NiCr coating when sliding against the Al2O3 counterpart. Wear rates of both coatings increased with raising temperature. Both coatings experienced abrasive wear; hard phase particles (WC and Cr3C2) with different sizes, distributed in the matrix phase, will effectively improve the resistance against wear at high temperatures.

  16. Molecular mimicry regulates ABA signaling by SnRK2 kinases and PP2C phosphatases.


    Soon, Fen-Fen; Ng, Ley-Moy; Zhou, X Edward; West, Graham M; Kovach, Amanda; Tan, M H Eileen; Suino-Powell, Kelly M; He, Yuanzheng; Xu, Yong; Chalmers, Michael J; Brunzelle, Joseph S; Zhang, Huiming; Yang, Huaiyu; Jiang, Hualiang; Li, Jun; Yong, Eu-Leong; Cutler, Sean; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Griffin, Patrick R; Melcher, Karsten; Xu, H Eric


    Abscisic acid (ABA) is an essential hormone for plants to survive environmental stresses. At the center of the ABA signaling network is a subfamily of type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), which form exclusive interactions with ABA receptors and subfamily 2 Snfl-related kinase (SnRK2s). Here, we report a SnRK2-PP2C complex structure, which reveals marked similarity in PP2C recognition by SnRK2 and ABA receptors. In the complex, the kinase activation loop docks into the active site of PP2C, while the conserved ABA-sensing tryptophan of PP2C inserts into the kinase catalytic cleft, thus mimicking receptor-PP2C interactions. These structural results provide a simple mechanism that directly couples ABA binding to SnRK2 kinase activation and highlight a new paradigm of kinase-phosphatase regulation through mutual packing of their catalytic sites.

  17. Cobalt triggers necrotic cell death and atrophy in skeletal C2C12 myotubes.


    Rovetta, Francesca; Stacchiotti, Alessandra; Faggi, Fiorella; Catalani, Simona; Apostoli, Pietro; Fanzani, Alessandro; Aleo, Maria Francesca


    Severe poisoning has recently been diagnosed in humans having hip implants composed of cobalt-chrome alloys due to the release of particulate wear debris on polyethylene and ceramic implants which stimulates macrophagic infiltration and destroys bone and soft tissue, leading to neurological, sensorial and muscular impairments. Consistent with this premise, in this study, we focused on the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of Co(II) ions on skeletal muscle using mouse skeletal C2C12 myotubes as an in vitro model. As detected using propidium iodide incorporation, increasing CoCl2 doses (from 5 to 200μM) affected the viability of C2C12 myotubes, mainly by cell necrosis, which was attenuated by necrostatin-1, an inhibitor of the necroptotic branch of the death domain receptor signaling pathway. On the other hand, apoptosis was hardly detectable as supported by the lack of caspase-3 and -8 activation, the latter resulting in only faint activation after exposure to higher CoCl2 doses for prolonged time points. Furthermore, CoCl2 treatment resulted in atrophy of the C2C12 myotubes which was characterized by the increased expression of HSP25 and GRP94 stress proteins and other typical `pro-atrophic molecular hallmarks, such as early activation of the NF-kB pathway and down-regulation of AKT phosphorylation, followed by the activation of the proteasome and autophagy systems. Overall, these results suggested that cobalt may impact skeletal muscle homeostasis as an inducer of cell necrosis and myofiber atrophy. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. CO2 availability influences hydraulic function of C3 and C4 grass leaves

    PubMed Central

    Blackman, Chris J


    Abstract Atmospheric CO2 (ca) has increased since the last glacial period, increasing photosynthetic water use efficiency and improving plant productivity. Evolution of C4 photosynthesis at low ca led to decreased stomatal conductance (gs), which provided an advantage over C3 plants that may be reduced by rising ca. Using controlled environments, we determined how increasing ca affects C4 water use relative to C3 plants. Leaf gas exchange and mass per area (LMA) were measured for four C3 and four C4 annual, crop-related grasses at glacial (200 µmol mol−1), ambient (400 µmol mol−1), and super-ambient (640 µmol mol−1) ca. C4 plants had lower gs, which resulted in a water use efficiency advantage at all ca and was broadly consistent with slower stomatal responses to shade, indicating less pressure on leaf water status. At glacial ca, net CO2 assimilation and LMA were lower for C3 than for C4 leaves, and C3 and C4 grasses decreased leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) similarly, but only C4 leaves decreased osmotic potential at turgor loss. Greater carbon availability in C4 leaves at glacial ca generated a different hydraulic adjustment relative to C3 plants. At current and future ca, C4 grasses have advantages over C3 grasses due to lower gs, lower stomatal sensitivity, and higher absolute water use efficiency. PMID:29538702

  19. C2R2: Training Students To Build Coastal Resilience

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferraro, C.; Kopp, R. E.; Jordan, R.; Gong, J.; Andrews, C.; Auermuller, L. M.; Herb, J.; McDonnell, J. D.; Bond, S.


    In the United States, about 23 million people live within 6 meters of sea level. In many parts of the country, sea-level rise between 1960 and 2010 has already led to a 2-5-fold increase in the rate of `nuisance' flooding. On top of rising seas, intensifying hurricanes and more frequent extremes of heat, humidity and precipitation pose additional risks to coastal societies, economies and ecosystems. Addressing risks posed by changing climate conditions in coastal areas demands innovative strategies that intersect multiple disciplines including engineering, ecology, communication, climate science, and community planning. To be usable, it also requires engaging coastal stakeholders in the development of research questions, the assessment of implications of research for planning and policy, and the communication of research results. Yet traditional, disciplinary programs are poorly configured to train the workforce needed to assess coastal climate risk and to develop and deploy integrated strategies for increasing coastal climate resilience. Coastal Climate Risk & Resilience (C2R2) is an NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) working to prepare the workforce that will build coastal resilience in the face of climate risks. Through its trainee and certificate programs, C2R2 works with graduate students at Rutgers University from multiple disciplines to better integrate all the elements of coastal systems and to communicate effectively with coastal stakeholders. C2R2 students will acquire the knowledge and practical skills needed to become leading researchers and practitioners tackling the critical challenges of coastal resilience.

  20. Coastal flood implications of 1.5°C, 2°C and 2.5°C global mean temperature stabilization targets for small island nations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rasmussen, D.; Buchanan, M. K.; Kopp, R. E.; Oppenheimer, M.


    Sea-level rise (SLR) is magnifying the frequency and severity of flooding in coastal regions. The rate and amount of global-mean SLR is a function of the trajectory of the global mean surface temperature (GMST). Therefore, temperature stabilization targets (e.g., 1.5°C or 2°C, as from the Paris Agreement) have important implications for regulating coastal flood risk. Quantifying the differences in the impact from SLR between these and other GMST stabilization targets is necessary for assessing the benefits and harms of mitigation goals. Low-lying small island nations are particularly vulnerable to inundation and coastal flooding from SLR because building protective and resilient infrastructure may not be physically or economically feasible. For small island nations, keeping GMST below a specified threshold may be the only option for maintaining habitability. Here, we assess differences in the return levels of coastal floods for small island nations between 1.5°C, 2.0°C, and 2.5°C GMST stabilization. We employ probabilistic, localized SLR projections and long-term hourly tide gauge records to construct estimates of local flood risk. We then estimate the number of small island nations' inhabitants at risk for permanent inundation under different GMST stabilization targets.

  1. Nqrs Data for C2H5NO2 (Subst. No. 0554)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chihara, H.; Nakamura, N.

    This document is part of Subvolume A `Substances Containing Ag … C10H15' of Volume 48 `Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group III `Condensed Matter'. It contains an extract of Section `3.2 Data tables' of the Chapter `3 Nuclear quadrupole resonance data' providing the NQRS data for C2H5NO2 (Subst. No. 0554)

  2. Identification of pyrolysis products of the new psychoactive substance 2-amino-1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanone hydrochloride (bk-2C-B) and its iodo analogue bk-2C-I.


    Texter, Kelly B; Waymach, Rachel; Kavanagh, Pierce V; O'Brien, John E; Talbot, Brian; Brandt, Simon D; Gardner, Elizabeth A


    2-Amino-1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanone hydrochloride (bk-2C-B) has recently emerged as a new psychoactive substance (NPS). It is most commonly consumed orally, although there are indications that it might also be ingested by inhalation or 'smoking'. Information about the stability of bk-2C-B when exposed to heat is unavailable and the potential for pyrolytic degradation and formation of unknown substances available for inhalation prompted an investigation using a simulated 'meth pipe' scenario. Twelve products following pyrolysis of bk-2C-B were detected and verified by organic synthesis of the corresponding standards. In addition, 2-amino-1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanone hydrochloride (bk-2C-I) was characterized for the first time and subjected to pyrolysis as well. Similar products were formed, which indicated that the replacement of the bromo with the iodo substituent did not affect the pyrolysis pattern under the conditions used. Two additional products were detected in the bk-2C-I pyrolates, namely 1-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-ethanone and 1-iodo-4-ethenyl-5-methoxyphenol. The potential ingestion of pyrolysis products with unknown toxicity adds an element of concern. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  3. c-myc, c-fos, and c-jun regulation in the regenerating livers of normal and H-2K/c-myc transgenic mice.

    PubMed Central

    Morello, D; Fitzgerald, M J; Babinet, C; Fausto, N


    We investigated the mechanisms of regulation of c-myc, c-fos, and c-jun at the early stages of liver regeneration in mice. We show that the transient increase in steady-state levels of c-myc mRNA at the start of liver regeneration is most probably regulated by posttranscriptional mechanisms. Although there was a marked increase in c-myc transcriptional initiation shortly after partial hepatectomy, a block in elongation prevented the completion of most transcripts. To gain further information on the mechanism of regulation of c-myc expression during liver regeneration, we used transgenic mice harboring the human c-myc gene driven by the H-2K promoter. In these animals, the murine c-myc responded to the growth stimulus generated by partial hepatectomy, whereas the expression of the transgene was constitutive and did not change in the regenerating liver. However, the mRNA from both genes increased markedly after cycloheximide injection, suggesting that the regulation of c-myc mRNA abundance in the regenerating liver differs from that occurring after protein synthesis inhibition. Furthermore, we show that in normal mice c-fos and c-jun mRNA levels and transcriptional rates increase within 30 min after partial hepatectomy. c-fos transcriptional elongation was restricted in nongrowing liver, but the block was partially relieved in the regenerating liver. Nevertheless, for both c-fos and c-jun, changes in steady-state mRNA detected after partial hepatectomy were much greater than the transcriptional increase. In the regenerating liver of H-2K/c-myc mice, c-fos and c-jun expression was diminished, whereas mouse c-myc expression was enhanced in comparison with that in nontransgenic animals. Images PMID:2111449

  4. Occipital Neuralgia from C2 Cavernous Malformation

    PubMed Central

    Ha, Sang-woo; Choi, Jin-gyu; Son, Byung-chul


    A unique case is presented of chronic occipital neuralgia (ON) caused by cavernous malformation (CM) in the intramedullary C2 spinal cord and subsequent pain relief and remodeling of allodynic pain following dorsal root rhizotomy. A 53-year-old male presented with a 30-year history of chronic allodynic, paroxysmal lancinating pain in the greater and lesser occipital nerves. Typically, the pain was aggravated with neck extension and head movement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a CM in the right posterolateral side of the intramedullary C2 cord. Considering potential risks associated with removal of the lesion, intradural C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy with dentate ligament resection was performed. The paroxysmal lancinating pain of ON was significantly alleviated, and the remodeling of the extent of allodynic pain was noted after C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy. These changes gradually occurred during the second postoperative month, and this effect was maintained for 24 months postoperatively. Significant reduction in chronic allodynic pain of secondary ON caused by cervicomedullary CM involving central sensitization in the trigeminocervical complex was observed with reduction of irritating, afferent input with C1-C3 dorsal root rhizotomy. PMID:29682056

  5. Occipital Neuralgia from C2 Cavernous Malformation.


    Ha, Sang-Woo; Choi, Jin-Gyu; Son, Byung-Chul


    A unique case is presented of chronic occipital neuralgia (ON) caused by cavernous malformation (CM) in the intramedullary C2 spinal cord and subsequent pain relief and remodeling of allodynic pain following dorsal root rhizotomy. A 53-year-old male presented with a 30-year history of chronic allodynic, paroxysmal lancinating pain in the greater and lesser occipital nerves. Typically, the pain was aggravated with neck extension and head movement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a CM in the right posterolateral side of the intramedullary C2 cord. Considering potential risks associated with removal of the lesion, intradural C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy with dentate ligament resection was performed. The paroxysmal lancinating pain of ON was significantly alleviated, and the remodeling of the extent of allodynic pain was noted after C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy. These changes gradually occurred during the second postoperative month, and this effect was maintained for 24 months postoperatively. Significant reduction in chronic allodynic pain of secondary ON caused by cervicomedullary CM involving central sensitization in the trigeminocervical complex was observed with reduction of irritating, afferent input with C1-C3 dorsal root rhizotomy.

  6. Satellite Communications for Unmanned Aircraft C2 Links: C-Band, Ku-Band and Ka-Band

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kerczewski, Robert J.; Wilson, Jeffrey D.; Bishop, William D.


    Unmanned aircraft (UA) that require access to controlled (or non-segregated) airspace require a highly reliable and robust command and control (C2) link, operating over protected aviation spectrum. While operating within radio line-of-sight (LOS) UA can make use of air-to-ground C2 links to terrestrial stations. When operating beyond LOS (BLOS) where a group of networked terrestrial stations does not exist to provide effective BLOS coverage, a satellite communications link is required. Protected aviation spectrum for satellite C2 links has only recently been allocated in bands where operational satellites exist. A previously existing C-Band allocation covers a bands where there are currently no operational satellites. The new allocations, within the Fixed Satellite Service bands at Ku and Ka-Bands will not be finalized until 2023 due to the need for the development of standards and technical decisions on the operation of UA satellite C2 links within these bands. This paper provides an overview of BLOS satellite C2 links, some of the conditions which will need to be met for the operation of such links, and a look at some aspects of spectrum sharing which may constrain these operations.

  7. Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of conjugated polyketone reductase C2 (CPR-C2) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708

    PubMed Central

    Yamamura, Akihiro; Maruoka, Shintaro; Ohtsuka, Jun; Miyakawa, Takuya; Nagata, Koji; Kataoka, Michihiko; Kitamura, Nahoko; Shimizu, Sakayu; Tanokura, Masaru


    Conjugated polyketone reductase C2 (CPR-C2) from Candida parapsilosis IFO 0708 is a member of the NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily and catalyzes the stereospecific reduction of ketopantoyl lactone to d-pantoyl lactone. A diffraction-quality crystal of recombinant CPR-C2 was obtained by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 3350 as the precipitant. The crystal diffracted X-rays to 1.7 Å resolution on beamline NW12A of the Photon Factory-Advanced Ring (Tsukuba, Japan). The crystal belonged to space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 55.02, b = 68.30, c = 68.93 Å. The Matthews coefficient (V M = 1.76 Å3 Da−1) indicated that the crystal contained one CPR-C2 molecule per asymmetric unit. PMID:19923737

  8. Synthesis, extraction and electronic structure of Ce@C2n

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Bing-Bing; Zou, Guang-Tian; Yang, Hai-Bin; Yu, San; Lu, Jin-Shan; Liu, Zi-Yang; Liu, Shu-Ying; Xu, Wen-Guo


    In view of the growing interest in endohedral lanthanide fullerenes, Ce, as a typical+ 4 oxidation state lanthanide element, has been systematically studied. The synthesis, extraction and electronic structure of Ce @ C2n are investigated. Soot containing Ce@C2n was synthesized in high yield by carbonizing CeO2-containing graphite rods and are back-burning the CeC2-enriched cathode deposit in a DC arc plasma apparatus. Ce@C2n dominated by Ce@C82, can be efficiently extracted from the insoluble part of the soot after toluene Soxhlet extraction by pyridine at high temperature and high pressure in a closed vessel. About 60% Ce@C2n(2n = 82, 80, 78, 76) and 35% Ce@C82 can be enriched in the pyridine extract. This fact is identified by desorption electron impact mass spectrometry (DEI MS). The electronic structure of Ce@C2n is analyzed by using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) of pyridine-free film. It is suggested that the encapsulated Ce atom is in a charge state close to+ 3 and was effectively protected from reaction with water and oxygen by the enclosing fullerene cage. Unlike theoretical expectation, the electronic state of Ce@C82 is formally described as Ce+3@C3-82.

  9. 21 CFR 74.2602 - D&C Violet No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 74.2602 D&C Violet No. 2. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.1602(a)(1) and (b). (b) Uses and restrictions. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 may be...

  10. 21 CFR 74.2602 - D&C Violet No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 74.2602 D&C Violet No. 2. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.1602(a)(1) and (b). (b) Uses and restrictions. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 may be...

  11. 21 CFR 74.2602 - D&C Violet No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 74.2602 D&C Violet No. 2. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.1602(a)(1) and (b). (b) Uses and restrictions. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 may be...

  12. 21 CFR 74.2602 - D&C Violet No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... ADDITIVES SUBJECT TO CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 74.2602 D&C Violet No. 2. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.1602(a)(1) and (b). (b) Uses and restrictions. The color additive D&C Violet No. 2 may be...

  13. 75 FR 23572 - Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 B2-1C, B2-203, B2K-3C, B4-103, B4-203, B4-2C...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... cycles 6,700 flight 80A3 or Pratt & Whitney engines. flight cycles \\1\\. flight cycles or \\2\\. cycles or...-200 airplanes with GE CF6- 18,000 total 19,500 total 250 flight cycles 5,800 flight 80C2 engines... flight cycles 6,700 flight Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines. flight cycles \\1\\. flight cycles or \\2\\. cycles...

  14. Formation des etoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lelievre, Mario

    Le but de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des étoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales appartenant à divers types morphologiques. L'imagerie Hα profonde combinée à une robuste méthode d'identification des régions HII ont permis de détecter et de mesurer les propriétés (position, taille, luminosité, taux de formation d'étoiles) de plusieurs régions HII situées dans le disque interne (R < R25) de dix galaxies mais aussi à leur périphérie (R ≥ R 25). De façon générale, la répartition des régions HII ne montre aucune évidence de structure morphologique à R < R25 (bras spiraux, anneau, barre) à moins de limiter l'analyse aux régions HII les plus grosses ou les plus lumineuses. La répartition des régions HII, de même que leur taille et leur luminosité, sont toutefois sujettes à de forts effets de sélection qui dépendent de la distance des galaxies et qu'il faut corriger en ramenant l'échantillon à une résolution spatiale commune. Les fonctions de luminosité montrent que les régions HII les plus brillantes ont tendance à se former dans la portion interne du disque. De plus, l'analyse des pentes révèle une forte corrélation linéaire par rapport au type morphologique. Aucun pic n'est observé dans les fonctions de luminosité à log L-37 qui révèlerait la transition entre les régions HII bornées par l'ionisation et par la densité. Une relation cubique est obtenue entre la taille et la luminosité des régions HII, cette relation variant toutefois de façon significative entre le disque interne et la périphérie d'une même galaxie. La densité et la dynamique du gaz et des étoiles pourraient influencer de façon significative la stabilité des nuages moléculaires face à l'effondrement gravitationnel. D'une part, l'étendue du disque de régions HII pour cinq galaxies de l'échantillon coïncide avec celle de l'hydrogène atomique. D'autre part, en analysant la stabilité des disques galactiques, on conclue

  15. Reactions of the linear tetranuclear complex Ru sub 4 (CO) sub 10 (CH sub 3 C double bond C(H)C(H) double bond N-i-Pr) sub 2 with oxidizing reagents. Syntheses of halide-bridged (Ru(CO) sub 2 X(CH sub 3 C double bond C(H)C(H) double bond N-i-Pr)) sub 2 and fac-Ru(CO) sub 3 X(CH sub 3 C double bond C(H)C(H) double bond N-i-Pr)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mul, W.P.; Elsevier, C.J.; van Leijen, M.


    The linear tetranuclear complex Ru{sub 4}(CO){sub 10}(CH{sub 3}C{double bond}C(H)C(H){double bond}N-i-Pr){sub 2} (1), containing two {eta}{sup 5}-azaruthenacyclopentadienyl systems, reacts with oxidizing reagents (I{sub 2}, Br{sub 2}, NBS, CCl{sub 4}) at elevated temperatures (40-90C) in heptane or benzene to give the new dimeric halide-bridged organoruthenium(II) complexes (Ru(CO){sub 2}X(CH{sub 3}C{double bond}C(H)C(H){double bond}N-i-Pr)){sub 2} (X = I (3a), X = Br (3b), Cl (3c); yield 30-80%) together with (Ru(CO){sub 3}X{sub 2}){sub 2}. The reactions of 1 with CX{sub 4} (X = I, Br, Cl) are accelerated by CO, probably because Ru{sub 4}(CO){sub 12}(CH{sub 3}C{double bond}C(H)C(H){double bond}N-i-Pr){sub 2} (5), which contains two unbridged metal-metal bonds,more » is formed prior to oxidation. The halide-bridged dimers 3a-c are obtained as mixtures of four isomers, the configurations of which are discussed. Splitting of the halide bridges takes place when a solution of 3a-c is saturated with CO, whereby mononuclear fac-Ru(CO){sub 3}X(CH{sub 3}C{double bond}C(H)C(H){double bond}N-i-Pr) (4a-c) is obtained. This process is reversible; ie., passing a stream of nitrogen through a solution of 4a-c or removal of the solvent under vacuum causes the reverse reaction with reformation of 3a-c. Compounds 3a-c and 4a-c have been characterized by IR (3, 4), FD mass (3), {sup 1}H (3, 4), and {sup 13}C{l brace}H{r brace} NMR (4) spectroscopy and satisfactory elemental analyses have been obtained for 3a-c. Compounds 3 and 4 are suitable precursors for the preparation of new homo- and heteronuclear transition-metal complexes.« less

  16. Synthesis and characterization of a new and electronically unusual uranium metallacyclocumulene, (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph)


    Pagano, Justin K.; Erickson, Karla A.; Scott, Brian L.; ...


    A new uranium metallacyclocumulene, (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph), was synthesized by both reaction of (C 5Me 5) 2UCl 2 with 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne in the presence of KC 8 and by ligand exchange between (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 2-Me 3SiC 2SiMe 3) and 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne. Lastly, full characterization of (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph) is reported, including the solid-state structure. (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph) displays an unusually detailed UV–visible spectrum, which is rare for uranium(IV) metallocene complexes.

  17. Synthesis and characterization of a new and electronically unusual uranium metallacyclocumulene, (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pagano, Justin K.; Erickson, Karla A.; Scott, Brian L.

    A new uranium metallacyclocumulene, (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph), was synthesized by both reaction of (C 5Me 5) 2UCl 2 with 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne in the presence of KC 8 and by ligand exchange between (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 2-Me 3SiC 2SiMe 3) and 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne. Lastly, full characterization of (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph) is reported, including the solid-state structure. (C 5Me 5) 2U(η 4-1,2,3,4-PhC 4Ph) displays an unusually detailed UV–visible spectrum, which is rare for uranium(IV) metallocene complexes.

  18. SiC Nanoparticles Toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC Multilayer Functionally Graded Oxidation Protective Coating for Carbon Materials at High Temperatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdollahi, Alireza; Ehsani, Naser; Valefi, Zia; Khalifesoltani, Ali


    A SiC nanoparticle toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC functionally graded oxidation protective coating on graphite was prepared by reactive melt infiltration (RMI) at 1773 and 1873 K under argon atmosphere. The phase composition and anti-oxidation behavior of the coatings were investigated. The results show that the coating was composed of MoSi2, α-SiC and β-SiC. By the variations of Gibbs free energy (calculated by HSC Chemistry 6.0 software), it could be suggested that the SiC coating formed at low temperatures by solution-reprecipitation mechanism and at high temperatures by gas-phase reactions and solution-reprecipitation mechanisms simultaneously. SiC nanoparticles could improve the oxidation resistance of SiC/MoSi2-SiC multiphase coating. Addition of SiC nanoparticles increases toughness of the coating and prevents spreading of the oxygen diffusion channels in the coating during the oxidation test. The mass loss and oxidation rate of the SiC nanoparticle toughened-SiC/MoSi2-SiC-coated sample after 10-h oxidation at 1773 K were only 1.76% and 0.32 × 10-2 g/cm3/h, respectively.

  19. Oxidation of ZrB2 SiC TaSi2 Materials at Ultra High Temperatures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Opila, E.; Smith, J.; Levine, S.; Lorincz, J.; Reigel, M.


    ZrB2 - 20v% SiC - 20v% TaSi2 was oxidized in stagnant air for ten minute cycles for times up to 100 minutes at 1627 C and 1927 C. The sample oxidized at 1627 C showed oxidation resistance better than that of the standard ZrB2 - 20v% SiC. The sample oxidized at 1927 C, however, showed evidence of liquid phase formation and complex oxidation products. The sample exposed at 1927 C was analyzed in detail by scanning electron microprobe and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy to understand the complex oxidation and melting reactions occurring during exposure. The as hot-pressed material shows the formation of a Zr(Ta)B2 phase in addition to the three phases in the nominal composition already noted. After oxidation, the TaSi2 in the matrix was completely reacted to form Ta(Zr)C. The layered oxidation products included SiO2, ZrO2, Ta2O5, and a complex oxide containing both Zr and Ta. Likely reactions are proposed based on thermodynamic phase stability and phase morphology.

  20. Identification of a synonymous polymorphism within the cytochrome P4502C9 gene that interferes with identification of the CYP2C9*2 allele.


    Womack, Edward P; Reynolds, Kristen K; Valdes, Roland; Linder, Mark W


    Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP4502C9) genotyping is useful in dosage adjustments for several critical drug therapies, including warfarin. Potential interference compromising these genotyping results could lead to inappropriate dose adjustments that may result in adverse drug reactions. During routine clinical CYP4502C9 genotyping using multiplex allele-specific primer extension, an ambiguous result was obtained for determination of the CYP2C9 430C>T substitution, which defines the CYP2C9*2 allele. In this one patient sample submitted for CYP2C9 genotyping, the ratio for the variant 430T allele signal to the total signal (C+T alleles) was 0.29. This is above the expected ratio to be classified as wild-type (<0.15) and below the minimum expected ratio (>0.3) when the genotype is heterozygous at the 430 position. The mean fluorescence intensity for the 430C allele was consistent with that observed in subjects who are heterozygous at this nucleotide position. However, the corresponding signal for the 430T allele indicated the absence of the CYP2C9*2 allele. This suggests the assay was not able to determine the correct nucleotide at position 430 for one of the two alleles in this patient. Subsequent sequencing to investigate the allele-specific primer extension failure revealed the presence of a rare C>T nucleotide substitution at position 429. We tested this subject's CYP2C9 genotype using AvaII restriction endonuclease digestion and found that this rare substitution causes false-positive identification of the CYP2C9*2 allele when using this method. We developed a DpnII endonuclease digestion assay to specifically detect the CYP2C9 429C>T substitution and tested 100 randomly selected samples obtained from unrelated individuals. The 429C>T polymorphism was not identified in this sample set, which indicates an allele frequency of less than 2.0% (95% confidence interval, 0.0-1.8%) in the general population. Despite the rarity of this polymorphism, it has important implications

  1. Molecular Mimicry Regulates ABA Signaling by SnRK2 Kinases and PP2C Phosphatases

    PubMed Central

    Soon, Fen-Fen; Ng, Ley-Moy; Zhou, X. Edward; West, Graham M.; Kovach, Amanda; Tan, M. H. Eileen; Suino-Powell, Kelly M.; He, Yuanzheng; Xu, Yong; Chalmers, Michael J.; Brunzelle, Joseph S.; Zhang, Huiming; Yang, Huaiyu; Jiang, Hualiang; Li, Jun; Yong, Eu-Leong; Cutler, Sean; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Griffin, Patrick R.; Melcher, Karsten; Xu, H. Eric


    Abscisic acid (ABA) is an essential hormone for plants to survive environmental stresses. At the center of the ABA signaling network is a subfamily of type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), which form exclusive interactions with ABA receptors and subfamily 2 Snfl-related kinase (SnRK2s). Here, we report a SnRK2-PP2C complex structure, which reveals marked similarity in PP2C recognition by SnRK2 and ABA receptors. In the complex, the kinase activation loop docks into the active site of PP2C, while the conserved ABA-sensing tryptophan of PP2C inserts into the kinase catalytic cleft, thus mimicking receptor-PP2C interactions. These structural results provide a simple mechanism that directly couples ABA binding to SnRK2 kinase activation and highlight a new paradigm of kinase-phosphatase regulation through mutual packing of their catalytic sites. PMID:22116026

  2. Molecular Mimicry Regulates ABA Signaling by SnRK2 Kinases and PP2C Phosphatases

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Soon, Fen-Fen; Ng, Ley-Moy; Zhou, X. Edward

    Abscisic acid (ABA) is an essential hormone for plants to survive environmental stresses. At the center of the ABA signaling network is a subfamily of type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), which form exclusive interactions with ABA receptors and subfamily 2 Snfl-related kinase (SnRK2s). Here, we report a SnRK2-PP2C complex structure, which reveals marked similarity in PP2C recognition by SnRK2 and ABA receptors. In the complex, the kinase activation loop docks into the active site of PP2C, while the conserved ABA-sensing tryptophan of PP2C inserts into the kinase catalytic cleft, thus mimicking receptor-PP2C interactions. These structural results provide a simple mechanismmore » that directly couples ABA binding to SnRK2 kinase activation and highlight a new paradigm of kinase-phosphatase regulation through mutual packing of their catalytic sites.« less

  3. Three novel HBB mutations, c.-140C>G (-90 C>G), c.237_256delGGACAACCTCAAGGGCACCT (FS Cd 78/85 -20 bp), and c.315+2T>G (IVS2:2 T>G). Update of the mutational spectrum of β-Thalassemia in Mexican mestizo patients.


    Rizo-de-la-Torre, L C; Ibarra, B; Sánchez-López, J Y; Magaña-Torres, M T; Rentería-López, V M; Perea-Díaz, F J


    Beta-thalassemia (β-thal) is frequent in Mexican patients with microcytosis and hypochromia. We report three novel mutations and analyze the actual mutational spectrum in Mexican population. One hundred and forty-nine β-thal Mexican mestizo patients were studied (154 alleles). ARMS-PCR was performed to identify Cd39C>T, IVS1:1G>A, IVS1:110G>A, -28A>C, initiation codonA>G and IVS1:5G>A mutations, and gap-PCR for δβ-thal Spanish type. DNA sequencing of HBB gene was carried out in negative samples for the initial screening. Fifteen different HBB gene mutations were observed in 148 alleles; three of them are novel: -90C>G, 20 bp deletion (at codons 78/85), and IVS2:2T>G; the mutation IVS1:6T>C that was observed for first time in our population; and eleven previously described mutations. Six alleles showed normal HBB sequence. To date, a total of 21 different mutations have been observed in Mexican patients; the four most frequent mutations are of Mediterranean origin: Cd39C>T (37.2%), IVS1:1G>A (17.3%), IVS1:110G>A (13.9%), and δβ-thal Spanish type (9.0%), which represent 77.4% of the total studied alleles. Considering the novel mutations -90C>G, -20 bp Cd78/85, IVS2:2T>G and the first observation of IVS1:6T>C, the molecular spectrum of β-thal in Mexicans comprises 21 different mutations, confirming the high allelic heterogeneity in Mexicans. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Simulation of Degraded Properties of 2D plain Woven C/SiC Composites under Preloading Oxidation Atmosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Xihui; Sun, Zhigang; Sun, Jianfen; Song, Yingdong


    In this paper, a numerical model which incorporates the oxidation damage model and the finite element model of 2D plain woven composites is presented for simulation of the oxidation behaviors of 2D plain woven C/SiC composite under preloading oxidation atmosphere. The equal proportional reduction method is firstly proposed to calculate the residual moduli and strength of unidirectional C/SiC composite. The multi-scale method is developed to simulate the residual elastic moduli and strength of 2D plain woven C/SiC composite. The multi-scale method is able to accurately predict the residual elastic modulus and strength of the composite. Besides, the simulated residual elastic moduli and strength of 2D plain woven C/SiC composites under preloading oxidation atmosphere show good agreements with experimental results. Furthermore, the preload, oxidation time, temperature and fiber volume fractions of the composite are investigated to show their influences upon the residual elastic modulus and strength of 2D plain woven C/SiC composites.

  5. Synthesis and some coordination chemistry of the PSnP pincer-type stannylene Sn(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4, attempts to prepare the PSiP analogue, and the effect of the E atom on the molecular structures of E(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (E = C, Si, Ge, Sn).


    Brugos, Javier; Cabeza, Javier A; García-Álvarez, Pablo; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Polo, Diego


    The non-donor-stabilized PSnP pincer-type stannylene Sn(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (1) has been prepared by treating SnCl2 with Li2(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4. All attempts to synthesize the analogous PSiP silylene by reduction of the (previously unknown) silanes SiCl2(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (2), SiHCl(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (3) and SiH(HMDS)(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (4; HMDS = N(SiMe3)2) have been unsuccessful. The almost planar (excluding the tert-butyl groups) molecular structure of stannylene 1 (determined by X-ray crystallography) has been rationalized with the help of DFT calculations, which have shown that, in the series of diphosphanetetrylenes E(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4 (E = C, Si, Ge, Sn), the most stable conformation of the compounds with E = Ge and Sn has both P atoms very close to the EN2C6H4 plane, near (interacting with) the E atom, whereas for the compounds with E = C and Si, both phosphane groups are located at one side of the EN2C6H4 plane and far away from the E atom. The size of the E atom and the strength of stabilizing donor-acceptor PE interactions (both increase on going down in group 14) are key factors in determining the molecular structures of these diphosphanetetrylenes. The syntheses of the chloridostannyl complexes [Rh{κ2Sn,P-SnCl(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4}(η4-cod)] (5), [RuCl{κ2Sn,P-SnCl(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4}(η6-cym)] (6) and [IrCl{κ2Sn,P-SnCl(NCH2PtBu2)2C6H4}(η5-C5Me5)] (7) have demonstrated the tendency of stannylene 1 to insert its Sn atom into M-Cl bonds of transition metal complexes and the preference of the resulting PSnP chloridostannyl group to act as a κ2Sn,P-chelating ligand, maintaining an uncoordinated phosphane fragment. X-ray diffraction data (of 6), 31P{1H} NMR data (of 5-7) and DFT calculations (on 6) are consistent with the existence of a weak PSn interaction involving the non-coordinated P atom of complexes 5-7, similar to that found in stannylene 1.

  6. Internal and external factors in the structural organization in cocrystals of the mixed-metal endohedrals (GdSc2N@Ih-C80, Gd2ScN@Ih-C80, and TbSc2N@Ih-C80) and nickel(II) octaethylporphyrin.


    Stevenson, Steven; Chancellor, Christopher J; Lee, Hon Man; Olmstead, Marilyn M; Balch, Alan L


    Structural characterizations of three new mixed-metal endohedrals, GdSc 2N@ I h -C80, Gd 2ScN@ I h -C80, and TbSc 2@ I h -C80, have been obtained by single-crystal X-ray diffraction on GdSc 2N@ I h -C80 x Ni (II)(OEP) x 2C 6H 6, Gd 2ScN@ I h -C 80 x Ni(II)(OEP) x 2C6H6, and TbSc 2N@ I h -C80 x Ni (II)(OEP) x 2C6H6. All three have I h -C 80 cages and planar MM' 2N units. The central nitride ion is positioned further from the larger Gd3+ or Tb3+ ions and closer to the smaller Sc3+ ions. The MM' 2N units show a remarkable degree of orientational order in these and related compounds in which the endohedral fullerene is cocrystallized with a metalloporphyrin. The MM' 2N units are oriented perpendicularly to the porphyrin plane and aligned along one of the N-Ni-N axes of the porphyrin. The smaller Sc3+ ions show a marked preference to lie near the porphyrin plane. The larger Gd3+ or Tb3+ ions assume positions further from the plane of the porphyrin. The roles of dipole forces and electrostatic forces in ordering these cocrystals of endohedral fullerenes and metalloporphyrins are considered.

  7. Chemistry through cocrystals: pressure-induced polymerization of C 2H 2·C 6H 6 to an extended crystalline hydrocarbon

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ward, Matthew D.; Huang, Haw-Tyng; Zhu, Li

    The 1:1 acetylene–benzene cocrystal, C 2H 2·C 6H 6, was synthesized under pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and its evolution under pressure was studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.

  8. Chemistry through cocrystals: pressure-induced polymerization of C 2H 2·C 6H 6 to an extended crystalline hydrocarbon

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ward, Matthew D.; Huang, Haw-Tyng; Zhu, Li

    The 1 : 1 acetylene–benzene cocrystal, C 2H 2·C 6H 6, was synthesized under pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and its evolution under pressure was studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.

  9. Suggestion for search of ethylene oxide (c-C2H4O) in a cosmic object

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharma, M. K.; Sharma, M.; Chandra, S.


    Ethylene oxide (c-C2H4O) and its isomer acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) are important organic molecules because of their potential role in the formation of amino acids. The c-C2H4O molecule is a b-type asymmetric top molecule and owing to half-spin of each of the four hydrogen atoms, it has two distinct ortho (nuclear spin one) and para (nuclear spin zero and two) species. It has been detected in the Sgr B2N. Using the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants along with the electric dipole moment, we have calculated energies of 100 rotational levels of each of the ortho and para species of c-C2H4O molecule and the Einstein A-coefficients for radiative transitions between the levels. The values of Einstein A-coefficients along with the scaled values for the collisional rate coefficients are used for solving a set of statistical equilibrium equations coupled with the equations of radiative transfer. Brightness-temperatures of five rotational transitions of each of the ortho and para species of c-C2H4O molecule are investigated. Out of these ten transitions, three transitions are found to show the anomalous absorption and rest seven are found to show the emission feature. We have also investigated seven transitions observed unblended in the Sgr B2(N). We have found that the transitions 3_{3 0} - 3_{2 1} (23.134 GHz), 2_{2 0} - 2_{1 1} (15.603 GHz), 3_{3 1} - 3_{2 2} (39.680 GHz) and 1_{1 1} - 0_{0 0} (39.582 GHz) may play important role for the identification of ethylene oxide in a cosmic object.

  10. Controle optique de qubits lies a des centres isoelectroniques d'azote dans le GaAs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ethier-Majcher, Gabriel

    Le traitement de l'information quantique est un domaine de recherche actuellement en pleine effervescence car il laisse entrevoir une revolution dans notre facon de traiter et d'echanger de l'information. D'une part, l'ordinateur quantique promet de resoudre des problemes comme la factorisation d'un polynome de facon beaucoup plus efficace qu'un ordinateur classique. D'autre part, les communications quantiques promettent l'echange d'information de facon fondamentalement inviolable. Afin de tirer pleinement profit de ces nouvelles technologies, il sera avantageux de construire des reseaux quantiques. Dans un tel reseau, des processeurs quantiques, les noeuds, seront connectes par des photons voyageant dans des fibres optiques. Les reseaux quantiques permettront de deployer les communications quantiques a grande echelle et de creer des super-ordinateurs quantiques. La realisation de reseaux quantiques necessitera des interfaces optiques pouvant echanger l'information de facon coherente entre un qubit (bit d'information quantique) et un photon. L'implementation de telles interfaces dans un systeme physique s'avere un important defi scientifique et technologique. Or, les systemes actuellement envisages a cette fin souffrent d'un faible couplage avec la lumiere ou encore de grandes inhomogeneites, constituant des obstacles a la realisation de reseaux a grande echelle. Dans cette these, le potentiel des centres isoelectroniques pour realiser des interfaces optiques est evalue. Deux types de qubits lies a des paires d'azote dans le GaAs sont consideres : les qubits excitoniques et les qubits de spin electronique, controlables par l'intermediaire d'excitons charges. Le controle optique complet des qubits excitoniques est demontre, ce qui constitue la premiere realisation du genre dans les centres isoelectroniques. L'observation d'excitons charges dans ce systeme, liant a la fois des trous lourds et des trous legers, laisse entrevoir de nouvelles possibilites afin de

  11. 26 CFR 1.691(c)-2 - Estates and trusts.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Estates and trusts. 1.691(c)-2 Section 1.691(c... (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Income in Respect of Decedents § 1.691(c)-2 Estates and trusts. (a) In the case of an estate or trust, the deduction prescribed in section 691(c) is determined in the same manner as...

  12. Synthetic and Spectroscopic Studies on N-(i,j-Disubstituted Phenyl)-4- Substituted Benzenesulphonamides, 4-X'C6H4SO2NH(i,j-X2C6H3), where X' = H, CH3, C2H5, F, Cl or Br; i, j = 2, 3; 2, 4; 2, 5; 2, 6 or 3, 4; and X = CH3 or Cl

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shetty, Mahesha; Gowda, B. Thimme


    Fifty four N-(i,j-disubstituted phenyl)-4-substituted benzenesulphonamides of the general formula 4-X'C6H4SO2NH(i,j-X2C6H3), where X' = H, CH3, C2H5, F, Cl or Br; i,j = 2,3; 2,4; 2,5; 2,6 or 3, 4; and X = CH3 or Cl, are prepared and characterized and their infrared, 1H and 13C NMR spectra in solution are studied. The N-H stretching vibrations νN-H absorb in the range 3305 - 3205 cm-1, while the asymmetric and symmetric SO2 vibrations vary in the ranges 1377 - 1307 cm-1 and 1184 - 1128 cm-1, respectively. The N-(i,j-disubstituted phenyl)-4-substituted benzenesulphonamides show C-S, S-N and C-N stretching vibrations in the ranges 844 - 800 cm-1, 945 - 891 cm-1 and 1309 - 1170 cm-1, respectively. The compounds do not exhibit particular trends in the variation of these frequencies on substitution either at ortho or meta positions with either a methyl group or Cl. The observed 1H and 13C chemical shifts of 2.jpg" /> are assigned to protons and carbon atoms of the two benzene rings. Incremental shifts of the ring protons and carbon atoms due to -SO2NH(i,j-X2C6H3) groups in C6H5SO2NH(i,j-X2C6H3) and 4-X'C6H4SO2NH- groups in 4-X'C6H4SO2NH(C6H*) are computed and employed to calculate the chemical shifts of the ring protons and carbon atoms in the substituted compounds 4-X'C6H4SO2NH(i,j-X2C6H3). The different methods of calculation lead to almost the same values in most cases and agree well with the observed chemical shifts, indicating the validity of the principle of additivity of the substituent effects with chemical shifts in these compounds.

  13. FIRRE command and control station (C2)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laird, R. T.; Kramer, T. A.; Cruickshanks, J. R.; Curd, K. M.; Thomas, K. M.; Moneyhun, J.


    The Family of Integrated Rapid Response Equipment (FIRRE) is an advanced technology demonstration program intended to develop a family of affordable, scalable, modular, and logistically supportable unmanned systems to meet urgent operational force protection needs and requirements worldwide. The near-term goal is to provide the best available unmanned ground systems to the warfighter in Iraq and Afghanistan. The overarching long-term goal is to develop a fully-integrated, layered force protection system of systems for our forward deployed forces that is networked with the future force C4ISR systems architecture. The intent of the FIRRE program is to reduce manpower requirements, enhance force protection capabilities, and reduce casualties through the use of unmanned systems. FIRRE is sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics (OUSD AT&L), and is managed by the Product Manager, Force Protection Systems (PM-FPS). The FIRRE Command and Control (C2) Station supports two operators, hosts the Joint Battlespace Command and Control Software for Manned and Unmanned Assets (JBC2S), and will be able to host Mission Planning and Rehearsal (MPR) software. The C2 Station consists of an M1152 HMMWV fitted with an S-788 TYPE I shelter. The C2 Station employs five 24" LCD monitors for display of JBC2S software [1], MPR software, and live video feeds from unmanned systems. An audio distribution system allows each operator to select between various audio sources including: AN/PRC-117F tactical radio (SINCGARS compatible), audio prompts from JBC2S software, audio from unmanned systems, audio from other operators, and audio from external sources such as an intercom in an adjacent Tactical Operations Center (TOC). A power distribution system provides battery backup for momentary outages. The Ethernet network, audio distribution system, and audio/video feeds are available for use outside the C2 Station.

  14. The MCH2+ Systems: Do ScCH2+ and TiCH2+ Have C(sub s) or C(sub 2v) Symmetry and A Comparison of the B3LYP Method to Other Approaches

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ricca, Alessandra; Bauschlicher, Charles W., Jr.; Langhoff, Stephen R. (Technical Monitor)


    ScCH2(+) and TiCH2(+) are found to have C(sub s) symmetry, while the remaining systems have the expected C(sub 2v) symmetry. The C(sub s) symmetry structure is favored for ScCH2(+) and TiCH2(+) because it allows donation from one of the CH bonds into an empty 3d orbital. This distortion stabilizes the systems by less than 2 kcal/mol at the B3LYP, CASSCF, and CCSD(T) levels of theory. The SCF and B3LYP approaches find the C2(sub v) structure to be a saddle point, while the CASSCF approach finds the C(sub 2v) structure to be a stationary point. For V-Cu there are no empty 3d orbitals of the correct symmetry, and therefore the distortion to C(sub s), is unfavorable. The B3LYP binding energies are in good agreement with experiment and our previous best estimates.

  15. Mass spectra for q c q ¯ c ¯, s c s ¯ c ¯, q b q ¯ ¯, s b s ¯ ¯ tetraquark states with JP C=0++ and 2++

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Wei; Chen, Hua-Xing; Liu, Xiang; Steele, T. G.; Zhu, Shi-Lin


    We have studied the mass spectra of the hidden-charm/bottom q c q ¯c ¯, s c s ¯c ¯ and q b q ¯b ¯, s b s ¯b ¯ tetraquark states with JP C=0++ and 2++ in the framework of QCD sum rules. We construct ten scalar and four tensor interpolating currents in a systematic way and calculate the mass spectra for these tetraquark states. The X*(3860 ) may be either an isoscalar tetraquark state or χc 0(2 P ). If the X*(3860 ) is a tetraquark candidate, our results prefer the 0++ option over the 2++ one. The X (4160 ) may be classified as either the scalar or tensor q c q ¯c ¯ tetraquark state, while the X (3915 ) favors a 0++ q c q ¯c ¯ or s c s ¯c ¯ tetraquark assignment over the tensor one. The X (4350 ) cannot be interpreted as a s c s ¯c ¯ tetraquark with either JP C=0++ or 2++.

  16. Sondes radicalaires pour l'imagerie RPE et PDN stables dans les fluides biologiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guiberteau, T.; Marx, L.; Rassat, A.; Grucker, D.


    Electron paramagnetic resonance and dynamic nuclear polarisation are two techniques that allow the detection of free radicals. They can also be used for in vivo studies for oximetry in blood or tissues. One of the main problems for the development of these techniques is the need of free radicals that are stable in biological media. We present in this communication a study by EPR and DNP of two free radicals that can be suitable for in vivo applications. La résonance paramagnétique électronique et la polarisation dynamique nucléaire sont deux techniques qui permettent de détecter les radicaux libres dans divers systèmes. Elles peuvent également être utilisées in vivo et permettre ainsi de mesurer la concentration en oxygène dans le sang ou dans les tissus. Un des problèmes de ces techniques est l'utilisation de sondes radicalaires suffisamment stables dans les milieux biologiques. Nous présentons une étude comparative par RPE et PDN de deux radicaux libres de type nitroxydes dérivés de l'isoindoline. Un des radicaux possédant quatre groupements éthyle semble être intéressant pour le développement de la RPE et la PDN in vivo.

  17. Calculation of the 13C NMR shieldings of the C0 2 complexes of aluminosilicates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tossell, J. A.


    13C NMR shieldings have been calculated using the random-phase-approximation, localized-orbital local-origins version of ab initio coupled Hartree-Fuck perturbation theory for CO 2 and and for several complexes formed by the reaction of CO 2 with molecular models for aluminosilicate glasses, H 3TOT'H3 3-n, T,T' = Si,Al. Two isomeric forms of the CO 2-aluminosilicate complexes have been considered: (1) "CO 2-like" complexes, in which the CO 2 group is bound through carbon to a bridging oxygen and (2) "CO 3-like" complexes, in which two oxygens of a central CO 3 group form bridging bonds to the two TH 3 groups. The CO 2-like isomer of CO 2-H 3SiOSiH 3 is quite weakly bonded and its 13C isotropic NMR shielding is almost identical to that in free CO 2. As Si is progressively replaced by Al in the - H terminated aluminosilicate model, the CO 2-like isomers show increasing distortion from the free CO 2 geometry and their 13C NMR shieldings decrease uniformly. The calculated 13C shielding value for H 3AlO(CO 2)AlH 3-2 is only about 6 ppm larger than that calculated for point charge stabilized CO 3-2. However, for a geometry of H 3SiO(CO 2) AlH 3-1, in which the bridging oxygen to C bond length has been artificially increased to that found in the - OH terminated cluster (OH) 3SiO(CO 2)Al(OH) 3-1, the calculated 13C shielding is almost identical to that for free CO 2. The CO 3-like isomers of the CO 2-aluminosili-cate complexes show carbonate like geometries and 13C NMR shieldings about 4-9 ppm larger than those of carbonate for all T,T' pairs. For the Si,Si tetrahedral atom pair the CO 2-like isomer is more stable energetically, while for the Si,Al and Al,Al cases the CO 3-like isomer is more stable. Addition of Na + ions to the CO 3-2 or H 3AlO(CO 2)AlH 3-2 complexes reduces the 13C NMR shieldings by about 10 ppm. Complexation with either Na + or CO 2 also reduces the 29Si NMR shieldings of the aluminosilicate models, while the changes in 27Al shielding with Na + or CO 2

  18. In-loop flow [11 C]CO2 fixation and radiosynthesis of N,N'-[11 C]dibenzylurea.


    Downey, Joseph; Bongarzone, Salvatore; Hader, Stefan; Gee, Antony D


    Cyclotron-produced carbon-11 is a highly valuable radionuclide for the production of positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers. It is typically produced as relatively unreactive carbon-11 carbon dioxide ([ 11 C]CO 2 ), which is most commonly converted into a more reactive precursor for synthesis of PET radiotracers. The development of [ 11 C]CO 2 fixation methods has more recently enabled the direct radiolabelling of a diverse array of structures directly from [ 11 C]CO 2 , and the advantages afforded by the use of a loop-based system used in 11 C-methylation and 11 C-carboxylation reactions inspired us to apply the [ 11 C]CO 2 fixation "in-loop." In this work, we developed and investigated a new ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) loop-based [ 11 C]CO 2 fixation method, enabling the fast and efficient, direct-from-cyclotron, in-loop trapping of [ 11 C]CO 2 using mixed DBU/amine solutions. An optimised protocol was integrated into a proof-of-concept in-loop flow radiosynthesis of N,N'-[ 11 C]dibenzylurea. This reaction exhibited an average 78% trapping efficiency and a crude radiochemical purity of 83% (determined by radio-HPLC), giving an overall nonisolated radiochemical yield of 72% (decay-corrected) within just 3 minutes from end of bombardment. This proof-of-concept reaction has demonstrated that efficient [ 11 C]CO 2 fixation can be achieved in a low-volume (150 μL) ETFE loop and that this can be easily integrated into a rapid in-loop flow radiosynthesis of carbon-11-labelled products. This new in-loop methodology will allow fast radiolabelling reactions to be performed using cheap/disposable ETFE tubing setup (ideal for good manufacturing practice production) thereby contributing to the widespread usage of [ 11 C]CO 2 trapping/fixation reactions for the production of PET radiotracers. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. N2C2M2 Experimentation and Validation: Understanding Its C2 Approaches and Implications

    DTIC Science & Technology


    C O N FL IC TE D D EC O N FL IC TE D C O O R D IN A TE D C O LL A B O R A TI...Interactions (Shares and Posts) Log File LE VE L Fa ct oi d Se t Tr ia l TO TA L Va lu e TO TA L Va lu e / Su bj ec t Te nd en cy C TC TL s...80% 90% 100% CO N FL IC TE

  20. Modélisation par éléments finis 3D du champ magnétostatique dans les enroulements des réactances cuirassées de grande puissance. Comparaison avec le calcul en 2D

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ngnegueu, Triomphant; Terme, Claude; Mailhot, Michel


    In this paper, the finite element method is applied for the computation of the magnetostatic field in the windings of a shell-form reactor. The modeling is carried out in 3D, using FLUX3D, a software developed at the Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble. The results are compared to those obtained in 2D. These calculation results are also compared to some test results. Dans cet article, nous décrivons une application de la méthode des éléments finis pour la modélisation du champ magnétostatique dans les enroulements d'une réactance cuirassée de grande puissance. La modélisation est conduite en 3D, en utilisant le logiciel FLUX3D. Les résultats du calcul sont comparés avec ceux obtenus en 2D. Quelques comparaisons sont aussi effectuées avec des résultats de mesure.

  1. Reactive carbon-chain molecules: synthesis of 1-diazo-2,4-pentadiyne and spectroscopic characterization of triplet pentadiynylidene (H-C[triple bond]C-:C-C[triple bond]C-H).


    Bowling, Nathan P; Halter, Robert J; Hodges, Jonathan A; Seburg, Randal A; Thomas, Phillip S; Simmons, Christopher S; Stanton, John F; McMahon, Robert J


    1-Diazo-2,4-pentadiyne (6a), along with both monodeuterio isotopomers 6b and 6c, has been synthesized via a route that proceeds through diacetylene, 2,4-pentadiynal, and 2,4-pentadiynal tosylhydrazone. Photolysis of diazo compounds 6a-c (lambda > 444 nm; Ar or N2, 10 K) generates triplet carbenes HC5H (1) and HC5D (1-d), which have been characterized by IR, EPR, and UV/vis spectroscopy. Although many resonance structures contribute to the resonance hybrid for this highly unsaturated carbon-chain molecule, experiment and theory reveal that the structure is best depicted in terms of the dominant resonance contributor of penta-1,4-diyn-3-ylidene (diethynylcarbene, H-C[triple bond]C-:C-C[triple bond]C-H). Theory predicts an axially symmetric (D(infinity h)) structure and a triplet electronic ground state for 1 (CCSD(T)/ANO). Experimental IR frequencies and isotope shifts are in good agreement with computed values. The triplet EPR spectrum of 1 (absolute value(D/hc) = 0.6157 cm(-1), absolute value(E/hc) = 0.0006 cm(-1)) is consistent with an axially symmetric structure, and the Curie law behavior confirms that the triplet state is the ground state. The electronic absorption spectrum of 1 exhibits a weak transition near 400 nm with extensive vibronic coupling. Chemical trapping of triplet HC5H (1) in an O2-doped matrix affords the carbonyl oxide 16 derived exclusively from attack at the central carbon.

  2. Instantaneous Conversion of [11 C]CO2 to [11 C]CO via Fluoride-Activated Disilane Species.


    Taddei, Carlotta; Bongarzone, Salvatore; Gee, Antony D


    The development of a fast and novel methodology to generate carbon-11 carbon monoxide ([ 11 C]CO) from cyclotron-produced carbon-11 carbon dioxide ([ 11 C]CO 2 ) mediated by a fluoride-activated disilane species is described. This methodology allows up to 74 % conversion of [ 11 C]CO 2 to [ 11 C]CO using commercially available reagents, readily available laboratory equipment and mild reaction conditions (room temperature). As proof of utility, radiochemically pure [carbonyl- 11 C]N-benzylbenzamide was successfully synthesized from produced [ 11 C]CO in up to 74 % radiochemical yield (RCY) and >99 % radiochemical purity (RCP) in ≤10 min from end of [ 11 C]CO 2 delivery. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  3. Interaction between C 4 barnyard grass and C 3 upland rice under elevated CO 2: Impact of mycorrhizae

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Jianjun; Xu, Liming; Chen, Xin; Hu, Shuijin


    Atmospheric CO 2 enrichment may impact arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) development and function, which could have subsequent effects on host plant species interactions by differentially affecting plant nutrient acquisition. However, direct evidence illustrating this scenario is limited. We examined how elevated CO 2 affects plant growth and whether mycorrhizae mediate interactions between C 4 barnyard grass ( Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.) and C 3 upland rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in a low nutrient soil. The monocultures and combinations with or without mycorrhizal inoculation were grown at ambient (400 ± 20 μmol mol -1) and elevated CO 2 (700 ± 20 μmol mol -1) levels. The 15N isotope tracer was introduced to quantify the mycorrhizally mediated N acquisition of plants. Elevated CO 2 stimulated the growth of C 3 upland rice but not that of C 4 barnyard grass under monoculture. Elevated CO 2 also increased mycorrhizal colonization of C 4 barnyard grass but did not affect mycorrhizal colonization of C 3 upland rice. Mycorrhizal inoculation increased the shoot biomass ratio of C 4 barnyard grass to C 3 upland rice under both CO 2 concentrations but had a greater impact under the elevated than ambient CO 2 level. Mycorrhizae decreased relative interaction index (RII) of C 3 plants under both ambient and elevated CO 2, but mycorrhizae increased RII of C 4 plants only under elevated CO 2. Elevated CO 2 and mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced 15N and total N and P uptake of C 4 barnyard grass in mixture but had no effects on N and P acquisition of C 3 upland rice, thus altering the distribution of N and P between the species in mixture. These results implied that CO 2 stimulation of mycorrhizae and their nutrient acquisition may impact competitive interaction of C 4 barnyard grass and C 3 upland rice under future CO 2 scenarios.

  4. Spin-forbidden and spin-allowed cyclopropenone (c-H{sub 2}C{sub 3}O) formation in interstellar medium

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ahmadvand, Seyedsaeid; Zaari, Ryan R.; Varganov, Sergey A., E-mail:


    Three proposed mechanisms of cyclopropenone (c-H{sub 2}C{sub 3}O) formation from neutral species are studied using high-level electronic structure methods in combination with nonadiabatic transition state and collision theories to deduce the likelihood of each reaction mechanism under interstellar conditions. The spin-forbidden reaction involving the singlet electronic state of cyclopenylidene (c-C{sub 3}H{sub 2}) and the triplet state of atomic oxygen is studied using nonadiabatic transition state theory to predict the rate constant for c-H{sub 2}C{sub 3}O formation. The spin-allowed reactions of c-C{sub 3}H{sub 2} with molecular oxygen and acetylene with carbon monoxide were also investigated. The reaction involving the ground electronicmore » states of acetylene and carbon monoxide has a very large reaction barrier and is unlikely to contribute to c-H{sub 2}C{sub 3}O formation in interstellar medium. The spin-forbidden reaction of c-C{sub 3}H{sub 2} with atomic oxygen, despite the high probability of nonadiabatic transition between the triplet and singlet states, was found to have a very small rate constant due to the presence of a small (3.8 kcal mol{sup –1}) reaction barrier. In contrast, the spin-allowed reaction between c-C{sub 3}H{sub 2} and molecular oxygen is found to be barrierless, and therefore can be an important path to the formation of c-H{sub 2}C{sub 3}O molecule in interstellar environment.« less

  5. Structure, Stabilities, Thermodynamic Properties, and IR Spectra of Acetylene Clusters (C2H2)n=2-5.


    Karthikeyan, S; Lee, Han Myoung; Kim, Kwang S


    There are no clear conclusions over the structures of the acetylene clusters. In this regard, we have carried out high-level calculations for acetylene clusters (C2H2)2-5 using dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D), Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory (MP2); and coupled-cluster theory with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)] at the complete basis set limit. The lowest energy structure of the acetylene dimer has a T-shaped structure of C2v symmetry, but it is nearly isoenergetic to the displaced stacked structure of C2h symmetry. We find that the structure shows the quantum statistical distribution for configurations between the T-shaped and displaced stacked structures for which the average angle (|θ̃|) between two acetylene molecules would be 53-78°, close to the T-shaped structure. The trimer has a triangular structure of C3h symmetry. The tetramer has two lowest energy isomers of S4 and C2h symmetry in zero-point energy (ZPE)-uncorrected energy (ΔEe), but one lowest energy isomer of C2v symmetry in ZPE-corrected energy (ΔE0). For the pentamer, the global minimum structure is C1 symmetry with eight sets of T-type π-H interactions and a set of π-π interactions. Our high-level ab initio calculations are consistent with available experimental data.

  6. Theoretical investigation of the photochemical C2-C6 cyclisation of enyne-heteroallenes.


    Spöler, Carsten; Engels, Bernd


    Herein we discuss computations that explain experimental results regarding a highly efficient triplet analogue of the C(2)-C(6) cyclisation of enyne-heteroallenes recently discovered by Schmittel and co-workers.1 To shed some light on the reasons for the differences found between enyne-carbodiimides, enyne-ketenimines and enyne-allenes, we have computed the reaction profiles of the C(2)-C(6) and of the C(2)-C(7) cyclisations for various model compounds, assuming that the reactions take place on the lowest-lying triplet surfaces. Our results nicely explain the differences and the unexpected high efficiency found for the enyne-carbodiimides. The differences between enyne-carbodiimides and enyne-ketenimines prove to be due to differences in the shapes of the corresponding triplet surfaces. In contrast to the enyne-carbodiimides, for which our calculations predict that a direct cyclisation to the biradical intermediates should occur after the vertical excitation, the enyne-ketenimines relax into a local minimum on the triplet surface. As a consequence, further reaction channels are opened. Our computations indicate that enyne-allene compounds do not react because the necessary excitation energy lies outside the range of the employed triplet photosensitizer. Finally, the close agreement between our results and the experimental findings indicates that the underlying reasons for the differences in the photochemical behaviour of enyne-carbodiimides, enyne-ketenimines and enyne-allenes are related to differences in the electronic structures of the parent systems, while substituent effects are less important.

  7. Clenbuterol Induces Cell Cycle Arrest in C2C12 Myoblasts by Delaying p27 Degradation through β-arrestin 2 Signaling

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Min; Liu, Chuncheng; Wang, Meng; Wang, Hong; Zhang, Kuo; Zheng, Yu; Yu, Zhengquan; Li, Xiangdong; Guo, Wei; Li, Ning; Meng, Qingyong


    β2-Adrenoceptor (β2-AR) agonists promote muscle growth. The aim of this study was to elucidate some effects of the selective β2-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol (CLB) on myoblast proliferation. We found that CLB induces cell cycle arrest in C2C12 myoblasts. This effect is partly due to the enhanced stability of p27, rather than the increased gene transcription via cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). Specifically, CLB treatment enhanced the accumulation of p27 in the nucleus while depleting it from the cytosol via a mechanism that requires β2-AR. Surprisingly, p27 accumulation was not reversed by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H-89, but interestingly, was alleviated by the knockdown of β-arrestin 2. Thus, our work provides a basis for β2-AR agonists inhibit myoblasts proliferation through signaling via β2-AR, β-arrestin 2, and p27. PMID:29104500

  8. Recent Developments of C-Aryl Glucoside SGLT2 Inhibitors.


    Zhang, Yang; Liu, Zhao-Peng


    Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) is almost exclusively expressed in the proximal renal tubules. It is responsible for about 90% of the glucose reabsorption from tubular fluid. Selective inhibition of SGLT2 is expected to favor in the normalization of plasma glucose levels in T2DM patients through the prevention of renal glucose reabsorption and the promotion of glucose excretion from urine. Selective SGLT2 inhibitors have the merits to minimize the gastrointestinal side effects associated with SGLT1 inhibition, and selective SGLT2 inhibition may have a low risk of hypoglycemia. Since the C-aryl glucosides are metabolically more stable than the O-glucosides, numerous efforts have been made in the development of potent and selective C-aryl glucoside SGLT2 inhibitors, and a number of them are now used as anti-diabetes drugs in clinic or at various stages of clinical developments. Based on their structural features, in this review, these SGLT2 inhibitors are classified as three types: the phenyl/arylmethylphenyl C-glucosides, with an emphasis on the modifications on the proximal and/or the distal phenyl ring, and the spacer; the heteroarylmethylphenyl Cglucosides, with a replacement of the distal phenyl ring by a heterocycle like pyridazine, pyrimidine, thiophene and benzothiophene, thiazole, 1,3,4-thiadiazole, and triazolopyridinone; and the glucose-modified Caryl glucosides, including the glucose C-1 derived O-spiroketals, C-4 gem-difluoro analogues, C-5 and C-6 modified derivatives, dioxa-bicyclo[3.2.1]octane bridged ketals, the thioglucosides, and carbasugars. The structure-activity relationships (SARs) of each type along with their inhibitory potency against human SGLT2 and selectivity over human SGLT1 are discussed.

  9. 21 CFR 82.102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 82.102 Section 82.102 Food and... PROVISIONALLY LISTED COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics § 82.102 FD&C Blue No. 2. The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1...

  10. 21 CFR 82.102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 82.102 Section 82.102 Food and... PROVISIONALLY LISTED COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics § 82.102 FD&C Blue No. 2. The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1...

  11. 21 CFR 82.102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 82.102 Section 82.102 Food and... PROVISIONALLY LISTED COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics § 82.102 FD&C Blue No. 2. The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1...

  12. 21 CFR 82.102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 82.102 Section 82.102 Food and... PROVISIONALLY LISTED COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics § 82.102 FD&C Blue No. 2. The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1...

  13. 21 CFR 82.102 - FD&C Blue No. 2.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false FD&C Blue No. 2. 82.102 Section 82.102 Food and... PROVISIONALLY LISTED COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics § 82.102 FD&C Blue No. 2. The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements of § 74.102(a)(1...

  14. Temperature-Sensitive Intracellular Traffic of α2C-Adrenergic Receptor.


    Filipeanu, Catalin M


    α(2C)-Adrenergic receptor (α(2C)-AR) is the least characterized adrenergic receptor subtype and still very little is known about the intracellular traffic properties and pathophysiological roles of this receptor. α(2C)-AR has an atypical subcellular localization. At 37 °C, in the vascular smooth muscle cells and in fibroblasts, the receptor is poorly localized at the plasma membrane and accumulates inside the cell. Exposure to lower temperatures stimulates α(2C)-AR transport to the cell surface. This particular intracellular trafficking of α(2C)-AR is significant in the pathology of Raynaud phenomenon. In this brief review, I will present general information on the tissue distribution and cellular localization of α(2C)-AR. Also, I will discuss the mechanisms involved in the receptor transport by focusing on the trafficking motifs and on the molecular chaperones. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Can two H2 molecules be inserted into C60 - an accurate first-principles exploration of structural, energetic and vibrational properties of the 2H2@C60 complex

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolgonos, Grygoriy A.; Peslherbe, Gilles H.


    The 2H2@C60 minimum structure of C2 symmetry has been fully characterized at the density-fitting local second-order Møller-Plesset (DF-LMP2) level of theory. Its uncorrected and zero-point energy (ZPE) corrected complexation energies equal 1.9 and 6.2 kcal/mol, respectively, confirming the instability of the complex. This structure exhibits the largest intermolecular host-guest and guest-guest separations among all the complexes studied in this work. The calculated infrared spectrum of 2H2@C60 does not show any frequency shifts for the modes associated with radial or tangential displacements in C60 (except for one mode), but shows a weak red Hsbnd H vibrational frequency shift.

  16. Image reconstruction algorithm for optically stimulated luminescence 2D dosimetry using laser-scanned Al2O3:C and Al2O3:C,Mg films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmed, M. F.; Schnell, E.; Ahmad, S.; Yukihara, E. G.


    The objective of this work was to develop an image reconstruction algorithm for 2D dosimetry using Al2O3:C and Al2O3:C,Mg optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) films imaged using a laser scanning system. The algorithm takes into account parameters associated with detector properties and the readout system. Pieces of Al2O3:C films (~8 mm  ×  8 mm  ×  125 µm) were irradiated and used to simulate dose distributions with extreme dose gradients (zero and non-zero dose regions). The OSLD film pieces were scanned using a custom-built laser-scanning OSL reader and the data obtained were used to develop and demonstrate a dose reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm includes corrections for: (a) galvo hysteresis, (b) photomultiplier tube (PMT) linearity, (c) phosphorescence, (d) ‘pixel bleeding’ caused by the 35 ms luminescence lifetime of F-centers in Al2O3, (e) geometrical distortion inherent to Galvo scanning system, and (f) position dependence of the light collection efficiency. The algorithm was also applied to 6.0 cm  ×  6.0 cm  ×  125 μm or 10.0 cm  ×  10.0 cm  ×  125 µm Al2O3:C and Al2O3:C,Mg films exposed to megavoltage x-rays (6 MV) and 12C beams (430 MeV u-1). The results obtained using pieces of irradiated films show the ability of the image reconstruction algorithm to correct for pixel bleeding even in the presence of extremely sharp dose gradients. Corrections for geometric distortion and position dependence of light collection efficiency were shown to minimize characteristic limitations of this system design. We also exemplify the application of the algorithm to more clinically relevant 6 MV x-ray beam and a 12C pencil beam, demonstrating the potential for small field dosimetry. The image reconstruction algorithm described here provides the foundation for laser-scanned OSL applied to 2D dosimetry.

  17. Effects of low atmospheric CO2 and elevated temperature during growth on the gas exchange responses of C3, C3-C4 intermediate, and C4 species from three evolutionary lineages of C4 photosynthesis.


    Vogan, Patrick J; Sage, Rowan F


    This study evaluates acclimation of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in three evolutionary lineages of C(3), C(3)-C(4) intermediate, and C(4) species grown in the low CO(2) and hot conditions proposed to favo r the evolution of C(4) photosynthesis. Closely related C(3), C(3)-C(4), and C(4) species in the genera Flaveria, Heliotropium, and Alternanthera were grown near 380 and 180 μmol CO(2) mol(-1) air and day/night temperatures of 37/29°C. Growth CO(2) had no effect on photosynthetic capacity or nitrogen allocation to Rubisco and electron transport in any of the species. There was also no effect of growth CO(2) on photosynthetic and stomatal responses to intercellular CO(2) concentration. These results demonstrate little ability to acclimate to low CO(2) growth conditions in closely related C(3) and C(3)-C(4) species, indicating that, during past episodes of low CO(2), individual C(3) plants had little ability to adjust their photosynthetic physiology to compensate for carbon starvation. This deficiency could have favored selection for more efficient modes of carbon assimilation, such as C(3)-C(4) intermediacy. The C(3)-C(4) species had approximately 50% greater rates of net CO(2) assimilation than the C(3) species when measured at the growth conditions of 180 μmol mol(-1) and 37°C, demonstrating the superiority of the C(3)-C(4) pathway in low atmospheric CO(2) and hot climates of recent geological time.

  18. Boundary lubrication of formulated C-ethers in air to 300 C. 2: Organic acid additives

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, W. R., Jr.


    Friction and wear measurements were made on CVM M-50 steel lubricated with three C-ether (modified polyphenyl ether) formulations in dry and moist air. Results were compared to those obtained with a formulated Type 2 ester and the C-ether base fluid. A ball-on-disk sliding friction apparatus was used. Experimental conditions were a 1-kilogram load, a 17-meter/minute surface speed, and a 25 to 300 C (77 to 572 F) disk temperature range. The three C-ether formulations yielded better boundary lubricating characteristics than the Type 2 ester under most test conditions. All C-ether formulations exhibited higher friction coefficients than the ester from 150 to 300 C (302 to 572 F) and similar or lower values from 25 to 150 C (77 to 302 F).

  19. Conformational Isomerism of trans-[Pt(NH2C6H11)2I2] and the Classical Wernerian Chemistry of [Pt(NH2C6H11)4]X2 (X = Cl, Br, I)1

    PubMed Central

    Johnstone, Timothy C.; Lippard, Stephen J.


    X-ray crystallographic analysis of the compound trans-[Pt(NH2C6H11)2I2] revealed the presence of two distinct conformers within one crystal lattice. This compound was studied by variable temperature NMR spectroscopy to investigate the dynamic interconversion between these isomers. The results of this investigation were interpreted using physical (CPK) and computational (molecular mechanics and density functional theory) models. The conversion of the salts [Pt(NH2C6H11)4]X2 into trans-[Pt(NH2C6H11)2X2] (X = Cl, Br, I) was also studied and is discussed here with an emphasis on parallels to the work of Alfred Werner. PMID:23554544

  20. Extreme heat waves under 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dosio, Alessandro; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Fischer, Erich M.; Wyser, Klaus


    Severe, extreme, and exceptional heat waves, such as those that occurred over the Balkans (2007), France (2003), or Russia (2010), are associated with increased mortality, human discomfort and reduced labour productivity. Based on the results of a very high-resolution global model, we show that, even at 1.5 °C warming, a significant increase in heat wave magnitude is expected over Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. Compared to a 1.5 °C world, under 2 °C warming the frequency of extreme heat waves would double over most of the globe. In a 1.5 °C world, 13.8% of the world population will be exposed to severe heat waves at least once every 5 years. This fraction becomes nearly three times larger (36.9%) under 2 °C warming, i.e. a difference of around 1.7 billion people. Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C will also result in around 420 million fewer people being frequently exposed to extreme heat waves, and ~65 million to exceptional heat waves. Nearly 700 million people (9.0% of world population) will be exposed to extreme heat waves at least once every 20 years in a 1.5 °C world, but more than 2 billion people (28.2%) in a 2 °C world. With current emission trends threatening even the 2 °C target, our study is helpful to identify regions where limiting the warming to 1.5 °C would have the strongest benefits in reducing population exposure to extreme heat.