Sample records for produto num projeto

  1. The SPF27 Homologue Num1 Connects Splicing and Kinesin 1-Dependent Cytoplasmic Trafficking in Ustilago maydis

    PubMed Central

    Kellner, Nikola; Heimel, Kai; Obhof, Theresa; Finkernagel, Florian; Kämper, Jörg


    The conserved NineTeen protein complex (NTC) is an integral subunit of the spliceosome and required for intron removal during pre-mRNA splicing. The complex associates with the spliceosome and participates in the regulation of conformational changes of core spliceosomal components, stabilizing RNA-RNA- as well as RNA-protein interactions. In addition, the NTC is involved in cell cycle checkpoint control, response to DNA damage, as well as formation and export of mRNP-particles. We have identified the Num1 protein as the homologue of SPF27, one of NTC core components, in the basidiomycetous fungus Ustilago maydis. Num1 is required for polarized growth of the fungal hyphae, and, in line with the described NTC functions, the num1 mutation affects the cell cycle and cell division. The num1 deletion influences splicing in U. maydis on a global scale, as RNA-Seq analysis revealed increased intron retention rates. Surprisingly, we identified in a screen for Num1 interacting proteins not only NTC core components as Prp19 and Cef1, but several proteins with putative functions during vesicle-mediated transport processes. Among others, Num1 interacts with the motor protein Kin1 in the cytoplasm. Similar phenotypes with respect to filamentous and polar growth, vacuolar morphology, as well as the motility of early endosomes corroborate the genetic interaction between Num1 and Kin1. Our data implicate a previously unidentified connection between a component of the splicing machinery and cytoplasmic transport processes. As the num1 deletion also affects cytoplasmic mRNA transport, the protein may constitute a novel functional interconnection between the two disparate processes of splicing and trafficking. PMID:24391515

  2. Psi4NumPy: An Interactive Quantum Chemistry Programming Environment for Reference Implementations and Rapid Development.


    Smith, Daniel G A; Burns, Lori A; Sirianni, Dominic A; Nascimento, Daniel R; Kumar, Ashutosh; James, Andrew M; Schriber, Jeffrey B; Zhang, Tianyuan; Zhang, Boyi; Abbott, Adam S; Berquist, Eric J; Lechner, Marvin H; Cunha, Leonardo A; Heide, Alexander G; Waldrop, Jonathan M; Takeshita, Tyler Y; Alenaizan, Asem; Neuhauser, Daniel; King, Rollin A; Simmonett, Andrew C; Turney, Justin M; Schaefer, Henry F; Evangelista, Francesco A; DePrince, A Eugene; Crawford, T Daniel; Patkowski, Konrad; Sherrill, C David


    Psi4NumPy demonstrates the use of efficient computational kernels from the open-source Psi4 program through the popular NumPy library for linear algebra in Python to facilitate the rapid development of clear, understandable Python computer code for new quantum chemical methods, while maintaining a relatively low execution time. Using these tools, reference implementations have been created for a number of methods, including self-consistent field (SCF), SCF response, many-body perturbation theory, coupled-cluster theory, configuration interaction, and symmetry-adapted perturbation theory. Furthermore, several reference codes have been integrated into Jupyter notebooks, allowing background, underlying theory, and formula information to be associated with the implementation. Psi4NumPy tools and associated reference implementations can lower the barrier for future development of quantum chemistry methods. These implementations also demonstrate the power of the hybrid C++/Python programming approach employed by the Psi4 program.

  3. The dynein cortical anchor Num1 activates dynein motility by relieving Pac1/LIS1-mediated inhibition

    PubMed Central

    Lammers, Lindsay G.


    Cortically anchored dynein orients the spindle through interactions with astral microtubules. In budding yeast, dynein is offloaded to Num1 receptors from microtubule plus ends. Rather than walking toward minus ends, dynein remains associated with plus ends due in part to its association with Pac1/LIS1, an inhibitor of dynein motility. The mechanism by which dynein is switched from “off” at the plus ends to “on” at the cell cortex remains unknown. Here, we show that overexpression of the coiled-coil domain of Num1 specifically depletes dynein–dynactin–Pac1/LIS1 complexes from microtubule plus ends and reduces dynein-Pac1/LIS1 colocalization. Depletion of dynein from plus ends requires its microtubule-binding domain, suggesting that motility is required. An enhanced Pac1/LIS1 affinity mutant of dynein or overexpression of Pac1/LIS1 rescues dynein plus end depletion. Live-cell imaging reveals minus end–directed dynein–dynactin motility along microtubules upon overexpression of the coiled-coil domain of Num1, an event that is not observed in wild-type cells. Our findings indicate that dynein activity is directly switched “on” by Num1, which induces Pac1/LIS1 removal. PMID:26483554

  4. Review and Application of ASME NOG-1 and ASME NUM-1-2000

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lytle, Bradford P.; Delgado, H. (Technical Monitor)


    The intent of the workshop is to review the application of the ASME Nuclear Crane Standards ASME NOG-1 and ASME NUM-1-2000. The ASME Nuclear Crane standards provide a basis for purchasing overhead handling equipment with enhanced safety features, based upon accepted engineering principles, and including performance and environmental parameters specific to nuclear facilities.

  5. Projeto educação em ciências com observatórios virtuais: a participação da Escola Moppe no período 2000-2003

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wuensche, C. A.; Gavioli, E.; Oliveira, A. L. P. R. S.; da Silva, C.; Cardoso, H. P.; Estácio, S.


    O projeto Educação em Ciências com Observatórios Virtuais foi concebido pelo Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico da USP, agregando diversas instituições de ensino e pesquisa no país para desenvolver competências diversas na educação fundamental, média e superior utilizando a astronomia como ferramenta multidisciplinar. Este trabalho descreve a participação da MOPPE, escola-piloto do INPE no projeto, no período de 2000-2003. Serão apresentadas 1) a criação de um clube de ciências (1999 a 2001) cujo tema foi a colonização de Marte e 2) a ementa de astronomia trabalhada com as 7a. e 8a. séries do ensino fundamental. A proposta do projeto Colonizando Marte foi estudar diversos aspectos de uma missão interplanetária e construir experiementos que permitissem quantificar esses aspectos. Os resultados obtidos incluiram apresentações nas SBPC Jovem em 2000 e 2001. Discutiremos também as ementas de astronomia trabalhadas desde 2001 e o envolvimento dos alunos com atividades ligadas a astronomia, fora da aula de ciências. A inclusão de astronomia no currículo das últimas séries motivou a participação de mais alunos culminando com a conquista de duas medalhas para alunos da 7a. série na Olimpiada Brasileira de Astronomia em 2002. Houve também um aumento no número de participantes na OBA 2003 e nos projetos de astronomia mais elaborados nas Feira de Ciências de 2001 e 2002. Destacamos em 2003 a inclusão da MOPPE no projeto TIE - Telescopes in Education - da NASA, que utiliza o telescópio do Observatório de Mount Wilson (EUA) para observações remotas em projetos pedagógicos para o ensino de astronomia.

  6. Les caractéristiques de la collaboration mère-enfant à 48 mois dans deux tâches de numération

    PubMed Central

    Caron, Lisbeth; Parent, Sophie; Normandeau, Sylvie; Tremblay, Richard E.; Séguin, Jean R.


    RÉSUMÉ Afin d’étudier les connaissances relatives au développement de la numération à l’âge préscolaire, cette recherche examine les manifestations de ces compétences dans un contexte de collaboration mère-enfant. La collaboration entre les mères et leur enfant de 4 ans (n = 193) est observée et analysée dans le contexte de deux tâches de numération. Les résultats complètent les études antérieures sur les compétences maîtrisées par les enfants d’âge préscolaire en performance individuelle en identifiant les compétences en cours d’acquisition exercées avec le soutien de la mère. Les résultats montrent ainsi que les mères ajustent les exigences de la tâche aux compétences de leur enfant afin d’étayer l’exercice de leurs compétences : elles modèlent les compétences numéraires nouvelles et elles soutiennent l’exercice par l’enfant des compétences maîtrisées ou en voie de l’être. Les résultats indiquent également qu’au-delà de l’encadrement de la participation et du transfert progressif des responsabilités cognitives à l’enfant, l’étayage maternel en contexte de numération favorise aussi le soutien de la motivation de l’enfant et le maintien d’un climat affectif harmonieux. PMID:28566773

  7. Simulações Numéricas de Rotação Nuclear Cometária

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voelzke, M. R.; Winter, O. C.


    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados iniciais de simulações numéricas da evolução rotacional, de um núcleo cometário não esférico, ao longo de uma passagem periélica, levando-se em conta os torques devido a existência dos jatos de poeira e de gás. Inicialmente os autores apresentam um modelo simples (primeira aproximação), com somente um único jato na extremidade do semi-eixo maior, para compreender a variação positiva ou negativa que estas forças não gravitacionais exercem sobre o período de rotação cometário. Posteriormente incrementa-se o número de jatos, os quais são distribuídos ao longo da superfície cometária, para observar-se a contribuição dos efeitos provenientes dos torques originários da liberação da poeira e gás cometários, que provavelmente violará a suposição da livre precessão. Os estados rotacionais, sob torques induzidos devido à sublimação, dependem fortemente da localização das áreas ativas do núcleo. Os cometas P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, P/Tempel 2, P/Forbes e C/Meunier-Dupouy serão observados fotometricamente, pelos autores, no Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica (LNA) ao longo de algumas noites consecutivas em abril, junho e julho de 1999. Estas observações serão comparadas com as simulações numéricas de rotação cometária.

  8. Evaluation of thermochemical biomass conversion in fluidized bed =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neves, Daniel dos Santos Felix das

    Dado o aumento acelerado dos precos dos combustiveis fosseis e as incertezas quanto a sua disponibilidade futura, tem surgido um novo interesse nas tecnologias da biomassa aplicadas a producao de calor, eletricidade ou combustiveis sinteticos. Nao obstante, para a conversao termoquimica de uma particula de biomassa solida concorrem fenomenos bastante complexos que levam, em primeiro lugar, a secagem do combustivel, depois a pirolise e finalmente a combustao ou gasificacao propriamente ditas. Uma descricao relativamente incompleta de alguns desses estagios de conversao constitui ainda um obstaculo ao desenvolvimento das tecnologias que importa ultrapassar. Em particular, a presenca de elevados conteudos de materia volatil na biomassa poe em evidencia o interesse pratico do estudo da pirolise. A importância da pirolise durante a combustao de biomassa foi evidenciada neste trabalho atraves de ensaios realizados num reator piloto de leito fluidizado borbulhante. Verificou-se que o processo ocorre em grande parte a superficie do leito com chamas de difusao devido a libertacao de volateis, o que dificulta o controlo da temperatura do reator acima do leito. No caso da gasificacao de biomassa a pirolise pode inclusivamente determinar a eficiencia quimica do processo. Isso foi mostrado neste trabalho durante ensaios de gasificacao num reator de leito fluidizado de 2MWth, onde um novo metodo de medicao permitiu fechar o balanco de massa ao gasificador e monitorizar o grau de conversao da biomassa. A partir destes resultados tornou-se clara a necessidade de descrever adequadamente a pirolise de biomassa com vista ao projeto e controlo dos processos. Em aplicacoes de engenharia ha particular interesse na estequiometria e propriedades dos principais produtos piroliticos. Neste trabalho procurou-se responder a esta necessidade, inicialmente atraves da estruturacao de dados bibliograficos sobre rendimentos de carbonizado, liquidos piroliticos e gases, assim como composicoes

  9. Etude analytique et numérique de la réponse en vibration à hautes fréquences d'éprouvettes de fatigue vibratoire des métaux. Application aux aciers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ben Aich, A.; El Kihel, B.; Kifani, A.; Sahban, F.


    In the present paper, the so-called " ultrasonic fatigue " or fatigue at very high frequency has been studied in the materials elastic behaviour case while neglecting the thermal effects that influence the mechanical fields. The determination of mechanical fields and specimen resonance length has been done both analytically and numerically. The numerical method used for this calculation is the finite element method (FEM). Martensitic steel " Soleil A2 " and austenitic steel " ICL 472 BC " have been considered in order to compare the two methods (analytical and numerical). It is shown that a perfect convergence is obtained between the two solutions. Dans le présent travail, la fatigue vibratoire a été étudiée dans le cas du comportement élastique des matériaux en négligeant les effets thermiques pouvant influencer les champs mécaniques. La détermination de ces champs et de la longueur de résonance des éprouvettes de fatigue a été faite analytiquement et numériquement. Le calcul numérique effectué se base sur la méthode des éléments finis. Dans le but d'une comparaison des solutions analytiques et numériques, deux aciers ont été considérés : un acier martensitique (Soleil A2) et un acier austénitique de type 18-10 (ICL 472 BC). Une parfaite convergence est obtenue entre les deux solutions.

  10. Projeto observatórios virtuais: educação através de telescópios robóticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santana, P. H. S.; Shida, R. Y.


    O principal objetivo do projeto Observatórios Virtuais é o ensino na área de ciências através de atividades práticas desenvolvidas em colaboração entre instituições de pesquisa em astronomia e escolas de ensino médio e fundamental. Este ano deverá ser concluída a implantação do programa piloto de estudos, pesquisas e observação astronômica direta, com utilização em tempo real de telescópios robóticos, que assim funcionarão como "observatórios virtuais". O objetivo pedagógico das atividades práticas baseadas nas imagens atronômicas é desenvolver as habilidades e competências dos alunos no uso do método científico. Para isso, serão realizados projetos interdisciplinares, a partir de observações astronômicas, já que a astronomia é uma área interdisciplinar por excelência. Essas atividades terão níveis diferenciados de complexidade, que podem ser adequados aos vários graus do ensino e realidades regionais. Será dada ênfase ao desenvolvimento e aplicação em São Paulo, onde atua a equipe do IAG/USP. Como resultados apresentados no presente trabalho, temos a criação de um software em português para o processamento de imagens obtidas através de CCDs e a elaboração de material para as atividades educacionais relacionadas.

  11. Object-oriented numerics with FOSS: comparing PyPy & NumPy, GCC/Clang & Bitz++ and Gfortran

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jarecka, Dorota; Arabas, Sylwester; Fijalkowski, Maciej; Jaruga, Anna; Del Vento, Davide


    Employment of object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques may help to improve code readability, and hence its auditability and maintainability - both being arguably crucial for scientific software. OOP offers, in particular, the possibility to reproduce in the program code the mathematical "blackboard abstractions" used in the literature. There exist a number of free and open-source tools allowing to obtain this goal without sacrificing performance. An OOP implementation of the MPDATA advection algorithm used as a core of weather, ocean and climate modelling systems will serve as an example for briefly highlighting some relevant recent FOSS developments including: - NumPy support in the PyPy just-in-time compiler of Python. - the Blitz++ library coupled with the C++11 support in GCC and Clang; - support for OOP constructs from Fortran 2003/2008 in GFortran; A brief overview of other performance-related packages for Python like Numba and Cython will be also given. This poster will describe and extends key findings presented in

  12. Projeto do sistema anti-ressonante da fiação dos transdutores para o detector Mario Schenberg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vieira, S. J.., Jr.; Melo, J. L.


    O detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg está sendo projetado e construído pelo grupo Gráviton. Sua construção está ocorrendo no Laboratório de Estado Sólido e Baixas Temperaturas (LESBT) da Universidade de São Paulo, na cidade de São Paulo. Esse detector possui uma massa ressonante esférica de cobre-alumínio, com 65 cm de diâmetro, pesando aproximadamente 1150 Kg, suspensa por um sistema de isolamento vibracional, que se encontra em fase de testes preliminares. A real eficácia desse sistema, entretanto, só poderá ser comprovada quando o detector estiver aparelhado com, pelo menos, um transdutor eletromecânico de altíssima sensibilidade acoplado à massa ressonante. Neste momento, não só este sistema de isolamento vibracional será posto em teste, como o do projeto da fiação que transporta os sinais de microondas até os transdutores e destes para a pré-amplificação. Apesar dessa fiação ter sido projetada para não apresentar nenhum contato com a superfície esférica da antena, de maneira a não haver nenhuma transmissão de ruído vibracional do laboratório para esta, deve-se minimizar o ruído microfônico produzido nessa fiação por oscilações mecânicas, uma vez que ela não utiliza nenhum sistema de isolamento vibracional. Com o intuito de resolver este problema, projetamos uma estrutura, formada por pequenos cilindros conectados por barras, a qual não terá nenhuma ressonância mecânica na faixa de freqüências de interesse para detecção (3000 - 3400 Hz). Desta forma, as vibrações nessa faixa não serão amplificadas. O projeto foi feito usando iterativamente, de maneira a otimizar os resultados obtidos, o programa de elementos finitos Msc/Nastran. Através de simulações feitas neste programa, determinamos os parâmetros geométricos ideais a serem utilizados, os quais proporcionam a maior região espectral de interesse livre de ressonâncias.

  13. On the tradeoffs of programming language choice for numerical modelling in geoscience. A case study comparing modern Fortran, C++/Blitz++ and Python/NumPy.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jarecka, D.; Arabas, S.; Fijalkowski, M.; Gaynor, A.


    The language of choice for numerical modelling in geoscience has long been Fortran. A choice of a particular language and coding paradigm comes with different set of tradeoffs such as that between performance, ease of use (and ease of abuse), code clarity, maintainability and reusability, availability of open source compilers, debugging tools, adequate external libraries and parallelisation mechanisms. The availability of trained personnel and the scale and activeness of the developer community is of importance as well. We present a short comparison study aimed at identification and quantification of these tradeoffs for a particular example of an object oriented implementation of a parallel 2D-advection-equation solver in Python/NumPy, C++/Blitz++ and modern Fortran. The main angles of comparison will be complexity of implementation, performance of various compilers or interpreters and characterisation of the "added value" gained by a particular choice of the language. The choice of the numerical problem is dictated by the aim to make the comparison useful and meaningful to geoscientists. Python is chosen as a language that traditionally is associated with ease of use, elegant syntax but limited performance. C++ is chosen for its traditional association with high performance but even higher complexity and syntax obscurity. Fortran is included in the comparison for its widespread use in geoscience often attributed to its performance. We confront the validity of these traditional views. We point out how the usability of a particular language in geoscience depends on the characteristics of the language itself and the availability of pre-existing software libraries (e.g. NumPy, SciPy, PyNGL, PyNIO, MPI4Py for Python and Blitz++, Boost.Units, Boost.MPI for C++). Having in mind the limited complexity of the considered numerical problem, we present a tentative comparison of performance of the three implementations with different open source compilers including CPython and

  14. Análise da aplicação e dos resultados do modelo OPM3® para a área da saúde

    PubMed Central

    Augusto dos Santos, Luis; de Fátima Marin, Heimar


    Esta pesquisa procurou analisar se um modelo de questionário criado por uma comunidade internacional de gerenciamento de projetos e se é aplicavél a organizações voltadas a área de saúde. O modelo OPM3® (Organizational Project Management Maturity Model) foi criado para que organizações de qualquer área ou porte pudessem identificar a presença, ou ausência, de boas práticas de gerenciamento. O objetivo da aplicação desse modelo é avaliar sempre a organização e não o entrevistado. No presente artigo, são apresentados os resultados da aplicação desse modelo em uma organização que possuía produtos e serviços de tecnologia da informação aplicados à área de saúde. Este estudo verificou que o modelo é aplicável de forma rápida e que a organização analisada possuía um número expressivo de boas práticas. PMID:26924862

  15. Telescópio de pequeno porte como suporte ao ensino em cidades com intensa poluição luminosa II

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, P. C. R.; Santos-Júnior, J. M.; Cruz, W. S.


    Para a maioria dos estudantes, sua passagem pelo ensino formal fundamental envolve a transmissão de fatos que devem ser guardados para um exame, a habilidade para lembrar fórmulas e, eventualmente, a repetição de experimentos que devem produzir resultados exigidos pelo professor. O resultado deste modelo de ensino, ao longo dos anos, é conhecido por todos: desconhecimento e descontentamento, por parte dos estudantes, de temas relativos ao papel e aos processos da ciência. Acreditamos que a Astronomia, pelo seu caráter observacional, é uma das áreas do conhecimento que pode contribuir neste cenário. A Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro possui um telescópio Meade LX-200 (25cm) que, juntamente com as câmeras CCD ST-7E e ST8E, tem sido utilizado em projetos voltados aos estudantes do ensino médio desde o ano 2000. Tais projetos envolvem a condução de um projeto de pesquisa observacional num nível apropriado, e possibilitam o contato com técnicas e novas tecnologias: computador, software para manipulação de dados e gráficos, programas de tratamento e redução de dados, uso de equipamentos óptico-eletrônicos (telescópio e CCD), bem como o processo de aquisição de conhecimento. Dentro da proposta dos anos anteriores, priorizamos projetos de uma noite, ou seja, procuramos trabalhar com fenômenos que apresentem variabilidade com intervalo de recorrência relativamente curto. Em todos os casos, optamos pela fotometria diferencial, que tem se mostrado bastante eficiente para o céu luminoso como o da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Neste painel, apresentamos alguns dos projetos desenvolvidos no último ano, com 25 estudantes. Apresentamos os resultados da observação da variável pulsante AI Vel (V = 6,6) e da variável cataclísmica FO Aqr (V = 13,5), e do monitoramento do trânsito da lua de Júpiter, Europa, ocorrido em 30 de abril de 2003. As curvas de luz produzidas para as primeiras estão concordantes com as da literatura, assim

  16. Determining the Location of an Observer with Respect to Aerial Photographs

    DTIC Science & Technology


    at gradient-array (+ 1 j) (+ k I)) threshold) (mett (arot temp-array 1 k) O)M (cond (4- tarot temp-array I k) 1) Isetq sum (* sum tempt 2 (+ I (* 3 k)f...aetq num-edges (+ num-edges 1)))))) (setf taret unique-index-num-array j 1) sum) tsett tarot num-edges-array j 1) num-edges))))) 1 This function

  17. Um Projeto de Intervenção nos Espaços de Exposições do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, D. S.; Amaral, L. H.; de Araújo, C. F., Jr.; Matsuura, O. T.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Cada vez mais a humanidade, em sua imensa maioria, está alheia às próprias conquistas. A insatisfação com esta realidade tem levado muitos pesquisadores, instituições, empresas e governos a procurar formas alternativas de acompanhar e transmitir todo este acervo científico cultural à sociedade, buscando a melhoria da qualidade da divulgação científica e contribuindo para o processo de cultura e alfabetização científica. Não há tempo nem espaço nos limitados planos curriculares do ensino médio e mesmo nos programas de ensino que propiciem a cultura científica e o acompanhamento do vertiginoso progresso científico e tecnológico atual. Neste sentido, a educação formal escolar precisa ser complementada ou acrescida de uma educação informal, extra-escolar, que possa oferecer à sociedade o que a escola não pode oferecer. A interação do público com museus, feiras de ciências, planetários, exposições científicas e/ou culturais é de grande importância para a aquisição e difusão de conhecimentos relacionados ao mundo científico. Reconhecidamente como um modelo de alfabetização científica esses ambientes promovem uma interação social capaz de propiciar de forma efetiva uma melhor relação ensino-aprendizagem com o público. Partindo desta realidade a Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul e a Escola Municipal de Astronomia (EMA) vêm desenvolvendo um projeto de intervenção no espaço em torno do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera com o objetivo de se implantar um ambiente de aprendizagem motivador e desafiador que promova a popularização de conteúdos relacionados à astronomia, astrofísica e cosmologia. Busca-se, também, a aproximação e interação do público com exposições que estão sendo implementadas no planetário. Considerando que se trata de um projeto de mestrado em fase inicial o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a concepção básica e os critérios que estão sendo utilizados do ponto de vista pedag

  18. Calcul numérique accéléré de mesures de performance sur les modèles Markoviens appliqués aux systèmes informatiques et de télécommunications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghaddar, A.; Sinno, N.


    La complexité du phénomène de files d'attente dans les systèmes informatiques et télécommunications nécessite leur simulation par des modèles Markoviens pour les mesures de performance, mesure des délais d'attente au niveau des routeurs pour le modèle informatique et l'étude de la gestion des appels téléphoniques pour le modèle des circuits téléphoniques. L'optimisation des méthodes numériques de résolution des équations relatives à ces deux modèles va permettre d' ídentifier les critères de convergence rapide vers les états stationnaires correspondant à ces mesures.

  19. Automatic Parallelization of Numerical Python Applications using the Global Arrays Toolkit

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Daily, Jeffrey A.; Lewis, Robert R.


    Global Arrays is a software system from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that enables an efficient, portable, and parallel shared-memory programming interface to manipulate distributed dense arrays. The NumPy module is the de facto standard for numerical calculation in the Python programming language, a language whose use is growing rapidly in the scientific and engineering communities. NumPy provides a powerful N-dimensional array class as well as other scientific computing capabilities. However, like the majority of the core Python modules, NumPy is inherently serial. Using a combination of Global Arrays and NumPy, we have reimplemented NumPy as a distributed drop-in replacement calledmore » Global Arrays in NumPy (GAiN). Serial NumPy applications can become parallel, scalable GAiN applications with only minor source code changes. Scalability studies of several different GAiN applications will be presented showing the utility of developing serial NumPy codes which can later run on more capable clusters or supercomputers.« less

  20. Looking Back and Ahead: 20 Years of Technologies for Language Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Godwin-Jones, Robert


    Over the last 20 years Robert Godwin-Jones has written 48 columns on "Emerging Technologies"; an additional six columns have been written by guest columnists. Several topics have been re-examined in regular intervals of approximately five years, namely digital literacy (Vol. 4, Num. 2; Vol. 10, Num. 2; Vol. 14, Num. 3; Vol. 19, Num. 3)…

  1. "Projeto Rios" (Rivers Project) a methodology of classroom of the future (northern Portugal)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Almeida, Ana


    The rivers and the surrounding land drained by them are very important wildlife habitats. The water itself provides the environment for plants and animals, while the banks and nearby land support creatures such as otters, water lizards, dragonflies and a variety of water-loving plants. Using a different teaching strategy, on the latest three years, students of the eighth grade of the EB 2.3 Agrela school have been implementing the project "Nós e o Leça" (We and the river Leça). This initiative is part of a nationwide project in Portugal, the "Projeto Rios", which is a tool that aims the adoption and monitoring of a 500 meter river section, promoting society's awareness for the problems and the need of protection and recovery of the riparian systems. These students adopted a section of the Leça River, which is the one that is passing nearby our school. Throughout the mentioned school years, the children made field trips for characterization, knowledge and observation of some happenings on the section adopted, with the aid of a complete kit of materials (galoshes, loupes, tweezers, trays, fishnets, tape measure, tape of pH...). Token fields for identifications of plants and animals and specific data sheets/questionnaires, were also used and fulfilled. While in the river, it is done the collection of macro invertebrates to conclude about the water quality of the section under study. Youth also detect disturbances in the balance of the riverine ecosystem, either naturally occurring or of human origin. Aiming the sustained development and the citizenship education, the students performed a final action for improvement, which consisted in the uprooting of an invasive plant, in this case "the herb-of-fortune" and also gathering the "trash" founded along the adopted stretch of the river. Back to the classroom, we selected photographs and the collected data is treated and discussed to produce information (summaries, reports, tables, charts,...) which will be published

  2. Sequoia Messaging Rate Benchmark

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Friedley, Andrew


    The purpose of this benchmark is to measure the maximal message rate of a single compute node. The first num_cores ranks are expected to reside on the 'core' compute node for which message rate is being tested. After that, the next num_nbors ranks are neighbors for the first core rank, the next set of num_nbors ranks are neighbors for the second core rank, and so on. For example, testing an 8-core node (num_cores = 8) with 4 neighbors (num_nbors = 4) requires 8 + 8 * 4 - 40 ranks. The first 8 of those 40 ranks are expected tomore » be on the 'core' node being benchmarked, while the rest of the ranks are on separate nodes.« less

  3. Usina de ciências: um espaço pedagógico para aprendizagens múltiplas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martin, V. A. F.; Poppe, P. C. R.; Orrico, A. C. P.; Pereira, M. G.


    Entendemos que o Ensino de Astronomia é especialmente apropriado para motivar os alunos e aprofundar conteúdos em diversas áreas do conhecimento, pois envolve temas ligados à Física, Matemática, Química, Computação, Tratamento de Imagens e Instrumentação de Alta Precisão, além daqueles pertinentes as áreas de Geografia, História e Antropologia. Contudo, apesar do caráter interdisciplinar que esta ciência possui, a realidade atual é que a maioria dos professores em sala de aula não foram devidamente capacitados, durante o período de formação acadêmica, para ministrar conteúdos de Astronomia nos atuais Ensinos Fundamental e Médio. Neste trabalho, discutiremos de maneira ampla, num primeiro momento, a realidade do atual ensino de ciências praticado no Estado da Bahia, apontando por dependência administrativa, o crescimento e a redução do número de escolas, da taxa de analfabetismo por faixa etária, da escolarização, do atendimento, da aprovação, reprovação e abandono, de equipamentos e laboratórios e o grau de formação dos nossos atuais professores em pleno exercício de atividade docente. Num segundo momento, discutiremos o papel do Observatório Astronômico Antares/UEFS dentro desse contexto, ou seja, suas ações implementadas ao longo dos últimos anos e em particular, o recente projeto de extensão Ensino e Difusão de Astronomia, financiado pela Fundação Vitae, que procura traduzir no lúdico, no brincar de ciências, um espaço pedagógico para aprendizagens múltiplas. Neste, o papel do professor multiplicador associado ao laboratório de kits didáticos, de fácil construção e manipulação (alguns dos quais serão mostrados), perfazem os principais veículos para o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, atitudes, habilidades e valores que preparam os nossos alunos para a carreira técnico-científica e para sua participação crítica e criativa na Sociedade.

  4. Non-Parametric Model Drift Detection

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de,la,n,o,the,m, facto ,et,des,of Group num: 42, TC(X;Y_j): 0.083 42:resolution,council,resolutions,draft,recalling,pursuant,reaffirming,sponsors...Y_j): 0.019 80: posts ,cost, post ,expenditure,overall,infrastructure,expected,operational,external, savings Group num: 81, TC(X;Y_j): 0.018 81...90, TC(X;Y_j): 0.014 90:its,expresses,mandate,reiterates,appreciation,expressing,endorsed,reiterated, ex peditiously,literature Group num: 91, TC(X

  5. Streptococcus loxodontisalivarius sp. nov. and Streptococcus saliviloxodontae sp. nov., isolated from oral cavities of elephants.


    Saito, Masanori; Shinozaki-Kuwahara, Noriko; Hirasawa, Masatomo; Takada, Kazuko


    Four Gram-stain-positive, catalase-negative, coccoid-shaped organisms were isolated from elephant oral cavities. The isolates were tentatively identified as streptococcal species based on the results of biochemical tests. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies confirmed the organisms to be members of the genus Streptococcus. Two isolates (NUM 6304(T) and NUM 6312) were related most closely to Streptococcus salivarius with 96.8 % and 93.1 % similarity based on the 16S rRNA gene and the RNA polymerase β subunit encoding gene (rpoB), respectively, and to Streptococcus vestibularis with 83.7 % similarity based on the 60 kDa heat-shock protein gene (groEL). The other two isolates (NUM 6306(T) and NUM 6318) were related most closely to S. vestibularis with 97.0 % and 82.9 % similarity based on the 16S rRNA and groEL genes, respectively, and to S. salivarius with 93.5 % similarity based on the rpoB gene. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, these isolates are suggested to represent novel species of the genus Streptococcus, for which the names Streptococcus loxodontisalivarius sp. nov. (type strain NUM 6304(T) = JCM 19287(T) = DSM 27382(T)) and Streptococcus saliviloxodontae sp. nov. (type strain NUM 6306(T) = JCM 19288(T) = DSM 27513(T)) are proposed. © 2014 IUMS.

  6. Passive Localization of Underwater Acoustic Beacons

    DTIC Science & Technology


    maxtime) TickCounto; aborto ; FSRead(gASerRefln,&numCharln,&addressBuf); TalkSail(’O); iistart the PTR’s data collecticn DrawString(w\\p: H) I display a...34); aborto ; EventLoopO; II main execution loop RAMSDClose(sPortA); HI must close the RAM Drivers before shutdown 193 free(gw); //must release the...kNumExp+l),sizeof(double)); if(wtrue ==NULL) DrawString("\\pCan’t allocate memory for data collection!!! ); aborto ; Nvmeas = calloc(3L*(kStep~kNumExp+l

  7. Astronomia para/com crianças carentes em Limeira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Oliveira, V. C.


    Em 2001, o Instituto Superior de Ciências Aplicadas (ISCA Faculdades de Limeira) iniciou um projeto pelo qual o Observatório do Morro Azul empreendeu uma parceria com o Centro de Promoção Social Municipal (CEPROSOM), instituição mantida pela Prefeitura Municipal de Limeira para atender crianças e adolescentes carentes. O CEPROSOM contava com dois projetos: Projeto Centro de Convivência Infantil (CCI) e Programa Criança e Adolescente (PCA), que atendiam crianças e adolescentes em Centros Comunitários de diversas áreas da cidade. Esses projetos têm como prioridades estabelecer atividades prazerosas para as crianças no sentido de retirá-las das ruas. Assim sendo, as crianças passaram a ter mais um tipo de atividade - as visitas ao observatório. Este painel descreve as várias fases do projeto, que envolveu: reuniões de planejamento, curso de Astronomia para as orientadoras dos CCIs e PCAs, atividades relacionadas a visitas das crianças ao Observatório, proposta de construção de gnômons e relógios de Sol nos diversos Centros Comunitários de Limeira e divulgação do projeto na imprensa. O painel inclui discussões sobre a aprendizagem de crianças carentes, relatos que mostram a postura das orientadoras sobre a pertinência do ensino de Astronomia, relatos do monitor que fez o atendimento no Observatório e o que o número de crianças atendidas representou para as atividades da instituição desde o início de suas atividades e, em particular, em 2001. Os resultados são baseados na análise de relatos das orientadoras e do monitor do Observatório, registros de visitas e matérias da imprensa local. Conclui com uma avaliação do que tal projeto representou para as Instituições participantes. Para o Observatório, em particular, foi feita uma análise com relação às outras modalidades de atendimentos que envolvem alunos de escolas e público em geral. Também é abordada a questão do compromisso social do Observatório na educação do

  8. A new insight of the northern filaments of Centaurus A

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Salomé, Q.; Salomé, P.; Combes, F.; Hamer, S.


    We present new APEX observations of the CO(2-1) in the northern filaments of Centaurus A, at the intersection between the radio jet and the northern H num{1} shell. The CO emission was compared with archival FUV (GALEX), FIR (Herschel) and VLT/MUSE data. The molecular gas mass of the filaments is (8.2± 0.5)× 10^7: M_⊙, distributed in two filamentary structures. We found a surprisingly strong molecular filament that lies outside the H num{1} gas. The filaments are mostly molecular, suggesting a scenario where the radio-jet triggers the atomic-to-molecular phase transition. We then compared the CO masses with the SFR estimates and found very long depletion times (˜ 75: Gyr over the whole filaments), in agreement with the results of te{SalomeQ_2016}. Analysis of optical excitation lines indicates that the filaments are mostly excited by the AGN or shocks. Comparison with the Hα and H num{1} emission suggests that the three gas phases are spatially and kinematically linked. In particular, the CO emission shows the same velocity gradient as the H num{1} gas.

  9. NAFTA: A Partial Solution Not a Savior to Mexico’s Economic Woes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Mexico .” Economia Mexicana. 15 January 2004. (accessed: 28 October 2011... Mexico .” Economia Mexicana. 15 January 2004. (accessed: 28 October 2011...Trade Agreement, NAFTA, Mexico Economy, Trade Liberalization 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT 18. NUMBER OF PAGES 19a

  10. Apport de la simulation numérique à la compréhension des mécanismes d'interaction de cavités dans le cadre de la modélisation de l'endommagement ductile sous sollicitation dynamique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, G.; Buy, F.; Llorca, F.


    L'étude présentée s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une démarche menant à la construction d'un modèle analytique ou semi analytique de comportement élasto-visco-plastique endommageable, applicable aux chargements rencontrés en configuration d'impact violent et générant de l'écaillage ductile. La prise en compte des effets de compressibilité et de micro inertie est essentielle pour modéliser la phase de croissance. Des simulations numériques globales de la structure et locales à l'échelle des hétérogénéités permettent d'évaluer les niveaux de sollicitations dans les zones susceptibles de s'endommager, dévaluer des critères analytiques de germination de l'endommagement et de comprendre les mécanismes d'interaction entre les défauts. Les effets micro inertiels et de compressibilité sont ainsi mis en évidence dans les phases de germination et de coalescence des micro défauts. II s'agit ici d'une illustration non exhaustive de travaux engagés au CEA Valduc sur le tantale, dans le cadre d'une thèse [10]. Un programme matériaux en partenariat CEA-CNRS sur la modélisation multi échelles du comportement de structures a également été initié dans ce contexte.

  11. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy 1951-1953, Volume III, The Korean War: Part Two,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    equally by the Commander in Chief, United Nations Com- mand, and the Commander in Chief of the Communist forces in Korea, in num - bers sufficient to...reached on a limiting num - ber that would satisfy General Ridgway’s maximum rotation requirements. The 53 JCS and National Policy important point... sanguine about the success of these efforts.79 The fate of civilian captives of non-ROK origin—missionaries, personnel of neutral embassies, press

  12. Wirelessly controlled micro- and nanostructures for bioapplications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lindo, Andre Machado

    Apresentar uma contribuicao para a caracterizacao e compreensao do comportamento hidrodinâmico da laguna Ria de Aveiro, baseada num estudo experimental e num estudo de modelacao numerica, e o objectivo deste trabalho. As caracteristicas hidrologicas da Ria de Aveiro foram investigadas atraves da realizacao de varias campanhas de amostragem, tendo sido efectuadas medicoes de altura de agua, salinidade, temperatura da agua e velocidade da corrente em varias estacoes distribuidas ao longo de quatro canais principais da laguna. None

  13. Analytic Regularity and Polynomial Approximation of Parametric and Stochastic Elliptic PDEs

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Todor : Finite elements for elliptic problems with stochastic coefficients Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engg. 194 (2005) 205-228. [14] R. Ghanem and P. Spanos...for elliptic partial differential equations with random input data SIAM J. Num. Anal. 46(2008), 2411–2442. [20] R. Todor , Robust eigenvalue computation...for smoothing operators, SIAM J. Num. Anal. 44(2006), 865– 878. [21] Ch. Schwab and R.A. Todor , Karhúnen-Loève Approximation of Random Fields by

  14. On the use of seminumerical simulations in predicting the 21-cm signal from the epoch of reionization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Majumdar, Suman; Mellema, Garrelt; Datta, Kanan K.; Jensen, Hannes; Choudhury, T. Roy; Bharadwaj, Somnath; Friedrich, Martina M.


    We present a detailed comparison of three different simulations of the epoch of reionization (EoR). The radiative transfer simulation (C2-RAY) among them is our benchmark. Radiative transfer codes can produce realistic results, but are computationally expensive. We compare it with two seminumerical techniques: one using the same haloes as C2-RAY as its sources (Sem-Num), and one using a conditional Press-Schechter scheme (CPS+GS). These are vastly more computationally efficient than C2-RAY, but use more simplistic physical assumptions. We evaluate these simulations in terms of their ability to reproduce the history and morphology of reionization. We find that both Sem-Num and CPS+GS can produce an ionization history and morphology that is very close to C2-RAY, with Sem-Num performing slightly better compared to CPS+GS. We also study different redshift-space observables of the 21-cm signal from EoR: the variance, power spectrum and its various angular multipole moments. We find that both seminumerical models perform reasonably well in predicting these observables at length scales relevant for present and future experiments. However, Sem-Num performs slightly better than CPS+GS in producing the reionization history, which is necessary for interpreting the future observations. The CPS+GS scheme, however, has the advantage that it is not restricted by the mass resolution of the dark matter density field.

  15. Inmetro - Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia Websites

    Consumidor Laboratórios Legislação Comunicação Social Programa de Monitoramento BPL Produtos analisados de selos Indique! Sugestão para o Programa de Análise de Produtos Licitações Material de Portal do Governo Brasileiro mdic Carta de Serviços Inmetro nos Estados Acre Alagoas AmapÃ

  16. The Creditworthiness of Eastern Europe in the 1980s.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    OMPoT NuMs 7. AuTI"*Mf.) IL CONTRACT OR GNANT NUMS19AM Keith Crane MDA903-83-C-0148 9. pnrFoffwnM AIO iNMAM A "iv CT TAMK The Rand Corporation 1700 Main...These supply-side models capture the constraints on output imposed by balance of payments pressures. Poland Six scenarios are formulated to analyze... rational at the time.9 Other East European countries and many of the developing countries pursued similar policies with varying degrees of success-e.g

  17. The Communications Toolbox for MATLAB and E0 3513 Laboratory Design

    DTIC Science & Technology


    lengtli(quanchj)-1)) sxniejbinnuMs=bin...nums(1:6) %;.. M.asure dhe quantization noise ,quansig); str --numn2str(sigjoQnois); %Plot 4...compressed quantized signal exp..comp=expmnd(quansig2,mu2,tmx(quansi2)); %use maximum signal value =nrw.ccwnp-snr(s,exp~coinp); str -num2str(sir..comp); MPot...8217) ylabelCAmplitude’) grid cig %Part 2--Observe fte differences in the spectra Program mung Laboratory 3B Key-age 3 319 %for two types of pulse-modulatWd signals

  18. Generic Methodology for Verification and Validation (GM-VV) to Support Acceptance of Models, Simulations and Data (Methodologie generale de verification et de validation (GM-VV) visant a soutenir l acceptation des modeles, simulations et donnees)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    RTO ou AGARD doivent comporter la dénomination « STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues...rapports de la STO au fur et à mesure de leur publication, vous pouvez consulter notre site Web ( et vous abonner à ce service...le cas, suivie du numéro de série (par exemple AGARD-AG-315). Des informations analogues, telles que le titre et la date de publication sont

  19. Rural nursing unit managers: education and support for the role.


    Paliadelis, Penny S


    Nursing unit managers (NUMs) occupy the often unenviable position of first-line management in many health services in Australia. As such, their role is complex and multifaceted requiring an intertwining of their clinical and managerial responsibilities. While there is an abundance of studies that explore and describe the various management roles in many professions and industries, little is known about the experiences of nurses as managers, particularly in rural settings. This article focuses on the education and support needs of rural nursing unit managers. A qualitative study design was used to explore the stories of a number of nursing unit managers in rural New South Wales, Australia. Data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Data was analysed using a voice-relational method as a framework for more clearly hearing the voices of participants. This method of data analysis is particularly useful for hearing from those who do not usually have a 'strong' voice, for gaining an understanding of the context of the interviews, and for acknowledging the role of the researcher in the research process. All NUMs employed in a single regional health authority in rural Australia were invited to participate. Out of 42 NUMs in the region, 20 agreed to be interviewed. Nursing unit managers were asked to reflect on their experiences prior to and during the early days within the position. In summary, all the NUMs: believed they were promoted because of their clinical expertise; felt unprepared for the managerial and administrative aspects of their role; continued to identify as nurses rather than as managers; found the role isolated them from their former peer group. Those employed in small facilities had limited opportunities for education and peer support. Based on the NUMs' experiences and suggestions, the following information would have helped them to cope with the demands of their new role: information and discussions about the role expectations of

  20. An N-terminal nuclear localization sequence but not the calmodulin-binding domain mediates nuclear localization of nucleomorphin, a protein that regulates nuclear number in Dictyostelium

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Myre, Michael A.; O'Day, Danton H.


    Nucleomorphin is a novel nuclear calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein (CaMBP) containing an extensive DEED (glu/asp repeat) domain that regulates nuclear number. GFP-constructs of the 38 kDa NumA1 isoform localize as intranuclear patches adjacent to the inner nuclear membrane. The translocation of CaMBPs into nuclei has previously been shown by others to be mediated by both classic nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and CaM-binding domains (CaMBDs). Here we show that NumA1 possesses a CaMBD ({sup 171}EDVSRFIKGKLLQKQQKIYKDLERF{sup 195}) containing both calcium-dependent-binding motifs and an IQ-like motif for calcium-independent binding. GFP-constructs containing only NumA1 residues 1-129, lacking the DEED and CaMBDs, still localized as patchesmore » at the internal periphery of nuclei thus ruling out a direct role for the CaMBD in nuclear import. These constructs contained the amino acid residues {sup 48}KKSYQDPEIIAHSRPRK{sup 64} that include both a putative bipartite and classical NLS. GFP-bipartite NLS constructs localized uniformly within nuclei but not as patches. As with previous work, removal of the DEED domain resulted in highly multinucleate cells. However as shown here, multinuclearity only occurred when the NLS was present allowing the protein to enter nuclei. Site-directed mutation analysis in which the NLS was changed to {sup 48}EF{sup 49} abolished the stability of the GFP fusion at the protein but not RNA level preventing subcellular analyses. Cells transfected with the {sup 48}EF{sup 49} construct exhibited slowed growth when compared to parental AX3 cells and other GFP-NumA1 deletion mutants. In addition to identifying an NLS that is sufficient for nuclear translocation of nucleomorphin and ruling out CaM-binding in this event, this work shows that the nuclear localization of NumA1 is crucial to its ability to regulate nuclear number in Dictyostelium.« less

  1. Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boris, N. V.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Cypriano, E.


    A busca por estruturas em grandes escalas (aglomerados de galáxias, por exemplo) é um ativo tópico de pesquisas hoje em dia, pois a detecção de um único aglomerado em altos redshifts pode por vínculos fortes sobre os modelos cosmológicos. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0.9. Os pares de quasares foram extraídos do catálogo de Véron-Cetty & Véron (2001) e estão sendo observados com os telescópios: 2,2m da University of Hawaii (UH), 2,5m do Observatório de Las Campanas e com o GEMINI. Apresentamos aqui a análise preliminar de um par de quasares observado nos filtros i'(7800 Å) e z'(9500 Å) com o GEMINI. A cor (i'-z') mostrou-se útil para detectar objetos "early-type" em redshifts menores que 1.1. No estudo do par 131046+0006/J131055+0008, com redshift ~ 0.9, o uso deste método possibilitou a detecção de sete objetos candidatos a galáxias "early-type". Num mapa da distribuição projetada dos objetos para 22 < i' < 25 observou-se que estas galáxias estão localizadas próximas a um dos quasares e há indícios de que estejam aglomeradas dentro de um área de ~ 6 arcmin2. Se esse for o caso, estes objetos seriam membros de uma estrutura em grande escala. Um outro argumento em favor dessa hipótese é que eles obedecem uma relação do tipo Kormendy (raio equivalente X brilho superficial dentro desse raio), como a apresentada pelas galáxias elípticas em z = 0.

  2. Products purchased from family farming for school meals in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul.


    Ferigollo, Daniele; Kirsten, Vanessa Ramos; Heckler, Dienifer; Figueredo, Oscar Agustín Torres; Perez-Cassarino, Julian; Triches, Rozane Márcia


    This study aims to verify the adequacy profile of the cities of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in relation to the purchase of products of family farming by the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE - National Program of School Meals). This is a quantitative descriptive study, with secondary data analysis (public calls-to-bid). The sample consisted of approximately 10% (n = 52) of the cities in the State, establishing a representation by mesoregion and size of the population. We have assessed the percentage of food purchased from family farming, as well as the type of product, requirements of frequency, delivery points, and presence of prices in 114 notices of public calls-to-bid, in 2013. Of the cities analyzed, 71.2% (n = 37) reached 30% of food purchased from family farming. Most public calls-to-bid demanded both products of plant (90.4%; n = 103) and animal origin (79.8%; n = 91). Regarding the degree of processing, fresh products appeared in 92.1% (n = 105) of the public calls-to-bid. In relation to the delivery of products, centralized (49.1%; n = 56) and weekly deliveries (47.4%; n = 54) were the most described. Only 60% (n = 68) of the public calls-to-bid contained the price of products. Most of the cities analyzed have fulfilled what is determined by the legislation of the PNAE. We have found in the public calls-to-bid a wide variety of food, both of plant and animal origin, and most of it is fresh. In relation to the delivery of the products, the centralized and weekly options prevailed. Verificar o perfil de adequação dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul no que tange à aquisição de produtos da agricultura familiar pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo descritivo, com análise de dados secundários (chamadas públicas). A amostra foi composta por aproximadamente 10% (n = 52) dos municípios do estado, tomando-se o cuidado de estabelecer uma representatividade por mesorregião e tamanho da

  3. A study of the feasibility of pneumatic transport of municipal solid waste and recyclables in Manhattan using existing transportation infrastructure.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This study explored possibilities for using existing transportation infrastructure for the cost-effective : installation of pneumatic waste-collection technology in Manhattan. If shown to be economically and : operationally feasible, reducing the num...

  4. Prefeitura Municipal de Amparo - Prefeitura Municipal de Amparo Websites

    PARA O FESTIVAL DE INVERNO Veja quais foram os projetos aprovados Saiba mais GALERIA VIRTUAL GALERIA VIRTUAL Homenagem aos ex-combatentes da Força Expedicionária Brasileira Confira TRSD TRSD O formulÃ

  5. 77 FR 7136 - Caribbean Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    .../Sedar_Workshops.jsp?WorkshopNum=26 ) 5. Discussion of options paper on parrotfish size and trip limits 6... meetings are open to the public, and will be conducted in English. Simultaneous interpretation (English...

  6. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.

    Se presenta una revisión de los conocimientos actuales sobre el proceso de acreción del sistema solar exterior. En base a nuevas y más realistas simulaciones numéricas, se analiza el impacto que tuvo dicho proceso en otras regiones del sistema solar tales como la nube de Oort, el cinturón de Kuiper y el sistema solar interior. Se presentan entonces, las principales limitaciones de los modelos numéricos actuales, los principales puntos aún oscuros en el problema, y algunos de los posibles caminos a seguir para mejorar nuestro conocimiento en el tema. Se discute a continuación la posible utilidad de este tipo de estudios para el diseño de estrategias de búsqueda de otros sistemas planetarios.

  7. Methodologie de conception numerique d'un ventilateur helico-centrifuge basee sur l'emploi du calcul meridien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lallier-Daniels, Dominic

    La conception de ventilateurs est souvent basée sur une méthodologie « essais/erreurs » d'amélioration de géométries existantes ainsi que sur l'expérience de design et les résultats expérimentaux cumulés par les entreprises. Cependant, cette méthodologie peut se révéler coûteuse en cas d'échec; même en cas de succès, des améliorations significatives en performance sont souvent difficiles, voire impossibles à obtenir. Le projet présent propose le développement et la validation d'une méthodologie de conception basée sur l'emploi du calcul méridien pour la conception préliminaire de turbomachines hélico-centrifuges (ou flux-mixte) et l'utilisation du calcul numérique d'écoulement fluides (CFD) pour la conception détaillée. La méthode de calcul méridien à la base du processus de conception proposé est d'abord présentée. Dans un premier temps, le cadre théorique est développé. Le calcul méridien demeurant fondamentalement un processus itératif, le processus de calcul est également présenté, incluant les méthodes numériques de calcul employée pour la résolution des équations fondamentales. Une validation du code méridien écrit dans le cadre du projet de maîtrise face à un algorithme de calcul méridien développé par l'auteur de la méthode ainsi qu'à des résultats de simulation numérique sur un code commercial est également réalisée. La méthodologie de conception de turbomachines développée dans le cadre de l'étude est ensuite présentée sous la forme d'une étude de cas pour un ventilateur hélico-centrifuge basé sur des spécifications fournies par le partenaire industriel Venmar. La méthodologie se divise en trois étapes: le calcul méridien est employé pour le pré-dimensionnement, suivi de simulations 2D de grilles d'aubes pour la conception détaillée des pales et finalement d'une analyse numérique 3D pour la validation et l'optimisation fine de la géométrie. Les résultats de calcul m


    EPA Science Inventory

    Background: All slide-based fluorescence cytometry detections systems basically include an excitation light source, intermediate optics, and a detection device (CCD or PMT). Occasionally, this equipment becomes unstable, generating unreliable and inferior data. Methods: A num...

  9. Integrated corridor management initiative : demonstration phase evaluation, San Diego technical capability analysis test plan.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The purpose of this working paper is to present estimates of potential safety benefits resulting from full implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the United States. These estimates were derived by integrating results from a num...

  10. Addressing practical challenges in utility optimization of mobile wireless sensor networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eswaran, Sharanya; Misra, Archan; La Porta, Thomas; Leung, Kin


    This paper examines the practical challenges in the application of the distributed network utility maximization (NUM) framework to the problem of resource allocation and sensor device adaptation in a mission-centric wireless sensor network (WSN) environment. By providing rich (multi-modal), real-time information about a variety of (often inaccessible or hostile) operating environments, sensors such as video, acoustic and short-aperture radar enhance the situational awareness of many battlefield missions. Prior work on the applicability of the NUM framework to mission-centric WSNs has focused on tackling the challenges introduced by i) the definition of an individual mission's utility as a collective function of multiple sensor flows and ii) the dissemination of an individual sensor's data via a multicast tree to multiple consuming missions. However, the practical application and performance of this framework is influenced by several parameters internal to the framework and also by implementation-specific decisions. This is made further complex due to mobile nodes. In this paper, we use discrete-event simulations to study the effects of these parameters on the performance of the protocol in terms of speed of convergence, packet loss, and signaling overhead thereby addressing the challenges posed by wireless interference and node mobility in ad-hoc battlefield scenarios. This study provides better understanding of the issues involved in the practical adaptation of the NUM framework. It also helps identify potential avenues of improvement within the framework and protocol.

  11. Numerical Simulation of Interacting Magnetic Flux Ropes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Odstrcil, Dusan; Vandas, Marek; Pizzo, Victor J.; MacNeice, Peter


    A 2<num>1num>2-D MHD numerical model is used to investigate the dynamic interaction between two flux ropes (clouds) in a homogeneous magnetized plasma. One cloud is set into motion while the other is initially at rest. The moving cloud generates a shock which interacts with the second cloud. Two cases with different characteristic speeds within the second cloud are presented. The shock front is significantly distorted when it propagates faster (slower) in the cloud with larger (smaller) characteristic speed. Correspondingly, the density behind the shock front becomes smaller (larger). Later, the clouds approach each other and by a momentum exchange they come to a common speed. The oppositely directed magnetic fields are pushed together, a driven magnetic reconnection takes a place, and the two flux ropes gradually coalescence into a single flux rope.


    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita C. G.; Guilhem, Dirce; Lolas, Fernando


    O objetivo deste artigo é relatar a experiência do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal (CEP/SES/DF) Brasil, durante o período de 10 anos a partir de sua fundação. Trata-se de uma avaliação descritiva e documental, na modalidade estudo de caso, utilizando-se a totalidade de projetos protocolados no CEP/SES/DF (N° 052/08) nesse período. As pendências mais freqüentes dos projetos foram: termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (30%), folha de rosto (25%), metodologia (20%), curriculum vitae (12%), planilha de orçamento (9%), outros (4%). O relato das atividades do CEP/SES/DF no período de 10 anos revelou, através de sua produtividade, a legitimidade do processo de análise ética dos protocolos visando à proteção dos participantes da pesquisa. PMID:19888441

  13. Evaluation of sounds for hybrid and electric vehicles operating at low speed

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), operated at low speeds may reduce auditory cues used by pedestrians to assess the state of nearby traffic creating a safety issue. This field study compares the auditory detectability of num...

  14. Passenger Acceptance of Alignments with Frequent Curves in Maglev or Other Very-High-Speed Ground Systems

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This study explored comfort and motion-sickness effects of Maglev travel in corridors characterized by frequent curves. A procedure was developed for estimating the propensity of a given set of ride motions to induce motion sickness, generating a num...

  15. Evaluating the Impacts of Red Light Camera Deployment on Intersection Traffic Safety

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Red-light cameras (RLC) are a popular countermeasure to reduce red-light running and improve intersection safety. Studies show that the reduction in side impact crashes at RLC intersections are often accompanied by no-change or an increase in the num...

  16. Design of a Space Borne Autonomous Infrared Tracking System

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217, hsv (6),’FaceColor’,’flat ’); theta_last = 0;%axis([-.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .2]); axis square;break % Motion for ii= 1 :num_pts %transform... 1 Space Control...88 ix List of Figures Figure Page 1

  17. Dinámica de objetos transplutonianos: resultados preliminares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández, S.; Brizuela, H.; Roig, F.; Varela, O.

    Se presentan los resultados de una integración numérica de las ecuaciones de movimiento para objetos transplutonianos. Se han calculado los tiempos de Lyapunov para esos objetos y se analiza el comportamiento dinámico de los mismos.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Chemical disinfection of water is a major public health advance that has decreased dramatically water-borne disease. Chemical disinfectants react with naturally occurring organic and inorganic matter in water to produce a wide variety of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). DBP num...

  19. Social Transformation and "Popular Schooling" in Brazil.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rossatto, Cesar Augusto


    Describes three school programs designed to provide alternative schooling for Brazilian street children and illiterate adult students with the basic skills to survive in their world. Directly or indirectly embedded in Freirean principles, the three programs are: (1) Sao Paulo Interdisciplinary School Reform; (2) Projeto Axe: Schooling for Street…



    Kamack, H.J.; Balthis, J.H.


    Plutonium values can be recovered from acidic solutlons by adding lead nitrate, hydrogen fluoride, lantha num nitrate, and sulfurlc acid to the solution to form a carrler preclpitate. The lead sulfate formed improves the separatlon characteristics of the lanthanum fluoride carrier precipitate,


    EPA Science Inventory

    No previous reports exist on polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners in individual American mothers' milk. This report on PBDEs is an extension of our previous studies on concentrations of dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs, and other chlorinated organics in human milk in a num...

  2. Biological control of aflatoxin contamination in U.S. crops and the use of bioplastic formulations of Aspergillus flavus biocontrol strains to optimize application strategies

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Aflatoxin contamination has a major economic impact on crop production in southern USA. Reduction of aflatoxin contamination in harvested crops has been achieved by applying non-aflatoxigenic biocontrol Aspergillus flavus strains that can out-compete wild aflatoxigenic A. flavus, reducing their num...

  3. Wavelet Transforms using VTK-m

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Li, Shaomeng; Sewell, Christopher Meyer


    These are a set of slides that deal with the topics of wavelet transforms using VTK-m. First, wavelets are discussed and detailed, then VTK-m is discussed and detailed, then wavelets and VTK-m are looked at from a performance comparison, then from an accuracy comparison, and finally lessons learned, conclusion, and what is next. Lessons learned are the following: Launching worklets is expensive; Natural logic of performing 2D wavelet transform: Repeat the same 1D wavelet transform on every row, repeat the same 1D wavelet transform on every column, invoke the 1D wavelet worklet every time: num_rows x num_columns; VTK-m approach ofmore » performing 2D wavelet transform: Create a worklet for 2D that handles both rows and columns, invoke this new worklet only one time; Fast calculation, but cannot reuse 1D implementations.« less


    EPA Science Inventory

    Characterizing gene expression in hair follicles can help to elucidate the hair growth cycle by delineating the genes and pathways involved in follicular growth and degeneration. The objectives of this study were to determine whether intact RNA could be extracted from a small num...

  5. Comment on: "Bachmann, R. W., M. V. Hoyer, and D. E. Canfield. 2013. The extent that natural lakes in the United States of America have been changed by cultural eutrophication. Limnology and Oceanography 58:945-950."

    EPA Science Inventory

    In a recent paper, Bachmann et al. (2013) conclude, based on paleolimnological reconstructions, that lakes in the conterminous U.S. have undergone very little cultural eutrophication. They go on to suggest that their results invalidate the efforts of the U.S. EPA to establish num...

  6. Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Markers in the Genome Sequence of Mycosphaerella Fijiensis, the Causal Agent of Black Leaf Streak Disease of Banana (Musa spp.)

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of banana leaf streak disease (commonly known as black Sigatoka), is the most devastating pathogen attacking bananas (Musa spp). Recently the whole genome sequence of M. fijiensis became available. This sequence was screened for the presence of Variable Num...

  7. The Impact of Bicycle Corridors on Travel Demand in Utah

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The purpose of this document is to report the results of the study that reviewed the impact of bicycle corridors on travel demand throughout the state of Utah. To meet the objectives of the study, bicycle rate data were collected and evaluated at num...

  8. Human Health Risk Assessment Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Bromobenzene _5Q 109068 2- Picoline (Svnfueft 51 110576 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-but _52 111659 Qctane Num 53 54 57 58 59 60 63 _6J_...Lead Magnesium 7439976 7440097 Mercury Potassium 7440235 7440473 Sodium Chromium 7440702 7700176 Calcium Crotoxyphos 149 7786347

  9. Changes in the use of young bulls

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Availability of genomic information since 2008 has increased accuracy of genetic evaluations for young bulls in Holstein (HO), Jersey (JE), and Brown Swiss (BS). As a result, AI organizations have been aggressively promoting young bulls and producers have been using young bulls more extensively. Num...

  10. Enhanced virulence of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in ferrets

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Sporadic avian to human transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A (H5N1) viruses necessitates the analysis of currently circulating and evolving clades to assess their potential risk. Following the spread and sustained circulation of clade 2 viruses across multiple continents, num...

  11. Does reduced peri-pubertal nutrient intake influence the ovarian reserve in beef heifers?

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Reducing nutrient intake in beef heifers after weaning decreases production costs; however, the impact of reduced nutrient intake on the ovarian reserve has not been investigated in this species. In rodent models, caloric restriction increased the number of primordial follicles and decreased the num...

  12. The Aggregate Behavior of Branch Points - A Proposal for an Atmospheric Turbulence Layer Sensor: Postprint

    DTIC Science & Technology


    urbulcncc altitude. A ,~ l,;on ll;ural on ’I urbu enee Condilion:. Num""r Trombone t’W t’o"llIon I’W ~ Iep l’ropagM Ion ’nUb. "’-elncUy , Ensemble of Len

  13. 78 FR 56625 - Housing Counseling Program: New Certification Requirements

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... of, and responses to, rental and mortgage delinquency and avoidance of eviction and mortgage default... (including potential economic, environmental, public health, and safety effects, distributive impacts, and.../vol14num3/Cityscape_Nov2012_impact_lim_sellers.pdf , at page 219.) Specific Request for Comment: HUD...

  14. Simulaciones hidrodinámicas de flujos complejos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    María Ibáñez Cabanell, José

    Son muchos los escenarios astrofísicos en que los procesos hidrodinámicos juegan un papel clave. En la complejidad que encierra la descripción de dichos procesos destaca el de la correcta simulación de flujos complejos donde la presencia de ondas de choque fuertes que, eventualmente, interaccionan entre ellas o también la presencia de inestabilidades (Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor, etc.) suponen un verdadero desafío numérico. Los códigos hidrodinámicos basados en la solución de un problema de valores iniciales discontinuo (problema de Riemann) son, en la actualidad, los más robustos en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos computacional. En esta charla se dará un resumen de los fundamentos de dichas técnicas numéricas (esquemas de alta resolución de captura de choques) y se ilustrará su potencialidad mostrando una amplia gama de resultados en diferentes aplicaciones astrofísicas.

  15. Large Scale Analysis of Geospatial Data with Dask and XArray

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zender, C. S.; Hamman, J.; Abernathey, R.; Evans, K. J.; Rocklin, M.; Zender, C. S.; Rocklin, M.


    The analysis of geospatial data with high level languages has acceleratedinnovation and the impact of existing data resources. However, as datasetsgrow beyond single-machine memory, data structures within these high levellanguages can become a bottleneck. New libraries like Dask and XArray resolve some of these scalability issues,providing interactive workflows that are both familiar tohigh-level-language researchers while also scaling out to much largerdatasets. This broadens the access of researchers to larger datasets on highperformance computers and, through interactive development, reducestime-to-insight when compared to traditional parallel programming techniques(MPI). This talk describes Dask, a distributed dynamic task scheduler, Dask.array, amulti-dimensional array that copies the popular NumPy interface, and XArray,a library that wraps NumPy/Dask.array with labeled and indexes axes,implementing the CF conventions. We discuss both the basic design of theselibraries and how they change interactive analysis of geospatial data, and alsorecent benefits and challenges of distributed computing on clusters ofmachines.

  16. Superconductive Microwave Single-Flux-Quantum Digital Circuits and Corresponding Opto-Electronic Interfaces: On-Going Studies and First Experimental Results

    DTIC Science & Technology


    UHLMANN University of Technology Ilmenau– PO Box 105565 – D-98684 Ilmenau - Germany RESUME : Les circuits numériques supraconducteurs micro-ondes...circuits RSFQ. Ce banc de mesure comporte deux types d’interfaces opto-RSFQ, basées sur des matériaux semiconducteurs et supraconducteurs , respectivement

  17. Relationship between sensory and chemical attributes of Vidalia onions

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Flavor in fresh onions is dominated by sulfur containing volatiles that are released once tissues are disrupted and the S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (ACSOs) are hydrolyzed by the enzyme alliinase. Four intensities of flavor levels of Vidalia onions were induced by cultivating sweet (Num 1006) an...

  18. Urine cytology of nonurothelial malignancies-a 10-year experience in a large multihospital healthcare system.


    Savant, Deepika; Bajaj, Jaya; Gimenez, Cecilia; Rafael, Oana C; Mirzamani, Neda; Chau, Karen; Klein, Melissa; Das, Kasturi


    Urine cytology is the most frequently utilized test to detect urothelial cancer. Secondary bladder neoplasms need to be recognized as this impacts patient management. We report our experience on nonurothelial malignancies (NUM) detected in urine cytology over a 10-year period. A 10-year retrospective search for patients with biopsy-proven NUM to the urothelial tract yielded 25 urine samples from 14 patients. Two cytopathologists blinded to the original cytology diagnosis reviewed the cytology and histology slides. The incidence, cytomorphologic features, diagnostic accuracy, factors influencing the diagnostic accuracy, and clinical impact of the cytology result were studied. The incidence of NUM was <1%. The male:female ratio was 1.3. An abnormality was detected in 60% of the cases; however, in only 4% of the cases, a primary site was identified accurately. Of the false negatives, 96% was deemed as sampling errors and 4% was interpretational. Patient management was not impacted in any of the false-negative cases due to concurrent or past tissue diagnosis. Colon cancer was the most frequent secondary tumor. Sampling error attributed to the false-negative results. Necrosis and dirty background was often associated with metastatic lesions from colon. Obtaining history of a primary tumor elsewhere was a key factor in diagnosis of a metastatic lesion. Hematopoietic malignancies remain to be a diagnostic challenge. Cytospin preparations were superior for evaluating nuclear detail and background material as opposed to monolayer (Thinprep) technology. Diagnostic accuracy was improved by obtaining immunohistochemistry. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2017;45:22-28. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Intuitive Frequency Judgments as a Function of Prior Expectations, Observed Evidence, and Individual Processing Strategies.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    antoes RVA" flwrmUCfOMSREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 3RFORE COMPLEIRSO FORM I. REPORT Hume" 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO: .REIENT’S CATALOG NUM11ER1 Technical...regarding the instructional effects on frequency judgments. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1975, 6, 321- 324 . Hashier, L., & Chromiak, W. The processing

  20. United States Foreign Policy Options Toward Germany What is the Impact of Vladimir Putin’s Recent Engagement of Germany

    DTIC Science & Technology


    17. 37 Masha Lipman, “ The Resistance at Home”, The Washington Post, Nov, 11, 2001 Sec A, p. A27. 38 Steven Erlanger, “Schroeder Urges Milder...relatedTo=528943&from=relatedstory&rsNum=5>. Internet. Accessed 27 January 2003. Lipman, Masha . “ The Resistance at Home”, The Washington Post, Nov

  1. A Solution Method for Large Deformation Contact Problems.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    15] Desai, C.S., Zaman, M.M., Lightner , J.G., and Siriwardane, H.J., "Thin Element for Interfaces and Joints," Int. J. Anal. and Num. Meth. in...Urbana, IL 61801 SMCCR-SPS-IL 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aeroelastic and Structures Research Laboratory ATTN: Dr. E. A. Witmer Cambridge

  2. Cómo calcular el índice UV

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información sobre cómo calcular el Índice ultravioleta (UV) a través de un modelo numérico que relaciona la intensidad de la radiación solar ultra violeta (UV) en la superficie terrestre con la concentración pronosticada de ozono estratosférico.

  3. VITAL (Vanguard Investigations of Therapeutic Approaches to Lung Cancer)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    21 Project 4...Hong, M.D. Annual Report: Reporting Period 15 December 2007 – 14 December 2008 21 3. Global gene expression analysis Among the 205 RNA...mutations, mutation type, and copy num- bers of EGFR; EGFR3 activation; KRASmutations;MET ampli- fication, and others ( 21 –23). Therefore, although some

  4. History of the Army Ground Forces. Study Number 27. History of the Armored Force, Command and Center

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Forces be- *• came closer. With its redesignation as the Armored Command on 2 Tuly 1945, the activ- ities of the Armored Force became more closely...techniques. Num- ber of graduates not available. .,- Clerical Courses Clerical Course - Opened 4 November 1940; closed 22 Tuly 1944. Duration of each class - 8

  5. Convergence Rates of Best N-term Galerkin Approximations for a Class of Elliptic sPDEs

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Todor , Karhúnen-Loève Approximation of Random Fields by General- ized Fast Multipole Methods, Journal of Computational Physics 217(2006), 100–122. [19...20] R. Todor , Robust eigenvalue computation for smoothing operators, SIAM J. Num. Anal. 44(2006), 865–878. 29 [21] R. Todor and Ch. Schwab, Convergence

  6. Fatigue Prediction for Composite Materials and Structures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Teoría de Mezclas Serie-Paralelo Avanzada para el Análisis de Materiales Compuestos ” V Congreso de la Asociacion Española de Materiales Compuestos ...Computational Materials Science 32, 175–195 [2] Rastellini, F.; Oller, S. (2004). Modelado numérico de no linealidad constitutiva en laminados compuestos

  7. Operational Differences Between MEOSAR and GEO/LEOSAR Capabilities

    DTIC Science & Technology


    deviendra opérationnel. DRDC CORA TM 2009-011 ix Les principales constatations faites par les auteurs du présent rapport sont énumérées dans...In theory , lives would also be saved with properly working ELTs since it reduces search time by about 45 hours. Recommendation: ELTs

  8. Numerical Linear Algebra.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    February 1979 through 31 March 1980 Title of Research: NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA Principal Investigators: Gene H. Golub James H. Wilkinson Research...BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2 OTAgSSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER ITE~ btitle) ~qEE NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA #I ~ f#7&/8 PER.ORMING ORG. REPORT NUM 27R 7

  9. Cellular Stress Response to Engineered Nanoparticles: Effect of Size, Surface Coating, and Cellular Uptake

    EPA Science Inventory

    CELLULAR STRESS RESPONSE TO ENGINEERED NANOPARTICLES: EFFECT OF SIZE, SURFACE COATING, AND CELLULAR UPTAKE RY Prasad 1, JK McGee2, MG Killius1 D Ackerman2, CF Blackman2 DM DeMarini2 , SO Simmons2 1 Student Services Contractor, US EPA, RTP, NC 2 US EPA, RTP, NC The num...

  10. The Cartographic Eye in Children's Picturebooks: Between Maps and Narratives

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Meunier, Christophe


    This article examines the place occupied by maps in children's picturebooks. After a brief overview of the different roles that are assigned to maps in children's books, the article considers five French picturebooks--Warja Lavater's "Le petit chaperon rouge" (1965), Olivier Douzou and Isabelle Simon's "L'autobus numéro 33"…

  11. Condiciones Físicas en Nebulosas Gaseosas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luridiana, V.


    El presente trabajo se ha enfocado a determinar y entender las condiciones físicas en una variedad de objetos nebulares, prestando particular atención al problema de la determinación de las abundancias químicas. Para este fin, hemos utilizado métodos analíticos en algunos casos, y modelos numéricos de fotoionización en otros. El objetivo general del trabajo es proveer de una visión amplia de las herramientas teórico-observacionales que se utilizan para la determinación de la estructura de temperatura y densidad de las regiones fotoionizadas, poniendo en evidencia posibles fuentes de errores sistemáticos y sus consecuencias para la determinación de las abundancias químicas, y proponiendo métodos para corregirlos. Los resultados principales de este trabajo est´n listados a continuación: a) Se discute el problema de la discrepancia entre T(C III) y T(O III) en las nebulosas planetarias, y se muestra como tal discrepancia implica probablemente la presencia de fluctuaciones de temperatura. Debido a que la temperatura de O++ es muy afectada por fluctuaciones de temperatura, se recomienda usar la temperatura de C++ para determinar la abundancia de carbono. b) Presentamos dos nuevos métodos para determinar la temperatura electrónica en nebulosas planetarias, basados en la medición de las intensidades de las líneas de He I. Las temperaturas que se obtienen a partir de estos métodos son menores que aquellas que se obtienen a partir de las líneas de [O III], implicando la presencia de fluctuaciones espaciales de temperatura. Despreciando las fluctuaciones de temperatura, se obtienen valores sesgados de las abundancias químicas. Determinamos las abundancias en las nebulosas planetarias de tipo I de algunos de los elementos más importantes, tomando en cuenta las fluctuaciones de temperatura. c) Presentamos modelos numéricos de las dos regiones H II extragalácticas gigantes NGC 2363 y NGC 5461. Con el modelaje numérico, pretendemos acotar las car

  12. Mechanisms and Mitigation of Hearing Loss from Blast Injury

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Approuvé par: Approved by: Page #: Échelle / Scale: Numéro Dessin / Drawing Nbr : Titre / Title: Mise en plan par: Drawn by: Date: Finition: Pièce...horn and exible rubber coupling will be replaced with larger PVC sections. � The cross-sectional area of the horn will be reduced smoothly, and the

  13. Macrootlocus, a CAD Design Tool for Feedback Control Systems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    var Form :DecForm; Str :DecStr; begin 125 Form.Style, :. FixedDecimal; Forrr.Digits :. 0; Num2Str(Form, 1, Str ); lntToStr :. Str ; end; { lntToStr...School Monterey, CA 93943 15. Hong-on Kim SMC2665 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 16. Kang, Mung Hung SMC1375 Naval Postgraduate School

  14. The Effect of Software Reusability on Information Theory Based Software Metrics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of plans across programming languages and application areas, only a brief abstract treatment of non-contiguous "program parts" is mentioned in>num = linenum; CA6 if(*info->text) W. if(find(linenum)) C.8 patchup(linenum, 1); /*fix up old line numbers*/ 107 C.9 if(*info->text) C-10 start

  15. MDAnalysis: a toolkit for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulations.


    Michaud-Agrawal, Naveen; Denning, Elizabeth J; Woolf, Thomas B; Beckstein, Oliver


    MDAnalysis is an object-oriented library for structural and temporal analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trajectories and individual protein structures. It is written in the Python language with some performance-critical code in C. It uses the powerful NumPy package to expose trajectory data as fast and efficient NumPy arrays. It has been tested on systems of millions of particles. Many common file formats of simulation packages including CHARMM, Gromacs, Amber, and NAMD and the Protein Data Bank format can be read and written. Atoms can be selected with a syntax similar to CHARMM's powerful selection commands. MDAnalysis enables both novice and experienced programmers to rapidly write their own analytical tools and access data stored in trajectories in an easily accessible manner that facilitates interactive explorative analysis. MDAnalysis has been tested on and works for most Unix-based platforms such as Linux and Mac OS X. It is freely available under the GNU General Public License from Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Audiogram of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kastelein, Ronald A.; Hagedoorn, Monique; Au, Whitlow W. L.; de Haan, Dick


    The underwater hearing sensitivity of a striped dolphin was measured in a pool using standard psycho-acoustic techniques. The go/no-go response paradigm and up-down staircase psychometric method were used. Auditory sensitivity was measured by using 12 narrow-band frequency-modulated signals having center frequencies between 0.5 and 160 kHz. The 50% detection threshold was determined for each frequency. The resulting audiogram for this animal was U-shaped, with hearing capabilities from 0.5 to 160 kHz (8 <num>1num>3 oct). Maximum sensitivity (42 dB re 1 μPa) occurred at 64 kHz. The range of most sensitive hearing (defined as the frequency range with sensitivities within 10 dB of maximum sensitivity) was from 29 to 123 kHz (approximately 2 oct). The animal's hearing became less sensitive below 32 kHz and above 120 kHz. Sensitivity decreased by about 8 dB per octave below 1 kHz and fell sharply at a rate of about 390 dB per octave above 140 kHz.

  17. Vaccine Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    American Uro logic Association (AUA). (4) Talks to prostate cancer survivor support groups in at the University of Iowa, Mercy Medical Center in Cedar... lo cation at 6 A M, going fr om his ster num to his abdomen". He was pr omptly evaluated by the research team and had an EKG and troponin which

  18. Nellis AFB, Nevada. Revised Uniform Summary of Surface Weather Observations.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  19. Efficient Memory Access with NumPy Global Arrays using Local Memory Access

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Daily, Jeffrey A.; Berghofer, Dan C.

    This paper discusses the work completed working with Global Arrays of data on distributed multi-computer systems and improving their performance. The tasks completed were done at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the Science Undergrad Laboratory Internship program in the summer of 2013 for the Data Intensive Computing Group in the Fundamental and Computational Sciences DIrectorate. This work was done on the Global Arrays Toolkit developed by this group. This toolkit is an interface for programmers to more easily create arrays of data on networks of computers. This is useful because scientific computation is often done on large amounts of datamore » sometimes so large that individual computers cannot hold all of it. This data is held in array form and can best be processed on supercomputers which often consist of a network of individual computers doing their computation in parallel. One major challenge for this sort of programming is that operations on arrays on multiple computers is very complex and an interface is needed so that these arrays seem like they are on a single computer. This is what global arrays does. The work done here is to use more efficient operations on that data that requires less copying of data to be completed. This saves a lot of time because copying data on many different computers is time intensive. The way this challenge was solved is when data to be operated on with binary operations are on the same computer, they are not copied when they are accessed. When they are on separate computers, only one set is copied when accessed. This saves time because of less copying done although more data access operations were done.« less

  20. A Modification to the Computer Generated Acquisition Documents System (CGADS) for Microcomputer Use in a Program Office Environment.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  1. Department of Defense High Power Laser Program Guidance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Air Force Phillips Laboratory . Through FY94, laboratory operational funding, including civilian... Laboratory Effort and Air Materiel Command Ground-Based Laser (GBL) - Space Control USSPACECOM AF Phillips Laboratory Effort Point Defense Demonstration - Anti...ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING I.GANIZATION Phi 1l i ps Laboratory /LID REPORT numP•R 3550 Aberdeen Avenue, S.E. Kirtland AFB, NM

  2. Onward through the Fog: Uncertainty and Management Adaptation in Systems Analysis and Design

    DTIC Science & Technology


    has fallen into stereotyped problem formulations and analytical ap- proaches. In particular, treatments of uncertainty are typically quite incomplete...and often conceptually wrong. This report argues that these shortcomings produce pervasive systematic biases in analyses. Problem formulations ...capability were lost. The expected number of aircraft that would not be fully mission capable thirty days later was roughly twice the num - ber

  3. International Workshop on Neuroimmunomodulation (2nd) Held in Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia) on 1-6 June 1986.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    systemically with doses of reaction) were sharply reduced. Histo- naltrexone or naloxone and subsequently logically, the infiltration of the dermis...challenged with a lethal dose of antigen. with polymorphonuclear (Arthus reaction) Both naloxone and naltrexone were found and mononuclear cells (delayed...for Integrative Biomedical Research, Eb- roendocrine cell type present in low num- matingen, Switzerland) reported on the bers in the spleen, lymph

  4. Transforming the Future of Business Processes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation Acquisition, finance and accounting, program management —Elizabeth McGrath has experi...executing the de- partment’s primary governance body for business trans- formation, the Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC... business transformation requires a num- ber of things—leadership commitment, strong investment 3 Defense AT&L: March-April 2008 management , an active

  5. Mecânica celeste.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Luca, N.; Ferraz-Mello, S.

    Contents: Os princípios da mec@OSC@@CCF@anica celeste. O problema de 2-corpos. O sistema de equações canônicas. A teoria das perturbações. O movimento de um satélite artifical. A teoria lunar e o movimento de outros satélites naturais. A teoria planetária. Procedimentos numéricos.

  6. Evaluation of Management Systems Performance at Navy Regional Data Automation Centers.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    REPORT NUMBER 7 . AUTHN~s) S. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUM@ER(@) Gloria Jean Cummings Scott 9. PERFORMING OROANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGR3AM1 ELEMENT...120 BIBLIOGRAPHY . .. .. .. .. ... . . . . .. ... 124 I INITIAl DISTRIBUTION LIST ............... 125 7 p I,, 7 7 t I...invest- ment in information resources-- people , machines, and technologies. Unit costs of hardware continue to decline [Ref. 1]. Because computer needs

  7. Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed ...

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    ... II II II M •i n". M " " It .1 tt It ..' I!' .. II .1 It \\ tl 0 4 . • • ' i ni process ois&s.F'iCH (It t ... Num&er fen!«r //cm p»s» T) A R Unt Nutnbt ' ' 1 . V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 2 ...

  8. JPRS Report, West Europe, Reference Aid, Acronyms and Abbreviations of Portugal

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Internacional, Ltd. AML Auto Metralhadora Ligeira AN Assembleia Nacional ANA Aeroportos e Navegacao Aerea ANASD ^ Associacao Nacional Informacoes ANIC ^ Associacao Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas ANIMEE Associac’ao Nacional dos Industriais de Material Electrico e...Produtos Electricos SIPIP ^ Servico de Informacao Previa ao Investidor Potencial SIRP ^ Sistema de Informac’oes da Repüblica Portuguesa SIS

  9. La historia orbital de Deimos y la oblicuidad de Marte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.; Yokoyama, T.

    Recientemente, se ha demostrado mediante extensas integraciones numéricas, que la rotación de Marte pasó repetidamente por estados caóticos de movimiento, debido al pasaje por zonas de resonancia spin - órbita. En dichas circunstancias, la oblicuidad marciana pudo haber sufrido grandes excursiones de varias decenas de grados. Las consecuencias de dichas variaciones son de extrema importancia en el contexto de la búsqueda de manifestaciones de vida fósil en dicho planeta. El estudio de la dinámica orbital del satélite más exterior de Marte, Deimos, nos ha permitido comprobar, en el marco de las distintas teorías sobre su orígen, que la oblicuidad de Marte dificilmente pudo haber sufrido variaciones que la aparten más de 10o respecto de actual valor. Este resultado parece ser mucho más robusto que las simulaciones numéricas de Touma y Wisdom asi como las de Laskar y Robutel, lo que permite poner cotas más severas a la evolución paleoclimática de Marte.

  10. Streptococcus oriloxodontae sp. nov., isolated from the oral cavities of elephants.


    Shinozaki-Kuwahara, Noriko; Saito, Masanori; Hirasawa, Masatomo; Takada, Kazuko


    Two strains were isolated from oral cavity samples of healthy elephants. The isolates were Gram-positive, catalase-negative, coccus-shaped organisms that were tentatively identified as a streptococcal species based on the results of biochemical tests. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis suggested classification of these organisms in the genus Streptococcus with Streptococcus criceti ATCC 19642(T) and Streptococcus orisuis NUM 1001(T) as their closest phylogenetic neighbours with 98.2 and 96.9% gene sequence similarity, respectively. When multi-locus sequence analysis using four housekeeping genes, groEL, rpoB, gyrB and sodA, was carried out, similarity of concatenated sequences of the four housekeeping genes from the new isolates and Streptococcus mutans was 89.7%. DNA-DNA hybridization experiments suggested that the new isolates were distinct from S. criceti and other species of the genus Streptococcus. On the basis of genotypic and phenotypic differences, it is proposed that the novel isolates are classified in the genus Streptococcus as representatives of Streptococcus oriloxodontae sp. nov. The type strain of S. oriloxodontae is NUM 2101(T) ( =JCM 19285(T) =DSM 27377(T)). © 2014 IUMS.

  11. An Ada/SQL (Structured Query Language) Application Scanner.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Digital ...8217 (" DIGITS "), 46 new STRING’ ("DO"), new STRING’ ("ELSE"), new STRING’ ("ELSIF"), new STRING’ ("END"), new STRING’ ("ENTRY"), new STRING’ ("EXCEPTION...INTEGERPRINT; generic type NUM is digits <>; package FLOATPRINT is package txtprts.ada 18 prcdr PR (FL inFL %YE LINE n LINTYPE UNCLASSIFIED procedure

  12. Statistical Results Concerning the Precision of the Methods of Correlation and Interpolation Sub-Pixel Used in Video PIV

    DTIC Science & Technology


    serait compI~ men - taire du logiciel "ferm6" du sysf~me dle PlY commercial et qui permettrait d𔄀tudier la pr6cision des math odes dle rNaxNt piels antu pourts chauepixelr un nivea des grnis contaont (modanlisa iped 0.5 - R0 .2/9 0.570 Simulations num6riques par une repr~sentation

  13. Water Quality Management Studies. West Point Lake, Chattahoochee River, Alabama-Georgia.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Prohoacideuim Sohlit. -- Wtf* relula t im ( na n g. Senn. ----- C. sphoericam Naeg . - - 0 Cosmariuis geometricism W. & M’.. West - - - --- Cosuiarlum op. I...Cord& - 23-- rrsitigents fenestrate - - --- - Schmid. C.rectanautarls (A. Br.) C. tetrapedia (Klrch.) Nlctyosphaerfus- Fhrenbeieflui Naeg . - f5 - 24...23--- resiul1are v. inctiq Teti. - - ----- T. tgoflum ( Naeg .) Hans. -- ---- i* trio-num v. armcile (Rin.) tlet.------ Tetrsrum glabrum (Roll) *A0l

  14. Crisis-Expectant Planning for Crisis Relocation.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    WORK UNIT NUmBERS Human Sciences Research, Inc. 7710 Old Springhouse Road Work Unit 482 1G McLean, Virginia 22102 It. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND... Controlling Office) UNCLASSUIFIEDS.(1 ereot I Sm. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATE64ENT (of &hs .1. oer) Approved for Pttblic...preattack relocation period. 4. Improved population control with respect to orchestrating or phasing the evacuation movement, the post-evacuation



    Nascimento, Fernanda Amorim de Morais; Gregório, Bianca Martins; Souza, Diogo Benchimol de; Sampaio, Francisco José Barcellos; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    To present a high school insertion pilot project in post graduate programs (PPG) and discuss the mechanisms for the formation of leaders in science. This study presents a review and pilot project. Bibliographic search occurred in sites of CAPES, MEC, SciELO and library of virtual books from January/ 2014 to February/2015. The pilot is in PPG-Medicine III Translational Surgery/UNIFESP and Pathophysiology and Surgical Sciences / UERJ. The junior undergraduate students (ICj) came from public school and develop scientific activities: scientific meetings, graduation and inclusion in research projects. The evaluation will occur at the end of one year, with the results essays, reports and participation in scientific events. In Brazil, one of the main challenges of education is the high average years of study. The PNPG (2011-2020) shows the insertion of basic education in all PPG. In the Pathophysiology and Surgical Sciences/UERJ there are currently 11 high school students who have followed the scientific meetings and are being prepared for the inclusion in research projects. There was 30% of absence, owing to the high school hours. This result and the experience allow creating future alternatives to enhance the integration project. The leadership in science is formed from a complex relationship between basic education and investment in research. PPG-Medicine III courses follow the vanguard with initiatives focused on scientific and technological development. Thus, projects involving basic education students represent promoter model and environment leaders. Apresentar um projeto piloto de inserção do ensino médio em programas de pós-graduação (PPG) e discutir os mecanismos para a formação de líderes em ciência. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão e apresentação de piloto. A busca bibliográfica ocorreu nos sites da CAPES, MEC, Scielo e biblioteca de livros virtuais, de janeiro/2014 a fevereiro/2015. O piloto ocorre nos PPG-Medicina III em Cirurgia Translacional

  16. Optimizing Force Deployment and Force Structure for the Rapid Deployment Force

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Analysis . . . . .. .. ... ... 97 Experimental Design . . . . . .. .. .. ... 99 IX. Use of a Flexible Response Surface ........ 10.2 Selection of a...setS . ere designe . arun, programming methodology , where the require: s.stem re..r is input and the model optimizes the num=er. :::pe, cargo. obtain new computer outputs" (Ref 38:23). The methodology can be used with any decision model, linear or nonlinear. Experimental Desion Since the

  17. Digital Database Development and Seismic Characterization and Calibration for the Middle East and North Africa.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  18. JPRS Report China.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    import from abroad a num- ber of entreprenuers , engineers, technicians, and foreign trade experts who understand well the situation on international...that the benefits of increased productivity are being distributed more reasonably. In most areas of employment the average wage for women is 63.9...this discrepancy in wages is that women withdraw from the labor market after marriage or switch to dual- profession employment. Relatively few hold

  19. JPRS Report Environmental Issues

    DTIC Science & Technology


    construction of ecologically devastating canals for the interbasin transfer of water ("river diversions") and to "norm" man’s impact upon water ecosystems for...Malicious poaching has increased. The fishing inspectors lack social, physical and legal protec- tion. The wage system has not yet been rectified...scale poaching by Japanese vessels carrying phony num- bers and names. Glavrybvod suspended fishing for all Japanese vessels committing violations

  20. Aluminum for Plasmonics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    wavelengths shorter than 550 nm; Ag supports resonances down to 350 nm but suffers from rapid oxidation that degrades plasmonic properties. Alumi- num...247. 6. Liu, Z. W.; Hou, W. B.; Pavaskar, P.; Aykol, M.; Cronin, S. B. Plasmon Resonant Enhancement of Photocatalytic Water Splitting under Visible...Spectroscopy, Fluorescence, and Photo- degradation Using Gallium Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2837–2841. 36. Maidecchi, G.; Gonella, G.; Proietti

  1. Survey of Contamination in Fuel Tanks of DD-963 Class Ships.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and Identifly by block num0b.’) Diesel fuel Fuel sludge Bacteria Fuel contamination Cladosporium resinae Sludge composition assess sources of... resinae ) predominated. Viable sulfate reducers were sometimes present but rarely sulfide. Below pH 4 bacteria were rare and fungi and yeasts were numerous...but the variety tended to be restricted to C. resinae and Candida. Differences in viable microbial varieties present in these sludge categories are

  2. Uncooled Infrared Imaging Face Recognition Using Kernel-Based Feature Vector Selection

    DTIC Science & Technology


    j ij i jCI j G G p s t id g id p P t p P P ≥ = = ∀ ∈ (4.10) A visualization of that trade-off relationship is depicted in Figure 4.2...X_train_proj a value a_f a_g end t_hat(:,step)=(pp1(:,1))/sqrt(.2*sum(s2)) end 131 clear A1 A2 Num_replic dim1

  3. Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide at High Humidity and Low Temperature

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Hopcalite Palladium Low temperature 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on r.eee side It nec.esay and Identify by block num~ber) ;Two catalysts ( hopcalite and palladium...dichlorotetrafluoroethane (R-114) in addition to approximately 5000 ppmn of CO. Hopcalite was further tested under similar conditions except that the air was...8 Hopcalite Catalyst in 50% R.H.-Air ..................... 9 Palladium Catalyst in 50% R.H.-Air .................... 10 Hopealite Catalyst in 100

  4. Role of Friction on the Thermal Development in Ultrasonically Consolidated Aluminum Foils and Composites

    DTIC Science & Technology


    amplitude, . The third input parameter, weld speed, s, is inversely proportional to N, the num- ber of cycles as shown in Eq. (3). In summary, F is...though, an extensive body of work on mechanical testing of ultrasonically consolidated thin foils has been performed at Loughborough University. In...comprehensive textbook on tribology presents a preliminary derivation for plastic contact of ductile metals which suggests ≤ 1/5; this is much lower

  5. Annual Technical Report, Materials Research Laboratory, 1 July 1982 - 30 June 1983.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    array of 10 determine the gnajlerial properties to strain rates infra-red radiation detectors , each of which measures greater than 10 s’. temperature...linear array of detectors which will allow us a closer num a drop in temperature raises the flow stress, look at the temperature profile, especially...Hartley, M.S. example, experimental evidence for quantum-me- Thesis, June, 1983. chanical tunneling effects on the viscoelastic relaxa- tion in poly

  6. Cavity Ignition in Supersonic Flow by Spark Discharge and Pulse Detonation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the super- sonic flow at takeover flight speeds (Mach num- bers ɝ) prohibit auto - ignition . Therefore energy addition techniques typically need to be...locate/proci of the Combustion InstituteCavity ignition in supersonic flow by spark discharge and pulse detonation Timothy M. Ombrello a,⇑, Campbell D...45430, USA c Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Dayton, OH 45459, USA Available online 18 August 2014Abstract Ignition of an ethylene fueled cavity

  7. Challenging Nuclear Abolition

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Institution; Jan Lodal, past president of the Atlantic Council of the United States; billionaire Richard Branson ; and a substantial num- ber of senior...Association, Center for Strategic and International Stud- ies, Nuclear Threat Initiative, American Physics Society, and Sir Richard Branson’s newly...uncertain and likely declining reliability. (Reprinted from a briefing by retired admiral Richard Meis.) 01-Text.indd 4 10/23/09 9:30:34 AM 5 He

  8. Transverse Mode Formation in Positive Branch Unstable Resonators.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  9. Finite element analysis of the axial stiffness of a ball screw

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, L.-X.; Li, P.-Y.


    The ball screw was developed for high speed and high precision operation; therefore, increasingly greater demands have been placed on the stiffness of the ball screw. Firstly, ANSYS software was used to compare the axial stiffness of a single-nut and single-arc ball screw and a single-nut and double-arc ball screw when the spiral angle is not considered. On this basis, the model of a single-nut ball screw was established taking into consideration the spiral lead angle, and then the variations in displacement and stiffness when the ball screw pair was subjected to an axial force were determined. The axial contact stiffness of the double-nut ball screw pair, subject to a pre-tightening force, was analyzed, according to the above-mentioned steps. The simulation results demonstrated that under the same working conditions, the stiffness of the double-arc ball screw was larger by between 5∼100 N/um than that of the single-arc ball screw. The spiral lead angle increased the axial stiffness of the ball screw pair, and the axial stiffness of the double-nut ball screw pair subject to a pre-tightening force was larger by between 790∼1360 N/um than that of the axial stiffness of the single-nut ball screw pair.

  10. Um supressor de fundo térmico para a câmara infravermelha CamIV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jablonski, F.; Laporte, R.


    O ângulo sólido subtendido pelos pixels na câmara infravermelha do NexGal (CamIV) que operamos no OPD/LNA contém contribuições provenientes do sistema de coleta de fluxo propriamente dito - sendo esta a parte que interessa para as medidas astronômicas - e contribuições da obstrução central, sistema de suporte do espelho secundário e região exterior à pupila de entrada do telescópio. Estas últimas contribuições são devi-das à emissão de corpo negro à temperatura ambiente e aumentam exponencialmente para comprimentos de onda maiores que 2 micra (banda K, no infravermelho próximo). Embora a resultante pode ser quantificada e subtraída dos sinais relevantes, sua variância se adiciona à variância do sinal, e pode ser facilmente a contribuição domi-nante para a incerteza final das medidas, tornando ineficiente o processo de extração de informação e degradando a sensibilidade da câmara. A maneira clássica de resolver esse problema em sistemas ópticos que operam no infravermelho, onde os efeitos da emissão térmica do ambiente são importantes, é restringir o ângulo sólido subtendido pelos pixels individuais exclusivamente aos raios provenientes do sistema óptico. Para tanto, projeta-se uma imagem real, bastante reduzida, da pupila de entrada do sistema óptico num anteparo que transmita para o sistema de imageamento só o que interessa, bloqueando as contribuições das bordas externas à pupila de entrada, obstrução central do telescópio e sistema de suporte. Como a projeção é realizada em ambiente criogênico, a contribuição térmica espúria é efetivamente eliminada. Nós optamos por um sistema do tipo Offner para implementar na prática esta função. Trata-se de um sistema baseado em espelhos esféricos, bastante compacto e ajustado por construção. A opção por espelhos do mesmo material que o sistema de suporte (Alumínio) minimiza a dilatação diferencial, crítica nesse tipo de aplicação. Apresentamos as solu

  11. Strategic Forum. Number 284, January 2014. The Defense Acquisition Trilemma: The Case of Brazil

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Defesa No Brasil ,” IPEA RADAR: Tecnologia, produção e comércio exterior, no. 19 (April 2012). SF No. 284 13 university programs is...Assuntos Estraté- gicos, Projeto Brasil 3 Tempos 50 Temas E Metas Estratégicas [Project Brazil 3 Periods, 50 Themes and Strategic Goals] for a...comprehensive listing. Available at < brasil - estrategia-def-06.pdf>. 4 Paulo Roberto De Almeida, “Estratégia Nacional de

  12. Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT): A User Manual

    DTIC Science & Technology


    NPRDC TR 84-32 COMPUTERIZED ADAPTIVE TESTING ( CAT ): A USER MANUAL Susan Hardwick Lawrence Eastman Ross Cooper Rehab Group, Incorporated San...a ~EI’IOD COVIRED COMPUTERIZED ADAPTIVE TESTING ( CAT ) Final Report Aug 1981-June 1982 A USER MANUAL 1. ~l:l’t,ORMINCI ORCI. RE~ORT NUM.I:R 62-83...II nee• .. _, entl ldentll)’ ,,. llloclr _,.,) A joint-service effort is underway to develop a computerized adaptive testing ( CAT ) system and to

  13. Canadian Journal of Physics. Volume 69, Number 2 (Revue Canadienne de Physique. Volume 69, Numero 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    4KNational Research Conseil national Council Canada de recherches Canada SMC CtRC Canadian Journal Revue canadienne of Physics de physique Volume 69...Number 2, February 1991 Volume 69, num~ro 2, W~rier 1991 AD-A235 711 Aviliable for $36.00 from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont...Publid par THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA LE CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES DU CANADA Editor R. W. NICHOLLS Directeur scientifique Editorial

  14. Distributed Multisensor Fusion System Specification and Evaluation Issues

    DTIC Science & Technology


    incest , results in tracks that have an error that is increased, but a reported uncertainty that is erroneously decreased [McLaughlin, Evans...surveillance pic - ture are the number of omitted tracks, the number of false tracks and the num- ber of duplicated tracks. These are similar to some of the...1023–7. McLaughlin, S. P., Evans, R. J. & Krishnamurthy, V. (2003) Data incest removal in a survivable estimation fusion architecture, in Proceedings

  15. Reconstituting National Defense: The New U.S. National Security Strategy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    PORT NUMNBER(S) 5. MO.M] ORLNG ORGA.NIZATION REPIORT NUM ’,BE R(S) NPS-NS-91-012___________________________________ (Ya NAEOF PERORNING ORGANZATON 6b...U.S. intelligence community. Chapter on impact of Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM. Analysis of role on Congress in formulating the strategy and...raised by President Bush’s strategy. After a 9 brief overview of how the strategy was formulated , the chapter examines the main elements of the strategy

  16. An Agile Systems Engineering Process: The Missing Link?

    DTIC Science & Technology


    has a num- ber of standards available such as ISO 12207 , ISO 9001 and the Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI®) [24,25,26]. The CMMI was a...addressing activities throughout the products lifecycle [24]. ISO 12207 “contains processes, activities and tasks that are to be applied during...the acquisition of a system that contains software” [26]. A limitation identified within ISO 12207 is that it does not specify details on how to

  17. Area Handbook Series: Jordan: A Country Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    forging embryonic classes; however, it was debatable to what extent they were self-conscious and co- hesive. Class structure in Jordan resembled a pyramid ...them so- cially from the small shopkeepers and artisans below them. At the bottom of the pyramid , a large lower class included increasing num- bers of...each tribe. Tribespeople described their system as segmentary; that is, the tribe resembled a pyramid com- posed of ascending segments, or levels, each

  18. Bacteria on External Fixators: Which Prep is Best?

    DTIC Science & Technology


    aureus (lux). After 12 hours in the broth, a sufficient time to allow biofilm formation ,11 the constructs were individually removed and baseline imaging...difference when cleansing components consisting of stainless steel and alumi- num.15–17 We also found that a simulated external fixator adjustment exposed...Albert E, et al. Direct continuous method for monitoring biofilm infection in a mouse model. Infect Immun. 2003;71: 882–890. 11. Charles CA, Ricotti CA

  19. Genomic Instability and Breast Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Survival Assay—Atotal of 1 103 cells were seeded onto a 60-mm dish in triplicate. Twenty-four hours after seeding, cells were irradiated by using a JL...ShepherdMark I-68A 137Cs- irradiator at indicated doses and incubated for 14 days. Result- ing colonies were fixed and stainedwithCoomassie Blue. Num...antibodies, cell culture, transfection and siRNAs, DNA substrates protein purification in insect cells, electrophoretic mobility shift assay and the ATPase

  20. Modeling of SBS Phase Conjugation in Multimode Step Index Fibers

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cavity or in an external amplifier. Since pumping is never a perfectly efficient process, some heat will be introduced, and for very high pump powers...modes it supports, and the incident pump power. While theoretical investigations of SBS PCMs have been conducted by a num- ber of authors, the model...predictions about the phase conjugate fidelity that could be expected from a given pump intensity input coupled into a specific fiber. A numerical

  1. LORENE: Spectral methods differential equations solver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gourgoulhon, Eric; Grandclément, Philippe; Marck, Jean-Alain; Novak, Jérôme; Taniguchi, Keisuke


    LORENE (Langage Objet pour la RElativité NumériquE) solves various problems arising in numerical relativity, and more generally in computational astrophysics. It is a set of C++ classes and provides tools to solve partial differential equations by means of multi-domain spectral methods. LORENE classes implement basic structures such as arrays and matrices, but also abstract mathematical objects, such as tensors, and astrophysical objects, such as stars and black holes.

  2. Remarks on Certain Aspects of Solid Explosive Detonation Via Small Projectile Impact

    DTIC Science & Technology



  3. Fundamentals and Special Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (Les Aspects Fondamentaux et les Problemes Specifiques aux Radars a Ouverture Synthetique (SAR)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    limits of these topics will be included. Digital SAR processing is for SAR indispensible. Theories and special algorithms will be given along with basic...traitement num~rique est indispensable aux SAP,. Des theories et des algorithmes sp~cifiques; seront proposes, ainsi que des configurations de processeur...equation If N independent pixel values are added than fol- lows from the laws of probability theory that the ra mean value of the sum is identical with

  4. Precipitation Coating of Monazite on Woven Ceramic Fibers: 1. Feasibility (Postprint)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    08 Aug 2006. Paper contains color . 14. ABSTRACT Monazite coatings were deposited on woven cloths and tows of NextelTM 610 fibers by dissolving concentrated phosphoric acid ( Fish - er Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA) or a combination of lantha- num nitrate (Aldrich Chemical Co...Boccaccini, P. Karapappas, J. M. Marijuan, and C. Kaya, ‘‘ TiO2 Coat- ings on Silicon Carbide Fiber Substrates by Electrophoretic Deposition,’’ J.Mater. Sci

  5. Diagnosis of compliance of health care product processing in Primary Health Care.


    Roseira, Camila Eugenia; Silva, Darlyani Mariano da; Passos, Isis Pienta Batista Dias; Orlandi, Fabiana Souza; Padoveze, Maria Clara; Figueiredo, Rosely Moralez de


    identify the compliance of health care product processing in Primary Health Care and assess possible differences in the compliance among the services characterized as Primary Health Care Service and Family Health Service. quantitative, observational, descriptive and inferential study with the application of structure, process and outcome indicators of the health care product processing at ten services in an interior city of the State of São Paulo - Brazil. for all indicators, the compliance indices were inferior to the ideal levels. No statistically significant difference was found in the indicators between the two types of services investigated. The health care product cleaning indicators obtained the lowest compliance index, while the indicator technical-operational resources for the preparation, conditioning, disinfection/sterilization, storage and distribution of health care products obtained the best index. the diagnosis of compliance of health care product processing at the services assessed indicates that the quality of the process is jeopardized, as no results close to ideal levels were obtained at any service. In addition, no statistically significant difference in these indicators was found between the two types of services studied. identificar a conformidade do processamento de produtos para saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde e avaliar possível diferença na conformidade entre as unidades caracterizadas como Unidade Básica de Saúde e Unidade Saúde da Família. estudo quantitativo, observacional, descritivo e inferencial, com a aplicação de indicadores de estrutura, processo e resultado referentes ao processamento de produtos para a saúde em dez unidades, de um município do interior de São Paulo - Brasil. todos os indicadores obtiveram índice de conformidade inferior ao ideal. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos indicadores entre os dois tipos de unidades investigadas, sendo o indicador de limpeza de produtos para sa

  6. Traduire encore Bertin aujourd'hui : pourquoi faire ? Les nouvelles faces cachées de la Sémiologie Graphique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dhieb, Mohsen


    La « Sémiologie Graphique » de Bertin est un ouvrage majeur de la cartographie contemporaine. Cependant, dès sa parution en 1967, cet ouvrage a suscité autant d'intérêt que de méfiance : l'ouvrage n'était pas dans le « moule » de la littérature cartographique en vigueur. Pourtant, si plusieurs de ses principes et concepts fondateurs ont été adoptés, plusieurs autres ne sont pas bien passés ou n'ont pas été mis en pratique. Il y a comme un fossé entre certains énoncés théoriques de l'ouvrage et leur mise en pratique. Certaines affirmations de Bertin peuvent paraître obsolètes aujourd'hui à l'heure du numérique, comme la non prise en compte de l'aspect dynamique ou interactif de la carte. L'avènement récent des SIG, de la géomatique et des systèmes de Cartographie Assistée par Ordinateur a relégué les vieilles méthodes de traitement graphique de l'information au second rang. Dès lors pourquoi traduire encore aujourd'hui, à l'heure du numérique, la « Sémiologie Graphique » ? Justement, d'abord, parce que certains principes restent, en substance, peu connus ; plusieurs aspects demeurent encore à explorer ; certaines méthodes et techniques manuelles délaissées peuvent être revisitées et remises en marche grâce à la visualisation ; des innovations n'ont pas été expérimentées ou implémentées par les moyens numériques. Dans le monde arabe, peu de recherches se sont imprégnées de sémiologie graphique. Lors de la traduction de l'ouvrage en arabe, des points restés obscurs ont été décelés. Ce sont ces quelques idées et réflexions qui nous ont poussés à revivre cette formidable aventure.

  7. The Terror Trap

    DTIC Science & Technology


    undesignated country. A copy was futtished to the President of the United States. All the intelligence services realized that nuclear secrets had become well...which harbor ’teirorists,. and o nal unilateral responses.-Ji•o•-vieg diplomaic actio•. "- . "On Sepiembei 25, 1972.- President : Nixon. established Oiii...and-to wkwih othe goritsand intelligence t -vernmen orgalaions. The Con iteei .haired by the-$ectetary of State and c ,mpom d ofýa num fer--13’ Cabint

  8. F-111 Wing Commander: A Mprolog Expert System

    DTIC Science & Technology


    database by typing expert at the ’- prompt Iisp (Ans,newdb), open..proper( Arts)’, do(O). cleardb : nuion(M, _, SIl. retract( niimaon(M,,.Sei,.,j... Iisp (Selection. menuO), procus(Selectioa, Next). procein(1, 0) :-al. /* Plan Mission level I mnuuonNum(Minurn), resetbk, ask(3tat. msiiaton lacati~ou...Material, AA, SS,LC)). 380 proceail(rr,Mnum) Iiap( FC,ncuts), liup( RT’ road type), airdef(AA,SS), Iisp ( LClocover), replace(cut(Mnum.,,.._J, cuts

  9. Magnetic Field Synthesis for Microwave Magnetics.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Uniform Fields Ferrimagnetic Films Yettrium Iron Garnet Magnetic Fields 2.ABSTRACT (Continue en reviresde It neceeectv .. d identify by block num~ber) he...Iron Garnet ," Proc. of IEEE, 64 794 (1976). 3. J. H. Collins and F. A. Pizzarello, "Propagating Magnetic Waves in Thick Films : A Complementary...E. Wigen, "Exchange-Dominated Surface Spin Waves in Thin Yttrium-Iron- Garnet Films ," Phys. Rev. B, 11 420 (1975). 36. C. Vittoria and J. H. Schelleng

  10. Information War and the Air Force: Wave of the Future? Current Fad?

    DTIC Science & Technology


    computers and appears to be confident that they will be adequate.16 It also seems relatively sanguine about the security of classi- fied computers, at...the illusion that new weapons can take the horror out of war is a disservice to rational policymaking. Instead, all of the new weapons need to be...of large-scale precision attack requires maturation of a number of differ- ent technologies, and that has taken a considerable num - ber of years

  11. Tutorial Conference on Neural Modeling

    DTIC Science & Technology


    83 2’. ~ 4,~T~’E’~u. 1 -ivot oF mcpoqr & wiploo covE~to TUTORIAL CONFERENCE Oil NEURAL MODELING FINAL REPORT to 1 , PERFORMING OG..-AOT NUM..R I...necea wsy ang Identlif by block nw.berj nerve cell modeling ; stability-plasticity, diletma 20. ASTRACT lConrinue on tevot., side It necosasiY and...results of neural modelling , and to explore its implications for associated pyshcological disciplines. The format devoted the mornings to lectures by

  12. Information to Include in Curriculum Vitae | Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program

    Applicants are encouraged to use their current curriculum vitae and to add any necessary information. Please include your name and a page number on each page. Some of the information requested below will not be applicable to all individuals. Personal Information Name (first middle last) Date of birth Place of birth (city, state, country) Home address Work/school address Phone number (if more than one number is provided, please indicate preferred contact) Fax num

  13. The Physiological Effect of Compressive Forces on the Torso

    DTIC Science & Technology


    changes during impacto During the course of these experiments in which impact loads were cautiously and progressively inoreasedp it was learned that...almost invar1ably de .--non- ~ strated before the application of ,I the impact force. ,:’" di . .Expv num- Impact Car ac contractJ.ons per minute ber...34 especially when the sub~ 0 ject would not synchronize the forced expiratory maneuver with the e onset of impacto f There is an appreciable period

  14. High-Lift System Aerodynamics (L’Aerodynamique des Systems Hypersustentateurs)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    les kcouleinents incoinpressibles sur les profils L -a pr~sente m~thode num~rique montre que la simulation multi-corps, qui est l ’&oulement du d𔄀chelle de discrdtisation, d’origine physique, introduit des m~me ordre que l ’~paisseur des couches limites sur le point de...hypersustentateurs. Enfin, les consequences des exigences de furtivite sur la forme des aeronefs - c’est it dire la creation de configurations telles que

  15. Analysis of Remote Site Energy Storage and Generation Systems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Identify by block numIber) Wind Turbines Solar Energy Energy Wheels Solar Cells Wind Energy Hydrogen Energy Storage The rmion ics Energy Storage...using two separate nominal eight kilowatt wind turbine modules in con- * DD JAN 73 1473 UNCLASSIFIED41 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dot...2. 1.3 Advanced Wind Energy Converters 28 2. 1. 3. 1 Cyclogyro 28 2. 1.3.2 Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) 28 Vortex Augmenter Wind

  16. Visual Perception of Elevation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    by bloe num r ) FIELD oOUP suB.O. ’Spatial localization, Pitch, Roll, Eve level, Visual Localizatiyn1 VPR, VPV, Perception,Focentri(i spatia ca...TIlEIPHONE NUMBER 22c. OFFICE SYMIO. Dr. John Tangney (202) 767-5021 AFOSR/N DO FORM 1473, 83 APR EDITION OF I JAN 73 I OBSOLETE. 19 SECURITY... Schermerhorn Hall New York, NY 10027 20 January 1992 Interim Report for Period 1 January 1991 - 31 December 1991 Unclassified Prepared for :i

  17. A Model for Effective Performance in the Indonesian Navy.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Navy LMET I AWBRAC’ (COAGAU0 OAl reVerie of necoiuary and .dfmtk by block num"ber) 7,- This thesis describes a process of designing a management ...effective from ineffective manager . In the process of building the model two main steps are taken. First, a literature study of the empirical analysis of... management competencies was conducted to identify management competencies in the United States in general and the U.S. Navy in particular. Second, a

  18. Where to Find It. Information Resource Centers, ’A Quick Reference Booklet’,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    BROWN SEP 83 UNCLASSIFIED F,’G 5 /2 N EEmhohmoEEoiI I lw lll.f... LEE .. 5 .. 0 .L 1L. IL 1111L5 111111.4 1 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL...KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side it necessay and identiy by block num~ber) Information, Find, Data, and Resource. 5 24L AfNrAC? (Cmhueen erm a t... 5 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Publications ............... 6 Data Item Description (DID) .................................. 7 Defense

  19. SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) Technology, Survivability and Software.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    simple, aluminum -covered balloons weighing 1 kg or less, or they might be some- what more sophisticated decoys shaped like "A booster body, at 300...levels than that needed for melting aluminum or causing structural weakness (500 to 1,000 J/g). Relying on this indirect kill assessment would... aluminum , has an impulse in the 260-to-265-s range. This can be increased to 280 s by substituting beryllium for the alumi- num. Manufacturers of solid

  20. Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments, Number 49, September-October 1980

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Shcherbakov ( 1 ). Synthesis and study of spectral-luminescent and lasing properties of aluminum borate crystals doped with chromium and neodymium. KE, no. 10...A ’IDST-2700Z4004- 1 LEVEt~ I i DEFENSEINTELLIGENCE / 7O AGENCY Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments (U) September- October 1980 OCTOBER INI...DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ ISTRPUCTONSBEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1 . REPOR NUMN 2. GOVT ACCES SION O. L. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUM BER DST-2700Z-004-81 - ’.,) ___ _ _ 4

  1. Cytochemical Changes in Hepatocytes of Rats with Endotoxemia and Sepsis: Localization of Fibronectin, Calcium, and Enzymes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    rate was deposited predominantly on the outer surfaces of in the pathogn~nesis of endotoxernia and septic shock. The the RER of hepatocytes. in; and (c) tin it- the basal (perisinusoidal) surfaces and in the cisternae G-6-Pase activity. LPS treatment also leads to reduced num- of Kupffer cells (Cook et al., 1985’ Gut et al., sue fibronectin results in widening intercellular junctions anci in- 198: ~nkaa ndIwsk,18

  2. Linear-Force Actuators for Use on Shipboard Weapons and Cargo Elevators.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    lock units an electro-mechanical brake is furnished so that when the unit stops at any position, its brake locks automatically , preventing any drift...NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Naval Sea Systems Command (Code 56W4) f~nur 9, 1984 Washigton DC 03623. NUM4BER Of PAGES .9 ~, DC24 1.MONITORING...Hydraulic systems Weapons elevators a&. )TRACT (Couinsiu an ,evelee aide It nogceoy and fdentflr by block nunbov) "-Reports of hydraulic problems in

  3. National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Spectacle Swamp Dam (CT 00476), Connecticut Coastal Basin, Wilton, Connecticut. Phase I Inspection Report.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  4. Optimal Sector Sampling for Drive Triage

    DTIC Science & Technology


    known files, which we call target data, that could help identify a drive holding evidence such as child pornography or malware. Triage is needed to sift...we call target data, that could help identify a drive holding evidence such as child pornography or malware. Triage is needed to sift through drives...situations where the user is looking for known data.1 One example is a law enforcement officer searching for evidence of child pornography from a large num

  5. Experimental Measurements of a High Reynolds Num- ber Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Atkinson, Callum; Amili, Omid; Stanislas, Michel; Cuvier, Christophe; Foucaut, Jean-Marc; Srinath, Sricharan; Laval, Jean-Philippe; Kaehler, Christian; Hain, Rainer; Scharnowski, Sven; Schroeder, Andreas; Geisler, Reinhard; Agocs, Janos; Roese, Anni; Willert, Christian; Klinner, Joachim; Soria, Julio


    The study of adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers is complicated by the need to characterise both the local pressure gradient and it's upstream flow history. It is therefore necessary to measure a significant streamwise domain at a resolution sufficient to resolve the small scales features. To achieve this collaborative particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements were performed in the large boundary layer wind-tunnel at the Laboratoire de Mecanique de Lille, including: planar measurements spanning a streamwise domain of 3.5m using 16 cameras covering 15 δ spanwise wall-normal stereo-PIV measurements, high-speed micro-PIV of the near wall region and wall shear stress; and streamwise wall-normal PIV in the viscous sub layer. Details of the measurements and preliminary results will be presented.

  6. Clustering of Nuclei in Multinucleated Hyphae Is Prevented by Dynein-Driven Bidirectional Nuclear Movements and Microtubule Growth Control in Ashbya gossypii ▿ †

    PubMed Central

    Grava, Sandrine; Keller, Miyako; Voegeli, Sylvia; Seger, Shanon; Lang, Claudia; Philippsen, Peter


    During filamentous fungus development, multinucleated hyphae employ a system for long-range nuclear migration to maintain an equal nuclear density. A decade ago the microtubule motor dynein was shown to play a central role in this process. Previous studies with Ashbya gossypii revealed extensive bidirectional movements and bypassings of nuclei, an autonomous cytoplasmic microtubule (cMT) cytoskeleton emanating from each nucleus, and pulling of nuclei by sliding of cMTs along the cortex. Here, we show that dynein is the sole motor for bidirectional movements and bypassing because these movements are concomitantly decreased in mutants carrying truncations of the dynein heavy-chain DYN1 promoter. The dynactin component Jnm1, the accessory proteins Dyn2 and Ndl1, and the potential dynein cortical anchor Num1 are also involved in the dynamic distribution of nuclei. In their absence, nuclei aggregate to different degrees, whereby the mutants with dense nuclear clusters grow extremely long cMTs. As in budding yeast, we found that dynein is delivered to cMT plus ends, and its activity or processivity is probably controlled by dynactin and Num1. Together with its role in powering nuclear movements, we propose that dynein also plays (directly or indirectly) a role in the control of cMT length. Those combined dynein actions prevent nuclear clustering in A. gossypii and thus reveal a novel cellular role for dynein. PMID:21642510

  7. Equivalent Thermal Conductivities for Twisted Flat Windings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glises, R.; Bernard, R.; Chamagne, D.; Kauffmann, J. M.


    The authors of this paper intend to develop a method of determination of equivalent thermal conductivities for twisted flat windings. The conductivities determined are radial and parallel to the principal directions of the windings. A design has been realized thanks to the thermal modulus of the computation software Flux2D using a finite elements method. Following that phase, numerical correlations permitting to express the radial conductivities as a function of temperature, filling rate and insulation conductivities are proposed. Les auteurs de cet article se proposent de développer une étude de détermination de conductivités thermiques équivalentes d'empilements de bobinages plats torsadés. Les conductivités sont déterminées dans le plan radial (perpendiculaire à l'axe des bobinages) et parallèlement aux directions principales de la structure. La méthode utilisée est exclusivement numérique et est réalisée à l'aide du logiciel de calculs bidimensionnels par éléments finis Flux2D. Des corrélations numériques exploitables permettent d'obtenir directement les conductivités radiales en fonction du taux de remplissage, de la température du milieu et des conductivités des isolants électriques.

  8. Clustering of nuclei in multinucleated hyphae is prevented by dynein-driven bidirectional nuclear movements and microtubule growth control in Ashbya gossypii.


    Grava, Sandrine; Keller, Miyako; Voegeli, Sylvia; Seger, Shanon; Lang, Claudia; Philippsen, Peter


    During filamentous fungus development, multinucleated hyphae employ a system for long-range nuclear migration to maintain an equal nuclear density. A decade ago the microtubule motor dynein was shown to play a central role in this process. Previous studies with Ashbya gossypii revealed extensive bidirectional movements and bypassings of nuclei, an autonomous cytoplasmic microtubule (cMT) cytoskeleton emanating from each nucleus, and pulling of nuclei by sliding of cMTs along the cortex. Here, we show that dynein is the sole motor for bidirectional movements and bypassing because these movements are concomitantly decreased in mutants carrying truncations of the dynein heavy-chain DYN1 promoter. The dynactin component Jnm1, the accessory proteins Dyn2 and Ndl1, and the potential dynein cortical anchor Num1 are also involved in the dynamic distribution of nuclei. In their absence, nuclei aggregate to different degrees, whereby the mutants with dense nuclear clusters grow extremely long cMTs. As in budding yeast, we found that dynein is delivered to cMT plus ends, and its activity or processivity is probably controlled by dynactin and Num1. Together with its role in powering nuclear movements, we propose that dynein also plays (directly or indirectly) a role in the control of cMT length. Those combined dynein actions prevent nuclear clustering in A. gossypii and thus reveal a novel cellular role for dynein.

  9. Chinese Milk Vetch Improves Plant Growth, Development and 15N Recovery in the Rice-Based Rotation System of South China.


    Xie, Zhijian; He, Yaqin; Tu, Shuxin; Xu, Changxu; Liu, Guangrong; Wang, Huimin; Cao, Weidong; Liu, Hui


    Chinese milk vetch (CMV) is vital for agriculture and environment in China. A pot experiment combined with 15 N labeling (including three treatments: control, no fertilizer N and CMV; 15 N-labeled urea alone, 15 NU; substituting partial 15 NU with CMV, 15 NU-M) was conducted to evaluate the impact of CMV on plant growth, development and 15 NU recovery in rice-based rotation system. The 15 NU-M mitigated oxidative damage by increasing antioxidant enzymes activities and chlorophyll content while decreased malondialdehyde content in rice root and shoot, increased the biomass, total N and 15 N uptake of plant shoots by 8%, 12% and 39% respectively, thus inducing a noticeable increase of annual 15 N recovery by 77% versus 15 NU alone. Remarkable increases in soil NH 4 + and populations of bacteria, actinomycetes and azotobacter were obtained in legume-rice rotation system while an adverse result was observed in soil NO 3 - content versus fallow-rice. CMV as green manure significantly increased the fungal population which was decreased with cultivating CMV as cover crop. Therefore, including legume cover crop in rice-based rotation system improves plant growth and development, annual N conservation and recovery probably by altering soil nitrogen forms plus ameliorating soil microbial communities and antioxidant system which alleviates oxidative damages in plants.

  10. Difusión de Arnold en un modelo simple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cincotta, P. M.; Nuñez, J. A.; Miloni, O.

    Investigadores como Merritt, Valluri, Pfenniger o Contopoulos (por citar los más relevantes) consideran seriamente la hipótesis que la difusión de Arnold juega un rol importante en la evolución dinámica de los sistemas estelares y planetarios. Sin embargo no existe ninguna evidencia. El mayor problema para investigar fenómenos como éste es que uno debe estudiar numéricamente sistemas multidimensionales (más de dos grados de libertad) y visualizar de alguna manera el espacio de fases (más de cuatro dimensiones). Más complicado aún es el caso de difusión de Arnold, donde deben considerarse tiempos de movimiento extremadamente largos y tratar con parámetros exponencialmente pequeños. El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar, en un modelo simple 3D, la existencia o no de difusión de Arnold mediante experimentos numéricos y estimaciones analíticas. Siguiendo los trabajos de Cincotta (2000) y Cincotta, Nuñez y Simo (2000), aquí se pretende ``visualizar" la difusión y, a la vez, determinar la escala de tiempo en la que ésta se podría manifestar. Este trabajo es el escalón inicial para luego abordar este problema en modelos.

  11. Prominent Constraints Faced by Government Managers.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  12. Experimental Studies of Joint Flexibility for PUMA 560 Robot.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the robot and plant equipment be set up prior to the programming. With the advent of higher level programming languages such as VAL II and the ...SCHOOL I Monterey, California THESIS EC" ft EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF JOINT FLEXIBILITY FOR PUNA 560 ROBOT by Dennis K. Gonyier March 1987 Thesis Advisor ...9ABSTRACT (ContInUe on revene ff neccual) and odent’ f by block num~ber) This paper investigates flexibility of the PUMA 560 industrial robot arm. The

  13. Misconceptions Concerning the Clinical Use of Hypnosis in Dentistry.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    I AD-A095 1473 ARMY INST OF DENTAL RESEARCH WASHINGTON DC F/G 6/S MISONCEPTIONS CONCERNING THE CLINICAL USE OF HYPNOSIS IN OITI-CTCiU) I FEB A1 W F...ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK ’ US Amy Institute of Dental Research AE&OKUI UJB Walter Reed Army Medical Center...Hypnosis in dentistry C:) 12ABSTR ACT (Cinttinzt am revenn afif N nacweaay md identify by block num ber) ?the vast majority of dental practitioners

  14. Formación y evolución de planetas gigantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benvenuto, O. G.; Brunini, A.

    Presentamos el estado actual del trabajo que estamos realizando en el estudio de la formación de planetas gigantes. Detallamos los algoritmos numéricos necesarios para realizar este tipo de cálculo. Presentamos algunos resultados de la formación de objetos con masas de hasta una docena de veces la del planeta Júpiter, resaltando las principales caracteríticas. Finalmente detallamos los problemas que pensamos abordar en un futuro cercano en este tema de investigación.

  15. SOA Challenges for Real-Time and Disadvantaged Grids (Defis de la SOA pour les reseaux defavorises et en temps reel)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des améliorations mesurables de la capacité de traitement des messages. Plusieurs facteurs clés de réussite ont été identifiés, notamment...l’utilisation de normes ouvertes, la facilité de gestion et de configuration et la transparence pour l’utilisateur. L’infrastructure de messagerie doit...STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que

  16. Air Weather Service Master Station Catalog: USAFETAC Climatic Database Users Handbook No. 6

    DTIC Science & Technology


    4) . ... .4 • FIELD NO. DESCRIPTION OF FIELD AND COMMENTS 01 STN NUM. A 6- digit number with the first 5 digits assigned to a particular weather...reporting location lAW WMO ,ules plus a sixth digit as follows: 0 = The first five digits are the actual block/station number (WMO number) assigned is considered inactive for that hour. A digit (1-9) tells how many months it has been since a report was received from the station for that hour

  17. Effects of Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude on Separation in an Unsteady Turbulent Flow.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    be performed with much of the aircraft immersed in turbulent flow. When in operation near the ground or landing platform , unsteady, turbulent flow...34 - .-,...i ,aXa. 8O- IDa I"l N 0 N( ’A0 󈧨 a r. 0 a 0.a " - M - if l’ . t 1 - o t I.- I.- 𔃻 I I I Ni ilNl 1i * 11 it O ag 0) - -i "NUm M CA myp WiX ~ U’iCL

  18. Higher Order Logic for Platform Identification in a Production System. A Method of Extending the Capabilities of a Production System Applied to Tactical Situation Assessment.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    a y s, depending tipo t i f l i t ’ ortle’r of t I le’ rule at’ce’ssmng ami d the ’ order in ss hm~’h data are’ i’ece’ t te ’d - Ofle’ possible’ e h...BEARING The I’SM ss ste mn provide’s the typ e—num ber oh ’ an intercepte d signal S I , tilt ’ Iat ibutle ant i longitutit ’ of ’ t he sensor pos it ion

  19. Rules and Regulations for Small Passenger Vessels (Under 100 Gross Tons).

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the space having seats and the num- the conditions under which it is Issued ber permitted by the area criteria for the and whether or not the vesel Is...boilers and unfired pressure § 176.25-32 Pressure vesels .--L vessels shall be checked. (a) At each initial and subsequent in- (3) Pressure vessels which...classes of vesels strued as limiting the marine inspector which, In the course of their voyage, do from making such tests or inspections O not proceed

  20. Proof of the Feasibility of Coherent and Incoherent Schemes for Pumping a Gamma-Ray Laser

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TheUnierstyof Texas. at Dallas Center for’ "Quantum, Electronics The IGamm~a-7Ra~y.,La’ser. Project o Qua’rter’l y’ Report SJuly-September .1988 Co...Dallas Center for Quantum Electronics P.O. Box 830688 Richardson, Texas 75083-0688 October 1988 0 Quarterly Technical Progress Report 1 July 1988...ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASKAREA & WORK UNIT NUM9ERS University of Texas at Dallas Center for Quantum Electronics P.O. Box 830688

  1. Review of Environmental Consequences of Waterway Design and Construction Practices as of 1979.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AD-A118 07Th VANDERISILT UNIV NASHVILLE I TN F/ ,2 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF WATERWAY DESIGN AND CON-ETC(U U CLASSIFIED APR 82 E L... DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES AS OF 1979 8. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMEER 7. AUTHOR(q) S. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMUER(t) Edward L. Thackston...numF*-" a I~mOlPi lt block ninr) >. Waterway projects designed and constructed by the Corps of Engineers (CE) include dikes, revetments, levees, and

  2. Room Temperature Curing Resin Systems for Graphite/Epoxy Composite Repair.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ROOM TEMPERATURE CURING RESIN SYSTEMS FOR GRAPHITE/EPOXY COMPOS--ETC(UI DEC 79 0 J CRABTREE N62269-79-C-G224 UNCLASSIFIE O80-46 NADC -781 1-6 NL END...Room Temperature Curing Resin Sys-U3 linal for Graphite/Epoxy Composite Repair •.Dec *79 NOR- -46h: V111IT NUM8ER(s) 4362269-79- ,722 S., composite repair room temperature cure resin , moderate temperature cure resins , epoxies, adhesives, vinyl eater polymers, anaerobic curing polymers

  3. Daily Patterns of Life Stressors and Their Relation to Health.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Daily Life Experience Mood Somatic Symptomatol ogy Z0. AIS3 PACT (Continue on veceree od*e If necessar and ident ify by block num~ber) This is the was used in a 90 prospective study of daily experiences, mood, and somatic symptomatology. DD 1473 EDITION Of I NOV GS IS OBSOLETE ~4 ~ L S/N...Both contracts supported our studies exploring the effects of daily life experiences on mood and somatic symptomatology. Our work was divided into two

  4. Physical and Mechanical Characterization of a Nano Carbon Infused Aluminum-Matrix Composite

    DTIC Science & Technology


    n (EBSD) a results are s f hardness correlation Vickers ha condition, opy and Im clusions in son 6061 ma num specim s and appe , which are... extrusi perties to po inum in the ference poin wever no s view of a ha ly a carbon image in ations of am rticular hea Electron B and covetic a n the were point ased veals rbon No atter ere metallogr significan grains in having g distributi area cov grains un

  5. A Concurrent Smalltalk Compiler for the Message-Driven Processor

    DTIC Science & Technology


    apj with bits from low-bit (inclusive) to high-bit (exclusive) set. ;;;Low-bit defaults to zero. (defmacro brange (high-bit &optional low-bit) (list...n2) (null (cddr num))) (aetg bits (b+ bits (if (>- nl n2) ( brange (1+ nl) n2) ( brange (1+ n2) ni)))) (error "Bad bmap range: -S" flu.)))) (t (error...vlocs) flat ((vlive (b- finst-vllv* mast) *I.( brange firat-context-slot-nun))) (next (inst-next last))) (if (bempty vlive) (delete-module module inat

  6. Estimating KC-137 Aircraft Ownership Costs in the Brazilian Air Force

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Cycle Costing A-1 M manpower m meter Maint. Maintenance Mainten. Maintenance O&S Operation and Support OPAC Online Public Access Catalog PAMAGL Parque ...1.2 e 1.3. ))as informag6es quanto a pagarnento dar~o urn pouco de trabaiho, mas creio que podern ser conseguidas na tesouraria do Parque . N~o basta...pela Base na manutengo das aeronaves (e que n~o sejam fornecidos pelo Parque ), tais como gaxetas, componentes eletr6nicos, brocas, produtos qufmicos, etc



    Calderon, Iracema Mp


    This review aims to develop a critical and current analysis of the basic structure of a Postgraduate program for proposing improvement actions and new evaluation criteria. To examine the items that are areas of concentration (AC), research lines (LP), research projects (PP), curricular structure and fundraising were consulted the Area Document, the 2013 Evaluation Report and the Assessment Sheets of Medicine III programs, evaluated in the 2010-2012 period. Consistency is recommended especially among AC, LP and PP, with genuine link between activities and permanent teachers skills and based on structured curriculum in the education of the student. The Program Proposal interfere, and much, in qualifying a program. The curriculum should provide subsidy to the formation of the researcher, through the core subjects, and development of PP, being the concept of disciplines to support lines and research projects. Fundraise should be set out in research projects and in the CV-Lattes. The area recommended that at least 40-50% of permanent teachers present fundraising and the minimum 20-25% of these teachers to have productivity scholarship PQ / CNPq during the triennium. It is necessary to promote wide discussion and find a consensus denominator for these issues. The actions should contribute to the improvement of evaluation forms and certainly for the qualification of the programs but graduate. Essa revisão tem como objetivo elaborar uma análise crítica e atual da estrutura básica de um programa de Pós-Graduação para a proposição de ações de aperfeiçoamento e novos critérios de avaliação. Para analisarem-se os itens áreas de concentração (AC), linhas de pesquisa (LP), projetos de pesquisa (PP), estrutura curricular e captação de recursos/fomentos foram consultados o documento de área, o relatório de avaliação 2013 e as fichas de avaliação dos programas da Medicina III, avaliados no triênio 2010-2012. A coerência é recomendada especialmente entre

  8. COS FUV Target Acquisition Monitor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Penton, Steven V.


    Starting in Cycle 25, the COS Target Acquisition (TA) monitor has been divided into two pieces, NUV (15389) and FUV (15386). This program is the FUV portion and is designed specifically for FUV LP4. FUV LP4 uses NUM_POS > 1 PEAKXDs for cross-dispersion TA. All previous LPs used NUM_POS=1 PEAKXDs. The NUM_POS=1 PEAKXDs required the routine monitoring of the grating-dependent WCA-to-PSA offsets. The NUM_POS >1 PEAKXDs do not use these flight software (FSW) patchable constants as they use the LTAPKD FSW macro used in ACQ/PEAKD, but re-purposed for use in the cross-dispersion (XD).This program uses the HST standard star WD1657+343. This target was used previously in the COS TA Monitor programs, 13124 (C20), 13526 (C21), 13972 (C22), 14440 (C23) & 14857 (C24). In these programs, this target was used to co-align the PSA/MIRRORB and BOA/MIRRORA ACQ/IMAGE modes. We re-use this target here as it is safe with PSA/MIRRORA and visible almost year-round.Note that when presented to the mission office, the target 206W3 was listed as the target for this program. This target was a backup target in previous TA monitor programs and was the faintest of the 3 targets in the program. Switching to the next brighter target (WD1657+343) allows all the goals of this program to be accomplished in just 2 orbits. Also, as this target has been used for every generation of this program, the FUV monitoring can be bootstrapped to previous programs, if needed. See the observing description for more details.The LTAIMAGE that started the second orbit of Visit 26 had the TDF down and the shutter closed. This caused the ACQ/IMAGE to miscenter the target by about 1.3". Visit 90 was added as a partial repeat from HOPR 89665. This visit is as close to a repeat of the 2nd orbit of Visi t 25 as possible. Due to time lost doing a full acq instead of a RE-ACQ, the following changes were made:1) Changed Visit number to 902) Schedulability set to 90%3) Before date set to Feb-19-2018, but the earlier the better

  9. Improving Shipboard Applications of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

    DTIC Science & Technology


    EVENTS_LIST (EventNum) .EVENTCODE) case 0 %Unclassifiable case 1 %VP On STATE.VP.ON = STATE.VP.ON + 1; STATE.VP.START = true; PICTURES.RUNNING.VP.SHOW...true; case 2 %VP Off STATE.VP.STOP = true; PICTURES. RUNNING.VP. SHOW false; case 3 %DP On 149 STATE.DP.ON = STATE.DP.ON + 1; STATE.DP.START = true...PICTURES.RUNNING.DP.SHOW true; case 4 %DP Off STATE.DP.STOP = true; PICTURES.RUNNING.DP.SHOW = false; case 5 %VP On (Clogged) STATE.VP.ON = STATE.VP.ON

  10. Calibration and Use of Clutter Data for Simulation.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    radiance surrounded by borders of un- known, nonuniform radiance (Fig. 11). Since the telescopes lie above and below the radiometer’s centerline, the...illuminated solely by the nonuniform borders of the images (Fig. 11). (In Fig. l Ithe detectors are num- bered as they have been since Montauk Point. Prior to...L C LiL F-) 0- W /4- F- 00. L- IL x / -- C:.) < > Ca- < Il / 00 LOi Cl) -00 -. Cl) 41 MONTAUK MIDWAVE DETECTOR-ARRAY NONUNIFORM BOTTOM BORDER 161

  11. Sobre os sistemas de referência celeste

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Poppe, P. C. R.; Martin, V. A. F.


    Apresentamos neste trabalho, algumas discussões sobre os sistemas de referência utilizados em Astronomia. Claramente, não é possível esgotar todo este assunto num único texto, mas esperamos, contudo, que o presente material possa ser apreciado nos cursos de Introdução à Astronomia, que estão cada vez mais presentes nas atuais propostas curriculares das graduações de Física. As discussões pertinentes às "Bases de Referência Celeste", serão apresentadas em um outro trabalho.

  12. Software Development for a Satellite Signal Analyzer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    uses this mode index. BUTLI3(18,6) 1*4 Is an array of button num- bers used by the subroutine KTLSIM to simulate the user pushing bottons by...either the program SATCOM will be executed, or if HOLD was previously pushed, the array BUTLIS is used to sim- ulate the pushing of the bottons branch 1 to the AW /WSC-3 has to be on. Branches 1-3 provide power to the lab benches, rack 0-6, and uninterruptable power to the time code

  13. Real-Time Physiological and Psycho-Physiological Status Monitoring (Suivi en Temps reel de l’Etat Physiologique et Psycho-Physiologique)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des Maquis du Grésivaudan 38702 La Tronche Cedex Phone: +33 4 7663 6975 Fax: +33 4 7663 6945 email: ICT Chantal JIMENEZ CRSSA/Unité de l’Exercice Physique & Hydromineral 24, av. des Maquis du Grésivaudan BP 87 38702 La Tronche Cedex...d’un état physiologique associé à une mesure de fiabilité des données, etc. Le chapitre du Dr. Gunga énumère les méthodologies d’évaluation des

  14. Corrosion and Maintenance Data Sharing (Partage des Donnees de Corrosion et de Maintenance)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la gestion des flottes vieillissantes. Les actions correctives sont généralement considérées comme étant du domaine...conception et la sélection des matériaux adaptés et ont joué un rôle fondamental dans la gestion de la production et la livraison des nouveaux avions. Le même...selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que le titre est la date de publication sont

  15. Interactive Visualization of Network Dynamics (Visualisation interactive de la dynamique des reseaux)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la prise de décision du commandement militaire, aux opérations de santé et de sûreté publique...comporter la dénomination « STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que le titre est la date...Bibliothécaire des ressources du savoir Secretariat General of Defence 061353 Bucharest R et D pour la défense Canada National Armaments

  16. Processes for Assessing Outcomes of Multi-national Missions (Processus d’evaluation des resultats de missions multinationales)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la raison d’être du recueil des données relatives aux variables centrales afin de soutenir ces efforts dans...communs utilisés par les pays membres et un ensemble central d’indicateurs complétant les Mesures de Performance (MOP) et Mesures d’Efficacité (MOE...dénomination « STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que le titre est la date de

  17. Standardisation for C2-Simulation Interoperation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la continuité du MSG-048 a permis, grâce notamment à la contribution de la communauté opérationnelle, de consolider le besoin et d’approfondir un...demandes de documents STO, RTO ou AGARD doivent comporter la dénomination « STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des ...disponibilité des rapports de la STO au fur et à mesure de leur publication, vous pouvez consulter notre site Web

  18. Addition of Work Rate and Temperature Information to the Augmented NMRI Standard (ANS) Data Files in the NMR198 Subset of the USN N2-O2 Primary Data Set

    DTIC Science & Technology


    0.20, 2, 0.50, 15, 2.60, 114, 2.70, 117,,, 1.0|1|1|1|P ! 1 L/min VO2 cycle ergometer, immersed, upright, persist...2.00, 100.00,,, 1|2|1|1 ! 1 L/min VO2 , weight lifting, immersed, upright 85.00, 100.00, 88.00, 30.00, 94.00...Unit, Dec 1956. A-1 APPENDIX A DATA FILE SUMMARIES SINGLE AIR EDU885A Prof. ID Max Depth BT Asc. Time Num. Dvrs DCS T1 T2 VO2

  19. Planning the American Air War, Four Men and Nine Days in 1941. An Inside Narrative

    DTIC Science & Technology


    area—"Goodbye. Thank you . Good luck. God bless you ."—from a spot 9,600 miles west of New York, a world away from Coney Island. 60...strategies for national defense. We are thus pleased that our NDU Press can make these few mo- ments of history available to you . But plans don’t... you want people to think you really need the planes and people represented by all those num- bers, you have to show them why. George intended to

  20. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory Journal Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 1993

    DTIC Science & Technology


    simple examples, we see that fractal size e goes to zero. The smallest meaningful % amLe of dimension clearly has the potential to discriminate the box...dataset. Figure 13 is an example of this dataset; it value at different resolutions means different num- shows a river with treelined banks (the river is...each bank . The smooth green areas are open fields. ntc~’:F ( ,𔄀 Fj R A6 . 43 - KREITHEN ET AL. Di,,rtmmating lar’qeit fnom (C/utter The remainder of

  1. New Applications for ARPANET Developed Information Processing Technology. Volume 3. Briareus - Computer Netting for Design, Fabrication and Repair of Electronic Equipment

    DTIC Science & Technology


    1400 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209 12 . REPORT DATE 3 February 1975 IS. NUM.DER OF PAGES 58 I« MONITORING AGENCY NAME a...8217 "-’ ■—"■■■’ ! - • ■■■■...■■- —. -■- ■ - ■ ,^^^_^ k ^^__^__ DESCRIPTION FOKIiAT OF THE INVENTION This section is written in the style...And, while there is no limit on sub- strate material, we shall assume a conation two-sided, one ounce G-10, fiberglass epoxy, 0.032, 12 inches

  2. Longstreet’s Corps at Chickamauga: Lessons in Inter-Theater Deployment.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CATALOG NUmBt R 4. TITLE (end Subtitle) S. 7YPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED LOT-EEST’S CORPS AT CHICKA1MAUGA: TESS IT: I:;TER-TI EAE DEPLOY’>IETT ’-ASTER’.3s...Allan R . Millott and Peter, For the Comon Defense. (Now York: The Free Press, 1984), p. 157. Figure 2, 4, 5. Drawn by Maj. Jet Skeele...may allow us to *...... .. . . . .o-. .o. .,.. o.. ,-o. .- •° o o ...... . . ...... - . .- . , .~ rr - r ~ - r ’ . .. . .. -ś- apply our past

  3. Research Directions in Database Security, II

    DTIC Science & Technology


    WILLIAMS Burke Ct 286 WOLCOTT 9th Rd 795 WOOD 25th St 520 YANCEY Motley St 398 ZUZACK Arden Rd LDV> : The style of the prototype is such that the...WOLCOTT Fin Clk YANCEY Dept Mgr ZUZACK Proc Anal LDV> ;RR3: S (sortrel (project (njoin (project employee-base ’(Department Employee-Name Employee-Num...Proc Anal PROC MAHONEY Secy PROC YANCEY Dept Mgr PROC ZUZACK Proc Anal SEC BRIMER DMSO SEC FALBO Secy SEC HILL Dept Mgr SEC MITCHELL Ast DBSO SEC THOMAS

  4. Phase 2 Remedial Investigation Report Army Materials Technology Laboratory, Task Order 1 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Volume 5 - Appendices K-V

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and trivalent chromium . Environ. Res. 39:372-385. Kuperman EF. 1964. Maxium allowable hexa valent chromium concentrations in atmospheric pollutants... trivalent chromium administered in drinking water to I rats. AMA Arch. Ind. Health 18:232-234. NAS. 1989. National Academy of Sciences. Recommended dietary...yL I&C-7-Woi WELL. LOGI LOCATION: ’m A A WELL NUM13ER: G, -s WrUKORDERNMSEt 7.-r -,-c i--i PAGE I OF I ORILUNG CNTRACTOR: R 4 R Zel rrl-mA TIG -4 A

  5. Japan Report, No. 184.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    spoken at this conference. To avoid the conference turning into a mere festive gathering, this time we were divided into six sectional committees for...num- ber coming in has tended to level off. In Great Britain, the flow of "black immigrants," first from the West Indies and then from India and... Pakistan began in the mid-1950 ’s and reached its peak in 1972 with the largest number, 90,000 a year. As to the origins of immi- grants in 1980, of

  6. Diagnosis of Group A Streptococcal Infections Directly From Throat Gargle.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Streptococcal Infection Strep Throat Latex agglutination 20. ARVAT(Continue an revere side it neessar and identify by block num~ber) The diagnosis of... THROAT GARGLE ,-I E. A. EDWARDS, 1. A. PH1WPS & W. C. SUITER REPORT NO. 81-20 DTIC IELECTE VAL A11OCT I lSlt P.O. BOX 8022 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92138...AVAL MICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND BE0hESDA, MARYLAND £ 81 9 30 069 (. DIAGNOSIS OF QROUP A STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS ~1IRECTLY FROM ThROAT

  7. Medical Surveillance Monthly Report. Volume 23, Number 1, January 2016

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Volume 23 Number 1 P A G E 2 Update: Malaria , U.S. Armed Forces, 2015 P A G E 7 Durations of service until first and recurrent episodes of...of special surveillance interest CDC/James Gathany MSMR Vol. 23 No. 1 January 2016 Page 2 U.S. service members are at risk of acquiring malaria ...personal travel. Th e num- ber of malaria cases among U.S. military service members in 2015 (n=30) was the lowest annual count in at least 20 years and

  8. Ensuring Resiliency of the Milk and Dairy Industry in California

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cannot be zero. Also, the upper bound cannot exceed the capacity of raw milk that the milk producing cows can make in each county. Between the...the amount of milk producing cows in each county and multiplying by the daily average amount of raw milk produced. RawMilkProd = NumMilkProdCows...the total number of milk producing cows . 365 TotalMilkProdDailyAvgAmtMilkProdPerCow TotalMilkProdCows = × We get the number of milk producing cows

  9. Arrays of Very Small Voltammetric Electrodes Based on Reticulated Vitreous Carbon.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    1H D-fli34 73ifARRAYS OF VERY SMALL YOLTAMMETRIC ELECTRODES BA5ED ON i/i RETICULATED VITREOUS CARBON (U) STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK I AT BUFFALO AMHERST N...PEIOiUD COVI[R9 1^. Arrays of Very Small Voltametric Electrodes 0 Based on Reticulated Vitreous Carbon - S. PRFROG OG. REPORT NUM A 7. AUTNOR) 0...Cofigi nueu eav’e,o *ee i necesaery and Iden lly by block number) L.Uj Reticulated vitreous carbon ; microelectrodes; nonlinear diffusion; vol tammetry

  10. OT discovered by MASTER during Fermi Trigger Num 430645968 follow up observations follow up observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tiurina, N.; Balanutsa, P.; Denisenko, D.; Lipunov, V.; Gorbovskoy, E.; Kornilov, V.; Chazov, V.; Kuznetsov, A.; Vladimirov, V.; Yecheistov, V.; Shumkov, V.; Ivanov, K.; Yazev, S.; Budnev, N.; Konstantinov, E.; Chuvalaev, O.; Poleshchuk, V.; Gress, O.; Parkhomenko, A.; Tlatov, A.; Dormidontov, D.; Senik, V.; Yurkov, V.; Sergienko, Y.; Varda, D.; Sinyakov, E.; Gabovich, A.; Krushinsky, V.; Zalozhnih, I.; Popov, A.; Bourdanov, A.; Podvorotny, P.; Shurpakov, S.; Levato, H.; Saffe, C.; Mallamaci, C.; Lopez, C.; Podest, F.


    MASTER-Tunka auto-detection system during follow-up Fermi Trigger 430645968 observations (GCN 16745) discovered OT source at: MASTER-Tunka auto-detection system discovered MASTER OT J230448.20+324534.1 at (RA, Dec) = 23h 04m 48.20s +32d 45m 34.1s on 2014-08-25.62245 UT.

  11. Determination of Global Stability of the Slosh Motion in a Spacecraft via Num Erical Experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kang, Ja-Young


    The global stability of the attitude motion of a spin-stabilized space vehicle is investigated by performing numerical experiment. In the previous study, a stationary solution and a particular resonant condition for a given model were found by using analytical method but failed to represent the system stability over parameter values near and off the stationary points. Accordingly, as an extension of the previous work, this study performs numerical experiment to investigate the stability of the system across the parameter space and determines stable and unstable regions of the design parameters of the system.

  12. Written Materials for the IYA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fierro Gossman, Julieta


    In the poster presentation I shall describe the written materials we have edited for the IYA. The first is a book written for general public about Galileo's life and research. The rest are a series of articles for teachers so that they include hands-on astronomy activities in their classroom including a star party. All these materials are written in Spanish, that is a language spoken is large areas of the world. I believe science is better understood in the mother tong so that many of these materials will be also useful for countries where Spanish is a second language. References Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro Galileo y el telescopio, 400 anios de ciencia Uribe y Ferrari Editores, 2007 ISBN 970 756 238-2 Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro Newton, la luz y el movimiento de los cuerpos Uribe y Ferrari Editores, 2007 ISBN 970 756 238 2 Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros I Correo del Maestro, Núm. 133, p. 15-26, Anio 12, Junio 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros II Correo del Maestro, Num. 134, p. 17-26, Anio 12, 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros III Correo del Maestro, Num. 135, p. 10-18, Anio 12, 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro Experimentos sobre la caida de los cuerpos El Correo del Maestro, anio 12 Numero 142, p. 5-18, 2008.

  13. ASME Nuclear Crane Standards for Enhanced Crane Safety and Increased Profit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parkhurst, Stephen N.


    The ASME NOG-1 standard, 'Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes', covers top running cranes for nuclear facilities; with the ASME NUM-1 standard, 'Rules for Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists', covering the single girder, underhung, wall and jib cranes, as well as the monorails and hoists. These two ASME nuclear crane standards provide criteria for designing, inspecting and testing overhead handling equipment with enhanced safety to meet the 'defense-in-depth' approach of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) documents NUREG 0554 and NUREG 0612. In addition to providing designs for enhanced safety, the ASME nuclear crane standards provide a basis for purchasing overhead handling equipment with standard safety features, based upon accepted engineering principles, and including performance and environmental parameters specific to nuclear facilities. The ASME NOG-1 and ASME NUM-1 standards not only provide enhanced safety for handling a critical load, but also increase profit by minimizing the possibility of load drops, by reducing cumbersome operating restrictions, and by providing the foundation for a sound licensing position. The ASME nuclear crane standards can also increase profit by providing the designs and information to help ensure that the right standard equipment is purchased. Additionally, the ASME nuclear crane standards can increase profit by providing designs and information to help address current issues, such as the qualification of nuclear plant cranes for making 'planned engineered lifts' for steam generator replacement and decommissioning.

  14. A Influência da Escola e da Mídia na Obtenção dos Conhecimentos Astronômicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    O universo em que vivemos possui segredos jamais imaginados pelo homem, fruto da pequena proporção que ocupamos diante de um cosmos infinito. A astronomia funciona como um instrumento que sacia a sede humana em desvendar esses segredos, estudando as galáxias, quasares, pulsares além da existência de todos os elementos que preenchem o espaço cósmico, o vácuo, não mais vazio como se pensou em outros tempos. A mídia explora esse campo de forma mística e também científica. A difusão adequada e dentro dos padrões educacionais vigentes, de conceitos astronômicos, se faz necessária, devido sua presença nos conteúdos escolares, centros de ciência e na mídia, de modo geral. A reforma do Currículo Básico da Escola Pública da maioria dos Estados brasileiros introduziu conceitos astronômicos desde a pré-escola até o Ensino Médio. Num estudo realizado com 1.032 alunos do Ensino Médio de seis escolas estaduais, revelou-se através da aplicação de um questionário que abordava conheciment os básicos em astronomia, como estes foram adquiridos e qual era a infra-estrutura oferecida pela escola: para 66,2% dos entrevistados o professor já fez alguma apresentação a respeito de astronomia. O presente estudo revelou também que 44,5% dos alunos entrevistados adquiriram seus conhecimentos astronômicos na escola, 28,1% através da televisão e 27,4% afirmaram que seus conhecimentos foram obtidos através de outros tipos de mídia (internet, filmes e revistas). Embora o estudo revele claramente que há certo equilíbrio na forma em que os alunos obtiveram seus conhecimentos astronômicos, a mídia ainda explora e muitas vezes desperta o interesse pela astronomia com assuntos que não fazem parte de nosso cotidiano como, por exemplo, o homem na Lua, os projetos espaciais e a primeira viagem de um astronauta brasileiro no espaço. Porém, em certos casos, a mídia pode promover conhecimentos incompletos ou mesmo equivocados sobre os conceitos que envolvam

  15. Telescópio de patrulhamento solar em 12 GHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Utsumi, F.; Costa, J. E. R.


    O telescópio de patrulhamento solar é um instrumento dedicado à observação de explosões solares com início de suas operações em janeiro de 2002, trabalhando próximo ao pico de emissão do espectro girossincrotrônico (12 GHz). Trata-se de um arranjo de três antenas concebido para a detecção de explosões e determinação em tempo real da localização da região emissora. Porém, desde sua implementação em uma montagem equatorial movimentada por um sistema de rotação constante (15 graus/hora) o rastreio apresentou pequenas variações de velocidade e folgas nas caixas de engrenagens. Assim, tornou-se necessária a construção de um sistema de correção automática do apontamento que era de fundamental importância para os objetivos do projeto. No segundo semestre de 2002 empreendemos uma série de tarefas com o objetivo de automatizar completamente o rastreio, a calibração, a aquisição de dados, controle de ganhos, offsets e transferência dos dados pela internet através de um projeto custeado pela FAPESP. O rastreio automático é realizado através de um inversor que controla a freqüência da rede de alimentação do motor de rastreio podendo fazer micro-correções na direção leste-oeste conforme os radiômetros desta direção detectem uma variação relativa do sinal. Foi adicionado também um motor na direção da declinação para correção automática da variação da direção norte-sul. Após a implementação deste sistema a precisão do rastreio melhorou para um desvio máximo de 30 segundos de arco, o que está muito bom para este projeto. O Telescópio se encontra em funcionamento automático desde março de 2003 e já conta com várias explosões observadas após a conclusão desta fase de automação. Estamos apresentando as explosões mais intensas do período e com as suas respectivas posições no disco solar.

  16. Research in LPE of Doped LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 Thin Films.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    garnet films grown on single crystal garnet substrates by the LPE technique for magnetic bubble applica- tions. The choice of substrate and film are...AD-Al07 686 ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL THOUSAND OAKS CA ELECTRONICS -EUTC F/G 2RESEARCH IN LPE OF DOPED LINBO3 AND LITA03 THIN FILMS .(U JUN Al R R NEUR...Research in LPE of Doped LiNbO3 and LiTa03 Final Report Thin Films 04/01/77 through 03/31/81 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUM9ER ERC41004.11FR 7. AUTNOR

  17. Requirements Analysis for a Hardware, Discrete-Event, Simulation Engine Accelerator.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    changes B-19 BUSYE <= 𔃻’ alter ODEL; __ prompt lor Test Bench Send_null_msg(Next_Addr, NUM.OUT); RDYE <= 𔃻’ after ODEL; - ready...BVtoMVL7V(ItoBV(BVtoI(MVL7VtoBV( CHANGE (Next.Addr))) + 1))); end loop SAVE_LP_DATA; I0WAITE <= 𔃺’ .. alloH state chgs BUSYE <= 𔃺’ after ODEL...FLAGSECll downto 1) <= Next_Addr(10 downto 0); ~ incremented by 1 end il; end il; I0WAITE <= 𔃺’ BUSYE <= 𔃺’ alter ODEL; — allow state

  18. Raízes pós-mitológicas da Astronomia Clássica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    di Bartolo, L.; Villas da Rocha, J. F.


    Apresentamos como a invenção de um modelo astronômico e cosmológico fundado em causas naturais foi um processo gestado num ambiente cultural específico, o do advento do pensamento pós-mitológico, que tem como sua raiz mais funda a trajetória particular da Grécia Antiga, com ênfase na resolução de uma grave crise social e a evolução do mundo clássico para o contexto espiritual de um império universal.

  19. DDT Behavior of Waxed Mixtures of RDX, HMX, and Tetryl

    DTIC Science & Technology


    HMX (689*; Class A, 6 ’ 200p), RDX (659; Class E, 6 P 15p), tetryl (812; 6 s 470p), carnauba wax (134; 6 r 125p). The mixing procedure was that used...NSWC/WOL TR 77-96 O DDT BEHAVIOR OF WAXED MIXTURES OF " RDX, HMX, AND TETRYL BY DONNA PRICE and RICHARD R. BERNECKER RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY...BEFORE COMPLETING FORM RY PORT NUM ER 2. GOVT ACCESSION No. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER S. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED PDT Behavior of Waxed Mixtures

  20. Validation of New Crack Monitoring Technique for Victoria Class High-Pressure Air Bottles

    DTIC Science & Technology


    technique de corrélation d’images numériques a été employée pour mesurer le champ de déforma- tion dans la zone située du côté opposé à l’entaille... la Reine en droit du Canada (Ministère de la Défense nationale), 2014 Abstract High-pressure air bottles are used in the Victoria class submarines to...charges cycliques pouvant provoquer l’apparition et favoriser la croissance de fissures de fatigue. L’ob- servation d’une marque interne semblable à une

  1. Lassa Fever Immune Plasma

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cases are likely to be seen. Finally, further studies into the nature of the virus or viruses of LF are needed. Clinical experience suggests that there...OF ReIPRIt r ~M. u iav Is. PAGE COUNT Annual Rpnnrt T FROM 1,.1IR7 j ,O 30 lunB 88-7-31 22 1. SUPPUMENTARY NOTATION 17. COSATI CODES 10. SUSJECT...TERMS (Connimm on nwmw ,o neceiawt &W ide I No& num IELD IGROUP suS.GROUP Lassa fever Immunotherapy RA 1 06 1) 6 LLassa virus Liberia nf i Pl,:m haiman 19

  2. Assessment of Survivability against Laser Threats. The ASALT-I Computer Program

    DTIC Science & Technology


    NUM4ER OF PAGES WHICH DO NOT REPRODUCE LEGIBLY. I - f ~ ~ ’ECUftITt CL.inWCATOM Or TII PAGEL Cu18.. De 3Sawe no"___VISA__________1""I REPORT...subsection. COORDINATE SYSTEMS The four coordinate systems used in the ASALT-I Model are de -I picted in Figure 2-1, where the subscripts on each axis identify...centroid in the Enc,’, inter Coordinate System 2i z-coordinate of the component centroid in the Encounter Coordinate System gy width of the component

  3. A Methodology for the Analysis of Programmer Productivity and Effort Estimation within the Framework of Software Conversion.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TEST CH~ART NAT ONAL BQREAu Or s T AADS-963-’ 82 The coefficient of KCA(programmer’s knowledge of the program) initially seemed to be an error...productivity, as expected. An interesting manifestation, supporting a discovery by Oliver, was exhibited by the rating of a programmer’s knowledge of...ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUM13ER 10 AFIT/CI/NR 84-44D _ _ ___)___________ 4. TITLE (.,d S ..benli) PR#fQP6rV/rV S . TYPE OF REPORT A PERIOD

  4. Preventive Maintenance on Space Systems.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  5. Dynamic Reconfiguration and Link Fault Tolerance in a Transputer Network

    DTIC Science & Technology


    linkO and link3 are connected to the C004s. LinkI and link2 are routed to the P2 edge connector, labelled ConfigUp and ConfiDown for access to...various commands recieved PROC handle.screen (VAL BYTE link.byte, SEQ -place the first byte on screen (source) I F1 linki < 16 -- a link 0 SEQ line.num l...determine characters used on screen for -- display of source & dest IF ((INT(bytel)) < 32) linki : to.slot[INT(bytel)] otherwise linki : 10 IF ((INT(byte2

  6. Fault Detection/Isolation Verification,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    63 - A I MCC ’I UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIPICATION OP THIS PAGE tMh*f Dal f&mered, REPORT D00CUMENTATION PAGE " .O ORM 1. REPORT NUM.9ft " 2. GOVT...test the performance of th .<ver) DO 2" 1473 EoIoTON OP iNov os i OSoLTe UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIPICATION 0 T"IS PAGE (P 3 . at Sted) I...UNCLASSIFIED Acumy, C .AMICATIN Of THIS PAGS. (m ... DO&.m , Algorithm on these netowrks , several different fault scenarios were designed for each network. Each

  7. A Broad-Band Array of Aperture-Coupled Cavity-Backed Slot Elements

    DTIC Science & Technology


    RPOR NUM3ER2. GOVT ACCESSION HO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) S. TYPE OF REPORT 6 PERIOD COVERED A, 1(A--BND iP ,LUPY 09...Repor t AUG 0 4 988SAME AS REPORT 1SUPPL-EMENTARY NOTES LYNNve E. r WOLAVERlease:j) IAW AFR 190-1 Dean for Research an4’Prot e-ssional Develomn Air Force...previous CBS arrays: aperture coupling, and ’half-width’ cavities. Expiremental results demonstrated these departures enhance the po- tential for larger

  8. Toxicity of Nitrogen Dioxide: An Introduction

    DTIC Science & Technology


    3- A q t 19794 ( Final. NIA 4. TITLE AND SUTCLEt1 5 9FUNDING NUM8(RS ’ Toxicity of nitrogen dioxide: an introduction SJ6. AUTHOR(S) NabilI M. interest in the toxicity of high-level exposures, and partly due to the public pressure and interest to study the effects of low...2e0-5500 Star’dara :orm 298 (Rev .-89) - - ’• - .•*" ,y ’ S~iO~COMS E L SEVIER Toxicology 89 (19;4) 161-174 Toxicity of nitrogen dioxide: an

  9. 2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members: Administration, Datasets and Codebook

    DTIC Science & Technology


    banners, etc.) 1950 1.8 5 5 Posters , brochures and/or stickers 9511 8.8 6 6 Unit 680 0.6 7 7 Chaplain 2148 2.0 8 8 Other 108478 100.0 TOTALS...service announcement 411 0.4 3 3 Print advertisement 688 0.6 4 4 Online media (e.g., website, blog, banners, etc.) 1950 1.8 5 5 Posters , brochures...Safe Helpline? Posters , brochures and/or stickers OS DATA SAS DATA COLS LENGTH FORMAT NAME TYPE LENGTH INFORMAT NA-NA NA MARKED NUM 3 STDOS2

  10. Invariance of Conjunctions of Polynomial Equalities for Algebraic Differential Equations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    treatment of the general case as a future work. 3 Here ` is used, as in sequent calculus , to assert that whenever the constraint H (antecedent) is satisfied...clause and the rule becomes (Inv) F → C C → [ẋ = p &H ]C F → [ẋ = p &H ]C . In the following sections, we will be working in a proof calculus , rather...examples we used in our benchmarks originate from a num- ber of sources - many of them come from textbooks on Dynamical Systems; others have been hand

  11. Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy in Latin America by the Liada Perspective. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Astronomía en la América Latina en la Perspectiva de la Liada.) Ensino e Divulgação da Astronomia na América Latina na Perspectiva da Liada

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio


    disponibilizados en la página de la Sección, faz-se una análisis y discusión sobre la importancia de tales relatos para finalidades educacionales. Es presentada una Hoja de reporte elaborado como sugestión para presentación de relatos por parte de individuos y instituciones ben como discutida la importancia de la sistematización de experiencias visando mayor visibilidad y cambio de informaciones en el área. Concluí con una evaluación de los proyectos, su potencial y limitaciones, ben como sugestiones de proyectos futuros visando mayor interacción entre los países de la América Latina y tornando disponible la Sección para esta finalidad.

    Esse trabalho visa divulgar e analisar as atividades da Seção de Ensino e Divulgação de Astronomia (SEDA) da Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomia (LIADA). Após um histórico da LIADA, são apresentados os diversos projetos da Seção que conta com a colaboração de coordenadores locais na maioria dos países da América Latina. São apresentados os projetos que visam chamar a atenção do público em geral, estudantes e professores para a observação do céu e posterior envio de relatos para colocação na página da Seção na Internet. Mais especificamente são analisados os projetos e relatos relacionados aos eclipses ocorridos desde o ano 2000. Utilizando-se os arquivos disponibilizados na página da Seção, faz-se uma análise e discussão sobre a importância de tais relatos para finalidades educacionais. É apresentado um formulário elaborado como sugestão para apresentação de relatos por parte de indivíduos e instituições bem como discutida a importância da sistematização de experiências visando maior visibilidade e troca de informações na área. Conclui com uma avaliação dos projetos, seu potencial e limitações, bem como sugestões de projetos futuros visando maior interação entre os países da América Latina e tornando disponível a Seção para esta finalidade.

  12. Mid-Infrared Signatures from Type Ia Supernovae Strongly Interacting with a Circumstellar Medium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fox, Ori


    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are well-known for their use as precise cosmological distance indicators due to a standardizable peak luminosity resulting from a thermonuclear explosion. A growing subset of SNe Ia, however, show evidence for interaction with a dense circumstellar medium during the first year post-explosion, and sometimes longer (SNe Ia-CSM). The origin of this dense CSM is unknown and suggests either a) the less typical single-degenerate progenitor scenario must be considered or b) the exploding star was not a thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf at all (i.e., core-collapse). Mid-infrared (IR) observations, in particular, are critical for tracing the density profile of dust (and hence gas) in the surrounding CSM. Yet no Spitzer light curve exists for this subclass within the first year post-expolosion. Here we propose a 'low-impact' (>8 weeks) ToO to obtain 3 epochs of Spitzer imaging of a SN Ia-CSM within 100 Mpc over 1 year post-explosion. The strength of this program is that it will be in conjunction with pre-approved multi-wavelength programs on HST/STIS/UV (GO 13649), Chandra/ASIS-S (Num: 17500672), the Keck/LRIS optical spectrograph (Num: U037LA), and the RATIR visible/infrared robotic imager. Requiring only 2.1 hours of observation total, this program will not only distinguish between the SN explosion mechanisms, but also trace CSM interaction, constrain the progenitor mass loss history, and identify late-time heating mechanisms of warm dust.

  13. "Boldness" in the domestic dog differs among breeds and breed groups.


    Starling, Melissa J; Branson, Nicholas; Thomson, Peter C; McGreevy, Paul D


    "Boldness" in dogs is believed to be one end of the shy-bold axis, representing a super-trait. Several personality traits fall under the influence of this super-trait. Previous studies on boldness in dogs have found differences among breeds, but grouping breeds on the basis of behavioural similarities has been elusive. This study investigated differences in the expression of boldness among dog breeds, kennel club breed groups, and sub-groups of kennel club breed groups by way of a survey on dog personality circulated among Australian dog-training clubs and internet forums and lists. Breed had a significant effect on boldness (F=1.63, numDF=111, denDF=272, p<0.001), as did breed group (F=10.66, numDF=8, denDF=772, p<0.001). Herding and gundog groups were broken into sub-groups based on historic breed purpose. Retrievers were significantly bolder than flushing and pointing breeds (Reg. Coef.=2.148; S.E.=0.593; p<0.001), and tending and loose-eyed herding breeds were bolder than heading and cattle-herding breeds (Reg. Coef.=1.744; S.E.=0.866; p=0.045 and Reg. Coef.=1.842; S.E.=0.693; p=0.0084, respectively). This study supports the existence of the shy-bold continuum in dogs. Differences in boldness among groups and sub-groups suggest that behavioural tendencies may be influenced by historical purpose regardless of whether that purpose still factors in selective breeding. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Dynamics Change of Vegetated Lands in A Highway Corridor during 37 Years (Case study of Jagorawi Toll Road, Jakarta-Bogor)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perdana, B. P.; Setiawan, Y.; Prasetyo, L. B.


    Recently, a highway development is required as a liaison between regions to support the economic development of the regions. Even the availability of highways give positive impacts, it also has negative impacts, especially related to the changes of vegetated lands. This study aims to determine the change of vegetation coverage in Jagorawi corridor Jakarta-Bogor during 37 years, and to analyze landscape patterns in the corridor based on distance factor from Jakarta to Bogor. In this study, we used a long-series of Landsat images taken by Landsat 2 MSS (1978), Landsat 5 TM (1988, 1995, and 2005) and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (2015). Analysis of landscape metrics was conducted through patch analysis approach to determine the change of landscape patterns in the Jagorawi corridor Jakarta-Bogor. Several parameters of landscape metrics used are Number of Patches (NumP), Mean Patch Size (MPS), Mean Shape Index (MSI), and Edge Density (ED). These parameters can be used to provide information of structural elements of landscape, composition and spatial distribution in the corridor. The results indicated that vegetation coverage in the Jagorawi corridor Jakarta-Bogor decreased about 48% for 35 years. Moreover, NumP value increased and decreasing of MPS value as a means of higher fragmentation level occurs with patch size become smaller. Meanwhile, The increase in ED parameters indicates that vegetated land is damaged annually. MSI parameter shows a decrease in every year which means land degradation on vegetated land. This indicates that the declining value of MSI will have an impact on land degradation.

  15. Regulation, circulation and distribution of penicillin in Portugal (1944-1954).


    Bell, Victoria; Rui Pita, João; Pereira, Ana Leonor

    Portugal did not participate in World War II but was one of the first countries in the world to receive penicillin for civilian use. The Portuguese Red Cross began to import the antibiotic from the United States of America in 1944 and appointed a controlling committee to oversee its distribution, due to the small amount available. In 1945, as world production increased, penicillin began to be distributed through the normal channels. An important role in its regulation was played by the official department responsible for controlling pharmaceutical and chemical products in Portugal, the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos (Regulatory Committee for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products). Penicillin was imported as a raw material from 1947 and the first medicaments containing penicillin, prepared in Portugal, were released into the commercial circuit in 1948. A laboratory had been established in 1942 by the Comissão Reguladora for the analytical verification of medicaments and medicinal products with the aim of certifying their quality and minimizing the number of products with no attested therapeutic efficacy. The number of medicaments analysed by this laboratory increased substantially from 72 in the year of its foundation (1942) to 2478 in 1954, including, after 1948, medicaments containing penicillin. The aim of the present paper was to elucidate the role of the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos in regulating and controlling the distribution of penicillin in Portugal during the 1940s and 1950s.

  16. Low Power Radiation Hard GaAs RAM

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the collector space-charge region. Therefore, the current can be ex- pressed by qD D qDP qVa Jra (-k + 4 1n) (e" IF- - 1 ) .(27) 7n p In case Va >> 26...unlimited. 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) SMONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUM11ER(S) MRDC41 131 .68A a. %#M6rOP IG 1 RA IZATION Ib...ICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ZATIN( 1 W=seAdvanced Research Projects Contract No. MDA9O3-83-C-M07 Agec 1DoD

  17. VizieR Online Data Catalog: GTC spectra of z~2.3 quasars (Sulentic+, 2014)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sulentic, J. W.; Marziani, P.; Del Olmo, A.; Dultzin, D.; Perea, J.; Negrete, C. A.


    Spectroscopic data for 22 intermediate redshift quasars are identified in Table 1. Actual data files are in FITS format in the spectra sub-directory. Each individual spectrum cover the spectral range 360-770 nm. Units are in wavelength in Angstrom, and specific flux in erg/s/cm2/Angstrom (pW/m3) in the observed frame (i.e., before redshift correction). Full object name (OBJECT), total exposure time (EXPTIME), number of coadded individual spectra (NUM_IMAG), and observation date (DATE-OBS) are reported as records in the FITS header of each spectrum (as in Table 2 of the paper). (2 data files).

  18. Use Cases for Dynamic Secure Wireless Networking in Coalition Environments (Cas d utilisation de r seau sans fil dynamique et s curis dans des environnements de coalition)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la dénomination « STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que le titre est la ...supplémentaire de nécessiter moins de déploiement et de ressources de gestion que les réseaux fixes. Néanmoins, les propriétés qui, précisément, rendent...ces réseaux séduisants de prime abord – support ouvert, topologie souple, règles d’adhésion dynamiques, algorithmes simples de formation du

  19. The Investigation of the Fundamental Limits of Heterodyne Holographic Interferometry with the Application of Imaging Laser Generated Lamb Waves

    DTIC Science & Technology


    character*25 msg,echol,echo2,msgl character* 12 fname,vel,stepl,step2 character dvm(15),decl,dec2 integer numl,num2,row,col, icheck ,fig real data C fig...flg) linex = ’ send step2 error’ if ( goto 8000 write (*,610) step2,echol c c 200 icheck = 0 c c ENTER FILE NAME c write (*,’(A/)’)’ Specify...dvm, data) write (*,660) i, icheck write (*,600) data write (3,640) data c c Increment Horizontal Position c msg - ’I1"’ call send855 (msg,echo 1,flg

  20. Overview of Nitrogen Dioxide Effects on the Lung with Emphasis on Military Relevance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    toxicity in humans is supportive therapy directed at hypoxemia, ventilatory failure, infection and any other complica- tions. Steroids, N - acetylcysteine ...bI.Irk) 2 AEPOqi OATI! I R(PO’lT fYPI AND) OA iT COV~iM)( A u g u s t 1 9 9 /4 [ ’ tJ, , t j, N __ I 4. Ti[t{ AND SUSTr I 5 4u4ING NUM8[PS Overview ot i...Respiratory Research (SGRI)-JWII-lE) Division of Medicine N /A Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Washington, DC 20307-5100 I-I I. SUP"LEMENTARY NOTES

  1. Physical Security Modeling for the Shipboard Nuclear Weapons Security Program,

    DTIC Science & Technology



  2. Phase Conjugation Scaling for High Energy Lasers.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    PFPORT b PfRiOE) C"v’’’ NV Pnase cor, uqatio. scaling for high. energy’ lasers FIna 718 PF RF06MING OR,’ 04EPOPT NUM14EP C 7. AUHRo. CONTRACT QN GRA#%T...nocoo..wy dind ld9ntalY DY OoCw K~b * - High energy lasers ; phase conjugation; stimulated Brillouin scattering,’ infrared waveguides 2. ABSTRACT...coiw on meoe eti if I r’w~ o ldenIr by block n’.inb..) * Phase conjugation of both cv and pulsed 10.6 micron lasers by stimulated * Brillouin

  3. FIEStool: Automated data reduction for FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stempels, Eric; Telting, John


    FIEStool automatically reduces data obtained with the FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES) at the Nordic Optical Telescope, a high-resolution spectrograph available on a stand-by basis, while also allowing the basic properties of the reduction to be controlled in real time by the user. It provides a Graphical User Interface and offers bias subtraction, flat-fielding, scattered-light subtraction, and specialized reduction tasks from the external packages IRAF (ascl:9911.002) and NumArray. The core of FIEStool is instrument-independent; the software, written in Python, could with minor modifications also be used for automatic reduction of data from other instruments.

  4. Investigation of Springing Responses on the Great Lakes Ore Carrier M/V STEWART J. CORT

    DTIC Science & Technology


    175k tons.6 Using these values one can write : JL@APBD - ACTflALIVIRTVAL (MALAST) (4.) BeALLAST &VAC TUAL U(L@ADN@) and 0.94 10 The shifting of theI’M...will have to write a routine to convert the floating-point num- bers into the other machine’s internal floating-point format. The CCI record is again...THE RESULTS AND WRITES W1l TO THE LINE PRINTER. C IT ALSO PUTS THE RESUL~rs IN A DISA FIL1E .C C WRITTEN BY JCD3 NOVEMBER 1970f C C C

  5. Présence de fronts modulés en l'absence d'instabilité modulationnelle : le cas de l'oscillateur paramétrique optique dégénéré

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Durniak, C.; Coulibaly, S.; Taki, M.


    La dynamique de formation de structures transverses dans un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique (OPO) dégénéré pompé en continu est marquée, pour une nouvelle zone de paramètres, par l'apparition de solitons spatiaux en réseaux (fronts modulés), caractérisés analytiquement par leur vitesse et leur période. L'intégration numérique du système bi-dimensionnel confirme ces résultats. Ces fronts jouent un rôle primordial dans la formation de structures spatiales localisées.

  6. Determinação da massa de júpiter a partir das órbitas de seus satélites: um experimento didático

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schlickmann, M. S.; Saito, R. K.; Becker, D. A.; Rezende, M. F., Jr.; Cid Fernandes, R.


    Este trabalho apresenta o roteiro piloto de uma prática observacional em astronomia, junto com os primeiros resultados obtidos nesta fase de implementacão. O projeto, que será executado em duas etapas, visa introduzir noções de Astronomia a alunos do Ensino Médio e iniciantes nos cursos de Física. O experimento consiste em medir as órbitas dos satélites Galileanos e, a partir da análise dos dados coletados, verificar a validade da Lei das órbitas de Kepler, determinando a massa do planeta Júpiter. Em uma primeira etapa, as observações serão feitas utilizando um telescópio Meade LX200 10" e câmera CCD para obter uma seqüência de imagens do planeta, que possibilitará medir o movimento de seus satélites. A segunda etapa terá início a partir do funcionamento do telescópio em modo robótico, com a possibilidade de observações via internet por instituições de ensino. Para o desenvolvimento deste experimento foram inicialmente coletadas várias imagens de Júpiter obtidas com os instrumentos citados acima. Estas imagens serviram como base para confecção dos roteiros para a experiência no nível médio e superior. Os roteiros serão inicialmente apresentados em uma home-page. Nela também se buscará uma contextualização histórica da experiência bem como o estabelecimento de relações com professores e alunos, propostas metodológicas e a disponibilização dos programas computacionais necessários para a utilização "on-line" pelos usuários. O projeto conta com apoio da Fundação VITAE.


    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Lolas, Fernando; Silveira, Carla; Guiotti, Murilo


    Objetivo Realizar uma análise da inserção da ética e humanidades no currículo do Curso de Medicina da Escola Superior em Ciências da Saúde - ESCS, escola pública do Distrito Federal, Brasil, de forma a contribuir com o processo de gestão curricular. Metodologia O Estudo é de coorte e documental. Foram pesquisados 37 termos relacionados à ética e 36 referentes à humanização nos objetivos educacionais e conteúdo dos módulos temáticos, habilidades e atitudes e interação ensino-serviço-comunidade, de 1a a 4a série e no programa do internato no currículo (ano 2006) e no projeto pedagógico do Curso de Medicina (2001). Resultados Maior inserção da humanização, ética e bioética na 1a e 2a série, quando comparado à inserção na 3a e 4a série e no internato, (IC95%-α=0,034, pvalue=0,007). Unidade de habilidades e atitudes: freqüência das 3 temáticas no currículo da 1a a 4a séries (IC95%-α=0,026, pvalue=0,013). Quando comparada a inserção entre o internato e as quatro primeiras séries, observa-se que nestas a inserção da temática humanização é superior (IC95%-α=0,042, pvalue=0,029). Conclusão O currículo desenvolvido no ano de 2006 na ESCS apresentou correlação com o projeto pedagógico do curso e contemplou a temática de forma abrangente, em todas as séries e internato. PMID:20396594

  8. Possible Class of Nearby Gamma-Ray Burst / Gravitational Wave Sources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Norris, Jay P.


    A possible subclass of gamma-ray bursts - those with few, wide pulses, spectral lags of order one to several seconds, and soft spectra - has been identified. Their Log[N]-Log[Fp] distribution approximates a -3/2 power-law, suggesting homogeneity and relatively nearby sources. These mostly dim bursts account for ~ 50% of the BATSE sample of long bursts near that instrument's trigger threshold, suggesting that this subluminous class constitutes a more common variety than the more familiar burst sources which lie at truly cosmological distances. Theoretical scenarios predicted such a class, motivated by their exemplar GRB 980425 (SN 1998bw) lying at a distance of ~ 38 Mpc. The observations are explained by invoking off-axis viewing of the GRB jet and/or bulk Lorentz factors of order a few. Long-lag bursts show a tendency to concentrate near the Supergalactic Plane with a quadrupole moment of -0.10 +/- 0.04, similar to that for SNe type Ib/c within the same volume. The rate of the observed subluminous bursts is of order <num>1num>4 that of SNe Ib/c. Evidence for a sequential relationship between SNe Ib/c and GRBs is critiqued for two cases, as simultaneity of the SN and GRB events may be important for detection of the expected gravitational wave signal; at most, SN to GRB delays appear to be a few days. SN asymmetries and ultrarelativistic GRB jets suggest the possibility of rapid rotation in the pre-collapse objects, a primary condition required for highly non-axisymmetric SN collapse to produce strong gravitational waves.

  9. The MVACS Surface Stereo Imager on Mars Polar Lander

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smith, P. H.; Reynolds, R.; Weinberg, J.; Friedman, T.; Lemmon, M. T.; Tanner, R.; Reid, R. J.; Marcialis, R. L.; Bos, B. J.; Oquest, C.; Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Kramm, R.; Gliem, F.; Rueffer, P.


    The Surface Stereo Imager (SSI), a stereoscopic, multispectral camera on the Mars Polar Lander, is described in terms of its capabilities for studying the Martian polar environment. The camera's two eyes, separated by 15.0 cm, provide the camera with range-finding ability. Each eye illuminates half of a single CCD detector with a field of view of 13.8° high by 14.3° wide and has 12 selectable filters between 440 and 1000 nm. The <num>f>18 optics have a large depth of field, and no focusing mechanism is required; a mechanical shutter is avoided by using the frame transfer capability of the 528 × 512 CCD. The resolving power of the camera, 0.975 mrad/pixel, is the same as the Imager for Mars Pathfinder camera, of which it is nearly an exact copy. Specially designed targets are positioned on the Lander; they provide information on the magnetic properties of wind-blown dust, and radiometric standards for calibration. Several experiments beyond the requisite color panorama are described in detail: contour mapping of the local terrain, multispectral imaging of interesting features (possibly with ice or frost in shaded spots) to study local mineralogy, and atmospheric imaging to constrain the properties of the haze and clouds. Eight low-transmission filters are included for imaging the Sun directly at multiple wavelengths to give SSI the ability to measure dust opacity and potentially the water vapor content. This paper is intended to document the functionality and calibration of the SSI as flown on the failed lander.

  10. Skin texture parameters of the dorsal hand in evaluating skin aging in China.


    Gao, Qian; Hu, Li-Wen; Wang, Yang; Xu, Wen-Ying; Ouyang, Nan-Ning; Dong, Guo-Qing; Shi, Song-Tian; Liu, Yang


    There are various non-invasive methods in skin morphology for assessing skin aging. The use of digital photography will make it easier and more convenient. In this study, we explored some skin texture parameters for evaluating skin aging using digital image processing. Two hundred and twenty-eight subjects who lived in Sanya, China, were involved. Individual sun exposure history and other factors influencing skin aging were collected by a questionnaire. Meanwhile, we took photos of their dorsal hands. Skin images were graded according to the Beagley-Gibson system. These skin images were also processed using image analysis software. Five skin texture parameters, Angle Num., Angle Max., Angle Diff., Distance and Grids, were produced in reference to the Beagley-Gibson system. All texture parameters were significantly associated with the Beagley-Gibson score. Among the parameters, the distance between primary lines (Distance) and the value of angle formed by intersection textures (Angle Max., Angle Diff.) were positively associated with the Beagley-Gibson score. However, there was a negative correlation between the number of grids (Grids), the number of angle (Angle Num.) and the Beagley-Gibson score. These texture parameters were also correlated with factors influencing skin aging such as sun exposure, age, smoking, drinking and body mass index. In multivariate analysis, Grids and Distance were mainly affected by age. But Angle Max. and Angle Diff. were mainly affected by sun exposure. It seemed that the skin surface morphologic parameters presented in our study reflect skin aging changes to some extent and could be used to describe skin aging using digital image processing. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  11. High performance Python for direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mortensen, Mikael; Langtangen, Hans Petter


    Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of the Navier Stokes equations is an invaluable research tool in fluid dynamics. Still, there are few publicly available research codes and, due to the heavy number crunching implied, available codes are usually written in low-level languages such as C/C++ or Fortran. In this paper we describe a pure scientific Python pseudo-spectral DNS code that nearly matches the performance of C++ for thousands of processors and billions of unknowns. We also describe a version optimized through Cython, that is found to match the speed of C++. The solvers are written from scratch in Python, both the mesh, the MPI domain decomposition, and the temporal integrators. The solvers have been verified and benchmarked on the Shaheen supercomputer at the KAUST supercomputing laboratory, and we are able to show very good scaling up to several thousand cores. A very important part of the implementation is the mesh decomposition (we implement both slab and pencil decompositions) and 3D parallel Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT). The mesh decomposition and FFT routines have been implemented in Python using serial FFT routines (either NumPy, pyFFTW or any other serial FFT module), NumPy array manipulations and with MPI communications handled by MPI for Python (mpi4py). We show how we are able to execute a 3D parallel FFT in Python for a slab mesh decomposition using 4 lines of compact Python code, for which the parallel performance on Shaheen is found to be slightly better than similar routines provided through the FFTW library. For a pencil mesh decomposition 7 lines of code is required to execute a transform.

  12. A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digital Signal Processing Laboratory.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    DOUBLE PPEC IC I DM C0CT2 C3 0) - C0CET4 . 3 0> DOUBLE PPEC ISI Oh CUB 1 CS 0) < CUEE ɠ 0 > , SUB3 ɠ 0> DOUELE PPECICION CUE6O30> » SUB7 ɠQ> »SUB3CB0...97 J — MUM = 1.30 DEM = I.DO DO JO J=l«f HUM = NUM*< SUEI <J;>+SUB2<J>*C0ST2<:D «•suB3O>*C0S2T4<.i1 DEN • DEN*<SUB6’CJ>+ SUB7 <J

  13. Modélisation des charges d'espace dans les isolants solides par une analyse spectrale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haas, V.; Scouarnec, Ch.; Franceschi, J. L.


    A mathematical method based on spectral algebra is developped for the thermal modulation method. These methods permit to measure the space charge distribution in solid insulators. The modelling presented permits to evaluate the performances and the limitations of the measurement method. Une linéarisation par l'algèbre spectrale a été développée dans une méthode de modulation thermique pour mesurer la distribution des charges électriques dans les isolants solides. La modélisation présentée permet d'évaluer les performances et les limites tant numériques que physiques de la méthode de mesure.

  14. A Numerical Simulation of a Carbon Black Suspension Cell Via a Time-Reversed, Double Layer Compute Algorithm

    DTIC Science & Technology


    be accounted for by conventional descriptions of the system response. To remedy this deficiency , researchers developed a theory or model of the...timex,tO, tev, tps REAL*8 uO, width, x, xx, yy, zz, zr REAL*8 FRACi, FRAC2,F0_XX,F0_YY,F0_ZZ REAL*8 TKl, TK2 ,TQl,Tq2 INTEGER I, J, JJ, K, KK, L, NUM...UU2(J+1) !KK = Layer J+i’s time counter. TK1 = TAU(J+1) TK2 = TK1 + DELTAT(KK) j LOOP MCM C: DO KQ = UU2(J+1), KSUM PLTTIME = TIME * 1E+09 DO

  15. CQI proiect Every other day nocturnal HHD - An alternative approach to reduce burden.



    More frequent dialysis, typically performed five to six times per week at home, has been associated with a num- ber of clinical, cardiovascular, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) benefits. Daily therapy often results in a burden for patients and care partners. A continuous qual- ity improvement (CQI) initiative was conducted to evaluate if an alternate day, longer duration therapy (3.5 treatments with six to 10 hour treatments per week) would provide a viable alternative for home hemodialysis (HHD). This initia- tive demonstrated that every other day (EOD) nocturnal HD is a feasible alternative option to daily HHD and should be considered to individualize home dialysis therapy.

  16. A Fluidic Voice Communication System and Data Link.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AD-AO4 OfA NAVAL POSTGAATAE SCHOOL HOuTEfuY CA F/S mTa A FLUIDIC VOICE CGUUNI[CATION SYSTI AND DATA LINK.UI NM O T N P.SEuCKI UNCLASSCO M I’I mlii...1119 Q8 ""󈧚ii1 13"L. 11H 1IlIIo MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS 196 A NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California...Postgraduate School Ma 4Y Mechanical Engineering Department Is NuM41611off 4 iuCwTOlftG A49MCV mauIS 4ADOCSSS(to Uffint Imo Ctemiltsd 0111 cc IS. 59CUIRITY

  17. Predicting the Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Food and Beverage Demand in a Large Demand System

    PubMed Central

    Zhen, Chen; Finkelstein, Eric A.; Nonnemaker, James; Karns, Shawn; Todd, Jessica E.


    A censored Exact Affine Stone Index incomplete demand system is estimated for 23 packaged foods and beverages and a numéraire good. Instrumental variables are used to control for endogenous prices. A half-cent per ounce increase in sugar-sweetened beverage prices is predicted to reduce total calories from the 23 foods and beverages but increase sodium and fat intakes as a result of product substitution. The predicted decline in calories is larger for low-income households than for high-income households, although welfare loss is also higher for low-income households. Neglecting price endogeneity or estimating a conditional demand model significantly overestimates the calorie reduction. PMID:24839299

  18. Predicting the Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Food and Beverage Demand in a Large Demand System.


    Zhen, Chen; Finkelstein, Eric A; Nonnemaker, James; Karns, Shawn; Todd, Jessica E


    A censored Exact Affine Stone Index incomplete demand system is estimated for 23 packaged foods and beverages and a numéraire good. Instrumental variables are used to control for endogenous prices. A half-cent per ounce increase in sugar-sweetened beverage prices is predicted to reduce total calories from the 23 foods and beverages but increase sodium and fat intakes as a result of product substitution. The predicted decline in calories is larger for low-income households than for high-income households, although welfare loss is also higher for low-income households. Neglecting price endogeneity or estimating a conditional demand model significantly overestimates the calorie reduction.

  19. Comportamiento dinámico de asteroides en la resonancia 2:1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    López García, F.; Brunini, A.

    El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos del estudio del movimiento de asteroides cercanos a la conmensurabilidad 2:1 con el movimiento medio de Júpiter, analizando el comportamiento de órbitas de asteroides reales y ficticios. Se analizan los tiempos de Lyapunov obtenidos a partir de la integración de las ecuaciones del movimiento. Se han estudiado la órbitas utilizando el modelo de cinco cuerpos y se han considerado los casos planar y espacial. Las simulaciones numéricas se realizaron utilizando integradores simpléticos y el intervalo de tiempo de integración fue de T = 107 años.

  20. Economic Drivers of Strategic & Critical Materials

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Calla<la. r>eru, cnre ZINC 7J ----i, Peru, Mexico, l relaniJ TIT .. .Nll.JM (&p1111ge) ’i">9 -----j K azaUI&tan. Japan. ~ R~a ~.0:!\\JM Ml N...G YPS’Uloil PHOSPI1AT E ROCK IRON and STEEL IRON and STE EL SlAG OEME:NT PUMICE DIIL\\IO.N !> (na:lr.ll t1du&trtal s!Oile) U:ME STO.N E (Ct...PLATINUM ZINC TU.NGSTE.N mA.~w.l ($f10nge) HICK EL PEAT MAGNESIUM METAL SltVER S t’UCON BERYLUUM MAGNESIUM COMPOU l>S ALUMI NUM PUMICIE

  1. La distribución de objetos en el Cinturón de Kuiper y la posible existencia de un nuevo planeta en el Sistema Solar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.

    A pesar de que la capacidad observacional no lo limita, no se han descubierto objetos en el Cinturón de Kuiper más allá de las 50 AU. Recientemente, hemos propuesto que un embrión planetario originalmente formado en la región de Urano-Neptuno, y posteriormente migrado hacia distancias mayores a 50-60 AU, puede explicar este hecho. Presentamos simulaciones numéricas de acreción del Sistema Solar exterior que muestran cómo, naturalmente, podriamos esperar que un planeta de este tipo se encuentre actualmente en regiones distantes del sistema solar. Analizamos además la posibilidad de detectarlo con instrumentos actuales.

  2. Modélisation et simulation numérique du changement de phase liquide vapeur en cavité

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Daru, Virginie; Duluc, Marie-Christine; Le Maître, Olivier; Juric, Damir; Le Quéré, Patrick


    A model for the simulation of boiling flow with phase change in a closed cavity is presented. A front-tracking method is used to deal with the liquid-vapor interface. The liquid phase is incompressible while the vapor phase is weakly compressible and obeys to the perfect gas law. This model can deal with large density ratio ( ρ/ρ≃1000) flows while accounting for the saturation curve. Computations are performed on a 1D validation case, idealizing a pressure cooker. Results are compared with a low Mach number approximation. To cite this article: V. Daru et al., C. R. Mecanique 334 (2006).

  3. Étude descriptive du processus d’évaluation et de documentation de la douleur postopératoire dans un hôpital universitaire

    PubMed Central

    Bergeron, Dave A; Leduc, Geneviève; Marchand, Serge; Bourgault, Patricia


    Plusieurs études démontrent que les patients reçoivent souvent un traitement insatisfaisant de la douleur en contexte postopératoire. Le but de la présente étude descriptive était d’examiner et d’analyser diverses données ayant trait au soulagement de 40 patients après une intervention chirurgicale non urgente. Les patients ont rempli un journal de douleur afin d’évaluer le niveau d’intensité et de désagrément engendré par la douleur durant les trois premières journées postopératoires. Une analyse du dossier a permis de vérifier la documentation de l’évaluation de la douleur par le personnel infirmier. Les résultats indiquent que la douleur en contexte postopératoire est peu et inadéquatement évaluée et peu documentée par le personnel infirmier. Lorsque la douleur est évaluée selon une échelle numérique, les infirmières ont tendance à la sous-évaluer en comparaison avec l’évaluation notée par les patients. Pour la première journée postopératoire, l’intensité moyenne de la douleur documentée par les infirmières est de 1,57 (±0,23) sur une échelle numérique de 0 à 10, alors que l’intensité moyenne documentée par les patients est de 3,82 (±0,41). Cette étude fait ainsi ressortir qu’il n’y a pas de corrélation significative entre l’intensité de la douleur documentée par l’infirmière et celle notée par le patient, ce qui peut expliquer en partie un soulagement non optimal. PMID:21499582

  4. Mapping of land use and geomorphology in the APAPORE project area by LANDSAT satellite data, volume 1

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Parada, N. D. J. (Principal Investigator); Dossantos, A. P.; Kux, H. J.; Sausen, T. M.; Bueno, A. M. T. R.; Desouza, L. F.; Nunes, J. S. D.


    The results of a land use and geomorphological mapping of the so-called Projeto APAPORE area, at Mato Grosso do Sul State are presented. The study was carried out using multispectral scanner (MSS) and return beam vidicon LANDSAT images (channels 5 and 7 for the MSS) at the scale of 1:250,000 from 1980 through visual interpretation. The results indicate that pastureland is the most widespead class and that the agricultural areas re concentrated in the north of the area under study. The area covered with cerradao (arboreous savanna type) has a great areal extention, thus permitting the advance of the agricultural frontier. The geomorphological mapping can be useful to regional planning of future land use within the studied area.

  5. How can the neutrino interact with the electromagnetic field?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Novello, M.; Ducap, C. E. L.


    Maxwell electrodynamics in the fixed Minkowski space-time background can be described in an equivalent way in a curved Riemannian geometry that depends on the electromagnetic field and that we call the electromagnetic metric (e-metric for short). After showing such geometric equivalence we investigate the possibility that new processes dependent on the e-metric are allowed. In particular, for very high values of the field, a direct coupling of uncharged particles to the electromagnetic field may appear. Supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), FAPERJ (Fundação do Amparo Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro, FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos) and Coordenação do Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES)

  6. Anthropometric Source Book. Volume 2: A Handbook of Anthropometric Data

    DTIC Science & Technology

    1978-07-01* % A W " " -I4 0-4DB~M’a~P Z.=22014 MO ZW=O𔃾WW4L" 0 "OBCOO&WWOWWBAB z z 34 " 14 0-44 BBP o z:.~Bwz 1 Wz0 V1O󈧵 j =P.’)ON- 01-0 e e o 0 t...4 c: P) POP~f pol IV)~) ~ P)V) t) PFrW)WW))m x dCY4 0- -a I.- - 0 ~ ItTt t: 1 1 % t’Q.4 O’*t%if! N D Dc ! 4 1Dff~ ffa ul In .4 NV4 W v4 q4v4 v4 NUM

  7. Combustión turbulenta de materia nuclear en materia extraña

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vucetich, H.

    La simulación numérica de supernovas tipo II muestra que los mecanismos físicos convencionales no son suficientes como para producir la explosión. La detonación de materia nuclear en materia extraña es un mecanismo físico capaz de proveer la energía faltante en las simulaciones. En esta comunicación se muestra que la turbulencia en el corazón compacto de una supernova, después del primer choque, es capaz de transformar una combustión lenta en una detonación. Se concluye que, si la materia extraña existe, todas las ``estrellas de neutrones'' son, en realidad, ``estrellas extrañas''.

  8. Research on Humpback and Blue Whales Off California, Oregon and Washington in 2002

    DTIC Science & Technology


    northern Puget Sound in 2002. Skin samples were obtained from three sperm whales, two from stranded animals in Washington State and one from a biopsy...Latitude Longitde Num Ves SN# Reaction Photo-ID Notes ID SWFSC # 020501-1 5/1/2002 20:15 Biopsy ER Puget Sound JAC 48 00.28 122 13.37 1 of 3 N1 8 NR ID-53...0 0 1 0 7 Washington 75 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 12 Wash/BC border 76 0 0 0 1 1 10 13 0 3 16 35 34 22 47 60 31 35 32 179 Puget Sound 79 0

  9. Novel materials based on chitosan, its derivatives and cellulose fibres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernandes, Susana Cristina de Matos

    revestimento de papel representa uma estrategia bastante interessante e sustentavel para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais funcionais ou na melhoria das propriedades finais dos papeis. Por fim, tendo como objectivo valorizar os residuos e fraccoes menos nobres da quitina e do quitosano provenientes da industria transformadora, estes polimeros foram convertidos em poliois viscosos atraves de uma reaccao simples de oxipropilacao. Este processo tem tambem conotacao "verde" uma vez que nao requer solvente, nao origina subprodutos e nao exige nenhuma operacao especifica (separacao, purificacao, etc) para isolar o produto da reaccao. As amostras de quitina e quitosano foram pre-activadas com KOH e depois modificadas com um excesso de oxido de propileno (PO) num reactor apropriado. Em todos os casos, o produto da reaccao foi um liquido viscoso composto por quitina ou quitosano oxipropilados e homopolimero de PO. Estas duas fraccoes foram separadas e caracterizadas.

  10. Informacion Bibliografica: Ano 3, Num. 9, Enero-Febrero, 1972 (Bibliographic Information: Volume 3, Number 9, January-February 1972).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martinez Martinez, Antonio L., Ed.

    This bulletin contains several articles on various topics concerning information science. The first article is a report on the November 1971 Seminar on Documentation and Pedagogical Information in Latin America held in Panama. The second article, entitled "Informatica," provides a discussion of information science by three Soviet writers;…

  11. The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a library for working with weather radar data in the Python programming language

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Helmus, Jonathan J.; Collis, Scott M.

    The Python ARM Radar Toolkit is a package for reading, visualizing, correcting and analysing data from weather radars. Development began to meet the needs of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility and has since expanded to provide a general-purpose framework for working with data from weather radars in the Python programming language. The toolkit is built on top of libraries in the Scientific Python ecosystem including NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib, and makes use of Cython for interfacing with existing radar libraries written in C and to speed up computationally demanding algorithms. As a result, the source code for themore » toolkit is available on GitHub and is distributed under a BSD license.« less

  12. A Comprehensive Study of the Tocks Island Lake Project and Alternatives. Part A. Chapters IV, V, VI. Analysis of Service Areas and Resource Needs.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    3431 378 * 9 0S go9 391" I0*9 Is 3179 701 463 S09 831 736 *0" M1 Art 14M, *1 3us 1914 £00 St309 G17 494 so? AV ? A9l 1*7 64 13 * a£ oil 93 1969 100...AD-AO83 999 URS/MADIGAN-PRAEGER INC NEW YORK FIG 13 / 13 COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF THE TOCKS ISLAND LAKE PROJECT AND ALTE--ETC(U) JUN 75 DACWSI75-C-0026... REPORT NUMBER 2S A RC1 11m a TR C OReu 4f** NUMS.em : 319a~ab boc mb The PROseIN OfGNZTO thi E stuDisDES to help decision maesdtrieftrA rsource n ege

  13. Open House at the ESO Headquarters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Madsen, C.


    On 15 October, the ESO Headquarters opened its doors to the public as part of the All-Campus Open House organised in connection with the inauguration of the extension of the underground line U6 from Munich to the Garching campus. The day was blessed with clear skies and plenty of sunshine, and a large number of citizens took advantage of the opportunity to visit the campus. The estimated number of visitors at ESO was close to 3000 people, a record number. Another record was set by the number of ESO staff who, in anticipation of the high num-ber of guests, volunteered to spend their Sunday at work to explain what ESO is doing and why it is important.

  14. Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane


    Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.

  15. The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a library for working with weather radar data in the Python programming language


    Helmus, Jonathan J.; Collis, Scott M.


    The Python ARM Radar Toolkit is a package for reading, visualizing, correcting and analysing data from weather radars. Development began to meet the needs of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility and has since expanded to provide a general-purpose framework for working with data from weather radars in the Python programming language. The toolkit is built on top of libraries in the Scientific Python ecosystem including NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib, and makes use of Cython for interfacing with existing radar libraries written in C and to speed up computationally demanding algorithms. As a result, the source code for themore » toolkit is available on GitHub and is distributed under a BSD license.« less

  16. Effective tobacco control measures: agreement among medical students.


    Martins, Stella Regina; Paceli, Renato Batista; Bussacos, Marco Antônio; Fernandes, Frederico Leon Arrabal; Prado, Gustavo Faibischew; Lombardi, Elisa Maria Siqueira; Terra-Filho, Mário; Santos, Ubiratan Paula


    recomendadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e avaliar as atitudes, o conhecimento e as crenças a respeito do tabagismo em alunos do terceiro ano de medicina da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, em São Paulo (SP). Entre 2008 e 2012, todos os alunos do terceiro ano de medicina foram convidados a preencher um questionário autoaplicável baseado na Global Health Professions Student Survey e em seus módulos adicionais. A amostra consistiu em 556 estudantes. O grau de concordância com as recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde foi alto, à exceção de "receberam treinamento a respeito de cessação do tabagismo" e "aumentar os impostos é uma medida eficaz para reduzir a prevalência do tabagismo". A maioria dos estudantes relatou que concorda com a proibição da venda de produtos do tabaco a menores de idade (95%), acredita que os médicos são modelos de comportamento para seus pacientes (84%) e acredita que deveriam aconselhar seus pacientes a parar de fumar cigarros (96%) e de usar outros produtos do tabaco (94%). No tocante aos métodos de cessação do tabagismo, observamos que a maioria dos estudantes sabe mais sobre terapia de reposição da nicotina do que sobre terapias não nicotínicas (93% vs. 53%). Apenas 37% dos participantes estavam cientes da importância de material educacional antitabagismo, e apenas 31% relataram que acreditam na eficácia de incentivar seus pacientes, durante as consultas médicas, a parar de fumar. Em nossa amostra, a prevalência de tabagismo atual foi de 5,23%; entretanto, 43,82% dos participantes relataram ter experimentado fumar tabaco com um narguilé. Nossos resultados revelaram a necessidade de deixar claro para os alunos do terceiro ano de medicina o quão importante é aumentar os preços e impostos dos produtos do tabaco. É também preciso conscientizar os alunos dos perigos de experimentar outros produtos do tabaco que não os cigarros, particularmente o narguilé.

  17. L'aléa tsunami en Polynésie française : apports de la simulation numérique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sladen, Anthony; Hébert, Hélène; Schindelé, François; Reymond, Dominique


    French Polynesia is frequently struck by transoceanic tsunamis originating from around the Pacific. The numerical modelling of five scenarios defined among threatening source areas has been performed on seven Polynesian sites. The results show that the Marquesian bays are consistently most affected, while the sites in Tahiti and Rurutu are significantly exposed, though less heavily. The tsunami hazard has been then mapped for whole Polynesia. Major tsunamis are expected to hit Marquesas, and Rurutu (Australes), but less frequently. An elevated hazard level is defined for the other Australes and for several Society Islands (especially Tahiti). Tuamotu atolls and other Society Islands are only moderately exposed.

  18. [Programa de saúde: a case of book censorship during the Brazilian military dictatorship].


    Reimão, Sandra


    Some documents produced by the government during the Brazilian military dictatorship have been made available for reference, including censors' reports on television and radio programs, plays, films, songs, advertisements and printed matter. Of the 500 or so reports on books, there is one that vetoes Programa de saúde: projetos e temas de higiene e saúde, an educational work that proposed actions to help students understand their sanitary conditions and acquire knowledge about health and health-promoting habits in this area. The argument for vetoing it was that the information could fall into the hands of poorly trained teachers, who could distort its content, causing serious damage to Brazilian youth. In this report we see evidence of the obscurantist, elitist posture adopted by the Department of Censorship of Public Entertainment, which aimed to restrict the circulation of information and curb debate.

  19. The Mars Color Imager (MARCI) on the Mars Climate Orbiter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malin, M. C.; Calvin, W.; Clancy, R. T.; Haberle, R. M.; James, P. B.; Lee, S. W.; Thomas, P. C.; Caplinger, M. A.


    The Mars Color Imager, or MARCI, experiment on the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) consists of two cameras with unique optics and identical focal plane assemblies (FPAs), Data Acquisition System (DAS) electronics, and power supplies. Each camera is characterized by small physical size and mass (~6 × 6 × 12 cm, including baffle; <500 g), low power requirements (<2.5 W, including power supply losses), and high science performance (1000 × 1000 pixel, low noise). The Wide Angle (WA) camera will have the capability to map Mars in five visible and two ultraviolet spectral bands at a resolution of better than 8 km/pixel under the worst case downlink data rate. Under better downlink conditions the WA will provide kilometer-scale global maps of atmospheric phenomena such as clouds, hazes, dust storms, and the polar hood. Limb observations will provide additional detail on atmospheric structure at <num>1num>3 scale-height resolution. The Medium Angle (MA) camera is designed to study selected areas of Mars at regional scale. From 400 km altitude its 6° FOV, which covers ~40 km at 40 m/pixel, will permit all locations on the planet except the poles to be accessible for image acquisitions every two mapping cycles (roughly 52 sols). Eight spectral channels between 425 and 1000 nm provide the ability to discriminate both atmospheric and surface features on the basis of composition. The primary science objectives of MARCI are to (1) observe Martian atmospheric processes at synoptic scales and mesoscales, (2) study details of the interaction of the atmosphere with the surface at a variety of scales in both space and time, and (3) examine surface features characteristic of the evolution of the Martian climate over time. MARCI will directly address two of the three high-level goals of the Mars Surveyor Program: Climate and Resources. Life, the third goal, will be addressed indirectly through the environmental factors

  20. Test system stability and natural variability of a Lemna gibba L. bioassay.


    Scherr, Claudia; Simon, Meinhard; Spranger, Jörg; Baumgartner, Stephan


    In ecotoxicological and environmental studies Lemna spp. are used as test organisms due to their small size, rapid predominantly vegetative reproduction, easy handling and high sensitivity to various chemicals. However, there is not much information available concerning spatial and temporal stability of experimental set-ups used for Lemna bioassays, though this is essential for interpretation and reliability of results. We therefore investigated stability and natural variability of a Lemna gibba bioassay assessing area-related and frond number-related growth rates under controlled laboratory conditions over about one year. Lemna gibba L. was grown in beakers with Steinberg medium for one week. Area-related and frond number-related growth rates (r(area) and r(num)) were determined with a non-destructive image processing system. To assess inter-experimental stability, 35 independent experiments were performed with 10 beakers each in the course of one year. We observed changes in growth rates by a factor of two over time. These did not correlate well with temperature or relative humidity in the growth chamber. In order to assess intra-experimental stability, we analysed six systematic negative control experiments (nontoxicant tests) with 96 replicate beakers each. Evaluation showed that the chosen experimental set-up was stable and did not produce false positive results. The coefficient of variation was lower for r(area) (2.99%) than for r(num) (4.27%). It is hypothesised that the variations in growth rates over time under controlled conditions are partly due to endogenic periodicities in Lemna gibba. The relevance of these variations for toxicity investigations should be investigated more closely. Area-related growth rate seems to be more precise as non-destructive calculation parameter than number-related growth rate. Furthermore, we propose two new validity criteria for Lemna gibba bioassays: variability of average specific and section-by-section segmented growth

  1. Test System Stability and Natural Variability of a Lemna Gibba L. Bioassay

    PubMed Central

    Scherr, Claudia; Simon, Meinhard; Spranger, Jörg; Baumgartner, Stephan


    Background In ecotoxicological and environmental studies Lemna spp. are used as test organisms due to their small size, rapid predominantly vegetative reproduction, easy handling and high sensitivity to various chemicals. However, there is not much information available concerning spatial and temporal stability of experimental set-ups used for Lemna bioassays, though this is essential for interpretation and reliability of results. We therefore investigated stability and natural variability of a Lemna gibba bioassay assessing area-related and frond number-related growth rates under controlled laboratory conditions over about one year. Methology/Principal Findings Lemna gibba L. was grown in beakers with Steinberg medium for one week. Area-related and frond number-related growth rates (r(area) and r(num)) were determined with a non-destructive image processing system. To assess inter-experimental stability, 35 independent experiments were performed with 10 beakers each in the course of one year. We observed changes in growth rates by a factor of two over time. These did not correlate well with temperature or relative humidity in the growth chamber. In order to assess intra-experimental stability, we analysed six systematic negative control experiments (nontoxicant tests) with 96 replicate beakers each. Evaluation showed that the chosen experimental set-up was stable and did not produce false positive results. The coefficient of variation was lower for r(area) (2.99%) than for r(num) (4.27%). Conclusions/Significance It is hypothesised that the variations in growth rates over time under controlled conditions are partly due to endogenic periodicities in Lemna gibba. The relevance of these variations for toxicity investigations should be investigated more closely. Area-related growth rate seems to be more precise as non-destructive calculation parameter than number-related growth rate. Furthermore, we propose two new validity criteria for Lemna gibba bioassays

  2. Cytotoxicity, Biocompatibility, and Biomineralization of the New High-plasticity MTA Material.


    Cintra, Luciano Tavares Angelo; Benetti, Francine; de Azevedo Queiroz, Índia Olinta; de Araújo Lopes, Juliana Maria; Penha de Oliveira, Sandra Helena; Sivieri Araújo, Gustavo; Gomes-Filho, João Eduardo


    Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has excellent biological properties, but its handling properties have been criticized for both ProRoot MTA (Tulsa Dental Products, Tulsa, OK) and white MTA-Angelus (MTA-Ang; Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, PR, Brazil). Angelus MTA HP (high plasticity) (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A) has been introduced recently. Considering the importance of biological properties of materials that will be in contact with the tissues, this study evaluated the cytotoxicity, biocompatibility, and biomineralization of MTA HP compared with white MTA-Ang. L929 fibroblast cell lines were cultured, and cell viability was assessed at 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours using the alamar Blue assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). A subcutaneous implant test was performed with polyethylene tubes containing 1 of the materials or empty tubes (control) using 20 Wistar rats. After 7 and 30 days of implantation, the tubes with surrounding tissues were removed for analysis using hematoxylin-eosin or von Kossa stain or they remained unstained for observation under polarized light. The results were statistically analyzed (P < .05). A significant increase in cell viability for MTA HP was observed after 24, 48, and 72 hours compared with the control (P < .05). At 72 hours, MTA HP exhibited a higher viability compared with white MTA-Ang (P < .05). Histologic analysis performed at 7 days showed moderate inflammation and a thick fibrous capsule in all groups (P > .05). At 30 days, mild inflammation and a thin fibrous capsule were observed in all groups (P > .05). All materials had structures positive for von Kossa and birefringent to polarized light. MTA HP showed biocompatibility and biomineralization similar to MTA-Ang. In addition, MTA HP showed increased fibroblast cell viability compared with white MTA-Ang after a longer period. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier

  3. Boscombe Down, United Kingdom. Limited Surface Observations Climatic Summary ’LISOCS.’ Parts A-F.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    OBSERVATIONS" .3-TAr CLIMATIC SUMMARY "LISOCS" BOSCOMBE DOWN UK MSC *037460 N 51 10 W 001 44 ELEV 407 FT ESDM W PARTS A - F HOURS SUMMARIZED: 0000...8217 𔃼.4 K 1.7 IS.? 1 35.9 15.9 3’. q’ 31.9 5 6. 1 16.6 36.6 11.5 GI 167) UC 1 22.6 27.9 Z9 .1 30.9 32.1 12. 5 11.6 35.8a 36.0 16.0 36.11 16.0 36. 3 l6.7...USAFETAC FROM HOURLY OwlStRR3IONS AIR WEATI4FR SFPRVICE/MAC STATION NUM6: 0746 1 ’TATOE* NAM: B0,C 0Mt DOWN UK P10)r1 OE ()[ COPD : 77-86 M0N)H: JUt

  4. l en configuration dite de "Bridgman verticale" avec un tirage vers le haut. Pour des valeurs élevées du nombre de Rayleigh solutal, nous suivons les diverses branches de solutions stationnaires jusqu'aux seuils d'apparition des phénomènes instationnaires. Ces transitions à l'instationnarité sont étudiées en fonction du confinement et, le long de ces nouvelles branches de solution, nous estimons l'ordre de grandeur de la fluctuation temporelle de la composition à l'interface. Cette dernière étant responsable d'une striation qui est incorporée par le solide lors de sa croissance, nous caractérisons ce phénomène en termes d'amplitude de striation (i.e. intensité de la fluctuation de composition) et de période spatiale de striation.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haldenwang, P.; Guérin, R.; Le Marec, C.


    2-D unsteady flow patterns in upward Bridgman solidification are numerically investigated. The alloy under study is Pb-30%Tl. The purpose of the contribution is to characterise the striations induced by unsteadiness in the growing crystal. Unsteady solution branches are studied from onset threshold of unsteadiness to chaos. We report two examples for which time behaviour of a given solution branch is studied versus Rayleigh number. We then estimate the magnitude of the time fluctuations in solute composition that the crystal incorporates. The period of the striations is also discussed. Nous étudions numériquement les structures hydrodynamiques de la convection solutale dans le bain fondu, lors de la solidification dirigée d'alliages binaires. Plus précisément, cette étude porte

  5. The atomic simulation environment-a Python library for working with atoms.


    Hjorth Larsen, Ask; Jørgen Mortensen, Jens; Blomqvist, Jakob; Castelli, Ivano E; Christensen, Rune; Dułak, Marcin; Friis, Jesper; Groves, Michael N; Hammer, Bjørk; Hargus, Cory; Hermes, Eric D; Jennings, Paul C; Bjerre Jensen, Peter; Kermode, James; Kitchin, John R; Leonhard Kolsbjerg, Esben; Kubal, Joseph; Kaasbjerg, Kristen; Lysgaard, Steen; Bergmann Maronsson, Jón; Maxson, Tristan; Olsen, Thomas; Pastewka, Lars; Peterson, Andrew; Rostgaard, Carsten; Schiøtz, Jakob; Schütt, Ole; Strange, Mikkel; Thygesen, Kristian S; Vegge, Tejs; Vilhelmsen, Lasse; Walter, Michael; Zeng, Zhenhua; Jacobsen, Karsten W


    The atomic simulation environment (ASE) is a software package written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, steering, and analyzing atomistic simulations. In ASE, tasks are fully scripted in Python. The powerful syntax of Python combined with the NumPy array library make it possible to perform very complex simulation tasks. For example, a sequence of calculations may be performed with the use of a simple 'for-loop' construction. Calculations of energy, forces, stresses and other quantities are performed through interfaces to many external electronic structure codes or force fields using a uniform interface. On top of this calculator interface, ASE provides modules for performing many standard simulation tasks such as structure optimization, molecular dynamics, handling of constraints and performing nudged elastic band calculations.

  6. Real Scan Evolution.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  7. Xarray: multi-dimensional data analysis in Python

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoyer, Stephan; Hamman, Joe; Maussion, Fabien


    xarray ( is an open source project and Python package that provides a toolkit and data structures for N-dimensional labeled arrays, which are the bread and butter of modern geoscientific data analysis. Key features of the package include label-based indexing and arithmetic, interoperability with the core scientific Python packages (e.g., pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Cartopy), out-of-core computation on datasets that don't fit into memory, a wide range of input/output options, and advanced multi-dimensional data manipulation tools such as group-by and resampling. In this contribution we will present the key features of the library and demonstrate its great potential for a wide range of applications, from (big-)data processing on super computers to data exploration in front of a classroom.

  8. MONTE: the next generation of mission design and navigation software

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Evans, Scott; Taber, William; Drain, Theodore; Smith, Jonathon; Wu, Hsi-Cheng; Guevara, Michelle; Sunseri, Richard; Evans, James


    The Mission analysis, Operations and Navigation Toolkit Environment (MONTE) (Sunseri et al. in NASA Tech Briefs 36(9), 2012) is an astrodynamic toolkit produced by the Mission Design and Navigation Software Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It provides a single integrated environment for all phases of deep space and Earth orbiting missions. Capabilities include: trajectory optimization and analysis, operational orbit determination, flight path control, and 2D/3D visualization. MONTE is presented to the user as an importable Python language module. This allows a simple but powerful user interface via CLUI or script. In addition, the Python interface allows MONTE to be used seamlessly with other canonical scientific programming tools such as SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib. MONTE is the prime operational orbit determination software for all JPL navigated missions.

  9. The atomic simulation environment—a Python library for working with atoms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hjorth Larsen, Ask; Jørgen Mortensen, Jens; Blomqvist, Jakob; Castelli, Ivano E.; Christensen, Rune; Dułak, Marcin; Friis, Jesper; Groves, Michael N.; Hammer, Bjørk; Hargus, Cory; Hermes, Eric D.; Jennings, Paul C.; Bjerre Jensen, Peter; Kermode, James; Kitchin, John R.; Leonhard Kolsbjerg, Esben; Kubal, Joseph; Kaasbjerg, Kristen; Lysgaard, Steen; Bergmann Maronsson, Jón; Maxson, Tristan; Olsen, Thomas; Pastewka, Lars; Peterson, Andrew; Rostgaard, Carsten; Schiøtz, Jakob; Schütt, Ole; Strange, Mikkel; Thygesen, Kristian S.; Vegge, Tejs; Vilhelmsen, Lasse; Walter, Michael; Zeng, Zhenhua; Jacobsen, Karsten W.


    The atomic simulation environment (ASE) is a software package written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, steering, and analyzing atomistic simulations. In ASE, tasks are fully scripted in Python. The powerful syntax of Python combined with the NumPy array library make it possible to perform very complex simulation tasks. For example, a sequence of calculations may be performed with the use of a simple ‘for-loop’ construction. Calculations of energy, forces, stresses and other quantities are performed through interfaces to many external electronic structure codes or force fields using a uniform interface. On top of this calculator interface, ASE provides modules for performing many standard simulation tasks such as structure optimization, molecular dynamics, handling of constraints and performing nudged elastic band calculations.

  10. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Spotz, William F.

    PyTrilinos is a set of Python interfaces to compiled Trilinos packages. This collection supports serial and parallel dense linear algebra, serial and parallel sparse linear algebra, direct and iterative linear solution techniques, algebraic and multilevel preconditioners, nonlinear solvers and continuation algorithms, eigensolvers and partitioning algorithms. Also included are a variety of related utility functions and classes, including distributed I/O, coloring algorithms and matrix generation. PyTrilinos vector objects are compatible with the popular NumPy Python package. As a Python front end to compiled libraries, PyTrilinos takes advantage of the flexibility and ease of use of Python, and the efficiency of themore » underlying C++, C and Fortran numerical kernels. This paper covers recent, previously unpublished advances in the PyTrilinos package.« less

  11. Death of a back-arc magmatic system: Temporal variations of melt-stagnation in peridotites from the Godzilla Megamullion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loocke, M.; Snow, J. E.; Ohara, Y.


    fertile medial region. The medial region may then represent a portion of mantle rock which was present in the zone of melting beneath the ridge during the formation of the breakaway. The proximal region exhibits a large increase in melt-stagnation which can be attributed to the runaway process of entrapment of transient melt within the thickening lithosphere beneath the ridge. (1) Ohara, et al., (2003) G3. 4 (7), 8611, 10.1029/2002GC000469. (2) Ohara, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T33D-06 (3) Loocke, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T21A-1776 (4) Snow, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T33D-07 (5)Loocke, M., Snow, J.E., and Ohara, Y. (2010), Systematics of melt stagnation in peridotites from the Godzilla Megamullion, Abstract T23A-2227 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec. (6) Dick (1989) Geol Soc. Lond. Spec. Pub. 42:71-105.

  12. Molluscicidal activity of Physalis angulata L. extracts and fractions on Biomphalaria tenagophila (d'Orbigny, 1835) under laboratory conditions.


    dos Santos, José Augusto A; Tomassini, Therezinha Coelho B; Xavier, Deise Cristina Drummond; Ribeiro, Ivone Maria; da Silva, Melissa Teixeira G; de Morais Filho, Zenildo Buarque


    The main objective of this research is to evaluate the molluscicide activity of Physalis angulata L. Biomphalaria tenagophila specimens under laboratory conditions. Extracts and fractions were supplied by the Laborat rio de Qu mica de Produtos Naturais, Farmanguinhos-Fiocruz. Experiments were performed according to the methodology described by the World Health Organization for molluscicide tests using the concentrations from 0.1 to 500 mg/l of the extracts, fractions and of a pool of physalins modified steroids present in this species. The results show that ethyl acetate and acetone extracts from the whole plant, the ethanolic extracts of the roots and the physalins pool from stems and leaves were active. Only the whole plant extracts were available in sufficient quantity for the determination of LD50 and LD90 values.

  13. Desenvolvimento das câmeras de raios-X duros do satélite MIRAX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Braga, J.; Rothschild, R.; Staubert, R.; Heise, J.; Remillard, R.; D'Amico, F.; Jablonski, F.; Mejía, J.; Carvalho, H.; Heindl, B.; Matteson, J.; Kendziorra, E.; Wilms, J.; in't Zand, J.; Kuulkers, E.


    O MIRAX (Monitor e Imageador de RAios-X) é um projeto de desenvolvimento de um pequeno satélite astronômico de raios-X (~200 kg, ~240 W). A estratégia básica da missão será observar continuamente (~9 meses por ano) a região central (~1000 graus2) do plano Galáctico e realizar estudos espectroscópicos de banda larga (2-200 keV) e alta sensibilidade de um grande conjunto de fontes através de imagens com resolução de ~6'. Isso proporcionará uma cobertura inédita do "espaço de descobertas" através da detecção, localização, identificação e estudo detalhado de fenômenos imprevisíveis, tais como transientes fracos de raios-X, novas rápidas de raios-X e bursts de raios gama, assim como o estudo de fontes com emissão persistente. Neste trabalho apresentamos o projeto das duas câmeras de raios-X duros (CXDs) do MIRAX, que irão operar na faixa de 10 a 200 keV. Cada CXD consistirá de um plano de detectores CZT (Cd0,9Zn0,1Te) de 0,5 mm de resolução espacial e 370 cm2 de área total, e de uma máscara codificada com elementos quadrados de 1,3 mm de lado e 0,5 cm de espessura. A máscara terá dimensões de 315 cm ´ 275 cm e será montada a 700 cm de distância dos detectores. Com essa configuração as CXDs terão 6' de resolução angular e, quando colocadas a um ângulo de 29° entre si, as duas câmeras propiciam um campo totalmente codificado de 39° ´ 6°12' e um campo total de 76° ´ 44°. Serão apresentadas simulações de observações da região do plano Galáctico com o conjunto formado pelas duas CXDs.

  14. National roadmap for research infrastructure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonev, Tanyu

    In 2010 the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria passed a National roadmap for research infrastructure (Decision Num. 692 from 21.09.2010). Part of the roadmap is the project called Regional Astronomical Center for Research and Education (RACIO). Distinctive feature of this project is the integration of the existing in the country research and educational organizations in the field of astronomy. The project is a substantial part of the strategy for the development of astronomy in Bulgaria over the next decade. What is the content of this strategis project? How it was possible to include RACIO in the roadmap? Does the national roadmap charmonize with the strategic plans for the development of astronomy in Europe, elaborated by Astronet ( These are some of the questions which I try to give answers in this paper.

  15. Nonlinear Theory of The Geostrophic Adjustment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zeitlin, V.

    Nonlinear geostrophic adjustment and splitting of the fast and slow dynamical vari- ables are analysed in the framework of multi-layer and continuously stratified prim- itive equations by means of the multi-scale perturbation theory in the Rossby num- ber applied to localized initial disturbances. Two basic dynamical regimes: the quasi- geostrophic (QG) and the frontal geostrophic (FG) with small and large deviations of the isopycnal surfaces, respectively, are considered and differences in corresponding adjustment scenarios are displayed. Decoupling of the fast component of the flow is proven up to the third order in Rossby number and long-time corrections to the stan- dard balanced QG and FG models are found. Peculiarities of splitting in the FG regime due to the quasi-inertial oscillations are displayed and a Schrodinger-like modulation equations for the envelope of these latter are derived.

  16. Resonancias en la región trans-neptuniana

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gallardo, T.; Ferraz-Mello, S.

    La expansión de la órbita del planeta Neptuno en la etapa de acreción del Sistema Solar exterior (Fernández e Ip 1984, 1996) parece ser un mecanismo eficiente para la captura de planetesimales en las resonancias exteriores con Neptuno (Malhotra 1995). Por otro lado, los estudios dinámicos realizados por varios autores indican que las resonancias son regiones de evolución estable, en contraste con el comportamiento caótico del resto de la región trans-neptuniana. Por estas razones, y si bien los datos observacionales son todavía muy limitados, se supone que los objetos descubiertos se encuentran en alguna de esas resonancias. En esta comunicación presentamos un estudio analítico y numérico de las principales resonancias exteriores con Neptuno.

  17. GIS-based hydrogeological databases and groundwater modelling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gogu, Radu Constantin; Carabin, Guy; Hallet, Vincent; Peters, Valerie; Dassargues, Alain


    'applications qui ont été développées permet dès maintenant de prochaines avancées. L'intérêt grandit pour le potentiel d'intégration de la technologie des SIG et les modèles de simulation des nappes. Un outil de couplage a été créé entre le schéma de base de données spatiales et l'interface GMS (GroundWater Modelling System, système de modélisation de nappe) du modèle numérique de nappe. Suivant les requêtes en fonction du temps et de l'espace, les données hydrogéologiques stockées dans la base de données peuvent être aisément utilisées dans différents modèles numériques de nappes. Resumen. La fiabilidad y validez de los análisis de aguas subterráneas dependen enormemente de la disponibilidad de muchos datos de alta calidad. Integrarlos en una estructura consistente y lógica mediante un entorno informático sirve para asegurar su validez y disponibilidad, y rrepresenta una herramienta muy potente para ulteriores estudios hidrogeológicos. Se ha diseñado en la región de Valonia (Bélgica) una base de datos hidrogeológica basada en un sistema de información geográfica (GIS), con el que se dispone de útiles para elaborar análisis de vulnerabilidad y modelos hidregeológicos. Se ha utilizado datos de cinco cuencas fluviales, elegidas por sus características hidrogeológicas contrastadas, así como un conjunto de aplicaciones desarrolladas con vistas al futuro. El interés por el potencial que ofrece la integración de la tecnología GIS y los modelos de simulación de aguas subterráneas está en auge. Se ha desarrollado un "emulador" que integra el esquema espacial de la base de datos y la interfaz GMS (GroundWater Modelling System) de modelación numérica de aguas subterráneas. A partir de búsquedas temporales y espaciales, los datos hidrogeológicos almacenados en la base de datos pueden ser utilizados fácilmente en modelos numéricos diferentes de aguas subterráneas.

  18. Systematics of melt stagnation in peridotites from the Godzilla Megamullion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loocke, M.; Snow, J. E.; Ohara, Y.


    amongst melt-impregnated samples with values ranging up to 50. This range is seen as having increasing minimum and maximum values with distance away from the medial section until it reaches its peak at a base Cr# of 30 with a maximum of 65. From this trend, a general model for the secular evolution of the GM mantle section can be established (5). The ridge segment experienced normal mid-oceanic ridge growth with robust mantle melting during the time period represented by the distal region. At the boundary to the medial region, a steep drop-off in melt productivity was experienced, leading to minimal mantle melting during the time period represented by the medial region. Soon thereafter, melting began again, but was trapped in a thickened and cooling lithosphere, causing the melt to pool and react with its host peridotite. (1) Ohara, et al., (2003) G3. 4 (7), 8611, 10.1029/2002GC000469. (2) Dick (1989) Geol Soc. Lond. Spec. Pub. 42:71-105. (3) Ohara, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T33D-06 (4) Loocke, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T21A-1776 (5) Snow, et al., (2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abst.Num. T33D-07

  19. The Douro estuarine plume: Detection, processes and dynamics =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mendes, Renato Paulo dos Santos

    O Douro e um dos maiores rios da Peninsula Iberica, constituindo a maior descarga de agua doce para o Oceano Atlântico na costa noroeste portuguesa. A sua pluma estuarina tem particular relevância na dinâmica costeira e na modulacao de fenomenos biogeoquimicos. Sao objetivos desta dissertacao contribuir para a compreensao dos processos fisicos associados a geracao e propagacao da pluma estuarina do Rio Douro no oceano, assim como para o conhecimento dos seus padroes de dispersao e da forma como estes alteram a hidrologia e a circulacao costeira, considerando os agentes forcadores tipicos deste fenomeno (caudal fluvial, vento e mare) e indices climaticos relevantes. Para concretizacao destes objetivos foram desenvolvidas e aplicadas metodologias inovadoras de processamento de dados de detecao remota, assim como novas implementacoes estuarinas e costeiras de modelos numericos. Atraves de imagens MODIS, otimizadas para o estudo de fenomenos costeiros, efetuou-se uma detecao rigorosa da pluma. Identificou-se uma relacao entre o sinal turbido nLw555 e o caudal, demonstrando-se este produto como um bom proxy para a observacao da pluma no oceano. As escalas temporais e espaciais da pluma foram caraterizadas atraves destas imagens, combinadas com dados de caudal fluvial, mare, vento e precipitacao, e tambem com indices climaticos relevantes. Para compreender a propagacao da pluma e caracterizar a sua dinâmica e impacto na circulacao costeira, foi desenvolvida uma aplicacao 3D de modelos estuarinos e costeiros com malhas aninhadas de resolucao variavel. Definiramse e analisaram-se diferentes cenarios de vento e descarga fluvial. A interacao da pluma do Rio Douro e do Minho foi ainda analisada atraves dos resultados de simulacoes baseadas num evento de inverno. Os compositos turbidos mostraram que a pluma e facilmente detetada quando o caudal e maior que 500 m3 s??1. A descarga fluvial e o vento sao os principais forcadores da sua propagacao, enquanto a mare e apenas

  20. Projeto Vida no Vale: universal access to water and sanitation in the North East of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kauark-Leite, L.; Vinçon-Leite, B.; Deroubaix, J. F.; Loireau, A.; Silveira, D.; Haddad, E.


    In the rural areas of the developing countries, the access to water supply and sanitation services is still largely inadequate. Poor governance of the water sector is frequently singled out as a cause and reforms are required. Studies analyzing the great diversity of restructuring efforts currently being undertaken in the water sector have not succeeded in determining the most appropriate institutional and economic framework for such reforms. Moreover they underline the lack of documentation on actual projects and call for concrete models and tools for improving water and sanitation services (WSS) and for adapting water utility practice to real conditions. In this context, the Vida no Vale (Life in the Valley) project is aimed at bringing universal access to WSS for all inhabitants of both urban and rural areas, in the north-eastern area of the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais. The project takes sustainable development as its guiding principle, and relies on the joint implementation of an innovative technical design, a governance model involving public participation and subsidiarity, and an economic structure combining financial viability and social equity. Designed at a consistent geographical and hydrological scale, it includes the creation of a regional subsidiary of the existing state water company as a keystone element. The institutional organisation also relies on the creation of a public board consisting of the 92 municipalities of the project region and of the State of Minas Gerais. This board will be in charge of the system's governance. This paper presents the first step of the project (2006), consisting of a feasibility study and the implementation of 9 pilot sub-projects. During the feasibility study, the supply, demand and capacity to pay for water services were defined, existing infrastructure appraised, the necessary amount of investment assessed and an innovative operational model and a sustainable management system, including civil society participation, defined. The main features of the Vida no Vale project have been tested in 9 pilot sub-projects, and implemented in municipalities chosen for their low Human Development Index and for the lack of WSS, in both urban and rural areas. A second phase corresponding to the project's final implementation will run from 2007 to 2011. The Vida no Vale project design resulted in a logical and extensive framework which could be used for developing similar WSS projects in other poor, rural regions, its adaptiveness being a key feature for taking into account the specific, local conditions.

  1. Respostas religiosas à aids no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa acerca da Pastoral de DST/Aids da Igreja Católica1

    PubMed Central

    Seffner, Fernando; Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves Meireles da; Maksud, Ívia; Garcia, Jonathan; Rios, Luís Felipe; Natividade, Marcelo; Borges, Priscila Rodrigues; Parker, Richard; Terto, Veriano


    O texto encontra-se estruturado em quatro partes. Na primeira delas, apresentamos um conjunto de considerações e informações acerca da situação da aids no Brasil, das relações entre religião, sexualidade, aids e estado laico, bem como uma descrição mais clara do Projeto Respostas Religiosas ao HIV/Aids no Brasil, do qual este texto apresenta algumas impressões de pesquisa preliminares. A seguir, dedicamos um item a apresentação da Pastoral de DST/Aids, sua história, estrutura e objetivos. No item seguinte problematizamos diversas questões em particular no âmbito das relações Estado e Igreja, relações entre agentes de pastoral e hierarquia da Igreja, e questões ligadas mais diretamente à sexualidade e aids, todas referenciadas ao trabalho da Pastoral de DST/Aids. Ao final, apresentamos a bibliografia e fontes consultadas. PMID:20442806

  2. Respostas religiosas à aids no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa1

    PubMed Central

    Seffner, Fernando; da Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves Meireles; Maksud, Ívia; Garcia, Jonathan; Rios, Luís Felipe; Natividade, Marcelo; Borges, Priscila Rodrigues; Parker, Richard; Terto, Veriano


    Resumo O texto encontra-se estruturado em quatro partes. Na primeira delas, apresentamos um conjunto de considerações e informações acerca da situação da aids no Brasil, das relações entre religião, sexualidade, aids e estado laico, bem como uma descrição mais clara do Projeto Respostas Religiosas ao HIV/Aids no Brasil, do qual este texto apresenta algumas impressões de pesquisa preliminares. A seguir, dedicamos um item a apresentação da Pastoral de DST/Aids, sua história, estrutura e objetivos. No item seguinte problematizamos diversas questões em particular no âmbito das relações Estado e Igreja, relações entre agentes de pastoral e hierarquia da Igreja, e questões ligadas mais diretamente à sexualidade e aids, todas referenciadas ao trabalho da Pastoral de DST/Aids. Ao final, apresentamos a bibliografia e fontes consultadas. PMID:20428503

  3. Contaminant concentrations, biochemical and hematological biomarkers in blood of West Indian manatees Trichechus manatus from Brazil.


    Anzolin, D G; Sarkis, J E S; Diaz, E; Soares, D G; Serrano, I L; Borges, J C G; Souto, A S; Taniguchi, S; Montone, R C; Bainy, A C D; Carvalho, P S M


    The West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus is threatened with extinction in Brazil, and this study focused on nondestructive blood samples analyzed for metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), as well as biochemical and hematological biomarkers. Studied manatees were kept at Projeto Peixe-Boi headquarters in Pernambuco State, and at two natural areas in estuaries where they are released to the wild. Manatees kept at the natural estuary in Paraiba State have blood concentrations of Al, Pb, Cd, Sn that are 11, 7, 8 and 23 times greater, respectively, than the concentrations found in blood of animals from the same species in Florida, USA. An inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase in manatees kept at the two reintroduction sites in Alagoas and Paraiba States indicated possible exposure of the animals to cholinesterase inhibitor insecticides. PCBs and OCPs were not detected. Results from this study will help delineate conservation efforts in the region. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Electron pitch angle diffusion by electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves: The origin of pancake distributions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horne, Richard B.; Thorne, Richard M.


    It has been suggested that highly anisotropic electron pancake distributions are the result of pitch angle diffusion by electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) and whistler mode waves in the equatorial region. Here we present pitch angle diffusion rates for ECH wave spectra centered at different frequencies with respect to the electron gyrofrequency Ωe corresponding to spacecraft observations. The wave spectra are carefully mapped to the correct resonant electron velocities. We show that previous diffusion calculations of ECH waves at 1.5Ωe, driven by the loss cone instability, result in large diffusion rates confined to a small range of pitch angles near the loss cone and therefore cannot account for pancake distributions. However, when the wave spectrum is centered at higher frequencies in the band (>1.6Ωe), the diffusion rates become very small inside the loss cone, peak just outside, and remain large over a wide range of pitch angles up to 60° or more. When the upper hybrid resonance frequency ωUHR is several times Ωe, ECH waves excited in higher bands also contribute significantly to pitch angle diffusion outside the loss cone up to very large pitch angles. We suggest that ECH waves driven by a loss cone could form pancake distributions as they grow if the wave spectrum extends from the middle to the upper part of the first (and higher) gyroharmonic bands. Alternatively, we suggest that pancake distributions can be formed by outward propagation in a nonhomogeneous medium, so that resonant absorption occurs at higher frequencies between(n+<num>1num>2) and (n+1)Ωe in regions where waves are also growing locally at <=1.5Ωe. The calculated diffusion rates suggest that ECH waves with amplitudes of the order of 1 mV m-1 can form pancake distributions from an initially isotropic distribution on a timescale of a few hours. This is consistent with recent CRRES observations of

  5. Battage de pieux métalliques dans la roche

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holeyman, Alain


    Le problème du battage d'un pieu tubulaire en acier dans un massif rocheux est abordé sous deux volets : numérique et expérimental. L'approche numérique par éléments finis couplant une modélisation lagrangienne du pieu en mouvement à une modélisation eulérienne du massif en place (approche CEL) permet de suivre l'émergence de la plastification dans le tube en acier en cours de pénétration, naissant en pointe pour se propager vers la tête du pieu. Un cas d'étude en conditions axisymétriques est présenté pour une roche dont la résistance à la compression simple σc vaut 28 MPa. L'approche expérimentale poursuivie en laboratoire a mis en jeu trois matériaux synthétisés sous la forme de monolithes dans lesquels le battage d'un tube en acier inoxydable a été entrepris. Les résultats de ces essais largement instrumentés indiquent que le battage est aisé dans un mortier cellulaire dont la résistance à la compression simple σc n'excède pas 6 MPa mais pratiquement impossible dans un mortier dont la résistance à la compression simple s'approche de 28 MPa. Le battage dans un mortier dont la résistance à la compression simple vaut 11 MPa s'est révélée encore faisable sous une hauteur de chute raisonnable. Les résultats obtenus avec les 3 matériaux mis en œuvre à ce jour indiquent que la résistance unitaire croît depuis environ 2 σc en surface pour atteindre 6 à 8 σc à une pénétration équivalente à 15-20 fois l'épaisseur du tube. Article introduit à la Revue française de Géotechnique en support à la Conférence Coulomb 2017 intitulée « Comportement axial des pieux sous sollicitations dynamiques extrêmes »

  6. SkData: data sets and algorithm evaluation protocols in Python

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bergstra, James; Pinto, Nicolas; Cox, David D.


    Machine learning benchmark data sets come in all shapes and sizes, whereas classification algorithms assume sanitized input, such as (x, y) pairs with vector-valued input x and integer class label y. Researchers and practitioners know all too well how tedious it can be to get from the URL of a new data set to a NumPy ndarray suitable for e.g. pandas or sklearn. The SkData library handles that work for a growing number of benchmark data sets (small and large) so that one-off in-house scripts for downloading and parsing data sets can be replaced with library code that is reliable, community-tested, and documented. The SkData library also introduces an open-ended formalization of training and testing protocols that facilitates direct comparison with published research. This paper describes the usage and architecture of the SkData library.

  7. Navy Technology Transfer Program FY 77 Summary Statistics.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ATN.CORATOR GRANT NUmBERC.j 9 0’E R _M’NC.CORGANIZATION N AME AND A’-,DRESS ID PROOR;AM EL EME ’r. 1 ROJECT, TASC AREA &-ARKUNI- NU)MBERS Headquarters...Cro 4- L. > 0)90 W >-0 EL . W 0 -r- CE )W EL - 09 , c - Z U0 C 4- -U~ z OL- 4 C: c-CC0 c-4 OWCD() Li- W’i ) C -- a) cC 0) < cmf U) oU)xO0E-c 0 C41- WV...CC’MM-. DE .’L O.C M, 3Cu C> m -0 CCD I 0 u U .LfV C HO rc C .L V- 0-J ’’ >0CE-- (0))0L) - 0 ((00 L(- *-V - 0 0 -0 C C LO -o (0v . -0 0’--o CO C(A

  8. Finite analytic numerical solution of heat transfer and flow past a square channel cavity

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chen, C.-J.; Obasih, K.


    A numerical solution of flow and heat transfer characteristics is obtained by the finite analytic method for a two dimensional laminar channel flow over a two-dimensional square cavity. The finite analytic method utilizes the local analytic solution in a small element of the problem region to form the algebraic equation relating an interior nodal value with its surrounding nodal values. Stable and rapidly converged solutions were obtained for Reynolds numbers ranging to 1000 and Prandtl number to 10. Streamfunction, vorticity and temperature profiles are solved. Local and mean Nusselt number are given. It is found that the separation streamlines between the cavity and channel flow are concave into the cavity at low Reynolds number and convex at high Reynolds number (Re greater than 100) and for square cavity the mean Nusselt number may be approximately correlated with Peclet number as Nu(m) = 0.365 Pe exp 0.2.

  9. Reconstrução tridimensional de arcos magnéticos por tomografia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simões, P. J. A.; Costa, J. E. R.


    Uma explosão solar é uma variação súbita do brilho que ocorre nas regiões ativas da atmosfera solar. Estas regiões são constituídas por um plasma magnetizado com intensa indução magnética e em cenários bem complexos como visto recentemente através de experimentos embarcados em satélites operando instrumentos em raios X moles e ultra-violeta distante. A energia magnética, que pode ser armazenada por um período de horas até dias em configurações magnéticas estressadas, é subitamente lançada na atmosfera solar e transferida para partículas como elétrons, prótons e núcleos pesados, que são acelerados e/ou aquecidos, produzindo radiação eletromagnética. A proposta final deste projeto é determinar as características espaciais de alta resolução da emissão e polarização girossincrotrônica de explosões solares em ambientes complexos de campos magnéticos. Os recentes resultados da emissão difusa em EUV apresentado pelos satélites TRACE e SOHO dos arcos magnéticos conectando as diferentes polaridades magnéticas sobre as regiões ativas possibilitam novas abordagens sobre o papel do campo magnético na emissão em rádio. Nesta etapa apresentamos os resultados da reconstrução da geometria tridimensional das linhas de força destes arcos utilizando técnicas tomográficas, a partir de imagens de alta resolução espacial obtidas pelo instrumento EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope), além da modelagem das induções magnéticas por um campo dipolar e as densidades de partículas aceleradas. Utilizamos para a reconstrução geométrica, imagens tomadas em vários ângulos dos arcos devido à rotacão solar. Com estes resultados, daremos continuidade ao projeto, com os cálculos da transferência radiativa nos modos ordinário e extraordinário de propagação da radiação girossincrotrônica de explosões solares.



    Lima, Wilma Terezinha Anselmo


    Search for references in relationship to international alumni on the website of the postgraduate programs of all postgraduate courses at Ribeirão Preto Medical School - FMRP. Verify with more attention to the ones with 5, 6 and 7 notes, and also the same search on the website of courses with notes 5, 6 and 7 of CAPES - Medicine III. Of the 22 programs of FMRP only three had any information on the site about the destiny of the postgraduates; they were: Surgical Clinics, Genetics, and Basic and Applied Immunology. Programs in the area of ​​Medicine III, notes 5, 6 and 7, only Ophthalmology and Visual Programs and Translational Sciences Surgery, both of UNIFESP, presented such information. It is urgent: to create project and funding evaluation mechanisms that are approved by different sources; to stimulate more efficient controls in relation to teachers and their students who participate in these projects; and to stimulate the interaction of teachers and students with the institution and the program. Verificar a existência de referências aos egressos internacionais nos sites dos programas de pós-graduação de todos os cursos de pós-graduação da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - FMRP. Verificar com mais atenção aos cursos notas 5, 6 e 7, e também a mesma busca nos sites dos cursos com notas 5, 6 e 7 da Medicina III da CAPES. Dos 22 programas da FMRP apenas três tinham no site alguma informação sobre o destino dos egressos, foram eles: Clínica Cirúrgica, Genética e Imunologia Básica e Aplicada. Dos programas da área de Medicina III, notas 5, 6 e 7 apenas os programas de Oftalmologia e Ciências Visuais e Cirurgia Translacional, ambos da UNIFESP, apresentavam informações sobre o destino dos seus egressos. É urgente criar mecanismos de avaliação para os projetos de incentivo e fomento à pesquisa dos diferentes órgãos; estimular controles mais eficientes e atualizados em relação aos docentes e seus respectivos discentes que

  11. OWL site survey: first seeing measurement with ADIMM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benkhaldoun, Zouhair; Abahamid, Abdelouahed; El Azhari, Youssef; Siher, El Arbi


    The ESO OWL site survey plan includes the analysis of the astronomical quality of the Atlas mountains in Morocco. In this paper we are presenting the first long time measurement of optical turbulence at Oukaimeden site. For this work we built an instrument called ADIMM for an Automated Differencial Image Motion Monitor, and we use it to the measure the optical turbulence at the Oukaimeden Site. We are describing the instrument and reporting the first results obtained after six month of working on this project. The results of night-time seeing measurements carried out during the period from Jun 14 up to October 01 2003 are presented. The median and mean values of the seeing for the entire period of observations are respectively 0.75" and 0.84". This work was organized in the framework of contract Num.69651/ODG/02/9005/GWI between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and Astrophysics and Physics of High Energy Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences, Cadi Ayyad University (LPHEA).

  12. The ultrastructure and genetic traits of plants under the condition of hypobaric and hypoxia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, Shuangsheng; Tang, Yongkang; Wang, Shulei; Cheng, Quanyong; Zhao, Qi

    This study analyzed the cellular, sub-cellular and molecular levels, particle composition and volume changes of Indian lettuce under the conditions of hypobaric and hypoxia. Firstly, in the hypobaric and hypoxia conditions, two kinds of sample showed a decrease in the num-ber of cells, the increase in volume and the deflation in nuclear size. Secondly, Significant changes of the chloroplast ultrastructure have taken place in the two conditions. Thirdly, in the hypoxia condition, the chloroplast grana lamellae fractured and aggregated, which caused the chloroplasts to enlarge, their lamellae to reduce,become vaguer and finally to disintegrate. Fourthly, the volume change and aggregation of the chloroplasts induced mitochondria to ap-proach the chloroplasts. Fifthly, cytoskeleton immunofluorescence positioning results showed that the microtubules had decreased in number, shortened in length and gathered in the vicinity of the nucleus. In addition, total leaf DNA-sequence alignment found no rbcl gene mutation in the extreme conditions. Keywords: Chloroplast Ultrastructure Cytoskeleton rbcl gene Indian lettuce

  13. Modulation of GCR in Various Types of Helispheric Magnetic Field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kobylinski, Z.; Bochorishvili, T.

    We make an attempt to compare the modulation of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) as the result of various assumptions referred to heliospheric magnetic field (HMF). The steady state version of 3D Parker cosmic ray transport equation (TPE), with drift included, is solved num erically in the spherically symmetric heliosphere. We take into account four cases of the possible magnetic field configuration: standard Parker HMF, Parker field with modifications in polar direction done by Jokippi and K ta (2) and Smith ando Bieber (3) , Fisk type of field (4). In the last one we assume the existence north and south polar coronal holes in the inner corona with central point inclined from the rotation of the Sun. At the polar regions of the heliosphere the isotropic diffusion of GCR is assumed. The results of calculation s will be discussed in detail. The (4) model more reduces an acces s of galactic particles from polar direction into solar system than others.

  14. Study of Linear and Nonlinear Waves in Plasma Crystals Using the Box_Tree Code

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qiao, K.; Hyde, T.; Barge, L.

    Dusty plasma systems play an important role in both astrophysical and planetary environments (protostellar clouds, planetary ring systems and magnetospheres, cometary environments) and laboratory settings (plasma processing or nanofabrication). Recent research has focussed on defining (both theoretically and experimentally) the different types of wave mode propagations, which are possible within plasma crystals. This is an important topic since several of the fundamental quantities for characterizing such crystals can be obtained directly from an analysis of the wave propagation/dispersion. This paper will discuss a num rical model fore 2D-monolayer plasma crystals, which was established using a modified box tree code. Different wave modes were examined by adding a time dependent potential to the code designed to simulate a laser radiation perturbation as has been applied in many experiments. Both linear waves (for example, longitudinal and transverse dust lattice waves) and nonlinear waves (solitary waves) are examined. The output data will also be compared with the results of corresponding experiments and discussed.

  15. A role for Mfb1p in region-specific anchorage of high-functioning mitochondria and lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    PubMed Central

    Pernice, Wolfgang M.; Vevea, Jason D.; Pon, Liza A.


    Previous studies indicate that replicative lifespan in daughter cells of Sacchraromyces cerevisiae depends on the preferential inheritance of young, high-functioning mitochondria. We report here that mitochondria are functionally segregated even within single mother cells in S. cerevisiae. A high-functioning population of mitochondria accumulates at the tip of the mother cell distal to the bud. We find that the mitochondrial F-box protein (Mfb1p) localizes to mitochondria in the mother tip and is required for mitochondrial anchorage at that site, independent of the previously identified anchorage protein Num1p. Deletion of MFB1 results in loss of the mother-tip-localized mitochondrial population, defects in mitochondrial function and premature replicative ageing. Inhibiting mitochondrial inheritance to buds, by deletion of MMR1, in mfb1Δ cells restores mitochondrial distribution, promotes mitochondrial function and extends replicative lifespan. Our results identify a mechanism that retains a reservoir of high-functioning mitochondria in mother cells and thereby preserves maternal reproductive capacity. PMID:26839174

  16. [Results of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on cancer diagnosis and evaluation of its impact on the perception of the pathology specialty].


    Gardair, Charlotte; Bousquet, Guilhem; de Bazelaire, Cédric; Lehmann-Che, Jaqueline; de Cremoux, Patricia; Tran Van Nhieu, Jeanne; Battistella, Maxime; Sockeel, Marie; Calvani, Julien; Peuchmaur, Michel; Molina, Thierry; Gervais, Jocelyne; Moenaert, Emilie; Pottier, Yohann; Prévaut, Laurent; Sekri, Karima; Bertheau, Philippe


    The Massive Open Online Course (or MOOC) "Diagnostic Strategies Cancers", was hosted in autumn 2016 on the platform "France Université Numérique" and had two levels of learners: students in the field of health and biology and the general public. Of the 5285 learners in 81 different countries, 1237 (23%) were successfully certified. This MOOC was also integrated into the teaching program of medical students of Paris Diderot University and Paris 13 University. Using anonymous questionnaires before and after MOOC, it has been shown that pathology is less known than other medical specialties. Participation in this MOOC led to a marked improvement in participants' knowledge of the place and role of the pathologist in the diagnosis of cancers. Regarding the students who have followed the MOOC as part of their university course, their comments were very positive, but it is necessary to make substantial adjustments in the amounts and contents of the campus-based courses. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Evaporación dinámica del cinturón de asteroides original

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.

    Hemos integrado numéricamente un enjambre de 3000 partículas en la región del cinturón de asteroides, sujetas a las perturbaciones gravitatorias de Júpiter y Saturno. Al cabo de 107 años, se han formado ya todos los gaps de Kirkwood observados en el cinturón actual. El grupo en la resonancia 3/2 es, aunque en menor grado, también visible. Los tiempos de Lyapunov computados para los asteroides sobrevivientes, nos ha permitido encontrar la fracción de ellos que es capaz de sobrevivir por toda la edad del sistema solar, merced a la aplicacion de la relación empírica que vincula dichos tiempos al tiempo en el cual se manifiestan grandes transiciones orbitales. La fracción de supervivientes es de aproximadamente 1/100. El resto de la masa faltante en el cinturón, es atribuible a colisiones catastróficas con cometas en etapas primordiales.

  18. Weather forecasting with open source software

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rautenhaus, Marc; Dörnbrack, Andreas


    To forecast the weather situation during aircraft-based atmospheric field campaigns, we employ a tool chain of existing and self-developed open source software tools and open standards. Of particular value are the Python programming language with its extension libraries NumPy, SciPy, PyQt4, Matplotlib and the basemap toolkit, the NetCDF standard with the Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata conventions, and the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service standard. These open source libraries and open standards helped to implement the "Mission Support System", a Web Map Service based tool to support weather forecasting and flight planning during field campaigns. The tool has been implemented in Python and has also been released as open source (Rautenhaus et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 55-71, 2012). In this presentation we discuss the usage of free and open source software for weather forecasting in the context of research flight planning, and highlight how the field campaign work benefits from using open source tools and open standards.

  19. Calcul numérique des ondes de surface par une méthode de projection avec un maillage eulérien adaptatif

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guillou, Sylvain; Barbry, Nathaly; Nguyen, Kim Dan

    A non hydrostatic vertical two-dimensional numerical model is proposed to calculate free-surface flows. This model is based on resolving the full Navier-Stokes equations by a finite-difference method coupled with Chorin's projection method. An adaptative-Eulerian grid in the sigma-coordinate system is used. The model permits the calculation of surface-waves in estuarine and coastal zones. A benchmark test relative to the soliton propagation is realised to validate the model.

  20. [Low consumption of fruit, vegetables and greens: associated factors among the elderly in a Midwest Brazilian city].


    Silveira, Erika Aparecida; Martins, Bruna Bittar; de Abreu, Laísa Ribeiro Silva; Cardoso, Camila Kellen de Souza


    The scope of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of daily consumption of fruit, vegetables and greens by the elderly and its association with sociodemographic, lifestyle, morbidity and hospitalization variables. The study was part of the multiple-stage sampling cross-sectional research entitled the Goiânia Elderly Project (Projeto Idosos Goiânia). 416 elderly people were interviewed in their homes. Multivariate analysis was conducted using Poisson regression to analyze statistical associations. P values of <.05 were considered statistically significant. Daily consumption of fruit, vegetables and greens was 16.6%: fruit accounted for 44%, vegetables 39.7% and greens 32.5%. Factors statistically associated with daily consumption of fruits and vegetables were female sex, age between 70 and 79, higher education level, social class A/B and C, alcohol consumption, use of sweeteners, regular physical activity during leisure time, abdominal obesity and hospitalization. Public policies to promote health should develop strategies that encourage adequate intake of fruit, vegetables and greens among the elderly, since regular consumption of same can improve quality of life and prevent/control diseases.

  1. GMES: A Python package for solving Maxwell’s equations using the FDTD method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chun, Kyungwon; Kim, Huioon; Kim, Hyounggyu; Jung, Kil Su; Chung, Youngjoo


    This paper describes GMES, a free Python package for solving Maxwell’s equations using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The design of GMES follows the object-oriented programming (OOP) approach and adopts a unique design strategy where the voxels in the computational domain are grouped and then updated according to its material type. This piecewise updating scheme ensures that GMES can adopt OOP without losing its simple structure and time-stepping speed. The users can easily add various material types, sources, and boundary conditions into their code using the Python programming language. The key design features, along with the supported material types, excitation sources, boundary conditions and parallel calculations employed in GMES are also described in detail. Catalog identifier: AEOK_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen’s University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License v3.0 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 17700 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 89878 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: C++, Python. Computer: Any computer with a Unix-like system with a C++ compiler, and a Python interpreter; developed on 2.53 GHz Intel CoreTM i3. Operating system: Any Unix-like system; developed under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit. Has the code been vectorized or parallelized?: Yes. Parallelized with MPI directives (optional). RAM: Problem dependent (a simulation with real valued electromagnetic field uses roughly 0.18 KB per Yee cell.) Classification: 10. External routines: SWIG [1], Cython [2], NumPy [3], SciPy [4], matplotlib [5], MPI for Python [6] Nature of problem: Classical electrodynamics Solution method: Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method Additional comments: This article describes version 0.9.5. The most recent version can be downloaded at the GMES

  2. Geriatric care: ways and means of providing comfort.


    Ribeiro, Patricia Cruz Pontifice Sousa Valente; Marques, Rita Margarida Dourado; Ribeiro, Marta Pontifice


    To know the ways and means of comfort perceived by the older adults hospitalized in a medical service. Ethnographic study with a qualitative approach. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 22 older adults and participant observation of care situations. The ways and means of providing comfort are centered on strategies for promoting care mobilized by nurses and recognized by patients(clarifying/informing, positive interaction/communication, music therapy, touch, smile, unconditional presence, empathy/proximity relationship, integrating the older adult or the family as partner in the care, relief of discomfort through massage/mobilization/therapy) and on particular moments of comfort (the first contact, the moment of personal hygiene, and the visit of the family), which constitute the foundation of care/comfort. Geriatric care is built on the relationship that is established and complete with meaning, and is based on the meeting/interaction between the actors under the influence of the context in which they are inserted. The different ways and means of providing comfort aim to facilitate/increase care, relieve discomfort and/or invest in potential comfort. Conhecer os modos e formas de confortar percecionadas pelos idosos hospitalizados num serviço de medicina. Estudo etnográfico com abordagem qualitativa. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com 22 doentes idosos e observação participante nas situações de cuidados. Os modos e formas de confortar centram-se em estratégias promotoras de conforto mobilizadas pelo enfermeiro e reconhecidas pelos doentes (informação/esclarecimento, interação/comunicação positiva, toque, sorriso, presença incondicional, integração do idoso/família nos cuidados e o alívio de desconfortos através da massagem/mobilização/terapêutica) e em momentos particulares de conforto (contato inaugural, visita da família., cuidados de higiene e arranjo pessoal), que se constituem como alicerces do cuidar

  3. Ondas de choque em jatos de quasares e objetos BL Lacertae

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melo, F. E.; Botti, L. C. L.


    Este trabalho é parte de um projeto que vem sendo realizado há dois anos no CRAAM, cujos objetivos principais são analisar e aplicar um modelo generalizado de ondas de choque em jatos relativísticos de plasma, presentes em quasares e objetos BL Lacertae, para explicar a variabilidade observada nestes objetos. O método consiste em uma decomposição de curvas de luz em séries de explosões similares, em várias freqüências, baseando-se em uma evolução espectro-temporal média das explosões. A partir da evolução média, um ajuste de cada explosão é feito com base em equações empíricas, modificando-se apenas parâmetros específicos de cada explosão. Inicialmente o modelo foi aplicado ajustando-se as curvas de luz a explosões delineadas por uma evolução do choque em três estágios, segundo a predominância do processo de emissão: síncrotron, Compton e adiabático. Entretanto, nesta nova fase de projeto, visando uma parametrização mais concisa, uma otimização do algoritmo de ajuste e uma convergência mais rápida, a formulação para cada evento foi assumida com uma evolução em apenas dois estágios: subida e descida. Isto possibilitou uma ótima delineação das curvas de luz das fontes OV236, OJ287, 3C273 e BL Lac, entre 1980 e 2000, nas freqüências 4.8, 8.0, 14.5 e 22 GHz, utilizando-se dados do Observatório da Universidade de Michigan, do Observatório do Itapetinga (Atibaia SP) e do Observatório Metsähovi. Como conclusões importantes, verificou-se que: os parâmetros ajustados descrevem o comportamento do jato; os valores do índice que descreve a expansão do jato sugerem que o mesmo se expande de uma forma não-cônica; o campo magnético é turbulento atrás da frente de choque; e as peculiaridades das explosões são devidas à influência de grandezas tais como o coeficiente da distribuição espectral de energia dos elétrons, a intensidade de campo magnético e o fator de feixe Doppler, no início do choque.

  4. ACQ4: an open-source software platform for data acquisition and analysis in neurophysiology research.


    Campagnola, Luke; Kratz, Megan B; Manis, Paul B


    The complexity of modern neurophysiology experiments requires specialized software to coordinate multiple acquisition devices and analyze the collected data. We have developed ACQ4, an open-source software platform for performing data acquisition and analysis in experimental neurophysiology. This software integrates the tasks of acquiring, managing, and analyzing experimental data. ACQ4 has been used primarily for standard patch-clamp electrophysiology, laser scanning photostimulation, multiphoton microscopy, intrinsic imaging, and calcium imaging. The system is highly modular, which facilitates the addition of new devices and functionality. The modules included with ACQ4 provide for rapid construction of acquisition protocols, live video display, and customizable analysis tools. Position-aware data collection allows automated construction of image mosaics and registration of images with 3-dimensional anatomical atlases. ACQ4 uses free and open-source tools including Python, NumPy/SciPy for numerical computation, PyQt for the user interface, and PyQtGraph for scientific graphics. Supported hardware includes cameras, patch clamp amplifiers, scanning mirrors, lasers, shutters, Pockels cells, motorized stages, and more. ACQ4 is available for download at

  5. 2101, Sciences & Fiction: a way of developing teenagers' interest for science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vauglin, I.; Chiuzzi, P.


    Since nearly 30 years, many european studies have demonstrated a worrying decline of young people's interest in science and technical studies. Despite the number of efforts and programs made to reverse the trend, there are still few signs of improvement. We must step up our efforts otherwise this will impact the long-term innovation capacities of our country. We have tried to participate to these efforts with the creation of a digital and interactive comics "2101, Science & Fiction", created by Chromatiques, that explores the connections between reality of science and science fiction. It takes advantage of the new opportunities opened by digital technology and is another way of developing interest in learning sciences. Free access on: The goal is to create an new opportunity to popularize science and attract the young generation in different fields of technology and science. L'e-poster présentant cette BD numérique interactive en français est disponible à cette adresse: ttp://

  6. Scoria: a Python module for manipulating 3D molecular data.


    Ropp, Patrick; Friedman, Aaron; Durrant, Jacob D


    Third-party packages have transformed the Python programming language into a powerful computational-biology tool. Package installation is easy for experienced users, but novices sometimes struggle with dependencies and compilers. This presents a barrier that can hinder the otherwise broad adoption of new tools. We present Scoria, a Python package for manipulating three-dimensional molecular data. Unlike similar packages, Scoria requires no dependencies, compilation, or system-wide installation. One can incorporate the Scoria source code directly into their own programs. But Scoria is not designed to compete with other similar packages. Rather, it complements them. Our package leverages others (e.g. NumPy, SciPy), if present, to speed and extend its own functionality. To show its utility, we use Scoria to analyze a molecular dynamics trajectory. Our FootPrint script colors the atoms of one chain by the frequency of their contacts with a second chain. We are hopeful that Scoria will be a useful tool for the computational-biology community. A copy is available for download free of charge (Apache License 2.0) at . Graphical abstract .

  7. Xray: N-dimensional, labeled arrays for analyzing physical datasets in Python

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoyer, S.


    Efficient analysis of geophysical datasets requires tools that both preserve and utilize metadata, and that transparently scale to process large datas. Xray is such a tool, in the form of an open source Python library for analyzing the labeled, multi-dimensional array (tensor) datasets that are ubiquitous in the Earth sciences. Xray's approach pairs Python data structures based on the data model of the netCDF file format with the proven design and user interface of pandas, the popular Python data analysis library for labeled tabular data. On top of the NumPy array, xray adds labeled dimensions (e.g., "time") and coordinate values (e.g., "2015-04-10"), which it uses to enable a host of operations powered by these labels: selection, aggregation, alignment, broadcasting, split-apply-combine, interoperability with pandas and serialization to netCDF/HDF5. Many of these operations are enabled by xray's tight integration with pandas. Finally, to allow for easy parallelism and to enable its labeled data operations to scale to datasets that does not fit into memory, xray integrates with the parallel processing library dask.

  8. Méthodes de type éléments finis pour le calcul des champs électriques et magnétiques en électroencéphalographie et magnétoencéphalographie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guérin, Christophe; Marin, Gildas; Garnero, Line; Meunier, Gérard


    So as to compute the electric potential and the flux density generated by the electrical activity of the brain, numerical methods based on the Finite Element Method have been developed. These methods, which can treat realistic head models and can take into account anisotropy of conductivity, for instance in the skull, are presented. Then two numerical examples are described: a spherical model and a realistic head model. Afin de calculer le potentiel électrique et l'induction créés par l'activité électrique du cerveau, nous avons développé des méthodes utilisant la Méthode des Éléments Finis. Ces méthodes, qui peuvent s'appliquer à des modèles réalistes de tête et qui permettent de tenir compte de la conductivité anisotrope de certains tissus comme l'os, sont présentées. Puis deux exemples numériques sont décrits : un modèle de sphères concentriques et un modèle réaliste de tête.

  9. Climate Data Provenance Tracking for Just-In-Time Computation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fries, S.; Nadeau, D.; Doutriaux, C.; Williams, D. N.


    The "Climate Data Management System" (CDMS) was created in 1996 as part of the Climate Data Analysis Tools suite of software. It provides a simple interface into a wide variety of climate data formats, and creates NetCDF CF-Compliant files. It leverages the NumPy framework for high performance computation, and is an all-in-one IO and computation package. CDMS has been extended to track manipulations of data, and trace that data all the way to the original raw data. This extension tracks provenance about data, and enables just-in-time (JIT) computation. The provenance for each variable is packaged as part of the variable's metadata, and can be used to validate data processing and computations (by repeating the analysis on the original data). It also allows for an alternate solution for sharing analyzed data; if the bandwidth for a transfer is prohibitively expensive, the provenance serialization can be passed in a much more compact format and the analysis rerun on the input data. Data provenance tracking in CDMS enables far-reaching and impactful functionalities, permitting implementation of many analytical paradigms.

  10. Using Python Packages in 6D (Py)Ferret: EOF Analysis, OPeNDAP Sequence Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smith, K. M.; Manke, A.; Hankin, S. C.


    PyFerret was designed to provide the easy methods of access, analysis, and display of data found in the Ferret under the simple yet powerful Python scripting/programming language. This has enabled PyFerret to take advantage of a large and expanding collection of third-party scientific Python modules. Furthermore, ensemble and forecast axes have been added to Ferret and PyFerret for creating and working with collections of related data in Ferret's delayed-evaluation and minimal-data-access mode of operation. These axes simplify processing and visualization of these collections of related data. As one example, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis Python module was developed, taking advantage of the linear algebra module and other standard functionality in NumPy for efficient numerical array processing. This EOF analysis module is used in a Ferret function to provide an ensemble of levels of data explained by each EOF and Time Amplitude Function (TAF) product. Another example makes use of the PyDAP Python module to provide OPeNDAP sequence data for use in Ferret with minimal data access characteristic of Ferret.

  11. Diffusion of chaotic field lines in tokamaks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ali, Halima; Punjabi, Alkesh


    An important instability for the destruction of magnetic surfaces in tokamaks due to island overlapping is the tearing modes. Magnetic fields perturbed by tearing modes are given by the sinusoidal form Br=-1rR∑m,nbm^n ( mθ-n ) . The sinusoidal nature of perturbation creates islands structure near resonant surfaces. In this work, we consider two modes, ( m1,n1 )and ( m2,n2 )that interact with each other, leading to two chains of islands, called primary islands. We use a previously derived Hamiltonian map, the ψ-θ map, with and without higher order control terms to study the diffusion of chaotic field lines. We will present and discuss the results of this work, and discuss its implications with regard to magnetic transport barriers for a fixed q-profile and increasing strength of magnetic perturbations. This work is done under the DOE grant number DE-FG02-01ER54624. 1.A. Punjabi et al, Phys. Rev. lett., 69, 3322 (1992). 2. H. Ali, A. Punjabi, and A. Boozer, Int. J. Comp. Num. Ana. Applications 6, 17 (2005).

  12. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  13. Identification of predominant odorants in thai desserts flavored by smoking with "Tian Op", a traditional Thai scented candle.


    Watcharananun, Wanwarang; Cadwallader, Keith R; Huangrak, Kittiphong; Kim, Hun; Lorjaroenphon, Yaowapa


    "Tian Op", a traditional Thai scented candle, is used for the smoking and flavoring of sweets, cakes, and other desserts for the purpose of adding a unique aroma to the final product. Gas chromatography-olfactometry, aroma extract dilution analysis, and GC-MS were applied to identify the potent odorants in two types of traditional Thai desserts ("num dok mai" and "gleep lum duan") prepared using a Tian Op smoking process. On the basis of the results of AEDA and calculated odor-activity values, the predominant odorants in the Tian Op flavored desserts were vinyl ketones (C(5)-C(9)), n-aldehydes (C(5)-C(11)), (E)-2-unsaturated aldehydes (C(8)-C(11)), and omega-1-unsaturated aldehydes (C(8) and C(9)). Sensory studies of model mixtures confirmed the importance of n-aldehydes, omega-1-unsaturated aldehydes, and guaiacol as predominant odorants; however, the results showed that vinyl ketones and (E)-2-unsaturated aldehydes, despite having high odor-activity values, may be of only minor importance in the typical aroma profiles of traditional Tian Op smoked desserts.

  14. A correlação índice espectral vs. luminosidade em QSOs e suas implicações

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Rissmann, A.


    Estudos de variabilidade de núcleos ativos já demonstraram ser comum o fato de seu contínuo óptico/UV tornar-se mais "duro" à medida que a luminosidade aumenta. Essa tendência ocorre tanto de forma individual quanto global, e pode ter implicações importantes (1) para estudos fotométricos de variabilidade conduzidos numa banda fixa no referencial do observador, comparando objetos a diferentes redshifts, e (2) no cálculo da correção K, com consequente impacto na determinação de massas de buracos negros e bojos de galáxias hospedeiras (através da relação de Magorrian). Confirmo aqui as correlações positivas entre o índice espectral e a luminosidade óptica, utilizando dados espectroscópicos de 11 QSOs monitorados no Brasil e no Chile, durante ~2 anos. O estudo é complementado com parâmetros extraídos de espectros e de dados fotométricos públicos de quasares. Destaco ainda as diferenças observadas em tais correlações para objetos do tipo radio-loud e radio-quiet. Este projeto é financiado pelo I. Milênio/CNPq.

  15. Biofunctionality and immunocompatibility of starch-based biomaterials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marques, Alexandra Margarida Pinto

    A procura de novos biomateriais que desempenhem funcoes especificas sem, no entanto, desencadearem respostas negativas nos hospedeiros constitui um desafio permanente e actual nesta area. Biomateriais degradaveis foram uma das solucoes propostas e actualmente em aplicacao mas, embora possuam vantagens inegaveis, tambem apresentam alguns problemas nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos seus produtos de degradacao e respectivos efeitos negativos consequentes. Outros biomateriais, entre os quais polimeros de origem natural, foram propostos considerando que os seus produtos de degradacao poderao ser incorporados nas vias metabolicas normais evitando efeitos secundarios no hospedeiro. Ate ao momento, e apesar de todos os esforcos e do grande numero de dispositivos biomedicos desenvolvidos, o biomaterial ideal para uma aplicacao especifica ainda nao foi encontrado. Estudos com polimeros biodegradaveis a base de amido demonstraram que estes materiais possuem propriedades promissoras abrindo novas perspectivas para a sua possivel aplicacao numa variedade de aplicacoes biomedicas. Assim, de modo a demonstrar que estes materiais tem de facto potencial para serem utilizados em, por exemplo, substituicao ossea, sistemas de libertacao controlada, cimentos osseos e engenharia de tecidos, seria imperativo avaliar com maior profundidade a resposta biologica desencadeada pelos mesmos. Para tal foi delineado um plano de trabalhos com tres objectivos principais: i) avaliar a citocompatibilidade dos polimeros e compositos a base de amido com monitorizacao da citotoxicidade e analise da adesao e proliferacao celulares nas suas superficies. Foi dada particular atencao a osteoblastos considerando uma possivel aplicacao ortopedica para estes materiais; ii) estabelecer modelos in vitro para analisar e prever, tanto quanto possivel, uma situacao real de resposta inflamatoria; iii) validar os resultados in vitro com um modelo in vivo ja estabelecido em outros trabalhos de analise da resposta

  16. Correlation between elastic energy density and deep earthquakes distribution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gunawardana, P. M.; Morra, G.


    The mechanism at the origin of the earthquakes below 30 km remains elusive as these events cannot be explained by brittle frictional processes. In this work we focus on the global total distribution of earthquakes frequency vs. depth from ∼50 km to 670 km depth. We develop a numerical model of self-driven subduction by solving the non-homogeneous Stokes equation using the ;Particle in cell method; in combination with a conservative finite difference scheme, here solved for the first time using Python and NumPy only. We show that most of the elastic energy is stored in the slab core and that it is strongly correlated with the earthquake frequency-depth distribution for a wide range of lithosphere and lithosphere-core viscosities. According to our results, we suggest that 1) slab bending at the bottom of the upper mantle causes the peak of the earthquake frequency-depth distribution that is observed at mantle transition depth; 2) the presence of a high viscous stiff core inside the lithosphere generates an elastic energy distribution that fits better with the exponential decay that is observed at intermediate depth.

  17. Mach number dependence of electron heating at high Mach number interplanetary shocks in the inner heliospere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matsukiyo, Shuichi

    In the inner heliosphere a variety of interplanetary shocks with different Mach numbers are expected to be present. A possible maximum Mach number at 0.3AU from the sun is esti-mated to be about 40. Efficiency of electron heating in such high Mach number shocks is one of the outstanding issues of space plasma physics as well as astrophysics. Here, from this aspect, electron heating rate through microinstabilities generated in the transition region of a quasi-perpendicular shock for wide range of Mach numbers is investigated. Saturation levels of effective electron temperature as a result of modified two-stream instability (MTSI) are es-timated by using a semianalytic approach which we call an extended quasilinear analysis here. The results are compared with one-dimensional full particle-in-cell simulations. It is revealed that Mach number dependence of the effective electron temperature is weak when a Mach num-ber is below a certain critical value. Above the critical value, electron temperature increases being proportional to an upstream flow energy because of that a dominant microinstability in the foot changes from the MTSI to Buneman instability. The critical Mach number is roughly estimated to be a few tens.

  18. Cosmic Origins Spectrograph : Target Acquisition Performance and Updated Guidelines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Penton, Steven V.; Keyes, C.; Osterman, S.; Sahnow, D.; Soderblom, D.; COS IDT Team; STScI COS Team


    The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is a slit-less spectrograph with a very small aperture (radius = 1.25"). To achieve the desired wavelength accuracy of <15 km/s, HST+COS must center the target to within 0.1” of the center of the aperture. This is the angle subtended by a typical AAS poster when viewed from over 1400 miles away. During SMOV we have fine-tuned the COS target acquisition (TA) procedures to exceed this accuracy for all three COS TA modes; NUV imaging, NUV spectroscopic, and FUV spectroscopic. We will compare all COS TA modes in terms of centering accuracy, efficiency (elapsed time), and required signal-to-noise for all targets suitable for use with COS. We will also provide updated recommendations for the options of all TA modes (e.g., SCAN-SIZE and NUM-POS of ACQ/PEAKD). We have observed in SMOV that HST is providing an excellent initial 1-σ blind pointing accuracy of ±0.4” in both the along-dispersion and cross-dispersion directions. We will discuss the implications of this, and other lessons learned in SMOV, on Cycle 17 and 18 HST+COS TAs.

  19. Electron diffusion deduced from eiscat

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roettger, J.; Fukao, S.

    The EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) operates on 500 MHz; collocated with it is the SOUSY Svalbard Radar (SSR), which operates on 53.5 MHz. We have used both radars during Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) coherent scatter conditions, where the ESR can also detect incoherent scatter and thus allows to estimate the electron density. We describe obser-vations during two observing periods in summer 1999 and 2000. Well calibrated sig-nal power was obtained with both radars, from which we deduced the radar reflec-tivity. Estimating the turbulence dissipation rate from the narrow beam observations of PMSE with the ESR, using the estimate of the electron density and the radar reflec-tivity on both frequencies we can obtain estimates of the Schmidt number by compar-ing our observational results with the model of Cho and Kelley (1993). Schmidt num-bers of at least 100 are necessary to obtain the measured radar reflectivities, which ba-sically support the model of Cho and Kelley claiming that the inertial-viscous subrange in the electron gas can extend down to small scales of some ten centimeters (namely, the Bragg scale of the ESR).

  20. Aspect Epidemiologique des Sequelles de Brulures a Marrakech, Maroc, a Travers Deux Observations

    PubMed Central

    Ettalbi, S.; Ibnouzahir, M.; Droussi, H.; Wahbi, S.; Bahaichar, N.; Boukind, E.H.


    Summary La brûlure est un accident qui reste toujours très fréquent au Maroc, ce qui fait d'elle un problème de la santé publique. Les brûlures, quand elles sont graves ou profondes, entraînent de façon quasi inéluctable des séquelles fonctionnelles et esthétiques. A travers deux observations de deux enfants présentant des séquelles de brûlures graves, ayant retenti péjorativement sur leurs scolarités, on a essayé de mettre en évidence quelques facteurs incriminés dans cette tragédie (feu, petites bouteilles de gaz et le manque d'infrastructure, du personnel médical et paramédical, du matériel ainsi que de la prévention) comme étant une grande cause dans la survenue de ces séquelles. Le but de notre travail est d'énumérer ces différents facteurs intriqués, ainsi que de proposer quelques solutions, tout en insistant sur la prévention. PMID:21991156

  1. [Not Available].


    Ettalbi, S; Ibnouzahir, M; Droussi, H; Wahbi, S; Bahaichar, N; Boukind, E H


    La brûlure est un accident qui reste toujours très fréquent au Maroc, ce qui fait d'elle un problème de la santé publique. Les brûlures, quand elles sont graves ou profondes, entraînent de façon quasi inéluctable des séquelles fonctionnelles et esthétiques. A travers deux observations de deux enfants présentant des séquelles de brûlures graves, ayant retenti péjorativement sur leurs scolarités, on a essayé de mettre en évidence quelques facteurs incriminés dans cette tragédie (feu, petites bouteilles de gaz et le manque d'infrastructure, du personnel médical et paramédical, du matériel ainsi que de la prévention) comme étant une grande cause dans la survenue de ces séquelles. Le but de notre travail est d'énumérer ces différents facteurs intriqués, ainsi que de proposer quelques solutions, tout en insistant sur la prévention.

  2. A Semi-implicit Method for Time Accurate Simulation of Compressible Flow

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wall, Clifton; Pierce, Charles D.; Moin, Parviz


    A semi-implicit method for time accurate simulation of compressible flow is presented. The method avoids the acoustic CFL limitation, allowing a time step restricted only by the convective velocity. Centered discretization in both time and space allows the method to achieve zero artificial attenuation of acoustic waves. The method is an extension of the standard low Mach number pressure correction method to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the main feature of the method is the solution of a Helmholtz type pressure correction equation similar to that of Demirdžić et al. (Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, Vol. 16, pp. 1029-1050, 1993). The method is attractive for simulation of acoustic combustion instabilities in practical combustors. In these flows, the Mach number is low; therefore the time step allowed by the convective CFL limitation is significantly larger than that allowed by the acoustic CFL limitation, resulting in significant efficiency gains. Also, the method's property of zero artificial attenuation of acoustic waves is important for accurate simulation of the interaction between acoustic waves and the combustion process. The method has been implemented in a large eddy simulation code, and results from several test cases will be presented.

  3. Optimisation de fonctionnements de pompe à chaleur chimique : synchronisation et commande du procédé

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cassou, T.; Amouroux, M.; Labat, P.


    We present the mathematical modelling of a chemical heat pump and the associated simulator. This simulator is able to determine the influence of different parameters (which would be associated to the heat exchanges or to the chemical kinetics), but also to simulate the main operating modes. An optimal management of process represents the objective to reach; we materialize it by a continuous and steady production of the power delivered by the machine. Nous présentons le modèle mathématique d'un pilote de pompe à chaleur chimique et le simulateur numérique correspondant. Ce simulateur est capable de déterminer l'influence de divers paramètres (qu'ils soient liés aux échanges de chaleur ou à la cinétique chimique), mais aussi de simuler les principaux modes de fonctionnement. Une gestion optimale du procédé représente le but à atteindre: une conduite optimisée du système permet, par une gestion des différentes phases, une production continue et stable de la puissance délivrée par la machine.

  4. Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): design and first-year review

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smith, Arfon M.


    JOSS is a free and open-access journal that publishes articles describing research software across all disciplines. It has the dual goals of improving the quality of the software submitted and providing a mechanism for research software developers to receive credit. While designed to work within the current merit system of science, JOSS addresses the dearth of rewards for key contributions to science made in the form of software. JOSS publishes articles that encapsulate scholarship contained in the software itself, and its rigorous peer review targets the software components: functionality, documentation, tests, continuous integration, and the license. A JOSS article contains an abstract describing the purpose and functionality of the software, references, and a link to the software archive. JOSS published more than 100 articles in its first year, many from the scientific python ecosystem (including a number of articles related to astronomy and astrophysics). JOSS is a sponsored project of the nonprofit organization NumFOCUS and is an affiliate of the Open Source Initiative.In this presentation, I'll describes the motivation, design, and progress of the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) and how it compares to other avenues for publishing research software in astronomy.

  5. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sampath, S.; Wayne, S. F.


    Thermally sprayed molybdenum coatings are used in a variety of industrial applications, such as auto-motive piston rings, aeroturbine engines, and paper and plastics processing machinery. Molybdenum ex-hibits excellent scuffing resistance under sliding contact conditions. However, plasma-sprayed molybde-num coatings are relatively soft and require dispersion strengthening (e.g., Mo2C) or addition of a second phase (e.g., NiCrBSi) to improve hardness, wear resistance, and thus coating performance. In this study, Mo-Mo2C composite powders were plasma sprayed onto mild steel substrates. Considerable decarburi-zation was observed during air plasma spraying—a beneficial condition because carbon acts as a sacrifi-cial getter for the oxygen, thereby reducing the oxide content in the coating. Finer powders showed a greater degree of decarburization due to the increased surface area; however, the starting carbide con-tent in the powder exerted very little influence on the extent of decarburization. The friction properties of Mo-Mo2C coatings were significantly improved compared to those of pure molybdenum under con-tinuous sliding contact conditions. It also was found that the abrasion resistance of the coatings improved with increasing carbide addition.

  6. Le patrimoine astronomique provençal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rous, M.; Figon, P.; Guyot, S.


    L'OSU OAMP/Institut Pythéas porte les missions de conservation, inventaire et valorisation du patrimoine. Suite à la fusion de l'Observatoire de Marseille et du Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale en 2000 pour créer le Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, le déménagement des équipes sur le site de Château-Gombert en 2008 a soulevé le problème du devenir des collections des deux sites d'origine. Nous ferons le bilan des actions passées en matière de conservation et de valorisation de ce riche patrimoine : versement à l'inventaire général du Ministère de la Culture, classement de 22 instruments au titre des Monuments Historiques, inventaire et numérisation des archives anciennes, montage d'expositions et réalisation du catalogue Telescopium, 400 ans de lunettes et de télescopes. Nous présenterons les actions en cours: mesures de conservation préventive, inventaire des archives et des instruments. Nous parlerons enfin des projets: création d'un espace d'exposition permanente, participation à des expositions temporaires.

  7. Porphyrin Based neuton capture agents for cancer therapy


    Vicente, Maria Da; Shetty, Shankar Jayaram; Jaquinod, Laurent; Smith, Kevin M.


    The invention describes the synthesis of a panel of novel carbon-carbon linked carboranyl-containing 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrins bearing 25–44% boron by weight. In certain embodiments, a phenyl porphyrin compound has a carboranyl group attached to the phenyl group by a carbon-carbon linkage, wherein the phenyl group corresponds to the following formula num="00001">embedded image
    where R7 through R11 are hydrogen, a carboranyl group, or are selected from the group consisting of hydroxyl, NMe3+, PMePh2+, PO(OH)2, SO3H, COOH, and NH2. In this embodiment, the carboranyl group is attached to the phenyl group by a carbon-carbon linkage, either one or two of R7 through R11 are other than hydrogen; and the phenyl porphyrin compound contains at least one phenyl group having at least one of said carboranyl groups.

  8. The motivations to nurse: an exploration of factors amongst undergraduate students, registered nurses and nurse managers.


    Newton, Jennifer M; Kelly, Cherene M; Kremser, Anne K; Jolly, Brian; Billett, Stephen


    To identify what motivates individuals to engage in a nursing career. Recruitment and retention of nurses is a worldwide concern that is associated with several compounding factors, primarily the high attrition of its new graduates and an ageing workforce. Given these factors, it is necessary to understand why individuals choose to nurse, what keeps them engaged in nursing, and in what ways healthcare systems can support career development and retention. This paper presents initial interview data from a longitudinal multi method study with 29 undergraduate student nurses, 25 registered nurses (RNs), six Nurse Unit Managers (NUMs) and four Directors of Nursing (DoNs) from four hospitals across a healthcare organization in Australia. Thematic analysis yielded four key themes that were common to all participants: (1) a desire to help, (2) caring, (3) sense of achievement and (4) self-validation. These themes represented individuals' motivation to enter nursing and sustain them in their careers as either nurses or managers. Managers need to be cognisant of nurses underlying values and motivators in addressing recruitment and retention issues. Strategies need to be considered at both unit and organizational levels to ensure that the 'desire to care' does not become lost.

  9. Proposition d'un modèle expérimental pour la caractérisation de la réponse mécanique d'un composite (tissu de verre / résine époxyde)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naceri, A.; Vautrin, A.


    L'objet de cet article est de proposer une géométrie d'éprouvette pour la caractérisation de la réponse mécanique d'un composite constitué de 12 plis de tissus de fibres de verre noyé dans une résine époxyde. Des essais de traction uniaxiale en rampe monotone réalisés sur différentes configurations géométriques d'éprouvettes avec différentes vitesses d'essais et le calcul numérique par éléments finis de la répartition des contraintes dans la zone centrale du modèle expérimental proposé, nous ont permis de justifier le choix d'une éprouvette profilée avec un rayon de 1000 mm qui présente une section réduite au centre et pour laquelle la rupture survient dans la zone centrale sans chute notable des caractéristiques mécaniques ultimes par rapport à l'éprouvette de forme parallélépipédique.

  10. ACQ4: an open-source software platform for data acquisition and analysis in neurophysiology research

    PubMed Central

    Campagnola, Luke; Kratz, Megan B.; Manis, Paul B.


    The complexity of modern neurophysiology experiments requires specialized software to coordinate multiple acquisition devices and analyze the collected data. We have developed ACQ4, an open-source software platform for performing data acquisition and analysis in experimental neurophysiology. This software integrates the tasks of acquiring, managing, and analyzing experimental data. ACQ4 has been used primarily for standard patch-clamp electrophysiology, laser scanning photostimulation, multiphoton microscopy, intrinsic imaging, and calcium imaging. The system is highly modular, which facilitates the addition of new devices and functionality. The modules included with ACQ4 provide for rapid construction of acquisition protocols, live video display, and customizable analysis tools. Position-aware data collection allows automated construction of image mosaics and registration of images with 3-dimensional anatomical atlases. ACQ4 uses free and open-source tools including Python, NumPy/SciPy for numerical computation, PyQt for the user interface, and PyQtGraph for scientific graphics. Supported hardware includes cameras, patch clamp amplifiers, scanning mirrors, lasers, shutters, Pockels cells, motorized stages, and more. ACQ4 is available for download at PMID:24523692

  11. COS LP4 FUV Target Acquisition Enabling and Verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Penton, Steven V.


    This LP4 program is designed to verify the ability of the LV0058/LV0059 COS FSW to place an isolated point source at the center of the PSA, using FUV dispersed light target acquisition (TA) for COS (LP4-TA-COS). Tests will be performed for all 3 FUV TA modes (ACQ/SEARCH, ACQ/PEAKD, and ACQ/PEAKXD). It is sufficient to test ACQ/SEARCH and ACQ/PEAKD with only one grating, but all three FUV gratings need to be tested for the new (as of LV0054) ACQ/PEAKXD with NUM_POS>1 (also known internally, and in the spt files, as OPMODE=ACQ/PEAKD(XD) at the Fourth Lifetime Position (LP4). This program is modeled after the LP2 and LP3 versions of this program; 12797 and 13636.This program has specific visits to test each portion of the FUV spectroscopic TA process. Visits 01-05 will use the target AV18, while Visit 06 will observe (WD1657+343). Both targets are visible year round. For the LP4 enabling, several improvements to APT, the ground system, and the flight software (FSW) have greatly simplified the enabling process. There are now no non-standard exposures, or special commanding, in this program.Specifically; 1) We now use the LIFETIME-POS = LP4 functionality in APT & FSW to specify the LP. The old procedure of using LIFETIME-POS ="ALTERNATE" has been removed. FUV LPs are now called out by number (e.g., LP4). 2) We will be using the new NUM_POS > 1 PEAKXD algorithm at LP4 due to large geometric distortions (GD) at the "Y" detector positions of LP4. FUVA is particularly affected by GD rendering the old PEAKXD algorithm unable to center a target to the required XD accuracy at LP4. 3) Numerous FSW Patchable constants that were essential for PEAKXD operations at previous LPs are no longer required. These are the WCA-to-PSA offsets and XD plate-scales. Like PEAKD, the NUM_POS > 1 PEAKXD requires no patchable constant updates. At previous LPs, numerous updates to the patchable constants were required, this is not necessary for LP4 TA enabling.Prior to the submission of this



    Noronha, Silvana Aparecida Alves Corrêa de; Bernardes, Linda; Noronha, Samuel Marcos Ribeiro de; Nascimento, Fernanda Amorim de Morais; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    cannot turn them into great researchers thus contributing to the economic, social and intellectual growth of our country through scientific research. Estimular e despertar o interesse dos alunos do ensino médio ou fundamental de escolas públicas na pesquisa e na ciência por meio de estágios de Iniciação Científica Junior no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Translacional da Unifesp. O público alvo para o desenvolvimento das atividades científicas foram alunos regularmente matriculados em curso de nível médio (segundos anos inicialmente) e que tivessem aprovação de sua participação pela direção da escola e responsáveis legais. Quanto aos critérios de inclusão: proximidade física com a instituição de ensino superior, assinatura do termo de consentimento pelos responsáveis dos alunos, pela diretoria da unidade escolar e pelo pesquisador. Inicialmente, os alunos realizaram avaliação diagnóstica acerca dos conhecimentos prévios de biologia, ciências e pesquisa científica. A partir daí as aulas eram elaboradas com base no resultado deste teste, para então iniciar as atividades de Iniciação Científica Junior. A escola escolhida para esta fase inicial do projeto piloto foi a Escola Estadual Rui Bloem que possui 13 salas de aula para o segundo ano do ensino médio com total de 390 alunos. Destes, 160 (41%) apresentaram-se interessados; porém, somente 16 (10%) foram elegíveis para iniciar o projeto piloto no Laboratório de Cirurgia Translacional da Unifesp. Estes alunos apresentaram rendimento médio de 50% na prova diagnóstica e deverão iniciar os próximos treinamentos no Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular e também a frequentar as reuniões científicas. Nesta fase inicial houve interesse dos alunos do ensino médio e o projeto piloto apresentado estimulou e despertou interesse dos alunos de escola pública na pesquisa e na ciência. A escolha de uma escola pública foi para o acesso à universidade e proximidade. Al

  13. Essays on Eclipses, Transits and Occultations as Teaching Tools in the Introductory Astronomy College Course. (Spanish Title: Ensayos sobre Eclipses, Tránsitos y Ocultaciones Como Herramientas de Enseñanza en el Curso Universitario Introductorio a la Astronomía.) Ensaios sobre Eclipses, Trânsitos e Ocultações Como Ferramentas de Ensino em um Curso Universitário Introdutório de Astromomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dcruz, Noella L.


    estudiantes que escribieran dos ensayos cortos de tres que se proponían. Los ensayos contenían partes descriptivas y conceptuales. Los mismos estaban destinados a servir como herramientas de enseñanza. 62% de los 106 ensayos de 55 estudiantes obtuvo grados A, B o C. 21% de los 47 encuestados que respondieron al cuestionario posterior consideró que los ensayos aumentaron su interés por la astronomía. 49% de los encuestados consideró que los ensayos no eran educacionalmente útiles y que no deben ser propuestos de nuevo. Las respuestas escritas más comunes a nuestra encuesta indicaran que los estudiantes necesitan más orientación y una mejor preparación en la redacción de ensayos exitosos. Dado que los estudiantes encontraron las piezas conceptuales de los ensayos difíciles, en el futuro vamos a ofrecer actividades pertinentes antes de los plazos de redacción para ayudar a los estudiantes a crear ensayos de mayor calidad. Nós ocasionalmente incluímos projetos em nosso curso universitário introdutório centrado no aluno para permitir aos estudantes que pertencem às carreiras não científicas explorar alguns conceitos astronômicos em mais detalhes do que o normal. Tais projetos também enfatizam eventos astronômicos em curso ou futuros. Esperamos que os alunos se sintam mais interessados na astronomia através de projetos ligados a eventos astronômicos. No termo de Primavera de 2012 (EUA), propomos ensaios curtos focados em eclipses, trânsitos e ocultações para promover o raro trânsito de Vênus que ocorreu no dia 5 de junho de 2012. Pedimos aos alunos que escrevessem dois ensaios curtos dentre três que foram propostos. Os ensaios continham partes descritivas e conceituais. Eles foram feitos para servir como ferramentas de ensino. 62% de 106 ensaios de 55 alunos ganhou graus A, B ou C. 21% dos 47 entrevistados que responderam ao levantamento posterior sentiu que os ensaios aumentaram seu interesse na astronomia. 49% dos inquiridos consideraram que os

  14. Historia Oral, Experiencias de Aprendizagem e Enraizamento Sociocultural--Um Projeto em Curso (Oral History, Learning Experiences, and Sociocultural Setting--A Project in Process).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vidigal, Luis


    Examines education and childhood in Portugal. Uses oral history methods in an educational context, exploring oral statements pedagogically. Considers these statements especially suitable to maintaining aspects of collective memory and social identity, reinforcing students' national and regional identities. Suggests this is very important in…

  15. Geological Mapping Uses Landsat 4-5TM Satellite Data in Manlai Soum of Omnogovi Aimag

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Norovsuren, B.


    Author: Bayanmonkh N1, Undram.G1, Tsolmon.R2, Ariunzul.Ya1, Bayartungalag B31 Environmental Research Information and Study Center 2NUM-ITC-UNESCO Space Science and Remote Sensing International Laboratory, National University of Mongolia 3Geology and Hydrology School, Korea University KEY WORDS: geology, mineral resources, fracture, structure, lithologyABSTRACTGeologic map is the most important map for mining when it does exploration job. In Mongolia geological map completed by Russian geologists which is done by earlier technology. Those maps doesn't satisfy for present requirements. Thus we want to study improve geological map which includes fracture, structural map and lithology use Landsat TM4-5 satellite data. If we can produce a geological map from satellite data with more specification then geologist can explain or read mineralogy very easily. We searched all methodology and researches of every single element of geological mapping. Then we used 3 different remote sensing methodologies to produce structural and lithology and fracture map based on geographic information system's softwares. There can be found a visible lithology border improvement and understandable structural map and we found fracture of the Russian geological map has a lot of distortion. The result of research geologist can read mineralogy elements very easy and discovered 3 unfound important elements from satellite image.

  16. Progress in development of HEDP capabilities in FLASH's Unsplit Staggered Mesh MHD solver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, D.; Xia, G.; Daley, C.; Dubey, A.; Gopal, S.; Graziani, C.; Lamb, D.; Weide, K.


    FLASH is a publicly available astrophysical community code designed to solve highly compressible multi-physics reactive flows. We are adding capabilities to FLASH that will make it an open science code for the academic HEDP community. Among many important numerical requirements, we consider the following features to be important components necessary to meet our goals for FLASH as an HEDP open toolset. First, we are developing computationally efficient time-stepping integration methods that overcome the stiffness that arises in the equations describing a physical problem when there are disparate time scales. To this end, we are adding two different time-stepping schemes to FLASH that relax the time step limit when diffusive effects are present: an explicit super-time-stepping algorithm (Alexiades et al. in Com. Num. Mech. Eng. 12:31-42, 1996) and a Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov implicit formulation. These two methods will be integrated into a robust, efficient, and high-order accurate Unsplit Staggered Mesh MHD (USM) solver (Lee and Deane in J. Comput. Phys. 227, 2009). Second, we have implemented an anisotropic Spitzer-Braginskii conductivity model to treat thermal heat conduction along magnetic field lines. Finally, we are implementing the Biermann Battery term to account for spontaneous generation of magnetic fields in the presence of non-parallel temperature and density gradients.

  17. Theoretical study of deuteronated PAHs as carriers for IR emission features in the ISM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buragohain, Mridusmita; Pathak, Amit; Sarre, Peter; Onaka, Takashi; Sakon, Itsuki


    This work proposes deuteronated PAH (DPAH+) molecules as a potential carrier of the 4.4 and 4.65 μm mid-infrared emission bands that have been observationally detected towards the Orion and M17 regions. Density Functional Theory calculations have been carried out on DPAH+ molecules to see the variations in the spectral behaviour from that of a pure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). DPAH+ molecules show features that arise due to the stretching of the aliphatic C-D bond. Deuterated PAHs have been previously reported as carriers for such features. However, preferred conditions of ionization of PAHs in the interstellar medium (ISM) indicates the possibility of the formation of DPAH+ molecules. Comparison of band positions of DPAH+s shows reasonable agreement with the observations. We report the effect of size of the DPAH+ molecules on band positions and intensities. This study also reports a D/H ratio ([D/H]_{sc}; the ratio of C-D stretch and C-H stretch bands per [D/H]_{num}) that is decreasing with the increasing size of DPAH+s. It is noted that large DPAH+ molecules (no. of C atoms ˜50) match the D/H ratio that has been estimated from observations. This ratio offers prospects to study the deuterium abundance and depletion in the ISM.

  18. Dispatch Scheduling of Automated Telescopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denny, R. B.


    Automated telescope scheduling systems have traditionally focused on optimiz- ing the use of the observatory, minimizing overhead and maximizing shutter- open time. However, educational and amateur observatories do not enjoy con- sistently good skies. Conditions can change significantly during an observing session, leading to schedule breakage. This gives rise to the need for a scheduling system that is capable of recovering from periods of bad skies, wind, etc. without operator intervention. The concept of dispatch scheduling, where the scheduler makes a "best" choice for the next observation, will be discussed. The choice of next target must consider constraints such as mini- mum altitude or maximum air mass, moon illumination, and sky condition, as well as timing constraints that may arise from linked observations and/or target phasing requirements. It also must be as fair and efficient as prac- tical. A dispatch scheduler (ACPS) was constructed and used to perform a num- ber of simulations with both isolated and multiple/linked observations, and noisy timing. By varying "best next target" choice algorithm, these simula- tions provided insight into the behavior of a dispatch scheduler. This talk will describe the scheduler and present the results of these preliminary sim- ulations, some conclusions that arose from them, and outline areas for fur- ther research.

  19. The Synchrotron Spectrum of Fast Cooling Electrons Revisited.


    Granot; Piran; Sari


    We discuss the spectrum arising from synchrotron emission by fast cooling (FC) electrons, when fresh electrons are continually accelerated by a strong blast wave, into a power-law distribution of energies. The FC spectrum has so far been described by four power-law segments divided by three break frequencies nusanum. This is valid for a homogeneous electron distribution. However, hot electrons are located right after the shock, while most electrons are farther downstream and have cooled. This spatial distribution changes the optically thick part of the spectrum, introducing a new break frequency, nuac

  20. SWRT: A package for semi-analytical solutions of surface wave propagation, including mode conversion, across transversely aligned vertical discontinuities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Datta, Arjun


    We present a suite of programs that implement decades-old algorithms for computation of seismic surface wave reflection and transmission coefficients at a welded contact between two laterally homogeneous quarter-spaces. For Love as well as Rayleigh waves, the algorithms are shown to be capable of modelling multiple mode conversions at a lateral discontinuity, which was not shown in the original publications or in the subsequent literature. Only normal incidence at a lateral boundary is considered so there is no Love-Rayleigh coupling, but incidence of any mode and coupling to any (other) mode can be handled. The code is written in Python and makes use of SciPy's Simpson's rule integrator and NumPy's linear algebra solver for its core functionality. Transmission-side results from this code are found to be in good agreement with those from finite-difference simulations. In today's research environment of extensive computing power, the coded algorithms are arguably redundant but SWRT can be used as a valuable testing tool for the ever evolving numerical solvers of seismic wave propagation. SWRT is available via GitHub (

  1. Identification de lois constitutives et de lois de frottement adaptées aux grandes vitesses de sollicitation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dalverny, O.; Capéraa, S.; Pantalé, O.; Sattouf, C.


    Cet article présente une méthodologie d'identification de lois constitutives et de lois de contact adaptées aux matériaux métalliques sous chargement dynamique à grande vitesse de déformation. Les essais sont effectués à partir de montages expérimentaux adaptés à un lanceur à gaz permettant d'obtenir une vitesse de projectile de l'ordre de 350m/s pour une masse totale de 30gr. Le premier essai consiste en un impact de Taylor correspondant à un chargement mécanique de type compression. Le second essai de type “extrusion conique" permet la détermination des lois de frottement à grande vitesse. La procédure générale d'identification des lois de comportement à partir d'essais dynamiques se fait au moyen d'une analyse post-mortem des échantillons et de la corrélation entre ces résultats expérimentaux et un modèle numérique des essais. Pour les deux cas précédemment cités, nous présentons la configuration optimale d'essai ainsi que les résultats obtenus à partir d'un algorithme d'optimisation de type Levenberg-Marquard.

  2. The number processing and calculation system: evidence from cognitive neuropsychology.


    Salguero-Alcañiz, M P; Alameda-Bailén, J R


    Cognitive neuropsychology focuses on the concepts of dissociation and double dissociation. The performance of number processing and calculation tasks by patients with acquired brain injury can be used to characterise the way in which the healthy cognitive system manipulates number symbols and quantities. The objective of this study is to determine the components of the numerical processing and calculation system. Participants consisted of 6 patients with acquired brain injuries in different cerebral localisations. We used Batería de evaluación del procesamiento numérico y el cálculo, a battery assessing number processing and calculation. Data was analysed using the difference in proportions test. Quantitative numerical knowledge is independent from number transcoding, qualitative numerical knowledge, and calculation. Recodification is independent from qualitative numerical knowledge and calculation. Quantitative numerical knowledge and calculation are also independent functions. The number processing and calculation system comprises at least 4 components that operate independently: quantitative numerical knowledge, number transcoding, qualitative numerical knowledge, and calculation. Therefore, each one may be damaged selectively without affecting the functioning of another. According to the main models of number processing and calculation, each component has different characteristics and cerebral localisations. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  3. Extracting Spatiotemporal Objects from Raster Data to Represent Physical Features and Analyze Related Processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zollweg, J. A.


    Numerous ground-based, airborne, and orbiting platforms provide remotely-sensed data of remarkable spatial resolution at short time intervals. However, this spatiotemporal data is most valuable if it can be processed into information, thereby creating meaning. We live in a world of objects: cars, buildings, farms, etc. On a stormy day, we don't see millions of cubes of atmosphere; we see a thunderstorm `object'. Temporally, we don't see the properties of those individual cubes changing, we see the thunderstorm as a whole evolving and moving. There is a need to represent the bulky, raw spatiotemporal data from remote sensors as a small number of relevant spatiotemporal objects, thereby matching the human brain's perception of the world. This presentation reveals an efficient algorithm and system to extract the objects/features from raster-formatted remotely-sensed data. The system makes use of the Python object-oriented programming language, SciPy/NumPy for matrix manipulation and scientific computation, and export/import to the GeoJSON standard geographic object data format. The example presented will show how thunderstorms can be identified and characterized in a spatiotemporal continuum using a Python program to process raster data from NOAA's High-Resolution Rapid Refresh v2 (HRRRv2) data stream.

  4. Study of the Local Horizon. (Spanish Title: Estudio del Horizonte Local.) Estudo do Horizonte Local

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ros, Rosa M.


    The study of the horizon is fundamental to easy the first observations of the students at any education center. A simple model, to be developed in each center, allows to easy the study and comprehension of the rudiments of astronomy. The constructed model is presented in turn as a simple equatorial clock, other models (horizontal and vertical) may be constructed starting from it. El estudio del horizonte es fundamental para poder facilitar las primeras observaciones de los alumnos en un centro educativo. Un simple modelo, que debe realizarse para cada centro, nos permite facilitar el estudio y la comprensión de los primeros rudimentos astronómicos. El modelo construido se presenta a su vez como un sencillo modelo de reloj ecuatorial y a partir de él se pueden construir otros modelos (horizontal y vertical). O estudo do horizonte é fundamental para facilitar as primeiras observações dos alunos num centro educativo. Um modelo simples, que deve ser feito para cada centro, permite facilitar o estudo e a compreensão dos primeiros rudimentos astronômicos. O modelo construído apresenta-se, por sua vez, como um modelo simples de relógio equatorial e a partir dele pode-se construir outros modelos (horizontal e vertical)

  5. Wyrm: A Brain-Computer Interface Toolbox in Python.


    Venthur, Bastian; Dähne, Sven; Höhne, Johannes; Heller, Hendrik; Blankertz, Benjamin


    In the last years Python has gained more and more traction in the scientific community. Projects like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib have created a strong foundation for scientific computing in Python and machine learning packages like scikit-learn or packages for data analysis like Pandas are building on top of it. In this paper we present Wyrm ( ), an open source BCI toolbox in Python. Wyrm is applicable to a broad range of neuroscientific problems. It can be used as a toolbox for analysis and visualization of neurophysiological data and in real-time settings, like an online BCI application. In order to prevent software defects, Wyrm makes extensive use of unit testing. We will explain the key aspects of Wyrm's software architecture and design decisions for its data structure, and demonstrate and validate the use of our toolbox by presenting our approach to the classification tasks of two different data sets from the BCI Competition III. Furthermore, we will give a brief analysis of the data sets using our toolbox, and demonstrate how we implemented an online experiment using Wyrm. With Wyrm we add the final piece to our ongoing effort to provide a complete, free and open source BCI system in Python.

  6. Indicators for the evaluation of the quality of education and career development in the hard science: a case report

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arany-Prado, L. I.


    We report the results of the self-evaluation of the Astronomy Bachelor Course of the Observatório do Valongo (OV), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). We have created, heuristically, data indicators capable of quantifying the impact of curriculum and institutional improvements on the student's background and career development in the last 30 years. It is remarkable that the institution in study: i) has undergone appreciable recent development; ii) has its graduation course as a long term investment and an essentially complete database on past professors and students; iii) is inserted in a young scientific Society (Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira - SAB), which has shown marked recent maturation and a large rate of growth. This enabled us to diagnose the evolution of the institution and its suitability to the different requirements of the astronomical career. We show that, in the hard science field, the increase of the number of graduated students and the decrease of the time spent as an undergraduate student are not sufficient, or even adequate, to evaluate the efficiency of education in science (Arany-Prado, L., 2003, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, vol. 25, no. 1, 105-115;

  7. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia.


    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando

    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p < 0.05 para un estudio de dos colas con un poder beta del 80%. La ansiedad y la analgesia transoperatoria y posoperatoria tuvieron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Se encontró menor consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  8. Using open-source programs to create a web-based portal for hydrologic information

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, H.


    Some hydrologic data sets, such as basin climatology, precipitation, and terrestrial water storage, are not easily obtainable and distributable due to their size and complexity. We present a Hydrologic Information Portal (HIP) that has been implemented at the University of California for Hydrologic Modeling (UCCHM) and that has been organized around the large river basins of North America. This portal can be easily accessed through a modern web browser that enables easy access and visualization of such hydrologic data sets. Some of the main features of our HIP include a set of data visualization features so that users can search, retrieve, analyze, integrate, organize, and map data within large river basins. Recent information technologies such as Google Maps, Tornado (Python asynchronous web server), NumPy/SciPy (Scientific Library for Python) and d3.js (Visualization library for JavaScript) were incorporated into the HIP to create ease in navigating large data sets. With such open source libraries, HIP can give public users a way to combine and explore various data sets by generating multiple chart types (Line, Bar, Pie, Scatter plot) directly from the Google Maps viewport. Every rendered object such as a basin shape on the viewport is clickable, and this is the first step to access the visualization of data sets.

  9. Cinética Química: el laboratorio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cabañas Galán, B.

    La interpretación de las transformaciones químicas que se producen en la atmósfera requiere un profundo conocimiento de la cinética, productos y mecanismos de reacción de las posibles interacciones que pueden ocurrir entre las distintas especies presentes en ella. Información cuantitativa de este tipo es un prerrequisito para la construcción de modelos numéricos adecuados que expliquen el comportamiento químico-físico de la atmósfera. Esta información se obtiene a partir de experimentos realizados en laboratorios y por tanto independiente de medidas atmosféricas, por lo que los modelos atmosféricos derivados de ellos, pueden usarse para diagnosticar y predecir adecuadamente el comportamiento atmosférico. En esta exposición se recogen las técnicas experimentales más extendidas para la obtención de datos cinéticos así como los métodos de análisis de datos más utilizados en el estudio de las distintas reacciones de interés atmosférico. Se analizan sus características generales así como su adecuación a los distintos tipos de reacciones.

  10. Estudio de distintos modelos de protuberancias solares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cirigliano, D.; Rovira, M.; Mauas, P.

    En este trabajo presentamos perfiles de líneas del CaII, MgII y HeI calculados para distintos modelos de protuberancias, y los comparamos con observaciones obtenidas por los satélites OSO 8 y SOHO. Para obtener las poblaciones de los distintos niveles de los átomos, utilizamos un código numérico que combina las ecuaciones de transporte de radiación y equilibrio estadístico en un único sistema de ecuaciones no lineal. Los modelos básicos que consideramos para las protuberancias consisten en placas homogéneas y unidimensionales apoyadas sobre la superficie del Sol. Dichas placas se hallan estratificadas en hebras y los modelos difieren entre sí en la temperatura y ancho de la placa, en la presión a la cual se halla el plasma y en el número de hebras. A partir de estos modelos se investiga cada uno de estos parámetros libres y como influyen en la atmósfera de las protuberancias solares y en el perfil de línea de cada especie estudiada, con el objetivo de determinar las condiciones en las que se halla el material atmosférico de estas protuberancias.

  11. Método numérico das diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo aplicado a ondas Alfvén em plasma astrofísico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dos Santos, L. C.; Kintopp, J. A.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Opher, R.


    Ondas Alfvén em plasma astrofísico têm sido objeto de intenso estudo nas últimas décadas pelo fato de apresentarem papel importante em muitas áreas de pesquisa na astrofísica. Particularmente são importantes no mecanismo de aquecimento da coroa solar; em ventos estelares; em jatos galácticos e extragalácticos; em discos protoestelares, etc. A formulação para diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo (FDTD), aplicada a plasma magnetizado é desenvolvida para estudo das propriedades de ondas Alfvén em três dimensões (3D-FDTD). O método é aplicado inicialmente a um plasma homogêneo e isotérmico imerso em uma região com campo magnético externo B0, que sofre uma pequena perturbação. Uma vez gerada a onda, esta perturbação é retirada e, então analisamos a evolução temporal das ondas, bem como a forma de seu amortecimento.

  12. Etude numérique et expérimentale de l'evaporation d'une ou plusieurs gouttes de mélange de carburants dans un écoulement chauffé

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Daïf, A.; Ali Chérif, A.; Bresson, J.; Sarh, B.


    The vaporization of one or two multi-component fuel droplets in hot air-stream is presented. A thermal wind tunnel with experimental channel has been designed to develop an experimental process. Firstly, the comparison between experimental results and numerical data is presented for the case of an isolated multi-component droplet. The numerical method is based on the resolution of heat and mass transfer equations between the droplet and the gas stream. This model includes the effect of Stephan flow, the effect of variable thermophysical properties of the components, and the non-unitary Lewis number in the gas film. The experimental results show the micro-explosion phenomenon observed in the liquid phase of multi-component droplet at low temperature. The experimental case of two pure or multi-component droplets in interaction is also presented. On présente un article de synthèse sur l'évaporation d'une ou deux gouttes de carburants à plusieurs composants dans un écoulement d'air chaud. Un dispositif expérimental constitué d'une soufflerie thermique, avec veine d'expérimentation, est réalisé pour permettre cette étude. Pour le cas d'une goutte isolée, une comparaison expérience-calcul est entreprise. Le principe de la méthode numerique consiste en la résolution des équations de transfert de masse et de chaleur entre la goutte et l'écoulement. Ce modèle prend en compte les effets de l'écoulement de Stephan, les variations des propriétés thermophysiques des composants dans les deux phases et la valeur du nombre de Lewis différente de l'unité dans le film de vapeur. Outre l'analyse plus approfondie qu'apporte la confrontation entre le calcul et l'expérience, les résultats expérimentaux montrent le phénomène de micro-explosion observé à l'intérieur de la goutte liquide. Le cas expérimental de deux gouttes en interaction est abordé qu'il s'agisse de gouttes de carburant pur ou de mélange.

  13. Prevailing Lexical-Stylistic Features in Emirati Language Learners' Digital Discourse (Caractéristiques lexicales stylistiques dominantes dans le discours numérique des apprenants en langue émirienne)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grigoryan, Tsoghik


    Today's language classroom is undergoing an irreversible hyperbole and one of the most powerful drivers of this transformation is ICT. Digital classroom not only exposes the learners to grammatical language of linguistics, but rather the everyday life of the language in use (Thurlow & Mroczek, 2011). The aim of this study was to explore the…

  14. Development of Educational Resources to Include the Teaching of Astronomy in the First Years of the Basic Education. (Spanish Title: Desarrollo de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Incluir la Enseñanza de la Astronomía en los Primeros Años de la Educación Básica.) Desenvolvimento de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Inserir o Ensino de Astronomia nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Silva Morett, Samara; de Oliveira Souza, Marcelo


    ía y la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes. La inclusión de la astronomía en la escuela primaria es una manera de demostrar a los estudiantes cómo este campo está presente de forma activa en su vida cotidiana. Las clases que participan en el proyecto participaron en un estudio con el objetivo de proporcionar información a los conocimientos previos que tenían sobre los temas de la astronomía que se examinaron durante el proyecto. Con los experimentos realizados, y la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, conceptos astronómicos fueron presentados a los estudiantes de 4to y 5to año de la educación básica de una escuela municipal de Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). Después de las presentaciones nuevos datos fueran colectados y se han llevado a cabo con el fin de verificar el nivel de aprendizaje alcanzado y se observó que el método utilizado fue una herramienta importante para ayudar al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El proyecto logró resultados satisfactorios. Neste trabalho será apresentado o desenvolvimento de recursos pedagógicos para a apresentação de conceitos de astronomia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Este material é composto por apresentações realizadas com o uso de novos recursos tecnológicos, pela fabricação de experimentos e a discussão de curiosidades relativas a esta área de conhecimento. Os experimentos foram construídos com material de baixo custo com o objetivo de permitir que os alunos envolvidos pudessem refazê-los em outras ocasiões. O material apresentado busca enfatizar a relação entre a astronomia e o cotidiano dos alunos. A inclusão da astronomia no ensino fundamental e uma forma de demonstrar aoestudante como esta área está presente de forma ativa em seu cotidiano. As turmas envolvidas no projeto participaram de uma pesquisa com o objetivo de obter dados relativos ao conhecimento prévio que possuíam sobre os tópicos de astronomia que foram considerados no decorrer do projeto. Com os experimentos

  15. On the divergence-free condition in Godunov-type schemes for ideal magnetohydrodynamics: the upwind constrained transport method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Londrillo, P.; del Zanna, L.


    We present a general framework to design Godunov-type schemes for multidimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems, having the divergence-free relation and the related properties of the magnetic field B as built-in conditions. Our approach mostly relies on the constrained transport (CT) discretization technique for the magnetic field components, originally developed for the linear induction equation, which assures [∇.B]num=0 and its preservation in time to within machine accuracy in a finite-volume setting. We show that the CT formalism, when fully exploited, can be used as a general guideline to design the reconstruction procedures of the B vector field, to adapt standard upwind procedures for the momentum and energy equations, avoiding the onset of numerical monopoles of O(1) size, and to formulate approximate Riemann solvers for the induction equation. This general framework will be named here upwind constrained transport (UCT). To demonstrate the versatility of our method, we apply it to a variety of schemes, which are finally validated numerically and compared: a novel implementation for the MHD case of the second-order Roe-type positive scheme by Liu and Lax [J. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 5 (1996) 133], and both the second- and third-order versions of a central-type MHD scheme presented by Londrillo and Del Zanna [Astrophys. J. 530 (2000) 508], where the basic UCT strategies have been first outlined.

  16. An Architectural Concept for Intrusion Tolerance in Air Traffic Networks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Maddalon, Jeffrey M.; Miner, Paul S.


    The goal of an intrusion tolerant network is to continue to provide predictable and reliable communication in the presence of a limited num ber of compromised network components. The behavior of a compromised network component ranges from a node that no longer responds to a nod e that is under the control of a malicious entity that is actively tr ying to cause other nodes to fail. Most current data communication ne tworks do not include support for tolerating unconstrained misbehavio r of components in the network. However, the fault tolerance communit y has developed protocols that provide both predictable and reliable communication in the presence of the worst possible behavior of a limited number of nodes in the system. One may view a malicious entity in a communication network as a node that has failed and is behaving in an arbitrary manner. NASA/Langley Research Center has developed one such fault-tolerant computing platform called SPIDER (Scalable Proces sor-Independent Design for Electromagnetic Resilience). The protocols and interconnection mechanisms of SPIDER may be adapted to large-sca le, distributed communication networks such as would be required for future Air Traffic Management systems. The predictability and reliabi lity guarantees provided by the SPIDER protocols have been formally v erified. This analysis can be readily adapted to similar network stru ctures.

  17. [Backstage of a massive open online course (MOOC) on cancer diagnosis].


    Gardair, Charlotte; Bousquet, Guilhem; Lehmann-Che, Jacqueline; de Bazelaire, Cédric; de Cremoux, Patricia; Tran Van Nhieu, Jeanne; Sockeel, Marie; Battistella, Maxime; Calvani, Julien; Gervais, Jocelyne; Pottier, Yohann; Prévaut, Laurent; Sekri, Karima; Bertheau, Philippe


    Massive open online course (or MOOC) is a new online and open access teaching approach aimed at unlimited participation and providing interactions among students and teaching staff. These academic courses, often still free, lead to the delivery of a certificate of attendance and could soon also deliver a diploma. The MOOC "Stratégies diagnostiques des cancers" will be hosted in autumn 2016 on the platform "France Université Numérique" and will have two levels of learners: students in the field of health and biology and the general public. This MOOC will also be integrated into the teaching program of medical students of Paris Diderot University and Paris 13 University. The educational objective of this MOOC is to convey to all participants an overview of the diagnostic steps of cancers and of the various medical specialties involved in this diagnosis. The second week of the MOOC, entitled "tumor samples, macroscopic and microscopic analysis", presents the pathology specialty with the technical treatment of tissue or cell samples and the basic elements of the tissue section analysis to get a diagnosis of benign or malignant tumor. After this MOOC, it is planned to assess the impact of this new modality of teaching the pathology specialty or pathology, especially by the general public. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Identification d'une loi thermo-élasto-viscoplastique en vue de la modélisation du laminage à chaud du cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moureaux, P.; Moto Mpong, S.; Remy, M.; Bouffioux, C.; Lecomte-Beckers, J.; Habraken, A. M.


    la mise au point d'un modèle de simulation de la dernière passe du laminage à chaud du cuivre ne présente à priori pas de problème du point de vue numérique pour un code d'éléments finis non linéaire. La collecte d'informations précises tant sur le procédé industriel que sur le comportement du matériau est par contre une opération non triviale. Cet article présente les diverses méthodes expérimentales mises en œuvre pour caractériser le matériau : essais de compression à chaud, mesures d'analyse thermique différentielle, essais de dilatométrie et de diffusivité. Les méthodes permettant d'identifier les paramètres de la loi élasto-visco-plastique de type Norton-Hoff à partir des essais sont présentées et une analyse bibliographique investigue le problème de la détermination du module de Young à haute température. Tant les hypothèses supplémentaires relatives au procédé et nécessaires au modèle que les résultats finaux sont résumés.

  19. [On the question of a practice.].


    Sévigny, R


    The author, a psycho-sociologist and a professor in the department of sociology at l'Université de Montreal, looks back and reflects on his practice as an intervener in different types of groups. He returns to his first experiences with T-groups and to the analysis of them which he made at the beginning of his practice. Furthermore, this analysis touches on questions that remain very relevant. Thus the author explains why, for social reasons, he came to privilege work with "real groups" rather than that with spontaneous groups. On the basis of twenty years of experience and a view of many group approaches it can be asked whether the question of man in society as a change agent should not be posed to a greater extent within groups. 1) Dans Sociologie A Sociétés, vol. 9, no 2, d'octobre 1977, le lecteur trouvera un article de moi qui préserve une réflexion plus systématique mais sans référence immédiate à ma propre pratique. Oe numéro, entièrement consacré au thème "psychologie, sociologie, intervention" comprend également plusieurs textes qui ne sont pas étrangers à certains thèmes développés ici. On y trouvera aussi de nombreuses références bibliographiques.

  20. Decision Variants for the Automatic Determination of Optimal Feature Subset in RF-RFE.


    Chen, Qi; Meng, Zhaopeng; Liu, Xinyi; Jin, Qianguo; Su, Ran


    Feature selection, which identifies a set of most informative features from the original feature space, has been widely used to simplify the predictor. Recursive feature elimination (RFE), as one of the most popular feature selection approaches, is effective in data dimension reduction and efficiency increase. A ranking of features, as well as candidate subsets with the corresponding accuracy, is produced through RFE. The subset with highest accuracy (HA) or a preset number of features (PreNum) are often used as the final subset. However, this may lead to a large number of features being selected, or if there is no prior knowledge about this preset number, it is often ambiguous and subjective regarding final subset selection. A proper decision variant is in high demand to automatically determine the optimal subset. In this study, we conduct pioneering work to explore the decision variant after obtaining a list of candidate subsets from RFE. We provide a detailed analysis and comparison of several decision variants to automatically select the optimal feature subset. Random forest (RF)-recursive feature elimination (RF-RFE) algorithm and a voting strategy are introduced. We validated the variants on two totally different molecular biology datasets, one for a toxicogenomic study and the other one for protein sequence analysis. The study provides an automated way to determine the optimal feature subset when using RF-RFE.

  1. Relationship of The Tropical Cyclogenesis With Solar and Magnetospheric Activities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vishnevsky, O.; Pankov, V.; Erokhine, N.

    Formation of tropical cyclones is a badly studied period in their life cycle even though there are many papers dedicated to analysis of influence of different parameters upon cyclones occurrence frequency (see e.g., Gray W.M.). Present paper is dedicated to study of correlation of solar and magnetospheric activity with the appearance of tropi- cal cyclones in north-west region of Pacific ocean. Study of correlation was performed by using both classical statistical methods (including maximum entropy method) and quite modern ones, for example multifractal analysis. Information about Wolf's num- bers and cyclogenesis intensity in period of 1944-2000 was received from different Internet databases. It was shown that power spectra maximums of Wolf's numbers and appeared tropical cyclones ones corresponds to 11-year period; solar activity and cyclogenesis processes intensity are in antiphase; maximum of mutual correlation co- efficient ( 0.8) between Wolf's numbers and cyclogenesis intensity is in South-China sea. There is a relation of multifractal characteristics calculated for both time series with the mutual correlation function that is another indicator of correlation between tropical cyclogenesis and solar-magnetospheric activity. So, there is the correlation between solar-magnetospheric activity and tropical cyclone intensity in this region. Possible physical mechanisms of such correlation including anomalous precipitations charged particles from the Earth radiation belts and wind intensity amplification in the troposphere are discussed.

  2. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Grant, Robert

    Under this grant, three significant software packages were developed or improved, all with the goal of improving the ease-of-use of HPC libraries. The first component is a Python package, named DistArray (originally named Odin), that provides a high-level interface to distributed array computing. This interface is based on the popular and widely used NumPy package and is integrated with the IPython project for enhanced interactive parallel distributed computing. The second Python package is the Distributed Array Protocol (DAP) that enables separate distributed array libraries to share arrays efficiently without copying or sending messages. If a distributed array library supports themore » DAP, it is then automatically able to communicate with any other library that also supports the protocol. This protocol allows DistArray to communicate with the Trilinos library via PyTrilinos, which was also enhanced during this project. A third package, PyTrilinos, was extended to support distributed structured arrays (in addition to the unstructured arrays of its original design), allow more flexible distributed arrays (i.e., the restriction to double precision data was lifted), and implement the DAP. DAP support includes both exporting the protocol so that external packages can use distributed Trilinos data structures, and importing the protocol so that PyTrilinos can work with distributed data from external packages.« less

  3. Multiplicative Process in Turbulent Velocity Statistics: A Simplified Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chillà, F.; Peinke, J.; Castaing, B.


    A lot of models in turbulence links the energy cascade process and intermittency, the characteristic of which being the shape evolution of the probability density functions (pdf) for longitudinal velocity increments. Using recent models and experimental results, we show that the flatness factor of these pdf gives a simple and direct estimate for what is called the deepness of the cascade. We analyse in this way the published data of a Direct Numerical Simulation and show that the deepness of the cascade presents the same Reynolds number dependence as in laboratory experiments. Plusieurs modèles de turbulence relient la cascade d'énergie et l'intermittence, caractérisée par l'évolution des densités de probabilité (pdf) des incréments longitudinaux de vitesse. Nous appuyant aussi bien sur des modèles récents que sur des résultats expérimentaux, nous montrons que la Curtosis de ces pdf permet une estimation simple et directe de la profondeur de la cascade. Cela nous permet de réanalyser les résultats publiés d'une simulation numérique et de montrer que la profondeur de la cascade y évolue de la même façon que pour les expériences de laboratoire en fonction du nombre de Reynolds.

  4. Uma Comparação entre Técnicas de Propagação de Erros em Astrofísica: Monte Carlo x Bootstrap

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zabot, Alexandre; Baptista, Raymundo


    Neste trabalho é feito um estudo comparativo entre dois algoritmos numéricos usados para propagação de erros em dados experimentais. Um deles é conhecido por Método de Monte carlo e o outro por Método de Bootstrap. Recentemente, Dhullon & Watson argüiram que a aplicação do método de Monte Carlo introduz ruído nos dados, e propuseram então a utilização do Bootstrap como alternativa capaz de produzir resultados superiores. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a validade dessa afirmação. As duas técnicas foram aplicadas a três problemas diferentes: o ajsute de modelos de emissão LTE simples e atmosfera estelar a espectros estelares observados e o ajuste de curvas de luz de eclipses de Variáveis Cataclísmicas para a detemrinação da distribuição radial de brilho dos seus discos de acréscimo. Os métodos foram testados quanto à sua robusteza, ou seja, a capacidade de prover resultados coerentes enre si. Além disso, as soluções dos métodos foram comparadas. Os resultados indicam que não existe evidência de superioridade de um métodos em relação ao outro.

  5. Observações no âmbito dos "additional programs" do satélite COROT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Janot Pacheco, E.


    O satélite Fraco-europeu COROT fará fotometria de altissima precisão (pretende-se atingir uma parte em um milhão), grande campo (3x3 graus) e por longos períodos, de duas regiões pré-determinadas do céu, com 10 graus de raio. Suas finalidades básicas serão estudos em sismologia estelar e a procura de exoplanetas. A comunidade astronômica brasileira participará dessa missão espacial, com direitos iguais aos dos parceiros europeus. Isso se deve a que o satélite utilizará a estação de recepção de dados de Natal (INPE), 5 a 6 brasileiros participarão das equipes de software e cientistas do país atuarão na fase de pré-lançamento. Apresentamos nesta comunicação sugestões para a preparação de propostas de observações com COROT, no âmbito dos Programas Adicionais, que contemplam outros projetos que não de sismologia ou exoplanetas. As últimas definições técnicas e decisões tomadas na 4th Corot Week de junho último serão igualmente apresentadas, em particular quanto às regiões de observação escolhidas e quanto aos procedimentos a seguir para se propor observações.

  6. Astrossismologia e o satélite COROT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andrade, L. B. P.; Janot Pacheco, E.


    Este trabalho centra-se em atividades na fase de pré-lançamento do satélite COROT, da agência espacial francesa (CNES), a ser lançado em 2005. O satélite será dedicado à sismologia estelar e à procura de exoplanetas. Nosso programa de trabalho centra-se em dois pontos principais: (1) efetuar uma procura detalhada nos campos COROT de alvos astrofísicos de especial interesse; (2) participar das análises espectroscópicas prévias de alvos selecionados para determinação de parâmetros físicos das estrelas com a maior precisão possível. Na presente etapa, priorizou-se o primeiro ponto do projeto. Foi feito um levantamento geral dos objetos astrofísicos encontrados nos dois campos de observação, centrados em 06H50M e 18H50M, com raios de 10 minutos. Concluiu-se que as estrelas B-Be deverão ser observadas no campo sismológico, enquanto que as anãs brancas deverão sê-lo no campo exoplanetário. Objetos a serem observados foram escolhidos de forma a estarem próximos de alvos principais dos programas centrais do satélite. Paralelamente, estudos e pesquisas bibliográficas foram feitos para compreender os assuntos de interesse principal, ou seja, as pulsações não-radiais de estrelas Ob-Be

  7. Astronomy at School: Measurements of the Earth-Moon Distance. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Escuela: Medición de la Distancia Tierra-Luna.) Astronomia na Escola: Medida da Distância Terra-Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paolantonio, Santiago; Pintado, Olga I.


    The aim of this project is to approach High School students to Science. We propose to measure the Earth-Moon distance using the parallax. The observation and measurements techniques and all the calculations needed are described in this paper. The results obtained in a test experience realized during 2003 are presented. This test shows that this is a feasible project and also shows which things needed to be improved. Se plantea la propuesta de un proyecto educativo dirigido al Nivel Medio de enseñanza, consistente en la determinación de la distancia Tierra - Luna por paralaje. Se describen las técnicas de observación, mediciones y cálculos. Se proporcionan a continuación los resultados obtenidos en la experiencia piloto realizada en el 2003, la que permitió comprobar la factibilidad de llevar a cabo la propuesta, así como perfeccionar los diferentes aspectos involucrados en la misma. Propomos neste trabalho um projeto educativo dirigido ao Ensino Médio que consiste na determinação da distância Terra-Lua pelo efeito da paralaxe. As técnicas de observação, medidas e cálculos auxiliares são descritos, e os resultados obtidos numa experiência-teste realizada no ano de 2003 apresentados. Este último teste permitiu comprovar a viabilidade de execução da proposta e aperfeiçoar diversos aspectos da mesma.

  8. A randomized controlled trial of an intervention program to Brazilian mothers who use corporal punishment.


    Santini, Paolla Magioni; Williams, Lucia C A


    This study evaluated a positive parenting program to Brazilian mothers who used corporal punishment with their children. The intervention was conducted in four agencies serving vulnerable children, and at a home replica laboratory at the University. Mothers who admitted using corporal punishment were randomly assigned between experimental (n=20) and control group (n=20). The program consisted of 12 individual sessions using one unit from Projeto Parceria (Partnership Project), with specific guidelines and materials on positive parenting, followed by observational sessions of mother-child interaction with live coaching and a video feedback session in the lab. The study used an equivalent group experimental design with pre/post-test and follow-up, in randomized controlled trials. Measures involved: Initial Interview; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) - parent and child versions; Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); observational sessions with a protocol; and a Program Evaluation by participants. Analysis of mixed models for repeated measures revealed significant positive effects on the BDI and SDQ total scores, as well as less Conduct problems and Hyperactivity in SDQ measures from the experimental group mothers, comparing pre with post-test. Observational data also indicated significant improvement in positive interaction from the experimental group mothers at post-test, in comparison with controls. No significant results were found, however, in children's observational measures. Limitations of the study involved using a restricted sample, among others. Implications for future research are suggested. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Molecular Structures, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and Normal-Mode Analysis of M(2)(C&tbd1;CR)(4)(PMe(3))(4) Dimetallatetraynes. Observation of Strongly Mixed Metal-Metal and Metal-Ligand Vibrational Modes.


    John, Kevin D.; Miskowski, Vincent M.; Vance, Michael A.; Dallinger, Richard F.; Wang, Louis C.; Geib, Steven J.; Hopkins, Michael D.


    on Mo(2)Cl(4)P(4), show that nu(a), nu(b), and nu(c) arise from modes of strongly mixed nu(Mo(2)), nu(MoC), and lambda(MoCC) character. The relative intensities of the resonance-Raman bands due to nu(a), nu(b), and nu(c) reflect, at least in part, their nu(M(2)) character. In contrast, the force field shows that mixing of nu(M(2)) and nu(C&tbd1;C) is negligible. The three-mode mixing is expected to be a general feature for quadruply bonded complexes with unsaturated ligands.

  10. Astronomy in High School: Using a Mini-Planetarium to Understand Details of the Apparent Movement of Stars. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Escuela Secundaria: Comprendiendo los Detalles del Movimiento Aparente de Las Estrellas con un Miniplanetario.) Astronomia no Ensino Médio: Compreendendo Detalhes do Movimento Aparente das Estrelas com um Miniplanetário

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    dos Santos Leão, Demetrius


    en la comprensión de estas cuestiones y demostraron un gran interés por esta metodología. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar parte dos resultados obtidos com a intervenção feita como projeto da dissertação de mestrado do autor, que consistiu no desenvolvimento de um conjunto de aulas de Astronomia, com alunos do 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede privada do Distrito Federal (Brasília, Brasil), empregando como recurso principal um material didático chamado miniplanetário (MP). Utilizando como pressuposto teórico norteador dessas aulas as ideias de contextualização e dialogicidade de Paulo Freire, foi proposta aos estudantes a montagem e utilização desse recurso em uma sessão de planetário. Durante o projeto, enfatizaram-se assuntos como a trajetória aparente das estrelas para o céu de Brasília, a localização dos pontos cardeais a partir da constelação do Cruzeiro do Sul, as cores das estrelas e as estrelas vistas de uma determinada localidade. Apurou-se que os alunos apresentaram melhoria na compreensão desses assuntos, bem como demonstraram expressiva empolgação com essa metodologia desenvolvida.

  11. Perfis de temperatura eletrônica em regiões HII

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Copetti, M. V. F.


    As flutuações de temperatura eletrônica em regiões HII, inicialmente propostas para explicar as discrepâncias entre os valores de temperatura obtidos por diferentes métodos, têm sido apontadas como a causa mais provável das enormes diferenças encontradas entre as abundâncias químicas medidas através de linhas excitadas colisionalmente e de linhas de recombinação. Recentemente têm sido reportadas tentativas de detecção e quantificação diretas das flutuações de temperatura eletrônica através de medidas ponto a ponto, obtidas por meio de espectroscopia de fenda longa, das razões de linhas [OIII]l4263/l5007 e [NII]l5755/l6584, principais sensores de temperatura. Neste trabalho, utilizamos o código numérico de fotoionização Cloudy para avaliar a confiabilidade desse procedimento. Concluímos que, para valores de densidade eletrônica e de temperatura efetiva da estrela ionizante típicos das regiões HII, os perfis superficiais de temperatura obtidos via medidas do sensor [OIII]l4263/l5007 são bons traçadores dos gradientes internos de temperatura eletrônica. Já os perfis de temperatura eletrônica medidos por meio da razão [NII]l5755/l6584 não reproduzem os gradientes verdadeiros de temperatura.

  12. MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python.


    Gramfort, Alexandre; Luessi, Martin; Larson, Eric; Engemann, Denis A; Strohmeier, Daniel; Brodbeck, Christian; Goj, Roman; Jas, Mainak; Brooks, Teon; Parkkonen, Lauri; Hämäläinen, Matti


    Magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography (M/EEG) measure the weak electromagnetic signals generated by neuronal activity in the brain. Using these signals to characterize and locate neural activation in the brain is a challenge that requires expertise in physics, signal processing, statistics, and numerical methods. As part of the MNE software suite, MNE-Python is an open-source software package that addresses this challenge by providing state-of-the-art algorithms implemented in Python that cover multiple methods of data preprocessing, source localization, statistical analysis, and estimation of functional connectivity between distributed brain regions. All algorithms and utility functions are implemented in a consistent manner with well-documented interfaces, enabling users to create M/EEG data analysis pipelines by writing Python scripts. Moreover, MNE-Python is tightly integrated with the core Python libraries for scientific comptutation (NumPy, SciPy) and visualization (matplotlib and Mayavi), as well as the greater neuroimaging ecosystem in Python via the Nibabel package. The code is provided under the new BSD license allowing code reuse, even in commercial products. Although MNE-Python has only been under heavy development for a couple of years, it has rapidly evolved with expanded analysis capabilities and pedagogical tutorials because multiple labs have collaborated during code development to help share best practices. MNE-Python also gives easy access to preprocessed datasets, helping users to get started quickly and facilitating reproducibility of methods by other researchers. Full documentation, including dozens of examples, is available at

  13. Outcome of renal transplantation from a donor with polycystic kidney disease.


    Migone, Silvia Regina da Cruz; Bentes, Camila Guerreiro; Nunes, Débora Bacellar Cruz; Nunes, Juliana Bacellar Cruz; Pinon, Rodolfo Marcial da Silva; Silva, Thales Xavit Souza E


    Faced with the long waiting list for a kidney transplant, the use of donors with expanded criteria, like polycystic kidneys, is an option that aims to increase in a short time the supply of kidneys for transplant. This report of two cases of transplants performed from a donor with polycystic kidneys showed promising results, and the receptors evolved with good renal function, serum creatinine measurements within the normal range and with adequate glomerular filtration rate, evaluated over a period of four years post transplant. This fact confirms that the option of using donors with polycystic kidneys is safe and gives good results. Resumo Diante da longa fila de espera por um transplante renal, a utilização de doadores com critério expandido, a exemplo de rins policísticos, torna-se uma opção que visa aumentar a oferta de rins para transplante a curto prazo. O presente relato de dois casos de transplantes realizados a partir de um doador com rins policísticos apresentou resultado promissor, tendo os receptores evoluído com boa função renal, dosagens de creatinina sérica dentro da faixa de normalidade e com taxa de filtração glomerular adequada, avaliados num período de quatro anos pós-transplante. Isto confirma que a opção da utilização de doadores com rins policísticos é segura e apresenta bons resultados.

  14. Cloud-Based Computational Tools for Earth Science Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arendt, A. A.; Fatland, R.; Howe, B.


    Earth scientists are increasingly required to think across disciplines and utilize a wide range of datasets in order to solve complex environmental challenges. Although significant progress has been made in distributing data, researchers must still invest heavily in developing computational tools to accommodate their specific domain. Here we document our development of lightweight computational data systems aimed at enabling rapid data distribution, analytics and problem solving tools for Earth science applications. Our goal is for these systems to be easily deployable, scalable and flexible to accommodate new research directions. As an example we describe "Ice2Ocean", a software system aimed at predicting runoff from snow and ice in the Gulf of Alaska region. Our backend components include relational database software to handle tabular and vector datasets, Python tools (NumPy, pandas and xray) for rapid querying of gridded climate data, and an energy and mass balance hydrological simulation model (SnowModel). These components are hosted in a cloud environment for direct access across research teams, and can also be accessed via API web services using a REST interface. This API is a vital component of our system architecture, as it enables quick integration of our analytical tools across disciplines, and can be accessed by any existing data distribution centers. We will showcase several data integration and visualization examples to illustrate how our system has expanded our ability to conduct cross-disciplinary research.

  15. Development of a new model for short period ocean tidal variations of Earth rotation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schuh, Harald


    Within project SPOT (Short Period Ocean Tidal variations in Earth rotation) we develop a new high frequency Earth rotation model based on empirical ocean tide models. The main purpose of the SPOT model is its application to space geodetic observations such as GNSS and VLBI.We consider an empirical ocean tide model, which does not require hydrodynamic ocean modeling to determine ocean tidal angular momentum. We use here the EOT11a model of Savcenko & Bosch (2012), which is extended for some additional minor tides (e.g. M1, J1, T2). As empirical tidal models do not provide ocean tidal currents, which are re- quired for the computation of oceanic relative angular momentum, we implement an approach first published by Ray (2001) to estimate ocean tidal current veloci- ties for all tides considered in the extended EOT11a model. The approach itself is tested by application to tidal heights from hydrodynamic ocean tide models, which also provide tidal current velocities. Based on the tidal heights and the associated current velocities the oceanic tidal angular momentum (OTAM) is calculated.For the computation of the related short period variation of Earth rotation, we have re-examined the Euler-Liouville equation for an elastic Earth model with a liquid core. The focus here is on the consistent calculation of the elastic Love num- bers and associated Earth model parameters, which are considered in the Euler- Liouville equation for diurnal and sub-diurnal periods in the frequency domain.

  16. Mapeamento do fenômeno de pulsações não-radiais no DHR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Waelkens, A. H.; Janot Pacheco, E.


    Neste trabalho de IC, pretende-se estabelecer um mapa das características do fenômeno das pulsações não-radiais (PNR) no diagrama HR (DHR). Trata-se de oscilações que não mantém a homotecia radial. O fenômeno foi inicialmente descoberto no Sol nos anos 60 e hoje é detectado num grande número de objetos. Sua grande importância reside em que as pulsações descrevem a física da cavidade em que se propagam. As PNR são classificadas basicamente por suas frequências, amplitudes e certos números quânticos associados. Com o objetivo de descrever a variação desses parâmetros no DHR, procedeu-se a um extenso levantamento bibliográfico (artigos de revistas e outras fontes) cobrindo o tema. Compôs-se assim uma tabela, que será apresentada nesta comunicação, contendo os parâmetros físicos das estrelas (T, L, logg, M) e suas características de PNR, deduzidas a partir de observações fotométricas e/ou espectroscópicas. No momento, completamos os dados sobre as Anãs Brancas e Beta Cep. Apresentaremos no trabalho diagramas L-T com os últimos resultados obtidos, eventualmente com uma terceira dimensão que descreva características pulsacionais.

  17. Giving pandas ROOT to chew on: experiences with the XENON1T Dark Matter experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Remenska, D.; Tunnell, C.; Aalbers, J.; Verhoeven, S.; Maassen, J.; Templon, J.


    In preparation for the XENON1T Dark Matter data acquisition, we have prototyped and implemented a new computing model. The XENON signal and data processing software is developed fully in Python 3, and makes extensive use of generic scientific data analysis libraries, such as the SciPy stack. A certain tension between modern “Big Data” solutions and existing HEP frameworks is typically experienced in smaller particle physics experiments. ROOT is still the “standard” data format in our field, defined by large experiments (ATLAS, CMS). To ease the transition, our computing model caters to both analysis paradigms, leaving the choice of using ROOT-specific C++ libraries, or alternatively, Python and its data analytics tools, as a front-end choice of developing physics algorithms. We present our path on harmonizing these two ecosystems, which allowed us to use off-the-shelf software libraries (e.g., NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, matplotlib) and lower the cost of development and maintenance. To analyse the data, our software allows researchers to easily create “mini-trees” small, tabular ROOT structures for Python analysis, which can be read directly into pandas DataFrame structures. One of our goals was making ROOT available as a cross-platform binary for an easy installation from the Anaconda Cloud (without going through the “dependency hell”). In addition to helping us discover dark matter interactions, lowering this barrier helps shift the particle physics toward non-domain-specific code.

  18. Evolución de planetas gigantes y posibilidades de su detección directa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Desde la reciente detección de planetas gigantes orbitando estrellas cercanas de tipo solar por medio de efecto Doppler, uno de los principales problemas, en cuanto al estudio de los sistemas planetarios extrasolares, se refiere a la posibilidad de obtener evidencia directa de su existencia. Esto parece ser factible gracias a que en un futuro cercano entrarán en operación algunos telescopios especialmente adecuados a estos propósitos. Por tal motivo, hemos comenzado desde hace un tiempo un esfuerzo en cuanto al estudio de la evolución planetaria. A tales efectos hemos adaptado el código de evolución estelar de nuestro Observatorio al caso planetario. Las principales diferencias entre el caso estelar y el planetario se encuentran en la ecuación de estado. A tales fines hemos incluído la reciente ecuación de estado de Saumon, Chabrier y Van Horn, las opacidades radiativas de Guillot et al., procesos de quema de Deuterio, etc. También se ha considerado la posible existencia de fases de hielo y roca en el interior planetario. Por el momento hemos despreciado los efectos de la rotación planetaria. Con este código hemos computado la evolución de planetas con masas desde 10 hasta 0.3 masas de Júpiter. Utilizando nuestros resultados numéricos discutimos la detectabilidad de estos objetos en condiciones realistas.

  19. Méthode de prédétermination des caractéristiques électromagnétiques de machines á bobinage global à commutation de flux. Application à un actionneur linéaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prevond, L.; Ben Ahmed, A.; Multon, B.; Lucidarme, J.


    This paper presents a predetermination method of Permanent Magnet (P.M.) multicellular flux switching machines. The non-linear characteristic of the ferromagnetic material is integrated in this method which combines analytical and numerical calculus. This study permits to make a fast parametrical analysis to define optimal parameters of a flux switching cell such as magnetic shear stress and flux concentration factor as function of magnetomotive force. The demagnetisation limit is introduced by a finite element calculus applied. The comparison of the theoritical results and experimental one gives a good correlation. Cet article présente une méthode de prédétermination des caractéristiques de machines multicellulaires (bobinage global) à commutation de flux (aimants permanents) en tenant compte de la non linéarité des matériaux ferromagnétiques. Cette méthode allie le calcul numérique par éléments finis et le calcul analytique. Cette étude nous a permis, d'une part, d'effectuer une analyse paramétrique intrinsèque et, d'autre part, de définir les paramètres optimaux de la cellule à commutation de flux. La notion de désaimantation est introduite en calculant le champ démagnétisant dans l'aimant. Les calculs effectués, dans le cas d'un actionneur linéaire à cômmutation de flux, montrent une bonne corrélation avec les essais directs.

  20. Internal consistency of the Spanish health literacy test (TOFHLA-SPR) for Puerto Rico.


    Rivero-Méndez, Marta; Suárez, Erick; Solís-Báez, Solymar S; Hernández, Gloryvee; Cordero, Wanda; Vázquez, Irma; Medina, Zullettevy; Padilla, Raisa; Flores, Aida; Bonilla, José Luis; Holzemer, William L


    Low functional health literacy has been related to poor viral control, and lower levels of ART adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS. Research in functional health literacy among people living with HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rico (PR) is an unexplored area. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the full-length Spanish Version of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA-S) scale was adapted to PR. Thirty participants (women = 16, men = 14) completed a basic demographic questionnaire, the TOFHLA-S and participated in an interview. Analyses were performed to examine the information provided by participants and the internal consistency of the TOFHLA-S. The mean age was 47.7 years (range 34-77). Thirty-seven percent had less than 12 years of formal schooling and 43% reported having education above high school. Changes suggested by participants included: increasing font size from 14 to 16 points for better readability and changes/simplification of several words in order to make them colloquial and comprehensible for the PR context. The reliability coefficient obtained for this scale was strong (estimated alpha = 0.95) however, differences were observed by subtype: numeracy (estimated alpha(num) = .819 vs. comprehension (estimated alpha =. 953). Based on this process, we have adapted the original version of the TOFHLA-S and the new version of the full-length TOFHLA-S, PR is now valid for further research and testing levels of functional health literacy in a larger sample in PR.

  1. IRISpy: Analyzing IRIS Data in Python

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ryan, Daniel; Christe, Steven; Mumford, Stuart; Baruah, Ankit; Timothy, Shelbe; Pereira, Tiago; De Pontieu, Bart


    IRISpy is a new community-developed open-source software library for analysing IRIS level 2 data. It is written in Python, a free, cross-platform, general-purpose, high-level programming language. A wide array of scientific computing software packages have already been developed in Python, from numerical computation (NumPy, SciPy, etc.), to visualization and plotting (matplotlib), to solar-physics-specific data analysis (SunPy). IRISpy is currently under development as a SunPy-affiliated package which means it depends on the SunPy library, follows similar standards and conventions, and is developed with the support of of the SunPy development team. IRISpy’s has two primary data objects, one for analyzing slit-jaw imager data and another for analyzing spectrograph data. Both objects contain basic slicing, indexing, plotting, and animating functionality to allow users to easily inspect, reduce and analyze the data. As part of this functionality the objects can output SunPy Maps, TimeSeries, Spectra, etc. of relevant data slices for easier inspection and analysis. Work is also ongoing to provide additional data analysis functionality including derivation of systematic measurement errors (e.g. readout noise), exposure time correction, residual wavelength calibration, radiometric calibration, and fine scale pointing corrections. IRISpy’s code base is publicly available through and can be contributed to by anyone. In this poster we demonstrate IRISpy’s functionality and future goals of the project. We also encourage interested users to become involved in further developing IRISpy.

  2. Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software (NOVAS) Version 3.1, Introducing a Python Edition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barron, Eric G.; Kaplan, G. H.; Bangert, J.; Bartlett, J. L.; Puatua, W.; Harris, W.; Barrett, P.


    The Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software (NOVAS) is a source-code library that provides common astrometric quantities and transformations. NOVAS calculations are accurate at the sub-milliarcsecond level. The library can supply, in one or two subroutine or function calls, the instantaneous celestial position of any star or planet in a variety of coordinate systems. NOVAS also provides access to all of the building blocks that go into such computations. NOVAS Version 3.1 introduces a Python edition alongside the Fortran and C editions. The Python edition uses the computational code from the C edition and, currently, mimics the function calls of the C edition. Future versions will expand the functionality of the Python edition to harness the object-oriented nature of the Python language, and will implement the ability to handle large quantities of objects or observers using the array functionality in NumPy (a third-party scientific package for Python). NOVAS 3.1 also adds a module to transform GCRS vectors to the ITRS; the ITRS to GCRS transformation was already provided in NOVAS 3.0. The module that corrects an ITRS vector for polar motion has been modified to undo that correction upon demand. In the C edition, the ephemeris-access functions have been revised for use on 64-bit systems and for improved performance in general. NOVAS, including documentation, is available from the USNO website (

  3. La estructura dinámica del cinturón de Kuiper interior y la formación de Urano y Neptuno

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melita, M. D.; Brunini, A.

    De acuerdo a los más recientes estudios sobre la formación de Urano y Neptuno, éstos podrían haber sufrido una importante migración radial hacia el exterior, debido al intercambio de momento angular con los planetesimales presentes en esa región durante las últimas etapas de la formación del Sistema Solar. Esta migración radial habría tenido importantes consecuencias sobre la presente estructura dinámica del cinturón cometario de Kuiper. Tal como lo reflejan las observaciones, la mayoría de los cuerpos observados en el cinturón de Kuiper se encuentran en resonancia de movimientos medios exteriores con Neptuno, hecho que también se refleja en la presente órbita de Plutón. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto numérica como analíticamente la influencia de la variación de las masas de Urano y Neptuno durante el proceso de migración sobre las probabilidades de captura en algunas de las resonancias exteriores de Neptuno. Se estudia también la influencia de encuentros gravitacionales mutuos sobre la estabilidad de las órbitas resonantes. Este estudio ofrece argumentos de plausibilidad para explicar por qué ninguno de los objetos descubiertos en el cinturón de Kuiper se encontraría en la resonancia 2:1.

  4. Hydroelastic behaviour of a structure exposed to an underwater explosion.


    Colicchio, G; Greco, M; Brocchini, M; Faltinsen, O M


    The hydroelastic interaction between an underwater explosion and an elastic plate is investigated num- erically through a domain-decomposition strategy. The three-dimensional features of the problem require a large computational effort, which is reduced through a weak coupling between a one-dimensional radial blast solver, which resolves the blast evolution far from the boundaries, and a three-dimensional compressible flow solver used where the interactions between the compression wave and the boundaries take place and the flow becomes three-dimensional. The three-dimensional flow solver at the boundaries is directly coupled with a modal structural solver that models the response of the solid boundaries like elastic plates. This enables one to simulate the fluid-structure interaction as a strong coupling, in order to capture hydroelastic effects. The method has been applied to the experimental case of Hung et al. (2005 Int. J. Impact Eng. 31, 151-168 (doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2003.10.039)) with explosion and structure sufficiently far from other boundaries and successfully validated in terms of the evolution of the acceleration induced on the plate. It was also used to investigate the interaction of an underwater explosion with the bottom of a close-by ship modelled as an orthotropic plate. In the application, the acoustic phase of the fluid-structure interaction is examined, highlighting the need of the fluid-structure coupling to capture correctly the possible inception of cavitation. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  5. The Clawpack Community of Codes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mandli, K. T.; LeVeque, R. J.; Ketcheson, D.; Ahmadia, A. J.


    Clawpack, the Conservation Laws Package, has long been one of the standards for solving hyperbolic conservation laws but over the years has extended well beyond this role. Today a community of open-source codes have been developed that address a multitude of different needs including non-conservative balance laws, high-order accurate methods, and parallelism while remaining extensible and easy to use, largely by the judicious use of Python and the original Fortran codes that it wraps. This talk will present some of the recent developments in projects under the Clawpack umbrella, notably the GeoClaw and PyClaw projects. GeoClaw was originally developed as a tool for simulating tsunamis using adaptive mesh refinement but has since encompassed a large number of other geophysically relevant flows including storm surge and debris-flows. PyClaw originated as a Python version of the original Clawpack algorithms but has since been both a testing ground for new algorithmic advances in the Clawpack framework but also an easily extensible framework for solving hyperbolic balance laws. Some of these extensions include the addition of WENO high-order methods, massively parallel capabilities, and adaptive mesh refinement technologies, made possible largely by the flexibility of the Python language and community libraries such as NumPy and PETSc. Because of the tight integration with Python tecnologies, both packages have benefited also from the focus on reproducibility in the Python community, notably IPython notebooks.

  6. Iron release from the Lucky Iron Fish®: safety considerations.


    Armstrong, Gavin R; Dewey, Cate E; Summerlee, Alastair Js


    The principal objective was to explore in greater detail safety issues with regard to the use of the Lucky Iron Fish® (fish) as a treatment for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in women in rural Cambodia. Experiments were done to determine: (1) purity of the iron in the fish by mass spectroscopy; (2) release of iron and contaminants released during boiling in water using inductive-ly-coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy; (3) the impact of cooking time, acidity and number of fish in acidified water and two types of Khmer soups; and (4) drinkability of the water after boiling with different num-bers of fish. The fish is composed primarily of ferrous iron with less than 12% non-ferrous iron. Contaminants were either not detectable or levels were below the acceptable standards set by the World Health Organization. The length of time boiling the fish and the acidity of the water increased iron release but even with 5 fish boiled for 60 minutes, iron levels only approached levels where side effects are observed. Boiling one fish in water did not affect the perception of colour, smell or taste of the water but boiling in water with two or more fish resulted in the water being unpalatable which further limits the potential for iron toxicity from using the fish. The results suggest that the Lucky Iron Fish™ may be a safe treatment for iron deficiency.

  7. Etude théorique et expérimentale d'un processus thermique dans un limiteur supraconducteur de courant

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lévêque, J.; Netter, D.; Rezzoug, A.; Caron, J. P.


    The increasing of fault current level in electrical networks leads to a new interest for superconducting current limiters since 1983 when an ac wire with low losses has been developed. They are based on the natural transition from the superconducting state to the normal resistive state. In order to study the transition usual models are not sufficient. This paper deals with a numerical resolution of the electro-thermical coupled problem. Computed and experimental results are favorably compared. Some factors which affect the transition as well as the influence of the starting instant are studied. L'accroissement des courants de court-circuit dans les réseaux électriques a ravivé l'intérêt pour les limiteurs supraconducteurs de courant depuis la mise au point en 1983 de fil supraconducteur à faibles pertes en régime variable. Le principe de fonctionnement de ces limiteurs est fondé sur la transition vers l'état normal du matériau supraconducteur. Les modèles simplifiés s'avèrent insuffisants pour l'étude de la transition, une méthode de résolution numérique du problème électrothermique est donc faite. Les résultats des simulations sont comparés à ceux d'expérimentation puis deux études, l'une de facteurs influant sur la propagation de la transition, l'autre du type de court-circuit, sont menées.

  8. Implementing Extreme Value Analysis in a Geospatial Workflow for Storm Surge Hazard Assessment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Catelli, J.; Nong, S.


    Gridded data of 100-yr (1%) and 500-yr (0.2%) storm surge flood elevations for the United States, Gulf of Mexico, and East Coast are critical to understanding this natural hazard. Storm surge heights were calculated across the study area utilizing SLOSH (Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes) model data for thousands of synthetic US landfalling hurricanes. Based on the results derived from SLOSH, a series of interpolations were performed using spatial analysis in a geographic information system (GIS) at both the SLOSH basin and the synthetic event levels. The result was a single grid of maximum flood elevations for each synthetic event. This project addresses the need to utilize extreme value theory in a geospatial environment to analyze coincident cells across multiple synthetic events. The results are 100-yr (1%) and 500-yr (0.2%) values for each grid cell in the study area. This talk details a geospatial approach to move raster data to SciPy's NumPy Array structure using the Python programming language. The data are then connected through a Python library to an outside statistical package like R to fit cell values to extreme value theory distributions and return values for specified recurrence intervals. While this is not a new process, the value behind this work is the ability to keep this process in a single geospatial environment and be able to easily replicate this process for other natural hazard applications and extreme event modeling.

  9. Nuclear movement in fungi.


    Xiang, Xin


    Nuclear movement within a cell occurs in a variety of eukaryotic organisms including yeasts and filamentous fungi. Fungal molecular genetic studies identified the minus-end-directed microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein as a critical protein for nuclear movement or orientation of the mitotic spindle contained in the nucleus. Studies in the budding yeast first indicated that dynein anchored at the cortex via its anchoring protein Num1 exerts pulling force on an astral microtubule to orient the anaphase spindle across the mother-daughter axis before nuclear division. Prior to anaphase, myosin V interacts with the plus end of an astral microtubule via Kar9-Bim1/EB1 and pulls the plus end along the actin cables to move the nucleus/spindle close to the bud neck. In addition, pushing or pulling forces generated from cortex-linked polymerization or depolymerization of microtubules drive nuclear movements in yeasts and possibly also in filamentous fungi. In filamentous fungi, multiple nuclei within a hyphal segment undergo dynein-dependent back-and-forth movements and their positioning is also influenced by cytoplasmic streaming toward the hyphal tip. In addition, nuclear movement occurs at various stages of fungal development and fungal infection of plant tissues. This review discusses our current understanding on the mechanisms of nuclear movement in fungal organisms, the importance of nuclear positioning and the regulatory strategies that ensure the proper positioning of nucleus/spindle. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Novel naïve Bayes classification models for predicting the chemical Ames mutagenicity.


    Zhang, Hui; Kang, Yan-Li; Zhu, Yuan-Yuan; Zhao, Kai-Xia; Liang, Jun-Yu; Ding, Lan; Zhang, Teng-Guo; Zhang, Ji


    Prediction of drug candidates for mutagenicity is a regulatory requirement since mutagenic compounds could pose a toxic risk to humans. The aim of this investigation was to develop a novel prediction model of mutagenicity by using a naïve Bayes classifier. The established model was validated by the internal 5-fold cross validation and external test sets. For comparison, the recursive partitioning classifier prediction model was also established and other various reported prediction models of mutagenicity were collected. Among these methods, the prediction performance of naïve Bayes classifier established here displayed very well and stable, which yielded average overall prediction accuracies for the internal 5-fold cross validation of the training set and external test set I set were 89.1±0.4% and 77.3±1.5%, respectively. The concordance of the external test set II with 446 marketed drugs was 90.9±0.3%. In addition, four simple molecular descriptors (e.g., Apol, No. of H donors, Num-Rings and Wiener) related to mutagenicity and five representative substructures of mutagens (e.g., aromatic nitro, hydroxyl amine, nitroso, aromatic amine and N-methyl-N-methylenemethanaminum) produced by ECFP_14 fingerprints were identified. We hope the established naïve Bayes prediction model can be applied to risk assessment processes; and the obtained important information of mutagenic chemicals can guide the design of chemical libraries for hit and lead optimization. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Hydroelastic behaviour of a structure exposed to an underwater explosion

    PubMed Central

    Colicchio, G.; Greco, M.; Brocchini, M.; Faltinsen, O. M.


    The hydroelastic interaction between an underwater explosion and an elastic plate is investigated num- erically through a domain-decomposition strategy. The three-dimensional features of the problem require a large computational effort, which is reduced through a weak coupling between a one-dimensional radial blast solver, which resolves the blast evolution far from the boundaries, and a three-dimensional compressible flow solver used where the interactions between the compression wave and the boundaries take place and the flow becomes three-dimensional. The three-dimensional flow solver at the boundaries is directly coupled with a modal structural solver that models the response of the solid boundaries like elastic plates. This enables one to simulate the fluid–structure interaction as a strong coupling, in order to capture hydroelastic effects. The method has been applied to the experimental case of Hung et al. (2005 Int. J. Impact Eng. 31, 151–168 (doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2003.10.039)) with explosion and structure sufficiently far from other boundaries and successfully validated in terms of the evolution of the acceleration induced on the plate. It was also used to investigate the interaction of an underwater explosion with the bottom of a close-by ship modelled as an orthotropic plate. In the application, the acoustic phase of the fluid–structure interaction is examined, highlighting the need of the fluid–structure coupling to capture correctly the possible inception of cavitation. PMID:25512585

  12. Ventos em supergigantes B[e] das nuvens de Magalhães e da Galáxia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Araújo, F. X.; Pilling, D. A.; Pereira, C. B.; Fernandes, M. B.


    As Supergigantes B[e] apresentam as seguintes características: (i) alta luminosidade; (ii) espectro típico de estrelas de tipo B; (iii) linhas permitidas e proibidas em emissão de metais de baixa ionização, especialmente FeII; (iv) linhas de Balmer, e por vêzes também dos ions HeI e FeII, com perfis tipo P Cygni indicativos de altas taxas de perda de massa. Atualmente estamos desenvolvendo um projeto que visa comparar as propriedades fisicas (principalmente e v¥) dos ventos destes objetos nas Nuvens de Magalhães e na Galaxia. O objetivo é estudar a influência da metalicidade. No presente painel apresentamos uma determinação das velocidades terminais de 11 estrelas, sendo 4 na GNM (Hen S111, 66, R126 e Hen S93), 4 na PNM (Hen S18, S23, S65 e R4) e 3 na Galaxia (CPD-529243, MWC 300 e GG Car). Nossos dados são espectros de alta resolução obtidos no telescópio 1.52m do ESO com o espectrógrafo FEROS. Para determinar as velocidades terminais usamos as linhas Hd e HeI 3888 Å cujas componentes em absorção costumam estar livres de "blends" e estruturas. Nossos resultados sugerem que as velocidades de expansão na GNM são maiores (ainda que apenas ligeiramente) do que aquelas da PNM, como esperado. No entanto, os objetos da Galaxia não parecem seguir a mesma tendência.

  13. Comparative analysis of several sediment transport formulations applied to dam-break flows over erodible beds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cea, Luis; Bladé, Ernest; Corestein, Georgina; Fraga, Ignacio; Espinal, Marc; Puertas, Jerónimo


    studied. The first one is the benchmark case presented in Soares-Frazao et al. (2012), and consists in an instanteneous dam-break flow over a sand bed. The second one corresponds to the experimental studies performed at the Engineering Faculty of the UNAM (Fuentes-Mariles et al. (2010)) and consists in the erosion of a volcanic sand dike by an overtopping flow. In both cases experimental measurements of water depth and bed evolution are available to evaluate the performance of different sediment transport formulations. A sensitivity analysis to the physical properties of the bed material (grain density and size) is also presented for each formulation, in order to analyse to which degree the properties of the bed material need to be defined in the numerical model. References Bladé, E., Cea, L., Corestein, G., Escolano, E., Puertas, J., Vázquez-Cendón, M.E., Dolz, J., Coll, A. (2014). Iber: herramienta de simulación numérica del flujo en ríos. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, Vol.30(1), pp.1-10 Fuentes-Mariles, Ó. A., Cruz-Gerón, J. A., Rivera-Díaz, C., Luna-Cruz, F., and González-Prado, J. (2010). "Caracterización Experimental de Ruptura de Diques." XXIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica Soares-Frazão et al. (2012). Dambreak flows over mobile beds: experiments and benchmark tests for numerical models. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol.50(4), pp.364-375

  14. Study and optimization of the macroscopic electrical response of carbon based nanocomposites for advanced applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, Jaime Pedro Oliveira da

    A presente tese centrou-se no estudo da resposta da constante dieletrica e condutividade eletrica em materiais compositos nos quais o reforco tinha uma elevada proporcao entre comprimento e diametro. O objeto de estudo foi o efeito de um reforco com uma elevada razao entre comprimento e diametro, concentracao e orientacao na resposta eletrica e dieletrica de um composito. Estes compositos tem uma grande importancia no desenvolvimento de materiais para sensores e atuadores. Num primeiro momento da dissertacao, explorou-se a resposta da constante dieletrica de um composito constituido por nanotubos de carbono como reforco e uma matriz polimerica. Verificou-se que um aumento da razao entre comprimento e diametro do reforco tem o efeito de aumentar a constante dieletrica do composito para uma igual fracao volumetrica de reforco. Constatou-se tambem que materiais na fase nematica demonstram uma constante dieletrica mais baixa quando comparados com materiais onde o reforco esta distribuido aleatoriamente. Ficou ainda demonstrado nesta dissertacao que materiais na fase nematica com razoes entre o comprimento e diametro diferentes a constante dieletrica segue uma lei de potencia. Numa segunda fase do trabalho, foi explorada a condutividade de nanocompositos polimericos reforcados com nanotubos de carbono, atraves de um modelo baseado em cilindros impenetraveis. Ficou demonstrado que o modelo e apropriado para descrever a condutividade eletrica de um nanocomposito polimerico reforcado com nanotubos. As simulacoes desenvolvidas demonstram que, aumentando a razao entre o comprimento e o diametro dos nanotubos de carbono, aumenta a condutividade eletrica do nanocomposito. No entanto, verifica-se que aumentando a anisotropia diminui a condutividade, sendo este efeito mais evidente para fracoes volumetricas maiores. Nesta dissertacao comprovou-se ainda que uma microestrutura gerada por um algoritmo de empacotamento sequencial pode ser descrita por um grafo aleatorio e que a

  15. Role of Turbulent Damping in Cosmic Ray Galactic Winds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holguin, Francisco; Ruszkowski, Mateusz; Lazarian, Alex; Yang, H. Y. Karen


    Large-scale galactic winds driven by stellar feedback are one phenomenon that influences the dynamical and chemical evolution of a galaxy, pushing and redistributing material throughout the interstellar medium (ISM) and galactic halo. A detailed understanding of the exact physical mechanisms responsible for these winds is lacking. Non-thermal feedback from galactic cosmic rays (CR), high-energy charged particles accelerated in supernovae and young stars, can impact the efficiency in accelerating the wind. In the self-confinement model, CR stream along magnetic field lines at the Alfven speed due to scattering off self-excited Aflv{é}n waves. However, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence stirred up by stellar feedback dissipates these confining waves, allowing CR to be super Aflvenic. Previous simulations relying on a simplified model of transport have shown that super-Alfv{é}nic streaming of CRs can launch a stronger wind. We perform three-dimensional MHD simulations of a section of a galactic disk, including CR streaming dependent on the local environment, using a realistic model of turbulent dissipation of Alfven waves presented in Lazarian (2016). In this implementation, the CR streaming speed can be super Alfv{é}nic depending on local conditions. We compare results for Alfv{é}nic and locally determined streaming, and find that gas/CR distributions and instantaneous mass loading factor of the wind are different depending on the level of turbulence.Lazarian, A. “Damping of Alfven waves by turbulence and its consequences: from cosmic-ray streaming to launching winds.” ApJ. Vol. 833, Num. 2. (2016).

  16. Viscous free-surface flows on rotating elliptical cylinders

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Weihua; Carvalho, Marcio S.; Kumar, Satish


    The flow of liquid films on rotating discrete objects having complicated cross sections is encountered in coating processes for a broad variety of products. To advance fundamental understanding of this problem, we study viscous free-surface flows on rotating elliptical cylinders by solving the governing equations in a rotating reference frame using the Galerkin finite-element method. Results of our simulations agree well with Hunt's maximum-load condition [Hunt, Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Eqs. 24, 1094 (2008), 10.1002/num.20307], which was obtained in the absence of surface tension and inertia. The simulations are also used to track the transient behavior of the free surface. For O (1 ) cylinder aspect ratios, cylinder rotation results in a droplike liquid bulge hanging on the upward-moving side of the cylinder. This bulge shrinks in size due to surface tension provided that the liquid load is smaller than a critical value, leaving a relatively smooth coating on the cylinder. A decrease in cylinder aspect ratio leads to larger gradients in film thickness, but enhances the rate of bulge shrinkage and thus shortens the time required to obtain a smooth coating. Moreover, with a suitably chosen time-dependent rotation rate, more liquid can be supported by the cylinder relative to the constant-rotation-rate case. For cylinders with even smaller aspect ratios, film rupture and liquid shedding may occur over the cylinder tips, so simultaneous drying and rotation along with the introduction of Marangoni stresses will likely be especially important for obtaining a smooth coating.

  17. SunPy 0.8 - Python for Solar Physics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Inglis, Andrew; Bobra, Monica; Christe, Steven; Hewett, Russell; Ireland, Jack; Mumford, Stuart; Martinez Oliveros, Juan Carlos; Perez-Suarez, David; Reardon, Kevin P.; Savage, Sabrina; Shih, Albert Y.; Ryan, Daniel; Sipocz, Brigitta; Freij, Nabil


    SunPy is a community-developed open-source software library for solar physics. It is written in Python, a free, cross-platform, general-purpose, high-level programming language which is being increasingly adopted throughout the scientific community. Python is one of the top ten most often used programming languages, as such it provides a wide array of software packages, such as numerical computation (NumPy, SciPy), machine learning (scikit-learn), signal processing (scikit-image, statsmodels) to visualization and plotting (matplotlib, mayavi). SunPy aims to provide the software for obtaining and analyzing solar and heliospheric data. This poster introduces a new major release of SunPy (0.8). This release includes two major new functionalities, as well as a number of bug fixes. It is based on 1120 contributions from 34 unique contributors. Fido is the new primary interface to download data. It provides a consistent and powerful search interface to all major data sources provides including VSO, JSOC, as well as individual data sources such as GOES XRS time series and and is fully pluggable to add new data sources, i.e. DKIST. In anticipation of Solar Orbiter and the Parker Solar Probe, SunPy now provides a powerful way of representing coordinates, allowing conversion between coordinate systems and viewpoints of different instruments, including preliminary reprojection capabilities. Other new features including new timeseries capabilities with better support for concatenation and metadata, updated documentation and example gallery. SunPy is distributed through pip and conda and all of its code is publicly available (

  18. Multimedia and physiology: a new way to ensure the quality of medical education and medical knowledge.


    Lessard, Yvon; Siregar, Pridi; Julen, Nathalie; Sinteff, Jean-Paul; Le Beux, Pierre


    since the eighties and the existence of virtual campuses, the value of computers in distance education has been acknowledged. The development of information and communication technologies is driving at discriminating distance education and on-line education. the aim of the "Campus Numérique de Physiologie" is not to reproduce an on-line copy of classical textbooks but to put at students' and physicians' disposal the huge possibilities of multimedia resources for an active and easier understanding of complex physiopathological phenomena. the on-line course materials were created using both original IBC-made and registered trade-mark software tools. Multiscale modelling and corresponding knowledge bases were implemented by mathematicians, biologists and software engineers from Rennes. The website, which is accessible through a server of the French Virtual Medical University, was developed in the language HTML/PHP connected to a MySQL database. the content managing system is consistent with classical home page facilities and multicriteria browser. Interactive resources are freely available for the site's users. Two- and three-dimensional simulations born out of mathematical qualitative and quantitative models at the molecular, cellular or organic level keep students active with regards to fundamental mechanisms by interactively manipulating the simulation environment. authors comment the already available course materials which should stimulate the creation of new documents following a validation by a qualified commission of the "Société de Physiologie". Providing evaluation tests, teachers anticipate that the increasing content of this virtual campus will allow users to gain a complete understanding and an integrative view of many physiopathological mechanisms.

  19. MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python

    PubMed Central

    Gramfort, Alexandre; Luessi, Martin; Larson, Eric; Engemann, Denis A.; Strohmeier, Daniel; Brodbeck, Christian; Goj, Roman; Jas, Mainak; Brooks, Teon; Parkkonen, Lauri; Hämäläinen, Matti


    Magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography (M/EEG) measure the weak electromagnetic signals generated by neuronal activity in the brain. Using these signals to characterize and locate neural activation in the brain is a challenge that requires expertise in physics, signal processing, statistics, and numerical methods. As part of the MNE software suite, MNE-Python is an open-source software package that addresses this challenge by providing state-of-the-art algorithms implemented in Python that cover multiple methods of data preprocessing, source localization, statistical analysis, and estimation of functional connectivity between distributed brain regions. All algorithms and utility functions are implemented in a consistent manner with well-documented interfaces, enabling users to create M/EEG data analysis pipelines by writing Python scripts. Moreover, MNE-Python is tightly integrated with the core Python libraries for scientific comptutation (NumPy, SciPy) and visualization (matplotlib and Mayavi), as well as the greater neuroimaging ecosystem in Python via the Nibabel package. The code is provided under the new BSD license allowing code reuse, even in commercial products. Although MNE-Python has only been under heavy development for a couple of years, it has rapidly evolved with expanded analysis capabilities and pedagogical tutorials because multiple labs have collaborated during code development to help share best practices. MNE-Python also gives easy access to preprocessed datasets, helping users to get started quickly and facilitating reproducibility of methods by other researchers. Full documentation, including dozens of examples, is available at PMID:24431986

  20. Modélisation du champ magnétique d'un propulseur M.H.D. annulaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kom, C. H.; Brunet, Y.


    Stray fields have to be as small as possible to reduce the magnetic signature of the vessel in M.H.D. propulsion where the magnetic field has to be very high. The calculation of the magnetic field of an angular M.H.D. thruster is presented. The field is produced by a distribution of superconducting magnets in the shape of sectors. An analytical formulation of the field can be used in the active zone, outside the coil ends. An analytical method using a Fourier development of the current sheets is employed for an inductor in cylindrical sectors, and a direct method is used for a massive inductor. Numerical and analytical results are compared. Pour des raisons de discrétion, les champs de fuite doivent être minimisés en propulsion M.H.D. où les champs magnétiques doivent être intenses. Le calcul du champ magnétique d'un propulseur M.H.D. naval annulaire, constitué de secteurs inducteurs supraconducteurs est représenté. Dans la zone active, hors des têtes de bobines, une formulation analytique peut être utilisée. Une méthode analytique utilisant le développemment en série de Fourier du courant est adoptée pour les industeurs cylindriques, et une méthode directe pour les inducteurs massifs. Les résultats numériques sont comparés à ceux obtenus avec un logiciel d'éléments finis 2D.

  1. Aster Global dem Version 3, and New Aster Water Body Dataset

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abrams, M.


    In 2016, the US/Japan ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) project released Version 3 of the Global DEM (GDEM). This 30 m DEM covers the earth's surface from 82N to 82S, and improves on two earlier versions by correcting some artefacts and filling in areas of missing DEMs by the acquisition of additional data. The GDEM was produced by stereocorrelation of 2 million ASTER scenes and operation on a pixel-by-pixel basis: cloud screening; stacking data from overlapping scenes; removing outlier values, and averaging elevation values. As previously, the GDEM is packaged in ~ 23,000 1 x 1 degree tiles. Each tile has a DEM file, and a NUM file reporting the number of scenes used for each pixel, and identifying the source for fill-in data (where persistent clouds prevented computation of an elevation value). An additional data set was concurrently produced and released: the ASTER Water Body Dataset (AWBD). This is a 30 m raster product, which encodes every pixel as either lake, river, or ocean; thus providing a global inland and shore-line water body mask. Water was identified through spectral analysis algorithms and manual editing. This product was evaluated against the Shuttle Water Body Dataset (SWBD), and the Landsat-based Global Inland Water (GIW) product. The SWBD only covers the earth between about 60 degrees north and south, so it is not a global product. The GIW only delineates inland water bodies, and does not deal with ocean coastlines. All products are at 30 m postings.

  2. Only pick the right grains: Modelling the bias due to subjective grain-size interval selection for chronometric and fingerprinting approaches.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dietze, Michael; Fuchs, Margret; Kreutzer, Sebastian


    Many modern approaches of radiometric dating or geochemical fingerprinting rely on sampling sedimentary deposits. A key assumption of most concepts is that the extracted grain-size fraction of the sampled sediment adequately represents the actual process to be dated or the source area to be fingerprinted. However, these assumptions are not always well constrained. Rather, they have to align with arbitrary, method-determined size intervals, such as "coarse grain" or "fine grain" with partly even different definitions. Such arbitrary intervals violate principal process-based concepts of sediment transport and can thus introduce significant bias to the analysis outcome (i.e., a deviation of the measured from the true value). We present a flexible numerical framework (numOlum) for the statistical programming language R that allows quantifying the bias due to any given analysis size interval for different types of sediment deposits. This framework is applied to synthetic samples from the realms of luminescence dating and geochemical fingerprinting, i.e. a virtual reworked loess section. We show independent validation data from artificially dosed and subsequently mixed grain-size proportions and we present a statistical approach (end-member modelling analysis, EMMA) that allows accounting for the effect of measuring the compound dosimetric history or geochemical composition of a sample. EMMA separates polymodal grain-size distributions into the underlying transport process-related distributions and their contribution to each sample. These underlying distributions can then be used to adjust grain-size preparation intervals to minimise the incorporation of "undesired" grain-size fractions.

  3. Efeitos do binarismo não resolvido na determinação da função de massa de aglomerados

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerber, L. O.; Santiago, B. X.


    Através de simulações numéricas buscamos quantificar os efeitos que o binarismo não resolvido causa na determinação da função de massa (MF) de aglomerados estelares. Geramos diagramas cor-magnitude (CMDs) artificiais simulando uma população única, caracterizada por estrelas de mesma idade e composição quí mica, com uma fração de binárias não resolvidas e distribuição em massa das estrelas dada por uma MF do tipo lei de potência. A presença de pares de estrelas não resolvidos faz com que a MF obtida da função de luminosidade (LF) tenha a têndencia de ser mais plana do que a MF que gerou o CMD artificial. Propomos um tratamento de correção para tal efeito. Outro efeito relacionado diz respeito ao alargamento do CMD, que apresenta-se como um indicador do número total de estrelas no domí nio de baixas massas (m < 0.6M¤). Todos os resultados acima possuem uma forte dependência com os erros fotométricos e estão baseados na hipótese de que ambas estrelas do par não resolvido são sorteadas de uma mesma MF de forma independente. O objetivo final é aplicarmos o tratamento aqui desenvolvido para implementarmos a análise da nossa amostra de aglomerados ricos da Grande Nuvem de Magalhães.

  4. Women of Hispanic Origin in the Labor Force. Facts on Working Women No. 89-1 = La mujer de origen hispano en la fuerza laboral. Facts on Working Women Num. 89-1S.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.

    Data on Hispanic women in the labor force between 1978 and 1988 show the following: (1) 6.5 percent of the women in the work force in 1988 were of Hispanic origin (3.6 million); (2) the median age of Hispanic women was 26.1 years, 2-5 years younger than Black or White women; (3) 66 percent of Hispanic women participate in the labor force, a higher…

  5. Medicinal Product Regulation: Portugal׳s Framework.


    Herdeiro, Maria Teresa; Bastos, Paulo D; Teixeira-Rodrigues, António; Roque, Fátima


    The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most tightly regulated sectors, and it is essential to know each country׳s legal framework to understand the regulation, approval, and marketing of medicinal products for human use. This article describes the main statutes and procedures governing medicinal products for human use in Portugal and the role of the country׳s National Medicines and Health Products Authority (Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.; INFARMED). From the most recently available data, an update of requests and approvals concerning marketing authorizations, variations, pricing, and reimbursements is provided. Data were sourced from the INFARMED website, Infomed (database of medicinal products for human use), and periodic reports issued by national authorities. Organic laws, acts, and law decrees published in the government gazette (Diário da República) are cited and reproduced as required. In 2015 Portugal ranked fifth in the European System of Medicines Evaluation in terms of the number of completed procedures as a reference member state. Approximately 80% of all approved drug applications in Portugal in 2015 were for generic drugs, mostly pertaining to the nervous system. In Portugal, INFARMED monitors drug quality, safety profile, and efficacy in all stages of the drug life cycle, ensuring patients' safety. The Portuguese market for medicinal products for human use has been appreciably changed by the advent of generic drugs. There is an increased trend for new request applications for biological and biotechnological substances. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Brazilian Eratosthenes Project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, R.; Vilaça, J.


    The objective of Brazilian Eratosthenes Project is the development and application of teaching training actions according the ``docent autonomy" concept to basic Astronomy Education. Argentina coordinates the project in South America, but Brazil works in this project since 2010 with the theme ``Projeto Eratóstenes Brasil" in the homepage: Two schools measure a sticks shadow and communicate their results. After, they calculate an average radius of Earth. The stick (gnomon) should stay in vertical position in the leveled ground. Since 2010, the project received hundreds of Brazilian schools with different experiments that were constructed with autonomy, because our site doesn't show some itinerary pre-ready to elaborate the experiments. To collect data for our research, we will use interviews via Skype with the teachers. These data are useful to researches about Science Education area and the Teaching Formation. Teaching professional practice could change and we see modifications in the teachers work, what depends of their realities and context. This project intents to respect the docent autonomy. This autonomy to responsible modifications during continued formation is called ``activist formative model" according Langhi & Nardi (Educação em Astronomia: repensando a formação de professores. São Paulo: Escrituras Editora, 2012). This project discusses about researches in Astronomy Education - still extreme rare in Brazil, when we compare with other areas in Science Education. We believe that actions like this could motivate the students to learn more Astronomy. Furthermore, this national action can be a rich source of data to investigations about teaching formation and scientific divulgation.

  7. Detection of schistosomiasis in an area directly affected by the São Francisco River large-scale water transposition project in the Northeast of Brazil.


    Silva, José Damião da; Pinheiro, Marta Cristhiany Cunha; Sousa, Mariana Silva; Gomes, Vivian da Silva; Castro, Issis Maria Nogueira de; Ramos, Alberto Novaes; Bezerra, Fernando Schemelzer de Moraes


    The development of the São Francisco River Integration Project [Projeto de Integração do Rio São Francisco (PISF)] in the State of Ceará, Brazil, has resulted in environmental and socioeconomic changes with potential risks to public health. We aimed to determine the presence of Schistosoma mansoni infections in schoolchildren (aged 7-14 years) and workers from the construction site in an area under the direct influence of the PISF in the municipality of Brejo Santo-CE, to aid in the prevention and control of schistosomiasis. We conducted a cross-sectional study using two S. mansoni-detection methods: detection of S. mansoni eggs by the Kato-Katz parasitological method in stool samples (assessed in triplicate for each sample) and S. mansoni circulating cathodic antigen by the point-of-care immunochromatographic rapid test (POC-CCA) in urine. In general, the positivity rates for S. mansoni detection were 1.9% (2/106) among schoolchildren and 2.9% (4/138) among workers. No child had evidence of S. mansoni eggs in their stools; 1.9% tested positive by the POC-CCA method. Among workers, two (1.4%) tested positive by the Kato-Katz test and three (2.2%) by the POC-CCA test. If the POC-CCA test results that were scored as traces were considered negative, then the positivity rates dropped to 0.9% and 0.7% for schoolchildren and workers, respectively. The active transmission of schistosomiasis in a region covered by the PISF was recognized, reinforcing the necessity to consolidate surveillance and control actions, as well as structural sanitation measures to reverse the social determinants of the disease.

  8. Aggregation of risk indicators to cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health in Brazilian adolescents in the periods 2008/09 and 2013/14.


    Gaya, Anelise R; Dias, Arieli F; Lemes, Vanilson B; Gonçalves, Juliana Correa; Marques, Priscila A; Guedes, Gabriela; Brand, Caroline; Gaya, Adroaldo C A

    To assess the occurrence of an aggregate risk to cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health of Brazilian adolescents in the period 2008/09 and 2013/14 and to identify whether there are differences in risk between the genders and in these periods. This was a trend epidemiological study with a quantitative approach, consisting of a voluntary sample of adolescents from 16 Brazilian states. Data were extracted from the database of Brazil Sports Project (Projeto Esporte Brasil). Health-related physical fitness was evaluated based on body mass index, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and abdominal strength/resistance. Descriptive analysis, chi-squared test, and Poisson log regression were used for the statistical treatment. In the years 2008/09, 14.6% of Brazilian youngsters showed an aggregate risk to cardiometabolic health and 17.1% an aggregate risk for musculoskeletal indicators, whereas in 2013/14, the values of the risk indicators were, respectively 40.0% and 22.4%. It was observed that, in the years 2013/14, the risk to the cardiometabolic health of boys was 2.51 times greater than in 2008/09, while for girls, a three-fold increase in risk was observed. Concerning musculoskeletal health, girls showed a 2.21 risk of being in the risk zone in 2013/14 when compared with 2008/09. The occurrence of an aggregate risk to the cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health of Brazilian adolescents increased in the 2008/09 and 2013/14 periods. Regarding gender, an increase in the cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal risk between these periods was observed in girls. As for boys, an increase was observed only in cardiometabolic risk. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. [Individual and contextual determinants of the prevalence of untreated caries in Brazil].


    Frias, Antônio Carlos; Antunes, José Leopoldo Ferreira; Junqueira, Simone Rennó; Narvai, Paulo Capel


    To describe the prevalence of untreated caries among adolescents in Brazil and to analyze the association between caries and individual and contextual factors in the municipalities where these adolescents live. A Ministry of Health database (projeto SB-Brasil) provided health records on 16 833 adolescents from 15-19 years of age. The study variable used was the presence of at least one permanent tooth having been lost to caries. The individual variables considered were: sex, ethnic group, living in an urban versus a rural area, and being a student or not. Contextual variables related to the municipality were: municipal human development index (MHDI), proportion of households connected to the water system, and water fluoridation for 5 years or more. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was carried out to adjust the outcome to the individual and contextual variables. Individual determinants related to a higher probability of untreated caries were: the ethnic group described as "black or brown," (adjusted odds ratio, OR(adjust) = 1.79; 1.68 to 1.92); and living in a rural area (OR(adjust) = 1.31; 1.19 to 1.45). Being a student was identified as a protective factor (OR(adjust) = 0.67; 0.62 to 0.73). Secondary variables identified as contextual determinants of caries were MHDI (adjusted coefficient beta = -0.213), water fluoridation (beta = -0.201), and households connected to the water system (beta = -0.197). The results show inequalities in the distribution of health services in the various Brazilian regions, and suggest that inequalities may also be present in the effectiveness of the services provided. Policies to increase access to fluoride-treated water and school enrollment may contribute to preventing caries in adolescents.

  10. Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation numérique des propriétés spectroscopiques d'absorbants saturables pour le déclenchement passif de laser verre erbium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Shcherbitsky, V.; Fromager, M.; Aït Ameur, K.; Moncorgé, R.; Ferrand, B.; Montagne, J.


    Une comparaison entre différents absorbants saturables (LMA, MALO, ZnS et ZnSe dopés Col^+ et ZnSe dopé Cr^{2+}) utilisables comme interrupteur optique passif pour déclencher les sources lasers verre erbium à 1.53 μm est présentée. Des expériences de saturation en simple passage sont interprétées en tenant compte de la distribution spatiale et temporelle du laser de pompe. Cette technique permet d'obtenir des sections efficaces de saturation effectives fiables et indépendantes des conditions de mesure sans introduire artificiellement d'absorption dans l'état excité qui, en principe, n'existe pas dans ce type de système contrairement aux études effectuées jusqu'ici sur ces matériaux.

  11. Fully coupled two-phase flow and poromechanics modeling of coalbed methane recovery: Impact of geomechanics on production rate


    Ma, Tianran; Rutqvist, Jonny; Oldenburg, Curtis M.; ...


    This study presents the development and application of a fully coupled two-phase (methane and water) flow, transport, and poromechanics num erical model for the analysis of geomechanical impacts on coalbed methane (CBM) production. The model considers changes in two-phase fluid flow properties, i.e., coal porosity, permeability, water retention, and relative permeability curves through changes in cleat fractures induced by effective stress variations and desorption-induced shrinkage. The coupled simulator is first verified for poromechanics coupling, and simulation parameters of a CBM reservoir model are calibrated by history matching against one year of CBM production field data from Shanxi Province, China. Then,more » the verified simulator and the calibrated CBM reservoir model are used for predicting the impact of geomechanics on the production rate for twenty years of continuous CBM production. The simulation results show that desorption-induced shrinkage is the dominant process in increasing permeability in the near wellbore region. Away from the wellbore, desorption-induced shrinkage is weaker, and permeability is reduced by pressure depletion and increased effective stress. A sensitivity analysis shows that for coal with a higher sorption strain, a larger initial Young's modulus and a smaller Poisson's ratio promote the enhancement of permeability as well as an increased production rate. Moreover, the conceptual model of the cleat system, whether dominated by vertical cleats with permeability correlated to horizontal stress or with permeability correlated to mean stress, can have a significant impact on the predicted production rate. Overall, the study clearly demonstrates and confirms the critical importance of considering geomechanics for an accurate prediction of CBM production.« less

  12. DVS-SOFTWARE: An Effective Tool for Applying Highly Parallelized Hardware To Computational Geophysics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Herrera, I.; Herrera, G. S.


    Most geophysical systems are macroscopic physical systems. The behavior prediction of such systems is carried out by means of computational models whose basic models are partial differential equations (PDEs) [1]. Due to the enormous size of the discretized version of such PDEs it is necessary to apply highly parallelized super-computers. For them, at present, the most efficient software is based on non-overlapping domain decomposition methods (DDM). However, a limiting feature of the present state-of-the-art techniques is due to the kind of discretizations used in them. Recently, I. Herrera and co-workers using 'non-overlapping discretizations' have produced the DVS-Software which overcomes this limitation [2]. The DVS-software can be applied to a great variety of geophysical problems and achieves very high parallel efficiencies (90%, or so [3]). It is therefore very suitable for effectively applying the most advanced parallel supercomputers available at present. In a parallel talk, in this AGU Fall Meeting, Graciela Herrera Z. will present how this software is being applied to advance MOD-FLOW. Key Words: Parallel Software for Geophysics, High Performance Computing, HPC, Parallel Computing, Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM)REFERENCES [1]. Herrera Ismael and George F. Pinder, Mathematical Modelling in Science and Engineering: An axiomatic approach", John Wiley, 243p., 2012. [2]. Herrera, I., de la Cruz L.M. and Rosas-Medina A. "Non Overlapping Discretization Methods for Partial, Differential Equations". NUMER METH PART D E, 30: 1427-1454, 2014, DOI 10.1002/num 21852. (Open source) [3]. Herrera, I., & Contreras Iván "An Innovative Tool for Effectively Applying Highly Parallelized Software To Problems of Elasticity". Geofísica Internacional, 2015 (In press)

  13. Structure post-flambée pour la locomotion d'un microrobot intratubulaire: comparaison modèle-expérience de l'effort de serrage dans le tube

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Libersa, C.; Arsicault, M.; Lallemand, J.-P.


    Ces travaux entrent dans le cadre des études nécessaires à la mise au point d'une structure déformable actionnée par fils en alliage à mémoire de forme. L'application visée est son utilisation comme module de locomotion d'un microrobot intratubulaire autonome de type “ lombric ”. Un module est constitué d'un cadre élastique carré forcé en post-flambement sur un squelette rigide, de manière à obtenir deux configurations symétriques d'équilibre stable correspondant au premier mode de flambage. Le passage d'un état d'équilibre à l'autre est obtenu par la contraction de fils AMF éduqués disposés sur le cadre post-flambé. Un assemblage par juxtaposition de cinq modules identiques compose le corps du microrobot. Suivant un cycle de locomotion adéquat, chacun de ces actionneurs “ tout ou rien ” permet la prise d'appui sur les parois du tube ou l'allongement local nécessaire à l'avance du microrobot. Nous présentons ici les résultats obtenus lors d'un chargement transversal d'un module, et en particulier les courbes reliant l'effort de réaction et le déplacement du point en contact avec le tube. L'influence du serrage subit par le module sur le maintien du microrobot dans un tube vertical est déterminée. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sont comparés avec les résultats numériques.

  14. Poster - 40: Treatment Verification of a 3D-printed Eye Phantom for Proton Therapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dunning, Chelsea; Lindsay, Clay; Unick, Nick

    Purpose: Ocular melanoma is a form of eye cancer which is often treated using proton therapy. The benefit of the steep proton dose gradient can only be leveraged for accurate patient eye alignment. A treatment-planning program was written to plan on a 3D-printed anatomical eye-phantom, which was then irradiated to demonstrate the feasibility of verifying in vivo dosimetry for proton therapy using PET imaging. Methods: A 3D CAD eye model with critical organs was designed and voxelized into the Monte-Carlo transport code FLUKA. Proton dose and PET isotope production were simulated for a treatment plan of a test tumour, generatedmore » by a 2D treatment-planning program developed using NumPy and proton range tables. Next, a plastic eye-phantom was 3D-printed from the CAD model, irradiated at the TRIUMF Proton Therapy facility, and imaged using a PET scanner. Results: The treatment-planning program prediction of the range setting and modulator wheel was verified in FLUKA to treat the tumour with at least 90% dose coverage for both tissue and plastic. An axial isotope distribution of the PET isotopes was simulated in FLUKA and converted to PET scan counts. Meanwhile, the 3D-printed eye-phantom successfully yielded a PET signal. Conclusions: The 2D treatment-planning program can predict required parameters to sufficiently treat an eye tumour, which was experimentally verified using commercial 3D-printing hardware to manufacture eye-phantoms. Comparison between the simulated and measured PET isotope distribution could provide a more realistic test of eye alignment, and a variation of the method using radiographic film is being developed.« less

  15. Temporal evolution of a Current Sheet with Initial Finite Perturbations by Three-dimensional MHD Simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yokoyama, Takaaki

    Temporal evolution of a current sheet with initial perturbations is studied by using the threedimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The magnetic reconnection is considered to be the main engine of the energy rele ase in solar flares. The structure of the diffusion region is, however, not stil l understood under the circumstances with enormously large magnetic Reynolds num ber as the solar corona. In particular, the relationship between the flare's macroscopic physics and the microscopic ones are unclear. It is generally believed that the MHD turbulence s hould play a role in the intermediate scale. The initial current sheet is in an approximately hydromagnetic equilibrium with anti-parallel magnetic field in the y-direction. We imposed a finite-amplitude perturbations (=50ee what happens. Special attention is paid upon the evolution of a three-dimens ional structure in the direction along the initial electric current (z-direction ). Our preliminary results are as follows: (1) In the early phase of the evolut ion, high wavenumber modes in the z-direction are excited and grow. (2) Many "X "-type neutral points (lines) are generated along the magnetic neutral line (pla ne) in the current sheet. When they evolve into the non-linear phase, three-dime nsional structures in the z-direction also evolve. The spatial scale in the z-di rection seems to be almost comparable with that in the xy-plane. (3) The energy release rate is reduced in case of 3D simulations compared with 2D ones probably because of the reduction of the inflow cross sections by the formation of pattc hy structures in the current sheet.

  16. The Profile Envision and Splice Tool (PRESTO): Developing an Atmospheric Wind Analysis Tool for Space Launch Vehicles Using Python

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Orcutt, John M.; Barbre, Robert E., Jr.; Brenton, James C.; Decker, Ryan K.


    Tropospheric winds are an important driver of the design and operation of space launch vehicles. Multiple types of weather balloons and Doppler Radar Wind Profiler (DRWP) systems exist at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC), co-located on the United States Air Force's (USAF) Eastern Range (ER) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), that are capable of measuring atmospheric winds. Meteorological data gathered by these instruments are being used in the design of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) and other space launch vehicles, and will be used during the day-of-launch (DOL) of SLS to aid in loads and trajectory analyses. For the purpose of SLS day-of-launch needs, the balloons have the altitude coverage needed, but take over an hour to reach the maximum altitude and can drift far from the vehicle's path. The DRWPs have the spatial and temporal resolutions needed, but do not provide complete altitude coverage. Therefore, the Natural Environments Branch (EV44) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed the Profile Envision and Splice Tool (PRESTO) to combine balloon profiles and profiles from multiple DRWPs, filter the spliced profile to a common wavelength, and allow the operator to generate output files as well as to visualize the inputs and the spliced profile for SLS DOL operations. PRESTO was developed in Python taking advantage of NumPy and SciPy for the splicing procedure, matplotlib for the visualization, and Tkinter for the execution of the graphical user interface (GUI). This paper describes in detail the Python coding implementation for the splicing, filtering, and visualization methodology used in PRESTO.

  17. ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wassermann, J. M.; Krischer, L.; Megies, T.; Barsch, R.; Beyreuther, M.


    Python combines the power of a full-blown programming language with the flexibility and accessibility of an interactive scripting language. Its extensive standard library and large variety of freely available high quality scientific modules cover most needs in developing scientific processing workflows. ObsPy is a community-driven, open-source project extending Python's capabilities to fit the specific needs that arise when working with seismological data. It a) comes with a continuously growing signal processing toolbox that covers most tasks common in seismological analysis, b) provides read and write support for many common waveform, station and event metadata formats and c) enables access to various data centers, webservices and databases to retrieve waveform data and station/event metadata. In combination with mature and free Python packages like NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, IPython, Pandas, lxml, and PyQt, ObsPy makes it possible to develop complete workflows in Python, ranging from reading locally stored data or requesting data from one or more different data centers via signal analysis and data processing to visualization in GUI and web applications, output of modified/derived data and the creation of publication-quality figures. All functionality is extensively documented and the ObsPy Tutorial and Gallery give a good impression of the wide range of possible use cases. ObsPy is tested and running on Linux, OS X and Windows and comes with installation routines for these systems. ObsPy is developed in a test-driven approach and is available under the LGPLv3 open source licence. Users are welcome to request help, report bugs, propose enhancements or contribute code via either the user mailing list or the project page on GitHub.

  18. Towards Year 2009, a 25 000 person rehearsal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fierro Gossman, Julieta; Espinosa, M.


    In this presentations we will talk about the way we planned and achieved successfully a 25 000 people observation in Mexico City downtown taking advantage of a lunar eclipse. We shall guide people so they think about their own activities. We shall mention the way we planned the event, carried out found raising and advertisement. We shall describe the way we handled people mainly during the observations with one hundred telescopes and parallel activities. These included: a public lecture enhanced with dance and hands-on demonstrations, workshops for children, workshops on the night sky, talking to an astronomer, how to handle a telescope and a picture exhibit as well as music till midnight. We shall also mentioned written materials for that particular event and for Year 2009, some of which were specially crafted for teachers. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro Galileo y el telescopio, 400 anios de ciencia Uribe y Ferrari Editores, 2007 ISBN 970 756 238-2 Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros I Correo del Maestro, Núm. 133, p. 15-26, Anios 12, Junio 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros II Correo del Maestro, Núm. 134, p. 17-26, Anio 12, 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro, Galileo para Maestros III Correo del Maestro, Num. 135, p. 10-18, Anio 12, 2007. Hector Dominguez y Julieta Fierro Experimentos sobre la caida de los cuerpos El Correo del Maestro, anio 12 Numero 142, p. 5-18, 2008. Mariana Espinosa, Julieta Fierro y Silvia Torres Fiesta de estrellas El Correo del Maestro, aceptado para su publicacion.

  19. Curcumin Inhibits The Adverse Effects of Sodium Arsenite in Mouse Epididymal Sperm

    PubMed Central

    Momeni, Hamid Reza; Eskandari, Najmeh


    Background The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of curcumin on epididy- mal sperm parameters in adult male Navel Medical Research Institute (NMRI) mice ex- posed to sodium arsenite. Materials and Methods In this experimental study, we divided the animals into four groups: control, sodium arsenite (5 mg/kg), curcumin (100 mg/kg) and curcumin+sodium arsenite. Exposures were performed by intraperitoneal injections for a 5-week period. After the exposure period, we recorded the animals’ body and left testes weights. The left caudal epididymis was used to count the sperm number and analyze motility, viability, morphological abnormalities, acrosome reaction, DNA integrity, and histone-protamine replacement in the spermatozoa. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Tukey’s test was used to assess the statistical significance of the data with SPSS 16.0. P<0.05 was considered significant. Results Mice exposed to sodium arsenite showed a significant decrease in the num- ber, motility, viability, normal sperm morphology and acrosome integrity of spermato- zoa compared to the control group. In the curcumin+sodium arsenite group, curcumin significantly reversed these adverse effects to the point where they approximated the control. In addition, the application of curcumin alone had no significant difference in these parameters compared to the control and curcumin+sodium arsenite groups. However, we observed no significant differences in the body and the testis weight as well as the DNA integrity and histone-protamine replacement in the spermatozoa of the four groups. Conclusion Curcumin compensated for the toxic effects of sodium arsenite on a number of sperm parameters in adult mice. PMID:27441059

  20. Isotope shift constant and nuclear charge model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fang, Z.; Redi, O.; Stroke, H. H.


    We use the method of Zimmermann [Z. Phys. A 321 (1985) 23-30], which he used to calculate the isotope shift constant for a uniform nuclear charge distribution, to obtain it for a diffuse nuclear charge model. The two models give results that differ slightly on the level of precision of current experiments. The same parameters are used to calculate the model sensitivity of the contributions to the isotope shifts of higher moments of the nuclear charge distribution as formulated by Seltzer [Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 1916-1919]. These are found to be essentially model independent. Tables are given of the numerical calculations. Nous employons la méthode de Zimmermann [Z. Phys. A 321 (1985) 23-30], qu'il avait utilisé dans un calcul de la constante du déplacement isotopique pour une distribution de charge uniforme, pour l'obtenir avec un modèle de charge nucléaire avec forme quasi-trapézoïdale. Les deux modèles donnent des résultats dont la difference excède de peu la précision des mesures actuelles. Les mêmes paramètres sont utilisés pour comparer la dépendance aux deux modèles de la contribution au déplacement isotopique des moments plus élevés de la distribution de la charge nucléaire dans la formulation de Seltzer [Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 1916-1919]. On trouve que ces contributions sont essentiellement indépendantes du modèle. Des tables de calculs numériques sont présentées.

  1. Fully coupled two-phase flow and poromechanics modeling of coalbed methane recovery: Impact of geomechanics on production rate

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ma, Tianran; Rutqvist, Jonny; Oldenburg, Curtis M.

    This study presents the development and application of a fully coupled two-phase (methane and water) flow, transport, and poromechanics num erical model for the analysis of geomechanical impacts on coalbed methane (CBM) production. The model considers changes in two-phase fluid flow properties, i.e., coal porosity, permeability, water retention, and relative permeability curves through changes in cleat fractures induced by effective stress variations and desorption-induced shrinkage. The coupled simulator is first verified for poromechanics coupling, and simulation parameters of a CBM reservoir model are calibrated by history matching against one year of CBM production field data from Shanxi Province, China. Then,more » the verified simulator and the calibrated CBM reservoir model are used for predicting the impact of geomechanics on the production rate for twenty years of continuous CBM production. The simulation results show that desorption-induced shrinkage is the dominant process in increasing permeability in the near wellbore region. Away from the wellbore, desorption-induced shrinkage is weaker, and permeability is reduced by pressure depletion and increased effective stress. A sensitivity analysis shows that for coal with a higher sorption strain, a larger initial Young's modulus and a smaller Poisson's ratio promote the enhancement of permeability as well as an increased production rate. Moreover, the conceptual model of the cleat system, whether dominated by vertical cleats with permeability correlated to horizontal stress or with permeability correlated to mean stress, can have a significant impact on the predicted production rate. Overall, the study clearly demonstrates and confirms the critical importance of considering geomechanics for an accurate prediction of CBM production.« less

  2. Pratique de l’analgésie péridurale auprès de 20 parturientes au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé (Togo)

    PubMed Central

    Egbohou, Pilakimwé; Mouzou, Tabana; Sama, Hamza Doles; Tchétike, Pikabalo; Assénouwé, Sarakawabalo; Akala-Yoba, Gnimdou; Tomta, Kadjika


    Etude prospective et descriptive sur la pratique de l’analgésie péridurale (APD) obstétricale au CHU Sylvanus Olympio (CHU SO) de Lomé. Etude menée de février à juin 2014. Après accord des gestantes choisies au hasard et en l’absence de contre-indication à l’issue de la consultation d’anesthésie, faite au 8ème mois de la grossesse, des femmes ont été retenues pour l’étude. Sur 29 gestantes retenues, 20 (69%) ont bénéficiées de l’APD. Age moyen 30,6±6,6 ans, primigestes : 35%, multipares 50%, Obèses (BMI>30): 25%. Nombre moyen de ponctions: 1,2±0,5; reflux de sang dans le cathéter: 5%, brèche dure-mérienne : 0. Délai moyen d’installation: 8,5 ±2,2mn. Quantité moyenne de bupivacaine isobare à 0,125%: 28,8±8ml; Echelle Numérique à T10min < 3 pour toutes les parturientes. Bloc moteur: 0. Hypotension: 1cas (5%). Mode d’accouchement: voie basse: 19 (95%), césarienne: 1 (5%). Détresse respiratoire à la naissance du nouveau né: 0. Note de satisfaction: 9,8±0,5 /10. L’APD obstétricale est possible au CHU Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé. En attendant sa vulgarisation à toutes les parturientes par la disponibilité des moyens humains et matériels, la réaliser pour ses indications médicales serait un premier pas. PMID:28451033

  3. SteamTables: An approach of multiple variable sets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verma, Mahendra P.


    Using the IAPWS-95 formulation, an ActiveX component SteamTablesIIE in Visual Basic 6.0 is developed to calculate thermodynamic properties of pure water as a function of two independent intensive variables: (1) temperature ( T) or pressure ( P) and (2) T, P, volume ( V), internal energy ( U), enthalpy ( H), entropy ( S) or Gibbs free energy ( G). The second variable cannot be the same as variable 1. Additionally, it calculates the properties along the separation boundaries (i.e., sublimation, saturation, critical isochor, ice I melting, ice III to ice IIV melting and minimum volume curves) considering the input parameter as T or P for the variable 1. SteamTablesIIE is an extension of the ActiveX component SteamTables implemented earlier considering T (190 to 2000 K) and P (3.23×10 -8 to 10000 MPa) as independent variables. It takes into account the following 27 intensive properties: temperature ( T), pressure ( P), fraction, state, volume ( V), density ( Den), compressibility factor ( Z0), internal energy ( U), enthalpy ( H), Gibbs free energy ( G), Helmholtz free energy ( A), entropy ( S), heat capacity at constant pressure ( C p), heat capacity at constant volume ( C v), coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE), isothermal compressibility ( Z iso), speed of sound ( VelS), partial derivative of P with T at constant V ( dPdT), partial derivative of T with V at constant P ( dTdV), partial derivative of V with P at constant T ( dVdP), Joule-Thomson coefficient ( JTC), isothermal throttling coefficient ( IJTC), viscosity ( Vis), thermal conductivity ( ThrmCond), surface tension ( SurfTen), Prandtl number ( PrdNum) and dielectric constant ( DielCons).

  4. RNA folding kinetics using Monte Carlo and Gillespie algorithms.


    Clote, Peter; Bayegan, Amir H


    RNA secondary structure folding kinetics is known to be important for the biological function of certain processes, such as the hok/sok system in E. coli. Although linear algebra provides an exact computational solution of secondary structure folding kinetics with respect to the Turner energy model for tiny ([Formula: see text]20 nt) RNA sequences, the folding kinetics for larger sequences can only be approximated by binning structures into macrostates in a coarse-grained model, or by repeatedly simulating secondary structure folding with either the Monte Carlo algorithm or the Gillespie algorithm. Here we investigate the relation between the Monte Carlo algorithm and the Gillespie algorithm. We prove that asymptotically, the expected time for a K-step trajectory of the Monte Carlo algorithm is equal to [Formula: see text] times that of the Gillespie algorithm, where [Formula: see text] denotes the Boltzmann expected network degree. If the network is regular (i.e. every node has the same degree), then the mean first passage time (MFPT) computed by the Monte Carlo algorithm is equal to MFPT computed by the Gillespie algorithm multiplied by [Formula: see text]; however, this is not true for non-regular networks. In particular, RNA secondary structure folding kinetics, as computed by the Monte Carlo algorithm, is not equal to the folding kinetics, as computed by the Gillespie algorithm, although the mean first passage times are roughly correlated. Simulation software for RNA secondary structure folding according to the Monte Carlo and Gillespie algorithms is publicly available, as is our software to compute the expected degree of the network of secondary structures of a given RNA sequence-see .

  5. Evaluation of bone tissue response to a sealer containing mineral trioxide aggregate.


    Assmann, Eloísa; Böttcher, Daiana Elisabeth; Hoppe, Carolina Bender; Grecca, Fabiana Soares; Kopper, Patrícia Maria Poli


    This study analyzed bone tissue reactions to MTA Fillapex (Ângelus Industria de Produtos Odontológicos Ltda, Londrina, Brazil) compared with an epoxy resin-based material in the femur of Wistar rats. Bone tissue reactions were evaluated in 15 animals after 7, 30, and 90 days (n = 5 per period). Three surgical cavities were prepared on the femur and filled with 0.2 mL MTA Fillapex, AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany), or no sealer (negative control). By the end of each experimental period, 5 animals were randomly euthanized. The samples were histologically processed and analyzed using a light microscope. The presence of inflammatory cells, fibers, and hard tissue barrier formation was evaluated. Differences among the groups and between the 3 experimental periods were evaluated by using 2-way analysis of variance followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test (P ≤ .05). MTA Fillapex scored significantly higher for neutrophils at 7 days than at 90. At 7 days, the same occurred when comparing MTA Fillapex with AH Plus. The presence of lymphocytes/plasmocytes significantly decreased over time in all groups. Macrophages, giant cells, eosinophils, and fiber condensation presented no differences among groups and periods. Within 90 days, all groups presented complete hard tissue barrier formation. The presence of mineral trioxide aggregate in MTA Fillapex composition did not improve the bone tissue repair. The presence of sealers provided the re-establishment of the original bone tissue structure and the inflammatory response decreased over time, so they can be considered biocompatible. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Combined Antibacterial Effect of Sodium Hypochlorite and Root Canal Sealers against Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms in Dentin Canals.


    Du, Tianfeng; Wang, Zhejun; Shen, Ya; Ma, Jingzhi; Cao, Yingguang; Haapasalo, Markus


    The present study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial effect of the combined use of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and root canal sealers on Enterococcus faecalis biofilms using a dentin infection model. Cells of E. faecalis were introduced into the dentinal tubules by centrifugation and incubated in brain-heart infusion for 3 weeks. The biofilms in dentin were first subjected to 5% NaOCl or sterile water for 10 minutes followed by an equal thickness of AH Plus (Dentsply International Inc, York, PA), Endosequence BC Sealer (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA), or MTA Fillapex (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, Brazil) placed on the root canal wall of the dentin specimens for 7, 30, and 60 days. Gutta-percha and water were used in a similar manner as controls. The proportions of dead and live bacteria inside the dentinal tubules were assessed by confocal laser scanning microscopy and viability staining. The combined use of NaOCl and sealers (30 and 60 days) killed significantly more bacteria than NaOCl or sealers alone (P < .05). NaOCl + MTA Fillapex was the most effective antibacterial combination by killing 83% bacteria in dentin tubules in 60 days. Thirty and 60 days of exposure to the sealers resulted in significantly more dead bacteria in dentin biofilms than 7-day exposures (P < .05). The placement of root canal sealer after NaOCl treatment enhanced antibacterial effects against E. faecalis in the dentinal tubules. Little additional effect was obtained after 30 days of exposure to sealers. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Bromazepam determination in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry: a highly sensitive and specific tool for bioequivalence studies.


    Laurito, Tiago L; Mendes, Gustavo D; Santagada, Vincenzo; Caliendo, Giuseppe; de Moraes, Maria Elisabete A; De Nucci, Gilberto


    A rapid, sensitive and specific method to quantify bromazepam in human plasma using diazepam as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using diethyl ether-hexane (80 : 20, v/v). The extracts were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Chromatography was performed isocratically on a Genesis C(18) analytical column (100 x 2.1 mm i.d., film thickness 4 microm). The method had a chromatographic run time of 5.0 min and a linear calibration curve over the range 5.0-150 ng ml(-1) (r(2) > 0.9952). The limit of quantification was 5 ng ml(-1). This HPLC/MS/MS procedure was used to assess the bioequivalence of two bromazepam 6 mg tablet formulations (bromazepam from Medley SA Indústria Farmacêutica as the test formulation and Lexotan from Produtos Roche Químico e Farmacêutico SA as the reference formulation). A single 6 mg dose of each formulation was administered to 24 healthy volunteers (12 males and 12 females). The study was conducted using an open, randomized, two-period crossover design with a 3 week washout interval. Since the 90% CI for C(max), AUC(last), AUC(0-240 h) (linear) and AUC((0- infinity )) ratios were all inside the 80-125% interval proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration, it was concluded that the bromazepam formulation from Medley is bioequivalent to the Lexotan formulation for both the rate and the extent of absorption. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  8. Building inclusive health innovation systems: lessons from India.


    Abrol, Dinesh; Sundararaman, T; Madhavan, Harilal; Joseph, K J


    This article presents an overview of the changes that are taking place within the public and private health innovation systems in India including delivery of medical care, pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and Indian traditional medicine. The nature of the flaws that exist in the health innovation system is pinpointed. The response by the government, the health, technology and medical institutions, and the evolving industry is addressed on a national level. The article also discusses how the alignment of policies and institutions was developed within the scope of national health innovation systems, and how the government and the industry are dealing with the challenges to integrate health system, industry, and social policy development processes. Resumo: O artigo apresenta um panorama das mudanças atualmente em curso dentro dos sistemas público e privado de inovação em saúde na Índia, incluindo a prestação de serviços médicos, produtos farmacêuticos, dispositivos médicos e medicina tradicional indiana. É destacada a natureza das falhas que existem nos sistemas de inovação em saúde. As respostas do governo, das instituições médicas, de saúde e tecnologia e indústrias envolvidas, são abordadas em nível nacional. O artigo também discute como foi desenvolvido o alinhamento de políticas e instituições no escopo dos sistemas nacionais de inovação em saúde, e como governo e indústria estão lidando com os desafios para integrar o sistema de saúde, a indústria e o desenvolvimento de políticas sociais.

  9. Memória fonológica em crianças bilíngues bimodais e crianças com implante coclear

    PubMed Central

    de Quadros, Ronice Müller; Cruz, Carina Rebello; Pizzio, Aline Lemos


    RESUMO Este estudo comparou o desempenho de crianças bilíngues bimodais ouvintes (filhas de pais surdos) e crianças surdas usuárias de implante coclear (filhas de pais surdos e de pais ouvintes), com diferentes contextos de acesso à Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), em tarefas que envolvem memória fonologica. Os testes utilizados foram: Teste de Pseudopalavras (Santos e Bueno, 2003) e Teste de Pseudosinais (desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores responsáveis pelo Projeto ‘Desenvolvimento Bilíngue Bimoda’). Além disso, foram incluídos dois grupos de controle, formados por crianças surdas (usuarias de Libras), e adultos bilíngues bimodais ouvintes. Na análise dos resultados, em relação ao desempenho entre os dois grupos testados foi constatado que o grupo de crianças bilíngues bimodais ouvintes apresentou desempenho superior, nos dois testes. No entanto, ao ser analisado o desempenho da criança surda usuaria de implante coclear, filha de pais surdos, que possui acesso irrestrito à Libras e comparado com o das crianças surdas usuárias de implante coclear, que possuem acesso restrito à Libras, foi constatado que o seu desempenho foi semelhante ao do grupo de crianças bilíngues bimodais ouvintes. As crianças surdas usuárias de implante coclear com acesso restrito à Libras e, portanto, com acesso maior ao Português apresentaram escores mais baixos nas tarefas, principalmente do teste em Português. Os resultados sugerem que as crianças surdas usuárias de implante coclear em processo de aquisição da línguagem podem se beneficiar com o acesso irrestrito à Libras, atingindo inclusive desempenho semelhante a de crianças bilíngues bimodais ouvintes. PMID:25110473

  10. Water-gas dynamics and coastal land subsidence over Chioggia Mare field, northern Adriatic Sea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teatini, Pietro; Baú, Domenico; Gambolati, Giuseppe


    menace potentielle pour la ville de Venise, à 25 km au nord-ouest du centre de Chioggia Mare. Afin d'évaluer le risque de subsidence du sol provoquée par les prélèvements de gaz, un modèle numérique a été développé pour prévoir la compaction des formations réservoirs de gaz en même temps que celle de l'aquifère latéral et sous-jacent, par effet de drainance, sur une période de 13 ans de production, suivie de 12 ans, et pour prévoir le transfert de la compaction profonde jusqu'à la surface du sol. Afin de prendre en compte l'incertitude sur un petit nombre de paramètres hydromécaniques importants, plusieurs scénarios ont été simulés et les prévisions les plus pessimistes ont été obtenues. Les résultats de la modélisation montrent qu'on doit s'attendre, au cours des 25 ans, au plus à une subsidence du sol de 1 cm à Chioggia, tandis que Venise ne subira aucun effet. Si la baisse de l'aquifère est compensée par une injection d'eau, la subsidence du sol s'arrêtera à 5 km au large et la zone côtière de Chioggia subira un effet de 0,6 à 0,7 cm. Resumen. Recientemente, la compañía nacional italiana del petróleo, ENI-Agip, ha enviado al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Italia (Comité VIA) un gran programa de desarrollo de 15 campos de gas en el norte del Mar Adriático para la evaluación de su impacto medioambiental. Una de las reservas principales de gas se halla en el mar de Chioggia, a unos 10 km mar adentro de la costa veneciana, a una profundidad de entre 1.000 y 1.400 m. Se espera que la producción en este campo produzca un impacto en la estabilidad de la línea de costa, y que suponga una amenaza potencial para la ciudad de Venecia, situada a 25 km al noroeste de la explotación. Se desarrolló un modelo numérico para evaluar el riesgo de subsidencia debido a la extracción de gas a lo largo de los 13 años de producción y del período post-productivo de 12 años. Sus predicciones indican que se causará la compactación tanto

  11. Non-linear valence electron dynamics in metallic clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Calvayrac, F.

    grille régulière en espace. Le cadre théorique repose sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dépendant du temps, restreinte à une version locale en temps et en espace (LSDA). Les autres constituants des agrégats sont soit un “jellium”, soit un fond ionique explicite agissant par des pseudopotentiels locaux ou non-locaux. La dynamique de ce fond ionique est discutée, ainsi que la pertinence de différentes observables. Les techniques numériques correspondantes sont présentées. Il s'agit soit d'un traitement Crank-Nicholson autocohérent, approché par une propagation successive dans chacune des directions d'espace, soit d'un traitement alternant entre l'espace direct et celui de Fourier. Les équations utilisées suggèrent un traitement parallèle. Plusieurs exemples d'application sont alors donnés. Nous discutons en détail le cas de Na9^+, puis le cas moins simple de Na{11}^+. Nous donnons des spectres obtenus pour des agrégats de sodium déposés sur une surface de chlorure de sodium. Puis, nous abordons un exemple de simulation avec fond ionique mouvant par dynamique moléculaire. Nous discutons ainsi le transfert aux ions de l'énergie déposée par un laser femtoseconde dans un agrégat Na12. Nous présentons enfin le spectre obtenu pour la résonance électronique dans un agrégat de carbone linéaire C5. Nous concluons alors sur le travail effectué et les développements ou améliorations possibles sur le plan théorique comme numérique.

  12. Financial impact of nursing professionals staff required in an Intensive Care Unit.


    Araújo, Thamiris Ricci de; Menegueti, Mayra Gonçalves; Auxiliadora-Martins, Maria; Castilho, Valéria; Chaves, Lucieli Dias Pedreschi; Laus, Ana Maria


    enfermagem, com custo mensal de US$ 50.995,44. a defasagem numérica de profissionais da enfermagem foi de 30% e o dispêndio financeiro mensal para adequação do quadro é de US$ 15.232,32, o que corresponde a um acréscimo de 42,59% nos valores atualmente desembolsados pela instituição. calcular el costo del tiempo promedio de asistencia de enfermería invertido y requerido por los pacientes internados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y el gasto para la adecuación de la dotación de profesionales de enfermería. investigación descriptiva y cuantitativa en la modalidad de estudio de caso desarrollada en la UCI de pacientes adultos. Se utilizó el índice de carga de trabajo Nursing Activities Score; el tiempo promedio de asistencia invertido y requerido y la cantidad de profesionales necesaria se calculó con ecuaciones y, a partir de estos datos y de los valores de la composición de salario de los profesionales y el tiempo de contrato mensual, se calculó el costo de la mano de obra directa de enfermería. el costo mensual de la cantidad promedio de profesionales disponible fue de US$ 35,763.12, que corresponde a 29.6 profesionales, mientras que el requerido para 24 horas de atención es de 42.2 profesionales de enfermería, con un costo mensual de US$ 50,995.44. el desfase numérico de profesionales de enfermería fue de 30% y el gasto mensual para la adecuación de la dotación es de US$ 15,232.32, que corresponde a un incremento de 42.59% en los valores que actualmente desembolsa la institución.

  13. Climate change impacts on groundwater resources: modelled deficits in a chalky aquifer, Geer basin, Belgium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brouyère, Serge; Carabin, Guy; Dassargues, Alain

    An integrated hydrological model (MOHISE) was developed in order to study the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle in representative water basins in Belgium. This model considers most hydrological processes in a physically consistent way, more particularly groundwater flows which are modelled using a spatially distributed, finite-element approach. Thanks to this accurate numerical tool, after detailed calibration and validation, quantitative interpretations can be drawn from the groundwater model results. Considering IPCC climate change scenarios, the integrated approach was applied to evaluate the impact of climate change on the water cycle in the Geer basin in Belgium. The groundwater model is described in detail, and results are discussed in terms of climate change impact on the evolution of groundwater levels and groundwater reserves. From the modelling application on the Geer basin, it appears that, on a pluri-annual basis, most tested scenarios predict a decrease in groundwater levels and reserves in relation to variations in climatic conditions. However, for this aquifer, the tested scenarios show no enhancement of the seasonal changes in groundwater levels. Un modèle hydrologique intégré (MOHISE) a été développé afin d'étudier l'impact du changement climatique sur le cycle hydrologique de bassins versants représentatifs de Belgique. Ce modèle prend en compte tous les processus hydrologiques d'une manière physiquement consistante, plus particulièrement les écoulements souterrains qui sont modélisés par une approche spatialement distribuée aux éléments finis. Grâce à cet outil numérique précis, après une calibration et une validation détaillées, des interprétations quantitatives peuvent être réalisées à partir des résultats du modèle de nappe. Considérant des scénarios de changements climatiques de l'IPCC, l'approche intégrée a été appliquée pour évaluer l'impact du changement climatique sur le cycle de l

  14. Como os Alunos do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de São Paulo obtém Conhecimentos Astronômicos?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    Atualmente vivencia-se um mundo globalizado onde os computadores e a internet permitiram um acesso rápido e seguro a todo tipo de informação e conhecimento. O presente trabalho visa analisar a maneira pela qual alunos de segundo grau da rede estadual da cidade de São Paulo obtiveram, caso tenham, conhecimentos básicos de astronomia quanto aos fenômenos celestes que os rodeiam, tais como a sucessão dos dias e das estações do ano, além de questioná~los sobre fatos genéricos tais como: o que vem a ser o Sol, o Big Bang, o que ocasionou a extinção dos dinossauros. Para tanto foi elaborado um formulário constando de questões de múltipla escolha, o qual foi aplicado no primeiro colegial diurno da Escola Estadual Guilherme de Almeida. Num espaço amostral de 44 alunos constatou-se que 41% dos alunos adquiriram seus conhecimentos astronômicos na escola e 59% através da mídia em geral. Neste mesmo espaço amostral apenas 11% dos alunos usaram computadores na escola, 41% na residência, 5% no trabalho e 43% não utilizaram. O presente estudo revelou também que para 50% dos alunos o professor jamais utilizou um programa de computador a respeito de astronomia ou fez alguma apresentação sobre o tema. Embora em sua fase inicial este estudo revela claramente que a maioria dos alunos não obtém na escola seus conhecimentos astronômicos, estes provém de fontes não especificamente didático-pedagógicas tais como filmes e revistas populares que não raramente geram conhecimentos incompletos e em muitos casos inclusive falhos.

  15. Determination of HF artificial ionospheric turbulence characteristics using comparison of calculated plasma wave decay rates with the measured see decay rates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grach, Savely; Bareev, Denis; Gavrilenko, Vladimir; Sergeev, Evgeny

    Damping rates of plasma waves with ω ˜ ωuh (ω is the plasma wave frequency, ωuh is the upper hybrid frequency) were calculated for frequencies close to and distant from the double resonance where ωuh ˜ nωce (ωce is the electron cyclotron frequency, n=4,5 are the gyroharmonic num-bers). The calculations were performed numerically on the base of full plasma wave dispersion relation not restricted by both the 'long wave limit' and 'short wave limit', i.e. a fulfillment of the inequalities |∆| |k |vTe and |∆| |k |vTe was not required. Here ∆ = ω - nωce , vTe = (Te /me )1/2 is the electron thermal velocity and k is the projection of the wave vector onto the magnetic field direction. It is shown that the plasma wave damping rates do not differ noticeably from ones calculated under the long wave and short wave limits. The results obtained are compared with the data of the relaxation of the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) after the pump wave turn off, which demonstrate an essential decrease of the relaxation time near 4th electron gyroharmonic, so far as the SEE relaxation is attributed to the damping of plasma waves responsible for the SEE generation. The comparison allows to determine characteristics of plasma waves mostly contributing to the SEE generation, such as wave numbers and the angles between the wave vectors and geomagnetic field, and the altitude region of the SEE source. The dependence of the decay rate on ∆ can be applied also to interpretation of the SEE spectral shape at different pump frequencies near gyroharmonics. The work is supported by RFBR grants 10-02-00642, 09-02-01150 and Federal Special-purpose Program "Scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia".

  16. QuTiP: An open-source Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johansson, J. R.; Nation, P. D.; Nori, Franco


    We present an object-oriented open-source framework for solving the dynamics of open quantum systems written in Python. Arbitrary Hamiltonians, including time-dependent systems, may be built up from operators and states defined by a quantum object class, and then passed on to a choice of master equation or Monte Carlo solvers. We give an overview of the basic structure for the framework before detailing the numerical simulation of open system dynamics. Several examples are given to illustrate the build up to a complete calculation. Finally, we measure the performance of our library against that of current implementations. The framework described here is particularly well suited to the fields of quantum optics, superconducting circuit devices, nanomechanics, and trapped ions, while also being ideal for use in classroom instruction. Catalogue identifier: AEMB_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License, version 3 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 16 482 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 213 438 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Python Computer: i386, x86-64 Operating system: Linux, Mac OSX, Windows RAM: 2+ Gigabytes Classification: 7 External routines: NumPy (, SciPy (, Matplotlib ( Nature of problem: Dynamics of open quantum systems. Solution method: Numerical solutions to Lindblad master equation or Monte Carlo wave function method. Restrictions: Problems must meet the criteria for using the master equation in Lindblad form. Running time: A few seconds up to several tens of minutes, depending on size of underlying Hilbert space.

  17. Thrombasthénie de Glanzmann: à propos de 11 cas

    PubMed Central

    Mukendi, Jean-Louis Ntumba; Benkirane, Souad; Masrar, Azlarab


    Introduction La thrombasthénie de Glanzmann est une pathologie hémorragique héréditaire rare due à une déficience ou un dysfonctionnement du complexe glycoprotéique IIb/IIIa de la membrane plaquettaire. Le but de notre étude est de décrire les caractéristiques démographiques, cliniques et biologiques d'une série de patients atteints de thrombasthénie de Glanzmann. Méthodes C'est une étude portant sur tous les patients atteints de thrombasthénie de Glanzmann diagnostiqués au Laboratoire Central d'Hématologie du Centre Hospitalier Ibn Sina de Rabat au Maroc pendant la période allant du 1er mars 2011 au 31 mars 2013, soit 25 mois. Après avoir recueilli les données épidémiologiques et cliniques de nos patients, nous avons réalisé une étude biologique comportant une numération plaquettaire et une agrégométrie. Résultats 11 patients ont présenté des profils agrégométriques compatibles à une TG. La majorité de ces malades étaient issus de mariages consanguins (54,5%) et originaires de régions situées dans le nord du Maroc. Le syndrome hémorragique s'est révélé principalement cutanéo-muqueux, avec une prédominance des gingivorragies (72,7%), des épistaxis (63,6%) et des ecchymoses (45,5%). Conclusion Nos résultats ont montré que la thrombasthénie de Glanzmann est une pathologie relativement fréquente au Maroc. PMID:26587119

  18. Molecular dynamics study of vacancy-like defects in a model glass : static behaviour

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delaye, J. M.; Limoge, Y.


    The possibility of defining vacancy-like defects in a Lennard-Jones glass is searched for in a systematic manner. Considering different relaxation levels of the same system, as well as different external pressures, we use a Molecular Dynamics simulation method, to study at constant volume or external pressure, the relaxation of a “piece” of glass, after the sudden removal of an atom. Three typical kinds of behaviour can be observed: the persistence of the empty volume left by the missing atom, its migration by clearly identifiable atomic jumps and the dissipation “on the spot”. A careful analysis of the probabilities of these three kinds of behaviour shows that a meaningful definition of vacancy-like defects can be given in a Lennard-Jones glass. Dans cet article, nous nous penchons de façon systématique sur la possibilité de définir des défauts de type lacunaire dans un verre de Lennard-Jones, à différents niveaux de relaxation et de pression, par une méthode de simulation numérique en dynamique moléculaire à volume ou à pression constants. Le défaut est créé en supprimant un atome et en suivant la réponse du système. Nous observons trois comportements typiques : la persistance sur place du “trou” laissé par l'atome supprimé, sa migration par des sauts atomiques clairement identifiés et enfin sa dissipation sur place. Une analyse détaillée de ces trois comportements montre qu'il est possible dans un verre de Lennard-Jones de définir des défauts de type lacunaire.

  19. An introduction to Space Weather Integrated Modeling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhong, D.; Feng, X.


    The need for a software toolkit that integrates space weather models and data is one of many challenges we are facing with when applying the models to space weather forecasting. To meet this challenge, we have developed Space Weather Integrated Modeling (SWIM) that is capable of analysis and visualizations of the results from a diverse set of space weather models. SWIM has a modular design and is written in Python, by using NumPy, matplotlib, and the Visualization ToolKit (VTK). SWIM provides data management module to read a variety of spacecraft data products and a specific data format of Solar-Interplanetary Conservation Element/Solution Element MHD model (SIP-CESE MHD model) for the study of solar-terrestrial phenomena. Data analysis, visualization and graphic user interface modules are also presented in a user-friendly way to run the integrated models and visualize the 2-D and 3-D data sets interactively. With these tools we can locally or remotely analysis the model result rapidly, such as extraction of data on specific location in time-sequence data sets, plotting interplanetary magnetic field lines, multi-slicing of solar wind speed, volume rendering of solar wind density, animation of time-sequence data sets, comparing between model result and observational data. To speed-up the analysis, an in-situ visualization interface is used to support visualizing the data 'on-the-fly'. We also modified some critical time-consuming analysis and visualization methods with the aid of GPU and multi-core CPU. We have used this tool to visualize the data of SIP-CESE MHD model in real time, and integrated the Database Model of shock arrival, Shock Propagation Model, Dst forecasting model and SIP-CESE MHD model developed by SIGMA Weather Group at State Key Laboratory of Space Weather/CAS.

  20. Does adoption of electronic health records improve organizational performances of hospital surgical units? Results from the French e-SI (PREPS-SIPS) study.


    Plantier, Morgane; Havet, Nathalie; Durand, Thierry; Caquot, Nicolas; Amaz, Camille; Philip, Irène; Biron, Pierre; Perrier, Lionel


    Electronic health records (EHR) are increasingly being adopted by healthcare systems worldwide. In France, the "Hôpital numérique 2012-2017" program was implemented as part of a strategic plan to modernize health information technology (HIT), including promotion of widespread EHR use. With significant upfront investment costs as well as ongoing operational expenses, it is important to assess this system in terms of its ability to result in improvements in hospital performances. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of EHR use on the organizational performances of acute care hospital surgical units throughout France. This retrospective study was based on data derived from three national databases for year the 2012: IPAQSS (Indicators of improvement in the quality and the management of healthcare, "IPAQSS"), Hospi-Diag (French hospital performance indicators), and the national accreditation database. National data and methodological support were provided by the French Ministry of Health (DGOS) and the French National Authority for Health (HAS). Multivariate linear models were used to assess four organizational performance indicators: the occupancy rate of surgical inpatient beds, operating room utilization, the activity per surgeon, and the activity per both nurse anesthetist and anesthesiologist which were dependent variables. Several independent variables were taken into account, including the degree of EHR use. The models revealed a significant positive impact of EHR use on operating room utilization and bed occupancy rates for surgical inpatient units. No significant association was found between the activity per surgeon or the activity per nurse anesthetist and anesthesiologist with EHR use. All four organizational performance indicators were impacted by the type of hospital, the geographical region, and the severity of the pathologies. We were able to verify the purported potential benefits of EHR use on the organizational performances of surgical

  1. ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology - Recent Developments and Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Megies, T.; Krischer, L.; Barsch, R.; Sales de Andrade, E.; Beyreuther, M.


    ObsPy ( is a community-driven, open-source project dedicated to building a bridge for seismology into the scientific Python ecosystem. It offersa) read and write support for essentially all commonly used waveform, station, and event metadata file formats with a unified interface,b) a comprehensive signal processing toolbox tuned to the needs of seismologists,c) integrated access to all large data centers, web services and databases, andd) convenient wrappers to legacy codes like libtau and evalresp.Python, currently the most popular language for teaching introductory computer science courses at top-ranked U.S. departments, is a full-blown programming language with the flexibility of an interactive scripting language. Its extensive standard library and large variety of freely available high quality scientific modules cover most needs in developing scientific processing workflows. Together with packages like NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, IPython, Pandas, lxml, and PyQt, ObsPy enables the construction of complete workflows in Python. These vary from reading locally stored data or requesting data from one or more different data centers through to signal analysis and data processing and on to visualizations in GUI and web applications, output of modified/derived data and the creation of publication-quality figures.ObsPy enjoys a large world-wide rate of adoption in the community. Applications successfully using it include time-dependent and rotational seismology, big data processing, event relocations, and synthetic studies about attenuation kernels and full-waveform inversions to name a few examples. All functionality is extensively documented and the ObsPy tutorial and gallery give a good impression of the wide range of possible use cases.We will present the basic features of ObsPy, new developments and applications, and a roadmap for the near future and discuss the sustainability of our open-source development model.

  2. Effects of stress from mine drainage on diversity, biomass, and function of primary producers in mountain streams

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Niyogi, Dev K.; Lewis, William M.; McKnight, Diane M.


    This paper proposes a hypothesis that relates biodi- versity, community biomass, and ecosystem func- tion to a gradient of stress. According to this hy- pothesis, biodiversity has a low threshold of response to stress, whereas biomass and function are stable or increase under low to moderate stress and decrease only under high stress. This hypothe- sis was tested by examining communities of pri- mary producers in streams under stress from mine drainage in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA. Mine drainage exerts chemical stress (low pH, dis- solved metals) as well as physical stress (deposition of metal oxides) on stream biota. Diversity of pri- mary producers was usually more sensitive to stress from mine drainage than community biomass (chlorophyll a) or primary production. Diversity was negatively related to all stresses from mine drainage, but it was especially low in streams with low pH or high concentration of dissolved zinc. Biomass and production were high in streams with only chemical stress, but they were often low in streams with physical stress caused by metal oxide deposition. Stream sites with aluminum oxide dep- osition usually had very little algal biomass. The rate of metal oxide deposition, presence of alumi- num oxides, and pH together explained 65% of the variation in biomass. The rate of net primary pro- duction was highly correlated with biomass and had a similar response to stress from mine drainage. Overall, chemical stresses (low pH, high concentra- tion of zinc) generally led to the hypothesized trends in our model of ecosystems under stress. Physical stress (deposition of metal oxides), how- ever, led to variable responses, and often decreased biomass and function even at low intensity, con- trary to the original hypothesis. Thus, the nature of ecosystem response to stress may differ for chemical and physical stresses

  3. Does adoption of electronic health records improve the quality of care management in France? Results from the French e-SI (PREPS-SIPS) study.


    Plantier, Morgane; Havet, Nathalie; Durand, Thierry; Caquot, Nicolas; Amaz, Camille; Biron, Pierre; Philip, Irène; Perrier, Lionel


    Electronic health records (EHR) are increasingly being adopted by healthcare systems worldwide. In France, the "Hôpital numérique 2012-2017" program was implemented as part of a strategic plan to modernize health information technology (HIT), including the promotion of widespread EHR use. With significant upfront investment costs as well as ongoing operational expenses, it is important to assess this system in terms of its ability to result in improvements in hospital performances. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of EHR use on the quality of care management in acute care hospitals throughout France. This retrospective study was based on data derived from three national databases for the year 2011: IPAQSS (indicators of improvement in the quality and the management of healthcare, "IPAQSS"), Hospi-Diag (French hospital performance indicators), and the national accreditation database. Several multivariate models were used to examine the association between the use of EHRs and specific EHR features with four quality indicators: the quality of patient record, the delay in sending information at hospital discharge, the pain status evaluation, and the nutritional status evaluation, while also adjusting for hospital characteristics. The models revealed a significant positive impact of EHR use on the four quality indicators. Additionally, they showed a differential impact according to the functionality of the element of the health record that was computerized. All four quality indicators were also impacted by the type of hospital, the geographical region, and the severity of the pathology. These results suggest that, to improve the quality of care management in hospitals, EHR adoption represents an important lever. They complete previous work dealing with EHR and the organizational performance of hospital surgical units. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. [State of homeostasis under administration of bear fat in rats with exogenous and endogenous thrombinemia].


    Kalashnikova, S P; Solovyov, V G


    In experimental studies on 448 rats treated with bear fat diet (0.08 ml/100 g body weight), the nature and mechanisms of influence of this additive on the process of blood coagulation in experimental thromboplastinemia of different origin has been studied. As a result of intravenous injection in the jugular vein of a suspension of thrombin (exog­enous thrombinemia) all clothingsee tests lengthened in the control animals (p<0.05): prothrombin time by 11.1%, activated partial thromboplastin time - by 13.4%, thrombin time by 16.8%. Fibrinogen fell by 1.9 fold, that was accompanied by increase of the level of soluble fibrin monomer complexes and reduce of activity of antithrombin III by 20.2%. At the same time severe thrombocytopenia developed with a relative increase in the num­ber of activated forms (by 73.1%). Consumption coagulopathy was also observed in rats treated with bear fat, but the potential of hemostatic cascade and anticoagulation system remained high (judging by the tests PTV, thrombin time and content of antithrombin III). Under endogenous thromboplastinemia caused by combined stress (hypothermia + physi­cal activity) in animals of the control group on the background of the shortening of the APTT (by 24.9%) and PTV (16.8%), RCMP concentration increased by 52% and activity of antithrombin III increased compensatory. There was an increase of platelet count, due to the activated forms. To 3 h signs of hypocoagulation aggravated even more. In animals treated with bear fat, the results of clothing tests did not differ from the original figures, and by 3 h, the majority of the indicators have reached their original values. The increase in platelet count has not been observed.

  5. PynPoint code for exoplanet imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amara, A.; Quanz, S. P.; Akeret, J.


    We announce the public release of PynPoint, a Python package that we have developed for analysing exoplanet data taken with the angular differential imaging observing technique. In particular, PynPoint is designed to model the point spread function of the central star and to subtract its flux contribution to reveal nearby faint companion planets. The current version of the package does this correction by using a principal component analysis method to build a basis set for modelling the point spread function of the observations. We demonstrate the performance of the package by reanalysing publicly available data on the exoplanet β Pictoris b, which consists of close to 24,000 individual image frames. We show that PynPoint is able to analyse this typical data in roughly 1.5 min on a Mac Pro, when the number of images is reduced by co-adding in sets of 5. The main computational work, the calculation of the Singular-Value-Decomposition, parallelises well as a result of a reliance on the SciPy and NumPy packages. For this calculation the peak memory load is 6 GB, which can be run comfortably on most workstations. A simpler calculation, by co-adding over 50, takes 3 s with a peak memory usage of 600 MB. This can be performed easily on a laptop. In developing the package we have modularised the code so that we will be able to extend functionality in future releases, through the inclusion of more modules, without it affecting the users application programming interface. We distribute the PynPoint package under GPLv3 licence through the central PyPI server, and the documentation is available online (

  6. Analysis of Clinical Cohort Data Using Nested Case-control and Case-cohort Sampling Designs. A Powerful and Economical Tool.


    Ohneberg, K; Wolkewitz, M; Beyersmann, J; Palomar-Martinez, M; Olaechea-Astigarraga, P; Alvarez-Lerma, F; Schumacher, M


    Sampling from a large cohort in order to derive a subsample that would be sufficient for statistical analysis is a frequently used method for handling large data sets in epidemiological studies with limited resources for exposure measurement. For clinical studies however, when interest is in the influence of a potential risk factor, cohort studies are often the first choice with all individuals entering the analysis. Our aim is to close the gap between epidemiological and clinical studies with respect to design and power considerations. Schoenfeld's formula for the number of events required for a Cox' proportional hazards model is fundamental. Our objective is to compare the power of analyzing the full cohort and the power of a nested case-control and a case-cohort design. We compare formulas for power for sampling designs and cohort studies. In our data example we simultaneously apply a nested case-control design with a varying number of controls matched to each case, a case cohort design with varying subcohort size, a random subsample and a full cohort analysis. For each design we calculate the standard error for estimated regression coefficients and the mean number of distinct persons, for whom covariate information is required. The formula for the power of a nested case-control design and the power of a case-cohort design is directly connected to the power of a cohort study using the well known Schoenfeld formula. The loss in precision of parameter estimates is relatively small compared to the saving in resources. Nested case-control and case-cohort studies, but not random subsamples yield an attractive alternative for analyzing clinical studies in the situation of a low event rate. Power calculations can be conducted straightforwardly to quantify the loss of power compared to the savings in the num-ber of patients using a sampling design instead of analyzing the full cohort.

  7. Lévitation magnétique par association d'aimants permanents et de supraconducteurs à haute température critique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hiebel, P.; Tixador, P.; Chaud, X.


    Since their discovery in the years 1986/87, the high critical temperature superconductors have reached nowadays performances interesting enough to conceive passive magnetic bearings and suspensions which would combined permanent magnets and naturally stable superconducting pellets. After underlining the principal factors that affect the superconductormagnet interaction, different experimental results are given about vertical and axial forces with some stiffness values. The magnetization curve of a superconductor help to understand the hysteretic behavior of the force as a function of the distance between superconductor and magnet. So called simple and hybrid structures of superconducting magnetic suspension are presented. Finally simple numerical simulations allow to draw some interesting conclusions about both geometry and best fitting structure of permanent magnets. Depuis leur découverte dans les années 1986/87, les supraconducteurs à haute température critique ont désormais atteint des performances intéressantes et rendent envisageables des paliers et suspensions magnétiques passives associant aimants permanents et pastilles supraconductrices naturellement stables. Après avoir indiqué les termes importants influençant l'interaction supraconducteur - aimant, différents relevés expérimentaux sont donnés pour les forces verticales et transversales avec quelques valeurs de raideurs. La courbe d'aimantation d'un supraconducteur permet de comprendre le comportement hystérétique de la force en fonction de la distance supraconducteur-aimant. Les structures dites simple et hybride des suspensions magnétiques supraconductrices sont présentées. Enfin quelques simulations numériques simples permettent de dégager quelques conclusions intéressantes quant aux géométries respectives et aux structures d'aimants permanents les mieux adaptées.

  8. An Eulerian two-phase flow model for sediment transport under realistic surface waves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsu, T. J.; Kim, Y.; Cheng, Z.; Chauchat, J.


    Wave-driven sediment transport is of major importance in driving beach morphology. However, the complex mechanisms associated with unsteadiness, free-surface effects, and wave-breaking turbulence have not been fully understood. Particularly, most existing models for sediment transport adopt bottom boundary layer approximation that mimics the flow condition in oscillating water tunnel (U-tube). However, it is well-known that there are key differences in sediment transport when comparing to large wave flume datasets, although the number of wave flume experiments are relatively limited regardless of its importance. Thus, a numerical model which can resolve the entire water column from the bottom boundary layer to the free surface can be a powerful tool. This study reports an on-going effort to better understand and quantify sediment transport under shoaling and breaking surface waves through the creation of open-source numerical models in the OpenFOAM framework. An Eulerian two-phase flow model, SedFoam (Cheng et al., 2017, Coastal Eng.) is fully coupled with a volume-of-fluid solver, interFoam/waves2Foam (Jacobsen et al., 2011, Int. J. Num. Fluid). The fully coupled model, named SedWaveFoam, regards the air and water phases as two immiscible fluids with the interfaces evolution resolved, and the sediment particles as dispersed phase. We carried out model-data comparisons with the large wave flume sheet flow data for nonbreaking waves reported by Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes (2002, J. Geophysical Res.) and good agreements were obtained for sediment concentration and net transport rate. By further simulating a case without free-surface (mimic U-tube condition), the effects of free-surface, most notably the boundary layer streaming effect on total transport, can be quantified.

  9. Steam tables for pure water as an ActiveX component in Visual Basic 6.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verma, Mahendra P.


    The IAPWS-95 formulation for the thermodynamic properties of pure water was implemented as an ActiveX component ( SteamTables) in Visual Basic 6.0. For input parameters as temperature ( T=190-2000 K) and pressure ( P=3.23×10 -8-10,000 MPa) the program SteamTables calculates the following properties: volume ( V), density ( D), compressibility factor ( Z0), internal energy ( U), enthalpy ( H), Gibbs free energy ( G), Helmholtz free energy ( A), entropy ( S), heat capacity at constant pressure ( Cp), heat capacity at constant volume ( Cv), coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE), isothermal compressibility ( Ziso), velocity of sound ( VelS), partial derivative of P with T at constant V (d Pd T), partial derivative of T with V at constant P (d Td V), partial derivative of V with P at constant T (d Vd P), Joule-Thomson coefficient ( JTC), isothermal throttling coefficient ( IJTC), viscosity ( Vis), thermal conductivity ( ThrmCond), surface tension ( SurfTen), Prandtl number ( PrdNum) and dielectric constant ( DielCons) for the liquid and vapor phases of pure water. It also calculates T as a function of P (or P as a function of T) along the sublimation, saturation and critical isochor curves, depending on the values of P (or T). The SteamTables can be incorporated in a program in any computer language, which supports object link embedding (OLE) in the Windows environment. An application of SteamTables is illustrated in a program in Visual Basic 6.0 to tabulate the values of the thermodynamic properties of water and vapor. Similarly, four functions, Temperature(Press), Pressure(Temp), State(Temp, Press) and WtrStmTbls(Temp, Press, Nphs, Nprop), where Temp, Press, Nphs and Nprop are temperature, pressure, phase number and property number, respectively, are written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to use the SteamTables in a workbook in MS-Excel.

  10. A combination of process of care and clinical target among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in general medical clinics and specialist diabetes clinics at hospital levels.


    Sieng, Sokha; Hurst, Cameron


    This study compares a combination of processes of care and clinical targets among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) between specialist diabetes clinics (SDCs) and general medical clinics (GMCs), and how differences between these two types of clinics differ with hospital type (community, provincial and regional). Type 2 diabetes mellitus patient medical records were collected from 595 hospitals (499 community, 70 provincial, 26 regional) in Thailand between April 1 to June 30, 2012 resulting in a cross-sectional sample of 26,860 patients. Generalized linear mixed modeling was conducted to examine associations between clinic type and quality of care. The outcome variables of interest were split into clinical targets and process of care. A subsequent subgroup analysis was conducted to examine if the nature of clinical target and process of care differences between GMCs and SDCs varied with hospital type (regional, provincial, community). Regardless of the types of hospitals (regional, provincial, or community) patients attending SDCs were considerably more likely to have eye and foot exam. In terms of larger hospitals (regional and provincial) patients attending SDCs were more likely to achieve HbA1c exam, All FACE exam, BP target, and the Num7Q. Interestingly, SDCs performed better than GMCs at only provincial hospitals for LDL-C target and the All7Q. Finally, patients with T2DM who attended community hospital-GMCs had a better chance of achieving the blood pressure target than patients who attended community hospital-SDCs. Specialized diabetes clinics outperform general medical clinics for both regional and provincial hospitals for all quality of care indicators and the number of quality of care indicators achieved was never lower. However, this better performance of SDC was not observed in community hospital. Indeed, GMCs outperformed SDCs for some quality of care indicators in the community level setting.

  11. Modèle tridimensionnel pour coupler les équations magnétiques et électriques dans le cas de la magnétostatique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Piriou, F.; Razek, A.


    In this paper a 3D model for coupling of magnetic and electric equations is presented. The magnetic equations are solved with the help of finite element method using the magnetic vector potential formulation. To take into account the effects of magnetic saturation we use the Newton-Raphson algorithm. We develop the analysis permitting the coupling of magnetic and electric equations to obtain a difrerential system equations which can be solved with numerical integration. As example we model an iron core coil and the validity of our model is verified by a comparison of the obtained results with an analytical solution and a 2D code calculation. Dans cet article est présenté un modèle 3D qui permet de coupler les équations magnétiques et électriques. Les équations magnétiques sont résolues à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis en utilisant une formulation en potentiel vecteur magnétique. Dans le modèle proposé les effets de la saturation du circuit magnétique sont pris en compte en utilisant l'algorithme de Newton-Raphson. On montre comment relier les équations magnétiques avec celles du circuit électrique pour aboutir à un système d'équations différentielles que l'on résout avec une intégration numérique. A titre d'exemple on modélise une bobine à noyau ferromagnétique et pour montrer la validité du modèle on compare les résultats obtenus avec une solution analytique et un code de calcul 2D.

  12. State variation in primary care physician supply: implications for health reform Medicaid expansions.


    Cunningham, Peter J


    Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Medicaid enrollment is expected to grow by 16 million people by 2019, an increase of more than 25 percent. Given the unwillingness of many primary care physicians (PCPs) to treat new Medicaid patients, policy makers and others are concerned about adequate primary care capacity to meet the increased demand. States with the smallest number of PCPs per capita overall--gen­erally in the South and Mountain West--potentially will see the largest per­centage increases in Medicaid enrollment, according to a new national study by the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC). In contrast, states with the largest number of PCPs per capita--primarily in the Northeast--will see more modest increases in Medicaid enrollment. Moreover, geograph­ic differences in PCP acceptance of new Medicaid patients reflect differences in overall PCP supply, not geographic differences in PCPs' willingness to treat Medicaid patients. The law also increases Medicaid reimbursement rates for certain services provided by primary care physicians to 100 percent of Medicare rates in 2013 and 2014. However, the reimbursement increases are likely to have the greatest impact in states that already have a large number of PCPs accepting Medicaid patients. In fact, the percent increase of PCPs accepting Medicaid patients in these states is likely to exceed the percent increase of new Medicaid enrollees. The reimbursement increases will have much less impact in states with a relatively small number of PCPs accepting Medicaid patients now because many of these states already reimburse primary care at rates close to or exceeding 100 percent of Medicare. As a result, growth in Medicaid enrollment in these states will greatly outpace growth in the num­ber of primary care physicians willing to treat new Medicaid patients.

  13. In vitro dissolution profile of two commercially available iron preparations.


    Patrício, José P H; Santos, Cristina; Cerdeira, Rui


    Current scientific evidence indicates that anemia in pregnancy, regardless of severity, is associated with an increased risk of maternal and fetal mortality. There is little published information about the bioavailability and bioequivalence of formulations containing both iron and folic acid. However, in vitro dissolution studies can provide important information on the likely relative bioavailability of various formulations. The objective of our study was to compare the in vitro dissolution of two similar commercially available formulations of iron- and folic acid-containing supplements, Folifer® (Bialport - Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A., Portugal) and Ferroliver® (SM Pharma c.a., Venezuela), in order to determine the in vitro availability of their iron content. Folifer® and Ferroliver® were chosen because they contained similar amounts of elemental iron. The amount of iron released from each tablet was evaluated over a 4-hour period in three dissolution media replicating gastric or intestinal juices with pH values ranging from 1.5 to 6.9. The samples were then titrated with a solution of cerium ammonium sulfate in order to calculate the amount of iron released in each specific pH condition. The percentage of dissolved iron was calculated as a cumulative frequency, using the percentage of dissolved iron at all timepoints. The dissolution similarity between the two commercially available formulations was evaluated using the &U0192;(2) statistic formula. During a 4-hour dissolution test, Folifer® released 59.4 mg of iron compared with 48.5 mg released by Ferroliver®. The value obtained for the similarity factor, an indicator of likely bioequivalence, was 41. These data suggest that Folifer® releases more iron than Ferroliver®, and that the two formulations are not equivalent in vitro. The superior dissolution of ferrous sulfate with Folifer® compared with ferrous fumarate in Ferroliver® might be responsible for the observed difference.

  14. In vitro biocompatibility, inflammatory response, and osteogenic potential of 4 root canal sealers: Sealapex, Sankin apatite root sealer, MTA Fillapex, and iRoot SP root canal sealer.


    Chang, Seok-Woo; Lee, So-Youn; Kang, Soo-Kyung; Kum, Kee-Yeon; Kim, Eun-Cheol


    The objective of this study was to compare the cytotoxicity, inflammatory response, osteogenic effect, and the signaling mechanism of these biologic activities of 4 calcium compound-based root canal sealers (ie, Sealapex [Sybron Kerr, WA], apatite root sealer [ARS; Dentsply Sankin, Tokyo, Japan], MTA Fillapex [Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, PR, Brazil], and iRoot SP [Innovative BioCreamix Inc, Vancouver, Canada]) in human periodontal ligament cells. Cytotoxicity was assessed using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. Levels of inflammatory mediators were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, and Western blot analysis. Osteogenic potential was evaluated by alkaline phosphatase activity, alizarin red staining, and marker genes by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. The signal transduction pathways were examined by Western blotting. None of the sealers were cytotoxic. ARS, MTA Fillapex, and iRoot SP induced a lower expression of proinflammatory mediators than Sealapex. All sealers increased ALP activity and the formation of mineralized nodules and up-regulated the expression of osteoblastic marker messenger RNA. ARS, MTA Fillapex, and iRoot SP showed superior osteogenic potential compared with Sealapex. The expression and/or activation of integrin receptors and downstream signaling molecules, including focal adhesion kinase, paxillin, Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and nuclear factor κB, was induced by ARS, MTA Fillapex, and iRoot SP treatment but not by Sealapex treatment. We show for the first time that ARS, MTA Fillapex, and iRoot SP induce a lower expression of inflammatory mediators and enhance osteoblastic differentiation of PDLCs via the integrin-mediated signaling pathway compared with Sealapex. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Tissue reactions to a new mineral trioxide aggregate-containing endodontic sealer.


    Tavares, Cauana Oliva; Böttcher, Daiana Elisabeth; Assmann, Eloísa; Kopper, Patrícia Maria Poli; de Figueiredo, José Antônio Poli; Grecca, Fabiana Soares; Scarparo, Roberta Kochenborger


    The purpose of this study was to analyze the connective tissue reactions to MTA Fillapex (Ângelus Indústria de Produtos Odontlógicos Ltda, Londrina, Brazil) compared with a zinc oxide-based sealer (EndoFill; Dentsply Indústria e Comérico Ltda, Petrópolis, Brazil) and an epoxy resin-based material (AH Plus; Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany) in Wistar rats. Polyethylene tubes containing the test materials and empty polyethylene tubes (control) were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of 12 rats. Empty tubes were used as a negative control. After 7 and 60 days (n = 6 per period), observations were made for cellular inflammatory components, fibrous condensation, and abscess formation. Comparisons among the groups and between the experimental periods were made using 2-way analysis of variance and the Bonferroni post hoc test (P < .05). At the end of the 7-day experimental period, all sealers scored higher than the control group for the variable lymphocytes, and MTA Fillapex presented lower fiber condensation compared with empty tubes. After 60 days, macrophages and lymphocytes scored significantly higher for MTA Fillapex and EndoFill compared with the negative control, and AH Plus showed similar results related to the empty tubes. Comparing the materials' responses at the end of the 2 evaluated periods, for EndoFill samples the variable neutrophils was detected less after 60 days. Both EndoFill and MTA Fillapex presented increased fiber condensation after 60 days. Although none of the sealers promoted ideal tissue responses, AH Plus presented the best outcomes. Although MTA Fillapex contains MTA powder, it presented no biocompatibility advantages when compared with AH Plus and EndoFill. Copyright © 2013 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. In vitro cytotoxicity of calcium silicate-containing endodontic sealers.


    Zhou, Hui-min; Du, Tian-feng; Shen, Ya; Wang, Zhe-jun; Zheng, Yu-feng; Haapasalo, Markus


    The cytotoxicity of 2 novel calcium silicate-containing endodontic sealers to human gingival fibroblasts was studied. EndoSequence BC (Brasseler, Savannah, GA), MTA Fillapex (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, PR, Brazil) and a control sealer (AH Plus; Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany) were evaluated. Human gingival fibroblasts were incubated for 3 days both with the extracts from fresh and set materials in culture medium and cultured on the surface of the set materials in Dulbecco-modified Eagle medium. Fibroblasts cultured in Dulbecco-modified Eagle medium were used as a control group. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by flow cytometry, and the adhesion of the fibroblasts to the surface of the set materials was assessed using scanning electron microscopy. The data of cell cytotoxicity were analyzed statistically using a 1-way analysis of variance test at a significance level of P < .05. Cells incubated with extracts from BC Sealer showed higher viabilities at all extract concentrations than cells incubated with extracts from freshly mixed AH Plus and fresh and set MTA Fillapex, esspecially for the high extract concentrations (1:2 and 1:8 dilutions). Extracts from set MTA Fillapex of 2 weeks and older were more cytotoxic than extracts from freshly mixed and 1-week-old cement. With extract concentrations of 1:32 and lower, MTA Fillapex was no longer cytotoxic. After setting, AH Plus was no longer cytotoxic, and the fibroblast cells grew on set AH Plus equally as well as on BC Sealer. BC Sealer and MTA Fillapex, the 2 calcium silicate-containing endodontic sealers, exhibited different cytotoxicity to human gingival fibroblasts. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation in Suzhou City, China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Chongxi; Pei, Shunping; Jiao, Jiu Jimmy


    in pumping rates on the basis of the spatial distribution of the thick mud layer could significantly reduce the ground settlement. Résumé. La ville de Suzhou, située dans la basse vallée du fleuve Yangtsé dans le sud-est de la province de Jiangsu, est l'une des rares villes de Chine qui souffrent cruellement de tassements du sol. Un projet de recherche a été mené pour étudier ce problème. Des études géologiques et hydrogéologiques montrent qu'il existe un système aquifère multicouche constitué de trois niveaux distincts de limons non consolidés d'origine marine et lagunaire. Un examen des historiques des prélèvements d'eau souterraine, des niveaux de nappe et des tassements de sol montrent que la subsidence du sol est associée à des prélèvements continuellement croissants d'eau souterraine dans l'aquifère captif profond. On pense que le compactage des couches limoneuses non consolidées, en particulier de la troisième couche qui est épaisse et proche du principal aquifère pompé, contribue aux tassements du sol. Un modèle numérique aux différences finies en trois dimensions, représentant l'aquifère multicouche, a été réalisé pour étudier les tassements du sol en réponse aux prélèvements d'eau souterraine. Les paramètres de l'aquifère ont été estimés par calibration du modèle au moyen à la fois des niveaux piézométriques et des tassements du sol. Les résultats de la simulation s'ajustent convenablement aux résultats observés, ce qui indique que le modèle numérique peut reproduire les processus dynamiques aussi bien des écoulements souterrains que de compactage du sol. La conductivité hydraulique de la troisième couche de limon non consolidé au voisinage du centre du tassement de sol a été réduit de plus de 30% au cours des 14 dernières années. La dégradation progressive de la conductivité hydraulique du limon peut avoir un effet significatif néfaste sur la pérennité de la ressource en eau souterraine

  18. Uma análise do fenômeno “alternância de línguas” na fala de bilíngues intermodais (Libras e Português)

    PubMed Central

    de Sousa, Aline Nunes; de Quadros, Ronice Müller


    Um interessante fenômeno lingüístico presente nas interações das pessoas bilíngues é a alternância de línguas. Neste trabalho, estamos investigando a alternância entre a língua portuguesa oral e a língua de sinais brasileira – Libras, numa mesma cadeia enunciativa, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar o uso dessa alternância na fala de uma criança e de um adulto (ambos ouvintes, filhos de pais surdos), interagindo em uma situação de bilinguismo intermodal, com interlocutores surdos e ouvintes. A alternância de línguas, nesse caso, ocorre quando se para de falar em português e se alterna para sinalizar. O presente trabalho se caracteriza como um estudo inicial, com análise qualitativa de dados. Fazem parte do nosso corpus nove sessões de interações em Libras e em português oral, gravadas em vídeo, que fazem parte do Projeto Desenvolvimento Bilíngue Bimodal da UFSC. Os dados revelam que as características da alternância de línguas pelo adulto e pela criança parecem ter semelhanças e diferenças. O sujeito adulto parece ter feito um uso da alternância mais preocupado com o curso da interação. A criança, por sua vez, não parece tê-la usado com propósitos pragmáticos específicos. Quanto à extensão das alternâncias, pode-se perceber que tanto a criança quanto o adulto utilizaram enunciados maiores do que uma única palavra isolada. O papel dos interlocutores parece ter sido decisivo nas interações aqui investigadas – especialmente nas do adulto, já que a criança ainda está em processo de tomada de consciência do papel do interlocutor na interação. PMID:24379831

  19. PLATINO, a nine-year follow-up study of COPD in the city of São Paulo, Brazil: the problem of underdiagnosis*

    PubMed Central

    Moreira, Graciane Laender; Manzano, Beatriz Martins; Gazzotti, Mariana Rodrigues; Nascimento, Oliver Augusto; Perez-Padilla, Rogelio; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Jardim, José Roberto


    OBJECTIVE: To determine the underdiagnosis rate in new COPD cases at the end of a nine-year follow-up period-in the study designated "Projeto Latino-Americano de Investigação em Obstrução Pulmonar" (PLATINO, Latin-American Pulmonary Obstruction Investigation Project)-and compare that with the underdiagnosis rate during the initial phase of the study, as well as to identify the clinical features exhibited by the subjects who were not diagnosed until the end of the follow-up phase. METHODS: The study population comprised the 1,000 residents of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, who took part in the PLATINO study. Of those, 613 participated in the follow-up phase, during which the subjects were assessed with the same instruments and equipment employed in the initial phase of the study. We used the chi-square test or the independent sample t-test to analyze the underdiagnosis rate and to identify the characteristics of the subjects who were not diagnosed until the end of the follow-up phase. RESULTS: The underdiagnosis rate for new COPD cases at the end of the nine-year follow-up period was 70.0%. The underdiagnosis rate during the follow-up phase was 17.5% lower than that reported for the initial phase of the study. The subjects who were not diagnosed until the end of the follow-up phase presented with fewer respiratory symptoms, better pulmonary function, and less severe disease than did those previously diagnosed with COPD. CONCLUSIONS: The underdiagnosis rate for new COPD cases was lower in the follow-up phase of the study than in the initial phase. The subjects who were not diagnosed until the end of the follow-up phase of the PLATINO study presented with the same clinical profile as did those who were not diagnosed in the initial phase. These findings underscore the need for spirometry in order to confirm the diagnosis of COPD and provide early intervention. PMID:24626267

  20. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    corriente no circulares perturba significativamente el movimiento de las partículas alrededor del Sol e incrementa su vida media en la Nebulosa. El flujo medio del gas se modela de forma simple, analizándose la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas mediante simulaciones numéricas. Al incrementarse la vida media y la densidad superficial de las partículas sólidas, los mecanismos de confinamiento derivados de la presencia de vórtices y ondas espirales actuan sobre el material sólido de la Nebulosa (mediante agregación colisional o inestabilidades gravitacionales) de manera mucho más eficiente que la previamente considerada. Esto ofrece nuevas posibilidades para la formación de planetesimales y núcleos de planetas gigantes, y puede explicar la formación rápida de planetas extrasolares gigantes. Además, esta Tesis analiza la respuesta de las partículas, en un disco protoplanetario con un radio de 100 UA en torno a una estrella de tipo solar, al campo gravitatorio derivado de la presencia de dos estrellas compañeras ligadas en una órbita relativamente elongada (300-1600 UA). Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se han realizado una serie de simulaciones numéricas de configuraciones jerárquicas coplanares utilizando un programa FORTRAN que integra directamente las ecuaciones del movimiento con el objeto de modelar la presencia de las fuerzas gravitacionales y viscosas. El disco protoplanetario masivo se encuentra en torno a una de las componentes de la binaria. La evolución temporal del subdisco de polvo depende directamente de la naturaleza (directa o retrógrada) de la revolución relativa de la compañera estelar, y de la temperatura y la masa del disco circunestelar.

  1. Assessment of the nursing care product (APROCENF): a reliability and construct validity study.


    Cucolo, Danielle Fabiana; Perroca, Márcia Galan


    to verify the reliability and construct validity estimates of the "Assessment of nursing care product" scale (APROCENF) and its applicability. this validation study included a sample of 40 (inter-rater reliability) and 172 (construct validity) assessments performed by nurses at the end of the work shift at nine inpatient services of a teaching hospital in the Brazilian Southeast. The data were collected between February and September/2014 with interruptions. Cronbach's alpha and Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated, as well as the intraclass correlation and the weighted kappa index (inter-rater reliability). Exploratory factor analysis was used with principal component extraction and varimax rotation (construct validity). the internal consistency revealed an alpha coefficient of 0.85, item-item correlation ranging between 0.13 and 0.61 and item-total correlation between 0.43 and 0.69. Inter-rater equivalence was obtained and all items evidenced significant factor loadings. this research evidenced the reliability and construct validity of the scale to assess the nursing care product. Its application in nursing practice permits identifying improvements needed in the production process, contributing to management and care decisions. verificar as estimativas de confiabilidade e validade de construto da escala "Avaliação do produto do cuidar em enfermagem" (APROCENF) e sua aplicabilidade. este estudo de validação incluiu em sua amostra 40 (confiabilidade interavaliadores) e 172 (validade de construto) avaliações realizadas por enfermeiros ao final do turno de trabalho em nove unidades de internação de um hospital universitário do sudeste brasileiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre fevereiro e setembro de 2014 de forma interrupta. Foram calculados os coeficientes alfa de Cronbach e correlação de Spearman (consistência interna), a correlação intraclasse e Kappa ponderado (confiabilidade interavaliadores) e a análise fatorial exploratória foi

  2. An Integrated Information System for Supporting Quality Management Tasks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beyer, N.; Helmreich, W.


    In a competitive environment, well defined processes become the strategic advantage of a company. Hence, targeted Quality Management ensures efficiency, trans- parency and, ultimately, customer satisfaction. In the particular context of a Space Test Centre, a num- ber of specific Quality Management standards have to be applied. According to the revision of ISO 9001 dur- ing 2000, and due to the adaptation of ECSS-Q20-07, process orientation and data analysis are key tasks for ensuring and evaluating the efficiency of a company's processes. In line with these requirements, an integrated management system for accessing the necessary infor- mation to support Quality Management and other proc- esses has been established. Some of its test-related fea- tures are presented here. Easy access to the integrated management system from any work place at IABG's Space Test Centre is ensured by means of an intranet portal. It comprises a full set of quality-related process descriptions, information on test facilities, emergency procedures, and other relevant in- formation. The portal's web interface provides direct access to a couple of external applications. Moreover, easy updating of all information and low cost mainte- nance are features of this integrated information system. The timely and transparent management of non- conformances is covered by a dedicated NCR database which incorporates full documentation capability, elec- tronic signature and e-mail notification of concerned staff. A search interface allows for queries across all documented non-conformances. Furthermore, print ver- sions can be generated at any stage in the process, e.g. for distribution to customers. Feedback on customer satisfaction is sought through a web-based questionnaire. The process is initiated by the responsible test manager through submission of an e- mail that contains a hyperlink to a secure website, ask- ing the customer to complete the brief online form, which is directly fed to a database

  3. Sobre a largura da última superfície de espalhamento

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nobre, M. A. S.; Pires, N.; Lima, J. A. S.


    De acordo com o modelo do "Big-Bang", no universo primordial a matéria estava em equilíbrio térmico com a radiação. Com a expansão a temperatura da radiação cai. Quando a temperatura chega em torno dos 4.000K, os espalhamentos diminuem, começando a recombinação dos prótons e elétrons em Hidrogênio neutro (era conhecida como da recombinação). Ao final da recombinação, os fótons se propagam livremente sofrendo, em princípio, somente os efeitos do "redshift" cosmológico. Esses fótons nos alcançam hoje como a radiação cósmica de fundo (RCF), e parecem vir de uma superfície esférica ao nosso redor, tal que o raio dela é a distância que ele viajou desde seu último espalhamento na época da recombinação. Naturalmente, esse processo não ocorreu abruptamente, implicando na existência de uma largura no espaço dos "redshifts" que deve depender do modelo cosmológico específico e dos processos físicos considerados. Neste trabalho analisamos os efeitos de diferentes modelos - a saber, aqueles com decaimento do vácuo L(t), criação de matéria, quintessência e gás de Chaplygin - sobre a última superfície de espalhamento da RCF, em particular sua largura e a função visibilidade, que determina a probabilidade de um fóton ter tido seu último espalhamento num "redshift" z. No caso particular dos modelos com decaimento do vácuo, existe uma forte dependência da função visibilidade com L(t). Tais efeitos poderão ser testados através da análise dos resultados de experimentos mais precisos que estão atualmente em andamento, como por exemplo, o WMAP.

  4. SpacePy - a Python-based library of tools for the space sciences

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Morley, Steven K; Welling, Daniel T; Koller, Josef

    Space science deals with the bodies within the solar system and the interplanetary medium; the primary focus is on atmospheres and above - at Earth the short timescale variation in the the geomagnetic field, the Van Allen radiation belts and the deposition of energy into the upper atmosphere are key areas of investigation. SpacePy is a package for Python, targeted at the space sciences, that aims to make basic data analysis, modeling and visualization easier. It builds on the capabilities of the well-known NumPy and MatPlotLib packages. Publication quality output direct from analyses is emphasized. The SpacePy project seeks tomore » promote accurate and open research standards by providing an open environment for code development. In the space physics community there has long been a significant reliance on proprietary languages that restrict free transfer of data and reproducibility of results. By providing a comprehensive, open-source library of widely used analysis and visualization tools in a free, modern and intuitive language, we hope that this reliance will be diminished. SpacePy includes implementations of widely used empirical models, statistical techniques used frequently in space science (e.g. superposed epoch analysis), and interfaces to advanced tools such as electron drift shell calculations for radiation belt studies. SpacePy also provides analysis and visualization tools for components of the Space Weather Modeling Framework - currently this only includes the BATS-R-US 3-D magnetohydrodynamic model and the RAM ring current model - including streamline tracing in vector fields. Further development is currently underway. External libraries, which include well-known magnetic field models, high-precision time conversions and coordinate transformations are wrapped for access from Python using SWIG and f2py. The rest of the tools have been implemented directly in Python. The provision of open-source tools to perform common tasks will provide openness in

  5. An Interactive Web-Based Analysis Framework for Remote Sensing Cloud Computing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, X. Z.; Zhang, H. M.; Zhao, J. H.; Lin, Q. H.; Zhou, Y. C.; Li, J. H.


    Spatiotemporal data, especially remote sensing data, are widely used in ecological, geographical, agriculture, and military research and applications. With the development of remote sensing technology, more and more remote sensing data are accumulated and stored in the cloud. An effective way for cloud users to access and analyse these massive spatiotemporal data in the web clients becomes an urgent issue. In this paper, we proposed a new scalable, interactive and web-based cloud computing solution for massive remote sensing data analysis. We build a spatiotemporal analysis platform to provide the end-user with a safe and convenient way to access massive remote sensing data stored in the cloud. The lightweight cloud storage system used to store public data and users' private data is constructed based on open source distributed file system. In it, massive remote sensing data are stored as public data, while the intermediate and input data are stored as private data. The elastic, scalable, and flexible cloud computing environment is built using Docker, which is a technology of open-source lightweight cloud computing container in the Linux operating system. In the Docker container, open-source software such as IPython, NumPy, GDAL, and Grass GIS etc., are deployed. Users can write scripts in the IPython Notebook web page through the web browser to process data, and the scripts will be submitted to IPython kernel to be executed. By comparing the performance of remote sensing data analysis tasks executed in Docker container, KVM virtual machines and physical machines respectively, we can conclude that the cloud computing environment built by Docker makes the greatest use of the host system resources, and can handle more concurrent spatial-temporal computing tasks. Docker technology provides resource isolation mechanism in aspects of IO, CPU, and memory etc., which offers security guarantee when processing remote sensing data in the IPython Notebook. Users can write

  6. Espectroscopia de candidatos a remanescentes de aglomerados abertos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pavani, D. B.; Bica, E.; Ahumada, A. V.; Clariá, J. J.


    A pesquisa sobre remanescentes de aglomerados abertos tem despertado grande interesse. Seguindo esta tendência encontramos estudos teóricos e observacionais. Os primeiros baseiam-se em simulações numéricas buscando determinar fração de binárias e distâncias galatocêntricas, tempo de vida e conteúdo estelar. Estes estão relacionados à função inicial de massa e densidade de estrelas, ou seja, se ricos ou pobremente povoados, compactos ou esparsos. No caso observacional procuram-se identificar os remanescentes considerando-se que trazem estas assinaturas de seus percursores. No presente estudo empregamos espectroscopia para analisar oito concentrações pobremente povoadas, previamente classificadas como aglomerados abertos, sendo sete compactas e uma esparsa. As observações foram obtidas através do telescópio de 2,15 m do CASLEO em San Juan, Argentina, em turnos entre 2001 e 2003. Utilizamos uma câmara CCD contendo um chip Tektronics de 1024X1024 pixeis aliado a um espectrógrafo REOSC. O domínio espectral vai de 3700 a 7000 Å. As reduções foram realizadas no Observatório Astronômico de Córdoba (Argentina) usando pacotes IRAF padrões. Determinamos idades, avermelhamentos e tipos espectrais através de comparações com biblioteca de estrelas e de aglomerados. Em alguns casos nossos espectros estavam dominados por estrelas individuais às quais determinamos seus tipos espectrais. Aos oito objetos adicionamos mais cinco da literatura recente analisados via espectro ou diagrama cor-magnitude. O histograma resultante contém idades típicas entre 0.5 e 3 Ganos. Considerando que predominantemente estes objetos encontram-se na vizinhança solar e, portanto, não cruzaram muitas vezes o plano Galático esperamos que a diferença no tempo necessário para dissolução destes prováveis remanescentes seja em função de diferentes massas iniciais.

  7. Mining industry enters a new era of AIDS prevention. Eye witness: South Africa.


    Heywood, M


    Miners in South Africa are now more at risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) than of being in a mining accident. Some epidemiologists predict that the mines could be experiencing 12,000-40,000 deaths related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by 2010. In 1986, HIV infection among mineworkers was 1/3500. Gencor medical personnel now estimate that 20% of the company's employees are HIV-positive and that 30 workers are dying of AIDS each month. In August 1995, the Chamber of Mines, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a seminar to discuss the potential impact of the epidemic; it was followed by a workshop, "Research Needs and Priorities for the Management of HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Mining Industry," which was organized by the Epidemiology Unit in Johannesburg. Although the seminar invited no people with HIV, mineworkers, or government representatives, the workshop did; however, no representatives of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), or the Chamber of Mines, came. In spite of this, a new, holistic approach to HIV-prevention is emerging in the mining sector. A decade of education has not changed risk behaviors, so more emphasis will be placed on outreach programs to the communities, including the prostitutes, with which the miners interact, and on treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The mining sector is in a unique position to fight HIV because it already has an extensive medical infrastructure with the capacity to treat STDs effectively, a unionized workforce to provide a pool of peer educators, and recruitment agencies to extend HIV-prevention into rural areas. Obstacles to effective HIV/AIDS education include discrimination (Workers are tested for HIV without consent, and dismissed, if found to be positive, regardless of union agreements.); a psychological factor that is related to underground work and produces recklessness; poor living conditions; and illiteracy. Many myths remain about

  8. ARC: An open-source library for calculating properties of alkali Rydberg atoms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Šibalić, N.; Pritchard, J. D.; Adams, C. S.; Weatherill, K. J.


    We present an object-oriented Python library for the computation of properties of highly-excited Rydberg states of alkali atoms. These include single-body effects such as dipole matrix elements, excited-state lifetimes (radiative and black-body limited) and Stark maps of atoms in external electric fields, as well as two-atom interaction potentials accounting for dipole and quadrupole coupling effects valid at both long and short range for arbitrary placement of the atomic dipoles. The package is cross-referenced to precise measurements of atomic energy levels and features extensive documentation to facilitate rapid upgrade or expansion by users. This library has direct application in the field of quantum information and quantum optics which exploit the strong Rydberg dipolar interactions for two-qubit gates, robust atom-light interfaces and simulating quantum many-body physics, as well as the field of metrology using Rydberg atoms as precise microwave electrometers. Program Files doi: Licensing provisions: BSD-3-Clause Programming language: Python 2.7 or 3.5, with C extension External Routines: NumPy [1], SciPy [1], Matplotlib [2] Nature of problem: Calculating atomic properties of alkali atoms including lifetimes, energies, Stark shifts and dipole-dipole interaction strengths using matrix elements evaluated from radial wavefunctions. Solution method: Numerical integration of radial Schrödinger equation to obtain atomic wavefunctions, which are then used to evaluate dipole matrix elements. Properties are calculated using second order perturbation theory or exact diagonalisation of the interaction Hamiltonian, yielding results valid even at large external fields or small interatomic separation. Restrictions: External electric field fixed to be parallel to quantisation axis. Supplementary material: Detailed documentation (.html), and Jupyter notebook with examples and benchmarking runs (.html and .ipynb). [1] T.E. Oliphant

  9. The Martian rotation from Doppler measurements: Simulations of future radioscience experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Péters, Marie-Julie; Yseboodt, Marie; Dehant, Véronique; Le Maistre, Sebastien; Marty, Jean-Charles


    The radioscience experiment onboard the future InSight and ExoMars missions consists in two-way Doppler shift measurement from a X-band radio link between a lander on Mars and the ground stations on Earth. The Doppler effect on the radio signal is related to the revolution of the planets around the Sun and to the variations of the orientation and the rotation of Mars. The variations of the orientation of the rotation axis are the precession and nutations, related to the deep interior of Mars and the variations of the rotation rate are the length-of-day variation, related to the dynamic of the atmosphere.We perform numerical simulations of the Doppler measurements in order to quantify the precision that can be achieved on the determination of the Mars rotation and orientation parameters (MOP). For this purpose, we use the GINS (Géodésie par Intégrations Numériques Simultanées) software developed by the CNES and further adapted at the Royal Observatory of Belgium for planetary geodesy applications. This software enables to simulate the relative motion of the lander at the surface of Mars relative to the ground stations and to compute the MOP signature on the Doppler shift. The signature is the difference between the Doppler observable estimated taking into account a MOP and the Doppler estimated without this parameter.The objective is to build a strategy to be applied to future data processing in order to improve our estimation of the MOP. We study the effect of the elevation of the Earth in the sky of the lander, of the tracking duration and number of pass per week, of the tracking time, of the lander position and of Doppler geometry on the signatures. Indeed, due to the geometry, the Doppler data are highly sensitive to the position variations along the line of sight.

  10. Constaints on Lorentz symmetry violations using lunar laser ranging observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bourgoin, Adrien


    General Relativity (GR) and the standard model of particle physics provide a comprehensive description of the four interactions of nature. A quantum gravity theory is expected to merge these two pillars of modern physics. From unification theories, such a combination would lead to a breaking of fundamental symmetry appearing in both GR and the standard model of particle physics as the Lorentz symmetry. Lorentz symmetry violations in all fields of physics can be parametrized by an effective field theory framework called the standard-model extension (SME). Local Lorentz Invariance violations in the gravitational sector should impact the orbital motion of bodies inside the solar system, such as the Moon. Thus, the accurate lunar laser ranging (LLR) data can be analyzed in order to study precisely the lunar motion to look for irregularities. For this purpose, ELPN (Ephéméride Lunaire Parisienne Numérique), a new lunar ephemeris has been integrated in the SME framework. This new numerical solution of the lunar motion provides time series dated in temps dynamique barycentrique (TDB). Among that series, we mention the barycentric position and velocity of the Earth-Moon vector, the lunar libration angles, the time scale difference between the terrestrial time and TDB and partial derivatives integrated from variational equations. ELPN predictions have been used to analyzed LLR observations. In the GR framework, the residuals standard deviations has turned out to be the same order of magnitude compare to those of INPOP13b and DE430 ephemerides. In the framework of the minimal SME, LLR data analysis provided constraints on local Lorentz invariance violations. Spetial attention was paid to analyze uncertainties to provide the most realistic constraints. Therefore, in a first place, linear combinations of SME coefficients have been derived and fitted to LLR observations. In a second time, realistic uncertainties have been determined with a resampling method. LLR data

  11. The Ophidia Stack: Toward Large Scale, Big Data Analytics Experiments for Climate Change

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fiore, S.; Williams, D. N.; D'Anca, A.; Nassisi, P.; Aloisio, G.


    The Ophidia project is a research effort on big data analytics facing scientific data analysis challenges in multiple domains (e.g. climate change). It provides a "datacube-oriented" framework responsible for atomically processing and manipulating scientific datasets, by providing a common way to run distributive tasks on large set of data fragments (chunks). Ophidia provides declarative, server-side, and parallel data analysis, jointly with an internal storage model able to efficiently deal with multidimensional data and a hierarchical data organization to manage large data volumes. The project relies on a strong background on high performance database management and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems to manage large scientific datasets. The Ophidia analytics platform provides several data operators to manipulate datacubes (about 50), and array-based primitives (more than 100) to perform data analysis on large scientific data arrays. To address interoperability, Ophidia provides multiple server interfaces (e.g. OGC-WPS). From a client standpoint, a Python interface enables the exploitation of the framework into Python-based eco-systems/applications (e.g. IPython) and the straightforward adoption of a strong set of related libraries (e.g. SciPy, NumPy). The talk will highlight a key feature of the Ophidia framework stack: the "Analytics Workflow Management System" (AWfMS). The Ophidia AWfMS coordinates, orchestrates, optimises and monitors the execution of multiple scientific data analytics and visualization tasks, thus supporting "complex analytics experiments". Some real use cases related to the CMIP5 experiment will be discussed. In particular, with regard to the "Climate models intercomparison data analysis" case study proposed in the EU H2020 INDIGO-DataCloud project, workflows related to (i) anomalies, (ii) trend, and (iii) climate change signal analysis will be presented. Such workflows will be distributed across multiple sites - according to the

  12. Análise dos fatores de risco relacionados às amputações maiores e menores de membros inferiores em hospital terciário

    PubMed Central

    de Jesus-Silva, Seleno Glauber; de Oliveira, João Pedro; Brianezi, Matheus Henrique Colepicolo; Silva, Melissa Andreia de Moraes; Krupa, Arturo Eduardo; Cardoso, Rodolfo Souza


    Resumo Contexto As amputações dos membros inferiores, sejam definidas como maiores ou menores, são um grave problema de saúde, com altos índices de morbimortalidade e de relevante impacto social. Diferentes características clínicas dos pacientes parecem estar relacionadas aos diferentes tipos de amputação realizados. Objetivos Analisar os fatores de risco presentes em pacientes submetidos a amputações de membros inferiores em hospital terciário. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo, transversal, envolvendo 109 pacientes submetidos a amputação de membro inferior em um período de 31 meses, através da análise de gênero e idade, 15 dados clínicos e cinco parâmetros laboratoriais presentes no momento da admissão. Os dados foram submetidos a estatística descritiva e comparativa através do teste t de Student não pareado (para variáveis numéricas), e dos testes de Mann-Whitney e exato de Fisher (para variáveis categóricas). Resultados Das 109 amputações realizadas, 59 foram maiores e 50 menores. A maioria dos pacientes era do gênero masculino (65%), e a média de idade foi de 65 anos (mín. 39, máx. 93). Dentre os fatores de risco observados, idade avançada, acidente vascular encefálico, isquemia, sepse e níveis baixos de hemoglobina e hematócrito estavam estatisticamente mais relacionados às amputações maiores (p < 0,05). Diabetes melito, neuropatia e pulsos distais palpáveis foram fatores mais associados às amputações menores. Conclusões Os níveis das amputações de membros inferiores estão relacionados a diferentes fatores de risco. Os quadros isquêmicos mais graves e de maior morbidade estiveram associados a amputações maiores, enquanto a neuropatia e perfusão preservada, mais relacionados às amputações menores. PMID:29930618

  13. Probing Venus' polar upper atmosphere in situ: Preliminary results of the Venus Express Atmospheric Drag Experiment (VExADE).

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosenblatt, Pascal; Bruinsma, Sean; Mueller-Wodarg, Ingo; Haeusler, Bernd

    On its highly elliptical 24 hour orbit around Venus, the Venus Express (VEx) spacecraft briefly reaches a pericenter altitude of nominally 250 km. Recently, however, dedicated and intense radio tracking campaigns have taken place in August 2008 (campaign1), October 2009 (cam-paign2), February and April 2010 (campaign3), for which the pericenter altitude was lowered to about 175 km in order to be able to probe the upper atmosphere of Venus above the North Pole for the first time ever in-situ. As the spacecraft experiences atmospheric drag, its trajectory is measurably perturbed during the pericenter pass, allowing us to infer total atmospheric mass density at the pericenter altitude. The GINS software (Géodésie par Intégration Numérique e e Simultanées) is used to accurately reconstruct the orbital motion of VEx through an iterative least-squares fitting process to the Doppler tracking data. The drag acceleration is modelled using an initial atmospheric density model (VTS model, A. Hedin). A drag scale factor is estimated for each pericenter pass, which scales Hedin's density model in order to best fit the radio tracking data. About 20 density scale factors have been obtained mainly from the second and third VExADE campaigns, which indicate a lower density by a factor of about one-third than Hedin's model predicts. These first ever polar density measurements at solar minimum have allowed us to construct a diffusive equilibrium density model for Venus' thermosphere, constrained in the lower thermosphere primarily by SPICAV-SOIR measurements and above 175 km by the VExADE drag measurements. The preliminary results of the VExADE cam-paigns show that it is possible to obtain reliable estimates of Venus' upper atmosphere densities at an altitude of around 175 km. Future VExADE campaigns will benefit from the planned further lowering of VEx pericenter altitude to below 170 Km.

  14. Embracing Open Software Development in Solar Physics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hughitt, V. K.; Ireland, J.; Christe, S.; Mueller, D.


    We discuss two ongoing software projects in solar physics that have adopted best practices of the open source software community. The first, the Helioviewer Project, is a powerful data visualization tool which includes online and Java interfaces inspired by Google Maps (tm). This effort allows users to find solar features and events of interest, and download the corresponding data. Having found data of interest, the user now has to analyze it. The dominant solar data analysis platform is an open-source library called SolarSoft (SSW). Although SSW itself is open-source, the programming language used is IDL, a proprietary language with licensing costs that are prohibative for many institutions and individuals. SSW is composed of a collection of related scripts written by missions and individuals for solar data processing and analysis, without any consistent data structures or common interfaces. Further, at the time when SSW was initially developed, many of the best software development processes of today (mirrored and distributed version control, unit testing, continuous integration, etc.) were not standard, and have not since been adopted. The challenges inherent in developing SolarSoft led to a second software project known as SunPy. SunPy is an open-source Python-based library which seeks to create a unified solar data analysis environment including a number of core datatypes such as Maps, Lightcurves, and Spectra which have consistent interfaces and behaviors. By taking advantage of the large and sophisticated body of scientific software already available in Python (e.g. SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib), and by adopting many of the best practices refined in open-source software development, SunPy has been able to develop at a very rapid pace while still ensuring a high level of reliability. The Helioviewer Project and SunPy represent two pioneering technologies in solar physics - simple yet flexible data visualization and a powerful, new data analysis environment. We

  15. Limit analysis of multi-layered plates. Part I: The homogenized Love-Kirchhoff model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dallot, Julien; Sab, Karam

    The purpose of this paper is to determine Gphom, the overall homogenized Love-Kirchhoff strength domain of a rigid perfectly plastic multi-layered plate, and to study the relationship between the 3D and the homogenized Love-Kirchhoff plate limit analysis problems. In the Love-Kirchhoff model, the generalized stresses are the in-plane (membrane) and the out-of-plane (flexural) stress field resultants. The homogenization method proposed by Bourgeois [1997. Modélisation numérique des panneaux structuraux légers. Ph.D. Thesis, University Aix-Marseille] and Sab [2003. Yield design of thin periodic plates by a homogenization technique and an application to masonry wall. C. R. Méc. 331, 641-646] for in-plane periodic rigid perfectly plastic plates is justified using the asymptotic expansion method. For laminated plates, an explicit parametric representation of the yield surface ∂Gphom is given thanks to the π-function (the plastic dissipation power density function) that describes the local strength domain at each point of the plate. This representation also provides a localization method for the determination of the 3D stress components corresponding to every generalized stress belonging to ∂Gphom. For a laminated plate described with a yield function of the form F(x3,σ)=σu(x3)F^(σ), where σu is a positive even function of the out-of-plane coordinate x3 and F^ is a convex function of the local stress σ, two effective constants and a normalization procedure are introduced. A symmetric sandwich plate consisting of two Von-Mises materials ( σu=σ1u in the skins and σu=σ2u in the core) is studied. It is found that, for small enough contrast ratios ( r=σ1u/σ2u≤5), the normalized strength domain G^phom is close to the one corresponding to a homogeneous Von-Mises plate [Ilyushin, A.-A., 1956. Plasticité. Eyrolles, Paris].

  16. Transverse magnetic field effects on the resonant tunneling current

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cury, L. A.; Celeste, A.; Goutiers, B.; Portal, J. C.; Sivco, D. L.; Cho, A. Y.


    Resonant tunneling process in an (InGa)As-(InAI)As symmetric double-barrier structure subjected to a transverse magnetic field B_{perp} (perpendicular to the current) is investigated. We particularly focus on the experimental behaviour of V_p, the voltage at the current peak position, as a function of the magnetic field B_{perp}. For strong magnetic fields a clear dependence on B_{perp}^2 is observed, as expected. However, an original result is obtained at small magnetic fields where a deviation from the parabolic behaviour is observed. The more complicated dependence on B_{perp} of V_p is obtained from a numerical fit. A qualitative discussion is proposed on the basis of a previous publication (L. A. Cury, A. Celeste, J. C. Portal, Solid-States Electron. 32 (1989) 1689) and the differences with the results of other authors are pointed out. Un système à double barrière à semiconducteurs basé sur les alliages (InGa)As(InAI)As est étudié sous un fort champ magnétique transverse B_{perp} (perpendiculaire au courant). On étudie plus particulièrement la variation expérimentale de la tension V_p associée au courant pic en fonction du champ magnétique B_{perp}. A très fort champ, le comportement attendu de V_p en B_{perp}^2 est observé. Dans le domaine des bas champs magnétiques une déviation du comportement quadratique est mise en évidence. Le comportement plus compliqué de V_p en fonction de B_{perp} est obtenu au travers d'un lissage numérique. Nous proposons une discussion qualitative, de ces résultats, fondée sur notre travail antérieur (L. A. Cury, A. Celeste, J. C. Portal, Solid-States Electron. 32 (1989) 1689) ainsi qu'une comparaison avec les résultats d'autres auteurs.

  17. Evidence for nucleolar subcompartments in Dictyostelium

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Catalano, Andrew, E-mail:; O’Day, Danton H., E-mail:; Department of Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, 25 Harbord St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5


    Highlights: • Two nucleolar subcompartments (NoSC1, NoSC2) were found in Dictyostelium. • Specific nucleolar proteins localize to different nucleolar subcompartments. • Specific proteins exit NoSC1 and NoSC2 differently upon Actinomycin D treatment. • KRKR appears to function as an NoSC2 nucleolar subcompartment localization signal. - Abstract: The nucleolus is a multifunctional nuclear compartment usually consisting of two to three subcompartments which represent stages of ribosomal biogenesis. It is linked to several human diseases including viral infections, cancer, and neurodegeneration. Dictyostelium is a model eukaryote for the study of fundamental biological processes as well as several human diseases however comparatively littlemore » is known about its nucleolus. Unlike most nucleoli it does not possess visible subcompartments at the ultrastructural level. Several recently identified nucleolar proteins in Dictyostelium leave the nucleolus after treatment with the rDNA transcription inhibitor actinomycin-D (AM-D). Different proteins exit in different ways, suggesting that previously unidentified nucleolar subcompartments may exist. The identification of nucleolar subcompartments would help to better understand the nucleolus in this model eukaryote. Here, we show that Dictyostelium nucleolar proteins nucleomorphin isoform NumA1 and Bud31 localize throughout the entire nucleolus while calcium-binding protein 4a localizes to only a portion, representing nucleolar subcompartment 1 (NoSC1). SWI/SNF complex member Snf12 localizes to a smaller area within NoSC1 representing a second nucleolar subcompartment, NoSC2. The nuclear/nucleolar localization signal KRKR from Snf12 localized GFP to NoSC2, and thus also appears to function as a nucleolar subcompartment localization signal. FhkA localizes to the nucleolar periphery displaying a similar pattern to that of Hsp32. Similarities between the redistribution patterns of Dictyostelium nucleolar proteins

  18. II Brazilian Consensus on the use of human immunoglobulin in patients with primary immunodeficiencies.


    Goudouris, Ekaterini Simões; Rego Silva, Almerinda Maria do; Ouricuri, Aluce Loureiro; Grumach, Anete Sevciovic; Condino-Neto, Antonio; Costa-Carvalho, Beatriz Tavares; Prando, Carolina Cardoso; Kokron, Cristina Maria; Vasconcelos, Dewton de Moraes; Tavares, Fabíola Scancetti; Silva Segundo, Gesmar Rodrigues; Barreto, Irma Cecília; Dorna, Mayra de Barros; Barros, Myrthes Anna; Forte, Wilma Carvalho Neves


    In the last few years, new primary immunodeficiencies and genetic defects have been described. Recently, immunoglobulin products with improved compositions and for subcutaneous use have become available in Brazil. In order to guide physicians on the use of human immunoglobulin to treat primary immunodeficiencies, based on a narrative literature review and their professional experience, the members of the Primary Immunodeficiency Group of the Brazilian Society of Allergy and Immunology prepared an updated document of the 1st Brazilian Consensus, published in 2010. The document presents new knowledge about the indications and efficacy of immunoglobulin therapy in primary immunodeficiencies, relevant production-related aspects, mode of use (routes of administration, pharmacokinetics, doses and intervals), adverse events (major, prevention, treatment and reporting), patient monitoring, presentations available and how to have access to this therapeutic resource in Brazil. RESUMO Nos últimos anos, novas imunodeficiências primárias e defeitos genéticos têm sido descritos. Recentemente, produtos de imunoglobulina, com aprimoramento em sua composição e para uso por via subcutânea, tornaram-se disponíveis em nosso meio. Com o objetivo de orientar o médico no uso da imunoglobulina humana para o tratamento das imunodeficiências primárias, os membros do Grupo de Assessoria em Imunodeficiências da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia produziram um documento que teve por base uma revisão narrativa da literatura e sua experiência profissional, atualizando o I Consenso Brasileiro publicado em 2010. Apresentam-se novos conhecimentos sobre indicações e eficácia do tratamento com imunoglobulina nas imunodeficiências primárias, aspectos relevantes sobre a produção, forma de utilização (vias de administração, farmacocinética, doses e intervalos), efeitos adversos (principais efeitos, prevenção, tratamento e notificação), monitorização do

  19. Dentin moisture conditions affect the adhesion of root canal sealers.


    Nagas, Emre; Uyanik, M Ozgur; Eymirli, Ayhan; Cehreli, Zafer C; Vallittu, Pekka K; Lassila, Lippo V J; Durmaz, Veli


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of intraradicular moisture conditions on the push-out bond strength of root canal sealers. Eighty root canals were prepared using rotary instruments and, thereafter, were assigned to 4 groups with respect to the moisture condition tested: (1) ethanol (dry): excess distilled water was removed with paper points followed by dehydration with 95% ethanol, (2) paper points: the canals were blot dried with paper points with the last one appearing dry, (3) moist: the canals were dried with low vacuum by using a Luer adapter for 5 seconds followed by 1 paper point for 1 second, and (4) wet: the canals remained totally flooded. The roots were further divided into 4 subgroups according to the sealer used: (1) AH Plus (Dentsply-Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK), (2) iRoot SP (Innovative BioCeramix Inc, Vancouver, Canada), (3) MTA Fillapex (Angelus Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos S/A, Londrina, Brasil), and (4) Epiphany (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT). Five 1-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root sample (n = 25 slices/group). Bond strengths of the test materials to root canal dentin were measured using a push-out test setup at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed statistically by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey tests at P = .05. Irrespective of the moisture conditions, iRoot SP displayed the highest bond strength to root dentin. Statistical ranking of bond strength values was as follows: iRoot SP > AH Plus > Epiphany ≥ MTA Fillapex. The sealers displayed their highest and lowest bond strengths under moist (3) and wet (4) conditions, respectively. The degree of residual moisture significantly affects the adhesion of root canal sealers to radicular dentin. For the tested sealers, it may be advantageous to leave canals slightly moist before filling. Copyright © 2012 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The link between industry and social interests in health in Brazil's National Health Innovation System: the experience of the Brazilian National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (INTO).


    Vianna, Cid Manso de Mello; Fermam, Marcelo Kropf Santos; Rodrigues, Marcus Paulo da Silva; Mosegui, Gabriela Bittencourt Gonzalez


    This article has two parts. The first discusses the relationship between industry and health interests based on three different but non-mutually exclusive "logics": (a) independent; (b) divergent; and (c) convergent. The second part describes the experience at the Brazilian National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (INTO) with a technology management model. The accumulated expertise in orthopedics at INTO can favor Brazil's domestic medical equipment industry without jeopardizing the country's social health needs. This means directing the production of feasible technologies adapted to the national reality, with a focus on safety and quality, without burdening the public coffers and by overcoming the country's dependency on imported products. The proposal is to promote socioeconomic development through a virtuous circle by attracting reserves and fomenting national competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets while improving social conditions and access to health. Resumo: Este artigo está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, discute-se como se relacionam os interesses produtivos e a saúde a partir de três "lógicas" ou perspectivas diferentes que não são mutuamente excludentes: (a) independente; (b) divergente e (c) convergente. Na segunda, descreve-se a experiência do Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia (INTO) na montagem de um modelo de gestão de tecnologia. O conhecimento internalizado em ortopedia do INTO pode favorecer a indústria nacional de equipamentos médicos sem abandonar as necessidades sociais brasileiras de saúde. Isto é, direcionar a produção de tecnologias viáveis e adaptadas à realidade nacional, com foco em segurança e qualidade, sem onerar os cofres públicos e abandonando a dependência de produtos importados. A proposta é a de promover um desenvolvimento socioeconômico que construa um ciclo virtuoso, por atrair divisas e fomentar a competitividade nacional em mercados internos e externos, melhorando as