Sample records for penetration cerebrale une

  1. The use of radiolabelling techniques to measure substantivity to, and penetration into, hair of protein hydrolysates.


    Jones, R T; Chahal, S P


    The use of 14C-labelled amino acids enables the measurement of both the total substantivity to hair and the degree of penetration into the hair shaft of amino acid mixtures derived from complete hydrolysis of proteins. The technique utilizes the fact that direct measurement of 14C radioactivity of the treated hair detects only the surface substantivity. Total substantivity can be determined following solubilization of the hair. Data obtained for wheat amino acids show significant penetration when used to treat hair from a shampoo or conditioner formulation. A similar technique has been investigated for a wheat protein partial hydrolysate using 14CNO for radiolabelling purposes and shows that significant penetration into hair can occur. L'utilisation d'amino-acides marques au 14C permet la mesure a la fois de l'absorption totale par les cheveux et du degre de penetration dans la fibre du cheveu de melanges d'amino-acides obtenus a partir d'une hydrolyse totale de proteines. La technique utilise le fait que la mesure directe de la radioactivite du 14C des cheveux traites ne detecte que l'absorption en surface. L'absorption totale peut etre determinee apres solubilisation des cheveux. Les donnees obtenues a partir d'amino-acides de ble montrent une penetration significative lors d'une utilisation pour traiter des cheveux a partir d'une formulation de shampoing ou d'apres-shampoing. Une technique similaire a ete exploree vis-a-vis d'un hydrolysat partiel d'une proteine de ble utilisant 14CNO a des fins de marquage, et montre qu'une penetration significative dans les cheveux peut avoir lieu.

  2. Une masse palpébrale révélant une fistule carotidocaverneuse

    PubMed Central

    Oulali, Noureddine; Moufid, Fayçal; Khoulali, Mohammed; Sekhsoukh, Rachid; Housni, Brahim; Ghailan, Mohamed Rachid


    Les auteurs rapportent une observation particulière, chez un homme de 48 ans ayant dans ces antécédents un traumatisme crânio-faciale grave il y'a dix ans, qui présente depuis huit mois une masse palpébrale droite, avec une discrète exophtalmie et hémorragie sous conjonctivale, l'angio IRM a permis de confirmer le diagnostique d'une fistule carotidocaverneuse à haut débit, qui est responsable de cette symptomatologie. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre la lumière sur cette pathologie rare, en insistant sur les particularités cliniques de présentation d'une part, et sur le plan thérapeutique d'autre part, en exposant l'intérêt de la radiologie interventionnelle. PMID:23330040

  3. Maladie de Takayasu et polyarthrite rhumatoïde: une association rare - à propos d'une observation

    PubMed Central

    Frikha, Faten; Maazoun, Fatma; Snoussi, Mouna; Abid, Leila; Abid, Hanen; Bouassida, Walid; Kaddour, Neila; Bahloul, Zouhir


    L'artérite de Takayasu ou maladie de Takayasu (MT) et la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) et sont deux maladies inflammatoires chroniques et leur association a été rapportée dans la littérature à travers quelques observations de cas sporadiques. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation d'une telle association. Une patiente âgée de 44 ans, diagnostiquée avec une polyarthrite rhumatoïde à facteur rhumatoïde positif, qui a développé des céphalées avec des vertiges de caractère permanent. L'examen révélait un pouls radial et huméral abolis à droite, un souffle carotidien bilatéral et une tension artérielle imprenable à droite. L'artériographie a confirmé la présence d'une atteinte de l'arc aortique type MT. Le diagnostic d'une maladie de Takayasu associée à une polyarthrite rhumatoïde était retenu. La patiente était traitée par une corticothérapie (prednisone à la dose de 0,5 mg/kg par jour) et un traitement de fond par Méthotrexate avec une bonne réponse initiale. A travers notre observation et une revue de la littérature, les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, étiopathogéniques, cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de cette association seront discutées. PMID:22937201

  4. Une rare cause de sciatique non discale: une polyarthrite rhumatoïde

    PubMed Central

    Akasbi, Nessrine; Abourazzak, Fatima Ezzahra; Harzy, Taoufik


    La polyarthrite rhumatoïde est le rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique le plus fréquent. Ses complications neurologiques sont dominées par les neuropathies périphériques, cliniquement asymptomatiques, mais peuvent être détectées sur l’électromyogramme (EMG). Nous rapportons l'observation d'une patiente qui a présenté une neuropathie sensitivo-motrice aux deux membres inférieurs associée à une sciatique de topographie L5 d'origine rhumatoïde. PMID:25709734

  5. Developpement d'une commande pour une hydrolienne de riviere et optimisation =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tetrault, Philippe

    Suivant le developpement des energies renouvelables, la presente etude se veut une base theorique quant aux principes fondamentaux necessaires au bon fonctionnement et a l'implementation d'une hydrolienne de riviere. La problematique derriere ce nouveau type d'appareil est d'abord presentee. La machine electrique utilisee dans l'application, c'est-a-dire la machine synchrone a aimants permanents, est etudiee : ses equations dynamiques mecaniques et electriques sont developpees, introduisant en meme temps le concept de referentiel tournant. Le fonctionnement de l'onduleur utilise, soit un montage en pont complet a deux niveaux a semi-conducteurs, est explique et mit en equation pour permettre de comprendre les strategies de modulation disponibles. Un bref historique de ces strategies est fait avant de mettre l'emphase sur la modulation vectorielle qui sera celle utilisee pour l'application en cours. Les differents modules sont assembles dans une simulation Matlab pour confirmer leur bon fonctionnement et comparer les resultats de la simulation avec les calculs theoriques. Differents algorithmes permettant de traquer et maintenir un point de fonctionnement optimal sont presentes. Le comportement de la riviere est etudie afin d'evaluer l'ampleur des perturbations que le systeme devra gerer. Finalement, une nouvelle approche est presentee et comparee a une strategie plus conservatrice a l'aide d'un autre modele de simulation Matlab.

  6. Conception et optimisation d'une peau en composite pour une aile adaptative =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaud, Francois

    Les preoccupations economiques et environnementales constituent des enjeux majeurs pour le developpement de nouvelles technologies en aeronautique. C'est dans cette optique qu'est ne le projet MDO-505 intitule Morphing Architectures and Related Technologies for Wing Efficiency Improvement. L'objectif de ce projet vise a concevoir une aile adaptative active servant a ameliorer sa laminarite et ainsi reduire la consommation de carburant et les emissions de l'avion. Les travaux de recherche realises ont permis de concevoir et optimiser une peau en composite adaptative permettant d'assurer l'amelioration de la laminarite tout en conservant son integrite structurale. D'abord, une methode d'optimisation en trois etapes fut developpee avec pour objectif de minimiser la masse de la peau en composite en assurant qu'elle s'adapte par un controle actif de la surface deformable aux profils aerodynamiques desires. Le processus d'optimisation incluait egalement des contraintes de resistance, de stabilite et de rigidite de la peau en composite. Suite a l'optimisation, la peau optimisee fut simplifiee afin de faciliter la fabrication et de respecter les regles de conception de Bombardier Aeronautique. Ce processus d'optimisation a permis de concevoir une peau en composite dont les deviations ou erreurs des formes obtenues etaient grandement reduites afin de repondre au mieux aux profils aerodynamiques optimises. Les analyses aerodynamiques realisees a partir de ces formes ont predit de bonnes ameliorations de la laminarite. Par la suite, une serie de validations analytiques fut realisee afin de valider l'integrite structurale de la peau en composite suivant les methodes generalement utilisees par Bombardier Aeronautique. D'abord, une analyse comparative par elements finis a permis de valider une rigidite equivalente de l'aile adaptative a la section d'aile d'origine. Le modele par elements finis fut par la suite mis en boucle avec des feuilles de calcul afin de valider la

  7. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale

    PubMed Central

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  8. Tumeur stromale du mésentère: une cause inhabituelle d'une masse abdominale

    PubMed Central

    Tarchouli, Mohamed; Bounaim, Ahmed; Boudhas, Adil; Ratbi, Moulay Brahim; Ndjota, Bobby Nguele; Ali, Abdelmounaim Ait; Sair, Khalid


    Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GIST) sont les tumeurs mésenchymateuses les plus fréquentes du tractus digestif. Elles représentent une entité nosologique individualisée depuis la découverte de l'expression quasi-constante de la protéine c-Kit détectée par la coloration immunohistochimique de l'antigène CD117. Des tumeurs avec les mêmes caractéristiques morphologiques et immuno-phénotypiques peuvent rarement apparaître en dehors du tractus gastro-intestinal. Nous rapportons le cas d'une jeune patiente de 34 ans présentant une masse tumorale mésentérique se révélant être de nature stromale sans aucun contact avec la paroi intestinale. Il s'agit d'une localisation très rare des tumeurs stromales à laquelle il faut penser en préopératoire afin d'avoir une conduite thérapeutique adaptée et efficace. PMID:26327998

  9. Une spondylodiscite tuberculeuse chez une transplantée rénale compliquée d’une mycose systémique

    PubMed Central

    Haddiya, Intissar; El Housni, Siham; El Harraqui, Ryme; Rhou, Hakima; Benamar, Loubna; Eziatouni, Fatima; Ouzeddoun, Naima; Bayahia, Rabia


    En transplantation, les complications infectieuses sont fréquentes et de diagnostic souvent délicat. Elles peuvent coexister chez le transplanté rénal rendant leur diagnostic encore plus difficile. Le but de ce cas clinique est de discuter les difficultés diagnostiques et de surveillance de deux types de pathologies assez fréquentes chez le transplanté rénal, qui sont la tuberculose et la mycose, à travers l’observation clinique d’une patiente de 24 ans transplantée rénale qui présente une spondylodiscite tuberculeuse et qui développe secondairement une septicémie à Candida non albicans à point de départ urinaire dont le seul point d’appel est la fièvre post opératoire. PMID:25667684

  10. Hémothorax spontané révélant une vascularite de Wegener chez une femme enceinte

    PubMed Central

    Serhane, Hind; Yassine, Msougar; Amro, Lamyae


    L’hémothorax spontané demeure une pathologie rare. Ses étiologies sont multiples mais restent parfois inconnues. Chez certains patients, la thoracotomie peut être le seul recours pour déterminer son origine. Les vascularites n’ont pas été rapporté comme cause habituelle des hémothorax spontanés. La grossesse ne semble pas avoir d’effet causal, ni aggravant des hémothorax spontanés, ni des vascularites. Nous rapportons une observation assez particulière d’une jeune patiente, présentant au cours de sa grossesse un hémothorax spontané secondaire à une vasularite de type Wegener, diagnostiquée par la biopsie pleurale faite au cours d’une thoracotomie exploratrice et confirmée par le dosage des ANCA. PMID:28154726

  11. Le syndrome d’Usher: à propos d’une observation

    PubMed Central

    Daoudi, Chama; boutimzine, Noureddine; Haouzi, Samia El; Lezrek, Omar; Tachfouti, Samira; Lezrek, Mounir; Laghmari, Mina; Daoudi, Rajae


    Résumé Le syndrome d'Usher est une maladie génétique comportant une double atteinte sensorielle (auditive et visuelle) appelée surdicécité. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 50 ans, issue d'un mariage consanguin présentant une surdité congénitale avec une fonction vestibulaire normale et une rétinopathie pigmentaire responsable d'une baisse bilatérale de l'acuité visuelle apparue vers l'âge de 16 ans. Cette association compose le type 2 du syndrome d'Usher, affection rare de transmission autosomique récessive. La chirurgie de la cataracte a permis une amélioration de l'acuité visuelle chez ce patient. PMID:28979619

  12. Mode de révélation particulier d'une tumeur brune chez une patiente hémodialysée chronique

    PubMed Central

    El Harraqui, Ryme; Karimi, Ilham; Chemlal, Abdeljalil; Ismaili, Fatiha Alaoui; Haddiya, Intissar


    Les tumeurs brunes constituent une complication rare mais sévère de la dialyse, le plus souvent asymptomatique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente dont le mode de révélation de la tumeur brune fut atypique. Observation médicale: Madame F. est une patiente hémodialysée chronique depuis 14 ans suite à une néphropathie indéterminée. Sur le plan phosphocalcique, elle présente une ostéoporose depuis plus de 10 ans, ainsi qu'une hyperparathyroïdie secondaire. A la date du 24 octobre 2013, elle rapporte qu'elle a constaté la présence d'une petite « bosse » pariétale, apparue de façon spontanée la veille, sans notion de traumatisme. A l'examen clinique, nous trouvons une petite tuméfaction de 2cm de diamètre environs, de consistance dure, indolore, mobile par rapport au cuir chevelu. L’échographie a conclu à un lipome. Le lendemain matin, la patiente entre dans un état de coma profond. Le scanner cérébral a révélé la présence d'un hématome extradural associé à un hématome superficiel extra-crânien en regard d'une lyse de l'os pariétal, qui est en fait une tumeur brune. La patiente est transférée en réanimation où elle décède dans la journée. PMID:25422698

  13. Validation materielle d'une architecture generique de reseaux avioniques basee sur une gestion modulaire de la redondance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Jose-Philippe

    Les systemes avioniques ne cessent d'evoluer depuis l'apparition des technologies numeriques au tournant des annees 60. Apres le passage par plusieurs paradigmes de developpement, ces systemes suivent maintenant l'approche " Integrated Modular Avionics " (IMA) depuis le debut des annees 2000. Contrairement aux methodes anterieures, cette approche est basee sur une conception modulaire, un partage de ressources generiques entre plusieurs systemes et l'utilisation plus poussee de bus multiplexes. La plupart des concepts utilises par l'architecture IMA, bien que deja connus dans le domaine de l'informatique distribuee, constituent un changement marque par rapport aux modeles anterieurs dans le monde avionique. Ceux-ci viennent s'ajouter aux contraintes importantes de l'avionique classique telles que le determinisme, le temps reel, la certification et les cibles elevees de fiabilite. L'adoption de l'approche IMA a declenche une revision de plusieurs aspects de la conception, de la certification et de l'implementation d'un systeme IMA afin d'en tirer profit. Cette revision, ralentie par les contraintes avioniques, est toujours en cours, et offre encore l'opportunite de developpement de nouveaux outils, methodes et modeles a tous les niveaux du processus d'implementation d?un systeme IMA. Dans un contexte de proposition et de validation d'une nouvelle architecture IMA pour un reseau generique de capteurs a bord d?un avion, nous avons identifie quelques aspects des differentes approches traditionnelles pour la realisation de ce type d?architecture pouvant etre ameliores. Afin de remedier a certaines des differentes lacunes identifiees, nous avons propose une approche de validation basee sur une plateforme materielle reconfigurable ainsi qu'une nouvelle approche de gestion de la redondance pour l'atteinte des cibles de fiabilite. Contrairement aux outils statiques plus limites satisfaisant les besoins pour la conception d'une architecture federee, notre approche de

  14. Aménorrhée chimio induite chez une population marocaine: à propos d'une cohorte retrospective

    PubMed Central

    Brahmi, Sami Aziz; Ziani, Fatima Zahra; Youssef, Seddik; Afqir, Said


    Introduction Le cancer du sein est un des cancers les plus fréquents chez la femme en pré ménopause et son traitement peut compromettre la fertilité. En effet, la chimiothérapie utilisée dans le cancer du sein peut conduire à une aménorrhée transitoire ou permanente chez les femmes non ménopausées. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective au service d'oncologie médicale du CHU Mohammed VI d'Oujda sur une période de 3 ans allant de janvier 2009 à décembre 2011 incluant les patientes jeunes ayant un cancer du sein localisé, pour étudier l'incidence de l'aménorrhée chimio-induite (ACI), ainsi que les facteurs prédictifs intervenant dans sa survenue. Résultats Dans notre série 74% de nos patientes ont présenté une ACI et 33.6% de nos patientes ont présenté une aménorrhée chimio-induite définitive. Plusieurs facteurs ont été étudiés à la recherche d’élément prédictifs de la survenue de l'aménorrhée. Concernant le facteur âge, l'analyse a montré que les femmes avec un âge supérieur à 40 ans étaient plus susceptibles de présenter une aménorrhée que celles avec un âge inférieur à 40 avec un pourcentage de 95,7% versus 56,1% avec une différence significative (p = 0.003). Conclusion L'incidence dans notre étude de l'ACI semble comparable à celle retrouvé dans la littérature, l’âge dans notre étude est le facteur prédictif le plus prédominant dans sa survenue. PMID:27642399

  15. UNED OER Experience: From OCW to Open UNED

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ros, Salvador; Hernández, Roberto; Read, Timothy; Artacho, Miguel Rodriguez; Pastor, Rafael; Orueta, Gabriel Diaz


    Much has happened with open software, there has been a global attitude shift in the education community toward the open sharing of educational courses and resources. As the largest public distance education university in Spain, Universidad Nacional de Educacio´n a Distancia (UNED) has had a clear commitment to open learning and content since its…

  16. Pathomimie de l'enfant: à propos d'une observation

    PubMed Central

    Abilkassem, Rachid; Dini, Nezha; Ourai, Hakim; Kmari, Mohamed; Agadr, Aomar


    La pathomimie cutanée se définit comme une maladie factice, provoquée dans un etat de conscience claire par le patient lui-même, au niveau du revêtement cutanéo-muqueux et/ou des phanères. Rare chez l'enfant, il s'agit d'une manifestation psychopathologique potentiellement grave et souvent difficile à prendre en charge. Nous rapportons le cas d'une fillette de 10 ans présentant une pathomimie sous forme de lésions excoriées multiples du visage. PMID:23504605

  17. Une fistule recto-vaginale rentrant dans le cadre d'un syndrome de Currarino

    PubMed Central

    Idrissi, Mounia Lakhdar; Babakhoya, Abdeladim; Bouabdellah, Youssef; Hida, Mostapha


    Le syndrome de Currarino (SC) est défini par une triade rassemblant une malformation ano-rectale, une agénésie sacrée et une tumeur pré-sacrée. Nous rapportons le cas d'une fille de 4 ans et demi ayant été admise en consultation de gastro-entérologie pédiatrique pour constipation avec issue de selle à travers un orifice vulvaire. La radiographie du rachis avait montré une agénésie sacrée. Le fistulo-scanner a mis en évidence une fistule recto-vaginale et l'IRM pelvienne a confirmé l'agénésie sacrée et a retrouvé une méningocèle antérieure. La découverte d'une malformation ano-rectale doit faire chercher une autre anomalie de la triade de Currarino. Cette affection, rare, nécessite une prise en charge médico-chirurgicale assez complexe. PMID:22384297

  18. Toxoplasmose oculaire atypique chez une femme congolaise de 72 ans: à propos d'une observation

    PubMed Central

    Bienvenu, Yogolelo Asani; Angel, Musau Nkola; Eric, Kasamba Ilunga; Socrate, Kapalu Mwangala; Sebastien, Mbuyi Musanzayi; Philippe, Cilundika Mulenga; Leon, Kabamba Ngombe; Bruno, Iye Ombamba Kayimba; Gaby, Chenge Borasisi


    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de toxoplasmose oculaire binoculaire, rarement décrit dans la littérature, chez une personne âgée de 72 ans, de sexe féminin, à laquelle s'associe une rétinite pigmentaire unilatérale. Cette observation permet d'attirer l'attention de la communauté scientifique sur les autres formes ou variétés de présentation moins courantes, « atypiques », pouvant être rencontrées ou associées à la toxoplasmose oculaire. PMID:26958130

  19. Les agressions sexuelles des jeunes ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique

    PubMed Central

    Kaufman, M


    Pour diverses raisons, les enfants et les adolescents ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique sont plus vulnérables aux agressions sexuelles. Les dispensateurs de soins, de même que les parents et les éducateurs, doivent se méfier davantage de la possibilité d’agression sexuelle au sein de cette population. Les médecins, tout particulièrement, doivent prôner des politiques pour prévenir ou déceler les agressions dans les hôpitaux, les écoles et autres établissements. Ces politiques incluent le dépistage détaillé et la surveillance étroite des employés et des bénévoles, la présence d’un chaperon aux examens physiques et aux interventions thérapeutiques, la supervision des sorties et une culture qui favorise la vie privée du patient en établissement. De plus, les médecins doivent favoriser la conscience de soi et l’habilitation des patients et leur donner très tôt des conseils préventifs au sujet de la sexualité, de l’habilitation personnelle et des risques d’agression. Le présent document de principes remplace celui que la Société canadienne de pédiatrie a publié en 1997.

  20. Tumeur d'Abrikossoff juxta axillaire: une localisation rare d'une tumeur très rare, à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Amourak, Sarah; Bouzoubaa, Wael; Jayi, Sofia; Alaoui, Fatimazahra Fdili; Chaara, Hikmat; Melhouf, Moulay Abdelilah


    Décrite pour la première fois en 1926 par Abrikossoff, les tumeurs à cellules granuleuses (TCG) sont bénignes et uniques dans la grande majorité des cas. Les principales localisations sont la cavité orale, puis les tissus sous-cutanés de la tête et du cou et les seins. La pathogenèse a été longtemps débattue, après avoir proposé initialement une origine musculaire striée les études récentes sont en faveur d'une origine neurogène schwannienne confirmées par une étude immunohistochimique. Le traitement de la tumeur à cellules granuleuses est un traitement chirurgical, il permet un diagnostic de certitude par l'examen anatomo-pathologique de la pièce d'exérèse qui doit rechercher les limites d'exérèse et la présence de critères de malignité. Leur évolution est souvent favorable si la résection chirurgicale est complète. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'une tumeur d'Abrikossoff à localisation juxta axillaire et nous profitons de faire une revue de la littérature afin de mettre le point sur cette entité rare. PMID:26328001

  1. Néphrocalcinose compliquant une miliaire tuberculeuse chez un nourrisson

    PubMed Central

    El Maghraoui, Jaouad; Souilmi, Fatima Zahrae; Hbibi, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli; Hida, Mustapha


    La néphrocalcinose se définit par la présence anormale dans le parenchyme rénal de dépôts calciques pouvant résulter de différentes affections. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson de 7 mois chez qui nous avons diagnostiqué une hypercalcémie compliquée par une néphrocalcinose secondaire à une tuberculose miliaire aggravée par l'intoxication à la vitamine D améliorée sous hyperhydratation, furosémide et glucocorticoïdes. A travers ce travail, nous insistons sur l'intérêt de la recherche d'une hypercalcémie devant toute infection tuberculeuse, de la prise en charge rapide et adaptée sans oublié d'interrompre la supplémentation en vitamine D. PMID:26309458

  2. L’alimentation des enfants ayant une déficience neurologique

    PubMed Central


    La malnutrition, qu’il s’agisse de sous-alimentation ou de suralimentation, est courante chez les enfants ayant une déficience neurologique. Les besoins en énergie sont difficiles à définir au sein de cette population hétérogène. De plus, on manque d’information sur ce qui constitue la croissance normale chez ces enfants. Des facteurs non nutritionnels peuvent influer sur la croissance, mais des facteurs nutritionnels, tels qu’un apport calorique insuffisant, des pertes excessives d’éléments nutritifs et un métabolisme énergétique anormal, contribuent également au retard de croissance de ces enfants. La malnutrition est liée à une importante morbidité, tandis que la réadaptation nutritionnelle améliore l’état de santé global. Le soutien nutritionnel doit faire partie intégrante de la prise en charge des enfants ayant une déficience nutritionnelle et viser non seulement à améliorer l’état nutritionnel, mais également la qualité de vie des patients et de leur famille. Au moment d’envisager une intervention nutritionnelle, il faut tenir compte du dysfonctionnement oromoteur, du reflux gastro-œsophagien et de l’aspiration pulmonaire, et une équipe multidisciplinaire doit se concerter. Il faut repérer rapidement les enfants vulnérables à des troubles nutritionnels et procéder à une évaluation de leur état nutritionnel au moins une fois par année, et plus souvent chez les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants ou chez les enfants qui risquent de souffrir de malnutrition. Il faut optimiser l’apport oral s’il est sécuritaire, mais entreprendre une alimentation entérale chez les enfants ayant un dysfonctionnement oromoteur qui provoque une aspiration marquée ou chez ceux qui sont incapables de maintenir un état nutritionnel suffisant au moyen de l’apport oral. Il faut réserver l’alimentation par sonde nasogastrique aux interventions à court terme, mais si une intervention nutritionnelle prolongée s

  3. Universal penetration test apparatus with fluid penetration sensor


    Johnson, Phillip W.; Stampfer, Joseph F.; Bradley, Orvil D.


    A universal penetration test apparatus for measuring resistance of a material to a challenge fluid. The apparatus includes a pad saturated with the challenge fluid. The apparatus includes a compression assembly for compressing the material between the pad and a compression member. The apparatus also includes a sensor mechanism for automatically detecting when the challenge fluid penetrates the material.

  4. Universal penetration test apparatus with fluid penetration sensor


    Johnson, P.W.; Stampfer, J.F.; Bradley, O.D.


    A universal penetration test apparatus is described for measuring resistance of a material to a challenge fluid. The apparatus includes a pad saturated with the challenge fluid. The apparatus includes a compression assembly for compressing the material between the pad and a compression member. The apparatus also includes a sensor mechanism for automatically detecting when the challenge fluid penetrates the material. 23 figs.

  5. Pseudotumeur cardiaque révélant une maladie de Behçet

    PubMed Central

    Nya, Fouad; Abdou, Abdessamad; Bamous, Mehdi; Moutakiallah, Younes; Atmani, Noureddine; Seghrouchni, Aniss; Houssa, Mahdi Ait; Boulahya, Abdellatif


    La thrombose intracardiaque est une complication rare de la maladie de Behçet (MB), qui peut se présenter comme une tumeur intracardiaque. Sa découverte précède, dans la moitié des cas, le diagnostic de MB. La mortalité élevée peut être en rapport avec des complications post-chirurgicales et/ou une atteinte associée des artères pulmonaires. Nous rapportons l’observation d’un jeune patient de 29 ans, aux antécédents d’aphtose bipolaire, qui a bénéficie d’une intervention chirurgicale après la découverte d’une tumeur de l’atrium et du ventricule droits. Il s’agissait d’un thrombus à l’examen anatomopathologique et dans les suites opératoires nous avons diagnostiqué une MB. L’évolution a été favorable sous traitement médical associant une corticothérapie, de la colchicine et des antivitamines K (AVK). La découverte d’une masse intracardiaque chez un sujet jeune doit faire évoquer le diagnostic de thrombus cardiaque et de maladie de Behçet, même en l’absence de facteur ethnique ou géographique prédisposant. PMID:28533874

  6. Syndrome coronarien aigue suite à une injection accidentelle intraveineuse de Bupivacaine

    PubMed Central

    Koita, Siriman Abdoulaye; Bouhabba, Najib; Salaheddine, Fjouji; Bensghir, Mustapha; Charki, Haimeur


    Les erreurs médicamenteuses constituent une complication très redoutable en anesthésie. La fréquence des erreurs médicamenteuses par administration serait de l'ordre 1/10 000 à 1/1000. Nous rapportons un cas d'injection accidentelle de bupivacaine en intraveineuse directe. Il s'agissait d'un jeune patient classé ASA I qui était prévu pour cure chirurgicale d'une hydrocèle unilatérale sous rachianesthésie. Une injection de 12,5 mg de bupivacaine et 25 µg de fentanyl étaient injectés après un reflux net du liquide céphalorachidien sans incident. Après installation de la rachianesthésie, le début de l'intervention était autorisé sans incidents. Une sédation de confort était décidée. Juste après apparaissait des troubles de rythme à type tachycardie ventriculaire avec une élévation de taux de troponines en post opératoire. L’évolution était marquée par une normalisation de la troponine au troisième jour post opératoire et sorti de l'hôpital au cinquième jour. PMID:26889325

  7. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle

    PubMed Central

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304

  8. Cause rare d'une perforation de la cloison nasale

    PubMed Central

    Jahidi, Ali; Hemmaoui, Bouchaïb; Itoua, Wulfran Rosaire; Errami, Noureddine; Benariba, Fouad


    Les perforations de la cloison nasale constituent une pathologie fréquente en ORL. Leurs causes sont multiples et restent dominées par les traumatismes chirurgicaux. Les étiologies infectieuses et notamment la tuberculose sont rares. Nous présentons le cas d'une patiente ayant bénéficié d'une méatotomie bilatérale et chez laquelle une perforation de la cloison nasale a été découverte lors d'un examen systématique à un an de son intervention. D'abord considérée comme une complication de la chirurgie, la biopsie des berges de la perforation a permis de déterminer son origine tuberculeuse. La présentation clinique des perforations de la cloison nasale n'est pas spécifique. Elles sont souvent asymptomatiques et de découverte fortuite. Les traumatismes notamment chirurgicaux sont le plus siuvent en cause. L′orogine tuberculeuse resta très rare. Le diagnostic de certitude de tuberculose repose sur la biopsie des berges de cette perforation. Le but de ce travail est de mettre en avant l'intérêt de la biopsie dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose de la cloison nasale. Cette biopsie doit être systématique même en cas d'antécédents de chirurgie endonasale qui est le plus souvent en cause dans les perforations de la cloison nasale. PMID:24932334

  9. Electrodiagnosis of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (Une): a Bayesian approach.


    Logigian, Eric L; Villanueva, Raissa; Twydell, Paul T; Myers, Bennett; Downs, Marlene; Preston, David C; Kothari, Milind J; Herrmann, David N


    In ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE), we determined how electrodiagnostic cutoffs [across-elbow ulnar motor conduction velocity slowing (AECV-slowing), drop in across-elbow vs. forearm CV (AECV-drop)] depend on pretest probability (PreTP). Fifty clinically defined UNE patients and 50 controls underwent ulnar conduction testing recording abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and first dorsal interosseous (FDI), stimulating wrist, below-elbow, and 6-, 8-, and 10-cm more proximally. For various PreTPs of UNE, the cutoffs required to confirm UNE (defined as posttest probability = 95%) were determined with receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and Bayes Theorem. On ROC and Bayesian analyses, the ADM 10-cm montage was optimal. For PreTP = 0.25, the confirmatory cutoffs were >23 m/s (AECV-drop), and <38 m/s (AECV-slowing); for PreTP = 0.75, they were much less conservative: >14 m/s, and <47 m/s, respectively. (1) In UNE, electrodiagnostic cutoffs are critically dependent on PreTP; rigid cutoffs are problematic. (2) AE distances should be standardized and at least 10 cm. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Analyse experimentale des performances d'une batterie au lithium pour l'aeronautique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnin, Romain

    Ce memoire a pour objectif d'identifier et d'etudier les performances necessaires pour qu'une batterie au lithium puisse etre utilisee dans le secteur de l'aeronautique. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous allons proposer une procedure de tests permettant d'analyser et de determiner si la batterie au lithium peut etre implantee dans un avion. En vue de repondre a l'analyse des performances, une etude des fonctionnalites demandees par l'avion ainsi que des normes preexistantes vont etre effectuees. Suite a cette etape, nous allons elaborer un banc d'essais. Une fois le banc d'essais acheve, nous allons tester une batterie au lithium qui est supposee disposer de toutes les caracteristiques techniques requises pour etre implantee dans un avion. Ces tests nous permettront donc d'emettre un avis sur l'utilisation des batteries au lithium dans le domaine de l'aeronautique.

  11. Fistule vesico-sigmoïdienne compliquant une hydatidose intestinale: à propos d'un cas rare

    PubMed Central

    Lahyani, Mounir; Jabbour, Younes; Karmouni, Tarik; Elkhader, Khalid; Koutani, Abdellatif; Andaloussi, Ahmed Ibn attya


    La fistule colo-vésicale sur une hydatidose sigmoidienne est une entité pathologique exceptionnelle. Nous rapportions une nouvelle observation, ou seront rappelées les principales données diagnostique et thérapeutique de cette affection. PMID:25722790

  12. [Professor WU Zhongchao's experience of penetration needling].


    Zhang, Ning; Wang, Bing; Zhou, Yu


    Professor WU Zhongchao has unique application of penetration needling in clinical treatment. Professor WU applies penetration needling along meridians, and the methods of penetration needling include self-meridian penetration, exterior-interior meridian penetration, identical-name meridian penetration, different meridian penetration. The meridian differentiation is performed according to different TCM syndromes, locations and natures of diseases and acupoint nature, so as to make a comprehensive assessment. The qi movement during acupuncture is focused. In addition, attention is paid on anatomy and long-needle penetration; the sequence and direction of acupuncture is essential, and the reinforcing and reducing methods have great originality, presented with holding, waiting, pressing and vibrating. Based on classical acupoint, the acupoint of penetration needling is flexible, forming unique combination of acupoints.

  13. Maladie de Horton révélée par une dyspnée

    PubMed Central

    Mahfoudhi, Madiha; Mamlouk, Habiba; Turki, Sami; Kheder, Adel


    Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires de la maladie de Horton sont rares et peu connues. Elles peuvent être inaugurales, à l'origine d'un retard à la prise en charge si elles sont méconnues. Il s'agissait d'un patient âgé de 75 ans, admis pour une dyspnée, une toux chronique et une fièvre. Il a reçu une antibiothérapie et a bénéficié d'une fibroscopie bronchique avec lavage broncho-alvéolaire à la recherche d'un germe, qui a révélé plutôt, une alvéolite lymphocytaire. L’évolution était marquée par la persistance des signes cliniques et du syndrome inflammatoire biologique. Un angio-scanner thoracique et une échographie cardiaque étaient sans anomalies. Une origine cardiaque, musculaire, hématologique, néoplasique, vasculaire ou métabolique de la dyspnée a été éliminée. Une maladie de Horton a été évoquée. La biopsie de l'artère temporale a confirmé le diagnostic d'une maladie de Horton. L’évolution sous corticothérapie était marquée par la disparition des signes cliniques et biologiques. Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires au cours de la maladie de Horton sont rares, et classiquement, rarement révélatrices de la maladie. La dyspnée peut initialement égarer le diagnostic vers d'autres étiologies notamment infectieuses. Le but de ce travail est d'insister sur le fait que la connaissance de ces différentes manifestations respiratoires au cours de la maladie de Horton (toux persistante, dyspnée, épanchement pleural) est utile au clinicien afin de prescrire une corticothérapie, chez un sujet le plus souvent âgé ayant un état fébrile et inflammatoire prolongé, permettant ainsi d’éviter l'apparition de complications. PMID:26161171

  14. Etiologie Rare de Sinusites Nosocomiales en Milieu de Reanimation - A Propos d'une Observation

    PubMed Central

    Messadi, A.A.; Oueslati, S.; Thabet, L.; Bousselmi, K.; Menif, E.


    Summary Les sinusites nosocomiales ne sont pas rares en réanimation. Elles surviennent en général dans les suites d'une intubation nasotrachéale voire même orotrachéale. Le tubage gastrique peut être à lui seul à l'origine d'une sinusite nosocomiale. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente hospitalisée qui a été victime de brûlures étendues chez qui la sonde nasogastrique a été à l'origine d'une pansinusite dont l'issue a été fatale. PMID:21991055

  15. Miniaturization technology for Lunar penetrator mission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hayashi, T.; Saito, H.; Orii, T.; Masumoto, Y.


    The ISAS will launch Lunar-A in 1997 to study internal structure of the moon by seismometric measurements. A mother spacecraft which holds three penetrators will be launched by newly developed M-V rocket. Three penetrators will be released from the mother spacecraft orbiting around the moon. These penetrators make hard landing on the moon with shock of about 10,000 G and will penetrate about 1-3 m in depth into the soil. Three axis seismometer, heat flow meter, data handling subsystem, communications subsystem, power subsystem are installed in a penetrator. These penetrators will be placed at three different sites on the moon and expected to operate more than one year using super lithium primary batteries and will send data to the earth via the mother spacecraft. Weight of the penetrator is limited within 13 kg because of the rocket capability. To achieve the mission, it is absolutely necessary to develop miniaturizing technology in the size and power reduction for penetrator equipment in addition to special assembly technique to withstand extremely high-G environment.

  16. Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie

    PubMed Central

    Harmouch, Taoufiq; Gallouj, Salim; Znati, Kaoutar; Sennou, Aicha Slassi; Belahcen, Faouzi; Amarti, Afaf


    La maladie de Lafora (ML) représente une forme rare et grave d’épilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection à transmission autosomique récessive, hétérogène sur le plan génétique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degré, qui présente depuis l’âge de 14 ans des crises d’épilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montré un syndrome cérébelleux et une détérioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanée était indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L’étude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l’étude moléculaire peut aider à établir un conseil génétique. PMID:22187608

  17. Effect of compressibility on the hypervelocity penetration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, W. J.; Chen, X. W.; Chen, P.


    We further consider the effect of rod strength by employing the compressible penetration model to study the effect of compressibility on hypervelocity penetration. Meanwhile, we define different instances of penetration efficiency in various modified models and compare these penetration efficiencies to identify the effects of different factors in the compressible model. To systematically discuss the effect of compressibility in different metallic rod-target combinations, we construct three cases, i.e., the penetrations by the more compressible rod into the less compressible target, rod into the analogously compressible target, and the less compressible rod into the more compressible target. The effects of volumetric strain, internal energy, and strength on the penetration efficiency are analyzed simultaneously. It indicates that the compressibility of the rod and target increases the pressure at the rod/target interface. The more compressible rod/target has larger volumetric strain and higher internal energy. Both the larger volumetric strain and higher strength enhance the penetration or anti-penetration ability. On the other hand, the higher internal energy weakens the penetration or anti-penetration ability. The two trends conflict, but the volumetric strain dominates in the variation of the penetration efficiency, which would not approach the hydrodynamic limit if the rod and target are not analogously compressible. However, if the compressibility of the rod and target is analogous, it has little effect on the penetration efficiency.

  18. Multipole-Based Cable Braid Electromagnetic Penetration Model: Electric Penetration Case


    Campione, Salvatore; Warne, Larry K.; Langston, William L.; ...


    In this paper, we investigate the electric penetration case of the first principles multipole-based cable braid electromagnetic penetration model reported in the Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 66, 63–89 (2016). We first analyze the case of a 1-D array of wires: this is a problem which is interesting on its own, and we report its modeling based on a multipole-conformal mapping expansion and extension by means of Laplace solutions in bipolar coordinates. We then compare the elastance (inverse of capacitance) results from our first principles cable braid electromagnetic penetration model to that obtained using the multipole-conformal mapping bipolar solution. Thesemore » results are found in a good agreement up to a radius to half spacing ratio of 0.6, demonstrating a robustness needed for many commercial cables. We then analyze realistic cable implementations without dielectrics and compare the results from our first principles braid electromagnetic penetration model to the semiempirical results reported by Kley in the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 35, 1–9 (1993). Finally, although we find results on the same order of magnitude of Kley's results, the full dependence on the actual cable geometry is accounted for only in our proposed multipole model which, in addition, enables us to treat perturbations from those commercial cables measured.« less

  19. Multipole-Based Cable Braid Electromagnetic Penetration Model: Electric Penetration Case

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Campione, Salvatore; Warne, Larry K.; Langston, William L.

    In this paper, we investigate the electric penetration case of the first principles multipole-based cable braid electromagnetic penetration model reported in the Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 66, 63–89 (2016). We first analyze the case of a 1-D array of wires: this is a problem which is interesting on its own, and we report its modeling based on a multipole-conformal mapping expansion and extension by means of Laplace solutions in bipolar coordinates. We then compare the elastance (inverse of capacitance) results from our first principles cable braid electromagnetic penetration model to that obtained using the multipole-conformal mapping bipolar solution. Thesemore » results are found in a good agreement up to a radius to half spacing ratio of 0.6, demonstrating a robustness needed for many commercial cables. We then analyze realistic cable implementations without dielectrics and compare the results from our first principles braid electromagnetic penetration model to the semiempirical results reported by Kley in the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 35, 1–9 (1993). Finally, although we find results on the same order of magnitude of Kley's results, the full dependence on the actual cable geometry is accounted for only in our proposed multipole model which, in addition, enables us to treat perturbations from those commercial cables measured.« less

  20. Sidération myocardique au cours d'une intoxication au monoxyde de carbone (CO) chez une femme enceinte

    PubMed Central

    Coulibaly, Mahamadoun; Berdai, Mohamed Adnane; Labib, Smael; Harandou, Mustapha


    L'intoxication au monoxyde de carbone (CO) est la première cause de décès par intoxication en France. La littérature est ancienne et peu connue. Les signes les plus fréquents de l'intoxication sont la triade: Céphalées; asthénie, faiblesse musculaire surtout des membres inférieurs. Ses conséquences sont potentiellement graves pour le fœtus quand elle survient chez la femme enceinte, il est particulièrement exposé au risque d'hypoxie en raison de la forte affinité de son hémoglobine pour le CO qui traverse aisément le placenta. Les événements cardiovasculaires ne sont pas rares et peuvent être responsable d'une morbi-mortalité assez importante qui peuvent être d'apparition rapide ou secondaire mais régressent habituellement en quelques jours. Des SCA peuvent survenir lors d'une une intoxication au CO avec à l'extrême infarctus myocardique avec surélévation du segment ST. Il paraît légitime de proposer pour toutes les patientes: l’éloignement maternel de la source de CO; l'oxygénothérapie à 100% au masque facial par les services de secours et pendant le transfert; le traitement par oxygénothérapie hyperbare pour toutes les femmes enceintes, le plus rapidement possible et quelque soit l’âge gestationnel. PMID:26405502

  1. Dynamique d'une frontière libre : un siège fascinant de morphogénèse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Misbah, Chaouqi; Müller-Kurmbhaar, Heiner

    Un front de solidification, dont le mouvement est limité par une simple diffusion, est le siège d'une myriade de morphogénèses statiques et dynamiques, allant d'une dendrite aux fractals, et d'un front cellulaire stationnaire au chaos spatio-temporel. Plusieurs de ces caractéristiques sont communes à une vaste liste de systèmes hors équilibre. Même l'organisation spatio-temporelle d'une population d'entités vivantes, telles que les bactéries, présente une forte similarité avec celle d'un front de croissance.

  2. Deployable Wireless Camera Penetrators

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Badescu, Mircea; Jones, Jack; Sherrit, Stewart; Wu, Jiunn Jeng


    A lightweight, low-power camera dart has been designed and tested for context imaging of sampling sites and ground surveys from an aerobot or an orbiting spacecraft in a microgravity environment. The camera penetrators also can be used to image any line-of-sight surface, such as cliff walls, that is difficult to access. Tethered cameras to inspect the surfaces of planetary bodies use both power and signal transmission lines to operate. A tether adds the possibility of inadvertently anchoring the aerobot, and requires some form of station-keeping capability of the aerobot if extended examination time is required. The new camera penetrators are deployed without a tether, weigh less than 30 grams, and are disposable. They are designed to drop from any altitude with the boost in transmitting power currently demonstrated at approximately 100-m line-of-sight. The penetrators also can be deployed to monitor lander or rover operations from a distance, and can be used for surface surveys or for context information gathering from a touch-and-go sampling site. Thanks to wireless operation, the complexity of the sampling or survey mechanisms may be reduced. The penetrators may be battery powered for short-duration missions, or have solar panels for longer or intermittent duration missions. The imaging device is embedded in the penetrator, which is dropped or projected at the surface of a study site at 90 to the surface. Mirrors can be used in the design to image the ground or the horizon. Some of the camera features were tested using commercial "nanny" or "spy" camera components with the charge-coupled device (CCD) looking at a direction parallel to the ground. Figure 1 shows components of one camera that weighs less than 8 g and occupies a volume of 11 cm3. This camera could transmit a standard television signal, including sound, up to 100 m. Figure 2 shows the CAD models of a version of the penetrator. A low-volume array of such penetrator cameras could be deployed from an

  3. Projectile penetration into ballistic gelatin.


    Swain, M V; Kieser, D C; Shah, S; Kieser, J A


    Ballistic gelatin is frequently used as a model for soft biological tissues that experience projectile impact. In this paper we investigate the response of a number of gelatin materials to the penetration of spherical steel projectiles (7 to 11mm diameter) with a range of lower impacting velocities (<120m/s). The results of sphere penetration depth versus projectile velocity are found to be linear for all systems above a certain threshold velocity required for initiating penetration. The data for a specific material impacted with different diameter spheres were able to be condensed to a single curve when the penetration depth was normalised by the projectile diameter. When the results are compared with a number of predictive relationships available in the literature, it is found that over the range of projectiles and compositions used, the results fit a simple relationship that takes into account the projectile diameter, the threshold velocity for penetration into the gelatin and a value of the shear modulus of the gelatin estimated from the threshold velocity for penetration. The normalised depth is found to fit the elastic Froude number when this is modified to allow for a threshold impact velocity. The normalised penetration data are found to best fit this modified elastic Froude number with a slope of 1/2 instead of 1/3 as suggested by Akers and Belmonte (2006). Possible explanations for this difference are discussed. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. Aerosol penetration through respirator exhalation valves.


    Bellin, P; Hinds, W C


    Exhalation valves are a critical component of industrial respirators. They are designed to permit minimal inward leakage of air contaminants during inhalation and provide low resistance during exhalation. Under normal conditions, penetration of aerosol through exhalation valves is minimal. The exhalation valve is, however, a vulnerable component of a respirator and under actual working conditions may become dirty or damaged to the point of causing significant leakage. Aerosol penetration was measured for normal exhalation valves and valves compromised by paint or fine copper wires on the valve seat. Penetration increased with increasing wire diameter. A wire 250 microns in diameter allowed greater than 1% penetration into the mask cavity. Dirt or paint accumulated on the exhalation valve allowed a similar level of penetration. Work rate had little effect on observed penetration. Penetration decreased significantly with increasing aerosol particle size. The amount of material on the valve or valve seat necessary for significant (greater than 0.5%) inward leakage in a half-mask respirator could be readily observed by careful inspection of the exhalation valve and its seat in good lighting conditions.

  5. Static penetration resistance of soils

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Durgunoglu, H. T.; Mitchell, J. K.


    Model test results were used to define the failure mechanism associated with the static penetration resistance of cohesionless and low-cohesion soils. Knowledge of this mechanism has permitted the development of a new analytical method for calculating the ultimate penetration resistance which explicitly accounts for penetrometer base apex angle and roughness, soil friction angle, and the ratio of penetration depth to base width. Curves relating the bearing capacity factors to the soil friction angle are presented for failure in general shear. Strength parameters and penetrometer interaction properties of a fine sand were determined and used as the basis for prediction of the penetration resistance encountered by wedge, cone, and flat-ended penetrometers of different surface roughness using the proposed analytical method. Because of the close agreement between predicted values and values measured in laboratory tests, it appears possible to deduce in-situ soil strength parameters and their variation with depth from the results of static penetration tests.

  6. Reconstruction d’une Carbonisation du Pouce par Lambeau Chinois

    PubMed Central

    Khales, A.; Achbouk, J.A.; Moussaoui, A.; Belmir, R.; Tourabi, K.; Oufkir, A.; Ihrai, H.


    Summary La main en tant qu’organe majeur de la préhension peut être le siège de brûlures graves qui compromettent sa fonction. Bien qu’elle ne représente que 2% de la surface corporelle la brûlure de la main est grave et difficile à traiter, vu la vulnérabilité et la complexité de son appareil locomoteur. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d’un patient victime d’une carbonisation de la main. Huit mois après le parage et la couverture par lambeau inguinal, le patient bénéficie d’une reconstruction du pouce par lambeau chinois associé à une greffe osseuse. Le résultat s’est avéré satisfaisant. Le lambeau chinois prouve par son apport vasculaire et par sa facilité technique qu’il est un moyen très intéressant dans la reconstruction du pouce - ou des doigts en général - surtout dans un contexte de brûlure. PMID:21991226

  7. Penetration through the Skin Barrier.


    Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Benfeldt, Eva; Holmgaard, Rikke


    The skin is a strong and flexible organ with barrier properties essential for maintaining homeostasis and thereby human life. Characterizing this barrier is the ability to prevent some chemicals from crossing the barrier while allowing others, including medicinal products, to pass at varying rates. During recent decades, the latter has received increased attention as a route for intentionally delivering drugs to patients. This has stimulated research in methods for sampling, measuring and predicting percutaneous penetration. Previous chapters have described how different endogenous, genetic and exogenous factors may affect barrier characteristics. The present chapter introduces the theory for barrier penetration (Fick's law), and describes and discusses different methods for measuring the kinetics of percutaneous penetration of chemicals, including in vitro methods (static and flow-through diffusion cells) as well as in vivo methods (microdialysis and microperfusion). Then follows a discussion with examples of how different characteristics of the skin (age, site and integrity) and of the penetrants (size, solubility, ionization, logPow and vehicles) affect the kinetics of percutaneous penetration. Finally, a short discussion of the advantages and challenges of each method is provided, which will hopefully allow the reader to improve decision making and treatment planning, as well as the evaluation of experimental studies of percutaneous penetration of chemicals. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. La neurobrucellose: une cause curable de surdité neurosensorielle à ne pas méconnaitre

    PubMed Central

    Malhi, Alae Bezzari; Ridal, Mohamed; Bouchal, Siham; Belahsen, Mohammed Faouzi; El Alami, Mohamed-Nourdine


    La brucellose est une zoonose ubiquitaire touchant en particulier les pays méditerranéens et le Moyen-Orient. Les manifestations neurologiques sont assez diverses. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient âgé de 45 ans, agriculteur, ayant consulté pour une surdité profonde bilatérale depuis 2 mois associée à des céphalées, des épisodes d'hémiparésie à bascule, de trouble de langage, spontanément résolutifs en quelques minutes et des sensations vertigineuses intermittentes depuis 09 mois. Les résultats de la ponction lombaire, de l'imagerie par résonnance magnétique et surtout la sérologie ont permis de conclure à une neurobrucellose. L’évolution sous bi-antibiothérapie a été favorable, avec régression des signes neurologiques, normalisation du LCR et amélioration de la surdité. La neurobrucellose est une affection grave dont le pronostic dépend de la précocité du diagnostic et du traitement. Nous pensons qu'un tableau clinique associant une surdité neurosensorielle et une symptomatologie neurologique progressive doit évoquer en premier une neurobrucellose, d'autant plus que le patient est à risque et dans les pays où cette maladie est endémique. PMID:26889303

  9. Double-Plate Penetration Equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hayashida, K. B.; Robinson, J. H.


    This report compares seven double-plate penetration predictor equations for accuracy and effectiveness of a shield design. Three of the seven are the Johnson Space Center original, modified, and new Cour-Palais equations. The other four are the Nysmith, Lundeberg-Stern-Bristow, Burch, and Wilkinson equations. These equations, except the Wilkinson equation, were derived from test results, with the velocities ranging up to 8 km/sec. Spreadsheet software calculated the projectile diameters for various velocities for the different equations. The results were plotted on projectile diameter versus velocity graphs for the expected orbital debris impact velocities ranging from 2 to 15 km/sec. The new Cour-Palais double-plate penetration equation was compared to the modified Cour-Palais single-plate penetration equation. Then the predictions from each of the seven double-plate penetration equations were compared to each other for a chosen shield design. Finally, these results from the equations were compared with test results performed at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Because the different equations predict a wide range of projectile diameters at any given velocity, it is very difficult to choose the "right" prediction equation for shield configurations other than those exactly used in the equations' development. Although developed for various materials, the penetration equations alone cannot be relied upon to accurately predict the effectiveness of a shield without using hypervelocity impact tests to verify the design.

  10. Une recension des écrits concernant la réalité psychoaffective des femmes ayant une vulvodynie : Difficultés rencontrées et stratégies développées

    PubMed Central

    Cantin-Drouin, Maude; Damant, Dominique; Turcotte, Daniel


    HISTORIQUE : Au cours des trois dernières décennies, une attention grandissante a été portée à l’étude du syndrome de vulvodynie, soit un inconfort vulvaire chronique inexpliqué, éprouvé en l’absence de pathologie précisée. En plus d’avoir des répercussions physiques, l’expérience de la vulvodynie comporte une dimension psychosociale. OBJECTIF : Cet article vise à faire une recension des écrits sur la réalité psychoaffective des femmes qui éprouvent une vulvodynie. MÉTHODE : Une recherche documentaire basée sur une exploration systématique de textes présentant des résultats de recherche et recensés dans les principales banques de données en sciences sociales, dont Dissertation Abstracts, Current Contents et PsycINFO, a été réalisée. RÉSULTATS : Cette recension des écrits révèle, malgré la présence de certains résultats divergents, que les femmes ayant une vulvodynie affrontent souvent des difficultés identitaires et psychologiques, qui sont influencées notamment par les normes sociales de sexualité et de féminité. Pour composer avec ces difficultés, les femmes développent différentes stratégies visant à diminuer le stress occasionné par la douleur et à améliorer leur bien-être psychologique. CONCLUSION : Les difficultés relationnelles et psychologiques vécues par les femmes ayant une vulvodynie ne découlent pas seulement de la douleur physique, mais aussi du sens qu’elles lui accordent, souvent influencé par les discours sociaux sur l’hétérosexualité et la féminité. Il importe donc d’intervenir auprès des femmes en tenant compte de l’influence du contexte social tout en poursuivant le développement des connaissances sur les aspects psychosociaux de cette expérience. PMID:18592063

  11. Le pronostic statural après une pseudo-puberté précoce par déficit en 11ß hydroxylase chez une fille de 7 ans: à propos d'un cas avec revue de la literature

    PubMed Central

    Latrech, Hanane; Gaouzi, Ahmed


    L'hyperplasie congénitale des surrénales par déficit en 11ß hydroxylase se voit dans 5 à 10% des cas et est diagnostiquée, habituellement, devant des signes de virilisation d'un nouveau né ou d'un fœtus 46 XX et plus tard devant une HTA avec une hypokaliémie. Le pronostic de taille chez ces patients est très souvent compromis. Nous rapportons le cas d'un déficit en 11ß hydroxylase chez une enfant âgée de 7 ans révélé par une pseudo- puberté précoce traitée par hydrocortisone. La survenue d'une puberté précoce centrale complique encore plus la situation par la mise en jeu du pronostic de taille finale et nécessitant une prise en charge thérapeutique particulière. PMID:26113905

  12. Une complication exceptionnelle du tétanos généralisé: l’embolie pulmonaire

    PubMed Central

    Regaieg, Kais; Bahloul, Mabrouk; Gargouri, Rahma; Bouattour, Abir; Chelly, Hèdi; Bouaziz, Mounir


    Le tétanos est une maladie caractérisée par une paralysie spastique et des spasmes. C’est une pathologie grave. Elle nécessite une prise en charge en milieu de réanimation. La mortalité est essentiellement liée aux complications neurovégétatives et infectieuses. Les complications thromboemboliques sont exceptionnelles au cours de cette maladie. A notre connaissance, l’embolie pulmonaire n’a jamais été rapportée et confirmée au cours du tétanos généralisé. Nous présentons à travers cette observation un cas de tétanos généralisé compliqué d’une embolie pulmonaire fibrino cruorique. PMID:28292134

  13. Evaluation of Microencapsulated Penetrant Inspection.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AD-A9b 826 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO CINCINNATI OH AIRCRAFT ENGINE GROUP F/6 IA/2ADG EVALUATION OF MICROENCAPSULATED PENETRANT INSPECTION.(U) DEC 80 J M...4156 ADA096826 EVALUATION OF MICROENCAPSULATED PENETRANT INSPECTION i :I J.M. Portaz Aircraft Engine Group General Electric Company Cincinnati, Ohio... Microencapsulated Penetrant 5 7riJF-Iehica17 = Inspection p un May@84 -1 ---- --- ---- 19AMFGK657j7 7. AiJTHOR(s) nVCWRACT OR GRANT m 𔃻 " JO J.M./Portaz

  14. Mars penetrator: Subsurface science mission

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lumpkin, C. K.


    A penetrator system to emplace subsurface science on the planet Mars is described. The need for subsurface science is discussed, and the technologies for achieving successful atmospheric entry, Mars penetration, and data retrieval are presented.

  15. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Berg, Joseph M.; Bradley, Elspeth; Cheetham, Tom; Denton, Richard; Heng, John; Hennen, Brian; Joyce, David; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les lignes directrices canadiennes de 2006 sur les soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) et présenter des recommandations pratiques fondées sur les connaissances actuelles pour traiter des problèmes de santé particuliers chez des adultes ayant une DD. Qualité des preuves Des professionnels de la santé expérimentés participant à un colloque et un groupe de travail subséquent ont discuté et convenu des révisions aux lignes directrices de 2006 en se fondant sur une recherche documentaire exhaustive, la rétroaction obtenue des utilisateurs du guide de pratique et les expériences cliniques personnelles. La plupart des preuves disponibles dans ce domaine viennent de l’opinion d’experts ou de déclarations consensuelles publiées (niveau III). Message principal Les adultes ayant une DD ont des problèmes de santé complexes, dont plusieurs diffèrent de ceux de la population en général. De bons soins primaires permettent d’identifier les problèmes de santé particuliers dont souffrent les adultes ayant une DD pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur accès aux soins de santé et prévenir la morbidité et le décès prématuré. Ces lignes directrices résument les problèmes de santé générale, physique, comportementale et mentale des adultes ayant une DD que devraient connaître les professionnels des soins primaires et présentent des recommandations pour le dépistage et la prise en charge en se basant sur les connaissances actuelles que les cliniciens peuvent mettre en pratique. En raison de l’interaction des facteurs biologiques, psychoaffectifs et sociaux qui contribuent à la santé et au bien-être des adultes ayant une DD, ces lignes directrices insistent sur la participation des aidants, l’adaptation des interventions, au besoin, et la consultation auprès de divers professionnels de la santé quand ils sont accessibles. Elles mettent aussi en évidence la

  16. Low Force Penetration of Icy Regolith

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mantovani, J. G.; Galloway, G. M.; Zacny, K.


    A percussive cone penetrometer measures the strength of granular material by using percussion to deliver mechanical energy into the material. A percussive cone penetrometer was used in this study to penetrate a regolith ice mixture by breaking up ice and decompacting the regolith. As compared to a static cone penetrometer, percussion allows low reaction forces to push a penetrometer probe tip more easily into dry regolith in a low gravity environment from a planetary surface rover or a landed spacecraft. A percussive cone penetrates icy regolith at ice concentrations that a static cone cannot penetrate. In this study, the percussive penetrator was able to penetrate material under 65 N of down-force which could not be penetrated using a static cone under full body weight. This paper discusses using a percussive cone penetrometer to discern changes in the concentration of water-ice in a mixture of lunar regolith simulant and ice to a depth of one meter. The rate of penetration was found to be a function of the ice content and was not significantly affected by the down-force. The test results demonstrate that this method may be ideal for a small platform in a reduced gravity environment. However, there are some cases where the system may not be able to penetrate the icy regolith, and there is some risk of the probe tip becoming stuck so that it cannot be retracted. It is also shown that a percussive cone penetrometer could be used to prospect for water ice in regolith at concentrations as high as 8 by weight.

  17. Quantification of nanowire penetration into living cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Alexander M.; Aalipour, Amin; Leal-Ortiz, Sergio; Mekhdjian, Armen H.; Xie, Xi; Dunn, Alexander R.; Garner, Craig C.; Melosh, Nicholas A.


    High-aspect ratio nanostructures such as nanowires and nanotubes are a powerful new tool for accessing the cell interior for delivery and sensing. Controlling and optimizing cellular access is a critical challenge for this new technology, yet even the most basic aspect of this process, whether these structures directly penetrate the cell membrane, is still unknown. Here we report the first quantification of hollow nanowires—nanostraws—that directly penetrate the membrane by observing dynamic ion delivery from each 100-nm diameter nanostraw. We discover that penetration is a rare event: 7.1±2.7% of the nanostraws penetrate the cell to provide cytosolic access for an extended period for an average of 10.7±5.8 penetrations per cell. Using time-resolved delivery, the kinetics of the first penetration event are shown to be adhesion dependent and coincident with recruitment of focal adhesion-associated proteins. These measurements provide a quantitative basis for understanding nanowire-cell interactions, and a means for rapidly assessing membrane penetration.

  18. Oligoalanine helical callipers for cell penetration.


    Pazo, Marta; Juanes, Marisa; Lostalé-Seijo, Irene; Montenegro, Javier


    Even for short peptides that are enriched in basic amino acids, the large chemical space that can be spanned by combinations of natural amino acids hinders the rational design of cell penetrating peptides. We here report on short oligoalanine scaffolds for the fine-tuning of peptide helicity in different media and the study of cell penetrating properties. This strategy allowed the extraction of the structure/activity features required for maximal membrane interaction and cellular penetration at minimal toxicity. These results confirmed oligoalanine helical callipers as optimal scaffolds for the rational design and the identification of cell penetrating peptides.

  19. Schwannome benin primitif retrovesical: une tumeur très rare à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Beddouche, Ali; Fahsi, Othemane; Kallat, Adil; El Bote, Hicham; Ziani, Idriss; El Sayegh, Hachem; Iken, Ali; Benslimane, Lounis; Nouini, Yassine


    Le schwannome est une tumeur le plus souvent bénigne, d'origine nerveuse se développant à partir des cellules de la gaine de Schwann. C'est une tumeur très rare tant par sa fréquence que par sa localisation rétrovésicale. L'examen anatomopathologique et immunohistochimique confirme le type histologique ainsi que le caractère bénin ou malin du schwannome. En raison des récidives, et du risque de transformation maligne, l'exérèse doit être complète. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient âgé de 39 ans, admis pour une douleur pelvienne chronique à type de pesanteur, des signes irritatifs du bas appareil urinaire, et des troubles de transit. L'imagerie (échographie, TDM, IRM) a révélé la présence d'une masse pelvienne rétrovésicale, à paroi fine, latéralisée à gauche, mesurant 68x70x70 mm, exerçant un effet de masse sur la vessie et le sigmoïde. L'intervention chirurgicale menée par une laparotomie médiane a permis l'exérèse d'une masse retrovésicale bien encapsulée. L'examen anatomopathologique et immunohistochimique ont conclu à un schwannome bénin. La récidive et la transformation maligne bien que rare après chirurgie impose une surveillance post opératoire clinique et tomodensitométrique annuelle. PMID:27217902

  20. Cardiomyopathie du péripartum: à propos d’une observation et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Bouzerda, Abdelmajid


    La cardiomyopathie du péripartum ou cardiomyopathie gravidique primitive, est une entité rare et méconnue définie comme une insuffisance cardiaque systolique survenant le dernier mois de la grossesse ou les cinq premiers mois du postpartum en l'absence d'étiologie connue ou de cardiopathie préexistante. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers admise pour une poussée d'insuffisance cardiaque gauche 1mois après son accouchement. Le contexte de péripartum nous a fait penser au diagnostic et a motivé la réalisation d'une Echocardiographie qui a confirmé cette entité. PMID:28154713

  1. Biomechanics of penetrating trauma.


    Yoganandan, N; Pintar, F A


    It is well known that injuries and deaths due to penetrating projectiles have become a national and an international epidemic in Western society. The application of biomedical engineering to solve day-to-day problems has produced considerable advances in safety and mitigation/prevention of trauma. The study of penetrating trauma has been largely in the military domain where war-time specific applications were advanced with the use of high-velocity weapons. With the velocity and weapon caliber in the civilian population at half or less compared with the military counterpart, wound ballistics is a largely different problem in today's trauma centers. The principal goal of the study of penetrating injuries in the civilian population is secondary prevention and optimized emergency care after occurrence. A thorough understanding of the dynamic biomechanics of penetrating injuries quantifies missile type, caliber, and velocity to hard and soft tissue damage. Such information leads to a comprehensive assessment of the acute and long-term treatment of patients with penetrating injuries. A review of the relevant military research applied to the civilian domain and presentation of new technology in the biomechanical study of these injuries offer foundation to this field. Relevant issues addressed in this review article include introduction of the military literature, the need for secondary prevention, environmental factors including projectile velocity and design, experimental studies with biological tissues and physical models, and mathematical simulations and analyses. Areas of advancement are identified that enables the pursuit of biomechanics research in order to arrive at better secondary prevention strategies.

  2. Romanomermis culicivorax: penetration of larval mosquitoes.


    Shamseldean, M M; Platzer, E G


    In the presence of second larval instars of three mosquito species the preparasites of Romanomermis culicivorax swam near the water surface in an orthokinetic manner. When the preparasites were ca. 1 mm from the host, they stopped and swam klinotactically toward the host. During this phase, the preparasites secreted a small amount of a putative adhesive material from the anterior region and host contact was completed. The adhesive appeared to aid in attachment of the preparasites to the host and initiation of the search-boring phase. The preparasites glided over the host until a suitable penetration site was found. The penetration phase was initiated by probing with the odontostyle. This was followed by partial paralysis, decreased intestinal peristaltic movement, and temporary cardiac arrest in all host mosquitoes which was probably related to injection of esophageal secretions. SEM observations showed that the abdominal walls were the most frequent site for penetration. As the preparasites entered through the penetration hole, microorganisms adhering to the cuticle of the preparasites were retained by the adhesive which accumulated around the penetration site. Thus, microbial contamination of the host was avoided by a mechanical cleansing mechanism. Penetration was usually completed in less than 10 min.

  3. Déshumidification de l'air d'une serre par contact direct à courants croisés avec une solution hygroscopique organique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chraibi, A.; Jaffrin, A.; Makhlouf, S.; Bentounes, N.


    Greenhouse air can be dehumidified by direct contact with a desicant fluid on a trickle exchanger. The water vapour extraction rate depends on the hygroscopicity of the fluid and on the exchanger efficiency. An organic fluid, the triethylene glycol (TEG) at 90% concentration, has been tested. Cross corrugated cellulosic pads, of the type used in cooling, irrigated with TEG, were placed in a wind channel to dehumidify air at various speeds and temperatures. A semi-analytical model, based on energy and mass conservation, correctly reproduces the water vapor extraction rate and the enthalpy change of both fluids. It is shown that TEG trickling through a ventilated pad of 1 m^2 area and 0.1 m thickness can be used to extract 3 to 5 kg of water vapor per hour in greenhouse climate control applications. Several pads arranged in series can be used to decrease more efficiently the absolute humidity of the air, for other applications like food drying or industrial compressed air. Une technique de déshumidification de l'air des serres consiste à le soumettre au contact d'une solution hygroscopique au sein d'un échangeur ruisselant. Le taux d'extraction de vapeur d'eau dépend à la fois du pouvoir hygroscopique de la solution et de l'efficacité de l'échangeur. Une solution hygroscopique organique, le triéthylène glycol à 90% de concentration, a été expérimentée. Un échangeur ruisselant constitué de parois de cellulose ondulées à corrugations croisées, du type “cooling pad” pour serres agricoles, a été testé pour déshumidifier de l'air dans une soufflerie expérimentale. Un modèle semi-analytique, basé sur les équations de conservation de l'énergie et de masse, permet de rendre compte des échanges et de déduire les paramètres de sortie des deux fluides en contact, à partir des caractéristiques d'entrée. Cette étude permet de chiffrer à environ 3 à 5kg/h la capacité de déshumidification d'un panneau d'un mètre carré et de 10cm d

  4. Une nouvelle voie pour la conception des implants intervertébraux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gradel, T.; Tabourot, L.; Arrieux, R.; Balland, P.


    L'objectif de notre travail est la conception d'une nouvelle génération d'implants intersomatiques qui s'adapte parfaitement à la géométrie des plateaux vertébraux en se déformant. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle démarche qui consiste à simuler entièrement le procédé de fabrication en l'occurrence l'emboutissage, Cette simulation, en concervant l'historique des sollicitations exercées sur le matériau lors de sa mise en œuvre permet de valider très précisément sa résistance mécanique en fin de cycle. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons mené en parallèle deux analyses dites “ coopératives ” : l'une fondée sur un modèle phénoménologique de type HILL et l'autre sur un modèle multi-échelles prenant en compte des phénomènes plus physiques afin d'acquérir une bonne connaissance du comportement du matériau lors de la déformation. C'est pour sa bonne résistance, sa biocompatibilité et ses propriétés radiologiques que nous avons choisi le T40 (titane pur) comme matériau.

  5. Varieties of cognitive penetration in visual perception.


    Vetter, Petra; Newen, Albert


    Is our perceptual experience a veridical representation of the world or is it a product of our beliefs and past experiences? Cognitive penetration describes the influence of higher level cognitive factors on perceptual experience and has been a debated topic in philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Here, we focus on visual perception, particularly early vision, and how it is affected by contextual expectations and memorized cognitive contents. We argue for cognitive penetration based on recent empirical evidence demonstrating contextual and top-down influences on early visual processes. On the basis of a perceptual model, we propose different types of cognitive penetration depending on the processing level on which the penetration happens and depending on where the penetrating influence comes from. Our proposal has two consequences: (1) the traditional controversy on whether cognitive penetration occurs or not is ill posed, and (2) a clear-cut perception-cognition boundary cannot be maintained. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Stability of Full Penetration, Flat Position Weld Pools

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nunes, Arthur C., Jr.; Coan, Al. B.


    The dynamics of the dropthrough distance of a full penetration, flat position weld pool is described. Close to incipient root side penetration the dropthrough is metastable, so that a small drop in power can cause a loss of penetration if not followed soon enough by a compensating rise in power. The SPA (Soft Plasma Arc) process with higher pressure on top of the weld pool loses penetration more quickly than the GTA (Gas Tungsten Arc) process. 2195 aluminum-lithium alloy with a lower surface tension loses penetration more quickly than 2219 aluminum alloy. An instance of loss of penetration of a SPA weld in 2195 aluminum-lithium alloy is discussed in the light of the model.

  7. Pneumomédiastin compliquant une crise d’éclampsie: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Doumiri, Mouhssine; Motiaa, Youssef; Oudghiri, Nezha; Saoud, Anas Tazi


    Le pneumomédiastin associé à l'emphysème sous cutané et le pneumothorax, sont des complications rares de la grossesse et surviennent au cours du travail obstétrical. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une parturiente de 25ans, sans antécédent pathologique particulier, admise pour une crise d’éclampsie à 36 semaines d'aménorrhées avec une mort fœtale et trouble de la conscience. L'examen clinique a montré un emphysème sous cutané étendu du visage jusqu’à l'abdomen sans notion de traumatisme et un score de Glasgow à 10. Après mise en condition, traitement de la crise d’éclampsie, stabilisation de la tension artérielle et retour à l’état de conscience, une TDM cervico-thoraco-abdominale a été demandée et a révélé la présence d'un pneumomédiastin important avec un discret pneumothorax droit postérieur et un pneumopéritoine important qui n'ont pas nécessité de drainage pleural. Deux jours après son admission, la patiente a expulsé un mort-né d'un poids de 1800 grammes avec forceps et sans efforts d'expulsions sous analgésie péridurale. Le contrôle radiologique à une semaine a noté une nette diminution de l'emphysème sous cutané et du pneumomédiastin. La patiente a quitté l'hôpital après dix jours. PMID:25838864

  8. Fissuration d'un composite a matrice ceramique dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebel, Larry

    Une procedure experimentale a ete developpee pour caracteriser les mecanismes de deterioration et la durabilite de materiaux composites a matrice ceramique (CMC) dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz. Tandis que la plupart des essais de caracterisation publies sur les materiaux CMC ont ete realises sous des conditions de chargement controle, la presente recherche tente de reproduire la relaxation des contraintes qui se produit normalement dans une piece statique a haute temperature. Dans l'experience proposee, un echantillon planaire de forme haltere est chauffe de facon cyclique sur une de ses faces et refroidi sur l'autre, tout en etant contraint dans ses deplacements. La contrainte de flexion resultante au centre de l'echantillon, mesuree par une cellule de charge, correspond a la contrainte de flexion qui a ete prealablement predite au centre des panneaux d'une chambre a combustion generique. Un materiau CMC multicouche compose d'une matrice d'alumine poreuse et de fibres NextelMD 720 a ete utilise pour developper l'experience. Des essais de calibration ont d'abord ete realises en utilisant un systeme de chauffage par lampe infrarouge, atteignant jusqu'a 1160 °C a la surface de l'echantillon. Un systeme laser au CO2 a par la suite ete utilise pour realiser des essais de deterioration a haute puissance, atteignant en fin d'essai des temperatures de surface excedant la limite de 1200 °C du materiau et des differences de temperature a travers l'epaisseur de plus de 1000 °C. Sous la puissance de chauffage imposee a amplitude constante, l'accumulation de dommage a fait en sorte d'augmenter la temperature en surface et les gradients de temperature a travers le materiau. Une reduction de la contrainte dans le temps a ete observee a cause du fluage, de la fissuration et de la delamination du materiau sous la condition de confinement du deplacement, menant a une stabilisation du niveau de dommage a une certaine profondeur dependant de la contrainte

  9. Lupus érythémateux systémique induit par l'isoniazide: une complication rare à craindre

    PubMed Central

    Jguirim, Mahbouba; Jbeli, Amna; Brahim, Hajer Ben; Mhenni, Amira; Youssef, Monia; Touzi, Mongi; Zrour, Sawssen; Bejia, Ismail; Bergaoui, Naceur


    Le lupus induit est défini comme un syndrome lupique généralement cutanéo-articulaire secondaire à une exposition continue à un traitement et qui disparaît après arrêt de celle-ci. Nous rapportons deux cas de lupus induit par l'isoniazide. Il s'agissait de deux femmes âgées respectivement de 30 et 35 ans. Elles présentaient un lupus induit par l'isoniazide après un et deux mois de traitement d'une tuberculose ganglionnaire. La maladie s'est manifestée par des signes articulaires, une éruption cutanée, une leucopénie et une anémie. Les anticorps antinucléaires et les anticorps antihistone étaient présents dans le sérum des deux malades. L’évolution était favorable après arrêt de l'isoniazide et une corticothérapie per os. Les médicaments antituberculeux notamment l'isoniazide sont responsables d'effets indésirables fréquents. Le lupus induit doit être évoqué lorsqu'un patient présente un tableau clinico-biologique évocateur. PMID:26430478

  10. Sidewall penetrator for oil wells

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Collins, E. R., Jr.


    Penetrator bores horizontal holes in well casing to increase trapped oil drainage. Several penetrators operated by common drive are inserted into well at once. Shaft, made from spiraling cable, rotates and thrusts simultaneously through rigid curvilinear guide tube forcing bit through casing into strata. Device pierces more deeply than armor-piercing bullets and shaped explosive charges.

  11. Validation of the CNS Penetration-Effectiveness Rank for Quantifying Antiretroviral Penetration Into the Central Nervous System

    PubMed Central

    Letendre, Scott; Marquie-Beck, Jennifer; Capparelli, Edmund; Best, Brookie; Clifford, David; Collier, Ann C.; Gelman, Benjamin B.; McArthur, Justin C.; McCutchan, J. Allen; Morgello, Susan; Simpson, David; Grant, Igor; Ellis, Ronald J.


    Objective To evaluate whether penetration of a combination regimen into the central nervous system (CNS), as estimated by the CNS Penetration-Effectiveness (CPE) rank, is associated with lower cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) viral load. Design Data were analyzed from 467 participants who were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositive and who reported antiretroviral (ARV) drug use. Individual ARV drugs were assigned a penetration rank of 0 (low), 0.5 (intermediate), or 1 (high) based on their chemical properties, concentrations in CSF, and/or effectiveness in the CNS in clinical studies. The CPE rank was calculated by summing the individual penetration ranks for each ARV in the regimen. Results The median CPE rank was 1.5 (interquartile range, 1–2). Lower CPE ranks correlated with higher CSF viral loads. Ranks less than 2 were associated with an 88% increase in the odds of detectable CSF viral load. In multivariate regression, lower CPE ranks were associated with detectable CSF viral loads even after adjusting for total number of ARV drugs, ARV drug adherence, plasma viral load, duration and type of the current regimen, and CD4 count. Conclusions Poorer penetration of ARV drugs into the CNS appears to allow continued HIV replication in the CNS as indicated by higher CSF HIV viral loads. Because inhibition of HIV replication in the CNS is probably critical in treating patients who have HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders, ARV treatment strategies that account for CNS penetration should be considered in consensus treatment guidelines and validated in clinical studies. PMID:18195140

  12. USDC based rapid penetrator of packed soil

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bao, Xiaoqi; Bar-Cohen, Yoseph; Chang, Zensheu; Sherrit, Stewart; Badescu, Mircea


    Environment protection requires more testing and analysis tools. To detect buried chemical containers or other objects embedded in soil and avoid possible damages of them, a penetrator of packed soil operated using low pushing force was developed. The design was based on a novel driving mechanism of the ultrasonic/sonic driller/corer (USDC) device developed in the NDEAA lab at JPL [Bar-Cohen et al 2001, Bao et al 2003]. In the penetrator, a small free-flying mass is energized by a piezoelectric transducer and impacts a rod probe on its shoulder at frequencies of hundreds times per second. The impacts help the probe to penetrate the packed soil rapidly. A great reduction of the needed pushing force for penetration was achieved. The details of the design of the prototype penetrator and the results of performance tests are presented.

  13. Real-Time Penetrating Particle Analyzer (PAN)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, X.; Ambrosi, G.; Bertucci, B.


    The PAN can measure penetrating particles with great precision to study energetic particles, solar activities, and the origin and propagation of cosmic rays. The real-time monitoring of penetrating particles is crucial for deep space human travel.

  14. Simulation d'ecoulements internes compressibles laminaires et turbulents par une methode d'elements finis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rebaine, Ali


    Ce travail consiste en la simulation numerique des ecoulements internes compressibles bidimensionnels laminaires et turbulents. On s'interesse, particulierement, aux ecoulements dans les ejecteurs supersoniques. Les equations de Navier-Stokes sont formulees sous forme conservative et utilisent, comme variables independantes, les variables dites enthalpiques a savoir: la pression statique, la quantite de mouvement et l'enthalpie totale specifique. Une formulation variationnelle stable des equations de Navier-Stokes est utilisee. Elle est base sur la methode SUPG (Streamline Upwinding Petrov Galerkin) et utilise un operateur de capture des forts gradients. Un modele de turbulence, pour la simulation des ecoulements dans les ejecteurs, est mis au point. Il consiste a separer deux regions distinctes: une region proche de la paroi solide, ou le modele de Baldwin et Lomax est utilise et l'autre, loin de la paroi, ou une formulation nouvelle, basee sur le modele de Schlichting pour les jets, est proposee. Une technique de calcul de la viscosite turbulente, sur un maillage non structure, est implementee. La discretisation dans l'espace de la forme variationnelle est faite a l'aide de la methode des elements finis en utilisant une approximation mixte: quadratique pour les composantes de la quantite de mouvement et de la vitesse et lineaire pour le reste des variables. La discretisation temporelle est effectuee par une methode de differences finies en utilisant le schema d'Euler implicite. Le systeme matriciel, resultant de la discretisation spatio-temporelle, est resolu a l'aide de l'algorithme GMRES en utilisant un preconditionneur diagonal. Les validations numeriques ont ete menees sur plusieurs types de tuyeres et ejecteurs. La principale validation consiste en la simulation de l'ecoulement dans l'ejecteur teste au centre de recherche NASA Lewis. Les resultats obtenus sont tres comparables avec ceux des travaux anterieurs et sont nettement superieurs concernant les

  15. Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries with Photoactivated Bonding

    DTIC Science & Technology


    light treatment parameters for sealing a variety of penetrating eye wounds and have demonstrated that these repair procedures are safe to ocular...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-09-2-0050 TITLE: Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries with Photoactivated...TYPE Final 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 1 Sep 2009-31 Aug 2012 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries with Photoactivated Bonding

  16. Acoustic-Emission Weld-Penetration Monitor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Maram, J.; Collins, J.


    Weld penetration monitored by detection of high-frequency acoustic emissions produced by advancing weld pool as it melts and solidifies in workpiece. Acoustic emission from TIG butt weld measured with 300-kHz resonant transducer. Rise in emission level coincides with cessation of weld penetration due to sudden reduction in welding current. Such monitoring applied to control of automated and robotic welders.

  17. Etude aerodynamique d'un jet turbulent impactant une paroi concave

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    LeBlanc, Benoit

    Etant donne la demande croissante de temperatures elevees dans des chambres de combustion de systemes de propulsions en aerospatiale (turbomoteurs, moteur a reaction, etc.), l'interet dans le refroidissement par jets impactant s'est vu croitre. Le refroidissement des aubes de turbine permet une augmentation de temperature de combustion, ce qui se traduit en une augmentation de l'efficacite de combustion et donc une meilleure economie de carburant. Le transfert de chaleur dans les au bages est influence par les aspects aerodynamiques du refroidissement a jet, particulierement dans le cas d'ecoulements turbulents. Un manque de comprehension de l'aerodynamique a l'interieur de ces espaces confinees peut mener a des changements de transfert thermique qui sont inattendus, ce qui augmente le risque de fluage. Il est donc d'interet pour l'industrie aerospatiale et l'academie de poursuivre la recherche dans l'aerodynamique des jets turbulents impactant les parois courbes. Les jets impactant les surfaces courbes ont deja fait l'objet de nombreuses etudes. Par contre des conditions oscillatoires observees en laboratoire se sont averees difficiles a reproduire en numerique, puisque les structures d'ecoulements impactants des parois concaves sont fortement dependantes de la turbulence et des effets instationnaires. Une etude experimentale fut realisee a l'institut PPRIME a l'Universite de Poitiers afin d'observer le phenomene d'oscillation dans le jet. Une serie d'essais ont verifie les conditions d'ecoulement laminaires et turbulentes, toutefois le cout des essais experimentaux a seulement permis d'avoir un apercu du phenomene global. Une deuxieme serie d'essais fut realisee numeriquement a l'Universite de Moncton avec l'outil OpenFOAM pour des conditions d'ecoulement laminaire et bidimensionnel. Cette etude a donc comme but de poursuivre l'enquete de l'aerodynamique oscillatoire des jets impactant des parois courbes, mais pour un regime d'ecoulement transitoire, turbulent

  18. The effect of HMO penetration on physician retirement.


    Kletke, P R; Polsky, D; Wozniak, G D; Escarce, J J


    To examine the effect of HMO penetration on physician retirement. We linked together historical data from the Physician Masterfile of the American Medical Association for successive years to track changes in physicians' activity status between 1980 and 1997. We used a multivariate discrete-time survival model to examine how the probability of physician retirement was affected by the level of HMO penetration in the physician's market area, controlling for other physician and market characteristics. The study population included all active allopathic patient-care physicians in the United States who reached age 55 between the years of 1980 and 1996. The main outcome measure was physician retirements as reported on the Physician Masterfile. HMO penetration had a statistically significant positive effect on the retirement probabilities of generalists and medical/surgical specialists, but it s effect on hospital-based specialists and psychiatrists was not significant . For generalists regression-adjusted retirement probabilities were roughly 13 percent greater in high-penetration markets (HMO penetration of 45 percent ) than in low-penetration markets (HMO penetration of 5 percent ). For medical/surgical specialist s regression-adjusted retirement probabilities were roughly 17 percent greater in high-penetration markets than in low-penetration markets. Our findings suggest that many older physicians have found it preferable to retire rather than adapt their practices to an environment with a high degree of managed care penetration . Because the number of physicians entering the older age categories will increase rapidly over the next 20 years, the growth of managed care and other influences on physician retirement will play an increasingly important role in determining the size of the physician workforce.

  19. Single wall penetration equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hayashida, K. B.; Robinson, J. H.


    Five single plate penetration equations are compared for accuracy and effectiveness. These five equations are two well-known equations (Fish-Summers and Schmidt-Holsapple), two equations developed by the Apollo project (Rockwell and Johnson Space Center (JSC), and one recently revised from JSC (Cour-Palais). They were derived from test results, with velocities ranging up to 8 km/s. Microsoft Excel software was used to construct a spreadsheet to calculate the diameters and masses of projectiles for various velocities, varying the material properties of both projectile and target for the five single plate penetration equations. The results were plotted on diameter versus velocity graphs for ballistic and spallation limits using Cricket Graph software, for velocities ranging from 2 to 15 km/s defined for the orbital debris. First, these equations were compared to each other, then each equation was compared with various aluminum projectile densities. Finally, these equations were compared with test results performed at JSC for the Marshall Space Flight Center. These equations predict a wide variety of projectile diameters at a given velocity. Thus, it is very difficult to choose the 'right' prediction equation. The thickness of a single plate could have a large variation by choosing a different penetration equation. Even though all five equations are empirically developed with various materials, especially for aluminum alloys, one cannot be confident in the shield design with the predictions obtained by the penetration equations without verifying by tests.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The report describes the development of fractional penetration curves for liquid droplet penetration of overspray arrestors for discrete droplet diameters from 0.3 to 10 micrometers. (NOTE: Fine particulates are particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less.) These data poin...

  1. Appendicite aigue non compliquée: y a-t- il une place pour le traitement conservateur

    PubMed Central

    El Khader, Ahmed; Lahkim, Mohamed; El Barni, Rachid; Achour, Abdessamad


    Le but de cette étude a été d’évaluer l'efficacité de l'antibiothérapie seule dans le traitement des appendicites aigues non compliquées. C'est une étude prospective, intéressant 68 patients ayant eu une appendicite aigue simple, de confirmation radiologique, traités par l'amoxicilline associée à l'acide clavulanique pendant 10 jours. L'appendicectomie a été réalisée en cas d'aggravation ou en cas de non amélioration au bout de 48heures de traitement. Le traitement conservateur a été efficace dans 82,35% avec une résolution complète des symptômes chez 56 patients. Les 12 cas restants (17,65%) ont subit une appendicectomie. l'appendicite a été gangréneuse dans 8 cas et phlegmoneuse dans 4 cas. Cinq des 56 patients, qui ont bien évolué sous traitement conservateur, ont été réadmis et opérés pour récidive, soit 8,9%. Deux cas ont eu une appendicite compliquée. L'appendicectomie reste le traitement de référence pour l'appendicite aigue, mais le traitement antibiotique peut être proposé en première intension à des patients présentant une appendicite aigue non compliquée. PMID:26327981

  2. Nucléation, ascension et éclatement d'une bulle de champagne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liger-Belair, G.


    People have long been fascinated by bubbles and foams dynamics, and since the pioneering work of Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century, this subject has generated a huge bibliography. However, only quite recently, much interest was devoted to bubbles in Champagne wines and carbonated beverages. Since the time of the benedictine monk dom Pierre Perignon (1638-1715), champagne is the wine of celebration. This fame is largely linked to the elegance of its effervescence and foaming properties. In this book, the latest results about the chemical physics behind the bubbling properties of Champagne and sparkling wines are collected and fully illustrated. The first chapter is devoted to the history of champagne and to a presentation of the tools of the physical chemistry of interfaces needed for a whole comprehension of the book. Then, the three main steps of a fleeting champagne bubble's life are presented in chronological order, that is, the bubble nucleation on the glass wall (Chap.2), the bubble ascent and growth through the liquid matrix (Chap.3), and the bursting of bubbles at the liquid surface (Chap.4), which constitutes the most intriguing, functional, and visually appealing step. L'objectif général de ce travail consacré à l'étude des processus physicochimiques liés à l'effervescence des vins de Champagne était de décortiquer les différentes étapes de la vie d'une bulle de champagne en conditions réelles de consommation, dans une flûte. Nous résumons ci-après les principaux résultats obtenus pour chacune des étapes de la vie de la bulle, depuis sa naissance sur les parois d'une flûte, jusqu'à son éclatement en surface. Nucléation À l'aide d'une caméra rapide munie d'un objectif de microscope, nous avons pu mettre à mal une idée largement répandue. Ce ne sont pas les anfractuosités de la surface du verre ou de la flûte qui sont responsable de la nucléation hétérogène des bulles, mais des particules adsorbées sur les parois du

  3. Accident D’Electrisation et Hemorragie Cerebro-Meningee : A Propos D’une Observation

    PubMed Central

    Chaibdraa, A.; Medjellakh, M.S.; Saouli, A.; Bentakouk, M.C.


    Summary L'électrisation est un évènement accidentel qui diffère des autres pathologies occasionnant des brûlures graves, à cause de ses spécificités qui traduisent d'une part la destruction du revêtement cutané, mais également les effets directs ou indirects du courant électrique sur tout tissu de l'organisme rencontré lors de son passage, en particulier le tissu nerveux. Les manifestations neurologiques centrales sont nombreuses, en relation avec les effets de l'électricité sur le parenchyme cérébral ou une lésion associée à l'électrisation. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une hémorragie cérébro-meningée survenant au 3ème jour d'une électrisation grave. Cette complication est bien documentée dans la littérature traitant des accidents d'électrisation post-foudroiement. N'ayant pas rencontré de cas similaire publié lors des accidents dus au courant industriel, nous présentons cette observation, qui soulève le problème du mécanisme physiopathologique de survenue, difficile à trancher. PMID:21991125

  4. Anévrisme de l'artère fémorale superficielle lié à une infection à salmonelle

    PubMed Central

    Mrad, Melek Ben; Hammamia, Mohammed Ben; Miri, Rim; Derbel, Bilel; Koubaa, Mohammed Ali; Ziadi, Jalel; Khayati, Adel


    Les anévrismes infectieux de l'axe fémoro-poplité sont rares et d’évolution silencieuse. Ils surviennent surtout chez les sujets immunodéprimés. Leur traitement fait appel souvent à l'exclusion chirurgicale associée ou non à un geste de revascularisation. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient opéré pour un anévrisme de l'artère fémorale superficielle, lié à une infection à salmonelle, il a eu une résection de l'anévrysme et une revascularisation par greffe veineuse. Ce patient a été repris par la suite à deux reprise pour rupture du greffon veineux. Pour cette raison, nous étions contraints à une explantation du pontage et une ligature des 2 bouts de l'artère sans revascularisation. Malgré l'absence de revascularisation, l’évolution a été favorable sous couverture d'une une antibiothérapie adaptée. En cas d'anévrysme infectieux de l'axe fémoro-poplité par infection à salmonelle, le rétablissement de la continuité artérielle, même avec un greffon veineux, peut exposer au risque de rupture artérielle. PMID:26955409

  5. The effect of welding parameters on penetration in GTA welds

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shirali, A.A.; Mills, K.C.


    The effect of various welding parameters on the penetration of GTA welds has been investigated. Increases in welding speed were found to reduce penetration; however, increases in welding current were observed to increase the penetration in high sulfur (HS) casts and decrease penetration in low sulfur (LS) steels. Plots of penetration as a function of increasing linear energy (the heat supplied per unit length of weld) revealed a similar trend with increased penetration in HS casts, but the penetration in LS casts was unaffected by increases in linear energy. These results support the Burgardt-Heiple proposition that changes in welding parametersmore » on penetration can be explained in terms of their effect, sequentially, on the temperature gradient and the Marangoni forces operating in the weld pool. Increases in arc length were found to decrease weld penetration regardless of the sulfur concentration of the steel, and the effects of electrode geometry and welding position on weld penetration were also investigated.« less

  6. Forme pseudo tumorale d'une pneumopathie chronique à éosinophiles d’évolution fatale

    PubMed Central

    Hammoune, Nabil; El Guendouz, Faycal; Elhaddad, Siham; Janah, Hicham; Hommadi, Abdelaziz


    La pneumopathie chronique idiopathique à éosinophile est une pathologie rare, de cause inconnue, caractérisée par des opacités pulmonaires périphériques, une éosinophilie périphérique >1000/mm3 et /ou une éosinophilie alvéolaire >25%. Le diagnostic est difficile à cause de la non spécificité des signes cliniques et radiologiques. Le traitement se base essentiellement sur la corticothérapie. L’évolution est généralement favorable. Nous rapportons un cas de cette entité rare dans sa forme pseudotumorale sans hyperéosinophilie, de diagnostic tardif suite à l’étude histologique de la lobectomie chirurgicale et d’évolution fatale. PMID:26113897

  7. Localisation humérale d'une tumeur à cellules géantes récidivantes (à propos d'un cas)

    PubMed Central

    Nader, Youssef; Serghini, Issam; Koulali, Idrissi Khalid; Salahi, Hicham; Galwia, Farid


    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de localisation rare d'une tumeur à cellules géantes au niveau de la palette humérale du coude droit chez un militaire de 36 ans de sexe masculin, la radio standard montrait une image kystique ne soufflant pas la corticale. L'examen anatomo-pathologique a permis d’ établir le diagnostic et le traitement a fait appel: au début a une Exérèse chirurgicale totale et une greffe osseuse par un greffon iliaque de la totalité de la palette huméral qui s'est compliquée à 6 mois de recule d une récidive locale. PMID:25995809

  8. Temperature-Enhanced Follicular Penetration of Thermoresponsive Nanogels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jung, Sora; Nagel, Gregor; Giulbudagian, Michael; Calderón, Marcelo; Patzelt, Alexa; Knorr, Fanny; Lademann, Jürgen


    Hair follicles can serve as an effective reservoir for dermal drug delivery upon the topical application of particulate substances. Here, the follicular penetration of an indodicarbocyanine-labelled thermoresponsive nanogel (189 nm) having a cloud point temperature of 34°C and linked via an acid-labile linker to the model drug indocarbocyanine was investigated. In total, 227 hair follicles of porcine ear skin were examined after topical application of the thermoresponsive nanogels at room temperature (21°C), physiological skin surface temperature (32°C) and core body temperature (37°C) for the follicular penetration depths of indodicarbocyanine and indocarbocyanine using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results showed a significantly increased mean follicular penetration of the carrier to a depth of 298.8±85.8 μm after incubation at 37°C compared to samples incubated at 21°C and 32°C with mean follicular penetration depths of 202.7±81.7 μm and 219.4±52.9 μm, respectively (p<0.001). Possibly structural changes in the thermoresponsive nanogel induced by the increased incubation temperature led to an enhancement of follicular penetration. Therefore, thermoresponsive nanogels may be suitable for the temperature-enhanced penetration into the hair follicles under physiological conditions.

  9. Caracterisation de la cohesion de l'interface AMF/polymere dans une structure deformable adaptative

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fischer-Rousseau, Charles

    Les structures déformables adaptatives (SDA) sont appelées à jouer un rôle important en aéronautique entre autres. Les alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF) sont un des candidats les plus prometteurs. Beaucoup de travail reste toutefois à faire avant que ces structures rencontrent les exigences élevées reliées à leur intégration dans un contexte aéronautique. Des travaux de recherche ont montré que la résistance à la décohésion de l’interface AMF/polymère peut être un élément limitant dans la performance des SDA. Dans ce travail, l’effet sur la résistance à la décohésion de l’interface AMF/polymère de divers traitements de surface, géométries de fil et types de polymère est évalué. La géométrie du fil est modifiée par une combinaison spécifique de laminage à froid et de recuit postdéformation qui maintient les propriétés de mémoire de forme tout en permettant de réduire l’aire de la section transversale du fil. Le traitement thermomécanique le plus prometteur est proposé. Une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de la résistance à la décohésion est développée. Plutôt que de tester les fils en arrachement et de mesurer la force maximale, les tests en contraction sont basés sur la capacité des fils d’AMF à se contracter s’ils ont été encastrés dans un état tiré et qu’ils sont chauffés par effet Joule. L’hypothèse qu’on pose est que ces tests sont une meilleure approximation des conditions rencontrées dans une SDA, où les fils se contractent plutôt qu’ils sont arrachés par une force externe à la structure. Bien qu’une décohésion partielle ait été observée pour tous les échantillons, l’aire de la surface où il y a décohésion tait plus grande pour les échantillons avec une pré-déformation plus grande. Le front de décohésion a semblé cesser de progresser après les cycles de chauffage initiaux lorsque la vitesse de chauffage était faible. Un modèle numérique simulant la

  10. Déclenchement du travail à terme par le misoprostol: expérience d'une maternité tunisienne

    PubMed Central

    Ouerdiane, Nadia; Tlili, Nihel; Othmani, Kaouther; Daaloul, Walid; Masmoudi, Abdelwaheb; Hamouda, Sonia Ben; Bouguerra, Badreddine


    Evaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de l'utilisation du misoprostol par voie vaginale pour le déclenchement du travail à terme. Etude prospective réalisée au service de gynécologie obstétrique B de l'hôpital Charles Nicolle de Tunis sur une durée de 4 mois. La population sélectionnée concernait les patientes à terme devant bénéficier d'une maturation cervicale. Le misoprostol à la dose de 50 µg par voie vaginale toutes les 12 h était utilisé. Les paramètres étudiés étaient les anomalies contractiles, les anomalies du RCF, le mode d'accouchement, le délai d'accouchement et l’état néonatal. 44 patientes ont bénéficié d'une maturation cervicale par misoprostol. Le terme moyen était de 40 SA. Le taux de nullipare était de 23/44 (52%). Le taux d'accouchement par voie basse était de 31/44 (70.4%). 84% des patientes ont reçu une seule dose de misoprostol. Les anomalies du RCF ont été notées dans 14/44 (32%). Le taux de liquides méconiaux était de 12/44 (27%). Un score d'Apgar à 5 mn inférieur à 7 était noté chez 7/44 (16%). Un cas de rupture utérine était survenue chez une primipare et ce après une seule prise de misoprostol. Nos résultats sont décevants en raison de la survenue d'une rupture utérine et d'une morbidité néonatale importante. D'autres études prospectives multicentriques restent utiles pour mieux s'assurer de l'efficacité mais surtout de l'innocuité du misoprostol à dose faible pour le déclenchement du travail à terme. PMID:27583092

  11. Magnetic Penetration Effects in Small Superconducting Devices

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stevenson, T. R.; Adams, J. S.; Balvin, M. A.; Bandler, S. R.; Denis, K. L.; Hsieh, W.-T.; Kelly, D. P.; Nagler, P. C.; Porst, J.-P.; Sadleir, J. E.; hide


    The temperature dependent behavior of a superconducting body in an applied magnetic field involves flux penetration/expulsion both from screening currents (within a magnetic penetration depth) and variations in the superconducting order parameter (locally to form vortices or a mixed state, or globally in the Meissner effect). The temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth, in particular, has been used to make highly sensitive macroscopic thermometers. For the microscopic device volumes required in sensitive low temperature photon detectors, properties of actual thin film materials, non-uniformity of applied magnetic fields, and the influence of measurement circuit dynamics are complicating factors. We discuss the various penetration effects as demonstrated in a particularly promising combination of material and geometry that we have used to make sensitive x-ray microcalorimeters.

  12. ASC-AD penetration modeling FY05 status report.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kistler, Bruce L.; Ostien, Jakob T.; Chiesa, Michael L.


    Sandia currently lacks a high fidelity method for predicting loads on and subsequent structural response of earth penetrating weapons. This project seeks to test, debug, improve and validate methodologies for modeling earth penetration. Results of this project will allow us to optimize and certify designs for the B61-11, Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP), PEN-X and future nuclear and conventional penetrator systems. Since this is an ASC Advanced Deployment project the primary goal of the work is to test, debug, verify and validate new Sierra (and Nevada) tools. Also, since this project is part of the V&V program within ASC, uncertaintymore » quantification (UQ), optimization using DAKOTA [1] and sensitivity analysis are an integral part of the work. This project evaluates, verifies and validates new constitutive models, penetration methodologies and Sierra/Nevada codes. In FY05 the project focused mostly on PRESTO [2] using the Spherical Cavity Expansion (SCE) [3,4] and PRESTO Lagrangian analysis with a preformed hole (Pen-X) methodologies. Modeling penetration tests using PRESTO with a pilot hole was also attempted to evaluate constitutive models. Future years work would include the Alegra/SHISM [5] and AlegrdEP (Earth Penetration) methodologies when they are ready for validation testing. Constitutive models such as Soil-and-Foam, the Sandia Geomodel [6], and the K&C Concrete model [7] were also tested and evaluated. This report is submitted to satisfy annual documentation requirements for the ASC Advanced Deployment program. This report summarizes FY05 work performed in the Penetration Mechanical Response (ASC-APPS) and Penetration Mechanics (ASC-V&V) projects. A single report is written to document the two projects because of the significant amount of technical overlap.« less

  13. Une forme exceptionnelle de la luxation perilunaire du carpe

    PubMed Central

    Elouakili, Issam; Ouchrif, Younes; Najib, Abdeljaouad; Ouakrim, Redouane; Lamrani, Omar; Kharmaz, Mohammed; Ismael, Farid; Lahlou, Abdo; Elouadghiri, Mohammed; El Bardouni, Ahmed; Mahfoud, Mustapha; Berrada, Mohammed Saleh; El Yaccoubi, Mouradh


    Les luxations périlunaires (LPL) du carpe sont des lésions extrêmement rares, qui peuvent passer inaperçue en raison d'un tableau clinique souvent trompeur, des radiographies en profil non strict ou d'interprétation difficile. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une luxation périlunaire stade III selon la classification de Witvoët et Allieu chez un patient de 32 ans, il s'agit d'une forme encore plus rare voire exceptionnelle et qui peut induire de sérieux problèmes en raison de la sévérité des dommages ligamentaires et du risque de nécrose du semilunaire plus important dans ce type de lésions. Le traitement est toujours chirurgical et doit être réalisé dans les plus brefs délais afin d’éviter les complications. PMID:25404968

  14. Topical dissolved oxygen penetrates skin: model and method.


    Roe, David F; Gibbins, Bruce L; Ladizinsky, Daniel A


    It has been commonly perceived that skin receives its oxygen supply from the internal circulation. However, recent investigations have shown that a significant amount of oxygen may enter skin from the external overlying surface. A method has been developed for measuring the transcutaneous penetration of human skin by oxygen as described herein. This method was used to determine both the depth and magnitude of penetration of skin by topically applied oxygen. An apparatus consisting of human skin samples interposed between a topical oxygen source and a fluid filled chamber that registered changes in dissolved oxygen. Viable human skin samples of variable thicknesses with and without epidermis were used to evaluate the depth and magnitude of oxygen penetration from either topical dissolved oxygen (TDO) or topical gaseous oxygen (TGO) devices. This model effectively demonstrates transcutaneous penetration of topically applied oxygen. Topically applied dissolved oxygen penetrates through >700 microm of human skin. Topically applied oxygen penetrates better though dermis than epidermis, and TDO devices deliver oxygen more effectively than TGO devices. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Chronic Disease Prevalence and Medicare Advantage Market Penetration

    PubMed Central

    Bernell, Stephanie Lazarus; Casim, Faizan M.; Wilmott, Jennifer; Pearson, Lindsey; Byler, Caitlin M.; Zhang, Zidong


    By March 2015, 30% of all Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. Research to date has not explored the impacts of MA market penetration on individual or population health outcomes. The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationships between MA market penetration and the beneficiary’s portfolio of cardiometabolic diagnoses. This study uses 2004 to 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component data to construct an aggregate index that captures multiple diagnoses in one outcome measure (Chronic Disease Severity Index [CDSI]). The MEPS data for 8089 Medicare beneficiaries are merged with MA market penetration data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Ordinary least squares regressions are run with SAS 9.3 to model the effects of MA market penetration on CDSI. The results suggest that each percentage increase in MA market penetration is associated with a greater than 2-point decline in CDSI (lower burden of cardiometabolic chronic disease). Spill-over effects may be driving improvements in the cardiometabolic health of beneficiary populations in counties with elevated levels of MA market penetration. PMID:28462266

  16. Penetration and blown-air effect in sand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clement, R.; Courrech du Pont, S.; Douady, S.


    Sand is known to show a variety of uncommon physical features that do not fit the behavior of liquid or solid state. A good example of the inherent difficulties encountered when trying to describe collective grains behavior is the penetration of an intruding object into a granular medium. Such problems involve large coordination numbers, and the medium response dramatically depends on the volume fraction. On the fringe of these studies, we consider here the penetration of a cylindrical shell (typically an upside down glass) into dry sand, and report what we called the "blown-air effect". The air initially trapped escapes when the shell is pushed into sand, flowing through the granular medium. This flow dilates the sand and considerably eases the penetration of the shell. This is very different from what happens in liquids: when pushing a top-closed shell into a liquid, the trapped air increases the buoyancy and opposes the penetration. We show that the air flow does not change the general dynamics of penetration, suggesting that fluidization only involves an effective smaller volume fraction. Despite its simplicity (only a glass and some sand are needed to observe the effect), this experiment nicely illustrates the sometimes counter-intuitive behavior of granular media. Penetration in sand is also a critical issue in industry, and this work may help improving burying methods. Ref: Penetration and blown air effect in granular media R. Clément, S. Courrech du Pont, M. Ould-Hamouda, D. Duveau, and S. Douady Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011 Science News:

  17. Thermo-chemical Ice Penetrator for Icy Moons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arenberg, J. W.; Lee, G.; Harpole, G.; Zamel, J.; Sen, B.; Ross, F.; Retherford, K. D.


    The ability to place sensors or to take samples below the ice surface enables a wide variety of potential scientific investigations. Penetrating an ice cap can be accomplished via a mechanical drill, laser drill, kinetic impactor, or heated penetrator. This poster reports on the development of technology for the latter most option, namely a self-heated probe driven by an exothermic chemical reaction: a Thermo-chemical ice penetrator (TChIP). Our penetrator design employs a eutectic mix of alkali metals that produce an exothermic reaction upon contact with an icy surface. This reaction increases once the ice starts melting, so no external power is required. This technology is inspired by a classified Cold-War era program developed at Northrop Grumman for the US Navy. Terrestrial demonstration of this technology took place in the Arctic; however, this device cannot be considered high TRL for application at the icy moons of the solar system due to the environmental differences between Earth's Arctic and the icy moons. These differences demand a TChIP design specific to these cold, low mass, airless worlds. It is expected that this model of TChIP performance will be complex, incorporating all of the forces on the penetrator, gravity, the thermo-chemistry at the interface between penetrator and ice, and multi-phase heat and mass transport, and hydrodynamics. Our initial efforts are aimed at the development of a validated set of tools and simulations to predict the performance of the penetrator for both the environment found on these icy moons and for a terrestrial environment. The purpose of the inclusion of the terrestrial environment is to aid in model validation. Once developed and validated, our models will allow us to design penetrators for a specific scientific application on a specific body. This poster discusses the range of scientific investigations that are enabled by TChIP. We also introduce the development plan to advance TChIP to the point where it can be

  18. Myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale

    PubMed Central

    Salem, Bouomrani; Afef, Farah; Nadia, Bouassida; Nabil, Ayadi; Zouhir, Bahloul; Maher, Béji


    L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter une observation particulière de myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une maladie périodique. Il s'agit d'un patient tunisien de 53 ans suivi depuis le jeune âge pour maladie périodique dont le diagnostic était confirmé par l’étude génétique montrant l'homozygotie pour la mutation M694V du gène MEFV, fut admis pour exploration d'une douleur avec tuméfaction fessière droite récente. Les explorations biologiques et radiologiques ont permis de retenir le diagnostic d'un myélome multiple de type IgA à chaînes légères kappa stade III B, associé à une volumineuse localisation plasmocytaire très agressive de l'aile iliaque droite envahissant les structures musculaires avoisinantes. Notre observation, qui à notre connaissance est la deuxième signalant une telle association, se distingue par sa survenue brutale, sa progression rapide et le caractère très agressif de l'hémopathie. PMID:24255729

  19. Simulation Study on Missile Penetration Based on LS - DYNA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Jue; Sun, Xinli


    Penetrating the shell armor is an effective means of destroying hard targets with multiple layers of protection. The penetration process is a high-speed impact dynamics research category, involving high pressure, high temperature, high speed and internal material damage, including plugging, penetration, spalling, caving, splashing and other complex forms, therefore, Analysis is one of the difficulties in the study of impact dynamics. In this paper, the Lagrang algorithm and the SPH algorithm are used to analyze the penetrating steel plate, and the penetration model of the rocket penetrating the steel plate, the failure mode of the steel plate and the missile and the advantages and disadvantages of Lagrang algorithm and SPH algorithm in the simulation of high-speed collision problem are analyzed and compared, which provides a reference for the study of simulation collision problem.

  20. Shaving effects on percutaneous penetration: clinical implications.


    Hamza, Muhammad; Tohid, Hassaan; Maibach, Howard


    Human/animal shaving biology. To assess the effect of shaving on percutaneous penetration and skin function. We screened 500+publications in Pub Med, Scopus, Cochrane Library and pertinent journals out of which only 17 were deemed relevant. Terms for searches included shaving and skin, percutaneous penetration and shaving, skin absorption and shaving, absorption of dyes and shaving, skin penetration, effects of shaving and absorption, shave and dyes, axillary shaving and stratum corneum, shaving and breast cancer, shaving and infections, etc. Shaving appears to have an exaggerated effect on percutaneous absorption; however, some studies do not support this evidence. Shaving enhances percutaneous penetration of some chemicals; however this effect is species and chemical specific. Further investigations of chemicals of varying physio-chemical properties are mandated before a generalized theory can be promulgated.

  1. Theory of activated penetrant diffusion in viscous fluids and colloidal suspensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Rui; Schweizer, Kenneth S.


    We heuristically formulate a microscopic, force level, self-consistent nonlinear Langevin equation theory for activated barrier hopping and non-hydrodynamic diffusion of a hard sphere penetrant in very dense hard sphere fluid matrices. Penetrant dynamics is controlled by a rich competition between force relaxation due to penetrant self-motion and collective matrix structural (alpha) relaxation. In the absence of penetrant-matrix attraction, three activated dynamical regimes are predicted as a function of penetrant-matrix size ratio which are physically distinguished by penetrant jump distance and the nature of matrix motion required to facilitate its hopping. The penetrant diffusion constant decreases the fastest with size ratio for relatively small penetrants where the matrix effectively acts as a vibrating amorphous solid. Increasing penetrant-matrix attraction strength reduces penetrant diffusivity due to physical bonding. For size ratios approaching unity, a distinct dynamical regime emerges associated with strong slaving of penetrant hopping to matrix structural relaxation. A crossover regime at intermediate penetrant-matrix size ratio connects the two limiting behaviors for hard penetrants, but essentially disappears if there are strong attractions with the matrix. Activated penetrant diffusivity decreases strongly with matrix volume fraction in a manner that intensifies as the size ratio increases. We propose and implement a quasi-universal approach for activated diffusion of a rigid atomic/molecular penetrant in a supercooled liquid based on a mapping between the hard sphere system and thermal liquids. Calculations for specific systems agree reasonably well with experiments over a wide range of temperature, covering more than 10 orders of magnitude of variation of the penetrant diffusion constant.

  2. Tuméfaction du muscle pectoral révélant une tuberculose musculaire isolée

    PubMed Central

    Hayoun, Sohaib; Ouazzani, Hanane El; Habibi, Bouchra; Belhabib, Salwa; Souhi, Hicham; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderahmane; Abid, Ahmed


    La tuberculose des parties molles représente l’une des formes rares de la tuberculose extra pulmonaire, la localisation musculaire isolée est par-ailleurs exceptionnelle. Nous rapportant une observation médicale originale, une tuberculose musculaire isolée intéressant le muscle grand pectoral chez un jeune patient immunocompétent. Le diagnostic a reposé essentiellement sur l’histologie. L’évolution été favorable sous traitement anti bacillaire seul. Ce cas rare est présenté avec revue de littérature. PMID:28761620

  3. Effect of Liquid Penetrant Sensitivity on Probability of Detection

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Parker, Bradford H.


    The objective of the task is to investigate the effect of liquid penetrant sensitivity level on probability of detection (POD) of cracks in various metals. NASA-STD-5009 currently requires the use of only sensitivity level 4 liquid penetrants for NASA Standard Level inspections. This requirement is based on the fact that the data used to establish the reliably detectable flaw sizes penetrant inspection was from studies performed in the 1970s using penetrant deemed to be equivalent only to modern day sensitivity level 4 penetrants. However, many NDE contractors supporting NASA Centers routinely use sensitivity level 3 penetrants. Because of the new NASA-STD-5009 requirement, these contractors will have to either shift to sensitivity level 4 penetrants or perform formal POD demonstration tests to qualify their existing process. We propose a study to compare the POD generated for two penetrant manufactures, Sherwin and Magnaflux, and for the two most common penetrant inspection methods, water washable and post emulsifiable, hydrophilic. NDE vendors local to GSFC will be employed. A total of six inspectors will inspect a set of crack panels with a broad range of fatigue crack sizes. Each inspector will perform eight inspections of the panel set using the combination of methods and sensitivity levels described above. At least one inspector will also perform multiple inspections using a fixed technique to investigate repeatability. The hit/miss data sets will be evaluated using both the NASA generated DOEPOD software and the MIL-STD-1823 software.

  4. HMO penetration and the geographic mobility of practicing physicians.


    Polsky, D; Kletke, P R; Wozniak, G D; Escarce, J J


    In this study, we assessed the influence of changes in health maintenance organization (HMO) penetration on the probability that established patient care physicians relocated their practices or left patient care altogether. For physicians who relocated their practices, we also assessed the impact of HMO penetration on their destination choices. We found that larger increases in HMO penetration decreased the probability that medical/surgical specialists in early career stayed in patient care in the same market, but had no impact on generalists, hospital-based specialists, or mid career medical/surgical specialists. We also found that physicians who relocated their practices were much more likely to choose destination markets with the same level of HMO penetration or lower HMO penetration compared with their origin markets than they were to choose destination markets with higher HMO penetration. The largely negligible impact of changes in HMO penetration on established physicians' decisions to relocate their practices or leave patient care is consistent with high relocation and switching costs. Relocating physicians' attraction to destination markets with the same level of HMO penetration as their origin markets suggests that, while physicians' styles of medical practice may adapt to changes in market conditions, learning new practice styles is costly.

  5. Skin Penetration Enhancement by Natural Oils for Dihydroquercetin Delivery.


    Čižinauskas, Vytis; Elie, Nicolas; Brunelle, Alain; Briedis, Vitalis


    Natural oils are commonly used in topical pharmaceutical formulations as emulsifiers, stabilizers or solubility enhancers. They are presented as safe and inert components, mainly used for formulation purposes. It is confirmed that natural oils can affect the skin penetration of various substances. Fatty acids are mainly responsible for this effect. Current understanding lacks reliable scientific data on penetration of natural oils into the skin and their skin penetration enhancement potential. In the current study, fatty acid content analysis was used to determine the principal fatty acids in soybean, olive, avocado, sea-buckthorn pulp, raspberry seed and coconut oils. Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry bioimaging was used to determine the distribution of these fatty acids in human skin ex vivo after application of the oils. Skin penetration enhancement ratios were determined for a perspective antioxidant compound dihydroquercetin. The results demonstrated skin penetration of fatty acids from all oils tested. Only soybean and olive oils significantly increased the skin distribution of dihydroquercetin and can be used as skin penetration enhancers. However, no correlation can be determined between the fatty acids' composition and skin penetration enhancement using currently available methodological approaches. This indicates that potential chemical penetration enhancement should be evaluated during formulation of topically applied products containing natural oils.

  6. Theory of activated penetrant diffusion in viscous fluids and colloidal suspensions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Rui; Schweizer, Kenneth S., E-mail:


    We heuristically formulate a microscopic, force level, self-consistent nonlinear Langevin equation theory for activated barrier hopping and non-hydrodynamic diffusion of a hard sphere penetrant in very dense hard sphere fluid matrices. Penetrant dynamics is controlled by a rich competition between force relaxation due to penetrant self-motion and collective matrix structural (alpha) relaxation. In the absence of penetrant-matrix attraction, three activated dynamical regimes are predicted as a function of penetrant-matrix size ratio which are physically distinguished by penetrant jump distance and the nature of matrix motion required to facilitate its hopping. The penetrant diffusion constant decreases the fastest with size ratiomore » for relatively small penetrants where the matrix effectively acts as a vibrating amorphous solid. Increasing penetrant-matrix attraction strength reduces penetrant diffusivity due to physical bonding. For size ratios approaching unity, a distinct dynamical regime emerges associated with strong slaving of penetrant hopping to matrix structural relaxation. A crossover regime at intermediate penetrant-matrix size ratio connects the two limiting behaviors for hard penetrants, but essentially disappears if there are strong attractions with the matrix. Activated penetrant diffusivity decreases strongly with matrix volume fraction in a manner that intensifies as the size ratio increases. We propose and implement a quasi-universal approach for activated diffusion of a rigid atomic/molecular penetrant in a supercooled liquid based on a mapping between the hard sphere system and thermal liquids. Calculations for specific systems agree reasonably well with experiments over a wide range of temperature, covering more than 10 orders of magnitude of variation of the penetrant diffusion constant.« less

  7. L'endométriose pariétale cicatricielle après césarienne: une entité rare

    PubMed Central

    El Fahssi, Mohammed; Lomdo, Massama; Bounaim, Ahmed; Ali, Abdelmounaim Ait; Sair, Khalid


    L'endométriose de la paroi est une entité clinique rare, dont la physiopathologie demeure imprécise. Elle survient le plus souvent après une intervention chirurgicale gynécologique ou obstétricale. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente présentant une douleur cyclique, au niveau de la cicatrice de césarienne, Avec à l'examen clinique une masse de 5cm localisée au niveau de la fosse iliaque droite. la tomodensitométrie montre une masse de densité tissulaire de 45mm de grand axe. D'où la décision d'excision large de la lésion dont l’étude anatomopathologique confirme le diagnostic d'endométriose pariétale. Les suites postopératoires étaient simples avec un recul de 20 mois sans récidive de la masse ni de la douleur. A travers notre cas, nous insisterons sur les caractéristiques de cette pathologie, ce qui permettra au praticien de comprendre l'intérêt du diagnostic et de la prise en charge précoce de cette affection ainsi que la possibilité de sa prévention au cours de chaque chirurgie gynécologique ou obstétricale. PMID:27642418

  8. Penetrator role in Mars sample strategy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Boynton, William; Dwornik, Steve; Eckstrom, William; Roalstad, David A.


    The application of the penetrator to a Mars Return Sample Mission (MRSM) has direct advantages to meet science objectives and mission safety. Based on engineering data and work currently conducted at Ball Aerospace Systems Division, the concept of penetrators as scientific instruments is entirely practical. The primary utilization of a penetrator for MRSM would be to optimize the selection of the sample site location and to help in selection of the actual sample to be returned to Earth. It is recognized that the amount of sample to be returned is very limited, therefore the selection of the sample site is critical to the success of the mission. The following mission scenario is proposed. The site selection of a sample to be acquired will be performed by science working groups. A decision will be reached and a set of target priorities established based on data to give geochemical, geophysical and geological information. The first task of a penetrator will be to collect data at up to 4 to 6 possible landing sites. The penetrator can include geophysical, geochemical, geological and engineering instruments to confirm that scientific data requirements at that site will be met. This in situ near real-time data, collected prior to final targeting of the lander, will insure that the sample site is both scientifically valuable and also that it is reachable within limits of the capability of the lander.

  9. Hypervelocity penetration against mechanical properties of target materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamarudin, Khairul Hasni; Abdullah, Mohamad Faizal; Zaidi, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad; Nor, Norazman M.; Ismail, Ariffin; Yusof, Mohammed Alias; Hilmi, Ahmad Humaizi


    This paper study the mechanical properties behavior of metal plates against hypervelocity penetration caused by shaped charge. Five different materials were used as target specimen fabricated from welded stacks of material plates, namely Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA), Hardox-500, mild steel, aluminum and brass. Specimens had undergone an initial monolithic test consist of tensile tests and microstructure observations, followed by series of hydrodynamics penetration blast tests using shape charge mechanism. Results from blast test shows that the least penetrated specimen is RHA (58mm) followed by Hardox-500 (92 mm), mild steel (110 mm), Brass (155 mm) and aluminum 238 mm). Comparing these with the specimen yield strength from the tensile test results shows that Hardox-500 has higher yield strength (Sy) followed by RHA, mild steel, brass and aluminum, which are 1370 MPa, 1320 MPa, 280,221 respectively, which are not inversely proportional to the penetration. However, the ultimate tensile strength (Sut) where the RHA were the highest followed by Hardox-500, mild steel, brass and aluminum, were inversely proportional with the depth of penetration. The penetration results also show consistence relation with energy absorption.

  10. Penetrating eye injury in war.


    Biehl, J W; Valdez, J; Hemady, R K; Steidl, S M; Bourke, D L


    The percentage of penetrating eye injuries in war has increased significantly in this century compared with the total number of combat injuries. With the increasing use of fragmentation weapons and possibly laser weapons on the battle-field in the future, the rate of eye injuries may exceed the 13% of the total military injuries found in Operations Desert Storm/Shield. During the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), eye injuries revealed that retained foreign bodies and posterior segment injuries have an improved prognosis in future military ophthalmic surgery as a result of modern diagnostic and treatment modalities. Compared with the increasing penetrating eye injuries on the battlefield, advances in ophthalmic surgery are insignificant. Eye armor, such as visors that flip up and down and protect the eyes from laser injury, needs to be developed. Similar eye protection is being developed in civilian sportswear. Penetrating eye injury in the civilian sector is becoming much closer to the military model and is now comparable for several reasons.

  11. Une version franco-canadienne de la Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) Scale : L'Échelle PEDro

    PubMed Central

    Laroche, Chantal; Sutton, Anne; Guitard, Paulette; King, Judy; Poitras, Stéphane; Casimiro, Lynn; Tremblay, Manon; Cardinal, Dominique; Cavallo, Sabrina; Laferrière, Lucie; Grisé, Isabelle; Marshall, Lisa; Smith, Jacky R.; Lagacé, Josée; Pharand, Denyse; Galipeau, Roseline; Toupin-April, Karine; Loew, Laurianne; Demers, Catrine; Sauvé-Schenk, Katrine; Paquet, Nicole; Savard, Jacinthe; Tourigny, Jocelyne; Vaillancourt, Véronique


    RÉSUMÉ But : Effectuer une traduction franco-canadienne de la PEDro scale sous l'appellation proposée d'Échelle PEDro et examiner la validité de son contenu. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé une approche modifiée de la méthodologie de validation transculturelle de Vallerand. Une traduction renversée parallèle de la PEDro scale a d'abord été effectuée à la fois par des traductrices professionnelles et des chercheurs cliniciens. Ensuite, un premier comité d'experts (P1) a examiné les versions traduites et a créé la première version expérimentale de l'Échelle PEDro. Cette version a été évaluée par un deuxième comité d'experts (P2). Finalement, 32 chercheurs cliniques ont évalué cette deuxième version expérimentale de l'Échelle PEDro à l'aide d'une échelle de clarté (étendue de 5 points) et ont proposé les modifications finales. Résultats : Pour les différents énoncés de la version finale de l'Échelle PEDro, les moyennes sur l'échelle de clarté montrent un niveau élevé puisqu'elles varient entre 4,0 et 4,7 sur un score maximal de 5 points. Conclusion : Les quatre étapes rigoureuses du processus ont permis de produire une version franco-canadienne valide de l'Échelle PEDro. PMID:26839449

  12. Akon - A Penetrator for Europa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jones, Geraint


    Jupiter's moon Europa is one of the most intriguing objects in our Solar System. This 2000km-wide body has a geologically young solid water ice crust that is believed to cover a global ocean of liquid water. The presence of this ocean, together with a source of heating through tidal forces, make Europa a conceivable location for extraterrestrial life. The science case for exploring all aspects of this icy world is compelling. NASA has selected the Europa Mission (formerly Europa Clipper) to study Europa in detail in the 2020s through multiple flybys, and ESA's JUICE mission will perform two flybys of the body in the 2030s. The US agency has extended to the European Space Agency an invitation to provide a contribution to their mission. European scientists interested in Europa science and exploration are currently organizing themselves, in the framework of a coordinated Europa M5 Inititative to study concurrently the main options for this ESA contribution, from a simple addition of individual instruments to the NASA spacecraft, to a lander to investigate Europa's surface in situ. A high speed lander - a penetrator - is by far the most promising technology to achieve this latter option within the anticipated mass constraints, and studies of such a hard lander, many funded by ESA, are now at an advanced level. An international team to formally propose an Europa penetrator to ESA in response to the anticipated ESA M5 call is growing. The working title of this proposal is Akon (Άκων), named after the highly accurate javelin gifted to Europa by Zeus in ancient Greek mythology. We present plans for the Akon penetrator, which would impact Europa's surface at several hundred metres per second, and travel up to several metres into the moon's subsurface. To achieve this, the penetrator would be delivered to the surface by a dedicated descent module, to be destroyed on impact following release of the penetrator above the surface. It is planned that the instruments to be

  13. Vehicle effects on human stratum corneum absorption and skin penetration.


    Zhang, Alissa; Jung, Eui-Chang; Zhu, Hanjiang; Zou, Ying; Hui, Xiaoying; Maibach, Howard


    This study evaluated the effects of three vehicles-ethanol (EtOH), isopropyl alcohol (IPA), and isopropyl myristate (IPM)-on stratum corneum (SC) absorption and diffusion of the [ 14 C]-model compounds benzoic acid and butenafine hydrochloride to better understand the transport pathways of chemicals passing through and resident in SC. Following application of topical formulations to human dermatomed skin for 30 min, penetration flux was observed for 24 h post dosing, using an in vitro flow-through skin diffusion system. Skin absorption and penetration was compared to the chemical-SC (intact, delipidized, or SC lipid film) binding levels. A significant vehicle effect was observed for chemical skin penetration and SC absorption. IPA resulted in the greatest levels of intact SC/SC lipid absorption, skin penetration, and total skin absorption/penetration of benzoic acid, followed by IPM and EtOH, respectively. For intact SC absorption and total skin absorption/penetration of butenafine, the vehicle that demonstrated the highest level of sorption/penetration was EtOH, followed by IPA and IPM, respectively. The percent doses of butenafine that were absorbed in SC lipid film and penetrated through skin in 24 h were greatest for IPA, followed by EtOH and IPM, respectively. The vehicle effect was consistent between intact SC absorption and total chemical skin absorption and penetration, as well as SC lipid absorption and chemical penetration through skin, suggesting intercellular transport as a main pathway of skin penetration for model chemicals. These results suggest the potential to predict vehicle effects on skin permeability with simple SC absorption assays. As decontamination was applied 30 min after chemical exposure, significant vehicle effects on chemical SC partitioning and percutaneous penetration also suggest that skin decontamination efficiency is vehicle dependent, and an effective decontamination method should act on chemical solutes in the lipid domain.

  14. Estimating Consequences of MMOD Penetrations on ISS

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Evans, H.; Hyde, James; Christiansen, E.; Lear, D.


    The threat from micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) impacts on space vehicles is often quantified in terms of the probability of no penetration (PNP). However, for large spacecraft, especially those with multiple compartments, a penetration may have a number of possible outcomes. The extent of the damage (diameter of hole, crack length or penetration depth), the location of the damage relative to critical equipment or crew, crew response, and even the time of day of the penetration are among the many factors that can affect the outcome. For the International Space Station (ISS), a Monte-Carlo style software code called Manned Spacecraft Crew Survivability (MSCSurv) is used to predict the probability of several outcomes of an MMOD penetration-broadly classified as loss of crew (LOC), crew evacuation (Evac), loss of escape vehicle (LEV), and nominal end of mission (NEOM). By generating large numbers of MMOD impacts (typically in the billions) and tracking the consequences, MSCSurv allows for the inclusion of a large number of parameters and models as well as enabling the consideration of uncertainties in the models and parameters. MSCSurv builds upon the results from NASA's Bumper software (which provides the probability of penetration and critical input data to MSCSurv) to allow analysts to estimate the probability of LOC, Evac, LEV, and NEOM. This paper briefly describes the overall methodology used by NASA to quantify LOC, Evac, LEV, and NEOM with particular emphasis on describing in broad terms how MSCSurv works and its capabilities and most significant models.

  15. Grossesses extra utérines successives et bilharziose tubaire chez une touriste française

    PubMed Central

    Laroche, Justine; Mottet, Nicolas; Malincenco, Marianna; Gay, Catherine; Royer, Pierre Yves; Riethmuller, Didier


    La bilharziose est la seconde endémie parasitaire mondiale et ses atteintes génito urinaires sont bien décrites. Les grossesses ectopiques (GEU) sur obstruction tubaire par les œufs de bilharziose sont rapportées dans les populations africaines. La bilharziose affecte aussi les voyageurs mais l'atteinte de l'appareil génital féminin est plus rare. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel de deux GEU successives sur bilharziose tubaire chez une patiente d'origine Française, sept ans après un voyage touristique au Mali, la première découverte sur pièce de salpingectomie et la seconde ayant nécessité une salpingotomie controlatérale avec une injection de méthotrexate, deux mois plus tard. PMID:27200124

  16. Trans-resveratrol and beta-carotene from sunscreens penetrate viable skin layers and reduce cutaneous penetration of UV-filters.


    Freitas, J V; Praça, F S G; Bentley, M V L B; Gaspar, L R


    Cutaneous permeation is a critical parameter when topical application of sunscreens containing antioxidants is considered. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cutaneous penetration of most marketed UV-filters combined with trans-resveratrol (RES) and beta-carotene (BTC) since few studies report skin penetration when such compounds are applied. Formulations containing octocrylene, octyl methoxycinnamate, avobenzone and bemotrizinole were prepared and supplemented or not with BTC, or with RES, or with both compounds in combination. Penetration studies were performed using Franz vertical diffusion cells and porcine ear skin as the biological membrane. The quantification of UV-filters and antioxidants in the stratum corneum (SC), viable epidermis plus dermis and receptor fluid was performed by HPLC. Results suggested that UV-filters and antioxidants did not permeate the skin but were retained for 12h post application. About 90% and 80%, respectively, of the total penetrated amount of UV-filters and antioxidants was found in the SC. Interestingly, it was observed that BTC, alone or combined with RES, reduced the skin retention of UV-filters on average by 63%. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the combination of antioxidants and UV-filters in sunscreens is advantageous for cutaneous penetration, since BTC and BTC+RES improved sunscreen safety by reducing delivery of the four UV-filters in the study into SC and viable epidermis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Pressure enhanced penetration with shaped charge perforators


    Glenn, Lewis A.


    A downhole tool, adapted to retain a shaped charge surrounded by a superatmospherically pressurized light gas, is employed in a method for perforating a casing and penetrating reservoir rock around a wellbore. Penetration of a shaped charge jet can be enhanced by at least 40% by imploding a liner in the high pressure, light gas atmosphere. The gas pressure helps confine the jet on the axis of penetration in the latter stages of formation. The light gas, such as helium or hydrogen, is employed to keep the gas density low enough so as not to inhibit liner collapse.

  18. A Unified Theory of Penetration

    DTIC Science & Technology


    occur for jets penetrating plastics as will be mentioned later. For very high impact speeds, (1.13) melting and vaporization may also become important... plastic flow in a target is P - 3Y (1.2) we can calculate the resistive force of the target due to its hardness as a - pA - 3YtA - 3C (BHN) A (1.3) t...projectile can affect its penetration, especially as it enters the target, or if the target is thin, and projectile plastic (1.22) deformation and/or erosion

  19. Prophylactic antibiotics for penetrating abdominal trauma.


    Brand, Martin; Grieve, Andrew


    Penetrating abdominal trauma occurs when the peritoneal cavity is breached. Routine laparotomy for penetrating abdominal injuries began in the 1800s, with antibiotics first being used in World War II to combat septic complications associated with these injuries. This practice was marked with a reduction in sepsis-related mortality and morbidity. Whether prophylactic antibiotics are required in the prevention of infective complications following penetrating abdominal trauma is controversial, however, as no randomised placebo controlled trials have been published to date. There has also been debate about the timing of antibiotic prophylaxis. In 1972 Fullen noted a 7% to 11% post-surgical infection rate with pre-operative antibiotics, a 33% to 57% infection rate with intra-operative antibiotic administration and 30% to 70% infection rate with only post-operative antibiotic administration. Current guidelines state there is sufficient class I evidence to support the use of a single pre-operative broad spectrum antibiotic dose, with aerobic and anaerobic cover, and continuation (up to 24 hours) only in the event of a hollow viscus perforation found at exploratory laparotomy. To assess the benefits and harms of prophylactic antibiotics administered for penetrating abdominal injuries for the reduction of the incidence of septic complications, such as septicaemia, intra-abdominal abscesses and wound infections. Searches were not restricted by date, language or publication status. We searched the following electronic databases: the Cochrane Injuries Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2013, issue 12 of 12), MEDLINE (OvidSP), Embase (OvidSP), ISI Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), ISI Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) and PubMed. Searches were last conducted in January 2013. All randomised controlled trials of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with penetrating abdominal trauma versus no

  20. [Special penetration needling for refractory peripheral facial paralysis].


    Cao, Rongjuan; Qiu, Xiaohu; Xie, Xiaokun


    To observe the clinical effect difference between special penetration needling and conventional penetration needling for the refractory peripheral facial paralysis. A total of 97 patients with intractable facial paralysis were randomized into an observation group (49 cases and 2 dropping) and a control group (48 cases and 4 dropping). In the observation group, special penetration needling at an angle about 45° between the penetration needle and paralysis muscle bundle was used, Yangbai (GB 14) through Touwei (ST 8), Yangbai (GB 14) through Shangxing (GV 23), Sizhukong (TE 23) through Yuyao (EX-HN 4), Qianzhen (Extra) through Yingxiang (LI 20), mutual penetration between Yingxiang (LI 20) and Jiache (ST 6). Conventional penetration needling was applied in the control group, Yangbai (GB 14) through Yuyao (EX-HN 4), Cuanzhu (BL 2) through Yuyao (EX-HN 4), mutual penetration between Dicang (ST 4) and Jiache (ST 6), Qianzheng (Extra) through Dicang (ST 4), Sibai (ST 2) through Yingxiang (LI 20). Three groups of electroacupuncture (discontinuous wave, 1 Hz) with tolerance were connected respectively in the two groups, Yangbai (GB 14) and Sizhukong (TE 23), Yangbai (GB 14) and Qianzheng (Extra), Yingxiang (LI 20) and Jiache (ST 6) in the observation group, Yangbai (GB 14) and Cuanzhu (BL 2), Dicang (ST 4) and Jiache (ST 6), Qianzheng (Extra) and Sibai (ST 2) in the control group. TDP was applied in the two groups at the affected Yifeng (TE 17), Jiache (ST 6) and Qianzheng (Extra), which were around the ear. Perpendicular insertion was used at Yifeng (TE 17) at the affected side and Hegu (LI 4) at the healthy side and bilateral Zusanli (ST 36). The needles were retained for 30 min. The treatment was given for 3 courses, once a day and 10 days as a course, 5 days at the interval. House-Brackmann (H-B) facial nerve grading score was recorded before and after treatment. The clinical effects were compared. The H-B scores after treatment in the two groups were higher than



    Adams, W.M.


    A nuclear reactor apparatus for penetrating into the earth's crust is described. The apparatus comprises a cylindrical nuclear core operating at a temperature that is higher than the melting temperature of rock. A high-density ballast member is coupled to the nuclear core such that the overall density of the core-ballast assembly is greater than the density of molten rock. The nuclear core is thermally insulated so that its heat output is constrained to flow axially, with radial heat flow being minimized. In operation, the apparatus is placed in contact with the earth's crust at the point desired to be penetrated. The heat output of the reactor melts the underlying rock, and the apparatus sinks through the resulting magma. The fuel loading of the reactor core determines the ultimate depth of crust penetration. (AEC)

  2. SDHB-related pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma penetrance and genotype-phenotype correlations.


    Jochmanova, Ivana; Wolf, Katherine I; King, Kathryn S; Nambuba, Joan; Wesley, Robert; Martucci, Victoria; Raygada, Margarita; Adams, Karen T; Prodanov, Tamara; Fojo, Antonio Tito; Lazurova, Ivica; Pacak, Karel


    Succinate dehydrogenase subunit B (SDHB) gene mutations are associated with an aggressive clinical disease course of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma (PHEO/PGL). Limited information is available concerning PHEO/PGL penetrance among SDHB mutation carriers with regards to primary tumor location, specific mutation type, and gender. We assessed PHEO/PGL penetrance in SDHB mutation carriers and described the clinical presentation and disease course. Asymptomatic relatives (N = 611) of 103 index patients were tested for SDHB mutations. Mutation carriers (N = 328) were offered PHEO/PGL screening, of which 241 participated and were included in penetrance analysis. For additional disease outcome analysis, the 103 index patients and 40 screened individuals who developed PHEO/PGL were included. Clinical data were collected between October 2004 and June 2016. Forty (16.60%) of the 241 screened individuals developed PHEO/PGL during the study. The penetrance estimate in this population was 49.80% (95% CI 29-74.9) at 85 years. A significantly higher age-related penetrance of disease was observed in males compared to females, with 50% penetrance achieved at age 74 vs. not reached. Age-related penetrance analysis demonstrated 4 mutations (Ile127Ser, IVS1+1G>T, Exon 1 deletion, Arg90X) presenting with a slower rate of disease development (50% penetrance ages, respectively: not achieved, 70, 63, 61 years) compared to Arg46X and Val140Phe mutations (50% penetrance at 38 years). Here, we found a higher estimated penetrance compared to several other studies, and a striking difference in age-related penetrance between male and female SDHB mutation carriers with no association between mutation and gender or tumor location.

  3. Quality Assessment of Longissimus and Semitendinosus Muscles from Beef Cattle Subjected to Non-penetrative and Penetrative Percussive Stunning Methods

    PubMed Central

    Sazili, A. Q.; Norbaiyah, B.; Zulkifli, I.; Goh, Y. M.; Lotfi, M.; Small, A. H.


    This study provides a comparative analysis of the effects of pre-slaughter penetrative and non-penetrative stunning and post-slaughter stunning on meat quality attributes in longissimus lumborum (LL) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles in heifers. Ten animals were assigned to each of four treatment groups: i) animals were subjected to conventional Halal slaughter (a clean incision through the structures at the front of the upper neck - the trachea, oesophagus, carotid arteries and jugular veins) and post-cut penetrating mechanical stun within 10 to 20 s of the neck cut (Unstunned; US); ii) high power non-penetrating mechanical stunning followed by the neck cut (HPNP); iii) low power non-penetrating mechanical stunning followed by the neck cut (LPNP); and iv) penetrative stunning using a captive bolt pistol followed by the neck cut (P). For each carcass, muscle samples were removed within 45 min of slaughter, portioned and analysed for pH, cooking loss, water holding capacity (WHC), tenderness (WBS), lipid oxidation (TBARS) and color, over a two week storage period. Stunning did not affect pH and cooking loss. Significant differences in water holding capacity, tenderness, lipid oxidation and color were present at different storage time points. HPNP stunning resulted in lower WHC and color values, particularly lightness (L*), higher TBARS values and peak force values compared with those stunned using LPNP, P and US. These adverse effects on quality were mostly encountered in the ST muscle. In conclusion, the meat quality achieved using P, LPNP and US treatments was comparable, and no treatment stood out as considerably better than another. PMID:25049845

  4. Monolithic ballasted penetrator


    Hickerson, Jr., James P.; Zanner, Frank J.; Baldwin, Michael D.; Maguire, Michael C.


    The present invention is a monolithic ballasted penetrator capable of delivering a working payload to a hardened target, such as reinforced concrete. The invention includes a ballast made from a dense heavy material insert and a monolithic case extending along an axis and consisting of a high-strength steel alloy. The case includes a nose end containing a hollow portion in which the ballast is nearly completely surrounded so that no movement of the ballast relative to the case is possible during impact with a hard target. The case is cast around the ballast, joining the two parts together. The ballast may contain concentric grooves or protrusions that improve joint strength between the case and ballast. The case further includes a second hollow portion; between the ballast and base, which has a payload fastened within this portion. The penetrator can be used to carry instrumentation to measure the geologic character of the earth, or properties of arctic ice, as they pass through it.

  5. Unsteady penetration of a target by a liquid jet

    PubMed Central

    Uth, Tobias; Deshpande, Vikram S.


    It is widely acknowledged that ceramic armor experiences an unsteady penetration response: an impacting projectile may erode on the surface of a ceramic target without substantial penetration for a significant amount of time and then suddenly start to penetrate the target. Although known for more than four decades, this phenomenon, commonly referred to as dwell, remains largely unexplained. Here, we use scaled analog experiments with a low-speed water jet and a soft, translucent target material to investigate dwell. The transient target response, in terms of depth of penetration and impact force, is captured using a high-speed camera in combination with a piezoelectric force sensor. We observe the phenomenon of dwell using a soft (noncracking) target material. The results show that the penetration rate increases when the flow of the impacting water jet is reversed due to the deformation of the jet–target interface––this reversal is also associated with an increase in the force exerted by the jet on the target. Creep penetration experiments with a constant indentation force did not show an increase in the penetration rate, confirming that flow reversal is the cause of the unsteady penetration rate. Our results suggest that dwell can occur in a ductile noncracking target due to flow reversal. This phenomenon of flow reversal is rather widespread and present in a wide range of impact situations, including water-jet cutting, needleless injection, and deposit removal via a fluid jet. PMID:24277818

  6. High-Obliquity Impact of a Compact Penetrator on a Thin Plate: Penetrator Splitting and Adiabatic Shear

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nonideal penetrator on a thin plate at high obliquities. These computations simulated two series of experiments at velocities of 1.5 km/ s and 4.1 km/ s ...3 2. Combined Effects of Obliquity, 0, and Rotation, 4, on Debris Cloud Evolution at 4.1 km/ s and 26 p s ; Impact Velocity Vector Lies in x-z Plane...7 3. Time History of the Penetrator Mass Fraction Exiting the Bottom of the Target at 4.1 km / s

  7. Mechanism and determinants of nanoparticle penetration through human skin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Labouta, Hagar I.; El-Khordagui, Labiba K.; Kraus, Tobias; Schneider, Marc


    The ability of nanoparticles to penetrate the stratum corneum was the focus of several studies. Yet, there are controversial issues available for particle penetration due to different experimental setups. Meanwhile, there is little known about the mechanism and determinants of their penetration. In this paper the penetration of four model gold nanoparticles of diameter 6 and 15 nm, differing in surface polarity and the nature of the vehicle, through human skin was studied using multiphoton microscopy. This is in an attempt to profoundly investigate the parameters governing particle penetration through human skin. Our results imply that nanoparticles at this size range permeate the stratum corneum in a similar manner to drug molecules, mainly through the intercellular pathways. However, due to their particulate nature, permeation is also dependent on the complex microstructure of the stratum corneum with its tortuous aqueous and lipidic channels, as shown from our experiments performed using skin of different grades of barrier integrity. The vehicle (toluene-versus-water) had a minimal effect on skin penetration of gold nanoparticles. Other considerations in setting up a penetration experiment for nanoparticles were also studied. The results obtained are important for designing a new transdermal carrier and for a basic understanding of skin-nanoparticle interaction.

  8. Sensitivity and comparison evaluation of Saturn 5 liquid penetrants

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, G. H.


    Results of a sensitivity and comparison evaluation performed on six liquid penetrants that were used on the Saturn 5 vehicle and other space hardware to detect surface discontinuities are described. The relationship between penetrant materials and crack definition capabilities, the optimum penetrant materials evaluation method, and the optimum measurement methods for crack dimensions were investigated. A unique method of precise developer thickness control was envolved, utilizing clear radiographic film and a densitometer. The method of evaluation included five aluminum alloy, 2219-T87, specimens that were heated and then quenched in cold water to produce cracks. The six penetrants were then applied, one at a time, and the crack indications were counted and recorded for each penetrant for comparison purposes. Measurements were made by determining the visual crack indications per linear inch and then sectioning the specimens for a metallographic count of the cracks present. This method provided a numerical approach for assigning a sensitivity index number to the penetrants. Of the six penetrants evaluated, two were not satisfactory (one was not sufficiently sensitive and the other was to sensitive, giving false indications). The other four were satisfactory with approximately the same sensitivity in the range of 78 to 80.5 percent of total cracks detected.

  9. Medicaid HMO penetration and its mix: did increased penetration affect physician participation in urban markets?


    Adams, E Kathleen; Herring, Bradley


    To use changes in Medicaid health maintenance organization (HMO) penetration across markets over time to test for effects on the extent of Medicaid participation among physicians and to test for differences in the effects of increased use of commercial versus Medicaid-dominant plans within the market. The nationally representative Community Tracking Study's Physician Survey for three periods (1996-1997, 1998-1999, and 2000-2001) on 29,866 physicians combined with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and InterStudy data. Market-level estimates of Medicaid HMO penetration are used to test for (1) any participation in Medicaid and (2) the degree to which physicians have an "open" (i.e., nonlimited) practice accepting new Medicaid patients. Models account for physician, firm, and local characteristics, Medicaid relative payment levels adjusted for geographic variation in practice costs, and market-level fixed effects. There is a positive effect of increases in commercial Medicaid HMO penetration on the odds of accepting new Medicaid patients among all physicians, and in particular, among office-based physicians. In contrast, there is no effect, positive or negative, from expanding the penetration of Medicaid-dominant HMO plans within the market. Increases in cost-adjusted Medicaid fees, relative to Medicare levels, were associated with increases in the odds of participation and of physicians having an "open" Medicaid practice. Provider characteristics that consistently lower participation among all physicians include being older, board certified, a U.S. graduate and a solo practitioner. The effects of Medicaid HMO penetration on physician participation vary by the type of plan. If states are able to attract and retain commercial plans, participation by office-based physicians is likely to increase in a way that opens existing practices to more new Medicaid patients. Other policy variables that affect participation include the presence of a federally

  10. Medicaid HMO Penetration and Its Mix: Did Increased Penetration Affect Physician Participation in Urban Markets?

    PubMed Central

    Adams, E Kathleen; Herring, Bradley


    Objective To use changes in Medicaid health maintenance organization (HMO) penetration across markets over time to test for effects on the extent of Medicaid participation among physicians and to test for differences in the effects of increased use of commercial versus Medicaid-dominant plans within the market. Data Sources/Study Setting The nationally representative Community Tracking Study's Physician Survey for three periods (1996–1997, 1998–1999, and 2000–2001) on 29,866 physicians combined with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and InterStudy data. Study Design Market-level estimates of Medicaid HMO penetration are used to test for (1) any participation in Medicaid and (2) the degree to which physicians have an “open” (i.e., nonlimited) practice accepting new Medicaid patients. Models account for physician, firm, and local characteristics, Medicaid relative payment levels adjusted for geographic variation in practice costs, and market-level fixed effects. Principal Findings There is a positive effect of increases in commercial Medicaid HMO penetration on the odds of accepting new Medicaid patients among all physicians, and in particular, among office-based physicians. In contrast, there is no effect, positive or negative, from expanding the penetration of Medicaid-dominant HMO plans within the market. Increases in cost-adjusted Medicaid fees, relative to Medicare levels, were associated with increases in the odds of participation and of physicians having an “open” Medicaid practice. Provider characteristics that consistently lower participation among all physicians include being older, board certified, a U.S. graduate and a solo practitioner. Conclusions The effects of Medicaid HMO penetration on physician participation vary by the type of plan. If states are able to attract and retain commercial plans, participation by office-based physicians is likely to increase in a way that opens existing practices to more new Medicaid

  11. Insuffisance rénale aigüe: présentation rare d’une maladie d’Addison

    PubMed Central

    Salhi, Houda


    La maladie d’Addison est une pathologie rare, qui se manifeste fréquemment par des signes cliniques non spécifiques. Ce qui peut causer un retard diagnostic et thérapeutique. Cette maladie peut se présenter comme un tableau d’insuffisance rénale aigue. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient présentant une maladie d’Addison qui a été pris en charge initialement comme une insuffisance rénale aigue secondaire à un myélome multiple et dont le diagnostic a été redressé par la suite. Le patient s’est spectaculairement amélioré après mis en place de traitement par réhydratation par voie intraveineuse; hydrocortisone injectable. PMID:27800088

  12. An Analytical Means of Determining Mass Loss from High Velocity Rigid Penetrators based on the Thermodynamic and Mechanical Properties of the Penetrator and Target

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Foster, Joseph C., Jr.; Jones, S. E.; Rule, William; Toness, Odin


    Sub-scale experimentation is commonly used as a cost-effective means of conducting terminal ballistics research. Analytical models of the penetration process focus on calculating the depth of penetration based on target density, target strength represented by the unconfined compressive-strength (f”c), the areal density of the penetrator (W/A), and the impact velocity.1 Forrestal, et. al. have documented the mass loss from the penetrator during the penetration process and employed improved equations of motion.2 Various researchers have investigated the upper limits of rigid body penetration and identified the onset of instabilities.3 In an effort to better understand the physical processes associated with this instability, experimental techniques have been developed to capture the details of the penetrator and target and subject them to microscopic analysis.4 These results have served as motivation to explore new forms for the physics included in the penetration equation as a means of identifying the processes associated with high velocity instability. We have included target shear and nose friction in the formulation of the fundamental load function expressions.5 When the resulting equations of motion are integrated and combined with the thermodynamics indicated by microscopic analysis, methods are identified to calculated penetrator mass loss. A comparison of results with experimental data serves as an indicator of the thermodynamic state variables associated with the quasi-steady state penetrator target interface conditions. 1 Young, C. W. , “Depth Predictions for Earth Penetrating Projectiles,” Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Division of ASCE, May 1998 pp 803-817 2. M.J. Forrestal, D.J. Frew, S.J. Hanchak, amd Brar, “ Pentration of Grout and Concrete Targets with Ogive-Nose Steel Projectiles,” Inrt. J. Impact Engng. Vol 18, pp. 465-476,1996 3. Andrew J. Piekutowski, Michael J. Forrestal, Kevin L. Poormon, and Thomas L. Warren, “Penetration

  13. Métastase pleurale et pulmonaire d’une polyadénofibromatose dégénéréé: à propos d’un cas

    PubMed Central

    El Hachimi, Kawtar; Benjelloun, Hanane; Zaghba, Nahid; Yassine, Najiba


    La polyadénofibromatose ou l’adénofibromatose est définie par la présence d’au moins 3 adénofibromes, uni ou bilatéraux atteignant une taille importante responsable de troubles trophiques. Nous rapportons une observation colligée au service des maladies respiratoires du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. Il s’agit d’une patiente âgée de 46ans, suivie depuis l’âge de 30 ans pour une adénofibromatose bilatérale opérée à 4 reprises. Suite à un bilan préopératoire d’une mastectomie bilatérale, une radio du thorax a été réalisée objectivant un hémithorax droit opaque avec refoulement des éléments du médiastin. L’examen clinique retrouvait un syndrome d’épanchement liquidien de l’hémithorax droit et une adénopathie cervicale sus claviculaire gauche. La ponction biopsie pleurale confirmait la localisation pleurale d’un carcinome peu différencié et invasif compatible avec une origine mammaire. La bronchoscopie après évacuation pleurale objectivait un aspect infiltré de tout l’arbre bronchique, dont les biopsies concluaient au même résultat anatomopathologique. Le traitement préconisé était une polychimiothérapie. L’évolution était marquée par l’apparition de métastases hépatiques. A travers cette observation, nous concluons que les adénofibromes nécessitent une surveillance régulière vu le risque de dégénérescence vers le cancer du sein qui est une cause fréquente de métastases pleuropulmonaires. PMID:29515733

  14. Conception, fabrication et validation d'une presse a injection basse pression pour le procede des poudres metalliques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamarre, Simon G.

    Le moulage par injection a basse pression de poudre metallique est une technique de mise en forme de pieces de formes complexes. La poudre metallique est melangee avec des polymeres basse viscosite (ex. : cire) pour former un melange homogene a une temperature superieure a la temperature de fusion des polymeres. Pour faciliter l'injection dans la cavite du moule, la composition des melanges est ajustee pour diminuer la viscosite. D'une part, les melanges peu visqueux possedent une bonne moulabilite. D'autre part, le phenomene de la segregation se manifeste rapidement avec les melanges peu visqueux. Les machines commerciales sont munies d'un canal d'injection et d'une valve qui relient le reservoir de melange et la cavite du moule. Le melange reste stationnaire dans ces composantes entre deux sequences d'injection, ce qui le rend propice a la segregation. Plusieurs brevets tentent de resoudre ce probleme en utilisant des pompes et des canaux de recirculation. Ces composantes sont difficiles a nettoyer en raison de leur complexite. Une machine a injection basse pression a ete concue et fabriquee pour l'etude de l'aptitude au moulage des melanges de tres faible viscosite (ex. : 0.1 Pa˙s), qui tient compte du phenomene de segregation et des contraintes de nettoyage. Un piston d'injection puise le volume desire d'un reservoir. Ensuite, un mouvement lateral cisaille le melange a l'intersection entre le reservoir et le cylindre et bouche l'orifice de sortie du reservoir. Le cylindre est degage et peut recevoir le moule. A la suite de l'injection, le piston retourne a la position du reservoir et entre dans son orifice de sortie. Le melange residuel est retourne dans le reservoir, melange et desaere a nouveau. L'appareil a ete valide par des essais d'injectabilite avec un melange de poudre d'acier inoxydable et de liants a basse viscosite. Des essais d'injection ont montre que le melange contenant l'acide stearique a parcouru la plus grande distance dans le moule de forme

  15. Variabilite temporelle des naines T et construction d'une camera infrarouge a grand champ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Artigau, Etienne

    Le travail de thèse décrit ici se divise en deux sections distinctes: la première porte sur une étude de la variabilité temporelle des naines T et la seconde sur la construction et les performances de la Caméra PAnoramique Proche InfraRouge (CPAPIR). Les naines brunes sont des objets qui se forment comme les étoiles, lors de l'effondrement gravitationnel d'un nuage de gaz moléculaire, mais dont la masse est trop faible pour leur permettre d'entretenir des réactions de fusion nucléaire. Environ 70% des naines brunes de type L, qui ont des températures comprises entre 2200 K et 1500 K, présentent une variabilité temporelle dont les mécanismes exacts font toujours l'objet de débats. Nous avons étendu la recherche de variabilité temporelle aux naines brunes ayant des températures inférieures à ~1500 K et qui présentent les signatures du méthane, soit les naines T. Nos observations menées à l'Observatoire du mont Mégantic montrent qu'une fraction importante des naines T sont variables à 1.2 mm et 1.6 mm à des niveaux allant de 17 mmag à 53 mmag RMS. Les propriétés photométriques de cette variabilité sont consistantes avec une évolution de la couverture de nuages de poussière à la surface de plusieurs naines T. Des observations complémentaires menées en spectroscopie au télescope Canada-France-Hawaii montrent, pour une naine T, une variabilité spectroscopique dans le proche infrarouge qui est aussi consistante avec l'évolution de tels nuages de poussière. CPAPIR est une caméra infrarouge con=E7ue pour être utilisée à l'Observatoire du mont Mégantic. Elle possède un champ de 30' × 30', soit le plus grand champ de vue parmi les caméras infrarouges astronomiques actuellement en service. CPAPIR est équipé d'un détecteur de type Hawaii-II sensible de 0.8 mm à 2.4 mm avec 2048×2048 pixels. L'optique cryogénique de CPAPIR comprend 8 lentilles cryogéniques et 10 filtres disposés dans deux roues à filtres. Les observations

  16. Penetration resistant barrier


    Hoover, William R.; Mead, Keith E.; Street, Henry K.


    The disclosure relates to a barrier for resisting penetration by such as hand tools and oxy-acetylene cutting torches. The barrier comprises a layer of firebrick, which is preferably epoxy impregnated sandwiched between inner and outer layers of steel. Between the firebrick and steel are layers of resilient rubber-like filler.

  17. Enhanced chlorhexidine skin penetration with eucalyptus oil

    PubMed Central


    Background Chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) is a widely used skin antiseptic, however it poorly penetrates the skin, limiting its efficacy against microorganisms residing beneath the surface layers of skin. The aim of the current study was to improve the delivery of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) when used as a skin antiseptic. Method Chlorhexidine was applied to the surface of donor skin and its penetration and retention under different conditions was evaluated. Skin penetration studies were performed on full-thickness donor human skin using a Franz diffusion cell system. Skin was exposed to 2% (w/v) CHG in various concentrations of eucalyptus oil (EO) and 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The concentration of CHG (μg/mg of skin) was determined to a skin depth of 1500 μm by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results The 2% (w/v) CHG penetration into the lower layers of skin was significantly enhanced in the presence of EO. Ten percent (v/v) EO in combination with 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA significantly increased the amount of CHG which penetrated into the skin within 2 min. Conclusion The delivery of CHG into the epidermis and dermis can be enhanced by combination with EO, which in turn may improve biocide contact with additional microorganisms present in the skin, thereby enhancing antisepsis. PMID:20860796

  18. Mars surface penetrator: System description

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Manning, L. A. (Editor)


    A point design of a penetrator system for a Mars mission is described. A strawman payload which is to conduct measurements of geophysical and meteorological parameters is included in the design. The subsystems used in the point design are delineated in terms of power, mass, volume, data, and functional modes. The prospects for survival of the rigors of emplacement are described. Data handling and communications plans are presented to allow consideration of the requirements placed by the penetrator on the orbiter and ground operations. The point design is technically feasible and the payload selection scientifically desirable.

  19. Penetration analysis of projectile with inclined concrete target

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, S. B.; Kim, H. W.; Yoo, Y. H.


    This paper presents numerical analysis result of projectile penetration with concrete target. We applied dynamic material properties of 4340 steels, aluminium and explosive for projectile body. Dynamic material properties were measured with static tensile testing machine and Hopkinson pressure bar tests. Moreover, we used three concrete damage models included in LS-DYNA 3D, such as SOIL_CONCRETE, CSCM (cap model with smooth interaction) and CONCRETE_DAMAGE (K&C concrete) models. Strain rate effect for concrete material is important to predict the fracture deformation and shape of concrete, and penetration depth for projectiles. CONCRETE_DAMAGE model with strain rate effect also applied to penetration analysis. Analysis result with CSCM model shows good agreement with penetration experimental data. The projectile trace and fracture shapes of concrete target were compared with experimental data.

  20. Virtual Mobility in Higher Education. The UNED Campus Net Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Aguado, Teresa; Monge, Fernando; Del Olmo, Alicia


    We present the UNED Virtual Mobility Campus Net Program, implemented since 2012 in collaboration with European and Latin American universities. Program's objectives, participating institutions, procedures, and evaluation are exposed. Virtual mobility is understood as a meaningful strategy for intercultural learning by studying an undergraduate or…

  1. Fire extinguishing apparatus having a slidable mass for a penetrator nozzle. [for penetrating aircraft and shuttle orbiter skin

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gray, N. C.; Senseny, R. M.; Bolton, P. N.


    A fire extinguishing apparatus for delivering an extinguishing agent through a tarrier surrounding a structure into its interior includes an elongated tubular nozzle body which has a pointed penetrating head carried on one end of the tubular body. A source of extinguishing agent coupled to the opposite end of the tubular body is fed through and passes through passages adjacent the head for delivering the extinguishing agent to the interior of the structure. A slidable mass is carried on the tubular body on a remote end of the tubular body from the penetrating head. By manipulating the slidable mass and bringing such in contact with an abutment the force imparted to the tubular body causes the head to penetrate the structure.

  2. Cell Penetration Properties of a Highly Efficient Mini Maurocalcine Peptide

    PubMed Central

    Tisseyre, Céline; Bahembera, Eloi; Dardevet, Lucie; Sabatier, Jean-Marc; Ronjat, Michel; De Waard, Michel


    Maurocalcine is a highly potent cell-penetrating peptide isolated from the Tunisian scorpion Maurus palmatus. Many cell-penetrating peptide analogues have been derived from the full-length maurocalcine by internal cysteine substitutions and sequence truncation. Herein we have further characterized the cell-penetrating properties of one such peptide, MCaUF1-9, whose sequence matches that of the hydrophobic face of maurocalcine. This peptide shows very favorable cell-penetration efficacy compared to Tat, penetratin or polyarginine. The peptide appears so specialized in cell penetration that it seems hard to improve by site directed mutagenesis. A comparative analysis of the efficacies of similar peptides isolated from other toxin members of the same family leads to the identification of hadrucalcin’s hydrophobic face as an even better CPP. Protonation of the histidine residue at position 6 renders the cell penetration of MCaUF1-9 pH-sensitive. Greater cell penetration at acidic pH suggests that MCaUF1-9 can be used to specifically target cancer cells in vivo where tumor masses grow in more acidic environments. PMID:24276021

  3. Water Penetration through a Superhydrophobic Mesh During a Drop Impact.


    Ryu, Seunggeol; Sen, Prosenjit; Nam, Youngsuk; Lee, Choongyeop


    When a water drop impacts a mesh having submillimeter pores, a part of the drop penetrates through the mesh if the impact velocity is sufficiently large. Here we show that different surface wettability, i.e., hydrophobicity and superhydrophobicity, leads to different water penetration dynamics on a mesh during drop impact. We show, despite the water repellence of a superhydrophobic surface, that water can penetrate a superhydrophobic mesh more easily (i.e., at a lower impact velocity) over a hydrophobic mesh via a penetration mechanism unique to a superhydrophobic mesh. On a superhydrophobic mesh, the water penetration can occur during the drop recoil stage, which appears at a lower impact velocity than the critical impact velocity for water penetration right upon impact. We propose that this unique water penetration on a superhydrophobic mesh can be attributed to the combination of the hydrodynamic focusing and the momentum transfer from the water drop when it is about to bounce off the surface, at which point the water drop retrieves most of its kinetic energy due to the negligible friction on superhydrophobic surfaces.

  4. Water Penetration through a Superhydrophobic Mesh During a Drop Impact

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ryu, Seunggeol; Sen, Prosenjit; Nam, Youngsuk; Lee, Choongyeop


    When a water drop impacts a mesh having submillimeter pores, a part of the drop penetrates through the mesh if the impact velocity is sufficiently large. Here we show that different surface wettability, i.e., hydrophobicity and superhydrophobicity, leads to different water penetration dynamics on a mesh during drop impact. We show, despite the water repellence of a superhydrophobic surface, that water can penetrate a superhydrophobic mesh more easily (i.e., at a lower impact velocity) over a hydrophobic mesh via a penetration mechanism unique to a superhydrophobic mesh. On a superhydrophobic mesh, the water penetration can occur during the drop recoil stage, which appears at a lower impact velocity than the critical impact velocity for water penetration right upon impact. We propose that this unique water penetration on a superhydrophobic mesh can be attributed to the combination of the hydrodynamic focusing and the momentum transfer from the water drop when it is about to bounce off the surface, at which point the water drop retrieves most of its kinetic energy due to the negligible friction on superhydrophobic surfaces.

  5. Topological properties of the limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph family

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Minggang; Vilela, André L. M.; Du, Ruijin; Zhao, Longfeng; Dong, Gaogao; Tian, Lixin; Stanley, H. Eugene


    The limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph algorithm was recently introduced to map time series in complex networks. In this work, we extend this algorithm to create a directed-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph and an image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph. We define two algorithms and provide theoretical results on the topological properties of these graphs associated with different types of real-value series. We perform several numerical simulations to check the accuracy of our theoretical results. Finally, we present an application of the directed-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph to measure real-value time series irreversibility and an application of the image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph that discriminates noise from chaos. We also propose a method to measure the systematic risk using the image-limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph, and the empirical results show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

  6. Surface penetrators for planetary exploration: Science rationale and development program

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Murphy, J. P.; Reynolds, R. T.; Blanchard, M. B.; Clanton, U. S.


    Work on penetrators for planetary exploration is summarized. In particular, potential missions, including those to Mars, Mercury, the Galilean satellites, comets, and asteroids are described. A baseline penetrator design for the Mars mission is included, as well as potential instruments and their status in development. Penetration tests in soft soil and basalt to study material eroded from the penetrator; changes in the structure, composition, and physical properties of the impacted soil; seismic coupling; and penetrator deflection caused by impacting rocks, are described. Results of subsystem studies and tests are given for design of entry decelerators, high-g components, thermal control, data acquisition, and umbilical cable deployment.

  7. Pneumonie organisée révélatrice d'une polymyosite

    PubMed Central

    Ben Saad, Ahmed; Joobeur, Samah; Rouetbi, Naceur; Mhamed, Saousen Cheikh; Skhiri, Néji; Mribah, Hathami; El Kamel, Ali


    Les polymyosites (PM) sont des connectivites très rares, d’étiologie inconnue, dotées d'un grand polymorphisme clinique et évolutif. Elles peuvent être associées à d'autres manifestations viscérales notamment pulmonaires telles que la pneumopathie interstitielle. Ces complications respiratoires sont souvent associées à un taux de mortalité élevé. Les cas de pneumonie organisée révélatrice de polymyosite sont rarement rapportés dans la littérature et de description récente. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une patiente âgée de 53 ans qui a présenté, 14 mois après avoir porter le diagnostic d'une pneumonie organisée, des myalgies diffuses, un ‘dème des membres inférieurs et une élévation des enzymes musculaires. La biopsie musculaire a confirmé le diagnostic de la myosite. L’évolution était favorable sous corticothérapie. Le traitement de la PO associée au PM n'est pas clairement établi. La corticothérapie constitue le traitement de première intention. PMID:25722789

  8. Cognitive Penetration and Attention

    PubMed Central

    Gross, Steven


    Zenon Pylyshyn argues that cognitively driven attentional effects do not amount to cognitive penetration of early vision because such effects occur either before or after early vision. Critics object that in fact such effects occur at all levels of perceptual processing. We argue that Pylyshyn’s claim is correct—but not for the reason he emphasizes. Even if his critics are correct that attentional effects are not external to early vision, these effects do not satisfy Pylyshyn’s requirements that the effects be direct and exhibit semantic coherence. In addition, we distinguish our defense from those found in recent work by Raftopoulos and by Firestone and Scholl, argue that attention should not be assimilated to expectation, and discuss alternative characterizations of cognitive penetrability, advocating a kind of pluralism. PMID:28275358

  9. Dynamic cone penetration tests in granular media: Determination of the tip's dynamic load-penetration curve

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escobar, E.; Benz, M.; Gourvès, R.; Breul, P.


    In this article a two-dimensional discrete numerical model, realized in PFC2D, is presented. This model is used in the dynamic penetration tests in a granular medium. Its objective being the validation of the measurement technique offered by Panda 3® (Benz et al. 2011) which is designed to calculate the tip's load-penetration curve for each impact in the soil where different parameters are used. To do so, we have compared the results obtained by calculation during the impacts to those measured directly in the model of a penetrometer through the installation of the gauges at the cone.

  10. Miniature penetrator (MinPen) acceleration recorder development test

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Franco, R.J.; Platzbecker, M.R.


    The Telemetry Technology Development Department at Sandia National Laboratories actively develops and tests acceleration recorders for penetrating weapons. This new acceleration recorder (MinPen) utilizes a microprocessor-based architecture for operational flexibility while maintaining electronics and packaging techniques developed over years of penetrator testing. MinPen has been demonstrated to function in shock environments up to 20,000 Gs. The MinPen instrumentation development has resulted in a rugged, versatile, miniature acceleration recorder and is a valuable tool for penetrator testing in a wide range of applications.

  11. Phenomena after meteoroid penetration of a bumper plate

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Todd, F. C.


    The analysis of hypervelocity impact of particles on a detector in space, with flow and shock penetration through fluid, plastic, and elastic zones was studied. The original paper and computer program on this topic is presented. Improvements in the program for the study of the formation of a cone of debris are discussed. The truncated apex of the cone is at the hole formed by the penetration of an initially spherical rock through a thin plate. A solution for the penetration of the thin plate was sought.

  12. Piezocone Penetration Testing Device

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Hydraulic characteristics of soils can be estimated from piezocone penetration test (called PCPT hereinafter) by performing dissipation test or on-the-fly using advanced analytical techniques. This research report presents a method for fast estimatio...

  13. The Dependency of Penetration on the Momentum Per Unit Area of the Impacting Projectile and the Resistance of Materials to Penetration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Collins, Rufus D., Jr.; Kinard, William H.


    The results of this investigation indicate that the penetration of projectiles into quasi-infinite targets can be correlated as a function of the maximum momentum per unit area possessed by the projectiles. The penetration of projectiles into aluminum, copper, and steel targets was found to be a linear function while the penetration into lead targets was a nonlinear function of the momentum per unit area of the impacting projectiles. Penetration varied inversely as the projectile density and the elastic modulus of the target material for a given projectile momentum per unit area. Crater volumes were found to be a linear function of the kinetic energy of the projectile, the greater volumes being obtained in the target materials which had the lowest yield strength and the lowest speed of sound.

  14. Evaluation d’une grille de supervision des laboratoires des leishmanioses cutanées au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    El Mansouri, Bouchra; Amarir, Fatima; Hajli, Yamina; Fellah, Hajiba; Sebti, Faiza; Delouane, Bouchra; Sadak, Abderrahim; Adlaoui, El Bachir; Rhajaoui, Mohammed


    Introduction Afin d’évaluer une grille de contrôle standardisée de laboratoire de diagnostic des leishmanioses, comme nouveau outil de supervision. Méthodes Un essai pilote a été pratiqué sur sept laboratoires provinciaux, appartenant à quatre provinces au Maroc, en suivant l’évolution de leurs performances tous les deux ans, entre l’année 2006 et 2014. Cette étude détaille la situation des laboratoires provinciaux avant et après la mise en œuvre de la grille de supervision. Au total vingt et une grille sont analysées. Résultats En 2006, les résultats ont montré clairement une insuffisance des performances des laboratoires: besoin en formation (41.6%), personnel pratiquant le prélèvement cutané (25%), pénurie en matériels et réactifs (65%), gestions documentaire et local non conformes (85%). Différentes actions correctives ont été menées par le Laboratoire National de Référence des Leishmanioses (LNRL) durant la période d’étude. En 2014, le LNRL a enregistré une nette amélioration des performances des laboratoires. Les besoins en matière de formation, qualité du prélèvement, dotation en matériels et réactifs ont été comblés et une coordination efficace s’est établie entre le LNRL et les laboratoires provinciaux. Conclusion Ceci montre l'efficacité de la grille comme outil de supervision de grande qualité, et comme pierre angulaire de tout progrès qui doit être obtenu dans les programmes de lutte contre les leishmanioses. PMID:29187922

  15. Penetrating ocular trauma associated with blank cartridge

    PubMed Central


    Background Blank cartridge guns are generally regarded as being harmless and relative safe. However recent published articles demonstrated that the gas pressure from the exploding propellant of blank cartridge is powerful enough to penetrate the thoracic wall, abdominal muscle, small intestine and the skull. And there has been a limited number of case reports of ocular trauma associated with blank cartridge injury. In addition, no report on case with split extraocular muscle injury with traumatic cataract and penetrating corneoscleral wound associated with blank cartridge has been previously documented. This report describes the case of patient who sustained penetrating ocular injury with extraocular muscle injury by a close-distance blank cartridge that required surgical intervention. Case presentation A 20-year-old man sustained a penetrating globe injury in the right eye while cleaning a blank cartridge pistol. His uncorrected visual acuity at presentation was hand motion and he had a flame burn of his right upper and lower lid with multiple missile wounds. On slit-lamp examination, there was a 12-mm laceration of conjunctiva along the 9 o'clock position with two pinhole-like penetrating injuries of cornea and sclera. There was also a 3-mm corneal laceration between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock and the exposed lateral rectus muscle was split. Severe Descemet's membrane folding with stromal edema was observed, and numerous yellow, powder-like foreign bodies were impacted in the cornea. Layered anterior chamber bleeding with traumatic cataract was also noted. Transverse view of ultrasonography showed hyperechoic foreign bodies with mild reduplication echoes and shadowing. However, a computed tomographic scan using thin section did not reveal a radiopaque foreign body within the right globe. Conclusion To our best knowledge, this is the first case report of split extraocular muscle injury with traumatic cataract and penetrating ocular injury caused by blank cartridge

  16. Network Penetration Testing and Research

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Murphy, Brandon F.


    This paper will focus the on research and testing done on penetrating a network for security purposes. This research will provide the IT security office new methods of attacks across and against a company's network as well as introduce them to new platforms and software that can be used to better assist with protecting against such attacks. Throughout this paper testing and research has been done on two different Linux based operating systems, for attacking and compromising a Windows based host computer. Backtrack 5 and BlackBuntu (Linux based penetration testing operating systems) are two different "attacker'' computers that will attempt to plant viruses and or NASA USRP - Internship Final Report exploits on a host Windows 7 operating system, as well as try to retrieve information from the host. On each Linux OS (Backtrack 5 and BlackBuntu) there is penetration testing software which provides the necessary tools to create exploits that can compromise a windows system as well as other operating systems. This paper will focus on two main methods of deploying exploits 1 onto a host computer in order to retrieve information from a compromised system. One method of deployment for an exploit that was tested is known as a "social engineering" exploit. This type of method requires interaction from unsuspecting user. With this user interaction, a deployed exploit may allow a malicious user to gain access to the unsuspecting user's computer as well as the network that such computer is connected to. Due to more advance security setting and antivirus protection and detection, this method is easily identified and defended against. The second method of exploit deployment is the method mainly focused upon within this paper. This method required extensive research on the best way to compromise a security enabled protected network. Once a network has been compromised, then any and all devices connected to such network has the potential to be compromised as well. With a compromised

  17. Penetration scaling in atomistic simulations of hypervelocity impact

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ruestes, C. J.; Bringa, E. M.; Fioretti, F.; Higginbotham, A.; Taylor, E. A.; Graham, G.


    We present atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of the impact of copper nano particles at 5 km/s on copper films ranging in thickness from 0.5 to 4 times the projectile diameter. We access both penetration and cratering regimes with final cratering morphologies showing considerable similarity to experimental impacts on both micron and millimeter scales. Both craters and holes are formed from a molten region, with relatively low defect densities remaining after cooling and recrystallisation. Crater diameter and penetration limits are compared to analytical scaling models: in agreement with some models we find the onset of penetration occurs for 1.0 < f/d < 1.5, where f is the film thickness and d is the projectile diameter. However, our results for the hole size agree well with scaling laws based on macroscopic experiments providing enhanced strength of a nano-film that melts completely at the impact region is taken into account. Penetration in films with pre-existing nanocracks is qualitatively similar to penetration in perfect films, including the lack of back-spall. Simulations using ``peridynamics'' are also described and compared to the atomistic simulations. Work supported by PICT2007-PRH, PICT-2008 1325, and SeCTyP.

  18. Analysis of thermal performance of penetrated multi-layer insulation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Foster, Winfred A., Jr.; Jenkins, Rhonald M.; Yoo, Chai H.; Barrett, William E.


    Results of research performed for the purpose of studying the sensitivity of multi-layer insulation blanket performance caused by penetrations through the blanket are presented. The work described in this paper presents the experimental data obtained from thermal vacuum tests of various penetration geometries similar to those present on the Hubble Space Telescope. The data obtained from these tests is presented in terms of electrical power required sensitivity factors referenced to a multi-layer blanket without a penetration. The results of these experiments indicate that a significant increase in electrical power is required to overcome the radiation heat losses in the vicinity of the penetrations.

  19. Effects of soap-water wash on human epidermal penetration.


    Zhu, Hanjiang; Jung, Eui-Chang; Phuong, Christina; Hui, Xiaoying; Maibach, Howard


    Skin decontamination is a primary interventional method used to decrease dermal absorption of hazardous contaminants, including chemical warfare agents, pesticides and industrial pollutants. Soap and water wash, the most common and readily available decontamination system, may enhance percutaneous absorption through the "wash-in effect." To understand better the effect of soap-water wash on percutaneous penetration, and provide insight to improving skin decontamination methods, in vitro human epidermal penetration rates of four C(14) -labeled model chemicals (hydroquinone, clonidine, benzoic acid and paraoxon) were assayed using flow-through diffusion cells. Stratum corneum (SC) absorption rates of these chemicals at various hydration levels (0-295% of the dry SC weights) were determined and compared with the results of the epidermal penetration study to clarify the effect of SC hydration on skin permeability. Results showed accelerated penetration curves of benzoic acid and paraoxon after surface wash at 30 min postdosing. Thirty minutes after washing (60 min postdosing), penetration rates of hydroquinone and benzoic acid decreased due to reduced amounts of chemical on the skin surface and in the SC. At the end of the experiment (90 min postdosing), a soap-water wash resulted in lower hydroquinone penetration, greater paraoxon penetration and similar levels of benzoic acid and clonidine penetration compared to penetration levels in the non-wash groups. The observed wash-in effect agrees with the enhancement effect of SC hydration on the SC chemical absorption rate. These results suggest SC hydration derived from surface wash to be one cause of the wash-in effect. Further, the occurrence of a wash-in effect is dependent on chemical identity and elapsed time between exposure and onset of decontamination. By reducing chemical residue quantity on skin surface and in the SC reservoir, the soap-water wash may decrease the total quantity of chemical absorbed in the

  20. La prise en charge d’une clientèle

    PubMed Central

    Roy, Andréanne; Breton, Mylaine; Loslier, Julie


    Résumé Objectif Analyser les facteurs qui incitent les médecins de famille nouvellement autorisés à faire de la prise en charge d’une clientèle en première ligne. Type d’étude Devis mixte séquentiel : questionnaire en ligne auto-administré auprès de médecins de famille, suivi d’entrevues individuelles. Contexte La Montérégie, qui est la deuxième région la plus populeuse du Québec, et qui présente des zones rurales et urbaines. Participants Tous les médecins de famille détenant un poste en Montérégie et ayant moins de 10 années d’expérience ont été sollicités, soit 366 médecins. Parmi eux, 118 ont complété le questionnaire en ligne (taux de réponse de 32,2 %). Parmi les répondants, 10 médecins ayant des profils de prise en charge variés ont été sélectionnés pour les entrevues individuelles. Principaux paramètres à l’étude Le pourcentage de temps de travail consacré à la prise en charge, analysé en parallèle avec différents facteurs facilitants et barrières à la prise en charge aux niveaux contextuel, organisationnel, du médecin de famille et de la clientèle. Résultats Les principaux facteurs facilitant la prise en charge sont la relation médecin-patient, l’intérêt pour les activités cliniques liées à la prise en charge, les modèles de rôles positifs, la collaboration avec une infirmière et l’accès adéquat aux ressources, notamment en santé mentale. Les principales barrières sont l’ampleur des tâches administratives, l’intérêt pour une pratique polyvalente, l’expérience négative de la prise en charge lors de la formation, un sentiment n’inaptitude à l’égard de la prise en charge, la lourdeur de la clientèle et le manque de soutien en début de pratique. Conclusion Certaines pistes de solution pour inciter les nouveaux médecins de famille à prendre en charge une clientèle sont proposées. Des points d’amélioration au niveau de la formation médicale, du soutien

  1. Ground penetrating radar for underground sensing in agriculture: a review

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Xiuwei; Dong, Xuejun; Leskovar, Daniel I.


    Belowground properties strongly affect agricultural productivity. Traditional methods for quantifying belowground properties are destructive, labor-intensive and pointbased. Ground penetrating radar can provide non-invasive, areal, and repeatable underground measurements. This article reviews the application of ground penetrating radar for soil and root measurements and discusses potential approaches to overcome challenges facing ground penetrating radar-based sensing in agriculture, especially for soil physical characteristics and crop root measurements. Though advanced data-analysis has been developed for ground penetrating radar-based sensing of soil moisture and soil clay content in civil engineering and geosciences, it has not been used widely in agricultural research. Also, past studies using ground penetrating radar in root research have been focused mainly on coarse root measurement. Currently, it is difficult to measure individual crop roots directly using ground penetrating radar, but it is possible to sense root cohorts within a soil volume grid as a functional constituent modifying bulk soil dielectric permittivity. Alternatively, ground penetrating radarbased sensing of soil water content, soil nutrition and texture can be utilized to inversely estimate root development by coupling soil water flow modeling with the seasonality of plant root growth patterns. Further benefits of ground penetrating radar applications in agriculture rely on the knowledge, discovery, and integration among differing disciplines adapted to research in agricultural management.

  2. Statistical Mechanical Theory of Penetrant Diffusion in Polymer Melts and Glasses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Rui; Schweizer, Kenneth

    We generalize our force-level, self-consistent nonlinear Langevin equation theory of activated diffusion of a dilute spherical penetrant in hard sphere fluids to predict the long-time diffusivity of molecular penetrants in supercooled polymer liquids and non-aging glasses. Chemical complexity is treated using an a priori mapping to a temperature-dependent hard sphere mixture model where polymers are disconnected into effective spheres based on the Kuhn length as the relevant coarse graining scale. A key parameter for mobility is the penetrant to polymer segment diameter ratio, R. Our calculations agree well with experimental measurements for a wide range of temperatures, penetrant sizes (from gas molecules with R ~0.3 to aromatic molecules with R ~1) and diverse amorphous polymers, over 10 decades variation of penetrant diffusivity. Structural parameter transferability is good. We have also formulated a theory at finite penetrant loading for the coupled penetrant-polymer dynamics in chemically (nearly) matched mixtures (e.g., toluene-polystyrene) which captures well the increase of penetrant diffusivity and decrease of polymer matrix vitrification temperature with increasing loading.

  3. Analysis of 178 penetrating stomach and small bowel injuries.


    Salim, Ali; Teixeira, Pedro G R; Inaba, Kenji; Brown, Carlos; Browder, Timothy; Demetriades, Demetrios


    Surgical site infections (SSIs), such as wound infection, fascial dehiscence, and intraabdominal abscess, commonly occur following penetrating abdominal trauma. However, most of the literature involves penetrating colon injuries. There are few reports describing complications following penetrating stomach and small bowel injuries. Based on the hypothesis that SSIs are commonly found following penetrating stomach and small bowel trauma, a prospective observational study was performed at an academic Level I trauma center from March 1, 2004 until August 31, 2006. The subjects were patients who had sustained a penetrating injury to the stomach or small bowel. Patients were followed for the development of an SSI, defined as wound infection, fascial dehiscence, or intraabdominal abscess. A total of 178 patients were admitted with penetrating stomach or small bowel injuries over the 29-month period. There were 121 (68%) gunshot injuries and 57 (32%) stab wounds. Associated intraabdominal injuries occurred in 74% of patients. Overall, SSIs occurred in 20% of cases. Risk factors for SSI included associated duodenal or colon injury, whereas time to operating room, blood loss, and type and duration of antibiotic use were not. When associated colon injuries were excluded, SSIs occurred in 16% of patients with gastric injuries and 13% of those with small bowel injuries. SSIs commonly follow penetrating stomach and small bowel trauma. Risk factors for SSI include associated duodenal or colon injury. Delay to operating room, blood loss, and type and length of antibiotic prophylaxis were not associated with an increased risk of SSI.

  4. Paraplégie compliquant une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche

    PubMed Central

    Elahmadi, Brahim; Awab, Almahdi; El Moussaoui, Rachid; El Hijri, Ahmed; Azzouzi, Abderrahim; Alilou, Mustapha


    Les traumatismes médullaires sont des complications rares des plaies abdominales antérieures par arme blanche. Son diagnostic est difficile parfois retardé. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique reste l'examen de choix. Le traitement dépend du tableau clinique et de la gravité de la souffrance médullaire. Le pronostic est corrélé à l’étendue et à la nature de la lésion médullaire. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel d'un traumatisme médullaire chez une patiente victime d'une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche. PMID:25995808

  5. Hybridization regulated metal penetration at transition metal-organic semiconductor contacts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chuang, Tzu-Hung; Lu, Kun-Ta; Lu, Chun-I.; Hsu, Yao-Jane; Wei, Der-Hsin


    Metal-organic contacts are keys to define the functionalities of hybrid structures, but orbital hybridization at interfaces has made rationalizing their behavior a challenging task. Here, we examined Fe/C60 and Ni/C60 bilayers with X-ray absorption spectra to study the nature of orbital hybridization and the possible correlation with metal penetration. Depositing Fe or Ni on C60 films of sub-nanometer thickness to emulate interfaces, we found that both bilayers show evidence of not only d-π hybridization and metal penetration but also a deeper Ni penetration. The carbon K-edge spectra recorded from C60 films indicate that the deeper Ni penetration is accompanied by a larger donation of electrons from Ni to C60. This finding of hybridization-modulated metal penetration is somewhat counterintuitive but is consistent with a scenario of metal-C60 hybridization competing with metal-metal aggregation. A stronger Ni-C60 hybridization could result in smaller Ni clusters and a greater probability of penetration through the interstitial space between C60 molecules. We conclude that metal penetration can be regulated with orbital hybridization between metal and C60.

  6. Results of analyses performed on soil adjacent to penetrators emplaced into sediments at McCook, Nebraska, January 1976. [simulated penetration into wind-deposited sediments on Martian plains

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Blanchard, M.; Bunch, T.; Davis, A.; Kyte, F.; Shade, H.; Erlichman, J.; Polkowski, G.


    During 1976 several penetrators (full and 0.58 scale) were dropped into a test site McCook, Nebraska. The McCook site was selected because it simulated penetration into wind-deposited sediments (silts and sands) on Martian plains. The physical and chemical modifications found in the sediment after the penetrators' impact are described. Laboratory analyses have shown mineralogical and elemental changes are produced in the sediment next to the penetrator. Optical microscopy studies of material next to the skin of the penetrator revealed a layer of glassy material about 75 microns thick. Elemental analysis of a 0-1-mm layer of sediment next to the penetrator revealed increased concentrations for Cr, Fe, Ni, Mo, and reduced concentrations for Mg, Al Si, P, K, and Ca. The Cr, Fe, Ni, and Mo were in fragments abraded from the penetrator. Mineralogical changes occurring in the sediment next to the penetrator included the introduction of micron-size grains of alpha iron and several hydrated iron oxide minerals. The newly formed silicate minerals include metastable phases of silica (cristobalite, lechatelierite, and opal). The glassy material was mostly opal which formed when the host minerals (mica, calcite, and clay) decomposed. In summary, contaminants introduced by the penetrator occur up to 2 mm away from the penetrator's skin. Although volatile elements do migrate and new minerals are formed during the destruction of host minerals in the sediment, no changes were observed beyond the 2-mm distance. The analyses indicate 0.58-scale penetrators do effectively simulate full-scale testing for soil modification effects.

  7. Une cryptococcose disséminée compliquant un traitement par prednisone et azathioprime d'un pemphigus vulgaire

    PubMed Central

    Wafa, Ammouri; Hicham, Harmouche; Yassir, Afifi; Zoubida, Tazi Mezalek; Mohamed, Adnaoui; Mohamed, Aouni; Amine, Hassani; Abdelaziz, Maaouni


    L'infection à cryptocoque est une complication redoutable chez les patients traités par immunosuppresseurs et dont l’évolution peut être rapidement fatal en cas de retard diagnostic. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 70 ans, ayant des antécédents de pemphigus vulgaire traité par prednisone et azathioprime et admise dans le service de médecine Interne pour des nodules sous cutanés atypiques. Le diagnostic retenu était celui d'une cryptococcose disséminée. L’évolution était rapidement fatale malgré le traitement antifongique. PMID:22187617

  8. Choc hémorragique suite à une ponction biopsie rénale (PBR): à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    El Hammoumi, Jalal; Boukatta, Brahim; Houari, Nawfal; Elbouazzaoui, Abderrahim; Sbai, Hicham; Kanjaa, Nabil


    La ponction biopsie rénale (PBR) est un examen indispensable en néphrologie mais à risque de complications graves surtout hémorragique. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient âgé de 27 ans ayant bénéficié d'une PBR pour un diagnostic étiologique d'une insuffisance rénale aigue, l’évolution après la biopsie a été marquée par l'installation d'un choc hémorragique d'où la prise en charge en réanimation avec une néphrectomie d'hémostase. PMID:26848362

  9. Hémophilie B mineure révélée par une hémorragie cérébrale: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Naji, Abdelhalim; Rkain, Maria; Amrani, Rim; Benajiba, Noufissa


    L'hémorragie intracrânienne (HIC) du nouveau-né à terme est une pathologie rare, leur prévalence est estimée à 2% des naissances vivantes. Les manifestations cliniques sont variables et non spécifique. Les causes d'HIC sont multiples et souvent intriquées, les mécanismes physiopathologiques principaux sont la dysrégulation du débit cérébral, une obstruction des vaisseaux ou une coagulation intravasculaire; ou une lésion directe par traumatisme. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson d'un mois qui a été admis dans notre service pour prendre en charge des convulsions associées à une pâleur cutanéomuqueuse, suite à laquelle l'examen biologique a mis fortuitement en faveur une hémophilie mineure sur une maladie hémorragique tardive. PMID:26491519

  10. Generic penetration in the retail antidepressant market.


    Ventimiglia, Jeffrey; Kalali, Amir H


    In this article, we explore the accelerated penetration of generic antidepressants in the United States market following the availability of generic citalopram and sertraline. Analysis suggests that overall, generic penetration into the antidepressant market has grown from approximately 41 percent in January 2004 to over 73 percent in January 2010. Similar trends are uncovered when branded and generic prescriptions are analyzed by specialty.

  11. Quantitative wood–adhesive penetration with X-ray computed tomography

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Paris, Jesse L.; Kamke, Frederick A.

    Micro X-ray computed tomography (XCT) was used to analyze the 3D adhesive penetration behavior of different wood–adhesive bondlines. Three adhesives, a phenol formaldehyde (PF), a polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (pMDI), and a hybrid polyvinyl acetate (PVA), all tagged with iodine for enhanced X-ray attenuation, were used to prepare single-bondline laminates in two softwoods, Douglas-fir and loblolly pine, and one hardwood, a hybrid polar. Adhesive penetration depth was measured with two separate calculations, and results were compared with 2D fluorescent micrographs. A total of 54 XCT scans were collected, representing six replicates of each treatment type; each replicate, however, consisted of approximatelymore » 1500 individual, cross-section slices stacked along the specimen length. As these adhesives were highly modified, the presented results do not indicate typical behavior for their broader adhesive classes. Still, clear penetration differences were observed between each adhesive type, and between wood species bonded with both the PF and pMDI adhesives. Furthermore, penetration results depended on the calculation method used. Two adhesive types with noticeably different resin distributions in the cured bondline, showed relatively similar penetration depths when calculated with a traditional effective penetration equation. However, when the same data was calculated with a weighted penetration calculation, which accounts for both adhesive area and depth, the results appeared to better represent the different distributions depicted in the photomicrographs and tomograms. Additionally, individual replicate comparisons showed variation due to specimen anatomy, not easily observed or interpreted from 2D images. Finally, 3D views of segmented 3D adhesive phases offered unique, in-situ views of the cured adhesive structures. In particular, voids formed by CO 2 bubbles generated during pMDI cure were clearly visible in penetrated columns of the solidified

  12. Simple amides of oleanolic acid as effective penetration enhancers.


    Bednarczyk-Cwynar, Barbara; Partyka, Danuta; Zaprutko, Lucjusz


    Transdermal transport is now becoming one of the most convenient and safe pathways for drug delivery. In some cases it is necessary to use skin penetration enhancers in order to allow for the transdermal transport of drugs that are otherwise insufficiently skin-permeable. A series of oleanolic acid amides as potential transdermal penetration enhancers was formed by multistep synthesis and the synthesis of all newly prepared compounds is presented. The synthetized amides of oleanolic acid were tested for their in vitro penetration promoter activity. The above activity was evaluated by means of using the Fürst method. The relationships between the chemical structure of the studied compounds and penetration activity are presented.

  13. Simple Amides of Oleanolic Acid as Effective Penetration Enhancers

    PubMed Central

    Bednarczyk-Cwynar, Barbara; Partyka, Danuta; Zaprutko, Lucjusz


    Transdermal transport is now becoming one of the most convenient and safe pathways for drug delivery. In some cases it is necessary to use skin penetration enhancers in order to allow for the transdermal transport of drugs that are otherwise insufficiently skin-permeable. A series of oleanolic acid amides as potential transdermal penetration enhancers was formed by multistep synthesis and the synthesis of all newly prepared compounds is presented. The synthetized amides of oleanolic acid were tested for their in vitro penetration promoter activity. The above activity was evaluated by means of using the Fürst method. The relationships between the chemical structure of the studied compounds and penetration activity are presented. PMID:26010090

  14. Flux front penetration in disordered superconductors.


    Zapperi, S; Moreira, A A; Andrade, J S


    We investigate flux front penetration in a disordered type-II superconductor by molecular dynamics simulations of interacting vortices and find scaling laws for the front position and the density profile. The scaling can be understood by performing a coarse graining of the system and writing a disordered nonlinear diffusion equation. Integrating numerically the equation, we observe a crossover from flat to fractal front penetration as the system parameters are varied. The value of the fractal dimension indicates that the invasion process is described by gradient percolation.

  15. Possibilité d'une nouvelle technologie de traitement des minerais de fer de l'Ouenza par radiométrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idres, A.; Bounouala, M.


    En l'absence d'une technologie fiable de traitement des haldes de minerais de fer, les caractéristiques minéralogiques et chimiques complexes et les effets néfastes des résidus miniers posent réellement un problème environnemental. A cet effet, une étude minéralogique et chimique du minerai de fer a été menée en utilisant des techniques multiples (microscopie optique, DRX, FX, MEB). En tenant compte de la nature des résidus, des échantillons représentatifs ont été testés par séparation radiométrique. Plusieurs paramètres ont été caractérisés tels que la vitesse de la bande transporteuse, le temps d'émission des rayons gamma et la granulométrie d'alimentation du procédé. Les résultats ainsi obtenus par cette méthode de séparation sont très significatifs en récupération et en teneur fer. Cependant, cette nouvelle technologie permet d'une part une meilleure valorisation des minerais de fer et d'autre part une réduction du tonnage stocké sur le carreau de la mine.

  16. Study of Comet Nucleus Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Penetration System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Adams, G. L.; Amundsen, R. J.; Beardsley, R. W.; Cash, R. H.; Clark, B. C.; Knight, T. C. D.; Martin, J. P.; Monti, P.; Outteridge, D. A.; Plaster, W. D.


    A penetrator system has been suggested as an approach for making in situ measurements of the composition and physical properties of the nucleus of a comet. This study has examined in detail the feasibility of implementing the penetrator concept. The penetrator system and mission designs have been developed and iterated in sufficient detail to provide a high level of confidence that the concept can be implemented within the constraints of the Mariner Mark 2 spacecraft.

  17. [Effects of penetration enhancers on curcumin transdermal drug delivery].


    Gao, Zhen-Shen; Wang, Lan; Zhang, Mei


    To study the effects of penetration enhancers and their combinations on the curcumine transdermal drug delivery (CUR-TDDS). The penetration rate of curcumin through rat skin in vitro was measured using Valia-Chien diffusion cells, and orthogonal design method was set up for experimental design. The optimum penetration enhancers were: 3% hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrins (HP-beta-CD), 9% borneol and 3% peppermint oil. The HP-beta-CD has the most potent enhancing effect.

  18. Prediction of cell penetrating peptides by support vector machines.


    Sanders, William S; Johnston, C Ian; Bridges, Susan M; Burgess, Shane C; Willeford, Kenneth O


    Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are those peptides that can transverse cell membranes to enter cells. Once inside the cell, different CPPs can localize to different cellular components and perform different roles. Some generate pore-forming complexes resulting in the destruction of cells while others localize to various organelles. Use of machine learning methods to predict potential new CPPs will enable more rapid screening for applications such as drug delivery. We have investigated the influence of the composition of training datasets on the ability to classify peptides as cell penetrating using support vector machines (SVMs). We identified 111 known CPPs and 34 known non-penetrating peptides from the literature and commercial vendors and used several approaches to build training data sets for the classifiers. Features were calculated from the datasets using a set of basic biochemical properties combined with features from the literature determined to be relevant in the prediction of CPPs. Our results using different training datasets confirm the importance of a balanced training set with approximately equal number of positive and negative examples. The SVM based classifiers have greater classification accuracy than previously reported methods for the prediction of CPPs, and because they use primary biochemical properties of the peptides as features, these classifiers provide insight into the properties needed for cell-penetration. To confirm our SVM classifications, a subset of peptides classified as either penetrating or non-penetrating was selected for synthesis and experimental validation. Of the synthesized peptides predicted to be CPPs, 100% of these peptides were shown to be penetrating.

  19. Une alternative au cobalt pour la synthese de nanotubes de carbone monoparoi par plasma inductif thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrier, Jean-Francois

    Les nanotubes de carbone de type monoparoi (C-SWNT) sont une classe recente de nanomateriaux qui ont fait leur apparition en 1991. L'interet qu'on leur accorde provient des nombreuses proprietes d'avant-plan qu'ils possedent. Leur resistance mecanique serait des plus rigide, tout comme ils peuvent conduire l'electricite et la chaleur d'une maniere inegalee. Non moins, les C-SWNT promettent de devenir une nouvelle classe de plateforme moleculaire, en servant de site d'attache pour des groupements reactifs. Les promesses de ce type particulier de nanomateriau sont nombreuses, la question aujourd'hui est de comment les realiser. La technologie de synthese par plasma inductif thermique se situe avantageusement pour la qualite de ses produits, sa productivite et les faibles couts d'operation. Par contre, des recherches recentes ont permis de mettre en lumiere des risques d'expositions reliees a l'utilisation du cobalt, comme catalyseur de synthese; son elimination ou bien son remplacement est devenu une preoccupation importante. Quatre recettes alternatives ont ete mises a l'essai afin de trouver une alternative plus securitaire a la recette de base; un melange catalytique ternaire, compose de nickel, de cobalt et d'oxyde d'yttrium. La premiere consiste essentiellement a remplacer la proportion massique de cobalt par du nickel, qui etait deja present dans la recette de base. Les trois options suivantes contiennent de nouveaux catalyseurs, en remplacement au Co, qui sont apparus dans plusieurs recherches scientifiques au courant des dernieres annees: le dioxyde de zircone (ZrO2), dioxyde de manganese (MnO2) et le molybdene (Mo). La methode utilisee consiste a vaporiser la matiere premiere, sous forme solide, dans un reacteur plasma a haute frequence (3 MHz) a paroi refroidi. Apres le passage dans le plasma, le systeme traverse une section dite de "croissance", isolee thermiquement a l'aide de graphite, afin de maintenir une certaine plage de temperature favorable a la

  20. Generic Penetration in the Retail Antidepressant Market

    PubMed Central

    Kalali, Amir H.


    In this article, we explore the accelerated penetration of generic antidepressants in the United States market following the availability of generic citalopram and sertraline. Analysis suggests that overall, generic penetration into the antidepressant market has grown from approximately 41 percent in January 2004 to over 73 percent in January 2010. Similar trends are uncovered when branded and generic prescriptions are analyzed by specialty. PMID:20622940

  1. A clinical comparison of penetrating and blunt traumatic brain injuries.


    Santiago, Luis A; Oh, Bryan C; Dash, Pramod K; Holcomb, John B; Wade, Charles E


    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of injury death and long-term disability in the USA. It commonly results from blunt (closed) or penetrating trauma. The majority of civilian TBI is caused by falls or motor vehicle collisions, whereas military TBI mainly results from explosions. Although penetrating injuries are less common than closed injuries in the civilian population, they are far more lethal. Unfortunately, the pathophysiologic differences between penetrating and closed TBI remain poorly understood due to the lack of studies on the subject. Many studies on the prognostic factors of mortality and functional outcome after TBI exclude penetrating brain injuries from their series because they are believed to have a different pathophysiology. 125 Articles regarding brain injury were reviewed and summarized for this report. Despite the absence of a clear delineation between penetrating and blunt TBI, the current guidelines for penetrating TBI suggest defaulting to management strategies used for closed TBI with limited supportive evidence. Thus, injuries that appear to have different pathophysiologies and outcomes are managed equally and perhaps not optimally. In view of the incomplete understanding of the impact of mechanism of injury on TBI outcomes, as demonstrated in the current review, new research studies are required to improve evidence-based TBI guidelines tailored especially for penetrating injuries.

  2. New Analysis Finds Synergistic Relationship Between High PV Penetration and Websites

    High PV Penetration and Energy Storage Deployment April 10, 2018 Adding higher penetrations of solar High PV Penetration and Energy Storage Deployment New Analysis Finds Synergistic Relationship Between photovoltaics (PV) to the electric power grid could increase the potential for energy storage to meet peak

  3. Space station integrated wall design and penetration damage control. Task 3: Theoretical analysis of penetration mechanics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bjorkman, M. D.; Geiger, J. D.; Wilhelm, E. E.


    The efforts to provide a penetration code called PEN4 version 10 is documented for calculation of projectile and target states for the impact of 2024-T3 aluminum, R sub B 90 1018 steel projectiles and icy meteoroids onto 2024-T3 aluminum plates at impact velocities from 0 to 16 km/s. PEN4 determines whether a plate is perforated by calculating the state of fragmentation of projectile and first plate. Depth of penetration into the second to n sup th plate by fragments resulting from first plate perforation is determined by multiple cratering. The results from applications are given.

  4. Transient Dupuit Interface Flow with partially penetrating features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bakker, Mark


    A comprehensive potential is presented for Dupuit interface flow in coastal aquifers where both the fresh water and salt water are moving. The resulting potential flow problem may be solved, for incompressible confined aquifers, using analytic functions. The vertical velocity of the interface may then be computed analytically and the change of the position of the interface may be simulated by numerical integration through time, starting with a known (or estimated) initial position. The upconing of the interface below a partially penetrating ditch or well may be studied if Dupuit solutions for such features are available. A new Dupuit solution is derived for a ditch that penetrates the aquifer partially from above; a Dupuit solution for a partially penetrating well may be obtained following a similar derivation. The new Dupuit solution is combined with the interface solution to simulate the upconing of an initially horizontal interface below a series of partially penetrating ditches; the interface converges to the known steady state position.

  5. Evolution des syndromes électrocliniques chez des jumeaux dizygotes: de l'enfance à l'adolescence, à propos d'une observation

    PubMed Central

    Bugeme, Marcellin; Kadiebwe, David Mulumba; Kakoma, Placide Kambola; Mukuku, Olivier


    Les syndromes électrocliniques ont une prédisposition génétique très variable et leur évolution de l'enfance vers l'adolescence ou l’âge adulte n'est pas bien définie. Nous rapportons ici une observation mettant en jeu deux jumeaux dizygotes âgés de 19 ans ayant présenté un phénotype épileptique différent pendant l'enfance (épilepsie avec absences myocloniques et épilepsie-absence de l'enfant) mais une concordance phénotypique (épilepsie à crises généralisées tonico-cloniques prédominantes) au cours de l'adolescence. Cette observation plaide en faveur d'une implication génétique dans l’évolution de ces syndromes électrocliniques. PMID:26090006

  6. Fistule vésico-vaginale néoplasique secondaire à une tumeur de vessie: une entité rare

    PubMed Central

    Bagayogo, Tidiani; Jakhal, Nabil; Slaoui, Amine; Ziouziou, Imad; Karmouni, Tariq; El Khader, Khalid; Koutani, Abdelatif; Andaloussi, AhmedI bn Attya


    La fistule vésico-vaginale sur tumeur de vessie est extrêmement rare. Nous rapportons un cas de fistule vésico-vaginale (FVV) néoplasique chez une patiente de 54 ans, ménopausée, sans antécédent chirurgical ou de traumatisme obstétrical récent. La biopsie des berges de la fistule est revenue en faveur d’un carcinome urothélial. A la lumière de cette observation, nous discutons les formes étiologiques ainsi que les différentes stratégies thérapeutiques respectives des FVV. PMID:28250883

  7. Etiologies des hypertensions artérielles endocrines: à propos d'une série de cas

    PubMed Central

    Bouznad, Naima; El Mghari, Ghizlane; El Ansari, Nawal


    Les hypertensions artérielles (HTA) d'origine endocrine restent une cause rare d'HTA, sa prévalence globale n'excède pas 4% des hypertendus. L'intérêt de la recherche des HTA endocrines réside dans la gravité de certaines formes parfois mortelles et le caractère potentiellement curable et réversible de ces HTA. Le but du travail est de déterminer le profil clinique, para clinique, étiologique et thérapeutique des HTA secondaires d'origine endocrine chez les patients suivis au service d'endocrinologie au CHU Mohamed IV à Marrakech. Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive prospective s’étalant sur une période de 4 ans incluant 45 patients ayant une HTA endocrinienne. La moyenne d’âge est de 44,89 ans, avec une nette prédominance du sexe féminine (sexe ratio de 0,49). Les étiologies des HTA endocrines étaient dominées par le phéochromocytome (17 cas), l'hypercorticisme (11 cas) et l'acromégalie (8 cas). L'HTA était paroxystique dans 24,4%. Elle était d'emblée sevère classée grade 3 dans 40% des cas. L'HTA a été compliquée de cardiopathie dans 24% des cas et de néphropathie dans 20% des cas. Le traitement curatif a permis une guérison de l'HTA chez 60% (27 cas). Le diagnostic des HTA secondaires endocrines est parfois difficile du fait de l'absence de spécificité clinique. Il n'est pas exceptionnel que l'HTA soit l'unique manifestation de la maladie. Dans notre travail nous notons le caractère paroxystique et sévère de l'HTA. Le caractère éventuellement curable des HTA endocrines, dans plus des deux tiers des cas, fait qu'il est important de la dépister devant toute HTA sévère, résistante au traitement, ou en présence de signes cliniques, biologiques ou radiologiques évocateurs. PMID:27303586

  8. Microencapsulated Fluorescent Dye Penetrant.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Microencapsulated fluorescent dye pentrant materials were evaluated for feasibility as a technique to detect cracks on metal surfaces when applied as...a free flowing dry powder. Various flourescent dye solutions in addition to a commercial penetrant (Zyglo ZL-30) were microencapsulated and tested on

  9. Videofluoroscopic Predictors of Penetration-Aspiration in Parkinson's Disease Patients.


    Argolo, Natalie; Sampaio, Marília; Pinho, Patrícia; Melo, Ailton; Nóbrega, Ana Caline


    Parkinson's disease (PD) patients show a high prevalence of swallowing disorders and tracheal aspiration of food. The videofluoroscopic study of swallowing (VFSS) allows clinicians to visualize the visuoperceptual and temporal parameters associated with swallowing disorders in an attempt to predict aspiration risk. However, this subject remains understudied in PD populations. Our aim was to identify the predictors of penetration-aspiration in PD patients using the VFSS. Consecutive patients were evaluated using VFSS with different consistencies and volumes of food. A speech-language pathologist measured the type of intra-oral bolus organization, loss of bolus control, bolus location at the initiation of the pharyngeal swallow, the presence of multiple swallows, piecemeal deglutition, bolus residue in the pharyngeal recesses and temporal measures. Scores ≥3 on the penetration-aspiration scale (PAS) indicated the occurrence of penetration-aspiration. Using logistic marginal regression, we found that residue in the vallecula, residue in the upper esophageal sphincter and piecemeal deglutition were associated with penetration-aspiration (odds ratio (OR) = 4.09, 2.87 and 3.83; P = 0.0040, 0.0071 and 0.0009, respectively). Penetration/aspiration occurred only with fluids (both of thin and thick consistency), and no significant differences were observed between fluid types or food volumes. The mechanisms underlying dysphagia and penetration/aspiration in PD patients and indications for further studies are discussed.

  10. Validation de la traduction française de la SURPS pour une population d’adolescents québécois

    PubMed Central

    Castonguay-Jolin, Laura; Perrier-Ménard, Eveline; Castellanos-Ryan, Natalie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E; Garel, Patricia; Séguin, Jean R; Conrod, Patricia J


    Objectif La Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) est un instrument de dépistage des caractéristiques de personnalité qui représentent un risque pour le développement d’une consommation problématique de substances. La SURPS comporte 23 items évaluant 4 dimensions et permet aux intervenants en santé mentale de mieux cibler la prévention. La SURPS a été validée au Canada anglais, au Royaume-Uni, en Chine et au Sri Lanka; l’objectif de cette étude est de valider une traduction française de la SURPS pour des adolescents francophones québécois, en plus d’en tester la sensibilité dans une population clinique. Méthode Deux cent deux jeunes de 15 ans d’un échantillon communautaire ont répondu à la SURPS et à des mesures de la personnalité et de l’utilisation de substances. La cohérence interne, la solution factorielle et la validité concomitante de l’échelle ont été évaluées. Quarante adolescents (âge moyen de 15,7 ans) présentant un diagnostic psychiatrique ont également répondu à la SURPS et les scores ont été comparés aux normes de l’échantillon communautaire. Résultats La traduction française de la SURPS démontre une bonne cohérence interne ainsi qu’une solution factorielle à 4 facteurs semblable à la version originale. Ses 4 souséchelles ont une bonne validité concomitante. De plus, 3 de ses souséchelles sont corrélées avec des mesures relatives à la consommation de substances psychoactives. Finalement, 95 % des participants de l’échantillon clinique ont été identifiés à risque selon les scores limites de la SURPS. Conclusion La version française de la SURPS paraît être une mesure valide et sensible pouvant être utilisée auprès d’une population adolescente, québécoise et francophone. PMID:24099502

  11. Cutaneous mucormycosis secondary to penetrative trauma.


    Zahoor, Bilal; Kent, Stephen; Wall, Daryl


    Mucormycosis is a rare but serious sequelae of penetrating trauma [1-5]. In spite of aggressive management, mortality remains high due to dissemination of infection. We completed a review of literature to determine the most optimal treatment of cutaneous mucormycosis which occurs secondary to penetrating trauma. We completed a review regarding the management of mucormycosis in trauma patients. We selected a total of 36 reports, of which 18 were case-based, for review. Surgical debridement is a primary predictor of improved outcomes in the treatment of mucormycosis [3,6,7]. Anti-fungal therapy, especially lipid soluble formulation of Amphotericin B, is helpful as an adjunct or when surgical debridement has been maximally achieved. Further research is needed to fully evaluate the impact of topical dressings; negative pressure wound therapy is helpful. An aggressive and early surgical approach, even at the expense of disfigurement, is necessary to reduce mortality in the setting of cutaneous mucormycosis that results from penetrating trauma [4,8,9]. Anti-fungal therapy and negative pressure wound therapy are formidable adjuncts. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Normal Anal Examination After Penetration: A Case Report.


    Slingsby, Brett; Goldberg, Amy


    Physical findings are rare after anal penetration. Furthermore, children delay in disclosing or are reticent to discuss penetration. A 12-year-old boy presented to medical care multiple times over a several-week period complaining of abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, and poor appetite. On colonoscopy, he was found to have a cylindrical foreign body (measuring 7 cm tall and 7 cm in diameter) in his rectum, which had been present for at least 2 weeks. He initially denied knowing how the object got into his rectum and later stated that he inserted it himself out of curiosity. One week after the object was removed, follow-up examination using video colposcopy revealed a completely normal anal examination; the patient had a normal anal examination despite known anal penetration and removal of the object. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Children can have a normal anal examination despite anal penetration, and do not always disclose anal penetration. The aforementioned concepts can be applied to situations related to child sexual abuse in the emergency department, where physical examinations are frequently normal and children delay in disclosing the abuse. When there is concern for sexual abuse, even in the absence of a disclosure or examination findings, patients should be referred for a child abuse pediatrics evaluation if available. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Space station integrated wall design and penetration damage control

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Coronado, A. R.; Gibbins, M. N.; Wright, M. A.; Stern, P. H.


    A methodology was developed to allow a designer to optimize the pressure wall, insulation, and meteoroid/debris shield system of a manned spacecraft for a given spacecraft configuration and threat environment. The threat environment consists of meteoroids and orbital debris, as specified for an arbitrary orbit and expected lifetime. An overall probability of no penetration is calculated, as well as contours of equal threat that take into account spacecraft geometry and orientation. Techniques, tools, and procedures for repairing an impacted and penetrated pressure wall were developed and tested. These techniques are applied from the spacecraft interior and account for the possibility of performing the repair in a vacuum. Hypervelocity impact testing was conducted to: (1) develop and refine appropriate penetration functions, and (2) determine the internal effects of a penetration on personnel and equipment.

  14. Characteristics of rain penetration through a gravity ventilator used for natural ventilation.


    Kim, Taehyeung; Lee, Dong Ho; Ahn, Kwangseog; Ha, Hyunchul; Park, Heechang; Piao, Cheng Xu; Li, Xiaoyu; Seo, Jeoungyoon


    Gravity ventilators rely simply on air buoyancy to extract air and are widely used to exhaust air contaminants and heat from workplaces using minimal energy. They are designed to maximize the exhaust flow rate, but the rain penetration sometimes causes malfunctioning. In this study, the characteristics of rain penetration through a ventilator were examined as a preliminary study to develop a ventilator with the maximum exhaust capacity while minimizing rain penetration. A model ventilator was built and exposed to artificial rain and wind. The paths, intensities and amounts of penetration through the ventilator were observed and measured in qualitative and quantitative fashions. In the first phase, the pathways and intensities of rain penetration were visually observed. In the second phase, the amounts of rain penetration were quantitatively measured under the different configurations of ventilator components that were installed based on the information obtained in the first-phase experiment. The effects of wind speed, grill direction, rain drainage width, outer wall height, neck height and leaning angle of the outer wall from the vertical position were analyzed. Wind speed significantly affected rain penetration. Under the low crosswind conditions, the rain penetration intensities were under the limit of detection. Under the high crosswind conditions, grill direction and neck height were the most significant factors in reducing rain penetration. The installation of rain drainage was also important in reducing rain penetration. The experimental results suggest that, with proper configurations of its components, a gravity ventilator can be used for natural ventilation without significant rain penetration problems.

  15. Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries Using Photoactivated Bonding

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of the rabbit pushed the viscoeastic out of the eye during the laser phase of the treatment . This interfered with the bonding of the amnion...ANSI Std. Z39.18 Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries Using Photoactivated Bonding W81XWH-09-2-0059 1 Sep 2010 - 31 Aug 2011Annual01-09-2011 Anthony...called PTB) with the potential to decrease vision loss and ocular complications in warfighters sustaining penetrating eye injuries. Scope: In

  16. The Effect and Mechanism of Transdermal Penetration Enhancement of Fu's Cupping Therapy: New Physical Penetration Technology for Transdermal Administration with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Characteristics.


    Xie, Wei-Jie; Zhang, Yong-Ping; Xu, Jian; Sun, Xiao-Bo; Yang, Fang-Fang


    In this paper, a new type of physical penetration technology for transdermal administration with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) characteristics is presented. Fu's cupping therapy (FCT), was established and studied using in vitro and in vivo experiments and the penetration effect and mechanism of FCT physical penetration technology was preliminarily discussed. With 1-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methylindole-3-ylacetic acid (indomethacin, IM) as a model drug, the establishment of high, medium, and low references was completed for the chemical permeation system via in vitro transdermal tests. Furthermore, using chemical penetration enhancers (CPEs) and iontophoresis as references, the percutaneous penetration effect of FCT for IM patches was evaluated using seven species of in vitro diffusion kinetics models and in vitro drug distribution; the IM quantitative analysis method in vivo was established using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry technology (UPLC-MS/MS), and pharmacokinetic parameters: area under the zero and first moment curves from 0 to last time t (AUC 0-t , AUMC 0-t ), area under the zero and first moment curves from 0 to infinity (AUC 0-∞ , AUMC 0-∞ ), maximum plasma concentration (C max ) and mean residence time (MRT), were used as indicators to evaluate the percutaneous penetration effect of FCT in vivo. Additionally, we used the 3 K factorial design to study the joint synergistic penetration effect on FCT and chemical penetration enhancers. Through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) imaging, micro- and ultrastructural changes on the surface of the stratum corneum (SC) were observed to explore the FCT penetration mechanism. In vitro and in vivo skin permeation experiments revealed that both the total cumulative percutaneous amount and in vivo percutaneous absorption amount of IM using FCT were greater than the amount using CPEs and iontophoresis. Firstly, compared with

  17. Generic Penetration of the SSRI Market.


    Cascade, Elisa F; Kalali, Amir H


    In this article, we investigate the penetration of generic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the US market and the implications for patient out-of-pocket expense. The data suggest that generic penetration into the SSRI market has grown from approximately nine percent in 2000, the year that the patent for Prozac((R)) expired, to 72 percent in 2007. For December, 2007, the difference in patient out-of-pocket expense for branded vs. generic agents was, on average, $55.42 for patients paying by cash (i.e., they had no prescription drug insurance) and $22.39 for patients with insurance coverage.

  18. Generic Penetration of the SSRI Market

    PubMed Central


    In this article, we investigate the penetration of generic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the US market and the implications for patient out-of-pocket expense. The data suggest that generic penetration into the SSRI market has grown from approximately nine percent in 2000, the year that the patent for Prozac® expired, to 72 percent in 2007. For December, 2007, the difference in patient out-of-pocket expense for branded vs. generic agents was, on average, $55.42 for patients paying by cash (i.e., they had no prescription drug insurance) and $22.39 for patients with insurance coverage. PMID:19727306

  19. Penetrating ocular trauma from trampoline spring.


    Spokes, David; Siddiqui, Salina; Vize, Colin


    The case is presented of a 12-year old boy who sustained severe penetrating ocular trauma while playing on a domestic trampoline. A main spring broke under tension and the hook had struck the eye at high velocity and penetrated the sclera. Primary repair was undertaken but on review it became apparent the eye could not be salvaged. Evisceration was carried out and an orbital implant was placed. Post-operative cosmesis is acceptable. This type of injury has not been reported before. Adult supervision of children on trampolines is recommended to minimise the chance of serious injury.

  20. Results of the mole penetration tests in different materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wawrzaszek, Roman; Seweryn, Karol; Grygorczuk, Jerzy; Banaszkiewicz, Marek; Rybus, Tomasz; Wisniewski, Lukasz; Neal, Clive R.; Huang, Shaopeng


    Mole devices are low velocity, medium to high energy, self-driven penetrators, designed as a carrier of different sensors for in situ investigations of subsurface layers of planetary bodies. The maximum insertion depth of such devices is limited by energy of single mole's stroke and soil resistance for the dynamic penetration. A mole penetrator ‘KRET' has been designed, developed, and successfully tested at Space Research Centre PAS in Poland. The principle of operation of the mole bases on the interaction between three masses: the cylindrical casing, the hammer, and the rest of the mass, acting as a support mass. This approach takes advantage of the MUPUS penetrator (a payload of Philae lander on Rosetta mission) insertion tests knowledge. Main parameters of the mole KRET are listed below: - outer diameter: 20.4mm, - length: 330mm, - total mass: 488g, - energy of the driving spring: 2.2J, - average power consumption: 0.28W, - average insertion progress/stroke: 8.5mm, The present works of Space Research Center PAS team are focused on three different activities. First one includes investigations of the mole penetration effectiveness in the lunar analogues (supported by ESA PECS project). Second activity, supported by Polish national fund, is connected with numerical calculation of the heat flow investigations and designing and developing the Heat Flow Probe Hardware Component (HPHC) for L-GIP NASA project. It's worth noting that L-GIP project refers to ILN activity. Last activity focuses on preparing the second version of the mole ready to work in low thermal and pressure conditions. Progress of a mole penetrator in granular medium depends on the mechanical properties of this medium. The mole penetrator ‘KRET' was tested in different materials: dry quartz sand (0.3 - 0.8 grain size), wet quartz sand, wheat flour and lunar regolith mechanical simulant - Chemically Enhanced OB-1 (CHENOBI). Wheat flour was selected due to its high cohesion rate and small grain size

  1. Primary repair of penetrating colon injuries: a systematic review.


    Singer, Marc A; Nelson, Richard L


    Primary repair of penetrating colon injuries is an appealing management option; however, uncertainty about its safety persists. This study was conducted to compare the morbidity and mortality of primary repair with fecal diversion in the management of penetrating colon injuries by use of a meta-analysis of randomized, prospective trials. We searched for prospective, randomized trials in MEDLINE (1966 to November 2001), the Cochrane Library, and EMBase using the terms colon, penetrating, injury, colostomy, prospective, and randomized. Studies were included if they were randomized, controlled trials that compared the outcomes of primary repair with fecal diversion in the management of penetrating colon injuries. Five studies were included. Reviewers performed data extraction independently. Outcomes evaluated from each trial included mortality, total complications, infectious complications, intra-abdominal infections, wound complications, penetrating abdominal trauma index, and length of stay. Peto odds ratios for combined effect were calculated with a 95 percent confidence interval for each outcome. Heterogeneity was also assessed for each outcome. The penetrating abdominal trauma index of included subjects did not differ significantly between studies. Mortality was not significantly different between groups (odds ratio, 1.70; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.51-5.66). However, total complications (odds ratio, 0.28; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.18-0.42), total infectious complications (odds ratio, 0.41; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.27-0.63), abdominal infections including dehiscence (odds ratio, 0.59; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.38-0.94), abdominal infections excluding dehiscence (odds ratio, 0.52; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.31-0.86), wound complications including dehiscence (odds ratio, 0.55; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.34-0.89), and wound complications excluding dehiscence (odds ratio, 0.43; 95 percent confidence interval, 0

  2. Penetrating head injury from angle grinder: A cautionary tale.


    Senthilkumaran, S; Balamurgan, N; Arthanari, K; Thirumalaikolundusubramanian, P


    Penetrating cranial injury is a potentially life-threatening condition. Injuries resulting from the use of angle grinders are numerous and cause high-velocity penetrating cranial injuries. We present a series of two penetrating head injuries associated with improper use of angle grinder, which resulted in shattering of disc into high velocity missiles with reference to management and prevention. One of those hit on the forehead of the operator and the other on the occipital region of the co-worker at a distance of five meters. The pathophysiological consequence of penetrating head injuries depends on the kinetic energy and trajectory of the object. In the nearby healthcare center the impacted broken disc was removed without realising the consequences and the wound was packed. As the conscious level declined in both, they were referred. CT brain revealed fracture in skull and changes in the brain in both. Expeditious removal of the penetrating foreign body and focal debridement of the scalp, skull, dura, and involved parenchyma and Watertight dural closure were carried out. The most important thing is not to remove the impacted foreign body at the site of accident. Craniectomy around the foreign body, debridement and removal of foreign body without zigzag motion are needed. Removal should be done following original direction of projectile injury. The neurological sequelae following the non missile penetrating head injuries are determined by the severity and location of initial injury as well as the rapidity of the exploration and fastidious debridement.

  3. Investigation of molecular penetration depth variation with SMBI fluxes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Yu-Lin; Wang, Zhan-Hui; Xu, Min; Wang, Qi; Nie, Lin; Feng, Hao; Sun, Wei-Guo


    We study the molecular penetration depth variation with the SMBI fluxes. The molecular transport process and the penetration depth during SMBI with various injection velocities and densities are simulated and compared. It is found that the penetration depth of molecules strongly depends on the radial convective transport of SMBI and it increases with the increase of the injection velocity. The penetration depth does not vary much once the SMBI injection density is larger than a critical value due to the dramatic increase of the dissociation rate on the fueling path. An effective way to improve the SMBI penetration depth has been predicted, which is SMBI with a large radial injection velocity and a lower molecule injection density than the critical density. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11375053, 11575055, 11405022, and 11405112), the Chinese National Fusion Project for ITER (Grant Nos. 2013GB107001 and 2013GB112005), the International S&T Cooperation Program of China (Grant No. 2015DFA61760), and the Funds of the Youth Innovation Team of Science and Technology in Sichuan Province of China (Grant No. 2014TD0023).

  4. A Study of Crystalline Mechanism of Penetration Sealer Materials.


    Teng, Li-Wei; Huang, Ran; Chen, Jie; Cheng, An; Hsu, Hui-Mi


    It is quite common to dispense a topping material like crystalline penetration sealer materials (CPSM) onto the surface of a plastic substance such as concrete to extend its service life span by surface protections from outside breakthrough. The CPSM can penetrate into the existing pores or possible cracks in such a way that it may form crystals to block the potential paths which provide breakthrough for any unknown materials. This study investigated the crystalline mechanism formed in the part of concrete penetrated by the CPSM. We analyzed the chemical composites, in order to identify the mechanism of CPSM and to evaluate the penetrated depth. As shown in the results, SEM observes the acicular-structured crystals filling capillary pores for mortar substrate of the internal microstructure beneath the concrete surface; meanwhile, XRD and FT-IR showed the main hydration products of CPSM to be C-S-H gel and CaCO₃. Besides, MIP also shows CPSM with the ability to clog capillary pores of mortar substrate; thus, it reduces porosity, and appears to benefit in sealing pores or cracks. The depth of CPSM penetration capability indicated by TGA shows 0-10 mm of sealer layer beneath the concrete surface.

  5. Long-term behavior of aortic intramural hematomas and penetrating ulcers.


    Chou, Alan S; Ziganshin, Bulat A; Charilaou, Paris; Tranquilli, Maryann; Rizzo, John A; Elefteriades, John A


    For intramural hematoma and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, long-term behavior and treatment are controversial. This study evaluates the long-term behavior of intramural hematoma and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, including radiologic follow-up and survival analysis. Between 1995 and 2014, 108 patients (mean age, 70.8 ± 10 years; 56% female) presented with intramural hematoma or penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer to Yale-New Haven Hospital (New Haven, Conn). We reviewed the medical records, radiology, and online mortality databases. Ten of 55 patients (18%) with intramural hematoma and 17 of 53 patients (32%) with penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer had rupture state symptoms on admission, both greater than type A (8%) or type B dissection (4%) (P < .001). No branch vascular occlusion occurred. For patients with intramural hematoma with follow-up imaging, 8 of 14 (57%) worsened (mean follow-up, 9.4 months) and 6 (43%) underwent late surgery. For patients with penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer with follow-up imaging, 6 of 20 (30%) worsened and underwent late surgery, and 11 (55%) showed no change (mean follow-up, 34.3 months). Overall survivals were 77%, 70%, 58%, and 33% at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years, respectively. No operative deaths occurred for patients with nonrupture state. Patients with penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer with initial surgical treatment had better long-term survival than patients treated medically (P = .037). In the intramural hematoma group, no such difference was observed (P = .10). At presentation, the incidence of early rupture of intramural hematoma and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer was higher than for typical dissection. For branch vessels, intramural hematoma never occludes branch arteries. On imaging follow-up, patients with intramural hematoma and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer rarely improved, with late surgery commonly needed. Better survival was observed for the initial surgical management of patients with penetrating

  6. Peptide structure: Its effect on penetration into human hair.


    Silva, Carla J S M; Vasconcelos, Andreia; Cavaco-Paulo, Artur


    The influence of the peptide structure on its penetration inside hair was studied, together with the effect of hair bleaching (oxidation). For that reason, the outcome of positioning a charged sequence (KAKAK) either at the N or C terminal on hair penetration has been studied for peptides with 17 residues each. It was observed that the penetration of these peptides into hair was driven by electrostatic interactions, where the position of the charged group at the peptide structure was of major importance. The penetration was only achieved for damaged hair due to its higher negative charge at the membrane surface. It was also observed that the peptides were able to restore the original tensile strength of bleached hair. Consequently, the knowledge of hair surface properties is of extreme importance when designing peptides directed for hair treatment.

  7. Antibody tumor penetration

    PubMed Central

    Thurber, Greg M.; Schmidt, Michael M.; Wittrup, K. Dane


    Antibodies have proven to be effective agents in cancer imaging and therapy. One of the major challenges still facing the field is the heterogeneous distribution of these agents in tumors when administered systemically. Large regions of untargeted cells can therefore escape therapy and potentially select for more resistant cells. We present here a summary of theoretical and experimental approaches to analyze and improve antibody penetration in tumor tissue. PMID:18541331

  8. HMO penetration and physicians' earnings.


    Hadley, J; Mitchell, J M


    The goal of this study is to estimate whether cross-sectional variations in enrollment in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) affected physicians' earnings and hourly income in 1990. Using data from a nationally representative sample of 4,577 younger physicians (<45 years) conducted in 1991, we estimated a partial reduced-form model of physicians annual income and per hour income. We tested whether HMO penetration is endogenous and used the instrumental variables approach to obtain unbiased estimates. HMO penetration had a negative and statistically significant impact on physicians earnings in 1990. A doubling of the average level of HMO penetration in the market is estimated to reduce annual earnings by 7% to 10.7%, and hourly earnings by approximately 6% to 9%. It appears that HMOs were successful in reducing physicians' annual and per hour earnings in 1990, presumably through a combination of fewer visits and lower payment rates for people covered by HMOs. Although these results cannot be generalized to all physicians, the experience of a younger cohort of physicians may still be a good indicator of the future effects of HMOs because younger physicians may be more susceptible to market forces than older and more established physicians. Moreover, these results may be somewhat conservative because they reflect market behavior in 1990, several years before the rapid growth and more aggressive market behavior of HMOs in recent years.

  9. The contemporary management of penetrating splenic injury.


    Berg, Regan J; Inaba, Kenji; Okoye, Obi; Pasley, Jason; Teixeira, Pedro G; Esparza, Michael; Demetriades, Demetrios


    Selective non-operative management (NOM) is standard of care for clinically stable patients with blunt splenic trauma and expectant management approaches are increasingly utilised in penetrating abdominal trauma, including in the setting of solid organ injury. Despite this evolution of clinical practice, little is known about the safety and efficacy of NOM in penetrating splenic injury. Trauma registry and medical record review identified all consecutive patients presenting to LAC+USC Medical Center with penetrating splenic injury between January 2001 and December 2011. Associated injuries, incidence and nature of operative intervention, local and systemic complications and mortality were determined. During the study period, 225 patients experienced penetrating splenic trauma. The majority (187/225, 83%) underwent emergent laparotomy. Thirty-eight clinically stable patients underwent a deliberate trial of NOM and 24/38 (63%) were ultimately managed without laparotomy. Amongst patients failing NOM, 3/14 (21%) underwent splenectomy while an additional 6/14 (42%) had splenorrhaphy. Hollow viscus injury (HVI) occurred in 21% of all patients failing NOM. Forty percent of all NOM patients had diaphragmatic injury (DI). All patients undergoing delayed laparotomy for HVI or a splenic procedure presented symptomatically within 24h of the initial injury. No deaths occurred in patients undergoing NOM. Although the vast majority of penetrating splenic trauma requires urgent operative management, a group of patients does present without haemodynamic instability, peritonitis or radiologic evidence of hollow viscus injury. Management of these patients is complicated as over half may remain clinically stable and can avoid laparotomy, making them potential candidates for a trial of NOM. HVI is responsible for NOM failure in up to a fifth of these cases and typically presents within 24h of injury. Delayed laparotomy, within this limited time period, did not appear to increase

  10. The Current Status of the Japanese Penetrator Mission: LUNAR-A

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tanaka, S.; Shiraishi, H.; Fujimura, A.; Hayakawa, H.

    The scientific objective of the LUNAR-A, Japanese Penetrator Mission, is to explore the lunar interior by seismic and heat-flow experiments. Two penetrators containing two seismometers (horizontal and vertical components) and heat-flow probes will be deployed from a spacecraft onto the lunar surface, one on the nearside and the other on the farside of the moon. The final impact velocity of the penetrator will be about 300m/sec; it will encounter a shock of about 8000 G at impact on the lunar surface. According to numerous experimental impact tests using model penetrators and a lunar regolith analog target, each penetrator is predicted to penetrate to a depth of 1 to 3 m. The data obtained by the penetrators will be transmitted to the earth station via the LUNAR-A mother spacecraft orbiting at an altitude of about 200 km. The penetrator is a missile-shaped instrument carrier, which is about 14cm in diameter, 75cm in length, and about 14kg in weight without attitude control system. It contains a two-component seismometer and heat flow probes together with other supporting instruments such as a tilt meter and an accelerometer. The seismic observations are expected to provide key data on the size of the lunar core, as well as data on deep lunar mantle structure. The heat flow measurements at two penetrator deployment sites will also provide important data on the thermal structure and bulk concentrations of heat-generating elements in the Moon. These data will provide much stronger geophysical constraints on the origin and evolution of the Moon than has been obtained so far. The LUNAR-A spacecraft was supposed to be launched in the summer of 2004, but it was postponed due to the necessity of a replacement of the valves used in the RCS propulsion system of the spacecraft, following a recall issued by the manufacturer who found a malfunction of similar valves. Then, the technological review boards by ISAS and JAXA recommended that both the more robustness of the

  11. 40 CFR 1065.376 - Chiller NO2 penetration.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Chiller NO2 penetration. 1065.376... Chiller NO2 penetration. (a) Scope and frequency. If you use a chiller to dry a sample upstream of a NOX measurement instrument, but you don't use an NO2-to-NO converter upstream of the chiller, you must perform...

  12. Penetration of boron from topically applied borate solutions


    Stan T. Lebow; Patricia K. Lebow; Steven A. Halverson


    Borate penetration relies on diffusion when borate and glycol-borate preservatives are applied to the surface of wood. This study evaluated the extent of borate penetration in framing lumber as a function of preservative formulation, wood moisture content, and diffusion time after treatment. In Phase I of the study, end-matched specimens were conditioned to target...

  13. Une complication rare des léiomyomes utérins: hémopéritoine massif par rupture de varices

    PubMed Central

    Ymele, Florent Fouelifack; Tsuala, Jovanny Fouogue; Fouedjio, Jeanne Hortence; Nangué, Charlette; De Kayo, Caroline Kayo; Dobgima, Pisoh Walter; Mbu, Robinson Enoh


    Les léiomyomes utérins sont des causes exceptionnelles d'hémopéritoine. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'une femme de 46 ans nullipare, en instance d'une hystérectomie totale indiquée pour utérus polymyomateux symptomatique. Elle a été opérée en urgence pour hémopéritoine aigu et massif compliqué de choc hémorragique. L'origine de l'hémopéritoine était la rupture spontanée d'une varice du léiomyome. Quoique rare l'éventualité d'un hémopéritoine causé par un fibrome utérin devrait être évoquée devant tout abdomen aigu spontané chez une femme en âge de procréer. La présence de varices sur les fibromes augmenterait le risque d'hémorragie spontanée. PMID:23717724

  14. Ground-penetrating radar--A tool for mapping reservoirs and lakes

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Truman, C.C.; Asmussen, L.E.; Allison, H.D.


    Ground-penetrating radar was evaluated as a tool for mapping reservoir and lake bottoms and providing stage-storage information. An impulse radar was used on a 1.4-ha (3.5-acre) reservoir with 31 transects located 6.1 m (20 feet) apart. Depth of water and lateral extent of the lake bottom were accurately measured by ground-penetrating radar. A linear (positive) relationship existed between measured water depth and ground-penetrating radar-determined water depth (R2=0.989). Ground-penetrating radar data were used to create a contour map of the lake bottom. Relationships between water (contour) elevation and water surface area and volume were established. Ground-penetrating radar proved to be a useful tool for mapping lakes, detecting lake bottom variations, locating old stream channels, and determining water depths. The technology provides accurate, continuous profile data in a relatively short time compared to traditional surveying and depth-sounding techniques.

  15. Magnetically-Guided Penetrant Applicator

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Molina, Orlando G.


    Small wheeled vehicle moved inside nonmagnetic enclosure. Miniature magnetically guided truck uses foam-rubber sponge pads to apply penetrant fluid for inspection of welds in hidden surfaces of nonmagnetic tubes. Risk of explosion less than if electric motor used to drive vehicle. Inexpensive to make and made in range of sizes.

  16. Approche aux soins en milieu communautaire à des adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Osmun, W.E.; Chan, Nelson; Solomon, Robert


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les obligations d’ordre médical, éthique et juridique dans les soins aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) qui vivent dans la communauté. Sources des données Des recherches ont été faites dans Google et MEDLINE à l’aide des mots disabled, disability, vulnerable et community. Les lois pertinentes ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Message principal Le traitement d’un patient ayant une DD varie en fonction de facteurs comme la pathogenèse du problème actuel du patient, ses affections concomitantes, la gravité de ses déficiences et ses soutiens sociaux habituels. Bien que l’on s’entende sur les bienfaits du transfert des soins institutionnels vers des soins communautaires pour les patients ayant une DD, il s’est révélé difficile de leur dispenser des soins de grande qualité en milieu communautaire. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de travaux de recherche sur les façons d’offrir efficacement des soins aux adultes ayant une DD. En tant que professionnels des soins primaires, les médecins de famille sont souvent le premier point de contact pour les patients et sont à la fois responsables de la coordination et de la continuité des soins. Compte tenu de l’importance accrue accordée aux soins préventifs et à la détection précoce des maladies, la participation active du patient revêt aussi une grande importance. Les valeurs et les objectifs du patient sont des éléments essentiels à prendre en compte, même s’ils vont à l’encontre de la bonne santé du patient ou des propres valeurs du clinicien. Les lois s’appliquant aux personnes vulnérables varient d’une province à l’autre. Par conséquent, l’obligation de signaler des mauvais traitements suspectés pourrait différer selon que la personne vulnérable habite dans un centre de soins ou la communauté, que la personne qui soupçonne le comportement abusif est un fournisseur de services ou un professionnel de la santé ou

  17. Penetration of stimuli of fish skin for Acanthostomum brauni cercariae.


    Ostrowski de Nuñez, M; Haas, W


    The cercaria of Acanthostomum brauni penetrates the skin of its fish host in response to a combination of two chemical signals from the fish skin surface: free fatty acids and a macro-molecular mucus component. The latter seems to be a protein, as the penetration-stimulating activity of fish skin surface mucus is eliminated by digestion with proteinase, but not by digestion with glycosidases, nor by a removal of glycosaminoglycans. These penetration-stimulating host signals differ from the glycoproteins that stimulate the attachment of A. brauni cercariae to the host and also from the macromolecular fish host signals which have been found to stimulate the attachment and penetration by Opisthorchis viverrini cercariae.

  18. Prevalence of penetration and aspiration on videofluoroscopy in normal individuals without dysphagia.


    Allen, Jacqui E; White, Cheryl J; Leonard, Rebecca J; Belafsky, Peter C


    To determine the prevalence of penetration and aspiration on videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS) in normal individuals without dysphagia. Case series with planned data collection. A tertiary urban university hospital. Normal adult volunteers without dysphagia, neurological disease, or previous surgery underwent VFSS. Studies were recorded and then reviewed for evidence of penetration or aspiration. The degree of penetration was assessed with the penetration-aspiration scale (PAS). The effect of age, bolus size, and consistency was evaluated. A total of 149 VFSS (596 swallows) were reviewed. The mean age of the cohort was 57 years (+/-19 years); 56 percent were female. Only one (0.6%) individual aspirated on VFSS. Seventeen (11.4%) individuals demonstrated penetration. The mean PAS for the entire cohort was 1.17 (+/-0.66). Prevalence of penetration by swallow was 2.85 percent (17/596). Prevalence of penetration was 9.3 percent in elderly individuals aged >65 years and 14.3 percent in adults aged <65 years (P = 0.49). Prevalence of penetration on a liquid bolus was 3.4 percent (15/447) and on paste was 1.3 percent (2/149) (P > 0.05). Prevalence of penetration for a bolus <30 cc was 2.34 percent (7/298) and for a bolus >30 cc was 5.4 percent (8/149) (P > 0.05). Aspiration on VFSS is not a normal finding. Penetration is present in 11.4 percent of normal adults and is more common with a liquid bolus. Copyright 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Rifle bullet penetration into ballistic gelatin.


    Wen, Yaoke; Xu, Cheng; Jin, Yongxi; Batra, R C


    The penetration of a rifle bullet into a block of ballistic gelatin is experimentally and computationally studied for enhancing our understanding of the damage caused to human soft tissues. The gelatin is modeled as an isotropic and homogeneous elastic-plastic linearly strain-hardening material that obeys a polynomial equation of state. Effects of numerical uncertainties on penetration characteristics are found by repeating simulations with minute variations in the impact speed and the angle of attack. The temporary cavity formed in the gelatin and seen in pictures taken by two high speed cameras is found to compare well with the computed one. The computed time histories of the hydrostatic pressure at points situated 60 mm above the line of impact are found to have "two peaks", one due to the bullet impact and the other due to the bullet tumbling. Contours of the von Mises stress and of the effective plastic strain in the gelatin block imply that a very small region adjacent to the cavity surface is plastically deformed. The angle of attack is found to noticeably affect the penetration depth at the instant of the bullet tumbling through 90°. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Principles of Air Defense and Air Vehicle Penetration

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Range For reliable dateetien, the target signal must reach some minimum or threshold value called S . . When internal noise is the only interfer...analyze air defense and air vehicle penetration. Unique expected value models are developed with frequent numerical examples. Radar...penetrator in the presence of spurious returns from internal and external noise will be discussed. Tracking With sufficient sensor information to determine

  1. Drug carrier nanoparticles that penetrate human chronic rhinosinusitis mucus

    PubMed Central

    Lai, Samuel K.; Suk, Jung Soo; Pace, Amanda; Wang, Ying-Ying; Yang, Ming; Mert, Olcay; Chen, Jeane; Kim, Jean; Hanes, Justin


    No effective therapies currently exist for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), a persistent inflammatory condition characterized by the accumulation of highly viscoelastic mucus (CRSM) in the sinuses. Nanoparticle therapeutics offer promise for localized therapies for CRS, but must penetrate CRSM in order to avoid washout during sinus cleansing and to reach underlying epithelial cells. Prior research has not established whether nanoparticles can penetrate the tenacious CRSM barrier, or instead become trapped. Here, we first measured the diffusion rates of polystyrene nanoparticles and the same nanoparticles modified with muco-inert polyethylene glycol (PEG) coatings in fresh, minimally perturbed CRSM collected during endoscopic sinus surgery from CRS patients with and without nasal polyp. We found that uncoated polystyrene particles, previously shown to be mucoadhesive, were immobilized in all CRSM samples tested. In contrast, densely PEGylated particles as large as 200 nm were able to readily penetrate all CRSM samples from patients with CRS alone, and nearly half of CRSM samples from patients with nasal polyp. Based on the mobility of different sized PEGylated particles, we estimate the average pore size of fresh CRSM to be at least 150 ± 50 nm. Guided by these studies, we formulated mucus-penetrating particles (MPP) composed of PLGA and Pluronics, two materials with a long history of safety and use in humans. We showed that biodegradable MPP are capable of rapidly penetrating CRSM at average speeds up to only 20-fold slower than their theoretical speeds in water. Our findings strongly support the development of mucus-penetrating nanomedicines for the treatment of CRS. PMID:21665271

  2. Fire Resistance Testing of Bulkhead and Deck Penetrations. Phase 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    thick steel plate. All sample 12 construction was representative of Class A-0 construction. The UL staff secured insulation ( rockwool batts) to the...designated side of the steel plates and penetrants for testing as Class A-60 deck assemblies. The rockwool batts complied with the Class A-60...insulated with rockwool batts and tested for a Class A-60 rating. This group consisted of one steel penetration, eight copper penetrations, four PVC

  3. Mars penetrator umbilical. [to study geophysical properties of Mars

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barns, C. E.


    The device proposed to gather subsurface data on the planet Mars is a ballistic probe which penetrates the soil after a free fall through the Martian atmosphere. Highlights of the design, development, and testing of several features of the Mars Surface Penetration Probe are outlined.

  4. The Effects of HMO Penetration on Preventable Hospitalizations

    PubMed Central

    Zhan, Chunliu; Miller, Marlene R; Wong, Herbert; Meyer, Gregg S


    Objective To examine the effects of health maintenance organization (HMO) penetration on preventable hospitalizations. Data Source Hospital inpatient discharge abstracts for 932 urban counties in 22 states from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) State Inpatient Databases (SID), hospital data from American Hospital Association (AHA) annual survey, and population characteristics and health care capacity data from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Area Resource File (ARF) for 1998. Methods Preventable hospitalizations due to 14 ambulatory care sensitive conditions were identified using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Prevention Quality Indicators. Multiple regressions were used to determine the association between preventable hospitalizations and HMO penetration while controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and health care capacity of the counties. Principal Findings A 10 percent increase in HMO penetration was associated with a 3.8 percent decrease in preventable hospitalizations (95 percent confidence interval, 2.0 percent–5.6 percent). Advanced age, female gender, poor health, poverty, more hospital beds, and fewer primary care physicians per capita were significantly associated with more preventable hospitalizations. Conclusions Our study suggests that HMO penetration has significant effects in reducing preventable hospitalizations due to some ambulatory care sensitive conditions. PMID:15032958

  5. 46 CFR 174.225 - Hull penetrations and shell connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Hull penetrations and shell connections. 174.225 Section 174.225 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY... § 174.225 Hull penetrations and shell connections. Each overboard discharge and shell connection except...

  6. 46 CFR 174.225 - Hull penetrations and shell connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Hull penetrations and shell connections. 174.225 Section 174.225 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY... § 174.225 Hull penetrations and shell connections. Each overboard discharge and shell connection except...

  7. Análisis comparativo de meningiomas cerebrales Grado I vs Grado II en una serie retrospectiva de 63 pacientes operados

    PubMed Central

    Coppola, Federico; Campbell, Juan Iaconis; Herrero, Juan Manuel; Volpe, Emilio; Cersosimo, Tito


    Resumen Introducción: Los meningiomas Grado II tienen un comportamiento biológico más agresivo que los Grado I. A partir del año 2007, con los nuevos criterios de clasificación, la incidencia de meningiomas atípicos reportada aumentó hasta un 35%. Objetivo: Establecer diferencias entre los Meningiomas Grado I y II de la clasificación de la OMS, en lo que respecta a: grados de resección de Simpson, localización tumoral, necesidad de reintervención, tratamiento adyuvante, evolución y mortalidad. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 63 pacientes operados entre el periodo 2009-2015. Variables analizadas: sexo, edad, grado histológico, localización, grado de resección quirúrgica, radioterapia adyuvante, mortalidad y evolución. Resultados: Se analizaron 63 pacientes: 51 Grado I y 12 Grado II de la clasificación de la OMS. La distribución por sexo no mostró diferencias entre meningiomas benignos y atípicos. Tampoco el grupo etario de presentación; mediana de 57 años. Un 55% de los meningiomas benignos se localizaron fuera de la base del cráneo versus el 91,6% de los meningiomas atípicos (P = 0.02). En el 74,5% de los meningiomas benignos se logró una resección total (Simpson I-II-III) versus el 58.3% para los atípicos (P = 0.3). Se reintervinieron el 33,3% de meningiomas atípicos en comparación con el 9.8% de los benignos (P = 0.03). Tuvieron una buena evolución el 86,2% de los benignos vs el 53,8% de los GII (P = 0.01). Realizaron radioterapia adyuvante el 33,3% de los meningiomas Grado II vs el 1,9% de los Grado I. Conclusiones: Los meningiomas atípicos cerebrales tienen peor pronóstico evolutivo que los Grado I de la OMS. Presentan una mayor tasa de reintervención y se localizan más frecuentemente fuera de la base del cráneo. La localización pareciera ser un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de meningiomas atípicos. PMID:29142779

  8. Magnetic field penetration in niobium- and vanadium-based Josephson junctions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cucolo, A. M.; Pace, S.; Vaglio, R.; di Chiara, A.; Peluso, G.; Russo, M.


    Measurements on the temperature dependence of the magnetic field penetration in Nb-NbxOy-Pb and V-VxOy-Pb Josephson junctions have been performed. Results on the zero-temperature penetration depth in niobium films are far above the bulk values although consistent with other measurements on junctions reported in the literature. For vanadium junctions anomalously large penetration depth values are obtained at low temperatures. Nevertheless, the temperature dependence is in reasonable agreement with the local dirty limit model.

  9. Investigations into Monochloramine Biofilm Penetration

    EPA Science Inventory

    Biofilm in drinking water systems is undesirable. Free chlorine and monochloramine are commonly used as secondary drinking water disinfectants, but monochloramine is perceived to penetrate biofilm better than free chlorine. However, this hypothesis remains unconfirmed by direct b...

  10. Ground Penetrating Radar, Barrow, Alaska

    DOE Data Explorer

    John Peterson


    This is 500 MHz Ground Penetrating Radar collected along the AB Line in Intensive Site 1 beginning in October 2012 and collected along L2 in Intensive Site 0 beginning in September 2011. Both continue to the present.

  11. Optical penetration sensor for pulsed laser welding


    Essien, Marcelino; Keicher, David M.; Schlienger, M. Eric; Jellison, James L.


    An apparatus and method for determining the penetration of the weld pool created from pulsed laser welding and more particularly to an apparatus and method of utilizing an optical technique to monitor the weld vaporization plume velocity to determine the depth of penetration. A light source directs a beam through a vaporization plume above a weld pool, wherein the plume changes the intensity of the beam, allowing determination of the velocity of the plume. From the velocity of the plume, the depth of the weld is determined.

  12. Skin penetration assessment of less lethal kinetic energy munitions.


    Bir, Cynthia A; Stewart, Shelby J; Wilhelm, Marianne


    The development of less-lethal technologies has provided law enforcement personnel with an alternative to lethal force. Although the less lethal projectile was produced to engender non-penetrating wounds, case studies show that there have been a number of reported penetrating injuries ranging from minor to significant in morbidity. The objective of this study was to determine the energy per unit area required to penetrate various regions of the body. Eight unembalmed postmortem human specimens were procured for this testing. Each specimen sustained a maximum of 25 impacts consisting of shots to the anterior and posterior thorax, abdomen, and legs. A 12-gauge, fin-stabilized, rubber rocket round was used as the impactor for all of the conducted tests. The energy density required for 50% risk of penetration varied from 23.99 J/cm2 for the location on the anterior rib (p = 0.000) to 52.74 J/cm2 for the location on the posterior rib (p = 0.001).

  13. Sealing Penetrating Eye Injuries Using Photo-Activated Bonding

    DTIC Science & Technology


    called PTB ) with the potential to decrease vision loss and ocular complications in warfighters sustaining penetrating eye injuries. Scope: In year 2...not competitive with PTB for sealing is amnion over penetrating cornea injuries, determined that two potential adverse effects (inhibition of...epithelial cell migration and keratocyte phototoxicity) are not significant problems, demonstrated that PTB can be used to seal lacerations in thin (e.g

  14. Penetration of ASM 981 in canine skin: a comparative study.


    Gutzwiller, Meret E Ricklin; Reist, Martin; Persohn, Elke; Peel, John E; Roosje, Petra J


    ASM 981 has been developed for topical treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. It specifically inhibits the production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We measured the skin penetration of ASM 981 in canine skin and compared penetration in living and frozen skin. To make penetration of ASM 981 visible in dog skin, tritium labelled ASM 981 was applied to a living dog and to defrosted skin of the same dog. Using qualitative autoradiography the radioactive molecules were detected in the lumen of the hair follicles until the infundibulum, around the superficial parts of the hair follicles and into a depth of the dermis of 200 to 500 microm. Activity could not be found in deeper parts of the hair follicles, the dermis or in the sebaceous glands. Penetration of ASM 981 is low in canine skin and is only equally spread in the upper third of the dermis 24 hours after application. Penetration in frozen skin takes even longer than in living canine skin but shows the same distribution.

  15. Self-inflicted injuries are an important cause of penetrating traumatic injuries in Japan.


    Izawa, Yoshimitsu; Suzukawa, Masayuki; Lefor, Alan K


    Japan has a low crime rate, but a high suicide rate. The aim of this study is to review the causes of penetrating traumatic injuries in a tertiary care emergency center in Japan. We retrospectively reviewed all admissions for traumatic injuries over a 3-year period, and calculated the proportion of patients with penetrating traumatic injuries. Weapon used, age, gender, Injury Severity Score, cause of injury, and site of injury in all patients with penetrating injuries were reviewed. The proportion of patients with penetrating injuries among patients with all types of traumatic injuries requiring surgical intervention was calculated. Of 1,321 patients admitted over 3 years, 65 patients (5%) suffered from penetrating injuries. Most were stab wounds, with only one gunshot (2%). The most common site of injury was an extremity (48%). The most common cause of penetrating injury was self-inflicted (38%). The abdomen is the most common site injured among self-inflicted injuries. Of patients with all types of traumatic injuries requiring surgical intervention, penetrating injuries accounted for 23%. Penetrating injuries represent 23% of all patients with traumatic injuries who required surgical intervention. Self-inflicted penetrating injuries were most common, supporting the need for preventive services. Acute care surgeons must be familiar with the surgical management of penetrating traumatic injuries, even in a country with a low crime rate.

  16. Cause rare d’insuffisance rénale aigue: géant calcul de vessie chez une jeune femme

    PubMed Central

    Mohammed, Bounoual; Mustapha, Ahsaini; Karim, Tazi; Hamid, Azelmad; Mohammed, Alila; Soufiane, Mellas; eddine, El Ammari Jalal; Fadl, Tazi Mohammed; Jamal, El Fassi Mohammed; Hassan, Farih Moulay


    Géant calcul de vessie se définit par un poids supérieur à 100 g, c'est une pathologie rare chez la femme, environ 2%. La localisation vésicale ne dépasse pas 5% de l'ensemble des voies urinaires. Chez la femme l'apparition de calcul de vessie est souvent secondaire à un facteur prédisposant notamment un corps étranger intra vésical, vessie neurogene, les infections urinaires à répétition, ATCDS de chirurgie de l'incontinence urinaire d'effort. Mais on retrouve des calculs de vessie sans causes évidentes dits calculs primaires idiopathiques. On rapporte un cas d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans avec un géant calcul de vessie qui a retenti sur le haut appareil urinaire entrainant une insuffisance rénale aigue. La patiente a bénéficié initialement d'un drainage de haut appareil urinaire par des néphrostomies bilatérales puis elle a bénéficié d'une cystolithotomie à ciel ouvert d'un gros calcul de vessie. Un bilan étiologique a été demandé pourtant n'a pas identifié de cause évidente. PMID:29632626

  17. The contribution of laparoscopy in evaluation of penetrating abdominal wounds.


    Ahmed, Naveed; Whelan, Jim; Brownlee, John; Chari, Vedantum; Chung, Raphael


    Penetrating abdominal wounds are traditionally explored by laparotomy. We investigated prospectively the role of laparoscopy within a defined protocol for management of penetrating abdominal wounds to determine its safety and advantages over traditional operative management. The study inclusion criteria were: stab and gun shot abdominal wounds, including junction zone injuries; stable vital signs; and absence of contraindications for laparoscopy. Diagnostic end points included detection of peritoneum or diaphragm violation, visceral injuries, and other indications for laparotomy. Systematic examination was undertaken using a multiport technique whenever the peritoneum or diaphragm had been violated. All repairs were done by open operation. A total of 40.6% of patients with penetrating trauma fulfilled study criteria (52 patients). Of these, 33% had no peritoneal penetration; 29% had no visceral injuries despite violation of peritoneum or diaphragm; 38% had visceral injuries, of which 40% (mainly liver and omentum) required no intervention. Twelve patients (23% of total) had open repairs. No missed injuries or death occurred in the study. Overall, 77% of penetrating injuries with stable vital signs avoided exploratory laparotomy. Compared with National Trauma Data Bank information for patients with the same Injury Severity Scores, hospitalization was reduced by more than 55% for the entire series. Laparoscopy for penetrating abdominal injuries in a defined set of conditions was safe and accurate, effectively eliminating nontherapeutic laparotomy and shortening hospitalization.

  18. Une cause rare de compression médullaire: kyste arachnoïdien épidural rachidien (à propos de 03 cas)

    PubMed Central

    El Saqui, Abderrazzak; Aggouri, Mohamed; Benzagmout, Mohamed; Chakour, Khalid; Chaoui, Mohamed El Faiz


    Le kyste arachnoïdien épidural rachidien (KAER) est une affection bénigne, de physiopathologie encore incertaine. Il est le plus souvent asymptomatique mais peut causer des séquelles neurologiques graves surtout quand le traitement n'est pas instauré à temps. Nous rapportons l'expérience du service de Neurochirurgie CHU Hassan II- Fès concernant la prise en charge du KAER à travers l'analyse rétrospective de trois cas. Il s'agit de deux patients de sexe masculin et d'une femme, d'âge moyen de 35 ans (Extrêmes: 16 et 56 ans), tous admis pour un tableau de compression médullaire lente. Tous nos patients ont bénéficié d'une IRM médullaire qui a mis en évidence une collection liquidienne de siège épidural, ayant le même signal que le LCR, comprimant la moelle en regard. Le siège de la collection était thoracique dans tous les cas. Tous nos patients ont été opérés par voie postérieure avec exérèse du kyste et ligature du collet dans deux cas et une plastie durale dans un seul cas. L'étude anatomopathologique a conclu en un kyste arachnoïdien. L'évolution postopératoire était favorable dans tous les cas. Ce travail a comme objectif de mettre le point sur cette pathologie tout en insistant sur la nécessité d'une prise en charge précoce, vu la tendance vers l'aggravation progressive en l'absence de thérapie adaptée et rappeler les particularités cliniques, paracliniques et thérapeutiques de cette affection. PMID:28533855

  19. Nécrolyse épidermique liée à l'application cutanée d'une solution d'hydroxyde de potassium

    PubMed Central

    Korsaga-Somé, Nina; Tapsoba, Patrice; Ouédraogo, Muriel Sidnoma; Ilboudo, Léopold Baowendsom; Barro-Traoré, Fatou; Niamba, Pascal; Traoré, Adama


    Dans nos régions, une solution d'hydroxyde de potassium est régulièrement utilisée en application sur la peau comme traitement traditionnel dans le but de traiter un prurit ou une éruption cutanée. Dans notre pratique quotidienne, nous observons de plus en plus de réactions cutanées à ce type de traitement. Nous rapportons un cas de nécrolyse épidermique généralisée suite à l'application d'une solution concentrée d'hydroxyde de potassium. Il s'agissait d'une patiente de 51 ans, séropositive au VIH2, et au virus de l'hépatite virale C, mais non éligible au traitement antirétroviral. Elle était hospitalisée pour des décollements épidermiques nécrolytiques quasi-généralisés survenue le lendemain de l'application une solution de concentré de potasse sur tout le tégument. Cette solution avait été appliquée dans le but de traiter une éruption micropapuleuse prurigineuse généralisée (exanthème maculo-papuleux) survenue suite à a prise de cotrimoxazole. La réépidermisation était totale sans séquelle après un mois de suivi. Le diagnostic nécrolyse épidermique toxique ou syndrome de Lyell qui met souvent en jeu le pronostic vital avait été écarté devant la conservation de l'état général, l'absence d'atteinte muqueuse et la rapide cicatrisation. Certains traitements traditionnels ont fait la preuve au cours du temps de leur efficacité, mais un mésusage peut être à l'origine d'effets secondaires graves. PMID:26587148

  20. Quantifying and Improving International Space Station Survivability Following Orbital Debris Penetration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williamsen, Joel; Evans, Hilary; Bohl, Bill; Evans, Steven; Parker, Nelson (Technical Monitor)


    The increase of the orbital debris environment in low-earth orbit has prompted NASA to develop analytical tools for quantifying and lowering the likelihood of crew loss following orbital debris penetration of the International Space Station (ISS). NASA uses the Manned Spacecraft and Crew Survivability (MSCSurv) computer program to simulate the events that may cause crew loss following orbital debris penetration of ISS manned modules, including: (1) critical cracking (explosive decompression) of the module; (2) critical external equipment penetration (such as hydrazine and high pressure tanks); (3) critical internal system penetration (guidance, control, and other vital components); (4) hazardous payload penetration (furnaces, pressure bottles, and toxic substances); (5) crew injury (from fragments, overpressure, light flash, and temperature rise); (6) hypoxia from loss of cabin pressure; and (7) thrust from module hole causing high angular velocity (occurring only when key Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) equipment is damaged) and, thus, preventing safe escape vehicle (EV) departure. MSCSurv is also capable of quantifying the 'end effects' of orbital debris penetration, such as the likelihood of crew escape, the probability of each module depressurizing, and late loss of station control. By quantifying these effects (and their associated uncertainties), NASA is able to improve the likelihood of crew survivability following orbital debris penetration due to improved crew operations and internal designs.

  1. Correlation between laryngeal sensitivity and penetration/aspiration after stroke.


    Onofri, Suely Mayumi Motonaga; Cola, Paula Cristina; Berti, Larissa Cristina; da Silva, Roberta Gonçalves; Dantas, Roberto Oliveira


    Stroke is the most common neurological disease in adults that is associated with deglutition disorders. The presence of laryngeal sensitivity is very important in developing safe swallowing without risk of pulmonary complications. The aim of this study was to correlate laryngeal sensitivity with laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration after swallows of three food consistencies (puree, thickened liquid, and liquid) in poststroke individuals in the late phase. A cross-sectional clinical study was performed with 91 post-ischemic stroke individuals, with oropharyngeal dysphagia, who were in rehabilitation center treatment from 2009 to 2011. They had a mean age of 68.1 years and average time since injury was 22.6 months; 39 had injury to the right hemisphere and 52 had injury to the left hemisphere. All underwent fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and evaluation of laryngeal sensitivity by touching the tip of the endoscope to the arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds. The linear correlation coefficient of Spearman was applied to evaluate the correlation between laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration and the presence/absence of laryngeal sensitivity. There was a negative correlation between the observation of penetration and tracheal aspiration and laryngeal sensitivity, with all bolus consistencies (p < 0.001 for aspiration and p ≤ 0.01 for penetration). The absence of laryngeal sensitivity determines the more frequent findings of penetration and tracheal aspiration. This sensory stimulus in the mucosa of the pharynx and larynx is an essential element for safe swallowing and its deficiency associated with altered motor activity can cause laryngeal penetration and aspiration in poststroke individuals regardless of food consistency.

  2. Modélisation des charges d'espace dans les isolants solides par une analyse spectrale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haas, V.; Scouarnec, Ch.; Franceschi, J. L.


    A mathematical method based on spectral algebra is developped for the thermal modulation method. These methods permit to measure the space charge distribution in solid insulators. The modelling presented permits to evaluate the performances and the limitations of the measurement method. Une linéarisation par l'algèbre spectrale a été développée dans une méthode de modulation thermique pour mesurer la distribution des charges électriques dans les isolants solides. La modélisation présentée permet d'évaluer les performances et les limites tant numériques que physiques de la méthode de mesure.

  3. Technology for a Thermo-chemical Ice Penetrator for Icy Moons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arenberg, Jonathan; Harpole, George; Zamel, James; Sen, Bashwar; Lee, Greg; Ross, Floyd; Retherford, Kurt D.


    The ability to place sensors or to take samples below the ice surface enables a wide variety of potential scientific investigations. Penetrating an ice cap can be accomplished via a mechanical drill, laser drill, kinetic impactor, or heated penetrator. This poster reports on the development of technology for the latter most option, namely a self-heated probe driven by an exothermic chemical reaction: a Thermo-chemical ice penetrator (TChIP). Our penetrator design employs a eutectic mix of alkali metals that produce an exothermic reaction upon contact with an icy surface. This reaction increases once the ice starts melting, so no external power is required. This technology is inspired by a classified Cold-War era program developed at Northrop Grumman for the US Navy. Terrestrial demonstration of this technology took place in the Arctic; however, this device cannot be considered high TRL for application at the icy moons of the solar system due to the environmental differences between Earth's Arctic and the icy moons. These differences demand a TChIP design specific to these cold, low mass, airless worlds. It is expected that this model of TChIP performance will be complex, incorporating all of the forces on the penetrator, gravity, the thermo-chemistry at the interface between penetrator and ice, and multi-phase heat and mass transport, and hydrodynamics. Our initial efforts are aimed at the development of a validated set of tools and simulations to predict the performance of the penetrator for both the environment found on these icy moons and for a terrestrial environment. The purpose of the inclusion of the terrestrial environment is to aid in model validation. Once developed and validated, our models will allow us to design penetrators for a specific scientific application on a specific body. This poster discusses the range of scientific investigations that are enabled by TChIP. We also introduce the development plan to advance TChIP to the point where it can be

  4. Methodologie de modelisation aerostructurelle d'une aile utilisant un logiciel de calcul aerodynamique et un logiciel de calcul par elements finis =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Communier, David

    Lors de l'etude structurelle d'une aile d'avion, il est difficile de modeliser fidelement les forces aerodynamiques subies par l'aile de l'avion. Pour faciliter l'analyse, on repartit la portance maximale theorique de l'aile sur son longeron principal ou sur ses nervures. La repartition utilisee implique que l'aile entiere sera plus resistante que necessaire et donc que la structure ne sera pas totalement optimisee. Pour pallier ce probleme, il faudrait s'assurer d'appliquer une repartition aerodynamique de la portance sur la surface complete de l'aile. On serait donc en mesure d'obtenir une repartition des charges sur l'aile beaucoup plus fiable. Pour le realiser, nous aurons besoin de coupler les resultats d'un logiciel calculant les charges aerodynamiques de l'aile avec les resultats d'un logiciel permettant sa conception et son analyse structurelle. Dans ce projet, le logiciel utilise pour calculer les coefficients de pression sur l'aile est XFLR5 et le logiciel permettant la conception et l'analyse structurelle sera CATIA V5. Le logiciel XFLR5 permet une analyse rapide d'une aile en se basant sur l'analyse de ses profils. Ce logiciel calcule les performances des profils de la meme maniere que XFOIL et permet de choisir parmi trois methodes de calcul pour obtenir les performances de l'aile : Lifting Line Theory (LLT), Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) et 3D Panels. Dans notre methodologie, nous utilisons la methode de calcul 3D Panels dont la validite a ete testee en soufflerie pour confirmer les calculs sur XFLR5. En ce qui concerne la conception et l'analyse par des elements finis de la structure, le logiciel CATIA V5 est couramment utilise dans le domaine aerospatial. CATIA V5 permet une automatisation des etapes de conception de l'aile. Ainsi, dans ce memoire, nous allons decrire la methodologie permettant l'etude aerostructurelle d'une aile d'avion.

  5. Etude microdosimetrique de l'influence des materiaux sur l'efficacite biologique d'une source d'iode-125

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taschereau, Richard

    Cette these concerne les implants permanents pour la prostate. Les isotopes employes, le 103Pd et l'125I, semblent produire les memes resultats cliniques: le premier a cause d'une radiation plus efficace et le second a cause de sa demi-vie plus longue. La recherche utilise le cadre theorique de la microdosimetrie et des simulations Monte Carlo. Elle propose d'employer le spectre d'ejection dans le calcul de l'efficacite; ce changement fait passer l'efficacite relative du 103Pd de 10% a 5%. Elle montre ensuite qu'il est possible d'ameliorer l'efficacite de la radiation de 125I par l'exploitation des rayons X caracteristiques de la capsule. Une source amelioree faite de molybdene et d'yttrium est donnee en exemple. Elle procure une radiation de 5--7% plus efficace, ce qui surclasse les deux sources existantes. Les applications ne se limitent pas au traitement de la prostate; le traitement du melanome oculaire et la curietherapie endovasculaire pourraient en beneficier.

  6. HMO penetration: has it hurt public hospitals?


    Clement, J P; Grazier, K L


    The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which health maintenance organization (HMO) penetration within the public hospitals' market area affects the financial performance and viability of these institutions, relative to private hospitals. Hospital- and market-specific measures are examined in a fully interacted model of over 2,300 hospitals in 321 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in 1995. Although hospitals located in markets with higher HMO penetration have lower financial performance as reflected in revenues, expenses and operating margin, public hospitals are not more disadvantaged than other hospitals by managed care.

  7. Generic penetration in the retail atypical antipsychotic market.


    Lenderts, Susan; Kalali, Amir H; Buckley, Peter


    In this article, we explore the penetration of generic atypical antipsychotics in the United States market before and after the availability of generic risperidone in July 2008. Analysis suggests that, overall, generic penetration into the atypical antipsychotic market has grown from approximately three percent in January 2008 to more than 25 percent in December 2009. Similar trends are uncovered when branded and generic prescriptions are analyzed by specialty.

  8. Generic Penetration in the Retail Atypical Antipsychotic Market

    PubMed Central

    Kalali, Amir H; Buckley, Peter


    In this article, we explore the penetration of generic atypical antipsychotics in the United States market before and after the availability of generic risperidone in July 2008. Analysis suggests that, overall, generic penetration into the atypical antipsychotic market has grown from approximately three percent in January 2008 to more than 25 percent in December 2009. Similar trends are uncovered when branded and generic prescriptions are analyzed by specialty. PMID:20436769

  9. Etude par Imagerie à faible Niveau dans le proche Infrarouge d'une Emission de la haute Atmosphère

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pautet, Pierre-Dominique


    Le travail effectué a eu pour but la mise en place d'un protocole d'observation et de traitement des images, ainsi que les outils appropriés, visant à l'étude d'une émission de la haute atmosphère terrestre dans le proche infrarouge. Il existe actuellement des télescopes comme le VLT (Very Large Telescope), installé au Chili, qui permettent d'observer des astres et des galaxies distants de plusieurs millions de parsecs. A cause de l'expansion de l'Univers, des objets situés aussi loin s'éloignent très rapidement de nous. Le spectre de leur émission qui nous parvient alors est décalé vers le rouge ou l'infrarouge, du fait de l'effet Doppler. Il faut donc observer ces objets dans des longueurs d'onde appropriées. Malheureusement, l'atmosphère terrestre qui nous sépare d'eux est aussi le siège de nombreuses émissions qui peuvent venir perturber les mesures. De toutes ces émissions, la principale est due au radical OH dont les raies de rotation-vibration couvrent tout le spectre entre 0,7 et 2,5 microns. Cette émission a lieu au niveau d'une couche assez fine de la haute atmosphère appelée mésopause et située à environ 85 kilomètres d'altitude. Le travail effectué a eu pour but de mettre en évidence les principales caractéristiques de cette émission qui n'est pas uniforme et constante dans le temps. Un programme d'observations dans le proche infrarouge a été élaboré. Plusieurs algorithmes de traitement d'image ont été développés. Un programme d'inversion de perspective a été mis au point pour une utilisation en temps réel sur le terrain. Les caractéristiques des images peuvent être ensuite analysées. La première partie du mémoire comporte une description des différentes émissions lumineuses que l'on peut observer la nuit lorsque l'on regarde la voûte céleste. Ces émissions peuvent avoir deux origines: astronomique ou atmosphérique. Le problème de l'absorption atmosphérique et plus précisément les conditions

  10. The Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse Coupling Effect Inside the Shielding Enclosure With Penetrating Wire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiao, Xue; Yang, Bo


    To study the lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) coupling and protection problems of shielding enclosure with penetrating wire, we adopt the model with proper size which is close to the practical engineering and the two-step finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used for calculation in this paper. It is shown that the coupling voltage on the circuit lead inside the enclosure increases about 34 dB, when add 1.0 m long penetrating wire at the aperture, comparing with the case without penetrating wire. Meanwhile, the waveform, has the same wave outline as the lightning current source, shows that the penetrating wire brings a large number of low frequency component into the enclosure. The coupling effect in the enclosure will reduce greatly when penetrating wire has electrical connection with the enclosure at the aperture and the coupling voltage increase only about 12 dB than the case without penetrating wire. Moreover, the results show that though the waveguide pipe can reduce the coupling effect brought by the penetrating wire, the exposing part of penetrating wire can increase the coupling when the penetrating wire outside the enclosure is longer than the waveguide pipe and the longer the exposing part is, the stronger the coupling is.

  11. Evaluation of nicotinamide microemulsion on the skin penetration enhancement.


    Boonme, Prapaporn; Boonthongchuay, Chalida; Wongpoowarak, Wibul; Amnuaikit, Thanaporn


    This study purposed to evaluate a microemulsion containing nicotinamide for its characteristics, stability, and skin penetration and retention comparing with a solution of nicotinamide in 2:1 mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol (IPA). The microemulsion system was composed of 1:1 mixture of Span80 and Tween80 as a surfactant mixture, isopropyl palmitate (IPP) as an oil phase, and 2:1 mixture of water and IPA as an aqueous phase. Nicotinamide microemulsion was prepared by dissolving the active in the aqueous phase before simply mixing with the other components. It was determined for its characteristics and stability under various conditions. The skin penetration and retention studies of nicotinamide microemulsion and solution were performed by modified Franz diffusion cells, using newborn pig skin as the membrane. The results showed that nicotinamide microemulsion could be obtained as clear yellowish liquid, was water-in-oil (w/o) type, possessed Newtonian flow, and exhibited physicochemical stability when kept at 4 °C and room temperature (≈30 ± 2 °C) during 3 months. From the skin penetration data, the microemulsion could enhance the skin penetration of nicotinamide comparing with the solution. Additionally, nicotinamide microemulsion could provide much higher amount of skin retention than that of skin penetration, resulting in suitability for a cosmeceutical product.

  12. L’annonce d’une déficience motrice cérébrale : Une relation de confiance à construire entre les parents, le personnel paramédical et les médecins

    PubMed Central

    Pelchat, Diane; Lefebvre, Hélène; Bouchard, Jean-Marie


    RÉSUMÉ : L’annonce d’une déficience motrice cérébrale et des incapacités qui en découlent est une situation difficile à vivre pour les parents et les dispensateurs de soins (personnel paramédical et médecins). Un examen de la documentation médicale démontre que depuis vingt ans, le nombre de parents insatisfaits n’a pas changé. L’étude de type qualitatif et exploratoire, effectuée à la demande de milieux de réadaptation, vise à décrire le processus d’annonce d’un diagnostic de déficience motrice cérébrale (DMC) à partir de l’expérience des différents acteurs en cause et à déterminer les facteurs qui facilitent ou compliquent la relation de confiance. Les résultats indiquent que les parents et les dispensateurs de soins vivent dans deux mondes de perception différents au moment de l’annonce, lesquels se rejoignent difficilement. Les parents sont envahis par le drame qu’ils vivent, tandis que les médecins sont concentrés sur le contenu à transmettre aux parents. Cette annonce provoque une importante incertitude qui bloque la communication entre les partenaires, mais elle pourrait devenir un stimulant à de nouvelles stratégies d’adaptation. PMID:20084263

  13. La pubalgie du sportif: mise au point à propos d'une étude rétrospective de 128 joueurs

    PubMed Central

    Mahmoudi, Ammar; Frioui, Samia; Jemni, Sonia; Khachnaoui, Faycel; Dahmene, Younes


    La pubalgie du sportif de haut niveau représente une entité nosologique à part entière, tant en raison du mécanisme à l'origine de la pathologie que des lésions objectivables au niveau de la paroi abdominale. C'est un syndrome douloureux de la région inguino-pubienne qui touche particulièrement les footballeurs. Son étiologie est attribuée à la répétition de mouvements des membres inférieurs et du tronc associant rotation et adduction forcées. Son incidence est nettement plus élevée chez les hommes. Après avoir écarté une pathologie d'organe, le patient devrait bénéficier tout au début de son traitement conservateur d'une IRM afin d'effectuer un bilan lésionnel complet qui, selon les situations, permet d’écourter le traitement conservateur et de proposer un traitement chirurgical optimal. Le traitement doit être résolument conservateur pendant 3 mois. La rééducation est le plus souvent le traitement de première intention. Les patients présentant une persistance des symptômes sont candidats à la chirurgie. L'intervention de Nesovic est le traitement de choix chez les sportifs de haut niveau et qui permet, dans la très grande majorité des cas, une reprise sans aucune limitation de l'activité sportive antérieure. La technique de Bassini semble être moins lourde que celle de Nesovic, puisqu'elle est moins invasive. Une prise en charge multidisciplinaire centrée sur l'athlète avant et après l'intervention permet un retour aux activités physiques après quelques mois. Nous rapportons l'expérience de la prise en charge de 128 joueurs opérés selon la technique de Bassini et nous comparons nos résultats avec celles de la littérature. PMID:26966484

  14. Deep penetration of light into biotissue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bearden, Edward D.; Wilson, James D.; Zharov, Vladimir P.; Lowery, Curtis L.


    The results of a study of deep (several centimeters) light penetration into biological tissue are presented in order to estimate its significance to potentially photosensitive structures and processes including the fetal eyes. In order to accomplish this goal, samples of various tissues (fat, muscle, and uterus) from surgical patients and autopsies were examined with a double integrating sphere arrangement to determine their optical properties. The results were implemented in a Monte Carlo modeling program. Next, optical fiber probes were inserted into the uterus and abdominal wall of patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures. The fibers were couples to a photomultiplier tube with intervening filters allowing measurements of light penetration at various wavelengths. To determine the feasibility of stimulation in utero, a xenon lamp and waveguide were used to transilluminate the abdomen of several labor patients. Light in the range of 630 to 670 nm where the eye sensitivity and penetration depth are well matched, will likely provide the best chance of visual stimulation. Fetal heart rate, fetal movement, and fetal magnetoencephalography (SQUID) and electroencephalography (EEG) were observed in different studies to determine if stimulation has occurred. Since internal organs and the fetus are completely dark adapted, the amount of light required to simulate in our opinion could be on the order of 10(superscript -8 Watts.

  15. Penetrating ocular injuries in the home.


    Bhogal, G; Tomlins, P J; Murray, P I


    We studied the prevalence and aetiology of penetrating ocular injuries, in particular ones that were sustained whilst undertaking Do It Yourself (DIY) or gardening in the domestic environment. We also examined the extent of eye safety promotion in DIY stores and garden centres and on their websites. We conducted a case note review of patients who underwent surgery for penetrating ocular trauma between January 2000 and June 2004. Eight DIY stores and garden centres and 10 websites were visited and evaluated using standardized questions. Of the 85 patients identified, 35 (41.2%) patients had injuries that occurred in the home with 10 patients having visual acuities of <6/60 at final follow up. Accidents from DIY or gardening were the cause in 17 of 33 (51.5%) patients, with a failure to wear eye protection in all cases. Overall, DIY stores and garden centres were poor at promoting eye safety both in their stores and on their websites. The home is a frequent place for severe penetrating ocular injury, with highly popular pastimes such as DIY and gardening as common causes. As many of these injuries are preventable, additional safety information is essential to educate the public on the potential dangers of these pastimes.

  16. Developpement d'une methode calorimetrique de mesure des pertes ac pour des rubans supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolez, Patricia

    Le travail de recherche effectue dans le cadre de ce projet de doctorat a permis la mise au point d'une methode de mesure des pertes ac destinee a l'etude des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Pour le choix des principes de cette methode, nous nous sommes inspires de travaux anterieurs realises sur les supraconducteurs conventionnels, afin de proposer une alternative a la technique electrique, presentant lors du debut de cette these des problemes lies a la variation du resultat des mesures selon la position des contacts de tension sur la surface de l'echantillon, et de pouvoir mesurer les pertes ac dans des conditions simulant la realite des futures applications industrielles des rubans supraconducteurs: en particulier, cette methode utilise la technique calorimetrique, associee a une calibration simultanee et in situ. La validite de la methode a ete verifiee de maniere theorique et experimentale: d'une part, des mesures ont ete realisees sur des echantillons de Bi-2223 recouverts d'argent ou d'alliage d'argent-or et comparees avec les predictions theoriques donnees par Norris, nous indiquant la nature majoritairement hysteretique des pertes ac dans nos echantillons; d'autre part, une mesure electrique a ete realisee in situ dont les resultats correspondent parfaitement a ceux donnes par notre methode calorimetrique. Par ailleurs, nous avons compare la dependance en courant et en frequence des pertes ac d'un echantillon avant et apres qu'il ait ete endommage. Ces mesures semblent indiquer une relation entre la valeur du coefficient de la loi de puissance modelisant la dependance des pertes avec le courant, et les inhomogeneites longitudinales du courant critique induites par l'endommagement. De plus, la variation en frequence montre qu'au niveau des grosses fractures transverses creees par l'endommagement dans le coeur supraconducteur, le courant se partage localement de maniere a peu pres equivalente entre les quelques grains de matiere

  17. Shape-Dependent Skin Penetration of Silver Nanoparticles: Does It Really Matter?

    PubMed Central

    Tak, Yu Kyung; Pal, Sukdeb; Naoghare, Pravin K.; Rangasamy, Sabarinathan; Song, Joon Myong


    Advancements in nano-structured materials have facilitated several applications of nanoparticles (NPs). Skin penetration of NPs is a crucial factor for designing suitable topical antibacterial agents with low systemic toxicity. Available reports focus on size-dependent skin penetration of NPs, mainly through follicular pathways. Herein, for the first time, we demonstrate a proof-of-concept study that entails variations in skin permeability and diffusion coefficients, penetration rates and depth-of-penetration of differently shaped silver NPs (AgNPs) via intercellular pathways using both in vitro and in vivo models. The antimicrobial activity of AgNPs is known. Different shapes of AgNPs may exhibit diverse antimicrobial activities and skin penetration capabilities depending upon their active metallic facets. Consideration of the shape dependency of AgNPs in antimicrobial formulations could help developing an ideal topical agent with the highest efficacy and low systemic toxicity. PMID:26584777

  18. Penetration tests to study the mechanical tribological properties of chisel type knife

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vlăduţoiu, L.; Chişiu, G.; Andrei, T.; Predescu, A.; Muraru, C.; Vlăduţ, V.


    The goal of this study was to analyze the behaviour of chisel knife type penetration in a certain type of sand. A series of penetration tests were carried out with chisel knife type, the answer to penetration depending mainly on nature, shape, size of knife and operating parameters such as speed, depth and working conditions. Tests were conducted in work conditions with wet sand and dry sand and determined force of resistance to penetration of the chisel knife type to a certain depth.

  19. Persistent enhancement of bacterial motility increases tumor penetration.


    Thornlow, Dana N; Brackett, Emily L; Gigas, Jonathan M; Van Dessel, Nele; Forbes, Neil S


    Motile bacteria can overcome the transport limitations that hinder many cancer therapies. Active bacteria can penetrate through tissue to deliver treatment to resistant tumor regions. Bacterial therapy has had limited success, however, because this motility is heterogeneous, and within a population many individuals are non-motile. In human trials, heterogeneity led to poor dispersion and incomplete tumor colonization. To address these problems, a swarm-plate selection method was developed to increase swimming velocity. Video microscopy was used to measure the velocity distribution of selected bacteria and a microfluidic tumor-on-a-chip device was used to measure penetration through tumor cell masses. Selection on swarm plates increased average velocity fourfold, from 4.9 to 18.7 μm/s (P < 0.05) and decreased the number of non-motile individuals from 51% to 3% (P < 0.05). The selected phenotype was both robust and stable. Repeating the selection process consistently increased velocity and eliminated non-motile individuals. When selected strains were cryopreserved and subcultured for 30.1 doublings, the high-motility phenotype was preserved. In the microfluidic device, selected Salmonella penetrated deeper into cell masses than unselected controls. By 10 h after inoculation, control bacteria accumulated in the front 30% of cell masses, closest to the flow channel. In contrast, selected Salmonella accumulated in the back 30% of cell masses, farthest from the channel. Selection increased the average penetration distance from 150 to 400 μm (P < 0.05). This technique provides a simple and rapid method to generate high-motility Salmonella that has increased penetration and potential for greater tumor dispersion and clinical efficacy. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Phenomenology of electromagnetic coupling: Conductors penetrating an aperture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wright, D. B.; King, R. J.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the coupling effects of penetrating conductors through free-standing apertures. This penetrating conductor and aperture arrangement are referred to as a modified aperture. A penetrating conductor is defined here to be a thin, single wire bent twice at 90 angles. The wire was inserted through a rectangular aperture in a metal wall. Vertical segments on both sides of the wall coupled energy from one region to the other. Energy was incident upon the modified aperture from what is referred to as the exterior region. The amount of coupling was measured by a D sensor on the other (interior) side of the wall. This configuration of an aperture in a metal wall was used as opposed to an aperture in a cavity in order to simplify the interpretation of resulting data. The added complexity of multiple cavity resonances was therefore eliminated. Determining the effects of penetrating conductors on aperture coupling is one of several topics being investigated as part of on-going research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on the phenomenology of electromagnetic coupling. These phenomenology studies are concerned with the vulnerability of electronic systems to high intensity electromagnetic fields. The investigation is relevant to high altitude EMP (HEMP), enhanced HEMP (EHEMP), and high power microwave (HPM) coupling.


    PubMed Central

    Contandriopoulos, André-Pierre; Rey, Lynda; Brousselle, Astrid; Champagne, François


    L’évaluation doit théoriquement aider les décideurs à relever les défis des systèmes de santé contemporains. Paradoxalement, malgré le développement rapide du domaine, l’utilisation des résultats des évaluations par ces décideurs reste faible. Le degré d’utilisation ne dépendrait-il pas de la capacité de l’évaluateur à rendre compte de la complexité des systèmes de santé? La nature complexe d’une intervention amène souvent les évaluateurs à adopter des approches non conventionnelles tenant compte du jeu des acteurs. L’évaluation d’une intervention complexe soulève des enjeux conceptuels, méthodologiques, et opérationnels que doit surmonter l’évaluateur pour accroître le degré d’utilisation des résultats par les décideurs. PMID:27293310

  2. Vena Cava Filter Retrieval with Aorto-Iliac Arterial Strut Penetration.


    Holly, Brian P; Gaba, Ron C; Lessne, Mark L; Lewandowski, Robert J; Ryu, Robert K; Desai, Kush R; Sing, Ronald F


    To evaluate the safety and technical success of inferior vena cava (IVC) filter retrieval in the setting of aorto-iliac arterial strut penetration. IVC filter registries from six large United States IVC filter retrieval practices were retrospectively reviewed to identify patients who underwent IVC filter retrieval in the setting of filter strut penetration into the adjacent aorta or iliac artery. Patient demographics, implant duration, indication for placement, IVC filter type, retrieval technique and technical success, adverse events, and post procedural clinical outcomes were identified. Arterial penetration was determined based on pre-procedure CT imaging in all cases. The IVC filter retrieval technique used was at the discretion of the operating physician. Seventeen patients from six US centers who underwent retrieval of an IVC filter with at least one strut penetrating either the aorta or iliac artery were identified. Retrieval technical success rate was 100% (17/17), without any major adverse events. Post-retrieval follow-up ranging from 10 days to 2 years (mean 4.6 months) was available in 12/17 (71%) patients; no delayed adverse events were encountered. Findings from this series suggest that chronically indwelling IVC filters with aorto-iliac arterial strut penetration may be safely retrieved.

  3. An electrochemical modeling of lithium-ion battery nail penetration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chiu, Kuan-Cheng; Lin, Chi-Hao; Yeh, Sheng-Fa; Lin, Yu-Han; Chen, Kuo-Ching


    Nail penetration into a battery pack, resulting in a state of short-circuit and thus burning, is likely to occur in electric car collisions. To demonstrate the behavior of a specific battery when subject to such incidents, a standard nail penetration test is usually performed; however, conducting such an experiment is money consuming. The purpose of this study is to propose a numerical electrochemical model that can simulate the test accurately. This simulation makes two accurate predictions. First, we are able to model short-circuited lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) via electrochemical governing equations so that the mass and charge transfer effect could be considered. Second, the temperature variation of the cell during and after nail penetration is accurately predicted with the help of simulating the temperature distribution of thermal runaway cells by thermal abuse equations. According to this nail penetration model, both the onset of battery thermal runaway and the cell temperature profile of the test are obtained, both of which are well fitted with our experimental results.

  4. Field measurement of penetrator seismic coupling in sediments and volcanic rocks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nakamura, Y.; Latham, G. V.; Frohlich, C.


    Field experiments were conducted to determine experimentally how well a seismometer installed using a penetrator would be coupled to the ground. A dry lake bed and a lava bed were chosen as test sites to represent geological environments of two widely different material properties. At each site, two half-scale penetrators were fired into the ground, a three-component geophone assembly was mounted to the aft end of each penetrator, and dummy penetrators were fired at various distances to generate seismic signals. The recorded signals were digitized, and cross-spectral analyses were performed to compare the observed signals in terms of power spectral density ratio, coherence and phase difference. The analyses indicate that seismometers deployed by penetrators will be as well coupled to the ground as are seismometers installed by conventional methods for the frequency range of interest in earthquake seismology, although some minor differences were observed at frequencies near the upper limit of the frequency band.

  5. Bacterial and dye penetration through interim restorations used during endodontic treatment of molar teeth.


    Chailertvanitkul, Pattama; Abbott, Paul V; Riley, Thomas V; Sooksuntisakoonchai, Namchai


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between dye and bacterial penetration through interim restorations used during endodontic treatment. Sixty-four extracted human teeth were used, with 2 teeth each as positive and negative controls. Endodontic access with a mesio-occluso-distal cavity was prepared. Palatal cusps of maxillary molars and buccal cusps of mandibular molars were removed. Cotton was placed over the canals and covered with Cavit. Thirty teeth were restored with Ketac Silver (KS) and 30 with KS reinforced with a stainless steel band (KSSB). Samples were submersed in India ink mixed with brain heart infusion broth containing Streptococcus gordonii. After 3 months of simulated chewing, structural integrity and dye and bacterial penetration were assessed. Positive controls had both dye and bacterial penetration. Negative controls had no dye or bacterial penetration. All KS restorations debonded, whereas 18 KSSB restorations (60%) debonded. KS restorations were 1.67 times more likely to debond than KSSB restorations (Fisher exact test). KS was 1.3 times more likely to have dye penetration than KSSB (Fisher exact test) and 3 times more likely to have bacterial penetration, although not statistically significant (chi(2) test). Overall, 88.3% of specimens had dye penetration, and 20% had bacterial penetration. This 68.3% difference indicated no association between dye and bacterial penetration (exact McNemar test). Stainless steel bands helped maintain structural integrity of KS restorations under masticatory function. Bands helped prevent dye penetration but not bacterial penetration. There was no association between dye and bacterial penetration.

  6. Evaluation of filter media for particle number, surface area and mass penetrations.


    Li, Lin; Zuo, Zhili; Japuntich, Daniel A; Pui, David Y H


    The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a standard for respirator certification under 42 CFR Part 84, using a TSI 8130 automated filter tester with photometers. A recent study showed that photometric detection methods may not be sensitive for measuring engineered nanoparticles. Present NIOSH standards for penetration measurement are mass-based; however, the threshold limit value/permissible exposure limit for an engineered nanoparticle worker exposure is not yet clear. There is lack of standardized filter test development for engineered nanoparticles, and development of a simple nanoparticle filter test is indicated. To better understand the filter performance against engineered nanoparticles and correlations among different tests, initial penetration levels of one fiberglass and two electret filter media were measured using a series of polydisperse and monodisperse aerosol test methods at two different laboratories (University of Minnesota Particle Technology Laboratory and 3M Company). Monodisperse aerosol penetrations were measured by a TSI 8160 using NaCl particles from 20 to 300 nm. Particle penetration curves and overall penetrations were measured by scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), condensation particle counter (CPC), nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM), and TSI 8130 at two face velocities and three layer thicknesses. Results showed that reproducible, comparable filtration data were achieved between two laboratories, with proper control of test conditions and calibration procedures. For particle penetration curves, the experimental results of monodisperse testing agreed well with polydisperse SMPS measurements. The most penetrating particle sizes (MPPSs) of electret and fiberglass filter media were ~50 and 160 nm, respectively. For overall penetrations, the CPC and NSAM results of polydisperse aerosols were close to the penetration at the corresponding median particle sizes. For each filter type, power

  7. [Filtering facepieces: effect of oily aerosol load on penetration through the filtering material].


    Plebani, Carmela; Listrani, S; Di Luigi, M


    Electrostatic filters are widely used in applications requiring high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop. However various studies showed that the penetration through electrostatic filters increases during exposure to an aerosol flow. This study investigates the effects of prolonged exposure to an oily aerosol on the penetration through filtering facepieces available on the market. Some samples of FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 filtering facepieces were exposed for 8 hours consecutively to a paraffin oil polydisperse aerosol. At the end of the exposure about 830 mg of paraffin oil were deposited in the facepiece. All the examined facepieces showed penetration values that increased with paraffin oil load while pressure drop values were substantially the same before and after exposure. The measured maximum penetration values did not exceed the maximum penetration values allowed by the European technical standards, except in one case. According to the literature, 830 mg of oil load in a facepiece is not feasible in workplaces over an eight- hour shift. However, the trend of the penetration versus exposure mass suggests that if the load increases, the penetration may exceed the maximum allowed values. For comparison a mechanical filter was also studied. This showed an initial pressure drop higher than FFP2 filtering facepieces characterized by comparable penetration values. During exposure the pressure drop virtually doubled while penetration did not change. The increase in penetration with no increase in pressure drop in the analyzed facepieces indicates that it is necessary to comply with the information supplied by the manufacturer that restricts their use to a single shift.

  8. The Inland Penetration of Atmospheric Rivers over Western North America: A Lagrangian Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rutz, J. J.; Steenburgh, W. J.; Ralph, F. M.


    Although atmospheric rivers (ARs) typically weaken following landfall, those that penetrate inland can contribute to heavy precipitation and high-impact weather within the interior of western North America. In this paper, we examine the evolution of ARs over western North America using trajectories released at 950 and 700 hPa within cool-season ARs along the Pacific coast. These trajectories are classified as coastal decaying, inland penetrating, or interior penetrating based on whether they remain within an AR upon reaching selected transects over western North America. Interior-penetrating AR trajectories most frequently make landfall along the Oregon coast, but the greatest fraction of landfalling AR trajectories that eventually penetrate into the interior is found along the Baja Peninsula. In contrast, interior-penetrating trajectories rarely traverse the southern "high" Sierra. At landfall, interior-penetrating trajectories are associated with a more amplified flow pattern, more southwesterly (vs. westerly) flow along the Pacific coast, and larger water vapor transport (qu). The larger initial qu of interior-penetrating trajectories is due primarily to larger initial water vapor (q) and wind speed (u) for those initiated at 950 and 700 hPa, respectively. Inland- and interior-penetrating AR trajectories maintain large qu over the interior due partially to increases in u that offset decreases in q, particularly in the vicinity of topographical barriers. Therefore, synoptic conditions and trajectory pathways favoring larger initial qu at the coast, limited water vapor depletion by orographic precipitation, and increases in u over the interior are keys to differentiating interior-penetrating from coastal-decaying AR trajectories.

  9. A study to examine the feasibility of using surface penetrators for mineral exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Davis, A. S.; Anderson, D. W.


    The feasibility of using penetrators in earth applications is examined. Penetrator applications in exploration for mineral resources only is summarized. Instrumentation for future penetrators is described. Portions of this report are incorporated into a more extensive report examining other penetrator applications in exploration for fossil fuels, geothermal resources, and in environmental and engineering problems, which is to be published as a NASA technical publication.

  10. In vitro human skin penetration of geraniol and citronellol.


    Gilpin, Sarah; Hui, Xiaoying; Maibach, Howard


    Geraniol and citronellol are commonly used fragrance components in consumer products. Both are listed as alleged fragrance allergens that should be declared in the European Union when used in cosmetics and consumer products. Such allergenic potential is determined largely by effects on the skin once these materials penetrate and elicit an immune response. Few data demonstrate their penetration abilities or their effects on percutaneous absorption. We wanted to determine the effects of these materials on skin absorption. Skin penetration characterization via flow-through diffusion study serves as a reasonable model for determining dermal dosing for fragrance materials. Such characterization can be used for more accurate safety exposure calculations and regulatory determinations. Extensive comparisons to in vivo data in humans or closely related animals will be required before accepting flow-through diffusion methods as in vivo alternatives by industry and regulatory bodies. To evaluate the penetration abilities of geraniol and citronellol when they are used in a typical vehicle in consumer products. In vitro skin penetration of radiolabeled geraniol and citronellol was studied under occlusion in human cadaver skin, using flow-through diffusion cells for scintillation counting to determine the percentage of dose absorbed. For comparison, two doses of each material were used: 2% and 5% in 3:1 diethyl phthalate/ethanol. After 24 hours, geraniol and citronellol had relatively low skin absorption rates; 3.8% +/- 2.1% of 2% citronellol, 4.7% +/- 1.9% of 5% citronellol, 3.5% +/- 1.9% of 2% geraniol, and 7.3% +/- 1.1% of 5% geraniol were recovered from skin and receptor fluid compartments. These materials showed good mass-balance recovery. The majority of the dose was recovered in the skin washes (a minimum of 64.7% +/- 4.6% recovered for 2% citronellol and a maximum of 79.3% +/- 3.9% recovered for 5% geraniol). Receptor fluid collection points over time showed a linear

  11. Micrometeorite penetration effects in gold foil

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hallgren, D. S.; Radigan, W.; Hemenway, C. L.


    Penetration structures revealed by a Skylab experiment dealing with exposure of single and double layers of 500-800 A thick gold foil to micrometeorites are examined. Examination of all double-layered gold foils revealed that particles producing holes of any type greater than 5 microns in diameter in the first foil break up into many fragments which in turn produce many more holes in the second foil. Evidence of an original particle is not found on any stainless steel plate below the foils, except in one instance. A precise relationship between the size of the event and the mass of the particle producing it could not be determined due to the extreme morphological variety in penetration effects. Fluxes from gold foil and crater experiments are briefly discussed.

  12. Explosive shaped charge penetration into tuff rock

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vigil, M.G.


    Analysis and data for the use of Explosive Shaped Charges (ESC) to generate holes in tuff rock formation is presented. The ESCs evaluated include Conical Shaped Charges (CSC) and Explosive Formed Projectiles (EFP). The CSCs vary in size from 0.158 to 9.1 inches inside cone diameter. The EFPs were 5.0 inches in diameter. Data for projectile impact angles of 30 and 90 degrees are presented. Analytically predicted depth of penetration data generally compared favorably with experimental data. Predicted depth of penetration versus ESC standoff data and hole profile dimensions in tuff are also presented. 24 refs., 45 figs., 6 tabs.

  13. Hématome sous capsulaire de foie compliquant une pré-éclampsie: à propos de 6 cas

    PubMed Central

    Mamouni, Nisrine; Derkaoui, Ali; Bougern, Hakima; Bouchikhi, Chehrazad; Chaara, Hikmat; Banani, Abdelaziz; Abdelilah, Melhouf Moulay


    L'hématome sous capsulaire du foie (HSCF) est une complication rare mais gravissime de la grossesse. Devant une symptomatologie clinique souvent non spécifique et un tableau biologique retardé, son diagnostic est basé essentiellement sur les moyens de l'imagerie (échographie, TDM, IRM). Son traitement est fonction de l'intégrité ou non de la capsule de Glisson. Nous rapportons les observations de 6 patientes, à travers une étude rétrospective s’étalant sur la période du Janvier 2005 à Octobre 2008, incluant tous les cas de preeclampsie colligés au service de gynécologie obstétrique du CHU Hassan II. Durant la période d’étude, L'incidence de l'hématome sous capsulaire de foie chez les patientes préeclamptiques admises durant la période d’étude est de 1,49 %. Aucune des patientes n'a benificié d'un suivi prénatal au sein de notre formation. La moyenne d’âge des patientes est de 37,6 ans avec des extrêmes allant de 33 à 45 ans. La gestité moyenne était de 4,8 avec une parité moyenne de 4,5.l'hematome sous capsulaire est survenu en post partum chez tous nos cas avec un délai moyen de 4 jours et des extrêmes allant de J0 et J10 du post partum .Toutes les patientes ont présenté un HELLP syndrome concomitant à la survenue de cette complication gravissime.Le diagnostic positif s'est basé sur les données échographiques dans 5 cas (hemoperitoine –HSCF).l’équipe a opté pour une abstention thérapeutique avec surveillance armée chez 2 cas et l'exploration chirurgicale a été indiquée chez quatre patientes en instabilité hemodynamique.Nous avons déploré deux cas de décès maternel. PMID:22145072

  14. Fire Resistance Testing of Bulkhead and Deck Penetrations.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    consisted of a steel plate identical to that used in the Class A-0 assembly, but rockwool insulation was applied to the fire side of the steel plate and...penetration samples were then insulated with rockwool batts to form a Class A-60 assembly (Figure 2). Between nine and twenty-eight temperature readings...representative of Class A-O construction. The UL staff secured insulation ( rockwool batts) to the fire side of the steel plates and penetrating items to prepare

  15. Milder Etchant For Penetrant Inspection

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    O'Tousa, Joseph E.; Thomas, Clark S.


    New etching solution for chemical penetrant inspection of Inconel(R) 718 castings and weldments. Etchant does not introduce artifacts mistaken for defects. Applied by swabbing or by immersion. Used to detect unwanted residues of Nioro(R) (or equivalent) gold brazing alloy on type 347 stainless steel.

  16. Prediction of electric vehicle penetration.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The object of this report is to present the current market status of plug-in-electric : vehicles (PEVs) and to predict their future penetration within the world and U.S. : markets. The sales values for 2016 show a strong year of PEV sales both in the...

  17. Effectiveness and confounding factors of penetrating astigmatic keratotomy in clinical practice

    PubMed Central

    Yen, Chu-Yu; Tseng, Gow-Lieng


    Abstract Rationale: Penetrating astigmatic keratotomy (penetrating AK) is a well-known method to correct corneal astigmatism but rarely be performed nowadays. This article reevaluated the clinical effectiveness and confounding factors of penetrating AK. Patient concerns: Penetrating AK has been introduced to serve as one alternative operation for astigmatism correction, and is thought to have the potential advantage of being more affordable and easy to perform. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness and confounding factors of penetrating AK. Diagnoses: The chart of 95 patients with corneal astigmatism (range: 0.75–3.25 diopters [D]) who received penetrating AK from January 2014 to December 2016 was collected. The corneal astigmatism were measured by an autokeratometer (Topcon KR8100PA topographer-autorefractor), and repeated with manual keratometer in low reproducibility cases. Interventions: All patients received penetrating AK by an experienced ophthalmologist (Dr. Gow-Lieng Tseng, MD, PHD) in the operation room. Among which, 66 patients received penetrating AK with phacoemulsification simultaneously (group A), whereas 29 patients received penetrating AK at least 3 months after phacoemulsification (group B). After excluding the patients combined with other procedures or lost followed up, 79 patients are remaining for analysis. The outcome was evaluated by net correction, the difference between preoperative corneal astigmatism (PCA) and residual corneal astigmatism (RCA). Two sample t tests and Pearson test were used for effectiveness evaluation. For confounding factors, multivariate linear regression was used for statistical analysis. Outcomes: The mean preoperative and postoperative refractive cylinders were 1.97 ± 0.77 and 1.08 ± 0.64 D, respectively, in group A and 2.62 ± 1.05 and 1.51 ± 0.89 D in group B. There were no statistically significant differences in net correction between these two groups (0.9 ± 0.66 vs

  18. Blunt, penetrating and ischemic injuries to the penis.


    Mydlo, Jack H; Harris, Constantine F; Brown, Jeffrey G


    We describe our experience with treating a series of 40 penile injuries, including 2 gunshot wounds, 1 stab wound, 1 zipper injury and 34 penile fractures, of which 29 were corrected surgically and 5 were managed conservatively, as well as 2 cases of glandular gangrene at 3 large inner city medical centers in a 12-year period. We describe our standard diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, which have evolved with time. Between 1989 and 2000, 34 patients were evaluated after blunt trauma to the erect penis resulted in penile fracture. Four patients had penetrating trauma to a flaccid penis and 2 had localized penile gangrene. Of the patients with blunt trauma 32 were injured during sexual intercourse and 2 were injured during masturbation. A single gunshot wound occurred during a crime, 2 penetrating traumas were intentionally inflicted and the remaining penetrating injury was due to a zipper. The 2 patients with penile gangrene had diabetes and were on dialysis. A total of 32 patients were treated with surgery using a degloving incision. The corpora and urethra were evaluated with radiography or injection of saline intraoperatively. Five patients were treated conservatively for presumed penile fracture after they refused diagnostic confirmation and/or surgery, and the 2 with localized glandular gangrene were also treated conservatively. At followup 35 of the 40 patients available reported erection adequate for intercourse without erectile or voiding dysfunction. Two patients had mild curvature. In our experience a degloving procedure provided the best exposure for blunt and penetrating trauma. All penetrating injuries were débrided before repair. Saline injection showed additional corporeal body and/or urethral pathology, and also assessed the integrity of repair. Distal amputation in patients with localized glandular gangrene may result in sloughing and further complications. However, hyperbaric oxygen and local wound care may be adequate if there is no

  19. High-Penetration Photovoltaic Planning Methodologies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gao, David Wenzhong; Muljadi, Eduard; Tian, Tian

    The main objective of this report is to provide an overview of select U.S. utility methodologies for performing high-penetration photovoltaic (HPPV) system planning and impact studies. This report covers the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's orders related to photovoltaic (PV) power system interconnection, particularly the interconnection processes for the Large Generation Interconnection Procedures and Small Generation Interconnection Procedures. In addition, it includes U.S. state interconnection standards and procedures. The procedures used by these regulatory bodies consider the impacts of HPPV power plants on the networks. Technical interconnection requirements for HPPV voltage regulation include aspects of power monitoring, grounding, synchronization, connection tomore » the overall distribution system, back-feeds, disconnecting means, abnormal operating conditions, and power quality. This report provides a summary of mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of HPPV. Recommendations and revisions to the standards may take place as the penetration level of renewables on the grid increases and new technologies develop in future years.« less

  20. Penetrating abdominal trauma.


    Henneman, P L


    The management of patients with penetrating abdominal trauma is outlined in Figure 1. Patients with hemodynamic instability, evisceration, significant gastrointestinal bleeding, peritoneal signs, gunshot wounds with peritoneal violation, and type 2 and 3 shotgun wounds should undergo emergency laparotomy. The initial ED management of these patients includes airway management, monitoring of cardiac rhythm and vital signs, history, physical examination, and placement of intravenous lines. Blood should be obtained for initial hematocrit, type and cross-matching, electrolytes, and an alcohol level or drug screen as needed. Initial resuscitation should utilize crystalloid fluid replacement. If more than 2 liters of crystalloid are needed to stabilize an adult (less in a child), blood should be given. Group O Rh-negative packed red blood cells should be immediately available for a patient in impending arrest or massive hemorrhage. Type-specific blood should be available within 15 minutes. A patient with penetrating thoracic and high abdominal trauma should receive a portable chest x-ray, and a hemo- or pneumothorax should be treated with tube thoracostomy. An unstable patient with clinical signs consistent with a pneumothorax, however, should receive a tube thoracostomy prior to obtaining roentgenographic confirmation. If time permits, a nasogastric tube and Foley catheter should be placed, and the urine evaluated for blood (these procedures can be performed in the operating room). If kidney involvement is suspected because of hematuria or penetrating trauma in the area of a kidney or ureter in a patient requiring surgery, a single-shot IVP should be performed either in the ED or the operating room. An ECG is important in patients with possible cardiac involvement and in patients over the age of 40 going to the operating room. Tetanus status should be updated, and appropriate antibiotics covering bowel flora should be given. Operative management should rarely be delayed

  1. Mixed-Penetrant Sorption in Ultrathin Films of Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity PIM-1.


    Ogieglo, Wojciech; Furchner, Andreas; Ghanem, Bader; Ma, Xiaohua; Pinnau, Ingo; Wessling, Matthias


    Mixed-penetrant sorption into ultrathin films of a superglassy polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1) was studied for the first time by using interference-enhanced in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. PIM-1 swelling and the concurrent changes in its refractive index were determined in ultrathin (12-14 nm) films exposed to pure and mixed penetrants. The penetrants included water, n-hexane, and ethanol and were chosen on the basis of their significantly different penetrant-penetrant and penetrant-polymer affinities. This allowed studying microporous polymer responses at diverse ternary compositions and revealed effects such as competition for the sorption sites (for water/n-hexane or ethanol/n-hexane) or enhancement in sorption of typically weakly sorbing water in the presence of more highly sorbing ethanol. The results reveal details of the mutual sorption effects which often complicate comprehension of glassy polymers' behavior in applications such as high-performance membranes, adsorbents, or catalysts. Mixed-penetrant effects are typically very challenging to study directly, and their understanding is necessary owing to a broadly recognized inadequacy of simple extrapolations from measurements in a pure component environment.

  2. La syphilis congénitale révélée par une fracture spontanée

    PubMed Central

    Idrissi, Mounia Lakhdar; Ismaili, Leila; Bouharrou, Abdelhak; Hida, Moustapha


    Alors qu'elle est actuellement oubliée dans les pays développés, la syphilis congénitale se voit encore chez nous faute du dépistage anténatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent à tord vers d'autres pathologies surtout en période néonatale. Le diagnostic n'est donc pas toujours facile. La révélation d'une syphilis congénitale par une fracture spontanée est exceptionnellement décrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d'un nourrisson de 2 mois ramené en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est évoqué sur les données radiologiques et confirmé par la sérologie syphilitique. Le traitement a reposé essentiellement sur l'administration de la pénicilline G avec une bonne évolution clinique. PMID:22384288

  3. Effects of different root canal obturation techniques on bacterial penetration.


    Yücel, Ali Cağin; Ciftçi, Alper


    The aim of this study was to compare bacterial penetration following obturation with 5 different techniques. This study was performed on 120 teeth including negative control (n = 10), positive control (n = 10), and experimental groups (n = 100). One hundred teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups of 20 teeth each and obturated with System B (Sb), Lateral Compaction (Lc), Thermafil (T), Single ProTaper Gutta-percha (P), and laterally compacted ProTaper Gutta-percha (PLc). Enterococcus faecalis was used for determination of the bacterial penetration. Evaluation was carried out for 60 days. At 30 days, the chi2 test showed that the slowest penetration was observed in Group Sb and Group PLc, which were not significantly different from each other. The fastest penetration in the all experimental groups was observed in Group T and Group P, which were not significantly different from one another. Also, there was no statistically significance difference (P > .05) among all groups at 60 days. It may be concluded that under the conditions of this study System B and laterally compacted ProTaper Gutta-percha prevent bacterial penetration of the root canal at 30 days. Furthermore, there was no difference among obturation techniques at 60 days.

  4. Perinatal market penetration rate. A tool to evaluate regional perinatal programs.


    Powers, W F; McGill, L


    Very small babies born in tertiary centers fare better than outborn babies referred for tertiary care after birth. Viewing the 1001-1500 gm regional cohort of fetuses as a potential "market" for center delivery, and measuring a center's penetration into this market, quantitates how well a center draws to itself these small, high-risk fetuses for delivery. An Illinois center's annual penetration rate into its regional market for the years 1973-1983 is presented and significant increases are found. The penetration rates of nine Illinois perinatal centers are calculated and wide discrepancies are found. Defining a high-risk regional cohort as a market stresses a perinatal center's obligation to its region. The penetration rate into a defined market measures how well a center fulfills this obligation.

  5. A comparison of lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty outcomes: a registry study.


    Coster, Douglas J; Lowe, Marie T; Keane, Miriam C; Williams, Keryn A


    To investigate changing patterns of practice of keratoplasty in Australia, graft survival, visual outcomes, the influence of experience, and the surgeon learning curve for endothelial keratoplasty. Observational, prospective cohort study. From a long-standing national corneal transplantation register, 13 920 penetrating keratoplasties, 858 deep anterior lamellar keratoplasties (DALKs), and 2287 endokeratoplasties performed between January 1996 and February 2013 were identified. Kaplan-Meier functions were used to assess graft survival and surgeon experience, the Pearson chi-square test was used to compare visual acuities, and linear regression was used to examine learning curves. Graft survival. The total number of corneal grafts performed annually is increasing steadily. More DALKs but fewer penetrating grafts are being performed for keratoconus, and more endokeratoplasties but fewer penetrating grafts are being performed for Fuchs' dystrophy and pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. In 2012, 1482 grafts were performed, compared with 955 in 2002, translating to a requirement for 264 extra corneal donors across the country in 2012. Comparing penetrating grafts and DALKs performed for keratoconus over the same era, both graft survival (P <0.001) and visual outcomes (P <0.001) were significantly better for penetrating grafts. Survival of endokeratoplasties performed for Fuchs' dystrophy or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy was poorer than survival of penetrating grafts for the same indications over the same era (P <0.001). Visual outcomes were significantly better for penetrating grafts than for endokeratoplasties performed for Fuchs' dystrophy (P <0.001), but endokeratoplasties achieved better visual outcomes than penetrating grafts for pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (P <0.001). Experienced surgeons (>100 registered keratoplasties) achieved significantly better survival of endokeratoplasties (P <0.001) than surgeons who had performed fewer grafts (<100

  6. Management of penetrating brain injury

    PubMed Central

    Kazim, Syed Faraz; Shamim, Muhammad Shahzad; Tahir, Muhammad Zubair; Enam, Syed Ather; Waheed, Shahan


    Penetrating brain injury (PBI), though less prevalent than closed head trauma, carries a worse prognosis. The publication of Guidelines for the Management of Penetrating Brain Injury in 2001, attempted to standardize the management of PBI. This paper provides a precise and updated account of the medical and surgical management of these unique injuries which still present a significant challenge to practicing neurosurgeons worldwide. The management algorithms presented in this document are based on Guidelines for the Management of Penetrating Brain Injury and the recommendations are from literature published after 2001. Optimum management of PBI requires adequate comprehension of mechanism and pathophysiology of injury. Based on current evidence, we recommend computed tomography scanning as the neuroradiologic modality of choice for PBI patients. Cerebral angiography is recommended in patients with PBI, where there is a high suspicion of vascular injury. It is still debatable whether craniectomy or craniotomy is the best approach in PBI patients. The recent trend is toward a less aggressive debridement of deep-seated bone and missile fragments and a more aggressive antibiotic prophylaxis in an effort to improve outcomes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are common in PBI patients and surgical correction is recommended for those which do not close spontaneously or are refractory to CSF diversion through a ventricular or lumbar drain. The risk of post-traumatic epilepsy after PBI is high, and therefore, the use of prophylactic anticonvulsants is recommended. Advanced age, suicide attempts, associated coagulopathy, Glasgow coma scale score of 3 with bilaterally fixed and dilated pupils, and high initial intracranial pressure have been correlated with worse outcomes in PBI patients. PMID:21887033

  7. Tumor stroma-containing 3D spheroid arrays: A tool to study nanoparticle penetration.


    Priwitaningrum, Dwi L; Blondé, Jean-Baptiste G; Sridhar, Adithya; van Baarlen, Joop; Hennink, Wim E; Storm, Gert; Le Gac, Séverine; Prakash, Jai


    Nanoparticle penetration through tumor tissue after extravasation is considered as a key issue for tumor distribution and therapeutic effects. Most tumors possess abundant stroma, a fibrotic tissue composed of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and extracellular matrix (ECM), which acts as a barrier for nanoparticle penetration. There is however a lack of suitable in vitro systems to study the tumor stroma penetration of nanoparticles. In the present study, we developed and thoroughly characterized a 3D co-culture spheroidal array to mimic tumor stroma and investigated the penetration of silica and PLGA nanoparticles in these spheroids. First, we examined human breast tumor patient biopsies to characterize the content and organization of stroma and found a high expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA; 40% positive area) and collagen-1 (50% positive area). Next, we prepared homospheroids of 4T1 mouse breast cancer cells or 3T3 mouse fibroblasts alone as well as heterospheroids combining 3T3 and 4T1 cells in different ratios (1:1 and 5:1) using a microwell array platform. Confocal live imaging revealed that fibroblasts distributed and reorganized within 48h in heterospheroids. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining and gene expression analysis showed a proportional increase of α-SMA and collagen in heterospheroids with higher fibroblast ratios attaining 35% and 45% positive area at 5:1 (3T3:4T1) ratio, in a good match with the clinical breast tumor stroma. Subsequently, we studied the penetration of high and low negatively charged fluorescent silica nanoparticles (30nm; red and 100 or 70nm; green; zeta potential: -40mV and -20mV) and as well as Cy5-conjugated pegylated PLGA nanoparticles (200nm, -7mV) in both homo- and heterospheroid models. Fluorescent microscopy on spheroid cryosections after incubation with silica nanoparticles showed that 4T1 homospheroids allowed a high penetration of about 75-80% within 24h, with higher penetration in case of the

  8. Do HMO penetration and hospital competition impact quality of hospital care?


    Rivers, P A; Fottler, M D


    This study examines the impact of HMO penetration and competition on hospital markets. A modified structure-conduct-performance paradigm was applied to the health care industry in order to investigate the impact of HMO penetration and competition on risk-adjusted hospital mortality rates (i.e. quality of hospital care). Secondary data for 1957 acute care hospitals in the USA from the 1991 American Hospital Association's Annual Survey of Hospitals were used. The outcome variables were risk-adjusted mortality rates in 1991. Predictor variables were market characteristics (i.e. managed care penetration and hospital competition). Control variables were environmental, patient, and institutional characteristics. Associations between predictor and outcome variables were investigated using statistical regression techniques. Hospital competition had a negative relationship with risk-adjusted mortality rates (a negative indicator of quality of care). HMO penetration, hospital competition, and an interaction effect of HMO penetration and competition were not found to have significant effects on risk-adjusted mortality rates. These findings suggest that when faced with intense competition, hospitals may respond in ways associated with reducing their mortality rates.

  9. HMO penetration and quality of care: the case of breast cancer.


    Decker, S L; Hempstead, K


    In theory, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) receiving a fixed payment rate per enrolled member have an incentive to coordinate services and emphasize prevention and early detection of disease in order to minimize costs of care. This article tests whether higher HMO penetration rates across counties in the United States and across time improve the use of mammography services, the chance of early rather than late detection of breast cancer, and ultimately improve breast cancer survival. We use two data sets to test the effect of HMO penetration on use of breast cancer services and on breast cancer health outcomes for women aged 55 to 64 years. These data sources are matched with county-level data on HMO penetration and other market variables from the Bureau of Health Profession's Area Resource File. Results of logit regression show evidence that HMO penetration positively affects the probability of recent mammography receipt. However, we do not find a statistically significant relationship between HMO penetration and either stage of diagnosis or breast cancer survival.

  10. Lambeau Expanse du Cuir Chevelu dans la Couverture des Alopecies Cicatricielles sur Sequelles de Brulures. A Propos d'une Observation

    PubMed Central

    El Mazouz, S.; Hafidi, J.; Fejjal, N.; Mejjati, H.; Cherkab, L.; Gharib, N.; Abbassi, A.


    Summary Les séquelles esthétiques des alopécies cicatricielles sur séquelles de brûlures sont responsables de préjudices empêchant parfois la réinsertion sociale du patient, surtout chez les sujets de sexe féminin. Le cuir chevelu permet la réalisation de lambeaux permettant de couvrir ces alopécies. Les Auteurs décrivent le cas d'une jeune patiente victime d'une alopécie cicatricielle sur séquelles de brûlures chez qui ils ont réalisé un lambeau expansé du cuir chevelu et mettent le point sur la prise en charge de ces lésions à travers ce cas clinique et une revue de littérature. PMID:21991195

  11. High-pressure-induced water penetration into 3-­isopropylmalate dehydrogenase

    PubMed Central

    Nagae, Takayuki; Kawamura, Takashi; Chavas, Leonard M. G.; Niwa, Ken; Hasegawa, Masashi; Kato, Chiaki; Watanabe, Nobuhisa


    Hydrostatic pressure induces structural changes in proteins, including denaturation, the mechanism of which has been attributed to water penetration into the protein interior. In this study, structures of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH) from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 were determined at about 2 Å resolution under pressures ranging from 0.1 to 650 MPa using a diamond anvil cell (DAC). Although most of the protein cavities are monotonically compressed as the pressure increases, the volume of one particular cavity at the dimer interface increases at pressures over 340 MPa. In parallel with this volume increase, water penetration into the cavity could be observed at pressures over 410 MPa. In addition, the generation of a new cleft on the molecular surface accompanied by water penetration could also be observed at pressures over 580 MPa. These water-penetration phenomena are considered to be initial steps in the pressure-denaturation process of IPMDH. PMID:22349232

  12. Follicular penetration of topically applied caffeine via a shampoo formulation.


    Otberg, N; Teichmann, A; Rasuljev, U; Sinkgraven, R; Sterry, W; Lademann, J


    Follicular drug delivery is the prerequisite for an effective treatment of androgenetic alopecia or other reasons of premature hair loss. The follicular penetration of caffeine, applied topically in a shampoo formulation for 2 min, was measured with highly sensitive surface ionization in combination with mass spectroscopy, a selective method for the detection of very small quantities of transcutaneously absorbed substances in the blood. An experimental protocol, developed to selectively block the follicular pathway within the test area, was used. Based on this principle, a clear distinction between interfollicular and follicular penetration of topically applied caffeine was feasible. After 2 min, caffeine penetrated via the hair follicles and stratum corneum. It was found that the penetration via hair follicles was faster and higher compared with the interfollicular route and that hair follicles are the only pathway for fast caffeine absorption during the first 20 min after application. Copyright 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Cognitive penetration of early vision in face perception.


    Cecchi, Ariel S


    Cognitive and affective penetration of perception refers to the influence that higher mental states such as beliefs and emotions have on perceptual systems. Psychological and neuroscientific studies appear to show that these states modulate the visual system at the visuomotor, attentional, and late levels of processing. However, empirical evidence showing that similar consequences occur in early stages of visual processing seems to be scarce. In this paper, I argue that psychological evidence does not seem to be either sufficient or necessary to argue in favour of or against the cognitive penetration of perception in either late or early vision. In order to do that we need to have recourse to brain imaging techniques. Thus, I introduce a neuroscientific study and argue that it seems to provide well-grounded evidence for the cognitive penetration of early vision in face perception. I also examine and reject alternative explanations to my conclusion. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. No Evidence of Narrowly Defined Cognitive Penetrability in Unambiguous Vision

    PubMed Central

    Lammers, Nikki A.; de Haan, Edward H.; Pinto, Yair


    The classical notion of cognitive impenetrability suggests that perceptual processing is an automatic modular system and not under conscious control. Near consensus is now emerging that this classical notion is untenable. However, as recently pointed out by Firestone and Scholl, this consensus is built on quicksand. In most studies claiming perception is cognitively penetrable, it remains unclear which actual process has been affected (perception, memory, imagery, input selection or judgment). In fact, the only available “proofs” for cognitive penetrability are proxies for perception, such as behavioral responses and neural correlates. We suggest that one can interpret cognitive penetrability in two different ways, a broad sense and a narrow sense. In the broad sense, attention and memory are not considered as “just” pre- and post-perceptual systems but as part of the mechanisms by which top-down processes influence the actual percept. Although many studies have proven top-down influences in this broader sense, it is still debatable whether cognitive penetrability remains tenable in a narrow sense. The narrow sense states that cognitive penetrability only occurs when top-down factors are flexible and cause a clear illusion from a first person perspective. So far, there is no strong evidence from a first person perspective that visual illusions can indeed be driven by high-level flexible factors. One cannot be cognitively trained to see and unsee visual illusions. We argue that this lack of convincing proof for cognitive penetrability in the narrow sense can be explained by the fact that most research focuses on foveal vision only. This type of perception may be too unambiguous for transient high-level factors to control perception. Therefore, illusions in more ambiguous perception, such as peripheral vision, can offer a unique insight into the matter. They produce a clear subjective percept based on unclear, degraded visual input: the optimal basis to study

  15. A tumor-penetrating peptide enhances circulation-independent targeting of peritoneal carcinomatosis

    PubMed Central

    Sugahara, Kazuki N.; Scodeller, Pablo; Braun, Gary B.; de Mendoza, Tatiana Hurtado; Yamazaki, Chisato M.; Kluger, Michael D.; Kitayama, Joji; Alvarez, Edwin; Howell, Stephen B.; Teesalu, Tambet; Ruoslahti, Erkki; Lowy, Andrew M.


    Peritoneal carcinomatosis is a major source of morbidity and mortality in patients with advanced abdominal neoplasms. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IPC) is an area of intense interest given its efficacy in ovarian cancer. However, IPC suffers from poor drug penetration into peritoneal tumors. As such, extensive cytoreductive surgery is required prior to IPC. Here, we explore the utility of iRGD, a tumor-penetrating peptide, for improved tumor-specific penetration of intraperitoneal compounds and enhanced IPC in mice. Intraperitoneally administered iRGD significantly enhanced penetration of an attached fluorescein into disseminated peritoneal tumor nodules. The penetration was tumor-specific, circulation-independent, and mediated by the neuropilin-binding RXXK tissue-penetration peptide motif of iRGD. Q-iRGD, which fluoresces upon cleavage, including the one that leads to RXXK activation, specifically labeled peritoneal metastases displaying different growth patterns in mice. Importantly, iRGD enhanced intratumoral entry of intraperitoneally co-injected dextran to approximately 300% and doxorubicin to 250%. Intraperitoneal iRGD/doxorubicin combination therapy inhibited the growth of bulky peritoneal tumors and reduced systemic drug toxicity. iRGD delivered attached fluorescein and co-applied nanoparticles deep into fresh human peritoneal metastasis explants. These results indicate that intraperitoneal iRGD co-administration serves as a simple and effective strategy to facilitate tumor detection and improve the therapeutic index of IPC for peritoneal carcinomatosis. PMID:26071630

  16. Enabling kinetic micro-penetrator technology for Solar System research

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gowen, R. A.


    Whilst the concept of high speed impacting penetrator probes is not new, recent highly successful ground test results have considerably improved the perception that these can be a viable and useful addition to the current toolbox of planetary probes. Previous developments only led to a single deployment (Deep Space-2 to Mars on the ill fated NASA Mars Polar Lander mission in 1999) where neither the soft lander nor penetrator was ever heard from, which is not a logical basis for dismissing penetrator technology. Other space penetrator programmes have included the Russian Mars'96 ~80m/s penetrators for which the whole mission was lost before the spacecraft left Earth orbit, and the Japanese Lunar-A program which was cancelled after a lengthy development program which however saw multiple successful ground trials. The Japanese penetrators were designed for ~300m/s impact. The current UK penetrator developments are actively working towards full space qualification for a Lunar penetrators (MoonLITE mission), which would also provide a significant technical demonstration towards the development of smaller, shorter lived penetrators for exploring other solar system objects. We are advocating delivered micro-penetrators in the mass range ~4-10Kg, (preceded by ~13Kg Lunar penetrator MoonLITE development program), impacting at around 100-500m/s and carrying a scientific payload of around 2Kg. Additional mass is required to deliver the probes from `orbit' to surface which is dependent upon the particular planetary body in question. The mass per descent module therefore involves and additional element which, for a descent through an atmosphere could be quite modest, while for a flyby deployment, can be substantial. For Europa we estimate a descent module mass of ~13 Kg, while for Enceladus the value is ~40Kg for Enceladus since a deceleration of ~3.8 kms-1 is needed from a Titan orbit. The delivery system could consist of a rocket deceleration motor and attitude control system

  17. Ground penetrating radar evaluation and implementation.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Six commercial ground penetrating radar (GPR) : systems were evaluated to determine the state-of-the-art of GPR technologies for railroad track : substructure inspection. : Phase 1 evaluated GPR ballast inspection : techniques by performing testing a...

  18. Curvularia lunata endophthalmitis after penetrating ocular trauma.


    Jaramillo, Sergio; Varon, Clara L


    To report a case of Curvularia lunata endophthalmitis that responded to amphotericin B and itraconazole Observational case report of one patient with C. lunata endophthalmitis after penetrating ocular injury with vegetable material. One young adult male patient presented with visual loss after penetrating ocular trauma with vegetable material. Biomicroscopy revealed keratitis and secondary endophthalmitis. Vitreous cultures after vitrectomy were positive for C. lunata and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Patient responded well to intravitreal amphotericin B and moxifloxacin. Fungal endophthalmitis should be suspected after trauma with vegetable material. Curvularia lunata may produce endophthalmitis and keratitis. Amphotericin B and itraconazole should be considered suitable agents for its treatment.

  19. Multi-well sample plate cover penetration system


    Beer, Neil Reginald [Pleasanton, CA


    An apparatus for penetrating a cover over a multi-well sample plate containing at least one individual sample well includes a cutting head, a cutter extending from the cutting head, and a robot. The cutting head is connected to the robot wherein the robot moves the cutting head and cutter so that the cutter penetrates the cover over the multi-well sample plate providing access to the individual sample well. When the cutting head is moved downward the foil is pierced by the cutter that splits, opens, and folds the foil inward toward the well. The well is then open for sample aspiration but has been protected from cross contamination.

  20. Penetrating keratoplasty in infancy and early childhood.


    Reidy, J J


    Penetrating keratoplasty in infants and young children is performed on an infrequent basis. The most common indication is visually significant congenital corneal opacity. Surgery must be performed early to avoid amblyopia. Surgical techniques differ from those used in adult penetrating keratoplasty because of the reduced ocular rigidity encountered in infants and young children. Use of a multispecialty team approach is important to improve visual outcome. Poor prognostic indicators include bilateral disease, concomitant infantile glaucoma, lensectomy and vitrectomy at the time of surgery, previous graft failure, extensive goniosynechiae, and extensive corneal vascularization. Prompt postoperative optical rehabilitation, combined with occlusion therapy when appropriate, is an important determinant of success.



    Mosai, F


    Laparoscopy in penetrating abdominal injuries is now accepted and practiced in many modern trauma centres. However its role in evaluating and managing retroperitoneal injuries is not yet well established. The aim of this study was to document our experience in using laparoscopy in a setting of penetrating abdominal injuries with suspected retroperitoneal injury in haemodynamically stable patients. A retrospective descriptive study of prospectively collected data from a trauma unit at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital (DGMAH) was done. All haemodynamically stable patients with penetrating abdominal injury who were offered laparoscopy from January 2012 to December 2015 were reviewed and those who met the inclusion criteria were analysed. A total of 284 patients with penetrating abdominal injuries were reviewed and 56 met the inclusion criteria and were analysed. The median age was 30.8 years (15-60 years) and males constituted 87.5% of the study population. The most common mechanism of injury was penetrating stab wounds (62.5%). Forty-five patients (80.3%) were managed laparoscopically, of these n=16 (28.5%) had retroperitoneal injuries that required surgical intervention. The most commonly injured organ was the colon (19.6%). The conversion rate was 19.6% with most common indication for conversion been active bleeding (14%). The complication rate was 7.14% (N=4) and were all Clavien-Dindo grade 3. There were no recorded missed injuries and no mortality. The positive outcomes documented in this study with no missed injuries and absence of mortality suggests that laparoscopy is a feasible option in managing stable patients with suspected retroperitoneal injuries.

  2. Prediction methods of spudcan penetration for jack-up units

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Ai-xia; Duan, Meng-lan; Li, Hai-ming; Zhao, Jun; Wang, Jian-jun


    Jack-up units are extensively playing a successful role in drilling engineering around the world, and their safety and efficiency take more and more attraction in both research and engineering practice. An accurate prediction of the spudcan penetration depth is quite instrumental in deciding on whether a jack-up unit is feasible to operate at the site. The prediction of a too large penetration depth may lead to the hesitation or even rejection of a site due to potential difficulties in the subsequent extraction process; the same is true of a too small depth prediction due to the problem of possible instability during operation. However, a deviation between predictive results and final field data usually exists, especially when a strong-over-soft soil is included in the strata. The ultimate decision sometimes to a great extent depends on the practical experience, not the predictive results given by the guideline. It is somewhat risky, but no choice. Therefore, a feasible predictive method for the spudcan penetration depth, especially in strata with strong-over-soft soil profile, is urgently needed by the jack-up industry. In view of this, a comprehensive investigation on methods of predicting spudcan penetration is executed. For types of different soil profiles, predictive methods for spudcan penetration depth are proposed, and the corresponding experiment is also conducted to validate these methods. In addition, to further verify the feasibility of the proposed methods, a practical engineering case encountered in the South China Sea is also presented, and the corresponding numerical and experimental results are also presented and discussed.

  3. Hafnium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses for Kinetic Energy Penetrators

    DTIC Science & Technology


    uranium -based (DU) and tungsten- nickel -iron (W-Ni-Fe) composite kinetic energy (KE) munitions is primarily ascribed to their high densities (U: ρ...based on an invariant point identified in the hafnium- copper- nickel ternary system. They are denser than zirconium-based glass-forming compositions...depleted- uranium penetrators. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Criterion for Effective Kinetic Energy Penetrator Performance The lethality of depleted

  4. Munition Penetration Depth Prediction: SERDP SEED Project MR 2629

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ER D C/ CR RE L TR -1 7- 12 Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) Munition Penetration-Depth Prediction...release; distribution is unlimited. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) solves the nation’s toughest engineering and... Research and Development Program (SERDP) ERDC/CRREL TR-17-12 August 2017 Munition Penetration-Depth Prediction SERDP SEED Project MR-2629 Arnold J

  5. Fluoride Penetration and Clearance Are Higher in Exopolysaccharide-Containing Bacterial Pellets.


    Spinola, Manuela S; Nóbrega, Diego Figueiredo; Del Bel Cury, Altair Antoninha; Ricomini Filho, Antonio Pedro; Cury, Jaime Aparecido; Tenuta, Livia Maria Andaló


    Extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) could increase the penetration of fluoride through dental biofilm, reducing its cariogenicity. We measured the concentration of fluoride in EPS-containing (EPS+) or not-containing (EPS-) Streptococcus mutans bacterial pellets resembling test biofilms, before and up to 60 min after a 0.05% NaF rinse in situ. Fluoride penetration and clearance were higher in EPS+ bacterial pellets. The data suggest that EPS enhances fluoride penetration, but also accelerates fluoride clearance from dental biofilms. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. Analytic Simulation of Tissue Damage from Penetrating Wounds to the Heart

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Fragment Penetration – Sensitivity Study………. 141 I. Comparison of Long Rod versus Wedge Fragment Penetration into Gelatin…… 145 J. An Acoustic Model for...Penetrating Wounds to the Heart, MMVR 2005. See Appendix N. (2) El-Raheb, M., An Acoustic Model for Wave Propagation in a Weak Layer, JOURNAL OF APPLIED...An acoustic model for wave propagation in a weak layer” Michael El-Raheb ATK Mission Research, Laguna Hills, CA ATK MISSION RESEARCH W81XWH-04-C-0084

  7. Regional associations between Medicare Advantage penetration and administrative claims-based measures of hospital outcome

    PubMed Central

    Kulkarni, Vivek T.; Shah, Sachin J.; Bernheim, Susannah M.; Wang, Yongfei; Normand, Sharon-Lise T.; Han, Lein F.; Rapp, Michael T.; Drye, Elizabeth E.; Krumholz, Harlan M.


    Structured Abstract Background Risk-standardized measures of hospital outcomes reported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) include Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients and exclude Medicare Advantage (MA) patients due to data availability. MA penetration varies greatly nationwide and appears associated with increased FFS population risk. Whether variation in MA penetration affects the performance on the CMS measures is unknown. Objective To determine whether the MA penetration rate is associated with outcomes measures based on fee-for-service patients. Research Design In this retrospective study, 2008 MA penetration was estimated at the Hospital Referral Region (HRR) level. Risk-standardized mortality rates (RSMRs), and risk-standardized readmission rates (RSRRs) for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and pneumonia from 2006–2008 were estimated among HRRs, along with several markers of FFS population risk. Weighted linear regression was used to test the association between each of these variables and MA penetration among HRRs. Results Among 304 HRRs, MA penetration varied greatly (median: 17.0%, range: 2.1% – 56.6%). Although MA penetration was significantly (p<0.05) associated with 5 of the 6 markers of FFS population risk, MA penetration was insignificantly (p≥0.05) associated with 5 of 6 hospital outcome measures. Conclusion RSMRs and RSRRs for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and pneumonia do not seem to differ systematically with MA penetration, lending support to the widespread use of these measures even in areas of high MA penetration. PMID:22456113

  8. Penetration enhancer-containing vesicles (PEVs) as carriers for cutaneous delivery of minoxidil.


    Mura, Simona; Manconi, Maria; Sinico, Chiara; Valenti, Donatella; Fadda, Anna Maria


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of a few different penetration enhancers to produce elastic vesicles with soy lecithin and the influence of the obtained vesicles on in vitro (trans)dermal delivery of minoxidil. To this purpose, so-called Penetration Enhancer-containing Vesicles (PEVs) were prepared as dehydrated-rehydrated vesicles by using soy lecithin and different amounts of three penetration enhancers, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethanol (Transcutol), capryl-caproyl macrogol 8-glyceride (Labrasol), and cineole. Soy lecithin liposomes, without penetration enhancers, were used as control. Prepared formulations were characterized in terms of size distribution, morphology, zeta potential, and vesicle deformability. The influence of PEVs on (trans)dermal delivery of minoxidil was studied by in vitro diffusion experiments through newborn pig skin in comparison with traditional liposomes and ethanolic solutions of the drug also containing each penetration enhancer. A skin pre-treatment study using empty PEVs and conventional liposomes was also carried out. Results showed that all the used penetration enhancers were able to give more deformable vesicles than conventional liposomes with a good drug entrapment efficiency and stability. In vitro skin penetration data showed that PEVs were able to give a statistically significant improvement of minoxidil deposition in the skin in comparison with classic liposomes and penetration enhancer-containing drug ethanolic solutions without any transdermal delivery. Moreover, the most deformable PEVs, prepared with Labrasol and cineole, were also able to deliver to the skin a higher total amount of minoxidil than the PE alcoholic solutions thus suggesting that minoxidil delivery to the skin was strictly correlated to vesicle deformability, and therefore to vesicle composition.

  9. Impact and Penetration Simulations for Composite Wing-like Structures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Knight, Norman F.


    The goal of this research project was to develop methodologies for the analysis of wing-like structures subjected to impact loadings. Low-speed impact causing either no damage or only minimal damage and high-speed impact causing severe laminate damage and possible penetration of the structure were to be considered during this research effort. To address this goal, an assessment of current analytical tools for impact analysis was performed. Assessment of the analytical tools for impact and penetration simulations with regard to accuracy, modeling, and damage modeling was considered as well as robustness, efficient, and usage in a wing design environment. Following a qualitative assessment, selected quantitative evaluations will be performed using the leading simulation tools. Based on this assessment, future research thrusts for impact and penetration simulation of composite wing-like structures were identified.

  10. An Unusual Transorbital Penetrating Injury and Principles of Management

    PubMed Central

    Dekker, Andrew Peter; El-Sawy, Abdel Hamid; Rejali, Darius Stephen


    The objective of this study was to present an unusual low velocity transorbital penetrating injury. The study design was a clinical record (case report). A 38-year-old gentleman tripped and fell face first onto the wing of an ornamental brass eagle. This penetrated the inferomedial aspect of the right orbit, breaching the lamina papyracea to extend into the ethmoid sinuses and reaching the dura of the anterior cranial fossa. The foreign body was removed in theater under a joint ophthalmology and ENT procedure. The patient was left with reduced visual acuity in the right eye but no other long-term sequelae. Transorbital penetrating injury presents unusual challenges to investigation and management requiring a multidisciplinary approach to prevent significant morbidity and mortality. If managed well the prognosis is good. PMID:25383154

  11. Penetrative cellular convection in a stratified atmosphere. [of stars

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Massaguer, J. M.; Latour, J.; Toomre, J.; Zahn, J.-P.


    In the present investigation of penetrative convection within a simple compressible model, the middle one of the three layers of differing stratification prior to the onset of convection is a convectively unstable polytrope bounded above and below by two stably stratified polytropes. One- and two-mode steady solutions with hexagonal planforms have been studied for Rayleigh numbers up to aobut 1000 times critical, and for a range of Prandtl numbers, horizontal wavenumbers, and stratifications. These indicate that the penetration into the lower stable layer by downward plumes is substantially larger in a stratified medium than in a Boussinesq fluid, and produces an extended region of adiabatic stratification. The strong asymmetry between upward and downward penetration in compressible media has major implications for the mixing of stable regions above and below stellar convection zones.

  12. An unusual transorbital penetrating injury and principles of management.


    Dekker, Andrew Peter; El-Sawy, Abdel Hamid; Rejali, Darius Stephen


    The objective of this study was to present an unusual low velocity transorbital penetrating injury. The study design was a clinical record (case report). A 38-year-old gentleman tripped and fell face first onto the wing of an ornamental brass eagle. This penetrated the inferomedial aspect of the right orbit, breaching the lamina papyracea to extend into the ethmoid sinuses and reaching the dura of the anterior cranial fossa. The foreign body was removed in theater under a joint ophthalmology and ENT procedure. The patient was left with reduced visual acuity in the right eye but no other long-term sequelae. Transorbital penetrating injury presents unusual challenges to investigation and management requiring a multidisciplinary approach to prevent significant morbidity and mortality. If managed well the prognosis is good.

  13. Cooperative Activated Transport of Dilute Penetrants in Viscous Molecular and Polymer Liquids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schweizer, Kenneth; Zhang, Rui

    We generalize the force-level Elastically Collective Nonlinear Langevin Equation theory of activated relaxation in one-component supercooled liquids to treat the hopping transport of a dilute penetrant in a dense hard sphere fluid. The new idea is to explicitly account for the coupling between penetrant displacement and a local matrix cage re-arrangement which facilitates its hopping. A temporal casuality condition is employed to self-consistently determine a dimensionless degree of matrix distortion relative to the penetrant jump distance using the dynamic free energy concept. Penetrant diffusion becomes increasingly coupled to the correlated matrix displacements for larger penetrant to matrix particle size ratio (R) and/or attraction strength (physical bonds), but depends weakly on matrix packing fraction. In the absence of attractions, a nearly exponential dependence of penetrant diffusivity on R is predicted in the intermediate range of 0.2

  14. Safety assessment for In-service Pressure Bending Pipe Containing Incomplete Penetration Defects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, M.; Tang, P.; Xia, J. F.; Ling, Z. W.; Cai, G. Y.


    Incomplete penetration defect is a common defect in the welded joint of pressure pipes. While the safety classification of pressure pipe containing incomplete penetration defects, according to periodical inspection regulations in present, is more conservative. For reducing the repair of incomplete penetration defect, a scientific and applicable safety assessment method for pressure pipe is needed. In this paper, the stress analysis model of the pipe system was established for the in-service pressure bending pipe containing incomplete penetration defects. The local finite element model was set up to analyze the stress distribution of defect location and the stress linearization. And then, the applicability of two assessment methods, simplified assessment and U factor assessment method, to the assessment of incomplete penetration defects located at pressure bending pipe were analyzed. The results can provide some technical supports for the safety assessment of complex pipelines in the future.

  15. Groundwater contamination downstream of a contaminant penetration site. II. Horizontal penetration of the contaminant plume

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Rubin, H.; Buddemeier, R.W.


    Part I of this study (Rubin, H.; Buddemeier, R.W. Groundwater Contamination Downstream of a Contaminant Penetration Site Part 1: Extension-Expansion of the Contaminant Plume. J. of Environmental Science and Health Part A (in press).) addressed cases, in which a comparatively thin contaminated region represented by boundary layers (BLs) developed within the freshwater aquifer close to contaminant penetration site. However, at some distance downstream from the penetration site, the top of the contaminant plume reaches the top or bottom of the aquifer. This is the location of the "attachment point," which comprises the entrance cross section of the domain evaluated by the present part of the study. It is shown that downstream from the entrance cross section, a set of two BLs develop in the aquifer, termed inner and outer BLs. It is assumed that the evaluated domain, in which the contaminant distribution gradually becomes uniform, can be divided into two sections, designated: (a) the restructuring section, and (b) the establishment section. In the restructuring section, the vertical concentration gradient leads to expansion of the inner BL at the expense of the outer BL, and there is almost no transfer of contaminant mass between the two layers. In the establishment section, each of the BLs occupies half of the aquifer thickness, and the vertical concentration gradient leads to transfer of contaminant mass from the inner to the outer BL. By use of BL approximations, changes of salinity distribution in the aquifer are calculated and evaluated. The establishment section ends at the uniformity point, downstream from which the contaminant concentration profile is practically uniform. The length of the restructuring section, as well as that of the establishment section, is approximately proportional to the aquifer thickness squared, and is inversely proportional to the transverse dispersivity. The study provides a convenient set of definitions and terminology that are

  16. Penetration depth of MgB2 measured using Josephson junctions and SQUIDs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cunnane, Daniel; Zhuang, Chenggang; Chen, Ke; Xi, X. X.; Yong, Jie; Lemberger, T. R.


    The penetration depth of MgB2 was measured using two methods of different mechanisms. The first method used MgB2 Josephson junctions and the magnetic field dependence of the junction critical current. The second method deduced the penetration depth from the inductance of a MgB2 microstrip used to modulate the voltage of a MgB2 DC SQUID. The two methods showed a consistent value of the low-temperature penetration depth for MgB2 to be about 40 nm. Both the small penetration depth value and its temperature dependence are in agreement with a microscopic theory for MgB2 in the clean limit.

  17. NREL, SolarCity Addressing Challenges of High Penetrations of Distributed Websites

    Companies NREL, SolarCity Addressing Challenges of High Penetrations of Distributed Photovoltaics NREL is , reliability, and stability challenges of interconnecting high penetrations of distributed photovoltaics (PV country that distributed solar is not a liability for reliability-and can even be an asset. Project Impact

  18. HMO penetration, competition, and risk-adjusted hospital mortality.


    Mukamel, D B; Zwanziger, J; Tomaszewski, K J


    HMOs have been shown to have an effect on the care provided directly to their enrollees. They may also influence the care provided to individuals in fee-for-service plans through a spill-over effect. The objective of this study was to investigate the associations among HMO market penetration, HMO and hospital competition, and the quality of care received by Medicare fee-for-service patients measured by risk-adjusted hospital mortality rates. The 1990 data for 1,927 hospitals in 134 metropolitan statistical areas (with five or more hospitals) included Medicare fee-for-service risk-adjusted mortality rates from the Medicare Hospital Information Reports, hospital characteristics from the American Hospital Association annual survey, and HMO market penetration and competition calculated from InterStudy and Group Health Association of America data. Statistical regression techniques were used to identify the associations between HMO market penetration, competition, and risk-adjusted mortality, controlling for other hospital characteristics and region. Higher HMO market penetration and to a lesser degree increased HMO competition were associated with better mortality outcomes for fee-for-service Medicare enrollees. Competition between hospitals did not exhibit a significant association. HMOs may have a spill-over effect on quality of care received by individuals enrolled in fee-for-service plans. These findings may be explained by a positive effect on local practice styles or a preferential selection by HMOs for areas with better hospital care.

  19. HMO penetration, competition, and risk-adjusted hospital mortality.

    PubMed Central

    Mukamel, D B; Zwanziger, J; Tomaszewski, K J


    OBJECTIVE: HMOs have been shown to have an effect on the care provided directly to their enrollees. They may also influence the care provided to individuals in fee-for-service plans through a spill-over effect. The objective of this study was to investigate the associations among HMO market penetration, HMO and hospital competition, and the quality of care received by Medicare fee-for-service patients measured by risk-adjusted hospital mortality rates. DATA SOURCES: The 1990 data for 1,927 hospitals in 134 metropolitan statistical areas (with five or more hospitals) included Medicare fee-for-service risk-adjusted mortality rates from the Medicare Hospital Information Reports, hospital characteristics from the American Hospital Association annual survey, and HMO market penetration and competition calculated from InterStudy and Group Health Association of America data. STUDY DESIGN: Statistical regression techniques were used to identify the associations between HMO market penetration, competition, and risk-adjusted mortality, controlling for other hospital characteristics and region. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Higher HMO market penetration and to a lesser degree increased HMO competition were associated with better mortality outcomes for fee-for-service Medicare enrollees. Competition between hospitals did not exhibit a significant association. CONCLUSIONS: HMOs may have a spill-over effect on quality of care received by individuals enrolled in fee-for-service plans. These findings may be explained by a positive effect on local practice styles or a preferential selection by HMOs for areas with better hospital care. PMID:11775665

  20. The Effect of Arrow Mass and Shape on Penetration into a Target

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shyam, S.; Gurram, A.; Madireddy, S.


    We conducted an archery experiment in order to quantify how aerodynamic design impacted the depth of arrow impact. Research shows that the smaller the surface area of an object, the more easily it travels through the air and the deeper it penetrates a target (Benson 2014). Momentum also affects how far and fast the arrow will go and therefore, how deep it will penetrate into the target. Therefore, a combination of an arrow with greater momentum and better aerodynamics will help the arrow fly faster and penetrate the target deeper. Mass, velocity, momentum, acceleration, force, and drag are the factors that acted on our experiment and produced its results. We hypothesized that the arrow with a thin shaft and pointed arrowhead would penetrate deepest, as opposed to both arrows with no arrowheads or arrows with thick shafts and blunt arrowheads. We tested our hypothesis by having a well-trained archer shoot different types of arrows into a target. We used arrows with shaft lengths of 7 cm and 5.3 cm, coupled with either pointed, blunt, or no arrowhead. We measured the time to target and arrow penetration (in cm) to see which style reached the target the fastest and penetrated the deepest. The results demonstrated that arrows with thin shafts and pointed arrowheads penetrated our target the deepest, followed by arrows with thick shafts and blunt arrowheads. Arrows with thin shafts and blunt arrowheads came after, and arrows with thick shafts and pointed arrowheads came last in depth of penetration. The arrows with no arrowheads either barely penetrated the target, or bounced back. We were able to conclude that the thinner the shaft and the more pointed the arrowhead, the better the arrow cuts the air. This is because, according to the principles of aerodynamics, it creates less drag since the surface area is smaller. However, mass also plays an important role in force through momentum, which also significantly affected our results.

  1. Follicular and percutaneous penetration pathways of topically applied minoxidil foam.


    Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike; Massoudy, Lida; Patzelt, Alexa; Lademann, Jürgen; Dietz, Ekkehart; Rasulev, Utkur; Garcia Bartels, Natalie


    In the past, it was assumed that the intercellular route was the only relevant penetration pathway for topically applied substances. Recent results on follicular penetration emphasize that the hair follicles represent a highly relevant and efficient penetration pathway and reservoir for topically applied substances. This study investigates a selective closure technique of hair follicle orifices in vivo assessing interfollicular and follicular absorption rates of topical minoxidil foam in humans. In delimited skin area, single hair orifices or interfollicular skin were blocked with a microdrop of special varnish-wax-mixture in vivo. Minoxidil foam (5%) was topically applied, and transcutaneous absorption was measured by a new surface ionization mass spectrometry technique in serum. Different settings (open, closed or none of both) enabled to clearly distinguish between interfollicular and follicular penetration of the topically applied minoxidil foam. Five minutes after topical application, minoxidil was detected in blood samples when follicles remained open, whereas with closed follicles 30 min were needed. Highest levels were found first when both pathways were open, followed by open follicles and subsequently by closed follicles. These results demonstrate the high importance of the follicular penetration pathway. Hair follicles are surrounded by a dense network of blood capillaries and dendritic cells and have stem cells in their immediate vicinity, making them ideal targets for drug delivery. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Evaluation of cone penetration testing (CPT) for use with transportation projects.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) has many advantages as a means for subsurface investigation. CPT consists of pushing a steel : cone into the ground and recording the penetration resistance using sensors. Pore pressure, shear wave velocity and other : ...

  3. A single cell penetration system by ultrasonic driving

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Zhaoying; Xiao, Mingfei; Yang, Xing; Wu, Ting


    The researches of single cell's control and operation are the hotspots in whole world. Among the various technologies, the transmission of ectogenic genetic materials between cell membrane is very significant. Imitating the Chinese traditional acupuncture therapy, a new ultrasonic resonance driving method, is imported to drive a cell's penetration probe. A set of the single cell penetration system was established to perform this function. This system includes four subsystems: driving part, micromanipulation part, observation and measurement part, and actuation part. Some fish egg experiments indicate that this system is workable and effective.

  4. A comparison of observed and analytically derived remote sensing penetration depths for turbid water

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Morris, W. D.; Usry, J. W.; Witte, W. G.; Whitlock, C. H.; Guraus, E. A.


    The depth to which sunlight will penetrate in turbid waters was investigated. The tests were conducted in water with a single scattering albedo range, and over a range of solar elevation angles. Two different techniques were used to determine the depth of light penetration. It showed little change in the depth of sunlight penetration with changing solar elevation angle. A comparison of the penetration depths indicates that the best agreement between the two methods was achieved when the quasisingle scattering relationship was not corrected for solar angle. It is concluded that sunlight penetration is dependent on inherent water properties only.

  5. Penetration and development of Meloidogyne arenaria on two new grape rootstocks.


    Anwar, Safdar A; McKenry, M V


    Penetration, development, and reproduction of a virulent 'Harmony' population of Meloidogyne arenaria was studied on two nematode-resistant grape rootstocks 10-17A and 6-19B. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' was used as a susceptible control for comparison. Plants were inoculated with 100 freshly hatched second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. arenaria. Greater numbers of J2 penetrated roots of 'Cabernet' than 10-17A, and none penetrated roots of 6-19B 4 days after inoculation (DAI). At 7 DAI, vermiform J2 advanced to sausage-shaped J2 in roots of 'Cabernet,' penetrated roots of 6-19B, and had egressed from roots of 10-17A. Resistant rootstocks expressed hypersensitive responses to penetrating J2 along the root epidermis, among the cortical cells, and along the differentiating vascular bundles. At 13 DAI, 68% of the J2 had attained globose stage in roots of 'Cabernet,' whereas there was no development of vermiform J2 in roots of the other two rootstocks. The nematodes reproduced only in roots of 'Cabernet.' Lack of development of J2 in roots of the two resistant grape rootstocks might be the result of a hypersensitive response to J2 feeding.

  6. Vulnerability of manned spacecraft to crew loss from orbital debris penetration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williamsen, J. E.


    Orbital debris growth threatens the survival of spacecraft systems from impact-induced failures. Whereas the probability of debris impact and spacecraft penetration may currently be calculated, another parameter of great interest to safety engineers is the probability that debris penetration will cause actual spacecraft or crew loss. Quantifying the likelihood of crew loss following a penetration allows spacecraft designers to identify those design features and crew operational protocols that offer the highest improvement in crew safety for available resources. Within this study, a manned spacecraft crew survivability (MSCSurv) computer model is developed that quantifies the conditional probability of losing one or more crew members, P(sub loss/pen), following the remote likelihood of an orbital debris penetration into an eight module space station. Contributions to P(sub loss/pen) are quantified from three significant penetration-induced hazards: pressure wall rupture (explosive decompression), fragment-induced injury, and 'slow' depressurization. Sensitivity analyses are performed using alternate assumptions for hazard-generating functions, crew vulnerability thresholds, and selected spacecraft design and crew operations parameters. These results are then used to recommend modifications to the spacecraft design and expected crew operations that quantitatively increase crew safety from orbital debris impacts.

  7. Two regimes of vortex penetration into platelet-shaped type-II superconductors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Brandt, E. H.; Mikitik, G. P., E-mail:; Zeldov, E.

    Vortex penetration into a thin superconducting strip of a rectangular cross section is considered at an increasing applied magnetic field H{sub a}, taking an interplay between the Bean-Livingston and the geometric barriers in the sample into account. We calculate the magnetic field H{sub p} at which the penetration begins and show that two regimes of vortex penetration are possible. In the first regime, vortices appearing at the corners of the strip at H{sub a} = H{sub p} immediately move to its center, where a vortex dome starts to develop. In the second regime, the penetration occurs in two stages. Inmore » the first stage, at H{sub a} < H{sub p}, tilted vortices penetrate into the edge regions of the strip, where novel domes are shown to be formed at the top, bottom, and lateral surfaces. In the second stage, at H{sub a} = H{sub p}, the vortex propagation to the center becomes possible. The difference between the regimes manifests itself in slightly different dependences of the magnetic moment of the strip on H{sub a}.« less

  8. Forces required for a knife to penetrate a variety of clothing types.


    Nolan, Gary; Hainsworth, Sarah V; Rutty, Guy N


    In stabbing incidents, it is usual for the victim to be clothed and therefore a knife penetrates both clothes and skin. Clothes (other than leather) have been thought to make little difference to the penetration force. However, there is little quantitative data in the literature. In this study, a range of clothes have been tested, either singly or in layers of, for example, T-shirt and shirt, to quantify the additional force required when clothes are present. A materials testing system has been used to test the penetration force required to stab through clothes into a foam-silicone rubber skin simulant. The results show that the force required can be significantly different, particularly when layers of clothing are penetrated. A cotton t-shirt adds c. 8 N to the penetration force, while a T-shirt and jacket can add an additional 21 N. The results allow a more quantitative assessment of forces required in stabbing. © 2012 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  9. Penetrating Fire Extinguisher

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    When Feecon Corporation, a manufacturer of fire protection systems, needed a piercing nozzle for larger aircraft, they were assisted by Kennedy Space Center who provided the company with a fire extinguisher with a hard pointed tip that had been developed in case of an orbiter crash landing. The nozzle can penetrate metal skins of aircraft, trains, etc. Feecon obtained a license and now markets its cobra ram piercing nozzle to airport firefighters. Its primary advantage is that the nozzle can be held in one spot during repeated blows of the ram. *This product has been discontinued and is no longer commercially available.

  10. [Our experience in the cases with penetrating colonic injuries].


    Kahya, Mehmet Cemal; Derici, Hayrullah; Cin, Necat; Tatar, Fatma; Peker, Yasin; Genç, Hüdai; Deniz, Vedat; Reyhan, Enver


    In this study, the factors that effect the morbidity and mortality in patients with penetrating colonic injuries were evaluated. Fourty-two patients (37 males, 5 females; mean age 30,1; range 14 to 63 years) with penetrating colonic trauma were evaluated according to age, gender, type of penetrating trauma, location and severity of the colonic injury, associated injury, interval between the trauma and the definitive operation, hemodynamic status, blood transfusion requirement, fecal contamination, surgical procedure, postoperative complication and mortality. Type of the penetrating trauma was stab injury in twenty-eight (67%) patients, and gunshot injury in fourteen (33%) patients. The mean Colon Injury Severity Score was 2,1. The mean Abdominal Trauma Index (ATI) was 17,2 and it was over than 25 in eight (19%) patients. The symptoms of shock were present in eleven (26%) patients at admission. Blood transfusions were applied in sixteen (38%) patients. In twenty-one patients intraabdominal bleeding was observed and it was more than 500 mL in eleven (26%) patients. Primary repair was performed in 36 (86%) of the 42 patients and colostomy was performed in six (14%) patients. Morbidity and mortality rates were 41% and 10% respectively. It was found that morbidity rates were increased in patients with ATI score higher than 25, and mortality rates were increased in patients presenting shock at admission, with the amount of intraabdominal blood more than 500 mL, and who needed three or more units of blood transfusion. The primary repair of the penetrating colon trauma can be performed confidently in the hemodynamically stable patients with ATI score less than 25.

  11. Topically applied hypericin exhibits skin penetrability on nude mice.


    Li, Zhuo-Heng; Li, Yuan-Yuan; Hou, Min; Yang, Tao; Lu, Lai-Chun; Xu, Xiao-Yu


    Hypericin, a powerful natural photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy (PDT), is suitable for treating skin diseases involving excess capillary proliferation. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the skin penetrability of topically applied hypericin, expecting a reduced risk of prolonged skin photosensitivity, which often occurs after systemic administration. Firstly, the Franz diffusion cell assays were performed to evaluate the penetration effects of different enhancers, including menthol, propylene glycol, camphanone, azone, and carbamide. In view of above evaluation results, we selected menthol as the enhancer in the subsequent in vivo studies. The setting groups were as follows: the blank control group, the light-exposure control group, the gel-base control group, the hypericin gel group, and a hypericin gel-containing menthol group. Except for the blank control, all other animals were irradiated by a LED light. Then, fluorescence microscopy was performed to examine the distribution of hypericin in the skin of nude mouse. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses were also carried out to detect pathological changes in the skin after topical hypericin-PDT treatment. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression change of PECAM-1. As shown in the results, menthol facilitated hypericin penetrate the skin of nude mice most. The results of in vivo assays revealed that hypericin penetrated nude mouse skin, spread to the dermis, and resulted in obvious photosensitivity reaction on the dermal capillaries. Moreover, skin injured by the photosensitive reaction induced by hypericin-PDT treatment was replaced by normal skin within 7 days. We concluded that topical applied hypericin could penetrate nude mouse skin well and has a great potential in PDT treatment of skin diseases.

  12. Epidemiology and outcome of penetrating injuries in a Western European urban region.


    Störmann, P; Gartner, K; Wyen, H; Lustenberger, T; Marzi, I; Wutzler, S


    Severe life-threatening injuries in Western Europe are mostly caused by blunt trauma. However, penetrating trauma might be more common in urban regions, but their characteristics have not been fully elucidated. Retrospective analysis of data from patients admitted to our urban university level I trauma center between 2008 and 2013 with suspicion of severe multiple injuries. Collection of data was performed prospectively using a PC-supported online documentation program including epidemiological, clinical and outcome parameters. Out of 2095 trauma room patients admitted over the 6-year time period 194 (9.3 %) suffered from penetrating trauma. The mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 12.3 ± 14.1 points. In 62.4 % (n = 121) the penetrating injuries were caused by interpersonal violence or attempted suicide, 98 of these by stabbing and 23 by firearms. We observed a widespread injury pattern where mainly head, thorax and abdomen were afflicted. Subgroup analysis for self-inflicted injuries showed higher ISS (19.8 ± 21.8 points) than for blunt trauma (15.5 ± 14.6 points). In 82.5 % of all penetrating trauma a surgical treatment was performed, 43.8 % of the patients received intensive care unit treatment with mean duration of 7.4 ± 9.3 days. Immediate emergency surgical treatment had to be performed in 8.0 vs. 2.3 % in blunt trauma (p < 0.001). Infectious complications of the penetrating wounds were observed in 7.8 %. Specific characteristics of penetrating trauma in urban regions can be identified. Compared to nationwide data, penetrating trauma was more frequent in our collective (9.3 vs. 5.0 %), which may be due to higher crime rates in urban areas. Especially, self-inflicted penetrating trauma often results in most severe injuries.

  13. Depth of penetration of a 785nm wavelength laser in food powders

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chao, Kuanglin; Dhakal, Sagar; Qin, Jianwei; Kim, Moon S.; Peng, Yankun; Schmidt, Walter F.


    Raman spectroscopy is a useful, rapid, and non-destructive method for both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of chemical composition. However it is important to measure the depth of penetration of the laser light to ensure that chemical particles at the very bottom of a sample volume is detected by Raman system. The aim of this study was to investigate the penetration depth of a 785nm laser (maximum power output 400mw) into three different food powders, namely dry milk powder, corn starch, and wheat flour. The food powders were layered in 5 depths between 1 and 5 mm overtop a Petri dish packed with melamine. Melamine was used as the subsurface reference material for measurement because melamine exhibits known and identifiable Raman spectral peaks. Analysis of the sample spectra for characteristics of melamine and characteristics of milk, starch and flour allowed determination of the effective penetration depth of the laser light in the samples. Three laser intensities (100, 200 and 300mw) were used to study the effect of laser intensity to depth of penetration. It was observed that 785nm laser source was able to easily penetrate through every point in all three food samples types at 1mm depth. However, the number of points that the laser could penetrate decreased with increasing depth of the food powder. ANOVA test was carried out to study the significant effect of laser intensity to depth of penetration. It was observed that laser intensity significantly influences the depth of penetration. The outcome of this study will be used in our next phase of study to detect different chemical contaminants in food powders and develop quantitative analysis models for detection of chemical contaminants.

  14. A drop penetration method to measure powder blend wettability.


    Wang, Yifan; Liu, Zhanjie; Muzzio, Fernando; Drazer, German; Callegari, Gerardo


    Water wettability of pharmaceutical blends affects important quality attributes of final products. We investigate the wetting properties of a pharmaceutical blend lubricated with Magnesium Stearate (MgSt) as a function of the mechanical shear strain applied to the blend. We measure the penetration dynamics of sessile drops deposited on slightly compressed powder beds. We consider a blend composed of 9% Acetaminophen 90% Lactose and 1% MgSt by weight. Comparing the penetration time of water and a reference liquid Polydimethylsiloxane (silicon oil) we obtain an effective cosine of the contact angle with water, based on a recently developed drop penetration method. We repeat the experiments for blends exposed to increasing levels of shear strain and demonstrate a significant decrease in water wettability (decrease in the cosine of the contact angle). The results are consistent with the development of a hydrophobic film coating the powder particles as a result of the increased shear strain. Finally, we show that, as expected dissolution times increase with the level of shear strain. Therefore, the proposed drop penetration method could be used to directly assess the state of lubrication of a pharmaceutical blend and act as a quality control on powder blend attributes before the blend is tableted. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Penetration of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in the skin: fiction or reality?


    Baroli, Biancamaria


    The advent of nanotechnological products in the market, while holding great promise, is raising concerns in consumers. Therefore, this contribution will attempt to compare different particulate formulations and to answer whether their passive penetration into, and potential permeation through the skin may be possible or not. To this end, skin structure, composition, and penetration paths will be concisely reviewed. Parameters generally cited to affect skin absorption will be resumed and commented on from the perspective of potentially penetrating nanosized agents. These sections will provide the basis to understand what is fiction and what is reality.

  16. Imaging assessment of penetrating injury of the neck and face.


    Offiah, Curtis; Hall, Edward


    Penetrating trauma of the neck and face is a frequent presentation to acute emergency, trauma and critical care units. There remains a steady incidence of both gunshot penetrating injury to the neck and face as well as non-missile penetrating injury-largely, but not solely, knife-related. Optimal imaging assessment of such injuries therefore remains an on-going requirement of the general and specialised radiologist. The anatomy of the neck and face-in particular, vascular, pharyngo-oesophageal, laryngo-tracheal and neural anatomy-demands a more specialised and selective management plan which incorporates specific imaging techniques. The current treatment protocol of injuries of the neck and face has seen a radical shift away from expectant surgical exploration in the management of such injuries, largely as a result of advances in the diagnostic capabilities of multi-detector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA), which is now the first-line imaging modality of choice in such cases. This review aims to highlight ballistic considerations, differing imaging modalities, including MDCTA, that might be utilised to assist in the accurate assessment of these injuries as well as the specific radiological features and patterns of specific organ-system injuries that should be considered and communicated to surgical and critical care teams. TEACHING POINTS : • MDCTA is the first-line imaging modality in penetrating trauma of the neck and, often, of the face • The inherent deformability of a bullet is a significant factor in its tissue-damaging capabilities • MDCTA can provide accurate assessment of visceral injury of the neck as well as vascular injury • Penetrating facial trauma warrants radiological assessment of key adjacent anatomical structures • In-driven fragments of native bone potentiate tissue damage in projectile penetrating facial trauma.

  17. Closed loop control of penetration depth during CO₂ laser lap welding processes.


    Sibillano, Teresa; Rizzi, Domenico; Mezzapesa, Francesco P; Lugarà, Pietro Mario; Konuk, Ali Riza; Aarts, Ronald; Veld, Bert Huis In 't; Ancona, Antonio


    In this paper we describe a novel spectroscopic closed loop control system capable of stabilizing the penetration depth during laser welding processes by controlling the laser power. Our novel approach is to analyze the optical emission from the laser generated plasma plume above the keyhole, to calculate its electron temperature as a process-monitoring signal. Laser power has been controlled by using a quantitative relationship between the penetration depth and the plasma electron temperature. The sensor is able to correlate in real time the difference between the measured electron temperature and its reference value for the requested penetration depth. Accordingly the closed loop system adjusts the power, thus maintaining the penetration depth.

  18. Nonallelic heterogeneity in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa with incomplete penetrance

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kim, S.K.; Berson, E.L.; Dryja, T.P.


    Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of retinal diseases in which photoreceptor cells throughout the retina degenerate. Although there is considerable genetic heterogeneity (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked forms exist), there is a possibility that some clinically defined subtypes of the disease may be the result of mutations at the same locus. One possible clinically defined subtype is that of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) with incomplete penetrance. Whereas in most families with ADRP, carriers can be clearly identified because of visual loss, ophthalmological findings, or abnormal electroretinograms (ERGs), in occasional families some obligate carriers are asymptomatic and have normalmore » or nearly normal ERGs even late in life. A recent paper reported the mapping of the diseases locus in one pedigree (designated adRP7) with ADRP with incomplete penetrance to chromosome 7p. To test the idea that ADRP with incomplete penetrance may be genetically homogeneous, we have evaluated whether a different family with incomplete penetrance also has a disease gene linked to the same region. 4 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab.« less

  19. The experimental and numerical investigation of pistol bullet penetrating soft tissue simulant.


    Wang, Yongjuan; Shi, Xiaoning; Chen, Aijun; Xu, Cheng


    Gelatin, a representative simulant for soft tissue of the human body, was used to study the effects of 9 mm pistol bullet's penetration. The behavior of a bullet penetrating gelatin was quantified by the temporary cavity sizes in ballistic gelatin and the pressure values of bullet's impact. A numerical simulation model of a bullet penetrating the soft tissue simulant gelatin was built using the finite element method (FEM). The model was validated by the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental results. During a bullet penetrating ballistic gelatin, four stages were clearly observed in both the experiment and the numerical simulation: a smooth attenuation stage, a rolling stage, a full penetration stage, and a stage of expansion and contraction. The cavity evolution, equivalent stress field and the strain field in gelatin were analyzed by numerical simulation. Moreover, the effects of the bullet's impact velocities and angles of incidence on the temporary cavity in gelatin, its velocity attenuation, and its rolling angle were investigated, as well as the bullet's resistance and energy variation. The physical process and the interactive mechanism during a pistol bullet penetrating gelatin were comprehensively revealed. This may be significant for research in wound ballistics. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Choriorétinite extensive bilatérale révélant une infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH)

    PubMed Central

    El Yamouni, Oubaida; Tzili, Nazih; El Hassan, Abdallah; Slassi, Nadia; El Khaoua, Mahfoud; Jebbar, Zakaria; Berraho, Amina


    Au cours de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine(VIH), Les atteintes oculaires sont polymorphes, pouvant compromettre le pronostic fonctionnel. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient présentant une choriorétinite infectieuse sévère révélant une infection par le VIH. Patient âgé de 35 ans avec antécédent de tuberculose pulmonaire en 2007, consulte pour BAV bilatérale progressive depuis 6 mois. Une acuité visuelle à compte les doigts au niveau de l'oeil droit et à mouvement des doigts au niveau de l'oeil gauche, avec présence de foyers choriorétiniens diffus visualisés au fond d'oeil et à l'angiographie. Les sérologies VIH, toxoplasmose et CMV sont positives. Le patient a été mis sous traitement anti-toxoplasmose (Sulfadiazine et pyriméthamine) et anti-CMV (Ganciclovir per os). L’évolution sous traitement a été marquée par une régression de la hyalite avec la persistance des foyers choriorétiniens évolutifs et une acuité visuelle réduite à perception lumineuse. PMID:25709723

  1. Campbell penetration depth in Fe-based superconductors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Prommapan, Plegchart

    A 'true' critical current density, j c, as opposite to commonly measured relaxed persistent (Bean) current, j B, was extracted from the Campbell penetration depth, Λ c(T,H) measured in single crystals of LiFeAs, and optimally electron-doped Ba(Fe 0.954Ni 0.046) 2As 2 (FeNi122). In LiFeAs, the effective pinning potential is nonparabolic, which follows from the magnetic field - dependent Labusch parameter α. At the equilibrium (upon field - cooling), α(H) is non-monotonic, but it is monotonic at a finite gradient of the vortex density. This behavior leads to a faster magnetic relaxation at the lower fields and provides a natural dynamicmore » explanation for the fishtail (second peak) effect. We also find the evidence for strong pinning at the lower fields.The inferred field dependence of the pinning potential is consistent with the evolution from strong pinning, through collective pinning, and eventually to a disordered vortex lattice. The value of jc(2 K) ≅ 1.22 x 10 6 A/cm 2 provide an upper estimate of the current carrying capability of LiFeAs. Overall, vortex behavior of almost isotropic, fully-gapped LiFeAs is very similar to highly anisotropic d-wave cuprate superconductors, the similarity that requires further studies in order to understand unconventional superconductivity in cuprates and pnictides. In addition to LiFeAs, we also report the magnetic penetration depth in BaFe 2As 2 based superconductors including irradiation of FeNi122. In unirradiated FeNi122, the maximum critical current value is, j c(2K) ≅ 3.3 x 10 6 A/cm 2. The magnetic-dependent feature was observed near the transition temperature in FeTe 0.53Se 0.47 and irradiated FeNi122. Because of this feature, further studies are required in order to properly calibrate the Campbell penetration depth. Finally, we detected the crossing between the magnetic penetration depth and London penetration depth in optimally hold-doped Ba 0.6K 0.4Fe 2As 2 (BaK122) and isovalent doped BaFe 2(As 0.7P 0

  2. Campbell penetration depth in iron-based superconductors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prommapan, Plengchart


    A "true" critical current density, jc, as opposite to commonly measured relaxed persistent (Bean) current, jB, was extracted from the Campbell penetration depth, lambda C(T, H) measured in single crystals of LiFeAs, and optimally electron-doped Ba (Fe0.954Ni 0.046)2As2 (FeNi122). In LiFeAs, the effective pinning potential is non-parabolic, which follows from the magnetic field - dependent Labusch parameter alpha. At the equilibrium (upon field - cooling), alpha( H) is non-monotonic, but it is monotonic at a finite gradient of the vortex density. This behavior leads to a faster magnetic relaxation at the lower fields and provides a natural dynamic explanation for the fishtail (second peak) effect. We also find the evidence for strong pinning at the lower fields.The inferred field dependence of the pinning potential is consistent with the evolution from strong pinning, through collective pinning, and eventually to a disordered vortex lattice. The value of j c (2 K) ≃ 1:22 x106 A/cm² provide an upper estimate of the current carrying capability of LiFeAs. Overall, vortex behavior of almost isotropic, fully-gapped LiFeAs is very similar to highly anisotropic d-wave cuprate superconductors, the similarity that requires further studies in order to understand unconventional superconductivity in cuprates and pnictides. In addition to LiFeAs, we also report the magnetic penetration depth in BaFe2As2 based superconductors including irradiation of FeNi122. In unirradiated FeNi122, the maximum critical current value is, jc(2 K) ≃ 3.3 x 106 A/cm². The magnetic-dependent feature was observed near the transition temperature in FeTe0.53Se0.47 and irradiated FeNi122. Because of this feature, further studies are required in order to properly calibrate the Campbell penetration depth. Finally, we detected the crossing between the magnetic penetration depth and London penetration depth in optimally hold-doped Ba0.6K 0.4Fe2As2 (BaK122) and isovalent doped BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 (BaP122

  3. Root anatomical phenes predict root penetration ability and biomechanical properties in maize (Zea Mays)

    PubMed Central

    Chimungu, Joseph G.; Loades, Kenneth W.; Lynch, Jonathan P.


    The ability of roots to penetrate hard soil is important for crop productivity but specific root phenes contributing to this ability are poorly understood. Root penetrability and biomechanical properties are likely to vary in the root system dependent on anatomical structure. No information is available to date on the influence of root anatomical phenes on root penetrability and biomechanics. Root penetration ability was evaluated using a wax layer system. Root tensile and bending strength were evaluated in plant roots grown in the greenhouse and in the field. Root anatomical phenes were found to be better predictors of root penetrability than root diameter per se and associated with smaller distal cortical region cell size. Smaller outer cortical region cells play an important role in stabilizing the root against ovalization and reducing the risk of local buckling and collapse during penetration, thereby increasing root penetration of hard layers. The use of stele diameter was found to be a better predictor of root tensile strength than root diameter. Cortical thickness, cortical cell count, cortical cell wall area and distal cortical cell size were stronger predictors of root bend strength than root diameter. Our results indicate that root anatomical phenes are important predictors for root penetrability of high-strength layers and root biomechanical properties. PMID:25903914

  4. Impulsive penetration : a viable mechanism for plasma entry across the magnetopause ?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Keyser, Johan; Echim, Marius; Darrouzet, Fabien; Gunell, Herbert

    Density inhomogeneities in the solar wind may cross the bow shock, and retain an excess earthward momentum in the magnetosheath upon approaching the magnetopause. Also, the bow shock dynamics as well as the behaviour of the magnetopause itself may introduce spatial inhomogeneities in the magnetosheath density and/or flow. Plasma entities with excess momentum may penetrate across the magnetopause, by the impulsive penetration mechanism. This plasma entry mechanism requires the existence of a polarization electric field in the moving blob, that is sustained by charge separation layers in the interfaces at the flanks of the blob. Both direct observation and simulation of plasma entry across the magnetopause following the impulsive penetration mechanism are hard. It is difficult to prove that observed plasma entry is really due to the impulsive penetration mechanism since the required charge separation layers or the resulting polarization electric field are hard to measure directly. Simply assessing the geometry is not easy, although multi-spacecraft missions like Cluster have resolved many of the ambiguities inherent in single-spacecraft measurements. Impulsive penetration is difficult to simulate as it operates on the fluid, the ion, and the electron scales simultaneously. It requires not only a high spatial resolution, but also a high precision to properly represent the charge imbalance in the flank interfaces. We have modelled impulsive penetration with a kinetic model, by simplifying the problem. The fully kinetic model is 3-dimensional in velocity space, but we consider spatial structure only along a single spatial dimension, namely the coordinate transverse to the blob’s direction of motion. We thereby assume that the blob is elongated both along the magnetic field and in the direction of motion. The model is semi-analytic and is able to represent the charge imbalance in the blob edges very well. In a second modelling step, we consider a slow, quasi

  5. Effects of egg shell quality and washing on Salmonella Infantis penetration.


    Samiullah; Chousalkar, K K; Roberts, J R; Sexton, M; May, D; Kiermeier, A


    The vast majority of eggs in Australia are washed prior to packing to remove dirt and fecal material and to reduce the microbial contamination of the egg shell. The egg contents can be an ideal growth medium for microorganisms which can result in human illness if eggs are stored improperly and eaten raw or undercooked, and it is estimated that egg-related salmonellosis is costing Australia $44 million per year. Egg shell characteristics such as shell thickness, amount of cuticle present, and thickness of individual egg shell layers can affect the ease with which bacteria can penetrate the egg shell and washing could partially or completely remove the cuticle layer. The current study was conducted to investigate the effects of egg washing on cuticle cover and effects of egg shell quality and cuticle cover on Salmonella Infantis penetration of the egg shell. A higher incidence of unfavorable ultrastructural variables of the mammillary layer such as late fusion, type B bodies, type A bodies, poor cap quality, alignment, depression, erosion and cubics were recorded in Salmonella penetrated areas of egg shells. The influence of egg washing on the ability of Salmonella Infantis on the egg shell surface to enter the egg internal contents was also investigated using culture-based agar egg penetration and real-time qPCR based experiments. The results from the current study indicate that washing affected cuticle cover. There were no significant differences in Salmonella Infantis penetration of washed or unwashed eggs. Egg shell translucency may have effects on Salmonella Infantis penetration of the egg shell. The qPCR assay was more sensitive for detection of Salmonella Infantis from egg shell wash and internal contents than traditional microbiological methods. The agar egg and whole egg inoculation experiments indicated that Salmonella Infantis penetrated the egg shells. Egg washing not only can be highly effective at removing Salmonella Infantis from the egg shell surface

  6. Penetration Mechanics of Composites

    DTIC Science & Technology


    distribution for tensile strength of hollow virgin filaments, based on 128 tests (source: Owens / Corning Fiberglas Corp). 14 1.2 Schematic of split Hopkinson...These were supplied by Owens / Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Granville, Ohio in two forms: 463AA750 (750 yd/lb) roving tow and G150 (1500 yd/lb...penetration of 12.7-mm thick (25-ply) GRP. Targets were fabricated by Owens Corning Fiberglas (OCF) by a licensed process designated HJ1. This complies

  7. Le stress perçu: validation de la traduction d'une échelle de mesure de stress en dialecte marocain

    PubMed Central

    Loubir, Dalal Ben; Serhier, Zeineb; Otmani, Nada; Housbane, Samy; Mouddene, Naima Ait; Agoub, Mohamed; Othmani, Mohammed Bennani


    Introduction L'article a pour objectif de valider la traduction en dialecte arabe Marocain, de l’échelle du stress perçu « Perceived Stress Scale » chez un large échantillon de la population marocaine. Méthodes Une méthode de traduction et contre traduction en dialecte Marocain a été réalisée pour l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » à 10 items. Une étude de type transversale, a été menée par la suite en suivant un échantillonnage par quotas qui a ciblé les individus âgés de plus de 18 ans et appartenant à différentes catégories sociales. Les participants ont répondus aux versions marocaines de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » et d'une version réduite de l’échelle « The Survey of Recent Life Experience ». La validation des qualités métrologiques a été établie en examinant: la fiabilité interne, la fiabilité test-retest, la validité convergente et la structure factorielle. Résultats Cinq cent trente-cinq participants ont répondu aux questionnaires. La version marocaine de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » a présenté une bonne fiabilité interne (α = 0,80) et fiabilité test-retest (CCI= 0,87). D'autant plus, l'analyse en composante principale de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » a permis d'extraire deux facteurs qui ont permis d'expliquer 53,4% de la variance totale. Les deux échelles utilisées étaient assez bien corrélées (r = 0,467, p < 0,01). Conclusion La présente étude a permis d'obtenir une version marocaine de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » avec des propriétés psychométriques satisfaisantes, dont l'utilisation sera d'une grande aide dans la pratique médicale, aussi bien que dans la réalisation des études de recherche qui s'intéressent au stress psychologique. PMID:26587130

  8. Correlated matrix-fluctuation-mediated activated transport of dilute penetrants in glass-forming liquids and suspensions

    PubMed Central

    Schweizer, Kenneth S.


    We formulate a microscopic, force-level statistical mechanical theory for the activated diffusion of dilute penetrants in dense liquids, colloidal suspensions, and glasses. The approach explicitly and self-consistently accounts for coupling between penetrant hopping and matrix dynamic displacements that actively facilitate the hopping event. The key new ideas involve two mechanistically (at a stochastic trajectory level) coupled dynamic free energy functions for the matrix and spherical penetrant particles. A single dynamic coupling parameter quantifies how much the matrix displaces relative to the penetrant when the latter reaches its transition state which is determined via the enforcement of a temporal causality or coincidence condition. The theory is implemented for dilute penetrants smaller than the matrix particles, with or without penetrant-matrix attractive forces. Model calculations reveal a rich dependence of the penetrant diffusion constant and degree of dynamic coupling on size ratio, volume fraction, and attraction strength. In the absence of attractions, a near exponential decrease of penetrant diffusivity with size ratio over an intermediate range is predicted, in contrast to the much steeper, non-exponential variation if one assumes local matrix dynamical fluctuations are not correlated with penetrant motion. For sticky penetrants, the relative and absolute influence of caging versus physical bond formation is studied. The conditions for a dynamic crossover from the case where a time scale separation between penetrant and matrix activated hopping exists to a “slaved” or “constraint release” fully coupled regime are determined. The particle mixture model is mapped to treat experimental thermal systems and applied to make predictions for the diffusivity of water, toluene, methanol, and oxygen in polyvinylacetate liquids and glasses. The theory agrees well with experiment with values of the penetrant-matrix size ratio close to their chemically

  9. Correlated matrix-fluctuation-mediated activated transport of dilute penetrants in glass-forming liquids and suspensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Rui; Schweizer, Kenneth S.


    We formulate a microscopic, force-level statistical mechanical theory for the activated diffusion of dilute penetrants in dense liquids, colloidal suspensions, and glasses. The approach explicitly and self-consistently accounts for coupling between penetrant hopping and matrix dynamic displacements that actively facilitate the hopping event. The key new ideas involve two mechanistically (at a stochastic trajectory level) coupled dynamic free energy functions for the matrix and spherical penetrant particles. A single dynamic coupling parameter quantifies how much the matrix displaces relative to the penetrant when the latter reaches its transition state which is determined via the enforcement of a temporal causality or coincidence condition. The theory is implemented for dilute penetrants smaller than the matrix particles, with or without penetrant-matrix attractive forces. Model calculations reveal a rich dependence of the penetrant diffusion constant and degree of dynamic coupling on size ratio, volume fraction, and attraction strength. In the absence of attractions, a near exponential decrease of penetrant diffusivity with size ratio over an intermediate range is predicted, in contrast to the much steeper, non-exponential variation if one assumes local matrix dynamical fluctuations are not correlated with penetrant motion. For sticky penetrants, the relative and absolute influence of caging versus physical bond formation is studied. The conditions for a dynamic crossover from the case where a time scale separation between penetrant and matrix activated hopping exists to a "slaved" or "constraint release" fully coupled regime are determined. The particle mixture model is mapped to treat experimental thermal systems and applied to make predictions for the diffusivity of water, toluene, methanol, and oxygen in polyvinylacetate liquids and glasses. The theory agrees well with experiment with values of the penetrant-matrix size ratio close to their chemically

  10. Ulcérations buccales et péri-anales: un mode de révélation inhabituel d'une granulomatose avec polyangéite - à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Jaafoura, Neirouz Ghannouchi; Thaljaoui, Wathek; Atig, Amira; Bouker, Ahmed; Khalifa, Mabrouk; Bahri, Fathi


    La granulomatose avec polyangéite, est une vascularite systémique rare qui touche avec prédilection les voies aériennes supérieures, les poumons et les reins. L'atteinte cutanéo-muqueuse ainsi que l'atteinte digestive ne sont pas inhabituelles mais elles sont rarement inaugurales de la maladie. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une femme âgée de 57 ans, ayant une granulomatose avec polyangéite multi-systémique avec comme premières manifestations une atteinte cutanéo-muqueuse à type de nécrose de la langue et d'ulcérations péri-anales ainsi que des rectorragies. La présence de signes radiologiques orientant vers une hémmorragie intra-alvéolaire, l'atteinte rénale, l'atteinte neurologique périphérique ainsi que la positivité des C-ANCA de type anti-PR3 ont permis de rattacher les manifestations dermatologiques à cette vascularite. Des manifestations cutanéo-muqueuses atypiques, au cours d'une granulomateuse avec polyangéite, doivent être connues par le clinicien pour un diagnostic et une prise en charge adéquate. PMID:25404981

  11. Predicting the Consequences of MMOD Penetrations on the International Space Station

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hyde, James; Christiansen, E.; Lear, D.; Evans


    The threat from micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) impacts on space vehicles is often quantified in terms of the probability of no penetration (PNP). However, for large spacecraft, especially those with multiple compartments, a penetration may have a number of possible outcomes. The extent of the damage (diameter of hole, crack length or penetration depth), the location of the damage relative to critical equipment or crew, crew response, and even the time of day of the penetration are among the many factors that can affect the outcome. For the International Space Station (ISS), a Monte-Carlo style software code called Manned Spacecraft Crew Survivability (MSCSurv) is used to predict the probability of several outcomes of an MMOD penetration-broadly classified as loss of crew (LOC), crew evacuation (Evac), loss of escape vehicle (LEV), and nominal end of mission (NEOM). By generating large numbers of MMOD impacts (typically in the billions) and tracking the consequences, MSCSurv allows for the inclusion of a large number of parameters and models as well as enabling the consideration of uncertainties in the models and parameters. MSCSurv builds upon the results from NASA's Bumper software (which provides the probability of penetration and critical input data to MSCSurv) to allow analysts to estimate the probability of LOC, Evac, LEV, and NEOM. This paper briefly describes the overall methodology used by NASA to quantify LOC, Evac, LEV, and NEOM with particular emphasis on describing in broad terms how MSCSurv works and its capabilities and most significant models.

  12. Penetration experiments in aluminum 1100 targets using soda-lime glass projectiles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Horz, Friedrich; Cintala, Mark J.; Bernhard, Ronald P.; Cardenas, Frank; Davidson, William E.; Haynes, Gerald; See, Thomas H.; Winkler, Jerry L.


    The cratering and penetration behavior of annealed aluminum 1100 targets, with thickness varied from several centimeters to ultra-thin foils less than 1 micrometer thick, were experimentally investigated using 3.2 mm diameter spherical soda-lime glass projectiles at velocities from 1 to 7 km/s. The objective was to establish quantitative, dimensional relationships between initial impact conditions (impact velocity, projectile diameter, and target thickness) and the diameter of the resulting crater or penetration hole. Such dimensional relationships and calibration experiments are needed to extract the diameters and fluxes of hypervelocity particles from space-exposed surfaces and to predict the performance of certain collisional shields. The cratering behavior of aluminum 1100 is fairly well predicted. However, crater depth is modestly deeper for our silicate impactors than the canonical value based on aluminum projectiles and aluminum 6061-T6 targets. The ballistic-limit thickness was also different. These differences attest to the great sensitivity of detailed crater geometry and penetration behavior on the physical properties of both the target and impactor. Each penetration experiment was equipped with a witness plate to monitor the nature of the debris plume emanating from the rear of the target. This plume consists of both projectile fragments and target debris. Both penetration hole and witness-plate spray patterns systematically evolve in response to projectile diameter/target thickness. The relative dimensions of the projectile and target totally dominate the experimental products documented in this report; impact velocity is an important contributor as well to the evolution of penetration holes, but is of subordinate significance for the witness-plate spray patterns.

  13. Analytical review of 664 cases of penetrating buttock trauma

    PubMed Central


    A comprehensive review of data has not yet been provided as penetrating injury to the buttock is not a common condition accounting for 2-3% of all penetrating injuries. The aim of the study is to provide the as yet lacking analytical review of the literature on penetrating trauma to the buttock, with appraisal of characteristics, features, outcomes, and patterns of major injuries. Based on these results we will provide an algorithm. Using a set of terms we searched the databases Pub Med, EMBASE, Cochran, and CINAHL for articles published in English between 1970 and 2010. We analysed cumulative data from prospective and retrospective studies, and case reports. The literature search revealed 36 relevant articles containing data on 664 patients. There was no grade A evidence found. The injury population mostly consists of young males (95.4%) with a high proportion missile injury (75.9%). Bleeding was found to be the key problem which mostly occurs from internal injury and results in shock in 10%. Overall mortality is 2.9% with significant adverse impact of visceral or vascular injury and shock (P < 0.001). The major injury pattern significantly varies between shot and stab injury with small bowel, colon, or rectum injuries leading in shot wounds, whilst vascular injury leads in stab wounds (P < 0.01). Laparotomy was required in 26.9% of patients. Wound infection, sepsis or multiorgan failure, small bowel fistula, ileus, rebleeding, focal neurologic deficit, and urinary tract infection were the most common complications. Sharp differences in injury pattern endorse an algorithm for differential therapy of penetrating buttock trauma. In conclusion, penetrating buttock trauma should be regarded as a life-threatening injury with impact beyond the pelvis until proven otherwise. PMID:21995834

  14. Agreement Between Local and Global Measurements of the London Penetration Depth

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lippman, Thomas M.; Kalisky, Beena; Kim, Hyunsoo

    Recent measurements of the superconducting penetration depth in Ba(Fe{sub 1-x}Co{sub x}){sub 2}As{sub 2} appeared to disagree on the magnitude and curvature of {delta}{lambda}{sub ab}(T), even near optimal doping. These measurements were carried out on different samples grown by different groups. To understand the discrepancy, we use scanning SQUID susceptometry and a tunnel diode resonator to measure the penetration depth in a single sample. The penetration depth observed by the two techniques is identical with no adjustments. We conclude that any discrepancies arise from differences between samples, either in growth or crystal preparation.

  15. Brain-penetrating 2-aminobenzimidazole H(1)-antihistamines for the treatment of insomnia.


    Coon, Timothy; Moree, Wilna J; Li, Binfeng; Yu, Jinghua; Zamani-Kord, Said; Malany, Siobhan; Santos, Mark A; Hernandez, Lisa M; Petroski, Robert E; Sun, Aixia; Wen, Jenny; Sullivan, Sue; Haelewyn, Jason; Hedrick, Michael; Hoare, Samuel J; Bradbury, Margaret J; Crowe, Paul D; Beaton, Graham


    The benzimidazole core of the selective non-brain-penetrating H(1)-antihistamine mizolastine was used to identify a series of brain-penetrating H(1)-antihistamines for the potential treatment of insomnia. Using cassette PK studies, brain-penetrating H(1)-antihistamines were identified and in vivo efficacy was demonstrated in a rat EEG/EMG model. Further optimization focused on strategies to attenuate an identified hERG liability, leading to the discovery of 4i with a promising in vitro profile.

  16. Contact Dermatitis from Penetration of Rubber Gloves by Acrylic Monomer

    PubMed Central

    Pegum, J. S.; Medhurst, F. A.


    An orthopaedic surgeon developed dermatitis from acrylic materials. The acrylic monomer was found to penetrate surgical rubber gloves readily. Cases of “rubber glove dermatitis” with negative patch tests may have a similar explanation. Laboratory tests suggest that monomer does not damage rubber sufficiently to allow bacteria to penetrate gloves, but it remains possible that this would happen under theatre conditions. PMID:5581492

  17. Confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate nanoparticles' human skin penetration in vitro.


    Zou, Ying; Celli, Anna; Zhu, Hanjiang; Elmahdy, Akram; Cao, Yachao; Hui, Xiaoying; Maibach, Howard


    With rapid development of nanotechnology, there is increasing interest in nanoparticle (NP) application and its safety and efficacy on human skin. In this study, we utilized confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate NP skin penetration. Three different-sized polystyrene NPs marked with red fluorescence were applied to human skin, and Calcium Green 5N was used as a counterstain. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethanol were used as alternative vehicles for NPs. Tape stripping was utilized as a barrier-damaged skin model. Skin biopsies dosed with NPs were incubated at 4°C or 37°C for 24 hours and imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy. NPs were localized in the stratum corneum (SC) and hair follicles without penetrating the epidermis/dermis. Barrier alteration with tape stripping and change in incubation temperature did not induce deeper penetration. DMSO enhanced NP SC penetration but ethanol did not. Except with DMSO vehicle, these hydrolyzed polystyrene NPs did not penetrate intact or barrier-damaged human "viable" epidermis. For further clinical relevance, in vivo human skin studies and more sensitive analytic chemical methodology are suggested.

  18. Partial liquid-penetration inside a deep trench by film flowing over it

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nguyen, Phuc-Khanh; Dimakopoulos, Yiannis; Tsamopoulos, John


    Liquid film flow along substrates featuring a deep trench may not wet the trench floor, but create a second gas-liquid interface inside the trench. The liquid penetration inside the trench depends on the location and shape of this inner interface. The penetration increases by decreasing the two three-phase contact lines between the inner interface and the two side-walls or the flow rate and depends on the liquid properties. This partial-penetration is studied by employing the Galerkin / finite element method to solve the two-dimensional steady-state Navier-Stokes equations in a physical domain that is adaptively remeshed. Multiple branches of steady solutions connected via turning points are revealed by pseudo arc-length continuation. Flow hysteresis may occur in a certain range of liquid penetration depth, when the interaction of the two interfaces changes qualitatively. This induces an abrupt jump of penetration distance and deformation amplitude of the outer interface. Work supported by the General Secretariat of Research & Technology of Greece through the program ``Excellence'' (Grant No. 1918) in the framework ``Education and Lifelong Learning'' co-funded by the ESF.

  19. Are high penetrations of commercial cogeneration good for society?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Keen, Jeremy F.; Apt, Jay


    Low natural gas prices, market reports and evidence from New York State suggest that the number of commercial combined heat and power (CHP) installations in the United States will increase by 2%-9% annually over the next decade. We investigate how increasing commercial CHP penetrations may affect net emissions, the distribution network, and total system energy costs. We constructed an integrated planning and operations model that maximizes owner profit through sizing and operation of CHP on a realistic distribution feeder in New York. We find that a greater penetration of CHP reduces both total system energy costs and network congestion. Commercial buildings often have low and inconsistent heat loads, which can cause low fuel utilization efficiencies, low CHP rates-of-return and diminishing avoided emissions as CHP penetration increases. In the northeast, without policy intervention, a 5% penetration of small commercially owned CHP would increase CO2 emissions by 2% relative to the bulk power grid. Low emission CHP installations can be encouraged with incentives that promote CHP operation only during times of high heat loads. Time-varying rates, such as time-of-day and seasonal rates, are one option and were shown to reduce customer emissions without reducing profits. In contrast, natural gas rate discounts, a common incentive for industrial CHP in some states, can encourage CHP operation during low heat loads and thus increase emissions.

  20. Near infrared laser penetration and absorption in human skin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nasouri, Babak; Murphy, Thomas E.; Berberoglu, Halil


    For understanding the mechanisms of low level laser/light therapy (LLLT), accurate knowledge of light interaction with tissue is necessary. In this paper, we present a three dimensional, multi-layer Monte Carlo simulation tool for studying light penetration and absorption in human skin. The skin is modeled as a three-layer participating medium, namely epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous, where its geometrical and optical properties are obtained from the literature. Both refraction and reflection are taken into account at the boundaries according to Snell's law and Fresnel relations. A forward Monte Carlo method was implemented and validated for accurately simulating light penetration and absorption in absorbing and anisotropically scattering media. Local profiles of light penetration and volumetric absorption densities were simulated for uniform as well as Gaussian profile beams with different spreads at 155 mW average power over the spectral range from 1000 nm to 1900 nm. The results show the effects of beam profiles and wavelength on the local fluence within each skin layer. Particularly, the results identify different wavelength bands for targeted deposition of power in different skin layers. Finally, we show that light penetration scales well with the transport optical thickness of skin. We expect that this tool along with the results presented will aid researchers resolve issues related to dose and targeted delivery of energy in tissues for LLLT.

  1. Factors affecting flood insurance penetration in residential properties in Johor Malaysia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Godwin Aliagha, U.; Ewe Jin, T.; Weng Choong, W.; Nadzri Jaafar, M.


    High impact flood has virtually become an annual experience in Malaysia, yet flood insurance has remained a grossly neglected part of comprehensive integrated flood risk management. Using discriminant analysis, this study seeks to indentify the demand-side variables that best predict flood insurance penetration and risk aversion between two groups of residential homeowners in three districts of Johor State, Malaysia: those who purchased flood insurance and the group that did not. Our result revealed 34% penetration rate with Kota Tinggi district having the highest penetration (44%) and thus, the highest degree of flood risk aversion. The Wilks' Lambda F test for equality of group means, SCDFC, structure correlation and canonical correlation have clearly shown that there are strong significant attribute differences between the two groups of homeowners based on measures of objective flood risk exposure, subjective risk perception, and socio-economic cum demographic variables. However, measures of subjective risk perception were found more predictive of flood insurance penetration and flood risk aversion.

  2. Le dermatofibrosarcome de Darier et Ferrand, une tumeur cutanée particulière: à propos de 32 cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Elamrani, Driss; Droussi, Hatim; Boukind, Samira; Elatiqi, Keltoum; Dlimi, Meriem; Benchamkha, Yassine; Ettalbi, Saloua


    Le dermatofibrosarcome (DFS) est une tumeur fibreuse de la peau, de croissance lente, à très haut risque de récidive locale, mais à potentiel métastatique faible. A partir d'une étude rétrospective étalée sur une période de 5 ans (décembre 2008 - décembre 2013), nous avons analysé les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques, le délai de diagnostic, le type de thérapeutique et le devenir de 32 patients présentant des tumeurs de Darier et Ferrand histologiquement prouvées. Parmi les 32 patients, 10 se sont présentés initialement au service pour une récidive tumorale. Une discrète prédominance masculine a été notée. Les DFS touchent préférentiellement l'adulte jeune. Le délai diagnostique observé est en moyenne de 4 ans. Le tronc est la localisation préférentielle (60%), suivi par les extrémités proximales (30%). Les 32 patients ont été traités par exérèse chirurgicale avec une marge de 5cm en surface, emportant en profondeur une barrière anatomique saine. La couverture de la perte de substance (PDS) a été réalisée après confirmation anatomopathologique du caractère carcinologique de l'exérèse, et a fait appel à différents moyens allant de la greffe cutanée aux lambeaux musculo –cutanés libres. L’évolution a été marquée par la survenue d'une récidive tumorale chez 8 patients (3 cas parmi les tumeurs vues en première intention et 5 cas parmi les tumeurs vues en récidive) et les résultats ont été jugés satisfaisants sur le plan esthétique et fonctionnel. Le DFS de Darier et Ferrand est une tumeur dont le pronostic et le risque évolutif sont principalement liés au délai diagnostic et la qualité de la première exérèse. Le diagnostic tardif, rend difficile la chirurgie d'exérèse et de reconstruction Les possibilités de guérison en cas de chirurgie primaire bien conduite sont significativement supérieures à celles d'une chirurgie de rattrapage. L'amélioration du pronostic passe par

  3. Box simulations of rotating magnetoconvection. Effects of penetration and turbulent pumping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ziegler, U.; Rüdiger, G.


    Various effects of penetration in rotating magnetoconvection are studied by means of three-dimensional numerical simulations employing the code NIRVANA. A local, 2-layer model is applied dividing the computational domain (which is a rectangular box placed tangentially on a sphere at latitude 45deg) in an unstable polytropic region on top of a stable polytropic region. Different realizations of convection are examined parameterized by Taylor numbers Ta=0,6 x 104, 6x 105 and magnetic field strengths β = 5,50,500,5000,infty . We find a rather distinctive behavior of the penetration depth Delta on the system parameters (Ta,β). In non-rotating convection Delta is a monotonically decreasing function of β-1 which is due to magnetic quenching effects. Also, penetration is subject to rotational quenching, i.e. Delta is reduced for increasing rotation rate. In the intermediate regime of (Ta,β), the effects of rotation and magnetic field on Delta do not simply add (see Fig. 3). We find, nevertheless, a very strong reduction of the penetration depth of overshooting turbulence by both rotation and magnetism. Penetrative convection is closely associated with the mixing of a passive scalar quantity advected with the flow. In the long term, the tracer material penetrates significantly deeper into the stable layer than suggested by Delta which is due to the cumulative effect of isolated, fast-moving plumes. In case of a weak magnetic field, penetrative convection also serves to ensure a downward transport of magnetic flux by turbulent pumping with an average rate gammaz ~ -7x 10-3 measured in units of the sound speed at the top z-boundary. For larger magnetic fields the pumping effect is quenched and even changes sign in the convection zone. This effect is suggested as being due to the effect of ``turbulent buoyancy'' which in density-stratified media transports a given magnetic field upwards if it is not too strong (Kichatinov & Rüdiger \\cite{Kichatinov92}).

  4. Prediction of Weld Penetration in FCAW of HSLA steel using Artificial Neural Networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Asl, Y. Dadgar; Mostafa, N. B.; Panahizadeh R., V.; Seyedkashi, S. M. H.


    Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) is a semiautomatic or automatic arc welding process that requires a continuously-fed consumable tubular electrode containing a flux. The main FCAW process parameters affecting the depth of penetration are welding current, arc voltage, nozzle-to-work distance, torch angle and welding speed. Shallow depth of penetration may contribute to failure of a welded structure since penetration determines the stress-carrying capacity of a welded joint. To avoid such occurrences; the welding process parameters influencing the weld penetration must be properly selected to obtain an acceptable weld penetration and hence a high quality joint. Artificial neural networks (ANN), also called neural networks (NN), are computational models used to express complex non-linear relationships between input and output data. In this paper, artificial neural network (ANN) method is used to predict the effects of welding current, arc voltage, nozzle-to-work distance, torch angle and welding speed on weld penetration depth in gas shielded FCAW of a grade of high strength low alloy steel. 32 experimental runs were carried out using the bead-on-plate welding technique. Weld penetrations were measured and on the basis of these 32 sets of experimental data, a feed-forward back-propagation neural network was created. 28 sets of the experiments were used as the training data and the remaining 4 sets were used for the testing phase of the network. The ANN has one hidden layer with eight neurons and is trained after 840 iterations. The comparison between the experimental results and ANN results showed that the trained network could predict the effects of the FCAW process parameters on weld penetration adequately.

  5. Solar energy market penetration models - Science or number mysticism

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Warren, E. H., Jr.


    The forecast market potential of a solar technology is an important factor determining its R&D funding. Since solar energy market penetration models are the method used to forecast market potential, they have a pivotal role in a solar technology's development. This paper critiques the applicability of the most common solar energy market penetration models. It is argued that the assumptions underlying the foundations of rigorously developed models, or the absence of a reasonable foundation for the remaining models, restrict their applicability.

  6. An Experimental Model for Market Penetration.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caren, William L.


    A plan for college market penetration that has been successful in increasing the applicant pool for one institution is outlined and discussed. It includes development of performance objectives, a schedule, a promotional plan, market survey, and promotional activities including alumni, media, and other community resources. (MSE)

  7. Heat Loads Due to Small Penetrations in Multilayer Insulation Blankets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Johnson, W. L.; Heckle, K. W.; Fesmire, J. E.


    The main penetrations (supports and piping) through multilayer insulation systems for cryogenic tanks have been previously addressed by heat flow measurements. Smaller penetrations due to fasteners and attachments are now experimentally investigated. The use of small pins or plastic garment tag fasteners to each the handling and construction of multilayer insulation (MLI) blankets goes back many years. While it has long been understood that penetrations and other discontinuities degrade the performance of the MLI blanket, quantification of this degradation has generally been lumped into gross performance multipliers (often called degradation factors or scale factors). Small penetrations contribute both solid conduction and radiation heat transfer paths through the blanket. The conduction is down the stem of the structural element itself while the radiation is through the hole formed during installation of the pin or fastener. Analytical models were developed in conjunction with MLI perforation theory and Fouriers Law. Results of the analytical models are compared to experimental testing performed on a 10 layer MLI blanket with approximately 50 small plastic pins penetrating the test specimen. The pins were installed at 76-mm spacing inches in both directions to minimize the compounding of thermal effects due to localized compression or lateral heat transfer. The testing was performed using a liquid nitrogen boil-off calorimeter (Cryostat-100) with the standard boundary temperatures of 293 K and 78 K. Results show that the added radiation through the holes is much more significant than the conduction down the fastener. The results are shown to be in agreement with radiation theory for perforated films.

  8. Heat Loads Due To Small Penetrations In Multilayer Insulation Blankets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johnson, W. L.; Heckle, K. W.; E Fesmire, J.


    The main penetrations (supports and piping) through multilayer insulation systems for cryogenic tanks have been previously addressed by heat flow measurements. Smaller penetrations due to fasteners and attachments are now experimentally investigated. The use of small pins or plastic garment tag fasteners to ease the handling and construction of multilayer insulation (MLI) blankets goes back many years. While it has long been understood that penetrations and other discontinuities degrade the performance of the MLI blanket, quantification of this degradation has generally been lumped into gross performance multipliers (often called degradation factors or scale factors). Small penetrations contribute both solid conduction and radiation heat transfer paths through the blanket. The conduction is down the stem of the structural element itself while the radiation is through the hole formed during installation of the pin or fastener. Analytical models were developed in conjunction with MLI perforation theory and Fourier’s Law. Results of the analytical models are compared to experimental testing performed on a 10 layer MLI blanket with approximately 50 small plastic pins penetrating the test specimen. The pins were installed at ∼76-mm spacing inches in both directions to minimize the compounding of thermal effects due to localized compression or lateral heat transfer. The testing was performed using a liquid nitrogen boil-off calorimeter (Cryostat-100) with the standard boundary temperatures of 293 K and 78 K. Results show that the added radiation through the holes is much more significant than the conduction down the fastener. The results are shown to be in agreement with radiation theory for perforated films.

  9. Penetrator Coring Apparatus for Cometary Surfaces

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Braun, David F.; Heinrich, Michael; Ai, Huirong Anita; Ahrens, Thomas J.


    Touch and go impact coring is an attractive technique for sampling cometary nuclei and asteroidal surface on account of the uncertain strength properties and low surface gravities of these objects. Initial coring experiments in low temperature (approx. 153K polycrystalline ice) and porous rock demonstrate that simultaneous with impact coring, measurements of both the penetration strength and constraints on the frictional properties of surface materials can be obtained upon core penetration and core sample extraction. The method of sampling an asteroid, to be deployed, on the now launched MUSES-C mission, employs a small gun device that fires into the asteroid and the resulted impact ejecta is collected for return to Earth. This technique is well suited for initial sampling in a very low gravity environment and deployment depends little on asteroid surface mechanical properties. Since both asteroids and comets are believed to have altered surface properties a simple sampling apparatus that preserves stratigraphic information, such as impact coring is an attractive alternate to impact ejecta collection.

  10. In Vitro Skin Penetration of Petrolatum and Soybean Oil and Effects of Glyceryl Monooleate.


    Intarakumhaeng, Rattikorn; Shi, Zhanquan; Wanasathop, Apipa; Stella, Q Ching; Wei, Karl S; Styczynski, P B; Li, Chuiying; Smith, Edward D; Li, S Kevin


    Petrolatum and soybean oil are common ingredients incorporated in topical skin formulations for skin protection and moisturization. However, the stratum corneum (SC) penetration kinetics of these two cosmetic ingredients has not been systematically studied. Glyceryl monooleate (GlyMOle) has been shown to enhance skin penetration of various compounds. It was hypothesized that GlyMOle could enhance skin penetration of petrolatum and soybean oil. The present study aimed to examine the in vitro skin penetration of petrolatum and soybean oil in the presence or absence of GlyMOle. Skin permeation experiments were conducted using the in vitro Franz diffusion cell model with split-thickness human skin and human epidermal membrane (HEM). The effect of permeant dose and the kinetics of permeant penetration were examined with and without GlyMOle in vitro. Petrolatum and soybean oil were found to permeate across HEM, and no effect of GlyMOle on skin permeation into the receptor chamber was observed. GlyMOle enhanced the penetration of petrolatum into the split-thickness skin at 50 μg dose (petrolatum:GlyMOle, 49:1, w/w). However, no effect of GlyMOle on petrolatum penetration was observed at 200 μg dose (petrolatum:GlyMOle, 49:1, w/w), indicating a dose-dependent effect. GlyMOle at the level used in the study did not enhance the penetration of soybean oil with 50 and 200 μg doses at any time points. GlyMOle was a skin penetration enhancer for petrolatum under the in vitro conditions identified in the present study. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  11. Health insurance reform and HMO penetration in the small group market.


    Buchmueller, Thomas C; Liu, Su

    This study uses data from several national employer surveys conducted between the late 1980s and the mid-1990s to investigate the effect of state-level underwriting reforms on HMO penetration in the small group health insurance market. We identify reform effects by exploiting cross-state variation in the timing and content of reform legislation and by using mid-sized and large employers, which were not affected by the legislation, as within-state control groups. While it is difficult to disentangle the effect of state reforms from other factors affecting HMO penetration in the small group markets, the results suggest a positive relationship between insurance market regulations and HMO penetration.

  12. Imaging of Combat-Related Thoracic Trauma - Review of Penetrating Trauma.


    Lichtenberger, John P; Kim, Andrew M; Fisher, Dane; Tatum, Peter S; Neubauer, Brian; Peterson, P Gabriel; Carter, Brett W


    Combat-related thoracic trauma is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality of the casualties from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Penetrating, blunt, and blast injuries were the most common mechanisms of trauma. Imaging plays a key role in the management of combat-related thoracic trauma casualties. This review discusses the imaging manifestations of thoracic injuries from penetrating trauma, emphasizing epidemiology and diagnostic clues seen during OEF and OIF. The assessment of radiologic findings in patients who suffer from combat-related thoracic trauma is the basis of this review article. The imaging modalities for this study include multi-detector computed tomography and chest radiography. High-velocity penetrating projectile injuries appear as hemorrhage and re-expansion pulmonary edema from the temporary cavity and a linear, blood-filled track from the permanent cavity. In cases where the projectile passes totally through the body, entrance wounds at the skin surface and tracks through the subcutaneous tissues may be the only indications of penetrating trauma. When assessing vascular injury, special attention should be paid to the right hilum in contrast-enhanced multi-detector computed tomography, as contrast is concentrated in the superior vena cava and superior cavoatrial junction may obscure small fragments. Additionally, CT angiography may show vessel disruption or extravasation of contrast distal to normal vessel location in addition to intraluminal filling defects and pseudo-aneurysms. Tension pneumopericardium may rarely complicate penetrating or blunt chest trauma. On imaging, distension of the pericardial sack by pneumopericardium and compression of the heart support the diagnosis of tension. On multi-detector computed tomography in the acute trauma setting, fluid in the pleural space should be considered hemothorax, particularly when Hounsfield units are above 35. Acutely, extravasated blood will

  13. Diverse Host-Seeking Behaviors of Skin-Penetrating Nematodes

    PubMed Central

    Castelletto, Michelle L.; Gang, Spencer S.; Okubo, Ryo P.; Tselikova, Anastassia A.; Nolan, Thomas J.; Platzer, Edward G.; Lok, James B.; Hallem, Elissa A.


    Skin-penetrating parasitic nematodes infect approximately one billion people worldwide and are responsible for some of the most common neglected tropical diseases. The infective larvae of skin-penetrating nematodes are thought to search for hosts using sensory cues, yet their host-seeking behavior is poorly understood. We conducted an in-depth analysis of host seeking in the skin-penetrating human parasite Strongyloides stercoralis, and compared its behavior to that of other parasitic nematodes. We found that Str. stercoralis is highly mobile relative to other parasitic nematodes and uses a cruising strategy for finding hosts. Str. stercoralis shows robust attraction to a diverse array of human skin and sweat odorants, most of which are known mosquito attractants. Olfactory preferences of Str. stercoralis vary across life stages, suggesting a mechanism by which host seeking is limited to infective larvae. A comparison of odor-driven behavior in Str. stercoralis and six other nematode species revealed that parasite olfactory preferences reflect host specificity rather than phylogeny, suggesting an important role for olfaction in host selection. Our results may enable the development of new strategies for combating harmful nematode infections. PMID:25121736

  14. Effect of snow cover on soil frost penetration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rožnovský, Jaroslav; Brzezina, Jáchym


    Snow cover occurrence affects wintering and lives of organisms because it has a significant effect on soil frost penetration. An analysis of the dependence of soil frost penetration and snow depth between November and March was performed using data from 12 automated climatological stations located in Southern Moravia, with a minimum period of measurement of 5 years since 2001, which belong to the Czech Hydrometeorological institute. The soil temperatures at 5 cm depth fluctuate much less in the presence of snow cover. In contrast, the effect of snow cover on the air temperature at 2 m height is only very small. During clear sky conditions and no snow cover, soil can warm up substantially and the soil temperature range can be even higher than the range of air temperature at 2 m height. The actual height of snow is also important - increased snow depth means lower soil temperature range. However, even just 1 cm snow depth substantially lowers the soil temperature range and it can therefore be clearly seen that snow acts as an insulator and has a major effect on soil frost penetration and soil temperature range.

  15. [Management of penetrating ocular injuries and endophthalmitis in thirteen-year follow-up period].


    Vukosavljević, Miroslav


    Ocular trauma is one of the most common causes of unilateral morbidity and blindness in the world today. Frequency of penetrating ocular injuries and endophthalmitis after injuries caused by explosive weapons during the war in former Yugoslavia in the period 1991-1999 as well as eye injuries in the period 2000-2004 was examined. During 1991-1999, 647 patients with eye injuries were hospitalized at Eye Clinic, MMA, out of whom 500 cases with penetrating eye injuries. In 2000-2004 period, 601 patients with eye injuries were treated, out of whom 297 had penetrating eye injuries (including patients from Montenegro and Republica Srpska). All patients underwent thorough ophthalmological examination, antibiotic treatment and VPP or other required surgical interventions. All 500 patients from the first period had severe penetrating eye injuries. Intrabulbar foreign bodies (IFB) were detected in 286 cases, while 214 cases with penetrating eye injuries had no intrabulbar foreign bodies. Almost all patients had multiple head and body injuries as well. Endophthalmitis was observed in 29 eyes (5.2%) upon admission to hospital. In the second observed period (2000-2004), 196 (66%) out of 297 penetrating eye injuries had IOFB, and 101 (34%) was without IOFB. Endophthalmitis was observed in 34 eyes (8.4%). War eye injuries are a special group of injuries. Relatively low percent of posttraumatic endophthalmitis is definitely worth attention, especially in comparison with peacetime eye penetrating injuries.

  16. Space Debris Surfaces - Probability of no penetration versus impact velocity and obliquity

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Elfer, N.; Meibaum, R.; Olsen, G.


    A collection of computer codes called Space Debris Surfaces (SD-SURF), have been developed to assist in the design and analysis of space debris protection systems. An SD-SURF analysis will show which obliquities and velocities are most likely to cause a penetration to help the analyst select a shield design best suited to the predominant penetration mechanism. Examples of the interaction between space vehicle geometry, the space debris environment, and the penetration and critical damage ballistic limit surfaces of the shield under consideration are presented.

  17. Fabrication de memoire monoelectronique non volatile par une approche de nanogrille flottante

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guilmain, Marc

    Les transistors monoelectroniques (SET) sont des dispositifs de tailles nanometriques qui permettent la commande d'un electron a la fois et donc, qui consomment peu d'energie. Une des applications complementaires des SET qui attire l'attention est son utilisation dans des circuits de memoire. Une memoire monoelectronique (SEM) non volatile a le potentiel d'operer a des frequences de l'ordre des gigahertz ce qui lui permettrait de remplacer en meme temps les memoires mortes de type FLASH et les memoires vives de type DRAM. Une puce SEM permettrait donc ultimement la reunification des deux grands types de memoire au sein des ordinateurs. Cette these porte sur la fabrication de memoires monoelectroniques non volatiles. Le procede de fabrication propose repose sur le procede nanodamascene developpe par C. Dubuc et al. a 1'Universite de Sherbrooke. L'un des avantages de ce procede est sa compatibilite avec le back-end-of-line (BEOL) des circuits CMOS. Ce procede a le potentiel de fabriquer plusieurs couches de circuits memoirestres denses au-dessus de tranches CMOS. Ce document presente, entre autres, la realisation d'un simulateur de memoires monoelectroniques ainsi que les resultats de simulations de differentes structures. L'optimisation du procede de fabrication de dispositifs monoelectroniques et la realisation de differentes architectures de SEM simples sont traitees. Les optimisations ont ete faites a plusieurs niveaux : l'electrolithographie, la gravure de l'oxyde, le soulevement du titane, la metallisation et la planarisation CMP. La caracterisation electrique a permis d'etudier en profondeur les dispositifs formes de jonction de Ti/TiO2 et elle a demontre que ces materiaux ne sont pas appropries. Par contre, un SET forme de jonction de TiN/Al2O3 a ete fabrique et caracterise avec succes a basse temperature. Cette demonstration demontre le potentiel du procede de fabrication et de la deposition de couche atomique (ALD) pour la fabrication de memoires

  18. Deep tissue penetration of nanoparticles using pulsed-high intensity focused ultrasound

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    You, Dong Gil; Yoon, Hong Yeol; Jeon, Sangmin; Um, Wooram; Son, Sejin; Park, Jae Hyung; Kwon, Ick Chan; Kim, Kwangmeyung


    Recently, ultrasound (US)-based drug delivery strategies have received attention to improve enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect-based passive targeting efficiency of nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo conditions. Among the US treatment techniques, pulsed-high intensity focused ultrasound (pHIFU) have specialized for improving tissue penetration of various macromolecules and nanoparticles without irreversible tissue damages. In this study, we have demonstrated that pHIFU could be utilized to improve tissue penetration of fluorescent dye-labeled glycol chitosan nanoparticles (FCNPs) in femoral tissue of mice. pHIFU could improve blood flow of the targeted-blood vessel in femoral tissue. In addition, tissue penetration of FCNPs was specifically increased 5.7-, 8- and 9.3-folds than that of non-treated (0 W pHIFU) femoral tissue, when the femoral tissue was treated with 10, 20 and 50 W of pHIFU, respectively. However, tissue penetration of FCNPs was significantly reduced after 3 h post-pHIFU treatment (50 W). Because overdose (50 W) of pHIFU led to irreversible tissue damages, including the edema and chapped red blood cells. These overall results support that pHIFU treatment can enhance the extravasation and tissue penetration of FCNPs as well as induce irreversible tissue damages. We expect that our results can provide advantages to optimize pHIFU-mediated delivery strategy of nanoparticles for further clinical applications.

  19. Epiphany sealer penetration into dentinal tubules: Confocal laser scanning microscopic study.


    Ravi, S V; Nageswar, Rao; Swapna, Honwad; Sreekant, Puthalath; Ranjith, Madhavan; Mahidhar, Surabhi


    The aim of the following study was to evaluate the percentage and average depth of epiphany sealer penetration into dentinal tubules among the coronal, middle and apical thirds of the root using the confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). A total of 10 maxillary central incisors were prepared and obturated with Resilon-Epiphany system. Sealer was mixed with fluorescent rhodamine B isothiyocyanate dye for visibility under confocal microscope. Teeth were cross-sectioned into coronal, middle and apical sections-2 mm thick. Sections were observed under CLSM. Images were analyzed for percentage and average depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules using the lasso tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Adobe systems incorporated, San jose, CA) and laser scanning microscopy (LSM 5) image analyzer. One-way analysis of variance with Student Neuman Keuls post hoc tests, Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon signed-rank post hoc tests. The results showed that a higher percentage of sealer penetration in coronal section-89.23%, followed by middle section-84.19% and the apical section-64.9%. Average depth of sealer penetration for coronal section was 526.02 μm, middle-385.26 μm and apical-193.49 μm. Study concluded that there was higher epiphany sealer penetration seen in coronal followed by middle and least at apical third of the roots.

  20. Penetration of sub-micron particles into dentinal tubules using ultrasonic cavitation.


    Vyas, N; Sammons, R L; Pikramenou, Z; Palin, W M; Dehghani, H; Walmsley, A D


    Functionalised silica sub-micron particles are being investigated as a method of delivering antimicrobials and remineralisation agents into dentinal tubules. However, their methods of application are not optimised, resulting in shallow penetration and aggregation. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of cavitation occurring around ultrasonic scalers for enhancing particle penetration into dentinal tubules. Dentine slices were prepared from premolar teeth. Silica sub-micron particles were prepared in water or acetone. Cavitation from an ultrasonic scaler (Satelec P5 Newtron, Acteon, France) was applied to dentine slices immersed inside the sub-micron particle solutions. Samples were imaged with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess tubule occlusion and particle penetration. Qualitative observations of SEM images showed some tubule occlusion. The particles could penetrate inside the tubules up to 60μm when there was no cavitation and up to ∼180μm when there was cavitation. The cavitation bubbles produced from an ultrasonic scaler may be used to deliver sub-micron particles into dentine. This method has the potential to deliver such particles deeper into the dentinal tubules. Cavitation from a clinical ultrasonic scaler may enhance penetration of sub-micron particles into dentinal tubules. This can aid in the development of novel methods for delivering therapeutic clinical materials for hypersensitivity relief and treatment of dentinal caries. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Containment penetration elastomer seal leak rate tests

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bridges, T.L.


    Tests were performed on three elastomer seal designs commonly used for nuclear plant containment mechanical penetrations. The objective of this research project is to obtain an understanding of the integrity and leakage behavior of these seal designs under severe accident temperature and pressure conditions. The three designs tested and the seal materials used in the tests were: (1) double tongue-and-groove design with silicone rubber seals, (2) double-O-ring design with neoprene and ethylene-propylene (EPDM) seals, and (3) double gumdrop design with neoprene and EPDM seals. The effects of thermal aging and angular rotations of flange mating surfaces were determined. The testmore » results provide information required to characterize the leakage behavior of penetrations under severe accident conditions. 3 refs., 10 figs., 12 tabs.« less

  2. Pneumocranium secondary to halo vest pin penetration through an enlarged frontal sinus.


    Cheong, Min Lee; Chan, Chris Yin Wei; Saw, Lim Beng; Kwan, Mun Keong


    We present a case report of a patient with pneumocranium secondary to halo vest pin penetration and a review of literature. The objectives of this study are to report a rare complication of halo vest pin insertion and to discuss methods of prevention of this complication. Halo vest orthosis is a commonly used and well-tolerated upper cervical spinal stabilizing device. Reports of complications related to pin penetration is rare and from our review, there has been no reports of pneumocranium occurring from insertion of pins following standard anatomical landmarks. A 57-year-old male sustained a type 1 traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2/C3 following a motor vehicle accident. During application of the halo vest, penetration of the left anterior pin through the abnormally enlarged frontal sinus occurred. The patient developed headache, vomiting and CSF rhinorrhoea over his left nostril. He was treated with intravenous Ceftriaxone for 1 week. This resulted in resolution of his symptoms as well as the pneumocranium. In conclusion, complications of halo vest pin penetration are rare and need immediate recognition. Despite the use of anatomical landmarks, pin penetration is still possible due to aberrant anatomy. All patients should have a skull X-ray with a radio-opaque marker done prior to placement of the halo vest pins and halo vest pins have to be inserted by experienced personnel to enable early detection of pin penetration.

  3. Penetration pattern of rhodamine dyes into enamel and dentin: confocal laser microscopy observation.


    Kwon, S R; Wertz, P W; Li, Y; Chan, D C N


    Enamel and dentin are susceptible to extrinsic and intrinsic stains. The purposes of this study were to determine the penetration pattern of Rhodamine B and dextran-conjugated Rhodamine B into the enamel and dentin as observed by confocal laser microscopy and to relate it to the penetration pattern of hydrogen peroxide commonly used as an active ingredient in tooth-whitening agents and high-molecular-weight staining molecules. Eighteen recently extracted human maxillary anterior teeth were used. Teeth were cleaned and painted with nail varnish except for the crown area above the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). The painted teeth were then immersed in Rhodamine B and dextran-conjugated Rhodamine B (70 000 MW) for 4, 7, 10 and 15 days. Teeth were sliced to 3 mm thickness in transverse plane and mounted on a glass slide just prior to observation with confocal laser microscopy. Rhodamine B and dextran-conjugated Rhodamine B readily penetrated into the enamel and dentin when exposed for 4 and 7 days, respectively. Rhodamine B penetrated along the interprismatic spaces of the enamel into the dentin. The penetration was accentuated in sections with existing crack lines in the enamel. Rhodamine B was readily absorbed into the dentinal tubules at the dentino-enamel junction and continued to penetrate through the dentin via the dentinal tubules into the pre-dentin. Within the limitations of this study, it is concluded that Rhodamine B and dextran-conjugated Rhodamine B when applied to the external surface of the tooth readily penetrate into the enamel and dentin via the interprismatic spaces in the enamel and dentinal tubules in the dentin, suggesting that stain molecules and bleaching agents possibly exhibit similar penetration pathways. © 2011 The Authors. ICS © 2011 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Société Française de Cosmétologie.

  4. Energy Storage Requirements for Achieving 50% Solar Photovoltaic Energy Penetration in California

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Denholm, Paul; Margolis, Robert


    We estimate the storage required to enable PV penetration up to 50% in California (with renewable penetration over 66%), and we quantify the complex relationships among storage, PV penetration, grid flexibility, and PV costs due to increased curtailment. We find that the storage needed depends strongly on the amount of other flexibility resources deployed. With very low-cost PV (three cents per kilowatt-hour) and a highly flexible electric power system, about 19 gigawatts of energy storage could enable 50% PV penetration with a marginal net PV levelized cost of energy (LCOE) comparable to the variable costs of future combined-cycle gas generatorsmore » under carbon constraints. This system requires extensive use of flexible generation, transmission, demand response, and electrifying one quarter of the vehicle fleet in California with largely optimized charging. A less flexible system, or more expensive PV would require significantly greater amounts of storage. The amount of storage needed to support very large amounts of PV might fit within a least-cost framework driven by declining storage costs and reduced storage-duration needs due to high PV penetration.« less

  5. Confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate nanoparticles’ human skin penetration in vitro

    PubMed Central

    Elmahdy, Akram; Cao, Yachao; Hui, Xiaoying; Maibach, Howard


    Objective With rapid development of nanotechnology, there is increasing interest in nanoparticle (NP) application and its safety and efficacy on human skin. In this study, we utilized confocal laser scanning microscopy to estimate NP skin penetration. Methods Three different-sized polystyrene NPs marked with red fluorescence were applied to human skin, and Calcium Green 5N was used as a counterstain. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethanol were used as alternative vehicles for NPs. Tape stripping was utilized as a barrier-damaged skin model. Skin biopsies dosed with NPs were incubated at 4°C or 37°C for 24 hours and imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Results NPs were localized in the stratum corneum (SC) and hair follicles without penetrating the epidermis/dermis. Barrier alteration with tape stripping and change in incubation temperature did not induce deeper penetration. DMSO enhanced NP SC penetration but ethanol did not. Conclusion Except with DMSO vehicle, these hydrolyzed polystyrene NPs did not penetrate intact or barrier-damaged human “viable” epidermis. For further clinical relevance, in vivo human skin studies and more sensitive analytic chemical methodology are suggested. PMID:29184403

  6. Variation spatiotemporelle de la cryptorchidie et de l’hypospadias au Québec : Une étude exploratoire

    PubMed Central

    Guertin, Sophie; Lemieux, Karine-Sylvie; Makhoulian, Natalie; Michaud, Sébastien; Patry, Rose-Marie; Côté, Anne-Andrée; Gagnon, Fabien; Ayotte, Pierre; Bolduc, Stéphane


    Résumé Objectifs : La majorité des études effectuées au cours des dernières décennies ont mis en évidence une augmentation du nombre de cas de cryptorchidie et d’hypospadias entre 1970 et 1990. De plus, l’importante variabilité géographique de ces anomalies est bien décrite. Cette étude vise à mesurer la prévalence à la naissance de la cryptorchidie et de l’hypospadias au Québec, à vérifier si ces anomalies sont en augmentation et à en évaluer la répartition interrégionale. Méthode : Une étude épidémiologique descriptive a été réalisée à partir du nombre de garçons de cinq ans et moins hospitalisés pour une cryptorchidie ou un hypospadias au Québec de 1989 à 2004 selon les données du fichier administratif d’hospitalisation MED-ÉCHO. Les données sur les naissances provenaient de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec. Résultats : La prévalence annuelle moyenne pour 1000 naissances vivantes de sexe masculin est de 19,1 (IC à 95 % : 18,8–19,4) pour la cryptorchidie et 11,4 (IC à 95 % 11,1–11,6) pour l’hypospadias au Québec. Au cours de la période étudiée, la prévalence de cryptorchidie a légèrement diminué, alors que celle de l’hypospadias est demeurée stable. Comparativement à la province du Québec, des régions présentent une prévalence significativement différente de cryptorchidie et/ou d’hypospadias. . Conclusion : Au Québec, la prévalence de cryptorchidie est en légère diminution alors que celle de l’hypospadias est stable. Des variations régionales significatives sont observables. D’autres études sont nécessaires afin d’évaluer l’hypothèse d’un lien avec les contaminants environnementaux en émergence. L’implantation d’un système de surveillance des anomalies congénitales permettrait une représentation plus valide de la situation. PMID:21672476

  7. Variation spatiotemporelle de la cryptorchidie et de l'hypospadias au Québec : Une étude exploratoire.


    Guertin, Sophie; Lemieux, Karine-Sylvie; Makhoulian, Natalie; Michaud, Sébastien; Patry, Rose-Marie; Côté, Anne-Andrée; Gagnon, Fabien; Ayotte, Pierre; Bolduc, Stéphane


    RéSUMé: : La majorité des études effectuées au cours des dernières décennies ont mis en évidence une augmentation du nombre de cas de cryptorchidie et d'hypospadias entre 1970 et 1990. De plus, l'importante variabilité géographique de ces anomalies est bien décrite. Cette étude vise à mesurer la prévalence à la naissance de la cryptorchidie et de l'hypospadias au Québec, à vérifier si ces anomalies sont en augmentation et à en évaluer la répartition interrégionale. MéTHODE :: Une étude épidémiologique descriptive a été réalisée à partir du nombre de garçons de cinq ans et moins hospitalisés pour une cryptorchidie ou un hypospadias au Québec de 1989 à 2004 selon les données du fichier administratif d'hospitalisation MED-ÉCHO. Les données sur les naissances provenaient de l'Institut de la statistique du Québec. RéSULTATS :: La prévalence annuelle moyenne pour 1000 naissances vivantes de sexe masculin est de 19,1 (IC à 95 % : 18,8-19,4) pour la cryptorchidie et 11,4 (IC à 95 % 11,1-11,6) pour l'hypospadias au Québec. Au cours de la période étudiée, la prévalence de cryptorchidie a légèrement diminué, alors que celle de l'hypospadias est demeurée stable. Comparativement à la province du Québec, des régions présentent une prévalence significativement différente de cryptorchidie et/ou d'hypospadias. . : Au Québec, la prévalence de cryptorchidie est en légère diminution alors que celle de l'hypospadias est stable. Des variations régionales significatives sont observables. D'autres études sont nécessaires afin d'évaluer l'hypothèse d'un lien avec les contaminants environnementaux en émergence. L'implantation d'un système de surveillance des anomalies congénitales permettrait une représentation plus valide de la situation.

  8. Selective Nonoperative Management of Penetrating Abdominal Solid Organ Injuries

    PubMed Central

    Demetriades, Demetrios; Hadjizacharia, Pantelis; Constantinou, Costas; Brown, Carlos; Inaba, Kenji; Rhee, Peter; Salim, Ali


    Objective: To assess the feasibility and safety of selective nonoperative management in penetrating abdominal solid organ injuries. Background: Nonoperative management of blunt abdominal solid organ injuries has become the standard of care. However, routine surgical exploration remains the standard practice for all penetrating solid organ injuries. The present study examines the role of nonoperative management in selected patients with penetrating injuries to abdominal solid organs. Patients and Methods: Prospective, protocol-driven study, which included all penetrating abdominal solid organ (liver, spleen, kidney) injuries admitted to a level I trauma center, over a 20-month period. Patients with hemodynamic instability, peritonitis, or an unevaluable abdomen underwent an immediate laparotomy. Patients who were hemodynamically stable and had no signs of peritonitis were selected for further CT scan evaluation. In the absence of CT scan findings suggestive of hollow viscus injury, the patients were observed with serial clinical examinations, hemoglobin levels, and white cell counts. Patients with left thoracoabdominal injuries underwent elective laparoscopy to rule out diaphragmatic injury. Outcome parameters included survival, complications, need for delayed laparotomy in observed patients, and length of hospital stay. Results: During the study period, there were 152 patients with 185 penetrating solid organ injuries. Gunshot wounds accounted for 70.4% and stab wounds for 29.6% of injuries. Ninety-one patients (59.9%) met the criteria for immediate operation. The remaining 61 (40.1%) patients were selected for CT scan evaluation. Forty-three patients (28.3% of all patients) with 47 solid organ injuries who had no CT scan findings suspicious of hollow viscus injury were selected for clinical observation and additional laparoscopy in 2. Four patients with a “blush” on CT scan underwent angiographic embolization of the liver. Overall, 41 patients (27

  9. A decoy chain deployment method based on SDN and NFV against penetration attack

    PubMed Central

    Zhao, Qi; Zhang, Chuanhao


    Penetration attacks are one of the most serious network security threats. However, existing network defense technologies do not have the ability to entirely block the penetration behavior of intruders. Therefore, the network needs additional defenses. In this paper, a decoy chain deployment (DCD) method based on SDN+NFV is proposed to address this problem. This method considers about the security status of networks, and deploys decoy chains with the resource constraints. DCD changes the attack surface of the network and makes it difficult for intruders to discern the current state of the network. Simulation experiments and analyses show that DCD can effectively resist penetration attacks by increasing the time cost and complexity of a penetration attack. PMID:29216257

  10. A decoy chain deployment method based on SDN and NFV against penetration attack.


    Zhao, Qi; Zhang, Chuanhao; Zhao, Zheng


    Penetration attacks are one of the most serious network security threats. However, existing network defense technologies do not have the ability to entirely block the penetration behavior of intruders. Therefore, the network needs additional defenses. In this paper, a decoy chain deployment (DCD) method based on SDN+NFV is proposed to address this problem. This method considers about the security status of networks, and deploys decoy chains with the resource constraints. DCD changes the attack surface of the network and makes it difficult for intruders to discern the current state of the network. Simulation experiments and analyses show that DCD can effectively resist penetration attacks by increasing the time cost and complexity of a penetration attack.

  11. Closed Loop Control of Penetration Depth during CO2 Laser Lap Welding Processes

    PubMed Central

    Sibillano, Teresa; Rizzi, Domenico; Mezzapesa, Francesco P.; Lugarà, Pietro Mario; Konuk, Ali Riza; Aarts, Ronald; Veld, Bert Huis in 't; Ancona, Antonio


    In this paper we describe a novel spectroscopic closed loop control system capable of stabilizing the penetration depth during laser welding processes by controlling the laser power. Our novel approach is to analyze the optical emission from the laser generated plasma plume above the keyhole, to calculate its electron temperature as a process-monitoring signal. Laser power has been controlled by using a quantitative relationship between the penetration depth and the plasma electron temperature. The sensor is able to correlate in real time the difference between the measured electron temperature and its reference value for the requested penetration depth. Accordingly the closed loop system adjusts the power, thus maintaining the penetration depth. PMID:23112646

  12. Evaluation of Enterococcus faecalis adhesion, penetration, and method to prevent the penetration of Enterococcus faecalis into root cementum: Confocal laser scanning microscope and scanning electron microscope analysis.


    Halkai, Rahul S; Hegde, Mithra N; Halkai, Kiran R


    To ascertain the role of Enterococcus faecalis in persistent infection and a possible method to prevent the penetration of E. faecalis into root cementum. One hundred and twenty human single-rooted extracted teeth divided into five groups. Group I (control): intact teeth, Group II: no apical treatment done, Group III divided into two subgroups. In Groups IIIa and IIIb, root apex treated with lactic acid of acidic and neutral pH, respectively. Group IV: apical root cementum exposed to lactic acid and roughened to mimic the apical resorption. Group V: apical treatment done same as Group IV and root-end filling done using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Apical one-third of all samples immersed in E. faecalis broth for 8 weeks followed by bone morphogenetic protein and obturation and again immersed into broth for 8 weeks. Teeth split into two halves and observed under confocal laser scanning microscope and scanning electron microscope, organism identified by culture and polymerase chain reaction techniques. Adhesion and penetration was observed in Group IIIa and Group IV. Only adhesion in Group II and IIIB and no adhesion and penetration in Group I and V. Adhesion and penetration of E. faecalis into root cementum providing a long-term nidus for subsequent infection are the possible reason for persistent infection and root-end filling with MTA prevents the adhesion and penetration.

  13. Penetration in GTA welding

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Heiple, C.R.; Burgardt, P.


    The size and shape of the weld bead produced in GTA welding depends on the magnitude and distribution of the energy incident on the workpiece surfaces as well as the dissipation of that energy in the workpiece. The input energy is largely controllable through the welding parameters selected, however the dissipation of that energy in the workpiece is less subject to control. Changes in energy dissipation can produce large changes in weld shape or penetration. Heat transport away from the weld pool is almost entirely by conduction, but heat transport in the weld pool is more complicated. Heat conduction throughmore » the liquid is an important component, but heat transport by convection (mass transport) is often the dominant mechanism. Convective heat transport is directional and changes the weld pool shape from that produced by conduction alone. Surface tension gradients are often the dominant forces driving fluid flow in GTA weld pools. These gradients are sensitive functions of weld pool chemistry and the energy input distribution to the weld. Experimental and theoretical work conducted primarily in the past decade has greatly enhanced our understanding of weld pool fluid flow, the forces which drive it, and its effects on weld pool shape. This work is reviewed here. While less common, changes in energy dissipation through the unmelted portion of the workpiece can also affect fusion zone shape or penetration. These effects are also described. 41 refs., 9 figs.« less

  14. Ground Penetrating Radar : Pavement Layer Thickness Evaluation

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The following report demonstrates the accuracy of using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to determine both the surface layer thickness for asphalt, and concrete pavements. In addition tests were conducted to identify GPR's repeatability on dry pavement...

  15. Ground penetrating radar, pavement layer thickness evaluation

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The following report demonstrates the accuracy of using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to determine both the surface layer thickness for asphalt, and concrete pavements. In addition tests were conducted to identify GPR's repeatability on dry pavement...

  16. Ground Penetrating Radar : Pavement Layer Thickness Evaluation

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The following report demonstrates the accuracy of using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to determine both the surface layer thickness for asphalt, and concrete pavements. In addition tests were conducted to identify GPR's repeatability on dry pavement...

  17. Subsurface investigation with ground penetrating radar

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data was collected on a small test plot at the OTF/OSU Turfgrass Research & Education Facility in Columbus, Ohio. This test plot was built to USGA standards for a golf course green, with a constructed sand layer just beneath the surface overlying a gravel layer, that i...

  18. Filter penetration and breathing resistance evaluation of respirators and dust masks.


    Ramirez, Joel; O'Shaughnessy, Patrick


    The primary objective of this study was to compare the filter performance of a representative selection of uncertified dust masks relative to the filter performance of a set of NIOSH-approved N95 filtering face-piece respirators (FFRs). Five different models of commercially available dust masks were selected for this study. Filter penetration of new dust masks was evaluated against a sodium chloride aerosol. Breathing resistance (BR) of new dust masks and FFRs was then measured for 120 min while challenging the dust masks and FFRs with Arizona road dust (ARD) at 25°C and 30% relative humidity. Results demonstrated that a wide range of maximum filter penetration was observed among the dust masks tested in this study (3-75% at the most penetrating particle size (p < 0.001). The breathing resistances of the unused FFRs and dust masks did not vary greatly (8-13 mm H 2 O) but were significantly different (p < 0.001). After dust loading there was a significant difference between the BR caused by the ARD dust layer on each FFR and dust mask. Microscopic analysis of the external layer of each dust mask and FFR suggests that different collection media in the external layer influences the development of the dust layer and therefore affects the increase in BR differently between the tested models. Two of the dust masks had penetration values < 5% and quality factors (0.26 and 0.33) comparable to those obtained for the two FFRs (0.23 and 0.31). However, the remaining three dust masks, those with penetration > 15%, had quality factors ranging between 0.04-0.15 primarily because their initial BR remained relatively high. These results indicate that some dust masks analysed during this research did not have an expected very low BR to compensate for their high penetration.

  19. Cyclic mechanical loading promotes bacterial penetration along composite restoration marginal gaps

    PubMed Central

    Khvostenko, D.; Salehi, S.; Naleway, S. E.; Hilton, T. J.; Ferracane, J. L.; Mitchell, J. C.; Kruzic, J. J.


    Objectives Secondary caries is the most common reason for composite restoration replacement and usually forms between dentin and the filling. The objective of this study was to investigate the combined effect of cyclic loading and bacterial exposure on bacterial penetration into gaps at the interface between dentin and resin composite restorative material using a novel bioreactor system and test specimen design. Methods Human molars were machined into 3 mm thick disks with 2 mm deep × 5 mm diameter cavity preparations into which composite restorations were placed. A ∼15-30 micrometer (small) or ∼300 micrometer wide (large) dentin-restoration gap was introduced along half of the interface between the dentin and restoration. Streptococcus mutans UA 159 biofilms were grown on each sample prior to testing in a bioreactor both with and without cyclic loading. Both groups of samples were tested for 2 weeks and post-test biofilm viability was confirmed with a live-dead assay. Samples were fixed, mounted and cross-sectioned to reveal the gaps and observe the depth of bacterial penetration. Results It was shown that for large gap samples the bacteria easily penetrated to the full depth of the gap independent of loading or non-loading conditions. The results for all cyclically loaded small gap samples show a consistently deep bacterial penetration down 100% of the gap while the average penetration depth was only 67% for the non-loaded samples with only two of six samples reaching 100%. Significance A new bioreactor was developed that allows combining cyclic mechanical loading and bacterial exposure of restored teeth for bacterial biofilm and demineralization studies. Cyclic loading was shown to aid bacterial penetration into narrow marginal gaps, which could ultimately promote secondary caries formation. PMID:25900624

  20. Modeling studies for a Mars penetrator heat flow measurement

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Keihm, S. J.; Langseth, M. G.


    There were, two different design concepts considered for the purpose of measuring heat flow as part of a Mars penetrator mission. The first of the tentative designs utilizes temperature sensors emplaced along the trailing umbilicus at regularly spaced intervals, no greater than 1m, which is thermally coupled to the adjacent regolith radiatively and possibly convectively or conductively. The second of the heat flow designs considered requires the radial deployment of two or more low thermal mass temperature sensors outward from the penetrator body over a vertical (depth) range on the order of 1m.

  1. Electrical Detection of Cellular Penetration during Microinjection with Carbon Nanopipettes

    PubMed Central

    Anderson, Sean E.; Bau, Haim H.


    The carbon nanopipette (CNP) is comprised of a pulled-glass pipette terminating with a nanoscale (tens to hundreds of nm) diameter carbon pipe. The entire inner glass surface of the CNP is coated with a carbon film, providing an electrically conductive path from the carbon tip to the distal, macroscopic end of the pipette. The CNP can double as a nanoelectrode, enabling electrical measurements through its carbon lining, and as a nanoinjector, facilitating reagent injection through its hollow bore. With the aid of a lock-in amplifier, we measured, in real time and with millisecond resolution, variations in impedance as the CNP penetrated into the cytoplasm and nucleus of adherent human osteosarcoma (U20S) cells. The capacitance change associated with nucleus penetration was, on average, 1.5 times greater than the one associated with cell membrane penetration. The experimental data was compared and favorably agreed with theoretical predictions based on a simple electrical network model. As a proof of concept, the cytoplasm and nucleus were transfected with fluorescent tRNA, enabling real-time monitoring of tRNA trafficking across the nuclear membrane. The CNP provides a robust and reliable means to detect cell and nucleus penetration, and trigger injection, thereby enabling the automation of cell injection. PMID:24859799

  2. Electrical detection of cellular penetration during microinjection with carbon nanopipettes.


    Anderson, Sean E; Bau, Haim H


    The carbon nanopipette (CNP) is comprised of a pulled-glass pipette terminating with a nanoscale (tens to hundreds of nm) diameter carbon pipe. The entire inner glass surface of the CNP is coated with a carbon film, providing an electrically conductive path from the carbon tip to the distal, macroscopic end of the pipette. The CNP can double as a nanoelectrode, enabling electrical measurements through its carbon lining, and as a nanoinjector, facilitating reagent injection through its hollow bore. With the aid of a lock-in amplifier, we measured, in real time and with millisecond resolution, variations in impedance and interfacial capacitance as the CNP penetrated into the cytoplasm and nucleus of adherent human osteosarcoma (U20S) cells during microinjection. The capacitance change associated with nucleus penetration was, on average, 1.5 times greater than the one associated with cell membrane penetration. The experimental data was compared and favorably agreed with theoretical predictions based on a simple electrical network model. As a proof of concept, the cytoplasm and nucleus were transfected with fluorescent tRNA, enabling real-time monitoring of tRNA trafficking across the nuclear membrane. The CNP provides a robust and reliable means to detect cell and nucleus penetration, and trigger injection, thereby enabling the automation of cell injection.

  3. Electrical detection of cellular penetration during microinjection with carbon nanopipettes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, Sean E.; Bau, Haim H.


    The carbon nanopipette (CNP) is comprised of a pulled-glass pipette terminating with a nanoscale (tens to hundreds of nm) diameter carbon pipe. The entire inner glass surface of the CNP is coated with a carbon film, providing an electrically conductive path from the carbon tip to the distal, macroscopic end of the pipette. The CNP can double as a nanoelectrode, enabling electrical measurements through its carbon lining, and as a nanoinjector, facilitating reagent injection through its hollow bore. With the aid of a lock-in amplifier, we measured, in real time and with millisecond resolution, variations in impedance and interfacial capacitance as the CNP penetrated into the cytoplasm and nucleus of adherent human osteosarcoma (U20S) cells during microinjection. The capacitance change associated with nucleus penetration was, on average, 1.5 times greater than the one associated with cell membrane penetration. The experimental data was compared and favorably agreed with theoretical predictions based on a simple electrical network model. As a proof of concept, the cytoplasm and nucleus were transfected with fluorescent tRNA, enabling real-time monitoring of tRNA trafficking across the nuclear membrane. The CNP provides a robust and reliable means to detect cell and nucleus penetration, and trigger injection, thereby enabling the automation of cell injection.

  4. Robotic astrobiology - the need for sub-surface penetration of Mars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ellery, A.; Ball, A.; Cockell, C.; Coste, P.; Dickensheets, D.; Edwards, H.; Hu, H.; Kolb, C.; Lammer, H.; Lorenz, R.; McKee, G.; Richter, L.; Winfield, A.; Welch, C.


    Recent interest in the astrobiological investigation of Mars has culminated in the only planned astrobiology-focussed robotic mission to Mars - the Beagle2 mission to be carried to Mars by the Mars Express spacecraft in 2003. Beagle2 will be primarily investigating the surface and near-surface environment of Mars. However, the results from the Viking Mars lander indicated that the Martian surface is saturated in peroxides and super-oxides which would rapidly degrade any organic material. Furthermore, recent models of gardening due to meteoritic impacts on the Martian surface suggest that the depth of this oxidising layer could extend to depths of 2-3m. Given that the discovery of organic fossilised residues will be the primary target for astrobiological investigation, this implies that future robotic astrobiology missions to Mars must penetrate to below these depths. The need to penetrate into the sub-surface of Mars has recently been given greater urgency with the discovery of extensive water ice-fields as little as 1m from the surface. We review the different technologies that make this penetration into the sub-surface a practical possibility on robotic missions. We further briefly present one such implementation of these technologies through the use of ground-penetrating moles - The Vanguard Mars mission proposal.

  5. Study of Penetration Technology

    DTIC Science & Technology


    srecimens fabricated at the AFATL, AISI-01 oil quenched bar stock was used. Three of the projectiles used in the Eglin penetration experiments are the Mathema- tical Laboratory at Eglin AFB, is essencially a fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical method for solving simultaneous differential...C9G. VEL. X-COMPo (M4/5): d!10. I oil 140. 107. 82. RmCC~kr’ED TIME OF MAXIftjM/MINIM94U COIL VOLTAGE tSI MAX 0040 A 55 *.03J04A 0 0 05ji6 .000634 MIN

  6. Huntington disease reduced penetrance alleles occur at high frequency in the general population

    PubMed Central

    Kay, Chris; Collins, Jennifer A.; Miedzybrodzka, Zosia; Madore, Steven J.; Gordon, Erynn S.; Gerry, Norman; Davidson, Mark; Slama, Ramy A.


    Objective: To directly estimate the frequency and penetrance of CAG repeat alleles associated with Huntington disease (HD) in the general population. Methods: CAG repeat length was evaluated in 7,315 individuals from 3 population-based cohorts from British Columbia, the United States, and Scotland. The frequency of ≥36 CAG alleles was assessed out of a total of 14,630 alleles. The general population frequency of reduced penetrance alleles (36–39 CAG) was compared to the prevalence of patients with HD with genetically confirmed 36–39 CAG from a multisource clinical ascertainment in British Columbia, Canada. The penetrance of 36–38 CAG repeat alleles for HD was estimated for individuals ≥65 years of age and compared against previously reported clinical penetrance estimates. Results: A total of 18 of 7,315 individuals had ≥36 CAG, revealing that approximately 1 in 400 individuals from the general population have an expanded CAG repeat associated with HD (0.246%). Individuals with CAG 36–37 genotypes are the most common (36, 0.096%; 37, 0.082%; 38, 0.027%; 39, 0.000%; ≥40, 0.041%). General population CAG 36–38 penetrance rates are lower than penetrance rates extrapolated from clinical cohorts. Conclusion: HD alleles with a CAG repeat length of 36–38 occur at high frequency in the general population. The infrequent diagnosis of HD at this CAG length is likely due to low penetrance. Another important contributing factor may be reduced ascertainment of HD in those of older age. PMID:27335115

  7. Le transfert de connaissances entre les mathematiques et les sciences. Une etude exploratoire aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samson, Ghislain


    Au moment ou dans plusieurs pays on travaille a refondre les programmes d'etudes, tant au primaire qu'au secondaire, l'interet pour le transfert renait. Un des concepts fondamentaux en apprentissage consiste en l'habilete a reutiliser de facon consciente et efficace un acquis d'une situation a une autre situation. Cette recherche emane de preoccupations professionnelles au moment ou le chercheur etait enseignant au secondaire. Au cours de ces annees, il lui a ete possible de constater que plusieurs eleves percevaient difficilement les liens presents entre les disciplines mathematiques et scientifiques. Des travaux en psychologie cognitive et plus particulierement selon une perspective du traitement de l'information ont servi de cadre de reference pour evaluer et analyser les capacites de transfert aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire. Ce cadre de reference permet de formuler le principal objectif qui est de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert chez des eleves en situation de resolution de problemes scientifiques. Cette these s'interesse donc au transfert en tant que phenomene important du processus d'apprentissage au sens de l'integration. La methode de recherche choisie, de nature qualitative, est principalement axee sur l'evaluation de la capacite a transferer des connaissances lors d'une epreuve et d'un entretien. Pour evaluer ce potentiel de transfert, nous avons elabore deux outils: une epreuve en mathematiques et en sciences et un guide d'entretien. Pour la passation de l'epreuve, le chercheur a pu compter sur la collaboration de 130 sujets provenant de deux ecoles. L'entretien complete la prise de donnees avec 13 sujets ayant accepte de poursuivre l'etude. Les donnees recueillies par ces instruments font ensuite l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. En premier lieu, les verbatims de l'epreuve et de l'entretien ont ete transcrits, puis codifies. La correction des reponses fournies pour les problemes resolus s'est faite a partir d'une grille d

  8. Penetration of alkali atoms throughout a graphene membrane: theoretical modeling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boukhvalov, D. W.; Virojanadara, C.


    Theoretical studies of penetration of various alkali atoms (Li, Na, Rb, Cs) throughout a graphene membrane grown on a silicon carbide substrate are reported and compared with recent experimental results. Results of first principles modeling demonstrate a rather low (about 0.8 eV) energy barrier for the formation of temporary defects in the carbon layer required for the penetration of Li at a high concentration of adatoms, a higher (about 2 eV) barrier for Na, and barriers above 4 eV for Rb and Cs. Experiments prove migration of lithium adatoms from the graphene surface to the buffer layer and SiC substrate at room temperature, sodium at 100 °C and impenetrability of the graphene membrane for Rb and Cs. Differences between epitaxial and free-standing graphene for the penetration of alkali ions are also discussed.

  9. Penetration of alkali atoms throughout a graphene membrane: theoretical modeling.


    Boukhvalov, D W; Virojanadara, C


    Theoretical studies of penetration of various alkali atoms (Li, Na, Rb, Cs) throughout a graphene membrane grown on a silicon carbide substrate are reported and compared with recent experimental results. Results of first principles modeling demonstrate a rather low (about 0.8 eV) energy barrier for the formation of temporary defects in the carbon layer required for the penetration of Li at a high concentration of adatoms, a higher (about 2 eV) barrier for Na, and barriers above 4 eV for Rb and Cs. Experiments prove migration of lithium adatoms from the graphene surface to the buffer layer and SiC substrate at room temperature, sodium at 100 °C and impenetrability of the graphene membrane for Rb and Cs. Differences between epitaxial and free-standing graphene for the penetration of alkali ions are also discussed.

  10. Review and status of sonic boom penetration into the ocean.


    Sparrow, Victor W


    Since the 1970 Sonic Boom Symposium, held at the ASA's 80th meeting in Houston, TX, substantial progress has been made in understanding the penetration of sonic booms into the ocean. The state of the art at that time was documented by J. C. Cook, T. Goforth, and R. K. Cook [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 51, 729-741 (1972)]. Since then, additional experiments have been performed which corroborate Cook's and Sawyers' theory for sonic boom penetration into a flat ocean surface. In addition, computational simulations have validated that theory and extended the work to include arbitrarily shaped waveforms penetrating flat ocean surfaces. Further numerical studies have investigated realistic ocean surfaces including large-scale ocean swell. Research has also been performed on the effects of ocean inhomogeneities due to bubble plumes. This paper provides a brief overview of these developments.

  11. Jeeps Penetrating a Hostile Desert

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bailey, Herb


    Several jeeps are poised at base camp on the edge of a desert aiming to escort one of them as far as possible into the desert, while the others return to camp. They all have full tanks of gas and share their fuel to maximize penetration. In a friendly desert it is best to leave caches of fuel along the way to help returning jeeps. We solve the…

  12. Nonoperative management of penetrating kidney injuries: a prospective audit.


    Moolman, C; Navsaria, P H; Lazarus, J; Pontin, A; Nicol, A J


    The role of nonoperative management for penetrating kidney injuries is unknown. Therefore, we review the management and outcome of penetrating kidney injuries at a center with a high incidence of penetrating trauma. Data from all patients presenting with hematuria and/or kidney injury discovered on imaging or at surgery admitted to the trauma center at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa during a 19-month period (January 2007 to July 2008) were prospectively collected and reviewed. These data were analyzed for demographics, injury mechanism, perioperative management, nephrectomy rate and nonoperative success. Patients presenting with hematuria and with an acute abdomen underwent a single shot excretory urogram. Those presenting with hematuria without an indication for laparotomy underwent computerized tomography with contrast material. A total of 92 patients presented with hematuria following penetrating abdominal trauma. There were 75 (80.4%) proven renal injuries. Of the patients 84 were men and the median age was 26 years (range 14 to 51). There were 50 stab wounds and 42 gunshot renal injuries. Imaging modalities included computerized tomography in 60 cases and single shot excretory urography in 18. There were 9 patients brought directly to the operating room without further imaging. A total of 47 patients with 49 proven renal injuries were treated nonoperatively. In this group 4 patients presented with delayed hematuria, of whom 1 had a normal angiogram and 3 underwent successful angioembolization of arteriovenous fistula (2) and false aneurysm (1). All nonoperatively managed renal injuries were successfully treated without surgery. There were 18 nephrectomies performed for uncontrollable bleeding (11), hilar injuries (2) and shattered kidney (3). Post-nephrectomy complications included 1 infected renal bed hematoma requiring percutaneous drainage. Of the injuries found at laparotomy 12 were not explored, 2 were drained and 5 were treated with

  13. Pharmacokinetics and brain penetration of carbapenems in mice.


    Matsumoto, Kazuaki; Kurihara, Yuji; Kuroda, Yuko; Hori, Seiji; Kizu, Junko


    An adverse effect associated with the administration of carbapenems is central nervous system (CNS) toxicity, with higher brain concentrations of carbapenems being linked to an increased risk of seizures. However, the pharmacokinetics and brain penetration of carbapenems have not yet been examined. Thus, the aim of this in vivo investigation was to determine the pharmacokinetics and brain penetration of carbapenems in mice. Blood samples and brain tissue samples were obtained 10, 20, 30, 60, and 120 min after the subcutaneous administration of carbapenems (91 mg/kg). We obtained the following values for the pharmacokinetic parameters of carbapenems in mice: 1.20-1.71 L/h/kg for CLtotal/F, 1.41-2.03 h(-1) for Ke, 0.34-0.51 h for T1/2, 0.66-0.95 L/kg for Vss/F, 0.49-0.73 h for MRT, 83.46-110.58 μg/mL for Cmax, plasma, and 0.28-0.83 μg/g for Cmax, brain tissue. The AUC0-∞ of the carbapenems tested in plasma were in the following order: doripenem > meropenem > biapenem > imipenem, and in brain tissue were: imipenem > doripenem > meropenem > biapenem. The degrees of brain tissue penetration, defined as the AUC0-∞, brain tissue/fAUC0-∞, plasma ratio, were 0.016 for imipenem, 0.004 for meropenem, 0.002 for biapenem, and 0.008 for doripenem. The results of the present study demonstrated that, of the carbapenems examined, imipenem penetrated brain tissue to the greatest extent. Copyright © 2015 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. New Statistical Probe into the Decline of Daily Newspaper Household Penetration.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alperstein, Gerald

    From 1950 to 1970, daily newspaper household penetration (DNHP) levels dropped from 1.24 to 0.99 in the United States. This paper describes some of the variables involved in this decline and outlines a market-by-market statistical analysis of the relationship between the penetration levels of daily newspapers and other forms of mass media. From…

  15. Measuring skin penetration by confocal Raman microscopy (CRM): correlation to results from conventional experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lunter, Dominique; Daniels, Rolf


    Confocal Raman microscopy has become an advancing technique in the characterization of drug transport into the skin. In this study the skin penetration of a local anesthetic from a semisolid preparation was investigated. Furthermore, the effect of the chemical enhancers propylene glycol and POE-23-lauryl ether on its penetration was investigated. The results show that confocal Raman microscopy may provide detailed information on the penetration of APIs into the skin and may elucidate their distribution within the skin with high resolution. The results of the CRM analysis are fully in line with those of conventional permeation and penetration experiments.

  16. Validation de la version francophone d’une échelle composite multidimensionnelle pour l’évaluation de la douleur postopératoire chez les chats

    PubMed Central

    Steagall, Paulo V.M.; Monteiro, Beatriz P.; Lavoie, Anne-Marie; Frank, Diane; Troncy, Eric; Luna, Stelio P.L.; Brondani, Juliana T.


    Résumé L’objectif de cette étude était de valider la version francophone de l’échelle composite multidimensionnelle de douleur UNESP-Botucatu (MCPS-Fr) chez les chats. Deux vétérinaires et une étudiante de médecine vétérinaire francophones ont identifié trois catégories de comportements distincts sur des vidéos : «les changements psychomoteurs», «la protection de la région douloureuse» et «les variables physiologiques». La cohérence interne était excellente (score total du coefficient alpha de Cronbach était de 0,94; 0,90; et 0,61, respectivement). La bonne concordance entre les évaluations à l’aveugle des observateurs et l’évaluateur de référence confirme la validité de cet instrument. La fiabilité inter- et intra-évaluateur était bonne à très bonne. Le point limite optimal pour l’analgésie de secours, identifié avec une courbe ROC, était au-delà de 7 (échelle allant de 0 à 30 points), avec une sensibilité de 97,8 % et une spécificité de 99,1 %. La MCPS-Fr est un outil valide et sensible pour l’évaluation de la douleur aiguë chez les chattes ayant subi une ovariohystérectomie. PMID:28042156

  17. Standard Penetration Test and Relative Density

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Se OPSeS Debido a que el agua subterranea granclemente influve la resistencia a suelo, se establecio una relacion empirica entre el nurmero de laboratorio ejecutados con un penetr6metro est’tico pequeno. INTRODUCTION One of the main problems encountered in subsoil e’xploration is in situ

  18. Intense X-ray machine for penetrating radiography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lucht, Roy A.; Eckhouse, Shimon

    Penetrating radiography has been used for many years in the nuclear weapons research programs. Infrequently penetrating radiography has been used in conventional weapons research programs. For example the Los Alamos PHERMEX machine was used to view uranium rods penetrating steel for the GAU-8 program, and the Ector machine was used to see low density regions in forming metal jets. The armor/anti-armor program at Los Alamos has created a need for an intense flash X-ray machine that can be dedicated to conventional weapons research. The Balanced Technology Initiative, through DARPA, has funded the design and construction of such a machine at Los Alamos. It will be an 8- to 10-MeV diode machine capable of delivering a dose of 500 R at 1 m with a spot size of less than 5 mm. The machine used an 87.5-stage low inductance Marx generator that charges up a 7.4-(Omega), 32-ns water line. The water line is discharged through a self-breakdown oil switch into a 12.4-(Omega) water line that rings up the voltage into the high impendance X-ray diode. A long (233-cm) vacuum drift tube is used to separate the large diameter oil-insulated diode region from the X-ray source area that may be exposed to high overpressures by the explosive experiments. The electron beam is selffocused at the target area using a low pressure background gas.

  19. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of activated penetrant transport in glassy polymers.


    Zhang, Kai; Meng, Dong; Müller-Plathe, Florian; Kumar, Sanat K


    Membrane separations of gas mixtures strive to maximize the permeability of a desired species while keeping out undesired ones. Permeability vs. selectivity data from many polymer membranes for a given gas pair with diameters d A and d B are typically collected in a "Robeson plot"', and are bound from above by a line with a slope λ = (d B /d A ) 2 - 1. A microscopic understanding of this relationship, especially λ, is still missing. We perform molecular dynamics simulations of penetrant diffusion using three different coarse-grained polymer models over a wide range of penetrant sizes, temperatures, and monomer densities. The empirically relevant λ = (d B /d A ) 2 - 1 is only found for polymers that are either supercooled liquids with caged segmental dynamics or glasses and when the penetrant size is approximately half the Kuhn length of the chains, for which the penetrant diffusion is an activated process.

  20. Penetration of ELF currents and electromagnetic fields into the Earth's equatorial ionosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eliasson, B.; Papadopoulos, K.


    The penetration of extremely low frequency (ELF) transient electromagnetic fields and associated currents in the Earth's equatorial E-region plasma is studied theoretically and numerically. In the low-frequency regime, the plasma dynamics of the E-region is characterized by helicon waves since the ions are viscously coupled to neutrals while the electrons remain mobile. For typical equatorial E-region parameters, the plasma is magnetically insulated from penetration of very long timescale magnetic fields by a thin diffusive sheath. Wave penetration driven by a vertically incident pulse localized in space and time leads to both vertical penetration and the triggering of ELF helicon/whistler waves that carry currents obliquely to the magnetic field lines. The study presented here may have relevance for ELF wave generation by lightning discharges and seismic activity and can lead to new concepts in ELF/ULF injection in the earth-ionosphere waveguide.

  1. Penetration of fast projectiles into resistant media: From macroscopic to subatomic projectiles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaite, José


    The penetration of a fast projectile into a resistant medium is a complex process that is suitable for simple modeling, in which basic physical principles can be profitably employed. This study connects two different domains: the fast motion of macroscopic bodies in resistant media and the interaction of charged subatomic particles with matter at high energies, which furnish the two limit cases of the problem of penetrating projectiles of different sizes. These limit cases actually have overlapping applications; for example, in space physics and technology. The intermediate or mesoscopic domain finds application in atom cluster implantation technology. Here it is shown that the penetration of fast nano-projectiles is ruled by a slightly modified Newton's inertial quadratic force, namely, F ∼v 2 - β, where β vanishes as the inverse of projectile diameter. Factors essential to penetration depth are ratio of projectile to medium density and projectile shape.

  2. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) analysis : Phase I.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    "The objective of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the MDT's Ground Penetrating : Radar (GPR) program to a broader range of pavement evaluation activities. Currently, MDT uses GPR in : conjunction with its Falling Weight Deflecto...

  3. Melting Penetration Simulation of Fe-U System at High Temperature Using MPS_LER

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mustari, A. P. A.; Yamaji, A.; Irwanto, Dwi


    Melting penetration information of Fe-U system is necessary for simulating the molten core behavior during severe accident in nuclear power plants. For Fe-U system, the information is mainly obtained from experiment, i.e. TREAT experiment. However, there is no reported data on SS304 at temperature above 1350°C. The MPS_LER has been developed and validated to simulate melting penetration on Fe-U system. The MPS_LER modelled the eutectic phenomenon by solving the diffusion process and by applying the binary phase diagram criteria. This study simulates the melting penetration of the system at higher temperature using MPS_LER. Simulations were conducted on SS304 at 1400, 1450 and 1500°C. The simulation results show rapid increase of melting penetration rate.

  4. Ion penetration depth in the plant cell wall

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, L. D.; Vilaithong, T.; Phanchaisri, B.; Apavatjrut, P.; Anuntalabhochai, S.; Evans, P.; Brown, I. G.


    This study investigates the depth of ion penetration in plant cell wall material. Based on the biological structure of the plant cell wall, a physical model is proposed which assumes that the wall is composed of randomly orientated layers of cylindrical microfibrils made from cellulose molecules of C 6H 12O 6. With this model, we have determined numerical factors for ion implantation in the plant cell wall to correct values calculated from conventional ion implantation programs. Using these correction factors, it is possible to apply common ion implantation programs to estimate the ion penetration depth in the cell for bioengineering purposes. These estimates are compared with measured data from experiments and good agreement is achieved.

  5. Spray Penetration with a Simple Fuel Injection Nozzle

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, Harold E; Beardsley, Edward G


    The purpose of the tests covered by this report was to obtain specific information on the rate of penetration of the spray from a simple injection nozzle, having a single orifice with a diameter of 0.015 inch when injecting into compressed gases. The results have shown that the effects of both chamber and fuel pressures on penetration are so marked that the study of sprays by means of high-speed photography or its equivalent is necessary if the effects are to be appreciated sufficiently to enable rational analysis. It was found for these tests that the negative acceleration of the spray tip is approximately proportional to the 1.5 power of the instantaneous velocity of the spray tip.

  6. Penetration of gold nanoparticles across the stratum corneum layer of thick-Skin.


    Raju, Gayathri; Katiyar, Neeraj; Vadukumpully, Sajini; Shankarappa, Sahadev A


    Transdermal particulate penetration across thick-skin, such as that of palms and sole, is particularly important for drug delivery for disorders such as small fiber neuropathies. Nanoparticle-based drug delivery across skin is believed to have much translational applications, but their penetration especially through thick-skin, is not clear. This study specifically investigates the effectiveness of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for thick-skin penetration, especially across the stratum corneum (SC) as a function of particle size. The thick-skinned hind-paw of rat was used to characterize depth and distribution of AuNPs of varying sizes, namely, 22±3, 105±11, and 186±20nm. Epidermal penetration of AuNPs was characterized both, in harvested skin from the hind-paw using a diffusion chamber, as well as in vivo. Harvested skin segments exposed to 22nm AuNPs for only 3h demonstrated higher penetration (p<0.05) as compared to the 105 and 186nm particles. In animal studies, hind-paw skin of adult rats exposed to AuNPs solution for the same time, demonstrated nanoparticles in blood on the 4th day, and histological analysis revealed AuNPs in epidermal layers just below the SC, with no apparent tissue response. We conclude that the thick-skin allows nanoparticle penetration and acts as a depot for release of AuNPs into circulation long after the initial exposure has ceased. Copyright © 2017 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Prediction of soil frost penetration depth in northwest of Iran using air freezing indices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mohammadi, H.; Moghbel, M.; Ranjbar, F.


    Information about soil frost penetration depth can be effective in finding appropriate solutions to reduce the agricultural crop damage, transportations, and building facilities. Amongst proper methods to achieve this information are the statistical and empirical models capable of estimating soil frost penetration depth. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to calculate soil frost penetration depth in northwest of Iran during the year 2007-2008 to validate two different models accuracy. To do so, the relationship between air and soil temperature in different depths (5-10-20-30-50-100 cm) at three times of the day (3, 9, and 15 GMT) for 14 weather stations over 7 provinces was analyzed using linear regression. Then, two different air freezing indices (AFIs) including Norwegian and Finn AFI was implemented. Finally, the frost penetration depth was calculated by McKeown method and the accuracy of models determined by actual soil frost penetration depth. The results demonstrated that there is a significant correlation between air and soil depth temperature in all studied stations up to the 30 cm under the surface. Also, according to the results, Norwegian index can be effectively used for determination of soil frost depth penetration and the correlation coefficient between actual and estimated soil frost penetration depth is r = 0.92 while the Finn index overestimates the frost depth in all stations with correlation coefficient r = 0.70.

  8. Interaction of trace elements and welding parameters on GTA weld shape. [Variation with penetration and tip angle

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Burgardt, P.; Heiple, C.R.


    Good penetration and poor penetration steels have different responses to changes in temperature distribution on the weld pool surface. Penetration of 304 SS was varied using S and Se dopants. The weld parameter investigated was the electrode tip angle. Results of bead-on-plate GTA welds show that there is a difference in response of weld pool shape to tip angle depending on penetration: Low penetration base metal showed no dependence, intermediate penetration steel showed a small linear decrease of weld depth-to-width ratio (d/w) with tip angle, while high penetration steel showed an increase of d/w up to a maximum at aboutmore » 50/sup 0/, followed by a decrease in d/w. (DLC)« less

  9. The Association between Medicare Advantage Market Penetration and Diabetes in the United States

    PubMed Central

    Howard, Steven W.; Bernell, Stephanie Lazarus; Wilmott, Jennifer; Casim, M. Faizan; Wang, Jing; Pearson, Lindsey; Byler, Caitlin M.; Zhang, Zidong


    The objective of this study is to explore the extent to which managed care market penetration in the United States is associated with the presence of chronic disease. Diabetes was selected as the chronic disease of interest due to its increasing prevalence as well as the disease management protocols that can lessen disease complications. We hypothesized that greater managed care market penetration would be associated with (1) lower prevalence of diabetes and (2) lower prevalence of diabetes-related comorbidities (DRCs) among diabetics. Data for this analysis came from two sources. We merged Medicare Advantage (MA) market penetration data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) (2004–2008). Results suggest that county-level MA market penetration is not significantly associated with prevalence of diabetes or DRCs. That finding is quite interesting in that managed care market penetration has been shown to have an effect on utilization of inpatient services. It may be that managed care protocols do not offer the same benefits beyond the inpatient setting. PMID:26501052

  10. The Association between Medicare Advantage Market Penetration and Diabetes in the United States.


    Howard, Steven W; Bernell, Stephanie Lazarus; Wilmott, Jennifer; Casim, M Faizan; Wang, Jing; Pearson, Lindsey; Byler, Caitlin M; Zhang, Zidong


    The objective of this study is to explore the extent to which managed care market penetration in the United States is associated with the presence of chronic disease. Diabetes was selected as the chronic disease of interest due to its increasing prevalence as well as the disease management protocols that can lessen disease complications. We hypothesized that greater managed care market penetration would be associated with (1) lower prevalence of diabetes and (2) lower prevalence of diabetes-related comorbidities (DRCs) among diabetics. Data for this analysis came from two sources. We merged Medicare Advantage (MA) market penetration data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) (2004-2008). Results suggest that county-level MA market penetration is not significantly associated with prevalence of diabetes or DRCs. That finding is quite interesting in that managed care market penetration has been shown to have an effect on utilization of inpatient services. It may be that managed care protocols do not offer the same benefits beyond the inpatient setting.

  11. Photoacoustic Analysis of the Penetration Kinetics of Cordia verbenacea DC in Human Skin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carvalho, S. S.; Barja, P. R.


    Phonophoresis consists of the utilization of ultrasound radiation associated to pharmacological agents in order to enhance transdermal penetration of applied drugs. It is a widely employed resource in physiotherapy practice, normally associated with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Acheflan. This drug was developed in Brazil from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea DC, a native plant of the Brazilian southern coast. In previous studies, the photoacoustic (PA) technique proved effective in the study of the penetration kinetics of topically applied products and in the evaluation of drug delivery after phonophoresis application. The present work aimed to evaluate the penetration kinetics of Acheflan in human skin, employing in vivo PA measurements after massage application or phonophoresis application. Ten volunteers (aged between 18 and 30 years) took part in the study. Time evolution of the PA signal was fitted to a Boltzmann curve, S-shaped. After statistical analysis, PA measurements have shown drug penetration for both application forms, but drug delivery was more evident after phonophoresis application, with a characteristic penetration time of less than 15 min for the stratum corneum.

  12. Penetrators for delivering Scientific equipment to minor bodies by flying-pass missions.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bagrov, Alexander; Martynov, Maxim; Pichkhadze, Konstantin M.; Dolgopolov, Vladimir; Sysoev, Valentin

    Many space missions are planned to have close encounters with Solar system minor bodies as a pass-fly. Short time of such close encounters were effectively used for photographing of these bodies, i.e. for distant investigations only because of large velocities of the encounter. We propose to use high-velocity penetrators to provide contact investigations of the minor bodies in situ. These devices were designed by Lavochkin Association for lunar missions. They were designed for long lived scientific equipment to be placed under surface up to depth 2...3 m. Penetrators could survive under 500 g shock, so the contact velocity was from 90 to 250 m/s, so each of them had booster engine to decelerate orbital velocity. As flying-pass velocity near minor body can be more then 10 km/s, penetrators would hit target at speed above 1 km/s and successfully bear 1500 g. To do so we propose to fulfill whole internal space inside penetrator with distilled water and froze it to temperature - 80°C or lower. At this temperature water ice is as hard as steel, so penetrator will plunge into target like armour-piercing shell. After landing protective ice will be evaporated (particularly due to heating from collision) and all sensitive mechanics will be set free.

  13. Drain Tube-Induced Jejunal Penetration Masquerading as Bile Leak following Whipple's Operation.


    Bae, Sang Ho; Lee, Tae Hoon; Lee, Sae Hwan; Lee, Suck-Ho; Park, Sang-Heum; Kim, Sun-Joo; Kim, Chang Ho


    A 70-year-old man had undergone pancreaticoduodenectomy due to a distal common bile duct malignancy. After the operation, serous fluid discharge decreased from two drain tubes in the retroperitoneum. Over four weeks, the appearance of the serous fluid changed to a greenish bile color and the patient persistently drained over 300 ml/day. Viewed as bile leak at the choledochojejunostomy, treatment called for endoscopic diagnosis and therapy. Cap-fitted forward-viewing endoscopy demonstrated that the distal tip of a pancreatic drain catheter inserted at the pancreaticojejunostomy site had penetrated the opposite jejunum wall. One of the drain tubes primarily placed in the retroperitoneum had also penetrated the jejunum wall, with the distal tip positioned near the choledochojejunostomy site. No leak of contrast appeared beyond the jejunum or anastomosis site. Following repositioning of a penetrating catheter of the pancreaticojejunostomy, four days later, the patient underwent removal of two drain tubes without additional complications. In conclusion, the distal tip of the catheter, placed to drain pancreatic juice, penetrated the jejunum wall and may have caused localized perijejunal inflammation. The other drain tube, placed in the retroperitoneal space, might then have penetrated the inflamed wall of the jejunum, allowing persistent bile drainage via the drain tube. The results masqueraded as bile leakage following pancreaticoduodenectomy.

  14. Une version canadienne française du Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) : L'Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI), partie I

    PubMed Central

    René, Frédéric; Casimiro, Lynn; Tremblay, Manon; Lefebvre, Annabelle; Beaudouin, Martine; Belliveau, Véronik; Bergeron, Louis-Philippe


    RÉSUMÉ Introduction : Le Rehabilitation Network of Ottawa-Carleton (RENOC) recommande à ses établissements de santé d'utiliser le Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS). Puisque le RENOC dessert une clientèle anglophone et francophone, il s'imposait de traduire le LEFS pour l'évaluation de la clientèle francophone. But : Produire une traduction canadienne-française du LEFS sous l'appellation proposée « Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI) » et examiner la validité de son contenu. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé une approche modifiée de la méthodologie de validation transculturelle de questionnaires de Vallerand (1989). Une traduction renversée parallèle du LEFS a d'abord été complétée. Ensuite, un comité d'experts a examiné les deux versions préliminaires et a créé la première version expérimentale de l'ÉFMI. Cette version fut évaluée par un deuxième comité d'experts, dont les commentaires menèrent à une deuxième version expérimentale. Finalement, 35 professionnels de la réadaptation évaluèrent la version expérimentale de l'ÉFMI sur une échelle d'ambiguïté et proposèrent les modifications finales. Résultats : Pour les différents énoncés de la version finale de l'ÉFMI, les moyennes sur l'échelle d'ambiguïté démontrent un niveau d'ambiguïté relativement faible puisqu'elles varient entre 1 et 2.54. Conclusion : Les quatre étapes rigoureuses du processus ont permis de produire une version valide du LEFS en français. PMID:22379265

  15. An evaluation of bacterial contamination of barriers used in periapical tissue regeneration: Part 2--Bacterial penetration.


    Sharma, Priya; Mickel, André K; Chogle, Sami; Sharma, Prem Nath; Han, Yiping W; Jones, Jefferson J


    To compare the relative penetration of Prevotella melaninogenica and Enterococcus faecalis through 3 guided tissue regeneration membranes: Atrisorb, Lambone, and OsseoQuest. It was hypothesized that OsseoQuest would show increased bacterial penetration when compared to Lambone and Atrisorb. Centrifuge tubes containing trypticase soy broth were sealed with circular sections of membranes and placed in test tubes containing culture media. The bacterial penetration was assessed by passage of bacteria from the outer tube culture media to the inner centrifuge tube media through the membrane. After incubation for 4 and 48 hours, the media from the outer and inner tubes were compared for bacterial count. P melaninogenica exhibited 91% penetration for Lambone in 2 days, while OsseoQuest displayed 87% penetration with E faecalis in the same time. Atrisorb displayed a minimal penetration with both bacteria (2%). Atrisorb displayed the least bacterial penetration, which may be attributed to membrane structure, chemical configuration, hydrophobicity, and porosity of tested membranes.

  16. Lenticular astigmatism after penetrating eye injury.


    Rumelt, S; Jager, G; Rehany, U


    Lenticular astigmatism of 5.00 diopters developed after penetrating injury in the eye of a 16-year-old boy. Full visual acuity, refraction, and crystalline lens clarity remained stable for more than 2 years. The high astigmatism, in conjunction with a spherical cornea and posterior lens capsule striae, indicates the lenticular origin of the astigmatism.

  17. Stochastic dynamics of penetrable rods in one dimension: occupied volume and spatial order.


    Craven, Galen T; Popov, Alexander V; Hernandez, Rigoberto


    The occupied volume of a penetrable hard rod (HR) system in one dimension is probed through the use of molecular dynamics simulations. In these dynamical simulations, collisions between penetrable rods are governed by a stochastic penetration algorithm (SPA), which allows for rods to either interpenetrate with a probability δ, or collide elastically otherwise. The limiting values of this parameter, δ = 0 and δ = 1, correspond to the HR and the ideal limits, respectively. At intermediate values, 0 < δ < 1, mixing of mutually exclusive and independent events is observed, making prediction of the occupied volume nontrivial. At high hard core volume fractions φ0, the occupied volume expression derived by Rikvold and Stell [J. Chem. Phys. 82, 1014 (1985)] for permeable systems does not accurately predict the occupied volume measured from the SPA simulations. Multi-body effects contribute significantly to the pair correlation function g2(r) and the simplification by Rikvold and Stell that g2(r) = δ in the penetrative region is observed to be inaccurate for the SPA model. We find that an integral over the penetrative region of g2(r) is the principal quantity that describes the particle overlap ratios corresponding to the observed penetration probabilities. Analytic formulas are developed to predict the occupied volume of mixed systems and agreement is observed between these theoretical predictions and the results measured from simulation.

  18. Delayed evaluation of combat-related penetrating neck trauma.


    Fox, Charles J; Gillespie, David L; Weber, Michael A; Cox, Mitchell W; Hawksworth, Jason S; Cryer, Chad M; Rich, Norman M; O'Donnell, Sean D


    The approach to penetrating trauma of the head and neck has undergone significant evolution and offers unique challenges during wartime. Military munitions produce complex injury patterns that challenge conventional diagnosis and management. Mass casualties may not allow for routine exploration of all stable cervical blast injuries. The objective of this study was to review the delayed evaluation of combat-related penetrating neck trauma in patients after evacuation to the United States. From February 2003 through April 2005, a series of patients with military-associated penetrating cervical trauma were evacuated to a single institution, prospectively entered into a database, and retrospectively reviewed. Suspected vascular injury from penetrating neck trauma occurred in 63 patients. Injuries were to zone II in 33%, zone III in 33%, and zone I in 11%. The remaining injuries involved multiple zones, including the lower face or posterior neck. Explosive devices wounded 50 patients (79%), 13 (21%) had high-velocity gunshot wounds, and 19 (30%) had associated intracranial or cervical spine injury. Of the 39 patients (62%) who underwent emergent neck exploration in Iraq or Afghanistan, 21 had 24 injuries requiring ligation (18), vein interposition or primary repair (4), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft interposition (1), or patch angioplasty (1). Injuries occurred to the carotid, vertebral, or innominate arteries, or the jugular vein. After evacuation to the United States, all patients underwent radiologic evaluation of the head and neck vasculature. Computed tomography angiography was performed in 45 patients (71%), including six zone II injuries without prior exploration. Forty (63%) underwent diagnostic arteriography that detected pseudoaneurysms (5) or occlusions (8) of the carotid and vertebral arteries. No occult venous injuries were noted. Delayed evaluation resulted in the detection of 12 additional occult injuries and one graft thrombosis in 11 patients

  19. Assessment of Quantum Dot Penetration into Skin in Different Species Under Different Mechanical Actions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Monteiro-Riviere, N. A.; Zhang, L. W.

    Skin penetration is one of the major routes of exposure for nanoparticles to gain access to a biological system. QD nanoparticles have received a great deal of attention due to their fluorescent characteristics and potential use in medical applications. However, little is known about their permeability in skin. This study focuses on three types of quantum dots (QD) with different surface coatings and concentrations on their ability to penetrate skin. QD621 (polyethylene glycol coated, PEG) was studied for 24 h in porcine skin flow-through diffusion cells. QD565 and QD655 coated with carboxylic acid were studied for 8 and 24 h in flow-through diffusion cells with flexed, tape stripped and abraded rat skin to determine if these mechanical actions could perturb the barrier and affect penetration. Confocal microscopy depicted QD621 penetration through the uppermost layers of the stratum corneum (SC) and fluorescence was found in the SC and near hair follicles. QD621 were found in the intercellular lipid layers of the SC by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). QD565 and 655 with flexed and tape-stripped skin did not show penetration; only abraded skin showed penetration in the viable dermal layers. In all QD studies, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) analysis for cadmium (Cd) and fluorescence for QD did not detect Cd or fluorescence signal in the perfusate at any time point, concentration or type of QD. These results indicate that porcine skin penetration of QD621 is minimal and limited primarily to the outer SC layers, while QD565 and 655 penetrated into the dermis of abraded skin. The anatomical complexity of skin and species differences should be taken into consideration when selecting an animal model to study nanoparticle absorption/penetration. These findings are of importance to risk assessment for nanoscale materials because it indicates that if skin barrier is altered such as in wounds, scrapes, or dermatitis conditions could

  20. The Tubular Penetration Depth and Adaption of Four Sealers: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Huan; Zhao, Xinyuan; Qiu, Yu; Xu, Dengyou


    Background. The tubular penetration and adaptation of the sealer are important factors for successful root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tubular penetration depth of four different sealers in the coronal, middle, and apical third of root canals as well as the adaptation of these sealers to root canal walls. Materials and Methods. 50 single-rooted teeth were prepared in this study. Forty-eight of them were filled with different sealers (Cortisomol, iRoot SP, AH-Plus, and RealSeal SE) and respective core filling materials. Then the specimens were sectioned and scanning electron microscopy was employed to assess the tubular penetration and adaptation of the sealers. Results. Our results demonstrated that the maximum penetration was exhibited by RealSeal SE, followed by AH-Plus, iRoot SP, and Cortisomol. As regards the adaptation property to root canal walls, AH-Plus has best adaptation capacity followed by iRoot SP, RealSeal SE, and Cortisomol. Conclusion. The tubular penetration and adaptation vary with the different sealers investigated. RealSeal SE showed the most optimal tubular penetration, whereas AH-Plus presented the best adaptation to the root canal walls. PMID:29479539

  1. Une colite à CMV révélant un lupus érythémateux systémique

    PubMed Central

    Ben Ghorbel, Imed; Boussetta, Najeh; Boubaker, Jalel; Zehani, Alia; Lamloum, Mounir; Houman, Mohamed Habib


    Le cytomégalovirus (CMV) est responsable d'infections souvent asymptomatiques chez les immunocompétents mais également d'infections graves chez les immunodéprimés notamment chez les patients lupiques. La réactivation du CMV au cours du lupus est une complication fréquente mais rarement inaugurale. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient ayant présenté une colite à CMV révélatrice d'un lupus érythémateux systémique. Le diagnostic a été retenu sur les données sérologiques, de la biopsie colique et la bonne évolution après un traitement par ganciclovir. PMID:25977743

  2. Design and intestinal mucus penetration mechanism of core-shell nanocomplex.


    Zhang, Xin; Cheng, Hongbo; Dong, Wei; Zhang, Meixia; Liu, Qiaoyu; Wang, Xiuhua; Guan, Jian; Wu, Haiyang; Mao, Shirui


    The objective of this study was to design intestinal mucus-penetrating core-shell nanocomplex by functionally mimicking the surface of virus, which can be used as the carrier for peroral delivery of macromolecules, and further understand the influence of nanocomplex surface properties on the mucosal permeation capacity. Taking insulin as a model drug, the core was formed by the self-assembly among positively charged chitosan, insulin and negatively charged sodium tripolyphosphate, different types of alginates were used as the shell forming material. The nanocomplex was characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and FTIR. Nanocomplex movement in mucus was recorded using multiple particle tracking (MPT) method. Permeation and uptake of different nanocomplex were studied in rat intestine. It was demonstrated that alginate coating layer was successfully formed on the core and the core-shell nanocomplex showed a good physical stability and improved enzymatic degradation protection. The mucus penetration and MPT study showed that the mucus penetration capacity of the nanocomplex was surface charge and coating polymer structure dependent, nanocomplex with negative alginate coating had 1.6-2.5 times higher mucus penetration ability than that of positively charged chitosan-insulin nanocomplex. Moreover, the mucus penetration ability of the core-shell nanocomplex was alginate structure dependent, whereas alginate with lower G content and lower molecular weight showed the best permeation enhancing ability. The improvement of intestine permeation and intestinal villi uptake of the core-shell nanocomplex were further confirmed in rat intestine and multiple uptake mechanisms were involved in the transport process. In conclusion, core-shell nanocomplex composed of oppositely charged materials could provide a strategy to overcome the mucus barrier and enhance the mucosal permeability. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. La prévention des blessures chez les enfants et les adolescents : une démarche de santé publique

    PubMed Central

    Yanchar, Natalie L; Warda, Lynne J; Fuselli, Pamela


    RÉSUMÉ La majorité des blessures dont sont victimes les enfants et les adolescents sont évitables. Le présent document de principes contient des renseignements généraux, des conseils et une déclaration d’engagement à l’égard de la prévention des blessures au Canada. Il sert de base sur laquelle construire en s’attardant d’abord aux définitions, à l’étendue et aux priorités en matière de prévention des blessures. Il contient également une description du fardeau et du profil des blessures non intentionnelles, de même que les principes d’interventions de prévention efficaces. La version intégrale renferme une liste de ressources en vue d’obtenir des données et de l’information probante ( Enfin, le présent document de principes peut être utilisé pour la défense généralisée de la prévention des blessures.

  4. Calculation of effective penetration depth in X-ray diffraction for pharmaceutical solids.


    Liu, Jodi; Saw, Robert E; Kiang, Y-H


    The use of the glancing incidence X-ray diffraction configuration to depth profile surface phase transformations is of interest to pharmaceutical scientists. The Parratt equation has been used to depth profile phase changes in pharmaceutical compacts. However, it was derived to calculate 1/e penetration at glancing incident angles slightly below the critical angle of condensed matter and is, therefore, applicable to surface studies of materials such as single crystalline nanorods and metal thin films. When the depth of interest is 50-200 microm into the surface, which is typical for pharmaceutical solids, the 1/e penetration depth, or skin depth, can be directly calculated from an exponential absorption law without utilizing the Parratt equation. In this work, we developed a more relevant method to define X-ray penetration depth based on the signal detection limits of the X-ray diffractometer. Our definition of effective penetration depth was empirically verified using bilayer compacts of varying known thicknesses of mannitol and lactose.

  5. Monitoring of copper nanoparticle penetration into dentin of human tooth in vitro

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Selifonov, Alexey A.; Glukhovskoy, Evgeny G.; Skibina, Yulia S.; Zakharevich, Andrey M.; Begletsova, Nadezhda N.; Tuchin, Valery V.


    Study of the penetration depth of synthesized copper nanoparticles into cut samples of human dentin was conducted. The scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the elemental composition of fresh transverse cleavage of the dentin cut for determination of the copper nanoparticles penetration with an effective antiseptic effect. The morphology of the cut surface of the dentin of a human tooth was studied and the lower limit of the diffusion boundary was determined. It was found that copper nanoparticles penetrate into the dentin cut to a depth of 1.8 μm with the diffusion coefficient of 1.8×10-11 cm2/s. Despite the rather small size of the synthesized copper nanoparticles (20-80 nm), a rather small penetration depth can be explained by the high aggregation ability of copper nanoparticles, as well as the ability of a micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate, in which nanoparticles were stabilized, to form conglomerates in micelles of much larger sizes.

  6. Etude des phenomenes chimiques au contact entre le bloc cathodique et la barre collectrice d'une cellule d'electrolyse d'aluminium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebeuf, Martin

    La production d'aluminium est une industrie importante au Québec. Les propriétés de ce métal le vouent à de multiples usages présents et futurs dans le cadre d'une économie moderne durable. Toutefois, le procédé Hall-Héroult est très énergivore et des progrès demeurent donc nécessaires pour en diminuer les coûts financiers et environnementaux. Parmi les améliorations envisageables de la cellule d'électrolyse se trouve le contact entre la cathode et la barre collectrice, qui doit offrir une faible résistivité au passage du courant électrique. En cours d'opération de la cellule, ce contact a tendance à se dégrader, générant des pertes énergétiques significatives. Les causes de cette dégradation, pouvant provenir de phénomènes chimiques, thermiques, mécaniques et/ou électriques, demeurent mal comprises. Le but du présent projet était donc d'étudier les phénomènes chimiques se produisant au contact bloc-barre de la cellule d'électrolyse Hall-Héroult. En premier lieu, un aspect crucial à considérer est la pénétration du bain électrolytique dans la cathode, car des composés de bain atteignent éventuellement la barre collectrice et peuvent y réagir. A cet effet, une méthode novatrice a été développée afin d'étudier les cathodes et la pénétration du bain dans celles-ci à l'aide de la microtomographie à rayons X. Cette méthode rapide et efficace s'est avérée fort utile dans le projet et a un potentiel important pour l'étude future des cathodes et des phénomènes qui s'y produisent. Ensuite, une cellule d'électrolyse rectangulaire à petite échelle a été développée. Plusieurs phénomènes observés 'en industrie sur des autopsies de cellules post-opération et rapportés dans la littérature ont été reproduis avec succès à l'aide de cette cellule expérimentale. Puis, des tests sans électrolyse, ciblant l'effet du bain électrolytique sur l'acier, ont aussi été conçus et complétés afin de s

  7. Transdermal permeation of drugs with differing lipophilicity: Effect of penetration enhancer camphor.


    Xie, Feng; Chai, Jia-Ke; Hu, Quan; Yu, Yong-Hui; Ma, Li; Liu, Ling-Ying; Zhang, Xu-Long; Li, Bai-Ling; Zhang, Dong-Hai


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential application of (+)-camphor as a penetration enhancer for the transdermal delivery of drugs with differing lipophilicity. The skin irritation of camphor was evaluated by in vitro cytotoxicity assays and in vivo transdermal water loss (TEWL) measurements. A series of model drugs with a wide span of lipophilicity (logP value ranging from 3.80 to -0.95), namely indometacin, lidocaine, aspirin, antipyrine, tegafur and 5-fluorouracil, were tested using in vitro transdermal permeation experiments to assess the penetration-enhancing profile of camphor. Meanwhile, the in vivo skin microdialysis was carried out to further investigate the enhancing effect of camphor on the lipophilic and hydrophilic model drugs (i.e. lidocaine and tegafur). SC (stratum corneum)/vehicle partition coefficient and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were performed to probe the regulation action of camphor in the skin permeability barrier. It was found that camphor produced a relatively low skin irritation, compared with the frequently-used and standard penetration enhancer laurocapram. In vitro skin permeation studies showed that camphor could significantly facilitate the transdermal absorption of model drugs with differing lipophilicity, and the penetration-enhancing activities were in a parabola curve going downwards with the drug logP values, which displayed the optimal penetration-enhancing efficiency for the weak lipophilic or hydrophilic drugs (an estimated logP value of 0). In vivo skin microdialysis showed that camphor had a similar penetration behavior on transdermal absorption of model drugs. Meanwhile, the partition of lipophilic drugs into SC was increased after treatment with camphor, and camphor also produced a shift of CH2 vibration of SC lipid to higher wavenumbers and decreased the peak area of the CH2 vibration, probably resulting in the alteration of the skin permeability barrier. This suggests that

  8. Use of ground-penetrating radar techniques in archaeological investigations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Doolittle, James A.; Miller, W. Frank


    Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) techniques are increasingly being used to aid reconnaissance and pre-excavation surveys at many archaeological sites. As a 'remote sensing' tool, GPR provides a high resolution graphic profile of the subsurface. Radar profiles are used to detect, identify, and locate buried artifacts. Ground-penetrating radar provides a rapid, cost effective, and nondestructive method for identification and location analyses. The GPR can be used to facilitate excavation strategies, provide greater areal coverage per unit time and cost, minimize the number of unsuccessful exploratory excavations, and reduce unnecessary or unproductive expenditures of time and effort.

  9. Brain penetrant kinase inhibitors: Learning from kinase neuroscience discovery.


    Shi, Yuan; Mader, Mary


    A recent review of kinase inhibitors in clinical trials for brain cancer noted differences in the properties of these compounds relative to the mean property parameters associated with drugs marketed for CNS-associated conditions. However, many of these kinase drugs arose from opportunistic observations of brain activity, rather than design or flow schemes focused on optimizing CNS penetration. Thus, this digest examines kinase inhibitors that have been developed specifically for neurodegenerative indications such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, and considers design, flow scheme, and the physicochemical properties associated with compounds that have demonstrated brain penetrance. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Penetrating injury of ascending aorta with arrow in situ.


    Lakhotia, Siddharth; Prakash, Shashi; Singh, Dinesh Kumar; Kumar, Ashok; Panigrahi, Debasish


    Penetrating injuries of the aorta are rare and highly lethal; very few patients are able to reach the hospital alive. We report a case of penetrating injury into the ascending aorta with the arrow still in situ, shot by a bow in a tribal region of India. The wound of entry into the aorta was sealed by the arrow itself. The patient came to us walking and supporting the arrow with his left hand. He was operated on, and the arrow was successfully removed from the aorta. Copyright © 2012 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Rapid Treatment of Subungual Onychomycosis Using Controlled Micro Nail Penetration and Terbinafine Solution.


    Bristow, Ivan; Baran, Robert; Score, Michelle


    Onychomycosis continues to be a common and intractable problem in adults, often responding poorly to topical treatment due to limited drug penetration of the nail plate. Improving penetration has been attempted previously by chemical and physical means with some success. The authors present three cases of toenail onychomycosis treated topical terbinafine 1% solution using controlled micro-penetration of the nail using a novel intelligent nail drill system which is able to drill nail plate without penetrating the delicate nail bed beneath. The cases illustrate how the device has been successfully employed to deliver the anti-fungal drug directly and rapidly to the site of infection with minimal side effects or complications, whilst maintaining the nail integrity.

    J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(8):974-978.

  12. Measurement of in-situ strength using projectile penetration: Tests of a new launching system

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hearst, J.R.; Newmark, R.L.; Charest, J.A.


    The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a continuing need to measure rock strength in situ, both for simple prediction of cavity size, and as input to computational models. In a previous report we compared two methods for measuring formation strength in situ: projectile penetration and a cone penetrometer. We determined that the projectile method was more promising for application to our large-diameter (2-4-m) hole environment. A major practical problem has been the development of a launcher and an apparatus for measuring depth of penetration that would be suitable for use in large-diameter holes. We are developing a gas-gun launcher systemmore » that will be capable of measuring both depth of penetration and deceleration of a reusable projectile. The current version of the launcher is trailer-mounted for testing at our Nevada Test Site (NTS) in tunnels and outcrops, but its design is such that it can be readily adapted for emplacement hole use. We test the current launcher on 60-cm cubes of gypsum cement, mixed to provie a range of densities (1.64 to 2.0 g/cc) and strengths (3 to 17 MPa). We compared depth of penetration of a 84-g projectile from a ''Betsy'' seismic gun - traveling on the order of 500 m/s - with the depth of penetration of a 13-kg projectile from the gas gun - traveling on the order of 30 m/s. For projectiles with the same nose size and shape, impacting targets of approximately constant strength, penetration depth was proportional to projectile kinetic energy. The ratio of kinetic energy to penetration depth was approximately proportional to target strength. Tests in tuffs with a wide range of strengths at NTS gave a similar linear relationship between the ratio of kinetic energy to penetration and target strength, and also a linear relationship between deceleration and strength. It appears that penetration can indeed be used as a semiquantitative measure of strength.« less

  13. Étalement d'une goutte stratifiée incompressible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles; Cazabat, Anne-Marie

    L'étalement de films ultraminces de liquides simples sur une surface lisse horizontale conduit souvent à des gouttes à gradins d'une épaisseur moléculaire ([1]-[3]). Nous construisons ici un modèle pour la dynamique de l'étalement, en supposant que : (a) chaque gradin est un liquide bidimensionnel incompressible; (b) les molécules de la n-ième couche sont soumises à un potentiel (Wn) qui exprime leurs interactions à longue portée avec le solide; (c) on a un écoulement parallèle de cisaillement, et un écoulement normal de perméation. La perméation intervient seulement dans un certain « ruban » de largeur ξ sur le bord de chaque gradin. Dans le cas usuel, où le rayon du n-ième gradin Rn est trs supérieur à ξ, la dissipation est dominée par le cisaillement, et on arrive à des lois simples pour la vitesse de dilatation (ou de contraction) dotR_n. Very thin films of simple liquids often spread with well defined steps of molecular thickness ([1]-[3]). We construct a model for the dynamics of spreading assuming that: (a) each layer is an incompressible, 2 dimensional fluid; (b) the molecules in the (nth) layer experience a long range potential (e.g. Van der Waals) from the solid; (c) two types of flow occur: shear between layers and permeation normal to the layers. We find that permeation is important only in an annulus of small size ξ near each step. Between steps, the viscous effects in simple shear dominate, and this leads to simple laws for the dilation (or contraction) of the various layers.

  14. Penetration of chemicals into the oocyte, uterine fluid, and preimplantation blastocyst

    PubMed Central

    Fabro, Sergio


    Chemicals, including commonly used drugs (e.g., penicillin, meprobamate, pyridium, and mercaptomerin) penetrate and persist for some time in the ovarian follicular fluid at concentrations approximately similar to that of the serum. Information as to the penetration of chemicals into the granulosa cells and into the oocyte is scanty, although there are some indications that these structures are also permeable to foreign chemicals. Similarly, caffeine, nicotine, thiopental, salicylic acid, antipyrine, barbital, and isoniazid enter the uterine secretion and penetrate the preimplantation blastocyst of mice, rats and rabbits. The pattern of distribution of compounds among ovarian follicular fluid, uterine luminal fluid, blastocyst and plasma varies from compound to compound and appears to be related to the molecular weight and degree of ionization of the compound and differs in pregnant and nonpregnant animals. Thus, nicotine and DDT accumulate in the uterine luminal fluid of pregnant but not in that of nonpregnant rabbits. The penetration of foreign chemicals into the oocyte, uterine luminal fluid, and preimplantation blastocyst may exert adverse effects on fertilization, implantation, and/or further development of the conceptus. The possible toxicological importance of this process to eutherian reproduction is discussed. PMID:17539150

  15. Approche au diagnostic de la maladie cœliaque chez les patients ayant une faible densité minérale osseuse ou des fractures de fragilité

    PubMed Central

    Rios, Lorena P.; Khan, Aliya; Sultan, Muhammad; McAssey, Karen; Fouda, Mona A.; Armstrong, David


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux cliniciens une mise à jour sur le diagnostic de la maladie cœliaque (MC), ainsi que des recommandations sur les indications de procéder au dépistage de la MC chez les patients présentant une faible densité minérale osseuse (DMO) ou des fractures de fragilité. Qualité des données Un groupe de travail multidisciplinaire a élaboré des questions cliniquement pertinentes relativement au diagnostic de la MC servant de fondement à une recherche documentaire dans les bases de données MEDLINE, EMBASE et CENTRAL (de janvier 2000 à janvier 2009) à l’aide des mots clés en anglais celiac disease, osteoporosis, osteopenia, low bone mass et fracture. Les ouvrages scientifiques existants comportent des études de niveaux I et II. Message principal La prévalence estimée de la MC asymptomatique est de 2 % à 3 % chez les personnes qui ont une faible DMO. Par ailleurs, un dépistage ciblé est recommandé pour les patients qui ont des T-scores de −1,0 ou moins à la colonne vertébrale ou aux hanches ou des antécédents de fractures de fragilité associées à des symptômes ou à des problèmes reliés à la MC, des antécédents familiaux de MC ou de bas niveaux de calcium urinaire, une insuffisance en vitamine D et des niveaux à la hausse d’hormones parathyroïdiennes en dépit d’un apport suffisant en calcium et en vitamine D. Le dépistage de la MC devrait se faire pendant que le sujet consomme un régime alimentaire contenant du gluten. On procède au dépistage initial par le dosage d’immunoglobuline (Ig) A antitransglutaminase en utilisant la transglutaminase tissulaire humaine recombinante ou une autre transglutaminase tissulaire, en association avec l’immunofluorescence des IgA anti-endomysium. Une biopsie du duodénum est nécessaire pour confirmer le diagnostic de la MC. Le typage des antigènes des leucocytes humains peut aider à confirmer ou à exclure le diagnostic de la MC dans les cas où la s

  16. Requirements and capabilities for planetary missions. Volume 2: Mars polar orbiter penetrator 1981

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ball, G. G.; Bird, T. H.


    The Mars Polar Orbiter/Penetrator 1981 mission, intended to investigate the manner in which Mars has evolved, and which surveys its geochemistry, performs climatological investigations, and attempts to determine the planet's gravitational field, was described. The spacecraft, modified from the Viking Orbiter design, carries a new remote-sensing payload and six penetrators. The penetrators are released from a 2.46-h, 1000-km sun synchronous circular orbit and interrogated daily throughout the 2-year orbital mission. X-band telemetry is used to increase data return.

  17. Virus and Host Mechanics Support Membrane Penetration and Cell Entry

    PubMed Central


    Viruses are quasi-inert macromolecular assemblies. Their metastable conformation changes during entry into cells, when chemical and mechanical host cues expose viral membrane-interacting proteins. This leads to membrane rupture or fusion and genome uncoating. Importantly, virions tune their physical properties and enhance penetration and uncoating. For example, influenza virus softens at low pH to uncoat. The stiffness and pressure of adenovirus control uncoating and membrane penetration. Virus and host mechanics thus present new opportunities for antiviral therapy. PMID:26842477

  18. Phenomena after meteoroid penetration of a bumper plate

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Todd, F. C.


    The results are presented of a study to obtain a computer program for the penetration of a thin plate of aluminum by a sphere of rock. The study was divided into two projects. One project covers the initial impact, the crushing of the sphere of rock, the break up of the aluminum sheet, and the conversion of the sufficiently shock-compressed regions of rock and aluminum into a plasma. The other project considers the ejection of a cone of plasma with entrained particles from the impact zone, its expansion as it traverses a region of free space, and its impact on a stack of paper sheets. The ablation of fragments in penetrating the stack of paper sheets is also considered.

  19. Penetrating radiation: applications at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, Scott; Hunter, James; Morris, Christopher


    Los Alamos has used penetrating radiography extensively throughout its history dating back to the Manhattan Project where imaging dense, imploding objects was the subject of intense interest. This interest continues today as major facilities like DARHT1 have become the mainstay of the US Stockpile Stewardship Program2 and the cornerstone of nuclear weapons certification. Meanwhile, emerging threats to national security from cargo containers and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have invigorated inspection efforts using muon tomography, and compact x-ray radiography. Additionally, unusual environmental threats, like those from underwater oil spills and nuclear power plant accidents, have caused renewed interest in fielding radiography in severe operating conditions. We review the history of penetrating radiography at Los Alamos and survey technologies as presently applied to these important problems.

  20. Une présentation atypique de la maladie cœliaque: l'occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine

    PubMed Central

    Jomni, Taieb; Bellakhal, Syrine; Abouda, Maher; Abdelaali, Imene; Douggui, Hédi


    Parmi les complications thrombotiques de la maladie cœliaque l'occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine a été exceptionnellement décrite. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une patiente âgée de 27 ans chez qui le diagnostic de maladie cœliaque a été porté dans le cadre du bilan étiologique d'une occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine. L'interrogatoire ne révélait pas de diarrhée chronique ou de douleurs abdominales. La présence d'un amaigrissement, d'une anémie ferriprive et d'une hypocholestérolémie ont permis l'orientation vers la maladie cœliaque. La positivité des anticorps anti endomysium et la biopsie duodénale montrant l'atrophie villositaire confirmaient ce diagnostic. Le régime sans gluten associé à un traitement par aspirine avait partiellement amélioré l'acuité visuelle chez notre patiente. Cette présentation atypique de la maladie cœliaque souligne la diversité des manifestations extra-digestives au cours de cette maladie et l'intérêt de penser à la maladie cœliaque même lorsque ces manifestations sont inaugurales. PMID:26966496

  1. Sunlight penetration through the Martian polar caps: Effects on the thermal and frost budgets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lindner, Bernhard Lee


    An energy balance model of the seasonal polar caps on Mars is modified to include penetration of solar radiation into and through the ice. Penetration of solar radiation has no effect on subsurface temperature or total frost sublimation if seasonal ice overlies a dust surface. An effect is noted for seasonal ice which overlies the residual polar caps. For the case of an exposed water-ice residual polar cap, the temperature at depth is calculated to be up to several degrees warmer and the calculated lifetime of seasonal CO2 frost is slightly lower when penetration of sunlight is properly treated in the model. For the case of a residual polar cap which is perennially covered by CO2 frost, the calculated lifetime of seasonal CO2 frost is very slightly increased as a result of sunlight penetration through the ice. Hence, penetration of sunlight into the ice helps to stabilize the observed dichotomy in the residual polar caps on Mars, although it is a small effect.

  2. Sunlight penetration through the Martian polar caps - Effects on the thermal and frost budgets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lindner, Bernhard L.


    An energy balance model of the seasonal polar caps on Mars is modified to include penetration of solar radiation into and through the ice. Penetration of solar radiation has no effect on subsurface temperature or total frost sublimation if seasonal ice overlies a dust surface. An effect is noted for seasonal ice which overlies the residual polar caps. For the case of an exposed water-ice residual polar cap, the temperature at depth is calculated to be up to several degrees warmer, and the calculated lifetime of seasonal CO2 frost is slightly lower when penetration of sunlight is properly treated in the model. For the case of a residual polar cap which is perennially covered by CO2 frost, the calculated lifetime of seasonal CO2 frost is very slightly increased as a result of sunlight penetration through the ice. Hence, penetration of sunlight into the ice helps to stabilize the observed dichotomy in the residual polar caps on Mars, although it is a small effect.

  3. Penetrating cardiothoracic war wounds.


    Biocina, B; Sutlić, Z; Husedzinović, I; Rudez, I; Ugljen, R; Letica, D; Slobodnjak, Z; Karadza, J; Brida, V; Vladović-Relja, T; Jelić, I


    Penetrating cardiothoracic war wounds are very common among war casualties. Those injuries require prompt and specific treatment in an aim to decrease mortality and late morbidity. There are a few controversies about the best modality of treatment for such injuries, and there are not many large series of such patients in recent literature. We analysed a group of 259 patients with penetrating cardiothoracic war wounds admitted to our institutions between May 1991 and October 1992. There were 235 (90.7%) patients with thoracic wounds, 14 (5.4%) patients with cardiac, wounds and in 10 (3.7%) patients both heart and lungs were injured. The cause of injury was shrapnel in 174 patients (67%), bullets in 25 patients (9.7%), cluster bomb particles in 45 patients (17.3%) and other (blast etc.) in 15 patients (6%). Patients, 69, had concomitant injuries of various organs. The initial treatment in 164 operated patients was chest drainage in 76 (46.3%) patients, thoracotomy and suture of the lung in 71 (43.2%) patients, lobectomy in 12 (7.3%) patients and pneumonectomy in 5 (3%) patients. Complications include pleural empyema and/or lung abscess in 20 patients (8.4%), incomplete reexpansion of the lung in 10 patients (4.2%), osteomyelitis of the rib in 5 patients (2.1%) and bronchopleural fistula in 1 patient (0.4%). Secondary procedures were decortication in 12 patients, rib resection in 5 patients, lobectomy in 2 patients, pneumonectomy in 4 patients, reconstruction of the chest wall in 2 patients and closure of the bronchopleural fistula in 1 patient. The cardiac chamber involved was right ventricle in 12 patients, left ventricular in 6 patients, right atrium in 7 patients, left atrium in 3 patients, ascending aorta in 2 patients and 1 patient which involved descending aorta, right ventricle and coronary artery (left anterior descending) and inferior vena cava, respectively. The primary procedure was suture in 17 patients (in 10 patients with the additional suture of the

  4. An efficient soil penetration strategy for explorative robots inspired by plant root circumnutation movements.


    Del Dottore, Emanuela; Mondini, Alessio; Sadeghi, Ali; Mattoli, Virgilio; Mazzolai, Barbara


    This paper presents a comparative analysis in terms of energy required by an artificial probe to penetrate soil implementing two different strategies: a straight penetration movement and a circumnutation, which is an oscillatory movement performed by plant roots. The role of circumnutations in plant roots is still debated. We hypothesized that circumnutation movements can help roots in penetrating soil, and validated our assumption by testing the probe at three distinct soil densities and using various combinations of circumnutation amplitudes and periods for each soil. The comparison was based on the total work done by the system while circumnutating at its tip level with respect to that shown by the same system in straight penetration. The total energy evaluation confirmed an improvement obtained by circumnutations up to 33%. We also proposed a fitting model for our experimental data that was used to estimate energy needed by the probe to penetrate soil at different dimensions and circumnutation amplitudes. Results showed the existence of a trade-off among penetration velocity, circumnutation period, and amplitude toward an energy consumption optimization, expressed by the lead angle of the helical path that should stay in the range between 46° and 65°. Moreover, circumnutations with appropriate amplitude (~10°) and period (~80 s) values were more efficient than straight penetration also at different probe tip dimensions, up to a threshold diameter (from 2 mm to 55 mm). Based on the obtained results, we speculated that circumnutations can represent a strategy used by plant roots to reduce the pressure and energy needed to penetrate soil. The translation of this biological feature in robotic systems will allow improving their energetic efficiency in digging tasks, and thus open new scenarios for use in search and rescue, environmental monitoring, and soil exploration.

  5. Structure-activity relationship of chemical penetration enhancers in transdermal drug delivery.


    Kanikkannan, N; Kandimalla, K; Lamba, S S; Singh, M


    Transdermal drug delivery (TDD) is the administration of therapeutic agents through intact skin for systemic effect. TDD offers several advantages over the conventional dosage forms such as tablets, capsules and injections. Currently there are about eight drugs marketed as transdermal patches. Examples of such products include nitroglycerin (angina pectoris), clonidine (hypertension), scopolamine (motion sickness), nicotine (smoking cessation), fentanil (pain) and estradiol (estrogen deficiency). Since skin is an excellent barrier for drug transport, only potent drugs with appropriate physicochemical properties (low molecular weight, adequate solubility in aqueous and non-aqueous solvents, etc) are suitable candidates for transdermal delivery. Penetration enhancement technology is a challenging development that would increase significantly the number of drugs available for transdermal administration. The permeation of drugs through skin can be enhanced by physical methods such as iontophoresis (application of low level electric current) and phonophoresis (use of ultra sound energy) and by chemical penetration enhancers (CPE). In this review, we have discussed about the CPE which have been investigated for TDD. CPE are compounds that enhance the permeation of drugs across the skin. The CPE increase skin permeability by reversibly altering the physicochemical nature of the stratum corneum, the outer most layer of skin, to reduce its diffusional resistance. These compounds increase skin permeability also by increasing the partition coefficient of the drug into the skin and by increasing the thermodynamic activity of the drug in the vehicle. This review compiles the various CPE used for the enhancement of TDD, the mechanism of action of different chemical enhancers and the structure-activity relationship of selected and extensively studied enhancers such as fatty acids, fatty alcohols and terpenes. Based on the chemical structure of penetration enhancers (such as chain

  6. Long term pavement performance computed parameter : frost penetration

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    As the pavement design process moves toward mechanistic-empirical techniques, knowledge of seasonal changes in pavement structural characteristics becomes critical. Specifically, frost penetration information is necessary for determining the effect o...

  7. The Effect of a Planetary Surface Penetrator on the Soil Column Surrounding the Impacting Body

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Blanchard, Maxwell B.; Shade, Harry D.


    A prototype penetrator instrument was impacted into a dry lake bed. Laboratory studies of the soil surrounding the penetrator revealed that the soil was contaminated by paint and metal from the penetrator's casing. Paint pigment rich in titanium and sulfur was found in the adjacent soil. The highly mobile paint pigment migrated onto viewing ports in the penetrator's exterior. Bulk analysis of the soil adjacent to the impactor showed a significant increase in both elements, as well as the presence of metal chips from the casing and nose cone. It is recommended that great care be taken in the use of coating materials and the metal alloys selected for the penetrator's exterior, or the accuracy of any experiment requiring an uncontaminated in situ sample may be adversely affected.

  8. Direct Peptide Interaction with Surface Glycosaminoglycans Contributes to the Cell Penetration of Maurocalcine*

    PubMed Central

    Ram, Narendra; Aroui, Sonia; Jaumain, Emilie; Bichraoui, Hicham; Mabrouk, Kamel; Ronjat, Michel; Lortat-Jacob, Hugues; De Waard, Michel


    Maurocalcine (MCa), initially identified from a tunisian scorpion venom, defines a new member of the family of cell penetrating peptides by its ability to efficiently cross the plasma membrane. The initiating mechanistic step required for the cell translocation of a cell penetrating peptide implicates its binding onto cell surface components such as membrane lipids and/or heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Here we characterized the interaction of wild-type MCa and MCa K20A, a mutant analogue with reduced cell-penetration efficiency, with heparin (HP) and heparan sulfates (HS) through surface plasma resonance. HP and HS bind both to MCa, indicating that heparan sulfate proteoglycans may represent an important entry route of the peptide. This is confirmed by the fact that (i) both compounds bind with reduced affinity to MCa K20A and (ii) the cell penetration of wild-type or mutant MCa coupled to fluorescent streptavidin is reduced by about 50% in mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines lacking either all glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) or just HS. Incubating MCa with soluble HS, HP, or chondroitin sulfates also inhibits the cell penetration of MCa-streptavidin complexes. Analyses of the cell distributions of MCa/streptavidin in several Chinese hamster ovary cell lines show that the distribution of the complex coincides with the endosomal marker Lyso-Tracker red and is not affected by the absence of GAGs. The distribution of MCa/streptavidin is not coincident with that of transferrin receptors nor affected by a dominant-negative dynamin 2 K44A mutant, an inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. However, entry of the complex is greatly diminished by amiloride, indicating the importance of macropinocytosis in MCa/streptavidin entry. It is concluded that (i) interaction of MCa with GAGs quantitatively improves the cell penetration of MCa, and (ii) GAG-dependent and -independent MCa penetration rely similarly on the macropinocytosis pathway. PMID:18603532

  9. Fluconazole penetration in cerebral parenchyma in humans at steady state.

    PubMed Central

    Thaler, F; Bernard, B; Tod, M; Jedynak, C P; Petitjean, O; Derome, P; Loirat, P


    We studied fluconazole penetration in the brain in five patients who had a deep cerebral tumor whose removal required the excision of healthy brain tissue. Plasma and brain samples were simultaneously obtained after oral ingestion of 400 mg of fluconazole daily for 4 days (90% of steady state). Fluconazole penetration in healthy cerebral parenchyma was determined. Plasma and brain samples were assayed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Concentrations in plasma and brain tissue were 13.5 +/- 5.5 micrograms/ml and 17.6 +/- 6.6 micrograms/g, respectively. The average ratio of concentrations in the brain and plasma (four patients) was 1.33 (range, 0.70 to 2.39). Despite the lack of data concerning the penetration of fluconazole in brain abscesses, these results should permit the use of a daily dose of 400 mg of fluconazole in prospective clinical studies that evaluate the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of brain abscesses due to susceptible species of fungi. PMID:7625804

  10. Enzymatically active biomimetic micropropellers for the penetration of mucin gels

    PubMed Central

    Walker, Debora; Käsdorf, Benjamin T.; Jeong, Hyeon-Ho; Lieleg, Oliver; Fischer, Peer


    In the body, mucus provides an important defense mechanism by limiting the penetration of pathogens. It is therefore also a major obstacle for the efficient delivery of particle-based drug carriers. The acidic stomach lining in particular is difficult to overcome because mucin glycoproteins form viscoelastic gels under acidic conditions. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori has developed a strategy to overcome the mucus barrier by producing the enzyme urease, which locally raises the pH and consequently liquefies the mucus. This allows the bacteria to swim through mucus and to reach the epithelial surface. We present an artificial system of reactive magnetic micropropellers that mimic this strategy to move through gastric mucin gels by making use of surface-immobilized urease. The results demonstrate the validity of this biomimetic approach to penetrate biological gels, and show that externally propelled microstructures can actively and reversibly manipulate the physical state of their surroundings, suggesting that such particles could potentially penetrate native mucus. PMID:26824056

  11. Dosimeter for measuring skin dose and more deeply penetrating radiation


    Jones, Donald E.; Parker, DeRay; Boren, Paul R.


    A personnel dosimeter includes a plurality of compartments containing thermoluminescent dosimeter phosphors for registering radiation dose absorbed in the wearer's sensitive skin layer and for registering more deeply penetrating radiation. Two of the phosphor compartments communicate with thin windows of different thicknesses to obtain a ratio of shallowly penetrating radiation, e.g. beta. A third phosphor is disposed within a compartment communicating with a window of substantially greater thickness than the windows of the first two compartments for estimating the more deeply penetrating radiation dose. By selecting certain phosphors that are insensitive to neutrons and by loading the holder material with netruon-absorbing elements, energetic neutron dose can be estimated separately from other radiation dose. This invention also involves a method of injection molding of dosimeter holders with thin windows of consistent thickness at the corresponding compartments of different holders. This is achieved through use of a die insert having the thin window of precision thickness in place prior to the injection molding step.

  12. Antibacterial Effects of a Cell-Penetrating Peptide Isolated from Kefir.


    Miao, Jianyin; Guo, Haoxian; Chen, Feilong; Zhao, Lichao; He, Liping; Ou, Yangwen; Huang, Manman; Zhang, Yi; Guo, Baoyan; Cao, Yong; Huang, Qingrong


    Kefir is a traditional fermented milk beverage used throughout the world for centuries. A cell-penetrating peptide, F3, was isolated from kefir by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, DEAE-52 ion exchange, and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. F3 was determined to be a low molecular weight peptide containing one leucine and one tyrosine with two phosphate radicals. This peptide displayed antimicrobial activity across a broad spectrum of organisms including several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as fungi, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 125 to 500 μg/mL. Cellular penetration and accumulation of F3 were determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The peptide was able to penetrate the cellular membrane of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Changes in cell morphology were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicate that peptide F3 may be a good candidate for use as an effective biological preservative in agriculture and the food industry.

  13. Terminal ballistics of a reduced-mass penetrator. Final report, January 1990--December 1995

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Silsby, G.F.


    This report presents the results of an experimental program to examine the performance of a reduced-mass concept penetrator impacting semi-infinite rolled homogeneous armor (RHA) at normal incidence. The reduced-mass penetrator used in this program is a solid tungsten alloy rod with eight holes drilled parallel to its axis, equally spaced on a circle, with axes parallel to the rod axis. Its performance was contrasted with baseline data for length-to- diameter ratios (L/D) 4 and 5 solid tungsten alloy penetrators. Striking velocity was nominally 1.6 km/s. A determined effort to reduce the scatter in the data by analysis of collateral datamore » from the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and literature sources suggested only a rather weak influence of L/D on penetration even at L/Ds approaching 1 and provided a tentative relationship to remove the influence of target lateral edge effects. It tightened up the holed-out rod data enough to be able to conclude with a moderate degree of certainty that there was no improvement in penetration as suggested by a simplistic density law model. A companion work by Kimsey of ARL examines the performance of this novel penetrator concept computationally, using the Eulerian code CTH. His work explains the possible causes of reduced performance suggested by analysis by Zook and Frank of ARL, though with some relative improvement in performance at higher velocities.« less

  14. Skin penetration surrogate for the evaluation of less lethal kinetic energy munitions.


    Bir, Cynthia A; Resslar, Marianne; Stewart, Shelby


    Although the benefits of the use of less lethal kinetic energy munitions are numerous, there is a need to evaluate the munitions prior to deployment to ensure their intended effect. The objective of the current research was to validate a surrogate that could be used to predict the risk of penetration of these devices. Existing data from biomechanical testing with post-mortem human specimens (PMHS) served as the foundation for this research. Development of the surrogate involved simulating the various layers of the skin and underlying soft tissues using a combination of materials. A standardized 12-gauge impactor was used to assess each combination. The energy density that resulted in a 50% risk of penetration for the anterior thorax region (23.99 J/cm(2)) from the previous research was matched using a specific combination of layers. Twelve various combinations of materials were tested with the 50% risk of penetration determined. The final validated surrogate consisted of a Laceration Assessment Layer (LAL) of natural chamois and .6 cm of closed-cell foam over a Penetration Assessment Layer (PAL) of 20% ordnance gelatin. This surrogate predicted a 50% risk of penetration at 23.88 J/cm(2). Injury risk curves for the PMHS and surrogate development work are presented. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Energy Storage Requirements for Achieving 50% Penetration of Solar Photovoltaic Energy in California

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Denholm, Paul; Margolis, Robert


    We estimate the storage required to enable PV penetration up to 50% in California (with renewable penetration over 66%), and we quantify the complex relationships among storage, PV penetration, grid flexibility, and PV costs due to increased curtailment. We find that the storage needed depends strongly on the amount of other flexibility resources deployed. With very low-cost PV (three cents per kilowatt-hour) and a highly flexible electric power system, about 19 gigawatts of energy storage could enable 50% PV penetration with a marginal net PV levelized cost of energy (LCOE) comparable to the variable costs of future combined-cycle gas generatorsmore » under carbon constraints. This system requires extensive use of flexible generation, transmission, demand response, and electrifying one quarter of the vehicle fleet in California with largely optimized charging. A less flexible system, or more expensive PV would require significantly greater amounts of storage. The amount of storage needed to support very large amounts of PV might fit within a least-cost framework driven by declining storage costs and reduced storage-duration needs due to high PV penetration.« less

  16. A Flexure-Guided Piezo Drill for Penetrating the Zona Pellucida of Mammalian Oocytes.


    Johnson, Wesley; Dai, Changsheng; Liu, Jun; Wang, Xian; Luu, Devin K; Zhang, Zhuoran; Ru, Changhai; Zhou, Chao; Tan, Min; Pu, Huayan; Xie, Shaorong; Peng, Yan; Luo, Jun; Sun, Yu


    Mammalian oocytes such as mouse oocytes have a highly elastic outer membrane, zona pellucida (ZP) that cannot be penetrated without significantly deforming the oocyte, even with a sharp micropipette. Piezo drill devices leverage lateral and axial vibration of the micropipette to accomplish ZP penetration with greatly reduced oocyte deformation. However, existing piezo drills all rely on a large lateral micropipette vibration amplitude ( 20 ) and a small axial vibration amplitude (0.1 ). The very large lateral vibration amplitude has been deemed to be necessary for ZP penetration although it also induces larger oocyte deformation and more oocyte damage. This paper reports on a new piezo drill device that uses a flexure guidance mechanism and a systematically designed pulse train with an appropriate base frequency. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate that a small lateral vibration amplitude (e.g., 2 ) and an axial vibration amplitude as large as 1.2 were achieved. Besides achieving 100% effectiveness in the penetration of mouse oocytes (n = 45), the new piezo device during ZP penetration induced a small oocyte deformation of 3.4 versus larger than 10 using existing piezo drill devices.

  17. Penetrating ballistic-like frontal brain injury caused by a metallic rod.


    Pascual, J M; Navas, M; Carrasco, R


    Penetrating non-missile intracranial injuries caused by metallic foreign bodies are very rare among the civilian population. We present a unique instance of a severe, high-energy, penetrating orbitocranial injury caused by a solid metallic rod that corresponded to the spray valve lever handle of a kitchen sink pre-rinse spray tap, which was fractured and projected at high speed for an unknown reason. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a high-energy, penetrating brain injury caused by such an object. After careful radiological evaluation of the shape and position of the foreign object, a combined right frontal craniotomy and supraorbital osteotomy was performed in order to achieve safe removal of the metal bar. Successful surgical treatment of an orbitocranial injury caused by a similar object has not previously been reported.

  18. Thermal Impacts in Vibration-assisted Laser Deep Penetration Welding of Aluminum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Radel, T.

    Mechanical vibrations affect the nucleation and grain growth conditions during welding. In order to understand the vibration-induced influences on the grain formation conditions in laser beam welding of aluminum the thermal impacts of simultaneously applied vibrations are analyzed in this study. Therefore, laser deep penetration welding at vibration frequencies between 0.5 kHz and 5 kHz is investigated. Besides full penetration, partial penetration experiments were carried out. The results show that the thermal and absorption efficiencies are not significantly affected by the applied excitation. The solidification time increases in case of applied excitation which is rather disadvantageous regarding grain refinement. Thus, mechanical-metallurgical and not thermal-metallurgical effects should be responsible for the change in grain nucleation and grain growth conditions in laser beam welding with simultaneously applied vibrations.

  19. High velocity penetration into fibre-reinforced concrete materials - protection of buildings

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Anderson, W.F.; Watson, A.J.; Armstrong, P.J.


    Fibre reinforced concrete suitable for spraying onto existing structures is being examined to assess its resistance to penetration by 7.62mm diameter armour piercing projectiles. A major test programme is being carried out to examine the influence of aggregate type and fibre type. For each aggregate/fibre combination a statistical method is being used to plan test series which will lead to optimization of the concrete in terms of water/cement ratio, fibre content and aggregate/cement ratio. The minimum thickness of optimized concretes to resist penetration by the projectile and minimise spall and scabbing, will be determined. The mechanics of the impact andmore » penetration event are being studied and a possible method of deflecting the projectile within the concrete is suggested.« less

  20. Les traumatismes de l’étage antérieur de la base du crane: à propos d'une série de 136 cas

    PubMed Central

    Bouchaouch, Abdelali; Hassani, Fahd Derkaoui; Abboud, Hilal; Mukengeshay, Jeff Ntalaja; El Fatemi, Nizare; Gana, Rachid; El Maaqili, Moulay Rchid; El Abbadi, Najia; Bellakhdar, Fouad


    Les traumatismes de l’étage antérieur de la base du crâne représentent 15 à 20% des traumatismes crâniens en général. Ils menacent les structures neuro-encéphaliques sus jacentes et sont très souvent responsables de brèches ostéo-méningées exposant au risque infectieux. Notre travail a concerné 136 dossiers exploitables de traumatisme de l’étage antérieur de la base du crâne colligés sur une période de 10 ans entre janvier 2003 et décembre 2012. Le diagnostic a été suspecté devant les signes cliniques évocateurs (ecchymose péri-orbitaire, rhinorrhée…) et a été confirmé dans la plupart des cas par la TDM. Le traitement idéal est la fermeture chirurgicale de la brèche en association aux moyens médicaux (vaccination, anti-épileptiques, mesures de réanimation…) Le moment idéal de la réparation est au-delà de la 72ème heure après la diminution de l'oedème cérébral en cas d'absence d'une lésion intracrânienne nécessitant une intervention en urgence. Notre équipe ne pratiquant pas la voie endoscopique, l'abord frontal est souvent indiqué. Le pronostic dépend des lésions cérébrales associées et surtout de la présence d'une brèche dont le diagnostic et la réparation doivent être les plus rapides et les plus précis possibles. Ainsi toute rhinorrhée post-traumatique nécessite une exploration systématique, le timing idéal: c'est la disparition de l'oedème cérébral pour faciliter l'exploration, ceci est en général possible à partir de la 72ème heure sauf dans les cas associés à une autre lésion intra crânienne nécessitant une exploration en urgence. PMID:26327992

  1. Chronic Disease Prevalence and Medicare Advantage Market Penetration: Findings From the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.


    Howard, Steven W; Bernell, Stephanie Lazarus; Casim, Faizan M; Wilmott, Jennifer; Pearson, Lindsey; Byler, Caitlin M; Zhang, Zidong


    By March 2015, 30% of all Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. Research to date has not explored the impacts of MA market penetration on individual or population health outcomes. The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationships between MA market penetration and the beneficiary's portfolio of cardiometabolic diagnoses. This study uses 2004 to 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component data to construct an aggregate index that captures multiple diagnoses in one outcome measure (Chronic Disease Severity Index [CDSI]). The MEPS data for 8089 Medicare beneficiaries are merged with MA market penetration data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Ordinary least squares regressions are run with SAS 9.3 to model the effects of MA market penetration on CDSI. The results suggest that each percentage increase in MA market penetration is associated with a greater than 2-point decline in CDSI (lower burden of cardiometabolic chronic disease). Spill-over effects may be driving improvements in the cardiometabolic health of beneficiary populations in counties with elevated levels of MA market penetration.

  2. Effect of neoclassical toroidal viscosity on error-field penetration thresholds in tokamak plasmas.


    Cole, A J; Hegna, C C; Callen, J D


    A model for field-error penetration is developed that includes nonresonant as well as the usual resonant field-error effects. The nonresonant components cause a neoclassical toroidal viscous torque that keeps the plasma rotating at a rate comparable to the ion diamagnetic frequency. The new theory is used to examine resonant error-field penetration threshold scaling in Ohmic tokamak plasmas. Compared to previous theoretical results, we find the plasma is less susceptible to error-field penetration and locking, by a factor that depends on the nonresonant error-field amplitude.

  3. Penetration of flomoxef into human maxillary and mandibular bones.


    Igawa, H H; Sugihara, T; Yoshida, T; Kawashima, K; Ohura, T


    Penetration of flomoxef into the maxillary and mandibular bones was assayed clinically to provide data about its usefulness for the prevention of postoperative infection after maxillofacial surgery. Twenty-one patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery at our department were given flomoxef 2 g dissolved in 20 ml of physiological saline intravenously over 3 minutes during operation, and the serum, maxillary and mandibular concentrations were measured 1, 3, and 6 hours after injection by the band culture method using Escherichia coli 7437 as the indicator strain. The mean concentrations were 53.4, 16.1, and 2.6 micrograms/ml, respectively, in the serum, 17.6, 7.8, and 1.0 micrograms/g in maxillary bone, and 16.4, 4.2, and 0.9 micrograms/g in mandibular bone. The mean bone:serum ratios at 1, 3, and 6 hours were 33.0%, 48.2%, and 36.8%, respectively, for maxillary bone, and 30.7%, 26.2%, and 35.7% for mandibular bone. When compared with previously reported data on the bone:serum ratios in jaw of various other intravenous antibiotics, our results show that penetration of flomoxef into maxillary and mandibular bone is extremely high. As all the intramaxillary and intramandibular concentrations exceed its MIC80 values against clinical isolates of bacteria frequently isolated in cases of infection in the oral and maxillofacial region, it is apparent that one intravenous shot of flomoxef 2 g allows penetration of the drug into the maxillary and mandibular bones at effective concentrations. Flomoxef is therefore potentially useful for the prevention and treatment of infections in the oral and maxillofacial region, as it has excellent penetration into the maxillary and mandibular bones.

  4. Penetrable square-well fluids: exact results in one dimension.


    Santos, Andrés; Fantoni, Riccardo; Giacometti, Achille


    We introduce a model of attractive penetrable spheres by adding a short-range attractive square well outside a penetrable core, and we provide a detailed analysis of structural and thermodynamical properties in one dimension using the exact impenetrable counterpart as a starting point. The model is expected to describe star polymers in regimes of good and moderate solvent under dilute conditions. We derive the exact coefficients of a low-density expansion up to second order for the radial distribution function and up to fourth order in the virial expansion. These exact results are used as a benchmark to test the reliability of approximate theories (Percus-Yevick and hypernetted chain). Notwithstanding the lack of an exact solution for arbitrary densities, our results are expected to be rather precise within a wide range of temperatures and densities. A detailed analysis of some limiting cases is carried out. In particular, we provide a complete solution of the sticky penetrable-sphere model in one dimension up to the same order in density. The issue of Ruelle's thermodynamics stability is analyzed and the region of a well-defined thermodynamic limit is identified.

  5. Influence of the mole penetrator on measurements of heat flow in lunar subsurface layers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wawrzaszek, Roman; Drogosz, Michal; Seweryn, Karol; Banaszkiewicz, Marek; Grygorczuk, Jerzy

    Measuring the thermal gradient in subsurface layers is a basic method of determination the heat flux from the interior of a planetary body to its surface. In case of the Moon, such measurements complemented with the results of theoretical analysis and modeling can significantly improve our understanding of the thermal and geological evolution of the Moon. In practice, temperature gradient measurements are performed by at least two sensors located at different depths under the surface. These sensors will be attached to a penetrator [1] or to a cable pulled behind the penetrator. In both cases the object that carries the sensors, e.g. penetrator, perturb temperature measurements. In our study we analyze a case of two thermal sensors attached to the ends of 350mm long penetrator made of a composite material. In agreement with the studies of other authors we have found that the penetrator should be placed at the depth of 2-3 meters, where periodic changes of the temperature due to variation of solar flux at the surface are significantly smaller than the error of temperature measurement. The most important result of our analysis is to show how to deconvolve the real gradient of the temperature from the measurements perturbed by the penetrator body. In this way it will be possible to more accurately determine heat flux in the lunar regolith. [1] Grygorczuk J., Seweryn K., Wawrzaszek R., Banaszkiewicz M., Insertion of a Mole Pene-trator -Experimental Results, /39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference /League City, Texas 2008

  6. Hydrodynamics of the Capture Zone of a Partially Penetrating Well in a Confined Aquifer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faybishenko, Boris A.; Javandel, Iraj; Witherspoon, Paul A.


    In the pump and treat approach to the problem of managing a contaminated aquifer, a key problem is to design an effective capture system that collects only the polluted groundwater without allowing any of it to escape. At present, it is customary to design a capture system using fully penetrating withdrawal wells. Very often, however, only part of the vertical thickness of the aquifer is contaminated, so the question may arise whether a more efficient capture system can be achieved using partially penetrating wells. Very little work has been done on the application of partially penetrating wells to this problem. A new semianalytic method that can be used in determining the geometry of the capture zone for steady state flow to a partially penetrating well that is screened from the top (or from the bottom) of a confined aquifer has been developed. By combining the velocity potentials for flow to the well with that for the regional flow field, a three-dimensional velocity potential that can be used in determining the complete geometry of the capture surface has been developed. The results have shown that with a constant pumping rate the maximum horizontal extent of the capture surface at the top (or bottom) of the aquifer increases as the degree of penetration decreases. As one would expect, the maximum vertical extent increases as the depth of penetration increases. Thus, if one knows the actual location of the contaminant plume, an appropriate combination of the degree of penetration and pumping rate can be selected to create an effective capture zone.

  7. Skin penetration operators' knowledge and attitudes towards infection control.


    Oberdorfer, Aurmporn; Wiggers, John H; Considine, Robyn J; Bowman, Jenny; Cockburn, Jill


    To assess the knowledge and attitudes of owners/managers of commercial skin-penetration premises regarding infection control. A telephone survey was conducted with a randomly selected sample of 874 owners/managers. Participants appeared to lack knowledge of essential infection-control practices. Less than 39% correctly identified recommended disinfection procedures, and between 12% to 67% were not aware of inappropriate sterlization procedures. Almost all participants accepted the need for guidelines. Half acknowledged a need to improve their infection-control compliance, and most accepted having their premises regularly checked by the councils. There is a considerable opportunity to increase infection-control compliance among skin-penetration operators.

  8. Penetration of Ufenamate into Intact, Stripped, or Delipidized Skin Using Different Vehicles.


    Iino, Hayato; Fujii, Makiko; Fujino, Manami; Koizumi, Naoya; Watanabe, Yoshiteru


    The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of skin condition on skin penetration of the very high lipophilic drug, ufenamate (UF). UF was applied to stripped or delipidized skin using liquid paraffin (LP) or purified water containing polysorbate 80 at a dose of 2 µL/cm(2). We found that UF penetration into intact and stripped skin using a water vehicle was respectively 5 and 10 times higher than that using LP. UF is freely soluble in oil and insoluble in water; thus, activity in water is higher than that in LP. Therefore, it is useful to use a water-based vehicle for both intact sites and those with defective stratum corneum (SC). Conversely, we found that delipidization of SC decreased the penetration of UF significantly with both LP and water, and the amount measured in the epidermis was 1 µg/cm(2) with both vehicles. This indicates that UF is not suitable for so-called "dry skin." This study revealed clinically relevant differences in the penetration of UF into intact, stripped, or delipidized skin conditions.

  9. Costs and clinical quality among Medicare beneficiaries: associations with health center penetration of low-income residents.


    Sharma, Ravi; Lebrun-Harris, Lydie A; Ngo-Metzger, Quyen


    Determine the association between access to primary care by the underserved and Medicare spending and clinical quality across hospital referral regions (HRRs). Data on elderly fee-for-service beneficiaries across 306 HRRs came from CMS' Geographic Variation in Medicare Spending and Utilization database (2010). We merged data on number of health center patients (HRSA's Uniform Data System) and number of low-income residents (American Community Survey). We estimated access to primary care in each HRR by "health center penetration" (health center patients as a proportion of low-income residents). We calculated total Medicare spending (adjusted for population size, local input prices, and health risk). We assessed clinical quality by preventable hospital admissions, hospital readmissions, and emergency department visits. We sorted HRRs by health center penetration rate and compared spending and quality measures between the high- and low-penetration deciles. We also employed linear regressions to estimate spending and quality measures as a function of health center penetration. The high-penetration decile had 9.7% lower Medicare spending ($926 per capita, p=0.01) than the low-penetration decile, and no different clinical quality outcomes. Compared with elderly fee-for-service beneficiaries residing in areas with low-penetration of health center patients among low-income residents, those residing in high-penetration areas may accrue Medicare cost savings. Limited evidence suggests that these savings do not compromise clinical quality.

  10. Effect of Penetration Enhancers on the Percuaneous Delivery of Hormone Replacement Actives.


    Trimble, John O; Light, Bob


    Transdermal compositions for hormone replacement are comprised of exogenous hormones that are biochemically similar to those produced endogenously by the ovaries or elsewhere in the body. In this work, estradiol, estriol, and testosterone were loaded in transdermal vehicles, prepared using one of three selected penetration enhancer mixtures: Vehicle 1 (olive oil and oleic acid), Vehicle 2 (isopropyl palmitate and lecithin), and Vehicle 3 (isopropyl myristate and lecithin). The influence of penetration enhancers on transdermal delivery was evaluated using Franz-type diffusion cells and Normal Human 3D Model of Epidermal Tissue. Results showed that drug delivery is affected by the penetration enhancer used in the transdermal composition. Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.

  11. Degradation of a Multilayer Insulation Due to a Seam and a Penetration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sumner, I. E.


    The degradation of the thermal performance of a multilayer insulation due to the presence of a seam and a penetration was studied. The multilayer insulation had 30 aluminized Mylar radiation shields with silk net spacers. The seam, an offset butt joint, caused a heat input of 0.169 watt per meter in addition to the basic insulation thermal performance of 0.388 watt per square meter obtained before the installation of the butt joint. The penetration, a fiberglass tank support strut, provided a heat input (including the degradation of the insulation) of 0.543 watt in addition to the basic insulation thermal performance of 0.452 watt per square meter obtained before the penetration.

  12. Wavelength-dependent penetration depth of near infrared radiation into cartilage.


    Padalkar, M V; Pleshko, N


    Articular cartilage is a hyaline cartilage that lines the subchondral bone in the diarthrodial joints. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is emerging as a nondestructive modality for the evaluation of cartilage pathology; however, studies regarding the depth of penetration of NIR radiation into cartilage are lacking. The average thickness of human cartilage is about 1-3 mm, and it becomes even thinner as OA progresses. To ensure that spectral data collected is restricted to the tissue of interest, i.e. cartilage in this case, and not from the underlying subchondral bone, it is necessary to determine the depth of penetration of NIR radiation in different wavelength (frequency) regions. In the current study, we establish how the depth of penetration varies throughout the NIR frequency range (4000-10 000 cm(-1)). NIR spectra were collected from cartilage samples of different thicknesses (0.5 mm to 5 mm) with and without polystyrene placed underneath. A separate NIR spectrum of polystyrene was collected as a reference. It was found that the depth of penetration varied from ∼1 mm to 2 mm in the 4000-5100 cm(-1) range, ∼3 mm in the 5100-7000 cm(-1) range, and ∼5 mm in the 7000-9000 cm(-1) frequency range. These findings suggest that the best NIR region to evaluate cartilage with no subchondral bone contribution is in the range of 4000-7000 cm(-1).

  13. Estimation of penetration of forest canopies by Interferometric SAR measurements

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rodriguez, Ernesto; Michel, Thierry R.; Harding, David J.


    In contrast to traditional Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), an Interferometric SAR (INSAR) yields two additional measurements: the phase difference and the correlation between the two interferometric channels. The phase difference has been used to estimate topographic height. For homogeneous surfaces, the correlation depends on the system signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, the interferometer parameters, and the local slope. In the presence of volume scattering, such as that encountered in vegetation canopies, the correlation between the two channels is also dependent on the degree of penetration of the radiation into the scattering medium. In this paper, we propose a method for removing system and slope effects in order to obtain the decorrelation due to penetration alone. The sensitivities and accuracy of the proposed method are determined by Monte Carlo experiments, and we show that the proposed technique has sufficient sensitivity to provide penetration measurements for airborne SAR systems. Next, we provide a theoretical model to estimate the degree of penetration in a way which is independent of the details of the scattering medium. We also present a model for the correlation from non-homogeneous layers. We assess the sensitivity of the proposed inversion technique to these inhomogeneous situations. Finally, we present a comparison of the interferometric results against in situ data obtained by an airborne laser profilometer which provides a direct measurement of tree height and an estimate of the vegetation density profile in the forested areas around Mt. Adams, WA.

  14. Penetration boundary of solar cosmic rays into the earth's magnetosphere during magnetically quiet times

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Biryukov, A.S.; Ivanova, T.A.; Kovrygina, L.M.


    Data is used from the satellites Interkosmos-17 and Kosmos-900 to determine penetration boundaries at high latitudes in the earth's magnetosphere. Considered are the results of observations of the penetration boundary of solar cosmic ray (SCR) protons and electrons during an SCR increase on November 22-25, 1977. The position of the SCR penetration boundary during a single increase at practically all values of MLT in quiet conditions is examined. Magnetospheric structure is determined in the region of closed drift shells where the magnetic field is asymmetric. The authors can estimate how the solar wind pressure affects the magnetosphere by using datamore » on the penetration boundaries of solar protons obtained during quiet geomagnetic conditions.« less

  15. Targeted drug delivery and penetration into solid tumors.


    Corti, Angelo; Pastorino, Fabio; Curnis, Flavio; Arap, Wadih; Ponzoni, Mirco; Pasqualini, Renata


    Delivery and penetration of chemotherapeutic drugs into tumors are limited by a number of factors related to abnormal vasculature and altered stroma composition in neoplastic tissues. Coupling of chemotherapeutic drugs with tumor vasculature-homing peptides or administration of drugs in combination with biological agents that affect the integrity of the endothelial lining of tumor vasculature is an appealing strategy to improve drug delivery to tumor cells. Promising approaches to achieve this goal are based on the use of Asn-Gly-Arg (NGR)-containing peptides as ligands for drug delivery and of NGR-TNF, a peptide-tumor necrosis factor-α fusion protein that selectively alters drug penetration barriers and that is currently tested in a randomized Phase III trial in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. [Minilaparoscopy in penetrating abdominal trauma emergency room procedure with local anesthesia].


    Ariel, Peralta; Sebastián, Vélez; Sergio, Locicero; Nicolini, Francisco Florez


    There are a number of unnecessary laparotomies in penetrating trauma, with a non worthless percentage of complications. When the peritoneal injury is identified, surgical exploration of the abdomen should be evaluated. Evaluate the penetration of the peritoneum, using a diagnose method with direct vision. Hospital de Urgencias de Córdoba. Trauma Hospital. To evidence peritoneum trespassing, laparoscopy was performed with local anaesthesia in patients with penetrating abdominal trauma without signs of abdominal injury in the imaging methods and doubts in the physical examination, in a prospective setting. Patient with penetrating abdominal trauma, treated between May 2004 to January 2005, with doubtful diagnose of peritoneal violation. Under sedation and local anaesthesia, a 5 millimetres laparoscope with 90 degrees vision was placed at umbilicus. The anterior abdominal wall, flanks and diaphragm were exanimate, looking for the peritoneal wound or free fluid. Laparotomy could be avoided in four patients. In the four remaining, laparoscopy or conventional surgery was performed. Two presented hollow viscera injury, one hemoperitoneo and the other, minimum liver damage. There were not complications in both groups. The average hospital stay of the first group was 13 hours. In selected patients, the minilaparoscopy is useful in decreased the percentage of unnecessary laparotomies and general anaesthesia, and its complications.

  17. Partner-facilitating transmembrane penetration of nanoparticles: a biological test in silico.


    Wang, W; Yang, R; Zhang, F; Yuan, B; Yang, K; Ma, Y


    Transmembrane penetration of nanoparticles (NPs) promises an effective pathway for cargo delivery into cells, and offers the possibility of organelle-specific targeting for biomedical applications. However, a full understanding of the underlying NP-membrane interaction mechanism is still lacking. In this work, the membrane penetration behavior of NPs is statistically analyzed based on the simulations of over 2.2 ms, which are performed with dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). Influences from multiple factors including the NP concentration, shape and surface chemistry are taken into account. It is interesting to find that, the introduction of a partner NP would greatly facilitate the transmembrane penetration of a host spherical NP. This is probably due to the membrane-mediated cooperation between the NPs. Moreover, the proper selection of a partner NP with specific surface chemistry is of great significance. For example, the best partner for a hydrophilic NP to achieve transmembrane penetration is a Janus-like one, in comparison with the hydrophilic, hydrophobic or randomly surface-decorated NPs. Furthermore, such a partner-facilitating effect in NP translocation also works for a shaped NP although less pronounced. Our results are helpful for a better understanding of the complicated nano-bio interactions, and offer a practical guide to the NP-based drug delivery strategy with high efficiency.

  18. Scalable Method to Produce Biodegradable Nanoparticles that Rapidly Penetrate Human Mucus

    PubMed Central

    Xu, Qingguo; Boylan, Nicholas J.; Cai, Shutian; Miao, Bolong; Patel, Himatkumar; Hanes, Justin


    Mucus typically traps and rapidly removes foreign particles from the airways, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, female reproductive tract and the surface of the eye. Nanoparticles capable of rapid penetration through mucus can potentially avoid rapid clearance, and open significant opportunities for controlled drug delivery at mucosal surfaces. Here, we report an industrially scalable emulsification method to produce biodegradable mucus-penetrating particles (MPP). The emulsification of diblock copolymers of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) and polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG) using low molecular weight (MW) emulsifiers forms dense brush PEG coatings on nanoparticles that allow rapid nanoparticle penetration through fresh undiluted human mucus. In comparison, conventional high MW emulsifiers, such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), interrupts the PEG coating on nanoparticles, resulting in their immobilization in mucus owing to adhesive interactions with mucus mesh elements. PLGA-PEG nanoparticles with a wide range of PEG MW (1, 2, 5, and 10 kDa), prepared by the emulsification method using low MW emulsifiers, all rapidly penetrated mucus. A range of drugs, from hydrophobic small molecules to hydrohilic large biologics, can be efficiently loaded into biodegradable MPP using the method described. This readily scalable method should facilitate the production of MPP products for mucosal drug delivery, as well as potentially longer-circulating particles following intravenous administration. PMID:23751567

  19. Penetration of projectiles into granular targets.


    Ruiz-Suárez, J C


    Energetic collisions of subatomic particles with fixed or moving targets have been very valuable to penetrate into the mysteries of nature. But the mysteries are quite intriguing when projectiles and targets are macroscopically immense. We know that countless debris wandering in space impacted (and still do) large asteroids, moons and planets; and that millions of craters on their surfaces are traces of such collisions. By classifying and studying the morphology of such craters, geologists and astrophysicists obtain important clues to understand the origin and evolution of the Solar System. This review surveys knowledge about crater phenomena in the planetary science context, avoiding detailed descriptions already found in excellent papers on the subject. Then, it examines the most important results reported in the literature related to impact and penetration phenomena in granular targets obtained by doing simple experiments. The main goal is to discern whether both schools, one that takes into account the right ingredients (planetary bodies and very high energies) but cannot physically reproduce the collisions, and the other that easily carries out the collisions but uses laboratory ingredients (small projectiles and low energies), can arrive at a synergistic intersection point.

  20. Fiscal year 1976 progress report on a feasibility study evaluating the use of surface penetrators for planetary exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Blanchard, M. B.; Oberbeck, V. R.; Bunch, T. E.; Reynolds, R. T.; Canning, T. N.; Jackson, R. W.


    The feasibility of employing penetrators for exploring Mars was examined. Eight areas of interest for key scientific experiments were identified. These include: seismic activity, imaging, geochemistry, water measurement, heatflow, meteorology, magnetometry, and biochemistry. In seven of the eight potential experiment categories this year's progress included: conceptual design, instrument fabrication, instrument performance evaluation, and shock loading of important components. Most of the components survived deceleration testing with negligible performance changes. Components intended to be placed inside the penetrator forebody were tested up to 3,500 g and components intended to be placed on the afterbody were tested up to 21,000 g. A field test program was conducted using tentative Mars penetrator mission constraints. Drop tests were performed at two selected terrestrial analog sites to determine the range of penetration depths for anticipated common Martian materials. Minimum penetration occurred in basalt at Amboy, California. Three full-scale penetrators penetrated 0.4 to 0.9 m into the basalt after passing through 0.3 to 0.5 m of alluvial overburden. Maximum penetration occurred in unconsolidated sediments at McCook, Nebraska. Two full-scale penetrators penetrated 2.5 to 8.5 m of sediment. Impact occurred in two kinds of sediment: loess and layered clay. Deceleration g loads of nominally 2,000 for the forebody and 20,000 for the afterbody did not present serious design problems for potential experiments. Penetrators have successfully impacted into terrestrial analogs of the probable extremes of potential Martian sites.