Spiral Salmonella assay: validation against the standard pour-plate assay.
Diehl, M; Fort, F
The spiral Ames assay, an automated approach to bacterial mutagenicity testing which simplifies the test procedure and reduces the amount of drug required to generate mutagenic dose-response information, has been evaluated and validated for routine screening. The spiral plater delivers the Salmonella bacteria, exogenous metabolic activation system and drug to the surface of a rotating agar plate one on top of another in such a way that a uniform density of bacteria is exposed to a logarithmically decreasing volume of drug. Following an incubation of 48 hr at 37 degrees C, the plates are scanned by a laser counter, and the data are subjected to a computerized analysis. Petri plates of 15 cm diameter were used to provide a concentration range of about 250-fold per plate. The Salmonella were concentrated 20-fold to increase sensitivity. Thirty-eight compounds from a variety of chemical classes, including both pharmaceuticals and known mutagens of moderate to strong potency, were tested in both the spiral and the standard pour-plate assays. There was overall test agreement on positive or negative results for 82% of the compounds tested. When only the results from strains TA98 plus TA100 were considered, the agreement was 87%. When positive results were obtained, the fold increase over vehicle control was on average twice as great for the spiral assay compared to the pour-plate assay. It was concluded that the two assay procedures generally provided comparable results, with the spiral assay being somewhat more sensitive in terms of dose-response than the pour-plate assay.
Aseptic laboratory techniques: plating methods.
Sanders, Erin R
Microorganisms are present on all inanimate surfaces creating ubiquitous sources of possible contamination in the laboratory. Experimental success relies on the ability of a scientist to sterilize work surfaces and equipment as well as prevent contact of sterile instruments and solutions with non-sterile surfaces. Here we present the steps for several plating methods routinely used in the laboratory to isolate, propagate, or enumerate microorganisms such as bacteria and phage. All five methods incorporate aseptic technique, or procedures that maintain the sterility of experimental materials. Procedures described include (1) streak-plating bacterial cultures to isolate single colonies, (2) pour-plating and (3) spread-plating to enumerate viable bacterial colonies, (4) soft agar overlays to isolate phage and enumerate plaques, and (5) replica-plating to transfer cells from one plate to another in an identical spatial pattern. These procedures can be performed at the laboratory bench, provided they involve non-pathogenic strains of microorganisms (Biosafety Level 1, BSL-1). If working with BSL-2 organisms, then these manipulations must take place in a biosafety cabinet. Consult the most current edition of the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) as well as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Infectious Substances to determine the biohazard classification as well as the safety precautions and containment facilities required for the microorganism in question. Bacterial strains and phage stocks can be obtained from research investigators, companies, and collections maintained by particular organizations such as the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). It is recommended that non-pathogenic strains be used when learning the various plating methods. By following the procedures described in this protocol, students should be able to: Perform plating procedures without contaminating media. Isolate single bacterial colonies by the streak-plating
Aseptic Laboratory Techniques: Plating Methods
Sanders, Erin R.
Microorganisms are present on all inanimate surfaces creating ubiquitous sources of possible contamination in the laboratory. Experimental success relies on the ability of a scientist to sterilize work surfaces and equipment as well as prevent contact of sterile instruments and solutions with non-sterile surfaces. Here we present the steps for several plating methods routinely used in the laboratory to isolate, propagate, or enumerate microorganisms such as bacteria and phage. All five methods incorporate aseptic technique, or procedures that maintain the sterility of experimental materials. Procedures described include (1) streak-plating bacterial cultures to isolate single colonies, (2) pour-plating and (3) spread-plating to enumerate viable bacterial colonies, (4) soft agar overlays to isolate phage and enumerate plaques, and (5) replica-plating to transfer cells from one plate to another in an identical spatial pattern. These procedures can be performed at the laboratory bench, provided they involve non-pathogenic strains of microorganisms (Biosafety Level 1, BSL-1). If working with BSL-2 organisms, then these manipulations must take place in a biosafety cabinet. Consult the most current edition of the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) as well as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Infectious Substances to determine the biohazard classification as well as the safety precautions and containment facilities required for the microorganism in question. Bacterial strains and phage stocks can be obtained from research investigators, companies, and collections maintained by particular organizations such as the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). It is recommended that non-pathogenic strains be used when learning the various plating methods. By following the procedures described in this protocol, students should be able to: ● Perform plating procedures without contaminating media. ● Isolate single bacterial colonies by the
Machine for Automatic Bacteriological Pour Plate Preparation
Sharpe, A. N.; Biggs, D. R.; Oliver, R. J.
A fully automatic system for preparing poured plates for bacteriological analyses has been constructed and tested. The machine can make decimal dilutions of bacterial suspensions, dispense measured amounts into petri dishes, add molten agar, mix the dish contents, and label the dishes with sample and dilution numbers at the rate of 2,000 dishes per 8-hr day. In addition, the machine can be programmed to select different media so that plates for different types of bacteriological analysis may be made automatically from the same sample. The machine uses only the components of the media and sterile polystyrene petri dishes; requirements for all other materials, such as sterile pipettes and capped bottles of diluents and agar, are eliminated. Images PMID:4560475
Comparison of methods for isolation and enumeration of thermophilic actinomycetes from dust.
Treuhaft, M W; Arden Jones, M P
Thermophilic actinomycetes are the primary sensitizing agents in farmer's lung disease. We compared dilution pour-plate and spread-plate methods for their usefulness in enumerating thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy silage dust and evaluated the ability of a nonquantitative gravity settling technique to recover thermophilic actinomycetes from moldy silage. Spread plates and pour plates yielded similar estimates of total thermophiles. Higher counts were observed on spread plates (P less than 0.05) for Thermoactinomyces candidus, Micropolyspora faeni, and Saccharomonospora viridis. M. faeni and S. viridis were less efficient than T. candidus in breaking through the agar of pour plates to form colonies which could be identified. Coefficients of variability were less than 10% for the two methods. The relative proportion of organisms recovered by the settling method correlated well with that recovered on spread plates for M. faeni (r = 0.79), S. viridis (r = 0.88), and Thermomonospora spp. (r = 0.79), but not well for T. candidus (r = 0.28). When sophisticated air-sampling equipment is not available, dilution spread plates of dust washings provide a reproducible method for enumerating a broad range of thermophilic actinomycetes of interest. The gravity settling method is a simple, rapid alternative when isolation is all that is required. PMID:6761363
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Berkowitz, J. B.; Emerson, N. H.
Results are presented of a comprehensive search of the literature available, much of which has been generated by the research centers of NASA and its contractors, on plating and coating methods and techniques. Methods covered included: (1) electroplating from aqueous solutions; (2) electroplating from nonaqueous solutions; (3) electroplating from fused-salt baths; (4) electroforming; (5) electroless plating, immersion plating, and mirroring; (6) electroplating from gaseous plasmas; and (7) anodized films and conversion coatings.
Wohlsen, T; Bates, J; Vesey, G; Robinson, W A; Katouli, M
To use BioBall cultures as a precise reference standard to evaluate methods for enumeration of Escherichia coli and other coliform bacteria in water samples. Eight methods were evaluated including membrane filtration, standard plate count (pour and spread plate methods), defined substrate technology methods (Colilert and Colisure), the most probable number method and the Petrifilm disposable plate method. Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes BioBall cultures containing 30 organisms each were used. All tests were performed using 10 replicates. The mean recovery of both bacteria varied with the different methods employed. The best and most consistent results were obtained with Petrifilm and the pour plate method. Other methods either yielded a low recovery or showed significantly high variability between replicates. The BioBall is a very suitable quality control tool for evaluating the efficiency of methods for bacterial enumeration in water samples.
Patriarca, P.; Shubert, C.E.; Slaughter, G.M.
This invention relates to a method of joining, by welding or brazing, a tube to a plate, particularly where the tube and the plate are of different thickness or have different thermal conductivities and are subject to high temperatures. In this method the tube is inserted in the core of a plate containing an annular groove in its back face concentric with the bore and in communication with the bore. One end of the tube is welded substantially flush with the front end of the plate. Brazing alloy is placed in the groove on the back face of the plate and heat is applied to the plate and tube to melt the brazing alloy to permit the alloy to flow into the bore and bond the tube to the plate. (AEC)
A statistical treatment of bioassay pour fractions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David
A bioassay is a method for estimating the number of bacterial spores on a spacecraft surface for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with planetary protection (PP) requirements (Ref. 1). The details of the process may be seen in the appropriate PP document (e.g., for NASA, Ref. 2). In general, the surface is mechanically sampled with a damp sterile swab or wipe. The completion of the process is colony formation in a growth medium in a plate (Petri dish); the colonies are counted. Consider a set of samples from randomly selected, known areas of one spacecraft surface, for simplicity. One may calculate the mean and standard deviation of the bioburden density, which is the ratio of counts to area sampled. The standard deviation represents an estimate of the variation from place to place of the true bioburden density commingled with the precision of the individual sample counts. The accuracy of individual sample results depends on the equipment used, the collection method, and the culturing method. One aspect that greatly influences the result is the pour fraction, which is the quantity of fluid added to the plates divided by the total fluid used in extracting spores from the sampling equipment. In an analysis of a single sample’s counts due to the pour fraction, one seeks to answer the question: What is the probability that if a certain number of spores are counted with a known pour fraction, that there are an additional number of spores in the part of the rinse not poured. This is given for specific values by the binomial distribution density, where detection (of culturable spores) is success and the probability of success is the pour fraction. A special summation over the binomial distribution, equivalent to adding for all possible values of the true total number of spores, is performed. This distribution when normalized will almost yield the desired quantity. It is the probability that the additional number of spores does not exceed a certain value. Of course
Aluminum transfer method for plating plastics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodrich, W. D.; Stalmach, C. J., Jr.
Electroless plating technique produces plate of uniform thickness. Hardness and abrasion resistance can be increased further by heat treatment. Method results in seamless coating over many materials, has low thermal conductivity, and is relatively inexpensive compared to conventional methods.
Feldsine, Philip T; Leung, Stephanie C; Lienau, Andrew H; Mui, Linda A; Townsend, David E
The relative efficacy of the SimPlate Total Plate Count-Color Indicator (TPC-CI) method (SimPlate 35 degrees C) was compared with the AOAC Official Method 966.23 (AOAC 35 degrees C) for enumeration of total aerobic microorganisms in foods. The SimPlate TPC-CI method, incubated at 30 degrees C (SimPlate 30 degrees C), was also compared with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 4833 method (ISO 30 degrees C). Six food types were analyzed: ground black pepper, flour, nut meats, frozen hamburger patties, frozen fruits, and fresh vegetables. All foods tested were naturally contaminated. Nineteen laboratories throughout North America and Europe participated in the study. Three method comparisons were conducted. In general, there was <0.3 mean log count difference in recovery among the SimPlate methods and their corresponding reference methods. Mean log counts between the 2 reference methods were also very similar. Repeatability (Sr) and reproducibility (SR) standard deviations were similar among the 3 method comparisons. The SimPlate method (35 degrees C) and the AOAC method were comparable for enumerating total aerobic microorganisms in foods. Similarly, the SimPlate method (30 degrees C) was comparable to the ISO method when samples were prepared and incubated according to the ISO method.
Consecutive Plate Acoustic Suppressor Apparatus and Methods
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Doychak, Joseph (Inventor); Parrott, Tony L. (Inventor)
An apparatus and method for suppressing acoustic noise utilizes consecutive plates, closely spaced to each other so as to exploit dissipation associated with sound propagation in narrow channels to optimize the acoustic resistance at a liner surface. The closely spaced plates can be utilized as high temperature structural materials for jet engines by constructing the plates from composite materials. Geometries of the plates, such as plate depth, shape, thickness, inter-plate spacing, arrangement, etc., can be selected to achieve bulk material-like behavior.
Method for plating with metal oxides
Silver, Gary L.; Martin, Frank S.
A method of plating hydrous metal oxides on at least one substrate, which method is indifferent to the electrochemical properties of the substrate, and comprises reacting metallic ions in aqueous solution with an appropriate oxidizing agent such as sodium hypochlorite or calcium sulfite with oxygen under suitable conditions of pH and concentration such that oxidation and precipitation of metal oxide are sufficiently slow to allow satisfactory plating of metal oxide on the substrate.
Method for plating with metal oxides
Silver, G.L.; Martin, F.S.
A method is disclosed of plating hydrous metal oxides on at least one substrate, which method is indifferent to the electrochemical properties of the substrate, and comprises reacting metallic ions in aqueous solution with an appropriate oxidizing agent such as sodium hypochlorite or calcium sulfite with oxygen under suitable conditions of pH and concentration such that oxidation and precipitation of metal oxide are sufficiently slow to allow satisfactory plating of metal oxide on the substrate. 1 fig.
Effusion plate using additive manufacturing methods
Johnson, Thomas Edward; Keener, Christopher Paul; Ostebee, Heath Michael; Wegerif, Daniel Gerritt
Additive manufacturing techniques may be utilized to construct effusion plates. Such additive manufacturing techniques may include defining a configuration for an effusion plate having one or more internal cooling channels. The manufacturing techniques may further include depositing a powder into a chamber, applying an energy source to the deposited powder, and consolidating the powder into a cross-sectional shape corresponding to the defined configuration. Such methods may be implemented to construct an effusion plate having one or more channels with a curved cross-sectional geometry.
Inverse methods-based estimation of plate coupling in a plate motion model governed by mantle flow
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ratnaswamy, V.; Stadler, G.; Gurnis, M.
Plate motion is primarily controlled by buoyancy (slab pull) which occurs at convergent plate margins where oceanic plates undergo deformation near the seismogenic zone. Yielding within subducting plates, lateral variations in viscosity, and the strength of seismic coupling between plate margins likely have an important control on plate motion. Here, we wish to infer the inter-plate coupling for different subduction zones, and develop a method for inferring it as a PDE-constrained optimization problem, where the cost functional is the misfit in plate velocities and is constrained by the nonlinear Stokes equation. The inverse models have well resolved slabs, plates, and plate margins in addition to a power law rheology with yielding in the upper mantle. Additionally, a Newton method is used to solve the nonlinear Stokes equation with viscosity bounds. We infer plate boundary strength using an inexact Gauss-Newton method with line search for backtracking. Each inverse model is applied to two simple 2-D scenarios (each with three subduction zones), one with back-arc spreading and one without. For each case we examine the sensitivity of the inversion to the amount of surface velocity used: 1) full surface velocity data and 2) surface velocity data simplified using a single scalar average (2-D equivalent to an Euler pole) for each plate. We can recover plate boundary strength in each case, even in the presence of highly nonlinear flow with extreme variations in viscosity. Additionally, we ascribe an uncertainty in each plate's velocity and perform an uncertainty quantification (UQ) through the Hessian of the misfit in plate velocities. We find that as plate boundaries become strongly coupled, the uncertainty in the inferred plate boundary strength decreases. For very weak, uncoupled subduction zones, the uncertainty of inferred plate margin strength increases since there is little sensitivity between plate margin strength and plate velocity. This result is significant
Application of the variational-asymptotical method to composite plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hodges, Dewey H.; Lee, Bok W.; Atilgan, Ali R.
A method is developed for the 3D analysis of laminated plate deformation which is an extension of a variational-asymptotical method by Atilgan and Hodges (1991). Both methods are based on the treatment of plate deformation by splitting the 3D analysis into linear through-the-thickness analysis and 2D plate analysis. Whereas the first technique tackles transverse shear deformation in the second asymptotical approximation, the present method simplifies its treatment and restricts it to the first approximation. Both analytical techniques are applied to the linear cylindrical bending problem, and the strain and stress distributions are derived and compared with those of the exact solution. The present theory provides more accurate results than those of the classical laminated-plate theory for the transverse displacement of 2-, 3-, and 4-layer cross-ply laminated plates. The method can give reliable estimates of the in-plane strain and displacement distributions.
Quantitative Urine Culture Method Using a Plastic „Paddle” Containing Dual Media
Craig, William A.; Kunin, Calvin M.
A new dip-inoculum method for quantitative urine culture is described which utilizes a dual-chambered plastic „paddle” housing both a general purpose and differential medium. Comparative bacterial counts of 1,000 clinical specimens using the pour plate and this device were identical in 82.9% and within a factor of five in 95.6%. The „paddle” detected all but 19 of 258 specimens (92.6%) with 100,000 or greater colonies per ml. This simple, convenient method should allow more extensive use of quantitative urine culture in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with urinary tract infections in office practice. It should not be considered as a substitute for the more definitive pour plate method or for standard methods for characterization of bacteriological species when more exact information is required. PMID:4555636
Characterisation of structure-borne sound source using reception plate method.
Putra, A; Saari, N F; Bakri, H; Ramlan, R; Dan, R M
A laboratory-based experiment procedure of reception plate method for structure-borne sound source characterisation is reported in this paper. The method uses the assumption that the input power from the source installed on the plate is equal to the power dissipated by the plate. In this experiment, rectangular plates having high and low mobility relative to that of the source were used as the reception plates and a small electric fan motor was acting as the structure-borne source. The data representing the source characteristics, namely, the free velocity and the source mobility, were obtained and compared with those from direct measurement. Assumptions and constraints employing this method are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chabot, Vincent
L'elaboration de nouveaux medicaments repose sur les etudes pharmacologiques, dont le role est d'identifier de nouveaux composes actifs ou de nouvelles cibles pharmacologiques agissant entre autres au niveau cellulaire. Recemment, la detection basee sur la resonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) a ete appliquee a l'etude de reponses cellulaires. Cette methode de detection, permettant d'observer des variations d'indice de refraction associes a de faibles changements de masse a la surface d'un metal, a l'avantage de permettre l'etude d'une population de cellules vivantes en temps reel, sans necessiter l'introduction d'agents de marquage. Pour effectuer la detection au niveau de cellules individuelles, on peut employer la microscopie SPR, qui consiste a localiser spatialement la detection par un systeme d'imagerie. Cependant, la detection basee sur la SPR est une mesure sans marquage et les signaux mesures sont attribues a une reponse moyennee des differentes sources cellulaires. Afin de mieux comprendre et identifier les composantes cellulaires generant le signal mesure en SPR, il est pertinent de combiner la microscopie SPR avec une modalite complementaire, soit l'imagerie de fluorescence. C'est dans cette problematique que s'insere ce projet de these, consistant a concevoir deux plates-formes distinctes de microscopie SPR et de fluorescence optimisees pour l'etude cellulaire, de sorte a evaluer les possibilites d'integration de ces deux modalites en un seul systeme. Des substrats adaptes pour chaque plate-forme ont ete concus et realises. Ces substrats employaient une couche d'argent passivee par l'ajout d'une mince couche d'or. La stabilite et la biocompatibilite des substrats ont ete validees pour l'etude cellulaire. Deux configurations permettant d'ameliorer la sensibilite en sondant les cellules plus profondement ont ete evaluees, soit l'emploi de plasmons de surface a longue portee et de guides d'onde a gaine metallique. La sensibilite accrue de ces
PROCEEDINGS 514 OELECTE f Theoretical and A U Experimental Methods in A Hypersonic Flows (Les Methodes Th6oriques et Experimentales pour 1’Etude des...nitrogen ent for both equilibrium and non -equilibrium chemistry between the two groups . Both groups state that the boundary makes this mode even more...flowfield on control is also m?,ndatory unstable due to the necessary oblate shape of Hermes. when the experimental rebuilding is clearly poor and
A computed microtomography method for understanding epiphyseal growth plate fusion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Staines, Katherine A.; Madi, Kamel; Javaheri, Behzad; Lee, Peter D.; Pitsillides, Andrew A.
The epiphyseal growth plate is a developmental region responsible for linear bone growth, in which chondrocytes undertake a tightly regulated series of biological processes. Concomitant with the cessation of growth and sexual maturation, the human growth plate undergoes progressive narrowing, and ultimately disappears. Despite the crucial role of this growth plate fusion ‘bridging’ event, the precise mechanisms by which it is governed are complex and yet to be established. Progress is likely hindered by the current methods for growth plate visualisation; these are invasive and largely rely on histological procedures. Here we describe our non-invasive method utilising synchrotron x-ray computed microtomography for the examination of growth plate bridging, which ultimately leads to its closure coincident with termination of further longitudinal bone growth. We then apply this method to a dataset obtained from a benchtop microcomputed tomography scanner to highlight its potential for wide usage. Furthermore, we conduct finite element modelling at the micron-scale to reveal the effects of growth plate bridging on local tissue mechanics. Employment of these 3D analyses of growth plate bone bridging is likely to advance our understanding of the physiological mechanisms that control growth plate fusion.
Method for conducting electroless metal-plating processes
Petit, George S.; Wright, Ralph R.
This invention is an improved method for conducting electroless metal-plating processes in a metal tank which is exposed to the plating bath. The invention solves a problem commonly encountered in such processes: how to determine when it is advisable to shutdown the process in order to clean and/or re-passivate the tank. The new method comprises contacting the bath with a current-conducting, non-catalytic probe and, during plating operations, monitoring the gradually changing difference in electropotential between the probe and tank. It has been found that the value of this voltage is indicative of the extent to which nickel-bearing decomposition products accumulate on the tank. By utilizing the voltage to determine when shutdown for cleaning is advisable, the operator can avoid premature shutdown and at the same time avoid prolonging operations to the point that spontaneous decomposition occurs.
Investigation on filter method for smoothing spiral phase plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Yuanhang; Wen, Shenglin; Luo, Zijian; Tang, Caixue; Yan, Hao; Yang, Chunlin; Liu, Mincai; Zhang, Qinghua; Wang, Jian
Spiral phase plate (SPP) for generating vortex hollow beams has high efficiency in various applications. However, it is difficult to obtain an ideal spiral phase plate because of its continuous-varying helical phase and discontinued phase step. This paper describes the demonstration of continuous spiral phase plate using filter methods. The numerical simulations indicate that different filter method including spatial domain filter, frequency domain filter has unique impact on surface topography of SPP and optical vortex characteristics. The experimental results reveal that the spatial Gaussian filter method for smoothing SPP is suitable for Computer Controlled Optical Surfacing (CCOS) technique and obtains good optical properties.
Conductivity fuel cell collector plate and method of fabrication
Braun, James C.
An improved method of manufacturing a PEM fuel cell collector plate is disclosed. During molding a highly conductive polymer composite is formed having a relatively high polymer concentration along its external surfaces. After molding the polymer rich layer is removed from the land areas by machining, grinding or similar process. This layer removal results in increased overall conductivity of the molded collector plate. The polymer rich surface remains in the collector plate channels, providing increased mechanical strength and other benefits to the channels. The improved method also permits greater mold cavity thickness providing a number of advantages during the molding process.
Models of convection-driven tectonic plates - A comparison of methods and results
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
King, Scott D.; Gable, Carl W.; Weinstein, Stuart A.
Recent numerical studies of convection in the earth's mantle have included various features of plate tectonics. This paper describes three methods of modeling plates: through material properties, through force balance, and through a thin power-law sheet approximation. The results obtained are compared using each method on a series of simple calculations. From these results, scaling relations between the different parameterizations are developed. While each method produces different degrees of deformation within the surface plate, the surface heat flux and average plate velocity agree to within a few percent. The main results are not dependent upon the plate modeling method and herefore are representative of the physical system modeled.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Francoeur, Dany
Cette these de doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre de projets CRIAQ (Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aerospatiale du Quebec) orientes vers le developpement d'approches embarquees pour la detection de defauts dans des structures aeronautiques. L'originalite de cette these repose sur le developpement et la validation d'une nouvelle methode de detection, quantification et localisation d'une entaille dans une structure de joint a recouvrement par la propagation d'ondes vibratoires. La premiere partie expose l'etat des connaissances sur l'identification d'un defaut dans le contexte du Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), ainsi que la modelisation de joint a recouvrements. Le chapitre 3 developpe le modele de propagation d'onde d'un joint a recouvrement endommage par une entaille pour une onde de flexion dans la plage des moyennes frequences (10-50 kHz). A cette fin, un modele de transmission de ligne (TLM) est realise pour representer un joint unidimensionnel (1D). Ce modele 1D est ensuite adapte a un joint bi-dimensionnel (2D) en faisant l'hypothese d'un front d'onde plan incident et perpendiculaire au joint. Une methode d'identification parametrique est ensuite developpee pour permettre a la fois la calibration du modele du joint a recouvrement sain, la detection puis la caracterisation de l'entaille situee sur le joint. Cette methode est couplee a un algorithme qui permet une recherche exhaustive de tout l'espace parametrique. Cette technique permet d'extraire une zone d'incertitude reliee aux parametres du modele optimal. Une etude de sensibilite est egalement realisee sur l'identification. Plusieurs resultats de mesure sur des joints a recouvrements 1D et 2D sont realisees permettant ainsi l'etude de la repetabilite des resultats et la variabilite de differents cas d'endommagement. Les resultats de cette etude demontrent d'abord que la methode de detection proposee est tres efficace et permet de suivre la progression d'endommagement. De tres bons resultats
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nguyen Van Do, Vuong
In this paper, a modified Kirchhoff theory is presented for free vibration analyses of functionally graded material (FGM) plate based on modified radial point interpolation method (RPIM). The shear deformation effects are taken account into modified theory to ignore the locking phenomenon of thin plates. Due to the proposed refined plate theory, the number of independent unknowns reduces one variable and exists with four degrees of freedom per node. The simulated free vibration results employed by the modified RPIM are compared with the other analytical solutions to verify the effectiveness and the accuracy of the developed mesh-free method. Detail parametric studies of the proposed method are then conducted including the effectiveness of thickness ratio, boundary condition and material inhomogeneity on the sample problems of square plates. Results illustrated that the modified mesh-free RPIM can effectively predict the numerical calculation as compared to the exact solutions. The obtained numerical results are indicated that the proposed method are stable and well accurate prediction to evaluate with other published analyses.
A generalized plate method for estimating total aerobic microbial count.
Ho, Kai Fai
The plate method outlined in Chapter 61: Microbial Limit Tests of the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP 61) provides very specific guidance for assessing total aerobic bioburden in pharmaceutical articles. This methodology, while comprehensive, lacks the flexibility to be useful in all situations. By studying the plate method as a special case within a more general family of assays, the effects of each parameter in the guidance can be understood. Using a mathematical model to describe the plate counting procedure, a statistical framework for making more definitive statements about total aerobic bioburden is developed. Such a framework allows the laboratory scientist to adjust the USP 61 methods to satisfy specific practical constraints. In particular, it is shown that the plate method can be conducted, albeit with stricter acceptance criteria, using a test specimen quantity that is smaller than the 10 g or 10 mL prescribed in the guidance. Finally, the interpretation of results proffered by the guidance is re-examined within this statistical framework and shown to be overly aggressive.
Sohn, Hoon-Sang; Shon, Min Soo; Lee, Kyung-Hag; Song, Si-Jung
The aim of this study was to compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes between two different plating methods (superior vs. anteroinferior) in minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) for acute displaced clavicular shaft fractures. A prospective, randomized controlled trial was performed in a single centre. Nineteen patients were treated with superior plating and 18 with anteroinferior plating using the MIPO technique. A 3.5-mm locking reconstruction plate was bent preoperatively and applied to either the anteroinferior or superior aspect of the clavicle through two separate incisions. The operating time, time to union, the proportional length difference, complications, and functional outcome of the shoulder joint were evaluated using the Constant score and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) score. There was no statistically significant difference in the Constant score and UCLA score. The mean time to union was 16.8 weeks for superior plating and 17.1 weeks for anteroinferior plating (p=0.866). The average operation time was 77.2min in superior plating and 79.4min in anteroinferior plating (p=0.491). One patient in the superior plating group showed plate failure. Despite no significant difference, one patient had nonunion in the superior plating group (p>0.999). From a clinical perspective, although MIPO with anteroinferior plating provides better outcomes especially in complications without statistically significant difference, both plating methods provided satisfactory clinical and radiographic outcomes. Level I, a single-centre, prospective, randomized controlled trial. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
engined jet aircraft wing MID PLA CROSS tCTO% taking into account the effects of the propulsive system. -DESIGN PAAMETERS DESTIGE PARAMETERS 5CT 0 (MC 0...AGARD Report No.780 Special Course on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications (M6thodes Inverses pour la...manufacturing systems. Blade or airfoil designs are normally made in two steps, and the lectures are accordingly grouped into two parts. - - In the
Zone plate method for electronic holographic display using resolution redistribution technique.
Takaki, Yasuhiro; Nakamura, Junya
The resolution redistribution (RR) technique can increase the horizontal viewing-zone angle and screen size of electronic holographic display. The present study developed a zone plate method that would reduce hologram calculation time for the RR technique. This method enables calculation of an image displayed on a spatial light modulator by performing additions of the zone plates, while the previous calculation method required performing the Fourier transform twice. The derivation and modeling of the zone plate are shown. In addition, the look-up table approach was introduced for further reduction in computation time. Experimental verification using a holographic display module based on the RR technique is presented.
Fabrication of mandible fracture plate by indirect additive manufacturing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aizat, M.; Khan, S. F.
Bone fracture is a serious skeletal injury due to accidents and fragility of the bones at a certain age. In order to accelerate fracture healing process, fracture bone plate is use to hold the fracture segment for more stability. The purpose of this study is to fabricate mandibular fracture plate by using indirect additive manufacturing methods in order to reduce time taken during bending and shaping the fracture fixation plate that conform to the anatomy of the fractured bone site. The design and analysis of the plates are performed using CATIA and ANSYS software. The 3D-CAD data were sent to an additive manufacturing machine (fused filament fabricated) to generate master pattern using PLA and the mould were fabricated using Plaster of Paris. A melt ZAMAK 3 was poured directly into the moulds, and left it until completely harden. 3point bending test was performed on the prototype plate using universal testing machine. Stress-strain curve shows the graph exhibited a linear relationship of stress-strain up to a strain value of 0.001. Specimens give a maximum yielding stress and then break before the conventional deflection. Since the maximum flexural stress and the breaking stress are far apart with a plateau stating at strain value of 0.003mm/mm in most specimens, the specimen’s failure types are considered plastic failure mode. The average thickness and width are 1.65mm and 2.18mm respectively. The flexural modulus and flexural strength are 189.5GPa and 518.1MPa, respectively.
A Study on the Saving Method of Plate Jigs in Hull Block Butt Welding
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ko, Dae-Eun
A large amount of plate jigs is used for alignment of welding line and control of welding deformations in hull block assembly stage. Besides material cost, the huge working man-hours required for working process of plate jigs is one of the obstacles in productivity growth of shipyard. In this study, analysis method was proposed to simulate the welding deformations of block butt joint with plate jigs setting. Using the proposed analysis method, an example simulation was performed for actual panel block joint to investigate the saving method of plate jigs. Results show that it is possible to achieve two objectives of quality accuracy of the hull block and saving the plate jig usage at the same time by deploying the plate jigs at the right places. And the proposed analysis method can be used in establishing guidelines for the proper use of plate jigs in block assembly stage.
Method of manufacturing battery plate groups
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Marui, T.; Uwani, T.
A method is described of manufacturing battery plate groups which comprises (a) providing a pliable, smooth, continuous glass fiber mat which has a predetermined thickness, (b) providing a pair of plastic rotors which are aligned in parallel, the rotors including circumferential surfaces and equal numbers of projections extending outwardly from their circumferential surfaces a distance of between 0.7 mm and 2mm, (c) spacing the rotors apart such that a clearance is provided between the projections on one rotor and the circumferential surface of the other rotor which is between 1/3 and 1/2 the predetermined thickness of the glass fiber mat,more » (d) rotating both the rotors such that the projections from one rotor are displaced by half a pitch from the projections from the other rotor, (e) passing the glass fiber mat between the rotors such that the projections thereon form alternately-directed folding habits therein at regular intervals along its length and to provide interconnected separator portions which are aligned in an accordion-like fashion, (f) providing an alternating series of positive and negative battery plates on only one side of the interconnected separator portions, and (g) sequentially inserting the positive and negative battery plates between adjacent separator portions.« less
Mass production of the large-sized nuclear plate for J-PARC E07
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ito, Hiroki; Nakazama, Kazuma; Hoshino, Kaoru; Yoshida, Jyunya; Tint, Khin Than; Soe, Mint Kyaw; Kinbara, Shinji; Mishina, Akihiro; Endo, Yoko; Kobayashi, Hidetaka; J-PARC E07 Collaboration
In J-PARC E07, about 102 double lambda hypernuclei will be detected, which is 10 times or more than that of the KEK PS-E373 experiment. Therefore, it is necessary for large-scale emulsion plates to avoid time-consuming job for exchange emulsion stack in beam exposure. We also use huge amount of emulsion gel with weight of 2.1 t, which is about 3 times' quantity used for E373. Nuclear emulsion plate is made of photographic emulsion gel as a dry film. Melted gel in 40°C is poured on a thin polystyrene film in the size of 710 × 700 mm2. These sheets were dried slowly for two days in drying cabinet under 28°C and RH. 75%. After drying, the surface was coated by thin gelatin layer with 0.3 μm thickness. Regarding the 2nd face, it was poured and coated in the same manner. Finally we dry it well under 25°C and RH. 60% and cut into four 350 × 345 mm2 plates. We evaluated the performance about these plates. The length of upper, lower, right-hand and left-hand side are 345.08 +/- 0.05 mm, 345.23 +/- 0.13 mm, 350.03 +/- 0.04 mm, and 350.80 +/- 0.05 mm, respectively. The density is 3.676 +/- 0.032 g/cm3, enough quality for the experiment.
Methods of localization of Lamb wave sources on thin plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turkaya, Semih; Toussaint, Renaud; Kvalheim Eriksen, Fredrik; Daniel, Guillaume; Grude Flekkøy, Eirik; Jørgen Måløy, Knut
Signal localization techniques are ubiquitous in both industry and academic communities. We propose a new localization method on plates which is based on energy amplitude attenuation and inverted source amplitude comparison. This inversion is tested on synthetic data using Lamb wave propagation direct model and on experimental dataset (recorded with 4 Brüel & Kjær Type 4374 miniature piezoelectric shock accelerometers (1-26 kHz frequency range)). We compare the performance of the technique to the classical source localization algorithms, arrival time localization, time reversal localization, localization based on energy amplitude. Furthermore, we measure and compare the accuracy of these techniques as function of sampling rate, dynamic range, geometry, Signal to Noise Ratio, and we show that this very versatile technique works better than classical ones over the sampling rates 100kHz - 1MHz. Experimental phase consists of a glass plate having dimensions of 80cmx40cm with a thickness of 1cm. Generated signals due to a wooden hammer hit or a steel ball hit are captured by sensors placed on the plate on different locations with the mentioned sensors. Numerical simulations are done using dispersive far field approximation of plate waves. Signals are generated using a hertzian loading over the plate. Using imaginary sources outside the plate boundaries the effect of reflections is also included. This proposed method, can be modified to be implemented on 3d environments, monitor industrial activities (e.g boreholes drilling/production activities) or natural brittle systems (e.g earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches).
A variable-order laminated plate theory based on the variational-asymptotical method
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lee, Bok W.; Sutyrin, Vladislav G.; Hodges, Dewey H.
The variational-asymptotical method is a mathematical technique by which the three-dimensional analysis of laminated plate deformation can be split into a linear, one-dimensional, through-the-thickness analysis and a nonlinear, two-dimensional, plate analysis. The elastic constants used in the plate analysis are obtained from the through-the-thickness analysis, along with approximate, closed-form three-dimensional distributions of displacement, strain, and stress. In this paper, a theory based on this technique is developed which is capable of approximating three-dimensional elasticity to any accuracy desired. The asymptotical method allows for the approximation of the through-the-thickness behavior in terms of the eigenfunctions of a certain Sturm-Liouville problem associated with the thickness coordinate. These eigenfunctions contain all the necessary information about the nonhomogeneities along the thickness coordinate of the plate and thus possess the appropriate discontinuities in the derivatives of displacement. The theory is presented in this paper along with numerical results for the eigenfunctions of various laminated plates.
Method of obtaining intensified image from developed photographic films and plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Askins, B. S. (Inventor)
A method is explained of obtaining intensified images from silver images on developed photographic films and plates. The steps involve converting silver of the developed film or plate to a radioactive compound by treatment with an aqueous alkaline solution of an organo-S35 compound; placing the treated film or plate in direct contact with a receiver film which is then exposed by radiation from the activated film; and developing and fixing the resulting intensified image on the receiver film.
Investigation of pouring temperature and holding time for semisolid metal feedstock production
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Razak, N. A.; Ahmad, A. H.; Rashidi, M. M.
Semisolid metal (SSM) processing, as a kind of new technology that exploits forming of alloys between solidus and liquidus temperatures, has attracted great attention from investigators for its thixotropic behaviour as well as having advantages in reducing porosity, macrosegregation, and forming forces during shaping process. Various techniques are employed to produce feedstock with fine globular microstructures, and direct thermal method is one of them. In this paper, the effect from different pouring temperatures and holding times using a direct thermal method on microstructure and hardness of aluminium alloy 6061 is presented. Molten aluminium alloy 6061 was poured into a cylindrical copper mould and cooled down to the semisolid temperature before being quenched in water at room temperature. The effect of different pouring temperatures of 660 °C, 680 °C, 700 °C, and holding time of 20 s, and 60 s on the microstructure of aluminium alloy 6061 were investigated. From the micrographs, it was found that the most globular structures were achieved at processing parameters of 660 °C pouring temperature and 60 s holding time. The highest density and hardness of the samples were found at the same processing parameters. It can be concluded that the most spheroidal microstructure, the highest density, and the hardness were recorded at lower pouring temperature and longer holding time.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Astawa, INGA; Gusti Ngurah Bagus Caturbawa, I.; Made Sajayasa, I.; Dwi Suta Atmaja, I. Made Ari
The license plate recognition usually used as part of system such as parking system. License plate detection considered as the most important step in the license plate recognition system. We propose methods that can be used to detect the vehicle plate on mobile phone. In this paper, we used Sliding Window, Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) method to license plate detection so it will increase the detection level even though the image is not in a good quality. The image proceed by Sliding Window method in order to find plate position. Feature extraction in every window movement had been done by HOG and SVM method. Good result had shown in this research, which is 96% of accuracy.
A novel method for characterizing the impact response of functionally graded plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Larson, Reid A.
Functionally graded material (FGM) plates are advanced composites with properties that vary continuously through the thickness of the plate. Metal-ceramic FGM plates have been proposed for use in thermal protection systems where a metal-rich interior surface of the plate gradually transitions to a ceramic-rich exterior surface of the plate. The ability of FGMs to resist impact loads must be demonstrated before using them in high-temperature environments in service. This dissertation presents a novel technique by which the impact response of FGM plates is characterized for low-velocity, low- to medium-energy impact loads. An experiment was designed where strain histories in FGM plates were collected during impact events. These strain histories were used to validate a finite element simulation of the test. A parameter estimation technique was developed to estimate local material properties in the anisotropic, non-homogenous FGM plates to optimize the finite element simulations. The optimized simulations captured the physics of the impact events. The method allows research & design engineers to make informed decisions necessary to implement FGM plates in aerospace platforms.
An imaging method of wavefront coding system based on phase plate rotation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yi, Rigui; Chen, Xi; Dong, Liquan; Liu, Ming; Zhao, Yuejin; Liu, Xiaohua
Wave-front coding has a great prospect in extending the depth of the optical imaging system and reducing optical aberrations, but the image quality and noise performance are inevitably reduced. According to the theoretical analysis of the wave-front coding system and the phase function expression of the cubic phase plate, this paper analyzed and utilized the feature that the phase function expression would be invariant in the new coordinate system when the phase plate rotates at different angles around the z-axis, and we proposed a method based on the rotation of the phase plate and image fusion. First, let the phase plate rotated at a certain angle around the z-axis, the shape and distribution of the PSF obtained on the image surface remain unchanged, the rotation angle and direction are consistent with the rotation angle of the phase plate. Then, the middle blurred image is filtered by the point spread function of the rotation adjustment. Finally, the reconstruction images were fused by the method of the Laplacian pyramid image fusion and the Fourier transform spectrum fusion method, and the results were evaluated subjectively and objectively. In this paper, we used Matlab to simulate the images. By using the Laplacian pyramid image fusion method, the signal-to-noise ratio of the image is increased by 19% 27%, the clarity is increased by 11% 15% , and the average gradient is increased by 4% 9% . By using the Fourier transform spectrum fusion method, the signal-to-noise ratio of the image is increased by 14% 23%, the clarity is increased by 6% 11% , and the average gradient is improved by 2% 6%. The experimental results show that the image processing by the above method can improve the quality of the restored image, improving the image clarity, and can effectively preserve the image information.
Aziz, Mina S R; Dessouki, Omar; Samiezadeh, Saeid; Bougherara, Habiba; Schemitsch, Emil H; Zdero, Radovan
Acetabular fractures potentially account for up to half of all pelvic fractures, while pelvic fractures potentially account for over one-tenth of all human bone fractures. This is the first biomechanical study to assess acetabular fracture fixation using plates versus cables in the presence of a total hip arthroplasty, as done for the elderly. In Phase 1, finite element (FE) models compared a standard plate method versus 3 cable methods for repairing an acetabular fracture (type: anterior column plus posterior hemi-transverse) subjected to a physiological-type compressive load of 2207N representing 3 x body weight for a 75kg person during walking. FE stress maps were compared to choose the most mechanically stable cable method, i.e. lowest peak bone stress. In Phase 2, mechanical tests were then done in artificial hemipelvises to compare the standard plate method versus the optimal cable method selected from Phase 1. FE analysis results showed peak bone stresses of 255MPa (Plate method), 205MPa (Mears cable method), 250MPa (Kang cable method), and 181MPa (Mouhsine cable method). Mechanical tests then showed that the Plate method versus the Mouhsine cable method selected from Phase 1 had higher stiffness (662versus 385N/mm, p=0.001), strength (3210versus 2060N, p=0.009), and failure energy (8.8versus 6.2J, p=0.002), whilst they were statistically equivalent for interfragmentary sliding (p≥0.179) and interfragmentary gapping (p≥0.08). The Plate method had superior mechanical properties, but the Mouhsine cable method may be a reasonable alternative if osteoporosis prevents good screw thread interdigitation during plating. Copyright © 2017 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A method for making an alkaline battery electrode plate
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chida, K.; Ezaki, T.
A method is described for making an alkaline battery electrode plate where the desired active substances are filled into a nickel foam substrate. In this substrate an electrolytic oxidation reduction occurs in an alkaline solution containing lithium hydroxide.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Ming; Xie, Fei; Zhao, Jing; Sun, Rui; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Yue
The prosperity of license plate recognition technology has made great contribution to the development of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). In this paper, a robust and efficient license plate recognition method is proposed which is based on a combined feature extraction model and BPNN (Back Propagation Neural Network) algorithm. Firstly, the candidate region of the license plate detection and segmentation method is developed. Secondly, a new feature extraction model is designed considering three sets of features combination. Thirdly, the license plates classification and recognition method using the combined feature model and BPNN algorithm is presented. Finally, the experimental results indicate that the license plate segmentation and recognition both can be achieved effectively by the proposed algorithm. Compared with three traditional methods, the recognition accuracy of the proposed method has increased to 95.7% and the consuming time has decreased to 51.4ms.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Walton, William C., Jr.
This paper reports the findings of an investigation of a finite - difference method directly applicable to calculating static or simple harmonic flexures of solid plates and potentially useful in other problems of structural analysis. The method, which was proposed in doctoral thesis by John C. Houbolt, is based on linear theory and incorporates the principle of minimum potential energy. Full realization of its advantages requires use of high-speed computing equipment. After a review of Houbolt's method, results of some applications are presented and discussed. The applications consisted of calculations of the natural modes and frequencies of several uniform-thickness cantilever plates and, as a special case of interest, calculations of the modes and frequencies of the uniform free-free beam. Computed frequencies and nodal patterns for the first five or six modes of each plate are compared with existing experiments, and those for one plate are compared with another approximate theory. Beam computations are compared with exact theory. On the basis of the comparisons it is concluded that the method is accurate and general in predicting plate flexures, and additional applications are suggested. An appendix is devoted t o computing procedures which evolved in the progress of the applications and which facilitate use of the method in conjunction with high-speed computing equipment.
Laboratory Evaluation of Australian Ration Packs.
Monitoring of Freeze Dried Meals , Potato & Onion Powder .......................... 40 Appendix 6 Emergency Flying Ration ............................ 41...Moulds were enumerated using the pour plate method as described in AS 1766 Part 2.1.2 1976. On occasions malt extract agar was used in place of...potato dextrose agar . Coliforms & E. coli were enumerated using the pour plate method as described in AS 1766 Part 1976. Violet red bile dextrose
Lee, Sang Ki; Kim, Kap Jung; Park, Kyung Hoon; Choy, Won Sik
With the continuing improvements in implants for distal humerus fractures, it is expected that newer types of plates, which are anatomically precontoured, thinner and less irritating to soft tissue, would have comparable outcomes when used in a clinical study. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes in patients with distal humerus fractures who were treated with orthogonal and parallel plating methods using precontoured distal humerus plates. Sixty-seven patients with a mean age of 55.4 years (range 22-90 years) were included in this prospective study. The subjects were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 2 treatments: orthogonal or parallel plating. The following results were assessed: operating time, time to fracture union, presence of a step or gap at the articular margin, varus-valgus angulation, functional recovery, and complications. No intergroup differences were observed based on radiological and clinical results between the groups. In our practice, no significant differences were found between the orthogonal and parallel plating methods in terms of clinical outcomes, mean operation time, union time, or complication rates. There were no cases of fracture nonunion in either group; heterotrophic ossification was found 3 patients in orthogonal plating group and 2 patients in parallel plating group. In our practice, no significant differences were found between the orthogonal and parallel plating methods in terms of clinical outcomes or complication rates. However, orthogonal plating method may be preferred in cases of coronal shear fractures, where posterior to anterior fixation may provide additional stability to the intraarticular fractures. Additionally, parallel plating method may be the preferred technique used for fractures that occur at the most distal end of the humerus.
Yu, Jaecheul; Cho, Sunja; Kim, Sunah; Cho, Haein; Lee, Taeho
In a microbial fuel cell (MFC), exoelectrogens, which transfer electrons to the electrode, have been regarded as a key factor for electricity generation. In this study, U-tube MFC and plating methods were used to isolate exoelectrogens from the anode of an MFC. Disparate microorganisms were identified depending on isolation methods, despite the use of an identical source. Denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis showed that certain microorganisms became dominant in the U-tube MFC. The predominant bacterium was similar to Ochrobactrum sp., belonging to the Alphaproteobacteria, which was shown to be able to function as an exoelectrogen in a previous study. Three isolates, one affiliated with Bacillus sp. and two with Paenibacillus sp., were identified using the plating method, which belonged to the Gram-positive bacteria, the Firmicutes. The U-tube MFCs were inoculated with the three isolates using the plating method, operated in the batch mode and the current was monitored. All of the U-tube MFCs inoculated with each isolate after isolation from plates produced lower current (peak current density: 3.6–16.3 mA/m2) than those in U-tube MFCs with mixed culture (48.3–62.6 mA/m2). Although the isolates produced low currents, various bacterial groups were found to be involved in current production. PMID:22129603
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Régipa, R.
A partir d'une théorie sur la détermination des formes et des contraintes globales d'un ballon de révolution, ou s'en rapprochant, une nouvelle famille de ballons a été définie. Les ballons actuels, dits de ``forme naturelle'', sont calculés en général pour une tension circonférencielle nulle. Ainsi, pour une mission donnée, la tension longitudinale et la forme de l'enveloppe sont strictement imposées. Les ballons de la nouvelle génération sont globalement cylindriques et leurs pôles sont réunis par un câble axial, chargé de transmettre une partie des efforts depuis le crochet (pôle inférieur), directement au pôle supérieur. De plus, la zone latérale cylindrique est soumise à un faible champ de tensions circonférencielles. Ainsi, deux paramètres permettent de faire évoluer la distribution des tensions et la forme de l'enveloppe: - la tension du câble de liaison entre pôles (ou la longueur de ce câble) - la tension circonférencielle moyenne désirée (ou le rayon du ballon). On peut donc calculer et réaliser: - soit des ballons de forme adaptée, comme les ballons à fond plat pour le bon fonctionnement des montgolfières infrarouge (projet MIR); - soit des ballons optimisés pour une bonne répartition des contraintes et une meilleure utilisation des matériaux d'enveloppe, pour l'ensemble des programmes stratosphériques. Il s'ensuit une économie sensible des coûts de fabrication, une fiabilité accrue du fonctionnement de ces ballons et une rendement opérationnel bien supérieur, permettant entre autres, d'envisager des vols à très haute altitude en matériaux très légers.
Waves on Thin Plates: A New (Energy Based) Method on Localization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turkaya, Semih; Toussaint, Renaud; Kvalheim Eriksen, Fredrik; Lengliné, Olivier; Daniel, Guillaume; Grude Flekkøy, Eirik; Jørgen Måløy, Knut
Noisy acoustic signal localization is a difficult problem having a wide range of application. We propose a new localization method applicable for thin plates which is based on energy amplitude attenuation and inversed source amplitude comparison. This inversion is tested on synthetic data using a direct model of Lamb wave propagation and on experimental dataset (recorded with 4 Brüel & Kjær Type 4374 miniature piezoelectric shock accelerometers, 1 - 26 kHz frequency range). We compare the performance of this technique with classical source localization algorithms, arrival time localization, time reversal localization, localization based on energy amplitude. The experimental setup consist of a glass / plexiglass plate having dimensions of 80 cm x 40 cm x 1 cm equipped with four accelerometers and an acquisition card. Signals are generated using a steel, glass or polyamide ball (having different sizes) quasi perpendicular hit (from a height of 2-3 cm) on the plate. Signals are captured by sensors placed on the plate on different locations. We measure and compare the accuracy of these techniques as function of sampling rate, dynamic range, array geometry, signal to noise ratio and computational time. We show that this new technique, which is very versatile, works better than conventional techniques over a range of sampling rates 8 kHz - 1 MHz. It is possible to have a decent resolution (3cm mean error) using a very cheap equipment set. The numerical simulations allow us to track the contributions of different error sources in different methods. The effect of the reflections is also included in our simulation by using the imaginary sources outside the plate boundaries. This proposed method can easily be extended for applications in three dimensional environments, to monitor industrial activities (e.g boreholes drilling/production activities) or natural brittle systems (e.g earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches).
Apparatus and method for controlling plating uniformity
Hachman Jr., John T.; Kelly, James J.; West, Alan C.
The use of an insulating shield for improving the current distribution in an electrochemical plating bath is disclosed. Numerical analysis is used to evaluate the influence of shield shape and position on plating uniformity. Simulation results are compared to experimental data for nickel deposition from a nickel--sulfamate bath. The shield is shown to improve the average current density at a plating surface.
Bead on Plate Temper Pass Study: Thermal and Microhardness Study
par soudage fournit l’énergie cruciale pour réaliser le recuit de la martensite et, ultérieurement, en restaurer la ductilité et la ténacité; le...thermocouple within different regions of the HAZ. In nearly all cases the thermocouples were suitably positioned with a few being consumed within the fusion...important in the design of weld tempering sequences. For the current combination of HY-80 base plate and AWS 9016G welding consumable , it is the HY-80 base
Electrochemical Device Comprising Composite Bipolar Plate and Method of Using the Same
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mittelsteadt, Cortney K. (Inventor); Braff, William A. (Inventor)
An electrochemical device and methods of using the same. In one embodiment, the electrochemical device may be used as a fuel cell and/or as an electrolyzer and includes a membrane electrode assembly (MEA), an anodic gas diffusion medium in contact with the anode of the MEA, a cathodic gas diffusion medium in contact with the cathode, a first bipolar plate in contact with the anodic gas diffusion medium, and a second bipolar plate in contact with the cathodic gas diffusion medium. Each of the bipolar plates includes an electrically-conductive, chemically-inert, non-porous, liquid-permeable, substantially gas-impermeable membrane in contact with its respective gas diffusion medium, as well as a fluid chamber and a non-porous an electrically-conductive plate.
Electrochemical Device Comprising Composite Bipolar Plate and Method of Using the Same
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mittelsteadt, Cortney K. (Inventor); Braff, William A. (Inventor)
An electrochemical device and methods of using the same. In one embodiment, the electrochemical device may be used as a fuel cell and/or as an electrolyzer and includes a membrane electrode assembly (MEA), an anodic gas diffusion medium in contact with the anode of the MEA, a cathodic gas diffusion medium in contact with the cathode, a first bipolar plate in contact with the anodic gas diffusion medium, and a second bipolar plate in contact with the cathodic gas diffusion medium. Each of the bipolar plates includes an electrically-conductive, chemically-inert, non-porous, liquid-permeable, substantially gas-impermeable membrane in contact with its respective gas diffusion medium, as well as a fluid chamber and a non-porous an electrically-conductive plate.
Accuracy of Multiple Pour Cast from Various Elastomer Impression Methods
Saad Toman, Majed; Ali Al-Shahrani, Abdullah; Ali Al-Qarni, Abdullah
The accurate duplicate cast obtained from a single impression reduces the profession clinical time, patient inconvenience, and extra material cost. The stainless steel working cast model assembly consisting of two abutments and one pontic area was fabricated. Two sets of six each custom aluminum trays were fabricated, with five mm spacer and two mm spacer. The impression methods evaluated during the study were additional silicone putty reline (two steps), heavy-light body (one step), monophase (one step), and polyether (one step). Type IV gypsum casts were poured at the interval of one hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours. The resultant cast was measured with traveling microscope for the comparative dimensional accuracy. The data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance test at significance level <0.05. The die obtained from two-step putty reline impression techniques had the percentage of variation for the height −0.36 to −0.97%, while diameter was increased by 0.40–0.90%. The values for one-step heavy-light body impression dies, additional silicone monophase impressions, and polyether were −0.73 to −1.21%, −1.34%, and −1.46% for the height and 0.50–0.80%, 1.20%, and −1.30% for the width, respectively. PMID:28096815
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tsai, C.; Szabo, B. A.
An approch to the finite element method which utilizes families of conforming finite elements based on complete polynomials is presented. Finite element approximations based on this method converge with respect to progressively reduced element sizes as well as with respect to progressively increasing orders of approximation. Numerical results of static and dynamic applications of plates are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the method. Comparisons are made with plate elements in NASTRAN and the high-precision plate element developed by Cowper and his co-workers. Some considerations are given to implementation of the constraint method into general purpose computer programs such as NASTRAN.
Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane
Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.
Crack Imaging and Quantification in Aluminum Plates with Guided Wave Wavenumber Analysis Methods
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Yu, Lingyu; Tian, Zhenhua; Leckey, Cara A. C.
Guided wavefield analysis methods for detection and quantification of crack damage in an aluminum plate are presented in this paper. New wavenumber components created by abrupt wave changes at the structural discontinuity are identified in the frequency-wavenumber spectra. It is shown that the new wavenumbers can be used to detect and characterize the crack dimensions. Two imaging based approaches, filter reconstructed imaging and spatial wavenumber imaging, are used to demonstrate how the cracks can be evaluated with wavenumber analysis. The filter reconstructed imaging is shown to be a rapid method to map the plate and any existing damage, but with less precision in estimating crack dimensions; while the spatial wavenumber imaging provides an intensity image of spatial wavenumber values with enhanced resolution of crack dimensions. These techniques are applied to simulated wavefield data, and the simulation based studies show that spatial wavenumber imaging method is able to distinguish cracks of different severities. Laboratory experimental validation is performed for a single crack case to confirm the methods' capabilities for imaging cracks in plates.
An Agar-Based Method for Plating Marine Protozoan Parasites of the Genus Perkinsus.
Cold, Emma R; Freyria, Nastasia J; Martínez Martínez, Joaquín; Fernández Robledo, José A
The genus Perkinsus includes protozoan parasites of mollusks responsible for losses in the aquaculture industry and hampering the recovery of natural shellfish beds worldwide, and they are a key taxon for understanding intracellular parasitism adaptations. The ability to propagate the parasite in liquid media, in the absence of the host, has been crucial for improving understanding of its biology; however, alternative techniques to grow the parasite are needed to explore other basic aspects of the Perkinsus spp. biology. We optimized a DME: Ham's F12-5% FBS- containing solid agar medium for plating Perkinsus marinus. This solid medium supported trophozoite propagation both by binary fission and schizogony. Colonies were visible to the naked eye 17 days after plating. We tested the suitability of this method for several applications, including the following: 1) Subcloning P. marinus isolates: single discrete P. marinus colonies were obtained from DME: Ham's F12-5% FBS- 0.75% agar plates, which could be further propagated in liquid medium; 2) Subcloning engineered Perkinsus mediterraneus MOE[MOE]: GFP by streaking cultures on plates; 3) Chemical susceptibility: Infusing the DME: Ham's F12-5% FBS- 0.75% agar plates with triclosan resulted in inhibition of the parasite propagation in a dose-dependent manner. Altogether, our plating method has the potential for becoming a key tool for investigating diverse aspects of Perkinsus spp. biology, developing new molecular tools, and for biotechnological applications.
An Agar-Based Method for Plating Marine Protozoan Parasites of the Genus Perkinsus
Cold, Emma R.; Freyria, Nastasia J.; Martínez Martínez, Joaquín; Fernández Robledo, José A.
The genus Perkinsus includes protozoan parasites of mollusks responsible for losses in the aquaculture industry and hampering the recovery of natural shellfish beds worldwide, and they are a key taxon for understanding intracellular parasitism adaptations. The ability to propagate the parasite in liquid media, in the absence of the host, has been crucial for improving understanding of its biology; however, alternative techniques to grow the parasite are needed to explore other basic aspects of the Perkinsus spp. biology. We optimized a DME: Ham’s F12–5% FBS- containing solid agar medium for plating Perkinsus marinus. This solid medium supported trophozoite propagation both by binary fission and schizogony. Colonies were visible to the naked eye 17 days after plating. We tested the suitability of this method for several applications, including the following: 1) Subcloning P. marinus isolates: single discrete P. marinus colonies were obtained from DME: Ham’s F12–5% FBS– 0.75% agar plates, which could be further propagated in liquid medium; 2) Subcloning engineered Perkinsus mediterraneus MOE[MOE]: GFP by streaking cultures on plates; 3) Chemical susceptibility: Infusing the DME: Ham’s F12–5% FBS– 0.75% agar plates with triclosan resulted in inhibition of the parasite propagation in a dose-dependent manner. Altogether, our plating method has the potential for becoming a key tool for investigating diverse aspects of Perkinsus spp. biology, developing new molecular tools, and for biotechnological applications. PMID:27149378
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, L.; Cheng, Y. M.
In this paper, the complex variable reproducing kernel particle method (CVRKPM) for solving the bending problems of isotropic thin plates on elastic foundations is presented. In CVRKPM, one-dimensional basis function is used to obtain the shape function of a two-dimensional problem. CVRKPM is used to form the approximation function of the deflection of the thin plates resting on elastic foundation, the Galerkin weak form of thin plates on elastic foundation is employed to obtain the discretized system equations, the penalty method is used to apply the essential boundary conditions, and Winkler and Pasternak foundation models are used to consider the interface pressure between the plate and the foundation. Then the corresponding formulae of CVRKPM for thin plates on elastic foundations are presented in detail. Several numerical examples are given to discuss the efficiency and accuracy of CVRKPM in this paper, and the corresponding advantages of the present method are shown.
Developments in variational methods for high performance plate and shell elements
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Felippa, Carlos A.; Militello, Carmelo
High performance elements are simple finite elements constructed to deliver engineering accuracy with coarse arbitrary grids. This is part of a series on the variational foundations of high-performance elements, with emphasis on plate and shell elements constructed with the free formulation (FF) and assumed natural strain (ANS) methods. Parameterized variational principles are studied that provide a common foundation for the FF and ANS methods, as well as for a combination of both. From this unified formulation a variant of the ANS formulation, called the assumed natural deviatoric strain (ANDES) formulation, emerges as an important special case. The first ANDES element, a high-performance 9 degrees of freedom triangular Kirchhoff plate bending element, is briefly described to illustrate the use of the new formulation.
Method and apparatus for actively controlling a micro-scale flexural plate wave device
Dohner, Jeffrey L.
An actively controlled flexural plate wave device provides a micro-scale pump. A method of actively controlling a flexural plate wave device produces traveling waves in the device by coordinating the interaction of a magnetic field with actively controlled currents. An actively-controlled flexural plate wave device can be placed in a fluid channel and adapted for use as a micro-scale fluid pump to cool or drive micro-scale systems, for example, micro-chips, micro-electrical-mechanical devices, micro-fluid circuits, or micro-scale chemical analysis devices.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ekel'chik, V. S.; Ryabov, V. M.
The Ritz method was used to determine the frequencies and forms of free vibrations of rectangular cantilever plates made of anisotropic laminated composites. Orthogonal Jacobi and Legendre polynomials were used as coordinate functions. The results of the calculations are in good agreement with the published experimental and calculated data of other authors for plates made of boron and carbon fiber reinforced plastics with different angles of reinforcement of unidirectional layers and different sequence of placing the layers, and also of isotropic plates. The dissipative characteristics in vibrations were determined on the basis of the concept of complex moduli. The solution of the frequency equation with complex coefficients yields a complex frequency; the loss factors are determined from the ratio of the imaginary component of the complex frequency to the real component. For plates of unidirectionally reinforced carbon fiber plastic with different relative length a detailed analysis of the influence of the angle of reinforcement on the interaction and frequency transformation and on the loss factor was carried out. The article shows that the loss factor of a plate depends substantially on the type of vibration mode: bending or torsional. It also examines the asymptotics of the loss factors of plates when their length is increased, and it notes that the binomial model of deformation leads to a noticeable error in the calculation of the loss factor of long plates when the angle of reinforcement lies in the range 20°<φ<70°.
Sub-Plate Overlap Code Documentation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taff, L. G.; Bucciarelli, B.; Zarate, N.
An expansion of the plate overlap method of astrometric data reduction to a single plate has been proposed and successfully tested. Each plate is (artificially) divided into sub-plates which can then be overlapped. This reduces the area of a 'plate' over which a plate model needs to accurately represent the relationship between measured coordinates and standard coordinates. Application is made to non-astrographic plates such as Schmidt plates and to wide-field astrographic plates. Indeed, the method is completely general and can be applied to any type of recording media.
Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza
Objectives: Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. Materials and Methods: In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test (P<0.05). Results: Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Conclusion: Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates. PMID:25628695
Particle response to shock waves in solids: dynamic witness plate/PIV method for detonations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Murphy, Michael J.; Adrian, Ronald J.
Studies using transparent, polymeric witness plates consisting of polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) have been conducted to measure the output of exploding bridge wire (EBW) detonators and exploding foil initiators (EFI). Polymeric witness plates are utilized to alleviate particle response issues that arise in gaseous flow fields containing shock waves and to allow measurements of shock-induced material velocities to be made using particle image velocimetry (PIV). Quantitative comparisons of velocity profiles across the shock waves in air and in PDMS demonstrate the improved response achieved by the dynamic witness plate method. Schlieren photographs complement the analysis through direct visualization of detonator-induced shock waves in the witness plates.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, Chien-Ching; Lin, Hsien-Yang
This study provides two non-contact optical techniques to investigate the transverse vibration characteristics of piezoceramic rectangular plates in resonance. These methods, including the amplitude-fluctuation electronic speckle pattern interferometry (AF-ESPI) and laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV), are full-field measurement for AF-ESPI and point-wise displacement measurement for LDV, respectively. The edges of these piezoceramic rectangular plates may either be fixed or free. Both resonant frequencies and mode shapes of vibrating piezoceramic plates can be obtained simultaneously by AF-ESPI. Excellent quality of the interferometric fringe patterns for the mode shapes is obtained. In the LDV system, a built-in dynamic signal analyzer (DSA) composed of DSA software and a plug-in waveform generator board can provide the piezoceramic plates with the swept-sine excitation signal, whose gain at corresponding frequencies is analyzed by the DSA software. The peaks appeared in the frequency response curve are resonant frequencies. In addition to these optical methods, the numerical computation based on the finite element analysis is used to verify the experimental results. Good agreements of the mode shapes and resonant frequencies are obtained for experimental and numerical results.
Marroquin, Christopher M.; O'Connell, Kevin M.; Schultz, Mark D.; Tian, Shurong
A cold plate, an electronic assembly including a cold plate, and a method for forming a cold plate are provided. The cold plate includes an interface plate and an opposing plate that form a plenum. The cold plate includes a plurality of active areas arranged for alignment over respective heat generating portions of an electronic assembly, and non-active areas between the active areas. A cooling fluid flows through the plenum. The plenum, at the non-active areas, has a reduced width and/or reduced height relative to the plenum at the active areas. The reduced width and/or height of the plenum, and exterior dimensions of cold plate, at the non-active areas allow the non-active areas to flex to accommodate surface variations of the electronics assembly. The reduced width and/or height non-active areas can be specifically shaped to fit between physical features of the electronics assembly.
Method and apparatus for acoustic plate mode liquid-solid phase transition detection
Blair, Dianna S.; Freye, Gregory C.; Hughes, Robert C.; Martin, Stephen J.; Ricco, Antonio J.
A method and apparatus for sensing a liquid-solid phase transition event is provided which comprises an acoustic plate mode detecting element placed in contact with a liquid or solid material which generates a high-frequency acoustic wave that is attenuated to an extent based on the physical state of the material is contact with the detecting element. The attenuation caused by the material in contact with the acoustic plate mode detecting element is used to determine the physical state of the material being detected. The method and device are particularly suited for detecting conditions such as the icing and deicing of wings of an aircraft. In another aspect of the present invention, a method is provided wherein the adhesion of a solid material to the detecting element can be measured using the apparatus of the invention.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guenanou, A.; Houmat, A.
The optimum stacking sequence design for the maximum fundamental frequency of symmetrically laminated composite circular plates with curvilinear fibres is investigated for the first time using a layer-wise optimization method. The design variables are two fibre orientation angles per layer. The fibre paths are constructed using the method of shifted paths. The first-order shear deformation plate theory and a curved square p-element are used to calculate the objective function. The blending function method is used to model accurately the geometry of the circular plate. The equations of motion are derived using Lagrange's method. The numerical results are validated by means of a convergence test and comparison with published values for symmetrically laminated composite circular plates with rectilinear fibres. The material parameters, boundary conditions, number of layers and thickness are shown to influence the optimum solutions to different extents. The results should serve as a benchmark for optimum stacking sequences of symmetrically laminated composite circular plates with curvilinear fibres.
Monitoring Microbial Numbers in Food by Density Centrifugation
Basel, Richard M.; Richter, Edward R.; Banwart, George J.
Some foods contain low numbers of microbes that may be difficult to enumerate by the plate count method due to small food particles that interfere with the counting of colonies. Ludox colloidal silicon was coated with reducing agents to produce a nontoxic density material. Food homogenates were applied to a layered 10 and 80% mixture of modified Ludox and centrifuged at low speed. The top and bottom of the tube contained the food material, and the Ludox-containing portion was evaluated by conventional pour plate techniques. Plate counts of the Ludox mixture agreed with plate counts of the food homogenate alone. The absence of small food particles from pour plates resulted in a plate that was more easily read than pour plates of the homogenate alone. Modified Ludox was evaluated for its effect on bacteria at 4°C during a 24-h incubation period. No inhibition was observed. This method is applicable to food products, such as doughnuts, spices, tomato products, and meat, in which small food particles often interfere with routine plate counts or low dilution may inhibit colony formation. Inhibitory substances can be removed from spices, resulting in higher counts. Ludox is more economical than similar products, such as Percoll. Modified Ludox is easily rendered nontoxic by the addition of common laboratory reagents. In addition, the mixture is compatible with microbiological media. PMID:6303217
Natural frequencies of thin rectangular plates clamped on contour using the Finite Element Method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
(Barboni Haţiegan, L.; Haţiegan, C.; Gillich, G. R.; Hamat, C. O.; Vasile, O.; Stroia, M. D.
This paper presents the determining of natural frequencies of plates without and with damages using the finite element method of SolidWorks program. The first thirty natural frequencies obtained for thin rectangular rectangular plates clamped on contour without and with central damages a for different dimensions. The relative variation of natural frequency was determined and the obtained results by the finite element method (FEM) respectively relative variation of natural frequency, were graphically represented according to their vibration natural modes. Finally, the obtained results were compared.
Perforated plates for cryogenic regenerators and method of fabrication
Hendricks, J.B.
Perforated plates having very small holes with a uniform diameter throughout the plate thickness are prepared by a [open quotes]wire drawing[close quotes] process in which a billet of sacrificial metal is disposed in an extrusion can of the plate metal, and the can is extruded and restacked repeatedly, converting the billet to a wire of the desired hole diameter. At final size, the rod is then sliced into wafers, and the wires are removed by selective etching. This process is useful for plate metals of interest for high performance regenerator applications, in particular, copper, niobium, molybdenum, erbium, and other rare earth metals. Er[sub 3]Ni, which has uniquely favorable thermophysical properties for such applications, may be incorporated in regions of the plates by providing extrusion cans containing erbium and nickel metals in a stacked array with extrusion cans of the plate metal, which may be copper. The array is heated to convert the erbium and nickel metals to Er[sub 3]Ni. Perforated plates having two sizes of perforations, one of which is small enough for storage of helium, are also disclosed. 10 figures.
Perforated plates for cryogenic regenerators and method of fabrication
Hendricks, John B.
Perforated plates (10) having very small holes (14) with a uniform diameter throughout the plate thickness are prepared by a "wire drawing" process in which a billet of sacrificial metal is disposed in an extrusion can of the plate metal, and the can is extruded and restacked repeatedly, converting the billet to a wire of the desired hole diameter. At final size, the rod is then sliced into wafers, and the wires are removed by selective etching. This process is useful for plate metals of interest for high performance regenerator applications, in particular, copper, niobium, molybdenum, erbium, and other rare earth metals. Er.sub.3 Ni, which has uniquely favorable thermophysical properties for such applications, may be incorporated in regions of the plates by providing extrusion cans (20) containing erbium and nickel metals in a stacked array (53) with extrusion cans of the plate metal, which may be copper. The array is heated to convert the erbium and nickel metals to Er.sub.3 Ni. Perforated plates having two sizes of perforations (38, 42), one of which is small enough for storage of helium, are also disclosed.
Method for measuring retardation of infrared wave-plate by modulated-polarized visible light
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Ying; Song, Feijun
A new method for precisely measuring the optical phase retardation of wave-plates in the infrared spectral region is presented by using modulated-polarized visible light. An electro-optic modulator is used to accurately determine the zero point by the frequency-doubled signal of the Modulated-polarized light. A Babinet-Soleil compensator is employed to make the phase delay compensation. Based on this method, an instrument is set up to measure the retardations of the infrared wave-plates with visible region laser. Measurement results with high accuracy and sound repetition are obtained by simple calculation. Its measurement precision is less than and repetitive precision is within 0.3%.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Geng, Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Zheng; Bi, Chuan-Xing
Time domain plane wave superposition method is extended to reconstruct the transient pressure field radiated by an impacted plate and the normal acceleration of the plate. In the extended method, the pressure measured on the hologram plane is expressed as a superposition of time convolutions between the time-wavenumber normal acceleration spectrum on a virtual source plane and the time domain propagation kernel relating the pressure on the hologram plane to the normal acceleration spectrum on the virtual source plane. By performing an inverse operation, the normal acceleration spectrum on the virtual source plane can be obtained by an iterative solving process, and then taken as the input to reconstruct the whole pressure field and the normal acceleration of the plate. An experiment of a clamped rectangular steel plate impacted by a steel ball is presented. The experimental results demonstrate that the extended method is effective in visualizing the transient vibration and sound radiation of an impacted plate in both time and space domains, thus providing the important information for overall understanding the vibration and sound radiation of the plate.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING OF CONCRETE KSC-375C-10036.31 108-KSC-375C-10036.31, P-21426, ARCHIVE-04502 Aerial oblique of Shuttle runway facilities. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction north - altitude 100'.
Apparatus and method for explosive bonding to edge of flyer plate
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bement, Laurence J. (Inventor); Kushnick, Anne C. (Inventor)
The invention is an apparatus and a process for the explosive joining of a flyer plate and a base plate. The apparatus consists of a flyer plate positioned over a base plate. The flyer plate has a notch containing a filler material in intimate contact with the flyer plate. An adhesive means holds a ribbon explosive partially overlapping the notch in the flyer plate. A detonating means initiates the ribbon explosive that drives the flyer plate to accomplish a high velocity, angular collision between the mating surfaces. This collision creates surface melts and effacing bonding, resulting in electron sharing linkups between the plates. An unbonded tab fractures at a base of the notch leaving a bond to an edge of the attached flyer plate.
Method for regeneration of electroless nickel plating solution
Eisenmann, Erhard T.
An electroless nickel(EN)/hypophosphite plating bath is provided employing acetic acid/acetate as a buffer and which is, as a result, capable of perpetual regeneration while avoiding the production of hazardous waste. A regeneration process is provided to process the spent EN plating bath solution. A concentrated starter and replenishment solution is provided for ease of operation of the plating bath. The regeneration process employs a chelating ion exchange system to remove nickel cations from spent EN plating solution. Phosphites are then removed from the solution by precipitation. The nickel cations are removed from the ion exchange system by elution with hypophosphorous acid and the nickel concentration of the eluate adjusted by addition of nickel salt. The treated solution and adjusted eluate are combined, stabilizer added, and the volume of resulting solution reduced by evaporation to form the bath starter and replenishing solution.
Method for regeneration of electroless nickel plating solution
Eisenmann, E.T.
An electroless nickel(EN)/hypophosphite plating bath is provided employing acetic acid/acetate as a buffer and which is, as a result, capable of perpetual regeneration while avoiding the production of hazardous waste. A regeneration process is provided to process the spent EN plating bath solution. A concentrated starter and replenishment solution is provided for ease of operation of the plating bath. The regeneration process employs a chelating ion exchange system to remove nickel cations from spent EN plating solution. Phosphites are then removed from the solution by precipitation. The nickel cations are removed from the ion exchange system by elution with hypophosphorus acid and the nickel concentration of the eluate adjusted by addition of nickel salt. The treated solution and adjusted eluate are combined, stabilizer added, and the volume of resulting solution reduced by evaporation to form the bath starter and replenishing solution. 1 fig.
Fabrication par injection flexible de pieces coniques pour des applications aerospatiales
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shebib Loiselle, Vincent
Les materiaux composites sont presents dans les tuyeres de moteurs spatiaux depuis les annees soixante. Aujourd'hui, l'avenement des tissus tridimensionnels apporte une solution innovatrice au probleme de delamination qui limitait les proprietes mecaniques de ces composites. L'utilisation de ces tissus necessite toutefois la conception de procedes de fabrication mieux adaptes. Une nouvelle methode de fabrication de pieces composites pour des applications aerospatiales a ete etudiee tout au long de ce travail. Celle-ci applique les principes de l'injection flexible (procede Polyflex) a la fabrication de pieces coniques de fortes epaisseurs. La piece de validation a fabriquer represente un modele reduit de piece de tuyere de moteur spatial. Elle est composee d'un renfort tridimensionnel en fibres de carbone et d'une resine phenolique. La reussite du projet est definie par plusieurs criteres sur la compaction et la formation de plis du renfort et sur la formation de porosites de la piece fabriquee. Un grand nombre d'etapes ont ete necessaires avant la fabrication de deux pieces de validation. Premierement, pour repondre au critere sur la compaction du renfort, la conception d'un outil de caracterisation a ete entreprise. L'etude de la compaction a ete effectuee afin d'obtenir les informations necessaires a la comprehension de la deformation d'un renfort 3D axisymetrique. Ensuite, le principe d'injection de la piece a ete defini pour ce nouveau procede. Pour en valider les concepts proposes, la permeabilite du renfort fibreux ainsi que la viscosite de la resine ont du etre caracterisees. A l'aide de ces donnees, une serie de simulations de l'ecoulement pendant l'injection de la piece ont ete realisees et une approximation du temps de remplissage calculee. Apres cette etape, la conception du moule de tuyere a ete entamee et appuyee par une simulation mecanique de la resistance aux conditions de fabrication. Egalement, plusieurs outillages necessaires pour la fabrication
The concrete technology of post pouring zone of raft foundation of Hongyun Building B tower
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yin, Suhua; Yu, Liu; Wu, Yanli; Zhao, Ying
The foundation of Hongyun building B tower is made of raft board foundation which is 3300mm in the thickness concreted pouring amount of large and the late poured band in the pouring settlement formed. The temperature of the pouring settlement was controlled in order to prevent the crack of the construction of the late poured band. The steel of post pouring band was designed and monitorred. The quality of post pouring band quality is guaranteed in the raft concrete foundation of Hongyun Building B tower.
The analysis of the accuracy of the wheel alignment inspection method on the side-slip plate stand
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gajek, A.; Strzępek, P.
The article presents the theoretical basis and the results of the examination of the wheel alignment inspection method on the slide slip plate stand. It is obligatory test during periodic technical inspection of the vehicle. The measurement is executed in the dynamic conditions. The dependence between the lateral displacement of the plate and toe-in of the tested wheels has been shown. If the diameter of the wheel rim is known then the value of the toe-in can be calculated. The comparison of the toe-in measurements on the plate stand and on the four heads device for the wheel alignment inspection has been carried out. The accuracy of the measurements and the influence of the conditions of the tests on the plate stand (the way of passing through the plate) were estimated. The conclusions about the accuracy of this method are presented.
Big drinkers: how BMI, gender and rules of thumb influence the free pouring of wine.
Smarandescu, Laura; Walker, Doug; Wansink, Brian
This research examines free pouring behavior and provides an account of how Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender might lead to the overpouring, and consequently the overconsumption of wine. An observational study with young adults investigated how BMI and gender affect free-pouring of wine over a variety of pouring scenarios, and how rules-of-thumb in pouring affect the quantities of alcohol poured by men and women across BMI categories. For men, the amount poured was positively related to BMI. However, BMI did not affect pours by women. The use of the "half glass" rule-of-thumb in pouring reduced the volume of wine poured by over 20% for both men and women. Importantly, this rule-of-thumb substantially attenuated the pours by men at high BMI levels. Increasing awareness of pouring biases represents an early and effective step toward curbing alcohol consumption among men, and especially those who are overweight. Additionally, using a simple "half glass" rule-of-thumb may be an effective way to curb overpouring, despite non-standard glass sizes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.
About one counterexample of applying method of splitting in modeling of plating processes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Solovjev, D. S.; Solovjeva, I. A.; Litovka, Yu V.; Korobova, I. L.
The paper presents the main factors that affect the uniformity of the thickness distribution of plating on the surface of the product. The experimental search for the optimal values of these factors is expensive and time-consuming. The problem of adequate simulation of coating processes is very relevant. The finite-difference approximation using seven-point and five-point templates in combination with the splitting method is considered as solution methods for the equations of the model. To study the correctness of the solution of equations of the mathematical model by these methods, the experiments were conducted on plating with a flat anode and cathode, which relative position was not changed in the bath. The studies have shown that the solution using the splitting method was up to 1.5 times faster, but it did not give adequate results due to the geometric features of the task under the given boundary conditions.
Dalmasso, Marion; Bolocan, Andrei Sorin; Hernandez, Marta; Kapetanakou, Anastasia E; Kuchta, Tomáš; Manios, Stavros G; Melero, Beatriz; Minarovičová, Jana; Muhterem, Meryem; Nicolau, Anca Ioana; Rovira, Jordi; Skandamis, Panagiotis N; Stessl, Beatrix; Wagner, Martin; Jordan, Kieran; Rodríguez-Lázaro, David
Analysis for Listeria monocytogenes by ISO11290-1 is time-consuming, entailing two enrichment steps and subsequent plating on agar plates, taking five days without isolate confirmation. The aim of this study was to determine if a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay could be used for analysis of the first and second enrichment broths, saving four or two days, respectively. In a comprehensive approach involving six European laboratories, PCR and traditional plating of both enrichment broths from the ISO11290-1 method were compared for the detection of L. monocytogenes in 872 food, raw material and processing environment samples from 13 different dairy and meat food chains. After the first and second enrichments, total DNA was extracted from the enriched cultures and analysed for the presence of L. monocytogenes DNA by PCR. DNA extraction by chaotropic solid-phase extraction (spin column-based silica) combined with real-time PCR (RTi-PCR) was required as it was shown that crude DNA extraction applying sonication lysis and boiling followed by traditional gel-based PCR resulted in fewer positive results than plating. The RTi-PCR results were compared to plating, as defined by the ISO11290-1 method. For first and second enrichments, 90% of the samples gave the same results by RTi-PCR and plating, whatever the RTi-PCR method used. For the samples that gave different results, plating was significantly more accurate for detection of positive samples than RTi-PCR from the first enrichment, but RTi-PCR detected a greater number of positive samples than plating from the second enrichment, regardless of the RTi-PCR method used. RTi-PCR was more accurate for non-food contact surface and food contact surface samples than for food and raw material samples especially from the first enrichment, probably because of sample matrix interference. Even though RTi-PCR analysis of the first enrichment showed less positive results than plating, in outbreak scenarios where a rapid result is
Large drinks are no mistake: Glass size, but not shape, affects alcoholic beverage drink pours
Kerr, William C.; Patterson, Deidre; Koenen, Mary Albert; Greenfield, Thomas K.
Introduction and Aims Drink alcohol content has been shown to be variable and is an important determinant of alcohol intake. This study evaluates claims regarding the effects of glass size and glass shape on the amount of alcohol in on-premise drinks. Design and Methods Wine and spirits drinks were purchased and measured in 80 on-premise establishments in 10 Northern California Counties. Drink alcohol content was measured as the liquid volume of the drink multiplied by the percentage alcohol by volume of given brands or from analysis of mixed drink and wine samples. Results Larger glass size was associated with larger on-premise pours of straight shots and mixed drinks served in the relatively large pint glass and variable “other” glass type were found to contain more alcohol than drinks served in a short wide glass. No significant differences were found for other drink types. Drinks poured in short wide glasses were not found to contain more alcohol than drinks poured in tall thin glasses. Bars with mostly black patrons were found to serve spirits drinks with more alcohol than bars with other patron types. Discussion and Conclusions Glass shape does not affect actual drink pours in the US but glass size does in some cases. Drinkers should measure wine and spirits pours at home to achieve standard drink amounts and consumer education programs should foster awareness of the relatively high drink alcohol content of on-premise wine and mixed spirits drinks. More research is needed to evaluate potential differences in drink pours by patron race and ethnicity. PMID:19594789
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nosov, G. V.; Kuleshova, E. O.; Lefebvre, S.; Plyusnin, A. A.; Tokmashev, D. M.
The technique for parameters determination of magnetic skin effect on ferromagnetic plate at a specified pulse of magnetic field intensity on the plate surface is proposed. It is based on a frequency-domain method and could be applied for a pulsing transformer, a dynamoelectric pulse generator and a commutating inductor that contains an imbricated core. Due to this technique, such plate parameters as specific heat loss energy, the average power of this energy and the plate temperature raise, the magnetic flux attenuation factor and the plate q-factor could be calculated. These parameters depend on the steel type, the amplitude, the rms value, the duration and the form of the magnetic field intensity impulse on the plate surface. The plate thickness is defined by the value of the flux attenuation factor and the plate q-factor that should be maximal. The reliability of the proposed technique is built on a common frequency-domain usage applicable for pulse transient study under zero boundary conditions of the electric circuit and the conformity of obtained results with the sinusoidal steady-state mode.
Microchannel plate detector and methods for their fabrication
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Elam, Jeffrey W.; Mane, Anil U.; Peng, Qing
A multi-component tunable resistive coating and methods of depositing the coating on the surfaces of a microchannel plate (MCP) detector. The resistive coating composed of a plurality of alternating layers of a metal oxide resistive component layer and a conductive component layer composed of at least one of a metal, a metal nitride and a metal sulfide. The coating may further include an emissive layer configured to produce a secondary electron emission in response to a particle interacting with the MCP and a neutron-absorbing layer configured to respond to a neutron interacting with the MCP.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ghassemi, Aazam; Yazdani, Mostafa; Hedayati, Mohamad
In this work, based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT), an attempt is made to explore the applicability and accuracy of the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method (GDQM) for bending analysis of composite sandwich plates under static loading. Comparative studies of the bending behavior of composite sandwich plates are made between two types of boundary conditions for different cases. The effects of fiber orientation, ratio of thickness to length of the plate, the ratio of thickness of core to thickness of the face sheet are studied on the transverse displacement and moment resultants. As shown in this study, the role of the core thickness in deformation of these plates can be reversed by the stiffness of the core in comparison with sheets. The obtained graphs give very good results due to optimum design of sandwich plates. In Comparison with existing solutions, fast convergent rates and high accuracy results can be achieved by the GDQ method.
Kobayashi, J; Hasegawa, H; Soares, E C; Toma, H; Dacal, A R; Brito, M C; Yamanaka, A; Foli, A A; Sato, Y
Prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in three areas of Brazil was surveyed by a recently developed faecal culture method (an agar plate culture). The Strongyloides infection was confirmed in 11.3% of 432 subjects examined. The diagnostic efficacy of the agar plate culture was as high as 93.9% compared to only 28.5% and 26.5% by the Harada-Mori filter paper culture and faecal concentration methods, when faecal samples were examined simultaneously by these three methods. Among the 49 positive samples, about 60% were confirmed to be positive only by the agar plate culture. These results indicate that the agar plate culture is a sensitive new tool for the correct diagnosis of chronic Strongyloides infection.
Miroirs multicouches C/SI a incidence normale pour la region spectrale 25-40 nanometres
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Grigonis, Marius
Nous avons propose la nouvelle combinaison de materiaux, C/Si, pour la fabrication de miroirs multicouches a incidence normale dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les resultats experimentaux montrent que cette combinaison possede une reflectivite d'environ ~25% dans la region spectrale 25-33 nm et une reflectivite d'environ ~23% dans la region spectrale 33-40 nm. Ces valeurs de reflectivite sont les plus grandes obtenues jusqu'a maintenant dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les miroirs multicouches ont ete par la suite caracterises par microscopie electronique a transmission, par diverses techniques de diffraction des rayons X et par spectroscopies d'electrons AES et ESCA. La resistance des miroirs aux temperatures elevees a ete egalement etudiee. Les resultats fournis par les methodes de caracterisation indiquent que cette combinaison possede des caracteristiques tres prometteuses pour son application comme miroir pour les rayons X mous.
Ablation laser pour la microélectronique plastique
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alloncle, A.-P.; Thomas, B.; Grojo, D.; Delaporte, Ph.; Sentis, M.; Sanaur, S.; Barret, M.; Collot, Ph.
La microélectronique plastique connaît un développement sans précédent dans le domaine de la recherche. Cette étude s'intéresse à l'utilisation des lasers impulsionnels pour la réalisation de composants organiques sur supports souples. Les deux aspects plus particulièrement étudiés sont d'une part la gravure de polymère pour réaliser un canal entre la source et le drain, et d'autre part le développement d'un procédéde dépôt appelé LIFT pour Laser Induced Forward Transfer. Ce dernier pourrait notamment permettre dedéposer des composés organiques non solubles.
A method of vehicle license plate recognition based on PCANet and compressive sensing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ye, Xianyi; Min, Feng
The manual feature extraction of the traditional method for vehicle license plates has no good robustness to change in diversity. And the high feature dimension that is extracted with Principal Component Analysis Network (PCANet) leads to low classification efficiency. For solving these problems, a method of vehicle license plate recognition based on PCANet and compressive sensing is proposed. First, PCANet is used to extract the feature from the images of characters. And then, the sparse measurement matrix which is a very sparse matrix and consistent with Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) condition of the compressed sensing is used to reduce the dimensions of extracted features. Finally, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to train and recognize the features whose dimension has been reduced. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has better performance than Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in the recognition and time. Compared with no compression sensing, the proposed method has lower feature dimension for the increase of efficiency.
A Statistical Treatment of Bioassay Pour Fractions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David W.
The binomial probability distribution is used to treat the statistics of a microbiological sample that is split into two parts, with only one part evaluated for spore count. One wishes to estimate the total number of spores in the sample based on the counts obtained from the part that is evaluated (pour fraction). Formally, the binomial distribution is recharacterized as a function of the observed counts (successes), with the total number (trials) an unknown. The pour fraction is the probability of success per spore (trial). This distribution must be renormalized in terms of the total number. Finally, the new renormalized distribution is integrated and mathematically inverted to yield the maximum estimate of the total number as a function of a desired level of confidence ( P(
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pollender-Moreau, Olivier
Ce document présente, dans le cadre d'un contexte conceptuel, une méthode d'enchaînement servant à faire le lien entre les différentes étapes qui permettent de réaliser la simulation d'un aéronef à partir de ses données géométriques et de ses propriétés massiques. En utilisant le cas de l'avion d'affaires Hawker 800XP de la compagnie Hawker Beechcraft, on démontre, via des données, un processus de traitement par lots et une plate-forme de simulation, comment (1) modéliser la géométrie d'un aéronef en plusieurs surfaces, (2) calculer les forces aérodynamiques selon une technique connue sous le nom de
Development of quadrilateral spline thin plate elements using the B-net method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Juan; Li, Chong-Jun
The quadrilateral discrete Kirchhoff thin plate bending element DKQ is based on the isoparametric element Q8, however, the accuracy of the isoparametric quadrilateral elements will drop significantly due to mesh distortions. In a previouswork, we constructed an 8-node quadrilateral spline element L8 using the triangular area coordinates and the B-net method, which can be insensitive to mesh distortions and possess the second order completeness in the Cartesian coordinates. In this paper, a thin plate spline element is developed based on the spline element L8 and the refined technique. Numerical examples show that the present element indeed possesses higher accuracy than the DKQ element for distorted meshes.
Shape sensing methods: Review and experimental comparison on a wing-shaped plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gherlone, Marco; Cerracchio, Priscilla; Mattone, Massimiliano
Shape sensing, i.e., the reconstruction of the displacement field of a structure from some discrete surface strain measurements, is a fundamental capability for the structural health management of critical components. In this paper, a review of the shape sensing methodologies available in the open literature and of the different applications is provided. Then, for the first time, an experimental comparative study is presented among the main approaches in order to highlight their relative merits in presence of uncertainties affecting real applications. These approaches are, namely, the inverse Finite Element Method, the Modal Method and Ko's Displacement Theory. A brief description of these methods is followed by the presentation of the experimental test results. A cantilevered, wing-shaped aluminum plate is let deform under its own weight, leading to bending and twisting. Using the experimental strain measurements as input data, the deflection field of the plate is reconstructed using the three aforementioned approaches and compared with the actual measured deflection. The inverse Finite Element Method is proven to be slightly more accurate and particularly attractive because it is versatile with respect to the boundary conditions and it does not require any information about material properties and loading conditions.
High-Temperature Thermal Conductivity Measurement Apparatus Based on Guarded Hot Plate Method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turzo-Andras, E.; Magyarlaki, T.
An alternative calibration procedure has been applied using apparatus built in-house, created to optimize thermal conductivity measurements. The new approach compared to those of usual measurement procedures of thermal conductivity by guarded hot plate (GHP) consists of modified design of the apparatus, modified position of the temperature sensors and new conception in the calculation method, applying the temperature at the inlet section of the specimen instead of the temperature difference across the specimen. This alternative technique is suitable for eliminating the effect of thermal contact resistance arising between a rigid specimen and the heated plate, as well as accurate determination of the specimen temperature and of the heat loss at the lateral edge of the specimen. This paper presents an overview of the specific characteristics of the newly developed "high-temperature thermal conductivity measurement apparatus" based on the GHP method, as well as how the major difficulties are handled in the case of this apparatus, as compared to the common GHP method that conforms to current international standards.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING CONCRETE ON RUNWAY KSC-375C-10036.32 108-KSC-375C-10036.32, P-21425, ARCHIVE-04501 Aerial oblique of Shuttle Landing Facility. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction North - Altitude 100'.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nastos, C. V.; Theodosiou, T. C.; Rekatsinas, C. S.; Saravanos, D. A.
An efficient numerical method is developed for the simulation of dynamic response and the prediction of the wave propagation in composite plate structures. The method is termed finite wavelet domain method and takes advantage of the outstanding properties of compactly supported 2D Daubechies wavelet scaling functions for the spatial interpolation of displacements in a finite domain of a plate structure. The development of the 2D wavelet element, based on the first order shear deformation laminated plate theory is described and equivalent stiffness, mass matrices and force vectors are calculated and synthesized in the wavelet domain. The transient response is predicted using the explicit central difference time integration scheme. Numerical results for the simulation of wave propagation in isotropic, quasi-isotropic and cross-ply laminated plates are presented and demonstrate the high spatial convergence and problem size reduction obtained by the present method.
Dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the properties of the initial components
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ostashov, V. M.; Bobrovskiy, S. A.
An analytical expression is obtained for the dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the pour point and weight relationship of the initial components. For determining the pour point of a multicomponent fuel mixture, it is assumed that the mixture of two components has the pour point of a separate equivalent component, then calculating the pour point of this equivalent component mixed with a third component, etc.
A passive guard for low thermal conductivity measurement of small samples by the hot plate method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jannot, Yves; Degiovanni, Alain; Grigorova-Moutiers, Veneta; Godefroy, Justine
Hot plate methods under steady state conditions are based on a 1D model to estimate the thermal conductivity, using measurements of the temperatures T 0 and T 1 of the two sides of the sample and of the heat flux crossing it. To be consistent with the hypothesis of the 1D heat flux, either a hot plate guarded apparatus is used, or the temperature is measured at the centre of the sample. On one hand the latter method can be used only if the ratio thickness/width of the sample is sufficiently low and on the other hand the guarded hot plate method requires large width samples (typical cross section of 0.6 × 0.6 m2). That is why both methods cannot be used for low width samples. The method presented in this paper is based on an optimal choice of the temperatures T 0 and T 1 compared to the ambient temperature T a, enabling the estimation of the thermal conductivity with a centered hot plate method, by applying the 1D heat flux model. It will be shown that these optimal values do not depend on the size or on the thermal conductivity of samples (in the range 0.015-0.2 W m-1 K-1), but only on T a. The experimental results obtained validate the method for several reference samples for values of the ratio thickness/width up to 0.3, thus enabling the measurement of the thermal conductivity of samples having a small cross-section, down to 0.045 × 0.045 m2.
Facile synthesis of Co3O4 hexagonal plates by flux method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Han, Ji-Long; Meng, Qing-Fen; Gao, Sheng-Li
Using a novel flux method, a hexagonal plate of Co3O4 was directly synthesized. In this method, CoCl2·6H2O, NaOH, and the cosolvent H3BO3 were heated to 750 °C for 2 h in a corundum crucible. The products were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). Furthermore, XRD studies indicated that the product consisted of a cubic phase of Co3O4, and the phase existed in a completely crystalline form. Then, SEM results indicated that these hexagonal plates tiered up and they had diameters in the range of 2-10 μm. According to the results of SAED and HRTEM analyses, the interlayer spacing was about 0.24 nm, which corresponds to the interlayer distance of (3 1 1) crystal plane of cubic Co3O4.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lachaine, Remi
Les chirurgiens generent des bulles dans le corps humain a l'aide d'irradiation laser depuis plusieurs decennies. Ils utilisent ces bulles comme de petits scalpels, leur permettant de faire des incisions precises et localisees. Une des applications de cet outil chirurgical est la perforation cellulaire. Au lieu d'utiliser une aiguille pour perforer la membrane des cellules, il est possible de focaliser des impulsions laser en surface d'une cellule, formant un plasma au point focal du laser et generant une bulle qui perfore la membrane cellulaire. Toutefois, ce procede est assez lent et la perforation massive de cellules in-vivo n'est pas envisageable. Pour accelerer le processus, il est possible d'utiliser des nanoparticules plasmoniques. Ces dernieres agissent comme des nano-antennes qui permettent de concentrer la lumiere sur une echelle nanometrique. La possibilite d'irradier un grand nombre de nanoparticules simultanement a donne un nouvel elan a la generation de bulle comme outil de perforation cellulaire. L'utilisation de nanoparticules dans un contexte biomedical comporte toutefois certains risques. En particulier, la fragmentation de nanoparticules peut augmenter la toxicite du traitement. Dans un cas ideal, il est preferable d'utiliser des nanoparticules qui ne sont pas endommagees par l'irradiation laser. Cette these a pour but de developper une methode d'ingenierie de nanoparticules robustes permettant la generation efficace de bulles a des fins biomedicales. Il est tout d'abord demontre experimentalement que la formation de plasma est bel et bien le mecanisme physique principal menant a la generation de bulles lors de l'irradiation infrarouge (longueur d'onde de 800 nm) et ultrarapide (temps d'impulsion entre 45 fs et 1 ps) de nanoparticules d'or de 100 nm. Pour realiser cette demonstration, une methode pompe-sonde de detection de bulles d'environ 1 mum a ete elaboree. Cette methode a permis de mettre en evidence une difference de taille de 18% entre
Elastomeric impression materials: a comparison of accuracy of multiple pours.
Kumar, Dheeraj; Madihalli, Anand U; Reddy, K Rajeev Kumar; Rastogi, Namrataa; Pradeep, N T
The aim of the present study is to compare the various elastomeric impression materials in terms of accuracy and dimensional stability, with respect to obtaining multiple casts from a single elastomeric impression at various times of pours. Three master dies were prepared for the impression making, two of these were made of brass containing a central hole with undercuts. The third die simulated a conventionally prepared typodont maxillary central incisor. Three elastomeric impression materials were chosen for the study. Each impression was poured at various time periods. Casts thus obtained were evaluated under a traveling microscope to evaluate various dimensional changes. Addition silicones provided dies which were shorter in height and bigger in diameter. Polyethers provided dies which were shorter in both height and diameter. Condensation silicones showed insignificant changes from the master die at the immediate pour but deteriorated rapidly after that in subsequent pours. None of the impression material showed a consistent behavior up to the fourth pour. They occasionally showed deviation from the pattern, but all these values were statistically insignificant. Polyethers showed lesser ability than both the addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones to recover from induced deformation. Addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones have better ability to recover from induced deformation when compared to polyether.
Demonstrating Effectiveness of Antibiotics Against Known Bacteria Strains
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Keefe, Lois M.
Procedures are described for showing the effectiveness of antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, and tetracycline) against a nonpathogenic bacteria strain (Bacillus cereus). Methods are outlined for preparing nutrient agar, sterilizing tubes, pouring agar plates, preparing antibiotic discs, and transferring antibiotic discs to agar plates. (CS)
Electrochemical Assay of Gold-Plating Solutions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chiodo, R.
Gold content of plating solution is assayed by simple method that required only ordinary electrochemical laboratory equipment and materials. Technique involves electrodeposition of gold from solution onto electrode, the weight gain of which is measured. Suitable fast assay methods are economically and practically necessary in electronics and decorative-plating industries. If gold content in plating bath is too low, poor plating may result, with consequent economic loss to user.
Henczka, Marek; Djas, Małgorzata; Filipek, Katarzyna
A direct plating method for the detection and enumeration of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores has been optimised. The results of the application of four types of growth media (BAT agar, YSG agar, K agar and SK agar) regarding the recovery and enumeration of A. acidoterrestris spores were compared. The influence of the type of applied growth medium, heat shock conditions, incubation temperature, incubation time, plating technique and the presence of apple juice in the sample on the accuracy of the detection and enumeration of A. acidoterrestris spores was investigated. Among the investigated media, YSG agar was the most sensitive medium, and its application resulted in the highest recovery of A. acidoterrestris spores, while K agar and BAT agar were the least suitable media. The effect of the heat shock time on the recovery of spores was negligible. When there was a low concentration of spores in a sample, the membrane filtration method was superior to the spread plating method. The obtained results show that heat shock carried out at 80°C for 10 min and plating samples in combination with membrane filtration on YSG agar, followed by incubation at 46°C for 3 days provided the optimal conditions for the detection and enumeration of A. acidoterrestris spores. Application of the presented method allows highly efficient, fast and sensitive identification and enumeration of A. acidoterrestris spores in food products. This methodology will be useful for the fruit juice industry for identifying products contaminated with A. acidoterrestris spores, and its practical application may prevent economic losses for manufacturers. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three-beam interferogram analysis method for surface flatness testing of glass plates and wedges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sunderland, Zofia; Patorski, Krzysztof
When testing transparent plates with high quality flat surfaces and a small angle between them the three-beam interference phenomenon is observed. Since the reference beam and the object beams reflected from both the front and back surface of a sample are detected, the recorded intensity distribution may be regarded as a sum of three fringe patterns. Images of that type cannot be succesfully analyzed with standard interferogram analysis methods. They contain, however, useful information on the tested plate surface flatness and its optical thickness variations. Several methods were elaborated to decode the plate parameters. Our technique represents a competitive solution which allows for retrieval of phase components of the three-beam interferogram. It requires recording two images: a three-beam interferogram and the two-beam one with the reference beam blocked. Mutually subtracting these images leads to the intensity distribution which, under some assumptions, provides access to the two component fringe sets which encode surfaces flatness. At various stages of processing we take advantage of nonlinear operations as well as single-frame interferogram analysis methods. Two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform (2D CWT) is used to separate a particular fringe family from the overall interferogram intensity distribution as well as to estimate the phase distribution from a pattern. We distinguish two processing paths depending on the relative density of fringe sets which is connected with geometry of a sample and optical setup. The proposed method is tested on simulated data.
Ball, P A; Benzel, E C; Baldwin, N G
The use of bone plate instrumentation with screw fixation has proved to be a useful adjunctive measure in anterior cervical spine fusion surgery. Proper fitting, positioning, and attachment of this instrumentation have been shown to be frequently suboptimal if done without radiographic guidance. The most commonly used method of radiographic assistance for placement of this instrumentation is fluoroscopy. While this gives satisfactory technical results, it is expensive and time-consuming, and exposes the patient and the operating room personnel to ionizing radiation. The authors present a simple technique to ensure screw placement and plate fitting using Kirschner wires and a single lateral radiograph. This technique saves time, reduces exposure to radiation, and has led to satisfactory results in over 20 operative cases.
Nigro, Olivia D; Steward, Grieg F
Plating environmental samples on vibrio-selective chromogenic media is a commonly used technique that allows one to quickly estimate concentrations of putative vibrio pathogens or to isolate them for further study. Although this approach is convenient, its usefulness depends directly on how well the procedure selects against false positives. We tested whether a chromogenic medium, CHROMagar Vibrio (CaV), used alone (single-plating) or in combination (double-plating) with a traditional medium thiosulfate-citrate-bile-salts (TCBS), could improve the discrimination among three pathogenic vibrio species (Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus) and thereby decrease the number of false-positive colonies that must be screened by molecular methods. Assays were conducted on water samples from two estuarine environments (one subtropical, one tropical) in a variety of seasonal conditions. The results of the double-plating method were confirmed by PCR and 16S rRNA sequencing. Our data indicate that there is no significant difference in the false-positive rate between CaV and TCBS when using a single-plating technique, but determining color changes on the two media sequentially (double-plating) reduced the rate of false positive identification in most cases. The improvement achieved was about two-fold on average, but varied greatly (from 0- to 5-fold) and depended on the sampling time and location. The double-plating method was most effective for V. vulnificus in warm months, when overall V. vulnificus abundance is high (false positive rates as low as 2%, n=178). Similar results were obtained for V. cholerae (minimum false positive rate of 16%, n=146). In contrast, the false positive rate for V. parahaemolyticus was always high (minimum of 59%, n=109). Sequence analysis of false-positive isolates indicated that the majority of confounding isolates are from the Vibrionaceae family, however, members of distantly related bacterial groups were also able to
Marko, Michael; Meng, Xing; Hsieh, Chyongere; Roussie, James; Striemer, Christopher
Imaging with Zernike phase plates is increasingly being used in cryo-TEM tomography and cryo-EM single-particle applications. However, rapid ageing of the phase plates, together with the cost and effort in producing them, present serious obstacles to widespread adoption. We are experimenting with phase plates based on silicon chips that have thin windows; such phase plates could be mass-produced and made available at moderate cost. The windows are coated with conductive layers to reduce charging, and this considerably extends the useful life of the phase plates compared to traditional pure-carbon phase plates. However, a compromise must be reached between robustness and transmission through the phase-plate film. Details are given on testing phase-plate performance by means of imaging an amorphous thin film and evaluating the power spectra of the images. PMID:23994351
Mehrkash, Milad; Azhari, Mojtaba; Mirdamadi, Hamid Reza
The importance of elastic wave propagation problem in plates arises from the application of ultrasonic elastic waves in non-destructive evaluation of plate-like structures. However, precise study and analysis of acoustic guided waves especially in non-homogeneous waveguides such as functionally graded plates are so complicated that exact elastodynamic methods are rarely employed in practical applications. Thus, the simple approximate plate theories have attracted much interest for the calculation of wave fields in FGM plates. Therefore, in the current research, the classical plate theory (CPT), first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT) are used to obtain the transient responses of flexural waves in FGM plates subjected to transverse impulsive loadings. Moreover, comparing the results with those based on a well recognized hybrid numerical method (HNM), we examine the accuracy of the plate theories for several plates of various thicknesses under excitations of different frequencies. The material properties of the plate are assumed to vary across the plate thickness according to a simple power-law distribution in terms of volume fractions of constituents. In all analyses, spatial Fourier transform together with modal analysis are applied to compute displacement responses of the plates. A comparison of the results demonstrates the reliability ranges of the approximate plate theories for elastic wave propagation analysis in FGM plates. Furthermore, based on various examples, it is shown that whenever the plate theories are used within the appropriate ranges of plate thickness and frequency content, solution process in wave number-time domain based on modal analysis approach is not only sufficient but also efficient for finding the transient waveforms in FGM plates. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Park, Jeong Yoon; Zhang, Ho Yeol; Oh, Min Chul
It is well known that plate-to-disc distance (PDD) is closely related to adjacent-level ossification following anterior cervical plate placement. The study was undertaken to compare the outcomes of two different anterior cervical plating methods for degenerative cervical condition. Specifically, the new method involves making holes for plate screws first with an air drill and then choosing a plate size. The other method was standard, that is, decide on the plate size first, locate the plate on the anterior vertebral body, and then drilling the screw holes. Our null hypothesis was that the new technical tip may increase PDD as compared with the standard anterior cervical plating procedure. We retrospectively reviewed 49 patients who had a solid fusion after anterior cervical arthrodesis with a plate for the treatment of cervical disc degeneration. Twenty-three patients underwent the new anterior cervical plating technique (Group A) and 26 patients underwent the standard technique (Group B). PDD and ratios between PDD to anterior body heights (ABH) were measured using postoperative lateral radiographs. In addition, operating times and clinical results were reviewed in all cases. The mean durations of follow-up were 16.42±5.99 (Group A) and 19.83±6.71 (Group B) months, range 12 to 35 months. Of these parameters mentioned above, cephalad PDD (5.43 versus 3.46 mm, p=0.005) and cephalad PDD/ABH (0.36 versus 0.23, p=0.004) were significantly greater in the Group A, whereas operation time for two segment arthrodesis (141.9 versus 170.6 minutes, p=0.047) was significantly lower in the Group A. There were no significant difference between the two groups in caudal PDD (5.92 versus 5.06 mm), caudal PDD/ABH (0.37 versus 0.32) and clinical results. The new anterior cervical plating method represents an improvement over the standard method in terms of cephalad plate-to-disc distance and operating time.
Fuel cell collector plate and method of fabrication
Braun, James C.; Zabriskie, Jr., John E.; Neutzler, Jay K.; Fuchs, Michel; Gustafson, Robert C.
An improved molding composition is provided for compression molding or injection molding a current collector plate for a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. The molding composition is comprised of a polymer resin combined with a low surface area, highly-conductive carbon and/or graphite powder filler. The low viscosity of the thermoplastic resin combined with the reduced filler particle surface area provide a moldable composition which can be fabricated into a current collector plate having improved current collecting capacity vis-a-vis comparable fluoropolymer molding compositions.
Method for Reduction of Silver Biocide Plating on Metal Surfaces
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Steele, John; Nalette, Timothy; Beringer, Durwood
Silver ions in aqueous solutions (0.05 to 1 ppm) are used for microbial control in water systems. The silver ions remain in solution when stored in plastic containers, but the concentration rapidly decreases to non-biocidal levels when stored in metal containers. The silver deposits onto the surface and is reduced to non-biocidal silver metal when it contacts less noble metal surfaces, including stainless steel, titanium, and nickel-based alloys. Five methods of treatment of contact metal surfaces to deter silver deposition and reduction are proposed: (1) High-temperature oxidation of the metal surface; (2) High-concentration silver solution pre-treatment; (3) Silver plating; (4) Teflon coat by vapor deposition (titanium only); and (5) A combination of methods (1) and (2), which proved to be the best method for the nickel-based alloy application. The mechanism associated with surface treatments (1), (2), and (5) is thought to be the development of a less active oxide layer that deters ionic silver deposition. Mechanism (3) is an attempt to develop an equilibrium ionic silver concentration via dissolution of metallic silver. Mechanism (4) provides a non-reactive barrier to deter ionic silver plating. Development testing has shown that ionic silver in aqueous solution was maintained at essentially the same level of addition (0.4 ppm) for up to 15 months with method (5) (a combination of methods (1) and (2)), before the test was discontinued for nickel-based alloys. Method (1) resulted in the maintenance of a biocidal level (approximately 0.05 ppm) for up to 10 months before that test was discontinued for nickel-based alloys. Methods (1) and (2) used separately were able to maintain ionic silver in aqueous solution at essentially the same level of addition (0.4 ppm) for up to 10 months before the test was discontinued for stainless steel alloys. Method (3) was only utilized for titanium alloys, and was successful at maintaining ionic silver in aqueous solution at
Sohn, Hoon-Sang; Kim, Won Ju; Shon, Min Soo
Current literatures describe good clinical outcomes of acute displaced fracture of clavicle treated with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO). But, there are little comparative data of the outcomes between open plating and MIPO techniques. We compared the outcomes of open plating and MIPO for treatment of acute displaced clavicular shaft fractures. The author performed a retrospective review on a consecutive series of patients with clavicular shaft fracture who underwent open plating or MIPO. Fourteen patients were treated with open plating with interfragmentary screw fixation, and 19 were treated with the MIPO technique without exposing a fracture site itself. A superior plating method was applied to both groups. Patient demographics, clinical outcomes using Constant score and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) shoulder score, operation time, union rate, complications, and radiographic evaluation were evaluated. There were no statistically significant differences in the demographic data, including patient's variables (age, gender, involved side, smoking, alcohol, and diabetic status) and fracture characteristics (trauma mechanism, distribution of fracture type, presence of polytrauma, and time from trauma to surgery) between the two groups. Mean operation time was 87.5 min in open plating and 77.2 min in MIPO (p=0.129). The mean time to union was 15.7 weeks in patients who underwent open plating and 16.8 weeks in patients who underwent MIPO (p=0.427). Although there was no significant difference, nonunion developed 1 case in MIPO while none was in open plating. Four patients in open plating had skin numbness (none in MIPO, p=0.024). There was no significant difference in the Constant score and UCLA score of the two surgical methods. This study showed that both open plating with interfragmentary screw fixation (Open plating) and minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) are equally effective and safe treatment methods for acute displaced
Novel fabrication method of microchannel plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yi, Whikun; Jeong, Taewon; Jin, Sunghwan; Yu, SeGi; Lee, Jeonghee; Kim, J. M.
We have developed a novel microchannel plate (MCP) by introducing new materials and process technologies. The key features of our MCP are summarized as follows: (i) bulk alumina as a substrate, (ii) the channel location defined by a programmed-hole puncher, (iii) thin film deposition by electroless plating and/or sol-gel process, and (iv) an easy fabrication process suitable for mass production and a large-sized MCP. The characteristics of the resulting MCP have been evaluated with a high input current source such as a continuous electron beam from an electron gun and Spindt-type field emitters to obtain information on electron multiplication. In the case of a 0.28 μA incident beam, the output current enhances ˜170 times, which is equal to 1% of the total bias current of the MCP at a given bias voltage of 2600 V. When we insert a MCP between the cathode and the anode of a field emission display panel, the brightness of luminescent light increases 3-4 times by multiplying the emitted electrons through pore arrays of a MCP.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Deker, H.
The West German tracking stations are equipped with ballistic cameras. Plate measurement and plate reduction must therefore follow photogrammetric methods. Approximately 100 star positions and 200 satellite positions are measured on each plate. The mathematical model for spatial rotation of the bundle of rays is extended by including terms for distortion and internal orientation of the camera as well as by providing terms for refraction which are computed for the measured coordinates of the star positions on the plate. From the measuring accuracy of the plate coordinates it follows that the timing accuracy for the exposures has to be about one millisecond, in order to obtain a homogeneous system.
Putt, Karson S; Pugh, Randall B
Peracetic acid is gaining usage in numerous industries who have found a myriad of uses for its antimicrobial activity. However, rapid high throughput quantitation methods for peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are lacking. Herein, we describe the development of a high-throughput microtiter plate based assay based upon the well known and trusted titration chemical reactions. The adaptation of these titration chemistries to rapid plate based absorbance methods for the sequential determination of hydrogen peroxide specifically and the total amount of peroxides present in solution are described. The results of these methods were compared to those of a standard titration and found to be in good agreement. Additionally, the utility of the developed method is demonstrated through the generation of degradation curves of both peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in a mixed solution.
Putt, Karson S.; Pugh, Randall B.
Peracetic acid is gaining usage in numerous industries who have found a myriad of uses for its antimicrobial activity. However, rapid high throughput quantitation methods for peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are lacking. Herein, we describe the development of a high-throughput microtiter plate based assay based upon the well known and trusted titration chemical reactions. The adaptation of these titration chemistries to rapid plate based absorbance methods for the sequential determination of hydrogen peroxide specifically and the total amount of peroxides present in solution are described. The results of these methods were compared to those of a standard titration and found to be in good agreement. Additionally, the utility of the developed method is demonstrated through the generation of degradation curves of both peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in a mixed solution. PMID:24260173
Method for preparing surfaces of metal composites having a brittle phase for plating
Coates, Cameron W.; Wilson, Thomas J.
The present invention is directed to a method for preparing surfaces of two-phase metal composites having relatively brittle and malleable components for plating with corrosion-resistant material. In practice of the present invention, the surfaces of the composites are etched to remove a major portion or fraction of the brittle component. The etched surface is then peened with particulates for breaking the brittle component from the surfaces and for spreading or smearing the malleable component over the surfaces. The peened surface is then chemically cleaned of residual traces of the brittle component so as to provide a surface of essentially the malleable component to which the corrosion-resistant material may be plated thereon in an adherent manner.
NDE methods for determining the materials properties of silicon carbide plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kenderian, Shant; Kim, Yong; Johnson, Eric; Palusinski, Iwona A.
Two types of SiC plates, differing in their manufacturing processes, were interrogated using a variety of NDE techniques. The task of evaluating the materials properties of these plates was a challenge due to their non-uniform thickness. Ultrasound was used to estimate the Young's Modulus and calculate the thickness profile and Poisson's Ratio of the plates. The Young's Modulus profile plots were consistent with the thickness profile plots, indicating that the technique was highly influenced by the non-uniform thickness of the plates. The Poisson's Ratio is calculated from the longitudinal and shear wave velocities. Because the thickness is cancelled out, the result is dependent only on the time of flight of the two wave modes, which can be measured accurately. X-Ray was used to determine if any density variations were present in the plates. None were detected suggesting that the varying time of flight of the acoustic wave is attributed only to variations in the elastic constants and thickness profiles of the plates. Eddy Current was used to plot the conductivity profile. Surprisingly, the conductivity profile of one type of plates varied over a wide range rarely seen in other materials. The other type revealed a uniform conductivity profile.
Numerical Study of Impingement Location of Liquid Jet Poured from a Tilting Ladle with Lip Spout
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Castilla, R.; Gamez-Montero, P. J.; Raush, G.; Khamashta, M.; Codina, E.
A new approach for simulating liquid poured from a tilting lip spout is presented, using neither a dynamic mesh nor the moving solid solution method. In this case only the tilting ladle is moving, so we propose to rotate the gravitational acceleration at an angular velocity prescribed by a geometrical and dynamical calculation to keep the poured flow rate constant. This angular velocity is applied to modify the orientation of the gravity vector in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using the OpenFOAM® toolbox. Also, fictitious forces are considered. The modified solver is used to calculate the impingement location for six spout geometries and compare the jet dispersion there. This method could offer an inexpensive tool to calculate optimal spout geometries to reduce sprue size in the metal casting industry.
A cylinder-plate method for microbiological assay of clavulanic acid.
Hamedi, J; Shahverdi, A R; Samadi, N; Mohammadi, A; Shiran, M; Akhondi, S
Clavulanic acid is a natural occurring beta-lactam product of Streptomyces clavuligerus and is a potent inhibitor of bacterial beta-lactamases. The present work reports a microbiological assay based on the cylinder-plate method for determination of clavulanic acid. The assay is based on the inhibitory effect of clavulanic acid in combination with penicillin G upon Escherichia coli ATCC 35218, which is used as the test organism. The correlation between clavulanic acid concentration and the inhibitory effect on E. coli was linear (r > 0.99) and in the range of 8-20 microg/ml. These results indicate that the proposed method is appropriate for the determination of clavulanic acid in commercial samples and can be used in routine quality control.
Plate on plate osteosynthesis for the treatment of nonhealed periplate fractures.
Arealis, Georgios; Nikolaou, Vassilios S; Lacon, Andrew; Ashwood, Neil; Hamlet, Mark
Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to present our technique for the treatment of periplate fractures. Methods. From 2009 to 2012 we treated three patients. In all cases the existing plate was left and the new one placed over the existing. Locking screws were placed through both plates. The other screws in the new plate were used as best suited the fracture. Results. In all cases less than 6 months had passed between fractures. None of the original fractures had healed. Mean followup was 2 years. All fractures proceeded to union within 7 months. No complications were recorded. All the patients returned to their normal activities and were satisfied with the results of their treatment. Conclusion. Our plate on plate technique is effective for the treatment of periplate fractures. A solid fusion can be achieved at the new fracture site without disturbing the previous fixation.
Numerical Manifold Method for the Forced Vibration of Thin Plates during Bending
Jun, Ding; Song, Chen; Wei-Bin, Wen; Shao-Ming, Luo; Xia, Huang
A novel numerical manifold method was derived from the cubic B-spline basis function. The new interpolation function is characterized by high-order coordination at the boundary of a manifold element. The linear elastic-dynamic equation used to solve the bending vibration of thin plates was derived according to the principle of minimum instantaneous potential energy. The method for the initialization of the dynamic equation and its solution process were provided. Moreover, the analysis showed that the calculated stiffness matrix exhibited favorable performance. Numerical results showed that the generalized degrees of freedom were significantly fewer and that the calculation accuracy was higher for the manifold method than for the conventional finite element method. PMID:24883403
Simulation of moving flat plate with unsteady translational motion using vortex method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Widodo, A. F.; Zuhal, L. R.
This paper presents simulation of moving flate plate with unsteady translational motion using Lagrangianmeshless numerical simulation named vortex method. The method solves Navier-Stokes equations in term of vorticity. The solving strategy is splitting the equation into diffusion and convection term to be solved separately. The diffusion term is modeled by particles strength exchange(PSE) which is the most accurate of diffusion modeling in vortex method. The convection term that represents transport of particles is calculated by time step integration of velocity. Velocity of particles is natively calculated using Biot-Savart relation but for acceleration, fastmultiple method(FMM) is employed. The simulation is validated experimentally using digital particle image velocimetry(DPIV) and the results give good agreement.
Anterior inferior plating versus superior plating for clavicle fracture: a meta-analysis.
Ai, Jie; Kan, Shun-Li; Li, Hai-Liang; Xu, Hong; Liu, Yang; Ning, Guang-Zhi; Feng, Shi-Qing
The position of plate fixation for clavicle fracture remains controversial. Our objective was to perform a comprehensive review of the literature and quantify the surgical parameters and clinical indexes between the anterior inferior plating and superior plating for clavicle fracture. PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library were searched for randomized and non-randomized studies that compared the anterior inferior plating with the superior plating for clavicle fracture. The relative risk or standardized mean difference with 95% confidence interval was calculated using either a fixed- or random-effects model. Four randomized controlled trials and eight observational studies were identified to compare the surgical parameters and clinical indexes. For the surgical parameters, the anterior inferior plating group was better than the superior plating group in operation time and blood loss (P < 0.05). Furthermore, in terms of clinical indexes, the anterior inferior plating was superior to the superior plating in reducing the union time, and the two kinds of plate fixation methods were comparable in constant score, and the rate of infection, nonunion, and complications (P > 0.05). Based on the current evidence, the anterior inferior plating may reduce the blood loss, the operation and union time, but no differences were observed in constant score, and the rate of infection, nonunion, and complications between the two groups. Given that some of the studies have low quality, more randomized controlled trails with high quality should be conduct to further verify the findings.
Shridhar, Pragathi B; Noll, Lance W; Cull, Charley A; Shi, Xiaorong; Cernicchiaro, Natalia; Renter, David G; Bai, Jianfa; Nagaraja, T G
Cattle are a major reservoir of the six major Shiga toxin-producing non-O157 Escherichia coli (STEC) serogroups (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145) responsible for foodborne illnesses in humans. Besides prevalence in feces, the concentrations of STEC in cattle feces play a major role in their transmission dynamics. A subset of cattle, referred to as super shedders, shed E. coli O157 at high concentrations (≥4 log CFU/g of feces). It is not known whether a similar pattern of fecal shedding exists for non-O157. Our objectives were to initially validate the spiral plating method to quantify the six non-O157 E. coli serogroups with pure cultures and culture-spiked fecal samples and then determine the applicability of the method and compare it with multiplex quantitative PCR (mqPCR) assays for the quantification of the six non-O157 E. coli serogroups in cattle fecal samples collected from commercial feedlots. Quantification limits of the spiral plating method were 3 log, 3 to 4 log, and 3 to 5 log CFU/mL or CFU/g for individual cultures, pooled pure cultures, and cattle fecal samples spiked with pooled pure cultures, respectively. Of the 1,152 cattle fecal samples tested from eight commercial feedlots, 122 (10.6%) and 320 (27.8%) harbored concentrations ≥4 log CFU/g of one or more of the six serogroups of non-O157 by spiral plating and mqPCR methods, respectively. A majority of quantifiable samples, detected by either spiral plating (135 of 137, 98.5%) or mqPCR (239 of 320, 74.7%), were shedding only one serogroup. Only one of the quantifiable samples was positive for a serogroup carrying Shiga toxin (stx 1 ) and intimin (eae) genes; 38 samples were positive for serogroups carrying the intimin gene. In conclusion, the spiral plating method can be used to quantify non-O157 serogroups in cattle feces, and our study identified a subset of cattle that was super shedders of non-O157 E. coli . The method has the advantage of quantifying non-O157 STEC, unlike mqPCR that
Thermal stresses and deflections of cross-ply laminated plates using refined plate theories
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Khdeir, A.A.; Reddy, J.N.
Exact analytical solutions of refined plate theories are developed to study the thermal stresses and deflections of cross-ply rectangular plates. The state-space approach in conjunction with the Levy method is used to solve exactly the governing equations of the theories under various boundary conditions. Numerical results of the higher-order theory of Reddy for thermal stresses and deflections are compared with those obtained using the classical and first-order plate theories. 14 refs.
Thermal stresses and deflections of cross-ply laminated plates using refined plate theories
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Khdeir, A. A.; Reddy, J. N.
Exact analytical solutions of refined plate theories are developed to study the thermal stresses and deflections of cross-ply rectangular plates. The state-space approach in conjunction with the Levy method is used to solve exactly the governing equations of the theories under various boundary conditions. Numerical results of the higher-order theory of Reddy for thermal stresses and deflections are compared with those obtained using the classical and first-order plate theories.
Elastostatic stress analysis of orthotropic rectangular center-cracked plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gyekenyesi, G. S.; Mendelson, A.
A mapping-collocation method was developed for the elastostatic stress analysis of finite, anisotropic plates with centrally located traction-free cracks. The method essentially consists of mapping the crack into the unit circle and satisfying the crack boundary conditions exactly with the help of Muskhelishvili's function extension concept. The conditions on the outer boundary are satisfied approximately by applying the method of least-squares boundary collocation. A parametric study of finite-plate stress intensity factors, employing this mapping-collocation method, is presented. It shows the effects of varying material properties, orientation angle, and crack-length-to-plate-width and plate-height-to-plate-width ratios for rectangular orthotropic plates under constant tensile and shear loads.
Synthesis copolymer use to reduce pour point temperature of diamond crude oil
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Than, Dao Viet; Chuong, Thai Hong; Tuy, Dao Quoc
Diamond oil field is located in Block 01&02 Offshore Vietnam. Crude oil from Diamond Well Head Platform (WHP) is evacuated to FPSO via 20km 10" subsea flexible pipeline. The lowest seabed temperature in the field is 22°C, while the pour point temperature (PPT) of Diamond crude oil is very high (36°C) due to high paraffin content (25%). So studying to research a suitable Pour Point Depressant (PPD) for the crude oil is very important. The PPD must have ability to reduce pour point temperature of crude oil from 36°C to 21°C.
Vacuum fusion bonding of glass plates
Swierkowski, Steve P.; Davidson, James C.; Balch, Joseph W.
An improved apparatus and method for vacuum fusion bonding of large, patterned glass plates. One or both glass plates are patterned with etched features such as microstructure capillaries and a vacuum pumpout moat, with one plate having at least one hole therethrough for communication with a vacuum pumpout fixture. High accuracy alignment of the plates is accomplished by a temporary clamping fixture until the start of the fusion bonding heat cycle. A complete, void-free fusion bond of seamless, full-strength quality is obtained through the plates; because the glass is heated well into its softening point and because of a large, distributed force that is developed that presses the two plates together from the difference in pressure between the furnace ambient (high pressure) and the channeling and microstructures in the plates (low pressure) due to the vacuum drawn. The apparatus and method may be used to fabricate microcapillary arrays for chemical electrophoresis; for example, any apparatus using a network of microfluidic channels embedded between plates of glass or similar moderate melting point substrates with a gradual softening point curve, or for assembly of glass-based substrates onto larger substrates, such as in flat panel display systems.
Vacuum fusion bonding of glass plates
Swierkowski, Steve P.; Davidson, James C.; Balch, Joseph W.
An improved apparatus and method for vacuum fusion bonding of large, patterned glass plates. One or both glass plates are patterned with etched features such as microstructure capillaries and a vacuum pumpout moat, with one plate having at least one hole therethrough for communication with a vacuum pumpout fixture. High accuracy alignment of the plates is accomplished by a temporary clamping fixture until the start of the fusion bonding heat cycle. A complete, void-free fusion bond of seamless, full-strength quality is obtained through the plates; because the glass is heated well into its softening point and because of a large, distributed force that is developed that presses the two plates together from the difference in pressure between the furnace ambient (high pressure) and the channeling and microstructures in the plates (low pressure) due to the vacuum drawn. The apparatus and method may be used to fabricate microcapillary arrays for chemical electrophoresis; for example, any apparatus using a network of microfluidic channels embedded between plates of glass or similar moderate melting point substrates with a gradual softening point curve, or for assembly of glass-based substrates onto larger substrates, such as in flat panel display systems.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Karamah, Eva F.; Ghaudenson, Rioneli; Amalia, Fitri; Bismo, Setijo
This research aims to evaluate the performance of hybrid method of ozonation and hydrodynamic cavitation with orifice plate on E.coli bacteria disinfection. In this research, ozone dose, circulation flowrate, and disinfection method were varied. Ozone was produced by commercial ozonator with ozone dose of 64.83 mg/hour, 108.18 mg/hour, and 135.04 mg/hour. Meanwhile, hydrodynamic cavitation was generated by an orifice plate. The disinfection method compared in this research were: hydrodynamic cavitation, ozonation, and the combination of both. The best result on each method was achieved on the 60th minutes and with a circulation flowrate of 7 L/min. The hybrid method attained final concentration of 0 CFU/mL from the initial concentration of 2.10 × 105 CFU/mL. The ozonation method attained final concentration of 0 CFU/mL from the initial concentration of 1.32 × 105 CFU/mL. Cavitation method gives the least disinfection with final concentration of 5.20 × 104 CFU/mL from the initial concentration of 2.17 × 105 CFU/mL. In conclusion, hybrid method gives a faster and better disinfection of E.coli than each method on its own.
Methods for measuring plating thicknesses on TAB lead frames
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hagen, M. P.
Plating three layer tape lead frames, used for tape automated bonding, offers a challenge to the electroplater because of nonuniform topography. Each lead frame contains large (typically .05 x. .05 inch) flat test pads located around the perimeter of the frame. These test pads are electrically connected to the bondable lead frame fingers which extend into an area in the center of the frame called the feature hole. The feature hole exposes these fingers to plating on all sides, while the test pads are exposed on only one side. In addition, the fingers are small in cross section (typically .003 x .0015 inches). Recent thickness measurements indicate that plating around the lead frame fingers is nearly twice as thick as that on test pad areas. Procedures and equipment were developed for measuring the thickness of the deposited material. Discussion was centered on the data obtained using the various measurement techniques and equipment.
A Weak Galerkin Method for the Reissner–Mindlin Plate in Primary Form
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Mu, Lin; Wang, Junping; Ye, Xiu
We developed a new finite element method for the Reissner–Mindlin equations in its primary form by using the weak Galerkin approach. Like other weak Galerkin finite element methods, this one is highly flexible and robust by allowing the use of discontinuous approximating functions on arbitrary shape of polygons and, at the same time, is parameter independent on its stability and convergence. Furthermore, error estimates of optimal order in mesh size h are established for the corresponding weak Galerkin approximations. Numerical experiments are conducted for verifying the convergence theory, as well as suggesting some superconvergence and a uniform convergence of themore » method with respect to the plate thickness.« less
A Weak Galerkin Method for the Reissner–Mindlin Plate in Primary Form
Mu, Lin; Wang, Junping; Ye, Xiu
We developed a new finite element method for the Reissner–Mindlin equations in its primary form by using the weak Galerkin approach. Like other weak Galerkin finite element methods, this one is highly flexible and robust by allowing the use of discontinuous approximating functions on arbitrary shape of polygons and, at the same time, is parameter independent on its stability and convergence. Furthermore, error estimates of optimal order in mesh size h are established for the corresponding weak Galerkin approximations. Numerical experiments are conducted for verifying the convergence theory, as well as suggesting some superconvergence and a uniform convergence of themore » method with respect to the plate thickness.« less
Hung, Chun-Chi; Li, Yuan-Ta; Chou, Yu-Ching; Chen, Jia-En; Wu, Chia-Chun; Shen, Hsain-Chung; Yeh, Tsu-Te
Treating pelvic fractures remains a challenging task for orthopaedic surgeons. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility, accuracy, and effectiveness of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology and computer-assisted virtual surgery for pre-operative planning in anterior ring fractures of the pelvis. We hypothesized that using 3D printing models would reduce operation time and significantly improve the surgical outcomes of pelvic fracture repair. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 30 patients with pelvic fractures treated by anterior pelvic fixation with locking plates (14 patients, conventional locking plate fixation; 16 patients, pre-operative virtual simulation with 3D, printing-assisted, pre-contoured, locking plate fixation). We compared operative time, instrumentation time, blood loss, and post-surgical residual displacements, as evaluated on X-ray films, among groups. Statistical analyses evaluated significant differences between the groups for each of these variables. The patients treated with the virtual simulation and 3D printing-assisted technique had significantly shorter internal fixation times, shorter surgery duration, and less blood loss (- 57 minutes, - 70 minutes, and - 274 ml, respectively; P < 0.05) than patients in the conventional surgery group. However, the post-operative radiological result was similar between groups (P > 0.05). The complication rate was less in the 3D printing group (1/16 patients) than in the conventional surgery group (3/14 patients). The 3D simulation and printing technique is an effective and reliable method for treating anterior pelvic ring fractures. With precise pre-operative planning and accurate execution of the procedures, this time-saving approach can provide a more personalized treatment plan, allowing for a safer orthopaedic surgery.
Actively controlling coolant-cooled cold plate configuration
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chainer, Timothy J.; Parida, Pritish R.
A method is provided to facilitate active control of thermal and fluid dynamic performance of a coolant-cooled cold plate. The method includes: monitoring a variable associated with at least one of the coolant-cooled cold plate or one or more electronic components being cooled by the cold plate; and dynamically varying, based on the monitored variable, a physical configuration of the cold plate. By dynamically varying the physical configuration, the thermal and fluid dynamic performance of the cold plate are adjusted to, for example, optimally cool the one or more electronic components, and at the same time, reduce cooling power consumptionmore » used in cooling the electronic component(s). The physical configuration can be adjusted by providing one or more adjustable plates within the coolant-cooled cold plate, the positioning of which may be adjusted based on the monitored variable.« less
Application of coordinate transform on ball plate calibration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wei, Hengzheng; Wang, Weinong; Ren, Guoying; Pei, Limei
For the ball plate calibration method with coordinate measurement machine (CMM) equipped with laser interferometer, it is essential to adjust the ball plate parallel to the direction of laser beam. It is very time-consuming. To solve this problem, a method based on coordinate transformation between machine system and object system is presented. With the fixed points' coordinates of the ball plate measured in the object system and machine system, the transformation matrix between the coordinate systems is calculated. The laser interferometer measurement data error due to the placement of ball plate can be corrected with this transformation matrix. Experimental results indicate that this method is consistent with the handy adjustment method. It avoids the complexity of ball plate adjustment. It also can be applied to the ball beam calibration.
Mareschi, Katia; Rustichelli, Deborah; Calabrese, Roberto; Gunetti, Monica; Sanavio, Fiorella; Castiglia, Sara; Risso, Alessandra; Ferrero, Ivana; Tarella, Corrado; Fagioli, Franca
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a promising source for cell therapy due to their pluripotency and immunomodulant proprieties. As the identification of “optimal” conditions is important to identify a standard procedure for clinical use. Percoll, Ficoll and whole bone marrow directly plated were tested from the same sample as separation methods. The cells were seeded at the following densities: 100 000, 10 000, 1000, 100, 10 cells/cm2. After reaching confluence, the cells were detached, pooled and re-plated at 1000, 500, 100, and 10 cells/cm2. Statistical analyses were performed. Cumulative Population Doublings (PD) did not show significant differences for the separation methods and seeding densities but only for the plating density. Some small quantity samples plated in T25 flasks at plating densities of 10 and 100 cells/cm2 did not produce any expansion. However, directly plated whole bone marrow resulted in a more advantageous method in terms of CFU-F number, cellular growth and minimal manipulation. No differences were observed in terms of gross morphology, differentiation potential or immunophenotype. These data suggest that plating whole bone marrow at a low cellular density may represent a good procedure for MSC expansion for clinical use. PMID:23715383
Andrade, N J; Bridgeman, T A; Zottola, E A
Enterococcus faecium attached to stainless steel chips (100 mm2) was treated with the following sanitizers: sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid (PA), peracetic acid plus an organic acid (PAS), quaternary ammonium, organic acid, and anionic acid. The effectiveness of sanitizer solutions on planktonic cells (not attached) was evaluated by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) suspension test. The number of attached cells was determined by impedance measurement and plate count method after vortexing. The decimal reduction (DR) in numbers of the E. faecium population was determined for the three methods and was analyzed by analysis of variance (P < 0.05) using Statview software. The adhered cells were more resistant (P < 0.05) than nonadherent cells. The DR averages for all of the sanitizers for 30 s of exposure were 6.4, 2.2, and 2.5 for the AOAC suspension test, plate count method after vortexing, and impedance measurement, respectively. Plate count and impedance methods showed a difference (P < 0.05) after 30 s of sanitizer exposure but not after 2 min. The impedance measurement was the best method to measure adherent cells. Impedance measurement required the development of a quadratic regression. The equation developed from 82 samples is as follows: log CFU/chip = 0.2385T2-0.96T + 9.35, r2 = 0.92, P < 0.05, T = impedance detection time in hours. This method showed that the sanitizers PAS and PA were more effective against E. faecium than the other sanitizers. At 30 s, the impedance method recovered about 25 times more cells than the plate count method after vortexing. These data suggest that impedance measurement is the method of choice when evaluating the number of bacterial cells adhered to a surface.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Montigny, Etienne
Cette these traite du developpement d'instrumentation pour l'imagerie medicale optique. Ces travaux sont centres sur une application particuliere ; faciliter l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide et de la parathyroide. La thyroide est une glande situee dans le cou, attachee au larynx a la hauteur de la pomme d'Adam. Elle est entouree de plusieurs structures importantes : muscles, nerfs et glandes parathyroides. Ces dernieres controlent la calcemie et jouent donc un role essentiel dans le corps. Elles sont toutefois de petite taille et sont tres difficiles a distinguer du gras et des ganglions environnants. L'objectif principal de cette these est de developper une instrumentation basee sur la microscopie optique pour permettre l'identification des tissus : thyroide, parathyroide, gras et ganglions, durant les chirurgies. Les choix sont donc faits en fonction de cette application et du contexte specifique des mesures intra-operatoires sur des patients humains. Plusieurs modalites d'imagerie optique sont identifiees pour atteindre l'objectif : microscopie confocale en reflectance, tomographique par coherence optique, et mesure de l'autofluorescence des glandes parathyroides. Dans le but d'ameliorer leur compatibilite avec l'environnement clinique qui requiert stabilite dans le temps et resistance aux vibrations et aux conditions environnementales, ce projet se concentre sur les implementations miniaturisables et basees sur des fibres optiques. Pour implementer un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence a balayage laser rapide, un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence par encodage spectral est propose. Bien que l'utilisation de l'encodage spectral semble a priori incompatible avec le contraste en fluorescence, une implementation facile a realiser est proposee. Une seconde version du montage, compatible avec la clinique et facilitant le developpement d'un endoscope, est presentee. La preuve de principe de cette methode est faite a 1300nm, une longueur
A new portable vibrator for plaster pouring: effect on the marginal fit at cylinder-abutment
de ANDRADE, Pâmela Cândida Aires Ribas; LUTHI, Leonardo Flores; STANLEY, Kyle; CARDOSO, Antônio Carlos
Objective The aim of this study was to test a new portable vibrator for plaster pouring (developed for this purpose), comparing the effect of its use on the accuracy of working cast of implant-supported restorations to the conventional vibrator. Material and methods From a master cast with 2 implants, 30 transfer moldings were made randomly and divided into three groups: Group I (GI): pouring performed in an outsourced dental laboratory with conventional plaster vibrator (10 casts), Group II (GII): pouring performed in the laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) with conventional plaster vibrator (10 casts) and Group III (GIII): pouring performed with the portable vibrator fabricated for this study (10 casts). The position of the analogue and marginal adaptation of the infrastructure were verified by testing the single screw on the master model and on the working model. The measurement of misfit was blindly performed with a precision microscope and analyzing unit, Quadra-Check 200. The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Holm-Sidak test (α=0.05). Results Means±standard deviations were as follows: GI: 19.19±4.73 µm; GII: 21.72±5.41 µm; GIII: 13.5±2.39 µm (P<0.05), with GIII significantly lower as compared to the other groups. Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that a greater accuracy of working cast was achieved when a portable vibrator was used for casting molds. PMID:23138736
Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza
Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (P<0.05). Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates.
Conception et optimisation d'une peau en composite pour une aile adaptative =
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Michaud, Francois
Les preoccupations economiques et environnementales constituent des enjeux majeurs pour le developpement de nouvelles technologies en aeronautique. C'est dans cette optique qu'est ne le projet MDO-505 intitule Morphing Architectures and Related Technologies for Wing Efficiency Improvement. L'objectif de ce projet vise a concevoir une aile adaptative active servant a ameliorer sa laminarite et ainsi reduire la consommation de carburant et les emissions de l'avion. Les travaux de recherche realises ont permis de concevoir et optimiser une peau en composite adaptative permettant d'assurer l'amelioration de la laminarite tout en conservant son integrite structurale. D'abord, une methode d'optimisation en trois etapes fut developpee avec pour objectif de minimiser la masse de la peau en composite en assurant qu'elle s'adapte par un controle actif de la surface deformable aux profils aerodynamiques desires. Le processus d'optimisation incluait egalement des contraintes de resistance, de stabilite et de rigidite de la peau en composite. Suite a l'optimisation, la peau optimisee fut simplifiee afin de faciliter la fabrication et de respecter les regles de conception de Bombardier Aeronautique. Ce processus d'optimisation a permis de concevoir une peau en composite dont les deviations ou erreurs des formes obtenues etaient grandement reduites afin de repondre au mieux aux profils aerodynamiques optimises. Les analyses aerodynamiques realisees a partir de ces formes ont predit de bonnes ameliorations de la laminarite. Par la suite, une serie de validations analytiques fut realisee afin de valider l'integrite structurale de la peau en composite suivant les methodes generalement utilisees par Bombardier Aeronautique. D'abord, une analyse comparative par elements finis a permis de valider une rigidite equivalente de l'aile adaptative a la section d'aile d'origine. Le modele par elements finis fut par la suite mis en boucle avec des feuilles de calcul afin de valider la
Jain, Mohit J; Mavani, Kinjal J
The management of highly comminuted distal radius fractures still remains a major treatment challenge. Articular comminution and compromised bone quality are the culprits. One novel approach is the technique of Internal Distraction Plating which involves "bridging" the fracture with the use of a standard 3.5mm plate applied dorsally in distraction from the radius, proximal to the fracture, to the long finger metacarpal distally, bypassing the comminuted segment. The plate is removed once fracture union has been achieved. The present study was conducted with the aim to evaluate the role of internal dorsal distraction plating as an alternative method in the treatment of fracture distal radius in terms of special indications, technique and outcome. This study was a prospective longitudinal study on 20 patients (mean age 62 years) treated with internal distraction plating for comminuted distal radius fractures with specific indications. Regular follow-ups with standard radiographs and analysis were done upto 24 months. Functional outcome were assessed by DASH Score and the Gartland and Werley demerit score. At final follow-up, all fractures had united and X-rays showed mean palmar tilt of 7°, positive ulnar variance of 0.5mm, radial inclination of 18° and average loss of 2mm of radial height. Mean range of motion values for wrist flexion 46°, extension 50°, pronation 79° and supination 77° At final follow-up, the mean DASH score was 32. 85% patient had excellent to good result as per Gartland and Werley demerit score. This construct has yield satisfactory clinical and radiographic results with these very challenging injuries. The purpose of this study was to report the radiographic and the functional outcomes of treatment with this technique. External fixator and volar plating in communited distal end radius fractures are not always satisfactory in old age with osteoporotic bone because of complications associated with them. The current technique represents an
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Heck, O S; Ebner, H
This report is a compilation of previously published articles on formulas and methods of calculation for the determination of the strength and stability of plate and shell construction as employed in airplane design. In particular, it treats the problem of isotropic, orthotopic, and stiffened rectangular plates, thin curved panels, and circular cylinders under various loading conditions. The purpose of appending the pertinent literature references following the subjects discussed was to facilitate a comprehensive study of the treated problems.
Wang, Bin; Wang, Xiaokai; Hua, Lin; Li, Juanjuan; Xiang, Qing
Electromagnetic acoustic resonance (EMAR) is a considerable method to determine the mean grain size of the metal material with a high precision. The basic ultrasonic attenuation theory used for the mean grain size detection of EMAR is come from the single phase theory. In this paper, the EMAR testing was carried out based on the ultrasonic attenuation theory. The detection results show that the double peaks phenomenon occurs in the EMAR testing of DP590 steel plate. The dual phase structure of DP590 steel is the inducement of the double peaks phenomenon in the EMAR testing. In reaction to the phenomenon, a corrected method with EMAR was put forward to detect the mean grain size of dual phase steel. Compared with the traditional attenuation evaluation method and the uncorrected method with EMAR, the corrected method with EMAR shows great effectiveness and superiority for the mean grain size detection of DP590 steel plate. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dolez, Patricia
Le travail de recherche effectue dans le cadre de ce projet de doctorat a permis la mise au point d'une methode de mesure des pertes ac destinee a l'etude des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Pour le choix des principes de cette methode, nous nous sommes inspires de travaux anterieurs realises sur les supraconducteurs conventionnels, afin de proposer une alternative a la technique electrique, presentant lors du debut de cette these des problemes lies a la variation du resultat des mesures selon la position des contacts de tension sur la surface de l'echantillon, et de pouvoir mesurer les pertes ac dans des conditions simulant la realite des futures applications industrielles des rubans supraconducteurs: en particulier, cette methode utilise la technique calorimetrique, associee a une calibration simultanee et in situ. La validite de la methode a ete verifiee de maniere theorique et experimentale: d'une part, des mesures ont ete realisees sur des echantillons de Bi-2223 recouverts d'argent ou d'alliage d'argent-or et comparees avec les predictions theoriques donnees par Norris, nous indiquant la nature majoritairement hysteretique des pertes ac dans nos echantillons; d'autre part, une mesure electrique a ete realisee in situ dont les resultats correspondent parfaitement a ceux donnes par notre methode calorimetrique. Par ailleurs, nous avons compare la dependance en courant et en frequence des pertes ac d'un echantillon avant et apres qu'il ait ete endommage. Ces mesures semblent indiquer une relation entre la valeur du coefficient de la loi de puissance modelisant la dependance des pertes avec le courant, et les inhomogeneites longitudinales du courant critique induites par l'endommagement. De plus, la variation en frequence montre qu'au niveau des grosses fractures transverses creees par l'endommagement dans le coeur supraconducteur, le courant se partage localement de maniere a peu pres equivalente entre les quelques grains de matiere
Coates, C.W.; Wilson, T.J.
The present invention is directed to a method for preparing surfaces of two-phase metal composites having relatively brittle and malleable components for plating with corrosion-resistant material. In practice of the present invention, the surfaces of the composite are etched to remove a major portion or fraction of the brittle component. The etched surface is then peened with particulates for breaking the brittle component from the surfaces and for spreading or smearing the malleable component over the surfaces. The peened surface is then chemically cleaned of residual traces of the brittle component to which the corrosion-resistant material may be plated thereon in an adherent manner.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mills, Linda
"It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring!" "The itsy, bitsy spider crawled up the waterspout, down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again." What do children's nursery rhymes have to do with the school library? The author begins by telling a…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pipkins, Daniel Scott
Two diverse topics of relevance in modern computational mechanics are treated. The first involves the modeling of linear and non-linear wave propagation in flexible, lattice structures. The technique used combines the Laplace Transform with the Finite Element Method (FEM). The procedure is to transform the governing differential equations and boundary conditions into the transform domain where the FEM formulation is carried out. For linear problems, the transformed differential equations can be solved exactly, hence the method is exact. As a result, each member of the lattice structure is modeled using only one element. In the non-linear problem, the method is no longer exact. The approximation introduced is a spatial discretization of the transformed non-linear terms. The non-linear terms are represented in the transform domain by making use of the complex convolution theorem. A weak formulation of the resulting transformed non-linear equations yields a set of element level matrix equations. The trial and test functions used in the weak formulation correspond to the exact solution of the linear part of the transformed governing differential equation. Numerical results are presented for both linear and non-linear systems. The linear systems modeled are longitudinal and torsional rods and Bernoulli-Euler and Timoshenko beams. For non-linear systems, a viscoelastic rod and Von Karman type beam are modeled. The second topic is the analysis of plates and shallow shells under-going finite deflections by the Field/Boundary Element Method. Numerical results are presented for two plate problems. The first is the bifurcation problem associated with a square plate having free boundaries which is loaded by four, self equilibrating corner forces. The results are compared to two existing numerical solutions of the problem which differ substantially.
Bertram, L.A.; Fisher, R.W.; Mattox, D.M.; Zanner, F.J.
A method and apparatus for ion plating are described. The apparatus uses more negative than a first electrode voltage in a vacuum arc remelt system to attract low energy ions from the anode electrode to the article to be plated. 2 figs.
Method of producing exfoliated graphite composite compositions for fuel cell flow field plates
Zhamu, Aruna; Shi, Jinjun; Guo, Jiusheng; Jang, Bor Z
A method of producing an electrically conductive composite composition, which is particularly useful for fuel cell bipolar plate applications. The method comprises: (a) providing a supply of expandable graphite powder; (b) providing a supply of a non-expandable powder component comprising a binder or matrix material; (c) blending the expandable graphite with the non-expandable powder component to form a powder mixture wherein the non-expandable powder component is in the amount of between 3% and 60% by weight based on the total weight of the powder mixture; (d) exposing the powder mixture to a temperature sufficient for exfoliating the expandable graphite to obtain a compressible mixture comprising expanded graphite worms and the non-expandable component; (e) compressing the compressible mixture at a pressure within the range of from about 5 psi to about 50,000 psi in predetermined directions into predetermined forms of cohered graphite composite compact; and (f) treating the so-formed cohered graphite composite to activate the binder or matrix material thereby promoting adhesion within the compact to produce the desired composite composition. Preferably, the non-expandable powder component further comprises an isotropy-promoting agent such as non-expandable graphite particles. Further preferably, step (e) comprises compressing the mixture in at least two directions. The method leads to composite plates with exceptionally high thickness-direction electrical conductivity.
Insecticide and Repellent Mixture Pour-On Protects Cattle against Animal Trypanosomosis
Abdoulmoumini, Mamoudou; Zoli, Andre; Cene, Bylah; Adakal, Hassane; Bouyer, Jérémy
Background African animal trypanosomosis (AAT), transmitted by tsetse flies and tick-borne diseases are the main constraints to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. Vector control methods such as pour-on offer individual protection against ticks but not against tsetse so far, for which protection has always been communal, through a reduction of their density. The latter requires the treatment of a large part of the herd in a given landscape and is not instantaneous. Methodology/Principal Findings Two prospective surveys were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and persistence of a pour-on formulation composed of cypermetrhin, chlorpyrifos, piperonyl butoxid and citronella (Vectoclor, CEVA Santé Animal). In experimental conditions, tsetse flies were exposed to treated and control cattle. Flies knockdown and engorgement rates were determined and the product persistence was assessed as the time for these parameters to drop below 50% (T50). T50 was 37 days (95%CI: [33–41] days) and 46 days (95%CI: [39–56] days) for the knockdown and engorgement rates respectively. In field conditions, two cattle herds were monitored following a case-control experimental design, in the Adamaoua region of Cameroon. One herd was treated once with Vectoclor pour-on (treated group) and the second used as a control group (not treated). Ticks infestation rate, trypanosomosis prevalence and packed-cell volume were measured over the two months following treatment. The treatment was highly effective against ticks with a complete elimination three days after application in the treated group. Trypanosomosis prevalence was also significantly reduced during the study (by 4, P<0.001) and PCV of the treated group increased significantly in the same time (P<0.001), contrary to the control group. Conclusions/Significance The protection of this new pour-on against tsetse bites and trypanosomosis is demonstrated here for the first time. Moreover, this insecticide and repellent mixture offer a
Plating Processes Utilizing High Intensity Acoustic Beams
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Oeftering, Richard C. (Inventor); Denofrio, Charles (Inventor)
A system and a method for selective plating processes are disclosed which use directed beams of high intensity acoustic waves to create non-linear effects that alter and improve the plating process. The directed beams are focused on the surface of an object, which in one embodiment is immersed in a plating solution, and in another embodiment is suspended above a plating solution. The plating processes provide precise control of the thickness of the layers of the plating, while at the same time, in at least some incidents, eliminates the need for masking.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qiu, Zhi-cheng; Wang, Xian-feng; Zhang, Xian-Min; Liu, Jin-guo
A novel non-contact vibration measurement method using binocular vision sensors is proposed for piezoelectric flexible hinged plate. Decoupling methods of the bending and torsional low frequency vibration on measurement and driving control are investigated, using binocular vision sensors and piezoelectric actuators. A radial basis function neural network controller (RBFNNC) is designed to suppress both the larger and the smaller amplitude vibrations. To verify the non-contact measurement method and the designed controller, an experimental setup of the flexible hinged plate with binocular vision is constructed. Experiments on vibration measurement and control are conducted by using binocular vision sensors and the designed RBFNNC controllers, compared with the classical proportional and derivative (PD) control algorithm. The experimental measurement results demonstrate that the binocular vision sensors can detect the low-frequency bending and torsional vibration effectively. Furthermore, the designed RBF can suppress the bending vibration more quickly than the designed PD controller owing to the adjustment of the RBF control, especially for the small amplitude residual vibrations.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fournier, Patrick
Le Modele de l'Etat Critique Generalise (MECG) est utilise pour decrire les proprietes magnetiques et de transport du YBa_2Cu_3O _7 polycristallin. Ce modele empirique permet de relier la densite de courant critique a la densite de lignes de flux penetrant dans la region intergrain. Deux techniques de mesures sont utilisees pour caracteriser nos materiaux. La premiere consiste a mesurer le champ au centre d'un cylindre creux en fonction du champ magnetique applique pour des temperatures comprises entre 20 et 85K. En variant l'epaisseur de la paroi du cylindre creux, il est possible de suivre l'evolution des cycles d'hysteresis et de determiner des champs caracteristiques qui varient en fonction de cette dimension. En utilisant un lissage des resultats experimentaux, nous determinons J _{co}, H_ {o} et n, les parametres du MECG. La forme des cylindres, avec une longueur comparable au diametre externe, entrai ne la presence d'un champ demagnetisant qui peut etre inclus dans le modele theorique. Ceci nous permet d'evaluer la fraction du volume ecrante, f _{g}, ainsi que le facteur demagnetisant N. Nous trouvons que J_{ co}, H_{o} et f_{g} dependent de la temperature, tandis que n et N (pour une epaisseur de paroi fixe) n'en dependent pas. La deuxieme technique consiste a mesurer le courant critique de lames minces en fonction du champ applique pour differentes temperatures. Nous utilisons un montage que nous avons developpe permettant d'effectuer ces mesures en contact direct avec le liquide refrigerant, i.e. dans l'azote liquide. Nous varions la temperature du liquide en variant la pression du gaz au-dessus du bain d'azote. Cette methode nous permet de balayer des temperatures entre 65K et la temperature critique du materiau ({~ }92K). Nous effectuons le lissage des courbes de courant critique en fonction du champ applique encore a l'aide du MECG, pour a nouveau obtenir ses parametres. Pour trois echantillons avec des traitements thermiques differents, les parametres
Neogi, Devdatta Suhas; Trikha, Vivek; Mishra, Kaushal Kant; Bandekar, Shivanand M.; Yadav, Chandra Shekhar
Background: Bicondylar tibial plateau fractures are complex injuries and treatment is challenging. Ideal method is still controversial with risk of unsatisfactory results if not treated properly. Many different techniques of internal and external fixation are used. This study compares the clinical results in single locked plating versus dual plating (DP) using two incision approaches. Our hypothesis was that DP leads to less collapse and change in alignment at final followup compared with single plating. Materials and Methods: 61 cases of Type C tibial plateau fractures operated between January 2007 and June 2011 were included in this prospective study. All cases were operated either by single lateral locked plate by anterolateral approach or double plating through double incision. All cases were followed for a minimum of 24 months radiologically and clinically. The statistical analysis was performed using software SPSS 10.0 to analyze the data. Results: Twenty nine patients in a single lateral locked plate and 32 patients in a double plating group were followed for minimum 2 years. All fractures healed, however there was a significant incidence of malalignment in the single lateral plating group. Though there was a significant increase in soft tissue issues with the double plating group; however, there was only 3.12% incidence of deep infection. There was no significant difference in Hospital for special surgery score at 2 years followup. Conclusion: Double plating through two incisions resulted in a better limb alignment and joint reduction with an acceptable soft tissue complication rate. PMID:26015609
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Perkins, S. C., Jr.; Mendenhall, M. R.
A correlation method to predict pressures induced on an infinite plate by a jet exhausting normal to the plate into a subsonic free stream was extended to jets exhausting at angles to the plate and to jets exhausting normal to the surface of a body revolution. The complete method consisted of an analytical method which models the blockage and entrainment properties of the jet and an empirical correlation which accounts for viscous effects. For the flat plate case, the method was applicable to jet velocity ratios up to ten, jet inclination angles up to 45 deg from the normal, and radial distances up to five diameters from the jet. For the body of revolution case, the method was applicable to a body at zero degrees angle of attack, jet velocity ratios 1.96 and 3.43, circumferential angles around the body up to 25 deg from the jet, axial distances up to seven diameters from the jet, and jet-to-body diameter ratios less than 0.1.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hudec, Ján; Glorieux, Christ; Dieška, Peter; Kubičár, Ľudovít
The Hot-ball method is an innovative transient method for measuring thermophysical properties. The principle is based on heating of a small ball, incorporated in measured medium, by constant heating power and simultaneous measuring of the ball's temperature response since the heating was initiated. The shape of the temperature response depends on thermophysical properties of the medium, where the sensor is placed. This method is patented by Institute of Physics, SAS, where the method and sensors based on this method are being developed. At the beginning of the development of sensors for this method we were oriented on monitoring applications, where relative precision is much more important than accuracy. Meanwhile, the quality of sensors was improved good enough to be used for a new application - absolute measuring of thermophysical parameters of low thermally conductive materials. This paper describes experimental verification and validation of measurement by hot-ball method. Thanks to cooperation with Laboratory of Soft Matter and Biophysics of Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, established Guarded Hot Plate method was used as a reference. Details about measuring setups, description of the experiments and results of the comparison are presented.
Spectroscopie pompe-sonde pour la détection de bioaérosols
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guyon, L.; Courvoisier, F.; Wood, V.; Boutou, V.; Bartelt, A.; Roth, M.; Rabitz, H.; Wolf, J. P.
La fluorescence du Tryptophane excité par une impulsion ultra-brève à 270 nm peut être diminuée d'un facteur deux par une seconde impulsion à 800 nm, à l'aide d'un dispositif pompe-sonde. Cette décroissance est aussi observée pour les bactéries vivantes, dont le Tryptophane est l'un des fluorophores, tandis qu'aucune décroissance n'est observée pour d'autres molécules organiques comme le naphtalène ou le gazole, malgré des spectres d'absorption et de fluorescence similaires. Cette différence remarquable est très prometteuse pour la distinction d'aérosols biologiques et organiques.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Perkins, S. C., Jr.; Menhall, M. R.
A correlation method to predict pressures induced on an infinite plate by a jet issuing from the plate into a subsonic free stream was developed. The complete method consists of an analytical method which models the blockage and entrainment properties of the jet and a correlation which accounts for the effects of separation. The method was developed for jet velocity ratios up to ten and for radial distances up to five diameters from the jet. Correlation curves and data comparisons are presented for jets issuing normally from a flat plate with velocity ratios one to twelve. Also, a list of references which deal with jets in a crossflow is presented.
Electrically induced mechanical precompression of ferroelectric plates
Chen, P.J.
A method of electrically inducing mechanical precompression of ferroelectric plate covered with electrodes utilizes the change in strains of the plate as functions of applied electric field. A first field polarizes and laterally shrinks the entire plate. An outer portion of the electrodes are removed, and an opposite field partially depolarizes and expands the central portion of the plate against the shrunk outer portion. 2 figs.
Electrically induced mechanical precompression of ferroelectric plates
Chen, Peter J.
A method of electrically inducing mechanical precompression of a ferroelectric plate covered with electrodes utilizes the change in strains of the plate as functions of applied electric field. A first field polarizes and laterally shrinks the entire plate. An outer portion of the electrodes are removed, and an opposite field partially depolarizes and expands the central portion of the plate against the shrunk outer portion.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fareh, Fouad
la cire (de paraffine, d'abeille et de carnauba) et de faible teneur en acide stearique et en ethylene-vinyle acetate. Par ailleurs, les lois physiques preexistantes ont permis de confirmer les resultats des essais rheologiques et thermogravimetriques, mais aussi de mettre en evidence l'influence de la segregation sur les proprietes rheologiques des melanges. Ces essais ont aussi montre l'effet de constituants de liant et du temps passe a l'etat fondu sur l'intensite de la segregation dans les melanges. Les melanges contenants de l'acide stearique segregent rapidement. La caracterisation des melanges developpes pour le moulage basse pression des poudres metalliques doit etre obtenue a l'aide d'une methode de courte duree pour eviter la segregation et de mesurer precisement l'aptitude a l'ecoulement de ces melanges.
Hernigou, Philippe; Pariat, Jacques
The first techniques of operative fracture with plates were developed in the 19th century. In fact, at the beginning these methods consisted of an open reduction of the fracture usually followed by a very unstable fixation. As a consequence, the fracture had to be opened with a real risk of (sometimes lethal) infection, and due to unstable fixation, protection with a cast was often necessary. During the period between World Wars I and II, plates for fracture fixation developed with great variety. It became increasingly recognised that, because a fracture of a long bone normally heals with minimal resorption at the bone ends, this may result in slight shortening and collapse, so a very rigid plate might prevent such collapse. However, as a consequence, delayed healing was observed unless the patient was lucky enough to have the plate break. One way of dealing with this was to use a slotted plate in which the screws could move axially, but the really important advance was recognition of the role of compression. After the first description of compression by Danis with a "coapteur", Bagby and Müller with the AO improved the technique of compression. The classic dynamic compression plates from the 1970s were the key to a very rigid fixation, leading to primary bone healing. Nevertheless, the use of strong plates resulted in delayed union and the osteoporosis, cancellous bone, comminution, and/or pathological bone resulted in some failures due to insufficient stability. Finally, new devices represented by locking plates increased the stability, contributing to the principles of a more biological osteosynthesis while giving enough stability to allow immediate full weight bearing in some patients.
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
To determine if Campylobacter isolation method influenced antimicrobial susceptibility results, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of nine antimicrobials were compared for 291 pairs of Campylobacter isolates recovered from chicken carcass rinse samples using direct plating and an enrichment...
Systems and methods for forming microchannel plate (MCP) photodetector assemblies
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Xia, Lei; Zhao, Huyue; Wagner, Robert G.
A MCP photodetector assembly includes an anode plate including a plurality of electrical traces positioned thereon, a plurality of MCPs and a plurality of grid spacers. The MCPs are positioned between the grid spacers. The grid spacers have a grid spacer shape defining at least one aperture. A plurality of shims are positioned between the grid spacers and the MCPs so as to form a stack positioned on the anode plate. Each of the plurality of shims have a shim shape which is the same as the grid spacer shape such that each of the plurality of shims and eachmore » of the plurality of grid spacers overlap so as to define at least one MCP aperture. At least a portion of the plurality of MCPs are positioned within the MCP aperture. The shims are structured to electrically couple the MCPs to the anode plate.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cerpa, Nestor; Hassani, Riad; Gerbault, Muriel
A large variety of geodynamical problems involve a mechanical system where a competent body is embedded in a more deformable medium, and hence they can be viewed as belonging to the field of solid/fluid interaction.The lithosphere/asthenosphere interaction in subduction zones is among those kind of problems which are generally difficult to tackle numerically since the immersed (solid) body can be geometrically complex and the surrounding (fluid) medium can thus undergo large deformation. Our work presents a new numerical approach for the study of subduction zones. The lithosphere is modeled as a Maxwell viscoelastic body sinking in the viscous asthenosphere. Both domains are discretized by the Finite Element Method (FEM) and we use a staggered coupling method. The interaction is provided by a non-matching interface method called the Fictitious Domain Method (FDM). We have validated this method with some 2-D benchmarks and examples. Through this numerical coupling method we aim at studying the effect of mantle viscosity on the cyclicity of slab folding on the 660 km depth discontinuity approximated as an impenetrable barrier. Depending on the kinematics condition imposed to the overriding and subducting plates, analog and numerical models have previously shown that cyclicity occurs. The viscosity of the asthenosphere (taken as an isoviscous or a double viscosity-layer fluid) impacts on folding cyclicity and consequently on the slab's dip as well as the stress regime of the overriding plate. In particular, applying far-field plate velocities corresponding to those of the South-American and Nazca plates at present, (4.3 cm/yr and 2.9 cm/yr respectively), we obtain periodic slab folding which is consistent with magmatism and sedimentalogical records. These data report cycles in orogenic growth of the order of 30-40 Myrs, a period that we reproduce when the mantle viscosity ranges in between 3 and 5 x 1020 Pa.s. Moreover, we reproduce episodic development of horizontal
Matériaux pour la dépollution des gaz d'échappement automobile
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mouaddib-Moral, N.; Gauthier, C.
Les premières législations antipollution ont été mises en place suite à la détection, aux Etats Unis plus particulièrement en Californie, du smog photochimique et des pluies acides, néfastes pour la faune et la flore. Les estimations de la contribution de l'automobile aux émissions de composés, considérés comme précurseurs de ces phénomènes, ont été suffisantes pour provoquer la mise en place de normes draconiennes en matière d'émissions automobiles. Les matériaux catalytiques ont été évalués en tant que solution possible pour réduire les émissions à l'échappement. En Europe, l'utilisation des catalyseurs trois voies a été généralisée sur les véhicules essence fonctionnant à richesse stoechiométrique à partir de 1993. Une nouvelle génération de catalyseurs appelée piège à oxydes d'azote (NOx) est maintenant nécessaire pour le post-traitement des gaz d'échappement des motorisations à essence fonctionnant en mélange pauvre (combustion en présence d'un excès d'oxygène) pour diminuer la consommation et par conséquent réduire les émissions du CO2 connu pour son impact sur l'effet de serre. La dépollution des moteurs diesel via un catalyseur d'oxydation a été généralisée en Europe depuis 1996. La sévérisation des normes européennes impose pour les moteurs diesel le recours à des matériaux spécifiques pour le traitement des oxydes d'azotes et des particules par l'intermédiaire de filtres à particules dont l'efficacité de filtration est supérieure à 95%, mais doivent subir des régénérations périodiques.
Aeroheating model advancements featuring electroless metallic plating
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stalmach, C. J., Jr.; Goodrich, W. D.
Discussed are advancements in wind tunnel model construction methods and hypersonic test data demonstrating the methods. The general objective was to develop model fabrication methods for improved heat transfer measuring capability at less model cost. A plated slab model approach was evaluated with cast models containing constantan wires that formed single-wire-to-plate surface thermocouple junctions with a seamless skin of electroless nickel alloy. The surface of a space shuttle orbiter model was selectively plated with scaled tiles to simulate, with high fidelity, the probable misalignments of the heatshield tiles on a flight vehicle. Initial, Mach 8 heating results indicated a minor effect of tile misalignment roughness on boundary layer transition, implying a possible relaxation of heatshield manufacturing tolerances. Some loss of the plated tiles was experienced when the model was tested at high heating rates.
Tsai, Stanley; Bliven, Emily K.; von Rechenberg, Brigitte; Kindt, Philipp; Augat, Peter; Henschel, Julia; Fitzpatrick, Daniel C.; Madey, Steven M.
Objectives: Active plates dynamize a fracture by elastic suspension of screw holes within the plate. We hypothesized that dynamic stabilization with active plates delivers stronger healing relative to standard compression plating. Methods: Twelve sheep were randomized to receive either a standard compression plate (CP) or an active plate (ACTIVE) for stabilization of an anatomically reduced tibial osteotomy. In the CP group, absolute stabilization was pursued by interfragmentary compression with 6 cortical screws. In the ACTIVE group, dynamic stabilization after bony apposition was achieved with 6 elastically suspended locking screws. Fracture healing was analyzed weekly on radiographs. After sacrifice 9 weeks postsurgery, the torsional strength of healed tibiae and contralateral tibiae was measured. Finally, computed tomography was used to assess fracture patterns and healing modes. Results: Healing in both groups included periosteal callus formation. ACTIVE specimens had almost 6 times more callus area by week 9 (P < 0.001) than CP specimens. ACTIVE specimens recovered on average 64% of their native strength by week 9, and were over twice as strong as CP specimens, which recovered 24% of their native strength (P = 0.008). Microcomputed tomography demonstrated that compression plating induced a combination of primary bone healing and gap healing. Active plating consistently stimulated biological bone healing by periosteal callus formation. Conclusions: Compared with compression plating, dynamic stabilization of simple fractures with active plates delivers significantly stronger healing. PMID:27861456
Plate refractive camera model and its applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Longxiang; Zhao, Xu; Cai, Shen; Liu, Yuncai
In real applications, a pinhole camera capturing objects through a planar parallel transparent plate is frequently employed. Due to the refractive effects of the plate, such an imaging system does not comply with the conventional pinhole camera model. Although the system is ubiquitous, it has not been thoroughly studied. This paper aims at presenting a simple virtual camera model, called a plate refractive camera model, which has a form similar to a pinhole camera model and can efficiently model refractions through a plate. The key idea is to employ a pixel-wise viewpoint concept to encode the refraction effects into a pixel-wise pinhole camera model. The proposed camera model realizes an efficient forward projection computation method and has some advantages in applications. First, the model can help to compute the caustic surface to represent the changes of the camera viewpoints. Second, the model has strengths in analyzing and rectifying the image caustic distortion caused by the plate refraction effects. Third, the model can be used to calibrate the camera's intrinsic parameters without removing the plate. Last but not least, the model contributes to putting forward the plate refractive triangulation methods in order to solve the plate refractive triangulation problem easily in multiviews. We verify our theory in both synthetic and real experiments.
Que peut-on voir avec des neutrons? Une introduction pour des non spécialistes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schweizer, J.
Le neutron est une particule élémentaire qui a été découverte en 1932 par James Chadwick. Ses caractéristiques principales sont résumées dans le tableau I. Il a été utilisé pour la première fois par Clifford Shull en 1946 comme outil pour des expériences de diffusion. Cette technique s'est depuis constamment développée pour concerner tous les aspects de la matière condensée: physique, chimie, matériaux, biologie. Il s'agit d'un outil tout à fait exceptionnel car le neutron possède des propriétés uniques et particulièrement adaptées pour ces études.
Development efforts to improve curved-channel microchannel plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Corbett, M. B.; Feller, W. B.; Laprade, B. N.; Cochran, R.; Bybee, R.; Danks, A.; Joseph, C.
Curved-channel microchannel plate (C-plate) improvements resulting from an ongoing NASA STIS microchannel plate (MCP) development program are described. Performance limitations of previous C-plates led to a development program in support of the STIS MAMA UV photon counter, a second generation instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. C-plate gain, quantum detection efficiency, dark noise, and imaging distortion, which are influenced by channel curvature non-uniformities, have all been improved through use of a new centrifuge fabrication technique. This technique will be described, along with efforts to improve older, more conventional shearing methods. Process optimization methods used to attain targeted C-plate performance goals will be briefly characterized. Newly developed diagnostic measurement techniques to study image distortion, gain uniformity, input bias angle, channel curvature, and ion feedback, will be described. Performance characteristics and initial test results of the improved C-plates will be reported. Future work and applications will also be discussed.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rzasnicki, W.
A method of solution is presented, which, when applied to the elasto-plastic analysis of plates having a v-notch on one edge and subjected to pure bending, will produce stress and strain fields in much greater detail than presently available. Application of the boundary integral equation method results in two coupled Fredholm-type integral equations, subject to prescribed boundary conditions. These equations are replaced by a system of simultaneous algebraic equations and solved by a successive approximation method employing Prandtl-Reuss incremental plasticity relations. The method is first applied to number of elasto-static problems and the results compared with available solutions. Good agreement is obtained in all cases. The elasto-plastic analysis provides detailed stress and strain distributions for several cases of plates with various notch angles and notch depths. A strain hardening material is assumed and both plane strain and plane stress conditions are considered.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kisała, Dawid; Tekieli, Marcin
Steel plate-concrete composite structures are a new innovative design concept in which a thin steel plate is attached to the reinforced concrete beam by means of welded headed studs. The comparison between experimental studies and theoretical analysis of this type of structures shows that their behaviour is dependent on the load-slip relationship of the shear connectors used to ensure sufficient bond between the concrete and steel parts of the structure. The aim of this paper is to describe an experimental study on headed studs used in steel plate-concrete composite structures. Push-out tests were carried out to investigate the behaviour of shear connectors. The test specimens were prepared according to standard push-out tests, however, instead of I-beam, a steel plate 16 mm thick was used to better reflect the conditions in the real structure. The test specimens were produced in two batches using concrete with significantly different compressive strength. The experimental study was carried out on twelve specimens. Besides the traditional measurements based on LVDT sensors, optical measurements based on the digital image correlation method (DIC) and pattern tracking methods were used. DIC is a full-field contactless optical method for measuring displacements in experimental testing, based on the correlation of the digital images taken during test execution. With respect to conventional methods, optical measurements offer a wider scope of results and can give more information about the material or construction behaviour during the test. The ultimate load capacity and load-slip curves obtained from the experiments were compared with the values calculated based on Eurocodes, American and Chinese design specifications. It was observed that the use of the relationships developed for the traditional steel-concrete composite structures is justified in the case of ultimate load capacity of shear connectors in steel plate-concrete composite structures.
Verhoog, Roelof; Precigout, Claude; Stewart, Donald
The electrode plate includes an active portion that is pasted with active material, and a plate head that is made up of three layers of compressed metal foam comprising: a non-pasted portion of height G of the support of the electrode plate; and two strips of non-pasted metal foam of height R on either side of the non-pasted portion of height G of the support and also extending for an overlap height h.sub.2 over the pasted portion of the support. The plate head includes a zone of reduced thickness including a portion that is maximally compressed, and a transitional portion between said maximally compressed portion and the remainder of the electrode which is of thickness e.sub.2. A portion of said plate head forms a connection tab. The method of obtaining the electrode consists in simultaneously rolling all three layers of metal foam in the plate head, and then in cutting matter away from the plates so as to obtain respective connection tabs.
Berry, Elaine D; Wells, James E
Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreaks associated with produce consumption have brought attention to livestock manures and manure-based soil amendments as potential sources of pathogens for the contamination of these crops. Procedures for enumeration of E. coli O157:H7 are needed to assess the risks of transmission from these manures and their by-products. A direct plating method employing spiral plating onto CHROMagar O157 was investigated for enumeration of E. coli O157:H7 in feedlot surface material, aged bovine manure, bovine manure compost, and manure-amended soil. In studies utilizing samples spiked with a five-strain cocktail of E. coli O157:H7 at levels ranging from 102 to 10(5) CFU/g of sample, there were strong correlations between the observed and predicted levels of this pathogen. Although the addition of 2.5 mg/liter potassium tellurite and 5 mg/liter novobiocin made the medium more restrictive, these amendments enhanced the ability to identify and enumerate E. coli O157:H7 in feedlot surface material, which contained a higher proportion of fresh feces than did the other three sample types and therefore higher levels of interfering bacterial microflora. The spiral plating method was further assessed to determine its ability to enumerate E. coli O157:H7 in naturally contaminated feedlot surface material. Comparison of E. coli O157:H7 counts in feedlot surface material obtained by the spiral plating method and a most probable number technique were well correlated. We conclude that direct spiral plating onto CHROMagar O157 is effective for estimating E. coli O157:H7 levels in a variety of manures and manure-containing sample types to a lower detection limit of 200 CFU/g. The method has application for determining E. coli O157:H7 concentrations in manures and composts before their sale and use as soil amendments and for measuring the effectiveness of manure treatment processes to reduce or inactivate this pathogen.
Hydrodynamics of a flexible plate between pitching rigid plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Junyoung; Kim, Daegyoum
The dynamics of a flexible plate have been studied as a model problem in swimming and flying of animals and fluid-structure interaction of plants and flags. Motivated by fish schooling and an array of sea grasses, we investigate the dynamics of a flexible plate closely placed between two pitching rigid plates. In most studies on passive deformation of the flexible plate, the plate is immersed in a uniform flow or a wavy flow. However, in this study, the flexible plate experiences periodic deformation by the oscillatory flow generated by the prescribed pitching motion of the rigid plates. In our model, the pitching axes of the rigid plates and the clamping position of the flexible plate are aligned on the same line. The flexible plate shows various responses depending on length and pitching frequency of rigid plates, thickness of a flexible plate, and free-stream velocity. To find the effect of each variable on the response of the flexible plate, amplitude of a trailing edge and modal contribution of a flapping motion are compared, and flow structure around the flexible plate is examined.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mcgary, Michael C.
The anticipated application of advanced turboprop propulsion systems is expected to increase the interior noise of future aircraft to unacceptably high levels. The absence of technically and economically feasible noise source-path diagnostic tools has been a prime obstacle in the development of efficient noise control treatments for propeller-driven aircraft. A new diagnostic method that permits the separation and prediction of the fully coherent airborne and structureborne components of the sound radiated by plates or thin shells has been developed. Analytical and experimental studies of the proposed method were performed on an aluminum plate. The results of the study indicate that the proposed method could be used in flight, and has fewer encumbrances than the other diagnostic tools currently available.
Congruency of scapula locking plates: implications for implant design.
Park, Andrew Y; DiStefano, James G; Nguyen, Thuc-Quyen; Buckley, Jenni M; Montgomery, William H; Grimsrud, Chris D
We conducted a study to evaluate the congruency of fit of current scapular plate designs. Three-dimensional image-processing and -analysis software, and computed tomography scans of 12 cadaveric scapulae were used to generate 3 measurements: mean distance from plate to bone, maximum distance, and percentage of plate surface within 2 mm of bone. These measurements were used to quantify congruency. The scapular spine plate had the most congruent fit in all 3 measured variables. The lateral border and glenoid plates performed statistically as well as the scapular spine plate in at least 1 of the measured variables. The medial border plate had the least optimal measurements in all 3 variables. With locking-plate technology used in a wide variety of anatomical locations, the locking scapula plate system can allow for a fixed-angle construct in this region. Our study results showed that the scapular spine, glenoid, and lateral border plates are adequate in terms of congruency. However, design improvements may be necessary for the medial border plate. In addition, we describe a novel method for quantifying hardware congruency, a method that can be applied to any anatomical location.
Kusugal, Preethi; Chourasiya, Ritu Sunil; Ruttonji, Zarir; Astagi, Preeti; Nayak, Ajay Kumar; Patil, Abhishekha
Purpose: To overcome the poor dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloids, alternative materials were introduced. The dimensional changes of these alternatives after delayed pouring are not well studied and documented in the literature. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the surface detail reproduction and dimensional stability of two irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives with an extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid at different time intervals. Materials and Methods: All testing were performed according to the ANSI/ADA specification number 18 for surface detail reproduction and specification number 19 for dimensional change. The test materials used in this study were newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives such as AlgiNot FS, Algin-X Ultra FS, and Kromopan 100 which is an extended pour irreversible hydrocolloid as control. The surface detail reproduction was evaluated using stereomicroscope. The dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h was assessed and compared between the test materials and control. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni test. Results: Statistically significant results (P < 0.001) were seen when mean scores of the tested materials were compared with respect to reproduction of 22 μm line from the metal block. Kromopan 100 showed statistically significant differences between different time intervals (P < 0.001) and exhibited more dimensional change. Algin-X Ultra FS proved to be more accurate and dimensionally stable. Conclusions: Newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternative impression materials were more accurate in surface detail reproduction and exhibited minimal dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h than extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. PMID:29599578
Mechanical design and analysis of focal plate for gravity deformation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Jianping; Chu, Jiaru; Hu, Hongzhuan; Li, Kexuan; Zhou, Zengxiang
The surface accuracy of astronomical telescope focal plate is a key indicator to precision stellar observation. To conduct accurate deformation measurement for focal plate in different status, a 6-DOF hexapod platform was used for attitude adjustment. For the small adjustment range of a classic 6-DOF hexapod platform, an improved structural arrangement method was proposed in the paper to achieve ultimate adjustment of the focal plate in horizontal and vertical direction. To validate the feasibility of this method, an angle change model which used ball hinge was set up for the movement and base plate. Simulation results in MATLAB suggested that the ball hinge angle change of movement and base plate is within the range of the limiting angle in the process of the platform plate adjusting to ultimate attitude. The proposed method has some guiding significance for accurate surface measurement of focal plate.
Vectorization and parallelization of the finite strip method for dynamic Mindlin plate problems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chen, Hsin-Chu; He, Ai-Fang
The finite strip method is a semi-analytical finite element process which allows for a discrete analysis of certain types of physical problems by discretizing the domain of the problem into finite strips. This method decomposes a single large problem into m smaller independent subproblems when m harmonic functions are employed, thus yielding natural parallelism at a very high level. In this paper we address vectorization and parallelization strategies for the dynamic analysis of simply-supported Mindlin plate bending problems and show how to prevent potential conflicts in memory access during the assemblage process. The vector and parallel implementations of this method and the performance results of a test problem under scalar, vector, and vector-concurrent execution modes on the Alliant FX/80 are also presented.
Deformation of a plate with periodically changing parameters
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Naumova, Natalia V.; Ivanov, Denis; Voloshinova, Tatiana
Deformation of reinforced square plate under external pressure is considered. The averaged fourth-order partial differential equation for the plate deflection w is obtained. The new mathematical model of the plate is offered. Asymptotic averaging and Finite Elements Method (ANSYS) are used to get the values of normal deflections of the plate surface. The comparison of numerical and asymptotic results is performed.
Population Screening Using Sewage Reveals Pan-Resistant Bacteria in Hospital and Community Samples.
Meir-Gruber, Lital; Manor, Yossi; Gefen-Halevi, Shiraz; Hindiyeh, Musa Y; Mileguir, Fernando; Azar, Roberto; Smollan, Gill; Belausov, Natasha; Rahav, Galia; Shamiss, Ari; Mendelson, Ella; Keller, Nathan
The presence of pan-resistant bacteria worldwide possesses a threat to global health. It is difficult to evaluate the extent of carriage of resistant bacteria in the population. Sewage sampling is a possible way to monitor populations. We evaluated the presence of pan-resistant bacteria in Israeli sewage collected from all over Israel, by modifying the pour plate method for heterotrophic plate count technique using commercial selective agar plates. This method enables convenient and fast sewage sampling and detection. We found that sewage in Israel contains multiple pan-resistant bacteria including carbapenemase resistant Enterobacteriacae carrying blaKPC and blaNDM-1, MRSA and VRE. blaKPC carrying Klebsiella pneumonia and Enterobacter cloacae were the most common Enterobacteriacae drug resistant bacteria found in the sewage locations we sampled. Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli and Citrobacter spp. were the 4 main CRE isolated from Israeli sewage and also from clinical samples in our clinical microbiology laboratory. Hospitals and Community sewage had similar percentage of positive samplings for blaKPC and blaNDM-1. VRE was found to be more abundant in sewage in Israel than MRSA but there were more locations positive for MRSA and VRE bacteria in Hospital sewage than in the Community. Therefore, our upgrade of the pour plate method for heterotrophic plate count technique using commercial selective agar plates can be a useful tool for routine screening and monitoring of the population for pan-resistant bacteria using sewage.
Population Screening Using Sewage Reveals Pan-Resistant Bacteria in Hospital and Community Samples
Mileguir, Fernando; Azar, Roberto; Smollan, Gill; Belausov, Natasha; Rahav, Galia; Shamiss, Ari; Mendelson, Ella; Keller, Nathan
The presence of pan-resistant bacteria worldwide possesses a threat to global health. It is difficult to evaluate the extent of carriage of resistant bacteria in the population. Sewage sampling is a possible way to monitor populations. We evaluated the presence of pan-resistant bacteria in Israeli sewage collected from all over Israel, by modifying the pour plate method for heterotrophic plate count technique using commercial selective agar plates. This method enables convenient and fast sewage sampling and detection. We found that sewage in Israel contains multiple pan-resistant bacteria including carbapenemase resistant Enterobacteriacae carrying blaKPC and blaNDM-1, MRSA and VRE. blaKPC carrying Klebsiella pneumonia and Enterobacter cloacae were the most common Enterobacteriacae drug resistant bacteria found in the sewage locations we sampled. Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli and Citrobacter spp. were the 4 main CRE isolated from Israeli sewage and also from clinical samples in our clinical microbiology laboratory. Hospitals and Community sewage had similar percentage of positive samplings for blaKPC and blaNDM-1. VRE was found to be more abundant in sewage in Israel than MRSA but there were more locations positive for MRSA and VRE bacteria in Hospital sewage than in the Community. Therefore, our upgrade of the pour plate method for heterotrophic plate count technique using commercial selective agar plates can be a useful tool for routine screening and monitoring of the population for pan-resistant bacteria using sewage. PMID:27780222
Caracterisation thermique de modules de refroidissement pour la photovoltaique concentree
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Collin, Louis-Michel
Pour rentabiliser la technologie des cellules solaires, une reduction du cout d'exploitation et de fabrication est necessaire. L'utilisation de materiaux photovoltaiques a un impact appreciable sur le prix final par quantite d'energie produite. Une technologie en developpement consiste a concentrer la lumiere sur les cellules solaires afin de reduire cette quantite de materiaux. Or, concentrer la lumiere augmente la temperature de la cellule et diminue ainsi son efficacite. Il faut donc assurer a la cellule un refroidissement efficace. La charge thermique a evacuer de la cellule passe au travers du recepteur, soit la composante soutenant physiquement la cellule. Le recepteur transmet le flux thermique de la cellule a un systeme de refroidissement. L'ensemble recepteur-systeme de refroidissement se nomme module de refroidissement. Habituellement, la surface du recepteur est plus grande que celle de la cellule. La chaleur se propage donc lateralement dans le recepteur au fur et a mesure qu'elle traverse le recepteur. Une telle propagation de la chaleur fournit une plus grande surface effective, reduisant la resistance thermique apparente des interfaces thermiques et du systeme de refroidissement en aval vers le module de refroidissement. Actuellement, aucune installation ni methode ne semble exister afin de caracteriser les performances thermiques des recepteurs. Ce projet traite d'une nouvelle technique de caracterisation pour definir la diffusion thermique du recepteur a l'interieur d'un module de refroidissement. Des indices de performance sont issus de resistances thermiques mesurees experimentalement sur les modules. Une plateforme de caracterisation est realisee afin de mesurer experimentalement les criteres de performance. Cette plateforme injecte un flux thermique controle sur une zone localisee de la surface superieure du recepteur. L'injection de chaleur remplace le flux thermique normalement fourni par la cellule. Un systeme de refroidissement est installe
The Importance of Lower Mantle Structure to Plate Stresses and Plate Motions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Holt, W. E.; Wang, X.; Ghosh, A.
Plate motions and plate stresses are widely assumed as the surface expression of mantle convection. The generation of plate tectonics from mantle convection has been studied for many years. Lithospheric thickening (or ridge push) and slab pull forces are commonly accepted as the major driving forces for the plate motions. However, the importance of the lower mantle to plate stresses and plate motions remains less clear. Here, we use the joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle dynamics approach of Wang et al. (2015) to compute the tractions originating from deeper mantle convection and follow the method of Ghosh et al. (2013) to calculate gravitational potential energy per unit area (GPE) based on Crust 1.0 (Laske et al., 2013). Absolute values of deviatoric stresses are determined by the body force distributions (GPE gradients and traction magnitudes applied at the base of the lithosphere). We use the same relative viscosity model that Ghosh et al. (2013) used, and we solve for one single adjustable scaling factor that multiplies the entire relative viscosity field to provide absolute values of viscosity throughout the lithosphere. This distribution of absolute values of lithosphere viscosities defines the magnitudes of surface motions. In this procedure, the dynamic model first satisfies the internal constraint of no-net-rotation of motions. The model viscosity field is then scaled by the single factor until we achieve a root mean square (RMS) minimum between computed surface motions and the kinematic no-net-rotation (NNR) model of Kreemer et al. (2006). We compute plate stresses and plate motions from recently published global tomography models (over 70 based on Wang et al., 2015). We find that RMS misfits are significantly reduced when details of lower mantle structure from the latest tomography models are added to models that contain only upper and mid-mantle density distributions. One of the key reasons is that active upwelling from the Large Low Shear
Vacuum fusion bonded glass plates having microstructures thereon
Swierkowski, Steve P.; Davidson, James C.; Balch, Joseph W.
An improved apparatus and method for vacuum fusion bonding of large, patterned glass plates. One or both glass plates are patterned with etched features such as microstructure capillaries and a vacuum pumpout moat, with one plate having at least one hole therethrough for communication with a vacuum pumpout fixture. High accuracy alignment of the plates is accomplished by a temporary clamping fixture until the start of the fusion bonding heat cycle. A complete, void-free fusion bond of seamless, full-strength quality is obtained through the plates; because the glass is heated well into its softening point and because of a large, distributed force that is developed that presses the two plates together from the difference in pressure between the furnace ambient (high pressure) and the channeling and microstructures in the plates (low pressure) due to the vacuum drawn. The apparatus and method may be used to fabricate microcapillary arrays for chemical electrophoresis; for example, any apparatus using a network of microfluidic channels embedded between plates of glass or similar moderate melting point substrates with a gradual softening point curve, or for assembly of glass-based substrates onto larger substrates, such as in flat panel display systems.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aboutajeddine, Ahmed
Les modeles micromecaniques de transition d'echelles qui permettent de determiner les proprietes effectives des materiaux heterogenes a partir de la microstructure sont consideres dans ce travail. L'objectif est la prise en compte de la presence d'une interphase entre la matrice et le renforcement dans les modeles micromecaniques classiques, de meme que la reconsideration des approximations de base de ces modeles, afin de traiter les materiaux multiphasiques. Un nouveau modele micromecanique est alors propose pour tenir compte de la presence d'une interphase elastique mince lors de la determination des proprietes effectives. Ce modele a ete construit grace a l'apport de l'equation integrale, des operateurs interfaciaux de Hill et de la methode de Mori-Tanaka. Les expressions obtenues pour les modules globaux et les champs dans l'enrobage sont de nature analytique. L'approximation de base de ce modele est amelioree par la suite dans un nouveau modele qui s'interesse aux inclusions enrobees avec un enrobage mince ou epais. La resolution utilisee s'appuie sur une double homogeneisation realisee au niveau de l'inclusion enrobee et du materiau. Cette nouvelle demarche, permettra d'apprehender completement les implications des approximations de la modelisation. Les resultats obtenus sont exploites par la suite dans la solution de l'assemblage de Hashin. Ainsi, plusieurs modeles micromecaniques classiques d'origines differentes se voient unifier et rattacher, dans ce travail, a la representation geometrique de Hashin. En plus de pouvoir apprecier completement la pertinence de l'approximation de chaque modele dans cette vision unique, l'extension correcte de ces modeles aux materiaux multiphasiques est rendue possible. Plusieurs modeles analytiques et explicites sont alors proposee suivant des solutions de differents ordres de l'assemblage de Hashin. L'un des modeles explicite apparait comme une correction directe du modele de Mori-Tanaka, dans les cas ou celui ci echoue a
Pouring rights contracts and childhood overweight: a critical theory perspective.
Opalinski, Andra
To examine school environments, and in particular, pouring rights contracts and how they relate to childhood overweight from a critical theory perspective. Pouring rights contracts provide a profit to powerful mega-corporations at the expense of children's health. There is a need to move beyond a solely individual approach to addressing childhood overweight and involve a social ecology approach. This would involve a push for social change, including removal of soda machines from schools, and changing marketing practices targeted at children. Nurses are poised in community situations to actively effect social changes to improve health outcomes of our nation's most vulnerable people, but nurses must get involved.
Hebaz, Salah-Eddine; Benmeddour, Farouk; Moulin, Emmanuel; Assaad, Jamal
The development of reliable guided waves inspection systems is conditioned by an accurate knowledge of their dispersive properties. The semi-analytical finite element method has been proven to be very practical for modeling wave propagation in arbitrary cross-section waveguides. However, when it comes to computations on complex geometries to a given accuracy, it still has a major drawback: the high consumption of resources. Recently, discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG-FEM) has been found advantageous over the standard finite element method when applied as well in the frequency domain. In this work, a high-order method for the computation of Lamb mode characteristics in plates is proposed. The problem is discretised using a class of DG-FEM, namely, the interior penalty methods family. The analytical validation is performed through the homogeneous isotropic case with traction-free boundary conditions. Afterwards, functionally graded material plates are analysed and a numerical example is presented. It was found that the obtained results are in good agreement with those found in the literature.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jendras, P.; Lötsch, K.; von Unwerth, T.
To reduce emissions and to substitute combustion engines automotive manufacturers, legislature and first users aspire hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Up to now the focus of research was set on ensuring functionality and increasing durability of fuel cell components. Therefore, expensive materials were used. Contemporary research and development try to substitute these substances by more cost-effective material combinations. The bipolar plate is a key component with the greatest influence on volume and mass of a fuel cell stack and they have to meet complex requirements. They support bending sensitive components of stack, spread reactants over active cell area and form the electrical contact to another cell. Furthermore, bipolar plates dissipate heat of reaction and separate one cell gastight from the other. Consequently, they need a low interfacial contact resistance (ICR) to the gas diffusion layer, high flexural strength, good thermal conductivity and a high durability. To reduce costs stainless steel is a favoured material for bipolar plates in automotive applications. Steel is characterized by good electrical and thermal conductivity but the acid environment requires a high chemical durability against corrosion as well. On the one hand formation of a passivating oxide layer increasing ICR should be inhibited. On the other hand pitting corrosion leading to increased permeation rate may not occur. Therefore, a suitable substrate lamination combination is wanted. In this study material testing methods for bipolar plates are considered.
Analyse experimentale des performances d'une batterie au lithium pour l'aeronautique
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bonnin, Romain
Ce memoire a pour objectif d'identifier et d'etudier les performances necessaires pour qu'une batterie au lithium puisse etre utilisee dans le secteur de l'aeronautique. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous allons proposer une procedure de tests permettant d'analyser et de determiner si la batterie au lithium peut etre implantee dans un avion. En vue de repondre a l'analyse des performances, une etude des fonctionnalites demandees par l'avion ainsi que des normes preexistantes vont etre effectuees. Suite a cette etape, nous allons elaborer un banc d'essais. Une fois le banc d'essais acheve, nous allons tester une batterie au lithium qui est supposee disposer de toutes les caracteristiques techniques requises pour etre implantee dans un avion. Ces tests nous permettront donc d'emettre un avis sur l'utilisation des batteries au lithium dans le domaine de l'aeronautique.
Ecological Risks in Residential Premises Arising from Thermal Insulation by Pouring
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Timofeeva, S. S.; Timofeev, S. S.
The residents of modern megacities are exposed to environmental risks arising both directly in the urban environment and their own dwellings. Modern polymeric building materials are the sources of toxic substances release into the air that have a significant impact on the population health. The objective of the work is the ecological and hygienic study of the air in the apartments of Irkutsk after repair work on the roof and walls insulation using the technology of pouring and calculation of the potential environmental risk for the residents. The object of the research was the indoor air in one of the houses in Irkutsk tested for formaldehyde and other toxic substances. After putting the house into operation, some defects were found - the freezing of the walls of the building attic part. During the repair work, the mansard part of the building was heat-insulated by the pouring method using the composite material “Poroplast CF 02”. High concentrations of formaldehyde and styrene were detected in the apartments exceeding the MPC in 4-8 times. The hazard ratio for inhalation exposure to harmful substances exceeds the safety level by 10 times. Consequently, there is a high probability of obtaining acute and chronic poisoning and developing cancer.
Reconstructing plate motion paths where plate tectonics doesn't strictly apply
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Handy, M. R.; Ustaszewski, K.
consistency between crustal shortening estimates and the amount of subducted lithosphere imaged at depth. This approach has several limitations: (1) shortening values in mountain belts are usually minimum estimates due to the erosion of deformational fronts and out-of-sequence thrusting that obscure or even eliminate zones of shortening. Also, subduction may occur without accretion of material to the upper plate; (2) sedimentary ages are often loosely bracketed and only high-retentivity isotopic systems yield ages near the age of mineral formation in metamorphic rocks; (3) images of seismic velocity anomalies are highly model-dependent and the anomalies themselves may have been partly lost to thermal erosion, especially in areas that have experienced heating, for example, beneath extensional basins. Thus, only a few orogens studied so far (e.g., the circum-Mediterreanean belts) have the density of geological and geophysical data needed to constrain the translation of a sufficient number of reference points to obtain a reliable plate-motion vector. Nevertheless, this approach complements established methods for determining plate motion (plate-circuits using paleomagnetic information, ocean-floor magnetic lineaments) and provides a viable alternative where such paleomagnetic information is sparse or lacking.
Plate equations for piezoelectrically actuated flexural mode ultrasound transducers.
Perçin, Gökhan
This paper considers variational methods to derive two-dimensional plate equations for piezoelectrically actuated flexural mode ultrasound transducers. In the absence of analytical expressions for the equivalent circuit parameters of a flexural mode transducer, it is difficult to calculate its optimal parameters and dimensions, and to choose suitable materials. The influence of coupling between flexural and extensional deformation, and coupling between the structure and the acoustic volume on the dynamic response of piezoelectrically actuated flexural mode transducer is analyzed using variational methods. Variational methods are applied to derive two-dimensional plate equations for the transducer, and to calculate the coupled electromechanical field variables. In these methods, the variations across the thickness direction vanish by using the stress resultants. Thus, two-dimensional plate equations for a stepwise laminated circular plate are obtained.
A Novel Method for Characterizing the Impact Response of Functionally Graded Plates
Dennis [88], Ugural [125], Soedel [119], and Reddy [100] for complete 35 development of the theory from first principles. Only the equations and...Woinowsky-Krieger. Theory of Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY, second edition, 1959. 125. Ugural , A. C. Stresses in Plates and
Shekhawat, Vishal; Banshiwal, Ramesh Chandra; Verma, Rajender Kumar
Introduction The distal humeral fractures are common fractures of upper limb and are difficult to treat. These fractures, if left untreated or inadequately treated, leads to poor outcomes. Management of distal humeral fractures are pertained to many controversies and one among them is position of plates. Aim To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes in patients with intra-articular distal humerus fractures, treated using parallel and perpendicular double plating methods. Materials and Methods A total of 38 patients with distal humerus fractures, 20 in perpendicular plating group (group A) and 18 in parallel plating group (group B), were included in this prospective randomised study. At each follow up patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically for union and the outcomes were measured in terms of Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) consisting of pain intensity, range of motion, stability and function. MEP score greater than 90 is considered as excellent; Score 75 to 89 is good; Score 60 to 74 is fair and Score less than 60 is poor. Results In our study, 15 patients (75%) in group A, and 13 patients (72.22%) in group B achieved excellent results. Two patients (10%) in group A and 4 patients (22.22%) in group B attained good results. Complications developed in 2 patients in each groups. No significant differences were found between the clinical outcomes of the two plating methods. Conclusion Neither of the plating techniques are superior to the other, as inferred from the insignificant differences in bony union, elbow function and complications between the two plating techniques. PMID:28384948
A new license plate extraction framework based on fast mean shift
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pan, Luning; Li, Shuguang
License plate extraction is considered to be the most crucial step of Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system. In this paper, a region-based license plate hybrid detection method is proposed to solve practical problems under complex background in which existing large quantity of disturbing information. In this method, coarse license plate location is carried out firstly to get the head part of a vehicle. Then a new Fast Mean Shift method based on random sampling of Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) is adopted to segment the color vehicle images, in order to get candidate license plate regions. The remarkable speed-up it brings makes Mean Shift segmentation more suitable for this application. Feature extraction and classification is used to accurately separate license plate from other candidate regions. At last, tilted license plate regulation is used for future recognition steps.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zaag, Mahdi
La disponibilite des modeles precis des avions est parmi les elements cles permettant d'assurer leurs ameliorations. Ces modeles servent a ameliorer les commandes de vol et de concevoir de nouveaux systemes aerodynamiques pour la conception des ailes deformables des avions. Ce projet consiste a concevoir un systeme d'identification de certains parametres du modele du moteur de l'avion d'affaires americain Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des essais en vol. Ces essais ont ete effectues sur le simulateur de vol concu et fabrique par CAE Inc. qui possede le niveau D de la dynamique de vol. En effet, le niveau D est le plus haut niveau de precision donne par l'autorite federale de reglementation FAA de l'aviation civile aux Etats-Unis. Une methodologie basee sur les reseaux de neurones optimises a l'aide d'un algorithme intitule le "grand deluge etendu" est utilisee dans la conception de ce systeme d'identification. Plusieurs tests de vol pour differentes altitudes et differents nombres de Mach ont ete realises afin de s'en servir comme bases de donnees pour l'apprentissage des reseaux de neurones. La validation de ce modele a ete realisee a l'aide des donnees du simulateur. Malgre la nonlinearite et la complexite du systeme, les parametres du moteur ont ete tres bien predits pour une enveloppe de vol determinee. Ce modele estime pourrait etre utilise pour des analyses de fonctionnement du moteur et pourrait assurer le controle de l'avion pendant cette phase de croisiere. L'identification des parametres du moteur pourrait etre realisee aussi pour les autres phases de montee et de descente afin d'obtenir son modele complet pour toute l'enveloppe du vol de l'avion Cessna Citation X (montee, croisiere, descente). Cette methode employee dans ce travail pourrait aussi etre efficace pour realiser un modele pour l'identification des coefficients aerodynamiques du meme avion a partir toujours des essais en vol. None None None
Rivas, Lucia; Dykes, Gary A; Fegan, Narelle
Attachment of Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) to surfaces and the formation of biofilms may enhance persistence in a food processing environment and present a risk of contaminating products. Seven strains of STEC and three non-STEC strains were selected to compare two biofilm quantification methods; epifluorescence microscopy on stainless steel (SS) and a microtitre plate assay. The influence of prior growth in planktonic (nutrient broth) and sessile (nutrient agar) culture on biofilm production, as well as expression of surface structures and the possession of antigen 43 (encoded by agn43) on biofilm formation were also investigated. Biofilms were produced in diluted nutrient broth at 25 degrees C for 24 and 48 h. Curli expression was determined using congo red indicator agar, while the presence of agn43 was determined using polymerase chain reaction. No correlation was found between counts for epifluorescence microscopy on SS and the absorbance values obtained with the microtitre plate method for planktonic and sessile grown cultures. Different abilities of individual STEC strains to attach to SS and microtitre plates were found with some strains attaching better to each surface following growth in either planktonic or sessile culture. All O157 STEC strains had low biofilm counts on SS for planktonic and sessile grown cultures; however, one STEC O157:H- strain (EC516) had significantly greater (p<0.05) biofilm production on microtitre plates compared to the other O157 STEC strains. EC516 and other STEC (O174:H21 and O91:H21) strains expressing curli fimbriae were found to produce significantly greater (p<0.05) biofilms on microtitre plates compared to the non-curli expressing strains. No relationship was found between the production of type-I fimbriae, motility, agn43 and bacterial physicochemical properties (previously determined) and biofilm formation on SS or microtitre plates. Variations between the two biofilm determination methods may suggest that
Laser-induced selective copper plating of polypropylene surface
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ratautas, K.; Gedvilas, M.; Stankevičiene, I.; JagminienÄ--, A.; Norkus, E.; Li Pira, N.; Sinopoli, S.; Emanuele, U.; Račiukaitis, G.
Laser writing for selective plating of electro-conductive lines for electronics has several significant advantages, compared to conventional printed circuit board technology. Firstly, this method is faster and cheaper at the prototyping stage. Secondly, material consumption is reduced, because it works selectively. However, the biggest merit of this method is potentiality to produce moulded interconnect device, enabling to create electronics on complex 3D surfaces, thus saving space, materials and cost of production. There are two basic techniques of laser writing for selective plating on plastics: the laser-induced selective activation (LISA) and laser direct structuring (LDS). In the LISA method, pure plastics without any dopant (filler) can be used. In the LDS method, special fillers are mixed in the polymer matrix. These fillers are activated during laser writing process, and, in the next processing step, the laser modified area can be selectively plated with metals. In this work, both methods of the laser writing for the selective plating of polymers were investigated and compared. For LDS approach, new material: polypropylene with carbon-based additives was tested using picosecond and nanosecond laser pulses. Different laser processing parameters (laser pulse energy, scanning speed, the number of scans, pulse durations, wavelength and overlapping of scanned lines) were applied in order to find out the optimal regime of activation. Areal selectivity tests showed a high plating resolution. The narrowest width of a copper-plated line was less than 23 μm. Finally, our material was applied to the prototype of the electronic circuit board on a 2D surface.
Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring
Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício dos Santos Nunes
This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief—negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly’s Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts. PMID:27736967
Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring.
Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício Dos Santos Nunes
This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief-negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly's Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts.
Ganesh, VK; Ramakrishna, K; Ghista, Dhanjoo N
Background In the internal fixation of fractured bone by means of bone-plates fastened to the bone on its tensile surface, an on-going concern has been the excessive stress-shielding of the bone by the excessively-stiff stainless-steel plate. The compressive stress-shielding at the fracture-interface immediately after fracture-fixation delays callus formation and bone healing. Likewise, the tensile stress-shielding of the layer of the bone underneath the plate can cause osteoporosis and decrease in tensile strength of this layer. Method In order to address this problem, we propose to use stiffness-graded plates. Accordingly, we have computed (by finite-element analysis) the stress distribution in the fractured bone fixed by composite plates, whose stiffness is graded both longitudinally and transversely. Results It can be seen that the stiffness-graded composite-plates cause less stress-shielding (as an example: at 50% of the healing stage, stress at the fracture interface is compressive in nature i.e. 0.002 GPa for stainless steel plate whereas stiffness graded plates provides tensile stress of 0.002 GPa. This means that stiffness graded plate is allowing the 50% healed bone to participate in loadings). Stiffness-graded plates are more flexible, and hence permit more bending of the fractured bone. This results in higher compressive stresses induced at the fractured faces accelerate bone-healing. On the other hand, away from the fracture interface the reduced stiffness and elastic modulus of the plate causes the neutral axis of the composite structure to be lowered into the bone resulting in the higher tensile stress in the bone-layer underneath the plate, wherein is conducive to the bone preserving its tensile strength. Conclusion Stiffness graded plates (with in-built variable stiffness) are deemed to offer less stress-shielding to the bone, providing higher compressive stress at the fractured interface (to induce accelerated healing) as well as higher tensile
Validation of hot-poured crack sealant performance-based guidelines.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report summarizes a comprehensive research effort to validate thresholds for performance-based guidelines and : grading system for hot-poured asphalt crack sealants. A series of performance tests were established in earlier research and : includ...
Optimum structural design with plate bending elements - A survey
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Haftka, R. T.; Prasad, B.
A survey is presented of recently published papers in the field of optimum structural design of plates, largely with respect to the minimum-weight design of plates subject to such constraints as fundamental frequency maximization. It is shown that, due to the availability of powerful computers, the trend in optimum plate design is away from methods tailored to specific geometry and loads and toward methods that can be easily programmed for any kind of plate, such as finite element methods. A corresponding shift is seen in optimization from variational techniques to numerical optimization algorithms. Among the topics covered are fully stressed design and optimality criteria, mathematical programming, smooth and ribbed designs, design against plastic collapse, buckling constraints, and vibration constraints.
High speed thin plate fatigue crack monitor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wincheski, Buzz A. (Inventor); Heyman, Joseph S. (Inventor); Namkung, Min (Inventor); Fulton, James P. (Inventor)
A device and method are provided which non-destructively detect crack length and crack geometry in thin metallic plates. A non-contacting vibration apparatus produces resonant vibrations without introducing extraneous noise. Resulting resonant vibration shifts in cracked plates are correlated to known crack length in plates with similar resonant vibration shifts. In addition, acoustic emissions of cracks at resonance frequencies are correlated to acoustic emissions from known crack geometries.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nemeth, Michael P.
A survey of studies conducted since 1914 on the use of equivalent-plate stiffnesses in modeling the overall, stiffness-critical response of stiffened plates and shells is presented. Two detailed, comprehensive derivations of first-approximation equivalent-plate stiffnesses are also presented that are based on the Reissner-Mindlin-type, first-order transverse-shear deformation theory for anisotropic plates. Equivalent-plate stiffness expressions, and a corresponding symbolic manipulation computer program, are also presented for several different stiffener configurations. These expressions are very general and exhibit the full range of anisotropies permitted by the Reissner-Mindlin-type, first-order transverse-shear deformation theory for anisotropic plates. The expressions presented in the present study were also compared with available, previously published results. For the most part, the previously published results are for special cases of the general expressions presented herein and are almost in complete agreement. Analysis is also presented that extends the use of the equivalent-plate stiffness expressions to sandwich plates.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lawing, P. L.
A method of constructing airfoils by inscribing pressure channels on the face of opposing plates, bonding them together to form one plate with integral channels, and contour machining this plate to form an airfoil model is described. The research and development program to develop the bonding technology is described as well as the construction and testing of an airfoil model. Sample aerodynamic data sets are presented and discussed. Also, work currently under way to produce thin airfoils with camber is presented. Samples of the aft section of a 6 percent airfoil with complete pressure instrumentation including the trailing edge are pictured and described. This technique is particularly useful in fabricating models for transonic cryogenic testing, but it should find application in a wide ange of model construction projects, as well as the fabrication of fuel injectors, space hardware, and other applications requiring advanced bonding technology and intricate fluid passages.
61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT ...
61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR
Alloy vapor deposition using ion plating and flash evaporation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Spalvins, T.
Method extends scope of ion plating technique to include deposition of alloy films without changing composition of plating alloy. Coatings flow with specimen material without chipping or peeling. Technique is most effective vacuum deposition method for depositing alloys for strong and lasting adherence.
Scaling of energy absorbing composite plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jackson, Karen; Morton, John; Traffanstedt, Catherine; Boitnott, Richard
The energy absorption response and crushing characteristics of geometrically scaled graphite-Kevlar epoxy composite plates were investigated. Three different trigger mechanisms including chamfer, notch, and steeple geometries were incorporated into the plate specimens to initiate crushing. Sustained crushing was achieved with a simple test fixture which provided lateral support to prevent global buckling. Values of specific sustained crushing stress (SSCS) were obtained which were comparable to values reported for tube specimens from previously published data. Two sizes of hybrid plates were fabricated; a baseline or model plate, and a full-scale plate with in-plane dimensions scaled by a factor of two. The thickness dimension of the full-scale plates was increased using two different techniques; the ply-level method in which each ply orientation in the baseline laminate stacking sequence is doubled, and the sublaminate technique in which the baseline laminate stacking sequence is repeated as a group. Results indicated that the SSCS is independent of trigger mechanism geometry. However, a reduction in the SSCS of 10-25 percent was observed for the full-scale plates as compared with the baseline specimens, indicating a scaling effect in the crushing response.
Scaling of energy absorbing composite plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jackson, Karen; Lavoie, J. Andre; Morton, John
The energy absorption response and crushing characteristics of geometrically scaled graphite-Kevlar epoxy composite plates were investigated. Two different trigger mechanisms including notch, and steeple geometries were incorporated into the plate specimens to initiate crushing. Sustained crushing was achieved with a new test fixture which provided lateral support to prevent global buckling. Values of specific sustained crushing stress (SSCS) were obtained which were lower than values reported for tube specimens from previously published data. Two sizes of hybrid plates were fabricated; a baseline or model plate, and a full-scale plate with inplane dimensions scaled by a factor of two. The thickness dimension of the full-scale plates was increased using two different techniques: the ply-level method in which each ply orientation in the baseline laminate stacking sequence is doubled, and the sublaminate technique in which the baseline laminate stacking sequence is repeated as a group. Results indicated that the SSCS has a small dependence on trigger mechanism geometry. However, a reduction in the SSCS of 10-25% was observed for the full-scale plates as compared with the baseline specimens, indicating a scaling effect in the crushing response.
Scaling of energy absorbing composite plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jackson, Karen; Morton, John; Traffanstedt, Catherine; Boitnott, Richard
The energy absorption response and crushing characteristics of geometrically scaled graphite-Kevlar epoxy composite plates were investigated. Three different trigger mechanisms including chamfer, notch, and steeple geometries were incorporated into the plate specimens to initiate crushing. Sustained crushing was achieved with a simple test fixture which provided lateral support to prevent global buckling. Values of specific sustained crushing stress (SSCS) were obtained which were comparable to values reported for tube specimens from previously published data. Two sizes of hybrid plates were fabricated; a baseline or model plate, and a full-scale plate with in-plane dimensions scaled by a factor of two. The thickness dimension of the full-scale plates was increased using two different techniques; the ply-level method in which each ply orientation in the baseline laminate stacking sequence is doubled, and the sublaminate technique in which the baseline laminate stacking sequence is repeated as a group. Results indicated that the SSCS is independent of trigger mechanism geometry. However, a reduction in the SSCS of 10-25 percent was observed for the full-scale plates as compared with the baseline specimens, indicating a scaling effect in the crushing response.
The Surface-Tension Method of Visually Inspecting Honeycomb-Core Sandwich Plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Katzoff, Samuel
When one face of a metal-honeycomb-core sandwich plate is heated or cooled relative to the other, heat transfer through the core causes the temperature on each face at the lines of contact with the core to be slightly different from that on the rest of the face. If a thin liquid film is applied to the face, the variation of surface tension with temperature causes the liquid to move from warmer to cooler areas and thus to develop a pattern corresponding to the temperature pattern on the face. Irregularities in the pattern identify the locations where the core is not adequately bonded to the face sheet. The pattern is easily observed when a fluorescent liquid is used and illumination is by means of ultraviolet light. Observation in ordinary light is also possible when a very deeply colored liquid is used. A method based on the use of a thermographic phosphor to observe the temperature pattern was found to be less sensitive than the surface-tension method. A sublimation method was found to be not only less sensitive but also far more troublesome.
Rendenbach, Carsten; Sellenschloh, Kay; Gerbig, Lucca; Morlock, Michael M; Beck-Broichsitter, Benedicta; Smeets, Ralf; Heiland, Max; Huber, Gerd; Hanken, Henning
CAD/CAM reconstruction plates have become a viable option for mandible reconstruction. The aim of this study was to determine whether CAD/CAM plates provide higher fatigue strength compared with conventional fixation systems. 1.0 mm miniplates, 2.0 mm conventional locking plates (DePuy Synthes, Umkirch, Germany), and 2.0 mm CAD/CAM plates (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium/DePuy Synthes) were used to reconstruct a polyurethane mandible model (Synbone, Malans, CH) with cortical and cancellous bone equivalents. Mastication was simulated via cyclic dynamic testing using a universal testing machine (MTS, Bionix, Eden Prairie, MN, USA) until material failure reached a rate of 1 Hz with increasing loads on the left side. No significant difference was found between the groups until a load of 300 N. At higher loads, vertical displacement differed increasingly, with a poorer performance of miniplates (p = 0.04). Plate breakage occurred in miniplates and conventional locking plates. Screw breakage was recorded as the primary failure mechanism in CAD/CAM plates. Stiffness was significantly higher with the CAD/CAM plates (p = 0.04). CAD/CAM plates and reconstruction plates provide higher fatigue strength than miniplates, and stiffness is highest in CAD/CAM systems. All tested fixation methods seem sufficiently stable for mandible reconstruction. Copyright © 2017 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neogi, Devdatta Suhas; Trikha, Vivek; Mishra, Kaushal Kant; Bandekar, Shivanand M; Yadav, Chandra Shekhar
Bicondylar tibial plateau fractures are complex injuries and treatment is challenging. Ideal method is still controversial with risk of unsatisfactory results if not treated properly. Many different techniques of internal and external fixation are used. This study compares the clinical results in single locked plating versus dual plating (DP) using two incision approaches. Our hypothesis was that DP leads to less collapse and change in alignment at final followup compared with single plating. 61 cases of Type C tibial plateau fractures operated between January 2007 and June 2011 were included in this prospective study. All cases were operated either by single lateral locked plate by anterolateral approach or double plating through double incision. All cases were followed for a minimum of 24 months radiologically and clinically. The statistical analysis was performed using software SPSS 10.0 to analyze the data. Twenty nine patients in a single lateral locked plate and 32 patients in a double plating group were followed for minimum 2 years. All fractures healed, however there was a significant incidence of malalignment in the single lateral plating group. Though there was a significant increase in soft tissue issues with the double plating group; however, there was only 3.12% incidence of deep infection. There was no significant difference in Hospital for special surgery score at 2 years followup. Double plating through two incisions resulted in a better limb alignment and joint reduction with an acceptable soft tissue complication rate.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wei, Hui; Gong, Guanghong; Li, Ni
Computer-generated hologram (CGH) is a promising 3D display technology while it is challenged by heavy computation load and vast memory requirement. To solve these problems, a depth compensating CGH calculation method based on symmetry and similarity of zone plates is proposed and implemented on graphics processing unit (GPU). An improved LUT method is put forward to compute the distances between object points and hologram pixels in the XY direction. The concept of depth compensating factor is defined and used for calculating the holograms of points with different depth positions instead of layer-based methods. The proposed method is suitable for arbitrary sampling objects with lower memory usage and higher computational efficiency compared to other CGH methods. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by numerical and optical experiments.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haguma, Didier
Il est dorenavant etabli que les changements climatiques auront des repercussions sur les ressources en eau. La situation est preoccupante pour le secteur de production d'energie hydroelectrique, car l'eau constitue le moteur pour generer cette forme d'energie. Il sera important d'adapter les regles de gestion et/ou les installations des systemes hydriques, afin de minimiser les impacts negatifs et/ou pour capitaliser sur les retombees positives que les changements climatiques pourront apporter. Les travaux de la presente recherche s'interessent au developpement d'une methode de gestion des systemes hydriques qui tient compte des projections climatiques pour mieux anticiper les impacts de l'evolution du climat sur la production d'hydroelectricite et d'etablir des strategies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Le domaine d'etude est le bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan situe dans la partie centrale du Quebec. Une nouvelle approche d'optimisation des ressources hydriques dans le contexte des changements climatiques est proposee. L'approche traite le probleme de la saisonnalite et de la non-stationnarite du climat d'une maniere explicite pour representer l'incertitude rattachee a un ensemble des projections climatiques. Cette approche permet d'integrer les projections climatiques dans le probleme d'optimisation des ressources en eau pour une gestion a long terme des systemes hydriques et de developper des strategies d'adaptation de ces systemes aux changements climatiques. Les resultats montrent que les impacts des changements climatiques sur le regime hydrologique du bassin de la riviere Manicouagan seraient le devancement et l'attenuation de la crue printaniere et l'augmentation du volume annuel d'apports. L'adaptation des regles de gestion du systeme hydrique engendrerait une hausse de la production hydroelectrique. Neanmoins, une perte de la performance des installations existantes du systeme hydrique serait observee a cause de l'augmentation des
Kenzig, Allison R; Butler, James R; Priddy, Lauren B; Lacy, Kristen R; Elder, Steven H
Fracture of the ilium is common orthopedic injury that often requires surgical stabilization in canine patients. Of the various methods of surgical stabilization available, application of a lateral bone plate to the ilium is the most common method of fixation. Many plating options are available, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical properties of a 3.5 mm String-of-Pearls™ plate and a 3.5 mm dynamic compression plate in a cadaveric canine ilial fracture model. Hemipelves were tested in cantilever bending to failure and construct stiffness, yield load, displacement at yield, ultimate load, and mode of failure were compared. The mean stiffness of dynamic compression plate (116 ± 47 N/mm) and String-of-Pearls™ plate (107 ± 18 N/mm) constructs, mean yield load of dynamic compression plate (793 ± 333 N) and String-of-Pearls™ plate (860 ± 207 N) constructs, mean displacement at yield of dynamic compression plate (8.6 ± 3.0 mm) and String-of-Pearls™ plate (10.2 ± 2.8 mm) constructs, and ultimate load at failure of dynamic compression plate (936 ± 320 N) and String-of-Pearls™ plate (939 ± 191 N) constructs were not significantly different. No differences were found between constructs with respect to mode of failure. No significant biomechanical differences were found between String-of-Pearls™ plate and dynamic compression plate constructs in this simplified cadaveric canine ilial fracture model.
Improved nickel plating of Inconel X-750
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Farmer, M. E.; Feeney, J. E.; Kuster, C. A.
Electroplating technique with acid pickling provides a method of applying nickel plating on Inconel X-750 tubing to serve as a wetting agent during brazing. Low-stress nickel-plating bath contains no organic wetting agents that cause the nickel to blister at high temperatures.
The Elasto-Plastic Stability of Plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ilyushin, A. A.
This article explains results developed from the following research: 'The Stability of Plates and Shells beyond the Elastic Limit.' A significant improvement is found in the derivation of the relations between the stress factors and the strains resulting from the instability of plates and shells. In a strict analysis, the problem reduces to the solution of two simultaneous nonlinear partial differential equations of the fourth order in the deflection and stress function, and in the approximate analysis to a single linear equation of the Bryan type. Solutions are given for the special cases of a rectangular plate buckling into a cylindrical form, and of an arbitrarily shaped plate under uniform compression. These solutions indicate that the accuracy obtained by the approximate method is satisfactory.
60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION ...
60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION OF DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR
Compressive strength of damaged and repaired composite plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Finn, Scott R.; He, Yi-Fei; Springer, George S.; Lee, Hung-Joo
Tests were performed assessing the effectiveness of repair in restoring the mechanical properties of damaged, solid composite plates made either of Fiberite T300/976 graphite-epoxy, Fiberite IM7/977-2 graphite-toughened epoxy, or ICI APC-2 graphite-PEEK. The plate length, the layup and the amount of damage were also varied. Damage was introduced in the plates either by impacting them with a solid projectile or by applying a transverse static load. Some (75 percent) or all (100 percent) of the damaged zone was then cut out, and the plate was repaired by plugging and patching the hole. The effectiveness of the repair was evaluated by measuring the compressive strengths of undamaged plates, damaged plates with no cutout, damaged plates with a cutout, and repaired plates. The data at an intermediate stage of repair provide information on the effect of each repair step on the compressive strength. The results indicated that for the solid plates used in these tests, the repair methods used herein did not improve the compressive strength of already damaged plates.
Quantification of the spatial strain distribution of scoliosis using a thin-plate spline method.
Kiriyama, Yoshimori; Watanabe, Kota; Matsumoto, Morio; Toyama, Yoshiaki; Nagura, Takeo
The objective of this study was to quantify the three-dimensional spatial strain distribution of a scoliotic spine by nonhomogeneous transformation without using a statistically averaged reference spine. The shape of the scoliotic spine was determined from computed tomography images from a female patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The shape of the scoliotic spine was enclosed in a rectangular grid, and symmetrized using a thin-plate spline method according to the node positions of the grid. The node positions of the grid were determined by numerical optimization to satisfy symmetry. The obtained symmetric spinal shape was enclosed within a new rectangular grid and distorted back to the original scoliotic shape using a thin-plate spline method. The distorted grid was compared to the rectangular grid that surrounded the symmetrical spine. Cobb's angle was reduced from 35° in the scoliotic spine to 7° in the symmetrized spine, and the scoliotic shape was almost fully symmetrized. The scoliotic spine showed a complex Green-Lagrange strain distribution in three dimensions. The vertical and transverse compressive/tensile strains in the frontal plane were consistent with the major scoliotic deformation. The compressive, tensile and shear strains on the convex side of the apical vertebra were opposite to those on the concave side. These results indicate that the proposed method can be used to quantify the three-dimensional spatial strain distribution of a scoliotic spine, and may be useful in quantifying the deformity of scoliosis. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Silver-halide sensitized gelatin (SHSG) processing method for pulse holograms recorded on VRP plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Evstigneeva, Maria K.; Drozdova, Olga V.; Mikhailov, Viktor N.
One of the most important area of holograph applications is display holography. In case of pulse recording the requirement for vibration stability is easier than compared to CW exposure. At the same time it is widely known that the behavior of sliver-halide holographic materials strongly depends on the exposure duration. In particular the exposure sensitivity drastically decreases under nanosecond pulse duration. One of the effective ways of the diffraction efficiency improvement is SHSG processing method. This processing scheme is based on high modulation of refractive index due to microvoids appearance inside emulsion layer. It should be mentioned that the SHSG method was used earlier only in the cases when the holograms were recorded by use of CW lasers. This work is devoted to the investigation of SHSG method for pulse hologram recording on VRP plates. We used a pulsed YLF:Nd laser with pulse duration of 25 nanoseconds and wavelength of 527 nm. Both transmission and reflection holograms were recorded. The different kinds of bleaching as well as developing solutions were investigated. Our final processing scheme includes the following stages: 1) development in non-tanning solution, 2) rehalogenating bleach, 3) intermediate alcohol drying, 4) uniform second exposure, 5) second development in diluted developer, 6) reverse bleaching, 7) fixing and 8) gradient drying in isopropyl alcohol. Diffraction efficiency of transmission holograms was of about 60 percent and reflection mirror holograms was of about 45 percent. Thus we have demonstrated the SHSG processing scheme for producing effective holograms on VRP plates under pulse exposure.
Royster, E; Godden, S; Goulart, D; Dahlke, A; Rapnicki, P; Timmerman, J
The objective of this study was to validate use of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate (University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health, St. Paul) to identify common mastitis pathogens in milk. A total of 283 quarter and composite milk samples submitted to the University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health during the spring of 2010 were cultured simultaneously using 3 methods: standard laboratory culture (reference method) and the Minnesota Easy Culture System II Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate methods. Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate cultures were incubated for 18 to 24h and interpreted by 2 independent, untrained readers within 5h of each other. An experienced technician completed the standard laboratory culture. For each sample, all 3 study personnel recorded the culture result (yes/no) for each of the following diagnostic categories: no bacterial growth (NG), mixed (2 organisms), contaminated (3 or more organisms), gram-positive (GP), gram-negative (GN), Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Enterococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., and other. For each category, the prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and predictive values of a positive and negative test were calculated, and the agreement between readers and between each reader and the laboratory was assessed. Specificity, overall accuracy, and negative predictive values were generally high (>80%) for the Bi-Plate and Tri-Plate for each category. Sensitivity and positive predictive values were intermediate (>60%) or high (>80%) for the broad categories of NG, GP, GN, Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp., and for Staph. aureus, but were generally lower (<60%) for other more specific categories. Similarly, interreader agreement (kappa value) was moderate to substantial (40-80%) for the broad categories of NG, GP, GN, Staphylococcus spp
Practical automatic Arabic license plate recognition system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mohammad, Khader; Agaian, Sos; Saleh, Hani
Since 1970's, the need of an automatic license plate recognition system, sometimes referred as Automatic License Plate Recognition system, has been increasing. A license plate recognition system is an automatic system that is able to recognize a license plate number, extracted from image sensors. In specific, Automatic License Plate Recognition systems are being used in conjunction with various transportation systems in application areas such as law enforcement (e.g. speed limit enforcement) and commercial usages such as parking enforcement and automatic toll payment private and public entrances, border control, theft and vandalism control. Vehicle license plate recognition has been intensively studied in many countries. Due to the different types of license plates being used, the requirement of an automatic license plate recognition system is different for each country. [License plate detection using cluster run length smoothing algorithm ].Generally, an automatic license plate localization and recognition system is made up of three modules; license plate localization, character segmentation and optical character recognition modules. This paper presents an Arabic license plate recognition system that is insensitive to character size, font, shape and orientation with extremely high accuracy rate. The proposed system is based on a combination of enhancement, license plate localization, morphological processing, and feature vector extraction using the Haar transform. The performance of the system is fast due to classification of alphabet and numerals based on the license plate organization. Experimental results for license plates of two different Arab countries show an average of 99 % successful license plate localization and recognition in a total of more than 20 different images captured from a complex outdoor environment. The results run times takes less time compared to conventional and many states of art methods.
An encoding readout method used for Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPCs) for muon tomography
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yue, X.; Zeng, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Zeng, Z.; Zhao, Z.; Cheng, J.
A muon tomography facility has been built in Tsinghua University. Because of the low flux of cosmic muon, an encoding readout method, based on the fine-fine configuration, was implemented for the 2880 channels induced signals from the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) detectors. With the encoding method, the number of the readout electronics was dramatically reduced and thus the complexity and the cost of the facility was reduced, too. In this paper, the details of the encoding method, and the overall readout system setup in the muon tomography facility are described. With the commissioning of the facility, the readout method works well. The spatial resolution of all MRPC detectors are measured with cosmic muon and the preliminary imaging result are also given.
Park, Kyeong-Hyeon; Oh, Chang-Wug; Kim, Joon-Woo; Park, Il-Hyung; Kim, Hee-June; Choi, Young-Seo
Guided growth using the eight-plate (8-plate) is the most commonly used method to correct angular deformities in children; however, implant failure has been reported. Recently, the 3.5-mm reconstruction plate (R-plate) has been used as an alternative option for guided growth; however, hardware prominence has been problematic. This study aimed to compare the coronal angular deformity correction results of guided growth between relatively thin 8-plates with cannulated screws and thick R-plates with solid screws. Thirty-nine physes (24 distal femoral, 15 proximal tibial) in 20 patients underwent hemiepiphysiodesis using 8-plates, and 61 physes (40 distal femoral, 21 proximal tibial) in 35 patients underwent hemiepiphysiodesis using R-plates. Coronal angular corrections were measured and compared preoperatively, and after the completion of corrections. Amounts and rates of correction and complications were compared between the groups. Mean body mass index was 18.7 kg/m2 in the 8-plate group, and 22.7 kg/m2 in the R-plate group. Angular correction was achieved in all deformities at a mean of 13.7 months and 19.7 months in the 8-plate and the R-plate group, respectively. The mean corrected mechanical lateral distal femoral angle was 9.0° in the 8-plate group, and 9.9° in the R-plate group (P = 0.55). The mean corrected medial proximal tibial angle was 7.1° in the 8-plate group, and 9.0° in the R-plate group (P = 0.07). The mean rates of angular correction were also not significantly different in the distal femur (1.03°/month vs. 0.77°/month, P = 0.2) and the proximal tibia (0.66°/month vs. 0.63°/month, P = 0.77). There was one superficial infection in each group, and one case of implant failure in the R-plate group. Two rebound deformities were observed and needed repeat hemiepiphysiodesis. Permanent physeal arrest was not observed in this series. Copyright © 2017 The Japanese Orthopaedic Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gordon, R. G.; Argus, D. F.; DeMets, C.
Plate tectonic theory has evolved since its birth 50 years ago. In particular, we now recognize that some of the originally proposed plates such as the Indo-Australia plate, the Africa plate, and the America plate are what we term "composite" plates—entities that contain no traditionally defined narrow plate boundaries, but are composed of multiple approximately rigid regions, which we term "component" plates, separated by diffuse plate boundaries. The best example of a composite plate is the Indo-Australia composite plate, which consists of the India, Capricorn, Australia, and Macquarie component plates and multiple intervening diffuse oceanic plate boundaries. The poles of relative rotation between component plates tend to lie in their mutual diffuse plate boundary. Outside of diffuse boundaries, plate rigidity has proven to be an excellent approximation, but the non-closure of some plate circuits indicates that stable plate interiors have a small but significant non-rigidity that may add up to 1 to 2 mm/a across any individual plate and may be partly due to horizontal thermal contraction of oceanic lithosphere. The greatest observational challenge to plate rigidity is posed by the Pacific-Cocos-Nazca plate circuit, which fails closure by 15 ±4 mm/a. The most rapid deformation of the plates observed with space geodesy is generated by solid Earth's viscous response to unloading of the late Pleistocene ice sheets. Differences between different realizations of global plate velocities from space geodesy appear in some cases to be due to differing assumptions about the motion of the geocenter, which affects estimated plate relative angular velocities and estimated vertical motion at geodetic sites. Comparison of space geodetic and marine geophysical plate motion rates and directions has demonstrated that plate motion is nearly steady, which allows plate boundary conditions to be applied to inter-seismic strain accumulation due to locking of specific faults. In
Orifice plate for controlling solids flow, methods of use thereof and articles comprising the same
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Jukkola, Glen D.; Teigen, Bard C.
Disclosed herein is an orifice plate comprising one or more plates having orifices disposed therein; the orifices being operative to permit the flow of solids from a moving bed heat exchanger to a solids flow control system; where the orifice plate is downstream of a tube bundle of the moving bed heat exchanger and upstream of the solids flow control system and wherein the orifice plate is operative to evenly distribute the flow of solids in the solids flow control system.
Kulkarni, Ruta; Singh, Nishant; Kulkarni, Govind S; Kulkarni, Milind; Kulkarni, Sunil; Kulkarni, Vidisha
Background: The limb lengthening over plate eliminates the associated risk of infection with limb lengthening over intramedullary nail. We present our experience of limb lengthening in 15 patients with a plate fixed on the proximal segment, followed by corticotomy and application of external fixator. Materials and Methods: 15 patients (7 females, 8 males) were included in this consecutive series. The average age was 18.1 years (range 8–35 years). Fifteen tibiae and one femur were lengthened in 15 patients. Lengthening was achieved at 1 mm/day followed by distal segment fixation with three or four screws on reaching the target length. Results: The preoperative target length was successfully achieved in all patients at a mean of 4.1 cm (range 1.8–6.5 cm). The mean duration of external fixation was 75.3 days (range 33–116 days) with the mean external fixation index at 19.2 days/cm (range 10.0–38.3 days/cm). One patient suffered deep infection up to the plate, three patients had mild procurvatum deformities, and one patient developed mild tendo achilles contracture. Conclusion: Lengthening over a plate allows early removal of external fixator and eliminates the risk of creating deep intramedullary infection as with lengthening over nail. Lengthening over plate is also applicable to children with open physis. PMID:22719123
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, Qingyang; Bijeljic, Branko; Rieke, Holger; Blunt, Martin J.
The experimental determination of capillary pressure drainage curves at the pore scale is of vital importance for the mapping of reservoir fluid distribution. To fully characterize capillary drainage in a complex pore space, we design a differential imaging-based porous plate (DIPP) method using X-ray microtomography. For an exemplar mm-scale laminated sandstone microcore with a porous plate, we quantify the displacement from resolvable macropores and subresolution micropores. Nitrogen (N2) was injected as the nonwetting phase at a constant pressure while the porous plate prevented its escape. The measured porosity and capillary pressure at the imaged saturations agree well with helium measurements and experiments on larger core samples, while providing a pore-scale explanation of the fluid distribution. We observed that the majority of the brine was displaced by N2 in macropores at low capillary pressures, followed by a further brine displacement in micropores when capillary pressure increases. Furthermore, we were able to discern that brine predominantly remained within the subresolution micropores, such as regions of fine lamination. The capillary pressure curve for pressures ranging from 0 to 1151 kPa is provided from the image analysis compares well with the conventional porous plate method for a cm-scale core but was conducted over a period of 10 days rather than up to few months with the conventional porous plate method. Overall, we demonstrate the capability of our method to provide quantitative information on two-phase saturation in heterogeneous core samples for a wide range of capillary pressures even at scales smaller than the micro-CT resolution.
Zhu, Li; Yang, He-Jie; Zhao, Wan-Jun; Yang, Wu-Min; Zhou, Hui
To compare the treatment results between Endobutton plate and clavicular hook plate for the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocations. From January 2009 to September 2010, 30 patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocations were treated with two different fixations: Endobutton plate (15 patients, including 12 males and 3 females, with a mean age of 38.5 +/- 8.2 years) and clavicular hook plate (15 patients, including 14 males and 1 female, with the mean age of 33.8 +/- 5.9 years). The mean operative time and blood loss were compared between the two groups. Joint function was assessed by the Karlsson standard. The mean operative time of the Endobutton group and the hook plate group were (61 +/- 8.6) min and (40 +/- 5.6) min. The average blood loss were (93 +/- 8.4) ml and (100 +/- 12.6) ml. There was no statistical difference between the two groups in the average blood loss and the mean operative time. According to the Karlsson standard, 13 patients got an excellent result, 2 good in the Endobutton group; and 7 patients got an excellent result and 7 good in hook plate group. The therapeutic effect in Endobutton group was better than that of hook plate group. In the treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation, fixation with Endobutton plate is believed to be better than hook plate fixation. It is an effective method for the repair of acromioclavicular joint dislocations in a short term. But its long term effects still need further follow up.
Reducing cylinder drag by adding a plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Frolov, Vladimir A.; Kozlova, Anna S.
Reducing the drag of bodies is a central problem of modern aerohydrodynamics. The paper presents theoretical and experimental studies of a new method for reducing the drag of a circular cylinder. To reduce the drag we propose to install a flat plate along the flow in front of the cylinder. The theoretical investigation of the drag was carried out using FlowSimulation software. An experimental study of the body drag was performed in an open wind tunnel. The drag coefficient results of the cylinder depended on the different locations of the flat plate relative to the cylinder. The following geometric characteristics of the cylinder/plate are studied: the width of the gap between the cylinder and the plate and the meridional angle of the plate with respect to the cylinder. On the basis of Numerical and Physical Modeling, the values of the drag coefficient for the cylinder/plate are presented. The results included establishment the locations of the cylinder/plate which give the value of the drag coefficient for the combination of the two bodies. That total drag coefficient of the cylinder/plate can be less than the cylinder alone.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Paquin, Michel
grande consommation d'energie et de reactif qui rend le procede difficilement accessible au milieu industriel. L'utilisation des ultrasons lors de la reaction d'oxydation permet de reduire de 50% le temps de reaction et d'autant la consommation de produits chimiques. Actuellement le processus d'oxydation s'effectue en mode discontinu pour une quantite de 20 grammes de pate dans un reacteur en verre dans un bain a ultrason. L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'elaborer un sonoreacteur en mode semi-continu afin d'etre en mesure de transferer une reaction d'oxydation du mode discontinu en mode semi-continu. Le transfert de reaction sera effectue en realisant la calibration de l'activite acoustique des deux differents reacteurs, discontinu et semi-continu, par la methode de Weissler. La methode de Weissler quantifie le taux de production radicalaire en mesurant la formation d'iode moleculaire d'une solution aqueuse d'iodure de potassium sous ultrason. Suite a sa calibration, le sonoreacteur pilote (mode semi-continu) a demontre une augmentation de la production radicalaire de 683 % a 170 kHz en comparaison avec l'utilisation d'un bain a ultrason a la meme frequence. Lors de la reaction d'oxydation, la puissance optimale utilisee dans le bain a ultrason a 170 kHz est de 1000 W. La puissance utilisee selon les resultats de calibration obtenue dans le sonoreacteur pilote est de 125 W soit une diminution de l'energie appliquee de 87,5 %. Lors de la reaction d'oxydation, le taux de production des groupements carboxylates est de 2,6 mmol COOH kg/min dans le bain a ultrason et de 6,87 mmol COOH kg/min dans le sonoreacteur pilote soit une augmentation de 164% du taux de formation. Selon les resultats obtenus, l'utilisation d'un sonoreacteur en mode continu peut etre envisageable pour la reaction d'oxydation de la cellulose par le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr en industrie au niveau industriel.
42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is ...
42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is to right of furnace; operator takes temperature of iron in trough during pout. Looking south - Rouge Steel Company, 3001 Miller Road, Dearborn, MI
INTERIOR VIEW WITH LADLE POURING MOLTEN IRON INTO Q-BOP FURNACE. - U.S. Steel, Fairfield Works, Q-Bop Furnace, North of Valley Road & West of Ensley, Pleasant Grove Road, Fairfield, Jefferson County, AL
Chlorhexidine droplet splash from a skin preparation gallipot: effect of height of pouring.
Evans, L; Cunningham, M; Tilakaratna, P
Chlorhexidine contamination of equipment used in central neuraxial anaesthesia has been implicated in causing adhesive arachnoiditis. We measured the extent of chlorhexidine splash during pouring into a gallipot (antiseptic skin preparation container) from heights of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Twenty experiments were performed at each height. Measurements made up to a horizontal distance of 40 cm radius from the gallipot showed a median (IQR [range]) maximum spread of splash droplets ≥ 2 mm diameter of 26.2 (10.2-36.4 [0-40]) cm. The 40-cm radius measurement area was divided into 5-cm-wide zones to assess spread. At pouring heights of 15 cm and 20 cm, all zones were contaminated. These results demonstrate that pouring chlorhexidine into a gallipot generates significant splash, and we recommend that this should be avoided near equipment used for neuraxial anaesthesia. © 2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
Lamb wave scattering by a surface-breaking crack in a plate
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Datta, S. K.; Al-Nassar, Y.; Shah, A. H.
An NDE method based on finite-element representation and modal expansion has been developed for solving the scattering of Lamb waves in an elastic plate waveguide. This method is very powerful for handling discontinuities of arbitrary shape, weldments of different orientations, canted cracks, etc. The advantage of the method is that it can be used to study the scattering of Lamb waves in anisotropic elastic plates and in multilayered plates as well.
A unified theory for laminated plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guiamatsia Tafeuvoukeng, Irene
A literature survey on plate and beam theories show how the advent of the finite element method and the variational method circa 1940 have been a great stimulant for the research in this field. The initial thin plate formulation has been incrementally expanded to treat the isotropic thick plate, the anisotropic single layer, and then laminated plates. It appears however that current formulations still fall into one of two categories: (1) The formulation is tailored for a specific laminate and/or loading case; (2) or the formulation is too complicated to be of practical relevance. In this work a new unifying approach to laminated plate formulation is presented. All laminated plates, including sandwich panels, subjected to any surface load and with any boundary conditions are treated within a single model. In addition, the fundamental behavior of the plate as a two-dimensional structural element is explained. The novel idea is the introduction of fundamental state solutions, which are analytical far field stress and strain solutions of the laminated plate subjected to a set of hierarchical primary loads, the fundamental loads. These loads are carefully selected to form a basis of the load space, and corresponding solutions are superposed to obtain extremely accurate predictions of the three dimensional solution. six,y,z =aklx,y sikl z where i = 1,..., 6; 1=1,...,l max is a substate of the kth fundamental state k=1,2,3,... Typically, a fundamental state solution is expressed as a through-thickness function (z), while the amplitudes of each fundamental load are found from two dimensional finite element solution as a function of in-plane coordinates (x,y). Three major contributions are produced in this work: (1) A complete calibration of the plate as a two-dimensional structure is performed with pure bending and constant shear fundamental states. (2) There are four independent ways to apply a constant shear resultant on a plate, as opposed to one for a beam. This makes
Oscillatory flow in a cone-and-plate bioreactor.
Chung, C A; Tzou, M R; Ho, R W
Motivated by biometric applications, we analyze oscillatory flow in a cone-and-plate geometry. The cone is rotated in a simple harmonic way on a stationary plate. Based on assuming that the angle between the cone and plate is small, we describe the flow analytically by a perturbation method in terms of two small parameters, the Womersley number and the Reynolds number, which account for the influences of the local acceleration and centripetal force, respectively. Working equations for the shear stresses induced both by laminar primary and secondary flows on the plate surface are presented.
Reduction of astrometric plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stock, J.
A rapid and accurate method for the reduction of comet or asteroid plates is described. Projection equations, scale length correction, rotation of coordinates, linearization, the search for additional reference stars, and the final solution are examined.
Optical measurements of flyer plate acceleration by emulsion explosive
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kubota, Shiro; Shimada, Hideki; Matsui, Kikuo; Ogata, Yuji; Seto, Masahiro; Masui, Akira; Wada, Yuji; Liu, Zhi-Yue; Itoh, Shigeru
This paper presents the study on the application of explosive welding technique to the field of the urgent repair of the gas and water pipe networks. The essential parameters related to the explosive welding are scrutinized from the point of view of the minimizing the damage to the steel pipe after welded explosively with a flyer plate. The emulsion explosive is contained in a rectangular hard-paper box whose bottom is the flyer plate with 100 mm length, 25 mm width and 1.5 mm thickness. The flyer motions of the flyer plates accelerated by emulsion explosive are observed by high-speed photography from the side and front view of the flyer plate. The damage to the pipe by the flyer plate is discussed with the results of the observation of flyer motion and explosive welding test under various experimental conditions. Moreover, one way to control the motion of the flyer plate is proposed. We put a PMMA buffer block into the explosive. The flying process of flyer plate is calculated by the finite different scheme based on the ALE method. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by the experimental and numerical studies.
Physical optics for oven-plate scattering prediction
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Baldauf, J.; Lambert, K.
An oven assembly design is described, which will be used to determine the effects of temperature on the electrical properties of materials which are used as coatings for metal plates. Experimentally, these plates will be heated to a very high temperature in the oven assembly, and measured using a microwave reflectance measurement system developed for the NASA Lewis Research Center, Near-Field Facility. One unknown in this measurement is the effect that the oven assembly will have on the reflectance properties of the plate. Since the oven will be much larger than the plate, the effect could potentially be significant as the size of the plate becomes smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the effect of the oven on the measurement of the plate. A method for predicting the oven effect is described, and the theoretical oven effect is compared to experimental results of the oven material. The computer code which is used to predict the oven effect is also described.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ekel'chik, V. S.; Ryabov, V. M.
The application of Kantorovich's method to a trinomial model of deformation taking into account transverse bending of a plate leads to a connected system of three ordinary differential equations of fourth order with respect to three unknown functions of the longitudinal coordinate and to the coresponding boundary conditions for them at the fixed end and on the free edge. For the approximate calculation of the frequencies and forms of natural vibrations Galerkin's method is used, and as coordinate functions we chose orthogonal Jacobi polynomials with weight function. The dimensionless frequencies depend on the magnitude of the four dimensionless complexes, three of which characterize the anisotropy of the elastic properties of the composite. For the fibrous composites used at present we determined the possible range of change of the dimensionless complexes d16 and d26 attained by oblique placement. The article examines the influence of the angle of reinforcement on some first dimensionless frequencies of a plate made of unidirectional carbon reinforced plastic. It also analyzes the asymptotics of the frequencies when the length of the plate is increased, and it shows that for strongly anisotropic material with the structure [ϕ]T the frequencies of the flexural as well as of the torsional vibrations may be substantially lower when flexural-torsional interaction is taken into account.
6. VIEW LOOKING WEST FROM THE POURING AISLE OF THE ELECTRIC FURNACE BUILDING AT ELECTRIC FURNACE X-3. - U.S. Steel Duquesne Works, Electric Furnace Steelmaking Plant, Along Monongahela River, Duquesne, Allegheny County, PA
Multidimensional Normalization to Minimize Plate Effects of Suspension Bead Array Data.
Hong, Mun-Gwan; Lee, Woojoo; Nilsson, Peter; Pawitan, Yudi; Schwenk, Jochen M
Enhanced by the growing number of biobanks, biomarker studies can now be performed with reasonable statistical power by using large sets of samples. Antibody-based proteomics by means of suspension bead arrays offers one attractive approach to analyze serum, plasma, or CSF samples for such studies in microtiter plates. To expand measurements beyond single batches, with either 96 or 384 samples per plate, suitable normalization methods are required to minimize the variation between plates. Here we propose two normalization approaches utilizing MA coordinates. The multidimensional MA (multi-MA) and MA-loess both consider all samples of a microtiter plate per suspension bead array assay and thus do not require any external reference samples. We demonstrate the performance of the two MA normalization methods with data obtained from the analysis of 384 samples including both serum and plasma. Samples were randomized across 96-well sample plates, processed, and analyzed in assay plates, respectively. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we could show that plate-wise clusters found in the first two components were eliminated by multi-MA normalization as compared with other normalization methods. Furthermore, we studied the correlation profiles between random pairs of antibodies and found that both MA normalization methods substantially reduced the inflated correlation introduced by plate effects. Normalization approaches using multi-MA and MA-loess minimized batch effects arising from the analysis of several assay plates with antibody suspension bead arrays. In a simulated biomarker study, multi-MA restored associations lost due to plate effects. Our normalization approaches, which are available as R package MDimNormn, could also be useful in studies using other types of high-throughput assay data.
Study on Transverse Load Distribution of Hinged Hollow Beam
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Weiyue; Zhang, Chao; Wan, Shui
The bridge is a kind of space structure, when the car load on a part of the bridge, the impact of its load will be transmitted to the surrounding. In this paper, the hinge plate method is used to calculate and analyze the simply supported hollow slab of a certain arch bridge. Considering the hinge plate mounting method is suitable for pouring concrete bridge connecting the longitudinal tongue and groove joints, horizontal beams fabricated separate beam only in the middle between the free flaps or reinforced with steel connection. Therefore, the transverse analysis and calculation of the superstructure of box girder are carried out by using hinge plate method. And mechanical analysis of the transverse beam with finite element software MIDAS Civil grillage method.
Dynamic strain distribution of FRP plate under blast loading
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Saburi, T.; Yoshida, M.; Kubota, S.
The dynamic strain distribution of a fiber re-enforced plastic (FRP) plate under blast loading was investigated using a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) image analysis method. The testing FRP plates were mounted in parallel to each other on a steel frame. 50 g of composition C4 explosive was used as a blast loading source and set in the center of the FRP plates. The dynamic behavior of the FRP plate under blast loading were observed by two high-speed video cameras. The set of two high-speed video image sequences were used to analyze the FRP three-dimensional strain distribution by means of DIC method. A point strain profile extracted from the analyzed strain distribution data was compared with a directly observed strain profile using a strain gauge and it was shown that the strain profile under the blast loading by DIC method is quantitatively accurate.
Govindasamy, Ramachandran; Shekhawat, Vishal; Banshiwal, Ramesh Chandra; Verma, Rajender Kumar
The distal humeral fractures are common fractures of upper limb and are difficult to treat. These fractures, if left untreated or inadequately treated, leads to poor outcomes. Management of distal humeral fractures are pertained to many controversies and one among them is position of plates. To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes in patients with intra-articular distal humerus fractures, treated using parallel and perpendicular double plating methods. A total of 38 patients with distal humerus fractures, 20 in perpendicular plating group (group A) and 18 in parallel plating group (group B), were included in this prospective randomised study. At each follow up patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically for union and the outcomes were measured in terms of Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) consisting of pain intensity, range of motion, stability and function. MEP score greater than 90 is considered as excellent; Score 75 to 89 is good; Score 60 to 74 is fair and Score less than 60 is poor. In our study, 15 patients (75%) in group A, and 13 patients (72.22%) in group B achieved excellent results. Two patients (10%) in group A and 4 patients (22.22%) in group B attained good results. Complications developed in 2 patients in each groups. No significant differences were found between the clinical outcomes of the two plating methods. Neither of the plating techniques are superior to the other, as inferred from the insignificant differences in bony union, elbow function and complications between the two plating techniques.
Computed radiography imaging plates and associated methods of manufacture
Henry, Nathaniel F.; Moses, Alex K.
Computed radiography imaging plates incorporating an intensifying material that is coupled to or intermixed with the phosphor layer, allowing electrons and/or low energy x-rays to impart their energy on the phosphor layer, while decreasing internal scattering and increasing resolution. The radiation needed to perform radiography can also be reduced as a result.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fathy, Naglaa; Ramadan, Mohamed
The influence of volume ratio of liquid to Solid and low pouring temperature on interface structure of cast Babbitt-steel bimetal composite was evaluated for static casting technique. At low pouring temperature of 380 °C, Babbitt microstructures are improved to be finer and more globular. On the other side pouring the Babbitt at low pouring temperature of 380 °C increases the chance of present higher unbonded area percent. Increasing the volume ratio of liquid to solid decreases the Sn-Pb interface thicknesses and increases the bonded interface area. In order to optimize the production of Babbitt-steel bimetal composite at low pouring temperature, the volume ratio of liquid Babbitt to solid steel shell should be higher value that could be more than 5 depending on the extrapolation of current data presented.
A miniaturized counting technique for anaerobic bacteria.
Sharpe, A N; Pettipher, G L; Lloyd, G R
A miniaturized counting technique gave results as good as the pour-plate and Most Probable Number (MPN) techniques for enumeration of clostridia spp. and anaerobic isolates from the gut. Highest counts were obtained when ascorbic acid (1%) and dithiothreitol (0.015%) were added to the reinforced clostridial medium used for counting. This minimized the effect of exposure to air before incubation. The miniature technique allowed up to 40 samples to be plated and incubated in one McIntosh-Filde's-type anaerobic jar, compared with 3 or 4 by the normal pour plate.
Improvement of rolling 6 mm thin plates in plate rolling mill PT. Krakatau Posco
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pujiyanto, Hamdani
A 6-mm thin plate is difficult to produce especially if the product requires wide size and high strength. Flatness is the main quality issue in rolling 6-mm plate using a 4-high reversing mill which use ±1100-mm work roll. Thus some methods are applied to overcome such issue in order to comply to customer quality requirement. Pre-rolling, rolling, and post-rolling conditions have to be considered comprehensively. Roll unit management will be the key factor before rolling condition. The roll unit itself has a significant impact on work roll crown wearness in relation with work roll intial crown and thermal crown. Work roll crown along with the modification of hydraulic gap control (HGC) could directly alter the flatness of the plate.
Numerical solution of acoustic scattering by finite perforated elastic plates
We present a numerical method to compute the acoustic field scattered by finite perforated elastic plates. A boundary element method is developed to solve the Helmholtz equation subjected to boundary conditions related to the plate vibration. These boundary conditions are recast in terms of the vibration modes of the plate and its porosity, which enables a direct solution procedure. A parametric study is performed for a two-dimensional problem whereby a cantilevered perforated elastic plate scatters sound from a point quadrupole near the free edge. Both elasticity and porosity tend to diminish the scattered sound, in agreement with previous work considering semi-infinite plates. Finite elastic plates are shown to reduce acoustic scattering when excited at high Helmholtz numbers k0 based on the plate length. However, at low k0, finite elastic plates produce only modest reductions or, in cases related to structural resonance, an increase to the scattered sound level relative to the rigid case. Porosity, on the other hand, is shown to be more effective in reducing the radiated sound for low k0. The combined beneficial effects of elasticity and porosity are shown to be effective in reducing the scattered sound for a broader range of k0 for perforated elastic plates. PMID:27274685
Numerical solution of acoustic scattering by finite perforated elastic plates.
Cavalieri, A V G; Wolf, W R; Jaworski, J W
We present a numerical method to compute the acoustic field scattered by finite perforated elastic plates. A boundary element method is developed to solve the Helmholtz equation subjected to boundary conditions related to the plate vibration. These boundary conditions are recast in terms of the vibration modes of the plate and its porosity, which enables a direct solution procedure. A parametric study is performed for a two-dimensional problem whereby a cantilevered perforated elastic plate scatters sound from a point quadrupole near the free edge. Both elasticity and porosity tend to diminish the scattered sound, in agreement with previous work considering semi-infinite plates. Finite elastic plates are shown to reduce acoustic scattering when excited at high Helmholtz numbers k 0 based on the plate length. However, at low k 0 , finite elastic plates produce only modest reductions or, in cases related to structural resonance, an increase to the scattered sound level relative to the rigid case. Porosity, on the other hand, is shown to be more effective in reducing the radiated sound for low k 0 . The combined beneficial effects of elasticity and porosity are shown to be effective in reducing the scattered sound for a broader range of k 0 for perforated elastic plates.
Shanmugam, R; Ernst, M; Stoffel, K; Fischer, M F; Wahl, D; Richards, R G; Gueorguiev, B
Dorsal plating is commonly used in proximal phalanx fractures but it bears the risk of interfering with the extensor apparatus. In this study, dorsal and lateral plating fixation methods are compared to assess biomechanical differences using conventional 1.5mm non-locking plates and novel 1.3mm lateral locking plates. Twenty-four fresh frozen human cadaveric proximal phalanges were equally divided into four groups. An osteotomy was set at the proximal metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction and fixed with either dorsal (group A) or lateral (group B) plating using a 1.5mm non-locking plate, or lateral plating with a novel 1.3mm locking plate with bicortical (group C) or unicortical (group D) screws. The specimens were loaded in axial, dorsovolar and mediolateral direction to assess fixation stiffness followed by a cyclic destructive test in dorsovolar loading direction. Axial stiffness was highest in group D (mean 321.02, SEM 21.47N/mm) with a significant difference between groups D and B (P=0.033). Locking plates (groups C and D) were stiffer than non-locking plates under mediolateral loading (P=0.007), no significant differences were noted under dorsovolar loading. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed under cyclic loading to failure between any of the study groups. No considerable biomechanical advantage of using a conventional 1.5mm dorsal non-locking plate was identified over the novel 1.3mm lateral locking plate in the treatment of proximal phalanx fractures. Since the novel low-profile plate is less disruptive to the extensor mechanism, it should be considered as a valid alternative. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aerial ultrasound source with a circular vibrating plate attached to a rigid circumferential wall
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kuratomi, Ryo; Asami, Takuya; Miura, Hikaru
We fabricate a transverse vibrating plate attached to a rigid wall integrated at the circumference of a circular vibrating plate that allows a strong sound wave field to be formed in the area encoded by the vibrating plate and rigid wall by installing a wall such as a reflective plate on the rigid wall. The design method for the circular vibrating plate attached to a rigid circumferential wall is investigated. A method of forming a strong standing wave field in an enclosed area constructed with a vibrating plate, cylindrical reflective plate, and parallel reflective plate is developed.
Compact, Two-Sided Structural Cold Plate Configuration
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zaffetti, Mark
In two-sided structural cold plates, typically there is a structural member, such as a honeycomb panel, that provides the structural strength for the cold plates that cool equipment. The cold plates are located on either side of the structural member and thus need to have the cooling fluid supplied to them. One method of accomplishing this is to route the inlet and outlet tubing to both sides of the structural member. Another method might be to supply the inlet to one side and the outlet to the other. With the latter method, an external feature such as a hose, tube, or manifold must be incorporated to pass the fluid from one side of the structural member to the other. Although this is a more compact design than the first option, since it eliminates the need for a dedicated supply and return line to each side of the structural member, it still poses problems, as these external features can be easily damaged and are now new areas for potential fluid leakage. This invention eliminates the need for an external feature and instead incorporates the feature internally to the structural member. This is accomplished by utilizing a threaded insert that not only connects the cold plate to the structural member, but also allows the cooling fluid to flow through it into the structural member, and then to the cold plate on the opposite side. The insert also employs a cap that acts as a cover to seal the open area needed to install the insert. There are multiple options for location of o-ring style seals, as well as the option to use adhesive for redundant sealing. Another option is to weld the cap to the cold plate after its installation, thus making it an integral part of the structural member. This new configuration allows the fluid to pass from one cold plate to the other without any exposed external features.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Homier, Ram
Dans le contexte environnemental actuel, le photovoltaïque bénéficie de l'augmentation des efforts de recherche dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Pour réduire le coût de la production d'électricité par conversion directe de l'énergie lumineuse en électricité, le photovoltaïque concentré est intéressant. Le principe est de concentrer une grande quantité d'énergie lumineuse sur des petites surfaces de cellules solaires multi-jonction à haute efficacité. Lors de la fabrication d'une cellule solaire, il est essentiel d'inclure une méthode pour réduire la réflexion de la lumière à la surface du dispositif. Le design d'un revêtement antireflet (ARC) pour cellules solaires multi-jonction présente des défis à cause de la large bande d'absorption et du besoin d'égaliser le courant produit par chaque sous-cellule. Le nitrure de silicium déposé par PECVD en utilisant des conditions standards est largement utilisé dans l'industrie des cellules solaires à base de silicium. Cependant, ce diélectrique présente de l'absorption dans la plage des courtes longueurs d'onde. Nous proposons l'utilisation du nitrure de silicium déposé par PECVD basse fréquence (LFSiN) optimisé pour avoir un haut indice de réfraction et une faible absorption optique pour l'ARC pour cellules solaires triple-jonction III-V/Ge. Ce matériau peut aussi servir de couche de passivation/encapsulation. Les simulations montrent que l'ARC double couche SiO2/LFSiN peut être très efficace pour réduire les pertes par réflexion dans la plage de longueurs d'onde de la sous-cellule limitante autant pour des cellules solaires triple-jonction limitées par la sous-cellule du haut que pour celles limitées par la sous-cellule du milieu. Nous démontrons aussi que la performance de la structure est robuste par rapport aux fluctuations des paramètres des couches PECVD (épaisseurs, indice de réfraction). Mots-clés : Photovoltaïque concentré (CPV), cellules solaires
Elastic guided waves in a layered plate with rectangular cross section.
Mukdadi, O M; Desai, Y M; Datta, S K; Shah, A H; Niklasson, A J
Guided waves in a layered elastic plate of rectangular cross section (finite width and thickness) has been studied in this paper. A semianalytical finite element method in which the deformation of the cross section is modeled by two-dimensional finite elements and analytical representation of propagating waves along the length of the plate has been used. The method is applicable to arbitrary number of layers and general anisotropic material properties of each layer, and is similar to the stiffness method used earlier to study guided waves in a laminated composite plate of infinite width. Numerical results showing the effect of varying the width of the plate on the dispersion of guided waves are presented and are compared with those for an infinite plate. In addition, effect of thin anisotropic coating or interface layers on the guided waves is investigated.
Methodes d'amas quantiques a temperature finie appliquees au modele de Hubbard
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Plouffe, Dany
Depuis leur decouverte dans les annees 80, les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique ont suscite beaucoup d'interet en physique du solide. Comprendre l'origine des phases observees dans ces materiaux, telle la supraconductivite, est l'un des grands defis de la physique theorique du solide des 25 dernieres annees. L'un des mecanismes pressentis pour expliquer ces phenomenes est la forte interaction electron-electron. Le modele de Hubbard est l'un des modeles les plus simples pour tenir compte de ces interactions. Malgre la simplicite apparente de ce modele, certaines de ses caracteristiques, dont son diagramme de phase, ne sont toujours pas bien etablies, et ce malgre plusieurs avancements theoriques dans les dernieres annees. Cette etude se consacre a faire une analyse de methodes numeriques permettant de calculer diverses proprietes du modele de Hubbard en fonction de la temperature. Nous decrivons des methodes (la VCA et la CPT) qui permettent de calculer approximativement la fonction de Green a temperature finie sur un systeme infini a partir de la fonction de Green calculee sur un amas de taille finie. Pour calculer ces fonctions de Green, nous allons utiliser des methodes permettant de reduire considerablement les efforts numeriques necessaires pour les calculs des moyennes thermodynamiques, en reduisant considerablement l'espace des etats a considerer dans ces moyennes. Bien que cette etude vise d'abord a developper des methodes d'amas pour resoudre le modele de Hubbard a temperature finie de facon generale ainsi qu'a etudier les proprietes de base de ce modele, nous allons l'appliquer a des conditions qui s'approchent de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Les methodes presentees dans cette etude permettent de tracer un diagramme de phase pour l'antiferromagnetisme et la supraconductivite qui presentent plusieurs similarites avec celui des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Mots-cles : modele de Hubbard, thermodynamique
Solving the Problem of Linear Viscoelasticity for Piecewise-Homogeneous Anisotropic Plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kaloerov, S. A.; Koshkin, A. A.
An approximate method for solving the problem of linear viscoelasticity for thin anisotropic plates subject to transverse bending is proposed. The method of small parameter is used to reduce the problem to a sequence of boundary problems of applied theory of bending of plates solved using complex potentials. The general form of complex potentials in approximations and the boundary conditions for determining them are obtained. Problems for a plate with elliptic elastic inclusions are solved as an example. The numerical results for a plate with one, two elliptical (circular), and linear inclusions are analyzed.
Flow of nanofluid past a Riga plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ahmad, Adeel; Asghar, Saleem; Afzal, Sumaira
This paper studies the mixed convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical Riga plate in the presence of strong suction. The mathematical model incorporates the Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects due to nanofluid and the Grinberg-term for the wall parallel Lorentz force due to Riga plate. The analytical solution of the problem is presented using the perturbation method for small Brownian and thermophoresis diffusion parameters. The numerical solution is also presented to ensure the reliability of the asymptotic method. The comparison of the two solutions shows an excellent agreement. The correlation expressions for skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are developed by performing linear regression on the obtained numerical data. The effects of nanofluid and the Lorentz force due to Riga plate, on the skin friction are discussed.
Performance optimization of plate heat exchangers with chevron plates
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Muley, A.; Manglik, R.M.
The enhanced heat transfer performance of a chevron plate heat exchanger (PHE) is evaluated employing (1) energy-conservation based performance evaluation criteria (PECs), and (2) the second-law based minimization of entropy generation principle. Single-phase laminar and turbulent flow convection for three different chevron-plate arrangements are considered. The influence of plate surface corrugation characteristics and their stack arrangements on the heat exchanger's thermal-hydraulic performance is delineated. Based on the different figures of merit, the results show that the extent of heat transfer enhancement increases with flow Re and chevron angle {beta} in laminar flow, but it diminishes with increasing Re in turbulentmore » flows. With up to 2.9 times higher Q, 48% lower A, and entropy generation number N{sub s,a} {lt} 1, relative to an equivalent flat-plate pack, chevron plates are found to be especially suitable in the low to medium flow rates range (20 {le} Re {le} 2,000). Also, there appears to be no significant advantage of using a mixed-plate over a symmetric-plate arrangement.« less
Detecting swift fox: Smoked-plate scent stations versus spotlighting
Daniel W. Uresk; Kieth E. Severson; Jody Javersak
We compared two methods of detecting presence of swift fox: smoked-plate scent stations and spotlight counts. Tracks were counted on ten 1-mile (1.6-km) transects with bait/tracking plate stations every 0.1 mile (0.16 km). Vehicle spotlight counts were conducted on the same transects. Methods were compared with Spearman's rank order correlation. Repeated measures...
Evaluation of finger plate and flat plate connection design.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This project investigates the cause(s) of premature deterioration of MoDOT finger plate and flat plate expansion devices : under high traffic volumes and then uses that information to design new Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) : finger plate...
Measurement of the residual stress distribution in a thick pre-stretched aluminum plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yuan, S. X.; Li, X. Q.; M, S.; Zhang, Y. C.; Gong, Y. D.
Thick pre-stretched aluminum alloy plates are widely used in aircraft, while machining distortion caused by initial residual stress release in thick plates is a common and serious problem. To reduce the distortion, the residual stress distribution in thick plate must be measured. According to the characteristics of the thick pre-stretched aluminum alloy plate, based the elastic mechanical theory, this article deduces the modified layer-removal strain method adapting two different strain situations, which are caused by tensile and compressive stress. To validate this method, the residual stresses distribution along the thick direction of plate 2D70T351 is measured by this method, it is shown that the new method deduced in this paper is simple and accurate, and is very useful in engineering.
An optimal open/closed-loop control method with application to a pre-stressed thin duralumin plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nadimpalli, Sruthi Raju
The excessive vibrations of a pre-stressed duralumin plate, suppressed by a combination of open-loop and closed-loop controls, also known as open/closed-loop control, is studied in this thesis. The two primary steps involved in this process are: Step (I) with an assumption that the closed-loop control law is proportional, obtain the optimal open-loop control by direct minimization of the performance measure consisting of energy at terminal time and a penalty on open-loop control force via calculus of variations. If the performance measure also involves a penalty on closed-loop control effort then a Fourier based method is utilized. Step (II) the energy at terminal time is minimized numerically to obtain optimal values of feedback gains. The optimal closed-loop control gains obtained are used to describe the displacement and the velocity of open-loop, closed-loop and open/closed-loop controlled duralumin plate.
Shoulder arthrodesis with a reconstruction plate
Byeon, Hwa Kyo
From 1995 to 2005, arthrodesis with a reconstruction plate was performed for eight shoulders. The average follow-up period was 44 months. The indications for shoulder arthrodesis were joint destruction as a sequel of tuberculous arthritis, malignant bone tumour, pyogenic arthritis, failed arthrodesis and paralysis of the brachial plexus. The evaluation criteria included bony union and pain. Two cases of malignant tumour required an homologous bone graft due to severe bone deficit—a fracture that occurred in the distal part of the arthrodesed shoulder after removing the plate. With the exception of these two cases, severe pain or other complications did not occur in any other case. Shoulder arthrodesis with a reconstruction plate was judged to be a useful method for glenohumeral salvage in cases without severe bone deficit. Further, additional treatment methods should be considered to prevent fracture that may occur as a result of severe bone deficit. PMID:18716728
Ponderomotive phase plate for transmission electron microscopes
Reed, Bryan W [Livermore, CA
A ponderomotive phase plate system and method for controllably producing highly tunable phase contrast transfer functions in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) for high resolution and biological phase contrast imaging. The system and method includes a laser source and a beam transport system to produce a focused laser crossover as a phase plate, so that a ponderomotive potential of the focused laser crossover produces a scattering-angle-dependent phase shift in the electrons of the post-sample electron beam corresponding to a desired phase contrast transfer function.
Details: Elevation of Plate Typical Bay, SectionThrough Plate Typical Bay, ...
Details: Elevation of Plate Typical Bay, Section-Through Plate Typical Bay, Section-Through Plate Center Bay, Elevation of Plate Center Bay - Contoocook Covered Bridge, Spanning Contoocook River, Hopkinton, Merrimack County, NH
Mitsuboshi, Masahiro; Kioka, Yuuzou; Noguchi, Katsunori; Asakawa, Susumu
Soil-borne diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are one of the main factors responsible for the decline in crop yields in farmlands. Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum causes serious damage to various crops, and, thus, a feasible diagnostic method for soil-borne diseases is required. We herein examined a simple method to evaluate the suppressiveness of soil microorganisms against a pathogen by co-cultivating indigenous soil microorganisms and a pathogenic fungus (F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae). We inoculated F. oxysporum onto the center of agar medium plates mixed with a dilution series of a suspension of organic fertilizers or soil. After an approximately one-week cultivation, the growth degree of F. oxysporum was estimated based on the size of the colonies that formed on the plates. The growth degree of F. oxysporum significantly differed among the organic fertilizers tested, indicating the usefulness of the method for evaluating suppressiveness by organic fertilizers. Differences in the growth degrees of F. oxysporum were associated with the incidence of disease in spinach on soil treated with organic fertilizers and inoculated with a pathogenic F. oxysporum strain. These results suggested that this method provides some useful information on the suppressiveness of organic fertilizers and soil against Fusarium wilt.
Mitsuboshi, Masahiro; Kioka, Yuuzou; Noguchi, Katsunori; Asakawa, Susumu
Soil-borne diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are one of the main factors responsible for the decline in crop yields in farmlands. Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum causes serious damage to various crops, and, thus, a feasible diagnostic method for soil-borne diseases is required. We herein examined a simple method to evaluate the suppressiveness of soil microorganisms against a pathogen by co-cultivating indigenous soil microorganisms and a pathogenic fungus (F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae). We inoculated F. oxysporum onto the center of agar medium plates mixed with a dilution series of a suspension of organic fertilizers or soil. After an approximately one-week cultivation, the growth degree of F. oxysporum was estimated based on the size of the colonies that formed on the plates. The growth degree of F. oxysporum significantly differed among the organic fertilizers tested, indicating the usefulness of the method for evaluating suppressiveness by organic fertilizers. Differences in the growth degrees of F. oxysporum were associated with the incidence of disease in spinach on soil treated with organic fertilizers and inoculated with a pathogenic F. oxysporum strain. These results suggested that this method provides some useful information on the suppressiveness of organic fertilizers and soil against Fusarium wilt. PMID:27558588
Zandy, Shannon L; Pang, Joyce S; Ho, Moon-Ho Ringo; Matthews, Douglas B
College drinking is a global health concern. However, most studies originate from countries with high alcohol consumption. In the United States, college students overpour a standard alcoholic drink, yet it is unclear if this remains true in countries with low alcohol consumption. Additionally, in college, peer influence is the greatest predictor of drinking behavior, yet it is unknown if social norms affect how students pour drinks. This study examined how male college students, in a country with low alcohol consumption, define standard drinks, and if the presence of an unfamiliar peer affects how students pour during a simulated alcohol-pouring task. Male undergraduate students (n = 105) underwent baseline assessments of impulsivity, self-monitoring, religiosity, and drinking characteristics. Participants poured fluid into empty cups of different sizes to equal a standard serving of beer or shot of liquor. There were 2 groups based on gender of experimenter. Within each group, participants were randomly assigned to Alone or Dyad condition. In the Alone condition, students were instructed to pour only for themselves. In the Dyad condition, students were instructed to pour for themselves and the experimenter. The volumes poured by the students were compared with standards used in Singapore and the United States. Collapsed across container size, students overpoured shots by 50% and beer by 100% when compared to the standard drink definition in Singapore. When using a more liberal definition, students overpoured beer by 25%, but did not overpour shots. In the presence of an unfamiliar peer, overpouring decreased by 10% for beer. The current data show that college students, in a country with low alcohol consumption, overestimate standard alcoholic drinks similar to their Western counterparts and use social norms to determine how much to pour for a drink when confronted with an unfamiliar peer. Efforts toward creating internationally recognized standard drink
Hara, Katsutoshi; Kaku, Nobuhiro; Tabata, Tomonori; Tsumura, Hiroshi
We used a three-dimensional finite element method to investigate the conditions behind the Kerboull-type (KT) dome. The KT plate dome was divided into five areas, and 14 models were created to examine different conditions of dome contact with the acetabulum. The maximum stress on the KT plate and screws was estimated for each model. Furthermore, to investigate the impact of the contact area with the acetabulum on the KT plate, a multiple regression analysis was conducted using the analysis results. The dome-acetabulum contact area affected the maximum equivalent stress on the KT plate; good contact with two specific areas of the vertical and horizontal beams (Areas 3 and 5) reduced the maximum equivalent stress. The maximum equivalent stress on the hook increased when the hardness of the bone representing the acetabulum varied. Thus, we confirmed the technical importance of providing a plate with a broad area of appropriate support from the bone and cement in the posterior portion of the dome and also proved the importance of supporting the area of the plate in the direction of the load at the center of the cross-plate and near the hook.
Over the past 100 years, the method of determining the number of bacteria in water, foods or other materials has been termed variously as: bacterial plate count, total plate count, total viable plate count, aerobic plate count, standard plate cound and more recently, heterotrophi...
Farnum, C E; Wilsman, N J
A postembedment method for the localization of lectin-binding glycoconjugates was developed using Epon-embedded growth plate cartilage from Yucatan miniature swine. By testing a variety of etching, blocking, and incubation procedures, a standard protocol was developed for 1 micron thick sections that allowed visualization of both intracellular and extracellular glycoconjugates with affinity for wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A. Both fluorescent and peroxidase techniques were used, and comparisons were made between direct methods and indirect methods using the biotin-avidin bridging system. Differential extracellular lectin binding allowed visualization of interterritorial , territorial, and pericellular matrices. Double labeling experiments showed the precision with which intracellular binding could be localized to specific cytoplasmic compartments, with resolution of binding to the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclear membrane at the light microscopic level. This method allows the localization of both intracellular and extracellular lectin-binding glycoconjugates using fixation and embedment procedures that are compatible with simultaneous ultrastructural analysis. As such it should have applicability both to the morphological analysis of growth plate organization during normal endochondral ossification, as well as to the diagnostic pathology of matrix abnormalities in disease states of growing cartilage.
Thickness Measurement of Surface Attachment on Plate with Lamb Wave
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, Xianglong; Zhang, Yinghong; Wen, Lichao; He, Yehu
Aiming at the thickness detection of the plate surface attachment, a nondestructive testing method based on the Lamb wave is presented. This method utilizes Lamb wave propagation characteristics of signals in a bi-layer medium to measure the surface attachment plate thickness. Propagation of Lamb wave in bi-layer elastic is modeled and analyzed. The two-dimensional simulation model of electromagnetic ultrasonic plate - scale is established. The simulation is conducted by software COMSOL for simulation analysis under different boiler scale thickness wave form curve. Through this study, the thickness of the attached material can be judged by analyzing the characteristics of the received signal when the thickness of the surface of the plate is measured.
POURING FOOTING OF PIER #1. View is to the southwest, ...
POURING FOOTING OF PIER #1. View is to the southwest, looking from Pier 2 in Trinity County toward Pier 1 in Humboldt County - South Fork Trinity River Bridge, State Highway 299 spanning South Fork Trinity River, Salyer, Trinity County, CA
A finite element analysis of viscoelastically damped sandwich plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, B.-A.; He, J.-F.
A finite element analysis associated with an asymptotic solution method for the harmonic flexural vibration of viscoelastically damped unsymmetrical sandwich plates is given. The element formulation is based on generalization of the discrete Kirchhoff theory (DKT) element formulation. The results obtained with the first order approximation of the asymptotic solution presented here are the same as those obtained by means of the modal strain energy (MSE) method. By taking more terms of the asymptotic solution, with successive calculations and use of the Padé approximants method, accuracy can be improved. The finite element computation has been verified by comparison with an analytical exact solution for rectangular plates with simply supported edges. Results for the same plates with clamped edges are also presented.
Apparatus for in-situ nondestructive measurement of Young's modulus of plate structures
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huang, Jerry Qixin (Inventor); Perez, Robert J. (Inventor); DeLangis, Leo M. (Inventor)
A method and apparatus for determining stiffness of a plate-like structure including a monolithic or composite laminate plate entails disposing a device for generating an acoustical pulse against a surface of the plate and disposing a detecting device against the same surface spaced a known distance from the pulse-generating device, and using the pulse-generating device to emit a pulse so as to create an extensional wave in the plate. The detecting device is used to determine a time of flight of the wave over the known distance, and the wave velocity is calculated. A Young's modulus of the plate is determined by a processor based on the wave velocity. Methods and apparatus for evaluating both isotropic plates and anisotropic laminates are disclosed.
Illumination estimation via thin-plate spline interpolation.
Shi, Lilong; Xiong, Weihua; Funt, Brian
Thin-plate spline interpolation is used to interpolate the chromaticity of the color of the incident scene illumination across a training set of images. Given the image of a scene under unknown illumination, the chromaticity of the scene illumination can be found from the interpolated function. The resulting illumination-estimation method can be used to provide color constancy under changing illumination conditions and automatic white balancing for digital cameras. A thin-plate spline interpolates over a nonuniformly sampled input space, which in this case is a training set of image thumbnails and associated illumination chromaticities. To reduce the size of the training set, incremental k medians are applied. Tests on real images demonstrate that the thin-plate spline method can estimate the color of the incident illumination quite accurately, and the proposed training set pruning significantly decreases the computation.
Corrugated cover plate for flat plate collector
Hollands, K. G. Terry; Sibbitt, Bruce
A flat plate radiant energy collector is providing having a transparent cover. The cover has a V-corrugated shape which reduces the amount of energy reflected by the cover away from the flat plate absorber of the collector.
Plate mode velocities in graphite/epoxy plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Prosser, W. H.; Gorman, M. R.
Measurements of the velocities of the extensional and flexural plate modes were made along three directions of propagation in four graphite/epoxy composite plates. The acoustic signals were generated by simulated acoustic emission events (pencil lead breaks or Hsu-Neilson sources) and detected by by broadband ultrasonic transducers. The first arrival of the extensional plate mode, which is nondispersive at low frequencies, was measured at a number of different distances from the source along the propagation direction of interest. The velocity was determined by plotting the distance versus arrival time and computing its slope. Because of the large dispersion of the flexural mode, a Fourier phase velocity technique was used to characterize this mode. The velocity was measured up to a frequency of 160 kHz. Theoretical predictions of the velocities of these modes were also made and compared with experimental observations. Classical plate theory yields good agreement with the measured extensional velocities. For predictions of the dispersion of the flexural mode, Mindlin plates theory, which includes the effects of shear deformation and rotatory inertia was shown to give better agreement with the experimental measurements.
Fabricating cooled electronic system with liquid-cooled cold plate and thermal spreader
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chainer, Timothy J.; Graybill, David P.; Iyengar, Madhusudan K.
Methods are provided for facilitating cooling of an electronic component. The method includes providing a liquid-cooled cold plate and a thermal spreader associated with the cold plate. The cold plate includes multiple coolant-carrying channel sections extending within the cold plate, and a thermal conduction surface with a larger surface area than a surface area of the component to be cooled. The thermal spreader includes one or more heat pipes including multiple heat pipe sections. One or more heat pipe sections are partially aligned to a first region of the cold plate, that is, where aligned to the surface to bemore » cooled, and partially aligned to a second region of the cold plate, which is outside the first region. The one or more heat pipes facilitate distribution of heat from the electronic component to coolant-carrying channel sections of the cold plate located in the second region of the cold plate.« less
Fabricating cooled electronic system with liquid-cooled cold plate and thermal spreader
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chainer, Timothy J.; Graybill, David P.; Iyengar, Madhusudan K.
Methods are provided for facilitating cooling of an electronic component. The methods include providing a liquid-cooled cold plate and a thermal spreader associated with the cold plate. The cold plate includes multiple coolant-carrying channel sections extending within the cold plate, and a thermal conduction surface with a larger surface area than a surface area of the component to be cooled. The thermal spreader includes one or more heat pipes including multiple heat pipe sections. One or more heat pipe sections are partially aligned to a first region of the cold plate, that is, where aligned to the surface to bemore » cooled, and partially aligned to a second region of the cold plate, which is outside the first region. The one or more heat pipes facilitate distribution of heat from the electronic component to coolant-carrying channel sections of the cold plate located in the second region of the cold plate.« less
Prosthetic plate mandibular reconstruction.
Davidson, M J; Gullane, P J
The head and neck surgeon may choose one of several available methods to reconstruct the mandible following tumor ablation. This article discusses the use of metallic mandibular prostheses, the indications for alloplastic mandibular reconstruction, techniques of plate application (AO and THRP), and associated complications.
Carrilho, Emanuel; Phillips, Scott T; Vella, Sarah J; Martinez, Andres W; Whitesides, George M
This paper describes 96- and 384-microzone plates fabricated in paper as alternatives to conventional multiwell plates fabricated in molded polymers. Paper-based plates are functionally related to plastic well plates, but they offer new capabilities. For example, paper-microzone plates are thin (approximately 180 microm), require small volumes of sample (5 microL per zone), and can be manufactured from inexpensive materials ($0.05 per plate). The paper-based plates are fabricated by patterning sheets of paper, using photolithography, into hydrophilic zones surrounded by hydrophobic polymeric barriers. This photolithography used an inexpensive formulation photoresist that allows rapid (approximately 15 min) prototyping of paper-based plates. These plates are compatible with conventional microplate readers for quantitative absorbance and fluorescence measurements. The limit of detection per zone loaded for fluorescence was 125 fmol for fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin, and this level corresponds to 0.02 the quantity of analyte per well used to achieve comparable signal-to-noise in a 96-well plastic plate (using a solution of 25 nM labeled protein). The limits of detection for absorbance on paper was approximately 50 pmol per zone for both Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Amaranth dyes; these values were 0.4 that required for the plastic plate. Demonstration of quantitative colorimetric correlations using a scanner or camera to image the zones and to measure the intensity of color, makes it possible to conduct assays without a microplate reader.
Developpement d'une commande pour une hydrolienne de riviere et optimisation =
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tetrault, Philippe
Suivant le developpement des energies renouvelables, la presente etude se veut une base theorique quant aux principes fondamentaux necessaires au bon fonctionnement et a l'implementation d'une hydrolienne de riviere. La problematique derriere ce nouveau type d'appareil est d'abord presentee. La machine electrique utilisee dans l'application, c'est-a-dire la machine synchrone a aimants permanents, est etudiee : ses equations dynamiques mecaniques et electriques sont developpees, introduisant en meme temps le concept de referentiel tournant. Le fonctionnement de l'onduleur utilise, soit un montage en pont complet a deux niveaux a semi-conducteurs, est explique et mit en equation pour permettre de comprendre les strategies de modulation disponibles. Un bref historique de ces strategies est fait avant de mettre l'emphase sur la modulation vectorielle qui sera celle utilisee pour l'application en cours. Les differents modules sont assembles dans une simulation Matlab pour confirmer leur bon fonctionnement et comparer les resultats de la simulation avec les calculs theoriques. Differents algorithmes permettant de traquer et maintenir un point de fonctionnement optimal sont presentes. Le comportement de la riviere est etudie afin d'evaluer l'ampleur des perturbations que le systeme devra gerer. Finalement, une nouvelle approche est presentee et comparee a une strategie plus conservatrice a l'aide d'un autre modele de simulation Matlab.
Chemical plating method of preparing radiation source material
Smith, P.K.; Huntoon, R.T.; Mosley, W.C. Jr.
A uniform dispersion of a radioisotope within a noble metal matrix is provided by chemically plating a noble metal coating onto particles including a dissociable compound of the mdioisotope. A suspension of the dissociable compound in a chemically reductive solution is prepared and noble metal cations added to produce the noble metal coatings. The coated particles are filtered, dried and heated to calcine the dissociable compound to a refractory powder. The powder can be encapsulated in measured portions or consolidated and shaped into an elongated form for easy apportionnnent as radiation source material. (Official Gazette)
Hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ryu, Jaeha; Sung, Hyung Jin
A three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate in a quiescent flow was simulated using the immersed boundary method. The clamped leading edge of the flexible plate was forced into a vertical oscillation, while free to move horizontally. To reveal the hydrodynamics of the plate, the averaged cruising speed (UC) , the input power (P) , and the swimming efficiency (η) were analyzed as a function of the bending rigidity (γ) and the flapping frequency (f) . The velocity field around the plate and the exerted force on the plate were demonstrated to find out the dynamic interaction between the plate and the surrounding fluid. The kinematics of the plate, the maximum angle of attack (ϕmax) , and the mean effective length (Leff) were examined accounting for the hydrodynamics of the self-propelled flexible plate. The vortical structures around the plate were visualized, and the influence of the tip vortex on the swimming efficiency was explored qualitatively and quantitatively. This work was supported by the Creative Research Initiatives (No. 2017-013369) program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (MSIP).
Joining by plating: optimization of occluded angle
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dini, J.W.; Johnson, H.R.; Kan, Y.R.
An empirical method has been developed for predicting the minimum angle required for maximum joint strength for materials joined by plating. This is done through a proposed power law failure function, whose coefficients are taken from ring shear and conical head tensile data for plating/substrate combinations and whose exponent is determined from one set of plated-joint data. Experimental results are presented for Al-Ni-Al (7075-T6) and AM363-Ni-AM363 joints, and the failure function is used to predict joint strengths for Al-Ni-Al (2024-T6), UTi-Ni-UTi, and Be-Ti-Be.
Reconstructing Plate Motions on Europa with GPlates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cutler, B. B.; Collins, G. C.; Prockter, L. M.; Patterson, G.; Kattenhorn, S. A.; Rhoden, A.; Cooper, C. M.
Observations of past plate tectonic - like motions in Europa's icy lithosphere have been reported in previous studies. Quantifying the nature, age, and amount of plate motion is important for geophysical models of Europa's ice shell and for astrobiology, since subsumed pates could drive the flow of nutrients into the subsurface ocean. We have used GPlates software (Williams et al., GSA Today 2012) and a mosaic of regional-resolution Galileo SSI data from orbits E11, E15, E17, and E19 to make interactive reconstructions of both the Northern Falga region (60N, 220W) and the Castalia Macula region (0N, 225W). The advantage of this method is that plate motions are calculated on a sphere, while still maintaining the original Galileo image pieces in their proper geographic locations. Previous work on the Castalia Macula region (Patterson et al. J.Struct.Geol. 2006) and the adjacent Phaidra Linea region (Patterson and Ernst, LPSC 2011) found offsets along spreading boundaries, and then calculated the best fit finite rotations to close those offsets. Though this method is mathematically rigorous and gives a statistical goodness of fit, it is not easy to test multiple hypotheses for candidate piercing points or divisions of candidate plate boundaries. Through the interactive environment, we found that we could better account for observed offsets in this region by breaking it into 32 different plates. Patterson and Ernst broke the Phaidra region into 6 plates which exhibited nonrigid behavior, where our study breaks it into 16 rigid plates. The Northern Falga Regio area is interesting due to the potential for large amounts of subsumption of Europa's icy crust in this location. The previous reconstruction (Kattenhorn and Prockter, Nat.Geosci. 2014) was based on planar geometry, and we have replicated these results using a spherically-based reconstruction. We will present the plate maps and reconstructions for both of these regions, along with the best fit rotation poles.
Methodologies nouvelles pour la realisation d'essais dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Flores Salinas, Manuel
Le present memoire en genie de la production automatisee vise a decrire le travail effectue dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis du laboratoire LARCASE pour trouver les methodologies experimentales et les procedures de tests, qui seront utilisees avec les modeles d'ailes actuellement au laboratoire. Les methodologies et procedures presentees ici vont permettre de preparer les tests en soufflerie du projet MDO-505 Architectures et technologies deformables pour l'amelioration des performances des ailes, qui se derouleront durant l'annee 2015. D'abord, un bref historique des souffleries subsoniques sera fait. Les differentes sections de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront decrites en mettant l'emphase sur leur influence dans la qualite de l'ecoulement qui se retrouve dans la chambre d'essai. Ensuite, une introduction a la pression, a sa mesure lors de tests en soufflerie et les instruments utilises pour les tests en soufflerie au laboratoire LARCASE sera presente, en particulier le capteur piezoelectrique XCQ-062. Une attention particuliere sera portee au mode de fonctionnement, a son installation, a la mesure et a la detection des frequences et aux sources d'erreurs lorsqu'on utilise des capteurs de haute precision comme la serie XCQ-062 du fournisseur Kulite. Finalement, les procedures et les methodologies elaborees pour les tests dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront utilisees sur quatre types d'ailes differentes. L'article New methodology for wind tunnel calibration using neural networks - EGD approch portant sur une nouvelle facon de predire les caracteristiques de l'ecoulement a l'interieur de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis se trouve dans l'annexe 2 de ce document. Cet article porte sur la creation d'un reseau de neurones multicouche et sur l'entrainement des neurones, Ensuite, une comparaison des resultats du reseau de neurones a ete fait avec des valeurs simules avec le logiciel Fluent.
Measurement of large steel plates based on linear scan structured light scanning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiao, Zhitao; Li, Yaru; Lei, Geng; Xi, Jiangtao
A measuring method based on linear structured light scanning is proposed to achieve the accurate measurement of the complex internal shape of large steel plates. Firstly, by using a calibration plate with round marks, an improved line scanning calibration method is designed. The internal and external parameters of camera are determined through the calibration method. Secondly, the images of steel plates are acquired by line scan camera. Then the Canny edge detection method is used to extract approximate contours of the steel plate images, the Gauss fitting algorithm is used to extract the sub-pixel edges of the steel plate contours. Thirdly, for the problem of inaccurate restoration of contour size, by measuring the distance between adjacent points in the grid of known dimensions, the horizontal and vertical error curves of the images are obtained. Finally, these horizontal and vertical error curves can be used to correct the contours of steel plates, and then combined with the calibration parameters of internal and external, the size of these contours can be calculated. The experiments results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve the error of 1 mm/m in 1.2m×2.6m field of view, which has satisfied the demands of industrial measurement.
Petruševska, Marija; Urleb, Uroš; Peternel, Luka
The excipient-mediated precipitation inhibition is classically determined by the quantification of the dissolved compound in the solution. In this study, two alternative approaches were evaluated, one is the light scattering (nephelometer) and other is the turbidity (plate reader) microtiter plate-based methods which are based on the quantification of the compound precipitate. Following the optimization of the nephelometer settings (beam focus, laser gain) and the experimental conditions, the screening of 23 excipients on the precipitation inhibition of poorly soluble fenofibrate and dipyridamole was performed. The light scattering method resulted in excellent correlation (r>0.91) between the calculated precipitation inhibitor parameters (PIPs) and the precipitation inhibition index (PI(classical)) obtained by the classical approach for fenofibrate and dipyridamole. Among the evaluated PIPs AUC100 (nephelometer) resulted in only four false positives and lack of false negatives. In the case of the turbidity-based method a good correlation of the PI(classical) was obtained for the PIP maximal optical density (OD(max), r=0.91), however, only for fenofibrate. In the case of the OD(max) (plate reader) five false positives and two false negatives were identified. In conclusion, the light scattering-based method outperformed the turbidity-based one and could be reliably used for identification of novel precipitation inhibitors. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Robust scatter correction method for cone-beam CT using an interlacing-slit plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Kui-Dong; Xu, Zhe; Zhang, Ding-Hua; Zhang, Hua; Shi, Wen-Long
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been widely used in medical imaging and industrial nondestructive testing, but the presence of scattered radiation will cause significant reduction of image quality. In this article, a robust scatter correction method for CBCT using an interlacing-slit plate (ISP) is carried out for convenient practice. Firstly, a Gaussian filtering method is proposed to compensate the missing data of the inner scatter image, and simultaneously avoid too-large values of calculated inner scatter and smooth the inner scatter field. Secondly, an interlacing-slit scan without detector gain correction is carried out to enhance the practicality and convenience of the scatter correction method. Finally, a denoising step for scatter-corrected projection images is added in the process flow to control the noise amplification The experimental results show that the improved method can not only make the scatter correction more robust and convenient, but also achieve a good quality of scatter-corrected slice images. Supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (2012ZX04007021), Aeronautical Science Fund of China (2014ZE53059), and Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities of China (3102014KYJD022)
Comparison of media for detection of fungi on spacecraft
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Herring, C. M.; Brandsberg, J. W.; Oxborrow, G. S.; Puleo, J. R.
Five media, including Trypticase soy agar (TSA; BBL) pour plates, spread plates of TSA, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin and Actidione, and cornmeal agar with chloromycetin were quantitatively and qualitatively compared for the detection of fungi on spacecraft. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin yielded the highest number of fungal colonies, although not always significantly higher than Mycophil agar with chloromycetin or TSA spread plates. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin also gave the best qualitative representation of fungi on the spacecraft, recovering 68% of the genera found from all media. This medium yielded 10 times the number of fungal colonies and 3 times the number of genera found on TSA pour plates as currently used for spacecraft assay.
Comparison of media for detection of fungi on spacecraft.
Herring, C M; Brandsberg, J W; Oxborrow, G S; Puleo, J R
Five media, including Trypticase soy agar (TSA; BBL) pour plates, spread plates of TSA, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin and Actidione, and cornmeal agar with chloromycetin were quantitatively and qualitatively compared for the detection of fungi on spacecraft. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin yielded the highest number of fungal colonies, although not always significantly higher than Mycophil agar with chloromycetin or TSA spread plates. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin also gave the best qualitative representation of fungi on the spacecraft, recovering 68% of the genera found from all media. This medium yielded 10 times the number of fungal colonies and 3 times the number of genera found on TSA pour plates as currently used for spacecraft assay.
Elastic Buckling of Orthotropic Plates Under Varying Axial Stresses
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Badir, Ashraf; Hu, Hurang; Diallo, Abdouramane
The elastic buckling load of simply supported rectangular orthotropic plates subjected to a second degree parabolic variation of axial stresses in the longitudinal direction is calculated using analytical methods. The variation of axial stresses is equilibrated by nonuniform shear stresses along the plate edges and transverse normal stresses. The influence of the aspect ratio is examined, and the results are compared with plates subjected to uniform axial stresses.
Fabrication and testing of scatter plates for interferometry
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pour, J. J., Sr.; Pitts, J. R.
Scatter plate interferometry has become a reliable method of measuring surface configurations of telescope mirrors and other optical components. The scatter plate used in an instrument should be of optimum quality if the surface it is being used to measure is to be of high accuracy. Tests were performed and results show that, although many scatter plates would function, few were of the optimum quality necessary. These few were of the 180 grit group, using 35- and 30-s exposures, which are figures derived from calculations.
High accuracy position response calibration method for a micro-channel plate ion detector
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hong, R.; Leredde, A.; Bagdasarova, Y.; Fléchard, X.; García, A.; Müller, P.; Knecht, A.; Liénard, E.; Kossin, M.; Sternberg, M. G.; Swanson, H. E.; Zumwalt, D. W.
We have developed a position response calibration method for a micro-channel plate (MCP) detector with a delay-line anode position readout scheme. Using an in situ calibration mask, an accuracy of 8 μm and a resolution of 85 μm (FWHM) have been achieved for MeV-scale α particles and ions with energies of ∼10 keV. At this level of accuracy, the difference between the MCP position responses to high-energy α particles and low-energy ions is significant. The improved performance of the MCP detector can find applications in many fields of AMO and nuclear physics. In our case, it helps reducing systematic uncertainties in a high-precision nuclear β-decay experiment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Conrad, Heloise
L'evolution technologique des composants electroniques entraine des problemes de gestion de l'obsolescence dans le secteur aeronautique. Les systemes aeronautiques ont en effet des durees de vie nettement superieures aux composants qu'ils contiennent. Cette difference de duree de vie et les normes strictes propres a l'aeronautique obligent les constructeurs a mettre en place une gestion efficace de l'obsolescence pour eviter les couts supplementaires de maintenance et de retards. De plus, a cause des faibles volumes de production qu'ils representent, les constructeurs aeronautiques n'ont que peu de controle sur leur chaine d'approvisionnement. La litterature offre beaucoup d'etudes sur l'obsolescence, appliquees a l'aeronautique. Les auteurs recommandent de mettre en place des processus de gestion et de prevision de l'obsolescence, et de construire des relations de collaboration avec leurs fournisseurs, qui ont plus de visibilite sur la chaine d'approvisionnement. Cette recherche presente d'abord l'elaboration d'une liste de criteres de bonne gestion de l'obsolescence, ainsi que la creation d'une methode de generation de plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre de l'amelioration de la gestion et de la prevision de l'obsolescence pour un cas concret. La methode est creee pour un manufacturier aeronautique ne possedant pas de systemes de gestion proactive ou de prevision de l'obsolescence. La creation de la methode s'est faite en suivant la methodologie de la science de la conception, en impliquant les employes concernes par la gestion de l'obsolescence. La methode comporte douze (12) etapes, amenant au developpement du plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre. Pour applique la methode, divers entretiens individuels et de groupe ont ete realises. Ces entretiens ont aussi permis de lister les criteres de gestion et de prevision efficaces de l'obsolescence. Cette liste a ete comparee avec les criteres issus de la litterature. En respect des besoins enonces par les
Process for protecting bonded components from plating shorts
Tarte, Lisa A.; Bonde, Wayne L.; Carey, Paul G.; Contolini, Robert J.; McCarthy, Anthony M.
A method which protects the region between a component and the substrate onto which the components is bonded using an electrically insulating fillet of photoresist. The fillet protects the regions from subsequent plating with metal and therefore shorting the plated conductors which run down the sides of the component and onto the substrate.
Rectangular Shell Plating Under Uniformly Distributed Hydrostatic Pressure
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Neubert, M; Sommer, A
A check of the calculation methods used by Foppl and Henky for investigating the reliability of shell plating under hydrostatic pressure has proved that the formulas yield practical results within the elastic range of the material. Foppl's approximate calculation leaves one on the safe side. It further was found on the basis of the marked ductility of the shell plating under tensile stress that the strength is from 50 to 100 percent higher in the elastic range than expected by either method.
Ruda, Mitchell C [Tucson, AZ; Greynolds, Alan W [Tucson, AZ; Stuhlinger, Tilman W [Tucson, AZ
One or more disc-shaped angular shear plates each include a region thereon having a thickness that varies with a nonlinear function. For the case of two such shear plates, they are positioned in a facing relationship and rotated relative to each other. Light passing through the variable thickness regions in the angular plates is refracted. By properly timing the relative rotation of the plates and by the use of an appropriate polynomial function for the thickness of the shear plate, light passing therethrough can be focused at variable positions.
McClain, Arianna; van den Bos, Wouter; Matheson, Donna; Desai, Manisha; McClure, Samuel M.; Robinson, Thomas N.
OBJECTIVE The Delboeuf Illusion affects perceptions of the relative sizes of concentric shapes. This study was designed to extend research on the application of the Delboeuf illusion to food on a plate by testing whether a plate’s rim width and coloring influence perceptual bias to affect perceived food portion size. DESIGN AND METHODS Within-subjects experimental design. Experiment 1 tested the effect of rim width on perceived food portion size. Experiment 2 tested the effect of rim coloring on perceived food portion size. In both experiments, participants observed a series of photographic images of paired, side-by-side plates varying in designs and amounts of food. From each pair, participants were asked to select the plate that contained more food. Multi-level logistic regression examined the effects of rim width and coloring on perceived food portion size. RESULTS Experiment 1: Participants overestimated the diameter of food portions by 5% and the visual area of food portions by 10% on plates with wider rims compared to plates with very thin rims (P<0.0001). The effect of rim width was greater with larger food portion sizes. Experiment 2: Participants overestimated the diameter of food portions by 1.5% and the visual area of food portions by 3% on plates with rim coloring compared to plates with no coloring (P=0.01). The effect of rim coloring was greater with smaller food portion sizes. CONCLUSION The Delboeuf illusion applies to food on a plate. Participants overestimated food portion size on plates with wider and colored rims. These findings may help design plates to influence perceptions of food portion sizes. PMID:24005858
Electroless plated maghemite for three-dimensional magneto photonic crystals
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mito, Shinichiro; Kawashima, Takuya; Kawaguchi, Takuma; Sasano, Junji; Takagi, Hiroyuki; Inoue, Mitsuteru
Three-dimensional magneto photonic crystals (3D-MPCs) are promising material for manipulating light in 3D space. In this study, we fabricated 3D-MPC that is filling the air-gap of opal photonic crystal with magnetic material by electroless plating. The electroless plating is an attractive film-forming method which provides magnetic material films on various substrates in aqueous solution at 24-90 °C. As magnetic material for filling the air-gap, maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) film was plated in opal photonic crystal. The plated maghemite film showed a Faraday rotation of 0.6 deg./μm at 440 nm and significantly lower absorption than magnetite. The plated opal showed photonic band gap and magneto-optic response. Faraday rotation of the plated opal was enhanced at the band edge. The photonic band gap and the Faraday rotation spectra were changed as a function of incident angle of light. Electroless plating of maghemite could be promising technique for fabricating 3D-MPCs.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Haian; Wang, Xiaoming; Wu, Huayong; Meng, Jianbing
The vibroacoustic response and sound absorption performance of a structure composed of multilayer plates and one rigid back wall are theoretically analyzed. In this structure, all plates are two-dimensional, microperforated, and periodically rib-stiffened. To investigate such a structural system, semianalytical models of one-layer and multilayer plate structures considering the vibration effects are first developed. Then approaches of the space harmonic method and Fourier transforms are applied to a one-layer plate, and finally the cascade connection method is utilized for a multilayer plate structure. Based on fundamental acoustic formulas, the vibroacoustic responses of microperforated stiffened plates are expressed as functions of a series of harmonic amplitudes of plate displacement, which are then solved by employing the numerical truncation method. Applying the inverse Fourier transform, wave propagation, and linear addition properties, the equations of the sound pressures and absorption coefficients for the one-layer and multilayer stiffened plates in physical space are finally derived. Using numerical examples, the effects of the most important physical parameters—for example, the perforation ratio of the plate, sound incident angles, and periodical rib spacing—on sound absorption performance are examined. Numerical results indicate that the sound absorption performance of the studied structure is effectively enhanced by the flexural vibration of the plate in water. Finally, the proposed approaches are validated by comparing the results of stiffened plates of the present work with solutions from previous studies.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Corbeil Therrien, Audrey
La tomographie d'emission par positrons (TEP) est un outil precieux en recherche preclinique et pour le diagnostic medical. Cette technique permet d'obtenir une image quantitative de fonctions metaboliques specifiques par la detection de photons d'annihilation. La detection des ces photons se fait a l'aide de deux composantes. D'abord, un scintillateur convertit l'energie du photon 511 keV en photons du spectre visible. Ensuite, un photodetecteur convertit l'energie lumineuse en signal electrique. Recemment, les photodiodes avalanche monophotoniques (PAMP) disposees en matrice suscitent beaucoup d'interet pour la TEP. Ces matrices forment des detecteurs sensibles, robustes, compacts et avec une resolution en temps hors pair. Ces qualites en font un photodetecteur prometteur pour la TEP, mais il faut optimiser les parametres de la matrice et de l'electronique de lecture afin d'atteindre les performances optimales pour la TEP. L'optimisation de la matrice devient rapidement une operation difficile, car les differents parametres interagissent de maniere complexe avec les processus d'avalanche et de generation de bruit. Enfin, l'electronique de lecture pour les matrices de PAMP demeure encore rudimentaire et il serait profitable d'analyser differentes strategies de lecture. Pour repondre a cette question, la solution la plus economique est d'utiliser un simulateur pour converger vers la configuration donnant les meilleures performances. Les travaux de ce memoire presentent le developpement d'un tel simulateur. Celui-ci modelise le comportement d'une matrice de PAMP en se basant sur les equations de physique des semiconducteurs et des modeles probabilistes. Il inclut les trois principales sources de bruit, soit le bruit thermique, les declenchements intempestifs correles et la diaphonie optique. Le simulateur permet aussi de tester et de comparer de nouvelles approches pour l'electronique de lecture plus adaptees a ce type de detecteur. Au final, le simulateur vise a
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jin, Chul Kyu; Jang, Chang Hyun; Kang, Chung Gil
A thin plate (150 × 150 × 1.2 mm) with embedded corrugation is fabricated using the rheoforming method. Semisolid slurry is created using the electromagnetic stirring (EMS) system, and the thin plate is made with the forging die at the 200-ton hydraulic press. The cross sections and microstructures of the slurry with and without stirring are examined. To investigate the effect of the process parameters on the formability, microstructure, and mechanical properties of thin plate the slurry is subjected to 16 types of condition for the forging experiment. The 16 types included the following conditions: Whether the EMS is applied or not, three fractions of the solid phase at 35, 45 and 55 pct; two compression velocities at 30 and 300 mm s-1; and four different compression pressures—100, 150, 200 and 250 MPa. The thin plate's formability is enhanced at higher punch velocity for compressing the slurry, and fine solid particles are uniformly distributed, which in turn, enhances the plate's mechanical properties. The pressure between 150 and 200 MPa is an appropriate condition to form thin plates. A thin plate without defects can be created when the slurry at 35 pct of the solid fraction (f s) was applied at the compression velocity of 300 mm s-1 and 150 MPa of pressure. The surface state of thin plate is excellent with 220 MPa of tensile strength and 13.5 pct of elongation. The primary particles are fine over the entire plate, and there are no liquid segregation-related defects.
Static analysis of the hull plate using the finite element method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ion, A.
This paper aims at presenting the static analysis for two levels of a container ship's construction as follows: the first level is at the girder / hull plate and the second level is conducted at the entire strength hull of the vessel. This article will describe the work for the static analysis of a hull plate. We shall use the software package ANSYS Mechanical 14.5. The program is run on a computer with four Intel Xeon X5260 CPU processors at 3.33 GHz, 32 GB memory installed. In terms of software, the shared memory parallel version of ANSYS refers to running ANSYS across multiple cores on a SMP system. The distributed memory parallel version of ANSYS (Distributed ANSYS) refers to running ANSYS across multiple processors on SMP systems or DMP systems.
Stresses and strains in thick perforated orthotropic plates
A. Alshaya; John Hunt; R. Rowlands
Stress and strain concentrations and in-plane and out-of-plane stress constraint factors associated with a circular hole in thick, loaded orthotropic composite plates are determined by three-dimensional finite element method. The plate has essentially infinite in-plane geometry but finite thickness. Results for Sitka Spruce wood are emphasized, although some for carbon...
Distal tibia fractures: locked or non-locked plating?
Khalsa, Amrit S; Toossi, Nader; Tabb, Loni P; Amin, Nirav H; Donohue, Kenneth W; Cerynik, Douglas L
Background and purpose Although plating is considered to be the treatment of choice in distal tibia fractures, controversies abound regarding the type of plating for optimal fixation. We conducted a systematic review to evaluate and compare the outcomes of locked plating and non-locked plating in treatment of distal tibia fractures. Patients and methods A systematic review was conducted using PubMed to identify articles on the outcomes of plating in distal tibia fractures that were published up to June 2012. We included English language articles involving a minimum of 10 adult cases with acute fractures treated using single-plate, minimally invasive techniques. Study-level binomial regression on the pooled data was conducted to determine the effect of locking status on different outcomes, adjusted for age, sex, and other independent variables. Results 27 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis of 764 cases (499 locking, 265 non-locking). Based on descriptive analysis only, delayed union was reported in 6% of cases with locked plating and in 4% of cases with non-locked plating. Non-union was reported in 2% of cases with locked plating and 3% of cases with non-locked plating. Comparing locked and non-locked plating, the odds ratio (OR) for reoperation was 0.13 (95% CI: 0.03–0.57) and for malalignment it was 0.10 (95% CI: 0.02–0.42). Both values were statistically significant. Interpretation This study showed that locked plating reduces the odds of reoperation and malalignment after treatment for acute distal tibia fracture. Future studies should accurately assess causality and the clinical and economic impact of these findings. PMID:24758325
Measurement of Kirchhoff's stress intensity factors in bending plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bäcker, D.; Kuna, M.; Häusler, C.
A measurement method of the stress intensity factors defined by KIRCHHOFF's theory for a crack in a bending plate is shown. For this purpose, a thin piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride film (PVDF) is attached to the surface of the cracked plate. The measured electrical voltages are coupled with the load type and the crack tip position relative to the sensor film. Stress intensity factors and the crack tip position can be determined by solving the non-linear inverse problem based on the measured signals. To guarantee solvability of the problem, more measuring electrodes on the film have to be taken in to account. To the developed sensor concept the KIRCHHOFF's plate theory has been applied. In order to connect the electrical signals and the stress intensity factors the stresses near the crack tip have to be written in eigenfunctions (see WILLIAMS [1]). The presented method was verified by means of the example of a straight crack of the length 2a in an infinite isotropic plate under all- side bending. It was found that the positioning of the electrodes is delimited by two radii. On one hand, the measurement points should not be too close to the crack tip. In this area, the Kirchhoff's plate theory cannot be used effectively. On the other hand, the measuring electrodes should be placed at a smaller distance to each other and not too far from the crack tip regarding the convergence radius of the WILLIAMS series expansion. Test calculations on a straight crack in an infinite isotropic plate showed the general applicability of the measurement method.
Strongly coupled stress waves in heterogeneous plates.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wang, A. S. D.; Chou, P. C.; Rose, J. L.
Consideration of coupled stress waves generated by an impulsive load applied at one end of a semiinfinite plate. For the field equations governing the one-dimensional coupled waves a hyperbolic system of equations is obtained in which a strong coupling in the second derivatives exists. The method of characteristics described by Chou and Mortimer (1967) is extended to cover the case of strong coupling, and a study is made of the transient stress waves in a semiinfinite plate subjected to an initial step input. Coupled discontinuity fronts are found to propagate at different velocities. The normal plate stress and the bending moment at different time regimes are illustrated by graphs.
Principal visual word discovery for automatic license plate detection.
Zhou, Wengang; Li, Houqiang; Lu, Yijuan; Tian, Qi
License plates detection is widely considered a solved problem, with many systems already in operation. However, the existing algorithms or systems work well only under some controlled conditions. There are still many challenges for license plate detection in an open environment, such as various observation angles, background clutter, scale changes, multiple plates, uneven illumination, and so on. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme to automatically locate license plates by principal visual word (PVW), discovery and local feature matching. Observing that characters in different license plates are duplicates of each other, we bring in the idea of using the bag-of-words (BoW) model popularly applied in partial-duplicate image search. Unlike the classic BoW model, for each plate character, we automatically discover the PVW characterized with geometric context. Given a new image, the license plates are extracted by matching local features with PVW. Besides license plate detection, our approach can also be extended to the detection of logos and trademarks. Due to the invariance virtue of scale-invariant feature transform feature, our method can adaptively deal with various changes in the license plates, such as rotation, scaling, illumination, etc. Promising results of the proposed approach are demonstrated with an experimental study in license plate detection.
Sohn, Hoon-Sang; Jeon, Yoon Sang; Lee, JuHan; Shin, Sang-Jin
Recently, minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) has been widely used for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures. However, there is concern about whether the MIPO in comminuted proximal humeral fractures is also comparable to open plating. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes of open plating and MIPO for acute displaced proximal humeral fractures. In this prospective, randomized controlled study, 107 patients who had an acute proximal humeral fracture were randomized to either the open plating or MIPO techniques. Forty-five patients treated with open plating and 45 with the MIPO technique who were followed up at least 1year were evaluated. Shoulder functional assessment, operating time, several radiographic parameters, and complications were evaluated at final follow-up. The mean follow-up period was 15.0 months in the open plating and 14.3 months in the MIPO technique. There were no statistically significant differences in functional assessment scores and radiographic parameters between the two groups. High complications rates were found in 4-part fracture in both surgical methods The average operation time in the MIPO group were significantly lower compared to the open plating group (p<0.05). This study showed MIPO in proximal humerus fractures had similar clinical and radiographic outcomes compared to the open plating. However, the MIPO technique in proximal humerus fracture provided significantly shorter operation time than the open plating. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enhancements for digital imaging of gusset plate connections : fisheye and image stitching.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report describes techniques to convert fisheye digital images of gusset plates to perspective images (defish). It also describes methods to stitch together partial images of a gusset plate into a composite of the complete gusset plate. The conve...
Wave propagation in a multilayered laminated cross-ply composite plate
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shah, A. H.; Datta, S. K.; Karunasena, W.
Dispersion of guided waves in a cross-ply laminated plate has been studied here using a stiffness method and an exact method. It is shown that the number of laminae strongly influences the dispersion behavior. Further, it is found that when the number of laminae is sufficiently large, then the dispersion behavior can be predicted by treating the plate as homogeneous with six stiffness constants obtained by using an effective modulus method.
A novel diagnosis method for a Hall plates-based rotary encoder with a magnetic concentrator.
Meng, Bumin; Wang, Yaonan; Sun, Wei; Yuan, Xiaofang
In the last few years, rotary encoders based on two-dimensional complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS) Hall plates with a magnetic concentrator have been developed to measure contactless absolute angle. There are various error factors influencing the measuring accuracy, which are difficult to locate after the assembly of encoder. In this paper, a model-based rapid diagnosis method is presented. Based on an analysis of the error mechanism, an error model is built to compare minimum residual angle error and to quantify the error factors. Additionally, a modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to reduce the calculated amount. The simulation and experimental results show that this diagnosis method is feasible to quantify the causes of the error and to reduce iteration significantly.
A non-asymptotic model of dynamics of honeycomb lattice-type plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cielecka, Iwona; Jędrysiak, Jarosław
Lightweight structures, consisted of special composite material systems like sandwich plates, are often used in aerospace or naval engineering. In composite sandwich plates, the intermediate core is usually made of cellular structures, e.g. honeycomb micro-frames, reinforcing static and dynamic properties of these plates. Here, a new non-asymptotic continuum model of honeycomb lattice-type plates is shown and applied to the analysis of dynamic problems. The general formulation of the model for periodic lattice-type plates of an arbitrary lay-out was presented by Cielecka and Jędrysiak [Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 40 (2002) 23-46]. This model, partly based on the tolerance averaging method developed for periodic composite solids by Woźniak and Wierzbicki [Averaging techniques in thermomechanics of composite solids, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa, 2000], takes into account the effect of the length microstructure size on the dynamic plate behaviour. The shown method leads to the model equations describing the above effect for honeycomb lattice-type plates. These equations have the form similar to equations for isotropic cases. The dynamic analysis of such plates exemplifies this effect, which is significant and cannot be neglected. The physical correctness of the obtained results is also discussed.
A Compact Immunoassay Platform Based on a Multicapillary Glass Plate
Xue, Shuhua; Zeng, Hulie; Yang, Jianmin; Nakajima, Hizuru; Uchiyama, Katsumi
A highly sensitive, rapid immunoassay performed in the multi-channels of a micro-well array consisting of a multicapillary glass plate (MCP) and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) slide is described. The micro-dimensions and large surface area of the MCP permitted the diffusion distance to be decreased and the reaction efficiency to be increased. To confirm the concept of the method, human immunoglobulin A (h-IgA) was measured using both the proposed immunoassay system and the traditional 96-well plate method. The proposed method resulted in a 1/5-fold decrease of immunoassay time, and a 1/56-fold cut in reagent consumption with a 0.05 ng/mL of limit of detection (LOD) for IgA. The method was also applied to saliva samples obtained from healthy volunteers. The results correlated well to those obtained by the 96-well plate method. The method has the potential for use in disease diagnostic or on-site immunoassays. PMID:24859022
Comparison of Primary Models to Predict Microbial Growth by the Plate Count and Absorbance Methods.
Pla, María-Leonor; Oltra, Sandra; Esteban, María-Dolores; Andreu, Santiago; Palop, Alfredo
The selection of a primary model to describe microbial growth in predictive food microbiology often appears to be subjective. The objective of this research was to check the performance of different mathematical models in predicting growth parameters, both by absorbance and plate count methods. For this purpose, growth curves of three different microorganisms (Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli) grown under the same conditions, but with different initial concentrations each, were analysed. When measuring the microbial growth of each microorganism by optical density, almost all models provided quite high goodness of fit (r(2) > 0.93) for all growth curves. The growth rate remained approximately constant for all growth curves of each microorganism, when considering one growth model, but differences were found among models. Three-phase linear model provided the lowest variation for growth rate values for all three microorganisms. Baranyi model gave a variation marginally higher, despite a much better overall fitting. When measuring the microbial growth by plate count, similar results were obtained. These results provide insight into predictive microbiology and will help food microbiologists and researchers to choose the proper primary growth predictive model.
Aperture-based antihydrogen gravity experiment: Parallel plate geometry
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rocha, J. R.; Hedlof, R. M.; Ordonez, C. A.
An analytical model and a Monte Carlo simulation are presented of an experiment that could be used to determine the direction of the acceleration of antihydrogen due to gravity. The experiment would rely on methods developed by existing antihydrogen research collaborations. The configuration consists of two circular, parallel plates that have an axis of symmetry directed away from the center of the earth. The plates are separated by a small vertical distance, and include one or more pairs of circular barriers that protrude from the upper and lower plates, thereby forming an aperture between the plates. Antihydrogen annihilations that occur just beyond each barrier, within a "shadow" region, are asymmetric on the upper plate relative to the lower plate. The probability for such annihilations is determined for a point, line and spheroidal source of antihydrogen. The production of 100,000 antiatoms is predicted to be necessary for the aperture-based experiment to indicate the direction of free fall acceleration of antimatter, provided that antihydrogen is produced within a sufficiently small antiproton plasma at a temperature of 4 K.
Tralman, G; Andrianov, V; Arend, A; Männik, P; Kibur, R T; Nõupuu, K; Uksov, D; Aunapuu, M
The study compares the efficiency of a new bone fixator combining periostal and intramedullary osteosynthesis to bone plating in treatment of tibial fractures in sheep. Experimental osteotomies were performed in the middle third of the left tibia. Animals were divided into two groups: in one group (four animals) combined osteosynthesis (rod-through-plate fixator, RTP fixator) was applied, and in the other group (three animals) bone plating was used. The experiments lasted for 10 weeks during which fracture union was followed by radiography, and the healing process was studied by blood serum markers reflecting bone turnover and by histological and immunohistochemical investigations. In the RTP fixator group, animals started to load body weight on the operated limbs the next day after the surgery, while in the bone plating group, this happened only on the seventh day. In the RTP fixator group, consolidation of fractures was also faster, as demonstrated by radiographical, histological, and immunohistochemical investigations and in part by blood serum markers for bone formation. It can be concluded that application of RTP fixation is more efficient than plate fixation in the treatment of experimental osteotomies of long bones in sheep. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
Anderson, D L
The concept of a stressed elastic lithospheric plate riding on a viscous asthenosphere is used to calculate the recurrence interval of great earthquakes at convergent plate boundaries, the separation of decoupling and lithospheric earthquakes, and the migration pattern of large earthquakes along an arc. It is proposed that plate motions accelerate after great decoupling earthquakes and that most of the observed plate motions occur during short periods of time, separated by periods of relative quiescence.
Method and apparatus for enhancing microchannel plate data
Thoe, R.S.
A method and apparatus for determining centroid channel locations are disclosed for use in a system activated by one or more multichannel plates and including a linear diode array providing channels of information 1, 2, ...,n, ..., N containing signal amplitudes A/sub n/. A source of analog A/sub n/ signals, and a source of digital clock signals n, are provided. Non-zero A/sub n/ values are detected in a discriminator. A digital signal representing p, the value of n immediately preceding that whereat A/sub n/ takes its first non-zero value, is generated in a scaler. The analog A/sub n/ signals are converted to digital in an analog to digital converter. The digital A/sub n/ signals are added to produce a digital ..sigma..A/sub n/ signal in a full adder. Digital 1, 2, ..., m signals representing the number of non-zero A/sub n/ are produced by a discriminator pulse counter. Digital signals representing 1 A/sub p+1/, 2 A/sub p+2/, ..., m A/sub p+m/ are produced by pairwise multiplication in multiplier. These signal are added in multiplier summer to produce a digital ..sigma..nA/sub n/ - p..sigma..A/sub n/ signal. This signal is divided by the digital ..sigma..A/sub n/ signal in divider to provide a digital (..sigma..nA/sub n//..sigma..A/sub n/) -p signal. Finally, this last signal is added to the digital p signal in an offset summer to provide ..sigma..nA/sub n//..sigma..A/sub n/, the centroid channel locations.
Hussain, Faruqe; Clasen, Thomas; Akter, Shahinoor; Bawel, Victoria; Luby, Stephen P; Leontsini, Elli; Unicomb, Leanne; Barua, Milan Kanti; Thomas, Brittany; Winch, Peter J
In rural Bangladesh, India and elsewhere, pour-flush pit latrines are the most common sanitation system. When a single pit latrine becomes full, users must empty it themselves and risk exposure to fresh feces, pay an emptying service to remove pit contents or build a new latrine. Double pit pour-flush latrines may serve as a long-term sanitation option including high water table areas because the pits do not need to be emptied immediately and the excreta decomposes into reusable soil. Double pit pour-flush latrines were implemented in rural Bangladesh for 'hardcore poor' households by a national NGO, BRAC. We conducted interviews, focus groups, and spot checks in two low-income, rural areas of Bangladesh to explore the advantages and limitations of using double pit latrines compared to single pit latrines. The rural households accepted the double pit pour-flush latrine model and considered it feasible to use and maintain. This latrine design increased accessibility of a sanitation facility for these low-income residents and provided privacy, convenience and comfort, compared to open defecation. Although a double pit latrine is more costly and requires more space than a single pit latrine the households perceived this sanitation system to save resources, because households did not need to hire service workers to empty pits or remove decomposed contents themselves. In addition, the excreta decomposition process produced a reusable soil product that some households used in homestead gardening. The durability of the latrine superstructures was a problem, as most of the bamboo-pole superstructure broke after 6-18 months of use. Double pit pour-flush latrines are a long-term improved sanitation option that offers users several important advantages over single pit pour-flush latrines like in rural Bangladesh which can also be used in areas with high water table. Further research can provide an understanding of the comparative health impacts and effectiveness of the model
de loin sans correction, la chirurgie réfractive permet aux jeunes recrues ou militaires du rang de satisfaire aux normes de vision sans...correction exigées pour le métier militaire de leur choix, d’où une augmentation du nombre de candidats et la possibilité pour les individus...réfractive risquent d’engendrer des handicaps visuels et d’écourter des carrières militaires. Pour cette raison, la qualité du service fourni
Lightweight structure design for supporting plate of primary mirror
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Xiao; Wang, Wei; Liu, Bei; Qu, Yan Jun; Li, Xu Peng
A topological optimization design for the lightweight technology of supporting plate of the primary mirror is presented in this paper. The supporting plate of the primary mirror is topologically optimized under the condition of determined shape, loads and environment. And the optimal structure is obtained. The diameter of the primary mirror in this paper is 450mm, and the material is SiC1 . It is better to select SiC/Al as the supporting material. Six points of axial relative displacement can be used as constraints in optimization2 . Establishing the supporting plate model and setting up the model parameters. After analyzing the force of the main mirror on the supporting plate, the model is applied with force and constraints. Modal analysis and static analysis of supporting plates are calculated. The continuum structure topological optimization mathematical model is created with the variable-density method. The maximum deformation of the surface of supporting plate under the gravity of the mirror and the first model frequency are assigned to response variable, and the entire volume of supporting structure is converted to object function. The structures before and after optimization are analyzed using the finite element method. Results show that the optimized fundamental frequency increases 29.85Hz and has a less displacement compared with the traditional structure.
Cordova, L B; Thammasiri, K
There are various methods for the cryopreservation of plant material, with each biological specimen potentially requiring protocol optimization to maximize success. The aim of this study is to compare droplet-vitrification, encapsulation-dehydration, and the cryo-plate method for cryopreservation of protocorms of the orchid Arundina graminifolia, using silica gel and drying beads as the desiccation materials. The cryo-plate method included preculture of protocorms, developed from seeds, placed on aluminium cryo-plates and embedded in alginate gel. Cryo-plates were surface dried using sterile filter paper, placed in Petri dishes containing 50 g silica gel or 30 g drying beads in a laminar air-flow cabinet. Specimens on cryo-plates were dehydrated to 25 % moisture content, placed into 2 mL cryotubes and plunged directly into liquid nitrogen for 1 d. For cryopreservation, the cryo-plate method, involving dehydration with 30 g drying beads gave the highest regrowth (77 %), followed by the encapsulation-dehydration method with 30 g drying beads (64 % regrowth) and the droplet-vitrification method, following exposure to PVS2 solution for 20 min (33 % regrowth). Regrowth of cryopreserved protocorms using the cryo-plate method was rapid with the highest survival and regrowth.
Comparison of Media for Detection of Fungi on Spacecraft
Herring, C. M.; Brandsberg, J. W.; Oxborrow, G. S.; Puleo, J. R.
Five media, including Trypticase soy agar (TSA; BBL) pour plates, spread plates of TSA, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin, Mycophil agar with chloromycetin and Actidione, and cornmeal agar with chloromycetin were quantitatively and qualitatively compared for the detection of fungi on spacecraft. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin yielded the highest number of fungal colonies, although not always significantly higher than Mycophil agar with chloromycetin or TSA spread plates. Cornmeal agar with chloromycetin also gave the best qualitative representation of fungi on the spacecraft, recovering 68% of the genera found from all media. This medium yielded 10 times the number of fungal colonies and 3 times the number of genera found on TSA pour plates as currently used for spacecraft assay. PMID:4151044
The Development and Evaluation of a Portion Plate for Youth: A Pilot Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bohnert, Amy M.; Randall, Edin T.; Tharp, Stephanie; Germann, Julie
Objective: To develop and evaluate a portion plate for adolescents (Nutri-plate). Methods: Sixteen African American adolescents (mean age = 12.94 years; 66% male) were randomized to participate in either plate design or nutrition education sessions. Adolescents' input was used to create the Nutri-plate, and participants' food selection and intake…
Mishina, T; Okano, F; Yuyama, I
The single-sideband method of holography, as is well known, cuts off beams that come from conjugate images for holograms produced in the Fraunhofer region and from objects with no phase components. The single-sideband method with half-zone-plate processing is also effective in the Fresnel region for beams from an object that has phase components. However, this method restricts the viewing zone to a narrow range. We propose a method to improve this restriction by time-alternating switching of hologram patterns and a spatial filter set on the focal plane of a reconstruction lens.
Statistical Analyses of Femur Parameters for Designing Anatomical Plates.
Wang, Lin; He, Kunjin; Chen, Zhengming
Femur parameters are key prerequisites for scientifically designing anatomical plates. Meanwhile, individual differences in femurs present a challenge to design well-fitting anatomical plates. Therefore, to design anatomical plates more scientifically, analyses of femur parameters with statistical methods were performed in this study. The specific steps were as follows. First, taking eight anatomical femur parameters as variables, 100 femur samples were classified into three classes with factor analysis and Q-type cluster analysis. Second, based on the mean parameter values of the three classes of femurs, three sizes of average anatomical plates corresponding to the three classes of femurs were designed. Finally, based on Bayes discriminant analysis, a new femur could be assigned to the proper class. Thereafter, the average anatomical plate suitable for that new femur was selected from the three available sizes of plates. Experimental results showed that the classification of femurs was quite reasonable based on the anatomical aspects of the femurs. For instance, three sizes of condylar buttress plates were designed. Meanwhile, 20 new femurs are judged to which classes the femurs belong. Thereafter, suitable condylar buttress plates were determined and selected.
STEEL BEAMS FOR FIRST FLOOR BEING READIED FOR CONCRETE POUR UNDER WEATHER SHELTER DURING COLD WINTER. NOTE ABUNDANCE OF BEAMS; THE FLOOR WILL SUPPORT HEAVY LOADS. INL NEGATIVE NO. 1175. Unknown Photographer, 12/20/1950 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Test Reactor Area, Materials & Engineering Test Reactors, Scoville, Butte County, ID
Multicycle Wilhelmy plate method for wetting properties, swelling and liquid sorption of wood.
Moghaddam, Maziar Sedighi; Wålinder, Magnus E P; Claesson, Per M; Swerin, Agne
A multicycle Wilhelmy plate method has been developed to investigate wetting properties, liquid sorption, and swelling of porous substrates such as wood. The use of the method is exemplified by studies of wood veneers of Scots pine sapwood and heartwood, which were subjected to repeated immersion and withdrawal in a swelling liquid (water) and in a nonswelling liquid (octane). The swelling liquid changes the sample dimensions during measurements, in particular its perimeter. This, in turn, influences the force registered. A model based on a linear combination of the measured force and final change in sample perimeter is suggested, and validated to elucidate the dynamic perimeter change of wood veneer samples. We show that pine heartwood and pine sapwood differ in several respects in their interaction with water. Pine heartwood showed (i) lower liquid uptake, (ii) lower swelling, (iii) higher contact angle, and (iv) lower level of dissolution of surface active components (extractives) than pine sapwood. We conclude that the method is also suitable for studying wetting properties of other porous and swellable materials. The wettability results were supported by surface chemical analysis using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, showing higher extractives and lignin content on heartwood than on sapwood surfaces.
Rhee, John M; Register, Bradley; Hamasaki, Takahiko; Franklin, Betty
Prospective clinical series. To evaluate the ability of plate-only laminoplasty to achieve stable laminar arch reconstruction and to determine the rate and time course with which bony healing occurs in such constructs. Reconstruction of a stable laminar arch with sufficient room for the decompressed spinal cord is a desired goal when performing cervical laminoplasty for myelopathy. Traditional forms of laminoplasty fixation, such as sutures, bone struts, and ceramic spacers, may be associated with complications including loss of fixation, dislodgement with neurologic compromise, and premature laminoplasty closure. Plates, in contrast, provide more rigid fixation. Plate-only laminoplasty is gaining popularity as a method of laminoplasty fixation, but there is little data on its effectiveness. Fifty-four patients who underwent open door laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy and had available postoperative computed tomography (CT) scans formed the basis of this study. In all cases, a 4-mm round burr was used to create the hinge at the junction of the lateral mass and lamina by completely removing the dorsal cortex and thinning the ventral cortex until a greenstick deformation of the hinge could be produced. Laminoplasty plates were used as the sole method of fixation. No supplemental bone graft struts were used on the plated side, and the hinge side was not bone grafted. Axial CT scans obtained at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively were assessed for plate complications and bony healing of the hinge. No plate failures, dislodgements, or premature closures occurred in any of the levels at any time postoperatively. Computed tomography scan review demonstrated that 55% of levels were healed at 3 months, 77% at 6 months, and 93% at 12 months. At each timepoint, C6 and C7 had the highest hinge healing rates. Laminar screw backout was seen in 5/217 (2.3%) of levels, but was not associated with plate dislodgement, laminoplasty closure, or neurologic consequences, and did not
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ait Hammou, Zouhair
Cette etude porte sur la conception d'un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride (AECH) pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique. Un modele mathematique reposant sur les equations de conservation de la quantite d'energie est expose. Il est developpe pour tester differents materiaux de stockage, entre autres, les materiaux a changement de phase (solide/liquide) et les materiaux de stockage sensible. Un code de calcul est mis en eeuvre sur ordinateur, puis valide a l'aide des resultats analytiques et numeriques de la litterature. En parallele, un prototype experimental a echelle reduite est concu au laboratoire afin de valider le code de calcul. Des simulations sont effectuees pour etudier les effets des parametres de conception et des materiaux de stockage sur le comportement thermique de l'AECH et sur la consommation d'energie electrique. Les resultats des simulations sur quatre mois d'hiver montrent que la paraffine n-octadecane et l'acide caprique sont deux candidats souhaitables pour le stockage d'energie destine au chauffage des habitats. L'utilisation de ces deux materiaux dans l'AECH permet de reduire la consommation d'energie electrique de 32% et d'aplanir le probleme de pointe electrique puisque 90% de l'energie electrique est consommee durant les heures creuses. En plus, en adoptant un tarif preferentiel, le calcul des couts lies a la consommation d'energie electrique montre que le consommateur adoptant ce systeme beneficie d'une reduction de 50% de la facture d'electricite.
Free vibration of functionally graded carbon-nanotube-reinforced composite plates with cutout
Mirzaei, Mostafa
Summary During the past five years, it has been shown that carbon nanotubes act as an exceptional reinforcement for composites. For this reason, a large number of investigations have been devoted to analysis of fundamental, structural behavior of solid structures made of carbon-nanotube-reinforced composites (CNTRC). The present research, as an extension of the available works on the vibration analysis of CNTRC structures, examines the free vibration characteristics of plates containing a cutout that are reinforced with uniform or nonuniform distribution of carbon nanotubes. The first-order shear deformation plate theory is used to estimate the kinematics of the plate. The solution method is based on the Ritz method with Chebyshev basis polynomials. Such a solution method is suitable for arbitrary in-plane and out-of-plane boundary conditions of the plate. It is shown that through a functionally graded distribution of carbon nanotubes across the thickness of the plate, the fundamental frequency of a rectangular plate with or without a cutout may be enhanced. Furthermore, the frequencies are highly dependent on the volume fraction of carbon nanotubes and may be increased upon using more carbon nanotubes as reinforcement. PMID:27335742
Behavior Characteristics of Type I (75/25) Octol during Melt Pouring HE Warhead M250 (Chaparral)
Optomechanical study and optimization of cantilever plate dynamics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Furlong, Cosme; Pryputniewicz, Ryszard J.
Optimum dynamic characteristics of an aluminum cantilever plate containing holes of different sizes and located at arbitrary positions on the plate are studied computationally and experimentally. The objective function of this optimization is the minimization/maximization of the natural frequencies of the plate in terms of such design variable s as the sizes and locations of the holes. The optimization process is performed using the finite element method and mathematical programming techniques in order to obtain the natural frequencies and the optimum conditions of the plate, respectively. The modal behavior of the resultant optimal plate layout is studied experimentally through the use of holographic interferometry techniques. Comparisons of the computational and experimental results show that good agreement between theory and test is obtained. The comparisons also show that the combined, or hybrid use of experimental and computational techniques complement each other and prove to be a very efficient tool for performing optimization studies of mechanical components.
Natural Vibration Analysis of Clamped Rectangular Orthotropic Plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
dalaei, m.; kerr, a. d.
The natural vibrations of clamped rectangular orthotropic plates are analyzed using the extended Kantorovich method. The developed iterative scheme converges very rapidly to the final result. The obtained natural frequencies are evaluated for a square plate made of Kevlar 49 Epoxy and the obtained results are compared with those published by Kanazawa and Kawai, and by Leissa. The agreement was found to be very close. As there are no exact analytical solutions for clamped rectangular plates, the generated closed form expression for the natural modes, and the corresponding natural frequencies, are very suitable for use in engineering analyses.
A New Absolute Plate Motion Model for Africa
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maher, S. M.; Wessel, P.; Müller, D.; Harada, Y.
The India-Eurasia collision, a change in relative plate motion between Australia and Antarctica, and the coeval ages of the Hawaiian Emperor Bend (HEB) and Louisville Bend of ~Chron 22-21 all provide convincing evidence of a global tectonic plate reorganization at ~50 Ma. Yet if it were a truly global event, then there should be a contemporaneous change in Africa absolute plate motion (APM) reflected by physical evidence somewhere on the Africa plate. This evidence might be visible in the Reunion-Mascarene bend, which exhibits many HEB-like features such as a large angular change close to ~50 Ma. Recently, the Reunion hotpot trail has been interpreted as a continental feature with incidental hotspot volcanism. Here we propose the alternative hypothesis that the northern portion of the chain between Saya de Malha and the Seychelles (Mascarene Plateau) formed as the Reunion hotspot was situated on the Carlsberg Ridge, contemporaneously forming the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge on the India plate. We have created a 4-stage model that explores how a simple APM model fitting the Mascarene Plateau can also satisfy the age progressions and geometry of other hotspot trails on the Africa plate. This type of model could explain the apparent bifurcation of the Tristan hotspot chain, the age reversals seen along the Walvis Ridge and the diffuse nature of the St. Helena chain. To test this hypothesis we have made a new African APM model that goes back to ~80 Ma using a modified version of the Hybrid Polygonal Finite Rotation Method. This method uses seamount chains and their associated hotspots as geometric constraints for the model, and seamount age dates to determine its motion through time. The positions of the hotspots can be moved to get the best fit for the model and to explore the possibility that the ~50 Ma bend in the Reunion-Mascarene chain reflects Africa plate motion. We will examine how well this model can predict the key features reflecting Africa plate motion and
Wenzel, A; Kornum, F; Knudsen, MR; Lau, E Frandsen
Objectives: To assess (1) antimicrobial efficiency of wiping intraoral phosphor plates with alcohol tissues based on ethanol or 2-propanol alcohols after contamination with Candida albicans and Streptococcus oralis, (2) a concept for autodisinfection with ultraviolet light of the transport ramp in a scanner for phosphor plates and (3) the impact of wiping with alcohol tissues on durability of the plate. Methods: Suspensions of C. albicans and S. oralis were prepared in concentrations of 109 and 105 organisms per ml, and Digora (Digora® Optime Imaging Plate, size 2; Soredex, PalaDEx Group Brenntag Nordic A/S, Hellerup, Denmark) and Vista (VistaScan® Imaging Plate PLUS, size 2; Dürr Dental AG, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany) plates were contaminated. The plates were wiped with ethanol or 2-propanol disinfectant tissues and imprints obtained on agar. Number of microbial colonies after culturing was recorded. The scanner ramp was contaminated with C. albicans or S. oralis, respectively, the ultraviolet light (UV light) disinfection in the scanner was activated and the number of colonies after culturing was recorded. Plates from each system were sequentially wiped (5–60 times) with ethanol and 2-propanol, exposed and scanned. 48 images from each system were scored blind: 1 = no artefact, 2 = small artefacts and 3 = severe artefacts. Results: Ethanol eliminated C. albicans and S. oralis in high and low concentrations from both types of plates, whereas 2-propanol did not eliminate all micro-organisms at high concentrations. The UV light eliminated all micro-organisms from the ramp. Ethanol degraded the plates to a larger extent than did 2-propanol. Images from Vista plates showed severe artefacts after wiping with ethanol; those from Digora plates did not. Conclusions: Ethanol eliminated all micro-organisms but degraded phosphor plates, whereas 2-propanol did not eliminate all micro-organisms and still degraded plates from Vista but not from Digora. PMID
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Smith, Joshua; Hinterberger, Michael; Hable, Peter; Koehler, Juergen
Extended battery system lifetime and reduced costs are essential to the success of electric vehicles. An effective thermal management strategy is one method of enhancing system lifetime increasing vehicle range. Vehicle-typical space restrictions favor the minimization of battery thermal management system (BTMS) size and weight, making their production and subsequent vehicle integration extremely difficult and complex. Due to these space requirements, a cooling plate as part of a water-glycerol cooling circuit is commonly implemented. This paper presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model and multi-objective analysis technique for determining the thermal effect of coolant flow rate and inlet temperature in a cooling plate-at a range of vehicle operating conditions-on a battery system, thereby providing a dynamic input for one-dimensional models. Traditionally, one-dimensional vehicular thermal management system models assume a static heat input from components such as a battery system: as a result, the components are designed for a set coolant input (flow rate and inlet temperature). Such a design method is insufficient for dynamic thermal management models and control strategies, thereby compromising system efficiency. The presented approach allows for optimal BMTS design and integration in the vehicular coolant circuit.
Geometry of the Cocos Plate Under North American Plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Perez-Campos, X.
The Cocos plate subducts under the North American plate with a complex geometry, and previous seismicity studies revealed some of this complexity. However, details of the geometry and the depth that the plate penetrates werelargely unknown. Since 2004, temporary experiments and the expansion of the permanent network of the Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN, Mexican National Seismological Service) have improved resolution of the plate geometry and have helped to map its descent into the upper mantle. Going from northwest to southeast, the Cocos plate appears to be fragmenting into north and south segments. The north segment subducts with an angle of ~30º and the south with an angle of ~10-15º. The transition is smooth near the trench and progresses to a tear at depth; this coincides with the projection of the Orozco Fracture Zone to depth. Also, this transition marks the limit of the presence to the south of an ultra slow velocity layer (USL) on top of the slab.South of this transition, the Cocos plate subducts horizontally , underplating the North American plate for a distance of ~140 to ~300 km from the trench. Along this horizontal region, silent slow events (SSE) and tectonic tremor (TT) have been observed. At a distance of 300 km from the trench (beneath central Mexico), the plate dives into the mantle with an angle of 76º to a depth of 500 km. This geometry changes abruptly to the south, marking the eastern limit of the USL. This change seems to be also characterized by a tear on the slab. Finally to the south, the Cocos plate subducts with a constant angle of 26º. This presentation summarizes the work of many contributors including A. Arciniega-Ceballos, M. Brudzinski, E. Cabral-Cano, T. Chen, R. Clayton,F. Cordoba-Montiel,P. Davis,S. Dougherty,F. Green, M. Gurnis, D. V. Helmberger, A. Husker,A. Iglesias, Y. Kim, V. Manea, D. Melgar, M. Rodríguez-Domínguez,S. K. Singh, T.-R. A. Song, C. M. Valdés-González, D. Valencia-Cabrera
S-F graphic representation analysis of photoelectric facula focometer poroo-plate glass
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tong, Yilin; Han, Xuecai
Optical system focal length is usually based on the magnification method with focal length measurement poroo-plate glass is used as base element measuring focal length of focometer. On the basis of using analysis of magnification method to measure the accuracy of optical lens focal length, an expression between the ruling span of poroo-plate glass and the focal length of measured optical system was deduced, an efficient method to work out S-F graph with AUTOCAD was developed, the selecting principle of focometer parameter was analyzed, and Applied examples for designing poroo-plate glass in S-F figure was obtained.
Modeling of composite beams and plates for static and dynamic analysis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hodges, Dewey H.
A rigorous theory and the corresponding computational algorithms were developed for through-the-thickness analysis of composite plates. This type of analysis is needed in order to find the elastic stiffness constants of a plate. Additionally, the analysis is used to post-process the resulting plate solution in order to find approximate three-dimensional displacement, strain, and stress distributions throughout the plate. It was decided that the variational-asymptotical method (VAM) would serve as a suitable framework in which to solve these types of problems. Work during this reporting period has progressed along two lines: (1) further evaluation of neo-classical plate theory (NCPT) as applied to shear-coupled laminates; and (2) continued modeling of plates with nonuniform thickness.
Impacting load control of floating supported friction plate and its experimental verification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ning, Keyan; Wang, Yu; Huang, Dingchuan; Yin, Lei
Friction plates are key components in automobile transmission system. Unfortunately, due to the tough working condition i.e. high impact, high temperature, fracture and plastic deformation are easily observed in friction plates. In order to reduce the impact load and increase the impact resistance and life span of the friction plate. This paper presents a variable damping design method and structure, by punching holes in the key position of the friction plate and filling it with damping materials, the impact load of the floating support friction plate can be controlled. Simulation is applied to study the effect of the position and number of damping holes on tooth root stress. Furthermore, physic test was designed and conducted to validate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method. Test result shows that the impact load of the new structure is reduced by 40% and its fatigue life is 4.7 times larger. The new structure provides a new way for floating supported friction plates design.
Free vibration Analysis of Sandwich Plates with cutout
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mishra, N.; Basa, B.; Sarangi, S. K.
This paper presents the free vibration analysis of sandwich plates with cutouts. Cutouts are inevitable in structural applications and the presence of these cutouts in the structures greatly influences their dynamic characteristics. A finite element model has been developed here using the ANSYS 15.0 software to study the free vibration characteristics of sandwich plates in the presence of cutouts. Shell 281 element, an 8-noded element with six degrees of freedom suited for analyzing thin to moderately thick structures is considered in the development of the model. Block Lanczose method is adopted to extract the mode shapes to obtain the natural frequency corresponding to free vibration of the plate. The effects of parametric variation on the natural frequency of the sandwich plates with cutout are studied and results are presented.
Topical (pour-on) ivermectin in the treatment of canine scabies.
Paradis, M; de Jaham, C; Pagé, N
The efficacy of a pour-on formulation of ivermectin at 500 micrograms/kg body weight applied on the dorsum on days 1 and 15 was evaluated in 90 dogs from a shelter, naturally infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. This very practical form of treatment was successful in eradicating scabies from this shelter. PMID:9187806
Static and Vibration Analyses of General Wing Structures Using Equivalent Plate Models
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kapania, Rakesh K.; Liu, Youhua
An efficient method, using equivalent plate model, is developed for studying the static and vibration analyses of general built-up wing structures composed of skins, spars, and ribs. The model includes the transverse shear effects by treating the built-up wing as a plate following the Reissner-Mindlin theory, the so-called First-order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). The Ritz method is used with the Legendre polynomials being employed as the trial functions. This is in contrast to previous equivalent plate model methods which have used simple polynomials, known to be prone to numerical ill-conditioning, as the trial functions. The present developments are evaluated by comparing the results with those obtained using MSC/NASTRAN, for a set of examples. These examples are: (i) free-vibration analysis of a clamped trapezoidal plate with (a) uniform thickness, and (b) non-uniform thickness varying as an airfoil, (ii) free-vibration and static analyses (including skin stress distribution) of a general built-up wing, and (iii) free-vibration and static analyses of a swept-back box wing. The results obtained by the present equivalent plate model are in good agreement with those obtained by the finite element method.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roth, Don J.
This article describes a single transducer ultrasonic imaging method that eliminates the effect of plate thickness variation in the image. The method thus isolates ultrasonic variations due to material microstructure. The use of this method can result in significant cost savings because the ultrasonic image can be interpreted correctly without the need for machining to achieve precise thickness uniformity during nondestructive evaluations of material development. The method is based on measurement of ultrasonic velocity. Images obtained using the thickness-independent methodology are compared with conventional velocity and c-scan echo peak amplitude images for monolithic ceramic (silicon nitride), metal matrix composite and polymer matrix composite materials. It was found that the thickness-independent ultrasonic images reveal and quantify correctly areas of global microstructural (pore and fiber volume fraction) variation due to the elimination of thickness effects. The thickness-independent ultrasonic imaging method described in this article is currently being commercialized under a cooperative agreement between NASA Lewis Research Center and Sonix, Inc.
Prieto-Blanco, Xesús; Montero-Orille, Carlos; Moreno, Vicente; Mateo, Eduardo F; Liñares, Jesús
Mode-division multiplexing (MDM) in few-mode fibers is regarded as a promising candidate to increase optical network capacity. A fundamental element for MDM is a modal transformer to LP modes which can be implemented in a free-space basis by using multiregion phase plates, that is, LP plates. Likewise, several wavelengths have to be used due to wavelength multiplexing purposes, optical amplification tasks, and so on. In this work we show that efficient monolithic binary phase plates for different wavelengths can be fabricated by ion-exchange in glass and used for MDM tasks. We introduce an optical characterization method of the chromatic properties of such phase plates which combines the inverse Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (IWKB) together with Mach-Zehnder and Michelson-based interferometric techniques. The interferometric method provides a measurement of the phase step for several wavelengths, which characterizes the chromatic properties of the phase plate. Consequently, it is shown that the IWKB method allows us to design and characterize the phase plates in an easy and fast way.
Effect of Plate Curvature on Blast Response of Structural Steel Plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Veeredhi, Lakshmi Shireen Banu; Ramana Rao, N. V.; Veeredhi, Vasudeva Rao
In the present work an attempt is made, through simulation studies, to determine the effect of plate curvature on the blast response of a door structure made of ASTM A515 grade 50 steel plates. A door structure with dimensions of 5.142 m × 2.56 m × 10 mm having six different radii of curvatures is analyzed which is subjected to blast load. The radii of curvature investigated are infinity (flat plate), 16.63, 10.81, 8.26, 6.61 and 5.56 m. In the present study, a stand-off distance of 11 m is considered for all the cases. Results showed that the door structure with smallest radius of curvature experienced least plastic deformation and yielding when compared to a door with larger radius of curvature with same projected area. From the present Investigation, it is observed that, as the radius of curvature of the plate increases, the deformation mode gradually shifts from indentation mode to flexural mode. The plates with infinity and 16.63 m radius of curvature have undergone flexural mode of deformation and plates with 6.61 and 5.56 m radius of curvature undergo indentation mode of deformation. Whereas, mixed mode of deformation that consists of both flexural and indentation mode of deformations are seen in the plates with radius of curvature 10.81 and 8.26 m. As the radius of curvature of the plate decreases the ability of the plate to mitigate the effect the blast loads increased. It is observed that the plate with smaller radius of curvature deflects most of the blast energy and results in least indentation mode of deformation. The most significant observation made in the present investigation is that the strain energy absorbed by the steel plate gets reduced to 1/3 rd when the radius of curvature is approximately equal to the stand-off distance which could be the critical radius of curvature.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Solomon, S. C.
The measurability of changes in plate driving or resistive forces associated with plate boundary earthquakes by laser rangefinding or VLBI is considered with emphasis on those aspects of plate forces that can be characterized by such measurements. Topics covered include: (1) analytic solutions for two dimensional stress diffusion in a plate following earthquake faulting on a finite fault; (2) two dimensional finite-element solutions for the global state of stress at the Earth's surface for possible plate driving forces; and (3) finite-element solutions for three dimensional stress diffusion in a viscoelastic Earth following earthquake faulting.
Brobeck, W.M.
The construction of a removable cover plate for a calutron tank is described. The plate is fabricated of a rectangular frame member to which is welded a bowed or dished plate of thin steel, reinforced with transverse stiffening ribs. When the tank is placed between the poles of a magnet, the plate may be pivoted away from the tank and magnet and is adapted to support the ion separation mechanism secured to its inner side as well as the vacuum load within the tank.
Application of level set method to optimal vibration control of plate structures
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ansari, M.; Khajepour, A.; Esmailzadeh, E.
Vibration control plays a crucial role in many structures, especially in the lightweight ones. One of the most commonly practiced method to suppress the undesirable vibration of structures is to attach patches of the constrained layer damping (CLD) onto the surface of the structure. In order to consider the weight efficiency of a structure, the best shapes and locations of the CLD patches should be determined to achieve the optimum vibration suppression with minimum usage of the CLD patches. This paper proposes a novel topology optimization technique that can determine the best shape and location of the applied CLD patches, simultaneously. Passive vibration control is formulated in the context of the level set method, which is a numerical technique to track shapes and locations concurrently. The optimal damping set could be found in a structure, in its fundamental vibration mode, such that the maximum modal loss factor of the system is achieved. Two different plate structures will be considered and the damping patches will be optimally located on them. At the same time, the best shapes of the damping patches will be determined too. In one example, the numerical results will be compared with those obtained from the experimental tests to validate the accuracy of the proposed method. This comparison reveals the effectiveness of the level set approach in finding the optimum shape and location of the CLD patches.
Modelisation frequentielle de la permittivite du beton pour le controle non destructif par georadar
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bourdi, Taoufik
Le georadar (Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)) constitue une technique de controle non destructif (CND) interessante pour la mesure des epaisseurs des dalles de beton et la caracterisation des fractures, en raison de ses caracteristiques de resolution et de profondeur de penetration. Les equipements georadar sont de plus en plus faciles a utiliser et les logiciels d'interpretation sont en train de devenir plus aisement accessibles. Cependant, il est ressorti dans plusieurs conferences et ateliers sur l'application du georadar en genie civil qu'il fallait poursuivre les recherches, en particulier sur la modelisation et les techniques de mesure des proprietes electriques du beton. En obtenant de meilleures informations sur les proprietes electriques du beton aux frequences du georadar, l'instrumentation et les techniques d'interpretation pourraient etre perfectionnees plus efficacement. Le modele de Jonscher est un modele qui a montre son efficacite dans le domaine geophysique. Pour la premiere fois, son utilisation dans le domaine genie civil est presentee. Dans un premier temps, nous avons valide l'application du modele de Jonscher pour la caracterisation de la permittivite dielectrique du beton. Les resultats ont montre clairement que ce modele est capable de reproduire fidelement la variation de la permittivite de differents types de beton sur la bande de frequence georadar (100 MHz-2 GHz). Dans un deuxieme temps, nous avons montre l'interet du modele de Jonscher en le comparant a d'autres modeles (Debye et Debye-etendu) deja utilises dans le domaine genie civil. Nous avons montre aussi comment le modele de Jonscher peut presenter une aide a la prediction de l'efficacite de blindage et a l'interpretation des ondes de la technique GPR. Il a ete determine que le modele de Jonscher permet de donner une bonne presentation de la variation de la permittivite du beton dans la gamme de frequence georadar consideree. De plus, cette modelisation est valable pour differents
Transfer function modeling of damping mechanisms in viscoelastic plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Slater, J. C.; Inman, D. J.
This work formulates a method for the modeling of material damping characteristics in plates. The Sophie German equation of classical plate theory is modified to incorporate hysteresis effects represented by complex stiffness using the transfer function approach proposed by Golla and Hughes, (1985). However, this procedure is not limited to this representation. The governing characteristic equation is decoupled through separation of variables, yielding a solution similar to that of undamped classical plate theory, allowing solution of the steady state as well as the transient response problem.
Plate convergence at the westernmost Philippine Sea Plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Wen-Nan; Hsu, Shu-Kun; Lo, Chung-Liang; Chen, How-Wei; Ma, Kuo-Fong
To understand the convergent characteristics of the westernmost plate boundary between the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) and Eurasian Plate (EP), we have calculated the stress states of plate motion by focal mechanisms. Cataloged by the Harvard centroid moment tensor solutions (Harvard CMT) and the Broadband Array in Taiwan (BATS) moment tensor, 251 focal mechanisms are used to determine the azimuths of the principal stress axes. We first used all the data to derive the mean stress tensor of the study area. The inversion result shows that the stress regime has a maximum compression along the direction of azimuth N299°. This result is consistent with the general direction of the rigid plate motion between the PSP and EP in the study area. In order to understand the spatial variation of the regional stress pattern, we divided the study area into six sub-areas (blocks A to F) based on the feature of the free-air gravity anomaly. We compare the compressive directions obtained from the stress inversion with the plate motions calculated by the Euler pole and the Global Positioning System (GPS) analysis. As a result, the azimuth of the maximum stress axis, σ1, generally agrees with the directions of the theoretical plate motion and GPS velocity vectors except block C (Lanhsu region) and block F (Ilan plain region). The discrepancy of convergent direction near the Ilan plain region is probably caused by the rifting of the Okinawa Trough. The deviation of the σ1 azimuth in the Lanhsu region could be attributed to a southwestward extrusion of the Luzon Arc (LA) block between 21°N and 22°N whose northern boundary may be associated with the right-lateral NE-SW trending fault (i.e. Huatung Fault, HF) along the Taitung Canyon. Comparing the σ1 stress patterns between block C and block D, great strain energy along HF may not be completely released yet. Alternatively, the upper crust of block C may significantly have decoupled from its lower crust or uppermost mantle.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Beskopylny, Alexey; Kadomtseva, Elena; Strelnikov, Grigory
The stress-strain state of a rectangular slab resting on an elastic foundation is considered. The slab material is isotropic. The slab has stiffening ribs that directed parallel to both sides of the plate. Solving equations are obtained for determining the deflection for various mechanical and geometric characteristics of the stiffening ribs which are parallel to different sides of the plate, having different rigidity for bending and torsion. The calculation scheme assumes an orthotropic slab having different cylindrical stiffness in two mutually perpendicular directions parallel to the reinforcing ribs. An elastic foundation is adopted by Winkler model. To determine the deflection the Bubnov-Galerkin method is used. The deflection is taken in the form of an expansion in a series with unknown coefficients by special polynomials, which are a combination of Legendre polynomials.
Properties of plate-like carbonyl iron particle for magnetorheological fluid
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shilan, S. T.; Mazlan, S. A.; Khairi, M. H. A.; Ubaidillah
This work experimentally discussed the characterization, magnetic, and rheological properties of plate-like carbonyl iron particle (CIP) in comparison with conventional spherical CIP. Plate-like CIP was produced by using ball milling method. The effect of plate-like shape on the magnetic behavior of CIP was firstly investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The results indicated that the plate-like CIP obtained higher saturation magnetization (about 8%) than that of the spherical particles. In addition, the field-dependent rheological properties such as yield stress were investigated and the results are compared between two particles as a function of the magnetic field intensity.
Lavrentyev, A I; Rokhlin, S I
An ultrasonic method proposed by us for determination of the complete set of acoustical and geometrical properties of a thin isotropic layer between semispaces (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102 (1997) 3467) is extended to determination of the properties of a coating on a thin plate. The method allows simultaneous determination of the coating thickness, density, elastic moduli and attenuation (longitudinal and shear) from normal and oblique incidence reflection (transmission) frequency spectra. Reflection (transmission) from the coated plate is represented as a function of six nondimensional parameters of the coating which are determined from two experimentally measured spectra: one at normal and one at oblique incidence. The introduction of the set of nondimensional parameters allows one to transform the reconstruction process from one search in a six-dimensional space to two searches in three-dimensional spaces (one search for normal incidence and one for oblique). Thickness, density, and longitudinal and shear elastic moduli of the coating are calculated from the nondimensional parameters determined. The sensitivity of the method to individual properties and its stability against experimental noise are studied and the inversion algorithm is accordingly optimized. An example of the method and experimental measurement for comparison is given for a polypropylene coating on a steel foil.
Multicolor printing plate joining
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Waters, W. J. (Inventor)
An upper plate having ink flow channels and a lower plate having a multicolored pattern are joined. The joining is accomplished without clogging any ink flow paths. A pattern having different colored parts and apertures is formed in a lower plate. Ink flow channels each having respective ink input ports are formed in an upper plate. The ink flow channels are coated with solder mask and the bottom of the upper plate is then coated with solder. The upper and lower plates are pressed together at from 2 to 5 psi and heated to a temperature of from 295 F to 750 F or enough to melt the solder. After the plates have cooled and the pressure is released, the solder mask is removed from the interior passageways by means of a liquid solvent.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Glišović, Petar; Forte, Alessandro
The paleo-distribution of density variations throughout the mantle is unknown. To address this question, we reconstruct 3-D mantle structure over the Cenozoic era using a data assimilation method that implements a new back-and-forth nudging algorithm. For this purpose, we employ convection models for a compressible and self-gravitating mantle that employ 3-D mantle structure derived from joint seismic-geodynamic tomography as a starting condition. These convection models are then integrated backwards in time and are required to match geologic estimates of past plate motions derived from marine magnetic data. Our implementation of the nudging algorithm limits the difference between a reconstruction (backward-in-time solution) and a prediction (forward-in-time solution) on over a sequence of 5-million-year time windows that span the Cenozoic. We find that forward integration of reconstructed mantle heterogeneity that is constrained to match past plate motions delivers relatively poor fits to the seismic-tomographic inference of present-day mantle heterogeneity in the upper mantle. We suggest that uncertainties in the past plate motions, related for example to plate reorganization episodes, could partly contribute to the poor match between predicted and observed present-day heterogeneity. We propose that convection models that allow tectonic plates to evolve freely in accord with the buoyancy forces and rheological structure in the mantle could provide additional constraints on geologic estimates of paleo-configurations of the major tectonic plates.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rouzegar, J.; Abbasi, A.
This research presents a finite element formulation based on four-variable refined plate theory for bending analysis of cross-ply and angle-ply laminated composite plates integrated with a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite actuator under electromechanical loading. The four-variable refined plate theory is a simple and efficient higher-order shear deformation theory, which predicts parabolic variation of transverse shear stresses across the plate thickness and satisfies zero traction conditions on the plate free surfaces. The weak form of governing equations is derived using the principle of minimum potential energy, and a 4-node non-conforming rectangular plate element with 8 degrees of freedom per node is introduced for discretizing the domain. Several benchmark problems are solved by the developed MATLAB code and the obtained results are compared with those from exact and other numerical solutions, showing good agreement.
Piezoelectrically forced vibrations of electroded doubly rotated quartz plates by state space method
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chander, R.
The purpose of this investigation is to develop an analytical method to study the vibration characteristics of piezoelectrically forced quartz plates. The procedure can be summarized as follows. The three dimensional governing equations of piezoelectricity, the constitutive equations and the strain-displacement relationships are used in deriving the final equations. For this purpose, a state vector consisting of stresses and displacements are chosen and the above equations are manipulated to obtain the projection of the derivative of the state vector with respect to the thickness coordinate on to the state vector itself. The solution to the state vector at any plane is then easily obtained in a closed form in terms of the state vector quantities at a reference plane. To simplify the analysis, simple thickness mode and plane strain approximations are used.
Development and Application of Collaborative Optimization Software for Plate - fin Heat Exchanger
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chunzhen, Qiao; Ze, Zhang; Jiangfeng, Guo; Jian, Zhang
This paper introduces the design ideas of the calculation software and application examples for plate - fin heat exchangers. Because of the large calculation quantity in the process of designing and optimizing heat exchangers, we used Visual Basic 6.0 as a software development carrier to design a basic calculation software to reduce the calculation quantity. Its design condition is plate - fin heat exchanger which was designed according to the boiler tail flue gas. The basis of the software is the traditional design method of the plate-fin heat exchanger. Using the software for design and calculation of plate-fin heat exchangers, discovery will effectively reduce the amount of computation, and similar to traditional methods, have a high value.
The new applications of sputtering and ion plating
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Spalvins, T.
The potential industrial applications of sputtering and ion plating are strictly governed by the unique features these methods possess. The outstanding features of each method, the resultant coating characteristics and the various sputtering modes and configurations are discussed. New, more complex coatings and deposits can be developed such as graded composition structures (metal-ceramic seals), laminated and dispersion strengthened composites which improve the mechanical properties and high temperature stability. Specific industrial areas where future effort of sputtering and ion plating will concentrate to develop intricate alloy or compound coatings and solve difficult problem areas are discussed.
Method and apparatus for enhancing microchannel plate data
Thoe, Robert S.
A method and apparatus for determining centroid channel locations is disclosed for use in a system activated by one or more multichannel plates (16,18) and including a linear diode array (24) providing channels of information 1, 2, . . . , n, . . . , N containing signal amplitudes A.sub.n. A source of analog A.sub.n signals (40), and a source of digital clock signals n (48), are provided. Non-zero A.sub.n values are detected in a discriminator (42). A digital signal representing p, the value of n immediately preceding that whereat A.sub.n takes its first non-zero value, is generated in a scaler (50). The analog A.sub.n signals are converted to digital in an analog to digital converter (44). The digital A.sub.n signals are added to produce a digital .SIGMA.A.sub.n signal in a full adder (46). Digital 1, 2, . . . , m signals representing the number of non-zero A.sub.n are produced by a discriminator pulse counter (52). Digital signals representing 1 A.sub.p+ 1, 2 A.sub.p+2, . . . , m A.sub.p+m are produced by pairwise multiplication in multiplier (54). These signals are added in multiplier summer (56) to produce a digital .SIGMA.nA.sub.n -p.SIGMA.A.sub.n signal. This signal is divided by the digital .SIGMA.A.sub.n signal in divider (58) to provide a digital (.SIGMA.nA.sub.n /.SIGMA.A.sub.n) -p signal. Finally, this last signal is added to the digital p signal in an offset summer (60) to provide .SIGMA.nA.sub.n /.SIGMA.A.sub.n, the centroid channel locations.
Visualization of vortex flow field around a flat plate with noncircular hole
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Manigandan, S.; Gunasekar, P.; Sruthisree, N.; Aich, Kaushali; Sathya, K.; Selvan, Alice; Nithya, S.
In this paper we study the numerical three dimensional simulation of laminar incompressible viscous flow over a flat plate with circular and noncircular hole. The hole is located at the center of the plate. The aim of this paper is to visualize the steady and unsteady vortex dynamics using immersed boundary method. This method takes three variables, viz. velocity, vortices and the pressure to solve the flow field over a specimen. The plate considered is of 0.01 m length and the air is used as the flow medium and hole is made of same area. The analysis are done both circular hole plate and non-circular hole to examine the difference in the force and wake at the trailing part of the flat plate. In this study we measure the magnitude of vortices behind a flat plate and we also study the physical backdrop of how vortex strength is depend on the inner profile of the body. From the results it is evident that the reverse flow is stronger in non circular profile however the strength of vortex is higher in circular holed plate. It’s also found that velocity is inversely proportional to strength of vortices in flat plate with noncircular hole.
From Plate Tectonic to Continental Dynamics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Molnar, P. H.
By the early 1970s, the basics of plate tectonics were known. Although much understanding remained to be gained, as a topic of research, plate tectonics no longer defined the forefront of earth science. Not only had it become a foundation on which to build, but also the methods used to reveal it became tools to take in new directions. For me as a seismologist studying earthquakes and active processes, the deformation of continents offered an obvious topic to pursue. Obviously examining the deformation of continents and ignoring the widespread geologic evidence of both ongoing and finite deformation of crust would be stupid. I was blessed with the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with two of the best, Paul Tapponnier and Clark Burchfiel. Continental deformation differed from plate tectonics both because deformation was widespread but more importantly because crust shortens (extends) horizontally and thickens (thins), processes that can be ignored where plate tectonics - the relative motion of rigid plates - occurs. Where a plate boundary passes into a continent, not only must the forces that move plates do work against friction or other dissipative processes, but where high terrain is created, they must also do work against gravity, to create gravitational potential energy in high terrain. Peter Bird and Kenneth Piper and Philip England and Dan McKenzie showed that a two-dimensional thin viscous sheet with vertically averaged properties enabled both sources of resistance to be included without introducing excessive complexity and to be scaled by one dimensionless number, what the latter pair called the Argand number. Increasingly over the past thirty years, emphasis has shifted toward the role played by the mantle lithosphere, because of both its likely strength and its negative buoyancy, which makes it gravitationally unstable. Despite progress since realizing that rigid plates (the essence of plate tectonics) provides a poor description of continental
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The proceedings of a conference on sputtering and ion plating are presented. Subjects discussed are: (1) concepts and applications of ion plating, (2) sputtering for deposition of solid film lubricants, (3) commercial ion plating equipment, (4) industrial potential for ion plating and sputtering, and (5) fundamentals of RF and DC sputtering.
Biomechanical comparison of anterior cervical plating and combined anterior/lateral mass plating.
Adams, M S; Crawford, N R; Chamberlain, R H; Bse; Sonntag, V K; Dickman, C A
Previous studies showed anterior plates of older design to be inadequate for stabilizing the cervical spine in all loading directions. No studies have investigated enhancement in stability obtained by combining anterior and posterior plates. To determine which modes of loading are stabilized by anterior plating after a cervical burst fracture and to determine whether adding posterior plating further significantly stabilizes the construct. A repeated-measures in vitro biomechanical flexibility experiment was performed to investigate how surgical destabilization and subsequent addition of hardware components alter spinal stability. Six human cadaveric specimens were studied. Angular range of motion (ROM) and neutral zone (NZ) were quantified during flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. Nonconstraining, nondestructive torques were applied while recording three-dimensional motion optoelectronically. Specimens were tested intact, destabilized by simulated burst fracture with posterior distraction, plated anteriorly with a unicortical locking system, and plated with a combined anterior/posterior construct. The anterior plate significantly (p<.05) reduced the ROM relative to normal in all modes of loading and significantly reduced the NZ in flexion and extension. Addition of the posterior plates further significantly reduced the ROM in all modes of loading and reduced the NZ in lateral bending. Anterior plating systems are capable of substantially stabilizing the cervical spine in all modes of loading after a burst fracture. The combined approach adds significant stability over anterior plating alone in treating this injury but may be unnecessary clinically. Further study is needed to assess the added clinical benefits of the combined approach and associated risks.
Approximate analytical solutions in the analysis of thin elastic plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Goloskokov, Dmitriy P.; Matrosov, Alexander V.
Two approaches to the construction of approximate analytical solutions for bending of a rectangular thin plate are presented: the superposition method based on the method of initial functions (MIF) and the one built using the Green's function in the form of orthogonal series. Comparison of two approaches is carried out by analyzing a square plate clamped along its contour. Behavior of the moment and the shear force in the neighborhood of the corner points is discussed. It is shown that both solutions give identical results at all points of the plate except for the neighborhoods of the corner points. There are differences in the values of bending moments and generalized shearing forces in the neighborhoods of the corner points.
The surface and through crack problems in layered orthotropic plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Erdogan, Fazil; Wu, Binghua
An analytical method is developed for a relatively accurate calculation of Stress Intensity Factors in a laminated orthotropic plate containing a through or part-through crack. The laminated plate is assumed to be under bending or membrane loading and the mode 1 problem is considered. First three transverse shear deformation plate theories (Mindlin's displacement based first-order theory, Reissner's stress-based first-order theory, and a simple-higher order theory due to Reddy) are reviewed and examined for homogeneous, laminated and heterogeneous orthotropic plates. Based on a general linear laminated plate theory, a method by which the stress intensity factors can be obtained in orthotropic laminated and heterogeneous plates with a through crack is developed. Examples are given for both symmetrically and unsymmetrically laminated plates and the effects of various material properties on the stress intensity factors are studied. In order to implement the line-spring model which is used later to study the surface crack problem, the corresponding plane elasticity problem of a two-bonded orthotropic plated containing a crack perpendicular to the interface is also considered. Three different crack profiles: an internal crack, an edge crack, and a crack terminating at the interface are considered. The effect of the different material combinations, geometries, and material orthotropy on the stress intensity factors and on the power of stress singularity for a crack terminating at the interface is fully examined. The Line Spring model of Rice and Levy is used for the part-through crack problem. The surface crack is assumed to lie in one of the two-layered laminated orthotropic plates due to the limitation of the available plane strain results. All problems considered are of the mixed boundary value type and are reduced to Cauchy type of singular integral equations which are then solved numerically.
The effect of plate-scale rheology and plate interactions on intraplate seismicity
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
So, Byung-Dal; Capitanio, Fabio A.
We use finite element modeling to investigate on the stress loading-unloading cycles and earthquakes occurrence in the plate interiors, resulting from the interactions of tectonic plates along their boundary. We model a visco-elasto-plastic plate embedding a single or multiple faults, while the tectonic stress is applied along the plate boundary by an external loading visco-elastic plate, reproducing the tectonic setting of two interacting lithospheres. Because the two plates deform viscously, the timescale of stress accumulation and release on the faults is self-consistently determined, from the boundary to the interiors, and seismic recurrence is an emerging feature. This approach overcomes the constraints on recurrence period imposed by stress (stress-drop) and velocity boundary conditions, while here it is unconstrained. We illustrate emerging macroscopic characteristics of this system, showing that the seismic recurrence period τ becomes shorter as Γ and Θ decreases, where Γ =ηI /ηL, the viscosity ratio of the viscosities of the internal fault-embedded to external loading plates, respectively, and Θ =σY /σL the stress ratio of the elastic limit of the fault to far-field loading stress. When the system embeds multiple, randomly distributed faults, stress transfer results in recurrence period deviations, however the time-averaged recurrence period of each fault show the same dependence on Γ and Θ, illustrating a characteristic collective behavior. The control of these parameters prevails even when initial pre-stress was randomly assigned in terms of the spatial arrangement and orientation on the internal plate, mimicking local fluctuations. Our study shows the relevance of macroscopic rheological properties of tectonic plates on the earthquake occurrence in plate interiors, as opposed to local factors, proposing a viable model for the seismic behavior of continent interiors in the context of large-scale, long-term deformation of interacting tectonic
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Diveyev, Bohdan; Konyk, Solomija; Crocker, Malcolm J.
The main aim of this study is to predict the elastic and damping properties of composite laminated plates. This problem has an exact elasticity solution for simple uniform bending and transverse loading conditions. This paper presents a new stress analysis method for the accurate determination of the detailed stress distributions in laminated plates subjected to cylindrical bending. Some approximate methods for the stress state predictions for laminated plates are presented here. The present method is adaptive and does not rely on strong assumptions about the model of the plate. The theoretical model described here incorporates deformations of each sheet of the lamina, which account for the effects of transverse shear deformation, transverse normal strain-stress and nonlinear variation of displacements with respect to the thickness coordinate. Predictions of the dynamic and damping values of laminated plates for various geometrical, mechanical and fastening properties are presented. Comparison with the Timoshenko beam theory is systematically made for analytical and approximation variants.
An improved method for field extraction and laboratory analysis of large, intact soil cores
Tindall, J.A.; Hemmen, K.; Dowd, J.F.
Various methods have been proposed for the extraction of large, undisturbed soil cores and for subsequent analysis of fluid movement within the cores. The major problems associated with these methods are expense, cumbersome field extraction, and inadequate simulation of unsaturated flow conditions. A field and laboratory procedure is presented that is economical, convenient, and simulates unsaturated and saturated flow without interface flow problems and can be used on a variety of soil types. In the field, a stainless steel core barrel is hydraulically pressed into the soil (30-cm diam. and 38 cm high), the barrel and core are extracted from the soil, and after the barrel is removed from the core, the core is then wrapped securely with flexible sheet metal and a stainless mesh screen is attached to the bottom of the core for support. In the laboratory the soil core is set atop a porous ceramic plate over which a soil-diatomaceous earth slurry has been poured to assure good contact between plate and core. A cardboard cylinder (mold) is fastened around the core and the empty space filled with paraffin wax. Soil cores were tested under saturated and unsaturated conditions using a hanging water column for potentials ???0. Breakthrough curves indicated that no interface flow occurred along the edge of the core. This procedure proved to be reliable for field extraction of large, intact soil cores and for laboratory analysis of solute transport.
Reduced dynamical model of the vibrations of a metal plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Moreno, D.; Barrientos, Bernardino; Perez-Lopez, Carlos; Mendoza-Santoyo, Fernando; Guerrero, J. A.; Funes, M.
The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method is applied to the vibrations analysis of a metal plate. The data obtained from the metal plate under vibrations were measured with a laser vibrometer. The metal plate was subject to vibrations with an electrodynamical shaker in a range of frequencies from 100 to 5000 Hz. The deformation measurements were taken on a quarter of the plate in a rectangular grid of 7 x 8 points. The plate deformation measurements were used to calculate the eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues. It was found that a large fraction of the total energy of the deformation is contained within the first six POD modes. The essential features of the deformation are thus described by only the six first eigenfunctions. A reduced order model for the dynamical behavior is then constructed using Galerkin projection of the equation of motion for the vertical displacement of a plate.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Convert, Laurence
De nouveaux radiotraceurs sont continuellement développés pour améliorer l'efficacité diagnostique en imagerie moléculaire, principalement en tomographie d'émission par positrons (TEP) et en tomographie d'émission monophotonique (TEM) dans les domaines de l'oncologie, de la cardiologie et de la neurologie. Avant de pouvoir être utilisés chez les humains, ces radiotraceurs doivent être caractérisés chez les petits animaux, principalement les rats et les souris. Pour cela, de nombreux échantillons sanguins doivent être prélevés et analysés (mesure de radioactivité, séparation de plasma, séparation d'espèces chimiques), ce qui représente un défi majeur chez les rongeurs à cause de leur très faible volume sanguin (˜1,4 ml pour une souris). Des solutions fournissant une analyse partielle sont présentées dans la littérature, mais aucune ne permet d'effectuer toutes les opérations dans un même système. Les présents travaux de recherche s'insèrent dans le contexte global d'un projet visant à développer un système microfluidique d'analyse sanguine complète en temps réel pour la caractérisation des nouveaux radiotraceurs TEP et TEM. Un cahier des charges a tout d'abord été établi et a permis de fixer des critères quantitatifs et qualitatifs à respecter pour chacune des fonctions de la puce. La fonction de détection microfluidique a ensuite été développée. Un état de l'art des travaux ayant déjà combiné la microfluidique et la détection de radioactivité a permis de souligner qu'aucune solution existante ne répondait aux critères du projet. Parmi les différentes technologies disponibles, des microcanaux en résine KMPR fabriqués sur des détecteurs semiconducteurs de type p-i-n ont été identifiés comme une solution technologique pour le projet. Des détecteurs p-i-n ont ensuite été fabriqués en utilisant un procédé standard. Les performances encourageantes obtenues ont mené à initier un projet de ma
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Skel'chik, V. S.; Ryabov, V. M.
On the basis of the classical theory of thin anisotropic laminated plates the article analyzes the free vibrations of rectangular cantilever plates made of fibrous composites. The application of Kantorovich's method for the binomial representation of the shape of the elastic surface of a plate yielded for two unknown functions a system of two connected differential equations and the corresponding boundary conditions at the place of constraint and at the free edge. The exact solution for the frequencies and forms of the free vibrations was found with the use of Laplace transformation with respect to the space variable. The magnitudes of several first dimensionless frequencies of the bending and torsional vibrations of the plate were calculated for a wide range of change of two dimensionless complexes, with the dimensions of the plate and the anisotropy of the elastic properties of the material taken into account. The article shows that with torsional vibrations the warping constraint at the fixed end explains the apparent dependence of the shear modulus of the composite on the length of the specimen that had been discovered earlier on in experiments with a torsional pendulum. It examines the interaction and transformation of the second bending mode and of the first torsional mode of the vibrations. It analyzes the asymptotics of the dimensionless frequencies when the length of the plate is increased, and it shows that taking into account the bending-torsion interaction in strongly anisotropic materials type unidirectional carbon reinforced plastic can reduce substantially the frequencies of the bending vibrations but has no effect (within the framework of the binomial model) on the frequencies of the torsional vibrations.
REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat urbain...REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat...3 1-2 1.3 Illustration of the Need for UCATT by Contemporary Example Situations 1-3 1.3.1 RNLA: Connection of NLD Mobile Combat Training Centre to
Özcan, Çağrı; Sökücü, Sami; Beng, Kubilay; Çetinkaya, Engin; Demir, Bilal; Kabukçuoğlu, Yavuz Selim
The aim of this study was to compare the radiological and functional results of two different methods of fixation for the correction of femoral valgus deformities. Patients who had undergone osteotomy and correction of a valgus deformity from 2007 to 2013 were prospectively followed. Thirty three patients (20 females, 13 males) with 39 lower limbs were included in the study. Seventeen lower limbs were treated with retrograde intramedullary nailing (IMN) and 22 with less invasive stabilization system plating. Standing orthoroentgenograms of the lower limbs were taken pre-operatively and at the final follow-up. mLDFA, aLDFA, mechanical axis deviation (MAD) were measured in this orthoroentgenograms. Knee osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS) and knee range of motion were used pre-operatively and at the final follow-up as part of the evaluation of the clinical results. All patients duration of surgery, length of hospital stay were assessed. Operations were performed by two orthopedic surgeons. The choice of correction method for each patient was determined by the surgeon. Pre-operative and post-operative values were simultaneously measured by two additional orthopedic surgeons. The mean age of the patients was 26.2 years (18.0-51.0) in the plating group and 29.3 years (18.0-55.0) in the nailing group. Patients in the plating and nailing groups were followed up for 24.0 (12.0-60.0) and 27.8 (12.0-60.0) months. All patients were followed for a minimum of 12 months. No significant differences were observed between the groups in terms of age, sex, or duration of follow-up (p > 0.05) Comparison of the pre- and post-operative mLDFA, aLDFA, MAD, length of hospital stay, and duration of surgery between the plating group and nailing group, no significant difference was observed between the groups (p > 0.05). However, patients treated with retrograde IMN had significantly better post-operative results in terms of the KOOS and range of motion of the knee according to
Vibration analysis of angle-ply laminated composite plates with an embedded piezoceramic layer.
Lin, Hsien-Yang; Huang, Jin-Hung; Ma, Chien-Ching
An optical full-field technique, called amplitude-fluctuation electronic speckle pattern interferometry (AF-ESPI), is used in this study to investigate the force-induced transverse vibration of an angle-ply laminated composite embedded with a piezoceramic layer (piezolaminated plates). The piezolaminated plates are excited by applying time-harmonic voltages to the embedded piezoceramic layer. Because clear fringe patterns will appear only at resonant frequencies, both the resonant frequencies and mode shapes of the vibrating piezolaminated plates with five different fiber orientation angles are obtained by the proposed AF-ESPI method. A laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) system that has the advantage of high resolution and broad dynamic range also is applied to measure the frequency response of piezolaminated plates. In addition to the two proposed optical techniques, numerical computations based on a commercial finite element package are presented for comparison with the experimental results. Three different numerical formulations are used to evaluate the vibration characteristics of piezolaminated plates. Good agreements of the measured data by the optical method and the numerical results predicted by the finite element method (FEM) demonstrate that the proposed methodology in this study is a powerful tool for the vibration analysis of piezolaminated plates.
Seegmiller, R.
An improved bath is reported for plating gold on other metals. The composition of the plating bath is as follows: Gold cyanide from about 15 to about 50 grams, potassium cyanide from about 70 to about 125 grams, and sulfonated castor oil from about 0.1 to about 10 cc. The gold plate produced from this bath is smooth, semi-hard, and nonporous.
Nonlinear resonance of the rotating circular plate under static loads in magnetic field
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hu, Yuda; Wang, Tong
The rotating circular plate is widely used in mechanical engineering, meanwhile the plates are often in the electromagnetic field in modern industry with complex loads. In order to study the resonance of a rotating circular plate under static loads in magnetic field, the nonlinear vibration equation about the spinning circular plate is derived according to Hamilton principle. The algebraic expression of the initial deflection and the magneto elastic forced disturbance differential equation are obtained through the application of Galerkin integral method. By mean of modified Multiple scale method, the strongly nonlinear amplitude-frequency response equation in steady state is established. The amplitude frequency characteristic curve and the relationship curve of amplitude changing with the static loads and the excitation force of the plate are obtained according to the numerical calculation. The influence of magnetic induction intensity, the speed of rotation and the static loads on the amplitude and the nonlinear characteristics of the spinning plate are analyzed. The proposed research provides the theory reference for the research of nonlinear resonance of rotating plates in engineering.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Oline, L.; Medaglia, J.
The dynamic finite element method was used to investigate elastic stress waves in a plate. Strain displacement and stress strain relations are discussed along with the stiffness and mass matrix. The results of studying point load, and distributed load over small, intermediate, and large radii are reported. The derivation of finite element matrices, and the derivation of lumped and consistent matrices for one dimensional problems with Laplace transfer solutions are included. The computer program JMMSPALL is also included.
Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
De Castilla, Hector
L'objectif de ce travail de maitrise en sciences appliquees est de trouver puis etudier un materiau piezoelectrique qui est potentiellement utilisable dans les transducteurs ultrasons a haute temperature. En effet, ces derniers sont actuellement limites a des temperatures de fonctionnement en dessous de 300°C a cause de l'element piezoelectrique qui les compose. Palier a cette limitation permettrait des controles non destructifs par ultrasons a haute temperature. Avec de bonnes proprietes electromecaniques et une temperature de Curie elevee (1200°C), le niobate de lithium (LiNbO 3) est un bon candidat. Mais certaines etudes affirment que des processus chimiques tels que l'apparition de conductivite ionique ou l'emergence d'une nouvelle phase ne permettent pas son utilisation dans les transducteurs ultrasons au-dessus de 600°C. Cependant, d'autres etudes plus recentes ont montre qu'il pouvait generer des ultrasons jusqu'a 1000°C et qu'aucune conductivite n'etait visible. Une hypothese a donc emerge : une conductivite ionique est presente dans le niobate de lithium a haute temperature (>500°C) mais elle n'affecte que faiblement ses proprietes a hautes frequences (>100 kHz). Une caracterisation du niobate de lithium a haute temperature est donc necessaire afin de verifier cette hypothese. Pour cela, la methode par resonance a ete employee. Elle permet une caracterisation de la plupart des coefficients electromecaniques avec une simple spectroscopie d'impedance electrochimique et un modele reliant de facon explicite les proprietes au spectre d'impedance. Il s'agit de trouver les coefficients du modele permettant de superposer au mieux le modele avec les mesures experimentales. Un banc experimental a ete realise permettant de controler la temperature des echantillons et de mesurer leur impedance electrochimique. Malheureusement, les modeles actuellement utilises pour la methode par resonance sont imprecis en presence de couplages entre les modes de vibration. Cela
Influence of tip end-plate on noise of small axial fan
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mao, Hongya; Wang, Yanping; Lin, Peifeng; Jin, Yingzi; Setoguchi, Toshiaki; Kim, Heuy Dong
In this work, tip end-plate is used to improve the noise performance of small axial fans. Both numerical simulations and experimental methods were adopted to study the fluid flow and noise level of axial fans. Four modified models and the prototype are simulated. Influences of tip end-plate on static characteristics, internal flow field and noise of small axial fans are analyzed. The results show that on basis of the prototype, the model with the tip end-plate of 2 mm width and changed length achieved best noise performance. The overall sound pressure level of the model with the tip end-plate of 2 mm width and changed length is 2.4 dB less than that of the prototype at the monitoring point in specified far field. It is found that the mechanism of noise reduction is due to the decrease of vorticity variation on the surface of blades caused by the tip end-plate. Compared with the prototype, the static pressure of the model with the tip end-plate of 2 mm width and changed length at design flow rate decreases by 2 Pa and the efficiency decreases by 0.8%. It is concluded that the method of adding tip end-plate to impeller blades has a positive influence on reducing noise, but it may diminish the static characteristics of small axial fan to some extent.
Accurate Simulation of Acoustic Emission Sources in Composite Plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Prosser, W. H.; Gorman, M. R.
Acoustic emission (AE) signals propagate as the extensional and flexural plate modes in thin composite plates and plate-like geometries such as shells, pipes, and tubes. The relative amplitude of the two modes depends on the directionality of the source motion. For source motions with large out-of-plane components such as delaminations or particle impact, the flexural or bending plate mode dominates the AE signal with only a small extensional mode detected. A signal from such a source is well simulated with the standard pencil lead break (Hsu-Neilsen source) on the surface of the plate. For other sources such as matrix cracking or fiber breakage in which the source motion is primarily in-plane, the resulting AE signal has a large extensional mode component with little or no flexural mode observed. Signals from these type sources can also be simulated with pencil lead breaks. However, the lead must be fractured on the edge of the plate to generate an in-plane source motion rather than on the surface of the plate. In many applications such as testing of pressure vessels and piping or aircraft structures, a free edge is either not available or not in a desired location for simulation of in-plane type sources. In this research, a method was developed which allows the simulation of AE signals with a predominant extensional mode component in composite plates requiring access to only the surface of the plate.
Closed loop oscillating heat pipe as heating device for copper plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kamonpet, Patrapon; Sangpen, Waranphop
In manufacturing parts by molding method, temperature uniformity of the mold holds a very crucial aspect for the quality of the parts. Studies have been carried out in searching for effective method in controlling the mold temperature. Using of heat pipe is one of the many effective ways to control the temperature of the molding area to the right uniform level. Recently, there has been the development of oscillating heat pipe and its application is very promising. The semi-empirical correlation for closed-loop oscillating heat pipe (CLOHP) with the STD of ±30% was used in design of CLOHP in this study. By placing CLOHP in the copper plate at some distance from the plate surface and allow CLOHP to heat the plate up to the set surface temperature, the temperature of the plate was recorded. It is found that CLOHP can be effectively used as a heat source to transfer heat to copper plate with excellent temperature distribution. The STDs of heat rate of all experiments are well in the range of ±30% of the correlation used.
Plating To Reinforce Welded Joints
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Otousa, J. E.
Electrodeposition used to strengthen welded joints gouged, nicked, or suffered other mechanical damage. Plating cell, typically of acrylic plastic such as poly (Methylmetacrylate), is assembled around part to be plated. Areas not to be plated are masked with plater's tape. Weld area is plated in standard nickel-plating process.
An alternative method in mandibular fracture treatment: bone graft use instead of a plate.
Alagöz, Murat Sahin; Uysal, Ahmet Cagri; Sensoz, Omer
In the treatment of the mandibular fractures, one of the main principles is to use the least amount of foreign material. We present an alternative technique that the bone grafts harvested from the fracture borders or from the iliac crest were used instead of plates and the fixation was done with screws. In the study including 24 mandible fractures, the bone grafts harvested from the fracture borders were used in the 10 favorable fractures and the bone grafts harvested from the iliac crest were used in the 14 unfavorable fractures. In the combined mandible fractures, four fractures were fixated with titanium plates and the other side with the bone graft. The patients, who were followed up for 12 to 20 months, were evaluated with macroscopic occlusion, panoramic graphs, and three-dimensional computerized tomographs. The advantage of this technique of fixation with the autogenous tissue is reduced infection rates and reduced operation costs. In the pediatric patients, the second session operation of plate removal is not necessary.
Detection and estimation of defects in a circular plate using operational deflection shapes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pai, Perngjin F.; Oh, Yunje; Kim, Byeong-Seok
This paper investigates dynamic characteristics (mode shapes and natural frequencies) and defect detection of circular plates using a scanning laser vibrometer. Exact dynamic characteristics of a circular aluminum plate having a clamped inner rim and a free outer rim are obtained using two methods; one uses Bessel functions and the other uses a multiple shooting method. An in-house finite element code GESA is also used to analyze the circular plate using the DKT plate element. Numerical results show that some reports in the literature are incorrect and that high-frequency Operational Deflection Shapes (ODSs) are needed in order to locate small defects. Detection of two defects in the circular aluminum plate is experimentally studied using the distributions of RMS velocities under broadband periodic chirp excitations. RMS velocities of ODSs, symmetry breaking of ODSs, splitting of natural frequencies and ODSs, and a Boundary Effect Detection (BED) method. The BED method is non-destructive and model-independent; it processes experimental ODSs to reveal extra local boundary effects caused by defects to reveal locations of defects. Experimental results show that small defects in circular plates can be pinpointed by these approaches. Moreover, a new concept of using the balance of elastic and kinetic energies within a mode cell for detecting defects in two- dimensional structures of irregular shapes is proposed.
Mantle convection with plates and mobile, faulted plate margins.
Zhong, S; Gurnis, M
A finite-element formulation of faults has been incorporated into time-dependent models of mantle convection with realistic rheology, continents, and phase changes. Realistic tectonic plates naturally form with self-consistent coupling between plate and mantle dynamics. After the initiation of subduction, trenches rapidly roll back with subducted slabs temporarily laid out along the base of the transition zone. After the slabs have penetrated into the lower mantle, the velocity of trench migration decreases markedly. The inhibition of slab penetration into the lower mantle by the 670-kilometer phase change is greatly reduced in these models as compared to models without tectonic plates.
Vibration analysis of partially cracked plate submerged in fluid
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Soni, Shashank; Jain, N. K.; Joshi, P. V.
The present work proposes an analytical model for vibration analysis of partially cracked rectangular plates coupled with fluid medium. The governing equation of motion for the isotropic plate based on the classical plate theory is modified to accommodate a part through continuous line crack according to simplified line spring model. The influence of surrounding fluid medium is incorporated in the governing equation in the form of inertia effects based on velocity potential function and Bernoulli's equations. Both partially and totally submerged plate configurations are considered. The governing equation also considers the in-plane stretching due to lateral deflection in the form of in-plane forces which introduces geometric non-linearity into the system. The fundamental frequencies are evaluated by expressing the lateral deflection in terms of modal functions. The assessment of the present results is carried out for intact submerged plate as to the best of the author's knowledge the literature lacks in analytical results for submerged cracked plates. New results for fundamental frequencies are presented as affected by crack length, fluid level, fluid density and immersed depth of plate. By employing the method of multiple scales, the frequency response and peak amplitude of the cracked structure is analyzed. The non-linear frequency response curves show the phenomenon of bending hardening or softening and the effect of fluid dynamic pressure on the response of the cracked plate.
Linking plate reconstructions with deforming lithosphere to geodynamic models
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Müller, R. D.; Gurnis, M.; Flament, N.; Seton, M.; Spasojevic, S.; Williams, S.; Zahirovic, S.
define the thickness of the thermal lithosphere for different continental types, with the exception of the deforming areas that are fully dynamic. Finally, we introduce a "slab assimilation" method in which the thermal structure of the slab, derived analytically, is progressively assimilated into the upper mantle through time. This method not only improves the continuity of slabs in forward models with imposed plate motions, but it also allows us to model flat slab segments that are particularly relevant for understanding dynamic surface topography. When it comes to post-processing and visualisation, GPlates allows the user to import time-dependent model output image stacks to visualise mantle properties (e.g. temperature) at a given depth through time, with plate boundaries and other data attached to plates overlain. This approach provides an avenue to simultaneously investigate the contributions of lithospheric deformation and mantle flow to surface topography. Currently GPlates is being used in conjunction with the codes CitcomS, Terra, BEMEarth and the adaptive mesh refinement code Rhea. A GPlates python plugin infrastructure makes it easy to extend interoperability with other geodynamic modelling codes.
Behaviour of Plate Anchorage in Plate-Reinforced Composite Coupling Beams
Lam, W. Y.; Li, Lingzhi; Su, R. K. L.; Pam, H. J.
As a new alternative design, plate-reinforced composite (PRC) coupling beam achieves enhanced strength and ductility by embedding a vertical steel plate into a conventionally reinforced concrete (RC) coupling beam. Based on a nonlinear finite element model developed in the authors' previous study, a parametric study presented in this paper has been carried out to investigate the influence of several key parameters on the overall performance of PRC coupling beams. The effects of steel plate geometry, span-to-depth ratio of beams, and steel reinforcement ratios at beam spans and in wall regions are quantified. It is found that the anchorage length of the steel plate is primarily controlled by the span-to-depth ratio of the beam. Based on the numerical results, a design curve is proposed for determining the anchorage length of the steel plate. The load-carrying capacity of short PRC coupling beams with high steel ratio is found to be controlled by the steel ratio of wall piers. The maximum shear stress of PRC coupling beams should be limited to 15 MPa. PMID:24288465
Improving Plating by Use of Intense Acoustic Beams
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Oeftering, Richard C.; Denofrio, Charles
An improved method of selective plating of metals and possibly other materials involves the use of directed high-intensity acoustic beams. The beams, typically in the ultrasonic frequency range, can be generated by fixed-focus transducers (see figure) or by phased arrays of transducers excited, variously, by continuous waves, tone bursts, or single pulses. The nonlinear effects produced by these beams are used to alter plating processes in ways that are advantageous.
Economic Analysis of Anatomic Plating Versus Tubular Plating for the Treatment of Fibula Fractures.
Chang, Gerard; Bhat, Suneel B; Raikin, Steven M; Kane, Justin M; Kay, Andrew; Ahmad, Jamal; Pedowitz, David I; Krieg, James
Ankle fractures are among the most common injuries requiring operative management. Implant choices include one-third tubular plates and anatomically precontoured plates. Although cadaveric studies have not revealed biomechanical differences between various plate constructs, there are substantial cost differences. This study sought to characterize the economic implications of implant choice. A retrospective review was undertaken of 201 consecutive patients with operatively treated OTA type 44B and 44C ankles. A Nationwide Inpatient Sample query was performed to estimate the incidence of ankle fractures requiring fibular plating, and a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted with the estimated at-risk US population for associated plate-specific costs. The authors estimated an annual incidence of operatively treated ankle fractures in the United States of 59,029. The average cost was $90.86 (95% confidence interval, $90.84-$90.87) for a one-third tubular plate vs $746.97 (95% confidence interval, $746.55-$747.39) for an anatomic plate. Across the United States, use of only one-third tubular plating over anatomic plating would result in statistically significant savings of $38,729,517 (95% confidence interval, $38,704,773-$38,754,261; P<.0001). General use of one-third tubular plating instead of anatomic plating whenever possible for fibula fractures could result in cost savings of up to nearly $40 million annually in the United States. Unless clinically justifiable on a per-case basis, or until the advent of studies showing substantial clinical benefit, there currently is no reason for the increased expense from widespread use of anatomic plating for fractures amenable to one-third tubular plating. [Orthopedics. 2018; 41(2):e252-e256.]. Copyright 2018, SLACK Incorporated.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cheng, Shubo; Liu, Mengsi; Xia, Tian; Tao, Shaohua
We present a new family of diffractive lenses, Fibonacci-like zone plates, generated with a modified Fibonacci sequence. The focusing properties and the evolution of transverse diffraction pattern for the Fibonacci-like zone plates have been analytically investigated both theoretically and experimentally and compared with the corresponding Fresnel zone plates of the same resolution. The results demonstrate that the Fibonacci-like zone plates possess the self-similar property and the multifocal behavior. Furthermore, the Fibonacci-like zone plate beams are found to possess the self-reconstruction property, and would be promising for 3D optical tweezers, laser machining, and optical imaging.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nelson, Mary J.; Groshart, Earl C.
The Boeing Company has been searching for replacements to cadmium plate. Two alloy plating systems seem close to meeting the needs of a cadmium replacement. The two alloys, zinc-nickel and tin-zinc are from alloy plating baths; both baths are neutral pH. The alloys meet the requirements for salt fog corrosion resistance, and both alloys excel as a paint base. Currently, tests are being performed on standard fasteners to compare zinc-nickel and tin-zinc on threaded hardware where cadmium is heavily used. The Hydrogen embrittlement propensity of the zinc-nickel bath has been tested, and just beginning for the tin-zinc bath. Another area of interest is the electrical properties on aluminum for tin-zinc and will be discussed. The zinc-nickel alloy plating bath is in production in Boeing Commercial Airplane Group for non-critical low strength steels. The outlook is promising that these two coatings will help The Boeing Company significantly reduce its dependence on cadmium plating.
Effect of thermal stresses on frequency band structures of elastic metamaterial plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Ying; Yu, Kaiping; Yang, Linyun; Zhao, Rui; Shi, Xiaotian; Tian, Kuo
We investigate the effect of thermal stresses on the band structure of elastic metamaterial plates by developing a useful finite-element based method. The thermal field is assumed to be uniform throughout the whole plate. Specifically, we find that the stiffness matrix of plate element is comprised of elastic and thermal stresses parts, which can be regarded as a linear function of temperature difference. We additionally demonstrate that the relative magnitudes between elastic properties and thermal stresses will lead to nonlinear effects on frequency band structures based on two different types of metamaterial plates made of single and double inclusions of square plates, respectively. Then, we validate the proposed approach by comparing the band structures with the frequency response curves obtained in finite periodic structures. We conduct sensitivity analysis and discuss in-depth the sensitivities of band structures with respect to temperature difference to quantitatively investigate the effect of thermal stresses on each band. In addition, the coupled effects of thermal stresses and temperature-dependent material properties on the band structure of Aluminum/silicone rubber plate have also been discussed. The proposed method and new findings in this paper extends the ability of existing metamaterial plates by enabling tunability over a wide range of frequencies in thermal environments.
Designing Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Arrays
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ross, R. G., Jr.
Report presents overview of state of art in design techniques for flat-plate solar photovoltaic modules and arrays. Paper discusses design requirements, design analyses, and test methods identified and developed for this technology over past several years in effort to reduce cost and improve utility and reliability for broad spectrum of terrestrial applications.
Biomechanical analysis of titanium fixation plates and screws in sagittal split ramus osteotomies.
Atik, F; Atac, M S; Özkan, A; Kılınc, Y; Arslan, M
The aim of the study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of three different fixation methods used in the bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy. Three different three-dimensional finite element models were created, each corresponding to three different fixation methods. The mandibles were fixed with double straight 4-hole, square 4-hole, and 5-hole Y plates. 150 N incisal occlusal loads were simulated on the distal segments. ANSYS software ((v 10; ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, PA) was used to calculate the Von Mises stresses on fixative appliances. The highest Von Mises stress values were found in Y plate. The lowest values were isolated in double straight plate group. It was concluded that the use of double 4-hole straight plates provided the sufficient stability on the osteotomy site when compared with the other rigid fixation methods used in this study.
Bussières, Philippe
Because it is difficult to obtain transverse views of the plant phloem sieve plate pores, which are short tubes, to estimate their number and diameters, a method based on longitudinal views is proposed. This method uses recent methods to estimate the number and the sizes of approximately circular objects from their images, given by slices perpendicular to the objects. Moreover, because such longitudinal views are obtained from slices that are rather close to the plate centres whereas the pore size may vary with the pore distance from the plate edge, a sieve plate reconstruction model was developed and incorporated in the method to consider this bias. The method was successfully tested with published longitudinal views of phloem of Soybean and an exceptional entire transverse view from the same tissue. The method was also validated with simulated slices in two sieve plates from Cucurbita and Phaseolus. This method will likely be useful to estimate and to model the hydraulic conductivity and the architecture of the plant phloem, and it could have applications for other materials with approximately cylindrical structures.
Analysis of Piezoelectric Actuator for Vibration Control of Composite plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gomaa, Ahmed R.; Hai, Huang
Vibration analysis is studied numerically in this paper for a simply supported composite plate subjected to external loadings. Vibrations are controlled by using piezoelectric patches. Finite element method (ANSYS) is used for obtaining finite element model of the smart plate structure, a layered composite plate is manufactured experimentally and tested to obtain the structure mechanical properties. Different piezoelectric patch areas and different applied gain voltage effects on vibration attenuation is studied. The numerical solution is compared with the experimental work, a good agreement achieved.
Weimar, M R; Cheung, J; Dey, D; McSweeney, C; Morrison, M; Kobayashi, Y; Whitman, W B; Carbone, V; Schofield, L R; Ronimus, R S; Cook, G M
Hydrogenotrophic methanogens typically require strictly anaerobic culturing conditions in glass tubes with overpressures of H 2 and CO 2 that are both time-consuming and costly. To increase the throughput for screening chemical compound libraries, 96-well microtiter plate methods for the growth of a marine (environmental) methanogen Methanococcus maripaludis strain S2 and the rumen methanogen Methanobrevibacter species AbM4 were developed. A number of key parameters (inoculum size, reducing agents for medium preparation, assay duration, inhibitor solvents, and culture volume) were optimized to achieve robust and reproducible growth in a high-throughput microtiter plate format. The method was validated using published methanogen inhibitors and statistically assessed for sensitivity and reproducibility. The Sigma-Aldrich LOPAC library containing 1,280 pharmacologically active compounds and an in-house natural product library (120 compounds) were screened against M. maripaludis as a proof of utility. This screen identified a number of bioactive compounds, and MIC values were confirmed for some of them against M. maripaludis and M. AbM4. The developed method provides a significant increase in throughput for screening compound libraries and can now be used to screen larger compound libraries to discover novel methanogen-specific inhibitors for the mitigation of ruminant methane emissions. IMPORTANCE Methane emissions from ruminants are a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, and new technologies are required to control emissions in the agriculture technology (agritech) sector. The discovery of small-molecule inhibitors of methanogens using high-throughput phenotypic (growth) screening against compound libraries (synthetic and natural products) is an attractive avenue. However, phenotypic inhibitor screening is currently hindered by our inability to grow methanogens in a high-throughput format. We have developed, optimized, and validated a high
In the United States (U.S.), the history of bacterial plate counting methods used for water can be traced largely through Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Standard Methods). The bacterial count method has evolved from the original St...
Darrow, Brett G; Biskup, Jeffrey J; Weigel, Joseph P; Jones, Michael P; Xie, Xie; Liaw, Peter K; Tharpe, Josh L; Sharma, Aashish; Penumadu, Dayakar
OBJECTIVE To evaluate mechanical properties of pigeon (Columba livia) cadaver intact humeri versus ostectomized humeri stabilized with a locking or nonlocking plate. SAMPLE 30 humeri from pigeon cadavers. PROCEDURES Specimens were allocated into 3 groups and tested in bending and torsion. Results for intact pigeon humeri were compared with results for ostectomized humeri repaired with a titanium 1.6-mm screw locking plate or a stainless steel 1.5-mm dynamic compression plate; the ostectomized humeri mimicked a fracture in a thin cortical bone. Locking plates were secured with locking screws (2 bicortical and 4 monocortical), and nonlocking plates were secured with bicortical nonlocking screws. Constructs were cyclically tested nondestructively in 4-point bending and then tested to failure in bending. A second set of constructs were cyclically tested non-destructively and then to failure in torsion. Stiffness, strength, and strain energy of each construct were compared. RESULTS Intact specimens were stiffer and stronger than the repair groups for all testing methods, except for nonlocking constructs, which were significantly stiffer than intact specimens under cyclic bending. Intact bones had significantly higher strain energies than locking plates in both bending and torsion. Locking and nonlocking plates were of equal strength and strain energy, but not stiffness, in bending and were of equal strength, stiffness, and strain energy in torsion. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results for this study suggested that increased torsional strength may be needed before bone plate repair can be considered as the sole fixation method for avian species.
Nuclear reactor alignment plate configuration
Altman, David A; Forsyth, David R; Smith, Richard E; Singleton, Norman R
An alignment plate that is attached to a core barrel of a pressurized water reactor and fits within slots within a top plate of a lower core shroud and upper core plate to maintain lateral alignment of the reactor internals. The alignment plate is connected to the core barrel through two vertically-spaced dowel pins that extend from the outside surface of the core barrel through a reinforcement pad and into corresponding holes in the alignment plate. Additionally, threaded fasteners are inserted around the perimeter of the reinforcement pad and into the alignment plate to further secure the alignment plate to the core barrel. A fillet weld also is deposited around the perimeter of the reinforcement pad. To accomodate thermal growth between the alignment plate and the core barrel, a gap is left above, below and at both sides of one of the dowel pins in the alignment plate holes through with the dowel pins pass.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Askew, John C.
An alternative to the immersion process for the electrodeposition of chromium from aqueous solutions on the inside diameter (ID) of long tubes is described. The Vessel Plating Process eliminates the need for deep processing tanks, large volumes of solutions, and associated safety and environmental concerns. Vessel Plating allows the process to be monitored and controlled by computer thus increasing reliability, flexibility and quality. Elimination of the trivalent chromium accumulation normally associated with ID plating is intrinsic to the Vessel Plating Process. The construction and operation of a prototype Vessel Plating Facility with emphasis on materials of construction, engineered and operational safety and a unique system for rinse water recovery are described.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Flores, R.
Plating system mounted on portable cart includes 30-gallon (23.5 liter) electrolyte tank, filler pump, heaters, replenishing anodes, plating rectifiers and tank rectifier to continously remove contaminants.
A MEMS square Chladni plate resonator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pala, Sedat; Azgın, Kıvanç
This paper presents the design, fabrication and tests of a micro-fabricated MEMS ‘Chladni’ plate resonator. The proposed MEMS resonator has a square plate geometry having a side length of 1400 µm and a height of 35 µm. Its geometry and electrode layout are designed to analyze and test as many modes as possible. The MEMS plate is fabricated using a silicon-on-insulator process with a 35 µm thick < \\text{1} \\text{1} \\text{1}> silicon layer on a glass substrate. Transverse vibration of the plate is investigated to obtain closed form natural frequencies and mode shapes, which are derived using the Rayleigh-Ritz energy method, with an electrostatic softening effect included. Closed form equations for the calculation of effective stiffness’, masses and natural frequencies of the two modes (mode (1,1) and mode (2,0)-(0,2)) are presented, with and without electrostatic softening. The analytical model is verified for those modes by finite-element simulations, frequency response tests in vacuum and laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) experiments. The derived model deviates from the finite-element analysis by 3.35% for mode (1,1) and 6.15% for mode (2,0)-(0,2). For verification, the frequency responses of the plates are measured with both electrostatic excitation-detection at around 20 mTorr vacuum ambient and LDV at around 0.364 mTorr vacuum ambient. The resonance frequency and Q-factor of mode (1,1) are measured to be 104.2 kHz and 14 300, respectively. For mode (2,0)-(0,2), the measured resonance frequency and Q-factor are 156.68 kHz and 10 700, respectively. The presented LDV results also support both natural frequencies of interest and corresponding mode shapes of the plate structure.
Application of chaotic attractor analysis in crack assessment of plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jalili, Sina; Daneshmehr, A. R.
Part-through crack presence with limited length is one of the prevalent defects in plate structures. However, this type of damage has only a slight effect on the dynamic response of the structures. In this paper the modified line spring method (MLSM) is used to develop a nonlinear multi-degree of freedom model of part through cracked rectangular plate and chaotic interrogation is implemented to assess crack-induced degradation in the nonlinear model. After a convergence study of the proposed model in time series domain in which the plate subjected to Lorenz-type chaotic excitation, the tuning of interrogation is conducted by crossing the Lyapunov exponents' spectrums of the nonlinear model of the plate and chaotic signal. In this research nonlinear prediction error (NPE) is proposed as a damage sensitive feature which deals with the chaotic attractor of the excited system response. It is found that there are ranges of tuning parameter that result in higher damage sensitivity of the NPE. Damage characteristics such as: length, angle, location and depth of crack are considered as parameters to be varied to scrutinize the response of the plates. Results show that NPE generally has significantly higher sensitivity in comparison with conventional frequency-based methods; however this property has different levels for various boundary conditions.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jin, Zhongkun; Yin, Yao; Liu, Bilong
The finite element method is often used to investigate the sound absorption of anechoic coating backed with orthogonally rib-stiffened plate. Since the anechoic coating contains cavities, the number of grid nodes of a periodic unit cell is usually large. An equivalent modulus method is proposed to reduce the large amount of nodes by calculating an equivalent homogeneous layer. Applications of this method in several models show that the method can well predict the sound absorption coefficient of such structure in a wide frequency range. Based on the simulation results, the sound absorption performance of such structure and the influences of different backings on the first absorption peak are also discussed.
Kusugal, Preethi; Chourasiya, Ritu Sunil; Ruttonji, Zarir; Astagi, Preeti; Nayak, Ajay Kumar; Patil, Abhishekha
To overcome the poor dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloids, alternative materials were introduced. The dimensional changes of these alternatives after delayed pouring are not well studied and documented in the literature. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the surface detail reproduction and dimensional stability of two irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives with an extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid at different time intervals. All testing were performed according to the ANSI/ADA specification number 18 for surface detail reproduction and specification number 19 for dimensional change. The test materials used in this study were newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives such as AlgiNot FS, Algin-X Ultra FS, and Kromopan 100 which is an extended pour irreversible hydrocolloid as control. The surface detail reproduction was evaluated using stereomicroscope. The dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h was assessed and compared between the test materials and control. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni test. Statistically significant results ( P < 0.001) were seen when mean scores of the tested materials were compared with respect to reproduction of 22 μm line from the metal block. Kromopan 100 showed statistically significant differences between different time intervals ( P < 0.001) and exhibited more dimensional change. Algin-X Ultra FS proved to be more accurate and dimensionally stable. Newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternative impression materials were more accurate in surface detail reproduction and exhibited minimal dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h than extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression material.
Ko, Cheolwoong; Yang, Mikyung; Byun, Taemin; Lee, Sang-Wook
This study proposed a way to design femur fracture fixation plates made of shape memory alloy based on computed tomography (CT) images of Korean cadaveric femurs. To this end, 3 major design factors of femur fracture fixation plates (circumference angle, thickness, and inner diameter) were selected based on the contact pressure when a femur fracture fixation plate was applied to a cylinder model using the Taguchi method. Then, the effects of the design factors were analyzed. It was shown that the design factors were statistically significant at a level of p = 0.05 concerning the inner diameter and the thickness. The factors affecting the contact pressure were inner diameter, thickness, and circumference angle, in that order. Particularly, in the condition of Case 9 (inner diameter 27 mm, thickness 2.4 mm, and circumference angle 270°), the max. average contact pressure was 21.721 MPa, while the min. average contact pressure was 3.118 MPa in Case 10 (inner diameter 29 mm, thickness 2.0 mm, and circumference angle 210°). When the femur fracture fixation plate was applied to the cylinder model, the displacement due to external sliding and pulling forces was analyzed. As a result, the displacement in the sliding condition was at max. 3.75 times greater than that in the pulling condition, which indicated that the cohesion strength between the femur fracture fixation plate and the cylinder model was likely to be greater in the pulling condition. When a human femur model was applied, the max. average contact pressure was 10.76 MPa, which was lower than the yield strength of a human femur (108 MPa). In addition, the analysis of the rib behaviors of the femur fracture fixation plate in relation to the recovery effect of the shape memory alloy showed that the rib behaviors varied depending on the arbitrarily curved shapes of the femur sections. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Analysis of the ORNL/TSF GCFR Grid-Plate Shield Design Confirmation Experiment
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Slater, C.O.; Cramer, S.N.; Ingersoll, D.T.
The results of the analysis of the GCFR Grid-Plate Shield Design Confirmation Experiment are presented. The experiment, performed at the ORNL Tower Shielding Facility, was designed to test the adequacy of methods and data used in the analysis of the GCFR design. In particular, the experiment tested the adequacy of methods to calculate: (1) axial neutron streaming in the GCFR core and axial blanket, (2) the amount and location of the maximum fast-neutron exposure to the grid plate, and (3) the neutron source leaving the top of the grid plate and entering the upper plenum. Other objectives of the experimentmore » were to verify the grid-plate shielding effectiveness and to assess the effects of fuel-pin and subassembly spacing on radiation levels in the GCFR. The experimental mockups contained regions representing the GCFR core/blanket region, the grid-plate shield section, and the grid plate. Most core design options were covered by allowing: (1) three different spacings between fuel subassemblies, (2) two different void fractions within a subassembly by variation of the number of fuel pins, and (3) a mockup of a control-rod channel.« less
Dynamic Response of a Rigid Pavement Plate Based on an Inertial Soil.
Gibigaye, Mohamed; Yabi, Crespin Prudence; Alloba, I Ezéchiel
This work presents the dynamic response of a pavement plate resting on a soil whose inertia is taken into account in the design of pavements by rational methods. Thus, the pavement is modeled as a thin plate with finite dimensions, supported longitudinally by dowels and laterally by tie bars. The subgrade is modeled via Pasternak-Vlasov type (three-parameter type) foundation models and the moving traffic load is expressed as a concentrated dynamic load of harmonically varying magnitude, moving straight along the plate with a constant acceleration. The governing equation of the problem is solved using the modified Bolotin method for determining the natural frequencies and the wavenumbers of the system. The orthogonal properties of eigenfunctions are used to find the general solution of the problem. Considering the load over the center of the plate, the results showed that the deflections of the plate are maximum about the middle of the plate but are not null at its edges. It is therefore observed that the deflection decreased 18.33 percent when the inertia of the soil is taken into account. This result shows the possible economic gain when taking into account the inertia of soil in pavement dynamic design.
Revetements nanostructures pour la protection des metaux dans les environnements marins
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brassard, Jean-Denis
L'objectif de cette recherche est de verifier qu'un materiau superhydrophobe peut diminuer l'adherence et l'accumulation de la glace tout en conservant de bonnes proprietes anticorrosion. Afin de verifier cette assertion, trois familles de nouveaux revetements micros et nanostructures, identifiees par les lettres A, B, et C, ont ete developpes de facon a pouvoir en determiner l'efficacite glaciophobe en relation avec l'angle de contact particulier a chaque structure obtenue. Les revetements ont tous ete optimises pour que l'angle de contact et l'adherence au substrat soient maximaux. Les trois revetements optimises sont les suivants: Le revetement A a ete developpe pour application sur l'acier galvanise. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la structure de la couche du zinc electrodepose en surface et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par le film de silicone copolymerise nanostructure. Un temps optimal de 10 min a ete retenu pour l'electrodeposition du zinc, ce dernier maximisant l'angle de contact a 155° lorsqu'enduit d'un film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur. Le revetement B a ete developpe pour application sur un alliage d'aluminium. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la microstructure granulaire obtenue par gravure de l'aluminium immerge dans un bain de HCl et les nanorugosites sont celles creees d'un meme film nanostructure de silicone copolymerise. La valeur optimale du temps de gravure est de 8 minutes et donne l'angle de contact le plus eleve a 154°, lorsqu'enduit du meme film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur depose sur le revetement A. Le revetement C a ete developpe pour etre applique indifferemment sur tout substrat degraisse d'aluminium ou d'acier. Les microrugosites et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par les agregats de nanoparticules de ZnO rendues hydrophobes melangees au silicone qui sont pulverisees sur une couche d'appret composee de silicone et de polymethylhydrosiloxane. On obtient alors un produit composite rigide ou les
Guthrie, Robin J.; Katz, Murray; Schroll, Craig R.
The end plates (16) of a fuel cell stack (12) are formed of a thin membrane. Pressure plates (20) exert compressive load through insulation layers (22, 26) to the membrane. Electrical contact between the end plates (16) and electrodes (50, 58) is maintained without deleterious making and breaking of electrical contacts during thermal transients. The thin end plate (16) under compressive load will not distort with a temperature difference across its thickness. Pressure plate (20) experiences a low thermal transient because it is insulated from the cell. The impact on the end plate of any slight deflection created in the pressure plate by temperature difference is minimized by the resilient pressure pad, in the form of insulation, therebetween.
Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate surgical healing rates, implant failure, implant removal, and the need for surgical revision with regards to plate type in midshaft clavicle fractures fixed with 2.7-mm anteroinferior plates utilizing modern plating techniques. Methods This retrospective exploratory cohort review took place at a level I teaching trauma center and a single large private practice office. A total of 155 skeletally mature individuals with 156 midshaft clavicle fractures between March 2002 and March 2012 were included in the final results. Fractures were identified by mechanism of injury and classified based on OTA/AO criteria. All fractures were fixed with 2.7-mm anteroinferior plates. Primary outcome measurements included implant failure, malunion, nonunion, and implant removal. Secondary outcome measurements included pain with the visual analog scale and range of motion. Statistically significant testing was set at 0.05, and testing was performed using chi-square, Fisher’s exact, Mann–Whitney U, and Kruskall-Wallis. Results Implant failure occurred more often in reconstruction plates as compared to dynamic compression plates (p = 0.029). Malunions and nonunions occurred more often in fractures fixed with reconstruction plates as compared to dynamic compression plates, but it was not statistically significant. Implant removal attributed to irritation or implant prominence was observed in 14 patients. Statistically significant levels of pain were seen in patients requiring implant removal (p = 0.001) but were not associated with the plate type. Conclusions Anteroinferior clavicular fracture fixation with 2.7-mm dynamic compression plates results in excellent healing rates with low removal rates in accordance with the published literature. Given higher rates of failure, 2.7-mm reconstruction plates should be discouraged in comparison to stiffer and more reliable 2.7-mm dynamic compression plates. PMID:24993508
Hoefert, Sebastian; Taier, Roberto
To evaluate the biomechanical performance of a commercially available bridging plate (2.4) as well as screws and bone simulating the reconstruction of hemimandibular defects and to indicate alternatives of reinforcement to prevent plate fractures either by strength or fatigue. Two common hemimandibular defects are investigated using computed finite element analysis (FEA) approach. Simplified and refined computational models are developed for the geometry of the screw. Conditions of non-locking and locking plate-screw interfaces are considered. Static loads of 120 N are applied. Von Mises stresses and fatigue are calculated. As reinforcement, a second complete or partial plate is placed onto the original plate. Results demonstrate that reconstruction plates are often subjected to excessive stress that may lead to fracture either by strength or by fatigue. An attached complete or partial second plate is able to reduce stress in the plate, in screws and bone so that stress remains below the allowable limit of the materials. A simplified technique of attaching a whole or sectioned second plate onto the original plate can reduce the stress calculated and may reduce the frequency of plate fractures for the patient's comfort, security and financial savings. Copyright © 2018 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of brewing water characteristic on sensory perception of pour-over local coffee
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fibrianto, K.; Ardianti, A. D.; Pradipta, K.; Sunarharum, W. B.
The coffee quality can be characterized by its multisensory perceptions. The content and mineral composition and other substances of brewing water can affect the result of brewed-coffee. The water may influence in extraction capabilities and flavor clarity. The ground Dampit coffee and two commercial instant coffee with pour-over method were used in this study. Various types of commercial drinking water were used to brew the coffee. The result suggests that the different brewing water affects the intensity of sweet and chocolate aroma, as well as oily mouth-feel. Surprisingly, taste and flavour attributes were not affected by the pH of brewing water within the range of 5.5 to 9.1.
Fuel cell cooler-humidifier plate
Vitale, Nicholas G.; Jones, Daniel O.
A cooler-humidifier plate for use in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack assembly is provided. The cooler-humidifier plate combines functions of cooling and humidification within the fuel cell stack assembly, thereby providing a more compact structure, simpler manifolding, and reduced reject heat from the fuel cell. Coolant on the cooler side of the plate removes heat generated within the fuel cell assembly. Heat is also removed by the humidifier side of the plate for use in evaporating the humidification water. On the humidifier side of the plate, evaporating water humidifies reactant gas flowing over a moistened wick. After exiting the humidifier side of the plate, humidified reactant gas provides needed moisture to the proton exchange membranes used in the fuel cell stack assembly. The invention also provides a fuel cell plate that maximizes structural support within the fuel cell by ensuring that the ribs that form the boundaries of channels on one side of the plate have ends at locations that substantially correspond to the locations of ribs on the opposite side of the plate.
Pediatric distal femur fixation by proximal humeral plate.
Abdelgawad, Amr Atef; Kanlic, Enes M
Distal femoral metaphyseal fractures are common injuries in children. Multiple treatment options have been described for this type of injury. For older children with distal metaphyseal fracture, there is still no optimal method of fixation. We propose that the commonly used proximal humeral plate can provide good method of fixation for this fracture in adolescents. Two children (12 and 14 years old) with distal metaphyseal femoral fracture were treated with proximal humeral plate. We describe the surgical technique and postoperative management. The two children healed with good alignment and full range of motion of the knee. No external immobilization (other than knee immobilizer for the first 2 weeks) was used. We concluded that proximal humeral plate can provide adequate fixation for teenagers with distal femoral metaphyseal fracture. It is readily available; provide multiple options for screw fixation in the distal part of the fracture and fits easily on the distal part of the femur proximal to the physis. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
Screening and Crystallization Plates for Manual and High-throughput Protein Crystal Growth
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thorne, Robert E. (Inventor); Berejnov, Viatcheslav (Inventor); Kalinin, Yevgeniy (Inventor)
In one embodiment, a crystallization and screening plate comprises a plurality of cells open at a top and a bottom, a frame that defines the cells in the plate, and at least two films. The first film seals a top of the plate and the second film seals a bottom of the plate. At least one of the films is patterned to strongly pin the contact lines of drops dispensed onto it, fixing their position and shape. The present invention also includes methods and other devices for manual and high-throughput protein crystal growth.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ko, William L.
Compressive buckling analysis was performed on metal-matrix composite (MMC) plates with central square holes. The MMC plates have varying aspect ratios and hole sizes and are supported under different boundary conditions. The finite-element structural analysis method was used to study the effects of plate boundary conditions, plate aspect ratio, hole size, and the composite stacking sequence on the compressive buckling strengths of the perforated MMC plates. Studies show that by increasing the hole sizes, compressive buckling strengths of the perforated MMC plates could be considerably increased under certain boundary conditions and aspect ratios ("anomalous" buckling behavior); and that the plate buckling mode could be symmetrical or antisymmetrical, depending on the plate boundary conditions, aspect ratio, and the hole size. For same-sized plates with same-sized holes, the compressive buckling strengths of the perforated MMC plates with [90/0/0/90]2 lamination could be as much as 10 percent higher or lower than those of the [45/- 45/- 45/45]2 laminations, depending on the plate boundary conditions, plate aspect ratios, and the hole size. Clamping the plate edges induces far stronger "anomalous" buckling behavior (enhancing compressive buckling strengths at increasing hole sizes) of the perforated MMC plates than simply supporting the plate edges.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Engberg, Robert; Ooi, Teng K.
New methods for structural health monitoring are being assessed, especially in high-performance, extreme environment, safety-critical applications. One such application is for composite cryogenic fuel tanks. The work presented here attempts to characterize and investigate the feasibility of using imbedded piezoelectric sensors to detect cracks and delaminations under cryogenic and ambient conditions. A variety of damage detection methods and different Sensors are employed in the different composite plate samples to aid in determining an optimal algorithm, sensor placement strategy, and type of imbedded sensor to use. Variations of frequency, impedance measurements, and pulse echoing techniques of the sensors are employed and compared. Statistical and analytic techniques are then used to determine which method is most desirable for a specific type of damage. These results are furthermore compared with previous work using externally mounted sensors. Results and optimized methods from this work can then be incorporated into a larger composite structure to validate and assess its structural health. This could prove to be important in the development and qualification of any 2" generation reusable launch vehicle using composites as a structural element.
How mantle slabs drive plate tectonics.
Conrad, Clinton P; Lithgow-Bertelloni, Carolina
The gravitational pull of subducted slabs is thought to drive the motions of Earth's tectonic plates, but the coupling between slabs and plates is not well established. If a slab is mechanically attached to a subducting plate, it can exert a direct pull on the plate. Alternatively, a detached slab may drive a plate by exciting flow in the mantle that exerts a shear traction on the base of the plate. From the geologic history of subduction, we estimated the relative importance of "pull" versus "suction" for the present-day plates. Observed plate motions are best predicted if slabs in the upper mantle are attached to plates and generate slab pull forces that account for about half of the total driving force on plates. Slabs in the lower mantle are supported by viscous mantle forces and drive plates through slab suction.
Absolute Plate Velocities from Seismic Anisotropy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kreemer, Corné; Zheng, Lin; Gordon, Richard
The orientation of seismic anisotropy inferred beneath plate interiors may provide a means to estimate the motions of the plate relative to the sub-asthenospheric mantle. Here we analyze two global sets of shear-wave splitting data, that of Kreemer [2009] and an updated and expanded data set, to estimate plate motions and to better understand the dispersion of the data, correlations in the errors, and their relation to plate speed. We also explore the effect of using geologically current plate velocities (i.e., the MORVEL set of angular velocities [DeMets et al. 2010]) compared with geodetically current plate velocities (i.e., the GSRM v1.2 angular velocities [Kreemer et al. 2014]). We demonstrate that the errors in plate motion azimuths inferred from shear-wave splitting beneath any one tectonic plate are correlated with the errors of other azimuths from the same plate. To account for these correlations, we adopt a two-tier analysis: First, find the pole of rotation and confidence limits for each plate individually. Second, solve for the best fit to these poles while constraining relative plate angular velocities to consistency with the MORVEL relative plate angular velocities. The SKS-MORVEL absolute plate angular velocities (based on the Kreemer [2009] data set) are determined from the poles from eight plates weighted proportionally to the root-mean-square velocity of each plate. SKS-MORVEL indicates that eight plates (Amur, Antarctica, Caribbean, Eurasia, Lwandle, Somalia, Sundaland, and Yangtze) have angular velocities that differ insignificantly from zero. The net rotation of the lithosphere is 0.25±0.11° Ma-1 (95% confidence limits) right-handed about 57.1°S, 68.6°E. The within-plate dispersion of seismic anisotropy for oceanic lithosphere (σ=19.2° ) differs insignificantly from that for continental lithosphere (σ=21.6° ). The between-plate dispersion, however, is significantly smaller for oceanic lithosphere (σ=7.4° ) than for continental
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gripp, Alice E.; Gordon, Richard G.
The NUVEL-1 model of current global relative plate velocities is presently incorporated into HS2-NUVEL1, a global model for plate velocities relative to hotspots; the results thus obtained are compared with those of the AM1-2 model of hotspot-relative plate velocities. While there are places in which plate velocities relative to the hotspots differ between HS2-NUVEL1 and AM1-2 by tens of degrees in direction and 15 mm/yr in speed, the hotspot Euler vectors differ with 95 percent confidence only for the Arabian and Indian plates. Plates attached to subducting slabs move faster relative to the hotspots than do plates without slabs.
A succinct method to generate multi-type HCV beams with a spatial spiral varying retardation-plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qi, Junli; Zhang, Hui; Pan, Baoguo; Deng, Haifei; Yang, Jinhong; Shi, Bo; Wang, Hui; Du, Ang; Wang, Weihua; Li, Xiujian
A simple novel and practical scheme is presented to generate high-power cylindrical vector (HCV) beams with a 36-segment spiral varying retardation-plate sandwiched between two quarter-wave plates (QWPs). Four kinds of HCV beams, such as radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam, are formed by simply rotating two QWPs. A segmented spiral varying phase-plate with isotropy is used to modulate spatial phase distribution to generate in-phase HCV beams. The intensity distributions and polarizing properties of HCV beams are investigated and analyzed in detail. It is demonstrated experimentally that the system can effectively generate multi-type HCV beams with high purity up to 99%, and it can be manufactured as cylindrical vector beam converter commercially.
Low-frequency band gap of locally resonant phononic crystals with a dual-base plate.
Zuo, Shuguang; Huang, Haidong; Wu, Xudong; Zhang, Minghai; Ni, Tianxin
To achieve a wider band gap and a lower cut-on frequency, a locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) with a dual-base plate is investigated in this paper. Compared with the LRPC with a single plate, the band structure of the LRPC with a dual-base plate is calculated using the method of plane wave expansion and verified by the finite element method. According to the analysis of the band curves of the LRPC with a dual-base plate, the mechanisms are explained. Next, the influences of the thickness of the plates, the stiffness of the springs, the mass of resonators, and the lattice constant are also investigated. The results show that the structural asymmetry between the upper and the lower plate is conducive to reducing the cut-on frequency and broadening the band gap effectively. The results indicate a different approach for the application of LRPC in vibration and noise control.
Evaluation on Bending Properties of Biomaterial GUM Metal Meshed Plates for Bone Graft Applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suzuki, Hiromichi; He, Jianmei
There are three bone graft methods for bone defects caused by diseases such as cancer and accident injuries: Autogenous bone grafts, Allografts and Artificial bone grafts. In this study, meshed GUM Metal plates with lower elasticity, high strength and high biocompatibility are introduced to solve the over stiffness & weight problems of ready-used metal implants. Basic mesh shapes are designed and applied to GUM Metal plates using 3D CAD modeling tools. Bending properties of prototype meshed GUM Metal plates are evaluated experimentally and analytically. Meshed plate specimens with 180°, 120° and 60° axis-symmetrical types were fabricated for 3-point bending tests. The pseudo bending elastic moduli of meshed plate specimens obtained from 3-point bending test are ranged from 4.22 GPa to 16.07 GPa, within the elasticity range of natural cortical bones from 2.0 GPa to 30.0 GPa. Analytical approach method is validated by comparison with experimental and analytical results for evaluation on bending property of meshed plates.
Automated Cell Detection and Morphometry on Growth Plate Images of Mouse Bone
Ascenzi, Maria-Grazia; Du, Xia; Harding, James I; Beylerian, Emily N; de Silva, Brian M; Gross, Ben J; Kastein, Hannah K; Wang, Weiguang; Lyons, Karen M; Schaeffer, Hayden
Microscopy imaging of mouse growth plates is extensively used in biology to understand the effect of specific molecules on various stages of normal bone development and on bone disease. Until now, such image analysis has been conducted by manual detection. In fact, when existing automated detection techniques were applied, morphological variations across the growth plate and heterogeneity of image background color, including the faint presence of cells (chondrocytes) located deeper in tissue away from the image’s plane of focus, and lack of cell-specific features, interfered with identification of cell. We propose the first method of automated detection and morphometry applicable to images of cells in the growth plate of long bone. Through ad hoc sequential application of the Retinex method, anisotropic diffusion and thresholding, our new cell detection algorithm (CDA) addresses these challenges on bright-field microscopy images of mouse growth plates. Five parameters, chosen by the user in respect of image characteristics, regulate our CDA. Our results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed numerical method relative to manual methods. Our CDA confirms previously established results regarding chondrocytes’ number, area, orientation, height and shape of normal growth plates. Our CDA also confirms differences previously found between the genetic mutated mouse Smad1/5CKO and its control mouse on fluorescence images. The CDA aims to aid biomedical research by increasing efficiency and consistency of data collection regarding arrangement and characteristics of chondrocytes. Our results suggest that automated extraction of data from microscopy imaging of growth plates can assist in unlocking information on normal and pathological development, key to the underlying biological mechanisms of bone growth. PMID:25525552
Highly conductive composites for fuel cell flow field plates and bipolar plates
Jang, Bor Z; Zhamu, Aruna; Song, Lulu
This invention provides a fuel cell flow field plate or bipolar plate having flow channels on faces of the plate, comprising an electrically conductive polymer composite. The composite is composed of (A) at least 50% by weight of a conductive filler, comprising at least 5% by weight reinforcement fibers, expanded graphite platelets, graphitic nano-fibers, and/or carbon nano-tubes; (B) polymer matrix material at 1 to 49.9% by weight; and (C) a polymer binder at 0.1 to 10% by weight; wherein the sum of the conductive filler weight %, polymer matrix weight % and polymer binder weight % equals 100% and the bulk electrical conductivity of the flow field or bipolar plate is at least 100 S/cm. The invention also provides a continuous process for cost-effective mass production of the conductive composite-based flow field or bipolar plate.
Fracture Analyses of Cracked Delta Eye Plates in Ship Towing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Xiangbing; Huang, Xingling; Sun, Jizheng
Based on fracture mechanics, a safety analysis approach is proposed for cracked delta eye plates in ship towing. The static analysis model is presented when the delta eye plate is in service, and the fracture criterion is introduced on basis of stress intensity factor, which is estimated with domain integral method. Subsequently, three-dimensional finite element analyses are carried out to obtain the effective stress intensity factors, and a case is studied to demonstrate the reasonability of the approach. The results show that the classical strength theory is not applicable to evaluate the cracked plate while fracture mechanics can solve the problem very well, and the load level, which a delta eye plate can carry on, decreases evidently when it is damaged.
On 3D flow-structures behind an inclined plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Uruba, Václav; Pavlík, David; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav; Kopecký, Václav
Stereo PIV measurements has been performed behind the inclined plate, angle of attack 5 and 10 deg. Occurrence and dynamics of streamwise structures behind the plate trailing edge have been studied in details using POD method. The streamwise structures are represented by vortices and low- and highvelocity regions, probably streaks. The obtained results support the hypothesis of an airfoil-flow force interaction by Hoffman and Johnson [1,2].
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lequoy, Pauline
Malgre des avancees technologiques indeniables, l'efficacite des implants biomedicaux est encore limitee par les biomateriaux synthetiques qui les composent, notamment en raison de leur incapacite a generer une reponse biologique adequate. En particulier, la guerison tissulaire autour des implants vasculaires reste problematique. Une etude de la litterature a montre que dans le cas des endoprotheses couvertes (tuyaux polymeriques utilises pour la reparation endovasculaire des anevrismes de l'aorte abdominale), le manque de guerison observe s'explique non seulement par l'inertie des biomateriaux utilises mais aussi par le fait que l'implant est insere dans un vaisseau malade favorisant la mort des cellules par apoptose et presentant une depletion cellulaire marquee. L'hypothese a la base de ce projet est qu'un revetement bioactif pourrait ameliorer la guerison et la colonisation de l'implant par les cellules vasculaires et ainsi favoriser l'attachement de l'implant dans le vaisseau malade afin de prevenir les complications a long terme. Dans ce contexte, deux molecules anti-apoptotiques ont ete selectionnees pour developper le revetement, la chondroitine sulfate (CS), un glycosaminoglycane de la matrice extracellulaire, et le facteur de croissance de l'epiderme (EGF) qui possede egalement un role important dans la guerison tissulaire. L'un des defis de ce projet est de preserver la bioactivite de ces molecules lors de leur immobilisation dans un revetement. Pour etablir une preuve de concept, nous avons demontre qu'un revetement CS+EGF obtenu par greffage covalent permet d'ameliorer significativement la survie des cellules vasculaires humaines (cellules musculaires lisses, CMLV, et fibroblastes) sur les materiaux realistes (PET, ePTFE). Apres avoir transfere ce revetement sur des implants commerciaux en ePTFE, des tests in vivo ont demontre une amelioration de la guerison grâce au revetement bioactif, cependant la guerison n'a pas ete totale dans la cavite
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Vaughn, Mark R.; Montague, Stephen
A push plate that includes springs in the form of cantilever flexures and an inspection window is disclosed. The push plate provides a known, uniform, down force and minimal torque to a package to be tested. The cantilevers have a known, calculable down force producing stiffness. The window provides for viewing of the package during testing.
Landman, Otto E.; Bausum, Howard T.; Matney, Thomas S.
Landman, Otto E. (Fort Detrick, Frederick, Md.), Howard T. Bausum, and Thomas S. Matney. Temperature-gradient plates for growth of microorganisms. J. Bacteriol. 83:463–469. 1962.—Different temperature-gradient plates have been devised for the study of microbial growth on solid media through continuous temperature ranges or in liquid media at finely graded temperatures. All plates are made of heavy-gauge aluminum; heat supplied at one end is dissipated along the length of the metal so that a gradient is produced. The shape and range of the gradient depends on the amount of heat supplied, the insulation, the ambient temperature, and other factors. Differences of 0.2 C in temperature sensitivity between bacterial strains can be detected. The plates are simple to construct and operate. The dimensions of the aluminum, the mode of temperature measurement, and the method of heating may all be modified without diminishing the basic utility of the device. A sharp growth front develops at the maximal temperature of growth of bacteria. In most strains, all bacteria below the front form colonies and all bacteria above the front are killed, except for a few temperature-resistant mutants. Images PMID:14461975
Optical phase plates as a creative medium for special effects in images
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shaoulov, Vesselin I.; Meyer, Catherine; Argotti, Yann; Rolland, Jannick P.
A new paradigm and methods for special effects in images were recently proposed by artist and movie producer Steven Hylen. Based on these methods, images resembling painting may be formed using optical phase plates. The role of the mathematical and optical properties of the phase plates is studied in the development of these new art forms. Results of custom software as well as ASAP simulations are presented.
Novel silicon crystals and method for their preparation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Authier, B.
Plate shaped silicon crystals and their preparation by pouring a silicon melt into a suitable mold and then allowing it to solidify in a temperature gradient were investigated. The production of energy by direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by means of solar cells takes on increasing importance. While this type of energy production is already the prevailing form today in the realm of satellite technology, its terrestrial application has thus far encountered strict limitations owing to the high price of such solar cells. Of the greatest interest in this connection are silicon cells. A substantial reduction in the semiconductor material costs and the costs involved in the further processing to make solar cells are prerequisites for a rational market growth for solar energy.
Burkhart, Klaus Josef; Nowak, Tobias E; Kim, Yoon-Joo; Rommens, Pol M; Müller, Lars P
Bulky implants may lead to symptomatic soft tissue irritation after open reduction and internal fixation of radial head and neck fractures. The purpose of our study was to compare the anatomic fit of precontoured radial head plates. We stripped 22 embalmed human cadaveric radiuses of soft tissues. We investigated 6 radial head plates: (1) the Medartis radial head buttress plate (MBP), (2) the Medartis radial head rim plate (MRP), (3) the Synthes radial neck plate (SNP), (4) the Synthes radial head plate (SHP), (5) the Acumed radial head plate (AHP), and (6) the Wright radial head plate (WHP). Each plate was applied to each radial head at the place of best fit within the safe zone. We tested 4 parameters of anatomic fit: (1) plate-to-bone distance, (2) plate contact judged by 3 different observers, (3) pin-subchondral zone distance, and (4) plate-to-bone contact after adjustment of the plates. The MBP and MRP showed the lowest profile by objective measurements, the SNP and AHP had a moderate profile, and the SHP and WHP demonstrated the bulkiest profile. The subjective assessments also demonstrated the best fit for the MBP, a good fit for the SNP, a moderate fit for the MRP and AHP, and a poor fit for the SHP and WHP. The MBP, MRP, and AHP could always provide pin-subchondral zone contact, unlike the SHP, SNP, and WHP. After bending, significant improvement of plate-to-bone distance could only be seen for the MBP, MRP, and WHP. The ranking among plates remained the same except for the WHP, which showed a significantly lower plate-to-bone distance than the SHP. Currently available radial head implants are heterogeneous. The MBP and MRP showed the lowest profile and best anatomic fit. Owing to the complex radial head anatomy, to date there is no one radial head plate that perfectly fits all radial heads. Conformance of existing plates to the radial head and neck is not perfect. Careful plate selection and modification, when necessary, may minimize interference of this
Vision-based surface defect inspection for thick steel plates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yun, Jong Pil; Kim, Dongseob; Kim, KyuHwan; Lee, Sang Jun; Park, Chang Hyun; Kim, Sang Woo
There are several types of steel products, such as wire rods, cold-rolled coils, hot-rolled coils, thick plates, and electrical sheets. Surface stains on cold-rolled coils are considered defects. However, surface stains on thick plates are not considered defects. A conventional optical structure is composed of a camera and lighting module. A defect inspection system that uses a dual lighting structure to distinguish uneven defects and color changes by surface noise is proposed. In addition, an image processing algorithm that can be used to detect defects is presented in this paper. The algorithm consists of a Gabor filter that detects the switching pattern and employs the binarization method to extract the shape of the defect. The optics module and detection algorithm optimized using a simulator were installed at a real plant, and the experimental results conducted on thick steel plate images obtained from the steel production line show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Impact extractive fracture of jointed steel plates of a bolted joint
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Daimaruya, M.; Fujiki, H.; Ambarita, H.
This study is concerned with the development of a fracture criterion for the impact fracture of jointed steel plates of a bolted joint used in a car body. For the accurate prediction of crash characteristics of car bodies by computer-aided engineering (CAE), it is also necessary to examine the behavior and fracture of jointed steel plates subjected to impact loads. Although the actual impact fracture of jointed steel plates of a bolted joint used in cars is complicated, for simplifying the problem it might be classified into the shear fracture and the extractive fracture of jointed steel plates. Attention is given to the extractive fracture of jointed steel plates in this study. The extractive behavior and fracture of three kinds of steel plates used for cars are examined in experiments and numerical simulations. The impact extraction test of steel plates jointed by a bolt is performed using the one-bar method, together with the static test. In order to understand the mechanism of extractive fracture process of jointed steel plates, numerical simulations by a FEM code LS-DYNA are also carried out. The obtained results suggest that a stress-based fracture criterion may be developed for the impact extractive fracture of jointed steel plates of a bolted joint used in a car body.
Modeling of composite beams and plates for static and dynamic analysis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hodges, Dewey H.; Sutyrin, Vladislav G.; Lee, Bok Woo
The main purpose of this research was to develop a rigorous theory and corresponding computational algorithms for through-the-thickness analysis of composite plates. This type of analysis is needed in order to find the elastic stiffness constants for a plate and to post-process the resulting plate solution in order to find approximate three-dimensional displacement, strain, and stress distributions throughout the plate. This also requires the development of finite deformation plate equations which are compatible with the through-the-thickness analyses. After about one year's work, we settled on the variational-asymptotical method (VAM) as a suitable framework in which to solve these types of problems. VAM was applied to laminated plates with constant thickness in the work of Atilgan and Hodges. The corresponding geometrically nonlinear global deformation analysis of plates was developed by Hodges, Atilgan, and Danielson. A different application of VAM, along with numerical results, was obtained by Hodges, Lee, and Atilgan. An expanded version of this last paper was submitted for publication in the AIAA Journal.
Stachelska, Milena A
The aim of this paper was to detect Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Streptococcus thermophilus using real-time quantitative PCR assay in 7-day ripening cheese produced from unpasteurised milk. Real-time quantitative PCR assays were designed to identify and enumerate the chosen species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in ripened cheese. The results of molecular quantification and classic bacterial enumeration showed a high level of similarity proving that DNA extraction was carried out in a proper way and that genomic DNA solutions were free of PCR inhibitors. These methods revealed the presence of L. delbrueckii and S. thermophilus. The real-time PCR enabled quantification with a detection of 101-103 CFU/g of product. qPCR-standard curves were linear over seven log units down to 101 copies per reaction; efficiencies ranged from 77.9% to 93.6%. Cheese samples were analysed with plate count method and qPCR in parallel. Compared with the classic plate count method, the newly developed qPCR method provided faster and species specific identification of two dairy LAB and yielded comparable quantitative results.
Dual fuel gradients in uranium silicide plates
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Pace, B.W.
Babcock & Wilcox has been able to achieve dual gradient plates with good repeatability in small lots of U{sub 3}Si{sub 2} plates. Improvements in homogeneity and other processing parameters and techniques have allowed the development of contoured fuel within the cladding. The most difficult obstacles to overcome have been the ability to evaluate the bidirectional fuel loadings in comparison to the perfect loading model and the different methods of instilling the gradients in the early compact stage. The overriding conclusion is that to control the contour of the fuel, a known relationship between the compact, the frames and final coremore » gradient must exist. Therefore, further development in the creation and control of dual gradients in fuel plates will involve arriving at a plausible gradient requirement and building the correct model between the compact configuration and the final contoured loading requirements.« less
Operative Cost Comparison: Plating Versus Intramedullary Fixation for Clavicle Fractures.
Hanselman, Andrew E; Murphy, Timothy R; Bal, George K; McDonough, E Barry
Although clavicle fractures often heal well with nonoperative management, current literature has shown improved outcomes with operative intervention for specific fracture patterns in specific patient types. The 2 most common methods of midshaft clavicle fracture fixation are intramedullary and plate devices. Through retrospective analysis, this study performed a direct cost comparison of these 2 types of fixation at a single institution over a 5-year period. Outcome measures included operative costs for initial surgery and any hardware removal surgeries. This study reviewed 154 patients (157 fractures), and of these, 99 had intramedullary fixation and 58 had plate fixation. A total of 80% (79 of 99) of intramedullary devices and 3% (2 of 58) of plates were removed. Average cost for initial intramedullary placement was $2955 (US dollars) less than that for initial plate placement (P<.001); average cost for removal was $1874 less than that for plate removal surgery (P=.2). Average total cost for all intramedullary surgeries was $1392 less than the average cost for all plating surgeries (P<.001). Average cost for all intramedullary surgeries requiring plate placement and removal was $653 less than the average cost for all plating surgeries that involved only placement (P=.04). Intramedullary fixation of clavicle fractures resulted in a statistically significant cost reduction compared with plate fixation, despite the incidence of more frequent removal surgeries. [Orthopedics.2016; 39(5):e877-e882.]. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Amoroso, J.; Peeler, D.; Edwards, T.
contrast, the variability study has significantly added value to the DWPF's qualification strategy. The variability study has evolved to become the primary aspect of the DWPF's compliance strategy as it has been shown to be versatile and capable of adapting to the DWPF's various and diverse waste streams and blending strategies. The variability study, which aims to ensure durability requirements and the PCT and chemical composition correlations are valid for the compositional region to be processed at the DWPF, must continue to be performed. Due to the importance of the variability study and its place in the DWPF's qualification strategy, it will also be discussed in this report. An analysis of historical data and Production Records indicated that the recommendation of the Six Sigma team to eliminate all characterization of pour stream glass samples and the glass fabrication and PCT performed with the qualification glass does not compromise the DWPF's current compliance plan. Furthermore, the DWPF should continue to produce an acceptable waste form following the remaining elements of the Glass Product Control Program; regardless of a sludge-only or coupled operations strategy. If the DWPF does decide to eliminate the characterization of pour stream samples, pour stream samples should continue to be collected for archival reasons, which would allow testing to be performed should any issues arise or new repository test methods be developed.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Babecki, A. J. (Inventor); Haehner, C. L.
A process for metal plating which comprises spraying a mixture of metallic powder and small peening particles at high velocity against a surface is described. The velocity must be sufficient to impact and bond metallic powder onto the surface. In the case of metal surfaces, the process has as one of its advantages providing mechanical working (hardening) of the surface simultaneously with the metal plating.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Graves, J. R.
Peen plating of aluminum, copper, and nickel powders was investigated. Only aluminum was plated successfully within the range of peen plating conditions studied. Optimum plating conditions for aluminum were found to be: (1) bead/powder mixture containing 25 to 35% powder by weight, (2) peening intensity of 0.007A as measured by Almen strip, and (3) glass impact bead diameter of at least 297 microns (0.0117 inches) for depositing-100 mesh aluminum powder. No extensive cleaning or substrate preparation is required beyond removing loose dirt or heavy oil.
Electronic Equipment Cold Plates
using fans or blowers to force the air through the cooling device». ^J^lJ^^i 5!°^ it ia ’«"^"o^ve. nonto«ic. nonfla—able, *nd possesses good ...Techniques GENERAL THERMAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AND THEIR REgUIREMENTS FLON DISTRIBUTION IN MANIFOLDS THE COLD PLATE IA ,! 1 3 S 12 15 33 32 32... IA .1 132 132 132 155 169 179 183 r (1) Air-Cooled Cold Plate No. (2) Air-Cooled Cold Plate No. (3) Air-cooled Cold Plate No. (4) Air-Cooled
Structural acoustic control of plates with variable boundary conditions: design methodology.
Sprofera, Joseph D; Cabell, Randolph H; Gibbs, Gary P; Clark, Robert L
A method for optimizing a structural acoustic control system subject to variations in plate boundary conditions is provided. The assumed modes method is used to build a plate model with varying levels of rotational boundary stiffness to simulate the dynamics of a plate with uncertain edge conditions. A transducer placement scoring process, involving Hankel singular values, is combined with a genetic optimization routine to find spatial locations robust to boundary condition variation. Predicted frequency response characteristics are examined, and theoretically optimized results are discussed in relation to the range of boundary conditions investigated. Modeled results indicate that it is possible to minimize the impact of uncertain boundary conditions in active structural acoustic control by optimizing the placement of transducers with respect to those uncertainties.
Laser Shockwave Technique For Characterization Of Nuclear Fuel Plate Interfaces
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
James A. Smith; Barry H. Rabin; Mathieu Perton
The US National Nuclear Security Agency is tasked with minimizing the worldwide use of high-enriched uranium. One aspect of that effort is the conversion of research reactors to monolithic fuel plates of low-enriched uranium. The manufacturing process includes hot isostatic press bonding of an aluminum cladding to the fuel foil. The Laser Shockwave Technique (LST) is here evaluated for characterizing the interface strength of fuel plates using depleted Uranium/Mo foils. LST is a non-contact method that uses lasers for the generation and detection of large amplitude acoustic waves and is therefore well adapted to the quality assurance of this process.more » Preliminary results show a clear signature of well-bonded and debonded interfaces and the method is able to classify/rank the bond strength of fuel plates prepared under different HIP conditions.« less
Laser shockwave technique for characterization of nuclear fuel plate interfaces
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Perton, M.; Levesque, D.; Monchalin, J.-P.
The US National Nuclear Security Agency is tasked with minimizing the worldwide use of high-enriched uranium. One aspect of that effort is the conversion of research reactors to monolithic fuel plates of low-enriched uranium. The manufacturing process includes hot isostatic press bonding of an aluminum cladding to the fuel foil. The Laser Shockwave Technique (LST) is here evaluated for characterizing the interface strength of fuel plates using depleted Uranium/Mo foils. LST is a non-contact method that uses lasers for the generation and detection of large amplitude acoustic waves and is therefore well adapted to the quality assurance of this process.more » Preliminary results show a clear signature of well-bonded and debonded interfaces and the method is able to classify/rank the bond strength of fuel plates prepared under different HIP conditions.« less
Silva, Heloisa Cristina; Prette, Nancy; Lopes, Welber Daniel Zanetti; Sakamoto, Cláudio Alessandro M; Buzzulini, Carolina; Dos Santos, Thais Rabelo; Cruz, Breno Cayeiro; Teixeira, Weslen F Pires; Felippelli, Gustavo; Carvalho, Rafael Silveira; Maciel, Willian Giquelin; Soares, Vando Edésio; da Costa, Alvimar José
The present work aimed to evaluate, through ten different studies, the therapeutic efficacy of a new pour-on formulation, containing 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, against parasites of cattle. Results obtained on trials against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus showed that the pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained superior efficacy indexes against this ectoparasite, when compared with formulations containing 0.5 per cent ivermectin, 1 per cent ivermectin and the combination of 1 per cent abamectin +20 per cent levamisole. The results of efficacy of the ivermectin+abamectin and the 0.5 per cent ivermectin against Haematobia irritans were similar. Against Cochliomyia hominivorax larvae, all pour-on formulations tested (1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin), as well as 1 per cent doramectin administered subcutaneously, were considered ineffective. Cattle medicated with 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, pour-on, remained free from parasitism by Dermatobia hominis larvae during 42 days (96 per cent efficacy), while values superior to 90 per cent were obtained by 0.5 per cent ivermectin (92 per cent) and 0.5 per cent abamectin (93 per cent) until the 42nd and 35th days post treatment, respectively. Against Haemonchus placei and Oesophagostomum radiatum, the pour-on of ivermectin+abamectin showed better efficacy than the 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin. As to Cooperia punctata, there was no difference regarding efficacy results obtained by the avermectins combination and abamectin. The pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained high efficacy against R. (B.) microplus, D. hominis and some species of cattle gastrointestinal helminths when compared with formulations of 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin administered through the same route.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ayari-Kanoun, Asma
Ce travail de these porte sur le developpement d'une nouvelle approche pour la localisation et l'organisation de nanocristaux de silicium realises par gravure electrochimique. Cette derniere represente une technique simple et peu couteuse par rapport aux autres techniques couramment utilisees pour la fabrication de nanocristaux de silicium. L'idee de ce travail a ete d'etudier la nanostructuration de minces couches de nitrure de silicium, d'environ 30 nm d'epaisseur pour permettre par la suite un arrangement periodique des nanocristaux de silicium. Cette pre-structuration est obtenue de facon artificielle en imposant un motif periodique via une technique de lithographie par faisceau d'electrons combinee avec une gravure plasma. Une optimisation des conditions de lithographie et de gravure plasma ont permis d'obtenir des reseaux de trous de 30 nm de diametre debouchant sur le silicium avec un bon controle de leur morphologie (taille, profondeur et forme). En ajustant les conditions de gravure electrochimique (concentration d'acide, temps de gravure et densite de courant), nous avons obtenu des reseaux -2D ordonnes de nanocristaux de silicium de 10 nm de diametre a travers ces masques de nanotrous avec le controle parfait de leur localisation, la distance entre les nanocristaux et leur orientation cristalline. Des etudes electriques preliminaires sur ces nanocristaux ont permis de mettre en evidence des effets de chargement. Ces resultats tres prometteurs confirment l'interet des nanocristaux de silicium realises par gravure electrochimique dans le futur pour la fabrication a grande echelle de dispositifs nanoelectroniques. Mots-cles : localisation, organisation, nanocristaux de silicium, gravure electrochimique, lithographie electronique, gravure plasma, nitrure de silicium.
Harris, F.A.
This patent relates to a crucible for melting and pouring a metal under controlled atmospheric conditions. The crucible has a frangible plug in the bottom and a retaining device to prevent the entrance of the broken portions of the plug into the mold without interfering with the flow of the melt. After the charge has been melted, a knockout rod is lowered through the charge and forced against the frangible plug sufficiently to break off the closure disk along a previously scored line. The disk drops onto a retaining grid large enough to permit the flow of metal around the disk and into the mold below. Thts arrangement elimnates the entry of broken portions of the plug into the mold, thereby elimnating a common cause of imperfect castings.
Dynamic Response of a Rigid Pavement Plate Based on an Inertial Soil
Gibigaye, Mohamed; Yabi, Crespin Prudence; Alloba, I. Ezéchiel
This work presents the dynamic response of a pavement plate resting on a soil whose inertia is taken into account in the design of pavements by rational methods. Thus, the pavement is modeled as a thin plate with finite dimensions, supported longitudinally by dowels and laterally by tie bars. The subgrade is modeled via Pasternak-Vlasov type (three-parameter type) foundation models and the moving traffic load is expressed as a concentrated dynamic load of harmonically varying magnitude, moving straight along the plate with a constant acceleration. The governing equation of the problem is solved using the modified Bolotin method for determining the natural frequencies and the wavenumbers of the system. The orthogonal properties of eigenfunctions are used to find the general solution of the problem. Considering the load over the center of the plate, the results showed that the deflections of the plate are maximum about the middle of the plate but are not null at its edges. It is therefore observed that the deflection decreased 18.33 percent when the inertia of the soil is taken into account. This result shows the possible economic gain when taking into account the inertia of soil in pavement dynamic design. PMID:27382639
End-to-end system of license plate localization and recognition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhu, Siyu; Dianat, Sohail; Mestha, Lalit K.
An end-to-end license plate recognition system is proposed. It is composed of preprocessing, detection, segmentation, and character recognition to find and recognize plates from camera-based still images. The system utilizes connected component (CC) properties to quickly extract the license plate region. A two-stage CC filtering is utilized to address both shape and spatial relationship information to produce high precision and to recall values for detection. Floating peak and valleys of projection profiles are used to cut the license plates into individual characters. A turning function-based method is proposed to quickly and accurately recognize each character. It is further accelerated using curvature histogram-based support vector machine. The INFTY dataset is used to train the recognition system, and MediaLab license plate dataset is used for testing. The proposed system achieved 89.45% F-measure for detection and 87.33% accuracy for overall recognition rate which is comparable to current state-of-the-art systems.
Free vibration of rectangular plates with a small initial curvature
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Adeniji-Fashola, A. A.; Oyediran, A. A.
The method of matched asymptotic expansions is used to solve the transverse free vibration of a slightly curved, thin rectangular plate. Analytical results for natural frequencies and mode shapes are presented in the limit when the dimensionless bending rigidity, epsilon, is small compared with in-plane forces. Results for different boundary conditions are obtained when the initial deflection is: (1) a polynomial in both directions, and (2) the product of a polynomial and a trigonometric function, and arbitrary. For the arbitrary initial deflection case, the Fourier series technique is used to define the initial deflection. The results obtained show that the natural frequencies of vibration of slightly curved plates are coincident with those of perfectly flat, prestressed rectangular plates. However, the eigenmodes are very different from those of initially flat prestressed rectangular plates. The total deflection is found to be the sum of the initial deflection, the deflection resulting from the solution of the flat plate problem, and the deflection resulting from the static problem.
A rheological model for immersed corrugated elastic plates.
Meier, D; Franklin, H; Predoi, M V; Rousseau, M; Izbicki, J L
The influence of surface imperfections on the propagation of guided waves in an immersed elastic plate can be interpreted by means of a rheological model. The corrugated surface is modeled by a very thin interface, similar to a Jones spring model, which replaces the continuity boundary conditions at the liquid - corrugated solid-plate interface. As the surrounding liquid is considered to be perfect, only one complex stiffness is used for the model of Jones. The selection of the plate guided mode and the test frequency are motivated by the detectability and non-interference with other modes. The spring stiffness is obtained by a best fit procedure, between the analytical solution and the results obtained by the finite elements method (FEM). One way ensuring the agreement of the two approaches, rheological and FEM, is to consider angular resonances provided by the transmission coefficients. Small changes in the parameters of the roughness keep the positions of the angular resonances of the plate practically unchanged, while at the same time large variations of the half width of the transmission coefficient curve is observed. The effect of corrugation parameters on the guided modes in the plate can be predicted by using the rheological model with the deduced spring complex stiffness. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.
De Vaugelade, S; Aime, M; Farcette, N; Maurel, E; Lacour, T; Thomas, C; Bouchonnet, S; Pirnay, S
. 'conventional pour plate' performed equally well. Demonstration was achieved that the Compact Dry TC method may constitute a useful alternative tool for rapid enumeration of aerobic mesophilic bacteria in cosmetic emulsions. © 2016 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Société Française de Cosmétologie.
Intercondylar humerus fracture- parallel plating and its results.
Kumar, Sanjiv; Singh, Sudhir; Kumar, Dharmender; Kumar, Neeraj; Verma, Reetu
Intercondylar fracture of humerus is one of the commonest fractures of young adult and counts for about 30% of all elbow fractures. The treatment of these fractures continues to present challenges despite advances in internal fixation. Although orthogonal plating use to provid adequate functional results in these fractures, parallel plating is said to be mechanically more stable construct thus allowing early mobilization and better range of motion. AIM of the study is to assess the clinical as well functional results of these fractures treated with parallel plating. Prospective study in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 23 fresh patients of intercondylar fracture of humerus from Jan 2013 to May 2014 were included in the study and were treated with parallel plating. These patients were followed at 3, 6, 12, 24 weeks and at 1year of follow up and assessed in terms of time for union, range of motion, MAYO score, DASH score and complication rate. At final follow up Mayo score was 96.32±04.96 from 5.00±01.26 and DASH SCORE was 31.42±2.04 which dropped from 150±05.34, Range of motion improved from 21.38±05.70 to 116.1±07.92 with 100% union rate and complications less than 19%. Parallel plating for intercondylar fracture of humerus is excellent method of fixation and results are similar to those treated with orthogonal plating.
Method and apparatus for melting metals
Moore, Alan F.; Schechter, Donald E.; Morrow, Marvin Stanley
A method and apparatus for melting metals uses microwave energy as the primary source of heat. The metal or mixture of metals are placed in a ceramic crucible which couples, at least partially, with the microwaves to be used. The crucible is encased in a ceramic casket for insulation and placed within a microwave chamber. The chamber may be evacuated and refilled to exclude oxygen. After melting, the crucible may be removed for pouring or poured within the chamber by dripping or running into a heated mold within the chamber. Apparent coupling of the microwaves with softened or molten metal produces high temperatures with great energy savings.
Bistatic radar cross section of a perfectly conducting rhombus-shaped flat plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fenn, Alan J.
The bistatic radar cross section of a perfectly conducting flat plate that has a rhombus shape (equilateral parallelogram) is investigated. The Ohio State University electromagnetic surface patch code (ESP version 4) is used to compute the theoretical bistatic radar cross section of a 35- x 27-in rhombus plate at 1.3 GHz over the bistatic angles 15 deg to 142 deg. The ESP-4 computer code is a method of moments FORTRAN-77 program which can analyze general configurations of plates and wires. This code has been installed and modified at Lincoln Laboratory on a SUN 3 computer network. Details of the code modifications are described. Comparisons of the method of moments simulations and measurements of the rhombus plate are made. It is shown that the ESP-4 computer code provides a high degree of accuracy in the calculation of copolarized and cross-polarized bistatic radar cross section patterns.
The Nonlinear Dynamic Response of an Elastic-Plastic Thin Plate under Impulsive Loading,
Among those numerical methods, the finite element method is the most effective one. The method presented in this paper is an " influence function " numerical...computational time is much less than the finite element method. Its precision is higher also. II. Basic Assumption and the Influence Function of a Simple...calculation. Fig. 1 3 2. The Influence function of a Simple Supported Plate The motion differential equation of a thin plate can be written as DV’w+ _.eluq() (1
Lamb wave band gaps in a double-sided phononic plate
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Peng; Chen, Tian-Ning; Yu, Kun-Peng; Wang, Xiao-Peng
In this paper, we report on the theoretical investigation of the propagation characteristics of Lamb wave in a phononic crystal structure constituted by a square array of cylindrical stubs deposited on both sides of a thin homogeneous plate. The dispersion relations, the power transmission spectra, and the displacement fields of the eigenmodes are studied by using the finite-element method. We investigate the evolution of band gaps in the double-sided phononic plate with stub height on both sides arranged from an asymmetrical distribution to a symmetrical distribution gradually. Numerical results show that as the double stubs in a unit cell arranged more symmetrically on both sides, band width shifts, new band gaps appear, and the bands become flat due to localized resonant modes which couple with plate modes. Specially, more band gaps and flat bands can be found in the symmetrical system as a result of local resonances of the stubs which interact in a stronger way with the plate modes. Moreover, the symmetrical double-sided plate exhibits lower and smaller band gap than that of the asymmetrical plate. These propagation properties of elastic or acoustic waves in the double-sided plate can potentially be utilized to generate filters, slow the group velocity, low-frequency sound insulation, and design acoustic sensors.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hoeink, T.; Lenardic, A.; Jellinek, M.; Richards, M. A.
One of the fundamental unresolved problems in Earth and planetary science is the generation of plate tectonics from mantle convection. Important achievements can be made when considering rheological properties in the context of mantle convection dynamics. Among these milestones are (1) a deeper understanding of the balance of forces that drive and resist plate motion and (2) the dynamic generation of narrow plate boundaries (that lead to a piecewise continuous surface velocity distribution). Extending classic plate-tectonic theory we predict a plate driving force due to viscous coupling at the base of the plate from fast flow in the asthenosphere. Flow in the asthenosphere is due to shear-driven contributions from an overriding plate and due to additional pressure-driven contributions. We use scaling analysis to show that the extent to which this additional plate-driving force contributes to plate motions depends on the lateral dimension of plates and on the relative viscosities and thicknesses of lithosphere and asthenosphere. Whereas slab-pull forces always govern the motions of plates with a lateral extent greater than the mantle depth, asthenosphere-drive forces can be relatively more important for smaller (shorter wavelength) plates, large relative asthenosphere viscosities or large asthenosphere thicknesses. Published plate velocities, tomographic images and age-binned mean shear wave velocity anomaly data allow us to estimate the relative contributions of slab-pull and asthenosphere-drive forces driving the motions of the Atlantic and Pacific plates. At the global scale of terrestrial planets, we use 3D spherical shell simulations of mantle convection with temperature-, depth- and stress dependent rheology to demonstrate that a thin low-viscosity layer (asthenosphere) governs convective stresses imparted to the lithosphere. We find, consistent with theoretical predictions, that convective stresses increase for thinner asthenospheres. This result might
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mickaelian, A. M.; Gigoyan, K. S.; Gyulzadyan, M. V.; Paronyan, G. M.; Abrahamyan, H. V.; Andreasyan, H. R.; Azatyan, N. M.; Kostandyan, G. R.; Samsonyan, A. L.; Mikayelyan, G. A.; Farmanyan, S. V.; Harutyunyan, V. L.
We present the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) Plate Archive Project that is aimed at digitization, extraction and analysis of archival data and building an electronic database and interactive sky map. BAO Plate Archive consists of 37,500 photographic plates and films, obtained with 2.6m telescope, 1m and 0.5m Schmidt telescopes and other smaller ones during 1947-1991. The famous Markarian Survey (or the First Byurakan Survey, FBS) 2000 plates were digitized in 2002-2005 and the Digitized FBS (DFBS, www.aras.am/Dfbs/dfbs.html) was created. New science projects have been conducted based on this low-dispersion spectroscopic material. Several other smaller digitization projects have been carried out as well, such as part of Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) plates, photographic chain plates in Coma, where the blazar ON 231 is located and 2.6m film spectra of FBS Blue Stellar Objects. However, most of the plates and films are not digitized. In 2015, we have started a project on the whole BAO Plate Archive digitization, creation of electronic database and its scientific usage. Armenian Virtual Observatory (ArVO, www.aras.am/Arvo/arvo.htm) database will accommodate all new data. The project runs in collaboration with the Armenian Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) and will continues during 4 years in 2015-2018. The final result will be an Electronic Database and online Interactive Sky map to be used for further research projects. ArVO will provide all standards and tools for efficient usage of the scientific output and its integration in international databases.
Hypervelocity impact on shielded plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Smith, James P.
A ballistic limit equation for hypervelocity impact on thin plates is derived analytically. This equation applies to cases of impulsive impact on a plate that is protected by a multi-shock shield, and it is valid in the range of velocity above 6 km/s. Experimental tests were conducted at the NASA Johnson Space Center on square aluminum plates. Comparing the center deflections of these plates with the theoretical deflections of a rigid-plastic plate subjected to a blast load, one determines the dynamic yield strength of the plate material. The analysis is based on a theory for the expansion of the fragmented projectile and on a simple failure criterion. Curves are presented for the critical projectile radius versus the projectile velocity, and for the critical plate thickness versus the velocity. These curves are in good agreement with curves that have been generated empirically.
Na, Wongi S.; Baek, Jongdae
The emergence of composite materials has revolutionized the approach to building engineering structures. With the number of applications for composites increasing every day, maintaining structural integrity is of utmost importance. For composites, adhesive bonding is usually the preferred choice over the mechanical fastening method, and monitoring for delamination is an essential factor in the field of composite materials. In this study, a non-destructive method known as the electromechanical impedance method is used with an approach of monitoring multiple areas by specifying certain frequency ranges to correspond to a certain test specimen. Experiments are conducted using various numbers of stacks created by attaching glass fiber epoxy composite plates onto one another, and two different debonding damage types are introduced to evaluate the performance of the multiple monitoring electromechanical impedance method. PMID:28629194
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Viswanathan, A. V.; Soong, T.; Miller, R. E., Jr.
A classical buckling analysis is developed for stiffened, flat plates composed of a series of linked plate and beam elements. Plates are idealized as multilayered orthotropic elements. Structural beads and lips are idealized as beams. The loaded edges of the stiffened plate are simply-supported and the conditions at the unloaded edges can be prescribed arbitrarily. The plate and beam elements are matched along their common junctions for displacement continuity and force equilibrium in an exact manner. Offsets between elements are considered in the analysis. Buckling under uniaxial compressive load for plates, sections, and stiffened plates is investigated. Buckling loads are the lowest of all possible general and local failure modes, and the mode shape is used to determine whether buckling is a local or general instability. Numerical correlations with existing analysis and test data for plates, sections, and stiffened plates including boron-reinforced structures are discussed. In general correlations are reasonably good.